Area: Object-Oriented Programming
Year: 2020/2021
Language: C++
Implement a simulator for the city transport network. It is necessary to write a set of classes with appropriate methods, constructors, operators, and destructors to realize the system.
- Load from two text files:
- First file: information about stops (format:
stop_id stop_name
) - Second file: information about transport lines (format:
line_id stop_ids_direction_A#stop_ids_direction_B
- First file: information about stops (format:
- Display information about a stop based on its ID.
- Display information about a line based on its identifier.
- Display statistical information about a line.
- Generate a route between selected stops using a graph structure for the network representation and its visits.
- Route Finding Strategies:
- First Strategy (Mandatory): Find any route between the starting and ending stops.
- Second Strategy: Find a route that passes through the fewest stops between the starting and ending stops.
- Third Strategy: Find a route that requires the fewest transfers between the starting and ending stops.
- An interactive system for selecting options.
The program system is implemented with detailed comments, a modular structure, and is easily extensible with new classes and operations. I implemented my own tests in addition to the ones provided in the task.