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File metadata and controls

65 lines (49 loc) · 1.93 KB

#TreeBook API


/articles               GET  (PG) get some Tree Data for 250 trees
/articles/:treeId       GET  (PG) gets a tree data by ID
/treeimage/:treeId      GET  (PG) gets tree imgurl by ID

/articles/new           POST (PG) adds a new tree to the database

##MESSAGES (Trees/Users)

/usermessages           POST (PG) inserts a message made by a user
/usermessages/:userId   GET  (PG) gets all messages made by a user

/treemessages           POST (PG) inserts a message made by a tree (bot)
/treemessages/:treeId   GET  (PG) gets all messages made by a tree


/user/:username         GET  (mongo) fetch a user's document based on username
/user/:username/status  POST (mongo) insert a status update in the user's document

/userimage              POST (mongo) upsert user imageurl in db
/userimage/*            GET  (mongo) fetch user's profile imgurl

Note: Actual profile picture is stored in AzureCDN


/treelike               POST (PG) inserts into likes table a userid/treeid
/treelikes              POST (PG) queries DB for params given, 
                                    returns list of users which like a tree
/userlikes              POST (PG) queries DB for params given,
                                    returns list of trees a user likes


/searchbyloc            GET (PG) gets a list of trees near a given coordinate
/searchbyname/:search   GET (PG) gets a list of 250 trees that match the query

##Example Request Control Flow User gets tree page by id

  1. articles/controllers
  • TreesController.js > findOne
  1. articles/services
  • articles.js['TreeData'] > ['Trees'] > getTree
  • automatically passes id of tree to method
  • get request for article/:treeID
  1. server/routes
  • articles.js > hits articles/:treeID resource
  1. server/controllers
  • articles.js > hits getTreeData
  • connects to pg. and selects name, id, species.. etc