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property name_prefix : ""property name_suffix : ""property file_ext : "svg"property new_folder_name : "000-renamed"property find_and_replace : {to_find:{"line-"}, to_replace:{""}}-- global name_suffixon run set source_folder to choose folder with prompt "Choose a folder of files to rename" as string (*
tell application "Finder" set filecount to (count (get entire contents of source_folder)) end tell return filecount
*) my do_main_script(source_folder)end runon do_main_script(source_folder) tell application "Finder" to set source_folder to folder (source_folder) tell application "Finder" to set target_folder to source_folder --tell application "Finder" to set name_suffix to "-filetype-document-file" if source_folder is not "" and target_folder is not "" then tell application "Finder" try set svg_list to every file of source_folder whose name extension is file_ext my create_new_folder(target_folder, new_folder_name) set posix_target_folder to quoted form of POSIX path of ((target_folder as string) & new_folder_name as string) log "posix_target_folder: " & posix_target_folder repeat with svg_file in svg_list set posix_src_file to quoted form of POSIX path of (svg_file as string) set svg_name to (name of svg_file as string) set new_name to my strip_prefix(svg_name) repeat with n from 1 to count of (to_find of find_and_replace) set new_name to my str_replace(item n of to_find of find_and_replace, item n of to_replace of find_and_replace, new_name) end repeat set new_name to name_prefix & my str_replace("." & file_ext as string, name_suffix, new_name) & "." & file_ext as string set new_name to my change_case(new_name, 0) set posix_new_file to quoted form of POSIX path of ((target_folder as string) & new_name as string) set target_file_path to ((target_folder as string) & new_folder_name as string) if not (exists target_file_path & ":" & svg_name) and not (exists target_file_path & ":" & new_name) then set new_file to duplicate svg_file to target_file_path else set new_file to alias (target_file_path & ":" & svg_name) end if if not (exists target_file_path & ":" & new_name) then try set name of new_file to new_name on error rename_err_str log "Error renaming new file: " & rename_err_str end try end if end repeat on error errstr log errstr end try end tell end ifend do_main_scripton strip_prefix(the_string) set prev_tids to text item delimiters of AppleScript try set text item delimiters of AppleScript to "_" set text_items to text items of the_string set new_string to text items 2 thru -1 of text_items return new_string on error errstr set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prev_tids log errstr end try set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prev_tids return the_stringend strip_prefixon create_new_folder(target_folder, new_folder_name) tell application "Finder" try set new_folder to make new folder at target_folder with properties {name:new_folder_name} return new_folder on error errstr -- log errstr end try end tellend create_new_folderon str_replace(find, replace, subject) try set prevTIDs to text item delimiters of AppleScript set returnList to true -- This wouldn't make sense (you could have it raise an error instead) if class of find is not list and class of replace is list then return subject if class of find is not list then set find to {find} if class of subject is not list then ¬ set {subject, returnList} to {{subject}, false} set findCount to count find set usingReplaceList to class of replace is list repeat with i from 1 to (count subject) set thisSubject to item i of subject repeat with n from 1 to findCount set text item delimiters of AppleScript to item n of find set thisSubject to text items of thisSubject if usingReplaceList then try item n of replace on error err_str log err_str end try else replace end if set text item delimiters of AppleScript to result set thisSubject to "" & thisSubject end repeat set item i of subject to thisSubject end repeat set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prevTIDs if not returnList then return beginning of subject return subject on error err_str set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prevTIDs log err_str end try end str_replaceon change_case(this_text, this_case) if this_case is 0 then set the comparison_string to "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" set the source_string to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" else set the comparison_string to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" set the source_string to "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" end if set the new_text to "" repeat with this_char in this_text set x to the offset of this_char in the comparison_string if x is not 0 then set the new_text to (the new_text & character x of the source_string) as string else set the new_text to (the new_text & this_char) as string end if end repeat return the new_textend change_case