Fuchsia is a commercial operating system designed for real world product requirements and optimized for performance. Fuchsia efficiently manages system resources—processors, memory, storage, networking, and power—to optimize performance across a variety of platforms, architectures, and devices.
Design principles prioritize performance
Fuchsia enables programs to run as fast as the hardware allows. Whether it’s choosing a programming language or deciding between structs and tables, Fuchsia is designed to give developers flexibility while maximizing efficiency.
Every subsystem on Fuchsia is benchmarked to evaluate performance
Comparing Fuchsia’s overhead to previous builds and other operating systems ensures that Fuchsia meets performance expectations. While Fuchsia does not yet achieve its performance goals in all areas, it is an area under active development.
Fair scheduling gives the system more flexibility
Increasing the choices available to the system scheduler gives the scheduler the flexibility to optimize for power, throughput, or latency, as appropriate for the situation. At any given time, there are more threads in the system that are ready to do useful work than there would be if threads commonly blocked one another.
APIs use asynchronous communication to reduce latency
Fuchsia makes heavy use of asynchronous communication, which reduces latency by letting the sender proceed without waiting for the receiver. This is important for delivering software that can come and go on a device as needed, to account for network latency.