layout title sections inner-page-documentation Documentation title links more-resources First Steps... title description icon link Getting Started Install Scala on your computer and start writing some Scala code! fa fa-rocket /getting-started.html title description icon link Tour of Scala Bite-sized introductions to some of the core language concepts. fa fa-flag /tour/tour-of-scala.html title description icon link Scala for Java Programmers A quick introduction to Scala for those with a Java background. fa fa-coffee /tutorials/scala-for-java-programmers.html title url Online Courses, Exercises, & Blogs /learn.html title url Books /books.html title links Returning Users title description icon link API API documentation for every version of Scala. fa fa-file-text /api/all.html title description icon link Overviews In-depth documentation covering many of Scala's features. fa fa-database /overviews/index.html title description icon link Style Guide An in-depth guide on how to write idiomatic Scala code. fa fa-bookmark /style/index.html title description icon link Cheatsheet A handy cheatsheet covering the basics of Scala's syntax. fa fa-list /cheatsheets/index.html title description icon link Scala FAQs A list of frequently-asked questions about Scala language features and their answers. fa fa-question-circle /tutorials/FAQ/index.html title description icon link Language Spec Scala's formal language specification. fa fa-book title links Scala Evolution title description icon link SIPs The Scala Improvement Process. Language & compiler evolution. fa fa-cogs sips/index.html title description icon link SPP The Scala Platform Process. Community-driven library evolution. fa fa-users