Thoth integrates a symbolic execution engine powered by z3. It allows to solve constraints and to perform formal verification.
# List all assigned variables using the `assignations` analyzer or using the decompiler `-d`
thoth local tests/json_files/cairo_0/cairo_test_symbolic_execution.json -a assignations
[Optimization] Assignations
- v4 = v0_x + -10
- v5 = v0_x + -20
- v6 = v1_y + -15
- v7 = v1_y + -25
- v11 = 10
- v12 = 20
- v13 = v8_output_ptr
[+] 1 analyzer was run (1 detected)
# Set variables with a custom value
thoth local tests/json_files/cairo_0/cairo_test_symbolic_execution.json --symbolic -function __main__.test_symbolic_execution -variables v0_x=1 -constraint v4==0 v6==0 -solve v1_y
# Solve the variables values with constraints
thoth local tests/json_files/cairo_0/cairo_test_symbolic_execution.json --symbolic -function __main__.test_symbolic_execution -constraint v4==0 v6==0 -solve v0_x v1_y
v0_x: 10
v1_y: 15
# Use inequalities in the constraints
thoth local tests/json_files/cairo_0/cairo_test_symbolic_execution.json --symbolic -function __main__.test_symbolic_execution -constraint v4!=0 v6!=0 -solve v0_x v1_y
v0_x: 11
v1_y: 16
# Use variables equalities/inequalities in the constraints
thoth local tests/json_files/cairo_0/cairo_test_symbolic_execution.json --symbolic -function __main__.test_symbolic_execution -constraint v4!=v6 -solve v0_x v1_y
v0_x: 1
# Replace a variable using the -variable flag
thoth local tests/json_files/cairo_0/cairo_test_symbolic_execution_3.json --symbolic -function __main__.test_symbolic_execution -constraint v13==0 v14==0 v15==0 -solve v0_f v1_u v2_z v3_z2 -variables v3_z2=26
v0_f: 102
v1_u: 117
v2_z: 122
v3_z2: 26
# Find the right values for the variables to pass the assertions
thoth local ./tests/json_files/cairo_0/cairo_test_symbolic_execution_4.json --symbolic -function __main__.test_symbolic_execution -solve v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 -assertions
v2: 102
v3: 117
v4: 122
v5: 122
v6: 105
v7: 110
v8: 103
v9: 108
Or with a more complex case:
Solve the variables arguments values with the symbolic execution:
thoth local tests/json_files/cairo_0/cairo_test_symbolic_execution_3.json --symbolic -function __main__.test_symbolic_execution -constraint v13==0 v14==0 v15==0 v16==0 v17==0 v18==0 v19==0 v20==0 v21==0 v22==0 v23==0 -solve v0_f v1_u v2_z v3_z2 v4_i v5_n v6_g v7_l v8_a v9_b v10_s
v0_f: 102
v10_s: 115
v1_u: 117
v2_z: 122
v3_z2: 122
v4_i: 105
v5_n: 110
v6_g: 103
v7_l: 108
v8_a: 97
v9_b: 98
It is also possible to use symbolic execution with a YAML configuration file.
For example with this config.yaml
function: "__main__.test_symbolic_execution"
- "v13>0"
- "v14>=0"
- "v15<=0"
- "v0_f"
- "v1_u"
- "v2_z"
- "v3_z2"
- "v3_z2=26"
We can run this command:
thoth local tests/json_files/cairo_0/cairo_test_symbolic_execution_3.json --symbolic -config ./config.yaml
v0_f: 103
v1_u: 117
v2_z: 122
v3_z2: 26
Thoth symbolic execution can also be used for formal verification purposes.
For example we have this function test_formal_verification in which an amount passed as argument is subtracted from a balance of 1000.
func test_formal_verification{range_check_ptr}(amount: felt) -> felt {
let balance = 1000;
let is_le = is_le_felt(balance, amount);
if (is_le == 0) {
let new_balance = balance - amount;
We want to make a formal verification that the returned balance cannot be less than 0.
First we need to decompile the JSON artifact to get the variables values.
// Function 3
func __main__.test_formal_verification{range_check_ptr : felt}(amount : felt){
v53 = v49_range_check_ptr
v54 = 1000 // 0x3e8
v55 = v50_amount
is_le_felt(v54, v55)
if (v55 == 0) {
v56 = 1000 // 0x3e8
v57 = v54
assert v56 = v58 + v50_amount
v59 = v57
v60 = 1000 // 0x3e8
We need to prove 2 things using symbolic execution to make a formal verification:
- if
is lower thanbalance
can't be < 0:
!(v55 == 0 && v56 < 0)
- if
is greater thanbalance
can't be < 0:
!(v55 != 0 && v60 < 0)
If those two statements are verified then we proved that the returned balanced can not be negative.
We write the following rules into our config.yaml
function: "__main__.test_formal_verification"
- "v55==0"
- "v56<0"
- "v50_amount"
And we run it:
thoth local ./tests/json_files/cairo_0/cairo_test_formal_verification.json --symbolic -config config.yaml
No solutions.
We write the following rules into our config.yaml
function: "__main__.test_formal_verification"
- "v55!=0"
- "v60<0"
- "v50_amount"
And we run it:
thoth local ./tests/json_files/cairo_0/cairo_test_formal_verification.json --symbolic -config config.yaml
No solutions.
We proved that there is no solutions where the returned balance can be < 0.
For example we have this function test_formal_verification in which an amount passed as argument is subtracted from a balance of 1000.
func test_formal_verification{range_check_ptr}(amount: felt) -> felt {
let balance = 1000;
let is_le = is_le_felt(balance, amount);
if (amount == 42) {
let new_balance = - 1;
if (is_le == 0) {
let new_balance = balance - amount;
We want to make a formal verification that the returned balance cannot be less than 0.
First we need to decompile the JSON artifact to get the variables values.
// Function 3
func __main__.test_formal_verification{range_check_ptr : felt}(amount : felt){
v53 = v49_range_check_ptr
v54 = 1000 // 0x3e8
v55 = v50_amount
is_le_felt(v54, v55)
v56 = v50_amount - 42
if (v56 == 0) {
v57 = v54
v58 = -1 // -0x1
if (v57 == 0) {
v59 = 1000 // 0x3e8
v60 = v56
assert v59 = v61 + v50_amount
v62 = v59
v63 = 1000 // 0x3e8
We need to prove 3 things using symbolic execution to make a formal verification:
- if
is equal to 42,new_balance
can't be < 0:
!(v56 == 0 && v58 < 0)
- if
is lower thanbalance
can't be < 0:
!(v57 == 0 && v59 < 0)
- if
is greater thanbalance
can't be < 0:
!(v57 != 0 && v63 < 0)
If those three statements are verified then we proved that the returned balanced can not be negative.
We write the following rules into our config.yaml
function: "__main__.test_formal_verification"
- "v56==0"
- "v58<0"
- "v50_amount"
And we run it:
thoth local tests/json_files/cairo_0/cairo_test_formal_verification_2.json --symbolic -config config.yaml
v50_amount: 42
There is a solution, therefore !(v56 == 0 && v58 < 0)
is false and the formal verification failed.