{% include "docs/reference/hardware/_common/_sys_header.md" %}
{% comment %} The list of Fuchsia supported system configurations is generated from the information in the following files: /docs/reference/hardware/_supported_sys_config.yaml
Since this page is generated from a template, the full page is best viewed at http://www.fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/reference/hardware/supported-system-config {% endcomment %}
Note: This page was implemented based on RFC-0130.
This page displays supported system configurations for running Fuchsia.
Note: Fuchsia source uses x64 to refer to x86-64.
Select a CPU architecture
{%- for arc in architecture %}
{%- set found=false %}
{%- for sys in sysconfig %}
{%- if arc == sys.architecture %}
{%- set found=true %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- if found %}
{{ arc }}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{% include "docs/reference/hardware/_common/_sys_index_table_header.md" %} {%- for sys in sysconfig | sort(attribute='name') %} {% include "docs/reference/hardware/_common/_sys_index_table_body.md" %} {%- endfor %} {% include "docs/reference/hardware/_common/_index_table_footer.md" %}
{% include "docs/reference/hardware/_common/_sys_index_table_header.md" %} {%- for sys in sysconfig | sort(attribute='name') %} {% include "docs/reference/hardware/_common/_sys_index_table_body.md" %} {%- endfor %} {% include "docs/reference/hardware/_common/_index_table_footer.md" %}