📼 Step-by-step tutorial video |
Files can be edited with text editor of your choice (Notepad, Notepad++, VSCode, Nano, Atom).
docker-compose.yaml - Container orchestration configuration.
- file location:
- services:
- api: Project application.
- orion: Orion Context Broker.
- mongo: MongoDB database for Orion Context Broker.
- redis: Redis database for application data storage.
- influxdb: InfluxDB instance.
- file location:
.env - Configuration file for
.This file can be hidden so you might need to adjust your system settings.
- File location:
- Variables:
- DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_MODE - Launch mode of the container. Can be setup or upgrade. Setup prepares the Influx-db for demo, upgrade - upgrades Influx-db from 1.x to 2.x.
- DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_USERNAME - Default users username.
- DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_PASSWORD - Default users password.
- DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_ORG - Default organization.
- DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_BUCKET - Default bucket of default organization.
- DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_ADMIN_TOKEN - Access token for the default user. Can access and edit everything.
- File location:
Dockerfiles - Files defining Docker containers
- file locations:
- file locations:
.env - Configuration file for project application.
There is no need to edit this file to try the module. This file can be hidden so you might need to adjust your system settings.
- File location:
- Variables:
- General variables:
- PRINT_CONFIG - If set to true, prints the whole configuration when application workers start.
- DEMO - Load data for demonstration.
- Logging variables:
- LOGS_LEVEL - Logging level. Default - NOTSET. Available - NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, CRITICAL.
- LOGS_PATH - Path of the log file. docker-compose.yaml must be updated accordingly, so the log files would be exposed outside of the container.
- LOGS_FILENAME - Name of the log file.
- LOGS_MAX_FILESIZE - Maximum allowed size for the log file in bytes. After file exceeds this number, new file is created and old one is renamed or deleted based on backup count below.
- LOGS_BACKUP_COUNT - How many old log files to keep. (based on LOGS_MAX_FILESIZE variable)
- Orion Context Broker:
- OCB_PROTOCOL - http or secure https connection. (http || https)
- OCB_IP - IP adress of the Orion Context Broker.
- OCB_PORT - Port number of the Orion Context Broker.
- Module variables:
- MODULE_PROTOCOL - http or secure https connection. (http || https)
- MODULE_IP - IP adress of the module.
- MODULE_PORT - Port number of the module.
- Redis variables:
- REDIS_IP - IP adress of the Redis service.
- REDIS_PORT - Port number of the Redis service.
- REDIS_DB - Database to use inside Redis.
- Influx-db variables:
- INFLUXDB_PROTOCOL - http or secure https connection. (http || https)
- INFLUXDB_IP - IP adress of the Influx-db service.
- INFLUXDB_PORT - Port number of the Influx-db service.
- INFLUXDB_TOKEN - Token from Influx-db, to allow uploading data on defined organizations and buckets.
- General variables:
- File location:
Open terminal
- Linux users:
- Windows users:
Windows key + X
and then press A key.
- Linux users:
Navigate to FlexHex-Rose-AP folder.
cd FlexHex-Rose-AP
Launch the docker compose:
docker-compose up --build
It can take some time for all of the images to be pulled from the internet and then built, so please be patient. It can take up to 5 minutes on 100MB/s internet.
Expected behavior:
A lot of logs should be appearing in the terminal.
While browsing the terminal it should be seen that api 1, mongo 1, orion 1 and redis 1 containers are running and none of them exited due to error.
If one or more containers writes
<container_name> exited <0 or 1>
something bad happened during initialization. -
In case of failure:
You can try to redo the steps.
Browse the logs in the terminal to figure out why and what crashed.
Browse logs in the
, for the module logs to look for errors. -
Go to Trouble shooting documentation page for known bugs.
When docker-compose finishes you can close the terminal, but general logs won't be visible anymore. To view the logs from containers, do the Launch the docker compose step again in the FlexHex-Rose-AP directory.
Find your computer or docker host IP address.
Linux users (in terminal):
hostname -I
Windows users (in terminal / command prompt):
ipconfig /all
Open your (computer or docker host) address via web-browser.
http://<your IP>:5000
⚠️ Add the 5000 port number to the address. -
After some loading for the first time the UI and the Welcome page should be displayed.
Orion Context Broker API user guide can be found here.
To check Orion Context Broker version (and test if it is alive):
Go to:
<your IP address>:1026/version
To check and create required Orion Context Broker entities:
Go to:
<your IP address>:1026/v2/entities
After going through the Orion Context Broker user guide, you will be somewhat familiar with the Orion Context Broker and comfortable enough to create some entities.
This can be done using one of the REST clients or tools that you installed in the Installations steps or using curl requests in the terminal. More information about curl here.
Create as many entities as you want, assign id and type and other desired data.
⚠️ Most importantly, the module requires entities to have metadata object with measurement key and value as desired measurement name.This is used to identify measurement of the entity when the subscription sends data to the module's end point.
To the entity variable, just add
"metadata": {"measurement": <measurement name>}
while creating it.⚠️ Example below can fail (Entity Exists), if .env files DEMO variable was set to True as it will create this entity automatically.-
Example entity that can be created in almost any of the REST client/tool:
{ "id": "hexapod1", "type": "Hexapod", "platform_x": 0, "platform_y": 0, "platform_z": 0, "metadata": { "measurement": "hexapod_position" } }
Example using curl:
curl -s -S -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @- <<EOF { "id": "hexapod1", "type": "Hexapod", "platform_x": 0, "platform_y": 0, "platform_z": 0, "metadata": { "measurement": "hexapod_position" } } EOF
To check Orion Context Broker subscriptions:
Go to:
<your IP address>:1026/v2/subscriptions
By default, no subscriptions should be available.
Creating and managing Orion Context Broker subscriptions for measurements will be explained in the steps below.
By default, you will be greeted with the welcome landing page, shortly describing further steps and other pages.
You can navigate pages using the navigation bar on the left of the page.
To start using the module, measurements are one of the things that must be defined.
Measurement defines how module treats and processes subscription data from Orion Context Broker.
When subscription data is received, the module automatically translates variables to fields and tags for the Influx-db in Line Protocol.
You can define measurements in Measurements page.
Check out available measurement and it's data:
By default, there should be one measurement available. It should be compatible with your created entity ( from example above ) or the loaded entity by default if DEMO variable was set to True in .env file.
You can check this measurement data:
- Navigate to Measurements page, Get measurement information tab.
- Click the dropdown button below
Measurement name
. - The available measurement should be loaded and seen as one of the options, if not there should be "No measurements available." line.
- Click on the available measurement in the dropdown.
- Measurement data should be loaded and displayed in the fields below.
- If errors occur, notifications at the top-right of the screen should help to identify the problem.
Defining buckets is the second step to be able to use the module.
Bucket defines where measurement will be placed. In a sense, bucket is a... bucket... a data sink, it can be filled with various data of various types. Then it can be quered, filtered and shaped into a more usable state to display in graphs. You can read more about buckets here.
When Orion Context Broker subscription data is received and processed successfully, it searches if the measurement has valid bucket assigned.
You can define buckets in Buckets page.
Check out available bucket and it's data:
By default, there should be one bucket available. It should have assigned measurement already.
You can check this bucket's data:
- Navigate to Buckets page, Get bucket information tab.
- Click the dropdown button below
Bucket name
. - The available bucket should be loaded and seen as one of the options, if not there should be "No buckets available." line.
- Click on the available bucket in the dropdown.
- Bucket data should be loaded and displayed in the fields below.
- If errors occur, notifications at the top-right of the screen should help to identify the problem.
Defining organizations is the third step to be able to use the module.
Organization defines which workspace to use in Influx-db. An organization has seperate user groups, dashboards, tasks, buckets and etc. You can read more about organizations inside Influx-db here.
When Orion Context Broker subscription data is received and processed successfully and measurement had valid bucket assigned, then module tries to find organization that is assigned to the bucket.
You can define organizations in Organizations page.
Check out available organization and it's data:
By default, there should be one organization available. It should have assigned bucket already.
You can check this organization's data:
- Navigate to Organizations page, Get organization information tab.
- Click the dropdown button below
Organization name
. - The available organization should be loaded and seen as one of the options, if not there should be "No organizations available." line.
- Click on the available organization in the dropdown.
- Organization data should be loaded and displayed in the fields below.
- If errors occur, notifications at the top-right of the screen should help to identify the problem.
Creating subscriptions is the last step to be able to use the module.
Subscriptions are created inside Orion Context Broker are based on measurements. The subscriptions has triggers for entities and their properties. When entities change or get updated, subscriptions sends entity parameters to the defined end point. The end point in this case is this module. After processing the data received from subscription, the module uploads the data into Influx-db. More information about subscriptions can be found here (in the Subscriptions reference).
When subscription is being created, information about desired entity and it's parameters are gathered from measurement automatically. If all of the data is valid and module was successful in creating the body of a subscription, then the module checks if other subscriptions were available for the desired measurement. The outcome of this check:
- If no subscriptions were found - a new one is created.
- If subscription was found - the old one is updated (overwritten).
- If there were multiple subscriptions of the measurement - all of the duplicates will be deleted and new one will be created.
You can control subscriptions in Subscriptions page.
Create subscription for selected measurement:
By default, there should be no subscriptions available, so you have to create it.
To create subscription:
- Navigate to Subscriptions page, Subscribe to measurement tab.
- As subscriptions are based on measurements, you have to select the measurement to which you want to subscribe.
- Click the dropdown button below
Measurement name
. - The available measurement should be loaded and seen as one of the options, if not there should be "No measurements available." line.
- Click on the available measurement in the dropdown.
- The dropdown button text should be a measurement name.
- Click the
button. - The subscription should be created and success notification will be displayed in the top-right corner of the screen.
- If errors occur, notifications at the top-right of the screen should help to identify the problem.
Check out available subscription and it's data after creating it:
By default, there should be no subscriptions available, so you have to create it.
You can check your created subscription's data:
- Navigate to Subscriptions page, Show measurement subscription tab.
- As subscriptions are based on measurements, you have to select the measurement which subscription you want to see.
- Click the dropdown button below
Measurement name
. - The available measurement should be loaded and seen as one of the options, if not there should be "No measurements available." line.
- Click on the available measurement in the dropdown.
- Subscription data should be loaded and displayed in the field below. It should be a JSON like object.
- If errors occur, notifications at the top-right of the screen should help to identify the problem.
Create organizations and buckets:
To test/try this module, the next step is to create Organization and Bucket inside your Influx-db server.
The name of the Organization and Bucket should be the same as used in the module, or the uploading of the data into Influx-db may fail.
If you have created a Organization and Bucket inside Influx-db already and want to use it, you can create it in the module and assign the measurement.
⚠️ By defaultdocker-compose.yml
file has defined first launch mode and variables used for setup. It will create default user, organization and bucket. The steps below can be different, ifdocker-compose.yml
influx-db service was altered. You may need to set up Influx-db the first time you enter the page.-
Creating organization and bucket inside Influx-db:
- Navigate to Influx-db:
<Your IP>:8086
- Example:
- Example:
- Log-in to the Influx-db dashboard.
- If
Influx-db service was changed - You may be greeted by first time setup page. In that case, fill all the required fields like in toFill in the fields
step below. Additionally choose your desired user ID and password. - If
Influx-db service was unchanged - ID:admin
, PW:admin1234
- If
- Navigate to new organization window.
- Click on your user avatar in the navigation bar.
- Then click
Create organization
in the pop-up. - or
- Just go to
- Example:
- Example:
- Fill in the fields:
- Organization name:
- If
Influx-db service was unchanged: It should have been created.
- If
- Bucket name:
- If
Influx-db service was unchanged: It should have been created.
- If
- Organization name:
- Click
- Navigate to Influx-db:
You now should have the necessary Organization and Bucket inside of the Influx-db server.
The next step is to make updates to the entity that you created previously in the Orion Context Broker. part of this guide. This will trigger the subscriptions that you created in "Using WEB interface. >Subscriptions" part of this guide.
Updating the entity of Orion Context Broker:
This can be done using one of the REST clients or tools that you installed in the Installations steps or using curl requests in the terminal.
The request:
- Path:
<Orion Context Broker IP>:1026/v2/entities/<Your entity ID>/attrs?options=keyValues
- Request type:
- Request body:
- JSON format.
- Key, value pairs (with new values) that were defined when creating the entity.
- Path:
Example entity in almost any of the REST client/tool:
{ "platform_x": 1, "platform_y": 2, "platform_z": 3 }
Example using curl:
curl -X PATCH -s -S -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @- <<EOF { "platform_x": 1, "platform_y": 2, "platform_z": 3 } EOF
⚠️ Please change at least one platform_* value every time request is made. Othervise it won't be updated. :warning: One or all of the entity variables can be updated at a time. -
Final step is to check out the results if the module actually did what it supposed to and uploaded data into Influx-db.
Explore Influx-db:
Navigate to Influx-db:
<Your IP>:8086
- Example:
- Example:
Log-in to the Influx-db dashboard.
- If
Influx-db service was unchanged - ID:admin
, PW:admin1234
- If
Navigate to Explore page. Should be available on the navigation bar that is on the left of the screen.
⚠️ BelowData explorer
page header, change fromGraph
visualization of the data. -
Select appropriate time range in the
Time input
, so the data would be available inside the range selected. -
Script editor
. -
In the Editor window, paste:
from(bucket: "Test") |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop) |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "hexapod_position") |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value") |> keep(columns: ["_time", "_measurement", "hexapod", "x", "y", "z"]) |> yield()
. -
Data should be visible.
You can switch data visualization to
mode, to see changes overtime.-
Replace Editor window text:
from(bucket: "Test") |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop) |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "hexapod_position") |> yield()
No data visible
If no data is visible, please adjust time range to a wider scope.
If no data is still shown, replace Editor window text:
from(bucket: "Test") |> range(start: -100y, stop: 100y) |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "hexapod_position") |> yield()
If no data is still shown, replace Editor window text:
⚠️ Replace bucket and measurement name.from(bucket: <Your bucket>) |> range(start: -100y, stop: 100y) |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == <Your measurement name>) |> yield()
If no data is still shown:
- Browse the logs in the terminal to figure out why and what crashed.
- Browse logs in the
, for the module logs to look for errors. - Go to Trouble shooting documentation page for known bugs.