We use Docker to run, test, debug, and deploy our application. The following documents how to install and use Docker on a Mac, either Mavericks or Yosemite. There are instructions for installing and using docker on other operating systems.
On the mac, we use docker-machine and VirtualBox to manage our docker host on an Virtualbox VM using the standard Boot2docker docker host. You may not need docker-machine if you use a modern Linux OS. It is also possible to use docker-machine with VMWare Fusion, among other vm management and even cloud hosting platforms.
We use docker-compose to automate most of our interactions with the application.
docker commandline:
sudo su -
curl -L https://get.docker.com/builds/Darwin/x86_64/docker-latest > /usr/local/bin/docker
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker
sudo su -
curl -L https://github.com/docker/machine/releases/download/v0.2.0/docker-machine_darwin-amd64 > /usr/local/bin/docker-machine
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-machine
sudo su -
curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.2.0/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
If you do not have sudo, you may be able to install these in another directory that is in your PATH.
The docker-machine command is designed to create a docker-machine to run in a variety of virtualization environments. We use docker-machine to create a VirtualBox Virtual Machine from the official Boot2docker image on our system. This VM image contains a fully configured docker daemon, and automatically mounts the /User directory to the VM when it starts. This makes it possible to host any directory within /User to docker containers (running instances) as docker volumes. You should only need one docker-machine on your system (although you can create and run multiple docker-machines to simulate running different, isolated host machines if you are working with more complicated application stacks, or microservices). You can create a Virtualbox docker-machine with the following command:
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox dev
This will download a Virtualbox Boot2docker VM image, configure the TLS certificates required for the docker command to communicate with the VM, and launch the VM instance. The machine it creates is called 'dev' (this is also the name of the VM in the Virtualbox console), and this name should be used in all docker-machine commands to refer to it specifically (docker-machine can be run without a name argument, and it will use the 'Active' machine by default, but this is not recommended if you create more than one docker-machine. If you want to use a different name, substitute 'dev' with whatever name you want to use in the create command above, and use that name in all docker-machine commands).
If you want to stop the VM:
docker-machine stop dev
If you want to start a stopped VM:
docker-machine start dev
If you want to list the docker-machines that you have on your system, with their status:
docker-machine ls
If you ever need to destroy your entire machine, including any docker images downloaded or built:
docker machine rm dev
The docker command is designed to be wired to a docker machine daemon on any machine using environment variables. The docker-machine command makes it easy to set these in your shell. To see what they are:
docker-machine env dev
Use the following single command to set these:
eval $(docker-machine env dev)
Use the following to find the ip of the Boot2docker VM on your machine. You will use this in any URL to connect to running services on the docker machine:
docker-machine ip dev
Once you have a running docker-machine, and you have set the docker ENVIRONMENT, you can run any of the following commands to test that your docker command is wired to communicate with your docker machine:
docker ps
This should always return a table with the following headers, and 0 or more entries: CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES
docker images
Similar to above, it should always return a table with the following headers, and 0 or more entries: REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE
Docker uses a Dockerfile to specify how to build an image to host an application. You should create a Dockerfile in the Application Root. This should start from a base image (typically an official linux base image such as centos, ubuntu, etc.), and install only the libraries and applications needed to run your application. For a typical rails application, this would include libraries such as openssl, libxml, etc, the exact version of ruby, compiled from source, and a minimal set of gems, such as bundler. By placing the Dockerfile in the Application Root, you can ADD your Gemfile and Gemfile.lock to the machine and bundle install them to add the gems to the resulting image.
You should avoid installing daemon processes inside the application container. For a rails application, you can serve it by specifying a CMD using rails s, etc. instead of installing apache + passenger. Here are some example CMD lines: CMD ["rails", "s"] CMD ["thin"] CMD ["puma"]
If your rails application needs a support service, such as a postgres db, redis, etc, you can host these as applications in their own Docker image, run both the server and the support service as container instances, and link them together at run time. For many opensource databases, there are even official Docker registry hosted images available for you to download and use in your application stack. Docker-compose (see below) can be used to easily specify how to wire these systems together.
If you absolutely need a daemon (such as with shibboleth and shibd), you should ADD a bash script, maybe named run.sh, that specifies how to start the daemon and your application, and specify a CMD to run run.sh.
Dockerfiles can have ADD commands which instruct docker to copy any file relative to the directory containing the Dockerfile to the image to be used either during the build, or after it is built. These files become a permanent part of the image produced by the build. Our convention is to place any scripts, configuration, etc. that are not part of the default application (e.g. for a rails application, Gemfile, app, config, etc.) into the docker/includes directory, and ADD them from this directory, e.g.:
ADD docker/includes/run.sh
This makes it easier to copy the docker directory to other projects.
Typically, your Dockerfile should have a default WORKDIR. For a rails application this might look like: WORKDIR /var/www/app
/var/www/app can point to a directory that actually exists in the image (e.g. by creating it and ADDing files to it), but this is optional. In develop, you will typically mount the Application Root from your workstation into the container as a volume, so that you any files produced by running commands in the container (e.g. rails g model, etc.) will be written into the actual directory on your workstation, and any changes you make to the source will be reflected live in the running server, just as if the server was running natively on your workstation.
You should strive to include your Dockerfile or docker/includes configurations/scripts in the source control repository for the application. This forms the basis for sharing the exact compute environment for your application with the rest of your team. Using docker, your teammates will no longer need to install different versions of ruby, gems, databases, apache, passenger, etc. on their work stations. Instead, the exact compute environments, and support services required are hosted in docker.
There are many good examples of Dockerfiles available on the Docker Registry. You can open any of the official repositories to find good examples of Dockerfiles. There are also good examples on github. Also, many of the ORIRAD applications (CTTI, FRDS, Sparc) are dockerized.
Once you have docker configured to talk to your docker-machine, you can use docker-compose to automate building, and launching the application within a docker machine. Docker Compose uses a yml file to specify everything required to build and run the application and any other support application (databases, volume containers, etc.) it requires.
By default, docker-compose looks for a file called 'docker-compose.yml' in the directory where it is run. Our docker-compose.yml file specifies how to build and run the Duke Authentication Service using a Shibboleth protected Reverse Proxy to protect the application with shibboleth. The /etc/shibbleth configuration directory for the Reverse Proxy is itself hosted in a Docker Volume Image container, and linked to the rproxy using volumes-from.
Note the clean separation between the rails application 'server', and the reverse_proxy 'rproxy' that protects it. Note also how an official redis image has be used to host a redis database, which is linked into the server at run time to provide access to the redis, using ENVIRONMENT variables specified for the server. This is a good example of how to use docker to simulate the way our services would run in production, without the need to install complex systems such as redis, apache, or shibd on our host machine.
By default, anyone with docker, docker-machine, and docker-compose can run the following command from within the Application Root (where this file you are reading resides), to build the server image and any other ancillary support images that it needs (You must be connected to the internet so that docker can pull down any base docker images, or package/gem installs, for this to work).
docker-compose build
Once you have built the image, you can launch containers of all services required by the app (docker calls a running instance of a docker image a docker container):
docker-compose up -d
This example mounts the Application Root as /var/www/app in the server docker container. The Dockerfile specifies /var/www/app as its default WORKDIR. It hosts the application at port 3000, but this is not made visible to the host. Instead, the server container is linked with the rproxy container which reverse proxies calls to it to the server at port 3000. The reverse proxy Dockerfile exposes itself on port 443 inside the container, which is attached to port 3000 on the docker-machine VM host (this will fail if you have another service of any kind attached to port 3000). It also launches an oracle 11 db container. To connect to this host, you should use the following docker-machine command to find the ip of the docker-machine:
docker-machine ip dev
Then you can use curl, or your browser to connect to http://$(docker-machine ip dev):3000 to interact with the running application.
To stop all running docker containers (you must stop a container before you can remove it or its image):
docker-compose stop
When a docker container stops for any reason, docker keeps it around in its system. There are ways you can start and attach to a stopped container, but many times this is not useful. You should remove containers on a regular basis. You can list all running containers using the following command:
docker ps
You can list all containers (both running and stopped):
docker ps -a
Each docker container is given a long UUID by docker (called the CONTAINERID).
You can use this UUID(or even the first 4 or more letters) to stop and remove a
container using the docker commandline instead of using docker-compose (which
abstracts the UUID from the user):
docker stop UUID
docker rm UUID
Sometimes docker will leave files from a container on the host, which can build up over time and cause your VM to become sluggish or behave strangely. We recommend adding the -v (volumes) flag to docker rm commands to make sure these files are cleaned up appropriately. Also, docker ps allows you to pass the -q flag, and get only the UUID of the containers it lists. Using the following command, you can easily stop all running containers:
docker stop $(docker ps -q)
Similarly, to remove all stopped commands (this will skip running commands, but print a warning):
docker rm -v $(docker ps -aq)
(It is useful to alias this particular command in your bash_profile). We recommend running this command frequently to clean up containers that build up over time.
A second yaml file has been placed in the application root, dc-dev.utils.yml.
This yaml file specifies, or extends using the docker-compose extend syntax,
everything in the default docker-compose.yml, and add features to make it
possible to easily run things like rspec, rails, rake, or cap (see below for
details on using capistrano to deploy the application).
You can use this file in one of two ways.
- add the -f dc-dev.utils.yml flag to all of your docker-compose commands, e.g.
docker-compose -f dc-dev.utils.yml up -d server
docker-compose -f dc-dev.utils.yml run rails c
An easier way to do this is to set the following shell environment variable: export COMPOSE_FILE=dc-dev.utils.yml (it may be useful to do this in your bash_profile)
In either case, you should always specify the exact service (e.g. top level key in the dc-dev.utils.yml file). Otherwise, docker-compose will try to run all services in the background (including cap dev deploy).
Here is a list of docker-compose commands available using our dc-dev.utils.yml (assume the COMPOSE_FILE environment as been set):
Launch the rproxy, server, and shibd to interact with the application
docker-compose up -d rproxy
Docker-compose is smart enough to realize all of the linked services required, and spin them up in order.
Run the rspec (as RAILS_ENV=test). Note, because the oracle container takes some time to start, you need to bring up the db 1-2 seconds before you run rspec, or run rspec until it works:
docker-compose up -d db
sleep 1
docker-compose run rspec
docker-compose run rspec spec/requests
docker-compose run rspec spec/models/survey_spec.rb
Run bundle install (you will need to do this even if you have built the application, or the Gemfile.lock file will not get updated to reflect the newly installed gems.):
docker-compose run bundle
Run rake commands (default RAILS_ENV=development):
docker-compose up -d db
sleep 1
docker-compose run rake db:migrate
docker-compose run rake db:seed
docker-compose run rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
Run rails commands (default RAILS_ENV=development):
docker-compose up -d db
sleep 1
docker-compose run rails c
docker-compose run rails c RAILS_ENV=test
Create the default Consumer object that links to the DukeDataService container that is run from its Application Root using docker-compose (see below):
docker-compose up -d db
sleep 1
docker-compose run consumer
Remove the authservice
docker-compose run consumer consumer:destroy
The docker-compose yaml files specify an oracle 11 database image, which is built from docker/builds/db. This starts from a basic oracle 11g Express docker image, and configures it to provision the DEV and TEST schemas specified in the docker environment file db.local.env.
In order to build the server, you must have an instantclient (version 11+)
directory in docker/includes. This must have the basic, sdk, and sqlite tar
files untarred into it, and the versioned .so files symlinked to their
unversioned file (e.g. ln -s libocci.so.11.1 libocci.so). Duke ORI developers
can ask for access to the Duke Box DDS shared folder, where this directory is
contained in a single gzipped tar file.
Oracle is slow to startup. This causes some pain in using it in a dockerized environment. You need to launch the db image a second or so before running any processes which use the db, such as rake db:migrate, etc.
The Duke Data Service application requires a Duke Authentication Service microservice to provide authentication. When you git clone the Duke Authentication Service repo, it comes with its own docker-compose.yml and dc-dev.utils.yml specifying standard ports to use to connect to it on the docker-machine. An AuthenticationService object must be created in the Duke Data Service container to register a Duke Authentication Service, and a Consumer object must be created in the Duke Authentication Service container to register the Duke Data Service. Both this repo and the Duke Authentication Service repo come with rake tasks to create these objects once their respective db services have been started.
You can get both up and running and wired together with the following set of commands:
cd PATHTO/duke-authentication-service
docker-compose up -d rproxy
docker-compose run rake db:migrate
docker-compose run consumer
cd PATHTO/duke-data-service
docker-compose up -d server
docker-compose rake db:migrate
docker-compose run authservice
the above commands have been collected into shell scripts in the root of both. You can accomplish the same as above (regardless of whether your COMPOSE_FILE environment variable has been set) using:
cd PATHTO/duke-authentication-service
cd PATHTO/duke-data-service
You could use the example dc-dev.utils.yml to use docker-compose to deploy to the specific machines that we have built for the application. These are configured in config/deploy.rb and config/deploy/*.rb.
To do this, you must have some configuration set up on your host mac machine.
create SSH Keys You need at least one ssh key pair in your ${HOME}/.ssh directory, but you should probably create two key pair sets (one for the deploy servers, and one for git repos such as gitub, gitorious, bitbucket, etc).
deploy servers: You must append the public key of one of your keyparis in the ${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys on each server to which we deploy the service.
gitorious, bitbucket, github, etc.: You must add a public key to your account SSH keys which allows a git client to clone the source repository.
symlink or name private SSH keys to be used by the docker container The docker-compose run cap command is designed to launch a docker container, and then launch an ssh-agent in the container as a specific 'deployer' user that has been created in the docker image. It mounts your ${HOME}/.ssh directory to /home/deployer/.ssh in the container, and then adds all files that match /home/deployer/.ssh/deploy to the ssh-agent (you will be prompted by the container to add in your passphrases each time a key is added). It then runs cap, which is configured to forward your ssh agent to the deploy server, so that it can use these keys when checking out the code from bitbucket. To allow this to work, you must either name or symlink the private keys for the deploy servers and bitbucket to some name with the string 'deploy' in them, e.g.
Once you have the above setup on your machine (with the COMPOSE_FILE environment variable), you can run cap commands like the following:
# list out all possible commands
docker-compose run cap -T
# deploy to dev
docker-compose run cap
# alternate deploy to dev
docker-compose run cap dev deploy
# check wither agent forwarding is working on the dev deploy server
docker-compose run cap dev deploy:forwarding
# check the git connectivity on the dev deploy server
docker-compose run cap dev git:check
All of these will prompt you for the passphrase for your SSH keys. Most of them will also prompt you for your netid and netid password (it will fail if these are not correct, despite the fact that it is using ssh-agent).
If your docker command is not wired to communicate with your docker machine, or
your docker-machine is not running, docker-compose will return the following
Couldn't connect to Docker daemon - you might need to run boot2docker up
Do NOT run boot2docker up! Docker machine takes care of this for you. Instead, check the following:
- Is your docker-machine running:
docker-machine ls
- Is your docker ENVIRONMENT setup properly
eval $(docker-machine env dev)
In some cases, the docker-machine VM gets shut down with an invalid state, which causes it to fail to restart when you run docker-machine start dev. In this case, you should use the Virtualbox Application Interface to discard the saved state of the machine (it is named 'dev' if you crated the docker-machine with 'dev'). Right click on the machine in the left panel, and stop it if it is not already stopped, then 'discard saved state'.
The following can be placed in the .bash_profile file located in your HOME directory (e.g. ~/.bash_profile)
# Docker configurations and helpers
export COMPOSE_FILE=dc-dev.utils.yml
alias docker_cleanup='docker rm -v $(docker ps -aq)'
alias docker_images_cleanup='docker rmi $(docker images -f dangling=true -q)'
# include these lines only if you have just one docker-machine
dm_env=$(docker-machine env)
echo "${dm_env}"
eval "${dm_env}"
The Cisco Anyconnect VPN client can be configured by the VPN systems administrators to reconfigure your host network in ways the prevent your docker binary from communicating with the docker machine VM. The symptom that you will notice if this is the case is that calls to docker-compose, or docker will hang for a while, and then timeout. There are two things that you need to do to restore your ability to work with docker while connected to a VPN using Cisco Anyconnect VPN.
- Remove any 'deny ip any from any' firewall rules that the VPN has placed into your host firewall
- Reconfigure the docker-machine ip to connect to the vboxnet network interface instead of the utun0 network interface created by the VPN.
There is a script that we have written to automate this. You should download this and place it in /usr/local/bin/fix_anyconnect.sh (as root or sudo).
sudo su -
curl https://gist.githubusercontent.com/dmann/f62f2dd17a02293121ed/raw/dbaccf0b867aecb999bc80f1d0b3e2741d6f74cd/vpn_fix.sh > /usr/local/bin/fix_anyconnect.sh
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/fix_anyconnect.sh
Anytime you need to connect to the VPN, you should run this BEFORE and AFTER you connect to the VPN (also, make sure your docker-machine is running).
If you have more than one docker-machine defined on your system, you will need to specify it by name:
fix_anyconnect.sh dev
By running the command before you connect to the VPN, you ensure that there is an existing netstat route for the docker-machine ip connected to the vboxnet network interface. Connecting to the VPN will then change this to connect to the utun0 interface. Running this command again will reconfigure the docker-machine ip to connect to the vboxnet interface. If you do not run this command before you connect to the VPN, and then run the command after you connect, it will reconfigure all network traffic to connect to the vboxnet interface, and you will lose your internet connections. To fix this, disconnect from the VPN to restore your internet connectivity, then you can run fix_anyconnect.sh connect and run fix_anyconnect.sh in sequence. Also, if your internet connectivity bounces for any reason, and your VPN anyconnect software has to reconnect, it will likely reconfigure your machine to the wrong state again. You will need to disconnect from the VPN, run fix_anyconnect.sh, reconnect to the VPN, and then run fix_anyconnect.sh. Finally after you disconnect from Cisco Anyconnect VPN, you will need to run fix_anyconnect.sh to restore any network changes made as the VPN Client exits.
A further complication was introduced by the upgrade of Yosemite. In the Yosemite realease, the /sbin/ipfw command was removed! Yet, Cisco VPN can still set up 'deny any from any' firewall rules. We have had success copying /sbin/ipfw from a Mavericks mac to our Yosemite machine to restore the ability of fix_anyconnect.sh to work.
It may also be possible to use the recommended apple firewall system to fix the network.