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Theme Naming Convention

Vuong edited this page Nov 2, 2020 · 1 revision

How a theme is named depends on what type of changes you make.

There's a red thin line in what can be modified as part of being an open source project and the right of the original creator on the theme. We've identified three possible scenarios:

  • minor modification: this is a modification to an existing theme, potentially a bugfix or something that would increase the compatibility without substantial layout change. In this case create a pull request against the original theme.

  • modded theme: You clone an existing theme and create your own version. Feel free to do so and change as much as you want but do change the revision adding a suffix to the theme name. so e.g. rs232 becomes rs232_v2. You get the picture.

  • new theme: green field, just send a pull request end you're done

Please follow the, TTB naming convention:

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