All major and minor version changes will be documented in this file. Details of patch-level version changes can be found in commit messages.
Versions are in the form: [upstream_version]_[patch]
- Texture pack is now split up into modules to reduce the RAM and loading requirement
- Fixed transparency for textures in several areas for Ocarina of Time
- Updated fonts
- Fixed several boss titles in several languages (OoT, MQ & MM)
- Added missing special uppercase and punctuation characters
- Added Polish language support (OoT, MQ & MM)
- Added Chinese Simplified language support (OoT & MQ)
- Upscaled ammo numbers, Debug ROM number fractions and Redux numbers
- Fixed "The Legend of Zelda" credits not being completely shown
- Reworked all backgrounds
- Replaced all 4:3 backgrounds with higher quality upscales
- Added upscaled 16:9 backgrounds for the 16:9 Texture patches (Patcher64+ Tool)
- Added missing textures when slamming yourself into walls in background areas (both 4:3 and 16:9)
- Added Master Quest logo for Master Quest mode (Patcher64+ Tool)
- Added The Missing Link logo (Patcher64+ Tool)
- Updated interface
- D-Pad (Randomizer / Redux)
- Magic Spells icons
- Megaton Hammer icon
- Magic Jar icons
- Fairy Bow Magic Arrow icons
- Updated items & objects
- Bottle effect
- Shop items (Deku Shield, Deku Nuts)
- Deku Shield & Hylian Shield
- Fairy Bow
- Goron Ruby
- Deku Mask
- Rupee colors (Patcher64+ Tool)
- Stone Mask
- Sun Switch
- Time Block
- Gauntlet Blocks
- Breakable Boulder
- Fish
- Updated characters
- Navi / Tatl / Tael
- Great Deku Tree (again)
- Bugs
- Kafei (hair)
- Treasure Chest Shop Gal (hair)
- Deku Link
- Adult Link model (Patcher64+ Tool)
- Female Link models (Patcher64+ Tool)
- Gerudos / Pirates
- Threater Scrubs, Deku Salesman, Deku Butler, Deku King, Palace Scrub
- Fixed Zora eyes
- Cows
- Updated monsters
- Lizalfos
- Dinolfos (OoT, MQ & MM)
- Deku Scrub, Mad Scrub, Business Scrub
- Giant Bees
- Iron Knuckle
- Shell Blade
- Skull Fish
- Wizrobe
- Guay
- Like-Like
- Flying Tile
- Octorok (upscales)
- Updated areas
- Deku Shrine
- Pirate's Fortress
- Ikana Graveyard tombs
- Termina Field
- Great Bay (corrected some textures for Zora Cape)
- Lost Woods (corrected trees and pillars in Majora's Mask)
- Secret Shrine
- Sakon's Hideout
- Astral Observatory (tingle picture / wooden floor)
- Hyrule Field (Market wall, grass)
- Lon Lon Ranch (Fences)
- Kokiri Forest, Sacred Forest Meadow, Lost Woods (curtains Link's House & background trees, various upscales, grass, Temple entrance)
- Lake Hylia (Lakeside Laboratory, Fishing Pond)
- Gerudo Valley, Gerudo Fortress, Haunted Wasteland, Desert Colossus
- Kakariko Village, Kakariko Graveyard (various upscales, houses, background trees, Dampe's Shack, signpost, grass, Temple entrance)
- Temple of Time (Master Sword pedestal when traveling through time)
- Death Mountain Trail (falling rocks, various upscales)
- Zora's River (various upscales)
- Treasure Chest Shop, Bowling Alley, Shooting Gallery (various upscales)
- Great Fairy's Fountain
- Hidden Grottos
- Hyrule Castle Grounds, Hyrule Castle Courtyard, Guard House (door, walls, grass, misc)
- Updated dungeons
- Great Bay Temple (steam effect in faucet room)
- Inside the Deku Tree (various upscales)
- Forest Temple
- Fire Temple (falling rocks during boss fight, various upscales)
- Shadow Temple (wooden bar upscale)
- Gerudo's Training Ground (rocks, water, lava)
- Spirit Temple (light source)
- Doors and door bars
- Updated effects
- Ganon's Castle Barrier
- Din's Fire
- Fire
- Magic Arrows
- Water upstream
- Black Water
- Bomb fuse
- Explosions
- Water Splashes
- Added lava for the boss room in Dondongo's Cavern
- Lens of Truth
- Hyrule Courtyard transition
- Song of Soaring
- Damaged
- Flash
- Fire walls
- Wizzrobe explosion
- Flare Dancer fire
- Navi trails / Deku Nut flash
- Boss Warp Tile glow in Majora's Mask dungeons
- Virtual Console exclusive effects
- Updated several areas
- Death Mountain Trail
- Kokiri Forest (stepping stones)
- Dampe's Cave (walls)
- Lon Lon Ranch Silo (once again)
- Temple of Time (pedestal plateau)
- Goron City
- Zora's River
- Kakariko Graveyard (Dampe's Shack)
- Updated several dungeons
- Forest Temple
- Ice Cavern
- Inside Ganon's Castle (Water Trial)
- Updated characters & monsters
- Koume and Kotake (broomstick)
- Child & Adult Link's Hair (OoT)
- Child Link's Eyes (OoT)
- Dinolfos (OoT)
- Updated several effects
- Missing Magic Meter bars in several areas
- Ocarina of Time logo flame effect
- Updated several objects
- Chains
- Magic Plants
- Rupees
- Updated interface
- Game Over font
- Button text prompts (International & Japanese)
- Dialogue font and kerning (thanks for sageamagoo for pointing it out!)
- "Visit Location" map cursor
- Reworked fonts at higher resolution
- Shopping cursor
- Unavailable Fairy Bow Magic Arrows icons
- Remade logo for Ocarina of Time and Master Quest
- Added support for Spanish Master Quest translation
- Intro Logo, fonts, File Select, action prompts, Game Over, icons, etc
- Updated Randomizer
- Added logo (OoT)
- Added Select Item dungeon status fonts (OoT)
- D-Pad icon (OoT, MM)
- Missing icons (OoT)