- changed: Buy/sell removed for UK
- fixed: Fix yesterday rate lookup in
- fixed: Crash on
- fixed: Fix race condition between reading and writing account settings
- added: Add
to hold current and yesterday rates - fixed: FIO wallet Earn button behavior
- added: Dynamically populate txId in
if a "{{TXID}}" tag is found in theorderUri
- added: Integrate
from info server intoStakeOverviewScene
- added: "Update Available" modal
- added:
to save promos upon deeplink activation - changed: Sending to an unactivated Algorand recipient now shows a readable error
- changed:
used to filter available promo cards - changed: Enlarged asset icon in
and added a white background - changed: Modal components synced with edge-login-ui-rn
- changed: Make buy/sell plugin list navigation params separate
- changed: Simplify fake scene props implementation to reduce code duplication
- changed: Transaction date moved to time/confirmations row in
- changed:
tile images - changed: FIO handle registrations supported without a configured
- changed: Use Ethereum chain icon for bobevm
- fixed: Spacing in
transactions andHomeScene
Markets card - fixed: Date spacing in
- fixed: Unstable text input cursor on Android for some instances.
- fixed: Text used for sharing app split from one message into title and message
- fixed:
not showing secondary/parent icon in some cases - fixed:
flickering on iOS and never hiding on Android when pressing X - fixed: Markets "Earn" button excessive loading time if many wallets matching the market asset exist on the account
- fixed:
"Earn" button excessive loading time
- added: Add Abstract ETH Layer 2 support
- added: Add warning card for fallback currency usage on Coin Ranking scene.
- added: Add EUR price quoting support for Coin Ranking Details scene.
- changed:
title shows the name of the network for most use cases - changed: Force max unstake on Kiln ETH positions
- changed: Disconnect
from redux - changed: Use number math when handling exchange rates
- changed: Optimize
function and usage - fixed: Coin Ranking Details scene navigation bug caused by unsupported default currency setting.
- fixed: Correct the display name for ETH txs on non-Ethereum chains
- fixed: Input text selection bug in Android caused by
prop. - fixed: Input text selection color adjusted for transparency on Android.
- added:
- added: Search bar to
- added: Buy, Sell, Earn, and Trade buttons to
- added: Price chart to
- added: Add Unizen DEX
- added: Added TRUMP and MELANIA purchases through Simplex
- changed:
split into two scenes:TransactionListScene
- changed: All floating
s are dismissible - fixed: Show correct staked balance for deprecated Velodrome pools
- fixed: Crash when retrieving
in some situations when no internet is available - fixed: Transaction metadata loading bugs.
- changed: Replace Thorchain Savers quoting with an information modal about the shutdown.
- fixed: Missing new-transaction notifications.
- changed: (Solana) Implement transaction broadcast retry logic
- changed: (Ton) Only use ton center for transaction query
- fixed: (Ton) Fix
when processing transactions
- added: Add SUI
- changed:
expanded to a category & subcategory response - changed: Show KYC warning modal when trading with Swapuz
- fixed: Incorrect date entry bug in Password Recovery
- fixed: Using deprecated wallets to handle links
- fixed: Thorchain stake minimum amount requirements
- added: (Tron) PIX warning when sending USDT to a pasted email
- added: 'numAccounts' to 'Signup_Complete' event
- added: New Kado OTC provider integration.
- added: Transaction id for swap details
- changed: (iOS)
back chevron replaced with "Cancel" button - changed:
filter mode remains active on empty text - changed: Auto select text in tx details payee field when focused
- changed: Fiat buy/sell shows message if region is unsupported for the selected payment method
- changed: Handle errors in StakeKit API responses
- changed: Improved EdgeCrashEvent reporting with additional metadata, tags, and name/message information.
- changed: Integrate
endpoint for post-install survey options - changed: StakeKit staking plugin to check validator status before getting quote
- changed: Clean build archive directories from deploy script
- fixed: Missing "Done" button when managing tokens for certain assets
- fixed: Only send successful import items to completion scene
- fixed: WalletConnect
event handling - removed: Removed patch for usb and node-hid
- removed: 'uspSigninCta' experiment in favor of the 'alreadyHaveAccount' variant
- fixed: Thorchain Savers would check for staked funds using the wrong address.
- fixed: Fixed Solana syncing issues with Helius node connections.
- fixed: Patched conversion tracking return URL detection for Banxa and Simplex.
- added: Venmo GUI plugin via Moonpay.
- added: "Add Wallet" button to bottom of
- added:
param for 'Exchange_Shift_Success' tracking event - added: Show all Zcash addresses on Request scene
- changed: Credit and apply pay payment types changed from Banxa provider.
- changed: Support optional Sideshift private key
- changed: Upgrade edge-core-js to v2.21.0
- changed: Filter CreateWalletItem list by networkLocation instead of tokenId
- changed: Update Ripple base reserve text strings
- changed: Enable
for Binance Beacon Chain - changed: Always show Add Wallet button at bottom of asset list
- changed: Use chain icon for staking cards
- fixed: Default home/assets scene post-login based on last visited scene
- fixed: Receive flip input default currency selection
- removed: Keyboard autofocus from
- fixed: (Zcash/Pirate) Fixed android build issues
- added: (Zcash) Add NU6 support
- added: Support for LLD & LLM transaction history
- added: Close button (X) for
specifically if a desktop platform is detected. - changed: Auto-enable required tokens when navigating to
scenes - fixed: Incorrect
amounts onSwapCreateScene
after changing wallet. - fixed: Backing up a light account while on the
retains light account-related quote errors - fixed: Various
display bugs - fixed:
missing wallet creation option in "Discover" view
- added: Add TON
- added: Log swap errors to Sentry.
- added: Tracking for unexpected fiat provider errors.
- added: Add TON support to Banxa, Moonpay, Paybis, and Simplex fiat plugins
- added: Add OSMO support to Moonpay fiat plugin
- added: New post-install survey option for "BTCTKVR Magazine".
- changed: Redesign
specifically forStakeOverviewScene
- changed:
shows all possible stake options, instead of only those for enabled wallets - changed:
shows one card per stake option if multiple wallets have stake positions on that stake option - changed:
only intializes stake options once, regardless of re-navigation to the scene - changed:
messages now includeFiatProviderQuoteError
info. - changed: (Android) Add prompt for user to change battery optimization setting
- changed: Add explicit gas limit for Kiln staking.
- changed: Various strings updated to UK compliance spec
- changed: Track array of errors or AggregateErrors separately with a common tag
- changed: Use stack-specific scene navigation props instead of
- changed: Verbiage for login request scene for QR login has been updated to remove ambiguity.
- changed: Wording in light account persistent notification
- changed: (Android) Allow exporting multiple files
- fixed: Replace deprecated Unstoppable Domains fetch call with SDK
- fixed: Correctly report ETH Kiln balances
- fixed: Fix error massaging in trackError
- fixed: Normalized error messages for tracking; removing localization from error messages.
- fixed: Remove Kado deposit details for "Sell" orders.
- fixed: Sentry tagging and metadata data wasn't formed properly and caused some loss of tracked errors.
- fixed: Use Sentry context for logging metadata in
- fixed: Fix
object reference in deep link paths that support wallet creation - removed: Bank Wire Transfer Buy for Florida
- removed: Paypal Sell for Canada
- removed: Moonpay, Simplex, and Paybis for UK
- removed: UK persistent investment risk banner
- added: "Transaction Details" button to
- added:
- added: Button to access the
if applicable - added: "Go to Parent Wallet"
option - added: Earn Scene
- added: Include wallet creation date in wallet data in log output
- changed: Allow 0 amount entry in
- changed: Wording on
- changed:
disables "Restore Wallets" option if there are no wallets to restore - changed: FIO Home Scene tile replaced with Earn
- changed: Stake Overview Scene
redesigned - changed: Android
duration picker - changed: Enable Ethereum staking
- changed: Prevent exchange rate fluctuations from restarting transaction list stream
- changed: Call
after signing or broadcasting transactions from WalletConnect - changed: Navigate to wallet list after restoring wallets
- changed: Update
to UI4 styling - changed: Remove legacy non-segwit wallets from new account wallet selection scene
- fixed: Deeplinking to
may not retain memo information in the resulting broadcast - fixed: Use account default fiat for transaction fee display in
- fixed: Crash when archiving a wallet that recently accessed the trade modal
- fixed: ACH sell option for Florida visible with no accepted currencies
- fixed: Slow
navigation on slow networks
- fixed: "Apple Pay" title per latest branding requirements
- added: Add Maya Protocol
- added: Battery Saver warning message for Android
- added: Buy conversion tracking for Moonpay
- added: Buy conversion tracking for Paybis
- added: Support for return.edge.app deeplinks
- added: Error tracking for failure to report conversions to referral server
- changed: Remove whitespaces from custom token contract address input
- changed: Use unique ENV configs for thorchain and thorchainda swap plugins
- fixed: Correctly tag
- fixed: Fixed obscured "done" button display bug on Sepa info display scene for small-screen devices
- fixed: URI encoding in Paybis return URIs
- fixed: AddressTile2 touchable area states
- fixed: Cases where it was possible to create duplicate custom tokens
- fixed: Clear previous swap errors when new amounts are entered or swap assets are changed in
- fixed: Handle race condition when navigating to a token's transaction list which requires token activation (XRP, Algorand, etc)
- fixed: Message about overriding a built-in token contract, which is not possible to do
- fixed: Round Kado-provided amounts during sell
- fixed: "Contacts Access" setting could be out of sync with the OS-level contacts access setting
- added: Foreground push notification title data displayed in dropdown
- changed: More informative buy amount limit errors for light accounts
- fixed: Default buy amounts for light accounts can potentially be over limit for non-USD currencies
- added:
component, replacing the address hint dropdown inAddressFormScene
- added: Add 'Cris Cyborg,' 'Free Talk Live,' and 'Crypto Canal' options to survey modal
- added: Buy with Revolut
- added: Buy/sell with Paypal
- added: Foreground push notifications displayed in app
- added: Minimum receive amount to
- added: New analytics tracking param:
- added: Sell with Moonpay
- changed: Enable Cardano staking
- changed: Added Iraq to list of Visa/MC supported countries
- changed: Display Asset Status cards in the same style as Promo Cards
- changed: Updated ACH supported US states
- changed: Use new platform-specific
info server data - fixed: Missing ellipses for long usernames displayed in the
- fixed: Inconsistent content of address hint dropdown between iOS and Android in
- fixed: Allow
to receive undefinedcountryCodes
- fixed: Crash on HomeScene when logging while in airplane mode
- fixed: Inconsistent corners in
- fixed: "Most Recent Wallets" do not show those chosen through
- fixed: "Apple Pay" renamed to "Pay with Apple Pay" to align with branding guidelines
- added: Add 'Free Talk Live' and 'Crypto Canal' options to survey modal
- added: Cardano staking through Kiln staking pools
- added: Include custom tokens within wallet data in log output
- added: Support for
field on staking policies - added: Warning message about risks of investing to all UK IPs
- changed: Allow private key sweep in light accounts for amounts less than $50
- changed: Allow reverse quotes for Kado
- changed: Credit card allowed countries to add Botswana, Cambodia, Panama, and Sri Lanka
- changed: Determine Moonpay asset support using chainCode/contractAddress
- changed: Restrict Bity buy/sell to no-KYC asset
- changed: Some unecessary
dropdowns demoted to hiddenshowDevError
- fixed: "FIO Address does not exist" error after transferring a FIO name
- fixed: Crypto amount display bug after flipping the wallet input on
- fixed: Default swap pair logic from the trade modal was not prioritizing mainnet assets
- fixed: Fix incorrect string comparison resulting in wrong rate used for 24 change calculation
- removed: 'fasterpayments' payment type
- removed: Turking bank transfer support
- added:
logo support to displayed request QR codes - added: Initial implementation of
- added: App distribution via Zealot
- added: Add disableSurveyModal option
- added: Ethereum (Holesky) staking via Kiln
- added: dRPC api key option for EVM chains
- added: Handle KYC error responses from Bity
- changed: Use a $50 USD default fiat purchase amount for light accounts
- changed: Enable Bitpay payments for FIO names and domains
- changed: Disable Home scene swap and FIO cards if configured
- changed: Allow some chains to be disabled in env.json
- changed: Use quoteAllocations to create amount rows in StakeModifyScene
- changed: Add more metadata to zealot upload
- changed: Token swap error demoted to red error dropdown to a toast
- changed: 1 cent minimum requirement for high fee warning
- changed: "Guest Account (<3 characters of loginId>)" shown in
if more than 1 account and logged in to a light account - changed: No account name shown in
if only a single light account exists on the device - changed: Properly escape newlines in Zealot changelog
- fixed:
cards not showing in iOS after new account creation until any scroll gesture performed, if there is only oneCarousel
card to display - fixed: Cutoff UI in
when keyboard open - fixed: Unecessary eye icon in
text input field - fixed: PoweredBy card displaying custom system fonts
- fixed: Inconsistent button UI in
- fixed: Keyboard remaining visible when opening the side menu
- fixed: Do not spin forever if the spam filter eliminates too many transactions.
- fixed: FIO OBT data not showing in received transaction memos
- fixed: Fix broken Bity message signing
- fixed: Return underLimit error for Simplex for very small quotes
- fixed: FIO stake/unstake transactions displaying as sent/received transactions
- removed: Removed pull-to-search feature from wallet list and transaction list scenes
- added: Kado buy via wire transfer
- added: Allow for Maestro specific iOS and Android builds
- added: Video blogs/posts on HomeScene
- changed: Use partners API to determine US state support for Mooopay, Simplex, and Banxa
- changed: Conditionalize use of Paybis promoCodes for new users <$1k purchases
- changed: Cache exchange rates for five minutes to account for server or connection instability
- changed: Query supported countries and US states for fiat plugins
- fixed: Disable max spend for zkSync
- fixed: Do not show duplicate password-recovery modals when launching a freshly-installed app for the first time.
- fixed: If handling a deep link requires a signed-in account, correctly save it for later.
- added: Network names to wallet list cards
- added: 0x Gasless Swap exchange plugin
- added: Add Solana on Banxa and Moonpay
- added: Add Mt Pelerin support for buy and sell with reverse (dest amount) quotes
- changed: InsufficientFeesModal shows the network name for ETH fees not on Ethereum (e.g. Optimism)
- changed: Save last used Home/Assets scene and use as default. Remove settings option
- changed: Replace native
- changed: Show common chain icon as primary for L2 chains
- changed: Use new
to manage expired domains andfioWallets
redux value - changed: Update generic stake plugins to use info server rollup for APY values
- changed: Ui4 components renamed and reorganized
- changed: SendScene "Fee:" renamed to "Network Fee:"
- changed: Style of "Already have an account? Sign in" tappable text
- changed: EdgeRow shrinks content by default
- changed: Improved fetch logic for Markets scene
- changed: Light account backup notification message changed to "Guest Account - Tap to create username and password"
- fixed: Light accounts erroneously showing IP validation warning
- fixed: Android keyboard enter key to support newlines in multiline text inputs
- fixed: Broken link in "Help Closing App"
- fixed: Incorrect best quote picking for sell plugins
- fixed: Buying non-BTC assets with Bity
- fixed: Misc styling fixes on SepaFormScene and AddressFormScene
- fixed: Pressing back during native fiat buy/sell flows results in stuck button spinners
- fixed: Broken Android paste into
in "ScanQR" -> "Enter" - fixed: Promo cards not visible until scroll for new accounts
- fixed: Set avoidNativeFee on Rango to fix bridge failures
- changed: Velodrome staking plugin will ignore LP token balance and use entered amounts for
methods - changed: Velodrome staking plugin will skip
method on disabled contracts - fixed: Possible to get stuck on account creation flow with specific navigation steps
- fixed: Incorrect
passed to flip input modal for staking policies with multiple stake assets
- added: Support for Universal and App Links
- added: A post-install survey asking users how they discovered the app
- added: Support for splitting LTC to BTC wallets for recovering BTC erroneously sent to an LTC address
- added: "Force Light Account Creation" developer mode setting
- added: Allow promoCards to send promoCodes to fiat partners for special pricing
- added: Allow promoCard URLs to specify a currency pluginId to have replaced with a public address
- added: Rango Exchange DEX aggregator support
- changed: Prefer DEX estimate quotes over CEX fixed rate quotes if the DEX quote has a better rate
- changed: Light account backup notification card now persists no matter what while logged in to a light account
- changed: Replaced 'react-native-camera' with 'react-native-vision-camera'
- changed: WalletConnect: Move initial wallet selection to connections list scene
- changed: Disable Sentry automatic breadcrumbs
- fixed: Bring back the "Please tap BACK again to log out" toast
- fixed: Fix for negative total balance due to small numbers and scientific notation
- fixed: Stabilize the account sync bar progress motion.
- fixed: Update Algorand's WalletConnectv2 reference
- fixed: Slight animation stutter when opening the CountryListModal
- fixed: Account-level Default Fiat setting not being correctly used in Markets View Scenes
- fixed: Changing Default Fiat setting does not properly refresh CoinRankingDetailsScene
- fixed: Possible for keyboard to cover input fields in some Android WebViews
- fixed: Call the correct method when rejecting a WalletConnect session
- fixed: "Exchange Rates Loading..." not showing in the balance card
- fixed: Incorrect values in Markets scenes when certain non-USD fiats selected in settings - unsupported fiats will default to USD Market data
- removed: Wallet-specific fiat currency setting. Account-wide fiat currency setting is now used for app-wide fiat calculation and display
- fixed: Remove react-native-check-version to fix red error
- added: "IP Validation Protection Enabled" bottom notification card
- added: useAsyncNavigation hook to prevent duplicate navigation calls
- added: Dynamic height for multiline text inputs
- added: Sentry SDK for crash reporting
- added: Gas requirement warnings for more UX flows
- added: Mainnet code appended to assets in exchange details modal
- changed: Some red Airship alerts deemed unecessary are now hidden from production builds
- changed: Add EUID to Simplex quoting API calls
- changed: Velodrome, cemetery, and masonry staking polcies - insufficient balance errors reduced severity to untracked warnings
- changed: Distinction between disabled and paused wallets
- changed: Wallet menu modal item ordering for "Split Wallet"
- changed: Enable
for Telos - changed: Increase iOS minimum to 15.6
- fixed: Buy/Sell Scene briefly changes title after selecting payment method if an asset was pre-selected via the "Trade" modal
- fixed: Android Auto Log Off "Disabled" text color
- fixed: Android Auto Log Off "Disabled" selection showing as "0"
- fixed: WalletConnect Smart Contract Call details cut off
- fixed: Buy/Sell Scenes header underline not fully extending to the right
- fixed: Quickly spamming taps on certain buttons resulted in duplicate actions
- fixed: Banxa error due to API removing params
- removed: Bugsnag for crash reporting
- removed: Firebase/Google Analytics
- removed: Light Account Backup Modal A/B/C/D test experiment
- added: Add Visa/MC buy support with Paybis
- added: New Asset Setting to manually enable tokens with detected balances across all wallets
- added: MUTE_CONSOLE_OUTPUT environment variable to disable specific console output functions
- added: Performance logging with app start-up time and login time as initial performance metrics
- added: Support geo filtering for "Learn" blog cards on the Home Scene
- changed: (WalletConnect) Handle sessions with 0 required namespaces
- changed: Consistent light account backup modal UI
- changed: Currency icon now shown in wallet picker button in Swap and Transaction List scenes
- changed: Transaction List Scene displays wallet name in title
- changed: Consistent light account backup modal UI
- changed: Consistent margins for modal text inputs
- changed: Remove Florida from Kado support
- fixed: Various React Native debug warnings
- removed: Bitpay deeplink support
- removed: Side menu footer close button
- removed: Disable Piratechain (iOS only)
- added: Done button is a part of SimpleTextInput
- added: Ability to add a custom token for any wallet directly from CreateWalletSelectCryptoScene
- added: Ability to migrate during the wallet import flow
- added: Show toast message when there's no provider for buy/sell in selected region
- changed: Better send error message for insufficient gas
- changed: Upgrade to React Native v0.73.6
- changed: "Split" wallet menu options consolidated into one
- changed: Paybis implementation to use SHA signatures and oneTimeToken
- changed: Increase opacity in wallet list gradient for better visibility
- changed: Buy/Sell no longer requires wallet selection when accessing via a wallet's Trade menu
- changed: Enable Moonpay for Louisiana
- fixed: FilledTextInput multi line style squished
- fixed: Swap transactions always showing as received when viewing source asset
- fixed: Swap quote amounts hidden if balances set to hidden in Transaction List
- fixed: Possible to see receive address for a wallet requiring activation when creating the wallet from search
- fixed: Glitch on transaction list scene when starting search
- fixed: Properly set default buy/sell fiat amount for non-USD wallets
- removed: 'X' button on modals
- removed: Hedera account purchases
- added: More descriptive 504 transaction failure error message
- added: New
-based components - added: Light account backup modal text experiments
- added: "Parent Wallet" section when changing wallet from Transaction List while viewing a token
- added: Sell-to-debit support in Europe
- changed: Replace
- changed: Improved wallet sync indicator bar on top of screen
- changed: Allow light accounts to buy up to $50 worth of crypto at a time
- fixed: Plaid bank linking with Kado
- fixed: Remove red error when deep linking into Edge with no URL path
- fixed: Unstaking tokens from Thorchain savers
- removed: USPs a/b/c/d test experiment - always uses default USPs
- added: Add Cardano (ADA)
- added: Add auto-detected tokens section in ManageTokensScene
- added: Display "failed" status for confirmed, but failed, transactions
- changed: Buttons for receive/send/earn/trade in Transaction List Scene
- changed: Renamed analytics parameter "dollarConversionValue" to "dollarRevenue"
- fixed: Reporting negative conversion values
- fixed: Filecoin sync issue caused by missing and necessary GLIF API key
- fixed: FIO handle/domain registration error with MATIC payment
- fixed: Fix duplicate transactions bug and re-enable transaction support in Filecoin FEVM
- fixed: 'tokenId' related crash on Send scene under certain conditions
- fixed: Properly show the Thorchain Savers unstake amount including earned amt
- fixed: Disable RBF for Thorchain Savers transactions
- fixed: Xcode 15 builds. Remove Flipper as it is deprecated anyway
- fixed: Light account reporting
- added: Wrapped Touchable* components to consolidate tap debounce logic
- added: Mt Pelerin for SEPA and Faster Payments
- added: Setting to change default screen on login
- changed: Remove extra spaces and normal capitalization of mnemonic seed input
- changed: 2FA/otp modals moved behind a notification card instead of showing instantly on login
- changed: Password reminder modal only shows after tapping new persistent notification
- changed: Move wallet activation redux values to scenes
- changed: Button width remains constant regardless of content visibility
- changed: Certain deeplinks blocked for light accounts
- changed: 'Sweep Private Key' usage blocked for light accounts
- fixed: FIO name transfer error when sending with no address
- fixed: Bottom notification cards sometimes covering parts of the scene
- fixed: Successfully upload logs, even if a wallet has errors.
- fixed: Wallet picker modal requiring multiple taps to select if keyboard was open
- added: Notification status analytics param
- added: @bugsnag/react-native-performance
- added: New deeplink types: 'scene' and 'modal'
- added: 'Fund Your Account' modal
- added: Cosmos IBC transfer plugin
- added: Have users select US state and filter fiat providers by state/province
- changed: Remove extra spaces and normal capitalization of mnemonic seed input
- changed: Allow routing to Receive Scene without visible addresses for light accounts
- fixed: Some text inputs not selectable for some Samsung devices
- fixed: Various small visual fixes
- fixed: Improve login performance by only loading account referral info for new accounts
- fixed: Android text fields not hiding text for certain secure fields
- fixed: Correctly create and import non-segwit wallets in bip-44 mode.
- added: FIO conversion analytics events.
- added: Referral information on all analytics events.
- added: Sell to debit card for UK and AU
- added: ACH buy/sell through Kado
- added: Arbitrum One network support
- added: Base network support
- added: Cosmos Hub (ATOM) support
- added: Axelar (AXL) support
- added: Add WalletConnect support for Cosmos-based chains
- changed: Replace A/B test 'legacyLanding' with A/B/C/D test 'landingType'
- changed: Animate buy/sell scenes
- changed: Require Android 9 or above.
- changed: Reword of the CrashScene to help users to force close (not uninstall) Edge
- changed: Updated swipe-able underlay elements for wallet list rows to match UI4
- changed: Upgrade to Android NDK version 26.1.10909125.
- changed: Re-enable fake signup captcha experiment at 50%
- changed: Adjust Transaction List Scene spacings, remove "Transactions" header
- changed: Add a referral ID to share links
- changed: Use
for defaultWallets in app config - fixed: Fix button placement on wallet activation scene
- fixed: Resolved levitating search bar bug on Android
- fixed: Show a useful, localized error message when device doesn't have an email account
- fixed: Make FilledTextInputs take up constant vertical space
- fixed: Send Recipient Address Modal styling when saved recipients are shown
- fixed: Minor Transaction List spacing adjustments
- fixed: Insufficient Funds error in Thorchain unstaking
- removed: swipeLastUsp experiment (always allow swipes on the last USP)
- changed: (FIO) Use a backup balance method for accounts affected by unstake chain data issue
- fixed: Some text inputs not selectable for some Samsung devices
- fixed: CAPTCHA image was not draggable on Android.
- fixed: Missing background blurred dots on most scenes
- fixed: Missing promo cards when multiple are on info server
- fixed: Hidden Next button on Change PIN scene
- fixed: Disable auto-capitalization of username when creating account
- added:
processing - added: Make the alert drop-down swipeable.
- added: Multi output payments for UTXO currencies
- changed: Update various scenes with UI4 components
- changed: Light account re-enabled at 50% distribution
- changed: Block Buy/Sell/Receive for Light Accounts
- changed: Free FIO handle modal visual design
- changed: New dynamic menu tabs that responds to scene scroll
- changed: New dynamic search drawer above tabs for wallet list, transaction list, and markets list
- changed: Scene layout to support transparent and blurred header and tab-bar
- changed: Bity and Paybis plugins to use EdgeTxAction for sell transactions
- changed: Do not write tx.metadata in fiat sell transactions
- changed: Use new EdgeTransaction.savedAction to show extended transaction info in tx list and tx details
- changed: Use new EdgeTxAction data for Thorchain and Tron stake plugins
- changed: Make useAsyncEffect tags required
- changed: Rettry failed WalletConnect initializations
- changed: Disable RBF for payment protocol transactions
- changed: Show insufficient funds error when sweeping a key that cannot afford the transaction fee
- changed: Add proper error message for sweeping keys that don't contain enough funds to cover transaction fee
- changed: Update GettingStartedScene images and colors
- fixed: Fix the Android date picker appearance in dark mode
- fixed: USP vs legacy landing experiment distribution
- fixed: Paybis sell from Tron USDT
- fixed: Remove
style from stake option card - fixed: Send scene no-longer accesses clipboard immediately
- fixed: Update Glif Pool APY information endpoints to resolve error message
- fixed: Don't pass pendingTxs with spendInfo in migrate flow
- fixed: Fixed title and message handling in AssetStatusCard
- fixed: (dev mode) Copy private seed
- removed: Deposit/Send footer buttons in Wallet/Asset List Scene
- removed: Unused special currency constants
- added: Added 5x leverage Tarot Finance pools
- fixed: ETC spend error regression caused by EIP-1559 upgrade in EthereumEngine
- fixed: Update Glif Pool APY information endpoints to resolve error message
- fixed: Spend regression for non-EIP-1559 transactions
- fixed: Paybis sell from Tron USDT
- fixed: Fix accelerate for EIP-1559 transactions
- added: Automatically enable tokens with balances
- added: Add Pokt RPCs as option for Fantom
- added: GLIF Infinity Pool staking plugin for Filecoin FEVM currency
- added: New FilledTextInput component
- added: New SimpleTextInput component
- added: Support for Thorchain Savers EVM token deposits
- added: Transaction support for zkSync
- added: Add Solana init options
- added: BSC staking on Thorchain Savers
- added: Ability to clear datastore of fiat providers
- added: 'numAccounts' tracking parameter to report number of locally saved accounts
- added: Ethereum support through Paybis
- changed: USP/Legacy Landing probability set to 50/50
- changed: Use memos for Thorchain Savers withdrawals
- changed: Allow wallet creation in WalletConnect wallet picker
- changed: Improve transition to stake overview scene with preloaded data
- changed: Remove warning dropdown if stake positions fail to load
- changed: 'Create Account' button text always set to "Get Started"
- changed: Token management scene now always sorts enabled tokens on top
- fixed: Various margin styling alignments
- fixed: Long delay updating exchange rates after login
- fixed: Unable to claim unstaked TRX funds in some circumstances
- fixed: Fix duplicate keys in
allocations list - fixed: Do not count paused wallets for progress ratio
- fixed: ENS name resolution intermittently failing
- fixed: Error on exchange details from RUNE swaps
- fixed: Remove
style from stake option card - removed: Staking on Fantom
- added: Support for Thorchain Savers EVM token deposits
- added: Add THORChain (RUNE)
- added: Posthog analytics support
- added: New 'Lower Send Amount' warning for transaction acceleration
- added: Allow buy/sell plugins local override and info server patching
- changed: Use memos for Thorchain Savers withdrawals
- changed: Disable max-spend for Filecoin wallets
- changed: Disabled signupCaptcha experiment
- changed: Don't show recovery, password, or otp reminders in Maestro
- changed: Disable light accounts temporarily for this release
- fixed: Incorrectly filtering out transactions due to spam/dust filter
- fixed: Performance issue from LoanManagerService running while not in beta mode
- fixed: isFirstOpen analytics param reporting the previously saved value instead of forcing to false after first open
- fixed: Support for stablecoins in Paybis sell to debit card
- fixed: Use allowsInlineMediaPlayback for webview to fix KYC widgets
- added: Paybis buy/sell in Brazil, Columbia, and Mexico
- added: EdgeTxAction information to Transaction List
- added: "Paused Wallet" visual indicator on wallet list
- added: Paybis sell to debit card
- added: Signup captcha experiment.
- added: Re-enable Faster Payments buy support
- changed: Change FlipInput styling to make the edit functionality more obvious
- changed: Enable max spend for Filecoin
- changed: Move asset-specific settings into their own settings page
- changed: Experiment config probability distribution support percentage based values
- changed: Added border to Promo Card
- fixed: Write updated experiment configs to disk
- fixed: Auto Logoff picker text color for Android Light OS theme
- fixed: Fallback language selection for Asset Status Card
- fixed: Version-specific targetting for Asset Status Card
- removed: Moonpay sell via ACH
- removed: Banxa buy via Pix
- added: Banxa purchase with iDEAL
- added: Asset status card to remotely communicate known issues or important info
- added: Paybis buy with credit card
- added: Support Zcash Spend Before Sync
- added: Zcash transparent funds autoshielding
- changed: 'legacyLanding' experiment config set to 0% probability
- changed: Banxa sell to use new widget
- changed: Replace deprecated memo handling with
in SendScene2 - changed: Re-enable Piratechain
- changed: Remove price-change push notification subscriptions for keys-only currencies
- changed: Support Zcash Unified Addresses
- fixed: Crash in react-native-linear-gradient when app built with Xcode 15
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v1.9.0
- added: Support optimized login syncing, checking to see if our credentials are up-to-date before performing a periodic login.
- added: Export cleaners for server types and testing data types.
- deprecated: EdgeContext.listRecoveryQuestionChoices. The GUI provides its own localized strings now.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v2.7.2
- added: Add deprecated memoType to zcashInfo for backwards compatibility
- added: Add Zcash autoshield support
- added: EdgeTxAction tagging to TRX freeze/unfreeze contract call transactions
- added: Support for importing XLM wallets via 12/24-word mnemonic seed phrase
- changed: Update address explorer url (Zcash)
- changed: Upgrade react-native-piratechain to v0.4.0
- changed: Upgrade react-native-zcash to v0.6.2
- changed: Use Zcash types directly from react-native-zcash
- fixed: Account for possible 0-date transaction listerner race-condition
- fixed: Filecoin returns a more stable spendable balance from getMaxSpendable
- fixed: More accurate Filecoin fee estimation for makeSpend
- fixed: Set synchronizer to null in killEngine so it can be properly restarted (Zcash)
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.21.11
- added: Enable Zcash receiving on Godex
- changed: Restrict ChangeHero trading to whitelisted plugins
- changed: Replace deprecated currency codes in SwapCurrencyError with requests
- added: env.json experiment config override
- added: Experiment config for "Create Account" and "Login" button labels
- added: Experiment config support between gui and login-ui
- added: Toast message when pausing or unpausing wallets
- changed: Always show gas warning when enabling tokens
- changed: Dynamically determine supported Thorchain Savers assets
- changed: Include stake plugin display name in error message on transaction list scene
- changed: Rename on-chain "Note" or "Memo" to "Transaction Note" or "Transaction Memo"
- changed: Replace text 'plugins' with 'providers' in Buy/Sell
- changed: Tweak the boot background color on Android.
- fixed: Deposit/Send footer buttons for native currencies
- fixed: Do not error when recording sends to FIO addresses.
- fixed: Error showing in some cases during auto logout
- fixed: Extra close (x) button on FIO modal
- fixed: Incorrect wording when disabling a token
- fixed: Min/max price label position on the Markets charts
- fixed: Possible balance text overflow in Receive scene
- fixed: Prevent setting invalid spending limits
- fixed: Send all event tracking params to logging servers
- fixed: Stuck showToastSpinner never going away
- fixed: Turning off 'Dark Mode' causes crash
- removed: 'Add/Edit Tokens" option for token rows
- added: Velodrome v2 staking poolsdded: Display memos in transaction details scene
- added: Buy PEPE from Simplex
- added: Add ability to launch webview from tab row
- added: Implement "first open" tracking param
- changed: Migrate auto logout modal and wallet activation scene sway from legacy visuals
- changed: Show yield type for Velodrome staking pools
- changed: Add stake plugin name to thrown error messages
- changed: Display network name next to token in wallet create rows
- changed: Show amounts in selected display denomination in FIO Requests scene
- changed: Upgrade react-native-zcash to v0.5.0
- changed: Set minimum supported iOS version to 13
- changed: Set minimum supported Android version to 8.1
- changed: Enable keysOnlyMode for Piratechain
- fixed: Cleanup src/modules files and settings
- fixed: Prevent saving spending limits with no amount
- fixed: Bitwave CSV export fields
- fixed: Blank space at bottom of txdetails
- fixed: Save new categories on row tap
- fixed: Set word capitalization on category entry
- fixed: Align TX Details notes entry to top of OutlineTextInput
- fixed: Set returnKeyType of Notes entry to "return"
- fixed: Crash entering spending limits settings
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v1.7.0
- added: Add a ChallengeError and related types, which will allow the login server to request CAPTCHA validation.
- added: Currency-info support for multiple memos per transaction.
- added: EdgeCurrencyInfo.memoOptions, lists acceptable memo types.
- added: EdgeCurrencyInfo.multipleMemos, set if a currency supports multiple memos in the same transaction.
- added: Spending support for multiple memos.
- added: EdgeSpendInfo.memos
- added: Transaction history support for on-chain memos.
- added: EdgeTransaction.memos
- added: New infoServer and syncServer options for EdgeContextOptions
- deprecated: EdgeCurrencyInfo.memoMaxLength
- deprecated: EdgeCurrencyInfo.memoMaxValue
- deprecated: EdgeCurrencyInfo.memoType. Note: If it is not set correctly, legacy plugins will no longer receive memos. Some buggy plugins forgot to do this, so those plugins will stop receiving memos. This is not a breaking change, though, since this field was always mandatory.
- deprecated: EdgeSpendTarget.memo
- deprecated: EdgeTransaction.spendTargets.memo
- fixed: Correctly pass EdgeSpendTarget.memos through to currency plugins.
- fixed: Do not let EdgeTransaction.memos be undefined, even for legacy plugins.
- fixed: Restore "0x" prefix support for legacy hex memos.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v2.5.2
- added: Support the latest core memo API's.
- changed: Update Zcash address explorer
- changed: Remove the maximum memo length on Tron
- changed: Upgrade react-native-zcash to v0.5.0
- changed: Update Zcash address explorer
- changed: Update react-native-zcash to v0.4.2
- changed: Upgrade react-native-zcash to v0.4.1 changed: Split Zcash and Piratechain into their own engines and tools changed: Update Pulsechain explorer URL removed: Disabled all Piratechain synchronizer functionality. This is a temporary removal due to incompatibility between latest react-native-zcash and react-native-piratechain. Engine will still load but it only useful for retrieving private keys.
- removed: Temporarily disable non-functionaly zcash memos, pending an updated SDK with correct fee math.
- fixed: Rename Tron memos to "note".
- fixed: Use EdgeMemo for WalletConnect data payloads
- fixed: Do not crash if BigInt is not present
- fixed: Block Filecoin when BigInt is not present
- fixed: Fixed Zcash transaction memos array handling
- fixed: Add 0x prefix to EVM data created outside the engine
- fixed: Roundup fee nativeAmount returned from L1 so it is an integer
- Upgrade edge-currency-plugins to v2.2.1
- added: Dynamic fudge factors for UTXO fees
- added: Support the latest core memo API's.
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.21.6
- changed: Move EVM data from spendTarget otherParams to memo
- fixed: `gasLimit`` param typo
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v2.11.1
- added: Show a CAPTCHA modal when the core returns a ChallengeError for password login.
- changed: Update translations
- removed: Redundant recovery question
- changed: Remove the Account Review Scene from Light Account creation flow
- fixed: Clean up error handling, particularly for incorrect CAPTCHA solutions.
- fixed: Remove visual glitches in the CAPTCHA modal.
- fixed: Testability of "Enter Backup Code" modal tile
- fixed: Allow the app to log in again on older OS's (iOS 12.4 and Android 7).
- Upgrade edge-currency-plugins to v2.1.1
- added: Dynamic fudge factors for UTXO fees
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.21.5
- fixed: Fix 'to' quotes in Thorchain using incorrect denomination
- added: Add Filecoin support
- added: Add Liberland Dollars (LLD) and Merits (LLM) support
- added: Add BUSD, PAXG, and PYUSD tokens
- added: Add disableSwaps option to app config
- added: Export Bitwave format CSV
- added: Tracking event for "Already have an account? Sign-in" tap
- added: Tracking event for logins
- changed: Modal UI adjustments
- changed: Show date in swap transaction notes
- changed: Allow custom tokens to overwrite built-in tokens
- changed: Show warning when user overrides a built-in token with a custom token
- changed: When sending to a FIO address, and something goes wrong on the FIO chain, don't show the send itself as having failed
- fixed: Send scene crash due to null spending limits
- fixed: Blank space at bottom of txdetails
- fixed: Save new categories on row tap
- fixed: Set word capitalization on category entry
- fixed: Align TX Details notes entry to top of OutlineTextInput
- fixed: Set returnKeyType of Notes entry to "return"
- fixed: Crash entering spending limits settings
- fixed: Updated translations
- fixed: Various text and visual improvements
- removed: Deprecate new BSV wallet creation
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v2.2.4
- added: USDT token to Avalanche
- added: PYUSD token to Ethereum
- added: Integrate Filfox for Filecoin transaction scanning
- added: Add new ETH tokens ARB, BUSD, and PAXG
- added: Add new BSC token BUSD
- added: Add new RPC server, Pocket Network
- changed: Use Filfox exclusively for Filecoin transaction querying
- changed: Revert usage of queryMulti in Polkadot engine balance query
- changed: Use separate code path for calculating token max spendable (Polkadot)
- changed: Allow user to spend entire token balance (Polkadot)
- changed: Add early exit to transaction query (Polkadot)
- changed: Parameterize apikey replacement in node urls and remove url-specific apikey logic in engines
- fixed: Bug prevent Filecoin spend transactions from being saved in the wallet (by saveTx)
- fixed: Filecoin network fee query issue
- fixed: Incorrectly identifying send-to-self transactions as receives from the network
- fixed: Use Filscan as the block explorer for Filecoin
- fixed: Used correct balance in when sending tokens (Polkadot)
- fixed: Update Liberland length fee cost
- fixed: Skip Liberland transaction history query if subscan url isn't present
- fixed: Correctly report transaction history query status for new empty Filecoin wallets
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.21.4
- fixed: Uniswap plugin uses backup gasLimit in case estimateGas fails
- fixed: Thorchain failed quotes from ETH>BTC
- changed: Use RPC gas estimates for Uniswap plugin
- fixed: Separate Thorchain volatility spreads between streaming and non-streaming
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v2.8.1
- fixed: Always show the username in PIN login scene
- added: New swap provider XRP Decentralized Exchange
- added: AXL wrapped tokens on Fantom
- added: Support spending to Taproot bech32m addresses
- added: Allow user to update permissions in-app
- added: Monero custom node support
- added: Cancel button to exchange quote processing scene
- changed: Overhauled side menu and help modal UI
- changed: Update AAVE BTC->WBTC swap minimums
- changed: Replace Moonpay logo
- removed: Disabled ETC transaction history
- removed: Removed navigation buttons from new account wallet creation scene
- fixed: Prevent crash when entering Markets scene
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v1.4.1
- changed: Reduced YAOB throttle to 50ms and apply throttle to return bridge calls
- added: canBePartial and maxFulfillmentSeconds to EdgeSwapQuote
- added: skipBlockHeight config option
- changed: Throttle the react-native bridge to 500ms. This will create some lag, but should improve overall performance.
- changed: Move the Android namespace definition out of the AndroidMaifest.xml and into the build.gradle file.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v1.5.2
- fixed: Correctly parse more types of Ripple transactions, including DEX transactions.
- changed: Removed blockscout API server from ETC info (disabling transaction list retrieval)
- added: Support for XRP OfferCreate txs
- added: Fantom tokens listed on Axelarscan (AXLUSDC, AXLUSDT, AXLETH, AXLWBTC)
- Fixed: Bug in FIO causing missing historical transactions (first page of transactions).
- Fixed: Improve FIO transaction history fetching from history nodes by using the nodes with the highest action sequence number.
- Upgrade edge-currency-monero to v1.1.1
- fixed: Fixed address transaction cleaner broken for wallets with no transaction history.
- added: Support custom servers via enableCustomServers and moneroLightwalletServer user settings.
- Upgrade edge-currency-plugins to v2.1.0
- Changed: Upgraded AltcoinJS to first published version based on BitcoinJS v6.1.3
- Added: Support for pay-to-taproot address support (P2TR) for Bitcoin wallets.
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.20.2
- Fixed: XRP DEX max swaps
- Fixed: LI.FI on-chain transactions no longer revert due to missing bridge fees
- added: XRP DEX support (Requires minimum of edge-currency-accountbased 1.5.0)
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v2.7.0
- added: Tracking event for logins
- changed: Update translations
- added: simplified Maestro scripts and use cleaner-config for testerConfig.json
- changed: updated style sheet caching in the
HOC - fixed: prevent crash on transaction history scene when custom token is deleted
- fixed: added missing cancel button handler in FIO name confirmation scene
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v2.6.6
- changed: Update translations
- added: Light account support
- added: PulseChain (PLS)
- added: New animated splash screen logo
- added: Next button on enable token scene
- added: Close button on notification dropdown
- added: Improved Maestro testability
- added: Allow scrolling on wallet creation completion scene
- added: Wallet Birthday Height description on modal for Zcash/Pirate Chain seed import
- changed: Upgrade react-native to 0.71.11
- changed: Rewrite new activation-needed wallet name validation scene
- changed: Reduce bridge traffic by attempting plugin fetches through proxy server
- changed: Reduce excessive FIO plugin calls
- changed: Upgrade GALA token to latest contract
- changed: Disable Firebase AD ID
- changed: Upgrade to ESLint v8
- removed: Unused React-based partner plugins
- fixed: Rename "View Xpub address" to "Private View Key" for Pirate Chain and Zcash
- fixed: Private view key modal warning text for other currencies besides Monero
- fixed: Handle unhandled promises
- fixed: Wallet list row sync circle component recycling
- fixed: Missing wallet migration transaction metadata
- fixed: Enabling tokens from wallet list row now relies on tokenId rather than parent currency code
- fixed: Deleted account name no longer persists on PIN screen
- fixed: Inability to select preferred swap provider in settings
- fixed: Various visual, UX, and text issues
- Upgrade edge-core-js v1.3.6
- fixed: Interpret HTTP 418 responses from the CORS proxy as errors.
- changed: Remove fetch fallback logic. No proxy servers will be used.
- changed: The fetchCors method is no longer deprecated. Use this if CORS might be an issue. Do not use this for any secrets or credentials.
- fixed: Escape bridge strings closer to serialization, for possibly better performance.
- fixed: Fallback to CORS-safe fetch functions on all errors to fix inconsistency with error messages across platforms.
- changed: Add fallback to bridged fetch if request to edge-cors-proxy server fails.
- changed: Added a fallback to edge-cors-proxy server to fetch method on EdgeIo.
- fixed: Enable WebView debugging on iOS 16.4+
- fixed: Correctly return transactions after a resync.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v1.4.11
- fixed: Use io.fetchCors for all requests, instead of io.fetch.
- fixed: Replace asMaybe and asOptional cleaner default objects with functions that return new objects in otherData cleaners
- changed: Update XRP explorer url
- changed: Update checkpoints
- Optimism: Replace deprecated rpc method rollup_gasPrices with l1BaseFee query
- EVM: Handle null gas parameter in WalletConnect requests
- FIO: Treat 403 status code as error
- Fixed: FIO transaction reliability issues resolved by adding more historical nodes
- Update GALA token
- Remove EthGasStation test
- Upgrade edge-currency-plugins to v2.0.4
- Fixed: Race condition during re-sync causing impartial processor data ("Missing processor address" bug)
- Fixed: Throw DustSpendError instead of obscure blockbook error message for dust spend transaction broadcasts.
- Upgrade edge exchange plugins to v0.19.8
- Use EdgeIo.fetchCors for all requests
- Swapuz/LetsExchange: Disable MATH
- Fixed: Increased gas limit by 40% for all chains for LI.FI
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v2.6.5
- fixed: Correctly handle errors during account creation.
- fixed: Allow biometric logins for light accounts.
- changed: Update password login to allow configurable account creation options
- fixed: Don't clear modals upon unmounting UpgradeUsernameScreen
- changed: Update translations
- fixed: Stop returning the incorrect keychain data for light accounts.
- fixed: Update the wording on the new light account PIN scene, since there is no password.
- fixed: Update the terms & conditions wording for light accounts, which have no password.
- fixed: Reinstate login screen back button, conditionalize light username-less vs full account creation
- added: Accept an initialLoginId prop for the LoginScreen. Use this to select the initial user.
- deprecated: The username prop for the LoginScreen. Use initialLoginId instead.
- fixed: Enable the username dropdown for > 0 saved users on the password login scene
- fixed: Password login scene user list dropdown fade covering last entry
- fixed: Unnecessary scene scrolling in password login scene
- fixed: Add missing gradient in Password Login Scene scrollable list
- fixed: Allow text wrapping in PIN Login Scene account dropdown list
- changed: Update translations
- changed: Upgrade to edge-core-js v1.3.2.
- changed: Support for username-less (light) account.
- fixed: Correctly handle username deletion on the PIN scene.
- fixed: Maestro testing targetability of components
- changed: Update password login scene to use themed text input
- fixed: Password login scene errors were not localized
- changed: Allow biometric logins for accounts without usernames.
- Add WalletConnect v2 support
- Refactor transaction list scene to reduce redux use and implement streamTransactions method
- Fixed Polkadot sends
- Fix zkSync max send calculation
- Fix exchange settings persistance
- Use SendScene2 for create wallet payments
- Port more scenes and components to use hooks
- Enable long tap to copy Visa card url (beta)
- Fix crash when a gui plugin isn't present
- Add steps to deploy script to faciliate maestro testing
- Various UX and visual fixes
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v1.3.0
- added: Add an EdgeAccount.getPin method.
- fixed: Allow the EdgeAccount.username property to update after calling changeUsername.
- added: Add an EdgeCurrencyWallet.streamTransactions method.
- deprecated: Pagination options for getTransactions. Use streamTransactions if you need pagination.
- fixed: Add the correct URI to changeUsername, so it works.
- fixed: Send a 'transactionsChanged' event when editing metadata.
- added: Add an EdgeContext.forgetAccount method.
- deprecated: EdgeContext.deleteLocalAccount. Use EdgeContext.forgetAccount instead.
- fixed: Do not throw a "No username in reply" error when logging into light accounts via barcode.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased v1.4.4
- Fixed: Critical bug that is missing data field for native EVM transactions including a memo
- Disable using TRX for PIX codes
- Upgrade @polkadot/api to v10.9.1
- Fixed: Fixed Ethereum broken max-spend for spend info with undefined nativeAmount
- Added: Add PulseChain (PLS)
- Fixed: Fix broken max-spend for zkSync
- Deprecate WalletConnect v1
- EVM/ALGO: Add parseWalletConnectV2Payload to parse out amounts from WalletConnect v2 payloads ZEC: Update checkpoints
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v2.3.3
- fixed: Modal close button covering modal submit buttons while Android keyboard is open
- fixed: Username availability check error would incorrectly show in some cases
- fixed: Modal close button overlapping submit button in PW Recovery modal
- fixed: Allow pressing modal buttons without dismissing the keyboard.
- fixed: Remove an extra close button from the security alerts modal.
- changed: Simplify the create-account flow internals.
- changed: Update the Android gradle build file.
- fixed: Sometimes the username availability check mis-reports availability status
- added: Add an appconfig prop to LoginScreen.
- changed: Update routing behavior when onComplete is not passed to LoginScreen.
- changed: Give scrolling modals a bottom fade-out effect.
- changed: Make the QR login modal and text input modals scrollable.
- changed: Allow the PIN scene to log into username-less accounts.
- removed: Remove OTP support for PIN logins. The login server will never return OTP errors for PIN logins, so this capability is not needed.
- Core refactor removes private key properties from EdgeCurrencyWallet
- Add USDC (ETH/MATIC) support for Bitrefill
- Fix Google Pay support with Banxa
- Fix large amount (beyond daily limit) handling for Bity
- Fix FIO transaction history display
- Rewards card design updates (beta)
- Thorchain: Fix unstake amount selection
- Improve error logging
- Show/hide welcome screens via environment variable
- Disable Bitaccess
- Update translations
- Various visual fixes
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v1.0.1
- changed: Convert createAccount to named parameters
- changed: Return an array from fetchLoginMessages
- changed: Fix the listRecoveryQuestionChoices return type
- changed: Allow usernames to be undefined
- removed: Ethereum hacks
- Ethereum address derivation.
- EdgeAccount.signEthereumTransaction
- removed: Deprecated client-side token methods
- EdgeCurrencyEngine.getEnabledTokens (no longer used)
- EdgeCurrencyEngine.getTokenStatus (no longer used)
- EdgeCurrencyWallet.addCustomToken
- EdgeCurrencyWallet.changeEnabledTokens
- EdgeCurrencyWallet.disableTokens
- EdgeCurrencyWallet.enableTokens
- EdgeCurrencyWallet.getEnabledTokens
- removed: Deprecated display-key properties
- EdgeCurrencyWallet.displayPrivateSeed
- EdgeCurrencyWallet.displayPublicSeed
- removed: Deprecated EdgeAccount.loginKey property
- removed: Deprecated keys properties on EdgeAccount and EdgeCurrencyWallet
- removed: Deprecated EdgeTransaction.amountSatoshi
- removed: Deprecated options prop from the MakeEdgeContext component.
- removed: Unused EdgeTransaction.wallet
- removed: Unused getTransactions parameters
- removed: Unused type definitions
- EdgeBitcoinPrivateKeyOptions
- EdgeCreatePrivateKeyOptions
- removed: No longer allow the OTP key to be passed as EdgeAccountOptions.otp. This parameter only accepts 6-digit OTP codes now. Pass the key as EdgeAccountOptions.otpKey instead.
- fixed: Do not crash when accessing EdgeAccount.username on an account that has none.
- deprecated: EdgeContext.pinLoginEnabled. Use EdgeContext.localUsers instead.
- fixed: Correctly handle startEntries in getTransactions, by always returning the requested number of transactions.
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v2.1.0
- added: Validate that the recovery key is valid base58 before submitting the modal.
- changed: Simplify internal redux and routing logic.
- fixed: Disable keyboard "next" button if the new-account username has not yet been checked for availability.
- changed: Upgrade to edge-core-js v1.0.0. Earlier versions will not work.
- changed: Adjust isTouchEnabled to take an EdgeAccount instead of a username.
- added: Ability to pass AppConfig to LoginScreen with termsOfServiceSite
- added: Allow onComplete prop to LoginScreen to be optional
- added: EdgeAccount.changeUsername.
- added: EdgeAccount.getLoginKey.
- deprecated: EdgeAccount.loginKey. Use EdgeAccount.getLoginKey instead.
- deprecated: EdgeContext.listUsernames. Use EdgeContext.localUsers instead.
- fixed: Background brand image handling and display.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v1.2.13
- FIO: Fix unstake method insufficient funds checking
- Update ZEC/ARRR checkpoints
- EVM: Re-enable token transaction acceleration
- FIO: Add getMaxSpendable
- TRX: Fix memo handling
- Fixed: Added transaction processing for FIO name registration actions
- Add in-app A/B testing
- Refresh market scene on default fiat code change
- Hide send scene scam warning if first send is initiated from partner plugin
- (beta) Visa card functionality changes:
- Support card deletion (Visa card beta)
- Add DOGE support (Visa card beta)
- Refactor Fiat Plugin
API - Set default self transfer address to bech32
- Fix token transaction acceleration
- Fix PIX transactions
- Fix FIO max stake and unstake amount calculation
- Fix a broken NaN check for fiat metadata
- Fix transaction metadata for Bitrefill purchases
- Add Maestro bootstrap shell script
- Various text, visual, and usability fixes
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.21.4
- added: EdgeAccount.changeUsername.
- added: EdgeAccount.getLoginKey.
- deprecated: EdgeAccount.loginKey. Use EdgeAccount.getLoginKey instead.
- deprecated: EdgeContext.listUsernames. Use EdgeContext.localUsers instead.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased v1.2.13
- EVM: Re-enable token transaction acceleration
- FIO: Add getMaxSpendable
- FIO: Fix unstake method insufficient funds checking
- TRX: Fix memo handling
- Fixed: Added transaction processing for FIO name registration actions
- Update ZEC/ARRR checkpoints
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v1.4.7
- added: Accessibility hints to logo and button
- Add Pepe (PEPE)
- Added Visa® Debit Card (beta)
- Add ZEC/ARRR import wallet support
- Add Tron Stake v2 support
- Add default fiat support to Markets scene
- Fix Wallet Connect personal_sign method
- Fix background audio pause while playing send/receive chimes
- Refactor Request Scene to use ExchangedFlipInput2
- Cleanup SEPA details input scene
- Remove deprecated allowed/excluded currencyCode props from WalletListModal
- Deprecate Tomb Finance v1/v2 staking
- Deprecate Tron Stake v1
- Fix sync circle discrepancy between wallet list and transaction list view
- Fix section header date display in FIO requests lists
- Lock Next button in fiat plugin while amounts are fetched
- Update translations
- Various visual fixes
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.21.3
- fixed: Return transactions from getTransactions, even if they have no on-disk metadata
- changed: Remove deprecated methods in unit tests
- fixed: Return transactions from getTransactions, even if they have no on-disk metadata
- added: EdgeUserInfo.username.
- added: Provide EdgeAccount methods for reading public and private keys:
- getDisplayPrivateKey
- getDisplayPublicKey
- getRawPrivateKey
- getRawPublicKey
- added: Matching EdgeCurrencyTools methods for getting display keys.
- deprecated: EdgeCurrencyEngine methods for getting display keys.
- deprecated: EdgeAccount and EdgeCurrencyWallet key properties.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v1.2.9
- FIO: Handle empty otherParams objects as null
- Add Pepe token
- Tron: Pass nativeAmount directly to TRC20 encoder
- Tron: Make fee optional in asTRC20TransactionInfo cleaner
- EVM: Fix null gas price handling in txRpcParamsToSpendInfo
- Ripple: Fix api reconnect logic
- Fixed: Find XLM memos in all three makeSpend API locations
- ZEC/ARR: Add import private key birthdayHeight option handling
- FIO: Replace public key with recipient public key
- Rename files to the network name, not the currency code
- Use uppercase names for files that export classes and use loweracse names for files that export types and utilities
- Fix: Added dynamic gas limit calculation for zkSync
- Add Tron Stake v2
- Algorand: Support signing multiple transactions in wallet connect request
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.19.5
- Fixed: Fix swapuz refund address
- Fixed: Prevent Thorchain swaps that would receive negative amount
- Changed: Update exolix to v2 api
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v1.4.6
- Fixed: Background brand image handling and display.
- Add zkSync
- Simplex: Add ALGO, OP-ETH and OP asset support
- Add Google Play in-app reviews API
- Banxa: Fix buy flow
- Add many new ERC20 tokens: AMP, APE, CRO, ENJ, LRC, PLA, QNT, SUKU, SHIB, SOLVE, STRK, GRT, SAND, GAME, and GALA
- Add Algorand Wallet Connect support
- Display EVM Checksum Address in as default in Receive scene
- Fix scene header side button display alignment issues
- Fix login lag on slow networks caused by notification registration
- Fix EVM wallet connect payload parsing
- Fix edited transaction metadata saving
- Monero: Rename "View Xpub Address" to "Private View Key"
- Use 'isSend' flag on transactions for display
- Support checking parsedUri.minNativeAmount
- Cleanup FiatPlugin implementation
- Android: Fix 'Confirm and Email'
- Android: Fix image caching issues by downgrading fresco:animated-gif
- Port TransactionListScene to hooks
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.21.1-1
- fixed: Return transactions from getTransactions, even if they have no on-disk metadata
- added: Log any swap plugins that time out.
- added: EdgeParsedUri.minNativeAmount. Note: This is not a breaking change, but we incorrectly updated the version number as if it were.
- fixed: Stop incorrectly writing metadata for sends. This should make editing metadata more stable.
- fixed: Remove check that spentTargets.length > 0 in makeSpend
- changed: Removed private keys from walletInfo for makeCurrencyEngine
- added: Add an EdgeTransaction.isSend flag.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v1.2.2-3
- FIO: Fix pubkey in request and obt data
- Fix: Added dynamic gas limit calculation for zkSync
- Fix: Precision bug in min gas price checks for EVM currencies
- Change: Lower zkSync minGasPrice to 0.01 gwei
- Removed non-checksum addresses for EVM-based currencies (legacyAddress)
- Add: ALGO 'appl' transaction type processing
- Fix: Properly handle ALGO wallet connect payloads with multiple transactions
- FIO: Update node list
- ZEC/ARRR: Prevent sending overlapping queries to synchronizer
- Fix accessing already deleted wallet connector
- ZEC/ARRR: Update checkpoints
- Add WalletConnect v1 support to Algorand
- Update EVM WalletConnect call_request response to include nativeAmount and networkFee
- Break out WalletConnect types to common folder
- Update ZEC checkpoints
- fixed: Parse URIs as Tron addresses first before PIX addresses to prevent incorrect parsing of Tron addresses as a PIX address
- Added: ERC-55 checksum address returned by getFreshAddress for ethereum plugin
- fixed: Parse URIs as Tron addresses first before PIX addresses to prevent incorrect parsing of Tron addresses as a PIX address
- Upgrade edge-currency-monero v1.0.0
- fixed: Return the correct walletId on EdgeTransaction instances.
- fixed: Add a missing await to saveTx, ensuring the transaction is on-disk.
- changed: Upgrade to react-native-mymonero-core v0.3.0.
- changed: Allow engine to run without private keys. This requires edge-core-js v0.19.47 or greater.
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.19.3
- Lifi: Fix passing gasLimit as a float
- Fixed: Fix zkSync mainnet code transcription for LetsExchange.
- Fixed: Disable zkSync explicitly for Swapuz.
- Fixed: Lifi gasLimit calculation for ETH
- Changed: Transcribe zkSync mainnet code to ZKSYNC
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v1.4.5
- Changed: Reword IP OTP warning text
- fixed: Broken 'Confirm and Email' Recovery setup button
- react-native-mymonero-core to v0.3.0
- changed: Do not allow multiple parallel calls to createTransaction. Instead, wait for the previous call to complete before starting the next one.
- changed: Simplify and document the relationship between the React Native bridge and the CppBridge object.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v1.0.1
- fixed: Parse URIs as Tron addresses first before PIX addresses to prevent incorrect parsing of Tron addresses as a PIX address
- Add Algorand (ALGO) and standard asset support
- Add Velodrome DEX support
- Simplex: Add Goole Pay support
- Bity: Migrate to new fiat plugin buy/sell flow
- Added Ethereum ERC20 tokens: (Amp, ApeCoin, Cronos Coin, EnjinCoin, Gala, Game Coin, Graph Token, Healthcare Administration Token, LoopringCoin V2, PlayDapp Token, Quant, SAND, SHIBA INU, Strike Token, SUKU, and Wrapped FIO)
- Move permission checking to end of create flow
- Add live username availability lookup
- Hide balance on request scene if main balance is hidden
- Fix usability issues on FIO onboarding scenes
- Fix eth_signTypedData_v4 support
- Fix corner case that showed incorrect wallet balances display for new wallets
- Fix fiat plugin region restricted error message
- Allow routing to GettingStartedScene from LoginScene
- Add sticky message to row for compromised wallets
- Change default strings export to named export
- Fix unresolved getHistoricalRate promises
- Enable the following lint rules: @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires, typescript-eslint/return-await, and react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
- Fix various visual and usability issues
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.50
- fixed: Remove check that spentTargets.length > 0 in makeSpend
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v1.0.1
- fixed: Parse URIs as Tron addresses first before PIX addresses to prevent incorrect parsing of Tron addresses as a PIX address
- PIX: Support minimum amount
- ETH: Add ERC20 tokens
- FIO: Fix new account balance object
- Audit and fix noisy unused address logging
- HBAR/EOS: Fix balance and tx query for new accounts
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.21.0
- Replace asMaybe and asOptional cleaner default objects with functions that return new objects
- Upgrade cleaners to v0.3.14
- Add zkSync wallet type
- EVM: Update node lists
- ZEC/ARRR: Update checkpoint files
- Add Algorand (ALGO)
- OP: Add WETH and VELO tokens
- BNB Beacon Chain: Fix transaction date handling
- ARRR: Add unsafeBroadcastTx to info
- EVM: Query info server fees by pluginId
- EVM: Save network fees to engine rather than to disk
- Upgrade edge-currency-plugins to v2.0.2
- Query networkFees endpoint with pluginId instead of currencyCode
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v1.4.3
- added: OutlinedTextInput prop allowing user edits while spinner is active
- changed: Reduce delay for checking username availability to 400ms
- fixed: Add missing mount check to the first setState in the timeout to check username availability
- fixed: Back on NewAccountPinScene
- fixed: New account username input defocuses when auto-checking for availability
- fixed: Username persistence on back button
- removed: Too much space above brand image on PinLoginScene
- fixed: Reinstate onComplete handling from 1.3
- changed: Update translations
- fixed: Calculation of minLength for legacy recovery questions in login scene
- fixed: Calculation of minLength for legacy recovery questions
- changed: Move "Security Alerts" notification prompt to after account creation is completed
- changed: Update username availability check to be on a per-character-input basis
- added: Add an onComplete prop to the LoginScene component
- changed: Add a back button to the PasswordLoginScene
- changed: Move Help button to the top-right corner for all scenes
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.18.0
- added: Add Velodrome DEX exchange
- Engine now run with just public keys and are passed private keys only when necessary
- Reimplement EdgeProvider using JSON-RPC instead of YAOB
- Fix navigation issue when completing BitRefill purchase
- Fix password recovery for passwords created before new stricter requirements
- Migrate FIO functionality to use tx flow instead of otherMethods
- Migrate EVM wallet connect functionality to use tx flow instead of otherMethods
- Use signMessage core API for EdgeProvider
- Fix EOS wallet creation
- Remove legacy PLATFORM variables
- Fix missing LiFi icon
- Various visual fixes
- Update translations
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.49
- fixed: Incorrectly formed privateKeys argument for signTx call to the engine
- fixed: Passing only the private keys to EdgeEnginePrivateKeyOptions['privateKeys'] for syncNetwork, instead of the entire EdgeWalletInfo
- added: Pass private keys to EdgeCurrencyEngine.signTx and similar functions.
- changed: Only accept base-10 integer balances from currency engines, and ignore all other balance strings.
- removed: Make deprecated token methods optional on EdgeCurrencyEngine, so they can be removed.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.23.2-1
- changed: Refactor all engines to only deal with private keys directly from privileged function
- Refactor FIO use makeSpend, signTx, and broadcastTx instead of ambiguous otherMethods
- changed: Remove wcRequestResponse and all WalletConnect signing methods
- added: Support for signMessage core API for Ethereum engines to be used for Wallet Connect integrations
- fixed: Crash in createPrivateKey for EosTools
- ARRR: Fix unsafeBroadcastTx flag
- FIO: Fix syncNetwork private key handling
- FIO: Use promiseNy for balance checking
- FIO: Fix promiseNy error handling
- EVM: Update node lists
- ZEC/ARRR: Update checkpoint files
- Upgrade edge-currency-plugins to v2.0.1
- changed: Upgrade security access to private keys in EdgeWalletInfo
- changed: Add signMessage API to replace signMessageBase64 in otherMethods
- Improve log detail in order to better troubleshoot spending issues.
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v1.2.4
- fixed: Calculation of minLength for legacy recovery questions
- Add new Getting Started flow
- Add Smartpay PIX support
- EOS: Add PowerUp support
- Support deep linking to buy/sell providers
- Prevent sending to unactivated accounts (XRP, DOT, and XLM)
- Show expiration time from parsed URI, if provided
- Add user's receiving address to advanced transaction details scene
- Fix navigation issue when attempting to leave partner plugins
- Fix potential crash when migrating custom tokens
- Replace FlatList with FlashList
- Fix safe area display issues with iPhone 14
- Prevent Optimism from appearing as HBAR activation currency
- Android: Fix occasional crash when refocusing app
- Add event tracking to logs
- Move notification registration to Services
- Various visual fixes
- Update translations
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.46
- added: Add expireDate to EdgeParsedUri
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.22.21
- Fix fallback value returned when recipient min balance check fails
- XRP: Add additional broadcast error code handling
- EOS: Fix address parsing
- EOS: Replace address regex with greymass sdk regex
- removed: Do not use EdgeCurrencyInfo.defaultSettings to store network info for most chains.
- changed: Upgrade EOS to have power-up support. This will make spending EOS work again.
- changed: Do not allow sending funds to XRP or Polkadot addresses if they would fail to meet activation the reserve requirement.
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.17.7
- Lifi: Use built-in gas limit estimator for Ethereum transactions and not Lifi's
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v1.2.2
- changed: Change 'new-account' value for initialRoute prop to route to the username screen
- changed: Updated password description verbaige
- changed: Don't require showing acct creds to continue acct creation
- changed: Change wording to not require writing down password on acct creation
- Add LiFi DEX aggregator
- Add Optimism
- Update Account Recovery to UI2 theme
- Allow single character currency codes
- Fix AnyPay parsing on send scene
- Fix potential crash when connecting addresses to FIO names
- Fix swap settings not getting saved consistently
- Create a FakeProvider to provide redux to test components
- Change activation payment currencies to use pluginIds
- Change split wallet functionality to use pluginIds instead of currency codes
- Show engine failure error in currency row on failure to load
- Disable Paynow support in SG
- Various visual and text fixes
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.45
- fixed: Update denominationToNative and nativeToDenomination to look at allTokens, instead of the legacy token lists.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.22.18
- Fix: Lower Optimism minGasPrice
- HBAR: Update explorer URL
- added: Parse/quote Smartpay PIX QR codes for Tron/USDT
- EVM: Add L1 gas price multiplier
- EVM: Fix nativeAmount calculation when paying an L1 fee
- Add optional checkEnvironment method to OuterPlugin to allow a plugin to fail after loading and during initialization
- EVM: Fix race condition of undefined balance for ETH-based currencies
- ARRR: Update checkpoint files
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.17.6
- added: Add LI.FI DEX exchange.
- added: Add Optimism support across swap plugins
- added: Add default mainnet transcription map
- Lifi: Allow gas price lower than 1 gwei
- LetsExchange: Audit and add special case mainnet codes
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v1.2.0
- fixed: Missing back button on password recovery login
- added: PublicLoginScreen takes a initialRoute prop to allow for control over the scene that it will initially show
- added: Accessibility hint to Edge logo
- fixed: Safe area for iPhone 14+
- added: Depend on the native @react-native-community/datetimepicker library, which must be installed manually.
- changed: Re-theme the recovery login scenes to match the rest of the app.
- removed: Scene components no longer accept a showHeader prop. With the final scene being themed, this prop no longer does anything.
- added: Safety check to see if keys have been uploaded to Edge infrastructure.
- added: Sweep-to-self feature to migrate funds to new keys.
- added: Ability to view logs through the "share" feature.
- changed: Disable the "Upload logs" feature if the logs contain things that look like keys.
- fixed: Stop writing private keys to logs when visiting the GUI plugin WebView.
- Add XRP Tokens support
- Add Markets and Asset View
- Add Tron staking support for bandwidth and energy
- Add Intuitive UI for transferring assets between wallets
- Fix gradient background throughout app
- Fix Thorchain swaps
- Fix crash when staking or unstaking FIO
- Add support for new recovery token URI
- Change default XRP wallet name to "My XRP"
- Allow for currency plugins that support tokens without custom tokens
- Refactor selectWallet to allow for token activation
- Audit and fix unsafe React component keys in lists
- Other improvements and minor visual fixes
- Update translations
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.42
- added: Support for token activation
- changed: Convert source code to TypeScript internally. No changes should be visible externally, aside from some file locations.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.22.11
- fixed: Correctly report ETHW balances.
- Fix: Include per token reserve in calculation of getMaxSpendable and makeSpend
- Add: Built in tokens for BSC, ETHW, and ETC to allow for custom tokens
- Fix: Missing XRP token transactions
- Improve hexToDecimal safety
- Fix: BNB Beacon Chain missing setOtherData method causing login errors
- TRX: Add bandwidth and energy staking support
- Add XRP token support
- Add native builtinTokens support and deprecate metaTokens
- Use patch-package to fix @tronscan/client errors
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.17.2
- Fix: Send Ninerealms client-id when doing Thorchain queries
- Fix: Use Thornode servers instead of Midgard for inbound_addresses
- Godex: Check min amount before supported networks
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.10.21
- changed: Re-format the new-account username screen to work better on small screens.
- added: Instructions to Terms of Use
- added: Conversion event tracking to login and account creation
Add max swap support
Banxa: Add Google Pay support
Change "Request" text to "Receive"
Tron: Add note support
HBAR: Fix balance syncing
HBAR: Update block explorer
XMR: Add max send
Use SendScene2 for deeplink and EdgeProvider payments
Add exit button to side menu
Add marketing notification opt-out switch
Round amounts for fiat conversion in SendScene/ExchangedFlipInput instead of truncating
Lock send scene slider until all makeSpend requests are resolved
Fix treatment of EdgeTransaction confirmations in TransactionRow
Fix using label param in URI to tag transactions
Fix spending previously entered amount
Add edge-currency-accountbased as native module
Add background gradient orientation to theme
Replace Actions usage with navigation
Show "Delete Account" option when settings are locked
Update translations
Various visual and performance fixes
Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.40
- added: New 'syncing' to confirmations API
- fixed: Bug in validateConfirmations function incorrectly inferring a transaction as 'dropped'
- fixed: Re-publish with missing files.
- changed: Make sensitive account & wallet properties, like keys, non-enumerable.
- changed: Use the pluginId as the wallet logging prefix, instead of the currency code.
Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.22.4
Convert library to React Native Module
- This package will automatically install itself using React Native autolinking and no longer requires Webpack for integration
- Plugins are broken out and can be loaded individually
- Move checkpoint files to android folder
- Stub away unwanted USB modules
- Cleanup old and redundant dependency resolutions
Changed: Implement accelerate transaction feature using new core API
fixed: Adjust build settings to provide better support for iPhone 12.
fixed: Track EVM wallet connections at the EdgeCurrencyTools level, to prevent active connections from disappearing.
ARRR: Remove address explorer url
EVM: Revert getMaxSpendable simplification changes in favor of recursion due to sliding standard fee scale
DOT: Update @polkadot/api to v9.11.3
DOT: Improve type safety and various code cleanups
DOT: Add hard limit of 1 to transaction query progress
TRX: Add note support
TRX: Update derivation path to industry standard
XRP: Replace use of autofill with local transaction creation
XRP: Replace currency settings with networkInfo
XRP: Clean up code for type-safety
XRP: Add broadcast failure handling
Replace forked ethereumjs-wallet library
EOS: Fix destructure error when attempting to spend
EVM: Remove recursion from getMaxSpendable
Replace remaining json-schema usage with cleaners
Update checkpoint files
Upgrade edge-currency-monero to v0.5.5
- Add getMaxSpendable
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.36
Upgrade edge-currency-plugins to v1.3.6
- Fixed: Reduce the KEEP_ALIVE_MS blockbook server heartbeat time
Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.17.0
- Add 'max' support across all swap plugins
- Remove legacy address fallback
- Godex: Add early exit for unsupported chains
- Remove Switchain
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.37
Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.10.19
- Upgrade Changed: Orient background gradient using Theme
- Added: A new RequestPermissionsModal with toggles to opt-in for marketing and/or price notifications.
- Add Bech32 address support
- Add support for non-segwit DGB and LTC
- Thorchain Savers: Show estimate fees and estimate break-even time
- Show current APR on Earn button
- Split swap providers into centralized and decentralized (DEX) groups
- Allow user to prefer provider type
- Show error when attempting to unstake small (lower than tx fee) amounts
- Show staked amounts to the wallet transaction history scene
- Add shortcut to Exchange Settings by tapping on Powered By logo
- Deprecate Wyre
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.37
- added: Always-enabled tokens. The currency engine checks these for balances and transactions, but they do not appear in the per-wallet enabled token lists.
- EdgeCurrencyConfig.alwaysEnabledTokenIds
- EdgeCurrencyConfig.changeAlwaysEnabledTokenIds
- added: EdgeCurrencyTools.checkPublicKey, which provides a mechanism for currency plugins to refresh their cached public keys if necessary.
- added: EdgeSwapInfo.isDex and EdgeSwapRequestOptions.preferType, to always prefer DEX swaps over centralized swaps.
- changed: Always select the "transfer" plugin if it returns a quote, regardless of price.
- added: Accelerate Transaction API
- added: Always-enabled tokens. The currency engine checks these for balances and transactions, but they do not appear in the per-wallet enabled token lists.
- Upgrade edge-currency-plugins to v1.3.5
- Fixed: Incorrect types path in package.json
- Added: Support bech32 addresses as segwitAddress for EdgeFreshAddress
- Added: RBF flags for Bitcoin and Litecoin
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.16.17
- Add: isDex and swapPlugType to plugins and quotes
- Updated dark mode theme:
- New asset icons
- Enhanced contrast
- Haptic feedback
- Enhanced Thorchain Savers interface and usability fixes
- Add optional spam filter to hide low fiat value (>0.001) transactions
- Add confirmation toast to Delete Account
- Allow changing fees for payment protocol payments
- Add ability to wipe local logs from device
- Prevent infinite hanging on loading screen if there are no active wallets
- Only set necessary amounts when calling Approve (erc20)
- Notify Bugsnag after displaying warning/error airship messages
- Fix incorrect modal size when returning to app from webview
- Disable FoxExchange
- Disable Switchain
- Update translations
- Various visual fixes
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.35
- fixed: Clean swap quotes before logging to prevent circular reference error
- fixed: Export more accurate TypeScript definitions for our React Native components.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.21.0
- Add Piratechain (ARRR)
- ZEC: Add getBirthdayHeight plugin method
- Revamp checkpoint creation script to query treestate directly from lightwalletd nodes
- Upgrade react-native-zcash to v0.3.2
- Upgrade edge-currency-plugins to v1.3.3
- fix: Upgrade dependencies to fix vulnerabilities and some data-layer issues.
- fix: Report the correct balance for old Airbitz-created addresses.
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.16.16
- LetsExchange: Update asInfoReply cleaner to support numbers or strings
- Add BTC/ARRR tests
- LetsExchange: Fix max amount logic
- Fix: Transfer plugin throwing error
- Change: Allow per asset spreads to be specified by currency code
- Fix: Remove extra slash in path to Thorswap API to prevent 301 redirects
- Change: Limit Thorchain token approvals to amount needed for deposit
- Change: Add ability to tweak Thorchain volatility % based on asset pair via info server
- TombSwap: Restrict token allowances to only what is needed for each smart contract call.
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.10.17
- Fixed: Add flexGrow to username dropdown in PasswordLoginScene
- Fixed: No longer allow a user to bypass password requirements with an empty password
- Add Tron (TRX) with TRC20 support
- Add Thorchain DEX Aggregator
- Add Thorchain Savers Vaults
- Add KNCv2 (ETH)
- Fix BCH splitting
- Add option to disable token from wallet menu
- Add additional context modal to password change function
- ChangeHero: Re-enable token swaps
- Deprecate FoxExchange
- Add alpha-3 country codes to country list modal search results
- Various visual fixes
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.33
- added: New options for getReceiveAddress
- change: Upgrade biggystring to 4.0.0
- change: Increase BCH replay protection transaction value amount
- change: Upgrade redux to 4.2.0
- change: Upgrade redux-keto to 0.3.5
- fix: Login server override testing
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.20.5
- TRX: Make sure to check the total native asset cost in makeSpend
- FIO: Update server list
- EVM: Only cache gas limit if retrieved from network
- EVM: Fail makeSpend for contract transactions if unable to estimate gas limit
- EVM: Rework gasLimit calculation to double any estimate for transaction that interacts with a contract
- Update default Polygon BUSD address from Paxos (0xdab529f40e671a1d4bf91361c21bf9f0c9712ab7) to Binance (0x9c9e5fd8bbc25984b178fdce6117defa39d2db39)
- TRX: Fix missing timestamp on broadcasted transactions
- ETH: Add new KNC token and rename old token to KNCV1
- Fix Ethereum and builtin token handling
- Various code cleanups
- Lay ground work for future dynamically imported currencies by breaking plugins into 'inner' and 'outer' portions
- 'outer' plugins contain currency details, network info, and list to optional plugin methods
- 'inner' plugins contain heavy lifting code to create wallets and interact with networks
- TRX: Fix walletType check in derivePublicKey
- Add Tron (TRX) with TRC20 token support
- Fix getTokenId logic error
- Fix balance checking in makeSpendCheck
- Rename Plugin to Tools
- Make URI helpers standalone
- Add type definitions for core globals and third-party modules
- Various code cleanups
- Upgrade edge-currency-monero to v0.5.4
- Reduce transaction changed callbacks on wallet initialization
- Upgrade edge-currency-plugins to v1.3.1
- add: forceIndex option to getReceiveAddress to get specific derivation index
- add: Return balance of address with getReceiveAddress
- add: utxoSourceAddress option to makeSpend to only use UTXOs from a specific address
- add: forceChangeAddress option to makeSpend to force change to go to specific address
- fix: Enable and fix BCH to BSV splitting
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.16.10
- Add Thorchain DEX aggregator
- ChangeHero: Re-enable 'to' quotes
- ChangeHero: Re-enable token swaps
- Thorchain DA: Update cleaners
- Deprecate FoxExchange
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.10.15
- Add warning message to change password modal
- Update Ionia Rewards URL
- Add Ionia gift card rewards program
- Add long press on transaction row to share
- Fix wallet name consistency
- Fix FIO request handling of BSC chain code
- Replace wallet in EdgeTransaction with walletId
- Various visual fixes
- Various code cleanups
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.32
- added: EdgeTransaction.walletId.
- added: Add the swap request to the quote object as EdgeSwapQuote.request.
- changed: Change login server to login.edge.app, and filter which domains we allow.
- deprecated: EdgeTransaction.wallet. Use EdgeTransaction.walletId instead.
- added: Specifying token spends by their ID, instead of their imprecise currency code:
- EdgeSpendInfo.tokenId
- EdgeSwapRequest.fromTokenId
- EdgeSwapRequest.toTokenId
- deprecated: Spending tokens by their currency code.
- EdgeSpendInfo.currencyCode
- EdgeSwapRequest.fromCurrencyCode
- EdgeSwapRequest.toCurrencyCode
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.18.10
- AVAX: Add USDC token
- Extend makeSpend to support token amount metadata for smart-contract calls
- Fix Travis builds
- Fix prepare scripts
- Make Polkadot types visible in Typescript
- Enable remaining ESLint rule
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.16.8
- Sideshift: Update to API v2
- ChangeHero: Prevent 'to' quotes due to over-precise amounts breaking data encoding.
- Add testing framework to run plugins in Node
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.10.14
- Update password error display rules
- Conditionally show character limit counter in password input field
- Update translations
- Add swap provider Swapuz
- Add wallet selection scene to new account flow
- Deprecate REPv1 trading for REPv2
- FIO: Fix crash when user has no remaining bundled transactions
- Introduce withWallet to prevent crashes on some scenes
- Android: Fix broken category picker
- Show scam warning on first visit to Send Scene
- Redux type cleanups
- Various code cleanups
- Cleanup unit tests and make them more maintainable
- Upgrade react-native to v0.67.5
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.18.8
- ZEC: Throw error when attempting to send before wallet is synced
- ZEC: Update checkpoints
- Upgrade edge-currency-plugins to v1.2.3
- Rewrite wallet balance update algorithm
- Change ADDRESS_BALANCE_CHANGED event to take an array of balances
- Emit address balance update event after initializing addresses
- Add metadataState to dumpData
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.16.6
- Implement Swapuz
- Thorchain: Use Midgard API to calculate Thorchain network fees
- Thorchain: Fix minimum quotes
- Thorchain: Remove minAmount support
- Swapuz: Implement TO quotes for like-kind assets
- ChangeHero: Reimplement restricted currency codes
- Sideshift: Replace safeCurrencyCodes helper function with getCodesWithTranscription
- Block REPv1 trading across all partners
- Change helper function name and expand ability to accept currency code transcription map
- Fix missing 'to' identifiers on min/max errors
- Turn on remaining linting rules and fix issues
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.10.12
- Increase touch area of password login screen dropdown button
- Add EthereumPoW (ETHW)
- Create multiple wallets/assets at the same time
- ETH: Add Origin (OGN) token
- Dash: Add InstantSend detection
- Fix ENS address detection
- Add number formatting to credit card buy flow
- Fix occasional metadata display issue in transaction history scene
- Add unique wallet names for new wallets
- Remove pluginId check from search results
- Continue cleanup from Typescript conversion
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.18.7
- EVM: Split up eth_getTransactionCount into separate evmscan and rpc methods
- ETH: Add Origin (OGN)
- EVM: Add RPC balance query
- EVM: Return empty transaction arrays if evmscan server list is empty
- Upgrade edge-currency-plugins v1.2.2
- Dash: Add InstantSend detection
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins v0.15.4
- fixed: Do not allow swaps to Tezos using Fox Exchange or Switchain, which rely on dummy addresses.
- Fix Godex API by updating cleaners
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn v0.10.11
- Allow Powered By icon to be disabled by info server
- Thorchain: Enable AVAX swaps
- MoonPay: Enable sell to bank account with ACH
- Add ability to add assets from main scene search
- Add wallet option button in transaction history scene
- Fix Celo transaction query
- Fix potential crash on transaction details scene
- Disable core rates plugins
- Thorchain: Disable same asset swaps
- Deprecate Safello plugins
- Disable Wyre account creation
- Don't throw price-change errors when launching app from security notification
- Various visual fixes
- Allow GUI plugins to be configured by info server per appId
- Add additional optional tab button
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.30
- fixed: Correctly pass EdgeSpendInfo.pendingTxs to the currency plugin
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.18.5
- CELO: Fix server url
- ZEC: Update checkpoints
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.15.2
- Thorchain: Reject swap quotes between the same assets
- Add AVAX support to Thorchain
- Update Changehero plugin to support arbitrary chains and tokens with reverse quoting
- Convert project to Typescript
- Add price change notification modal to buy/sell/trade
- Add scam warning to send scene
- Add historical exchange rate fetching for transactions with incorrect saved amount
- Send metadata on quote.approve()
- Support sweep WIF private key format or 5 address private keys for BTC
- Reduce fetch calls and add spinner for Stake button and Overview scene
- Enable IP Validation for loginIds with no createdApiKey
- Fix double password modal
- Add Firebase configs to prepare script
- Update unit tests
- Various visual fixes
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.18.4
- BNB: Fix Beacon Chain transaction processing
- XLM: Add dynamic fee support
- Fix parseUriCommon protocol parsing
- EVM: Fix broken baseFee from accidental boolean coercion
- SOL: Update explorer URLs
- CELO: Update server list
- ZEC: update checkpoints
- Upgrade edge-currency-plugins v1.2.1
- Fix: Correctly import uncompressed WIFs
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins v0.14.0
- Convert project to Typescript
- Update Changehero plugin to support arbitrary chains and tokens with reverse quoting
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.29
- Plugins will receive metadata as part of their approve method in include in the tx object
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn v0.10.10
- Add a spinner to ChangePasswordSceneComponent to prevent double submission
- Add new swap provider Thorchain
- FTM: Add L3USD pools
- Upgrade to react-native-mymonero-core v0.2.5
- Fix Polkadot sends
- Re-implement price change notifications to use Push Server v2
- Add ability to filter promo cards by device characteristics and Wyre account status
- Remove Newsagent support
- Allow all local accounts to edit device price notification settings
- Prevent stale swap quotes from reappearing on confirmation scene
- Change swap timeout to 60s
- Remove react-native-fast-crypto
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.29
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to #aab0c48
- ETH: Fix spending with empty memo field
- FTM: Add L3USD token
- Update ZEC checkpoints
- Allow EVM data to be passed through memo field
- Rename engine.js:makeSpend to makeSpendCheck since it has a different return signature than the asset specific makeSpend
- Restore internal transaction support for etherscan providers. Remove transaction queries from blockbook providers since they don't support internal txs
- Fix broken ethEngine skipChecks
- Upgrade @polkadot/api SDK to v9.3.3
- Upgrade edge-currency-plugins to v1.2.0
- Add: outputSort param for makeSpend to allow for sorting outputs
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.13.10
- Add Thorchain
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.10.8
- Fix off center alert error text
- Enforce 100 character max password length
- Fix >4 digit pin length
- Update translations
- Wyre: Fix Ethereum purchases
- Make it easier to choose provider in buy scenes
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.27
- fixed: Correctly pass EdgeSpendInfo.skipChecks to the currency plugin.
- added: EdgeContext.clientId.
- added: EdgeSpendInfo.pendingTxs and EdgeSpendInfo.skipChecks flags.
- fixed: Show useful information when logging errors, instead of just {}.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.17.5
- Implement new skipChecks and pendingTxs API from EdgeSpendInfo for ETH engines
- Allow specifying only gasPrice or gasLimit for custom fees
- Remove useless broken dependencies usb and node-hid before building
- ZEC: update checkpoint script and checkpoint files
- FIO: Update server list
- Fix blockbook query txs return object initialization
- Only record parent network fee on outgoing transactions
- ETH: Update blockbook server list
- XRP: Fix API disconnect
- ETH: Add NOW Token
- Remove unused values from transactions
- Update MyMonero SDK to fix spending after V16 hard fork
- Fix detection of incoming transactions from taproot addresses
- Disable swaps for Monero and allow dynamic disabling of swaps for any asset
- Fix missing UTXOs after spend for BTC and other UTXO currencies
- Update MyMonero SDK for Monero V15 hard fork
- Add Polkadot (DOT)
- Add new swap provider ChangeHero
- Wyre: add USDC (MATIC) sell support
- New Fiat Plugin framework
- Add additional TOMB Cemetary pools
- Banxa: Add Turkey
- Rename Paxos to Pax Dollar
- Fix crash on deeplink
- Fix crash when tapping on wallet very shortly after login
- EdgeProvider: Harden supported currency code formats
- Replace
- Tighten sweep private key wallet list filtering
- Upgrade to Webpack v5
- Add supportEmail to AppConfig
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.25
- changed: Allow individual plugins to resist being loaded by returning undefined instead of an EdgeCurrencyPlugin object.
- changed: Randomly generate loginIds so recycled usernames don't cause conflicts
- fixed: Upgrade edge-sync-client to include patch
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.17.2
- Add Polkadot (DOT)
- FTM: Add new default tokens: AVAX, BNB, BTC, CRV, DAI, ETH, FUSD, LIF3, LINK, LSHARE, MIM, TREEB, ZOO
- ETH: Calculate and store feeRateUsed in transactions
- Upgrade edge-currency-plugins to v1.1.2
- Fix: Upgrade edge-sync-client to include patch
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.13.6
- Add ChangeHero
- Upgrade edge-currency-monero to v0.4.2
- Set
on resync
- Set
- Android: Disable Google AdID
- Allow account deletion
- Fix possible broadcast error on fourth consecutive send
- Fix swept funds not immediately showing in balance
- Fix bitcoin-related wallets load failure on airplane mode
- Fix send/receive/stake button alignment
- Re-enable Feathercoin
- Display feeRateUsed for incoming bitcoin transactions
- Update Change Pin and Password scenes to UI2
- Add warning on PIN screen about needing password on first login
- Fix incorrect currency code shown in min and max amount swap error messages
- Live refresh users list in login scenes
- Fix token amount calculation in transaction details scene
- Rename existing 'delete' account features to 'forget'
- Refactor the contents of the WalletListCurrencyRow into CurrencyRow for reuse
- Modify scene wrapper to get rid of the white space at the bottom
- Fix crash when tapping on a wallet that is still loading
- Add skip button to Change Password after denying access to account
- Show/hide the password fields at the same time
- Replace all scene key constants with strings
- Update translations
- Various visual fixes
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.23
- added: Add optional from/to parameter to min and max swap errors
- upgrade: yaob dependency to include error serialization fix
- added: New deleteRemoteAccount function to the EdgeAccount object
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.16.3
- ETH: Fix network fee calculation
- Add: All AAVE token for kovan
- Change: Rename PAX token to USDP for ethereum
- Upgrade edge-currency-plugins v1.1.1
- Fix: Add feathercoin blockbook server
- Fix: Engine crashs on fetching server list network failure
- Fix: Spend issues caused by not saving UTXOs locally without needing a network event
- Change: Computes the sat/vByte used for a given transaction, and adds feeRateUsed object to the EdgeTransaction output.
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins v0.13.4
- Godex: Fix min amount currency display
- Exolix: Fix min amount currency display
- LetsExchange: Update apiKey config
- LetsExchange: Fix min amount currency display
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.23
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn v0.10.7
changed: Update forget account description text
- changed: Update PIN description text
- changed: Add titles for resecure password/pin scenes
- changed: Add SKIP button for resecure password and pin scenes
- changed: Move this library to its own Git repository.
- fixed: Correctly document the native dependencies this library requires.
- fixed: Automatically update the user list when it changes.
- removed: No longer depend on @react-native-community/art.
- rn: Create a UI2 ChangePinScene and reuse it for creating, changing and resecuring the pin code
- rn: Create a UI2 ChangePasswordScene and reuse it for creating, changing and resecuring the password
- rn: Sync password eyes
- rn: remove unused strings
- rn: remove unused redux states
- rn: Update "react-redux" to version 7.2.4
- rn: Add properly typed redux hooks
- rn: Add the useHandler hook from edge-react-gui
- Replace edge-currency-bitcoin with more performant edge-currency-plugins v1.0.0 based on bitcoin.js
- Replace Electrum backend with Blockbook
- Add Litecoin and Dash as default wallets
- Add import seed for bitcoin-based currencies
- Deprecate Changelly swap plugin
- Deprecate SMART, EBST, and FTC
- Improve list-scrolling performance
- Refactor the Scan Modal
- Refactor the WalletListSortModal to use the ListModal
- Refactor the SceneHeader into a memoized functional component
- Refactor CurrencySettingsScene to pull directly from plugin currencyInfos
- Update ExchangeQuoteComponent and remove unused DataRow and CardContent
- Use theme hooks instead of higher order components
- Fix deep link listener instability
- Fix incorrect fiat display until restart for new wallets
- Fix Invalid Password text alignment
- Switch BSV block explorer to WhatsOnChain.com
- Decrease swipeable row sensitivity
- Remove edge-currency-bitcoin
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.20
- fixed: Loosen constraint for checking tx confirmation status in 'getTransaction' and Make the condition identical to the condition in onBlockHeightChanged.
- added: New Confirmations API on EdgeTransaction type
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.13.2
- Deprecate Changelly
- ZEC: Add NU5 support
- Remove Edge Mastercard support
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.16.1
- ETH: Break out testnets into their own plugins
- ZEC: Upgrade react-native-zcash to v0.2.2
- ETH: Remove internal transaction queries
- Add Edge Mastercard support
- Replace Slider with SmartSlider component to prevent accidental duplicate sends
- Add
hook as an optimized version ofuseCallback
- Fix manual wallet sort not saving order
- Minor visual and text fixes
- Massive performance improvements and reduced resource usage
- Rewrite account callback management
- Add new swap partner LetsExchange
- MoonPay: Enable MATIC
- MoonPay: Enable Google Pay support
- Many theming customizations and improvements
- Deprecate exchange rate plugins and use new rates2 server
- Move token management to the core
- Re-Enable Spooky for TOMB Staking
- Implement Request for Payment Address (RPA) Protocol
- Implement new hook useCryptoText
- Implement new FiatText, CryptoText and TickerText components
- FIO: Update Binance Smart Chain currency code
- Always show flash, album, and enter address buttons on scan modal
- Increase number of simultaneous wallets loading on login
- Re-theme edge-login-ui-rn security modals
- FIO: Fix request list order
- Pass branding to password recovery and OTP repair scenes
- Re-theme CreateWalletOptionsScene
- Re-theme DefaultFiatSettingScene
- Redesign the Preferred Exchange modal
- Banxa: Re-enable PayID and POLi payment methods
- Changelly: Disable KNC
- Simplex: Hardcode $50-$20k min and max amounts
- Fix startup crash on Android 12
- Fix Buy Cryptocurrency button possible undefined label
- Add workaround for old Android device PBKDF2 failures
- Update several components to use tokenId
- Various text and visual fixes
- Update translations
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.18
- added: EdgeCurrencyConfig.allTokens.
- added: EdgeCurrencyWallet.currencyConfig.
- added: EdgeCurrencyConfig.addCustomToken.
- added: EdgeCurrencyConfig.changeCustomToken.
- added: EdgeCurrencyConfig.removeCustomToken.
- added: EdgeCurrencyWallet.changeEnabledTokenIds
- added: EdgeCurrencyWallet.enabledTokenIds
- added: Optional EdgeCurrencyEngine.changeCustomTokens
- added: Optional EdgeCurrencyEngine.changeEnabledTokenIds
- added: Optional EdgeCurrencyTools.getTokenId
- changed: Save custom tokens to disk.
- changed: Save enabled tokens to disk.
- changed: Update the token API for currency plugins. Plugins should implement the new methods, then turn the old methods to no-ops.
- fixed: Do not uselessly re-save the custom tokens on every login.
- fixed: Correctly load custom tokens (regression from last release).
- fixed: Correctly load tokens from the legacy settings file.
- fixed: Correctly report errors when adding invalid custom tokens.
- fixed: Do not erroneously enable tokens when editing their currency codes.
- fixed: Never return undefined for EdgeCurrencyConfig.customTokens.
- fixed: Handle token edits that change the tokenId or currencyCode.
- deprecated: EdgeCurrencyWallet.addCustomToken.
- deprecated: EdgeCurrencyWallet.changeEnabledTokens
- deprecated: EdgeCurrencyWallet.disableTokens
- deprecated: EdgeCurrencyWallet.enableTokens
- deprecated: EdgeCurrencyWallet.getEnabledTokens
- deprecated: EdgeCurrencyEngine.addCustomToken
- deprecated: EdgeCurrencyEngine.disableTokens
- deprecated: EdgeCurrencyEngine.enableTokens
- deprecated: EdgeCurrencyEngine.getEnabledTokens
- deprecated: EdgeCurrencyEngine.getTokenStatus
- removed: Do not treat parent currencies as tokens. This logic was unused, so update the documentation.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.16.0
- Remove the enabledTokens from the cached data (walletLocalData) and filter unknown tokens out
- Remove RPC node that returns false zero balances
- Add getTokenId to ethereum and eos plugins
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.15
- Upgrade @binance-chain/javascript-sdk to v4.2.0
- Replaced eos checkAddress internal loop with regex
- Fix XRP disconnect method
- Fix tests
- Fix plugin imports
- Always initialize FIO sdk with a baseUrl
- Fix FTM network fees test
- Fix ftmInfo.js filename
- Add timeout to getSupportedCurrencies test to prevent hanging Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.9.23
- DASH: Recognize the Instantlock for incoming Dash transactions
- Work around Android PBKDF2 failures
- Upgrade edge-currency-monero to v0.4.1
- Fix syncing when the user settings are empty
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.10.2
- rn: Accept Branding props in OtpRepairScreen and PasswordRecoveryScreen to populate appName
- rn: Allow passing a Theme object to the LoginUiProvider to provide custom theming of colors and fonts.
- rn: Remove hardcoded uses of "Edge" and use appName parameter
- rn: Upgrade to cleaners 0.3.12
- rn: Upgrade Airship to 0.2.9
- rn: Add dependency on react-native-svg which needs to be installed in parent application
- rn: Fix incorrect logic for when Notification and Background App Refresh permissions as requested
- rn: Fix the pin-login error message height
- Use explicit gasPrice value for all transactions in stake workflow
- Add 'pending' blocktag to getTransactionCount for stake plugin
- Wallet Connect: Fix hex value handling
- Add Edge Provider utility to convert currency code array to EdgeTokenIdExtended array
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.15.9
- Fix assignment of network fees from info server
- Merge info server fees response with local data instead of overwriting
- Round gas price values to ints before converting to hex
- Prioritize the queried minGasLimit and minGasPrice over the default values
- Add logging of fees
- Add feeUpdateFrequency override and change FTM to 1 min
- Change preference of fee providers
- Do not overwrite baseFeeMultiplier coming from settings
- Fix hex number handling
- Update ZEC checkpoints
- Add Tomb Swap
- Add yield farming on Tomb Finance
- Simplex: Add support for additional blockchains and tokens
- Add MAI token (Fantom)
- Add ability to show/hide password in text fields
- Change high fee modal layout
- Move exchange partner icons to CDN
- Allow easier theming
- Fix crash when checking if localized amount is equal to zero
- FIx security vault GIF
- Fix parent token icon overlay on flipinput
- Fix for race condition that resulted in setting the local token file multiple times with and and then without tokens
- Fix denominations and currency code issue in exchange details of transactions details modal
- Use the default wallet name when creating a wallet from create wallet row
- Various visual fixes
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.15.6
- Add MAI token (miMATIC) to FTM (Fantom)
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin v4.9.21
- Round up fees for segwit transactions
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.13.0
- Add new swap partner TombSwap
- Add new swap partner LetsExchange
- Coingecko: Add miMATIC (MAI)
- Disabled SpookySwap
- Add Tomb Finance's Masonry and Cemetery platforms
- New swap provider SpookySwap
- Upgrade React Native to v0.67.2
- Convert wallet list scenes and components to use React hooks
- Overlay parent currency icon on top of token icons
- New animated sync circle
- New animated wallet swipe list/row/buttons
- Refactor wallet list components to remove
and unnecessary renders - Fix wallet list swipe button navigation
- Split transfer transactions into two (QBO export)
- Anypay: Add support for multiple outputs and payment submission
- Fix crash related to wallet files and logout race condition
- Update FIO strings
- Development: Edge can now be built natively on M1 Macs without Rosetta
- Development: Add copy button to seed modals
- EdgeCoreWebView: Fix compiler errors on older Java versions
- EdgeCoreWebView: Unify the iOS & Andriod WebView message passing with
- EdgeCoreWebView: Move string manipulation off the main UI thread
- Removed unused util functions
- Address various deprecation warnings
- Various visual fixes
- Update translations
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.12
- fixed: Avoid an internal crash on logout while reloading addresses.
- fixed: Make our code compatible with older Java versions again.
- fixed: Use the correct React dependency in the iOS podspec.
- changed: Allow individual log sources to be set to silent.
- changed: Move some string manipulations off of the main Java thread.
- changed: Perform React Native disk accesses on their own threads.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.15.3
- Add etherscan fee sources across EVM chains
- FTM: Add new tokens WFTM, TSHARE, TOMB, TBOND, and xBOO
- FTM: Add additional rpc servers
- Add blockbook broadcast method
- Fix networkFees object initialization on resync
- Fix checkTxsBlockbook so it doesn't break on unused addresses
- Reduce some duplicate blockbook code
- EOS/TLOS/WAX: Remove parent currency from metaTokens array
- Add backwards-compatible apikey helper function
- Update ZEC checkpoints
- added: EdgeCurrencyInfo.canReplaceByFee
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.12.17
- Add SpookySwap exchange plugin
- Coingecko: Add TSHARE, TOMB, and MAI exchange rates
- Transfer: Don't allow transfers if the currency code doesn't match
- Upgrade edge-currency-monero to v0.4.0
- added: Move the forked code out of mymonero-core-js directly into this repo.
- changed: Require react-native-mymonero-core ^0.1.2
- Upgrade react-native-fast-crypto to v2.2.0
- changed: Compile secp256k1 as an XCFramework, making it compatible with the iOS simulator on M1 Macs.
- Add Bitpay v2 to send scene
- Add wallet balance to request scene
- Fix flip input modal balance display
- Disable font scaling
- Remove Transak
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.9.31
- rn: Remove allowFontScaling from text components
- rn: Update dependency of react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view to 0.9.5 to fix an issue with react-native >= 0.65
- Add BNB Smart Chain support
- Add CELO support with CUSD and CEUR tokens
- Add new swap partner Exolix
- Add support for splitting between EVM-compatible chains
- Show available unlocked balance in flip input
- Add additional warning before display wallet private keys
- Fix incorrect spend race condition
- Add imported wallet flag to log output
- Convert special currency info map keys from currency code to pluginId
- Fix fee display in flip input
- Import biggystring functions individually
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.10
- fixed: Stop adding undefined entries to EdgeAccount.currencyWallets.
- added: Define a new EdgeToken type and make that available as EdgeCurrencyConfig.builtinTokens and EdgeCurrencyConfig.customTokens.
- added: Define a new EdgeCurrencyPlugin.getBuiltinTokens method, and use that to populate EdgeCurrencyConfig.builtinTokens when available.
- added: Pass EdgeToken fields to EdgeCurrencyEngine.addCustomToken, along with the existing EdgeMetaToken fields.
- added: EdgeCurrencyInfo.canReplaceByFee.
- deprecated: EdgeCurrencyInfo.defaultSettings
- deprecated: EdgeCurrencyInfo.metaTokens
- deprecated: EdgeCurrencyInfo.symbolImage
- deprecated: EdgeCurrencyInfo.symbolImageDarkMono
- added: Include an imported flag with all new wallet keys, to indicate whether they were derived freshly or imported from user-entered data.
- fixed: Do not hang forever if creating a currency engine fails.
- changed: Make denominationToNative and nativeToDenomination only look at the currencies available on the current wallet.
- changed: Add comments and improve organization in the public types file.
- changed: Use cleaners to load & save many files for additional safety.
- fixed: Improve wallet start-up performance by loading fewer files.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.14.1
- Add Binance Smart Chain (BNB) support
- Add Celo support
- Add getSplittableTypes method to ethEngine
- Use binary search in ethEngine's getMaxSpendable for main chain currency code
- Update ZEC checkpoints
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.12.14
- Add Binance Smart Chain to swap partners
- Changelly: Add BNB Smart Chain support
- Changenow: Fix corner case where standard flow was skipped
- Exolix: Update plugin to use mainchain:tokencode values in requests
- Coingecko: Add Celo and Aave unique IDs
- Godex: Disable DGB selling
- Transfer: Use pluginIds instead of currency codes
- Fix calling denomination methods from wrong wallet
- Use pluginIds instead of currency code keys in transcription and invalid-code maps
- Add helper function and transcription maps for changing mainnet codes
- Fix activation-needed wallet creation flow
- Fix wallet picker token issue
- Fix transaction details fiat amount for custom tokens
- Fix BOO exchange rate
- Add Solana (SOL) support
- Add error localization
- Fix staking end date display
- Fix Bitpay error for unsupported currencies
- Fix React Native Promise type-checking
- Log error stack traces in development mode
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.5
- changed: Send the optional keyOptions parameter through the importKey methods.
- fixed: Remove JCenter from the Android build file.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.12.2
- Add Solana (SOL)
- FIO: Abstract unlockDate calculation into a getUnlockDate method
- SOL: Use industry standard derivation path
- SOL: Prevent sending empty memo
- SOL: Update explorer links
- FIO: Add staking support
- Add many new AVAX, MATIC, and FTM tokens
- Transak: Reenable India support
- Add support for Bitpay JSON Payment Protocol v2
- Fix max send for tokens
- Disable activation-needed currencies from being created in Exchange scene
- Fix Advanced transaction details device description
- Fix race conditions in ManageTokensScene and Create wallet flow
- Organize currency settings by pluginId
- Consolidate denomination selectors
- Allow archiving of broken wallets
- Various visual fixes
- Upgrade edge-core-js v0.19.4
- added: EdgeCurrencyWallet.stakingStatus, along with matching engine methods for returning and updating this.
- fixed: Removed unnecessary C++ compiler flags.
- fix: Correctly select swaps with the best price.
- fix: Correctly prefer swap plugins with active promo codes.
- changed: Add more logging to the swap procedure.
- fix: Only write the deviceDescription on sent transactions.
- fix: Add a native requiresMainQueueSetup method to silence a warning on iOS
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.11.11
- FIO: Add edge-core-js staking API support
- FIO: Fix bugs with unlock dates
- FIO: Fix bug by removing zero-amount transactions for staking actions
- Add ETH, FTM, MATIC and AVAX EVM-based tokens
- Initialize walletLocalData balance when enabling tokens
- ZEC: Enable max spend
- ZEC: Update checkpoints
- Miscellaneous cleanups: improve logging, general refactoring and removal of dead code
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.12.8
- Coingecko: Add new tokens
- Coingecko: Fix BNT unique ID
- Add constant rates for AVAX wrapped tokens
- Add Avalanche (AVAX) C-Chain support
- iOS: Add Zcash support
- iOS: Require iOS 12 or newer
- Redesign flip input modal
- XRP: Update reserve balance requirement to 10 XRP
- FIO: Requests from connected wallets now default from associated FIO name
- Fix FIO bundle purchase modal logic
- Remove receiving wallet balance check in Exchange scene
- Android: Replace jcenter with mavenCentral
- Various visual fixes and improvements
- Update translations
- Fix git URLs for dependencies
- Upgrade react-native-mail to v6.1.1
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.19.1
- changed: Simplify the React Native integration to "just work".
- Stop depending on external libraries such as react-native-fast-crypto, react-native-randombytes, or react-native-webview.
- Use React Native auto-linking to integrate all native code, HTML, and Javascript needed to run the core.
- Accept core plugins via a pluginUris prop to MakeEdgeContext or MakeFakeEdgeWorld.
- Allow core debugging by running yarn start in this repo to start a dev server, and then setting the debug prop to true.
- Accept an allowDebugging prop on Android to enable WebView debugging in general (useful for debugging plugins).
- changed: Require EdgeCurrencyEngine methods to return promises.
- changed: Mark methods as readonly in the TypeScript definitions, to match what Flow was already doing.
- changed: Write files atomically on Android, so out-of-disk and other errors do not lead to data corruption.
- fixed: Upgrade edge-sync-client, so info server errors are no longer fatal.
- fixed: Do not destroy the core WebView when opening Safari links on iOS.
- fixed: Allow logins with an appId to approve or reject vouchers.
- added: Allow maximum swaps by passing "max" to EdgeSwapRequest.quoteFor.
- added: Add an EdgeCurrencyEngine.getMaxSpendable method for native max-spend calculations.
- changed: Simplify the React Native integration to "just work".
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.11.7
- ZEC: Upgrade to react-native-zcash v0.2.0
- XRP: Migrate from ripple-lib to xrpl
- ZEC: Prevent spending until engine is fully synced
- Fix git URLs for dependencies
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.9.20
- Support mixed case Bridge Address prefix
- Upgrade edge-currency-monero to v0.3.4
- Update dependencies to use 'https://' instead of 'git://'
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.12.7
- ChangeNow: Upgrade to v2 API
- Godex: Restrict AVAX trading to the AVAXC network
- Godex: Re-enable FTM trading
- Prevent AVAX token trading on partners without mainnet identification
- Coingecko: Add AVAX
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.9.29
- Update dependencies to use 'https://' instead of 'git://'
- MATIC: Fix syncing issue
- Add a WalletConnect deep link type
- Various Wallet Connect Fixes
- Fix Android deep link handling
- Add support for Ren Bridge Gateway URI
- FIO: Add option to add Bundled Transactions
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.11.2
- Fixed WalletConnect Rarible bug
- MATIC: Add 5 more RPC servers
- ETH: Add eth_signTypedData_v4 support
- FIO: Replace additional network call with bundle constant
- Add Avalanche (AVAX)
- FIO: Add addBundledTransactions action
- Support Wallet Connect across all ETH-like currencies
- Add support for RenBridge Gateway address URI
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.9.19
- Add support for RenBridge Gateway address URI
- Add Polygon (MATIC)
- FIO: Remove name expiration details
- Enforce memo field length limits from currency plugins
- Add terms agreement modal
- Add prompt to enable camera permission on scan modal
- Various visual fixes
- Update translations
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.18.13
- added: EdgeSpendTarget.memo, which is a renamed version of EdgeSpendTarget.uniqueIdentifier.
- added: EdgeCurrencyInfo.memoType, EdgeCurrencyInfo.memoMaxLength, EdgeCurrencyInfo.memoMaxValue. Use these to learn which currencies support memos.
- added: EdgeCurrencyTools.validateMemo & EdgeCurrencyWallet.validateMemo. Use these to check memos for validity before sending.
- deprecated: EdgeSpendTarget.uniqueIdentifier. Use EdgeSpendTarget.memo instead.
- fixed: Gracefully handle errors while reading the exchange-rate hint cache.
- fixed: Correctly match server-returned children with their on-disk stash entries. This produces more accurate errors if the server loses a child.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.10.4
- Add Polygon
- Add memoMaxLength parameter to currencyInfos
- Add support for multiple polygonscan api keys
- Remove FIO name expiration
- ZEC: Update checkpoints
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.12.4
- Add ability to restrict all token codes per mainchain
- Prevent MATIC ERC20 trading
- Banxa: Add credit card and Interac payment methods in Canada
- Simplex: Add USDT support
- New themed side menu
- Replace legacy scan scenes with themed scan modal
- Safello: Fix Bankid and Swish app deeplinks
- Fix navigation after paying FIO request
- Don't allow keysOnlyMode currencies to be created in wallet picker
- Add error message when scanning invalid login QR code
- Add fullscreen mode for buttons modal
- Various text and visual improvements
- Update translations
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.12.0
- Remove Totle
- Changelly: Disable estimated swaps
- Use the correct "to" currency code for the Sideshift's tx metadata
- Add Exolix plugin (not yet enabled in the app)
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.9.28
- Fix header spacing
- Various minor fixes for account creation process
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.9.3
- Update ZEC checkpoints
- Force Android to create a compressed APK to reduce app size
- Fix ZEC Trasaction Exchange details
- Add Zcash (Android only)
- Moonpay: Enable recurring purchases
- Create component ListModal to replace contacts and country list modals
- Various visual fixes
- Update translations
- Remove AGLD token
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.9.2
- Add Zcash
- ZEC: Commit Zcash checkpoints to repo
- ETH: Remove AGLD
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.38
- Prevent ZEC purchases from partners who don't support sending to shielded addresses
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.9.23
- Various visual fixes for account creation process
- Upgrade sha3 to v2.1.4
- Upgrade react-native-patina to v0.1.6
- Fix missing metadata on accelerated transactions
- WalletConnect: Fix select wallet tile spacing
- WalletConnect: Fix connection list showing unapproved connections
- Android: Fix crashing on older devices
- Add WalletConnect
- Fix ETH transaction fee calculation
- Fix date and time display on 2FA scenes
- Fix insufficient funds error showing after a swap
- Refactor Create Account scenes to use common components and visuals
- Fix spinner visuals in settings scene
- Save changes to transaction metadata immediately
- Remove cliff background gif
- Banxa URL update
- Various font and border weight consistency fixes
- Remove lodash
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.18.11
- added: Implement TypeScript utilities in Flow
- added: Wallet Connect types and onWcNewContractCall callback
- updated: Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Bitcoin xpub documentation
- fixed: Type-safety and null checks
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.8.2
- Add Wallet Connect
- ETH: Fix error handling in checkUpdateNetworkFees
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.9.22
- rn: Refactor Create Cccount scenes to use common components
- rn: Update Create Account scene headers
- rn: Dismiss keyboard when showing the QR modal
- rn: Standardize button text to regular with thinner borders
- New themed change mining fee scene
- Add support for new UD domains (.coin, .wallet, .bitcoin, .x, .888, .nft, .dao, and .blockchain)
- Fix inability to cancel security alert modal
- Upgrade react-native-share to v7.1.12 to fix iOS crash
- Pass Quicksand font to login UI
- Use react-native-fast-image for remote assets
- Simplify advanced tx details props
- Bits of Gold: Removed GB support (temporary)
- Update partner descriptions
- Various visual fixes
- Fix uniqueIdentifier logic in spendInfo selector
- Enable HBAR uniqueIdentifier
- Add Hedera (HBAR) support
- Fix react-native-share crash on iOS 10 devices
- Use new sync servers
- Fix token icons on exchange scene
- Fix RIF trading on Godex
- Fix missing FIO request metadata
- Fix status bar visual consistency
- Add wallet balance to exchange scene
- New themed notes modal
- New themed version update modal
- Add spinners to buttons waiting on background tasks
- Add loading gif while app completes new account creation
- Fix issue empty amount issue when user edits amount metadata
- Fix slow loading exchange rate on exchange scene
- Fix flip input cursor blink animation
- Fix XMR spendable amount error display
- Cleanup exchange scene error visuals
- Fix keyboard persistence when unfocusing a text field
- Fix FIO domain transfer requiring a transaction fee change
- Fix modals persisting after logging out
- Remove deprecated exchange providers
- Support adding a memo for FIO transactions
- Various visual fixes and improvements
- Temporarily block FTM trading for some exchange partners
- Replace custom node modal with list
- FIO: Save request data locally
- Create new tappable settings row component
- Add type-checking to scene navigation props
- Update build instructions
- Fix Xcode 13 legacy build system issues
- Update partner descriptions
- Update translations
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.18.9
- fixed: Allow import 'edge-core-js/types' to work in TypeScript.
- changed: Upgrade cleaners to v0.3.11
- fixed: Restore Webpack production mode
- fixed: Limit the number of documents uploaded to the sync server in one request.
- fixed: Upgrade to edge-sync-client v0.2.1, which improves the sync-server retry logic.
- changed: Use edge-sync-client to retrieve the list of sync servers instead of a hard-coded list.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.74
- FIO: Remove new otherLocalData cache and use existing walletLocalData cache
- FIO: Add request fetching to engine loop and save data locally
- Remove postinstall-postinstall dependency
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.36
- Remove inactive swap plugins Faast and Coinswitch
- Coingecko: add HBAR
- Nomics: Fix error handling
- Disable FTM trading on all plugins that do not identify the version of FTM is supported (ERC20 or mainnet)
- Plugins will be updated as mainnet identification is added.
- Godex: Add support for RBTC network name
- Move edge-core-js to devDependencies
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.9.20
- rn: Fix handling for the START_RESECURE action type.
- rn: Fix date handling in 2FA scenes
- rn: Fix date handling in alert modal
- rn: Fix keyboard hiding in recovery scene
- rn: Rename any instance of 'screen' to 'scene'
- rn: Update translations
- rn: Add gif loader to wait screen
- Upgrade edge-currency-monero to v0.3.3
- Reformat spendable balance error into 3 lines
- New UI2 themed Scan scene
- Reimplement OutlinedTextInput
- New UI2 themed raw text modal
- Replace old modals with themed ButtonsModal
- Add Resync option to tokens
- Add minimum balance check to Exchange and partner plugins scenes
- Add type-checking to react-native-router-flux
- Remove tab bar from Request scene
- Remove magnifying glass icon from Address modal
- Always check clipboard for address when entering Send scene
- Fix button text font size and autoshrinking
- Fix FlipInput component visual issues
- Fix FIO Request button
- Fix error when cancelling the share menu
- Fix crash when cancelling high fee modal
- Fix keyboard hiding PIN entry on Send scene
- Fix tokens still appearing in list after deletion
- Add apikey to Fantom initialization
- Unfocus keyboard when side menu is opened
- Remove edge-components
- Various text and visual fixes
- Update translations
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.18.5
- fixed: If multiple metadata files exist for a single transaction, always load the oldest one
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.9.18
- BCH: Update xpub explorer URL
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.9.16 rn: Fix Change PIN scene losing access to keyboard rn: Fix error when cancelling sending rn: Enable Typescript strict mode and fix type definitions rn: Update translations
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.71
- FTM: Add apikey to ftmscan.com requests
- Fix issue with sending ERC-20 tokens
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.69
- Fix: Regression caused by EIP-681 parseUri implementation
- Fix issue when sending ETC, FTM, and RSK
- Pass currency code to parseUri
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.69
- Add: Improved support for EIP-681 URI parsing of payments and token transfers
- Fix: Unable to send transactions on ETC, FTM, and RSK networks
- Add Exchange Max function Exchange scene
- ETH: EIP-1559 support
- Themed Change Password and Change PIN
- Make request QR tappable to increase accessibility
- DGB: fix private key sweeping
- Change exchange rates to strings and refactor accompanying functions
- Add blinking cursor to FlipInput
- Reconfigure exchange quote scene
- Update the PrimaryButton component design
- Fix font color on auto-logout modal
- Fix whitespace handling in wallet search
- Fix error when saving transaction metadata
- Prevent scene-specific modals from lingering after leaving scene
- Save device name to sent transaction metadata
- Add styles/utils for Add Custom Token scene
- Update text strings and translations
- Upgrade "edge-core-js to v0.18.4
- fixed: Ensure that transactions never have
as anativeAmount
. - fixed: Change the WebPack build settings to allow easier debugging.
- fixed: Fix the React Native WebView bundle to work on really old devices.
- fixed: Ensure that transactions never have
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.9.17
- Linting fixes
- Update travis file to use node 14, fix the yarn install step and added more testing steps
- Add plugin test fixtures for Digibyte including all the supported WIF variations
- Add a wif serializer to Digibyte's to keep supporting the old Private Key prefix
- Update Digibyte's Private Key prefix to match the new standard
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.68
- Add base fee multiplier ETH fee algorithm (EIP 1559)
- Add Ethereum testnet server URIs to support testnets for development
- Fix blockbook server URIs
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.32
- Swap: Ensure all quotes expire in the future
- Currency Converter: Fix response cleaner
- Bitmax: Update url to ascendex.com
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.9.14
- rn: Use hooks for the public login screen
- rn: Font size consistency fixes
- rn: Close modals on scene exit.
- rn: Add type definitions for TypeScript (this release re-writes the entire codebase into TypeScript, but this should be the only externally-visible difference).
- Code cleanups: connectors, actions, and constants
- Add styles/utils for Add Custom Token scene
- Ethereum checksum support
- FIO: Fix custom domain registration when there isn't a name registered to address
- Fade component fixes
- UI component consistency fixes
- Update translations
- Update partner descriptions
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.67
- XRP: Add x-address support
- Throw error if there is a checksum present and it fails verification
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.9.12
- rn: Synchronize outlined text field logic fixes
- rn: Tighten the outlined text field props
- rn: Fix the crash in the QR-login modal
- rn: Run yarn precommit to update strings
- rn: Always close modals on the way out the door
- rn: Fix coding errors caught by TypeScript
- rn: Add missing react-native-gesture-handler dependency
- rn: Put withTheme after connect
- rn: Simplify the Fade component
- rn: Move the isASCII function to the right file
- rn: Use better export syntax
- rn: Use modern syntax for localization
- rn: Remove unused components & libraries
- rn: Implemented recovery translations
- rn: Add back button to the "TermsAndConditions" screen
- rn: Switch New Account flow screens positions: move "TermsAndConditions" screen after "Pin" screen and before "Wait" screen
- rn: Upgrade to react-native-airship v0.2.6
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.30
- Totle: Fix error response handling
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.9.16
- BCH: Fix typo in BSV wallet type in forks array
- Fix crash when attempting to send without an exchange rate present
- New themed Create Account flow
- Only allow for one FIO expired pop-up per login
- Show required amount when there isn't sufficient parent currency to pay token transaction fee
- Automatically adjust max send amount after changing fee
- Logs and CSV Export TXs show which device was used to send the transaction
- Replace all instances of old flip input with new one
- "Delete wallet" replaced with "Archive Wallet" to reflect actual functionality
- Remove Split BCH option from segwit bitcoin wallets
- Fix token wallet loading on first login on new device
- Fix recorded timestamp on FIO transactions
- Fix incorrect recorded denomination in swap details
- Fix negative fee values caused by incorrect precision
- Sanitize PIN input
- Update partner descriptions
- Removed unused legacy code
- Various visual fixes and enhancements
- Update translations
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.18.2
- Remove several methods and properties:
- UseEdgeAccount.rateCache
- UseEdgeUserInfo.recovery2Key
- UseEdgeUserInfo.pinLoginEnabled
- UseEdgePendingEdgeLogin.watch('account')
- UseEdgePendingEdgeLogin.watch('error')
- UseEdgePendingEdgeLogin.watch('username')
- Moved to edge-react-gui project.EdgeCurrencyWallet.exportTransactionsToQBO
- Moved to edge-react-gui project.EdgeCurrencyWallet.getBalance
- UseEdgeCurrencyWallet.balance
- UseEdgeCurrencyWallet.blockHeight
- UseEdgeCurrencyWallet.displayPrivateSeed
- UseEdgeCurrencyWallet.displayPublicSeed
- UseEdgeCurrencyWallet.changePaused(false)
- UseEdgeCurrencyWallet.changePaused(true)
- UseEdgeEncodeUri.publicAddress
- UseEdgeEncodeUri.publicAddress
- Remove the
prop on theMakeEdgeContext
React Native component.- Just pass any context options as normal props.
- Remove the
property from all error classes, as well as the globalerrorNames
table.- Use the new error-identification methods, such as
, to determine if an error is a specific type.
- Use the new error-identification methods, such as
- Stop allowing
in places where we expect anEdgeAccountOptions
object.- Just pass
if this parameter isn't used.
- Just pass
- Return the
as aDate
object. - The following changes affect Edge core plugins:
- Remove
- UseEdgeCorePluginOptions.log
instead. - Define
methods to returnPromise<void>
instead ofPromise<mixed>
. - The core will no longer upgrade
for legacy currency plugins.
- Remove
- Save the device description on sent transactions
- Add an optional InsufficientFundsError.networkFee field
- Avoid performing back-to-back initial syncs
- Remove several methods and properties:
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.65
- ETH: Add checksum support
- BNB: Add additional API servers
- Add native fee amount to InsufficientFundsError
- FIO: Fixed timestamps in get_actions
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.9.9
- rn: New themed Create Account flow
- rn: Fix Change Recovery Questions modal on large screens
- rn: Update translations
- Queue wallet loading to improve GUI performance
- New themed Manage Tokens scene
- Add custom token support to FTM and RSK
- Replace all instances of old flip input to use a new one
- New mainnet/token icon URL format
- Fix memory leak in WalletProgressIconComponent
- Various navigation and text fixes
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.62
- FIO: Randomize apiUrl when sending a new request
- Prevent unnecessary fetch calls when amberdata server lists are empty
- Remove icon URLs
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.9.15
- Remove icon URLs
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.33
- Upgrade to Webpack 5
- Upgrade cleaners to v0.3.9
- Upgrade edge-currency-monero to v0.3.2
- Remove icon URLs
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.9.7
- rn: New themed Create Account scene
- rn: Reorganize layers and decreased tappable area to prevent text entry in PIN field
- rn: Allow direct entry of recovery token
- rn: Update translations
- Upgrade to React Native v0.64.1
- Add more currency icons
- iOS: Fix transaction timestamp accuracy
- Add additional context modal for Contacts permission
- Fix missing currency codes in Sweep Private Key wallet picker
- Add side menu hamburger button to Settings and ToS scenes
- Text and layout fixes
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.60
- Fix a possible race condition where the last queried block height is saved but the actual transactions are not
- Always set this.walletLocalDataDirty = true if any transactions have changed
- ETH: Use the default token gas limit if getCode reveals the destination is a contract and estimateGas fails to return a gas value
- ETH: Allow ethgasstation safeLow estimate less than 1
- Update logging
- XRP: Remove bogus length checks from the XRP key import
- FIO: Refactor SDK initialization so it's only started once per wallet
- Upgrade edge-currency-monero to v0.3.1
- Fix float amount precision
- Fix recorded native amount and fee
- Import native code directly from react-native-mymonero-core. Before, this plugin relied on "magic" methods passed in via the global object
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.28
- Godex: Add the mainnet currency codes to the transaction request
- Fox: Check mainnet matches user's wallet
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.9.4
- Prevent user from selecting duplicate recovery questions
- Show error on Change Password Recovery Screen when user selecting the same question
- Fix spacing issue on create account welcome screen
- Prepare for future edge-core-js breaking changes
- Add Fantom (FTM) support with fUSDT
- New themed Exchange scene with confetti
- Visual and text fixes
- XLM and XRP unique identifier fixes
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.33
- Add a paused flag to EdgeCurrencyWallet, and a matching changePaused method
- Deprecate EdgeCurrencyWallet.startEngine - Use EdgeCurrencyWallet.changePaused(false) instead
- Deprecate EdgeCurrencyWallet.stopEngine - Use EdgeCurrencyWallet.changePaused(true) instead
- Clean legacy Airbitz wallet files to prevent potential crashes at login
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.58
- Add Fantom
- FTM: Add fUSDT support
- XRP: Pass default fee to preparePayment
- XRP: Remove unused 'type' field from transaction validation
- XRP: Change destination tag limit to 10 digits and less than UINT32
- Fix metadata issue for accelerated ETH txs (RBF tx)
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.27
- Add constant rate for fUSDT to USDT
- ChangeNow: Add ERC20-only filter to prevent trading for mainnet tokens when only the ETH ERC20 token is available
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.9.2
- Add testID's to various screens
- Improve internal type-safety. This should not have any extenally-visible effects
- Upgrade to RN 0.64
- Various bug fixes and improvements
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.32
- Enable safari10 option in webpack minimizer to fix stuck loading screens on iOS 10
- Add crash and breadcrumb methods to EdgeLog for crash reporting
- Deprecate the options prop on the MakeEdgeContext React Native component
- Just pass any context options as normal props
- Reset the wallet sync ratio as part of a resync
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.55
- Remove allowance transaction filtering from addTransaction
- ETH: Add error reporting to tx lists and gas price query for future debugging
- FIO: Reduce logging verbosity
- BNB: Enable resync
- Add additional log types crash and breadcrumb
- FIO: Change some error logging levels from error to info to reduce log verbosity
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.25
- Convert Nomics, Coincap, and Currencyconverter API to use bulk requests
- Sideshift: Add refund address
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn v0.9.1
- Disable the password recovery email on Android. This works around a tricky crash in the React Native rendering code.
- Add UNI ERC20 token
- Various bug fixes and improvements
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.30
- Deprecate several methods:
- EdgeContext.getRecovery2Key - Use EdgeUserInfo.recovery2Key instead.
- EdgeCurrencyWallet.exportTransactionsToCSV - Moved to edge-react-gui project.
- EdgeCurrencyWallet.exportTransactionsToQBO - Moved to edge-react-gui project.
- EdgeCurrencyWallet.getDisplayPrivateSeed - Use EdgeCurrencyWallet.displayPrivateSeed instead.
- EdgeCurrencyWallet.getDisplayPublicSeed - Use EdgeCurrencyWallet.displayPublicSeed instead.
- Upgrade build scripts to use Webpack 5.
- Deprecate several methods:
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.53
- ETH: Add UNI ERC20 token
- ETH: Add eth_call to token balance loop
- FIO: Logging cleanup
- FIO: Allow sending tokens without transactionJson or otherParams
- FIO: Change some error logging levels from error to info to reduce log verbosity
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.24
- Sideshift: Move permission check after currency check
- Upgrade eslint-config-standard-kit to v0.15.1
- Upgrade to edge-core-js v0.17.29
- Upgrade to Webpack 5
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.9.0
- Breaking change: This release contains a breaking change that was not indicated in the minor version update:
- rn: Prompt for notification permissions to support security features
- rn: Update modal colors
- Breaking change: This release contains a breaking change that was not indicated in the minor version update:
- Upgrade edge-currency-monero to v0.2.10
- Update image URL
- Reset the slider on the send screen when the pending state changes.
- Hide 0 crypto amount if balance is hidden.
- Fix tokens not showing the correct icon on Request Scene.
- Fix a crash when initiating password recovery.
- Remove the BPay option for Banxa Australia.
- edge-currency-bitcoin v4.9.14
- Fix the BECH32 Litecoin prefix.
- edge-login-ui-rn to v0.8.0
- Re-theme the change password recovery modals.
- Fix broken links when setting up password recovery using the "share" option.
- Brand new themed send screen and workflow
- Add new Golem ERC20 token GLM
- Update partner descriptions
- Update translations
- edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.51
- FIO: Refactor FIO action to be passed in otherParams of edgeSpendInfo
- EOS: Add dfuse graphql API to search for transactions
- ETH: Add new Golem token GLM
- Add promiseNy util to verify API responses from multiple sources
- Add contract address checking to Blockbook
- XRP: Use default fee of (0.00001 XRP) if SDK is unable to query for recommended fee
- Update content URL
- edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.9.13
- RVN: Support old specification of blockheader check in newer blocks
- edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.23
- Move REPV2 to constantRate plugin
- Convert Coingecko to handle bulk queries
- Fix Sideshift error handling
- edge-login-ui-rn to v0.8.0
- Breaking changes:
- rn: Add react-native-share as a native dependency.
- Other changes:
- Add a "share" option for the password recovery token.
- rn: Catch & display errors while launching screens.
- rn: Make the OTP error & OTP repair screens less confusing based on user feedback.
- rn: Upgrade edge-core-js & use its latest type definitions internally.
- all: Upgrade linting tools.
- Breaking changes:
- Fix an issue with password recovery
- Update plugin list sorting
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.26
- Fix the
method.- Fix the runtime data validation to accept the actual server return values.
- The return type of
has always been incorrect, so the correct return type is nowPromise<EdgeRecoveryQuestionChoice[]>
. - As a stop-gap measure, though the return-type definitions is now
. We will insert the correct return type definition in the next breaking release.
- Fix the
- Banxa: Add support for selling BTC in Australia
- MoonPay: Add support for buying DGB
- Fix transaction searching
- More themed components
- Various bug fixes and improvements
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.7.0
- Breaking changes:
- Add a native react-native-localize dependency
- Remove the unused folder parameter from various touch-related functions:
- isTouchEnabled
- isTouchDisabled
- enableTouchId
- disableTouchId
- Remove the error parameter from the onLogin callback
- Remove the ChooseTestAppScreen component
- Upgrade other native dependencies
- Other changes:
- Add German translation
- Flip the background gradient direction
- Improve the security alerts screen appearance
- Add a new 2fa repair screen component
- Breaking changes:
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.25
- Load all supported currency pairs at launch to improve exchange rate loading speed
- Fix the parentNetworkFee field missing in certain EdgeTransaction instances
- Fix missing transactions while searching
- Perform more data validation on network requests
- Fix a bug that would prevent login vouchers from working on Airbitz accounts with 2fa turned on
- Expose periodic 2fa errors through the context's error event
- Add an EdgeAccount.repairOtp method
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.48
- FIO: Added transfer address action
- ETH: Fix RBF bug: Use correct currencyCode for tx lookup in ethEngine saveTx
- ETH: Double estimated gas limits when sending ETH to contract address
- EOS: Add dfuse API to getKeyAccounts method
- Fix variable typo
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.21
- Sideshift: Add order status URL
- Sideshift: Throw appropriate error messages instead of relying on cleaners
- Coingecko: Add FIO
- Bitmax: Remove FIO fallback value
- Log issues with API responses as warnings
- Add new DeFi ERC20 tokens
- Show loading ring when resyncing a wallet
- Themed preferred exchange partner modal
- Update partner descriptions and limits
- Fix inputs error on change fee screen
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.23
- Ensure all crypto to crypto exchange rates have a route to USD
- Add currency code column to CSV exports
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.46
- Add DeFi ERC20 tokens
- Update FIO server list
- Add additional logging
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.9.12
- Rename TBTC to TESTBTC to avoid conflict with tBTC ERC20 token
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.19
- Move aTokens to constantRate plugin
- Rename TBTC to TESTBTC
- Sideshift: add uniqueIdentifier to swaps
- Fix crash when adding a Fio name
- Fix detection of transactions with large input values
- Themed FIO screens
- Fix wallet balance display issue
- Add Doge settings
- Fix minor navigation issues
- Update partner descriptions
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.9.11
- Refactor parseTransaction test and add big number transaction support
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.44
- ETH: Bump max gas limit to 300000
- ETH: Add additional estimateGas params that Cloudflare requires
- ETH: Put RPC error handling in multicastServers
- ETH: Throw error when custom fee isn't valid or doesn't reach network minimums
- New dark-themed components
- Swipable wallets to quickly send, receive, and reveal settings
- Added tutorial on new swipe actions
- Android: Fix export transactions
- Safello: Add BankId support
- EOS: Fix account activation errors related to hyperion nodes
- Deprecate WAX
- Verbose logging setting to minimize noisy logs
- logs before sending to logs server
- Update partner descriptions
- Update translations
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.22
- Update EdgeCurrencyEngine to allow getFreshAddres, addGapLimitAddresses, and isAddressUsed to return promises
- Periodically perform a re-login to sync logged-in account credentials with the server
- Add an EdgeContextOptions.logSettings property to control logging verbosity, along with an EdgeContext.changeLogSettings method
- Deprecate the EdgeEncodeUri.legacyAddress and EdgeEncodeUri.segwitAddress parameters and just pass the address in EdgeEncodeUri.publicAddress, regardless of format
- Update the swap logging to give more information about failed quotes
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.43
- EOS: Fix get_key_accounts endpoint and enforce 12 character rule on new account names
- Adjust log levels
- Update to eslint-config-standard-kit to v0.15.1
- Add WBTC
- Fix Aave token parameters
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.9.10
- Throw error when custom fee is below 1 sat/byte
- Add StratumError to carry the throwing server's URI
- Update to eslint-config-standard-kit to v0.15.1
- Adjust log levels
- Add parseUri tests
- Upgrade edge-currency-monero to v0.2.9
- Add additional logging and context for logs
- Upgrade to eslint-config-standard-kit v0.15.1
- Add parseUri tests
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.18
- Coingecko: Add AAVE tokens
- Coingecko: Fix rates[] initialization
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.6.28
- Only fetch recovery questions if they exist
- Fix the OTP backup code modal crash
- Add a scroll view to the change password screen
- Expose the security alerts screen as a standalone component
- Add hasSecurityAlerts and watchSecurityAlerts helpers to determine when to show this screen
- Add a skipSecurityAlerts prop to the LoginScreen component, so the GUI can manage the alerts instead of the login UI
- Eliminate all legacy Disklet usage
- Expose the QR modal from the password login screen
- Update translations
- Fix a bug that could show the user redundant login approval requests
- Add helper text to pin login network errors
- Improve the password recovery error text
- Replace several old-style modals with themed modals
- Add new swap partner SideShift
- Add WAX
- Add Aave interest bearing tokens support
- Add WBTC
- FIO: Fix removing public address and added parseUri for approving request
- Update partner descriptions and assets
- Theme the password-recovery reminder modal
- Clean up unused code
- Replace all for-in loops with for-of loops
- Use new logs1 endpoint
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.19
- Upgrade Airbitz accounts with secret-key login
- Filter duplicates from rateHints
- Add low priority edgeRates bias
- Update linting
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.18
- Add rates1 as a fiat/fiat exchange rate provider
- Fix Coingecko returning duplicate rates
- Fix Sideshift cleaner throws and formatting
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.42
- Add Aave ERC20 tokens
- Add WBTC
- FIO: Add additional domain transfer transaction
- Upgrade to React Native v0.63.4
- Update ANT token
- Change Zcoin to Firo
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.39
- Double gas estimate when sending ETH to a contract to reduce chance of failure
- FIO logging cleanup
- Update ANT contract address and rename original token ANTV1
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.9.7
- Change Zcoin to Firo
- Use XZC code when querying info1 for FIRO electrum servers
- Update DOGE fee calculation
- Suppress electrum spam server messages
- Update Blockchair explorer URLs to include partner ID
- Update InfoServer constant
- Upgrade edge-currency-monero to v0.2.7
- Update Blockchair explorer URL to include partner ID
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.15
- Update ChangeNow to save amount returned from order creation endpoints to metadata
- Add new swap partner SideShift
- Add ANT token to Coingecko
- Reduce Nomics queries by ignoring fiat/fiat pairs
- Add support for FIRO
- Fix CORS issue with Coincap
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.6.24
- Fix & theme the password recovery input modal
- Show the correct header for IP validation errors
- Fix typos on the 2fa reset modal
- Add colors to all spinner components
- Fix Flow types around react-native-material-textfield
- Upgrade edge-components to v0.0.31
- Fix the react-native-material-textfield Flow types
- Upgrade edge-plugin-simplex to remove all Sell functionality
- EOS: Patches issue with bogus accounts getting returned by nodes
- WAX: Disabled in core plugins
- ETH: Accelerate Transaction feature (replace-by-fee)
- FIO: Cancel request, transfer domain, expanded exchange support, verify payer address before sending request, text and visual updates
- Support Azteco URI
- Limit exchange rate queries to active wallet crypto/fiat pairs
- Add paste button to flip input
- Reduced memory utilization
- Update translations
- Add new showWarning function to AirshipInstance.js
- Separate render of wallet Currency and token currencies
- Make Icon standard and just pass iconColor and iconSize as props
- Refactor icons and normalize names
- New common component TouchableTextIcon
- Removed parent container from RNCamera
- Android: AndroidX support, Upgrade to gradle v6.2
- iOS: iPhone 12 safe area fixes
- Update edge-react-gui README versions and instructions
- Upgrade react-native-firebase to v4.3.8
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.18
- (feature) Add ability to filter
option - (feature) Add requested currency pair to rateHints if it cannot be served by searchRoutes()
- (feature) Add ability to filter
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased v0.7.34
- RBF support for ETH, RSK, and ETH tokens
- Add Blockbook API support for Ethereum
- Disable Alethio API support
- Remove Supereth API support
- Update endpoint for finding EOSIO account by key
- Disable Greymass Fuel for Telos
- Additional checks and bugfixes for FIO addresses and domains
- Removed FIO strings from logs
- Upgrade react-native-fast-crypto to v2.0.0
- Remove all Monero features (these live in react-native-mymonero-core now)
- iOS: Use the OpenSSL-Universal package to provide OpenSSL libraries
- Android: Use implementation gradle command instead of deprecated compile
- Android: Fix some documentation errors
- Remove the deprecated default export
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.6.22
- Update back button icon
- Upgrade edge-components v0.0.30
- Remove unused components: Icon, IconButton, ModalManager, PasswordInput, SimpleConfirmModal, StaticModal, TextAndIconButton, TextButton, ThreeButtonModal, YesNoModal
- Upgrade Android SDK target to 29
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.9.3
- Add
to DOGE to ensure transaction meets minimum network fee of 1 DOGE/tx
- Add
- Fix double entry bug on some Android keyboards
- Add 'sell' deepQuery type to Bity
- Upgrade Bity plugin
- Fix QBO export
- Upgrade react-native-fast-crypto to v1.8.2
- Upgrade Monero C++ libraries to support v17 hard fork
- Add Sofort payment method support through Banxa
- Add onAddressChange callback to update GUI when EOS accounts are activated
- FIO - Fix code capitalization
- Misc fixes and upgrades in preparation of RN63
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.30
- Add onAddressChanged callback to EOS
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.15
- (feature) Add onAddressChanged callback
- Upgrade edgelogin-ui-rn to v0.6.20
- Don't show the reset button without a reset token
- Use more modern React methods & import styles
- Upgrade to react-redux v6.0.1
- Theme the delete user modal
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.11
- Update Changelly to use getFixRateForAmount
- FIO import private key
- Add USDC support in Wyre
- New themed components
- Fix EOS wallet activation
- EdgeProvider - Add unique identifiers to spendtargets
- Fixed the export transaction date picker on iOS 14
- Re-worked transaction export on Android and fixed crash
- Misc code cleanups
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.14
- (fix) Don't crash when using a barcode to log into accounts with pending OTP resets
- (fix) Correctly expire any vouchers on the device while doing a barcode login
- (fix) Upgrade to node-fetch v2.6.1
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.29
- Add FIO import private key support
- Replace schema with cleaners for transaction history api calls
- Add cloudflare rpcServer
- Pass fetchCors function to amberdata api calls
- Add postinstall script for node14 dependency compatibility (usb and node-hid)
- Update cleaners
- Fix TLOS block explorer link
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.10
- Fix Fox Exchange parent fee display for token trades
- Fix CORS issues with Nomics
- Remove unused xagau and herc plugins
- Remove debugging comment
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.9.2
- Add 'bitcoin-sv:' URI support
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.6.18
- rn: Fix a crash when rendering the SecondaryButton. This would occur when the 2fa reminder modal popped up.
- Add 2FA voucher support to allow your device to approve a login from another device
- Re-theme 2FA screens
- Register FIO domains
- FIO usability fixes
- Refactor flip input to address crashes on Android
- Wallet custom token filter fix
- Add unique identifier requestSpend logging to EdgeProvider
- Remove dummy address from Wyre widget launch
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.14
- (feature) Expose an EdgeAccount.pendingVouchers field
- (feature) Expose as EdgeUserInfo.voucherId field
- (fix) Don't crash when using a barcode to log into accounts with pending OTP resets
- (fix) Correctly expire any vouchers on the device while doing a barcode login
- (fix) Upgrade to node-fetch v2.6.1
- (fix) Switch to the new voucher endpoint
- (fix) Always return OtpError.voucherId when available
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.25
- FIO register domain
- Added free FIO address link
- Upgrade FIO SDK to v1.1.0
- Retry failed FIO tx broadcasts
- FIO check pub address error handling
- Updated FIO api urls to remove port #
- Update FIO explorer
- Update EOS explorer
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.7
- Enable Changelly order status URL
- Pass last Totle tx as orderId
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.6.16
- Fix a race condition that could lead to an infinite login loop
- Upgrade to the latest react-native-airship
- Remove unused TouchId logic from the password login screen
- Re-theme and add voucher support to the OTP reset alert, OTP error screen, and related modals
- Route to a security alert screen after logging into an account with pending issues
- Add Bitaccess support
- Fix for modals persisting on auto-logout
- Various text and translation fixes
- Record orderIds to util server
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.12
- (feature) Add a keyLoginEnabled flag to EdgeUserInfo
- (feature) Add a lastLogin date to EdgeUserInfo and EdgeAccount
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.9.1
- Replace logger with EdgeLog
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.20
- Update ETH gas price sanity check values
- Added free FIO address link
- Updated FIO api urls to remove port
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.6.15
- Do not enable touch for users without locally-stored data
- Fix the modal title size
- Upgrade to react-native-patina v0.1.3
- Added Synthetix ERC20 tokens SNX, SBTC, and SUSD
- Add support for Anypay pay: protocol
- Use eth_estimategas and eth_getcode to improve ETH and ERC20 token transaction gas limit estimation
- Add BSV buy support for Simplex
- New flip input design
- Theming enhancements and fixes
- Update partner descriptions
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.11
- (feature) Add a login voucher system. When a new device tries to log into an account with 2-factor security, the server can issue a voucher along with the OtpError. Existing devices with the 2-factor token can then log in and either approve or deny the voucher using EdgeAccount.approveVoucher or EdgeAccount.rejectVoucher. The EdgeLoginMessages type also includes a list of pending vouchers now.
- Upgrade to hash.js v1.1.7 and redux-keto v0.3.4.
- (feature) Allow users to pass 6-digit OTP codes directly. This means EdgeAccountOptions.otp is deprecated for passing the secret. Use EdgeAccountOptions.otpKey to pass the secret, or EdgeAccountOptions.otp to pass the 6-digit code.
- (feature) Save usernames for first-time logins that fail 2fa.
- (feature) Save & return the account creation date as EdgeAccount.created.
- Harden server response parsing.
- Upgrade to hash.js v1.1.7 and redux-keto v0.3.4.
- Upgrade many dev dependencies.
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.9.0
- Add support for Anypay payment protocol
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.20
- Add Synthetix ERC20 tokens (SNX, SBTC, and SUSD)
- Use eth_estimategas and eth_getcode to improve ETH and ERC20 token transaction fee estimation
- Pass parent currency code in error when there's insufficient parent currency to pay transaction fee
- Save FIO tx fee between makeSpend() requests to the same address to reduce network calls
- Increase timeout on network-dependent block height test
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.6.14
- Use react-native-airship to power more modals
- Fix the header "skip" buttons on the password recovery workflow
- Many internal cleanups & refactorings
- Upgrade edge-plugin-simplex to commit #653587d
- Add BSV support
- Improve error handling
- Visual enhancements
- Export transactions with adjustable date range
- FIO address length can mpw be more than 16 characters
- Show parent currency transaction fee for token exchanges
- Link to prove sending Monero transaction in block explorer
- Added ability to enable/disable all notifications at the same time
- View Monero view key in wallet options
- Save additional numTransactions field in walletLocalData to resolve transaction list not displaying all transactions
- Added Save button to change mining fee
- Upgrade edge-components to v0.0.28
- Fix compatibility with Flow v0.84.0
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.18
- Disable asyncWaterfall for some FIO operations
- Save numTransactions in localWalletData
- Add cleaners to Etherscan get tx api responses
- FIO checkTransactions algorithm update to page transactions
- Fix REPv2 token address
- Upgrade edge-currency-monero to v0.2.6
- Export private view key via getDisplayPublicSeed()
- Update transaction explorer to Blockchair
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.6
- Display parent currency and fiat fee for token swaps
- Add CoinGecko
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.6.13
- Enforce Flow typing & other cleanups throughout the codebase
- Prevent the welcome screen from flickering at startup
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.17
- FIO checkTransactions algorithm update to page transactions
- Fix REPv2 token address
- Add additional fee data to transaction details
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.8.6
- Tweak electrumwss server scoring logic so negative scores don't get reset
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.16
- Add REPv2 ERC20 token
- Add new Tezos API service
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.5
- Add REPv2 exchange rate
- Prevent Totle plugin from returning arbitrage quotes for transfers
- Upgrade Wyre plugin
- Upgrade Wyre plugin
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.8.5
- Support for Ravencoin's new blockheader length in latest hardfork
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.14
- FIO fix domain reg url
- Add support for Ethereum Classic (ETC)
- Add support for Compound ERC20 token (COMP)
- Add token from wallet list modal
- Export token transaction history
- Wyre plugin refactor
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.9
- Allow the user to pass an onLog callback to the context constructor
- This allows our CLI to silence the core and supports more flexibilty in GUI log handling
- Apply cleaners to the login stashes as well as remove some legacy disklet API usage
- Support date filters for getTransactions
- Save fee information in the spend metadata
- Fix BSV replay protection feature broken by commit 11e752d8
- Update info server URI
- Add bias for Coinmonitor exchange rate provider
- Allow the user to pass an onLog callback to the context constructor
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.8.4
- Save fee information in the spend metadata
- Send additional logging to core
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.13
- Add getDomains method to FIO plugin
- Save fee information in the spend metadata
- Add Compound ERC20 token (COMP)
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.4
- ChangeNow - Add fallback to floating-rate if trade is outside fixed-rate min and max
- Add FIO rate via BitMax API
- Add Coinmonitor rate API support for BTC/ARS pair
- Add promoCode support to Switchain
- Update FIO server list
- Show fee as fiat amount on swap quote scene
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.8.2
- Prioritize Earn.com fee estimation
- Decrease fee level block targets
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.1
- Force high fee when swapping from BTC
- Newly designed transaction details scene
- Price change alert push notifications
- Transak - added US debit card support
- Moonpay - added more countries
- Implement new theming scheme and utilize it for transaction details scene
- Fix the request scene share button to share the wallet public address URI instead of a file
- Fix share app button so it doesn't share a file
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.6
- Expose an
- Save the decryption keys for Monero spends
- Replace git2.airbitz.co with git1.edge.app in the sync server list
- Expose an
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.8.1
- Make sure minimum LOW_FEE is enforced on all fee levels
- Add try/catch to prevent info1 errors from appearing when server is under load
- New FIO features
- Create custom domain
- Renew addresses and domains
- Use new Address Modal for picking FIO addresses on all FIO related screens
- Redesign user flow for connecting wallets to FIO addresses
- New Share Edge button in the side menu
- Remove unused code, dependencies, and strings
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.4
- Save transaction metadata with spends
- Save an EdgeTransaction.spendTargets list with every spend
- Save an optional EdgeTransaction.swapData field with swap transactions
- Save the decryption keys for Monero spends (requires a matching Monero plugin change)
- Replace git2.airbitz.co with git1.edge.app in the sync server list
- Upgrade edge-currency-bitcoin to v4.8.0
- Add mempool.space recommended bitcoin fee API
- Increased target block delays for earn.com fee estimator
- Increased bitcoin gap limit to 25
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.9
- Fix case where a FIO address could appear associated with two FIO wallets
- Add etherclusterApiServers[] to rskInfo.js
- Add custom FIO domain support
- Add FIO address renewal support
- Upgrade edge-currency-monero to v0.2.5
- Upgrade mymonero-core-js to export transaction private key
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.4
- Add EdgeTransaction.txSecret to capture transaction private key
- Improve logging
- Add makeMutex() to wrap makeSpend() to avoid entering it more than once at a time
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.11.0
- Save swap metadata using the new, official edge-core-js API
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.6.10
- Remove native-base as a dependency
- Upgrade to react-native-vector-icons version 6
- Fix ios-warning icon size
- Fix flipinput crash on max spend Android
- Fix flipinput crash on Android
- Add buy support in India with new partner Transak
- Transfer button to easily transfer funds between wallets
- OBT data support
- Custom ERC20 token support
- Warning about access to FIO address when deleting FIO wallet
- New address modal with autocomplete FIO addresses
- Edge update version notification
- RTL text fixes
- Allow fee change even in locked transactions with partners or exchanges
- Force text entry to right of FlipInput amount
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.2
- Prioritize the WazirX rate plugin when available.
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.6
- Tezos - Add makeMutex to wrap makeSpend() to avoid entering it more than once
- Refactor EOS plugin to remove owner key to support importing wallets
- Add Ethereum Classic support
- Remove ourReceiveAddresses from Tezos makeSpend
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.10.4
- Add WazirX exchange rate provider
- Fix Switchain ERC20 token sending issue and metadata
- Fix swapInfo orderUri variable name across all swap partners
- Upgrade edge-components to v0.0.27
- Add keyboardType and inputAccessoryViewId on FormFieldInput
- Prevent excluded currency codes from appearing in wallet modal search results
- Temporarily exclude XTZ in exchange from-wallet selector
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.1
- Use constant-time comparisons for encryption & decryption.
- Upgrade redux-keto dependency & fix uncovered type errors.
- Improve git server error messages & rotation logic.
- Add Orchid (OXT) ERC20 token
- Create and pay FIO Requests
- Connect wallets to FIO addresses
- Unstoppable Domains - added support for .kred .luxe and .xyz domains
- Fix Switchain ERC20 swap
- Fixed crashes on logout
- Additional promo code functionality
- Various other bug fixes
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.4
- Refactor ETH and RSK to use common code
- FIO performance improvements
- isAccountAvailable() renamed to doesAccountExist()
- Simplex upgraded to support additional fiat currencies
New exchange provider Switchain
Increased limit and added more countries to MoonPay
New transaction details screen
Enhanced deeplinking capabilities
Bug fixes and visual enhancements
BREAKING CHANGE Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.17.0
- This release also renames all
instances topluginId
. This affects all plugin types, but the core contains compatibility code so old currency plugins continue working (but not for rate or swap plugins, which are easier to just upgrade). - Breaking changes to the swap API:
- Return a new
structure fromEdgeSwapQuote.approve
. This now contains thedestinationAddress
that used to exist on theEdgeSwapQuote
type. - Merge the
types into one.- The
flag is no longer optional, but must betrue
. - Remove
. Just concatenateEdgeSwapInfo.orderUri
to get this.
- The
- Rename
. - Remove the deprecated
option fromEdgeSwapRequestOptions
- Return a new
- Other breaking changes:
- Remove deprecated
. UseEdgeAccount.currencyConfig
. - Remove deprecated
. UseEdgeAccount.swapConfig
. - Remove deprecated
. UseEdgeAccount.fetchSwapQuote
. - Remove deprecated
. UseEdgeAccount.dataStore
. - Remove deprecated
- Remove deprecated
- This release also renames all
Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.10.2
- Add Switchain swap plugin.
- Pass promo codes to Changelly, ChangeNow, and Godex.
- Fix ChangeNow on Android & add better logging.
Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.2
- Add cleaners v0.2.0 type checking
- Fix duplicate FIO address after registration
- Reprioritize EOS Hyperion nodes to resolve transaction history view issue
Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.6.9
- Visual fixes to Password Recovery and 2FA
- Add FIO - register address, send, and receive
- Added additional Banxa payment methods
- Fix missing XLM transaction history
- Move Exchange side menu button
- Remove countries from Simplex Sell
- Add FIO currency support
- Includes new screens to view and register new FIO addresses
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.7.1
- FIO currency
- XLM transaction history fix
- Upgrade edge-core-js to v0.16.25
- Prioritize swap providers with active promo codes.
- Reduced Bits of Gold fees
- Expanded price tracking for ERC20 tokens
- Updated Totle plugin
- Enhanced deeplinking
- Bug fixes
- Upgrade edge-exchange-plugins to v0.9.2
- Increases number of asset prices retrieved from CoinCap to 500
- Upgrade Totle plugin to new API
- Refactor edgeProvider
- Fix lockInputs and set default to true
- Handle the case where both nativeAmount and exchangeAmount are missing in a spend target
- Deeplinking and GuiPlugin refactor
- Disable GUI plugins based on promo setup.
- Inject linking parameters into EdgeProvider
- Pass promo codes to fiat plugins via EdgeProvider & optional query parameter
- Link into plugins apart from Simplex
- Improve flexibility of plugin data format
- Switch from jsc-android to react-native-v8 to fix Samsung S7 device family crashes
- Fix error message on Create Wallet caused by partially enabled FIO wallet
- Bits of Gold support for Buy in Israel
- Add Metronome ERC20 token
- Bug fixes and visual improvements
- Add priority setting for exchange rate providers
- Fix white screen crash on settings screen
- Enhanced deeplink support
- Upgrade edge-login-ui-rn to v0.6.8
- Added auto-scroll on terms and conditions screen
- Upgrade edge-currency-accountbased to v0.6.9
- Add response error checking to fetch() calls
- Fixed crash when Etherscan API returned text rather than a number by adding decimal and hex regex to response validation
- Added support for Cred
- Implement Greymass Fuel for EOS send
- Support buying with iDEAL in Netherlands through Banxa
- Exchange Settings now has an option to select Preferred Provider or Best Exchange Rate
- Visual and text updates
- Bug fixes
- New Visual Improvements
- Buy Crypto with ApplePay now supported in United States
- Automatically add recipient address in notes after a send transaction for easy viewing
- Improved wallet search
- Minor bug fixes
- Update BSV address to use 1 format
- Remove Bitcoin Cash prefix from BCH addresses
- Add ETHBNT as a default token
- Fixed BNB Syncing
- Fixed Wallet Picker to use the same wallet order from the Wallets List screen
- Visual and text improvements
- Minor bug fixes
- Fixed RSK synchronization
- Resolved delayed app notifications
- Fixed various wallet list display issues
- Enhanced ETH network performance
- Wallet list fixes
- Update Banxa GB
- Redesign of Wallet List and Transaction History screens
- Improved 2FA Background Notifications
- Safello - Sell
- Safello - Denmark region support added
- Safello - Additional payment method added for Sweden
- Support new DAI and SAI
- Other minor fixes
- FIO Registration URL update
- Improve EOS & Ethereum connectivity.
- Fix spends from large UFO & other non-Bitcoin wallets.
- Add visual indication for syncing wallets.
- Improve wallet selector search.
- Add Banxa GB support.
- Add KYC notices for Fox Exchange & CoinSwitch.
- Fix Tezos support.
- Fix Firebase tracking crash bug.
- Integration of Compound
- Settings Send Logs button
- Developer mode URI sticky will continue for all accounts on device of last URI entered
- Affiliate links
- Exchange Screen able to search wallet in wallet picker
- Emergency EOS fix (part 2)
- Emergency EOS fix
- Minor UX bug-fixes
- Minor Bity updates
- Remove uninhabited and non-sovereign locations
- Integrate RSK
- Request reviews in-app
- Re-work the custom fee UI
- Hot fix for Edge Login
- Improved notifications
- Integration of BNB
- Buy sell buttons separated
- Fix Tezos balance updating bug
- Fix DASH max fee issue
- Improve API transaction broadcasting reliability for Bitcoin-related coins
- Enable Tezos (XTZ)
- Add Anthem Gold (AGLD) as preferred token
- UI notification improvements
- Improved stability when coming in and out of background
- Integrate Safello for buying in Nordic countries and Europe
- Integrate Bits of Gold for selling to Israeli and European bank account
- Integrate CoinSwitch for swapping coins
- Add LibertyX plugin
- Add MoonPay plugin
- Fix EOS syncing issues
- Improve Bitcoin & related coins connection reliability
- Fix all-zero exchange rates
- Fix the minimum Android SDK version to 23+ (Android 6)
- React native upgrade + visual fixes
- Prefer fixed-rate quotes over estimates
- EOS support
- Implementing deep linking of bitcoin, ethereum, bitcoincash, dash, and edge URIs
- Add Wyre plugin to support buy/sell of Bitcoin and Ethereum from US bank account
- Add Chinese, Korean, French, and Vietnamese translations
- Add support for IMP and IRR fiat currencies
- Add Changenow as an exchange provider
- Use new colored currency icons
- Allow signin/singout of ShapeShift via Settings screen
- Update to v2 of Coinbase API
- Big performance boost when logging in and syncing wallets
- Add support for Monero bulletproofs which fixes Monero spending
- Allow users to enable/disable exchange providers
- Fix occasional Token is not supported error in Exchange screen
- Enable viewing xpub for more currencies
- Fix crash on large accounts when tapping top right menu button immediately after login
- Fix hang when using Simplex from some Android devices
- Fix Shapeshift account error dropdown
- Fix oversized exchange button when going back from confirmation
- Fix missing email text field for password recovery setup
- Fix tappability of wallet list option button
- Fix Shapeshift activation when using Google Login
- Fix incorrect fiat amounts when exchange ERC20 tokens
- Fix query to Shapeshift authentication on Android devices
- Support Changelly.com in Exchange functionality
- Support for Stellar (XLM)
- Add ability to select custom nodes for Bitcoin and similar currencies
- Support for ShapeShift membership
- Add Spanish, Italian, and Russian translations
- Implement device size based UI scaling
- Fix Payment Protocol support on Android
- Change DGB P2SH address to S address
- Prevent TouchID button from being tapped after login
- Prevent create wallet button Done button from being tapped multiple times
- Fix white screen hang upon login if an incoming transaction happens
- Implement new modal manager
- Fix React error that FlatList key is not a string
- Fix address wrapping in Simplex plugin
- Fix horizontal gap in Android transaction list
- Fix horizontal gap in Android wallet list
- Fix double tap bug on Change Password modal
- Change Redux actions to use Flow types instead of action creators
- Add scaling to login screen
- Add popup of 2FA reset request warning for all accounts on device
- Add eboost
- Fix Payment Protocol support on Android
- Fix BIP70 support for Bitcoin Cash
- Change warning text when doing Edge Login to full access application
- Add XMR/XRP PaymentID/Destination Tag button to Send Confirmation screen
- Show 2FA reset warning as soon as app launches for all accounts on device
- Speed up logins by moving 2FA reset check to background
- Add device size font/button scaling to create account screens
- Show denomination when getting max amount error at exchange screen
- Update to React Native 0.55
- Fix crash when user taps on incoming funds dropdown
- Fix editing of fiat amount in transaction details if using foreign locale
- Add Terms of Service menu button
- Add support for ERC20 Tether, Digibyte, Bitcoin Gold, and Vertcoin
- Support buying Litecoin with credit card
- Add toggle to show fiat balances of wallets in Wallet List screen
- Add per transaction PIN spending limits
- Show transaction/event history of Simplex transactions
- Fix occasional error popup on login/logout
- Add onboarding screens for new accounts
- Fix QBO file format bugs causing errored imports
- Fix persistence of category field in transaction details
- Switch to Bugsnag for crash reporting
- Fix sweeping private keys for several currencies
- Fix slow max spend for several currencies
- Fix Cancel of sweeping private key not re-enabling scanner
- Fix several crashes
- Add cards to empty LTC, BTC, ETH, and BCH wallets to show user link to buy with credit card
- Do not show No Amount Specified error when user first scans Monero/XRP QR codes
- Add BIP70 support
- Change password reminder logic to step off twice as quickly after correct password
- Fix mint progress bar to be on top of blue region
- Remove IMP fiat currency since we don't have exchange rates for it
- Make show account balance toggle persistent
- Make progress bar start at about 10%
- Change settings for password recovery to show Setup Password Recovery
- Fix dropdown for iPhone X
- BIP70
- Fix sweeping private keys for QTUM, DASH, LTC, FTC, XZC
- Rename UFO Coin -> UFO
- Update REP contract address
- Switch currency name to XRP
- Update block explorer
- Bump Monero library 0.0.8
- Check for errors in encodeUri from invalid addresses
- Poll Edge Core for new QR code address if current public address is invalid
- Fix bugs with QBO/CSV export
- Add support for uniqueIdentifer (XRP destination tag / Monero payment ID)
- Support to hold, send, and receive Monero (XMR)
- Support to hold, send, and receive Ripple (XRP)
- Support for buying and selling Bitcoin using credit card via Simplex integration
- Ability to sweep private keys for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, and Dash.
- Add side menu buttons for send/scan, request, exchange, buy, and sweep
- Remove Share button for view master private key modal
- Change progress bar to horizontally animated line
- Show more decimal places for fiat amounts if needed
- Make entire transaction notes tappable
- Fix Shapeshift order logic to prevent errors and speed up response
- Performance optimizations
- Add tracking of referral link used for install
- App behavior modification per referral link
- Export transaction history to CSV and Quickbooks (QBO) files
- Ability to restore deleted wallets
- Add links to ShapeShift order ID in transaction notes field
- Fix errors when switching wallets in Exchange screen
- Change Ethereum add-token URI format to
- Fix timeout errors on iOS due to react-native-tcp
- Improve Electrum server selection
- Improve spending reliability by broadcasting to API services as well as Electrum nodes
- Improve performance when selecting a wallet with lots of transactions
- Add support for FTC and XZC blockchains
- Add support for HUR and IND ERC20 tokens
- Utilize ShapeShift “precise” orders for accurate receive amounts
- Add progress indicator for wallet syncing transactions from network
- Fix token still appearing when custom token is deleted
- Use ‘bits’ as the default BTC and BCH denomination for new accounts
- Add ability to scan QR code to add custom token
- Add CoinCap as an exchange rate source to cover more coins and tokens
- Fix persistent timeout errors when sending LTC, BCH, BTC, and Dash
- Add BCH to default wallets for new accounts
- Fix hang for offline login
- Enable landscape mode for iOS tablets
- Fix rendering issues in landscape mode
- Improve networking code to save server status/states more often. Fixes LTC connectivity issues
- Remove dropped transactions from being reported to GUI
- Fix unconfirmed transactions having incorrect date
- Fix incorrect sort order of unconfirmed transactions
- Fix Request screen Copy button when using legacy addresses for BCH/LTC
- Significantly improved performance for accounts with large wallets
- Fix occasional crash when uploading logs
- Reduce disk storage requirements for app logs
- Allow displaying of legacy address formats for BCH and LTC
- Use new popup menu library to fix offscreen visibility issues
- Dynamic check of token availability from ShapeShift
- Change wording in wallet option popup
- Change styling of side menu drawer
- Only ask for Contacts permission when needed
- Dynamically size transaction details notes field
- Fix editing fiat value in transation details
- Allow Ethereum token currency codes to be 2-7 characters instead of 3-5
- Allow mixed case Ethereum token contract addresses
- Fix corrupt nativeAmount for some token transactions (ie. EOS)
- Show error when spending a Ethereum token when not enough ETH is available
- Dynamically set gas price using ethgasstation.info
- Fix account and wallet data sync while logged in
- Fix corrupt fiat amount in transactions to prevent GUI from crashing
- Improve error handling of TCP connection failures
- Fix crash on startup for Samsung Note 8 (update edge-login-ui-rn)
- Fix crash on login and signup on some Android devices (update react-native-fast-crypto)
- Fix missing popup on login when 2FA reset was requested
- Change custom Ethereum gas price to use GWei
- Improve handling of failed connection to blockchain nodes
- Fix Wallet List dropdown selector on iPhone X
- Use correct Bitcoin Cash logo
- Add more info to Contact permission popup on use of Contacts information
- Make new Litecoin, Dash, and Bitcoin Cash wallets default to BIP44 mnemonic seeds
- Minimize network requests on exchange screen
- Fix input corruption on Exchange screen
- Fix mining fee and max spend on exchange screen
- Fix PIN changes from Settings screen
- Properly show newly added custom tokens
- Make Ethereum spends more reliable
- Fix numeric entry on different locale numpads
- Fix exchange screen to provide spinner feedback while getting order
- Prevent spends to addresses of different format. Ie. LTC to BTC