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  1. Introduction
  2. System
  3. Change log
  4. MAJA output format
  5. Get and Install MAJA
  6. start_maja user_manual
  7. Questions


** The issues with CAMS option have been solved with MAJA 3.3. Activating the CAMS option is recommended over regions with occasionnal or permanent dust aerosols or pollution**

The following script will help you run the MAJA L2A processor on your computer, for Sentinel-2 data only so far. You can also run MAJA on CNES PEPS collaborative ground segment using the maja-peps script also available on github. Using PEPS will be much easier, but is not meant for mass processing.

MAJA stands for Maccs-Atcor Joint Algorithm. This atmospheric correction and cloud screening software is based on MACCS processor, developped for CNES by CS-SI company, from a method and a prototype developped at CESBIO, 1 2 3. In 2017, thanks to an agreement between CNES and DLR and to some funding from ESA, we started adding methods from DLR 's atmospheric correction software ATCOR into MACCS. MACCS then became MAJA.

  • The first version resulting from this collaboration was MAJA V1-0. If you are using this version, you will also need the version v1_0 of start_maja.

  • A second version of MAJA, v2-1 was used in Theia, but was not distributed to users, because the version 3 was available shortly afterwards.

  • This version of is made to run MAJA 3.2 or above.

MAJA has a very unique feature among all atmospheric correction processors: it uses multi-temporal criteria to improve cloud detection and aerosol retrieval. Because of this feature, it is important to use MAJA to process time series of images and not single images. Moreover, these images have to be processed chronologically. To initialise processing of a time series, a special mode is used, named "backward mode". To get a correct first product, we process in fact a small number of products in anti-chronological order (default value of number of images processed in backward mode is 8, but consider increasing it if your region is very cloudy). Then all the products are processed in "nominal" mode and chronological order. When a product is fully or nearly fully cloudy, it is not issued to save processing time and disk space.

For more information about MAJA methods but without details, please read : To get all details on the methods, MAJA's ATBD is available here :, or reference 1, below.

MAJA needs parameters, that ESA names GIPP. We have also set-up an internal repository containing parameters for all sensors actually processed by MAJA, including Sentinel-2, Venµs and LANDSAT 8. This repository is kept up to date with the operational processors. See also the parameters section below.


MAJA works on Linux platforms. We have tested it for Linux RedHat 6+, CentOS 6+, Ubuntu 12+. It requires at least 8GB of memory per instance of MAJA running in parallel. It also requires disk space (1GB per input L1C, 2GB per outpult L2A), and can use several threads in parallel. This is set in the userconf files, and the default value is 8 threads. Above 8, the improvement of performances is not linear with the number of threads.

On our two years old computer, 8GB and 8 threads, it takes 22 minutes to make a L2A product, except for initialisation in "backward mode" (the first product in a time series, which takes about 1 hour).

Change Log

V3.3 (2019/05/07)

Start-Maja did not change, but MAJA changed a lot. A summary of the changes is (provided here)[]. We really encourage you to use this version as it improves a lot the performances, regarding both atmospheric correction and cloud detection.

V3.2.1 (2019/04/10)

We changed a little the command line interface to store the GIPP parameters, and the LUTS in different folders. GIPP parameters evolve faster than LUTS, so it is better to separate them. I replaced the -c context option by two other options, -g GIPP_folder -l LUT_folder

V3.2 (2019/02/01)

We moved start-maja to a new repository, pertaining to CNES and not to Olivier Hagolle's personal github. It is also an opportunity to clean the repository, as the initial one had binary parameters in it, had grown a lot and took a long time to download. So we started from scratch.

The older repository is still accessible : from, but will not be updated anymore.

Several improvements were brought :

  • in the command line interface
  • to adapt it to CNES HPC context (optional of course)
  • to account from MAJA V3.2 and work with CAMS data.
  • to simplify DTM preparation (thanks to Peter Kettig contribution)
  • we removed this stupid (OH's) idea to remove the "GIPP_" characters to form the context name

MAJA V3.2 brings a couple of improvements compared to V3.1:

  • MAJA 3.2 adapts to a bug from Sentinel-2 L1C products, which sometimes (but quite frequently) provide the detector footprints in an incorrect order since October 2018.
  • The CAMS data can also be used as a default value for AOT estimates. The default CAMS AOT is used with a low weight in the cost function. If MAJA does not find many suitable pixels to estimate the AOT, the CAMS value will have an influence, but in general, a large number of measurements are available in an image, and in that case, CAMS has no influence (except on the aerosol type, see below, V3.1). Finally, this improvement will be usefull over snow covered landscapes, or bright deserts, of for images almost fully covered by clouds.

V3.1 (2018/07/09)

Older versions (click to unfold)

Until MAJA V3.1 there were two output formats, one for the products generated at Theia, and one for the products generated by MAJA used with standard ESA L1C products. In the future, we will adopt the output format of Theia. However, for this version, we provide a choise of two outputs. To choose which output format is used by MAJA, you will need to choose between two binary versions:

MAJA 3.1 ships several improvements :

  • the main improvement is the use of Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) aerosol products, which are used to constrain the aerosol type in the estimates. This brings a major improvement in places where the aerosols can differ a lot from a continental model which was used so far,it might slightly degraded the reults where the aerosol model was the correct one. However, a bug on the time and mlocation interpolation of CAMS data was found, and we recommend to activate the CAMS option only when it is fixed with MAJA 3.1.2.

  • since version V2-1, MAJA also includes a correction for thin cirrus clouds and a directional effect correction used to improve the estimate of AOT when using Sentinel-2 time series coming from adjacent orbits. More information is available here:

  • depending on the executable downloaded, you can have access to the same output format as the one used by MUSCATE processing center.

  • and finally, MAJA is now provided for RedHat or Ubuntu Linux families.

V1.0 (2018/07/09)

We just added a tag, v1.0 to get a similar version number as the one used for MAJA. The corresponding release can be accessed here

v.0.9.1 (2018/03/29)

Added MAJA error catching. As a result, the processing of a whole time series stops if MAJA fails for a given date.

v0.9 (2017/10/02)

  • this version of start_maja works with both S2A and S2B
  • we have found errors, especially regarding water vapour, in the parameters we provided in the "GIPP_nominal" folder. These parameters have been removed and we strongly advise you to do the same.
  • we have updated the parameters and provided them for both S2A and S2B in the folder GIPP_S2AS2B

Data format

We provide two versions of MAJA's binary code depending on the format you wish to use :

  • the MAJA version with "Sentinel2-TM" plugin uses the Theia format as output. This format is described here.

  • the other version still uses the native format, described here. We might decide to stop support for this format in the coming versions.


Get MAJA Sofware

MAJA is provided as a binary code and should at least work on RedHat (6 and 7), Cent 0S, or Ubuntu recent versions. Its licence prevents commercial use of the code. For a licence allowing commercial use, please contact CNES (Olivier Hagolle). MAJA's distribution site is

MAJA is provided under two versions depending on the format you would like to use.

If you wish to use MUSCATE format, which is documented here, you will have to download the TM binary.

If you wish to use the native format, which is documented here, as for MAJA 1_0, you will have to download the "NoTM" version. Anyway, be aware that we will probably not maintain that version in the coming years.

install MAJA

Installation of MAJA is straightforward on linux systems. You just have to unzip the provided package and use the following command :

>>> bash --target /path/to/install

To use this, you will need to configure the directories within the folder.txt file.

Start_maja User manual

The basic supervisor start_maja enables to process successively all files in a time series of Sentinel-2 images for a given tile, stored in a folder. The initialisation of the time series is performed with the "backward mode", and then all the dates are processed in "nominal" mode. The backward mode takes much more time than the nominal mode. On my computer, which is a fast one, the nominal mode takes 15 minutes, and the backward mode takes almost one hour. No control is done on the outputs, and it does not check if the time elapsed between two successive products used as input is not too long and would require restarting the initialisation in backward mode.

The description below will explain how to process a set of data above tile 31TFJ, near Avignon in Provence, France. To process any other tile, you will need to prepare the DTM and store the data in the DTM folder.


  • Install MAJA

  • Clone the current repository to get git clone

Prepare folders and input files

  • To use the start_maja script, you need to configure the directories, within the folder.txt file. Here is my own configuration, also provided in the folders.txt file in this repository.
repL1  =/mnt/data/SENTINEL2/L1C_PDGS
repL2  =/mnt/data/SENTINEL2/L2A_MAJA
repCAMS  =/mnt/data/SENTINEL2/CAMS
  • repCode is where is stored, together with the DTM, userconf and GIPP directories

  • repWork is a directory to store the temporary files

  • repL1 is where to find the L1C data (without the site name which is added aferward)

    • Les produits SAFE doivent donc être stockés à l'emplacement suivant : repL1 = repL1/site
  • repL2 is for the L2A data (without the site name which is added aferward)

  • repMAJA is where the Maja binary code is

  • repCAMS is where CAMS data are stored

  • Start_MAJA expects the presence of several directories and files in the Start_Maja folder.

#files downloaded grom github       #This readme   #orchestrator 
cams_download/  #utilities to downlaod cams data
Common/         #some common libraries
Prepare_DTM/    #modules to prepare DTM files
useconf/        #folder which contains configuration files for MAJA

# Some folders to add (see below how to get these files)
DTM/             #to store the DEM files necessary as input to MAJA
GIPP_S2AS2B_xxx/ #parameter files (see above)
LUT_S2AS2B_xxx/  #LUT (look-up tables) files

To run MAJA, Start_maja copies all the necessary data in a temporary input folder. Here is an example of its content in nominal mode.

Folder structure...


The .SAFE file is the input product. THE L2VALD files are the L2A product, which is the result from a previous execution of MAJA. The files with GIP are parameter files for S2A and S2B, that you will find in this repository. The REFDE2 files are the DTM files. How to obtain them is explained below.

A "userconf" folder is also necessary, but it is also provided in this repository.

Retrieve Sentinel-2 L1C data.

The use of to download Sentinel-2 L1c PRODUCTS is recommended :

  • For instance, with (you need to have registered at and store the account and password in peps.txt file. python ./ -c S2ST -l 'Avignon' -a peps.txt -d 2017-01-01 -f 2017-04-01 -w /path/to/L1C_DATA/Avignon

  • I tend to store the data per site. A given site can contain several tiles. All the L1C tiles corresponding to a site are stored in a directory named /path/to/L1C_DATA/Site

  • Unzip the LIC files in /path/to/L1C_DATA/Avignon


The tool needs a lot of configuration files which are provided in three directories "userconf", "GIPP_S2AS2B_xxx" LUT_S2AS2B_xxx. I tend to never change the "userconf", the Look_up tables in the LUT directory depend on the satellitre, but do not change frequently with time, but the GIPP_S2AS2B, which contains the parameters, may change often. Most of the parameters lie within the L2COMM file. When I want to test different sets of parameters, I create a new GIPP folder, which I name GIPP_xxx, where GIPP_xxx is passed as a parameter of the command line with option -g .


We provide two sets of parameters, one to work without CAMS data, and one to work with CAMS data. The latter needs a lot of disk space (~1.5 GB), as the LUT are provided not only for one aerosol type, but for for 5 aerosol types, and 6 water vapour contents. As Github limits the repository size to 1 GB, we are using a gitlab repository to distribute the parameters (GIPP):

You can retrieve the data with command lines using git ''' git clone ''' This command will download all our GIPP folders, and then you will only need to move the right one to your directory.


The look-up tables are too big to be but on our gitlab server, we provide them on zenodo DOI server : , and unzip them in a LUT_S2A_S2B_xxx folder (I know, it's a bit complicated). They contain all the LUTS, whAtever the option you choose (with or without CAMS).

curl -o LUT_MAJA_S2A_S2B_CAMS_H2ONew_20190410.tgz
cd <repCode>
tar  xvf LUT_MAJA_S2A_S2B_CAMS_H2ONew_20190411.tgz

The file is a rather big one, 1GB, so downloading it will take a while. But as you are prepared to process time series of Sentinel-2, I know you have a good network and a lot of disk space.

Create DTM

A DTM folder is needed to process data with MAJA. Of course, it depends on the tile you want to process. This DTM must be stored in the DTM folder, which is defined within the code. A tool exists to create this DTM, it is available in the "prepare_dtm" folder.

Follow DTM generation instructions : Copy DTM in "DTM" folder within Start_Maja folder.

Download CAMS data

if you intend to use the data from Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS), that we use to get an information on the aerosol type, you will need to download the CAMS data.

CAMS data can be downloaded after a simple registration, but these days, probably due to a large success, it takes more than a day to download a day of CAMS data. Through agreements with ECMWF or through your countries weather agency, it is possible to get a priviledged access, which grants far better performances. To get a better access, it is also possible to download data month per month, instead of day per day. Donwloading a month takes almost the same time as downloading a day. But it does not work for real time processing, which needs day per day downloads.

if you want to use CAMS option, follow cams_download tool instructions :


Here is an example of command line

Usage   : python ./ -f <folder_file>-c <context> -t <tile name> -s <Site Name> -d <start date>
Example : python ./ -f folders.txt -g GIPP_S2AS2B_xxx -l LUT_S2AS2B -t 31TFJ -s Avignon -d 20170101 -e 20180101

Description of command line options :

  • -f provides the folders filename
  • -g defines GIPP folder, which is searched in repCode. MAJA uses the GIPP files contained in GIPP_S2AS2B_xxx directory. The L2A products will be created in rep_L2/Site/Tile/GIPP_xxx folder
  • -l is the LUT folder
  • -t is the tile number
  • -s is the site name
  • -d (aaaammdd) is the first date to process within the time series
  • -e (aaaammdd) is the last date to process within the time serie-s
  • -z directly uses zipped L1C files

Caution, when a product has more than 90% of clouds, the L2A is not issued. However, a folder with NOTVALD in the filename is created.

Known Errors

Some Sentinel-2 L1C products lack the angle information which is required by MAJA. In this case, MAJA stops processing with an error message. This causes issues particularly in the backward mode. These products were acquired in February and March 2016 and have not been reprocessed by ESA (despite repeated asks from my side). You should remove them from the folder which contains the list of L1C products to process.

We still have some difficulties with detecting the edges of the swath, which results in false detections of clouds or shadows on the edges. We hope to solve this shortly.


If you have issues or questions with MAJA, please raise an issue on this github repository. It will serve as a forum.

References :

1: A multi-temporal method for cloud detection, applied to FORMOSAT-2, VENµS, LANDSAT and SENTINEL-2 images, O Hagolle, M Huc, D. Villa Pascual, G Dedieu, Remote Sensing of Environment 114 (8), 1747-1755

2: Correction of aerosol effects on multi-temporal images acquired with constant viewing angles: Application to Formosat-2 images, O Hagolle, G Dedieu, B Mougenot, V Debaecker, B Duchemin, A Meygret, Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (4), 1689-1701

3: A Multi-Temporal and Multi-Spectral Method to Estimate Aerosol Optical Thickness over Land, for the Atmospheric Correction of FormoSat-2, LandSat, VENμS and Sentinel-2 Images, O Hagolle, M Huc, D Villa Pascual, G Dedieu, Remote Sensing 7 (3), 2668-2691

4: MAJA's ATBD, O Hagolle, M. Huc, C. Desjardins; S. Auer; R. Richter,