Welcome to our comprehensive collection of learning resources for Git! Here, you'll discover a curated list of the best learning materials we've assembled just for you.
Take a moment to explore these valuable resources, handpicked to enhance your understanding of Git. We strive to provide the most up-to-date and informative content available.
Resource for practice (https://try.github.io/)
- [Git References (Master and Head)] (https://itachiuchiha.hashnode.dev/10-git-references-master-and-head)
- Top 22 Git Commands Explained With Examples
- Learn Learn a professional Git workflow with a bot as your teammate. For free!
- Git and Github full course in 5 hours
- Brian Yu's introduction to Git
- Git
- Git Stash
- Working with forks
- Syncing a fork
- Learn Git Branching
- An open source game about learning Git!
- Oh Shit, Git!?!
- Marklodato's visual git guide
- Github minesweeper
- Git Immersion
- The Odin Project
- 19 Essential Git Commands
- Visualizing Git Concepts with D3
- Atlassian Git tutorial
- Large file storage
- Pro Git Book 2
- Github Skill
- Write useful git message
- Intro to git merge and git rebase
- Intro to git rebase and force push by git lab
- Periodic table of Devops tools
If you have any additional resources or links that you believe would benefit others, please feel free to contribute. Our goal is to create a repository of the best learning materials, ensuring everyone has access to top-notch content.
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Thank you once again, and happy learning!