Users see PermaplanT as mere tool to replace books and their notes. PermplanT envisions designing maps:
- collaboratively
- for agricultural purposes
- enabling fully documenting all plants:
- for garden tours
- for tracking harvesting
- reminding about what you don't see:
- watering
- fertilization
- with mulching
- but no dig
Later features that are out of scope for first version:
- weather data (automatically add rain to watering layer, warnings on frost etc.)
- hints&tips about pest control, fertilizer, care, etc.
- automatic shadow and moisture calculation
- 3D modes (forest garden), contour lines etc.
- time-lapse of historic garden development, simulate growth
- positions and distances relate to the real world, for example, you can use GPS coordinates
- GIS import/export
Global value and local values in the Soil layer:
- soil texture (German: orientiert an Bodenschwereklasse nach ÖNORM L 1050 auf Basis des österreichischen Texturdreiecks bzw. Bodenartendiagramms (ÖNORM L 1061) (Klassen))
- pH base value for topsoil from 0-14
(German: Bodenreaktion, e.g. Kohl basisch, ph3 Heidelbeeren), dynamic value using one decimal digit after the comma:
- 1 very acid (pH 5.0 and below)
- 2 acid (pH 5.1 - 6.5)
- 3 neutral (pH 6.6 - 7.3)
- 4 alkaline (pH 7.4 - 7.8)
- 5 very alkaline (pH 7.9 and above)
- pH base value for subsoil from 0-14
- yield grade (German: Ages Gehaltsklasse (Nährstoffversorgung und Humusgehalt) ÖNORM L 1210, determined from NPK, eigentlich für Intensivkultur, Stark/Schwachzehrer)
- A sehr niedrig
- B niedrig
- C ausreichend
- D hoch
- E sehr hoch
- (Temperatursumme/Jahresmitteltemperatur) first version: use data from Ostösterreich
- (Vegetationsperiode) first version: use data from Ostösterreich
- (sun background: Sonnentage, Sonnenscheindauer h, from first version: use data from Ostösterreich
- (soil depth, BM: Bodenmächtigkeit: Mächtigkeit des durchwurzelbaren Mineralbodens (cm))
first version: assume "sehr tiefgründig"
> 100cm
- (SkelG: Skelettgehalt: Anteil der Korngrößenfraktion > 2 mm (Grobanteil) am Mineralboden (%))
first version we assume geringer Grobanteil
<= 10%
- Available water capacity
- Field capacity
- Permanent wilting point
- (Gesamtniederschlag - Verdunstung) first version: use data from Ostösterreich
- distances to plants/trees (German: Abstände zu Bäumen/Sträuchern)
- wind
- shadows
- surface water, i.e., wet/dry places (German: Oberflächenwasser)
- habitats
- permaculture zones, see glossary
- events: e.g. elements in the garden get added/removed accurate to the day
- soil amendments
- mulching (Mulchen)
- influences of street (German: Einflüsse durch Straßennähe, wie Salz und Staub)
- automatic overshadowing (German: Baumkronenüberschattung)
- which seeds are needed (seedling plants excluded)
- coordinates of plants to plant
- warnings (violation of natural constraints etc.)
- weather alerts