The FIWARE Data Space Connector is constantly beeing developed and extended with new features. Their status and some previews will be listed on this page.
All planned work is listed in the FIWARE Data Space Connector Taiga-Board.
⚠️ Since everything in this section is still under development, it might not work at all times.
In order to be compatible with other Connectors, the FIWARE Data Space Connector will support the IDSA Transfer Process Protocol. The architecture to be implemented is drafted in the following diagramm:
- Rainbow(not yet public) is a RUST-implementation of the Dataspace Protocol, used for providing the Transfer Process API, the Catalog API and the Agreement-Part of the Contract Negotiation API
- the Contract Management component is beeing extended to:
- integrate with the TMForum API and translate its entities to DCAT Entries in Rainbow(Catalogs and DataServices)
- create Agreements in Rainbow based on the Product Orderings
- create Policies at the ODRL-PAP based in the Product Orderings
The current state of work can be found at the TPP-Integration Branch of the Contract Management and the TPP-Integration Branch of the Data Space Connector.
In order to try it out, check out the branch and deploy the Connector from there. Once everything is running, the following steps can be executed:
- Create a category:
export CATEGORY_ID=$(curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
-d '{
"description": "Test Category",
"name": "Test Category"
}' | jq .id -r); echo ${CATEGORY_ID}
- Create a catalog:
export CATALOG_ID=$(curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
-d "{
\"description\": \"Test Catalog\",
\"name\": \"Test Catalog\",
\"category\": [
\"id\": \"${CATEGORY_ID}\"
}" | jq .id -r); echo ${CATALOG_ID}
- Create a product specification:
export PRODUCT_SPEC_ID=$(curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
-d "{
\"name\": \"Test Spec\",
\"productSpecCharacteristic\": [
\"id\": \"endpointUrl\",
\"name\":\"Service Endpoint URL\",
\"productSpecCharacteristicValue\": [{
\"isDefault\": true
\"id\": \"endpointDescription\",
\"name\":\"Service Endpoint Description\",
\"productSpecCharacteristicValue\": [{
\"value\":\"The Test Service\"
}" | jq .id -r); echo ${PRODUCT_SPEC_ID}
- Create the product offering:
export PRODUCT_OFFERING_ID=$(curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
-d "{
\"name\": \"Test Offering\",
\"description\": \"Test Offering description\",
\"isBundle\": false,
\"isSellable\": true,
\"lifecycleStatus\": \"Active\",
\"id\": \"${PRODUCT_SPEC_ID}\",
\"name\":\"The Test Spec\"
\"category\": [{
\"id\": \"${CATEGORY_ID}\"
}" | jq .id -r); echo ${PRODUCT_OFFERING_ID}
After those steps, the catalog with the offering is available at Rainbows' Catalog API:
curl -X GET ''
The result will be similar to the following:
"@context": "",
"@type": "dcat:Catalog",
"@id": "urn:ngsi-ld:catalog:5b33f5bc-65e7-40b4-a71c-b722da52a919",
"foaf:homepage": null,
"dcat:theme": "",
"dcat:keyword": "",
"dct:conformsTo": null,
"dct:creator": null,
"dct:identifier": "urn:ngsi-ld:catalog:5b33f5bc-65e7-40b4-a71c-b722da52a919",
"dct:issued": "2025-01-15T07:25:19.779168",
"dct:modified": null,
"dct:title": "Test Catalog",
"dct:description": [],
"dspace:participantId": null,
"odrl:hasPolicy": [],
"dspace:extraFields": null,
"dcat:dataset": [],
"dcat:service": [
"@context": "",
"@type": "dcat:DataService",
"@id": "urn:ngsi-ld:product-offering:96eaae6d-1615-41b0-b721-91c6a2e36551",
"dcat:theme": "",
"dcat:keyword": "",
"dcat:endpointDescription": "The Test Service",
"dcat:endpointURL": "",
"dct:conformsTo": null,
"dct:creator": null,
"dct:identifier": "urn:ngsi-ld:product-offering:96eaae6d-1615-41b0-b721-91c6a2e36551",
"dct:issued": "2025-01-15T07:25:31.220506",
"dct:modified": null,
"dct:title": "Test Spec",
"dct:description": [],
"odrl:hasPolicy": [],
"dspace:extraFields": null