- Adding windows platform
- Moving platform specific settings to options class
- Updating example
- Updating README
- Updating dependencies
- Updated dependencies in pubspec.yaml
- Changed impl.dart to use the new version of flutter_markdown
- Removed cupertino_icons
- Changed .gitignore
- Added analysis_options.yaml to ignore undefined_prefixed_name warning
- Updating example
- Null Safety
- Removing cupertino_icons
- Fixing Typo
- Added onLoaded Callback
- Support for multiple WebViews on the same screen thanks to @MypaceEngine
- To have multiple views you need to add a unique key
- Adding RepaintBoundary
- Adding Selectable Text
- Adding Markdown Source
- Adding Html Source
- Adding Html Element Source
- Updating Controller
- Adding Remote Download
- Adding Convert to Widgets
- Added Allow Fullscreen on Web
- Initial Plugin