The following materials are produced for the UbuntuNet Training provided by the eduGAIN Staff in January 2024.
Trainees are new federation operators: IT skilled staff willing/needing to become new federation operators
- 1-eduGAIN-Training-Welcome-Introduction.pdf
- 2-GÉANT-Trust-and-Identity-Services-part-1.pdf
- 2-GÉANT-Trust-and-Identity-Services-part-2.pdf
- 3-Introduction-to-Federated-Identity-Management.pdf
- 4-Identity-Federation-key-components.pdf
- 5-Presentation-of-eduGAIN.pdf
- 6-Presentation-of-eduGAIN-policies.pdf
- 7-Presentation-of-Best-Current-Practice.pdf
- 8-Presentation-of-Metadata-Registration-Practice-Statement.pdf
- 9-How-to-support-your-community.pdf
- HOWTO Install and Configure OpenLDAP for federated access
- HOWTO Install and Configure Shibboleth Identity Provider v5
- HOWTO Install and Configure Shibboleth Service Provider v3
- HOWTO Install and Configure a Shibboleth Embedded Discovery Service
- HOWTO Install and Configure Python Federation Feeder (PyFF)