Test context is key-value map used to store values during a test execution so that they can be accessed later. There are many steps that can be used to store data into the test context. Typically they have a contextAlias column that should contain a name of the variable that will hold the value in the test context such as in the example below.
Given [ClientRequest] data for [MYAPP]:
| name | data | contextAlias |
| client.firstName | {RANDOM_STRING:10} | FIRST_NAME |
| client.lastName | {RANDOM_STRING:15} | LAST_NAME |
| client.dateOfBirth | {RANDOM_DATE} | DATE_OF_BIRTH |
There is also a step used just for storing values in the test context.
After this step is executed the test context will contain two key-value pairs - FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME.
Data stored by this step will always have userDefined()
Given the following values are saved:
| name | data |
To retrieve values from the test context the TestContextCopy evaluation command (shorthand CP) should be used as in the step below.
Given [ClientRequest] data for [MYAPP]:
| name | data |
It's also possible to store data from a yaml file into the context. Consider the following file with the name "mock-data.yml" is available on classpath.
ban: 111111111
colorCode: green
welcomeText: Hi Karel
firstName: Karel
lastName: Klobaska
middleName: Stavnata
ban: 000000000
Then by using the following step the data from the file are saved in the test context and become available to the scenarios.
Given data from resource [mock-data.yml] is saved in context
In the scenario the data will be available by calling the expression {CP:UC1.ban} etc. At the moment only yaml files (yml extension) are supported.
Test context's scope is limited to a scenario. Key-value pairs entered in other scenarios will not be accessible.