To compile, you need: Linux OS with python fully setup, pip (if you dont have pyinstaller)
gh (install with your package manager if not present)
If you do not have the pyinstaller, install with the command:
pip install pyinstaller
Once pyinstaller is ready, download the source with either
gh repo clone EverestWorks/EverTerm
(Alert me if it doesn't work)!
If GH not installed, go to https://cli.github.com
gh repo clone EverestWorks/Everest-Tools
(Alert me if it doesn't work)!
Then change your directory to the source
Use the pyinstaller command as:
pyinstaller -i icon.ico evtm.py
in the src directory
once it completes, go into dist and into the folder inside and run ./evtm
after chmod +x ./evtm