- Fix await when polling mqtt-schema-agent status (#166) @hardillb
- Skip the team broker when checking to restart agents (#165) @hardillb
- Start of mqtt-schema-agent support (#164) @hardillb
- Bump flowfuse/github-actions-workflows from 0.37.0 to 0.38.0 (#160)
- Bump path-to-regexp and express (#161) @app/dependabot
- Bump flowfuse/github-actions-workflows from 0.36.0 to 0.37.0 (#158)
- Bump flowfuse/github-actions-workflows from 0.34.0 to 0.36.0 (#156)
- Bump flowfuse/github-actions-workflows from 0.30.0 to 0.34.0 (#154)
- Bump cookie, express and express-session (#155) @app/dependabot
- Bump flowfuse/github-actions-workflows from 0.29.0 to 0.30.0 (#151) @app/dependabot
- Bump serve-static and express (#148) @app/dependabot
- Bump flowfuse/github-actions-workflows from 0.28.0 to 0.29.0 (#147) @app/dependabot
- Bump flowfuse/github-actions-workflows from 0.1.0 to 0.28.0 (#146) @app/dependabot
- Add initial file api (#144) @knolleary
- Bump tibdex/github-app-token from 1 to 2 (#131) @app/dependabot
- ci: Change workflow trigger approach (#140) @ppawlowski
- Update release publish to use NodeJS v18 (#139) @hardillb
- Bump ws from 7.5.9 to 7.5.10 (#136) @app/dependabot
- Bump JS-DevTools/npm-publish from 2 to 3 (#130) @app/dependabot
- Ensure userDir/storage is created (#135) @hardillb
- ci: Bump build_node_package workflow to 0.14.0 (#133) @ppawlowski
- Bump actions/setup-node from 1 to 4 (#128) @app/dependabot
- Bump actions/checkout from 1 to 4 (#127) @app/dependabot
- Enable dependabot for github actions (#126) @ppawlowski
- Bump express from 4.18.2 to 4.19.2 (#121) @app/dependabot
- Private ca typo (#118) @hardillb
- Bump jsonata and @node-red/util (#117) @app/dependabot
- Update nr-launcher to 2.1.1 @knolleary
- A log passthrough support (#114) @hardillb
- Options might be empty (#110) @hardillb
- Update npm-publish action version to v2 (#109) @ppawlowski
- Add support for privateCA config (#108) @hardillb
- Update package-lock file (#107) @knolleary
- Update package to new scope (#106) @knolleary
- Update nr-launcher reference to new flowfuse scoped module (#103) @knolleary
- Bump to v1.13.3 release @hardillb
- Pin reusable workflows to v0.1.0 (#100) @ppawlowski
- Update ff references in package.json (#99) @knolleary
- Change repo references in workflows after github org rename (#97) @ppawlowski
- Publish nightly package to npmjs (#96) @ppawlowski
- Pin reusable workflow to commit SHA (#93) @ppawlowski
- Disable scheduled package build (#92) @ppawlowski
- Update to @flowforge/[email protected]
- Enable flowforge package build dispatcher after package publish (#90) @ppawlowski
- Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5 (#89) @app/dependabot
- FIX: Allow publish only when changes are pushed to
branch (#88) @ppawlowski - Introduce publish pipeline (#85) @ppawlowski
- Update to @flowforge/[email protected]
- Add package-lock.json (#82) @Pezmc
- Change default start port (#72) @hardillb
- Fix detection of default stack (#71) @knolleary
- Add getDefaultStackProperties function (#70) @hardillb
- Add flags to permit TCP/UDP inbound connections (#69) @Steve-Mcl
- Update eslint and add default build action (#67) @knolleary
- Revert 64 (#66) @hardillb
- Install theme and project nodes into userDir (#64) @hardillb
- Prevent localfs crash when deleting project (#60) @Steve-Mcl
- Add licenseType to launcher env (#58) @knolleary
- Add env var FORGE_TEAM_ID (#57) @Steve-Mcl
- Add FORGE_BROKER_* credentials to launcher env (#54) @knolleary
- Map FlowForge logout to nodered auth/revoke (#48) @Steve-Mcl
- Handle actions on deleted project (#49) @knolleary
- Update dependencies (#50) @knolleary
- Pass credentialSecret to env (supports auto gen credential secret PRs) (#47) @Steve-Mcl
- Add description to stack memory value (#46) @hardillb
- Make sure DB has right values for port + URL (#45) @hardillb
- Modify nodered stack property regex to support beta releases (#43) @knolleary
- Move setting project URL to before launcher started (#39) @hardillb
- Update localfs to new driver api (#37) @knolleary
- Update project automation (#38) @knolleary
- Stop driver setting baseURL/forgeURL (#35) @knolleary
- Add basic stack support (#30) @knolleary
- Fix port allocation problem (main) (#32) @hardillb
- Stop opening cmd windows (#29) @hardillb
- Update package-lock.json (#28) @hardillb
- Automate npm publish on release (#27) @hardillb
- Add shutdown hook (#24) @hardillb
- Add lint rules (#22) @hardillb
- Add project workflow automation (#20) @knolleary