Chocolatey GUI has been the thoughts and work of the following people:
These are the committers to Chocolatey/Chocolatey GUI repository:
- Gary Ewan Park - Committer, Chocolatey GUI, community feed moderator
- Richard Simpson - Created and maintains the new Chocolatey GUI
- Jan Karger - Long time contributor to the project
- Manfred Wallner - Chocolatey GUI Enthusiast
- Christiaan Baes - Created the original version of Chocolatey Explorer, which Chocolatey GUI was built from.
Chocolatey GUI uses the following awesome frameworks:
- Autofac
- AutoMapper
- Caliburn.Micro
- ControlzEx
- corefx
- Fizzler
- IconPacks
- LiteDB
- log4net
- MahApps.Metro
- Markdig
- Markdig.Wpf
- Reactive Extenstions for .NET
- Serilog
- Splat
- SkiaSharp
- Svg.Skia
- XamlBehaviorsWpf
Chocolatey GUI is built, with the following fantastic frameworks and services:
Chocolatey GUI is tested and analyzed with the following rockstar frameworks:
We would like to credit other super sweet tools/frameworks/services that aid in the development of Chocolatey GUI: