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Guidelines for the changelog:

  • There should be an entry, however brief, for each user-facing change to F*.
  • Entries should include a link to a PR if at all possible, which can provide rationale and a detailed technical explanation.
  • Each section lists PRs in ascending numerical order, then entries without a PR in roughly chronological order.
  • Changes that break existing code should explain how to update the code, possibly with details in the PR or links to sample fixes (for example, changes to F*'s test suite).


Tactics & Reflection

  • PR #2785 changes the reflection syntax for computation types, by removing universe field from the Total and GTotal comps. It also moves the decreases clause to the general C_Eff case.

    This is a breaking change for the reflection clients, but the regressions should only be syntactic.

  • As a better fix for Bug2635, F* now has a memoizing core typechecker for total (including ghost terms that are total) terms. The unification solutions, including those computed in the tactics engine, are typechecked using this core typechecker.

    This is a breaking change, since the core typechecker may fail to typecheck those solutions, or produce SMT guards that, for example, may need to be handled by the tactics.

    There are a couple of ways to maintain backward compatibility.

    There is a new command line option (also settable via #set-options in a file) --compat_pre_core <n> , where n is either 0, 1, or 2. Value 0 is most permissive and value 2 is most strict, with the metric being how much of the core typechecker is applied.

    This flag is a global setting that applies "relaxed" treatment to all the unification solutions. For controlling this more locally, there is a new tactic primitive with_compat_pre_core (see, that applies the compat pre core setting only to the input tactic invocation. See for an example usage.

  • Pat_Dot_Term now only has an option term as argument, where a Some e indicates that the dot pattern has been resolved to e.

  • Pat_Cons, the case of constructed patterns, now takes an additional argument representing the universe instantiation of the constructor.

  • The behavior of pack was changed to canonize arrows by flattening them in the internal compiler representation (#2609). An alternative version of pack called pack_curried which does not perform canonization, thus retrieving the previous behavior was also exposed.

  • Mutually recursive let bindings are now supported in the reflected syntax, using the same constructor (Tv_Let) as before (#2291. Inspection of a let binding now usually looks like this:

    match inspect_sigelt se with
    | Sg_Let r lbs ->
      let lbv = lookup_lb_view lbs (inspect_fv fv) in

    Where lookup_lb_view looks for a name in a list of let bindings, returning the corresponding let binding view. In turn, packing a let binding usually takes the form:

     let lbv = {lb_fv=fv;lb_us=us;lb_typ=ty;lb_def=def} in
     let lb = pack_lb lbv in
     let se = pack_sigelt (Sg_Let false [lb]) in
  • Bug2635, reported by Benjamin Bonneau, revealed an unsoundness in the way the tactic engine was using the unifier. In some cases, it would enable terms at a weaker type to be accepted as solutions for a goal at a refinement type, without presenting any goals for the refinement formula itself. This is now fixed by adding a phase at the end of tactic evaluation that checks that any as-yet-unchecked solution actually has the type of the goal. If this check fails, F* reports Error 217 and suggests to use the new primitive tactic gather_or_solve_explicit_guards_for_resolved_goals which collects all those refinement goals and presents them to the user tactic for furhter processing.

  • A new version of the tactics and reflection engine was started by PR #2960. The new version is under the FStar.Tactics.V2 and FStar.Reflection.V2 namespaces and should be considered experimental and subject to change. The old version is still supported, available under the corresponding V1 namespaces. All the old, unqualified modules point to V1, so users should not need to make any change to their code to continue using V1.

Typeclass argument syntax

  • The syntax for a typeclass argument (a.k.a. constraint) is now {| ... |} instead of [| ... |]. They are also better supported, and be used in val declarations and arrows which was not previously the case.

Module system

Core typechecker

  • PR #2760 introduces core typechecking for implicits introduced for application of indexed effects combinators. This is a breaking change, since indexed effects clients are subject to stricter typechecking.

    See the PR description for more details.

  • Cf. #2641, F* now supports only type-based reasoning of reification of indexed effects. See #2641 for more discussions and associated pull request. This may be a breaking change for clients relying on extraction/smt reasoning of indexed effects via reification.

  • F* now supports accessibility predicates based termination proofs. When writing a recursive function

    let rec x_i : Tot t = ...

    The decreases metric may be specified as:

    let rec x_i : Tot t (decreses {:well-founded rel e}) = ...

    where rel is a well-founded relation and e is an expression that decreases according to the relation in the recursive calls. See this PR for more details.

  • Since 2686888aab7e8fa7059b61c161ad7a2f867ee1f8, F* no longer supports eta equivalence. Dominique Unruh observed that the primitive pointwise tactic (which treats provable equality as a congruence) allows proving functional extensionality, which is unsound in conjunction with subtyping in F* (see below for more discussion of that). It turns out that a crucial step in that unsoundness proof is the use of eta equivalence (See Bug1966a.fst for a proof of that, with thanks due there also to Catalin Hritcu, who writes about it here*).

    To fix this, we removed eta equivalence. One rough intuition for why eta reduction is incompatible with subtyping is that it can change the type of a function, widening its domain, e.g., for f:int -> int, reducing (fun (x:nat) -> f x) to f changes its type. Restricting eta reductions to only those that are type preserving turns out to not feasible in the presence of abstraction and subtyping.

    With the removal of eta, functional extensionality is now a theorem in F* at least for eta-expanded functions, no longer an axiom, which is an improvement. The removal of eta equivalence introduced regressions in some proofs that were implicitly relying on it. See, for example, #2294 and hacl-star/hacl-star#442

  • PR #2256 and #2464 add support for Coq-style dependent pattern matching. F* now supports match e as x returns C with |... syntax for typechecking the branches with C appropriately substituted. This changes the syntax of the match nodes to maintain an optional annotation. The data constructor Tv_Match in the reflection API changes accordingly.

  • Cf. issue #1916, F* has a revised treatment for the lexicographic tuples. This is a breaking change and may require some additional annotations in the decreases clauses, see for example: F* tries to give a warning for such cases that the proof may require type annotations on these decreases clause elements.

  • The expected type of the if_then_else combinator for layered effects is now a:Type -> bs -> f:repr a is -> g:repr a js -> p:bool -> Type Previously, the p parameter used to have type Type0. It only needs change in the definition of the combinator, no changes are required in the client code using the effect. For example, see:

    The types of the combinators are also subject to stricter typing (no smt and no subtyping). See this commit: for the kind of fixes this change required.

  • Cf. issue #1055, F* now enforces that unannotated, effectful functions have a trivial precondition (this is already the case for pure functions).

    See some testcases in examples/bug-reports/Bug1055.fst.

    The check is performed under a new flag --trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns, which is true by-default.

    This is a breaking change, see this commit for how we fixed the F* examples:

  • Revised typechecking of nested patterns and ascriptions on patterns, fixing unsoundnesses (issue #238, for example)

  • NBE: A call-by-value reduction strategy for F* terms is implemented using "normalization by evaluation". Specific calls to the normalizer (e.g., via Pervasives.norm) can request to use this reduction strategy by passing the nbe:norm_step among the reduction steps.

  • Polymonadic binds: See

  • Names in the expressions are now annotated with the types at their binding sites rather than with the expected types at the use sites. This change resulted in a regression in the F* examples:

    The workaround is an explicit annotation (see comments in the commit above).

  • An unsoundness was discovered and fixed in the treatment of lexicographic tuples. In particular, we used to allow relating lex tuples of different arity, notably, we had LexCons _ _ << LexTop. This was intended for the convenience of writing mutual recursive functions with decreases clauses using lex tuples of different arities. However, this convenience was seldom used and it actually lead to an unsoundness: See examples/bug-reports/BugLexTop.fst. This variable arity lexicographic tuple ordering is no longer supported.


  • Renamed some of the types in Prims in #2461.

    • c_False became empty
    • c_True became trivial
    • c_and became pair
    • c_or became sum
  • Guido Martinez found that FStar.WellFounded.axiom1_dep (and its specialization axiom1) is unsound when instantiated across different universe levels. The issue and fix is discussed in detail here: #2069

    In summary, FStar.WellFounded.axiom1_dep, FStar.WellFounded.axiom1, and FStar.WellFounded.apply have all been removed. The user-facing universe polymorphic axiom is no longer needed---you should just be able to remove calls to it in your programs. Instead, we have enhanced F*'s SMT encoding of inductive types to include additional, more targeted well-foundedness axioms. tests/micro-benchmarks/TestWellFoundedRecursion.fst provides several small representative examples.

  • Two core axioms were discovered by Aseem Rastogi to be formulated in an unsound manner.

    FStar.FunctionalExtensionality has been reformulated to prevent equivalence proofs of a function on a given domain to be improperly extended to equivalence on a larger domain. The library was fixed to ensure that domain type used to prove the equivalence was recorded in the axiom. See examples/micro-benchmarks/Test.FunctionalExtensionality.fst for example uses.

    FStar.PropositionalExtensionality was found to be incompatible with the representation of prop as the type of all sub-singletons. prop has been reformulated as the type of all sub-types of unit.

    See issue #1542 for more discussion.

  • The ulib directory has been restructured with old modules in legacy (consider them deprecated), an experimental directory as a staging ground, and a .cache directory in which .checked and .hints files are maintained.

  • FStar.UInt[N].mul_div has been removed. This operation was not supported uniformly, with only an implementation for UInt64 provided (using UInt128).


  • PR #2812 allows defining variants whose constructors carry records, for example:

    type foo = | A
               | B { x: int; y: int }

    See examples/misc/VariantsWithRecords.fst for more examples.

  • PR #2727 allows for custom unicode operators. As long as a character belongs to the "Math Symbol" unicode category, it is seen as a right-associative binary operator. Example:

    let () = List.Tot.memP
    let _ = assert_norm (3[1;2;3;4])

    See tests/micro-benchmarks/UnicodeOperators.fst for more examples.

  • PR #2745 adds support for if operators: the syntax if* a then ... (with * an operator) is now accepted and desugared as let* [c] = a in if [c] then ....

  • PR #2671 allows operators as field names in record expressions and record type declaration. Example:

    type foo = { ( ^ ): int  }
    let _: foo = { ( ^ ) = 3 }

    See tests/micro-benchmarks/RecordFieldOperator.fst for details.

  • PR #2670 makes F*'s parser accept unparenthesised record expressions on function application. f {x = 1} is now legal F*, while before one was forced to write f ({x = 1}).

    Note that in the context of a (possible) refinement, this is not allowed since it is a parser conflict.

  • PR #2669 allows name quotes in patterns, i.e. %`foo is a valid pattern and is desugared to the constant string pattern "", with X.Y.Z being foo's module.

  • PR #2686 forbids the sequence // in operators. For instance, +// used to be a legal operator, it is not the case anymore, since it is ambiguous with the comment syntax.

  • PR #2644 introduces monadic let operators in the surface syntax. One can now write:

    let (let?) (x: option 'a) (f: 'a -> option 'b): option 'b
      = match x with
      | Some x -> f x
      | None   -> None
    let foo (x: option (int * option int)) =
       let? (a, b) = x in
       match? b with

    Where ? is any operator sequence; there is also support for and?, ;?, etc. See example module MonadicLetBindings for more details.

  • PR #2603 introduces universes in the reflection syntax. It is a potentially breaking change for reflection clients. See the PR for more description.

  • as is a keyword now. One use of it is to (optionally) name the scrutinee in dependent pattern matching, e.g.:

    match e as x in t with
    | ...

    This is a breaking change, code that uses as as a variable name will require changes (cf. #2464)

  • Type-based disambiguation for projectors and record constructors. You can now write:

    type t = { f : bool }
    type s = { f : bool }
    let test1 (x:t) (y:s) = x.f && y.f
    let test2 (x:t) : s = { f = x.f }

    Where types are used to disambiguate the field names of t and s. See tests/micro-benchmarks/RecordFieldDisambiguation.fst for more examples.

  • eliminate and introduce are now keywords. They are used to implement sugar for manipulating classical logic connectives, as documented here:

  • Record opening syntax: Inspired in part by Agda's records as modules, you can now write

    type ty = {x:int; y:bool}
    let f (r:ty) : int =
      let open r <: ty in
      if y then x else -x

    See tests/micro-benchmarks/RecordOpen.fst for more examples.

  • Support for binder attributes in the reflection APIs pack_binder and inspect_binder. This is a breaking change, see commit for how to fix the breaking code.

  • abstract qualifier and the related option --use_extracted_interfaces are no longer supported. Use interfaces instead.

  • We now overload & to construct both dependent and non-dependent tuple types. t1 & t2 is equivalent to tuple2 t1 t2 whereas x:t1 & t2 is dtuple2 t1 (fun x -> t2). See examples/micro-benchmarks/TupleSyntax.fst. The main value proposition here is that in contrast to *, which clashes with the multiplication on integers, the & symbol can be used for tuples while reserving * for multiplication.

  • Attributes are now specified using the notation [@@ a1; ... ; an] i.e., a semicolon separated list of terms. The old syntax will soon be deprecated.

  • Attributes on binders are now using a different syntax [@@@ a1; ... ; an] i.e., @@@ instead of @@. This is a breaking change that enables using attributes on explicit binders, record fields and more. See #2192 for more details.


  • [PR #2489] Due to the renaming of KReMLin into KaRaMeL, --codegen Kremlin has been turned into --codegen krml, and the (noextract_to "Kremlin") attribute has been turned into (noextract_to "krml"). This is a breaking change.

  • Cross-module inlining: Declarations in interfaces marked with the inline_for_extraction qualifier have their definitions inlined in client code. Currently guarded by the --cmi flag, this will soon be the default behavior. Also see: and

  • --use_nbe_for_extraction: A new option that enables the use of the call-by-value normalization-by-evaluation reduction strategy for normalizing code prior to extraction.

SMT Encoding

  • A soundness bug was fixed in the encoding of recursive functions to SMT. The flaw resulted from omitting typing guards in the axioms corresponding to the equational behavior of pure and ghost recursive functions. The fix makes reasoning about recursive functions with SMT slightly more demanding: if the typing of an application of a recursive functions requires some non-trivial proof, the SMT solver may require some assistance with that proof before it can unfold the definition of the recursive function. For an example of the kind of additional proof that may be needed, see these commits: and We need to call lemmas to prove that the recursive function that appears in the inductive hypothesis is well-typed (e.g. calling wp_monotone lemma for well-typedness of wp_compute in the second commit) . In some cases, it may also be possible to use the normalizer to do the unfolding: Another kind of change required hoisting some type declarations: to get around imprecision in the SMT encoding. This can be handled in F* with an additional SMT axiom on type constructors like list, but we only found a couple of instances of this. So, for now, we are going with the hoisting workaround.

  • The encoding of nullary constants changed. See the documentation in #1645

  • An optimization of the SMT encoding removes, by default, expensive axioms about validity from the prelude.

    The axiom in question is the following:

      (assert (forall ((t Term))
                      (! (iff (exists ((e Term)) (HasType e t))
                              (Valid t))
                       :pattern ((Valid t)))))

    The axiom is justified by our model of squash types and effectively capture the monadic structure of squash: the forward implication is related to return_squash and the backwards direction to bind_squash.

    However, this axiom is now excluded by default, for two reasons:

    1. The axiom is very expensive for the SMT solver, showing up a lot on most SMT profiles. Every occurrence of Valid t introduces a quantifier in scope (and a skolemized occurrence of HasType e t).

    2. Most code doesn't actually need these axioms.

    Instead, we now provide two flags to add versions of this axiom on demand.

    The option --smtencoding.valid_intro true adds the following axiom to the prelude:

      (assert (forall ((e Term) (t Term))
                    (! (implies (HasType e t)
                                (Valid t))
                     :pattern ((HasType e t)
                               (Valid t))
                     :qid __prelude_valid_intro)))

    The option --smtencoding.valid_elim true adds the following axiom to the prelude:

      (assert (forall ((t Term))
                     (! (implies (Valid t)
                                 (exists ((e Term)) (HasType e t)))
                      :pattern ((Valid t))
                      :qid __prelude_valid_elim)))

    Currently, in the F* tree, these axioms are enabled in our makefiles (see ulib/gmake/, since a few core libraries (FStar.Squash, e.g.) rely on it. But we are working on more tightly scoping the use of these axioms in the F* tree.

    Meanwhile, other projects using F* in project-everest no longer use these axioms by default.

Calculational proofs

  • F* now supports proofs in calculational style, i.e. where an equality between two expressions is expressed via a sequence of equalities each of which is proven individually. In fact, these proofs can be done for any relation, provided that steps compose properly (e.g., a < b == c implies a < c, but a <= b == c does not imply a < c). For some examples, see examples/calc/.


  • Issue #2444 The definition of the type ident exposed FStar.Reflection.Types is now string * range instead of range * string.

  • Development builds of F* no longer report the date of the build in fstar --version. This is to prevent needlessly rebuilding F* even when the code does not change.

Dependence analysis and build

  • --already_cached provides a way to assert that some modules, and only those modules, have already been verified, i.e, valid .checked files exist for them. In case a module that is marked --already_cached does not have a valid .checked file, Error 317 is raised. Otherwise, if we find a checked file for a module that is not already_cached in a location that is not the same as its expected output location, we raise Warning 321.

Command line options

  • F* no longer supports the vcgen.optimize_bind_as_seq command line option for tweaking the verification condition generation. The option was not on by-default, and hence was not maintained well. Further, as issue #2868 observed, it relied on a strange SMT axiom.

  • Issue #2385. The behavior of the --extract option was changed so that it no longer treats the OCaml and Karamel targets differently. Previously, when used with --dep full, F* would disregard the --extract setting when emitting the ALL_KRML_FILES variable.

  • PR #1711: Where options take lists of namespaces as arguments (--already_cached, --extract, --using_facts_from, etc.), those lists of namespaces can be given under the form +A -B +C (space-separated) or +A,-B,+C (comma-separated).

  • PR #1985: The --profile flag changed to take instead a set of modules on which to enable profiling. The output of F* on its finished message changed to not print the time it took to verify a module.

  • PR #2776: The --split_queries option now takes an argument, one of no, on_failure and always. The default is on_failure, with the same behavior as previously (split a query and retry when the SMT solver does not return a helpful error). Using --split_queries always mimics the old --split_queries, splitting all queries eagerly. Using --split_queries no disables splitting altogether.



Command line options

--use_two_phase_tc is no longer a command line option.

F* reads .checked files by default unless the --cache_off option is provided. To write .checked files, provide --cache_checked_modules

--use_two_phase_tc true is now the default. This improves type inference for implicit arguments and reduces our trust in type inference, since the result of type inference is type-checked again.

--use_extracted_interfaces now takes a boolean string as an option, i.e., --use_extracted_interfaces true or --use_extracted_interfaces false. The latter is the default. The next release of F* aims to turn this on always with no option to turn it off. This feature is more demanding in enforcing abstraction at module boundaries; without out it, some abstractions leak. See's-interface for more information.

--keep_query_captions true|false (default true) when set to true, and when --log_queries is enabled, causes .smt2 files to be logged with comments; otherwise comments are not printed. Note, the comments can be quite verbose.

--already_cached "(* | [+|-]namespace)*", insists that .checked files be present or absent for modules that match the namespace pattern provided.

--smtencoding.valid_intro and --smtencoding.valid_elim: See PR #1710 and the discussion above in the SMT encoding section.

Type inference

We had a significant overhaul of the type inference algorithm and representation of unification variables. The new algorithm performs significantly better, particularly on memory consumption.

But, some of the heuristics changed slightly so you may have to add annotations to programs that previously required none.

For the changes we had to make to existing code, see the commits below:

commit d4c0161c22ab9ac6d72900acd7ed905d43cb92b7
Author: Nikhil Swamy <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue May 8 15:27:19 2018 -0700

    ***SOURCE CODE CHANGE*** in support of new inference; need an annotation in Synthesis.fst

commit 362fa403c45def14fb2e2809e04405c39e88dfcb
Author: Nikhil Swamy <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue May 1 15:55:08 2018 -0700

    ***SOURCE CODE CHANGE*** for inference; the inferred type is more precise than previously, which leads to failure later; annotated with a weaker type

commit ec17efe04709e4a6434c05e5b6f1bf11b033353e
Author: Nikhil Swamy <[email protected]>
Date:   Mon Apr 30 22:11:54 2018 -0700

    ***SOURCE CODE CHANGE** for new inference; a repacking coercion needs an annotation

commit f60cbf38fa73d5603606cff42a88c53ca17fbd37
Author: Nikhil Swamy <[email protected]>
Date:   Mon Apr 30 22:11:17 2018 -0700

    ***SOURCE CODE CHANGE*** for new inference; arguably an improvement

commit c97d42cae876772a18d20f54bba2a7d5fceecd69
Author: Nikhil Swamy <[email protected]>
Date:   Mon Apr 30 20:59:50 2018 -0700

    **SOURCE CODE CHANGE** for new type inference; arguably an improvement

commit 936a5ff7a8404c5ddbdc87d0dbb3a86af234e71b
Author: Nikhil Swamy <[email protected]>
Date:   Mon Apr 30 16:57:21 2018 -0700

    ***SOURCE CODE CHANGE*** for type inference; could be reverted once prop lands



Basic type-checking and inference

  • A revision to implicit generalization of types (Since [commit FStar@e15c2fa4eb4cd7a10dd74fc5532b6cac8e23b4f1])

    F* has for a while supported implicit generalization of types in support of ML-style, let-polymorphism. E.g., let id x = x would have the implicitly generalized type #a:Type -> a -> Tot a.

    However, F* would incorrectly also allow implicitly generalizing over variables of types other than Type. For example, this program would type-check, at a rather counter-intuitive type.

    type empty (x:False) =
    let rec t (#x:False) (n:nat) : empty x = t #x n
    let f () = t 0

    where, f would be given the type #x:False -> unit -> empty x.

    Worse, sometimes F* would generalize over types with free variables, leading to crashes as in bug #1091.

    We now restrict implicit generalization to variables whose type is a closed refinement of Type, e.g., let id x = x has the same type as before; let eq = op_Equality has the type #a:eqtype -> a -> a -> bool; etc.

    This restriction is a breaking change. For a sampling of the changes needed to accommodate it see:

     [commit mitls/hacl-star@c93dd40b89263056c6dec8c606eebd885ba2984e]
     [commit FStar@8529b03e30e8dd77cd181256f0ec3473f8cd68bf]
  • More predictable and uniform inlining behavior when computing wps

    When computing wp of let x = e1 in e2, F* computes the wp of e1, say wp1, and that of e2, say wp2 (where x is free in wp2), and binds the twp wps to get the final wp.

    Earlier the typechecker would perform inlining of e1 in wp2 in certain cases (i.e. wp2[e/x]), e.g. when both e1 and e2 are Tot, or both e1 and e2 are GTot, etc. If none of these optimizations applied, the typechecker would simply use the effect-specific bind to compute the final wp. This behavior was quite brittle. See PR 1350 for an example.

    Now the typechecker follows a more uniform, and predictable inlining strategy. Term e1 is inlined into wp2 if all the following conditions hold:

    1. e1 is a Pure or Ghost term
    2. The return type of e1 is not unit
    3. The head symbol of e1 is not marked irreducible and it is not an assume val
    4. e1 is not a let rec

    This is a breaking change. Consider the following example (adapted from ulib/FStar.Algebra.Monoid.fst):

    let t (m:Type) (u:m) (op:m -> m -> m) =
      forall (x:m). x `op` u == x
    let foo :unit =
      let u : prop = True in
      let conj (p q : prop) : prop = p /\ q in
      assume (forall (p:prop). p `conj` u == p);  //extensionality of props
      assert (t prop u conj) ;

    Previously, the inlining of u and conj didn't kick in, and so, when the query goes to Z3, the assume remains in the precondition of the query, and Z3 is able to then prove p /\ True == p.

    With the new inlining behavior, u and mult get inlined, and the assumption then becomes p /\ True == p. Before giving it to Z3, the normalizer simplifies p /\ True to squash p (roughly, see PR 380), and then Z3 is no longer able to prove the query.

    To get around this inlining behavior, prims now provides a singleton function. Wrapping u in singleton like:

      let u : prop = singleton True in

    prevents inlining of u, leaving the assumption as is for Z3.

    See commit FStar@02707cd0 for an example.

    Only ulib/FStar.Algebra.Monoid.fst needed to be tweaked like this.


Standard library

  • Related to the change in implicit generalization of types, is the change to the standard libraries for state.

    This program is no longer accepted by F*:

    module Test
    open FStar.ST
    let f x = !x

    It fails with:

          (Error) Failed to resolve implicit argument of type
          'FStar.Preorder.preorder (*?u538*) _'
           in the type of f
           (x:FStar.ST.mref (*?u538*) _ (*?u542*) _ -> FStar.ST.STATE (*?u538*) _)

    This is because FStar.ST is now designed to work with monotonic references which are indexed by preorders.

    If you do not intend to use preorders, open FStar.Ref instead. The program below is accepted.

    module Test
    open FStar.Ref
    let f x = !x
  • FStar.Char.char: In support of unicode, FStar.Char.char is now an abstract alias for a 21 bit integer represented within a FStar.UInt32.t.

  • ucontrib/Platform/fst/*: These modules are deprecated. Their functionality is now moved to FStar.Bytes, FStar.Error, FStar.Tcp, FStar.Udp, and FStar.Date.

  • Implentation of the HyperStack memory model and monotonic libraries (refs, sequences, and maps)

    1. Monotonic.RRef is gone. Following is the mapping of the functions that have been removed (MR is Monotonic.RRef, HS is FStar.HyperStack, HST is FStar.HyperStack.ST):

      1. MR.reln a --> Preorder.preorder a
      2. MR.monotonic a b --> Preorder.preorder_rel a b
      3. MR.m_rref r a b --> HST.m_rref r a b
      4. MR.as_hsref --> this coercion is not needed anymore
      5. MR.m_contains r m --> HS.contains m r
      6. MR.m_fresh r m0 m1 --> HS.fresh_ref r m0 m1
      7. MR.m_sel m r --> HS.sel m r
      8. MR.m_alloc r init --> HST.ralloc r init
      9. MR.m_read r --> !r (where ! is defined in HST)
      10. MR.m_write r x --> r := x (where := is defined in HST)
      11. MR.witnessed p --> HST.witnessed p
      12. MR.m_recall r --> HST.recall r
      13. MR.rid --> HST.erid
      14. MR.witness --> HST.mr_witness
      15. MR.testify --> HST.testify
      16. MR.testify_forall --> HST.testify_forall
      17. MR.ex_rid --> HST.ex_rid
      18. MR.ex_rid_of_rid --> HST.witness_region

      See the following commits for examples:

    2. HyperStack references (reference, mref, stackref, ... etc.) are now defined in FStar.HyperStack.ST. So, the clients must open FStar.HyperStack.ST after FStar.HyperStack so that the correct ref types are in the context. If the clients also open FStar.Monotonic.RRef, then it can be opened after FStar.HyperStack.ST, since it defines its own ref type.

    3. When allocating a new region or a reference, the caller has to now satisfy a precondition witnessed (region_contains_pred r), where r is the parent region. If r is an eternal region, this predicate can be obtained using the HyperStack.ST.witness_region function (by showing that the region is contained in the memory). See for example:

      Further, in some cases ref allocation may need some annotation about the default, trivial preorder (see the change regarding implicit generalization of types above). For example:

    4. FStar.Monotonic.HyperStack.is_eternal_region is deprecated. Client should instead use FStar.HyperStack.ST.is_eternal_region. To migrate the code, the script in FStar/.scripts can be used as: replace "HS\.is_eternal_region" "is_eternal_region". Most of the stateful code already includes FStar.HyperStack.ST, so the above should just work. This change simplifies the point 3 above, in that there is no extra proof obligation when creating regions now.

    5. FStar.HyperStack.mem is now abstract. The client changes include the following mappings (where h has type mem):

      1. h.tip --> HS.get_tip h
      2. h.h --> HS.get_hmap h

      The script FStar/.scripts/ has a new option rename_hs_mem_projectors that tries to do this renaming in all the fst and fsti files. If you use this script, make sure the gloss over the renamings (using git diff) to see that the changes are fine.

      The change is only syntactic in the clients, there shouldn't be any other proof changes.

  • Consolidation of HyperHeap and HyperStack memory models, and corresponding APIs for contains, modifies, etc.

    Client should now only work with FStar.HyperStack, in fact open FStar.HyperHeap will now give an error. Following is a (partial) mapping from HH (HyperHeap) API \to HS (HyperStack) API:

    1. HH.contains_ref --> HS.contains
    2. HH.fresh_rref --> HS.fresh_ref
    3. HH.fresh_region --> HS.fresh_region
    4. HH.modifies --> HS.modifies_transitively
    5. HH.modifies_just --> HS.modifies
    6. HH.modifies_one --> HS.modifies_one
    7. ...

    For a complete list of the mapping implemented as a crude script to rewrite source files, see:

    HyperHeap now only provides the map structure of the memory, and is included in HyperStack, meaning client now get HS.rid, HS.root, etc. directly.

    There is no HyperHeap.mref anymore. HyperStack refs are implemented directly over Heap.mref, which means, HS.mk_mreference now takes as argument Heap.mref, and there is no HS.mrref_of function anymore.

    The HyperStack API has also been consolidated. Different versions of API (weak_contains, stronger_fresh_region, etc.) are not there anymore.

    There is one subtle change. The HS.modifies functions earlier also established m0.tip == m1.tip, where m0 and m1 are two HS memories. This clause is no longer there, it seemed a bit misplaced in the modifies clauses. It also meant that if the clients wanted to talk only about modified refs, regions, etc. without getting into tip, they had to use HH functions (e.g. in Pointer). With this clause no longer there, at some places, m0.tip == m1.tip had to be added separately in postconditions, e.g. see the commit in HACL* below. But note that this should be quite easy to prove, since the ST effect provides this directly.


  • Pure terms are extracted while preserving their local let-structure. This avoids code blow-up problems observed in both HACL and miTLS. To recover the old behavior, at the cost of larger code size, use the option --normalize_pure_terms_for_extraction. Changed since 45a120988381de410d2c1c5c99bcac17f00bd36e

  • Since 393835080377fff79baeb0db5405157e8b7d4da2, erasure for extraction is substantially revised. We now make use of a notion of "must_erase" types, defined as follows:

    must_erase ::= unit
                | Type
                | FStar.Ghost.erased t
                | x:must_erase{t'}            //any refinement of a must_erase type
                | -> PURE must_erase _ //any pure function returning a must_erase type
                | -> GHOST t' _        //any ghost function

    Any must_erase type is extracted to unit. Any must_erase computation is extracted as (). A top-level must_erase computation is not extracted at all.

Command line options

  • --verify_all, --verify_module, --extract_all, --explicit_deps are gone. The behavior of --dep make has changed. See the section on dependence analysis below.

Dependence analysis; which files are verified and extracted

  • When a file f (either an implementation or an interface file) refers to a symbol from a module A, then f depends only on the interface of A if one exists on the search path. If no interface exists for A then f depends on the implementation of A.

  • Additionally, an implementation file always depends on its interface, if one exists. An interface does not depend on its implementation.

  • The --dep full option:

    Invoking fstar --dep full f1 ... fn

    • emits the entire dependence graph D of f1 ... fn

    • additionally, for every interface file a.fsti in D whose implementation a.fst is not in D, we also emit the dependence graph of a.fst.

    This means, for instance, that you can run fstar --dep full on all the root files of your project and get dependences (in make format) for all the files you need to verify in order to be sure that your project is fully verified.

  • When you invoke fstar f1 ... fn, the only files that are verified are those that are mentioned on the command line. The dependences of those files are computed automatically and are lax-checked.

  • Given an invocation of fstar --codegen OCaml f1 ... fn, all (and only) implementation files in the dependence graph of f1 ... fn will be extracted.

  • The --expose_interfaces option:

    In rare cases, we want to verify module B against a particular, concrete implementation of module A, disregarding the abstraction imposed by an interface of A.

    In such a situation, you can run:

    fstar --expose_interfaces A.fsti A.fst B.fst

    Note, this explicitly breaks the abstraction of the interface A.fsti. So use this only if you really know what you're doing.

  • We aim to encourage a style in which typical invocations of fstar take only a single file on the command line. Only that file will be verified.

  • Only that file will be verified and extracted (if --codegen is specified).

  • The --cache_checked_modules flag enables incremental, separate compilation of F* projects. See examples/sample_project for how this is used.

Expected changes in the near future:

  • We will make --cache_checked_modules the default so that the cost of reloading dependences for each invocation of fstar is mininimized.

  • The --extract_namespace and --extract_module flags will be removed.

Error reporting

  • Every error or warning is now assigned a unique number. Error reports now look like this:
.\test.fst(2,22-2,23): (Error 19) Subtyping check failed; expected type Prims.nat; got type (see also D:\workspace\everest\FStar\ulib\prims.fst(316,17-316,23))

Notice the 19: that's the unique error number.

Warnings can be silenced or turned into errors using the new --warn_error option.


  • Let bindings are now part of the reflected syntax (Tv_Let), and can be inspected/created in the usual manner.

  • New primitive: launch_process which runs an external command and returns its output. For security reasons, this only works if --unsafe_tactic_exec is provided (which can only be set externally).

  • New primitive: norm_term to call the normalizer on a quoted term.

  • commit FStar@06948088 The tactics normalization interface is now on par with the normalization available to the type checker. This included some backwards-incompatible changes to how reduction steps are referenced in tactics. See the changes to Normalization.fst for some examples. The biggest breaking change is that UnfoldOnly (which used to take a list fv) has been replaced with delta_only, which takes a list of fully-qualfied identifiers (eg, The other reduction steps are nullary and have simply been renamed.

  • clear, which removed the innermost binder from the context, now takes a binder as an argument an will attempt to remove it from any position (given that dependency allows it). The old behaviour can be recovered with clear_top instead.


Standard library

  • commit FStar@f73f295e The specifications for the machine integer libraries (Int64.fst, UInt64.fst, etc) now forbid several forms of undefined behavior in C.

    The signed arithmetic add_underspec, sub_underspec, and mul_underspec functions have been removed.

    Shifts have a precondition that the shift is less than the bitwidth.

    Existing code may need additional preconditions to verify (for example, see a fix to HACL*). Code that relied on undefined behavior is unsafe, but it can be extracted using assume or admit.

C Extraction

  • PR #1176 inline_for_extraction on a type annotation now unfolds it at extraction time. This can help to reveal first-order code for C extraction; see FStarLang/karamel #51.

Command line options

  • --hint_stats and --check_hints are gone b50c88930e3f2655704696902693941525f6cf9f. The former was rarely used. The latter may be restored, but the code was too messy to retain, given that the feature is also not much used.

  • --hint_info and --print_z3_statistics are deprecated. They are subsumed by --query_stats.

  • --cache_checked_modules: writes out a .checked file from which the typechecker can reconstruct its state, instead of re-verifying a module every time

Error reporting

  • The error reports from SMT query failures have been substantially reworked. At least a diagnostic (i.e., an "Info" message) is issued for each SMT query failure together with a reason provided by the SMT solver. To see that diagnostic message, you at least need to have '--debug yes'. Additionally, localized assertion failures will be printed as errors. If no localized errors could be recovered (e.g., because of a solver timeout) then the dreaded "Unknown assertion failed" error is reported.

  • --query_stats now reports a reason for a hint failure as well as localized errors for sub-proofs that failed to replay. This is should provide a faster workflow than using --detail_hint_replay (which still exists)


  • A file can now contain at most one module or interface