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gromr1 universal Helm chart


$ helm repo add gromr1
$ helm install whoami gromr1/universal-chart -f samples/whoami.yml

Use the --devel flag to access release candidate versions.

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

$ helm install my-release nixys/universal-chart -f values.yaml

The command deploys your app with custom values on the Kubernetes cluster. The Parameters section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Tip: List all releases using helm list

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

$ helm delete my-release

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


Global parameters

Name Description Value
global.kubeVersion Global Override Kubernetes version ""

Generic parameters

Name Description Value
generic.labels Labels to add to all deployed objects {}
generic.annotations Annotations to add to all deployed objects {}
generic.extraSelectorLabels SelectorLabels to add to deployments and services {}
generic.podLabels Labels to add to all deployed pods {}
generic.podAnnotations Annotations to add to all deployed pods {}
generic.serviceAccountName The name of the ServiceAccount to use by workload []
generic.hostAliases Pods host aliases to use by workload []
generic.dnsPolicy DnsPolicy for workload pods []
generic.extraVolumes Array of k8s Volumes to add to all deployed workloads []
generic.extraVolumeMounts Array of k8s VolumeMounts to add to all deployed workloads []
generic.extraImagePullSecrets Array of existing pull secrets to add to all deployed workloads []

Common parameters

Name Description Value
kubeVersion Override Kubernetes version ""
nameOverride String to override release name ""
envs Map of environment variables which will be deplyed as ConfigMap with name RELEASE_NAME-envs {}
envsString String with map of environment variables which will be deplyed as ConfigMap with name RELEASE_NAME-envs ""
secretEnvs Map of environment variables which will be deplyed as Secret with name RELEASE_NAME-secret-envs {}
secretEnvsString String with map of environment variables which will be deplyed as Secret with name RELEASE_NAME-secret-envs ""
imagePullSecrets Map of registry secrets in .dockerconfigjson format {}
defaultImage Docker image that will be used by default []
defaultImageTag Docker image tag that will be used by default []
defaultImagePullPolicy Docker image pull policy that will be used by default "IfNotPresent"
podAffinityPreset Pod affinity preset. Ignored if workload affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard soft
podAntiAffinityPreset Pod anti-affinity preset. Ignored if workload affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard soft
nodeAffinityPreset.type Node affinity preset type. Ignored if workload affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard ""
nodeAffinityPreset.key Node label key to match. Ignored if workload affinity is set ""
nodeAffinityPreset.values Node label values to match. Ignored if workload affinity is set []
extraDeploy Map of extra objects (k8s manifests or Helm templates) to deploy with the release. Example []
diagnosticMode.enabled Enable diagnostic mode (all probes will be disabled and the command will be overridden) false
diagnosticMode.command Command to override all containers in the deployment ["sleep"]
diagnosticMode.args Args to override all containers in the deployment ["infinity"]
releasePrefix Override prefix for all manifests names. Release name used by default. You should use "-" to make it empty. ""

Deployments parameters

deploymentsGeneral is a map of the Deployments parameters, which uses for all Deployments.

Name Description Value
deploymentsGeneral.enableAffinity Enable or disable affinity "false"
deploymentsGeneral.labels Labels to add to all deployments {}
deploymentsGeneral.annotations Annotations to add to all deployments {}
deploymentsGeneral.extraVolumes Array of k8s Volumes to add to all deployments []
deploymentsGeneral.extraVolumeMounts Array of k8s VolumeMounts to add to all deployments []

deployments is a map of the Deployment parameters, where key is a name of the Deployment.

Name Description Value
labels Extra labels for deployment {}
annotations Extra annotations for deployment {}
replicas Deployment replicas count 1
strategy Deployment strategy {}
extraSelectorLabels Extra selectorLabels for deployment {}
podLabels Extra pod labels for deployment {}
podAnnotations Extra pod annotations for deployment {}
serviceAccountName The name of the ServiceAccount to use by deployment ""
hostAliases Pods host aliases []
affinity Affinity for deployment; replicas pods assignment {}
securityContext Security Context for deployment pods {}
dnsPolicy DnsPolicy for deployment pods ""
nodeSelector Node labels for deployment; pods assignment {}
tolerations Tolerations for deployment; replicas pods assignment []
imagePullSecrets DEPRECATED. Array of existing pull secrets []
extraImagePullSecrets Array of existing pull secrets []
terminationGracePeriodSeconds Integer setting the termination grace period for the pods 30
initContainers Array of the deployment initContainers (container objects) []
containers Array of the deployment Containers (container objects) []
volumes Array of the deployment typed volume objects []
extraVolumes Array of k8s Volumes to add to deployments []

Container object parameters

Name Description Value
name The name of the container ""
image Docker image of the co
imageTag Docker image tag of the container "latest"
imagePullPolicy Docker image pull policy "IfNotPresent"
securityContext Security Context for container {}
command Container command override (list or string) []
commandMaxDuration Duration of command execution (for jobs and cronJobs only) ``
commandDurationAlert Create Prometheus Alert on command execution time exceeded (for jobs and cronJobs only) ``
args Container arguments override []
envsFromConfigmap Map of ConfigMaps and envs from it {}
envsFromSecret Map of Secrets and envs from it {}
env Array of extra environment variables []
envConfigmaps Array of Configmaps names with extra envs []
envSecrets Array of Secrets names with extra envs []
envFrom Array of extra envFrom objects []
ports Array of ports to be exposed from container []
lifecycle Containers lifecycle hooks {}
livenessProbe Liveness probe object for container {}
readinessProbe Readiness probe object for container {}
resources The resources requests and limits for container {}
volumeMounts Array of the k8s Volume mounts []

Services parameters

services is a map of the Service parameters, where key is a name of Service.

Name Description Value
labels Extra labels for service {}
annotations Extra annotations for service {}
type Type of a service ""
loadBalancerIP IP of a service with LoadBalancer type ""
loadBalancerSourceRanges Service Load Balancer sources []
externalTrafficPolicy Service external traffic policy "Cluster"
healthCheckNodePort Health check node port (numeric port number) for the service ``
externalIPs Array of the external IPs that route to one or more cluster nodes []
ports Array of the service port objects []
extraSelectorLabels Extra selectorLabels for select workload {}
clusterIP Service clusterIP parameter value ""

Service ports object parameters:

Name Description Value
name Name of the service port ""
protocol Protocol of the service port "TCP"
port Service port number ``
targetPort Service target port number ``
nodePort Service NodePort number ``

Ingresses parameters

ingresses is a map of the Ingress parameters, where key is a hostname (domain) of Ingress.

Name Description Value
name Custom name of the ingress, if empty ingress hostname will be used ""
labels Extra labels for ingress {}
annotations Extra annotations for ingress {}
certManager.issuerName CertManager issuer name for ingress TLS ""
certManager.issuerType CertManager issuer type for ingress TLS "cluster-issuer"
ingressClassName The name of ingressClass to use ""
tlsName The name of secret to use for CertManager generated TLS ""
hosts Array of the ingress hosts objects []
extraTls Array of the ingress tls params []

Ingress hosts object parameters

Name Description Value
hostname Hostname to serve by ingress, if empty ingress hostname will be used ""
paths Array of the ingress paths objects []

Ingress paths object parameters

Name Description Value
path URL path "/"
pathType Type of the ingress path see for details "Prefix"
serviceName Name of the service to route requests ""
servicePort Name or number of the service port to route requests ""

Secrets parameters

secrets is a map of the Secret parameters, where key is a name of Secret.

Name Description Value
type Secret type "Opaque"
labels Extra secret labels {}
annotations Extra secret annotations {}
data Map of Secret data {}

Secret data object is a map where value can be a string, json or base64 encoded string with prefix b64:.

ConfigMaps parameters

configMaps is a map of the ConfigMap parameters, where key is a name of ConfigMap.

Name Description Value
labels Extra ConfigMap labels {}
annotations Extra ConfigMap annotations {}
data Map of ConfigMap data {}

PersistentVolumeClaims parameters

pvcs is a map of the PersistentVolumeClaim parameters, where key is a name of PersistentVolumeClaim.

Name Description Value
labels Extra Persistent Volume Claim labels {}
annotations Extra Persistent Volume Claim annotations {}
accessModes Persistent Volume access modes []
volumeMode Persistent Volume volume mode "Filesystem"
storageClassName Persistent Volume Storage Class name ""
selector Labels selector to further filter the set of volumes {}

Hooks parameters

hooksGeneral is a map of the Helm Hooks Jobs parameters, which uses for all Helm Hooks Jobs.

Name Description Value
hooksGeneral.labels Extra labels for all Hook Job {}
hooksGeneral.annotations Extra annotations for all Hook Job {}
hooksGeneral.parallelism How much Jobs can be run in parallel (ignored if defined on Hook level) 1
hooksGeneral.completions How much Pods should finish to finish Job (ignored if defined on Hook level) 1
hooksGeneral.activeDeadlineSeconds Duration of the Job (ignored if defined on Hook level) 100
hooksGeneral.backoffLimit Number of retries before considering a Job as failed (ignored if defined on Hook level) 6
hooksGeneral.ttlSecondsAfterFinished TTL for delete finished Hook Job (ignored if defined on Hook level) 100
hooksGeneral.podLabels Extra pod labels for Hook Job (ignored if defined on Hook level) {}
hooksGeneral.podAnnotations Extra pod annotations for Hook Job (ignored if defined on Hook level) {}
hooksGeneral.serviceAccountName The name of the ServiceAccount to use by Hook Job (ignored if defined on Hook level) ""
hooksGeneral.hostAliases Pods host aliases (ignored if defined on Hook level) []
hooksGeneral.affinity Affinity for Hook Job; replicas pods assignment (ignored if defined on Hook level) {}
hooksGeneral.dnsPolicy DnsPolicy for Hook Job pods (ignored if defined on Hook level) ""

hooks is a map of the Helm Hooks Jobs parameters, where key is name of the Helm Hook job.

Name Description Value
labels Extra Hook Job labels {}
annotations Extra Hook Job annotations {}
kind Kind of the Helm Hook "pre-install,pre-upgrade"
weight Weight of the Helm Hook "5"
deletePolicy Delete Policy of the Helm Hook "before-hook-creation"
parallelism How much pods of Jobs can be run in parallel 1
completions How much pods should finish to finish Job 1
activeDeadlineSeconds Duration of the Job 100
backoffLimit Number of retries before considering a Job as failed 6
ttlSecondsAfterFinished TTL for delete finished Hook Job 100
podLabels Extra pod labels for Hook Job {}
podAnnotations Extra pod annotations for Hook Job {}
serviceAccountName The name of the ServiceAccount to use by Hook Job ""
hostAliases Pods host aliases []
affinity Affinity for Hook Job; replicas pods assignment {}
securityContext Security Context for Hook Job pods {}
dnsPolicy DnsPolicy for Hook Job pods ""
nodeSelector Node labels for Hook Job; pods assignment {}
tolerations Tolerations for Hook Job; replicas pods assignment []
imagePullSecrets DEPRECATED. Array of existing pull secrets []
extraImagePullSecrets Array of existing pull secrets []
initContainers Array of the Hook Job initContainers (container objects) []
containers Array of the Hook Job Containers (container objects) []
volumes Array of the Hook Job typed volumes []
extraVolumes Array of k8s Volumes to add to Hook Job []
restartPolicy Restart Policy of the Hook Job "Never"

Jobs parameters

jobsGeneral is a map of the Jobs parameters, which uses for all Jobs.

Name Description Value
jobsGeneral.labels Extra labels for all Job {}
jobsGeneral.annotations Extra annotations for all Job {}
jobsGeneral.parallelism How much Jobs can be run in parallel (ignored if defined on Job level) 1
jobsGeneral.completions How much Pods should finish to finish Job (ignored if defined on Job level) 1
jobsGeneral.activeDeadlineSeconds Duration of the Job (ignored if defined on Job level) 100
jobsGeneral.backoffLimit Number of retries before considering a Job as failed (ignored if defined on Job level) 6
jobsGeneral.ttlSecondsAfterFinished TTL for delete finished Job (ignored if defined on Job level) 100
jobsGeneral.podLabels Extra pod labels for Job (ignored if defined on Job level) {}
jobsGeneral.podAnnotations Extra pod annotations for Job (ignored if defined on Job level) {}
jobsGeneral.serviceAccountName The name of the ServiceAccount to use by Job (ignored if defined on Job level) ""
jobsGeneral.hostAliases Pods host aliases (ignored if defined on Job level) []
jobsGeneral.affinity Affinity for Job; replicas pods assignment (ignored if defined on Job level) {}
jobsGeneral.dnsPolicy DnsPolicy for Job pods (ignored if defined on Job level) ""

jobs is a map of the Jobs parameters, where key is a name of the Job.

Name Description Value
labels Extra Job labels {}
annotations Extra Job annotations {}
parallelism How much pods of Job can be run in parallel 1
completions How much pods should finish to finish Job 1
activeDeadlineSeconds Duration of the Job 100
backoffLimit Number of retries before considering a Job as failed 6
ttlSecondsAfterFinished TTL for delete finished Hook Job 100
podLabels Extra pod labels for Hook Job {}
podAnnotations Extra pod annotations for Hook Job {}
serviceAccountName The name of the ServiceAccount to use by deployment ""
hostAliases Pods host aliases []
affinity Affinity for Hook Job; replicas pods assignment {}
securityContext Security Context for Hook Job pods {}
dnsPolicy DnsPolicy for Hook Job pods ""
nodeSelector Node labels for Hook Job; pods assignment {}
tolerations Tolerations for Hook Job; replicas pods assignment []
imagePullSecrets DEPRECATED. Array of existing pull secrets []
extraImagePullSecrets Array of existing pull secrets []
initContainers Array of the Hook Job initContainers (container objects) []
containers Array of the Hook Job Containers (container objects) []
volumes Array of the Hook Job typed volumes []
extraVolumes Array of k8s Volumes to add to Hook Job []
restartPolicy Restart Policy of the Job "Never"

CronJobs parameters

cronJobsGeneral is a map of the CronJobs parameters, which uses for all CronJobs.

Name Description Value
cronJobsGeneral.labels Extra labels for all CronJobs {}
cronJobsGeneral.annotations Extra annotations for all CronJobs {}
cronJobsGeneral.startingDeadlineSeconds Duration for starting all CronJobs (ignored if defined on CronJob level) ``
cronJobsGeneral.successfulJobsHistoryLimit Limitation of completed jobs should be kept (ignored if defined on CronJob level) 3
cronJobsGeneral.failedJobsHistoryLimit Limitation of failed jobs should be kept (ignored if defined on CronJob level) 1
cronJobsGeneral.parallelism How much pods of Job can be run in parallel (ignored if defined on CronJob level) 1
cronJobsGeneral.completions How much pods should finish to finish Job (ignored if defined on CronJob level) 1
cronJobsGeneral.activeDeadlineSeconds Duration of the Job (ignored if defined on CronJob level) 100
cronJobsGeneral.backoffLimit Number of retries before considering a Job as failed (ignored if defined on CronJob level) 6
cronJobsGeneral.ttlSecondsAfterFinished TTL for delete finished Jobs (ignored if defined on CronJob level) 100
cronJobsGeneral.podLabels Extra pod labels for CronJob (ignored if defined on CronJob level) {}
cronJobsGeneral.podAnnotations Extra pod annotations for CronJob (ignored if defined on CronJob level) {}
cronJobsGeneral.serviceAccountName The name of the ServiceAccount to use by Job (ignored if defined on CronJob level) ""
cronJobsGeneral.hostAliases Pods host aliases (ignored if defined on CronJob level) []
cronJobsGeneral.affinity Affinity for CronJob; replicas pods assignment (ignored if defined on CronJob level) {}
cronJobsGeneral.dnsPolicy DnsPolicy for CronJob pods (ignored if defined on CronJob level) ""

cronJobs is a map of the CronJobs parameters, where key is name of the CronJob.

Name Description Value
labels Extra CronJob labels {}
annotations Extra CronJob annotations {}
singleOnly Forbid concurrency policy "false"
startingDeadlineSeconds Duration for starting CronJob ``
successfulJobsHistoryLimit Limitation of completed jobs should be kept 3
failedJobsHistoryLimit Limitation of failed jobs should be kept 1
parallelism How much pods of CronJob can be run in parallel 1
completions How much pods should finish to finish Job 1
activeDeadlineSeconds Duration of the Job 100
backoffLimit Number of retries before considering a Job as failed 6
ttlSecondsAfterFinished TTL for delete finished CronJob 100
podLabels Extra pod labels for CronJob {}
podAnnotations Extra pod annotations for CronJob {}
serviceAccountName The name of the ServiceAccount to use by CronJob ""
hostAliases Pods host aliases []
affinity Affinity for CronJob; replicas pods assignment {}
securityContext Security Context for CronJob pods {}
dnsPolicy DnsPolicy for CronJob pods ""
nodeSelector Node labels for CronJob; pods assignment {}
tolerations Tolerations for CronJob; replicas pods assignment []
imagePullSecrets DEPRECATED. Array of existing pull secrets []
extraImagePullSecrets Array of existing pull secrets []
initContainers Array of the CronJob initContainers (container objects) []
containers Array of the CronJob Containers (container objects) []
volumes Array of the CronJob typed volumes []
extraVolumes Array of k8s Volumes to add to CronJob []
restartPolicy Restart Policy of the Jobs "Never"

ServiceMonitors parameters

serviceMonitors is a map of the Prometheus ServiceMonitor parameters, where key is name of ServiceMonitor.

Name Description Value
labels Extra ServiceMonitor labels {}
endpoints Array of ServiceMonitor endpoints []
extraSelectorLabels Extra selectorLabels for select workload {}

typed Volumes parameters

Name Description Value
type Resource type of the volume ("configMap","secret","pvc") ""
name Name of the resource that will be used with release prefix ""
originalName Original name of the resource ""
items Array of volume items []

PodDisruptionBudget parameters

pdbs is a map of the PDB parameters, where key is a name

Name Description Value
labels Extra PDB labels {}
minAvailable Pods that must be available after the eviction ""
maxUnavailable Pods that can be unavailable after the eviction ""
extraSelectorLabels Extra selectorLabels for select workload {}

HorizontalPodAutoscaler parameters

hpas is map of HPA parameters, where key is a name

Name Description Value
labels Extra HPA labels {}
annotations Extra HPA annotations {}
apiVersion apiVersion for HPA object "autoscaling/v2beta1"
minReplicas minimum replicas for HPA 2
maxReplicas maximum replicas for HPA 3
scaleTargetRef Required scaleTargetRef object
targetCPU target CPU utilization percentage ""
targetMemory target memory utilization percentage ""
metrics list of custom metrics []

HPA scaleTargetRef object parameters

Name Description Value
apiVersion apiVersion for target HPA object "apps/v1"
kind kind for target HPA object "Deployment"
name Required name of target object ""

Configuration and installation details

Using private registries

To use images from private registers, add your ".dockerauthconfig" to imagePullSecrets in the common block. This will create secrets that include auth from the register and will be used in all workloads.

  my-registry: |
  some-private-hub: b64:eyJhdXRocyI6eyJyZWdpc3RyeS5vcmciOnsiYXV0aCI6ImNuZDFjMlZ5T25ObFkzVnlaVkJBTlhNPSJ9fX0=

If a secrets with registry credentials already was added to namespace, you can use generic.extraImagePullSecrets to add pull secrets to all your workloads or extraImagePullSecrets directly in the workload like in k8s manifest by specifying names of the corresponding secrets.

  - name: my-registry-secret-name
    - name: my-registry-secret-name

Additional features

Secrets features

Working with the secrets data you can use values with the next types

  • string - usual string values will be encoded to base64 string
  • base64 encoded string with b64: prefix - value will be used as is without prefix
  • json - json will be encoded to base64 string

Secret from string

Values file:

      api.key: "JFczZwReBkJFczZwReBkJFczZwReBkJFczZwReBk"
      BAR: foo

--set analog:

--set "\.key=$SOME_ENV_WITH_STRING"
--set ""

Secret from base64 encoded string

Values file:

      api.key: "b64:SkZjelp3UmVCa0pGY3pad1JlQmtKRmN6WndSZUJrSkZjelp3UmVCaw=="

--set analog:

--set "\.key=b64:$(echo -n $SOME_ENV|base64 -w0)"

Secret from json

Values file:

      file.json: {
        "arg": "value"

--set analog:

--set "\.json=$(printf %q $(cat file.json))"


--set-file "\.json=path/to/file.json"

Values Templating features

You can use go-templates as part of your values.

Note Use single quotes to escape strings containing templates to avoid manifest generation errors.

Example 1.

Add a pod annotation wih the check sum of the application configuration.

      checksum/app-cfg: '{{ include "helpers.workload.checksum" (index $.Values.configMaps "app-config") }}'

Example 2.

Specify docker images via the --set flag for multiple deployments.

    - name: app1
      image: '{{ $.Values.imageRepo1 }}/{{ $.Values.imageApp1 }}'
      imageTag: '{{ $.Values.imageTagApp1 }}'
    - name: app1
      image: '{{ $.Values.imageRepo2 }}/{{ $.Values.imageApp2 }}'
      imageTag: '{{ $.Values.imageTagApp2 }}'

Create release with --set flag

helm install my-apps nixys/universal-chart -f values.yaml --set,,imageApp1=my-app1,imageTagApp1=v1,imageApp2=my-app2,imageTagApp2=v2

Example 3.

Deploy of NetworkPolicy using extraDeploy.

  net-pol: |-
    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: {{ include "" (dict "name" "nw-policy" "context" $) }}
      namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace | quote }}
          role: db
      - Ingress
      - Egress
      - from:
        - ipBlock:
        - namespaceSelector:
              project: myproject
        - podSelector:
              role: frontend
        - protocol: TCP
          port: 6379
      - to:
        - ipBlock:
        - protocol: TCP
          port: 5978