- Initial version
- Ontologies list / details
- Term list / details
- Individuals list / details
- Properties list / details
- Basic Term search
- Added Term links exploring (Term defined relations)
- Added slice capability on lists
- Corrected github link
- Minor correction
- Mixed elements for search items
- Shortcuts methods on helpers classes
- Added repr for lists
- fixed relations
- Detail client may return a list of element when retrievind multiple values for identifier, added unique parameter (default False) to retrieve the defining ontology one, or first found if not - use cautiously
- Updated documentation for BaseClient
- Updated some tests
- Added slice capability to ListClient
- Removed main from Client
- Corrected relation types loading
- Updated Apache LICENSE copyright - Added NOTICE reference in code
- Changes page size to 1000 by default
- Fixed: bug in getting sliced data (wrong base uri)
- Fixed wrong str representation for Property
- Corrected Detail client to use pagination while searching item unique and list returned
- Added individuals/individual client.
- Added properties/property client.
- Added more logging
- Added test
- Removed obsoletes helpers
- Added 5 retries in case of remote server errors
- Added extra path to term namespace access from API result (annotation/obo_namespace and annotation/namespace)
- Deprecated Term.obo_name_space property, replace by Term.namespace
- Added kwargs parameters parsing in Search allowing now client.search(query='tada',type='property',...)
- Fixed Search Filtering issues
- Added extra way to retrieve term definition if not set under description (retrieve from annotation)
- When searching for a detailed item (such as property), return the first 'in defining ontology' or first one if not found
- Added PropertyAnnotation parsing
- Refactored tests against a docker image instead of using public OLS api
- Refactored client classes to avoid concrete class inheritance
- Force retrieving