A tongue in cheek cooperative web app game that uses Agile work flow terminology. Three players at a time: a product owner, a scrum master, and a team member; shout out commands as they populate their terminal. They might have the button to fulfill the command, or they might not. The goal is to hit as many correct commands as possible before 'funding' runs out. Plan the work, then work the plan. Good luck, buttholes.
Find two friends and head to: https://agile-overload.herokuapp.com/
Users start on a splash page. Upon clicking the bomb, they are taken to a sign in where the 'Agile team' should create accounts, decide on a plan of action, then sign in. On sign in, the game starts and you have under a minute before you loose funding.
All three players are generated a random set of buttons and random commands that populate in their terminals. As this is a cooperative game, players must either fulfill the commands on their terminals or shout out the command to the group.
pivotal user stories: https://www.pivotaltracker.com/n/projects/2010155
- Socket.IO - server to client
- Node.JS - network tool
- Handlebarsjs - semantic templates
(https://github.com/ES46/overload-game/tree/master/migrations) for the process for submitting pull requests to us.
Derek Kramer - work - github handle
Nick Mckendry - work - github handle
Lena Ripple - work - github handle
Lee Robinson - front end/auth - lrobinsonco
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Hat tip to Kyle Coberly for teaching us Agile workflow.
- Inspired by cooperative games like Space Team.
- etc