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  • 多尺度 与 小世界 的矛盾
    • 欧式长度和对称性的缺陷
  • 复杂网络的几何重正化群
    • 将真实网络插入到一个度量空间,会体现出geometric scaling特征

复杂网络中,多尺度也是共存的,但是它们被一些其他的事限制住了,并不能直接讨论自相似性标度无关性。原因是我们没有一种有效的手段来对网络的length scale进行变换。

  • 以前的手段:
    • 拓扑/粗粒化/random walks
    • /box-covering/:证明了真实网络有着有限的分形维数,有自相似性
    • 拓扑scaling性质只体现在度分布、平均度、最大度上面
    • 尽管有很好的度量,最短路径的集合作为研究length-based scaling factor还是很不好的数据集。(原因是small-world的存在)
  • In this work, we introduce a geometric renormalization group for complex networks (RGN). The method is based on a geometric embedding of the networks to construct renormalized versions of their structure by coase-graining neighbouring nodes into supernodes and defining a new map which progressively selects longer range connections by identifying relevant interactions at each scale. The RGN technique is inspired by the block spin renormal- ization group devised by L. P. Kadanoff [18].


  • 研究对象:复杂网络到hidden度量空间的映射:$\mathcal M(T,G)$
    • 定义一个几何重正化算子$\mathbb F_r$,得到一个新的拓扑$T'$和一个新的几何图$G'$,由此定义一个新的重正化映射$\mathcal M'$:$$\mathcal M(T,G)\rightarrow^{\mathbb F_r}\mathcal M'(T',G')$$
    • The transformation zooms out by changing the minimum length scale from that of the original network to a larger value.
    • 这个过程可以迭代$O(\ln N)$次。
  • 例子:
    • 最简单的度量空间:一维圆周:${\theta_i:i=1,2,3,\cdots,N}$
      • 重正化步骤:
        1. 定义block:圆周上挨着的$r$个点。
        2. 粗粒化为超级结点(不管是否连接)每个超级结点都控制一个角区域。所以它们的序关系得以保留。
          • 原连接:
            • 超级结点内
            • 超级结点间:建立边
    • 用到的例子:
      • Internet
      • Airports
      • 新陈代谢
      • scripts……
  • $\mathbb S_1$模型:将结点放在一个圆周上,以一定概率分布连接每两个点。两个点越远链接概率越低(similarity),度乘积越大连接概率越高(popularity)。

应用:The RGN enables us to unfold scale-free complex net- works in a self-similar multilayer shell which unveils the coexisting scales and their interplay. Beyond

  • Mini-me network replicas.
    • networked communication systems
    • 可以保持微观结构的同时,不破坏介观结构
    • Mini-me replicas can also be used to perform finite size scaling of critical phenomena taking place on real networks
    • Typically, the renormalized average degree of real net- works increases in the flow, since they belong to the small-world phase (see inset in Fig. 3B), meaning that the network layer at the selected scale is more densely connected.