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EnderPeter edited this page Nov 27, 2017 · 30 revisions

Use Case

During an open-air concert in Rotterdam at 8 p.m, three gunmen who hid themselves in one building nearby opened fire on the crowd of over 1000 audience, leaving 20 people died and over hundred injured, they also held over 50 civilians as hostages. Police officers on site fought back but couldn’t match the firepower of terrorists. Also, earlier before, there was a chaos in train station. One man was making threats to passengers on the platform with sharp pieces of broken beer bottle in his hand. Emergency calls for both incidents were made by people on the scene and detailed information about shooting (number of shooters, their weapons, casualty status, location and time) was later reported by officers using police radio channel.

John was the commander of Special Intervention Service team of the police department in Rotterdam. Emergency calls about chaos in train station came in first and his team was immediately sent out to deal with it. When they arrived at the train station, they realized that the ‘terrorist’ on the platform who was waving sharp pieces of glass bottle was just a drunk man. It only took two members of fully-equipped team 5 minutes to detain the suspect. At that exact time, the emergency calls and radio report about mass shooting in open-air concert were received. Though extremely willing to help, John’s team didn’t bring adequate equipment to deal with this severe situation. They had to come back to police station, get reequipped and head to open-air concert again. Wasting time in this urgent situation really irritated John and his colleagues. What’s even worse: Vehicles of the team got stuck in the busy traffic and had to change routes several times.

John believes, SDSS is needed to improve efficiency of their work and special attention needed to be paid to following points:

  • Which incident should be solved first with what kind of counter measures based on the information received from emergency call/police radio report?
  • How many police officers from which police station needed to be deployed to solve certain incident?
  • What is the shortest path between police stations/team and incident location based on structure of road network in the area and real-time traffic status?
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