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Data Documentation: US Covid Atlas

This folder contains data links and descriptions for all available and archived data for the US Covid Atlas project. The US Covid Atlas aggregates data from a variety of sources to present real-time stats and historic data. No one source or variable holistically captures the pandemic's impact on communities in the US, so providing multi-dimensional snapshots and histories is central to the datasets available on the Atlas.

Current Datasets

The table below lists the currently available datasets visualized in the Atlas. The Atlas API makes it easy to fetch and analyze data -- data available in the API are marked in the API Access column. Links to the in-depth Data Docs(📄), original data publisher Source Link(🔗), and US Covid Atlas Data Scripts(👩‍💻) are available for most datasets below.

Dataset Variables Data Docs Source Link Data Scripts API Access
USA Facts Cases and Deaths 📄 🔗 👩‍💻 ✔️
1point3acres Cases and Deaths 📄 🔗 👩‍💻
New York Times Cases and Deaths 📄 🔗 👩‍💻
CDC Testing Positivity and Testing Capacity, Vaccine Doses Administered and Distributed 📄 🔗 👩‍💻
HHS State Level Testing 📄 🔗 👩‍💻
Yu Group at UC Berkeley COVID Severity and Death Forecasting 📄 🔗 👩‍💻
County Health Rankings Percent Uninsured, Percent Over 65 Years Old, Life Expectancy, and other Social Determinants of Health 📄 🔗
American Community Survey Population 📄 🔗

Archived Datasets

The below datasets have previously been included in the Atlas, but are not available in the current release.

Dataset Variables Data Docs Source Link Data Scripts API Access
Covid Tracking Project State Level Testing Positivity and Capacity, Confirmed Cases Per Testing Positive (CCPT) 📄 🔗 👩‍💻

Experimental / In-Progress Datasets

The below datasets currently being explored and may be available in a future release.

Dataset Variables Data Docs Source Link Data Scripts API Access
Safegraph Social Distancing Percent of Devices Completely At Home, Full Time Behavior, Part Time Behavior 📄 🔗
Safegraph POI Visits POI Visits by County Totals and Normalized 📄 🔗

Geographic Boundaries

The datasets below contain the geographic boundaries used in the COVID Atlas.

Dataset Geographic Scale Data Docs Source Link

A quick reference for data files in public/csv folders

File naming rules: data type - data source - suffix (optional)

Suffix meanings:

  • state: the data is at state level. If there is no suffix, the data is at county level
  • h: a hybrid of county level data and state level data since

The following files are ordered alphabetically.

Prediction datasets

berkeley_predictions.csv: COVID Severity and Death Forecasting data for future 7 days from Yu Group at UC Berkeley

County Health Rankings

chr_health_context.csv: Health context data such as 65 Years Old Percent, Adult Obesity Percent, Excess Drinking Percent, etc.

chr_health_context_state.csv: Health Context data at state level

chr_health_factors.csv: Health factors data such as Childhood in Poverty, Income Inequality, Food Insecurity, etc.

chr_health_factors_state.csv: Health factors data at state level

chr_life.csv: Life expectancy data

chr_life_state.csv: Life expectancy data at state level

Context Data

context_essential_workers_acs.csv: Percentage of essential workers from American Community Survey

context_fqhc_clinics_hrsa.csv: Locations of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) Clinics from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

context_hospitals_covidcaremap.csv: Locations and other infomation of hospitals according to COVIDCareMap

context_vaccination_sites_hrsa_wh.csv: The locations of vccination sites from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

COVID Cases/Deaths/Testings Data

covid_ccpt_cdc.csv: The Cases Per Testing Positive (CCPT) data from CDC

covid_ccpt_cdc_state.csv: The Cases Per Testing Positive (CCPT) data from CDC at state level

covid_confirmed_1p3a.csv: The daily new count confirmed cases from 1 Point 3 Acres

covid_confirmed_1p3a_state.csv: The daily new count confirmed cases from 1 Point 3 Acres at state level

covid_confirmed_cdc.csv: The 7 day average confirmed cases data from CDC

covid_confirmed_cdc_state.csv: The 7 day average confirmed cases data from CDC at state level

covid_confirmed_nyt.csv: The accumulative confirmed cases data from New York Times

covid_confirmed_nyt_state.csv: The accumulative confirmed cases data from New York Times at state level

covid_confirmed_usafacts.csv: The accumulative confirmed cases data from USAFacts

covid_confirmed_usafacts_h.csv: The accumulative confirmed cases data from USAFacts at hybrid level(for places without county level data, state level data are used)

covid_confirmed_usafacts_state.csv: The accumulative confirmed cases data from USAFacts at state level

covid_deaths_1p3a.csv: The daily new deaths from 1 Point 3 Acres

covid_deaths_1p3a_state.csv: The daily new deaths from 1 Point 3 Acres at state level

covid_deaths_cdc.csv: The 7 day average new deaths data from CDC

covid_deaths_cdc_state.csv: The 7 day average new deaths data from CDC at state level

covid_deaths_nyt.csv: The accumulative deaths data from New York Times

covid_deaths_nyt_state.csv: The accumulative deaths data from New York Times at state level

covid_deaths_usafacts.csv: The accumulative deaths data from USAFacts

covid_deaths_usafacts_h.csv: The accumulative deaths data from USAFacts at hybrid level

covid_deaths_usafacts_state.csv: The accumulative deaths data from USAFacts at state level

covid_tcap_cdc.csv: The Testing Capacity Per 100k Population from CDC

covid_tcap_cdc_state.csv: The Testing Capacity Per 100k Population from CDC at state level

covid_testing_cdc.csv: The Testing Count from CDC

covid_testing_cdc_state.csv: The Testing Count from CDC at state level

covid_wk_pos_cdc.csv: The weekly Positivity from CDC

covid_wk_pos_cdc_state.csv: The weekly Positivity from CDC at state level

Mobility Data

mobility_fulltime_workdays_safegraph.csv: Percentage of full time workers from SafeGraph

mobility_home_workdays_safegraph.csv: Percentage of home dwellers from SafeGraph

mobility_parttime_workdays_safegraph.csv: Percentage of parttime workers from SafeGraph

COVID Vaccinations Data

vaccination_fully_vaccinated_cdc.csv: Accumulative Fully Vaccinated Count from CDC

vaccination_fully_vaccinated_cdc_h.csv: Accumulative Fully Vaccinated Count from CDC at hybrid level

vaccination_fully_vaccinated_cdc_state.csv: Accumulative Fully Vaccinated Count from CDC at state level

vaccination_one_or_more_doses_cdc.csv: Accumulative One or More Doses Count from CDC

vaccination_one_or_more_doses_cdc_h.csv: Accumulative One or More Doses Count from CDC at hybrid level

vaccination_one_or_more_doses_cdc_state.csv: Accumulative One or More Doses Count from CDC at state level

vaccination_to_be_distributed_cdc.csv: The number of vaccines to be distributed

vaccination_to_be_distributed_cdc_state.csv: The number of vaccines to be distributed at state level