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File metadata and controls

429 lines (303 loc) · 22 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning, from version 1.3.0 on.

[1.11.0] - 2024-06-04


  • New Windows Installer API.
  • New Windows Installer Cmdlets: Get-MsiSummaryInfo, Get-MsiTableInfo, Get-MsiTableDump, and Invoke-MsiQuery.
  • Added methods CompareTo, ToUpper, ToLower to WuBaseString.
  • Added an unmanaged class called NtFunctions to handle dynamic linking to 'ntdll.dll'. Until we figure out a better way.


  • Rebuilt Get-MsiProperties to use the new Installer API and to conform to the Installer Cmdlets.
  • The managed class CmdletNativeContext was serving no purpose other than adding extra steps, and was removed. The CoreCommandBase class now hosts an instance of the old CmdletContextBase, which was renamed to CmdletContextProxy. This change removes extra steps and avoid calling unnecessary methods and operators.
  • Functionalities in the 'WuCore' were reorganized together with the header / source files. The Cmdlet class files were also reorganized.
  • Get-ObjectHandle now lists all handles opened for a process, given its process ID or the System.Diagnostics.Process object. Similar to the option '-p' from 'handle.exe'.
  • Get-ObjectHandle was re-written to account for exception handling, optimization, and other issues, like when told to close a handle the function gets process information anyway, despite the results being discarted.


  • Get-ObjectHandle did not try to close some handles when told to, such as owned by the System process.
  • Get-ObjectHandle couldn't deal with long paths (bigger than MAX_PATH). This was fixed by prepending \\?\ before big paths.

[1.10.0] - 2023-09-27


  • Suspend-Process (suspend).
  • Resume-Process (resume).
  • Get-ErrorInformation (err).


  • WuCore is now C++20!! (no modules in C++/CLI yet though)
  • The C++/CLI core was completely rewritten to refactor, organize, and conform to C++ programming guidelines.
  • Writing information from unmanaged code to PowerShell was changed to use a system of proxy delegates. These delegates do all the marshalling, and call the Write* functions with managed objects. This system allowed us to get rid of shared memory reading/writing. It's all done using wrappers.
  • All Cmdlet classes were given their own file. The main Commands.cs was almost 3000 lines long.


  • Tied up the error handling in Close-NetworkFile, who was throwing from an external component instead of wrapping in a NativeException.

[1.9.0] - 2023-09-17


  • Get-NetworkFile
  • Close-NetworkFile
  • New-Cabinet
  • Test-Port
  • Get-ProcessModule
  • New alias getdotnet for Get-InstalledDotnet
  • Implemented NativeWriteError for writing errors from unmanaged land.
  • Implemented EnumerateFileSystemInfo for future Cmdlets.
  • Implemented AbstractPathTree for future Cmdlets.

[1.8.7] - 2023-09-09


  • Pester tests for the following commands:
    • Get-ComputerSession
    • Get-ErrorString
    • Get-MsiProperties (created an installer to get the properties from).
    • Get-ObjectHandle (for files and registry!).
    • Get-ResourceMessageTable (created a DLL with a single message for testing).
    • Remove-Service (we have a test service with delayed stop).
  • PSObjectFactory helper class. Implemented to help creating PSObjects seamlessly throughout the code.
  • SafeHandle.h. This header file and implementation contains wrapper classes to apply RAII to native system handles. The first one is ScmHandle for service related handles. The Remove-Service Cmdlet now runs with this class.
  • Remove-Service
    • Implemented the NoWait switch parameter for when stopping services prior to deletion.


  • Remove-Service
    • Cmdlet now uses the new ScmHandle class to manage Service Control Manager handles.
  • Get-ErrorString now uses WuStdException to generate messages. It's more reliable and complete.
  • Get-ObjectHandle
    • The helper function to close handles was changed to mimic the GetObjectUsingKey function, on the way it uses NtQueryObject. NtQueryObject hangs when querying asynchronous objects like pipes, and these objects have pending operations. To mitigate that we were using threads, but this way is too slow and unreliable. Now we use CreateFileMapping on the handle, and check the result for error ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT to check if the handle is a file handle. Idea from this question.


  • Get-ObjectHandle was not closing file handles because it was not finding the handles listed. Fixed that with the new helper function to close external handles.
  • Remove-Service
    • Had a broken string when writing warning. That happened because I was using the WWuString instead of its buffer in the format
    • A corrupted heap exception was being thrown because we were trying to close a handle opened in managed code, wrapped in the ServiceController object.
    • Still in the handle department, there were a couple of leaks with handles that were fixed by the new ScmHandle wrapper class.
  • Get-MsiProperties
    • Saved the best for last. This was one of the first Cmdlets I built, and oh boy that thing was crude. We were closing NONE of the handles, leaving the file opened blocked in the current process. That was fixed switching MSIHANDLE by PMSIHANDLE, which was what inspired me to create the SafeHandle wrapper classes.
    • The Cmdlet had ZERO provider awareness, and I consider this a bug. Now we have all the path shenanigans in it. We also check to see if the current provider is FileSystem, which is the only one supported.

[1.8.6] - 2023-09-06

  • Get-ObjectHandle
    • The condition to see if the open handle is a handle to our key was wrong, thus returning processes that does not have handles opened to our object. Fixing that caused performance issues, because we are querying every single object opened, and using threads to avoid freeze in NtQueryObject. Turns out NtQueryObject freezes in certain asynchronous objects with blocking primitives. So we added a check to make sure it's a registry key before calling NtQueryObject.

[1.8.5] - 2023-09-06


  • Start-Tcping.
    • When canceling via Ctrl + C while probing an unreachable port, sometimes the last result is a false positive. Also, the cancel took forever. Implemented a worker-thread approach to cancel more rapidly, and a pooled queue system for notification, since WriteObject cannot be called from a different thread. Fine tunned the results to avoid false positives.

[1.8.3 - 1.8.4] - 2023-09-04


  • Get-ObjectHandle.
    • Checking if the user is running as administrator required the use of WindowsIdentity, which is not supported anymore, so everything was moved to C++.

[1.8.2] - 2023-09-03


  • Get-ObjectHandle. Proudly announce that Get-ObjectHandle now returns handles opened for registry keys, with full provider awareness.


  • Get-ObjectHandle. Improved the provider awareness both to support registry keys, and handle unsupported PS providers.

[1.8.1] - 2023-09-01


  • Start-Tcping. Added alias 'tcping'.

[1.8.0] - 2023-09-01


  • Start-Tcping.
    • New cmdlet that 'pings' a destination server(s) in the specified port(s).
  • WuStdException.
    • Implementing Start-Tcping brought a lot of challenges, the most noticeable one was the performance while returning from functions. WuStdException is a C++ std::exception based class to slowly shift from return codes to proper error handling.


  • NATIVE_CONTEXT -> WuNativeContext.
    • WuNativeContext is an improved version of the old NATIVE_CONTEXT, again to make the whole process more efficient and reliable.
  • Shared Memory.
    • The shared memory scheme changed from using memory mapped IO to using System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream, which is basically a memory space to be used between Managed/Unmanaged code.

[1.7.0] - 2023-08-21

The version 1.7.0 marks a turning point into this project. A lot of important things were added, and changed. From the changes, these deserve to be highlighted.

  • WindowsUtils string.

    This feature was one of many that came to support the Expand-Cabinet Cmdlet. It is a simple template string class based on the C++ std::basic_string, and the .NET System.String. I know, why create yet another string class with so many more reliable options? Because I wanted to, plus I got the chance to optimize it for this project. Since most allocations in the project are for strings, this class allows me to apply RAII to them, and manipulate them more easily. With this in mind, this is probably not a good string implementation, nor does it have a reason to exist.

  • Memory allocation.

    A lot changed in memory allocation. With the new string class we don't need to explicitly allocate memory for strings nomo. The WuMemoryManager is also gone, all explicit allocations (where possible) where replaced with smart pointers (about damn time eh?). A new template expression was implemented, so we can create smart pointers with custom allocation sizes. With this I hope to reduce memory-related bugs from now to new versions.

  • WuResult

    Up to version 1.6*, almost all unmanaged functions returned a DWORD value, much like Windows API functions. This was replaced (where applicable) by a new object called WuResult. I've implemented something similar in another module LibSnitcher (that you DEFINITELY need to check out). I was reluctant about this kind of implementation, but the debugging benefits, and exception handling made it worth it.

  • Native PSCmdlet method support.

    Alright, this new thing is perty damn cool. Using a system of delegates, Cmdlet context, and memory mapped IO I've implemented a way of calling PSCmdlet.WriteWarning and PSCmdlet.WriteProgress from 100% unmanaged code. This is also expansible for the other methods like PSCmdlet.WriteError.

    A custom command base class, inheriting from PSCmdlet implements native versions of WriteWarning and WriteProgress. This abstract class wraps a Core class which exposes the delegates that will serve as a bridge between both worlds. Data is exchanged between these worlds using a memory mapped file. This idea came from a video from the great Pavel Yosifovich on the subject. This approach solved all issues with string marshaling I was having before. You can find the video here.

    Unmanaged code calls a native function that maps a view of the file, writes the data, and calls a function pointer. This function pointer is the delegate from the Cmdlet context base class. When we wrap the command base into the C++/CLI context base, we pass our methods "casted" as these delegates. These methods also creates a view of the file, reads the data and calls the actual PSCmdlet methods.


  • New Expand-Cabinet Cmdlet.
  • New Get-InstalledDotnet function.
  • Implemented WindowsUtils.MemoryMappedShare to exchange information between managed .NET and unmanaged C++.
  • Implemented new system for writing information from unmanaged code.
    • A system using a delegate define in the Wrapper, defined in .NET, and cast to a function pointer in unmanaged code enables calling 'PSCmdlet' methods.
    • A new CoreCommandBase class, with a CmdletContext class will be responsible for carrying the context to unmanaged code. This is a very common practice in Microsoft's modules.
  • Added constexpr routing to vector, map, and smart pointers to make the code cleaner.
  • Added custom freer for smart pointers, allowing to allocate arbitrary sizes.
  • New string template class WuBaseString, including WWuString for wide strings, and WuString for narrow strings. This is probably not a good string implementation, nor does it have a reason to exist, but I had fun. Plus it brings some functionalities from .NET's System.String.
  • The new WuResult, and NativeException have a new property called CompactTrace exposed only in the Debug version. This contains the file name, and line where the error occurred.


  • Remove-Service
    • When Stop is used, the Cmdlet doesn't time out anymore. Instead, it writes warnings, much like when using Stop-Service.
  • Get-ObjectHandle
    • The Cmdlet shows a warning when the process running is not elevated. If the process is not elevated, some handle information might be missing due lack of privileges to query certain processes.
  • Replaced all explicit memory allocations with smart pointers. It was about time.
  • Replaced all C-style strings with the new WuString, and its utility methods.
  • Get-FormattedMessage changed to Get-ErrorText.
  • NativeException moved to C++/CLI completely. This allowed me from removing the NativeExceptionBase, and creating exceptions from the new WuResult object.


  • Calling Get-ObjectHandle with insufficient privileges to an object caused access violation. The function was not parsing the NTSTATUS from the subroutine.
  • Get-ServiceSecurity failing to get the SDDL from a "cross-function" SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pointer. Moved the SDDL formation to the native function.

[1.6.2] - 2023-06-22


  • Get-ServiceSecurity
    • Parameter Name accepts multiple names.
    • Added parameter DisplayName. Accepts multiple display names.
    • Added support for wildcard on Name and DisplayName parameters.
  • Added tab completion for Get-ServiceSecurity, Set-ServiceSecurity, and Remove-Service, both on Name and DisplayName parameters.


  • Fixed issue with ownership change when using the Sddl parameter with Set-ServiceSecurity.

[1.6.1] - 2023-06-21


  • Fixing assembly loading and dependency issues.

[1.6.0] - 2023-06-20


  • WtsSession:
    • From a static class to an IDisposable class. Not only safer, but allows us to manage multiple sessions with multiple servers at the same time.
  • Get-FormattedError renamed to Get-ErrorString.


  • Remove-Service Cmdlet.
  • Get-ServiceSecurity Cmdlet.
  • New-ServiceAccessRule Cmdlet.
  • New-ServiceAuditRule Cmdlet.
  • Set-ServiceSecurity Cmdlet.
  • NativeException exception on both core, and main libraries to wrap Win32 errors.
  • Implemented WindowsUtils.AccessControl.WindowsUtilsObjectSecurity for current and future object ACL abstraction.
  • Implemented WindowsUtils.AccessControl.ServiceSecurity to manage Windows service security.
  • Added help message on all parameters.
  • Added the ValidateFileExists attribute to validate if single files exists.
  • Added Format.ps1xml for the new type WindowsUtils.AccessControl.ServiceSecurity.
  • Added type support on Types.ps1xml for WindowsUtils.AccessControl.ServiceSecurity.


  • Get-ResourceMessageTable:
    • "s" was being used as a format specifier, which was breaking the message strings. Replaced with "S".
    • Trimmed output string on Message to remove the extra line feed.

[1.5.1] - 2023-01-18


  • Structure:
    • Rewriting the functions, removing stupid mistakes from when I was beginning with MS C++.
    • LocalAlloc. LocalAlloc everywhere. Replacing with stack and HeapAlloc allocation.
  • Get-ObjectHandle
    • Making getting process image version info more efficient.
    • Abstract processes like System, Secure System and Registry now point to ntoskrnl.exe, like on the Task Manager.
    • Column 'Name' added, 'Application' changed to 'Description', and property layout changed to mimic the Task Manager.
  • Disconnect-Session
    • Cannot use session ID 0 when disconnecting a session on a remote computer.


  • Get-ObjectHandle:
    • Implement CloseHandle.
    • Implemented NtQuerySystemInformation with SystemProcessInformation to cover information missing from QueryFullProcessImageName.
    • New Switch Parameter Force to be used with CloseHandle. Avoids confirmation.


  • Get-ComputerSession

    • When ran on the local computer, IdleTime should be zero for the current session. It was returning a random filetime. Now if hsession = WTS_CURRENT_SERVER_HANDLE, and the user is the running the Cmdlet, it returns TimeSpan.Zero.
    • For system sessions, the logon time was filetime 0, which is 12/31/1600 10:00:00 PM. Now when LogonTime is filetime 0, it returns null.
  • Get-ObjectHandle

    • Removing the error handling caused the protected processes not to return.
    • Using PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION to get version info, and image path from protected processes.
    • Processes who image doesn't have a FileDescription, using the image base name instead.
    • No more process missing main information, like Name and Description.

[1.4.0] - 2022-10-12


  • Some module functionalities depend on VC++ libraries. To avoid having to install the redistributable runtime, these assemblies are provided with the module.
  • Invoke-RemoteMessage:
    • Sessions who doesn't support message box was returning the same response of the last session.
    • When 'Wait' was called with 'Timeout' equals to zero, and there are more than one valid session on the target computer, the console would wait all session's response.
      This causes the console to hang if there were missing responses.
      Now, if Wait is specified, Timeout is mandatory, and an error is thrown if the user inputs zero.

Added Features

  • StageComputerSession method added to WtsSession to manage persistent WTS computer sessions.
  • Get-ObjectHandle new alias gethandle.
  • New output object for Invoke-RemoteMessage. MessageResponse, with Session ID and Response.

Changed Features

  • Release notes on the module manifest, thus also on PowerShell Gallery now points to this document.
  • WtsSession as a static class to use it as a 'Global Object'.
  • Send-Click now is called from unmanaged code using SendInput. Previously was called using explicit P/Invoke.
  • Disconnect-Session parameter SessionId not mandatory when disconnecting a session on the local computer. It will log off the current session.
  • All output objects are now .NET wrapper classes for the CLR ref class. This helps with cyclical dependencies, and further module expansion.
  • Get-ObjectHandle parameter Path not mandatory anymore. It will query objects in the current directory.
  • Invoke-RemoteMessage:
    • Now supports should process. Previously confirmation was managed by the UtilitiesLibrary.
    • Converting SessionId and Response vectors to smart pointer. Previously they were statically allocated / deallocated on the heap.
    • Unmanaged function now returns a DWORD and receives arguments as reference. This is part of the unmanaged code, and error handling standardization.
    • Ignoring response type 0. This is returned when the session does not support message boxes.

Removed Features

  • UtilitiesLibrary was completely removed from the project. All functionalities were migrated to the module itself. The 'Wrapper' library now is called 'Core', contained in its own namespace.
    This solves cyclical dependency issues, and helps standardize the output objects.

[1.3.4] - 2022-10-08

Version 1.3.4 improves interoperability between existing WTS Cmdlets.

Changed Features

  • Get-ComputerSession had an additional property on its output object. ComputerName returns a value when the Cmdlet is run for a remote computer.
    This allows the output to be passed to Disconnect-Session.
  • Disconnect-Session parameters ComputerName and SessionId now accepts pipeline input by property name.

[1.3.3] - 2022-10-07

Changed Features

  • Get-FileHandle changed to Get-ObjectHandle. This Cmdlet also works with directories, and allow future expansion to other system objects.
  • Get-ObjectHandle FileName property changed to InputObject to comply with the Cmdlet scope.


  • Get-ObjectHandle was not returning a considerable number of image properties. This was due the Cmdlet using a Shell interface to get properties from the files themselves.
    This implementation was replaced by VerQueryValue.
    Besides increasing performance, the only cases where properties are not shown is when the image does not contain a resource section, or access denied to the process.

[1.3.2] - 2022-10-05

Version 1.3.2 fixes bugs with Get-FileHandle Cmdlet

Added Features

  • Get-FileHandle accepts wildcard.


  • Get-FileHandle crashed when receiving pipeline input from Get-ChildItem, only on Windows PowerShell.
    Cmdlet was adapted to be "Provider-Aware". Recommendations found on this question.

[1.3.1] - 2022-10-04

Version 1.3.1 fixes bugs with the PS help engine.

Added Features

  • Using XmlDoc2CmdletDoc for creating and managing help files.


  • Help result not showing proper parameter information, and examples in the wrong category.

[1.3.0] - 2022-10-02

Version 1.3.0 fixes major bugs and changes features.

Added Features

  • This project now have a Readme, and a Changelog!
  • Adhering to Semantic Versioning.

Changed Features

Removed Features

  • Get-LastWinSockError Cmdlet was removed. It is effectively the same as Get-LastWin32Error.