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eRPC footprint

Dusan Cervenka (nxa14949) edited this page Nov 10, 2017 · 12 revisions

This page shows a footprint of the eRPC code used in the eRPC Matrix multiply example. It's role is multiply two matrices and return a result. A transport is used for UART.


 * You can write copyrights rules here. Will be copied into outputs.
@outputDir("erpc_outputs") // output directory
program erpc_matrix_multiply; // specify name of output files

/*! This const defines the matrix size. The value has to be the same as the
    Matrix array dimension. Do not forget to re-generate the erpc code once the
    matrix size is changed in the erpc file */
int const matrix_size = 5;

/*! This is the matrix array type. The dimension has to be the same as the
    matrix size const. Do not forget to re-generate the erpc code once the
    matrix size is changed in the erpc file */
type Matrix = int32[matrix_size][matrix_size];

interface MatrixMultiplyService // cover functions for same topic
    erpcMatrixMultiply(in Matrix matrix1, in Matrix matrix2, out Matrix result_matrix) -> void

Footprint - release target, error checking code in shim code is enabled:

  • client - shim code file: erpc_matrix_multiply_client.o
file name ro code ro data rw data
basic_codec.o 194 200 0
client_manager.o 260 32 0
crc16.o 48 0 0
erpc_client_setup.o 164 24 48
erpc_matrix_multiply_client.o 412 8 0
erpc_port_stdlib.o 16 0 0
erpc_setup_mbf_dynamic.o 74 32 8
erpc_setup_uart_cmsis.o 28 0 16
framed_transport.o 136 0 0
message_buffer.o 98 0 0
uart_cmsis_transport.o 152 44 2
--- --- --- ---
Total: 1582 340 74
  • server - shim code file: erpc_matrix_multiply_server.o
file name ro code ro data rw data
basic_codec.o 194 200 0
crc16.o 48 0 0
erpc_matrix_multiply_server.o 432 28 0
erpc_port_stdlib.o 16 0 0
erpc_server_setup.o 184 24 48
erpc_setup_mbf_dynamic.o 74 32 8
erpc_setup_uart_cmsis.o 28 0 16
framed_transport.o 136 0 0
message_buffer.o 108 0 0
server.o 120 0 0
simple_server.o 240 36 0
uart_cmsis_transport.o 156 44 2
--- --- --- ---
Total: 1736 364 74