easier-discord.js is package that simplified your discord bot coding without any programming knowledge (but it's recommended to do)
To get started:
make sure u have node js v16+ installed
and install easier-discord.js with npm using this command:
npm i easier-discord.js
or u can use this command to install the github version
npm i github:Bumblebee-3/easier-discord.js
Note: to run this make sure u have github installed
after installation complete, u can now setup your main file (index.js, main.js or whatever file name u want)
create main file (index.js) and put this Code
const Discord = require("easier-discord.js") //require easier-discord.js module
const bot = new Discord.Bot({
intents: ["GUILDS", "GUILD_MESSAGES"], //create your bot intents, put this with your needed
prefix: "!", //set your bot command prefix to !
autoUpdateVersion: true //enable auto update when your version is outdated, set to false or leave this part to disable
bot.onMessage() //callback that execute command when there's message send, put this once in your bot
name: "ping",
code: `
})//create your first ping command
Note that $sendmessage first part (channelid) is optional
u can pass that part
$sendMessage[;$pingMs] will work too
bot.login("TOKEN_HERE") //put your bot token here
After that setup, run your bot with node index.js
in your terminal
And go to your server and type !ping, if it success bot should sended you (botping)Ms
and.. Congrats! you create your first bot with easier-discord.js
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