diff --git a/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/GPLv3.txt b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/GPLv3.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..10926e87f --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/GPLv3.txt @@ -0,0 +1,675 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for +software and other kinds of works. + + The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed +to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, +the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to +share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free +software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the +GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to +any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you +want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new +free programs, and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you +these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have +certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if +you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same +freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive +or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they +know their rights. + + Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: +(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License +giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it. + + For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains +that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and +authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as +changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to +authors of previous versions. + + Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run +modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer +can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of +protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic +pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to +use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we +have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those +products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we +stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions +of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users. + + Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. +States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of +software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to +avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could +make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that +patents cannot be used to render the program non-free. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + 0. Definitions. + + "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. + + "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of +works, such as semiconductor masks. + + "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this +License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and +"recipients" may be individuals or organizations. + + To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work +in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an +exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the +earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work. + + A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based +on the Program. + + To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without +permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for +infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a +computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, +distribution (with or without modification), making available to the +public, and in some countries other activities as well. + + To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other +parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through +a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying. + + An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" +to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible +feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) +tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the +extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the +work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If +the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a +menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion. + + 1. Source Code. + + The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work +for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source +form of a work. + + A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official +standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of +interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that +is widely used among developers working in that language. + + The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other +than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of +packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major +Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that +Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an +implementation is available to the public in source code form. A +"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component +(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system +(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to +produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it. + + The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all +the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable +work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to +control those activities. However, it does not include the work's +System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free +programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but +which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source +includes interface definition files associated with source files for +the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically +linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, +such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those +subprograms and other parts of the work. + + The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users +can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding +Source. + + The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that +same work. + + 2. Basic Permissions. + + All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of +copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated +conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited +permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a +covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its +content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your +rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law. + + You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not +convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains +in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose +of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you +with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with +the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do +not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works +for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction +and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of +your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you. + + Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under +the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 +makes it unnecessary. + + 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law. + + No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological +measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article +11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or +similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such +measures. + + When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid +circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention +is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to +the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or +modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's +users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of +technological measures. + + 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies. + + You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you +receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and +appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; +keep intact all notices stating that this License and any +non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; +keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all +recipients a copy of this License along with the Program. + + You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, +and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. + + 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions. + + You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to +produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the +terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified + it, and giving a relevant date. + + b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is + released under this License and any conditions added under section + 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to + "keep intact all notices". + + c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this + License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This + License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 + additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, + regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no + permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not + invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. + + d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display + Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive + interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your + work need not make them do so. + + A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent +works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, +and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, +in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an +"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not +used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users +beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work +in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other +parts of the aggregate. + + 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms. + + You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms +of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the +machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, +in one of these ways: + + a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the + Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium + customarily used for software interchange. + + b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a + written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as + long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product + model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a + copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the + product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical + medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no + more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this + conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the + Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. + + c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the + written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This + alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and + only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord + with subsection 6b. + + d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated + place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the + Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no + further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the + Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to + copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source + may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) + that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain + clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the + Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the + Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is + available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements. + + e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided + you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding + Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no + charge under subsection 6d. + + A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded +from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be +included in conveying the object code work. + + A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any +tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, +or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation +into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, +doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular +product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a +typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status +of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user +actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product +is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial +commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent +the only significant mode of use of the product. + + "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, +procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install +and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from +a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must +suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object +code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because +modification has been made. + + If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or +specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as +part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the +User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a +fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the +Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied +by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply +if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install +modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has +been installed in ROM). + + The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a +requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates +for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for +the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a +network may be denied when the modification itself materially and +adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and +protocols for communication across the network. + + Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, +in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly +documented (and with an implementation available to the public in +source code form), and must require no special password or key for +unpacking, reading or copying. + + 7. Additional Terms. + + "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this +License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. +Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall +be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent +that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions +apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately +under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by +this License without regard to the additional permissions. + + When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option +remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of +it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own +removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place +additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, +for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you +add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of +that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms: + + a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the + terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or + + b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or + author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal + Notices displayed by works containing it; or + + c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or + requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in + reasonable ways as different from the original version; or + + d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or + authors of the material; or + + e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some + trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or + + f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that + material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of + it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for + any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on + those licensors and authors. + + All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further +restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you +received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is +governed by this License along with a term that is a further +restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains +a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this +License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms +of that license document, provided that the further restriction does +not survive such relicensing or conveying. + + If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you +must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the +additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating +where to find the applicable terms. + + Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the +form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; +the above requirements apply either way. + + 8. Termination. + + You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly +provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or +modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under +this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third +paragraph of section 11). + + However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your +license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) +provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and +finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright +holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means +prior to 60 days after the cessation. + + Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is +reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the +violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have +received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that +copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after +your receipt of the notice. + + Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the +licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under +this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently +reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same +material under section 10. + + 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. + + You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or +run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work +occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission +to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, +nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or +modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do +not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a +covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so. + + 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. + + Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically +receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and +propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible +for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. + + An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an +organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an +organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered +work results from an entity transaction, each party to that +transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever +licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could +give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the +Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if +the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts. + + You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the +rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may +not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of +rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation +(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that +any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for +sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it. + + 11. Patents. + + A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this +License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The +work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version". + + A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims +owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or +hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted +by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, +but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a +consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For +purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant +patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of +this License. + + Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free +patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to +make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and +propagate the contents of its contributor version. + + In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express +agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent +(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to +sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a +party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a +patent against the party. + + If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, +and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone +to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a +publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, +then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so +available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the +patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner +consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent +license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have +actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the +covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work +in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that +country that you have reason to believe are valid. + + If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or +arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a +covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties +receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify +or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license +you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered +work and works based on it. + + A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within +the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is +conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are +specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered +work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is +in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment +to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying +the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the +parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory +patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work +conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily +for and in connection with specific products or compilations that +contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, +or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. + + Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting +any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may +otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. + + 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. + + If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a +covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may +not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you +to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey +the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this +License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. + + 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have +permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed +under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single +combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this +License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, +but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, +section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the +combination as such. + + 14. Revised Versions of this License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of +the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General +Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the +option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered +version or of any later version published by the Free Software +Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the +GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published +by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future +versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's +public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you +to choose that version for the Program. + + Later license versions may give you additional or different +permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any +author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a +later version. + + 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. + + THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY +APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT +HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY +OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM +IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF +ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. Limitation of Liability. + + IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS +THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY +GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE +USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF +DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD +PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), +EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +SUCH DAMAGES. + + 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. + + If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided +above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, +reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates +an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the +Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a +copy of the Program in return for a fee. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program. If not, see . + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + + If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short +notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Copyright (C) + This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands +might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box". + + You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, +if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. +For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see +. + + The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program +into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you +may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with +the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General +Public License instead of this License. But first, please read +. + diff --git a/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/copyright.txt b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/copyright.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..39552cae6 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/copyright.txt @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + +This file is part of GeoDa. + +GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +(at your option) any later version. + +GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program. If not, see . + diff --git a/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/GeoDa-no-text-16x16.xpm b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/GeoDa-no-text-16x16.xpm new file mode 100755 index 000000000..d7c096fd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/GeoDa-no-text-16x16.xpm @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +/* XPM */ +static char * GeoDa_no_text_16x16_xpm[] = { +"16 16 77 1", +" c None", +". c #E57216", +"+ c #E67316", +"@ c #AFE004", +"# c #C7AF0C", +"$ c #E47215", +"% c #E57215", +"& c #E67315", +"* c #04E038", +"= c #18DF31", +"- c #CD9611", +"; c #E67216", +"> c #E57315", +", c #04C9D1", +"' c #4BDC35", +") c #B6C00A", +"! c #E57316", +"~ c #2304E0", +"{ c #107DA7", +"] c #85DF10", +"^ c #D2980F", +"/ c #E67215", +"( c #E47315", +"_ c #1749DF", +": c #04DC50", +"< c #3DDF25", +"[ c #AFE003", +"} c #AEDE04", +"| c #DD8013", +"1 c #2304DF", +"2 c #2204DF", +"3 c #0C97AC", +"4 c #04DF37", +"5 c #2CDE2B", +"6 c #96DF0B", +"7 c #AEDF03", +"8 c #C5B10B", +"9 c #D39510", +"0 c #E57314", +"a c #1F19E0", +"b c #04D09E", +"c c #34DF28", +"d c #ADDE03", +"e c #AEE004", +"f c #D78C11", +"g c #E57214", +"h c #1A35DF", +"i c #03C8DF", +"j c #04C9E0", +"k c #04D19D", +"l c #1DDD3B", +"m c #77DF14", +"n c #B7CE06", +"o c #DF7E14", +"p c #1C28DF", +"q c #193CDF", +"r c #03C4DF", +"s c #03C5D5", +"t c #04E037", +"u c #0DDF35", +"v c #7CDF13", +"w c #ACDF04", +"x c #C2B70A", +"y c #DD8312", +"z c #C8AB0C", +"A c #1269DF", +"B c #03C9E0", +"C c #04D86C", +"D c #72DF16", +"E c #AEDF04", +"F c #1845DF", +"G c #04DA62", +"H c #04DA63", +"I c #2204E0", +"J c #1556DF", +"K c #04BEE0", +"L c #04C8E0", +" ", +" .++++ ", +" @#+$%.& ", +" *=-;++>++ ", +" ,')+!>%%.% ", +" ~{*]^/(>$.+& ", +" _:<[}|/(+%+& ", +" 123456789/0.%& ", +"12ab4*cdef/g>&+ ", +"~1hijklm[no.&! ", +" 1pqrstuvwxyz ", +" ~2ABC44D[E ", +" ~2~FBGH ", +" ~IJKL ", +" ", +" "}; diff --git a/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/Watertank.ttf b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/Watertank.ttf new file mode 100755 index 000000000..0c1282ee3 Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/Watertank.ttf differ diff --git a/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/geodalogo-orig.xcf b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/geodalogo-orig.xcf new file mode 100755 index 000000000..619d96180 Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/geodalogo-orig.xcf differ diff --git a/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/geodalogo-template.xcf b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/geodalogo-template.xcf new file mode 100755 index 000000000..9dd362668 Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/geodalogo-template.xcf differ diff --git a/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/geodalogo.psd b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/geodalogo.psd new file mode 100755 index 000000000..fe740499f Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/geodalogo.psd differ diff --git a/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/png-logos/GeoDa-logo-1800.png b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/png-logos/GeoDa-logo-1800.png new file mode 100755 index 000000000..ea0a539d5 Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/png-logos/GeoDa-logo-1800.png differ diff --git a/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/png-logos/GeoDa-logo-900.xcf b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/png-logos/GeoDa-logo-900.xcf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7fe1d759a Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/png-logos/GeoDa-logo-900.xcf differ diff --git a/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/png-logos/GeoDa-watermark.png b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/png-logos/GeoDa-watermark.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b0cac5e2f Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/png-logos/GeoDa-watermark.png differ diff --git a/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/png-logos/GeoDa-watermark.xcf b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/png-logos/GeoDa-watermark.xcf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9128ec1fc Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/geoda-logos/png-logos/GeoDa-watermark.xcf differ diff --git a/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/macosx/READ ME BEFORE USING.rtf b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/macosx/READ ME BEFORE USING.rtf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9d7f74d3b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/CommonDistFiles/macosx/READ ME BEFORE USING.rtf @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 +{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} +{\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} +\margl1440\margr1440\vieww10980\viewh11000\viewkind0 +\pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural + +\f0\fs28 \cf0 To install GeoDa for Mac OSX 10.6.8 or later simply drag the GeoDa application to the Applications folder on your hard drive. Do not attempt to run GeoDa from within the virtual drive.\ +\ + +\b Attention Mountain Lion (10.8) and Mavericks (10.9) users. +\b0 Please note that you will get a warning message about this program coming from an unknown developer the first time you try to open it. Use control-click and select open to open the program (instead of double click) and accept at the prompt. You will not be asked this again. However, in order for this to work, you need to set your Security & Privacy preferences to Mac App Store and identified developers; the default is Mac App store only, which will NOT WORK for GeoDa.\ +\ +\ + +\b Note on Oracle and ESRI FileGDB databases +\b0 \ +GeoDa supports many different file formats and databases natively for reading/writing data. However, certain databases such as Oracle and ESRI FileGDB require additional setup. Please refer to {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "https://geodacenter.asu.edu/geoda/formats"}}{\fldrslt https://geodacenter.asu.edu/geoda/formats}} for additional instructions. A setup script for these databases is located in the scripts directory.} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/GNUmakefile b/BuildTools/centos/GNUmakefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b9635c2b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/GNUmakefile @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +ifndef GEODA_HOME +$(error You have to setup GEODA_HOME variable e.g. export GEODA_HOME=PWD, or run build.sh) +endif + +include ../../GeoDamake.opt + +GeoDa_OBJ = $(wildcard $(GeoDa_ROOT)/o/*.o) + +default: compile-geoda + +app: build-geoda-mac + +compile-geoda: dataviewer-target generic-target dialogtools-target \ + explore-target knn-target regression-target\ + shapeoperations-target resource-target geoda-target + +conf = `./libraries/bin/wx-config --libs` + +test1: + @echo test $(WX_HEADER) $(LIBS) + +resource-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/rc; $(MAKE) xrc; $(MAKE)) + +dataviewer-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/DataViewer; $(MAKE)) + +generic-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/Generic; $(MAKE)) + +dialogtools-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/DialogTools; $(MAKE)) + +explore-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/Explore; $(MAKE)) + +knn-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/kNN; $(MAKE)) + +regression-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/Regression; $(MAKE)) + +shapeoperations-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/ShapeOperations; $(MAKE)) + +geoda-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT); $(MAKE)) + +build-geoda-mac: + rm -rf build + mkdir -p build + mkdir build/Resources + mkdir build/gdaldata + mkdir build/plugins + $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GeoDa_OBJ) $(LIBS) -o build/GeoDa + cp run.sh build/run.sh + chmod +x build/run.sh + cp $(GeoDa_ROOT)/rc/data_viewer_dialogs.xrc build/Resources + cp $(GeoDa_ROOT)/rc/dialogs.xrc build/Resources + cp $(GeoDa_ROOT)/rc/GeoDa.icns build/Resources + cp $(GeoDa_ROOT)/rc/menus.xrc build/Resources + cp $(GeoDa_ROOT)/rc/toolbar.xrc build/Resources + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libgdal.so.1.16.2 build/plugins/libgdal.so.1 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libkmldom.so.0.0.0 build/plugins/libkmldom.so.0 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libkmlengine.so.0.0.0 build/plugins/libkmlengine.so.0 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libkmlbase.so.0.0.0 build/plugins/libkmlbase.so.0 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libkmlxsd.so.0.0.0 build/plugins/libkmlxsd.so.0 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libxerces-c-3.1.so build/plugins/libxerces-c-3.1.so + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libspatialite.so.5.0.1 build/plugins/libspatialite.so.5 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libfreexl.so.1.0.0 build/plugins/libfreexl.so.1 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libproj.so.0.7.0 build/plugins/libproj.so.0 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libgeos_c.so.1.7.8 build/plugins/libgeos_c.so.1 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libsqlite3.so.0.8.6 build/plugins/libsqlite3.so.0 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libiconv.so.2.5.0 build/plugins/libiconv.so.2 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libcharset.so.1.0.0 build/plugins/libcharset.so.1 + chmod +x build/plugins/libiconv.so.2 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libminizip.so.0.0.0 build/plugins/libminizip.so.0 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/liburiparser.so.1.0.5 build/plugins/liburiparser.so.1 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libgeos-3.3.8.so build/plugins/ + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/plugins/x64/*.so build/plugins/ + cp libraries/share/gdal/* build/gdaldata + +clean: + rm -f ../../o/* + rm -rf build diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/build64.sh b/BuildTools/centos/build64.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..75b3e1d7f --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/build64.sh @@ -0,0 +1,463 @@ +#!/bin/bash +############################################################################# +# ./build.sh +# ./build.sh [CPU] +# ./build.sh 8 (with debug) +# ./build.sh [CPU] [NODEBUG, true=1 false=0(default)] +# ./build.sh 8 1 (no debug) +############################################################################# +CPUS=2 +NODEBUG=1 + +if ! type "cmake" > /dev/null; then + echo "You need to install cmake to run this script." + #sudo apt-get install cmake +fi + +if ! type "g++" > /dev/null; then + echo "You need to install g++ to run this script." + #sudo apt-get install g++ +fi + +if ! type "svn" > /dev/null; then + echo "You need to install SVN to run this script." + #sudo apt-get install subversion +fi + +if ! type "curl" > /dev/null; then + echo "You need to install curl to run this script." + #sudo apt-get install curl +fi + +read -p "Do you want to install pre-requisites (e.g. libreadline, zlib, libexpat, libcurl ...)?[y/n]" -n 1 -r +echo +#if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then + #sudo apt-get install g++ libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libexpat1-dev dh-autoreconf libcurl4-gnutls-dev libgtk-3-dev freeglut3-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libgtk2.0-dev +#fi +# yum install readline-devel, zlib-devel, autoreconf, libtool + +unset ORACLE_HOME +export GEODA_HOME=$PWD +PREFIX=$GEODA_HOME/libraries +DOWNLOAD_HOME=$GEODA_HOME/temp +echo $PREFIX + +MAKER="make -j $CPUS" +export CFLAGS="-m64" +export CXXFLAGS="-m64" +#export LDFLAGS="-m64 -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" + +if ! [ -d $DOWNLOAD_HOME ]; then + mkdir $DOWNLOAD_HOME +fi + +if ! [ -d $PREFIX ]; then + mkdir $PREFIX +fi + +######################################################################### +# install library function +######################################################################### +install_library() +{ + LIB_NAME=$1 + LIB_URL=$2 + LIB_CHECKER=$3 + LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + #./configure CFLAGS="-m64" CXXFLAGS="-m64" LDFLAGS="-m64 -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" --prefix=$PREFIX + ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX + $MAKER + make install + fi + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} +######################################################################### +# install libiConv +######################################################################### +{ + LIB_NAME="libiconv-1.13" + LIB_URL="http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libiconv/libiconv-1.13.tar.gz" + LIB_CHECKER="libiconv.so" + LIB_FILENAME="libiconv-1.13.tar.gz" + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + ./configure --enable-static --prefix=$PREFIX + $MAKER + make install + fi + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# install cURL +######################################################################### +install_library curl-7.30.0 http://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.30.0.tar.gz libcurl.a + +######################################################################### +# install Xerces +######################################################################### +{ + LIB_NAME="xerces-c-3.1.1" + LIB_URL="http://mirror.metrocast.net/apache//xerces/c/3/sources/xerces-c-3.1.1.tar.gz" + LIB_CHECKER="libxerces-c.a" + LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX + chmod +x config/pretty-make + $MAKER + make install + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# install GEOS +######################################################################### +install_library geos-3.3.8 http://download.osgeo.org/geos/geos-3.3.8.tar.bz2 libgeos.a + +######################################################################### +# install PROJ.4 +######################################################################### +install_library proj-4.8.0 http://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-4.8.0.tar.gz libproj.a + +######################################################################### +# install FreeXL +######################################################################### +install_library freexl-1.0.0f http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/freexl-sources/freexl-1.0.0f.tar.gz libfreexl.a + +######################################################################### +# install SQLite +######################################################################### +install_library sqlite-autoconf-3071602 http://www.sqlite.org/2013/sqlite-autoconf-3071602.tar.gz libsqlite3.a + +######################################################################### +# install PostgreSQL +######################################################################### +# libreadline, zlib +echo "install libreadline, zlib" +install_library postgresql-9.2.4 http://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v9.2.4/postgresql-9.2.4.tar.bz2 libpq.a + +######################################################################### +# install libjpeg +######################################################################### +install_library jpeg-8 http://www.ijg.org/files/jpegsrc.v8.tar.gz libjpeg.a + +######################################################################### +# install libkml requires 1.3 +######################################################################### +# libexpat,libcurl4-gnutls-dev +#install_library libkml-1.2.0 https://libkml.googlecode.com/files/libkml-1.2.0.tar.gz libkmlbase.a +{ + LIB_NAME="libkml" + LIB_CHECKER="libkmlbase.a" + echo $LIB_NAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + svn checkout http://libkml.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ libkml + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cp -rf ../dep/"$LIB_NAME" . + cd $LIB_NAME + ./autogen.sh + chmod +x configure + ./configure CXXFLAGS="-Wno-long-long" --prefix=$PREFIX + sed -i.old "/gtest-death-test.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-filepath.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-port.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-test-part.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-typed-test.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-test.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest_main.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriCommon.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriCompare.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriEscape.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriFile.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriIp4.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriIp4Base.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriNormalize.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriNormalizeBase.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriParse.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriParseBase.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriQuery.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriRecompose.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriResolve.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriShorten.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/ioapi.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/iomem_simple.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/zip.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + #$MAKER + sed -i.old "s/examples//g" Makefile + make third_party + make src + make testdata + make install + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + #exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# install SpatiaLite +######################################################################### +{ + LIB_NAME=libspatialite-4.0.0 + LIB_URL=http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/libspatialite-sources/libspatialite-4.0.0.tar.gz + LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") + LIB_CHECKER=libspatialite.a + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + ./configure CFLAGS="-I$PREFIX/include" CXXFLAGS="-I$PREFIX/include" LDFLAGS="-L$PREFIX/lib -liconv -lsqlite3" --prefix=$PREFIX --enable-geos --enable-iconv --enable-proj --with-geosconfig=$PREFIX/bin/geos-config + $MAKER + make install + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} +######################################################################### +# MySQL +######################################################################### +#cmake, curse +{ + LIB_NAME=mysql-5.6.14 + LIB_URL=http://cdn.mysql.com/Downloads/MySQL-5.6/mysql-5.6.14.tar.gz + LIB_CHECKER=libmysqlclient.a + + echo $LIB_NAME + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_NAME.tar.gz + #cp $GEODA_HOME/dep/mysql/my_default.h $GEODA_HOME/temp/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_default.h + fi + + if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/mysql-5.6.14/bld/libmysql/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "HERE" + cd $LIB_NAME + mkdir -p bld + cd bld + cmake -DCURSES_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/libncurses.so -DCURSES_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include .. + chmod +x bld/extra/comp_err + chmod +x bld/sql/gen_lex_hash + chmod +x storage/perfschema/gen_pfs_lex_token + $MAKER + fi + + if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/$LIB_NAME/bld/libmysql/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# install GDAL/OGR +######################################################################### +{ + LIB_NAME=gdal-1.9.2 + #LIB_URL=http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/gdal-1.9.2.tar.gz + #LIB_NAME=gdal-1.10.1 + #LIB_URL=http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/1.10.1/gdal-1.10.1.tar.gz + LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") + LIB_CHECKER=libgdal.a + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + svn co https://github.com/lixun910/gdal-1.9.2-work gdal-1.9.2 + fi + + cp -rf $GEODA_HOME/dep/$LIB_NAME . + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + chmod +x install-sh + ./configure + cp -rf $GEODA_HOME/dep/gdal-1.9.2/* . + #make clean + $MAKER + make install + #cd ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci + #make plugin + #mv ogr_OCI.so ogr_OCI.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "/scratch/plebld/208/network/lib/libnnz10.dylib" "/Users/xun/Downloads/Oracle_10204Client_MAC_X86/ohome/lib/libnnz10.dylib" ogr_OCI.so + fi + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# install boost library +######################################################################### +{ + LIB_NAME=boost_1_54_0 + LIB_URL=http://softlayer-dal.dl.sourceforge.net/project/boost/boost/1.54.0/boost_1_54_0.tar.bz2 + LIB_FILENAME=boost_1_54_0.tar.bz2 + LIB_CHECKER=libboost_thread.a + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ]; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/$LIB_NAME/stage/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $PREFIX/include + rm boost + ln -s $DOWNLOAD_HOME/boost_1_54_0 boost + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME/boost_1_54_0 + chmod +x bootstrap.sh + chmod +x tools/build/v2/engine/build.sh + ./bootstrap.sh + chmod +x b2 + ./b2 --with-thread --with-date_time --with-chrono --with-system link=static threading=multi stage + fi + + if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/$LIB_NAME/stage/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} +######################################################################### +# install CLAPACK +######################################################################### +{ + CLAPACK_NAME="CLAPACK-3.2.1" + LIB_CHECKER="libf2c.a" + echo $CLAPACK_NAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$CLAPACK_NAME" ]; then + curl -O http://www.netlib.org/clapack/clapack.tgz + tar -xvf clapack.tgz + fi + + cp -rf $GEODA_HOME/dep/$CLAPACK_NAME . + cd $CLAPACK_NAME + if ! [ -f "libf2c.a" ] || ! [ -f "blas.a" ] || ! [ -f "lapack.a" ]; then + cp make.inc.example make.inc + $MAKER f2clib + cp F2CLIBS/libf2c.a . + $MAKER blaslib + cd INSTALL + $MAKER + cd .. + cd SRC + $MAKER + cd .. + $MAKER + mv -f blas_LINUX.a blas.a + mv -f lapack_LINUX.a lapack.a + mv -f tmglib_LINUX.a tmglib.a + cd .. + fi + + if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/$CLAPACK_NAME/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# install wxWidgets library +######################################################################### +# wxWidgets 2.9.2 doesn't compile on Ubuntu 13 64bit +# sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-dev +{ + LIB_NAME=wxWidgets-2.9.4 + #LIB_URL=http://hivelocity.dl.sourceforge.net/project/wxwindows/2.9.2/wxWidgets-2.9.2.tar.bz2 + LIB_URL=http://softlayer-dal.dl.sourceforge.net/project/wxwindows/2.9.4/wxWidgets-2.9.4.tar.bz2 + LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") + LIB_CHECKER=wx-config + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/bin/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + chmod +x src/stc/gen_iface.py + ./configure --with-gtk=2 --enable-ascii --disable-shared --disable-monolithic --with-opengl --enable-postscript --without-libtiff --disable-debug --prefix=$PREFIX + $MAKER + make install + cd .. + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/bin/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} +######################################################################### +# build GeoDa +######################################################################### +{ + cd $GEODA_HOME + cp ../../GeoDamake.ubuntu.opt ../../GeoDamake.opt + mkdir ../../o + $MAKER + make app +} diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/build_gdal_64.sh b/BuildTools/centos/build_gdal_64.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..b24426652 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/build_gdal_64.sh @@ -0,0 +1,279 @@ +#!/bin/bash +############################################################################# +# ./build.sh +# ./build.sh [CPU] +# ./build.sh 8 (with debug) +# ./build.sh [CPU] [NODEBUG, true=1 false=0(default)] +# ./build.sh 8 1 (no debug) +############################################################################# +CPUS=2 +NODEBUG=1 + +if ! type "cmake" > /dev/null; then + echo "You need to install cmake to run this script." + #sudo apt-get install cmake +fi + +if ! type "g++" > /dev/null; then + echo "You need to install g++ to run this script." + yum install gcc-c++ +fi + +if ! type "svn" > /dev/null; then + echo "You need to install SVN to run this script." + #sudo apt-get install subversion +fi + +unset ORACLE_HOME +export GEODA_HOME=$PWD +PREFIX=/usr/local +DOWNLOAD_HOME=$GEODA_HOME/temp +echo $PREFIX + +MAKER="make -j $CPUS" +export CFLAGS="-m64" +export CXXFLAGS="-m64" +#export LDFLAGS="-m64 -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" + +if ! [ -d $DOWNLOAD_HOME ]; then + mkdir $DOWNLOAD_HOME +fi + +if ! [ -d $PREFIX ]; then + mkdir $PREFIX +fi + +######################################################################### +# install library function +######################################################################### +install_library() +{ + LIB_NAME=$1 + LIB_URL=$2 + LIB_CHECKER=$3 + LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + wget $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + #./configure CFLAGS="-m64" CXXFLAGS="-m64" LDFLAGS="-m64 -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" --prefix=$PREFIX + ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX + $MAKER + make install + fi + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} +######################################################################### +# install libiConv +######################################################################### +{ + LIB_NAME="libiconv-1.13" + LIB_URL="http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libiconv/libiconv-1.13.tar.gz" + LIB_CHECKER="libiconv.so" + LIB_FILENAME="libiconv-1.13.tar.gz" + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + ./configure --enable-static --prefix=$PREFIX + $MAKER + make install + fi + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# install cURL +######################################################################### +install_library curl-7.30.0 http://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.30.0.tar.gz libcurl.a + +######################################################################### +# install Xerces +######################################################################### +{ + LIB_NAME="xerces-c-3.1.1" + LIB_URL="http://mirror.metrocast.net/apache//xerces/c/3/sources/xerces-c-3.1.1.tar.gz" + LIB_CHECKER="libxerces-c.a" + LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX + chmod +x config/pretty-make + $MAKER + make install + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# install GEOS +######################################################################### +install_library geos-3.3.8 http://download.osgeo.org/geos/geos-3.3.8.tar.bz2 libgeos.a + +######################################################################### +# install PROJ.4 +######################################################################### +install_library proj-4.8.0 http://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-4.8.0.tar.gz libproj.a + +######################################################################### +# install FreeXL +######################################################################### +install_library freexl-1.0.0f http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/freexl-sources/freexl-1.0.0f.tar.gz libfreexl.a + +######################################################################### +# install SQLite +######################################################################### +install_library sqlite-autoconf-3071602 http://www.sqlite.org/2013/sqlite-autoconf-3071602.tar.gz libsqlite3.a + +######################################################################### +# install PostgreSQL +######################################################################### +# libreadline, zlib +echo "install libreadline, zlib" +install_library postgresql-9.2.4 http://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v9.2.4/postgresql-9.2.4.tar.bz2 libpq.a + +######################################################################### +# install libjpeg +######################################################################### +install_library jpeg-8 http://www.ijg.org/files/jpegsrc.v8.tar.gz libjpeg.a + +######################################################################### +# install libkml requires 1.3 +######################################################################### +# libexpat,libcurl4-gnutls-dev +######################################################################### +# install SpatiaLite +######################################################################### +{ + LIB_NAME=libspatialite-4.0.0 + LIB_URL=http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/libspatialite-sources/libspatialite-4.0.0.tar.gz + LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") + LIB_CHECKER=libspatialite.a + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + ./configure --host=i686-pc-linux-gnu CFLAGS="-I$PREFIX/include" CXXFLAGS="-I$PREFIX/include" LDFLAGS="-L$PREFIX/lib -liconv -lsqlite3" --prefix=$PREFIX --enable-geos --enable-iconv --enable-proj --with-geosconfig=$PREFIX/bin/geos-config + $MAKER + make install + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} +######################################################################### +# MySQL +######################################################################### +#cmake, curse +{ + LIB_NAME=mysql-5.6.14 + LIB_URL=http://softlayer-dal.dl.sourceforge.net/project/mysql.mirror/MySQL%205.6.14/mysql-5.6.14.tar.gz + LIB_CHECKER=libmysqlclient.a + + echo $LIB_NAME + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_NAME.tar.gz + #cp $GEODA_HOME/dep/mysql/my_default.h $GEODA_HOME/temp/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_default.h + fi + + if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/mysql-5.6.14/bld/libmysql/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "HERE" + cd $LIB_NAME + mkdir -p bld + cd bld + cmake -DCURSES_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/libncurses.so -DCURSES_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include .. + chmod +x bld/extra/comp_err + chmod +x bld/sql/gen_lex_hash + chmod +x storage/perfschema/gen_pfs_lex_token + $MAKER + fi + + if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/$LIB_NAME/bld/libmysql/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# install GDAL/OGR +######################################################################### +{ + LIB_NAME=gdal-1.9.2 + LIB_URL=https://codeload.github.com/lixun910/gdal-1.9.2-work/zip/master + LIB_FILENAME=master + LIB_CHECKER=libgdal.a + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + #svn co https://github.com/lixun910/gdal-1.9.2-work/trunk gdal-1.9.2 + curl -k -O $LIB_URL + unzip $LIB_FILENAME + mv gdal-1.9.2-work-master gdal-1.9.2 + fi + + cp -rf $GEODA_HOME/dep/$LIB_NAME . + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + chmod +x install-sh + ./configure + cp -rf $GEODA_HOME/dep/gdal-1.9.2/* . + cp GDALmake.opt.web GDALmake.opt + #make clean + $MAKER + make install + #cd ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci + #make plugin + #mv ogr_OCI.so ogr_OCI.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "/scratch/plebld/208/network/lib/libnnz10.dylib" "/Users/xun/Downloads/Oracle_10204Client_MAC_X86/ohome/lib/libnnz10.dylib" ogr_OCI.so + fi + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/CLAPACK-3.2.1/F2CLIBS/libf2c/Makefile b/BuildTools/centos/dep/CLAPACK-3.2.1/F2CLIBS/libf2c/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..64267b844 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/CLAPACK-3.2.1/F2CLIBS/libf2c/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ +TOPDIR=../.. +include $(TOPDIR)/make.inc + +# Unix makefile: see README. +# For C++, first "make hadd". +# If your compiler does not recognize ANSI C, add +# -DKR_headers +# to the CFLAGS = line below. +# On Sun and other BSD systems that do not provide an ANSI sprintf, add +# -DUSE_STRLEN +# to the CFLAGS = line below. +# On Linux systems, add +# -DNON_UNIX_STDIO +# to the CFLAGS = line below. For libf2c.so under Linux, also add +# -fPIC +# to the CFLAGS = line below. + +.SUFFIXES: .c .o + +# compile, then strip unnecessary symbols +.c.o: + $(CC) -c -DSkip_f2c_Undefs $(CFLAGS) $*.c + ld -r -x -o $*.xxx $*.o + mv $*.xxx $*.o +## Under Solaris (and other systems that do not understand ld -x), +## omit -x in the ld line above. +## If your system does not have the ld command, comment out +## or remove both the ld and mv lines above. + +MISC = f77vers.o i77vers.o main.o s_rnge.o abort_.o exit_.o getarg_.o iargc_.o\ + getenv_.o signal_.o s_stop.o s_paus.o system_.o cabs.o ctype.o\ + derf_.o derfc_.o erf_.o erfc_.o sig_die.o uninit.o +POW = pow_ci.o pow_dd.o pow_di.o pow_hh.o pow_ii.o pow_ri.o pow_zi.o pow_zz.o +CX = c_abs.o c_cos.o c_div.o c_exp.o c_log.o c_sin.o c_sqrt.o +DCX = z_abs.o z_cos.o z_div.o z_exp.o z_log.o z_sin.o z_sqrt.o +REAL = r_abs.o r_acos.o r_asin.o r_atan.o r_atn2.o r_cnjg.o r_cos.o\ + r_cosh.o r_dim.o r_exp.o r_imag.o r_int.o\ + r_lg10.o r_log.o r_mod.o r_nint.o r_sign.o\ + r_sin.o r_sinh.o r_sqrt.o r_tan.o r_tanh.o +DBL = d_abs.o d_acos.o d_asin.o d_atan.o d_atn2.o\ + d_cnjg.o d_cos.o d_cosh.o d_dim.o d_exp.o\ + d_imag.o d_int.o d_lg10.o d_log.o d_mod.o\ + d_nint.o d_prod.o d_sign.o d_sin.o d_sinh.o\ + d_sqrt.o d_tan.o d_tanh.o +INT = i_abs.o i_dim.o i_dnnt.o i_indx.o i_len.o i_len_trim.o i_mod.o i_nint.o i_sign.o\ + lbitbits.o lbitshft.o i_ceiling.o +HALF = h_abs.o h_dim.o h_dnnt.o h_indx.o h_len.o h_mod.o h_nint.o h_sign.o +CMP = l_ge.o l_gt.o l_le.o l_lt.o hl_ge.o hl_gt.o hl_le.o hl_lt.o +EFL = ef1asc_.o ef1cmc_.o +CHAR = f77_aloc.o s_cat.o s_cmp.o s_copy.o +I77 = backspac.o close.o dfe.o dolio.o due.o endfile.o err.o\ + fmt.o fmtlib.o ftell_.o iio.o ilnw.o inquire.o lread.o lwrite.o\ + open.o rdfmt.o rewind.o rsfe.o rsli.o rsne.o sfe.o sue.o\ + typesize.o uio.o util.o wref.o wrtfmt.o wsfe.o wsle.o wsne.o xwsne.o +QINT = pow_qq.o qbitbits.o qbitshft.o ftell64_.o +TIME = dtime_.o etime_.o + +# If you get an error compiling dtime_.c or etime_.c, try adding +# -DUSE_CLOCK to the CFLAGS assignment above; if that does not work, +# omit $(TIME) from OFILES = assignment below. + +# To get signed zeros in write statements on IEEE-arithmetic systems, +# add -DSIGNED_ZEROS to the CFLAGS assignment below and add signbit.o +# to the end of the OFILES = assignment below. + +# For INTEGER*8 support (which requires system-dependent adjustments to +# f2c.h), add $(QINT) to the OFILES = assignment below... + +OFILES = $(MISC) $(POW) $(CX) $(DCX) $(REAL) $(DBL) $(INT) \ + $(HALF) $(CMP) $(EFL) $(CHAR) $(I77) $(TIME) + +all: f2c.h signal1.h sysdep1.h libf2c.a clapack_install + +libf2c.a: $(OFILES) + ar r libf2c.a $? + -ranlib libf2c.a + +## Shared-library variant: the following rule works on Linux +## systems. Details are system-dependent. Under Linux, -fPIC +## must appear in the CFLAGS assignment when making libf2c.so. +## Under Solaris, use -Kpic in CFLAGS and use "ld -G" instead +## of "cc -shared". + +libf2c.so: $(OFILES) + $(CC) -shared -o libf2c.so $(OFILES) + +### If your system lacks ranlib, you don't need it; see README. + +f77vers.o: f77vers.c + $(CC) -c f77vers.c + +i77vers.o: i77vers.c + $(CC) -c i77vers.c + +# To get an "f2c.h" for use with "f2c -C++", first "make hadd" +hadd: f2c.h0 f2ch.add + cat f2c.h0 f2ch.add >f2c.h + +# For use with "f2c" and "f2c -A": +f2c.h: f2c.h0 + cp f2c.h0 f2c.h + +# You may need to adjust signal1.h and sysdep1.h suitably for your system... +signal1.h: signal1.h0 + cp signal1.h0 signal1.h + +sysdep1.h: sysdep1.h0 + cp sysdep1.h0 sysdep1.h + +# If your system lacks onexit() and you are not using an +# ANSI C compiler, then you should uncomment the following +# two lines (for compiling main.o): +#main.o: main.c +# $(CC) -c -DNO_ONEXIT -DSkip_f2c_Undefs main.c +# On at least some Sun systems, it is more appropriate to +# uncomment the following two lines: +#main.o: main.c +# $(CC) -c -Donexit=on_exit -DSkip_f2c_Undefs main.c + +install: libf2c.a + cp libf2c.a $(LIBDIR) + -ranlib $(LIBDIR)/libf2c.a + +clapack_install: libf2c.a + mv libf2c.a .. + +clean: + rm -f libf2c.a *.o arith.h signal1.h sysdep1.h + +backspac.o: fio.h +close.o: fio.h +dfe.o: fio.h +dfe.o: fmt.h +due.o: fio.h +endfile.o: fio.h rawio.h +err.o: fio.h rawio.h +fmt.o: fio.h +fmt.o: fmt.h +iio.o: fio.h +iio.o: fmt.h +ilnw.o: fio.h +ilnw.o: lio.h +inquire.o: fio.h +lread.o: fio.h +lread.o: fmt.h +lread.o: lio.h +lread.o: fp.h +lwrite.o: fio.h +lwrite.o: fmt.h +lwrite.o: lio.h +open.o: fio.h rawio.h +rdfmt.o: fio.h +rdfmt.o: fmt.h +rdfmt.o: fp.h +rewind.o: fio.h +rsfe.o: fio.h +rsfe.o: fmt.h +rsli.o: fio.h +rsli.o: lio.h +rsne.o: fio.h +rsne.o: lio.h +sfe.o: fio.h +signbit.o: arith.h +sue.o: fio.h +uio.o: fio.h +uninit.o: arith.h +util.o: fio.h +wref.o: fio.h +wref.o: fmt.h +wref.o: fp.h +wrtfmt.o: fio.h +wrtfmt.o: fmt.h +wsfe.o: fio.h +wsfe.o: fmt.h +wsle.o: fio.h +wsle.o: fmt.h +wsle.o: lio.h +wsne.o: fio.h +wsne.o: lio.h +xwsne.o: fio.h +xwsne.o: lio.h +xwsne.o: fmt.h + +arith.h: arithchk.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DNO_FPINIT arithchk.c -lm ||\ + $(CC) -DNO_LONG_LONG $(CFLAGS) -DNO_FPINIT arithchk.c -lm + ./a.out >arith.h + rm -f a.out arithchk.o + +check: + xsum Notice README abort_.c arithchk.c backspac.c c_abs.c c_cos.c \ + c_div.c c_exp.c c_log.c c_sin.c c_sqrt.c cabs.c close.c comptry.bat \ + ctype.c ctype.h \ + d_abs.c d_acos.c d_asin.c d_atan.c d_atn2.c d_cnjg.c d_cos.c d_cosh.c \ + d_dim.c d_exp.c d_imag.c d_int.c d_lg10.c d_log.c d_mod.c \ + d_nint.c d_prod.c d_sign.c d_sin.c d_sinh.c d_sqrt.c d_tan.c \ + d_tanh.c derf_.c derfc_.c dfe.c dolio.c dtime_.c due.c ef1asc_.c \ + ef1cmc_.c endfile.c erf_.c erfc_.c err.c etime_.c exit_.c f2c.h0 \ + f2ch.add f77_aloc.c f77vers.c fio.h fmt.c fmt.h fmtlib.c \ + fp.h ftell_.c ftell64_.c i_ceiling.c \ + getarg_.c getenv_.c h_abs.c h_dim.c h_dnnt.c h_indx.c h_len.c \ + h_mod.c h_nint.c h_sign.c hl_ge.c hl_gt.c hl_le.c hl_lt.c \ + i77vers.c i_abs.c i_dim.c i_dnnt.c i_indx.c i_len.c i_len_trim.c i_mod.c \ + i_nint.c i_sign.c iargc_.c iio.c ilnw.c inquire.c l_ge.c l_gt.c \ + l_le.c l_lt.c lbitbits.c lbitshft.c libf2c.lbc libf2c.sy lio.h \ + lread.c lwrite.c main.c makefile.sy makefile.u makefile.vc \ + makefile.wat math.hvc mkfile.plan9 open.c pow_ci.c pow_dd.c \ + pow_di.c pow_hh.c pow_ii.c pow_qq.c pow_ri.c pow_zi.c pow_zz.c \ + qbitbits.c qbitshft.c r_abs.c r_acos.c r_asin.c r_atan.c r_atn2.c \ + r_cnjg.c r_cos.c r_cosh.c r_dim.c r_exp.c r_imag.c r_int.c r_lg10.c \ + r_log.c r_mod.c r_nint.c r_sign.c r_sin.c r_sinh.c r_sqrt.c \ + r_tan.c r_tanh.c rawio.h rdfmt.c rewind.c rsfe.c rsli.c rsne.c \ + s_cat.c s_cmp.c s_copy.c s_paus.c s_rnge.c s_stop.c scomptry.bat sfe.c \ + sig_die.c signal1.h0 signal_.c signbit.c sue.c sysdep1.h0 system_.c \ + typesize.c \ + uio.c uninit.c util.c wref.c wrtfmt.c wsfe.c wsle.c wsne.c xwsne.c \ + z_abs.c z_cos.c z_div.c z_exp.c z_log.c z_sin.c z_sqrt.c >xsum1.out + cmp xsum0.out xsum1.out && mv xsum1.out xsum.out || diff xsum[01].out diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/CLAPACK-3.2.1/make.inc b/BuildTools/centos/dep/CLAPACK-3.2.1/make.inc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..198fa6683 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/CLAPACK-3.2.1/make.inc @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +# -*- Makefile -*- +#################################################################### +# LAPACK make include file. # +# LAPACK, Version 3.2.1 # +# June 2009 # +#################################################################### +# +# See the INSTALL/ directory for more examples. +# +SHELL = /bin/sh +# +# The machine (platform) identifier to append to the library names +# +PLAT = +# +# Modify the FORTRAN and OPTS definitions to refer to the +# compiler and desired compiler options for your machine. NOOPT +# refers to the compiler options desired when NO OPTIMIZATION is +# selected. Define LOADER and LOADOPTS to refer to the loader +# and desired load options for your machine. +# +####################################################### +# This is used to compile C libary +CC = gcc +# if no wrapping of the blas library is needed, uncomment next line +#CC = gcc -DNO_BLAS_WRAP +CFLAGS = -O3 -I$(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/INCLUDE -I$(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/ +LOADER = gcc +LOADOPTS = +NOOPT = -O0 -I$(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/INCLUDE +DRVCFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) +F2CCFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) +####################################################################### + +# +# Timer for the SECOND and DSECND routines +# +# Default : SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the EXTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME +# TIMER = EXT_ETIME +# For RS6K : SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the EXTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME_ +# TIMER = EXT_ETIME_ +# For gfortran compiler: SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the INTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME +# TIMER = INT_ETIME +# If your Fortran compiler does not provide etime (like Nag Fortran Compiler, etc...) +# SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the Fortran standard INTERNAL FUNCTION CPU_TIME +TIMER = INT_CPU_TIME +# If neither of this works...you can use the NONE value... In that case, SECOND and DSECND will always return 0 +# TIMER = NONE +# +# The archiver and the flag(s) to use when building archive (library) +# If you system has no ranlib, set RANLIB = echo. +# +ARCH = ar +ARCHFLAGS= cr +RANLIB = ranlib +# +# The location of BLAS library for linking the testing programs. +# The target's machine-specific, optimized BLAS library should be +# used whenever possible. +# +BLASLIB = ../../blas$(PLAT).a +# +# Location of the extended-precision BLAS (XBLAS) Fortran library +# used for building and testing extended-precision routines. The +# relevant routines will be compiled and XBLAS will be linked only if +# USEXBLAS is defined. +# +# USEXBLAS = Yes +XBLASLIB = +# XBLASLIB = -lxblas +# +# Names of generated libraries. +# +LAPACKLIB = lapack$(PLAT).a +F2CLIB = ../../F2CLIBS/libf2c.a +TMGLIB = tmglib$(PLAT).a +EIGSRCLIB = eigsrc$(PLAT).a +LINSRCLIB = linsrc$(PLAT).a +F2CLIB = ../../F2CLIBS/libf2c.a diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/GDALmake.opt b/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/GDALmake.opt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..04ba14d17 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/GDALmake.opt @@ -0,0 +1,543 @@ +GDAL_ROOT = $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/gdal-1.9.2 +top_builddir = $(GDAL_ROOT) + +# +# the library can be built by the native build or with the help of libtool +# + +SHELL = /bin/bash +HAVE_LIBTOOL = yes +LIBTOOL = $(SHELL) $(top_builddir)/libtool +ifeq ($(HAVE_LIBTOOL),yes) +LIBTOOL_COMPILE_CC = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile --tag=CC +LIBTOOL_COMPILE_CXX = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile --tag=CXX +LIBTOOL_LINK = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link +LIBTOOL_INSTALL = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install +LIBTOOL_FINISH = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=finish --silent +LIBTOOL_CLEAN = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=clean +OBJ_EXT = lo +else +LIBTOOL_FINISH = /bin/true +OBJ_EXT = o +endif + +CC = $(LIBTOOL_COMPILE_CC) gcc +CXX = $(LIBTOOL_COMPILE_CXX) g++ +LD = $(LIBTOOL_LINK) g++ +RM = $(LIBTOOL_CLEAN) /bin/rm -f *.lo +INSTALL = $(LIBTOOL_INSTALL) $(GDAL_ROOT)/install-sh -c +INSTALL_LIB = $(LIBTOOL_INSTALL) $(GDAL_ROOT)/install-sh -c +INSTALL_DATA = $(GDAL_ROOT)/install-sh -c -m 0644 +INSTALL_DIR = $(GDAL_ROOT)/install-sh -d + +# SDE_LIB needs to be first because it embeds zlib. We need to use its symbols instead of -lz's + +LIBS = $(SDE_LIB) -lidn -lexpat -lz -lpthread -lm -lrt -ldl $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libpq.a -L$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib -kmlbase -kmlconvenience -lkmldom -lkmlengine -lkmlregionator -lkmlxsd -lminizip -lgeos -lgeos_c -lproj -lfreexl -lxerces-c -lspatialite -lsqlite3 \ + $(KAK_LIBS) $(DWG_LIBS) $(CURL_LIB) \ + $(MRSID_LIBS) $(MRSID_LIDAR_LIBS) $(INGRES_LIB) \ + $(PCIDSK_LIB) $(RASDAMAN_LIB) $(CHARLS_LIB) \ + $(OPENCL_LIB) $(JVM_LIB) $(LIBICONV) $(FGDB_LIB) + +PYTHON_INCLUDES = @PYTHON_INCLUDES@ +PYTHON_LIBS = @PYTHON_LIBS@ +PYTHON_CFLAGS = @PYTHON_CFLAGS@ @NUMPY_FLAG@ +PYTHON = +PYTHON_DEV = @PYTHON_DEV@ +PY_LD_SHARED = @PY_LD_SHARED@ +PY_SO_EXT = @PY_SO_EXT@ +PY_HAVE_SETUPTOOLS= + +# Next Generation SWIG bindings +BINDINGS = + +HAVE_OGDI = no +OGR_ENABLED = yes + +OSX_FRAMEWORK_PREFIX = +OSX_VERSION_FRAMEWORK_PREFIX = + +prefix = $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries +exec_prefix = ${prefix} +INST_PREFIX = ${prefix} +INST_INCLUDE = ${prefix}/include +INST_DATA = ${prefix}/share/gdal +INST_LIB = ${exec_prefix}/lib +INST_BIN = ${exec_prefix}/bin +INST_PYMOD = +INST_DOCS = ${prefix}/doc +INST_MAN = ${prefix}/share/gdal/man +INST_HTML = $(HOME)/www/gdal + +CPPFLAGS = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/port +CFLAGS = -g -O2 -DDEBUG -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement $(USER_DEFS) +CXXFLAGS = -g -O2 -DDEBUG -Wall $(USER_DEFS) +LDFLAGS = + +RANLIB = ranlib +SO_EXT = +LD_SHARED = +EXE = + +ifeq ($(notdir $(LD_SHARED)),true) +HAVE_LD_SHARED = no +else +HAVE_LD_SHARED = yes +endif + +GDAL_INCLUDE = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/port -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/gcore \ + -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/alg \ + -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/ogr -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/ogr/ogrsf_frmts + +# libtool targets and help variables +LIBGDAL := libgdal.la +LIBGDAL_CURRENT := 17 +LIBGDAL_REVISION := 2 +LIBGDAL_AGE := 16 + +# native build targets and variables +GDAL_VER = 1.9.2 + +# version info +GDAL_VERSION_MAJOR = 1 +GDAL_VERSION_MINOR = 9 +GDAL_VERSION_REV = 2 + +GDAL_LIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/libgdal.a +GDAL_SLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/libgdal.$(SO_EXT) +GDAL_SLIB_LINK = -L$(GDAL_ROOT) -lgdal + +# Mac OS X Framework definition +MACOSX_FRAMEWORK = + +# +# GDAL/OGR PostgreSQL support. +# +HAVE_OGR_PG = yes +HAVE_POSTGISRASTER = yes +PG_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/postgresql/server -DPG_HAS_PQESCAPESTRINGCONN + +# +# INGRES +# +II_SYSTEM = +HAVE_INGRES = no +INGRES_LIB = +INGRES_INC = + +# +# MySQL support. +# +HAVE_MYSQL = yes +MYSQL_LIB = $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/mysql-5.6.14/bld/libmysql/libmysqlclient.a -lpthread +MYSQL_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/temp/mysql-5.6.14/include -I$(GEODA_HOME)/temp/mysql-5.6.14/bld/include +LIBS += $(MYSQL_LIB) + +# +# HDF4 Support. +# +HAVE_HDF4 = no +HDF4_INCLUDE = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/ogr + +# +# HDF5 Support. +# +HAVE_HDF5 = no +HDF5_INCLUDE = + +# +# NetCDF Support. +# +NETCDF_ROOT = +NETCDF_HAS_NC4 = +NETCDF_HAS_HDF4 = + +# +# DODS Include file location +# +DODS_INC = +ifeq ($(DODS_INC),) +HAVE_DODS = no +else +HAVE_DODS = yes +endif + +# +# SQLite +# +SQLITE_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include +HAVE_SQLITE = yes +HAVE_SPATIALITE = yes +SPATIALITE_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include +SPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION = no + +# +# JPEG2000 via Kakadu Support. +# +KAKDIR = + +ifneq ($(KAKDIR),) +ifeq ($(HAVE_LIBTOOL),yes) +include $(GDAL_ROOT)/frmts/jp2kak/jp2kak.lst +KAK_LIBS = $(KAK_OBJ) +endif +endif + +# +# JPEG-2000 Support via JasPer library. +# +HAVE_JASPER = no +JASPER_FLAGS = + +# +# JPEG-2000 Support via OpenJPEG library. +# +HAVE_OPENJPEG = no + +# +# MrSID support via LizardTech's DSDK +# +MRSID_FLAGS = +MRSID_INCLUDE = +MRSID_LIBS = + +# +# +# MrSID/MG4 support via LizardTech LiDAR SDK +# +MRSID_LIDAR_INCLUDE = +MRSID_LIDAR_LIBS = + +# Xerces C++ XML Parser for GML and ILI +# +HAVE_XERCES = yes +XERCES_INCLUDE = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/xercesc + +# +# Enable NAS format +# +HAVE_NAS = yes + +# +# Expat XML Parser for KML, GPX, GeoRSS (and GML if no Xerces C++) +# +HAVE_EXPAT = yes +EXPAT_INCLUDE = -I/usr/include + +# +# Google libkml for the new OGR KML driver written by Brian Case +# +HAVE_LIBKML = yes +LIBKML_INCLUDE = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/kml -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/kml/third_party/boost_1_34_1 + +# +# Oracle Spatial Support +# +HAVE_OCI = no +OCI_INCLUDE = + +# GEOS Support + +HAVE_GEOS = yes +GEOS_CFLAGS = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +# GRASS Support + +GRASS_SETTING = no +GRASS_INCLUDE = +GRASS_GISBASE = +HAVE_GRASS = no + +# +# SDE +# +HAVE_SDE = no +SDE_LIB = +SDE_INC = + +# +# FileGDB +# +HAVE_FGDB = +FGDB_LIB = +FGDB_INC = + +# +# ArcObjects +# +HAVE_ARCOBJECTS = @ARCOBJECTS_ENABLED@ +ARCOBJECTS_LIB = @ARCOBJECTS_LIB@ +ARCOBJECTS_INC = @ARCOBJECTS_INC@ + + +# +# VFK +# +HAVE_VFK = yes + +# +# Curl +# +CURL_SETTING = yes +CURL_LIB = $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libcurl.a -lldap -lz +CURL_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +# +# OpenCL support +# +OPENCL_LIB = +OPENCL_FLAGS = + +# +# PCIDSK SDK +# +PCIDSK_SETTING = internal +PCIDSK_LIB = +PCIDSK_INCLUDE = + +# +# Iconv +# +LIBICONV = -L$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib -liconv + +# +# DWGdirect Library +# +DWGDIRECT = +DWG_PLT = + +ifneq ($(DWGDIRECT),) +DWG_LIBDIR = $(DWGDIRECT)/lib/$(DWG_PLT) +DWG_LIBS = $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_ModelerGeometry.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_AcisRenderer.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Br.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_AcisBuilder.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Db.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Gs.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_SpatialIndex.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Gi.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Ge.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Root.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_FT.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Alloc.a +HAVE_DWGDIRECT = yes +else +DWG_LIBS = +HAVE_DWGDIRECT = no +endif + +# +# Informix DataBlade support +# +HAVE_IDB = no +IDB_INC = +IDB_LIB = +ifeq ($(HAVE_IDB),yes) +LIBS += $(IDB_LIB) +endif + +# +# FMEObjects +# +ifeq (,) +HAVE_FME = no +FME_INCLUDE = +else +HAVE_FME = yes +FME_INCLUDE = -I/fmeobjects/cpp +endif + +# PCRaster support +PCRASTER_SETTING = internal + +OGDI_INCLUDE = + +PNG_SETTING = internal +JPEG_SETTING = internal +JPEG12_ENABLED = yes +TIFF_SETTING = internal +TIFF_OPTS = -DBIGTIFF_SUPPORT +RENAME_INTERNAL_LIBTIFF_SYMBOLS = no +GEOTIFF_SETTING = internal +GEOTIFF_INCLUDE = +RENAME_INTERNAL_LIBGEOTIFF_SYMBOLS = no +GIF_SETTING = internal +FITS_SETTING = no +OGDI_SETTING = no +ODBC_SETTING = no +# PGeo driver is built-in when ODBC is available +PGEO_SETTING = no +MSSQLSPATIAL_SETTING = no +GEOMEDIA_SETTING = no +NETCDF_SETTING = no +LIBZ_SETTING = external +LIBLZMA_SETTING = no + +# +# Rasdaman stuff +# +RASDAMAN_ENABLED = no +RASDAMAN_INC = +RASDAMAN_LIB = + +# +# Poppler stuff +# + +HAVE_POPPLER = no +POPPLER_HAS_OPTCONTENT = no +POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = no +POPPLER_0_20_OR_LATER = no +POPPLER_INC = + +# +# Podofo stuff +# + +HAVE_PODOFO = no +PODOFO_INC = + +# +# CharLs stuff +# Uncomment and adapt paths to enable JPEGLS driver +# +#HAVE_CHARLS = yes +#CHARLS_INC = -I/path/to/charls_include +#CHARLS_LIB = -L/path/to/charls_lib -lCharLS + +# +# PROJ.4 stuff +# +PROJ_STATIC = yes +ifeq ($(PROJ_STATIC),yes) +PROJ_FLAGS = -DPROJ_STATIC +endif +PROJ_INCLUDE = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +PAM_SETTING = -DPAM_ENABLED + +ifeq ($(OGR_ENABLED),yes) +GDAL_LIBS := $(GDAL_LIB) $(OCI_LIB) $(GDAL_LIBS) +CPPFLAGS := -DOGR_ENABLED $(CPPFLAGS) +else +GDAL_LIBS = $(GDAL_LIB) +endif + +# +# Java stuff +# +JAVA_INC = +JVM_LIB = + +MDB_ENABLED = no + +HAVE_ARMADILLO = no + +# +# freexl stuff +# + +HAVE_FREEXL = yes +FREEXL_INCLUDE = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +# +# Note these codes have to exactly match the format directory names, +# and their uppercase form should be the format portion of the +# format registration entry point. eg. gdb -> GDALRegister_GDB(). +# +GDAL_FORMATS = gxf gtiff hfa aigrid aaigrid ceos ceos2 iso8211 xpm \ + sdts raw dted mem jdem envisat elas fit vrt usgsdem l1b \ + nitf bmp pcidsk airsar rs2 ilwis rmf leveller sgi srtmhgt \ + idrisi gsg ingr ers jaxapalsar dimap gff cosar pds adrg \ + coasp tsx terragen blx msgn til r northwood saga xyz hf2 \ + kmlsuperoverlay ozi ctg e00grid zmap ngsgeoid \ + wcs wms grib bsb gif jpeg png pcraster + + +ifneq ($(LIBZ_SETTING),no) +GDAL_FORMATS := $(GDAL_FORMATS) rik +endif + +ifeq ($(OGR_ENABLED),yes) +ifeq ($(HAVE_SQLITE),yes) +GDAL_FORMATS := $(GDAL_FORMATS) rasterlite +endif +endif + +ifeq ($(HAVE_POSTGISRASTER),yes) +GDAL_FORMATS := $(GDAL_FORMATS) postgisraster +endif + +ifeq ($(HAVE_CHARLS),yes) +GDAL_FORMATS := $(GDAL_FORMATS) jpegls +endif + +# +# CONFIG_LIBS is what local program should link against, and CONFIG_LIBS_INS +# is what will be emitted into the gdal-config script that is installed +# globally. +# + +ifeq ($(HAVE_LIBTOOL), yes) + +CONFIG_LIBS = $(GDAL_ROOT)/$(LIBGDAL) +ifeq ($(MACOSX_FRAMEWORK),yes) +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = -L$(INST_LIB)/unix/lib -lgdal +else +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = -L$(INST_LIB) -lgdal +endif # MACOSX_FRAMEWORK + +EXE_DEP_LIBS = $(GDAL_ROOT)/$(LIBGDAL) +SO_EXT = la + +else # HAVE_LIBTOOL + +ifeq ($(HAVE_LD_SHARED),yes) +CONFIG_LIBS = $(GDAL_SLIB_LINK) $(LIBS) +ifeq ($(MACOSX_FRAMEWORK),yes) +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = -L$(INST_LIB)/unix/lib -lgdal +else +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = -L$(INST_LIB) -lgdal +endif +EXE_DEP_LIBS = $(GDAL_SLIB) +else +CONFIG_LIBS = $(GDAL_LIBS) $(LIBS) +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = $(foreach LF,$(GDAL_LIBS),$(INST_LIB)/$(notdir $(LF)))\ + $(LIBS) +EXE_DEP_LIBS = $(GDAL_LIB) +endif + +endif # HAVE_LIBTOOL + + +# +# generic library rules +# + +# +# gdal and ogr low level drivers use the following default rules in order to +# populate the ../o/ directory with all object and library object files +# + +O_OBJ = $(foreach file,$(OBJ),../o/$(file)) + +../o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +../o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +# +# default rules for handling subdirectories +# + +%-target: + $(MAKE) -C $* + +%-clean: + $(MAKE) -C $* clean diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/GDALmake.opt.web b/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/GDALmake.opt.web new file mode 100644 index 000000000..03a438990 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/GDALmake.opt.web @@ -0,0 +1,543 @@ +GDAL_ROOT = $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/gdal-1.9.2 +top_builddir = $(GDAL_ROOT) + +# +# the library can be built by the native build or with the help of libtool +# + +SHELL = /bin/bash +HAVE_LIBTOOL = yes +LIBTOOL = $(SHELL) $(top_builddir)/libtool +ifeq ($(HAVE_LIBTOOL),yes) +LIBTOOL_COMPILE_CC = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile --tag=CC +LIBTOOL_COMPILE_CXX = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile --tag=CXX +LIBTOOL_LINK = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link +LIBTOOL_INSTALL = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install +LIBTOOL_FINISH = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=finish --silent +LIBTOOL_CLEAN = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=clean +OBJ_EXT = lo +else +LIBTOOL_FINISH = /bin/true +OBJ_EXT = o +endif + +CC = $(LIBTOOL_COMPILE_CC) gcc +CXX = $(LIBTOOL_COMPILE_CXX) g++ +LD = $(LIBTOOL_LINK) g++ +RM = $(LIBTOOL_CLEAN) /bin/rm -f *.lo +INSTALL = $(LIBTOOL_INSTALL) $(GDAL_ROOT)/install-sh -c +INSTALL_LIB = $(LIBTOOL_INSTALL) $(GDAL_ROOT)/install-sh -c +INSTALL_DATA = $(GDAL_ROOT)/install-sh -c -m 0644 +INSTALL_DIR = $(GDAL_ROOT)/install-sh -d + +# SDE_LIB needs to be first because it embeds zlib. We need to use its symbols instead of -lz's + +LIBS = $(SDE_LIB) -lidn -lexpat -lz -lpthread -lm -lrt -ldl $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libpq.a -L$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib -lgeos -lgeos_c -lproj -lfreexl -lxerces-c -lspatialite -lsqlite3 \ + $(KAK_LIBS) $(DWG_LIBS) $(CURL_LIB) \ + $(MRSID_LIBS) $(MRSID_LIDAR_LIBS) $(INGRES_LIB) \ + $(PCIDSK_LIB) $(RASDAMAN_LIB) $(CHARLS_LIB) \ + $(OPENCL_LIB) $(JVM_LIB) $(LIBICONV) $(FGDB_LIB) + +PYTHON_INCLUDES = @PYTHON_INCLUDES@ +PYTHON_LIBS = @PYTHON_LIBS@ +PYTHON_CFLAGS = @PYTHON_CFLAGS@ @NUMPY_FLAG@ +PYTHON = python +PYTHON_DEV = @PYTHON_DEV@ +PY_LD_SHARED = @PY_LD_SHARED@ +PY_SO_EXT = @PY_SO_EXT@ +PY_HAVE_SETUPTOOLS=1 + +# Next Generation SWIG bindings +BINDINGS = python + +HAVE_OGDI = no +OGR_ENABLED = yes + +OSX_FRAMEWORK_PREFIX = +OSX_VERSION_FRAMEWORK_PREFIX = + +prefix = /usr/local +exec_prefix = ${prefix} +INST_PREFIX = ${prefix} +INST_INCLUDE = ${prefix}/include +INST_DATA = ${prefix}/share/gdal +INST_LIB = ${exec_prefix}/lib +INST_BIN = ${exec_prefix}/bin +INST_PYMOD = /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages +INST_DOCS = ${prefix}/doc +INST_MAN = ${prefix}/share/gdal/man +INST_HTML = $(HOME)/www/gdal + +CPPFLAGS = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/port +CFLAGS = -g -O2 -DDEBUG -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement $(USER_DEFS) +CXXFLAGS = -g -O2 -DDEBUG -Wall $(USER_DEFS) +LDFLAGS = + +RANLIB = ranlib +SO_EXT = +LD_SHARED = +EXE = + +ifeq ($(notdir $(LD_SHARED)),true) +HAVE_LD_SHARED = no +else +HAVE_LD_SHARED = yes +endif + +GDAL_INCLUDE = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/port -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/gcore \ + -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/alg \ + -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/ogr -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/ogr/ogrsf_frmts + +# libtool targets and help variables +LIBGDAL := libgdal.la +LIBGDAL_CURRENT := 17 +LIBGDAL_REVISION := 2 +LIBGDAL_AGE := 16 + +# native build targets and variables +GDAL_VER = 1.9.2 + +# version info +GDAL_VERSION_MAJOR = 1 +GDAL_VERSION_MINOR = 9 +GDAL_VERSION_REV = 2 + +GDAL_LIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/libgdal.a +GDAL_SLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/libgdal.$(SO_EXT) +GDAL_SLIB_LINK = -L$(GDAL_ROOT) -lgdal + +# Mac OS X Framework definition +MACOSX_FRAMEWORK = + +# +# GDAL/OGR PostgreSQL support. +# +HAVE_OGR_PG = yes +HAVE_POSTGISRASTER = yes +PG_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/postgresql/server -DPG_HAS_PQESCAPESTRINGCONN + +# +# INGRES +# +II_SYSTEM = +HAVE_INGRES = no +INGRES_LIB = +INGRES_INC = + +# +# MySQL support. +# +HAVE_MYSQL = yes +MYSQL_LIB = $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/mysql-5.6.14/bld/libmysql/libmysqlclient.a -lpthread +MYSQL_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/temp/mysql-5.6.14/include -I$(GEODA_HOME)/temp/mysql-5.6.14/bld/include +LIBS += $(MYSQL_LIB) + +# +# HDF4 Support. +# +HAVE_HDF4 = no +HDF4_INCLUDE = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/ogr + +# +# HDF5 Support. +# +HAVE_HDF5 = no +HDF5_INCLUDE = + +# +# NetCDF Support. +# +NETCDF_ROOT = +NETCDF_HAS_NC4 = +NETCDF_HAS_HDF4 = + +# +# DODS Include file location +# +DODS_INC = +ifeq ($(DODS_INC),) +HAVE_DODS = no +else +HAVE_DODS = yes +endif + +# +# SQLite +# +SQLITE_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include +HAVE_SQLITE = yes +HAVE_SPATIALITE = yes +SPATIALITE_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include +SPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION = no + +# +# JPEG2000 via Kakadu Support. +# +KAKDIR = + +ifneq ($(KAKDIR),) +ifeq ($(HAVE_LIBTOOL),yes) +include $(GDAL_ROOT)/frmts/jp2kak/jp2kak.lst +KAK_LIBS = $(KAK_OBJ) +endif +endif + +# +# JPEG-2000 Support via JasPer library. +# +HAVE_JASPER = no +JASPER_FLAGS = + +# +# JPEG-2000 Support via OpenJPEG library. +# +HAVE_OPENJPEG = no + +# +# MrSID support via LizardTech's DSDK +# +MRSID_FLAGS = +MRSID_INCLUDE = +MRSID_LIBS = + +# +# +# MrSID/MG4 support via LizardTech LiDAR SDK +# +MRSID_LIDAR_INCLUDE = +MRSID_LIDAR_LIBS = + +# Xerces C++ XML Parser for GML and ILI +# +HAVE_XERCES = yes +XERCES_INCLUDE = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/xercesc + +# +# Enable NAS format +# +HAVE_NAS = yes + +# +# Expat XML Parser for KML, GPX, GeoRSS (and GML if no Xerces C++) +# +HAVE_EXPAT = yes +EXPAT_INCLUDE = -I/usr/include + +# +# Google libkml for the new OGR KML driver written by Brian Case +# +HAVE_LIBKML = no +LIBKML_INCLUDE = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/kml -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/kml/third_party/boost_1_34_1 + +# +# Oracle Spatial Support +# +HAVE_OCI = no +OCI_INCLUDE = + +# GEOS Support + +HAVE_GEOS = yes +GEOS_CFLAGS = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +# GRASS Support + +GRASS_SETTING = no +GRASS_INCLUDE = +GRASS_GISBASE = +HAVE_GRASS = no + +# +# SDE +# +HAVE_SDE = no +SDE_LIB = +SDE_INC = + +# +# FileGDB +# +HAVE_FGDB = +FGDB_LIB = +FGDB_INC = + +# +# ArcObjects +# +HAVE_ARCOBJECTS = @ARCOBJECTS_ENABLED@ +ARCOBJECTS_LIB = @ARCOBJECTS_LIB@ +ARCOBJECTS_INC = @ARCOBJECTS_INC@ + + +# +# VFK +# +HAVE_VFK = yes + +# +# Curl +# +CURL_SETTING = yes +CURL_LIB = $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libcurl.a -lldap -lz +CURL_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +# +# OpenCL support +# +OPENCL_LIB = +OPENCL_FLAGS = + +# +# PCIDSK SDK +# +PCIDSK_SETTING = internal +PCIDSK_LIB = +PCIDSK_INCLUDE = + +# +# Iconv +# +LIBICONV = -L$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib -liconv + +# +# DWGdirect Library +# +DWGDIRECT = +DWG_PLT = + +ifneq ($(DWGDIRECT),) +DWG_LIBDIR = $(DWGDIRECT)/lib/$(DWG_PLT) +DWG_LIBS = $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_ModelerGeometry.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_AcisRenderer.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Br.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_AcisBuilder.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Db.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Gs.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_SpatialIndex.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Gi.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Ge.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Root.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_FT.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Alloc.a +HAVE_DWGDIRECT = yes +else +DWG_LIBS = +HAVE_DWGDIRECT = no +endif + +# +# Informix DataBlade support +# +HAVE_IDB = no +IDB_INC = +IDB_LIB = +ifeq ($(HAVE_IDB),yes) +LIBS += $(IDB_LIB) +endif + +# +# FMEObjects +# +ifeq (,) +HAVE_FME = no +FME_INCLUDE = +else +HAVE_FME = yes +FME_INCLUDE = -I/fmeobjects/cpp +endif + +# PCRaster support +PCRASTER_SETTING = internal + +OGDI_INCLUDE = + +PNG_SETTING = internal +JPEG_SETTING = internal +JPEG12_ENABLED = yes +TIFF_SETTING = internal +TIFF_OPTS = -DBIGTIFF_SUPPORT +RENAME_INTERNAL_LIBTIFF_SYMBOLS = no +GEOTIFF_SETTING = internal +GEOTIFF_INCLUDE = +RENAME_INTERNAL_LIBGEOTIFF_SYMBOLS = no +GIF_SETTING = internal +FITS_SETTING = no +OGDI_SETTING = no +ODBC_SETTING = no +# PGeo driver is built-in when ODBC is available +PGEO_SETTING = no +MSSQLSPATIAL_SETTING = no +GEOMEDIA_SETTING = no +NETCDF_SETTING = no +LIBZ_SETTING = external +LIBLZMA_SETTING = no + +# +# Rasdaman stuff +# +RASDAMAN_ENABLED = no +RASDAMAN_INC = +RASDAMAN_LIB = + +# +# Poppler stuff +# + +HAVE_POPPLER = no +POPPLER_HAS_OPTCONTENT = no +POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = no +POPPLER_0_20_OR_LATER = no +POPPLER_INC = + +# +# Podofo stuff +# + +HAVE_PODOFO = no +PODOFO_INC = + +# +# CharLs stuff +# Uncomment and adapt paths to enable JPEGLS driver +# +#HAVE_CHARLS = yes +#CHARLS_INC = -I/path/to/charls_include +#CHARLS_LIB = -L/path/to/charls_lib -lCharLS + +# +# PROJ.4 stuff +# +PROJ_STATIC = yes +ifeq ($(PROJ_STATIC),yes) +PROJ_FLAGS = -DPROJ_STATIC +endif +PROJ_INCLUDE = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +PAM_SETTING = -DPAM_ENABLED + +ifeq ($(OGR_ENABLED),yes) +GDAL_LIBS := $(GDAL_LIB) $(OCI_LIB) $(GDAL_LIBS) +CPPFLAGS := -DOGR_ENABLED $(CPPFLAGS) +else +GDAL_LIBS = $(GDAL_LIB) +endif + +# +# Java stuff +# +JAVA_INC = +JVM_LIB = + +MDB_ENABLED = no + +HAVE_ARMADILLO = no + +# +# freexl stuff +# + +HAVE_FREEXL = yes +FREEXL_INCLUDE = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +# +# Note these codes have to exactly match the format directory names, +# and their uppercase form should be the format portion of the +# format registration entry point. eg. gdb -> GDALRegister_GDB(). +# +GDAL_FORMATS = gxf gtiff hfa aigrid aaigrid ceos ceos2 iso8211 xpm \ + sdts raw dted mem jdem envisat elas fit vrt usgsdem l1b \ + nitf bmp pcidsk airsar rs2 ilwis rmf leveller sgi srtmhgt \ + idrisi gsg ingr ers jaxapalsar dimap gff cosar pds adrg \ + coasp tsx terragen blx msgn til r northwood saga xyz hf2 \ + kmlsuperoverlay ozi ctg e00grid zmap ngsgeoid \ + wcs wms grib bsb gif jpeg png pcraster + + +ifneq ($(LIBZ_SETTING),no) +GDAL_FORMATS := $(GDAL_FORMATS) rik +endif + +ifeq ($(OGR_ENABLED),yes) +ifeq ($(HAVE_SQLITE),yes) +GDAL_FORMATS := $(GDAL_FORMATS) rasterlite +endif +endif + +ifeq ($(HAVE_POSTGISRASTER),yes) +GDAL_FORMATS := $(GDAL_FORMATS) postgisraster +endif + +ifeq ($(HAVE_CHARLS),yes) +GDAL_FORMATS := $(GDAL_FORMATS) jpegls +endif + +# +# CONFIG_LIBS is what local program should link against, and CONFIG_LIBS_INS +# is what will be emitted into the gdal-config script that is installed +# globally. +# + +ifeq ($(HAVE_LIBTOOL), yes) + +CONFIG_LIBS = $(GDAL_ROOT)/$(LIBGDAL) +ifeq ($(MACOSX_FRAMEWORK),yes) +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = -L$(INST_LIB)/unix/lib -lgdal +else +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = -L$(INST_LIB) -lgdal +endif # MACOSX_FRAMEWORK + +EXE_DEP_LIBS = $(GDAL_ROOT)/$(LIBGDAL) +SO_EXT = la + +else # HAVE_LIBTOOL + +ifeq ($(HAVE_LD_SHARED),yes) +CONFIG_LIBS = $(GDAL_SLIB_LINK) $(LIBS) +ifeq ($(MACOSX_FRAMEWORK),yes) +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = -L$(INST_LIB)/unix/lib -lgdal +else +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = -L$(INST_LIB) -lgdal +endif +EXE_DEP_LIBS = $(GDAL_SLIB) +else +CONFIG_LIBS = $(GDAL_LIBS) $(LIBS) +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = $(foreach LF,$(GDAL_LIBS),$(INST_LIB)/$(notdir $(LF)))\ + $(LIBS) +EXE_DEP_LIBS = $(GDAL_LIB) +endif + +endif # HAVE_LIBTOOL + + +# +# generic library rules +# + +# +# gdal and ogr low level drivers use the following default rules in order to +# populate the ../o/ directory with all object and library object files +# + +O_OBJ = $(foreach file,$(OBJ),../o/$(file)) + +../o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +../o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +# +# default rules for handling subdirectories +# + +%-target: + $(MAKE) -C $* + +%-clean: + $(MAKE) -C $* clean diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrfeature.cpp b/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrfeature.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e68cf2a93 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrfeature.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,3483 @@ +/****************************************************************************** + * $Id: ogrfeature.cpp 25049 2012-10-04 11:27:54Z rcoup $ + * + * Project: OpenGIS Simple Features Reference Implementation + * Purpose: The OGRFeature class implementation. + * Author: Frank Warmerdam, warmerda@home.com + * + ****************************************************************************** + * Copyright (c) 1999, Les Technologies SoftMap Inc. + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included + * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS + * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER + * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING + * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER + * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + ****************************************************************************/ + +#include "ogr_feature.h" +#include "ogr_api.h" +#include "ogr_p.h" +#include + +CPL_CVSID("$Id: ogrfeature.cpp 25049 2012-10-04 11:27:54Z rcoup $"); + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGRFeature() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Constructor + * + * Note that the OGRFeature will increment the reference count of it's + * defining OGRFeatureDefn. Destruction of the OGRFeatureDefn before + * destruction of all OGRFeatures that depend on it is likely to result in + * a crash. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_Create(). + * + * @param poDefnIn feature class (layer) definition to which the feature will + * adhere. + */ + +OGRFeature::OGRFeature( OGRFeatureDefn * poDefnIn ) + +{ + m_pszStyleString = NULL; + m_poStyleTable = NULL; + m_pszTmpFieldValue = NULL; + poDefnIn->Reference(); + poDefn = poDefnIn; + + nFID = OGRNullFID; + + poGeometry = NULL; + + // we should likely be initializing from the defaults, but this will + // usually be a waste. + pauFields = (OGRField *) CPLCalloc( poDefn->GetFieldCount(), + sizeof(OGRField) ); + + for( int i = 0; i < poDefn->GetFieldCount(); i++ ) + { + pauFields[i].Set.nMarker1 = OGRUnsetMarker; + pauFields[i].Set.nMarker2 = OGRUnsetMarker; + } +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_Create() */ +/************************************************************************/ +/** + * \brief Feature factory. + * + * Note that the OGRFeature will increment the reference count of it's + * defining OGRFeatureDefn. Destruction of the OGRFeatureDefn before + * destruction of all OGRFeatures that depend on it is likely to result in + * a crash. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::OGRFeature(). + * + * @param hDefn handle to the feature class (layer) definition to + * which the feature will adhere. + * + * @return an handle to the new feature object with null fields and + * no geometry. + */ + +OGRFeatureH OGR_F_Create( OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hDefn, "OGR_F_Create", NULL ); + + return (OGRFeatureH) new OGRFeature( (OGRFeatureDefn *) hDefn ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* ~OGRFeature() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGRFeature::~OGRFeature() + +{ + if( poGeometry != NULL ) + delete poGeometry; + + for( int i = 0; i < poDefn->GetFieldCount(); i++ ) + { + OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn(i); + + if( !IsFieldSet(i) ) + continue; + + switch( poFDefn->GetType() ) + { + case OFTString: + if( pauFields[i].String != NULL ) + VSIFree( pauFields[i].String ); + break; + + case OFTBinary: + if( pauFields[i].Binary.paData != NULL ) + VSIFree( pauFields[i].Binary.paData ); + break; + + case OFTStringList: + CSLDestroy( pauFields[i].StringList.paList ); + break; + + case OFTIntegerList: + case OFTRealList: + CPLFree( pauFields[i].IntegerList.paList ); + break; + + default: + // should add support for wide strings. + break; + } + } + + poDefn->Release(); + + CPLFree( pauFields ); + CPLFree(m_pszStyleString); + CPLFree(m_pszTmpFieldValue); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_Destroy() */ +/************************************************************************/ +/** + * \brief Destroy feature + * + * The feature is deleted, but within the context of the GDAL/OGR heap. + * This is necessary when higher level applications use GDAL/OGR from a + * DLL and they want to delete a feature created within the DLL. If the + * delete is done in the calling application the memory will be freed onto + * the application heap which is inappropriate. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature to destroy. + */ + +void OGR_F_Destroy( OGRFeatureH hFeat ) + +{ + delete (OGRFeature *) hFeat; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* CreateFeature() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Feature factory. + * + * This is essentially a feature factory, useful for + * applications creating features but wanting to ensure they + * are created out of the OGR/GDAL heap. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_Create(). + * + * @param poDefn Feature definition defining schema. + * + * @return new feature object with null fields and no geometry. May be + * deleted with delete. + */ + +OGRFeature *OGRFeature::CreateFeature( OGRFeatureDefn *poDefn ) + +{ + return new OGRFeature( poDefn ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* DestroyFeature() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Destroy feature + * + * The feature is deleted, but within the context of the GDAL/OGR heap. + * This is necessary when higher level applications use GDAL/OGR from a + * DLL and they want to delete a feature created within the DLL. If the + * delete is done in the calling application the memory will be freed onto + * the application heap which is inappropriate. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_Destroy(). + * + * @param poFeature the feature to delete. + */ + +void OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( OGRFeature *poFeature ) + +{ + delete poFeature; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* GetDefnRef() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \fn OGRFeatureDefn *OGRFeature::GetDefnRef(); + * + * \brief Fetch feature definition. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_GetDefnRef(). + * + * @return a reference to the feature definition object. + */ + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_GetDefnRef() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch feature definition. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetDefnRef(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature to get the feature definition from. + * + * @return an handle to the feature definition object on which feature + * depends. + */ + +OGRFeatureDefnH OGR_F_GetDefnRef( OGRFeatureH hFeat ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_GetDefnRef", NULL ); + + return (OGRFeatureDefnH) ((OGRFeature *) hFeat)->GetDefnRef(); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* SetGeometryDirectly() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set feature geometry. + * + * This method updates the features geometry, and operate exactly as + * SetGeometry(), except that this method assumes ownership of the + * passed geometry. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_SetGeometryDirectly(). + * + * @param poGeomIn new geometry to apply to feature. Passing NULL value here + * is correct and it will result in deallocation of currently assigned geometry + * without assigning new one. + * + * @return OGRERR_NONE if successful, or OGR_UNSUPPORTED_GEOMETRY_TYPE if + * the geometry type is illegal for the OGRFeatureDefn (checking not yet + * implemented). + */ + +OGRErr OGRFeature::SetGeometryDirectly( OGRGeometry * poGeomIn ) + +{ + delete poGeometry; + poGeometry = poGeomIn; + + // I should be verifying that the geometry matches the defn's type. + + return OGRERR_NONE; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_SetGeometryDirectly() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set feature geometry. + * + * This function updates the features geometry, and operate exactly as + * SetGeometry(), except that this function assumes ownership of the + * passed geometry. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method + * OGRFeature::SetGeometryDirectly. + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature on which to apply the geometry. + * @param hGeom handle to the new geometry to apply to feature. + * + * @return OGRERR_NONE if successful, or OGR_UNSUPPORTED_GEOMETRY_TYPE if + * the geometry type is illegal for the OGRFeatureDefn (checking not yet + * implemented). + */ + +OGRErr OGR_F_SetGeometryDirectly( OGRFeatureH hFeat, OGRGeometryH hGeom ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_SetGeometryDirectly", CE_Failure ); + + return ((OGRFeature *) hFeat)->SetGeometryDirectly((OGRGeometry *) hGeom); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* SetGeometry() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set feature geometry. + * + * This method updates the features geometry, and operate exactly as + * SetGeometryDirectly(), except that this method does not assume ownership + * of the passed geometry, but instead makes a copy of it. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_SetGeometry(). + * + * @param poGeomIn new geometry to apply to feature. Passing NULL value here + * is correct and it will result in deallocation of currently assigned geometry + * without assigning new one. + * + * @return OGRERR_NONE if successful, or OGR_UNSUPPORTED_GEOMETRY_TYPE if + * the geometry type is illegal for the OGRFeatureDefn (checking not yet + * implemented). + */ + +OGRErr OGRFeature::SetGeometry( OGRGeometry * poGeomIn ) + +{ + delete poGeometry; + + if( poGeomIn != NULL ) + poGeometry = poGeomIn->clone(); + else + poGeometry = NULL; + + // I should be verifying that the geometry matches the defn's type. + + return OGRERR_NONE; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_SetGeometry() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set feature geometry. + * + * This function updates the features geometry, and operate exactly as + * SetGeometryDirectly(), except that this function does not assume ownership + * of the passed geometry, but instead makes a copy of it. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ OGRFeature::SetGeometry(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature on which new geometry is applied to. + * @param hGeom handle to the new geometry to apply to feature. + * + * @return OGRERR_NONE if successful, or OGR_UNSUPPORTED_GEOMETRY_TYPE if + * the geometry type is illegal for the OGRFeatureDefn (checking not yet + * implemented). + */ + +OGRErr OGR_F_SetGeometry( OGRFeatureH hFeat, OGRGeometryH hGeom ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_SetGeometry", CE_Failure ); + + return ((OGRFeature *) hFeat)->SetGeometry((OGRGeometry *) hGeom); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* StealGeometry() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Take away ownership of geometry. + * + * Fetch the geometry from this feature, and clear the reference to the + * geometry on the feature. This is a mechanism for the application to + * take over ownship of the geometry from the feature without copying. + * Sort of an inverse to SetGeometryDirectly(). + * + * After this call the OGRFeature will have a NULL geometry. + * + * @return the pointer to the geometry. + */ + +OGRGeometry *OGRFeature::StealGeometry() + +{ + OGRGeometry *poReturn = poGeometry; + poGeometry = NULL; + return poReturn; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_StealGeometry() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Take away ownership of geometry. + * + * Fetch the geometry from this feature, and clear the reference to the + * geometry on the feature. This is a mechanism for the application to + * take over ownship of the geometry from the feature without copying. + * Sort of an inverse to OGR_FSetGeometryDirectly(). + * + * After this call the OGRFeature will have a NULL geometry. + * + * @return the pointer to the geometry. + */ + +OGRGeometryH OGR_F_StealGeometry( OGRFeatureH hFeat ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_StealGeometry", NULL ); + + return (OGRGeometryH) ((OGRFeature *) hFeat)->StealGeometry(); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* GetGeometryRef() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \fn OGRGeometry *OGRFeature::GetGeometryRef(); + * + * \brief Fetch pointer to feature geometry. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_GetGeometryRef(). + * + * @return pointer to internal feature geometry. This object should + * not be modified. + */ + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_GetGeometryRef() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch an handle to feature geometry. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetGeometryRef(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature to get geometry from. + * @return an handle to internal feature geometry. This object should + * not be modified. + */ + +OGRGeometryH OGR_F_GetGeometryRef( OGRFeatureH hFeat ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_GetGeometryRef", NULL ); + + return (OGRGeometryH) ((OGRFeature *) hFeat)->GetGeometryRef(); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* Clone() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Duplicate feature. + * + * The newly created feature is owned by the caller, and will have it's own + * reference to the OGRFeatureDefn. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_Clone(). + * + * @return new feature, exactly matching this feature. + */ + +OGRFeature *OGRFeature::Clone() + +{ + OGRFeature *poNew = new OGRFeature( poDefn ); + + poNew->SetGeometry( poGeometry ); + + for( int i = 0; i < poDefn->GetFieldCount(); i++ ) + { + poNew->SetField( i, pauFields + i ); + } + + if( GetStyleString() != NULL ) + poNew->SetStyleString(GetStyleString()); + + poNew->SetFID( GetFID() ); + + return poNew; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_Clone() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Duplicate feature. + * + * The newly created feature is owned by the caller, and will have it's own + * reference to the OGRFeatureDefn. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::Clone(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature to clone. + * @return an handle to the new feature, exactly matching this feature. + */ + +OGRFeatureH OGR_F_Clone( OGRFeatureH hFeat ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_Clone", NULL ); + + return (OGRFeatureH) ((OGRFeature *) hFeat)->Clone(); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* GetFieldCount() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \fn int OGRFeature::GetFieldCount(); + * + * \brief Fetch number of fields on this feature. + * This will always be the same + * as the field count for the OGRFeatureDefn. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_GetFieldCount(). + * + * @return count of fields. + */ + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_GetFieldCount() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch number of fields on this feature + * This will always be the same + * as the field count for the OGRFeatureDefn. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldCount(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature to get the fields count from. + * @return count of fields. + */ + +int OGR_F_GetFieldCount( OGRFeatureH hFeat ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_GetFieldCount", 0 ); + + return ((OGRFeature *) hFeat)->GetFieldCount(); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* GetFieldDefnRef() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \fn OGRFieldDefn *OGRFeature::GetFieldDefnRef( int iField ); + * + * \brief Fetch definition for this field. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_GetFieldDefnRef(). + * + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * + * @return the field definition (from the OGRFeatureDefn). This is an + * internal reference, and should not be deleted or modified. + */ + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_GetFieldDefnRef() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch definition for this field. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldDefnRef(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature on which the field is found. + * @param i the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * + * @return an handle to the field definition (from the OGRFeatureDefn). + * This is an internal reference, and should not be deleted or modified. + */ + +OGRFieldDefnH OGR_F_GetFieldDefnRef( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int i ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_GetFieldDefnRef", NULL ); + + return (OGRFieldDefnH) ((OGRFeature *) hFeat)->GetFieldDefnRef(i); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* GetFieldIndex() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \fn int OGRFeature::GetFieldIndex( const char * pszName ); + * + * \brief Fetch the field index given field name. + * + * This is a cover for the OGRFeatureDefn::GetFieldIndex() method. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_GetFieldIndex(). + * + * @param pszName the name of the field to search for. + * + * @return the field index, or -1 if no matching field is found. + */ + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_GetFieldIndex() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch the field index given field name. + * + * This is a cover for the OGRFeatureDefn::GetFieldIndex() method. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldIndex(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature on which the field is found. + * @param pszName the name of the field to search for. + * + * @return the field index, or -1 if no matching field is found. + */ + +int OGR_F_GetFieldIndex( OGRFeatureH hFeat, const char *pszName ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_GetFieldIndex", 0 ); + + return ((OGRFeature *) hFeat)->GetFieldIndex( pszName ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* IsFieldSet() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \fn int OGRFeature::IsFieldSet( int iField ) const; + * + * \brief Test if a field has ever been assigned a value or not. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_IsFieldSet(). + * + * @param iField the field to test. + * + * @return TRUE if the field has been set, otherwise false. + */ + +int OGRFeature::IsFieldSet( int iField ) const + +{ + int iSpecialField = iField - poDefn->GetFieldCount(); + if (iSpecialField >= 0) + { + // special field value accessors + switch (iSpecialField) + { + case SPF_FID: + return ((OGRFeature *)this)->GetFID() != OGRNullFID; + + case SPF_OGR_GEOM_WKT: + case SPF_OGR_GEOMETRY: + return poGeometry != NULL; + + case SPF_OGR_STYLE: + return ((OGRFeature *)this)->GetStyleString() != NULL; + + case SPF_OGR_GEOM_AREA: + if( poGeometry == NULL ) + return FALSE; + + return OGR_G_GetArea((OGRGeometryH)poGeometry) != 0.0; + + default: + return FALSE; + } + } + else + { + return pauFields[iField].Set.nMarker1 != OGRUnsetMarker + || pauFields[iField].Set.nMarker2 != OGRUnsetMarker; + } +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_IsFieldSet() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Test if a field has ever been assigned a value or not. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::IsFieldSet(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature on which the field is. + * @param iField the field to test. + * + * @return TRUE if the field has been set, otherwise false. + */ + +int OGR_F_IsFieldSet( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_IsFieldSet", 0 ); + + OGRFeature* poFeature = (OGRFeature* )hFeat; + + if (iField < 0 || iField >= poFeature->GetFieldCount()) + { + CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Invalid index : %d", iField); + return FALSE; + } + + return poFeature->IsFieldSet( iField ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* UnsetField() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Clear a field, marking it as unset. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_UnsetField(). + * + * @param iField the field to unset. + */ + +void OGRFeature::UnsetField( int iField ) + +{ + OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); + + if( poFDefn == NULL || !IsFieldSet(iField) ) + return; + + switch( poFDefn->GetType() ) + { + case OFTRealList: + case OFTIntegerList: + CPLFree( pauFields[iField].IntegerList.paList ); + break; + + case OFTStringList: + CSLDestroy( pauFields[iField].StringList.paList ); + break; + + case OFTString: + CPLFree( pauFields[iField].String ); + break; + + case OFTBinary: + CPLFree( pauFields[iField].Binary.paData ); + break; + + default: + break; + } + + pauFields[iField].Set.nMarker1 = OGRUnsetMarker; + pauFields[iField].Set.nMarker2 = OGRUnsetMarker; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_UnsetField() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Clear a field, marking it as unset. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::UnsetField(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature on which the field is. + * @param iField the field to unset. + */ + +void OGR_F_UnsetField( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER0( hFeat, "OGR_F_UnsetField" ); + + ((OGRFeature *) hFeat)->UnsetField( iField ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* GetRawFieldRef() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \fn OGRField *OGRFeature::GetRawFieldRef( int iField ); + * + * \brief Fetch a pointer to the internal field value given the index. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_GetRawFieldRef(). + * + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * + * @return the returned pointer is to an internal data structure, and should + * not be freed, or modified. + */ + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_GetRawFieldRef() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch an handle to the internal field value given the index. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetRawFieldRef(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature on which field is found. + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * + * @return the returned handle is to an internal data structure, and should + * not be freed, or modified. + */ + +OGRField *OGR_F_GetRawFieldRef( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_GetRawFieldRef", NULL ); + + return ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->GetRawFieldRef( iField ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* GetFieldAsInteger() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch field value as integer. + * + * OFTString features will be translated using atoi(). OFTReal fields + * will be cast to integer. Other field types, or errors will result in + * a return value of zero. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger(). + * + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * + * @return the field value. + */ + +int OGRFeature::GetFieldAsInteger( int iField ) + +{ + int iSpecialField = iField - poDefn->GetFieldCount(); + if (iSpecialField >= 0) + { + // special field value accessors + switch (iSpecialField) + { + case SPF_FID: + return GetFID(); + + case SPF_OGR_GEOM_AREA: + if( poGeometry == NULL ) + return 0; + return (int)OGR_G_GetArea((OGRGeometryH)poGeometry); + + default: + return 0; + } + } + + OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); + + if( poFDefn == NULL ) + return 0; + + if( !IsFieldSet(iField) ) + return 0; + + if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTInteger ) + return pauFields[iField].Integer; + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTReal ) + return (int) pauFields[iField].Real; + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTString ) + { + if( pauFields[iField].String == NULL ) + return 0; + else + return atoi(pauFields[iField].String); + } + else + return 0; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch field value as integer. + * + * OFTString features will be translated using atoi(). OFTReal fields + * will be cast to integer. Other field types, or errors will result in + * a return value of zero. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsInteger(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature that owned the field. + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * + * @return the field value. + */ + +int OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger", 0 ); + + return ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->GetFieldAsInteger(iField); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* GetFieldAsDouble() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch field value as a double. + * + * OFTString features will be translated using atof(). OFTInteger fields + * will be cast to double. Other field types, or errors will result in + * a return value of zero. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_GetFieldAsDouble(). + * + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * + * @return the field value. + */ + +double OGRFeature::GetFieldAsDouble( int iField ) + +{ + int iSpecialField = iField - poDefn->GetFieldCount(); + if (iSpecialField >= 0) + { + // special field value accessors + switch (iSpecialField) + { + case SPF_FID: + return GetFID(); + + case SPF_OGR_GEOM_AREA: + if( poGeometry == NULL ) + return 0.0; + return OGR_G_GetArea((OGRGeometryH)poGeometry); + + default: + return 0.0; + } + } + + OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); + + if( poFDefn == NULL ) + return 0.0; + + if( !IsFieldSet(iField) ) + return 0.0; + + if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTReal ) + return pauFields[iField].Real; + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTInteger ) + return pauFields[iField].Integer; + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTString ) + { + if( pauFields[iField].String == NULL ) + return 0; + else + return atof(pauFields[iField].String); + } + else + return 0.0; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_GetFieldAsDouble() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch field value as a double. + * + * OFTString features will be translated using atof(). OFTInteger fields + * will be cast to double. Other field types, or errors will result in + * a return value of zero. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsDouble(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature that owned the field. + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * + * @return the field value. + */ + +double OGR_F_GetFieldAsDouble( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_GetFieldAsDouble", 0 ); + + return ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->GetFieldAsDouble(iField); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* GetFieldAsString() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch field value as a string. + * + * OFTReal and OFTInteger fields will be translated to string using + * sprintf(), but not necessarily using the established formatting rules. + * Other field types, or errors will result in a return value of zero. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_GetFieldAsString(). + * + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * + * @return the field value. This string is internal, and should not be + * modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. + */ + +const char *OGRFeature::GetFieldAsString( int iField ) + +{ +#define TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE 80 + char szTempBuffer[TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE]; + + CPLFree(m_pszTmpFieldValue); + m_pszTmpFieldValue = NULL; + + int iSpecialField = iField - poDefn->GetFieldCount(); + if (iSpecialField >= 0) + { + // special field value accessors + switch (iSpecialField) + { + case SPF_FID: + snprintf( szTempBuffer, TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE, "%ld", GetFID() ); + return m_pszTmpFieldValue = CPLStrdup( szTempBuffer ); + + case SPF_OGR_GEOMETRY: + if( poGeometry ) + return poGeometry->getGeometryName(); + else + return ""; + + case SPF_OGR_STYLE: + if( GetStyleString() == NULL ) + return ""; + else + return GetStyleString(); + + case SPF_OGR_GEOM_WKT: + { + if( poGeometry == NULL ) + return ""; + + if (poGeometry->exportToWkt( &m_pszTmpFieldValue ) == OGRERR_NONE ) + return m_pszTmpFieldValue; + else + return ""; + } + + case SPF_OGR_GEOM_AREA: + if( poGeometry == NULL ) + return ""; + + snprintf( szTempBuffer, TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE, "%.16g", + OGR_G_GetArea((OGRGeometryH)poGeometry) ); + return m_pszTmpFieldValue = CPLStrdup( szTempBuffer ); + + default: + return ""; + } + } + + OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); + + if( poFDefn == NULL ) + return ""; + + if( !IsFieldSet(iField) ) + return ""; + + if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTString ) + { + if( pauFields[iField].String == NULL ) + return ""; + else + return pauFields[iField].String; + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTInteger ) + { + snprintf( szTempBuffer, TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE, + "%d", pauFields[iField].Integer ); + return m_pszTmpFieldValue = CPLStrdup( szTempBuffer ); + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTReal ) + { + char szFormat[64]; + + if( poFDefn->GetWidth() != 0 ) + { + snprintf( szFormat, sizeof(szFormat), "%%%d.%df", + poFDefn->GetWidth(), poFDefn->GetPrecision() ); + } + else + strcpy( szFormat, "%.15g" ); + + snprintf( szTempBuffer, TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE, + szFormat, pauFields[iField].Real ); + + return m_pszTmpFieldValue = CPLStrdup( szTempBuffer ); + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTDateTime ) + { + snprintf( szTempBuffer, TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE, + "%04d/%02d/%02d %2d:%02d:%02d", + pauFields[iField].Date.Year, + pauFields[iField].Date.Month, + pauFields[iField].Date.Day, + pauFields[iField].Date.Hour, + pauFields[iField].Date.Minute, + pauFields[iField].Date.Second ); + + if( pauFields[iField].Date.TZFlag > 1 ) + { + int nOffset = (pauFields[iField].Date.TZFlag - 100) * 15; + int nHours = (int) (nOffset / 60); // round towards zero + int nMinutes = ABS(nOffset - nHours * 60); + + if( nOffset < 0 ) + { + strcat( szTempBuffer, "-" ); + nHours = ABS(nHours); + } + else + strcat( szTempBuffer, "+" ); + + if( nMinutes == 0 ) + snprintf( szTempBuffer+strlen(szTempBuffer), + TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE-strlen(szTempBuffer), "%02d", nHours ); + else + snprintf( szTempBuffer+strlen(szTempBuffer), + TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE-strlen(szTempBuffer), "%02d%02d", nHours, nMinutes ); + } + + return m_pszTmpFieldValue = CPLStrdup( szTempBuffer ); + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTDate ) + { + snprintf( szTempBuffer, TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE, "%04d/%02d/%02d", + pauFields[iField].Date.Year, + pauFields[iField].Date.Month, + pauFields[iField].Date.Day ); + + return m_pszTmpFieldValue = CPLStrdup( szTempBuffer ); + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTTime ) + { + snprintf( szTempBuffer, TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE, "%2d:%02d:%02d", + pauFields[iField].Date.Hour, + pauFields[iField].Date.Minute, + pauFields[iField].Date.Second ); + + return m_pszTmpFieldValue = CPLStrdup( szTempBuffer ); + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTIntegerList ) + { + char szItem[32]; + int i, nCount = pauFields[iField].IntegerList.nCount; + + snprintf( szTempBuffer, TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE, "(%d:", nCount ); + for( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) + { + snprintf( szItem, sizeof(szItem), "%d", + pauFields[iField].IntegerList.paList[i] ); + if( strlen(szTempBuffer) + strlen(szItem) + 6 + >= sizeof(szTempBuffer) ) + { + break; + } + + if( i > 0 ) + strcat( szTempBuffer, "," ); + + strcat( szTempBuffer, szItem ); + } + + if( i < nCount ) + strcat( szTempBuffer, ",...)" ); + else + strcat( szTempBuffer, ")" ); + + return m_pszTmpFieldValue = CPLStrdup( szTempBuffer ); + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTRealList ) + { + char szItem[40]; + char szFormat[64]; + int i, nCount = pauFields[iField].RealList.nCount; + + if( poFDefn->GetWidth() != 0 ) + { + snprintf( szFormat, sizeof(szFormat), "%%%d.%df", + poFDefn->GetWidth(), poFDefn->GetPrecision() ); + } + else + strcpy( szFormat, "%.16g" ); + + snprintf( szTempBuffer, TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE, "(%d:", nCount ); + for( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) + { + snprintf( szItem, sizeof(szItem), szFormat, + pauFields[iField].RealList.paList[i] ); + if( strlen(szTempBuffer) + strlen(szItem) + 6 + >= sizeof(szTempBuffer) ) + { + break; + } + + if( i > 0 ) + strcat( szTempBuffer, "," ); + + strcat( szTempBuffer, szItem ); + } + + if( i < nCount ) + strcat( szTempBuffer, ",...)" ); + else + strcat( szTempBuffer, ")" ); + + return m_pszTmpFieldValue = CPLStrdup( szTempBuffer ); + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTStringList ) + { + int i, nCount = pauFields[iField].StringList.nCount; + + snprintf( szTempBuffer, TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE, "(%d:", nCount ); + for( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) + { + const char *pszItem = pauFields[iField].StringList.paList[i]; + + if( strlen(szTempBuffer) + strlen(pszItem) + 6 + >= sizeof(szTempBuffer) ) + { + break; + } + + if( i > 0 ) + strcat( szTempBuffer, "," ); + + strcat( szTempBuffer, pszItem ); + } + + if( i < nCount ) + strcat( szTempBuffer, ",...)" ); + else + strcat( szTempBuffer, ")" ); + + return m_pszTmpFieldValue = CPLStrdup( szTempBuffer ); + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTBinary ) + { + int nCount = pauFields[iField].Binary.nCount; + char *pszHex; + + if( nCount > (int) sizeof(szTempBuffer) / 2 - 4 ) + nCount = sizeof(szTempBuffer) / 2 - 4; + + pszHex = CPLBinaryToHex( nCount, pauFields[iField].Binary.paData ); + + memcpy( szTempBuffer, pszHex, 2 * nCount ); + szTempBuffer[nCount*2] = '\0'; + if( nCount < pauFields[iField].Binary.nCount ) + strcat( szTempBuffer, "..." ); + + CPLFree( pszHex ); + + return m_pszTmpFieldValue = CPLStrdup( szTempBuffer ); + } + else + return ""; +#undef TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_GetFieldAsString() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch field value as a string. + * + * OFTReal and OFTInteger fields will be translated to string using + * sprintf(), but not necessarily using the established formatting rules. + * Other field types, or errors will result in a return value of zero. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsString(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature that owned the field. + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * + * @return the field value. This string is internal, and should not be + * modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. + */ + +const char *OGR_F_GetFieldAsString( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_GetFieldAsString", NULL ); + + return ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->GetFieldAsString(iField); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* GetFieldAsIntegerList() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch field value as a list of integers. + * + * Currently this method only works for OFTIntegerList fields. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_GetFieldAsIntegerList(). + * + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param pnCount an integer to put the list count (number of integers) into. + * + * @return the field value. This list is internal, and should not be + * modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. If *pnCount is zero + * on return the returned pointer may be NULL or non-NULL. + */ + +const int *OGRFeature::GetFieldAsIntegerList( int iField, int *pnCount ) + +{ + OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); + + if( poFDefn != NULL && IsFieldSet(iField) && + poFDefn->GetType() == OFTIntegerList ) + { + if( pnCount != NULL ) + *pnCount = pauFields[iField].IntegerList.nCount; + + return pauFields[iField].IntegerList.paList; + } + else + { + if( pnCount != NULL ) + *pnCount = 0; + + return NULL; + } +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_GetFieldAsIntegerList() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch field value as a list of integers. + * + * Currently this function only works for OFTIntegerList fields. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method + * OGRFeature::GetFieldAsIntegerList(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature that owned the field. + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param pnCount an integer to put the list count (number of integers) into. + * + * @return the field value. This list is internal, and should not be + * modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. If *pnCount is zero + * on return the returned pointer may be NULL or non-NULL. + */ + +const int *OGR_F_GetFieldAsIntegerList( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, + int *pnCount ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_GetFieldAsIntegerList", NULL ); + + return ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->GetFieldAsIntegerList(iField, pnCount); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* GetFieldAsDoubleList() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch field value as a list of doubles. + * + * Currently this method only works for OFTRealList fields. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_GetFieldAsDoubleList(). + * + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param pnCount an integer to put the list count (number of doubles) into. + * + * @return the field value. This list is internal, and should not be + * modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. If *pnCount is zero + * on return the returned pointer may be NULL or non-NULL. + */ + +const double *OGRFeature::GetFieldAsDoubleList( int iField, int *pnCount ) + +{ + OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); + + if( poFDefn != NULL && IsFieldSet(iField) && + poFDefn->GetType() == OFTRealList ) + { + if( pnCount != NULL ) + *pnCount = pauFields[iField].RealList.nCount; + + return pauFields[iField].RealList.paList; + } + else + { + if( pnCount != NULL ) + *pnCount = 0; + + return NULL; + } +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_GetFieldAsDoubleList() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch field value as a list of doubles. + * + * Currently this function only works for OFTRealList fields. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method + * OGRFeature::GetFieldAsDoubleList(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature that owned the field. + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param pnCount an integer to put the list count (number of doubles) into. + * + * @return the field value. This list is internal, and should not be + * modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. If *pnCount is zero + * on return the returned pointer may be NULL or non-NULL. + */ + +const double *OGR_F_GetFieldAsDoubleList( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, + int *pnCount ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_GetFieldAsDoubleList", NULL ); + + return ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->GetFieldAsDoubleList(iField, pnCount); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* GetFieldAsStringList() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch field value as a list of strings. + * + * Currently this method only works for OFTStringList fields. + * + * The returned list is terminated by a NULL pointer. The number of + * elements can also be calculated using CSLCount(). + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_GetFieldAsStringList(). + * + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * + * @return the field value. This list is internal, and should not be + * modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. + */ + +char **OGRFeature::GetFieldAsStringList( int iField ) const + +{ + OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); + + if( poFDefn == NULL ) + return NULL; + + if( !IsFieldSet(iField) ) + return NULL; + + if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTStringList ) + { + return pauFields[iField].StringList.paList; + } + else + { + return NULL; + } +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_GetFieldAsStringList() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch field value as a list of strings. + * + * Currently this method only works for OFTStringList fields. + * + * The returned list is terminated by a NULL pointer. The number of + * elements can also be calculated using CSLCount(). + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method + * OGRFeature::GetFieldAsStringList(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature that owned the field. + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * + * @return the field value. This list is internal, and should not be + * modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. + */ + +char **OGR_F_GetFieldAsStringList( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_GetFieldAsStringList", NULL ); + + return ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->GetFieldAsStringList(iField); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* GetFieldAsBinary() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch field value as binary data. + * + * Currently this method only works for OFTBinary fields. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_GetFieldAsBinary(). + * + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param pnBytes location to put the number of bytes returned. + * + * @return the field value. This data is internal, and should not be + * modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. + */ + +GByte *OGRFeature::GetFieldAsBinary( int iField, int *pnBytes ) + +{ + OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); + + *pnBytes = 0; + + if( poFDefn == NULL ) + return NULL; + + if( !IsFieldSet(iField) ) + return NULL; + + if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTBinary ) + { + *pnBytes = pauFields[iField].Binary.nCount; + return pauFields[iField].Binary.paData; + } + else + { + return NULL; + } +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_GetFieldAsBinary() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch field value as binary. + * + * Currently this method only works for OFTBinary fields. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method + * OGRFeature::GetFieldAsBinary(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature that owned the field. + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param pnBytes location to place count of bytes returned. + * + * @return the field value. This list is internal, and should not be + * modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. + */ + +GByte *OGR_F_GetFieldAsBinary( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, int *pnBytes ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_GetFieldAsBinary", NULL ); + VALIDATE_POINTER1( pnBytes, "OGR_F_GetFieldAsBinary", NULL ); + + return ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->GetFieldAsBinary(iField,pnBytes); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* GetFieldAsDateTime() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch field value as date and time. + * + * Currently this method only works for OFTDate, OFTTime and OFTDateTime fields. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_GetFieldAsDateTime(). + * + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param pnYear (including century) + * @param pnMonth (1-12) + * @param pnDay (1-31) + * @param pnHour (0-23) + * @param pnMinute (0-59) + * @param pnSecond (0-59) + * @param pnTZFlag (0=unknown, 1=localtime, 100=GMT, see data model for details) + * + * @return TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. + */ + +int OGRFeature::GetFieldAsDateTime( int iField, + int *pnYear, int *pnMonth, int *pnDay, + int *pnHour, int *pnMinute, int *pnSecond, + int *pnTZFlag ) + +{ + OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); + + if( poFDefn == NULL ) + return FALSE; + + if( !IsFieldSet(iField) ) + return FALSE; + + if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTDate + || poFDefn->GetType() == OFTTime + || poFDefn->GetType() == OFTDateTime ) + + { + if( pnYear ) + *pnYear = pauFields[iField].Date.Year; + if( pnMonth ) + *pnMonth = pauFields[iField].Date.Month; + if( pnDay ) + *pnDay = pauFields[iField].Date.Day; + if( pnHour ) + *pnHour = pauFields[iField].Date.Hour; + if( pnMinute ) + *pnMinute = pauFields[iField].Date.Minute; + if( pnSecond ) + *pnSecond = pauFields[iField].Date.Second; + if( pnTZFlag ) + *pnTZFlag = pauFields[iField].Date.TZFlag; + + return TRUE; + } + else + { + return FALSE; + } +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_GetFieldAsDateTime() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch field value as date and time. + * + * Currently this method only works for OFTDate, OFTTime and OFTDateTime fields. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method + * OGRFeature::GetFieldAsDateTime(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature that owned the field. + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param pnYear (including century) + * @param pnMonth (1-12) + * @param pnDay (1-31) + * @param pnHour (0-23) + * @param pnMinute (0-59) + * @param pnSecond (0-59) + * @param pnTZFlag (0=unknown, 1=localtime, 100=GMT, see data model for details) + * + * @return TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. + */ + +int OGR_F_GetFieldAsDateTime( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, + int *pnYear, int *pnMonth, int *pnDay, + int *pnHour, int *pnMinute, int *pnSecond, + int *pnTZFlag ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_GetFieldAsDateTime", 0 ); + + return ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->GetFieldAsDateTime( iField, + pnYear, pnMonth, pnDay, + pnHour, pnMinute,pnSecond, + pnTZFlag ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* SetField() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set field to integer value. + * + * OFTInteger and OFTReal fields will be set directly. OFTString fields + * will be assigned a string representation of the value, but not necessarily + * taking into account formatting constraints on this field. Other field + * types may be unaffected. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_SetFieldInteger(). + * + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param nValue the value to assign. + */ + +void OGRFeature::SetField( int iField, int nValue ) + +{ + OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); + + if( poFDefn == NULL ) + return; + + if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTInteger ) + { + pauFields[iField].Integer = nValue; + pauFields[iField].Set.nMarker2 = 0; + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTReal ) + { + pauFields[iField].Real = nValue; + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTIntegerList ) + { + SetField( iField, 1, &nValue ); + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTRealList ) + { + double dfValue = nValue; + SetField( iField, 1, &dfValue ); + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTString ) + { + char szTempBuffer[64]; + + sprintf( szTempBuffer, "%d", nValue ); + + if( IsFieldSet( iField) ) + CPLFree( pauFields[iField].String ); + + pauFields[iField].String = CPLStrdup( szTempBuffer ); + } + else + /* do nothing for other field types */; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_SetFieldInteger() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set field to integer value. + * + * OFTInteger and OFTReal fields will be set directly. OFTString fields + * will be assigned a string representation of the value, but not necessarily + * taking into account formatting constraints on this field. Other field + * types may be unaffected. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetField(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature that owned the field. + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param nValue the value to assign. + */ + +void OGR_F_SetFieldInteger( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, int nValue ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER0( hFeat, "OGR_F_SetFieldInteger" ); + + ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->SetField( iField, nValue ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* SetField() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set field to double value. + * + * OFTInteger and OFTReal fields will be set directly. OFTString fields + * will be assigned a string representation of the value, but not necessarily + * taking into account formatting constraints on this field. Other field + * types may be unaffected. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_SetFieldDouble(). + * + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param dfValue the value to assign. + */ + +void OGRFeature::SetField( int iField, double dfValue ) + +{ + OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); + + if( poFDefn == NULL ) + return; + + if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTReal ) + { + pauFields[iField].Real = dfValue; + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTInteger ) + { + pauFields[iField].Integer = (int) dfValue; + pauFields[iField].Set.nMarker2 = 0; + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTRealList ) + { + SetField( iField, 1, &dfValue ); + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTIntegerList ) + { + int nValue = (int) dfValue; + SetField( iField, 1, &nValue ); + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTString ) + { + char szTempBuffer[128]; + + sprintf( szTempBuffer, "%.16g", dfValue ); + + if( IsFieldSet( iField) ) + CPLFree( pauFields[iField].String ); + + pauFields[iField].String = CPLStrdup( szTempBuffer ); + } + else + /* do nothing for other field types */; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_SetFieldDouble() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set field to double value. + * + * OFTInteger and OFTReal fields will be set directly. OFTString fields + * will be assigned a string representation of the value, but not necessarily + * taking into account formatting constraints on this field. Other field + * types may be unaffected. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetField(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature that owned the field. + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param dfValue the value to assign. + */ + +void OGR_F_SetFieldDouble( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, double dfValue ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER0( hFeat, "OGR_F_SetFieldDouble" ); + + ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->SetField( iField, dfValue ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* SetField() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set field to string value. + * + * OFTInteger fields will be set based on an atoi() conversion of the string. + * OFTReal fields will be set based on an atof() conversion of the string. + * Other field types may be unaffected. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_SetFieldString(). + * + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param pszValue the value to assign. + */ + +void OGRFeature::SetField( int iField, const char * pszValue ) + +{ + OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); + + if( poFDefn == NULL ) + return; + + if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTString ) + { + // todo potential memory leak xun + //if( IsFieldSet(iField) ) + // CPLFree( pauFields[iField].String ); + + pauFields[iField].String = CPLStrdup( pszValue ); + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTInteger ) + { + pauFields[iField].Integer = atoi(pszValue); + pauFields[iField].Set.nMarker2 = OGRUnsetMarker; + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTReal ) + { + pauFields[iField].Real = atof(pszValue); + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTDate + || poFDefn->GetType() == OFTTime + || poFDefn->GetType() == OFTDateTime ) + { + OGRField sWrkField; + + if( OGRParseDate( pszValue, &sWrkField, 0 ) ) + memcpy( pauFields+iField, &sWrkField, sizeof(sWrkField)); + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTIntegerList + || poFDefn->GetType() == OFTRealList ) + { + char **papszValueList = NULL; + + if( pszValue[0] == '(' && strchr(pszValue,':') != NULL ) + { + papszValueList = CSLTokenizeString2( + pszValue, ",:()", 0 ); + } + + if( CSLCount(papszValueList) == 0 + || atoi(papszValueList[0]) != CSLCount(papszValueList)-1 ) + { + /* do nothing - the count does not match entries */ + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTIntegerList ) + { + int i, nCount = atoi(papszValueList[0]); + std::vector anValues; + + for( i=0; i < nCount; i++ ) + anValues.push_back( atoi(papszValueList[i+1]) ); + SetField( iField, nCount, &(anValues[0]) ); + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTRealList ) + { + int i, nCount = atoi(papszValueList[0]); + std::vector adfValues; + + for( i=0; i < nCount; i++ ) + adfValues.push_back( atof(papszValueList[i+1]) ); + SetField( iField, nCount, &(adfValues[0]) ); + } + + CSLDestroy(papszValueList); + } + else + /* do nothing for other field types */; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_SetFieldString() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set field to string value. + * + * OFTInteger fields will be set based on an atoi() conversion of the string. + * OFTReal fields will be set based on an atof() conversion of the string. + * Other field types may be unaffected. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetField(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature that owned the field. + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param pszValue the value to assign. + */ + +void OGR_F_SetFieldString( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, const char *pszValue) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER0( hFeat, "OGR_F_SetFieldString" ); + + ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->SetField( iField, pszValue ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* SetField() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set field to list of integers value. + * + * This method currently on has an effect of OFTIntegerList fields. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_SetFieldIntegerList(). + * + * @param iField the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param nCount the number of values in the list being assigned. + * @param panValues the values to assign. + */ + +void OGRFeature::SetField( int iField, int nCount, int *panValues ) + +{ + OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); + + if( poFDefn == NULL ) + return; + + if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTIntegerList ) + { + OGRField uField; + + uField.IntegerList.nCount = nCount; + uField.Set.nMarker2 = 0; + uField.IntegerList.paList = panValues; + + SetField( iField, &uField ); + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTRealList ) + { + std::vector adfValues; + + for( int i=0; i < nCount; i++ ) + adfValues.push_back( (double) panValues[i] ); + + SetField( iField, nCount, &adfValues[0] ); + } + else if( (poFDefn->GetType() == OFTInteger || poFDefn->GetType() == OFTReal) + && nCount == 1 ) + { + SetField( iField, panValues[0] ); + } +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_SetFieldIntegerList() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set field to list of integers value. + * + * This function currently on has an effect of OFTIntegerList fields. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetField(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature that owned the field. + * @param iField the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param nCount the number of values in the list being assigned. + * @param panValues the values to assign. + */ + +void OGR_F_SetFieldIntegerList( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, + int nCount, int *panValues ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER0( hFeat, "OGR_F_SetFieldIntegerList" ); + + ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->SetField( iField, nCount, panValues ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* SetField() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set field to list of doubles value. + * + * This method currently on has an effect of OFTRealList fields. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_SetFieldDoubleList(). + * + * @param iField the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param nCount the number of values in the list being assigned. + * @param padfValues the values to assign. + */ + +void OGRFeature::SetField( int iField, int nCount, double * padfValues ) + +{ + OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); + + if( poFDefn == NULL ) + return; + + if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTRealList ) + { + OGRField uField; + + uField.RealList.nCount = nCount; + uField.Set.nMarker2 = 0; + uField.RealList.paList = padfValues; + + SetField( iField, &uField ); + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTIntegerList ) + { + std::vector anValues; + + for( int i=0; i < nCount; i++ ) + anValues.push_back( (int) padfValues[i] ); + + SetField( iField, nCount, &anValues[0] ); + } + else if( (poFDefn->GetType() == OFTInteger || poFDefn->GetType() == OFTReal) + && nCount == 1 ) + { + SetField( iField, padfValues[0] ); + } +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_SetFieldDoubleList() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set field to list of doubles value. + * + * This function currently on has an effect of OFTRealList fields. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetField(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature that owned the field. + * @param iField the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param nCount the number of values in the list being assigned. + * @param padfValues the values to assign. + */ + +void OGR_F_SetFieldDoubleList( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, + int nCount, double *padfValues ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER0( hFeat, "OGR_F_SetFieldDoubleList" ); + + ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->SetField( iField, nCount, padfValues ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* SetField() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set field to list of strings value. + * + * This method currently on has an effect of OFTStringList fields. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_SetFieldStringList(). + * + * @param iField the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param papszValues the values to assign. + */ + +void OGRFeature::SetField( int iField, char ** papszValues ) + +{ + OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); + + if( poFDefn == NULL ) + return; + + if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTStringList ) + { + OGRField uField; + + uField.StringList.nCount = CSLCount(papszValues); + uField.Set.nMarker2 = 0; + uField.StringList.paList = papszValues; + + SetField( iField, &uField ); + } +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_SetFieldStringList() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set field to list of strings value. + * + * This function currently on has an effect of OFTStringList fields. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetField(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature that owned the field. + * @param iField the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param papszValues the values to assign. + */ + +void OGR_F_SetFieldStringList( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, + char ** papszValues ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER0( hFeat, "OGR_F_SetFieldStringList" ); + + ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->SetField( iField, papszValues ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* SetField() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set field to binary data. + * + * This method currently on has an effect of OFTBinary fields. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_SetFieldBinary(). + * + * @param iField the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param nBytes bytes of data being set. + * @param pabyData the raw data being applied. + */ + +void OGRFeature::SetField( int iField, int nBytes, GByte *pabyData ) + +{ + OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); + + if( poFDefn == NULL ) + return; + + if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTBinary ) + { + OGRField uField; + + uField.Binary.nCount = nBytes; + uField.Set.nMarker2 = 0; + uField.Binary.paData = pabyData; + + SetField( iField, &uField ); + } +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_SetFieldBinary() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set field to binary data. + * + * This function currently on has an effect of OFTBinary fields. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetField(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature that owned the field. + * @param iField the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param nBytes the number of bytes in pabyData array. + * @param pabyData the data to apply. + */ + +void OGR_F_SetFieldBinary( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, + int nBytes, GByte *pabyData ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER0( hFeat, "OGR_F_SetFieldBinary" ); + + ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->SetField( iField, nBytes, pabyData ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* SetField() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set field to date. + * + * This method currently only has an effect for OFTDate, OFTTime and OFTDateTime + * fields. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_SetFieldDateTime(). + * + * @param iField the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param nYear (including century) + * @param nMonth (1-12) + * @param nDay (1-31) + * @param nHour (0-23) + * @param nMinute (0-59) + * @param nSecond (0-59) + * @param nTZFlag (0=unknown, 1=localtime, 100=GMT, see data model for details) + */ + +void OGRFeature::SetField( int iField, int nYear, int nMonth, int nDay, + int nHour, int nMinute, int nSecond, + int nTZFlag ) + +{ + OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); + + if( poFDefn == NULL ) + return; + + if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTDate + || poFDefn->GetType() == OFTTime + || poFDefn->GetType() == OFTDateTime ) + { + pauFields[iField].Date.Year = (GInt16)nYear; + pauFields[iField].Date.Month = (GByte)nMonth; + pauFields[iField].Date.Day = (GByte)nDay; + pauFields[iField].Date.Hour = (GByte)nHour; + pauFields[iField].Date.Minute = (GByte)nMinute; + pauFields[iField].Date.Second = (GByte)nSecond; + pauFields[iField].Date.TZFlag = (GByte)nTZFlag; + } +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_SetFieldDateTime() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set field to datetime. + * + * This method currently only has an effect for OFTDate, OFTTime and OFTDateTime + * fields. + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature that owned the field. + * @param iField the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param nYear (including century) + * @param nMonth (1-12) + * @param nDay (1-31) + * @param nHour (0-23) + * @param nMinute (0-59) + * @param nSecond (0-59) + * @param nTZFlag (0=unknown, 1=localtime, 100=GMT, see data model for details) + */ + +void OGR_F_SetFieldDateTime( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, + int nYear, int nMonth, int nDay, + int nHour, int nMinute, int nSecond, + int nTZFlag ) + + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER0( hFeat, "OGR_F_SetFieldDateTime" ); + + ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->SetField( iField, nYear, nMonth, nDay, + nHour, nMinute, nSecond, nTZFlag ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* SetField() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set field. + * + * The passed value OGRField must be of exactly the same type as the + * target field, or an application crash may occur. The passed value + * is copied, and will not be affected. It remains the responsibility of + * the caller. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_SetFieldRaw(). + * + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param puValue the value to assign. + */ + +void OGRFeature::SetField( int iField, OGRField * puValue ) + +{ + OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); + + if( poFDefn == NULL ) + return; + + if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTInteger ) + { + pauFields[iField] = *puValue; + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTReal ) + { + pauFields[iField] = *puValue; + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTString ) + { + if( IsFieldSet( iField ) ) + CPLFree( pauFields[iField].String ); + + if( puValue->String == NULL ) + pauFields[iField].String = NULL; + else if( puValue->Set.nMarker1 == OGRUnsetMarker + && puValue->Set.nMarker2 == OGRUnsetMarker ) + pauFields[iField] = *puValue; + else + pauFields[iField].String = CPLStrdup( puValue->String ); + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTDate + || poFDefn->GetType() == OFTTime + || poFDefn->GetType() == OFTDateTime ) + { + memcpy( pauFields+iField, puValue, sizeof(OGRField) ); + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTIntegerList ) + { + int nCount = puValue->IntegerList.nCount; + + if( IsFieldSet( iField ) ) + CPLFree( pauFields[iField].IntegerList.paList ); + + if( puValue->Set.nMarker1 == OGRUnsetMarker + && puValue->Set.nMarker2 == OGRUnsetMarker ) + { + pauFields[iField] = *puValue; + } + else + { + pauFields[iField].IntegerList.paList = + (int *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(int) * nCount); + memcpy( pauFields[iField].IntegerList.paList, + puValue->IntegerList.paList, + sizeof(int) * nCount ); + pauFields[iField].IntegerList.nCount = nCount; + } + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTRealList ) + { + int nCount = puValue->RealList.nCount; + + if( IsFieldSet( iField ) ) + CPLFree( pauFields[iField].RealList.paList ); + + if( puValue->Set.nMarker1 == OGRUnsetMarker + && puValue->Set.nMarker2 == OGRUnsetMarker ) + { + pauFields[iField] = *puValue; + } + else + { + pauFields[iField].RealList.paList = + (double *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(double) * nCount); + memcpy( pauFields[iField].RealList.paList, + puValue->RealList.paList, + sizeof(double) * nCount ); + pauFields[iField].RealList.nCount = nCount; + } + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTStringList ) + { + if( IsFieldSet( iField ) ) + CSLDestroy( pauFields[iField].StringList.paList ); + + if( puValue->Set.nMarker1 == OGRUnsetMarker + && puValue->Set.nMarker2 == OGRUnsetMarker ) + { + pauFields[iField] = *puValue; + } + else + { + pauFields[iField].StringList.paList = + CSLDuplicate( puValue->StringList.paList ); + + pauFields[iField].StringList.nCount = puValue->StringList.nCount; + CPLAssert( CSLCount(puValue->StringList.paList) + == puValue->StringList.nCount ); + } + } + else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTBinary ) + { + if( IsFieldSet( iField ) ) + CPLFree( pauFields[iField].Binary.paData ); + + if( puValue->Set.nMarker1 == OGRUnsetMarker + && puValue->Set.nMarker2 == OGRUnsetMarker ) + { + pauFields[iField] = *puValue; + } + else + { + pauFields[iField].Binary.nCount = puValue->Binary.nCount; + pauFields[iField].Binary.paData = + (GByte *) CPLMalloc(puValue->Binary.nCount); + memcpy( pauFields[iField].Binary.paData, + puValue->Binary.paData, + puValue->Binary.nCount ); + } + } + else + /* do nothing for other field types */; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_SetFieldRaw() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set field. + * + * The passed value OGRField must be of exactly the same type as the + * target field, or an application crash may occur. The passed value + * is copied, and will not be affected. It remains the responsibility of + * the caller. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetField(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature that owned the field. + * @param iField the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. + * @param psValue handle on the value to assign. + */ + +void OGR_F_SetFieldRaw( OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, OGRField *psValue ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER0( hFeat, "OGR_F_SetFieldRaw" ); + + ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->SetField( iField, psValue ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* DumpReadable() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Dump this feature in a human readable form. + * + * This dumps the attributes, and geometry; however, it doesn't definition + * information (other than field types and names), nor does it report the + * geometry spatial reference system. + * + * A few options can be defined to change the default dump : + *
    + *
  • DISPLAY_FIELDS=NO : to hide the dump of the attributes
  • + *
  • DISPLAY_STYLE=NO : to hide the dump of the style string
  • + *
  • DISPLAY_GEOMETRY=NO : to hide the dump of the geometry
  • + *
  • DISPLAY_GEOMETRY=SUMMARY : to get only a summary of the geometry
  • + *
+ * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_DumpReadable(). + * + * @param fpOut the stream to write to, such as stdout. If NULL stdout will + * be used. + * @param papszOptions NULL terminated list of options (may be NULL) + */ + +void OGRFeature::DumpReadable( FILE * fpOut, char** papszOptions ) + +{ + if( fpOut == NULL ) + fpOut = stdout; + + fprintf( fpOut, "OGRFeature(%s):%ld\n", poDefn->GetName(), GetFID() ); + + const char* pszDisplayFields = + CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "DISPLAY_FIELDS"); + if (pszDisplayFields == NULL || CSLTestBoolean(pszDisplayFields)) + { + for( int iField = 0; iField < GetFieldCount(); iField++ ) + { + OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn(iField); + + fprintf( fpOut, " %s (%s) = ", + poFDefn->GetNameRef(), + OGRFieldDefn::GetFieldTypeName(poFDefn->GetType()) ); + + if( IsFieldSet( iField ) ) + fprintf( fpOut, "%s\n", GetFieldAsString( iField ) ); + else + fprintf( fpOut, "(null)\n" ); + + } + } + + + if( GetStyleString() != NULL ) + { + const char* pszDisplayStyle = + CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "DISPLAY_STYLE"); + if (pszDisplayStyle == NULL || CSLTestBoolean(pszDisplayStyle)) + { + fprintf( fpOut, " Style = %s\n", GetStyleString() ); + } + } + + if( poGeometry != NULL ) + { + const char* pszDisplayGeometry = + CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "DISPLAY_GEOMETRY"); + if ( ! (pszDisplayGeometry != NULL && EQUAL(pszDisplayGeometry, "NO") ) ) + poGeometry->dumpReadable( fpOut, " ", papszOptions ); + } + + fprintf( fpOut, "\n" ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_DumpReadable() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Dump this feature in a human readable form. + * + * This dumps the attributes, and geometry; however, it doesn't definition + * information (other than field types and names), nor does it report the + * geometry spatial reference system. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::DumpReadable(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature to dump. + * @param fpOut the stream to write to, such as strout. + */ + +void OGR_F_DumpReadable( OGRFeatureH hFeat, FILE *fpOut ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER0( hFeat, "OGR_F_DumpReadable" ); + + ((OGRFeature *) hFeat)->DumpReadable( fpOut ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* GetFID() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \fn long OGRFeature::GetFID(); + * + * \brief Get feature identifier. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_GetFID(). + * + * @return feature id or OGRNullFID if none has been assigned. + */ + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_GetFID() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Get feature identifier. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFID(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature from which to get the feature + * identifier. + * @return feature id or OGRNullFID if none has been assigned. + */ + +long OGR_F_GetFID( OGRFeatureH hFeat ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_GetFID", 0 ); + + return ((OGRFeature *) hFeat)->GetFID(); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* SetFID() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set the feature identifier. + * + * For specific types of features this operation may fail on illegal + * features ids. Generally it always succeeds. Feature ids should be + * greater than or equal to zero, with the exception of OGRNullFID (-1) + * indicating that the feature id is unknown. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_SetFID(). + * + * @param nFID the new feature identifier value to assign. + * + * @return On success OGRERR_NONE, or on failure some other value. + */ + +OGRErr OGRFeature::SetFID( long nFID ) + +{ + this->nFID = nFID; + + return OGRERR_NONE; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_SetFID() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set the feature identifier. + * + * For specific types of features this operation may fail on illegal + * features ids. Generally it always succeeds. Feature ids should be + * greater than or equal to zero, with the exception of OGRNullFID (-1) + * indicating that the feature id is unknown. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetFID(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature to set the feature id to. + * @param nFID the new feature identifier value to assign. + * + * @return On success OGRERR_NONE, or on failure some other value. + */ + +OGRErr OGR_F_SetFID( OGRFeatureH hFeat, long nFID ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_SetFID", CE_Failure ); + + return ((OGRFeature *) hFeat)->SetFID(nFID); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* Equal() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Test if two features are the same. + * + * Two features are considered equal if the share them (pointer equality) + * same OGRFeatureDefn, have the same field values, and the same geometry + * (as tested by OGRGeometry::Equal()) as well as the same feature id. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_Equal(). + * + * @param poFeature the other feature to test this one against. + * + * @return TRUE if they are equal, otherwise FALSE. + */ + +OGRBoolean OGRFeature::Equal( OGRFeature * poFeature ) + +{ + if( poFeature == this ) + return TRUE; + + if( GetFID() != poFeature->GetFID() ) + return FALSE; + + if( GetDefnRef() != poFeature->GetDefnRef() ) + return FALSE; + + int i; + int nFields = GetDefnRef()->GetFieldCount(); + for(i=0; iIsFieldSet(i) ) + return FALSE; + + if( !IsFieldSet(i) ) + continue; + + switch (GetDefnRef()->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetType() ) + { + case OFTInteger: + if( GetFieldAsInteger(i) != + poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger(i) ) + return FALSE; + break; + + case OFTReal: + if( GetFieldAsDouble(i) != + poFeature->GetFieldAsDouble(i) ) + return FALSE; + break; + + case OFTString: + if ( strcmp(GetFieldAsString(i), + poFeature->GetFieldAsString(i)) != 0 ) + return FALSE; + break; + + case OFTIntegerList: + { + int nCount1, nCount2; + const int* pnList1 = GetFieldAsIntegerList(i, &nCount1); + const int* pnList2 = + poFeature->GetFieldAsIntegerList(i, &nCount2); + if( nCount1 != nCount2 ) + return FALSE; + int j; + for(j=0;jGetFieldAsDoubleList(i, &nCount2); + if( nCount1 != nCount2 ) + return FALSE; + int j; + for(j=0;jGetFieldAsStringList(i); + nCount1 = CSLCount(papszList1); + nCount2 = CSLCount(papszList2); + if( nCount1 != nCount2 ) + return FALSE; + int j; + for(j=0;jGetFieldAsDateTime(i, &nYear2, &nMonth2, &nDay2, + &nHour2, &nMinute2, &nSecond2, &nTZFlag2); + + if( !(nYear1 == nYear2 && nMonth1 == nMonth2 && + nDay1 == nDay2 && nHour1 == nHour2 && + nMinute1 == nMinute2 && nSecond1 == nSecond2 && + nTZFlag1 == nTZFlag2) ) + return FALSE; + break; + } + + case OFTBinary: + { + int nCount1, nCount2; + GByte* pabyData1 = GetFieldAsBinary(i, &nCount1); + GByte* pabyData2 = poFeature->GetFieldAsBinary(i, &nCount2); + if( nCount1 != nCount2 ) + return FALSE; + if( memcmp(pabyData1, pabyData2, nCount1) != 0 ) + return FALSE; + break; + } + + default: + if( strcmp(GetFieldAsString(i), + poFeature->GetFieldAsString(i)) != 0 ) + return FALSE; + break; + } + } + + if( GetGeometryRef() == NULL && poFeature->GetGeometryRef() != NULL ) + return FALSE; + + if( GetGeometryRef() != NULL && poFeature->GetGeometryRef() == NULL ) + return FALSE; + + if( GetGeometryRef() != NULL && poFeature->GetGeometryRef() != NULL + && (!GetGeometryRef()->Equals( poFeature->GetGeometryRef() ) ) ) + return FALSE; + + return TRUE; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_Equal() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Test if two features are the same. + * + * Two features are considered equal if the share them (handle equality) + * same OGRFeatureDefn, have the same field values, and the same geometry + * (as tested by OGR_G_Equal()) as well as the same feature id. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::Equal(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to one of the feature. + * @param hOtherFeat handle to the other feature to test this one against. + * + * @return TRUE if they are equal, otherwise FALSE. + */ + +int OGR_F_Equal( OGRFeatureH hFeat, OGRFeatureH hOtherFeat ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_Equal", 0 ); + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hOtherFeat, "OGR_F_Equal", 0 ); + + return ((OGRFeature *) hFeat)->Equal( (OGRFeature *) hOtherFeat ); +} + + +/************************************************************************/ +/* SetFrom() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set one feature from another. + * + * Overwrite the contents of this feature from the geometry and attributes + * of another. The poSrcFeature does not need to have the same + * OGRFeatureDefn. Field values are copied by corresponding field names. + * Field types do not have to exactly match. SetField() method conversion + * rules will be applied as needed. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_SetFrom(). + * + * @param poSrcFeature the feature from which geometry, and field values will + * be copied. + * + * @param bForgiving TRUE if the operation should continue despite lacking + * output fields matching some of the source fields. + * + * @return OGRERR_NONE if the operation succeeds, even if some values are + * not transferred, otherwise an error code. + */ + +OGRErr OGRFeature::SetFrom( OGRFeature * poSrcFeature, int bForgiving ) + +{ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Retrieve the field ids by name. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + int iField, *panMap; + OGRErr eErr; + + panMap = (int *) VSIMalloc( sizeof(int) * poSrcFeature->GetFieldCount() ); + for( iField = 0; iField < poSrcFeature->GetFieldCount(); iField++ ) + { + panMap[iField] = GetFieldIndex( + poSrcFeature->GetFieldDefnRef(iField)->GetNameRef() ); + + if( panMap[iField] == -1 ) + { + if( bForgiving ) + continue; + else + { + VSIFree(panMap); + return OGRERR_FAILURE; + } + } + } + + eErr = SetFrom( poSrcFeature, panMap, bForgiving ); + + VSIFree(panMap); + + return eErr; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_SetFrom() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set one feature from another. + * + * Overwrite the contents of this feature from the geometry and attributes + * of another. The hOtherFeature does not need to have the same + * OGRFeatureDefn. Field values are copied by corresponding field names. + * Field types do not have to exactly match. OGR_F_SetField*() function + * conversion rules will be applied as needed. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetFrom(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature to set to. + * @param hOtherFeat handle to the feature from which geometry, + * and field values will be copied. + * + * @param bForgiving TRUE if the operation should continue despite lacking + * output fields matching some of the source fields. + * + * @return OGRERR_NONE if the operation succeeds, even if some values are + * not transferred, otherwise an error code. + */ + +OGRErr OGR_F_SetFrom( OGRFeatureH hFeat, OGRFeatureH hOtherFeat, + int bForgiving ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_SetFrom", CE_Failure ); + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hOtherFeat, "OGR_F_SetFrom", CE_Failure ); + + return ((OGRFeature *) hFeat)->SetFrom( (OGRFeature *) hOtherFeat, + bForgiving ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* SetFrom() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set one feature from another. + * + * Overwrite the contents of this feature from the geometry and attributes + * of another. The poSrcFeature does not need to have the same + * OGRFeatureDefn. Field values are copied according to the provided indices + * map. Field types do not have to exactly match. SetField() method + * conversion rules will be applied as needed. This is more efficient than + * OGR_F_SetFrom() in that this doesn't lookup the fields by their names. + * Particularly useful when the field names don't match. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_SetFromWithMap(). + * + * @param poSrcFeature the feature from which geometry, and field values will + * be copied. + * + * @param panMap Array of the indices of the feature's fields + * stored at the corresponding index of the source feature's fields. A value of + * -1 should be used to ignore the source's field. The array should not be NULL + * and be as long as the number of fields in the source feature. + * + * @param bForgiving TRUE if the operation should continue despite lacking + * output fields matching some of the source fields. + * + * @return OGRERR_NONE if the operation succeeds, even if some values are + * not transferred, otherwise an error code. + */ + +OGRErr OGRFeature::SetFrom( OGRFeature * poSrcFeature, int *panMap , + int bForgiving ) + +{ + OGRErr eErr; + + SetFID( OGRNullFID ); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Set the geometry. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + eErr = SetGeometry( poSrcFeature->GetGeometryRef() ); + if( eErr != OGRERR_NONE ) + return eErr; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Copy feature style string. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + SetStyleString( poSrcFeature->GetStyleString() ); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Set the fields by name. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + int iField, iDstField; + + for( iField = 0; iField < poSrcFeature->GetFieldCount(); iField++ ) + { + iDstField = panMap[iField]; + + if( iDstField < 0 ) + continue; + + if( GetFieldCount() <= iDstField ) + return OGRERR_FAILURE; + + if( !poSrcFeature->IsFieldSet(iField) ) + { + UnsetField( iDstField ); + continue; + } + + switch( poSrcFeature->GetFieldDefnRef(iField)->GetType() ) + { + case OFTInteger: + SetField( iDstField, poSrcFeature->GetFieldAsInteger( iField ) ); + break; + + case OFTReal: + SetField( iDstField, poSrcFeature->GetFieldAsDouble( iField ) ); + break; + + case OFTString: + SetField( iDstField, poSrcFeature->GetFieldAsString( iField ) ); + break; + + case OFTIntegerList: + { + if (GetFieldDefnRef(iDstField)->GetType() == OFTString) + { + SetField( iDstField, poSrcFeature->GetFieldAsString(iField) ); + } + else + { + int nCount; + const int *panValues = poSrcFeature->GetFieldAsIntegerList( iField, &nCount); + SetField( iDstField, nCount, (int*) panValues ); + } + } + break; + + case OFTRealList: + { + if (GetFieldDefnRef(iDstField)->GetType() == OFTString) + { + SetField( iDstField, poSrcFeature->GetFieldAsString(iField) ); + } + else + { + int nCount; + const double *padfValues = poSrcFeature->GetFieldAsDoubleList( iField, &nCount); + SetField( iDstField, nCount, (double*) padfValues ); + } + } + break; + + case OFTDate: + case OFTDateTime: + case OFTTime: + if (GetFieldDefnRef(iDstField)->GetType() == OFTDate || + GetFieldDefnRef(iDstField)->GetType() == OFTTime || + GetFieldDefnRef(iDstField)->GetType() == OFTDateTime) + { + SetField( iDstField, poSrcFeature->GetRawFieldRef( iField ) ); + } + else if (GetFieldDefnRef(iDstField)->GetType() == OFTString) + { + SetField( iDstField, poSrcFeature->GetFieldAsString( iField ) ); + } + else if( !bForgiving ) + return OGRERR_FAILURE; + break; + + default: + if( poSrcFeature->GetFieldDefnRef(iField)->GetType() + == GetFieldDefnRef(iDstField)->GetType() ) + { + SetField( iDstField, poSrcFeature->GetRawFieldRef(iField) ); + } + else if (GetFieldDefnRef(iDstField)->GetType() == OFTString) + { + SetField( iDstField, poSrcFeature->GetFieldAsString( iField ) ); + } + else if( !bForgiving ) + return OGRERR_FAILURE; + break; + } + } + + return OGRERR_NONE; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_SetFromWithMap() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set one feature from another. + * + * Overwrite the contents of this feature from the geometry and attributes + * of another. The hOtherFeature does not need to have the same + * OGRFeatureDefn. Field values are copied according to the provided indices + * map. Field types do not have to exactly match. OGR_F_SetField*() function + * conversion rules will be applied as needed. This is more efficient than + * OGR_F_SetFrom() in that this doesn't lookup the fields by their names. + * Particularly useful when the field names don't match. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetFrom(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature to set to. + * @param hOtherFeat handle to the feature from which geometry, + * and field values will be copied. + * + * @param panMap Array of the indices of the destination feature's fields + * stored at the corresponding index of the source feature's fields. A value of + * -1 should be used to ignore the source's field. The array should not be NULL + * and be as long as the number of fields in the source feature. + * + * @param bForgiving TRUE if the operation should continue despite lacking + * output fields matching some of the source fields. + * + * @return OGRERR_NONE if the operation succeeds, even if some values are + * not transferred, otherwise an error code. + */ + +OGRErr OGR_F_SetFromWithMap( OGRFeatureH hFeat, OGRFeatureH hOtherFeat, + int bForgiving, int *panMap ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_SetFrom", CE_Failure ); + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hOtherFeat, "OGR_F_SetFrom", CE_Failure ); + VALIDATE_POINTER1( panMap, "OGR_F_SetFrom", CE_Failure); + + return ((OGRFeature *) hFeat)->SetFrom( (OGRFeature *) hOtherFeat, + panMap, bForgiving ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* GetStyleString() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch style string for this feature. + * + * Set the OGR Feature Style Specification for details on the format of + * this string, and ogr_featurestyle.h for services available to parse it. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_GetStyleString(). + * + * @return a reference to a representation in string format, or NULL if + * there isn't one. + */ + +const char *OGRFeature::GetStyleString() +{ + int iStyleFieldIndex; + + if (m_pszStyleString) + return m_pszStyleString; + + iStyleFieldIndex = GetFieldIndex("OGR_STYLE"); + if (iStyleFieldIndex >= 0) + return GetFieldAsString(iStyleFieldIndex); + + return NULL; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_GetStyleString() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Fetch style string for this feature. + * + * Set the OGR Feature Style Specification for details on the format of + * this string, and ogr_featurestyle.h for services available to parse it. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetStyleString(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature to get the style from. + * @return a reference to a representation in string format, or NULL if + * there isn't one. + */ + +const char *OGR_F_GetStyleString( OGRFeatureH hFeat ) +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_GetStyleString", NULL ); + + return ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->GetStyleString(); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* SetStyleString() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set feature style string. + * This method operate exactly as + * OGRFeature::SetStyleStringDirectly() except that it does not assume + * ownership of the passed string, but instead makes a copy of it. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_SetStyleString(). + * + * @param pszString the style string to apply to this feature, cannot be NULL. + */ + +void OGRFeature::SetStyleString(const char *pszString) +{ + if (m_pszStyleString) + { + CPLFree(m_pszStyleString); + m_pszStyleString = NULL; + } + + if( pszString ) + m_pszStyleString = CPLStrdup(pszString); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_SetStyleString() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set feature style string. + * This method operate exactly as + * OGR_F_SetStyleStringDirectly() except that it does not assume ownership + * of the passed string, but instead makes a copy of it. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetStyleString(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature to set style to. + * @param pszStyle the style string to apply to this feature, cannot be NULL. + */ + +void OGR_F_SetStyleString( OGRFeatureH hFeat, const char *pszStyle ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER0( hFeat, "OGR_F_SetStyleString" ); + + ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->SetStyleString( pszStyle ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* SetStyleStringDirectly() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set feature style string. + * This method operate exactly as + * OGRFeature::SetStyleString() except that it assumes ownership of the passed + * string. + * + * This method is the same as the C function OGR_F_SetStyleStringDirectly(). + * + * @param pszString the style string to apply to this feature, cannot be NULL. + */ + +void OGRFeature::SetStyleStringDirectly(char *pszString) +{ + if (m_pszStyleString) + CPLFree(m_pszStyleString); + m_pszStyleString = pszString; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_SetStyleStringDirectly() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +/** + * \brief Set feature style string. + * This method operate exactly as + * OGR_F_SetStyleString() except that it assumes ownership of the passed + * string. + * + * This function is the same as the C++ method + * OGRFeature::SetStyleStringDirectly(). + * + * @param hFeat handle to the feature to set style to. + * @param pszStyle the style string to apply to this feature, cannot be NULL. + */ + +void OGR_F_SetStyleStringDirectly( OGRFeatureH hFeat, char *pszStyle ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER0( hFeat, "OGR_F_SetStyleStringDirectly" ); + + ((OGRFeature *)hFeat)->SetStyleStringDirectly( pszStyle ); +} + +//************************************************************************/ +/* SetStyleTable() */ +/************************************************************************/ +void OGRFeature::SetStyleTable(OGRStyleTable *poStyleTable) +{ + if ( m_poStyleTable ) + delete m_poStyleTable; + m_poStyleTable = ( poStyleTable ) ? poStyleTable->Clone() : NULL; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* RemapFields() */ +/* */ +/* This is used to transform a feature "in place" from one */ +/* feature defn to another with minimum work. */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGRErr OGRFeature::RemapFields( OGRFeatureDefn *poNewDefn, + int *panRemapSource ) + +{ + int iDstField; + OGRField *pauNewFields; + + if( poNewDefn == NULL ) + poNewDefn = poDefn; + + pauNewFields = (OGRField *) CPLCalloc( poNewDefn->GetFieldCount(), + sizeof(OGRField) ); + + for( iDstField = 0; iDstField < poDefn->GetFieldCount(); iDstField++ ) + { + if( panRemapSource[iDstField] == -1 ) + { + pauNewFields[iDstField].Set.nMarker1 = OGRUnsetMarker; + pauNewFields[iDstField].Set.nMarker2 = OGRUnsetMarker; + } + else + { + memcpy( pauNewFields + iDstField, + pauFields + panRemapSource[iDstField], + sizeof(OGRField) ); + } + } + + /* + ** We really should be freeing memory for old columns that + ** are no longer present. We don't for now because it is a bit messy + ** and would take too long to test. + */ + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Apply new definition and fields. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + CPLFree( pauFields ); + pauFields = pauNewFields; + + poDefn = poNewDefn; + + return OGRERR_NONE; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_GetStyleTable() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGRStyleTableH OGR_F_GetStyleTable( OGRFeatureH hFeat ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER1( hFeat, "OGR_F_GetStyleTable", NULL ); + + return (OGRStyleTableH) ((OGRFeature *) hFeat)->GetStyleTable( ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_SetStyleTableDirectly() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +void OGR_F_SetStyleTableDirectly( OGRFeatureH hFeat, + OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER0( hFeat, "OGR_F_SetStyleTableDirectly" ); + + ((OGRFeature *) hFeat)->SetStyleTableDirectly( (OGRStyleTable *) hStyleTable); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGR_F_SetStyleTable() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +void OGR_F_SetStyleTable( OGRFeatureH hFeat, + OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable ) + +{ + VALIDATE_POINTER0( hFeat, "OGR_F_SetStyleTable" ); + VALIDATE_POINTER0( hStyleTable, "OGR_F_SetStyleTable" ); + + ((OGRFeature *) hFeat)->SetStyleTable( (OGRStyleTable *) hStyleTable); +} diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/filegdb/GNUmakefile b/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/filegdb/GNUmakefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..31dbca889 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/filegdb/GNUmakefile @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + + +include ../../../GDALmake.opt + +FGDB_INC=-I/home/test/Downloads/FileGDB_API/include +EXTRA_LIBS+= -L/home/test/Downloads/FileGDB_API/lib -lFileGDBAPI +OBJ = FGdbDatasource.o FGdbDriver.o FGdbLayer.o FGdbUtils.o + +CPPFLAGS := $(GDAL_INCLUDE) $(FGDB_INC) $(CPPFLAGS) + +default: $(O_OBJ:.o=.$(OBJ_EXT)) + +clean: + rm -f *.o $(O_OBJ) + +$(O_OBJ): ogr_fgdb.h + +plugin: $(OBJ) + g++ -shared $(LNK_FLAGS) $(OBJ) $(CONFIG_LIBS_INS) $(EXTRA_LIBS) \ + -o ogr_FileGDB.so diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/mysql/ogrmysqldatasource.cpp b/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/mysql/ogrmysqldatasource.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..75bd1ed16 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/mysql/ogrmysqldatasource.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,1084 @@ +/****************************************************************************** + * $Id: ogrmysqldatasource.cpp 22607 2011-06-28 20:43:27Z rouault $ + * + * Project: OpenGIS Simple Features Reference Implementation + * Purpose: Implements OGRMySQLDataSource class. + * Author: Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com + * Author: Howard Butler, hobu@hobu.net + * + ****************************************************************************** + * Copyright (c) 2004, Frank Warmerdam + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included + * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS + * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER + * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING + * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER + * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + ****************************************************************************/ + + +#include +#include "ogr_mysql.h" +#include +#include +#include "cpl_conv.h" +#include "cpl_string.h" + +CPL_CVSID("$Id: ogrmysqldatasource.cpp 22607 2011-06-28 20:43:27Z rouault $"); +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGRMySQLDataSource() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGRMySQLDataSource::OGRMySQLDataSource() + +{ + pszName = NULL; + papoLayers = NULL; + nLayers = 0; + hConn = 0; + nSoftTransactionLevel = 0; + + nKnownSRID = 0; + panSRID = NULL; + papoSRS = NULL; + + poLongResultLayer = NULL; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* ~OGRMySQLDataSource() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGRMySQLDataSource::~OGRMySQLDataSource() + +{ + int i; + + InterruptLongResult(); + + CPLFree( pszName ); + + for( i = 0; i < nLayers; i++ ) + delete papoLayers[i]; + + CPLFree( papoLayers ); + + if( hConn != NULL ) + mysql_close( hConn ); + + for( i = 0; i < nKnownSRID; i++ ) + { + if( papoSRS[i] != NULL ) + papoSRS[i]->Release(); + } + CPLFree( panSRID ); + CPLFree( papoSRS ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* ReportError() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +void OGRMySQLDataSource::ReportError( const char *pszDescription ) + +{ + if( pszDescription ) + CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, + "MySQL error message:%s Description: %s", + mysql_error( hConn ), + pszDescription ); + else + CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, + "%s", mysql_error( hConn ) ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* Open() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +int OGRMySQLDataSource::Open( const char * pszNewName, int bUpdate, + int bTestOpen ) + +{ + CPLAssert( nLayers == 0 ); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Verify MySQL prefix. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( !EQUALN(pszNewName,"MYSQL:",6) ) + { + if( !bTestOpen ) + CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, + "%s does not conform to MySQL naming convention," + " MYSQL:dbname[, user=..][,password=..][,host=..][,port=..][tables=table;table;...]", + pszNewName ); + return FALSE; + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Use options process to get .my.cnf file contents. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + int nPort = 0, i; + char **papszTableNames=NULL; + std::string oHost, oPassword, oUser, oDB; + char *apszArgv[2] = { (char*) "org", NULL }; + char **papszArgv = apszArgv; + int nArgc = 1; + const char *client_groups[] = {"client", "ogr", NULL }; + + my_init(); // I hope there is no problem with calling this multiple times! + load_defaults( "my", client_groups, &nArgc, &papszArgv ); + + for( i = 0; i < nArgc; i++ ) + { + if( EQUALN(papszArgv[i],"--user=",7) ) + oUser = papszArgv[i] + 7; + else if( EQUALN(papszArgv[i],"--host=",7) ) + oHost = papszArgv[i] + 7; + else if( EQUALN(papszArgv[i],"--password=",11) ) + oPassword = papszArgv[i] + 11; + else if( EQUALN(papszArgv[i],"--port=",7) ) + nPort = atoi(papszArgv[i] + 7); + } + + // cleanup + free_defaults( papszArgv ); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Parse out connection information. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + char **papszItems = CSLTokenizeString2( pszNewName+6, ",", + CSLT_HONOURSTRINGS ); + + if( CSLCount(papszItems) < 1 ) + { + CSLDestroy( papszItems ); + CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, + "MYSQL: request missing databasename." ); + return FALSE; + } + + oDB = papszItems[0]; + + for( i = 1; papszItems[i] != NULL; i++ ) + { + if( EQUALN(papszItems[i],"user=",5) ) + oUser = papszItems[i] + 5; + else if( EQUALN(papszItems[i],"password=",9) ) + oPassword = papszItems[i] + 9; + else if( EQUALN(papszItems[i],"host=",5) ) + oHost = papszItems[i] + 5; + else if( EQUALN(papszItems[i],"port=",5) ) + nPort = atoi(papszItems[i] + 5); + else if( EQUALN(papszItems[i],"tables=",7) ) + { + papszTableNames = CSLTokenizeStringComplex( + papszItems[i] + 7, ";", FALSE, FALSE ); + } + else + CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, + "'%s' in MYSQL datasource definition not recognised and ignored.", papszItems[i] ); + } + + CSLDestroy( papszItems ); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Try to establish connection. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + hConn = mysql_init( NULL ); + + if( hConn == NULL ) + { + CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, + "mysql_init() failed." ); + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Set desired options on the connection: charset and timeout. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( hConn ) + { + const char *pszTimeoutLength = + CPLGetConfigOption( "MYSQL_TIMEOUT", "0" ); + + unsigned int timeout = atoi(pszTimeoutLength); + mysql_options(hConn, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, (char*)&timeout); + + mysql_options(hConn, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, "utf8" ); + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Perform connection. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( hConn + && mysql_real_connect( hConn, + oHost.length() ? oHost.c_str() : NULL, + oUser.length() ? oUser.c_str() : NULL, + oPassword.length() ? oPassword.c_str() : NULL, + oDB.length() ? oDB.c_str() : NULL, + nPort, NULL, CLIENT_INTERACTIVE ) == NULL ) + { + CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, + "MySQL connect failed for: %s\n%s", + pszNewName + 6, mysql_error( hConn ) ); + mysql_close( hConn ); + hConn = NULL; + } + + if( hConn == NULL ) + { + CSLDestroy( papszTableNames ); + return FALSE; + } + + pszName = CPLStrdup( pszNewName ); + + bDSUpdate = bUpdate; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Get a list of available tables. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( papszTableNames == NULL ) + { + MYSQL_RES *hResultSet; + MYSQL_ROW papszRow; + + if( mysql_query( hConn, "SHOW TABLES" ) ) + { + ReportError( "SHOW TABLES Failed" ); + return FALSE; + } + + hResultSet = mysql_store_result( hConn ); + if( hResultSet == NULL ) + { + ReportError( "mysql_store_result() failed on SHOW TABLES result."); + return FALSE; + } + + while( (papszRow = mysql_fetch_row( hResultSet )) != NULL ) + { + if( papszRow[0] == NULL ) + continue; + + if( EQUAL(papszRow[0],"spatial_ref_sys") + || EQUAL(papszRow[0],"geometry_columns") ) + continue; + + papszTableNames = CSLAddString(papszTableNames, papszRow[0] ); + } + + mysql_free_result( hResultSet ); + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Get the schema of the available tables. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + int iRecord; + + for( iRecord = 0; + papszTableNames != NULL && papszTableNames[iRecord] != NULL; + iRecord++ ) + { + // FIXME: This should be fixed to deal with tables + // for which we can't open because the name is bad/ + OpenTable( papszTableNames[iRecord], bUpdate, FALSE ); + } + + CSLDestroy( papszTableNames ); + + return nLayers > 0 || bUpdate; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OpenTable() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +int OGRMySQLDataSource::OpenTable( const char *pszNewName, int bUpdate, + int bTestOpen ) + +{ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Create the layer object. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + OGRMySQLTableLayer *poLayer; + OGRErr eErr; + + poLayer = new OGRMySQLTableLayer( this, pszNewName, bUpdate ); + eErr = poLayer->Initialize(pszNewName); + if (eErr == OGRERR_FAILURE) + return FALSE; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Add layer to data source layer list. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + papoLayers = (OGRMySQLLayer **) + CPLRealloc( papoLayers, sizeof(OGRMySQLLayer *) * (nLayers+1) ); + papoLayers[nLayers++] = poLayer; + + return TRUE; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* TestCapability() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +int OGRMySQLDataSource::TestCapability( const char * pszCap ) + +{ + + if( EQUAL(pszCap, ODsCCreateLayer) ) + return TRUE; + if( EQUAL(pszCap, ODsCDeleteLayer)) + return TRUE; + else + return FALSE; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* GetLayer() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGRLayer *OGRMySQLDataSource::GetLayer( int iLayer ) + +{ + if( iLayer < 0 || iLayer >= nLayers ) + return NULL; + else + return papoLayers[iLayer]; +} + + +/************************************************************************/ +/* InitializeMetadataTables() */ +/* */ +/* Create the metadata tables (SPATIAL_REF_SYS and */ +/* GEOMETRY_COLUMNS). This method "does no harm" if the tables */ +/* exist and can be called at will. */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGRErr OGRMySQLDataSource::InitializeMetadataTables() + +{ + const char* pszCommand; + MYSQL_RES *hResult; + OGRErr eErr = OGRERR_NONE; + + pszCommand = "DESCRIBE geometry_columns"; + if( mysql_query(GetConn(), pszCommand ) ) + { + pszCommand = + "CREATE TABLE geometry_columns " + "( F_TABLE_CATALOG VARCHAR(256), " + "F_TABLE_SCHEMA VARCHAR(256), " + "F_TABLE_NAME VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL," + "F_GEOMETRY_COLUMN VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, " + "COORD_DIMENSION INT, " + "SRID INT," + "TYPE VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL)"; + if( mysql_query(GetConn(), pszCommand ) ) + { + ReportError( pszCommand ); + eErr = OGRERR_FAILURE; + } + else + CPLDebug("MYSQL","Creating geometry_columns metadata table"); + + } + + // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + if( hResult != NULL ) + { + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + } + + pszCommand = "DESCRIBE spatial_ref_sys"; + if( mysql_query(GetConn(), pszCommand ) ) + { + pszCommand = + "CREATE TABLE spatial_ref_sys " + "(SRID INT NOT NULL, " + "AUTH_NAME VARCHAR(256), " + "AUTH_SRID INT, " + "SRTEXT VARCHAR(2048))"; + if( mysql_query(GetConn(), pszCommand ) ) + { + ReportError( pszCommand ); + eErr = OGRERR_FAILURE; + } + else + CPLDebug("MYSQL","Creating spatial_ref_sys metadata table"); + + } + + // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + if( hResult != NULL ) + { + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + } + + return eErr; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* FetchSRS() */ +/* */ +/* Return a SRS corresponding to a particular id. Note that */ +/* reference counting should be honoured on the returned */ +/* OGRSpatialReference, as handles may be cached. */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGRSpatialReference *OGRMySQLDataSource::FetchSRS( int nId ) +{ + char szCommand[128]; + char **papszRow; + MYSQL_RES *hResult; + + if( nId < 0 ) + return NULL; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* First, we look through our SRID cache, is it there? */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + int i; + + for( i = 0; i < nKnownSRID; i++ ) + { + if( panSRID[i] == nId ) + return papoSRS[i]; + } + + OGRSpatialReference *poSRS = NULL; + + // make sure to attempt to free any old results + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + if( hResult != NULL ) + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + + sprintf( szCommand, + "SELECT srtext FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE srid = %d", + nId ); + + if( !mysql_query( GetConn(), szCommand ) ) + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + + char *pszWKT = NULL; + papszRow = NULL; + + + if( hResult != NULL ) + papszRow = mysql_fetch_row( hResult ); + + if( papszRow != NULL && papszRow[0] != NULL ) + { + pszWKT = CPLStrdup(papszRow[0]); + } + + if( hResult != NULL ) + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + + poSRS = new OGRSpatialReference(); + char* pszWKTOri = pszWKT; + if( pszWKT == NULL || poSRS->importFromWkt( &pszWKT ) != OGRERR_NONE ) + { + delete poSRS; + poSRS = NULL; + } + + CPLFree(pszWKTOri); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Add to the cache. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + panSRID = (int *) CPLRealloc(panSRID,sizeof(int) * (nKnownSRID+1) ); + papoSRS = (OGRSpatialReference **) + CPLRealloc(papoSRS, sizeof(void*) * (nKnownSRID + 1) ); + panSRID[nKnownSRID] = nId; + papoSRS[nKnownSRID] = poSRS; + nKnownSRID ++; + + return poSRS; +} + + + +/************************************************************************/ +/* FetchSRSId() */ +/* */ +/* Fetch the id corresponding to an SRS, and if not found, add */ +/* it to the table. */ +/************************************************************************/ + +int OGRMySQLDataSource::FetchSRSId( OGRSpatialReference * poSRS ) + +{ + char **papszRow; + MYSQL_RES *hResult=NULL; + + CPLString osCommand; + char *pszWKT = NULL; + int nSRSId; + + if( poSRS == NULL ) + return -1; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Translate SRS to WKT. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( poSRS->exportToWkt( &pszWKT ) != OGRERR_NONE ) + return -1; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Try to find in the existing table. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + osCommand.Printf( + "SELECT srid FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE srtext = '%s'", + pszWKT ); + + if( !mysql_query( GetConn(), osCommand ) ) + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + + if (!mysql_num_rows(hResult)) + { + CPLDebug("MYSQL", "No rows exist currently exist in spatial_ref_sys"); + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + } + papszRow = NULL; + if( hResult != NULL ) + papszRow = mysql_fetch_row( hResult ); + + if( papszRow != NULL && papszRow[0] != NULL ) + { + nSRSId = atoi(papszRow[0]); + if( hResult != NULL ) + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + CPLFree(pszWKT); + return nSRSId; + } + + // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + if( hResult != NULL ) + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Get the current maximum srid in the srs table. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + osCommand = "SELECT MAX(srid) FROM spatial_ref_sys"; + if( !mysql_query( GetConn(), osCommand ) ) + { + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + papszRow = mysql_fetch_row( hResult ); + } + + if( papszRow != NULL && papszRow[0] != NULL ) + { + nSRSId = atoi(papszRow[0]) + 1; + } + else + nSRSId = 1; + + if( hResult != NULL ) + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Try adding the SRS to the SRS table. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + osCommand.Printf( + "INSERT INTO spatial_ref_sys (srid,srtext) VALUES (%d,'%s')", + nSRSId, pszWKT ); + + if( !mysql_query( GetConn(), osCommand ) ) + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + + // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + if( hResult != NULL ) + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + + CPLFree(pszWKT); + + return nSRSId; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* ExecuteSQL() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGRLayer * OGRMySQLDataSource::ExecuteSQL( const char *pszSQLCommand, + OGRGeometry *poSpatialFilter, + const char *pszDialect ) + +{ + if( poSpatialFilter != NULL ) + { + CPLDebug( "OGR_MYSQL", + "Spatial filter ignored for now in OGRMySQLDataSource::ExecuteSQL()" ); + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Use generic implementation for OGRSQL dialect. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( pszDialect != NULL && EQUAL(pszDialect,"OGRSQL") ) + return OGRDataSource::ExecuteSQL( pszSQLCommand, + poSpatialFilter, + pszDialect ); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Special case DELLAYER: command. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +#ifdef notdef + if( EQUALN(pszSQLCommand,"DELLAYER:",9) ) + { + const char *pszLayerName = pszSQLCommand + 9; + + while( *pszLayerName == ' ' ) + pszLayerName++; + + DeleteLayer( pszLayerName ); + return NULL; + } +#endif + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Make sure there isn't an active transaction already. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + InterruptLongResult(); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Execute the statement. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + MYSQL_RES *hResultSet; + + if( mysql_query( hConn, pszSQLCommand ) ) + { + ReportError( pszSQLCommand ); + return NULL; + } + + hResultSet = mysql_use_result( hConn ); + if( hResultSet == NULL ) + { + if( mysql_field_count( hConn ) == 0 ) + { + CPLDebug( "MYSQL", "Command '%s' succeeded, %d rows affected.", + pszSQLCommand, + (int) mysql_affected_rows(hConn) ); + return NULL; + } + else + { + ReportError( pszSQLCommand ); + return NULL; + } + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Do we have a tuple result? If so, instantiate a results */ +/* layer for it. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + + OGRMySQLResultLayer *poLayer = NULL; + + poLayer = new OGRMySQLResultLayer( this, pszSQLCommand, hResultSet ); + + return poLayer; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* ReleaseResultSet() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +void OGRMySQLDataSource::ReleaseResultSet( OGRLayer * poLayer ) + +{ + delete poLayer; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* LaunderName() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +char *OGRMySQLDataSource::LaunderName( const char *pszSrcName ) + +{ + char *pszSafeName = CPLStrdup( pszSrcName ); + int i; + + for( i = 0; pszSafeName[i] != '\0'; i++ ) + { + pszSafeName[i] = (char) tolower( pszSafeName[i] ); + if( pszSafeName[i] == '-' || pszSafeName[i] == '#' ) + pszSafeName[i] = '_'; + } + + return pszSafeName; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* RequestLongResult() */ +/* */ +/* Layers need to use mysql_use_result() instead of */ +/* mysql_store_result() so that we won't have to load entire */ +/* result sets into RAM. But only one "streamed" resultset can */ +/* be active on a database connection at a time. So we need to */ +/* maintain a way of closing off an active streaming resultset */ +/* before any other sort of query with a resultset is */ +/* executable. This method (and InterruptLongResult()) */ +/* implement that exclusion. */ +/************************************************************************/ + +void OGRMySQLDataSource::RequestLongResult( OGRMySQLLayer * poNewLayer ) + +{ + InterruptLongResult(); + poLongResultLayer = poNewLayer; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* InterruptLongResult() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +void OGRMySQLDataSource::InterruptLongResult() + +{ + if( poLongResultLayer != NULL ) + { + poLongResultLayer->ResetReading(); + poLongResultLayer = NULL; + } +} + + +/************************************************************************/ +/* DeleteLayer() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +int OGRMySQLDataSource::DeleteLayer( int iLayer) + +{ + if( iLayer < 0 || iLayer >= nLayers ) + return OGRERR_FAILURE; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Blow away our OGR structures related to the layer. This is */ +/* pretty dangerous if anything has a reference to this layer! */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + CPLString osLayerName = papoLayers[iLayer]->GetLayerDefn()->GetName(); + + CPLDebug( "MYSQL", "DeleteLayer(%s)", osLayerName.c_str() ); + + delete papoLayers[iLayer]; + memmove( papoLayers + iLayer, papoLayers + iLayer + 1, + sizeof(void *) * (nLayers - iLayer - 1) ); + nLayers--; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Remove from the database. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + CPLString osCommand; + + osCommand.Printf( + "DROP TABLE `%s` ", + osLayerName.c_str() ); + + if( !mysql_query(GetConn(), osCommand ) ) + { + CPLDebug("MYSQL","Dropped table %s.", osLayerName.c_str()); + return OGRERR_NONE; + } + else + { + ReportError( osCommand ); + return OGRERR_FAILURE; + } + +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* CreateLayer() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGRLayer * +OGRMySQLDataSource::CreateLayer( const char * pszLayerNameIn, + OGRSpatialReference *poSRS, + OGRwkbGeometryType eType, + char ** papszOptions ) + +{ + MYSQL_RES *hResult=NULL; + CPLString osCommand; + const char *pszGeometryType; + const char *pszGeomColumnName; + const char *pszExpectedFIDName; + + char *pszLayerName; + int nDimension = 3; // MySQL only supports 2d currently + + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Make sure there isn't an active transaction already. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + InterruptLongResult(); + + + if( CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions,"LAUNDER",TRUE) ) + pszLayerName = LaunderName( pszLayerNameIn ); + else + pszLayerName = CPLStrdup( pszLayerNameIn ); + + if( wkbFlatten(eType) == eType ) + nDimension = 2; + + CPLDebug("MYSQL","Creating layer %s.", pszLayerName); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Do we already have this layer? If so, should we blow it */ +/* away? */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + + int iLayer; + for( iLayer = 0; iLayer < nLayers; iLayer++ ) + { + if( EQUAL(pszLayerName,papoLayers[iLayer]->GetLayerDefn()->GetName()) ) + { + + if( CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "OVERWRITE" ) != NULL + && !EQUAL(CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"OVERWRITE"),"NO") ) + { + DeleteLayer( iLayer ); + } + else + { + CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, + "Layer %s already exists, CreateLayer failed.\n" + "Use the layer creation option OVERWRITE=YES to " + "replace it.", + pszLayerName ); + CPLFree( pszLayerName ); + return NULL; + } + } + } + + pszGeomColumnName = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "GEOMETRY_NAME" ); + if (!pszGeomColumnName) + pszGeomColumnName="SHAPE"; + + pszExpectedFIDName = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "MYSQL_FID" ); + if (!pszExpectedFIDName) + pszExpectedFIDName="OGR_FID"; + + + CPLDebug("MYSQL","Geometry Column Name %s.", pszGeomColumnName); + CPLDebug("MYSQL","FID Column Name %s.", pszExpectedFIDName); + + if( wkbFlatten(eType) == wkbNone ) + { + osCommand.Printf( + "CREATE TABLE `%s` ( " + " %s INT UNIQUE NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT )", + pszLayerName, pszExpectedFIDName ); + } + else + { + osCommand.Printf( + "CREATE TABLE `%s` ( " + " %s INT UNIQUE NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, " + " %s GEOMETRY NOT NULL )", + pszLayerName, pszExpectedFIDName, pszGeomColumnName ); + } + + if( CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "ENGINE" ) != NULL ) + { + osCommand += " ENGINE = "; + osCommand += CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "ENGINE" ); + } + + if( !mysql_query(GetConn(), osCommand ) ) + { + if( mysql_field_count( GetConn() ) == 0 ) + CPLDebug("MYSQL","Created table %s.", pszLayerName); + else + { + ReportError( osCommand ); + return NULL; + } + } + else + { + ReportError( osCommand ); + return NULL; + } + + // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + if( hResult != NULL ) + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + + // Calling this does no harm + InitializeMetadataTables(); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Try to get the SRS Id of this spatial reference system, */ +/* adding tot the srs table if needed. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + int nSRSId = -1; + + if( poSRS != NULL ) + nSRSId = FetchSRSId( poSRS ); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Sometimes there is an old crufty entry in the geometry_columns */ +/* table if things were not properly cleaned up before. We make */ +/* an effort to clean out such cruft. */ +/* */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + osCommand.Printf( + "DELETE FROM geometry_columns WHERE f_table_name = '%s'", + pszLayerName ); + + if( mysql_query(GetConn(), osCommand ) ) + { + ReportError( osCommand ); + return NULL; + } + + // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + if( hResult != NULL ) + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Attempt to add this table to the geometry_columns table, if */ +/* it is a spatial layer. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( eType != wkbNone ) + { + int nCoordDimension; + if( eType == wkbFlatten(eType) ) + nCoordDimension = 2; + else + nCoordDimension = 3; + + pszGeometryType = OGRToOGCGeomType(eType); + + if( nSRSId == -1 ) + osCommand.Printf( + "INSERT INTO geometry_columns " + " (F_TABLE_NAME, " + " F_GEOMETRY_COLUMN, " + " COORD_DIMENSION, " + " TYPE) values " + " ('%s', '%s', %d, '%s')", + pszLayerName, + pszGeomColumnName, + nCoordDimension, + pszGeometryType ); + else + osCommand.Printf( + "INSERT INTO geometry_columns " + " (F_TABLE_NAME, " + " F_GEOMETRY_COLUMN, " + " COORD_DIMENSION, " + " SRID, " + " TYPE) values " + " ('%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s')", + pszLayerName, + pszGeomColumnName, + nCoordDimension, + nSRSId, + pszGeometryType ); + + if( mysql_query(GetConn(), osCommand ) ) + { + ReportError( osCommand ); + return NULL; + } + + // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + if( hResult != NULL ) + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Create the spatial index. */ +/* */ +/* We're doing this before we add geometry and record to the table */ +/* so this may not be exactly the best way to do it. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + const char *pszSI = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "SPATIAL_INDEX" ); + + if( eType != wkbNone && (pszSI == NULL || CSLTestBoolean(pszSI)) ) + { + osCommand.Printf( + "ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD SPATIAL INDEX(`%s`) ", + pszLayerName, + pszGeomColumnName); + + if( mysql_query(GetConn(), osCommand ) ) + { + ReportError( osCommand ); + return NULL; + } + + // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + if( hResult != NULL ) + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Create the layer object. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + OGRMySQLTableLayer *poLayer; + OGRErr eErr; + + poLayer = new OGRMySQLTableLayer( this, pszLayerName, TRUE, nSRSId ); + eErr = poLayer->Initialize(pszLayerName); + if (eErr == OGRERR_FAILURE) + return NULL; + + poLayer->SetLaunderFlag( CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions,"LAUNDER",TRUE) ); + poLayer->SetPrecisionFlag( CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions,"PRECISION",TRUE)); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Add layer to data source layer list. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + papoLayers = (OGRMySQLLayer **) + CPLRealloc( papoLayers, sizeof(OGRMySQLLayer *) * (nLayers+1) ); + + papoLayers[nLayers++] = poLayer; + + CPLFree( pszLayerName ); + + return poLayer; +} diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci/GNUmakefile b/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci/GNUmakefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d7508511a --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci/GNUmakefile @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ + + +include ../../../GDALmake.opt +GDAL_INCLUDE += -I$(ORACLE_HOME)/sdk/include +LNK_FLAGS += -arch i386 +EXTRA_LIBS += -L$(ORACLE_HOME)/lib -lclntsh -lnnz11 + +OBJ = oci_utils.o ogrocisession.o ogrocistatement.o \ + ogrocidriver.o ogrocidatasource.o ogrocilayer.o \ + ogrocitablelayer.o ogrociselectlayer.o ogrocistringbuf.o \ + ogrociwritablelayer.o ogrociloaderlayer.o ogrocistroke.o + +CPPFLAGS := $(GDAL_INCLUDE) $(OCI_INCLUDE) $(CPPFLAGS) -fPIC + +PLUGIN_SO = ogr_OCI.so + +default: $(O_OBJ:.o=.$(OBJ_EXT)) + +clean: + rm -f *.o $(O_OBJ) + +$(O_OBJ): ogr_oci.h + +fastload: fastload.cpp + $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) fastload.cpp -L../../.. -lgdal.1.1 \ + -o fastload + +plugin: $(PLUGIN_SO) + +$(PLUGIN_SO): $(OBJ) + g++ -shared $(LNK_FLAGS) $(OBJ) $(CONFIG_LIBS_INS) $(EXTRA_LIBS) \ + -o $(PLUGIN_SO) diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci/ogrocistatement.cpp b/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci/ogrocistatement.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec5bd3e2f --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci/ogrocistatement.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,398 @@ +/****************************************************************************** + * $Id: ogrocistatement.cpp 14387 2008-05-07 16:14:03Z tamas $ + * + * Project: Oracle Spatial Driver + * Purpose: Implementation of OGROCIStatement, which encapsulates the + * preparation, executation and fetching from an SQL statement. + * Author: Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com + * + ****************************************************************************** + * Copyright (c) 2002, Frank Warmerdam + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included + * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS + * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER + * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING + * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER + * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + ****************************************************************************/ + +#include "ogr_oci.h" +#include "cpl_conv.h" + +CPL_CVSID("$Id: ogrocistatement.cpp 14387 2008-05-07 16:14:03Z tamas $"); + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGROCIStatement() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGROCIStatement::OGROCIStatement( OGROCISession *poSessionIn ) + +{ + poSession = poSessionIn; + hStatement = NULL; + poDefn = NULL; + + nRawColumnCount = 0; + papszCurColumn = NULL; + papszCurImage = NULL; + panCurColumnInd = NULL; + panFieldMap = NULL; + + pszCommandText = NULL; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* ~OGROCIStatement() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGROCIStatement::~OGROCIStatement() + +{ + Clean(); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* Clean() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +void OGROCIStatement::Clean() + +{ + int i; + + CPLFree( pszCommandText ); + pszCommandText = NULL; + + if( papszCurColumn != NULL ) + { + for( i = 0; papszCurColumn[i] != NULL; i++ ) + CPLFree( papszCurColumn[i] ); + } + CPLFree( papszCurColumn ); + papszCurColumn = NULL; + + CPLFree( papszCurImage ); + papszCurImage = NULL; + + CPLFree( panCurColumnInd ); + panCurColumnInd = NULL; + + CPLFree( panFieldMap ); + panFieldMap = NULL; + + if( poDefn != NULL && poDefn->Dereference() <= 0 ) + { + delete poDefn; + poDefn = NULL; + } + + if( hStatement != NULL ) + { + OCIHandleFree((dvoid *)hStatement, (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_STMT); + hStatement = NULL; + } +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* Prepare() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +CPLErr OGROCIStatement::Prepare( const char *pszSQLStatement ) + +{ + Clean(); + + CPLDebug( "OCI", "Prepare(%s)", pszSQLStatement ); + + pszCommandText = CPLStrdup(pszSQLStatement); + + if( hStatement != NULL ) + { + CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, + "Statement already executed once on this OGROCIStatement." ); + return CE_Failure; + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Allocate a statement handle. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( poSession->Failed( + OCIHandleAlloc( poSession->hEnv, (dvoid **) &hStatement, + (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_STMT,(size_t)0, (dvoid **)0 ), + "OCIHandleAlloc(Statement)" ) ) + return CE_Failure; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Xun: set prefetch count. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + int prefetch_rows = 2000; + if( poSession->Failed( + OCIAttrSet( hStatement, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, (void*)&prefetch_rows, + sizeof(int), OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS, + poSession->hError ) )) + return CE_Failure; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Prepare the statement. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( poSession->Failed( + OCIStmtPrepare( hStatement, poSession->hError, + (text *) pszSQLStatement, strlen(pszSQLStatement), + (ub4)OCI_NTV_SYNTAX, (ub4)OCI_DEFAULT ), + "OCIStmtPrepare" ) ) + return CE_Failure; + + return CE_None; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* BindObject() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +CPLErr OGROCIStatement::BindObject( const char *pszPlaceName, + void *pahObjects, OCIType *hTDO, + void **papIndicators ) + +{ + OCIBind *hBindOrd = NULL; + + if( poSession->Failed( + OCIBindByName( hStatement, &hBindOrd, poSession->hError, + (text *) pszPlaceName, (sb4) strlen(pszPlaceName), + (dvoid *) 0, (sb4) 0, SQLT_NTY, (dvoid *)0, + (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0, (ub4)0, (ub4 *)0, + (ub4)OCI_DEFAULT), + "OCIBindByName()") ) + return CE_Failure; + + if( poSession->Failed( + OCIBindObject( hBindOrd, poSession->hError, hTDO, + (dvoid **) pahObjects, (ub4 *)0, + (dvoid **)papIndicators, (ub4 *)0), + "OCIBindObject()" ) ) + return CE_Failure; + + return CE_None; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* BindScalar() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +CPLErr OGROCIStatement::BindScalar( const char *pszPlaceName, + void *pData, int nDataLen, + int nSQLType, sb2 *paeInd ) + +{ + OCIBind *hBindOrd = NULL; + + if( poSession->Failed( + OCIBindByName( hStatement, &hBindOrd, poSession->hError, + (text *) pszPlaceName, (sb4) strlen(pszPlaceName), + (dvoid *) pData, (sb4) nDataLen, + (ub2) nSQLType, (dvoid *)paeInd, (ub2 *)0, + (ub2 *)0, (ub4)0, (ub4 *)0, + (ub4)OCI_DEFAULT), + "OCIBindByName()") ) + return CE_Failure; + else + return CE_None; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* Execute() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +CPLErr OGROCIStatement::Execute( const char *pszSQLStatement, + int nMode ) + +{ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Prepare the statement if it is being passed in. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( pszSQLStatement != NULL ) + { + CPLErr eErr = Prepare( pszSQLStatement ); + if( eErr != CE_None ) + return eErr; + } + + if( hStatement == NULL ) + { + CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, + "No prepared statement in call to OGROCIStatement::Execute(NULL)" ); + return CE_Failure; + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Determine if this is a SELECT statement. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + ub2 nStmtType; + + if( poSession->Failed( + OCIAttrGet( hStatement, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, + &nStmtType, 0, OCI_ATTR_STMT_TYPE, poSession->hError ), + "OCIAttrGet(ATTR_STMT_TYPE)") ) + return CE_Failure; + + int bSelect = (nStmtType == OCI_STMT_SELECT); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Work out some details about execution mode. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( nMode == -1 ) + { + if( bSelect ) + nMode = OCI_DEFAULT; + else + nMode = OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS; + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Execute the statement. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( poSession->Failed( + OCIStmtExecute( poSession->hSvcCtx, hStatement, + poSession->hError, (ub4)bSelect ? 0 : 1, (ub4)0, + (OCISnapshot *)NULL, (OCISnapshot *)NULL, nMode ), + pszCommandText ) ) + return CE_Failure; + + if( !bSelect ) + return CE_None; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Count the columns. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + for( nRawColumnCount = 0; TRUE; nRawColumnCount++ ) + { + OCIParam *hParmDesc; + + if( OCIParamGet( hStatement, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, poSession->hError, + (dvoid**)&hParmDesc, + (ub4) nRawColumnCount+1 ) != OCI_SUCCESS ) + break; + } + + panFieldMap = (int *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(int),nRawColumnCount); + + papszCurColumn = (char **) CPLCalloc(sizeof(char*),nRawColumnCount+1); + panCurColumnInd = (sb2 *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(sb2),nRawColumnCount+1); + +/* ==================================================================== */ +/* Establish result column definitions, and setup parameter */ +/* defines. */ +/* ==================================================================== */ + poDefn = new OGRFeatureDefn( pszCommandText ); + poDefn->Reference(); + + for( int iParm = 0; iParm < nRawColumnCount; iParm++ ) + { + OGRFieldDefn oField( "", OFTString ); + OCIParam *hParmDesc; + ub2 nOCIType; + ub4 nOCILen; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Get parameter definition. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( poSession->Failed( + OCIParamGet( hStatement, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, poSession->hError, + (dvoid**)&hParmDesc, (ub4) iParm+1 ), + "OCIParamGet") ) + return CE_Failure; + + if( poSession->GetParmInfo( hParmDesc, &oField, &nOCIType, &nOCILen ) + != CE_None ) + return CE_Failure; + + if( oField.GetType() == OFTBinary ) + { + panFieldMap[iParm] = -1; + continue; + } + + poDefn->AddFieldDefn( &oField ); + panFieldMap[iParm] = poDefn->GetFieldCount() - 1; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Prepare a binding. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + int nBufWidth = 256, nOGRField = panFieldMap[iParm]; + OCIDefine *hDefn = NULL; + + if( oField.GetWidth() > 0 ) + /* extra space needed for the decimal separator the string + terminator and the negative sign (Tamas Szekeres)*/ + nBufWidth = oField.GetWidth() + 3; + else if( oField.GetType() == OFTInteger ) + nBufWidth = 22; + else if( oField.GetType() == OFTReal ) + nBufWidth = 36; + else if ( oField.GetType() == OFTDateTime ) + nBufWidth = 40; + else if ( oField.GetType() == OFTDate ) + nBufWidth = 20; + + papszCurColumn[nOGRField] = (char *) CPLMalloc(nBufWidth+2); + CPLAssert( ((long) papszCurColumn[nOGRField]) % 2 == 0 ); + + if( poSession->Failed( + OCIDefineByPos( hStatement, &hDefn, poSession->hError, + iParm+1, + (ub1 *) papszCurColumn[nOGRField], nBufWidth, + SQLT_STR, panCurColumnInd + nOGRField, + NULL, NULL, OCI_DEFAULT ), + "OCIDefineByPos" ) ) + return CE_Failure; + } + + return CE_None; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* SimpleFetchRow() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +char **OGROCIStatement::SimpleFetchRow() + +{ + int nStatus, i; + + if( papszCurImage == NULL ) + { + papszCurImage = (char **) + CPLCalloc(sizeof(char *), nRawColumnCount+1 ); + } + + nStatus = OCIStmtFetch( hStatement, poSession->hError, 1, + OCI_FETCH_NEXT, OCI_DEFAULT ); + + if( nStatus == OCI_NO_DATA ) + return NULL; + else if( poSession->Failed( nStatus, "OCIStmtFetch" ) ) + return NULL; + + for( i = 0; papszCurColumn[i] != NULL; i++ ) + { + if( panCurColumnInd[i] == OCI_IND_NULL ) + papszCurImage[i] = NULL; + else + papszCurImage[i] = papszCurColumn[i]; + } + + return papszCurImage; +} + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/sde/GNUmakefile b/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/sde/GNUmakefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d0cd6faf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/sde/GNUmakefile @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ + + +include ../../../GDALmake.opt + +SDE_HOME = /home/test/esri/sdeexe101 +EXTRA_LIBS += -L$(SDE_HOME)/lib -lpe -lsde -lsg + +LNK_FLAGS += -m64 + +OBJ = ogrsdedriver.o ogrsdedatasource.o ogrsdelayer.o + +CPPFLAGS := -m64 -fPIC $(GDAL_INCLUDE) -I$(SDE_HOME)/include $(CPPFLAGS) + +default: $(O_OBJ:.o=.$(OBJ_EXT)) + +clean: + rm -f *.o $(O_OBJ) + +$(O_OBJ): ogr_sde.h + +plugin: $(OBJ) + g++ -shared $(LNK_FLAGS) $(OBJ) $(CONFIG_LIBS_INS) $(EXTRA_LIBS) \ + -o ogr_SDE.so diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/libkml/src/kml/base/file_posix.cc b/BuildTools/centos/dep/libkml/src/kml/base/file_posix.cc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ee98920c --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/libkml/src/kml/base/file_posix.cc @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +// Copyright 2008, Google Inc. All rights reserved. +// +// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +// +// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, +// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, +// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation +// and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +// 3. Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be +// used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without +// specific prior written permission. +// +// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED +// WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +// MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO +// EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, +// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +// PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; +// OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, +// WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR +// OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF +// ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + +// The file contains the implementation of the File methods specific to +// POSIX platforms. + +#include "kml/base/file.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +namespace kmlbase { + +// Internal to the POSIX File class. +static bool StatFile(const char* path, struct stat* stat_data) { + struct stat tmp; + if (stat(path, &tmp) !=0) { + return false; + } + *stat_data = tmp; + return true; +} + +bool File::Exists(const string& full_path) { + struct stat stat_data; + if (!StatFile(full_path.c_str(), &stat_data)) { + return false; + } + return S_ISREG(stat_data.st_mode); +} + +bool File::Delete(const string& filepath) { + return unlink(filepath.c_str()) == 0; +} + +bool File::CreateNewTempFile(string* path) { + if (!path) { + return false; + } + char temp_path[] = "/tmp/libkmlXXXXXX"; + int fd = mkstemp(temp_path); + if (fd == -1) { + return false; + } + close(fd); + path->assign(temp_path, strlen(temp_path)); + return true; +} + +} // end namespace kmlbase diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CMakeFiles/CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CMakeFiles/CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake new file mode 100644 index 000000000..33007c047 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CMakeFiles/CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# CMAKE generated file: DO NOT EDIT! +# Generated by "Unix Makefiles" Generator, CMake Version 2.8 + +# Relative path conversion top directories. +SET(CMAKE_RELATIVE_PATH_TOP_SOURCE "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14") +SET(CMAKE_RELATIVE_PATH_TOP_BINARY "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl") + +# Force unix paths in dependencies. +SET(CMAKE_FORCE_UNIX_PATHS 1) + + +# The C and CXX include file regular expressions for this directory. +SET(CMAKE_C_INCLUDE_REGEX_SCAN "^.*$") +SET(CMAKE_C_INCLUDE_REGEX_COMPLAIN "^$") +SET(CMAKE_CXX_INCLUDE_REGEX_SCAN ${CMAKE_C_INCLUDE_REGEX_SCAN}) +SET(CMAKE_CXX_INCLUDE_REGEX_COMPLAIN ${CMAKE_C_INCLUDE_REGEX_COMPLAIN}) diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CMakeFiles/progress.marks b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CMakeFiles/progress.marks new file mode 100644 index 000000000..573541ac9 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CMakeFiles/progress.marks @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CMakeLists.txt b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7c4a00d97 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2006, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + +SET(HEADERS_GEN_CONFIGURE +${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mysql_version.h +${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/my_config.h +${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mysqld_ername.h +${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mysqld_error.h +${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/sql_state.h +) +SET(HEADERS_ABI + mysql.h + mysql_com.h + mysql_time.h + my_list.h + my_alloc.h + typelib.h + mysql/plugin.h + mysql/plugin_audit.h + mysql/plugin_ftparser.h + mysql/plugin_validate_password.h +) + +SET(HEADERS + ${HEADERS_ABI} + my_dbug.h + m_string.h + my_sys.h + my_xml.h + mysql_embed.h + my_pthread.h + decimal.h + errmsg.h + my_global.h + my_net.h + my_getopt.h + sslopt-longopts.h + my_dir.h + sslopt-vars.h + sslopt-case.h + sql_common.h + keycache.h + m_ctype.h + my_attribute.h + my_compiler.h + mysql_com_server.h + my_byteorder.h + byte_order_generic.h + byte_order_generic_x86.h + byte_order_generic_x86_64.h + little_endian.h + big_endian.h + ${HEADERS_GEN_CONFIGURE} +) + +INSTALL(FILES ${HEADERS} DESTINATION ${INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR} COMPONENT Development) +INSTALL(DIRECTORY mysql/ DESTINATION ${INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/mysql COMPONENT Development + PATTERN "*.h" + PATTERN "psi_abi*" EXCLUDE +) + + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CTestTestfile.cmake b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CTestTestfile.cmake new file mode 100644 index 000000000..99ac814ae --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CTestTestfile.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# CMake generated Testfile for +# Source directory: /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include +# Build directory: /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl/include +# +# This file includes the relevent testing commands required for +# testing this directory and lists subdirectories to be tested as well. diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/Makefile b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2a94e5af5 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ +# CMAKE generated file: DO NOT EDIT! +# Generated by "Unix Makefiles" Generator, CMake Version 2.8 + +# Default target executed when no arguments are given to make. +default_target: all +.PHONY : default_target + +#============================================================================= +# Special targets provided by cmake. + +# Disable implicit rules so canonical targets will work. +.SUFFIXES: + +# Remove some rules from gmake that .SUFFIXES does not remove. +SUFFIXES = + +.SUFFIXES: .hpux_make_needs_suffix_list + +# Suppress display of executed commands. +$(VERBOSE).SILENT: + +# A target that is always out of date. +cmake_force: +.PHONY : cmake_force + +#============================================================================= +# Set environment variables for the build. + +# The shell in which to execute make rules. +SHELL = /bin/sh + +# The CMake executable. +CMAKE_COMMAND = /usr/bin/cmake + +# The command to remove a file. +RM = /usr/bin/cmake -E remove -f + +# Escaping for special characters. +EQUALS = = + +# The top-level source directory on which CMake was run. +CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR = /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14 + +# The top-level build directory on which CMake was run. +CMAKE_BINARY_DIR = /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl + +#============================================================================= +# Targets provided globally by CMake. + +# Special rule for the target edit_cache +edit_cache: + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Running interactive CMake command-line interface..." + /usr/bin/cmake -i . +.PHONY : edit_cache + +# Special rule for the target edit_cache +edit_cache/fast: edit_cache +.PHONY : edit_cache/fast + +# Special rule for the target install +install: preinstall + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Install the project..." + /usr/bin/cmake -P cmake_install.cmake +.PHONY : install + +# Special rule for the target install +install/fast: preinstall/fast + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Install the project..." + /usr/bin/cmake -P cmake_install.cmake +.PHONY : install/fast + +# Special rule for the target install/local +install/local: preinstall + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Installing only the local directory..." + /usr/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LOCAL_ONLY=1 -P cmake_install.cmake +.PHONY : install/local + +# Special rule for the target install/local +install/local/fast: install/local +.PHONY : install/local/fast + +# Special rule for the target install/strip +install/strip: preinstall + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Installing the project stripped..." + /usr/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DO_STRIP=1 -P cmake_install.cmake +.PHONY : install/strip + +# Special rule for the target install/strip +install/strip/fast: install/strip +.PHONY : install/strip/fast + +# Special rule for the target list_install_components +list_install_components: + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Available install components are: \"Client\" \"DataFiles\" \"DebugBinaries\" \"Development\" \"Documentation\" \"Embedded\" \"Info\" \"IniFiles\" \"ManPages\" \"Readme\" \"Server\" \"Server_Scripts\" \"SharedLibraries\" \"SqlBench\" \"SupportFiles\" \"Test\" \"Unspecified\"" +.PHONY : list_install_components + +# Special rule for the target list_install_components +list_install_components/fast: list_install_components +.PHONY : list_install_components/fast + +# Special rule for the target package +package: preinstall + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Run CPack packaging tool..." + cd /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl && /usr/bin/cpack --config ./CPackConfig.cmake +.PHONY : package + +# Special rule for the target package +package/fast: package +.PHONY : package/fast + +# Special rule for the target package_source +package_source: + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Run CPack packaging tool for source..." + cd /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl && /usr/bin/cpack --config ./CPackSourceConfig.cmake /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl/CPackSourceConfig.cmake +.PHONY : package_source + +# Special rule for the target package_source +package_source/fast: package_source +.PHONY : package_source/fast + +# Special rule for the target rebuild_cache +rebuild_cache: + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Running CMake to regenerate build system..." + /usr/bin/cmake -H$(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) -B$(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) +.PHONY : rebuild_cache + +# Special rule for the target rebuild_cache +rebuild_cache/fast: rebuild_cache +.PHONY : rebuild_cache/fast + +# Special rule for the target test +test: + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Running tests..." + /usr/bin/ctest --force-new-ctest-process $(ARGS) +.PHONY : test + +# Special rule for the target test +test/fast: test +.PHONY : test/fast + +# The main all target +all: cmake_check_build_system + cd /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl && $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl/CMakeFiles /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl/include/CMakeFiles/progress.marks + cd /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl && $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 include/all + $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl/CMakeFiles 0 +.PHONY : all + +# The main clean target +clean: + cd /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl && $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 include/clean +.PHONY : clean + +# The main clean target +clean/fast: clean +.PHONY : clean/fast + +# Prepare targets for installation. +preinstall: all + cd /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl && $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 include/preinstall +.PHONY : preinstall + +# Prepare targets for installation. +preinstall/fast: + cd /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl && $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 include/preinstall +.PHONY : preinstall/fast + +# clear depends +depend: + cd /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl && $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -H$(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) -B$(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 1 +.PHONY : depend + +# Help Target +help: + @echo "The following are some of the valid targets for this Makefile:" + @echo "... all (the default if no target is provided)" + @echo "... clean" + @echo "... depend" + @echo "... edit_cache" + @echo "... install" + @echo "... install/local" + @echo "... install/strip" + @echo "... list_install_components" + @echo "... package" + @echo "... package_source" + @echo "... rebuild_cache" + @echo "... test" +.PHONY : help + + + +#============================================================================= +# Special targets to cleanup operation of make. + +# Special rule to run CMake to check the build system integrity. +# No rule that depends on this can have commands that come from listfiles +# because they might be regenerated. +cmake_check_build_system: + cd /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl && $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -H$(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) -B$(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 0 +.PHONY : cmake_check_build_system + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/gcc_builtins.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/gcc_builtins.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fb6a537d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/gcc_builtins.h @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +#ifndef ATOMIC_GCC_BUILTINS_INCLUDED +#define ATOMIC_GCC_BUILTINS_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#define make_atomic_add_body(S) \ + v= __sync_fetch_and_add(a, v); +#define make_atomic_fas_body(S) \ + v= __sync_lock_test_and_set(a, v); +#define make_atomic_cas_body(S) \ + int ## S sav; \ + int ## S cmp_val= *cmp; \ + sav= __sync_val_compare_and_swap(a, cmp_val, set);\ + if (!(ret= (sav == cmp_val))) *cmp= sav + +#ifdef MY_ATOMIC_MODE_DUMMY +#define make_atomic_load_body(S) ret= *a +#define make_atomic_store_body(S) *a= v +#define MY_ATOMIC_MODE "gcc-builtins-up" + +#else +#define MY_ATOMIC_MODE "gcc-builtins-smp" +#define make_atomic_load_body(S) \ + ret= __sync_fetch_and_or(a, 0); +#define make_atomic_store_body(S) \ + (void) __sync_lock_test_and_set(a, v); +#endif + +#endif /* ATOMIC_GCC_BUILTINS_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/generic-msvc.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/generic-msvc.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6c5272c98 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/generic-msvc.h @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 MySQL AB, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. + Use is subject to license terms. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _atomic_h_cleanup_ +#define _atomic_h_cleanup_ "atomic/generic-msvc.h" + +/* + We don't implement anything specific for MY_ATOMIC_MODE_DUMMY, always use + intrinsics. + 8 and 16-bit atomics are not implemented, but it can be done if necessary. +*/ +#undef MY_ATOMIC_HAS_8_16 + +#include +/* + x86 compilers (both VS2003 or VS2005) never use instrinsics, but generate + function calls to kernel32 instead, even in the optimized build. + We force intrinsics as described in MSDN documentation for + _InterlockedCompareExchange. +*/ +#ifdef _M_IX86 + +#if (_MSC_VER >= 1500) +#include +#else +C_MODE_START +/*Visual Studio 2003 and earlier do not have prototypes for atomic intrinsics*/ +LONG _InterlockedCompareExchange (LONG volatile *Target, LONG Value, LONG Comp); +LONGLONG _InterlockedCompareExchange64 (LONGLONG volatile *Target, + LONGLONG Value, LONGLONG Comp); +C_MODE_END + +#pragma intrinsic(_InterlockedCompareExchange) +#pragma intrinsic(_InterlockedCompareExchange64) +#endif + +#define InterlockedCompareExchange _InterlockedCompareExchange +#define InterlockedCompareExchange64 _InterlockedCompareExchange64 +/* + No need to do something special for InterlockedCompareExchangePointer + as it is a #define to InterlockedCompareExchange. The same applies to + InterlockedExchangePointer. +*/ +#endif /*_M_IX86*/ + +#define MY_ATOMIC_MODE "msvc-intrinsics" +/* Implement using CAS on WIN32 */ +#define IL_COMP_EXCHG32(X,Y,Z) \ + InterlockedCompareExchange((volatile LONG *)(X),(Y),(Z)) +#define IL_COMP_EXCHG64(X,Y,Z) \ + InterlockedCompareExchange64((volatile LONGLONG *)(X), \ + (LONGLONG)(Y),(LONGLONG)(Z)) +#define IL_COMP_EXCHGptr InterlockedCompareExchangePointer + +#define make_atomic_cas_body(S) \ + int ## S initial_cmp= *cmp; \ + int ## S initial_a= IL_COMP_EXCHG ## S (a, set, initial_cmp); \ + if (!(ret= (initial_a == initial_cmp))) *cmp= initial_a; + +#ifndef _M_IX86 +/* Use full set of optimised functions on WIN64 */ +#define IL_EXCHG_ADD32(X,Y) \ + InterlockedExchangeAdd((volatile LONG *)(X),(Y)) +#define IL_EXCHG_ADD64(X,Y) \ + InterlockedExchangeAdd64((volatile LONGLONG *)(X),(LONGLONG)(Y)) +#define IL_EXCHG32(X,Y) \ + InterlockedExchange((volatile LONG *)(X),(Y)) +#define IL_EXCHG64(X,Y) \ + InterlockedExchange64((volatile LONGLONG *)(X),(LONGLONG)(Y)) +#define IL_EXCHGptr InterlockedExchangePointer + +#define make_atomic_add_body(S) \ + v= IL_EXCHG_ADD ## S (a, v) +#define make_atomic_swap_body(S) \ + v= IL_EXCHG ## S (a, v) +#define make_atomic_load_body(S) \ + ret= 0; /* avoid compiler warning */ \ + ret= IL_COMP_EXCHG ## S (a, ret, ret); +#endif +/* + my_yield_processor (equivalent of x86 PAUSE instruction) should be used + to improve performance on hyperthreaded CPUs. Intel recommends to use it in + spin loops also on non-HT machines to reduce power consumption (see e.g + http://softwarecommunity.intel.com/articles/eng/2004.htm) + + Running benchmarks for spinlocks implemented with InterlockedCompareExchange + and YieldProcessor shows that much better performance is achieved by calling + YieldProcessor in a loop - that is, yielding longer. On Intel boxes setting + loop count in the range 200-300 brought best results. + */ +#ifndef YIELD_LOOPS +#define YIELD_LOOPS 200 +#endif + +static __inline int my_yield_processor() +{ + int i; + for(i=0; irw) +#define my_atomic_rwlock_init(name) pthread_mutex_init(& (name)->rw, 0) +#define my_atomic_rwlock_rdlock(name) pthread_mutex_lock(& (name)->rw) +#define my_atomic_rwlock_wrlock(name) pthread_mutex_lock(& (name)->rw) +#define my_atomic_rwlock_rdunlock(name) pthread_mutex_unlock(& (name)->rw) +#define my_atomic_rwlock_wrunlock(name) pthread_mutex_unlock(& (name)->rw) + +#define MY_ATOMIC_MODE "mutex" +#ifndef MY_ATOMIC_MODE_RWLOCKS +#define MY_ATOMIC_MODE_RWLOCKS 1 +#endif +#endif + +#define make_atomic_add_body(S) int ## S sav; sav= *a; *a+= v; v=sav; +#define make_atomic_fas_body(S) int ## S sav; sav= *a; *a= v; v=sav; +#define make_atomic_cas_body(S) if ((ret= (*a == *cmp))) *a= set; else *cmp=*a; +#define make_atomic_load_body(S) ret= *a; +#define make_atomic_store_body(S) *a= v; + +#endif /* ATOMIC_RWLOCK_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/solaris.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/solaris.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7b6f0561f --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/solaris.h @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _atomic_h_cleanup_ +#define _atomic_h_cleanup_ "atomic/solaris.h" + +#include + +#define MY_ATOMIC_MODE "solaris-atomic" + +#if defined(__GNUC__) +#define atomic_typeof(T,V) __typeof__(V) +#else +#define atomic_typeof(T,V) T +#endif + +#define uintptr_t void * +#define atomic_or_ptr_nv(X,Y) (void *)atomic_or_ulong_nv((volatile ulong_t *)X, Y) + +#define make_atomic_cas_body(S) \ + atomic_typeof(uint ## S ## _t, *cmp) sav; \ + sav = atomic_cas_ ## S( \ + (volatile uint ## S ## _t *)a, \ + (uint ## S ## _t)*cmp, \ + (uint ## S ## _t)set); \ + if (! (ret= (sav == *cmp))) \ + *cmp= sav; + +#define make_atomic_add_body(S) \ + int ## S nv; /* new value */ \ + nv= atomic_add_ ## S ## _nv((volatile uint ## S ## _t *)a, v); \ + v= nv - v + +/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ + +#ifdef MY_ATOMIC_MODE_DUMMY + +#define make_atomic_load_body(S) ret= *a +#define make_atomic_store_body(S) *a= v + +#else /* MY_ATOMIC_MODE_DUMMY */ + +#define make_atomic_load_body(S) \ + ret= atomic_or_ ## S ## _nv((volatile uint ## S ## _t *)a, 0) + +#define make_atomic_store_body(S) \ + (void) atomic_swap_ ## S((volatile uint ## S ## _t *)a, (uint ## S ## _t)v) + +#endif + +#define make_atomic_fas_body(S) \ + v= atomic_swap_ ## S((volatile uint ## S ## _t *)a, (uint ## S ## _t)v) + +#else /* cleanup */ + +#undef uintptr_t +#undef atomic_or_ptr_nv + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/x86-gcc.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/x86-gcc.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2238347d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/x86-gcc.h @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +#ifndef ATOMIC_X86_GCC_INCLUDED +#define ATOMIC_X86_GCC_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2006, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + XXX 64-bit atomic operations can be implemented using + cmpxchg8b, if necessary. Though I've heard that not all 64-bit + architectures support double-word (128-bit) cas. +*/ + +/* + No special support of 8 and 16 bit operations are implemented here + currently. +*/ +#undef MY_ATOMIC_HAS_8_AND_16 + +#ifdef __x86_64__ +# ifdef MY_ATOMIC_NO_XADD +# define MY_ATOMIC_MODE "gcc-amd64" LOCK_prefix "-no-xadd" +# else +# define MY_ATOMIC_MODE "gcc-amd64" LOCK_prefix +# endif +#else +# ifdef MY_ATOMIC_NO_XADD +# define MY_ATOMIC_MODE "gcc-x86" LOCK_prefix "-no-xadd" +# else +# define MY_ATOMIC_MODE "gcc-x86" LOCK_prefix +# endif +#endif + +/* fix -ansi errors while maintaining readability */ +#ifndef asm +#define asm __asm__ +#endif + +#ifndef MY_ATOMIC_NO_XADD +#define make_atomic_add_body(S) make_atomic_add_body ## S +#define make_atomic_cas_body(S) make_atomic_cas_body ## S +#endif + +#define make_atomic_add_body32 \ + asm volatile (LOCK_prefix "; xadd %0, %1;" \ + : "+r" (v), "=m" (*a) \ + : "m" (*a) \ + : "memory") + +#define make_atomic_cas_body32 \ + __typeof__(*cmp) sav; \ + asm volatile (LOCK_prefix "; cmpxchg %3, %0; setz %2;" \ + : "=m" (*a), "=a" (sav), "=q" (ret) \ + : "r" (set), "m" (*a), "a" (*cmp) \ + : "memory"); \ + if (!ret) \ + *cmp= sav + +#ifdef __x86_64__ +#define make_atomic_add_body64 make_atomic_add_body32 +#define make_atomic_cas_body64 make_atomic_cas_body32 + +#define make_atomic_fas_body(S) \ + asm volatile ("xchg %0, %1;" \ + : "+r" (v), "=m" (*a) \ + : "m" (*a) \ + : "memory") + +/* + Actually 32/64-bit reads/writes are always atomic on x86_64, + nonetheless issue memory barriers as appropriate. +*/ +#define make_atomic_load_body(S) \ + /* Serialize prior load and store operations. */ \ + asm volatile ("mfence" ::: "memory"); \ + ret= *a; \ + /* Prevent compiler from reordering instructions. */ \ + asm volatile ("" ::: "memory") +#define make_atomic_store_body(S) \ + asm volatile ("; xchg %0, %1;" \ + : "=m" (*a), "+r" (v) \ + : "m" (*a) \ + : "memory") + +#else +/* + Use default implementations of 64-bit operations since we solved + the 64-bit problem on 32-bit platforms for CAS, no need to solve it + once more for ADD, LOAD, STORE and FAS as well. + Since we already added add32 support, we need to define add64 + here, but we haven't defined fas, load and store at all, so + we can fallback on default implementations. +*/ +#define make_atomic_add_body64 \ + int64 tmp=*a; \ + while (!my_atomic_cas64(a, &tmp, tmp+v)) ; \ + v=tmp; + +/* + On some platforms (e.g. Mac OS X and Solaris) the ebx register + is held as a pointer to the global offset table. Thus we're not + allowed to use the b-register on those platforms when compiling + PIC code, to avoid this we push ebx and pop ebx. The new value + is copied directly from memory to avoid problems with a implicit + manipulation of the stack pointer by the push. + + cmpxchg8b works on both 32-bit platforms and 64-bit platforms but + the code here is only used on 32-bit platforms, on 64-bit + platforms the much simpler make_atomic_cas_body32 will work + fine. +*/ +#define make_atomic_cas_body64 \ + asm volatile ("push %%ebx;" \ + "movl (%%ecx), %%ebx;" \ + "movl 4(%%ecx), %%ecx;" \ + LOCK_prefix "; cmpxchg8b %0;" \ + "setz %2; pop %%ebx" \ + : "=m" (*a), "+A" (*cmp), "=c" (ret) \ + : "c" (&set), "m" (*a) \ + : "memory", "esp") +#endif + +/* + The implementation of make_atomic_cas_body32 is adaptable to + the OS word size, so on 64-bit platforms it will automatically + adapt to 64-bits and so it will work also on 64-bit platforms +*/ +#define make_atomic_cas_bodyptr make_atomic_cas_body32 + +#ifdef MY_ATOMIC_MODE_DUMMY +#define make_atomic_load_body(S) ret=*a +#define make_atomic_store_body(S) *a=v +#endif +#endif /* ATOMIC_X86_GCC_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/base64.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/base64.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5fb2e9b80 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/base64.h @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2003, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef __BASE64_H_INCLUDED__ +#define __BASE64_H_INCLUDED__ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + Calculate how much memory needed for dst of base64_encode() +*/ +int base64_needed_encoded_length(int length_of_data); + +/* + Maximum length base64_encode_needed_length() can accept with no overflow. +*/ +int base64_encode_max_arg_length(void); + +/* + Calculate how much memory needed for dst of base64_decode() +*/ +int base64_needed_decoded_length(int length_of_encoded_data); + +/* + Maximum length base64_decode_needed_length() can accept with no overflow. +*/ +int base64_decode_max_arg_length(); + +/* + Encode data as a base64 string +*/ +int base64_encode(const void *src, size_t src_len, char *dst); + +/* + Decode a base64 string into data +*/ +int base64_decode(const char *src, size_t src_len, + void *dst, const char **end_ptr, int flags); + +/* Allow multuple chunks 'AAA= AA== AA==', binlog uses this */ +#define MY_BASE64_DECODE_ALLOW_MULTIPLE_CHUNKS 1 + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* !__BASE64_H_INCLUDED__ */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/big_endian.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/big_endian.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..13ab6dec6 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/big_endian.h @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Data in big-endian format. +*/ +#define float4store(T,A) do { *(T)= ((uchar *) &A)[3];\ + *((T)+1)=(char) ((uchar *) &A)[2];\ + *((T)+2)=(char) ((uchar *) &A)[1];\ + *((T)+3)=(char) ((uchar *) &A)[0]; } while(0) + +#define float4get(V,M) do { float def_temp;\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]=(M)[3];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]=(M)[2];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]=(M)[1];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]=(M)[0];\ + (V)=def_temp; } while(0) + +#define float8store(T,V) do { *(T)= ((uchar *) &V)[7];\ + *((T)+1)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[6];\ + *((T)+2)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[5];\ + *((T)+3)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[4];\ + *((T)+4)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[3];\ + *((T)+5)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[2];\ + *((T)+6)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[1];\ + *((T)+7)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[0]; } while(0) + +#define float8get(V,M) do { double def_temp;\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]=(M)[7];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]=(M)[6];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]=(M)[5];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]=(M)[4];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[4]=(M)[3];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[5]=(M)[2];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[6]=(M)[1];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[7]=(M)[0];\ + (V) = def_temp; } while(0) + +#define ushortget(V,M) do { V = (uint16) (((uint16) ((uchar) (M)[1]))+\ + ((uint16) ((uint16) (M)[0]) << 8)); } while(0) +#define shortget(V,M) do { V = (short) (((short) ((uchar) (M)[1]))+\ + ((short) ((short) (M)[0]) << 8)); } while(0) +#define longget(V,M) do { int32 def_temp;\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]=(M)[0];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]=(M)[1];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]=(M)[2];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]=(M)[3];\ + (V)=def_temp; } while(0) +#define ulongget(V,M) do { uint32 def_temp;\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]=(M)[0];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]=(M)[1];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]=(M)[2];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]=(M)[3];\ + (V)=def_temp; } while(0) +#define shortstore(T,A) do { uint def_temp=(uint) (A) ;\ + *(((char*)T)+1)=(char)(def_temp); \ + *(((char*)T)+0)=(char)(def_temp >> 8); } while(0) +#define longstore(T,A) do { *(((char*)T)+3)=((A));\ + *(((char*)T)+2)=(((A) >> 8));\ + *(((char*)T)+1)=(((A) >> 16));\ + *(((char*)T)+0)=(((A) >> 24)); } while(0) + +#define floatget(V,M) memcpy(&V, (M), sizeof(float)) +/* Cast away type qualifiers (necessary as macro takes argument by value). */ +#define floatstore(T,V) memcpy((T), (void*) (&V), sizeof(float)) +#define doubleget(V,M) memcpy(&V, (M), sizeof(double)) +/* Cast away type qualifiers (necessary as macro takes argument by value). */ +#define doublestore(T,V) memcpy((T), (void*) &V, sizeof(double)) +#define longlongget(V,M) memcpy(&V, (M), sizeof(ulonglong)) +#define longlongstore(T,V) memcpy((T), &V, sizeof(ulonglong)) diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ad7edd99 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic.h @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Endianness-independent definitions for architectures other + than the x86 architecture. +*/ +#define sint2korr(A) (int16) (((int16) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + ((int16) ((int16) (A)[1]) << 8)) +#define sint3korr(A) ((int32) ((((uchar) (A)[2]) & 128) ? \ + (((uint32) 255L << 24) | \ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[2]) << 16) |\ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[1]) << 8) | \ + ((uint32) (uchar) (A)[0])) : \ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[2]) << 16) |\ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[1]) << 8) | \ + ((uint32) (uchar) (A)[0]))) +#define sint4korr(A) (int32) (((int32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + (((int32) ((uchar) (A)[1]) << 8)) +\ + (((int32) ((uchar) (A)[2]) << 16)) +\ + (((int32) ((int16) (A)[3]) << 24))) +#define sint8korr(A) (longlong) uint8korr(A) +#define uint2korr(A) (uint16) (((uint16) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + ((uint16) ((uchar) (A)[1]) << 8)) +#define uint3korr(A) (uint32) (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16)) +#define uint4korr(A) (uint32) (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[3])) << 24)) +#define uint5korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[3])) << 24)) +\ + (((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[4])) << 32)) +#define uint6korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) + \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) + \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16) + \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[3])) << 24)) + \ + (((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[4])) << 32) + \ + (((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[5])) << 40)) +#define uint8korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[3])) << 24)) +\ + (((ulonglong) (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[4])) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[5])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[6])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[7])) << 24))) <<\ + 32)) +#define int2store(T,A) do { uint def_temp= (uint) (A) ;\ + *((uchar*) (T))= (uchar)(def_temp); \ + *((uchar*) (T)+1)=(uchar)((def_temp >> 8)); \ + } while(0) +#define int3store(T,A) do { /*lint -save -e734 */\ + *((uchar*)(T))=(uchar) ((A));\ + *((uchar*) (T)+1)=(uchar) (((A) >> 8));\ + *((uchar*)(T)+2)=(uchar) (((A) >> 16)); \ + /*lint -restore */} while(0) +#define int4store(T,A) do { *((char *)(T))=(char) ((A));\ + *(((char *)(T))+1)=(char) (((A) >> 8));\ + *(((char *)(T))+2)=(char) (((A) >> 16));\ + *(((char *)(T))+3)=(char) (((A) >> 24));\ + } while(0) +#define int5store(T,A) do { *((char *)(T))= (char)((A)); \ + *(((char *)(T))+1)= (char)(((A) >> 8)); \ + *(((char *)(T))+2)= (char)(((A) >> 16)); \ + *(((char *)(T))+3)= (char)(((A) >> 24)); \ + *(((char *)(T))+4)= (char)(((A) >> 32)); \ + } while(0) +#define int6store(T,A) do { *((char *)(T))= (char)((A)); \ + *(((char *)(T))+1)= (char)(((A) >> 8)); \ + *(((char *)(T))+2)= (char)(((A) >> 16)); \ + *(((char *)(T))+3)= (char)(((A) >> 24)); \ + *(((char *)(T))+4)= (char)(((A) >> 32)); \ + *(((char *)(T))+5)= (char)(((A) >> 40)); \ + } while(0) +#define int8store(T,A) do { uint def_temp= (uint) (A), \ + def_temp2= (uint) ((A) >> 32); \ + int4store((T),def_temp); \ + int4store((T+4),def_temp2);\ + } while(0) diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic_x86.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic_x86.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a6f8ff9a --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic_x86.h @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Optimized function-like macros for the x86 architecture (_WIN32 included). +*/ +#define sint2korr(A) (*((int16 *) (A))) +#define sint3korr(A) ((int32) ((((uchar) (A)[2]) & 128) ? \ + (((uint32) 255L << 24) | \ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[2]) << 16) |\ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[1]) << 8) | \ + ((uint32) (uchar) (A)[0])) : \ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[2]) << 16) |\ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[1]) << 8) | \ + ((uint32) (uchar) (A)[0]))) +#define sint4korr(A) (*((long *) (A))) +#define uint2korr(A) (*((uint16 *) (A))) +/* + Attention: Please, note, uint3korr reads 4 bytes (not 3)! + It means, that you have to provide enough allocated space. +*/ +#if defined(HAVE_purify) && !defined(_WIN32) +#define uint3korr(A) (uint32) (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16)) +#else +#define uint3korr(A) (long) (*((unsigned int *) (A)) & 0xFFFFFF) +#endif +#define uint4korr(A) (*((uint32 *) (A))) +#define uint5korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[3])) << 24)) +\ + (((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[4])) << 32)) +#define uint6korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) + \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) + \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16) + \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[3])) << 24)) + \ + (((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[4])) << 32) + \ + (((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[5])) << 40)) +#define uint8korr(A) (*((ulonglong *) (A))) +#define sint8korr(A) (*((longlong *) (A))) + +#define int2store(T,A) *((uint16*) (T))= (uint16) (A) +#define int3store(T,A) do { *(T)= (uchar) ((A));\ + *(T+1)=(uchar) (((uint) (A) >> 8));\ + *(T+2)=(uchar) (((A) >> 16));\ + } while (0) +#define int4store(T,A) *((long *) (T))= (long) (A) +#define int5store(T,A) do { *(T)= (uchar)((A));\ + *((T)+1)=(uchar) (((A) >> 8));\ + *((T)+2)=(uchar) (((A) >> 16));\ + *((T)+3)=(uchar) (((A) >> 24));\ + *((T)+4)=(uchar) (((A) >> 32));\ + } while(0) +#define int6store(T,A) do { *(T)= (uchar)((A)); \ + *((T)+1)=(uchar) (((A) >> 8)); \ + *((T)+2)=(uchar) (((A) >> 16)); \ + *((T)+3)=(uchar) (((A) >> 24)); \ + *((T)+4)=(uchar) (((A) >> 32)); \ + *((T)+5)=(uchar) (((A) >> 40)); \ + } while(0) +#define int8store(T,A) *((ulonglong *) (T))= (ulonglong) (A) +typedef union { + double v; + long m[2]; +} doubleget_union; +#define doubleget(V,M) do { doubleget_union _tmp; \ + _tmp.m[0] = *((long*)(M)); \ + _tmp.m[1] = *(((long*) (M))+1); \ + (V) = _tmp.v;\ + } while(0) +#define doublestore(T,V) do { *((long *) T) = ((doubleget_union *)&V)->m[0]; \ + *(((long *) T)+1) = ((doubleget_union *)&V)->m[1];\ + } while (0) +#define float4get(V,M) do { *((float *) &(V)) = *((float*) (M)); } while(0) +#define float8get(V,M) doubleget((V),(M)) +#define float4store(V,M) memcpy((uchar*)(V), (uchar*)(&M), sizeof(float)) +#define floatstore(T,V) memcpy((uchar*)(T), (uchar*)(&V), sizeof(float)) +#define floatget(V,M) memcpy((uchar*)(&V),(uchar*) (M), sizeof(float)) +#define float8store(V,M) doublestore((V),(M)) diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic_x86_64.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic_x86_64.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3287acdcf --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic_x86_64.h @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Optimized function-like macros for the x86 architecture (_WIN32 included). +*/ +#define sint2korr(A) (int16) (*((int16 *) (A))) +#define sint3korr(A) ((int32) ((((uchar) (A)[2]) & 128) ? \ + (((uint32) 255L << 24) | \ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[2]) << 16) |\ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[1]) << 8) | \ + ((uint32) (uchar) (A)[0])) : \ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[2]) << 16) |\ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[1]) << 8) | \ + ((uint32) (uchar) (A)[0]))) +#define sint4korr(A) (int32) (*((int32 *) (A))) +#define uint2korr(A) (uint16) (*((uint16 *) (A))) +/* + Attention: Please, note, uint3korr reads 4 bytes (not 3)! + It means, that you have to provide enough allocated space. +*/ +#if defined(HAVE_purify) && !defined(_WIN32) +#define uint3korr(A) (uint32) (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16)) +#else +#define uint3korr(A) (uint32) (*((unsigned int *) (A)) & 0xFFFFFF) +#endif +#define uint4korr(A) (uint32) (*((uint32 *) (A))) +#define uint5korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[3])) << 24)) +\ + (((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[4])) << 32)) +#define uint6korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) + \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) + \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16) + \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[3])) << 24)) + \ + (((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[4])) << 32) + \ + (((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[5])) << 40)) +#define uint8korr(A) (ulonglong) (*((ulonglong *) (A))) +#define sint8korr(A) (longlong) (*((longlong *) (A))) + +#define int2store(T,A) do { uchar *pT= (uchar*)(T);\ + *((uint16*)(pT))= (uint16) (A);\ + } while (0) + +#define int3store(T,A) do { *(T)= (uchar) ((A));\ + *(T+1)=(uchar) (((uint) (A) >> 8));\ + *(T+2)=(uchar) (((A) >> 16));\ + } while (0) +#define int4store(T,A) do { uchar *pT= (uchar*)(T);\ + *((uint32 *) (pT))= (uint32) (A); \ + } while (0) + +#define int5store(T,A) do { *(T)= (uchar)((A));\ + *((T)+1)=(uchar) (((A) >> 8));\ + *((T)+2)=(uchar) (((A) >> 16));\ + *((T)+3)=(uchar) (((A) >> 24));\ + *((T)+4)=(uchar) (((A) >> 32));\ + } while(0) +#define int6store(T,A) do { *(T)= (uchar)((A)); \ + *((T)+1)=(uchar) (((A) >> 8)); \ + *((T)+2)=(uchar) (((A) >> 16)); \ + *((T)+3)=(uchar) (((A) >> 24)); \ + *((T)+4)=(uchar) (((A) >> 32)); \ + *((T)+5)=(uchar) (((A) >> 40)); \ + } while(0) +#define int8store(T,A) do { uchar *pT= (uchar*)(T);\ + *((ulonglong *) (pT))= (ulonglong) (A);\ + } while(0) + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/cmake_install.cmake b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/cmake_install.cmake new file mode 100644 index 000000000..44716de4e --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/cmake_install.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +# Install script for directory: /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include + +# Set the install prefix +IF(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) + SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "/usr/local/mysql") +ENDIF(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) +STRING(REGEX REPLACE "/$" "" CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") + +# Set the install configuration name. +IF(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_CONFIG_NAME) + IF(BUILD_TYPE) + STRING(REGEX REPLACE "^[^A-Za-z0-9_]+" "" + CMAKE_INSTALL_CONFIG_NAME "${BUILD_TYPE}") + ELSE(BUILD_TYPE) + SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_CONFIG_NAME "RelWithDebInfo") + ENDIF(BUILD_TYPE) + MESSAGE(STATUS "Install configuration: \"${CMAKE_INSTALL_CONFIG_NAME}\"") +ENDIF(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_CONFIG_NAME) + +# Set the component getting installed. +IF(NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT) + IF(COMPONENT) + MESSAGE(STATUS "Install component: \"${COMPONENT}\"") + SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT "${COMPONENT}") + ELSE(COMPONENT) + SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT) + ENDIF(COMPONENT) +ENDIF(NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT) + +# Install shared libraries without execute permission? +IF(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_SO_NO_EXE) + SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_SO_NO_EXE "1") +ENDIF(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_SO_NO_EXE) + +IF(NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT OR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT}" STREQUAL "Development") + FILE(INSTALL DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include" TYPE FILE FILES + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_com.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_time.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_list.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_alloc.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/typelib.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_audit.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_ftparser.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_validate_password.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_dbug.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/m_string.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_sys.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_xml.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_embed.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_pthread.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/decimal.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/errmsg.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_global.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_net.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_getopt.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-longopts.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_dir.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-vars.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-case.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/sql_common.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/keycache.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/m_ctype.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_attribute.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_compiler.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_com_server.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_byteorder.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic_x86.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic_x86_64.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/little_endian.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/big_endian.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl/include/mysql_version.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl/include/my_config.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl/include/mysqld_ername.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl/include/mysqld_error.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl/include/sql_state.h" + ) +ENDIF(NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT OR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT}" STREQUAL "Development") + +IF(NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT OR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT}" STREQUAL "Development") + FILE(INSTALL DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/mysql" TYPE DIRECTORY FILES "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/" REGEX "/[^/]*\\.h$" REGEX "/psi\\_abi[^/]*$" EXCLUDE) +ENDIF(NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT OR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT}" STREQUAL "Development") + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/config.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/config.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b3742866 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/config.h @@ -0,0 +1,667 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2009, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MY_CONFIG_H +#define MY_CONFIG_H +#define DOT_FRM_VERSION 6 +/* Headers we may want to use. */ +#define STDC_HEADERS 1 +#define _GNU_SOURCE 1 +#define HAVE_ALLOCA_H 1 +#define HAVE_AIO_H 1 +#define HAVE_ARPA_INET_H 1 +#define HAVE_ASM_MSR_H 1 +#define HAVE_ASM_TERMBITS_H 1 +#define HAVE_BSEARCH 1 +#define HAVE_CRYPT_H 1 +#define HAVE_CURSES_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_CXXABI_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_NCURSES_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_NDIR_H */ +#define HAVE_DIRENT_H 1 +#define HAVE_DLFCN_H 1 +#define HAVE_EXECINFO_H 1 +#define HAVE_FCNTL_H 1 +#define HAVE_FENV_H 1 +#define HAVE_FLOAT_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_FLOATINGPOINT_H */ +#define HAVE_FNMATCH_H 1 +#define HAVE_FPU_CONTROL_H 1 +#define HAVE_GRP_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_IA64INTRIN_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_IEEEFP_H */ +#define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1 +#define HAVE_LIMITS_H 1 +#define HAVE_LOCALE_H 1 +#define HAVE_MALLOC_H 1 +#define HAVE_MEMORY_H 1 +#define HAVE_NETINET_IN_H 1 +#define HAVE_PATHS_H 1 +#define HAVE_POLL_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PORT_H */ +#define HAVE_PWD_H 1 +#define HAVE_SCHED_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SELECT_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SOLARIS_LARGE_PAGES */ +#define HAVE_STDDEF_H 1 +#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1 +#define HAVE_STDARG_H 1 +#define HAVE_STRINGS_H 1 +#define HAVE_STRING_H 1 +#define HAVE_STDINT_H 1 +#define HAVE_SEMAPHORE_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYNCH_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SYSENT_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_DIR_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_CDEFS_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_FILE_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_FPU_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_IPC_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_MALLOC_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_NDIR_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_PTE_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_PTEM_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_SHM_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_STREAM_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_TERMCAP_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_TIMEB_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_TIMES_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_TIME_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_UN_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_VADVISE_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_TERM_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_TERMBITS_H */ +#define HAVE_TERMIOS_H 1 +#define HAVE_TERMIO_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_TERMCAP_H */ +#define HAVE_TIME_H 1 +#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1 +#define HAVE_UTIME_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_VARARGS_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_VIS_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_UTIME_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H 1 + +/* Libraries */ +/* #undef HAVE_LIBPTHREAD */ +#define HAVE_LIBM 1 +#define HAVE_LIBDL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_LIBRT */ +/* #undef HAVE_LIBSOCKET */ +/* #undef HAVE_LIBNSL */ +#define HAVE_LIBCRYPT 1 +/* #undef HAVE_LIBMTMALLOC */ +/* #undef HAVE_LIBWRAP */ +/* #undef HAVE_LIBRESOLV */ +/* Does "struct timespec" have a "sec" and "nsec" field? */ +/* #undef HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC */ + +/* Readline */ +#define HAVE_HIST_ENTRY 1 +#define USE_LIBEDIT_INTERFACE 1 + +#define FIONREAD_IN_SYS_IOCTL 1 +#define GWINSZ_IN_SYS_IOCTL 1 +/* #undef TIOCSTAT_IN_SYS_IOCTL */ +/* #undef FIONREAD_IN_SYS_FILIO */ + +/* Functions we may want to use. */ +/* #undef HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC */ +/* #undef HAVE_ALIGNED_FREE */ +/* #undef HAVE_AIOWAIT */ +#define HAVE_ALARM 1 +#define HAVE_ALLOCA 1 +/* #undef HAVE_BMOVE */ +#define HAVE_INDEX 1 +#define HAVE_CHOWN 1 +#define HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME 1 +#define HAVE_CRYPT 1 +#define HAVE_CUSERID 1 +/* #undef HAVE_DIRECTIO */ +#define HAVE_DLERROR 1 +#define HAVE_DLOPEN 1 +/* #undef HAVE_DOPRNT */ +#define HAVE_FCHMOD 1 +#define HAVE_FCNTL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_FCONVERT */ +#define HAVE_FDATASYNC 1 +#define HAVE_FESETROUND 1 +#define HAVE_FINITE 1 +/* #undef HAVE_FP_EXCEPT */ +/* #undef HAVE_FPSETMASK */ +#define HAVE_FSEEKO 1 +#define HAVE_FSYNC 1 +#define HAVE_FTIME 1 +#define HAVE_GETADDRINFO 1 +#define HAVE_GETCWD 1 +#define HAVE_GETHOSTBYADDR_R 1 +/* #undef HAVE_GETHRTIME */ +#define HAVE_GETLINE 1 +#define HAVE_GETNAMEINFO 1 +#define HAVE_GETPAGESIZE 1 +#define HAVE_GETPASS 1 +/* #undef HAVE_GETPASSPHRASE */ +#define HAVE_GETPWNAM 1 +#define HAVE_GETPWUID 1 +#define HAVE_GETRLIMIT 1 +#define HAVE_GETRUSAGE 1 +#define HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY 1 +#define HAVE_GETWD 1 +#define HAVE_GMTIME_R 1 +/* #undef gmtime_r */ +#define HAVE_INITGROUPS 1 +/* #undef HAVE_ISSETUGID */ +#define HAVE_GETUID 1 +#define HAVE_GETEUID 1 +#define HAVE_GETGID 1 +#define HAVE_GETEGID 1 +#define HAVE_ISNAN 1 +#define HAVE_ISINF 1 +#define HAVE_LARGE_PAGE_OPTION 1 +#define HAVE_LDIV 1 +#define HAVE_LRAND48 1 +#define HAVE_LOCALTIME_R 1 +#define HAVE_LOG2 1 +#define HAVE_LONGJMP 1 +#define HAVE_LSTAT 1 +#define HAVE_MEMALIGN 1 +/* #define HAVE_MLOCK 1 see Bug#54662 */ +#define HAVE_NPTL 1 +#define HAVE_NL_LANGINFO 1 +#define HAVE_MADVISE 1 +#define HAVE_DECL_MADVISE 1 +#define HAVE_DECL_TGOTO 1 +/* #undef HAVE_DECL_MHA_MAPSIZE_VA */ +#define HAVE_MALLOC_INFO 1 +#define HAVE_MEMCPY 1 +#define HAVE_MEMMOVE 1 +#define HAVE_MKSTEMP 1 +#define HAVE_MLOCKALL 1 +#define HAVE_MMAP 1 +#define HAVE_MMAP64 1 +#define HAVE_PERROR 1 +#define HAVE_POLL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PORT_CREATE */ +#define HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE 1 +#define HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN 1 +#define HAVE_PREAD 1 +#define HAVE_PAUSE_INSTRUCTION 1 +/* #undef HAVE_FAKE_PAUSE_INSTRUCTION */ +/* #undef HAVE_RDTSCLL */ +/* #undef HAVE_READ_REAL_TIME */ +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_CREATE */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETGUARDSIZE 1 +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETSTACKSIZE 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETPRIO */ +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSCHEDPARAM */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSCOPE 1 +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSTACKSIZE 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_CREATE */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_SETCLOCK 1 +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_KEY_DELETE 1 +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_KEY_DELETE 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_KILL */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_RDLOCK 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_SETPRIO_NP */ +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_SETSCHEDPARAM */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_SIGMASK 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_THREADMASK */ +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_YIELD_NP */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_YIELD_ZERO_ARG 1 +#define PTHREAD_ONCE_INITIALIZER PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT +#define HAVE_PUTENV 1 +#define HAVE_RE_COMP 1 +#define HAVE_REGCOMP 1 +#define HAVE_READDIR_R 1 +#define HAVE_READLINK 1 +#define HAVE_REALPATH 1 +#define HAVE_RENAME 1 +#define HAVE_RINT 1 +/* #undef HAVE_RWLOCK_INIT */ +#define HAVE_SCHED_YIELD 1 +#define HAVE_SELECT 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SETFD */ +#define HAVE_SETENV 1 +#define HAVE_SETLOCALE 1 +#define HAVE_SIGADDSET 1 +#define HAVE_SIGEMPTYSET 1 +#define HAVE_SIGHOLD 1 +#define HAVE_SIGSET 1 +#define HAVE_SIGSET_T 1 +#define HAVE_SIGACTION 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SIGTHREADMASK */ +#define HAVE_SIGWAIT 1 +#define HAVE_SLEEP 1 +#define HAVE_SNPRINTF 1 +#define HAVE_STPCPY 1 +#define HAVE_STRERROR 1 +#define HAVE_STRCOLL 1 +#define HAVE_STRSIGNAL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_STRLCPY */ +/* #undef HAVE_STRLCAT */ +/* #undef HAVE_FGETLN */ +#define HAVE_STRNLEN 1 +#define HAVE_STRPBRK 1 +#define HAVE_STRSEP 1 +#define HAVE_STRSTR 1 +#define HAVE_STRTOK_R 1 +#define HAVE_STRTOL 1 +#define HAVE_STRTOLL 1 +#define HAVE_STRTOUL 1 +#define HAVE_STRTOULL 1 +#define HAVE_SHMAT 1 +#define HAVE_SHMCTL 1 +#define HAVE_SHMDT 1 +#define HAVE_SHMGET 1 +/* #undef HAVE_TELL */ +#define HAVE_TEMPNAM 1 +/* #undef HAVE_THR_SETCONCURRENCY */ +/* #undef HAVE_THR_YIELD */ +#define HAVE_TIME 1 +#define HAVE_TIMES 1 +#define HAVE_VALLOC 1 +#define HAVE_VIO_READ_BUFF 1 +#define HAVE_VASPRINTF 1 +#define HAVE_VPRINTF 1 +#define HAVE_VSNPRINTF 1 +#define HAVE_FTRUNCATE 1 +#define HAVE_TZNAME 1 +/* #undef HAVE_AIO_READ */ +/* Symbols we may use */ +/* used by stacktrace functions */ +#define HAVE_BSS_START 1 +#define HAVE_BACKTRACE 1 +#define HAVE_BACKTRACE_SYMBOLS 1 +#define HAVE_BACKTRACE_SYMBOLS_FD 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PRINTSTACK */ +#define HAVE_STRUCT_SOCKADDR_IN6 1 +#define HAVE_STRUCT_IN6_ADDR 1 +/* #undef HAVE_NETINET_IN6_H */ +#define HAVE_IPV6 1 +/* #undef ss_family */ +/* #undef HAVE_SOCKADDR_IN_SIN_LEN */ +/* #undef HAVE_SOCKADDR_IN6_SIN6_LEN */ +/* #undef HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC */ +#define STRUCT_DIRENT_HAS_D_INO 1 +/* #undef STRUCT_DIRENT_HAS_D_NAMLEN */ +#define SPRINTF_RETURNS_INT 1 + +#define DNS_USE_CPU_CLOCK_FOR_ID 1 +#define HAVE_EPOLL 1 +#define HAVE_EPOLL_CTL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_EVENT_PORTS */ +#define HAVE_INET_NTOP 1 +/* #undef HAVE_KQUEUE */ +/* #undef HAVE_WORKING_KQUEUE */ +#define HAVE_SIGNAL 1 +#define HAVE_TIMERADD 1 +#define HAVE_TIMERCLEAR 1 +#define HAVE_TIMERCMP 1 +#define HAVE_TIMERISSET 1 + +/* #undef HAVE_DEVPOLL */ +#define HAVE_SIGNAL_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_DEVPOLL_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_EPOLL_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_EVENT_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_QUEUE_H 1 +#define HAVE_TAILQFOREACH 1 +#define USE_MB 1 +#define USE_MB_IDENT 1 + +/* #undef HAVE_VALGRIND */ + +/* Types we may use */ +#ifdef __APPLE__ + /* + Special handling required for OSX to support universal binaries that + mix 32 and 64 bit architectures. + */ + #if(__LP64__) + #define SIZEOF_LONG 8 + #else + #define SIZEOF_LONG 4 + #endif + #define SIZEOF_VOIDP SIZEOF_LONG + #define SIZEOF_CHARP SIZEOF_LONG + #define SIZEOF_SIZE_T SIZEOF_LONG +#else +/* No indentation, to fetch the lines from verification scripts */ +#define SIZEOF_LONG 8 +#define SIZEOF_VOIDP 8 +#define SIZEOF_CHARP 8 +#define SIZEOF_SIZE_T 8 +#endif + +#define SIZEOF_CHAR 1 +#define HAVE_CHAR 1 +#define HAVE_LONG 1 +#define HAVE_CHARP 1 +#define SIZEOF_SHORT 2 +#define HAVE_SHORT 1 +#define SIZEOF_INT 4 +#define HAVE_INT 1 +#define SIZEOF_LONG_LONG 8 +#define HAVE_LONG_LONG 1 +#define SIZEOF_OFF_T 8 +#define HAVE_OFF_T 1 +#define SIZEOF_SIGSET_T 128 +#define HAVE_SIGSET_T 1 +#define HAVE_SIZE_T 1 +/* #undef SIZEOF_UCHAR */ +/* #undef HAVE_UCHAR */ +#define SIZEOF_UINT 4 +#define HAVE_UINT 1 +#define SIZEOF_ULONG 8 +#define HAVE_ULONG 1 +/* #undef SIZEOF_INT8 */ +/* #undef HAVE_INT8 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_UINT8 */ +/* #undef HAVE_UINT8 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_INT16 */ +/* #undef HAVE_INT16 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_UINT16 */ +/* #undef HAVE_UINT16 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_INT32 */ +/* #undef HAVE_INT32 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_UINT32 */ +/* #undef HAVE_UINT32 */ +#define SIZEOF_U_INT32_T 4 +#define HAVE_U_INT32_T 1 +/* #undef SIZEOF_INT64 */ +/* #undef HAVE_INT64 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_UINT64 */ +/* #undef HAVE_UINT64 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_BOOL */ +/* #undef HAVE_BOOL */ + +#define SOCKET_SIZE_TYPE socklen_t + +#define HAVE_MBSTATE_T + +#define MAX_INDEXES 64U + +#define QSORT_TYPE_IS_VOID 1 +#define RETQSORTTYPE void + +#define SIGNAL_RETURN_TYPE_IS_VOID 1 +#define RETSIGTYPE void +#define VOID_SIGHANDLER 1 +#define STRUCT_RLIMIT struct rlimit + +#ifdef __APPLE__ + #if __BIG_ENDIAN + #define WORDS_BIGENDIAN 1 + #endif +#else +/* #undef WORDS_BIGENDIAN */ +#endif + +/* + Define to `__inline__' or `__inline' if that's what the C compiler calls it. +*/ +#define C_HAS_inline 1 +#if !(C_HAS_inline) +#ifndef __cplusplus +# define inline +#endif +#endif + + +#define TARGET_OS_LINUX 1 + +#define HAVE_WCTYPE_H 1 +#define HAVE_WCHAR_H 1 +#define HAVE_LANGINFO_H 1 +#define HAVE_MBRLEN +/* #undef HAVE_MBSCMP */ +#define HAVE_MBSRTOWCS +#define HAVE_WCRTOMB +#define HAVE_MBRTOWC +#define HAVE_WCSCOLL +#define HAVE_WCSDUP +#define HAVE_WCWIDTH +#define HAVE_WCTYPE +#define HAVE_ISWLOWER 1 +#define HAVE_ISWUPPER 1 +#define HAVE_TOWLOWER 1 +#define HAVE_TOWUPPER 1 +#define HAVE_ISWCTYPE 1 +#define HAVE_WCHAR_T 1 +#define HAVE_WCTYPE_T 1 +#define HAVE_WINT_T 1 + + +#define HAVE_STRCASECMP 1 +#define HAVE_STRNCASECMP 1 +#define HAVE_STRDUP 1 +#define HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET +#define HAVE_TCGETATTR 1 +#define HAVE_FLOCKFILE 1 + +#define HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_ABI_CXA_DEMANGLE */ + + +#define HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS 1 +/* #undef HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */ +/* #undef HAVE_SVR3_SIGNALS */ +/* #undef HAVE_V7_SIGNALS */ + + +/* #undef HAVE_SOLARIS_STYLE_GETHOST */ + +/* #undef MY_ATOMIC_MODE_DUMMY */ +/* #undef MY_ATOMIC_MODE_RWLOCKS */ +#define HAVE_GCC_ATOMIC_BUILTINS 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SOLARIS_ATOMIC */ +#define HAVE_DECL_SHM_HUGETLB 1 +#define HAVE_LARGE_PAGES 1 +#define HUGETLB_USE_PROC_MEMINFO 1 +/* #undef NO_FCNTL_NONBLOCK */ +/* #undef NO_ALARM */ + +/* #undef _LARGE_FILES */ +#define _LARGEFILE_SOURCE 1 +/* #undef _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE */ +#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 + +#define TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME 1 + +#define STACK_DIRECTION -1 + +#define SYSTEM_TYPE "Linux" +#define MACHINE_TYPE "x86_64" +/* #undef HAVE_DTRACE */ + +#define SIGNAL_WITH_VIO_SHUTDOWN 1 + +/* Windows stuff, mostly functions, that have Posix analogs but named differently */ +/* #undef S_IROTH */ +/* #undef S_IFIFO */ +/* #undef IPPROTO_IPV6 */ +/* #undef IPV6_V6ONLY */ +/* #undef sigset_t */ +/* #undef mode_t */ +/* #undef SIGQUIT */ +/* #undef SIGPIPE */ +/* #undef isnan */ +/* #undef finite */ +/* #undef popen */ +/* #undef pclose */ +/* #undef ssize_t */ +/* #undef strcasecmp */ +/* #undef strncasecmp */ +/* #undef snprintf */ +/* #undef strtok_r */ +/* #undef strtoll */ +/* #undef strtoull */ +/* #undef vsnprintf */ +#if (_MSC_VER > 1310) +# define HAVE_SETENV +#define setenv(a,b,c) _putenv_s(a,b) +#endif +/* We don't want the min/max macros */ +#ifdef __WIN__ +#define NOMINMAX +#endif + +/* + Memcached config options +*/ +/* #undef WITH_INNODB_MEMCACHED */ +/* #undef ENABLE_MEMCACHED_SASL */ +/* #undef ENABLE_MEMCACHED_SASL_PWDB */ +/* #undef HAVE_SASL_SASL_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_HTONLL */ + +/* + MySQL features +*/ +#define ENABLED_LOCAL_INFILE 1 +#define ENABLED_PROFILING 1 +/* #undef EXTRA_DEBUG */ +/* #undef BACKUP_TEST */ +/* #undef CYBOZU */ +#define OPTIMIZER_TRACE 1 +/* #undef USE_SYMDIR */ + +/* + InnoDB config options +*/ +#define INNODB_COMPILER_HINTS + +/* Character sets and collations */ +#define MYSQL_DEFAULT_CHARSET_NAME "latin1" +#define MYSQL_DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME "latin1_swedish_ci" + +#define USE_MB 1 +#define USE_MB_IDENT 1 +/* #undef USE_STRCOLL */ + +/* This should mean case insensitive file system */ +/* #undef FN_NO_CASE_SENSE */ + +#define HAVE_CHARSET_armscii8 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_ascii 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_big5 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp1250 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp1251 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp1256 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp1257 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp850 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp852 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp866 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp932 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_dec8 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_eucjpms 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_euckr 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_gb2312 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_gbk 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_geostd8 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_greek 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_hebrew 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_hp8 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_keybcs2 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_koi8r 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_koi8u 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_latin1 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_latin2 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_latin5 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_latin7 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_macce 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_macroman 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_sjis 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_swe7 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_tis620 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_ucs2 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_ujis 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_utf8mb4 1 +/* #undef HAVE_CHARSET_utf8mb3 */ +#define HAVE_CHARSET_utf8 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_utf16 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_utf32 1 +#define HAVE_UCA_COLLATIONS 1 +#define HAVE_COMPRESS 1 +/* #undef COMPILE_FLAG_WERROR */ + +/* + Stuff that always need to be defined (compile breaks without it) +*/ +#define HAVE_SPATIAL 1 +#define HAVE_RTREE_KEYS 1 +#define HAVE_QUERY_CACHE 1 +#define BIG_TABLES 1 + +/* + Important storage engines (those that really need define + WITH__STORAGE_ENGINE for the whole server) +*/ +#define WITH_MYISAM_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +#define WITH_MYISAMMRG_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +#define WITH_HEAP_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +#define WITH_CSV_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +#define WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +#define WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +/* #undef WITH_NDBCLUSTER_STORAGE_ENGINE */ +#if (WITH_NDBCLUSTER_STORAGE_ENGINE) && !defined(EMBEDDED_LIBRARY) +# define HAVE_NDB_BINLOG 1 +#endif + +#define DEFAULT_MYSQL_HOME "/usr/local/mysql" +#define SHAREDIR "/usr/local/mysql/share" +#define DEFAULT_BASEDIR "/usr/local/mysql" +#define MYSQL_DATADIR "/usr/local/mysql/data" +#define DEFAULT_CHARSET_HOME "/usr/local/mysql" +#define PLUGINDIR "/usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin" +#define DEFAULT_SYSCONFDIR "/usr/local/mysql/etc" + +/* #undef SO_EXT */ + +#define MYSQL_VERSION_MAJOR 5 +#define MYSQL_VERSION_MINOR 6 +#define MYSQL_VERSION_PATCH 14 +#define MYSQL_VERSION_EXTRA "" + +#define PACKAGE "mysql" +#define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "" +#define PACKAGE_NAME "MySQL Server" +#define PACKAGE_STRING "MySQL Server 5.6.14" +#define PACKAGE_TARNAME "mysql" +#define PACKAGE_VERSION "5.6.14" +#define VERSION "5.6.14" +#define PROTOCOL_VERSION 10 + + +/* time_t related defines */ + +#define SIZEOF_TIME_T 8 +/* #undef TIME_T_UNSIGNED */ + +/* CPU information */ + +#define CPU_LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE 64 + + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/crypt_genhash_impl.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/crypt_genhash_impl.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..828cf1984 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/crypt_genhash_impl.h @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +#ifndef CRYPT_HASHGEN_IMPL_H +#define CRYPT_HASHGEN_IMPL_H +#define ROUNDS_DEFAULT 5000 +#define ROUNDS_MIN 1000 +#define ROUNDS_MAX 999999999 +#define MIXCHARS 32 +#define CRYPT_SALT_LENGTH 20 +#define CRYPT_MAGIC_LENGTH 3 +#define CRYPT_PARAM_LENGTH 13 +#define SHA256_HASH_LENGTH 43 +#define CRYPT_MAX_PASSWORD_SIZE (CRYPT_SALT_LENGTH + \ + SHA256_HASH_LENGTH + \ + CRYPT_MAGIC_LENGTH + \ + CRYPT_PARAM_LENGTH) + +#include +#include + +int extract_user_salt(char **salt_begin, + char **salt_end); +C_MODE_START +char * +my_crypt_genhash(char *ctbuffer, + size_t ctbufflen, + const char *plaintext, + int plaintext_len, + const char *switchsalt, + const char **params); +void generate_user_salt(char *buffer, int buffer_len); +void xor_string(char *to, int to_len, char *pattern, int pattern_len); + +C_MODE_END +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/decimal.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/decimal.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..07f408c7c --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/decimal.h @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _decimal_h +#define _decimal_h + +typedef enum +{TRUNCATE=0, HALF_EVEN, HALF_UP, CEILING, FLOOR} + decimal_round_mode; +typedef int32 decimal_digit_t; + +/** + intg is the number of *decimal* digits (NOT number of decimal_digit_t's !) + before the point + frac is the number of decimal digits after the point + len is the length of buf (length of allocated space) in decimal_digit_t's, + not in bytes + sign false means positive, true means negative + buf is an array of decimal_digit_t's + */ +typedef struct st_decimal_t { + int intg, frac, len; + my_bool sign; + decimal_digit_t *buf; +} decimal_t; + +int internal_str2dec(const char *from, decimal_t *to, char **end, + my_bool fixed); +int decimal2string(const decimal_t *from, char *to, int *to_len, + int fixed_precision, int fixed_decimals, + char filler); +int decimal2ulonglong(decimal_t *from, ulonglong *to); +int ulonglong2decimal(ulonglong from, decimal_t *to); +int decimal2longlong(decimal_t *from, longlong *to); +int longlong2decimal(longlong from, decimal_t *to); +int decimal2double(const decimal_t *from, double *to); +int double2decimal(double from, decimal_t *to); +int decimal_actual_fraction(decimal_t *from); +int decimal2bin(decimal_t *from, uchar *to, int precision, int scale); +int bin2decimal(const uchar *from, decimal_t *to, int precision, int scale); + +/** + Convert decimal to lldiv_t. + The integer part is stored in to->quot. + The fractional part is multiplied to 10^9 and stored to to->rem. + @param from Decimal value + @param to lldiv_t value + @retval 0 on success + @retval !0 in error +*/ +int decimal2lldiv_t(const decimal_t *from, lldiv_t *to); + +/** + Convert doube to lldiv_t. + The integer part is stored in to->quot. + The fractional part is multiplied to 10^9 and stored to to->rem. + @param from Decimal value + @param to lldiv_t value + @retval 0 on success + @retval !0 in error +*/ + +int double2lldiv_t(double from, lldiv_t *to); +int decimal_size(int precision, int scale); +int decimal_bin_size(int precision, int scale); +int decimal_result_size(decimal_t *from1, decimal_t *from2, char op, + int param); + +int decimal_intg(const decimal_t *from); +int decimal_add(const decimal_t *from1, const decimal_t *from2, decimal_t *to); +int decimal_sub(const decimal_t *from1, const decimal_t *from2, decimal_t *to); +int decimal_cmp(const decimal_t *from1, const decimal_t *from2); +int decimal_mul(const decimal_t *from1, const decimal_t *from2, decimal_t *to); +int decimal_div(const decimal_t *from1, const decimal_t *from2, decimal_t *to, + int scale_incr); +int decimal_mod(const decimal_t *from1, const decimal_t *from2, decimal_t *to); +int decimal_round(const decimal_t *from, decimal_t *to, int new_scale, + decimal_round_mode mode); +int decimal_is_zero(const decimal_t *from); +void max_decimal(int precision, int frac, decimal_t *to); + +#define string2decimal(A,B,C) internal_str2dec((A), (B), (C), 0) +#define string2decimal_fixed(A,B,C) internal_str2dec((A), (B), (C), 1) + +/* set a decimal_t to zero */ + +#define decimal_make_zero(dec) do { \ + (dec)->buf[0]=0; \ + (dec)->intg=1; \ + (dec)->frac=0; \ + (dec)->sign=0; \ + } while(0) + +/* + returns the length of the buffer to hold string representation + of the decimal (including decimal dot, possible sign and \0) +*/ + +#define decimal_string_size(dec) (((dec)->intg ? (dec)->intg : 1) + \ + (dec)->frac + ((dec)->frac > 0) + 2) + +/* negate a decimal */ +#define decimal_neg(dec) do { (dec)->sign^=1; } while(0) + +/* + conventions: + + decimal_smth() == 0 -- everything's ok + decimal_smth() <= 1 -- result is usable, but precision loss is possible + decimal_smth() <= 2 -- result can be unusable, most significant digits + could've been lost + decimal_smth() > 2 -- no result was generated +*/ + +#define E_DEC_OK 0 +#define E_DEC_TRUNCATED 1 +#define E_DEC_OVERFLOW 2 +#define E_DEC_DIV_ZERO 4 +#define E_DEC_BAD_NUM 8 +#define E_DEC_OOM 16 + +#define E_DEC_ERROR 31 +#define E_DEC_FATAL_ERROR 30 + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/errmsg.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/errmsg.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..598a7c6f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/errmsg.h @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +#ifndef ERRMSG_INCLUDED +#define ERRMSG_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* Error messages for MySQL clients */ +/* (Error messages for the daemon are in sql/share/errmsg.txt) */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif +void init_client_errs(void); +void finish_client_errs(void); +extern const char *client_errors[]; /* Error messages */ +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#define CR_MIN_ERROR 2000 /* For easier client code */ +#define CR_MAX_ERROR 2999 +#if !defined(ER) +#define ER(X) client_errors[(X)-CR_MIN_ERROR] +#endif +#define CLIENT_ERRMAP 2 /* Errormap used by my_error() */ + +/* Do not add error numbers before CR_ERROR_FIRST. */ +/* If necessary to add lower numbers, change CR_ERROR_FIRST accordingly. */ +#define CR_ERROR_FIRST 2000 /*Copy first error nr.*/ +#define CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR 2000 +#define CR_SOCKET_CREATE_ERROR 2001 +#define CR_CONNECTION_ERROR 2002 +#define CR_CONN_HOST_ERROR 2003 +#define CR_IPSOCK_ERROR 2004 +#define CR_UNKNOWN_HOST 2005 +#define CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR 2006 +#define CR_VERSION_ERROR 2007 +#define CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY 2008 +#define CR_WRONG_HOST_INFO 2009 +#define CR_LOCALHOST_CONNECTION 2010 +#define CR_TCP_CONNECTION 2011 +#define CR_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_ERR 2012 +#define CR_SERVER_LOST 2013 +#define CR_COMMANDS_OUT_OF_SYNC 2014 +#define CR_NAMEDPIPE_CONNECTION 2015 +#define CR_NAMEDPIPEWAIT_ERROR 2016 +#define CR_NAMEDPIPEOPEN_ERROR 2017 +#define CR_NAMEDPIPESETSTATE_ERROR 2018 +#define CR_CANT_READ_CHARSET 2019 +#define CR_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE 2020 +#define CR_EMBEDDED_CONNECTION 2021 +#define CR_PROBE_SLAVE_STATUS 2022 +#define CR_PROBE_SLAVE_HOSTS 2023 +#define CR_PROBE_SLAVE_CONNECT 2024 +#define CR_PROBE_MASTER_CONNECT 2025 +#define CR_SSL_CONNECTION_ERROR 2026 +#define CR_MALFORMED_PACKET 2027 +#define CR_WRONG_LICENSE 2028 + +/* new 4.1 error codes */ +#define CR_NULL_POINTER 2029 +#define CR_NO_PREPARE_STMT 2030 +#define CR_PARAMS_NOT_BOUND 2031 +#define CR_DATA_TRUNCATED 2032 +#define CR_NO_PARAMETERS_EXISTS 2033 +#define CR_INVALID_PARAMETER_NO 2034 +#define CR_INVALID_BUFFER_USE 2035 +#define CR_UNSUPPORTED_PARAM_TYPE 2036 + +#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_CONNECTION 2037 +#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_CONNECT_REQUEST_ERROR 2038 +#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_CONNECT_ANSWER_ERROR 2039 +#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_CONNECT_FILE_MAP_ERROR 2040 +#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_CONNECT_MAP_ERROR 2041 +#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_FILE_MAP_ERROR 2042 +#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_MAP_ERROR 2043 +#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_EVENT_ERROR 2044 +#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_CONNECT_ABANDONED_ERROR 2045 +#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_CONNECT_SET_ERROR 2046 +#define CR_CONN_UNKNOW_PROTOCOL 2047 +#define CR_INVALID_CONN_HANDLE 2048 +#define CR_SECURE_AUTH 2049 +#define CR_FETCH_CANCELED 2050 +#define CR_NO_DATA 2051 +#define CR_NO_STMT_METADATA 2052 +#define CR_NO_RESULT_SET 2053 +#define CR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 2054 +#define CR_SERVER_LOST_EXTENDED 2055 +#define CR_STMT_CLOSED 2056 +#define CR_NEW_STMT_METADATA 2057 +#define CR_ALREADY_CONNECTED 2058 +#define CR_AUTH_PLUGIN_CANNOT_LOAD 2059 +#define CR_DUPLICATE_CONNECTION_ATTR 2060 +#define CR_AUTH_PLUGIN_ERR 2061 +#define CR_ERROR_LAST /*Copy last error nr:*/ 2061 +/* Add error numbers before CR_ERROR_LAST and change it accordingly. */ + +#endif /* ERRMSG_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/ft_global.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/ft_global.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..06ef4ecda --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/ft_global.h @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* Written by Sergei A. Golubchik, who has a shared copyright to this code */ + +/* some definitions for full-text indices */ + +/* #include "myisam.h" */ + +#ifndef _ft_global_h +#define _ft_global_h +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#define HA_FT_MAXBYTELEN 254 +#define HA_FT_MAXCHARLEN (HA_FT_MAXBYTELEN/3) + +#define DEFAULT_FTB_SYNTAX "+ -><()~*:\"\"&|" + +typedef struct st_ft_info FT_INFO; +struct _ft_vft +{ + int (*read_next)(FT_INFO *, char *); + float (*find_relevance)(FT_INFO *, uchar *, uint); + void (*close_search)(FT_INFO *); + float (*get_relevance)(FT_INFO *); + void (*reinit_search)(FT_INFO *); +}; + +typedef struct st_ft_info_ext FT_INFO_EXT; +struct _ft_vft_ext +{ + uint (*get_version)(); // Extended API version + ulonglong (*get_flags)(); + ulonglong (*get_docid)(FT_INFO_EXT *); + ulonglong (*count_matches)(FT_INFO_EXT *); +}; + +/* Flags for extended FT API */ +#define FTS_ORDERED_RESULT (LL(1) << 1) +#define FTS_DOCID_IN_RESULT (LL(1) << 2) + +#define FTS_DOC_ID_COL_NAME "FTS_DOC_ID" + +#ifndef FT_CORE +struct st_ft_info +{ + struct _ft_vft *please; /* INTERCAL style :-) */ +}; + +struct st_ft_info_ext +{ + struct _ft_vft *please; /* INTERCAL style :-) */ + struct _ft_vft_ext *could_you; +}; +#endif + +extern const char *ft_stopword_file; +extern const char *ft_precompiled_stopwords[]; + +extern ulong ft_min_word_len; +extern ulong ft_max_word_len; +extern ulong ft_query_expansion_limit; +extern const char *ft_boolean_syntax; +extern struct st_mysql_ftparser ft_default_parser; + +int ft_init_stopwords(void); +void ft_free_stopwords(void); + +#define FT_NL 0 +#define FT_BOOL 1 +#define FT_SORTED 2 +#define FT_EXPAND 4 /* query expansion */ + +FT_INFO *ft_init_search(uint,void *, uint, uchar *, uint, + const CHARSET_INFO *, uchar *); +my_bool ft_boolean_check_syntax_string(const uchar *); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/hash.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/hash.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b3a0b5cf4 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/hash.h @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* Dynamic hashing of record with different key-length */ + +#ifndef _hash_h +#define _hash_h + +#include "my_global.h" /* uchar */ +#include "my_sys.h" /* DYNAMIC_ARRAY */ + +/* + This forward declaration is used from C files where the real + definition is included before. Since C does not allow repeated + typedef declarations, even when identical, the definition may not be + repeated. +*/ +#ifndef CHARSET_INFO_DEFINED +#define CHARSET_INFO_DEFINED +typedef struct charset_info_st CHARSET_INFO; +#endif /* CHARSET_INFO_DEFINED */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + Overhead to store an element in hash + Can be used to approximate memory consumption for a hash + */ +#define HASH_OVERHEAD (sizeof(char*)*2) + +/* flags for hash_init */ +#define HASH_UNIQUE 1 /* hash_insert fails on duplicate key */ + +typedef uint my_hash_value_type; +typedef uchar *(*my_hash_get_key)(const uchar *,size_t*,my_bool); +typedef void (*my_hash_free_key)(void *); + +typedef struct st_hash { + size_t key_offset,key_length; /* Length of key if const length */ + size_t blength; + ulong records; + uint flags; + DYNAMIC_ARRAY array; /* Place for hash_keys */ + my_hash_get_key get_key; + void (*free)(void *); + CHARSET_INFO *charset; +} HASH; + +/* A search iterator state */ +typedef uint HASH_SEARCH_STATE; + +#define my_hash_init(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) \ + _my_hash_init(A,0,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) +#define my_hash_init2(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I) \ + _my_hash_init(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I) +my_bool _my_hash_init(HASH *hash, uint growth_size, CHARSET_INFO *charset, + ulong default_array_elements, size_t key_offset, + size_t key_length, my_hash_get_key get_key, + void (*free_element)(void*), + uint flags); +void my_hash_free(HASH *tree); +void my_hash_reset(HASH *hash); +uchar *my_hash_element(HASH *hash, ulong idx); +uchar *my_hash_search(const HASH *info, const uchar *key, size_t length); +uchar *my_hash_search_using_hash_value(const HASH *info, + my_hash_value_type hash_value, + const uchar *key, size_t length); +my_hash_value_type my_calc_hash(const HASH *info, + const uchar *key, size_t length); +uchar *my_hash_first(const HASH *info, const uchar *key, size_t length, + HASH_SEARCH_STATE *state); +uchar *my_hash_first_from_hash_value(const HASH *info, + my_hash_value_type hash_value, + const uchar *key, + size_t length, + HASH_SEARCH_STATE *state); +uchar *my_hash_next(const HASH *info, const uchar *key, size_t length, + HASH_SEARCH_STATE *state); +my_bool my_hash_insert(HASH *info, const uchar *data); +my_bool my_hash_delete(HASH *hash, uchar *record); +my_bool my_hash_update(HASH *hash, uchar *record, uchar *old_key, + size_t old_key_length); +void my_hash_replace(HASH *hash, HASH_SEARCH_STATE *state, uchar *new_row); +my_bool my_hash_check(HASH *hash); /* Only in debug library */ + +#define my_hash_clear(H) memset((H), 0, sizeof(*(H))) +#define my_hash_inited(H) ((H)->blength != 0) +#define my_hash_init_opt(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) \ + (!my_hash_inited(A) && _my_hash_init(A,0,B,C,D,E,F,G,H)) + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/heap.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/heap.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..02cb54006 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/heap.h @@ -0,0 +1,266 @@ +/* + Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA +*/ + +/* This file should be included when using heap_database_functions */ +/* Author: Michael Widenius */ + +#ifndef _heap_h +#define _heap_h +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#ifndef _my_base_h +#include +#endif + +#include +#include + +#include "my_compare.h" +#include "my_tree.h" + + /* defines used by heap-funktions */ + +#define HP_MAX_LEVELS 4 /* 128^5 records is enough */ +#define HP_PTRS_IN_NOD 128 + + /* struct used with heap_funktions */ + +typedef struct st_heapinfo /* Struct from heap_info */ +{ + ulong records; /* Records in database */ + ulong deleted; /* Deleted records in database */ + ulong max_records; + ulonglong data_length; + ulonglong index_length; + uint reclength; /* Length of one record */ + int errkey; + ulonglong auto_increment; + time_t create_time; +} HEAPINFO; + + + /* Structs used by heap-database-handler */ + +typedef struct st_heap_ptrs +{ + uchar *blocks[HP_PTRS_IN_NOD]; /* pointers to HP_PTRS or records */ +} HP_PTRS; + +struct st_level_info +{ + /* Number of unused slots in *last_blocks HP_PTRS block (0 for 0th level) */ + uint free_ptrs_in_block; + + /* + Maximum number of records that can be 'contained' inside of each element + of last_blocks array. For level 0 - 1, for level 1 - HP_PTRS_IN_NOD, for + level 2 - HP_PTRS_IN_NOD^2 and so forth. + */ + ulong records_under_level; + + /* + Ptr to last allocated HP_PTRS (or records buffer for level 0) on this + level. + */ + HP_PTRS *last_blocks; +}; + + +/* + Heap table records and hash index entries are stored in HP_BLOCKs. + HP_BLOCK is used as a 'growable array' of fixed-size records. Size of record + is recbuffer bytes. + The internal representation is as follows: + HP_BLOCK is a hierarchical structure of 'blocks'. + A block at level 0 is an array records_in_block records. + A block at higher level is an HP_PTRS structure with pointers to blocks at + lower levels. + At the highest level there is one top block. It is stored in HP_BLOCK::root. + + See hp_find_block for a description of how record pointer is obtained from + its index. + See hp_get_new_block +*/ + +typedef struct st_heap_block +{ + HP_PTRS *root; /* Top-level block */ + struct st_level_info level_info[HP_MAX_LEVELS+1]; + uint levels; /* number of used levels */ + uint records_in_block; /* Records in one heap-block */ + uint recbuffer; /* Length of one saved record */ + ulong last_allocated; /* number of records there is allocated space for */ +} HP_BLOCK; + +struct st_heap_info; /* For referense */ + +typedef struct st_hp_keydef /* Key definition with open */ +{ + uint flag; /* HA_NOSAME | HA_NULL_PART_KEY */ + uint keysegs; /* Number of key-segment */ + uint length; /* Length of key (automatic) */ + uint8 algorithm; /* HASH / BTREE */ + HA_KEYSEG *seg; + HP_BLOCK block; /* Where keys are saved */ + /* + Number of buckets used in hash table. Used only to provide + #records estimates for heap key scans. + */ + ha_rows hash_buckets; + TREE rb_tree; + int (*write_key)(struct st_heap_info *info, struct st_hp_keydef *keyinfo, + const uchar *record, uchar *recpos); + int (*delete_key)(struct st_heap_info *info, struct st_hp_keydef *keyinfo, + const uchar *record, uchar *recpos, int flag); + uint (*get_key_length)(struct st_hp_keydef *keydef, const uchar *key); +} HP_KEYDEF; + +typedef struct st_heap_share +{ + HP_BLOCK block; + HP_KEYDEF *keydef; + ulong min_records,max_records; /* Params to open */ + ulonglong data_length,index_length,max_table_size; + uint key_stat_version; /* version to indicate insert/delete */ + uint records; /* records */ + uint blength; /* records rounded up to 2^n */ + uint deleted; /* Deleted records in database */ + uint reclength; /* Length of one record */ + uint changed; + uint keys,max_key_length; + uint currently_disabled_keys; /* saved value from "keys" when disabled */ + uint open_count; + uchar *del_link; /* Link to next block with del. rec */ + char * name; /* Name of "memory-file" */ + time_t create_time; + THR_LOCK lock; + mysql_mutex_t intern_lock; /* Locking for use with _locking */ + my_bool delete_on_close; + LIST open_list; + uint auto_key; + uint auto_key_type; /* real type of the auto key segment */ + ulonglong auto_increment; +} HP_SHARE; + +struct st_hp_hash_info; + +typedef struct st_heap_info +{ + HP_SHARE *s; + uchar *current_ptr; + struct st_hp_hash_info *current_hash_ptr; + ulong current_record,next_block; + int lastinx,errkey; + int mode; /* Mode of file (READONLY..) */ + uint opt_flag,update; + uchar *lastkey; /* Last used key with rkey */ + uchar *recbuf; /* Record buffer for rb-tree keys */ + enum ha_rkey_function last_find_flag; + TREE_ELEMENT *parents[MAX_TREE_HEIGHT+1]; + TREE_ELEMENT **last_pos; + uint lastkey_len; + my_bool implicit_emptied; + THR_LOCK_DATA lock; + LIST open_list; +} HP_INFO; + + +typedef struct st_heap_create_info +{ + HP_KEYDEF *keydef; + ulong max_records; + ulong min_records; + uint auto_key; /* keynr [1 - maxkey] for auto key */ + uint auto_key_type; + uint keys; + uint reclength; + ulonglong max_table_size; + ulonglong auto_increment; + my_bool with_auto_increment; + my_bool internal_table; + /* + TRUE if heap_create should 'pin' the created share by setting + open_count to 1. Is only looked at if not internal_table. + */ + my_bool pin_share; +} HP_CREATE_INFO; + + /* Prototypes for heap-functions */ + +extern HP_INFO *heap_open(const char *name, int mode); +extern HP_INFO *heap_open_from_share(HP_SHARE *share, int mode); +extern HP_INFO *heap_open_from_share_and_register(HP_SHARE *share, int mode); +extern void heap_release_share(HP_SHARE *share, my_bool internal_table); +extern int heap_close(HP_INFO *info); +extern int heap_write(HP_INFO *info,const uchar *buff); +extern int heap_update(HP_INFO *info,const uchar *old,const uchar *newdata); +extern int heap_rrnd(HP_INFO *info,uchar *buf,uchar *pos); +extern int heap_scan_init(HP_INFO *info); +extern int heap_scan(register HP_INFO *info, uchar *record); +extern int heap_delete(HP_INFO *info,const uchar *buff); +extern int heap_info(HP_INFO *info,HEAPINFO *x,int flag); +extern int heap_create(const char *name, + HP_CREATE_INFO *create_info, HP_SHARE **share, + my_bool *created_new_share); +extern int heap_delete_table(const char *name); +extern void heap_drop_table(HP_INFO *info); +extern int heap_extra(HP_INFO *info,enum ha_extra_function function); +extern int heap_reset(HP_INFO *info); +extern int heap_rename(const char *old_name,const char *new_name); +extern int heap_panic(enum ha_panic_function flag); +extern int heap_rsame(HP_INFO *info,uchar *record,int inx); +extern int heap_rnext(HP_INFO *info,uchar *record); +extern int heap_rprev(HP_INFO *info,uchar *record); +extern int heap_rfirst(HP_INFO *info,uchar *record,int inx); +extern int heap_rlast(HP_INFO *info,uchar *record,int inx); +extern void heap_clear(HP_INFO *info); +extern void heap_clear_keys(HP_INFO *info); +extern int heap_disable_indexes(HP_INFO *info); +extern int heap_enable_indexes(HP_INFO *info); +extern int heap_indexes_are_disabled(HP_INFO *info); +extern void heap_update_auto_increment(HP_INFO *info, const uchar *record); +ha_rows hp_rb_records_in_range(HP_INFO *info, int inx, key_range *min_key, + key_range *max_key); +int hp_panic(enum ha_panic_function flag); +int heap_rkey(HP_INFO *info, uchar *record, int inx, const uchar *key, + key_part_map keypart_map, enum ha_rkey_function find_flag); +extern uchar * heap_find(HP_INFO *info,int inx,const uchar *key); +extern int heap_check_heap(HP_INFO *info, my_bool print_status); +extern uchar *heap_position(HP_INFO *info); + +/* The following is for programs that uses the old HEAP interface where + pointer to rows where a long instead of a (uchar*). +*/ + +#if defined(WANT_OLD_HEAP_VERSION) || defined(OLD_HEAP_VERSION) +extern int heap_rrnd_old(HP_INFO *info,uchar *buf,ulong pos); +extern ulong heap_position_old(HP_INFO *info); +#endif +#ifdef OLD_HEAP_VERSION +typedef ulong HEAP_PTR; +#define heap_position(A) heap_position_old(A) +#define heap_rrnd(A,B,C) heap_rrnd_old(A,B,C) +#else +typedef uchar *HEAP_PTR; +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/keycache.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/keycache.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3184f9802 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/keycache.h @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2003, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* Key cache variable structures */ + +#ifndef _keycache_h +#define _keycache_h + +#include "my_sys.h" /* flush_type */ + +C_MODE_START + +/* declare structures that is used by st_key_cache */ + +struct st_block_link; +typedef struct st_block_link BLOCK_LINK; +struct st_keycache_page; +typedef struct st_keycache_page KEYCACHE_PAGE; +struct st_hash_link; +typedef struct st_hash_link HASH_LINK; + +/* info about requests in a waiting queue */ +typedef struct st_keycache_wqueue +{ + struct st_my_thread_var *last_thread; /* circular list of waiting threads */ +} KEYCACHE_WQUEUE; + +#define CHANGED_BLOCKS_HASH 128 /* must be power of 2 */ + +/* + The key cache structure + It also contains read-only statistics parameters. +*/ + +typedef struct st_key_cache +{ + my_bool key_cache_inited; + my_bool in_resize; /* true during resize operation */ + my_bool resize_in_flush; /* true during flush of resize operation */ + my_bool can_be_used; /* usage of cache for read/write is allowed */ + size_t key_cache_mem_size; /* specified size of the cache memory */ + uint key_cache_block_size; /* size of the page buffer of a cache block */ + ulong min_warm_blocks; /* min number of warm blocks; */ + ulong age_threshold; /* age threshold for hot blocks */ + ulonglong keycache_time; /* total number of block link operations */ + uint hash_entries; /* max number of entries in the hash table */ + int hash_links; /* max number of hash links */ + int hash_links_used; /* number of hash links currently used */ + int disk_blocks; /* max number of blocks in the cache */ + ulong blocks_used; /* maximum number of concurrently used blocks */ + ulong blocks_unused; /* number of currently unused blocks */ + ulong blocks_changed; /* number of currently dirty blocks */ + ulong warm_blocks; /* number of blocks in warm sub-chain */ + ulong cnt_for_resize_op; /* counter to block resize operation */ + long blocks_available; /* number of blocks available in the LRU chain */ + HASH_LINK **hash_root; /* arr. of entries into hash table buckets */ + HASH_LINK *hash_link_root; /* memory for hash table links */ + HASH_LINK *free_hash_list; /* list of free hash links */ + BLOCK_LINK *free_block_list; /* list of free blocks */ + BLOCK_LINK *block_root; /* memory for block links */ + uchar *block_mem; /* memory for block buffers */ + BLOCK_LINK *used_last; /* ptr to the last block of the LRU chain */ + BLOCK_LINK *used_ins; /* ptr to the insertion block in LRU chain */ + mysql_mutex_t cache_lock; /* to lock access to the cache structure */ + KEYCACHE_WQUEUE resize_queue; /* threads waiting during resize operation */ + /* + Waiting for a zero resize count. Using a queue for symmetry though + only one thread can wait here. + */ + KEYCACHE_WQUEUE waiting_for_resize_cnt; + KEYCACHE_WQUEUE waiting_for_hash_link; /* waiting for a free hash link */ + KEYCACHE_WQUEUE waiting_for_block; /* requests waiting for a free block */ + BLOCK_LINK *changed_blocks[CHANGED_BLOCKS_HASH]; /* hash for dirty file bl.*/ + BLOCK_LINK *file_blocks[CHANGED_BLOCKS_HASH]; /* hash for other file bl.*/ + + /* + The following variables are and variables used to hold parameters for + initializing the key cache. + */ + + ulonglong param_buff_size; /* size the memory allocated for the cache */ + ulonglong param_block_size; /* size of the blocks in the key cache */ + ulonglong param_division_limit; /* min. percentage of warm blocks */ + ulonglong param_age_threshold; /* determines when hot block is downgraded */ + + /* Statistics variables. These are reset in reset_key_cache_counters(). */ + ulong global_blocks_changed; /* number of currently dirty blocks */ + ulonglong global_cache_w_requests;/* number of write requests (write hits) */ + ulonglong global_cache_write; /* number of writes from cache to files */ + ulonglong global_cache_r_requests;/* number of read requests (read hits) */ + ulonglong global_cache_read; /* number of reads from files to cache */ + + int blocks; /* max number of blocks in the cache */ + my_bool in_init; /* Set to 1 in MySQL during init/resize */ +} KEY_CACHE; + +/* The default key cache */ +extern KEY_CACHE dflt_key_cache_var, *dflt_key_cache; + +extern int init_key_cache(KEY_CACHE *keycache, uint key_cache_block_size, + size_t use_mem, uint division_limit, + uint age_threshold); +extern int resize_key_cache(KEY_CACHE *keycache, uint key_cache_block_size, + size_t use_mem, uint division_limit, + uint age_threshold); +extern void change_key_cache_param(KEY_CACHE *keycache, uint division_limit, + uint age_threshold); +extern uchar *key_cache_read(KEY_CACHE *keycache, + File file, my_off_t filepos, int level, + uchar *buff, uint length, + uint block_length,int return_buffer); +extern int key_cache_insert(KEY_CACHE *keycache, + File file, my_off_t filepos, int level, + uchar *buff, uint length); +extern int key_cache_write(KEY_CACHE *keycache, + File file, my_off_t filepos, int level, + uchar *buff, uint length, + uint block_length,int force_write); +extern int flush_key_blocks(KEY_CACHE *keycache, + int file, enum flush_type type); +extern void end_key_cache(KEY_CACHE *keycache, my_bool cleanup); + +/* Functions to handle multiple key caches */ +extern my_bool multi_keycache_init(void); +extern void multi_keycache_free(void); +extern KEY_CACHE *multi_key_cache_search(uchar *key, uint length); +extern my_bool multi_key_cache_set(const uchar *key, uint length, + KEY_CACHE *key_cache); +extern void multi_key_cache_change(KEY_CACHE *old_data, + KEY_CACHE *new_data); +extern int reset_key_cache_counters(const char *name, + KEY_CACHE *key_cache); +C_MODE_END +#endif /* _keycache_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/lf.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/lf.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..44c8279f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/lf.h @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2007, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _lf_h +#define _lf_h + +#include + +C_MODE_START + +/* + Helpers to define both func() and _func(), where + func() is a _func() protected by my_atomic_rwlock_wrlock() +*/ + +#define lock_wrap(f, t, proto_args, args, lock) \ +t _ ## f proto_args; \ +static inline t f proto_args \ +{ \ + t ret; \ + my_atomic_rwlock_wrlock(lock); \ + ret= _ ## f args; \ + my_atomic_rwlock_wrunlock(lock); \ + return ret; \ +} + +#define lock_wrap_void(f, proto_args, args, lock) \ +void _ ## f proto_args; \ +static inline void f proto_args \ +{ \ + my_atomic_rwlock_wrlock(lock); \ + _ ## f args; \ + my_atomic_rwlock_wrunlock(lock); \ +} + +#define nolock_wrap(f, t, proto_args, args) \ +t _ ## f proto_args; \ +static inline t f proto_args \ +{ \ + return _ ## f args; \ +} + +#define nolock_wrap_void(f, proto_args, args) \ +void _ ## f proto_args; \ +static inline void f proto_args \ +{ \ + _ ## f args; \ +} + +/* + wait-free dynamic array, see lf_dynarray.c + + 4 levels of 256 elements each mean 4311810304 elements in an array - it + should be enough for a while +*/ +#define LF_DYNARRAY_LEVEL_LENGTH 256 +#define LF_DYNARRAY_LEVELS 4 + +typedef struct { + void * volatile level[LF_DYNARRAY_LEVELS]; + uint size_of_element; + my_atomic_rwlock_t lock; +} LF_DYNARRAY; + +typedef int (*lf_dynarray_func)(void *, void *); + +void lf_dynarray_init(LF_DYNARRAY *array, uint element_size); +void lf_dynarray_destroy(LF_DYNARRAY *array); + +nolock_wrap(lf_dynarray_value, void *, + (LF_DYNARRAY *array, uint idx), + (array, idx)) +lock_wrap(lf_dynarray_lvalue, void *, + (LF_DYNARRAY *array, uint idx), + (array, idx), + &array->lock) +nolock_wrap(lf_dynarray_iterate, int, + (LF_DYNARRAY *array, lf_dynarray_func func, void *arg), + (array, func, arg)) + +/* + pin manager for memory allocator, lf_alloc-pin.c +*/ + +#define LF_PINBOX_PINS 4 +#define LF_PURGATORY_SIZE 10 + +typedef void lf_pinbox_free_func(void *, void *, void*); + +typedef struct { + LF_DYNARRAY pinarray; + lf_pinbox_free_func *free_func; + void *free_func_arg; + uint free_ptr_offset; + uint32 volatile pinstack_top_ver; /* this is a versioned pointer */ + uint32 volatile pins_in_array; /* number of elements in array */ +} LF_PINBOX; + +typedef struct { + void * volatile pin[LF_PINBOX_PINS]; + LF_PINBOX *pinbox; + void **stack_ends_here; + void *purgatory; + uint32 purgatory_count; + uint32 volatile link; +/* we want sizeof(LF_PINS) to be 64 to avoid false sharing */ +#if SIZEOF_INT*2+SIZEOF_CHARP*(LF_PINBOX_PINS+3) != 64 + char pad[64-sizeof(uint32)*2-sizeof(void*)*(LF_PINBOX_PINS+3)]; +#endif +} LF_PINS; + +/* + shortcut macros to do an atomic_wrlock on a structure that uses pins + (e.g. lf_hash). +*/ +#define lf_rwlock_by_pins(PINS) \ + my_atomic_rwlock_wrlock(&(PINS)->pinbox->pinarray.lock) +#define lf_rwunlock_by_pins(PINS) \ + my_atomic_rwlock_wrunlock(&(PINS)->pinbox->pinarray.lock) + +/* + compile-time assert, to require "no less than N" pins + it's enough if it'll fail on at least one compiler, so + we'll enable it on GCC only, which supports zero-length arrays. +*/ +#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(MY_LF_EXTRA_DEBUG) +#define LF_REQUIRE_PINS(N) \ + static const char require_pins[LF_PINBOX_PINS-N] \ + __attribute__ ((unused)); \ + static const int LF_NUM_PINS_IN_THIS_FILE= N; +#define _lf_pin(PINS, PIN, ADDR) \ + ( \ + assert(PIN < LF_NUM_PINS_IN_THIS_FILE), \ + my_atomic_storeptr(&(PINS)->pin[PIN], (ADDR)) \ + ) +#else +#define LF_REQUIRE_PINS(N) +#define _lf_pin(PINS, PIN, ADDR) my_atomic_storeptr(&(PINS)->pin[PIN], (ADDR)) +#endif + +#define _lf_unpin(PINS, PIN) _lf_pin(PINS, PIN, NULL) +#define lf_pin(PINS, PIN, ADDR) \ + do { \ + lf_rwlock_by_pins(PINS); \ + _lf_pin(PINS, PIN, ADDR); \ + lf_rwunlock_by_pins(PINS); \ + } while (0) +#define lf_unpin(PINS, PIN) lf_pin(PINS, PIN, NULL) +#define _lf_assert_pin(PINS, PIN) assert((PINS)->pin[PIN] != 0) +#define _lf_assert_unpin(PINS, PIN) assert((PINS)->pin[PIN] == 0) + +void lf_pinbox_init(LF_PINBOX *pinbox, uint free_ptr_offset, + lf_pinbox_free_func *free_func, void * free_func_arg); +void lf_pinbox_destroy(LF_PINBOX *pinbox); + +lock_wrap(lf_pinbox_get_pins, LF_PINS *, + (LF_PINBOX *pinbox), + (pinbox), + &pinbox->pinarray.lock) +lock_wrap_void(lf_pinbox_put_pins, + (LF_PINS *pins), + (pins), + &pins->pinbox->pinarray.lock) +lock_wrap_void(lf_pinbox_free, + (LF_PINS *pins, void *addr), + (pins, addr), + &pins->pinbox->pinarray.lock) + +/* + memory allocator, lf_alloc-pin.c +*/ + +typedef struct st_lf_allocator { + LF_PINBOX pinbox; + uchar * volatile top; + uint element_size; + uint32 volatile mallocs; + void (*constructor)(uchar *); /* called, when an object is malloc()'ed */ + void (*destructor)(uchar *); /* called, when an object is free()'d */ +} LF_ALLOCATOR; + +void lf_alloc_init(LF_ALLOCATOR *allocator, uint size, uint free_ptr_offset); +void lf_alloc_destroy(LF_ALLOCATOR *allocator); +uint lf_alloc_pool_count(LF_ALLOCATOR *allocator); +/* + shortcut macros to access underlying pinbox functions from an LF_ALLOCATOR + see _lf_pinbox_get_pins() and _lf_pinbox_put_pins() +*/ +#define _lf_alloc_free(PINS, PTR) _lf_pinbox_free((PINS), (PTR)) +#define lf_alloc_free(PINS, PTR) lf_pinbox_free((PINS), (PTR)) +#define _lf_alloc_get_pins(A) _lf_pinbox_get_pins(&(A)->pinbox) +#define lf_alloc_get_pins(A) lf_pinbox_get_pins(&(A)->pinbox) +#define _lf_alloc_put_pins(PINS) _lf_pinbox_put_pins(PINS) +#define lf_alloc_put_pins(PINS) lf_pinbox_put_pins(PINS) +#define lf_alloc_direct_free(ALLOC, ADDR) my_free((ADDR)) + +lock_wrap(lf_alloc_new, void *, + (LF_PINS *pins), + (pins), + &pins->pinbox->pinarray.lock) + +C_MODE_END + +/* + extendible hash, lf_hash.c +*/ +#include + +C_MODE_START + +#define LF_HASH_UNIQUE 1 + +/* lf_hash overhead per element (that is, sizeof(LF_SLIST) */ +extern const int LF_HASH_OVERHEAD; + +typedef struct { + LF_DYNARRAY array; /* hash itself */ + LF_ALLOCATOR alloc; /* allocator for elements */ + my_hash_get_key get_key; /* see HASH */ + CHARSET_INFO *charset; /* see HASH */ + uint key_offset, key_length; /* see HASH */ + uint element_size; /* size of memcpy'ed area on insert */ + uint flags; /* LF_HASH_UNIQUE, etc */ + int32 volatile size; /* size of array */ + int32 volatile count; /* number of elements in the hash */ +} LF_HASH; + +void lf_hash_init(LF_HASH *hash, uint element_size, uint flags, + uint key_offset, uint key_length, my_hash_get_key get_key, + CHARSET_INFO *charset); +void lf_hash_destroy(LF_HASH *hash); +int lf_hash_insert(LF_HASH *hash, LF_PINS *pins, const void *data); +void *lf_hash_search(LF_HASH *hash, LF_PINS *pins, const void *key, uint keylen); +int lf_hash_delete(LF_HASH *hash, LF_PINS *pins, const void *key, uint keylen); +/* + shortcut macros to access underlying pinbox functions from an LF_HASH + see _lf_pinbox_get_pins() and _lf_pinbox_put_pins() +*/ +#define _lf_hash_get_pins(HASH) _lf_alloc_get_pins(&(HASH)->alloc) +#define lf_hash_get_pins(HASH) lf_alloc_get_pins(&(HASH)->alloc) +#define _lf_hash_put_pins(PINS) _lf_pinbox_put_pins(PINS) +#define lf_hash_put_pins(PINS) lf_pinbox_put_pins(PINS) +#define lf_hash_search_unpin(PINS) lf_unpin((PINS), 2) +/* + cleanup +*/ + +#undef lock_wrap_void +#undef lock_wrap +#undef nolock_wrap_void +#undef nolock_wrap + +C_MODE_END + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/little_endian.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/little_endian.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7fd155b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/little_endian.h @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Data in little-endian format. +*/ + +#ifndef MY_BYTE_ORDER_ARCH_OPTIMIZED +#define float4get(V,M) memcpy(&V, (M), sizeof(float)) +#define float4store(V,M) memcpy(V, (&M), sizeof(float)) +#define float8get(V,M) doubleget((V),(M)) +#define float8store(V,M) doublestore((V),(M)) + +/* Bi-endian hardware.... */ +#if defined(__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER) && (__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN) +#define doublestore(T,V) do { *(((char*)T)+0)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[4];\ + *(((char*)T)+1)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[5];\ + *(((char*)T)+2)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[6];\ + *(((char*)T)+3)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[7];\ + *(((char*)T)+4)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[0];\ + *(((char*)T)+5)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[1];\ + *(((char*)T)+6)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[2];\ + *(((char*)T)+7)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[3]; }\ + while(0) +#define doubleget(V,M) do { double def_temp;\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]=(M)[4];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]=(M)[5];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]=(M)[6];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]=(M)[7];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[4]=(M)[0];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[5]=(M)[1];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[6]=(M)[2];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[7]=(M)[3];\ + (V) = def_temp; } while(0) +#else /* Bi-endian hardware.... */ + +/* Cast away type qualifiers (necessary as macro takes argument by value). */ +#define doublestore(T,V) memcpy((T), (void*) &V, sizeof(double)) +#define doubleget(V,M) memcpy(&V, (M), sizeof(double)) + +#endif /* Bi-endian hardware.... */ + +#endif /* !MY_BYTE_ORDER_ARCH_OPTIMIZED */ + +#define ushortget(V,M) do { uchar *pM= (uchar*)(M);V = uint2korr(pM);} while(0) +#define shortget(V,M) do { uchar *pM= (uchar*)(M);V = sint2korr(pM);} while(0) +#define longget(V,M) do { uchar *pM= (uchar*)(M);V = sint4korr(pM);} while(0) +#define ulongget(V,M) do { uchar *pM= (uchar*)(M);V = uint4korr(pM);} while(0) +#define shortstore(T,V) int2store(T,V) +#define longstore(T,V) int4store(T,V) + +#ifndef floatstore +/* Cast away type qualifiers (necessary as macro takes argument by value). */ +#define floatstore(T,V) memcpy((T), (void*) (&V), sizeof(float)) +#define floatget(V,M) memcpy(&V, (M), sizeof(float)) +#endif + +#define longlongget(V,M) memcpy(&V, (M), sizeof(ulonglong)) +#define longlongstore(T,V) memcpy((T), &V, sizeof(ulonglong)) diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/m_ctype.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/m_ctype.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2c9c5f75d --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/m_ctype.h @@ -0,0 +1,796 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + A better inplementation of the UNIX ctype(3) library. +*/ + +#ifndef _m_ctype_h +#define _m_ctype_h + +#include +#include "my_global.h" /* uint16, uchar */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#define MY_CS_NAME_SIZE 32 +#define MY_CS_CTYPE_TABLE_SIZE 257 +#define MY_CS_TO_LOWER_TABLE_SIZE 256 +#define MY_CS_TO_UPPER_TABLE_SIZE 256 +#define MY_CS_SORT_ORDER_TABLE_SIZE 256 +#define MY_CS_TO_UNI_TABLE_SIZE 256 + +#define CHARSET_DIR "charsets/" + +#define my_wc_t ulong + +#define MY_CS_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER 0xFFFD + +/* + On i386 we store Unicode->CS conversion tables for + some character sets using Big-endian order, + to copy two bytes at onces. + This gives some performance improvement. +*/ +#ifdef __i386__ +#define MB2(x) (((x) >> 8) + (((x) & 0xFF) << 8)) +#define MY_PUT_MB2(s, code) { *((uint16*)(s))= (code); } +#else +#define MB2(x) (x) +#define MY_PUT_MB2(s, code) { (s)[0]= code >> 8; (s)[1]= code & 0xFF; } +#endif + + + +typedef struct unicase_info_char_st +{ + uint32 toupper; + uint32 tolower; + uint32 sort; +} MY_UNICASE_CHARACTER; + + +typedef struct unicase_info_st +{ + my_wc_t maxchar; + MY_UNICASE_CHARACTER **page; +} MY_UNICASE_INFO; + + +extern MY_UNICASE_INFO my_unicase_default; +extern MY_UNICASE_INFO my_unicase_turkish; +extern MY_UNICASE_INFO my_unicase_mysql500; +extern MY_UNICASE_INFO my_unicase_unicode520; + +#define MY_UCA_MAX_CONTRACTION 6 +#define MY_UCA_MAX_WEIGHT_SIZE 8 +#define MY_UCA_WEIGHT_LEVELS 1 + +typedef struct my_contraction_t +{ + my_wc_t ch[MY_UCA_MAX_CONTRACTION]; /* Character sequence */ + uint16 weight[MY_UCA_MAX_WEIGHT_SIZE];/* Its weight string, 0-terminated */ + my_bool with_context; +} MY_CONTRACTION; + + + +typedef struct my_contraction_list_t +{ + size_t nitems; /* Number of items in the list */ + MY_CONTRACTION *item; /* List of contractions */ + char *flags; /* Character flags, e.g. "is contraction head") */ +} MY_CONTRACTIONS; + + +my_bool my_uca_can_be_contraction_head(const MY_CONTRACTIONS *c, my_wc_t wc); +my_bool my_uca_can_be_contraction_tail(const MY_CONTRACTIONS *c, my_wc_t wc); +uint16 *my_uca_contraction2_weight(const MY_CONTRACTIONS *c, + my_wc_t wc1, my_wc_t wc2); + + +/* Collation weights on a single level (e.g. primary, secondary, tertiarty) */ +typedef struct my_uca_level_info_st +{ + my_wc_t maxchar; + uchar *lengths; + uint16 **weights; + MY_CONTRACTIONS contractions; +} MY_UCA_WEIGHT_LEVEL; + + +typedef struct uca_info_st +{ + MY_UCA_WEIGHT_LEVEL level[MY_UCA_WEIGHT_LEVELS]; + + /* Logical positions */ + my_wc_t first_non_ignorable; + my_wc_t last_non_ignorable; + my_wc_t first_primary_ignorable; + my_wc_t last_primary_ignorable; + my_wc_t first_secondary_ignorable; + my_wc_t last_secondary_ignorable; + my_wc_t first_tertiary_ignorable; + my_wc_t last_tertiary_ignorable; + my_wc_t first_trailing; + my_wc_t last_trailing; + my_wc_t first_variable; + my_wc_t last_variable; + +} MY_UCA_INFO; + + + +extern MY_UCA_INFO my_uca_v400; + + +typedef struct uni_ctype_st +{ + uchar pctype; + uchar *ctype; +} MY_UNI_CTYPE; + +extern MY_UNI_CTYPE my_uni_ctype[256]; + +/* wm_wc and wc_mb return codes */ +#define MY_CS_ILSEQ 0 /* Wrong by sequence: wb_wc */ +#define MY_CS_ILUNI 0 /* Cannot encode Unicode to charset: wc_mb */ +#define MY_CS_TOOSMALL -101 /* Need at least one byte: wc_mb and mb_wc */ +#define MY_CS_TOOSMALL2 -102 /* Need at least two bytes: wc_mb and mb_wc */ +#define MY_CS_TOOSMALL3 -103 /* Need at least three bytes: wc_mb and mb_wc */ +/* These following three are currently not really used */ +#define MY_CS_TOOSMALL4 -104 /* Need at least 4 bytes: wc_mb and mb_wc */ +#define MY_CS_TOOSMALL5 -105 /* Need at least 5 bytes: wc_mb and mb_wc */ +#define MY_CS_TOOSMALL6 -106 /* Need at least 6 bytes: wc_mb and mb_wc */ +/* A helper macros for "need at least n bytes" */ +#define MY_CS_TOOSMALLN(n) (-100-(n)) + +#define MY_SEQ_INTTAIL 1 +#define MY_SEQ_SPACES 2 + + /* My charsets_list flags */ +#define MY_CS_COMPILED 1 /* compiled-in sets */ +#define MY_CS_CONFIG 2 /* sets that have a *.conf file */ +#define MY_CS_INDEX 4 /* sets listed in the Index file */ +#define MY_CS_LOADED 8 /* sets that are currently loaded */ +#define MY_CS_BINSORT 16 /* if binary sort order */ +#define MY_CS_PRIMARY 32 /* if primary collation */ +#define MY_CS_STRNXFRM 64 /* if strnxfrm is used for sort */ +#define MY_CS_UNICODE 128 /* is a charset is BMP Unicode */ +#define MY_CS_READY 256 /* if a charset is initialized */ +#define MY_CS_AVAILABLE 512 /* If either compiled-in or loaded*/ +#define MY_CS_CSSORT 1024 /* if case sensitive sort order */ +#define MY_CS_HIDDEN 2048 /* don't display in SHOW */ +#define MY_CS_PUREASCII 4096 /* if a charset is pure ascii */ +#define MY_CS_NONASCII 8192 /* if not ASCII-compatible */ +#define MY_CS_UNICODE_SUPPLEMENT 16384 /* Non-BMP Unicode characters */ +#define MY_CS_LOWER_SORT 32768 /* If use lower case as weight */ +#define MY_CHARSET_UNDEFINED 0 + +/* Character repertoire flags */ +#define MY_REPERTOIRE_ASCII 1 /* Pure ASCII U+0000..U+007F */ +#define MY_REPERTOIRE_EXTENDED 2 /* Extended characters: U+0080..U+FFFF */ +#define MY_REPERTOIRE_UNICODE30 3 /* ASCII | EXTENDED: U+0000..U+FFFF */ + +/* Flags for strxfrm */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_LEVEL1 0x00000001 /* for primary weights */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_LEVEL2 0x00000002 /* for secondary weights */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_LEVEL3 0x00000004 /* for tertiary weights */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_LEVEL4 0x00000008 /* fourth level weights */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_LEVEL5 0x00000010 /* fifth level weights */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_LEVEL6 0x00000020 /* sixth level weights */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_LEVEL_ALL 0x0000003F /* Bit OR for the above six */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_NLEVELS 6 /* Number of possible levels*/ + +#define MY_STRXFRM_PAD_WITH_SPACE 0x00000040 /* if pad result with spaces */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_PAD_TO_MAXLEN 0x00000080 /* if pad tail(for filesort) */ + +#define MY_STRXFRM_DESC_LEVEL1 0x00000100 /* if desc order for level1 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_DESC_LEVEL2 0x00000200 /* if desc order for level2 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_DESC_LEVEL3 0x00000300 /* if desc order for level3 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_DESC_LEVEL4 0x00000800 /* if desc order for level4 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_DESC_LEVEL5 0x00001000 /* if desc order for level5 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_DESC_LEVEL6 0x00002000 /* if desc order for level6 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_DESC_SHIFT 8 + +#define MY_STRXFRM_UNUSED_00004000 0x00004000 /* for future extensions */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_UNUSED_00008000 0x00008000 /* for future extensions */ + +#define MY_STRXFRM_REVERSE_LEVEL1 0x00010000 /* if reverse order for level1 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_REVERSE_LEVEL2 0x00020000 /* if reverse order for level2 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_REVERSE_LEVEL3 0x00040000 /* if reverse order for level3 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_REVERSE_LEVEL4 0x00080000 /* if reverse order for level4 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_REVERSE_LEVEL5 0x00100000 /* if reverse order for level5 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_REVERSE_LEVEL6 0x00200000 /* if reverse order for level6 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_REVERSE_SHIFT 16 + + +typedef struct my_uni_idx_st +{ + uint16 from; + uint16 to; + uchar *tab; +} MY_UNI_IDX; + +typedef struct +{ + uint beg; + uint end; + uint mb_len; +} my_match_t; + +enum my_lex_states +{ + MY_LEX_START, MY_LEX_CHAR, MY_LEX_IDENT, + MY_LEX_IDENT_SEP, MY_LEX_IDENT_START, + MY_LEX_REAL, MY_LEX_HEX_NUMBER, MY_LEX_BIN_NUMBER, + MY_LEX_CMP_OP, MY_LEX_LONG_CMP_OP, MY_LEX_STRING, MY_LEX_COMMENT, MY_LEX_END, + MY_LEX_OPERATOR_OR_IDENT, MY_LEX_NUMBER_IDENT, MY_LEX_INT_OR_REAL, + MY_LEX_REAL_OR_POINT, MY_LEX_BOOL, MY_LEX_EOL, MY_LEX_ESCAPE, + MY_LEX_LONG_COMMENT, MY_LEX_END_LONG_COMMENT, MY_LEX_SEMICOLON, + MY_LEX_SET_VAR, MY_LEX_USER_END, MY_LEX_HOSTNAME, MY_LEX_SKIP, + MY_LEX_USER_VARIABLE_DELIMITER, MY_LEX_SYSTEM_VAR, + MY_LEX_IDENT_OR_KEYWORD, + MY_LEX_IDENT_OR_HEX, MY_LEX_IDENT_OR_BIN, MY_LEX_IDENT_OR_NCHAR, + MY_LEX_STRING_OR_DELIMITER +}; + +struct charset_info_st; + +typedef struct my_charset_loader_st +{ + char error[128]; + void *(*once_alloc)(size_t); + void *(*malloc)(size_t); + void *(*realloc)(void *, size_t); + void (*free)(void *); + void (*reporter)(enum loglevel, const char *format, ...); + int (*add_collation)(struct charset_info_st *cs); +} MY_CHARSET_LOADER; + + +extern int (*my_string_stack_guard)(int); + +/* See strings/CHARSET_INFO.txt for information about this structure */ +typedef struct my_collation_handler_st +{ + my_bool (*init)(struct charset_info_st *, MY_CHARSET_LOADER *); + /* Collation routines */ + int (*strnncoll)(const struct charset_info_st *, + const uchar *, size_t, const uchar *, size_t, my_bool); + int (*strnncollsp)(const struct charset_info_st *, + const uchar *, size_t, const uchar *, size_t, + my_bool diff_if_only_endspace_difference); + size_t (*strnxfrm)(const struct charset_info_st *, + uchar *dst, size_t dstlen, uint nweights, + const uchar *src, size_t srclen, uint flags); + size_t (*strnxfrmlen)(const struct charset_info_st *, size_t); + my_bool (*like_range)(const struct charset_info_st *, + const char *s, size_t s_length, + pchar w_prefix, pchar w_one, pchar w_many, + size_t res_length, + char *min_str, char *max_str, + size_t *min_len, size_t *max_len); + int (*wildcmp)(const struct charset_info_st *, + const char *str,const char *str_end, + const char *wildstr,const char *wildend, + int escape,int w_one, int w_many); + + int (*strcasecmp)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *, + const char *); + + uint (*instr)(const struct charset_info_st *, + const char *b, size_t b_length, + const char *s, size_t s_length, + my_match_t *match, uint nmatch); + + /* Hash calculation */ + void (*hash_sort)(const struct charset_info_st *cs, const uchar *key, + size_t len, ulong *nr1, ulong *nr2); + my_bool (*propagate)(const struct charset_info_st *cs, const uchar *str, + size_t len); +} MY_COLLATION_HANDLER; + +extern MY_COLLATION_HANDLER my_collation_mb_bin_handler; +extern MY_COLLATION_HANDLER my_collation_8bit_bin_handler; +extern MY_COLLATION_HANDLER my_collation_8bit_simple_ci_handler; +extern MY_COLLATION_HANDLER my_collation_ucs2_uca_handler; + +/* Some typedef to make it easy for C++ to make function pointers */ +typedef int (*my_charset_conv_mb_wc)(const struct charset_info_st *, + my_wc_t *, const uchar *, const uchar *); +typedef int (*my_charset_conv_wc_mb)(const struct charset_info_st *, my_wc_t, + uchar *, uchar *); +typedef size_t (*my_charset_conv_case)(const struct charset_info_st *, + char *, size_t, char *, size_t); + + +/* See strings/CHARSET_INFO.txt about information on this structure */ +typedef struct my_charset_handler_st +{ + my_bool (*init)(struct charset_info_st *, MY_CHARSET_LOADER *loader); + /* Multibyte routines */ + uint (*ismbchar)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *, + const char *); + uint (*mbcharlen)(const struct charset_info_st *, uint c); + size_t (*numchars)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *b, + const char *e); + size_t (*charpos)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *b, + const char *e, size_t pos); + size_t (*well_formed_len)(const struct charset_info_st *, + const char *b,const char *e, + size_t nchars, int *error); + size_t (*lengthsp)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *ptr, + size_t length); + size_t (*numcells)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *b, + const char *e); + + /* Unicode conversion */ + my_charset_conv_mb_wc mb_wc; + my_charset_conv_wc_mb wc_mb; + + /* CTYPE scanner */ + int (*ctype)(const struct charset_info_st *cs, int *ctype, + const uchar *s, const uchar *e); + + /* Functions for case and sort conversion */ + size_t (*caseup_str)(const struct charset_info_st *, char *); + size_t (*casedn_str)(const struct charset_info_st *, char *); + + my_charset_conv_case caseup; + my_charset_conv_case casedn; + + /* Charset dependant snprintf() */ + size_t (*snprintf)(const struct charset_info_st *, char *to, size_t n, + const char *fmt, + ...) ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT_FPTR(printf, 4, 5); + size_t (*long10_to_str)(const struct charset_info_st *, char *to, size_t n, + int radix, long int val); + size_t (*longlong10_to_str)(const struct charset_info_st *, char *to, + size_t n, int radix, longlong val); + + void (*fill)(const struct charset_info_st *, char *to, size_t len, + int fill); + + /* String-to-number conversion routines */ + long (*strntol)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *s, + size_t l, int base, char **e, int *err); + ulong (*strntoul)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *s, + size_t l, int base, char **e, int *err); + longlong (*strntoll)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *s, + size_t l, int base, char **e, int *err); + ulonglong (*strntoull)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *s, + size_t l, int base, char **e, int *err); + double (*strntod)(const struct charset_info_st *, char *s, + size_t l, char **e, int *err); + longlong (*strtoll10)(const struct charset_info_st *cs, + const char *nptr, char **endptr, int *error); + ulonglong (*strntoull10rnd)(const struct charset_info_st *cs, + const char *str, size_t length, + int unsigned_fl, + char **endptr, int *error); + size_t (*scan)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *b, + const char *e, int sq); +} MY_CHARSET_HANDLER; + +extern MY_CHARSET_HANDLER my_charset_8bit_handler; +extern MY_CHARSET_HANDLER my_charset_ucs2_handler; + + +/* + We define this CHARSET_INFO_DEFINED here to prevent a repeat of the + typedef in hash.c, which will cause a compiler error. +*/ +#define CHARSET_INFO_DEFINED + +/* See strings/CHARSET_INFO.txt about information on this structure */ +typedef struct charset_info_st +{ + uint number; + uint primary_number; + uint binary_number; + uint state; + const char *csname; + const char *name; + const char *comment; + const char *tailoring; + uchar *ctype; + uchar *to_lower; + uchar *to_upper; + uchar *sort_order; + MY_UCA_INFO *uca; + uint16 *tab_to_uni; + MY_UNI_IDX *tab_from_uni; + MY_UNICASE_INFO *caseinfo; + uchar *state_map; + uchar *ident_map; + uint strxfrm_multiply; + uchar caseup_multiply; + uchar casedn_multiply; + uint mbminlen; + uint mbmaxlen; + my_wc_t min_sort_char; + my_wc_t max_sort_char; /* For LIKE optimization */ + uchar pad_char; + my_bool escape_with_backslash_is_dangerous; + uchar levels_for_compare; + uchar levels_for_order; + + MY_CHARSET_HANDLER *cset; + MY_COLLATION_HANDLER *coll; + +} CHARSET_INFO; +#define ILLEGAL_CHARSET_INFO_NUMBER (~0U) + + +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT CHARSET_INFO my_charset_bin; +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT CHARSET_INFO my_charset_latin1; +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT CHARSET_INFO my_charset_filename; + +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_big5_chinese_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_big5_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_cp932_japanese_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_cp932_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_cp1250_czech_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_eucjpms_japanese_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_eucjpms_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_euckr_korean_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_euckr_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_gb2312_chinese_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_gb2312_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_gbk_chinese_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_gbk_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_latin1_german2_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_latin1_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_latin2_czech_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_sjis_japanese_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_sjis_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_tis620_thai_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_tis620_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_ucs2_general_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_ucs2_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_ucs2_unicode_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_ucs2_general_mysql500_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_ujis_japanese_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_ujis_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf16_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf16_general_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf16_unicode_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf16le_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf16le_general_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf32_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf32_general_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf32_unicode_ci; + +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf8_general_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf8_tolower_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf8_unicode_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf8_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf8_general_mysql500_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf8mb4_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf8mb4_general_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf8mb4_unicode_ci; +#define MY_UTF8MB3 "utf8" +#define MY_UTF8MB4 "utf8mb4" + + +/* declarations for simple charsets */ +extern size_t my_strnxfrm_simple(const CHARSET_INFO *, + uchar *dst, size_t dstlen, uint nweights, + const uchar *src, size_t srclen, uint flags); +size_t my_strnxfrmlen_simple(const CHARSET_INFO *, size_t); +extern int my_strnncoll_simple(const CHARSET_INFO *, const uchar *, size_t, + const uchar *, size_t, my_bool); + +extern int my_strnncollsp_simple(const CHARSET_INFO *, const uchar *, size_t, + const uchar *, size_t, + my_bool diff_if_only_endspace_difference); + +extern void my_hash_sort_simple(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const uchar *key, size_t len, + ulong *nr1, ulong *nr2); + +extern size_t my_lengthsp_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const char *ptr, + size_t length); + +extern uint my_instr_simple(const struct charset_info_st *, + const char *b, size_t b_length, + const char *s, size_t s_length, + my_match_t *match, uint nmatch); + + +/* Functions for 8bit */ +extern size_t my_caseup_str_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *); +extern size_t my_casedn_str_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *); +extern size_t my_caseup_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *src, size_t srclen, + char *dst, size_t dstlen); +extern size_t my_casedn_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *src, size_t srclen, + char *dst, size_t dstlen); + +extern int my_strcasecmp_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO * cs, const char *, + const char *); + +int my_mb_wc_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *cs,my_wc_t *wc, const uchar *s, + const uchar *e); +int my_wc_mb_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *cs,my_wc_t wc, uchar *s, uchar *e); + +int my_mb_ctype_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *,int *, const uchar *,const uchar *); +int my_mb_ctype_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *,int *, const uchar *,const uchar *); + +size_t my_scan_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const char *b, const char *e, + int sq); + +size_t my_snprintf_8bit(const struct charset_info_st *, char *to, size_t n, + const char *fmt, ...) + ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 4, 5); + +long my_strntol_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *s, size_t l, + int base, char **e, int *err); +ulong my_strntoul_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *s, size_t l, + int base, char **e, int *err); +longlong my_strntoll_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *s, size_t l, + int base, char **e, int *err); +ulonglong my_strntoull_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *s, size_t l, + int base, char **e, int *err); +double my_strntod_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *s, size_t l, char **e, + int *err); +size_t my_long10_to_str_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *to, size_t l, + int radix, long int val); +size_t my_longlong10_to_str_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *to, size_t l, + int radix, longlong val); + +longlong my_strtoll10_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const char *nptr, char **endptr, int *error); +longlong my_strtoll10_ucs2(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const char *nptr, char **endptr, int *error); + +ulonglong my_strntoull10rnd_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const char *str, size_t length, int + unsigned_fl, char **endptr, int *error); +ulonglong my_strntoull10rnd_ucs2(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const char *str, size_t length, + int unsigned_fl, char **endptr, int *error); + +void my_fill_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, char* to, size_t l, int fill); + +/* For 8-bit character set */ +my_bool my_like_range_simple(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const char *ptr, size_t ptr_length, + pbool escape, pbool w_one, pbool w_many, + size_t res_length, + char *min_str, char *max_str, + size_t *min_length, size_t *max_length); + +/* For ASCII-based multi-byte character sets with mbminlen=1 */ +my_bool my_like_range_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const char *ptr, size_t ptr_length, + pbool escape, pbool w_one, pbool w_many, + size_t res_length, + char *min_str, char *max_str, + size_t *min_length, size_t *max_length); + +/* For other character sets, with arbitrary mbminlen and mbmaxlen numbers */ +my_bool my_like_range_generic(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const char *ptr, size_t ptr_length, + pbool escape, pbool w_one, pbool w_many, + size_t res_length, + char *min_str, char *max_str, + size_t *min_length, size_t *max_length); + +int my_wildcmp_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, + const char *str,const char *str_end, + const char *wildstr,const char *wildend, + int escape, int w_one, int w_many); + +int my_wildcmp_bin(const CHARSET_INFO *, + const char *str,const char *str_end, + const char *wildstr,const char *wildend, + int escape, int w_one, int w_many); + +size_t my_numchars_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *b, const char *e); +size_t my_numcells_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *b, const char *e); +size_t my_charpos_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *b, const char *e, + size_t pos); +size_t my_well_formed_len_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *b, + const char *e, size_t pos, int *error); +uint my_mbcharlen_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, uint c); + + +/* Functions for multibyte charsets */ +extern size_t my_caseup_str_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *); +extern size_t my_casedn_str_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *); +extern size_t my_caseup_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *src, size_t srclen, + char *dst, size_t dstlen); +extern size_t my_casedn_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *src, size_t srclen, + char *dst, size_t dstlen); +extern size_t my_caseup_mb_varlen(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *src, + size_t srclen, char *dst, size_t dstlen); +extern size_t my_casedn_mb_varlen(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *src, + size_t srclen, char *dst, size_t dstlen); +extern size_t my_caseup_ujis(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *src, size_t srclen, + char *dst, size_t dstlen); +extern size_t my_casedn_ujis(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *src, size_t srclen, + char *dst, size_t dstlen); +extern int my_strcasecmp_mb(const CHARSET_INFO * cs,const char *, + const char *); + +int my_wildcmp_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *, + const char *str,const char *str_end, + const char *wildstr,const char *wildend, + int escape, int w_one, int w_many); +size_t my_numchars_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *b, const char *e); +size_t my_numcells_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *b, const char *e); +size_t my_charpos_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *b, const char *e, + size_t pos); +size_t my_well_formed_len_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *b, + const char *e, size_t pos, int *error); +uint my_instr_mb(const struct charset_info_st *, + const char *b, size_t b_length, + const char *s, size_t s_length, + my_match_t *match, uint nmatch); + +int my_strnncoll_mb_bin(const CHARSET_INFO * cs, + const uchar *s, size_t slen, + const uchar *t, size_t tlen, + my_bool t_is_prefix); + +int my_strnncollsp_mb_bin(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const uchar *a, size_t a_length, + const uchar *b, size_t b_length, + my_bool diff_if_only_endspace_difference); + +int my_wildcmp_mb_bin(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const char *str,const char *str_end, + const char *wildstr,const char *wildend, + int escape, int w_one, int w_many); + +int my_strcasecmp_mb_bin(const CHARSET_INFO * cs __attribute__((unused)), + const char *s, const char *t); + +void my_hash_sort_mb_bin(const CHARSET_INFO *cs __attribute__((unused)), + const uchar *key, size_t len,ulong *nr1, ulong *nr2); + +size_t my_strnxfrm_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *, + uchar *dst, size_t dstlen, uint nweights, + const uchar *src, size_t srclen, uint flags); + +size_t my_strnxfrm_unicode(const CHARSET_INFO *, + uchar *dst, size_t dstlen, uint nweights, + const uchar *src, size_t srclen, uint flags); + +size_t my_strnxfrm_unicode_full_bin(const CHARSET_INFO *, + uchar *dst, size_t dstlen, uint nweights, + const uchar *src, size_t srclen, uint flags); +size_t my_strnxfrmlen_unicode_full_bin(const CHARSET_INFO *, size_t); + +int my_wildcmp_unicode(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const char *str, const char *str_end, + const char *wildstr, const char *wildend, + int escape, int w_one, int w_many, + MY_UNICASE_INFO *weights); + +extern my_bool my_parse_charset_xml(MY_CHARSET_LOADER *loader, + const char *buf, size_t buflen); +extern char *my_strchr(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const char *str, + const char *end, pchar c); +extern size_t my_strcspn(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const char *str, + const char *end, const char *accept); + +my_bool my_propagate_simple(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const uchar *str, + size_t len); +my_bool my_propagate_complex(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const uchar *str, + size_t len); + + +uint my_string_repertoire(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const char *str, ulong len); +my_bool my_charset_is_ascii_based(const CHARSET_INFO *cs); +my_bool my_charset_is_8bit_pure_ascii(const CHARSET_INFO *cs); +uint my_charset_repertoire(const CHARSET_INFO *cs); + + +uint my_strxfrm_flag_normalize(uint flags, uint nlevels); +void my_strxfrm_desc_and_reverse(uchar *str, uchar *strend, + uint flags, uint level); +size_t my_strxfrm_pad_desc_and_reverse(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + uchar *str, uchar *frmend, uchar *strend, + uint nweights, uint flags, uint level); + +my_bool my_charset_is_ascii_compatible(const CHARSET_INFO *cs); + +const MY_CONTRACTIONS *my_charset_get_contractions(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + int level); + +extern size_t my_vsnprintf_ex(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, char *to, size_t n, + const char* fmt, va_list ap); + +uint32 my_convert(char *to, uint32 to_length, const CHARSET_INFO *to_cs, + const char *from, uint32 from_length, + const CHARSET_INFO *from_cs, uint *errors); + +#define _MY_U 01 /* Upper case */ +#define _MY_L 02 /* Lower case */ +#define _MY_NMR 04 /* Numeral (digit) */ +#define _MY_SPC 010 /* Spacing character */ +#define _MY_PNT 020 /* Punctuation */ +#define _MY_CTR 040 /* Control character */ +#define _MY_B 0100 /* Blank */ +#define _MY_X 0200 /* heXadecimal digit */ + + +#define my_isascii(c) (!((c) & ~0177)) +#define my_toascii(c) ((c) & 0177) +#define my_tocntrl(c) ((c) & 31) +#define my_toprint(c) ((c) | 64) +#define my_toupper(s,c) (char) ((s)->to_upper[(uchar) (c)]) +#define my_tolower(s,c) (char) ((s)->to_lower[(uchar) (c)]) +#define my_isalpha(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & (_MY_U | _MY_L)) +#define my_isupper(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & _MY_U) +#define my_islower(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & _MY_L) +#define my_isdigit(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & _MY_NMR) +#define my_isxdigit(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & _MY_X) +#define my_isalnum(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & (_MY_U | _MY_L | _MY_NMR)) +#define my_isspace(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & _MY_SPC) +#define my_ispunct(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & _MY_PNT) +#define my_isprint(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & (_MY_PNT | _MY_U | _MY_L | _MY_NMR | _MY_B)) +#define my_isgraph(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & (_MY_PNT | _MY_U | _MY_L | _MY_NMR)) +#define my_iscntrl(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & _MY_CTR) + +/* Some macros that should be cleaned up a little */ +#define my_isvar(s,c) (my_isalnum(s,c) || (c) == '_') +#define my_isvar_start(s,c) (my_isalpha(s,c) || (c) == '_') + +#define my_binary_compare(s) ((s)->state & MY_CS_BINSORT) +#define use_strnxfrm(s) ((s)->state & MY_CS_STRNXFRM) +#define my_strnxfrm(cs, d, dl, s, sl) \ + ((cs)->coll->strnxfrm((cs), (d), (dl), (dl), (s), (sl), MY_STRXFRM_PAD_WITH_SPACE)) +#define my_strnncoll(s, a, b, c, d) ((s)->coll->strnncoll((s), (a), (b), (c), (d), 0)) +#define my_like_range(s, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) \ + ((s)->coll->like_range((s), (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j))) +#define my_wildcmp(cs,s,se,w,we,e,o,m) ((cs)->coll->wildcmp((cs),(s),(se),(w),(we),(e),(o),(m))) +#define my_strcasecmp(s, a, b) ((s)->coll->strcasecmp((s), (a), (b))) +#define my_charpos(cs, b, e, num) (cs)->cset->charpos((cs), (const char*) (b), (const char *)(e), (num)) + + +#define use_mb(s) ((s)->cset->ismbchar != NULL) +#define my_ismbchar(s, a, b) ((s)->cset->ismbchar((s), (a), (b))) +#ifdef USE_MB +#define my_mbcharlen(s, a) ((s)->cset->mbcharlen((s),(a))) +#else +#define my_mbcharlen(s, a) 1 +#endif + +#define my_caseup_str(s, a) ((s)->cset->caseup_str((s), (a))) +#define my_casedn_str(s, a) ((s)->cset->casedn_str((s), (a))) +#define my_strntol(s, a, b, c, d, e) ((s)->cset->strntol((s),(a),(b),(c),(d),(e))) +#define my_strntoul(s, a, b, c, d, e) ((s)->cset->strntoul((s),(a),(b),(c),(d),(e))) +#define my_strntoll(s, a, b, c, d, e) ((s)->cset->strntoll((s),(a),(b),(c),(d),(e))) +#define my_strntoull(s, a, b, c,d, e) ((s)->cset->strntoull((s),(a),(b),(c),(d),(e))) +#define my_strntod(s, a, b, c, d) ((s)->cset->strntod((s),(a),(b),(c),(d))) + + +/* XXX: still need to take care of this one */ +#ifdef MY_CHARSET_TIS620 +#error The TIS620 charset is broken at the moment. Tell tim to fix it. +#define USE_TIS620 +#include "t_ctype.h" +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* _m_ctype_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/m_string.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/m_string.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..06f8bfadf --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/m_string.h @@ -0,0 +1,286 @@ +/* + Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* There may be prolems include all of theese. Try to test in + configure with ones are needed? */ + +/* This is needed for the definitions of strchr... on solaris */ + +#ifndef _m_string_h +#define _m_string_h + +#include "my_global.h" /* HAVE_* */ + +#ifndef __USE_GNU +#define __USE_GNU /* We want to use stpcpy */ +#endif +#if defined(HAVE_STRINGS_H) +#include +#endif +#if defined(HAVE_STRING_H) +#include +#endif + +/* need by my_vsnprintf */ +#include + +/* This is needed for the definitions of memcpy... on solaris */ +#if defined(HAVE_MEMORY_H) && !defined(__cplusplus) +#include +#endif + +#define bfill please_use_memset_rather_than_bfill() +#define bzero please_use_memset_rather_than_bzero() + +#if !defined(HAVE_MEMCPY) && !defined(HAVE_MEMMOVE) +# define memcpy(d, s, n) bcopy ((s), (d), (n)) +# define memmove(d, s, n) bmove ((d), (s), (n)) +#elif defined(HAVE_MEMMOVE) +# define bmove(d, s, n) memmove((d), (s), (n)) +#endif + +#if defined(__cplusplus) +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + my_str_malloc(), my_str_realloc() and my_str_free() are assigned to + implementations in strings/alloc.c, but can be overridden in + the calling program. + */ +extern void *(*my_str_malloc)(size_t); +extern void *(*my_str_realloc)(void *, size_t); +extern void (*my_str_free)(void *); + +#if defined(HAVE_STPCPY) && MY_GNUC_PREREQ(3, 4) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) +#define strmov(A,B) __builtin_stpcpy((A),(B)) +#elif defined(HAVE_STPCPY) +#define strmov(A,B) stpcpy((A),(B)) +#ifndef stpcpy +extern char *stpcpy(char *, const char *); /* For AIX with gcc 2.95.3 */ +#endif +#endif + +/* Declared in int2str() */ +extern char _dig_vec_upper[]; +extern char _dig_vec_lower[]; + +#ifndef strmov +#define strmov_overlapp(A,B) strmov(A,B) +#define strmake_overlapp(A,B,C) strmake(A,B,C) +#endif + + /* Prototypes for string functions */ + +extern void bmove_upp(uchar *dst,const uchar *src,size_t len); +extern void bchange(uchar *dst,size_t old_len,const uchar *src, + size_t new_len,size_t tot_len); +extern void strappend(char *s,size_t len,pchar fill); +extern char *strend(const char *s); +extern char *strcend(const char *, pchar); +extern char *strfill(char * s,size_t len,pchar fill); +extern char *strmake(char *dst,const char *src,size_t length); + +#ifndef strmov +extern char *strmov(char *dst,const char *src); +#else +extern char *strmov_overlapp(char *dst,const char *src); +#endif +extern char *strnmov(char *dst, const char *src, size_t n); +extern char *strcont(const char *src, const char *set); +extern char *strxmov(char *dst, const char *src, ...); +extern char *strxnmov(char *dst, size_t len, const char *src, ...); + +/* Prototypes of normal stringfunctions (with may ours) */ +#ifndef HAVE_STRNLEN +extern size_t strnlen(const char *s, size_t n); +#endif + +extern int is_prefix(const char *, const char *); + +/* Conversion routines */ +typedef enum { + MY_GCVT_ARG_FLOAT, + MY_GCVT_ARG_DOUBLE +} my_gcvt_arg_type; + +double my_strtod(const char *str, char **end, int *error); +double my_atof(const char *nptr); +size_t my_fcvt(double x, int precision, char *to, my_bool *error); +size_t my_gcvt(double x, my_gcvt_arg_type type, int width, char *to, + my_bool *error); + +#define NOT_FIXED_DEC 31 + +/* + The longest string my_fcvt can return is 311 + "precision" bytes. + Here we assume that we never cal my_fcvt() with precision >= NOT_FIXED_DEC + (+ 1 byte for the terminating '\0'). +*/ +#define FLOATING_POINT_BUFFER (311 + NOT_FIXED_DEC) + +/* + We want to use the 'e' format in some cases even if we have enough space + for the 'f' one just to mimic sprintf("%.15g") behavior for large integers, + and to improve it for numbers < 10^(-4). + That is, for |x| < 1 we require |x| >= 10^(-15), and for |x| > 1 we require + it to be integer and be <= 10^DBL_DIG for the 'f' format to be used. + We don't lose precision, but make cases like "1e200" or "0.00001" look nicer. +*/ +#define MAX_DECPT_FOR_F_FORMAT DBL_DIG + +/* + The maximum possible field width for my_gcvt() conversion. + (DBL_DIG + 2) significant digits + sign + "." + ("e-NNN" or + MAX_DECPT_FOR_F_FORMAT zeros for cases when |x|<1 and the 'f' format is used). +*/ +#define MY_GCVT_MAX_FIELD_WIDTH (DBL_DIG + 4 + MY_MAX(5, MAX_DECPT_FOR_F_FORMAT)) \ + +extern char *llstr(longlong value,char *buff); +extern char *ullstr(longlong value,char *buff); +#ifndef HAVE_STRTOUL +extern long strtol(const char *str, char **ptr, int base); +extern ulong strtoul(const char *str, char **ptr, int base); +#endif + +extern char *int2str(long val, char *dst, int radix, int upcase); +extern char *int10_to_str(long val,char *dst,int radix); +extern char *str2int(const char *src,int radix,long lower,long upper, + long *val); +longlong my_strtoll10(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int *error); +#if SIZEOF_LONG == SIZEOF_LONG_LONG +#define ll2str(A,B,C,D) int2str((A),(B),(C),(D)) +#define longlong10_to_str(A,B,C) int10_to_str((A),(B),(C)) +#undef strtoll +#define strtoll(A,B,C) strtol((A),(B),(C)) +#define strtoull(A,B,C) strtoul((A),(B),(C)) +#ifndef HAVE_STRTOULL +#define HAVE_STRTOULL +#endif +#ifndef HAVE_STRTOLL +#define HAVE_STRTOLL +#endif +#else +#ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG +extern char *ll2str(longlong val,char *dst,int radix, int upcase); +extern char *longlong10_to_str(longlong val,char *dst,int radix); +#if (!defined(HAVE_STRTOULL) || defined(NO_STRTOLL_PROTO)) +extern longlong strtoll(const char *str, char **ptr, int base); +extern ulonglong strtoull(const char *str, char **ptr, int base); +#endif +#endif +#endif +#define longlong2str(A,B,C) ll2str((A),(B),(C),1) + +#if defined(__cplusplus) +} +#endif + +/* + LEX_STRING -- a pair of a C-string and its length. + (it's part of the plugin API as a MYSQL_LEX_STRING) +*/ + +#include +typedef struct st_mysql_lex_string LEX_STRING; + +#define STRING_WITH_LEN(X) (X), ((size_t) (sizeof(X) - 1)) +#define USTRING_WITH_LEN(X) ((uchar*) X), ((size_t) (sizeof(X) - 1)) +#define C_STRING_WITH_LEN(X) ((char *) (X)), ((size_t) (sizeof(X) - 1)) + +struct st_mysql_const_lex_string +{ + const char *str; + size_t length; +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_const_lex_string LEX_CSTRING; + +/* SPACE_INT is a word that contains only spaces */ +#if SIZEOF_INT == 4 +#define SPACE_INT 0x20202020 +#elif SIZEOF_INT == 8 +#define SPACE_INT 0x2020202020202020 +#else +#error define the appropriate constant for a word full of spaces +#endif + +/** + Skip trailing space. + + On most systems reading memory in larger chunks (ideally equal to the size of + the chinks that the machine physically reads from memory) causes fewer memory + access loops and hence increased performance. + This is why the 'int' type is used : it's closest to that (according to how + it's defined in C). + So when we determine the amount of whitespace at the end of a string we do + the following : + 1. We divide the string into 3 zones : + a) from the start of the string (__start) to the first multiple + of sizeof(int) (__start_words) + b) from the end of the string (__end) to the last multiple of sizeof(int) + (__end_words) + c) a zone that is aligned to sizeof(int) and can be safely accessed + through an int * + 2. We start comparing backwards from (c) char-by-char. If all we find is + space then we continue + 3. If there are elements in zone (b) we compare them as unsigned ints to a + int mask (SPACE_INT) consisting of all spaces + 4. Finally we compare the remaining part (a) of the string char by char. + This covers for the last non-space unsigned int from 3. (if any) + + This algorithm works well for relatively larger strings, but it will slow + the things down for smaller strings (because of the additional calculations + and checks compared to the naive method). Thus the barrier of length 20 + is added. + + @param ptr pointer to the input string + @param len the length of the string + @return the last non-space character +*/ + +static inline const uchar *skip_trailing_space(const uchar *ptr,size_t len) +{ + const uchar *end= ptr + len; + + if (len > 20) + { + const uchar *end_words= (const uchar *)(intptr) + (((ulonglong)(intptr)end) / SIZEOF_INT * SIZEOF_INT); + const uchar *start_words= (const uchar *)(intptr) + ((((ulonglong)(intptr)ptr) + SIZEOF_INT - 1) / SIZEOF_INT * SIZEOF_INT); + + DBUG_ASSERT(((ulonglong)(intptr)ptr) >= SIZEOF_INT); + if (end_words > ptr) + { + while (end > end_words && end[-1] == 0x20) + end--; + if (end[-1] == 0x20 && start_words < end_words) + while (end > start_words && ((unsigned *)end)[-1] == SPACE_INT) + end -= SIZEOF_INT; + } + } + while (end > ptr && end[-1] == 0x20) + end--; + return (end); +} + +static inline void lex_string_set(LEX_STRING *lex_str, const char *c_str) +{ + lex_str->str= (char *) c_str; + lex_str->length= strlen(c_str); +} + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_aes.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_aes.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..24ddb6e7f --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_aes.h @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +#ifndef MY_AES_INCLUDED +#define MY_AES_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + + +/* Header file for my_aes.c */ +/* Wrapper to give simple interface for MySQL to AES standard encryption */ + +C_MODE_START + +#define AES_KEY_LENGTH 128 /* Must be 128 192 or 256 */ + +/* + my_aes_encrypt - Crypt buffer with AES encryption algorithm. + source - Pointer to data for encryption + source_length - size of encryption data + dest - buffer to place encrypted data (must be large enough) + key - Key to be used for encryption + kel_length - Length of the key. Will handle keys of any length + + returns - size of encrypted data, or negative in case of error. +*/ + +int my_aes_encrypt(const char *source, int source_length, char *dest, + const char *key, int key_length); + +/* + my_aes_decrypt - DeCrypt buffer with AES encryption algorithm. + source - Pointer to data for decryption + source_length - size of encrypted data + dest - buffer to place decrypted data (must be large enough) + key - Key to be used for decryption + kel_length - Length of the key. Will handle keys of any length + + returns - size of original data, or negative in case of error. +*/ + + +int my_aes_decrypt(const char *source, int source_length, char *dest, + const char *key, int key_length); + +/* + my_aes_get_size - get size of buffer which will be large enough for encrypted + data + source_length - length of data to be encrypted + + returns - size of buffer required to store encrypted data +*/ + +int my_aes_get_size(int source_length); + +C_MODE_END + +#endif /* MY_AES_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_alarm.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_alarm.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..57d86f567 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_alarm.h @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + File to include when we want to use alarm or a loop_counter to display + some information when a program is running +*/ +#ifndef _my_alarm_h +#define _my_alarm_h +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +extern int volatile my_have_got_alarm; +extern ulong my_time_to_wait_for_lock; + +#if defined(HAVE_ALARM) && !defined(NO_ALARM_LOOP) +#include +#define ALARM_VARIABLES uint alarm_old=0; \ + sig_return alarm_signal=0 +#define ALARM_INIT my_have_got_alarm=0 ; \ + alarm_old=(uint) alarm(MY_HOW_OFTEN_TO_ALARM); \ + alarm_signal=signal(SIGALRM,my_set_alarm_variable); +#define ALARM_END (void) signal(SIGALRM,alarm_signal); \ + (void) alarm(alarm_old); +#define ALARM_TEST my_have_got_alarm +#ifdef SIGNAL_HANDLER_RESET_ON_DELIVERY +#define ALARM_REINIT (void) alarm(MY_HOW_OFTEN_TO_ALARM); \ + (void) signal(SIGALRM,my_set_alarm_variable);\ + my_have_got_alarm=0; +#else +#define ALARM_REINIT (void) alarm((uint) MY_HOW_OFTEN_TO_ALARM); \ + my_have_got_alarm=0; +#endif /* SIGNAL_HANDLER_RESET_ON_DELIVERY */ +#else +#define ALARM_VARIABLES long alarm_pos=0,alarm_end_pos=MY_HOW_OFTEN_TO_WRITE-1 +#define ALARM_INIT +#define ALARM_END +#define ALARM_TEST (alarm_pos++ >= alarm_end_pos) +#define ALARM_REINIT alarm_end_pos+=MY_HOW_OFTEN_TO_WRITE +#endif /* HAVE_ALARM */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_alloc.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_alloc.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9e2ef541b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_alloc.h @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Data structures for mysys/my_alloc.c (root memory allocator) +*/ + +#ifndef _my_alloc_h +#define _my_alloc_h + +#define ALLOC_MAX_BLOCK_TO_DROP 4096 +#define ALLOC_MAX_BLOCK_USAGE_BEFORE_DROP 10 + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +typedef struct st_used_mem +{ /* struct for once_alloc (block) */ + struct st_used_mem *next; /* Next block in use */ + unsigned int left; /* memory left in block */ + unsigned int size; /* size of block */ +} USED_MEM; + + +typedef struct st_mem_root +{ + USED_MEM *free; /* blocks with free memory in it */ + USED_MEM *used; /* blocks almost without free memory */ + USED_MEM *pre_alloc; /* preallocated block */ + /* if block have less memory it will be put in 'used' list */ + size_t min_malloc; + size_t block_size; /* initial block size */ + unsigned int block_num; /* allocated blocks counter */ + /* + first free block in queue test counter (if it exceed + MAX_BLOCK_USAGE_BEFORE_DROP block will be dropped in 'used' list) + */ + unsigned int first_block_usage; + + void (*error_handler)(void); +} MEM_ROOT; + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_atomic.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_atomic.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..705f531e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_atomic.h @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +#ifndef MY_ATOMIC_INCLUDED +#define MY_ATOMIC_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2006, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + This header defines five atomic operations: + + my_atomic_add#(&var, what) + 'Fetch and Add' + add 'what' to *var, and return the old value of *var + + my_atomic_fas#(&var, what) + 'Fetch And Store' + store 'what' in *var, and return the old value of *var + + my_atomic_cas#(&var, &old, new) + An odd variation of 'Compare And Set/Swap' + if *var is equal to *old, then store 'new' in *var, and return TRUE + otherwise store *var in *old, and return FALSE + Usually, &old should not be accessed if the operation is successful. + + my_atomic_load#(&var) + return *var + + my_atomic_store#(&var, what) + store 'what' in *var + + '#' is substituted by a size suffix - 8, 16, 32, 64, or ptr + (e.g. my_atomic_add8, my_atomic_fas32, my_atomic_casptr). + + NOTE This operations are not always atomic, so they always must be + enclosed in my_atomic_rwlock_rdlock(lock)/my_atomic_rwlock_rdunlock(lock) + or my_atomic_rwlock_wrlock(lock)/my_atomic_rwlock_wrunlock(lock). + Hint: if a code block makes intensive use of atomic ops, it make sense + to take/release rwlock once for the whole block, not for every statement. + + On architectures where these operations are really atomic, rwlocks will + be optimized away. + 8- and 16-bit atomics aren't implemented for windows (see generic-msvc.h), + but can be added, if necessary. +*/ + +#ifndef my_atomic_rwlock_init + +#define intptr void * +/** + Currently we don't support 8-bit and 16-bit operations. + It can be added later if needed. +*/ +#undef MY_ATOMIC_HAS_8_16 + +#ifndef MY_ATOMIC_MODE_RWLOCKS +/* + * Attempt to do atomic ops without locks + */ +#include "atomic/nolock.h" +#endif + +#ifndef make_atomic_cas_body +/* nolock.h was not able to generate even a CAS function, fall back */ +#include "atomic/rwlock.h" +#endif + +/* define missing functions by using the already generated ones */ +#ifndef make_atomic_add_body +#define make_atomic_add_body(S) \ + int ## S tmp=*a; \ + while (!my_atomic_cas ## S(a, &tmp, tmp+v)) ; \ + v=tmp; +#endif +#ifndef make_atomic_fas_body +#define make_atomic_fas_body(S) \ + int ## S tmp=*a; \ + while (!my_atomic_cas ## S(a, &tmp, v)) ; \ + v=tmp; +#endif +#ifndef make_atomic_load_body +#define make_atomic_load_body(S) \ + ret= 0; /* avoid compiler warning */ \ + (void)(my_atomic_cas ## S(a, &ret, ret)); +#endif +#ifndef make_atomic_store_body +#define make_atomic_store_body(S) \ + (void)(my_atomic_fas ## S (a, v)); +#endif + +/* + transparent_union doesn't work in g++ + Bug ? + + Darwin's gcc doesn't want to put pointers in a transparent_union + when built with -arch ppc64. Complains: + warning: 'transparent_union' attribute ignored +*/ +#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__cplusplus) && \ + ! (defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(_ARCH_PPC64) ||defined (_ARCH_PPC))) +/* + we want to be able to use my_atomic_xxx functions with + both signed and unsigned integers. But gcc will issue a warning + "passing arg N of `my_atomic_XXX' as [un]signed due to prototype" + if the signedness of the argument doesn't match the prototype, or + "pointer targets in passing argument N of my_atomic_XXX differ in signedness" + if int* is used where uint* is expected (or vice versa). + Let's shut these warnings up +*/ +#define make_transparent_unions(S) \ + typedef union { \ + int ## S i; \ + uint ## S u; \ + } U_ ## S __attribute__ ((transparent_union)); \ + typedef union { \ + int ## S volatile *i; \ + uint ## S volatile *u; \ + } Uv_ ## S __attribute__ ((transparent_union)); +#define uintptr intptr +make_transparent_unions(8) +make_transparent_unions(16) +make_transparent_unions(32) +make_transparent_unions(64) +make_transparent_unions(ptr) +#undef uintptr +#undef make_transparent_unions +#define a U_a.i +#define cmp U_cmp.i +#define v U_v.i +#define set U_set.i +#else +#define U_8 int8 +#define U_16 int16 +#define U_32 int32 +#define U_64 int64 +#define U_ptr intptr +#define Uv_8 int8 +#define Uv_16 int16 +#define Uv_32 int32 +#define Uv_64 int64 +#define Uv_ptr intptr +#define U_a volatile *a +#define U_cmp *cmp +#define U_v v +#define U_set set +#endif /* __GCC__ transparent_union magic */ + +#define make_atomic_cas(S) \ +static inline int my_atomic_cas ## S(Uv_ ## S U_a, \ + Uv_ ## S U_cmp, U_ ## S U_set) \ +{ \ + int8 ret; \ + make_atomic_cas_body(S); \ + return ret; \ +} + +#define make_atomic_add(S) \ +static inline int ## S my_atomic_add ## S( \ + Uv_ ## S U_a, U_ ## S U_v) \ +{ \ + make_atomic_add_body(S); \ + return v; \ +} + +#define make_atomic_fas(S) \ +static inline int ## S my_atomic_fas ## S( \ + Uv_ ## S U_a, U_ ## S U_v) \ +{ \ + make_atomic_fas_body(S); \ + return v; \ +} + +#define make_atomic_load(S) \ +static inline int ## S my_atomic_load ## S(Uv_ ## S U_a) \ +{ \ + int ## S ret; \ + make_atomic_load_body(S); \ + return ret; \ +} + +#define make_atomic_store(S) \ +static inline void my_atomic_store ## S( \ + Uv_ ## S U_a, U_ ## S U_v) \ +{ \ + make_atomic_store_body(S); \ +} + +#ifdef MY_ATOMIC_HAS_8_16 +make_atomic_cas(8) +make_atomic_cas(16) +#endif +make_atomic_cas(32) +make_atomic_cas(64) +make_atomic_cas(ptr) + +#ifdef MY_ATOMIC_HAS_8_16 +make_atomic_add(8) +make_atomic_add(16) +#endif +make_atomic_add(32) +make_atomic_add(64) + +#ifdef MY_ATOMIC_HAS_8_16 +make_atomic_load(8) +make_atomic_load(16) +#endif +make_atomic_load(32) +make_atomic_load(64) +make_atomic_load(ptr) + +#ifdef MY_ATOMIC_HAS_8_16 +make_atomic_fas(8) +make_atomic_fas(16) +#endif +make_atomic_fas(32) +make_atomic_fas(64) +make_atomic_fas(ptr) + +#ifdef MY_ATOMIC_HAS_8_16 +make_atomic_store(8) +make_atomic_store(16) +#endif +make_atomic_store(32) +make_atomic_store(64) +make_atomic_store(ptr) + +#ifdef _atomic_h_cleanup_ +#include _atomic_h_cleanup_ +#undef _atomic_h_cleanup_ +#endif + +#undef U_8 +#undef U_16 +#undef U_32 +#undef U_64 +#undef U_ptr +#undef Uv_8 +#undef Uv_16 +#undef Uv_32 +#undef Uv_64 +#undef Uv_ptr +#undef a +#undef cmp +#undef v +#undef set +#undef U_a +#undef U_cmp +#undef U_v +#undef U_set +#undef make_atomic_add +#undef make_atomic_cas +#undef make_atomic_load +#undef make_atomic_store +#undef make_atomic_fas +#undef make_atomic_add_body +#undef make_atomic_cas_body +#undef make_atomic_load_body +#undef make_atomic_store_body +#undef make_atomic_fas_body +#undef intptr + +/* + the macro below defines (as an expression) the code that + will be run in spin-loops. Intel manuals recummend to have PAUSE there. + It is expected to be defined in include/atomic/ *.h files +*/ +#ifndef LF_BACKOFF +#define LF_BACKOFF (1) +#endif + +#define MY_ATOMIC_OK 0 +#define MY_ATOMIC_NOT_1CPU 1 +C_MODE_START +extern int my_atomic_initialize(); +C_MODE_END + +#endif + +#endif /* MY_ATOMIC_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_attribute.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_attribute.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..78999f256 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_attribute.h @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Helper macros used for setting different __attributes__ + on functions in a portable fashion +*/ + +#ifndef _my_attribute_h +#define _my_attribute_h + +#if defined(__GNUC__) +# ifndef GCC_VERSION +# define GCC_VERSION (__GNUC__ * 1000 + __GNUC_MINOR__) +# endif +#endif + +/* + Disable __attribute__() on gcc < 2.7, g++ < 3.4, and non-gcc compilers. + Some forms of __attribute__ are actually supported in earlier versions of + g++, but we just disable them all because we only use them to generate + compilation warnings. +*/ +#ifndef __attribute__ +# if !defined(__GNUC__) +# define __attribute__(A) +# elif GCC_VERSION < 2008 +# define __attribute__(A) +# elif defined(__cplusplus) && GCC_VERSION < 3004 +# define __attribute__(A) +# endif +#endif + +/* + __attribute__((format(...))) is only supported in gcc >= 2.8 and g++ >= 3.4 + But that's already covered by the __attribute__ tests above, so this is + just a convenience macro. +*/ +#ifndef ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT +# define ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(style, m, n) __attribute__((format(style, m, n))) +#endif + +/* + + __attribute__((format(...))) on a function pointer is not supported + until gcc 3.1 +*/ +#ifndef ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT_FPTR +# if (GCC_VERSION >= 3001) +# define ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT_FPTR(style, m, n) ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(style, m, n) +# else +# define ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT_FPTR(style, m, n) +# endif /* GNUC >= 3.1 */ +#endif + + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_base.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_base.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a13b810c --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_base.h @@ -0,0 +1,632 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ + + +/* This file includes constants used with all databases */ + +#ifndef _my_base_h +#define _my_base_h + +#ifndef stdin /* Included first in handler */ +#define CHSIZE_USED +#include +#include /* This includes types */ +#include +#include +#include + +#ifndef EOVERFLOW +#define EOVERFLOW 84 +#endif + +#endif /* stdin */ +#include + +/* The following is bits in the flag parameter to ha_open() */ + +#define HA_OPEN_ABORT_IF_LOCKED 0 /* default */ +#define HA_OPEN_WAIT_IF_LOCKED 1 +#define HA_OPEN_IGNORE_IF_LOCKED 2 +#define HA_OPEN_TMP_TABLE 4 /* Table is a temp table */ +#define HA_OPEN_DELAY_KEY_WRITE 8 /* Don't update index */ +#define HA_OPEN_ABORT_IF_CRASHED 16 +#define HA_OPEN_FOR_REPAIR 32 /* open even if crashed */ +#define HA_OPEN_FROM_SQL_LAYER 64 +#define HA_OPEN_MMAP 128 /* open memory mapped */ +#define HA_OPEN_COPY 256 /* Open copy (for repair) */ +/* Internal temp table, used for temporary results */ +#define HA_OPEN_INTERNAL_TABLE 512 +/** + Don't connect any share_psi to the handler, since it is a partition. + It would not be used, since partitions don't call unbind_psi()/rebind_psi(). +*/ +#define HA_OPEN_NO_PSI_CALL 1024 /* Don't call/connect PSI */ + +/* The following is parameter to ha_rkey() how to use key */ + +/* + We define a complete-field prefix of a key value as a prefix where + the last included field in the prefix contains the full field, not + just some bytes from the start of the field. A partial-field prefix + is allowed to contain only a few first bytes from the last included + field. + + Below HA_READ_KEY_EXACT, ..., HA_READ_BEFORE_KEY can take a + complete-field prefix of a key value as the search + key. HA_READ_PREFIX and HA_READ_PREFIX_LAST could also take a + partial-field prefix, but currently (4.0.10) they are only used with + complete-field prefixes. MySQL uses a padding trick to implement + LIKE 'abc%' queries. + + NOTE that in InnoDB HA_READ_PREFIX_LAST will NOT work with a + partial-field prefix because InnoDB currently strips spaces from the + end of varchar fields! +*/ + +enum ha_rkey_function { + HA_READ_KEY_EXACT, /* Find first record else error */ + HA_READ_KEY_OR_NEXT, /* Record or next record */ + HA_READ_KEY_OR_PREV, /* Record or previous */ + HA_READ_AFTER_KEY, /* Find next rec. after key-record */ + HA_READ_BEFORE_KEY, /* Find next rec. before key-record */ + HA_READ_PREFIX, /* Key which as same prefix */ + HA_READ_PREFIX_LAST, /* Last key with the same prefix */ + HA_READ_PREFIX_LAST_OR_PREV, /* Last or prev key with the same prefix */ + HA_READ_MBR_CONTAIN, /* Minimum Bounding Rectangle contains */ + HA_READ_MBR_INTERSECT, /* Minimum Bounding Rectangle intersect */ + HA_READ_MBR_WITHIN, /* Minimum Bounding Rectangle within */ + HA_READ_MBR_DISJOINT, /* Minimum Bounding Rectangle disjoint */ + HA_READ_MBR_EQUAL /* Minimum Bounding Rectangle equal */ +}; + + /* Key algorithm types */ + +enum ha_key_alg { + HA_KEY_ALG_UNDEF= 0, /* Not specified (old file) */ + HA_KEY_ALG_BTREE= 1, /* B-tree, default one */ + HA_KEY_ALG_RTREE= 2, /* R-tree, for spatial searches */ + HA_KEY_ALG_HASH= 3, /* HASH keys (HEAP tables) */ + HA_KEY_ALG_FULLTEXT= 4 /* FULLTEXT (MyISAM tables) */ +}; + + /* Storage media types */ + +enum ha_storage_media { + HA_SM_DEFAULT= 0, /* Not specified (engine default) */ + HA_SM_DISK= 1, /* DISK storage */ + HA_SM_MEMORY= 2 /* MAIN MEMORY storage */ +}; + + /* The following is parameter to ha_extra() */ + +enum ha_extra_function { + HA_EXTRA_NORMAL=0, /* Optimize for space (def) */ + HA_EXTRA_QUICK=1, /* Optimize for speed */ + HA_EXTRA_NOT_USED=2, + HA_EXTRA_CACHE=3, /* Cache record in HA_rrnd() */ + HA_EXTRA_NO_CACHE=4, /* End caching of records (def) */ + HA_EXTRA_NO_READCHECK=5, /* No readcheck on update */ + HA_EXTRA_READCHECK=6, /* Use readcheck (def) */ + HA_EXTRA_KEYREAD=7, /* Read only key to database */ + HA_EXTRA_NO_KEYREAD=8, /* Normal read of records (def) */ + HA_EXTRA_NO_USER_CHANGE=9, /* No user is allowed to write */ + HA_EXTRA_KEY_CACHE=10, + HA_EXTRA_NO_KEY_CACHE=11, + HA_EXTRA_WAIT_LOCK=12, /* Wait until file is avalably (def) */ + HA_EXTRA_NO_WAIT_LOCK=13, /* If file is locked, return quickly */ + HA_EXTRA_WRITE_CACHE=14, /* Use write cache in ha_write() */ + HA_EXTRA_FLUSH_CACHE=15, /* flush write_record_cache */ + HA_EXTRA_NO_KEYS=16, /* Remove all update of keys */ + HA_EXTRA_KEYREAD_CHANGE_POS=17, /* Keyread, but change pos */ + /* xxxxchk -r must be used */ + HA_EXTRA_REMEMBER_POS=18, /* Remember pos for next/prev */ + HA_EXTRA_RESTORE_POS=19, + HA_EXTRA_REINIT_CACHE=20, /* init cache from current record */ + HA_EXTRA_FORCE_REOPEN=21, /* Datafile have changed on disk */ + HA_EXTRA_FLUSH, /* Flush tables to disk */ + HA_EXTRA_NO_ROWS, /* Don't write rows */ + HA_EXTRA_RESET_STATE, /* Reset positions */ + HA_EXTRA_IGNORE_DUP_KEY, /* Dup keys don't rollback everything*/ + HA_EXTRA_NO_IGNORE_DUP_KEY, + HA_EXTRA_PREPARE_FOR_DROP, + HA_EXTRA_PREPARE_FOR_UPDATE, /* Remove read cache if problems */ + HA_EXTRA_PRELOAD_BUFFER_SIZE, /* Set buffer size for preloading */ + /* + On-the-fly switching between unique and non-unique key inserting. + */ + HA_EXTRA_CHANGE_KEY_TO_UNIQUE, + HA_EXTRA_CHANGE_KEY_TO_DUP, + /* + When using HA_EXTRA_KEYREAD, overwrite only key member fields and keep + other fields intact. When this is off (by default) InnoDB will use memcpy + to overwrite entire row. + */ + HA_EXTRA_KEYREAD_PRESERVE_FIELDS, + HA_EXTRA_MMAP, + /* + Ignore if the a tuple is not found, continue processing the + transaction and ignore that 'row'. Needed for idempotency + handling on the slave + + Currently only used by NDB storage engine. Partition handler ignores flag. + */ + HA_EXTRA_IGNORE_NO_KEY, + HA_EXTRA_NO_IGNORE_NO_KEY, + /* + Mark the table as a log table. For some handlers (e.g. CSV) this results + in a special locking for the table. + */ + HA_EXTRA_MARK_AS_LOG_TABLE, + /* + Informs handler that write_row() which tries to insert new row into the + table and encounters some already existing row with same primary/unique + key can replace old row with new row instead of reporting error (basically + it informs handler that we do REPLACE instead of simple INSERT). + Off by default. + */ + HA_EXTRA_WRITE_CAN_REPLACE, + HA_EXTRA_WRITE_CANNOT_REPLACE, + /* + Inform handler that delete_row()/update_row() cannot batch deletes/updates + and should perform them immediately. This may be needed when table has + AFTER DELETE/UPDATE triggers which access to subject table. + These flags are reset by the handler::extra(HA_EXTRA_RESET) call. + */ + HA_EXTRA_DELETE_CANNOT_BATCH, + HA_EXTRA_UPDATE_CANNOT_BATCH, + /* + Inform handler that an "INSERT...ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" will be + executed. This condition is unset by HA_EXTRA_NO_IGNORE_DUP_KEY. + */ + HA_EXTRA_INSERT_WITH_UPDATE, + /* Inform handler that we will do a rename */ + HA_EXTRA_PREPARE_FOR_RENAME, + /* + Special actions for MERGE tables. + */ + HA_EXTRA_ADD_CHILDREN_LIST, + HA_EXTRA_ATTACH_CHILDREN, + HA_EXTRA_IS_ATTACHED_CHILDREN, + HA_EXTRA_DETACH_CHILDREN, + /* + Prepare table for export + (e.g. quiesce the table and write table metadata). + */ + HA_EXTRA_EXPORT +}; + +/* Compatible option, to be deleted in 6.0 */ +#define HA_EXTRA_PREPARE_FOR_DELETE HA_EXTRA_PREPARE_FOR_DROP + + /* The following is parameter to ha_panic() */ + +enum ha_panic_function { + HA_PANIC_CLOSE, /* Close all databases */ + HA_PANIC_WRITE, /* Unlock and write status */ + HA_PANIC_READ /* Lock and read keyinfo */ +}; + + /* The following is parameter to ha_create(); keytypes */ + +enum ha_base_keytype { + HA_KEYTYPE_END=0, + HA_KEYTYPE_TEXT=1, /* Key is sorted as letters */ + HA_KEYTYPE_BINARY=2, /* Key is sorted as unsigned chars */ + HA_KEYTYPE_SHORT_INT=3, + HA_KEYTYPE_LONG_INT=4, + HA_KEYTYPE_FLOAT=5, + HA_KEYTYPE_DOUBLE=6, + HA_KEYTYPE_NUM=7, /* Not packed num with pre-space */ + HA_KEYTYPE_USHORT_INT=8, + HA_KEYTYPE_ULONG_INT=9, + HA_KEYTYPE_LONGLONG=10, + HA_KEYTYPE_ULONGLONG=11, + HA_KEYTYPE_INT24=12, + HA_KEYTYPE_UINT24=13, + HA_KEYTYPE_INT8=14, + /* Varchar (0-255 bytes) with length packed with 1 byte */ + HA_KEYTYPE_VARTEXT1=15, /* Key is sorted as letters */ + HA_KEYTYPE_VARBINARY1=16, /* Key is sorted as unsigned chars */ + /* Varchar (0-65535 bytes) with length packed with 2 bytes */ + HA_KEYTYPE_VARTEXT2=17, /* Key is sorted as letters */ + HA_KEYTYPE_VARBINARY2=18, /* Key is sorted as unsigned chars */ + HA_KEYTYPE_BIT=19 +}; + +#define HA_MAX_KEYTYPE 31 /* Must be log2-1 */ + + /* These flags kan be OR:ed to key-flag */ + +#define HA_NOSAME 1 /* Set if not dupplicated records */ +#define HA_PACK_KEY 2 /* Pack string key to previous key */ +#define HA_AUTO_KEY 16 +#define HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY 32 /* Packing of all keys to prev key */ +#define HA_FULLTEXT 128 /* For full-text search */ +#define HA_UNIQUE_CHECK 256 /* Check the key for uniqueness */ +#define HA_SPATIAL 1024 /* For spatial search */ +#define HA_NULL_ARE_EQUAL 2048 /* NULL in key are cmp as equal */ +#define HA_GENERATED_KEY 8192 /* Automaticly generated key */ + + /* The combination of the above can be used for key type comparison. */ +#define HA_KEYFLAG_MASK (HA_NOSAME | HA_PACK_KEY | HA_AUTO_KEY | \ + HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY | HA_FULLTEXT | HA_UNIQUE_CHECK | \ + HA_SPATIAL | HA_NULL_ARE_EQUAL | HA_GENERATED_KEY) + +/* + Key contains partial segments. + + This flag is internal to the MySQL server by design. It is not supposed + neither to be saved in FRM-files, nor to be passed to storage engines. + It is intended to pass information into internal static sort_keys(KEY *, + KEY *) function. + + This flag can be calculated -- it's based on key lengths comparison. +*/ +#define HA_KEY_HAS_PART_KEY_SEG 65536 + + /* Automatic bits in key-flag */ + +#define HA_SPACE_PACK_USED 4 /* Test for if SPACE_PACK used */ +#define HA_VAR_LENGTH_KEY 8 +#define HA_NULL_PART_KEY 64 +#define HA_USES_COMMENT 4096 +#define HA_USES_PARSER 16384 /* Fulltext index uses [pre]parser */ +#define HA_USES_BLOCK_SIZE ((uint) 32768) +#define HA_SORT_ALLOWS_SAME 512 /* Intern bit when sorting records */ + + /* These flags can be added to key-seg-flag */ + +#define HA_SPACE_PACK 1 /* Pack space in key-seg */ +#define HA_PART_KEY_SEG 4 /* Used by MySQL for part-key-cols */ +#define HA_VAR_LENGTH_PART 8 +#define HA_NULL_PART 16 +#define HA_BLOB_PART 32 +#define HA_SWAP_KEY 64 +#define HA_REVERSE_SORT 128 /* Sort key in reverse order */ +#define HA_NO_SORT 256 /* do not bother sorting on this keyseg */ +/* + End space in unique/varchar are considered equal. (Like 'a' and 'a ') + Only needed for internal temporary tables. +*/ +#define HA_END_SPACE_ARE_EQUAL 512 +#define HA_BIT_PART 1024 + + /* optionbits for database */ +#define HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD 1 +#define HA_OPTION_PACK_KEYS 2 +#define HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD 4 +#define HA_OPTION_LONG_BLOB_PTR 8 /* new ISAM format */ +#define HA_OPTION_TMP_TABLE 16 +#define HA_OPTION_CHECKSUM 32 +#define HA_OPTION_DELAY_KEY_WRITE 64 +#define HA_OPTION_NO_PACK_KEYS 128 /* Reserved for MySQL */ +#define HA_OPTION_CREATE_FROM_ENGINE 256 +#define HA_OPTION_RELIES_ON_SQL_LAYER 512 +#define HA_OPTION_NULL_FIELDS 1024 +#define HA_OPTION_PAGE_CHECKSUM 2048 +/** STATS_PERSISTENT=1 has been specified in the SQL command (either CREATE +or ALTER TABLE). Table and index statistics that are collected by the +storage engine and used by the optimizer for query optimization will be +stored on disk and will not change after a server restart. */ +#define HA_OPTION_STATS_PERSISTENT 4096 +/** STATS_PERSISTENT=0 has been specified in CREATE/ALTER TABLE. Statistics +for the table will be wiped away on server shutdown and new ones recalculated +after the server is started again. If none of HA_OPTION_STATS_PERSISTENT or +HA_OPTION_NO_STATS_PERSISTENT is set, this means that the setting is not +explicitly set at table level and the corresponding table will use whatever +is the global server default. */ +#define HA_OPTION_NO_STATS_PERSISTENT 8192 +#define HA_OPTION_TEMP_COMPRESS_RECORD ((uint) 16384) /* set by isamchk */ +#define HA_OPTION_READ_ONLY_DATA ((uint) 32768) /* Set by isamchk */ + + /* Bits in flag to create() */ + +#define HA_DONT_TOUCH_DATA 1 /* Don't empty datafile (isamchk) */ +#define HA_PACK_RECORD 2 /* Request packed record format */ +#define HA_CREATE_TMP_TABLE 4 +#define HA_CREATE_CHECKSUM 8 +#define HA_CREATE_KEEP_FILES 16 /* don't overwrite .MYD and MYI */ +#define HA_CREATE_PAGE_CHECKSUM 32 +#define HA_CREATE_DELAY_KEY_WRITE 64 +#define HA_CREATE_RELIES_ON_SQL_LAYER 128 +#define HA_CREATE_INTERNAL_TABLE 256 + +/* + The following flags (OR-ed) are passed to handler::info() method. + The method copies misc handler information out of the storage engine + to data structures accessible from MySQL + + Same flags are also passed down to mi_status, myrg_status, etc. +*/ + +/* this one is not used */ +#define HA_STATUS_POS 1 +/* + assuming the table keeps shared actual copy of the 'info' and + local, possibly outdated copy, the following flag means that + it should not try to get the actual data (locking the shared structure) + slightly outdated version will suffice +*/ +#define HA_STATUS_NO_LOCK 2 +/* update the time of the last modification (in handler::update_time) */ +#define HA_STATUS_TIME 4 +/* + update the 'constant' part of the info: + handler::max_data_file_length, max_index_file_length, create_time + sortkey, ref_length, block_size, data_file_name, index_file_name. + handler::table->s->keys_in_use, keys_for_keyread, rec_per_key +*/ +#define HA_STATUS_CONST 8 +/* + update the 'variable' part of the info: + handler::records, deleted, data_file_length, index_file_length, + check_time, mean_rec_length +*/ +#define HA_STATUS_VARIABLE 16 +/* + get the information about the key that caused last duplicate value error + update handler::errkey and handler::dupp_ref + see handler::get_dup_key() +*/ +#define HA_STATUS_ERRKEY 32 +/* + update handler::auto_increment_value +*/ +#define HA_STATUS_AUTO 64 +/* + Get also delete_length when HA_STATUS_VARIABLE is called. It's ok to set it also + when only HA_STATUS_VARIABLE but it won't be used. +*/ +#define HA_STATUS_VARIABLE_EXTRA 128 + +/* + Errorcodes given by handler functions + + opt_sum_query() assumes these codes are > 1 + Do not add error numbers before HA_ERR_FIRST. + If necessary to add lower numbers, change HA_ERR_FIRST accordingly. +*/ +#define HA_ERR_FIRST 120 /* Copy of first error nr.*/ + +#define HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND 120 /* Didn't find key on read or update */ +#define HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY 121 /* Dupplicate key on write */ +#define HA_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR 122 /* Internal error */ +#define HA_ERR_RECORD_CHANGED 123 /* Uppdate with is recoverable */ +#define HA_ERR_WRONG_INDEX 124 /* Wrong index given to function */ +#define HA_ERR_CRASHED 126 /* Indexfile is crashed */ +#define HA_ERR_WRONG_IN_RECORD 127 /* Record-file is crashed */ +#define HA_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM 128 /* Record-file is crashed */ +#define HA_ERR_NOT_A_TABLE 130 /* not a MYI file - no signature */ +#define HA_ERR_WRONG_COMMAND 131 /* Command not supported */ +#define HA_ERR_OLD_FILE 132 /* old databasfile */ +#define HA_ERR_NO_ACTIVE_RECORD 133 /* No record read in update() */ +#define HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED 134 /* A record is not there */ +#define HA_ERR_RECORD_FILE_FULL 135 /* No more room in file */ +#define HA_ERR_INDEX_FILE_FULL 136 /* No more room in file */ +#define HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE 137 /* end in next/prev/first/last */ +#define HA_ERR_UNSUPPORTED 138 /* unsupported extension used */ +#define HA_ERR_TO_BIG_ROW 139 /* Too big row */ +#define HA_WRONG_CREATE_OPTION 140 /* Wrong create option */ +#define HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_UNIQUE 141 /* Dupplicate unique on write */ +#define HA_ERR_UNKNOWN_CHARSET 142 /* Can't open charset */ +#define HA_ERR_WRONG_MRG_TABLE_DEF 143 /* conflicting tables in MERGE */ +#define HA_ERR_CRASHED_ON_REPAIR 144 /* Last (automatic?) repair failed */ +#define HA_ERR_CRASHED_ON_USAGE 145 /* Table must be repaired */ +#define HA_ERR_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT 146 +#define HA_ERR_LOCK_TABLE_FULL 147 +#define HA_ERR_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION 148 /* Updates not allowed */ +#define HA_ERR_LOCK_DEADLOCK 149 +#define HA_ERR_CANNOT_ADD_FOREIGN 150 /* Cannot add a foreign key constr. */ +#define HA_ERR_NO_REFERENCED_ROW 151 /* Cannot add a child row */ +#define HA_ERR_ROW_IS_REFERENCED 152 /* Cannot delete a parent row */ +#define HA_ERR_NO_SAVEPOINT 153 /* No savepoint with that name */ +#define HA_ERR_NON_UNIQUE_BLOCK_SIZE 154 /* Non unique key block size */ +#define HA_ERR_NO_SUCH_TABLE 155 /* The table does not exist in engine */ +#define HA_ERR_TABLE_EXIST 156 /* The table existed in storage engine */ +#define HA_ERR_NO_CONNECTION 157 /* Could not connect to storage engine */ +/* NULLs are not supported in spatial index */ +#define HA_ERR_NULL_IN_SPATIAL 158 +#define HA_ERR_TABLE_DEF_CHANGED 159 /* The table changed in storage engine */ +/* There's no partition in table for given value */ +#define HA_ERR_NO_PARTITION_FOUND 160 +#define HA_ERR_RBR_LOGGING_FAILED 161 /* Row-based binlogging of row failed */ +#define HA_ERR_DROP_INDEX_FK 162 /* Index needed in foreign key constr */ +/* + Upholding foreign key constraints would lead to a duplicate key error + in some other table. +*/ +#define HA_ERR_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY 163 +/* The table changed in storage engine */ +#define HA_ERR_TABLE_NEEDS_UPGRADE 164 +#define HA_ERR_TABLE_READONLY 165 /* The table is not writable */ + +#define HA_ERR_AUTOINC_READ_FAILED 166 /* Failed to get next autoinc value */ +#define HA_ERR_AUTOINC_ERANGE 167 /* Failed to set row autoinc value */ +#define HA_ERR_GENERIC 168 /* Generic error */ +/* row not actually updated: new values same as the old values */ +#define HA_ERR_RECORD_IS_THE_SAME 169 +/* It is not possible to log this statement */ +#define HA_ERR_LOGGING_IMPOSSIBLE 170 /* It is not possible to log this + statement */ +#define HA_ERR_CORRUPT_EVENT 171 /* The event was corrupt, leading to + illegal data being read */ +#define HA_ERR_NEW_FILE 172 /* New file format */ +#define HA_ERR_ROWS_EVENT_APPLY 173 /* The event could not be processed + no other hanlder error happened */ +#define HA_ERR_INITIALIZATION 174 /* Error during initialization */ +#define HA_ERR_FILE_TOO_SHORT 175 /* File too short */ +#define HA_ERR_WRONG_CRC 176 /* Wrong CRC on page */ +#define HA_ERR_TOO_MANY_CONCURRENT_TRXS 177 /*Too many active concurrent transactions */ +/* There's no explicitly listed partition in table for the given value */ +#define HA_ERR_NOT_IN_LOCK_PARTITIONS 178 +#define HA_ERR_INDEX_COL_TOO_LONG 179 /* Index column length exceeds limit */ +#define HA_ERR_INDEX_CORRUPT 180 /* InnoDB index corrupted */ +#define HA_ERR_UNDO_REC_TOO_BIG 181 /* Undo log record too big */ +#define HA_FTS_INVALID_DOCID 182 /* Invalid InnoDB Doc ID */ +#define HA_ERR_TABLE_IN_FK_CHECK 183 /* Table being used in foreign key check */ +#define HA_ERR_TABLESPACE_EXISTS 184 /* The tablespace existed in storage engine */ +#define HA_ERR_TOO_MANY_FIELDS 185 /* Table has too many columns */ +#define HA_ERR_ROW_IN_WRONG_PARTITION 186 /* Row in wrong partition */ +#define HA_ERR_INNODB_READ_ONLY 187 /* InnoDB is in read only mode. */ +#define HA_ERR_FTS_EXCEED_RESULT_CACHE_LIMIT 188 /* FTS query exceeds result cache limit */ +#define HA_ERR_LAST 188 /* Copy of last error nr */ + +/* Number of different errors */ +#define HA_ERR_ERRORS (HA_ERR_LAST - HA_ERR_FIRST + 1) + + /* Other constants */ + +#define HA_NAMELEN 64 /* Max length of saved filename */ +#define NO_SUCH_KEY (~(uint)0) /* used as a key no. */ + +typedef ulong key_part_map; +#define HA_WHOLE_KEY (~(key_part_map)0) + + /* Intern constants in databases */ + + /* bits in _search */ +#define SEARCH_FIND 1 +#define SEARCH_NO_FIND 2 +#define SEARCH_SAME 4 +#define SEARCH_BIGGER 8 +#define SEARCH_SMALLER 16 +#define SEARCH_SAVE_BUFF 32 +#define SEARCH_UPDATE 64 +#define SEARCH_PREFIX 128 +#define SEARCH_LAST 256 +#define MBR_CONTAIN 512 +#define MBR_INTERSECT 1024 +#define MBR_WITHIN 2048 +#define MBR_DISJOINT 4096 +#define MBR_EQUAL 8192 +#define MBR_DATA 16384 +#define SEARCH_NULL_ARE_EQUAL 32768 /* NULL in keys are equal */ +#define SEARCH_NULL_ARE_NOT_EQUAL 65536 /* NULL in keys are not equal */ + + /* bits in opt_flag */ +#define QUICK_USED 1 +#define READ_CACHE_USED 2 +#define READ_CHECK_USED 4 +#define KEY_READ_USED 8 +#define WRITE_CACHE_USED 16 +#define OPT_NO_ROWS 32 + + /* bits in update */ +#define HA_STATE_CHANGED 1 /* Database has changed */ +#define HA_STATE_AKTIV 2 /* Has a current record */ +#define HA_STATE_WRITTEN 4 /* Record is written */ +#define HA_STATE_DELETED 8 +#define HA_STATE_NEXT_FOUND 16 /* Next found record (record before) */ +#define HA_STATE_PREV_FOUND 32 /* Prev found record (record after) */ +#define HA_STATE_NO_KEY 64 /* Last read didn't find record */ +#define HA_STATE_KEY_CHANGED 128 +#define HA_STATE_WRITE_AT_END 256 /* set in _ps_find_writepos */ +#define HA_STATE_BUFF_SAVED 512 /* If current keybuff is info->buff */ +#define HA_STATE_ROW_CHANGED 1024 /* To invalide ROW cache */ +#define HA_STATE_EXTEND_BLOCK 2048 +#define HA_STATE_RNEXT_SAME 4096 /* rnext_same occupied lastkey2 */ + +/* myisampack expects no more than 32 field types. */ +enum en_fieldtype { + FIELD_LAST=-1,FIELD_NORMAL,FIELD_SKIP_ENDSPACE,FIELD_SKIP_PRESPACE, + FIELD_SKIP_ZERO,FIELD_BLOB,FIELD_CONSTANT,FIELD_INTERVALL,FIELD_ZERO, + FIELD_VARCHAR,FIELD_CHECK, + FIELD_enum_val_count +}; + +enum data_file_type { + STATIC_RECORD, DYNAMIC_RECORD, COMPRESSED_RECORD, BLOCK_RECORD +}; + +/* For key ranges */ + +enum key_range_flag { + NO_MIN_RANGE= 1 << 0, ///< from -inf + NO_MAX_RANGE= 1 << 1, ///< to +inf + /* X < key, i.e. not including the left endpoint */ + NEAR_MIN= 1 << 2, + /* X > key, i.e. not including the right endpoint */ + NEAR_MAX= 1 << 3, + /* + This flag means that index is a unique index, and the interval is + equivalent to "AND(keypart_i = const_i)", where all of const_i are + not NULLs. + */ + UNIQUE_RANGE= 1 << 4, + /* + This flag means that the interval is equivalent to + "AND(keypart_i = const_i)", where not all key parts may be used + but all of const_i are not NULLs. + */ + EQ_RANGE= 1 << 5, + /* + This flag has the same meaning as UNIQUE_RANGE, except that for at + least one keypart the condition is "keypart IS NULL". + */ + NULL_RANGE= 1 << 6, + GEOM_FLAG= 1 << 7, ///< GIS + /* Deprecated, currently used only by NDB at row retrieval */ + SKIP_RANGE= 1 << 8, + /* + Used together with EQ_RANGE to indicate that index statistics + should be used instead of sampling the index. + */ + USE_INDEX_STATISTICS= 1 << 9 +}; + + +typedef struct st_key_range +{ + const uchar *key; + uint length; + key_part_map keypart_map; + enum ha_rkey_function flag; +} key_range; + +typedef struct st_key_multi_range +{ + key_range start_key; + key_range end_key; + char *ptr; /* Free to use by caller (ptr to row etc) */ + uint range_flag; /* key range flags see above */ +} KEY_MULTI_RANGE; + + +/* For number of records */ +#ifdef BIG_TABLES +#define rows2double(A) ulonglong2double(A) +typedef my_off_t ha_rows; +#else +#define rows2double(A) (double) (A) +typedef ulong ha_rows; +#endif + +#define HA_POS_ERROR (~ (ha_rows) 0) +#define HA_OFFSET_ERROR (~ (my_off_t) 0) + +#if SYSTEM_SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 +#define MAX_FILE_SIZE INT_MAX32 +#else +#define MAX_FILE_SIZE LONGLONG_MAX +#endif + +#define HA_VARCHAR_PACKLENGTH(field_length) ((field_length) < 256 ? 1 :2) + +/* invalidator function reference for Query Cache */ +C_MODE_START +typedef void (* invalidator_by_filename)(const char * filename); +C_MODE_END + +#endif /* _my_base_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_bit.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_bit.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8d9f485a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_bit.h @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +/* + Copyright (c) 2007, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MY_BIT_INCLUDED +#define MY_BIT_INCLUDED + +/* + Some useful bit functions +*/ + +C_MODE_START + +extern const char _my_bits_nbits[256]; +extern const uchar _my_bits_reverse_table[256]; + +/* + Find smallest X in 2^X >= value + This can be used to divide a number with value by doing a shift instead +*/ + +static inline uint my_bit_log2(ulong value) +{ + uint bit; + for (bit=0 ; value > 1 ; value>>=1, bit++) ; + return bit; +} + +static inline uint my_count_bits(ulonglong v) +{ +#if SIZEOF_LONG_LONG > 4 + /* The following code is a bit faster on 16 bit machines than if we would + only shift v */ + ulong v2=(ulong) (v >> 32); + return (uint) (uchar) (_my_bits_nbits[(uchar) v] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v >> 8)] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v >> 16)] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v >> 24)] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v2)] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v2 >> 8)] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v2 >> 16)] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v2 >> 24)]); +#else + return (uint) (uchar) (_my_bits_nbits[(uchar) v] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v >> 8)] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v >> 16)] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v >> 24)]); +#endif +} + +static inline uint my_count_bits_uint32(uint32 v) +{ + return (uint) (uchar) (_my_bits_nbits[(uchar) v] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v >> 8)] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v >> 16)] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v >> 24)]); +} + + +/* + Next highest power of two + + SYNOPSIS + my_round_up_to_next_power() + v Value to check + + RETURN + Next or equal power of 2 + Note: 0 will return 0 + + NOTES + Algorithm by Sean Anderson, according to: + http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html + (Orignal code public domain) + + Comments shows how this works with 01100000000000000000000000001011 +*/ + +static inline uint32 my_round_up_to_next_power(uint32 v) +{ + v--; /* 01100000000000000000000000001010 */ + v|= v >> 1; /* 01110000000000000000000000001111 */ + v|= v >> 2; /* 01111100000000000000000000001111 */ + v|= v >> 4; /* 01111111110000000000000000001111 */ + v|= v >> 8; /* 01111111111111111100000000001111 */ + v|= v >> 16; /* 01111111111111111111111111111111 */ + return v+1; /* 10000000000000000000000000000000 */ +} + +static inline uint32 my_clear_highest_bit(uint32 v) +{ + uint32 w=v >> 1; + w|= w >> 1; + w|= w >> 2; + w|= w >> 4; + w|= w >> 8; + w|= w >> 16; + return v & w; +} + +static inline uint32 my_reverse_bits(uint32 key) +{ + return + (_my_bits_reverse_table[ key & 255] << 24) | + (_my_bits_reverse_table[(key>> 8) & 255] << 16) | + (_my_bits_reverse_table[(key>>16) & 255] << 8) | + _my_bits_reverse_table[(key>>24) ]; +} + +C_MODE_END + +#endif /* MY_BIT_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_bitmap.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_bitmap.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2e0a5457b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_bitmap.h @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +/* + Copyright (c) 2001, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ + +#ifndef _my_bitmap_h_ +#define _my_bitmap_h_ + +#define MY_BIT_NONE (~(uint) 0) + +#include + +typedef uint32 my_bitmap_map; + +typedef struct st_bitmap +{ + my_bitmap_map *bitmap; + uint n_bits; /* number of bits occupied by the above */ + my_bitmap_map last_word_mask; + my_bitmap_map *last_word_ptr; + /* + mutex will be acquired for the duration of each bitmap operation if + thread_safe flag in bitmap_init was set. Otherwise, we optimize by not + acquiring the mutex + */ + mysql_mutex_t *mutex; +} MY_BITMAP; + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif +extern void create_last_word_mask(MY_BITMAP *map); +extern my_bool bitmap_init(MY_BITMAP *map, my_bitmap_map *buf, uint n_bits, + my_bool thread_safe); +extern my_bool bitmap_is_clear_all(const MY_BITMAP *map); +extern my_bool bitmap_is_prefix(const MY_BITMAP *map, uint prefix_size); +extern my_bool bitmap_is_set_all(const MY_BITMAP *map); +extern my_bool bitmap_is_subset(const MY_BITMAP *map1, const MY_BITMAP *map2); +extern my_bool bitmap_is_overlapping(const MY_BITMAP *map1, + const MY_BITMAP *map2); +extern my_bool bitmap_test_and_set(MY_BITMAP *map, uint bitmap_bit); +extern my_bool bitmap_test_and_clear(MY_BITMAP *map, uint bitmap_bit); +extern my_bool bitmap_fast_test_and_set(MY_BITMAP *map, uint bitmap_bit); +extern uint bitmap_set_next(MY_BITMAP *map); +extern uint bitmap_get_first(const MY_BITMAP *map); +extern uint bitmap_get_first_set(const MY_BITMAP *map); +extern uint bitmap_get_next_set(const MY_BITMAP *map, uint bitmap_bit); +extern uint bitmap_bits_set(const MY_BITMAP *map); +extern void bitmap_free(MY_BITMAP *map); +extern void bitmap_set_above(MY_BITMAP *map, uint from_byte, uint use_bit); +extern void bitmap_set_prefix(MY_BITMAP *map, uint prefix_size); +extern void bitmap_intersect(MY_BITMAP *map, const MY_BITMAP *map2); +extern void bitmap_subtract(MY_BITMAP *map, const MY_BITMAP *map2); +extern void bitmap_union(MY_BITMAP *map, const MY_BITMAP *map2); +extern void bitmap_xor(MY_BITMAP *map, const MY_BITMAP *map2); +extern void bitmap_invert(MY_BITMAP *map); +extern void bitmap_copy(MY_BITMAP *map, const MY_BITMAP *map2); + +extern uint bitmap_lock_set_next(MY_BITMAP *map); +extern void bitmap_lock_clear_bit(MY_BITMAP *map, uint bitmap_bit); +/* Fast, not thread safe, bitmap functions */ +#define bitmap_buffer_size(bits) (((bits)+31)/32)*4 +#define no_bytes_in_map(map) (((map)->n_bits + 7)/8) +#define no_words_in_map(map) (((map)->n_bits + 31)/32) + +static inline void bitmap_set_bit(MY_BITMAP *map, uint bit) +{ + DBUG_ASSERT(bit < map->n_bits); + ((uchar*)map->bitmap)[bit / 8] |= (1 << (bit & 7)); +} + + +static inline void bitmap_flip_bit(MY_BITMAP *map, uint bit) +{ + DBUG_ASSERT(bit < map->n_bits); + ((uchar*)map->bitmap)[bit / 8] ^= (1 << (bit & 7)); +} + + +static inline void bitmap_clear_bit(MY_BITMAP *map, uint bit) +{ + DBUG_ASSERT(bit < map->n_bits); + ((uchar*)map->bitmap)[bit / 8] &= ~(1 << (bit & 7)); +} + + +static inline my_bool bitmap_is_set(const MY_BITMAP *map, uint bit) +{ + DBUG_ASSERT(bit < map->n_bits); + return ((uchar*)map->bitmap)[bit / 8] & (1 << (bit & 7)); +} + +/** + Quite unlike other C comparison functions ending with 'cmp', e.g. memcmp(), + strcmp(), this function returns true if the bitmaps are equal, and false + otherwise. + + @retval true The bitmaps are equal. + @retval false The bitmaps differ. + */ +static inline my_bool bitmap_cmp(const MY_BITMAP *map1, const MY_BITMAP *map2) +{ + if (memcmp(map1->bitmap, map2->bitmap, 4*(no_words_in_map(map1)-1)) != 0) + return FALSE; + return ((*map1->last_word_ptr | map1->last_word_mask) == + (*map2->last_word_ptr | map2->last_word_mask)); +} + +#define bitmap_clear_all(MAP) \ + { memset((MAP)->bitmap, 0, 4*no_words_in_map((MAP))); } +#define bitmap_set_all(MAP) \ + (memset((MAP)->bitmap, 0xFF, 4*no_words_in_map((MAP)))) + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* _my_bitmap_h_ */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_byteorder.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_byteorder.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..11c5f2c91 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_byteorder.h @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +#ifndef MY_BYTEORDER_INCLUDED +#define MY_BYTEORDER_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + + +/* + Macro for reading 32-bit integer from network byte order (big-endian) + from a unaligned memory location. +*/ +#define int4net(A) (int32) (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[3])) | \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 8) | \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 16) | \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) << 24)) + +/* + Function-like macros for reading and storing in machine independent + format (low byte first). There are 'korr' (assume 'corrector') variants + for integer types, but 'get' (assume 'getter') for floating point types. +*/ +#if defined(__i386__) || defined(_WIN32) +#define MY_BYTE_ORDER_ARCH_OPTIMIZED +#include "byte_order_generic_x86.h" +#elif defined(__x86_64__) +#include "byte_order_generic_x86_64.h" +#else +#include "byte_order_generic.h" +#endif + +/* + Function-like macros for reading and storing in machine format from/to + short/long to/from some place in memory V should be a variable (not on + a register) and M a pointer to byte. +*/ +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN +#include "big_endian.h" +#else +#include "little_endian.h" +#endif + +#endif /* MY_BYTEORDER_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_compare.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_compare.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8c3825c7f --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_compare.h @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ + +#ifndef _my_compare_h +#define _my_compare_h + +#include "myisampack.h" +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#include "m_ctype.h" /* CHARSET_INFO */ + +/* + There is a hard limit for the maximum number of keys as there are only + 8 bits in the index file header for the number of keys in a table. + This means that 0..255 keys can exist for a table. The idea of + HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY is to ensure that one can use myisamchk & tools on + a MyISAM table for which one has more keys than MyISAM is normally + compiled for. If you don't have this, you will get a core dump when + running myisamchk compiled for 128 keys on a table with 255 keys. +*/ + +#define HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY 255 /* For myisamchk */ +/* + The following defines can be increased if necessary. + But beware the dependency of MI_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY_BUFF and HA_MAX_KEY_LENGTH. +*/ + +#define HA_MAX_KEY_LENGTH 1000 /* Max length in bytes */ +#define HA_MAX_KEY_SEG 16 /* Max segments for key */ + +#define HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY_BUFF (HA_MAX_KEY_LENGTH + 24+ 6+6) +#define HA_MAX_KEY_BUFF (HA_MAX_KEY_LENGTH+HA_MAX_KEY_SEG*6+8+8) + +typedef struct st_HA_KEYSEG /* Key-portion */ +{ + const CHARSET_INFO *charset; + uint32 start; /* Start of key in record */ + uint32 null_pos; /* position to NULL indicator */ + uint16 bit_pos; /* Position to bit part */ + uint16 flag; + uint16 length; /* Keylength */ + uint16 language; + uint8 type; /* Type of key (for sort) */ + uint8 null_bit; /* bitmask to test for NULL */ + uint8 bit_start,bit_end; /* if bit field */ + uint8 bit_length; /* Length of bit part */ +} HA_KEYSEG; + +#define get_key_length(length,key) \ +{ if (*(uchar*) (key) != 255) \ + length= (uint) *(uchar*) ((key)++); \ + else \ + { length= mi_uint2korr((key)+1); (key)+=3; } \ +} + +#define get_key_length_rdonly(length,key) \ +{ if (*(uchar*) (key) != 255) \ + length= ((uint) *(uchar*) ((key))); \ + else \ + { length= mi_uint2korr((key)+1); } \ +} + +#define get_key_pack_length(length,length_pack,key) \ +{ if (*(uchar*) (key) != 255) \ + { length= (uint) *(uchar*) ((key)++); length_pack= 1; }\ + else \ + { length=mi_uint2korr((key)+1); (key)+= 3; length_pack= 3; } \ +} + +#define store_key_length_inc(key,length) \ +{ if ((length) < 255) \ + { *(key)++= (length); } \ + else \ + { *(key)=255; mi_int2store((key)+1,(length)); (key)+=3; } \ +} + +#define size_to_store_key_length(length) ((length) < 255 ? 1 : 3) + +#define get_rec_bits(bit_ptr, bit_ofs, bit_len) \ + (((((uint16) (bit_ptr)[1] << 8) | (uint16) (bit_ptr)[0]) >> (bit_ofs)) & \ + ((1 << (bit_len)) - 1)) + +#define set_rec_bits(bits, bit_ptr, bit_ofs, bit_len) \ +{ \ + (bit_ptr)[0]= ((bit_ptr)[0] & ~(((1 << (bit_len)) - 1) << (bit_ofs))) | \ + ((bits) << (bit_ofs)); \ + if ((bit_ofs) + (bit_len) > 8) \ + (bit_ptr)[1]= ((bit_ptr)[1] & ~((1 << ((bit_len) - 8 + (bit_ofs))) - 1)) | \ + ((bits) >> (8 - (bit_ofs))); \ +} + +#define clr_rec_bits(bit_ptr, bit_ofs, bit_len) \ + set_rec_bits(0, bit_ptr, bit_ofs, bit_len) + +extern int ha_compare_text(const CHARSET_INFO *, uchar *, uint, uchar *, uint , + my_bool, my_bool); +extern int ha_key_cmp(register HA_KEYSEG *keyseg, register uchar *a, + register uchar *b, uint key_length, uint nextflag, + uint *diff_pos); + +/* + Inside an in-memory data record, memory pointers to pieces of the + record (like BLOBs) are stored in their native byte order and in + this amount of bytes. +*/ +#define portable_sizeof_char_ptr 8 + + +/** + Return values of index_cond_func_xxx functions. + + 0=ICP_NO_MATCH - index tuple doesn't satisfy the pushed index condition (the + engine should discard the tuple and go to the next one) + 1=ICP_MATCH - index tuple satisfies the pushed index condition (the engine + should fetch and return the record) + 2=ICP_OUT_OF_RANGE - index tuple is out range that we're scanning, e.g. this + if we're scanning "t.key BETWEEN 10 AND 20" and got a + "t.key=21" tuple (the engine should stop scanning and return + HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE right away). +*/ + +typedef enum icp_result { + ICP_NO_MATCH, + ICP_MATCH, + ICP_OUT_OF_RANGE +} ICP_RESULT; + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* _my_compare_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_compiler.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_compiler.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..000d4e428 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_compiler.h @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +#ifndef MY_COMPILER_INCLUDED +#define MY_COMPILER_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/** + Header for compiler-dependent features. + + Intended to contain a set of reusable wrappers for preprocessor + macros, attributes, pragmas, and any other features that are + specific to a target compiler. +*/ + +#include /* stddef.h offsetof */ + +/** + Compiler-dependent internal convenience macros. +*/ + +/* GNU C/C++ */ +#if defined __GNUC__ +/* Convenience macro to test the minimum required GCC version. */ +# define MY_GNUC_PREREQ(maj, min) \ + ((__GNUC__ << 16) + __GNUC_MINOR__ >= ((maj) << 16) + (min)) +/* Any after 2.95... */ +# define MY_ALIGN_EXT +/* Comunicate to the compiler the unreachability of the code. */ +# if MY_GNUC_PREREQ(4,5) +# define MY_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE() __builtin_unreachable() +# endif + +/* Microsoft Visual C++ */ +#elif defined _MSC_VER +# define MY_ALIGNOF(type) __alignof(type) +# define MY_ALIGNED(n) __declspec(align(n)) + +/* Oracle Solaris Studio */ +#elif defined(__SUNPRO_C) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC) +# if __SUNPRO_C >= 0x590 +# define MY_ALIGN_EXT +# endif + +/* IBM XL C/C++ */ +#elif defined __xlC__ +# if __xlC__ >= 0x0600 +# define MY_ALIGN_EXT +# endif + +/* HP aCC */ +#elif defined(__HP_aCC) || defined(__HP_cc) +# if (__HP_aCC >= 60000) || (__HP_cc >= 60000) +# define MY_ALIGN_EXT +# endif +#endif + +#ifdef MY_ALIGN_EXT +/** Specifies the minimum alignment of a type. */ +# define MY_ALIGNOF(type) __alignof__(type) +/** Determine the alignment requirement of a type. */ +# define MY_ALIGNED(n) __attribute__((__aligned__((n)))) +#endif + +/** + Generic (compiler-independent) features. +*/ + +#ifndef MY_GNUC_PREREQ +# define MY_GNUC_PREREQ(maj, min) (0) +#endif + +#ifndef MY_ALIGNOF +# ifdef __cplusplus + template struct my_alignof_helper { char m1; type m2; }; + /* Invalid for non-POD types, but most compilers give the right answer. */ +# define MY_ALIGNOF(type) offsetof(my_alignof_helper, m2) +# else +# define MY_ALIGNOF(type) offsetof(struct { char m1; type m2; }, m2) +# endif +#endif + +#ifndef MY_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE +# define MY_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE() do { assert(0); } while (0) +#endif + +/** + C++ Type Traits +*/ + +#ifdef __cplusplus + +/** + Opaque storage with a particular alignment. +*/ +# if defined(MY_ALIGNED) +/* Partial specialization used due to MSVC++. */ +template struct my_alignment_imp; +template<> struct MY_ALIGNED(1) my_alignment_imp<1> {}; +template<> struct MY_ALIGNED(2) my_alignment_imp<2> {}; +template<> struct MY_ALIGNED(4) my_alignment_imp<4> {}; +template<> struct MY_ALIGNED(8) my_alignment_imp<8> {}; +template<> struct MY_ALIGNED(16) my_alignment_imp<16> {}; +/* ... expand as necessary. */ +# else +template +struct my_alignment_imp { double m1; }; +# endif + +/** + A POD type with a given size and alignment. + + @remark If the compiler does not support a alignment attribute + (MY_ALIGN macro), the default alignment of a double is + used instead. + + @tparam size The minimum size. + @tparam alignment The desired alignment: 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16. +*/ +template +struct my_aligned_storage +{ + union + { + char data[size]; + my_alignment_imp align; + }; +}; + +#endif /* __cplusplus */ + +# ifndef MY_ALIGNED +/* + Make sure MY_ALIGNED can be used also on platforms where we don't + have a way of aligning data structures. +*/ +#define MY_ALIGNED(size) +#endif + +#include + +#endif /* MY_COMPILER_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_config.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_config.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b3742866 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_config.h @@ -0,0 +1,667 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2009, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MY_CONFIG_H +#define MY_CONFIG_H +#define DOT_FRM_VERSION 6 +/* Headers we may want to use. */ +#define STDC_HEADERS 1 +#define _GNU_SOURCE 1 +#define HAVE_ALLOCA_H 1 +#define HAVE_AIO_H 1 +#define HAVE_ARPA_INET_H 1 +#define HAVE_ASM_MSR_H 1 +#define HAVE_ASM_TERMBITS_H 1 +#define HAVE_BSEARCH 1 +#define HAVE_CRYPT_H 1 +#define HAVE_CURSES_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_CXXABI_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_NCURSES_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_NDIR_H */ +#define HAVE_DIRENT_H 1 +#define HAVE_DLFCN_H 1 +#define HAVE_EXECINFO_H 1 +#define HAVE_FCNTL_H 1 +#define HAVE_FENV_H 1 +#define HAVE_FLOAT_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_FLOATINGPOINT_H */ +#define HAVE_FNMATCH_H 1 +#define HAVE_FPU_CONTROL_H 1 +#define HAVE_GRP_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_IA64INTRIN_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_IEEEFP_H */ +#define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1 +#define HAVE_LIMITS_H 1 +#define HAVE_LOCALE_H 1 +#define HAVE_MALLOC_H 1 +#define HAVE_MEMORY_H 1 +#define HAVE_NETINET_IN_H 1 +#define HAVE_PATHS_H 1 +#define HAVE_POLL_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PORT_H */ +#define HAVE_PWD_H 1 +#define HAVE_SCHED_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SELECT_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SOLARIS_LARGE_PAGES */ +#define HAVE_STDDEF_H 1 +#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1 +#define HAVE_STDARG_H 1 +#define HAVE_STRINGS_H 1 +#define HAVE_STRING_H 1 +#define HAVE_STDINT_H 1 +#define HAVE_SEMAPHORE_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYNCH_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SYSENT_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_DIR_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_CDEFS_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_FILE_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_FPU_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_IPC_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_MALLOC_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_NDIR_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_PTE_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_PTEM_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_SHM_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_STREAM_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_TERMCAP_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_TIMEB_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_TIMES_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_TIME_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_UN_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_VADVISE_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_TERM_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_TERMBITS_H */ +#define HAVE_TERMIOS_H 1 +#define HAVE_TERMIO_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_TERMCAP_H */ +#define HAVE_TIME_H 1 +#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1 +#define HAVE_UTIME_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_VARARGS_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_VIS_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_UTIME_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H 1 + +/* Libraries */ +/* #undef HAVE_LIBPTHREAD */ +#define HAVE_LIBM 1 +#define HAVE_LIBDL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_LIBRT */ +/* #undef HAVE_LIBSOCKET */ +/* #undef HAVE_LIBNSL */ +#define HAVE_LIBCRYPT 1 +/* #undef HAVE_LIBMTMALLOC */ +/* #undef HAVE_LIBWRAP */ +/* #undef HAVE_LIBRESOLV */ +/* Does "struct timespec" have a "sec" and "nsec" field? */ +/* #undef HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC */ + +/* Readline */ +#define HAVE_HIST_ENTRY 1 +#define USE_LIBEDIT_INTERFACE 1 + +#define FIONREAD_IN_SYS_IOCTL 1 +#define GWINSZ_IN_SYS_IOCTL 1 +/* #undef TIOCSTAT_IN_SYS_IOCTL */ +/* #undef FIONREAD_IN_SYS_FILIO */ + +/* Functions we may want to use. */ +/* #undef HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC */ +/* #undef HAVE_ALIGNED_FREE */ +/* #undef HAVE_AIOWAIT */ +#define HAVE_ALARM 1 +#define HAVE_ALLOCA 1 +/* #undef HAVE_BMOVE */ +#define HAVE_INDEX 1 +#define HAVE_CHOWN 1 +#define HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME 1 +#define HAVE_CRYPT 1 +#define HAVE_CUSERID 1 +/* #undef HAVE_DIRECTIO */ +#define HAVE_DLERROR 1 +#define HAVE_DLOPEN 1 +/* #undef HAVE_DOPRNT */ +#define HAVE_FCHMOD 1 +#define HAVE_FCNTL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_FCONVERT */ +#define HAVE_FDATASYNC 1 +#define HAVE_FESETROUND 1 +#define HAVE_FINITE 1 +/* #undef HAVE_FP_EXCEPT */ +/* #undef HAVE_FPSETMASK */ +#define HAVE_FSEEKO 1 +#define HAVE_FSYNC 1 +#define HAVE_FTIME 1 +#define HAVE_GETADDRINFO 1 +#define HAVE_GETCWD 1 +#define HAVE_GETHOSTBYADDR_R 1 +/* #undef HAVE_GETHRTIME */ +#define HAVE_GETLINE 1 +#define HAVE_GETNAMEINFO 1 +#define HAVE_GETPAGESIZE 1 +#define HAVE_GETPASS 1 +/* #undef HAVE_GETPASSPHRASE */ +#define HAVE_GETPWNAM 1 +#define HAVE_GETPWUID 1 +#define HAVE_GETRLIMIT 1 +#define HAVE_GETRUSAGE 1 +#define HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY 1 +#define HAVE_GETWD 1 +#define HAVE_GMTIME_R 1 +/* #undef gmtime_r */ +#define HAVE_INITGROUPS 1 +/* #undef HAVE_ISSETUGID */ +#define HAVE_GETUID 1 +#define HAVE_GETEUID 1 +#define HAVE_GETGID 1 +#define HAVE_GETEGID 1 +#define HAVE_ISNAN 1 +#define HAVE_ISINF 1 +#define HAVE_LARGE_PAGE_OPTION 1 +#define HAVE_LDIV 1 +#define HAVE_LRAND48 1 +#define HAVE_LOCALTIME_R 1 +#define HAVE_LOG2 1 +#define HAVE_LONGJMP 1 +#define HAVE_LSTAT 1 +#define HAVE_MEMALIGN 1 +/* #define HAVE_MLOCK 1 see Bug#54662 */ +#define HAVE_NPTL 1 +#define HAVE_NL_LANGINFO 1 +#define HAVE_MADVISE 1 +#define HAVE_DECL_MADVISE 1 +#define HAVE_DECL_TGOTO 1 +/* #undef HAVE_DECL_MHA_MAPSIZE_VA */ +#define HAVE_MALLOC_INFO 1 +#define HAVE_MEMCPY 1 +#define HAVE_MEMMOVE 1 +#define HAVE_MKSTEMP 1 +#define HAVE_MLOCKALL 1 +#define HAVE_MMAP 1 +#define HAVE_MMAP64 1 +#define HAVE_PERROR 1 +#define HAVE_POLL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PORT_CREATE */ +#define HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE 1 +#define HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN 1 +#define HAVE_PREAD 1 +#define HAVE_PAUSE_INSTRUCTION 1 +/* #undef HAVE_FAKE_PAUSE_INSTRUCTION */ +/* #undef HAVE_RDTSCLL */ +/* #undef HAVE_READ_REAL_TIME */ +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_CREATE */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETGUARDSIZE 1 +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETSTACKSIZE 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETPRIO */ +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSCHEDPARAM */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSCOPE 1 +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSTACKSIZE 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_CREATE */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_SETCLOCK 1 +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_KEY_DELETE 1 +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_KEY_DELETE 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_KILL */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_RDLOCK 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_SETPRIO_NP */ +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_SETSCHEDPARAM */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_SIGMASK 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_THREADMASK */ +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_YIELD_NP */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_YIELD_ZERO_ARG 1 +#define PTHREAD_ONCE_INITIALIZER PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT +#define HAVE_PUTENV 1 +#define HAVE_RE_COMP 1 +#define HAVE_REGCOMP 1 +#define HAVE_READDIR_R 1 +#define HAVE_READLINK 1 +#define HAVE_REALPATH 1 +#define HAVE_RENAME 1 +#define HAVE_RINT 1 +/* #undef HAVE_RWLOCK_INIT */ +#define HAVE_SCHED_YIELD 1 +#define HAVE_SELECT 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SETFD */ +#define HAVE_SETENV 1 +#define HAVE_SETLOCALE 1 +#define HAVE_SIGADDSET 1 +#define HAVE_SIGEMPTYSET 1 +#define HAVE_SIGHOLD 1 +#define HAVE_SIGSET 1 +#define HAVE_SIGSET_T 1 +#define HAVE_SIGACTION 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SIGTHREADMASK */ +#define HAVE_SIGWAIT 1 +#define HAVE_SLEEP 1 +#define HAVE_SNPRINTF 1 +#define HAVE_STPCPY 1 +#define HAVE_STRERROR 1 +#define HAVE_STRCOLL 1 +#define HAVE_STRSIGNAL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_STRLCPY */ +/* #undef HAVE_STRLCAT */ +/* #undef HAVE_FGETLN */ +#define HAVE_STRNLEN 1 +#define HAVE_STRPBRK 1 +#define HAVE_STRSEP 1 +#define HAVE_STRSTR 1 +#define HAVE_STRTOK_R 1 +#define HAVE_STRTOL 1 +#define HAVE_STRTOLL 1 +#define HAVE_STRTOUL 1 +#define HAVE_STRTOULL 1 +#define HAVE_SHMAT 1 +#define HAVE_SHMCTL 1 +#define HAVE_SHMDT 1 +#define HAVE_SHMGET 1 +/* #undef HAVE_TELL */ +#define HAVE_TEMPNAM 1 +/* #undef HAVE_THR_SETCONCURRENCY */ +/* #undef HAVE_THR_YIELD */ +#define HAVE_TIME 1 +#define HAVE_TIMES 1 +#define HAVE_VALLOC 1 +#define HAVE_VIO_READ_BUFF 1 +#define HAVE_VASPRINTF 1 +#define HAVE_VPRINTF 1 +#define HAVE_VSNPRINTF 1 +#define HAVE_FTRUNCATE 1 +#define HAVE_TZNAME 1 +/* #undef HAVE_AIO_READ */ +/* Symbols we may use */ +/* used by stacktrace functions */ +#define HAVE_BSS_START 1 +#define HAVE_BACKTRACE 1 +#define HAVE_BACKTRACE_SYMBOLS 1 +#define HAVE_BACKTRACE_SYMBOLS_FD 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PRINTSTACK */ +#define HAVE_STRUCT_SOCKADDR_IN6 1 +#define HAVE_STRUCT_IN6_ADDR 1 +/* #undef HAVE_NETINET_IN6_H */ +#define HAVE_IPV6 1 +/* #undef ss_family */ +/* #undef HAVE_SOCKADDR_IN_SIN_LEN */ +/* #undef HAVE_SOCKADDR_IN6_SIN6_LEN */ +/* #undef HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC */ +#define STRUCT_DIRENT_HAS_D_INO 1 +/* #undef STRUCT_DIRENT_HAS_D_NAMLEN */ +#define SPRINTF_RETURNS_INT 1 + +#define DNS_USE_CPU_CLOCK_FOR_ID 1 +#define HAVE_EPOLL 1 +#define HAVE_EPOLL_CTL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_EVENT_PORTS */ +#define HAVE_INET_NTOP 1 +/* #undef HAVE_KQUEUE */ +/* #undef HAVE_WORKING_KQUEUE */ +#define HAVE_SIGNAL 1 +#define HAVE_TIMERADD 1 +#define HAVE_TIMERCLEAR 1 +#define HAVE_TIMERCMP 1 +#define HAVE_TIMERISSET 1 + +/* #undef HAVE_DEVPOLL */ +#define HAVE_SIGNAL_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_DEVPOLL_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_EPOLL_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_EVENT_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_QUEUE_H 1 +#define HAVE_TAILQFOREACH 1 +#define USE_MB 1 +#define USE_MB_IDENT 1 + +/* #undef HAVE_VALGRIND */ + +/* Types we may use */ +#ifdef __APPLE__ + /* + Special handling required for OSX to support universal binaries that + mix 32 and 64 bit architectures. + */ + #if(__LP64__) + #define SIZEOF_LONG 8 + #else + #define SIZEOF_LONG 4 + #endif + #define SIZEOF_VOIDP SIZEOF_LONG + #define SIZEOF_CHARP SIZEOF_LONG + #define SIZEOF_SIZE_T SIZEOF_LONG +#else +/* No indentation, to fetch the lines from verification scripts */ +#define SIZEOF_LONG 8 +#define SIZEOF_VOIDP 8 +#define SIZEOF_CHARP 8 +#define SIZEOF_SIZE_T 8 +#endif + +#define SIZEOF_CHAR 1 +#define HAVE_CHAR 1 +#define HAVE_LONG 1 +#define HAVE_CHARP 1 +#define SIZEOF_SHORT 2 +#define HAVE_SHORT 1 +#define SIZEOF_INT 4 +#define HAVE_INT 1 +#define SIZEOF_LONG_LONG 8 +#define HAVE_LONG_LONG 1 +#define SIZEOF_OFF_T 8 +#define HAVE_OFF_T 1 +#define SIZEOF_SIGSET_T 128 +#define HAVE_SIGSET_T 1 +#define HAVE_SIZE_T 1 +/* #undef SIZEOF_UCHAR */ +/* #undef HAVE_UCHAR */ +#define SIZEOF_UINT 4 +#define HAVE_UINT 1 +#define SIZEOF_ULONG 8 +#define HAVE_ULONG 1 +/* #undef SIZEOF_INT8 */ +/* #undef HAVE_INT8 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_UINT8 */ +/* #undef HAVE_UINT8 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_INT16 */ +/* #undef HAVE_INT16 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_UINT16 */ +/* #undef HAVE_UINT16 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_INT32 */ +/* #undef HAVE_INT32 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_UINT32 */ +/* #undef HAVE_UINT32 */ +#define SIZEOF_U_INT32_T 4 +#define HAVE_U_INT32_T 1 +/* #undef SIZEOF_INT64 */ +/* #undef HAVE_INT64 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_UINT64 */ +/* #undef HAVE_UINT64 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_BOOL */ +/* #undef HAVE_BOOL */ + +#define SOCKET_SIZE_TYPE socklen_t + +#define HAVE_MBSTATE_T + +#define MAX_INDEXES 64U + +#define QSORT_TYPE_IS_VOID 1 +#define RETQSORTTYPE void + +#define SIGNAL_RETURN_TYPE_IS_VOID 1 +#define RETSIGTYPE void +#define VOID_SIGHANDLER 1 +#define STRUCT_RLIMIT struct rlimit + +#ifdef __APPLE__ + #if __BIG_ENDIAN + #define WORDS_BIGENDIAN 1 + #endif +#else +/* #undef WORDS_BIGENDIAN */ +#endif + +/* + Define to `__inline__' or `__inline' if that's what the C compiler calls it. +*/ +#define C_HAS_inline 1 +#if !(C_HAS_inline) +#ifndef __cplusplus +# define inline +#endif +#endif + + +#define TARGET_OS_LINUX 1 + +#define HAVE_WCTYPE_H 1 +#define HAVE_WCHAR_H 1 +#define HAVE_LANGINFO_H 1 +#define HAVE_MBRLEN +/* #undef HAVE_MBSCMP */ +#define HAVE_MBSRTOWCS +#define HAVE_WCRTOMB +#define HAVE_MBRTOWC +#define HAVE_WCSCOLL +#define HAVE_WCSDUP +#define HAVE_WCWIDTH +#define HAVE_WCTYPE +#define HAVE_ISWLOWER 1 +#define HAVE_ISWUPPER 1 +#define HAVE_TOWLOWER 1 +#define HAVE_TOWUPPER 1 +#define HAVE_ISWCTYPE 1 +#define HAVE_WCHAR_T 1 +#define HAVE_WCTYPE_T 1 +#define HAVE_WINT_T 1 + + +#define HAVE_STRCASECMP 1 +#define HAVE_STRNCASECMP 1 +#define HAVE_STRDUP 1 +#define HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET +#define HAVE_TCGETATTR 1 +#define HAVE_FLOCKFILE 1 + +#define HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_ABI_CXA_DEMANGLE */ + + +#define HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS 1 +/* #undef HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */ +/* #undef HAVE_SVR3_SIGNALS */ +/* #undef HAVE_V7_SIGNALS */ + + +/* #undef HAVE_SOLARIS_STYLE_GETHOST */ + +/* #undef MY_ATOMIC_MODE_DUMMY */ +/* #undef MY_ATOMIC_MODE_RWLOCKS */ +#define HAVE_GCC_ATOMIC_BUILTINS 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SOLARIS_ATOMIC */ +#define HAVE_DECL_SHM_HUGETLB 1 +#define HAVE_LARGE_PAGES 1 +#define HUGETLB_USE_PROC_MEMINFO 1 +/* #undef NO_FCNTL_NONBLOCK */ +/* #undef NO_ALARM */ + +/* #undef _LARGE_FILES */ +#define _LARGEFILE_SOURCE 1 +/* #undef _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE */ +#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 + +#define TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME 1 + +#define STACK_DIRECTION -1 + +#define SYSTEM_TYPE "Linux" +#define MACHINE_TYPE "x86_64" +/* #undef HAVE_DTRACE */ + +#define SIGNAL_WITH_VIO_SHUTDOWN 1 + +/* Windows stuff, mostly functions, that have Posix analogs but named differently */ +/* #undef S_IROTH */ +/* #undef S_IFIFO */ +/* #undef IPPROTO_IPV6 */ +/* #undef IPV6_V6ONLY */ +/* #undef sigset_t */ +/* #undef mode_t */ +/* #undef SIGQUIT */ +/* #undef SIGPIPE */ +/* #undef isnan */ +/* #undef finite */ +/* #undef popen */ +/* #undef pclose */ +/* #undef ssize_t */ +/* #undef strcasecmp */ +/* #undef strncasecmp */ +/* #undef snprintf */ +/* #undef strtok_r */ +/* #undef strtoll */ +/* #undef strtoull */ +/* #undef vsnprintf */ +#if (_MSC_VER > 1310) +# define HAVE_SETENV +#define setenv(a,b,c) _putenv_s(a,b) +#endif +/* We don't want the min/max macros */ +#ifdef __WIN__ +#define NOMINMAX +#endif + +/* + Memcached config options +*/ +/* #undef WITH_INNODB_MEMCACHED */ +/* #undef ENABLE_MEMCACHED_SASL */ +/* #undef ENABLE_MEMCACHED_SASL_PWDB */ +/* #undef HAVE_SASL_SASL_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_HTONLL */ + +/* + MySQL features +*/ +#define ENABLED_LOCAL_INFILE 1 +#define ENABLED_PROFILING 1 +/* #undef EXTRA_DEBUG */ +/* #undef BACKUP_TEST */ +/* #undef CYBOZU */ +#define OPTIMIZER_TRACE 1 +/* #undef USE_SYMDIR */ + +/* + InnoDB config options +*/ +#define INNODB_COMPILER_HINTS + +/* Character sets and collations */ +#define MYSQL_DEFAULT_CHARSET_NAME "latin1" +#define MYSQL_DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME "latin1_swedish_ci" + +#define USE_MB 1 +#define USE_MB_IDENT 1 +/* #undef USE_STRCOLL */ + +/* This should mean case insensitive file system */ +/* #undef FN_NO_CASE_SENSE */ + +#define HAVE_CHARSET_armscii8 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_ascii 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_big5 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp1250 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp1251 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp1256 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp1257 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp850 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp852 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp866 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp932 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_dec8 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_eucjpms 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_euckr 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_gb2312 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_gbk 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_geostd8 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_greek 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_hebrew 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_hp8 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_keybcs2 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_koi8r 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_koi8u 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_latin1 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_latin2 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_latin5 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_latin7 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_macce 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_macroman 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_sjis 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_swe7 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_tis620 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_ucs2 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_ujis 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_utf8mb4 1 +/* #undef HAVE_CHARSET_utf8mb3 */ +#define HAVE_CHARSET_utf8 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_utf16 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_utf32 1 +#define HAVE_UCA_COLLATIONS 1 +#define HAVE_COMPRESS 1 +/* #undef COMPILE_FLAG_WERROR */ + +/* + Stuff that always need to be defined (compile breaks without it) +*/ +#define HAVE_SPATIAL 1 +#define HAVE_RTREE_KEYS 1 +#define HAVE_QUERY_CACHE 1 +#define BIG_TABLES 1 + +/* + Important storage engines (those that really need define + WITH__STORAGE_ENGINE for the whole server) +*/ +#define WITH_MYISAM_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +#define WITH_MYISAMMRG_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +#define WITH_HEAP_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +#define WITH_CSV_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +#define WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +#define WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +/* #undef WITH_NDBCLUSTER_STORAGE_ENGINE */ +#if (WITH_NDBCLUSTER_STORAGE_ENGINE) && !defined(EMBEDDED_LIBRARY) +# define HAVE_NDB_BINLOG 1 +#endif + +#define DEFAULT_MYSQL_HOME "/usr/local/mysql" +#define SHAREDIR "/usr/local/mysql/share" +#define DEFAULT_BASEDIR "/usr/local/mysql" +#define MYSQL_DATADIR "/usr/local/mysql/data" +#define DEFAULT_CHARSET_HOME "/usr/local/mysql" +#define PLUGINDIR "/usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin" +#define DEFAULT_SYSCONFDIR "/usr/local/mysql/etc" + +/* #undef SO_EXT */ + +#define MYSQL_VERSION_MAJOR 5 +#define MYSQL_VERSION_MINOR 6 +#define MYSQL_VERSION_PATCH 14 +#define MYSQL_VERSION_EXTRA "" + +#define PACKAGE "mysql" +#define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "" +#define PACKAGE_NAME "MySQL Server" +#define PACKAGE_STRING "MySQL Server 5.6.14" +#define PACKAGE_TARNAME "mysql" +#define PACKAGE_VERSION "5.6.14" +#define VERSION "5.6.14" +#define PROTOCOL_VERSION 10 + + +/* time_t related defines */ + +#define SIZEOF_TIME_T 8 +/* #undef TIME_T_UNSIGNED */ + +/* CPU information */ + +#define CPU_LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE 64 + + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_dbug.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_dbug.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d8108ea4b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_dbug.h @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MY_DBUG_INCLUDED +#define MY_DBUG_INCLUDED + +#ifndef __WIN__ +#ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H +#include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H +#include +#endif +#include +#endif /* not __WIN__ */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif +#if !defined(DBUG_OFF) && !defined(_lint) + +struct _db_stack_frame_ { + const char *func; /* function name of the previous stack frame */ + const char *file; /* filename of the function of previous frame */ + uint level; /* this nesting level, highest bit enables tracing */ + struct _db_stack_frame_ *prev; /* pointer to the previous frame */ +}; + +struct _db_code_state_; +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT my_bool _dbug_on_; +extern my_bool _db_keyword_(struct _db_code_state_ *, const char *, int); +extern int _db_explain_(struct _db_code_state_ *cs, char *buf, size_t len); +extern int _db_explain_init_(char *buf, size_t len); +extern int _db_is_pushed_(void); +extern void _db_setjmp_(void); +extern void _db_longjmp_(void); +extern void _db_process_(const char *name); +extern void _db_push_(const char *control); +extern void _db_pop_(void); +extern void _db_set_(const char *control); +extern void _db_set_init_(const char *control); +extern void _db_enter_(const char *_func_, const char *_file_, uint _line_, + struct _db_stack_frame_ *_stack_frame_); +extern void _db_return_(uint _line_, struct _db_stack_frame_ *_stack_frame_); +extern void _db_pargs_(uint _line_,const char *keyword); +extern int _db_enabled_(); +extern void _db_doprnt_(const char *format,...) + ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 1, 2); +extern void _db_dump_(uint _line_,const char *keyword, + const unsigned char *memory, size_t length); +extern void _db_end_(void); +extern void _db_lock_file_(void); +extern void _db_unlock_file_(void); +extern FILE *_db_fp_(void); +extern void _db_flush_(); +extern const char* _db_get_func_(void); + +#define DBUG_ENTER(a) struct _db_stack_frame_ _db_stack_frame_; \ + _db_enter_ (a,__FILE__,__LINE__,&_db_stack_frame_) +#define DBUG_LEAVE _db_return_ (__LINE__, &_db_stack_frame_) +#define DBUG_RETURN(a1) do {DBUG_LEAVE; return(a1);} while(0) +#define DBUG_VOID_RETURN do {DBUG_LEAVE; return;} while(0) +#define DBUG_EXECUTE(keyword,a1) \ + do {if (_db_keyword_(0, (keyword), 0)) { a1 }} while(0) +#define DBUG_EXECUTE_IF(keyword,a1) \ + do {if (_db_keyword_(0, (keyword), 1)) { a1 }} while(0) +#define DBUG_EVALUATE(keyword,a1,a2) \ + (_db_keyword_(0,(keyword), 0) ? (a1) : (a2)) +#define DBUG_EVALUATE_IF(keyword,a1,a2) \ + (_db_keyword_(0,(keyword), 1) ? (a1) : (a2)) +#define DBUG_PRINT(keyword,arglist) \ + do \ + { \ + if (_dbug_on_) \ + { \ + _db_pargs_(__LINE__,keyword); \ + if (_db_enabled_()) \ + { \ + _db_doprnt_ arglist; \ + } \ + } \ + } while(0) +#define DBUG_PUSH(a1) _db_push_ (a1) +#define DBUG_POP() _db_pop_ () +#define DBUG_SET(a1) _db_set_ (a1) +#define DBUG_SET_INITIAL(a1) _db_set_init_ (a1) +#define DBUG_PROCESS(a1) _db_process_(a1) +#define DBUG_FILE _db_fp_() +#define DBUG_SETJMP(a1) (_db_setjmp_ (), setjmp (a1)) +#define DBUG_LONGJMP(a1,a2) (_db_longjmp_ (), longjmp (a1, a2)) +#define DBUG_DUMP(keyword,a1,a2) _db_dump_(__LINE__,keyword,a1,a2) +#define DBUG_END() _db_end_ () +#define DBUG_LOCK_FILE _db_lock_file_() +#define DBUG_UNLOCK_FILE _db_unlock_file_() +#define DBUG_ASSERT(A) assert(A) +#define DBUG_EXPLAIN(buf,len) _db_explain_(0, (buf),(len)) +#define DBUG_EXPLAIN_INITIAL(buf,len) _db_explain_init_((buf),(len)) +#define DEBUGGER_OFF do { _dbug_on_= 0; } while(0) +#define DEBUGGER_ON do { _dbug_on_= 1; } while(0) +#ifndef __WIN__ +#define DBUG_ABORT() (_db_flush_(), abort()) +#else +/* + Avoid popup with abort/retry/ignore buttons. When BUG#31745 is fixed we can + call abort() instead of _exit(3) (now it would cause a "test signal" popup). +*/ +#include +#define DBUG_ABORT() (_db_flush_(),\ + (void)_CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ERROR, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE),\ + (void)_CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_ERROR, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDERR),\ + _exit(3)) +#endif +#define DBUG_CHECK_CRASH(func, op) \ + do { char _dbuf_[255]; strxnmov(_dbuf_, sizeof(_dbuf_)-1, (func), (op)); \ + DBUG_EXECUTE_IF(_dbuf_, DBUG_ABORT()); } while(0) +#define DBUG_CRASH_ENTER(func) \ + DBUG_ENTER(func); DBUG_CHECK_CRASH(func, "_crash_enter") +#define DBUG_CRASH_RETURN(val) \ + DBUG_CHECK_CRASH(_db_get_func_(), "_crash_return") +#define DBUG_CRASH_VOID_RETURN \ + DBUG_CHECK_CRASH (_db_get_func_(), "_crash_return") + +/* + Make the program fail, without creating a core file. + abort() will send SIGABRT which (most likely) generates core. + Use SIGKILL instead, which cannot be caught. + We also pause the current thread, until the signal is actually delivered. + An alternative would be to use _exit(EXIT_FAILURE), + but then valgrind would report lots of memory leaks. + */ +#ifdef __WIN__ +#define DBUG_SUICIDE() DBUG_ABORT() +#else +extern void _db_suicide_(); +extern void _db_flush_gcov_(); +#define DBUG_SUICIDE() (_db_flush_(), _db_suicide_()) +#endif + +#else /* No debugger */ + +#define DBUG_ENTER(a1) +#define DBUG_LEAVE +#define DBUG_RETURN(a1) do { return(a1); } while(0) +#define DBUG_VOID_RETURN do { return; } while(0) +#define DBUG_EXECUTE(keyword,a1) do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_EXECUTE_IF(keyword,a1) do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_EVALUATE(keyword,a1,a2) (a2) +#define DBUG_EVALUATE_IF(keyword,a1,a2) (a2) +#define DBUG_PRINT(keyword,arglist) do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_PUSH(a1) do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_SET(a1) do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_SET_INITIAL(a1) do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_POP() do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_PROCESS(a1) do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_SETJMP(a1) setjmp(a1) +#define DBUG_LONGJMP(a1) longjmp(a1) +#define DBUG_DUMP(keyword,a1,a2) do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_END() do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_ASSERT(A) do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_LOCK_FILE do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_FILE (stderr) +#define DBUG_UNLOCK_FILE do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_EXPLAIN(buf,len) +#define DBUG_EXPLAIN_INITIAL(buf,len) +#define DEBUGGER_OFF do { } while(0) +#define DEBUGGER_ON do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_ABORT() do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_CRASH_ENTER(func) +#define DBUG_CRASH_RETURN(val) do { return(val); } while(0) +#define DBUG_CRASH_VOID_RETURN do { return; } while(0) +#define DBUG_SUICIDE() do { } while(0) + +#endif + +#ifdef EXTRA_DEBUG +/** + Sync points allow us to force the server to reach a certain line of code + and block there until the client tells the server it is ok to go on. + The client tells the server to block with SELECT GET_LOCK() + and unblocks it with SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(). Used for debugging difficult + concurrency problems +*/ +#define DBUG_SYNC_POINT(lock_name,lock_timeout) \ + debug_sync_point(lock_name,lock_timeout) +void debug_sync_point(const char* lock_name, uint lock_timeout); +#else +#define DBUG_SYNC_POINT(lock_name,lock_timeout) +#endif /* EXTRA_DEBUG */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* MY_DBUG_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_default.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_default.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..40d9f6cb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_default.h @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MY_DEFAULT_INCLUDED +#define MY_DEFAULT_INCLUDED + + +#include "my_global.h" + +C_MODE_START + +extern const char *my_defaults_extra_file; +extern const char *my_defaults_group_suffix; +extern const char *my_defaults_file; +extern my_bool my_getopt_use_args_separator; + +/* Define the type of function to be passed to process_default_option_files */ +typedef int (*Process_option_func)(void *ctx, const char *group_name, + const char *option); + +my_bool my_getopt_is_args_separator(const char* arg); +int get_defaults_options(int argc, char **argv, + char **defaults, char **extra_defaults, + char **group_suffix, char **login_path); +int my_load_defaults(const char *conf_file, const char **groups, + int *argc, char ***argv, const char ***); +int load_defaults(const char *conf_file, const char **groups, + int *argc, char ***argv); +int my_search_option_files(const char *conf_file, int *argc, + char ***argv, uint *args_used, + Process_option_func func, void *func_ctx, + const char **default_directories); +void free_defaults(char **argv); +void my_print_default_files(const char *conf_file); +void print_defaults(const char *conf_file, const char **groups); + +C_MODE_END + +#endif // MY_DEFAULT_INCLUDED diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_dir.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_dir.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1ee002cc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_dir.h @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MY_DIR_H +#define MY_DIR_H + +#include "my_global.h" + +#include + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + + /* Defines for my_dir and my_stat */ + +#define MY_S_IFMT S_IFMT /* type of file */ +#define MY_S_IFDIR S_IFDIR /* directory */ +#define MY_S_IFCHR S_IFCHR /* character special */ +#define MY_S_IFBLK S_IFBLK /* block special */ +#define MY_S_IFREG S_IFREG /* regular */ +#define MY_S_IFIFO S_IFIFO /* fifo */ +#define MY_S_ISUID S_ISUID /* set user id on execution */ +#define MY_S_ISGID S_ISGID /* set group id on execution */ +#define MY_S_ISVTX S_ISVTX /* save swapped text even after use */ +#define MY_S_IREAD S_IREAD /* read permission, owner */ +#define MY_S_IWRITE S_IWRITE /* write permission, owner */ +#define MY_S_IEXEC S_IEXEC /* execute/search permission, owner */ + +#define MY_S_ISDIR(m) (((m) & MY_S_IFMT) == MY_S_IFDIR) +#define MY_S_ISCHR(m) (((m) & MY_S_IFMT) == MY_S_IFCHR) +#define MY_S_ISBLK(m) (((m) & MY_S_IFMT) == MY_S_IFBLK) +#define MY_S_ISREG(m) (((m) & MY_S_IFMT) == MY_S_IFREG) +#define MY_S_ISFIFO(m) (((m) & MY_S_IFMT) == MY_S_IFIFO) + +#define MY_DONT_SORT 512 /* my_lib; Don't sort files */ +#define MY_WANT_STAT 1024 /* my_lib; stat files */ + + /* typedefs for my_dir & my_stat */ + +#ifdef USE_MY_STAT_STRUCT + +typedef struct my_stat +{ + dev_t st_dev; /* major & minor device numbers */ + ino_t st_ino; /* inode number */ + ushort st_mode; /* file permissons (& suid sgid .. bits) */ + short st_nlink; /* number of links to file */ + ushort st_uid; /* user id */ + ushort st_gid; /* group id */ + dev_t st_rdev; /* more major & minor device numbers (???) */ + off_t st_size; /* size of file */ + time_t st_atime; /* time for last read */ + time_t st_mtime; /* time for last contens modify */ + time_t st_ctime; /* time for last inode or contents modify */ +} MY_STAT; + +#else + +#if(_MSC_VER) +#define MY_STAT struct _stati64 /* 64 bit file size */ +#else +#define MY_STAT struct stat /* Orginal struct have what we need */ +#endif + +#endif /* USE_MY_STAT_STRUCT */ + +/* Struct describing one file returned from my_dir */ +typedef struct fileinfo +{ + char *name; + MY_STAT *mystat; +} FILEINFO; + +typedef struct st_my_dir /* Struct returned from my_dir */ +{ + /* + These members are just copies of parts of DYNAMIC_ARRAY structure, + which is allocated right after the end of MY_DIR structure (MEM_ROOT + for storing names is also resides there). We've left them here because + we don't want to change code that uses my_dir. + */ + struct fileinfo *dir_entry; + uint number_off_files; +} MY_DIR; + +extern MY_DIR *my_dir(const char *path,myf MyFlags); +extern void my_dirend(MY_DIR *buffer); +extern MY_STAT *my_stat(const char *path, MY_STAT *stat_area, myf my_flags); +extern int my_fstat(int filenr, MY_STAT *stat_area, myf MyFlags); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* MY_DIR_H */ + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_getopt.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_getopt.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f3bb228b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_getopt.h @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +/* + Copyright (c) 2002, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _my_getopt_h +#define _my_getopt_h + +#include "my_sys.h" /* loglevel */ + +C_MODE_START + +#define GET_NO_ARG 1 +#define GET_BOOL 2 +#define GET_INT 3 +#define GET_UINT 4 +#define GET_LONG 5 +#define GET_ULONG 6 +#define GET_LL 7 +#define GET_ULL 8 +#define GET_STR 9 +#define GET_STR_ALLOC 10 +#define GET_DISABLED 11 +#define GET_ENUM 12 +#define GET_SET 13 +#define GET_DOUBLE 14 +#define GET_FLAGSET 15 +#define GET_PASSWORD 16 + +#define GET_ASK_ADDR 128 +#define GET_TYPE_MASK 127 + +/** + Enumeration of the my_option::arg_type attributes. + It should be noted that for historical reasons variables with the combination + arg_type=NO_ARG, my_option::var_type=GET_BOOL still accepts + arguments. This is someone counter intuitive and care should be taken + if the code is refactored. +*/ +enum get_opt_arg_type { NO_ARG, OPT_ARG, REQUIRED_ARG }; + +struct st_typelib; + +struct my_option +{ + const char *name; /**< Name of the option. name=NULL + marks the end of the my_option[] + array. + */ + int id; /**< For 0255 no short option + is created, but a long option still + can be identified uniquely in the + my_get_one_option() callback. + If an opton needs neither special + treatment in the my_get_one_option() + nor one-letter short equivalent + use id=0. + id=-1 is a special case and is used + to generate deprecation warnings for + plugin options. It should not be + used for anything else. + */ + const char *comment; /**< option comment, for autom. --help. + if it's NULL the option is not + visible in --help. + */ + void *value; /**< A pointer to the variable value */ + void *u_max_value; /**< The user def. max variable value */ + struct st_typelib *typelib; /**< Pointer to possible values */ + ulong var_type; /**< GET_BOOL, GET_ULL, etc */ + enum get_opt_arg_type arg_type; /**< e.g. REQUIRED_ARG or OPT_ARG */ + longlong def_value; /**< Default value */ + longlong min_value; /**< Min allowed value (for numbers) */ + ulonglong max_value; /**< Max allowed value (for numbers) */ + longlong sub_size; /**< Unused */ + long block_size; /**< Value should be a mult. of this (for numbers) */ + void *app_type; /**< To be used by an application */ +}; + + +typedef my_bool (*my_get_one_option)(int, const struct my_option *, char *); +/** + Used to retrieve a reference to the object (variable) that holds the value + for the given option. For example, if var_type is GET_UINT, the function + must return a pointer to a variable of type uint. A argument is stored in + the location pointed to by the returned pointer. +*/ +typedef void *(*my_getopt_value)(const char *, uint, const struct my_option *, + int *); + + +extern char *disabled_my_option; +extern my_bool my_getopt_print_errors; +extern my_bool my_getopt_skip_unknown; +extern my_error_reporter my_getopt_error_reporter; + +extern int handle_options (int *argc, char ***argv, + const struct my_option *longopts, my_get_one_option); +extern int my_handle_options (int *argc, char ***argv, + const struct my_option *longopts, + my_get_one_option, + const char **command_list); +extern void my_cleanup_options(const struct my_option *options); +extern void my_cleanup_options(const struct my_option *options); +extern void my_print_help(const struct my_option *options); +extern void my_print_variables(const struct my_option *options); +extern void my_getopt_register_get_addr(my_getopt_value); + +ulonglong getopt_ull_limit_value(ulonglong num, const struct my_option *optp, + my_bool *fix); +longlong getopt_ll_limit_value(longlong, const struct my_option *, + my_bool *fix); +double getopt_double_limit_value(double num, const struct my_option *optp, + my_bool *fix); +my_bool getopt_compare_strings(const char *s, const char *t, uint length); +ulonglong max_of_int_range(int var_type); + +ulonglong getopt_double2ulonglong(double); +double getopt_ulonglong2double(ulonglong); + +C_MODE_END + +#endif /* _my_getopt_h */ + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_global.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_global.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..66feb2cfd --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_global.h @@ -0,0 +1,1221 @@ +/* + Copyright (c) 2001, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MY_GLOBAL_INCLUDED +#define MY_GLOBAL_INCLUDED + +/* This is the include file that should be included 'first' in every C file. */ + +/* Client library users on Windows need this macro defined here. */ +#if !defined(__WIN__) && defined(_WIN32) +#define __WIN__ +#endif + +/* + InnoDB depends on some MySQL internals which other plugins should not + need. This is because of InnoDB's foreign key support, "safe" binlog + truncation, and other similar legacy features. + + We define accessors for these internals unconditionally, but do not + expose them in mysql/plugin.h. They are declared in ha_innodb.h for + InnoDB's use. +*/ +#define INNODB_COMPATIBILITY_HOOKS + +#ifdef __CYGWIN__ +/* We use a Unix API, so pretend it's not Windows */ +#undef WIN +#undef WIN32 +#undef _WIN +#undef _WIN32 +#undef _WIN64 +#undef __WIN__ +#undef __WIN32__ +#define HAVE_ERRNO_AS_DEFINE +#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */ + +#if defined(i386) && !defined(__i386__) +#define __i386__ +#endif + +/* Macros to make switching between C and C++ mode easier */ +#ifdef __cplusplus +#define C_MODE_START extern "C" { +#define C_MODE_END } +#else +#define C_MODE_START +#define C_MODE_END +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +#define CPP_UNNAMED_NS_START namespace { +#define CPP_UNNAMED_NS_END } +#endif + +#include + +#ifdef WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE +#define HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE +#endif /* WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE */ + +/* Make it easier to add conditional code in _expressions_ */ +#ifdef __WIN__ +#define IF_WIN(A,B) A +#else +#define IF_WIN(A,B) B +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_purify +#define IF_PURIFY(A,B) A +#else +#define IF_PURIFY(A,B) B +#endif + +#ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY +#ifdef WITH_NDB_BINLOG +#define HAVE_NDB_BINLOG 1 +#endif +#endif /* !EMBEDDED_LIBRARY */ + +#ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY +#define HAVE_REPLICATION +#define HAVE_EXTERNAL_CLIENT +#endif + +#if defined (_WIN32) +/* + off_t is 32 bit long. We do not use C runtime functions + with off_t but native Win32 file IO APIs, that work with + 64 bit offsets. +*/ +#undef SIZEOF_OFF_T +#define SIZEOF_OFF_T 8 + +/* + Prevent inclusion of Windows GDI headers - they define symbol + ERROR that conflicts with mysql headers. +*/ +#ifndef NOGDI +#define NOGDI +#endif + +/* Include common headers.*/ +#include +#include /* SOCKET */ +#include /* access(), chmod() */ +#include /* getpid() */ + +#define sleep(a) Sleep((a)*1000) + +/* Define missing access() modes. */ +#define F_OK 0 +#define W_OK 2 +#define R_OK 4 /* Test for read permission. */ + +/* Define missing file locking constants. */ +#define F_RDLCK 1 +#define F_WRLCK 2 +#define F_UNLCK 3 +#define F_TO_EOF 0x3FFFFFFF + +/* Shared memory and named pipe connections are supported. */ +#define HAVE_SMEM 1 +#define HAVE_NAMED_PIPE 1 +#define shared_memory_buffer_length 16000 +#define default_shared_memory_base_name "MYSQL" +#endif /* _WIN32*/ + + +/* Workaround for _LARGE_FILES and _LARGE_FILE_API incompatibility on AIX */ +#if defined(_AIX) && defined(_LARGE_FILE_API) +#undef _LARGE_FILE_API +#endif + +/* + The macros below are used to allow build of Universal/fat binaries of + MySQL and MySQL applications under darwin. +*/ +#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) +# undef SIZEOF_CHARP +# undef SIZEOF_SHORT +# undef SIZEOF_INT +# undef SIZEOF_LONG +# undef SIZEOF_LONG_LONG +# undef SIZEOF_OFF_T +# undef WORDS_BIGENDIAN +# define SIZEOF_SHORT 2 +# define SIZEOF_INT 4 +# define SIZEOF_LONG_LONG 8 +# define SIZEOF_OFF_T 8 +# if defined(__i386__) || defined(__ppc__) +# define SIZEOF_CHARP 4 +# define SIZEOF_LONG 4 +# elif defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__ppc64__) +# define SIZEOF_CHARP 8 +# define SIZEOF_LONG 8 +# else +# error Building FAT binary for an unknown architecture. +# endif +# if defined(__ppc__) || defined(__ppc64__) +# define WORDS_BIGENDIAN +# endif +#endif /* defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) */ + + +/* + The macros below are borrowed from include/linux/compiler.h in the + Linux kernel. Use them to indicate the likelyhood of the truthfulness + of a condition. This serves two purposes - newer versions of gcc will be + able to optimize for branch predication, which could yield siginficant + performance gains in frequently executed sections of the code, and the + other reason to use them is for documentation +*/ + +#if !defined(__GNUC__) || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 96) +#define __builtin_expect(x, expected_value) (x) +#endif + +#define likely(x) __builtin_expect((x),1) +#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect((x),0) + +/* Fix problem with S_ISLNK() on Linux */ +#if defined(TARGET_OS_LINUX) || defined(__GLIBC__) +#undef _GNU_SOURCE +#define _GNU_SOURCE 1 +#endif + +/* + Temporary solution to solve bug#7156. Include "sys/types.h" before + the thread headers, else the function madvise() will not be defined +*/ +#if defined(HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H) && ( defined(sun) || defined(__sun) ) +#include +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_THREADS_WITHOUT_SOCKETS +/* MIT pthreads does not work with unix sockets */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_UN_H +#endif + +#define __EXTENSIONS__ 1 /* We want some extension */ +#ifndef __STDC_EXT__ +#define __STDC_EXT__ 1 /* To get large file support on hpux */ +#endif + +/* + Solaris 9 include file refers to X/Open document + + System Interfaces and Headers, Issue 5 + + saying we should define _XOPEN_SOURCE=500 to get POSIX.1c prototypes, + but apparently other systems (namely FreeBSD) don't agree. + + On a newer Solaris 10, the above file recognizes also _XOPEN_SOURCE=600. + Furthermore, it tests that if a program requires older standard + (_XOPEN_SOURCE<600 or _POSIX_C_SOURCE<200112L) it cannot be + run on a new compiler (that defines _STDC_C99) and issues an #error. + It's also an #error if a program requires new standard (_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 + or _POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L) and a compiler does not define _STDC_C99. + + To add more to this mess, Sun Studio C compiler defines _STDC_C99 while + C++ compiler does not! + + So, in a desperate attempt to get correct prototypes for both + C and C++ code, we define either _XOPEN_SOURCE=600 or _XOPEN_SOURCE=500 + depending on the compiler's announced C standard support. + + Cleaner solutions are welcome. +*/ +#ifdef __sun +#if __STDC_VERSION__ - 0 >= 199901L +#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 +#else +#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 +#endif +#endif + +#if !defined(__WIN__) +#ifndef _POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS +#define _POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS /* We want posix threads */ +#endif + +#if !defined(SCO) +#define _REENTRANT 1 /* Some thread libraries require this */ +#endif +#if !defined(_THREAD_SAFE) && !defined(_AIX) +#define _THREAD_SAFE /* Required for OSF1 */ +#endif +#if defined(HPUX10) || defined(HPUX11) +C_MODE_START /* HPUX needs this, signal.h bug */ +#include +C_MODE_END +#else +#include /* AIX must have this included first */ +#endif +#if !defined(SCO) && !defined(_REENTRANT) +#define _REENTRANT 1 /* Threads requires reentrant code */ +#endif +#endif /* !defined(__WIN__) */ + +/* Go around some bugs in different OS and compilers */ +#ifdef _AIX /* By soren@t.dk */ +#define _H_STRINGS +#define _SYS_STREAM_H +/* #define _AIX32_CURSES */ /* XXX: this breaks AIX 4.3.3 (others?). */ +#define ulonglong2double(A) my_ulonglong2double(A) +#define my_off_t2double(A) my_ulonglong2double(A) +C_MODE_START +inline double my_ulonglong2double(unsigned long long A) { return (double A); } +C_MODE_END +#endif /* _AIX */ + +#ifdef HAVE_BROKEN_SNPRINTF /* HPUX 10.20 don't have this defined */ +#undef HAVE_SNPRINTF +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_BROKEN_PREAD +/* + pread()/pwrite() are not 64 bit safe on HP-UX 11.0 without + installing the kernel patch PHKL_20349 or greater +*/ +#undef HAVE_PREAD +#undef HAVE_PWRITE +#endif + +#ifdef UNDEF_HAVE_INITGROUPS /* For AIX 4.3 */ +#undef HAVE_INITGROUPS +#endif + +#if defined(_lint) && !defined(lint) +#define lint +#endif +#if SIZEOF_LONG_LONG > 4 && !defined(_LONG_LONG) +#define _LONG_LONG 1 /* For AIX string library */ +#endif + +#ifndef stdin +#include +#endif +#include +#ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H +#include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_STDDEF_H +#include +#endif + +#include +#ifdef HAVE_LIMITS_H +#include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_FLOAT_H +#include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_FENV_H +#include /* For fesetround() */ +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H +#include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H +#include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIMEB_H +#include /* Avoid warnings on SCO */ +#endif +#if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME +# include +# include +#else +# if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H +# include +# else +# include +# endif +#endif /* TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME */ +#ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H +#include +#endif +#if defined(__cplusplus) && defined(NO_CPLUSPLUS_ALLOCA) +#undef HAVE_ALLOCA +#undef HAVE_ALLOCA_H +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA_H +#include +#endif + +#include /* Recommended by debian */ +/* We need the following to go around a problem with openssl on solaris */ +#if defined(HAVE_CRYPT_H) +#include +#endif + +/* + A lot of our programs uses asserts, so better to always include it + This also fixes a problem when people uses DBUG_ASSERT without including + assert.h +*/ +#include + +/* an assert that works at compile-time. only for constant expression */ +#ifdef _some_old_compiler_that_does_not_understand_the_construct_below_ +#define compile_time_assert(X) do { } while(0) +#else +#define compile_time_assert(X) \ + do \ + { \ + typedef char compile_time_assert[(X) ? 1 : -1] __attribute__((unused)); \ + } while(0) +#endif + +/* Go around some bugs in different OS and compilers */ +#if defined (HPUX11) && defined(_LARGEFILE_SOURCE) +#ifndef _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE +#define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE +#endif +#endif + +#if defined(_HPUX_SOURCE) && defined(HAVE_SYS_STREAM_H) +#include /* HPUX 10.20 defines ulong here. UGLY !!! */ +#define HAVE_ULONG +#endif +#if defined(HPUX10) && defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) +/* Fix bug in setrlimit */ +#undef setrlimit +#define setrlimit cma_setrlimit64 +#endif +/* Declare madvise where it is not declared for C++, like Solaris */ +#if HAVE_MADVISE && !HAVE_DECL_MADVISE && defined(__cplusplus) +extern "C" int madvise(void *addr, size_t len, int behav); +#endif + +#define QUOTE_ARG(x) #x /* Quote argument (before cpp) */ +#define STRINGIFY_ARG(x) QUOTE_ARG(x) /* Quote argument, after cpp */ + +/* Paranoid settings. Define I_AM_PARANOID if you are paranoid */ +#ifdef I_AM_PARANOID +#define DONT_ALLOW_USER_CHANGE 1 +#define DONT_USE_MYSQL_PWD 1 +#endif + +/* Does the system remember a signal handler after a signal ? */ +#if !defined(HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS) && !defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) +#define SIGNAL_HANDLER_RESET_ON_DELIVERY +#endif + +/* + Deprecated workaround for false-positive uninitialized variables + warnings. Those should be silenced using tool-specific heuristics. + + Enabled by default for g++ due to the bug referenced below. +*/ +#if defined(_lint) || defined(FORCE_INIT_OF_VARS) || \ + (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__cplusplus)) +#define LINT_INIT(var) var= 0 +#else +#define LINT_INIT(var) +#endif + +#ifndef SO_EXT +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define SO_EXT ".dll" +#elif defined(__APPLE__) +#define SO_EXT ".dylib" +#else +#define SO_EXT ".so" +#endif +#endif + +/* + Suppress uninitialized variable warning without generating code. + + The _cplusplus is a temporary workaround for C++ code pending a fix + for a g++ bug (http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=34772). +*/ +#if defined(_lint) || defined(FORCE_INIT_OF_VARS) || \ + defined(__cplusplus) || !defined(__GNUC__) +#define UNINIT_VAR(x) x= 0 +#else +/* GCC specific self-initialization which inhibits the warning. */ +#define UNINIT_VAR(x) x= x +#endif + +#if !defined(HAVE_UINT) +#undef HAVE_UINT +#define HAVE_UINT +typedef unsigned int uint; +typedef unsigned short ushort; +#endif + +#define swap_variables(t, a, b) { t dummy; dummy= a; a= b; b= dummy; } +#define test(a) ((a) ? 1 : 0) +#define set_if_bigger(a,b) do { if ((a) < (b)) (a)=(b); } while(0) +#define set_if_smaller(a,b) do { if ((a) > (b)) (a)=(b); } while(0) +#define test_all_bits(a,b) (((a) & (b)) == (b)) +#define array_elements(A) ((uint) (sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0]))) + +/* Define some general constants */ +#ifndef TRUE +#define TRUE (1) /* Logical true */ +#define FALSE (0) /* Logical false */ +#endif + +#include + +/* The DBUG_ON flag always takes precedence over default DBUG_OFF */ +#if defined(DBUG_ON) && defined(DBUG_OFF) +#undef DBUG_OFF +#endif + +/* We might be forced to turn debug off, if not turned off already */ +#if (defined(FORCE_DBUG_OFF) || defined(_lint)) && !defined(DBUG_OFF) +# define DBUG_OFF +# ifdef DBUG_ON +# undef DBUG_ON +# endif +#endif + +/* Some types that is different between systems */ + +typedef int File; /* File descriptor */ +#ifdef _WIN32 +typedef SOCKET my_socket; +#else +typedef int my_socket; /* File descriptor for sockets */ +#define INVALID_SOCKET -1 +#endif +/* Type for fuctions that handles signals */ +#define sig_handler RETSIGTYPE +C_MODE_START +typedef void (*sig_return)();/* Returns type from signal */ +C_MODE_END +#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(_lint) +typedef char pchar; /* Mixed prototypes can take char */ +typedef char puchar; /* Mixed prototypes can take char */ +typedef char pbool; /* Mixed prototypes can take char */ +typedef short pshort; /* Mixed prototypes can take short int */ +typedef float pfloat; /* Mixed prototypes can take float */ +#else +typedef int pchar; /* Mixed prototypes can't take char */ +typedef uint puchar; /* Mixed prototypes can't take char */ +typedef int pbool; /* Mixed prototypes can't take char */ +typedef int pshort; /* Mixed prototypes can't take short int */ +typedef double pfloat; /* Mixed prototypes can't take float */ +#endif +C_MODE_START +typedef int (*qsort_cmp)(const void *,const void *); +typedef int (*qsort_cmp2)(const void*, const void *,const void *); +C_MODE_END +#define qsort_t RETQSORTTYPE /* Broken GCC cant handle typedef !!!! */ +#ifdef HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H +#include +#endif +typedef SOCKET_SIZE_TYPE size_socket; + +#ifndef SOCKOPT_OPTLEN_TYPE +#define SOCKOPT_OPTLEN_TYPE size_socket +#endif + +/* file create flags */ + +#ifndef O_SHARE /* Probably not windows */ +#define O_SHARE 0 /* Flag to my_open for shared files */ +#ifndef O_BINARY +#define O_BINARY 0 /* Flag to my_open for binary files */ +#endif +#ifndef FILE_BINARY +#define FILE_BINARY O_BINARY /* Flag to my_fopen for binary streams */ +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_FCNTL +#define HAVE_FCNTL_LOCK +#define F_TO_EOF 0L /* Param to lockf() to lock rest of file */ +#endif +#endif /* O_SHARE */ + +#ifndef O_TEMPORARY +#define O_TEMPORARY 0 +#endif +#ifndef O_SHORT_LIVED +#define O_SHORT_LIVED 0 +#endif +#ifndef O_NOFOLLOW +#define O_NOFOLLOW 0 +#endif + +/* additional file share flags for win32 */ +#ifdef __WIN__ +#define _SH_DENYRWD 0x110 /* deny read/write mode & delete */ +#define _SH_DENYWRD 0x120 /* deny write mode & delete */ +#define _SH_DENYRDD 0x130 /* deny read mode & delete */ +#define _SH_DENYDEL 0x140 /* deny delete only */ +#endif /* __WIN__ */ + + +/* General constants */ +#define FN_LEN 256 /* Max file name len */ +#define FN_HEADLEN 253 /* Max length of filepart of file name */ +#define FN_EXTLEN 20 /* Max length of extension (part of FN_LEN) */ +#define FN_REFLEN 512 /* Max length of full path-name */ +#define FN_EXTCHAR '.' +#define FN_HOMELIB '~' /* ~/ is used as abbrev for home dir */ +#define FN_CURLIB '.' /* ./ is used as abbrev for current dir */ +#define FN_PARENTDIR ".." /* Parent directory; Must be a string */ + +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define FN_LIBCHAR '\\' +#define FN_LIBCHAR2 '/' +#define FN_DIRSEP "/\\" /* Valid directory separators */ +#define FN_EXEEXT ".exe" +#define FN_SOEXT ".dll" +#define FN_ROOTDIR "\\" +#define FN_DEVCHAR ':' +#define FN_NETWORK_DRIVES /* Uses \\ to indicate network drives */ +#define FN_NO_CASE_SENCE /* Files are not case-sensitive */ +#else +#define FN_LIBCHAR '/' +#define FN_LIBCHAR2 '/' +#define FN_DIRSEP "/" /* Valid directory separators */ +#define FN_EXEEXT "" +#define FN_SOEXT ".so" +#define FN_ROOTDIR "/" +#endif + +/* + MY_FILE_MIN is Windows speciality and is used to quickly detect + the mismatch of CRT and mysys file IO usage on Windows at runtime. + CRT file descriptors can be in the range 0-2047, whereas descriptors returned + by my_open() will start with 2048. If a file descriptor with value less then + MY_FILE_MIN is passed to mysys IO function, chances are it stemms from + open()/fileno() and not my_open()/my_fileno. + + For Posix, mysys functions are light wrappers around libc, and MY_FILE_MIN + is logically 0. +*/ + +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define MY_FILE_MIN 2048 +#else +#define MY_FILE_MIN 0 +#endif + +/* + MY_NFILE is the default size of my_file_info array. + + It is larger on Windows, because it all file handles are stored in my_file_info + Default size is 16384 and this should be enough for most cases.If it is not + enough, --max-open-files with larger value can be used. + + For Posix , my_file_info array is only used to store filenames for + error reporting and its size is not a limitation for number of open files. +*/ +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define MY_NFILE (16384 + MY_FILE_MIN) +#else +#define MY_NFILE 64 +#endif + +#ifndef OS_FILE_LIMIT +#define OS_FILE_LIMIT UINT_MAX +#endif + +/* + Io buffer size; Must be a power of 2 and a multiple of 512. May be + smaller what the disk page size. This influences the speed of the + isam btree library. eg to big to slow. +*/ +#define IO_SIZE 4096 +/* + How much overhead does malloc have. The code often allocates + something like 1024-MALLOC_OVERHEAD bytes +*/ +#define MALLOC_OVERHEAD 8 + + /* get memory in huncs */ +#define ONCE_ALLOC_INIT (uint) (4096-MALLOC_OVERHEAD) + /* Typical record cash */ +#define RECORD_CACHE_SIZE (uint) (64*1024-MALLOC_OVERHEAD) + /* Typical key cash */ +#define KEY_CACHE_SIZE (uint) (8*1024*1024) + /* Default size of a key cache block */ +#define KEY_CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE (uint) 1024 + + + /* Some things that this system doesn't have */ + +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define NO_DIR_LIBRARY /* Not standard dir-library */ +#endif + +/* Some defines of functions for portability */ + +#undef remove /* Crashes MySQL on SCO 5.0.0 */ +#ifndef __WIN__ +#define closesocket(A) close(A) +#endif + +#if (_MSC_VER) +#if !defined(_WIN64) +inline double my_ulonglong2double(unsigned long long value) +{ + long long nr=(long long) value; + if (nr >= 0) + return (double) nr; + return (18446744073709551616.0 + (double) nr); +} +#define ulonglong2double my_ulonglong2double +#define my_off_t2double my_ulonglong2double +#endif /* _WIN64 */ +inline unsigned long long my_double2ulonglong(double d) +{ + double t= d - (double) 0x8000000000000000ULL; + + if (t >= 0) + return ((unsigned long long) t) + 0x8000000000000000ULL; + return (unsigned long long) d; +} +#define double2ulonglong my_double2ulonglong +#endif + +#ifndef ulonglong2double +#define ulonglong2double(A) ((double) (ulonglong) (A)) +#define my_off_t2double(A) ((double) (my_off_t) (A)) +#endif +#ifndef double2ulonglong +#define double2ulonglong(A) ((ulonglong) (double) (A)) +#endif + +#ifndef offsetof +#define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER) +#endif +#define ulong_to_double(X) ((double) (ulong) (X)) + +#ifndef STACK_DIRECTION +#error "please add -DSTACK_DIRECTION=1 or -1 to your CPPFLAGS" +#endif + +#if !defined(HAVE_STRTOK_R) +#define strtok_r(A,B,C) strtok((A),(B)) +#endif + +/* This is from the old m-machine.h file */ + +#if SIZEOF_LONG_LONG > 4 +#define HAVE_LONG_LONG 1 +#endif + +/* + Some pre-ANSI-C99 systems like AIX 5.1 and Linux/GCC 2.95 define + ULONGLONG_MAX, LONGLONG_MIN, LONGLONG_MAX; we use them if they're defined. +*/ + +#if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG) && !defined(LONGLONG_MIN) +#define LONGLONG_MIN ((long long) 0x8000000000000000LL) +#define LONGLONG_MAX ((long long) 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL) +#endif + +#if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG) && !defined(ULONGLONG_MAX) +/* First check for ANSI C99 definition: */ +#ifdef ULLONG_MAX +#define ULONGLONG_MAX ULLONG_MAX +#else +#define ULONGLONG_MAX ((unsigned long long)(~0ULL)) +#endif +#endif /* defined (HAVE_LONG_LONG) && !defined(ULONGLONG_MAX)*/ + +#define INT_MIN64 (~0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL) +#define INT_MAX64 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL +#define INT_MIN32 (~0x7FFFFFFFL) +#define INT_MAX32 0x7FFFFFFFL +#define UINT_MAX32 0xFFFFFFFFL +#define INT_MIN24 (~0x007FFFFF) +#define INT_MAX24 0x007FFFFF +#define UINT_MAX24 0x00FFFFFF +#define INT_MIN16 (~0x7FFF) +#define INT_MAX16 0x7FFF +#define UINT_MAX16 0xFFFF +#define INT_MIN8 (~0x7F) +#define INT_MAX8 0x7F +#define UINT_MAX8 0xFF + +/* From limits.h instead */ +#ifndef DBL_MIN +#define DBL_MIN 4.94065645841246544e-324 +#define FLT_MIN ((float)1.40129846432481707e-45) +#endif +#ifndef DBL_MAX +#define DBL_MAX 1.79769313486231470e+308 +#define FLT_MAX ((float)3.40282346638528860e+38) +#endif +#ifndef SIZE_T_MAX +#define SIZE_T_MAX (~((size_t) 0)) +#endif + +#ifndef isfinite +#ifdef HAVE_FINITE +#define isfinite(x) finite(x) +#else +#define finite(x) (1.0 / fabs(x) > 0.0) +#endif /* HAVE_FINITE */ +#endif /* isfinite */ + +#include +#ifndef HAVE_ISNAN +#define isnan(x) ((x) != (x)) +#endif +C_MODE_START +extern double my_double_isnan(double x); +C_MODE_END + +#ifdef HAVE_ISINF +/* Check if C compiler is affected by GCC bug #39228 */ +#if !defined(__cplusplus) && defined(HAVE_BROKEN_ISINF) +/* Force store/reload of the argument to/from a 64-bit double */ +static inline double my_isinf(double x) +{ + volatile double t= x; + return isinf(t); +} +#else +/* System-provided isinf() is available and safe to use */ +#define my_isinf(X) isinf(X) +#endif +#else /* !HAVE_ISINF */ +#define my_isinf(X) (!finite(X) && !isnan(X)) +#endif + +/* Define missing math constants. */ +#ifndef M_PI +#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 +#endif +#ifndef M_E +#define M_E 2.7182818284590452354 +#endif +#ifndef M_LN2 +#define M_LN2 0.69314718055994530942 +#endif + +/* + Max size that must be added to a so that we know Size to make + adressable obj. +*/ +#if SIZEOF_CHARP == 4 +typedef long my_ptrdiff_t; +#else +typedef long long my_ptrdiff_t; +#endif + +#define MY_ALIGN(A,L) (((A) + (L) - 1) & ~((L) - 1)) +#define ALIGN_SIZE(A) MY_ALIGN((A),sizeof(double)) +/* Size to make adressable obj. */ +#define ADD_TO_PTR(ptr,size,type) (type) ((uchar*) (ptr)+size) +#define PTR_BYTE_DIFF(A,B) (my_ptrdiff_t) ((uchar*) (A) - (uchar*) (B)) + +/* + Custom version of standard offsetof() macro which can be used to get + offsets of members in class for non-POD types (according to the current + version of C++ standard offsetof() macro can't be used in such cases and + attempt to do so causes warnings to be emitted, OTOH in many cases it is + still OK to assume that all instances of the class has the same offsets + for the same members). + + This is temporary solution which should be removed once File_parser class + and related routines are refactored. +*/ + +#define my_offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) \ + ((size_t)((char *)&(((TYPE *)0x10)->MEMBER) - (char*)0x10)) + +#define NullS (char *) 0 + +#ifdef STDCALL +#undef STDCALL +#endif + +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define STDCALL __stdcall +#else +#define STDCALL +#endif + +/* Typdefs for easyier portability */ + +#ifndef HAVE_UCHAR +typedef unsigned char uchar; /* Short for unsigned char */ +#endif + +#ifndef HAVE_INT8 +typedef signed char int8; /* Signed integer >= 8 bits */ +#endif +#ifndef HAVE_UINT8 +typedef unsigned char uint8; /* Unsigned integer >= 8 bits */ +#endif +#ifndef HAVE_INT16 +typedef short int16; +#endif +#ifndef HAVE_UINT16 +typedef unsigned short uint16; +#endif +#if SIZEOF_INT == 4 +#ifndef HAVE_INT32 +typedef int int32; +#endif +#ifndef HAVE_UINT32 +typedef unsigned int uint32; +#endif +#elif SIZEOF_LONG == 4 +#ifndef HAVE_INT32 +typedef long int32; +#endif +#ifndef HAVE_UINT32 +typedef unsigned long uint32; +#endif +#else +#error Neither int or long is of 4 bytes width +#endif + +#if !defined(HAVE_ULONG) && !defined(__USE_MISC) +typedef unsigned long ulong; /* Short for unsigned long */ +#endif +#ifndef longlong_defined +/* + Using [unsigned] long long is preferable as [u]longlong because we use + [unsigned] long long unconditionally in many places, + for example in constants with [U]LL suffix. +*/ +#if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG) && SIZEOF_LONG_LONG == 8 +typedef unsigned long long int ulonglong; /* ulong or unsigned long long */ +typedef long long int longlong; +#else +typedef unsigned long ulonglong; /* ulong or unsigned long long */ +typedef long longlong; +#endif +#endif +#ifndef HAVE_INT64 +typedef longlong int64; +#endif +#ifndef HAVE_UINT64 +typedef ulonglong uint64; +#endif + +#if defined(NO_CLIENT_LONG_LONG) +typedef unsigned long my_ulonglong; +#elif defined (__WIN__) +typedef unsigned __int64 my_ulonglong; +#else +typedef unsigned long long my_ulonglong; +#endif + +#if SIZEOF_CHARP == SIZEOF_INT +typedef int intptr; +#elif SIZEOF_CHARP == SIZEOF_LONG +typedef long intptr; +#elif SIZEOF_CHARP == SIZEOF_LONG_LONG +typedef long long intptr; +#else +#error sizeof(void *) is neither sizeof(int) nor sizeof(long) nor sizeof(long long) +#endif + +#define MY_ERRPTR ((void*)(intptr)1) + +#if defined(_WIN32) +typedef unsigned long long my_off_t; +typedef unsigned long long os_off_t; +#else +typedef off_t os_off_t; +#if SIZEOF_OFF_T > 4 +typedef ulonglong my_off_t; +#else +typedef unsigned long my_off_t; +#endif +#endif /*_WIN32*/ +#define MY_FILEPOS_ERROR (~(my_off_t) 0) + +/* + TODO Convert these to use Bitmap class. + */ +typedef ulonglong table_map; /* Used for table bits in join */ +typedef ulonglong nesting_map; /* Used for flags of nesting constructs */ + +#if defined(__WIN__) +#define socket_errno WSAGetLastError() +#define SOCKET_EINTR WSAEINTR +#define SOCKET_EAGAIN WSAEINPROGRESS +#define SOCKET_EWOULDBLOCK WSAEWOULDBLOCK +#define SOCKET_EADDRINUSE WSAEADDRINUSE +#define SOCKET_ETIMEDOUT WSAETIMEDOUT +#define SOCKET_ECONNRESET WSAECONNRESET +#define SOCKET_ENFILE ENFILE +#define SOCKET_EMFILE EMFILE +#else /* Unix */ +#define socket_errno errno +#define closesocket(A) close(A) +#define SOCKET_EINTR EINTR +#define SOCKET_EAGAIN EAGAIN +#define SOCKET_EWOULDBLOCK EWOULDBLOCK +#define SOCKET_EADDRINUSE EADDRINUSE +#define SOCKET_ETIMEDOUT ETIMEDOUT +#define SOCKET_ECONNRESET ECONNRESET +#define SOCKET_ENFILE ENFILE +#define SOCKET_EMFILE EMFILE +#endif + +typedef int myf; /* Type of MyFlags in my_funcs */ +typedef char my_bool; /* Small bool */ + +/* Macros for converting *constants* to the right type */ +#define MYF(v) (myf) (v) + +#ifndef LL +#ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG +#define LL(A) A ## LL +#else +#define LL(A) A ## L +#endif +#endif + +#ifndef ULL +#ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG +#define ULL(A) A ## ULL +#else +#define ULL(A) A ## UL +#endif +#endif + +/* + Defines to make it possible to prioritize register assignments. No + longer that important with modern compilers. +*/ +#ifndef USING_X +#define reg1 register +#define reg2 register +#define reg3 register +#define reg4 register +#define reg5 register +#define reg6 register +#define reg7 register +#define reg8 register +#define reg9 register +#define reg10 register +#define reg11 register +#define reg12 register +#define reg13 register +#define reg14 register +#define reg15 register +#define reg16 register +#endif + +/* Some helper macros */ +#define YESNO(X) ((X) ? "yes" : "no") + +#define MY_HOW_OFTEN_TO_ALARM 2 /* How often we want info on screen */ +#define MY_HOW_OFTEN_TO_WRITE 1000 /* How often we want info on screen */ + +#include + +#ifdef HAVE_CHARSET_utf8 +#define MYSQL_UNIVERSAL_CLIENT_CHARSET "utf8" +#else +#define MYSQL_UNIVERSAL_CLIENT_CHARSET MYSQL_DEFAULT_CHARSET_NAME +#endif + +#if defined(EMBEDDED_LIBRARY) && !defined(HAVE_EMBEDDED_PRIVILEGE_CONTROL) +#define NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS +#endif + +#if defined(_WIN32) +#define dlsym(lib, name) (void*)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)lib, name) +#define dlopen(libname, unused) LoadLibraryEx(libname, NULL, 0) +#define dlclose(lib) FreeLibrary((HMODULE)lib) +#ifndef HAVE_DLOPEN +#define HAVE_DLOPEN +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_DLOPEN +#if defined(HAVE_DLFCN_H) +#include +#endif +#endif + +#ifndef HAVE_DLERROR +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define DLERROR_GENERATE(errmsg, error_number) \ + char win_errormsg[2048]; \ + if(FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, \ + 0, error_number, 0, win_errormsg, 2048, NULL)) \ + { \ + char *ptr; \ + for (ptr= &win_errormsg[0] + strlen(win_errormsg) - 1; \ + ptr >= &win_errormsg[0] && strchr("\r\n\t\0x20", *ptr); \ + ptr--) \ + *ptr= 0; \ + errmsg= win_errormsg; \ + } \ + else \ + errmsg= "" +#define dlerror() "" +#define dlopen_errno GetLastError() +#else /* _WIN32 */ +#define dlerror() "No support for dynamic loading (static build?)" +#define DLERROR_GENERATE(errmsg, error_number) errmsg= dlerror() +#define dlopen_errno errno +#endif /* _WIN32 */ +#else /* HAVE_DLERROR */ +#define DLERROR_GENERATE(errmsg, error_number) errmsg= dlerror() +#define dlopen_errno errno +#endif /* HAVE_DLERROR */ + + +/* + * Include standard definitions of operator new and delete. + */ +#ifdef __cplusplus +#include +#endif + +/* Length of decimal number represented by INT32. */ +#define MY_INT32_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS 11U + +/* Length of decimal number represented by INT64. */ +#define MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS 21U + +/* Define some useful general macros (should be done after all headers). */ +#define MY_MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) +#define MY_MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) + +/* + Only Linux is known to need an explicit sync of the directory to make sure a + file creation/deletion/renaming in(from,to) this directory durable. +*/ +#ifdef TARGET_OS_LINUX +#define NEED_EXPLICIT_SYNC_DIR 1 +#else +/* + On linux default rwlock scheduling policy is good enough for + waiting_threads.c, on other systems use our special implementation + (which is slower). + + QQ perhaps this should be tested in configure ? how ? +*/ +#define WT_RWLOCKS_USE_MUTEXES 1 +#endif + +#if !defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(bool) +#define bool In_C_you_should_use_my_bool_instead() +#endif + +/* Provide __func__ macro definition for platforms that miss it. */ +#if __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901L +# if __GNUC__ >= 2 +# define __func__ __FUNCTION__ +# else +# define __func__ "" +# endif +#elif defined(_MSC_VER) +# if _MSC_VER < 1300 +# define __func__ "" +# else +# define __func__ __FUNCTION__ +# endif +#elif defined(__BORLANDC__) +# define __func__ __FUNC__ +#else +# define __func__ "" +#endif + +#ifndef HAVE_RINT +/** + All integers up to this number can be represented exactly as double precision + values (DBL_MANT_DIG == 53 for IEEE 754 hardware). +*/ +#define MAX_EXACT_INTEGER ((1LL << DBL_MANT_DIG) - 1) + +/** + rint(3) implementation for platforms that do not have it. + Always rounds to the nearest integer with ties being rounded to the nearest + even integer to mimic glibc's rint() behavior in the "round-to-nearest" + FPU mode. Hardware-specific optimizations are possible (frndint on x86). + Unlike this implementation, hardware will also honor the FPU rounding mode. +*/ + +static inline double rint(double x) +{ + double f, i; + f = modf(x, &i); + /* + All doubles with absolute values > MAX_EXACT_INTEGER are even anyway, + no need to check it. + */ + if (x > 0.0) + i += (double) ((f > 0.5) || (f == 0.5 && + i <= (double) MAX_EXACT_INTEGER && + (longlong) i % 2)); + else + i -= (double) ((f < -0.5) || (f == -0.5 && + i >= (double) -MAX_EXACT_INTEGER && + (longlong) i % 2)); + return i; +} +#endif /* HAVE_RINT */ + +/* + MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT macro is used to export mysqld data + (i.e variables) for usage in storage engine loadable plugins. + Outside of Windows, it is dummy. +*/ +#ifndef MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT +#if (defined(_WIN32) && defined(MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN)) +#define MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport) +#else +#define MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT +#endif +#endif + +#include + +/* Defines that are unique to the embedded version of MySQL */ + +#ifdef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY + +/* Things we don't need in the embedded version of MySQL */ +/* TODO HF add #undef HAVE_VIO if we don't want client in embedded library */ + +#undef HAVE_OPENSSL +#undef HAVE_SMEM /* No shared memory */ + +#endif /* EMBEDDED_LIBRARY */ + + +enum loglevel { + ERROR_LEVEL= 0, + WARNING_LEVEL= 1, + INFORMATION_LEVEL= 2 +}; + + +/* + Visual Studio before the version 2010 did not have lldiv_t. + In Visual Studio 2010, _MSC_VER is defined as 1600. +*/ +#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1600) +typedef struct +{ + long long int quot; /* Quotient. */ + long long int rem; /* Remainder. */ +} lldiv_t; +#endif + +#endif // MY_GLOBAL_INCLUDED diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_libwrap.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_libwrap.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a0176114 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_libwrap.h @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +#ifndef MY_LIBWRAP_INCLUDED +#define MY_LIBWRAP_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 MySQL AB, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. + Use is subject to license terms. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifdef HAVE_LIBWRAP +#include +#include +#ifdef NEED_SYS_SYSLOG_H +#include +#endif /* NEED_SYS_SYSLOG_H */ + +extern void my_fromhost(struct request_info *req); +extern int my_hosts_access(struct request_info *req); +extern char *my_eval_client(struct request_info *req); + +#endif /* HAVE_LIBWRAP */ +#endif /* MY_LIBWRAP_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_list.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_list.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..294be663d --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_list.h @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _list_h_ +#define _list_h_ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +typedef struct st_list { + struct st_list *prev,*next; + void *data; +} LIST; + +typedef int (*list_walk_action)(void *,void *); + +extern LIST *list_add(LIST *root,LIST *element); +extern LIST *list_delete(LIST *root,LIST *element); +extern LIST *list_cons(void *data,LIST *root); +extern LIST *list_reverse(LIST *root); +extern void list_free(LIST *root,unsigned int free_data); +extern unsigned int list_length(LIST *); +extern int list_walk(LIST *,list_walk_action action,unsigned char * argument); + +#define list_rest(a) ((a)->next) +#define list_push(a,b) (a)=list_cons((b),(a)) +#define list_pop(A) {LIST *old=(A); (A)=list_delete(old,old); my_free(old); } + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_md5.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_md5.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..452676e46 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_md5.h @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +#ifndef MY_MD5_INCLUDED +#define MY_MD5_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ + +#include "m_string.h" + +#define MD5_HASH_SIZE 16 /* Hash size in bytes */ + +/* + Wrapper function for MD5 implementation. +*/ +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +void compute_md5_hash(char *digest, const char *buf, int len); + +/* + Convert an array of bytes to a hexadecimal representation. + + Used to generate a hexadecimal representation of a message digest. +*/ +static inline void array_to_hex(char *to, const unsigned char *str, uint len) +{ + const unsigned char *str_end= str + len; + for (; str != str_end; ++str) + { + *to++= _dig_vec_lower[((uchar) *str) >> 4]; + *to++= _dig_vec_lower[((uchar) *str) & 0x0F]; + } +} + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* MY_MD5_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_net.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_net.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ac1643b20 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_net.h @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + This file is also used to make handling of sockets and ioctl() + portable accross systems. + +*/ + +#ifndef _my_net_h +#define _my_net_h + +#include "my_global.h" /* C_MODE_START, C_MODE_END */ + +C_MODE_START + +#include + +#ifdef HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H +#include +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_NETINET_IN_H +#include +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_ARPA_INET_H +#include +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_POLL +#include +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H +#include +#endif + +#if !defined(__WIN__) && !defined(HAVE_BROKEN_NETINET_INCLUDES) +#include +#include +#include +# if !defined(alpha_linux_port) +# include +# endif +#endif + +#if defined(__WIN__) +#define O_NONBLOCK 1 /* For emulation of fcntl() */ + +/* + SHUT_RDWR is called SD_BOTH in windows and + is defined to 2 in winsock2.h + #define SD_BOTH 0x02 +*/ +#define SHUT_RDWR 0x02 +#else +#include /* getaddrinfo() & co */ +#endif + +/* + On OSes which don't have the in_addr_t, we guess that using uint32 is the best + possible choice. We guess this from the fact that on HP-UX64bit & FreeBSD64bit + & Solaris64bit, in_addr_t is equivalent to uint32. And on Linux32bit too. +*/ +#ifndef HAVE_IN_ADDR_T +#define in_addr_t uint32 +#endif + + +C_MODE_END +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_nosys.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_nosys.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d4690d32b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_nosys.h @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Header to remove use of my_functions in functions where we need speed and + where calls to posix functions should work +*/ +#ifndef _my_nosys_h +#define _my_nosys_h +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#ifndef __MY_NOSYS__ +#define __MY_NOSYS__ + +#ifndef HAVE_STDLIB_H +#include +#endif + +#undef my_read +#undef my_write +#undef my_seek +#define my_read(a,b,c,d) my_quick_read(a,b,c,d) +#define my_write(a,b,c,d) my_quick_write(a,b,c) +extern size_t my_quick_read(File Filedes,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count, + myf myFlags); +extern size_t my_quick_write(File Filedes,const uchar *Buffer,size_t Count); + +#if defined(USE_HALLOC) +#define my_malloc(a,b) halloc(a,1) +#define my_no_flags_free(a) hfree(a) +#endif + +#endif /* __MY_NOSYS__ */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_pthread.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_pthread.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..24b207107 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_pthread.h @@ -0,0 +1,936 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ + +/* Defines to make different thread packages compatible */ + +#ifndef _my_pthread_h +#define _my_pthread_h + +#include "my_global.h" /* myf */ + +#ifndef ETIME +#define ETIME ETIMEDOUT /* For FreeBSD */ +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +#define EXTERNC extern "C" +extern "C" { +#else +#define EXTERNC +#endif /* __cplusplus */ + +#if defined(__WIN__) +typedef CRITICAL_SECTION pthread_mutex_t; +typedef DWORD pthread_t; +typedef struct thread_attr { + DWORD dwStackSize ; + DWORD dwCreatingFlag ; +} pthread_attr_t ; + +typedef struct { int dummy; } pthread_condattr_t; + +/* Implementation of posix conditions */ + +typedef struct st_pthread_link { + DWORD thread_id; + struct st_pthread_link *next; +} pthread_link; + +/** + Implementation of Windows condition variables. + We use native conditions on Vista and later, and fallback to own + implementation on earlier OS version. +*/ +typedef union +{ + /* Native condition (used on Vista and later) */ + CONDITION_VARIABLE native_cond; + + /* Own implementation (used on XP) */ + struct + { + uint32 waiting; + CRITICAL_SECTION lock_waiting; + enum + { + SIGNAL= 0, + BROADCAST= 1, + MAX_EVENTS= 2 + } EVENTS; + HANDLE events[MAX_EVENTS]; + HANDLE broadcast_block_event; + }; +} pthread_cond_t; + + +typedef int pthread_mutexattr_t; +#define pthread_self() GetCurrentThreadId() +#define pthread_handler_t EXTERNC void * __cdecl +typedef void * (__cdecl *pthread_handler)(void *); + +typedef volatile LONG my_pthread_once_t; +#define MY_PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT 0 +#define MY_PTHREAD_ONCE_INPROGRESS 1 +#define MY_PTHREAD_ONCE_DONE 2 + +/* + Struct and macros to be used in combination with the + windows implementation of pthread_cond_timedwait +*/ + +/* + Declare a union to make sure FILETIME is properly aligned + so it can be used directly as a 64 bit value. The value + stored is in 100ns units. + */ + union ft64 { + FILETIME ft; + __int64 i64; + }; +struct timespec { + union ft64 tv; + /* The max timeout value in millisecond for pthread_cond_timedwait */ + long max_timeout_msec; +}; +#define set_timespec_time_nsec(ABSTIME,TIME,NSEC) do { \ + (ABSTIME).tv.i64= (TIME)+(__int64)(NSEC)/100; \ + (ABSTIME).max_timeout_msec= (long)((NSEC)/1000000); \ +} while(0) + +#define set_timespec_nsec(ABSTIME,NSEC) do { \ + union ft64 tv; \ + GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&tv.ft); \ + set_timespec_time_nsec((ABSTIME), tv.i64, (NSEC)); \ +} while(0) + +/** + Compare two timespec structs. + + @retval 1 If TS1 ends after TS2. + + @retval 0 If TS1 is equal to TS2. + + @retval -1 If TS1 ends before TS2. +*/ +#define cmp_timespec(TS1, TS2) \ + ((TS1.tv.i64 > TS2.tv.i64) ? 1 : \ + ((TS1.tv.i64 < TS2.tv.i64) ? -1 : 0)) + +#define diff_timespec(TS1, TS2) \ + ((TS1.tv.i64 - TS2.tv.i64) * 100) + +int win_pthread_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex); +int pthread_create(pthread_t *, const pthread_attr_t *, pthread_handler, void *); +int pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t *cond, const pthread_condattr_t *attr); +int pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex); +int pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex, + struct timespec *abstime); +int pthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t *cond); +int pthread_cond_broadcast(pthread_cond_t *cond); +int pthread_cond_destroy(pthread_cond_t *cond); +int pthread_attr_init(pthread_attr_t *connect_att); +int pthread_attr_setstacksize(pthread_attr_t *connect_att,DWORD stack); +int pthread_attr_destroy(pthread_attr_t *connect_att); +int my_pthread_once(my_pthread_once_t *once_control,void (*init_routine)(void)); +struct tm *localtime_r(const time_t *timep,struct tm *tmp); +struct tm *gmtime_r(const time_t *timep,struct tm *tmp); + +void pthread_exit(void *a); +int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **value_ptr); +int pthread_cancel(pthread_t thread); + +#ifndef ETIMEDOUT +#define ETIMEDOUT 145 /* Win32 doesn't have this */ +#endif +#define HAVE_LOCALTIME_R 1 +#define _REENTRANT 1 +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSTACKSIZE 1 + + +#undef SAFE_MUTEX /* This will cause conflicts */ +#define pthread_key(T,V) DWORD V +#define pthread_key_create(A,B) ((*A=TlsAlloc())==0xFFFFFFFF) +#define pthread_key_delete(A) TlsFree(A) +#define my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(T,V) (!TlsSetValue((T),(V))) +#define pthread_setspecific(A,B) (!TlsSetValue((A),(B))) +#define pthread_getspecific(A) (TlsGetValue(A)) +#define my_pthread_getspecific(T,A) ((T) TlsGetValue(A)) +#define my_pthread_getspecific_ptr(T,V) ((T) TlsGetValue(V)) + +#define pthread_equal(A,B) ((A) == (B)) +#define pthread_mutex_init(A,B) (InitializeCriticalSection(A),0) +#define pthread_mutex_lock(A) (EnterCriticalSection(A),0) +#define pthread_mutex_trylock(A) win_pthread_mutex_trylock((A)) +#define pthread_mutex_unlock(A) (LeaveCriticalSection(A), 0) +#define pthread_mutex_destroy(A) (DeleteCriticalSection(A), 0) +#define pthread_kill(A,B) pthread_dummy((A) ? 0 : ESRCH) + + +/* Dummy defines for easier code */ +#define pthread_attr_setdetachstate(A,B) pthread_dummy(0) +#define pthread_attr_setscope(A,B) +#define pthread_detach_this_thread() +#define pthread_condattr_init(A) +#define pthread_condattr_destroy(A) +#define pthread_yield() SwitchToThread() +#define my_sigset(A,B) signal(A,B) + +#else /* Normal threads */ + +#ifdef HAVE_rts_threads +#define sigwait org_sigwait +#include +#undef sigwait +#endif +#include +#ifndef _REENTRANT +#define _REENTRANT +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_THR_SETCONCURRENCY +#include /* Probably solaris */ +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_SCHED_H +#include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_SYNCH_H +#include +#endif + +#define pthread_key(T,V) pthread_key_t V +#define my_pthread_getspecific_ptr(T,V) my_pthread_getspecific(T,(V)) +#define my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(T,V) pthread_setspecific(T,(void*) (V)) +#define pthread_detach_this_thread() +#define pthread_handler_t EXTERNC void * +typedef void *(* pthread_handler)(void *); + +#define my_pthread_once_t pthread_once_t +#if defined(PTHREAD_ONCE_INITIALIZER) +#define MY_PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT PTHREAD_ONCE_INITIALIZER +#else +#define MY_PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT +#endif +#define my_pthread_once(C,F) pthread_once(C,F) + +/* Test first for RTS or FSU threads */ + +#if defined(PTHREAD_SCOPE_GLOBAL) && !defined(PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM) +#define HAVE_rts_threads +extern int my_pthread_create_detached; +#define pthread_sigmask(A,B,C) sigprocmask((A),(B),(C)) +#define PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED &my_pthread_create_detached +#define PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM PTHREAD_SCOPE_GLOBAL +#define PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS PTHREAD_SCOPE_LOCAL +#define USE_ALARM_THREAD +#endif /* defined(PTHREAD_SCOPE_GLOBAL) && !defined(PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM) */ + +#if defined(_BSDI_VERSION) && _BSDI_VERSION < 199910 +int sigwait(sigset_t *set, int *sig); +#endif + +#ifndef HAVE_NONPOSIX_SIGWAIT +#define my_sigwait(A,B) sigwait((A),(B)) +#else +int my_sigwait(const sigset_t *set,int *sig); +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_NONPOSIX_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT +#ifndef SAFE_MUTEX +#define pthread_mutex_init(a,b) my_pthread_mutex_init((a),(b)) +extern int my_pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t *mp, + const pthread_mutexattr_t *attr); +#endif /* SAFE_MUTEX */ +#define pthread_cond_init(a,b) my_pthread_cond_init((a),(b)) +extern int my_pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t *mp, + const pthread_condattr_t *attr); +#endif /* HAVE_NONPOSIX_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT */ + +#if defined(HAVE_SIGTHREADMASK) && !defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_SIGMASK) +#define pthread_sigmask(A,B,C) sigthreadmask((A),(B),(C)) +#endif + +#if !defined(HAVE_SIGWAIT) && !defined(HAVE_rts_threads) && !defined(sigwait) && !defined(alpha_linux_port) && !defined(HAVE_NONPOSIX_SIGWAIT) && !defined(HAVE_DEC_3_2_THREADS) && !defined(_AIX) +int sigwait(sigset_t *setp, int *sigp); /* Use our implemention */ +#endif + + +/* + We define my_sigset() and use that instead of the system sigset() so that + we can favor an implementation based on sigaction(). On some systems, such + as Mac OS X, sigset() results in flags such as SA_RESTART being set, and + we want to make sure that no such flags are set. +*/ +#if defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) && !defined(my_sigset) +#define my_sigset(A,B) do { struct sigaction l_s; sigset_t l_set; \ + DBUG_ASSERT((A) != 0); \ + sigemptyset(&l_set); \ + l_s.sa_handler = (B); \ + l_s.sa_mask = l_set; \ + l_s.sa_flags = 0; \ + sigaction((A), &l_s, NULL); \ + } while (0) +#elif defined(HAVE_SIGSET) && !defined(my_sigset) +#define my_sigset(A,B) sigset((A),(B)) +#elif !defined(my_sigset) +#define my_sigset(A,B) signal((A),(B)) +#endif + +#if !defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSCOPE) || defined(HAVE_DEC_3_2_THREADS) +#define pthread_attr_setscope(A,B) +#undef HAVE_GETHOSTBYADDR_R /* No definition */ +#endif + +#if defined(HAVE_BROKEN_PTHREAD_COND_TIMEDWAIT) && !defined(SAFE_MUTEX) +extern int my_pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *cond, + pthread_mutex_t *mutex, + struct timespec *abstime); +#define pthread_cond_timedwait(A,B,C) my_pthread_cond_timedwait((A),(B),(C)) +#endif + +#if !defined( HAVE_NONPOSIX_PTHREAD_GETSPECIFIC) +#define my_pthread_getspecific(A,B) ((A) pthread_getspecific(B)) +#else +#define my_pthread_getspecific(A,B) ((A) my_pthread_getspecific_imp(B)) +void *my_pthread_getspecific_imp(pthread_key_t key); +#endif + +#ifndef HAVE_LOCALTIME_R +struct tm *localtime_r(const time_t *clock, struct tm *res); +#endif + +#ifndef HAVE_GMTIME_R +struct tm *gmtime_r(const time_t *clock, struct tm *res); +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_CREATE +/* DCE threads on HPUX 10.20 */ +#define pthread_condattr_init pthread_condattr_create +#define pthread_condattr_destroy pthread_condattr_delete +#endif + +/* FSU THREADS */ +#if !defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_KEY_DELETE) && !defined(pthread_key_delete) +#define pthread_key_delete(A) pthread_dummy(0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_CTHREADS_WRAPPER /* For MacOSX */ +#define pthread_cond_destroy(A) pthread_dummy(0) +#define pthread_mutex_destroy(A) pthread_dummy(0) +#define pthread_attr_delete(A) pthread_dummy(0) +#define pthread_condattr_delete(A) pthread_dummy(0) +#define pthread_attr_setstacksize(A,B) pthread_dummy(0) +#define pthread_equal(A,B) ((A) == (B)) +#define pthread_cond_timedwait(a,b,c) pthread_cond_wait((a),(b)) +#define pthread_attr_init(A) pthread_attr_create(A) +#define pthread_attr_destroy(A) pthread_attr_delete(A) +#define pthread_attr_setdetachstate(A,B) pthread_dummy(0) +#define pthread_create(A,B,C,D) pthread_create((A),*(B),(C),(D)) +#define pthread_sigmask(A,B,C) sigprocmask((A),(B),(C)) +#define pthread_kill(A,B) pthread_dummy((A) ? 0 : ESRCH) +#undef pthread_detach_this_thread +#define pthread_detach_this_thread() { pthread_t tmp=pthread_self() ; pthread_detach(&tmp); } +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_DARWIN5_THREADS +#define pthread_sigmask(A,B,C) sigprocmask((A),(B),(C)) +#define pthread_kill(A,B) pthread_dummy((A) ? 0 : ESRCH) +#define pthread_condattr_init(A) pthread_dummy(0) +#define pthread_condattr_destroy(A) pthread_dummy(0) +#undef pthread_detach_this_thread +#define pthread_detach_this_thread() { pthread_t tmp=pthread_self() ; pthread_detach(tmp); } +#endif + +#if ((defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_CREATE) && !defined(HAVE_SIGWAIT)) || defined(HAVE_DEC_3_2_THREADS)) && !defined(HAVE_CTHREADS_WRAPPER) +/* This is set on AIX_3_2 and Siemens unix (and DEC OSF/1 3.2 too) */ +#define pthread_key_create(A,B) \ + pthread_keycreate(A,(B) ?\ + (pthread_destructor_t) (B) :\ + (pthread_destructor_t) pthread_dummy) +#define pthread_attr_init(A) pthread_attr_create(A) +#define pthread_attr_destroy(A) pthread_attr_delete(A) +#define pthread_attr_setdetachstate(A,B) pthread_dummy(0) +#define pthread_create(A,B,C,D) pthread_create((A),*(B),(C),(D)) +#ifndef pthread_sigmask +#define pthread_sigmask(A,B,C) sigprocmask((A),(B),(C)) +#endif +#define pthread_kill(A,B) pthread_dummy((A) ? 0 : ESRCH) +#undef pthread_detach_this_thread +#define pthread_detach_this_thread() { pthread_t tmp=pthread_self() ; pthread_detach(&tmp); } +#else /* HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_CREATE && !HAVE_SIGWAIT */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_KILL +#endif + +#endif /* defined(__WIN__) */ + +#if defined(HPUX10) && !defined(DONT_REMAP_PTHREAD_FUNCTIONS) +#undef pthread_cond_timedwait +#define pthread_cond_timedwait(a,b,c) my_pthread_cond_timedwait((a),(b),(c)) +int my_pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex, + struct timespec *abstime); +#endif + +#if defined(HPUX10) +#define pthread_attr_getstacksize(A,B) my_pthread_attr_getstacksize(A,B) +void my_pthread_attr_getstacksize(pthread_attr_t *attrib, size_t *size); +#endif + +#if defined(HAVE_POSIX1003_4a_MUTEX) && !defined(DONT_REMAP_PTHREAD_FUNCTIONS) +#undef pthread_mutex_trylock +#define pthread_mutex_trylock(a) my_pthread_mutex_trylock((a)) +int my_pthread_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex); +#endif + +#if !defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_YIELD_ONE_ARG) && !defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_YIELD_ZERO_ARG) +/* no pthread_yield() available */ +#ifdef HAVE_SCHED_YIELD +#define pthread_yield() sched_yield() +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_YIELD_NP) /* can be Mac OS X */ +#define pthread_yield() pthread_yield_np() +#elif defined(HAVE_THR_YIELD) +#define pthread_yield() thr_yield() +#endif +#endif + +/* + The defines set_timespec and set_timespec_nsec should be used + for calculating an absolute time at which + pthread_cond_timedwait should timeout +*/ +#define set_timespec(ABSTIME,SEC) set_timespec_nsec((ABSTIME),(SEC)*1000000000ULL) + +#ifndef set_timespec_nsec +#define set_timespec_nsec(ABSTIME,NSEC) \ + set_timespec_time_nsec((ABSTIME),my_getsystime(),(NSEC)) +#endif /* !set_timespec_nsec */ + +/* adapt for two different flavors of struct timespec */ +#ifdef HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC +#define MY_tv_sec ts_sec +#define MY_tv_nsec ts_nsec +#else +#define MY_tv_sec tv_sec +#define MY_tv_nsec tv_nsec +#endif /* HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC */ + +#ifndef set_timespec_time_nsec +#define set_timespec_time_nsec(ABSTIME,TIME,NSEC) do { \ + ulonglong nsec= (NSEC); \ + ulonglong now= (TIME) + (nsec/100); \ + (ABSTIME).MY_tv_sec= (now / 10000000ULL); \ + (ABSTIME).MY_tv_nsec= (now % 10000000ULL * 100 + (nsec % 100)); \ +} while(0) +#endif /* !set_timespec_time_nsec */ + +/** + Compare two timespec structs. + + @retval 1 If TS1 ends after TS2. + + @retval 0 If TS1 is equal to TS2. + + @retval -1 If TS1 ends before TS2. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC +#ifndef cmp_timespec +#define cmp_timespec(TS1, TS2) \ + ((TS1.ts_sec > TS2.ts_sec || \ + (TS1.ts_sec == TS2.ts_sec && TS1.ts_nsec > TS2.ts_nsec)) ? 1 : \ + ((TS1.ts_sec < TS2.ts_sec || \ + (TS1.ts_sec == TS2.ts_sec && TS1.ts_nsec < TS2.ts_nsec)) ? -1 : 0)) +#endif /* !cmp_timespec */ +#else +#ifndef cmp_timespec +#define cmp_timespec(TS1, TS2) \ + ((TS1.tv_sec > TS2.tv_sec || \ + (TS1.tv_sec == TS2.tv_sec && TS1.tv_nsec > TS2.tv_nsec)) ? 1 : \ + ((TS1.tv_sec < TS2.tv_sec || \ + (TS1.tv_sec == TS2.tv_sec && TS1.tv_nsec < TS2.tv_nsec)) ? -1 : 0)) +#endif /* !cmp_timespec */ +#endif /* HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC */ + +#ifdef HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC +#ifndef diff_timespec +#define diff_timespec(TS1, TS2) \ + ((TS1.ts_sec - TS2.ts_sec) * 1000000000ULL + TS1.ts_nsec - TS2.ts_nsec) +#endif /* !diff_timespec */ +#else +#ifndef diff_timespec +#define diff_timespec(TS1, TS2) \ + ((TS1.tv_sec - TS2.tv_sec) * 1000000000ULL + TS1.tv_nsec - TS2.tv_nsec) +#endif /* !diff_timespec */ +#endif /* HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC */ + + /* safe_mutex adds checking to mutex for easier debugging */ + +typedef struct st_safe_mutex_t +{ + pthread_mutex_t global,mutex; + const char *file; + uint line,count; + pthread_t thread; +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX_DETECT_DESTROY + struct st_safe_mutex_info_t *info; /* to track destroying of mutexes */ +#endif +} safe_mutex_t; + +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX_DETECT_DESTROY +/* + Used to track the destroying of mutexes. This needs to be a seperate + structure because the safe_mutex_t structure could be freed before + the mutexes are destroyed. +*/ + +typedef struct st_safe_mutex_info_t +{ + struct st_safe_mutex_info_t *next; + struct st_safe_mutex_info_t *prev; + const char *init_file; + uint32 init_line; +} safe_mutex_info_t; +#endif /* SAFE_MUTEX_DETECT_DESTROY */ + +int safe_mutex_init(safe_mutex_t *mp, const pthread_mutexattr_t *attr, + const char *file, uint line); +int safe_mutex_lock(safe_mutex_t *mp, my_bool try_lock, const char *file, uint line); +int safe_mutex_unlock(safe_mutex_t *mp,const char *file, uint line); +int safe_mutex_destroy(safe_mutex_t *mp,const char *file, uint line); +int safe_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *cond, safe_mutex_t *mp,const char *file, + uint line); +int safe_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *cond, safe_mutex_t *mp, + const struct timespec *abstime, + const char *file, uint line); +void safe_mutex_global_init(void); +void safe_mutex_end(FILE *file); + + /* Wrappers if safe mutex is actually used */ +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX +#define safe_mutex_assert_owner(mp) \ + DBUG_ASSERT((mp)->count > 0 && \ + pthread_equal(pthread_self(), (mp)->thread)) +#define safe_mutex_assert_not_owner(mp) \ + DBUG_ASSERT(! (mp)->count || \ + ! pthread_equal(pthread_self(), (mp)->thread)) + +#define my_cond_timedwait(A,B,C) safe_cond_timedwait((A),(B),(C),__FILE__,__LINE__) +#define my_cond_wait(A,B) safe_cond_wait((A), (B), __FILE__, __LINE__) + +#elif defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) + +#define safe_mutex_assert_owner(mp) do {} while (0) +#define safe_mutex_assert_not_owner(mp) do {} while (0) + +#define my_cond_timedwait(A,B,C) pthread_cond_timedwait((A), &(B)->mutex, (C)) +#define my_cond_wait(A,B) pthread_cond_wait((A), &(B)->mutex) + +#else + +#define safe_mutex_assert_owner(mp) do {} while (0) +#define safe_mutex_assert_not_owner(mp) do {} while (0) + +#define my_cond_timedwait(A,B,C) pthread_cond_timedwait((A),(B),(C)) +#define my_cond_wait(A,B) pthread_cond_wait((A), (B)) + +#endif /* !SAFE_MUTEX && ! MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX */ + +#if defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) && !defined(SAFE_MUTEX) +typedef struct st_my_pthread_fastmutex_t +{ + pthread_mutex_t mutex; + uint spins; + uint rng_state; +} my_pthread_fastmutex_t; +void fastmutex_global_init(void); + +int my_pthread_fastmutex_init(my_pthread_fastmutex_t *mp, + const pthread_mutexattr_t *attr); +int my_pthread_fastmutex_lock(my_pthread_fastmutex_t *mp); + +#endif /* defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) && !defined(SAFE_MUTEX) */ + + /* READ-WRITE thread locking */ + +#ifdef HAVE_BROKEN_RWLOCK /* For OpenUnix */ +#undef HAVE_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_RDLOCK +#undef HAVE_RWLOCK_INIT +#undef HAVE_RWLOCK_T +#endif + +#if defined(USE_MUTEX_INSTEAD_OF_RW_LOCKS) +/* use these defs for simple mutex locking */ +#define rw_lock_t pthread_mutex_t +#define my_rwlock_init(A,B) pthread_mutex_init((A),(B)) +#define rw_rdlock(A) pthread_mutex_lock((A)) +#define rw_wrlock(A) pthread_mutex_lock((A)) +#define rw_tryrdlock(A) pthread_mutex_trylock((A)) +#define rw_trywrlock(A) pthread_mutex_trylock((A)) +#define rw_unlock(A) pthread_mutex_unlock((A)) +#define rwlock_destroy(A) pthread_mutex_destroy((A)) +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_RDLOCK) +#define rw_lock_t pthread_rwlock_t +#define my_rwlock_init(A,B) pthread_rwlock_init((A),(B)) +#define rw_rdlock(A) pthread_rwlock_rdlock(A) +#define rw_wrlock(A) pthread_rwlock_wrlock(A) +#define rw_tryrdlock(A) pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock((A)) +#define rw_trywrlock(A) pthread_rwlock_trywrlock((A)) +#define rw_unlock(A) pthread_rwlock_unlock(A) +#define rwlock_destroy(A) pthread_rwlock_destroy(A) +#elif defined(HAVE_RWLOCK_INIT) +#ifdef HAVE_RWLOCK_T /* For example Solaris 2.6-> */ +#define rw_lock_t rwlock_t +#endif +#define my_rwlock_init(A,B) rwlock_init((A),USYNC_THREAD,0) +#else +/* Use our own version of read/write locks */ +#define NEED_MY_RW_LOCK 1 +#define rw_lock_t my_rw_lock_t +#define my_rwlock_init(A,B) my_rw_init((A)) +#define rw_rdlock(A) my_rw_rdlock((A)) +#define rw_wrlock(A) my_rw_wrlock((A)) +#define rw_tryrdlock(A) my_rw_tryrdlock((A)) +#define rw_trywrlock(A) my_rw_trywrlock((A)) +#define rw_unlock(A) my_rw_unlock((A)) +#define rwlock_destroy(A) my_rw_destroy((A)) +#define rw_lock_assert_write_owner(A) my_rw_lock_assert_write_owner((A)) +#define rw_lock_assert_not_write_owner(A) my_rw_lock_assert_not_write_owner((A)) +#endif /* USE_MUTEX_INSTEAD_OF_RW_LOCKS */ + + +/** + Portable implementation of special type of read-write locks. + + These locks have two properties which are unusual for rwlocks: + 1) They "prefer readers" in the sense that they do not allow + situations in which rwlock is rd-locked and there is a + pending rd-lock which is blocked (e.g. due to pending + request for wr-lock). + This is a stronger guarantee than one which is provided for + PTHREAD_RWLOCK_PREFER_READER_NP rwlocks in Linux. + MDL subsystem deadlock detector relies on this property for + its correctness. + 2) They are optimized for uncontended wr-lock/unlock case. + This is scenario in which they are most oftenly used + within MDL subsystem. Optimizing for it gives significant + performance improvements in some of tests involving many + connections. + + Another important requirement imposed on this type of rwlock + by the MDL subsystem is that it should be OK to destroy rwlock + object which is in unlocked state even though some threads might + have not yet fully left unlock operation for it (of course there + is an external guarantee that no thread will try to lock rwlock + which is destroyed). + Putting it another way the unlock operation should not access + rwlock data after changing its state to unlocked. + + TODO/FIXME: We should consider alleviating this requirement as + it blocks us from doing certain performance optimizations. +*/ + +typedef struct st_rw_pr_lock_t { + /** + Lock which protects the structure. + Also held for the duration of wr-lock. + */ + pthread_mutex_t lock; + /** + Condition variable which is used to wake-up + writers waiting for readers to go away. + */ + pthread_cond_t no_active_readers; + /** Number of active readers. */ + uint active_readers; + /** Number of writers waiting for readers to go away. */ + uint writers_waiting_readers; + /** Indicates whether there is an active writer. */ + my_bool active_writer; +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + /** Thread holding wr-lock (for debug purposes only). */ + pthread_t writer_thread; +#endif +} rw_pr_lock_t; + +extern int rw_pr_init(rw_pr_lock_t *); +extern int rw_pr_rdlock(rw_pr_lock_t *); +extern int rw_pr_wrlock(rw_pr_lock_t *); +extern int rw_pr_unlock(rw_pr_lock_t *); +extern int rw_pr_destroy(rw_pr_lock_t *); +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX +#define rw_pr_lock_assert_write_owner(A) \ + DBUG_ASSERT((A)->active_writer && pthread_equal(pthread_self(), \ + (A)->writer_thread)) +#define rw_pr_lock_assert_not_write_owner(A) \ + DBUG_ASSERT(! (A)->active_writer || ! pthread_equal(pthread_self(), \ + (A)->writer_thread)) +#else +#define rw_pr_lock_assert_write_owner(A) +#define rw_pr_lock_assert_not_write_owner(A) +#endif /* SAFE_MUTEX */ + + +#ifdef NEED_MY_RW_LOCK + +#ifdef _WIN32 + +/** + Implementation of Windows rwlock. + + We use native (slim) rwlocks on Win7 and later, and fallback to portable + implementation on earlier Windows. + + slim rwlock are also available on Vista/WS2008, but we do not use it + ("trylock" APIs are missing on Vista) +*/ +typedef union +{ + /* Native rwlock (is_srwlock == TRUE) */ + struct + { + SRWLOCK srwlock; /* native reader writer lock */ + BOOL have_exclusive_srwlock; /* used for unlock */ + }; + + /* + Portable implementation (is_srwlock == FALSE) + Fields are identical with Unix my_rw_lock_t fields. + */ + struct + { + pthread_mutex_t lock; /* lock for structure */ + pthread_cond_t readers; /* waiting readers */ + pthread_cond_t writers; /* waiting writers */ + int state; /* -1:writer,0:free,>0:readers */ + int waiters; /* number of waiting writers */ +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + pthread_t write_thread; +#endif + }; +} my_rw_lock_t; + + +#else /* _WIN32 */ + +/* + On systems which don't support native read/write locks we have + to use own implementation. +*/ +typedef struct st_my_rw_lock_t { + pthread_mutex_t lock; /* lock for structure */ + pthread_cond_t readers; /* waiting readers */ + pthread_cond_t writers; /* waiting writers */ + int state; /* -1:writer,0:free,>0:readers */ + int waiters; /* number of waiting writers */ +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + pthread_t write_thread; +#endif +} my_rw_lock_t; + +#endif /*! _WIN32 */ + +extern int my_rw_init(my_rw_lock_t *); +extern int my_rw_destroy(my_rw_lock_t *); +extern int my_rw_rdlock(my_rw_lock_t *); +extern int my_rw_wrlock(my_rw_lock_t *); +extern int my_rw_unlock(my_rw_lock_t *); +extern int my_rw_tryrdlock(my_rw_lock_t *); +extern int my_rw_trywrlock(my_rw_lock_t *); +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX +#define my_rw_lock_assert_write_owner(A) \ + DBUG_ASSERT((A)->state == -1 && pthread_equal(pthread_self(), \ + (A)->write_thread)) +#define my_rw_lock_assert_not_write_owner(A) \ + DBUG_ASSERT((A)->state >= 0 || ! pthread_equal(pthread_self(), \ + (A)->write_thread)) +#else +#define my_rw_lock_assert_write_owner(A) +#define my_rw_lock_assert_not_write_owner(A) +#endif +#endif /* NEED_MY_RW_LOCK */ + + +#define GETHOSTBYADDR_BUFF_SIZE 2048 + +#ifndef HAVE_THR_SETCONCURRENCY +#define thr_setconcurrency(A) pthread_dummy(0) +#endif +#if !defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSTACKSIZE) && ! defined(pthread_attr_setstacksize) +#define pthread_attr_setstacksize(A,B) pthread_dummy(0) +#endif + +/* Define mutex types, see my_thr_init.c */ +#define MY_MUTEX_INIT_SLOW NULL +#ifdef PTHREAD_ADAPTIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP +extern pthread_mutexattr_t my_fast_mutexattr; +#define MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST &my_fast_mutexattr +#else +#define MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST NULL +#endif +#ifdef PTHREAD_ERRORCHECK_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP +extern pthread_mutexattr_t my_errorcheck_mutexattr; +#define MY_MUTEX_INIT_ERRCHK &my_errorcheck_mutexattr +#else +#define MY_MUTEX_INIT_ERRCHK NULL +#endif + +#ifndef ESRCH +/* Define it to something */ +#define ESRCH 1 +#endif + +typedef ulong my_thread_id; + +extern my_bool my_thread_global_init(void); +extern void my_thread_global_reinit(void); +extern void my_thread_global_end(void); +extern my_bool my_thread_init(void); +extern void my_thread_end(void); +extern const char *my_thread_name(void); +extern my_thread_id my_thread_dbug_id(void); +extern int pthread_dummy(int); + +#ifndef HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETGUARDSIZE +static inline int pthread_attr_getguardsize(pthread_attr_t *attr, + size_t *guardsize) +{ + *guardsize= 0; + return 0; +} +#endif + +/* All thread specific variables are in the following struct */ + +#define THREAD_NAME_SIZE 10 +#ifndef DEFAULT_THREAD_STACK +#if SIZEOF_CHARP > 4 +/* + MySQL can survive with 32K, but some glibc libraries require > 128K stack + To resolve hostnames. Also recursive stored procedures needs stack. +*/ +#define DEFAULT_THREAD_STACK (256*1024L) +#else +#define DEFAULT_THREAD_STACK (192*1024) +#endif +#endif + +#include + +#define INSTRUMENT_ME 0 + +struct st_my_thread_var +{ + int thr_errno; + mysql_cond_t suspend; + mysql_mutex_t mutex; + mysql_mutex_t * volatile current_mutex; + mysql_cond_t * volatile current_cond; + pthread_t pthread_self; + my_thread_id id; + int cmp_length; + int volatile abort; + my_bool init; + struct st_my_thread_var *next,**prev; + void *opt_info; + void *stack_ends_here; +#ifndef DBUG_OFF + void *dbug; + char name[THREAD_NAME_SIZE+1]; +#endif +}; + +extern struct st_my_thread_var *_my_thread_var(void) __attribute__ ((const)); +extern int set_mysys_var(struct st_my_thread_var *mysys_var); +extern void **my_thread_var_dbug(); +extern uint my_thread_end_wait_time; +#define my_thread_var (_my_thread_var()) +#define my_errno my_thread_var->thr_errno +/* + Keep track of shutdown,signal, and main threads so that my_end() will not + report errors with them +*/ + +/* Which kind of thread library is in use */ + +#define THD_LIB_OTHER 1 +#define THD_LIB_NPTL 2 +#define THD_LIB_LT 4 + +extern uint thd_lib_detected; + +/* + thread_safe_xxx functions are for critical statistic or counters. + The implementation is guaranteed to be thread safe, on all platforms. + Note that the calling code should *not* assume the counter is protected + by the mutex given, as the implementation of these helpers may change + to use my_atomic operations instead. +*/ + +#ifndef thread_safe_increment +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define thread_safe_increment(V,L) InterlockedIncrement((long*) &(V)) +#define thread_safe_decrement(V,L) InterlockedDecrement((long*) &(V)) +#else +#define thread_safe_increment(V,L) \ + (mysql_mutex_lock((L)), (V)++, mysql_mutex_unlock((L))) +#define thread_safe_decrement(V,L) \ + (mysql_mutex_lock((L)), (V)--, mysql_mutex_unlock((L))) +#endif +#endif + +#ifndef thread_safe_add +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define thread_safe_add(V,C,L) InterlockedExchangeAdd((long*) &(V),(C)) +#define thread_safe_sub(V,C,L) InterlockedExchangeAdd((long*) &(V),-(long) (C)) +#else +#define thread_safe_add(V,C,L) \ + (mysql_mutex_lock((L)), (V)+=(C), mysql_mutex_unlock((L))) +#define thread_safe_sub(V,C,L) \ + (mysql_mutex_lock((L)), (V)-=(C), mysql_mutex_unlock((L))) +#endif +#endif + + +/* + statistics_xxx functions are for non critical statistic, + maintained in global variables. + When compiling with SAFE_STATISTICS: + - race conditions can not occur. + - some locking occurs, which may cause performance degradation. + + When compiling without SAFE_STATISTICS: + - race conditions can occur, making the result slightly inaccurate. + - the lock given is not honored. +*/ +#ifdef SAFE_STATISTICS +#define statistic_increment(V,L) thread_safe_increment((V),(L)) +#define statistic_decrement(V,L) thread_safe_decrement((V),(L)) +#define statistic_add(V,C,L) thread_safe_add((V),(C),(L)) +#define statistic_sub(V,C,L) thread_safe_sub((V),(C),(L)) +#else +#define statistic_decrement(V,L) (V)-- +#define statistic_increment(V,L) (V)++ +#define statistic_add(V,C,L) (V)+=(C) +#define statistic_sub(V,C,L) (V)-=(C) +#endif /* SAFE_STATISTICS */ + +/* + No locking needed, the counter is owned by the thread +*/ +#define status_var_increment(V) (V)++ +#define status_var_decrement(V) (V)-- +#define status_var_add(V,C) (V)+=(C) +#define status_var_sub(V,C) (V)-=(C) + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* _my_ptread_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_rdtsc.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_rdtsc.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..38ab0de80 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_rdtsc.h @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2008 MySQL AB, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. + Use is subject to license terms. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + rdtsc3 -- multi-platform timer code + pgulutzan@mysql.com, 2005-08-29 + modified 2008-11-02 +*/ + +#ifndef MY_RDTSC_H +#define MY_RDTSC_H + +/** + Characteristics of a timer. +*/ +struct my_timer_unit_info +{ + /** Routine used for the timer. */ + ulonglong routine; + /** Overhead of the timer. */ + ulonglong overhead; + /** Frequency of the timer. */ + ulonglong frequency; + /** Resolution of the timer. */ + ulonglong resolution; +}; + +/** + Characteristics of all the supported timers. + @sa my_timer_init(). +*/ +struct my_timer_info +{ + /** Characteristics of the cycle timer. */ + struct my_timer_unit_info cycles; + /** Characteristics of the nanosecond timer. */ + struct my_timer_unit_info nanoseconds; + /** Characteristics of the microsecond timer. */ + struct my_timer_unit_info microseconds; + /** Characteristics of the millisecond timer. */ + struct my_timer_unit_info milliseconds; + /** Characteristics of the tick timer. */ + struct my_timer_unit_info ticks; +}; + +typedef struct my_timer_info MY_TIMER_INFO; + +C_MODE_START + +/** + A cycle timer. + @return the current timer value, in cycles. +*/ +ulonglong my_timer_cycles(void); + +/** + A namoseconds timer. + @return the current timer value, in nanoseconds. +*/ +ulonglong my_timer_nanoseconds(void); + +/** + A microseconds timer. + @return the current timer value, in microseconds. +*/ +ulonglong my_timer_microseconds(void); + +/** + A millisecond timer. + @return the current timer value, in milliseconds. +*/ +ulonglong my_timer_milliseconds(void); + +/** + A ticks timer. + @return the current timer value, in ticks. +*/ +ulonglong my_timer_ticks(void); + +/** + Timer initialization function. + @param [out] mti the timer characteristics. +*/ +void my_timer_init(MY_TIMER_INFO *mti); + +C_MODE_END + +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_X86 1 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_X86_64 2 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_RDTSCLL 3 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_X86_WIN 4 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_RDTSC 5 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_IA64 6 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_PPC 7 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_SGI_CYCLE 8 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_GETHRTIME 9 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_READ_REAL_TIME 10 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_CLOCK_GETTIME 11 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_NXGETTIME 12 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_GETTIMEOFDAY 13 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_QUERYPERFORMANCECOUNTER 14 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_GETTICKCOUNT 15 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_TIME 16 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_TIMES 17 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_FTIME 18 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_PPC64 19 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_SUNPRO_SPARC64 20 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_SUNPRO_SPARC32 21 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_SUNPRO_I386 22 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_GCC_SPARC64 23 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_GCC_SPARC32 24 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_MACH_ABSOLUTE_TIME 25 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_GETSYSTEMTIMEASFILETIME 26 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_SUNPRO_X86_64 27 + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_rnd.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_rnd.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cf57e8dca --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_rnd.h @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +#ifndef MY_RANDOM_INCLUDED +#define MY_RANDOM_INCLUDED + +/* + Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + A wrapper to use OpenSSL/YaSSL PRNGs. +*/ + +#include +#include +#include + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +double my_rnd_ssl(struct rand_struct *rand_st); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* MY_RANDOM_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_stacktrace.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_stacktrace.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ee0386789 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_stacktrace.h @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _my_stacktrace_h_ +#define _my_stacktrace_h_ + +#include + +#ifdef TARGET_OS_LINUX +#if defined (__x86_64__) || defined (__i386__) || \ + (defined(__alpha__) && defined(__GNUC__)) +#define HAVE_STACKTRACE 1 +#endif +#elif defined(__WIN__) || defined(HAVE_PRINTSTACK) +#define HAVE_STACKTRACE 1 +#endif + +#if HAVE_BACKTRACE && (HAVE_BACKTRACE_SYMBOLS || HAVE_BACKTRACE_SYMBOLS_FD) +#undef HAVE_STACKTRACE +#define HAVE_STACKTRACE 1 +#endif + +#define HAVE_WRITE_CORE + +#if HAVE_BACKTRACE && HAVE_BACKTRACE_SYMBOLS && \ + HAVE_CXXABI_H && HAVE_ABI_CXA_DEMANGLE && \ + HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOL +#define BACKTRACE_DEMANGLE 1 +#endif + +C_MODE_START + +#if defined(HAVE_STACKTRACE) || defined(HAVE_BACKTRACE) +void my_init_stacktrace(); +void my_print_stacktrace(uchar* stack_bottom, ulong thread_stack); +void my_safe_print_str(const char* val, int max_len); +void my_write_core(int sig); +#if BACKTRACE_DEMANGLE +char *my_demangle(const char *mangled_name, int *status); +#endif +#ifdef __WIN__ +void my_set_exception_pointers(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ep); +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_WRITE_CORE +void my_write_core(int sig); +#endif + + + +/** + Async-signal-safe utility functions used by signal handler routines. + Declared here in order to unit-test them. + These are not general-purpose, but tailored to the signal handling routines. +*/ +/** + Converts a longlong value to string. + @param base 10 for decimal, 16 for hex values (0..9a..f) + @param val The value to convert + @param buf Assumed to point to the *end* of the buffer. + @returns Pointer to the first character of the converted string. + Negative values: + for base-10 the return string will be prepended with '-' + for base-16 the return string will contain 16 characters + Implemented with simplicity, and async-signal-safety in mind. +*/ +char *my_safe_itoa(int base, longlong val, char *buf); + +/** + Converts a ulonglong value to string. + @param base 10 for decimal, 16 for hex values (0..9a..f) + @param val The value to convert + @param buf Assumed to point to the *end* of the buffer. + @returns Pointer to the first character of the converted string. + Implemented with simplicity, and async-signal-safety in mind. +*/ +char *my_safe_utoa(int base, ulonglong val, char *buf); + +/** + A (very) limited version of snprintf. + @param to Destination buffer. + @param n Size of destination buffer. + @param fmt printf() style format string. + @returns Number of bytes written, including terminating '\0' + Supports 'd' 'i' 'u' 'x' 'p' 's' conversion. + Supports 'l' and 'll' modifiers for integral types. + Does not support any width/precision. + Implemented with simplicity, and async-signal-safety in mind. +*/ +size_t my_safe_snprintf(char* to, size_t n, const char* fmt, ...) + ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 3, 4); + +/** + A (very) limited version of snprintf, which writes the result to STDERR. + @sa my_safe_snprintf + Implemented with simplicity, and async-signal-safety in mind. + @note Has an internal buffer capacity of 512 bytes, + which should suffice for our signal handling routines. +*/ +size_t my_safe_printf_stderr(const char* fmt, ...) + ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 1, 2); + +/** + Writes up to count bytes from buffer to STDERR. + Implemented with simplicity, and async-signal-safety in mind. + @param buf Buffer containing data to be written. + @param count Number of bytes to write. + @returns Number of bytes written. +*/ +size_t my_write_stderr(const void *buf, size_t count); + +C_MODE_END + +#endif /* _my_stacktrace_h_ */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_sys.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_sys.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..76f0be711 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_sys.h @@ -0,0 +1,1004 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _my_sys_h +#define _my_sys_h + +#include "my_global.h" /* C_MODE_START, C_MODE_END */ + +C_MODE_START + +#ifdef HAVE_AIOWAIT +#include /* Used by record-cache */ +typedef struct my_aio_result { + aio_result_t result; + int pending; +} my_aio_result; +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_VALGRIND +# include +# define MEM_UNDEFINED(a,len) VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(a,len) +# define MEM_NOACCESS(a,len) VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(a,len) +# define MEM_CHECK_ADDRESSABLE(a,len) VALGRIND_CHECK_MEM_IS_ADDRESSABLE(a,len) +# define MEM_CHECK_DEFINED(a,len) VALGRIND_CHECK_MEM_IS_DEFINED(a,len) +#else /* HAVE_VALGRIND */ +# define MEM_UNDEFINED(a,len) ((void) 0) +# define MEM_NOACCESS(a,len) ((void) 0) +# define MEM_CHECK_ADDRESSABLE(a,len) ((void) 0) +# define MEM_CHECK_DEFINED(a,len) ((void) 0) +#endif /* HAVE_VALGRIND */ + +#include + +#include /* for CHARSET_INFO */ +#include +#include +#ifdef _WIN32 +#include /*for alloca*/ +#endif + +#define MY_INIT(name) { my_progname= name; my_init(); } + +/** + Max length of an error message generated by mysys utilities. + Some mysys functions produce error messages. These mostly go + to stderr. + This constant defines the size of the buffer used to format + the message. It should be kept in sync with MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE, + since sometimes mysys errors are stored in the server diagnostics + area, and we would like to avoid unexpected truncation. +*/ +#define MYSYS_ERRMSG_SIZE (512) +#define MYSYS_STRERROR_SIZE (128) + +#define MY_FILE_ERROR ((size_t) -1) + + /* General bitmaps for my_func's */ +#define MY_FFNF 1 /* Fatal if file not found */ +#define MY_FNABP 2 /* Fatal if not all bytes read/writen */ +#define MY_NABP 4 /* Error if not all bytes read/writen */ +#define MY_FAE 8 /* Fatal if any error */ +#define MY_WME 16 /* Write message on error */ +#define MY_WAIT_IF_FULL 32 /* Wait and try again if disk full error */ +#define MY_IGNORE_BADFD 32 /* my_sync: ignore 'bad descriptor' errors */ +#define MY_SYNC_DIR 8192 /* my_create/delete/rename: sync directory */ +#define MY_UNUSED 64 /* Unused (was support for RAID) */ +#define MY_FULL_IO 512 /* For my_read - loop intil I/O is complete */ +#define MY_DONT_CHECK_FILESIZE 128 /* Option to init_io_cache() */ +#define MY_LINK_WARNING 32 /* my_redel() gives warning if links */ +#define MY_COPYTIME 64 /* my_redel() copys time */ +#define MY_DELETE_OLD 256 /* my_create_with_symlink() */ +#define MY_RESOLVE_LINK 128 /* my_realpath(); Only resolve links */ +#define MY_HOLD_ORIGINAL_MODES 128 /* my_copy() holds to file modes */ +#define MY_REDEL_MAKE_BACKUP 256 +#define MY_SEEK_NOT_DONE 32 /* my_lock may have to do a seek */ +#define MY_DONT_WAIT 64 /* my_lock() don't wait if can't lock */ +#define MY_ZEROFILL 32 /* my_malloc(), fill array with zero */ +#define MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR 64 /* my_realloc() ; zero ptr -> malloc */ +#define MY_FREE_ON_ERROR 128 /* my_realloc() ; Free old ptr on error */ +#define MY_HOLD_ON_ERROR 256 /* my_realloc() ; Return old ptr on error */ +#define MY_DONT_OVERWRITE_FILE 1024 /* my_copy: Don't overwrite file */ +#define MY_THREADSAFE 2048 /* my_seek(): lock fd mutex */ +#define MY_SYNC 4096 /* my_copy(): sync dst file */ + +#define MY_CHECK_ERROR 1 /* Params to my_end; Check open-close */ +#define MY_GIVE_INFO 2 /* Give time info about process*/ +#define MY_DONT_FREE_DBUG 4 /* Do not call DBUG_END() in my_end() */ + +#define ME_HIGHBYTE 8 /* Shift for colours */ +#define ME_NOCUR 1 /* Don't use curses message */ +#define ME_OLDWIN 2 /* Use old window */ +#define ME_BELL 4 /* Ring bell then printing message */ +#define ME_HOLDTANG 8 /* Don't delete last keys */ +#define ME_WAITTOT 16 /* Wait for errtime secs of for a action */ +#define ME_WAITTANG 32 /* Wait for a user action */ +#define ME_NOREFRESH 64 /* Write the error message to error log */ +#define ME_NOINPUT 128 /* Dont use the input libary */ +#define ME_COLOUR1 ((1 << ME_HIGHBYTE)) /* Possibly error-colours */ +#define ME_COLOUR2 ((2 << ME_HIGHBYTE)) +#define ME_COLOUR3 ((3 << ME_HIGHBYTE)) +#define ME_FATALERROR 1024 /* Fatal statement error */ + + /* Bits in last argument to fn_format */ +#define MY_REPLACE_DIR 1 /* replace dir in name with 'dir' */ +#define MY_REPLACE_EXT 2 /* replace extension with 'ext' */ +#define MY_UNPACK_FILENAME 4 /* Unpack name (~ -> home) */ +#define MY_PACK_FILENAME 8 /* Pack name (home -> ~) */ +#define MY_RESOLVE_SYMLINKS 16 /* Resolve all symbolic links */ +#define MY_RETURN_REAL_PATH 32 /* return full path for file */ +#define MY_SAFE_PATH 64 /* Return NULL if too long path */ +#define MY_RELATIVE_PATH 128 /* name is relative to 'dir' */ +#define MY_APPEND_EXT 256 /* add 'ext' as additional extension*/ + + + /* My seek flags */ +#define MY_SEEK_SET 0 +#define MY_SEEK_CUR 1 +#define MY_SEEK_END 2 + + /* Some constants */ +#define MY_WAIT_FOR_USER_TO_FIX_PANIC 60 /* in seconds */ +#define MY_WAIT_GIVE_USER_A_MESSAGE 10 /* Every 10 times of prev */ +#define MIN_COMPRESS_LENGTH 50 /* Don't compress small bl. */ +#define DFLT_INIT_HITS 3 + + /* root_alloc flags */ +#define MY_KEEP_PREALLOC 1 +#define MY_MARK_BLOCKS_FREE 2 /* move used to free list and reuse them */ + + /* Internal error numbers (for assembler functions) */ +#define MY_ERRNO_EDOM 33 +#define MY_ERRNO_ERANGE 34 + + /* Bits for get_date timeflag */ +#define GETDATE_DATE_TIME 1 +#define GETDATE_SHORT_DATE 2 +#define GETDATE_HHMMSSTIME 4 +#define GETDATE_GMT 8 +#define GETDATE_FIXEDLENGTH 16 + + /* defines when allocating data */ +extern void *my_malloc(size_t Size,myf MyFlags); +extern void *my_multi_malloc(myf MyFlags, ...); +extern void *my_realloc(void *oldpoint, size_t Size, myf MyFlags); +extern void my_free(void *ptr); +extern void *my_memdup(const void *from,size_t length,myf MyFlags); +extern char *my_strdup(const char *from,myf MyFlags); +extern char *my_strndup(const char *from, size_t length, + myf MyFlags); + +/* + Switch to my_malloc() if the memory block to be allocated is bigger than + max_alloca_sz. +*/ +#ifndef HAVE_ALLOCA +#define my_safe_alloca(size, max_alloca_sz) my_alloca(size) +#define my_safe_afree(ptr, size, max_alloca_sz) my_afree(ptr) +#else +#define my_safe_alloca(size, max_alloca_sz) ((size <= max_alloca_sz) ? \ + my_alloca(size) : \ + my_malloc(size, MYF(0))) +#define my_safe_afree(ptr, size, max_alloca_sz) if (size > max_alloca_sz) \ + my_free(ptr) +#endif /* #ifndef HAVE_ALLOCA */ + +#if !defined(DBUG_OFF) || defined(HAVE_VALGRIND) +/** + Put bad content in memory to be sure it will segfault if dereferenced. + With Valgrind, verify that memory is addressable, and mark it undefined. + We cache value of B because if B is expression which depends on A, memset() + trashes value of B. +*/ +#define TRASH(A,B) do { \ + const size_t l= (B); \ + MEM_CHECK_ADDRESSABLE(A, l); \ + memset(A, 0x8F, l); \ + MEM_UNDEFINED(A, l); \ + } while (0) +#else +#define TRASH(A,B) do {} while(0) +#endif +#if defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) +extern void (*debug_sync_C_callback_ptr)(const char *, size_t); +#define DEBUG_SYNC_C(_sync_point_name_) do { \ + if (debug_sync_C_callback_ptr != NULL) \ + (*debug_sync_C_callback_ptr)(STRING_WITH_LEN(_sync_point_name_)); } \ + while(0) +#define DEBUG_SYNC_C_IF_THD(thd, _sync_point_name_) do { \ + if (debug_sync_C_callback_ptr != NULL && thd) \ + (*debug_sync_C_callback_ptr)(STRING_WITH_LEN(_sync_point_name_)); } \ + while(0) +#else +#define DEBUG_SYNC_C(_sync_point_name_) +#define DEBUG_SYNC_C_IF_THD(thd, _sync_point_name_) +#endif /* defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) */ + +#ifdef HAVE_LARGE_PAGES +extern uint my_get_large_page_size(void); +extern uchar * my_large_malloc(size_t size, myf my_flags); +extern void my_large_free(uchar *ptr); +#else +#define my_get_large_page_size() (0) +#define my_large_malloc(A,B) my_malloc_lock((A),(B)) +#define my_large_free(A) my_free_lock((A)) +#endif /* HAVE_LARGE_PAGES */ + +#ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA +#if defined(_AIX) && !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(_AIX43) +#pragma alloca +#endif /* _AIX */ +#if defined(__MWERKS__) +#undef alloca +#define alloca _alloca +#endif /* __MWERKS__ */ +#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(HAVE_ALLOCA_H) && ! defined(alloca) +#define alloca __builtin_alloca +#endif /* GNUC */ +#define my_alloca(SZ) alloca((size_t) (SZ)) +#define my_afree(PTR) {} +#else +#define my_alloca(SZ) my_malloc(SZ,MYF(MY_FAE)) +#define my_afree(PTR) my_free(PTR) +#endif /* HAVE_ALLOCA */ + +#include /* errno is a define */ + +extern char *home_dir; /* Home directory for user */ +extern const char *my_progname; /* program-name (printed in errors) */ +extern char curr_dir[]; /* Current directory for user */ +extern void (*error_handler_hook)(uint my_err, const char *str,myf MyFlags); +extern void (*fatal_error_handler_hook)(uint my_err, const char *str, + myf MyFlags); +extern void(*sql_print_warning_hook)(const char *format,...); +extern uint my_file_limit; +extern ulong my_thread_stack_size; + +extern void (*proc_info_hook)(void *, const PSI_stage_info *, PSI_stage_info *, + const char *, const char *, const unsigned int); + +#ifdef HAVE_LARGE_PAGES +extern my_bool my_use_large_pages; +extern uint my_large_page_size; +#endif + +/* charsets */ +#define MY_ALL_CHARSETS_SIZE 2048 +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT CHARSET_INFO *default_charset_info; +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT CHARSET_INFO *all_charsets[MY_ALL_CHARSETS_SIZE]; +extern CHARSET_INFO compiled_charsets[]; + +/* statistics */ +extern ulong my_file_opened,my_stream_opened, my_tmp_file_created; +extern ulong my_file_total_opened; +extern my_bool my_init_done; + + /* Point to current my_message() */ +extern void (*my_sigtstp_cleanup)(void), + /* Executed before jump to shell */ + (*my_sigtstp_restart)(void), + (*my_abort_hook)(int); + /* Executed when comming from shell */ +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT int my_umask; /* Default creation mask */ +extern int my_umask_dir, + my_recived_signals, /* Signals we have got */ + my_safe_to_handle_signal, /* Set when allowed to SIGTSTP */ + my_dont_interrupt; /* call remember_intr when set */ +extern my_bool my_use_symdir; + +extern ulong my_default_record_cache_size; +extern my_bool my_disable_locking, my_disable_async_io, + my_disable_flush_key_blocks, my_disable_symlinks; +extern char wild_many,wild_one,wild_prefix; +extern const char *charsets_dir; + +extern my_bool timed_mutexes; + +enum cache_type +{ + TYPE_NOT_SET= 0, READ_CACHE, WRITE_CACHE, + SEQ_READ_APPEND /* sequential read or append */, + READ_FIFO, READ_NET,WRITE_NET}; + +enum flush_type +{ + FLUSH_KEEP, /* flush block and keep it in the cache */ + FLUSH_RELEASE, /* flush block and remove it from the cache */ + FLUSH_IGNORE_CHANGED, /* remove block from the cache */ + /* + As my_disable_flush_pagecache_blocks is always 0, the following option + is strictly equivalent to FLUSH_KEEP + */ + FLUSH_FORCE_WRITE +}; + +typedef struct st_record_cache /* Used when cacheing records */ +{ + File file; + int rc_seek,error,inited; + uint rc_length,read_length,reclength; + my_off_t rc_record_pos,end_of_file; + uchar *rc_buff,*rc_buff2,*rc_pos,*rc_end,*rc_request_pos; +#ifdef HAVE_AIOWAIT + int use_async_io; + my_aio_result aio_result; +#endif + enum cache_type type; +} RECORD_CACHE; + +enum file_type +{ + UNOPEN = 0, FILE_BY_OPEN, FILE_BY_CREATE, STREAM_BY_FOPEN, STREAM_BY_FDOPEN, + FILE_BY_MKSTEMP, FILE_BY_DUP +}; + +struct st_my_file_info +{ + char *name; +#ifdef _WIN32 + HANDLE fhandle; /* win32 file handle */ + int oflag; /* open flags, e.g O_APPEND */ +#endif + enum file_type type; +#if !defined(HAVE_PREAD) && !defined(_WIN32) + mysql_mutex_t mutex; +#endif +}; + +extern struct st_my_file_info *my_file_info; + +typedef struct st_dynamic_array +{ + uchar *buffer; + uint elements,max_element; + uint alloc_increment; + uint size_of_element; +} DYNAMIC_ARRAY; + +typedef struct st_my_tmpdir +{ + DYNAMIC_ARRAY full_list; + char **list; + uint cur, max; + mysql_mutex_t mutex; +} MY_TMPDIR; + +typedef struct st_dynamic_string +{ + char *str; + size_t length,max_length,alloc_increment; +} DYNAMIC_STRING; + +struct st_io_cache; +typedef int (*IO_CACHE_CALLBACK)(struct st_io_cache*); + +typedef struct st_io_cache_share +{ + mysql_mutex_t mutex; /* To sync on reads into buffer. */ + mysql_cond_t cond; /* To wait for signals. */ + mysql_cond_t cond_writer; /* For a synchronized writer. */ + /* Offset in file corresponding to the first byte of buffer. */ + my_off_t pos_in_file; + /* If a synchronized write cache is the source of the data. */ + struct st_io_cache *source_cache; + uchar *buffer; /* The read buffer. */ + uchar *read_end; /* Behind last valid byte of buffer. */ + int running_threads; /* threads not in lock. */ + int total_threads; /* threads sharing the cache. */ + int error; /* Last error. */ +#ifdef NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED + /* whether the structure should be free'd */ + my_bool alloced; +#endif +} IO_CACHE_SHARE; + +typedef struct st_io_cache /* Used when cacheing files */ +{ + /* Offset in file corresponding to the first byte of uchar* buffer. */ + my_off_t pos_in_file; + /* + The offset of end of file for READ_CACHE and WRITE_CACHE. + For SEQ_READ_APPEND it the maximum of the actual end of file and + the position represented by read_end. + */ + my_off_t end_of_file; + /* Points to current read position in the buffer */ + uchar *read_pos; + /* the non-inclusive boundary in the buffer for the currently valid read */ + uchar *read_end; + uchar *buffer; /* The read buffer */ + /* Used in ASYNC_IO */ + uchar *request_pos; + + /* Only used in WRITE caches and in SEQ_READ_APPEND to buffer writes */ + uchar *write_buffer; + /* + Only used in SEQ_READ_APPEND, and points to the current read position + in the write buffer. Note that reads in SEQ_READ_APPEND caches can + happen from both read buffer (uchar* buffer) and write buffer + (uchar* write_buffer). + */ + uchar *append_read_pos; + /* Points to current write position in the write buffer */ + uchar *write_pos; + /* The non-inclusive boundary of the valid write area */ + uchar *write_end; + + /* + Current_pos and current_end are convenience variables used by + my_b_tell() and other routines that need to know the current offset + current_pos points to &write_pos, and current_end to &write_end in a + WRITE_CACHE, and &read_pos and &read_end respectively otherwise + */ + uchar **current_pos, **current_end; + + /* + The lock is for append buffer used in SEQ_READ_APPEND cache + need mutex copying from append buffer to read buffer. + */ + mysql_mutex_t append_buffer_lock; + /* + The following is used when several threads are reading the + same file in parallel. They are synchronized on disk + accesses reading the cached part of the file asynchronously. + It should be set to NULL to disable the feature. Only + READ_CACHE mode is supported. + */ + IO_CACHE_SHARE *share; + + /* + A caller will use my_b_read() macro to read from the cache + if the data is already in cache, it will be simply copied with + memcpy() and internal variables will be accordinging updated with + no functions invoked. However, if the data is not fully in the cache, + my_b_read() will call read_function to fetch the data. read_function + must never be invoked directly. + */ + int (*read_function)(struct st_io_cache *,uchar *,size_t); + /* + Same idea as in the case of read_function, except my_b_write() needs to + be replaced with my_b_append() for a SEQ_READ_APPEND cache + */ + int (*write_function)(struct st_io_cache *,const uchar *,size_t); + /* + Specifies the type of the cache. Depending on the type of the cache + certain operations might not be available and yield unpredicatable + results. Details to be documented later + */ + enum cache_type type; + /* + Callbacks when the actual read I/O happens. These were added and + are currently used for binary logging of LOAD DATA INFILE - when a + block is read from the file, we create a block create/append event, and + when IO_CACHE is closed, we create an end event. These functions could, + of course be used for other things + */ + IO_CACHE_CALLBACK pre_read; + IO_CACHE_CALLBACK post_read; + IO_CACHE_CALLBACK pre_close; + /* + Counts the number of times, when we were forced to use disk. We use it to + increase the binlog_cache_disk_use and binlog_stmt_cache_disk_use status + variables. + */ + ulong disk_writes; + void* arg; /* for use by pre/post_read */ + char *file_name; /* if used with 'open_cached_file' */ + char *dir,*prefix; + File file; /* file descriptor */ + /* + seek_not_done is set by my_b_seek() to inform the upcoming read/write + operation that a seek needs to be preformed prior to the actual I/O + error is 0 if the cache operation was successful, -1 if there was a + "hard" error, and the actual number of I/O-ed bytes if the read/write was + partial. + */ + int seek_not_done,error; + /* buffer_length is memory size allocated for buffer or write_buffer */ + size_t buffer_length; + /* read_length is the same as buffer_length except when we use async io */ + size_t read_length; + myf myflags; /* Flags used to my_read/my_write */ + /* + alloced_buffer is 1 if the buffer was allocated by init_io_cache() and + 0 if it was supplied by the user. + Currently READ_NET is the only one that will use a buffer allocated + somewhere else + */ + my_bool alloced_buffer; +#ifdef HAVE_AIOWAIT + /* + As inidicated by ifdef, this is for async I/O, which is not currently + used (because it's not reliable on all systems) + */ + uint inited; + my_off_t aio_read_pos; + my_aio_result aio_result; +#endif +} IO_CACHE; + +typedef int (*qsort2_cmp)(const void *, const void *, const void *); + +typedef void (*my_error_reporter)(enum loglevel level, const char *format, ...) + ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT_FPTR(printf, 2, 3); + +extern my_error_reporter my_charset_error_reporter; + + /* defines for mf_iocache */ + + /* Test if buffer is inited */ +#define my_b_clear(info) (info)->buffer=0 +#define my_b_inited(info) (info)->buffer +#define my_b_EOF INT_MIN + +#define my_b_read(info,Buffer,Count) \ + ((info)->read_pos + (Count) <= (info)->read_end ?\ + (memcpy(Buffer,(info)->read_pos,(size_t) (Count)), \ + ((info)->read_pos+=(Count)),0) :\ + (*(info)->read_function)((info),Buffer,Count)) + +#define my_b_write(info,Buffer,Count) \ + ((info)->write_pos + (Count) <=(info)->write_end ?\ + (memcpy((info)->write_pos, (Buffer), (size_t)(Count)),\ + ((info)->write_pos+=(Count)),0) : \ + (*(info)->write_function)((info),(uchar *)(Buffer),(Count))) + +#define my_b_get(info) \ + ((info)->read_pos != (info)->read_end ?\ + ((info)->read_pos++, (int) (uchar) (info)->read_pos[-1]) :\ + _my_b_get(info)) + + /* my_b_write_byte dosn't have any err-check */ +#define my_b_write_byte(info,chr) \ + (((info)->write_pos < (info)->write_end) ?\ + ((*(info)->write_pos++)=(chr)) :\ + (_my_b_write(info,0,0) , ((*(info)->write_pos++)=(chr)))) + +#define my_b_fill_cache(info) \ + (((info)->read_end=(info)->read_pos),(*(info)->read_function)(info,0,0)) + +#define my_b_tell(info) ((info)->pos_in_file + \ + (size_t) (*(info)->current_pos - (info)->request_pos)) + +#define my_b_get_buffer_start(info) (info)->request_pos +#define my_b_get_bytes_in_buffer(info) (char*) (info)->read_end - \ + (char*) my_b_get_buffer_start(info) +#define my_b_get_pos_in_file(info) (info)->pos_in_file + +/* tell write offset in the SEQ_APPEND cache */ +int my_b_copy_to_file(IO_CACHE *cache, FILE *file); +my_off_t my_b_append_tell(IO_CACHE* info); +my_off_t my_b_safe_tell(IO_CACHE* info); /* picks the correct tell() */ + +#define my_b_bytes_in_cache(info) (size_t) (*(info)->current_end - \ + *(info)->current_pos) + +typedef uint32 ha_checksum; + +#include + + + /* Prototypes for mysys and my_func functions */ + +extern int my_copy(const char *from,const char *to,myf MyFlags); +extern int my_delete(const char *name,myf MyFlags); +extern int my_getwd(char * buf,size_t size,myf MyFlags); +extern int my_setwd(const char *dir,myf MyFlags); +extern int my_lock(File fd,int op,my_off_t start, my_off_t length,myf MyFlags); +extern void *my_once_alloc(size_t Size,myf MyFlags); +extern void my_once_free(void); +extern char *my_once_strdup(const char *src,myf myflags); +extern void *my_once_memdup(const void *src, size_t len, myf myflags); +extern File my_open(const char *FileName,int Flags,myf MyFlags); +extern File my_register_filename(File fd, const char *FileName, + enum file_type type_of_file, + uint error_message_number, myf MyFlags); +extern File my_create(const char *FileName,int CreateFlags, + int AccessFlags, myf MyFlags); +extern int my_close(File Filedes,myf MyFlags); +extern int my_mkdir(const char *dir, int Flags, myf MyFlags); +extern int my_readlink(char *to, const char *filename, myf MyFlags); +extern int my_is_symlink(const char *filename); +extern int my_realpath(char *to, const char *filename, myf MyFlags); +extern File my_create_with_symlink(const char *linkname, const char *filename, + int createflags, int access_flags, + myf MyFlags); +extern int my_delete_with_symlink(const char *name, myf MyFlags); +extern int my_rename_with_symlink(const char *from,const char *to,myf MyFlags); +extern int my_symlink(const char *content, const char *linkname, myf MyFlags); +extern size_t my_read(File Filedes,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count,myf MyFlags); +extern size_t my_pread(File Filedes,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count,my_off_t offset, + myf MyFlags); +extern int my_rename(const char *from,const char *to,myf MyFlags); +extern my_off_t my_seek(File fd,my_off_t pos,int whence,myf MyFlags); +extern my_off_t my_tell(File fd,myf MyFlags); +extern size_t my_write(File Filedes,const uchar *Buffer,size_t Count, + myf MyFlags); +extern size_t my_pwrite(File Filedes,const uchar *Buffer,size_t Count, + my_off_t offset,myf MyFlags); +extern size_t my_fread(FILE *stream,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count,myf MyFlags); +extern size_t my_fwrite(FILE *stream,const uchar *Buffer,size_t Count, + myf MyFlags); +extern my_off_t my_fseek(FILE *stream,my_off_t pos,int whence,myf MyFlags); +extern my_off_t my_ftell(FILE *stream,myf MyFlags); + +/* implemented in my_memmem.c */ +extern void *my_memmem(const void *haystack, size_t haystacklen, + const void *needle, size_t needlelen); + + +#ifdef _WIN32 +extern int my_access(const char *path, int amode); +#else +#define my_access access +#endif + +extern int check_if_legal_filename(const char *path); +extern int check_if_legal_tablename(const char *path); + +#ifdef __WIN__ +extern my_bool is_filename_allowed(const char *name, size_t length, + my_bool allow_current_dir); +#else /* __WIN__ */ +# define is_filename_allowed(name, length, allow_cwd) (TRUE) +#endif /* __WIN__ */ + +#ifdef _WIN32 +extern int nt_share_delete(const char *name,myf MyFlags); +#define my_delete_allow_opened(fname,flags) nt_share_delete((fname),(flags)) +#else +#define my_delete_allow_opened(fname,flags) my_delete((fname),(flags)) +#endif + +#ifdef _WIN32 +/* Windows-only functions (CRT equivalents)*/ +extern HANDLE my_get_osfhandle(File fd); +extern void my_osmaperr(unsigned long last_error); +#endif + +extern void init_glob_errs(void); +extern const char** get_global_errmsgs(); +extern void wait_for_free_space(const char *filename, int errors); +extern FILE *my_fopen(const char *FileName,int Flags,myf MyFlags); +extern FILE *my_fdopen(File Filedes,const char *name, int Flags,myf MyFlags); +extern FILE *my_freopen(const char *path, const char *mode, FILE *stream); +extern int my_fclose(FILE *fd,myf MyFlags); +extern File my_fileno(FILE *fd); +extern int my_chsize(File fd,my_off_t newlength, int filler, myf MyFlags); +extern void thr_set_sync_wait_callback(void (*before_sync)(void), + void (*after_sync)(void)); +extern int my_sync(File fd, myf my_flags); +extern int my_sync_dir(const char *dir_name, myf my_flags); +extern int my_sync_dir_by_file(const char *file_name, myf my_flags); +extern char *my_strerror(char *buf, size_t len, int errnum); +extern const char *my_get_err_msg(int nr); +extern void my_error(int nr,myf MyFlags, ...); +extern void my_printf_error(uint my_err, const char *format, + myf MyFlags, ...) + ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 2, 4); +extern void my_printv_error(uint error, const char *format, myf MyFlags, + va_list ap); +extern int my_error_register(const char** (*get_errmsgs) (), + int first, int last); +extern void my_printf_warning (const char * format, ...); +extern const char **my_error_unregister(int first, int last); +extern void my_message(uint my_err, const char *str,myf MyFlags); +extern void my_message_stderr(uint my_err, const char *str, myf MyFlags); +extern my_bool my_init(void); +extern void my_end(int infoflag); +extern int my_redel(const char *from, const char *to, int MyFlags); +extern int my_copystat(const char *from, const char *to, int MyFlags); +extern char * my_filename(File fd); + +#ifdef EXTRA_DEBUG +void my_print_open_files(void); +#else +#define my_print_open_files() +#endif + +extern my_bool init_tmpdir(MY_TMPDIR *tmpdir, const char *pathlist); +extern char *my_tmpdir(MY_TMPDIR *tmpdir); +extern void free_tmpdir(MY_TMPDIR *tmpdir); + +extern void my_remember_signal(int signal_number,sig_handler (*func)(int)); +extern size_t dirname_part(char * to,const char *name, size_t *to_res_length); +extern size_t dirname_length(const char *name); +#define base_name(A) (A+dirname_length(A)) +extern int test_if_hard_path(const char *dir_name); +extern my_bool has_path(const char *name); +extern char *convert_dirname(char *to, const char *from, const char *from_end); +extern void to_unix_path(char * name); +extern char * fn_ext(const char *name); +extern char * fn_same(char * toname,const char *name,int flag); +extern char * fn_format(char * to,const char *name,const char *dir, + const char *form, uint flag); +extern size_t strlength(const char *str); +extern void pack_dirname(char * to,const char *from); +extern size_t normalize_dirname(char * to, const char *from); +extern size_t unpack_dirname(char * to,const char *from, my_bool *is_symdir); +extern size_t cleanup_dirname(char * to,const char *from); +extern size_t system_filename(char * to,const char *from); +extern size_t unpack_filename(char * to,const char *from); +extern char * intern_filename(char * to,const char *from); +extern char * directory_file_name(char * dst, const char *src); +extern int pack_filename(char * to, const char *name, size_t max_length); +extern char * my_path(char * to,const char *progname, + const char *own_pathname_part); +extern char * my_load_path(char * to, const char *path, + const char *own_path_prefix); +extern int wild_compare(const char *str,const char *wildstr, + pbool str_is_pattern); +extern my_bool array_append_string_unique(const char *str, + const char **array, size_t size); +extern void get_date(char * to,int timeflag,time_t use_time); +extern void soundex(CHARSET_INFO *, char * out_pntr, char * in_pntr, + pbool remove_garbage); +extern int init_record_cache(RECORD_CACHE *info,size_t cachesize,File file, + size_t reclength,enum cache_type type, + pbool use_async_io); +extern int read_cache_record(RECORD_CACHE *info,uchar *to); +extern int end_record_cache(RECORD_CACHE *info); +extern int write_cache_record(RECORD_CACHE *info,my_off_t filepos, + const uchar *record,size_t length); +extern int flush_write_cache(RECORD_CACHE *info); +extern void handle_recived_signals(void); + +extern sig_handler my_set_alarm_variable(int signo); +extern my_bool radixsort_is_appliccable(uint n_items, size_t size_of_element); +extern void my_string_ptr_sort(uchar *base,uint items,size_t size); +extern void radixsort_for_str_ptr(uchar* base[], uint number_of_elements, + size_t size_of_element,uchar *buffer[]); +extern qsort_t my_qsort(void *base_ptr, size_t total_elems, size_t size, + qsort_cmp cmp); +extern qsort_t my_qsort2(void *base_ptr, size_t total_elems, size_t size, + qsort2_cmp cmp, const void *cmp_argument); +extern qsort2_cmp get_ptr_compare(size_t); +void my_store_ptr(uchar *buff, size_t pack_length, my_off_t pos); +my_off_t my_get_ptr(uchar *ptr, size_t pack_length); +extern int init_io_cache(IO_CACHE *info,File file,size_t cachesize, + enum cache_type type,my_off_t seek_offset, + pbool use_async_io, myf cache_myflags); +extern my_bool reinit_io_cache(IO_CACHE *info,enum cache_type type, + my_off_t seek_offset,pbool use_async_io, + pbool clear_cache); +extern void setup_io_cache(IO_CACHE* info); +extern int _my_b_read(IO_CACHE *info,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count); +extern int _my_b_read_r(IO_CACHE *info,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count); +extern void init_io_cache_share(IO_CACHE *read_cache, IO_CACHE_SHARE *cshare, + IO_CACHE *write_cache, uint num_threads); +extern void remove_io_thread(IO_CACHE *info); +extern int _my_b_seq_read(IO_CACHE *info,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count); +extern int _my_b_net_read(IO_CACHE *info,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count); +extern int _my_b_get(IO_CACHE *info); +extern int _my_b_async_read(IO_CACHE *info,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count); +extern int _my_b_write(IO_CACHE *info,const uchar *Buffer,size_t Count); +extern int my_b_append(IO_CACHE *info,const uchar *Buffer,size_t Count); +extern int my_b_safe_write(IO_CACHE *info,const uchar *Buffer,size_t Count); + +extern int my_block_write(IO_CACHE *info, const uchar *Buffer, + size_t Count, my_off_t pos); +extern int my_b_flush_io_cache(IO_CACHE *info, int need_append_buffer_lock); + +#define flush_io_cache(info) my_b_flush_io_cache((info),1) + +extern int end_io_cache(IO_CACHE *info); +extern size_t my_b_fill(IO_CACHE *info); +extern void my_b_seek(IO_CACHE *info,my_off_t pos); +extern size_t my_b_gets(IO_CACHE *info, char *to, size_t max_length); +extern my_off_t my_b_filelength(IO_CACHE *info); +extern size_t my_b_printf(IO_CACHE *info, const char* fmt, ...) + ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 2, 3); +extern size_t my_b_vprintf(IO_CACHE *info, const char* fmt, va_list ap); +extern my_bool open_cached_file(IO_CACHE *cache,const char *dir, + const char *prefix, size_t cache_size, + myf cache_myflags); +extern my_bool real_open_cached_file(IO_CACHE *cache); +extern void close_cached_file(IO_CACHE *cache); +File create_temp_file(char *to, const char *dir, const char *pfx, + int mode, myf MyFlags); +#define my_init_dynamic_array(A,B,C,D) init_dynamic_array2(A,B,NULL,C,D) +#define my_init_dynamic_array_ci(A,B,C,D) init_dynamic_array2(A,B,NULL,C,D) +#define my_init_dynamic_array2(A,B,C,D,E) init_dynamic_array2(A,B,C,D,E) +#define my_init_dynamic_array2_ci(A,B,C,D,E) init_dynamic_array2(A,B,C,D,E) +extern my_bool init_dynamic_array2(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, uint element_size, + void *init_buffer, uint init_alloc, + uint alloc_increment); +/* init_dynamic_array() function is deprecated */ +extern my_bool init_dynamic_array(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, uint element_size, + uint init_alloc, uint alloc_increment); +extern my_bool insert_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, const void *element); +extern void *alloc_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array); +extern void *pop_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY*); +extern my_bool set_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, const void *element, + uint array_index); +extern my_bool allocate_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, uint max_elements); +extern void get_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, void *element, + uint array_index); +extern void delete_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array); +extern void delete_dynamic_element(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, uint array_index); +extern void freeze_size(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array); +#define dynamic_array_ptr(array,array_index) ((array)->buffer+(array_index)*(array)->size_of_element) +#define dynamic_element(array,array_index,type) ((type)((array)->buffer) +(array_index)) +#define push_dynamic(A,B) insert_dynamic((A),(B)) +#define reset_dynamic(array) ((array)->elements= 0) +#define sort_dynamic(A,cmp) my_qsort((A)->buffer, (A)->elements, (A)->size_of_element, (cmp)) + +extern my_bool init_dynamic_string(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, const char *init_str, + size_t init_alloc,size_t alloc_increment); +extern my_bool dynstr_append(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, const char *append); +my_bool dynstr_append_mem(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, const char *append, + size_t length); +extern my_bool dynstr_append_os_quoted(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, const char *append, + ...); +extern my_bool dynstr_set(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, const char *init_str); +extern my_bool dynstr_realloc(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, size_t additional_size); +extern my_bool dynstr_trunc(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, size_t n); +extern void dynstr_free(DYNAMIC_STRING *str); +#ifdef HAVE_MLOCK +extern void *my_malloc_lock(size_t length,myf flags); +extern void my_free_lock(void *ptr); +#else +#define my_malloc_lock(A,B) my_malloc((A),(B)) +#define my_free_lock(A) my_free((A)) +#endif +#define alloc_root_inited(A) ((A)->min_malloc != 0) +#define ALLOC_ROOT_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE (MALLOC_OVERHEAD + sizeof(USED_MEM) + 8) +#define clear_alloc_root(A) do { (A)->free= (A)->used= (A)->pre_alloc= 0; (A)->min_malloc=0;} while(0) +extern void init_alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, size_t block_size, + size_t pre_alloc_size); +extern void *alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, size_t Size); +extern void *multi_alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, ...); +extern void free_root(MEM_ROOT *root, myf MyFLAGS); +extern void set_prealloc_root(MEM_ROOT *root, char *ptr); +extern void reset_root_defaults(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, size_t block_size, + size_t prealloc_size); +extern char *strdup_root(MEM_ROOT *root,const char *str); +static inline char *safe_strdup_root(MEM_ROOT *root, const char *str) +{ + return str ? strdup_root(root, str) : 0; +} +extern char *strmake_root(MEM_ROOT *root,const char *str,size_t len); +extern void *memdup_root(MEM_ROOT *root,const void *str, size_t len); +extern my_bool my_compress(uchar *, size_t *, size_t *); +extern my_bool my_uncompress(uchar *, size_t , size_t *); +extern uchar *my_compress_alloc(const uchar *packet, size_t *len, + size_t *complen); +extern int packfrm(uchar *, size_t, uchar **, size_t *); +extern int unpackfrm(uchar **, size_t *, const uchar *); + +extern ha_checksum my_checksum(ha_checksum crc, const uchar *mem, + size_t count); +extern void my_sleep(ulong m_seconds); +extern ulong crc32(ulong crc, const uchar *buf, uint len); +extern uint my_set_max_open_files(uint files); +void my_free_open_file_info(void); + +extern time_t my_time(myf flags); +extern ulonglong my_getsystime(void); +extern ulonglong my_micro_time(); +extern ulonglong my_micro_time_and_time(time_t *time_arg); +time_t my_time_possible_from_micro(ulonglong microtime); +extern my_bool my_gethwaddr(uchar *to); +extern int my_getncpus(); + +#ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H +#include + +#ifndef MAP_NOSYNC +#define MAP_NOSYNC 0 +#endif +#ifndef MAP_NORESERVE +#define MAP_NORESERVE 0 /* For irix and AIX */ +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_MMAP64 +#define my_mmap(a,b,c,d,e,f) mmap64(a,b,c,d,e,f) +#else +#define my_mmap(a,b,c,d,e,f) mmap(a,b,c,d,e,f) +#endif +#define my_munmap(a,b) munmap((a),(b)) + +#else +/* not a complete set of mmap() flags, but only those that nesessary */ +#define PROT_READ 1 +#define PROT_WRITE 2 +#define MAP_NORESERVE 0 +#define MAP_SHARED 0x0001 +#define MAP_PRIVATE 0x0002 +#define MAP_NOSYNC 0x0800 +#define MAP_FAILED ((void *)-1) +#define MS_SYNC 0x0000 + +#define HAVE_MMAP +void *my_mmap(void *, size_t, int, int, int, my_off_t); +int my_munmap(void *, size_t); +#endif + +/* my_getpagesize */ +#ifdef HAVE_GETPAGESIZE +#define my_getpagesize() getpagesize() +#else +int my_getpagesize(void); +#endif + +int my_msync(int, void *, size_t, int); + +/* character sets */ +extern void my_charset_loader_init_mysys(MY_CHARSET_LOADER *loader); +extern uint get_charset_number(const char *cs_name, uint cs_flags); +extern uint get_collation_number(const char *name); +extern const char *get_charset_name(uint cs_number); + +extern CHARSET_INFO *get_charset(uint cs_number, myf flags); +extern CHARSET_INFO *get_charset_by_name(const char *cs_name, myf flags); +extern CHARSET_INFO *my_collation_get_by_name(MY_CHARSET_LOADER *loader, + const char *name, myf flags); +extern CHARSET_INFO *get_charset_by_csname(const char *cs_name, + uint cs_flags, myf my_flags); +extern CHARSET_INFO *my_charset_get_by_name(MY_CHARSET_LOADER *loader, + const char *name, + uint cs_flags, myf my_flags); +extern my_bool resolve_charset(const char *cs_name, + const CHARSET_INFO *default_cs, + const CHARSET_INFO **cs); +extern my_bool resolve_collation(const char *cl_name, + const CHARSET_INFO *default_cl, + const CHARSET_INFO **cl); +extern void free_charsets(void); +extern char *get_charsets_dir(char *buf); +extern my_bool my_charset_same(const CHARSET_INFO *cs1, + const CHARSET_INFO *cs2); +extern my_bool init_compiled_charsets(myf flags); +extern void add_compiled_collation(CHARSET_INFO *cs); +extern size_t escape_string_for_mysql(const CHARSET_INFO *charset_info, + char *to, size_t to_length, + const char *from, size_t length); +#ifdef __WIN__ +#define BACKSLASH_MBTAIL +/* File system character set */ +extern CHARSET_INFO *fs_character_set(void); +#endif +extern size_t escape_quotes_for_mysql(CHARSET_INFO *charset_info, + char *to, size_t to_length, + const char *from, size_t length); + +extern void thd_increment_bytes_sent(ulong length); +extern void thd_increment_bytes_received(ulong length); + +#ifdef __WIN__ +extern my_bool have_tcpip; /* Is set if tcpip is used */ + +/* implemented in my_windac.c */ + +int my_security_attr_create(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES **psa, const char **perror, + DWORD owner_rights, DWORD everybody_rights); + +void my_security_attr_free(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *sa); + +/* implemented in my_conio.c */ +my_bool my_win_is_console(FILE *file); +char *my_win_console_readline(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, char *mbbuf, size_t mbbufsize); +void my_win_console_write(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const char *data, size_t datalen); +void my_win_console_fputs(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const char *data); +void my_win_console_putc(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, int c); +void my_win_console_vfprintf(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const char *fmt, va_list args); +int my_win_translate_command_line_args(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, int *ac, char ***av); +#endif /* __WIN__ */ + +#include + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT struct PSI_bootstrap *PSI_hook; +extern void set_psi_server(PSI *psi); +void my_init_mysys_psi_keys(void); +#endif + +struct st_mysql_file; +extern struct st_mysql_file *mysql_stdin; + +enum durability_properties +{ + /* + Preserves the durability properties defined by the engine */ + HA_REGULAR_DURABILITY= 0, + /* + Ignore the durability properties defined by the engine and + write only in-memory entries. + */ + HA_IGNORE_DURABILITY= 1 +}; + +C_MODE_END +#endif /* _my_sys_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_time.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_time.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f10724119 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_time.h @@ -0,0 +1,249 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2004, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + This is a private header of sql-common library, containing + declarations for my_time.c +*/ + +#ifndef _my_time_h_ +#define _my_time_h_ +#include "my_global.h" +#include "mysql_time.h" + +C_MODE_START + +extern ulonglong log_10_int[20]; +extern uchar days_in_month[]; +extern const char my_zero_datetime6[]; /* "0000-00-00 00:00:00.000000" */ + +/* + Portable time_t replacement. + Should be signed and hold seconds for 1902 -- 2038-01-19 range + i.e at least a 32bit variable + + Using the system built in time_t is not an option as + we rely on the above requirements in the time functions +*/ +typedef long my_time_t; + +#define MY_TIME_T_MAX LONG_MAX +#define MY_TIME_T_MIN LONG_MIN + +#define DATETIME_MAX_DECIMALS 6 + +/* Time handling defaults */ +#define TIMESTAMP_MAX_YEAR 2038 +#define TIMESTAMP_MIN_YEAR (1900 + YY_PART_YEAR - 1) +#define TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE INT_MAX32 +#define TIMESTAMP_MIN_VALUE 1 + +/* two-digit years < this are 20..; >= this are 19.. */ +#define YY_PART_YEAR 70 + +/* + check for valid times only if the range of time_t is greater than + the range of my_time_t +*/ +#if SIZEOF_TIME_T > 4 || defined(TIME_T_UNSIGNED) +# define IS_TIME_T_VALID_FOR_TIMESTAMP(x) \ + ((x) <= TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE && \ + (x) >= TIMESTAMP_MIN_VALUE) +#else +# define IS_TIME_T_VALID_FOR_TIMESTAMP(x) \ + ((x) >= TIMESTAMP_MIN_VALUE) +#endif + +/* Flags to str_to_datetime and number_to_datetime */ +#define TIME_FUZZY_DATE 1 +#define TIME_DATETIME_ONLY 2 +#define TIME_NO_NSEC_ROUNDING 4 +#define TIME_NO_DATE_FRAC_WARN 8 + +/* Must be same as MODE_NO_ZERO_IN_DATE */ +#define TIME_NO_ZERO_IN_DATE (65536L*2*2*2*2*2*2*2) +/* Must be same as MODE_NO_ZERO_DATE */ +#define TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE (TIME_NO_ZERO_IN_DATE*2) +#define TIME_INVALID_DATES (TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE*2) + +/* Conversion warnings */ +#define MYSQL_TIME_WARN_TRUNCATED 1 +#define MYSQL_TIME_WARN_OUT_OF_RANGE 2 +#define MYSQL_TIME_WARN_INVALID_TIMESTAMP 4 +#define MYSQL_TIME_WARN_ZERO_DATE 8 +#define MYSQL_TIME_NOTE_TRUNCATED 16 +#define MYSQL_TIME_WARN_ZERO_IN_DATE 32 + +/* Usefull constants */ +#define SECONDS_IN_24H 86400L + +/* Limits for the TIME data type */ +#define TIME_MAX_HOUR 838 +#define TIME_MAX_MINUTE 59 +#define TIME_MAX_SECOND 59 +#define TIME_MAX_VALUE (TIME_MAX_HOUR*10000 + TIME_MAX_MINUTE*100 + \ + TIME_MAX_SECOND) +#define TIME_MAX_VALUE_SECONDS (TIME_MAX_HOUR * 3600L + \ + TIME_MAX_MINUTE * 60L + TIME_MAX_SECOND) + +/* + Structure to return status from + str_to_datetime(), str_to_time(), number_to_datetime(), number_to_time() +*/ +typedef struct st_mysql_time_status +{ + int warnings; + uint fractional_digits; + uint nanoseconds; +} MYSQL_TIME_STATUS; + +static inline void my_time_status_init(MYSQL_TIME_STATUS *status) +{ + status->warnings= status->fractional_digits= status->nanoseconds= 0; +} + + +my_bool check_date(const MYSQL_TIME *ltime, my_bool not_zero_date, + ulonglong flags, int *was_cut); +my_bool str_to_datetime(const char *str, uint length, MYSQL_TIME *l_time, + ulonglong flags, MYSQL_TIME_STATUS *status); +longlong number_to_datetime(longlong nr, MYSQL_TIME *time_res, + ulonglong flags, int *was_cut); +my_bool number_to_time(longlong nr, MYSQL_TIME *ltime, int *warnings); +ulonglong TIME_to_ulonglong_datetime(const MYSQL_TIME *); +ulonglong TIME_to_ulonglong_date(const MYSQL_TIME *); +ulonglong TIME_to_ulonglong_time(const MYSQL_TIME *); +ulonglong TIME_to_ulonglong(const MYSQL_TIME *); + +#define MY_PACKED_TIME_GET_INT_PART(x) ((x) >> 24) +#define MY_PACKED_TIME_GET_FRAC_PART(x) ((x) % (1LL << 24)) +#define MY_PACKED_TIME_MAKE(i, f) ((((longlong) (i)) << 24) + (f)) +#define MY_PACKED_TIME_MAKE_INT(i) ((((longlong) (i)) << 24)) + +longlong year_to_longlong_datetime_packed(long year); +longlong TIME_to_longlong_datetime_packed(const MYSQL_TIME *); +longlong TIME_to_longlong_date_packed(const MYSQL_TIME *); +longlong TIME_to_longlong_time_packed(const MYSQL_TIME *); +longlong TIME_to_longlong_packed(const MYSQL_TIME *); + +void TIME_from_longlong_datetime_packed(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, longlong nr); +void TIME_from_longlong_time_packed(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, longlong nr); +void TIME_from_longlong_date_packed(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, longlong nr); +void TIME_set_yymmdd(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, uint yymmdd); +void TIME_set_hhmmss(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, uint hhmmss); + +void my_datetime_packed_to_binary(longlong nr, uchar *ptr, uint dec); +longlong my_datetime_packed_from_binary(const uchar *ptr, uint dec); +uint my_datetime_binary_length(uint dec); + +void my_time_packed_to_binary(longlong nr, uchar *ptr, uint dec); +longlong my_time_packed_from_binary(const uchar *ptr, uint dec); +uint my_time_binary_length(uint dec); + +void my_timestamp_to_binary(const struct timeval *tm, uchar *ptr, uint dec); +void my_timestamp_from_binary(struct timeval *tm, const uchar *ptr, uint dec); +uint my_timestamp_binary_length(uint dec); + +my_bool str_to_time(const char *str,uint length, MYSQL_TIME *l_time, + MYSQL_TIME_STATUS *status); + +my_bool check_time_mmssff_range(const MYSQL_TIME *ltime); +my_bool check_time_range_quick(const MYSQL_TIME *ltime); +my_bool check_datetime_range(const MYSQL_TIME *ltime); +void adjust_time_range(struct st_mysql_time *, int *warning); + +long calc_daynr(uint year,uint month,uint day); +uint calc_days_in_year(uint year); +uint year_2000_handling(uint year); + +void my_init_time(void); + + +/* + Function to check sanity of a TIMESTAMP value + + DESCRIPTION + Check if a given MYSQL_TIME value fits in TIMESTAMP range. + This function doesn't make precise check, but rather a rough + estimate. + + RETURN VALUES + TRUE The value seems sane + FALSE The MYSQL_TIME value is definitely out of range +*/ + +static inline my_bool validate_timestamp_range(const MYSQL_TIME *t) +{ + if ((t->year > TIMESTAMP_MAX_YEAR || t->year < TIMESTAMP_MIN_YEAR) || + (t->year == TIMESTAMP_MAX_YEAR && (t->month > 1 || t->day > 19)) || + (t->year == TIMESTAMP_MIN_YEAR && (t->month < 12 || t->day < 31))) + return FALSE; + + return TRUE; +} + +my_time_t +my_system_gmt_sec(const MYSQL_TIME *t, long *my_timezone, + my_bool *in_dst_time_gap); + +void set_zero_time(MYSQL_TIME *tm, enum enum_mysql_timestamp_type time_type); +void set_max_time(MYSQL_TIME *tm, my_bool neg); +void set_max_hhmmss(MYSQL_TIME *tm); + +/* + Required buffer length for my_time_to_str, my_date_to_str, + my_datetime_to_str and TIME_to_string functions. Note, that the + caller is still responsible to check that given TIME structure + has values in valid ranges, otherwise size of the buffer could + be not enough. We also rely on the fact that even wrong values + sent using binary protocol fit in this buffer. +*/ +#define MAX_DATE_STRING_REP_LENGTH 30 + +int my_time_to_str(const MYSQL_TIME *l_time, char *to, uint dec); +int my_date_to_str(const MYSQL_TIME *l_time, char *to); +int my_datetime_to_str(const MYSQL_TIME *l_time, char *to, uint dec); +int my_TIME_to_str(const MYSQL_TIME *l_time, char *to, uint dec); + +int my_timeval_to_str(const struct timeval *tm, char *to, uint dec); + +/* + Available interval types used in any statement. + + 'interval_type' must be sorted so that simple intervals comes first, + ie year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, etc. The order based on + interval size is also important and the intervals should be kept in a + large to smaller order. (get_interval_value() depends on this) + + Note: If you change the order of elements in this enum you should fix + order of elements in 'interval_type_to_name' and 'interval_names' + arrays + + See also interval_type_to_name, get_interval_value, interval_names +*/ + +enum interval_type +{ + INTERVAL_YEAR, INTERVAL_QUARTER, INTERVAL_MONTH, INTERVAL_WEEK, INTERVAL_DAY, + INTERVAL_HOUR, INTERVAL_MINUTE, INTERVAL_SECOND, INTERVAL_MICROSECOND, + INTERVAL_YEAR_MONTH, INTERVAL_DAY_HOUR, INTERVAL_DAY_MINUTE, + INTERVAL_DAY_SECOND, INTERVAL_HOUR_MINUTE, INTERVAL_HOUR_SECOND, + INTERVAL_MINUTE_SECOND, INTERVAL_DAY_MICROSECOND, INTERVAL_HOUR_MICROSECOND, + INTERVAL_MINUTE_MICROSECOND, INTERVAL_SECOND_MICROSECOND, INTERVAL_LAST +}; + +C_MODE_END + +#endif /* _my_time_h_ */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_tree.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_tree.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c86e48b0f --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_tree.h @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _tree_h +#define _tree_h +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#include "my_base.h" /* get 'enum ha_rkey_function' */ +#include "my_alloc.h" /* MEM_ROOT */ + +/* Worst case tree is half full. This gives use 2^(MAX_TREE_HEIGHT/2) leafs */ +#define MAX_TREE_HEIGHT 64 + +#define ELEMENT_KEY(tree,element)\ +(tree->offset_to_key ? (void*)((uchar*) element+tree->offset_to_key) :\ + *((void**) (element+1))) + +#define tree_set_pointer(element,ptr) *((uchar **) (element+1))=((uchar*) (ptr)) + +#define TREE_NO_DUPS 1 + +typedef enum { left_root_right, right_root_left } TREE_WALK; +typedef uint32 element_count; +typedef int (*tree_walk_action)(void *,element_count,void *); + +typedef enum { free_init, free_free, free_end } TREE_FREE; +typedef void (*tree_element_free)(void*, TREE_FREE, const void *); + +typedef struct st_tree_element { + struct st_tree_element *left,*right; + uint32 count:31, + colour:1; /* black is marked as 1 */ +} TREE_ELEMENT; + +#define ELEMENT_CHILD(element, offs) (*(TREE_ELEMENT**)((char*)element + offs)) + +typedef struct st_tree { + TREE_ELEMENT *root,null_element; + TREE_ELEMENT **parents[MAX_TREE_HEIGHT]; + uint offset_to_key,elements_in_tree,size_of_element; + ulong memory_limit, allocated; + qsort_cmp2 compare; + const void *custom_arg; + MEM_ROOT mem_root; + my_bool with_delete; + tree_element_free free; + uint flag; +} TREE; + + /* Functions on whole tree */ +void init_tree(TREE *tree, ulong default_alloc_size, ulong memory_limit, + int size, qsort_cmp2 compare, my_bool with_delete, + tree_element_free free_element, const void *custom_arg); +void delete_tree(TREE*); +void reset_tree(TREE*); + /* similar to delete tree, except we do not my_free() blocks in mem_root + */ +#define is_tree_inited(tree) ((tree)->root != 0) + + /* Functions on leafs */ +TREE_ELEMENT *tree_insert(TREE *tree,void *key, uint key_size, + const void *custom_arg); +void *tree_search(TREE *tree, void *key, const void *custom_arg); +int tree_walk(TREE *tree,tree_walk_action action, + void *argument, TREE_WALK visit); +int tree_delete(TREE *tree, void *key, uint key_size, const void *custom_arg); +void *tree_search_key(TREE *tree, const void *key, + TREE_ELEMENT **parents, TREE_ELEMENT ***last_pos, + enum ha_rkey_function flag, const void *custom_arg); +void *tree_search_edge(TREE *tree, TREE_ELEMENT **parents, + TREE_ELEMENT ***last_pos, int child_offs); +void *tree_search_next(TREE *tree, TREE_ELEMENT ***last_pos, int l_offs, + int r_offs); +ha_rows tree_record_pos(TREE *tree, const void *key, + enum ha_rkey_function search_flag, + const void *custom_arg); + +#define TREE_ELEMENT_EXTRA_SIZE (sizeof(TREE_ELEMENT) + sizeof(void*)) + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_uctype.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_uctype.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..80ef01c07 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_uctype.h @@ -0,0 +1,1484 @@ +#ifndef MY_UCTYPE_INCLUDED +#define MY_UCTYPE_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2006 MySQL AB, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. + Use is subject to license terms. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Unicode ctype data + Generated from UnicodeData-5.0.0d9.txt +*/ +static unsigned char uctype_page00[256]= +{ + 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, + 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, + 8, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, + 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, + 16, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, + 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, + 16, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, + 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 16, 16, 16, 16, 32, + 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, + 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, + 8, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 2, 16, 16, 32, 16, 16, + 16, 16, 20, 20, 16, 2, 16, 16, 16, 20, 2, 16, 20, 20, 20, 16, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 16, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 16, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 +}; + +static unsigned char uctype_page01[256]= +{ + 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, + 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, + 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, + 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, + 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, + 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, + 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, + 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, + 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, + 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, + 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, + 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, + 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, + 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2 +}; + +static unsigned char uctype_page02[256]= +{ + 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, + 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, + 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, + 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, + 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 16, 16, 16, 16, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 2, 16, + 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16 +}; 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+ + +#endif /* MY_UCTYPE_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_user.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_user.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..48ef13f12 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_user.h @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 MySQL AB + Use is subject to license terms + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ + +/* + This is a header for libraries containing functions used in both server and + only some of clients (but not in libmysql)... +*/ + +#ifndef _my_user_h_ +#define _my_user_h_ + +#include + +C_MODE_START + +void parse_user(const char *user_id_str, size_t user_id_len, + char *user_name_str, size_t *user_name_len, + char *host_name_str, size_t *host_name_len); + +C_MODE_END + +#endif /* _my_user_h_ */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_xml.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_xml.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..639fdc7da --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_xml.h @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ + + +#ifndef _my_xml_h +#define _my_xml_h + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + + +#define MY_XML_OK 0 +#define MY_XML_ERROR 1 + +/* + A flag whether to use absolute tag names in call-back functions, + like "a", "a.b" and "a.b.c" (used in character set file parser), + or relative names like "a", "b" and "c". +*/ +#define MY_XML_FLAG_RELATIVE_NAMES 1 + +/* + A flag whether to skip normilization of text values before calling + call-back functions: i.e. skip leading/trailing spaces, + \r, \n, \t characters. +*/ +#define MY_XML_FLAG_SKIP_TEXT_NORMALIZATION 2 + +enum my_xml_node_type +{ + MY_XML_NODE_TAG, /* can have TAG, ATTR and TEXT children */ + MY_XML_NODE_ATTR, /* can have TEXT children */ + MY_XML_NODE_TEXT /* cannot have children */ +}; + +typedef struct xml_stack_st +{ + int flags; + enum my_xml_node_type current_node_type; + char errstr[128]; + + struct { + char static_buffer[128]; + char *buffer; + size_t buffer_size; + char *start; + char *end; + } attr; + + const char *beg; + const char *cur; + const char *end; + void *user_data; + int (*enter)(struct xml_stack_st *st,const char *val, size_t len); + int (*value)(struct xml_stack_st *st,const char *val, size_t len); + int (*leave_xml)(struct xml_stack_st *st,const char *val, size_t len); +} MY_XML_PARSER; + +void my_xml_parser_create(MY_XML_PARSER *st); +void my_xml_parser_free(MY_XML_PARSER *st); +int my_xml_parse(MY_XML_PARSER *st,const char *str, size_t len); + +void my_xml_set_value_handler(MY_XML_PARSER *st, int (*)(MY_XML_PARSER *, + const char *, + size_t len)); +void my_xml_set_enter_handler(MY_XML_PARSER *st, int (*)(MY_XML_PARSER *, + const char *, + size_t len)); +void my_xml_set_leave_handler(MY_XML_PARSER *st, int (*)(MY_XML_PARSER *, + const char *, + size_t len)); +void my_xml_set_user_data(MY_XML_PARSER *st, void *); + +size_t my_xml_error_pos(MY_XML_PARSER *st); +uint my_xml_error_lineno(MY_XML_PARSER *st); + +const char *my_xml_error_string(MY_XML_PARSER *st); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* _my_xml_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/myisam.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/myisam.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..98d2768aa --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/myisam.h @@ -0,0 +1,514 @@ +/* + Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* This file should be included when using myisam_funktions */ + +#ifndef _myisam_h +#define _myisam_h +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#ifndef _my_base_h +#include +#endif +#ifndef _m_ctype_h +#include +#endif +#ifndef _keycache_h +#include "keycache.h" +#endif +#include "my_compare.h" +#include + +/* + Limit max keys according to HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY +*/ + +#if MAX_INDEXES > HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY +#define MI_MAX_KEY HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY /* Max allowed keys */ +#else +#define MI_MAX_KEY MAX_INDEXES /* Max allowed keys */ +#endif + +#define MI_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY_BUFF HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY_BUFF +/* + The following defines can be increased if necessary. + But beware the dependency of MI_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY_BUFF and MI_MAX_KEY_LENGTH. +*/ +#define MI_MAX_KEY_LENGTH 1000 /* Max length in bytes */ +#define MI_MAX_KEY_SEG 16 /* Max segments for key */ + +#define MI_MAX_KEY_BUFF (MI_MAX_KEY_LENGTH+MI_MAX_KEY_SEG*6+8+8) +#define MI_MAX_MSG_BUF 1024 /* used in CHECK TABLE, REPAIR TABLE */ +#define MI_NAME_IEXT ".MYI" +#define MI_NAME_DEXT ".MYD" + +/* Possible values for myisam_block_size (must be power of 2) */ +#define MI_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH 1024 /* default key block length */ +#define MI_MIN_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH 1024 /* Min key block length */ +#define MI_MAX_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH 16384 + +/* + In the following macros '_keyno_' is 0 .. keys-1. + If there can be more keys than bits in the key_map, the highest bit + is for all upper keys. They cannot be switched individually. + This means that clearing of high keys is ignored, setting one high key + sets all high keys. +*/ +#define MI_KEYMAP_BITS (8 * SIZEOF_LONG_LONG) +#define MI_KEYMAP_HIGH_MASK (ULL(1) << (MI_KEYMAP_BITS - 1)) +#define mi_get_mask_all_keys_active(_keys_) \ + (((_keys_) < MI_KEYMAP_BITS) ? \ + ((ULL(1) << (_keys_)) - ULL(1)) : \ + (~ ULL(0))) + +#if MI_MAX_KEY > MI_KEYMAP_BITS + +#define mi_is_key_active(_keymap_,_keyno_) \ + (((_keyno_) < MI_KEYMAP_BITS) ? \ + test((_keymap_) & (ULL(1) << (_keyno_))) : \ + test((_keymap_) & MI_KEYMAP_HIGH_MASK)) +#define mi_set_key_active(_keymap_,_keyno_) \ + (_keymap_)|= (((_keyno_) < MI_KEYMAP_BITS) ? \ + (ULL(1) << (_keyno_)) : \ + MI_KEYMAP_HIGH_MASK) +#define mi_clear_key_active(_keymap_,_keyno_) \ + (_keymap_)&= (((_keyno_) < MI_KEYMAP_BITS) ? \ + (~ (ULL(1) << (_keyno_))) : \ + (~ (ULL(0))) /*ignore*/ ) + +#else + +#define mi_is_key_active(_keymap_,_keyno_) \ + test((_keymap_) & (ULL(1) << (_keyno_))) +#define mi_set_key_active(_keymap_,_keyno_) \ + (_keymap_)|= (ULL(1) << (_keyno_)) +#define mi_clear_key_active(_keymap_,_keyno_) \ + (_keymap_)&= (~ (ULL(1) << (_keyno_))) + +#endif + +#define mi_is_any_key_active(_keymap_) \ + test((_keymap_)) +#define mi_is_all_keys_active(_keymap_,_keys_) \ + ((_keymap_) == mi_get_mask_all_keys_active(_keys_)) +#define mi_set_all_keys_active(_keymap_,_keys_) \ + (_keymap_)= mi_get_mask_all_keys_active(_keys_) +#define mi_clear_all_keys_active(_keymap_) \ + (_keymap_)= 0 +#define mi_intersect_keys_active(_to_,_from_) \ + (_to_)&= (_from_) +#define mi_is_any_intersect_keys_active(_keymap1_,_keys_,_keymap2_) \ + ((_keymap1_) & (_keymap2_) & \ + mi_get_mask_all_keys_active(_keys_)) +#define mi_copy_keys_active(_to_,_maxkeys_,_from_) \ + (_to_)= (mi_get_mask_all_keys_active(_maxkeys_) & \ + (_from_)) + + /* Param to/from mi_status */ + +typedef struct st_mi_isaminfo /* Struct from h_info */ +{ + ha_rows records; /* Records in database */ + ha_rows deleted; /* Deleted records in database */ + my_off_t recpos; /* Pos for last used record */ + my_off_t newrecpos; /* Pos if we write new record */ + my_off_t dupp_key_pos; /* Position to record with dupp key */ + my_off_t data_file_length, /* Length of data file */ + max_data_file_length, + index_file_length, + max_index_file_length, + delete_length; + ulong reclength; /* Recordlength */ + ulong mean_reclength; /* Mean recordlength (if packed) */ + ulonglong auto_increment; + ulonglong key_map; /* Which keys are used */ + char *data_file_name, *index_file_name; + uint keys; /* Number of keys in use */ + uint options; /* HA_OPTION_... used */ + int errkey, /* With key was dupplicated on err */ + sortkey; /* clustered by this key */ + File filenr; /* (uniq) filenr for datafile */ + time_t create_time; /* When table was created */ + time_t check_time; + time_t update_time; + uint reflength; + ulong record_offset; + ulong *rec_per_key; /* for sql optimizing */ +} MI_ISAMINFO; + + +typedef struct st_mi_create_info +{ + const char *index_file_name, *data_file_name; /* If using symlinks */ + ha_rows max_rows; + ha_rows reloc_rows; + ulonglong auto_increment; + ulonglong data_file_length; + ulonglong key_file_length; + uint old_options; + uint16 language; + my_bool with_auto_increment; +} MI_CREATE_INFO; + +struct st_myisam_info; /* For referense */ +struct st_mi_isam_share; +typedef struct st_myisam_info MI_INFO; +struct st_mi_s_param; + +typedef struct st_mi_keydef /* Key definition with open & info */ +{ + struct st_mi_isam_share *share; /* Pointer to base (set in mi_open) */ + uint16 keysegs; /* Number of key-segment */ + uint16 flag; /* NOSAME, PACK_USED */ + + uint8 key_alg; /* BTREE, RTREE */ + uint16 block_length; /* Length of keyblock (auto) */ + uint16 underflow_block_length; /* When to execute underflow */ + uint16 keylength; /* Tot length of keyparts (auto) */ + uint16 minlength; /* min length of (packed) key (auto) */ + uint16 maxlength; /* max length of (packed) key (auto) */ + uint16 block_size_index; /* block_size (auto) */ + uint32 version; /* For concurrent read/write */ + uint32 ftkey_nr; /* full-text index number */ + + HA_KEYSEG *seg,*end; + struct st_mysql_ftparser *parser; /* Fulltext [pre]parser */ + int (*bin_search)(struct st_myisam_info *info,struct st_mi_keydef *keyinfo, + uchar *page,uchar *key, + uint key_len,uint comp_flag,uchar * *ret_pos, + uchar *buff, my_bool *was_last_key); + uint (*get_key)(struct st_mi_keydef *keyinfo,uint nod_flag,uchar * *page, + uchar *key); + int (*pack_key)(struct st_mi_keydef *keyinfo,uint nod_flag,uchar *next_key, + uchar *org_key, uchar *prev_key, uchar *key, + struct st_mi_s_param *s_temp); + void (*store_key)(struct st_mi_keydef *keyinfo, uchar *key_pos, + struct st_mi_s_param *s_temp); + int (*ck_insert)(struct st_myisam_info *inf, uint k_nr, uchar *k, uint klen); + int (*ck_delete)(struct st_myisam_info *inf, uint k_nr, uchar *k, uint klen); +} MI_KEYDEF; + + +#define MI_UNIQUE_HASH_LENGTH 4 + +typedef struct st_unique_def /* Segment definition of unique */ +{ + uint16 keysegs; /* Number of key-segment */ + uchar key; /* Mapped to which key */ + uint8 null_are_equal; + HA_KEYSEG *seg,*end; +} MI_UNIQUEDEF; + +typedef struct st_mi_decode_tree /* Decode huff-table */ +{ + uint16 *table; + uint quick_table_bits; + uchar *intervalls; +} MI_DECODE_TREE; + + +struct st_mi_bit_buff; + +/* + Note that null markers should always be first in a row ! + When creating a column, one should only specify: + type, length, null_bit and null_pos +*/ + +typedef struct st_columndef /* column information */ +{ + int16 type; /* en_fieldtype */ + uint16 length; /* length of field */ + uint32 offset; /* Offset to position in row */ + uint8 null_bit; /* If column may be 0 */ + uint16 null_pos; /* position for null marker */ + +#ifndef NOT_PACKED_DATABASES + void (*unpack)(struct st_columndef *rec,struct st_mi_bit_buff *buff, + uchar *start,uchar *end); + enum en_fieldtype base_type; + uint space_length_bits,pack_type; + MI_DECODE_TREE *huff_tree; +#endif +} MI_COLUMNDEF; + + +extern char * myisam_log_filename; /* Name of logfile */ +extern ulong myisam_block_size; +extern ulong myisam_concurrent_insert; +extern my_bool myisam_flush,myisam_delay_key_write,myisam_single_user; +extern my_off_t myisam_max_temp_length; +extern ulong myisam_data_pointer_size; + +/* usually used to check if a symlink points into the mysql data home */ +/* which is normally forbidden */ +extern int (*myisam_test_invalid_symlink)(const char *filename); +extern ulonglong myisam_mmap_size, myisam_mmap_used; +extern mysql_mutex_t THR_LOCK_myisam_mmap; + + /* Prototypes for myisam-functions */ + +extern int mi_close(struct st_myisam_info *file); +extern int mi_delete(struct st_myisam_info *file,const uchar *buff); +extern struct st_myisam_info *mi_open(const char *name,int mode, + uint wait_if_locked); +extern int mi_panic(enum ha_panic_function function); +extern int mi_rfirst(struct st_myisam_info *file,uchar *buf,int inx); +extern int mi_rkey(MI_INFO *info, uchar *buf, int inx, const uchar *key, + key_part_map keypart_map, enum ha_rkey_function search_flag); +extern int mi_rlast(struct st_myisam_info *file,uchar *buf,int inx); +extern int mi_rnext(struct st_myisam_info *file,uchar *buf,int inx); +extern int mi_rnext_same(struct st_myisam_info *info, uchar *buf); +extern int mi_rprev(struct st_myisam_info *file,uchar *buf,int inx); +extern int mi_rrnd(struct st_myisam_info *file,uchar *buf, my_off_t pos); +extern int mi_scan_init(struct st_myisam_info *file); +extern int mi_scan(struct st_myisam_info *file,uchar *buf); +extern int mi_rsame(struct st_myisam_info *file,uchar *record,int inx); +extern int mi_rsame_with_pos(struct st_myisam_info *file,uchar *record, + int inx, my_off_t pos); +extern int mi_update(struct st_myisam_info *file,const uchar *old, + uchar *new_record); +extern int mi_write(struct st_myisam_info *file,uchar *buff); +extern my_off_t mi_position(struct st_myisam_info *file); +extern int mi_status(struct st_myisam_info *info, MI_ISAMINFO *x, uint flag); +extern int mi_lock_database(struct st_myisam_info *file,int lock_type); +extern int mi_create(const char *name,uint keys,MI_KEYDEF *keydef, + uint columns, MI_COLUMNDEF *columndef, + uint uniques, MI_UNIQUEDEF *uniquedef, + MI_CREATE_INFO *create_info, uint flags); +extern int mi_delete_table(const char *name); +extern int mi_rename(const char *from, const char *to); +extern int mi_extra(struct st_myisam_info *file, + enum ha_extra_function function, + void *extra_arg); +extern int mi_reset(struct st_myisam_info *file); +extern ha_rows mi_records_in_range(MI_INFO *info, int inx, + key_range *min_key, key_range *max_key); +extern int mi_log(int activate_log); +extern int mi_is_changed(struct st_myisam_info *info); +extern int mi_delete_all_rows(struct st_myisam_info *info); +extern ulong _mi_calc_blob_length(uint length , const uchar *pos); +extern uint mi_get_pointer_length(ulonglong file_length, uint def); + +#define MEMMAP_EXTRA_MARGIN 7 /* Write this as a suffix for mmap file */ +/* this is used to pass to mysql_myisamchk_table */ + +#define MYISAMCHK_REPAIR 1 /* equivalent to myisamchk -r */ +#define MYISAMCHK_VERIFY 2 /* Verify, run repair if failure */ + +/* + Definitions needed for myisamchk.c + + Entries marked as "QQ to be removed" are NOT used to + pass check/repair options to mi_check.c. They are used + internally by myisamchk.c or/and ha_myisam.cc and should NOT + be stored together with other flags. They should be removed + from the following list to make addition of new flags possible. +*/ + +#define T_AUTO_INC 1 +#define T_AUTO_REPAIR 2 /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_BACKUP_DATA 4 +#define T_CALC_CHECKSUM 8 +#define T_CHECK 16 /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_CHECK_ONLY_CHANGED 32 /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_CREATE_MISSING_KEYS 64 +#define T_DESCRIPT 128 +#define T_DONT_CHECK_CHECKSUM 256 +#define T_EXTEND 512 +#define T_FAST (1L << 10) /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_FORCE_CREATE (1L << 11) /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_FORCE_UNIQUENESS (1L << 12) +#define T_INFO (1L << 13) +#define T_MEDIUM (1L << 14) +#define T_QUICK (1L << 15) /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_READONLY (1L << 16) /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_REP (1L << 17) +#define T_REP_BY_SORT (1L << 18) /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_REP_PARALLEL (1L << 19) /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_RETRY_WITHOUT_QUICK (1L << 20) +#define T_SAFE_REPAIR (1L << 21) +#define T_SILENT (1L << 22) +#define T_SORT_INDEX (1L << 23) /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_SORT_RECORDS (1L << 24) /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_STATISTICS (1L << 25) +#define T_UNPACK (1L << 26) +#define T_UPDATE_STATE (1L << 27) +#define T_VERBOSE (1L << 28) +#define T_VERY_SILENT (1L << 29) +#define T_WAIT_FOREVER (1L << 30) +#define T_WRITE_LOOP ((ulong) 1L << 31) + +#define T_REP_ANY (T_REP | T_REP_BY_SORT | T_REP_PARALLEL) + +/* + Flags used by myisamchk.c or/and ha_myisam.cc that are NOT passed + to mi_check.c follows: +*/ + +#define TT_USEFRM 1 +#define TT_FOR_UPGRADE 2 + +#define O_NEW_INDEX 1 /* Bits set in out_flag */ +#define O_NEW_DATA 2 +#define O_DATA_LOST 4 + +/* these struct is used by my_check to tell it what to do */ + +typedef struct st_sort_key_blocks /* Used when sorting */ +{ + uchar *buff,*end_pos; + uchar lastkey[MI_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY_BUFF]; + uint last_length; + int inited; +} SORT_KEY_BLOCKS; + + +/* + MyISAM supports several statistics collection methods. Currently statistics + collection method is not stored in MyISAM file and has to be specified for + each table analyze/repair operation in MI_CHECK::stats_method. +*/ + +typedef enum +{ + /* Treat NULLs as inequal when collecting statistics (default for 4.1/5.0) */ + MI_STATS_METHOD_NULLS_NOT_EQUAL, + /* Treat NULLs as equal when collecting statistics (like 4.0 did) */ + MI_STATS_METHOD_NULLS_EQUAL, + /* Ignore NULLs - count only tuples without NULLs in the index components */ + MI_STATS_METHOD_IGNORE_NULLS +} enum_mi_stats_method; + +typedef struct st_mi_check_param +{ + ulonglong auto_increment_value; + ulonglong max_data_file_length; + ulonglong keys_in_use; + ulonglong max_record_length; + ulonglong sort_buffer_length; + my_off_t search_after_block; + my_off_t new_file_pos,key_file_blocks; + my_off_t keydata,totaldata,key_blocks,start_check_pos; + ha_rows total_records,total_deleted; + ha_checksum record_checksum,glob_crc; + ulonglong use_buffers; + ulong read_buffer_length, write_buffer_length, sort_key_blocks; + uint out_flag,warning_printed,error_printed,verbose; + uint opt_sort_key,total_files,max_level; + uint testflag, key_cache_block_size; + uint16 language; + my_bool using_global_keycache, opt_lock_memory, opt_follow_links; + my_bool retry_repair, force_sort; + char temp_filename[FN_REFLEN],*isam_file_name; + MY_TMPDIR *tmpdir; + int tmpfile_createflag; + myf myf_rw; + IO_CACHE read_cache; + + /* + The next two are used to collect statistics, see update_key_parts for + description. + */ + ulonglong unique_count[MI_MAX_KEY_SEG+1]; + ulonglong notnull_count[MI_MAX_KEY_SEG+1]; + + ha_checksum key_crc[HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY]; + ulong rec_per_key_part[MI_MAX_KEY_SEG*HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY]; + void *thd; + const char *db_name, *table_name; + const char *op_name; + enum_mi_stats_method stats_method; + mysql_mutex_t print_msg_mutex; + my_bool need_print_msg_lock; +} MI_CHECK; + +typedef struct st_sort_ft_buf +{ + uchar *buf, *end; + int count; + uchar lastkey[MI_MAX_KEY_BUFF]; +} SORT_FT_BUF; + +typedef struct st_sort_info +{ + my_off_t filelength,dupp,buff_length; + ha_rows max_records; + uint current_key, total_keys; + myf myf_rw; + enum data_file_type new_data_file_type; + MI_INFO *info; + MI_CHECK *param; + uchar *buff; + SORT_KEY_BLOCKS *key_block,*key_block_end; + SORT_FT_BUF *ft_buf; + /* sync things */ + uint got_error, threads_running; + mysql_mutex_t mutex; + mysql_cond_t cond; +} SORT_INFO; + +/* functions in mi_check */ +void myisamchk_init(MI_CHECK *param); +int chk_status(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info); +int chk_del(MI_CHECK *param, register MI_INFO *info, uint test_flag); +int chk_size(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info); +int chk_key(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info); +int chk_data_link(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info,int extend); +int mi_repair(MI_CHECK *param, register MI_INFO *info, + char * name, int rep_quick); +int mi_sort_index(MI_CHECK *param, register MI_INFO *info, char * name); +int mi_repair_by_sort(MI_CHECK *param, register MI_INFO *info, + const char * name, int rep_quick); +int mi_repair_parallel(MI_CHECK *param, register MI_INFO *info, + const char * name, int rep_quick); +int change_to_newfile(const char * filename, const char * old_ext, + const char * new_ext, myf myflags); +int lock_file(MI_CHECK *param, File file, my_off_t start, int lock_type, + const char *filetype, const char *filename); +void lock_memory(MI_CHECK *param); +void update_auto_increment_key(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info, + my_bool repair); +int update_state_info(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info,uint update); +void update_key_parts(MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, ulong *rec_per_key_part, + ulonglong *unique, ulonglong *notnull, + ulonglong records); +int filecopy(MI_CHECK *param, File to,File from,my_off_t start, + my_off_t length, const char *type); +int movepoint(MI_INFO *info,uchar *record,my_off_t oldpos, + my_off_t newpos, uint prot_key); +int write_data_suffix(SORT_INFO *sort_info, my_bool fix_datafile); +int test_if_almost_full(MI_INFO *info); +int recreate_table(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO **org_info, char *filename); +void mi_disable_non_unique_index(MI_INFO *info, ha_rows rows); +my_bool mi_test_if_sort_rep(MI_INFO *info, ha_rows rows, ulonglong key_map, + my_bool force); + +int mi_init_bulk_insert(MI_INFO *info, ulong cache_size, ha_rows rows); +void mi_flush_bulk_insert(MI_INFO *info, uint inx); +void mi_end_bulk_insert(MI_INFO *info); +int mi_assign_to_key_cache(MI_INFO *info, ulonglong key_map, + KEY_CACHE *key_cache); +void mi_change_key_cache(KEY_CACHE *old_key_cache, + KEY_CACHE *new_key_cache); +int mi_preload(MI_INFO *info, ulonglong key_map, my_bool ignore_leaves); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/myisammrg.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/myisammrg.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..84b2d6378 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/myisammrg.h @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000-2002, 2004, 2006-2008 MySQL AB, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. + Use is subject to license terms. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* This file should be included when using merge_isam_funktions */ + +#ifndef _myisammrg_h +#define _myisammrg_h +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#ifndef _my_base_h +#include +#endif +#ifndef _myisam_h +#include +#endif + +#include + +#define MYRG_NAME_EXT ".MRG" + +/* In which table to INSERT rows */ +#define MERGE_INSERT_DISABLED 0 +#define MERGE_INSERT_TO_FIRST 1 +#define MERGE_INSERT_TO_LAST 2 + +extern TYPELIB merge_insert_method; + + /* Param to/from myrg_info */ + +typedef struct st_mymerge_info /* Struct from h_info */ +{ + ulonglong records; /* Records in database */ + ulonglong deleted; /* Deleted records in database */ + ulonglong recpos; /* Pos for last used record */ + ulonglong data_file_length; + ulonglong dupp_key_pos; /* Offset of the Duplicate key in the merge table */ + uint reclength; /* Recordlength */ + int errkey; /* With key was dupplicated on err */ + uint options; /* HA_OPTION_... used */ + ulong *rec_per_key; /* for sql optimizing */ +} MYMERGE_INFO; + +typedef struct st_myrg_table_info +{ + struct st_myisam_info *table; + ulonglong file_offset; +} MYRG_TABLE; + +typedef struct st_myrg_info +{ + MYRG_TABLE *open_tables,*current_table,*end_table,*last_used_table; + ulonglong records; /* records in tables */ + ulonglong del; /* Removed records */ + ulonglong data_file_length; + ulong cache_size; + uint merge_insert_method; + uint tables,options,reclength,keys; + my_bool cache_in_use; + /* If MERGE children attached to parent. See top comment in ha_myisammrg.cc */ + my_bool children_attached; + LIST open_list; + QUEUE by_key; + ulong *rec_per_key_part; /* for sql optimizing */ + mysql_mutex_t mutex; +} MYRG_INFO; + + + /* Prototypes for merge-functions */ + +extern int myrg_close(MYRG_INFO *file); +extern int myrg_delete(MYRG_INFO *file,const uchar *buff); +extern MYRG_INFO *myrg_open(const char *name,int mode,int wait_if_locked); +extern MYRG_INFO *myrg_parent_open(const char *parent_name, + int (*callback)(void*, const char*), + void *callback_param); +extern int myrg_attach_children(MYRG_INFO *m_info, int handle_locking, + MI_INFO *(*callback)(void*), + void *callback_param, + my_bool *need_compat_check); +extern int myrg_detach_children(MYRG_INFO *m_info); +extern int myrg_panic(enum ha_panic_function function); +extern int myrg_rfirst(MYRG_INFO *file,uchar *buf,int inx); +extern int myrg_rlast(MYRG_INFO *file,uchar *buf,int inx); +extern int myrg_rnext(MYRG_INFO *file,uchar *buf,int inx); +extern int myrg_rprev(MYRG_INFO *file,uchar *buf,int inx); +extern int myrg_rnext_same(MYRG_INFO *file,uchar *buf); +extern int myrg_rkey(MYRG_INFO *info,uchar *buf,int inx, const uchar *key, + key_part_map keypart_map, enum ha_rkey_function search_flag); +extern int myrg_rrnd(MYRG_INFO *file,uchar *buf,ulonglong pos); +extern int myrg_rsame(MYRG_INFO *file,uchar *record,int inx); +extern int myrg_update(MYRG_INFO *file,const uchar *old,uchar *new_rec); +extern int myrg_write(MYRG_INFO *info,uchar *rec); +extern int myrg_status(MYRG_INFO *file,MYMERGE_INFO *x,int flag); +extern int myrg_lock_database(MYRG_INFO *file,int lock_type); +extern int myrg_create(const char *name, const char **table_names, + uint insert_method, my_bool fix_names); +extern int myrg_extra(MYRG_INFO *file,enum ha_extra_function function, + void *extra_arg); +extern int myrg_reset(MYRG_INFO *info); +extern void myrg_extrafunc(MYRG_INFO *info,invalidator_by_filename inv); +extern ha_rows myrg_records_in_range(MYRG_INFO *info, int inx, + key_range *min_key, key_range *max_key); +extern ha_rows myrg_records(MYRG_INFO *info); + +extern ulonglong myrg_position(MYRG_INFO *info); +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/myisampack.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/myisampack.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cb744d147 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/myisampack.h @@ -0,0 +1,242 @@ +#ifndef MYISAMPACK_INCLUDED +#define MYISAMPACK_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Storing of values in high byte first order. + + integer keys and file pointers are stored with high byte first to get + better compression +*/ + +/* these two are for uniformity */ +#define mi_sint1korr(A) ((int8)(*A)) +#define mi_uint1korr(A) ((uint8)(*A)) + +#define mi_sint2korr(A) ((int16) (((int16) (((uchar*) (A))[1])) +\ + ((int16) ((int16) ((char*) (A))[0]) << 8))) +#define mi_sint3korr(A) ((int32) (((((uchar*) (A))[0]) & 128) ? \ + (((uint32) 255L << 24) | \ + (((uint32) ((uchar*) (A))[0]) << 16) |\ + (((uint32) ((uchar*) (A))[1]) << 8) | \ + ((uint32) ((uchar*) (A))[2])) : \ + (((uint32) ((uchar*) (A))[0]) << 16) |\ + (((uint32) ((uchar*) (A))[1]) << 8) | \ + ((uint32) ((uchar*) (A))[2]))) +#define mi_sint4korr(A) ((int32) (((int32) (((uchar*) (A))[3])) +\ + ((int32) (((uchar*) (A))[2]) << 8) +\ + ((int32) (((uchar*) (A))[1]) << 16) +\ + ((int32) ((int16) ((char*) (A))[0]) << 24))) +#define mi_sint8korr(A) ((longlong) mi_uint8korr(A)) +#define mi_uint2korr(A) ((uint16) (((uint16) (((uchar*) (A))[1])) +\ + ((uint16) (((uchar*) (A))[0]) << 8))) +#define mi_uint3korr(A) ((uint32) (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[2])) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[1])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[0])) << 16))) +#define mi_uint4korr(A) ((uint32) (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[3])) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[2])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[1])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[0])) << 24))) +#define mi_uint5korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[4])) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[3])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[2])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[1])) << 24)) +\ + (((ulonglong) (((uchar*) (A))[0])) << 32)) +#define mi_uint6korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[5])) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[4])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[3])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[2])) << 24)) +\ + (((ulonglong) (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[1])) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[0]) << 8)))) <<\ + 32)) +#define mi_uint7korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[6])) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[5])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[4])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[3])) << 24)) +\ + (((ulonglong) (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[2])) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[1])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[0])) << 16))) <<\ + 32)) +#define mi_uint8korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[7])) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[6])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[5])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[4])) << 24)) +\ + (((ulonglong) (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[3])) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[2])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[1])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[0])) << 24))) <<\ + 32)) + +/* This one is for uniformity */ +#define mi_int1store(T,A) *((uchar*)(T))= (uchar) (A) + +#define mi_int2store(T,A) { uint def_temp= (uint) (A) ;\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= (uchar) (def_temp);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[0]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 8); } +#define mi_int3store(T,A) { /*lint -save -e734 */\ + ulong def_temp= (ulong) (A);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[2]= (uchar) (def_temp);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 8);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[0]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 16);\ + /*lint -restore */} +#define mi_int4store(T,A) { ulong def_temp= (ulong) (A);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[3]= (uchar) (def_temp);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[2]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 8);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 16);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[0]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 24); } +#define mi_int5store(T,A) { ulong def_temp= (ulong) (A),\ + def_temp2= (ulong) ((A) >> 32);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[4]= (uchar) (def_temp);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[3]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 8);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[2]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 16);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 24);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[0]= (uchar) (def_temp2); } +#define mi_int6store(T,A) { ulong def_temp= (ulong) (A),\ + def_temp2= (ulong) ((A) >> 32);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[5]= (uchar) (def_temp);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[4]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 8);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[3]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 16);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[2]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 24);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= (uchar) (def_temp2);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[0]= (uchar) (def_temp2 >> 8); } +#define mi_int7store(T,A) { ulong def_temp= (ulong) (A),\ + def_temp2= (ulong) ((A) >> 32);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[6]= (uchar) (def_temp);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[5]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 8);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[4]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 16);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[3]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 24);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[2]= (uchar) (def_temp2);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= (uchar) (def_temp2 >> 8);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[0]= (uchar) (def_temp2 >> 16); } +#define mi_int8store(T,A) { ulong def_temp3= (ulong) (A),\ + def_temp4= (ulong) ((A) >> 32);\ + mi_int4store((uchar*) (T) + 0, def_temp4);\ + mi_int4store((uchar*) (T) + 4, def_temp3); } + +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN + +#define mi_float4store(T,A) { ((uchar*) (T))[0]= ((uchar*) &A)[0];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= ((uchar*) &A)[1];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[2]= ((uchar*) &A)[2];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[3]= ((uchar*) &A)[3]; } + +#define mi_float4get(V,M) { float def_temp;\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]= ((uchar*) (M))[0];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]= ((uchar*) (M))[1];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]= ((uchar*) (M))[2];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]= ((uchar*) (M))[3];\ + (V)= def_temp; } + +#define mi_float8store(T,V) { ((uchar*) (T))[0]= ((uchar*) &V)[0];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= ((uchar*) &V)[1];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[2]= ((uchar*) &V)[2];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[3]= ((uchar*) &V)[3];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[4]= ((uchar*) &V)[4];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[5]= ((uchar*) &V)[5];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[6]= ((uchar*) &V)[6];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[7]= ((uchar*) &V)[7]; } + +#define mi_float8get(V,M) { double def_temp;\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]= ((uchar*) (M))[0];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]= ((uchar*) (M))[1];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]= ((uchar*) (M))[2];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]= ((uchar*) (M))[3];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[4]= ((uchar*) (M))[4];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[5]= ((uchar*) (M))[5];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[6]= ((uchar*) (M))[6];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[7]= ((uchar*) (M))[7]; \ + (V)= def_temp; } +#else + +#define mi_float4store(T,A) { ((uchar*) (T))[0]= ((uchar*) &A)[3];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= ((uchar*) &A)[2];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[2]= ((uchar*) &A)[1];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[3]= ((uchar*) &A)[0]; } + +#define mi_float4get(V,M) { float def_temp;\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]= ((uchar*) (M))[3];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]= ((uchar*) (M))[2];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]= ((uchar*) (M))[1];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]= ((uchar*) (M))[0];\ + (V)= def_temp; } + +#if defined(__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER) && (__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN) +#define mi_float8store(T,V) { ((uchar*) (T))[0]= ((uchar*) &V)[3];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= ((uchar*) &V)[2];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[2]= ((uchar*) &V)[1];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[3]= ((uchar*) &V)[0];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[4]= ((uchar*) &V)[7];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[5]= ((uchar*) &V)[6];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[6]= ((uchar*) &V)[5];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[7]= ((uchar*) &V)[4];} + +#define mi_float8get(V,M) { double def_temp;\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]= ((uchar*) (M))[3];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]= ((uchar*) (M))[2];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]= ((uchar*) (M))[1];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]= ((uchar*) (M))[0];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[4]= ((uchar*) (M))[7];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[5]= ((uchar*) (M))[6];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[6]= ((uchar*) (M))[5];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[7]= ((uchar*) (M))[4];\ + (V)= def_temp; } + +#else +#define mi_float8store(T,V) { ((uchar*) (T))[0]= ((uchar*) &V)[7];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= ((uchar*) &V)[6];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[2]= ((uchar*) &V)[5];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[3]= ((uchar*) &V)[4];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[4]= ((uchar*) &V)[3];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[5]= ((uchar*) &V)[2];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[6]= ((uchar*) &V)[1];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[7]= ((uchar*) &V)[0];} + +#define mi_float8get(V,M) { double def_temp;\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]= ((uchar*) (M))[7];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]= ((uchar*) (M))[6];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]= ((uchar*) (M))[5];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]= ((uchar*) (M))[4];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[4]= ((uchar*) (M))[3];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[5]= ((uchar*) (M))[2];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[6]= ((uchar*) (M))[1];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[7]= ((uchar*) (M))[0];\ + (V)= def_temp; } +#endif /* __FLOAT_WORD_ORDER */ +#endif /* WORDS_BIGENDIAN */ + +/* Fix to avoid warnings when sizeof(ha_rows) == sizeof(long) */ + +#ifdef BIG_TABLES +#define mi_rowstore(T,A) mi_int8store(T, A) +#define mi_rowkorr(T) mi_uint8korr(T) +#else +#define mi_rowstore(T,A) { mi_int4store(T, 0);\ + mi_int4store(((uchar*) (T) + 4), A); } +#define mi_rowkorr(T) mi_uint4korr((uchar*) (T) + 4) +#endif + +#if SIZEOF_OFF_T > 4 +#define mi_sizestore(T,A) mi_int8store(T, A) +#define mi_sizekorr(T) mi_uint8korr(T) +#else +#define mi_sizestore(T,A) { if ((A) == HA_OFFSET_ERROR)\ + memset((T), 255, 8);\ + else { mi_int4store((T), 0);\ + mi_int4store(((T) + 4), A); }} +#define mi_sizekorr(T) mi_uint4korr((uchar*) (T) + 4) +#endif +#endif /* MYISAMPACK_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..38b54de2e --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql.h @@ -0,0 +1,739 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + This file defines the client API to MySQL and also the ABI of the + dynamically linked libmysqlclient. + + The ABI should never be changed in a released product of MySQL, + thus you need to take great care when changing the file. In case + the file is changed so the ABI is broken, you must also update + the SHARED_LIB_MAJOR_VERSION in cmake/mysql_version.cmake +*/ + +#ifndef _mysql_h +#define _mysql_h + +#ifdef _AIX /* large-file support will break without this */ +#include +#endif + +#ifdef __CYGWIN__ /* CYGWIN implements a UNIX API */ +#undef WIN +#undef _WIN +#undef _WIN32 +#undef _WIN64 +#undef __WIN__ +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#ifndef MY_GLOBAL_INCLUDED /* If not standard header */ +#ifndef MYSQL_ABI_CHECK +#include +#endif +#ifdef __LCC__ +#include /* For windows */ +#endif +typedef char my_bool; +#if (defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)) && !defined(__WIN__) +#define __WIN__ +#endif +#if !defined(__WIN__) +#define STDCALL +#else +#define STDCALL __stdcall +#endif + +#ifndef my_socket_defined +#ifdef __WIN__ +#define my_socket SOCKET +#else +typedef int my_socket; +#endif /* __WIN__ */ +#endif /* my_socket_defined */ +#endif /* MY_GLOBAL_INCLUDED */ + +#include "mysql_version.h" +#include "mysql_com.h" +#include "mysql_time.h" + +#include "my_list.h" /* for LISTs used in 'MYSQL' and 'MYSQL_STMT' */ + +extern unsigned int mysql_port; +extern char *mysql_unix_port; + +#define CLIENT_NET_READ_TIMEOUT 365*24*3600 /* Timeout on read */ +#define CLIENT_NET_WRITE_TIMEOUT 365*24*3600 /* Timeout on write */ + +#define IS_PRI_KEY(n) ((n) & PRI_KEY_FLAG) +#define IS_NOT_NULL(n) ((n) & NOT_NULL_FLAG) +#define IS_BLOB(n) ((n) & BLOB_FLAG) +/** + Returns true if the value is a number which does not need quotes for + the sql_lex.cc parser to parse correctly. +*/ +#define IS_NUM(t) (((t) <= MYSQL_TYPE_INT24 && (t) != MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) || (t) == MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR || (t) == MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL) +#define IS_LONGDATA(t) ((t) >= MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB && (t) <= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING) + + +typedef struct st_mysql_field { + char *name; /* Name of column */ + char *org_name; /* Original column name, if an alias */ + char *table; /* Table of column if column was a field */ + char *org_table; /* Org table name, if table was an alias */ + char *db; /* Database for table */ + char *catalog; /* Catalog for table */ + char *def; /* Default value (set by mysql_list_fields) */ + unsigned long length; /* Width of column (create length) */ + unsigned long max_length; /* Max width for selected set */ + unsigned int name_length; + unsigned int org_name_length; + unsigned int table_length; + unsigned int org_table_length; + unsigned int db_length; + unsigned int catalog_length; + unsigned int def_length; + unsigned int flags; /* Div flags */ + unsigned int decimals; /* Number of decimals in field */ + unsigned int charsetnr; /* Character set */ + enum enum_field_types type; /* Type of field. See mysql_com.h for types */ + void *extension; +} MYSQL_FIELD; + +typedef char **MYSQL_ROW; /* return data as array of strings */ +typedef unsigned int MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET; /* offset to current field */ + +#ifndef MY_GLOBAL_INCLUDED +#if defined(NO_CLIENT_LONG_LONG) +typedef unsigned long my_ulonglong; +#elif defined (__WIN__) +typedef unsigned __int64 my_ulonglong; +#else +typedef unsigned long long my_ulonglong; +#endif +#endif + +#include "typelib.h" + +#define MYSQL_COUNT_ERROR (~(my_ulonglong) 0) + +/* backward compatibility define - to be removed eventually */ +#define ER_WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED + +typedef struct st_mysql_rows { + struct st_mysql_rows *next; /* list of rows */ + MYSQL_ROW data; + unsigned long length; +} MYSQL_ROWS; + +typedef MYSQL_ROWS *MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET; /* offset to current row */ + +#include "my_alloc.h" + +typedef struct embedded_query_result EMBEDDED_QUERY_RESULT; +typedef struct st_mysql_data { + MYSQL_ROWS *data; + struct embedded_query_result *embedded_info; + MEM_ROOT alloc; + my_ulonglong rows; + unsigned int fields; + /* extra info for embedded library */ + void *extension; +} MYSQL_DATA; + +enum mysql_option +{ + MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS, MYSQL_OPT_NAMED_PIPE, + MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, + MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_DIR, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE, + MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL, MYSQL_SHARED_MEMORY_BASE_NAME, MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT, + MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT, MYSQL_OPT_USE_RESULT, + MYSQL_OPT_USE_REMOTE_CONNECTION, MYSQL_OPT_USE_EMBEDDED_CONNECTION, + MYSQL_OPT_GUESS_CONNECTION, MYSQL_SET_CLIENT_IP, MYSQL_SECURE_AUTH, + MYSQL_REPORT_DATA_TRUNCATION, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, + MYSQL_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT, MYSQL_PLUGIN_DIR, MYSQL_DEFAULT_AUTH, + MYSQL_OPT_BIND, + MYSQL_OPT_SSL_KEY, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CERT, + MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CA, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CAPATH, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CIPHER, + MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CRL, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CRLPATH, + MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_RESET, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_ADD, + MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_DELETE, + MYSQL_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY, + MYSQL_ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN, + MYSQL_OPT_CAN_HANDLE_EXPIRED_PASSWORDS +}; + +/** + @todo remove the "extension", move st_mysql_options completely + out of mysql.h +*/ +struct st_mysql_options_extention; + +struct st_mysql_options { + unsigned int connect_timeout, read_timeout, write_timeout; + unsigned int port, protocol; + unsigned long client_flag; + char *host,*user,*password,*unix_socket,*db; + struct st_dynamic_array *init_commands; + char *my_cnf_file,*my_cnf_group, *charset_dir, *charset_name; + char *ssl_key; /* PEM key file */ + char *ssl_cert; /* PEM cert file */ + char *ssl_ca; /* PEM CA file */ + char *ssl_capath; /* PEM directory of CA-s? */ + char *ssl_cipher; /* cipher to use */ + char *shared_memory_base_name; + unsigned long max_allowed_packet; + my_bool use_ssl; /* if to use SSL or not */ + my_bool compress,named_pipe; + my_bool unused1; + my_bool unused2; + my_bool unused3; + my_bool unused4; + enum mysql_option methods_to_use; + union { + /* + The ip/hostname to use when authenticating + client against embedded server built with + grant tables - only used in embedded server + */ + char *client_ip; + + /* + The local address to bind when connecting to + remote server - not used in embedded server + */ + char *bind_address; + } ci; + /* Refuse client connecting to server if it uses old (pre-4.1.1) protocol */ + my_bool secure_auth; + /* 0 - never report, 1 - always report (default) */ + my_bool report_data_truncation; + + /* function pointers for local infile support */ + int (*local_infile_init)(void **, const char *, void *); + int (*local_infile_read)(void *, char *, unsigned int); + void (*local_infile_end)(void *); + int (*local_infile_error)(void *, char *, unsigned int); + void *local_infile_userdata; + struct st_mysql_options_extention *extension; +}; + +enum mysql_status +{ + MYSQL_STATUS_READY, MYSQL_STATUS_GET_RESULT, MYSQL_STATUS_USE_RESULT, + MYSQL_STATUS_STATEMENT_GET_RESULT +}; + +enum mysql_protocol_type +{ + MYSQL_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT, MYSQL_PROTOCOL_TCP, MYSQL_PROTOCOL_SOCKET, + MYSQL_PROTOCOL_PIPE, MYSQL_PROTOCOL_MEMORY +}; + +typedef struct character_set +{ + unsigned int number; /* character set number */ + unsigned int state; /* character set state */ + const char *csname; /* collation name */ + const char *name; /* character set name */ + const char *comment; /* comment */ + const char *dir; /* character set directory */ + unsigned int mbminlen; /* min. length for multibyte strings */ + unsigned int mbmaxlen; /* max. length for multibyte strings */ +} MY_CHARSET_INFO; + +struct st_mysql_methods; +struct st_mysql_stmt; + +typedef struct st_mysql +{ + NET net; /* Communication parameters */ + unsigned char *connector_fd; /* ConnectorFd for SSL */ + char *host,*user,*passwd,*unix_socket,*server_version,*host_info; + char *info, *db; + struct charset_info_st *charset; + MYSQL_FIELD *fields; + MEM_ROOT field_alloc; + my_ulonglong affected_rows; + my_ulonglong insert_id; /* id if insert on table with NEXTNR */ + my_ulonglong extra_info; /* Not used */ + unsigned long thread_id; /* Id for connection in server */ + unsigned long packet_length; + unsigned int port; + unsigned long client_flag,server_capabilities; + unsigned int protocol_version; + unsigned int field_count; + unsigned int server_status; + unsigned int server_language; + unsigned int warning_count; + struct st_mysql_options options; + enum mysql_status status; + my_bool free_me; /* If free in mysql_close */ + my_bool reconnect; /* set to 1 if automatic reconnect */ + + /* session-wide random string */ + char scramble[SCRAMBLE_LENGTH+1]; + my_bool unused1; + void *unused2, *unused3, *unused4, *unused5; + + LIST *stmts; /* list of all statements */ + const struct st_mysql_methods *methods; + void *thd; + /* + Points to boolean flag in MYSQL_RES or MYSQL_STMT. We set this flag + from mysql_stmt_close if close had to cancel result set of this object. + */ + my_bool *unbuffered_fetch_owner; + /* needed for embedded server - no net buffer to store the 'info' */ + char *info_buffer; + void *extension; +} MYSQL; + + +typedef struct st_mysql_res { + my_ulonglong row_count; + MYSQL_FIELD *fields; + MYSQL_DATA *data; + MYSQL_ROWS *data_cursor; + unsigned long *lengths; /* column lengths of current row */ + MYSQL *handle; /* for unbuffered reads */ + const struct st_mysql_methods *methods; + MYSQL_ROW row; /* If unbuffered read */ + MYSQL_ROW current_row; /* buffer to current row */ + MEM_ROOT field_alloc; + unsigned int field_count, current_field; + my_bool eof; /* Used by mysql_fetch_row */ + /* mysql_stmt_close() had to cancel this result */ + my_bool unbuffered_fetch_cancelled; + void *extension; +} MYSQL_RES; + + +#if !defined(MYSQL_SERVER) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) +#define MYSQL_CLIENT +#endif + + +typedef struct st_mysql_parameters +{ + unsigned long *p_max_allowed_packet; + unsigned long *p_net_buffer_length; + void *extension; +} MYSQL_PARAMETERS; + +#if !defined(MYSQL_SERVER) && !defined(EMBEDDED_LIBRARY) +#define max_allowed_packet (*mysql_get_parameters()->p_max_allowed_packet) +#define net_buffer_length (*mysql_get_parameters()->p_net_buffer_length) +#endif + +/* + Set up and bring down the server; to ensure that applications will + work when linked against either the standard client library or the + embedded server library, these functions should be called. +*/ +int STDCALL mysql_server_init(int argc, char **argv, char **groups); +void STDCALL mysql_server_end(void); + +/* + mysql_server_init/end need to be called when using libmysqld or + libmysqlclient (exactly, mysql_server_init() is called by mysql_init() so + you don't need to call it explicitely; but you need to call + mysql_server_end() to free memory). The names are a bit misleading + (mysql_SERVER* to be used when using libmysqlCLIENT). So we add more general + names which suit well whether you're using libmysqld or libmysqlclient. We + intend to promote these aliases over the mysql_server* ones. +*/ +#define mysql_library_init mysql_server_init +#define mysql_library_end mysql_server_end + +MYSQL_PARAMETERS *STDCALL mysql_get_parameters(void); + +/* + Set up and bring down a thread; these function should be called + for each thread in an application which opens at least one MySQL + connection. All uses of the connection(s) should be between these + function calls. +*/ +my_bool STDCALL mysql_thread_init(void); +void STDCALL mysql_thread_end(void); + +/* + Functions to get information from the MYSQL and MYSQL_RES structures + Should definitely be used if one uses shared libraries. +*/ + +my_ulonglong STDCALL mysql_num_rows(MYSQL_RES *res); +unsigned int STDCALL mysql_num_fields(MYSQL_RES *res); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_eof(MYSQL_RES *res); +MYSQL_FIELD *STDCALL mysql_fetch_field_direct(MYSQL_RES *res, + unsigned int fieldnr); +MYSQL_FIELD * STDCALL mysql_fetch_fields(MYSQL_RES *res); +MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET STDCALL mysql_row_tell(MYSQL_RES *res); +MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET STDCALL mysql_field_tell(MYSQL_RES *res); + +unsigned int STDCALL mysql_field_count(MYSQL *mysql); +my_ulonglong STDCALL mysql_affected_rows(MYSQL *mysql); +my_ulonglong STDCALL mysql_insert_id(MYSQL *mysql); +unsigned int STDCALL mysql_errno(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * STDCALL mysql_error(MYSQL *mysql); +const char *STDCALL mysql_sqlstate(MYSQL *mysql); +unsigned int STDCALL mysql_warning_count(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * STDCALL mysql_info(MYSQL *mysql); +unsigned long STDCALL mysql_thread_id(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * STDCALL mysql_character_set_name(MYSQL *mysql); +int STDCALL mysql_set_character_set(MYSQL *mysql, const char *csname); + +MYSQL * STDCALL mysql_init(MYSQL *mysql); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_ssl_set(MYSQL *mysql, const char *key, + const char *cert, const char *ca, + const char *capath, const char *cipher); +const char * STDCALL mysql_get_ssl_cipher(MYSQL *mysql); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_change_user(MYSQL *mysql, const char *user, + const char *passwd, const char *db); +MYSQL * STDCALL mysql_real_connect(MYSQL *mysql, const char *host, + const char *user, + const char *passwd, + const char *db, + unsigned int port, + const char *unix_socket, + unsigned long clientflag); +int STDCALL mysql_select_db(MYSQL *mysql, const char *db); +int STDCALL mysql_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q); +int STDCALL mysql_send_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q, + unsigned long length); +int STDCALL mysql_real_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q, + unsigned long length); +MYSQL_RES * STDCALL mysql_store_result(MYSQL *mysql); +MYSQL_RES * STDCALL mysql_use_result(MYSQL *mysql); + +void STDCALL mysql_get_character_set_info(MYSQL *mysql, + MY_CHARSET_INFO *charset); + +/* local infile support */ + +#define LOCAL_INFILE_ERROR_LEN 512 + +void +mysql_set_local_infile_handler(MYSQL *mysql, + int (*local_infile_init)(void **, const char *, + void *), + int (*local_infile_read)(void *, char *, + unsigned int), + void (*local_infile_end)(void *), + int (*local_infile_error)(void *, char*, + unsigned int), + void *); + +void +mysql_set_local_infile_default(MYSQL *mysql); + +int STDCALL mysql_shutdown(MYSQL *mysql, + enum mysql_enum_shutdown_level + shutdown_level); +int STDCALL mysql_dump_debug_info(MYSQL *mysql); +int STDCALL mysql_refresh(MYSQL *mysql, + unsigned int refresh_options); +int STDCALL mysql_kill(MYSQL *mysql,unsigned long pid); +int STDCALL mysql_set_server_option(MYSQL *mysql, + enum enum_mysql_set_option + option); +int STDCALL mysql_ping(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * STDCALL mysql_stat(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * STDCALL mysql_get_server_info(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * STDCALL mysql_get_client_info(void); +unsigned long STDCALL mysql_get_client_version(void); +const char * STDCALL mysql_get_host_info(MYSQL *mysql); +unsigned long STDCALL mysql_get_server_version(MYSQL *mysql); +unsigned int STDCALL mysql_get_proto_info(MYSQL *mysql); +MYSQL_RES * STDCALL mysql_list_dbs(MYSQL *mysql,const char *wild); +MYSQL_RES * STDCALL mysql_list_tables(MYSQL *mysql,const char *wild); +MYSQL_RES * STDCALL mysql_list_processes(MYSQL *mysql); +int STDCALL mysql_options(MYSQL *mysql,enum mysql_option option, + const void *arg); +int STDCALL mysql_options4(MYSQL *mysql,enum mysql_option option, + const void *arg1, const void *arg2); +void STDCALL mysql_free_result(MYSQL_RES *result); +void STDCALL mysql_data_seek(MYSQL_RES *result, + my_ulonglong offset); +MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET STDCALL mysql_row_seek(MYSQL_RES *result, + MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET offset); +MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET STDCALL mysql_field_seek(MYSQL_RES *result, + MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET offset); +MYSQL_ROW STDCALL mysql_fetch_row(MYSQL_RES *result); +unsigned long * STDCALL mysql_fetch_lengths(MYSQL_RES *result); +MYSQL_FIELD * STDCALL mysql_fetch_field(MYSQL_RES *result); +MYSQL_RES * STDCALL mysql_list_fields(MYSQL *mysql, const char *table, + const char *wild); +unsigned long STDCALL mysql_escape_string(char *to,const char *from, + unsigned long from_length); +unsigned long STDCALL mysql_hex_string(char *to,const char *from, + unsigned long from_length); +unsigned long STDCALL mysql_real_escape_string(MYSQL *mysql, + char *to,const char *from, + unsigned long length); +void STDCALL mysql_debug(const char *debug); +void STDCALL myodbc_remove_escape(MYSQL *mysql,char *name); +unsigned int STDCALL mysql_thread_safe(void); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_embedded(void); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_read_query_result(MYSQL *mysql); + + +/* + The following definitions are added for the enhanced + client-server protocol +*/ + +/* statement state */ +enum enum_mysql_stmt_state +{ + MYSQL_STMT_INIT_DONE= 1, MYSQL_STMT_PREPARE_DONE, MYSQL_STMT_EXECUTE_DONE, + MYSQL_STMT_FETCH_DONE +}; + + +/* + This structure is used to define bind information, and + internally by the client library. + Public members with their descriptions are listed below + (conventionally `On input' refers to the binds given to + mysql_stmt_bind_param, `On output' refers to the binds given + to mysql_stmt_bind_result): + + buffer_type - One of the MYSQL_* types, used to describe + the host language type of buffer. + On output: if column type is different from + buffer_type, column value is automatically converted + to buffer_type before it is stored in the buffer. + buffer - On input: points to the buffer with input data. + On output: points to the buffer capable to store + output data. + The type of memory pointed by buffer must correspond + to buffer_type. See the correspondence table in + the comment to mysql_stmt_bind_param. + + The two above members are mandatory for any kind of bind. + + buffer_length - the length of the buffer. You don't have to set + it for any fixed length buffer: float, double, + int, etc. It must be set however for variable-length + types, such as BLOBs or STRINGs. + + length - On input: in case when lengths of input values + are different for each execute, you can set this to + point at a variable containining value length. This + way the value length can be different in each execute. + If length is not NULL, buffer_length is not used. + Note, length can even point at buffer_length if + you keep bind structures around while fetching: + this way you can change buffer_length before + each execution, everything will work ok. + On output: if length is set, mysql_stmt_fetch will + write column length into it. + + is_null - On input: points to a boolean variable that should + be set to TRUE for NULL values. + This member is useful only if your data may be + NULL in some but not all cases. + If your data is never NULL, is_null should be set to 0. + If your data is always NULL, set buffer_type + to MYSQL_TYPE_NULL, and is_null will not be used. + + is_unsigned - On input: used to signify that values provided for one + of numeric types are unsigned. + On output describes signedness of the output buffer. + If, taking into account is_unsigned flag, column data + is out of range of the output buffer, data for this column + is regarded truncated. Note that this has no correspondence + to the sign of result set column, if you need to find it out + use mysql_stmt_result_metadata. + error - where to write a truncation error if it is present. + possible error value is: + 0 no truncation + 1 value is out of range or buffer is too small + + Please note that MYSQL_BIND also has internals members. +*/ + +typedef struct st_mysql_bind +{ + unsigned long *length; /* output length pointer */ + my_bool *is_null; /* Pointer to null indicator */ + void *buffer; /* buffer to get/put data */ + /* set this if you want to track data truncations happened during fetch */ + my_bool *error; + unsigned char *row_ptr; /* for the current data position */ + void (*store_param_func)(NET *net, struct st_mysql_bind *param); + void (*fetch_result)(struct st_mysql_bind *, MYSQL_FIELD *, + unsigned char **row); + void (*skip_result)(struct st_mysql_bind *, MYSQL_FIELD *, + unsigned char **row); + /* output buffer length, must be set when fetching str/binary */ + unsigned long buffer_length; + unsigned long offset; /* offset position for char/binary fetch */ + unsigned long length_value; /* Used if length is 0 */ + unsigned int param_number; /* For null count and error messages */ + unsigned int pack_length; /* Internal length for packed data */ + enum enum_field_types buffer_type; /* buffer type */ + my_bool error_value; /* used if error is 0 */ + my_bool is_unsigned; /* set if integer type is unsigned */ + my_bool long_data_used; /* If used with mysql_send_long_data */ + my_bool is_null_value; /* Used if is_null is 0 */ + void *extension; +} MYSQL_BIND; + + +struct st_mysql_stmt_extension; + +/* statement handler */ +typedef struct st_mysql_stmt +{ + MEM_ROOT mem_root; /* root allocations */ + LIST list; /* list to keep track of all stmts */ + MYSQL *mysql; /* connection handle */ + MYSQL_BIND *params; /* input parameters */ + MYSQL_BIND *bind; /* output parameters */ + MYSQL_FIELD *fields; /* result set metadata */ + MYSQL_DATA result; /* cached result set */ + MYSQL_ROWS *data_cursor; /* current row in cached result */ + /* + mysql_stmt_fetch() calls this function to fetch one row (it's different + for buffered, unbuffered and cursor fetch). + */ + int (*read_row_func)(struct st_mysql_stmt *stmt, + unsigned char **row); + /* copy of mysql->affected_rows after statement execution */ + my_ulonglong affected_rows; + my_ulonglong insert_id; /* copy of mysql->insert_id */ + unsigned long stmt_id; /* Id for prepared statement */ + unsigned long flags; /* i.e. type of cursor to open */ + unsigned long prefetch_rows; /* number of rows per one COM_FETCH */ + /* + Copied from mysql->server_status after execute/fetch to know + server-side cursor status for this statement. + */ + unsigned int server_status; + unsigned int last_errno; /* error code */ + unsigned int param_count; /* input parameter count */ + unsigned int field_count; /* number of columns in result set */ + enum enum_mysql_stmt_state state; /* statement state */ + char last_error[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE]; /* error message */ + char sqlstate[SQLSTATE_LENGTH+1]; + /* Types of input parameters should be sent to server */ + my_bool send_types_to_server; + my_bool bind_param_done; /* input buffers were supplied */ + unsigned char bind_result_done; /* output buffers were supplied */ + /* mysql_stmt_close() had to cancel this result */ + my_bool unbuffered_fetch_cancelled; + /* + Is set to true if we need to calculate field->max_length for + metadata fields when doing mysql_stmt_store_result. + */ + my_bool update_max_length; + struct st_mysql_stmt_extension *extension; +} MYSQL_STMT; + +enum enum_stmt_attr_type +{ + /* + When doing mysql_stmt_store_result calculate max_length attribute + of statement metadata. This is to be consistent with the old API, + where this was done automatically. + In the new API we do that only by request because it slows down + mysql_stmt_store_result sufficiently. + */ + STMT_ATTR_UPDATE_MAX_LENGTH, + /* + unsigned long with combination of cursor flags (read only, for update, + etc) + */ + STMT_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE, + /* + Amount of rows to retrieve from server per one fetch if using cursors. + Accepts unsigned long attribute in the range 1 - ulong_max + */ + STMT_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS +}; + + +MYSQL_STMT * STDCALL mysql_stmt_init(MYSQL *mysql); +int STDCALL mysql_stmt_prepare(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, const char *query, + unsigned long length); +int STDCALL mysql_stmt_execute(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +int STDCALL mysql_stmt_fetch(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +int STDCALL mysql_stmt_fetch_column(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, MYSQL_BIND *bind_arg, + unsigned int column, + unsigned long offset); +int STDCALL mysql_stmt_store_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +unsigned long STDCALL mysql_stmt_param_count(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_attr_set(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, + enum enum_stmt_attr_type attr_type, + const void *attr); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_attr_get(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, + enum enum_stmt_attr_type attr_type, + void *attr); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_bind_param(MYSQL_STMT * stmt, MYSQL_BIND * bnd); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_bind_result(MYSQL_STMT * stmt, MYSQL_BIND * bnd); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_close(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_reset(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_free_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_send_long_data(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, + unsigned int param_number, + const char *data, + unsigned long length); +MYSQL_RES *STDCALL mysql_stmt_result_metadata(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +MYSQL_RES *STDCALL mysql_stmt_param_metadata(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +unsigned int STDCALL mysql_stmt_errno(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +const char *STDCALL mysql_stmt_error(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +const char *STDCALL mysql_stmt_sqlstate(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET STDCALL mysql_stmt_row_seek(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, + MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET offset); +MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET STDCALL mysql_stmt_row_tell(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +void STDCALL mysql_stmt_data_seek(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, my_ulonglong offset); +my_ulonglong STDCALL mysql_stmt_num_rows(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +my_ulonglong STDCALL mysql_stmt_affected_rows(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +my_ulonglong STDCALL mysql_stmt_insert_id(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +unsigned int STDCALL mysql_stmt_field_count(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); + +my_bool STDCALL mysql_commit(MYSQL * mysql); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_rollback(MYSQL * mysql); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_autocommit(MYSQL * mysql, my_bool auto_mode); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_more_results(MYSQL *mysql); +int STDCALL mysql_next_result(MYSQL *mysql); +int STDCALL mysql_stmt_next_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +void STDCALL mysql_close(MYSQL *sock); + + +/* status return codes */ +#define MYSQL_NO_DATA 100 +#define MYSQL_DATA_TRUNCATED 101 + +#define mysql_reload(mysql) mysql_refresh((mysql),REFRESH_GRANT) + +#ifdef USE_OLD_FUNCTIONS +MYSQL * STDCALL mysql_connect(MYSQL *mysql, const char *host, + const char *user, const char *passwd); +int STDCALL mysql_create_db(MYSQL *mysql, const char *DB); +int STDCALL mysql_drop_db(MYSQL *mysql, const char *DB); +#endif +#define HAVE_MYSQL_REAL_CONNECT + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* _mysql_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql.h.pp b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql.h.pp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3a5c40d0a --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql.h.pp @@ -0,0 +1,612 @@ +typedef char my_bool; +typedef int my_socket; +#include "mysql_version.h" +#include "mysql_com.h" +enum enum_server_command +{ + COM_SLEEP, COM_QUIT, COM_INIT_DB, COM_QUERY, COM_FIELD_LIST, + COM_CREATE_DB, COM_DROP_DB, COM_REFRESH, COM_SHUTDOWN, COM_STATISTICS, + COM_PROCESS_INFO, COM_CONNECT, COM_PROCESS_KILL, COM_DEBUG, COM_PING, + COM_TIME, COM_DELAYED_INSERT, COM_CHANGE_USER, COM_BINLOG_DUMP, + COM_TABLE_DUMP, COM_CONNECT_OUT, COM_REGISTER_SLAVE, + COM_STMT_PREPARE, COM_STMT_EXECUTE, COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA, COM_STMT_CLOSE, + COM_STMT_RESET, COM_SET_OPTION, COM_STMT_FETCH, COM_DAEMON, + COM_BINLOG_DUMP_GTID, + COM_END +}; +struct st_vio; +typedef struct st_vio Vio; +typedef struct st_net { + Vio *vio; + unsigned char *buff,*buff_end,*write_pos,*read_pos; + my_socket fd; + unsigned long remain_in_buf,length, buf_length, where_b; + unsigned long max_packet,max_packet_size; + unsigned int pkt_nr,compress_pkt_nr; + unsigned int write_timeout, read_timeout, retry_count; + int fcntl; + unsigned int *return_status; + unsigned char reading_or_writing; + char save_char; + my_bool unused1; + my_bool unused2; + my_bool compress; + my_bool unused3; + unsigned char *unused; + unsigned int last_errno; + unsigned char error; + my_bool unused4; + my_bool unused5; + char last_error[512]; + char sqlstate[5 +1]; + void *extension; +} NET; +enum enum_field_types { MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL, MYSQL_TYPE_TINY, + MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, + MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT, MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE, + MYSQL_TYPE_NULL, MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, + MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG,MYSQL_TYPE_INT24, + MYSQL_TYPE_DATE, MYSQL_TYPE_TIME, + MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR, + MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE, MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR, + MYSQL_TYPE_BIT, + MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP2, + MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME2, + MYSQL_TYPE_TIME2, + MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL=246, + MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM=247, + MYSQL_TYPE_SET=248, + MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB=249, + MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB=250, + MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB=251, + MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB=252, + MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING=253, + MYSQL_TYPE_STRING=254, + MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY=255 +}; +enum mysql_enum_shutdown_level { + SHUTDOWN_DEFAULT = 0, + SHUTDOWN_WAIT_CONNECTIONS= (unsigned char)(1 << 0), + SHUTDOWN_WAIT_TRANSACTIONS= (unsigned char)(1 << 1), + SHUTDOWN_WAIT_UPDATES= (unsigned char)(1 << 3), + SHUTDOWN_WAIT_ALL_BUFFERS= ((unsigned char)(1 << 3) << 1), + SHUTDOWN_WAIT_CRITICAL_BUFFERS= ((unsigned char)(1 << 3) << 1) + 1, + KILL_QUERY= 254, + KILL_CONNECTION= 255 +}; +enum enum_cursor_type +{ + CURSOR_TYPE_NO_CURSOR= 0, + CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY= 1, + CURSOR_TYPE_FOR_UPDATE= 2, + CURSOR_TYPE_SCROLLABLE= 4 +}; +enum enum_mysql_set_option +{ + MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_ON, + MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_OFF +}; +my_bool my_net_init(NET *net, Vio* vio); +void my_net_local_init(NET *net); +void net_end(NET *net); +void net_clear(NET *net, my_bool check_buffer); +my_bool net_realloc(NET *net, size_t length); +my_bool net_flush(NET *net); +my_bool my_net_write(NET *net,const unsigned char *packet, size_t len); +my_bool net_write_command(NET *net,unsigned char command, + const unsigned char *header, size_t head_len, + const unsigned char *packet, size_t len); +my_bool net_write_packet(NET *net, const unsigned char *packet, size_t length); +unsigned long my_net_read(NET *net); +struct rand_struct { + unsigned long seed1,seed2,max_value; + double max_value_dbl; +}; +enum Item_result {STRING_RESULT=0, REAL_RESULT, INT_RESULT, ROW_RESULT, + DECIMAL_RESULT}; +typedef struct st_udf_args +{ + unsigned int arg_count; + enum Item_result *arg_type; + char **args; + unsigned long *lengths; + char *maybe_null; + char **attributes; + unsigned long *attribute_lengths; + void *extension; +} UDF_ARGS; +typedef struct st_udf_init +{ + my_bool maybe_null; + unsigned int decimals; + unsigned long max_length; + char *ptr; + my_bool const_item; + void *extension; +} UDF_INIT; +void randominit(struct rand_struct *, unsigned long seed1, + unsigned long seed2); +double my_rnd(struct rand_struct *); +void create_random_string(char *to, unsigned int length, struct rand_struct *rand_st); +void hash_password(unsigned long *to, const char *password, unsigned int password_len); +void make_scrambled_password_323(char *to, const char *password); +void scramble_323(char *to, const char *message, const char *password); +my_bool check_scramble_323(const unsigned char *reply, const char *message, + unsigned long *salt); +void get_salt_from_password_323(unsigned long *res, const char *password); +void make_password_from_salt_323(char *to, const unsigned long *salt); +void make_scrambled_password(char *to, const char *password); +void scramble(char *to, const char *message, const char *password); +my_bool check_scramble(const unsigned char *reply, const char *message, + const unsigned char *hash_stage2); +void get_salt_from_password(unsigned char *res, const char *password); +void make_password_from_salt(char *to, const unsigned char *hash_stage2); +char *octet2hex(char *to, const char *str, unsigned int len); +char *get_tty_password(const char *opt_message); +const char *mysql_errno_to_sqlstate(unsigned int mysql_errno); +my_bool my_thread_init(void); +void my_thread_end(void); +#include "mysql_time.h" +enum enum_mysql_timestamp_type +{ + MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_NONE= -2, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_ERROR= -1, + MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE= 0, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME= 1, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME= 2 +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_time +{ + unsigned int year, month, day, hour, minute, second; + unsigned long second_part; + my_bool neg; + enum enum_mysql_timestamp_type time_type; +} MYSQL_TIME; +#include "my_list.h" +typedef struct st_list { + struct st_list *prev,*next; + void *data; +} LIST; +typedef int (*list_walk_action)(void *,void *); +extern LIST *list_add(LIST *root,LIST *element); +extern LIST *list_delete(LIST *root,LIST *element); +extern LIST *list_cons(void *data,LIST *root); +extern LIST *list_reverse(LIST *root); +extern void list_free(LIST *root,unsigned int free_data); +extern unsigned int list_length(LIST *); +extern int list_walk(LIST *,list_walk_action action,unsigned char * argument); +extern unsigned int mysql_port; +extern char *mysql_unix_port; +typedef struct st_mysql_field { + char *name; + char *org_name; + char *table; + char *org_table; + char *db; + char *catalog; + char *def; + unsigned long length; + unsigned long max_length; + unsigned int name_length; + unsigned int org_name_length; + unsigned int table_length; + unsigned int org_table_length; + unsigned int db_length; + unsigned int catalog_length; + unsigned int def_length; + unsigned int flags; + unsigned int decimals; + unsigned int charsetnr; + enum enum_field_types type; + void *extension; +} MYSQL_FIELD; +typedef char **MYSQL_ROW; +typedef unsigned int MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET; +typedef unsigned long long my_ulonglong; +#include "typelib.h" +#include "my_alloc.h" +typedef struct st_used_mem +{ + struct st_used_mem *next; + unsigned int left; + unsigned int size; +} USED_MEM; +typedef struct st_mem_root +{ + USED_MEM *free; + USED_MEM *used; + USED_MEM *pre_alloc; + size_t min_malloc; + size_t block_size; + unsigned int block_num; + unsigned int first_block_usage; + void (*error_handler)(void); +} MEM_ROOT; +typedef struct st_typelib { + unsigned int count; + const char *name; + const char **type_names; + unsigned int *type_lengths; +} TYPELIB; +extern my_ulonglong find_typeset(char *x, TYPELIB *typelib,int *error_position); +extern int find_type_or_exit(const char *x, TYPELIB *typelib, + const char *option); +extern int find_type(const char *x, const TYPELIB *typelib, unsigned int flags); +extern void make_type(char *to,unsigned int nr,TYPELIB *typelib); +extern const char *get_type(TYPELIB *typelib,unsigned int nr); +extern TYPELIB *copy_typelib(MEM_ROOT *root, TYPELIB *from); +extern TYPELIB sql_protocol_typelib; +my_ulonglong find_set_from_flags(const TYPELIB *lib, unsigned int default_name, + my_ulonglong cur_set, my_ulonglong default_set, + const char *str, unsigned int length, + char **err_pos, unsigned int *err_len); +typedef struct st_mysql_rows { + struct st_mysql_rows *next; + MYSQL_ROW data; + unsigned long length; +} MYSQL_ROWS; +typedef MYSQL_ROWS *MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET; +#include "my_alloc.h" +typedef struct embedded_query_result EMBEDDED_QUERY_RESULT; +typedef struct st_mysql_data { + MYSQL_ROWS *data; + struct embedded_query_result *embedded_info; + MEM_ROOT alloc; + my_ulonglong rows; + unsigned int fields; + void *extension; +} MYSQL_DATA; +enum mysql_option +{ + MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS, MYSQL_OPT_NAMED_PIPE, + MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, + MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_DIR, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE, + MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL, MYSQL_SHARED_MEMORY_BASE_NAME, MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT, + MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT, MYSQL_OPT_USE_RESULT, + MYSQL_OPT_USE_REMOTE_CONNECTION, MYSQL_OPT_USE_EMBEDDED_CONNECTION, + MYSQL_OPT_GUESS_CONNECTION, MYSQL_SET_CLIENT_IP, MYSQL_SECURE_AUTH, + MYSQL_REPORT_DATA_TRUNCATION, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, + MYSQL_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT, MYSQL_PLUGIN_DIR, MYSQL_DEFAULT_AUTH, + MYSQL_OPT_BIND, + MYSQL_OPT_SSL_KEY, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CERT, + MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CA, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CAPATH, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CIPHER, + MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CRL, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CRLPATH, + MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_RESET, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_ADD, + MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_DELETE, + MYSQL_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY, + MYSQL_ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN, + MYSQL_OPT_CAN_HANDLE_EXPIRED_PASSWORDS +}; +struct st_mysql_options_extention; +struct st_mysql_options { + unsigned int connect_timeout, read_timeout, write_timeout; + unsigned int port, protocol; + unsigned long client_flag; + char *host,*user,*password,*unix_socket,*db; + struct st_dynamic_array *init_commands; + char *my_cnf_file,*my_cnf_group, *charset_dir, *charset_name; + char *ssl_key; + char *ssl_cert; + char *ssl_ca; + char *ssl_capath; + char *ssl_cipher; + char *shared_memory_base_name; + unsigned long max_allowed_packet; + my_bool use_ssl; + my_bool compress,named_pipe; + my_bool unused1; + my_bool unused2; + my_bool unused3; + my_bool unused4; + enum mysql_option methods_to_use; + union { + char *client_ip; + char *bind_address; + } ci; + my_bool secure_auth; + my_bool report_data_truncation; + int (*local_infile_init)(void **, const char *, void *); + int (*local_infile_read)(void *, char *, unsigned int); + void (*local_infile_end)(void *); + int (*local_infile_error)(void *, char *, unsigned int); + void *local_infile_userdata; + struct st_mysql_options_extention *extension; +}; +enum mysql_status +{ + MYSQL_STATUS_READY, MYSQL_STATUS_GET_RESULT, MYSQL_STATUS_USE_RESULT, + MYSQL_STATUS_STATEMENT_GET_RESULT +}; +enum mysql_protocol_type +{ + MYSQL_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT, MYSQL_PROTOCOL_TCP, MYSQL_PROTOCOL_SOCKET, + MYSQL_PROTOCOL_PIPE, MYSQL_PROTOCOL_MEMORY +}; +typedef struct character_set +{ + unsigned int number; + unsigned int state; + const char *csname; + const char *name; + const char *comment; + const char *dir; + unsigned int mbminlen; + unsigned int mbmaxlen; +} MY_CHARSET_INFO; +struct st_mysql_methods; +struct st_mysql_stmt; +typedef struct st_mysql +{ + NET net; + unsigned char *connector_fd; + char *host,*user,*passwd,*unix_socket,*server_version,*host_info; + char *info, *db; + struct charset_info_st *charset; + MYSQL_FIELD *fields; + MEM_ROOT field_alloc; + my_ulonglong affected_rows; + my_ulonglong insert_id; + my_ulonglong extra_info; + unsigned long thread_id; + unsigned long packet_length; + unsigned int port; + unsigned long client_flag,server_capabilities; + unsigned int protocol_version; + unsigned int field_count; + unsigned int server_status; + unsigned int server_language; + unsigned int warning_count; + struct st_mysql_options options; + enum mysql_status status; + my_bool free_me; + my_bool reconnect; + char scramble[20 +1]; + my_bool unused1; + void *unused2, *unused3, *unused4, *unused5; + LIST *stmts; + const struct st_mysql_methods *methods; + void *thd; + my_bool *unbuffered_fetch_owner; + char *info_buffer; + void *extension; +} MYSQL; +typedef struct st_mysql_res { + my_ulonglong row_count; + MYSQL_FIELD *fields; + MYSQL_DATA *data; + MYSQL_ROWS *data_cursor; + unsigned long *lengths; + MYSQL *handle; + const struct st_mysql_methods *methods; + MYSQL_ROW row; + MYSQL_ROW current_row; + MEM_ROOT field_alloc; + unsigned int field_count, current_field; + my_bool eof; + my_bool unbuffered_fetch_cancelled; + void *extension; +} MYSQL_RES; +typedef struct st_mysql_parameters +{ + unsigned long *p_max_allowed_packet; + unsigned long *p_net_buffer_length; + void *extension; +} MYSQL_PARAMETERS; +int mysql_server_init(int argc, char **argv, char **groups); +void mysql_server_end(void); +MYSQL_PARAMETERS * mysql_get_parameters(void); +my_bool mysql_thread_init(void); +void mysql_thread_end(void); +my_ulonglong mysql_num_rows(MYSQL_RES *res); +unsigned int mysql_num_fields(MYSQL_RES *res); +my_bool mysql_eof(MYSQL_RES *res); +MYSQL_FIELD * mysql_fetch_field_direct(MYSQL_RES *res, + unsigned int fieldnr); +MYSQL_FIELD * mysql_fetch_fields(MYSQL_RES *res); +MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET mysql_row_tell(MYSQL_RES *res); +MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET mysql_field_tell(MYSQL_RES *res); +unsigned int mysql_field_count(MYSQL *mysql); +my_ulonglong mysql_affected_rows(MYSQL *mysql); +my_ulonglong mysql_insert_id(MYSQL *mysql); +unsigned int mysql_errno(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * mysql_error(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * mysql_sqlstate(MYSQL *mysql); +unsigned int mysql_warning_count(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * mysql_info(MYSQL *mysql); +unsigned long mysql_thread_id(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * mysql_character_set_name(MYSQL *mysql); +int mysql_set_character_set(MYSQL *mysql, const char *csname); +MYSQL * mysql_init(MYSQL *mysql); +my_bool mysql_ssl_set(MYSQL *mysql, const char *key, + const char *cert, const char *ca, + const char *capath, const char *cipher); +const char * mysql_get_ssl_cipher(MYSQL *mysql); +my_bool mysql_change_user(MYSQL *mysql, const char *user, + const char *passwd, const char *db); +MYSQL * mysql_real_connect(MYSQL *mysql, const char *host, + const char *user, + const char *passwd, + const char *db, + unsigned int port, + const char *unix_socket, + unsigned long clientflag); +int mysql_select_db(MYSQL *mysql, const char *db); +int mysql_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q); +int mysql_send_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q, + unsigned long length); +int mysql_real_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q, + unsigned long length); +MYSQL_RES * mysql_store_result(MYSQL *mysql); +MYSQL_RES * mysql_use_result(MYSQL *mysql); +void mysql_get_character_set_info(MYSQL *mysql, + MY_CHARSET_INFO *charset); +void +mysql_set_local_infile_handler(MYSQL *mysql, + int (*local_infile_init)(void **, const char *, + void *), + int (*local_infile_read)(void *, char *, + unsigned int), + void (*local_infile_end)(void *), + int (*local_infile_error)(void *, char*, + unsigned int), + void *); +void +mysql_set_local_infile_default(MYSQL *mysql); +int mysql_shutdown(MYSQL *mysql, + enum mysql_enum_shutdown_level + shutdown_level); +int mysql_dump_debug_info(MYSQL *mysql); +int mysql_refresh(MYSQL *mysql, + unsigned int refresh_options); +int mysql_kill(MYSQL *mysql,unsigned long pid); +int mysql_set_server_option(MYSQL *mysql, + enum enum_mysql_set_option + option); +int mysql_ping(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * mysql_stat(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * mysql_get_server_info(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * mysql_get_client_info(void); +unsigned long mysql_get_client_version(void); +const char * mysql_get_host_info(MYSQL *mysql); +unsigned long mysql_get_server_version(MYSQL *mysql); +unsigned int mysql_get_proto_info(MYSQL *mysql); +MYSQL_RES * mysql_list_dbs(MYSQL *mysql,const char *wild); +MYSQL_RES * mysql_list_tables(MYSQL *mysql,const char *wild); +MYSQL_RES * mysql_list_processes(MYSQL *mysql); +int mysql_options(MYSQL *mysql,enum mysql_option option, + const void *arg); +int mysql_options4(MYSQL *mysql,enum mysql_option option, + const void *arg1, const void *arg2); +void mysql_free_result(MYSQL_RES *result); +void mysql_data_seek(MYSQL_RES *result, + my_ulonglong offset); +MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET mysql_row_seek(MYSQL_RES *result, + MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET offset); +MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET mysql_field_seek(MYSQL_RES *result, + MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET offset); +MYSQL_ROW mysql_fetch_row(MYSQL_RES *result); +unsigned long * mysql_fetch_lengths(MYSQL_RES *result); +MYSQL_FIELD * mysql_fetch_field(MYSQL_RES *result); +MYSQL_RES * mysql_list_fields(MYSQL *mysql, const char *table, + const char *wild); +unsigned long mysql_escape_string(char *to,const char *from, + unsigned long from_length); +unsigned long mysql_hex_string(char *to,const char *from, + unsigned long from_length); +unsigned long mysql_real_escape_string(MYSQL *mysql, + char *to,const char *from, + unsigned long length); +void mysql_debug(const char *debug); +void myodbc_remove_escape(MYSQL *mysql,char *name); +unsigned int mysql_thread_safe(void); +my_bool mysql_embedded(void); +my_bool mysql_read_query_result(MYSQL *mysql); +enum enum_mysql_stmt_state +{ + MYSQL_STMT_INIT_DONE= 1, MYSQL_STMT_PREPARE_DONE, MYSQL_STMT_EXECUTE_DONE, + MYSQL_STMT_FETCH_DONE +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_bind +{ + unsigned long *length; + my_bool *is_null; + void *buffer; + my_bool *error; + unsigned char *row_ptr; + void (*store_param_func)(NET *net, struct st_mysql_bind *param); + void (*fetch_result)(struct st_mysql_bind *, MYSQL_FIELD *, + unsigned char **row); + void (*skip_result)(struct st_mysql_bind *, MYSQL_FIELD *, + unsigned char **row); + unsigned long buffer_length; + unsigned long offset; + unsigned long length_value; + unsigned int param_number; + unsigned int pack_length; + enum enum_field_types buffer_type; + my_bool error_value; + my_bool is_unsigned; + my_bool long_data_used; + my_bool is_null_value; + void *extension; +} MYSQL_BIND; +struct st_mysql_stmt_extension; +typedef struct st_mysql_stmt +{ + MEM_ROOT mem_root; + LIST list; + MYSQL *mysql; + MYSQL_BIND *params; + MYSQL_BIND *bind; + MYSQL_FIELD *fields; + MYSQL_DATA result; + MYSQL_ROWS *data_cursor; + int (*read_row_func)(struct st_mysql_stmt *stmt, + unsigned char **row); + my_ulonglong affected_rows; + my_ulonglong insert_id; + unsigned long stmt_id; + unsigned long flags; + unsigned long prefetch_rows; + unsigned int server_status; + unsigned int last_errno; + unsigned int param_count; + unsigned int field_count; + enum enum_mysql_stmt_state state; + char last_error[512]; + char sqlstate[5 +1]; + my_bool send_types_to_server; + my_bool bind_param_done; + unsigned char bind_result_done; + my_bool unbuffered_fetch_cancelled; + my_bool update_max_length; + struct st_mysql_stmt_extension *extension; +} MYSQL_STMT; +enum enum_stmt_attr_type +{ + STMT_ATTR_UPDATE_MAX_LENGTH, + STMT_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE, + STMT_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS +}; +MYSQL_STMT * mysql_stmt_init(MYSQL *mysql); +int mysql_stmt_prepare(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, const char *query, + unsigned long length); +int mysql_stmt_execute(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +int mysql_stmt_fetch(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +int mysql_stmt_fetch_column(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, MYSQL_BIND *bind_arg, + unsigned int column, + unsigned long offset); +int mysql_stmt_store_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +unsigned long mysql_stmt_param_count(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +my_bool mysql_stmt_attr_set(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, + enum enum_stmt_attr_type attr_type, + const void *attr); +my_bool mysql_stmt_attr_get(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, + enum enum_stmt_attr_type attr_type, + void *attr); +my_bool mysql_stmt_bind_param(MYSQL_STMT * stmt, MYSQL_BIND * bnd); +my_bool mysql_stmt_bind_result(MYSQL_STMT * stmt, MYSQL_BIND * bnd); +my_bool mysql_stmt_close(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +my_bool mysql_stmt_reset(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +my_bool mysql_stmt_free_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +my_bool mysql_stmt_send_long_data(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, + unsigned int param_number, + const char *data, + unsigned long length); +MYSQL_RES * mysql_stmt_result_metadata(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +MYSQL_RES * mysql_stmt_param_metadata(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +unsigned int mysql_stmt_errno(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +const char * mysql_stmt_error(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +const char * mysql_stmt_sqlstate(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET mysql_stmt_row_seek(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, + MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET offset); +MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET mysql_stmt_row_tell(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +void mysql_stmt_data_seek(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, my_ulonglong offset); +my_ulonglong mysql_stmt_num_rows(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +my_ulonglong mysql_stmt_affected_rows(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +my_ulonglong mysql_stmt_insert_id(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +unsigned int mysql_stmt_field_count(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +my_bool mysql_commit(MYSQL * mysql); +my_bool mysql_rollback(MYSQL * mysql); +my_bool mysql_autocommit(MYSQL * mysql, my_bool auto_mode); +my_bool mysql_more_results(MYSQL *mysql); +int mysql_next_result(MYSQL *mysql); +int mysql_stmt_next_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +void mysql_close(MYSQL *sock); diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/client_authentication.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/client_authentication.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8873bf16b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/client_authentication.h @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#ifndef CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION_H +#define CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION_H +#include +#include "mysql.h" +#include "mysql/client_plugin.h" + +C_MODE_START +int sha256_password_auth_client(MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO *vio, MYSQL *mysql); +int sha256_password_init(char *, size_t, int, va_list); +int sha256_password_deinit(void); +C_MODE_END + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/client_plugin.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/client_plugin.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9be9914a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/client_plugin.h @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +#ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT_PLUGIN_INCLUDED +/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/** + @file + + MySQL Client Plugin API + + This file defines the API for plugins that work on the client side +*/ +#define MYSQL_CLIENT_PLUGIN_INCLUDED + +#ifndef MYSQL_ABI_CHECK +#include +#include +#endif + +/* known plugin types */ +#define MYSQL_CLIENT_reserved1 0 +#define MYSQL_CLIENT_reserved2 1 +#define MYSQL_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION_PLUGIN 2 + +#define MYSQL_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION_PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION 0x0100 + +#define MYSQL_CLIENT_MAX_PLUGINS 3 + +#define mysql_declare_client_plugin(X) \ + MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT struct st_mysql_client_plugin_ ## X \ + _mysql_client_plugin_declaration_ = { \ + MYSQL_CLIENT_ ## X ## _PLUGIN, \ + MYSQL_CLIENT_ ## X ## _PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION, +#define mysql_end_client_plugin } + +/* generic plugin header structure */ +#define MYSQL_CLIENT_PLUGIN_HEADER \ + int type; \ + unsigned int interface_version; \ + const char *name; \ + const char *author; \ + const char *desc; \ + unsigned int version[3]; \ + const char *license; \ + void *mysql_api; \ + int (*init)(char *, size_t, int, va_list); \ + int (*deinit)(); \ + int (*options)(const char *option, const void *); + +struct st_mysql_client_plugin +{ + MYSQL_CLIENT_PLUGIN_HEADER +}; + +struct st_mysql; + +/******** authentication plugin specific declarations *********/ +#include + +struct st_mysql_client_plugin_AUTHENTICATION +{ + MYSQL_CLIENT_PLUGIN_HEADER + int (*authenticate_user)(MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO *vio, struct st_mysql *mysql); +}; + +/******** using plugins ************/ + +/** + loads a plugin and initializes it + + @param mysql MYSQL structure. + @param name a name of the plugin to load + @param type type of plugin that should be loaded, -1 to disable type check + @param argc number of arguments to pass to the plugin initialization + function + @param ... arguments for the plugin initialization function + + @retval + a pointer to the loaded plugin, or NULL in case of a failure +*/ +struct st_mysql_client_plugin * +mysql_load_plugin(struct st_mysql *mysql, const char *name, int type, + int argc, ...); + +/** + loads a plugin and initializes it, taking va_list as an argument + + This is the same as mysql_load_plugin, but take va_list instead of + a list of arguments. + + @param mysql MYSQL structure. + @param name a name of the plugin to load + @param type type of plugin that should be loaded, -1 to disable type check + @param argc number of arguments to pass to the plugin initialization + function + @param args arguments for the plugin initialization function + + @retval + a pointer to the loaded plugin, or NULL in case of a failure +*/ +struct st_mysql_client_plugin * +mysql_load_plugin_v(struct st_mysql *mysql, const char *name, int type, + int argc, va_list args); + +/** + finds an already loaded plugin by name, or loads it, if necessary + + @param mysql MYSQL structure. + @param name a name of the plugin to load + @param type type of plugin that should be loaded + + @retval + a pointer to the plugin, or NULL in case of a failure +*/ +struct st_mysql_client_plugin * +mysql_client_find_plugin(struct st_mysql *mysql, const char *name, int type); + +/** + adds a plugin structure to the list of loaded plugins + + This is useful if an application has the necessary functionality + (for example, a special load data handler) statically linked into + the application binary. It can use this function to register the plugin + directly, avoiding the need to factor it out into a shared object. + + @param mysql MYSQL structure. It is only used for error reporting + @param plugin an st_mysql_client_plugin structure to register + + @retval + a pointer to the plugin, or NULL in case of a failure +*/ +struct st_mysql_client_plugin * +mysql_client_register_plugin(struct st_mysql *mysql, + struct st_mysql_client_plugin *plugin); + +/** + set plugin options + + Can be used to set extra options and affect behavior for a plugin. + This function may be called multiple times to set several options + + @param plugin an st_mysql_client_plugin structure + @param option a string which specifies the option to set + @param value value for the option. + + @retval 0 on success, 1 in case of failure +**/ +int mysql_plugin_options(struct st_mysql_client_plugin *plugin, + const char *option, const void *value); +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/client_plugin.h.pp b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/client_plugin.h.pp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..93eaff750 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/client_plugin.h.pp @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +struct st_mysql_client_plugin +{ + int type; unsigned int interface_version; const char *name; const char *author; const char *desc; unsigned int version[3]; const char *license; void *mysql_api; int (*init)(char *, size_t, int, va_list); int (*deinit)(); int (*options)(const char *option, const void *); +}; +struct st_mysql; +#include +typedef struct st_plugin_vio_info +{ + enum { MYSQL_VIO_INVALID, MYSQL_VIO_TCP, MYSQL_VIO_SOCKET, + MYSQL_VIO_PIPE, MYSQL_VIO_MEMORY } protocol; + int socket; +} MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO_INFO; +typedef struct st_plugin_vio +{ + int (*read_packet)(struct st_plugin_vio *vio, + unsigned char **buf); + int (*write_packet)(struct st_plugin_vio *vio, + const unsigned char *packet, + int packet_len); + void (*info)(struct st_plugin_vio *vio, struct st_plugin_vio_info *info); +} MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO; +struct st_mysql_client_plugin_AUTHENTICATION +{ + int type; unsigned int interface_version; const char *name; const char *author; const char *desc; unsigned int version[3]; const char *license; void *mysql_api; int (*init)(char *, size_t, int, va_list); int (*deinit)(); int (*options)(const char *option, const void *); + int (*authenticate_user)(MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO *vio, struct st_mysql *mysql); +}; +struct st_mysql_client_plugin * +mysql_load_plugin(struct st_mysql *mysql, const char *name, int type, + int argc, ...); +struct st_mysql_client_plugin * +mysql_load_plugin_v(struct st_mysql *mysql, const char *name, int type, + int argc, va_list args); +struct st_mysql_client_plugin * +mysql_client_find_plugin(struct st_mysql *mysql, const char *name, int type); +struct st_mysql_client_plugin * +mysql_client_register_plugin(struct st_mysql *mysql, + struct st_mysql_client_plugin *plugin); +int mysql_plugin_options(struct st_mysql_client_plugin *plugin, + const char *option, const void *value); diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/get_password.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/get_password.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a633c58c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/get_password.h @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* +** Ask for a password from tty +** This is an own file to avoid conflicts with curses +*/ + +#ifndef MYSQL_GET_PASSWORD_H_INCLUDED +#define MYSQL_GET_PASSWORD_H_INCLUDED + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +typedef char *(* strdup_handler_t)(const char *, int); +char *get_tty_password_ext(const char *opt_message, + strdup_handler_t strdup_function); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* ! MYSQL_GET_PASSWORD_H_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/innodb_priv.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/innodb_priv.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c19becd69 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/innodb_priv.h @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ + +#ifndef INNODB_PRIV_INCLUDED +#define INNODB_PRIV_INCLUDED + +/** @file Declaring server-internal functions that are used by InnoDB. */ + +#include + +class THD; + +int get_quote_char_for_identifier(THD *thd, const char *name, uint length); +bool schema_table_store_record(THD *thd, TABLE *table); +void localtime_to_TIME(MYSQL_TIME *to, struct tm *from); +bool check_global_access(THD *thd, ulong want_access); +uint strconvert(CHARSET_INFO *from_cs, const char *from, + CHARSET_INFO *to_cs, char *to, uint to_length, + uint *errors); +void sql_print_error(const char *format, ...); + + + +#endif /* INNODB_PRIV_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..29f4311f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin.h @@ -0,0 +1,676 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2005, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _my_plugin_h +#define _my_plugin_h + +/* + On Windows, exports from DLL need to be declared + Also, plugin needs to be declared as extern "C" because MSVC + unlike other compilers, uses C++ mangling for variables not only + for functions. +*/ +#if defined(_MSC_VER) +#if defined(MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN) + #ifdef __cplusplus + #define MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) + #else + #define MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) + #endif +#else /* MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN */ + #ifdef __cplusplus + #define MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT extern "C" + #else + #define MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT + #endif +#endif /*MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN */ +#else /*_MSC_VER */ +#define MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +class THD; +class Item; +#define MYSQL_THD THD* +#else +#define MYSQL_THD void* +#endif + +typedef void * MYSQL_PLUGIN; + +#include + +#define MYSQL_XIDDATASIZE 128 +/** + struct st_mysql_xid is binary compatible with the XID structure as + in the X/Open CAE Specification, Distributed Transaction Processing: + The XA Specification, X/Open Company Ltd., 1991. + http://www.opengroup.org/bookstore/catalog/c193.htm + + @see XID in sql/handler.h +*/ +struct st_mysql_xid { + long formatID; + long gtrid_length; + long bqual_length; + char data[MYSQL_XIDDATASIZE]; /* Not \0-terminated */ +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_xid MYSQL_XID; + +/************************************************************************* + Plugin API. Common for all plugin types. +*/ + +#define MYSQL_PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION 0x0104 + +/* + The allowable types of plugins +*/ +#define MYSQL_UDF_PLUGIN 0 /* User-defined function */ +#define MYSQL_STORAGE_ENGINE_PLUGIN 1 /* Storage Engine */ +#define MYSQL_FTPARSER_PLUGIN 2 /* Full-text parser plugin */ +#define MYSQL_DAEMON_PLUGIN 3 /* The daemon/raw plugin type */ +#define MYSQL_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_PLUGIN 4 /* The I_S plugin type */ +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_PLUGIN 5 /* The Audit plugin type */ +#define MYSQL_REPLICATION_PLUGIN 6 /* The replication plugin type */ +#define MYSQL_AUTHENTICATION_PLUGIN 7 /* The authentication plugin type */ +#define MYSQL_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_PLUGIN 8 /* validate password plugin type */ +#define MYSQL_MAX_PLUGIN_TYPE_NUM 9 /* The number of plugin types */ + +/* We use the following strings to define licenses for plugins */ +#define PLUGIN_LICENSE_PROPRIETARY 0 +#define PLUGIN_LICENSE_GPL 1 +#define PLUGIN_LICENSE_BSD 2 + +#define PLUGIN_LICENSE_PROPRIETARY_STRING "PROPRIETARY" +#define PLUGIN_LICENSE_GPL_STRING "GPL" +#define PLUGIN_LICENSE_BSD_STRING "BSD" + +/* + Macros for beginning and ending plugin declarations. Between + mysql_declare_plugin and mysql_declare_plugin_end there should + be a st_mysql_plugin struct for each plugin to be declared. +*/ + + +#ifndef MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN +#define __MYSQL_DECLARE_PLUGIN(NAME, VERSION, PSIZE, DECLS) \ +MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT int VERSION= MYSQL_PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION; \ +MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT int PSIZE= sizeof(struct st_mysql_plugin); \ +MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT struct st_mysql_plugin DECLS[]= { +#else +#define __MYSQL_DECLARE_PLUGIN(NAME, VERSION, PSIZE, DECLS) \ +MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT int _mysql_plugin_interface_version_= MYSQL_PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION; \ +MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT int _mysql_sizeof_struct_st_plugin_= sizeof(struct st_mysql_plugin); \ +MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT struct st_mysql_plugin _mysql_plugin_declarations_[]= { +#endif + +#define mysql_declare_plugin(NAME) \ +__MYSQL_DECLARE_PLUGIN(NAME, \ + builtin_ ## NAME ## _plugin_interface_version, \ + builtin_ ## NAME ## _sizeof_struct_st_plugin, \ + builtin_ ## NAME ## _plugin) + +#define mysql_declare_plugin_end ,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}} + +/** + declarations for SHOW STATUS support in plugins +*/ +enum enum_mysql_show_type +{ + SHOW_UNDEF, SHOW_BOOL, + SHOW_INT, ///< shown as _unsigned_ int + SHOW_LONG, ///< shown as _unsigned_ long + SHOW_LONGLONG, ///< shown as _unsigned_ longlong + SHOW_CHAR, SHOW_CHAR_PTR, + SHOW_ARRAY, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_DOUBLE, + SHOW_always_last +}; + +struct st_mysql_show_var { + const char *name; + char *value; + enum enum_mysql_show_type type; +}; + +#define SHOW_VAR_FUNC_BUFF_SIZE 1024 +typedef int (*mysql_show_var_func)(MYSQL_THD, struct st_mysql_show_var*, char *); + + +/* + Constants for plugin flags. + */ + +#define PLUGIN_OPT_NO_INSTALL 1UL /* Not dynamically loadable */ +#define PLUGIN_OPT_NO_UNINSTALL 2UL /* Not dynamically unloadable */ + + +/* + declarations for server variables and command line options +*/ + + +#define PLUGIN_VAR_BOOL 0x0001 +#define PLUGIN_VAR_INT 0x0002 +#define PLUGIN_VAR_LONG 0x0003 +#define PLUGIN_VAR_LONGLONG 0x0004 +#define PLUGIN_VAR_STR 0x0005 +#define PLUGIN_VAR_ENUM 0x0006 +#define PLUGIN_VAR_SET 0x0007 +#define PLUGIN_VAR_DOUBLE 0x0008 +#define PLUGIN_VAR_UNSIGNED 0x0080 +#define PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL 0x0100 /* Variable is per-connection */ +#define PLUGIN_VAR_READONLY 0x0200 /* Server variable is read only */ +#define PLUGIN_VAR_NOSYSVAR 0x0400 /* Not a server variable */ +#define PLUGIN_VAR_NOCMDOPT 0x0800 /* Not a command line option */ +#define PLUGIN_VAR_NOCMDARG 0x1000 /* No argument for cmd line */ +#define PLUGIN_VAR_RQCMDARG 0x0000 /* Argument required for cmd line */ +#define PLUGIN_VAR_OPCMDARG 0x2000 /* Argument optional for cmd line */ +#define PLUGIN_VAR_MEMALLOC 0x8000 /* String needs memory allocated */ + +struct st_mysql_sys_var; +struct st_mysql_value; + +/* + SYNOPSIS + (*mysql_var_check_func)() + thd thread handle + var dynamic variable being altered + save pointer to temporary storage + value user provided value + RETURN + 0 user provided value is OK and the update func may be called. + any other value indicates error. + + This function should parse the user provided value and store in the + provided temporary storage any data as required by the update func. + There is sufficient space in the temporary storage to store a double. + Note that the update func may not be called if any other error occurs + so any memory allocated should be thread-local so that it may be freed + automatically at the end of the statement. +*/ + +typedef int (*mysql_var_check_func)(MYSQL_THD thd, + struct st_mysql_sys_var *var, + void *save, struct st_mysql_value *value); + +/* + SYNOPSIS + (*mysql_var_update_func)() + thd thread handle + var dynamic variable being altered + var_ptr pointer to dynamic variable + save pointer to temporary storage + RETURN + NONE + + This function should use the validated value stored in the temporary store + and persist it in the provided pointer to the dynamic variable. + For example, strings may require memory to be allocated. +*/ +typedef void (*mysql_var_update_func)(MYSQL_THD thd, + struct st_mysql_sys_var *var, + void *var_ptr, const void *save); + + +/* the following declarations are for internal use only */ + + +#define PLUGIN_VAR_MASK \ + (PLUGIN_VAR_READONLY | PLUGIN_VAR_NOSYSVAR | \ + PLUGIN_VAR_NOCMDOPT | PLUGIN_VAR_NOCMDARG | \ + PLUGIN_VAR_OPCMDARG | PLUGIN_VAR_RQCMDARG | PLUGIN_VAR_MEMALLOC) + +#define MYSQL_PLUGIN_VAR_HEADER \ + int flags; \ + const char *name; \ + const char *comment; \ + mysql_var_check_func check; \ + mysql_var_update_func update + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name) mysql_sysvar_ ## name +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR(name) \ + ((struct st_mysql_sys_var *)&(MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name))) + +/* + for global variables, the value pointer is the first + element after the header, the default value is the second. + for thread variables, the value offset is the first + element after the header, the default value is the second. +*/ + + +#define DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_BASIC(name, type) struct { \ + MYSQL_PLUGIN_VAR_HEADER; \ + type *value; \ + const type def_val; \ +} MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name) + +#define DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_SIMPLE(name, type) struct { \ + MYSQL_PLUGIN_VAR_HEADER; \ + type *value; type def_val; \ + type min_val; type max_val; \ + type blk_sz; \ +} MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name) + +#define DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_TYPELIB(name, type) struct { \ + MYSQL_PLUGIN_VAR_HEADER; \ + type *value; type def_val; \ + TYPELIB *typelib; \ +} MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name) + +#define DECLARE_THDVAR_FUNC(type) \ + type *(*resolve)(MYSQL_THD thd, int offset) + +#define DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_BASIC(name, type) struct { \ + MYSQL_PLUGIN_VAR_HEADER; \ + int offset; \ + const type def_val; \ + DECLARE_THDVAR_FUNC(type); \ +} MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name) + +#define DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_SIMPLE(name, type) struct { \ + MYSQL_PLUGIN_VAR_HEADER; \ + int offset; \ + type def_val; type min_val; \ + type max_val; type blk_sz; \ + DECLARE_THDVAR_FUNC(type); \ +} MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name) + +#define DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_TYPELIB(name, type) struct { \ + MYSQL_PLUGIN_VAR_HEADER; \ + int offset; \ + type def_val; \ + DECLARE_THDVAR_FUNC(type); \ + TYPELIB *typelib; \ +} MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name) + + +/* + the following declarations are for use by plugin implementors +*/ + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_BOOL(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_BASIC(name, char) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_BOOL | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def} + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_STR(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_BASIC(name, char *) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_STR | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def} + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_INT(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_SIMPLE(name, int) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_INT | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def, min, max, blk } + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_UINT(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_SIMPLE(name, unsigned int) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_INT | PLUGIN_VAR_UNSIGNED | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def, min, max, blk } + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_LONG(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_SIMPLE(name, long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_LONG | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def, min, max, blk } + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_ULONG(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_SIMPLE(name, unsigned long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_LONG | PLUGIN_VAR_UNSIGNED | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def, min, max, blk } + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_LONGLONG(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_SIMPLE(name, long long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_LONGLONG | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def, min, max, blk } + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_ULONGLONG(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_SIMPLE(name, unsigned long long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_LONGLONG | PLUGIN_VAR_UNSIGNED | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def, min, max, blk } + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_ENUM(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def, typelib) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_TYPELIB(name, unsigned long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_ENUM | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def, typelib } + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_SET(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def, typelib) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_TYPELIB(name, unsigned long long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_SET | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def, typelib } + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_DOUBLE(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_SIMPLE(name, double) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_DOUBLE | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def, min, max, blk } + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_BOOL(name, opt, comment, check, update, def) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_BASIC(name, char) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_BOOL | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, NULL} + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_STR(name, opt, comment, check, update, def) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_BASIC(name, char *) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_STR | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, NULL} + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_INT(name, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_SIMPLE(name, int) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_INT | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, min, max, blk, NULL } + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_UINT(name, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_SIMPLE(name, unsigned int) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_INT | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | PLUGIN_VAR_UNSIGNED | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, min, max, blk, NULL } + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_LONG(name, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_SIMPLE(name, long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_LONG | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, min, max, blk, NULL } + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_ULONG(name, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_SIMPLE(name, unsigned long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_LONG | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | PLUGIN_VAR_UNSIGNED | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, min, max, blk, NULL } + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_LONGLONG(name, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_SIMPLE(name, long long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_LONGLONG | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, min, max, blk, NULL } + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_ULONGLONG(name, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_SIMPLE(name, unsigned long long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_LONGLONG | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | PLUGIN_VAR_UNSIGNED | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, min, max, blk, NULL } + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_ENUM(name, opt, comment, check, update, def, typelib) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_TYPELIB(name, unsigned long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_ENUM | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, NULL, typelib } + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_SET(name, opt, comment, check, update, def, typelib) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_TYPELIB(name, unsigned long long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_SET | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, NULL, typelib } + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_DOUBLE(name, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_SIMPLE(name, double) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_DOUBLE | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, min, max, blk, NULL } + +/* accessor macros */ + +#define SYSVAR(name) \ + (*(MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name).value)) + +/* when thd == null, result points to global value */ +#define THDVAR(thd, name) \ + (*(MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name).resolve(thd, MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name).offset))) + + +/* + Plugin description structure. +*/ + +struct st_mysql_plugin +{ + int type; /* the plugin type (a MYSQL_XXX_PLUGIN value) */ + void *info; /* pointer to type-specific plugin descriptor */ + const char *name; /* plugin name */ + const char *author; /* plugin author (for I_S.PLUGINS) */ + const char *descr; /* general descriptive text (for I_S.PLUGINS) */ + int license; /* the plugin license (PLUGIN_LICENSE_XXX) */ + int (*init)(MYSQL_PLUGIN); /* the function to invoke when plugin is loaded */ + int (*deinit)(MYSQL_PLUGIN);/* the function to invoke when plugin is unloaded */ + unsigned int version; /* plugin version (for I_S.PLUGINS) */ + struct st_mysql_show_var *status_vars; + struct st_mysql_sys_var **system_vars; + void * __reserved1; /* reserved for dependency checking */ + unsigned long flags; /* flags for plugin */ +}; + +/************************************************************************* + API for Full-text parser plugin. (MYSQL_FTPARSER_PLUGIN) +*/ +#include "plugin_ftparser.h" + +/************************************************************************* + API for Storage Engine plugin. (MYSQL_DAEMON_PLUGIN) +*/ + +/* handlertons of different MySQL releases are incompatible */ +#define MYSQL_DAEMON_INTERFACE_VERSION (MYSQL_VERSION_ID << 8) + +/* + Here we define only the descriptor structure, that is referred from + st_mysql_plugin. +*/ + +struct st_mysql_daemon +{ + int interface_version; +}; + + +/************************************************************************* + API for I_S plugin. (MYSQL_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_PLUGIN) +*/ + +/* handlertons of different MySQL releases are incompatible */ +#define MYSQL_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_INTERFACE_VERSION (MYSQL_VERSION_ID << 8) + +/* + Here we define only the descriptor structure, that is referred from + st_mysql_plugin. +*/ + +struct st_mysql_information_schema +{ + int interface_version; +}; + + +/************************************************************************* + API for Storage Engine plugin. (MYSQL_STORAGE_ENGINE_PLUGIN) +*/ + +/* handlertons of different MySQL releases are incompatible */ +#define MYSQL_HANDLERTON_INTERFACE_VERSION (MYSQL_VERSION_ID << 8) + +/* + The real API is in the sql/handler.h + Here we define only the descriptor structure, that is referred from + st_mysql_plugin. +*/ + +struct st_mysql_storage_engine +{ + int interface_version; +}; + +struct handlerton; + + +/* + API for Replication plugin. (MYSQL_REPLICATION_PLUGIN) +*/ + #define MYSQL_REPLICATION_INTERFACE_VERSION 0x0200 + + /** + Replication plugin descriptor + */ + struct Mysql_replication { + int interface_version; + }; + +/************************************************************************* + st_mysql_value struct for reading values from mysqld. + Used by server variables framework to parse user-provided values. + Will be used for arguments when implementing UDFs. + + Note that val_str() returns a string in temporary memory + that will be freed at the end of statement. Copy the string + if you need it to persist. +*/ + +#define MYSQL_VALUE_TYPE_STRING 0 +#define MYSQL_VALUE_TYPE_REAL 1 +#define MYSQL_VALUE_TYPE_INT 2 + +struct st_mysql_value +{ + int (*value_type)(struct st_mysql_value *); + const char *(*val_str)(struct st_mysql_value *, char *buffer, int *length); + int (*val_real)(struct st_mysql_value *, double *realbuf); + int (*val_int)(struct st_mysql_value *, long long *intbuf); + int (*is_unsigned)(struct st_mysql_value *); +}; + + +/************************************************************************* + Miscellaneous functions for plugin implementors +*/ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +int thd_in_lock_tables(const MYSQL_THD thd); +int thd_tablespace_op(const MYSQL_THD thd); +long long thd_test_options(const MYSQL_THD thd, long long test_options); +int thd_sql_command(const MYSQL_THD thd); +const char *thd_proc_info(MYSQL_THD thd, const char *info); +void **thd_ha_data(const MYSQL_THD thd, const struct handlerton *hton); +void thd_storage_lock_wait(MYSQL_THD thd, long long value); +int thd_tx_isolation(const MYSQL_THD thd); +int thd_tx_is_read_only(const MYSQL_THD thd); +char *thd_security_context(MYSQL_THD thd, char *buffer, unsigned int length, + unsigned int max_query_len); +/* Increments the row counter, see THD::row_count */ +void thd_inc_row_count(MYSQL_THD thd); +int thd_allow_batch(MYSQL_THD thd); + +/** + Create a temporary file. + + @details + The temporary file is created in a location specified by the mysql + server configuration (--tmpdir option). The caller does not need to + delete the file, it will be deleted automatically. + + @param prefix prefix for temporary file name + @retval -1 error + @retval >= 0 a file handle that can be passed to dup or my_close +*/ +int mysql_tmpfile(const char *prefix); + +/** + Check the killed state of a connection + + @details + In MySQL support for the KILL statement is cooperative. The KILL + statement only sets a "killed" flag. This function returns the value + of that flag. A thread should check it often, especially inside + time-consuming loops, and gracefully abort the operation if it is + non-zero. + + @param thd user thread connection handle + @retval 0 the connection is active + @retval 1 the connection has been killed +*/ +int thd_killed(const MYSQL_THD thd); + + +/** + Get binary log position for latest written entry. + + @note The file variable will be set to a buffer holding the name of + the file name currently, but this can change if a rotation + occur. Copy the string if you want to retain it. + + @param thd Use thread connection handle + @param file_var Pointer to variable that will hold the file name. + @param pos_var Pointer to variable that will hold the file position. + */ +void thd_binlog_pos(const MYSQL_THD thd, + const char **file_var, + unsigned long long *pos_var); + +/** + Return the thread id of a user thread + + @param thd user thread connection handle + @return thread id +*/ +unsigned long thd_get_thread_id(const MYSQL_THD thd); + +/** + Get the XID for this connection's transaction + + @param thd user thread connection handle + @param xid location where identifier is stored +*/ +void thd_get_xid(const MYSQL_THD thd, MYSQL_XID *xid); + +/** + Invalidate the query cache for a given table. + + @param thd user thread connection handle + @param key databasename\\0tablename\\0 + @param key_length length of key in bytes, including the NUL bytes + @param using_trx flag: TRUE if using transactions, FALSE otherwise +*/ +void mysql_query_cache_invalidate4(MYSQL_THD thd, + const char *key, unsigned int key_length, + int using_trx); + + +/** + Provide a handler data getter to simplify coding +*/ +void *thd_get_ha_data(const MYSQL_THD thd, const struct handlerton *hton); + + +/** + Provide a handler data setter to simplify coding + + @details + Set ha_data pointer (storage engine per-connection information). + + To avoid unclean deactivation (uninstall) of storage engine plugin + in the middle of transaction, additional storage engine plugin + lock is acquired. + + If ha_data is not null and storage engine plugin was not locked + by thd_set_ha_data() in this connection before, storage engine + plugin gets locked. + + If ha_data is null and storage engine plugin was locked by + thd_set_ha_data() in this connection before, storage engine + plugin lock gets released. + + If handlerton::close_connection() didn't reset ha_data, server does + it immediately after calling handlerton::close_connection(). +*/ +void thd_set_ha_data(MYSQL_THD thd, const struct handlerton *hton, + const void *ha_data); +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_audit.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_audit.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0d3f9b8d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_audit.h @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2007, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of + the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _my_audit_h +#define _my_audit_h + +/************************************************************************* + API for Audit plugin. (MYSQL_AUDIT_PLUGIN) +*/ + +#include "plugin.h" + +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_CLASS_MASK_SIZE 1 + +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_INTERFACE_VERSION 0x0301 + + +/************************************************************************* + AUDIT CLASS : GENERAL + + LOG events occurs before emitting to the general query log. + ERROR events occur before transmitting errors to the user. + RESULT events occur after transmitting a resultset to the user. + STATUS events occur after transmitting a resultset or errors + to the user. +*/ + +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_GENERAL_CLASS 0 +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_GENERAL_CLASSMASK (1 << MYSQL_AUDIT_GENERAL_CLASS) +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_GENERAL_LOG 0 +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_GENERAL_ERROR 1 +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_GENERAL_RESULT 2 +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_GENERAL_STATUS 3 + +struct mysql_event_general +{ + unsigned int event_subclass; + int general_error_code; + unsigned long general_thread_id; + const char *general_user; + unsigned int general_user_length; + const char *general_command; + unsigned int general_command_length; + const char *general_query; + unsigned int general_query_length; + struct charset_info_st *general_charset; + unsigned long long general_time; + unsigned long long general_rows; + MYSQL_LEX_STRING general_host; + MYSQL_LEX_STRING general_sql_command; + MYSQL_LEX_STRING general_external_user; + MYSQL_LEX_STRING general_ip; +}; + + +/* + AUDIT CLASS : CONNECTION + + CONNECT occurs after authentication phase is completed. + DISCONNECT occurs after connection is terminated. + CHANGE_USER occurs after COM_CHANGE_USER RPC is completed. +*/ + +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_CONNECTION_CLASS 1 +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_CONNECTION_CLASSMASK (1 << MYSQL_AUDIT_CONNECTION_CLASS) +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_CONNECTION_CONNECT 0 +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_CONNECTION_DISCONNECT 1 +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_CONNECTION_CHANGE_USER 2 + +struct mysql_event_connection +{ + unsigned int event_subclass; + int status; + unsigned long thread_id; + const char *user; + unsigned int user_length; + const char *priv_user; + unsigned int priv_user_length; + const char *external_user; + unsigned int external_user_length; + const char *proxy_user; + unsigned int proxy_user_length; + const char *host; + unsigned int host_length; + const char *ip; + unsigned int ip_length; + const char *database; + unsigned int database_length; +}; + + +/************************************************************************* + Here we define the descriptor structure, that is referred from + st_mysql_plugin. + + release_thd() event occurs when the event class consumer is to be + disassociated from the specified THD. This would typically occur + before some operation which may require sleeping - such as when + waiting for the next query from the client. + + event_notify() is invoked whenever an event occurs which is of any + class for which the plugin has interest. The second argument + indicates the specific event class and the third argument is data + as required for that class. + + class_mask is an array of bits used to indicate what event classes + that this plugin wants to receive. +*/ + +struct st_mysql_audit +{ + int interface_version; + void (*release_thd)(MYSQL_THD); + void (*event_notify)(MYSQL_THD, unsigned int, const void *); + unsigned long class_mask[MYSQL_AUDIT_CLASS_MASK_SIZE]; +}; + + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_audit.h.pp b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_audit.h.pp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41f240546 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_audit.h.pp @@ -0,0 +1,295 @@ +#include "plugin.h" +typedef void * MYSQL_PLUGIN; +#include +#include +extern struct my_snprintf_service_st { + size_t (*my_snprintf_type)(char*, size_t, const char*, ...); + size_t (*my_vsnprintf_type)(char *, size_t, const char*, va_list); +} *my_snprintf_service; +size_t my_snprintf(char* to, size_t n, const char* fmt, ...); +size_t my_vsnprintf(char *to, size_t n, const char* fmt, va_list ap); +#include +struct st_mysql_lex_string +{ + char *str; + size_t length; +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_lex_string MYSQL_LEX_STRING; +extern struct thd_alloc_service_st { + void *(*thd_alloc_func)(void*, unsigned int); + void *(*thd_calloc_func)(void*, unsigned int); + char *(*thd_strdup_func)(void*, const char *); + char *(*thd_strmake_func)(void*, const char *, unsigned int); + void *(*thd_memdup_func)(void*, const void*, unsigned int); + MYSQL_LEX_STRING *(*thd_make_lex_string_func)(void*, MYSQL_LEX_STRING *, + const char *, unsigned int, int); +} *thd_alloc_service; +void *thd_alloc(void* thd, unsigned int size); +void *thd_calloc(void* thd, unsigned int size); +char *thd_strdup(void* thd, const char *str); +char *thd_strmake(void* thd, const char *str, unsigned int size); +void *thd_memdup(void* thd, const void* str, unsigned int size); +MYSQL_LEX_STRING *thd_make_lex_string(void* thd, MYSQL_LEX_STRING *lex_str, + const char *str, unsigned int size, + int allocate_lex_string); +#include +typedef enum _thd_wait_type_e { + THD_WAIT_SLEEP= 1, + THD_WAIT_DISKIO= 2, + THD_WAIT_ROW_LOCK= 3, + THD_WAIT_GLOBAL_LOCK= 4, + THD_WAIT_META_DATA_LOCK= 5, + THD_WAIT_TABLE_LOCK= 6, + THD_WAIT_USER_LOCK= 7, + THD_WAIT_BINLOG= 8, + THD_WAIT_GROUP_COMMIT= 9, + THD_WAIT_SYNC= 10, + THD_WAIT_LAST= 11 +} thd_wait_type; +extern struct thd_wait_service_st { + void (*thd_wait_begin_func)(void*, int); + void (*thd_wait_end_func)(void*); +} *thd_wait_service; +void thd_wait_begin(void* thd, int wait_type); +void thd_wait_end(void* thd); +#include +struct scheduler_functions; +extern struct my_thread_scheduler_service { + int (*set)(struct scheduler_functions *scheduler); + int (*reset)(); +} *my_thread_scheduler_service; +int my_thread_scheduler_set(struct scheduler_functions *scheduler); +int my_thread_scheduler_reset(); +#include +enum plugin_log_level +{ + MY_ERROR_LEVEL, + MY_WARNING_LEVEL, + MY_INFORMATION_LEVEL +}; +extern struct my_plugin_log_service +{ + int (*my_plugin_log_message)(MYSQL_PLUGIN *, enum plugin_log_level, const char *, ...); +} *my_plugin_log_service; +int my_plugin_log_message(MYSQL_PLUGIN *plugin, enum plugin_log_level level, + const char *format, ...); +#include +typedef void *mysql_string_iterator_handle; +typedef void *mysql_string_handle; +extern struct mysql_string_service_st { + int (*mysql_string_convert_to_char_ptr_type) + (mysql_string_handle, const char *, char *, unsigned int, int *); + mysql_string_iterator_handle (*mysql_string_get_iterator_type) + (mysql_string_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_next_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_isupper_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_islower_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_isdigit_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + mysql_string_handle (*mysql_string_to_lowercase_type)(mysql_string_handle); + void (*mysql_string_free_type)(mysql_string_handle); + void (*mysql_string_iterator_free_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); +} *mysql_string_service; +int mysql_string_convert_to_char_ptr(mysql_string_handle string_handle, + const char *charset_name, char *buffer, + unsigned int buffer_size, int *error); +mysql_string_iterator_handle mysql_string_get_iterator(mysql_string_handle + string_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_next(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_isupper(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_islower(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_isdigit(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +mysql_string_handle mysql_string_to_lowercase(mysql_string_handle + string_handle); +void mysql_string_free(mysql_string_handle); +void mysql_string_iterator_free(mysql_string_iterator_handle); +struct st_mysql_xid { + long formatID; + long gtrid_length; + long bqual_length; + char data[128]; +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_xid MYSQL_XID; +enum enum_mysql_show_type +{ + SHOW_UNDEF, SHOW_BOOL, + SHOW_INT, + SHOW_LONG, + SHOW_LONGLONG, + SHOW_CHAR, SHOW_CHAR_PTR, + SHOW_ARRAY, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_DOUBLE, + SHOW_always_last +}; +struct st_mysql_show_var { + const char *name; + char *value; + enum enum_mysql_show_type type; +}; +typedef int (*mysql_show_var_func)(void*, struct st_mysql_show_var*, char *); +struct st_mysql_sys_var; +struct st_mysql_value; +typedef int (*mysql_var_check_func)(void* thd, + struct st_mysql_sys_var *var, + void *save, struct st_mysql_value *value); +typedef void (*mysql_var_update_func)(void* thd, + struct st_mysql_sys_var *var, + void *var_ptr, const void *save); +struct st_mysql_plugin +{ + int type; + void *info; + const char *name; + const char *author; + const char *descr; + int license; + int (*init)(MYSQL_PLUGIN); + int (*deinit)(MYSQL_PLUGIN); + unsigned int version; + struct st_mysql_show_var *status_vars; + struct st_mysql_sys_var **system_vars; + void * __reserved1; + unsigned long flags; +}; +#include "plugin_ftparser.h" +#include "plugin.h" +enum enum_ftparser_mode +{ + MYSQL_FTPARSER_SIMPLE_MODE= 0, + MYSQL_FTPARSER_WITH_STOPWORDS= 1, + MYSQL_FTPARSER_FULL_BOOLEAN_INFO= 2 +}; +enum enum_ft_token_type +{ + FT_TOKEN_EOF= 0, + FT_TOKEN_WORD= 1, + FT_TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN= 2, + FT_TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN= 3, + FT_TOKEN_STOPWORD= 4 +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_ftparser_boolean_info +{ + enum enum_ft_token_type type; + int yesno; + int weight_adjust; + char wasign; + char trunc; + char prev; + char *quot; +} MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO; +typedef struct st_mysql_ftparser_param +{ + int (*mysql_parse)(struct st_mysql_ftparser_param *, + char *doc, int doc_len); + int (*mysql_add_word)(struct st_mysql_ftparser_param *, + char *word, int word_len, + MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO *boolean_info); + void *ftparser_state; + void *mysql_ftparam; + const struct charset_info_st *cs; + char *doc; + int length; + int flags; + enum enum_ftparser_mode mode; +} MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM; +struct st_mysql_ftparser +{ + int interface_version; + int (*parse)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); + int (*init)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); + int (*deinit)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); +}; +struct st_mysql_daemon +{ + int interface_version; +}; +struct st_mysql_information_schema +{ + int interface_version; +}; +struct st_mysql_storage_engine +{ + int interface_version; +}; +struct handlerton; + struct Mysql_replication { + int interface_version; + }; +struct st_mysql_value +{ + int (*value_type)(struct st_mysql_value *); + const char *(*val_str)(struct st_mysql_value *, char *buffer, int *length); + int (*val_real)(struct st_mysql_value *, double *realbuf); + int (*val_int)(struct st_mysql_value *, long long *intbuf); + int (*is_unsigned)(struct st_mysql_value *); +}; +int thd_in_lock_tables(const void* thd); +int thd_tablespace_op(const void* thd); +long long thd_test_options(const void* thd, long long test_options); +int thd_sql_command(const void* thd); +const char *thd_proc_info(void* thd, const char *info); +void **thd_ha_data(const void* thd, const struct handlerton *hton); +void thd_storage_lock_wait(void* thd, long long value); +int thd_tx_isolation(const void* thd); +int thd_tx_is_read_only(const void* thd); +char *thd_security_context(void* thd, char *buffer, unsigned int length, + unsigned int max_query_len); +void thd_inc_row_count(void* thd); +int thd_allow_batch(void* thd); +int mysql_tmpfile(const char *prefix); +int thd_killed(const void* thd); +void thd_binlog_pos(const void* thd, + const char **file_var, + unsigned long long *pos_var); +unsigned long thd_get_thread_id(const void* thd); +void thd_get_xid(const void* thd, MYSQL_XID *xid); +void mysql_query_cache_invalidate4(void* thd, + const char *key, unsigned int key_length, + int using_trx); +void *thd_get_ha_data(const void* thd, const struct handlerton *hton); +void thd_set_ha_data(void* thd, const struct handlerton *hton, + const void *ha_data); +struct mysql_event_general +{ + unsigned int event_subclass; + int general_error_code; + unsigned long general_thread_id; + const char *general_user; + unsigned int general_user_length; + const char *general_command; + unsigned int general_command_length; + const char *general_query; + unsigned int general_query_length; + struct charset_info_st *general_charset; + unsigned long long general_time; + unsigned long long general_rows; + MYSQL_LEX_STRING general_host; + MYSQL_LEX_STRING general_sql_command; + MYSQL_LEX_STRING general_external_user; + MYSQL_LEX_STRING general_ip; +}; +struct mysql_event_connection +{ + unsigned int event_subclass; + int status; + unsigned long thread_id; + const char *user; + unsigned int user_length; + const char *priv_user; + unsigned int priv_user_length; + const char *external_user; + unsigned int external_user_length; + const char *proxy_user; + unsigned int proxy_user_length; + const char *host; + unsigned int host_length; + const char *ip; + unsigned int ip_length; + const char *database; + unsigned int database_length; +}; +struct st_mysql_audit +{ + int interface_version; + void (*release_thd)(void*); + void (*event_notify)(void*, unsigned int, const void *); + unsigned long class_mask[1]; +}; diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_auth.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_auth.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fc661de17 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_auth.h @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +#ifndef MYSQL_PLUGIN_AUTH_INCLUDED +/* Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/** + @file + + Authentication Plugin API. + + This file defines the API for server authentication plugins. +*/ + +#define MYSQL_PLUGIN_AUTH_INCLUDED + +#include + +#define MYSQL_AUTHENTICATION_INTERFACE_VERSION 0x0100 + +#include + +/* defines for MYSQL_SERVER_AUTH_INFO.password_used */ + +#define PASSWORD_USED_NO 0 +#define PASSWORD_USED_YES 1 +#define PASSWORD_USED_NO_MENTION 2 + + +/** + Provides server plugin access to authentication information +*/ +typedef struct st_mysql_server_auth_info +{ + /** + User name as sent by the client and shown in USER(). + NULL if the client packet with the user name was not received yet. + */ + char *user_name; + + /** + Length of user_name + */ + unsigned int user_name_length; + + /** + A corresponding column value from the mysql.user table for the + matching account name + */ + const char *auth_string; + + /** + Length of auth_string + */ + unsigned long auth_string_length; + + /** + Matching account name as found in the mysql.user table. + A plugin can override it with another name that will be + used by MySQL for authorization, and shown in CURRENT_USER() + */ + char authenticated_as[MYSQL_USERNAME_LENGTH+1]; + + + /** + The unique user name that was used by the plugin to authenticate. + Plugins should put null-terminated UTF-8 here. + Available through the @@EXTERNAL_USER variable. + */ + char external_user[512]; + + /** + This only affects the "Authentication failed. Password used: %s" + error message. has the following values : + 0 : %s will be NO. + 1 : %s will be YES. + 2 : there will be no %s. + Set it as appropriate or ignore at will. + */ + int password_used; + + /** + Set to the name of the connected client host, if it can be resolved, + or to its IP address otherwise. + */ + const char *host_or_ip; + + /** + Length of host_or_ip + */ + unsigned int host_or_ip_length; + +} MYSQL_SERVER_AUTH_INFO; + +/** + Server authentication plugin descriptor +*/ +struct st_mysql_auth +{ + int interface_version; /** version plugin uses */ + /** + A plugin that a client must use for authentication with this server + plugin. Can be NULL to mean "any plugin". + */ + const char *client_auth_plugin; + /** + Function provided by the plugin which should perform authentication (using + the vio functions if necessary) and return 0 if successful. The plugin can + also fill the info.authenticated_as field if a different username should be + used for authorization. + */ + int (*authenticate_user)(MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO *vio, MYSQL_SERVER_AUTH_INFO *info); +}; +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_auth.h.pp b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_auth.h.pp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..44049322c --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_auth.h.pp @@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ +#include +typedef void * MYSQL_PLUGIN; +#include +#include +extern struct my_snprintf_service_st { + size_t (*my_snprintf_type)(char*, size_t, const char*, ...); + size_t (*my_vsnprintf_type)(char *, size_t, const char*, va_list); +} *my_snprintf_service; +size_t my_snprintf(char* to, size_t n, const char* fmt, ...); +size_t my_vsnprintf(char *to, size_t n, const char* fmt, va_list ap); +#include +struct st_mysql_lex_string +{ + char *str; + size_t length; +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_lex_string MYSQL_LEX_STRING; +extern struct thd_alloc_service_st { + void *(*thd_alloc_func)(void*, unsigned int); + void *(*thd_calloc_func)(void*, unsigned int); + char *(*thd_strdup_func)(void*, const char *); + char *(*thd_strmake_func)(void*, const char *, unsigned int); + void *(*thd_memdup_func)(void*, const void*, unsigned int); + MYSQL_LEX_STRING *(*thd_make_lex_string_func)(void*, MYSQL_LEX_STRING *, + const char *, unsigned int, int); +} *thd_alloc_service; +void *thd_alloc(void* thd, unsigned int size); +void *thd_calloc(void* thd, unsigned int size); +char *thd_strdup(void* thd, const char *str); +char *thd_strmake(void* thd, const char *str, unsigned int size); +void *thd_memdup(void* thd, const void* str, unsigned int size); +MYSQL_LEX_STRING *thd_make_lex_string(void* thd, MYSQL_LEX_STRING *lex_str, + const char *str, unsigned int size, + int allocate_lex_string); +#include +typedef enum _thd_wait_type_e { + THD_WAIT_SLEEP= 1, + THD_WAIT_DISKIO= 2, + THD_WAIT_ROW_LOCK= 3, + THD_WAIT_GLOBAL_LOCK= 4, + THD_WAIT_META_DATA_LOCK= 5, + THD_WAIT_TABLE_LOCK= 6, + THD_WAIT_USER_LOCK= 7, + THD_WAIT_BINLOG= 8, + THD_WAIT_GROUP_COMMIT= 9, + THD_WAIT_SYNC= 10, + THD_WAIT_LAST= 11 +} thd_wait_type; +extern struct thd_wait_service_st { + void (*thd_wait_begin_func)(void*, int); + void (*thd_wait_end_func)(void*); +} *thd_wait_service; +void thd_wait_begin(void* thd, int wait_type); +void thd_wait_end(void* thd); +#include +struct scheduler_functions; +extern struct my_thread_scheduler_service { + int (*set)(struct scheduler_functions *scheduler); + int (*reset)(); +} *my_thread_scheduler_service; +int my_thread_scheduler_set(struct scheduler_functions *scheduler); +int my_thread_scheduler_reset(); +#include +enum plugin_log_level +{ + MY_ERROR_LEVEL, + MY_WARNING_LEVEL, + MY_INFORMATION_LEVEL +}; +extern struct my_plugin_log_service +{ + int (*my_plugin_log_message)(MYSQL_PLUGIN *, enum plugin_log_level, const char *, ...); +} *my_plugin_log_service; +int my_plugin_log_message(MYSQL_PLUGIN *plugin, enum plugin_log_level level, + const char *format, ...); +#include +typedef void *mysql_string_iterator_handle; +typedef void *mysql_string_handle; +extern struct mysql_string_service_st { + int (*mysql_string_convert_to_char_ptr_type) + (mysql_string_handle, const char *, char *, unsigned int, int *); + mysql_string_iterator_handle (*mysql_string_get_iterator_type) + (mysql_string_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_next_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_isupper_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_islower_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_isdigit_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + mysql_string_handle (*mysql_string_to_lowercase_type)(mysql_string_handle); + void (*mysql_string_free_type)(mysql_string_handle); + void (*mysql_string_iterator_free_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); +} *mysql_string_service; +int mysql_string_convert_to_char_ptr(mysql_string_handle string_handle, + const char *charset_name, char *buffer, + unsigned int buffer_size, int *error); +mysql_string_iterator_handle mysql_string_get_iterator(mysql_string_handle + string_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_next(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_isupper(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_islower(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_isdigit(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +mysql_string_handle mysql_string_to_lowercase(mysql_string_handle + string_handle); +void mysql_string_free(mysql_string_handle); +void mysql_string_iterator_free(mysql_string_iterator_handle); +struct st_mysql_xid { + long formatID; + long gtrid_length; + long bqual_length; + char data[128]; +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_xid MYSQL_XID; +enum enum_mysql_show_type +{ + SHOW_UNDEF, SHOW_BOOL, + SHOW_INT, + SHOW_LONG, + SHOW_LONGLONG, + SHOW_CHAR, SHOW_CHAR_PTR, + SHOW_ARRAY, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_DOUBLE, + SHOW_always_last +}; +struct st_mysql_show_var { + const char *name; + char *value; + enum enum_mysql_show_type type; +}; +typedef int (*mysql_show_var_func)(void*, struct st_mysql_show_var*, char *); +struct st_mysql_sys_var; +struct st_mysql_value; +typedef int (*mysql_var_check_func)(void* thd, + struct st_mysql_sys_var *var, + void *save, struct st_mysql_value *value); +typedef void (*mysql_var_update_func)(void* thd, + struct st_mysql_sys_var *var, + void *var_ptr, const void *save); +struct st_mysql_plugin +{ + int type; + void *info; + const char *name; + const char *author; + const char *descr; + int license; + int (*init)(MYSQL_PLUGIN); + int (*deinit)(MYSQL_PLUGIN); + unsigned int version; + struct st_mysql_show_var *status_vars; + struct st_mysql_sys_var **system_vars; + void * __reserved1; + unsigned long flags; +}; +#include "plugin_ftparser.h" +#include "plugin.h" +enum enum_ftparser_mode +{ + MYSQL_FTPARSER_SIMPLE_MODE= 0, + MYSQL_FTPARSER_WITH_STOPWORDS= 1, + MYSQL_FTPARSER_FULL_BOOLEAN_INFO= 2 +}; +enum enum_ft_token_type +{ + FT_TOKEN_EOF= 0, + FT_TOKEN_WORD= 1, + FT_TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN= 2, + FT_TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN= 3, + FT_TOKEN_STOPWORD= 4 +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_ftparser_boolean_info +{ + enum enum_ft_token_type type; + int yesno; + int weight_adjust; + char wasign; + char trunc; + char prev; + char *quot; +} MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO; +typedef struct st_mysql_ftparser_param +{ + int (*mysql_parse)(struct st_mysql_ftparser_param *, + char *doc, int doc_len); + int (*mysql_add_word)(struct st_mysql_ftparser_param *, + char *word, int word_len, + MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO *boolean_info); + void *ftparser_state; + void *mysql_ftparam; + const struct charset_info_st *cs; + char *doc; + int length; + int flags; + enum enum_ftparser_mode mode; +} MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM; +struct st_mysql_ftparser +{ + int interface_version; + int (*parse)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); + int (*init)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); + int (*deinit)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); +}; +struct st_mysql_daemon +{ + int interface_version; +}; +struct st_mysql_information_schema +{ + int interface_version; +}; +struct st_mysql_storage_engine +{ + int interface_version; +}; +struct handlerton; + struct Mysql_replication { + int interface_version; + }; +struct st_mysql_value +{ + int (*value_type)(struct st_mysql_value *); + const char *(*val_str)(struct st_mysql_value *, char *buffer, int *length); + int (*val_real)(struct st_mysql_value *, double *realbuf); + int (*val_int)(struct st_mysql_value *, long long *intbuf); + int (*is_unsigned)(struct st_mysql_value *); +}; +int thd_in_lock_tables(const void* thd); +int thd_tablespace_op(const void* thd); +long long thd_test_options(const void* thd, long long test_options); +int thd_sql_command(const void* thd); +const char *thd_proc_info(void* thd, const char *info); +void **thd_ha_data(const void* thd, const struct handlerton *hton); +void thd_storage_lock_wait(void* thd, long long value); +int thd_tx_isolation(const void* thd); +int thd_tx_is_read_only(const void* thd); +char *thd_security_context(void* thd, char *buffer, unsigned int length, + unsigned int max_query_len); +void thd_inc_row_count(void* thd); +int thd_allow_batch(void* thd); +int mysql_tmpfile(const char *prefix); +int thd_killed(const void* thd); +void thd_binlog_pos(const void* thd, + const char **file_var, + unsigned long long *pos_var); +unsigned long thd_get_thread_id(const void* thd); +void thd_get_xid(const void* thd, MYSQL_XID *xid); +void mysql_query_cache_invalidate4(void* thd, + const char *key, unsigned int key_length, + int using_trx); +void *thd_get_ha_data(const void* thd, const struct handlerton *hton); +void thd_set_ha_data(void* thd, const struct handlerton *hton, + const void *ha_data); +#include +typedef struct st_plugin_vio_info +{ + enum { MYSQL_VIO_INVALID, MYSQL_VIO_TCP, MYSQL_VIO_SOCKET, + MYSQL_VIO_PIPE, MYSQL_VIO_MEMORY } protocol; + int socket; +} MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO_INFO; +typedef struct st_plugin_vio +{ + int (*read_packet)(struct st_plugin_vio *vio, + unsigned char **buf); + int (*write_packet)(struct st_plugin_vio *vio, + const unsigned char *packet, + int packet_len); + void (*info)(struct st_plugin_vio *vio, struct st_plugin_vio_info *info); +} MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO; +typedef struct st_mysql_server_auth_info +{ + char *user_name; + unsigned int user_name_length; + const char *auth_string; + unsigned long auth_string_length; + char authenticated_as[48 +1]; + char external_user[512]; + int password_used; + const char *host_or_ip; + unsigned int host_or_ip_length; +} MYSQL_SERVER_AUTH_INFO; +struct st_mysql_auth +{ + int interface_version; + const char *client_auth_plugin; + int (*authenticate_user)(MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO *vio, MYSQL_SERVER_AUTH_INFO *info); +}; diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_auth_common.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_auth_common.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a395a9fdb --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_auth_common.h @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +#ifndef MYSQL_PLUGIN_AUTH_COMMON_INCLUDED +/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/** + @file + + This file defines constants and data structures that are the same for + both client- and server-side authentication plugins. +*/ +#define MYSQL_PLUGIN_AUTH_COMMON_INCLUDED + +/** the max allowed length for a user name */ +#define MYSQL_USERNAME_LENGTH 48 + +/** + return values of the plugin authenticate_user() method. +*/ + +/** + Authentication failed, plugin internal error. + An error occurred in the authentication plugin itself. + These errors are reported in table performance_schema.host_cache, + column COUNT_AUTH_PLUGIN_ERRORS. +*/ +#define CR_AUTH_PLUGIN_ERROR 3 +/** + Authentication failed, client server handshake. + An error occurred during the client server handshake. + These errors are reported in table performance_schema.host_cache, + column COUNT_HANDSHAKE_ERRORS. +*/ +#define CR_AUTH_HANDSHAKE 2 +/** + Authentication failed, user credentials. + For example, wrong passwords. + These errors are reported in table performance_schema.host_cache, + column COUNT_AUTHENTICATION_ERRORS. +*/ +#define CR_AUTH_USER_CREDENTIALS 1 +/** + Authentication failed. Additionally, all other CR_xxx values + (libmysql error code) can be used too. + + The client plugin may set the error code and the error message directly + in the MYSQL structure and return CR_ERROR. If a CR_xxx specific error + code was returned, an error message in the MYSQL structure will be + overwritten. If CR_ERROR is returned without setting the error in MYSQL, + CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR will be user. +*/ +#define CR_ERROR 0 +/** + Authentication (client part) was successful. It does not mean that the + authentication as a whole was successful, usually it only means + that the client was able to send the user name and the password to the + server. If CR_OK is returned, the libmysql reads the next packet expecting + it to be one of OK, ERROR, or CHANGE_PLUGIN packets. +*/ +#define CR_OK -1 +/** + Authentication was successful. + It means that the client has done its part successfully and also that + a plugin has read the last packet (one of OK, ERROR, CHANGE_PLUGIN). + In this case, libmysql will not read a packet from the server, + but it will use the data at mysql->net.read_pos. + + A plugin may return this value if the number of roundtrips in the + authentication protocol is not known in advance, and the client plugin + needs to read one packet more to determine if the authentication is finished + or not. +*/ +#define CR_OK_HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE -2 + +typedef struct st_plugin_vio_info +{ + enum { MYSQL_VIO_INVALID, MYSQL_VIO_TCP, MYSQL_VIO_SOCKET, + MYSQL_VIO_PIPE, MYSQL_VIO_MEMORY } protocol; + int socket; /**< it's set, if the protocol is SOCKET or TCP */ +#ifdef _WIN32 + HANDLE handle; /**< it's set, if the protocol is PIPE or MEMORY */ +#endif +} MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO_INFO; + +/** + Provides plugin access to communication channel +*/ +typedef struct st_plugin_vio +{ + /** + Plugin provides a pointer reference and this function sets it to the + contents of any incoming packet. Returns the packet length, or -1 if + the plugin should terminate. + */ + int (*read_packet)(struct st_plugin_vio *vio, + unsigned char **buf); + + /** + Plugin provides a buffer with data and the length and this + function sends it as a packet. Returns 0 on success, 1 on failure. + */ + int (*write_packet)(struct st_plugin_vio *vio, + const unsigned char *packet, + int packet_len); + + /** + Fills in a st_plugin_vio_info structure, providing the information + about the connection. + */ + void (*info)(struct st_plugin_vio *vio, struct st_plugin_vio_info *info); + +} MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO; + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_ftparser.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_ftparser.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3816a0f8e --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_ftparser.h @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _my_plugin_ftparser_h +#define _my_plugin_ftparser_h +#include "plugin.h" + +/************************************************************************* + API for Full-text parser plugin. (MYSQL_FTPARSER_PLUGIN) +*/ + +#define MYSQL_FTPARSER_INTERFACE_VERSION 0x0100 + +/* Parsing modes. Set in MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM::mode */ +enum enum_ftparser_mode +{ +/* + Fast and simple mode. This mode is used for indexing, and natural + language queries. + + The parser is expected to return only those words that go into the + index. Stopwords or too short/long words should not be returned. The + 'boolean_info' argument of mysql_add_word() does not have to be set. +*/ + MYSQL_FTPARSER_SIMPLE_MODE= 0, + +/* + Parse with stopwords mode. This mode is used in boolean searches for + "phrase matching." + + The parser is not allowed to ignore words in this mode. Every word + should be returned, including stopwords and words that are too short + or long. The 'boolean_info' argument of mysql_add_word() does not + have to be set. +*/ + MYSQL_FTPARSER_WITH_STOPWORDS= 1, + +/* + Parse in boolean mode. This mode is used to parse a boolean query string. + + The parser should provide a valid MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO + structure in the 'boolean_info' argument to mysql_add_word(). + Usually that means that the parser should recognize boolean operators + in the parsing stream and set appropriate fields in + MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO structure accordingly. As for + MYSQL_FTPARSER_WITH_STOPWORDS mode, no word should be ignored. + Instead, use FT_TOKEN_STOPWORD for the token type of such a word. +*/ + MYSQL_FTPARSER_FULL_BOOLEAN_INFO= 2 +}; + +/* + Token types for boolean mode searching (used for the type member of + MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO struct) + + FT_TOKEN_EOF: End of data. + FT_TOKEN_WORD: Regular word. + FT_TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN: Left parenthesis (start of group/sub-expression). + FT_TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN: Right parenthesis (end of group/sub-expression). + FT_TOKEN_STOPWORD: Stopword. +*/ + +enum enum_ft_token_type +{ + FT_TOKEN_EOF= 0, + FT_TOKEN_WORD= 1, + FT_TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN= 2, + FT_TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN= 3, + FT_TOKEN_STOPWORD= 4 +}; + +/* + This structure is used in boolean search mode only. It conveys + boolean-mode metadata to the MySQL search engine for every word in + the search query. A valid instance of this structure must be filled + in by the plugin parser and passed as an argument in the call to + mysql_add_word (the callback function in the MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM + structure) when a query is parsed in boolean mode. + + type: The token type. Should be one of the enum_ft_token_type values. + + yesno: Whether the word must be present for a match to occur: + >0 Must be present + <0 Must not be present + 0 Neither; the word is optional but its presence increases the relevance + With the default settings of the ft_boolean_syntax system variable, + >0 corresponds to the '+' operator, <0 corrresponds to the '-' operator, + and 0 means neither operator was used. + + weight_adjust: A weighting factor that determines how much a match + for the word counts. Positive values increase, negative - decrease the + relative word's importance in the query. + + wasign: The sign of the word's weight in the query. If it's non-negative + the match for the word will increase document relevance, if it's + negative - decrease (the word becomes a "noise word", the less of it the + better). + + trunc: Corresponds to the '*' operator in the default setting of the + ft_boolean_syntax system variable. +*/ + +typedef struct st_mysql_ftparser_boolean_info +{ + enum enum_ft_token_type type; + int yesno; + int weight_adjust; + char wasign; + char trunc; + /* These are parser state and must be removed. */ + char prev; + char *quot; +} MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO; + +/* + The following flag means that buffer with a string (document, word) + may be overwritten by the caller before the end of the parsing (that is + before st_mysql_ftparser::deinit() call). If one needs the string + to survive between two successive calls of the parsing function, she + needs to save a copy of it. The flag may be set by MySQL before calling + st_mysql_ftparser::parse(), or it may be set by a plugin before calling + st_mysql_ftparser_param::mysql_parse() or + st_mysql_ftparser_param::mysql_add_word(). +*/ +#define MYSQL_FTFLAGS_NEED_COPY 1 + +/* + An argument of the full-text parser plugin. This structure is + filled in by MySQL server and passed to the parsing function of the + plugin as an in/out parameter. + + mysql_parse: A pointer to the built-in parser implementation of the + server. It's set by the server and can be used by the parser plugin + to invoke the MySQL default parser. If plugin's role is to extract + textual data from .doc, .pdf or .xml content, it might extract + plaintext from the content, and then pass the text to the default + MySQL parser to be parsed. + + mysql_add_word: A server callback to add a new word. When parsing + a document, the server sets this to point at a function that adds + the word to MySQL full-text index. When parsing a search query, + this function will add the new word to the list of words to search + for. The boolean_info argument can be NULL for all cases except + when mode is MYSQL_FTPARSER_FULL_BOOLEAN_INFO. + + ftparser_state: A generic pointer. The plugin can set it to point + to information to be used internally for its own purposes. + + mysql_ftparam: This is set by the server. It is used by MySQL functions + called via mysql_parse() and mysql_add_word() callback. The plugin + should not modify it. + + cs: Information about the character set of the document or query string. + + doc: A pointer to the document or query string to be parsed. + + length: Length of the document or query string, in bytes. + + flags: See MYSQL_FTFLAGS_* constants above. + + mode: The parsing mode. With boolean operators, with stopwords, or + nothing. See enum_ftparser_mode above. +*/ + +typedef struct st_mysql_ftparser_param +{ + int (*mysql_parse)(struct st_mysql_ftparser_param *, + char *doc, int doc_len); + int (*mysql_add_word)(struct st_mysql_ftparser_param *, + char *word, int word_len, + MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO *boolean_info); + void *ftparser_state; + void *mysql_ftparam; + const struct charset_info_st *cs; + char *doc; + int length; + int flags; + enum enum_ftparser_mode mode; +} MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM; + +/* + Full-text parser descriptor. + + interface_version is, e.g., MYSQL_FTPARSER_INTERFACE_VERSION. + The parsing, initialization, and deinitialization functions are + invoked per SQL statement for which the parser is used. +*/ + +struct st_mysql_ftparser +{ + int interface_version; + int (*parse)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); + int (*init)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); + int (*deinit)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); +}; + + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_ftparser.h.pp b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_ftparser.h.pp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a8b0c66a --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_ftparser.h.pp @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +#include "plugin.h" +typedef void * MYSQL_PLUGIN; +#include +#include +extern struct my_snprintf_service_st { + size_t (*my_snprintf_type)(char*, size_t, const char*, ...); + size_t (*my_vsnprintf_type)(char *, size_t, const char*, va_list); +} *my_snprintf_service; +size_t my_snprintf(char* to, size_t n, const char* fmt, ...); +size_t my_vsnprintf(char *to, size_t n, const char* fmt, va_list ap); +#include +struct st_mysql_lex_string +{ + char *str; + size_t length; +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_lex_string MYSQL_LEX_STRING; +extern struct thd_alloc_service_st { + void *(*thd_alloc_func)(void*, unsigned int); + void *(*thd_calloc_func)(void*, unsigned int); + char *(*thd_strdup_func)(void*, const char *); + char *(*thd_strmake_func)(void*, const char *, unsigned int); + void *(*thd_memdup_func)(void*, const void*, unsigned int); + MYSQL_LEX_STRING *(*thd_make_lex_string_func)(void*, MYSQL_LEX_STRING *, + const char *, unsigned int, int); +} *thd_alloc_service; +void *thd_alloc(void* thd, unsigned int size); +void *thd_calloc(void* thd, unsigned int size); +char *thd_strdup(void* thd, const char *str); +char *thd_strmake(void* thd, const char *str, unsigned int size); +void *thd_memdup(void* thd, const void* str, unsigned int size); +MYSQL_LEX_STRING *thd_make_lex_string(void* thd, MYSQL_LEX_STRING *lex_str, + const char *str, unsigned int size, + int allocate_lex_string); +#include +typedef enum _thd_wait_type_e { + THD_WAIT_SLEEP= 1, + THD_WAIT_DISKIO= 2, + THD_WAIT_ROW_LOCK= 3, + THD_WAIT_GLOBAL_LOCK= 4, + THD_WAIT_META_DATA_LOCK= 5, + THD_WAIT_TABLE_LOCK= 6, + THD_WAIT_USER_LOCK= 7, + THD_WAIT_BINLOG= 8, + THD_WAIT_GROUP_COMMIT= 9, + THD_WAIT_SYNC= 10, + THD_WAIT_LAST= 11 +} thd_wait_type; +extern struct thd_wait_service_st { + void (*thd_wait_begin_func)(void*, int); + void (*thd_wait_end_func)(void*); +} *thd_wait_service; +void thd_wait_begin(void* thd, int wait_type); +void thd_wait_end(void* thd); +#include +struct scheduler_functions; +extern struct my_thread_scheduler_service { + int (*set)(struct scheduler_functions *scheduler); + int (*reset)(); +} *my_thread_scheduler_service; +int my_thread_scheduler_set(struct scheduler_functions *scheduler); +int my_thread_scheduler_reset(); +#include +enum plugin_log_level +{ + MY_ERROR_LEVEL, + MY_WARNING_LEVEL, + MY_INFORMATION_LEVEL +}; +extern struct my_plugin_log_service +{ + int (*my_plugin_log_message)(MYSQL_PLUGIN *, enum plugin_log_level, const char *, ...); +} *my_plugin_log_service; +int my_plugin_log_message(MYSQL_PLUGIN *plugin, enum plugin_log_level level, + const char *format, ...); +#include +typedef void *mysql_string_iterator_handle; +typedef void *mysql_string_handle; +extern struct mysql_string_service_st { + int (*mysql_string_convert_to_char_ptr_type) + (mysql_string_handle, const char *, char *, unsigned int, int *); + mysql_string_iterator_handle (*mysql_string_get_iterator_type) + (mysql_string_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_next_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_isupper_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_islower_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_isdigit_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + mysql_string_handle (*mysql_string_to_lowercase_type)(mysql_string_handle); + void (*mysql_string_free_type)(mysql_string_handle); + void (*mysql_string_iterator_free_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); +} *mysql_string_service; +int mysql_string_convert_to_char_ptr(mysql_string_handle string_handle, + const char *charset_name, char *buffer, + unsigned int buffer_size, int *error); +mysql_string_iterator_handle mysql_string_get_iterator(mysql_string_handle + string_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_next(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_isupper(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_islower(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_isdigit(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +mysql_string_handle mysql_string_to_lowercase(mysql_string_handle + string_handle); +void mysql_string_free(mysql_string_handle); +void mysql_string_iterator_free(mysql_string_iterator_handle); +struct st_mysql_xid { + long formatID; + long gtrid_length; + long bqual_length; + char data[128]; +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_xid MYSQL_XID; +enum enum_mysql_show_type +{ + SHOW_UNDEF, SHOW_BOOL, + SHOW_INT, + SHOW_LONG, + SHOW_LONGLONG, + SHOW_CHAR, SHOW_CHAR_PTR, + SHOW_ARRAY, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_DOUBLE, + SHOW_always_last +}; +struct st_mysql_show_var { + const char *name; + char *value; + enum enum_mysql_show_type type; +}; +typedef int (*mysql_show_var_func)(void*, struct st_mysql_show_var*, char *); +struct st_mysql_sys_var; +struct st_mysql_value; +typedef int (*mysql_var_check_func)(void* thd, + struct st_mysql_sys_var *var, + void *save, struct st_mysql_value *value); +typedef void (*mysql_var_update_func)(void* thd, + struct st_mysql_sys_var *var, + void *var_ptr, const void *save); +struct st_mysql_plugin +{ + int type; + void *info; + const char *name; + const char *author; + const char *descr; + int license; + int (*init)(MYSQL_PLUGIN); + int (*deinit)(MYSQL_PLUGIN); + unsigned int version; + struct st_mysql_show_var *status_vars; + struct st_mysql_sys_var **system_vars; + void * __reserved1; + unsigned long flags; +}; +#include "plugin_ftparser.h" +struct st_mysql_daemon +{ + int interface_version; +}; +struct st_mysql_information_schema +{ + int interface_version; +}; +struct st_mysql_storage_engine +{ + int interface_version; +}; +struct handlerton; + struct Mysql_replication { + int interface_version; + }; +struct st_mysql_value +{ + int (*value_type)(struct st_mysql_value *); + const char *(*val_str)(struct st_mysql_value *, char *buffer, int *length); + int (*val_real)(struct st_mysql_value *, double *realbuf); + int (*val_int)(struct st_mysql_value *, long long *intbuf); + int (*is_unsigned)(struct st_mysql_value *); +}; +int thd_in_lock_tables(const void* thd); +int thd_tablespace_op(const void* thd); +long long thd_test_options(const void* thd, long long test_options); +int thd_sql_command(const void* thd); +const char *thd_proc_info(void* thd, const char *info); +void **thd_ha_data(const void* thd, const struct handlerton *hton); +void thd_storage_lock_wait(void* thd, long long value); +int thd_tx_isolation(const void* thd); +int thd_tx_is_read_only(const void* thd); +char *thd_security_context(void* thd, char *buffer, unsigned int length, + unsigned int max_query_len); +void thd_inc_row_count(void* thd); +int thd_allow_batch(void* thd); +int mysql_tmpfile(const char *prefix); +int thd_killed(const void* thd); +void thd_binlog_pos(const void* thd, + const char **file_var, + unsigned long long *pos_var); +unsigned long thd_get_thread_id(const void* thd); +void thd_get_xid(const void* thd, MYSQL_XID *xid); +void mysql_query_cache_invalidate4(void* thd, + const char *key, unsigned int key_length, + int using_trx); +void *thd_get_ha_data(const void* thd, const struct handlerton *hton); +void thd_set_ha_data(void* thd, const struct handlerton *hton, + const void *ha_data); +enum enum_ftparser_mode +{ + MYSQL_FTPARSER_SIMPLE_MODE= 0, + MYSQL_FTPARSER_WITH_STOPWORDS= 1, + MYSQL_FTPARSER_FULL_BOOLEAN_INFO= 2 +}; +enum enum_ft_token_type +{ + FT_TOKEN_EOF= 0, + FT_TOKEN_WORD= 1, + FT_TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN= 2, + FT_TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN= 3, + FT_TOKEN_STOPWORD= 4 +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_ftparser_boolean_info +{ + enum enum_ft_token_type type; + int yesno; + int weight_adjust; + char wasign; + char trunc; + char prev; + char *quot; +} MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO; +typedef struct st_mysql_ftparser_param +{ + int (*mysql_parse)(struct st_mysql_ftparser_param *, + char *doc, int doc_len); + int (*mysql_add_word)(struct st_mysql_ftparser_param *, + char *word, int word_len, + MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO *boolean_info); + void *ftparser_state; + void *mysql_ftparam; + const struct charset_info_st *cs; + char *doc; + int length; + int flags; + enum enum_ftparser_mode mode; +} MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM; +struct st_mysql_ftparser +{ + int interface_version; + int (*parse)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); + int (*init)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); + int (*deinit)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); +}; diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_validate_password.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_validate_password.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cd861d990 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_validate_password.h @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* Copyright © 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MYSQL_PLUGIN_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_INCLUDED +#define MYSQL_PLUGIN_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_INCLUDED + +/* API for validate_password plugin. (MYSQL_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_PLUGIN) */ + +#include +#define MYSQL_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_INTERFACE_VERSION 0x0100 + +/* + The descriptor structure for the plugin, that is referred from + st_mysql_plugin. +*/ + +typedef void* mysql_string_handle; + +struct st_mysql_validate_password +{ + int interface_version; + /* + This function retuns TRUE for passwords which satisfy the password + policy (as choosen by plugin variable) and FALSE for all other + password + */ + int (*validate_password)(mysql_string_handle password); + /* + This function returns the password strength (0-100) depending + upon the policies + */ + int (*get_password_strength)(mysql_string_handle password); +}; +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_file.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_file.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c839b2b01 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_file.h @@ -0,0 +1,1421 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ + +#ifndef MYSQL_FILE_H +#define MYSQL_FILE_H + +#include + +/* For strlen() */ +#include +/* For MY_STAT */ +#include +/* For my_chsize */ +#include + +/** + @file mysql/psi/mysql_file.h + Instrumentation helpers for mysys file io. + This header file provides the necessary declarations + to use the mysys file API with the performance schema instrumentation. + In some compilers (SunStudio), 'static inline' functions, when declared + but not used, are not optimized away (because they are unused) by default, + so that including a static inline function from a header file does + create unwanted dependencies, causing unresolved symbols at link time. + Other compilers, like gcc, optimize these dependencies by default. + + Since the instrumented APIs declared here are wrapper on top + of mysys file io APIs, including mysql/psi/mysql_file.h assumes that + the dependency on my_sys already exists. +*/ + +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" + +/** + @defgroup File_instrumentation File Instrumentation + @ingroup Instrumentation_interface + @{ +*/ + +/** + @def mysql_file_register(P1, P2, P3) + File registration. +*/ +#define mysql_file_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_register(P1, P2, P3) + +/** + @def mysql_file_fgets(P1, P2, F) + Instrumented fgets. + @c mysql_file_fgets is a replacement for @c fgets. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fgets(P1, P2, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_fgets(__FILE__, __LINE__, P1, P2, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_fgets(P1, P2, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_fgets(P1, P2, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_fgetc(F) + Instrumented fgetc. + @c mysql_file_fgetc is a replacement for @c fgetc. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fgetc(F) inline_mysql_file_fgetc(__FILE__, __LINE__, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_fgetc(F) inline_mysql_file_fgetc(F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_fputs(P1, F) + Instrumented fputs. + @c mysql_file_fputs is a replacement for @c fputs. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fputs(P1, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_fputs(__FILE__, __LINE__, P1, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_fputs(P1, F)\ + inline_mysql_file_fputs(P1, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_fputc(P1, F) + Instrumented fputc. + @c mysql_file_fputc is a replacement for @c fputc. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fputc(P1, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_fputc(__FILE__, __LINE__, P1, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_fputc(P1, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_fputc(P1, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_fprintf + Instrumented fprintf. + @c mysql_file_fprintf is a replacement for @c fprintf. +*/ +#define mysql_file_fprintf inline_mysql_file_fprintf + +/** + @def mysql_file_vfprintf(F, P1, P2) + Instrumented vfprintf. + @c mysql_file_vfprintf is a replacement for @c vfprintf. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_vfprintf(F, P1, P2) \ + inline_mysql_file_vfprintf(__FILE__, __LINE__, F, P1, P2) +#else + #define mysql_file_vfprintf(F, P1, P2) \ + inline_mysql_file_vfprintf(F, P1, P2) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_fflush(F, P1, P2) + Instrumented fflush. + @c mysql_file_fflush is a replacement for @c fflush. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fflush(F) \ + inline_mysql_file_fflush(__FILE__, __LINE__, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_fflush(F) \ + inline_mysql_file_fflush(F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_feof(F) + Instrumented feof. + @c mysql_file_feof is a replacement for @c feof. +*/ +#define mysql_file_feof(F) inline_mysql_file_feof(F) + +/** + @def mysql_file_fstat(FN, S, FL) + Instrumented fstat. + @c mysql_file_fstat is a replacement for @c my_fstat. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fstat(FN, S, FL) \ + inline_mysql_file_fstat(__FILE__, __LINE__, FN, S, FL) +#else + #define mysql_file_fstat(FN, S, FL) \ + inline_mysql_file_fstat(FN, S, FL) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_stat(K, FN, S, FL) + Instrumented stat. + @c mysql_file_stat is a replacement for @c my_stat. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_stat(K, FN, S, FL) \ + inline_mysql_file_stat(K, __FILE__, __LINE__, FN, S, FL) +#else + #define mysql_file_stat(K, FN, S, FL) \ + inline_mysql_file_stat(FN, S, FL) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_chsize(F, P1, P2, P3) + Instrumented chsize. + @c mysql_file_chsize is a replacement for @c my_chsize. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_chsize(F, P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_chsize(__FILE__, __LINE__, F, P1, P2, P3) +#else + #define mysql_file_chsize(F, P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_chsize(F, P1, P2, P3) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_fopen(K, N, F1, F2) + Instrumented fopen. + @c mysql_file_fopen is a replacement for @c my_fopen. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fopen(K, N, F1, F2) \ + inline_mysql_file_fopen(K, __FILE__, __LINE__, N, F1, F2) +#else + #define mysql_file_fopen(K, N, F1, F2) \ + inline_mysql_file_fopen(N, F1, F2) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_fclose(FD, FL) + Instrumented fclose. + @c mysql_file_fclose is a replacement for @c my_fclose. + Without the instrumentation, this call will have the same behavior as the + undocumented and possibly platform specific my_fclose(NULL, ...) behavior. + With the instrumentation, mysql_fclose(NULL, ...) will safely return 0, + which is an extension compared to my_fclose and is therefore compliant. + mysql_fclose is on purpose *not* implementing + @code DBUG_ASSERT(file != NULL) @endcode, + since doing so could introduce regressions. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fclose(FD, FL) \ + inline_mysql_file_fclose(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, FL) +#else + #define mysql_file_fclose(FD, FL) \ + inline_mysql_file_fclose(FD, FL) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_fread(FD, P1, P2, P3) + Instrumented fread. + @c mysql_file_fread is a replacement for @c my_fread. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fread(FD, P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_fread(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, P1, P2, P3) +#else + #define mysql_file_fread(FD, P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_fread(FD, P1, P2, P3) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_fwrite(FD, P1, P2, P3) + Instrumented fwrite. + @c mysql_file_fwrite is a replacement for @c my_fwrite. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fwrite(FD, P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_fwrite(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, P1, P2, P3) +#else + #define mysql_file_fwrite(FD, P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_fwrite(FD, P1, P2, P3) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_fseek(FD, P, W, F) + Instrumented fseek. + @c mysql_file_fseek is a replacement for @c my_fseek. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fseek(FD, P, W, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_fseek(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, P, W, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_fseek(FD, P, W, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_fseek(FD, P, W, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_ftell(FD, F) + Instrumented ftell. + @c mysql_file_ftell is a replacement for @c my_ftell. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_ftell(FD, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_ftell(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_ftell(FD, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_ftell(FD, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_create(K, N, F1, F2, F3) + Instrumented create. + @c mysql_file_create is a replacement for @c my_create. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_create(K, N, F1, F2, F3) \ + inline_mysql_file_create(K, __FILE__, __LINE__, N, F1, F2, F3) +#else + #define mysql_file_create(K, N, F1, F2, F3) \ + inline_mysql_file_create(N, F1, F2, F3) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_create_temp(K, T, D, P, M, F) + Instrumented create_temp_file. + @c mysql_file_create_temp is a replacement for @c create_temp_file. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_create_temp(K, T, D, P, M, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_create_temp(K, T, D, P, M, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_create_temp(K, T, D, P, M, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_create_temp(T, D, P, M, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_open(K, N, F1, F2) + Instrumented open. + @c mysql_file_open is a replacement for @c my_open. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_open(K, N, F1, F2) \ + inline_mysql_file_open(K, __FILE__, __LINE__, N, F1, F2) +#else + #define mysql_file_open(K, N, F1, F2) \ + inline_mysql_file_open(N, F1, F2) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_close(FD, F) + Instrumented close. + @c mysql_file_close is a replacement for @c my_close. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_close(FD, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_close(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_close(FD, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_close(FD, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_read(FD, B, S, F) + Instrumented read. + @c mysql_read is a replacement for @c my_read. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_read(FD, B, S, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_read(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, B, S, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_read(FD, B, S, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_read(FD, B, S, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_write(FD, B, S, F) + Instrumented write. + @c mysql_file_write is a replacement for @c my_write. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_write(FD, B, S, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_write(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, B, S, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_write(FD, B, S, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_write(FD, B, S, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_pread(FD, B, S, O, F) + Instrumented pread. + @c mysql_pread is a replacement for @c my_pread. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_pread(FD, B, S, O, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_pread(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, B, S, O, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_pread(FD, B, S, O, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_pread(FD, B, S, O, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_pwrite(FD, B, S, O, F) + Instrumented pwrite. + @c mysql_file_pwrite is a replacement for @c my_pwrite. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_pwrite(FD, B, S, O, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_pwrite(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, B, S, O, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_pwrite(FD, B, S, O, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_pwrite(FD, B, S, O, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_seek(FD, P, W, F) + Instrumented seek. + @c mysql_file_seek is a replacement for @c my_seek. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_seek(FD, P, W, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_seek(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, P, W, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_seek(FD, P, W, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_seek(FD, P, W, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_tell(FD, F) + Instrumented tell. + @c mysql_file_tell is a replacement for @c my_tell. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_tell(FD, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_tell(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_tell(FD, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_tell(FD, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_delete(K, P1, P2) + Instrumented delete. + @c mysql_file_delete is a replacement for @c my_delete. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_delete(K, P1, P2) \ + inline_mysql_file_delete(K, __FILE__, __LINE__, P1, P2) +#else + #define mysql_file_delete(K, P1, P2) \ + inline_mysql_file_delete(P1, P2) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_rename(K, P1, P2, P3) + Instrumented rename. + @c mysql_file_rename is a replacement for @c my_rename. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_rename(K, P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_rename(K, __FILE__, __LINE__, P1, P2, P3) +#else + #define mysql_file_rename(K, P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_rename(P1, P2, P3) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_create_with_symlink(K, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) + Instrumented create with symbolic link. + @c mysql_file_create_with_symlink is a replacement + for @c my_create_with_symlink. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_create_with_symlink(K, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) \ + inline_mysql_file_create_with_symlink(K, __FILE__, __LINE__, \ + P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) +#else + #define mysql_file_create_with_symlink(K, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) \ + inline_mysql_file_create_with_symlink(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(K, P1, P2) + Instrumented delete with symbolic link. + @c mysql_file_delete_with_symlink is a replacement + for @c my_delete_with_symlink. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(K, P1, P2) \ + inline_mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(K, __FILE__, __LINE__, P1, P2) +#else + #define mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(K, P1, P2) \ + inline_mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(P1, P2) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_rename_with_symlink(K, P1, P2, P3) + Instrumented rename with symbolic link. + @c mysql_file_rename_with_symlink is a replacement + for @c my_rename_with_symlink. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_rename_with_symlink(K, P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_rename_with_symlink(K, __FILE__, __LINE__, P1, P2, P3) +#else + #define mysql_file_rename_with_symlink(K, P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_rename_with_symlink(P1, P2, P3) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_sync(P1, P2) + Instrumented file sync. + @c mysql_file_sync is a replacement for @c my_sync. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_sync(P1, P2) \ + inline_mysql_file_sync(__FILE__, __LINE__, P1, P2) +#else + #define mysql_file_sync(P1, P2) \ + inline_mysql_file_sync(P1, P2) +#endif + +/** + An instrumented FILE structure. + @sa MYSQL_FILE +*/ +struct st_mysql_file +{ + /** The real file. */ + FILE *m_file; + /** + The instrumentation hook. + Note that this hook is not conditionally defined, + for binary compatibility of the @c MYSQL_FILE interface. + */ + struct PSI_file *m_psi; +}; + +/** + Type of an instrumented file. + @c MYSQL_FILE is a drop-in replacement for @c FILE. + @sa mysql_file_open +*/ +typedef struct st_mysql_file MYSQL_FILE; + +static inline void inline_mysql_file_register( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *category, + PSI_file_info *info, + int count +#else + const char *category __attribute__ ((unused)), + void *info __attribute__ ((unused)), + int count __attribute__ ((unused)) +#endif +) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_FILE_CALL(register_file)(category, info, count); +#endif +} + +static inline char * +inline_mysql_file_fgets( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + char *str, int size, MYSQL_FILE *file) +{ + char *result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_READ); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) size, src_file, src_line); + result= fgets(str, size, file->m_file); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, result ? strlen(result) : 0); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= fgets(str, size, file->m_file); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_fgetc( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_FILE *file) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_READ); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 1, src_file, src_line); + result= fgetc(file->m_file); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 1); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= fgetc(file->m_file); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_fputs( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + const char *str, MYSQL_FILE *file) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + size_t bytes; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_WRITE); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + bytes= str ? strlen(str) : 0; + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, bytes, src_file, src_line); + result= fputs(str, file->m_file); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, bytes); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= fputs(str, file->m_file); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_fputc( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + char c, MYSQL_FILE *file) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_WRITE); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 1, src_file, src_line); + result= fputc(c, file->m_file); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 1); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= fputc(c, file->m_file); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_fprintf(MYSQL_FILE *file, const char *format, ...) +{ + /* + TODO: figure out how to pass src_file and src_line from the caller. + */ + int result; + va_list args; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_WRITE); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, __FILE__, __LINE__); + va_start(args, format); + result= vfprintf(file->m_file, format, args); + va_end(args); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) result); + return result; + } +#endif + + va_start(args, format); + result= vfprintf(file->m_file, format, args); + va_end(args); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_vfprintf( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_FILE *file, const char *format, va_list args) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_WRITE); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, src_file, src_line); + result= vfprintf(file->m_file, format, args); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) result); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= vfprintf(file->m_file, format, args); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_fflush( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_FILE *file) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_FLUSH); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, src_file, src_line); + result= fflush(file->m_file); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= fflush(file->m_file); + return result; +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_file_feof(MYSQL_FILE *file) +{ + /* Not instrumented, there is no wait involved */ + return feof(file->m_file); +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_fstat( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + int filenr, MY_STAT *stat_area, myf flags) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_descriptor_locker) + (&state, filenr, PSI_FILE_FSTAT); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, src_file, src_line); + result= my_fstat(filenr, stat_area, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_fstat(filenr, stat_area, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline MY_STAT * +inline_mysql_file_stat( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_file_key key, const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + const char *path, MY_STAT *stat_area, myf flags) +{ + MY_STAT *result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_name_locker) + (&state, key, PSI_FILE_STAT, path, &locker); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_open_wait)(locker, src_file, src_line); + result= my_stat(path, stat_area, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_open_wait)(locker, result); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_stat(path, stat_area, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_chsize( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + File file, my_off_t newlength, int filler, myf flags) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_descriptor_locker) + (&state, file, PSI_FILE_CHSIZE); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) newlength, src_file, + src_line); + result= my_chsize(file, newlength, filler, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) newlength); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_chsize(file, newlength, filler, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline MYSQL_FILE* +inline_mysql_file_fopen( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_file_key key, const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + const char *filename, int flags, myf myFlags) +{ + MYSQL_FILE *that; + that= (MYSQL_FILE*) my_malloc(sizeof(MYSQL_FILE), MYF(MY_WME)); + if (likely(that != NULL)) + { +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_name_locker) + (&state, key, PSI_FILE_STREAM_OPEN, filename, that); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_open_wait) + (locker, src_file, src_line); + that->m_file= my_fopen(filename, flags, myFlags); + that->m_psi= PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_open_wait)(locker, that->m_file); + if (unlikely(that->m_file == NULL)) + { + my_free(that); + return NULL; + } + return that; + } +#endif + + that->m_psi= NULL; + that->m_file= my_fopen(filename, flags, myFlags); + if (unlikely(that->m_file == NULL)) + { + my_free(that); + return NULL; + } + } + return that; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_fclose( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_FILE *file, myf flags) +{ + int result= 0; + if (likely(file != NULL)) + { +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_STREAM_CLOSE); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_close_wait)(locker, src_file, src_line); + result= my_fclose(file->m_file, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_close_wait)(locker, result); + my_free(file); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_fclose(file->m_file, flags); + my_free(file); + } + return result; +} + +static inline size_t +inline_mysql_file_fread( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_FILE *file, uchar *buffer, size_t count, myf flags) +{ + size_t result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + size_t bytes_read; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_READ); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, count, src_file, src_line); + result= my_fread(file->m_file, buffer, count, flags); + if (flags & (MY_NABP | MY_FNABP)) + bytes_read= (result == 0) ? count : 0; + else + bytes_read= (result != MY_FILE_ERROR) ? result : 0; + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, bytes_read); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_fread(file->m_file, buffer, count, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline size_t +inline_mysql_file_fwrite( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_FILE *file, const uchar *buffer, size_t count, myf flags) +{ + size_t result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + size_t bytes_written; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_WRITE); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, count, src_file, src_line); + result= my_fwrite(file->m_file, buffer, count, flags); + if (flags & (MY_NABP | MY_FNABP)) + bytes_written= (result == 0) ? count : 0; + else + bytes_written= (result != MY_FILE_ERROR) ? result : 0; + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, bytes_written); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_fwrite(file->m_file, buffer, count, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline my_off_t +inline_mysql_file_fseek( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_FILE *file, my_off_t pos, int whence, myf flags) +{ + my_off_t result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_SEEK); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, src_file, src_line); + result= my_fseek(file->m_file, pos, whence, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_fseek(file->m_file, pos, whence, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline my_off_t +inline_mysql_file_ftell( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_FILE *file, myf flags) +{ + my_off_t result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_TELL); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, src_file, src_line); + result= my_ftell(file->m_file, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_ftell(file->m_file, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline File +inline_mysql_file_create( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_file_key key, const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + const char *filename, int create_flags, int access_flags, myf myFlags) +{ + File file; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_name_locker) + (&state, key, PSI_FILE_CREATE, filename, &locker); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_open_wait)(locker, src_file, src_line); + file= my_create(filename, create_flags, access_flags, myFlags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_open_wait_and_bind_to_descriptor)(locker, file); + return file; + } +#endif + + file= my_create(filename, create_flags, access_flags, myFlags); + return file; +} + +static inline File +inline_mysql_file_create_temp( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_file_key key, +#endif + char *to, const char *dir, const char *pfx, int mode, myf myFlags) +{ + File file; + /* + TODO: This event is instrumented, but not timed. + The problem is that the file name is now known + before the create_temp_file call. + */ + file= create_temp_file(to, dir, pfx, mode, myFlags); +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_FILE_CALL(create_file)(key, to, file); +#endif + return file; +} + +static inline File +inline_mysql_file_open( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_file_key key, const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + const char *filename, int flags, myf myFlags) +{ + File file; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_name_locker) + (&state, key, PSI_FILE_OPEN, filename, &locker); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_open_wait)(locker, src_file, src_line); + file= my_open(filename, flags, myFlags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_open_wait_and_bind_to_descriptor)(locker, file); + return file; + } +#endif + + file= my_open(filename, flags, myFlags); + return file; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_close( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + File file, myf flags) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_descriptor_locker) + (&state, file, PSI_FILE_CLOSE); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_close_wait)(locker, src_file, src_line); + result= my_close(file, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_close_wait)(locker, result); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_close(file, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline size_t +inline_mysql_file_read( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + File file, uchar *buffer, size_t count, myf flags) +{ + size_t result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + size_t bytes_read; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_descriptor_locker) + (&state, file, PSI_FILE_READ); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, count, src_file, src_line); + result= my_read(file, buffer, count, flags); + if (flags & (MY_NABP | MY_FNABP)) + bytes_read= (result == 0) ? count : 0; + else + bytes_read= (result != MY_FILE_ERROR) ? result : 0; + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, bytes_read); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_read(file, buffer, count, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline size_t +inline_mysql_file_write( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + File file, const uchar *buffer, size_t count, myf flags) +{ + size_t result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + size_t bytes_written; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_descriptor_locker) + (&state, file, PSI_FILE_WRITE); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, count, src_file, src_line); + result= my_write(file, buffer, count, flags); + if (flags & (MY_NABP | MY_FNABP)) + bytes_written= (result == 0) ? count : 0; + else + bytes_written= (result != MY_FILE_ERROR) ? result : 0; + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, bytes_written); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_write(file, buffer, count, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline size_t +inline_mysql_file_pread( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + File file, uchar *buffer, size_t count, my_off_t offset, myf flags) +{ + size_t result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + size_t bytes_read; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_descriptor_locker) + (&state, file, PSI_FILE_READ); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, count, src_file, src_line); + result= my_pread(file, buffer, count, offset, flags); + if (flags & (MY_NABP | MY_FNABP)) + bytes_read= (result == 0) ? count : 0; + else + bytes_read= (result != MY_FILE_ERROR) ? result : 0; + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, bytes_read); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_pread(file, buffer, count, offset, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline size_t +inline_mysql_file_pwrite( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + File file, const uchar *buffer, size_t count, my_off_t offset, myf flags) +{ + size_t result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + size_t bytes_written; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_descriptor_locker) + (&state, file, PSI_FILE_WRITE); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, count, src_file, src_line); + result= my_pwrite(file, buffer, count, offset, flags); + if (flags & (MY_NABP | MY_FNABP)) + bytes_written= (result == 0) ? count : 0; + else + bytes_written= (result != MY_FILE_ERROR) ? result : 0; + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, bytes_written); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_pwrite(file, buffer, count, offset, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline my_off_t +inline_mysql_file_seek( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + File file, my_off_t pos, int whence, myf flags) +{ + my_off_t result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_descriptor_locker) + (&state, file, PSI_FILE_SEEK); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, src_file, src_line); + result= my_seek(file, pos, whence, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_seek(file, pos, whence, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline my_off_t +inline_mysql_file_tell( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + File file, myf flags) +{ + my_off_t result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_descriptor_locker) + (&state, file, PSI_FILE_TELL); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, src_file, src_line); + result= my_tell(file, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_tell(file, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_delete( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_file_key key, const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + const char *name, myf flags) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_name_locker) + (&state, key, PSI_FILE_DELETE, name, &locker); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_close_wait)(locker, src_file, src_line); + result= my_delete(name, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_close_wait)(locker, result); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_delete(name, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_rename( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_file_key key, const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + const char *from, const char *to, myf flags) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_name_locker) + (&state, key, PSI_FILE_RENAME, to, &locker); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, src_file, src_line); + result= my_rename(from, to, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_rename(from, to, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline File +inline_mysql_file_create_with_symlink( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_file_key key, const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + const char *linkname, const char *filename, int create_flags, + int access_flags, myf flags) +{ + File file; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_name_locker) + (&state, key, PSI_FILE_CREATE, filename, &locker); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_open_wait)(locker, src_file, src_line); + file= my_create_with_symlink(linkname, filename, create_flags, access_flags, + flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_open_wait_and_bind_to_descriptor)(locker, file); + return file; + } +#endif + + file= my_create_with_symlink(linkname, filename, create_flags, access_flags, + flags); + return file; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_delete_with_symlink( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_file_key key, const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + const char *name, myf flags) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_name_locker) + (&state, key, PSI_FILE_DELETE, name, &locker); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_close_wait)(locker, src_file, src_line); + result= my_delete_with_symlink(name, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_close_wait)(locker, result); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_delete_with_symlink(name, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_rename_with_symlink( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_file_key key, const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + const char *from, const char *to, myf flags) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_name_locker) + (&state, key, PSI_FILE_RENAME, to, &locker); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, src_file, src_line); + result= my_rename_with_symlink(from, to, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_rename_with_symlink(from, to, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_sync( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + File fd, myf flags) +{ + int result= 0; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_descriptor_locker) + (&state, fd, PSI_FILE_SYNC); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, src_file, src_line); + result= my_sync(fd, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_sync(fd, flags); + return result; +} + +/** @} (end of group File_instrumentation) */ + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_idle.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_idle.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5c72b715b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_idle.h @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ + +#ifndef MYSQL_IDLE_H +#define MYSQL_IDLE_H + +/** + @file mysql/psi/mysql_idle.h + Instrumentation helpers for idle waits. +*/ + +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" + +/** + @defgroup Idle_instrumentation Idle Instrumentation + @ingroup Instrumentation_interface + @{ +*/ + +/** + @def MYSQL_START_IDLE_WAIT + Instrumentation helper for table io_waits. + This instrumentation marks the start of a wait event. + @param LOCKER the locker + @param STATE the locker state + @sa MYSQL_END_IDLE_WAIT. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_IDLE_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_START_IDLE_WAIT(LOCKER, STATE) \ + LOCKER= inline_mysql_start_idle_wait(STATE, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define MYSQL_START_IDLE_WAIT(LOCKER, STATE) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +/** + @def MYSQL_END_IDLE_WAIT + Instrumentation helper for idle waits. + This instrumentation marks the end of a wait event. + @param LOCKER the locker + @sa MYSQL_START_IDLE_WAIT. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_IDLE_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_END_IDLE_WAIT(LOCKER) \ + inline_mysql_end_idle_wait(LOCKER) +#else + #define MYSQL_END_IDLE_WAIT(LOCKER) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_IDLE_INTERFACE +/** + Instrumentation calls for MYSQL_START_IDLE_WAIT. + @sa MYSQL_END_IDLE_WAIT. +*/ +static inline struct PSI_idle_locker * +inline_mysql_start_idle_wait(PSI_idle_locker_state *state, + const char *src_file, int src_line) +{ + struct PSI_idle_locker *locker; + locker= PSI_IDLE_CALL(start_idle_wait)(state, src_file, src_line); + return locker; +} + +/** + Instrumentation calls for MYSQL_END_IDLE_WAIT. + @sa MYSQL_START_IDLE_WAIT. +*/ +static inline void +inline_mysql_end_idle_wait(struct PSI_idle_locker *locker) +{ + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + PSI_IDLE_CALL(end_idle_wait)(locker); +} +#endif + +/** @} (end of group Idle_instrumentation) */ + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_socket.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_socket.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e1d56539f --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_socket.h @@ -0,0 +1,1161 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as +published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the +License. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA +02110-1301 USA +*/ + +#ifndef MYSQL_SOCKET_H +#define MYSQL_SOCKET_H + +/* For strlen() */ +#include +/* For MY_STAT */ +#include +/* For my_chsize */ +#include +/* For socket api */ +#ifdef __WIN__ + #include + #include + #include + #define SOCKBUF_T char +#else + #include + #define SOCKBUF_T void +#endif +/** + @file mysql/psi/mysql_socket.h +[...] +*/ + +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" + +/** + @defgroup Socket_instrumentation Socket Instrumentation + @ingroup Instrumentation_interface + @{ +*/ + +/** + @def mysql_socket_register(P1, P2, P3) + Socket registration. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_socket_register(P1, P2, P3) +#else + #define mysql_socket_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +struct st_mysql_socket +{ + /** The real socket descriptor. */ + my_socket fd; + + /** + The instrumentation hook. + Note that this hook is not conditionally defined, + for binary compatibility of the @c MYSQL_SOCKET interface. + */ + struct PSI_socket *m_psi; +}; + +/** + An instrumented socket. + @c MYSQL_SOCKET is a replacement for @c my_socket. +*/ +typedef struct st_mysql_socket MYSQL_SOCKET; + + +/** + @def MYSQL_INVALID_SOCKET + MYSQL_SOCKET initial value. +*/ +//MYSQL_SOCKET MYSQL_INVALID_SOCKET= {INVALID_SOCKET, NULL}; +#define MYSQL_INVALID_SOCKET mysql_socket_invalid() + +/** + MYSQL_SOCKET helper. Initialize instrumented socket. + @sa mysql_socket_getfd + @sa mysql_socket_setfd +*/ +static inline MYSQL_SOCKET +mysql_socket_invalid() +{ + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket= {INVALID_SOCKET, NULL}; + return mysql_socket; +} + +/** + Set socket descriptor and address. + @param socket nstrumented socket + @param fd socket descriptor + @param addr unformatted socket address + @param adr_len length of socket addres +*/ + +static inline void +mysql_socket_set_address( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + MYSQL_SOCKET socket, + const struct sockaddr *addr, + socklen_t addr_len +#else + MYSQL_SOCKET socket __attribute__ ((unused)), + const struct sockaddr *addr __attribute__ ((unused)), + socklen_t addr_len __attribute__ ((unused)) +#endif +) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (socket.m_psi != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(set_socket_info)(socket.m_psi, NULL, addr, addr_len); +#endif +} + +/** + Set socket descriptor and address. + @param socket instrumented socket + @param thread instrumented owning thread +*/ +static inline void +mysql_socket_set_thread_owner( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE +MYSQL_SOCKET socket +#else +MYSQL_SOCKET socket __attribute__ ((unused)) +#endif +) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (socket.m_psi != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(set_socket_thread_owner)(socket.m_psi); +#endif +} + +/** + MYSQL_SOCKET helper. Get socket descriptor. + @param mysql_socket Instrumented socket + @sa mysql_socket_setfd +*/ +static inline my_socket +mysql_socket_getfd(MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket) +{ + return mysql_socket.fd; +} + +/** + MYSQL_SOCKET helper. Set socket descriptor. + @param mysql_socket Instrumented socket + @param fd Socket descriptor + @sa mysql_socket_getfd +*/ +static inline void +mysql_socket_setfd(MYSQL_SOCKET *mysql_socket, my_socket fd) +{ + if (likely(mysql_socket != NULL)) + mysql_socket->fd= fd; +} + +/** + @def MYSQL_SOCKET_WAIT_VARIABLES + Instrumentation helper for socket waits. + This instrumentation declares local variables. + Do not use a ';' after this macro + @param LOCKER locker + @param STATE locker state + @sa MYSQL_START_SOCKET_WAIT. + @sa MYSQL_END_SOCKET_WAIT. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_SOCKET_WAIT_VARIABLES(LOCKER, STATE) \ + struct PSI_socket_locker* LOCKER; \ + PSI_socket_locker_state STATE; +#else + #define MYSQL_SOCKET_WAIT_VARIABLES(LOCKER, STATE) +#endif + +/** + @def MYSQL_START_SOCKET_WAIT + Instrumentation helper for socket waits. + This instrumentation marks the start of a wait event. + @param LOCKER locker + @param STATE locker state + @param SOCKET instrumented socket + @param OP The socket operation to be performed + @param FLAGS per-socket operation flags. + @param COUNT bytes to be written/read + @sa MYSQL_END_SOCKET_WAIT. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_START_SOCKET_WAIT(LOCKER, STATE, SOCKET, OP, COUNT) \ + LOCKER= inline_mysql_start_socket_wait(STATE, SOCKET, OP, COUNT,\ + __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define MYSQL_START_SOCKET_WAIT(LOCKER, STATE, SOCKET, OP, COUNT) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +/** + @def MYSQL_END_SOCKET_WAIT + Instrumentation helper for socket waits. + This instrumentation marks the end of a wait event. + @param LOCKER locker + @param COUNT actual bytes written/read, or -1 + @sa MYSQL_START_SOCKET_WAIT. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_END_SOCKET_WAIT(LOCKER, COUNT) \ + inline_mysql_end_socket_wait(LOCKER, COUNT) +#else + #define MYSQL_END_SOCKET_WAIT(LOCKER, COUNT) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_SOCKET_SET_STATE(SOCKET, STATE) \ + inline_mysql_socket_set_state(SOCKET, STATE) +#else + #define MYSQL_SOCKET_SET_STATE(SOCKET, STATE) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE +/** + Instrumentation calls for MYSQL_START_SOCKET_WAIT. + @sa MYSQL_START_SOCKET_WAIT. +*/ +static inline struct PSI_socket_locker* +inline_mysql_start_socket_wait(PSI_socket_locker_state *state, + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, + enum PSI_socket_operation op, + size_t byte_count, + const char *src_file, int src_line) +{ + struct PSI_socket_locker *locker; + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (state, mysql_socket.m_psi, op, byte_count, src_file, src_line); + } + else + locker= NULL; + return locker; +} + +/** + Instrumentation calls for MYSQL_END_SOCKET_WAIT. + @sa MYSQL_END_SOCKET_WAIT. +*/ +static inline void +inline_mysql_end_socket_wait(struct PSI_socket_locker *locker, size_t byte_count) +{ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, byte_count); +} + +/** + Set the state (IDLE, ACTIVE) of an instrumented socket. + @param socket the instrumented socket + @param state the new state + @sa PSI_socket_state +*/ +static inline void +inline_mysql_socket_set_state(MYSQL_SOCKET socket, enum PSI_socket_state state) +{ + if (socket.m_psi != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(set_socket_state)(socket.m_psi, state); +} +#endif /* HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE */ + +/** + @def mysql_socket_socket(K, D, T, P) + Create a socket. + @c mysql_socket_socket is a replacement for @c socket. + @param K PSI_socket_key for this instrumented socket + @param D Socket domain + @param T Protocol type + @param P Transport protocol +*/ + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_socket(K, D, T, P) \ + inline_mysql_socket_socket(K, D, T, P) +#else + #define mysql_socket_socket(K, D, T, P) \ + inline_mysql_socket_socket(D, T, P) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_bind(FD, AP, L) + Bind a socket to a local port number and IP address + @c mysql_socket_bind is a replacement for @c bind. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() + @param AP Pointer to local port number and IP address in sockaddr structure + @param L Length of sockaddr structure +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_bind(FD, AP, L) \ + inline_mysql_socket_bind(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, AP, L) +#else + #define mysql_socket_bind(FD, AP, L) \ + inline_mysql_socket_bind(FD, AP, L) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_getsockname(FD, AP, LP) + Return port number and IP address of the local host + @c mysql_socket_getsockname is a replacement for @c getsockname. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() + @param A Pointer to returned address of local host in sockaddr structure + @param L Pointer to length of sockaddr structure +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_getsockname(FD, AP, LP) \ + inline_mysql_socket_getsockname(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, AP, LP) +#else + #define mysql_socket_getsockname(FD, AP, LP) \ + inline_mysql_socket_getsockname(FD, AP, LP) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_connect(FD, AP, L) + Establish a connection to a remote host. + @c mysql_socket_connect is a replacement for @c connect. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() + @param AP Pointer to target address in sockaddr structure + @param L Length of sockaddr structure +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_connect(FD, AP, L) \ + inline_mysql_socket_connect(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, AP, L) +#else + #define mysql_socket_connect(FD, AP, L) \ + inline_mysql_socket_connect(FD, AP, L) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_getpeername(FD, AP, LP) + Get port number and IP address of remote host that a socket is connected to. + @c mysql_socket_getpeername is a replacement for @c getpeername. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() or accept() + @param AP Pointer to returned address of remote host in sockaddr structure + @param LP Pointer to length of sockaddr structure +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_getpeername(FD, AP, LP) \ + inline_mysql_socket_getpeername(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, AP, LP) +#else + #define mysql_socket_getpeername(FD, AP, LP) \ + inline_mysql_socket_getpeername(FD, AP, LP) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_send(FD, B, N, FL) + Send data from the buffer, B, to a connected socket. + @c mysql_socket_send is a replacement for @c send. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() or accept() + @param B Buffer to send + @param N Number of bytes to send + @param FL Control flags +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_send(FD, B, N, FL) \ + inline_mysql_socket_send(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, B, N, FL) +#else + #define mysql_socket_send(FD, B, N, FL) \ + inline_mysql_socket_send(FD, B, N, FL) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_recv(FD, B, N, FL) + Receive data from a connected socket. + @c mysql_socket_recv is a replacement for @c recv. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() or accept() + @param B Buffer to receive to + @param N Maximum bytes to receive + @param FL Control flags +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_recv(FD, B, N, FL) \ + inline_mysql_socket_recv(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, B, N, FL) +#else + #define mysql_socket_recv(FD, B, N, FL) \ + inline_mysql_socket_recv(FD, B, N, FL) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_sendto(FD, B, N, FL, AP, L) + Send data to a socket at the specified address. + @c mysql_socket_sendto is a replacement for @c sendto. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() + @param B Buffer to send + @param N Number of bytes to send + @param FL Control flags + @param AP Pointer to destination sockaddr structure + @param L Size of sockaddr structure +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_sendto(FD, B, N, FL, AP, L) \ + inline_mysql_socket_sendto(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, B, N, FL, AP, L) +#else + #define mysql_socket_sendto(FD, B, N, FL, AP, L) \ + inline_mysql_socket_sendto(FD, B, N, FL, AP, L) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_recvfrom(FD, B, N, FL, AP, L) + Receive data from a socket and return source address information + @c mysql_socket_recvfrom is a replacement for @c recvfrom. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() + @param B Buffer to receive to + @param N Maximum bytes to receive + @param FL Control flags + @param AP Pointer to source address in sockaddr_storage structure + @param L Size of sockaddr_storage structure +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_recvfrom(FD, B, N, FL, AP, LP) \ + inline_mysql_socket_recvfrom(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, B, N, FL, AP, LP) +#else + #define mysql_socket_recvfrom(FD, B, N, FL, AP, LP) \ + inline_mysql_socket_recvfrom(FD, B, N, FL, AP, LP) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_getsockopt(FD, LV, ON, OP, OL) + Get a socket option for the specified socket. + @c mysql_socket_getsockopt is a replacement for @c getsockopt. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() + @param LV Protocol level + @param ON Option to query + @param OP Buffer which will contain the value for the requested option + @param OL Pointer to length of OP +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_getsockopt(FD, LV, ON, OP, OL) \ + inline_mysql_socket_getsockopt(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, LV, ON, OP, OL) +#else + #define mysql_socket_getsockopt(FD, LV, ON, OP, OL) \ + inline_mysql_socket_getsockopt(FD, LV, ON, OP, OL) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_setsockopt(FD, LV, ON, OP, OL) + Set a socket option for the specified socket. + @c mysql_socket_setsockopt is a replacement for @c setsockopt. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() + @param LV Protocol level + @param ON Option to modify + @param OP Buffer containing the value for the specified option + @param OL Pointer to length of OP +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_setsockopt(FD, LV, ON, OP, OL) \ + inline_mysql_socket_setsockopt(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, LV, ON, OP, OL) +#else + #define mysql_socket_setsockopt(FD, LV, ON, OP, OL) \ + inline_mysql_socket_setsockopt(FD, LV, ON, OP, OL) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_listen(FD, N) + Set socket state to listen for an incoming connection. + @c mysql_socket_listen is a replacement for @c listen. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor, bound and connected + @param N Maximum number of pending connections allowed. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_listen(FD, N) \ + inline_mysql_socket_listen(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, N) +#else + #define mysql_socket_listen(FD, N) \ + inline_mysql_socket_listen(FD, N) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_accept(K, FD, AP, LP) + Accept a connection from any remote host; TCP only. + @c mysql_socket_accept is a replacement for @c accept. + @param K PSI_socket_key for this instrumented socket + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor, bound and placed in a listen state + @param AP Pointer to sockaddr structure with returned IP address and port of connected host + @param LP Pointer to length of valid information in AP +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_accept(K, FD, AP, LP) \ + inline_mysql_socket_accept(__FILE__, __LINE__, K, FD, AP, LP) +#else + #define mysql_socket_accept(K, FD, AP, LP) \ + inline_mysql_socket_accept(FD, AP, LP) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_close(FD) + Close a socket and sever any connections. + @c mysql_socket_close is a replacement for @c close. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() or accept() +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_close(FD) \ + inline_mysql_socket_close(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD) +#else + #define mysql_socket_close(FD) \ + inline_mysql_socket_close(FD) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_shutdown(FD, H) + Disable receives and/or sends on a socket. + @c mysql_socket_shutdown is a replacement for @c shutdown. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() or accept() + @param H Specifies which operations to shutdown +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_shutdown(FD, H) \ + inline_mysql_socket_shutdown(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, H) +#else + #define mysql_socket_shutdown(FD, H) \ + inline_mysql_socket_shutdown(FD, H) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE +static inline void inline_mysql_socket_register( + const char *category, + PSI_socket_info *info, + int count) +{ + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(register_socket)(category, info, count); +} +#endif + +/** mysql_socket_socket */ + +static inline MYSQL_SOCKET +inline_mysql_socket_socket +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + PSI_socket_key key, +#endif + int domain, int type, int protocol) +{ + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket= MYSQL_INVALID_SOCKET; + mysql_socket.fd= socket(domain, type, protocol); + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (likely(mysql_socket.fd != INVALID_SOCKET)) + { + mysql_socket.m_psi= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(init_socket) + (key, (const my_socket*)&mysql_socket.fd, NULL, 0); + } +#endif + return mysql_socket; +} + +/** mysql_socket_bind */ + +static inline int +inline_mysql_socket_bind +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t len) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_BIND, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= bind(mysql_socket.fd, addr, len); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (result == 0) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(set_socket_info)(mysql_socket.m_psi, NULL, addr, len); + + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, (size_t)0); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= bind(mysql_socket.fd, addr, len); + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_getsockname */ + +static inline int +inline_mysql_socket_getsockname +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *len) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_BIND, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= getsockname(mysql_socket.fd, addr, len); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, (size_t)0); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= getsockname(mysql_socket.fd, addr, len); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_connect */ + +static inline int +inline_mysql_socket_connect +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t len) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_CONNECT, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= connect(mysql_socket.fd, addr, len); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, (size_t)0); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= connect(mysql_socket.fd, addr, len); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_getpeername */ + +static inline int +inline_mysql_socket_getpeername +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *len) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_BIND, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= getpeername(mysql_socket.fd, addr, len); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, (size_t)0); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= getpeername(mysql_socket.fd, addr, len); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_send */ + +static inline ssize_t +inline_mysql_socket_send +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, const SOCKBUF_T *buf, size_t n, int flags) +{ + ssize_t result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_SEND, n, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= send(mysql_socket.fd, buf, IF_WIN((int),) n, flags); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + { + size_t bytes_written; + bytes_written= (result > -1) ? result : 0; + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, bytes_written); + } + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= send(mysql_socket.fd, buf, IF_WIN((int),) n, flags); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_recv */ + +static inline ssize_t +inline_mysql_socket_recv +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, SOCKBUF_T *buf, size_t n, int flags) +{ + ssize_t result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_RECV, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= recv(mysql_socket.fd, buf, IF_WIN((int),) n, flags); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + { + size_t bytes_read; + bytes_read= (result > -1) ? result : 0; + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, bytes_read); + } + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= recv(mysql_socket.fd, buf, IF_WIN((int),) n, flags); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_sendto */ + +static inline ssize_t +inline_mysql_socket_sendto +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, const SOCKBUF_T *buf, size_t n, int flags, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addr_len) +{ + ssize_t result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_SEND, n, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= sendto(mysql_socket.fd, buf, IF_WIN((int),) n, flags, addr, addr_len); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + { + size_t bytes_written; + bytes_written = (result > -1) ? result : 0; + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, bytes_written); + } + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= sendto(mysql_socket.fd, buf, IF_WIN((int),) n, flags, addr, addr_len); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_recvfrom */ + +static inline ssize_t +inline_mysql_socket_recvfrom +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, SOCKBUF_T *buf, size_t n, int flags, + struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addr_len) +{ + ssize_t result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_RECV, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= recvfrom(mysql_socket.fd, buf, IF_WIN((int),) n, flags, addr, addr_len); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + { + size_t bytes_read; + bytes_read = (result > -1) ? result : 0; + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, bytes_read); + } + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= recvfrom(mysql_socket.fd, buf, IF_WIN((int),) n, flags, addr, addr_len); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_getsockopt */ + +static inline int +inline_mysql_socket_getsockopt +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, int level, int optname, SOCKBUF_T *optval, socklen_t *optlen) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_OPT, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= getsockopt(mysql_socket.fd, level, optname, optval, optlen); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, (size_t)0); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= getsockopt(mysql_socket.fd, level, optname, optval, optlen); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_setsockopt */ + +static inline int +inline_mysql_socket_setsockopt +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, int level, int optname, const SOCKBUF_T *optval, + socklen_t optlen) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_OPT, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= setsockopt(mysql_socket.fd, level, optname, optval, optlen); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, (size_t)0); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= setsockopt(mysql_socket.fd, level, optname, optval, optlen); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_listen */ + +static inline int +inline_mysql_socket_listen +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, int backlog) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_CONNECT, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= listen(mysql_socket.fd, backlog); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, (size_t)0); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= listen(mysql_socket.fd, backlog); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_accept */ + +static inline MYSQL_SOCKET +inline_mysql_socket_accept +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, PSI_socket_key key, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET socket_listen, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addr_len) +{ + MYSQL_SOCKET socket_accept= MYSQL_INVALID_SOCKET; + socklen_t addr_length= (addr_len != NULL) ? *addr_len : 0; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (socket_listen.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, socket_listen.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_CONNECT, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + socket_accept.fd= accept(socket_listen.fd, addr, &addr_length); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, (size_t)0); + } + else +#endif + { + /* Non instrumented code */ + socket_accept.fd= accept(socket_listen.fd, addr, &addr_length); + } + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (likely(socket_accept.fd != INVALID_SOCKET)) + { + /* Initialize the instrument with the new socket descriptor and address */ + socket_accept.m_psi= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(init_socket) + (key, (const my_socket*)&socket_accept.fd, addr, addr_length); + } +#endif + + return socket_accept; +} + +/** mysql_socket_close */ + +static inline int +inline_mysql_socket_close +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_CLOSE, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= closesocket(mysql_socket.fd); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, (size_t)0); + /* Remove the instrumentation for this socket. */ + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(destroy_socket)(mysql_socket.m_psi); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= closesocket(mysql_socket.fd); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_shutdown */ + +static inline int +inline_mysql_socket_shutdown +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, int how) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef __WIN__ + static LPFN_DISCONNECTEX DisconnectEx = NULL; + if (DisconnectEx == NULL) + { + DWORD dwBytesReturned; + GUID guidDisconnectEx = WSAID_DISCONNECTEX; + WSAIoctl(mysql_socket.fd, SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER, + &guidDisconnectEx, sizeof(GUID), + &DisconnectEx, sizeof(DisconnectEx), + &dwBytesReturned, NULL, NULL); + } +#endif + +/* Instrumentation start */ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_SHUTDOWN, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ +#ifdef __WIN__ + if (DisconnectEx) + result= (DisconnectEx(mysql_socket.fd, (LPOVERLAPPED) NULL, + (DWORD) 0, (DWORD) 0) == TRUE) ? 0 : -1; + else +#endif + result= shutdown(mysql_socket.fd, how); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, (size_t)0); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ +#ifdef __WIN__ + if (DisconnectEx) + result= (DisconnectEx(mysql_socket.fd, (LPOVERLAPPED) NULL, + (DWORD) 0, (DWORD) 0) == TRUE) ? 0 : -1; + else +#endif + result= shutdown(mysql_socket.fd, how); + + return result; +} + +/** @} (end of group Socket_instrumentation) */ + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_stage.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_stage.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..91a5c12f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_stage.h @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MYSQL_STAGE_H +#define MYSQL_STAGE_H + +/** + @file mysql/psi/mysql_stage.h + Instrumentation helpers for stages. +*/ + +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" + +/** + @defgroup Stage_instrumentation Stage Instrumentation + @ingroup Instrumentation_interface + @{ +*/ + +/** + @def mysql_stage_register(P1, P2, P3) + Stage registration. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STAGE_INTERFACE +#define mysql_stage_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_stage_register(P1, P2, P3) +#else +#define mysql_stage_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STAGE_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_SET_STAGE(K, F, L) \ + inline_mysql_set_stage(K, F, L) +#else + #define MYSQL_SET_STAGE(K, F, L) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STAGE_INTERFACE +static inline void inline_mysql_stage_register( + const char *category, PSI_stage_info **info, int count) +{ + PSI_STAGE_CALL(register_stage)(category, info, count); +} +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STAGE_INTERFACE +static inline void +inline_mysql_set_stage(PSI_stage_key key, + const char *src_file, int src_line) +{ + PSI_STAGE_CALL(start_stage)(key, src_file, src_line); +} +#endif + +/** @} (end of group Stage_instrumentation) */ + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_statement.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_statement.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d7a76ee25 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_statement.h @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MYSQL_STATEMENT_H +#define MYSQL_STATEMENT_H + +/** + @file mysql/psi/mysql_statement.h + Instrumentation helpers for statements. +*/ + +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" + +/** + @defgroup Statement_instrumentation Statement Instrumentation + @ingroup Instrumentation_interface + @{ +*/ + +/** + @def mysql_statement_register(P1, P2, P3) + Statement registration. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE +#define mysql_statement_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_statement_register(P1, P2, P3) +#else +#define mysql_statement_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_DIGEST_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_DIGEST_START(LOCKER) \ + inline_mysql_digest_start(LOCKER) +#else + #define MYSQL_DIGEST_START(LOCKER) \ + NULL +#endif +#else + #define MYSQL_DIGEST_START(LOCKER) \ + NULL +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_DIGEST_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_ADD_TOKEN(LOCKER, T, Y) \ + inline_mysql_add_token(LOCKER, T, Y) +#else + #define MYSQL_ADD_TOKEN(LOCKER, T, Y) \ + NULL +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_START_STATEMENT(STATE, K, DB, DB_LEN, CS) \ + inline_mysql_start_statement(STATE, K, DB, DB_LEN, CS, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define MYSQL_START_STATEMENT(STATE, K, DB, DB_LEN, CS) \ + NULL +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_REFINE_STATEMENT(LOCKER, K) \ + inline_mysql_refine_statement(LOCKER, K) +#else + #define MYSQL_REFINE_STATEMENT(LOCKER, K) \ + NULL +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_SET_STATEMENT_TEXT(LOCKER, P1, P2) \ + inline_mysql_set_statement_text(LOCKER, P1, P2) +#else + #define MYSQL_SET_STATEMENT_TEXT(LOCKER, P1, P2) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_SET_STATEMENT_LOCK_TIME(LOCKER, P1) \ + inline_mysql_set_statement_lock_time(LOCKER, P1) +#else + #define MYSQL_SET_STATEMENT_LOCK_TIME(LOCKER, P1) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_SET_STATEMENT_ROWS_SENT(LOCKER, P1) \ + inline_mysql_set_statement_rows_sent(LOCKER, P1) +#else + #define MYSQL_SET_STATEMENT_ROWS_SENT(LOCKER, P1) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_SET_STATEMENT_ROWS_EXAMINED(LOCKER, P1) \ + inline_mysql_set_statement_rows_examined(LOCKER, P1) +#else + #define MYSQL_SET_STATEMENT_ROWS_EXAMINED(LOCKER, P1) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_END_STATEMENT(LOCKER, DA) \ + inline_mysql_end_statement(LOCKER, DA) +#else + #define MYSQL_END_STATEMENT(LOCKER, DA) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE +static inline void inline_mysql_statement_register( + const char *category, PSI_statement_info *info, int count) +{ + PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(register_statement)(category, info, count); +} + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_DIGEST_INTERFACE +static inline struct PSI_digest_locker * +inline_mysql_digest_start(PSI_statement_locker *locker) +{ + PSI_digest_locker* digest_locker= NULL; + + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + digest_locker= PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(digest_start)(locker); + return digest_locker; +} +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_DIGEST_INTERFACE +static inline struct PSI_digest_locker * +inline_mysql_add_token(PSI_digest_locker *locker, uint token, + void *yylval) +{ + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + locker= PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(digest_add_token)(locker, token, + (OPAQUE_LEX_YYSTYPE*)yylval); + return locker; +} +#endif + +static inline struct PSI_statement_locker * +inline_mysql_start_statement(PSI_statement_locker_state *state, + PSI_statement_key key, + const char *db, uint db_len, + const CHARSET_INFO *charset, + const char *src_file, int src_line) +{ + PSI_statement_locker *locker; + locker= PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(get_thread_statement_locker)(state, key, charset); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(start_statement)(locker, db, db_len, src_file, src_line); + return locker; +} + +static inline struct PSI_statement_locker * +inline_mysql_refine_statement(PSI_statement_locker *locker, + PSI_statement_key key) +{ + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + locker= PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(refine_statement)(locker, key); + } + return locker; +} + +static inline void +inline_mysql_set_statement_text(PSI_statement_locker *locker, + const char *text, uint text_len) +{ + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(set_statement_text)(locker, text, text_len); + } +} + +static inline void +inline_mysql_set_statement_lock_time(PSI_statement_locker *locker, + ulonglong count) +{ + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(set_statement_lock_time)(locker, count); + } +} + +static inline void +inline_mysql_set_statement_rows_sent(PSI_statement_locker *locker, + ulonglong count) +{ + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(set_statement_rows_sent)(locker, count); + } +} + +static inline void +inline_mysql_set_statement_rows_examined(PSI_statement_locker *locker, + ulonglong count) +{ + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(set_statement_rows_examined)(locker, count); + } +} + +static inline void +inline_mysql_end_statement(struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, + Diagnostics_area *stmt_da) +{ + PSI_STAGE_CALL(end_stage)(); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(end_statement)(locker, stmt_da); +} +#endif + +/** @} (end of group Statement_instrumentation) */ + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_table.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_table.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..815313e65 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_table.h @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ + +#ifndef MYSQL_TABLE_H +#define MYSQL_TABLE_H + +/** + @file mysql/psi/mysql_table.h + Instrumentation helpers for table io. +*/ + +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" + +/** + @defgroup Table_instrumentation Table Instrumentation + @ingroup Instrumentation_interface + @{ +*/ + +/** + @def MYSQL_TABLE_WAIT_VARIABLES + Instrumentation helper for table waits. + This instrumentation declares local variables. + Do not use a ';' after this macro + @param LOCKER the locker + @param STATE the locker state + @sa MYSQL_START_TABLE_IO_WAIT. + @sa MYSQL_END_TABLE_IO_WAIT. + @sa MYSQL_START_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT. + @sa MYSQL_END_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_TABLE_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_TABLE_WAIT_VARIABLES(LOCKER, STATE) \ + struct PSI_table_locker* LOCKER; \ + PSI_table_locker_state STATE; +#else + #define MYSQL_TABLE_WAIT_VARIABLES(LOCKER, STATE) +#endif + +/** + @def MYSQL_TABLE_IO_WAIT + Instrumentation helper for table io_waits. + This instrumentation marks the start of a wait event. + @param PSI the instrumented table + @param OP the table operation to be performed + @param INDEX the table index used if any, or MAY_KEY. + @param FLAGS per table operation flags. + @sa MYSQL_END_TABLE_WAIT. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_TABLE_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_TABLE_IO_WAIT(PSI, OP, INDEX, FLAGS, PAYLOAD) \ + { \ + if (PSI != NULL) \ + { \ + PSI_table_locker *locker; \ + PSI_table_locker_state state; \ + locker= PSI_TABLE_CALL(start_table_io_wait) \ + (& state, PSI, OP, INDEX, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ + PAYLOAD \ + if (locker != NULL) \ + PSI_TABLE_CALL(end_table_io_wait)(locker); \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + PAYLOAD \ + } \ + } +#else + #define MYSQL_TABLE_IO_WAIT(PSI, OP, INDEX, FLAGS, PAYLOAD) \ + PAYLOAD +#endif + +/** + @def MYSQL_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT + Instrumentation helper for table io_waits. + This instrumentation marks the start of a wait event. + @param PSI the instrumented table + @param OP the table operation to be performed + @param INDEX the table index used if any, or MAY_KEY. + @param FLAGS per table operation flags. + @sa MYSQL_END_TABLE_WAIT. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_TABLE_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT(PSI, OP, FLAGS, PAYLOAD) \ + { \ + if (PSI != NULL) \ + { \ + PSI_table_locker *locker; \ + PSI_table_locker_state state; \ + locker= PSI_TABLE_CALL(start_table_lock_wait) \ + (& state, PSI, OP, FLAGS, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ + PAYLOAD \ + if (locker != NULL) \ + PSI_TABLE_CALL(end_table_lock_wait)(locker); \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + PAYLOAD \ + } \ + } +#else + #define MYSQL_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT(PSI, OP, FLAGS, PAYLOAD) \ + PAYLOAD +#endif + +/** + @def MYSQL_START_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT + Instrumentation helper for table lock waits. + This instrumentation marks the start of a wait event. + @param LOCKER the locker + @param STATE the locker state + @param PSI the instrumented table + @param OP the table operation to be performed + @param FLAGS per table operation flags. + @sa MYSQL_END_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_TABLE_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_START_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT(LOCKER, STATE, PSI, OP, FLAGS) \ + LOCKER= inline_mysql_start_table_lock_wait(STATE, PSI, \ + OP, FLAGS, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define MYSQL_START_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT(LOCKER, STATE, PSI, OP, FLAGS) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +/** + @def MYSQL_END_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT + Instrumentation helper for table lock waits. + This instrumentation marks the end of a wait event. + @param LOCKER the locker + @sa MYSQL_START_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_TABLE_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_END_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT(LOCKER) \ + inline_mysql_end_table_lock_wait(LOCKER) +#else + #define MYSQL_END_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT(LOCKER) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_TABLE_INTERFACE +/** + Instrumentation calls for MYSQL_START_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT. + @sa MYSQL_END_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT. +*/ +static inline struct PSI_table_locker * +inline_mysql_start_table_lock_wait(PSI_table_locker_state *state, + struct PSI_table *psi, + enum PSI_table_lock_operation op, + ulong flags, const char *src_file, int src_line) +{ + if (psi != NULL) + { + struct PSI_table_locker *locker; + locker= PSI_TABLE_CALL(start_table_lock_wait) + (state, psi, op, flags, src_file, src_line); + return locker; + } + return NULL; +} + +/** + Instrumentation calls for MYSQL_END_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT. + @sa MYSQL_START_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT. +*/ +static inline void +inline_mysql_end_table_lock_wait(struct PSI_table_locker *locker) +{ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_TABLE_CALL(end_table_lock_wait)(locker); +} +#endif + +/** @} (end of group Table_instrumentation) */ + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..604b9c5af --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h @@ -0,0 +1,1268 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ + +#ifndef MYSQL_THREAD_H +#define MYSQL_THREAD_H + +/** + @file mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h + Instrumentation helpers for mysys threads, mutexes, + read write locks and conditions. + This header file provides the necessary declarations + to use the mysys thread API with the performance schema instrumentation. + In some compilers (SunStudio), 'static inline' functions, when declared + but not used, are not optimized away (because they are unused) by default, + so that including a static inline function from a header file does + create unwanted dependencies, causing unresolved symbols at link time. + Other compilers, like gcc, optimize these dependencies by default. + + Since the instrumented APIs declared here are wrapper on top + of my_pthread / safemutex / etc APIs, + including mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h assumes that + the dependency on my_pthread and safemutex already exists. +*/ +/* + Note: there are several orthogonal dimensions here. + + Dimension 1: Instrumentation + HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE is defined when the instrumentation is compiled in. + This may happen both in debug or production builds. + + Dimension 2: Debug + SAFE_MUTEX is defined when debug is compiled in. + This may happen both with and without instrumentation. + + Dimension 3: Platform + Mutexes are implemented with one of: + - the pthread library + - fast mutexes + - window apis + This is implemented by various macro definitions in my_pthread.h + + This causes complexity with '#ifdef'-ery that can't be avoided. +*/ + +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" + +/** + @defgroup Thread_instrumentation Thread Instrumentation + @ingroup Instrumentation_interface + @{ +*/ + +/** + An instrumented mutex structure. + @sa mysql_mutex_t +*/ +struct st_mysql_mutex +{ + /** The real mutex. */ +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + safe_mutex_t m_mutex; +#elif defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) + my_pthread_fastmutex_t m_mutex; +#else + pthread_mutex_t m_mutex; +#endif + /** + The instrumentation hook. + Note that this hook is not conditionally defined, + for binary compatibility of the @c mysql_mutex_t interface. + */ + struct PSI_mutex *m_psi; +}; + +/** + Type of an instrumented mutex. + @c mysql_mutex_t is a drop-in replacement for @c pthread_mutex_t. + @sa mysql_mutex_assert_owner + @sa mysql_mutex_assert_not_owner + @sa mysql_mutex_init + @sa mysql_mutex_lock + @sa mysql_mutex_unlock + @sa mysql_mutex_destroy +*/ +typedef struct st_mysql_mutex mysql_mutex_t; + +/** + An instrumented rwlock structure. + @sa mysql_rwlock_t +*/ +struct st_mysql_rwlock +{ + /** The real rwlock */ + rw_lock_t m_rwlock; + /** + The instrumentation hook. + Note that this hook is not conditionally defined, + for binary compatibility of the @c mysql_rwlock_t interface. + */ + struct PSI_rwlock *m_psi; +}; + +/** + An instrumented prlock structure. + @sa mysql_prlock_t +*/ +struct st_mysql_prlock +{ + /** The real prlock */ + rw_pr_lock_t m_prlock; + /** + The instrumentation hook. + Note that this hook is not conditionally defined, + for binary compatibility of the @c mysql_rwlock_t interface. + */ + struct PSI_rwlock *m_psi; +}; + +/** + Type of an instrumented rwlock. + @c mysql_rwlock_t is a drop-in replacement for @c pthread_rwlock_t. + @sa mysql_rwlock_init + @sa mysql_rwlock_rdlock + @sa mysql_rwlock_tryrdlock + @sa mysql_rwlock_wrlock + @sa mysql_rwlock_trywrlock + @sa mysql_rwlock_unlock + @sa mysql_rwlock_destroy +*/ +typedef struct st_mysql_rwlock mysql_rwlock_t; + +/** + Type of an instrumented prlock. + A prlock is a read write lock that 'prefers readers' (pr). + @c mysql_prlock_t is a drop-in replacement for @c rw_pr_lock_t. + @sa mysql_prlock_init + @sa mysql_prlock_rdlock + @sa mysql_prlock_wrlock + @sa mysql_prlock_unlock + @sa mysql_prlock_destroy +*/ +typedef struct st_mysql_prlock mysql_prlock_t; + +/** + An instrumented cond structure. + @sa mysql_cond_t +*/ +struct st_mysql_cond +{ + /** The real condition */ + pthread_cond_t m_cond; + /** + The instrumentation hook. + Note that this hook is not conditionally defined, + for binary compatibility of the @c mysql_cond_t interface. + */ + struct PSI_cond *m_psi; +}; + +/** + Type of an instrumented condition. + @c mysql_cond_t is a drop-in replacement for @c pthread_cond_t. + @sa mysql_cond_init + @sa mysql_cond_wait + @sa mysql_cond_timedwait + @sa mysql_cond_signal + @sa mysql_cond_broadcast + @sa mysql_cond_destroy +*/ +typedef struct st_mysql_cond mysql_cond_t; + +/* + Consider the following code: + static inline void foo() { bar(); } + when foo() is never called. + + With gcc, foo() is a local static function, so the dependencies + are optimized away at compile time, and there is no dependency on bar(). + With other compilers (HP, Sun Studio), the function foo() implementation + is compiled, and bar() needs to be present to link. + + Due to the existing header dependencies in MySQL code, this header file + is sometime used when it is not needed, which in turn cause link failures + on some platforms. + The proper fix would be to cut these extra dependencies in the calling code. + DISABLE_MYSQL_THREAD_H is a work around to limit dependencies. + DISABLE_MYSQL_PRLOCK_H is similar, and is used to disable specifically + the prlock wrappers. +*/ +#ifndef DISABLE_MYSQL_THREAD_H + +/** + @def mysql_mutex_assert_owner(M) + Wrapper, to use safe_mutex_assert_owner with instrumented mutexes. + @c mysql_mutex_assert_owner is a drop-in replacement + for @c safe_mutex_assert_owner. +*/ +#define mysql_mutex_assert_owner(M) \ + safe_mutex_assert_owner(&(M)->m_mutex) + +/** + @def mysql_mutex_assert_not_owner(M) + Wrapper, to use safe_mutex_assert_not_owner with instrumented mutexes. + @c mysql_mutex_assert_not_owner is a drop-in replacement + for @c safe_mutex_assert_not_owner. +*/ +#define mysql_mutex_assert_not_owner(M) \ + safe_mutex_assert_not_owner(&(M)->m_mutex) + +/** Wrappers for instrumented prlock objects. */ + +#define mysql_prlock_assert_write_owner(M) \ + rw_pr_lock_assert_write_owner(&(M)->m_prlock) + +#define mysql_prlock_assert_not_write_owner(M) \ + rw_pr_lock_assert_not_write_owner(&(M)->m_prlock) + +/** + @def mysql_mutex_register(P1, P2, P3) + Mutex registration. +*/ +#define mysql_mutex_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_register(P1, P2, P3) + +/** + @def mysql_mutex_init(K, M, A) + Instrumented mutex_init. + @c mysql_mutex_init is a replacement for @c pthread_mutex_init. + @param K The PSI_mutex_key for this instrumented mutex + @param M The mutex to initialize + @param A Mutex attributes +*/ + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE + #ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + #define mysql_mutex_init(K, M, A) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_init(K, M, A, __FILE__, __LINE__) + #else + #define mysql_mutex_init(K, M, A) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_init(K, M, A) + #endif +#else + #ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + #define mysql_mutex_init(K, M, A) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_init(M, A, __FILE__, __LINE__) + #else + #define mysql_mutex_init(K, M, A) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_init(M, A) + #endif +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_mutex_destroy(M) + Instrumented mutex_destroy. + @c mysql_mutex_destroy is a drop-in replacement + for @c pthread_mutex_destroy. +*/ +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + #define mysql_mutex_destroy(M) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_destroy(M, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_mutex_destroy(M) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_destroy(M) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_mutex_lock(M) + Instrumented mutex_lock. + @c mysql_mutex_lock is a drop-in replacement for @c pthread_mutex_lock. + @param M The mutex to lock +*/ + +#if defined(SAFE_MUTEX) || defined (HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE) + #define mysql_mutex_lock(M) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_lock(M, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_mutex_lock(M) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_lock(M) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_mutex_trylock(M) + Instrumented mutex_lock. + @c mysql_mutex_trylock is a drop-in replacement + for @c pthread_mutex_trylock. +*/ + +#if defined(SAFE_MUTEX) || defined (HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE) + #define mysql_mutex_trylock(M) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_trylock(M, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_mutex_trylock(M) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_trylock(M) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_mutex_unlock(M) + Instrumented mutex_unlock. + @c mysql_mutex_unlock is a drop-in replacement for @c pthread_mutex_unlock. +*/ +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + #define mysql_mutex_unlock(M) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_unlock(M, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_mutex_unlock(M) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_unlock(M) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_rwlock_register(P1, P2, P3) + Rwlock registration. +*/ +#define mysql_rwlock_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_rwlock_register(P1, P2, P3) + +/** + @def mysql_rwlock_init(K, RW) + Instrumented rwlock_init. + @c mysql_rwlock_init is a replacement for @c pthread_rwlock_init. + Note that pthread_rwlockattr_t is not supported in MySQL. + @param K The PSI_rwlock_key for this instrumented rwlock + @param RW The rwlock to initialize +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + #define mysql_rwlock_init(K, RW) inline_mysql_rwlock_init(K, RW) +#else + #define mysql_rwlock_init(K, RW) inline_mysql_rwlock_init(RW) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_prlock_init(K, RW) + Instrumented rw_pr_init. + @c mysql_prlock_init is a replacement for @c rw_pr_init. + @param K The PSI_rwlock_key for this instrumented prlock + @param RW The prlock to initialize +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + #define mysql_prlock_init(K, RW) inline_mysql_prlock_init(K, RW) +#else + #define mysql_prlock_init(K, RW) inline_mysql_prlock_init(RW) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_rwlock_destroy(RW) + Instrumented rwlock_destroy. + @c mysql_rwlock_destroy is a drop-in replacement + for @c pthread_rwlock_destroy. +*/ +#define mysql_rwlock_destroy(RW) inline_mysql_rwlock_destroy(RW) + +/** + @def mysql_prlock_destroy(RW) + Instrumented rw_pr_destroy. + @c mysql_prlock_destroy is a drop-in replacement + for @c rw_pr_destroy. +*/ +#define mysql_prlock_destroy(RW) inline_mysql_prlock_destroy(RW) + +/** + @def mysql_rwlock_rdlock(RW) + Instrumented rwlock_rdlock. + @c mysql_rwlock_rdlock is a drop-in replacement + for @c pthread_rwlock_rdlock. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + #define mysql_rwlock_rdlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_rwlock_rdlock(RW, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_rwlock_rdlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_rwlock_rdlock(RW) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_prlock_rdlock(RW) + Instrumented rw_pr_rdlock. + @c mysql_prlock_rdlock is a drop-in replacement + for @c rw_pr_rdlock. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + #define mysql_prlock_rdlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_prlock_rdlock(RW, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_prlock_rdlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_prlock_rdlock(RW) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_rwlock_wrlock(RW) + Instrumented rwlock_wrlock. + @c mysql_rwlock_wrlock is a drop-in replacement + for @c pthread_rwlock_wrlock. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + #define mysql_rwlock_wrlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_rwlock_wrlock(RW, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_rwlock_wrlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_rwlock_wrlock(RW) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_prlock_wrlock(RW) + Instrumented rw_pr_wrlock. + @c mysql_prlock_wrlock is a drop-in replacement + for @c rw_pr_wrlock. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + #define mysql_prlock_wrlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_prlock_wrlock(RW, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_prlock_wrlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_prlock_wrlock(RW) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_rwlock_tryrdlock(RW) + Instrumented rwlock_tryrdlock. + @c mysql_rwlock_tryrdlock is a drop-in replacement + for @c pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + #define mysql_rwlock_tryrdlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_rwlock_tryrdlock(RW, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_rwlock_tryrdlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_rwlock_tryrdlock(RW) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_rwlock_trywrlock(RW) + Instrumented rwlock_trywrlock. + @c mysql_rwlock_trywrlock is a drop-in replacement + for @c pthread_rwlock_trywrlock. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + #define mysql_rwlock_trywrlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_rwlock_trywrlock(RW, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_rwlock_trywrlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_rwlock_trywrlock(RW) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_rwlock_unlock(RW) + Instrumented rwlock_unlock. + @c mysql_rwlock_unlock is a drop-in replacement + for @c pthread_rwlock_unlock. +*/ +#define mysql_rwlock_unlock(RW) inline_mysql_rwlock_unlock(RW) + +/** + @def mysql_prlock_unlock(RW) + Instrumented rw_pr_unlock. + @c mysql_prlock_unlock is a drop-in replacement + for @c rw_pr_unlock. +*/ +#define mysql_prlock_unlock(RW) inline_mysql_prlock_unlock(RW) + +/** + @def mysql_cond_register(P1, P2, P3) + Cond registration. +*/ +#define mysql_cond_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_cond_register(P1, P2, P3) + +/** + @def mysql_cond_init(K, C, A) + Instrumented cond_init. + @c mysql_cond_init is a replacement for @c pthread_cond_init. + @param C The cond to initialize + @param K The PSI_cond_key for this instrumented cond + @param A Condition attributes +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + #define mysql_cond_init(K, C, A) inline_mysql_cond_init(K, C, A) +#else + #define mysql_cond_init(K, C, A) inline_mysql_cond_init(C, A) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_cond_destroy(C) + Instrumented cond_destroy. + @c mysql_cond_destroy is a drop-in replacement for @c pthread_cond_destroy. +*/ +#define mysql_cond_destroy(C) inline_mysql_cond_destroy(C) + +/** + @def mysql_cond_wait(C) + Instrumented cond_wait. + @c mysql_cond_wait is a drop-in replacement for @c pthread_cond_wait. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + #define mysql_cond_wait(C, M) \ + inline_mysql_cond_wait(C, M, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_cond_wait(C, M) \ + inline_mysql_cond_wait(C, M) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_cond_timedwait(C, M, W) + Instrumented cond_timedwait. + @c mysql_cond_timedwait is a drop-in replacement + for @c pthread_cond_timedwait. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + #define mysql_cond_timedwait(C, M, W) \ + inline_mysql_cond_timedwait(C, M, W, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_cond_timedwait(C, M, W) \ + inline_mysql_cond_timedwait(C, M, W) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_cond_signal(C) + Instrumented cond_signal. + @c mysql_cond_signal is a drop-in replacement for @c pthread_cond_signal. +*/ +#define mysql_cond_signal(C) inline_mysql_cond_signal(C) + +/** + @def mysql_cond_broadcast(C) + Instrumented cond_broadcast. + @c mysql_cond_broadcast is a drop-in replacement + for @c pthread_cond_broadcast. +*/ +#define mysql_cond_broadcast(C) inline_mysql_cond_broadcast(C) + +/** + @def mysql_thread_register(P1, P2, P3) + Thread registration. +*/ +#define mysql_thread_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_thread_register(P1, P2, P3) + +/** + @def mysql_thread_create(K, P1, P2, P3, P4) + Instrumented pthread_create. + This function creates both the thread instrumentation and a thread. + @c mysql_thread_create is a replacement for @c pthread_create. + The parameter P4 (or, if it is NULL, P1) will be used as the + instrumented thread "indentity". + Providing a P1 / P4 parameter with a different value for each call + will on average improve performances, since this thread identity value + is used internally to randomize access to data and prevent contention. + This is optional, and the improvement is not guaranteed, only statistical. + @param K The PSI_thread_key for this instrumented thread + @param P1 pthread_create parameter 1 + @param P2 pthread_create parameter 2 + @param P3 pthread_create parameter 3 + @param P4 pthread_create parameter 4 +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE + #define mysql_thread_create(K, P1, P2, P3, P4) \ + inline_mysql_thread_create(K, P1, P2, P3, P4) +#else + #define mysql_thread_create(K, P1, P2, P3, P4) \ + pthread_create(P1, P2, P3, P4) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_thread_set_psi_id(I) + Set the thread indentifier for the instrumentation. + @param I The thread identifier +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE + #define mysql_thread_set_psi_id(I) inline_mysql_thread_set_psi_id(I) +#else + #define mysql_thread_set_psi_id(I) do {} while (0) +#endif + +static inline void inline_mysql_mutex_register( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE + const char *category, + PSI_mutex_info *info, + int count +#else + const char *category __attribute__ ((unused)), + void *info __attribute__ ((unused)), + int count __attribute__ ((unused)) +#endif +) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE + PSI_MUTEX_CALL(register_mutex)(category, info, count); +#endif +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_mutex_init( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE + PSI_mutex_key key, +#endif + mysql_mutex_t *that, + const pthread_mutexattr_t *attr +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE + that->m_psi= PSI_MUTEX_CALL(init_mutex)(key, &that->m_mutex); +#else + that->m_psi= NULL; +#endif +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + return safe_mutex_init(&that->m_mutex, attr, src_file, src_line); +#elif defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) + return my_pthread_fastmutex_init(&that->m_mutex, attr); +#else + return pthread_mutex_init(&that->m_mutex, attr); +#endif +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_mutex_destroy( + mysql_mutex_t *that +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + PSI_MUTEX_CALL(destroy_mutex)(that->m_psi); + that->m_psi= NULL; + } +#endif +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + return safe_mutex_destroy(&that->m_mutex, src_file, src_line); +#elif defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) + return pthread_mutex_destroy(&that->m_mutex.mutex); +#else + return pthread_mutex_destroy(&that->m_mutex); +#endif +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_mutex_lock( + mysql_mutex_t *that +#if defined(SAFE_MUTEX) || defined (HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE) + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_mutex_locker *locker; + PSI_mutex_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_MUTEX_CALL(start_mutex_wait)(&state, that->m_psi, + PSI_MUTEX_LOCK, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + result= safe_mutex_lock(&that->m_mutex, FALSE, src_file, src_line); +#elif defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) + result= my_pthread_fastmutex_lock(&that->m_mutex); +#else + result= pthread_mutex_lock(&that->m_mutex); +#endif + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_MUTEX_CALL(end_mutex_wait)(locker, result); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + result= safe_mutex_lock(&that->m_mutex, FALSE, src_file, src_line); +#elif defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) + result= my_pthread_fastmutex_lock(&that->m_mutex); +#else + result= pthread_mutex_lock(&that->m_mutex); +#endif + + return result; +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_mutex_trylock( + mysql_mutex_t *that +#if defined(SAFE_MUTEX) || defined (HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE) + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_mutex_locker *locker; + PSI_mutex_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_MUTEX_CALL(start_mutex_wait)(&state, that->m_psi, + PSI_MUTEX_TRYLOCK, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + result= safe_mutex_lock(&that->m_mutex, TRUE, src_file, src_line); +#elif defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) + result= pthread_mutex_trylock(&that->m_mutex.mutex); +#else + result= pthread_mutex_trylock(&that->m_mutex); +#endif + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_MUTEX_CALL(end_mutex_wait)(locker, result); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + result= safe_mutex_lock(&that->m_mutex, TRUE, src_file, src_line); +#elif defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) + result= pthread_mutex_trylock(&that->m_mutex.mutex); +#else + result= pthread_mutex_trylock(&that->m_mutex); +#endif + + return result; +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_mutex_unlock( + mysql_mutex_t *that +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + PSI_MUTEX_CALL(unlock_mutex)(that->m_psi); +#endif + +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + result= safe_mutex_unlock(&that->m_mutex, src_file, src_line); +#elif defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) + result= pthread_mutex_unlock(&that->m_mutex.mutex); +#else + result= pthread_mutex_unlock(&that->m_mutex); +#endif + + return result; +} + +static inline void inline_mysql_rwlock_register( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + const char *category, + PSI_rwlock_info *info, + int count +#else + const char *category __attribute__ ((unused)), + void *info __attribute__ ((unused)), + int count __attribute__ ((unused)) +#endif +) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(register_rwlock)(category, info, count); +#endif +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_rwlock_init( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + PSI_rwlock_key key, +#endif + mysql_rwlock_t *that) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + that->m_psi= PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(init_rwlock)(key, &that->m_rwlock); +#else + that->m_psi= NULL; +#endif + /* + pthread_rwlockattr_t is not used in MySQL. + */ + return my_rwlock_init(&that->m_rwlock, NULL); +} + +#ifndef DISABLE_MYSQL_PRLOCK_H +static inline int inline_mysql_prlock_init( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + PSI_rwlock_key key, +#endif + mysql_prlock_t *that) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + that->m_psi= PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(init_rwlock)(key, &that->m_prlock); +#else + that->m_psi= NULL; +#endif + return rw_pr_init(&that->m_prlock); +} +#endif + +static inline int inline_mysql_rwlock_destroy( + mysql_rwlock_t *that) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(destroy_rwlock)(that->m_psi); + that->m_psi= NULL; + } +#endif + return rwlock_destroy(&that->m_rwlock); +} + +#ifndef DISABLE_MYSQL_PRLOCK_H +static inline int inline_mysql_prlock_destroy( + mysql_prlock_t *that) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(destroy_rwlock)(that->m_psi); + that->m_psi= NULL; + } +#endif + return rw_pr_destroy(&that->m_prlock); +} +#endif + +static inline int inline_mysql_rwlock_rdlock( + mysql_rwlock_t *that +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_rwlock_locker *locker; + PSI_rwlock_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(start_rwlock_rdwait)(&state, that->m_psi, + PSI_RWLOCK_READLOCK, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= rw_rdlock(&that->m_rwlock); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(end_rwlock_rdwait)(locker, result); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= rw_rdlock(&that->m_rwlock); + + return result; +} + +#ifndef DISABLE_MYSQL_PRLOCK_H +static inline int inline_mysql_prlock_rdlock( + mysql_prlock_t *that +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_rwlock_locker *locker; + PSI_rwlock_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(start_rwlock_rdwait)(&state, that->m_psi, + PSI_RWLOCK_READLOCK, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= rw_pr_rdlock(&that->m_prlock); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(end_rwlock_rdwait)(locker, result); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= rw_pr_rdlock(&that->m_prlock); + + return result; +} +#endif + +static inline int inline_mysql_rwlock_wrlock( + mysql_rwlock_t *that +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_rwlock_locker *locker; + PSI_rwlock_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(start_rwlock_wrwait)(&state, that->m_psi, + PSI_RWLOCK_WRITELOCK, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= rw_wrlock(&that->m_rwlock); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(end_rwlock_wrwait)(locker, result); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= rw_wrlock(&that->m_rwlock); + + return result; +} + +#ifndef DISABLE_MYSQL_PRLOCK_H +static inline int inline_mysql_prlock_wrlock( + mysql_prlock_t *that +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_rwlock_locker *locker; + PSI_rwlock_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(start_rwlock_wrwait)(&state, that->m_psi, + PSI_RWLOCK_WRITELOCK, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= rw_pr_wrlock(&that->m_prlock); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(end_rwlock_wrwait)(locker, result); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= rw_pr_wrlock(&that->m_prlock); + + return result; +} +#endif + +static inline int inline_mysql_rwlock_tryrdlock( + mysql_rwlock_t *that +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_rwlock_locker *locker; + PSI_rwlock_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(start_rwlock_rdwait)(&state, that->m_psi, + PSI_RWLOCK_TRYREADLOCK, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= rw_tryrdlock(&that->m_rwlock); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(end_rwlock_rdwait)(locker, result); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= rw_tryrdlock(&that->m_rwlock); + + return result; +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_rwlock_trywrlock( + mysql_rwlock_t *that +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_rwlock_locker *locker; + PSI_rwlock_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(start_rwlock_wrwait)(&state, that->m_psi, + PSI_RWLOCK_TRYWRITELOCK, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= rw_trywrlock(&that->m_rwlock); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(end_rwlock_wrwait)(locker, result); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= rw_trywrlock(&that->m_rwlock); + + return result; +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_rwlock_unlock( + mysql_rwlock_t *that) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(unlock_rwlock)(that->m_psi); +#endif + result= rw_unlock(&that->m_rwlock); + return result; +} + +#ifndef DISABLE_MYSQL_PRLOCK_H +static inline int inline_mysql_prlock_unlock( + mysql_prlock_t *that) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(unlock_rwlock)(that->m_psi); +#endif + result= rw_pr_unlock(&that->m_prlock); + return result; +} +#endif + +static inline void inline_mysql_cond_register( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + const char *category, + PSI_cond_info *info, + int count +#else + const char *category __attribute__ ((unused)), + void *info __attribute__ ((unused)), + int count __attribute__ ((unused)) +#endif +) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + PSI_COND_CALL(register_cond)(category, info, count); +#endif +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_cond_init( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + PSI_cond_key key, +#endif + mysql_cond_t *that, + const pthread_condattr_t *attr) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + that->m_psi= PSI_COND_CALL(init_cond)(key, &that->m_cond); +#else + that->m_psi= NULL; +#endif + return pthread_cond_init(&that->m_cond, attr); +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_cond_destroy( + mysql_cond_t *that) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + PSI_COND_CALL(destroy_cond)(that->m_psi); + that->m_psi= NULL; + } +#endif + return pthread_cond_destroy(&that->m_cond); +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_cond_wait( + mysql_cond_t *that, + mysql_mutex_t *mutex +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_cond_locker *locker; + PSI_cond_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_COND_CALL(start_cond_wait)(&state, that->m_psi, mutex->m_psi, + PSI_COND_WAIT, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= my_cond_wait(&that->m_cond, &mutex->m_mutex); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_COND_CALL(end_cond_wait)(locker, result); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= my_cond_wait(&that->m_cond, &mutex->m_mutex); + + return result; +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_cond_timedwait( + mysql_cond_t *that, + mysql_mutex_t *mutex, + struct timespec *abstime +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_cond_locker *locker; + PSI_cond_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_COND_CALL(start_cond_wait)(&state, that->m_psi, mutex->m_psi, + PSI_COND_TIMEDWAIT, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= my_cond_timedwait(&that->m_cond, &mutex->m_mutex, abstime); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_COND_CALL(end_cond_wait)(locker, result); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= my_cond_timedwait(&that->m_cond, &mutex->m_mutex, abstime); + + return result; +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_cond_signal( + mysql_cond_t *that) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + PSI_COND_CALL(signal_cond)(that->m_psi); +#endif + result= pthread_cond_signal(&that->m_cond); + return result; +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_cond_broadcast( + mysql_cond_t *that) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + PSI_COND_CALL(broadcast_cond)(that->m_psi); +#endif + result= pthread_cond_broadcast(&that->m_cond); + return result; +} + +static inline void inline_mysql_thread_register( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE + const char *category, + PSI_thread_info *info, + int count +#else + const char *category __attribute__ ((unused)), + void *info __attribute__ ((unused)), + int count __attribute__ ((unused)) +#endif +) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE + PSI_THREAD_CALL(register_thread)(category, info, count); +#endif +} + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE +static inline int inline_mysql_thread_create( + PSI_thread_key key, + pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr, + void *(*start_routine)(void*), void *arg) +{ + int result; + result= PSI_THREAD_CALL(spawn_thread)(key, thread, attr, start_routine, arg); + return result; +} + +static inline void inline_mysql_thread_set_psi_id(ulong id) +{ + struct PSI_thread *psi= PSI_THREAD_CALL(get_thread)(); + PSI_THREAD_CALL(set_thread_id)(psi, id); +} +#endif + +#endif /* DISABLE_MYSQL_THREAD_H */ + +/** @} (end of group Thread_instrumentation) */ + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..30f2709be --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi.h @@ -0,0 +1,2431 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ + +#ifndef MYSQL_PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA_INTERFACE_H +#define MYSQL_PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA_INTERFACE_H + +#ifdef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY +#define DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +#define DISABLE_PSI_RWLOCK +#define DISABLE_PSI_COND +#define DISABLE_PSI_FILE +#define DISABLE_PSI_TABLE +#define DISABLE_PSI_SOCKET +#define DISABLE_PSI_STAGE +#define DISABLE_PSI_STATEMENT +#define DISABLE_PSI_IDLE +#define DISABLE_PSI_STATEMENT_DIGEST +#endif /* EMBEDDED_LIBRARY */ + +#ifndef MY_GLOBAL_INCLUDED +/* + Make sure a .c or .cc file contains an include to my_global.h first. + When this include is missing, all the #ifdef HAVE_XXX have no effect, + and the resulting binary won't build, or won't link, + or will crash at runtime + since various structures will have different binary definitions. +*/ +#error "You must include my_global.h in the code for the build to be correct." +#endif + +C_MODE_START + +struct TABLE_SHARE; +/* + There are 3 known bison parsers in the server: + - (1) the SQL parser itself, sql/sql_yacc.yy + - (2) storage/innobase/fts/fts0pars.y + - (3) storage/innobase/pars/pars0grm.y + What is instrumented here are the tokens from the SQL query text (1), + to make digests. + Now, to avoid name pollution and conflicts with different YYSTYPE definitions, + an opaque structure is used here. + The real type to use when invoking the digest api is LEX_YYSTYPE. +*/ +struct OPAQUE_LEX_YYSTYPE; + +/** + @file mysql/psi/psi.h + Performance schema instrumentation interface. + + @defgroup Instrumentation_interface Instrumentation Interface + @ingroup Performance_schema + @{ +*/ + +/** + Interface for an instrumented mutex. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_mutex; +typedef struct PSI_mutex PSI_mutex; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented rwlock. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_rwlock; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock PSI_rwlock; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented condition. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_cond; +typedef struct PSI_cond PSI_cond; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented table share. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_table_share; +typedef struct PSI_table_share PSI_table_share; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented table handle. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_table; +typedef struct PSI_table PSI_table; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented thread. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_thread; +typedef struct PSI_thread PSI_thread; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented file handle. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_file; +typedef struct PSI_file PSI_file; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented socket descriptor. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_socket; +typedef struct PSI_socket PSI_socket; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented table operation. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_table_locker; +typedef struct PSI_table_locker PSI_table_locker; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented statement. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_statement_locker; +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker PSI_statement_locker; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented idle operation. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_idle_locker; +typedef struct PSI_idle_locker PSI_idle_locker; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented statement digest operation. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_digest_locker; +typedef struct PSI_digest_locker PSI_digest_locker; + +/** Entry point for the performance schema interface. */ +struct PSI_bootstrap +{ + /** + ABI interface finder. + Calling this method with an interface version number returns either + an instance of the ABI for this version, or NULL. + @param version the interface version number to find + @return a versioned interface (PSI_v1, PSI_v2 or PSI) + @sa PSI_VERSION_1 + @sa PSI_v1 + @sa PSI_VERSION_2 + @sa PSI_v2 + @sa PSI_CURRENT_VERSION + @sa PSI + */ + void* (*get_interface)(int version); +}; +typedef struct PSI_bootstrap PSI_bootstrap; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX + Compiling option to disable the mutex instrumentation. + This option is mostly intended to be used during development, + when doing special builds with only a subset of the performance schema instrumentation, + for code analysis / profiling / performance tuning of a specific instrumentation alone. + For this reason, DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX is not advertised in the cmake general options. + To disable mutexes, add -DDISABLE_PSI_MUTEX to CFLAGS. + @sa DISABLE_PSI_RWLOCK + @sa DISABLE_PSI_COND + @sa DISABLE_PSI_FILE + @sa DISABLE_PSI_THREAD + @sa DISABLE_PSI_TABLE + @sa DISABLE_PSI_STAGE + @sa DISABLE_PSI_STATEMENT + @sa DISABLE_PSI_SOCKET + @sa DISABLE_PSI_IDLE +*/ + +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +#define HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE +#endif + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_RWLOCK + Compiling option to disable the rwlock instrumentation. + @sa DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +*/ + +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_RWLOCK +#define HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE +#endif + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_COND + Compiling option to disable the cond instrumentation. + @sa DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +*/ + +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_COND +#define HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE +#endif + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_FILE + Compiling option to disable the file instrumentation. + @sa DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +*/ + +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_FILE +#define HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE +#endif + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_THREAD + Compiling option to disable the thread instrumentation. + @sa DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +*/ +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_THREAD +#define HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE +#endif + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_TABLE + Compiling option to disable the table instrumentation. + @sa DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +*/ + +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_TABLE +#define HAVE_PSI_TABLE_INTERFACE +#endif + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_STAGE + Compiling option to disable the stage instrumentation. + @sa DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +*/ + +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_STAGE +#define HAVE_PSI_STAGE_INTERFACE +#endif + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_STATEMENT + Compiling option to disable the statement instrumentation. + @sa DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +*/ + +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_STATEMENT +#define HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE +#endif + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_STATEMENT_DIGEST + Compiling option to disable the statement digest instrumentation. +*/ + +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_STATEMENT +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_STATEMENT_DIGEST +#define HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_DIGEST_INTERFACE +#endif +#endif + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_SOCKET + Compiling option to disable the statement instrumentation. + @sa DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +*/ + +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_SOCKET +#define HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE +#endif + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_IDLE + Compiling option to disable the idle instrumentation. + @sa DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +*/ + +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_IDLE +#define HAVE_PSI_IDLE_INTERFACE +#endif + +/** + @def PSI_VERSION_1 + Performance Schema Interface number for version 1. + This version is supported. +*/ +#define PSI_VERSION_1 1 + +/** + @def PSI_VERSION_2 + Performance Schema Interface number for version 2. + This version is not implemented, it's a placeholder. +*/ +#define PSI_VERSION_2 2 + +/** + @def PSI_CURRENT_VERSION + Performance Schema Interface number for the most recent version. + The most current version is @c PSI_VERSION_1 +*/ +#define PSI_CURRENT_VERSION 1 + +#ifndef USE_PSI_2 +#ifndef USE_PSI_1 +#define USE_PSI_1 +#endif +#endif + +/** + Interface for an instrumented mutex operation. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_mutex_locker; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_locker PSI_mutex_locker; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented rwlock operation. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_rwlock_locker; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker PSI_rwlock_locker; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented condition operation. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_cond_locker; +typedef struct PSI_cond_locker PSI_cond_locker; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented file operation. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_file_locker; +typedef struct PSI_file_locker PSI_file_locker; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented socket operation. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_socket_locker; +typedef struct PSI_socket_locker PSI_socket_locker; + +/** Operation performed on an instrumented mutex. */ +enum PSI_mutex_operation +{ + /** Lock. */ + PSI_MUTEX_LOCK= 0, + /** Lock attempt. */ + PSI_MUTEX_TRYLOCK= 1 +}; +typedef enum PSI_mutex_operation PSI_mutex_operation; + +/** Operation performed on an instrumented rwlock. */ +enum PSI_rwlock_operation +{ + /** Read lock. */ + PSI_RWLOCK_READLOCK= 0, + /** Write lock. */ + PSI_RWLOCK_WRITELOCK= 1, + /** Read lock attempt. */ + PSI_RWLOCK_TRYREADLOCK= 2, + /** Write lock attempt. */ + PSI_RWLOCK_TRYWRITELOCK= 3 +}; +typedef enum PSI_rwlock_operation PSI_rwlock_operation; + +/** Operation performed on an instrumented condition. */ +enum PSI_cond_operation +{ + /** Wait. */ + PSI_COND_WAIT= 0, + /** Wait, with timeout. */ + PSI_COND_TIMEDWAIT= 1 +}; +typedef enum PSI_cond_operation PSI_cond_operation; + +/** Operation performed on an instrumented file. */ +enum PSI_file_operation +{ + /** File creation, as in @c create(). */ + PSI_FILE_CREATE= 0, + /** Temporary file creation, as in @c create_temp_file(). */ + PSI_FILE_CREATE_TMP= 1, + /** File open, as in @c open(). */ + PSI_FILE_OPEN= 2, + /** File open, as in @c fopen(). */ + PSI_FILE_STREAM_OPEN= 3, + /** File close, as in @c close(). */ + PSI_FILE_CLOSE= 4, + /** File close, as in @c fclose(). */ + PSI_FILE_STREAM_CLOSE= 5, + /** + Generic file read, such as @c fgets(), @c fgetc(), @c fread(), @c read(), + @c pread(). + */ + PSI_FILE_READ= 6, + /** + Generic file write, such as @c fputs(), @c fputc(), @c fprintf(), + @c vfprintf(), @c fwrite(), @c write(), @c pwrite(). + */ + PSI_FILE_WRITE= 7, + /** Generic file seek, such as @c fseek() or @c seek(). */ + PSI_FILE_SEEK= 8, + /** Generic file tell, such as @c ftell() or @c tell(). */ + PSI_FILE_TELL= 9, + /** File flush, as in @c fflush(). */ + PSI_FILE_FLUSH= 10, + /** File stat, as in @c stat(). */ + PSI_FILE_STAT= 11, + /** File stat, as in @c fstat(). */ + PSI_FILE_FSTAT= 12, + /** File chsize, as in @c my_chsize(). */ + PSI_FILE_CHSIZE= 13, + /** File delete, such as @c my_delete() or @c my_delete_with_symlink(). */ + PSI_FILE_DELETE= 14, + /** File rename, such as @c my_rename() or @c my_rename_with_symlink(). */ + PSI_FILE_RENAME= 15, + /** File sync, as in @c fsync() or @c my_sync(). */ + PSI_FILE_SYNC= 16 +}; +typedef enum PSI_file_operation PSI_file_operation; + +/** IO operation performed on an instrumented table. */ +enum PSI_table_io_operation +{ + /** Row fetch. */ + PSI_TABLE_FETCH_ROW= 0, + /** Row write. */ + PSI_TABLE_WRITE_ROW= 1, + /** Row update. */ + PSI_TABLE_UPDATE_ROW= 2, + /** Row delete. */ + PSI_TABLE_DELETE_ROW= 3 +}; +typedef enum PSI_table_io_operation PSI_table_io_operation; + +/** Lock operation performed on an instrumented table. */ +enum PSI_table_lock_operation +{ + /** Table lock, in the server layer. */ + PSI_TABLE_LOCK= 0, + /** Table lock, in the storage engine layer. */ + PSI_TABLE_EXTERNAL_LOCK= 1 +}; +typedef enum PSI_table_lock_operation PSI_table_lock_operation; + +/** State of an instrumented socket. */ +enum PSI_socket_state +{ + /** Idle, waiting for the next command. */ + PSI_SOCKET_STATE_IDLE= 1, + /** Active, executing a command. */ + PSI_SOCKET_STATE_ACTIVE= 2 +}; +typedef enum PSI_socket_state PSI_socket_state; + +/** Operation performed on an instrumented socket. */ +enum PSI_socket_operation +{ + /** Socket creation, as in @c socket() or @c socketpair(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_CREATE= 0, + /** Socket connection, as in @c connect(), @c listen() and @c accept(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_CONNECT= 1, + /** Socket bind, as in @c bind(), @c getsockname() and @c getpeername(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_BIND= 2, + /** Socket close, as in @c shutdown(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_CLOSE= 3, + /** Socket send, @c send(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_SEND= 4, + /** Socket receive, @c recv(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_RECV= 5, + /** Socket send, @c sendto(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_SENDTO= 6, + /** Socket receive, @c recvfrom). */ + PSI_SOCKET_RECVFROM= 7, + /** Socket send, @c sendmsg(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_SENDMSG= 8, + /** Socket receive, @c recvmsg(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_RECVMSG= 9, + /** Socket seek, such as @c fseek() or @c seek(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_SEEK= 10, + /** Socket options, as in @c getsockopt() and @c setsockopt(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_OPT= 11, + /** Socket status, as in @c sockatmark() and @c isfdtype(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_STAT= 12, + /** Socket shutdown, as in @c shutdown(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_SHUTDOWN= 13, + /** Socket select, as in @c select() and @c poll(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_SELECT= 14 +}; +typedef enum PSI_socket_operation PSI_socket_operation; + +/** + Instrumented mutex key. + To instrument a mutex, a mutex key must be obtained using @c register_mutex. + Using a zero key always disable the instrumentation. +*/ +typedef unsigned int PSI_mutex_key; + +/** + Instrumented rwlock key. + To instrument a rwlock, a rwlock key must be obtained + using @c register_rwlock. + Using a zero key always disable the instrumentation. +*/ +typedef unsigned int PSI_rwlock_key; + +/** + Instrumented cond key. + To instrument a condition, a condition key must be obtained + using @c register_cond. + Using a zero key always disable the instrumentation. +*/ +typedef unsigned int PSI_cond_key; + +/** + Instrumented thread key. + To instrument a thread, a thread key must be obtained + using @c register_thread. + Using a zero key always disable the instrumentation. +*/ +typedef unsigned int PSI_thread_key; + +/** + Instrumented file key. + To instrument a file, a file key must be obtained using @c register_file. + Using a zero key always disable the instrumentation. +*/ +typedef unsigned int PSI_file_key; + +/** + Instrumented stage key. + To instrument a stage, a stage key must be obtained using @c register_stage. + Using a zero key always disable the instrumentation. +*/ +typedef unsigned int PSI_stage_key; + +/** + Instrumented statement key. + To instrument a statement, a statement key must be obtained using @c register_statement. + Using a zero key always disable the instrumentation. +*/ +typedef unsigned int PSI_statement_key; + +/** + Instrumented socket key. + To instrument a socket, a socket key must be obtained using @c register_socket. + Using a zero key always disable the instrumentation. +*/ +typedef unsigned int PSI_socket_key; + +/** + @def USE_PSI_1 + Define USE_PSI_1 to use the interface version 1. +*/ + +/** + @def USE_PSI_2 + Define USE_PSI_2 to use the interface version 2. +*/ + +/** + @def HAVE_PSI_1 + Define HAVE_PSI_1 if the interface version 1 needs to be compiled in. +*/ + +/** + @def HAVE_PSI_2 + Define HAVE_PSI_2 if the interface version 2 needs to be compiled in. +*/ + +/** + Global flag. + This flag indicate that an instrumentation point is a global variable, + or a singleton. +*/ +#define PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL (1 << 0) + +/** + Global flag. + This flag indicate that an instrumentation point is a general placeholder, + that can mutate into a more specific instrumentation point. +*/ +#define PSI_FLAG_MUTABLE (1 << 1) + +#ifdef USE_PSI_1 +#define HAVE_PSI_1 +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_1 + +/** + @defgroup Group_PSI_v1 Application Binary Interface, version 1 + @ingroup Instrumentation_interface + @{ +*/ + +/** + Mutex information. + @since PSI_VERSION_1 + This structure is used to register an instrumented mutex. +*/ +struct PSI_mutex_info_v1 +{ + /** + Pointer to the key assigned to the registered mutex. + */ + PSI_mutex_key *m_key; + /** + The name of the mutex to register. + */ + const char *m_name; + /** + The flags of the mutex to register. + @sa PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL + */ + int m_flags; +}; + +/** + Rwlock information. + @since PSI_VERSION_1 + This structure is used to register an instrumented rwlock. +*/ +struct PSI_rwlock_info_v1 +{ + /** + Pointer to the key assigned to the registered rwlock. + */ + PSI_rwlock_key *m_key; + /** + The name of the rwlock to register. + */ + const char *m_name; + /** + The flags of the rwlock to register. + @sa PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL + */ + int m_flags; +}; + +/** + Condition information. + @since PSI_VERSION_1 + This structure is used to register an instrumented cond. +*/ +struct PSI_cond_info_v1 +{ + /** + Pointer to the key assigned to the registered cond. + */ + PSI_cond_key *m_key; + /** + The name of the cond to register. + */ + const char *m_name; + /** + The flags of the cond to register. + @sa PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL + */ + int m_flags; +}; + +/** + Thread instrument information. + @since PSI_VERSION_1 + This structure is used to register an instrumented thread. +*/ +struct PSI_thread_info_v1 +{ + /** + Pointer to the key assigned to the registered thread. + */ + PSI_thread_key *m_key; + /** + The name of the thread instrument to register. + */ + const char *m_name; + /** + The flags of the thread to register. + @sa PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL + */ + int m_flags; +}; + +/** + File instrument information. + @since PSI_VERSION_1 + This structure is used to register an instrumented file. +*/ +struct PSI_file_info_v1 +{ + /** + Pointer to the key assigned to the registered file. + */ + PSI_file_key *m_key; + /** + The name of the file instrument to register. + */ + const char *m_name; + /** + The flags of the file instrument to register. + @sa PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL + */ + int m_flags; +}; + +/** + Stage instrument information. + @since PSI_VERSION_1 + This structure is used to register an instrumented stage. +*/ +struct PSI_stage_info_v1 +{ + /** The registered stage key. */ + PSI_stage_key m_key; + /** The name of the stage instrument to register. */ + const char *m_name; + /** The flags of the stage instrument to register. */ + int m_flags; +}; + +/** + Statement instrument information. + @since PSI_VERSION_1 + This structure is used to register an instrumented statement. +*/ +struct PSI_statement_info_v1 +{ + /** The registered statement key. */ + PSI_statement_key m_key; + /** The name of the statement instrument to register. */ + const char *m_name; + /** The flags of the statement instrument to register. */ + int m_flags; +}; + +/** + Socket instrument information. + @since PSI_VERSION_1 + This structure is used to register an instrumented socket. +*/ +struct PSI_socket_info_v1 +{ + /** + Pointer to the key assigned to the registered socket. + */ + PSI_socket_key *m_key; + /** + The name of the socket instrument to register. + */ + const char *m_name; + /** + The flags of the socket instrument to register. + @sa PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL + */ + int m_flags; +}; + +/** + State data storage for @c start_idle_wait_v1_t. + This structure provide temporary storage to an idle locker. + The content of this structure is considered opaque, + the fields are only hints of what an implementation + of the psi interface can use. + This memory is provided by the instrumented code for performance reasons. + @sa start_idle_wait_v1_t. +*/ +struct PSI_idle_locker_state_v1 +{ + /** Internal state. */ + uint m_flags; + /** Current thread. */ + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + /** Timer start. */ + ulonglong m_timer_start; + /** Timer function. */ + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + /** Internal data. */ + void *m_wait; +}; + +/** + State data storage for @c start_mutex_wait_v1_t. + This structure provide temporary storage to a mutex locker. + The content of this structure is considered opaque, + the fields are only hints of what an implementation + of the psi interface can use. + This memory is provided by the instrumented code for performance reasons. + @sa start_mutex_wait_v1_t +*/ +struct PSI_mutex_locker_state_v1 +{ + /** Internal state. */ + uint m_flags; + /** Current operation. */ + enum PSI_mutex_operation m_operation; + /** Current mutex. */ + struct PSI_mutex *m_mutex; + /** Current thread. */ + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + /** Timer start. */ + ulonglong m_timer_start; + /** Timer function. */ + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + /** Internal data. */ + void *m_wait; +}; + +/** + State data storage for @c start_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t, @c start_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t. + This structure provide temporary storage to a rwlock locker. + The content of this structure is considered opaque, + the fields are only hints of what an implementation + of the psi interface can use. + This memory is provided by the instrumented code for performance reasons. + @sa start_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t + @sa start_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t +*/ +struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v1 +{ + /** Internal state. */ + uint m_flags; + /** Current operation. */ + enum PSI_rwlock_operation m_operation; + /** Current rwlock. */ + struct PSI_rwlock *m_rwlock; + /** Current thread. */ + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + /** Timer start. */ + ulonglong m_timer_start; + /** Timer function. */ + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + /** Internal data. */ + void *m_wait; +}; + +/** + State data storage for @c start_cond_wait_v1_t. + This structure provide temporary storage to a condition locker. + The content of this structure is considered opaque, + the fields are only hints of what an implementation + of the psi interface can use. + This memory is provided by the instrumented code for performance reasons. + @sa start_cond_wait_v1_t +*/ +struct PSI_cond_locker_state_v1 +{ + /** Internal state. */ + uint m_flags; + /** Current operation. */ + enum PSI_cond_operation m_operation; + /** Current condition. */ + struct PSI_cond *m_cond; + /** Current mutex. */ + struct PSI_mutex *m_mutex; + /** Current thread. */ + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + /** Timer start. */ + ulonglong m_timer_start; + /** Timer function. */ + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + /** Internal data. */ + void *m_wait; +}; + +/** + State data storage for @c get_thread_file_name_locker_v1_t. + This structure provide temporary storage to a file locker. + The content of this structure is considered opaque, + the fields are only hints of what an implementation + of the psi interface can use. + This memory is provided by the instrumented code for performance reasons. + @sa get_thread_file_name_locker_v1_t + @sa get_thread_file_stream_locker_v1_t + @sa get_thread_file_descriptor_locker_v1_t +*/ +struct PSI_file_locker_state_v1 +{ + /** Internal state. */ + uint m_flags; + /** Current operation. */ + enum PSI_file_operation m_operation; + /** Current file. */ + struct PSI_file *m_file; + /** Current file name. */ + const char *m_name; + /** Current file class. */ + void *m_class; + /** Current thread. */ + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + /** Operation number of bytes. */ + size_t m_number_of_bytes; + /** Timer start. */ + ulonglong m_timer_start; + /** Timer function. */ + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + /** Internal data. */ + void *m_wait; +}; + +/** + State data storage for @c start_table_io_wait_v1_t, + @c start_table_lock_wait_v1_t. + This structure provide temporary storage to a table locker. + The content of this structure is considered opaque, + the fields are only hints of what an implementation + of the psi interface can use. + This memory is provided by the instrumented code for performance reasons. + @sa start_table_io_wait_v1_t + @sa start_table_lock_wait_v1_t +*/ +struct PSI_table_locker_state_v1 +{ + /** Internal state. */ + uint m_flags; + /** Current io operation. */ + enum PSI_table_io_operation m_io_operation; + /** Current table handle. */ + struct PSI_table *m_table; + /** Current table share. */ + struct PSI_table_share *m_table_share; + /** Current thread. */ + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + /** Timer start. */ + ulonglong m_timer_start; + /** Timer function. */ + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + /** Internal data. */ + void *m_wait; + /** + Implementation specific. + For table io, the table io index. + For table lock, the lock type. + */ + uint m_index; +}; + +#define PSI_MAX_DIGEST_STORAGE_SIZE 1024 + +/** + Structure to store token count/array for a statement + on which digest is to be calculated. +*/ +struct PSI_digest_storage +{ + my_bool m_full; + int m_byte_count; + /** Character set number. */ + uint m_charset_number; + unsigned char m_token_array[PSI_MAX_DIGEST_STORAGE_SIZE]; +}; +typedef struct PSI_digest_storage PSI_digest_storage; + +struct PSI_digest_locker_state +{ + int m_last_id_index; + PSI_digest_storage m_digest_storage; +}; +typedef struct PSI_digest_locker_state PSI_digest_locker_state; + +/* Duplicate of NAME_LEN, to avoid dependency on mysql_com.h */ +#define PSI_SCHEMA_NAME_LEN (64 * 3) + +/** + State data storage for @c get_thread_statement_locker_v1_t, + @c get_thread_statement_locker_v1_t. + This structure provide temporary storage to a statement locker. + The content of this structure is considered opaque, + the fields are only hints of what an implementation + of the psi interface can use. + This memory is provided by the instrumented code for performance reasons. + @sa get_thread_statement_locker_v1_t +*/ +struct PSI_statement_locker_state_v1 +{ + /** Discarded flag. */ + my_bool m_discarded; + /** Metric, no index used flag. */ + uchar m_no_index_used; + /** Metric, no good index used flag. */ + uchar m_no_good_index_used; + /** Internal state. */ + uint m_flags; + /** Instrumentation class. */ + void *m_class; + /** Current thread. */ + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + /** Timer start. */ + ulonglong m_timer_start; + /** Timer function. */ + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + /** Internal data. */ + void *m_statement; + /** Locked time. */ + ulonglong m_lock_time; + /** Rows sent. */ + ulonglong m_rows_sent; + /** Rows examined. */ + ulonglong m_rows_examined; + /** Metric, temporary tables created on disk. */ + ulong m_created_tmp_disk_tables; + /** Metric, temporary tables created. */ + ulong m_created_tmp_tables; + /** Metric, number of select full join. */ + ulong m_select_full_join; + /** Metric, number of select full range join. */ + ulong m_select_full_range_join; + /** Metric, number of select range. */ + ulong m_select_range; + /** Metric, number of select range check. */ + ulong m_select_range_check; + /** Metric, number of select scan. */ + ulong m_select_scan; + /** Metric, number of sort merge passes. */ + ulong m_sort_merge_passes; + /** Metric, number of sort merge. */ + ulong m_sort_range; + /** Metric, number of sort rows. */ + ulong m_sort_rows; + /** Metric, number of sort scans. */ + ulong m_sort_scan; + /** Statement digest. */ + PSI_digest_locker_state m_digest_state; + /** Current schema name. */ + char m_schema_name[PSI_SCHEMA_NAME_LEN]; + /** Length in bytes of @c m_schema_name. */ + uint m_schema_name_length; +}; + +/** + State data storage for @c start_socket_wait_v1_t. + This structure provide temporary storage to a socket locker. + The content of this structure is considered opaque, + the fields are only hints of what an implementation + of the psi interface can use. + This memory is provided by the instrumented code for performance reasons. + @sa start_socket_wait_v1_t +*/ +struct PSI_socket_locker_state_v1 +{ + /** Internal state. */ + uint m_flags; + /** Current socket. */ + struct PSI_socket *m_socket; + /** Current thread. */ + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + /** Operation number of bytes. */ + size_t m_number_of_bytes; + /** Timer start. */ + ulonglong m_timer_start; + /** Timer function. */ + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + /** Current operation. */ + enum PSI_socket_operation m_operation; + /** Source file. */ + const char* m_src_file; + /** Source line number. */ + int m_src_line; + /** Internal data. */ + void *m_wait; +}; + +/* Using typedef to make reuse between PSI_v1 and PSI_v2 easier later. */ + +/** + Mutex registration API. + @param category a category name (typically a plugin name) + @param info an array of mutex info to register + @param count the size of the info array +*/ +typedef void (*register_mutex_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_mutex_info_v1 *info, int count); + +/** + Rwlock registration API. + @param category a category name (typically a plugin name) + @param info an array of rwlock info to register + @param count the size of the info array +*/ +typedef void (*register_rwlock_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_rwlock_info_v1 *info, int count); + +/** + Cond registration API. + @param category a category name (typically a plugin name) + @param info an array of cond info to register + @param count the size of the info array +*/ +typedef void (*register_cond_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_cond_info_v1 *info, int count); + +/** + Thread registration API. + @param category a category name (typically a plugin name) + @param info an array of thread info to register + @param count the size of the info array +*/ +typedef void (*register_thread_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_thread_info_v1 *info, int count); + +/** + File registration API. + @param category a category name (typically a plugin name) + @param info an array of file info to register + @param count the size of the info array +*/ +typedef void (*register_file_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_file_info_v1 *info, int count); + +/** + Stage registration API. + @param category a category name + @param info an array of stage info to register + @param count the size of the info array +*/ +typedef void (*register_stage_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_stage_info_v1 **info, int count); + +/** + Statement registration API. + @param category a category name + @param info an array of stage info to register + @param count the size of the info array +*/ +typedef void (*register_statement_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_statement_info_v1 *info, int count); + +/** + Socket registration API. + @param category a category name (typically a plugin name) + @param info an array of socket info to register + @param count the size of the info array +*/ +typedef void (*register_socket_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_socket_info_v1 *info, int count); + +/** + Mutex instrumentation initialisation API. + @param key the registered mutex key + @param identity the address of the mutex itself + @return an instrumented mutex +*/ +typedef struct PSI_mutex* (*init_mutex_v1_t) + (PSI_mutex_key key, const void *identity); + +/** + Mutex instrumentation destruction API. + @param mutex the mutex to destroy +*/ +typedef void (*destroy_mutex_v1_t)(struct PSI_mutex *mutex); + +/** + Rwlock instrumentation initialisation API. + @param key the registered rwlock key + @param identity the address of the rwlock itself + @return an instrumented rwlock +*/ +typedef struct PSI_rwlock* (*init_rwlock_v1_t) + (PSI_rwlock_key key, const void *identity); + +/** + Rwlock instrumentation destruction API. + @param rwlock the rwlock to destroy +*/ +typedef void (*destroy_rwlock_v1_t)(struct PSI_rwlock *rwlock); + +/** + Cond instrumentation initialisation API. + @param key the registered key + @param identity the address of the rwlock itself + @return an instrumented cond +*/ +typedef struct PSI_cond* (*init_cond_v1_t) + (PSI_cond_key key, const void *identity); + +/** + Cond instrumentation destruction API. + @param cond the rcond to destroy +*/ +typedef void (*destroy_cond_v1_t)(struct PSI_cond *cond); + +/** + Socket instrumentation initialisation API. + @param key the registered mutex key + @param socket descriptor + @param addr the socket ip address + @param addr_len length of socket ip address + @return an instrumented socket +*/ +typedef struct PSI_socket* (*init_socket_v1_t) + (PSI_socket_key key, const my_socket *fd, + const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addr_len); + +/** + socket instrumentation destruction API. + @param socket the socket to destroy +*/ +typedef void (*destroy_socket_v1_t)(struct PSI_socket *socket); + +/** + Acquire a table share instrumentation. + @param temporary True for temporary tables + @param share The SQL layer table share + @return a table share instrumentation, or NULL +*/ +typedef struct PSI_table_share* (*get_table_share_v1_t) + (my_bool temporary, struct TABLE_SHARE *share); + +/** + Release a table share. + @param info the table share to release +*/ +typedef void (*release_table_share_v1_t)(struct PSI_table_share *share); + +/** + Drop a table share. + @param temporary True for temporary tables + @param schema_name the table schema name + @param schema_name_length the table schema name length + @param table_name the table name + @param table_name_length the table name length +*/ +typedef void (*drop_table_share_v1_t) + (my_bool temporary, const char *schema_name, int schema_name_length, + const char *table_name, int table_name_length); + +/** + Open an instrumentation table handle. + @param share the table to open + @param identity table handle identity + @return a table handle, or NULL +*/ +typedef struct PSI_table* (*open_table_v1_t) + (struct PSI_table_share *share, const void *identity); + +/** + Unbind a table handle from the current thread. + This operation happens when an opened table is added to the open table cache. + @param table the table to unbind +*/ +typedef void (*unbind_table_v1_t) + (struct PSI_table *table); + +/** + Rebind a table handle to the current thread. + This operation happens when a table from the open table cache + is reused for a thread. + @param table the table to unbind +*/ +typedef PSI_table* (*rebind_table_v1_t) + (PSI_table_share *share, const void *identity, PSI_table *table); + +/** + Close an instrumentation table handle. + Note that the table handle is invalid after this call. + @param table the table handle to close +*/ +typedef void (*close_table_v1_t)(struct PSI_table *table); + +/** + Create a file instrumentation for a created file. + This method does not create the file itself, but is used to notify the + instrumentation interface that a file was just created. + @param key the file instrumentation key for this file + @param name the file name + @param file the file handle +*/ +typedef void (*create_file_v1_t)(PSI_file_key key, const char *name, + File file); + +/** + Spawn a thread. + This method creates a new thread, with instrumentation. + @param key the instrumentation key for this thread + @param thread the resulting thread + @param attr the thread attributes + @param start_routine the thread start routine + @param arg the thread start routine argument +*/ +typedef int (*spawn_thread_v1_t)(PSI_thread_key key, + pthread_t *thread, + const pthread_attr_t *attr, + void *(*start_routine)(void*), void *arg); + +/** + Create instrumentation for a thread. + @param key the registered key + @param identity an address typical of the thread + @return an instrumented thread +*/ +typedef struct PSI_thread* (*new_thread_v1_t) + (PSI_thread_key key, const void *identity, ulonglong thread_id); + +/** + Assign an id to an instrumented thread. + @param thread the instrumented thread + @param id the id to assign +*/ +typedef void (*set_thread_id_v1_t)(struct PSI_thread *thread, + ulonglong id); + +/** + Get the instrumentation for the running thread. + For this function to return a result, + the thread instrumentation must have been attached to the + running thread using @c set_thread() + @return the instrumentation for the running thread +*/ +typedef struct PSI_thread* (*get_thread_v1_t)(void); + +/** + Assign a user name to the instrumented thread. + @param user the user name + @param user_len the user name length +*/ +typedef void (*set_thread_user_v1_t)(const char *user, int user_len); + +/** + Assign a user name and host name to the instrumented thread. + @param user the user name + @param user_len the user name length + @param host the host name + @param host_len the host name length +*/ +typedef void (*set_thread_user_host_v1_t)(const char *user, int user_len, + const char *host, int host_len); + +/** + Assign a current database to the instrumented thread. + @param db the database name + @param db_len the database name length +*/ +typedef void (*set_thread_db_v1_t)(const char* db, int db_len); + +/** + Assign a current command to the instrumented thread. + @param command the current command +*/ +typedef void (*set_thread_command_v1_t)(int command); + +/** + Assign a start time to the instrumented thread. + @param start_time the thread start time +*/ +typedef void (*set_thread_start_time_v1_t)(time_t start_time); + +/** + Assign a state to the instrumented thread. + @param state the thread state +*/ +typedef void (*set_thread_state_v1_t)(const char* state); + +/** + Assign a process info to the instrumented thread. + @param info the process into string + @param info_len the process into string length +*/ +typedef void (*set_thread_info_v1_t)(const char* info, uint info_len); + +/** + Attach a thread instrumentation to the running thread. + In case of thread pools, this method should be called when + a worker thread picks a work item and runs it. + Also, this method should be called if the instrumented code does not + keep the pointer returned by @c new_thread() and relies on @c get_thread() + instead. + @param thread the thread instrumentation +*/ +typedef void (*set_thread_v1_t)(struct PSI_thread *thread); + +/** Delete the current thread instrumentation. */ +typedef void (*delete_current_thread_v1_t)(void); + +/** Delete a thread instrumentation. */ +typedef void (*delete_thread_v1_t)(struct PSI_thread *thread); + +/** + Get a file instrumentation locker, for opening or creating a file. + @param state data storage for the locker + @param key the file instrumentation key + @param op the operation to perform + @param name the file name + @param identity a pointer representative of this file. + @return a file locker, or NULL +*/ +typedef struct PSI_file_locker* (*get_thread_file_name_locker_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker_state_v1 *state, + PSI_file_key key, enum PSI_file_operation op, const char *name, + const void *identity); + +/** + Get a file stream instrumentation locker. + @param state data storage for the locker + @param file the file stream to access + @param op the operation to perform + @return a file locker, or NULL +*/ +typedef struct PSI_file_locker* (*get_thread_file_stream_locker_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_file *file, enum PSI_file_operation op); + +/** + Get a file instrumentation locker. + @param state data storage for the locker + @param file the file descriptor to access + @param op the operation to perform + @return a file locker, or NULL +*/ +typedef struct PSI_file_locker* (*get_thread_file_descriptor_locker_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker_state_v1 *state, + File file, enum PSI_file_operation op); + +/** + Record a mutex instrumentation unlock event. + @param mutex the mutex instrumentation +*/ +typedef void (*unlock_mutex_v1_t) + (struct PSI_mutex *mutex); + +/** + Record a rwlock instrumentation unlock event. + @param rwlock the rwlock instrumentation +*/ +typedef void (*unlock_rwlock_v1_t) + (struct PSI_rwlock *rwlock); + +/** + Record a condition instrumentation signal event. + @param cond the cond instrumentation +*/ +typedef void (*signal_cond_v1_t) + (struct PSI_cond *cond); + +/** + Record a condition instrumentation broadcast event. + @param cond the cond instrumentation +*/ +typedef void (*broadcast_cond_v1_t) + (struct PSI_cond *cond); + +typedef struct PSI_idle_locker* (*start_idle_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_idle_locker_state_v1 *state, const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +typedef void (*end_idle_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_idle_locker *locker); + +/** + Record a mutex instrumentation wait start event. + @param state data storage for the locker + @param mutex the instrumented mutex to lock + @param op the operation to perform + @param file the source file name + @param line the source line number + @return a mutex locker, or NULL +*/ +typedef struct PSI_mutex_locker* (*start_mutex_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_mutex_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_mutex *mutex, + enum PSI_mutex_operation op, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + Record a mutex instrumentation wait end event. + @param locker a thread locker for the running thread + @param rc the wait operation return code +*/ +typedef void (*end_mutex_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_mutex_locker *locker, int rc); + +/** + Record a rwlock instrumentation read wait start event. + @param locker a thread locker for the running thread + @param must must block: 1 for lock, 0 for trylock +*/ +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker* (*start_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_rwlock *rwlock, + enum PSI_rwlock_operation op, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + Record a rwlock instrumentation read wait end event. + @param locker a thread locker for the running thread + @param rc the wait operation return code +*/ +typedef void (*end_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_rwlock_locker *locker, int rc); + +/** + Record a rwlock instrumentation write wait start event. + @param locker a thread locker for the running thread + @param must must block: 1 for lock, 0 for trylock +*/ +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker* (*start_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_rwlock *rwlock, + enum PSI_rwlock_operation op, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + Record a rwlock instrumentation write wait end event. + @param locker a thread locker for the running thread + @param rc the wait operation return code +*/ +typedef void (*end_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_rwlock_locker *locker, int rc); + +/** + Record a condition instrumentation wait start event. + @param locker a thread locker for the running thread + @param must must block: 1 for wait, 0 for timedwait +*/ +typedef struct PSI_cond_locker* (*start_cond_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_cond_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_cond *cond, + struct PSI_mutex *mutex, + enum PSI_cond_operation op, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + Record a condition instrumentation wait end event. + @param locker a thread locker for the running thread + @param rc the wait operation return code +*/ +typedef void (*end_cond_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_cond_locker *locker, int rc); + +/** + Record a table instrumentation io wait start event. + @param locker a table locker for the running thread + @param file the source file name + @param line the source line number +*/ +typedef struct PSI_table_locker* (*start_table_io_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_table_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_table *table, + enum PSI_table_io_operation op, + uint index, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + Record a table instrumentation io wait end event. + @param locker a table locker for the running thread +*/ +typedef void (*end_table_io_wait_v1_t)(struct PSI_table_locker *locker); + +/** + Record a table instrumentation lock wait start event. + @param locker a table locker for the running thread + @param file the source file name + @param line the source line number +*/ +typedef struct PSI_table_locker* (*start_table_lock_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_table_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_table *table, + enum PSI_table_lock_operation op, + ulong flags, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + Record a table instrumentation lock wait end event. + @param locker a table locker for the running thread +*/ +typedef void (*end_table_lock_wait_v1_t)(struct PSI_table_locker *locker); + +/** + Start a file instrumentation open operation. + @param locker the file locker + @param op the operation to perform + @param src_file the source file name + @param src_line the source line number +*/ +typedef void (*start_file_open_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + End a file instrumentation open operation, for file streams. + @param locker the file locker. + @param result the opened file (NULL indicates failure, non NULL success). + @return an instrumented file handle +*/ +typedef struct PSI_file* (*end_file_open_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, void *result); + +/** + End a file instrumentation open operation, for non stream files. + @param locker the file locker. + @param file the file number assigned by open() or create() for this file. +*/ +typedef void (*end_file_open_wait_and_bind_to_descriptor_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, File file); + +/** + Record a file instrumentation start event. + @param locker a file locker for the running thread + @param op file operation to be performed + @param count the number of bytes requested, or 0 if not applicable + @param src_file the source file name + @param src_line the source line number +*/ +typedef void (*start_file_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, size_t count, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + Record a file instrumentation end event. + Note that for file close operations, the instrumented file handle + associated with the file (which was provided to obtain a locker) + is invalid after this call. + @param locker a file locker for the running thread + @param count the number of bytes actually used in the operation, + or 0 if not applicable, or -1 if the operation failed + @sa get_thread_file_name_locker + @sa get_thread_file_stream_locker + @sa get_thread_file_descriptor_locker +*/ +typedef void (*end_file_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, size_t count); + +/** + Start a file instrumentation close operation. + @param locker the file locker + @param op the operation to perform + @param src_file the source file name + @param src_line the source line number +*/ +typedef void (*start_file_close_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + End a file instrumentation close operation. + @param locker the file locker. + @param rc the close operation return code (0 for success). + @return an instrumented file handle +*/ +typedef void (*end_file_close_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, int rc); + +/** + Start a new stage, and implicitly end the previous stage. + @param key the key of the new stage + @param src_file the source file name + @param src_line the source line number +*/ +typedef void (*start_stage_v1_t) + (PSI_stage_key key, const char *src_file, int src_line); + +/** End the current stage. */ +typedef void (*end_stage_v1_t) (void); + +/** + Get a statement instrumentation locker. + @param state data storage for the locker + @param key the statement instrumentation key + @param charset client character set + @return a statement locker, or NULL +*/ +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker* (*get_thread_statement_locker_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker_state_v1 *state, + PSI_statement_key key, const void *charset); + +/** + Refine a statement locker to a more specific key. + Note that only events declared mutable can be refined. + @param the statement locker for the current event + @param key the new key for the event + @sa PSI_FLAG_MUTABLE +*/ +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker* (*refine_statement_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, + PSI_statement_key key); + +/** + Start a new statement event. + @param locker the statement locker for this event + @param db the active database name for this statement + @param db_length the active database name length for this statement + @param src_file source file name + @param src_line source line number +*/ +typedef void (*start_statement_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, + const char *db, uint db_length, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + Set the statement text for a statement event. + @param locker the current statement locker + @param text the statement text + @param text_len the statement text length +*/ +typedef void (*set_statement_text_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, + const char *text, uint text_len); + +/** + Set a statement event lock time. + @param locker the statement locker + @param lock_time the locked time, in microseconds +*/ +typedef void (*set_statement_lock_time_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulonglong lock_time); + +/** + Set a statement event rows sent metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the number of rows sent +*/ +typedef void (*set_statement_rows_sent_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulonglong count); + +/** + Set a statement event rows examined metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the number of rows examined +*/ +typedef void (*set_statement_rows_examined_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulonglong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "created tmp disk tables" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_created_tmp_disk_tables_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "created tmp tables" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_created_tmp_tables_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "select full join" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_select_full_join_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "select full range join" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_select_full_range_join_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "select range join" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_select_range_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "select range check" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_select_range_check_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "select scan" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_select_scan_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "sort merge passes" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_sort_merge_passes_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "sort range" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_sort_range_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "sort rows" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_sort_rows_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "sort scan" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_sort_scan_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Set a statement event "no index used" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric value +*/ +typedef void (*set_statement_no_index_used_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker); + +/** + Set a statement event "no good index used" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric value +*/ +typedef void (*set_statement_no_good_index_used_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker); + +/** + End a statement event. + @param locker the statement locker + @param stmt_da the statement diagnostics area. + @sa Diagnostics_area +*/ +typedef void (*end_statement_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, void *stmt_da); + +/** + Record a socket instrumentation start event. + @param locker a socket locker for the running thread + @param op socket operation to be performed + @param count the number of bytes requested, or 0 if not applicable + @param src_file the source file name + @param src_line the source line number +*/ +typedef struct PSI_socket_locker* (*start_socket_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_socket_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_socket *socket, + enum PSI_socket_operation op, + size_t count, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + Record a socket instrumentation end event. + Note that for socket close operations, the instrumented socket handle + associated with the socket (which was provided to obtain a locker) + is invalid after this call. + @param locker a socket locker for the running thread + @param count the number of bytes actually used in the operation, + or 0 if not applicable, or -1 if the operation failed + @sa get_thread_socket_locker +*/ +typedef void (*end_socket_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_socket_locker *locker, size_t count); + +/** + Set the socket state for an instrumented socket. + @param socket the instrumented socket + @param state socket state + */ +typedef void (*set_socket_state_v1_t)(struct PSI_socket *socket, + enum PSI_socket_state state); + +/** + Set the socket info for an instrumented socket. + @param socket the instrumented socket + @param fd the socket descriptor + @param addr the socket ip address + @param addr_len length of socket ip address + @param thread_id associated thread id +*/ +typedef void (*set_socket_info_v1_t)(struct PSI_socket *socket, + const my_socket *fd, + const struct sockaddr *addr, + socklen_t addr_len); + +/** + Bind a socket to the thread that owns it. + @param socket instrumented socket +*/ +typedef void (*set_socket_thread_owner_v1_t)(struct PSI_socket *socket); + +typedef struct PSI_digest_locker * (*digest_start_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker); + +typedef struct PSI_digest_locker* (*digest_add_token_v1_t) + (struct PSI_digest_locker *locker, uint token, struct OPAQUE_LEX_YYSTYPE *yylval); + +/** + Stores an array of connection attributes + @param buffer char array of length encoded connection attributes + in network format + @param length legnth of the data in buffer + @param from_cs charset in which @buffer is encodded + @return state + @retval non-0 attributes truncated + @retval 0 stored the attribute +*/ +typedef int (*set_thread_connect_attrs_v1_t)(const char *buffer, uint length, + const void *from_cs); + +/** + Performance Schema Interface, version 1. + @since PSI_VERSION_1 +*/ +struct PSI_v1 +{ + /** @sa register_mutex_v1_t. */ + register_mutex_v1_t register_mutex; + /** @sa register_rwlock_v1_t. */ + register_rwlock_v1_t register_rwlock; + /** @sa register_cond_v1_t. */ + register_cond_v1_t register_cond; + /** @sa register_thread_v1_t. */ + register_thread_v1_t register_thread; + /** @sa register_file_v1_t. */ + register_file_v1_t register_file; + /** @sa register_stage_v1_t. */ + register_stage_v1_t register_stage; + /** @sa register_statement_v1_t. */ + register_statement_v1_t register_statement; + /** @sa register_socket_v1_t. */ + register_socket_v1_t register_socket; + /** @sa init_mutex_v1_t. */ + init_mutex_v1_t init_mutex; + /** @sa destroy_mutex_v1_t. */ + destroy_mutex_v1_t destroy_mutex; + /** @sa init_rwlock_v1_t. */ + init_rwlock_v1_t init_rwlock; + /** @sa destroy_rwlock_v1_t. */ + destroy_rwlock_v1_t destroy_rwlock; + /** @sa init_cond_v1_t. */ + init_cond_v1_t init_cond; + /** @sa destroy_cond_v1_t. */ + destroy_cond_v1_t destroy_cond; + /** @sa init_socket_v1_t. */ + init_socket_v1_t init_socket; + /** @sa destroy_socket_v1_t. */ + destroy_socket_v1_t destroy_socket; + /** @sa get_table_share_v1_t. */ + get_table_share_v1_t get_table_share; + /** @sa release_table_share_v1_t. */ + release_table_share_v1_t release_table_share; + /** @sa drop_table_share_v1_t. */ + drop_table_share_v1_t drop_table_share; + /** @sa open_table_v1_t. */ + open_table_v1_t open_table; + /** @sa unbind_table_v1_t. */ + unbind_table_v1_t unbind_table; + /** @sa rebind_table_v1_t. */ + rebind_table_v1_t rebind_table; + /** @sa close_table_v1_t. */ + close_table_v1_t close_table; + /** @sa create_file_v1_t. */ + create_file_v1_t create_file; + /** @sa spawn_thread_v1_t. */ + spawn_thread_v1_t spawn_thread; + /** @sa new_thread_v1_t. */ + new_thread_v1_t new_thread; + /** @sa set_thread_id_v1_t. */ + set_thread_id_v1_t set_thread_id; + /** @sa get_thread_v1_t. */ + get_thread_v1_t get_thread; + /** @sa set_thread_user_v1_t. */ + set_thread_user_v1_t set_thread_user; + /** @sa set_thread_user_host_v1_t. */ + set_thread_user_host_v1_t set_thread_user_host; + /** @sa set_thread_db_v1_t. */ + set_thread_db_v1_t set_thread_db; + /** @sa set_thread_command_v1_t. */ + set_thread_command_v1_t set_thread_command; + /** @sa set_thread_start_time_v1_t. */ + set_thread_start_time_v1_t set_thread_start_time; + /** @sa set_thread_state_v1_t. */ + set_thread_state_v1_t set_thread_state; + /** @sa set_thread_info_v1_t. */ + set_thread_info_v1_t set_thread_info; + /** @sa set_thread_v1_t. */ + set_thread_v1_t set_thread; + /** @sa delete_current_thread_v1_t. */ + delete_current_thread_v1_t delete_current_thread; + /** @sa delete_thread_v1_t. */ + delete_thread_v1_t delete_thread; + /** @sa get_thread_file_name_locker_v1_t. */ + get_thread_file_name_locker_v1_t get_thread_file_name_locker; + /** @sa get_thread_file_stream_locker_v1_t. */ + get_thread_file_stream_locker_v1_t get_thread_file_stream_locker; + /** @sa get_thread_file_descriptor_locker_v1_t. */ + get_thread_file_descriptor_locker_v1_t get_thread_file_descriptor_locker; + /** @sa unlock_mutex_v1_t. */ + unlock_mutex_v1_t unlock_mutex; + /** @sa unlock_rwlock_v1_t. */ + unlock_rwlock_v1_t unlock_rwlock; + /** @sa signal_cond_v1_t. */ + signal_cond_v1_t signal_cond; + /** @sa broadcast_cond_v1_t. */ + broadcast_cond_v1_t broadcast_cond; + /** @sa start_idle_wait_v1_t. */ + start_idle_wait_v1_t start_idle_wait; + /** @sa end_idle_wait_v1_t. */ + end_idle_wait_v1_t end_idle_wait; + /** @sa start_mutex_wait_v1_t. */ + start_mutex_wait_v1_t start_mutex_wait; + /** @sa end_mutex_wait_v1_t. */ + end_mutex_wait_v1_t end_mutex_wait; + /** @sa start_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t. */ + start_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t start_rwlock_rdwait; + /** @sa end_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t. */ + end_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t end_rwlock_rdwait; + /** @sa start_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t. */ + start_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t start_rwlock_wrwait; + /** @sa end_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t. */ + end_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t end_rwlock_wrwait; + /** @sa start_cond_wait_v1_t. */ + start_cond_wait_v1_t start_cond_wait; + /** @sa end_cond_wait_v1_t. */ + end_cond_wait_v1_t end_cond_wait; + /** @sa start_table_io_wait_v1_t. */ + start_table_io_wait_v1_t start_table_io_wait; + /** @sa end_table_io_wait_v1_t. */ + end_table_io_wait_v1_t end_table_io_wait; + /** @sa start_table_lock_wait_v1_t. */ + start_table_lock_wait_v1_t start_table_lock_wait; + /** @sa end_table_lock_wait_v1_t. */ + end_table_lock_wait_v1_t end_table_lock_wait; + /** @sa start_file_open_wait_v1_t. */ + start_file_open_wait_v1_t start_file_open_wait; + /** @sa end_file_open_wait_v1_t. */ + end_file_open_wait_v1_t end_file_open_wait; + /** @sa end_file_open_wait_and_bind_to_descriptor_v1_t. */ + end_file_open_wait_and_bind_to_descriptor_v1_t + end_file_open_wait_and_bind_to_descriptor; + /** @sa start_file_wait_v1_t. */ + start_file_wait_v1_t start_file_wait; + /** @sa end_file_wait_v1_t. */ + end_file_wait_v1_t end_file_wait; + /** @sa start_file_close_wait_v1_t. */ + start_file_close_wait_v1_t start_file_close_wait; + /** @sa end_file_close_wait_v1_t. */ + end_file_close_wait_v1_t end_file_close_wait; + /** @sa start_stage_v1_t. */ + start_stage_v1_t start_stage; + /** @sa end_stage_v1_t. */ + end_stage_v1_t end_stage; + /** @sa get_thread_statement_locker_v1_t. */ + get_thread_statement_locker_v1_t get_thread_statement_locker; + /** @sa refine_statement_v1_t. */ + refine_statement_v1_t refine_statement; + /** @sa start_statement_v1_t. */ + start_statement_v1_t start_statement; + /** @sa set_statement_text_v1_t. */ + set_statement_text_v1_t set_statement_text; + /** @sa set_statement_lock_time_t. */ + set_statement_lock_time_t set_statement_lock_time; + /** @sa set_statement_rows_sent_t. */ + set_statement_rows_sent_t set_statement_rows_sent; + /** @sa set_statement_rows_examined_t. */ + set_statement_rows_examined_t set_statement_rows_examined; + /** @sa inc_statement_created_tmp_disk_tables. */ + inc_statement_created_tmp_disk_tables_t inc_statement_created_tmp_disk_tables; + /** @sa inc_statement_created_tmp_tables. */ + inc_statement_created_tmp_tables_t inc_statement_created_tmp_tables; + /** @sa inc_statement_select_full_join. */ + inc_statement_select_full_join_t inc_statement_select_full_join; + /** @sa inc_statement_select_full_range_join. */ + inc_statement_select_full_range_join_t inc_statement_select_full_range_join; + /** @sa inc_statement_select_range. */ + inc_statement_select_range_t inc_statement_select_range; + /** @sa inc_statement_select_range_check. */ + inc_statement_select_range_check_t inc_statement_select_range_check; + /** @sa inc_statement_select_scan. */ + inc_statement_select_scan_t inc_statement_select_scan; + /** @sa inc_statement_sort_merge_passes. */ + inc_statement_sort_merge_passes_t inc_statement_sort_merge_passes; + /** @sa inc_statement_sort_range. */ + inc_statement_sort_range_t inc_statement_sort_range; + /** @sa inc_statement_sort_rows. */ + inc_statement_sort_rows_t inc_statement_sort_rows; + /** @sa inc_statement_sort_scan. */ + inc_statement_sort_scan_t inc_statement_sort_scan; + /** @sa set_statement_no_index_used. */ + set_statement_no_index_used_t set_statement_no_index_used; + /** @sa set_statement_no_good_index_used. */ + set_statement_no_good_index_used_t set_statement_no_good_index_used; + /** @sa end_statement_v1_t. */ + end_statement_v1_t end_statement; + /** @sa start_socket_wait_v1_t. */ + start_socket_wait_v1_t start_socket_wait; + /** @sa end_socket_wait_v1_t. */ + end_socket_wait_v1_t end_socket_wait; + /** @sa set_socket_state_v1_t. */ + set_socket_state_v1_t set_socket_state; + /** @sa set_socket_info_v1_t. */ + set_socket_info_v1_t set_socket_info; + /** @sa set_socket_thread_owner_v1_t. */ + set_socket_thread_owner_v1_t set_socket_thread_owner; + /** @sa digest_start_v1_t. */ + digest_start_v1_t digest_start; + /** @sa digest_add_token_v1_t. */ + digest_add_token_v1_t digest_add_token; + /** @sa set_thread_connect_attrs_v1_t. */ + set_thread_connect_attrs_v1_t set_thread_connect_attrs; +}; + +/** @} (end of group Group_PSI_v1) */ + +#endif /* HAVE_PSI_1 */ + +#ifdef USE_PSI_2 +#define HAVE_PSI_2 +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_2 + +/** + @defgroup Group_PSI_v2 Application Binary Interface, version 2 + @ingroup Instrumentation_interface + @{ +*/ + +/** + Performance Schema Interface, version 2. + This is a placeholder, this interface is not defined yet. + @since PSI_VERSION_2 +*/ +struct PSI_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; + /* ... extended interface ... */ +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_mutex_info_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_rwlock_info_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_cond_info_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_thread_info_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_file_info_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_stage_info_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_statement_info_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_idle_locker_state_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_mutex_locker_state_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_cond_locker_state_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_file_locker_state_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_table_locker_state_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_statement_locker_state_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_socket_locker_state_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** @} (end of group Group_PSI_v2) */ + +#endif /* HAVE_PSI_2 */ + +/** + @typedef PSI + The instrumentation interface for the current version. + @sa PSI_CURRENT_VERSION +*/ + +/** + @typedef PSI_mutex_info + The mutex information structure for the current version. +*/ + +/** + @typedef PSI_rwlock_info + The rwlock information structure for the current version. +*/ + +/** + @typedef PSI_cond_info + The cond information structure for the current version. +*/ + +/** + @typedef PSI_thread_info + The thread information structure for the current version. +*/ + +/** + @typedef PSI_file_info + The file information structure for the current version. +*/ + +/* Export the required version */ +#ifdef USE_PSI_1 +typedef struct PSI_v1 PSI; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_info_v1 PSI_mutex_info; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_info_v1 PSI_rwlock_info; +typedef struct PSI_cond_info_v1 PSI_cond_info; +typedef struct PSI_thread_info_v1 PSI_thread_info; +typedef struct PSI_file_info_v1 PSI_file_info; +typedef struct PSI_stage_info_v1 PSI_stage_info; +typedef struct PSI_statement_info_v1 PSI_statement_info; +typedef struct PSI_socket_info_v1 PSI_socket_info; +typedef struct PSI_idle_locker_state_v1 PSI_idle_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_locker_state_v1 PSI_mutex_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v1 PSI_rwlock_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_cond_locker_state_v1 PSI_cond_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_file_locker_state_v1 PSI_file_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_table_locker_state_v1 PSI_table_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker_state_v1 PSI_statement_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_socket_locker_state_v1 PSI_socket_locker_state; +#endif + +#ifdef USE_PSI_2 +typedef struct PSI_v2 PSI; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_info_v2 PSI_mutex_info; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_info_v2 PSI_rwlock_info; +typedef struct PSI_cond_info_v2 PSI_cond_info; +typedef struct PSI_thread_info_v2 PSI_thread_info; +typedef struct PSI_file_info_v2 PSI_file_info; +typedef struct PSI_stage_info_v2 PSI_stage_info; +typedef struct PSI_statement_info_v2 PSI_statement_info; +typedef struct PSI_socket_info_v2 PSI_socket_info; +typedef struct PSI_idle_locker_state_v2 PSI_idle_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_locker_state_v2 PSI_mutex_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v2 PSI_rwlock_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_cond_locker_state_v2 PSI_cond_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_file_locker_state_v2 PSI_file_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_table_locker_state_v2 PSI_table_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker_state_v2 PSI_statement_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_socket_locker_state_v2 PSI_socket_locker_state; +#endif + +#else /* HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE */ + +/** + Dummy structure, used to declare PSI_server when no instrumentation + is available. + The content does not matter, since PSI_server will be NULL. +*/ +struct PSI_none +{ + int opaque; +}; +typedef struct PSI_none PSI; + +/** + Stage instrument information. + @since PSI_VERSION_1 + This structure is used to register an instrumented stage. +*/ +struct PSI_stage_info_none +{ + /** Unused stage key. */ + unsigned int m_key; + /** The name of the stage instrument. */ + const char *m_name; + /** Unused stage flags. */ + int m_flags; +}; + +/** + The stage instrumentation has to co exist with the legacy + THD::set_proc_info instrumentation. + To avoid duplication of the instrumentation in the server, + the common PSI_stage_info structure is used, + so we export it here, even when not building + with HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE. +*/ +typedef struct PSI_stage_info_none PSI_stage_info; + +#endif /* HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE */ + +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT PSI *PSI_server; + +/* + Allow to override PSI_XXX_CALL at compile time + with more efficient implementations, if available. + If nothing better is available, + make a dynamic call using the PSI_server function pointer. +*/ + +#ifndef PSI_MUTEX_CALL +#define PSI_MUTEX_CALL(M) PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) +#endif + +#ifndef PSI_RWLOCK_CALL +#define PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(M) PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) +#endif + +#ifndef PSI_COND_CALL +#define PSI_COND_CALL(M) PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) +#endif + +#ifndef PSI_THREAD_CALL +#define PSI_THREAD_CALL(M) PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) +#endif + +#ifndef PSI_FILE_CALL +#define PSI_FILE_CALL(M) PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) +#endif + +#ifndef PSI_SOCKET_CALL +#define PSI_SOCKET_CALL(M) PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) +#endif + +#ifndef PSI_STAGE_CALL +#define PSI_STAGE_CALL(M) PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) +#endif + +#ifndef PSI_STATEMENT_CALL +#define PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(M) PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) +#endif + +#ifndef PSI_TABLE_CALL +#define PSI_TABLE_CALL(M) PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) +#endif + +#ifndef PSI_IDLE_CALL +#define PSI_IDLE_CALL(M) PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) +#endif + +#define PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) PSI_server->M + +/** @} */ + +C_MODE_END +#endif /* MYSQL_PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA_INTERFACE_H */ + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v0.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v0.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7444cb0b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v0.h @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ + +/** + @file mysql/psi/psi_abi_v0.h + ABI check for mysql/psi/psi.h, when compiling without instrumentation. + This file is only used to automate detection of changes between versions. + Do not include this file, include mysql/psi/psi.h instead. +*/ +#define _global_h +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v0.h.pp b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v0.h.pp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b46b38ed1 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v0.h.pp @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" +C_MODE_START +struct TABLE_SHARE; +struct OPAQUE_LEX_YYSTYPE; +struct PSI_mutex; +typedef struct PSI_mutex PSI_mutex; +struct PSI_rwlock; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock PSI_rwlock; +struct PSI_cond; +typedef struct PSI_cond PSI_cond; +struct PSI_table_share; +typedef struct PSI_table_share PSI_table_share; +struct PSI_table; +typedef struct PSI_table PSI_table; +struct PSI_thread; +typedef struct PSI_thread PSI_thread; +struct PSI_file; +typedef struct PSI_file PSI_file; +struct PSI_socket; +typedef struct PSI_socket PSI_socket; +struct PSI_table_locker; +typedef struct PSI_table_locker PSI_table_locker; +struct PSI_statement_locker; +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker PSI_statement_locker; +struct PSI_idle_locker; +typedef struct PSI_idle_locker PSI_idle_locker; +struct PSI_digest_locker; +typedef struct PSI_digest_locker PSI_digest_locker; +struct PSI_bootstrap +{ + void* (*get_interface)(int version); +}; +typedef struct PSI_bootstrap PSI_bootstrap; +struct PSI_none +{ + int opaque; +}; +typedef struct PSI_none PSI; +struct PSI_stage_info_none +{ + unsigned int m_key; + const char *m_name; + int m_flags; +}; +typedef struct PSI_stage_info_none PSI_stage_info; +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT PSI *PSI_server; +C_MODE_END diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v1.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v1.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54c49f0c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v1.h @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ + +/** + @file mysql/psi/psi_abi_v1.h + ABI check for mysql/psi/psi.h, when using PSI_VERSION_1. + This file is only used to automate detection of changes between versions. + Do not include this file, include mysql/psi/psi.h instead. +*/ +#define USE_PSI_1 +#define HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE +#define MY_GLOBAL_INCLUDED +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v1.h.pp b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v1.h.pp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fa2bf724b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v1.h.pp @@ -0,0 +1,634 @@ +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" +C_MODE_START +struct TABLE_SHARE; +struct OPAQUE_LEX_YYSTYPE; +struct PSI_mutex; +typedef struct PSI_mutex PSI_mutex; +struct PSI_rwlock; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock PSI_rwlock; +struct PSI_cond; +typedef struct PSI_cond PSI_cond; +struct PSI_table_share; +typedef struct PSI_table_share PSI_table_share; +struct PSI_table; +typedef struct PSI_table PSI_table; +struct PSI_thread; +typedef struct PSI_thread PSI_thread; +struct PSI_file; +typedef struct PSI_file PSI_file; +struct PSI_socket; +typedef struct PSI_socket PSI_socket; +struct PSI_table_locker; +typedef struct PSI_table_locker PSI_table_locker; +struct PSI_statement_locker; +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker PSI_statement_locker; +struct PSI_idle_locker; +typedef struct PSI_idle_locker PSI_idle_locker; +struct PSI_digest_locker; +typedef struct PSI_digest_locker PSI_digest_locker; +struct PSI_bootstrap +{ + void* (*get_interface)(int version); +}; +typedef struct PSI_bootstrap PSI_bootstrap; +struct PSI_mutex_locker; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_locker PSI_mutex_locker; +struct PSI_rwlock_locker; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker PSI_rwlock_locker; +struct PSI_cond_locker; +typedef struct PSI_cond_locker PSI_cond_locker; +struct PSI_file_locker; +typedef struct PSI_file_locker PSI_file_locker; +struct PSI_socket_locker; +typedef struct PSI_socket_locker PSI_socket_locker; +enum PSI_mutex_operation +{ + PSI_MUTEX_LOCK= 0, + PSI_MUTEX_TRYLOCK= 1 +}; +typedef enum PSI_mutex_operation PSI_mutex_operation; +enum PSI_rwlock_operation +{ + PSI_RWLOCK_READLOCK= 0, + PSI_RWLOCK_WRITELOCK= 1, + PSI_RWLOCK_TRYREADLOCK= 2, + PSI_RWLOCK_TRYWRITELOCK= 3 +}; +typedef enum PSI_rwlock_operation PSI_rwlock_operation; +enum PSI_cond_operation +{ + PSI_COND_WAIT= 0, + PSI_COND_TIMEDWAIT= 1 +}; +typedef enum PSI_cond_operation PSI_cond_operation; +enum PSI_file_operation +{ + PSI_FILE_CREATE= 0, + PSI_FILE_CREATE_TMP= 1, + PSI_FILE_OPEN= 2, + PSI_FILE_STREAM_OPEN= 3, + PSI_FILE_CLOSE= 4, + PSI_FILE_STREAM_CLOSE= 5, + PSI_FILE_READ= 6, + PSI_FILE_WRITE= 7, + PSI_FILE_SEEK= 8, + PSI_FILE_TELL= 9, + PSI_FILE_FLUSH= 10, + PSI_FILE_STAT= 11, + PSI_FILE_FSTAT= 12, + PSI_FILE_CHSIZE= 13, + PSI_FILE_DELETE= 14, + PSI_FILE_RENAME= 15, + PSI_FILE_SYNC= 16 +}; +typedef enum PSI_file_operation PSI_file_operation; +enum PSI_table_io_operation +{ + PSI_TABLE_FETCH_ROW= 0, + PSI_TABLE_WRITE_ROW= 1, + PSI_TABLE_UPDATE_ROW= 2, + PSI_TABLE_DELETE_ROW= 3 +}; +typedef enum PSI_table_io_operation PSI_table_io_operation; +enum PSI_table_lock_operation +{ + PSI_TABLE_LOCK= 0, + PSI_TABLE_EXTERNAL_LOCK= 1 +}; +typedef enum PSI_table_lock_operation PSI_table_lock_operation; +enum PSI_socket_state +{ + PSI_SOCKET_STATE_IDLE= 1, + PSI_SOCKET_STATE_ACTIVE= 2 +}; +typedef enum PSI_socket_state PSI_socket_state; +enum PSI_socket_operation +{ + PSI_SOCKET_CREATE= 0, + PSI_SOCKET_CONNECT= 1, + PSI_SOCKET_BIND= 2, + PSI_SOCKET_CLOSE= 3, + PSI_SOCKET_SEND= 4, + PSI_SOCKET_RECV= 5, + PSI_SOCKET_SENDTO= 6, + PSI_SOCKET_RECVFROM= 7, + PSI_SOCKET_SENDMSG= 8, + PSI_SOCKET_RECVMSG= 9, + PSI_SOCKET_SEEK= 10, + PSI_SOCKET_OPT= 11, + PSI_SOCKET_STAT= 12, + PSI_SOCKET_SHUTDOWN= 13, + PSI_SOCKET_SELECT= 14 +}; +typedef enum PSI_socket_operation PSI_socket_operation; +typedef unsigned int PSI_mutex_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_rwlock_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_cond_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_thread_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_file_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_stage_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_statement_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_socket_key; +struct PSI_mutex_info_v1 +{ + PSI_mutex_key *m_key; + const char *m_name; + int m_flags; +}; +struct PSI_rwlock_info_v1 +{ + PSI_rwlock_key *m_key; + const char *m_name; + int m_flags; +}; +struct PSI_cond_info_v1 +{ + PSI_cond_key *m_key; + const char *m_name; + int m_flags; +}; +struct PSI_thread_info_v1 +{ + PSI_thread_key *m_key; + const char *m_name; + int m_flags; +}; +struct PSI_file_info_v1 +{ + PSI_file_key *m_key; + const char *m_name; + int m_flags; +}; +struct PSI_stage_info_v1 +{ + PSI_stage_key m_key; + const char *m_name; + int m_flags; +}; +struct PSI_statement_info_v1 +{ + PSI_statement_key m_key; + const char *m_name; + int m_flags; +}; +struct PSI_socket_info_v1 +{ + PSI_socket_key *m_key; + const char *m_name; + int m_flags; +}; +struct PSI_idle_locker_state_v1 +{ + uint m_flags; + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + ulonglong m_timer_start; + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + void *m_wait; +}; +struct PSI_mutex_locker_state_v1 +{ + uint m_flags; + enum PSI_mutex_operation m_operation; + struct PSI_mutex *m_mutex; + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + ulonglong m_timer_start; + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + void *m_wait; +}; +struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v1 +{ + uint m_flags; + enum PSI_rwlock_operation m_operation; + struct PSI_rwlock *m_rwlock; + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + ulonglong m_timer_start; + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + void *m_wait; +}; +struct PSI_cond_locker_state_v1 +{ + uint m_flags; + enum PSI_cond_operation m_operation; + struct PSI_cond *m_cond; + struct PSI_mutex *m_mutex; + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + ulonglong m_timer_start; + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + void *m_wait; +}; +struct PSI_file_locker_state_v1 +{ + uint m_flags; + enum PSI_file_operation m_operation; + struct PSI_file *m_file; + const char *m_name; + void *m_class; + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + size_t m_number_of_bytes; + ulonglong m_timer_start; + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + void *m_wait; +}; +struct PSI_table_locker_state_v1 +{ + uint m_flags; + enum PSI_table_io_operation m_io_operation; + struct PSI_table *m_table; + struct PSI_table_share *m_table_share; + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + ulonglong m_timer_start; + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + void *m_wait; + uint m_index; +}; +struct PSI_digest_storage +{ + my_bool m_full; + int m_byte_count; + uint m_charset_number; + unsigned char m_token_array[1024]; +}; +typedef struct PSI_digest_storage PSI_digest_storage; +struct PSI_digest_locker_state +{ + int m_last_id_index; + PSI_digest_storage m_digest_storage; +}; +typedef struct PSI_digest_locker_state PSI_digest_locker_state; +struct PSI_statement_locker_state_v1 +{ + my_bool m_discarded; + uchar m_no_index_used; + uchar m_no_good_index_used; + uint m_flags; + void *m_class; + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + ulonglong m_timer_start; + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + void *m_statement; + ulonglong m_lock_time; + ulonglong m_rows_sent; + ulonglong m_rows_examined; + ulong m_created_tmp_disk_tables; + ulong m_created_tmp_tables; + ulong m_select_full_join; + ulong m_select_full_range_join; + ulong m_select_range; + ulong m_select_range_check; + ulong m_select_scan; + ulong m_sort_merge_passes; + ulong m_sort_range; + ulong m_sort_rows; + ulong m_sort_scan; + PSI_digest_locker_state m_digest_state; + char m_schema_name[(64 * 3)]; + uint m_schema_name_length; +}; +struct PSI_socket_locker_state_v1 +{ + uint m_flags; + struct PSI_socket *m_socket; + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + size_t m_number_of_bytes; + ulonglong m_timer_start; + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + enum PSI_socket_operation m_operation; + const char* m_src_file; + int m_src_line; + void *m_wait; +}; +typedef void (*register_mutex_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_mutex_info_v1 *info, int count); +typedef void (*register_rwlock_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_rwlock_info_v1 *info, int count); +typedef void (*register_cond_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_cond_info_v1 *info, int count); +typedef void (*register_thread_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_thread_info_v1 *info, int count); +typedef void (*register_file_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_file_info_v1 *info, int count); +typedef void (*register_stage_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_stage_info_v1 **info, int count); +typedef void (*register_statement_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_statement_info_v1 *info, int count); +typedef void (*register_socket_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_socket_info_v1 *info, int count); +typedef struct PSI_mutex* (*init_mutex_v1_t) + (PSI_mutex_key key, const void *identity); +typedef void (*destroy_mutex_v1_t)(struct PSI_mutex *mutex); +typedef struct PSI_rwlock* (*init_rwlock_v1_t) + (PSI_rwlock_key key, const void *identity); +typedef void (*destroy_rwlock_v1_t)(struct PSI_rwlock *rwlock); +typedef struct PSI_cond* (*init_cond_v1_t) + (PSI_cond_key key, const void *identity); +typedef void (*destroy_cond_v1_t)(struct PSI_cond *cond); +typedef struct PSI_socket* (*init_socket_v1_t) + (PSI_socket_key key, const my_socket *fd, + const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addr_len); +typedef void (*destroy_socket_v1_t)(struct PSI_socket *socket); +typedef struct PSI_table_share* (*get_table_share_v1_t) + (my_bool temporary, struct TABLE_SHARE *share); +typedef void (*release_table_share_v1_t)(struct PSI_table_share *share); +typedef void (*drop_table_share_v1_t) + (my_bool temporary, const char *schema_name, int schema_name_length, + const char *table_name, int table_name_length); +typedef struct PSI_table* (*open_table_v1_t) + (struct PSI_table_share *share, const void *identity); +typedef void (*unbind_table_v1_t) + (struct PSI_table *table); +typedef PSI_table* (*rebind_table_v1_t) + (PSI_table_share *share, const void *identity, PSI_table *table); +typedef void (*close_table_v1_t)(struct PSI_table *table); +typedef void (*create_file_v1_t)(PSI_file_key key, const char *name, + File file); +typedef int (*spawn_thread_v1_t)(PSI_thread_key key, + pthread_t *thread, + const pthread_attr_t *attr, + void *(*start_routine)(void*), void *arg); +typedef struct PSI_thread* (*new_thread_v1_t) + (PSI_thread_key key, const void *identity, ulonglong thread_id); +typedef void (*set_thread_id_v1_t)(struct PSI_thread *thread, + ulonglong id); +typedef struct PSI_thread* (*get_thread_v1_t)(void); +typedef void (*set_thread_user_v1_t)(const char *user, int user_len); +typedef void (*set_thread_user_host_v1_t)(const char *user, int user_len, + const char *host, int host_len); +typedef void (*set_thread_db_v1_t)(const char* db, int db_len); +typedef void (*set_thread_command_v1_t)(int command); +typedef void (*set_thread_start_time_v1_t)(time_t start_time); +typedef void (*set_thread_state_v1_t)(const char* state); +typedef void (*set_thread_info_v1_t)(const char* info, uint info_len); +typedef void (*set_thread_v1_t)(struct PSI_thread *thread); +typedef void (*delete_current_thread_v1_t)(void); +typedef void (*delete_thread_v1_t)(struct PSI_thread *thread); +typedef struct PSI_file_locker* (*get_thread_file_name_locker_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker_state_v1 *state, + PSI_file_key key, enum PSI_file_operation op, const char *name, + const void *identity); +typedef struct PSI_file_locker* (*get_thread_file_stream_locker_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_file *file, enum PSI_file_operation op); +typedef struct PSI_file_locker* (*get_thread_file_descriptor_locker_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker_state_v1 *state, + File file, enum PSI_file_operation op); +typedef void (*unlock_mutex_v1_t) + (struct PSI_mutex *mutex); +typedef void (*unlock_rwlock_v1_t) + (struct PSI_rwlock *rwlock); +typedef void (*signal_cond_v1_t) + (struct PSI_cond *cond); +typedef void (*broadcast_cond_v1_t) + (struct PSI_cond *cond); +typedef struct PSI_idle_locker* (*start_idle_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_idle_locker_state_v1 *state, const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*end_idle_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_idle_locker *locker); +typedef struct PSI_mutex_locker* (*start_mutex_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_mutex_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_mutex *mutex, + enum PSI_mutex_operation op, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*end_mutex_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_mutex_locker *locker, int rc); +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker* (*start_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_rwlock *rwlock, + enum PSI_rwlock_operation op, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*end_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_rwlock_locker *locker, int rc); +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker* (*start_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_rwlock *rwlock, + enum PSI_rwlock_operation op, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*end_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_rwlock_locker *locker, int rc); +typedef struct PSI_cond_locker* (*start_cond_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_cond_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_cond *cond, + struct PSI_mutex *mutex, + enum PSI_cond_operation op, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*end_cond_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_cond_locker *locker, int rc); +typedef struct PSI_table_locker* (*start_table_io_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_table_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_table *table, + enum PSI_table_io_operation op, + uint index, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*end_table_io_wait_v1_t)(struct PSI_table_locker *locker); +typedef struct PSI_table_locker* (*start_table_lock_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_table_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_table *table, + enum PSI_table_lock_operation op, + ulong flags, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*end_table_lock_wait_v1_t)(struct PSI_table_locker *locker); +typedef void (*start_file_open_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef struct PSI_file* (*end_file_open_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, void *result); +typedef void (*end_file_open_wait_and_bind_to_descriptor_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, File file); +typedef void (*start_file_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, size_t count, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*end_file_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, size_t count); +typedef void (*start_file_close_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*end_file_close_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, int rc); +typedef void (*start_stage_v1_t) + (PSI_stage_key key, const char *src_file, int src_line); +typedef void (*end_stage_v1_t) (void); +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker* (*get_thread_statement_locker_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker_state_v1 *state, + PSI_statement_key key, const void *charset); +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker* (*refine_statement_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, + PSI_statement_key key); +typedef void (*start_statement_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, + const char *db, uint db_length, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*set_statement_text_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, + const char *text, uint text_len); +typedef void (*set_statement_lock_time_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulonglong lock_time); +typedef void (*set_statement_rows_sent_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulonglong count); +typedef void (*set_statement_rows_examined_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulonglong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_created_tmp_disk_tables_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_created_tmp_tables_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_select_full_join_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_select_full_range_join_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_select_range_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_select_range_check_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_select_scan_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_sort_merge_passes_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_sort_range_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_sort_rows_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_sort_scan_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*set_statement_no_index_used_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker); +typedef void (*set_statement_no_good_index_used_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker); +typedef void (*end_statement_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, void *stmt_da); +typedef struct PSI_socket_locker* (*start_socket_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_socket_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_socket *socket, + enum PSI_socket_operation op, + size_t count, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*end_socket_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_socket_locker *locker, size_t count); +typedef void (*set_socket_state_v1_t)(struct PSI_socket *socket, + enum PSI_socket_state state); +typedef void (*set_socket_info_v1_t)(struct PSI_socket *socket, + const my_socket *fd, + const struct sockaddr *addr, + socklen_t addr_len); +typedef void (*set_socket_thread_owner_v1_t)(struct PSI_socket *socket); +typedef struct PSI_digest_locker * (*digest_start_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker); +typedef struct PSI_digest_locker* (*digest_add_token_v1_t) + (struct PSI_digest_locker *locker, uint token, struct OPAQUE_LEX_YYSTYPE *yylval); +typedef int (*set_thread_connect_attrs_v1_t)(const char *buffer, uint length, + const void *from_cs); +struct PSI_v1 +{ + register_mutex_v1_t register_mutex; + register_rwlock_v1_t register_rwlock; + register_cond_v1_t register_cond; + register_thread_v1_t register_thread; + register_file_v1_t register_file; + register_stage_v1_t register_stage; + register_statement_v1_t register_statement; + register_socket_v1_t register_socket; + init_mutex_v1_t init_mutex; + destroy_mutex_v1_t destroy_mutex; + init_rwlock_v1_t init_rwlock; + destroy_rwlock_v1_t destroy_rwlock; + init_cond_v1_t init_cond; + destroy_cond_v1_t destroy_cond; + init_socket_v1_t init_socket; + destroy_socket_v1_t destroy_socket; + get_table_share_v1_t get_table_share; + release_table_share_v1_t release_table_share; + drop_table_share_v1_t drop_table_share; + open_table_v1_t open_table; + unbind_table_v1_t unbind_table; + rebind_table_v1_t rebind_table; + close_table_v1_t close_table; + create_file_v1_t create_file; + spawn_thread_v1_t spawn_thread; + new_thread_v1_t new_thread; + set_thread_id_v1_t set_thread_id; + get_thread_v1_t get_thread; + set_thread_user_v1_t set_thread_user; + set_thread_user_host_v1_t set_thread_user_host; + set_thread_db_v1_t set_thread_db; + set_thread_command_v1_t set_thread_command; + set_thread_start_time_v1_t set_thread_start_time; + set_thread_state_v1_t set_thread_state; + set_thread_info_v1_t set_thread_info; + set_thread_v1_t set_thread; + delete_current_thread_v1_t delete_current_thread; + delete_thread_v1_t delete_thread; + get_thread_file_name_locker_v1_t get_thread_file_name_locker; + get_thread_file_stream_locker_v1_t get_thread_file_stream_locker; + get_thread_file_descriptor_locker_v1_t get_thread_file_descriptor_locker; + unlock_mutex_v1_t unlock_mutex; + unlock_rwlock_v1_t unlock_rwlock; + signal_cond_v1_t signal_cond; + broadcast_cond_v1_t broadcast_cond; + start_idle_wait_v1_t start_idle_wait; + end_idle_wait_v1_t end_idle_wait; + start_mutex_wait_v1_t start_mutex_wait; + end_mutex_wait_v1_t end_mutex_wait; + start_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t start_rwlock_rdwait; + end_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t end_rwlock_rdwait; + start_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t start_rwlock_wrwait; + end_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t end_rwlock_wrwait; + start_cond_wait_v1_t start_cond_wait; + end_cond_wait_v1_t end_cond_wait; + start_table_io_wait_v1_t start_table_io_wait; + end_table_io_wait_v1_t end_table_io_wait; + start_table_lock_wait_v1_t start_table_lock_wait; + end_table_lock_wait_v1_t end_table_lock_wait; + start_file_open_wait_v1_t start_file_open_wait; + end_file_open_wait_v1_t end_file_open_wait; + end_file_open_wait_and_bind_to_descriptor_v1_t + end_file_open_wait_and_bind_to_descriptor; + start_file_wait_v1_t start_file_wait; + end_file_wait_v1_t end_file_wait; + start_file_close_wait_v1_t start_file_close_wait; + end_file_close_wait_v1_t end_file_close_wait; + start_stage_v1_t start_stage; + end_stage_v1_t end_stage; + get_thread_statement_locker_v1_t get_thread_statement_locker; + refine_statement_v1_t refine_statement; + start_statement_v1_t start_statement; + set_statement_text_v1_t set_statement_text; + set_statement_lock_time_t set_statement_lock_time; + set_statement_rows_sent_t set_statement_rows_sent; + set_statement_rows_examined_t set_statement_rows_examined; + inc_statement_created_tmp_disk_tables_t inc_statement_created_tmp_disk_tables; + inc_statement_created_tmp_tables_t inc_statement_created_tmp_tables; + inc_statement_select_full_join_t inc_statement_select_full_join; + inc_statement_select_full_range_join_t inc_statement_select_full_range_join; + inc_statement_select_range_t inc_statement_select_range; + inc_statement_select_range_check_t inc_statement_select_range_check; + inc_statement_select_scan_t inc_statement_select_scan; + inc_statement_sort_merge_passes_t inc_statement_sort_merge_passes; + inc_statement_sort_range_t inc_statement_sort_range; + inc_statement_sort_rows_t inc_statement_sort_rows; + inc_statement_sort_scan_t inc_statement_sort_scan; + set_statement_no_index_used_t set_statement_no_index_used; + set_statement_no_good_index_used_t set_statement_no_good_index_used; + end_statement_v1_t end_statement; + start_socket_wait_v1_t start_socket_wait; + end_socket_wait_v1_t end_socket_wait; + set_socket_state_v1_t set_socket_state; + set_socket_info_v1_t set_socket_info; + set_socket_thread_owner_v1_t set_socket_thread_owner; + digest_start_v1_t digest_start; + digest_add_token_v1_t digest_add_token; + set_thread_connect_attrs_v1_t set_thread_connect_attrs; +}; +typedef struct PSI_v1 PSI; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_info_v1 PSI_mutex_info; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_info_v1 PSI_rwlock_info; +typedef struct PSI_cond_info_v1 PSI_cond_info; +typedef struct PSI_thread_info_v1 PSI_thread_info; +typedef struct PSI_file_info_v1 PSI_file_info; +typedef struct PSI_stage_info_v1 PSI_stage_info; +typedef struct PSI_statement_info_v1 PSI_statement_info; +typedef struct PSI_socket_info_v1 PSI_socket_info; +typedef struct PSI_idle_locker_state_v1 PSI_idle_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_locker_state_v1 PSI_mutex_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v1 PSI_rwlock_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_cond_locker_state_v1 PSI_cond_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_file_locker_state_v1 PSI_file_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_table_locker_state_v1 PSI_table_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker_state_v1 PSI_statement_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_socket_locker_state_v1 PSI_socket_locker_state; +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT PSI *PSI_server; +C_MODE_END diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v2.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v2.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..08bca609b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v2.h @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ + +/** + @file mysql/psi/psi_abi_v1.h + ABI check for mysql/psi/psi.h, when using PSI_VERSION_2. + This file is only used to automate detection of changes between versions. + Do not include this file, include mysql/psi/psi.h instead. +*/ +#define USE_PSI_2 +#define HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE +#define _global_h +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v2.h.pp b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v2.h.pp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..458013b43 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v2.h.pp @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" +C_MODE_START +struct TABLE_SHARE; +struct OPAQUE_LEX_YYSTYPE; +struct PSI_mutex; +typedef struct PSI_mutex PSI_mutex; +struct PSI_rwlock; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock PSI_rwlock; +struct PSI_cond; +typedef struct PSI_cond PSI_cond; +struct PSI_table_share; +typedef struct PSI_table_share PSI_table_share; +struct PSI_table; +typedef struct PSI_table PSI_table; +struct PSI_thread; +typedef struct PSI_thread PSI_thread; +struct PSI_file; +typedef struct PSI_file PSI_file; +struct PSI_socket; +typedef struct PSI_socket PSI_socket; +struct PSI_table_locker; +typedef struct PSI_table_locker PSI_table_locker; +struct PSI_statement_locker; +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker PSI_statement_locker; +struct PSI_idle_locker; +typedef struct PSI_idle_locker PSI_idle_locker; +struct PSI_digest_locker; +typedef struct PSI_digest_locker PSI_digest_locker; +struct PSI_bootstrap +{ + void* (*get_interface)(int version); +}; +typedef struct PSI_bootstrap PSI_bootstrap; +struct PSI_mutex_locker; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_locker PSI_mutex_locker; +struct PSI_rwlock_locker; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker PSI_rwlock_locker; +struct PSI_cond_locker; +typedef struct PSI_cond_locker PSI_cond_locker; +struct PSI_file_locker; +typedef struct PSI_file_locker PSI_file_locker; +struct PSI_socket_locker; +typedef struct PSI_socket_locker PSI_socket_locker; +enum PSI_mutex_operation +{ + PSI_MUTEX_LOCK= 0, + PSI_MUTEX_TRYLOCK= 1 +}; +typedef enum PSI_mutex_operation PSI_mutex_operation; +enum PSI_rwlock_operation +{ + PSI_RWLOCK_READLOCK= 0, + PSI_RWLOCK_WRITELOCK= 1, + PSI_RWLOCK_TRYREADLOCK= 2, + PSI_RWLOCK_TRYWRITELOCK= 3 +}; +typedef enum PSI_rwlock_operation PSI_rwlock_operation; +enum PSI_cond_operation +{ + PSI_COND_WAIT= 0, + PSI_COND_TIMEDWAIT= 1 +}; +typedef enum PSI_cond_operation PSI_cond_operation; +enum PSI_file_operation +{ + PSI_FILE_CREATE= 0, + PSI_FILE_CREATE_TMP= 1, + PSI_FILE_OPEN= 2, + PSI_FILE_STREAM_OPEN= 3, + PSI_FILE_CLOSE= 4, + PSI_FILE_STREAM_CLOSE= 5, + PSI_FILE_READ= 6, + PSI_FILE_WRITE= 7, + PSI_FILE_SEEK= 8, + PSI_FILE_TELL= 9, + PSI_FILE_FLUSH= 10, + PSI_FILE_STAT= 11, + PSI_FILE_FSTAT= 12, + PSI_FILE_CHSIZE= 13, + PSI_FILE_DELETE= 14, + PSI_FILE_RENAME= 15, + PSI_FILE_SYNC= 16 +}; +typedef enum PSI_file_operation PSI_file_operation; +enum PSI_table_io_operation +{ + PSI_TABLE_FETCH_ROW= 0, + PSI_TABLE_WRITE_ROW= 1, + PSI_TABLE_UPDATE_ROW= 2, + PSI_TABLE_DELETE_ROW= 3 +}; +typedef enum PSI_table_io_operation PSI_table_io_operation; +enum PSI_table_lock_operation +{ + PSI_TABLE_LOCK= 0, + PSI_TABLE_EXTERNAL_LOCK= 1 +}; +typedef enum PSI_table_lock_operation PSI_table_lock_operation; +enum PSI_socket_state +{ + PSI_SOCKET_STATE_IDLE= 1, + PSI_SOCKET_STATE_ACTIVE= 2 +}; +typedef enum PSI_socket_state PSI_socket_state; +enum PSI_socket_operation +{ + PSI_SOCKET_CREATE= 0, + PSI_SOCKET_CONNECT= 1, + PSI_SOCKET_BIND= 2, + PSI_SOCKET_CLOSE= 3, + PSI_SOCKET_SEND= 4, + PSI_SOCKET_RECV= 5, + PSI_SOCKET_SENDTO= 6, + PSI_SOCKET_RECVFROM= 7, + PSI_SOCKET_SENDMSG= 8, + PSI_SOCKET_RECVMSG= 9, + PSI_SOCKET_SEEK= 10, + PSI_SOCKET_OPT= 11, + PSI_SOCKET_STAT= 12, + PSI_SOCKET_SHUTDOWN= 13, + PSI_SOCKET_SELECT= 14 +}; +typedef enum PSI_socket_operation PSI_socket_operation; +typedef unsigned int PSI_mutex_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_rwlock_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_cond_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_thread_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_file_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_stage_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_statement_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_socket_key; +struct PSI_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_mutex_info_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_rwlock_info_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_cond_info_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_thread_info_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_file_info_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_stage_info_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_statement_info_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_idle_locker_state_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_mutex_locker_state_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_cond_locker_state_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_file_locker_state_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_table_locker_state_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_statement_locker_state_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_socket_locker_state_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +typedef struct PSI_v2 PSI; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_info_v2 PSI_mutex_info; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_info_v2 PSI_rwlock_info; +typedef struct PSI_cond_info_v2 PSI_cond_info; +typedef struct PSI_thread_info_v2 PSI_thread_info; +typedef struct PSI_file_info_v2 PSI_file_info; +typedef struct PSI_stage_info_v2 PSI_stage_info; +typedef struct PSI_statement_info_v2 PSI_statement_info; +typedef struct PSI_socket_info_v2 PSI_socket_info; +typedef struct PSI_idle_locker_state_v2 PSI_idle_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_locker_state_v2 PSI_mutex_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v2 PSI_rwlock_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_cond_locker_state_v2 PSI_cond_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_file_locker_state_v2 PSI_file_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_table_locker_state_v2 PSI_table_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker_state_v2 PSI_statement_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_socket_locker_state_v2 PSI_socket_locker_state; +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT PSI *PSI_server; +C_MODE_END diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_my_plugin_log.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_my_plugin_log.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0cf781757 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_my_plugin_log.h @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the + License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/** + @file + This service provides functions to report error conditions and log to + mysql error log. +*/ + +#ifndef MYSQL_SERVICE_MY_PLUGIN_LOG_INCLUDED +#define MYSQL_SERVICE_MY_PLUGIN_LOG_INCLUDED + +#ifndef MYSQL_ABI_CHECK +#include +#endif + +/* keep in sync with the loglevel enum in my_sys.h */ +enum plugin_log_level +{ + MY_ERROR_LEVEL, + MY_WARNING_LEVEL, + MY_INFORMATION_LEVEL +}; + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +extern struct my_plugin_log_service +{ + /** write a message to the log */ + int (*my_plugin_log_message)(MYSQL_PLUGIN *, enum plugin_log_level, const char *, ...); +} *my_plugin_log_service; + +#ifdef MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN + +#define my_plugin_log_message my_plugin_log_service->my_plugin_log_message + +#else + +int my_plugin_log_message(MYSQL_PLUGIN *plugin, enum plugin_log_level level, + const char *format, ...); + +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_my_snprintf.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_my_snprintf.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d5783faa8 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_my_snprintf.h @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +#ifndef MYSQL_SERVICE_MY_SNPRINTF_INCLUDED +/* Copyright (c) 2009, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/** + @file + my_snprintf service + + Portable and limited vsnprintf() implementation. + + This is a portable, limited vsnprintf() implementation, with some + extra features. "Portable" means that it'll produce identical result + on all platforms (for example, on Windows and Linux system printf %e + formats the exponent differently, on different systems %p either + prints leading 0x or not, %s may accept null pointer or crash on + it). "Limited" means that it does not support all the C89 features. + But it supports few extensions, not in any standard. + + my_vsnprintf(to, n, fmt, ap) + + @param[out] to A buffer to store the result in + @param[in] n Store up to n-1 characters, followed by an end 0 + @param[in] fmt printf-like format string + @param[in] ap Arguments + + @return a number of bytes written to a buffer *excluding* terminating '\0' + + @post + The syntax of a format string is generally the same: + % + where everithing but the format is optional. + + Three one-character flags are recognized: + '0' has the standard zero-padding semantics; + '-' is parsed, but silently ignored; + '`' (backtick) is only supported for strings (%s) and means that the + string will be quoted according to MySQL identifier quoting rules. + + Both and can be specified as numbers or '*'. + If an asterisk is used, an argument of type int is consumed. + + can be 'l', 'll', or 'z'. + + Supported formats are 's' (null pointer is accepted, printed as + "(null)"), 'b' (extension, see below), 'c', 'd', 'i', 'u', 'x', 'o', + 'X', 'p' (works as 0x%x). + + Standard syntax for positional arguments $n is supported. + + Extensions: + + Flag '`' (backtick): see above. + + Format 'b': binary buffer, prints exactly bytes from the + argument, without stopping at '\0'. +*/ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#ifndef MYSQL_ABI_CHECK +#include +#include +#endif + +extern struct my_snprintf_service_st { + size_t (*my_snprintf_type)(char*, size_t, const char*, ...); + size_t (*my_vsnprintf_type)(char *, size_t, const char*, va_list); +} *my_snprintf_service; + +#ifdef MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN + +#define my_vsnprintf my_snprintf_service->my_vsnprintf_type +#define my_snprintf my_snprintf_service->my_snprintf_type + +#else + +size_t my_snprintf(char* to, size_t n, const char* fmt, ...); +size_t my_vsnprintf(char *to, size_t n, const char* fmt, va_list ap); + +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#define MYSQL_SERVICE_MY_SNPRINTF_INCLUDED +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_mysql_string.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_mysql_string.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c121a6d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_mysql_string.h @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +/* Copyright © 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* This service provides functions to parse mysql String */ + +#ifndef MYSQL_SERVICE_MYSQL_STRING_INCLUDED +#define MYSQL_SERVICE_MYSQL_STRING_INCLUDED + +#ifndef MYSQL_ABI_CHECK +#include +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +typedef void *mysql_string_iterator_handle; +typedef void *mysql_string_handle; + +extern struct mysql_string_service_st { + int (*mysql_string_convert_to_char_ptr_type) + (mysql_string_handle, const char *, char *, unsigned int, int *); + mysql_string_iterator_handle (*mysql_string_get_iterator_type) + (mysql_string_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_next_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_isupper_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_islower_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_isdigit_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + mysql_string_handle (*mysql_string_to_lowercase_type)(mysql_string_handle); + void (*mysql_string_free_type)(mysql_string_handle); + void (*mysql_string_iterator_free_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); +} *mysql_string_service; + +#ifdef MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN + +#define mysql_string_convert_to_char_ptr(string_handle, charset_name, \ + buffer, buffer_size, error) \ + mysql_string_service->mysql_string_convert_to_char_ptr_type \ + (string_handle, charset_name, buffer, \ + buffer_size, error) + +#define mysql_string_get_iterator(string_handle) \ + mysql_string_service->mysql_string_get_iterator_type(string_handle) + +#define mysql_string_iterator_next(iterator_handle) \ + mysql_string_service->mysql_string_iterator_next_type(iterator_handle) + +#define mysql_string_iterator_isupper(iterator_handle) \ + mysql_string_service->mysql_string_iterator_isupper_type \ + (iterator_handle) + +#define mysql_string_iterator_islower(iterator_handle) \ + mysql_string_service->mysql_string_iterator_islower_type \ + (iterator_handle) + +#define mysql_string_iterator_isdigit(iterator_handle) \ + mysql_string_service->mysql_string_iterator_isdigit_type \ + (iterator_handle) + +#define mysql_string_to_lowercase(string_handle) \ + mysql_string_service->mysql_string_to_lowercase_type(string_handle) + +#define mysql_string_free(mysql_string_handle) \ + mysql_string_service->mysql_string_free_type(mysql_string_handle) + +#define mysql_string_iterator_free(mysql_string_iterator_handle) \ + mysql_string_service->mysql_string_iterator_free_type \ + (mysql_string_iterator_handle) +#else + +/* This service function convert string into given character set */ +int mysql_string_convert_to_char_ptr(mysql_string_handle string_handle, + const char *charset_name, char *buffer, + unsigned int buffer_size, int *error); + +/* This service function returns the beginning of the iterator handle */ +mysql_string_iterator_handle mysql_string_get_iterator(mysql_string_handle + string_handle); +/* + This service function gets the next iterator handle + returns 0 if reached the end else return 1 +*/ +int mysql_string_iterator_next(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); + +/* + This service function return 1 if current iterator handle points to a + uppercase character else return 0 for client character set. +*/ +int mysql_string_iterator_isupper(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); + +/* + This service function return 1 if current iterator handle points to a + lowercase character else return 0 for client character set. +*/ +int mysql_string_iterator_islower(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); + +/* + This service function return 1 if current iterator handle points to a digit + else return 0 for client character sets. +*/ +int mysql_string_iterator_isdigit(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); + +/* convert string_handle into lowercase */ +mysql_string_handle mysql_string_to_lowercase(mysql_string_handle + string_handle); + +/* It deallocates the string created on server side during plugin operations */ +void mysql_string_free(mysql_string_handle); + +/* + It deallocates the string iterator created on server side + during plugin operations +*/ +void mysql_string_iterator_free(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + +#endif +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_thd_alloc.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_thd_alloc.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..645fb310c --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_thd_alloc.h @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +#ifndef MYSQL_SERVICE_THD_ALLOC_INCLUDED +/* Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/** + @file + This service provdes functions to allocate memory in a connection local + memory pool. The memory allocated there will be automatically freed at the + end of the statement, don't use it for allocations that should live longer + than that. For short living allocations this is more efficient than + using my_malloc and friends, and automatic "garbage collection" allows not + to think about memory leaks. + + The pool is best for small to medium objects, don't use it for large + allocations - they are better served with my_malloc. +*/ + +#ifndef MYSQL_ABI_CHECK +#include +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +struct st_mysql_lex_string +{ + char *str; + size_t length; +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_lex_string MYSQL_LEX_STRING; + +extern struct thd_alloc_service_st { + void *(*thd_alloc_func)(MYSQL_THD, unsigned int); + void *(*thd_calloc_func)(MYSQL_THD, unsigned int); + char *(*thd_strdup_func)(MYSQL_THD, const char *); + char *(*thd_strmake_func)(MYSQL_THD, const char *, unsigned int); + void *(*thd_memdup_func)(MYSQL_THD, const void*, unsigned int); + MYSQL_LEX_STRING *(*thd_make_lex_string_func)(MYSQL_THD, MYSQL_LEX_STRING *, + const char *, unsigned int, int); +} *thd_alloc_service; + +#ifdef MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN + +#define thd_alloc(thd,size) (thd_alloc_service->thd_alloc_func((thd), (size))) + +#define thd_calloc(thd,size) (thd_alloc_service->thd_calloc_func((thd), (size))) + +#define thd_strdup(thd,str) (thd_alloc_service->thd_strdup_func((thd), (str))) + +#define thd_strmake(thd,str,size) \ + (thd_alloc_service->thd_strmake_func((thd), (str), (size))) + +#define thd_memdup(thd,str,size) \ + (thd_alloc_service->thd_memdup_func((thd), (str), (size))) + +#define thd_make_lex_string(thd, lex_str, str, size, allocate_lex_string) \ + (thd_alloc_service->thd_make_lex_string_func((thd), (lex_str), (str), \ + (size), (allocate_lex_string))) + +#else + +/** + Allocate memory in the connection's local memory pool + + @details + When properly used in place of @c my_malloc(), this can significantly + improve concurrency. Don't use this or related functions to allocate + large chunks of memory. Use for temporary storage only. The memory + will be freed automatically at the end of the statement; no explicit + code is required to prevent memory leaks. + + @see alloc_root() +*/ +void *thd_alloc(MYSQL_THD thd, unsigned int size); +/** + @see thd_alloc() +*/ +void *thd_calloc(MYSQL_THD thd, unsigned int size); +/** + @see thd_alloc() +*/ +char *thd_strdup(MYSQL_THD thd, const char *str); +/** + @see thd_alloc() +*/ +char *thd_strmake(MYSQL_THD thd, const char *str, unsigned int size); +/** + @see thd_alloc() +*/ +void *thd_memdup(MYSQL_THD thd, const void* str, unsigned int size); + +/** + Create a LEX_STRING in this connection's local memory pool + + @param thd user thread connection handle + @param lex_str pointer to LEX_STRING object to be initialized + @param str initializer to be copied into lex_str + @param size length of str, in bytes + @param allocate_lex_string flag: if TRUE, allocate new LEX_STRING object, + instead of using lex_str value + @return NULL on failure, or pointer to the LEX_STRING object + + @see thd_alloc() +*/ +MYSQL_LEX_STRING *thd_make_lex_string(MYSQL_THD thd, MYSQL_LEX_STRING *lex_str, + const char *str, unsigned int size, + int allocate_lex_string); + +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#define MYSQL_SERVICE_THD_ALLOC_INCLUDED +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_thd_wait.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_thd_wait.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6b47a4ff2 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_thd_wait.h @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MYSQL_SERVICE_THD_WAIT_INCLUDED +#define MYSQL_SERVICE_THD_WAIT_INCLUDED + +/** + @file include/mysql/service_thd_wait.h + This service provides functions for plugins and storage engines to report + when they are going to sleep/stall. + + SYNOPSIS + thd_wait_begin() - call just before a wait begins + thd Thread object + Use NULL if the thd is NOT known. + wait_type Type of wait + 1 -- short wait (e.g. for mutex) + 2 -- medium wait (e.g. for disk io) + 3 -- large wait (e.g. for locked row/table) + NOTES + This is used by the threadpool to have better knowledge of which + threads that currently are actively running on CPUs. When a thread + reports that it's going to sleep/stall, the threadpool scheduler is + free to start another thread in the pool most likely. The expected wait + time is simply an indication of how long the wait is expected to + become, the real wait time could be very different. + + thd_wait_end() called immediately after the wait is complete + + thd_wait_end() MUST be called if thd_wait_begin() was called. + + Using thd_wait_...() service is optional but recommended. Using it will + improve performance as the thread pool will be more active at managing the + thread workload. +*/ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + One should only report wait events that could potentially block for a + long time. A mutex wait is too short of an event to report. The reason + is that an event which is reported leads to a new thread starts + executing a query and this has a negative impact of usage of CPU caches + and thus the expected gain of starting a new thread must be higher than + the expected cost of lost performance due to starting a new thread. + + Good examples of events that should be reported are waiting for row locks + that could easily be for many milliseconds or even seconds and the same + holds true for global read locks, table locks and other meta data locks. + Another event of interest is going to sleep for an extended time. +*/ +typedef enum _thd_wait_type_e { + THD_WAIT_SLEEP= 1, + THD_WAIT_DISKIO= 2, + THD_WAIT_ROW_LOCK= 3, + THD_WAIT_GLOBAL_LOCK= 4, + THD_WAIT_META_DATA_LOCK= 5, + THD_WAIT_TABLE_LOCK= 6, + THD_WAIT_USER_LOCK= 7, + THD_WAIT_BINLOG= 8, + THD_WAIT_GROUP_COMMIT= 9, + THD_WAIT_SYNC= 10, + THD_WAIT_LAST= 11 +} thd_wait_type; + +extern struct thd_wait_service_st { + void (*thd_wait_begin_func)(MYSQL_THD, int); + void (*thd_wait_end_func)(MYSQL_THD); +} *thd_wait_service; + +#ifdef MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN + +#define thd_wait_begin(_THD, _WAIT_TYPE) \ + thd_wait_service->thd_wait_begin_func(_THD, _WAIT_TYPE) +#define thd_wait_end(_THD) thd_wait_service->thd_wait_end_func(_THD) + +#else + +void thd_wait_begin(MYSQL_THD thd, int wait_type); +void thd_wait_end(MYSQL_THD thd); + +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_thread_scheduler.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_thread_scheduler.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a5e0e2f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_thread_scheduler.h @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +/* + Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA +*/ + +#ifndef SERVICE_THREAD_SCHEDULER_INCLUDED +#define SERVICE_THREAD_SCHEDULER_INCLUDED + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +struct scheduler_functions; + +extern struct my_thread_scheduler_service { + int (*set)(struct scheduler_functions *scheduler); + int (*reset)(); +} *my_thread_scheduler_service; + +#ifdef MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN + +#define my_thread_scheduler_set(F) my_thread_scheduler_service->set((F)) +#define my_thread_scheduler_reset() my_thread_scheduler_service->reset() + +#else + +/** + Set the thread scheduler to use for the server. + + @param scheduler Pointer to scheduler callbacks to use. + @retval 0 Scheduler installed correctly. + @retval 1 Invalid value (NULL) used for scheduler. +*/ +int my_thread_scheduler_set(struct scheduler_functions *scheduler); + +/** + Restore the previous thread scheduler. + + @note If no thread scheduler was installed previously with + thd_set_thread_scheduler, this function will report an error. + + @retval 0 Scheduler installed correctly. + @retval 1 No scheduler installed. +*/ +int my_thread_scheduler_reset(); + +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* SERVICE_THREAD_SCHEDULER_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/services.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/services.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c3ed98e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/services.h @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +#ifndef MYSQL_SERVICES_INCLUDED +/* Copyright (c) 2009, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#define MYSQL_SERVICES_INCLUDED +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/thread_pool_priv.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/thread_pool_priv.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d5d12ef10 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/thread_pool_priv.h @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +/* + Copyright (c) 2010, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA +*/ + +#ifndef THREAD_POOL_PRIV_INCLUDED +#define THREAD_POOL_PRIV_INCLUDED + +/* + The thread pool requires access to some MySQL server error codes, this is + accessed from mysqld_error.h. + We need access to the struct that defines the thread pool plugin interface + which is accessed through scheduler.h. + All accesses to THD variables and functions are defined in this header file. + A thread pool can also use DEBUG_SYNC and must thus include + debug_sync.h + To handle definitions of Information Schema plugins it is also required + to include sql_profile.h and table.h. +*/ +#include /* To get ER_ERROR_ON_READ */ +#define MYSQL_SERVER 1 +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +typedef std::set::iterator Thread_iterator; +/* Needed to get access to scheduler variables */ +void* thd_get_scheduler_data(THD *thd); +void thd_set_scheduler_data(THD *thd, void *data); +PSI_thread* thd_get_psi(THD *thd); +void thd_set_psi(THD *thd, PSI_thread *psi); + +/* Interface to THD variables and functions */ +void thd_set_killed(THD *thd); +void thd_clear_errors(THD *thd); +void thd_set_thread_stack(THD *thd, char *stack_start); +void thd_lock_thread_count(THD *thd); +void thd_unlock_thread_count(THD *thd); +void thd_close_connection(THD *thd); +THD *thd_get_current_thd(); +void thd_new_connection_setup(THD *thd, char *stack_start); +void thd_lock_data(THD *thd); +void thd_unlock_data(THD *thd); +bool thd_is_transaction_active(THD *thd); +int thd_connection_has_data(THD *thd); +void thd_set_net_read_write(THD *thd, uint val); +uint thd_get_net_read_write(THD *thd); +void thd_set_mysys_var(THD *thd, st_my_thread_var *mysys_var); +ulong thd_get_net_wait_timeout(THD *thd); +my_socket thd_get_fd(THD *thd); +int thd_store_globals(THD* thd); + +/* Interface to global thread list iterator functions */ +Thread_iterator thd_get_global_thread_list_begin(); +Thread_iterator thd_get_global_thread_list_end(); + +/* Print to the MySQL error log */ +void sql_print_error(const char *format, ...); + +/* Store a table record */ +bool schema_table_store_record(THD *thd, TABLE *table); + +/* + The thread pool must be able to execute statements using the connection + state in THD object. This is the main objective of the thread pool to + schedule the start of these commands. +*/ +bool do_command(THD *thd); + +/* + The thread pool requires an interface to the connection logic in the + MySQL Server since the thread pool will maintain the event logic on + the TCP connection of the MySQL Server. Thus new connections, dropped + connections will be discovered by the thread pool and it needs to + ensure that the proper MySQL Server logic attached to these events is + executed. +*/ +/* Initialise a new connection handler thread */ +bool init_new_connection_handler_thread(); +/* Set up connection thread before use as execution thread */ +bool setup_connection_thread_globals(THD *thd); +/* Prepare connection as part of connection set-up */ +bool thd_prepare_connection(THD *thd); +/* Release auditing before executing statement */ +void mysql_audit_release(THD *thd); +/* Check if connection is still alive */ +bool thd_is_connection_alive(THD *thd); +/* Close connection with possible error code */ +void close_connection(THD *thd, uint errcode); +/* End the connection before closing it */ +void end_connection(THD *thd); +/* Release resources of the THD object */ +void thd_release_resources(THD *thd); +/* Decrement connection counter */ +void dec_connection_count(); +/* Destroy THD object */ +void destroy_thd(THD *thd); +/* Remove the THD from the set of global threads. */ +void remove_global_thread(THD *thd); + +/* + thread_created is maintained by thread pool when activated since + user threads are created by the thread pool (and also special + threads to maintain the thread pool). This is done through + inc_thread_created. + + max_connections is needed to calculate the maximum number of threads + that is allowed to be started by the thread pool. The method + get_max_connections() gets reference to this variable. + + connection_attrib is the thread attributes for connection threads, + the method get_connection_attrib provides a reference to these + attributes. +*/ +void inc_thread_created(void); +ulong get_max_connections(void); +pthread_attr_t *get_connection_attrib(void); +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_com.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_com.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a25af23fa --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_com.h @@ -0,0 +1,602 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* +** Common definition between mysql server & client +*/ + +#ifndef _mysql_com_h +#define _mysql_com_h + +#define HOSTNAME_LENGTH 60 +#define SYSTEM_CHARSET_MBMAXLEN 3 +#define NAME_CHAR_LEN 64 /* Field/table name length */ +#define USERNAME_CHAR_LENGTH 16 +#define NAME_LEN (NAME_CHAR_LEN*SYSTEM_CHARSET_MBMAXLEN) +#define USERNAME_LENGTH (USERNAME_CHAR_LENGTH*SYSTEM_CHARSET_MBMAXLEN) + +#define MYSQL_AUTODETECT_CHARSET_NAME "auto" + +#define SERVER_VERSION_LENGTH 60 +#define SQLSTATE_LENGTH 5 + +/* + Maximum length of comments +*/ +#define TABLE_COMMENT_INLINE_MAXLEN 180 /* pre 6.0: 60 characters */ +#define TABLE_COMMENT_MAXLEN 2048 +#define COLUMN_COMMENT_MAXLEN 1024 +#define INDEX_COMMENT_MAXLEN 1024 +#define TABLE_PARTITION_COMMENT_MAXLEN 1024 + +/* + USER_HOST_BUFF_SIZE -- length of string buffer, that is enough to contain + username and hostname parts of the user identifier with trailing zero in + MySQL standard format: + user_name_part@host_name_part\0 +*/ +#define USER_HOST_BUFF_SIZE HOSTNAME_LENGTH + USERNAME_LENGTH + 2 + +#define LOCAL_HOST "localhost" +#define LOCAL_HOST_NAMEDPIPE "." + + +#if defined(__WIN__) && !defined( _CUSTOMCONFIG_) +#define MYSQL_NAMEDPIPE "MySQL" +#define MYSQL_SERVICENAME "MySQL" +#endif /* __WIN__ */ + +/* + You should add new commands to the end of this list, otherwise old + servers won't be able to handle them as 'unsupported'. +*/ + +enum enum_server_command +{ + COM_SLEEP, COM_QUIT, COM_INIT_DB, COM_QUERY, COM_FIELD_LIST, + COM_CREATE_DB, COM_DROP_DB, COM_REFRESH, COM_SHUTDOWN, COM_STATISTICS, + COM_PROCESS_INFO, COM_CONNECT, COM_PROCESS_KILL, COM_DEBUG, COM_PING, + COM_TIME, COM_DELAYED_INSERT, COM_CHANGE_USER, COM_BINLOG_DUMP, + COM_TABLE_DUMP, COM_CONNECT_OUT, COM_REGISTER_SLAVE, + COM_STMT_PREPARE, COM_STMT_EXECUTE, COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA, COM_STMT_CLOSE, + COM_STMT_RESET, COM_SET_OPTION, COM_STMT_FETCH, COM_DAEMON, + COM_BINLOG_DUMP_GTID, + /* don't forget to update const char *command_name[] in sql_parse.cc */ + + /* Must be last */ + COM_END +}; + + +/* + Length of random string sent by server on handshake; this is also length of + obfuscated password, recieved from client +*/ +#define SCRAMBLE_LENGTH 20 +#define SCRAMBLE_LENGTH_323 8 +/* length of password stored in the db: new passwords are preceeded with '*' */ +#define SCRAMBLED_PASSWORD_CHAR_LENGTH (SCRAMBLE_LENGTH*2+1) +#define SCRAMBLED_PASSWORD_CHAR_LENGTH_323 (SCRAMBLE_LENGTH_323*2) + + +#define NOT_NULL_FLAG 1 /* Field can't be NULL */ +#define PRI_KEY_FLAG 2 /* Field is part of a primary key */ +#define UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG 4 /* Field is part of a unique key */ +#define MULTIPLE_KEY_FLAG 8 /* Field is part of a key */ +#define BLOB_FLAG 16 /* Field is a blob */ +#define UNSIGNED_FLAG 32 /* Field is unsigned */ +#define ZEROFILL_FLAG 64 /* Field is zerofill */ +#define BINARY_FLAG 128 /* Field is binary */ + +/* The following are only sent to new clients */ +#define ENUM_FLAG 256 /* field is an enum */ +#define AUTO_INCREMENT_FLAG 512 /* field is a autoincrement field */ +#define TIMESTAMP_FLAG 1024 /* Field is a timestamp */ +#define SET_FLAG 2048 /* field is a set */ +#define NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_FLAG 4096 /* Field doesn't have default value */ +#define ON_UPDATE_NOW_FLAG 8192 /* Field is set to NOW on UPDATE */ +#define NUM_FLAG 32768 /* Field is num (for clients) */ +#define PART_KEY_FLAG 16384 /* Intern; Part of some key */ +#define GROUP_FLAG 32768 /* Intern: Group field */ +#define UNIQUE_FLAG 65536 /* Intern: Used by sql_yacc */ +#define BINCMP_FLAG 131072 /* Intern: Used by sql_yacc */ +#define GET_FIXED_FIELDS_FLAG (1 << 18) /* Used to get fields in item tree */ +#define FIELD_IN_PART_FUNC_FLAG (1 << 19)/* Field part of partition func */ +/** + Intern: Field in TABLE object for new version of altered table, + which participates in a newly added index. +*/ +#define FIELD_IN_ADD_INDEX (1 << 20) +#define FIELD_IS_RENAMED (1<< 21) /* Intern: Field is being renamed */ +#define FIELD_FLAGS_STORAGE_MEDIA 22 /* Field storage media, bit 22-23 */ +#define FIELD_FLAGS_STORAGE_MEDIA_MASK (3 << FIELD_FLAGS_STORAGE_MEDIA) +#define FIELD_FLAGS_COLUMN_FORMAT 24 /* Field column format, bit 24-25 */ +#define FIELD_FLAGS_COLUMN_FORMAT_MASK (3 << FIELD_FLAGS_COLUMN_FORMAT) +#define FIELD_IS_DROPPED (1<< 26) /* Intern: Field is being dropped */ + +#define REFRESH_GRANT 1 /* Refresh grant tables */ +#define REFRESH_LOG 2 /* Start on new log file */ +#define REFRESH_TABLES 4 /* close all tables */ +#define REFRESH_HOSTS 8 /* Flush host cache */ +#define REFRESH_STATUS 16 /* Flush status variables */ +#define REFRESH_THREADS 32 /* Flush thread cache */ +#define REFRESH_SLAVE 64 /* Reset master info and restart slave + thread */ +#define REFRESH_MASTER 128 /* Remove all bin logs in the index + and truncate the index */ +#define REFRESH_ERROR_LOG 256 /* Rotate only the erorr log */ +#define REFRESH_ENGINE_LOG 512 /* Flush all storage engine logs */ +#define REFRESH_BINARY_LOG 1024 /* Flush the binary log */ +#define REFRESH_RELAY_LOG 2048 /* Flush the relay log */ +#define REFRESH_GENERAL_LOG 4096 /* Flush the general log */ +#define REFRESH_SLOW_LOG 8192 /* Flush the slow query log */ + +/* The following can't be set with mysql_refresh() */ +#define REFRESH_READ_LOCK 16384 /* Lock tables for read */ +#define REFRESH_FAST 32768 /* Intern flag */ + +/* RESET (remove all queries) from query cache */ +#define REFRESH_QUERY_CACHE 65536 +#define REFRESH_QUERY_CACHE_FREE 0x20000L /* pack query cache */ +#define REFRESH_DES_KEY_FILE 0x40000L +#define REFRESH_USER_RESOURCES 0x80000L +#define REFRESH_FOR_EXPORT 0x100000L /* FLUSH TABLES ... FOR EXPORT */ + +#define CLIENT_LONG_PASSWORD 1 /* new more secure passwords */ +#define CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS 2 /* Found instead of affected rows */ +#define CLIENT_LONG_FLAG 4 /* Get all column flags */ +#define CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB 8 /* One can specify db on connect */ +#define CLIENT_NO_SCHEMA 16 /* Don't allow database.table.column */ +#define CLIENT_COMPRESS 32 /* Can use compression protocol */ +#define CLIENT_ODBC 64 /* Odbc client */ +#define CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES 128 /* Can use LOAD DATA LOCAL */ +#define CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE 256 /* Ignore spaces before '(' */ +#define CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 512 /* New 4.1 protocol */ +#define CLIENT_INTERACTIVE 1024 /* This is an interactive client */ +#define CLIENT_SSL 2048 /* Switch to SSL after handshake */ +#define CLIENT_IGNORE_SIGPIPE 4096 /* IGNORE sigpipes */ +#define CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS 8192 /* Client knows about transactions */ +#define CLIENT_RESERVED 16384 /* Old flag for 4.1 protocol */ +#define CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION 32768 /* New 4.1 authentication */ +#define CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS (1UL << 16) /* Enable/disable multi-stmt support */ +#define CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS (1UL << 17) /* Enable/disable multi-results */ +#define CLIENT_PS_MULTI_RESULTS (1UL << 18) /* Multi-results in PS-protocol */ + +#define CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH (1UL << 19) /* Client supports plugin authentication */ +#define CLIENT_CONNECT_ATTRS (1UL << 20) /* Client supports connection attributes */ + +/* Enable authentication response packet to be larger than 255 bytes. */ +#define CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH_LENENC_CLIENT_DATA (1UL << 21) + +/* Don't close the connection for a connection with expired password. */ +#define CLIENT_CAN_HANDLE_EXPIRED_PASSWORDS (1UL << 22) + +#define CLIENT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT (1UL << 30) +#define CLIENT_REMEMBER_OPTIONS (1UL << 31) + +#ifdef HAVE_COMPRESS +#define CAN_CLIENT_COMPRESS CLIENT_COMPRESS +#else +#define CAN_CLIENT_COMPRESS 0 +#endif + +/* Gather all possible capabilites (flags) supported by the server */ +#define CLIENT_ALL_FLAGS (CLIENT_LONG_PASSWORD \ + | CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS \ + | CLIENT_LONG_FLAG \ + | CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB \ + | CLIENT_NO_SCHEMA \ + | CLIENT_COMPRESS \ + | CLIENT_ODBC \ + | CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES \ + | CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE \ + | CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 \ + | CLIENT_INTERACTIVE \ + | CLIENT_SSL \ + | CLIENT_IGNORE_SIGPIPE \ + | CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS \ + | CLIENT_RESERVED \ + | CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION \ + | CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS \ + | CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS \ + | CLIENT_PS_MULTI_RESULTS \ + | CLIENT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT \ + | CLIENT_REMEMBER_OPTIONS \ + | CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH \ + | CLIENT_CONNECT_ATTRS \ + | CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH_LENENC_CLIENT_DATA \ + | CLIENT_CAN_HANDLE_EXPIRED_PASSWORDS \ +) + +/* + Switch off the flags that are optional and depending on build flags + If any of the optional flags is supported by the build it will be switched + on before sending to the client during the connection handshake. +*/ +#define CLIENT_BASIC_FLAGS (((CLIENT_ALL_FLAGS & ~CLIENT_SSL) \ + & ~CLIENT_COMPRESS) \ + & ~CLIENT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT) + +/** + Is raised when a multi-statement transaction + has been started, either explicitly, by means + of BEGIN or COMMIT AND CHAIN, or + implicitly, by the first transactional + statement, when autocommit=off. +*/ +#define SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS 1 +#define SERVER_STATUS_AUTOCOMMIT 2 /* Server in auto_commit mode */ +#define SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS 8 /* Multi query - next query exists */ +#define SERVER_QUERY_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED 16 +#define SERVER_QUERY_NO_INDEX_USED 32 +/** + The server was able to fulfill the clients request and opened a + read-only non-scrollable cursor for a query. This flag comes + in reply to COM_STMT_EXECUTE and COM_STMT_FETCH commands. +*/ +#define SERVER_STATUS_CURSOR_EXISTS 64 +/** + This flag is sent when a read-only cursor is exhausted, in reply to + COM_STMT_FETCH command. +*/ +#define SERVER_STATUS_LAST_ROW_SENT 128 +#define SERVER_STATUS_DB_DROPPED 256 /* A database was dropped */ +#define SERVER_STATUS_NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES 512 +/** + Sent to the client if after a prepared statement reprepare + we discovered that the new statement returns a different + number of result set columns. +*/ +#define SERVER_STATUS_METADATA_CHANGED 1024 +#define SERVER_QUERY_WAS_SLOW 2048 + +/** + To mark ResultSet containing output parameter values. +*/ +#define SERVER_PS_OUT_PARAMS 4096 + +/** + Set at the same time as SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS if the started + multi-statement transaction is a read-only transaction. Cleared + when the transaction commits or aborts. Since this flag is sent + to clients in OK and EOF packets, the flag indicates the + transaction status at the end of command execution. +*/ +#define SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS_READONLY 8192 + + +/** + Server status flags that must be cleared when starting + execution of a new SQL statement. + Flags from this set are only added to the + current server status by the execution engine, but + never removed -- the execution engine expects them + to disappear automagically by the next command. +*/ +#define SERVER_STATUS_CLEAR_SET (SERVER_QUERY_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED| \ + SERVER_QUERY_NO_INDEX_USED|\ + SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS|\ + SERVER_STATUS_METADATA_CHANGED |\ + SERVER_QUERY_WAS_SLOW |\ + SERVER_STATUS_DB_DROPPED |\ + SERVER_STATUS_CURSOR_EXISTS|\ + SERVER_STATUS_LAST_ROW_SENT) + +#define MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE 512 +#define NET_READ_TIMEOUT 30 /* Timeout on read */ +#define NET_WRITE_TIMEOUT 60 /* Timeout on write */ +#define NET_WAIT_TIMEOUT 8*60*60 /* Wait for new query */ + +#define ONLY_KILL_QUERY 1 + + +struct st_vio; /* Only C */ +typedef struct st_vio Vio; + +#define MAX_TINYINT_WIDTH 3 /* Max width for a TINY w.o. sign */ +#define MAX_SMALLINT_WIDTH 5 /* Max width for a SHORT w.o. sign */ +#define MAX_MEDIUMINT_WIDTH 8 /* Max width for a INT24 w.o. sign */ +#define MAX_INT_WIDTH 10 /* Max width for a LONG w.o. sign */ +#define MAX_BIGINT_WIDTH 20 /* Max width for a LONGLONG */ +#define MAX_CHAR_WIDTH 255 /* Max length for a CHAR colum */ +#define MAX_BLOB_WIDTH 16777216 /* Default width for blob */ + +typedef struct st_net { +#if !defined(CHECK_EMBEDDED_DIFFERENCES) || !defined(EMBEDDED_LIBRARY) + Vio *vio; + unsigned char *buff,*buff_end,*write_pos,*read_pos; + my_socket fd; /* For Perl DBI/dbd */ + /* + The following variable is set if we are doing several queries in one + command ( as in LOAD TABLE ... FROM MASTER ), + and do not want to confuse the client with OK at the wrong time + */ + unsigned long remain_in_buf,length, buf_length, where_b; + unsigned long max_packet,max_packet_size; + unsigned int pkt_nr,compress_pkt_nr; + unsigned int write_timeout, read_timeout, retry_count; + int fcntl; + unsigned int *return_status; + unsigned char reading_or_writing; + char save_char; + my_bool unused1; /* Please remove with the next incompatible ABI change */ + my_bool unused2; /* Please remove with the next incompatible ABI change */ + my_bool compress; + my_bool unused3; /* Please remove with the next incompatible ABI change. */ + /* + Pointer to query object in query cache, do not equal NULL (0) for + queries in cache that have not stored its results yet + */ +#endif + /* + Unused, please remove with the next incompatible ABI change. + */ + unsigned char *unused; + unsigned int last_errno; + unsigned char error; + my_bool unused4; /* Please remove with the next incompatible ABI change. */ + my_bool unused5; /* Please remove with the next incompatible ABI change. */ + /** Client library error message buffer. Actually belongs to struct MYSQL. */ + char last_error[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE]; + /** Client library sqlstate buffer. Set along with the error message. */ + char sqlstate[SQLSTATE_LENGTH+1]; + /** + Extension pointer, for the caller private use. + Any program linking with the networking library can use this pointer, + which is handy when private connection specific data needs to be + maintained. + The mysqld server process uses this pointer internally, + to maintain the server internal instrumentation for the connection. + */ + void *extension; +} NET; + + +#define packet_error (~(unsigned long) 0) + +enum enum_field_types { MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL, MYSQL_TYPE_TINY, + MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, + MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT, MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE, + MYSQL_TYPE_NULL, MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, + MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG,MYSQL_TYPE_INT24, + MYSQL_TYPE_DATE, MYSQL_TYPE_TIME, + MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR, + MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE, MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR, + MYSQL_TYPE_BIT, + MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP2, + MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME2, + MYSQL_TYPE_TIME2, + MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL=246, + MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM=247, + MYSQL_TYPE_SET=248, + MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB=249, + MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB=250, + MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB=251, + MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB=252, + MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING=253, + MYSQL_TYPE_STRING=254, + MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY=255 + +}; + +/* For backward compatibility */ +#define CLIENT_MULTI_QUERIES CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS +#define FIELD_TYPE_DECIMAL MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL +#define FIELD_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL +#define FIELD_TYPE_TINY MYSQL_TYPE_TINY +#define FIELD_TYPE_SHORT MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT +#define FIELD_TYPE_LONG MYSQL_TYPE_LONG +#define FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT +#define FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE +#define FIELD_TYPE_NULL MYSQL_TYPE_NULL +#define FIELD_TYPE_TIMESTAMP MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP +#define FIELD_TYPE_LONGLONG MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG +#define FIELD_TYPE_INT24 MYSQL_TYPE_INT24 +#define FIELD_TYPE_DATE MYSQL_TYPE_DATE +#define FIELD_TYPE_TIME MYSQL_TYPE_TIME +#define FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME +#define FIELD_TYPE_YEAR MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR +#define FIELD_TYPE_NEWDATE MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE +#define FIELD_TYPE_ENUM MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM +#define FIELD_TYPE_SET MYSQL_TYPE_SET +#define FIELD_TYPE_TINY_BLOB MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB +#define FIELD_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB +#define FIELD_TYPE_LONG_BLOB MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB +#define FIELD_TYPE_BLOB MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB +#define FIELD_TYPE_VAR_STRING MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING +#define FIELD_TYPE_STRING MYSQL_TYPE_STRING +#define FIELD_TYPE_CHAR MYSQL_TYPE_TINY +#define FIELD_TYPE_INTERVAL MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM +#define FIELD_TYPE_GEOMETRY MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY +#define FIELD_TYPE_BIT MYSQL_TYPE_BIT + + +/* Shutdown/kill enums and constants */ + +/* Bits for THD::killable. */ +#define MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_CONNECT (unsigned char)(1 << 0) +#define MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_TRANS (unsigned char)(1 << 1) +#define MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_LOCK_TABLE (unsigned char)(1 << 2) +#define MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_UPDATE (unsigned char)(1 << 3) + +enum mysql_enum_shutdown_level { + /* + We want levels to be in growing order of hardness (because we use number + comparisons). Note that DEFAULT does not respect the growing property, but + it's ok. + */ + SHUTDOWN_DEFAULT = 0, + /* wait for existing connections to finish */ + SHUTDOWN_WAIT_CONNECTIONS= MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_CONNECT, + /* wait for existing trans to finish */ + SHUTDOWN_WAIT_TRANSACTIONS= MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_TRANS, + /* wait for existing updates to finish (=> no partial MyISAM update) */ + SHUTDOWN_WAIT_UPDATES= MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_UPDATE, + /* flush InnoDB buffers and other storage engines' buffers*/ + SHUTDOWN_WAIT_ALL_BUFFERS= (MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_UPDATE << 1), + /* don't flush InnoDB buffers, flush other storage engines' buffers*/ + SHUTDOWN_WAIT_CRITICAL_BUFFERS= (MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_UPDATE << 1) + 1, + /* Now the 2 levels of the KILL command */ +#if MYSQL_VERSION_ID >= 50000 + KILL_QUERY= 254, +#endif + KILL_CONNECTION= 255 +}; + + +enum enum_cursor_type +{ + CURSOR_TYPE_NO_CURSOR= 0, + CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY= 1, + CURSOR_TYPE_FOR_UPDATE= 2, + CURSOR_TYPE_SCROLLABLE= 4 +}; + + +/* options for mysql_set_option */ +enum enum_mysql_set_option +{ + MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_ON, + MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_OFF +}; + +#define net_new_transaction(net) ((net)->pkt_nr=0) + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +my_bool my_net_init(NET *net, Vio* vio); +void my_net_local_init(NET *net); +void net_end(NET *net); +void net_clear(NET *net, my_bool check_buffer); +my_bool net_realloc(NET *net, size_t length); +my_bool net_flush(NET *net); +my_bool my_net_write(NET *net,const unsigned char *packet, size_t len); +my_bool net_write_command(NET *net,unsigned char command, + const unsigned char *header, size_t head_len, + const unsigned char *packet, size_t len); +my_bool net_write_packet(NET *net, const unsigned char *packet, size_t length); +unsigned long my_net_read(NET *net); + +#ifdef MY_GLOBAL_INCLUDED +void my_net_set_write_timeout(NET *net, uint timeout); +void my_net_set_read_timeout(NET *net, uint timeout); +#endif + +struct rand_struct { + unsigned long seed1,seed2,max_value; + double max_value_dbl; +}; + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + + /* The following is for user defined functions */ + +enum Item_result {STRING_RESULT=0, REAL_RESULT, INT_RESULT, ROW_RESULT, + DECIMAL_RESULT}; + +typedef struct st_udf_args +{ + unsigned int arg_count; /* Number of arguments */ + enum Item_result *arg_type; /* Pointer to item_results */ + char **args; /* Pointer to argument */ + unsigned long *lengths; /* Length of string arguments */ + char *maybe_null; /* Set to 1 for all maybe_null args */ + char **attributes; /* Pointer to attribute name */ + unsigned long *attribute_lengths; /* Length of attribute arguments */ + void *extension; +} UDF_ARGS; + + /* This holds information about the result */ + +typedef struct st_udf_init +{ + my_bool maybe_null; /* 1 if function can return NULL */ + unsigned int decimals; /* for real functions */ + unsigned long max_length; /* For string functions */ + char *ptr; /* free pointer for function data */ + my_bool const_item; /* 1 if function always returns the same value */ + void *extension; +} UDF_INIT; +/* + TODO: add a notion for determinism of the UDF. + See Item_udf_func::update_used_tables () +*/ + + /* Constants when using compression */ +#define NET_HEADER_SIZE 4 /* standard header size */ +#define COMP_HEADER_SIZE 3 /* compression header extra size */ + + /* Prototypes to password functions */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + These functions are used for authentication by client and server and + implemented in sql/password.c +*/ + +void randominit(struct rand_struct *, unsigned long seed1, + unsigned long seed2); +double my_rnd(struct rand_struct *); +void create_random_string(char *to, unsigned int length, struct rand_struct *rand_st); + +void hash_password(unsigned long *to, const char *password, unsigned int password_len); +void make_scrambled_password_323(char *to, const char *password); +void scramble_323(char *to, const char *message, const char *password); +my_bool check_scramble_323(const unsigned char *reply, const char *message, + unsigned long *salt); +void get_salt_from_password_323(unsigned long *res, const char *password); +void make_password_from_salt_323(char *to, const unsigned long *salt); + +void make_scrambled_password(char *to, const char *password); +void scramble(char *to, const char *message, const char *password); +my_bool check_scramble(const unsigned char *reply, const char *message, + const unsigned char *hash_stage2); +void get_salt_from_password(unsigned char *res, const char *password); +void make_password_from_salt(char *to, const unsigned char *hash_stage2); +char *octet2hex(char *to, const char *str, unsigned int len); + +/* end of password.c */ + +char *get_tty_password(const char *opt_message); +const char *mysql_errno_to_sqlstate(unsigned int mysql_errno); + +/* Some other useful functions */ + +my_bool my_thread_init(void); +void my_thread_end(void); + +#ifdef MY_GLOBAL_INCLUDED +ulong STDCALL net_field_length(uchar **packet); +my_ulonglong net_field_length_ll(uchar **packet); +uchar *net_store_length(uchar *pkg, ulonglong length); +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#define NULL_LENGTH ((unsigned long) ~0) /* For net_store_length */ +#define MYSQL_STMT_HEADER 4 +#define MYSQL_LONG_DATA_HEADER 6 + +#define NOT_FIXED_DEC 31 +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_com_server.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_com_server.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1ea040207 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_com_server.h @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Definitions private to the server, + used in the networking layer to notify specific events. +*/ + +#ifndef _mysql_com_server_h +#define _mysql_com_server_h + +struct st_net_server; + +typedef void (*before_header_callback_fn) + (struct st_net *net, void *user_data, size_t count); + +typedef void (*after_header_callback_fn) + (struct st_net *net, void *user_data, size_t count, my_bool rc); + +struct st_net_server +{ + before_header_callback_fn m_before_header; + after_header_callback_fn m_after_header; + void *m_user_data; +}; + +typedef struct st_net_server NET_SERVER; + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_embed.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_embed.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b96083d07 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_embed.h @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +#ifndef MYSQL_EMBED_INCLUDED +#define MYSQL_EMBED_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* Defines that are unique to the embedded version of MySQL */ + +#ifdef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY + +/* Things we don't need in the embedded version of MySQL */ +/* TODO HF add #undef HAVE_VIO if we don't want client in embedded library */ + +#undef HAVE_DLOPEN /* No udf functions */ +#undef HAVE_SMEM /* No shared memory */ + +#endif /* EMBEDDED_LIBRARY */ +#endif /* MYSQL_EMBED_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_time.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_time.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ac9719c68 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_time.h @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2004, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ + +#ifndef _mysql_time_h_ +#define _mysql_time_h_ + +/* + Time declarations shared between the server and client API: + you should not add anything to this header unless it's used + (and hence should be visible) in mysql.h. + If you're looking for a place to add new time-related declaration, + it's most likely my_time.h. See also "C API Handling of Date + and Time Values" chapter in documentation. +*/ + +enum enum_mysql_timestamp_type +{ + MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_NONE= -2, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_ERROR= -1, + MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE= 0, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME= 1, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME= 2 +}; + + +/* + Structure which is used to represent datetime values inside MySQL. + + We assume that values in this structure are normalized, i.e. year <= 9999, + month <= 12, day <= 31, hour <= 23, hour <= 59, hour <= 59. Many functions + in server such as my_system_gmt_sec() or make_time() family of functions + rely on this (actually now usage of make_*() family relies on a bit weaker + restriction). Also functions that produce MYSQL_TIME as result ensure this. + There is one exception to this rule though if this structure holds time + value (time_type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME) days and hour member can hold + bigger values. +*/ +typedef struct st_mysql_time +{ + unsigned int year, month, day, hour, minute, second; + unsigned long second_part; /**< microseconds */ + my_bool neg; + enum enum_mysql_timestamp_type time_type; +} MYSQL_TIME; + +#endif /* _mysql_time_h_ */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_version.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_version.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4c8758f67 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_version.h @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 1996, 1999-2004, 2007 MySQL AB + Use is subject to license terms + This file is public domain and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind */ + +/* Version numbers for protocol & mysqld */ + +#ifndef _mysql_version_h +#define _mysql_version_h +#ifdef _CUSTOMCONFIG_ +#include +#else +#define PROTOCOL_VERSION 10 +#define MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION "5.6.14" +#define MYSQL_BASE_VERSION "mysqld-5.6" +#define MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX_DEF "" +#define FRM_VER 6 +#define MYSQL_VERSION_ID 50614 +#define MYSQL_PORT 3306 +#define MYSQL_PORT_DEFAULT 0 +#define MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR "/tmp/mysql.sock" +#define MYSQL_CONFIG_NAME "my" +#define MYSQL_COMPILATION_COMMENT "Source distribution" + +/* mysqld compile time options */ +#endif /* _CUSTOMCONFIG_ */ + +#ifndef LICENSE +#define LICENSE GPL +#endif /* LICENSE */ + +#endif /* _mysql_version_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_version.h.in b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_version.h.in new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ab7745020 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_version.h.in @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 1996, 1999-2004, 2007 MySQL AB + Use is subject to license terms + This file is public domain and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind */ + +/* Version numbers for protocol & mysqld */ + +#ifndef _mysql_version_h +#define _mysql_version_h +#ifdef _CUSTOMCONFIG_ +#include +#else +#define PROTOCOL_VERSION @PROTOCOL_VERSION@ +#define MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION "@VERSION@" +#define MYSQL_BASE_VERSION "mysqld-@MYSQL_BASE_VERSION@" +#define MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX_DEF "@MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX@" +#define FRM_VER @DOT_FRM_VERSION@ +#define MYSQL_VERSION_ID @MYSQL_VERSION_ID@ +#define MYSQL_PORT @MYSQL_TCP_PORT@ +#define MYSQL_PORT_DEFAULT @MYSQL_TCP_PORT_DEFAULT@ +#define MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR "@MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR@" +#define MYSQL_CONFIG_NAME "my" +#define MYSQL_COMPILATION_COMMENT "@COMPILATION_COMMENT@" + +/* mysqld compile time options */ +#endif /* _CUSTOMCONFIG_ */ + +#ifndef LICENSE +#define LICENSE GPL +#endif /* LICENSE */ + +#endif /* _mysql_version_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysqld_ername.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysqld_ername.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1c9cb8e73 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysqld_ername.h @@ -0,0 +1,880 @@ +/* Autogenerated file, please don't edit */ + +{ "ER_HASHCHK", 1000, "hashchk" }, +{ "ER_NISAMCHK", 1001, "isamchk" }, +{ "ER_NO", 1002, "NO" }, +{ "ER_YES", 1003, "YES" }, +{ "ER_CANT_CREATE_FILE", 1004, "Can\'t create file \'%-.200s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_CANT_CREATE_TABLE", 1005, "Can\'t create table \'%-.200s\' (errno: %d)" }, +{ "ER_CANT_CREATE_DB", 1006, "Can\'t create database \'%-.192s\' (errno: %d)" }, +{ "ER_DB_CREATE_EXISTS", 1007, "Can\'t create database \'%-.192s\'; database exists" }, +{ "ER_DB_DROP_EXISTS", 1008, "Can\'t drop database \'%-.192s\'; database doesn\'t exist" }, +{ "ER_DB_DROP_DELETE", 1009, "Error dropping database (can\'t delete \'%-.192s\', errno: %d)" }, +{ "ER_DB_DROP_RMDIR", 1010, "Error dropping database (can\'t rmdir \'%-.192s\', errno: %d)" }, +{ "ER_CANT_DELETE_FILE", 1011, "Error on delete of \'%-.192s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_CANT_FIND_SYSTEM_REC", 1012, "Can\'t read record in system table" }, +{ "ER_CANT_GET_STAT", 1013, "Can\'t get status of \'%-.200s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_CANT_GET_WD", 1014, "Can\'t get working directory (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_CANT_LOCK", 1015, "Can\'t lock file (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_CANT_OPEN_FILE", 1016, "Can\'t open file: \'%-.200s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_FILE_NOT_FOUND", 1017, "Can\'t find file: \'%-.200s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_CANT_READ_DIR", 1018, "Can\'t read dir of \'%-.192s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_CANT_SET_WD", 1019, "Can\'t change dir to \'%-.192s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_CHECKREAD", 1020, "Record has changed since last read in table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_DISK_FULL", 1021, "Disk full (%s); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_DUP_KEY", 1022, "Can\'t write; duplicate key in table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_ERROR_ON_CLOSE", 1023, "Error on close of \'%-.192s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_ERROR_ON_READ", 1024, "Error reading file \'%-.200s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_ERROR_ON_RENAME", 1025, "Error on rename of \'%-.210s\' to \'%-.210s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE", 1026, "Error writing file \'%-.200s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_FILE_USED", 1027, "\'%-.192s\' is locked against change" }, +{ "ER_FILSORT_ABORT", 1028, "Sort aborted" }, +{ "ER_FORM_NOT_FOUND", 1029, "View \'%-.192s\' doesn\'t exist for \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_GET_ERRNO", 1030, "Got error %d from storage engine" }, +{ "ER_ILLEGAL_HA", 1031, "Table storage engine for \'%-.192s\' doesn\'t have this option" }, +{ "ER_KEY_NOT_FOUND", 1032, "Can\'t find record in \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_NOT_FORM_FILE", 1033, "Incorrect information in file: \'%-.200s\'" }, +{ "ER_NOT_KEYFILE", 1034, "Incorrect key file for table \'%-.200s\'; try to repair it" }, +{ "ER_OLD_KEYFILE", 1035, "Old key file for table \'%-.192s\'; repair it!" }, +{ "ER_OPEN_AS_READONLY", 1036, "Table \'%-.192s\' is read only" }, +{ "ER_OUTOFMEMORY", 1037, "Out of memory; restart server and try again (needed %d bytes)" }, +{ "ER_OUT_OF_SORTMEMORY", 1038, "Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size" }, +{ "ER_UNEXPECTED_EOF", 1039, "Unexpected EOF found when reading file \'%-.192s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR", 1040, "Too many connections" }, +{ "ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES", 1041, "Out of memory; check if mysqld or some other process uses all available memory; if not, you may have to use \'ulimit\' to allow mysqld to use more memory or you can add more swap space" }, +{ "ER_BAD_HOST_ERROR", 1042, "Can\'t get hostname for your address" }, +{ "ER_HANDSHAKE_ERROR", 1043, "Bad handshake" }, +{ "ER_DBACCESS_DENIED_ERROR", 1044, "Access denied for user \'%-.48s\'@\'%-.64s\' to database \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR", 1045, "Access denied for user \'%-.48s\'@\'%-.64s\' (using password: %s)" }, +{ "ER_NO_DB_ERROR", 1046, "No database selected" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_COM_ERROR", 1047, "Unknown command" }, +{ "ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR", 1048, "Column \'%-.192s\' cannot be null" }, +{ "ER_BAD_DB_ERROR", 1049, "Unknown database \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR", 1050, "Table \'%-.192s\' already exists" }, +{ "ER_BAD_TABLE_ERROR", 1051, "Unknown table \'%-.100s\'" }, +{ "ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR", 1052, "Column \'%-.192s\' in %-.192s is ambiguous" }, +{ "ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN", 1053, "Server shutdown in progress" }, +{ "ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR", 1054, "Unknown column \'%-.192s\' in \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP", 1055, "\'%-.192s\' isn\'t in GROUP BY" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_GROUP_FIELD", 1056, "Can\'t group on \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_SUM_SELECT", 1057, "Statement has sum functions and columns in same statement" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT", 1058, "Column count doesn\'t match value count" }, +{ "ER_TOO_LONG_IDENT", 1059, "Identifier name \'%-.100s\' is too long" }, +{ "ER_DUP_FIELDNAME", 1060, "Duplicate column name \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_DUP_KEYNAME", 1061, "Duplicate key name \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_DUP_ENTRY", 1062, "Duplicate entry \'%-.192s\' for key %d" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_FIELD_SPEC", 1063, "Incorrect column specifier for column \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_PARSE_ERROR", 1064, "%s near \'%-.80s\' at line %d" }, +{ "ER_EMPTY_QUERY", 1065, "Query was empty" }, +{ "ER_NONUNIQ_TABLE", 1066, "Not unique table/alias: \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_INVALID_DEFAULT", 1067, "Invalid default value for \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_MULTIPLE_PRI_KEY", 1068, "Multiple primary key defined" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_KEYS", 1069, "Too many keys specified; max %d keys allowed" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_KEY_PARTS", 1070, "Too many key parts specified; max %d parts allowed" }, +{ "ER_TOO_LONG_KEY", 1071, "Specified key was too long; max key length is %d bytes" }, +{ "ER_KEY_COLUMN_DOES_NOT_EXITS", 1072, "Key column \'%-.192s\' doesn\'t exist in table" }, +{ "ER_BLOB_USED_AS_KEY", 1073, "BLOB column \'%-.192s\' can\'t be used in key specification with the used table type" }, +{ "ER_TOO_BIG_FIELDLENGTH", 1074, "Column length too big for column \'%-.192s\' (max = %lu); use BLOB or TEXT instead" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_AUTO_KEY", 1075, "Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key" }, +{ "ER_READY", 1076, "%s: ready for connections.\nVersion: \'%s\' socket: \'%s\' port: %d" }, +{ "ER_NORMAL_SHUTDOWN", 1077, "%s: Normal shutdown\n" }, +{ "ER_GOT_SIGNAL", 1078, "%s: Got signal %d. Aborting!\n" }, +{ "ER_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE", 1079, "%s: Shutdown complete\n" }, +{ "ER_FORCING_CLOSE", 1080, "%s: Forcing close of thread %ld user: \'%-.48s\'\n" }, +{ "ER_IPSOCK_ERROR", 1081, "Can\'t create IP socket" }, +{ "ER_NO_SUCH_INDEX", 1082, "Table \'%-.192s\' has no index like the one used in CREATE INDEX; recreate the table" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_FIELD_TERMINATORS", 1083, "Field separator argument is not what is expected; check the manual" }, +{ "ER_BLOBS_AND_NO_TERMINATED", 1084, "You can\'t use fixed rowlength with BLOBs; please use \'fields terminated by\'" }, +{ "ER_TEXTFILE_NOT_READABLE", 1085, "The file \'%-.128s\' must be in the database directory or be readable by all" }, +{ "ER_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR", 1086, "File \'%-.200s\' already exists" }, +{ "ER_LOAD_INFO", 1087, "Records: %ld Deleted: %ld Skipped: %ld Warnings: %ld" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_INFO", 1088, "Records: %ld Duplicates: %ld" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_SUB_KEY", 1089, "Incorrect prefix key; the used key part isn\'t a string, the used length is longer than the key part, or the storage engine doesn\'t support unique prefix keys" }, +{ "ER_CANT_REMOVE_ALL_FIELDS", 1090, "You can\'t delete all columns with ALTER TABLE; use DROP TABLE instead" }, +{ "ER_CANT_DROP_FIELD_OR_KEY", 1091, "Can\'t DROP \'%-.192s\'; check that column/key exists" }, +{ "ER_INSERT_INFO", 1092, "Records: %ld Duplicates: %ld Warnings: %ld" }, +{ "ER_UPDATE_TABLE_USED", 1093, "You can\'t specify target table \'%-.192s\' for update in FROM clause" }, +{ "ER_NO_SUCH_THREAD", 1094, "Unknown thread id: %lu" }, +{ "ER_KILL_DENIED_ERROR", 1095, "You are not owner of thread %lu" }, +{ "ER_NO_TABLES_USED", 1096, "No tables used" }, +{ "ER_TOO_BIG_SET", 1097, "Too many strings for column %-.192s and SET" }, +{ "ER_NO_UNIQUE_LOGFILE", 1098, "Can\'t generate a unique log-filename %-.200s.(1-999)\n" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED_FOR_WRITE", 1099, "Table \'%-.192s\' was locked with a READ lock and can\'t be updated" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED", 1100, "Table \'%-.192s\' was not locked with LOCK TABLES" }, +{ "ER_BLOB_CANT_HAVE_DEFAULT", 1101, "BLOB/TEXT column \'%-.192s\' can\'t have a default value" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_DB_NAME", 1102, "Incorrect database name \'%-.100s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_TABLE_NAME", 1103, "Incorrect table name \'%-.100s\'" }, +{ "ER_TOO_BIG_SELECT", 1104, "The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR", 1105, "Unknown error" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_PROCEDURE", 1106, "Unknown procedure \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_PARAMCOUNT_TO_PROCEDURE", 1107, "Incorrect parameter count to procedure \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_PROCEDURE", 1108, "Incorrect parameters to procedure \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_TABLE", 1109, "Unknown table \'%-.192s\' in %-.32s" }, +{ "ER_FIELD_SPECIFIED_TWICE", 1110, "Column \'%-.192s\' specified twice" }, +{ "ER_INVALID_GROUP_FUNC_USE", 1111, "Invalid use of group function" }, +{ "ER_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION", 1112, "Table \'%-.192s\' uses an extension that doesn\'t exist in this MySQL version" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_MUST_HAVE_COLUMNS", 1113, "A table must have at least 1 column" }, +{ "ER_RECORD_FILE_FULL", 1114, "The table \'%-.192s\' is full" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_SET", 1115, "Unknown character set: \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_TABLES", 1116, "Too many tables; MySQL can only use %d tables in a join" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_FIELDS", 1117, "Too many columns" }, +{ "ER_TOO_BIG_ROWSIZE", 1118, "Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is %ld. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs" }, +{ "ER_STACK_OVERRUN", 1119, "Thread stack overrun: Used: %ld of a %ld stack. Use \'mysqld --thread_stack=#\' to specify a bigger stack if needed" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_OUTER_JOIN", 1120, "Cross dependency found in OUTER JOIN; examine your ON conditions" }, +{ "ER_NULL_COLUMN_IN_INDEX", 1121, "Table handler doesn\'t support NULL in given index. Please change column \'%-.192s\' to be NOT NULL or use another handler" }, +{ "ER_CANT_FIND_UDF", 1122, "Can\'t load function \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_CANT_INITIALIZE_UDF", 1123, "Can\'t initialize function \'%-.192s\'; %-.80s" }, +{ "ER_UDF_NO_PATHS", 1124, "No paths allowed for shared library" }, +{ "ER_UDF_EXISTS", 1125, "Function \'%-.192s\' already exists" }, +{ "ER_CANT_OPEN_LIBRARY", 1126, "Can\'t open shared library \'%-.192s\' (errno: %d %-.128s)" }, +{ "ER_CANT_FIND_DL_ENTRY", 1127, "Can\'t find symbol \'%-.128s\' in library" }, +{ "ER_FUNCTION_NOT_DEFINED", 1128, "Function \'%-.192s\' is not defined" }, +{ "ER_HOST_IS_BLOCKED", 1129, "Host \'%-.64s\' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with \'mysqladmin flush-hosts\'" }, +{ "ER_HOST_NOT_PRIVILEGED", 1130, "Host \'%-.64s\' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server" }, +{ "ER_PASSWORD_ANONYMOUS_USER", 1131, "You are using MySQL as an anonymous user and anonymous users are not allowed to change passwords" }, +{ "ER_PASSWORD_NOT_ALLOWED", 1132, "You must have privileges to update tables in the mysql database to be able to change passwords for others" }, +{ "ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH", 1133, "Can\'t find any matching row in the user table" }, +{ "ER_UPDATE_INFO", 1134, "Rows matched: %ld Changed: %ld Warnings: %ld" }, +{ "ER_CANT_CREATE_THREAD", 1135, "Can\'t create a new thread (errno %d); if you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW", 1136, "Column count doesn\'t match value count at row %ld" }, +{ "ER_CANT_REOPEN_TABLE", 1137, "Can\'t reopen table: \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_INVALID_USE_OF_NULL", 1138, "Invalid use of NULL value" }, +{ "ER_REGEXP_ERROR", 1139, "Got error \'%-.64s\' from regexp" }, +{ "ER_MIX_OF_GROUP_FUNC_AND_FIELDS", 1140, "Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause" }, +{ "ER_NONEXISTING_GRANT", 1141, "There is no such grant defined for user \'%-.48s\' on host \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR", 1142, "%-.128s command denied to user \'%-.48s\'@\'%-.64s\' for table \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_COLUMNACCESS_DENIED_ERROR", 1143, "%-.16s command denied to user \'%-.48s\'@\'%-.64s\' for column \'%-.192s\' in table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_ILLEGAL_GRANT_FOR_TABLE", 1144, "Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to see which privileges can be used" }, +{ "ER_GRANT_WRONG_HOST_OR_USER", 1145, "The host or user argument to GRANT is too long" }, +{ "ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE", 1146, "Table \'%-.192s.%-.192s\' doesn\'t exist" }, +{ "ER_NONEXISTING_TABLE_GRANT", 1147, "There is no such grant defined for user \'%-.48s\' on host \'%-.64s\' on table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_NOT_ALLOWED_COMMAND", 1148, "The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version" }, +{ "ER_SYNTAX_ERROR", 1149, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use" }, +{ "ER_DELAYED_CANT_CHANGE_LOCK", 1150, "Delayed insert thread couldn\'t get requested lock for table %-.192s" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_DELAYED_THREADS", 1151, "Too many delayed threads in use" }, +{ "ER_ABORTING_CONNECTION", 1152, "Aborted connection %ld to db: \'%-.192s\' user: \'%-.48s\' (%-.64s)" }, +{ "ER_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE", 1153, "Got a packet bigger than \'max_allowed_packet\' bytes" }, +{ "ER_NET_READ_ERROR_FROM_PIPE", 1154, "Got a read error from the connection pipe" }, +{ "ER_NET_FCNTL_ERROR", 1155, "Got an error from fcntl()" }, +{ "ER_NET_PACKETS_OUT_OF_ORDER", 1156, "Got packets out of order" }, +{ "ER_NET_UNCOMPRESS_ERROR", 1157, "Couldn\'t uncompress communication packet" }, +{ "ER_NET_READ_ERROR", 1158, "Got an error reading communication packets" }, +{ "ER_NET_READ_INTERRUPTED", 1159, "Got timeout reading communication packets" }, +{ "ER_NET_ERROR_ON_WRITE", 1160, "Got an error writing communication packets" }, +{ "ER_NET_WRITE_INTERRUPTED", 1161, "Got timeout writing communication packets" }, +{ "ER_TOO_LONG_STRING", 1162, "Result string is longer than \'max_allowed_packet\' bytes" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_BLOB", 1163, "The used table type doesn\'t support BLOB/TEXT columns" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_AUTO_INCREMENT", 1164, "The used table type doesn\'t support AUTO_INCREMENT columns" }, +{ "ER_DELAYED_INSERT_TABLE_LOCKED", 1165, "INSERT DELAYED can\'t be used with table \'%-.192s\' because it is locked with LOCK TABLES" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_COLUMN_NAME", 1166, "Incorrect column name \'%-.100s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_KEY_COLUMN", 1167, "The used storage engine can\'t index column \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_MRG_TABLE", 1168, "Unable to open underlying table which is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn\'t exist" }, +{ "ER_DUP_UNIQUE", 1169, "Can\'t write, because of unique constraint, to table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_BLOB_KEY_WITHOUT_LENGTH", 1170, "BLOB/TEXT column \'%-.192s\' used in key specification without a key length" }, +{ "ER_PRIMARY_CANT_HAVE_NULL", 1171, "All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_ROWS", 1172, "Result consisted of more than one row" }, +{ "ER_REQUIRES_PRIMARY_KEY", 1173, "This table type requires a primary key" }, +{ "ER_NO_RAID_COMPILED", 1174, "This version of MySQL is not compiled with RAID support" }, +{ "ER_UPDATE_WITHOUT_KEY_IN_SAFE_MODE", 1175, "You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column" }, +{ "ER_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXITS", 1176, "Key \'%-.192s\' doesn\'t exist in table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_CHECK_NO_SUCH_TABLE", 1177, "Can\'t open table" }, +{ "ER_CHECK_NOT_IMPLEMENTED", 1178, "The storage engine for the table doesn\'t support %s" }, +{ "ER_CANT_DO_THIS_DURING_AN_TRANSACTION", 1179, "You are not allowed to execute this command in a transaction" }, +{ "ER_ERROR_DURING_COMMIT", 1180, "Got error %d during COMMIT" }, +{ "ER_ERROR_DURING_ROLLBACK", 1181, "Got error %d during ROLLBACK" }, +{ "ER_ERROR_DURING_FLUSH_LOGS", 1182, "Got error %d during FLUSH_LOGS" }, +{ "ER_ERROR_DURING_CHECKPOINT", 1183, "Got error %d during CHECKPOINT" }, +{ "ER_NEW_ABORTING_CONNECTION", 1184, "Aborted connection %ld to db: \'%-.192s\' user: \'%-.48s\' host: \'%-.64s\' (%-.64s)" }, +{ "ER_DUMP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED", 1185, "The storage engine for the table does not support binary table dump" }, +{ "ER_FLUSH_MASTER_BINLOG_CLOSED", 1186, "Binlog closed, cannot RESET MASTER" }, +{ "ER_INDEX_REBUILD", 1187, "Failed rebuilding the index of dumped table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_MASTER", 1188, "Error from master: \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_MASTER_NET_READ", 1189, "Net error reading from master" }, +{ "ER_MASTER_NET_WRITE", 1190, "Net error writing to master" }, +{ "ER_FT_MATCHING_KEY_NOT_FOUND", 1191, "Can\'t find FULLTEXT index matching the column list" }, +{ "ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION", 1192, "Can\'t execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transaction" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_SYSTEM_VARIABLE", 1193, "Unknown system variable \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_CRASHED_ON_USAGE", 1194, "Table \'%-.192s\' is marked as crashed and should be repaired" }, +{ "ER_CRASHED_ON_REPAIR", 1195, "Table \'%-.192s\' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed" }, +{ "ER_WARNING_NOT_COMPLETE_ROLLBACK", 1196, "Some non-transactional changed tables couldn\'t be rolled back" }, +{ "ER_TRANS_CACHE_FULL", 1197, "Multi-statement transaction required more than \'max_binlog_cache_size\' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try again" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_MUST_STOP", 1198, "This operation cannot be performed with a running slave; run STOP SLAVE first" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_NOT_RUNNING", 1199, "This operation requires a running slave; configure slave and do START SLAVE" }, +{ "ER_BAD_SLAVE", 1200, "The server is not configured as slave; fix in config file or with CHANGE MASTER TO" }, +{ "ER_MASTER_INFO", 1201, "Could not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error log" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_THREAD", 1202, "Could not create slave thread; check system resources" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_USER_CONNECTIONS", 1203, "User %-.64s already has more than \'max_user_connections\' active connections" }, +{ "ER_SET_CONSTANTS_ONLY", 1204, "You may only use constant expressions with SET" }, +{ "ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT", 1205, "Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction" }, +{ "ER_LOCK_TABLE_FULL", 1206, "The total number of locks exceeds the lock table size" }, +{ "ER_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION", 1207, "Update locks cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transaction" }, +{ "ER_DROP_DB_WITH_READ_LOCK", 1208, "DROP DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lock" }, +{ "ER_CREATE_DB_WITH_READ_LOCK", 1209, "CREATE DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lock" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS", 1210, "Incorrect arguments to %s" }, +{ "ER_NO_PERMISSION_TO_CREATE_USER", 1211, "\'%-.48s\'@\'%-.64s\' is not allowed to create new users" }, +{ "ER_UNION_TABLES_IN_DIFFERENT_DIR", 1212, "Incorrect table definition; all MERGE tables must be in the same database" }, +{ "ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK", 1213, "Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_FT", 1214, "The used table type doesn\'t support FULLTEXT indexes" }, +{ "ER_CANNOT_ADD_FOREIGN", 1215, "Cannot add foreign key constraint" }, +{ "ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW", 1216, "Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails" }, +{ "ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED", 1217, "Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails" }, +{ "ER_CONNECT_TO_MASTER", 1218, "Error connecting to master: %-.128s" }, +{ "ER_QUERY_ON_MASTER", 1219, "Error running query on master: %-.128s" }, +{ "ER_ERROR_WHEN_EXECUTING_COMMAND", 1220, "Error when executing command %s: %-.128s" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_USAGE", 1221, "Incorrect usage of %s and %s" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT", 1222, "The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns" }, +{ "ER_CANT_UPDATE_WITH_READLOCK", 1223, "Can\'t execute the query because you have a conflicting read lock" }, +{ "ER_MIXING_NOT_ALLOWED", 1224, "Mixing of transactional and non-transactional tables is disabled" }, +{ "ER_DUP_ARGUMENT", 1225, "Option \'%s\' used twice in statement" }, +{ "ER_USER_LIMIT_REACHED", 1226, "User \'%-.64s\' has exceeded the \'%s\' resource (current value: %ld)" }, +{ "ER_SPECIFIC_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR", 1227, "Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %-.128s privilege(s) for this operation" }, +{ "ER_LOCAL_VARIABLE", 1228, "Variable \'%-.64s\' is a SESSION variable and can\'t be used with SET GLOBAL" }, +{ "ER_GLOBAL_VARIABLE", 1229, "Variable \'%-.64s\' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBAL" }, +{ "ER_NO_DEFAULT", 1230, "Variable \'%-.64s\' doesn\'t have a default value" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_VAR", 1231, "Variable \'%-.64s\' can\'t be set to the value of \'%-.200s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_TYPE_FOR_VAR", 1232, "Incorrect argument type to variable \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_VAR_CANT_BE_READ", 1233, "Variable \'%-.64s\' can only be set, not read" }, +{ "ER_CANT_USE_OPTION_HERE", 1234, "Incorrect usage/placement of \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_YET", 1235, "This version of MySQL doesn\'t yet support \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_MASTER_FATAL_ERROR_READING_BINLOG", 1236, "Got fatal error %d from master when reading data from binary log: \'%-.320s\'" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_IGNORED_TABLE", 1237, "Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rules" }, +{ "ER_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR", 1238, "Variable \'%-.192s\' is a %s variable" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_FK_DEF", 1239, "Incorrect foreign key definition for \'%-.192s\': %s" }, +{ "ER_KEY_REF_DO_NOT_MATCH_TABLE_REF", 1240, "Key reference and table reference don\'t match" }, +{ "ER_OPERAND_COLUMNS", 1241, "Operand should contain %d column(s)" }, +{ "ER_SUBQUERY_NO_1_ROW", 1242, "Subquery returns more than 1 row" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_STMT_HANDLER", 1243, "Unknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %s" }, +{ "ER_CORRUPT_HELP_DB", 1244, "Help database is corrupt or does not exist" }, +{ "ER_CYCLIC_REFERENCE", 1245, "Cyclic reference on subqueries" }, +{ "ER_AUTO_CONVERT", 1246, "Converting column \'%s\' from %s to %s" }, +{ "ER_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE", 1247, "Reference \'%-.64s\' not supported (%s)" }, +{ "ER_DERIVED_MUST_HAVE_ALIAS", 1248, "Every derived table must have its own alias" }, +{ "ER_SELECT_REDUCED", 1249, "Select %u was reduced during optimization" }, +{ "ER_TABLENAME_NOT_ALLOWED_HERE", 1250, "Table \'%-.192s\' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32s" }, +{ "ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE", 1251, "Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client" }, +{ "ER_SPATIAL_CANT_HAVE_NULL", 1252, "All parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULL" }, +{ "ER_COLLATION_CHARSET_MISMATCH", 1253, "COLLATION \'%s\' is not valid for CHARACTER SET \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_WAS_RUNNING", 1254, "Slave is already running" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_WAS_NOT_RUNNING", 1255, "Slave already has been stopped" }, +{ "ER_TOO_BIG_FOR_UNCOMPRESS", 1256, "Uncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)" }, +{ "ER_ZLIB_Z_MEM_ERROR", 1257, "ZLIB: Not enough memory" }, +{ "ER_ZLIB_Z_BUF_ERROR", 1258, "ZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)" }, +{ "ER_ZLIB_Z_DATA_ERROR", 1259, "ZLIB: Input data corrupted" }, +{ "ER_CUT_VALUE_GROUP_CONCAT", 1260, "Row %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()" }, +{ "ER_WARN_TOO_FEW_RECORDS", 1261, "Row %ld doesn\'t contain data for all columns" }, +{ "ER_WARN_TOO_MANY_RECORDS", 1262, "Row %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns" }, +{ "ER_WARN_NULL_TO_NOTNULL", 1263, "Column set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column \'%s\' at row %ld" }, +{ "ER_WARN_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE", 1264, "Out of range value for column \'%s\' at row %ld" }, +{ "WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED", 1265, "Data truncated for column \'%s\' at row %ld" }, +{ "ER_WARN_USING_OTHER_HANDLER", 1266, "Using storage engine %s for table \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_2COLLATIONS", 1267, "Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_DROP_USER", 1268, "Cannot drop one or more of the requested users" }, +{ "ER_REVOKE_GRANTS", 1269, "Can\'t revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested users" }, +{ "ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_3COLLATIONS", 1270, "Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_NCOLLATIONS", 1271, "Illegal mix of collations for operation \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_VARIABLE_IS_NOT_STRUCT", 1272, "Variable \'%-.64s\' is not a variable component (can\'t be used as XXXX.variable_name)" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_COLLATION", 1273, "Unknown collation: \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_IGNORED_SSL_PARAMS", 1274, "SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is started" }, +{ "ER_SERVER_IS_IN_SECURE_AUTH_MODE", 1275, "Server is running in --secure-auth mode, but \'%s\'@\'%s\' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new format" }, +{ "ER_WARN_FIELD_RESOLVED", 1276, "Field or reference \'%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s\' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%d" }, +{ "ER_BAD_SLAVE_UNTIL_COND", 1277, "Incorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTIL" }, +{ "ER_MISSING_SKIP_SLAVE", 1278, "It is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave\'s mysqld restart" }, +{ "ER_UNTIL_COND_IGNORED", 1279, "SQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignored" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_INDEX", 1280, "Incorrect index name \'%-.100s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_CATALOG", 1281, "Incorrect catalog name \'%-.100s\'" }, +{ "ER_WARN_QC_RESIZE", 1282, "Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %lu" }, +{ "ER_BAD_FT_COLUMN", 1283, "Column \'%-.192s\' cannot be part of FULLTEXT index" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_KEY_CACHE", 1284, "Unknown key cache \'%-.100s\'" }, +{ "ER_WARN_HOSTNAME_WONT_WORK", 1285, "MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to work" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_STORAGE_ENGINE", 1286, "Unknown storage engine \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX", 1287, "\'%s\' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s instead" }, +{ "ER_NON_UPDATABLE_TABLE", 1288, "The target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatable" }, +{ "ER_FEATURE_DISABLED", 1289, "The \'%s\' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with \'%s\' to have it working" }, +{ "ER_OPTION_PREVENTS_STATEMENT", 1290, "The MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statement" }, +{ "ER_DUPLICATED_VALUE_IN_TYPE", 1291, "Column \'%-.100s\' has duplicated value \'%-.64s\' in %s" }, +{ "ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE", 1292, "Truncated incorrect %-.32s value: \'%-.128s\'" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MUCH_AUTO_TIMESTAMP_COLS", 1293, "Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clause" }, +{ "ER_INVALID_ON_UPDATE", 1294, "Invalid ON UPDATE clause for \'%-.192s\' column" }, +{ "ER_UNSUPPORTED_PS", 1295, "This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet" }, +{ "ER_GET_ERRMSG", 1296, "Got error %d \'%-.100s\' from %s" }, +{ "ER_GET_TEMPORARY_ERRMSG", 1297, "Got temporary error %d \'%-.100s\' from %s" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_TIME_ZONE", 1298, "Unknown or incorrect time zone: \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_WARN_INVALID_TIMESTAMP", 1299, "Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column \'%s\' at row %ld" }, +{ "ER_INVALID_CHARACTER_STRING", 1300, "Invalid %s character string: \'%.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_WARN_ALLOWED_PACKET_OVERFLOWED", 1301, "Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncated" }, +{ "ER_CONFLICTING_DECLARATIONS", 1302, "Conflicting declarations: \'%s%s\' and \'%s%s\'" }, +{ "ER_SP_NO_RECURSIVE_CREATE", 1303, "Can\'t create a %s from within another stored routine" }, +{ "ER_SP_ALREADY_EXISTS", 1304, "%s %s already exists" }, +{ "ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST", 1305, "%s %s does not exist" }, +{ "ER_SP_DROP_FAILED", 1306, "Failed to DROP %s %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_STORE_FAILED", 1307, "Failed to CREATE %s %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_LILABEL_MISMATCH", 1308, "%s with no matching label: %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_LABEL_REDEFINE", 1309, "Redefining label %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_LABEL_MISMATCH", 1310, "End-label %s without match" }, +{ "ER_SP_UNINIT_VAR", 1311, "Referring to uninitialized variable %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_BADSELECT", 1312, "PROCEDURE %s can\'t return a result set in the given context" }, +{ "ER_SP_BADRETURN", 1313, "RETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION" }, +{ "ER_SP_BADSTATEMENT", 1314, "%s is not allowed in stored procedures" }, +{ "ER_UPDATE_LOG_DEPRECATED_IGNORED", 1315, "The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored." }, +{ "ER_UPDATE_LOG_DEPRECATED_TRANSLATED", 1316, "The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN." }, +{ "ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED", 1317, "Query execution was interrupted" }, +{ "ER_SP_WRONG_NO_OF_ARGS", 1318, "Incorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %u" }, +{ "ER_SP_COND_MISMATCH", 1319, "Undefined CONDITION: %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_NORETURN", 1320, "No RETURN found in FUNCTION %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_NORETURNEND", 1321, "FUNCTION %s ended without RETURN" }, +{ "ER_SP_BAD_CURSOR_QUERY", 1322, "Cursor statement must be a SELECT" }, +{ "ER_SP_BAD_CURSOR_SELECT", 1323, "Cursor SELECT must not have INTO" }, +{ "ER_SP_CURSOR_MISMATCH", 1324, "Undefined CURSOR: %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN", 1325, "Cursor is already open" }, +{ "ER_SP_CURSOR_NOT_OPEN", 1326, "Cursor is not open" }, +{ "ER_SP_UNDECLARED_VAR", 1327, "Undeclared variable: %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_WRONG_NO_OF_FETCH_ARGS", 1328, "Incorrect number of FETCH variables" }, +{ "ER_SP_FETCH_NO_DATA", 1329, "No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processed" }, +{ "ER_SP_DUP_PARAM", 1330, "Duplicate parameter: %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_DUP_VAR", 1331, "Duplicate variable: %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_DUP_COND", 1332, "Duplicate condition: %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_DUP_CURS", 1333, "Duplicate cursor: %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_CANT_ALTER", 1334, "Failed to ALTER %s %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_SUBSELECT_NYI", 1335, "Subquery value not supported" }, +{ "ER_STMT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG", 1336, "%s is not allowed in stored function or trigger" }, +{ "ER_SP_VARCOND_AFTER_CURSHNDLR", 1337, "Variable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declaration" }, +{ "ER_SP_CURSOR_AFTER_HANDLER", 1338, "Cursor declaration after handler declaration" }, +{ "ER_SP_CASE_NOT_FOUND", 1339, "Case not found for CASE statement" }, +{ "ER_FPARSER_TOO_BIG_FILE", 1340, "Configuration file \'%-.192s\' is too big" }, +{ "ER_FPARSER_BAD_HEADER", 1341, "Malformed file type header in file \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_FPARSER_EOF_IN_COMMENT", 1342, "Unexpected end of file while parsing comment \'%-.200s\'" }, +{ "ER_FPARSER_ERROR_IN_PARAMETER", 1343, "Error while parsing parameter \'%-.192s\' (line: \'%-.192s\')" }, +{ "ER_FPARSER_EOF_IN_UNKNOWN_PARAMETER", 1344, "Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_NO_EXPLAIN", 1345, "EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying table" }, +{ "ER_FRM_UNKNOWN_TYPE", 1346, "File \'%-.192s\' has unknown type \'%-.64s\' in its header" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_OBJECT", 1347, "\'%-.192s.%-.192s\' is not %s" }, +{ "ER_NONUPDATEABLE_COLUMN", 1348, "Column \'%-.192s\' is not updatable" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_SELECT_DERIVED", 1349, "View\'s SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clause" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_SELECT_CLAUSE", 1350, "View\'s SELECT contains a \'%s\' clause" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_SELECT_VARIABLE", 1351, "View\'s SELECT contains a variable or parameter" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_SELECT_TMPTABLE", 1352, "View\'s SELECT refers to a temporary table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_WRONG_LIST", 1353, "View\'s SELECT and view\'s field list have different column counts" }, +{ "ER_WARN_VIEW_MERGE", 1354, "View merge algorithm can\'t be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)" }, +{ "ER_WARN_VIEW_WITHOUT_KEY", 1355, "View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in it" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_INVALID", 1356, "View \'%-.192s.%-.192s\' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them" }, +{ "ER_SP_NO_DROP_SP", 1357, "Can\'t drop or alter a %s from within another stored routine" }, +{ "ER_SP_GOTO_IN_HNDLR", 1358, "GOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handler" }, +{ "ER_TRG_ALREADY_EXISTS", 1359, "Trigger already exists" }, +{ "ER_TRG_DOES_NOT_EXIST", 1360, "Trigger does not exist" }, +{ "ER_TRG_ON_VIEW_OR_TEMP_TABLE", 1361, "Trigger\'s \'%-.192s\' is view or temporary table" }, +{ "ER_TRG_CANT_CHANGE_ROW", 1362, "Updating of %s row is not allowed in %strigger" }, +{ "ER_TRG_NO_SUCH_ROW_IN_TRG", 1363, "There is no %s row in %s trigger" }, +{ "ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_FIELD", 1364, "Field \'%-.192s\' doesn\'t have a default value" }, +{ "ER_DIVISION_BY_ZERO", 1365, "Division by 0" }, +{ "ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_FIELD", 1366, "Incorrect %-.32s value: \'%-.128s\' for column \'%.192s\' at row %ld" }, +{ "ER_ILLEGAL_VALUE_FOR_TYPE", 1367, "Illegal %s \'%-.192s\' value found during parsing" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_NONUPD_CHECK", 1368, "CHECK OPTION on non-updatable view \'%-.192s.%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_CHECK_FAILED", 1369, "CHECK OPTION failed \'%-.192s.%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_PROCACCESS_DENIED_ERROR", 1370, "%-.16s command denied to user \'%-.48s\'@\'%-.64s\' for routine \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_RELAY_LOG_FAIL", 1371, "Failed purging old relay logs: %s" }, +{ "ER_PASSWD_LENGTH", 1372, "Password hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal number" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_TARGET_BINLOG", 1373, "Target log not found in binlog index" }, +{ "ER_IO_ERR_LOG_INDEX_READ", 1374, "I/O error reading log index file" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_PURGE_PROHIBITED", 1375, "Server configuration does not permit binlog purge" }, +{ "ER_FSEEK_FAIL", 1376, "Failed on fseek()" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_PURGE_FATAL_ERR", 1377, "Fatal error during log purge" }, +{ "ER_LOG_IN_USE", 1378, "A purgeable log is in use, will not purge" }, +{ "ER_LOG_PURGE_UNKNOWN_ERR", 1379, "Unknown error during log purge" }, +{ "ER_RELAY_LOG_INIT", 1380, "Failed initializing relay log position: %s" }, +{ "ER_NO_BINARY_LOGGING", 1381, "You are not using binary logging" }, +{ "ER_RESERVED_SYNTAX", 1382, "The \'%-.64s\' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL server" }, +{ "ER_WSAS_FAILED", 1383, "WSAStartup Failed" }, +{ "ER_DIFF_GROUPS_PROC", 1384, "Can\'t handle procedures with different groups yet" }, +{ "ER_NO_GROUP_FOR_PROC", 1385, "Select must have a group with this procedure" }, +{ "ER_ORDER_WITH_PROC", 1386, "Can\'t use ORDER clause with this procedure" }, +{ "ER_LOGGING_PROHIBIT_CHANGING_OF", 1387, "Binary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %s" }, +{ "ER_NO_FILE_MAPPING", 1388, "Can\'t map file: %-.200s, errno: %d" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_MAGIC", 1389, "Wrong magic in %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_PS_MANY_PARAM", 1390, "Prepared statement contains too many placeholders" }, +{ "ER_KEY_PART_0", 1391, "Key part \'%-.192s\' length cannot be 0" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_CHECKSUM", 1392, "View text checksum failed" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_MULTIUPDATE", 1393, "Can not modify more than one base table through a join view \'%-.192s.%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_NO_INSERT_FIELD_LIST", 1394, "Can not insert into join view \'%-.192s.%-.192s\' without fields list" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_DELETE_MERGE_VIEW", 1395, "Can not delete from join view \'%-.192s.%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_CANNOT_USER", 1396, "Operation %s failed for %.256s" }, +{ "ER_XAER_NOTA", 1397, "XAER_NOTA: Unknown XID" }, +{ "ER_XAER_INVAL", 1398, "XAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)" }, +{ "ER_XAER_RMFAIL", 1399, "XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s state" }, +{ "ER_XAER_OUTSIDE", 1400, "XAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transaction" }, +{ "ER_XAER_RMERR", 1401, "XAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistency" }, +{ "ER_XA_RBROLLBACK", 1402, "XA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled back" }, +{ "ER_NONEXISTING_PROC_GRANT", 1403, "There is no such grant defined for user \'%-.48s\' on host \'%-.64s\' on routine \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_PROC_AUTO_GRANT_FAIL", 1404, "Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privileges" }, +{ "ER_PROC_AUTO_REVOKE_FAIL", 1405, "Failed to revoke all privileges to dropped routine" }, +{ "ER_DATA_TOO_LONG", 1406, "Data too long for column \'%s\' at row %ld" }, +{ "ER_SP_BAD_SQLSTATE", 1407, "Bad SQLSTATE: \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_STARTUP", 1408, "%s: ready for connections.\nVersion: \'%s\' socket: \'%s\' port: %d %s" }, +{ "ER_LOAD_FROM_FIXED_SIZE_ROWS_TO_VAR", 1409, "Can\'t load value from file with fixed size rows to variable" }, +{ "ER_CANT_CREATE_USER_WITH_GRANT", 1410, "You are not allowed to create a user with GRANT" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_TYPE", 1411, "Incorrect %-.32s value: \'%-.128s\' for function %-.32s" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_DEF_CHANGED", 1412, "Table definition has changed, please retry transaction" }, +{ "ER_SP_DUP_HANDLER", 1413, "Duplicate handler declared in the same block" }, +{ "ER_SP_NOT_VAR_ARG", 1414, "OUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE trigger" }, +{ "ER_SP_NO_RETSET", 1415, "Not allowed to return a result set from a %s" }, +{ "ER_CANT_CREATE_GEOMETRY_OBJECT", 1416, "Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY field" }, +{ "ER_FAILED_ROUTINE_BREAK_BINLOG", 1417, "A routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changes" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_ROUTINE", 1418, "This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_CREATE_ROUTINE_NEED_SUPER", 1419, "You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)" }, +{ "ER_EXEC_STMT_WITH_OPEN_CURSOR", 1420, "You can\'t execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it." }, +{ "ER_STMT_HAS_NO_OPEN_CURSOR", 1421, "The statement (%lu) has no open cursor." }, +{ "ER_COMMIT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG", 1422, "Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger." }, +{ "ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_VIEW_FIELD", 1423, "Field of view \'%-.192s.%-.192s\' underlying table doesn\'t have a default value" }, +{ "ER_SP_NO_RECURSION", 1424, "Recursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed." }, +{ "ER_TOO_BIG_SCALE", 1425, "Too big scale %d specified for column \'%-.192s\'. Maximum is %lu." }, +{ "ER_TOO_BIG_PRECISION", 1426, "Too big precision %d specified for column \'%-.192s\'. Maximum is %lu." }, +{ "ER_M_BIGGER_THAN_D", 1427, "For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column \'%-.192s\')." }, +{ "ER_WRONG_LOCK_OF_SYSTEM_TABLE", 1428, "You can\'t combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock types" }, +{ "ER_CONNECT_TO_FOREIGN_DATA_SOURCE", 1429, "Unable to connect to foreign data source: %.64s" }, +{ "ER_QUERY_ON_FOREIGN_DATA_SOURCE", 1430, "There was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_FOREIGN_DATA_SOURCE_DOESNT_EXIST", 1431, "The foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_FOREIGN_DATA_STRING_INVALID_CANT_CREATE", 1432, "Can\'t create federated table. The data source connection string \'%-.64s\' is not in the correct format" }, +{ "ER_FOREIGN_DATA_STRING_INVALID", 1433, "The data source connection string \'%-.64s\' is not in the correct format" }, +{ "ER_CANT_CREATE_FEDERATED_TABLE", 1434, "Can\'t create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_TRG_IN_WRONG_SCHEMA", 1435, "Trigger in wrong schema" }, +{ "ER_STACK_OVERRUN_NEED_MORE", 1436, "Thread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use \'mysqld --thread_stack=#\' to specify a bigger stack." }, +{ "ER_TOO_LONG_BODY", 1437, "Routine body for \'%-.100s\' is too long" }, +{ "ER_WARN_CANT_DROP_DEFAULT_KEYCACHE", 1438, "Cannot drop default keycache" }, +{ "ER_TOO_BIG_DISPLAYWIDTH", 1439, "Display width out of range for column \'%-.192s\' (max = %lu)" }, +{ "ER_XAER_DUPID", 1440, "XAER_DUPID: The XID already exists" }, +{ "ER_DATETIME_FUNCTION_OVERFLOW", 1441, "Datetime function: %-.32s field overflow" }, +{ "ER_CANT_UPDATE_USED_TABLE_IN_SF_OR_TRG", 1442, "Can\'t update table \'%-.192s\' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger." }, +{ "ER_VIEW_PREVENT_UPDATE", 1443, "The definition of table \'%-.192s\' prevents operation %.192s on table \'%-.192s\'." }, +{ "ER_PS_NO_RECURSION", 1444, "The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It\'s not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive manner" }, +{ "ER_SP_CANT_SET_AUTOCOMMIT", 1445, "Not allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or trigger" }, +{ "ER_MALFORMED_DEFINER", 1446, "Definer is not fully qualified" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_FRM_NO_USER", 1447, "View \'%-.192s\'.\'%-.192s\' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_OTHER_USER", 1448, "You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with \'%-.192s\'@\'%-.192s\' definer" }, +{ "ER_NO_SUCH_USER", 1449, "The user specified as a definer (\'%-.64s\'@\'%-.64s\') does not exist" }, +{ "ER_FORBID_SCHEMA_CHANGE", 1450, "Changing schema from \'%-.192s\' to \'%-.192s\' is not allowed." }, +{ "ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED_2", 1451, "Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)" }, +{ "ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2", 1452, "Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)" }, +{ "ER_SP_BAD_VAR_SHADOW", 1453, "Variable \'%-.64s\' must be quoted with `...`, or renamed" }, +{ "ER_TRG_NO_DEFINER", 1454, "No definer attribute for trigger \'%-.192s\'.\'%-.192s\'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger." }, +{ "ER_OLD_FILE_FORMAT", 1455, "\'%-.192s\' has an old format, you should re-create the \'%s\' object(s)" }, +{ "ER_SP_RECURSION_LIMIT", 1456, "Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192s" }, +{ "ER_SP_PROC_TABLE_CORRUPT", 1457, "Failed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)" }, +{ "ER_SP_WRONG_NAME", 1458, "Incorrect routine name \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_NEEDS_UPGRADE", 1459, "Table upgrade required. Please do \"REPAIR TABLE `%-.32s`\" or dump/reload to fix it!" }, +{ "ER_SP_NO_AGGREGATE", 1460, "AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functions" }, +{ "ER_MAX_PREPARED_STMT_COUNT_REACHED", 1461, "Can\'t create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_RECURSIVE", 1462, "`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursion" }, +{ "ER_NON_GROUPING_FIELD_USED", 1463, "Non-grouping field \'%-.192s\' is used in %-.64s clause" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_SPKEYS", 1464, "The used table type doesn\'t support SPATIAL indexes" }, +{ "ER_NO_TRIGGERS_ON_SYSTEM_SCHEMA", 1465, "Triggers can not be created on system tables" }, +{ "ER_REMOVED_SPACES", 1466, "Leading spaces are removed from name \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_AUTOINC_READ_FAILED", 1467, "Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engine" }, +{ "ER_USERNAME", 1468, "user name" }, +{ "ER_HOSTNAME", 1469, "host name" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_STRING_LENGTH", 1470, "String \'%-.70s\' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)" }, +{ "ER_NON_INSERTABLE_TABLE", 1471, "The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-into" }, +{ "ER_ADMIN_WRONG_MRG_TABLE", 1472, "Table \'%-.64s\' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn\'t exist" }, +{ "ER_TOO_HIGH_LEVEL_OF_NESTING_FOR_SELECT", 1473, "Too high level of nesting for select" }, +{ "ER_NAME_BECOMES_EMPTY", 1474, "Name \'%-.64s\' has become \'\'" }, +{ "ER_AMBIGUOUS_FIELD_TERM", 1475, "First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BY" }, +{ "ER_FOREIGN_SERVER_EXISTS", 1476, "The foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists." }, +{ "ER_FOREIGN_SERVER_DOESNT_EXIST", 1477, "The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_ILLEGAL_HA_CREATE_OPTION", 1478, "Table storage engine \'%-.64s\' does not support the create option \'%.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_REQUIRES_VALUES_ERROR", 1479, "Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partition" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_WRONG_VALUES_ERROR", 1480, "Only %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definition" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_MAXVALUE_ERROR", 1481, "MAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definition" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_SUBPARTITION_ERROR", 1482, "Subpartitions can only be hash partitions and by key" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_SUBPART_MIX_ERROR", 1483, "Must define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partition" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_WRONG_NO_PART_ERROR", 1484, "Wrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous setting" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_WRONG_NO_SUBPART_ERROR", 1485, "Wrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous setting" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_EXPR_IN_PARTITION_FUNC_ERROR", 1486, "Constant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowed" }, +{ "ER_NO_CONST_EXPR_IN_RANGE_OR_LIST_ERROR", 1487, "Expression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constant" }, +{ "ER_FIELD_NOT_FOUND_PART_ERROR", 1488, "Field in list of fields for partition function not found in table" }, +{ "ER_LIST_OF_FIELDS_ONLY_IN_HASH_ERROR", 1489, "List of fields is only allowed in KEY partitions" }, +{ "ER_INCONSISTENT_PARTITION_INFO_ERROR", 1490, "The partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm file" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_FUNC_NOT_ALLOWED_ERROR", 1491, "The %-.192s function returns the wrong type" }, +{ "ER_PARTITIONS_MUST_BE_DEFINED_ERROR", 1492, "For %-.64s partitions each partition must be defined" }, +{ "ER_RANGE_NOT_INCREASING_ERROR", 1493, "VALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partition" }, +{ "ER_INCONSISTENT_TYPE_OF_FUNCTIONS_ERROR", 1494, "VALUES value must be of same type as partition function" }, +{ "ER_MULTIPLE_DEF_CONST_IN_LIST_PART_ERROR", 1495, "Multiple definition of same constant in list partitioning" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_ENTRY_ERROR", 1496, "Partitioning can not be used stand-alone in query" }, +{ "ER_MIX_HANDLER_ERROR", 1497, "The mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQL" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_NOT_DEFINED_ERROR", 1498, "For the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_PARTITIONS_ERROR", 1499, "Too many partitions (including subpartitions) were defined" }, +{ "ER_SUBPARTITION_ERROR", 1500, "It is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioning" }, +{ "ER_CANT_CREATE_HANDLER_FILE", 1501, "Failed to create specific handler file" }, +{ "ER_BLOB_FIELD_IN_PART_FUNC_ERROR", 1502, "A BLOB field is not allowed in partition function" }, +{ "ER_UNIQUE_KEY_NEED_ALL_FIELDS_IN_PF", 1503, "A %-.192s must include all columns in the table\'s partitioning function" }, +{ "ER_NO_PARTS_ERROR", 1504, "Number of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed value" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_MGMT_ON_NONPARTITIONED", 1505, "Partition management on a not partitioned table is not possible" }, +{ "ER_FOREIGN_KEY_ON_PARTITIONED", 1506, "Foreign key clause is not yet supported in conjunction with partitioning" }, +{ "ER_DROP_PARTITION_NON_EXISTENT", 1507, "Error in list of partitions to %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_DROP_LAST_PARTITION", 1508, "Cannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE instead" }, +{ "ER_COALESCE_ONLY_ON_HASH_PARTITION", 1509, "COALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitions" }, +{ "ER_REORG_HASH_ONLY_ON_SAME_NO", 1510, "REORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbers" }, +{ "ER_REORG_NO_PARAM_ERROR", 1511, "REORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs" }, +{ "ER_ONLY_ON_RANGE_LIST_PARTITION", 1512, "%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitions" }, +{ "ER_ADD_PARTITION_SUBPART_ERROR", 1513, "Trying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitions" }, +{ "ER_ADD_PARTITION_NO_NEW_PARTITION", 1514, "At least one partition must be added" }, +{ "ER_COALESCE_PARTITION_NO_PARTITION", 1515, "At least one partition must be coalesced" }, +{ "ER_REORG_PARTITION_NOT_EXIST", 1516, "More partitions to reorganize than there are partitions" }, +{ "ER_SAME_NAME_PARTITION", 1517, "Duplicate partition name %-.192s" }, +{ "ER_NO_BINLOG_ERROR", 1518, "It is not allowed to shut off binlog on this command" }, +{ "ER_CONSECUTIVE_REORG_PARTITIONS", 1519, "When reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive order" }, +{ "ER_REORG_OUTSIDE_RANGE", 1520, "Reorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the range" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_FUNCTION_FAILURE", 1521, "Partition function not supported in this version for this handler" }, +{ "ER_PART_STATE_ERROR", 1522, "Partition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLE" }, +{ "ER_LIMITED_PART_RANGE", 1523, "The %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUES" }, +{ "ER_PLUGIN_IS_NOT_LOADED", 1524, "Plugin \'%-.192s\' is not loaded" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_VALUE", 1525, "Incorrect %-.32s value: \'%-.128s\'" }, +{ "ER_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE", 1526, "Table has no partition for value %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_FILEGROUP_OPTION_ONLY_ONCE", 1527, "It is not allowed to specify %s more than once" }, +{ "ER_CREATE_FILEGROUP_FAILED", 1528, "Failed to create %s" }, +{ "ER_DROP_FILEGROUP_FAILED", 1529, "Failed to drop %s" }, +{ "ER_TABLESPACE_AUTO_EXTEND_ERROR", 1530, "The handler doesn\'t support autoextend of tablespaces" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_SIZE_NUMBER", 1531, "A size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10M" }, +{ "ER_SIZE_OVERFLOW_ERROR", 1532, "The size number was correct but we don\'t allow the digit part to be more than 2 billion" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_FILEGROUP_FAILED", 1533, "Failed to alter: %s" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_ROW_LOGGING_FAILED", 1534, "Writing one row to the row-based binary log failed" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_ROW_WRONG_TABLE_DEF", 1535, "Table definition on master and slave does not match: %s" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_ROW_RBR_TO_SBR", 1536, "Slave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log events" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_ALREADY_EXISTS", 1537, "Event \'%-.192s\' already exists" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_STORE_FAILED", 1538, "Failed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine." }, +{ "ER_EVENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST", 1539, "Unknown event \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_CANT_ALTER", 1540, "Failed to alter event \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_DROP_FAILED", 1541, "Failed to drop %s" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_INTERVAL_NOT_POSITIVE_OR_TOO_BIG", 1542, "INTERVAL is either not positive or too big" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_ENDS_BEFORE_STARTS", 1543, "ENDS is either invalid or before STARTS" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_EXEC_TIME_IN_THE_PAST", 1544, "Event execution time is in the past. Event has been disabled" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED", 1545, "Failed to open mysql.event" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_NEITHER_M_EXPR_NOR_M_AT", 1546, "No datetime expression provided" }, +{ "ER_OBSOLETE_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_CORRUPTED", 1547, "Column count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corrupted" }, +{ "ER_OBSOLETE_CANNOT_LOAD_FROM_TABLE", 1548, "Cannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corrupted" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_CANNOT_DELETE", 1549, "Failed to delete the event from mysql.event" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_COMPILE_ERROR", 1550, "Error during compilation of event\'s body" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_SAME_NAME", 1551, "Same old and new event name" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_DATA_TOO_LONG", 1552, "Data for column \'%s\' too long" }, +{ "ER_DROP_INDEX_FK", 1553, "Cannot drop index \'%-.192s\': needed in a foreign key constraint" }, +{ "ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX_WITH_VER", 1554, "The syntax \'%s\' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s instead" }, +{ "ER_CANT_WRITE_LOCK_LOG_TABLE", 1555, "You can\'t write-lock a log table. Only read access is possible" }, +{ "ER_CANT_LOCK_LOG_TABLE", 1556, "You can\'t use locks with log tables." }, +{ "ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_OLD_UNUSED", 1557, "Upholding foreign key constraints for table \'%.192s\', entry \'%-.192s\', key %d would lead to a duplicate entry" }, +{ "ER_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_PLEASE_UPDATE", 1558, "Column count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error." }, +{ "ER_TEMP_TABLE_PREVENTS_SWITCH_OUT_OF_RBR", 1559, "Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tables" }, +{ "ER_STORED_FUNCTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_FORMAT", 1560, "Cannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or trigger" }, +{ "ER_NDB_CANT_SWITCH_BINLOG_FORMAT", 1561, "The NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yet" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_NO_TEMPORARY", 1562, "Cannot create temporary table with partitions" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_CONST_DOMAIN_ERROR", 1563, "Partition constant is out of partition function domain" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_FUNCTION_IS_NOT_ALLOWED", 1564, "This partition function is not allowed" }, +{ "ER_DDL_LOG_ERROR", 1565, "Error in DDL log" }, +{ "ER_NULL_IN_VALUES_LESS_THAN", 1566, "Not allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THAN" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_PARTITION_NAME", 1567, "Incorrect partition name" }, +{ "ER_CANT_CHANGE_TX_CHARACTERISTICS", 1568, "Transaction characteristics can\'t be changed while a transaction is in progress" }, +{ "ER_DUP_ENTRY_AUTOINCREMENT_CASE", 1569, "ALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry \'%-.192s\' for key \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_MODIFY_QUEUE_ERROR", 1570, "Internal scheduler error %d" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_SET_VAR_ERROR", 1571, "Error during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %u" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_MERGE_ERROR", 1572, "Engine cannot be used in partitioned tables" }, +{ "ER_CANT_ACTIVATE_LOG", 1573, "Cannot activate \'%-.64s\' log" }, +{ "ER_RBR_NOT_AVAILABLE", 1574, "The server was not built with row-based replication" }, +{ "ER_BASE64_DECODE_ERROR", 1575, "Decoding of base64 string failed" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_RECURSION_FORBIDDEN", 1576, "Recursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is present" }, +{ "ER_EVENTS_DB_ERROR", 1577, "Cannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server start" }, +{ "ER_ONLY_INTEGERS_ALLOWED", 1578, "Only integers allowed as number here" }, +{ "ER_UNSUPORTED_LOG_ENGINE", 1579, "This storage engine cannot be used for log tables\"" }, +{ "ER_BAD_LOG_STATEMENT", 1580, "You cannot \'%s\' a log table if logging is enabled" }, +{ "ER_CANT_RENAME_LOG_TABLE", 1581, "Cannot rename \'%s\'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_PARAMCOUNT_TO_NATIVE_FCT", 1582, "Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_NATIVE_FCT", 1583, "Incorrect parameters in the call to native function \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_STORED_FCT", 1584, "Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_NATIVE_FCT_NAME_COLLISION", 1585, "This function \'%-.192s\' has the same name as a native function" }, +{ "ER_DUP_ENTRY_WITH_KEY_NAME", 1586, "Duplicate entry \'%-.64s\' for key \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_PURGE_EMFILE", 1587, "Too many files opened, please execute the command again" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_CANNOT_CREATE_IN_THE_PAST", 1588, "Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation." }, +{ "ER_EVENT_CANNOT_ALTER_IN_THE_PAST", 1589, "Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future." }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_INCIDENT", 1590, "The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE_SILENT", 1591, "Table has no partition for some existing values" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_STATEMENT", 1592, "Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %s" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_FATAL_ERROR", 1593, "Fatal error: %s" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_READ_FAILURE", 1594, "Relay log read failure: %s" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_WRITE_FAILURE", 1595, "Relay log write failure: %s" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_CREATE_EVENT_FAILURE", 1596, "Failed to create %s" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_MASTER_COM_FAILURE", 1597, "Master command %s failed: %s" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_LOGGING_IMPOSSIBLE", 1598, "Binary logging not possible. Message: %s" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_NO_CREATION_CTX", 1599, "View `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation context" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_INVALID_CREATION_CTX", 1600, "Creation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s\' is invalid" }, +{ "ER_SR_INVALID_CREATION_CTX", 1601, "Creation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalid" }, +{ "ER_TRG_CORRUPTED_FILE", 1602, "Corrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`" }, +{ "ER_TRG_NO_CREATION_CTX", 1603, "Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation context" }, +{ "ER_TRG_INVALID_CREATION_CTX", 1604, "Trigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalid" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_INVALID_CREATION_CTX", 1605, "Creation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalid" }, +{ "ER_TRG_CANT_OPEN_TABLE", 1606, "Cannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`" }, +{ "ER_CANT_CREATE_SROUTINE", 1607, "Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warnings" }, +{ "ER_NEVER_USED", 1608, "Ambiguous slave modes combination. %s" }, +{ "ER_NO_FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT_BEFORE_BINLOG_STATEMENT", 1609, "The BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement." }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_CORRUPT_EVENT", 1610, "Corrupted replication event was detected" }, +{ "ER_LOAD_DATA_INVALID_COLUMN", 1611, "Invalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATA" }, +{ "ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE", 1612, "Being purged log %s was not found" }, +{ "ER_XA_RBTIMEOUT", 1613, "XA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too long" }, +{ "ER_XA_RBDEADLOCK", 1614, "XA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detected" }, +{ "ER_NEED_REPREPARE", 1615, "Prepared statement needs to be re-prepared" }, +{ "ER_DELAYED_NOT_SUPPORTED", 1616, "DELAYED option not supported for table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "WARN_NO_MASTER_INFO", 1617, "The master info structure does not exist" }, +{ "WARN_OPTION_IGNORED", 1618, "<%-.64s> option ignored" }, +{ "WARN_PLUGIN_DELETE_BUILTIN", 1619, "Built-in plugins cannot be deleted" }, +{ "WARN_PLUGIN_BUSY", 1620, "Plugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown" }, +{ "ER_VARIABLE_IS_READONLY", 1621, "%s variable \'%s\' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the value" }, +{ "ER_WARN_ENGINE_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK", 1622, "Storage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restarted" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_FAILURE", 1623, "Unexpected master\'s heartbeat data: %s" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE", 1624, "The requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds)." }, +{ "ER_NDB_REPLICATION_SCHEMA_ERROR", 1625, "Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_CONFLICT_FN_PARSE_ERROR", 1626, "Error in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_EXCEPTIONS_WRITE_ERROR", 1627, "Write to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s\"" }, +{ "ER_TOO_LONG_TABLE_COMMENT", 1628, "Comment for table \'%-.64s\' is too long (max = %lu)" }, +{ "ER_TOO_LONG_FIELD_COMMENT", 1629, "Comment for field \'%-.64s\' is too long (max = %lu)" }, +{ "ER_FUNC_INEXISTENT_NAME_COLLISION", 1630, "FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the \'Function Name Parsing and Resolution\' section in the Reference Manual" }, +{ "ER_DATABASE_NAME", 1631, "Database" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_NAME", 1632, "Table" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_NAME", 1633, "Partition" }, +{ "ER_SUBPARTITION_NAME", 1634, "Subpartition" }, +{ "ER_TEMPORARY_NAME", 1635, "Temporary" }, +{ "ER_RENAMED_NAME", 1636, "Renamed" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_CONCURRENT_TRXS", 1637, "Too many active concurrent transactions" }, +{ "WARN_NON_ASCII_SEPARATOR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED", 1638, "Non-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supported" }, +{ "ER_DEBUG_SYNC_TIMEOUT", 1639, "debug sync point wait timed out" }, +{ "ER_DEBUG_SYNC_HIT_LIMIT", 1640, "debug sync point hit limit reached" }, +{ "ER_DUP_SIGNAL_SET", 1641, "Duplicate condition information item \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_SIGNAL_WARN", 1642, "Unhandled user-defined warning condition" }, +{ "ER_SIGNAL_NOT_FOUND", 1643, "Unhandled user-defined not found condition" }, +{ "ER_SIGNAL_EXCEPTION", 1644, "Unhandled user-defined exception condition" }, +{ "ER_RESIGNAL_WITHOUT_ACTIVE_HANDLER", 1645, "RESIGNAL when handler not active" }, +{ "ER_SIGNAL_BAD_CONDITION_TYPE", 1646, "SIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATE" }, +{ "WARN_COND_ITEM_TRUNCATED", 1647, "Data truncated for condition item \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_COND_ITEM_TOO_LONG", 1648, "Data too long for condition item \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_LOCALE", 1649, "Unknown locale: \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_IGNORE_SERVER_IDS", 1650, "The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-id" }, +{ "ER_QUERY_CACHE_DISABLED", 1651, "Query cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable it" }, +{ "ER_SAME_NAME_PARTITION_FIELD", 1652, "Duplicate partition field name \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_COLUMN_LIST_ERROR", 1653, "Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioning" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_TYPE_COLUMN_VALUE_ERROR", 1654, "Partition column values of incorrect type" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_PARTITION_FUNC_FIELDS_ERROR", 1655, "Too many fields in \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_MAXVALUE_IN_VALUES_IN", 1656, "Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES IN" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_VALUES_ERROR", 1657, "Cannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioning" }, +{ "ER_ROW_SINGLE_PARTITION_FIELD_ERROR", 1658, "Row expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioning" }, +{ "ER_FIELD_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED_AS_PARTITION_FIELD", 1659, "Field \'%-.192s\' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioning" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_FIELDS_TOO_LONG", 1660, "The total length of the partitioning fields is too large" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_ROW_ENGINE_AND_STMT_ENGINE", 1661, "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_ROW_MODE_AND_STMT_ENGINE", 1662, "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_AND_STMT_ENGINE", 1663, "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %s" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_ROW_INJECTION_AND_STMT_ENGINE", 1664, "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_STMT_MODE_AND_ROW_ENGINE", 1665, "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%s" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_ROW_INJECTION_AND_STMT_MODE", 1666, "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_MULTIPLE_ENGINES_AND_SELF_LOGGING_ENGINE", 1667, "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_LIMIT", 1668, "The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_DELAYED", 1669, "The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_SYSTEM_TABLE", 1670, "The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_AUTOINC_COLUMNS", 1671, "Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_UDF", 1672, "Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_SYSTEM_VARIABLE", 1673, "Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_SYSTEM_FUNCTION", 1674, "Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_NONTRANS_AFTER_TRANS", 1675, "Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction." }, +{ "ER_MESSAGE_AND_STATEMENT", 1676, "%s Statement: %s" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_CONVERSION_FAILED", 1677, "Column %d of table \'%-.192s.%-.192s\' cannot be converted from type \'%-.32s\' to type \'%-.32s\'" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_CANT_CREATE_CONVERSION", 1678, "Can\'t create conversion table for table \'%-.192s.%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_INSIDE_TRANSACTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_FORMAT", 1679, "Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transaction" }, +{ "ER_PATH_LENGTH", 1680, "The path specified for %.64s is too long." }, +{ "ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX_NO_REPLACEMENT", 1681, "\'%s\' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release." }, +{ "ER_WRONG_NATIVE_TABLE_STRUCTURE", 1682, "Native table \'%-.64s\'.\'%-.64s\' has the wrong structure" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_PERFSCHEMA_USAGE", 1683, "Invalid performance_schema usage." }, +{ "ER_WARN_I_S_SKIPPED_TABLE", 1684, "Table \'%s\'.\'%s\' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statement" }, +{ "ER_INSIDE_TRANSACTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_DIRECT", 1685, "Cannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transaction" }, +{ "ER_STORED_FUNCTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_DIRECT", 1686, "Cannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or trigger" }, +{ "ER_SPATIAL_MUST_HAVE_GEOM_COL", 1687, "A SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type column" }, +{ "ER_TOO_LONG_INDEX_COMMENT", 1688, "Comment for index \'%-.64s\' is too long (max = %lu)" }, +{ "ER_LOCK_ABORTED", 1689, "Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock" }, +{ "ER_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE", 1690, "%s value is out of range in \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_SPVAR_TYPE_IN_LIMIT", 1691, "A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clause" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_MULTIPLE_ENGINES_AND_SELF_LOGGING_ENGINE", 1692, "Mixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_MIXED_STATEMENT", 1693, "Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them." }, +{ "ER_INSIDE_TRANSACTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_SQL_LOG_BIN", 1694, "Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transaction" }, +{ "ER_STORED_FUNCTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_SQL_LOG_BIN", 1695, "Cannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or trigger" }, +{ "ER_FAILED_READ_FROM_PAR_FILE", 1696, "Failed to read from the .par file" }, +{ "ER_VALUES_IS_NOT_INT_TYPE_ERROR", 1697, "VALUES value for partition \'%-.64s\' must have type INT" }, +{ "ER_ACCESS_DENIED_NO_PASSWORD_ERROR", 1698, "Access denied for user \'%-.48s\'@\'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_SET_PASSWORD_AUTH_PLUGIN", 1699, "SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via plugins" }, +{ "ER_GRANT_PLUGIN_USER_EXISTS", 1700, "GRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already exists" }, +{ "ER_TRUNCATE_ILLEGAL_FK", 1701, "Cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)" }, +{ "ER_PLUGIN_IS_PERMANENT", 1702, "Plugin \'%s\' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloaded" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE_MIN", 1703, "The requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled." }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE_MAX", 1704, "The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout\' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout." }, +{ "ER_STMT_CACHE_FULL", 1705, "Multi-row statements required more than \'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size\' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try again" }, +{ "ER_MULTI_UPDATE_KEY_CONFLICT", 1706, "Primary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as \'%-.192s\' and \'%-.192s\'." }, +{ "ER_TABLE_NEEDS_REBUILD", 1707, "Table rebuild required. Please do \"ALTER TABLE `%-.32s` FORCE\" or dump/reload to fix it!" }, +{ "WARN_OPTION_BELOW_LIMIT", 1708, "The value of \'%s\' should be no less than the value of \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_INDEX_COLUMN_TOO_LONG", 1709, "Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes." }, +{ "ER_ERROR_IN_TRIGGER_BODY", 1710, "Trigger \'%-.64s\' has an error in its body: \'%-.256s\'" }, +{ "ER_ERROR_IN_UNKNOWN_TRIGGER_BODY", 1711, "Unknown trigger has an error in its body: \'%-.256s\'" }, +{ "ER_INDEX_CORRUPT", 1712, "Index %s is corrupted" }, +{ "ER_UNDO_RECORD_TOO_BIG", 1713, "Undo log record is too big." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_IGNORE_SELECT", 1714, "INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_SELECT_UPDATE", 1715, "INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_REPLACE_SELECT", 1716, "REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_CREATE_IGNORE_SELECT", 1717, "CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_CREATE_REPLACE_SELECT", 1718, "CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_UPDATE_IGNORE", 1719, "UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." }, +{ "ER_PLUGIN_NO_UNINSTALL", 1720, "Plugin \'%s\' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it." }, +{ "ER_PLUGIN_NO_INSTALL", 1721, "Plugin \'%s\' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_WRITE_AUTOINC_SELECT", 1722, "Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_CREATE_SELECT_AUTOINC", 1723, "CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_TWO_KEYS", 1724, "INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafe" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_IN_FK_CHECK", 1725, "Table is being used in foreign key check." }, +{ "ER_UNSUPPORTED_ENGINE", 1726, "Storage engine \'%s\' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_AUTOINC_NOT_FIRST", 1727, "INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe." }, +{ "ER_CANNOT_LOAD_FROM_TABLE_V2", 1728, "Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corrupted" }, +{ "ER_MASTER_DELAY_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE", 1729, "The requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %u" }, +{ "ER_ONLY_FD_AND_RBR_EVENTS_ALLOWED_IN_BINLOG_STATEMENT", 1730, "Only Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_DIFFERENT_OPTION", 1731, "Non matching attribute \'%-.64s\' between partition and table" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_PART_TABLE", 1732, "Table to exchange with partition is partitioned: \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_TEMP_TABLE", 1733, "Table to exchange with partition is temporary: \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_INSTEAD_OF_SUBPARTITION", 1734, "Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partition" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_PARTITION", 1735, "Unknown partition \'%-.64s\' in table \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_TABLES_DIFFERENT_METADATA", 1736, "Tables have different definitions" }, +{ "ER_ROW_DOES_NOT_MATCH_PARTITION", 1737, "Found a row that does not match the partition" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_CACHE_SIZE_GREATER_THAN_MAX", 1738, "Option binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size." }, +{ "ER_WARN_INDEX_NOT_APPLICABLE", 1739, "Cannot use %-.64s access on index \'%-.64s\' due to type or collation conversion on field \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_FOREIGN_KEY", 1740, "Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_NO_SUCH_KEY_VALUE", 1741, "Key value \'%-.192s\' was not found in table \'%-.192s.%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_RPL_INFO_DATA_TOO_LONG", 1742, "Data for column \'%s\' too long" }, +{ "ER_NETWORK_READ_EVENT_CHECKSUM_FAILURE", 1743, "Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from network." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_READ_EVENT_CHECKSUM_FAILURE", 1744, "Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_STMT_CACHE_SIZE_GREATER_THAN_MAX", 1745, "Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size." }, +{ "ER_CANT_UPDATE_TABLE_IN_CREATE_TABLE_SELECT", 1746, "Can\'t update table \'%-.192s\' while \'%-.192s\' is being created." }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_CLAUSE_ON_NONPARTITIONED", 1747, "PARTITION () clause on non partitioned table" }, +{ "ER_ROW_DOES_NOT_MATCH_GIVEN_PARTITION_SET", 1748, "Found a row not matching the given partition set" }, +{ "ER_NO_SUCH_PARTITION__UNUSED", 1749, "partition \'%-.64s\' doesn\'t exist" }, +{ "ER_CHANGE_RPL_INFO_REPOSITORY_FAILURE", 1750, "Failure while changing the type of replication repository: %s." }, +{ "ER_WARNING_NOT_COMPLETE_ROLLBACK_WITH_CREATED_TEMP_TABLE", 1751, "The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back." }, +{ "ER_WARNING_NOT_COMPLETE_ROLLBACK_WITH_DROPPED_TEMP_TABLE", 1752, "Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back." }, +{ "ER_MTS_FEATURE_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED", 1753, "%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %s" }, +{ "ER_MTS_UPDATED_DBS_GREATER_MAX", 1754, "The number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata." }, +{ "ER_MTS_CANT_PARALLEL", 1755, "Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s." }, +{ "ER_MTS_INCONSISTENT_DATA", 1756, "%s" }, +{ "ER_FULLTEXT_NOT_SUPPORTED_WITH_PARTITIONING", 1757, "FULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables." }, +{ "ER_DA_INVALID_CONDITION_NUMBER", 1758, "Invalid condition number" }, +{ "ER_INSECURE_PLAIN_TEXT", 1759, "Sending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure." }, +{ "ER_INSECURE_CHANGE_MASTER", 1760, "Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the \'START SLAVE Syntax\' in the MySQL Manual for more information." }, +{ "ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_WITH_CHILD_INFO", 1761, "Foreign key constraint for table \'%.192s\', record \'%-.192s\' would lead to a duplicate entry in table \'%.192s\', key \'%.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_WITHOUT_CHILD_INFO", 1762, "Foreign key constraint for table \'%.192s\', record \'%-.192s\' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child table" }, +{ "ER_SQLTHREAD_WITH_SECURE_SLAVE", 1763, "Setting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started." }, +{ "ER_TABLE_HAS_NO_FT", 1764, "The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this query" }, +{ "ER_VARIABLE_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_SF_OR_TRIGGER", 1765, "The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers." }, +{ "ER_VARIABLE_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_TRANSACTION", 1766, "The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction." }, +{ "ER_GTID_NEXT_IS_NOT_IN_GTID_NEXT_LIST", 1767, "The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST." }, +{ "ER_CANT_CHANGE_GTID_NEXT_IN_TRANSACTION_WHEN_GTID_NEXT_LIST_IS_NULL", 1768, "The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction." }, +{ "ER_SET_STATEMENT_CANNOT_INVOKE_FUNCTION", 1769, "The statement \'SET %.200s\' cannot invoke a stored function." }, +{ "ER_GTID_NEXT_CANT_BE_AUTOMATIC_IF_GTID_NEXT_LIST_IS_NON_NULL", 1770, "The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be \'AUTOMATIC\' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL." }, +{ "ER_SKIPPING_LOGGED_TRANSACTION", 1771, "Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged." }, +{ "ER_MALFORMED_GTID_SET_SPECIFICATION", 1772, "Malformed GTID set specification \'%.200s\'." }, +{ "ER_MALFORMED_GTID_SET_ENCODING", 1773, "Malformed GTID set encoding." }, +{ "ER_MALFORMED_GTID_SPECIFICATION", 1774, "Malformed GTID specification \'%.200s\'." }, +{ "ER_GNO_EXHAUSTED", 1775, "Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid." }, +{ "ER_BAD_SLAVE_AUTO_POSITION", 1776, "Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active." }, +{ "ER_AUTO_POSITION_REQUIRES_GTID_MODE_ON", 1777, "CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 can only be executed when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON." }, +{ "ER_CANT_DO_IMPLICIT_COMMIT_IN_TRX_WHEN_GTID_NEXT_IS_SET", 1778, "Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT != AUTOMATIC." }, +{ "ER_GTID_MODE_2_OR_3_REQUIRES_ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY_ON", 1779, "@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or UPGRADE_STEP_2 requires @@GLOBAL.ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = 1." }, +{ "ER_GTID_MODE_REQUIRES_BINLOG", 1780, "@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or UPGRADE_STEP_1 or UPGRADE_STEP_2 requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates." }, +{ "ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_TO_GTID_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF", 1781, "@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF." }, +{ "ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_TO_ANONYMOUS_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_ON", 1782, "@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON." }, +{ "ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_LIST_TO_NON_NULL_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF", 1783, "@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF." }, +{ "ER_FOUND_GTID_EVENT_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF", 1784, "Found a Gtid_log_event or Previous_gtids_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF." }, +{ "ER_GTID_UNSAFE_NON_TRANSACTIONAL_TABLE", 1785, "When @@GLOBAL.ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = 1, updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables." }, +{ "ER_GTID_UNSAFE_CREATE_SELECT", 1786, "CREATE TABLE ... SELECT is forbidden when @@GLOBAL.ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = 1." }, +{ "ER_GTID_UNSAFE_CREATE_DROP_TEMPORARY_TABLE_IN_TRANSACTION", 1787, "When @@GLOBAL.ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = 1, the statements CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can be executed in a non-transactional context only, and require that AUTOCOMMIT = 1." }, +{ "ER_GTID_MODE_CAN_ONLY_CHANGE_ONE_STEP_AT_A_TIME", 1788, "The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only change one step at a time: OFF <-> UPGRADE_STEP_1 <-> UPGRADE_STEP_2 <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers; see the Manual for instructions." }, +{ "ER_MASTER_HAS_PURGED_REQUIRED_GTIDS", 1789, "The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires." }, +{ "ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_WHEN_OWNING_GTID", 1790, "@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK." }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_EXPLAIN_FORMAT", 1791, "Unknown EXPLAIN format name: \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_CANT_EXECUTE_IN_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION", 1792, "Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction." }, +{ "ER_TOO_LONG_TABLE_PARTITION_COMMENT", 1793, "Comment for table partition \'%-.64s\' is too long (max = %lu)" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_CONFIGURATION", 1794, "Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log." }, +{ "ER_INNODB_FT_LIMIT", 1795, "InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a time" }, +{ "ER_INNODB_NO_FT_TEMP_TABLE", 1796, "Cannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB table" }, +{ "ER_INNODB_FT_WRONG_DOCID_COLUMN", 1797, "Column \'%-.192s\' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT index" }, +{ "ER_INNODB_FT_WRONG_DOCID_INDEX", 1798, "Index \'%-.192s\' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT index" }, +{ "ER_INNODB_ONLINE_LOG_TOO_BIG", 1799, "Creating index \'%-.192s\' required more than \'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size\' bytes of modification log. Please try again." }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_ALTER_ALGORITHM", 1800, "Unknown ALGORITHM \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_ALTER_LOCK", 1801, "Unknown LOCK type \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_MTS_CHANGE_MASTER_CANT_RUN_WITH_GAPS", 1802, "CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL." }, +{ "ER_MTS_RECOVERY_FAILURE", 1803, "Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log." }, +{ "ER_MTS_RESET_WORKERS", 1804, "Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log." }, +{ "ER_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_CORRUPTED_V2", 1805, "Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corrupted" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_SILENT_RETRY_TRANSACTION", 1806, "Slave must silently retry current transaction" }, +{ "ER_DISCARD_FK_CHECKS_RUNNING", 1807, "There is a foreign key check running on table \'%-.192s\'. Cannot discard the table." }, +{ "ER_TABLE_SCHEMA_MISMATCH", 1808, "Schema mismatch (%s)" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_IN_SYSTEM_TABLESPACE", 1809, "Table \'%-.192s\' in system tablespace" }, +{ "ER_IO_READ_ERROR", 1810, "IO Read error: (%lu, %s) %s" }, +{ "ER_IO_WRITE_ERROR", 1811, "IO Write error: (%lu, %s) %s" }, +{ "ER_TABLESPACE_MISSING", 1812, "Tablespace is missing for table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_TABLESPACE_EXISTS", 1813, "Tablespace for table \'%-.192s\' exists. Please DISCARD the tablespace before IMPORT." }, +{ "ER_TABLESPACE_DISCARDED", 1814, "Tablespace has been discarded for table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_INTERNAL_ERROR", 1815, "Internal error: %s" }, +{ "ER_INNODB_IMPORT_ERROR", 1816, "ALTER TABLE \'%-.192s\' IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_INNODB_INDEX_CORRUPT", 1817, "Index corrupt: %s" }, +{ "ER_INVALID_YEAR_COLUMN_LENGTH", 1818, "YEAR(%lu) column type is deprecated. Creating YEAR(4) column instead." }, +{ "ER_NOT_VALID_PASSWORD", 1819, "Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements" }, +{ "ER_MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD", 1820, "You must SET PASSWORD before executing this statement" }, +{ "ER_FK_NO_INDEX_CHILD", 1821, "Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint \'%s\' in the foreign table \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_FK_NO_INDEX_PARENT", 1822, "Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint \'%s\' in the referenced table \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_FK_FAIL_ADD_SYSTEM", 1823, "Failed to add the foreign key constraint \'%s\' to system tables" }, +{ "ER_FK_CANNOT_OPEN_PARENT", 1824, "Failed to open the referenced table \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_FK_INCORRECT_OPTION", 1825, "Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table \'%s\'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_FK_DUP_NAME", 1826, "Duplicate foreign key constraint name \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_PASSWORD_FORMAT", 1827, "The password hash doesn\'t have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function." }, +{ "ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_DROP", 1828, "Cannot drop column \'%-.192s\': needed in a foreign key constraint \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_DROP_CHILD", 1829, "Cannot drop column \'%-.192s\': needed in a foreign key constraint \'%-.192s\' of table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_FK_COLUMN_NOT_NULL", 1830, "Column \'%-.192s\' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint \'%-.192s\' SET NULL" }, +{ "ER_DUP_INDEX", 1831, "Duplicate index \'%-.64s\' defined on the table \'%-.64s.%-.64s\'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release." }, +{ "ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_CHANGE", 1832, "Cannot change column \'%-.192s\': used in a foreign key constraint \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_CHANGE_CHILD", 1833, "Cannot change column \'%-.192s\': used in a foreign key constraint \'%-.192s\' of table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_FK_CANNOT_DELETE_PARENT", 1834, "Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint \'%-.192s\' of table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_MALFORMED_PACKET", 1835, "Malformed communication packet." }, +{ "ER_READ_ONLY_MODE", 1836, "Running in read-only mode" }, +{ "ER_GTID_NEXT_TYPE_UNDEFINED_GROUP", 1837, "When @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is \'%s\'." }, +{ "ER_VARIABLE_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_SP", 1838, "The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures." }, +{ "ER_CANT_SET_GTID_PURGED_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF", 1839, "@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON." }, +{ "ER_CANT_SET_GTID_PURGED_WHEN_GTID_EXECUTED_IS_NOT_EMPTY", 1840, "@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty." }, +{ "ER_CANT_SET_GTID_PURGED_WHEN_OWNED_GTIDS_IS_NOT_EMPTY", 1841, "@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients)." }, +{ "ER_GTID_PURGED_WAS_CHANGED", 1842, "@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from \'%s\' to \'%s\'." }, +{ "ER_GTID_EXECUTED_WAS_CHANGED", 1843, "@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from \'%s\' to \'%s\'." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_STMT_MODE_AND_NO_REPL_TABLES", 1844, "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to." }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED", 1845, "%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s." }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON", 1846, "%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s." }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_COPY", 1847, "COPY algorithm requires a lock" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_PARTITION", 1848, "Partition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHM" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_FK_RENAME", 1849, "Columns participating in a foreign key are renamed" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_COLUMN_TYPE", 1850, "Cannot change column type INPLACE" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_FK_CHECK", 1851, "Adding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFF" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_IGNORE", 1852, "Creating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rows" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_NOPK", 1853, "Dropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary key" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_AUTOINC", 1854, "Adding an auto-increment column requires a lock" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_HIDDEN_FTS", 1855, "Cannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible one" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_CHANGE_FTS", 1856, "Cannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_ID" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_FTS", 1857, "Fulltext index creation requires a lock" }, +{ "ER_SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_GTID_MODE", 1858, "sql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transaction" }, +{ "ER_DUP_UNKNOWN_IN_INDEX", 1859, "Duplicate entry for key \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_IDENT_CAUSES_TOO_LONG_PATH", 1860, "Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: \'%s\'." }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_NOT_NULL", 1861, "cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODE" }, +{ "ER_MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD_LOGIN", 1862, "Your password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords." }, +{ "ER_ROW_IN_WRONG_PARTITION", 1863, "Found a row in wrong partition %s" }, +{ "ER_MTS_EVENT_BIGGER_PENDING_JOBS_SIZE_MAX", 1864, "Cannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max." }, +{ "ER_INNODB_NO_FT_USES_PARSER", 1865, "Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB table" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_LOGICAL_CORRUPTION", 1866, "The binary log file \'%s\' is logically corrupted: %s" }, +{ "ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IN_USE", 1867, "file %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files." }, +{ "ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IS_ACTIVE", 1868, "file %s was not purged because it is the active log file." }, +{ "ER_AUTO_INCREMENT_CONFLICT", 1869, "Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated values" }, +{ "WARN_ON_BLOCKHOLE_IN_RBR", 1870, "Row events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_MI_INIT_REPOSITORY", 1871, "Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repository" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_RLI_INIT_REPOSITORY", 1872, "Slave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repository" }, +{ "ER_ACCESS_DENIED_CHANGE_USER_ERROR", 1873, "Access denied trying to change to user \'%-.48s\'@\'%-.64s\' (using password: %s). Disconnecting." }, +{ "ER_INNODB_READ_ONLY", 1874, "InnoDB is in read only mode." }, +{ "ER_STOP_SLAVE_SQL_THREAD_TIMEOUT", 1875, "STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete." }, +{ "ER_STOP_SLAVE_IO_THREAD_TIMEOUT", 1876, "STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete." }, +{ "ER_TABLE_CORRUPT", 1877, "Operation cannot be performed. The table \'%-.64s.%-.64s\' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data." }, diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysqld_error.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysqld_error.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..25a45ea83 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysqld_error.h @@ -0,0 +1,882 @@ +/* Autogenerated file, please don't edit */ + +#define ER_ERROR_FIRST 1000 +#define ER_HASHCHK 1000 +#define ER_NISAMCHK 1001 +#define ER_NO 1002 +#define ER_YES 1003 +#define ER_CANT_CREATE_FILE 1004 +#define ER_CANT_CREATE_TABLE 1005 +#define ER_CANT_CREATE_DB 1006 +#define ER_DB_CREATE_EXISTS 1007 +#define ER_DB_DROP_EXISTS 1008 +#define ER_DB_DROP_DELETE 1009 +#define ER_DB_DROP_RMDIR 1010 +#define ER_CANT_DELETE_FILE 1011 +#define ER_CANT_FIND_SYSTEM_REC 1012 +#define ER_CANT_GET_STAT 1013 +#define ER_CANT_GET_WD 1014 +#define ER_CANT_LOCK 1015 +#define ER_CANT_OPEN_FILE 1016 +#define ER_FILE_NOT_FOUND 1017 +#define ER_CANT_READ_DIR 1018 +#define ER_CANT_SET_WD 1019 +#define ER_CHECKREAD 1020 +#define ER_DISK_FULL 1021 +#define ER_DUP_KEY 1022 +#define ER_ERROR_ON_CLOSE 1023 +#define ER_ERROR_ON_READ 1024 +#define ER_ERROR_ON_RENAME 1025 +#define ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE 1026 +#define ER_FILE_USED 1027 +#define ER_FILSORT_ABORT 1028 +#define ER_FORM_NOT_FOUND 1029 +#define ER_GET_ERRNO 1030 +#define ER_ILLEGAL_HA 1031 +#define ER_KEY_NOT_FOUND 1032 +#define ER_NOT_FORM_FILE 1033 +#define ER_NOT_KEYFILE 1034 +#define ER_OLD_KEYFILE 1035 +#define ER_OPEN_AS_READONLY 1036 +#define ER_OUTOFMEMORY 1037 +#define ER_OUT_OF_SORTMEMORY 1038 +#define ER_UNEXPECTED_EOF 1039 +#define ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR 1040 +#define ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES 1041 +#define ER_BAD_HOST_ERROR 1042 +#define ER_HANDSHAKE_ERROR 1043 +#define ER_DBACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 1044 +#define ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 1045 +#define ER_NO_DB_ERROR 1046 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_COM_ERROR 1047 +#define ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR 1048 +#define ER_BAD_DB_ERROR 1049 +#define ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR 1050 +#define ER_BAD_TABLE_ERROR 1051 +#define ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR 1052 +#define ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN 1053 +#define ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR 1054 +#define ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP 1055 +#define ER_WRONG_GROUP_FIELD 1056 +#define ER_WRONG_SUM_SELECT 1057 +#define ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT 1058 +#define ER_TOO_LONG_IDENT 1059 +#define ER_DUP_FIELDNAME 1060 +#define ER_DUP_KEYNAME 1061 +#define ER_DUP_ENTRY 1062 +#define ER_WRONG_FIELD_SPEC 1063 +#define ER_PARSE_ERROR 1064 +#define ER_EMPTY_QUERY 1065 +#define ER_NONUNIQ_TABLE 1066 +#define ER_INVALID_DEFAULT 1067 +#define ER_MULTIPLE_PRI_KEY 1068 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_KEYS 1069 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_KEY_PARTS 1070 +#define ER_TOO_LONG_KEY 1071 +#define ER_KEY_COLUMN_DOES_NOT_EXITS 1072 +#define ER_BLOB_USED_AS_KEY 1073 +#define ER_TOO_BIG_FIELDLENGTH 1074 +#define ER_WRONG_AUTO_KEY 1075 +#define ER_READY 1076 +#define ER_NORMAL_SHUTDOWN 1077 +#define ER_GOT_SIGNAL 1078 +#define ER_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE 1079 +#define ER_FORCING_CLOSE 1080 +#define ER_IPSOCK_ERROR 1081 +#define ER_NO_SUCH_INDEX 1082 +#define ER_WRONG_FIELD_TERMINATORS 1083 +#define ER_BLOBS_AND_NO_TERMINATED 1084 +#define ER_TEXTFILE_NOT_READABLE 1085 +#define ER_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR 1086 +#define ER_LOAD_INFO 1087 +#define ER_ALTER_INFO 1088 +#define ER_WRONG_SUB_KEY 1089 +#define ER_CANT_REMOVE_ALL_FIELDS 1090 +#define ER_CANT_DROP_FIELD_OR_KEY 1091 +#define ER_INSERT_INFO 1092 +#define ER_UPDATE_TABLE_USED 1093 +#define ER_NO_SUCH_THREAD 1094 +#define ER_KILL_DENIED_ERROR 1095 +#define ER_NO_TABLES_USED 1096 +#define ER_TOO_BIG_SET 1097 +#define ER_NO_UNIQUE_LOGFILE 1098 +#define ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED_FOR_WRITE 1099 +#define ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED 1100 +#define ER_BLOB_CANT_HAVE_DEFAULT 1101 +#define ER_WRONG_DB_NAME 1102 +#define ER_WRONG_TABLE_NAME 1103 +#define ER_TOO_BIG_SELECT 1104 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR 1105 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_PROCEDURE 1106 +#define ER_WRONG_PARAMCOUNT_TO_PROCEDURE 1107 +#define ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_PROCEDURE 1108 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_TABLE 1109 +#define ER_FIELD_SPECIFIED_TWICE 1110 +#define ER_INVALID_GROUP_FUNC_USE 1111 +#define ER_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION 1112 +#define ER_TABLE_MUST_HAVE_COLUMNS 1113 +#define ER_RECORD_FILE_FULL 1114 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_SET 1115 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_TABLES 1116 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_FIELDS 1117 +#define ER_TOO_BIG_ROWSIZE 1118 +#define ER_STACK_OVERRUN 1119 +#define ER_WRONG_OUTER_JOIN 1120 +#define ER_NULL_COLUMN_IN_INDEX 1121 +#define ER_CANT_FIND_UDF 1122 +#define ER_CANT_INITIALIZE_UDF 1123 +#define ER_UDF_NO_PATHS 1124 +#define ER_UDF_EXISTS 1125 +#define ER_CANT_OPEN_LIBRARY 1126 +#define ER_CANT_FIND_DL_ENTRY 1127 +#define ER_FUNCTION_NOT_DEFINED 1128 +#define ER_HOST_IS_BLOCKED 1129 +#define ER_HOST_NOT_PRIVILEGED 1130 +#define ER_PASSWORD_ANONYMOUS_USER 1131 +#define ER_PASSWORD_NOT_ALLOWED 1132 +#define ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH 1133 +#define ER_UPDATE_INFO 1134 +#define ER_CANT_CREATE_THREAD 1135 +#define ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW 1136 +#define ER_CANT_REOPEN_TABLE 1137 +#define ER_INVALID_USE_OF_NULL 1138 +#define ER_REGEXP_ERROR 1139 +#define ER_MIX_OF_GROUP_FUNC_AND_FIELDS 1140 +#define ER_NONEXISTING_GRANT 1141 +#define ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 1142 +#define ER_COLUMNACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 1143 +#define ER_ILLEGAL_GRANT_FOR_TABLE 1144 +#define ER_GRANT_WRONG_HOST_OR_USER 1145 +#define ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE 1146 +#define ER_NONEXISTING_TABLE_GRANT 1147 +#define ER_NOT_ALLOWED_COMMAND 1148 +#define ER_SYNTAX_ERROR 1149 +#define ER_DELAYED_CANT_CHANGE_LOCK 1150 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_DELAYED_THREADS 1151 +#define ER_ABORTING_CONNECTION 1152 +#define ER_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE 1153 +#define ER_NET_READ_ERROR_FROM_PIPE 1154 +#define ER_NET_FCNTL_ERROR 1155 +#define ER_NET_PACKETS_OUT_OF_ORDER 1156 +#define ER_NET_UNCOMPRESS_ERROR 1157 +#define ER_NET_READ_ERROR 1158 +#define ER_NET_READ_INTERRUPTED 1159 +#define ER_NET_ERROR_ON_WRITE 1160 +#define ER_NET_WRITE_INTERRUPTED 1161 +#define ER_TOO_LONG_STRING 1162 +#define ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_BLOB 1163 +#define ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_AUTO_INCREMENT 1164 +#define ER_DELAYED_INSERT_TABLE_LOCKED 1165 +#define ER_WRONG_COLUMN_NAME 1166 +#define ER_WRONG_KEY_COLUMN 1167 +#define ER_WRONG_MRG_TABLE 1168 +#define ER_DUP_UNIQUE 1169 +#define ER_BLOB_KEY_WITHOUT_LENGTH 1170 +#define ER_PRIMARY_CANT_HAVE_NULL 1171 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_ROWS 1172 +#define ER_REQUIRES_PRIMARY_KEY 1173 +#define ER_NO_RAID_COMPILED 1174 +#define ER_UPDATE_WITHOUT_KEY_IN_SAFE_MODE 1175 +#define ER_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXITS 1176 +#define ER_CHECK_NO_SUCH_TABLE 1177 +#define ER_CHECK_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 1178 +#define ER_CANT_DO_THIS_DURING_AN_TRANSACTION 1179 +#define ER_ERROR_DURING_COMMIT 1180 +#define ER_ERROR_DURING_ROLLBACK 1181 +#define ER_ERROR_DURING_FLUSH_LOGS 1182 +#define ER_ERROR_DURING_CHECKPOINT 1183 +#define ER_NEW_ABORTING_CONNECTION 1184 +#define ER_DUMP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 1185 +#define ER_FLUSH_MASTER_BINLOG_CLOSED 1186 +#define ER_INDEX_REBUILD 1187 +#define ER_MASTER 1188 +#define ER_MASTER_NET_READ 1189 +#define ER_MASTER_NET_WRITE 1190 +#define ER_FT_MATCHING_KEY_NOT_FOUND 1191 +#define ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION 1192 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_SYSTEM_VARIABLE 1193 +#define ER_CRASHED_ON_USAGE 1194 +#define ER_CRASHED_ON_REPAIR 1195 +#define ER_WARNING_NOT_COMPLETE_ROLLBACK 1196 +#define ER_TRANS_CACHE_FULL 1197 +#define ER_SLAVE_MUST_STOP 1198 +#define ER_SLAVE_NOT_RUNNING 1199 +#define ER_BAD_SLAVE 1200 +#define ER_MASTER_INFO 1201 +#define ER_SLAVE_THREAD 1202 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_USER_CONNECTIONS 1203 +#define ER_SET_CONSTANTS_ONLY 1204 +#define ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT 1205 +#define ER_LOCK_TABLE_FULL 1206 +#define ER_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION 1207 +#define ER_DROP_DB_WITH_READ_LOCK 1208 +#define ER_CREATE_DB_WITH_READ_LOCK 1209 +#define ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS 1210 +#define ER_NO_PERMISSION_TO_CREATE_USER 1211 +#define ER_UNION_TABLES_IN_DIFFERENT_DIR 1212 +#define ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK 1213 +#define ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_FT 1214 +#define ER_CANNOT_ADD_FOREIGN 1215 +#define ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW 1216 +#define ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED 1217 +#define ER_CONNECT_TO_MASTER 1218 +#define ER_QUERY_ON_MASTER 1219 +#define ER_ERROR_WHEN_EXECUTING_COMMAND 1220 +#define ER_WRONG_USAGE 1221 +#define ER_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT 1222 +#define ER_CANT_UPDATE_WITH_READLOCK 1223 +#define ER_MIXING_NOT_ALLOWED 1224 +#define ER_DUP_ARGUMENT 1225 +#define ER_USER_LIMIT_REACHED 1226 +#define ER_SPECIFIC_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 1227 +#define ER_LOCAL_VARIABLE 1228 +#define ER_GLOBAL_VARIABLE 1229 +#define ER_NO_DEFAULT 1230 +#define ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_VAR 1231 +#define ER_WRONG_TYPE_FOR_VAR 1232 +#define ER_VAR_CANT_BE_READ 1233 +#define ER_CANT_USE_OPTION_HERE 1234 +#define ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_YET 1235 +#define ER_MASTER_FATAL_ERROR_READING_BINLOG 1236 +#define ER_SLAVE_IGNORED_TABLE 1237 +#define ER_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR 1238 +#define ER_WRONG_FK_DEF 1239 +#define ER_KEY_REF_DO_NOT_MATCH_TABLE_REF 1240 +#define ER_OPERAND_COLUMNS 1241 +#define ER_SUBQUERY_NO_1_ROW 1242 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_STMT_HANDLER 1243 +#define ER_CORRUPT_HELP_DB 1244 +#define ER_CYCLIC_REFERENCE 1245 +#define ER_AUTO_CONVERT 1246 +#define ER_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE 1247 +#define ER_DERIVED_MUST_HAVE_ALIAS 1248 +#define ER_SELECT_REDUCED 1249 +#define ER_TABLENAME_NOT_ALLOWED_HERE 1250 +#define ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE 1251 +#define ER_SPATIAL_CANT_HAVE_NULL 1252 +#define ER_COLLATION_CHARSET_MISMATCH 1253 +#define ER_SLAVE_WAS_RUNNING 1254 +#define ER_SLAVE_WAS_NOT_RUNNING 1255 +#define ER_TOO_BIG_FOR_UNCOMPRESS 1256 +#define ER_ZLIB_Z_MEM_ERROR 1257 +#define ER_ZLIB_Z_BUF_ERROR 1258 +#define ER_ZLIB_Z_DATA_ERROR 1259 +#define ER_CUT_VALUE_GROUP_CONCAT 1260 +#define ER_WARN_TOO_FEW_RECORDS 1261 +#define ER_WARN_TOO_MANY_RECORDS 1262 +#define ER_WARN_NULL_TO_NOTNULL 1263 +#define ER_WARN_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE 1264 +#define WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED 1265 +#define ER_WARN_USING_OTHER_HANDLER 1266 +#define ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_2COLLATIONS 1267 +#define ER_DROP_USER 1268 +#define ER_REVOKE_GRANTS 1269 +#define ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_3COLLATIONS 1270 +#define ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_NCOLLATIONS 1271 +#define ER_VARIABLE_IS_NOT_STRUCT 1272 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_COLLATION 1273 +#define ER_SLAVE_IGNORED_SSL_PARAMS 1274 +#define ER_SERVER_IS_IN_SECURE_AUTH_MODE 1275 +#define ER_WARN_FIELD_RESOLVED 1276 +#define ER_BAD_SLAVE_UNTIL_COND 1277 +#define ER_MISSING_SKIP_SLAVE 1278 +#define ER_UNTIL_COND_IGNORED 1279 +#define ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_INDEX 1280 +#define ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_CATALOG 1281 +#define ER_WARN_QC_RESIZE 1282 +#define ER_BAD_FT_COLUMN 1283 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_KEY_CACHE 1284 +#define ER_WARN_HOSTNAME_WONT_WORK 1285 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_STORAGE_ENGINE 1286 +#define ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX 1287 +#define ER_NON_UPDATABLE_TABLE 1288 +#define ER_FEATURE_DISABLED 1289 +#define ER_OPTION_PREVENTS_STATEMENT 1290 +#define ER_DUPLICATED_VALUE_IN_TYPE 1291 +#define ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE 1292 +#define ER_TOO_MUCH_AUTO_TIMESTAMP_COLS 1293 +#define ER_INVALID_ON_UPDATE 1294 +#define ER_UNSUPPORTED_PS 1295 +#define ER_GET_ERRMSG 1296 +#define ER_GET_TEMPORARY_ERRMSG 1297 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_TIME_ZONE 1298 +#define ER_WARN_INVALID_TIMESTAMP 1299 +#define ER_INVALID_CHARACTER_STRING 1300 +#define ER_WARN_ALLOWED_PACKET_OVERFLOWED 1301 +#define ER_CONFLICTING_DECLARATIONS 1302 +#define ER_SP_NO_RECURSIVE_CREATE 1303 +#define ER_SP_ALREADY_EXISTS 1304 +#define ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST 1305 +#define ER_SP_DROP_FAILED 1306 +#define ER_SP_STORE_FAILED 1307 +#define ER_SP_LILABEL_MISMATCH 1308 +#define ER_SP_LABEL_REDEFINE 1309 +#define ER_SP_LABEL_MISMATCH 1310 +#define ER_SP_UNINIT_VAR 1311 +#define ER_SP_BADSELECT 1312 +#define ER_SP_BADRETURN 1313 +#define ER_SP_BADSTATEMENT 1314 +#define ER_UPDATE_LOG_DEPRECATED_IGNORED 1315 +#define ER_UPDATE_LOG_DEPRECATED_TRANSLATED 1316 +#define ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED 1317 +#define ER_SP_WRONG_NO_OF_ARGS 1318 +#define ER_SP_COND_MISMATCH 1319 +#define ER_SP_NORETURN 1320 +#define ER_SP_NORETURNEND 1321 +#define ER_SP_BAD_CURSOR_QUERY 1322 +#define ER_SP_BAD_CURSOR_SELECT 1323 +#define ER_SP_CURSOR_MISMATCH 1324 +#define ER_SP_CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN 1325 +#define ER_SP_CURSOR_NOT_OPEN 1326 +#define ER_SP_UNDECLARED_VAR 1327 +#define ER_SP_WRONG_NO_OF_FETCH_ARGS 1328 +#define ER_SP_FETCH_NO_DATA 1329 +#define ER_SP_DUP_PARAM 1330 +#define ER_SP_DUP_VAR 1331 +#define ER_SP_DUP_COND 1332 +#define ER_SP_DUP_CURS 1333 +#define ER_SP_CANT_ALTER 1334 +#define ER_SP_SUBSELECT_NYI 1335 +#define ER_STMT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG 1336 +#define ER_SP_VARCOND_AFTER_CURSHNDLR 1337 +#define ER_SP_CURSOR_AFTER_HANDLER 1338 +#define ER_SP_CASE_NOT_FOUND 1339 +#define ER_FPARSER_TOO_BIG_FILE 1340 +#define ER_FPARSER_BAD_HEADER 1341 +#define ER_FPARSER_EOF_IN_COMMENT 1342 +#define ER_FPARSER_ERROR_IN_PARAMETER 1343 +#define ER_FPARSER_EOF_IN_UNKNOWN_PARAMETER 1344 +#define ER_VIEW_NO_EXPLAIN 1345 +#define ER_FRM_UNKNOWN_TYPE 1346 +#define ER_WRONG_OBJECT 1347 +#define ER_NONUPDATEABLE_COLUMN 1348 +#define ER_VIEW_SELECT_DERIVED 1349 +#define ER_VIEW_SELECT_CLAUSE 1350 +#define ER_VIEW_SELECT_VARIABLE 1351 +#define ER_VIEW_SELECT_TMPTABLE 1352 +#define ER_VIEW_WRONG_LIST 1353 +#define ER_WARN_VIEW_MERGE 1354 +#define ER_WARN_VIEW_WITHOUT_KEY 1355 +#define ER_VIEW_INVALID 1356 +#define ER_SP_NO_DROP_SP 1357 +#define ER_SP_GOTO_IN_HNDLR 1358 +#define ER_TRG_ALREADY_EXISTS 1359 +#define ER_TRG_DOES_NOT_EXIST 1360 +#define ER_TRG_ON_VIEW_OR_TEMP_TABLE 1361 +#define ER_TRG_CANT_CHANGE_ROW 1362 +#define ER_TRG_NO_SUCH_ROW_IN_TRG 1363 +#define ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_FIELD 1364 +#define ER_DIVISION_BY_ZERO 1365 +#define ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_FIELD 1366 +#define ER_ILLEGAL_VALUE_FOR_TYPE 1367 +#define ER_VIEW_NONUPD_CHECK 1368 +#define ER_VIEW_CHECK_FAILED 1369 +#define ER_PROCACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 1370 +#define ER_RELAY_LOG_FAIL 1371 +#define ER_PASSWD_LENGTH 1372 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_TARGET_BINLOG 1373 +#define ER_IO_ERR_LOG_INDEX_READ 1374 +#define ER_BINLOG_PURGE_PROHIBITED 1375 +#define ER_FSEEK_FAIL 1376 +#define ER_BINLOG_PURGE_FATAL_ERR 1377 +#define ER_LOG_IN_USE 1378 +#define ER_LOG_PURGE_UNKNOWN_ERR 1379 +#define ER_RELAY_LOG_INIT 1380 +#define ER_NO_BINARY_LOGGING 1381 +#define ER_RESERVED_SYNTAX 1382 +#define ER_WSAS_FAILED 1383 +#define ER_DIFF_GROUPS_PROC 1384 +#define ER_NO_GROUP_FOR_PROC 1385 +#define ER_ORDER_WITH_PROC 1386 +#define ER_LOGGING_PROHIBIT_CHANGING_OF 1387 +#define ER_NO_FILE_MAPPING 1388 +#define ER_WRONG_MAGIC 1389 +#define ER_PS_MANY_PARAM 1390 +#define ER_KEY_PART_0 1391 +#define ER_VIEW_CHECKSUM 1392 +#define ER_VIEW_MULTIUPDATE 1393 +#define ER_VIEW_NO_INSERT_FIELD_LIST 1394 +#define ER_VIEW_DELETE_MERGE_VIEW 1395 +#define ER_CANNOT_USER 1396 +#define ER_XAER_NOTA 1397 +#define ER_XAER_INVAL 1398 +#define ER_XAER_RMFAIL 1399 +#define ER_XAER_OUTSIDE 1400 +#define ER_XAER_RMERR 1401 +#define ER_XA_RBROLLBACK 1402 +#define ER_NONEXISTING_PROC_GRANT 1403 +#define ER_PROC_AUTO_GRANT_FAIL 1404 +#define ER_PROC_AUTO_REVOKE_FAIL 1405 +#define ER_DATA_TOO_LONG 1406 +#define ER_SP_BAD_SQLSTATE 1407 +#define ER_STARTUP 1408 +#define ER_LOAD_FROM_FIXED_SIZE_ROWS_TO_VAR 1409 +#define ER_CANT_CREATE_USER_WITH_GRANT 1410 +#define ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_TYPE 1411 +#define ER_TABLE_DEF_CHANGED 1412 +#define ER_SP_DUP_HANDLER 1413 +#define ER_SP_NOT_VAR_ARG 1414 +#define ER_SP_NO_RETSET 1415 +#define ER_CANT_CREATE_GEOMETRY_OBJECT 1416 +#define ER_FAILED_ROUTINE_BREAK_BINLOG 1417 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_ROUTINE 1418 +#define ER_BINLOG_CREATE_ROUTINE_NEED_SUPER 1419 +#define ER_EXEC_STMT_WITH_OPEN_CURSOR 1420 +#define ER_STMT_HAS_NO_OPEN_CURSOR 1421 +#define ER_COMMIT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG 1422 +#define ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_VIEW_FIELD 1423 +#define ER_SP_NO_RECURSION 1424 +#define ER_TOO_BIG_SCALE 1425 +#define ER_TOO_BIG_PRECISION 1426 +#define ER_M_BIGGER_THAN_D 1427 +#define ER_WRONG_LOCK_OF_SYSTEM_TABLE 1428 +#define ER_CONNECT_TO_FOREIGN_DATA_SOURCE 1429 +#define ER_QUERY_ON_FOREIGN_DATA_SOURCE 1430 +#define ER_FOREIGN_DATA_SOURCE_DOESNT_EXIST 1431 +#define ER_FOREIGN_DATA_STRING_INVALID_CANT_CREATE 1432 +#define ER_FOREIGN_DATA_STRING_INVALID 1433 +#define ER_CANT_CREATE_FEDERATED_TABLE 1434 +#define ER_TRG_IN_WRONG_SCHEMA 1435 +#define ER_STACK_OVERRUN_NEED_MORE 1436 +#define ER_TOO_LONG_BODY 1437 +#define ER_WARN_CANT_DROP_DEFAULT_KEYCACHE 1438 +#define ER_TOO_BIG_DISPLAYWIDTH 1439 +#define ER_XAER_DUPID 1440 +#define ER_DATETIME_FUNCTION_OVERFLOW 1441 +#define ER_CANT_UPDATE_USED_TABLE_IN_SF_OR_TRG 1442 +#define ER_VIEW_PREVENT_UPDATE 1443 +#define ER_PS_NO_RECURSION 1444 +#define ER_SP_CANT_SET_AUTOCOMMIT 1445 +#define ER_MALFORMED_DEFINER 1446 +#define ER_VIEW_FRM_NO_USER 1447 +#define ER_VIEW_OTHER_USER 1448 +#define ER_NO_SUCH_USER 1449 +#define ER_FORBID_SCHEMA_CHANGE 1450 +#define ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED_2 1451 +#define ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2 1452 +#define ER_SP_BAD_VAR_SHADOW 1453 +#define ER_TRG_NO_DEFINER 1454 +#define ER_OLD_FILE_FORMAT 1455 +#define ER_SP_RECURSION_LIMIT 1456 +#define ER_SP_PROC_TABLE_CORRUPT 1457 +#define ER_SP_WRONG_NAME 1458 +#define ER_TABLE_NEEDS_UPGRADE 1459 +#define ER_SP_NO_AGGREGATE 1460 +#define ER_MAX_PREPARED_STMT_COUNT_REACHED 1461 +#define ER_VIEW_RECURSIVE 1462 +#define ER_NON_GROUPING_FIELD_USED 1463 +#define ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_SPKEYS 1464 +#define ER_NO_TRIGGERS_ON_SYSTEM_SCHEMA 1465 +#define ER_REMOVED_SPACES 1466 +#define ER_AUTOINC_READ_FAILED 1467 +#define ER_USERNAME 1468 +#define ER_HOSTNAME 1469 +#define ER_WRONG_STRING_LENGTH 1470 +#define ER_NON_INSERTABLE_TABLE 1471 +#define ER_ADMIN_WRONG_MRG_TABLE 1472 +#define ER_TOO_HIGH_LEVEL_OF_NESTING_FOR_SELECT 1473 +#define ER_NAME_BECOMES_EMPTY 1474 +#define ER_AMBIGUOUS_FIELD_TERM 1475 +#define ER_FOREIGN_SERVER_EXISTS 1476 +#define ER_FOREIGN_SERVER_DOESNT_EXIST 1477 +#define ER_ILLEGAL_HA_CREATE_OPTION 1478 +#define ER_PARTITION_REQUIRES_VALUES_ERROR 1479 +#define ER_PARTITION_WRONG_VALUES_ERROR 1480 +#define ER_PARTITION_MAXVALUE_ERROR 1481 +#define ER_PARTITION_SUBPARTITION_ERROR 1482 +#define ER_PARTITION_SUBPART_MIX_ERROR 1483 +#define ER_PARTITION_WRONG_NO_PART_ERROR 1484 +#define ER_PARTITION_WRONG_NO_SUBPART_ERROR 1485 +#define ER_WRONG_EXPR_IN_PARTITION_FUNC_ERROR 1486 +#define ER_NO_CONST_EXPR_IN_RANGE_OR_LIST_ERROR 1487 +#define ER_FIELD_NOT_FOUND_PART_ERROR 1488 +#define ER_LIST_OF_FIELDS_ONLY_IN_HASH_ERROR 1489 +#define ER_INCONSISTENT_PARTITION_INFO_ERROR 1490 +#define ER_PARTITION_FUNC_NOT_ALLOWED_ERROR 1491 +#define ER_PARTITIONS_MUST_BE_DEFINED_ERROR 1492 +#define ER_RANGE_NOT_INCREASING_ERROR 1493 +#define ER_INCONSISTENT_TYPE_OF_FUNCTIONS_ERROR 1494 +#define ER_MULTIPLE_DEF_CONST_IN_LIST_PART_ERROR 1495 +#define ER_PARTITION_ENTRY_ERROR 1496 +#define ER_MIX_HANDLER_ERROR 1497 +#define ER_PARTITION_NOT_DEFINED_ERROR 1498 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_PARTITIONS_ERROR 1499 +#define ER_SUBPARTITION_ERROR 1500 +#define ER_CANT_CREATE_HANDLER_FILE 1501 +#define ER_BLOB_FIELD_IN_PART_FUNC_ERROR 1502 +#define ER_UNIQUE_KEY_NEED_ALL_FIELDS_IN_PF 1503 +#define ER_NO_PARTS_ERROR 1504 +#define ER_PARTITION_MGMT_ON_NONPARTITIONED 1505 +#define ER_FOREIGN_KEY_ON_PARTITIONED 1506 +#define ER_DROP_PARTITION_NON_EXISTENT 1507 +#define ER_DROP_LAST_PARTITION 1508 +#define ER_COALESCE_ONLY_ON_HASH_PARTITION 1509 +#define ER_REORG_HASH_ONLY_ON_SAME_NO 1510 +#define ER_REORG_NO_PARAM_ERROR 1511 +#define ER_ONLY_ON_RANGE_LIST_PARTITION 1512 +#define ER_ADD_PARTITION_SUBPART_ERROR 1513 +#define ER_ADD_PARTITION_NO_NEW_PARTITION 1514 +#define ER_COALESCE_PARTITION_NO_PARTITION 1515 +#define ER_REORG_PARTITION_NOT_EXIST 1516 +#define ER_SAME_NAME_PARTITION 1517 +#define ER_NO_BINLOG_ERROR 1518 +#define ER_CONSECUTIVE_REORG_PARTITIONS 1519 +#define ER_REORG_OUTSIDE_RANGE 1520 +#define ER_PARTITION_FUNCTION_FAILURE 1521 +#define ER_PART_STATE_ERROR 1522 +#define ER_LIMITED_PART_RANGE 1523 +#define ER_PLUGIN_IS_NOT_LOADED 1524 +#define ER_WRONG_VALUE 1525 +#define ER_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE 1526 +#define ER_FILEGROUP_OPTION_ONLY_ONCE 1527 +#define ER_CREATE_FILEGROUP_FAILED 1528 +#define ER_DROP_FILEGROUP_FAILED 1529 +#define ER_TABLESPACE_AUTO_EXTEND_ERROR 1530 +#define ER_WRONG_SIZE_NUMBER 1531 +#define ER_SIZE_OVERFLOW_ERROR 1532 +#define ER_ALTER_FILEGROUP_FAILED 1533 +#define ER_BINLOG_ROW_LOGGING_FAILED 1534 +#define ER_BINLOG_ROW_WRONG_TABLE_DEF 1535 +#define ER_BINLOG_ROW_RBR_TO_SBR 1536 +#define ER_EVENT_ALREADY_EXISTS 1537 +#define ER_EVENT_STORE_FAILED 1538 +#define ER_EVENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST 1539 +#define ER_EVENT_CANT_ALTER 1540 +#define ER_EVENT_DROP_FAILED 1541 +#define ER_EVENT_INTERVAL_NOT_POSITIVE_OR_TOO_BIG 1542 +#define ER_EVENT_ENDS_BEFORE_STARTS 1543 +#define ER_EVENT_EXEC_TIME_IN_THE_PAST 1544 +#define ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED 1545 +#define ER_EVENT_NEITHER_M_EXPR_NOR_M_AT 1546 +#define ER_OBSOLETE_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_CORRUPTED 1547 +#define ER_OBSOLETE_CANNOT_LOAD_FROM_TABLE 1548 +#define ER_EVENT_CANNOT_DELETE 1549 +#define ER_EVENT_COMPILE_ERROR 1550 +#define ER_EVENT_SAME_NAME 1551 +#define ER_EVENT_DATA_TOO_LONG 1552 +#define ER_DROP_INDEX_FK 1553 +#define ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX_WITH_VER 1554 +#define ER_CANT_WRITE_LOCK_LOG_TABLE 1555 +#define ER_CANT_LOCK_LOG_TABLE 1556 +#define ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_OLD_UNUSED 1557 +#define ER_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_PLEASE_UPDATE 1558 +#define ER_TEMP_TABLE_PREVENTS_SWITCH_OUT_OF_RBR 1559 +#define ER_STORED_FUNCTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_FORMAT 1560 +#define ER_NDB_CANT_SWITCH_BINLOG_FORMAT 1561 +#define ER_PARTITION_NO_TEMPORARY 1562 +#define ER_PARTITION_CONST_DOMAIN_ERROR 1563 +#define ER_PARTITION_FUNCTION_IS_NOT_ALLOWED 1564 +#define ER_DDL_LOG_ERROR 1565 +#define ER_NULL_IN_VALUES_LESS_THAN 1566 +#define ER_WRONG_PARTITION_NAME 1567 +#define ER_CANT_CHANGE_TX_CHARACTERISTICS 1568 +#define ER_DUP_ENTRY_AUTOINCREMENT_CASE 1569 +#define ER_EVENT_MODIFY_QUEUE_ERROR 1570 +#define ER_EVENT_SET_VAR_ERROR 1571 +#define ER_PARTITION_MERGE_ERROR 1572 +#define ER_CANT_ACTIVATE_LOG 1573 +#define ER_RBR_NOT_AVAILABLE 1574 +#define ER_BASE64_DECODE_ERROR 1575 +#define ER_EVENT_RECURSION_FORBIDDEN 1576 +#define ER_EVENTS_DB_ERROR 1577 +#define ER_ONLY_INTEGERS_ALLOWED 1578 +#define ER_UNSUPORTED_LOG_ENGINE 1579 +#define ER_BAD_LOG_STATEMENT 1580 +#define ER_CANT_RENAME_LOG_TABLE 1581 +#define ER_WRONG_PARAMCOUNT_TO_NATIVE_FCT 1582 +#define ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_NATIVE_FCT 1583 +#define ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_STORED_FCT 1584 +#define ER_NATIVE_FCT_NAME_COLLISION 1585 +#define ER_DUP_ENTRY_WITH_KEY_NAME 1586 +#define ER_BINLOG_PURGE_EMFILE 1587 +#define ER_EVENT_CANNOT_CREATE_IN_THE_PAST 1588 +#define ER_EVENT_CANNOT_ALTER_IN_THE_PAST 1589 +#define ER_SLAVE_INCIDENT 1590 +#define ER_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE_SILENT 1591 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_STATEMENT 1592 +#define ER_SLAVE_FATAL_ERROR 1593 +#define ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_READ_FAILURE 1594 +#define ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_WRITE_FAILURE 1595 +#define ER_SLAVE_CREATE_EVENT_FAILURE 1596 +#define ER_SLAVE_MASTER_COM_FAILURE 1597 +#define ER_BINLOG_LOGGING_IMPOSSIBLE 1598 +#define ER_VIEW_NO_CREATION_CTX 1599 +#define ER_VIEW_INVALID_CREATION_CTX 1600 +#define ER_SR_INVALID_CREATION_CTX 1601 +#define ER_TRG_CORRUPTED_FILE 1602 +#define ER_TRG_NO_CREATION_CTX 1603 +#define ER_TRG_INVALID_CREATION_CTX 1604 +#define ER_EVENT_INVALID_CREATION_CTX 1605 +#define ER_TRG_CANT_OPEN_TABLE 1606 +#define ER_CANT_CREATE_SROUTINE 1607 +#define ER_NEVER_USED 1608 +#define ER_NO_FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT_BEFORE_BINLOG_STATEMENT 1609 +#define ER_SLAVE_CORRUPT_EVENT 1610 +#define ER_LOAD_DATA_INVALID_COLUMN 1611 +#define ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE 1612 +#define ER_XA_RBTIMEOUT 1613 +#define ER_XA_RBDEADLOCK 1614 +#define ER_NEED_REPREPARE 1615 +#define ER_DELAYED_NOT_SUPPORTED 1616 +#define WARN_NO_MASTER_INFO 1617 +#define WARN_OPTION_IGNORED 1618 +#define WARN_PLUGIN_DELETE_BUILTIN 1619 +#define WARN_PLUGIN_BUSY 1620 +#define ER_VARIABLE_IS_READONLY 1621 +#define ER_WARN_ENGINE_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK 1622 +#define ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_FAILURE 1623 +#define ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE 1624 +#define ER_NDB_REPLICATION_SCHEMA_ERROR 1625 +#define ER_CONFLICT_FN_PARSE_ERROR 1626 +#define ER_EXCEPTIONS_WRITE_ERROR 1627 +#define ER_TOO_LONG_TABLE_COMMENT 1628 +#define ER_TOO_LONG_FIELD_COMMENT 1629 +#define ER_FUNC_INEXISTENT_NAME_COLLISION 1630 +#define ER_DATABASE_NAME 1631 +#define ER_TABLE_NAME 1632 +#define ER_PARTITION_NAME 1633 +#define ER_SUBPARTITION_NAME 1634 +#define ER_TEMPORARY_NAME 1635 +#define ER_RENAMED_NAME 1636 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_CONCURRENT_TRXS 1637 +#define WARN_NON_ASCII_SEPARATOR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 1638 +#define ER_DEBUG_SYNC_TIMEOUT 1639 +#define ER_DEBUG_SYNC_HIT_LIMIT 1640 +#define ER_DUP_SIGNAL_SET 1641 +#define ER_SIGNAL_WARN 1642 +#define ER_SIGNAL_NOT_FOUND 1643 +#define ER_SIGNAL_EXCEPTION 1644 +#define ER_RESIGNAL_WITHOUT_ACTIVE_HANDLER 1645 +#define ER_SIGNAL_BAD_CONDITION_TYPE 1646 +#define WARN_COND_ITEM_TRUNCATED 1647 +#define ER_COND_ITEM_TOO_LONG 1648 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_LOCALE 1649 +#define ER_SLAVE_IGNORE_SERVER_IDS 1650 +#define ER_QUERY_CACHE_DISABLED 1651 +#define ER_SAME_NAME_PARTITION_FIELD 1652 +#define ER_PARTITION_COLUMN_LIST_ERROR 1653 +#define ER_WRONG_TYPE_COLUMN_VALUE_ERROR 1654 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_PARTITION_FUNC_FIELDS_ERROR 1655 +#define ER_MAXVALUE_IN_VALUES_IN 1656 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_VALUES_ERROR 1657 +#define ER_ROW_SINGLE_PARTITION_FIELD_ERROR 1658 +#define ER_FIELD_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED_AS_PARTITION_FIELD 1659 +#define ER_PARTITION_FIELDS_TOO_LONG 1660 +#define ER_BINLOG_ROW_ENGINE_AND_STMT_ENGINE 1661 +#define ER_BINLOG_ROW_MODE_AND_STMT_ENGINE 1662 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_AND_STMT_ENGINE 1663 +#define ER_BINLOG_ROW_INJECTION_AND_STMT_ENGINE 1664 +#define ER_BINLOG_STMT_MODE_AND_ROW_ENGINE 1665 +#define ER_BINLOG_ROW_INJECTION_AND_STMT_MODE 1666 +#define ER_BINLOG_MULTIPLE_ENGINES_AND_SELF_LOGGING_ENGINE 1667 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_LIMIT 1668 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_DELAYED 1669 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_SYSTEM_TABLE 1670 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_AUTOINC_COLUMNS 1671 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_UDF 1672 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_SYSTEM_VARIABLE 1673 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_SYSTEM_FUNCTION 1674 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_NONTRANS_AFTER_TRANS 1675 +#define ER_MESSAGE_AND_STATEMENT 1676 +#define ER_SLAVE_CONVERSION_FAILED 1677 +#define ER_SLAVE_CANT_CREATE_CONVERSION 1678 +#define ER_INSIDE_TRANSACTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_FORMAT 1679 +#define ER_PATH_LENGTH 1680 +#define ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX_NO_REPLACEMENT 1681 +#define ER_WRONG_NATIVE_TABLE_STRUCTURE 1682 +#define ER_WRONG_PERFSCHEMA_USAGE 1683 +#define ER_WARN_I_S_SKIPPED_TABLE 1684 +#define ER_INSIDE_TRANSACTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_DIRECT 1685 +#define ER_STORED_FUNCTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_DIRECT 1686 +#define ER_SPATIAL_MUST_HAVE_GEOM_COL 1687 +#define ER_TOO_LONG_INDEX_COMMENT 1688 +#define ER_LOCK_ABORTED 1689 +#define ER_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE 1690 +#define ER_WRONG_SPVAR_TYPE_IN_LIMIT 1691 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_MULTIPLE_ENGINES_AND_SELF_LOGGING_ENGINE 1692 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_MIXED_STATEMENT 1693 +#define ER_INSIDE_TRANSACTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_SQL_LOG_BIN 1694 +#define ER_STORED_FUNCTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_SQL_LOG_BIN 1695 +#define ER_FAILED_READ_FROM_PAR_FILE 1696 +#define ER_VALUES_IS_NOT_INT_TYPE_ERROR 1697 +#define ER_ACCESS_DENIED_NO_PASSWORD_ERROR 1698 +#define ER_SET_PASSWORD_AUTH_PLUGIN 1699 +#define ER_GRANT_PLUGIN_USER_EXISTS 1700 +#define ER_TRUNCATE_ILLEGAL_FK 1701 +#define ER_PLUGIN_IS_PERMANENT 1702 +#define ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE_MIN 1703 +#define ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE_MAX 1704 +#define ER_STMT_CACHE_FULL 1705 +#define ER_MULTI_UPDATE_KEY_CONFLICT 1706 +#define ER_TABLE_NEEDS_REBUILD 1707 +#define WARN_OPTION_BELOW_LIMIT 1708 +#define ER_INDEX_COLUMN_TOO_LONG 1709 +#define ER_ERROR_IN_TRIGGER_BODY 1710 +#define ER_ERROR_IN_UNKNOWN_TRIGGER_BODY 1711 +#define ER_INDEX_CORRUPT 1712 +#define ER_UNDO_RECORD_TOO_BIG 1713 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_IGNORE_SELECT 1714 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_SELECT_UPDATE 1715 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_REPLACE_SELECT 1716 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_CREATE_IGNORE_SELECT 1717 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_CREATE_REPLACE_SELECT 1718 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_UPDATE_IGNORE 1719 +#define ER_PLUGIN_NO_UNINSTALL 1720 +#define ER_PLUGIN_NO_INSTALL 1721 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_WRITE_AUTOINC_SELECT 1722 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_CREATE_SELECT_AUTOINC 1723 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_TWO_KEYS 1724 +#define ER_TABLE_IN_FK_CHECK 1725 +#define ER_UNSUPPORTED_ENGINE 1726 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_AUTOINC_NOT_FIRST 1727 +#define ER_CANNOT_LOAD_FROM_TABLE_V2 1728 +#define ER_MASTER_DELAY_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE 1729 +#define ER_ONLY_FD_AND_RBR_EVENTS_ALLOWED_IN_BINLOG_STATEMENT 1730 +#define ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_DIFFERENT_OPTION 1731 +#define ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_PART_TABLE 1732 +#define ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_TEMP_TABLE 1733 +#define ER_PARTITION_INSTEAD_OF_SUBPARTITION 1734 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_PARTITION 1735 +#define ER_TABLES_DIFFERENT_METADATA 1736 +#define ER_ROW_DOES_NOT_MATCH_PARTITION 1737 +#define ER_BINLOG_CACHE_SIZE_GREATER_THAN_MAX 1738 +#define ER_WARN_INDEX_NOT_APPLICABLE 1739 +#define ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_FOREIGN_KEY 1740 +#define ER_NO_SUCH_KEY_VALUE 1741 +#define ER_RPL_INFO_DATA_TOO_LONG 1742 +#define ER_NETWORK_READ_EVENT_CHECKSUM_FAILURE 1743 +#define ER_BINLOG_READ_EVENT_CHECKSUM_FAILURE 1744 +#define ER_BINLOG_STMT_CACHE_SIZE_GREATER_THAN_MAX 1745 +#define ER_CANT_UPDATE_TABLE_IN_CREATE_TABLE_SELECT 1746 +#define ER_PARTITION_CLAUSE_ON_NONPARTITIONED 1747 +#define ER_ROW_DOES_NOT_MATCH_GIVEN_PARTITION_SET 1748 +#define ER_NO_SUCH_PARTITION__UNUSED 1749 +#define ER_CHANGE_RPL_INFO_REPOSITORY_FAILURE 1750 +#define ER_WARNING_NOT_COMPLETE_ROLLBACK_WITH_CREATED_TEMP_TABLE 1751 +#define ER_WARNING_NOT_COMPLETE_ROLLBACK_WITH_DROPPED_TEMP_TABLE 1752 +#define ER_MTS_FEATURE_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED 1753 +#define ER_MTS_UPDATED_DBS_GREATER_MAX 1754 +#define ER_MTS_CANT_PARALLEL 1755 +#define ER_MTS_INCONSISTENT_DATA 1756 +#define ER_FULLTEXT_NOT_SUPPORTED_WITH_PARTITIONING 1757 +#define ER_DA_INVALID_CONDITION_NUMBER 1758 +#define ER_INSECURE_PLAIN_TEXT 1759 +#define ER_INSECURE_CHANGE_MASTER 1760 +#define ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_WITH_CHILD_INFO 1761 +#define ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_WITHOUT_CHILD_INFO 1762 +#define ER_SQLTHREAD_WITH_SECURE_SLAVE 1763 +#define ER_TABLE_HAS_NO_FT 1764 +#define ER_VARIABLE_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_SF_OR_TRIGGER 1765 +#define ER_VARIABLE_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_TRANSACTION 1766 +#define ER_GTID_NEXT_IS_NOT_IN_GTID_NEXT_LIST 1767 +#define ER_CANT_CHANGE_GTID_NEXT_IN_TRANSACTION_WHEN_GTID_NEXT_LIST_IS_NULL 1768 +#define ER_SET_STATEMENT_CANNOT_INVOKE_FUNCTION 1769 +#define ER_GTID_NEXT_CANT_BE_AUTOMATIC_IF_GTID_NEXT_LIST_IS_NON_NULL 1770 +#define ER_SKIPPING_LOGGED_TRANSACTION 1771 +#define ER_MALFORMED_GTID_SET_SPECIFICATION 1772 +#define ER_MALFORMED_GTID_SET_ENCODING 1773 +#define ER_MALFORMED_GTID_SPECIFICATION 1774 +#define ER_GNO_EXHAUSTED 1775 +#define ER_BAD_SLAVE_AUTO_POSITION 1776 +#define ER_AUTO_POSITION_REQUIRES_GTID_MODE_ON 1777 +#define ER_CANT_DO_IMPLICIT_COMMIT_IN_TRX_WHEN_GTID_NEXT_IS_SET 1778 +#define ER_GTID_MODE_2_OR_3_REQUIRES_ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY_ON 1779 +#define ER_GTID_MODE_REQUIRES_BINLOG 1780 +#define ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_TO_GTID_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF 1781 +#define ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_TO_ANONYMOUS_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_ON 1782 +#define ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_LIST_TO_NON_NULL_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF 1783 +#define ER_FOUND_GTID_EVENT_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF 1784 +#define ER_GTID_UNSAFE_NON_TRANSACTIONAL_TABLE 1785 +#define ER_GTID_UNSAFE_CREATE_SELECT 1786 +#define ER_GTID_UNSAFE_CREATE_DROP_TEMPORARY_TABLE_IN_TRANSACTION 1787 +#define ER_GTID_MODE_CAN_ONLY_CHANGE_ONE_STEP_AT_A_TIME 1788 +#define ER_MASTER_HAS_PURGED_REQUIRED_GTIDS 1789 +#define ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_WHEN_OWNING_GTID 1790 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_EXPLAIN_FORMAT 1791 +#define ER_CANT_EXECUTE_IN_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION 1792 +#define ER_TOO_LONG_TABLE_PARTITION_COMMENT 1793 +#define ER_SLAVE_CONFIGURATION 1794 +#define ER_INNODB_FT_LIMIT 1795 +#define ER_INNODB_NO_FT_TEMP_TABLE 1796 +#define ER_INNODB_FT_WRONG_DOCID_COLUMN 1797 +#define ER_INNODB_FT_WRONG_DOCID_INDEX 1798 +#define ER_INNODB_ONLINE_LOG_TOO_BIG 1799 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_ALTER_ALGORITHM 1800 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_ALTER_LOCK 1801 +#define ER_MTS_CHANGE_MASTER_CANT_RUN_WITH_GAPS 1802 +#define ER_MTS_RECOVERY_FAILURE 1803 +#define ER_MTS_RESET_WORKERS 1804 +#define ER_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_CORRUPTED_V2 1805 +#define ER_SLAVE_SILENT_RETRY_TRANSACTION 1806 +#define ER_DISCARD_FK_CHECKS_RUNNING 1807 +#define ER_TABLE_SCHEMA_MISMATCH 1808 +#define ER_TABLE_IN_SYSTEM_TABLESPACE 1809 +#define ER_IO_READ_ERROR 1810 +#define ER_IO_WRITE_ERROR 1811 +#define ER_TABLESPACE_MISSING 1812 +#define ER_TABLESPACE_EXISTS 1813 +#define ER_TABLESPACE_DISCARDED 1814 +#define ER_INTERNAL_ERROR 1815 +#define ER_INNODB_IMPORT_ERROR 1816 +#define ER_INNODB_INDEX_CORRUPT 1817 +#define ER_INVALID_YEAR_COLUMN_LENGTH 1818 +#define ER_NOT_VALID_PASSWORD 1819 +#define ER_MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD 1820 +#define ER_FK_NO_INDEX_CHILD 1821 +#define ER_FK_NO_INDEX_PARENT 1822 +#define ER_FK_FAIL_ADD_SYSTEM 1823 +#define ER_FK_CANNOT_OPEN_PARENT 1824 +#define ER_FK_INCORRECT_OPTION 1825 +#define ER_FK_DUP_NAME 1826 +#define ER_PASSWORD_FORMAT 1827 +#define ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_DROP 1828 +#define ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_DROP_CHILD 1829 +#define ER_FK_COLUMN_NOT_NULL 1830 +#define ER_DUP_INDEX 1831 +#define ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_CHANGE 1832 +#define ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_CHANGE_CHILD 1833 +#define ER_FK_CANNOT_DELETE_PARENT 1834 +#define ER_MALFORMED_PACKET 1835 +#define ER_READ_ONLY_MODE 1836 +#define ER_GTID_NEXT_TYPE_UNDEFINED_GROUP 1837 +#define ER_VARIABLE_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_SP 1838 +#define ER_CANT_SET_GTID_PURGED_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF 1839 +#define ER_CANT_SET_GTID_PURGED_WHEN_GTID_EXECUTED_IS_NOT_EMPTY 1840 +#define ER_CANT_SET_GTID_PURGED_WHEN_OWNED_GTIDS_IS_NOT_EMPTY 1841 +#define ER_GTID_PURGED_WAS_CHANGED 1842 +#define ER_GTID_EXECUTED_WAS_CHANGED 1843 +#define ER_BINLOG_STMT_MODE_AND_NO_REPL_TABLES 1844 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED 1845 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON 1846 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_COPY 1847 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_PARTITION 1848 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_FK_RENAME 1849 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_COLUMN_TYPE 1850 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_FK_CHECK 1851 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_IGNORE 1852 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_NOPK 1853 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_AUTOINC 1854 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_HIDDEN_FTS 1855 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_CHANGE_FTS 1856 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_FTS 1857 +#define ER_SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_GTID_MODE 1858 +#define ER_DUP_UNKNOWN_IN_INDEX 1859 +#define ER_IDENT_CAUSES_TOO_LONG_PATH 1860 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_NOT_NULL 1861 +#define ER_MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD_LOGIN 1862 +#define ER_ROW_IN_WRONG_PARTITION 1863 +#define ER_MTS_EVENT_BIGGER_PENDING_JOBS_SIZE_MAX 1864 +#define ER_INNODB_NO_FT_USES_PARSER 1865 +#define ER_BINLOG_LOGICAL_CORRUPTION 1866 +#define ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IN_USE 1867 +#define ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IS_ACTIVE 1868 +#define ER_AUTO_INCREMENT_CONFLICT 1869 +#define WARN_ON_BLOCKHOLE_IN_RBR 1870 +#define ER_SLAVE_MI_INIT_REPOSITORY 1871 +#define ER_SLAVE_RLI_INIT_REPOSITORY 1872 +#define ER_ACCESS_DENIED_CHANGE_USER_ERROR 1873 +#define ER_INNODB_READ_ONLY 1874 +#define ER_STOP_SLAVE_SQL_THREAD_TIMEOUT 1875 +#define ER_STOP_SLAVE_IO_THREAD_TIMEOUT 1876 +#define ER_TABLE_CORRUPT 1877 +#define ER_ERROR_LAST 1877 diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysys_err.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysys_err.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..35c7890a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysys_err.h @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _mysys_err_h +#define _mysys_err_h + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#define GLOBERRS (EE_ERROR_LAST - EE_ERROR_FIRST + 1) /* Nr of global errors */ +#define EE(X) (globerrs[(X) - EE_ERROR_FIRST]) + +extern const char *globerrs[]; /* my_error_messages is here */ + +/* Error message numbers in global map */ +/* + Do not add error numbers before EE_ERROR_FIRST. + If necessary to add lower numbers, change EE_ERROR_FIRST accordingly. + + We start with error 1 to not confuse peoples with 'error 0' +*/ + +#define EE_ERROR_FIRST 1 /*Copy first error nr.*/ +#define EE_CANTCREATEFILE 1 +#define EE_READ 2 +#define EE_WRITE 3 +#define EE_BADCLOSE 4 +#define EE_OUTOFMEMORY 5 +#define EE_DELETE 6 +#define EE_LINK 7 +#define EE_EOFERR 9 +#define EE_CANTLOCK 10 +#define EE_CANTUNLOCK 11 +#define EE_DIR 12 +#define EE_STAT 13 +#define EE_CANT_CHSIZE 14 +#define EE_CANT_OPEN_STREAM 15 +#define EE_GETWD 16 +#define EE_SETWD 17 +#define EE_LINK_WARNING 18 +#define EE_OPEN_WARNING 19 +#define EE_DISK_FULL 20 +#define EE_CANT_MKDIR 21 +#define EE_UNKNOWN_CHARSET 22 +#define EE_OUT_OF_FILERESOURCES 23 +#define EE_CANT_READLINK 24 +#define EE_CANT_SYMLINK 25 +#define EE_REALPATH 26 +#define EE_SYNC 27 +#define EE_UNKNOWN_COLLATION 28 +#define EE_FILENOTFOUND 29 +#define EE_FILE_NOT_CLOSED 30 +#define EE_CHANGE_OWNERSHIP 31 +#define EE_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS 32 +#define EE_CANT_SEEK 33 +#define EE_ERROR_LAST 33 /* Copy last error nr */ +/* Add error numbers before EE_ERROR_LAST and change it accordingly. */ + + /* exit codes for all MySQL programs */ + +#define EXIT_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR 1 +#define EXIT_UNKNOWN_OPTION 2 +#define EXIT_AMBIGUOUS_OPTION 3 +#define EXIT_NO_ARGUMENT_ALLOWED 4 +#define EXIT_ARGUMENT_REQUIRED 5 +#define EXIT_VAR_PREFIX_NOT_UNIQUE 6 +#define EXIT_UNKNOWN_VARIABLE 7 +#define EXIT_OUT_OF_MEMORY 8 +#define EXIT_UNKNOWN_SUFFIX 9 +#define EXIT_NO_PTR_TO_VARIABLE 10 +#define EXIT_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_SERVICE 11 +#define EXIT_OPTION_DISABLED 12 +#define EXIT_ARGUMENT_INVALID 13 + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/password.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/password.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..66e59e730 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/password.h @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2006, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef PASSWORD_INCLUDED +#define PASSWORD_INCLUDED + +#include "my_global.h" + +struct rand_struct *get_sql_rand(); + +C_MODE_START + +void my_make_scrambled_password_323(char *to, const char *password, + size_t pass_len); +void my_make_scrambled_password(char *to, const char *password, + size_t pass_len); +void my_make_scrambled_password_sha1(char *to, const char *password, + size_t pass_len); +void my_make_scrambled_password_323(char *to, const char *password, + size_t pass_len); + +void hash_password(ulong *result, const char *password, uint password_len); + +C_MODE_END + +#endif /* PASSWORD_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/probes_mysql.d.base b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/probes_mysql.d.base new file mode 100644 index 000000000..02eb9ec1a --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/probes_mysql.d.base @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. + Use is subject to license terms. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + The actual probe names in DTrace scripts will replace '__' by '-'. Thus + insert__row__start will be insert-row-start. + + Recommendations for adding new probes: + + - each probe should have the minimal set of arguments required to + unambiguously identify the context in which the probe fires. Redundant + arguments (i.e. the ones that can be obtained in user scripts from previous + probes' arguments or otherwise) may be added for convenience. + + - try to avoid computationally expensive probe arguments. If impossible, + use *_ENABLED() macros to check if the probe is activated before + performing expensive calculations for a probe argument. + + - all *-done probes should have a status argument wherever applicable to make + it possible for user scripts to figure out whether the completed operation + was successful or not. + + - for all status arguments, a non-zero value should be returned on error or + failure, 0 should be returned on success. +*/ + +provider mysql { + + /* The following ones fire when creating or closing a client connection */ + probe connection__start(unsigned long conn_id, char *user, char *host); + probe connection__done(int status, unsigned long conn_id); + + /* + Fire at the start/end of any client command processing (including SQL + queries). + */ + probe command__start(unsigned long conn_id, int command, + char *user, char *host); + probe command__done(int status); + + /* + The following probes fire at the start/end of any SQL query processing, + respectively. + + query_start() has a lot of parameters that can be used to pick up + parameters for a lot of other probes here. For simplicity reasons we also + add the query string to most other DTrace probes as well. Hostname is + either the hostname or the IP address of the MySQL Client. + */ + probe query__start(char *query, + unsigned long conn_id, + char *db_name, + char *user, + char *host); + probe query__done(int status); + + /* Fire at the start/end of SQL query parsing */ + probe query__parse__start(char *query); + probe query__parse__done(int status); + + /* Track whether the query hits the query cache or not */ + probe query__cache__hit(char *query, unsigned long rows); + probe query__cache__miss(char *query); + + /* + This probe fires when the actual query execution starts, i.e. after + parsing and checking the query cache, but before privilege checks, + optimizing, etc. + + Query means also all independent queries of a stored procedure and prepared + statements. Also the stored procedure itself is a query. + + exec_type is: + 0: Executed query from sql_parse, top-level query (sql_parse.cc) + 1: Executed prepared statement (sql_prepare.cc) + 2: Executed cursor statement (sql_cursor.cc) + 3: Executed query in stored procedure (sp_head.cc) + */ + probe query__exec__start(char *query, + unsigned long connid, + char *db_name, + char *user, + char *host, + int exec_type); + probe query__exec__done(int status); + + /* These probes fire when performing row operations towards any handler */ + probe insert__row__start(char *db, char *table); + probe insert__row__done(int status); + probe update__row__start(char *db, char *table); + probe update__row__done(int status); + probe delete__row__start(char *db, char *table); + probe delete__row__done(int status); + probe read__row__start(char *db, char *table, int scan_flag); + probe read__row__done(int status); + probe index__read__row__start(char *db, char *table); + probe index__read__row__done(int status); + + /* + These probes fire when calling external_lock for any handler + depending on the lock type being acquired or released. + */ + probe handler__rdlock__start(char *db, char *table); + probe handler__wrlock__start(char *db, char *table); + probe handler__unlock__start(char *db, char *table); + probe handler__rdlock__done(int status); + probe handler__wrlock__done(int status); + probe handler__unlock__done(int status); + + /* + These probes fire when a filesort activity happens in a query. + */ + probe filesort__start(char *db, char *table); + probe filesort__done(int status, unsigned long rows); + /* + The query types SELECT, INSERT, INSERT AS SELECT, UPDATE, UPDATE with + multiple tables, DELETE, DELETE with multiple tables are all probed. + The start probe always contains the query text. + */ + probe select__start(char *query); + probe select__done(int status, unsigned long rows); + probe insert__start(char *query); + probe insert__done(int status, unsigned long rows); + probe insert__select__start(char *query); + probe insert__select__done(int status, unsigned long rows); + probe update__start(char *query); + probe update__done(int status, + unsigned long rowsmatches, unsigned long rowschanged); + probe multi__update__start(char *query); + probe multi__update__done(int status, + unsigned long rowsmatches, + unsigned long rowschanged); + probe delete__start(char *query); + probe delete__done(int status, unsigned long rows); + probe multi__delete__start(char *query); + probe multi__delete__done(int status, unsigned long rows); + + /* + These probes can be used to measure the time waiting for network traffic + or identify network-related problems. + */ + probe net__read__start(); + probe net__read__done(int status, unsigned long bytes); + probe net__write__start(unsigned long bytes); + probe net__write__done(int status); + + /* MyISAM Key cache probes */ + probe keycache__read__start(char *filepath, unsigned long bytes, + unsigned long mem_used, unsigned long mem_free); + probe keycache__read__block(unsigned long bytes); + probe keycache__read__hit(); + probe keycache__read__miss(); + probe keycache__read__done(unsigned long mem_used, unsigned long mem_free); + probe keycache__write__start(char *filepath, unsigned long bytes, + unsigned long mem_used, unsigned long mem_free); + probe keycache__write__block(unsigned long bytes); + probe keycache__write__done(unsigned long mem_used, unsigned long mem_free); +}; + +#pragma D attributes Evolving/Evolving/Common provider mysql provider +#pragma D attributes Evolving/Evolving/Common provider mysql module +#pragma D attributes Evolving/Evolving/Common provider mysql function +#pragma D attributes Evolving/Evolving/Common provider mysql name +#pragma D attributes Evolving/Evolving/Common provider mysql args diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/probes_mysql.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/probes_mysql.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..191860d0b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/probes_mysql.h @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. + Use is subject to license terms. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef PROBES_MYSQL_H + +#define PROBES_MYSQL_H + +#include + +#if defined(HAVE_DTRACE) && !defined(DISABLE_DTRACE) +#include "probes_mysql_dtrace.h" +#else +#include "probes_mysql_nodtrace.h" +#endif + +#endif /* PROBES_MYSQL_H */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/probes_mysql_nodtrace.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/probes_mysql_nodtrace.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bc3b65a00 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/probes_mysql_nodtrace.h @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +/* + * Generated by dheadgen(1). + */ + +#ifndef _PROBES_MYSQL_D +#define _PROBES_MYSQL_D + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#define MYSQL_CONNECTION_START(arg0, arg1, arg2) +#define MYSQL_CONNECTION_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_CONNECTION_DONE(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_CONNECTION_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_COMMAND_START(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) +#define MYSQL_COMMAND_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_COMMAND_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_COMMAND_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_START(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_PARSE_START(arg0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_PARSE_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_PARSE_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_PARSE_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_CACHE_HIT(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_CACHE_HIT_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_CACHE_MISS(arg0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_CACHE_MISS_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_EXEC_START(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_EXEC_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_EXEC_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_EXEC_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_ROW_START(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_ROW_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_ROW_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_ROW_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_UPDATE_ROW_START(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_UPDATE_ROW_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_UPDATE_ROW_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_UPDATE_ROW_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_DELETE_ROW_START(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_DELETE_ROW_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_DELETE_ROW_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_DELETE_ROW_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_READ_ROW_START(arg0, arg1, arg2) +#define MYSQL_READ_ROW_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_READ_ROW_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_READ_ROW_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_INDEX_READ_ROW_START(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_INDEX_READ_ROW_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_INDEX_READ_ROW_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_INDEX_READ_ROW_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_RDLOCK_START(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_RDLOCK_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_WRLOCK_START(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_WRLOCK_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_UNLOCK_START(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_UNLOCK_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_RDLOCK_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_RDLOCK_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_WRLOCK_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_WRLOCK_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_UNLOCK_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_UNLOCK_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_FILESORT_START(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_FILESORT_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_FILESORT_DONE(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_FILESORT_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_SELECT_START(arg0) +#define MYSQL_SELECT_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_SELECT_DONE(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_SELECT_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_START(arg0) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_DONE(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_SELECT_START(arg0) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_SELECT_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_SELECT_DONE(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_SELECT_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_UPDATE_START(arg0) +#define MYSQL_UPDATE_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_UPDATE_DONE(arg0, arg1, arg2) +#define MYSQL_UPDATE_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_MULTI_UPDATE_START(arg0) +#define MYSQL_MULTI_UPDATE_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_MULTI_UPDATE_DONE(arg0, arg1, arg2) +#define MYSQL_MULTI_UPDATE_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_DELETE_START(arg0) +#define MYSQL_DELETE_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_DELETE_DONE(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_DELETE_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_MULTI_DELETE_START(arg0) +#define MYSQL_MULTI_DELETE_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_MULTI_DELETE_DONE(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_MULTI_DELETE_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_NET_READ_START() +#define MYSQL_NET_READ_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_NET_READ_DONE(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_NET_READ_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_NET_WRITE_START(arg0) +#define MYSQL_NET_WRITE_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_NET_WRITE_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_NET_WRITE_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_READ_START(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_READ_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_READ_BLOCK(arg0) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_READ_BLOCK_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_READ_HIT() +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_READ_HIT_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_READ_MISS() +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_READ_MISS_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_READ_DONE(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_READ_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_WRITE_START(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_WRITE_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_WRITE_BLOCK(arg0) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_WRITE_BLOCK_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_WRITE_DONE(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_WRITE_DONE_ENABLED() (0) + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* _PROBES_MYSQL_D */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/queues.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/queues.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ece9c220 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/queues.h @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Code for generell handling of priority Queues. + Implemention of queues from "Algoritms in C" by Robert Sedgewick. + Copyright Monty Program KB. + By monty. +*/ + +#ifndef _queues_h +#define _queues_h + +#include "my_global.h" /* uchar */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +typedef struct st_queue { + uchar **root; + void *first_cmp_arg; + uint elements; + uint max_elements; + uint offset_to_key; /* compare is done on element+offset */ + int max_at_top; /* Normally 1, set to -1 if queue_top gives max */ + int (*compare)(void *, uchar *,uchar *); + uint auto_extent; +} QUEUE; + +#define queue_top(queue) ((queue)->root[1]) +#define queue_element(queue,index) ((queue)->root[index+1]) +#define queue_end(queue) ((queue)->root[(queue)->elements]) +#define queue_replaced(queue) _downheap(queue,1) +#define queue_set_cmp_arg(queue, set_arg) (queue)->first_cmp_arg= set_arg +#define queue_set_max_at_top(queue, set_arg) \ + (queue)->max_at_top= set_arg ? -1 : 1 +typedef int (*queue_compare)(void *,uchar *, uchar *); + +int init_queue(QUEUE *queue,uint max_elements,uint offset_to_key, + pbool max_at_top, queue_compare compare, + void *first_cmp_arg); +int init_queue_ex(QUEUE *queue,uint max_elements,uint offset_to_key, + pbool max_at_top, queue_compare compare, + void *first_cmp_arg, uint auto_extent); +int reinit_queue(QUEUE *queue,uint max_elements,uint offset_to_key, + pbool max_at_top, queue_compare compare, + void *first_cmp_arg); +int resize_queue(QUEUE *queue, uint max_elements); +void delete_queue(QUEUE *queue); +void queue_insert(QUEUE *queue,uchar *element); +int queue_insert_safe(QUEUE *queue, uchar *element); +uchar *queue_remove(QUEUE *queue,uint idx); +#define queue_remove_all(queue) { (queue)->elements= 0; } +#define queue_is_full(queue) (queue->elements == queue->max_elements) +void _downheap(QUEUE *queue,uint idx); +void queue_fix(QUEUE *queue); +#define is_queue_inited(queue) ((queue)->root != 0) + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/service_versions.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/service_versions.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5d3b97874 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/service_versions.h @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2009, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define SERVICE_VERSION __declspec(dllexport) void * +#else +#define SERVICE_VERSION void * +#endif + +#define VERSION_my_snprintf 0x0100 +#define VERSION_thd_alloc 0x0100 +#define VERSION_thd_wait 0x0100 +#define VERSION_my_thread_scheduler 0x0100 +#define VERSION_my_plugin_log 0x0100 +#define VERSION_mysql_string 0x0100 diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sha1.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sha1.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5e68333cf --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sha1.h @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +#ifndef SHA1_INCLUDED +#define SHA1_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2002, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA +*/ + +#define SHA1_HASH_SIZE 20 /* Hash size in bytes */ + +C_MODE_START + +void compute_sha1_hash(uint8 *digest, const char *buf, int len); +void compute_sha1_hash_multi(uint8 *digest, const char *buf1, int len1, + const char *buf2, int len2); + +C_MODE_END + +#endif /* SHA1_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sha2.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sha2.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..737658e9c --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sha2.h @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2007, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef included_sha2_h +#define included_sha2_h + +#include + +#if defined(HAVE_YASSL) || defined(HAVE_OPENSSL) + +# ifdef HAVE_STDDEF_H +# include +# endif + +# ifndef HAVE_YASSL +# include + +# else + +#include "../extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/sha.hpp" + +# ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +# endif + +#ifndef SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH +#define SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH TaoCrypt::SHA512::DIGEST_SIZE +#endif + +#ifndef SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH +#define SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH TaoCrypt::SHA384::DIGEST_SIZE +#endif + +#ifndef SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH +#define SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH TaoCrypt::SHA256::DIGEST_SIZE +#endif + +#ifndef SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH +#define SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH TaoCrypt::SHA224::DIGEST_SIZE +#endif + +#define GEN_YASSL_SHA2_BRIDGE(size) \ +unsigned char* SHA##size(const unsigned char *input_ptr, size_t input_length, \ + char unsigned *output_ptr); + +GEN_YASSL_SHA2_BRIDGE(512); +GEN_YASSL_SHA2_BRIDGE(384); +GEN_YASSL_SHA2_BRIDGE(256); +GEN_YASSL_SHA2_BRIDGE(224); + +#undef GEN_YASSL_SHA2_BRIDGE + +# ifdef __cplusplus +} +# endif + +# endif /* HAVE_YASSL */ + +#endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL || HAVE_YASSL */ +#endif /* included_sha2_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sql_common.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sql_common.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8ea820fb --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sql_common.h @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +#ifndef SQL_COMMON_INCLUDED +#define SQL_COMMON_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2003, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#define SQL_COMMON_INCLUDED + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#include +#include + +extern const char *unknown_sqlstate; +extern const char *cant_connect_sqlstate; +extern const char *not_error_sqlstate; + +struct st_mysql_options_extention { + char *plugin_dir; + char *default_auth; + char *ssl_crl; /* PEM CRL file */ + char *ssl_crlpath; /* PEM directory of CRL-s? */ + HASH connection_attributes; + char *server_public_key_path; + size_t connection_attributes_length; + my_bool enable_cleartext_plugin; +}; + +typedef struct st_mysql_methods +{ + my_bool (*read_query_result)(MYSQL *mysql); + my_bool (*advanced_command)(MYSQL *mysql, + enum enum_server_command command, + const unsigned char *header, + unsigned long header_length, + const unsigned char *arg, + unsigned long arg_length, + my_bool skip_check, + MYSQL_STMT *stmt); + MYSQL_DATA *(*read_rows)(MYSQL *mysql,MYSQL_FIELD *mysql_fields, + unsigned int fields); + MYSQL_RES * (*use_result)(MYSQL *mysql); + void (*fetch_lengths)(unsigned long *to, + MYSQL_ROW column, unsigned int field_count); + void (*flush_use_result)(MYSQL *mysql, my_bool flush_all_results); + int (*read_change_user_result)(MYSQL *mysql); +#if !defined(MYSQL_SERVER) || defined(EMBEDDED_LIBRARY) + MYSQL_FIELD * (*list_fields)(MYSQL *mysql); + my_bool (*read_prepare_result)(MYSQL *mysql, MYSQL_STMT *stmt); + int (*stmt_execute)(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); + int (*read_binary_rows)(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); + int (*unbuffered_fetch)(MYSQL *mysql, char **row); + void (*free_embedded_thd)(MYSQL *mysql); + const char *(*read_statistics)(MYSQL *mysql); + my_bool (*next_result)(MYSQL *mysql); + int (*read_rows_from_cursor)(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +#endif +} MYSQL_METHODS; + +#define simple_command(mysql, command, arg, length, skip_check) \ + (*(mysql)->methods->advanced_command)(mysql, command, 0, \ + 0, arg, length, skip_check, NULL) +#define stmt_command(mysql, command, arg, length, stmt) \ + (*(mysql)->methods->advanced_command)(mysql, command, 0, \ + 0, arg, length, 1, stmt) + +extern CHARSET_INFO *default_client_charset_info; +MYSQL_FIELD *unpack_fields(MYSQL *mysql, MYSQL_DATA *data,MEM_ROOT *alloc, + uint fields, my_bool default_value, + uint server_capabilities); +void free_rows(MYSQL_DATA *cur); +void free_old_query(MYSQL *mysql); +void end_server(MYSQL *mysql); +my_bool mysql_reconnect(MYSQL *mysql); +void mysql_read_default_options(struct st_mysql_options *options, + const char *filename,const char *group); +my_bool +cli_advanced_command(MYSQL *mysql, enum enum_server_command command, + const unsigned char *header, ulong header_length, + const unsigned char *arg, ulong arg_length, + my_bool skip_check, MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +unsigned long cli_safe_read(MYSQL *mysql); +void net_clear_error(NET *net); +void set_stmt_errmsg(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, NET *net); +void set_stmt_error(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, int errcode, const char *sqlstate, + const char *err); +void set_mysql_error(MYSQL *mysql, int errcode, const char *sqlstate); +void set_mysql_extended_error(MYSQL *mysql, int errcode, const char *sqlstate, + const char *format, ...); + +/* client side of the pluggable authentication */ +struct st_plugin_vio_info; +void mpvio_info(Vio *vio, struct st_plugin_vio_info *info); +int run_plugin_auth(MYSQL *mysql, char *data, uint data_len, + const char *data_plugin, const char *db); +int mysql_client_plugin_init(); +void mysql_client_plugin_deinit(); +struct st_mysql_client_plugin; +extern struct st_mysql_client_plugin *mysql_client_builtins[]; +uchar * send_client_connect_attrs(MYSQL *mysql, uchar *buf); +extern my_bool libmysql_cleartext_plugin_enabled; + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#define protocol_41(A) ((A)->server_capabilities & CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41) + +#endif /* SQL_COMMON_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sql_state.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sql_state.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2e080b437 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sql_state.h @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +/* Autogenerated file, please don't edit */ + +{ ER_DUP_KEY ,"23000", "" }, +{ ER_OUTOFMEMORY ,"HY001", "S1001" }, +{ ER_OUT_OF_SORTMEMORY ,"HY001", "S1001" }, +{ ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR ,"08004", "" }, +{ ER_BAD_HOST_ERROR ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_HANDSHAKE_ERROR ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_DBACCESS_DENIED_ERROR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR ,"28000", "" }, +{ ER_NO_DB_ERROR ,"3D000", "" }, +{ ER_UNKNOWN_COM_ERROR ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR ,"23000", "" }, +{ ER_BAD_DB_ERROR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR ,"42S01", "" }, +{ ER_BAD_TABLE_ERROR ,"42S02", "" }, +{ ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR ,"23000", "" }, +{ ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR ,"42S22", "S0022" }, +{ ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_WRONG_GROUP_FIELD ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_WRONG_SUM_SELECT ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT ,"21S01", "" }, +{ ER_TOO_LONG_IDENT ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_DUP_FIELDNAME ,"42S21", "S1009" }, +{ ER_DUP_KEYNAME ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_DUP_ENTRY ,"23000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_WRONG_FIELD_SPEC ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_PARSE_ERROR ,"42000", "s1009" }, +{ ER_EMPTY_QUERY ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_NONUNIQ_TABLE ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_INVALID_DEFAULT ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_MULTIPLE_PRI_KEY ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_TOO_MANY_KEYS ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_TOO_MANY_KEY_PARTS ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_TOO_LONG_KEY ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_KEY_COLUMN_DOES_NOT_EXITS ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_BLOB_USED_AS_KEY ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_TOO_BIG_FIELDLENGTH ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_WRONG_AUTO_KEY ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_FORCING_CLOSE ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_IPSOCK_ERROR ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_NO_SUCH_INDEX ,"42S12", "S1009" }, +{ ER_WRONG_FIELD_TERMINATORS ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_BLOBS_AND_NO_TERMINATED ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_CANT_REMOVE_ALL_FIELDS ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_CANT_DROP_FIELD_OR_KEY ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_BLOB_CANT_HAVE_DEFAULT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_DB_NAME ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_TABLE_NAME ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_TOO_BIG_SELECT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_UNKNOWN_PROCEDURE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_PARAMCOUNT_TO_PROCEDURE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_UNKNOWN_TABLE ,"42S02", "" }, +{ ER_FIELD_SPECIFIED_TWICE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_TABLE_MUST_HAVE_COLUMNS ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_SET ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_TOO_BIG_ROWSIZE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_OUTER_JOIN ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_NULL_COLUMN_IN_INDEX ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_PASSWORD_ANONYMOUS_USER ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_PASSWORD_NOT_ALLOWED ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW ,"21S01", "" }, +{ ER_INVALID_USE_OF_NULL ,"22004", "" }, +{ ER_REGEXP_ERROR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_MIX_OF_GROUP_FUNC_AND_FIELDS ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_NONEXISTING_GRANT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_COLUMNACCESS_DENIED_ERROR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_ILLEGAL_GRANT_FOR_TABLE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_GRANT_WRONG_HOST_OR_USER ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE ,"42S02", "" }, +{ ER_NONEXISTING_TABLE_GRANT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_NOT_ALLOWED_COMMAND ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SYNTAX_ERROR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_ABORTING_CONNECTION ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_NET_READ_ERROR_FROM_PIPE ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_NET_FCNTL_ERROR ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_NET_PACKETS_OUT_OF_ORDER ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_NET_UNCOMPRESS_ERROR ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_NET_READ_ERROR ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_NET_READ_INTERRUPTED ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_NET_ERROR_ON_WRITE ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_NET_WRITE_INTERRUPTED ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_TOO_LONG_STRING ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_BLOB ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_AUTO_INCREMENT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_COLUMN_NAME ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_KEY_COLUMN ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_DUP_UNIQUE ,"23000", "" }, +{ ER_BLOB_KEY_WITHOUT_LENGTH ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_PRIMARY_CANT_HAVE_NULL ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_TOO_MANY_ROWS ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_REQUIRES_PRIMARY_KEY ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXITS ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_CHECK_NO_SUCH_TABLE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_CHECK_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_CANT_DO_THIS_DURING_AN_TRANSACTION ,"25000", "" }, +{ ER_NEW_ABORTING_CONNECTION ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_MASTER_NET_READ ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_MASTER_NET_WRITE ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_TOO_MANY_USER_CONNECTIONS ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION ,"25000", "" }, +{ ER_NO_PERMISSION_TO_CREATE_USER ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK ,"40001", "" }, +{ ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW ,"23000", "" }, +{ ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED ,"23000", "" }, +{ ER_CONNECT_TO_MASTER ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT ,"21000", "" }, +{ ER_USER_LIMIT_REACHED ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SPECIFIC_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_NO_DEFAULT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_VAR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_TYPE_FOR_VAR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_CANT_USE_OPTION_HERE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_YET ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_FK_DEF ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_OPERAND_COLUMNS ,"21000", "" }, +{ ER_SUBQUERY_NO_1_ROW ,"21000", "" }, +{ ER_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE ,"42S22", "" }, +{ ER_DERIVED_MUST_HAVE_ALIAS ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SELECT_REDUCED ,"01000", "" }, +{ ER_TABLENAME_NOT_ALLOWED_HERE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE ,"08004", "" }, +{ ER_SPATIAL_CANT_HAVE_NULL ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_COLLATION_CHARSET_MISMATCH ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WARN_TOO_FEW_RECORDS ,"01000", "" }, +{ ER_WARN_TOO_MANY_RECORDS ,"01000", "" }, +{ ER_WARN_NULL_TO_NOTNULL ,"22004", "" }, +{ ER_WARN_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE ,"22003", "" }, +{ WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED ,"01000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_INDEX ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_CATALOG ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_UNKNOWN_STORAGE_ENGINE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE ,"22007", "" }, +{ ER_SP_NO_RECURSIVE_CREATE ,"2F003", "" }, +{ ER_SP_ALREADY_EXISTS ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_LILABEL_MISMATCH ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_LABEL_REDEFINE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_LABEL_MISMATCH ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_UNINIT_VAR ,"01000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_BADSELECT ,"0A000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_BADRETURN ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_BADSTATEMENT ,"0A000", "" }, +{ ER_UPDATE_LOG_DEPRECATED_IGNORED ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_UPDATE_LOG_DEPRECATED_TRANSLATED ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED ,"70100", "" }, +{ ER_SP_WRONG_NO_OF_ARGS ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_COND_MISMATCH ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_NORETURN ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_NORETURNEND ,"2F005", "" }, +{ ER_SP_BAD_CURSOR_QUERY ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_BAD_CURSOR_SELECT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_CURSOR_MISMATCH ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN ,"24000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_CURSOR_NOT_OPEN ,"24000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_UNDECLARED_VAR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_FETCH_NO_DATA ,"02000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_DUP_PARAM ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_DUP_VAR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_DUP_COND ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_DUP_CURS ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_SUBSELECT_NYI ,"0A000", "" }, +{ ER_STMT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG ,"0A000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_VARCOND_AFTER_CURSHNDLR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_CURSOR_AFTER_HANDLER ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_CASE_NOT_FOUND ,"20000", "" }, +{ ER_DIVISION_BY_ZERO ,"22012", "" }, +{ ER_ILLEGAL_VALUE_FOR_TYPE ,"22007", "" }, +{ ER_PROCACCESS_DENIED_ERROR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_XAER_NOTA ,"XAE04", "" }, +{ ER_XAER_INVAL ,"XAE05", "" }, +{ ER_XAER_RMFAIL ,"XAE07", "" }, +{ ER_XAER_OUTSIDE ,"XAE09", "" }, +{ ER_XAER_RMERR ,"XAE03", "" }, +{ ER_XA_RBROLLBACK ,"XA100", "" }, +{ ER_NONEXISTING_PROC_GRANT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_DATA_TOO_LONG ,"22001", "" }, +{ ER_SP_BAD_SQLSTATE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_CANT_CREATE_USER_WITH_GRANT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_DUP_HANDLER ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_NOT_VAR_ARG ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_NO_RETSET ,"0A000", "" }, +{ ER_CANT_CREATE_GEOMETRY_OBJECT ,"22003", "" }, +{ ER_TOO_BIG_SCALE ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_TOO_BIG_PRECISION ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_M_BIGGER_THAN_D ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_TOO_LONG_BODY ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_TOO_BIG_DISPLAYWIDTH ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_XAER_DUPID ,"XAE08", "" }, +{ ER_DATETIME_FUNCTION_OVERFLOW ,"22008", "" }, +{ ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED_2 ,"23000", "" }, +{ ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2 ,"23000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_BAD_VAR_SHADOW ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_WRONG_NAME ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_NO_AGGREGATE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_MAX_PREPARED_STMT_COUNT_REACHED ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_NON_GROUPING_FIELD_USED ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_OLD_UNUSED ,"23000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_CANT_CHANGE_TX_CHARACTERISTICS ,"25001", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_PARAMCOUNT_TO_NATIVE_FCT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_NATIVE_FCT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_STORED_FCT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_DUP_ENTRY_WITH_KEY_NAME ,"23000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_XA_RBTIMEOUT ,"XA106", "" }, +{ ER_XA_RBDEADLOCK ,"XA102", "" }, +{ ER_FUNC_INEXISTENT_NAME_COLLISION ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_DUP_SIGNAL_SET ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SIGNAL_WARN ,"01000", "" }, +{ ER_SIGNAL_NOT_FOUND ,"02000", "" }, +{ ER_SIGNAL_EXCEPTION ,"HY000", "" }, +{ ER_RESIGNAL_WITHOUT_ACTIVE_HANDLER ,"0K000", "" }, +{ ER_SPATIAL_MUST_HAVE_GEOM_COL ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE ,"22003", "" }, +{ ER_ACCESS_DENIED_NO_PASSWORD_ERROR ,"28000", "" }, +{ ER_TRUNCATE_ILLEGAL_FK ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_DA_INVALID_CONDITION_NUMBER ,"35000", "" }, +{ ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_WITH_CHILD_INFO,"23000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_WITHOUT_CHILD_INFO,"23000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_CANT_EXECUTE_IN_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION,"25006", "" }, +{ ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED ,"0A000", "" }, +{ ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON ,"0A000", "" }, +{ ER_DUP_UNKNOWN_IN_INDEX ,"23000", "" }, +{ ER_ACCESS_DENIED_CHANGE_USER_ERROR ,"28000", "" }, diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-case.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-case.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..25817587a --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-case.h @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +#ifndef SSLOPT_CASE_INCLUDED +#define SSLOPT_CASE_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#if defined(HAVE_OPENSSL) && !defined(EMBEDDED_LIBRARY) + case OPT_SSL_KEY: + case OPT_SSL_CERT: + case OPT_SSL_CA: + case OPT_SSL_CAPATH: + case OPT_SSL_CIPHER: + case OPT_SSL_CRL: + case OPT_SSL_CRLPATH: + /* + Enable use of SSL if we are using any ssl option + One can disable SSL later by using --skip-ssl or --ssl=0 + */ + opt_use_ssl= 1; + /* crl has no effect in yaSSL */ +#ifdef HAVE_YASSL + opt_ssl_crl= NULL; + opt_ssl_crlpath= NULL; +#endif + break; +#endif +#endif /* SSLOPT_CASE_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-longopts.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-longopts.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8280f3b8f --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-longopts.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +#ifndef SSLOPT_LONGOPTS_INCLUDED +#define SSLOPT_LONGOPTS_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#if defined(HAVE_OPENSSL) && !defined(EMBEDDED_LIBRARY) + + {"ssl", OPT_SSL_SSL, + "Enable SSL for connection (automatically enabled with other flags).", + &opt_use_ssl, &opt_use_ssl, 0, GET_BOOL, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + {"ssl-ca", OPT_SSL_CA, + "CA file in PEM format (check OpenSSL docs, implies --ssl).", + &opt_ssl_ca, &opt_ssl_ca, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + {"ssl-capath", OPT_SSL_CAPATH, + "CA directory (check OpenSSL docs, implies --ssl).", + &opt_ssl_capath, &opt_ssl_capath, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + {"ssl-cert", OPT_SSL_CERT, "X509 cert in PEM format (implies --ssl).", + &opt_ssl_cert, &opt_ssl_cert, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + {"ssl-cipher", OPT_SSL_CIPHER, "SSL cipher to use (implies --ssl).", + &opt_ssl_cipher, &opt_ssl_cipher, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + {"ssl-key", OPT_SSL_KEY, "X509 key in PEM format (implies --ssl).", + &opt_ssl_key, &opt_ssl_key, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + {"ssl-crl", OPT_SSL_CRL, "Certificate revocation list (implies --ssl).", + &opt_ssl_crl, &opt_ssl_crl, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + {"ssl-crlpath", OPT_SSL_CRLPATH, + "Certificate revocation list path (implies --ssl).", + &opt_ssl_crlpath, &opt_ssl_crlpath, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, +#ifdef MYSQL_CLIENT + {"ssl-verify-server-cert", OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT, + "Verify server's \"Common Name\" in its cert against hostname used " + "when connecting. This option is disabled by default.", + &opt_ssl_verify_server_cert, &opt_ssl_verify_server_cert, + 0, GET_BOOL, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, +#endif +#endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */ +#endif /* SSLOPT_LONGOPTS_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-vars.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-vars.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6da4dfd8a --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-vars.h @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +#ifndef SSLOPT_VARS_INCLUDED +#define SSLOPT_VARS_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#if defined(HAVE_OPENSSL) && !defined(EMBEDDED_LIBRARY) +#ifdef SSL_VARS_NOT_STATIC +#define SSL_STATIC +#else +#define SSL_STATIC static +#endif +SSL_STATIC my_bool opt_use_ssl = 0; +SSL_STATIC char *opt_ssl_ca = 0; +SSL_STATIC char *opt_ssl_capath = 0; +SSL_STATIC char *opt_ssl_cert = 0; +SSL_STATIC char *opt_ssl_cipher = 0; +SSL_STATIC char *opt_ssl_key = 0; +SSL_STATIC char *opt_ssl_crl = 0; +SSL_STATIC char *opt_ssl_crlpath = 0; +#ifdef MYSQL_CLIENT +SSL_STATIC my_bool opt_ssl_verify_server_cert= 0; +#endif +#endif +#endif /* SSLOPT_VARS_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/t_ctype.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/t_ctype.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c019189d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/t_ctype.h @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ +/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ + +/* + Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 by Pruet Boonma, all rights reserved. + Copyright (C) 1998 by Theppitak Karoonboonyanan, all rights reserved. + Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software + and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, + provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. + Smaphan Raruenrom and Pruet Boonma makes no representations about + the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided + "as is" without express or implied warranty. +*/ + +/* LC_COLLATE category + Level information */ + +#ifndef _t_ctype_h +#define _t_ctype_h + +#define TOT_LEVELS 5 +#define LAST_LEVEL 4 /* TOT_LEVELS - 1 */ + +#define IGNORE 0 + + +/* level 1 symbols & order */ +enum l1_symbols { + L1_08 = TOT_LEVELS, + L1_18, + L1_28, + L1_38, + L1_48, + L1_58, + L1_68, + L1_78, + L1_88, + L1_98, + L1_A8, + L1_B8, + L1_C8, + L1_D8, + L1_E8, + L1_F8, + L1_G8, + L1_H8, + L1_I8, + L1_J8, + L1_K8, + L1_L8, + L1_M8, + L1_N8, + L1_O8, + L1_P8, + L1_Q8, + L1_R8, + L1_S8, + L1_T8, + L1_U8, + L1_V8, + L1_W8, + L1_X8, + L1_Y8, + L1_Z8, + L1_KO_KAI, + L1_KHO_KHAI, + L1_KHO_KHUAT, + L1_KHO_KHWAI, + L1_KHO_KHON, + L1_KHO_RAKHANG, + L1_NGO_NGU, + L1_CHO_CHAN, + L1_CHO_CHING, + L1_CHO_CHANG, + L1_SO_SO, + L1_CHO_CHOE, + L1_YO_YING, + L1_DO_CHADA, + L1_TO_PATAK, + L1_THO_THAN, + L1_THO_NANGMONTHO, + L1_THO_PHUTHAO, + L1_NO_NEN, + L1_DO_DEK, + L1_TO_TAO, + L1_THO_THUNG, + L1_THO_THAHAN, + L1_THO_THONG, + L1_NO_NU, + L1_BO_BAIMAI, + L1_PO_PLA, + L1_PHO_PHUNG, + L1_FO_FA, + L1_PHO_PHAN, + L1_FO_FAN, + L1_PHO_SAMPHAO, + L1_MO_MA, + L1_YO_YAK, + L1_RO_RUA, + L1_RU, + L1_LO_LING, + L1_LU, + L1_WO_WAEN, + L1_SO_SALA, + L1_SO_RUSI, + L1_SO_SUA, + L1_HO_HIP, + L1_LO_CHULA, + L1_O_ANG, + L1_HO_NOKHUK, + L1_NKHIT, + L1_SARA_A, + L1_MAI_HAN_AKAT, + L1_SARA_AA, + L1_SARA_AM, + L1_SARA_I, + L1_SARA_II, + L1_SARA_UE, + L1_SARA_UEE, + L1_SARA_U, + L1_SARA_UU, + L1_SARA_E, + L1_SARA_AE, + L1_SARA_O, + L1_SARA_AI_MAIMUAN, + L1_SARA_AI_MAIMALAI +}; + +/* level 2 symbols & order */ +enum l2_symbols { + L2_BLANK = TOT_LEVELS, + L2_THAII, + L2_YAMAK, + L2_PINTHU, + L2_GARAN, + L2_TYKHU, + L2_TONE1, + L2_TONE2, + L2_TONE3, + L2_TONE4 +}; + +/* level 3 symbols & order */ +enum l3_symbols { + L3_BLANK = TOT_LEVELS, + L3_SPACE, + L3_NB_SACE, + L3_LOW_LINE, + L3_HYPHEN, + L3_COMMA, + L3_SEMICOLON, + L3_COLON, + L3_EXCLAMATION, + L3_QUESTION, + L3_SOLIDUS, + L3_FULL_STOP, + L3_PAIYAN_NOI, + L3_MAI_YAMOK, + L3_GRAVE, + L3_CIRCUMFLEX, + L3_TILDE, + L3_APOSTROPHE, + L3_QUOTATION, + L3_L_PARANTHESIS, + L3_L_BRACKET, + L3_L_BRACE, + L3_R_BRACE, + L3_R_BRACKET, + L3_R_PARENTHESIS, + L3_AT, + L3_BAHT, + L3_DOLLAR, + L3_FONGMAN, + L3_ANGKHANKHU, + L3_KHOMUT, + L3_ASTERISK, + L3_BK_SOLIDUS, + L3_AMPERSAND, + L3_NUMBER, + L3_PERCENT, + L3_PLUS, + L3_LESS_THAN, + L3_EQUAL, + L3_GREATER_THAN, + L3_V_LINE +}; + +/* level 4 symbols & order */ +enum l4_symbols { + L4_BLANK = TOT_LEVELS, + L4_MIN, + L4_CAP, + L4_EXT +}; + +enum level_symbols { + L_UPRUPR = TOT_LEVELS, + L_UPPER, + L_MIDDLE, + L_LOWER +}; + +#define _is(c) (t_ctype[(c)][LAST_LEVEL]) +#define _level 8 +#define _consnt 16 +#define _ldvowel 32 +#define _fllwvowel 64 +#define _uprvowel 128 +#define _lwrvowel 256 +#define _tone 512 +#define _diacrt1 1024 +#define _diacrt2 2048 +#define _combine 4096 +#define _stone 8192 +#define _tdig 16384 +#define _rearvowel (_fllwvowel | _uprvowel | _lwrvowel) +#define _diacrt (_diacrt1 | _diacrt2) +#define levelof(c) ( _is(c) & _level ) +#define isthai(c) ( (c) >= 128 ) +#define istalpha(c) ( _is(c) & (_consnt|_ldvowel|_rearvowel|\ + _tone|_diacrt1|_diacrt2) ) +#define isconsnt(c) ( _is(c) & _consnt ) +#define isldvowel(c) ( _is(c) & _ldvowel ) +#define isfllwvowel(c) ( _is(c) & _fllwvowel ) +#define ismidvowel(c) ( _is(c) & (_ldvowel|_fllwvowel) ) +#define isuprvowel(c) ( _is(c) & _uprvowel ) +#define islwrvowel(c) ( _is(c) & _lwrvowel ) +#define isuprlwrvowel(c) ( _is(c) & (_lwrvowel | _uprvowel)) +#define isrearvowel(c) ( _is(c) & _rearvowel ) +#define isvowel(c) ( _is(c) & (_ldvowel|_rearvowel) ) +#define istone(c) ( _is(c) & _tone ) +#define isunldable(c) ( _is(c) & (_rearvowel|_tone|_diacrt1|_diacrt2) ) +#define iscombinable(c) ( _is(c) & _combine ) +#define istdigit(c) ( _is(c) & _tdig ) +#define isstone(c) ( _is(c) & _stone ) +#define isdiacrt1(c) ( _is(c) & _diacrt1) +#define isdiacrt2(c) ( _is(c) & _diacrt2) +#define isdiacrt(c) ( _is(c) & _diacrt) + +/* Function prototype called by sql/field.cc */ +void ThNormalize(uchar* ptr, uint field_length, const uchar* from, uint length); + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/thr_alarm.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/thr_alarm.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4d076b6de --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/thr_alarm.h @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* Prototypes when using thr_alarm library functions */ + +#ifndef _thr_alarm_h +#define _thr_alarm_h +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#ifndef USE_ALARM_THREAD +#define USE_ONE_SIGNAL_HAND /* One must call process_alarm */ +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_rts_threads +#undef USE_ONE_SIGNAL_HAND +#define USE_ALARM_THREAD +#define THR_SERVER_ALARM SIGUSR1 +#else +#define THR_SERVER_ALARM SIGALRM +#endif + +typedef struct st_alarm_info +{ + ulong next_alarm_time; + uint active_alarms; + uint max_used_alarms; +} ALARM_INFO; + +void thr_alarm_info(ALARM_INFO *info); + +#if defined(DONT_USE_THR_ALARM) + +#define USE_ALARM_THREAD +#undef USE_ONE_SIGNAL_HAND + +typedef my_bool thr_alarm_t; +typedef my_bool ALARM; + +#define thr_alarm_init(A) (*(A))=0 +#define thr_alarm_in_use(A) (*(A) != 0) +#define thr_end_alarm(A) +#define thr_alarm(A,B,C) ((*(A)=1)-1) +/* The following should maybe be (*(A)) */ +#define thr_got_alarm(A) 0 +#define init_thr_alarm(A) +#define thr_alarm_kill(A) +#define resize_thr_alarm(N) +#define end_thr_alarm(A) + +#else +#if defined(__WIN__) +typedef struct st_thr_alarm_entry +{ + UINT_PTR crono; +} thr_alarm_entry; + +#else /* System with posix threads */ + +typedef int thr_alarm_entry; + +#define thr_got_alarm(thr_alarm) (**(thr_alarm)) + +#endif /* __WIN__ */ + +typedef thr_alarm_entry* thr_alarm_t; + +typedef struct st_alarm { + ulong expire_time; + thr_alarm_entry alarmed; /* set when alarm is due */ + pthread_t thread; + my_thread_id thread_id; + my_bool malloced; +} ALARM; + +extern uint thr_client_alarm; +extern pthread_t alarm_thread; + +#define thr_alarm_init(A) (*(A))=0 +#define thr_alarm_in_use(A) (*(A)!= 0) +void init_thr_alarm(uint max_alarm); +void resize_thr_alarm(uint max_alarms); +my_bool thr_alarm(thr_alarm_t *alarmed, uint sec, ALARM *buff); +void thr_alarm_kill(my_thread_id thread_id); +void thr_end_alarm(thr_alarm_t *alarmed); +void end_thr_alarm(my_bool free_structures); +sig_handler process_alarm(int); +#ifndef thr_got_alarm +my_bool thr_got_alarm(thr_alarm_t *alrm); +#endif + + +#endif /* DONT_USE_THR_ALARM */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif /* __cplusplus */ +#endif /* _thr_alarm_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/thr_lock.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/thr_lock.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c5638ec2c --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/thr_lock.h @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* For use with thr_lock:s */ + +#ifndef _thr_lock_h +#define _thr_lock_h +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#include +#include + +struct st_thr_lock; +extern ulong locks_immediate,locks_waited ; + +/* + Important: if a new lock type is added, a matching lock description + must be added to sql_test.cc's lock_descriptions array. +*/ +enum thr_lock_type { TL_IGNORE=-1, + TL_UNLOCK, /* UNLOCK ANY LOCK */ + /* + Parser only! At open_tables() becomes TL_READ or + TL_READ_NO_INSERT depending on the binary log format + (SBR/RBR) and on the table category (log table). + Used for tables that are read by statements which + modify tables. + */ + TL_READ_DEFAULT, + TL_READ, /* Read lock */ + TL_READ_WITH_SHARED_LOCKS, + /* High prior. than TL_WRITE. Allow concurrent insert */ + TL_READ_HIGH_PRIORITY, + /* READ, Don't allow concurrent insert */ + TL_READ_NO_INSERT, + /* + Write lock, but allow other threads to read / write. + Used by BDB tables in MySQL to mark that someone is + reading/writing to the table. + */ + TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE, + /* + WRITE lock used by concurrent insert. Will allow + READ, if one could use concurrent insert on table. + */ + TL_WRITE_CONCURRENT_INSERT, + /* Write used by INSERT DELAYED. Allows READ locks */ + TL_WRITE_DELAYED, + /* + parser only! Late bound low_priority flag. + At open_tables() becomes thd->update_lock_default. + */ + TL_WRITE_DEFAULT, + /* WRITE lock that has lower priority than TL_READ */ + TL_WRITE_LOW_PRIORITY, + /* Normal WRITE lock */ + TL_WRITE, + /* Abort new lock request with an error */ + TL_WRITE_ONLY}; + +enum enum_thr_lock_result { THR_LOCK_SUCCESS= 0, THR_LOCK_ABORTED= 1, + THR_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT= 2, THR_LOCK_DEADLOCK= 3 }; + + +extern ulong max_write_lock_count; +extern my_bool thr_lock_inited; +extern enum thr_lock_type thr_upgraded_concurrent_insert_lock; + +/* + A description of the thread which owns the lock. The address + of an instance of this structure is used to uniquely identify the thread. +*/ + +typedef struct st_thr_lock_info +{ + pthread_t thread; + my_thread_id thread_id; +} THR_LOCK_INFO; + + +typedef struct st_thr_lock_data { + THR_LOCK_INFO *owner; + struct st_thr_lock_data *next,**prev; + struct st_thr_lock *lock; + mysql_cond_t *cond; + enum thr_lock_type type; + void *status_param; /* Param to status functions */ + void *debug_print_param; + struct PSI_table *m_psi; +} THR_LOCK_DATA; + +struct st_lock_list { + THR_LOCK_DATA *data,**last; +}; + +typedef struct st_thr_lock { + LIST list; + mysql_mutex_t mutex; + struct st_lock_list read_wait; + struct st_lock_list read; + struct st_lock_list write_wait; + struct st_lock_list write; + /* write_lock_count is incremented for write locks and reset on read locks */ + ulong write_lock_count; + uint read_no_write_count; + void (*get_status)(void*, int); /* When one gets a lock */ + void (*copy_status)(void*,void*); + void (*update_status)(void*); /* Before release of write */ + void (*restore_status)(void*); /* Before release of read */ + my_bool (*check_status)(void *); +} THR_LOCK; + + +extern LIST *thr_lock_thread_list; +extern mysql_mutex_t THR_LOCK_lock; + +my_bool init_thr_lock(void); /* Must be called once/thread */ +void thr_lock_info_init(THR_LOCK_INFO *info); +void thr_lock_init(THR_LOCK *lock); +void thr_lock_delete(THR_LOCK *lock); +void thr_lock_data_init(THR_LOCK *lock,THR_LOCK_DATA *data, + void *status_param); +enum enum_thr_lock_result thr_lock(THR_LOCK_DATA *data, + THR_LOCK_INFO *owner, + enum thr_lock_type lock_type, + ulong lock_wait_timeout); +void thr_unlock(THR_LOCK_DATA *data); +enum enum_thr_lock_result thr_multi_lock(THR_LOCK_DATA **data, + uint count, THR_LOCK_INFO *owner, + ulong lock_wait_timeout); +void thr_multi_unlock(THR_LOCK_DATA **data,uint count); +void +thr_lock_merge_status(THR_LOCK_DATA **data, uint count); +void thr_abort_locks(THR_LOCK *lock, my_bool upgrade_lock); +my_bool thr_abort_locks_for_thread(THR_LOCK *lock, my_thread_id thread); +void thr_print_locks(void); /* For debugging */ +my_bool thr_upgrade_write_delay_lock(THR_LOCK_DATA *data, + enum thr_lock_type new_lock_type, + ulong lock_wait_timeout); +void thr_downgrade_write_lock(THR_LOCK_DATA *data, + enum thr_lock_type new_lock_type); +my_bool thr_reschedule_write_lock(THR_LOCK_DATA *data, + ulong lock_wait_timeout); +void thr_set_lock_wait_callback(void (*before_wait)(void), + void (*after_wait)(void)); +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* _thr_lock_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/typelib.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/typelib.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..919dd69d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/typelib.h @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ + + +#ifndef _typelib_h +#define _typelib_h + +#include "my_alloc.h" + +typedef struct st_typelib { /* Different types saved here */ + unsigned int count; /* How many types */ + const char *name; /* Name of typelib */ + const char **type_names; + unsigned int *type_lengths; +} TYPELIB; + +extern my_ulonglong find_typeset(char *x, TYPELIB *typelib,int *error_position); +extern int find_type_or_exit(const char *x, TYPELIB *typelib, + const char *option); +#define FIND_TYPE_BASIC 0 +/** makes @c find_type() require the whole name, no prefix */ +#define FIND_TYPE_NO_PREFIX (1 << 0) +/** always implicitely on, so unused, but old code may pass it */ +#define FIND_TYPE_NO_OVERWRITE (1 << 1) +/** makes @c find_type() accept a number */ +#define FIND_TYPE_ALLOW_NUMBER (1 << 2) +/** makes @c find_type() treat ',' as terminator */ +#define FIND_TYPE_COMMA_TERM (1 << 3) + +extern int find_type(const char *x, const TYPELIB *typelib, unsigned int flags); +extern void make_type(char *to,unsigned int nr,TYPELIB *typelib); +extern const char *get_type(TYPELIB *typelib,unsigned int nr); +extern TYPELIB *copy_typelib(MEM_ROOT *root, TYPELIB *from); + +extern TYPELIB sql_protocol_typelib; + +my_ulonglong find_set_from_flags(const TYPELIB *lib, unsigned int default_name, + my_ulonglong cur_set, my_ulonglong default_set, + const char *str, unsigned int length, + char **err_pos, unsigned int *err_len); + +#endif /* _typelib_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/violite.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/violite.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..00e26e8a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/violite.h @@ -0,0 +1,281 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + * Vio Lite. + * Purpose: include file for Vio that will work with C and C++ + */ + +#ifndef vio_violite_h_ +#define vio_violite_h_ + +#include "my_net.h" /* needed because of struct in_addr */ +#include + + +/* Simple vio interface in C; The functions are implemented in violite.c */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif /* __cplusplus */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +typedef struct st_vio Vio; +#endif /* __cplusplus */ + +enum enum_vio_type +{ + VIO_TYPE_TCPIP, VIO_TYPE_SOCKET, VIO_TYPE_NAMEDPIPE, VIO_TYPE_SSL, + VIO_TYPE_SHARED_MEMORY +}; + +/** + VIO I/O events. +*/ +enum enum_vio_io_event +{ + VIO_IO_EVENT_READ, + VIO_IO_EVENT_WRITE, + VIO_IO_EVENT_CONNECT +}; + +#define VIO_LOCALHOST 1 /* a localhost connection */ +#define VIO_BUFFERED_READ 2 /* use buffered read */ +#define VIO_READ_BUFFER_SIZE 16384 /* size of read buffer */ +#define VIO_DESCRIPTION_SIZE 30 /* size of description */ + +Vio* vio_new(my_socket sd, enum enum_vio_type type, uint flags); +Vio* mysql_socket_vio_new(MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, enum enum_vio_type type, uint flags); +#ifdef __WIN__ +Vio* vio_new_win32pipe(HANDLE hPipe); +Vio* vio_new_win32shared_memory(HANDLE handle_file_map, + HANDLE handle_map, + HANDLE event_server_wrote, + HANDLE event_server_read, + HANDLE event_client_wrote, + HANDLE event_client_read, + HANDLE event_conn_closed); +#else +#define HANDLE void * +#endif /* __WIN__ */ + +void vio_delete(Vio* vio); +int vio_shutdown(Vio* vio); +my_bool vio_reset(Vio* vio, enum enum_vio_type type, + my_socket sd, void *ssl, uint flags); +size_t vio_read(Vio *vio, uchar * buf, size_t size); +size_t vio_read_buff(Vio *vio, uchar * buf, size_t size); +size_t vio_write(Vio *vio, const uchar * buf, size_t size); +/* setsockopt TCP_NODELAY at IPPROTO_TCP level, when possible */ +int vio_fastsend(Vio *vio); +/* setsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE at SOL_SOCKET level, when possible */ +int vio_keepalive(Vio *vio, my_bool onoff); +/* Whenever we should retry the last read/write operation. */ +my_bool vio_should_retry(Vio *vio); +/* Check that operation was timed out */ +my_bool vio_was_timeout(Vio *vio); +/* Short text description of the socket for those, who are curious.. */ +const char* vio_description(Vio *vio); +/* Return the type of the connection */ +enum enum_vio_type vio_type(Vio* vio); +/* Return last error number */ +int vio_errno(Vio*vio); +/* Get socket number */ +my_socket vio_fd(Vio*vio); +/* Remote peer's address and name in text form */ +my_bool vio_peer_addr(Vio *vio, char *buf, uint16 *port, size_t buflen); +/* Wait for an I/O event notification. */ +int vio_io_wait(Vio *vio, enum enum_vio_io_event event, int timeout); +my_bool vio_is_connected(Vio *vio); +#ifndef DBUG_OFF +ssize_t vio_pending(Vio *vio); +#endif +/* Set timeout for a network operation. */ +int vio_timeout(Vio *vio, uint which, int timeout_sec); +/* Connect to a peer. */ +my_bool vio_socket_connect(Vio *vio, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t len, + int timeout); + +my_bool vio_get_normalized_ip_string(const struct sockaddr *addr, int addr_length, + char *ip_string, size_t ip_string_size); + +my_bool vio_is_no_name_error(int err_code); + +int vio_getnameinfo(const struct sockaddr *sa, + char *hostname, size_t hostname_size, + char *port, size_t port_size, + int flags); + +#ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL +#include +#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x0090700f +#define DES_cblock des_cblock +#define DES_key_schedule des_key_schedule +#define DES_set_key_unchecked(k,ks) des_set_key_unchecked((k),*(ks)) +#define DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt(i,o,l,k1,k2,k3,iv,e) des_ede3_cbc_encrypt((i),(o),(l),*(k1),*(k2),*(k3),(iv),(e)) +#endif +/* apple deprecated openssl in MacOSX Lion */ +#ifdef __APPLE__ +#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" +#endif + +#define HEADER_DES_LOCL_H dummy_something +#define YASSL_MYSQL_COMPATIBLE +#ifndef YASSL_PREFIX +#define YASSL_PREFIX +#endif +/* Set yaSSL to use same type as MySQL do for socket handles */ +typedef my_socket YASSL_SOCKET_T; +#define YASSL_SOCKET_T_DEFINED +#include +#include + +#ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY +enum enum_ssl_init_error +{ + SSL_INITERR_NOERROR= 0, SSL_INITERR_CERT, SSL_INITERR_KEY, + SSL_INITERR_NOMATCH, SSL_INITERR_BAD_PATHS, SSL_INITERR_CIPHERS, + SSL_INITERR_MEMFAIL, SSL_INITERR_LASTERR +}; +const char* sslGetErrString(enum enum_ssl_init_error err); + +struct st_VioSSLFd +{ + SSL_CTX *ssl_context; +}; + +int sslaccept(struct st_VioSSLFd*, Vio *, long timeout, unsigned long *errptr); +int sslconnect(struct st_VioSSLFd*, Vio *, long timeout, unsigned long *errptr); + +struct st_VioSSLFd +*new_VioSSLConnectorFd(const char *key_file, const char *cert_file, + const char *ca_file, const char *ca_path, + const char *cipher, enum enum_ssl_init_error *error, + const char *crl_file, const char *crl_path); +struct st_VioSSLFd +*new_VioSSLAcceptorFd(const char *key_file, const char *cert_file, + const char *ca_file,const char *ca_path, + const char *cipher, enum enum_ssl_init_error *error, + const char *crl_file, const char *crl_path); +void free_vio_ssl_acceptor_fd(struct st_VioSSLFd *fd); +#endif /* ! EMBEDDED_LIBRARY */ +#endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */ + +void ssl_start(void); +void vio_end(void); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#if !defined(DONT_MAP_VIO) +#define vio_delete(vio) (vio)->viodelete(vio) +#define vio_errno(vio) (vio)->vioerrno(vio) +#define vio_read(vio, buf, size) ((vio)->read)(vio,buf,size) +#define vio_write(vio, buf, size) ((vio)->write)(vio, buf, size) +#define vio_fastsend(vio) (vio)->fastsend(vio) +#define vio_keepalive(vio, set_keep_alive) (vio)->viokeepalive(vio, set_keep_alive) +#define vio_should_retry(vio) (vio)->should_retry(vio) +#define vio_was_timeout(vio) (vio)->was_timeout(vio) +#define vio_shutdown(vio) ((vio)->vioshutdown)(vio) +#define vio_peer_addr(vio, buf, prt, buflen) (vio)->peer_addr(vio, buf, prt, buflen) +#define vio_io_wait(vio, event, timeout) (vio)->io_wait(vio, event, timeout) +#define vio_is_connected(vio) (vio)->is_connected(vio) +#endif /* !defined(DONT_MAP_VIO) */ + +/* This enumerator is used in parser - should be always visible */ +enum SSL_type +{ + SSL_TYPE_NOT_SPECIFIED= -1, + SSL_TYPE_NONE, + SSL_TYPE_ANY, + SSL_TYPE_X509, + SSL_TYPE_SPECIFIED +}; + + +/* HFTODO - hide this if we don't want client in embedded server */ +/* This structure is for every connection on both sides */ +struct st_vio +{ + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket; /* Instrumented socket */ + my_bool localhost; /* Are we from localhost? */ + struct sockaddr_storage local; /* Local internet address */ + struct sockaddr_storage remote; /* Remote internet address */ + int addrLen; /* Length of remote address */ + enum enum_vio_type type; /* Type of connection */ + my_bool inactive; /* Connection inactive (has been shutdown) */ + char desc[VIO_DESCRIPTION_SIZE]; /* Description string. This + member MUST NOT be + used directly, but only + via function + "vio_description" */ + char *read_buffer; /* buffer for vio_read_buff */ + char *read_pos; /* start of unfetched data in the + read buffer */ + char *read_end; /* end of unfetched data */ + int read_timeout; /* Timeout value (ms) for read ops. */ + int write_timeout; /* Timeout value (ms) for write ops. */ + + /* + VIO vtable interface to be implemented by VIO's like SSL, Socket, + Named Pipe, etc. + */ + + /* + viodelete is responsible for cleaning up the VIO object by freeing + internal buffers, closing descriptors, handles. + */ + void (*viodelete)(Vio*); + int (*vioerrno)(Vio*); + size_t (*read)(Vio*, uchar *, size_t); + size_t (*write)(Vio*, const uchar *, size_t); + int (*timeout)(Vio*, uint, my_bool); + int (*viokeepalive)(Vio*, my_bool); + int (*fastsend)(Vio*); + my_bool (*peer_addr)(Vio*, char *, uint16*, size_t); + void (*in_addr)(Vio*, struct sockaddr_storage*); + my_bool (*should_retry)(Vio*); + my_bool (*was_timeout)(Vio*); + /* + vioshutdown is resposnible to shutdown/close the channel, so that no + further communications can take place, however any related buffers, + descriptors, handles can remain valid after a shutdown. + */ + int (*vioshutdown)(Vio*); + my_bool (*is_connected)(Vio*); + my_bool (*has_data) (Vio*); + int (*io_wait)(Vio*, enum enum_vio_io_event, int); + my_bool (*connect)(Vio*, struct sockaddr *, socklen_t, int); +#ifdef _WIN32 + OVERLAPPED overlapped; + HANDLE hPipe; +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL + void *ssl_arg; +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_SMEM + HANDLE handle_file_map; + char *handle_map; + HANDLE event_server_wrote; + HANDLE event_server_read; + HANDLE event_client_wrote; + HANDLE event_client_read; + HANDLE event_conn_closed; + size_t shared_memory_remain; + char *shared_memory_pos; +#endif /* HAVE_SMEM */ +}; +#endif /* vio_violite_h_ */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/waiting_threads.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/waiting_threads.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..554df7433 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/waiting_threads.h @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _waiting_threads_h +#define _waiting_threads_h + +#include +#include + +#include + +C_MODE_START + +typedef struct st_wt_resource_id WT_RESOURCE_ID; +typedef struct st_wt_resource WT_RESOURCE; + +typedef struct st_wt_resource_type { + my_bool (*compare)(const void *a, const void *b); + const void *(*make_key)(const WT_RESOURCE_ID *id, uint *len); /* not used */ +} WT_RESOURCE_TYPE; + +struct st_wt_resource_id { + ulonglong value; + const WT_RESOURCE_TYPE *type; +}; +/* the below differs from sizeof(WT_RESOURCE_ID) by the amount of padding */ +#define sizeof_WT_RESOURCE_ID (sizeof(ulonglong)+sizeof(void*)) + +#define WT_WAIT_STATS 24 +#define WT_CYCLE_STATS 32 +extern ulonglong wt_wait_table[WT_WAIT_STATS]; +extern uint32 wt_wait_stats[WT_WAIT_STATS+1]; +extern uint32 wt_cycle_stats[2][WT_CYCLE_STATS+1]; +extern uint32 wt_success_stats; + +typedef struct st_wt_thd { + /* + XXX + there's no protection (mutex) against concurrent access of the + dynarray below. it is assumed that a caller will have it anyway + (not to protect this array but to protect its own - caller's - + data structures), and we'll get it for free. A caller needs to + ensure that a blocker won't release a resource before a blocked + thread starts waiting, which is usually done with a mutex. + + If the above assumption is wrong, we'll need to add a mutex here. + */ + DYNAMIC_ARRAY my_resources; + /* + 'waiting_for' is modified under waiting_for->lock, and only by thd itself + 'waiting_for' is read lock-free (using pinning protocol), but a thd object + can read its own 'waiting_for' without any locks or tricks. + */ + WT_RESOURCE *waiting_for; + LF_PINS *pins; + + /* pointers to values */ + const ulong *timeout_short; + const ulong *deadlock_search_depth_short; + const ulong *timeout_long; + const ulong *deadlock_search_depth_long; + + /* + weight relates to the desirability of a transaction being killed if it's + part of a deadlock. In a deadlock situation transactions with lower weights + are killed first. + + Examples of using the weight to implement different selection strategies: + + 1. Latest + Keep all weights equal. + 2. Random + Assight weights at random. + (variant: modify a weight randomly before every lock request) + 3. Youngest + Set weight to -NOW() + 4. Minimum locks + count locks granted in your lock manager, store the value as a weight + 5. Minimum work + depends on the definition of "work". For example, store the number + of rows modifies in this transaction (or a length of REDO log for a + transaction) as a weight. + + It is only statistically relevant and is not protected by any locks. + */ + ulong volatile weight; + /* + 'killed' is indirectly protected by waiting_for->lock because + a killed thread needs to clear its 'waiting_for' and thus needs a lock. + That is a thread needs an exclusive lock to read 'killed' reliably. + But other threads may change 'killed' from 0 to 1, a shared + lock is enough for that. + */ + my_bool killed; +#ifndef DBUG_OFF + const char *name; +#endif +} WT_THD; + +#define WT_TIMEOUT ETIMEDOUT +#define WT_OK 0 +#define WT_DEADLOCK -1 +#define WT_DEPTH_EXCEEDED -2 +#define WT_FREE_TO_GO -3 + +void wt_init(void); +void wt_end(void); +void wt_thd_lazy_init(WT_THD *, const ulong *, const ulong *, const ulong *, const ulong *); +void wt_thd_destroy(WT_THD *); +int wt_thd_will_wait_for(WT_THD *, WT_THD *, const WT_RESOURCE_ID *); +int wt_thd_cond_timedwait(WT_THD *, mysql_mutex_t *); +void wt_thd_release(WT_THD *, const WT_RESOURCE_ID *); +#define wt_thd_release_all(THD) wt_thd_release((THD), 0) +my_bool wt_resource_id_memcmp(const void *, const void *); + +C_MODE_END + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/welcome_copyright_notice.h b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/welcome_copyright_notice.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..73b2a1382 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/welcome_copyright_notice.h @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _welcome_copyright_notice_h_ +#define _welcome_copyright_notice_h_ + +#define COPYRIGHT_NOTICE_CURRENT_YEAR "2013" + +/* + This define specifies copyright notice which is displayed by every MySQL + program on start, or on help screen. +*/ +#define ORACLE_WELCOME_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE(first_year) \ + (strcmp(first_year, COPYRIGHT_NOTICE_CURRENT_YEAR) ? \ + "Copyright (c) " first_year ", " COPYRIGHT_NOTICE_CURRENT_YEAR ", " \ + "Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.\n\nOracle is a " \ + "registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its\naffiliates. " \ + "Other names may be trademarks of their respective\nowners.\n" : \ + "Copyright (c) " first_year ", Oracle and/or its affiliates. " \ + "All rights reserved.\n\nOracle is a registered trademark of " \ + "Oracle Corporation and/or its\naffiliates. Other names may be " \ + "trademarks of their respective\nowners.\n") + +#endif /* _welcome_copyright_notice_h_ */ diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/readme.txt b/BuildTools/centos/readme.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..46ed720b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/readme.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +***************************************************************** +*** Build Instructions for GeoDa. Current as of GeoDa 1.5.23 *** +***************************************************************** + +Overview: We assume the build machine hosts a recently-installed +clean OS. This build guide contains notes on setting up the compile +environment, obtaining the GeoDa source files and dependent libraries, +compiling libraries and GeoDa, and finally packaging the program +for distribution and installation. + +*************************************************** +*** Building GeoDa for 64-bit CentOS 6 or later *** +*************************************************** + +NOTE: This is just basic placeholder for now! Not currently complete. + +Build machine assumptions: +- clean CentOS 64-bit installation with all OS updates + +1. Install C++ developer tools along with command-line subversion + +2. Use SVN to check out GeoDa trunk: + - From user's home directory: ~/ + - svn co https://geodacenter.repositoryhosting.com/svn/geodacenter_geoda/trunk trunk + +3. cd to ~/trunk/BuildTools/centos + +4. run ./build64.sh to download and build GeoDa and everything it depends upon + +5. Package GeoDa for distribution / installation. + diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/run.sh b/BuildTools/centos/run.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..b1079231c --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/run.sh @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +GEODA_HOME=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd) +#GEODA_HOME=/usr/local/geoda + +export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$GEODA_HOME/plugins:$ORACLE_HOME:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH +export GDAL_DATA=$GEODA_HOME/gdaldata +export OGR_DRIVER_PATH=$GEODA_HOME/plugins +exec "$GEODA_HOME/GeoDa" diff --git a/BuildTools/centos/run_geoda.sh b/BuildTools/centos/run_geoda.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..911628fa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/centos/run_geoda.sh @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +#GEODA_HOME=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd) +GEODA_HOME=/usr/local/geoda + +export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$GEODA_HOME/plugins:$ORACLE_HOME:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH +export GDAL_DATA=$GEODA_HOME/gdaldata +export OGR_DRIVER_PATH=$GEODA_HOME/plugins +exec "$GEODA_HOME/GeoDa" diff --git a/BuildTools/macosx/GNUmakefile b/BuildTools/macosx/GNUmakefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ac8d364e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/macosx/GNUmakefile @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +ifndef GEODA_HOME +A = $(shell ls -l) +$(error You have to setup GEODA_HOME variable e.g. export GEODA_HOME=\$PWD, or run build.sh) +endif + +include ../../GeoDamake.opt + +GeoDa_OBJ = $(wildcard $(GeoDa_ROOT)/o/*.o) + +default: compile-geoda + +app: build-geoda-mac + +compile-geoda: dataviewer-target generic-target dialogtools-target \ + explore-target knn-target regression-target \ + shapeoperations-target resource-target varcalc-target \ + geoda-target + +test: + echo $(WX_HEADER) + +resource-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/rc; $(MAKE) xrc; $(MAKE)) + +dataviewer-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/DataViewer; $(MAKE)) + +generic-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/Generic; $(MAKE)) + +dialogtools-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/DialogTools; $(MAKE)) + +explore-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/Explore; $(MAKE)) + +knn-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/kNN; $(MAKE)) + +regression-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/Regression; $(MAKE)) + +shapeoperations-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/ShapeOperations; $(MAKE)) + +varcalc-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/VarCalc; $(MAKE)) + +geoda-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT); $(MAKE)) + +build-geoda-mac: + rm -rf build/GeoDa.app + mkdir -p build + mkdir -p build/GeoDa.app + mkdir -p build/GeoDa.app/Contents + mkdir -p build/GeoDa.app/Contents/MacOS + mkdir -p build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources + mkdir -p build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/gdaldata + mkdir -p build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins + $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GeoDa_OBJ) $(LIBS) -o build/GeoDa.app/Contents/MacOS/GeoDa + cp run.sh build/GeoDa.app/Contents/MacOS/run.sh + cp GeoDa-GDAL-Info.plist build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Info.plist + #sed -i '' 's/ORACLE_HOME_PATH/$(subst /,\/,$(ORACLE_HOME))/g' build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Info.plist + #sed -i '' 's/ORACLE_LIBRARY_PATH/$(subst /,\/,$(DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH))/g' build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Info.plist + cp $(GeoDa_ROOT)/rc/data_viewer_dialogs.xrc build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources + cp $(GeoDa_ROOT)/rc/dialogs.xrc build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources + cp $(GeoDa_ROOT)/rc/GeoDa.icns build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources + cp $(GeoDa_ROOT)/rc/menus.xrc build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources + cp $(GeoDa_ROOT)/rc/toolbar.xrc build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources + cp libraries/share/gdal/* build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/gdaldata + cp libraries/lib/libgdal.1.dylib build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ + #cp libraries/lib/libkmlengine.0.dylib build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ + #cp libraries/lib/libkmldom.0.dylib build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ + #cp libraries/lib/libkmlbase.0.dylib build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ + #cp libraries/lib/libkmlconvenience.0.dylib build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ + #cp libraries/lib/libkmlregionator.0.dylib build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ + #cp libraries/lib/libkmlxsd.0.dylib build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ + #cp libraries/lib/libminizip.0.dylib build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ + cp libraries/lib/liburiparser.1.dylib build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ + cp libraries/lib/libxerces-c-3.1.dylib build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ + cp libraries/lib/libpq.5.dylib build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ + cp libraries/lib/libspatialite.5.dylib build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ + cp libraries/lib/libfreexl.1.dylib build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ + cp libraries/lib/libproj.0.dylib build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ + cp libraries/lib/libsqlite3.0.dylib build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ + cp libraries/lib/libgeos_c.1.dylib build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ + cp libraries/lib/libgeos-3.3.8.dylib build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ + cp libraries/lib/libcurl.4.dylib build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ + #cp libraries/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ + cp plugins/ogr_OCI.so build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ogr_OCI.so + cp plugins/ogr_FileGDB.so build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/ogr_FileGDB.so + install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libgdal.1.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/MacOS/GeoDa + install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libgdal.1.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "libmysqlclient.18.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libmysqlclient.18.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libkmlengine.0.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libkmlengine.0.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libkmlregionator.0.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libkmlregionator.0.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libkmlxsd.0.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libkmlxsd.0.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libkmldom.0.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libkmldom.0.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libkmlbase.0.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libkmlbase.0.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libkmlconvenience.0.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libkmlconvenience.0.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libminizip.0.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libminizip.0.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib + install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/liburiparser.1.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/liburiparser.1.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libxerces-c-3.1.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libxerces-c-3.1.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libpq.5.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libpq.5.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libspatialite.5.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libspatialite.5.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libfreexl.1.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libfreexl.1.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libproj.0.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libproj.0.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libsqlite3.0.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libsqlite3.0.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libgeos_c.1.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libgeos_c.1.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libgeos-3.3.8.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libgeos-3.3.8.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libcurl.4.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libcurl.4.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib + install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libcurl.4.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libcurl.4.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgdal.1.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libkmlengine.0.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libkmlengine.0.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libkmlengine.0.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libkmlbase.0.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libkmlbase.0.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libkmlengine.0.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libminizip.0.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libminizip.0.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libkmlengine.0.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/liburiparser.1.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/liburiparser.1.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libkmlengine.0.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libminizip.0.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libminizip.0.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libkmlbase.0.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/liburiparser.1.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/liburiparser.1.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libkmlbase.0.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libfreexl.1.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libfreexl.1.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libspatialite.5.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libproj.0.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libproj.0.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libspatialite.5.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libsqlite3.0.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libsqlite3.0.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libspatialite.5.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libgeos_c.1.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libgeos_c.1.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libspatialite.5.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libgeos-3.3.8.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libgeos-3.3.8.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libspatialite.5.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libgeos-3.3.8.dylib" "@executable_path/../Resources/plugins/libgeos-3.3.8.dylib" build/GeoDa.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/libgeos_c.1.dylib + +clean: + rm -f ../../o/* + rm -rf build/GeoDa.app diff --git a/BuildTools/macosx/GeoDa-GDAL-Info.plist b/BuildTools/macosx/GeoDa-GDAL-Info.plist new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ed808bd32 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/macosx/GeoDa-GDAL-Info.plist @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ + + + + + BuildMachineOSBuild + 10K549 + CFBundleDevelopmentRegion + English + CFBundleName + GeoDa + CFBundleExecutable + run.sh + CFBundleIconFile + GeoDa.icns + CFBundleIdentifier + edu.asu.geodacenter.GeoDa + CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion + 6.0 + CFBundlePackageType + APPL + CFBundleSignature + ???? + CFBundleVersion + 1.0 + DTCompiler + 4.2 + DTPlatformBuild + 10M2518 + DTPlatformVersion + PG + DTSDKBuild + 10K549 + DTSDKName + + DTXcode + 0400 + DTXcodeBuild + 10M2518 + CFBundleDocumentTypes + + + CFBundleTypeExtensions + + gda + + CFBundleTypeIconFile + GeoDa + CFBundleTypeName + GeoDa project file + CFBundleTypeRole + Editor + LSHandlerRank + Owner + + + + diff --git a/BuildTools/macosx/GeoDa-Xcode-Info.plist b/BuildTools/macosx/GeoDa-Xcode-Info.plist new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9df80b7d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/macosx/GeoDa-Xcode-Info.plist @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ + + + + + BuildMachineOSBuild + 10K549 + CFBundleDevelopmentRegion + English + CFBundleExecutable + ${EXECUTABLE_NAME} + CFBundleIconFile + GeoDa.icns + CFBundleIdentifier + edu.asu.geodacenter.GeoDa + CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion + 6.0 + CFBundlePackageType + APPL + CFBundleSignature + ???? + CFBundleVersion + 1.0 + DTCompiler + 4.2 + DTPlatformBuild + 10M2518 + DTPlatformVersion + PG + DTSDKBuild + 10K549 + DTSDKName + + DTXcode + 0400 + DTXcodeBuild + 10M2518 + CFBundleDocumentTypes + + + CFBundleTypeExtensions + + gda + + CFBundleTypeIconFile + GeoDa + CFBundleTypeName + GeoDa project file + CFBundleTypeRole + Editor + LSHandlerRank + Owner + + + + diff --git a/GeoDa.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/BuildTools/macosx/GeoDa.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj similarity index 74% rename from GeoDa.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj rename to BuildTools/macosx/GeoDa.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj index ce9647a07..0583c709f 100644 --- a/GeoDa.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj +++ b/BuildTools/macosx/GeoDa.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj @@ -7,30 +7,55 @@ objects = { /* Begin PBXBuildFile section */ + A11F1B7F184FDFB3006F5F98 /* OGRColumn.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A11F1B7D184FDFB3006F5F98 /* OGRColumn.cpp */; }; + A11F1B821850437A006F5F98 /* OGRTableOperation.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A11F1B801850437A006F5F98 /* OGRTableOperation.cpp */; }; + A12E0F4F1705087A00B6059C /* OGRDataAdapter.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A12E0F4E1705087A00B6059C /* OGRDataAdapter.cpp */; }; + A13B6B9418760CF100F93ACF /* SaveAsDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A13B6B9318760CF100F93ACF /* SaveAsDlg.cpp */; }; + A16BA470183D626200D3B7DA /* DatasourceDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A16BA46E183D626200D3B7DA /* DatasourceDlg.cpp */; }; + A19F51501756A11E006E31B4 /* plugins in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A19F514D1756A11E006E31B4 /* plugins */; }; + A1B93AC017D18735007F8195 /* ProjectConf.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A1B93ABF17D18735007F8195 /* ProjectConf.cpp */; }; + A1BE9E4D174DD831007B9C64 /* GdaShape.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A1BE9E4B174DD831007B9C64 /* GdaShape.cpp */; }; + A1BE9E51174DD85F007B9C64 /* GdaAppResources.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A1BE9E4F174DD85F007B9C64 /* GdaAppResources.cpp */; }; + A1C9F3ED18B55EE000E14394 /* FieldNameCorrectionDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A1C9F3EC18B55EE000E14394 /* FieldNameCorrectionDlg.cpp */; }; + A1CAD45E17A7334E0026AC55 /* QuadTree.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A1CAD45D17A7334E0026AC55 /* QuadTree.cpp */; }; + A1D82DEF174D3EB6003DE20A /* ConnectDatasourceDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A1D82DEE174D3EB6003DE20A /* ConnectDatasourceDlg.cpp */; }; + A1DA623A17BCBC070070CAAB /* AutoCompTextCtrl.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A1DA623817BCBC070070CAAB /* AutoCompTextCtrl.cpp */; }; + A1E77E1A177D6A2E00CC1037 /* ExportDataDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A1E77E18177D6A2E00CC1037 /* ExportDataDlg.cpp */; }; + A1E77FDC17889BE200CC1037 /* OGRTable.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A1E77FDA17889BE200CC1037 /* OGRTable.cpp */; }; + A1E78139178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRDatasourceProxy.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A1E78133178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRDatasourceProxy.cpp */; }; + A1E7813A178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRFieldProxy.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A1E78135178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRFieldProxy.cpp */; }; + A1E7813B178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRLayerProxy.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A1E78137178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRLayerProxy.cpp */; }; + A1EF332F18E35D8300E19375 /* LocaleSetupDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A1EF332D18E35D8300E19375 /* LocaleSetupDlg.cpp */; }; + A1F1BA5C178D3B46005A46E5 /* GdaCache.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A1F1BA5A178D3B46005A46E5 /* GdaCache.cpp */; }; + A1F1BA99178D46B8005A46E5 /* cache.sqlite in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A1F1BA98178D46B8005A46E5 /* cache.sqlite */; }; + A1FD8C19186908B800C35C41 /* CustomClassifPtree.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A1FD8C17186908B800C35C41 /* CustomClassifPtree.cpp */; }; DD00ADE811138A2C008FE572 /* TemplateFrame.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD00ADE711138A2C008FE572 /* TemplateFrame.cpp */; }; DD0DC4BA13CBA7B10022B65A /* RangeSelectionDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD0DC4B813CBA7B10022B65A /* RangeSelectionDlg.cpp */; }; + DD0FEBBC1909B7A000930418 /* NumCategoriesDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD0FEBBA1909B7A000930418 /* NumCategoriesDlg.cpp */; }; DD115EA312BBDDA000E1CC73 /* ProgressDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD115EA212BBDDA000E1CC73 /* ProgressDlg.cpp */; }; - DD1472111394270C001A3D30 /* DataViewerApp.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD1472101394270C001A3D30 /* DataViewerApp.cpp */; }; DD181BC813A90445004B0EC2 /* SaveToTableDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD181BC613A90445004B0EC2 /* SaveToTableDlg.cpp */; }; DD203F9D14C0C960006A731B /* MapNewView.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD203F9B14C0C960006A731B /* MapNewView.cpp */; }; DD209598139F129900B9E648 /* GetisOrdChoiceDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD209596139F129900B9E648 /* GetisOrdChoiceDlg.cpp */; }; - DD26FC44111B8E3F005A410F /* MyShape.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD26FC40111B8E3F005A410F /* MyShape.cpp */; }; DD27ECBC0F2E43B5009C5C42 /* GenUtils.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD64A7240F2E26AA006B1E6D /* GenUtils.cpp */; }; DD27EF050F2F6CBE009C5C42 /* ShapeFile.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD27EF040F2F6CBE009C5C42 /* ShapeFile.cpp */; }; + DD2A6FE0178C7F7C00197093 /* DataSource.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD2A6FDE178C7F7C00197093 /* DataSource.cpp */; }; DD2B42B11522552B00888E51 /* BoxNewPlotView.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD2B42AF1522552B00888E51 /* BoxNewPlotView.cpp */; }; DD2B433F1522A93700888E51 /* HistogramView.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD2B433D1522A93700888E51 /* HistogramView.cpp */; }; DD2B43421522A95100888E51 /* PCPNewView.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD2B43401522A95100888E51 /* PCPNewView.cpp */; }; + DD3BA0D0187111DE00CA4152 /* WeightsManPtree.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD3BA0CE187111DE00CA4152 /* WeightsManPtree.cpp */; }; + DD3BA4481871EE9A00CA4152 /* DefaultVarsPtree.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD3BA4461871EE9A00CA4152 /* DefaultVarsPtree.cpp */; }; + DD40B083181894F20084173C /* VarGroupingEditorDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD40B081181894F20084173C /* VarGroupingEditorDlg.cpp */; }; + DD49747A176F59670007BB9F /* DbfTable.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD497479176F59670007BB9F /* DbfTable.cpp */; }; + DD4974B71770AC700007BB9F /* TableFrame.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD4974B61770AC700007BB9F /* TableFrame.cpp */; }; + DD4974BA1770AC840007BB9F /* TableBase.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD4974B91770AC840007BB9F /* TableBase.cpp */; }; + DD4974E21770CE9E0007BB9F /* TableInterface.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD4974E11770CE9E0007BB9F /* TableInterface.cpp */; }; DD4E8B86164818A70014F1E7 /* ConnectivityHistView.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD4E8B84164818A70014F1E7 /* ConnectivityHistView.cpp */; }; - DD575B471231B73800AA0C11 /* GeoDaConst.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD575B461231B73800AA0C11 /* GeoDaConst.cpp */; }; DD579B6A160BDAFE00BF8D53 /* DorlingCartogram.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD579B68160BDAFE00BF8D53 /* DorlingCartogram.cpp */; }; DD5A579716E53EC40047DBB1 /* GeoDa.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD5A579616E53EC40047DBB1 /* GeoDa.icns */; }; DD5FA1DA0F320DD50055A0E5 /* ShapeFileHdr.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD5FA1D90F320DD50055A0E5 /* ShapeFileHdr.cpp */; }; DD5FA2360F3231940055A0E5 /* shp.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD5FA2350F3231940055A0E5 /* shp.cpp */; }; DD60546816A83EEF0004BF02 /* CatClassifManager.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD60546616A83EEF0004BF02 /* CatClassifManager.cpp */; }; - DD62A7DF1407F2B40079F913 /* HighlightState.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD7B5E5E112606F400B6D0B0 /* HighlightState.cpp */; }; - DD6456C914881EA700AABF59 /* TimeChooserDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD6456C714881EA700AABF59 /* TimeChooserDlg.cpp */; }; DD6456CA14881EA700AABF59 /* TimeChooserDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD6456C714881EA700AABF59 /* TimeChooserDlg.cpp */; }; - DD64571F1488282900AABF59 /* FramesManager.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD6B7288141A61400026D223 /* FramesManager.cpp */; }; DD64925C16DFF63400B3B0AB /* GeoDa.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD64925A16DFF63400B3B0AB /* GeoDa.cpp */; }; DD64A2880F20FE06006B1E6D /* GeneralWxUtils.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD64A2860F20FE06006B1E6D /* GeneralWxUtils.cpp */; }; DD64A5580F2910D2006B1E6D /* logger.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD64A5570F2910D2006B1E6D /* logger.cpp */; }; @@ -39,10 +64,8 @@ DD6B7289141A61400026D223 /* FramesManager.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD6B7288141A61400026D223 /* FramesManager.cpp */; }; DD6B74CC141ABC890026D223 /* menus.xrc in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD7976270F1D2C5E00496A84 /* menus.xrc */; }; DD6B74CD141ABC8C0026D223 /* toolbar.xrc in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD79761D0F1D2C5E00496A84 /* toolbar.xrc */; }; - DD6B74CE141ABCAC0026D223 /* data_viewer_dialogs.xrc in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDB056D813554EEC0044C441 /* data_viewer_dialogs.xrc */; }; DD6B74CF141ABCAD0026D223 /* data_viewer_dialogs.xrc in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDB056D813554EEC0044C441 /* data_viewer_dialogs.xrc */; }; DD6B74D0141ABCB40026D223 /* dialogs.xrc in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD7976200F1D2C5E00496A84 /* dialogs.xrc */; }; - DD7411021385B08B00554B0F /* DataViewerDeleteColDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD7411001385B08B00554B0F /* DataViewerDeleteColDlg.cpp */; }; DD75A04115E81AF9008A7F8C /* VoronoiUtils.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD75A04015E81AF9008A7F8C /* VoronoiUtils.cpp */; }; DD7974C80F1D250A00496A84 /* TemplateCanvas.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD7974C30F1D250A00496A84 /* TemplateCanvas.cpp */; }; DD7974F30F1D292300496A84 /* ANN.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD7974E10F1D292300496A84 /* ANN.cpp */; }; @@ -59,7 +82,6 @@ DD7975710F1D296F00496A84 /* CreatingWeightDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD7975130F1D296F00496A84 /* CreatingWeightDlg.cpp */; }; DD79757C0F1D296F00496A84 /* HistIntervalDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD7975290F1D296F00496A84 /* HistIntervalDlg.cpp */; }; DD79757F0F1D296F00496A84 /* LisaWhat2OpenDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD79752F0F1D296F00496A84 /* LisaWhat2OpenDlg.cpp */; }; - DD7975800F1D296F00496A84 /* MapQuantileDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD7975310F1D296F00496A84 /* MapQuantileDlg.cpp */; }; DD7975820F1D296F00496A84 /* PCPDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD7975350F1D296F00496A84 /* PCPDlg.cpp */; }; DD7975830F1D296F00496A84 /* PermutationCounterDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD7975370F1D296F00496A84 /* PermutationCounterDlg.cpp */; }; DD7975850F1D296F00496A84 /* RandomizationDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD79753B0F1D296F00496A84 /* RandomizationDlg.cpp */; }; @@ -87,7 +109,7 @@ DD7976F30F1D2D3100496A84 /* Randik.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD7976E60F1D2D3100496A84 /* Randik.cpp */; }; DD7976F50F1D2D3100496A84 /* shp2cnt.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD7976EB0F1D2D3100496A84 /* shp2cnt.cpp */; }; DD7976F60F1D2D3100496A84 /* shp2gwt.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD7976EE0F1D2D3100496A84 /* shp2gwt.cpp */; }; - DD79792A0F1E6CDB00496A84 /* MyAppResources.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD7979290F1E6CDB00496A84 /* MyAppResources.cpp */; }; + DD7B2A9D185273FF00727A91 /* SaveButtonManager.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD7B2A9B185273FF00727A91 /* SaveButtonManager.cpp */; }; DD7B5E60112606F400B6D0B0 /* HighlightState.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD7B5E5E112606F400B6D0B0 /* HighlightState.cpp */; }; DD7D5C711427F89B00DCFE5C /* LisaCoordinator.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD7D5C6F1427F89B00DCFE5C /* LisaCoordinator.cpp */; }; DD7E91D3151A8F3A001AAC4C /* LisaScatterPlotView.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD7E91D2151A8F3A001AAC4C /* LisaScatterPlotView.cpp */; }; @@ -97,29 +119,25 @@ DD89C87713D86BC7006C068D /* FieldNewCalcSheetDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD89C87013D86BC7006C068D /* FieldNewCalcSheetDlg.cpp */; }; DD89C87813D86BC7006C068D /* FieldNewCalcUniDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD89C87213D86BC7006C068D /* FieldNewCalcUniDlg.cpp */; }; DD8FACE11649595D007598CE /* DataMovieDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD8FACDF1649595D007598CE /* DataMovieDlg.cpp */; }; - DD975A43137C4C31009192A1 /* GenUtils.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD64A7240F2E26AA006B1E6D /* GenUtils.cpp */; }; + DD92851C17F5FC7300B9481A /* VarOrderPtree.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD92851A17F5FC7300B9481A /* VarOrderPtree.cpp */; }; + DD92851F17F5FD4500B9481A /* VarOrderMapper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD92851D17F5FD4500B9481A /* VarOrderMapper.cpp */; }; + DD92853D17F5FE2E00B9481A /* VarGroup.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD92853B17F5FE2E00B9481A /* VarGroup.cpp */; }; + DD92D22417BAAF2300F8FE01 /* TimeEditorDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD92D22317BAAF2300F8FE01 /* TimeEditorDlg.cpp */; }; + DD9C1B371910267900C0A427 /* GdaConst.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD9C1B351910267900C0A427 /* GdaConst.cpp */; }; DDA462FF164D785500EBBD8F /* TableState.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDA462FC164D785500EBBD8F /* TableState.cpp */; }; - DDA73B8013672821003783BC /* DataViewerResizeColDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDA73B7E13672821003783BC /* DataViewerResizeColDlg.cpp */; }; DDA8D55214479228008156FB /* ScatterNewPlotView.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD99BA1911D3F8D6003BB40E /* ScatterNewPlotView.cpp */; }; DDA8D5681447948B008156FB /* ShapeUtils.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDDC11EB1159783700E515BB /* ShapeUtils.cpp */; }; DDAA6540117F9B5D00D1010C /* Project.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDAA653F117F9B5D00D1010C /* Project.cpp */; }; DDAD0218162754EA00748874 /* ConditionalNewView.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDAD0216162754EA00748874 /* ConditionalNewView.cpp */; }; - DDB054891353B9DF0044C441 /* GeoDaConst.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD575B461231B73800AA0C11 /* GeoDaConst.cpp */; }; - DDB056DB13554F080044C441 /* MyDataViewerAppRes.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDB056DA13554F080044C441 /* MyDataViewerAppRes.cpp */; }; - DDB057461356318A0044C441 /* DataViewerAddColDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDB057441356318A0044C441 /* DataViewerAddColDlg.cpp */; }; DDB0E42510B3181800F96D57 /* DbfFile.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDB0E42310B3181800F96D57 /* DbfFile.cpp */; }; DDB0E42C10B34DBB00F96D57 /* AddIdVariable.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDB0E42A10B34DBB00F96D57 /* AddIdVariable.cpp */; }; - DDB252B413BBFD6700A7CE26 /* MergeTableDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDB252B213BBFD6700A7CE26 /* MergeTableDlg.cpp */; }; DDB252B513BBFD6700A7CE26 /* MergeTableDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDB252B213BBFD6700A7CE26 /* MergeTableDlg.cpp */; }; DDB2A75F15FA7DA900022ABE /* CartogramNewView.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDB2A75D15FA7DA900022ABE /* CartogramNewView.cpp */; }; DDB37A0811CBBB730020C8A9 /* TemplateLegend.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDB37A0711CBBB730020C8A9 /* TemplateLegend.cpp */; }; DDB77C0D139820CB00569A1E /* GStatCoordinator.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDB77C0B139820CB00569A1E /* GStatCoordinator.cpp */; }; DDB77F3E140D3CEF0032C7E4 /* FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDB77F3C140D3CEF0032C7E4 /* FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg.cpp */; }; - DDBC145D15619DE8007CFAF7 /* CreateSpTmProjectDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDBC145B15619DE8007CFAF7 /* CreateSpTmProjectDlg.cpp */; }; - DDBC145E15619DE8007CFAF7 /* CreateSpTmProjectDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDBC145B15619DE8007CFAF7 /* CreateSpTmProjectDlg.cpp */; }; DDBC399A12300DEA007899A6 /* TestScrollWinView.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDBC399812300DEA007899A6 /* TestScrollWinView.cpp */; }; - DDC60E72156ADF8400CBB233 /* TimeVariantImportDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDC60E70156ADF8400CBB233 /* TimeVariantImportDlg.cpp */; }; - DDC60E73156ADF8400CBB233 /* TimeVariantImportDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDC60E70156ADF8400CBB233 /* TimeVariantImportDlg.cpp */; }; + DDC48EF618AE506400FD773F /* ProjectInfoDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDC48EF418AE506400FD773F /* ProjectInfoDlg.cpp */; }; DDC9DD8515937AA000A0E5BA /* ExportCsvDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDC9DD8315937AA000A0E5BA /* ExportCsvDlg.cpp */; }; DDC9DD8A15937B2F00A0E5BA /* CsvFileUtils.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDC9DD8815937B2F00A0E5BA /* CsvFileUtils.cpp */; }; DDC9DD9C15937C0200A0E5BA /* ImportCsvDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDC9DD9A15937C0200A0E5BA /* ImportCsvDlg.cpp */; }; @@ -132,41 +150,78 @@ DDD593B012E9F42100F7A7C4 /* WeightsManager.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDD593AF12E9F42100F7A7C4 /* WeightsManager.cpp */; }; DDD593C712E9F90000F7A7C4 /* GalWeight.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDD593C612E9F90000F7A7C4 /* GalWeight.cpp */; }; DDD593CA12E9F90C00F7A7C4 /* GwtWeight.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDD593C912E9F90C00F7A7C4 /* GwtWeight.cpp */; }; - DDD7E943134CA3D8003463F6 /* DbfGridTableBase.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDD7E942134CA3D8003463F6 /* DbfGridTableBase.cpp */; }; - DDD7E985134CE5AF003463F6 /* logger.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD64A5570F2910D2006B1E6D /* logger.cpp */; }; - DDD7EAFB134D2054003463F6 /* GeneralWxUtils.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD64A2860F20FE06006B1E6D /* GeneralWxUtils.cpp */; }; - DDD7EBED134E8F82003463F6 /* DbfFile.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDB0E42310B3181800F96D57 /* DbfFile.cpp */; }; DDDBF286163AD1D50070610C /* ConditionalMapView.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDDBF284163AD1D50070610C /* ConditionalMapView.cpp */; }; DDDBF29B163AD2BF0070610C /* ConditionalScatterPlotView.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDDBF29A163AD2BF0070610C /* ConditionalScatterPlotView.cpp */; }; DDDBF2AE163AD3AB0070610C /* ConditionalHistogramView.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDDBF2AC163AD3AB0070610C /* ConditionalHistogramView.cpp */; }; DDDC11F01159783700E515BB /* ShpFile.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDDC11ED1159783700E515BB /* ShpFile.cpp */; }; - DDDFB970134B6BD6005EF636 /* DataViewer.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDDFB96F134B6BD6005EF636 /* DataViewer.cpp */; }; DDE3F5081677C46500D13A2C /* CatClassification.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDE3F5061677C46500D13A2C /* CatClassification.cpp */; }; - DDEB86CB1471C3D400FF781A /* OpenSpaceTimeDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDEB86C91471C3D400FF781A /* OpenSpaceTimeDlg.cpp */; }; - DDEB86CC1471C3D400FF781A /* OpenSpaceTimeDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDEB86C91471C3D400FF781A /* OpenSpaceTimeDlg.cpp */; }; + DDEA3CBD193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaFlexValue.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDEA3CB7193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaFlexValue.cpp */; }; + DDEA3CBE193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaLexer.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDEA3CB9193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaLexer.cpp */; }; + DDEA3CBF193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaParser.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDEA3CBB193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaParser.cpp */; }; + DDEA3D01193D17130028B746 /* CalculatorDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDEA3CFF193D17130028B746 /* CalculatorDlg.cpp */; }; DDF14CDA139432B000363FA1 /* DataViewerDeleteColDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DD7411001385B08B00554B0F /* DataViewerDeleteColDlg.cpp */; }; DDF14CDC139432C100363FA1 /* DataViewerResizeColDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDA73B7E13672821003783BC /* DataViewerResizeColDlg.cpp */; }; DDF14CDD139432CB00363FA1 /* DataViewerAddColDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDB057441356318A0044C441 /* DataViewerAddColDlg.cpp */; }; - DDF14CDE139432D400363FA1 /* DataViewer.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDDFB96F134B6BD6005EF636 /* DataViewer.cpp */; }; - DDF14CDF139432DB00363FA1 /* DbfGridTableBase.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDD7E942134CA3D8003463F6 /* DbfGridTableBase.cpp */; }; - DDF14DE11395551600363FA1 /* NewTableViewer.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDF14DE01395551600363FA1 /* NewTableViewer.cpp */; }; DDF1636B15064B7800E3E6BD /* LisaMapNewView.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDF1636A15064B7800E3E6BD /* LisaMapNewView.cpp */; }; DDF1637015064C2900E3E6BD /* GetisOrdMapNewView.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDF1636F15064C2900E3E6BD /* GetisOrdMapNewView.cpp */; }; DDF53FF3167A39520042B453 /* CatClassifState.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDF53FF0167A39520042B453 /* CatClassifState.cpp */; }; DDF5400B167A39CA0042B453 /* CatClassifDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDF54009167A39CA0042B453 /* CatClassifDlg.cpp */; }; DDF85D1813B257B6006C1B08 /* DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDF85D1613B257B6006C1B08 /* DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg.cpp */; }; - DDF85D1913B257B6006C1B08 /* DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDF85D1613B257B6006C1B08 /* DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg.cpp */; }; + DDFE0E0917502E810099FFEC /* DbfColContainer.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDFE0E0817502E810099FFEC /* DbfColContainer.cpp */; }; + DDFE0E2A175034EC0099FFEC /* TimeState.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DDFE0E27175034EC0099FFEC /* TimeState.cpp */; }; /* End PBXBuildFile section */ /* Begin PBXFileReference section */ + A11F1B7D184FDFB3006F5F98 /* OGRColumn.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = OGRColumn.cpp; path = DataViewer/OGRColumn.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + A11F1B7E184FDFB3006F5F98 /* OGRColumn.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = OGRColumn.h; path = DataViewer/OGRColumn.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + A11F1B801850437A006F5F98 /* OGRTableOperation.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = OGRTableOperation.cpp; path = DataViewer/OGRTableOperation.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + A11F1B811850437A006F5F98 /* OGRTableOperation.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = OGRTableOperation.h; path = DataViewer/OGRTableOperation.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + A12E0F4D1705087A00B6059C /* OGRDataAdapter.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = OGRDataAdapter.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + A12E0F4E1705087A00B6059C /* OGRDataAdapter.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = OGRDataAdapter.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + A13B6B9218760CF100F93ACF /* SaveAsDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SaveAsDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + A13B6B9318760CF100F93ACF /* SaveAsDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SaveAsDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + A16BA46E183D626200D3B7DA /* DatasourceDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DatasourceDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + A16BA46F183D626200D3B7DA /* DatasourceDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DatasourceDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + A171FBFE1792332A000DD5A0 /* GdaException.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = GdaException.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + A19F514D1756A11E006E31B4 /* plugins */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = folder; name = plugins; path = BuildTools/macosx/plugins; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1B93ABE17D18735007F8195 /* ProjectConf.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ProjectConf.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1B93ABF17D18735007F8195 /* ProjectConf.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ProjectConf.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1BE9E4B174DD831007B9C64 /* GdaShape.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = GdaShape.cpp; path = Generic/GdaShape.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1BE9E4C174DD831007B9C64 /* GdaShape.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = GdaShape.h; path = Generic/GdaShape.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1BE9E4F174DD85F007B9C64 /* GdaAppResources.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = GdaAppResources.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1C9F3EB18B55EE000E14394 /* FieldNameCorrectionDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = FieldNameCorrectionDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1C9F3EC18B55EE000E14394 /* FieldNameCorrectionDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = FieldNameCorrectionDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1CAD45C17A7334E0026AC55 /* QuadTree.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = QuadTree.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1CAD45D17A7334E0026AC55 /* QuadTree.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = QuadTree.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1D82DED174D3EB6003DE20A /* ConnectDatasourceDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ConnectDatasourceDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1D82DEE174D3EB6003DE20A /* ConnectDatasourceDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ConnectDatasourceDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1DA623817BCBC070070CAAB /* AutoCompTextCtrl.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = AutoCompTextCtrl.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1DA623917BCBC070070CAAB /* AutoCompTextCtrl.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AutoCompTextCtrl.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1E77E18177D6A2E00CC1037 /* ExportDataDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ExportDataDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1E77E19177D6A2E00CC1037 /* ExportDataDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ExportDataDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1E77FDA17889BE200CC1037 /* OGRTable.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = OGRTable.cpp; path = DataViewer/OGRTable.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1E77FDB17889BE200CC1037 /* OGRTable.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = OGRTable.h; path = DataViewer/OGRTable.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1E78133178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRDatasourceProxy.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = OGRDatasourceProxy.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1E78134178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRDatasourceProxy.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = OGRDatasourceProxy.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1E78135178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRFieldProxy.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = OGRFieldProxy.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1E78136178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRFieldProxy.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = OGRFieldProxy.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1E78137178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRLayerProxy.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = OGRLayerProxy.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1E78138178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRLayerProxy.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = OGRLayerProxy.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1EF332D18E35D8300E19375 /* LocaleSetupDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LocaleSetupDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1EF332E18E35D8300E19375 /* LocaleSetupDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LocaleSetupDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1F1BA5A178D3B46005A46E5 /* GdaCache.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = GdaCache.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1F1BA5B178D3B46005A46E5 /* GdaCache.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = GdaCache.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1F1BA98178D46B8005A46E5 /* cache.sqlite */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file; name = cache.sqlite; path = BuildTools/macosx/cache/cache.sqlite; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1FD8C17186908B800C35C41 /* CustomClassifPtree.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = CustomClassifPtree.cpp; path = DataViewer/CustomClassifPtree.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + A1FD8C18186908B800C35C41 /* CustomClassifPtree.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = CustomClassifPtree.h; path = DataViewer/CustomClassifPtree.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD00ADE611138A2C008FE572 /* TemplateFrame.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = TemplateFrame.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD00ADE711138A2C008FE572 /* TemplateFrame.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = TemplateFrame.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD0DC4B813CBA7B10022B65A /* RangeSelectionDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = RangeSelectionDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD0DC4B913CBA7B10022B65A /* RangeSelectionDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = RangeSelectionDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD0FEBBA1909B7A000930418 /* NumCategoriesDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = NumCategoriesDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD0FEBBB1909B7A000930418 /* NumCategoriesDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = NumCategoriesDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD115EA112BBDDA000E1CC73 /* ProgressDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ProgressDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD115EA212BBDDA000E1CC73 /* ProgressDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ProgressDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; - DD14720F1394270C001A3D30 /* DataViewerApp.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = DataViewerApp.h; path = DataViewer/DataViewerApp.h; sourceTree = ""; }; - DD1472101394270C001A3D30 /* DataViewerApp.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = DataViewerApp.cpp; path = DataViewer/DataViewerApp.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD164780142938BA008116A6 /* LisaCoordinatorObserver.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LisaCoordinatorObserver.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD181BC613A90445004B0EC2 /* SaveToTableDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SaveToTableDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD181BC713A90445004B0EC2 /* SaveToTableDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SaveToTableDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; @@ -174,12 +229,12 @@ DD203F9C14C0C960006A731B /* MapNewView.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = MapNewView.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD209596139F129900B9E648 /* GetisOrdChoiceDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = GetisOrdChoiceDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD209597139F129900B9E648 /* GetisOrdChoiceDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = GetisOrdChoiceDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; - DD26FC40111B8E3F005A410F /* MyShape.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = MyShape.cpp; path = Generic/MyShape.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; - DD26FC41111B8E3F005A410F /* MyShape.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = MyShape.h; path = Generic/MyShape.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD26FCC91121DADC005A410F /* TestMapView.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = TestMapView.h; path = Generic/TestMapView.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD26FCCA1121DADC005A410F /* TestMapView.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = TestMapView.cpp; path = Generic/TestMapView.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD27EF030F2F6CBE009C5C42 /* ShapeFile.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ShapeFile.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD27EF040F2F6CBE009C5C42 /* ShapeFile.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ShapeFile.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD2A6FDE178C7F7C00197093 /* DataSource.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = DataSource.cpp; path = DataViewer/DataSource.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD2A6FDF178C7F7C00197093 /* DataSource.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = DataSource.h; path = DataViewer/DataSource.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD2B42AF1522552B00888E51 /* BoxNewPlotView.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = BoxNewPlotView.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD2B42B01522552B00888E51 /* BoxNewPlotView.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = BoxNewPlotView.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD2B433D1522A93700888E51 /* HistogramView.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = HistogramView.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; @@ -188,15 +243,26 @@ DD2B43411522A95100888E51 /* PCPNewView.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = PCPNewView.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD336EFC10C9C33600CE52F6 /* Observable.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = Observable.h; path = Generic/Observable.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD336EFD10C9C33600CE52F6 /* Observer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = Observer.h; path = Generic/Observer.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD3BA0CE187111DE00CA4152 /* WeightsManPtree.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = WeightsManPtree.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD3BA0CF187111DE00CA4152 /* WeightsManPtree.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = WeightsManPtree.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD3BA4461871EE9A00CA4152 /* DefaultVarsPtree.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DefaultVarsPtree.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD3BA4471871EE9A00CA4152 /* DefaultVarsPtree.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DefaultVarsPtree.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD40B081181894F20084173C /* VarGroupingEditorDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = VarGroupingEditorDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD40B082181894F20084173C /* VarGroupingEditorDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = VarGroupingEditorDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD497478176F59670007BB9F /* DbfTable.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = DbfTable.h; path = DataViewer/DbfTable.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD497479176F59670007BB9F /* DbfTable.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = DbfTable.cpp; path = DataViewer/DbfTable.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD4974B51770AC700007BB9F /* TableFrame.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = TableFrame.h; path = DataViewer/TableFrame.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD4974B61770AC700007BB9F /* TableFrame.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = TableFrame.cpp; path = DataViewer/TableFrame.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD4974B81770AC840007BB9F /* TableBase.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = TableBase.h; path = DataViewer/TableBase.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD4974B91770AC840007BB9F /* TableBase.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = TableBase.cpp; path = DataViewer/TableBase.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD4974E01770CE9E0007BB9F /* TableInterface.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = TableInterface.h; path = DataViewer/TableInterface.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD4974E11770CE9E0007BB9F /* TableInterface.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = TableInterface.cpp; path = DataViewer/TableInterface.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD4E8B84164818A70014F1E7 /* ConnectivityHistView.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ConnectivityHistView.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD4E8B85164818A70014F1E7 /* ConnectivityHistView.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ConnectivityHistView.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD563E061064237C0070781C /* release-notes.txt */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text; path = "release-notes.txt"; sourceTree = ""; }; - DD575B461231B73800AA0C11 /* GeoDaConst.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = GeoDaConst.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD579B68160BDAFE00BF8D53 /* DorlingCartogram.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DorlingCartogram.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD579B69160BDAFE00BF8D53 /* DorlingCartogram.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DorlingCartogram.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD5A579616E53EC40047DBB1 /* GeoDa.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; path = GeoDa.icns; sourceTree = ""; }; - DD5BD6E0125CCC07006E4E87 /* TestTableView.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = TestTableView.h; path = Generic/TestTableView.h; sourceTree = ""; }; - DD5BD6E1125CCC07006E4E87 /* TestTableView.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = TestTableView.cpp; path = Generic/TestTableView.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD5FA1D80F320DD50055A0E5 /* ShapeFileHdr.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ShapeFileHdr.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD5FA1D90F320DD50055A0E5 /* ShapeFileHdr.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ShapeFileHdr.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD5FA2350F3231940055A0E5 /* shp.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = shp.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; @@ -227,7 +293,6 @@ DD75A03F15E81AF9008A7F8C /* VoronoiUtils.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = VoronoiUtils.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD75A04015E81AF9008A7F8C /* VoronoiUtils.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = VoronoiUtils.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD7974810F1D1B6600496A84 /* GeoDa.app */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.application; includeInIndex = 0; path = GeoDa.app; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; }; - DD7974840F1D1B6600496A84 /* GeoDa-Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = "GeoDa-Info.plist"; sourceTree = ""; }; DD7974C30F1D250A00496A84 /* TemplateCanvas.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = TemplateCanvas.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD7974C40F1D250A00496A84 /* TemplateCanvas.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = TemplateCanvas.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD7974E10F1D292300496A84 /* ANN.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ANN.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; @@ -262,8 +327,6 @@ DD79752A0F1D296F00496A84 /* HistIntervalDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = HistIntervalDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD79752F0F1D296F00496A84 /* LisaWhat2OpenDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LisaWhat2OpenDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD7975300F1D296F00496A84 /* LisaWhat2OpenDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LisaWhat2OpenDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; - DD7975310F1D296F00496A84 /* MapQuantileDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = MapQuantileDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; - DD7975320F1D296F00496A84 /* MapQuantileDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = MapQuantileDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD7975350F1D296F00496A84 /* PCPDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = PCPDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD7975360F1D296F00496A84 /* PCPDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = PCPDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD7975370F1D296F00496A84 /* PermutationCounterDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = PermutationCounterDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; @@ -328,13 +391,15 @@ DD7976EC0F1D2D3100496A84 /* shp2cnt.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = shp2cnt.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD7976EE0F1D2D3100496A84 /* shp2gwt.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = shp2gwt.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD7976EF0F1D2D3100496A84 /* shp2gwt.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = shp2gwt.h; sourceTree = ""; }; - DD7979290F1E6CDB00496A84 /* MyAppResources.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = MyAppResources.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD7B2A9B185273FF00727A91 /* SaveButtonManager.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = SaveButtonManager.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD7B2A9C185273FF00727A91 /* SaveButtonManager.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SaveButtonManager.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD7B5E5E112606F400B6D0B0 /* HighlightState.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = HighlightState.cpp; path = Generic/HighlightState.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD7B5E5F112606F400B6D0B0 /* HighlightState.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = HighlightState.h; path = Generic/HighlightState.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD7D5C6F1427F89B00DCFE5C /* LisaCoordinator.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LisaCoordinator.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD7D5C701427F89B00DCFE5C /* LisaCoordinator.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LisaCoordinator.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD7E91D1151A8F3A001AAC4C /* LisaScatterPlotView.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LisaScatterPlotView.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD7E91D2151A8F3A001AAC4C /* LisaScatterPlotView.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LisaScatterPlotView.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD84139218B24BF2007C39CF /* version.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = version.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD89C86A13D86BC7006C068D /* FieldNewCalcBinDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = FieldNewCalcBinDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD89C86B13D86BC7006C068D /* FieldNewCalcBinDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = FieldNewCalcBinDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD89C86C13D86BC7006C068D /* FieldNewCalcLagDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = FieldNewCalcLagDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; @@ -347,9 +412,19 @@ DD89C87313D86BC7006C068D /* FieldNewCalcUniDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = FieldNewCalcUniDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD8FACDF1649595D007598CE /* DataMovieDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DataMovieDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD8FACE01649595D007598CE /* DataMovieDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = DataMovieDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD92851A17F5FC7300B9481A /* VarOrderPtree.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = VarOrderPtree.cpp; path = DataViewer/VarOrderPtree.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD92851B17F5FC7300B9481A /* VarOrderPtree.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = VarOrderPtree.h; path = DataViewer/VarOrderPtree.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD92851D17F5FD4500B9481A /* VarOrderMapper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = VarOrderMapper.cpp; path = DataViewer/VarOrderMapper.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD92851E17F5FD4500B9481A /* VarOrderMapper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = VarOrderMapper.h; path = DataViewer/VarOrderMapper.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD92853B17F5FE2E00B9481A /* VarGroup.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = VarGroup.cpp; path = DataViewer/VarGroup.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD92853C17F5FE2E00B9481A /* VarGroup.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = VarGroup.h; path = DataViewer/VarGroup.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD92D22217BAAF2300F8FE01 /* TimeEditorDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = TimeEditorDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD92D22317BAAF2300F8FE01 /* TimeEditorDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = TimeEditorDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD972056150A6F44000206F4 /* sp_tm_conv.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = sp_tm_conv.cpp; path = CmdLineUtils/sp_tm_conv/sp_tm_conv.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DD99BA1811D3F8D6003BB40E /* ScatterNewPlotView.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ScatterNewPlotView.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DD99BA1911D3F8D6003BB40E /* ScatterNewPlotView.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ScatterNewPlotView.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD9C1B351910267900C0A427 /* GdaConst.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = GdaConst.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DD9C1B361910267900C0A427 /* GdaConst.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = GdaConst.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DDA462FC164D785500EBBD8F /* TableState.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = TableState.cpp; path = DataViewer/TableState.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DDA462FD164D785500EBBD8F /* TableState.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = TableState.h; path = DataViewer/TableState.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DDA462FE164D785500EBBD8F /* TableStateObserver.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = TableStateObserver.h; path = DataViewer/TableStateObserver.h; sourceTree = ""; }; @@ -359,9 +434,7 @@ DDAA653F117F9B5D00D1010C /* Project.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = Project.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DDAD0216162754EA00748874 /* ConditionalNewView.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ConditionalNewView.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DDAD0217162754EA00748874 /* ConditionalNewView.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ConditionalNewView.h; sourceTree = ""; }; - DDAE6F4111A5A07C00BF5EEC /* GeoDaConst.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = GeoDaConst.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DDB056D813554EEC0044C441 /* data_viewer_dialogs.xrc */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.xml; path = data_viewer_dialogs.xrc; sourceTree = ""; }; - DDB056DA13554F080044C441 /* MyDataViewerAppRes.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = MyDataViewerAppRes.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DDB057441356318A0044C441 /* DataViewerAddColDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = DataViewerAddColDlg.cpp; path = DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DDB057451356318A0044C441 /* DataViewerAddColDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = DataViewerAddColDlg.h; path = DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DDB0E42310B3181800F96D57 /* DbfFile.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = DbfFile.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; @@ -378,12 +451,10 @@ DDB77C0C139820CB00569A1E /* GStatCoordinator.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = GStatCoordinator.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DDB77F3C140D3CEF0032C7E4 /* FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DDB77F3D140D3CEF0032C7E4 /* FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; - DDBC145B15619DE8007CFAF7 /* CreateSpTmProjectDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CreateSpTmProjectDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; - DDBC145C15619DE8007CFAF7 /* CreateSpTmProjectDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CreateSpTmProjectDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DDBC399812300DEA007899A6 /* TestScrollWinView.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = TestScrollWinView.cpp; path = Generic/TestScrollWinView.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DDBC399912300DEA007899A6 /* TestScrollWinView.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = TestScrollWinView.h; path = Generic/TestScrollWinView.h; sourceTree = ""; }; - DDC60E70156ADF8400CBB233 /* TimeVariantImportDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = TimeVariantImportDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; - DDC60E71156ADF8400CBB233 /* TimeVariantImportDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = TimeVariantImportDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DDC48EF418AE506400FD773F /* ProjectInfoDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ProjectInfoDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DDC48EF518AE506400FD773F /* ProjectInfoDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ProjectInfoDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DDC9DD8315937AA000A0E5BA /* ExportCsvDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ExportCsvDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DDC9DD8415937AA000A0E5BA /* ExportCsvDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ExportCsvDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DDC9DD8815937B2F00A0E5BA /* CsvFileUtils.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CsvFileUtils.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; @@ -409,8 +480,6 @@ DDD593C612E9F90000F7A7C4 /* GalWeight.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = GalWeight.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DDD593C812E9F90C00F7A7C4 /* GwtWeight.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = GwtWeight.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DDD593C912E9F90C00F7A7C4 /* GwtWeight.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = GwtWeight.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; - DDD7E941134CA3D8003463F6 /* DbfGridTableBase.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = DbfGridTableBase.h; path = DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h; sourceTree = ""; }; - DDD7E942134CA3D8003463F6 /* DbfGridTableBase.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = DbfGridTableBase.cpp; path = DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DDDBF284163AD1D50070610C /* ConditionalMapView.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ConditionalMapView.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DDDBF285163AD1D50070610C /* ConditionalMapView.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ConditionalMapView.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DDDBF299163AD2BF0070610C /* ConditionalScatterPlotView.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ConditionalScatterPlotView.h; sourceTree = ""; }; @@ -421,16 +490,17 @@ DDDC11EC1159783700E515BB /* ShapeUtils.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ShapeUtils.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DDDC11ED1159783700E515BB /* ShpFile.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ShpFile.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DDDC11EE1159783700E515BB /* ShpFile.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ShpFile.h; sourceTree = ""; }; - DDDFB967134B6A58005EF636 /* DbfViewer.app */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.application; includeInIndex = 0; path = DbfViewer.app; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; }; - DDDFB969134B6A58005EF636 /* DataViewer-Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = "DataViewer-Info.plist"; sourceTree = ""; }; - DDDFB96E134B6BD6005EF636 /* DataViewer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = DataViewer.h; path = DataViewer/DataViewer.h; sourceTree = ""; }; - DDDFB96F134B6BD6005EF636 /* DataViewer.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = DataViewer.cpp; path = DataViewer/DataViewer.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DDE39D97178CDB9A00C47D58 /* PtreeInterface.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = PtreeInterface.h; path = DataViewer/PtreeInterface.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DDE3F5061677C46500D13A2C /* CatClassification.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CatClassification.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DDE3F5071677C46500D13A2C /* CatClassification.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CatClassification.h; sourceTree = ""; }; - DDEB86C91471C3D400FF781A /* OpenSpaceTimeDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = OpenSpaceTimeDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; - DDEB86CA1471C3D400FF781A /* OpenSpaceTimeDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = OpenSpaceTimeDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; - DDF14DDF1395551600363FA1 /* NewTableViewer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = NewTableViewer.h; sourceTree = ""; }; - DDF14DE01395551600363FA1 /* NewTableViewer.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = NewTableViewer.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DDEA3CB7193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaFlexValue.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = GdaFlexValue.cpp; path = VarCalc/GdaFlexValue.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DDEA3CB8193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaFlexValue.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = GdaFlexValue.h; path = VarCalc/GdaFlexValue.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DDEA3CB9193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaLexer.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = GdaLexer.cpp; path = VarCalc/GdaLexer.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DDEA3CBA193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaLexer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = GdaLexer.h; path = VarCalc/GdaLexer.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DDEA3CBB193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaParser.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = GdaParser.cpp; path = VarCalc/GdaParser.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DDEA3CBC193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaParser.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = GdaParser.h; path = VarCalc/GdaParser.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DDEA3CFF193D17130028B746 /* CalculatorDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CalculatorDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DDEA3D00193D17130028B746 /* CalculatorDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CalculatorDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DDF1636915064B7800E3E6BD /* LisaMapNewView.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = LisaMapNewView.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DDF1636A15064B7800E3E6BD /* LisaMapNewView.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = LisaMapNewView.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DDF1636E15064C2900E3E6BD /* GetisOrdMapNewView.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = GetisOrdMapNewView.h; sourceTree = ""; }; @@ -442,6 +512,11 @@ DDF5400A167A39CA0042B453 /* CatClassifDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CatClassifDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; DDF85D1613B257B6006C1B08 /* DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg.cpp; path = DataViewer/DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; DDF85D1713B257B6006C1B08 /* DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg.h; path = DataViewer/DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DDFE0E0717502E810099FFEC /* DbfColContainer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = DbfColContainer.h; path = DataViewer/DbfColContainer.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DDFE0E0817502E810099FFEC /* DbfColContainer.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = DbfColContainer.cpp; path = DataViewer/DbfColContainer.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DDFE0E27175034EC0099FFEC /* TimeState.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = TimeState.cpp; path = DataViewer/TimeState.cpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + DDFE0E28175034EC0099FFEC /* TimeState.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = TimeState.h; path = DataViewer/TimeState.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + DDFE0E29175034EC0099FFEC /* TimeStateObserver.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = TimeStateObserver.h; path = DataViewer/TimeStateObserver.h; sourceTree = ""; }; /* End PBXFileReference section */ /* Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */ @@ -452,19 +527,13 @@ ); runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; }; - DDDFB965134B6A58005EF636 /* Frameworks */ = { - isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase; - buildActionMask = 2147483647; - files = ( - ); - runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; - }; /* End PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */ /* Begin PBXGroup section */ - DD7974650F1D1B0700496A84 = { + DD7974650F1D1B0700496A84 /* ../../ */ = { isa = PBXGroup; children = ( + A19F514D1756A11E006E31B4 /* plugins */, DD972054150A6EE4000206F4 /* CmdLineUtils */, DDDFB96D134B6B73005EF636 /* DataViewer */, DDD4BBDD108521D30006F2D2 /* Generic */, @@ -475,12 +544,17 @@ DD7974820F1D1B6600496A84 /* Products */, DD7976950F1D2CA800496A84 /* Regression */, DD7976E10F1D2D3100496A84 /* ShapeOperations */, + DDEA3CB6193CEE250028B746 /* VarCalc */, + A1F1BA98178D46B8005A46E5 /* cache.sqlite */, + DD3BA4471871EE9A00CA4152 /* DefaultVarsPtree.h */, + DD3BA4461871EE9A00CA4152 /* DefaultVarsPtree.cpp */, + DD9C1B351910267900C0A427 /* GdaConst.cpp */, + DD9C1B361910267900C0A427 /* GdaConst.h */, + A171FBFE1792332A000DD5A0 /* GdaException.h */, DD64A2870F20FE06006B1E6D /* GeneralWxUtils.h */, DD64A2860F20FE06006B1E6D /* GeneralWxUtils.cpp */, DD64925B16DFF63400B3B0AB /* GeoDa.h */, DD64925A16DFF63400B3B0AB /* GeoDa.cpp */, - DDAE6F4111A5A07C00BF5EEC /* GeoDaConst.h */, - DD575B461231B73800AA0C11 /* GeoDaConst.cpp */, DDD13F040F2F8BE1009F7F13 /* GenGeomAlgs.h */, DDD13F050F2F8BE1009F7F13 /* GenGeomAlgs.cpp */, DD64A7230F2E26AA006B1E6D /* GenUtils.h */, @@ -488,7 +562,6 @@ DD64A5540F291027006B1E6D /* logger.h */, DD64A5570F2910D2006B1E6D /* logger.cpp */, DD64A5760F2911A4006B1E6D /* nullstream.h */, - DD7974840F1D1B6600496A84 /* GeoDa-Info.plist */, DD7974C40F1D250A00496A84 /* TemplateCanvas.h */, DD7974C30F1D250A00496A84 /* TemplateCanvas.cpp */, DD00ADE611138A2C008FE572 /* TemplateFrame.h */, @@ -497,20 +570,22 @@ DDB37A0711CBBB730020C8A9 /* TemplateLegend.cpp */, DDAA653E117F9B5D00D1010C /* Project.h */, DDAA653F117F9B5D00D1010C /* Project.cpp */, - DDDFB969134B6A58005EF636 /* DataViewer-Info.plist */, - DDF14DDF1395551600363FA1 /* NewTableViewer.h */, - DDF14DE01395551600363FA1 /* NewTableViewer.cpp */, + A1B93ABE17D18735007F8195 /* ProjectConf.h */, + A1B93ABF17D18735007F8195 /* ProjectConf.cpp */, DD6B7287141A61400026D223 /* FramesManager.h */, DD6B7288141A61400026D223 /* FramesManager.cpp */, DD6B72AA141A76F50026D223 /* FramesManagerObserver.h */, + DD7B2A9B185273FF00727A91 /* SaveButtonManager.cpp */, + DD7B2A9C185273FF00727A91 /* SaveButtonManager.h */, + DD84139218B24BF2007C39CF /* version.h */, ); + path = ../../; sourceTree = ""; }; DD7974820F1D1B6600496A84 /* Products */ = { isa = PBXGroup; children = ( DD7974810F1D1B6600496A84 /* GeoDa.app */, - DDDFB967134B6A58005EF636 /* DbfViewer.app */, ); name = Products; sourceTree = ""; @@ -543,26 +618,36 @@ DD7974FE0F1D296F00496A84 /* DialogTools */ = { isa = PBXGroup; children = ( + DDEA3CFF193D17130028B746 /* CalculatorDlg.cpp */, + DDEA3D00193D17130028B746 /* CalculatorDlg.h */, DD7974FF0F1D296F00496A84 /* 3DControlPan.cpp */, DD7975000F1D296F00496A84 /* 3DControlPan.h */, DDB0E42A10B34DBB00F96D57 /* AddIdVariable.cpp */, DDB0E42B10B34DBB00F96D57 /* AddIdVariable.h */, DD7975090F1D296F00496A84 /* ASC2SHPDlg.cpp */, DD79750A0F1D296F00496A84 /* ASC2SHPDlg.h */, + A1DA623817BCBC070070CAAB /* AutoCompTextCtrl.cpp */, + A1DA623917BCBC070070CAAB /* AutoCompTextCtrl.h */, DD79750B0F1D296F00496A84 /* Bnd2ShpDlg.cpp */, DD79750C0F1D296F00496A84 /* Bnd2ShpDlg.h */, DDF54009167A39CA0042B453 /* CatClassifDlg.cpp */, DDF5400A167A39CA0042B453 /* CatClassifDlg.h */, + A1D82DEE174D3EB6003DE20A /* ConnectDatasourceDlg.cpp */, + A1D82DED174D3EB6003DE20A /* ConnectDatasourceDlg.h */, DD7975110F1D296F00496A84 /* CreateGridDlg.cpp */, DD7975120F1D296F00496A84 /* CreateGridDlg.h */, - DDBC145B15619DE8007CFAF7 /* CreateSpTmProjectDlg.cpp */, - DDBC145C15619DE8007CFAF7 /* CreateSpTmProjectDlg.h */, DD7975130F1D296F00496A84 /* CreatingWeightDlg.cpp */, DD7975140F1D296F00496A84 /* CreatingWeightDlg.h */, DD8FACDF1649595D007598CE /* DataMovieDlg.cpp */, DD8FACE01649595D007598CE /* DataMovieDlg.h */, + A16BA46E183D626200D3B7DA /* DatasourceDlg.cpp */, + A16BA46F183D626200D3B7DA /* DatasourceDlg.h */, DDC9DD8315937AA000A0E5BA /* ExportCsvDlg.cpp */, DDC9DD8415937AA000A0E5BA /* ExportCsvDlg.h */, + A1E77E18177D6A2E00CC1037 /* ExportDataDlg.cpp */, + A1E77E19177D6A2E00CC1037 /* ExportDataDlg.h */, + A1C9F3EB18B55EE000E14394 /* FieldNameCorrectionDlg.h */, + A1C9F3EC18B55EE000E14394 /* FieldNameCorrectionDlg.cpp */, DD89C86A13D86BC7006C068D /* FieldNewCalcBinDlg.cpp */, DD89C86B13D86BC7006C068D /* FieldNewCalcBinDlg.h */, DD89C86C13D86BC7006C068D /* FieldNewCalcLagDlg.cpp */, @@ -583,16 +668,18 @@ DDC9DD9B15937C0200A0E5BA /* ImportCsvDlg.h */, DD79752F0F1D296F00496A84 /* LisaWhat2OpenDlg.cpp */, DD7975300F1D296F00496A84 /* LisaWhat2OpenDlg.h */, - DD7975310F1D296F00496A84 /* MapQuantileDlg.cpp */, - DD7975320F1D296F00496A84 /* MapQuantileDlg.h */, - DDEB86C91471C3D400FF781A /* OpenSpaceTimeDlg.cpp */, - DDEB86CA1471C3D400FF781A /* OpenSpaceTimeDlg.h */, + A1EF332D18E35D8300E19375 /* LocaleSetupDlg.cpp */, + A1EF332E18E35D8300E19375 /* LocaleSetupDlg.h */, + DD0FEBBA1909B7A000930418 /* NumCategoriesDlg.cpp */, + DD0FEBBB1909B7A000930418 /* NumCategoriesDlg.h */, DD7975350F1D296F00496A84 /* PCPDlg.cpp */, DD7975360F1D296F00496A84 /* PCPDlg.h */, DD7975370F1D296F00496A84 /* PermutationCounterDlg.cpp */, DD7975380F1D296F00496A84 /* PermutationCounterDlg.h */, DD115EA212BBDDA000E1CC73 /* ProgressDlg.cpp */, DD115EA112BBDDA000E1CC73 /* ProgressDlg.h */, + DDC48EF418AE506400FD773F /* ProjectInfoDlg.cpp */, + DDC48EF518AE506400FD773F /* ProjectInfoDlg.h */, DD79753B0F1D296F00496A84 /* RandomizationDlg.cpp */, DD79753C0F1D296F00496A84 /* RandomizationDlg.h */, DD0DC4B813CBA7B10022B65A /* RangeSelectionDlg.cpp */, @@ -601,6 +688,8 @@ DD7975440F1D296F00496A84 /* RegressionDlg.h */, DD7975470F1D296F00496A84 /* RegressionReportDlg.cpp */, DD7975480F1D296F00496A84 /* RegressionReportDlg.h */, + A13B6B9218760CF100F93ACF /* SaveAsDlg.h */, + A13B6B9318760CF100F93ACF /* SaveAsDlg.cpp */, DD181BC613A90445004B0EC2 /* SaveToTableDlg.cpp */, DD181BC713A90445004B0EC2 /* SaveToTableDlg.h */, DD7975550F1D296F00496A84 /* SaveSelectionDlg.cpp */, @@ -613,8 +702,10 @@ DD79755C0F1D296F00496A84 /* Statistics.h */, DD6456C714881EA700AABF59 /* TimeChooserDlg.cpp */, DD6456C814881EA700AABF59 /* TimeChooserDlg.h */, - DDC60E70156ADF8400CBB233 /* TimeVariantImportDlg.cpp */, - DDC60E71156ADF8400CBB233 /* TimeVariantImportDlg.h */, + DD92D22317BAAF2300F8FE01 /* TimeEditorDlg.cpp */, + DD92D22217BAAF2300F8FE01 /* TimeEditorDlg.h */, + DD40B081181894F20084173C /* VarGroupingEditorDlg.cpp */, + DD40B082181894F20084173C /* VarGroupingEditorDlg.h */, DD7975610F1D296F00496A84 /* VariableSettingsDlg.cpp */, DD7975620F1D296F00496A84 /* VariableSettingsDlg.h */, ); @@ -675,14 +766,13 @@ DD7976070F1D2C5E00496A84 /* rc */ = { isa = PBXGroup; children = ( + A1BE9E4F174DD85F007B9C64 /* GdaAppResources.cpp */, DD5A579616E53EC40047DBB1 /* GeoDa.icns */, - DDB056DA13554F080044C441 /* MyDataViewerAppRes.cpp */, DDB056D813554EEC0044C441 /* data_viewer_dialogs.xrc */, DD7976200F1D2C5E00496A84 /* dialogs.xrc */, DD79761D0F1D2C5E00496A84 /* toolbar.xrc */, DD7976270F1D2C5E00496A84 /* menus.xrc */, DD563E061064237C0070781C /* release-notes.txt */, - DD7979290F1E6CDB00496A84 /* MyAppResources.cpp */, ); path = rc; sourceTree = ""; @@ -727,6 +817,18 @@ DD7976E10F1D2D3100496A84 /* ShapeOperations */ = { isa = PBXGroup; children = ( + A1CAD45C17A7334E0026AC55 /* QuadTree.h */, + A1CAD45D17A7334E0026AC55 /* QuadTree.cpp */, + A1F1BA5A178D3B46005A46E5 /* GdaCache.cpp */, + A1F1BA5B178D3B46005A46E5 /* GdaCache.h */, + A12E0F4D1705087A00B6059C /* OGRDataAdapter.h */, + A12E0F4E1705087A00B6059C /* OGRDataAdapter.cpp */, + A1E78133178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRDatasourceProxy.cpp */, + A1E78134178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRDatasourceProxy.h */, + A1E78137178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRLayerProxy.cpp */, + A1E78138178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRLayerProxy.h */, + A1E78135178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRFieldProxy.cpp */, + A1E78136178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRFieldProxy.h */, DDD140520F310324009F7F13 /* AbstractShape.h */, DDD140530F310324009F7F13 /* AbstractShape.cpp */, DDD13F910F2FD641009F7F13 /* BasePoint.h */, @@ -770,6 +872,8 @@ DDDC11EE1159783700E515BB /* ShpFile.h */, DDD593AE12E9F42100F7A7C4 /* WeightsManager.h */, DDD593AF12E9F42100F7A7C4 /* WeightsManager.cpp */, + DD3BA0CF187111DE00CA4152 /* WeightsManPtree.h */, + DD3BA0CE187111DE00CA4152 /* WeightsManPtree.cpp */, DD75A03F15E81AF9008A7F8C /* VoronoiUtils.h */, DD75A04015E81AF9008A7F8C /* VoronoiUtils.cpp */, ); @@ -795,20 +899,18 @@ DDD4BBDD108521D30006F2D2 /* Generic */ = { isa = PBXGroup; children = ( - DDBC399812300DEA007899A6 /* TestScrollWinView.cpp */, - DDBC399912300DEA007899A6 /* TestScrollWinView.h */, + A1BE9E4B174DD831007B9C64 /* GdaShape.cpp */, + A1BE9E4C174DD831007B9C64 /* GdaShape.h */, DD6F7F8511485FB30080DE8C /* macro_cleaner.h */, DD7B5E5E112606F400B6D0B0 /* HighlightState.cpp */, DD7B5E5F112606F400B6D0B0 /* HighlightState.h */, DD6B72A5141A74060026D223 /* HighlightStateObserver.h */, - DD26FC40111B8E3F005A410F /* MyShape.cpp */, - DD26FC41111B8E3F005A410F /* MyShape.h */, DD336EFC10C9C33600CE52F6 /* Observable.h */, DD336EFD10C9C33600CE52F6 /* Observer.h */, DD26FCC91121DADC005A410F /* TestMapView.h */, DD26FCCA1121DADC005A410F /* TestMapView.cpp */, - DD5BD6E0125CCC07006E4E87 /* TestTableView.h */, - DD5BD6E1125CCC07006E4E87 /* TestTableView.cpp */, + DDBC399812300DEA007899A6 /* TestScrollWinView.cpp */, + DDBC399912300DEA007899A6 /* TestScrollWinView.h */, ); name = Generic; sourceTree = ""; @@ -816,29 +918,66 @@ DDDFB96D134B6B73005EF636 /* DataViewer */ = { isa = PBXGroup; children = ( - DDDFB96F134B6BD6005EF636 /* DataViewer.cpp */, - DDDFB96E134B6BD6005EF636 /* DataViewer.h */, + A1FD8C17186908B800C35C41 /* CustomClassifPtree.cpp */, + A1FD8C18186908B800C35C41 /* CustomClassifPtree.h */, + DD2A6FDE178C7F7C00197093 /* DataSource.cpp */, + DD2A6FDF178C7F7C00197093 /* DataSource.h */, DDB057441356318A0044C441 /* DataViewerAddColDlg.cpp */, DDB057451356318A0044C441 /* DataViewerAddColDlg.h */, - DD14720F1394270C001A3D30 /* DataViewerApp.h */, - DD1472101394270C001A3D30 /* DataViewerApp.cpp */, DD7411001385B08B00554B0F /* DataViewerDeleteColDlg.cpp */, DD7411011385B08B00554B0F /* DataViewerDeleteColDlg.h */, DDF85D1613B257B6006C1B08 /* DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg.cpp */, DDF85D1713B257B6006C1B08 /* DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg.h */, DDA73B7E13672821003783BC /* DataViewerResizeColDlg.cpp */, DDA73B7F13672821003783BC /* DataViewerResizeColDlg.h */, - DDD7E941134CA3D8003463F6 /* DbfGridTableBase.h */, - DDD7E942134CA3D8003463F6 /* DbfGridTableBase.cpp */, + DDFE0E0717502E810099FFEC /* DbfColContainer.h */, + DDFE0E0817502E810099FFEC /* DbfColContainer.cpp */, + DD497478176F59670007BB9F /* DbfTable.h */, + DD497479176F59670007BB9F /* DbfTable.cpp */, DDB252B213BBFD6700A7CE26 /* MergeTableDlg.cpp */, DDB252B313BBFD6700A7CE26 /* MergeTableDlg.h */, - DDA462FC164D785500EBBD8F /* TableState.cpp */, + A1E77FDB17889BE200CC1037 /* OGRTable.h */, + A1E77FDA17889BE200CC1037 /* OGRTable.cpp */, + A11F1B801850437A006F5F98 /* OGRTableOperation.cpp */, + A11F1B811850437A006F5F98 /* OGRTableOperation.h */, + A11F1B7D184FDFB3006F5F98 /* OGRColumn.cpp */, + A11F1B7E184FDFB3006F5F98 /* OGRColumn.h */, + DDE39D97178CDB9A00C47D58 /* PtreeInterface.h */, + DD4974B81770AC840007BB9F /* TableBase.h */, + DD4974B91770AC840007BB9F /* TableBase.cpp */, + DD4974B51770AC700007BB9F /* TableFrame.h */, + DD4974B61770AC700007BB9F /* TableFrame.cpp */, + DD4974E01770CE9E0007BB9F /* TableInterface.h */, + DD4974E11770CE9E0007BB9F /* TableInterface.cpp */, DDA462FD164D785500EBBD8F /* TableState.h */, + DDA462FC164D785500EBBD8F /* TableState.cpp */, DDA462FE164D785500EBBD8F /* TableStateObserver.h */, + DDFE0E27175034EC0099FFEC /* TimeState.cpp */, + DDFE0E28175034EC0099FFEC /* TimeState.h */, + DDFE0E29175034EC0099FFEC /* TimeStateObserver.h */, + DD92853C17F5FE2E00B9481A /* VarGroup.h */, + DD92853B17F5FE2E00B9481A /* VarGroup.cpp */, + DD92851E17F5FD4500B9481A /* VarOrderMapper.h */, + DD92851D17F5FD4500B9481A /* VarOrderMapper.cpp */, + DD92851B17F5FC7300B9481A /* VarOrderPtree.h */, + DD92851A17F5FC7300B9481A /* VarOrderPtree.cpp */, ); name = DataViewer; sourceTree = ""; }; + DDEA3CB6193CEE250028B746 /* VarCalc */ = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + DDEA3CB7193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaFlexValue.cpp */, + DDEA3CB8193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaFlexValue.h */, + DDEA3CB9193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaLexer.cpp */, + DDEA3CBA193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaLexer.h */, + DDEA3CBB193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaParser.cpp */, + DDEA3CBC193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaParser.h */, + ); + name = VarCalc; + sourceTree = ""; + }; /* End PBXGroup section */ /* Begin PBXNativeTarget section */ @@ -859,23 +998,6 @@ productReference = DD7974810F1D1B6600496A84 /* GeoDa.app */; productType = "com.apple.product-type.application"; }; - DDDFB966134B6A58005EF636 /* DataViewer */ = { - isa = PBXNativeTarget; - buildConfigurationList = DDDFB96C134B6A59005EF636 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "DataViewer" */; - buildPhases = ( - DDDFB963134B6A58005EF636 /* Resources */, - DDDFB964134B6A58005EF636 /* Sources */, - DDDFB965134B6A58005EF636 /* Frameworks */, - ); - buildRules = ( - ); - dependencies = ( - ); - name = DataViewer; - productName = DataViewer; - productReference = DDDFB967134B6A58005EF636 /* DbfViewer.app */; - productType = "com.apple.product-type.application"; - }; /* End PBXNativeTarget section */ /* Begin PBXProject section */ @@ -894,13 +1016,12 @@ French, German, ); - mainGroup = DD7974650F1D1B0700496A84; + mainGroup = DD7974650F1D1B0700496A84 /* ../../ */; productRefGroup = DD7974820F1D1B6600496A84 /* Products */; projectDirPath = ""; projectRoot = ""; targets = ( DD7974800F1D1B6600496A84 /* GeoDa */, - DDDFB966134B6A58005EF636 /* DataViewer */, ); }; /* End PBXProject section */ @@ -915,14 +1036,8 @@ DD6B74CD141ABC8C0026D223 /* toolbar.xrc in Resources */, DD6B74CF141ABCAD0026D223 /* data_viewer_dialogs.xrc in Resources */, DD6B74D0141ABCB40026D223 /* dialogs.xrc in Resources */, - ); - runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; - }; - DDDFB963134B6A58005EF636 /* Resources */ = { - isa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase; - buildActionMask = 2147483647; - files = ( - DD6B74CE141ABCAC0026D223 /* data_viewer_dialogs.xrc in Resources */, + A19F51501756A11E006E31B4 /* plugins in Resources */, + A1F1BA99178D46B8005A46E5 /* cache.sqlite in Resources */, ); runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; }; @@ -936,6 +1051,7 @@ DD7974C80F1D250A00496A84 /* TemplateCanvas.cpp in Sources */, DD7974F30F1D292300496A84 /* ANN.cpp in Sources */, DD7974F40F1D292300496A84 /* kd_pr_search.cpp in Sources */, + A1EF332F18E35D8300E19375 /* LocaleSetupDlg.cpp in Sources */, DD7974F50F1D292300496A84 /* kd_search.cpp in Sources */, DD7974F60F1D292300496A84 /* kd_split.cpp in Sources */, DD7974F70F1D292300496A84 /* kd_tree.cpp in Sources */, @@ -948,12 +1064,12 @@ DD7975710F1D296F00496A84 /* CreatingWeightDlg.cpp in Sources */, DD79757C0F1D296F00496A84 /* HistIntervalDlg.cpp in Sources */, DD79757F0F1D296F00496A84 /* LisaWhat2OpenDlg.cpp in Sources */, - DD7975800F1D296F00496A84 /* MapQuantileDlg.cpp in Sources */, DD7975820F1D296F00496A84 /* PCPDlg.cpp in Sources */, DD7975830F1D296F00496A84 /* PermutationCounterDlg.cpp in Sources */, DD7975850F1D296F00496A84 /* RandomizationDlg.cpp in Sources */, DD7975890F1D296F00496A84 /* RegressionDlg.cpp in Sources */, DD79758B0F1D296F00496A84 /* RegressionReportDlg.cpp in Sources */, + A1C9F3ED18B55EE000E14394 /* FieldNameCorrectionDlg.cpp in Sources */, DD7975920F1D296F00496A84 /* SaveSelectionDlg.cpp in Sources */, DD7975930F1D296F00496A84 /* SelectWeightDlg.cpp in Sources */, DD7975940F1D296F00496A84 /* SHP2ASCDlg.cpp in Sources */, @@ -976,7 +1092,6 @@ DD7976F30F1D2D3100496A84 /* Randik.cpp in Sources */, DD7976F50F1D2D3100496A84 /* shp2cnt.cpp in Sources */, DD7976F60F1D2D3100496A84 /* shp2gwt.cpp in Sources */, - DD79792A0F1E6CDB00496A84 /* MyAppResources.cpp in Sources */, DD64A2880F20FE06006B1E6D /* GeneralWxUtils.cpp in Sources */, DD64A5580F2910D2006B1E6D /* logger.cpp in Sources */, DD64A6AD0F2A7A81006B1E6D /* DBF.cpp in Sources */, @@ -992,13 +1107,11 @@ DDB0E42510B3181800F96D57 /* DbfFile.cpp in Sources */, DDB0E42C10B34DBB00F96D57 /* AddIdVariable.cpp in Sources */, DD00ADE811138A2C008FE572 /* TemplateFrame.cpp in Sources */, - DD26FC44111B8E3F005A410F /* MyShape.cpp in Sources */, DD7B5E60112606F400B6D0B0 /* HighlightState.cpp in Sources */, DDDC11F01159783700E515BB /* ShpFile.cpp in Sources */, DDAA6540117F9B5D00D1010C /* Project.cpp in Sources */, DDB37A0811CBBB730020C8A9 /* TemplateLegend.cpp in Sources */, DDBC399A12300DEA007899A6 /* TestScrollWinView.cpp in Sources */, - DD575B471231B73800AA0C11 /* GeoDaConst.cpp in Sources */, DD115EA312BBDDA000E1CC73 /* ProgressDlg.cpp in Sources */, DDD593AC12E9F34C00F7A7C4 /* GeodaWeight.cpp in Sources */, DDD593B012E9F42100F7A7C4 /* WeightsManager.cpp in Sources */, @@ -1008,9 +1121,6 @@ DDF14CDA139432B000363FA1 /* DataViewerDeleteColDlg.cpp in Sources */, DDF14CDC139432C100363FA1 /* DataViewerResizeColDlg.cpp in Sources */, DDF14CDD139432CB00363FA1 /* DataViewerAddColDlg.cpp in Sources */, - DDF14CDE139432D400363FA1 /* DataViewer.cpp in Sources */, - DDF14CDF139432DB00363FA1 /* DbfGridTableBase.cpp in Sources */, - DDF14DE11395551600363FA1 /* NewTableViewer.cpp in Sources */, DDB77C0D139820CB00569A1E /* GStatCoordinator.cpp in Sources */, DD209598139F129900B9E648 /* GetisOrdChoiceDlg.cpp in Sources */, DD181BC813A90445004B0EC2 /* SaveToTableDlg.cpp in Sources */, @@ -1025,9 +1135,9 @@ DDB77F3E140D3CEF0032C7E4 /* FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg.cpp in Sources */, DD6B7289141A61400026D223 /* FramesManager.cpp in Sources */, DD7D5C711427F89B00DCFE5C /* LisaCoordinator.cpp in Sources */, + A16BA470183D626200D3B7DA /* DatasourceDlg.cpp in Sources */, DDA8D55214479228008156FB /* ScatterNewPlotView.cpp in Sources */, DDA8D5681447948B008156FB /* ShapeUtils.cpp in Sources */, - DDEB86CC1471C3D400FF781A /* OpenSpaceTimeDlg.cpp in Sources */, DD6456CA14881EA700AABF59 /* TimeChooserDlg.cpp in Sources */, DD203F9D14C0C960006A731B /* MapNewView.cpp in Sources */, DDF1636B15064B7800E3E6BD /* LisaMapNewView.cpp in Sources */, @@ -1036,53 +1146,63 @@ DD2B42B11522552B00888E51 /* BoxNewPlotView.cpp in Sources */, DD2B433F1522A93700888E51 /* HistogramView.cpp in Sources */, DD2B43421522A95100888E51 /* PCPNewView.cpp in Sources */, - DDBC145D15619DE8007CFAF7 /* CreateSpTmProjectDlg.cpp in Sources */, - DDC60E72156ADF8400CBB233 /* TimeVariantImportDlg.cpp in Sources */, DDC9DD8515937AA000A0E5BA /* ExportCsvDlg.cpp in Sources */, DDC9DD8A15937B2F00A0E5BA /* CsvFileUtils.cpp in Sources */, DDC9DD9C15937C0200A0E5BA /* ImportCsvDlg.cpp in Sources */, DD75A04115E81AF9008A7F8C /* VoronoiUtils.cpp in Sources */, DDB2A75F15FA7DA900022ABE /* CartogramNewView.cpp in Sources */, + A11F1B821850437A006F5F98 /* OGRTableOperation.cpp in Sources */, DD579B6A160BDAFE00BF8D53 /* DorlingCartogram.cpp in Sources */, DDAD0218162754EA00748874 /* ConditionalNewView.cpp in Sources */, DDDBF286163AD1D50070610C /* ConditionalMapView.cpp in Sources */, DDDBF29B163AD2BF0070610C /* ConditionalScatterPlotView.cpp in Sources */, + A13B6B9418760CF100F93ACF /* SaveAsDlg.cpp in Sources */, DDDBF2AE163AD3AB0070610C /* ConditionalHistogramView.cpp in Sources */, DD4E8B86164818A70014F1E7 /* ConnectivityHistView.cpp in Sources */, DD8FACE11649595D007598CE /* DataMovieDlg.cpp in Sources */, DDA462FF164D785500EBBD8F /* TableState.cpp in Sources */, DDE3F5081677C46500D13A2C /* CatClassification.cpp in Sources */, + A11F1B7F184FDFB3006F5F98 /* OGRColumn.cpp in Sources */, DDF53FF3167A39520042B453 /* CatClassifState.cpp in Sources */, DDF5400B167A39CA0042B453 /* CatClassifDlg.cpp in Sources */, DD60546816A83EEF0004BF02 /* CatClassifManager.cpp in Sources */, DD64925C16DFF63400B3B0AB /* GeoDa.cpp in Sources */, - ); - runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; - }; - DDDFB964134B6A58005EF636 /* Sources */ = { - isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase; - buildActionMask = 2147483647; - files = ( - DDDFB970134B6BD6005EF636 /* DataViewer.cpp in Sources */, - DDD7E943134CA3D8003463F6 /* DbfGridTableBase.cpp in Sources */, - DDD7E985134CE5AF003463F6 /* logger.cpp in Sources */, - DDD7EAFB134D2054003463F6 /* GeneralWxUtils.cpp in Sources */, - DDD7EBED134E8F82003463F6 /* DbfFile.cpp in Sources */, - DDB054891353B9DF0044C441 /* GeoDaConst.cpp in Sources */, - DDB056DB13554F080044C441 /* MyDataViewerAppRes.cpp in Sources */, - DDB057461356318A0044C441 /* DataViewerAddColDlg.cpp in Sources */, - DDA73B8013672821003783BC /* DataViewerResizeColDlg.cpp in Sources */, - DD975A43137C4C31009192A1 /* GenUtils.cpp in Sources */, - DD7411021385B08B00554B0F /* DataViewerDeleteColDlg.cpp in Sources */, - DD1472111394270C001A3D30 /* DataViewerApp.cpp in Sources */, - DDF85D1913B257B6006C1B08 /* DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg.cpp in Sources */, - DDB252B413BBFD6700A7CE26 /* MergeTableDlg.cpp in Sources */, - DD62A7DF1407F2B40079F913 /* HighlightState.cpp in Sources */, - DDEB86CB1471C3D400FF781A /* OpenSpaceTimeDlg.cpp in Sources */, - DD6456C914881EA700AABF59 /* TimeChooserDlg.cpp in Sources */, - DD64571F1488282900AABF59 /* FramesManager.cpp in Sources */, - DDBC145E15619DE8007CFAF7 /* CreateSpTmProjectDlg.cpp in Sources */, - DDC60E73156ADF8400CBB233 /* TimeVariantImportDlg.cpp in Sources */, + A12E0F4F1705087A00B6059C /* OGRDataAdapter.cpp in Sources */, + A1D82DEF174D3EB6003DE20A /* ConnectDatasourceDlg.cpp in Sources */, + A1BE9E4D174DD831007B9C64 /* GdaShape.cpp in Sources */, + A1BE9E51174DD85F007B9C64 /* GdaAppResources.cpp in Sources */, + DDFE0E0917502E810099FFEC /* DbfColContainer.cpp in Sources */, + DDFE0E2A175034EC0099FFEC /* TimeState.cpp in Sources */, + DD49747A176F59670007BB9F /* DbfTable.cpp in Sources */, + DD4974B71770AC700007BB9F /* TableFrame.cpp in Sources */, + DD4974BA1770AC840007BB9F /* TableBase.cpp in Sources */, + DD4974E21770CE9E0007BB9F /* TableInterface.cpp in Sources */, + A1E77E1A177D6A2E00CC1037 /* ExportDataDlg.cpp in Sources */, + A1E77FDC17889BE200CC1037 /* OGRTable.cpp in Sources */, + A1E78139178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRDatasourceProxy.cpp in Sources */, + A1E7813A178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRFieldProxy.cpp in Sources */, + A1E7813B178A90A100CC1037 /* OGRLayerProxy.cpp in Sources */, + DD2A6FE0178C7F7C00197093 /* DataSource.cpp in Sources */, + A1F1BA5C178D3B46005A46E5 /* GdaCache.cpp in Sources */, + A1CAD45E17A7334E0026AC55 /* QuadTree.cpp in Sources */, + DD92D22417BAAF2300F8FE01 /* TimeEditorDlg.cpp in Sources */, + A1DA623A17BCBC070070CAAB /* AutoCompTextCtrl.cpp in Sources */, + A1B93AC017D18735007F8195 /* ProjectConf.cpp in Sources */, + DD92851C17F5FC7300B9481A /* VarOrderPtree.cpp in Sources */, + DD92851F17F5FD4500B9481A /* VarOrderMapper.cpp in Sources */, + DD92853D17F5FE2E00B9481A /* VarGroup.cpp in Sources */, + A1FD8C19186908B800C35C41 /* CustomClassifPtree.cpp in Sources */, + DD40B083181894F20084173C /* VarGroupingEditorDlg.cpp in Sources */, + DD7B2A9D185273FF00727A91 /* SaveButtonManager.cpp in Sources */, + DD3BA0D0187111DE00CA4152 /* WeightsManPtree.cpp in Sources */, + DD3BA4481871EE9A00CA4152 /* DefaultVarsPtree.cpp in Sources */, + DDC48EF618AE506400FD773F /* ProjectInfoDlg.cpp in Sources */, + DD0FEBBC1909B7A000930418 /* NumCategoriesDlg.cpp in Sources */, + DD9C1B371910267900C0A427 /* GdaConst.cpp in Sources */, + DDEA3CBD193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaFlexValue.cpp in Sources */, + DDEA3CBE193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaLexer.cpp in Sources */, + DDEA3CBF193CEE5C0028B746 /* GdaParser.cpp in Sources */, + DDEA3D01193D17130028B746 /* CalculatorDlg.cpp in Sources */, ); runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; }; @@ -1092,12 +1212,16 @@ DD7974680F1D1B0700496A84 /* Debug */ = { isa = XCBuildConfiguration; buildSettings = { + ARCHS = "$(ARCHS_STANDARD_64_BIT)"; COPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO; GCC_MODEL_TUNING = ""; - GCC_VERSION = 4.2; + GCC_VERSION = ""; + GCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE = YES; GENERATE_PKGINFO_FILE = YES; + MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.6; + ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = YES; OTHER_LDFLAGS = ""; - SDKROOT = macosx10.5; + VALID_ARCHS = x86_64; }; name = Debug; }; @@ -1106,10 +1230,11 @@ buildSettings = { COPY_PHASE_STRIP = YES; GCC_MODEL_TUNING = G4; - GCC_VERSION = 4.2; + GCC_VERSION = ""; + GCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE = YES; GENERATE_PKGINFO_FILE = YES; + MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.6; OTHER_LDFLAGS = ""; - SDKROOT = macosx10.5; }; name = Release; }; @@ -1124,22 +1249,32 @@ GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = 0; GCC_PRECOMPILE_PREFIX_HEADER = NO; GCC_PREFIX_HEADER = ""; - INFOPLIST_FILE = "GeoDa-Info.plist"; + INFOPLIST_FILE = "GeoDa-Xcode-Info.plist"; INSTALL_PATH = "$(HOME)/Applications"; + LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS = ( + "$(inherited)", + "\"$(SRCROOT)/../..\"", + "\"$(SRCROOT)/../../ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci\"", + ); OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS = ( "$(OTHER_CFLAGS)", - "-I/usr/local/lib/wx/include/osx_carbon-unicode-static-2.9", - "-I/usr/local/include/wx-2.9/", - "-I/usr/local/include/boost", + "-I./libraries/lib/wx/include/osx_cocoa-unicode-static-3.0", + "-I./libraries/include/wx-3.0/", + "-I./libraries/include/boost", + "-I./libraries/include", "-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64", "-D__WXMAC__", "-D__WXOSX__", - "-D__WXOSX_CARBON__", + "-D__WXOSX_COCOA__", "-D__WXDEBUG__", "-DDEBUG", ); OTHER_LDFLAGS = ( - "-L/usr/local/lib", + "-L/usr/lib", + "-liconv", + "-L./libraries/lib", + ./libraries/include/boost/stage/lib/libboost_system.a, + ./libraries/include/boost/stage/lib/libboost_thread.a, "-framework", IOKit, "-framework", @@ -1151,35 +1286,34 @@ "-framework", System, "-framework", - QuickTime, - "-framework", OpenGL, "-framework", AGL, - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_xrc-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_html-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_qa-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_adv-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_core-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_baseu_xml-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_baseu_net-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_baseu-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_gl-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_richtext-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_aui-2.9.a", - "-lwxpng-2.9", - "-lwxjpeg-2.9", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_xrc-3.0.a", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_html-3.0.a", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_qa-3.0.a", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv-3.0.a", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.a", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_baseu_xml-3.0.a", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_baseu_net-3.0.a", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_baseu-3.0.a", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_gl-3.0.a", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_richtext-3.0.a", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_aui-3.0.a", + "-lwxpng-3.0", + "-lwxjpeg-3.0", "-framework", WebKit, "-lexpat", - "-lwxregexu-2.9", - "-lwxtiff-2.9", + "-lwxregexu-3.0", "-lz", "-lpthread", "-liconv", - "${HOME}/CLAPACK-3.2/blas.a", - "${HOME}/CLAPACK-3.2/F2CLIBS/libf2c.a", - "${HOME}/CLAPACK-3.2/lapack.a", + "./temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/blas.a", + "./temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/F2CLIBS/libf2c.a", + "./temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/lapack.a", + "-L./libraries/lib", + "-lgdal", ); PREBINDING = NO; PRECOMPS_INCLUDE_HEADERS_FROM_BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR = NO; @@ -1198,164 +1332,30 @@ GCC_MODEL_TUNING = ""; GCC_PRECOMPILE_PREFIX_HEADER = NO; GCC_PREFIX_HEADER = ""; - INFOPLIST_FILE = "GeoDa-Info.plist"; + INFOPLIST_FILE = "GeoDa-Xcode-Info.plist"; INSTALL_PATH = "$(HOME)/Applications"; - OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS = ( - "$(OTHER_CFLAGS)", - "-I/usr/local/lib/wx/include/osx_carbon-unicode-static-2.9", - "-I/usr/local/include/wx-2.9/", - "-I/usr/local/include/boost", - "-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64", - "-D__WXMAC__", - "-D__WXOSX__", - "-D__WXOSX_CARBON__", - ); - OTHER_LDFLAGS = ( - "-L/usr/local/lib", - "-framework", - IOKit, - "-framework", - Carbon, - "-framework", - Cocoa, - "-framework", - AudioToolbox, - "-framework", - System, - "-framework", - QuickTime, - "-framework", - OpenGL, - "-framework", - AGL, - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_xrc-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_html-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_qa-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_adv-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_core-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_baseu_xml-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_baseu_net-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_baseu-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_gl-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_richtext-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_aui-2.9.a", - "-lwxpng-2.9", - "-lwxjpeg-2.9", - "-framework", - WebKit, - "-lexpat", - "-lwxregexu-2.9", - "-lwxtiff-2.9", - "-lz", - "-lpthread", - "-liconv", - "${HOME}/CLAPACK-3.2/blas.a", - "${HOME}/CLAPACK-3.2/F2CLIBS/libf2c.a", - "${HOME}/CLAPACK-3.2/lapack.a", + LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS = ( + "$(inherited)", + "\"$(SRCROOT)/../..\"", + "\"$(SRCROOT)/../../ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci\"", ); - PREBINDING = NO; - PRECOMPS_INCLUDE_HEADERS_FROM_BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR = NO; - PRODUCT_NAME = GeoDa; - SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR = ""; - ZERO_LINK = NO; - }; - name = Release; - }; - DDDFB96A134B6A59005EF636 /* Debug */ = { - isa = XCBuildConfiguration; - buildSettings = { - ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO; - COPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO; - GCC_DYNAMIC_NO_PIC = NO; - GCC_ENABLE_FIX_AND_CONTINUE = YES; - GCC_MODEL_TUNING = ""; - GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = 0; - GCC_PRECOMPILE_PREFIX_HEADER = YES; - GCC_PREFIX_HEADER = "$(SYSTEM_LIBRARY_DIR)/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Headers/Carbon.h"; - INFOPLIST_FILE = "DataViewer-Info.plist"; - INSTALL_PATH = "$(HOME)/Applications"; OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS = ( "$(OTHER_CFLAGS)", - "-I/usr/local/lib/wx/include/osx_carbon-unicode-static-2.9", - "-I/usr/local/include/wx-2.9/", - "-I/usr/local/include/boost", + "-I./libraries/lib/wx/include/osx_cocoa-unicode-static-3.0", + "-I./libraries/include/wx-3.0/", + "-I./libraries/include/boost", + "-I./libraries/include", "-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64", "-D__WXMAC__", "-D__WXOSX__", - "-D__WXOSX_CARBON__", - "-D__WXDEBUG__", - "-DDEBUG", + "-D__WXOSX_COCOA__", ); OTHER_LDFLAGS = ( - "-L/usr/local/lib", - "-framework", - IOKit, - "-framework", - Carbon, - "-framework", - Cocoa, - "-framework", - AudioToolbox, - "-framework", - System, - "-framework", - QuickTime, - "-framework", - OpenGL, - "-framework", - AGL, - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_xrc-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_html-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_qa-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_adv-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_core-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_baseu_xml-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_baseu_net-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_baseu-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_gl-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_richtext-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_aui-2.9.a", - "-lwxpng-2.9", - "-lwxjpeg-2.9", - "-framework", - WebKit, - "-lexpat", - "-lwxregexu-2.9", - "-lwxtiff-2.9", - "-lz", - "-lpthread", + "-L/usr/lib", "-liconv", - ); - PREBINDING = NO; - PRECOMPS_INCLUDE_HEADERS_FROM_BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR = NO; - PRODUCT_NAME = DbfViewer; - }; - name = Debug; - }; - DDDFB96B134B6A59005EF636 /* Release */ = { - isa = XCBuildConfiguration; - buildSettings = { - ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO; - COPY_PHASE_STRIP = YES; - DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = "dwarf-with-dsym"; - GCC_ENABLE_FIX_AND_CONTINUE = NO; - GCC_MODEL_TUNING = ""; - GCC_PRECOMPILE_PREFIX_HEADER = YES; - GCC_PREFIX_HEADER = "$(SYSTEM_LIBRARY_DIR)/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Headers/Carbon.h"; - INFOPLIST_FILE = "DataViewer-Info.plist"; - INSTALL_PATH = "$(HOME)/Applications"; - OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS = ( - "$(OTHER_CFLAGS)", - "-I/usr/local/lib/wx/include/osx_carbon-unicode-static-2.9", - "-I/usr/local/include/wx-2.9/", - "-I/usr/local/include/boost", - "-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64", - "-D__WXMAC__", - "-D__WXOSX__", - "-D__WXOSX_CARBON__", - ); - OTHER_LDFLAGS = ( - "-L/usr/local/lib", + "-L./libraries/lib", + ./libraries/include/boost/stage/lib/libboost_system.a, + ./libraries/include/boost/stage/lib/libboost_thread.a, "-framework", IOKit, "-framework", @@ -1367,39 +1367,40 @@ "-framework", System, "-framework", - QuickTime, - "-framework", OpenGL, "-framework", AGL, - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_xrc-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_html-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_qa-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_adv-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_core-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_baseu_xml-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_baseu_net-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_baseu-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_gl-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_richtext-2.9.a", - "/usr/local/lib/libwx_osx_carbonu_aui-2.9.a", - "-lwxpng-2.9", - "-lwxjpeg-2.9", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_xrc-3.0.a", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_html-3.0.a", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_qa-3.0.a", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_adv-3.0.a", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.0.a", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_baseu_xml-3.0.a", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_baseu_net-3.0.a", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_baseu-3.0.a", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_gl-3.0.a", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_richtext-3.0.a", + "./libraries/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_aui-3.0.a", + "-lwxpng-3.0", + "-lwxjpeg-3.0", "-framework", WebKit, "-lexpat", - "-lwxregexu-2.9", - "-lwxtiff-2.9", + "-lwxregexu-3.0", + "-lwxtiff-3.0", "-lz", "-lpthread", "-liconv", - "${HOME}/CLAPACK-3.2/blas.a", - "${HOME}/CLAPACK-3.2/F2CLIBS/libf2c.a", - "${HOME}/CLAPACK-3.2/lapack.a", + "./temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/blas.a", + "./temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/F2CLIBS/libf2c.a", + "./temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/lapack.a", + "-L./libraries/lib", + "-lgdal", ); PREBINDING = NO; PRECOMPS_INCLUDE_HEADERS_FROM_BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR = NO; - PRODUCT_NAME = DbfViewer; + PRODUCT_NAME = GeoDa; + SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR = ""; ZERO_LINK = NO; }; name = Release; @@ -1414,7 +1415,7 @@ DD7974690F1D1B0700496A84 /* Release */, ); defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0; - defaultConfigurationName = Release; + defaultConfigurationName = Debug; }; DD7974870F1D1B6600496A84 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "GeoDa" */ = { isa = XCConfigurationList; @@ -1423,16 +1424,7 @@ DD7974860F1D1B6600496A84 /* Release */, ); defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0; - defaultConfigurationName = Release; - }; - DDDFB96C134B6A59005EF636 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "DataViewer" */ = { - isa = XCConfigurationList; - buildConfigurations = ( - DDDFB96A134B6A59005EF636 /* Debug */, - DDDFB96B134B6A59005EF636 /* Release */, - ); - defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0; - defaultConfigurationName = Release; + defaultConfigurationName = Debug; }; /* End XCConfigurationList section */ }; diff --git a/BuildTools/macosx/build.sh b/BuildTools/macosx/build.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..8fbeee1ac --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/macosx/build.sh @@ -0,0 +1,409 @@ +#!/bin/bash +############################################################################# +# ./build.sh +# ./build.sh [CPU] +# ./build.sh 8 (with debug) +# ./build.sh [CPU] [NODEBUG, true=1 false=0(default)] +# ./build.sh 8 1 (no debug) +############################################################################# +CPUS=$1 +NODEBUG=$2 +if [[ $CPUS == "" ]] ; then + CPUS=8 +fi +if [[ $NODEBUG == "" ]] ; then + NODEBUG=0 +else + if ! [[ $NODEBUG -eq 1 ]] ; then + NODEBUG=0 + fi +fi + +if ! type "ar" > /dev/null; then + echo "You need to install Xcode development enviroment to run this script." + exit +fi + +if ! type "cmake" > /dev/null; then + echo "You need to install cmake to run this script." + echo "Please download and install cmake from http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.8/cmake-2.8.12-Darwin64-universal.dmg." + exit +fi + +OSX_VERSION=`sw_vers -productVersion` +TARGET_VERSION="10.6" + +#if [[ $OSX_VERSION != $TARGET_VERSION* ]]; then +if ! type "gcc-4.2" > /dev/null; then + echo "If you want to build GeoDa on OSX > 10.6, please install the \"command-line tools\" package through XCode. Then it will use instaled GNU GCC-4.2 and G++-4.2." + read -p "Do you want to continue? [y/n]" -n 1 -r + echo + if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then + exit + fi +fi + +unset ORACLE_HOME +export GEODA_HOME=$PWD +PREFIX=$GEODA_HOME/libraries +DOWNLOAD_HOME=$GEODA_HOME/temp +echo $PREFIX + +MAKER="make -j $CPUS" +GDA_CC="gcc-4.2" +GDA_CFLAGS="-Os -arch x86_64" +GDA_CXX="g++-4.2" +GDA_CXXFLAGS="-Os -arch x86_64" +GDA_LDFLAGS="-arch x86_64" +GDA_WITH_SYSROOT="/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk/" + +if ! [ -d $DOWNLOAD_HOME ]; then + mkdir $DOWNLOAD_HOME +fi + +if ! [ -d $PREFIX ]; then + mkdir $PREFIX +fi + +######################################################################### +# install library function +######################################################################### +install_library() +{ + LIB_NAME=$1 + LIB_URL=$2 + LIB_CHECKER=$3 + LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + ./configure --with-sysroot="$GDA_WITH_SYSROOT" CC="$GDA_CC" CFLAGS="$GDA_CFLAGS" CXX="$GDA_CXX" CXXFLAGS="$GDA_CXXFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$GDA_LDFLAGS" --prefix=$PREFIX + $MAKER + make install + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} +######################################################################### +# install cURL +######################################################################### +install_library curl-7.30.0 http://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.30.0.tar.gz libcurl.a + +export PATH=$PREFIX/bin:$PATH + +######################################################################### +# install Xerces +######################################################################### +XERCES_NAME="xerces-c-3.1.1" +XERCES_URL="http://mirror.metrocast.net/apache//xerces/c/3/sources/xerces-c-3.1.1.tar.gz" +install_library $XERCES_NAME $XERCES_URL libxerces-c.a + +######################################################################### +# install GEOS +######################################################################### +install_library geos-3.3.8 http://download.osgeo.org/geos/geos-3.3.8.tar.bz2 libgeos.a + +######################################################################### +# install PROJ.4 +######################################################################### +install_library proj-4.8.0 http://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-4.8.0.tar.gz libproj.a + +######################################################################### +# install FreeXL +######################################################################### +install_library freexl-1.0.0f http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/freexl-sources/freexl-1.0.0f.tar.gz libfreexl.a + +######################################################################### +# install SQLite +######################################################################### +install_library sqlite-autoconf-3071602 http://www.sqlite.org/2013/sqlite-autoconf-3071602.tar.gz libsqlite3.a + +######################################################################### +# install PostgreSQL +######################################################################### +install_library postgresql-9.2.4 http://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v9.2.4/postgresql-9.2.4.tar.bz2 libpq.a + +######################################################################### +# install libjpeg +######################################################################### +install_library jpeg-8 http://www.ijg.org/files/jpegsrc.v8.tar.gz libjpeg.a + +######################################################################### +# install libkml requires 1.3 +######################################################################### +LIB_NAME=libkml +LIB_CHECKER=libkmlbase.a +echo $LIB_NAME + +cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME +if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + svn checkout http://libkml.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ libkml +fi + +if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + cp $GEODA_HOME/dep/libkml/configure.ac . + ./autogen.sh + ./configure CC="$GDA_CC" CFLAGS="$GDA_CFLAGS" CXX="$GDA_CXX" CXXFLAGS="$GDA_CXXFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$GDA_LDFLAGS" --prefix=$PREFIX + #if [[ $OSX_VERSION != $TARGET_VERSION* ]]; then + sed -i.old "/gtest-death-test.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-filepath.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-port.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-test-part.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-typed-test.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-test.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest_main.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriCommon.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriCompare.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriEscape.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriFile.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriIp4.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriIp4Base.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriNormalize.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriNormalizeBase.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriParse.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriParseBase.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriQuery.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriRecompose.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriResolve.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriShorten.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/ioapi.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/iomem_simple.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/zip.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + #fi + $MAKER + make install +fi + +if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit +fi +######################################################################### +# install SpatiaLite +######################################################################### +LIB_NAME=libspatialite-4.0.0 +LIB_URL=http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/libspatialite-sources/libspatialite-4.0.0.tar.gz +LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") +LIB_CHECKER=libspatialite.a +echo $LIB_FILENAME + +cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME +if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME +fi + +if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + ./configure --enable-iconv CC="$GDA_CC" CFLAGS="$GDA_CFLAGS -I$PREFIX/include" CXX="$GDA_CXX" CXXFLAGS="$GDA_CXXFLAGS -I$PREFIX/include" LDFLAGS="$GDA_LDFLAGS -L$PREFIX/lib -L/usr/lib -liconv" --prefix=$PREFIX --enable-geos --with-geosconfig=$PREFIX/bin/geos-config + $MAKER + touch src/.libs/libspatialite.lai + make install +fi +# in some case, the make install doens't work because of .la file content error, +# so copy the compiled files manually +cd $LIB_NAME +cp src/.libs/libspatialite.* $PREFIX/lib/ + +if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit +fi +######################################################################### +# MySQL +######################################################################### +LIB_NAME=mysql-5.6.14 +LIB_URL=http://softlayer-dal.dl.sourceforge.net/project/mysql.mirror/MySQL%205.6.14/mysql-5.6.14.tar.gz +# LIB_URL=http://cdn.mysql.com/Downloads/MySQL-5.6/mysql-5.6.14.tar.gz +LIB_CHECKER=libmysqlclient.a +echo $LIB_NAME +cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + +if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_NAME.tar.gz +fi + +cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME/$LIB_NAME +if ! [ -f "bld/libmysql/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + mkdir bld + cd bld + CC=$GDA_CC CXX=$GDA_CXX CFLAGS=$GDA_CFLAGS CXXFLAGS=$GDA_CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS=$GDA_LDFLAGS cmake .. + make +fi + +if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/$LIB_NAME/bld/libmysql/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit +fi +######################################################################### +# install boost library +######################################################################### +LIB_NAME=boost_1_54_0 +#LIB_URL=http://superb-dca2.dl.sourceforge.net/project/boost/boost/1.54.0/boost_1_54_0.tar.bz2 +LIB_URL=http://softlayer-dal.dl.sourceforge.net/project/boost/boost/1.54.0/boost_1_54_0.tar.bz2 +LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") +LIB_CHECKER=libboost_thread.a +echo $LIB_FILENAME + +cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME +if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ]; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME +fi + +cd $PREFIX/include +if ! [ -d "boost" ]; then + ln -s $DOWNLOAD_HOME/$LIB_NAME ./boost +fi + +if ! [ -f $DOWNLOAD_HOME/$LIB_NAME/stage/lib/$LIB_CHECKER ]; then + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME/$LIB_NAME + ./bootstrap.sh + ./b2 --with-thread --with-date_time --with-chrono --with-system link=static threading=multi toolset=darwin cxxflags="-arch x86_64" stage + #./b2 --with-thread --with-date_time --with-chrono --with-system link=static threading=multi toolset=darwin cxxflags="-arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk" macosx-version=10.5 stage + #bjam toolset=darwin address-model=32 + + # 10.5 against 1_50_0 + #./bjam --toolset=darwin --toolset-root=/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 address-model=32 macosx-version=10.5.5 +fi + +if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/$LIB_NAME/stage/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit +fi +######################################################################### +# install CLAPACK +######################################################################### +LIB_NAME="CLAPACK-3.2.1" +LIB_URL="http://www.netlib.org/clapack/clapack.tgz" +LIB_CHECKER="lapack.a" +echo $LIB_NAME + +cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME +if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ]; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xvf clapack.tgz +fi + +cp -rf $GEODA_HOME/dep/$LIB_NAME . +cd $LIB_NAME +if ! [ -f "libf2c.a" ] || ! [ -f "blas.a" ] || ! [ -f "lapack.a" ]; then + $MAKER f2clib + $MAKER blaslib + cd INSTALL + $MAKER + cd .. + cd SRC + $MAKER + cd .. + cp F2CLIBS/libf2c.a . + #make + cd .. +fi + +if ! [ -f "$DOWNLOAD_HOME/$LIB_NAME/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit +fi +######################################################################### +# install GDAL/OGR +######################################################################### +LIB_NAME=gdal-1.9.2 +LIB_URL=https://codeload.github.com/lixun910/gdal-1.9.2-work/zip/master +LIB_FILENAME=master +#LIB_NAME=gdal-1.10.1 +#LIB_URL=http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/1.10.1/gdal-1.10.1.tar.gz +#LIB_FILENAME=gdal-1.10.1.tar.gz +LIB_CHECKER=libgdal.a +echo $LIB_FILENAME + +cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME +if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + #svn co https://github.com/lixun910/gdal-1.9.2-work/trunk gdal-1.9.2 + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xvf $LIB_FILENAME + mv gdal-1.9.2-work-master gdal-1.9.2 +fi + +if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + if [[ $NODEBUG -eq 1 ]] ; then + # no debug + ./configure CC="$GDA_CC" CXX="$GDA_CXX" CFLAGS="$GDA_CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$GDA_CXXFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$GDA_LDFLAGS" --with-jpeg=internal --prefix=$PREFIX --with-freexl=$PREFIX --with-libiconv-prefix="-L/usr/lib" --with-sqlite3=$PREFIX --with-spatialite=$PREFIX --with-static-proj4=$PREFIX --with-curl=$PREFIX/bin/curl-config --with-geos=$PREFIX/bin/geos-config --with-libkml=$PREFIX --with-xerces=$PREFIX --with-xerces-inc="$PREFIX/include" --with-xerces-lib="-L$PREFIX/lib -lxerces-c -framework CoreServices" --with-pg=$PREFIX/bin/pg_config + else + # with debug + ./configure CC="$GDA_CC" CXX="$GDA_CXX" CFLAGS="$GDA_CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$GDA_CXXFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$GDA_LDFLAGS" --with-jpeg=internal --prefix=$PREFIX --with-freexl=$PREFIX --with-libiconv-prefix="-L/usr/lib" --with-sqlite3=$PREFIX --with-spatialite=$PREFIX --with-static-proj4=$PREFIX --with-curl=$PREFIX/bin/curl-config --with-geos=$PREFIX/bin/geos-config --with-libkml=$PREFIX --with-xerces=$PREFIX --with-xerces-inc="$PREFIX/include" --with-xerces-lib="-L$PREFIX/lib -lxerces-c -framework CoreServices" --with-pg=$PREFIX/bin/pg_config --enable-debug + fi + echo "$GEODA_HOME/dep/$LIB_NAME" + cp -rf $GEODA_HOME/dep/$LIB_NAME/* . + #make clean + $MAKER + touch .libs/libgdal.lai + make install + cp .libs/* ../../libraries/lib + #cd ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci + #make plugin + #mv ogr_OCI.so ogr_OCI.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "/scratch/plebld/208/network/lib/libnnz10.dylib" "/Users/xun/Downloads/Oracle_10204Client_MAC_X86/ohome/lib/libnnz10.dylib" ogr_OCI.so +fi + +if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + echo "You need to modify the libgdal.la and remove the extra '=' symobls." + exit +fi +######################################################################### +# install wxWidgets library +######################################################################### +LIB_NAME=wxWidgets-3.0.0 +LIB_URL=http://softlayer-dal.dl.sourceforge.net/project/wxwindows/3.0.0/wxWidgets-3.0.0.tar.bz2 +#LIB_URL=http://iweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/wxwindows/2.9.5/wxWidgets-2.9.5.tar.bz2 +LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") +#LIB_CHECKER=libwx_baseu-2.9.a +LIB_CHECKER=libwx_baseu-3.0.a +echo $LIB_FILENAME + +cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME +if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME +fi + +if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + make clean + ./configure CFLAGS="$GDA_CFLAGS -isysroot $GDA_WITH_SYSROOT -mmacosx-version-min=10.6" CXXFLAGS="$GDA_CXXFLAGS -isysroot $GDA_WITH_SYSROOT -mmacosx-version-min=10.6" LDFLAGS="$GDA_LDFLAGS -isysroot $GDA_WITH_SYSROOT -mmacosx-version-min=10.6" OBJCFLAGS="-arch x86_64 -isysroot $GDA_WITH_SYSROOT -mmacosx-version-min=10.6" OBJCXXFLAGS="-arch x86_64 -isysroot $GDA_WITH_SYSROOT -mmacosx-version-min=10.6" --with-cocoa --disable-shared --disable-monolithic --with-opengl --enable-postscript --with-macosx-version-min=10.6 --enable-textfile --prefix=$PREFIX + $MAKER + make install + cd .. +fi + +if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit +fi +######################################################################### +# build GeoDa +######################################################################### +cd $GEODA_HOME +cp ../../GeoDamake.macosx.opt ../../GeoDamake.opt +mkdir ../../o +$MAKER +if [ -d "build" ] ; then + rm -rf build +fi +make app + diff --git a/BuildTools/macosx/build10.8.sh b/BuildTools/macosx/build10.8.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..aea23fbd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/macosx/build10.8.sh @@ -0,0 +1,465 @@ +#!/bin/bash +############################################################################# +# ./build.sh +# ./build.sh [CPU] +# ./build.sh 8 (with debug) +# ./build.sh [CPU] [NODEBUG, true=1 false=0(default)] +# ./build.sh 8 1 (no debug) +############################################################################# +CPUS=$1 +NODEBUG=$2 +if [[ $CPUS == "" ]] ; then + CPUS=8 +fi +if [[ $NODEBUG == "" ]] ; then + NODEBUG=0 +else + if ! [[ $NODEBUG -eq 1 ]] ; then + NODEBUG=0 + fi +fi + +if ! type "ar" > /dev/null; then + echo "You need to install Xcode development enviroment to run this script." + exit +fi + +if ! type "cmake" > /dev/null; then + echo "You need to install cmake to run this script." + echo "Please download and install cmake from http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.8/cmake-2.8.12-Darwin64-universal.dmg." + exit +fi + +OSX_VERSION=`sw_vers -productVersion` +#TARGET_VERSION="10.6" + +#if [[ $OSX_VERSION != $TARGET_VERSION* ]]; then +if ! type "gcc-4.2" > /dev/null; then + echo "If you want to build GeoDa on OSX > 10.6, please install the \"command-line tools\" package through XCode. Then it will use instaled GNU GCC-4.2 and G++-4.2." + read -p "Do you want to continue? [y/n]" -n 1 -r + echo + if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then + exit + fi +fi + +unset ORACLE_HOME +export GEODA_HOME=$PWD +PREFIX=$GEODA_HOME/libraries +DOWNLOAD_HOME=$GEODA_HOME/temp +echo $PREFIX + +MAKER="make -j $CPUS" +GDA_CC="" +GDA_CFLAGS="" +GDA_CXX="" +GDA_CXXFLAGS="" +GDA_LDFLAGS="" +GDA_WITH_SYSROOT="" +GDA_CC="gcc-4.2" +#GDA_CFLAGS="-Os -arch x86_64" +GDA_CXX="g++-4.2" +#GDA_CXXFLAGS="-Os -arch x86_64" +#GDA_LDFLAGS="-arch x86_64" +GDA_WITH_SYSROOT="/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk/" +#GDA_WITH_SYSROOT="/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.8.sdk/" + +if ! [ -d $DOWNLOAD_HOME ]; then + mkdir $DOWNLOAD_HOME +fi + +if ! [ -d $PREFIX ]; then + mkdir $PREFIX +fi + +######################################################################### +# install library function +######################################################################### +install_library() +{ + LIB_NAME=$1 + LIB_URL=$2 + LIB_CHECKER=$3 + LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + ./configure --with-sysroot="$GDA_WITH_SYSROOT" CC="$GDA_CC" CFLAGS="$GDA_CFLAGS" CXX="$GDA_CXX" CXXFLAGS="$GDA_CXXFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$GDA_LDFLAGS" --prefix=$PREFIX + $MAKER + make install + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} +######################################################################### +# install libiConv +######################################################################### +{ + LIB_NAME="libiconv-1.13" + LIB_URL="http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libiconv/libiconv-1.13.tar.gz" + LIB_CHECKER="libiconv.a1" + LIB_FILENAME="libiconv-1.13.tar.gz" + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + ./configure --enable-static --prefix=$PREFIX + $MAKER + make install + fi + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi + exit +} + +######################################################################### +# install cURL +######################################################################### +install_library curl-7.30.0 http://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.30.0.tar.gz libcurl.a + +export PATH=$PREFIX/bin:$PATH + +######################################################################### +# install Xerces +######################################################################### +XERCES_NAME="xerces-c-3.1.1" +XERCES_URL="http://mirror.metrocast.net/apache//xerces/c/3/sources/xerces-c-3.1.1.tar.gz" +install_library $XERCES_NAME $XERCES_URL libxerces-c.a + +######################################################################### +# install GEOS +######################################################################### +install_library geos-3.3.8 http://download.osgeo.org/geos/geos-3.3.8.tar.bz2 libgeos.a + +######################################################################### +# install PROJ.4 +######################################################################### +install_library proj-4.8.0 http://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-4.8.0.tar.gz libproj.a + +######################################################################### +# install FreeXL +######################################################################### +install_library freexl-1.0.0f http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/freexl-sources/freexl-1.0.0f.tar.gz libfreexl.a +{ + LIB_NAME="freexl-1.0.0f" + LIB_URL="http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/freexl-1.0.0f.tar.gz" + LIB_CHECKER="libfreexl.a" + LIB_FILENAME="freexl-1.0.0f.tar.gz" + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + ./configure -L./libraries/lib -liconv --prefix=$PREFIX + $MAKER + make install + fi + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "For libiconv error: modify Makefile src/Makefile to setup -L/usr/lib -liconv" + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} +######################################################################### +# install SQLite +######################################################################### +install_library sqlite-autoconf-3071602 http://www.sqlite.org/2013/sqlite-autoconf-3071602.tar.gz libsqlite3.a + +######################################################################### +# install PostgreSQL +######################################################################### +install_library postgresql-9.2.4 http://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v9.2.4/postgresql-9.2.4.tar.bz2 libpq.a + +######################################################################### +# install libjpeg +######################################################################### +install_library jpeg-8 http://www.ijg.org/files/jpegsrc.v8.tar.gz libjpeg.a + +######################################################################### +# install libkml requires 1.3 +######################################################################### +LIB_NAME=libkml +LIB_CHECKER=libkmlbase.a +echo $LIB_NAME + +cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME +if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + svn checkout http://libkml.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ libkml +fi + +if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + cp $GEODA_HOME/dep/libkml/configure.ac . + ./autogen.sh + ./configure CC="$GDA_CC" CFLAGS="$GDA_CFLAGS" CXX="$GDA_CXX" CXXFLAGS="$GDA_CXXFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$GDA_LDFLAGS" --prefix=$PREFIX + #if [[ $OSX_VERSION != $TARGET_VERSION* ]]; then + sed -i.old "/gtest-death-test.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-filepath.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-port.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-test-part.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-typed-test.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-test.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest_main.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriCommon.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriCompare.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriEscape.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriFile.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriIp4.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriIp4Base.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriNormalize.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriNormalizeBase.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriParse.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriParseBase.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriQuery.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriRecompose.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriResolve.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriShorten.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/ioapi.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/iomem_simple.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/zip.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + #fi + $MAKER + make install +fi + +if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "For OSX 10.9, comment out line 161 and try to replace glibtoolize with libtoolize." + echo "Error! Exit" + exit +fi +######################################################################### +# install SpatiaLite +######################################################################### +LIB_NAME=libspatialite-4.0.0 +LIB_URL=http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/libspatialite-sources/libspatialite-4.0.0.tar.gz +LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") +LIB_CHECKER=libspatialite.a +echo $LIB_FILENAME + +cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME +if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME +fi + +if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + ./configure CC="$GDA_CC" CFLAGS="$GDA_CFLAGS -I$PREFIX/include" CXX="$GDA_CXX" CXXFLAGS="$GDA_CXXFLAGS -I$PREFIX/include" LDFLAGS="$GDA_LDFLAGS -L$PREFIX/lib -lgeos_c -liconv" --prefix=$PREFIX --enable-iconv --enable-proj --enable-geos --with-geosconfig=$PREFIX/bin/geos-config + $MAKER + touch src/.libs/libspatialite.lai + make install + cp src/.libs/* $GEODA_HOME/libraries/lib +fi +# in some case, the make install doens't work because of .la file content error, +# so copy the compiled files manually + +if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit +fi +######################################################################### +# MySQL +######################################################################### +LIB_NAME=mysql-5.6.14 +LIB_URL=http://cdn.mysql.com/Downloads/MySQL-5.6/mysql-5.6.14.tar.gz +LIB_CHECKER=libmysqlclient.a +echo $LIB_NAME +cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + +if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_NAME.tar.gz +fi + +cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME/$LIB_NAME +if ! [ -f "bld/libmysql/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + mkdir bld + cd bld + CC=$GDA_CC CXX=$GDA_CXX CFLAGS=$GDA_CFLAGS CXXFLAGS=$GDA_CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS=$GDA_LDFLAGS cmake .. + make +fi + +if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/$LIB_NAME/bld/libmysql/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit +fi +######################################################################### +# install boost library +######################################################################### +LIB_NAME=boost_1_54_0 +#LIB_URL=http://superb-dca2.dl.sourceforge.net/project/boost/boost/1.54.0/boost_1_54_0.tar.bz2 +LIB_URL=http://softlayer-dal.dl.sourceforge.net/project/boost/boost/1.54.0/boost_1_54_0.tar.bz2 +LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") +LIB_CHECKER=libboost_thread.a +echo $LIB_FILENAME + +cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME +if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ]; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME +fi + +cd $PREFIX/include +if ! [ -d "boost" ]; then + ln -s $DOWNLOAD_HOME/$LIB_NAME ./boost +fi + +if ! [ -f $DOWNLOAD_HOME/$LIB_NAME/stage/lib/$LIB_CHECKER ]; then + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME/$LIB_NAME + ./bootstrap.sh --with-toolset=clang + ./b2 link=static threading=multi cxxflags=$GDA_CXXFLAGS stage +fi + +if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/$LIB_NAME/stage/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit +fi +######################################################################### +# install CLAPACK +######################################################################### +LIB_NAME="CLAPACK-3.2.1" +LIB_URL="http://www.netlib.org/clapack/clapack.tgz" +LIB_CHECKER="lapack.a" +echo $LIB_NAME + +cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME +if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ]; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xvf clapack.tgz +fi + +cp -rf $GEODA_HOME/dep/$LIB_NAME . +cd $LIB_NAME +if ! [ -f "libf2c.a" ] || ! [ -f "blas.a" ] || ! [ -f "lapack.a" ]; then + $MAKER f2clib + $MAKER blaslib + cd INSTALL + $MAKER + cd .. + cd SRC + $MAKER + cd .. + cp F2CLIBS/libf2c.a . + #make + cd .. +fi + +if ! [ -f "$DOWNLOAD_HOME/$LIB_NAME/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit +fi +######################################################################### +# install GDAL/OGR +######################################################################### +LIB_NAME=gdal-1.9.2 +LIB_URL=http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/gdal-1.9.2.tar.gz +#LIB_NAME=gdal-1.10.1 +#LIB_URL=http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/1.10.1/gdal-1.10.1.tar.gz +LIB_FILENAME=gdal-1.9.2.tar.gz +LIB_CHECKER=libgdal.a +echo $LIB_FILENAME + +cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME +if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + svn co https://github.com/lixun910/gdal-1.9.2-work/trunk gdal-1.9.2 +fi + +if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + if [[ $NODEBUG -eq 1 ]] ; then + # no debug + ./configure CC="$GDA_CC" CXX="$GDA_CXX" CFLAGS="$GDA_CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$GDA_CXXFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$GDA_LDFLAGS" --with-jpeg=internal --prefix=$PREFIX --with-freexl=$PREFIX --with-libiconv-prefix="-L/usr/lib" --with-sqlite3=$PREFIX --with-spatialite=$PREFIX --with-static-proj4=$PREFIX --with-curl=$PREFIX/bin/curl-config --with-geos=$PREFIX/bin/geos-config --with-libkml=$PREFIX --with-xerces=$PREFIX --with-xerces-inc="$PREFIX/include" --with-xerces-lib="-L$PREFIX/lib -lxerces-c -framework CoreServices" --with-pg=$PREFIX/bin/pg_config + else + # with debug + ./configure CC="$GDA_CC" CXX="$GDA_CXX" CFLAGS="$GDA_CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$GDA_CXXFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$GDA_LDFLAGS" --with-jpeg=internal --prefix=$PREFIX --with-freexl=$PREFIX --with-libiconv-prefix="-L/usr/lib" --with-sqlite3=$PREFIX --with-spatialite=$PREFIX --with-static-proj4=$PREFIX --with-curl=$PREFIX/bin/curl-config --with-geos=$PREFIX/bin/geos-config --with-libkml=$PREFIX --with-xerces=$PREFIX --with-xerces-inc="$PREFIX/include" --with-xerces-lib="-L$PREFIX/lib -lxerces-c -framework CoreServices" --with-pg=$PREFIX/bin/pg_config --enable-debug + fi + echo "$GEODA_HOME/dep/$LIB_NAME" + #cp -rf $GEODA_HOME/dep/$LIB_NAME/* . + sed -i '' "s/gcc-4.2/gcc/g" GDALmake.opt + sed -i '' "s/g++-4.2/gcc/g" GDALmake.opt + #make clean + $MAKER + touch .libs/libgdal.lai + make install + cp .libs/* ../../libraries/lib + #cd ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci + #make plugin + #mv ogr_OCI.so ogr_OCI.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "/scratch/plebld/208/network/lib/libnnz10.dylib" "/Users/xun/Downloads/Oracle_10204Client_MAC_X86/ohome/lib/libnnz10.dylib" ogr_OCI.so +fi + +if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + echo "You need to modify the libgdal.la and remove the extra '=' symobls." + exit +fi +######################################################################### +# install wxWidgets library +######################################################################### +#LIB_NAME=wxWidgets-2.9.5 +LIB_NAME=wxWidgets-3.0.0 +LIB_URL=http://softlayer-dal.dl.sourceforge.net/project/wxwindows/3.0.0/wxWidgets-3.0.0.tar.bz2 +#LIB_URL=http://softlayer-dal.dl.sourceforge.net/project/wxwindows/2.9.5/wxWidgets-2.9.5.tar.bz2 +LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") +#LIB_CHECKER=libwx_baseu-2.9.a +LIB_CHECKER=libwx_baseu-3.0.a1 +echo $LIB_FILENAME + +cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME +if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME +fi + +if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + make clean + ./configure CFLAGS="$GDA_CFLAGS -isysroot $GDA_WITH_SYSROOT -mmacosx-version-min=10.6" CXXFLAGS="$GDA_CXXFLAGS -isysroot $GDA_WITH_SYSROOT -mmacosx-version-min=10.6" LDFLAGS="$GDA_LDFLAGS -isysroot $GDA_WITH_SYSROOT -mmacosx-version-min=10.6" OBJCFLAGS="-arch x86_64 -isysroot $GDA_WITH_SYSROOT -mmacosx-version-min=10.6" OBJCXXFLAGS="-arch x86_64 -isysroot $GDA_WITH_SYSROOT -mmacosx-version-min=10.6" --with-cocoa --disable-shared --disable-monolithic --with-opengl --enable-postscript --with-macosx-version-min=10.6 --enable-textfile --prefix=$PREFIX --with-macosx-version-min=10.6 + #./configure CFLAGS="$GDA_CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$GDA_CXXFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$GDA_LDFLAGS" OBJCFLAGS="" OBJCXXFLAGS="" --with-cocoa --disable-shared --disable-monolithic --with-opengl --enable-postscript --with-macosx-version-min=10.6 --enable-textfile --prefix=$PREFIX + $MAKER + make install + cd .. +fi + +if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit +fi +exit +######################################################################### +# build GeoDa +######################################################################### +cd $GEODA_HOME +cp ../../GeoDamake.macosx.opt ../../GeoDamake.opt +mkdir ../../o +$MAKER +if [ -d "build" ] ; then + rm -rf build +fi +make app diff --git a/BuildTools/macosx/cache/cache.sqlite b/BuildTools/macosx/cache/cache.sqlite new file mode 100644 index 000000000..990c24144 Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/macosx/cache/cache.sqlite differ diff --git a/BuildTools/macosx/dep/CLAPACK-3.2.1/F2CLIBS/libf2c/Makefile b/BuildTools/macosx/dep/CLAPACK-3.2.1/F2CLIBS/libf2c/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..88b24c43b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/macosx/dep/CLAPACK-3.2.1/F2CLIBS/libf2c/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ +TOPDIR=../.. +include $(TOPDIR)/make.inc + +# Unix makefile: see README. +# For C++, first "make hadd". +# If your compiler does not recognize ANSI C, add +# -DKR_headers +# to the CFLAGS = line below. +# On Sun and other BSD systems that do not provide an ANSI sprintf, add +# -DUSE_STRLEN +# to the CFLAGS = line below. +# On Linux systems, add +# -DNON_UNIX_STDIO +# to the CFLAGS = line below. For libf2c.so under Linux, also add +# -fPIC +# to the CFLAGS = line below. + +.SUFFIXES: .c .o + +# compile, then strip unnecessary symbols +.c.o: + $(CC) -m64 -c -DSkip_f2c_Undefs $(CFLAGS) $*.c + ld -arch x86_64 -macosx_version_min 10.6 -syslibroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk/ -r -x -o $*.xxx $*.o + mv $*.xxx $*.o +## Under Solaris (and other systems that do not understand ld -x), +## omit -x in the ld line above. +## If your system does not have the ld command, comment out +## or remove both the ld and mv lines above. + +MISC = f77vers.o i77vers.o main.o s_rnge.o abort_.o exit_.o getarg_.o iargc_.o\ + getenv_.o signal_.o s_stop.o s_paus.o system_.o cabs.o ctype.o\ + derf_.o derfc_.o erf_.o erfc_.o sig_die.o uninit.o +POW = pow_ci.o pow_dd.o pow_di.o pow_hh.o pow_ii.o pow_ri.o pow_zi.o pow_zz.o +CX = c_abs.o c_cos.o c_div.o c_exp.o c_log.o c_sin.o c_sqrt.o +DCX = z_abs.o z_cos.o z_div.o z_exp.o z_log.o z_sin.o z_sqrt.o +REAL = r_abs.o r_acos.o r_asin.o r_atan.o r_atn2.o r_cnjg.o r_cos.o\ + r_cosh.o r_dim.o r_exp.o r_imag.o r_int.o\ + r_lg10.o r_log.o r_mod.o r_nint.o r_sign.o\ + r_sin.o r_sinh.o r_sqrt.o r_tan.o r_tanh.o +DBL = d_abs.o d_acos.o d_asin.o d_atan.o d_atn2.o\ + d_cnjg.o d_cos.o d_cosh.o d_dim.o d_exp.o\ + d_imag.o d_int.o d_lg10.o d_log.o d_mod.o\ + d_nint.o d_prod.o d_sign.o d_sin.o d_sinh.o\ + d_sqrt.o d_tan.o d_tanh.o +INT = i_abs.o i_dim.o i_dnnt.o i_indx.o i_len.o i_len_trim.o i_mod.o i_nint.o i_sign.o\ + lbitbits.o lbitshft.o i_ceiling.o +HALF = h_abs.o h_dim.o h_dnnt.o h_indx.o h_len.o h_mod.o h_nint.o h_sign.o +CMP = l_ge.o l_gt.o l_le.o l_lt.o hl_ge.o hl_gt.o hl_le.o hl_lt.o +EFL = ef1asc_.o ef1cmc_.o +CHAR = f77_aloc.o s_cat.o s_cmp.o s_copy.o +I77 = backspac.o close.o dfe.o dolio.o due.o endfile.o err.o\ + fmt.o fmtlib.o ftell_.o iio.o ilnw.o inquire.o lread.o lwrite.o\ + open.o rdfmt.o rewind.o rsfe.o rsli.o rsne.o sfe.o sue.o\ + typesize.o uio.o util.o wref.o wrtfmt.o wsfe.o wsle.o wsne.o xwsne.o +QINT = pow_qq.o qbitbits.o qbitshft.o ftell64_.o +TIME = dtime_.o etime_.o + +# If you get an error compiling dtime_.c or etime_.c, try adding +# -DUSE_CLOCK to the CFLAGS assignment above; if that does not work, +# omit $(TIME) from OFILES = assignment below. + +# To get signed zeros in write statements on IEEE-arithmetic systems, +# add -DSIGNED_ZEROS to the CFLAGS assignment below and add signbit.o +# to the end of the OFILES = assignment below. + +# For INTEGER*8 support (which requires system-dependent adjustments to +# f2c.h), add $(QINT) to the OFILES = assignment below... + +OFILES = $(MISC) $(POW) $(CX) $(DCX) $(REAL) $(DBL) $(INT) \ + $(HALF) $(CMP) $(EFL) $(CHAR) $(I77) $(TIME) + +all: f2c.h signal1.h sysdep1.h libf2c.a clapack_install + +libf2c.a: $(OFILES) + ar r libf2c.a $? + -ranlib libf2c.a + +## Shared-library variant: the following rule works on Linux +## systems. Details are system-dependent. Under Linux, -fPIC +## must appear in the CFLAGS assignment when making libf2c.so. +## Under Solaris, use -Kpic in CFLAGS and use "ld -G" instead +## of "cc -shared". + +libf2c.so: $(OFILES) + $(CC) -arch x86_64 -shared -o libf2c.so $(OFILES) + +### If your system lacks ranlib, you don't need it; see README. + +f77vers.o: f77vers.c + $(CC) -arch x86_64 -c f77vers.c + +i77vers.o: i77vers.c + $(CC) -arch x86_64 -c i77vers.c + +# To get an "f2c.h" for use with "f2c -C++", first "make hadd" +hadd: f2c.h0 f2ch.add + cat f2c.h0 f2ch.add >f2c.h + +# For use with "f2c" and "f2c -A": +f2c.h: f2c.h0 + cp f2c.h0 f2c.h + +# You may need to adjust signal1.h and sysdep1.h suitably for your system... +signal1.h: signal1.h0 + cp signal1.h0 signal1.h + +sysdep1.h: sysdep1.h0 + cp sysdep1.h0 sysdep1.h + +# If your system lacks onexit() and you are not using an +# ANSI C compiler, then you should uncomment the following +# two lines (for compiling main.o): +#main.o: main.c +# $(CC) -c -DNO_ONEXIT -DSkip_f2c_Undefs main.c +# On at least some Sun systems, it is more appropriate to +# uncomment the following two lines: +#main.o: main.c +# $(CC) -c -Donexit=on_exit -DSkip_f2c_Undefs main.c + +install: libf2c.a + cp libf2c.a $(LIBDIR) + -ranlib $(LIBDIR)/libf2c.a + +clapack_install: libf2c.a + mv libf2c.a .. + +clean: + rm -f libf2c.a *.o arith.h signal1.h sysdep1.h + +backspac.o: fio.h +close.o: fio.h +dfe.o: fio.h +dfe.o: fmt.h +due.o: fio.h +endfile.o: fio.h rawio.h +err.o: fio.h rawio.h +fmt.o: fio.h +fmt.o: fmt.h +iio.o: fio.h +iio.o: fmt.h +ilnw.o: fio.h +ilnw.o: lio.h +inquire.o: fio.h +lread.o: fio.h +lread.o: fmt.h +lread.o: lio.h +lread.o: fp.h +lwrite.o: fio.h +lwrite.o: fmt.h +lwrite.o: lio.h +open.o: fio.h rawio.h +rdfmt.o: fio.h +rdfmt.o: fmt.h +rdfmt.o: fp.h +rewind.o: fio.h +rsfe.o: fio.h +rsfe.o: fmt.h +rsli.o: fio.h +rsli.o: lio.h +rsne.o: fio.h +rsne.o: lio.h +sfe.o: fio.h +signbit.o: arith.h +sue.o: fio.h +uio.o: fio.h +uninit.o: arith.h +util.o: fio.h +wref.o: fio.h +wref.o: fmt.h +wref.o: fp.h +wrtfmt.o: fio.h +wrtfmt.o: fmt.h +wsfe.o: fio.h +wsfe.o: fmt.h +wsle.o: fio.h +wsle.o: fmt.h +wsle.o: lio.h +wsne.o: fio.h +wsne.o: lio.h +xwsne.o: fio.h +xwsne.o: lio.h +xwsne.o: fmt.h + +arith.h: arithchk.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DNO_FPINIT arithchk.c -lm ||\ + $(CC) -DNO_LONG_LONG $(CFLAGS) -DNO_FPINIT arithchk.c -lm + ./a.out >arith.h + rm -f a.out arithchk.o + +check: + xsum Notice README abort_.c arithchk.c backspac.c c_abs.c c_cos.c \ + c_div.c c_exp.c c_log.c c_sin.c c_sqrt.c cabs.c close.c comptry.bat \ + ctype.c ctype.h \ + d_abs.c d_acos.c d_asin.c d_atan.c d_atn2.c d_cnjg.c d_cos.c d_cosh.c \ + d_dim.c d_exp.c d_imag.c d_int.c d_lg10.c d_log.c d_mod.c \ + d_nint.c d_prod.c d_sign.c d_sin.c d_sinh.c d_sqrt.c d_tan.c \ + d_tanh.c derf_.c derfc_.c dfe.c dolio.c dtime_.c due.c ef1asc_.c \ + ef1cmc_.c endfile.c erf_.c erfc_.c err.c etime_.c exit_.c f2c.h0 \ + f2ch.add f77_aloc.c f77vers.c fio.h fmt.c fmt.h fmtlib.c \ + fp.h ftell_.c ftell64_.c i_ceiling.c \ + getarg_.c getenv_.c h_abs.c h_dim.c h_dnnt.c h_indx.c h_len.c \ + h_mod.c h_nint.c h_sign.c hl_ge.c hl_gt.c hl_le.c hl_lt.c \ + i77vers.c i_abs.c i_dim.c i_dnnt.c i_indx.c i_len.c i_len_trim.c i_mod.c \ + i_nint.c i_sign.c iargc_.c iio.c ilnw.c inquire.c l_ge.c l_gt.c \ + l_le.c l_lt.c lbitbits.c lbitshft.c libf2c.lbc libf2c.sy lio.h \ + lread.c lwrite.c main.c makefile.sy makefile.u makefile.vc \ + makefile.wat math.hvc mkfile.plan9 open.c pow_ci.c pow_dd.c \ + pow_di.c pow_hh.c pow_ii.c pow_qq.c pow_ri.c pow_zi.c pow_zz.c \ + qbitbits.c qbitshft.c r_abs.c r_acos.c r_asin.c r_atan.c r_atn2.c \ + r_cnjg.c r_cos.c r_cosh.c r_dim.c r_exp.c r_imag.c r_int.c r_lg10.c \ + r_log.c r_mod.c r_nint.c r_sign.c r_sin.c r_sinh.c r_sqrt.c \ + r_tan.c r_tanh.c rawio.h rdfmt.c rewind.c rsfe.c rsli.c rsne.c \ + s_cat.c s_cmp.c s_copy.c s_paus.c s_rnge.c s_stop.c scomptry.bat sfe.c \ + sig_die.c signal1.h0 signal_.c signbit.c sue.c sysdep1.h0 system_.c \ + typesize.c \ + uio.c uninit.c util.c wref.c wrtfmt.c wsfe.c wsle.c wsne.c xwsne.c \ + z_abs.c z_cos.c z_div.c z_exp.c z_log.c z_sin.c z_sqrt.c >xsum1.out + cmp xsum0.out xsum1.out && mv xsum1.out xsum.out || diff xsum[01].out diff --git a/BuildTools/macosx/dep/CLAPACK-3.2.1/make.inc b/BuildTools/macosx/dep/CLAPACK-3.2.1/make.inc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..58ff8cb60 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/macosx/dep/CLAPACK-3.2.1/make.inc @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +# -*- Makefile -*- +#################################################################### +# LAPACK make include file. # +# LAPACK, Version 3.2.1 # +# June 2009 # +#################################################################### +# +# See the INSTALL/ directory for more examples. +# +SHELL = /bin/sh +# +# The machine (platform) identifier to append to the library names +# +PLAT = +# +# Modify the FORTRAN and OPTS definitions to refer to the +# compiler and desired compiler options for your machine. NOOPT +# refers to the compiler options desired when NO OPTIMIZATION is +# selected. Define LOADER and LOADOPTS to refer to the loader +# and desired load options for your machine. +# +####################################################### +# This is used to compile C libary +CC = gcc-4.2 +# if no wrapping of the blas library is needed, uncomment next line +#CC = gcc-4.2 -DNO_BLAS_WRAP +CFLAGS = -O3 -m64 -arch x86_64 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 -I$(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/INCLUDE -I$(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/ +LOADER = gcc-4.2 +LOADOPTS = -m64 -arch x86_64 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 +NOOPT = -O0 -m64 -arch x86_64 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 -I$(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/INCLUDE +DRVCFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) +F2CCFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) +####################################################################### + +# +# Timer for the SECOND and DSECND routines +# +# Default : SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the EXTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME +# TIMER = EXT_ETIME +# For RS6K : SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the EXTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME_ +# TIMER = EXT_ETIME_ +# For gfortran compiler: SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the INTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME +# TIMER = INT_ETIME +# If your Fortran compiler does not provide etime (like Nag Fortran Compiler, etc...) +# SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the Fortran standard INTERNAL FUNCTION CPU_TIME +TIMER = INT_CPU_TIME +# If neither of this works...you can use the NONE value... In that case, SECOND and DSECND will always return 0 +# TIMER = NONE +# +# The archiver and the flag(s) to use when building archive (library) +# If you system has no ranlib, set RANLIB = echo. +# +ARCH = ar +ARCHFLAGS= cr +RANLIB = ranlib +# +# The location of BLAS library for linking the testing programs. +# The target's machine-specific, optimized BLAS library should be +# used whenever possible. +# +BLASLIB = ../../blas$(PLAT).a +# +# Location of the extended-precision BLAS (XBLAS) Fortran library +# used for building and testing extended-precision routines. The +# relevant routines will be compiled and XBLAS will be linked only if +# USEXBLAS is defined. +# +# USEXBLAS = Yes +XBLASLIB = +# XBLASLIB = -lxblas +# +# Names of generated libraries. +# +LAPACKLIB = lapack$(PLAT).a +F2CLIB = ../../F2CLIBS/libf2c.a +TMGLIB = tmglib$(PLAT).a +EIGSRCLIB = eigsrc$(PLAT).a +LINSRCLIB = linsrc$(PLAT).a +F2CLIB = ../../F2CLIBS/libf2c.a diff --git a/BuildTools/macosx/dep/gdal-1.9.2/GDALmake.opt b/BuildTools/macosx/dep/gdal-1.9.2/GDALmake.opt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..adf7184ff --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/macosx/dep/gdal-1.9.2/GDALmake.opt @@ -0,0 +1,542 @@ +GDAL_ROOT = $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/gdal-1.9.2 +top_builddir = $(GDAL_ROOT) + +# +# the library can be built by the native build or with the help of libtool +# + +SHELL = /bin/sh +HAVE_LIBTOOL = yes +LIBTOOL = $(SHELL) $(top_builddir)/libtool +ifeq ($(HAVE_LIBTOOL),yes) +LIBTOOL_COMPILE_CC = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile --tag=CC +LIBTOOL_COMPILE_CXX = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile --tag=CXX +LIBTOOL_LINK = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link +LIBTOOL_INSTALL = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install +LIBTOOL_FINISH = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=finish --silent +LIBTOOL_CLEAN = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=clean +OBJ_EXT = lo +else +LIBTOOL_FINISH = /usr/bin/true +OBJ_EXT = o +endif + +CC = $(LIBTOOL_COMPILE_CC) gcc-4.2 +CXX = $(LIBTOOL_COMPILE_CXX) g++-4.2 +LD = $(LIBTOOL_LINK) g++-4.2 +RM = $(LIBTOOL_CLEAN) /bin/rm -f *.lo +INSTALL = $(LIBTOOL_INSTALL) $(GDAL_ROOT)/install-sh -c +INSTALL_LIB = $(LIBTOOL_INSTALL) $(GDAL_ROOT)/install-sh -c +INSTALL_DATA = $(GDAL_ROOT)/install-sh -c -m 0644 +INSTALL_DIR = $(GDAL_ROOT)/install-sh -d + +# SDE_LIB needs to be first because it embeds zlib. We need to use its symbols instead of -lz's + +LIBS = $(SDE_LIB) $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libproj.a $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libfreexl.a $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libgeos.a $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libgeos_c.a -L$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib -lexpat $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libxerces-c.a -framework CoreServices $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libpq.a -L$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib -lz -lpthread -ldl $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libspatialite.a $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libsqlite3.a $(KAK_LIBS) $(DWG_LIBS) $(CURL_LIB) \ + $(MRSID_LIBS) $(MRSID_LIDAR_LIBS) $(INGRES_LIB) \ + $(PCIDSK_LIB) $(RASDAMAN_LIB) $(CHARLS_LIB) \ + $(OPENCL_LIB) $(JVM_LIB) $(LIBICONV) $(FGDB_LIB) + +PYTHON_INCLUDES = @PYTHON_INCLUDES@ +PYTHON_LIBS = @PYTHON_LIBS@ +PYTHON_CFLAGS = @PYTHON_CFLAGS@ @NUMPY_FLAG@ +PYTHON = +PYTHON_DEV = @PYTHON_DEV@ +PY_LD_SHARED = @PY_LD_SHARED@ +PY_SO_EXT = @PY_SO_EXT@ +PY_HAVE_SETUPTOOLS= + +# Next Generation SWIG bindings +BINDINGS = + +HAVE_OGDI = no +OGR_ENABLED = yes + +OSX_FRAMEWORK_PREFIX = /Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework +OSX_VERSION_FRAMEWORK_PREFIX = ${OSX_FRAMEWORK_PREFIX}/Versions/1.9 + +prefix = $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries +exec_prefix = ${prefix} +INST_PREFIX = ${prefix} +INST_INCLUDE = ${prefix}/include +INST_DATA = ${prefix}/share/gdal +INST_LIB = ${exec_prefix}/lib +INST_BIN = ${exec_prefix}/bin +INST_PYMOD = +INST_DOCS = ${prefix}/doc +INST_MAN = ${prefix}/share/gdal/man +INST_HTML = $(HOME)/www/gdal + +CPPFLAGS = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/port +CFLAGS = -Os -arch x86_64 -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement $(USER_DEFS) +CXXFLAGS = -Os -arch x86_64 -Wall $(USER_DEFS) +LDFLAGS = -arch x86_64 + +RANLIB = ranlib +SO_EXT = +LD_SHARED = +EXE = + +ifeq ($(notdir $(LD_SHARED)),true) +HAVE_LD_SHARED = no +else +HAVE_LD_SHARED = yes +endif + +GDAL_INCLUDE = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/port -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/gcore \ + -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/alg \ + -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/ogr -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/ogr/ogrsf_frmts + +# libtool targets and help variables +LIBGDAL := libgdal.la +LIBGDAL_CURRENT := 17 +LIBGDAL_REVISION := 2 +LIBGDAL_AGE := 16 + +# native build targets and variables +GDAL_VER = 1.9.2 + +# version info +GDAL_VERSION_MAJOR = 1 +GDAL_VERSION_MINOR = 9 +GDAL_VERSION_REV = 2 + +GDAL_LIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/libgdal.a +GDAL_SLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/libgdal.$(SO_EXT) +GDAL_SLIB_LINK = -L$(GDAL_ROOT) -lgdal + +# Mac OS X Framework definition +MACOSX_FRAMEWORK = no + +# +# GDAL/OGR PostgreSQL support. +# +HAVE_OGR_PG = yes +HAVE_POSTGISRASTER = yes +PG_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/postgresql/server -DPG_HAS_PQESCAPESTRINGCONN + +# +# INGRES +# +II_SYSTEM = +HAVE_INGRES = no +INGRES_LIB = +INGRES_INC = + +# +# MySQL support. +# +HAVE_MYSQL = yes +MYSQL_LIB = $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/mysql-5.6.14/bld/libmysql/libmysqlclient.a -lpthread +MYSQL_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/temp/mysql-5.6.14/include -I$(GEODA_HOME)/temp/mysql-5.6.14/bld/include +LIBS += $(MYSQL_LIB) + +# +# HDF4 Support. +# +HAVE_HDF4 = no +HDF4_INCLUDE = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/ogr + +# +# HDF5 Support. +# +HAVE_HDF5 = no +HDF5_INCLUDE = + +# +# NetCDF Support. +# +NETCDF_ROOT = +NETCDF_HAS_NC4 = +NETCDF_HAS_HDF4 = + +# +# DODS Include file location +# +DODS_INC = +ifeq ($(DODS_INC),) +HAVE_DODS = no +else +HAVE_DODS = yes +endif + +# +# SQLite +# +SQLITE_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include +HAVE_SQLITE = yes +HAVE_SPATIALITE = yes +SPATIALITE_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include +SPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION = no + +# +# JPEG2000 via Kakadu Support. +# +KAKDIR = + +ifneq ($(KAKDIR),) +ifeq ($(HAVE_LIBTOOL),yes) +include $(GDAL_ROOT)/frmts/jp2kak/jp2kak.lst +KAK_LIBS = $(KAK_OBJ) +endif +endif + +# +# JPEG-2000 Support via JasPer library. +# +HAVE_JASPER = no +JASPER_FLAGS = + +# +# JPEG-2000 Support via OpenJPEG library. +# +HAVE_OPENJPEG = no + +# +# MrSID support via LizardTech's DSDK +# +MRSID_FLAGS = +MRSID_INCLUDE = +MRSID_LIBS = + +# +# +# MrSID/MG4 support via LizardTech LiDAR SDK +# +MRSID_LIDAR_INCLUDE = +MRSID_LIDAR_LIBS = + +# Xerces C++ XML Parser for GML and ILI +# +HAVE_XERCES = yes +XERCES_INCLUDE = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/xercesc + +# +# Enable NAS format +# +HAVE_NAS = yes + +# +# Expat XML Parser for KML, GPX, GeoRSS (and GML if no Xerces C++) +# +HAVE_EXPAT = yes +EXPAT_INCLUDE = -I/usr/include + +# +# Google libkml for the new OGR KML driver written by Brian Case +# +HAVE_LIBKML = no +#LIBKML_INCLUDE = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/kml -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/kml/third_party/boost_1_34_1 + +# +# Oracle Spatial Support +# +HAVE_OCI = no +OCI_INCLUDE = + +# GEOS Support + +HAVE_GEOS = yes +GEOS_CFLAGS = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +# GRASS Support + +GRASS_SETTING = no +GRASS_INCLUDE = +GRASS_GISBASE = +HAVE_GRASS = no + +# +# SDE +# +HAVE_SDE = no +SDE_LIB = +SDE_INC = + +# +# FileGDB +# +HAVE_FGDB = +FGDB_LIB = +FGDB_INC = + +# +# ArcObjects +# +HAVE_ARCOBJECTS = @ARCOBJECTS_ENABLED@ +ARCOBJECTS_LIB = @ARCOBJECTS_LIB@ +ARCOBJECTS_INC = @ARCOBJECTS_INC@ + + +# +# VFK +# +HAVE_VFK = yes + +# +# Curl +# +CURL_SETTING = yes +CURL_LIB = -L$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib -lcurl -lldap -lz +CURL_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +# +# OpenCL support +# +OPENCL_LIB = +OPENCL_FLAGS = + +# +# PCIDSK SDK +# +PCIDSK_SETTING = internal +PCIDSK_LIB = +PCIDSK_INCLUDE = + +# +# Iconv +# +LIBICONV = -liconv + +# +# DWGdirect Library +# +DWGDIRECT = +DWG_PLT = + +ifneq ($(DWGDIRECT),) +DWG_LIBDIR = $(DWGDIRECT)/lib/$(DWG_PLT) +DWG_LIBS = $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_ModelerGeometry.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_AcisRenderer.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Br.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_AcisBuilder.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Db.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Gs.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_SpatialIndex.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Gi.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Ge.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Root.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_FT.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Alloc.a +HAVE_DWGDIRECT = yes +else +DWG_LIBS = +HAVE_DWGDIRECT = no +endif + +# +# Informix DataBlade support +# +HAVE_IDB = no +IDB_INC = +IDB_LIB = +ifeq ($(HAVE_IDB),yes) +LIBS += $(IDB_LIB) +endif + +# +# FMEObjects +# +ifeq (,) +HAVE_FME = no +FME_INCLUDE = +else +HAVE_FME = yes +FME_INCLUDE = -I/fmeobjects/cpp +endif + +# PCRaster support +PCRASTER_SETTING = internal + +OGDI_INCLUDE = + +PNG_SETTING = internal +JPEG_SETTING = internal +JPEG12_ENABLED = yes +TIFF_SETTING = internal +TIFF_OPTS = -DBIGTIFF_SUPPORT +RENAME_INTERNAL_LIBTIFF_SYMBOLS = no +GEOTIFF_SETTING = internal +GEOTIFF_INCLUDE = +RENAME_INTERNAL_LIBGEOTIFF_SYMBOLS = no +GIF_SETTING = internal +FITS_SETTING = no +OGDI_SETTING = no +ODBC_SETTING = no +# PGeo driver is built-in when ODBC is available +PGEO_SETTING = no +MSSQLSPATIAL_SETTING = no +GEOMEDIA_SETTING = no +NETCDF_SETTING = no +LIBZ_SETTING = external +LIBLZMA_SETTING = no + +# +# Rasdaman stuff +# +RASDAMAN_ENABLED = no +RASDAMAN_INC = +RASDAMAN_LIB = + +# +# Poppler stuff +# + +HAVE_POPPLER = no +POPPLER_HAS_OPTCONTENT = no +POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = no +POPPLER_0_20_OR_LATER = no +POPPLER_INC = + +# +# Podofo stuff +# + +HAVE_PODOFO = no +PODOFO_INC = + +# +# CharLs stuff +# Uncomment and adapt paths to enable JPEGLS driver +# +#HAVE_CHARLS = yes +#CHARLS_INC = -I/path/to/charls_include +#CHARLS_LIB = -L/path/to/charls_lib -lCharLS + +# +# PROJ.4 stuff +# +PROJ_STATIC = yes +ifeq ($(PROJ_STATIC),yes) +PROJ_FLAGS = -DPROJ_STATIC +endif +PROJ_INCLUDE = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +PAM_SETTING = -DPAM_ENABLED + +ifeq ($(OGR_ENABLED),yes) +GDAL_LIBS := $(GDAL_LIB) $(OCI_LIB) $(GDAL_LIBS) +CPPFLAGS := -DOGR_ENABLED $(CPPFLAGS) +else +GDAL_LIBS = $(GDAL_LIB) +endif + +# +# Java stuff +# +JAVA_INC = +JVM_LIB = + +MDB_ENABLED = no + +HAVE_ARMADILLO = no + +# +# freexl stuff +# + +HAVE_FREEXL = yes +FREEXL_INCLUDE = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +# +# Note these codes have to exactly match the format directory names, +# and their uppercase form should be the format portion of the +# format registration entry point. eg. gdb -> GDALRegister_GDB(). +# +GDAL_FORMATS = gxf gtiff hfa aigrid aaigrid ceos ceos2 iso8211 xpm \ + sdts raw dted mem jdem envisat elas fit vrt usgsdem l1b \ + nitf bmp pcidsk airsar rs2 ilwis rmf leveller sgi srtmhgt \ + idrisi gsg ingr ers jaxapalsar dimap gff cosar pds adrg \ + coasp tsx terragen blx msgn til r northwood saga xyz hf2 \ + kmlsuperoverlay ozi ctg e00grid zmap ngsgeoid \ + wcs wms grib bsb gif jpeg png pcraster + + +ifneq ($(LIBZ_SETTING),no) +GDAL_FORMATS := $(GDAL_FORMATS) rik +endif + +ifeq ($(OGR_ENABLED),yes) +ifeq ($(HAVE_SQLITE),yes) +GDAL_FORMATS := $(GDAL_FORMATS) rasterlite +endif +endif + +ifeq ($(HAVE_POSTGISRASTER),yes) +GDAL_FORMATS := $(GDAL_FORMATS) postgisraster +endif + +ifeq ($(HAVE_CHARLS),yes) +GDAL_FORMATS := $(GDAL_FORMATS) jpegls +endif + +# +# CONFIG_LIBS is what local program should link against, and CONFIG_LIBS_INS +# is what will be emitted into the gdal-config script that is installed +# globally. +# + +ifeq ($(HAVE_LIBTOOL), yes) + +CONFIG_LIBS = $(GDAL_ROOT)/$(LIBGDAL) +ifeq ($(MACOSX_FRAMEWORK),yes) +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = -L$(INST_LIB)/unix/lib -lgdal +else +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = -L$(INST_LIB) -lgdal +endif # MACOSX_FRAMEWORK + +EXE_DEP_LIBS = $(GDAL_ROOT)/$(LIBGDAL) +SO_EXT = la + +else # HAVE_LIBTOOL + +ifeq ($(HAVE_LD_SHARED),yes) +CONFIG_LIBS = $(GDAL_SLIB_LINK) $(LIBS) +ifeq ($(MACOSX_FRAMEWORK),yes) +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = -L$(INST_LIB)/unix/lib -lgdal +else +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = -L$(INST_LIB) -lgdal +endif +EXE_DEP_LIBS = $(GDAL_SLIB) +else +CONFIG_LIBS = $(GDAL_LIBS) $(LIBS) +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = $(foreach LF,$(GDAL_LIBS),$(INST_LIB)/$(notdir $(LF)))\ + $(LIBS) +EXE_DEP_LIBS = $(GDAL_LIB) +endif + +endif # HAVE_LIBTOOL + + +# +# generic library rules +# + +# +# gdal and ogr low level drivers use the following default rules in order to +# populate the ../o/ directory with all object and library object files +# + +O_OBJ = $(foreach file,$(OBJ),../o/$(file)) + +../o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +../o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +# +# default rules for handling subdirectories +# + +%-target: + $(MAKE) -C $* + +%-clean: + $(MAKE) -C $* clean diff --git a/BuildTools/macosx/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/filegdb/GNUmakefile b/BuildTools/macosx/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/filegdb/GNUmakefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..823fece5c --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/macosx/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/filegdb/GNUmakefile @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ + + +include ../../../GDALmake.opt +LNK_FLAGS += -arch x86_64 +FGDB_HOME = /Users/xun/Downloads/FileGDB_API +FGDB_INC = -I$(FGDB_HOME)/include +EXTRA_LIBS += -L$(FGDB_HOME)/lib -lfgdbunixrtl -lFileGDBAPI + +OBJ = FGdbDatasource.o FGdbDriver.o FGdbLayer.o FGdbUtils.o FGdbResultLayer.o + +PLUGIN_SO = ogr_FileGDB.so + +CPPFLAGS := $(GDAL_INCLUDE) $(FGDB_INC) $(CPPFLAGS) + +default: $(O_OBJ:.o=.$(OBJ_EXT)) + +plugin: $(PLUGIN_SO) + +clean: + rm -f *.o $(O_OBJ) + +$(O_OBJ): ogr_fgdb.h + +$(PLUGIN_SO): $(OBJ) + g++ -shared $(LNK_FLAGS) $(OBJ) $(CONFIG_LIBS_INS) $(EXTRA_LIBS) -o $(PLUGIN_SO) diff --git a/BuildTools/macosx/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci/GNUmakefile b/BuildTools/macosx/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci/GNUmakefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0278f8096 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/macosx/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci/GNUmakefile @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ + + +include ../../../GDALmake.opt +GDAL_INCLUDE += -I$(ORACLE_HOME)/sdk/include +LNK_FLAGS += -arch x86_64 +EXTRA_LIBS += -L$(ORACLE_HOME)/lib -lclntsh -lnnz11 + +OBJ = oci_utils.o ogrocisession.o ogrocistatement.o \ + ogrocidriver.o ogrocidatasource.o ogrocilayer.o \ + ogrocitablelayer.o ogrociselectlayer.o ogrocistringbuf.o \ + ogrociwritablelayer.o ogrociloaderlayer.o ogrocistroke.o + +CPPFLAGS := $(GDAL_INCLUDE) $(OCI_INCLUDE) $(CPPFLAGS) -fPIC + +PLUGIN_SO = ogr_OCI.so + +default: $(O_OBJ:.o=.$(OBJ_EXT)) + +clean: + rm -f *.o $(O_OBJ) + +$(O_OBJ): ogr_oci.h + +fastload: fastload.cpp + $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) fastload.cpp -L../../.. -lgdal.1.1 \ + -o fastload + +plugin: $(PLUGIN_SO) + +$(PLUGIN_SO): $(OBJ) + g++ -shared $(LNK_FLAGS) $(OBJ) $(CONFIG_LIBS_INS) $(EXTRA_LIBS) \ + -o $(PLUGIN_SO) diff --git a/BuildTools/macosx/dep/libkml/configure.ac b/BuildTools/macosx/dep/libkml/configure.ac new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6f8003d64 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/macosx/dep/libkml/configure.ac @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. + +dnl Make sure we're interpreted by some minimal autoconf. +AC_PREREQ(2.57) + +AC_INIT(libkml, 1.3.0, http://code.google.com/p/libkml/issues) +m4_ifdef([AM_PROG_AR],[AM_PROG_AR]) +AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR(README) +AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(config) +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(-Wall -Werror subdir-objects) + +AC_PROG_CPP +AC_PROG_CXX +AC_PROG_INSTALL +AC_PROG_LIBTOOL + +AC_C_CONST +AC_C_INLINE +AC_FUNC_MALLOC +AC_FUNC_STRTOD +AC_HEADER_STDBOOL +AC_TYPE_SIZE_T + +dnl Let Makefile know if we are GCC. +AM_CONDITIONAL(GCC, test "$GCC" = yes) + +dnl Which platform are we building on? +PLATFORM= +SHLIBSUFFIX= +case "`uname -s`" in + Linux) PLATFORM=linux + SHLIBSUFFIX="so" + ;; + Darwin) PLATFORM=darwin + SHLIBSUFFIX="dylib" + ;; + *) PLATFORM=unknown + SHLIBSUFFIX="so" + ;; +esac +AC_SUBST(PLATFORM) +AC_SUBST(SHLIBSUFFIX) + +dnl Where can we find the Expat headers and library? +AC_ARG_WITH(expat-include-dir, + [--with-expat-include-dir=DIR look in DIR for expat headers], + [CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I$withval" CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$withval"]) +AC_ARG_WITH(expat-lib-dir, + [--with-expat-lib-dir=DIR look in DIR for expat libraries], + [LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$withval"]) + +dnl Where can we find the Java headers and libs? +AC_ARG_WITH(java-include-dir, + [--with-java-include-dir=DIR look in DIR for Java headers], + [JAVA_INCLUDE_DIR=$withval],) +AC_SUBST(JAVA_INCLUDE_DIR) +AC_ARG_WITH(java-lib-dir, + [--with-java-lib-dir=DIR look in DIR for Java libraries], + [JAVA_LIB_DIR=$withval],) +AC_SUBST(JAVA_LIB_DIR) + +dnl Where can we find the Python headers and libs? +AC_ARG_WITH(python-include-dir, + [--with-python-include-dir=DIR look in DIR for Python headers], + [PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=$withval],) +AC_SUBST(PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR) +AC_ARG_WITH(python-lib-dir, + [--with-python-lib-dir=DIR look in DIR for Python libraries], + [PYTHON_LIB_DIR=$withval],) +AC_SUBST(PYTHON_LIB_DIR) + + +AC_CHECK_HEADERS(expat.h, [expat_h_found="yes"], [expat_h_found="no"]) +if test $expat_h_found = "no" +then + AC_MSG_ERROR("Unable to locate expat.h. Use configure --help to see how to specify the search path") +fi +AC_CHECK_LIB(expat, XML_ParserCreate, [], + AC_MSG_ERROR("Expat library not found. Use configure --help to see how to specify the search path")) + +AC_CHECK_HEADERS([float.h limits.h stdlib.h string.h]) +AC_CHECK_FUNCS([floor memset strstr]) + +dnl If SWIG is available we will try to generate bindings. +AC_ARG_ENABLE(swig, + [AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-swig], + [do not generate any SWIG language bindings])]) +if test "x$enable_swig" != xno; then + AC_CHECK_PROG(SWIG, swig, swig) + if test "x$SWIG" != x; then + SWIG_VERSION=`swig -version 2>&1|grep Version|cut -d" " -f3` + if test ${SWIG_VERSION:4} -lt 35; then + AC_MSG_WARN([You have SWIG $SWIG_VERSION installed, but libkml requires at least SWIG 1.3.35. The bindings will not be built.]) + SWIG= + fi + fi +fi +AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_SWIG, [test "x$SWIG" != x]) + +dnl Shall we install the python extensions in the system python extension +dnl directory? Note: to allow unprivileged installation this is off by default. +AC_ARG_ENABLE(systempython, + [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-systempython], + [install the python SWIG bindings to the default system location using root privileges])]) +USE_DEFAULT_PYTHON_LIBDIR=false +if test "x$enable_systempython" = xyes; then + USE_DEFAULT_PYTHON_LIBDIR=true +fi + +dnl Shall we build the Java SWIG bindings? +if test "x$SWIG" != x; then + AC_ARG_ENABLE(java, + [AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-java], + [do not generate Java SWIG bindings])]) + if test "x$enable_java" != xno; then + AC_CHECK_PROG(JAVA, java, java, nojava) + if test "$JAVA" = "nojava"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([no java binary in PATH]) + fi + AC_CHECK_PROG(JAVAC, javac, javac, nojavac) + if test "$JAVAC" = "nojavac"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([no javac binary in PATH, bindings will not be built]) + fi + AC_CHECK_PROG(JAR, jar, jar, nojar) + if test "$JAR" = "nojar"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([no jar binary in PATH, bindings will not be built]) + fi + if test "x$JAVA" != x; then + current_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + if test "$CPPFLAGS" != ""; then + CPPFLAGS="-I$current_CPPFLAGS -I$JAVA_INCLUDE_DIR -I$JAVA_INCLUDE_DIR/$PLATFORM" + else + CPPFLAGS="-I$JAVA_INCLUDE_DIR -I$JAVA_INCLUDE_DIR/$PLATFORM" + fi + AC_CHECK_HEADER(jni.h,, + [AC_MSG_WARN([could not find jni.h. The Java bindings will not be built.]) + JAVA= + ]) + CPPFLAGS="$current_CPPFLAGS" + fi + fi +fi +AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_JAVA, [test "x$JAVA" != x]) + +dnl Shall we build the Python SWIG bindings? +if test "x$SWIG" != x; then + AC_ARG_ENABLE(python, + [AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-python], + [do not generate Python SWIG bindings])]) + if test "x$enable_python" != xno; then + AC_CHECK_PROG(PYTHON, python, python) + if test "x$PYTHON" != x; then + PYTHON_VERSION=`$PYTHON -c "import sys; print sys.version[[:3]]"` + if test "$USE_DEFAULT_PYTHON_LIBDIR" = true; then + PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES_DIR=`$PYTHON -c 'import distutils.sysconfig; print distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(1,0)'` + else + PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES_DIR=`$PYTHON -c 'import distutils.sysconfig; print distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(1,0,"${exec_prefix}")'` + fi + AC_SUBST(PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES_DIR) + if test "$PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR" = ""; then + PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=`$PYTHON -c "import distutils.sysconfig; print distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc()"` + fi + if test "$PYTHON_LIB_DIR" = ""; then + PYTHON_LIB_DIR=`$PYTHON -c "import distutils.sysconfig; print distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBPL')"` + fi + current_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + CPPFLAGS="-I$PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR" + AC_CHECK_HEADER(Python.h,, + [AC_MSG_WARN([could not find Python.h. The Python bindings will not be built.]) + PYTHON= + ]) + PYTHON_LIBNAME="python" + if test "$PLATFORM" = "linux"; then + PYTHON_LIBNAME="python$PYTHON_VERSION" + fi + AC_CHECK_LIB($PYTHON_LIBNAME, Py_Initialize,, + [AC_MSG_WARN([could not find the Python library. The Python bindings will not be built.]) + PYTHON= + ]) + LIBS='' # don't append -lpython here. + CPPFLAGS="$current_CPPFLAGS" + fi + fi +fi +AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_PYTHON, [test "x$PYTHON" != x]) + +dnl If libcurl is available we will build networking examples. +dnl TODO: permit a --with-curl-prefix, etc +AC_CHECK_CURL(7.12.3) +AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_CURL, test "$CURL_LIBS") + +dnl automake will add -DHAVE_CONFIG_H to compiler flags. +AM_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h]) + +AC_CONFIG_FILES([ + Makefile + examples/Makefile + examples/domviewer/Makefile + examples/engine/Makefile + examples/gpx/Makefile + examples/gx/Makefile + examples/hellonet/Makefile + examples/helloworld/Makefile + examples/java/Makefile + examples/kml/Makefile + examples/python/Makefile + examples/regionator/Makefile + examples/wxregionator/Makefile + examples/wxviewer/Makefile + examples/xsd/Makefile + msvc/Makefile + msvc/examples/Makefile + msvc/tests/Makefile + src/Makefile + src/kml/Makefile + src/kml/convenience/Makefile + src/kml/dom/Makefile + src/kml/engine/Makefile + src/kml/regionator/Makefile + src/kml/base/Makefile + src/kml/xsd/Makefile + src/swig/Makefile + src/swig/java/Makefile + src/swig/python/Makefile + testdata/Makefile + testdata/atom/Makefile + testdata/balloon/Makefile + testdata/csv/Makefile + testdata/deprecated/Makefile + testdata/gdata/Makefile + testdata/gmaps/Makefile + testdata/gpx/Makefile + testdata/gx/Makefile + testdata/kml/Makefile + testdata/kmz/Makefile + testdata/kmz/files/Makefile + testdata/kmz/kmzfiles/Makefile + testdata/kmz/rumsey/Makefile + testdata/kmz/rumsey/kml/Makefile + testdata/kmz/rumsey/imagery/Makefile + testdata/links/Makefile + testdata/style/Makefile + testdata/style/weather/Makefile + testdata/update/Makefile + testdata/xal/Makefile + testdata/xsd/Makefile + third_party/Makefile + xcode/Makefile + xcode/LibKML/Makefile +]) + +AC_OUTPUT + diff --git a/BuildTools/macosx/dep/mysql/my_default.h b/BuildTools/macosx/dep/mysql/my_default.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..40d9f6cb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/macosx/dep/mysql/my_default.h @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MY_DEFAULT_INCLUDED +#define MY_DEFAULT_INCLUDED + + +#include "my_global.h" + +C_MODE_START + +extern const char *my_defaults_extra_file; +extern const char *my_defaults_group_suffix; +extern const char *my_defaults_file; +extern my_bool my_getopt_use_args_separator; + +/* Define the type of function to be passed to process_default_option_files */ +typedef int (*Process_option_func)(void *ctx, const char *group_name, + const char *option); + +my_bool my_getopt_is_args_separator(const char* arg); +int get_defaults_options(int argc, char **argv, + char **defaults, char **extra_defaults, + char **group_suffix, char **login_path); +int my_load_defaults(const char *conf_file, const char **groups, + int *argc, char ***argv, const char ***); +int load_defaults(const char *conf_file, const char **groups, + int *argc, char ***argv); +int my_search_option_files(const char *conf_file, int *argc, + char ***argv, uint *args_used, + Process_option_func func, void *func_ctx, + const char **default_directories); +void free_defaults(char **argv); +void my_print_default_files(const char *conf_file); +void print_defaults(const char *conf_file, const char **groups); + +C_MODE_END + +#endif // MY_DEFAULT_INCLUDED diff --git a/BuildTools/macosx/install_plugins.sh b/BuildTools/macosx/install_plugins.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e114bafb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/macosx/install_plugins.sh @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +APP_PATH=$1 + +show_tip() +{ + echo "============================================================" + echo " GeoDa Tool" + echo " This tool will setup GeoDa software to enable plugins of " + echo " Oracle database and ESRI File Geodatabase. Users need to " + echo " download, configure and setup Oracle Instance Client and " + echo " ESRI File Geodatabase API first. This tool will check " + echo ' $ORACLE_HOME for Oracle Instant Client and $FileGDB_HOME ' + echo " for ESRI File Geodatabase automatically for GeoDa plugins" + echo " configuration." + echo "============================================================" + echo "Usage: ./install_plugins.sh GeoDaAppPath" + echo "" + echo "Options: " + echo " GeoDaAppPath e.g. ./GeoDa.app" + echo "============================================================" +} + +if [[ $APP_PATH == "" ]] ; then + show_tip + exit +fi + +if ! [ -d $APP_PATH ] && ! [ -d "$APP_PATH.app" ] ; then + show_tip + echo " GeoDaAppPath is not exist." + echo "============================================================" + exit +fi + +if [[ $ORACLE_HOME == "" ]] && [[ $FileGDB_HOME == "" ]]; then + show_tip + echo ' Both $ORACLE_HOME and $FileGDB_HOME are not setup.' + echo " Can't setup GeoDa plugins." + echo "============================================================" + exit +fi + +if ! [ -d $APP_PATH ] ; then + APP_PATH="$APP_PATH.app" +fi + +RUN_FILE="$APP_PATH/Contents/MacOS/run.sh" +mv $RUN_FILE "$RUN_FILE.bak" + +echo '#!/bin/sh' >> $RUN_FILE +echo '' >> $RUN_FILE +echo 'GEODA_HOME=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)' >> $RUN_FILE +echo '' >> $RUN_FILE +echo 'export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:$GEODA_HOME/plugins' >> $RUN_FILE +echo 'export GDAL_DATA=$GEODA_HOME/../Resources/gdaldata' >> $RUN_FILE +echo 'export OGR_DRIVER_PATH=$GEODA_HOME/../Resources/plugins' >> $RUN_FILE + +HAS_ORACLE=0 +if ! [[ $ORACLE_HOME == "" ]] ; then + HAS_ORACLE=1 + echo "export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_HOME" >> $RUN_FILE + echo 'export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ORACLE_HOME' >> $RUN_FILE +fi + +HAS_FILEGDB=0 +if ! [[ $FileGDB_HOME == "" ]] ; then + HAS_FILEGDB=1 + echo "export FileGDB_HOME=$FileGDB_HOME" >> $RUN_FILE + echo 'export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:$FileGDB_HOME' >> $RUN_FILE +fi + +echo 'exec "$GEODA_HOME/GeoDa"' >> $RUN_FILE + +chmod +x $RUN_FILE +rm "$RUN_FILE.bak" + +if [[ $HAS_ORACLE+$HAS_FILEGDB > 0 ]] ; then + echo "The following plugins have been configured in GeoDa:" + + if [[ $HAS_ORACLE == 1 ]] ; then + echo "-->Oracle Instance Client" + fi + + if [[ $HAS_FILEGDB == 1 ]] ; then + echo "-->ESRI File Geodatabase" + fi + + echo "Please restart GeoDa to use these plugins. Thank you!" +fi diff --git a/BuildTools/macosx/plugins/ogr_OCI.so.x86 b/BuildTools/macosx/plugins/ogr_OCI.so.x86 new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f2f14d869 Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/macosx/plugins/ogr_OCI.so.x86 differ diff --git a/BuildTools/macosx/prepare_dmg.sh b/BuildTools/macosx/prepare_dmg.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..b174e44a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/macosx/prepare_dmg.sh @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/bin/bash +GEODA_HOME=$PWD +VER_MAJOR=$(grep version_major $GEODA_HOME/../../version.h | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]][[:alpha:]|[:space:]|_|=]*//g' | sed -e 's/;//g') +VER_MINOR=$(grep version_minor $GEODA_HOME/../../version.h | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]][[:alpha:]|[:space:]|_|=]*//g' | sed -e 's/;//g') +VER_BUILD=$(grep version_build $GEODA_HOME/../../version.h | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]][[:alpha:]|[:space:]|_|=]*//g' | sed -e 's/;//g') +GEODA_VERSION=$VER_MAJOR.$VER_MINOR.$VER_BUILD +echo $GEODA_VERSION + diff --git a/BuildTools/macosx/print_geoda_version.sh b/BuildTools/macosx/print_geoda_version.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..b174e44a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/macosx/print_geoda_version.sh @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/bin/bash +GEODA_HOME=$PWD +VER_MAJOR=$(grep version_major $GEODA_HOME/../../version.h | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]][[:alpha:]|[:space:]|_|=]*//g' | sed -e 's/;//g') +VER_MINOR=$(grep version_minor $GEODA_HOME/../../version.h | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]][[:alpha:]|[:space:]|_|=]*//g' | sed -e 's/;//g') +VER_BUILD=$(grep version_build $GEODA_HOME/../../version.h | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]][[:alpha:]|[:space:]|_|=]*//g' | sed -e 's/;//g') +GEODA_VERSION=$VER_MAJOR.$VER_MINOR.$VER_BUILD +echo $GEODA_VERSION + diff --git a/BuildTools/macosx/readme.txt b/BuildTools/macosx/readme.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..48d04d931 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/macosx/readme.txt @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +***************************************************************** +*** Build Instructions for GeoDa. Current as of GeoDa 1.5.23 *** +***************************************************************** + +Overview: We assume the build machine hosts a recently-installed +clean OS. This build guide contains notes on setting up the compile +environment, obtaining the GeoDa source files and dependent libraries, +compiling libraries and GeoDa, and finally packaging the program +for distribution and installation. + +**************************************************** +*** Building GeoDa for 64-bit OSX 1.6.8 or later *** +**************************************************** + +NOTE: This is just basic placeholder for now! Not currently complete. + +Build machine assumptions: +- clean OSX 10.6.8 installation with all OS updates. +- note the current build script will likely only work on OS 10.6.8 + and not later versions of OSX. It is very difficult to target + previous versions of OSX, so we have chosen to build on the minimum + version supported. + +1. Install XCode 3.2 + - this will result in Xcode and all c++ compilers as well as svn + being installed. + +2. Use SVN to check out GeoDa trunk: + - From user's home directory: ~/ + - svn co https://geodacenter.repositoryhosting.com/svn/geodacenter_geoda/trunk trunk + +3. cd to ~/trunk/BuildTools/macosx + +4. run ./build.sh 8 to download and build GeoDa and everything it +depends upon. + - The number 8 should be changed to however many individual cores the + build machine has available for parallel compilation. + +5. Package GeoDa for distribution / installation. + diff --git a/BuildTools/macosx/run.sh b/BuildTools/macosx/run.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..24a2940b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/macosx/run.sh @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +GEODA_HOME=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd) + +export ORACLE_HOME=OHOME +export FileGDB_HOME=FHOME +export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$GEODA_HOME/plugins:$ORACLE_HOME:$FileGDB_HOME:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH +export GDAL_DATA=$GEODA_HOME/../Resources/gdaldata +export OGR_DRIVER_PATH=$GEODA_HOME/../Resources/plugins +exec "$GEODA_HOME/GeoDa" diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/GNUmakefile b/BuildTools/ubuntu/GNUmakefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8b8cd9647 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/GNUmakefile @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +ifndef GEODA_HOME +$(error You have to setup GEODA_HOME variable e.g. export GEODA_HOME=PWD, or run build.sh) +endif + +include ../../GeoDamake.opt + +GeoDa_OBJ = $(wildcard $(GeoDa_ROOT)/o/*.o) + +default: compile-geoda + +app: build-geoda-mac + +compile-geoda: dataviewer-target generic-target dialogtools-target \ + explore-target knn-target regression-target \ + shapeoperations-target resource-target varcalc-target \ + geoda-target + +conf = `./libraries/bin/wx-config --libs` + +test1: + @echo test $(WX_HEADER) $(LIBS) + +resource-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/rc; $(MAKE) xrc; $(MAKE)) + +dataviewer-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/DataViewer; $(MAKE)) + +generic-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/Generic; $(MAKE)) + +dialogtools-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/DialogTools; $(MAKE)) + +explore-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/Explore; $(MAKE)) + +knn-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/kNN; $(MAKE)) + +regression-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/Regression; $(MAKE)) + +shapeoperations-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/ShapeOperations; $(MAKE)) + +varcalc-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT)/VarCalc; $(MAKE)) + +geoda-target: + (cd $(GeoDa_ROOT); $(MAKE)) + +build-geoda-mac: + rm -rf build + mkdir -p build + mkdir build/Resources + mkdir build/gdaldata + mkdir build/plugins + $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(GeoDa_OBJ) $(LIBS) -o build/GeoDa + cp run.sh build/run.sh + chmod +x build/run.sh + cp $(GeoDa_ROOT)/rc/data_viewer_dialogs.xrc build/Resources + cp $(GeoDa_ROOT)/rc/dialogs.xrc build/Resources + cp $(GeoDa_ROOT)/rc/GeoDa.icns build/Resources + cp $(GeoDa_ROOT)/rc/menus.xrc build/Resources + cp $(GeoDa_ROOT)/rc/toolbar.xrc build/Resources + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libgdal.so.1.16.2 build/plugins/libgdal.so.1 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libkmldom.so.0.0.0 build/plugins/libkmldom.so.0 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libkmlengine.so.0.0.0 build/plugins/libkmlengine.so.0 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libkmlbase.so.0.0.0 build/plugins/libkmlbase.so.0 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libxerces-c-3.1.so build/plugins/libxerces-c-3.1.so + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libspatialite.so.5.0.1 build/plugins/libspatialite.so.5 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libfreexl.so.1.0.0 build/plugins/libfreexl.so.1 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libproj.so.0.7.0 build/plugins/libproj.so.0 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libgeos_c.so.1.7.8 build/plugins/libgeos_c.so.1 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libsqlite3.so.0.8.6 build/plugins/libsqlite3.so.0 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libiconv.so.2.5.0 build/plugins/libiconv.so.2 + chmod +x build/plugins/libiconv.so.2 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libminizip.so.0.0.0 build/plugins/libminizip.so.0 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/liburiparser.so.1.0.5 build/plugins/liburiparser.so.1 + cp $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libgeos-3.3.8.so build/plugins/ + cp libraries/share/gdal/* build/gdaldata + +clean: + rm -f ../../o/* + rm -rf build diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/build.sh b/BuildTools/ubuntu/build.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..acdd4551a --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/build.sh @@ -0,0 +1,475 @@ +#!/bin/bash +############################################################################# +# ./build.sh +# ./build.sh [CPU] +# ./build.sh 8 (with debug) +# ./build.sh [CPU] [NODEBUG, true=1 false=0(default)] +# ./build.sh 8 1 (no debug) +############################################################################# +CPUS=2 +NODEBUG=1 + +if ! type "cmake" > /dev/null; then + echo "You need to install cmake to run this script." + sudo apt-get install cmake +fi + +if ! type "g++" > /dev/null; then + echo "You need to install g++ to run this script." + sudo apt-get install g++ +fi + +if ! type "svn" > /dev/null; then + echo "You need to install SVN to run this script." + sudo apt-get install subversion +fi + +if ! type "curl" > /dev/null; then + echo "You need to install curl to run this script." + sudo apt-get install curl +fi + +read -p "Do you want to install pre-requisites (e.g. libreadline, zlib, libexpat, libcurl ...)?[y/n]" -n 1 -r +echo +if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy] ]]; then + sudo apt-get update + sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libexpat1-dev dh-autoreconf libcurl4-gnutls-dev libgtk-3-dev mesa-common-dev freeglut3-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libgtk2.0-dev +fi + +unset ORACLE_HOME +export GEODA_HOME=$PWD +PREFIX=$GEODA_HOME/libraries +DOWNLOAD_HOME=$GEODA_HOME/temp +echo $PREFIX + +MAKER="make -j $CPUS" +export CFLAGS="-m32" +export CXXFLAGS="-m32" +export LDFLAGS="-m32 -L/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu" + +if ! [ -d $DOWNLOAD_HOME ]; then + mkdir $DOWNLOAD_HOME +fi + +if ! [ -d $PREFIX ]; then + mkdir $PREFIX +fi + +######################################################################### +# install library function +######################################################################### +install_library() +{ + LIB_NAME=$1 + LIB_URL=$2 + LIB_CHECKER=$3 + LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + if ! [ -f "$LIB_FILENAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + fi + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX + $MAKER + make install + fi + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} +######################################################################### +# install libiConv +######################################################################### +{ + LIB_NAME="libiconv-1.13" + LIB_URL="http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libiconv/libiconv-1.13.tar.gz" + LIB_CHECKER="libiconv.a" + LIB_FILENAME="libiconv-1.13.tar.gz" + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + ./configure --enable-static --prefix=$PREFIX + $MAKER + make install + fi + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# install cURL +######################################################################### +install_library curl-7.30.0 http://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.30.0.tar.gz libcurl.a +######################################################################### +# install Xerces +######################################################################### +{ + LIB_NAME="xerces-c-3.1.1" + LIB_URL="http://mirror.metrocast.net/apache//xerces/c/3/sources/xerces-c-3.1.1.tar.gz" + LIB_CHECKER="libxerces-c.a" + LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX + chmod +x config/pretty-make + $MAKER + make install + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} +######################################################################### +# install GEOS +######################################################################### +install_library geos-3.3.8 http://download.osgeo.org/geos/geos-3.3.8.tar.bz2 libgeos.a + +######################################################################### +# install PROJ.4 +######################################################################### +install_library proj-4.8.0 http://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-4.8.0.tar.gz libproj.a + +######################################################################### +# install FreeXL +######################################################################### +install_library freexl-1.0.0f http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/freexl-sources/freexl-1.0.0f.tar.gz libfreexl.a + +######################################################################### +# install SQLite +######################################################################### +install_library sqlite-autoconf-3071602 http://www.sqlite.org/2013/sqlite-autoconf-3071602.tar.gz libsqlite3.a + +######################################################################### +# install PostgreSQL +######################################################################### +# libreadline, zlib +echo "install libreadline, zlib" +install_library postgresql-9.2.4 http://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v9.2.4/postgresql-9.2.4.tar.bz2 libpq.a + +######################################################################### +# install libjpeg +######################################################################### +install_library jpeg-8 http://www.ijg.org/files/jpegsrc.v8.tar.gz libjpeg.a + +######################################################################### +# install libkml requires 1.3 +######################################################################### +# libexpat,libcurl4-gnutls-dev +#install_library libkml-1.2.0 https://libkml.googlecode.com/files/libkml-1.2.0.tar.gz libkmlbase.a +{ + LIB_NAME="libkml" + LIB_CHECKER="libkmlbase.a" + echo $LIB_NAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + svn checkout http://libkml.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ libkml + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cp -rf ../dep/"$LIB_NAME" . + cd $LIB_NAME + ./autogen.sh + chmod +x configure + ./configure CXXFLAGS="-Wno-long-long" --prefix=$PREFIX + sed -i.old "/gtest-death-test.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-filepath.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-port.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-test-part.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-typed-test.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-test.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest_main.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriCommon.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriCompare.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriEscape.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriFile.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriIp4.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriIp4Base.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriNormalize.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriNormalizeBase.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriParse.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriParseBase.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriQuery.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriRecompose.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriResolve.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriShorten.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/ioapi.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/iomem_simple.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/zip.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + #$MAKER + sed -i.old "s/examples//g" Makefile + make third_party + make src + make testdata + make install + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# install SpatiaLite +######################################################################### +{ + LIB_NAME=libspatialite-4.0.0 + LIB_URL=http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/libspatialite-sources/libspatialite-4.0.0.tar.gz + LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") + LIB_CHECKER=libspatialite.a + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + ./configure CFLAGS="-I$PREFIX/include" CXXFLAGS="-I$PREFIX/include" LDFLAGS="-L$PREFIX/lib -liconv" --prefix=$PREFIX --with-geosconfig=$PREFIX/bin/geos-config --disable-geosadvanced + $MAKER + make install + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} +######################################################################### +# MySQL +######################################################################### +#cmake, curse +{ + LIB_NAME=mysql-5.6.14 + #LIB_URL=http://cdn.mysql.com/Downloads/MySQL-5.6/mysql-5.6.14.tar.gz + LIB_URL=http://iweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/mysql.mirror/MySQL%205.6.14/mysql-5.6.14.tar.gz + LIB_CHECKER=libmysqlclient.a + + echo $LIB_NAME + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_NAME.tar.gz + #cp $GEODA_HOME/dep/mysql/my_default.h $GEODA_HOME/temp/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_default.h + fi + + if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/mysql-5.6.14/bld/libmysql/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "HERE" + cd $LIB_NAME + mkdir -p bld + cd bld + cmake -DCURSES_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/libncurses.so -DCURSES_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include .. + chmod +x bld/extra/comp_err + chmod +x bld/sql/gen_lex_hash + chmod +x storage/perfschema/gen_pfs_lex_token + $MAKER + fi + + if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/$LIB_NAME/bld/libmysql/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# install boost library +######################################################################### +{ + LIB_NAME=boost_1_54_0 + LIB_URL=http://softlayer-dal.dl.sourceforge.net/project/boost/boost/1.54.0/boost_1_54_0.tar.bz2 + LIB_FILENAME=boost_1_54_0.tar.bz2 + LIB_CHECKER=libboost_thread.a + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ]; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/$LIB_NAME/stage/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $PREFIX/include + rm boost + ln -s $DOWNLOAD_HOME/boost_1_54_0 boost + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME/boost_1_54_0 + chmod +x bootstrap.sh + chmod +x tools/build/v2/engine/build.sh + ./bootstrap.sh + chmod +x b2 + ./b2 --with-thread --with-date_time --with-chrono --with-system link=static threading=multi stage + fi + + if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/$LIB_NAME/stage/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} +######################################################################### +# install CLAPACK +######################################################################### +{ + CLAPACK_NAME="CLAPACK-3.2.1" + LIB_CHECKER="libf2c.a" + echo $CLAPACK_NAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$CLAPACK_NAME" ]; then + curl -O http://www.netlib.org/clapack/clapack.tgz + tar -xvf clapack.tgz + fi + + cp -rf $GEODA_HOME/dep/$CLAPACK_NAME . + cd $CLAPACK_NAME + if ! [ -f "libf2c.a" ] || ! [ -f "blas.a" ] || ! [ -f "lapack.a" ]; then + cp make.inc.example make.inc + $MAKER f2clib + cp F2CLIBS/libf2c.a . + $MAKER blaslib + cd INSTALL + $MAKER + cd .. + cd SRC + $MAKER + cd .. + $MAKER + mv -f blas_LINUX.a blas.a + mv -f lapack_LINUX.a lapack.a + mv -f tmglib_LINUX.a tmglib.a + cd .. + fi + + if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/$CLAPACK_NAME/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# install GDAL/OGR +######################################################################### +{ + LIB_NAME=gdal-1.9.2 + LIB_URL=https://codeload.github.com/lixun910/gdal-1.9.2-work/zip/master + LIB_FILENAME=master + LIB_CHECKER=libgdal.a + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + #svn co https://github.com/lixun910/gdal-1.9.2-work/trunk gdal-1.9.2 + curl -k -O $LIB_URL + unzip $LIB_FILENAME + mv gdal-1.9.2-work-master gdal-1.9.2 + fi + + cp -rf $GEODA_HOME/dep/$LIB_NAME . + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + chmod +x install-sh + ./configure + #./configure --with-jpeg=internal --prefix=$PREFIX --with-freexl=$PREFIX --with-spatialite=$PREFIX --with-libiconv-prefix="-L/usr/lib" --with-sqlite3=$PREFIX --with-spatialite=$PREFIX/include --with-static-proj4=$PREFIX --with-curl=$PREFIX/bin/curl-config --with-geos=$PREFIX/bin/geos-config --with-libkml=$PREFIX --with-libkml-inc=$PREFIX/include --with-libkml-lib=$PREFIX/lib --with-xerces=$PREFIX --with-xerces-inc="$PREFIX/include" --with-xerces-lib="-L$PREFIX/lib -lxerces-c" --with-pg=$PREFIX/bin/pg_config --enable-debug --host=amd64-linux-gnu + #--with-mysql="$DOWNLOAD_HOME/mysql-5.6.13-osx10.6-x86/bin/mysql_config" + cp -rf $GEODA_HOME/dep/gdal-1.9.2/* . + cp $GEODA_HOME/dep/gdal-1.9.2/GDALmake.opt GDALmake.opt + #make clean + $MAKER + make install + #cd ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci + #make plugin + #mv ogr_OCI.so ogr_OCI.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "/scratch/plebld/208/network/lib/libnnz10.dylib" "/Users/xun/Downloads/Oracle_10204Client_MAC_X86/ohome/lib/libnnz10.dylib" ogr_OCI.so + fi + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# install wxWidgets library +######################################################################### +# wxWidgets 2.9.2 doesn't compile on Ubuntu 13 64bit +#sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-dev +{ + LIB_NAME=wxWidgets-3.0.0 + #LIB_NAME=wxWidgets-2.8.12 + #LIB_NAME=wxWidgets-2.9.4 + LIB_URL="http://iweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/wxwindows/3.0.0/wxWidgets-3.0.0.tar.bz2" + #LIB_URL="http://colocrossing.dl.sourceforge.net/project/wxwindows/2.8.12/wxWidgets-2.8.12.tar.bz2" + #LIB_URL="http://softlayer-dal.dl.sourceforge.net/project/wxwindows/2.9.4/wxWidgets-2.9.4.tar.bz2" + LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") + LIB_CHECKER=wx-config + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/bin/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + chmod +x src/stc/gen_iface.py + #CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/include + #CFLAGS=-I/usr/include + #LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib -L/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu -L/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa -lGL" + ./configure --with-gtk=2 --enable-ascii --disable-shared --disable-monolithic --with-opengl --enable-postscript --without-libtiff --disable-debug --prefix=$PREFIX + $MAKER + make install + cd .. + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/bin/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# build GeoDa +######################################################################### +{ + cd $GEODA_HOME + cp ../../GeoDamake.ubuntu32.opt ../../GeoDamake.opt + mkdir ../../o + $MAKER + make app + cp plugins/i386/*.so build/plugins +} diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/build64.sh b/BuildTools/ubuntu/build64.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..92a147de2 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/build64.sh @@ -0,0 +1,470 @@ +#!/bin/bash +############################################################################# +# ./build.sh +# ./build.sh [CPU] +# ./build.sh 8 (with debug) +# ./build.sh [CPU] [NODEBUG, true=1 false=0(default)] +# ./build.sh 8 1 (no debug) +############################################################################# +CPUS=2 +NODEBUG=1 + +if ! type "cmake" > /dev/null; then + echo "You need to install cmake to run this script." + sudo apt-get install cmake +fi + +if ! type "g++" > /dev/null; then + echo "You need to install g++ to run this script." + sudo apt-get install g++ +fi + +if ! type "svn" > /dev/null; then + echo "You need to install SVN to run this script." + sudo apt-get install subversion +fi + +if ! type "curl" > /dev/null; then + echo "You need to install curl to run this script." + sudo apt-get install curl +fi + +read -p "Do you want to install pre-requisites (e.g. libreadline, zlib, libexpat, libcurl ...)?[y/n]" -n 1 -r +echo +if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then + sudo apt-get update + sudo apt-get install g++ libssl-dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libexpat1-dev dh-autoreconf libcurl4-gnutls-dev libgtk-3-dev mesa-common-dev freeglut3-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libgtk2.0-dev +fi + +unset ORACLE_HOME +export GEODA_HOME=$PWD +PREFIX=$GEODA_HOME/libraries +DOWNLOAD_HOME=$GEODA_HOME/temp +echo $PREFIX + +MAKER="make -j $CPUS" +export CFLAGS="-m64" +export CXXFLAGS="-m64" +export LDFLAGS="-m64 -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" + +if ! [ -d $DOWNLOAD_HOME ]; then + mkdir $DOWNLOAD_HOME +fi + +if ! [ -d $PREFIX ]; then + mkdir $PREFIX +fi + +######################################################################### +# install library function +######################################################################### +install_library() +{ + LIB_NAME=$1 + LIB_URL=$2 + LIB_CHECKER=$3 + LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + if ! [ -f "$LIB_FILENAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + fi + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + ./configure CFLAGS="-m64" CXXFLAGS="-m64" LDFLAGS="-m64 -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" --prefix=$PREFIX + $MAKER + make install + fi + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} +######################################################################### +# install libiConv +######################################################################### +{ + LIB_NAME="libiconv-1.13" + LIB_URL="http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libiconv/libiconv-1.13.tar.gz" + LIB_CHECKER="libiconv.a" + LIB_FILENAME="libiconv-1.13.tar.gz" + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + ./configure --enable-static --prefix=$PREFIX + $MAKER + make install + fi + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# install cURL +######################################################################### +install_library curl-7.30.0 http://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.30.0.tar.gz libcurl.a + +######################################################################### +# install Xerces +######################################################################### +{ + LIB_NAME="xerces-c-3.1.1" + LIB_URL="http://mirror.metrocast.net/apache//xerces/c/3/sources/xerces-c-3.1.1.tar.gz" + LIB_CHECKER="libxerces-c.a" + LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX + chmod +x config/pretty-make + $MAKER + make install + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# install GEOS +######################################################################### +install_library geos-3.3.8 http://download.osgeo.org/geos/geos-3.3.8.tar.bz2 libgeos.a + +######################################################################### +# install PROJ.4 +######################################################################### +install_library proj-4.8.0 http://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-4.8.0.tar.gz libproj.a + +######################################################################### +# install FreeXL +######################################################################### +install_library freexl-1.0.0f http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/freexl-sources/freexl-1.0.0f.tar.gz libfreexl.a + +######################################################################### +# install SQLite +######################################################################### +install_library sqlite-autoconf-3071602 http://www.sqlite.org/2013/sqlite-autoconf-3071602.tar.gz libsqlite3.a + +######################################################################### +# install PostgreSQL +######################################################################### +# libreadline, zlib +echo "install libreadline, zlib" +install_library postgresql-9.2.4 http://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v9.2.4/postgresql-9.2.4.tar.bz2 libpq.a + +######################################################################### +# install libjpeg +######################################################################### +install_library jpeg-8 http://www.ijg.org/files/jpegsrc.v8.tar.gz libjpeg.a + +######################################################################### +# install libkml requires 1.3 +######################################################################### +# libexpat,libcurl4-gnutls-dev +#install_library libkml-1.2.0 https://libkml.googlecode.com/files/libkml-1.2.0.tar.gz libkmlbase.a +{ + LIB_NAME="libkml" + LIB_CHECKER="libkmlbase.a" + echo $LIB_NAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + svn checkout http://libkml.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ libkml + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + sudo apt-get install libexpat + cp -rf ../dep/"$LIB_NAME" . + cd $LIB_NAME + ./autogen.sh + chmod +x configure + ./configure CXXFLAGS="-Wno-long-long" --prefix=$PREFIX + sed -i.old "/gtest-death-test.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-filepath.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-port.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-test-part.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-typed-test.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest-test.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/gtest_main.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriCommon.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriCompare.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriEscape.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriFile.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriIp4.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriIp4Base.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriNormalize.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriNormalizeBase.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriParse.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriParseBase.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriQuery.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriRecompose.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriResolve.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/UriShorten.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/ioapi.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/iomem_simple.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + sed -i.old "/zip.Plo/d" third_party/Makefile + #$MAKER + sed -i.old "s/examples//g" Makefile + make third_party + make src + make testdata + make install + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# install SpatiaLite +######################################################################### +{ + LIB_NAME=libspatialite-4.0.0 + LIB_URL=http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/libspatialite-sources/libspatialite-4.0.0.tar.gz + LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") + LIB_CHECKER=libspatialite.a + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + ./configure CFLAGS="-I$PREFIX/include" CXXFLAGS="-I$PREFIX/include" LDFLAGS="-L$PREFIX/lib -liconv" --prefix=$PREFIX --with-geosconfig=$PREFIX/bin/geos-config + $MAKER + make install + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} +######################################################################### +# MySQL +######################################################################### +#cmake, curse +{ + LIB_NAME=mysql-5.6.14 + #LIB_URL=http://cdn.mysql.com/Downloads/MySQL-5.6/mysql-5.6.14.tar.gz + LIB_URL=http://iweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/mysql.mirror/MySQL%205.6.14/mysql-5.6.14.tar.gz + LIB_CHECKER=libmysqlclient.a + + echo $LIB_NAME + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_NAME.tar.gz + #cp $GEODA_HOME/dep/mysql/my_default.h $GEODA_HOME/temp/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_default.h + fi + + if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/mysql-5.6.14/bld/libmysql/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "HERE" + cd $LIB_NAME + mkdir -p bld + cd bld + cmake -DCURSES_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/libncurses.so -DCURSES_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include .. + chmod +x bld/extra/comp_err + chmod +x bld/sql/gen_lex_hash + chmod +x storage/perfschema/gen_pfs_lex_token + $MAKER + fi + + if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/$LIB_NAME/bld/libmysql/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# install boost library +######################################################################### +{ + LIB_NAME=boost_1_54_0 + LIB_URL=http://softlayer-dal.dl.sourceforge.net/project/boost/boost/1.54.0/boost_1_54_0.tar.bz2 + LIB_FILENAME=boost_1_54_0.tar.bz2 + LIB_CHECKER=libboost_thread.a + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ]; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/$LIB_NAME/stage/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $PREFIX/include + rm boost + ln -s $DOWNLOAD_HOME/boost_1_54_0 boost + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME/boost_1_54_0 + chmod +x bootstrap.sh + chmod +x tools/build/v2/engine/build.sh + ./bootstrap.sh + chmod +x b2 + ./b2 --with-thread --with-date_time --with-chrono --with-system link=static threading=multi stage + fi + + if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/$LIB_NAME/stage/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} +######################################################################### +# install CLAPACK +######################################################################### +{ + CLAPACK_NAME="CLAPACK-3.2.1" + LIB_CHECKER="libf2c.a" + echo $CLAPACK_NAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$CLAPACK_NAME" ]; then + curl -O http://www.netlib.org/clapack/clapack.tgz + tar -xvf clapack.tgz + fi + + cp -rf $GEODA_HOME/dep/$CLAPACK_NAME . + cd $CLAPACK_NAME + if ! [ -f "libf2c.a" ] || ! [ -f "blas.a" ] || ! [ -f "lapack.a" ]; then + cp make.inc.example make.inc + $MAKER f2clib + cp F2CLIBS/libf2c.a . + $MAKER blaslib + cd INSTALL + $MAKER + cd .. + cd SRC + $MAKER + cd .. + $MAKER + mv -f blas_LINUX.a blas.a + mv -f lapack_LINUX.a lapack.a + mv -f tmglib_LINUX.a tmglib.a + cd .. + fi + + if ! [ -f "$GEODA_HOME/temp/$CLAPACK_NAME/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# install GDAL/OGR +######################################################################### +{ + LIB_NAME=gdal-1.9.2 + LIB_URL=https://codeload.github.com/lixun910/gdal-1.9.2-work/zip/master + LIB_FILENAME=master + LIB_CHECKER=libgdal.a + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + #svn co https://github.com/lixun910/gdal-1.9.2-work/trunk gdal-1.9.2 + curl -k -O $LIB_URL + unzip $LIB_FILENAME + mv gdal-1.9.2-work-master gdal-1.9.2 + fi + + cp -rf $GEODA_HOME/dep/$LIB_NAME . + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + chmod +x install-sh + ./configure + cp -rf $GEODA_HOME/dep/gdal-1.9.2/* . + cp GDALmake64.opt GDALmake.opt + #make clean + $MAKER + make install + #cd ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci + #make plugin + #mv ogr_OCI.so ogr_OCI.dylib + #install_name_tool -change "/scratch/plebld/208/network/lib/libnnz10.dylib" "/Users/xun/Downloads/Oracle_10204Client_MAC_X86/ohome/lib/libnnz10.dylib" ogr_OCI.so + fi + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/lib/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# install wxWidgets library +######################################################################### +# wxWidgets 2.9.2 doesn't compile on Ubuntu 13 64bit +# sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-dev +{ + LIB_NAME=wxWidgets-3.0.0 + LIB_URL="http://iweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/wxwindows/3.0.0/wxWidgets-3.0.0.tar.bz2" + + LIB_FILENAME=$(basename "$LIB_URL" ".tar") + LIB_CHECKER=wx-config + echo $LIB_FILENAME + + cd $DOWNLOAD_HOME + if ! [ -d "$LIB_NAME" ] ; then + curl -O $LIB_URL + tar -xf $LIB_FILENAME + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/bin/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + cd $LIB_NAME + chmod +x configure + chmod +x src/stc/gen_iface.py + ./configure --with-gtk=2 --enable-ascii --disable-shared --disable-monolithic --with-opengl --enable-postscript --without-libtiff --disable-debug --prefix=$PREFIX + $MAKER + make install + cd .. + fi + + if ! [ -f "$PREFIX/bin/$LIB_CHECKER" ] ; then + echo "Error! Exit" + exit + fi +} + +######################################################################### +# build GeoDa +######################################################################### +{ + cd $GEODA_HOME + cp ../../GeoDamake.ubuntu.opt ../../GeoDamake.opt + mkdir ../../o + $MAKER + make app + cp plugins/x64/*.so build/plugins/ +} diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/create_deb.sh b/BuildTools/ubuntu/create_deb.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..ee5c551e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/create_deb.sh @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +#!/bin/bash + + +if ! [ -d build ]; then + echo "Please run build.sh to build GeoDa executable file first." + exit +fi + +if ! [ -f build/GeoDa ]; then + echo "Please run build.sh to build GeoDa executable file first." + exit +fi + +rm -rf product +cp -rf package product + +chmod +x product/DEBIAN/postinst +cp -rf build/* product/usr/local/geoda/ +cp run_geoda.sh product/usr/bin/ + +cd product +find . -name .svn |xargs rm -rf +cd .. + +MACHINE_TYPE=`uname -m` +if [ $MACHINE_TYPE == 'x86_64' ]; then + # 64-bit platform + rm product/DEBIAN/control + mv product/DEBIAN/control64 product/DEBIAN/control +fi + +rm -f *.deb +dpkg -b product/ geoda_1.5.deb + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/CLAPACK-3.2.1/F2CLIBS/libf2c/Makefile b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/CLAPACK-3.2.1/F2CLIBS/libf2c/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..64267b844 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/CLAPACK-3.2.1/F2CLIBS/libf2c/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ +TOPDIR=../.. +include $(TOPDIR)/make.inc + +# Unix makefile: see README. +# For C++, first "make hadd". +# If your compiler does not recognize ANSI C, add +# -DKR_headers +# to the CFLAGS = line below. +# On Sun and other BSD systems that do not provide an ANSI sprintf, add +# -DUSE_STRLEN +# to the CFLAGS = line below. +# On Linux systems, add +# -DNON_UNIX_STDIO +# to the CFLAGS = line below. For libf2c.so under Linux, also add +# -fPIC +# to the CFLAGS = line below. + +.SUFFIXES: .c .o + +# compile, then strip unnecessary symbols +.c.o: + $(CC) -c -DSkip_f2c_Undefs $(CFLAGS) $*.c + ld -r -x -o $*.xxx $*.o + mv $*.xxx $*.o +## Under Solaris (and other systems that do not understand ld -x), +## omit -x in the ld line above. +## If your system does not have the ld command, comment out +## or remove both the ld and mv lines above. + +MISC = f77vers.o i77vers.o main.o s_rnge.o abort_.o exit_.o getarg_.o iargc_.o\ + getenv_.o signal_.o s_stop.o s_paus.o system_.o cabs.o ctype.o\ + derf_.o derfc_.o erf_.o erfc_.o sig_die.o uninit.o +POW = pow_ci.o pow_dd.o pow_di.o pow_hh.o pow_ii.o pow_ri.o pow_zi.o pow_zz.o +CX = c_abs.o c_cos.o c_div.o c_exp.o c_log.o c_sin.o c_sqrt.o +DCX = z_abs.o z_cos.o z_div.o z_exp.o z_log.o z_sin.o z_sqrt.o +REAL = r_abs.o r_acos.o r_asin.o r_atan.o r_atn2.o r_cnjg.o r_cos.o\ + r_cosh.o r_dim.o r_exp.o r_imag.o r_int.o\ + r_lg10.o r_log.o r_mod.o r_nint.o r_sign.o\ + r_sin.o r_sinh.o r_sqrt.o r_tan.o r_tanh.o +DBL = d_abs.o d_acos.o d_asin.o d_atan.o d_atn2.o\ + d_cnjg.o d_cos.o d_cosh.o d_dim.o d_exp.o\ + d_imag.o d_int.o d_lg10.o d_log.o d_mod.o\ + d_nint.o d_prod.o d_sign.o d_sin.o d_sinh.o\ + d_sqrt.o d_tan.o d_tanh.o +INT = i_abs.o i_dim.o i_dnnt.o i_indx.o i_len.o i_len_trim.o i_mod.o i_nint.o i_sign.o\ + lbitbits.o lbitshft.o i_ceiling.o +HALF = h_abs.o h_dim.o h_dnnt.o h_indx.o h_len.o h_mod.o h_nint.o h_sign.o +CMP = l_ge.o l_gt.o l_le.o l_lt.o hl_ge.o hl_gt.o hl_le.o hl_lt.o +EFL = ef1asc_.o ef1cmc_.o +CHAR = f77_aloc.o s_cat.o s_cmp.o s_copy.o +I77 = backspac.o close.o dfe.o dolio.o due.o endfile.o err.o\ + fmt.o fmtlib.o ftell_.o iio.o ilnw.o inquire.o lread.o lwrite.o\ + open.o rdfmt.o rewind.o rsfe.o rsli.o rsne.o sfe.o sue.o\ + typesize.o uio.o util.o wref.o wrtfmt.o wsfe.o wsle.o wsne.o xwsne.o +QINT = pow_qq.o qbitbits.o qbitshft.o ftell64_.o +TIME = dtime_.o etime_.o + +# If you get an error compiling dtime_.c or etime_.c, try adding +# -DUSE_CLOCK to the CFLAGS assignment above; if that does not work, +# omit $(TIME) from OFILES = assignment below. + +# To get signed zeros in write statements on IEEE-arithmetic systems, +# add -DSIGNED_ZEROS to the CFLAGS assignment below and add signbit.o +# to the end of the OFILES = assignment below. + +# For INTEGER*8 support (which requires system-dependent adjustments to +# f2c.h), add $(QINT) to the OFILES = assignment below... + +OFILES = $(MISC) $(POW) $(CX) $(DCX) $(REAL) $(DBL) $(INT) \ + $(HALF) $(CMP) $(EFL) $(CHAR) $(I77) $(TIME) + +all: f2c.h signal1.h sysdep1.h libf2c.a clapack_install + +libf2c.a: $(OFILES) + ar r libf2c.a $? + -ranlib libf2c.a + +## Shared-library variant: the following rule works on Linux +## systems. Details are system-dependent. Under Linux, -fPIC +## must appear in the CFLAGS assignment when making libf2c.so. +## Under Solaris, use -Kpic in CFLAGS and use "ld -G" instead +## of "cc -shared". + +libf2c.so: $(OFILES) + $(CC) -shared -o libf2c.so $(OFILES) + +### If your system lacks ranlib, you don't need it; see README. + +f77vers.o: f77vers.c + $(CC) -c f77vers.c + +i77vers.o: i77vers.c + $(CC) -c i77vers.c + +# To get an "f2c.h" for use with "f2c -C++", first "make hadd" +hadd: f2c.h0 f2ch.add + cat f2c.h0 f2ch.add >f2c.h + +# For use with "f2c" and "f2c -A": +f2c.h: f2c.h0 + cp f2c.h0 f2c.h + +# You may need to adjust signal1.h and sysdep1.h suitably for your system... +signal1.h: signal1.h0 + cp signal1.h0 signal1.h + +sysdep1.h: sysdep1.h0 + cp sysdep1.h0 sysdep1.h + +# If your system lacks onexit() and you are not using an +# ANSI C compiler, then you should uncomment the following +# two lines (for compiling main.o): +#main.o: main.c +# $(CC) -c -DNO_ONEXIT -DSkip_f2c_Undefs main.c +# On at least some Sun systems, it is more appropriate to +# uncomment the following two lines: +#main.o: main.c +# $(CC) -c -Donexit=on_exit -DSkip_f2c_Undefs main.c + +install: libf2c.a + cp libf2c.a $(LIBDIR) + -ranlib $(LIBDIR)/libf2c.a + +clapack_install: libf2c.a + mv libf2c.a .. + +clean: + rm -f libf2c.a *.o arith.h signal1.h sysdep1.h + +backspac.o: fio.h +close.o: fio.h +dfe.o: fio.h +dfe.o: fmt.h +due.o: fio.h +endfile.o: fio.h rawio.h +err.o: fio.h rawio.h +fmt.o: fio.h +fmt.o: fmt.h +iio.o: fio.h +iio.o: fmt.h +ilnw.o: fio.h +ilnw.o: lio.h +inquire.o: fio.h +lread.o: fio.h +lread.o: fmt.h +lread.o: lio.h +lread.o: fp.h +lwrite.o: fio.h +lwrite.o: fmt.h +lwrite.o: lio.h +open.o: fio.h rawio.h +rdfmt.o: fio.h +rdfmt.o: fmt.h +rdfmt.o: fp.h +rewind.o: fio.h +rsfe.o: fio.h +rsfe.o: fmt.h +rsli.o: fio.h +rsli.o: lio.h +rsne.o: fio.h +rsne.o: lio.h +sfe.o: fio.h +signbit.o: arith.h +sue.o: fio.h +uio.o: fio.h +uninit.o: arith.h +util.o: fio.h +wref.o: fio.h +wref.o: fmt.h +wref.o: fp.h +wrtfmt.o: fio.h +wrtfmt.o: fmt.h +wsfe.o: fio.h +wsfe.o: fmt.h +wsle.o: fio.h +wsle.o: fmt.h +wsle.o: lio.h +wsne.o: fio.h +wsne.o: lio.h +xwsne.o: fio.h +xwsne.o: lio.h +xwsne.o: fmt.h + +arith.h: arithchk.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DNO_FPINIT arithchk.c -lm ||\ + $(CC) -DNO_LONG_LONG $(CFLAGS) -DNO_FPINIT arithchk.c -lm + ./a.out >arith.h + rm -f a.out arithchk.o + +check: + xsum Notice README abort_.c arithchk.c backspac.c c_abs.c c_cos.c \ + c_div.c c_exp.c c_log.c c_sin.c c_sqrt.c cabs.c close.c comptry.bat \ + ctype.c ctype.h \ + d_abs.c d_acos.c d_asin.c d_atan.c d_atn2.c d_cnjg.c d_cos.c d_cosh.c \ + d_dim.c d_exp.c d_imag.c d_int.c d_lg10.c d_log.c d_mod.c \ + d_nint.c d_prod.c d_sign.c d_sin.c d_sinh.c d_sqrt.c d_tan.c \ + d_tanh.c derf_.c derfc_.c dfe.c dolio.c dtime_.c due.c ef1asc_.c \ + ef1cmc_.c endfile.c erf_.c erfc_.c err.c etime_.c exit_.c f2c.h0 \ + f2ch.add f77_aloc.c f77vers.c fio.h fmt.c fmt.h fmtlib.c \ + fp.h ftell_.c ftell64_.c i_ceiling.c \ + getarg_.c getenv_.c h_abs.c h_dim.c h_dnnt.c h_indx.c h_len.c \ + h_mod.c h_nint.c h_sign.c hl_ge.c hl_gt.c hl_le.c hl_lt.c \ + i77vers.c i_abs.c i_dim.c i_dnnt.c i_indx.c i_len.c i_len_trim.c i_mod.c \ + i_nint.c i_sign.c iargc_.c iio.c ilnw.c inquire.c l_ge.c l_gt.c \ + l_le.c l_lt.c lbitbits.c lbitshft.c libf2c.lbc libf2c.sy lio.h \ + lread.c lwrite.c main.c makefile.sy makefile.u makefile.vc \ + makefile.wat math.hvc mkfile.plan9 open.c pow_ci.c pow_dd.c \ + pow_di.c pow_hh.c pow_ii.c pow_qq.c pow_ri.c pow_zi.c pow_zz.c \ + qbitbits.c qbitshft.c r_abs.c r_acos.c r_asin.c r_atan.c r_atn2.c \ + r_cnjg.c r_cos.c r_cosh.c r_dim.c r_exp.c r_imag.c r_int.c r_lg10.c \ + r_log.c r_mod.c r_nint.c r_sign.c r_sin.c r_sinh.c r_sqrt.c \ + r_tan.c r_tanh.c rawio.h rdfmt.c rewind.c rsfe.c rsli.c rsne.c \ + s_cat.c s_cmp.c s_copy.c s_paus.c s_rnge.c s_stop.c scomptry.bat sfe.c \ + sig_die.c signal1.h0 signal_.c signbit.c sue.c sysdep1.h0 system_.c \ + typesize.c \ + uio.c uninit.c util.c wref.c wrtfmt.c wsfe.c wsle.c wsne.c xwsne.c \ + z_abs.c z_cos.c z_div.c z_exp.c z_log.c z_sin.c z_sqrt.c >xsum1.out + cmp xsum0.out xsum1.out && mv xsum1.out xsum.out || diff xsum[01].out diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/CLAPACK-3.2.1/make.inc b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/CLAPACK-3.2.1/make.inc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..198fa6683 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/CLAPACK-3.2.1/make.inc @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +# -*- Makefile -*- +#################################################################### +# LAPACK make include file. # +# LAPACK, Version 3.2.1 # +# June 2009 # +#################################################################### +# +# See the INSTALL/ directory for more examples. +# +SHELL = /bin/sh +# +# The machine (platform) identifier to append to the library names +# +PLAT = +# +# Modify the FORTRAN and OPTS definitions to refer to the +# compiler and desired compiler options for your machine. NOOPT +# refers to the compiler options desired when NO OPTIMIZATION is +# selected. Define LOADER and LOADOPTS to refer to the loader +# and desired load options for your machine. +# +####################################################### +# This is used to compile C libary +CC = gcc +# if no wrapping of the blas library is needed, uncomment next line +#CC = gcc -DNO_BLAS_WRAP +CFLAGS = -O3 -I$(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/INCLUDE -I$(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/ +LOADER = gcc +LOADOPTS = +NOOPT = -O0 -I$(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/INCLUDE +DRVCFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) +F2CCFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) +####################################################################### + +# +# Timer for the SECOND and DSECND routines +# +# Default : SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the EXTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME +# TIMER = EXT_ETIME +# For RS6K : SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the EXTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME_ +# TIMER = EXT_ETIME_ +# For gfortran compiler: SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the INTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME +# TIMER = INT_ETIME +# If your Fortran compiler does not provide etime (like Nag Fortran Compiler, etc...) +# SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the Fortran standard INTERNAL FUNCTION CPU_TIME +TIMER = INT_CPU_TIME +# If neither of this works...you can use the NONE value... In that case, SECOND and DSECND will always return 0 +# TIMER = NONE +# +# The archiver and the flag(s) to use when building archive (library) +# If you system has no ranlib, set RANLIB = echo. +# +ARCH = ar +ARCHFLAGS= cr +RANLIB = ranlib +# +# The location of BLAS library for linking the testing programs. +# The target's machine-specific, optimized BLAS library should be +# used whenever possible. +# +BLASLIB = ../../blas$(PLAT).a +# +# Location of the extended-precision BLAS (XBLAS) Fortran library +# used for building and testing extended-precision routines. The +# relevant routines will be compiled and XBLAS will be linked only if +# USEXBLAS is defined. +# +# USEXBLAS = Yes +XBLASLIB = +# XBLASLIB = -lxblas +# +# Names of generated libraries. +# +LAPACKLIB = lapack$(PLAT).a +F2CLIB = ../../F2CLIBS/libf2c.a +TMGLIB = tmglib$(PLAT).a +EIGSRCLIB = eigsrc$(PLAT).a +LINSRCLIB = linsrc$(PLAT).a +F2CLIB = ../../F2CLIBS/libf2c.a diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/gdal-1.9.2/GDALmake.opt b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/gdal-1.9.2/GDALmake.opt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e9bb504fc --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/gdal-1.9.2/GDALmake.opt @@ -0,0 +1,544 @@ +GDAL_ROOT = $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/gdal-1.9.2 +top_builddir = $(GDAL_ROOT) + +# +# the library can be built by the native build or with the help of libtool +# + +SHELL = /bin/bash +HAVE_LIBTOOL = yes +LIBTOOL = $(SHELL) $(top_builddir)/libtool +ifeq ($(HAVE_LIBTOOL),yes) +LIBTOOL_COMPILE_CC = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile --tag=CC +LIBTOOL_COMPILE_CXX = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile --tag=CXX +LIBTOOL_LINK = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link +LIBTOOL_INSTALL = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install +LIBTOOL_FINISH = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=finish --silent +LIBTOOL_CLEAN = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=clean +OBJ_EXT = lo +else +LIBTOOL_FINISH = /bin/true +OBJ_EXT = o +endif + +CC = $(LIBTOOL_COMPILE_CC) gcc +CXX = $(LIBTOOL_COMPILE_CXX) g++ +LD = $(LIBTOOL_LINK) g++ +RM = $(LIBTOOL_CLEAN) /bin/rm -f *.lo +INSTALL = $(LIBTOOL_INSTALL) $(GDAL_ROOT)/install-sh -c +INSTALL_LIB = $(LIBTOOL_INSTALL) $(GDAL_ROOT)/install-sh -c +INSTALL_DATA = $(GDAL_ROOT)/install-sh -c -m 0644 +INSTALL_DIR = $(GDAL_ROOT)/install-sh -d + +# SDE_LIB needs to be first because it embeds zlib. We need to use its symbols instead of -lz's + +LIBS = $(SDE_LIB) -lssl -lrtmp -lidn -lexpat -lz -lpthread -lm -lrt -ldl $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libpq.a -L$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib -lgeos -lgeos_c -lproj -lfreexl -lxerces-c -lspatialite -lsqlite3 \ + $(KAK_LIBS) $(DWG_LIBS) $(CURL_LIB) \ + $(MRSID_LIBS) $(MRSID_LIDAR_LIBS) $(INGRES_LIB) \ + $(PCIDSK_LIB) $(RASDAMAN_LIB) $(CHARLS_LIB) \ + $(OPENCL_LIB) $(JVM_LIB) $(LIBICONV) $(FGDB_LIB) + +PYTHON_INCLUDES = @PYTHON_INCLUDES@ +PYTHON_LIBS = @PYTHON_LIBS@ +PYTHON_CFLAGS = @PYTHON_CFLAGS@ @NUMPY_FLAG@ +PYTHON = +PYTHON_DEV = @PYTHON_DEV@ +PY_LD_SHARED = @PY_LD_SHARED@ +PY_SO_EXT = @PY_SO_EXT@ +PY_HAVE_SETUPTOOLS= + +# Next Generation SWIG bindings +BINDINGS = + +HAVE_OGDI = no +OGR_ENABLED = yes + +OSX_FRAMEWORK_PREFIX = +OSX_VERSION_FRAMEWORK_PREFIX = + +prefix = $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries +exec_prefix = ${prefix} +INST_PREFIX = ${prefix} +INST_INCLUDE = ${prefix}/include +INST_DATA = ${prefix}/share/gdal +INST_LIB = ${exec_prefix}/lib +INST_BIN = ${exec_prefix}/bin +INST_PYMOD = +INST_DOCS = ${prefix}/doc +INST_MAN = ${prefix}/share/gdal/man +INST_HTML = $(HOME)/www/gdal + +CPPFLAGS = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/port +CFLAGS = -g -O2 -DDEBUG -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement $(USER_DEFS) +CXXFLAGS = -g -O2 -DDEBUG -Wall $(USER_DEFS) +LDFLAGS = + +RANLIB = ranlib +SO_EXT = +LD_SHARED = +EXE = + +ifeq ($(notdir $(LD_SHARED)),true) +HAVE_LD_SHARED = no +else +HAVE_LD_SHARED = yes +endif + +GDAL_INCLUDE = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/port -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/gcore \ + -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/alg \ + -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/ogr -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/ogr/ogrsf_frmts + +# libtool targets and help variables +LIBGDAL := libgdal.la +LIBGDAL_CURRENT := 17 +LIBGDAL_REVISION := 2 +LIBGDAL_AGE := 16 + +# native build targets and variables +GDAL_VER = 1.9.2 + +# version info +GDAL_VERSION_MAJOR = 1 +GDAL_VERSION_MINOR = 9 +GDAL_VERSION_REV = 2 + +GDAL_LIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/libgdal.a +GDAL_SLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/libgdal.$(SO_EXT) +GDAL_SLIB_LINK = -L$(GDAL_ROOT) -lgdal + +# Mac OS X Framework definition +MACOSX_FRAMEWORK = + +# +# GDAL/OGR PostgreSQL support. +# +HAVE_OGR_PG = yes +HAVE_POSTGISRASTER = yes +PG_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/postgresql/server -DPG_HAS_PQESCAPESTRINGCONN + +# +# INGRES +# +II_SYSTEM = +HAVE_INGRES = no +INGRES_LIB = +INGRES_INC = + +# +# MySQL support. +# +HAVE_MYSQL = yes +MYSQL_LIB = $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/mysql-5.6.14/bld/libmysql/libmysqlclient.a -lpthread +MYSQL_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/temp/mysql-5.6.14/include -I$(GEODA_HOME)/temp/mysql-5.6.14/bld/include +LIBS += $(MYSQL_LIB) + +# +# HDF4 Support. +# +HAVE_HDF4 = no +HDF4_INCLUDE = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/ogr + +# +# HDF5 Support. +# +HAVE_HDF5 = no +HDF5_INCLUDE = + +# +# NetCDF Support. +# +NETCDF_ROOT = +NETCDF_HAS_NC4 = +NETCDF_HAS_HDF4 = + +# +# DODS Include file location +# +DODS_INC = +ifeq ($(DODS_INC),) +HAVE_DODS = no +else +HAVE_DODS = yes +endif + +# +# SQLite +# +SQLITE_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include +HAVE_SQLITE = yes +HAVE_SPATIALITE = yes +SPATIALITE_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include +SPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION = no + +# +# JPEG2000 via Kakadu Support. +# +KAKDIR = + +ifneq ($(KAKDIR),) +ifeq ($(HAVE_LIBTOOL),yes) +include $(GDAL_ROOT)/frmts/jp2kak/jp2kak.lst +KAK_LIBS = $(KAK_OBJ) +endif +endif + +# +# JPEG-2000 Support via JasPer library. +# +HAVE_JASPER = no +JASPER_FLAGS = + +# +# JPEG-2000 Support via OpenJPEG library. +# +HAVE_OPENJPEG = no + +# +# MrSID support via LizardTech's DSDK +# +MRSID_FLAGS = +MRSID_INCLUDE = +MRSID_LIBS = + +# +# +# MrSID/MG4 support via LizardTech LiDAR SDK +# +MRSID_LIDAR_INCLUDE = +MRSID_LIDAR_LIBS = + +# Xerces C++ XML Parser for GML and ILI +# +HAVE_XERCES = yes +XERCES_INCLUDE = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/xercesc + +# +# Enable NAS format +# +HAVE_NAS = yes + +# +# Expat XML Parser for KML, GPX, GeoRSS (and GML if no Xerces C++) +# +HAVE_EXPAT = yes +EXPAT_INCLUDE = -I/usr/include + +# +# Google libkml for the new OGR KML driver written by Brian Case +# +HAVE_LIBKML = no +#LIBKML_INCLUDE = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/kml -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/kml/third_party/boost_1_34_1 +LIBKML_INCLUDE = + +# +# Oracle Spatial Support +# +HAVE_OCI = no +OCI_INCLUDE = + +# GEOS Support + +HAVE_GEOS = yes +GEOS_CFLAGS = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +# GRASS Support + +GRASS_SETTING = no +GRASS_INCLUDE = +GRASS_GISBASE = +HAVE_GRASS = no + +# +# SDE +# +HAVE_SDE = no +SDE_LIB = +SDE_INC = + +# +# FileGDB +# +HAVE_FGDB = +FGDB_LIB = +FGDB_INC = + +# +# ArcObjects +# +HAVE_ARCOBJECTS = @ARCOBJECTS_ENABLED@ +ARCOBJECTS_LIB = @ARCOBJECTS_LIB@ +ARCOBJECTS_INC = @ARCOBJECTS_INC@ + + +# +# VFK +# +HAVE_VFK = yes + +# +# Curl +# +CURL_SETTING = yes +CURL_LIB = $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libcurl.a -lldap -lz +CURL_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +# +# OpenCL support +# +OPENCL_LIB = +OPENCL_FLAGS = + +# +# PCIDSK SDK +# +PCIDSK_SETTING = internal +PCIDSK_LIB = +PCIDSK_INCLUDE = + +# +# Iconv +# +LIBICONV = -L$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib -liconv + +# +# DWGdirect Library +# +DWGDIRECT = +DWG_PLT = + +ifneq ($(DWGDIRECT),) +DWG_LIBDIR = $(DWGDIRECT)/lib/$(DWG_PLT) +DWG_LIBS = $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_ModelerGeometry.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_AcisRenderer.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Br.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_AcisBuilder.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Db.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Gs.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_SpatialIndex.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Gi.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Ge.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Root.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_FT.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Alloc.a +HAVE_DWGDIRECT = yes +else +DWG_LIBS = +HAVE_DWGDIRECT = no +endif + +# +# Informix DataBlade support +# +HAVE_IDB = no +IDB_INC = +IDB_LIB = +ifeq ($(HAVE_IDB),yes) +LIBS += $(IDB_LIB) +endif + +# +# FMEObjects +# +ifeq (,) +HAVE_FME = no +FME_INCLUDE = +else +HAVE_FME = yes +FME_INCLUDE = -I/fmeobjects/cpp +endif + +# PCRaster support +PCRASTER_SETTING = internal + +OGDI_INCLUDE = + +PNG_SETTING = internal +JPEG_SETTING = internal +JPEG12_ENABLED = yes +TIFF_SETTING = internal +TIFF_OPTS = -DBIGTIFF_SUPPORT +RENAME_INTERNAL_LIBTIFF_SYMBOLS = no +GEOTIFF_SETTING = internal +GEOTIFF_INCLUDE = +RENAME_INTERNAL_LIBGEOTIFF_SYMBOLS = no +GIF_SETTING = internal +FITS_SETTING = no +OGDI_SETTING = no +ODBC_SETTING = no +# PGeo driver is built-in when ODBC is available +PGEO_SETTING = no +MSSQLSPATIAL_SETTING = no +GEOMEDIA_SETTING = no +NETCDF_SETTING = no +LIBZ_SETTING = external +LIBLZMA_SETTING = no + +# +# Rasdaman stuff +# +RASDAMAN_ENABLED = no +RASDAMAN_INC = +RASDAMAN_LIB = + +# +# Poppler stuff +# + +HAVE_POPPLER = no +POPPLER_HAS_OPTCONTENT = no +POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = no +POPPLER_0_20_OR_LATER = no +POPPLER_INC = + +# +# Podofo stuff +# + +HAVE_PODOFO = no +PODOFO_INC = + +# +# CharLs stuff +# Uncomment and adapt paths to enable JPEGLS driver +# +#HAVE_CHARLS = yes +#CHARLS_INC = -I/path/to/charls_include +#CHARLS_LIB = -L/path/to/charls_lib -lCharLS + +# +# PROJ.4 stuff +# +PROJ_STATIC = yes +ifeq ($(PROJ_STATIC),yes) +PROJ_FLAGS = -DPROJ_STATIC +endif +PROJ_INCLUDE = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +PAM_SETTING = -DPAM_ENABLED + +ifeq ($(OGR_ENABLED),yes) +GDAL_LIBS := $(GDAL_LIB) $(OCI_LIB) $(GDAL_LIBS) +CPPFLAGS := -DOGR_ENABLED $(CPPFLAGS) +else +GDAL_LIBS = $(GDAL_LIB) +endif + +# +# Java stuff +# +JAVA_INC = +JVM_LIB = + +MDB_ENABLED = no + +HAVE_ARMADILLO = no + +# +# freexl stuff +# + +HAVE_FREEXL = yes +FREEXL_INCLUDE = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +# +# Note these codes have to exactly match the format directory names, +# and their uppercase form should be the format portion of the +# format registration entry point. eg. gdb -> GDALRegister_GDB(). +# +GDAL_FORMATS = gxf gtiff hfa aigrid aaigrid ceos ceos2 iso8211 xpm \ + sdts raw dted mem jdem envisat elas fit vrt usgsdem l1b \ + nitf bmp pcidsk airsar rs2 ilwis rmf leveller sgi srtmhgt \ + idrisi gsg ingr ers jaxapalsar dimap gff cosar pds adrg \ + coasp tsx terragen blx msgn til r northwood saga xyz hf2 \ + kmlsuperoverlay ozi ctg e00grid zmap ngsgeoid \ + wcs wms grib bsb gif jpeg png pcraster + + +ifneq ($(LIBZ_SETTING),no) +GDAL_FORMATS := $(GDAL_FORMATS) rik +endif + +ifeq ($(OGR_ENABLED),yes) +ifeq ($(HAVE_SQLITE),yes) +GDAL_FORMATS := $(GDAL_FORMATS) rasterlite +endif +endif + +ifeq ($(HAVE_POSTGISRASTER),yes) +GDAL_FORMATS := $(GDAL_FORMATS) postgisraster +endif + +ifeq ($(HAVE_CHARLS),yes) +GDAL_FORMATS := $(GDAL_FORMATS) jpegls +endif + +# +# CONFIG_LIBS is what local program should link against, and CONFIG_LIBS_INS +# is what will be emitted into the gdal-config script that is installed +# globally. +# + +ifeq ($(HAVE_LIBTOOL), yes) + +CONFIG_LIBS = $(GDAL_ROOT)/$(LIBGDAL) +ifeq ($(MACOSX_FRAMEWORK),yes) +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = -L$(INST_LIB)/unix/lib -lgdal +else +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = -L$(INST_LIB) -lgdal +endif # MACOSX_FRAMEWORK + +EXE_DEP_LIBS = $(GDAL_ROOT)/$(LIBGDAL) +SO_EXT = la + +else # HAVE_LIBTOOL + +ifeq ($(HAVE_LD_SHARED),yes) +CONFIG_LIBS = $(GDAL_SLIB_LINK) $(LIBS) +ifeq ($(MACOSX_FRAMEWORK),yes) +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = -L$(INST_LIB)/unix/lib -lgdal +else +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = -L$(INST_LIB) -lgdal +endif +EXE_DEP_LIBS = $(GDAL_SLIB) +else +CONFIG_LIBS = $(GDAL_LIBS) $(LIBS) +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = $(foreach LF,$(GDAL_LIBS),$(INST_LIB)/$(notdir $(LF)))\ + $(LIBS) +EXE_DEP_LIBS = $(GDAL_LIB) +endif + +endif # HAVE_LIBTOOL + + +# +# generic library rules +# + +# +# gdal and ogr low level drivers use the following default rules in order to +# populate the ../o/ directory with all object and library object files +# + +O_OBJ = $(foreach file,$(OBJ),../o/$(file)) + +../o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +../o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +# +# default rules for handling subdirectories +# + +%-target: + $(MAKE) -C $* + +%-clean: + $(MAKE) -C $* clean diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/gdal-1.9.2/GDALmake64.opt b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/gdal-1.9.2/GDALmake64.opt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fce63c3ac --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/gdal-1.9.2/GDALmake64.opt @@ -0,0 +1,544 @@ +GDAL_ROOT = $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/gdal-1.9.2 +top_builddir = $(GDAL_ROOT) + +# +# the library can be built by the native build or with the help of libtool +# + +SHELL = /bin/bash +HAVE_LIBTOOL = yes +LIBTOOL = $(SHELL) $(top_builddir)/libtool +ifeq ($(HAVE_LIBTOOL),yes) +LIBTOOL_COMPILE_CC = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile --tag=CC +LIBTOOL_COMPILE_CXX = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile --tag=CXX +LIBTOOL_LINK = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link +LIBTOOL_INSTALL = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install +LIBTOOL_FINISH = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=finish --silent +LIBTOOL_CLEAN = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=clean +OBJ_EXT = lo +else +LIBTOOL_FINISH = /bin/true +OBJ_EXT = o +endif + +CC = $(LIBTOOL_COMPILE_CC) gcc +CXX = $(LIBTOOL_COMPILE_CXX) g++ +LD = $(LIBTOOL_LINK) g++ +RM = $(LIBTOOL_CLEAN) /bin/rm -f *.lo +INSTALL = $(LIBTOOL_INSTALL) $(GDAL_ROOT)/install-sh -c +INSTALL_LIB = $(LIBTOOL_INSTALL) $(GDAL_ROOT)/install-sh -c +INSTALL_DATA = $(GDAL_ROOT)/install-sh -c -m 0644 +INSTALL_DIR = $(GDAL_ROOT)/install-sh -d + +# SDE_LIB needs to be first because it embeds zlib. We need to use its symbols instead of -lz's + +LIBS = -L/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lssl $(SDE_LIB) -lrtmp -lidn -lexpat -lz -lpthread -lm -lrt -ldl $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libpq.a -L$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib -lgeos -lgeos_c -lproj -lfreexl -lxerces-c -lspatialite -lsqlite3 \ + $(KAK_LIBS) $(DWG_LIBS) $(CURL_LIB) \ + $(MRSID_LIBS) $(MRSID_LIDAR_LIBS) $(INGRES_LIB) \ + $(PCIDSK_LIB) $(RASDAMAN_LIB) $(CHARLS_LIB) \ + $(OPENCL_LIB) $(JVM_LIB) $(LIBICONV) $(FGDB_LIB) + +PYTHON_INCLUDES = @PYTHON_INCLUDES@ +PYTHON_LIBS = @PYTHON_LIBS@ +PYTHON_CFLAGS = @PYTHON_CFLAGS@ @NUMPY_FLAG@ +PYTHON = +PYTHON_DEV = @PYTHON_DEV@ +PY_LD_SHARED = @PY_LD_SHARED@ +PY_SO_EXT = @PY_SO_EXT@ +PY_HAVE_SETUPTOOLS= + +# Next Generation SWIG bindings +BINDINGS = + +HAVE_OGDI = no +OGR_ENABLED = yes + +OSX_FRAMEWORK_PREFIX = +OSX_VERSION_FRAMEWORK_PREFIX = + +prefix = $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries +exec_prefix = ${prefix} +INST_PREFIX = ${prefix} +INST_INCLUDE = ${prefix}/include +INST_DATA = ${prefix}/share/gdal +INST_LIB = ${exec_prefix}/lib +INST_BIN = ${exec_prefix}/bin +INST_PYMOD = +INST_DOCS = ${prefix}/doc +INST_MAN = ${prefix}/share/gdal/man +INST_HTML = $(HOME)/www/gdal + +CPPFLAGS = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/port +CFLAGS = -g -O2 -DDEBUG -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement $(USER_DEFS) +CXXFLAGS = -g -O2 -DDEBUG -Wall $(USER_DEFS) +LDFLAGS = + +RANLIB = ranlib +SO_EXT = +LD_SHARED = +EXE = + +ifeq ($(notdir $(LD_SHARED)),true) +HAVE_LD_SHARED = no +else +HAVE_LD_SHARED = yes +endif + +GDAL_INCLUDE = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/port -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/gcore \ + -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/alg \ + -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/ogr -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/ogr/ogrsf_frmts + +# libtool targets and help variables +LIBGDAL := libgdal.la +LIBGDAL_CURRENT := 17 +LIBGDAL_REVISION := 2 +LIBGDAL_AGE := 16 + +# native build targets and variables +GDAL_VER = 1.9.2 + +# version info +GDAL_VERSION_MAJOR = 1 +GDAL_VERSION_MINOR = 9 +GDAL_VERSION_REV = 2 + +GDAL_LIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/libgdal.a +GDAL_SLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/libgdal.$(SO_EXT) +GDAL_SLIB_LINK = -L$(GDAL_ROOT) -lgdal + +# Mac OS X Framework definition +MACOSX_FRAMEWORK = + +# +# GDAL/OGR PostgreSQL support. +# +HAVE_OGR_PG = yes +HAVE_POSTGISRASTER = yes +PG_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/postgresql/server -DPG_HAS_PQESCAPESTRINGCONN + +# +# INGRES +# +II_SYSTEM = +HAVE_INGRES = no +INGRES_LIB = +INGRES_INC = + +# +# MySQL support. +# +HAVE_MYSQL = yes +MYSQL_LIB = $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/mysql-5.6.14/bld/libmysql/libmysqlclient.a -lpthread +MYSQL_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/temp/mysql-5.6.14/include -I$(GEODA_HOME)/temp/mysql-5.6.14/bld/include +LIBS += $(MYSQL_LIB) + +# +# HDF4 Support. +# +HAVE_HDF4 = no +HDF4_INCLUDE = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)/ogr + +# +# HDF5 Support. +# +HAVE_HDF5 = no +HDF5_INCLUDE = + +# +# NetCDF Support. +# +NETCDF_ROOT = +NETCDF_HAS_NC4 = +NETCDF_HAS_HDF4 = + +# +# DODS Include file location +# +DODS_INC = +ifeq ($(DODS_INC),) +HAVE_DODS = no +else +HAVE_DODS = yes +endif + +# +# SQLite +# +SQLITE_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include +HAVE_SQLITE = yes +HAVE_SPATIALITE = yes +SPATIALITE_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include +SPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION = no + +# +# JPEG2000 via Kakadu Support. +# +KAKDIR = + +ifneq ($(KAKDIR),) +ifeq ($(HAVE_LIBTOOL),yes) +include $(GDAL_ROOT)/frmts/jp2kak/jp2kak.lst +KAK_LIBS = $(KAK_OBJ) +endif +endif + +# +# JPEG-2000 Support via JasPer library. +# +HAVE_JASPER = no +JASPER_FLAGS = + +# +# JPEG-2000 Support via OpenJPEG library. +# +HAVE_OPENJPEG = no + +# +# MrSID support via LizardTech's DSDK +# +MRSID_FLAGS = +MRSID_INCLUDE = +MRSID_LIBS = + +# +# +# MrSID/MG4 support via LizardTech LiDAR SDK +# +MRSID_LIDAR_INCLUDE = +MRSID_LIDAR_LIBS = + +# Xerces C++ XML Parser for GML and ILI +# +HAVE_XERCES = yes +XERCES_INCLUDE = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/xercesc + +# +# Enable NAS format +# +HAVE_NAS = yes + +# +# Expat XML Parser for KML, GPX, GeoRSS (and GML if no Xerces C++) +# +HAVE_EXPAT = yes +EXPAT_INCLUDE = -I/usr/include + +# +# Google libkml for the new OGR KML driver written by Brian Case +# +HAVE_LIBKML = no +#LIBKML_INCLUDE = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/kml -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/kml/third_party/boost_1_34_1 +LIBKML_INCLUDE = + +# +# Oracle Spatial Support +# +HAVE_OCI = no +OCI_INCLUDE = + +# GEOS Support + +HAVE_GEOS = yes +GEOS_CFLAGS = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +# GRASS Support + +GRASS_SETTING = no +GRASS_INCLUDE = +GRASS_GISBASE = +HAVE_GRASS = no + +# +# SDE +# +HAVE_SDE = no +SDE_LIB = +SDE_INC = + +# +# FileGDB +# +HAVE_FGDB = +FGDB_LIB = +FGDB_INC = + +# +# ArcObjects +# +HAVE_ARCOBJECTS = @ARCOBJECTS_ENABLED@ +ARCOBJECTS_LIB = @ARCOBJECTS_LIB@ +ARCOBJECTS_INC = @ARCOBJECTS_INC@ + + +# +# VFK +# +HAVE_VFK = yes + +# +# Curl +# +CURL_SETTING = yes +CURL_LIB = $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib/libcurl.a -lldap -lz +CURL_INC = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +# +# OpenCL support +# +OPENCL_LIB = +OPENCL_FLAGS = + +# +# PCIDSK SDK +# +PCIDSK_SETTING = internal +PCIDSK_LIB = +PCIDSK_INCLUDE = + +# +# Iconv +# +LIBICONV = -L$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib -liconv + +# +# DWGdirect Library +# +DWGDIRECT = +DWG_PLT = + +ifneq ($(DWGDIRECT),) +DWG_LIBDIR = $(DWGDIRECT)/lib/$(DWG_PLT) +DWG_LIBS = $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_ModelerGeometry.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_AcisRenderer.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Br.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_AcisBuilder.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Db.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Gs.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_SpatialIndex.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Gi.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Ge.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Root.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_FT.a \ + $(DWG_LIBDIR)/DD_$(DWG_PLT)_Alloc.a +HAVE_DWGDIRECT = yes +else +DWG_LIBS = +HAVE_DWGDIRECT = no +endif + +# +# Informix DataBlade support +# +HAVE_IDB = no +IDB_INC = +IDB_LIB = +ifeq ($(HAVE_IDB),yes) +LIBS += $(IDB_LIB) +endif + +# +# FMEObjects +# +ifeq (,) +HAVE_FME = no +FME_INCLUDE = +else +HAVE_FME = yes +FME_INCLUDE = -I/fmeobjects/cpp +endif + +# PCRaster support +PCRASTER_SETTING = internal + +OGDI_INCLUDE = + +PNG_SETTING = internal +JPEG_SETTING = internal +JPEG12_ENABLED = yes +TIFF_SETTING = internal +TIFF_OPTS = -DBIGTIFF_SUPPORT +RENAME_INTERNAL_LIBTIFF_SYMBOLS = no +GEOTIFF_SETTING = internal +GEOTIFF_INCLUDE = +RENAME_INTERNAL_LIBGEOTIFF_SYMBOLS = no +GIF_SETTING = internal +FITS_SETTING = no +OGDI_SETTING = no +ODBC_SETTING = no +# PGeo driver is built-in when ODBC is available +PGEO_SETTING = no +MSSQLSPATIAL_SETTING = no +GEOMEDIA_SETTING = no +NETCDF_SETTING = no +LIBZ_SETTING = external +LIBLZMA_SETTING = no + +# +# Rasdaman stuff +# +RASDAMAN_ENABLED = no +RASDAMAN_INC = +RASDAMAN_LIB = + +# +# Poppler stuff +# + +HAVE_POPPLER = no +POPPLER_HAS_OPTCONTENT = no +POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = no +POPPLER_0_20_OR_LATER = no +POPPLER_INC = + +# +# Podofo stuff +# + +HAVE_PODOFO = no +PODOFO_INC = + +# +# CharLs stuff +# Uncomment and adapt paths to enable JPEGLS driver +# +#HAVE_CHARLS = yes +#CHARLS_INC = -I/path/to/charls_include +#CHARLS_LIB = -L/path/to/charls_lib -lCharLS + +# +# PROJ.4 stuff +# +PROJ_STATIC = yes +ifeq ($(PROJ_STATIC),yes) +PROJ_FLAGS = -DPROJ_STATIC +endif +PROJ_INCLUDE = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +PAM_SETTING = -DPAM_ENABLED + +ifeq ($(OGR_ENABLED),yes) +GDAL_LIBS := $(GDAL_LIB) $(OCI_LIB) $(GDAL_LIBS) +CPPFLAGS := -DOGR_ENABLED $(CPPFLAGS) +else +GDAL_LIBS = $(GDAL_LIB) +endif + +# +# Java stuff +# +JAVA_INC = +JVM_LIB = + +MDB_ENABLED = no + +HAVE_ARMADILLO = no + +# +# freexl stuff +# + +HAVE_FREEXL = yes +FREEXL_INCLUDE = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +# +# Note these codes have to exactly match the format directory names, +# and their uppercase form should be the format portion of the +# format registration entry point. eg. gdb -> GDALRegister_GDB(). +# +GDAL_FORMATS = gxf gtiff hfa aigrid aaigrid ceos ceos2 iso8211 xpm \ + sdts raw dted mem jdem envisat elas fit vrt usgsdem l1b \ + nitf bmp pcidsk airsar rs2 ilwis rmf leveller sgi srtmhgt \ + idrisi gsg ingr ers jaxapalsar dimap gff cosar pds adrg \ + coasp tsx terragen blx msgn til r northwood saga xyz hf2 \ + kmlsuperoverlay ozi ctg e00grid zmap ngsgeoid \ + wcs wms grib bsb gif jpeg png pcraster + + +ifneq ($(LIBZ_SETTING),no) +GDAL_FORMATS := $(GDAL_FORMATS) rik +endif + +ifeq ($(OGR_ENABLED),yes) +ifeq ($(HAVE_SQLITE),yes) +GDAL_FORMATS := $(GDAL_FORMATS) rasterlite +endif +endif + +ifeq ($(HAVE_POSTGISRASTER),yes) +GDAL_FORMATS := $(GDAL_FORMATS) postgisraster +endif + +ifeq ($(HAVE_CHARLS),yes) +GDAL_FORMATS := $(GDAL_FORMATS) jpegls +endif + +# +# CONFIG_LIBS is what local program should link against, and CONFIG_LIBS_INS +# is what will be emitted into the gdal-config script that is installed +# globally. +# + +ifeq ($(HAVE_LIBTOOL), yes) + +CONFIG_LIBS = $(GDAL_ROOT)/$(LIBGDAL) +ifeq ($(MACOSX_FRAMEWORK),yes) +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = -L$(INST_LIB)/unix/lib -lgdal +else +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = -L$(INST_LIB) -lgdal +endif # MACOSX_FRAMEWORK + +EXE_DEP_LIBS = $(GDAL_ROOT)/$(LIBGDAL) +SO_EXT = la + +else # HAVE_LIBTOOL + +ifeq ($(HAVE_LD_SHARED),yes) +CONFIG_LIBS = $(GDAL_SLIB_LINK) $(LIBS) +ifeq ($(MACOSX_FRAMEWORK),yes) +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = -L$(INST_LIB)/unix/lib -lgdal +else +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = -L$(INST_LIB) -lgdal +endif +EXE_DEP_LIBS = $(GDAL_SLIB) +else +CONFIG_LIBS = $(GDAL_LIBS) $(LIBS) +CONFIG_LIBS_INS = $(foreach LF,$(GDAL_LIBS),$(INST_LIB)/$(notdir $(LF)))\ + $(LIBS) +EXE_DEP_LIBS = $(GDAL_LIB) +endif + +endif # HAVE_LIBTOOL + + +# +# generic library rules +# + +# +# gdal and ogr low level drivers use the following default rules in order to +# populate the ../o/ directory with all object and library object files +# + +O_OBJ = $(foreach file,$(OBJ),../o/$(file)) + +../o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +../o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +# +# default rules for handling subdirectories +# + +%-target: + $(MAKE) -C $* + +%-clean: + $(MAKE) -C $* clean diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/filegdb/GNUmakefile b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/filegdb/GNUmakefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..31dbca889 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/filegdb/GNUmakefile @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + + +include ../../../GDALmake.opt + +FGDB_INC=-I/home/test/Downloads/FileGDB_API/include +EXTRA_LIBS+= -L/home/test/Downloads/FileGDB_API/lib -lFileGDBAPI +OBJ = FGdbDatasource.o FGdbDriver.o FGdbLayer.o FGdbUtils.o + +CPPFLAGS := $(GDAL_INCLUDE) $(FGDB_INC) $(CPPFLAGS) + +default: $(O_OBJ:.o=.$(OBJ_EXT)) + +clean: + rm -f *.o $(O_OBJ) + +$(O_OBJ): ogr_fgdb.h + +plugin: $(OBJ) + g++ -shared $(LNK_FLAGS) $(OBJ) $(CONFIG_LIBS_INS) $(EXTRA_LIBS) \ + -o ogr_FileGDB.so diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci/GNUmakefile b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci/GNUmakefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d7508511a --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci/GNUmakefile @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ + + +include ../../../GDALmake.opt +GDAL_INCLUDE += -I$(ORACLE_HOME)/sdk/include +LNK_FLAGS += -arch i386 +EXTRA_LIBS += -L$(ORACLE_HOME)/lib -lclntsh -lnnz11 + +OBJ = oci_utils.o ogrocisession.o ogrocistatement.o \ + ogrocidriver.o ogrocidatasource.o ogrocilayer.o \ + ogrocitablelayer.o ogrociselectlayer.o ogrocistringbuf.o \ + ogrociwritablelayer.o ogrociloaderlayer.o ogrocistroke.o + +CPPFLAGS := $(GDAL_INCLUDE) $(OCI_INCLUDE) $(CPPFLAGS) -fPIC + +PLUGIN_SO = ogr_OCI.so + +default: $(O_OBJ:.o=.$(OBJ_EXT)) + +clean: + rm -f *.o $(O_OBJ) + +$(O_OBJ): ogr_oci.h + +fastload: fastload.cpp + $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) fastload.cpp -L../../.. -lgdal.1.1 \ + -o fastload + +plugin: $(PLUGIN_SO) + +$(PLUGIN_SO): $(OBJ) + g++ -shared $(LNK_FLAGS) $(OBJ) $(CONFIG_LIBS_INS) $(EXTRA_LIBS) \ + -o $(PLUGIN_SO) diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/sde/GNUmakefile b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/sde/GNUmakefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d0cd6faf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/sde/GNUmakefile @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ + + +include ../../../GDALmake.opt + +SDE_HOME = /home/test/esri/sdeexe101 +EXTRA_LIBS += -L$(SDE_HOME)/lib -lpe -lsde -lsg + +LNK_FLAGS += -m64 + +OBJ = ogrsdedriver.o ogrsdedatasource.o ogrsdelayer.o + +CPPFLAGS := -m64 -fPIC $(GDAL_INCLUDE) -I$(SDE_HOME)/include $(CPPFLAGS) + +default: $(O_OBJ:.o=.$(OBJ_EXT)) + +clean: + rm -f *.o $(O_OBJ) + +$(O_OBJ): ogr_sde.h + +plugin: $(OBJ) + g++ -shared $(LNK_FLAGS) $(OBJ) $(CONFIG_LIBS_INS) $(EXTRA_LIBS) \ + -o ogr_SDE.so diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/libkml/src/kml/base/file_posix.cc b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/libkml/src/kml/base/file_posix.cc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ee98920c --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/libkml/src/kml/base/file_posix.cc @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +// Copyright 2008, Google Inc. All rights reserved. +// +// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +// +// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, +// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, +// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation +// and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +// 3. Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be +// used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without +// specific prior written permission. +// +// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED +// WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +// MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO +// EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, +// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +// PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; +// OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, +// WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR +// OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF +// ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + +// The file contains the implementation of the File methods specific to +// POSIX platforms. + +#include "kml/base/file.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +namespace kmlbase { + +// Internal to the POSIX File class. +static bool StatFile(const char* path, struct stat* stat_data) { + struct stat tmp; + if (stat(path, &tmp) !=0) { + return false; + } + *stat_data = tmp; + return true; +} + +bool File::Exists(const string& full_path) { + struct stat stat_data; + if (!StatFile(full_path.c_str(), &stat_data)) { + return false; + } + return S_ISREG(stat_data.st_mode); +} + +bool File::Delete(const string& filepath) { + return unlink(filepath.c_str()) == 0; +} + +bool File::CreateNewTempFile(string* path) { + if (!path) { + return false; + } + char temp_path[] = "/tmp/libkmlXXXXXX"; + int fd = mkstemp(temp_path); + if (fd == -1) { + return false; + } + close(fd); + path->assign(temp_path, strlen(temp_path)); + return true; +} + +} // end namespace kmlbase diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CMakeFiles/CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CMakeFiles/CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake new file mode 100644 index 000000000..33007c047 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CMakeFiles/CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# CMAKE generated file: DO NOT EDIT! +# Generated by "Unix Makefiles" Generator, CMake Version 2.8 + +# Relative path conversion top directories. +SET(CMAKE_RELATIVE_PATH_TOP_SOURCE "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14") +SET(CMAKE_RELATIVE_PATH_TOP_BINARY "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl") + +# Force unix paths in dependencies. +SET(CMAKE_FORCE_UNIX_PATHS 1) + + +# The C and CXX include file regular expressions for this directory. +SET(CMAKE_C_INCLUDE_REGEX_SCAN "^.*$") +SET(CMAKE_C_INCLUDE_REGEX_COMPLAIN "^$") +SET(CMAKE_CXX_INCLUDE_REGEX_SCAN ${CMAKE_C_INCLUDE_REGEX_SCAN}) +SET(CMAKE_CXX_INCLUDE_REGEX_COMPLAIN ${CMAKE_C_INCLUDE_REGEX_COMPLAIN}) diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CMakeFiles/progress.marks b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CMakeFiles/progress.marks new file mode 100644 index 000000000..573541ac9 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CMakeFiles/progress.marks @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CMakeLists.txt b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7c4a00d97 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2006, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + +SET(HEADERS_GEN_CONFIGURE +${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mysql_version.h +${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/my_config.h +${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mysqld_ername.h +${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mysqld_error.h +${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/sql_state.h +) +SET(HEADERS_ABI + mysql.h + mysql_com.h + mysql_time.h + my_list.h + my_alloc.h + typelib.h + mysql/plugin.h + mysql/plugin_audit.h + mysql/plugin_ftparser.h + mysql/plugin_validate_password.h +) + +SET(HEADERS + ${HEADERS_ABI} + my_dbug.h + m_string.h + my_sys.h + my_xml.h + mysql_embed.h + my_pthread.h + decimal.h + errmsg.h + my_global.h + my_net.h + my_getopt.h + sslopt-longopts.h + my_dir.h + sslopt-vars.h + sslopt-case.h + sql_common.h + keycache.h + m_ctype.h + my_attribute.h + my_compiler.h + mysql_com_server.h + my_byteorder.h + byte_order_generic.h + byte_order_generic_x86.h + byte_order_generic_x86_64.h + little_endian.h + big_endian.h + ${HEADERS_GEN_CONFIGURE} +) + +INSTALL(FILES ${HEADERS} DESTINATION ${INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR} COMPONENT Development) +INSTALL(DIRECTORY mysql/ DESTINATION ${INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/mysql COMPONENT Development + PATTERN "*.h" + PATTERN "psi_abi*" EXCLUDE +) + + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CTestTestfile.cmake b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CTestTestfile.cmake new file mode 100644 index 000000000..99ac814ae --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/CTestTestfile.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# CMake generated Testfile for +# Source directory: /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include +# Build directory: /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl/include +# +# This file includes the relevent testing commands required for +# testing this directory and lists subdirectories to be tested as well. diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/Makefile b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2a94e5af5 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ +# CMAKE generated file: DO NOT EDIT! +# Generated by "Unix Makefiles" Generator, CMake Version 2.8 + +# Default target executed when no arguments are given to make. +default_target: all +.PHONY : default_target + +#============================================================================= +# Special targets provided by cmake. + +# Disable implicit rules so canonical targets will work. +.SUFFIXES: + +# Remove some rules from gmake that .SUFFIXES does not remove. +SUFFIXES = + +.SUFFIXES: .hpux_make_needs_suffix_list + +# Suppress display of executed commands. +$(VERBOSE).SILENT: + +# A target that is always out of date. +cmake_force: +.PHONY : cmake_force + +#============================================================================= +# Set environment variables for the build. + +# The shell in which to execute make rules. +SHELL = /bin/sh + +# The CMake executable. +CMAKE_COMMAND = /usr/bin/cmake + +# The command to remove a file. +RM = /usr/bin/cmake -E remove -f + +# Escaping for special characters. +EQUALS = = + +# The top-level source directory on which CMake was run. +CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR = /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14 + +# The top-level build directory on which CMake was run. +CMAKE_BINARY_DIR = /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl + +#============================================================================= +# Targets provided globally by CMake. + +# Special rule for the target edit_cache +edit_cache: + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Running interactive CMake command-line interface..." + /usr/bin/cmake -i . +.PHONY : edit_cache + +# Special rule for the target edit_cache +edit_cache/fast: edit_cache +.PHONY : edit_cache/fast + +# Special rule for the target install +install: preinstall + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Install the project..." + /usr/bin/cmake -P cmake_install.cmake +.PHONY : install + +# Special rule for the target install +install/fast: preinstall/fast + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Install the project..." + /usr/bin/cmake -P cmake_install.cmake +.PHONY : install/fast + +# Special rule for the target install/local +install/local: preinstall + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Installing only the local directory..." + /usr/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LOCAL_ONLY=1 -P cmake_install.cmake +.PHONY : install/local + +# Special rule for the target install/local +install/local/fast: install/local +.PHONY : install/local/fast + +# Special rule for the target install/strip +install/strip: preinstall + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Installing the project stripped..." + /usr/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DO_STRIP=1 -P cmake_install.cmake +.PHONY : install/strip + +# Special rule for the target install/strip +install/strip/fast: install/strip +.PHONY : install/strip/fast + +# Special rule for the target list_install_components +list_install_components: + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Available install components are: \"Client\" \"DataFiles\" \"DebugBinaries\" \"Development\" \"Documentation\" \"Embedded\" \"Info\" \"IniFiles\" \"ManPages\" \"Readme\" \"Server\" \"Server_Scripts\" \"SharedLibraries\" \"SqlBench\" \"SupportFiles\" \"Test\" \"Unspecified\"" +.PHONY : list_install_components + +# Special rule for the target list_install_components +list_install_components/fast: list_install_components +.PHONY : list_install_components/fast + +# Special rule for the target package +package: preinstall + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Run CPack packaging tool..." + cd /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl && /usr/bin/cpack --config ./CPackConfig.cmake +.PHONY : package + +# Special rule for the target package +package/fast: package +.PHONY : package/fast + +# Special rule for the target package_source +package_source: + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Run CPack packaging tool for source..." + cd /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl && /usr/bin/cpack --config ./CPackSourceConfig.cmake /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl/CPackSourceConfig.cmake +.PHONY : package_source + +# Special rule for the target package_source +package_source/fast: package_source +.PHONY : package_source/fast + +# Special rule for the target rebuild_cache +rebuild_cache: + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Running CMake to regenerate build system..." + /usr/bin/cmake -H$(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) -B$(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) +.PHONY : rebuild_cache + +# Special rule for the target rebuild_cache +rebuild_cache/fast: rebuild_cache +.PHONY : rebuild_cache/fast + +# Special rule for the target test +test: + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Running tests..." + /usr/bin/ctest --force-new-ctest-process $(ARGS) +.PHONY : test + +# Special rule for the target test +test/fast: test +.PHONY : test/fast + +# The main all target +all: cmake_check_build_system + cd /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl && $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl/CMakeFiles /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl/include/CMakeFiles/progress.marks + cd /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl && $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 include/all + $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl/CMakeFiles 0 +.PHONY : all + +# The main clean target +clean: + cd /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl && $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 include/clean +.PHONY : clean + +# The main clean target +clean/fast: clean +.PHONY : clean/fast + +# Prepare targets for installation. +preinstall: all + cd /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl && $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 include/preinstall +.PHONY : preinstall + +# Prepare targets for installation. +preinstall/fast: + cd /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl && $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 include/preinstall +.PHONY : preinstall/fast + +# clear depends +depend: + cd /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl && $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -H$(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) -B$(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 1 +.PHONY : depend + +# Help Target +help: + @echo "The following are some of the valid targets for this Makefile:" + @echo "... all (the default if no target is provided)" + @echo "... clean" + @echo "... depend" + @echo "... edit_cache" + @echo "... install" + @echo "... install/local" + @echo "... install/strip" + @echo "... list_install_components" + @echo "... package" + @echo "... package_source" + @echo "... rebuild_cache" + @echo "... test" +.PHONY : help + + + +#============================================================================= +# Special targets to cleanup operation of make. + +# Special rule to run CMake to check the build system integrity. +# No rule that depends on this can have commands that come from listfiles +# because they might be regenerated. +cmake_check_build_system: + cd /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl && $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -H$(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) -B$(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 0 +.PHONY : cmake_check_build_system + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/gcc_builtins.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/gcc_builtins.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fb6a537d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/gcc_builtins.h @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +#ifndef ATOMIC_GCC_BUILTINS_INCLUDED +#define ATOMIC_GCC_BUILTINS_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#define make_atomic_add_body(S) \ + v= __sync_fetch_and_add(a, v); +#define make_atomic_fas_body(S) \ + v= __sync_lock_test_and_set(a, v); +#define make_atomic_cas_body(S) \ + int ## S sav; \ + int ## S cmp_val= *cmp; \ + sav= __sync_val_compare_and_swap(a, cmp_val, set);\ + if (!(ret= (sav == cmp_val))) *cmp= sav + +#ifdef MY_ATOMIC_MODE_DUMMY +#define make_atomic_load_body(S) ret= *a +#define make_atomic_store_body(S) *a= v +#define MY_ATOMIC_MODE "gcc-builtins-up" + +#else +#define MY_ATOMIC_MODE "gcc-builtins-smp" +#define make_atomic_load_body(S) \ + ret= __sync_fetch_and_or(a, 0); +#define make_atomic_store_body(S) \ + (void) __sync_lock_test_and_set(a, v); +#endif + +#endif /* ATOMIC_GCC_BUILTINS_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/generic-msvc.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/generic-msvc.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6c5272c98 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/generic-msvc.h @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 MySQL AB, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. + Use is subject to license terms. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _atomic_h_cleanup_ +#define _atomic_h_cleanup_ "atomic/generic-msvc.h" + +/* + We don't implement anything specific for MY_ATOMIC_MODE_DUMMY, always use + intrinsics. + 8 and 16-bit atomics are not implemented, but it can be done if necessary. +*/ +#undef MY_ATOMIC_HAS_8_16 + +#include +/* + x86 compilers (both VS2003 or VS2005) never use instrinsics, but generate + function calls to kernel32 instead, even in the optimized build. + We force intrinsics as described in MSDN documentation for + _InterlockedCompareExchange. +*/ +#ifdef _M_IX86 + +#if (_MSC_VER >= 1500) +#include +#else +C_MODE_START +/*Visual Studio 2003 and earlier do not have prototypes for atomic intrinsics*/ +LONG _InterlockedCompareExchange (LONG volatile *Target, LONG Value, LONG Comp); +LONGLONG _InterlockedCompareExchange64 (LONGLONG volatile *Target, + LONGLONG Value, LONGLONG Comp); +C_MODE_END + +#pragma intrinsic(_InterlockedCompareExchange) +#pragma intrinsic(_InterlockedCompareExchange64) +#endif + +#define InterlockedCompareExchange _InterlockedCompareExchange +#define InterlockedCompareExchange64 _InterlockedCompareExchange64 +/* + No need to do something special for InterlockedCompareExchangePointer + as it is a #define to InterlockedCompareExchange. The same applies to + InterlockedExchangePointer. +*/ +#endif /*_M_IX86*/ + +#define MY_ATOMIC_MODE "msvc-intrinsics" +/* Implement using CAS on WIN32 */ +#define IL_COMP_EXCHG32(X,Y,Z) \ + InterlockedCompareExchange((volatile LONG *)(X),(Y),(Z)) +#define IL_COMP_EXCHG64(X,Y,Z) \ + InterlockedCompareExchange64((volatile LONGLONG *)(X), \ + (LONGLONG)(Y),(LONGLONG)(Z)) +#define IL_COMP_EXCHGptr InterlockedCompareExchangePointer + +#define make_atomic_cas_body(S) \ + int ## S initial_cmp= *cmp; \ + int ## S initial_a= IL_COMP_EXCHG ## S (a, set, initial_cmp); \ + if (!(ret= (initial_a == initial_cmp))) *cmp= initial_a; + +#ifndef _M_IX86 +/* Use full set of optimised functions on WIN64 */ +#define IL_EXCHG_ADD32(X,Y) \ + InterlockedExchangeAdd((volatile LONG *)(X),(Y)) +#define IL_EXCHG_ADD64(X,Y) \ + InterlockedExchangeAdd64((volatile LONGLONG *)(X),(LONGLONG)(Y)) +#define IL_EXCHG32(X,Y) \ + InterlockedExchange((volatile LONG *)(X),(Y)) +#define IL_EXCHG64(X,Y) \ + InterlockedExchange64((volatile LONGLONG *)(X),(LONGLONG)(Y)) +#define IL_EXCHGptr InterlockedExchangePointer + +#define make_atomic_add_body(S) \ + v= IL_EXCHG_ADD ## S (a, v) +#define make_atomic_swap_body(S) \ + v= IL_EXCHG ## S (a, v) +#define make_atomic_load_body(S) \ + ret= 0; /* avoid compiler warning */ \ + ret= IL_COMP_EXCHG ## S (a, ret, ret); +#endif +/* + my_yield_processor (equivalent of x86 PAUSE instruction) should be used + to improve performance on hyperthreaded CPUs. Intel recommends to use it in + spin loops also on non-HT machines to reduce power consumption (see e.g + http://softwarecommunity.intel.com/articles/eng/2004.htm) + + Running benchmarks for spinlocks implemented with InterlockedCompareExchange + and YieldProcessor shows that much better performance is achieved by calling + YieldProcessor in a loop - that is, yielding longer. On Intel boxes setting + loop count in the range 200-300 brought best results. + */ +#ifndef YIELD_LOOPS +#define YIELD_LOOPS 200 +#endif + +static __inline int my_yield_processor() +{ + int i; + for(i=0; irw) +#define my_atomic_rwlock_init(name) pthread_mutex_init(& (name)->rw, 0) +#define my_atomic_rwlock_rdlock(name) pthread_mutex_lock(& (name)->rw) +#define my_atomic_rwlock_wrlock(name) pthread_mutex_lock(& (name)->rw) +#define my_atomic_rwlock_rdunlock(name) pthread_mutex_unlock(& (name)->rw) +#define my_atomic_rwlock_wrunlock(name) pthread_mutex_unlock(& (name)->rw) + +#define MY_ATOMIC_MODE "mutex" +#ifndef MY_ATOMIC_MODE_RWLOCKS +#define MY_ATOMIC_MODE_RWLOCKS 1 +#endif +#endif + +#define make_atomic_add_body(S) int ## S sav; sav= *a; *a+= v; v=sav; +#define make_atomic_fas_body(S) int ## S sav; sav= *a; *a= v; v=sav; +#define make_atomic_cas_body(S) if ((ret= (*a == *cmp))) *a= set; else *cmp=*a; +#define make_atomic_load_body(S) ret= *a; +#define make_atomic_store_body(S) *a= v; + +#endif /* ATOMIC_RWLOCK_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/solaris.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/solaris.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7b6f0561f --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/solaris.h @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _atomic_h_cleanup_ +#define _atomic_h_cleanup_ "atomic/solaris.h" + +#include + +#define MY_ATOMIC_MODE "solaris-atomic" + +#if defined(__GNUC__) +#define atomic_typeof(T,V) __typeof__(V) +#else +#define atomic_typeof(T,V) T +#endif + +#define uintptr_t void * +#define atomic_or_ptr_nv(X,Y) (void *)atomic_or_ulong_nv((volatile ulong_t *)X, Y) + +#define make_atomic_cas_body(S) \ + atomic_typeof(uint ## S ## _t, *cmp) sav; \ + sav = atomic_cas_ ## S( \ + (volatile uint ## S ## _t *)a, \ + (uint ## S ## _t)*cmp, \ + (uint ## S ## _t)set); \ + if (! (ret= (sav == *cmp))) \ + *cmp= sav; + +#define make_atomic_add_body(S) \ + int ## S nv; /* new value */ \ + nv= atomic_add_ ## S ## _nv((volatile uint ## S ## _t *)a, v); \ + v= nv - v + +/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ + +#ifdef MY_ATOMIC_MODE_DUMMY + +#define make_atomic_load_body(S) ret= *a +#define make_atomic_store_body(S) *a= v + +#else /* MY_ATOMIC_MODE_DUMMY */ + +#define make_atomic_load_body(S) \ + ret= atomic_or_ ## S ## _nv((volatile uint ## S ## _t *)a, 0) + +#define make_atomic_store_body(S) \ + (void) atomic_swap_ ## S((volatile uint ## S ## _t *)a, (uint ## S ## _t)v) + +#endif + +#define make_atomic_fas_body(S) \ + v= atomic_swap_ ## S((volatile uint ## S ## _t *)a, (uint ## S ## _t)v) + +#else /* cleanup */ + +#undef uintptr_t +#undef atomic_or_ptr_nv + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/x86-gcc.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/x86-gcc.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2238347d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/atomic/x86-gcc.h @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +#ifndef ATOMIC_X86_GCC_INCLUDED +#define ATOMIC_X86_GCC_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2006, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + XXX 64-bit atomic operations can be implemented using + cmpxchg8b, if necessary. Though I've heard that not all 64-bit + architectures support double-word (128-bit) cas. +*/ + +/* + No special support of 8 and 16 bit operations are implemented here + currently. +*/ +#undef MY_ATOMIC_HAS_8_AND_16 + +#ifdef __x86_64__ +# ifdef MY_ATOMIC_NO_XADD +# define MY_ATOMIC_MODE "gcc-amd64" LOCK_prefix "-no-xadd" +# else +# define MY_ATOMIC_MODE "gcc-amd64" LOCK_prefix +# endif +#else +# ifdef MY_ATOMIC_NO_XADD +# define MY_ATOMIC_MODE "gcc-x86" LOCK_prefix "-no-xadd" +# else +# define MY_ATOMIC_MODE "gcc-x86" LOCK_prefix +# endif +#endif + +/* fix -ansi errors while maintaining readability */ +#ifndef asm +#define asm __asm__ +#endif + +#ifndef MY_ATOMIC_NO_XADD +#define make_atomic_add_body(S) make_atomic_add_body ## S +#define make_atomic_cas_body(S) make_atomic_cas_body ## S +#endif + +#define make_atomic_add_body32 \ + asm volatile (LOCK_prefix "; xadd %0, %1;" \ + : "+r" (v), "=m" (*a) \ + : "m" (*a) \ + : "memory") + +#define make_atomic_cas_body32 \ + __typeof__(*cmp) sav; \ + asm volatile (LOCK_prefix "; cmpxchg %3, %0; setz %2;" \ + : "=m" (*a), "=a" (sav), "=q" (ret) \ + : "r" (set), "m" (*a), "a" (*cmp) \ + : "memory"); \ + if (!ret) \ + *cmp= sav + +#ifdef __x86_64__ +#define make_atomic_add_body64 make_atomic_add_body32 +#define make_atomic_cas_body64 make_atomic_cas_body32 + +#define make_atomic_fas_body(S) \ + asm volatile ("xchg %0, %1;" \ + : "+r" (v), "=m" (*a) \ + : "m" (*a) \ + : "memory") + +/* + Actually 32/64-bit reads/writes are always atomic on x86_64, + nonetheless issue memory barriers as appropriate. +*/ +#define make_atomic_load_body(S) \ + /* Serialize prior load and store operations. */ \ + asm volatile ("mfence" ::: "memory"); \ + ret= *a; \ + /* Prevent compiler from reordering instructions. */ \ + asm volatile ("" ::: "memory") +#define make_atomic_store_body(S) \ + asm volatile ("; xchg %0, %1;" \ + : "=m" (*a), "+r" (v) \ + : "m" (*a) \ + : "memory") + +#else +/* + Use default implementations of 64-bit operations since we solved + the 64-bit problem on 32-bit platforms for CAS, no need to solve it + once more for ADD, LOAD, STORE and FAS as well. + Since we already added add32 support, we need to define add64 + here, but we haven't defined fas, load and store at all, so + we can fallback on default implementations. +*/ +#define make_atomic_add_body64 \ + int64 tmp=*a; \ + while (!my_atomic_cas64(a, &tmp, tmp+v)) ; \ + v=tmp; + +/* + On some platforms (e.g. Mac OS X and Solaris) the ebx register + is held as a pointer to the global offset table. Thus we're not + allowed to use the b-register on those platforms when compiling + PIC code, to avoid this we push ebx and pop ebx. The new value + is copied directly from memory to avoid problems with a implicit + manipulation of the stack pointer by the push. + + cmpxchg8b works on both 32-bit platforms and 64-bit platforms but + the code here is only used on 32-bit platforms, on 64-bit + platforms the much simpler make_atomic_cas_body32 will work + fine. +*/ +#define make_atomic_cas_body64 \ + asm volatile ("push %%ebx;" \ + "movl (%%ecx), %%ebx;" \ + "movl 4(%%ecx), %%ecx;" \ + LOCK_prefix "; cmpxchg8b %0;" \ + "setz %2; pop %%ebx" \ + : "=m" (*a), "+A" (*cmp), "=c" (ret) \ + : "c" (&set), "m" (*a) \ + : "memory", "esp") +#endif + +/* + The implementation of make_atomic_cas_body32 is adaptable to + the OS word size, so on 64-bit platforms it will automatically + adapt to 64-bits and so it will work also on 64-bit platforms +*/ +#define make_atomic_cas_bodyptr make_atomic_cas_body32 + +#ifdef MY_ATOMIC_MODE_DUMMY +#define make_atomic_load_body(S) ret=*a +#define make_atomic_store_body(S) *a=v +#endif +#endif /* ATOMIC_X86_GCC_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/base64.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/base64.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5fb2e9b80 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/base64.h @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2003, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef __BASE64_H_INCLUDED__ +#define __BASE64_H_INCLUDED__ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + Calculate how much memory needed for dst of base64_encode() +*/ +int base64_needed_encoded_length(int length_of_data); + +/* + Maximum length base64_encode_needed_length() can accept with no overflow. +*/ +int base64_encode_max_arg_length(void); + +/* + Calculate how much memory needed for dst of base64_decode() +*/ +int base64_needed_decoded_length(int length_of_encoded_data); + +/* + Maximum length base64_decode_needed_length() can accept with no overflow. +*/ +int base64_decode_max_arg_length(); + +/* + Encode data as a base64 string +*/ +int base64_encode(const void *src, size_t src_len, char *dst); + +/* + Decode a base64 string into data +*/ +int base64_decode(const char *src, size_t src_len, + void *dst, const char **end_ptr, int flags); + +/* Allow multuple chunks 'AAA= AA== AA==', binlog uses this */ +#define MY_BASE64_DECODE_ALLOW_MULTIPLE_CHUNKS 1 + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* !__BASE64_H_INCLUDED__ */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/big_endian.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/big_endian.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..13ab6dec6 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/big_endian.h @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Data in big-endian format. +*/ +#define float4store(T,A) do { *(T)= ((uchar *) &A)[3];\ + *((T)+1)=(char) ((uchar *) &A)[2];\ + *((T)+2)=(char) ((uchar *) &A)[1];\ + *((T)+3)=(char) ((uchar *) &A)[0]; } while(0) + +#define float4get(V,M) do { float def_temp;\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]=(M)[3];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]=(M)[2];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]=(M)[1];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]=(M)[0];\ + (V)=def_temp; } while(0) + +#define float8store(T,V) do { *(T)= ((uchar *) &V)[7];\ + *((T)+1)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[6];\ + *((T)+2)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[5];\ + *((T)+3)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[4];\ + *((T)+4)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[3];\ + *((T)+5)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[2];\ + *((T)+6)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[1];\ + *((T)+7)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[0]; } while(0) + +#define float8get(V,M) do { double def_temp;\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]=(M)[7];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]=(M)[6];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]=(M)[5];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]=(M)[4];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[4]=(M)[3];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[5]=(M)[2];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[6]=(M)[1];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[7]=(M)[0];\ + (V) = def_temp; } while(0) + +#define ushortget(V,M) do { V = (uint16) (((uint16) ((uchar) (M)[1]))+\ + ((uint16) ((uint16) (M)[0]) << 8)); } while(0) +#define shortget(V,M) do { V = (short) (((short) ((uchar) (M)[1]))+\ + ((short) ((short) (M)[0]) << 8)); } while(0) +#define longget(V,M) do { int32 def_temp;\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]=(M)[0];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]=(M)[1];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]=(M)[2];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]=(M)[3];\ + (V)=def_temp; } while(0) +#define ulongget(V,M) do { uint32 def_temp;\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]=(M)[0];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]=(M)[1];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]=(M)[2];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]=(M)[3];\ + (V)=def_temp; } while(0) +#define shortstore(T,A) do { uint def_temp=(uint) (A) ;\ + *(((char*)T)+1)=(char)(def_temp); \ + *(((char*)T)+0)=(char)(def_temp >> 8); } while(0) +#define longstore(T,A) do { *(((char*)T)+3)=((A));\ + *(((char*)T)+2)=(((A) >> 8));\ + *(((char*)T)+1)=(((A) >> 16));\ + *(((char*)T)+0)=(((A) >> 24)); } while(0) + +#define floatget(V,M) memcpy(&V, (M), sizeof(float)) +/* Cast away type qualifiers (necessary as macro takes argument by value). */ +#define floatstore(T,V) memcpy((T), (void*) (&V), sizeof(float)) +#define doubleget(V,M) memcpy(&V, (M), sizeof(double)) +/* Cast away type qualifiers (necessary as macro takes argument by value). */ +#define doublestore(T,V) memcpy((T), (void*) &V, sizeof(double)) +#define longlongget(V,M) memcpy(&V, (M), sizeof(ulonglong)) +#define longlongstore(T,V) memcpy((T), &V, sizeof(ulonglong)) diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ad7edd99 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic.h @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Endianness-independent definitions for architectures other + than the x86 architecture. +*/ +#define sint2korr(A) (int16) (((int16) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + ((int16) ((int16) (A)[1]) << 8)) +#define sint3korr(A) ((int32) ((((uchar) (A)[2]) & 128) ? \ + (((uint32) 255L << 24) | \ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[2]) << 16) |\ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[1]) << 8) | \ + ((uint32) (uchar) (A)[0])) : \ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[2]) << 16) |\ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[1]) << 8) | \ + ((uint32) (uchar) (A)[0]))) +#define sint4korr(A) (int32) (((int32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + (((int32) ((uchar) (A)[1]) << 8)) +\ + (((int32) ((uchar) (A)[2]) << 16)) +\ + (((int32) ((int16) (A)[3]) << 24))) +#define sint8korr(A) (longlong) uint8korr(A) +#define uint2korr(A) (uint16) (((uint16) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + ((uint16) ((uchar) (A)[1]) << 8)) +#define uint3korr(A) (uint32) (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16)) +#define uint4korr(A) (uint32) (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[3])) << 24)) +#define uint5korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[3])) << 24)) +\ + (((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[4])) << 32)) +#define uint6korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) + \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) + \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16) + \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[3])) << 24)) + \ + (((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[4])) << 32) + \ + (((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[5])) << 40)) +#define uint8korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[3])) << 24)) +\ + (((ulonglong) (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[4])) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[5])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[6])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[7])) << 24))) <<\ + 32)) +#define int2store(T,A) do { uint def_temp= (uint) (A) ;\ + *((uchar*) (T))= (uchar)(def_temp); \ + *((uchar*) (T)+1)=(uchar)((def_temp >> 8)); \ + } while(0) +#define int3store(T,A) do { /*lint -save -e734 */\ + *((uchar*)(T))=(uchar) ((A));\ + *((uchar*) (T)+1)=(uchar) (((A) >> 8));\ + *((uchar*)(T)+2)=(uchar) (((A) >> 16)); \ + /*lint -restore */} while(0) +#define int4store(T,A) do { *((char *)(T))=(char) ((A));\ + *(((char *)(T))+1)=(char) (((A) >> 8));\ + *(((char *)(T))+2)=(char) (((A) >> 16));\ + *(((char *)(T))+3)=(char) (((A) >> 24));\ + } while(0) +#define int5store(T,A) do { *((char *)(T))= (char)((A)); \ + *(((char *)(T))+1)= (char)(((A) >> 8)); \ + *(((char *)(T))+2)= (char)(((A) >> 16)); \ + *(((char *)(T))+3)= (char)(((A) >> 24)); \ + *(((char *)(T))+4)= (char)(((A) >> 32)); \ + } while(0) +#define int6store(T,A) do { *((char *)(T))= (char)((A)); \ + *(((char *)(T))+1)= (char)(((A) >> 8)); \ + *(((char *)(T))+2)= (char)(((A) >> 16)); \ + *(((char *)(T))+3)= (char)(((A) >> 24)); \ + *(((char *)(T))+4)= (char)(((A) >> 32)); \ + *(((char *)(T))+5)= (char)(((A) >> 40)); \ + } while(0) +#define int8store(T,A) do { uint def_temp= (uint) (A), \ + def_temp2= (uint) ((A) >> 32); \ + int4store((T),def_temp); \ + int4store((T+4),def_temp2);\ + } while(0) diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic_x86.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic_x86.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a6f8ff9a --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic_x86.h @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Optimized function-like macros for the x86 architecture (_WIN32 included). +*/ +#define sint2korr(A) (*((int16 *) (A))) +#define sint3korr(A) ((int32) ((((uchar) (A)[2]) & 128) ? \ + (((uint32) 255L << 24) | \ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[2]) << 16) |\ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[1]) << 8) | \ + ((uint32) (uchar) (A)[0])) : \ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[2]) << 16) |\ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[1]) << 8) | \ + ((uint32) (uchar) (A)[0]))) +#define sint4korr(A) (*((long *) (A))) +#define uint2korr(A) (*((uint16 *) (A))) +/* + Attention: Please, note, uint3korr reads 4 bytes (not 3)! + It means, that you have to provide enough allocated space. +*/ +#if defined(HAVE_purify) && !defined(_WIN32) +#define uint3korr(A) (uint32) (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16)) +#else +#define uint3korr(A) (long) (*((unsigned int *) (A)) & 0xFFFFFF) +#endif +#define uint4korr(A) (*((uint32 *) (A))) +#define uint5korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[3])) << 24)) +\ + (((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[4])) << 32)) +#define uint6korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) + \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) + \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16) + \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[3])) << 24)) + \ + (((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[4])) << 32) + \ + (((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[5])) << 40)) +#define uint8korr(A) (*((ulonglong *) (A))) +#define sint8korr(A) (*((longlong *) (A))) + +#define int2store(T,A) *((uint16*) (T))= (uint16) (A) +#define int3store(T,A) do { *(T)= (uchar) ((A));\ + *(T+1)=(uchar) (((uint) (A) >> 8));\ + *(T+2)=(uchar) (((A) >> 16));\ + } while (0) +#define int4store(T,A) *((long *) (T))= (long) (A) +#define int5store(T,A) do { *(T)= (uchar)((A));\ + *((T)+1)=(uchar) (((A) >> 8));\ + *((T)+2)=(uchar) (((A) >> 16));\ + *((T)+3)=(uchar) (((A) >> 24));\ + *((T)+4)=(uchar) (((A) >> 32));\ + } while(0) +#define int6store(T,A) do { *(T)= (uchar)((A)); \ + *((T)+1)=(uchar) (((A) >> 8)); \ + *((T)+2)=(uchar) (((A) >> 16)); \ + *((T)+3)=(uchar) (((A) >> 24)); \ + *((T)+4)=(uchar) (((A) >> 32)); \ + *((T)+5)=(uchar) (((A) >> 40)); \ + } while(0) +#define int8store(T,A) *((ulonglong *) (T))= (ulonglong) (A) +typedef union { + double v; + long m[2]; +} doubleget_union; +#define doubleget(V,M) do { doubleget_union _tmp; \ + _tmp.m[0] = *((long*)(M)); \ + _tmp.m[1] = *(((long*) (M))+1); \ + (V) = _tmp.v;\ + } while(0) +#define doublestore(T,V) do { *((long *) T) = ((doubleget_union *)&V)->m[0]; \ + *(((long *) T)+1) = ((doubleget_union *)&V)->m[1];\ + } while (0) +#define float4get(V,M) do { *((float *) &(V)) = *((float*) (M)); } while(0) +#define float8get(V,M) doubleget((V),(M)) +#define float4store(V,M) memcpy((uchar*)(V), (uchar*)(&M), sizeof(float)) +#define floatstore(T,V) memcpy((uchar*)(T), (uchar*)(&V), sizeof(float)) +#define floatget(V,M) memcpy((uchar*)(&V),(uchar*) (M), sizeof(float)) +#define float8store(V,M) doublestore((V),(M)) diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic_x86_64.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic_x86_64.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3287acdcf --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic_x86_64.h @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Optimized function-like macros for the x86 architecture (_WIN32 included). +*/ +#define sint2korr(A) (int16) (*((int16 *) (A))) +#define sint3korr(A) ((int32) ((((uchar) (A)[2]) & 128) ? \ + (((uint32) 255L << 24) | \ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[2]) << 16) |\ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[1]) << 8) | \ + ((uint32) (uchar) (A)[0])) : \ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[2]) << 16) |\ + (((uint32) (uchar) (A)[1]) << 8) | \ + ((uint32) (uchar) (A)[0]))) +#define sint4korr(A) (int32) (*((int32 *) (A))) +#define uint2korr(A) (uint16) (*((uint16 *) (A))) +/* + Attention: Please, note, uint3korr reads 4 bytes (not 3)! + It means, that you have to provide enough allocated space. +*/ +#if defined(HAVE_purify) && !defined(_WIN32) +#define uint3korr(A) (uint32) (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16)) +#else +#define uint3korr(A) (uint32) (*((unsigned int *) (A)) & 0xFFFFFF) +#endif +#define uint4korr(A) (uint32) (*((uint32 *) (A))) +#define uint5korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[3])) << 24)) +\ + (((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[4])) << 32)) +#define uint6korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) + \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) + \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 16) + \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[3])) << 24)) + \ + (((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[4])) << 32) + \ + (((ulonglong) ((uchar) (A)[5])) << 40)) +#define uint8korr(A) (ulonglong) (*((ulonglong *) (A))) +#define sint8korr(A) (longlong) (*((longlong *) (A))) + +#define int2store(T,A) do { uchar *pT= (uchar*)(T);\ + *((uint16*)(pT))= (uint16) (A);\ + } while (0) + +#define int3store(T,A) do { *(T)= (uchar) ((A));\ + *(T+1)=(uchar) (((uint) (A) >> 8));\ + *(T+2)=(uchar) (((A) >> 16));\ + } while (0) +#define int4store(T,A) do { uchar *pT= (uchar*)(T);\ + *((uint32 *) (pT))= (uint32) (A); \ + } while (0) + +#define int5store(T,A) do { *(T)= (uchar)((A));\ + *((T)+1)=(uchar) (((A) >> 8));\ + *((T)+2)=(uchar) (((A) >> 16));\ + *((T)+3)=(uchar) (((A) >> 24));\ + *((T)+4)=(uchar) (((A) >> 32));\ + } while(0) +#define int6store(T,A) do { *(T)= (uchar)((A)); \ + *((T)+1)=(uchar) (((A) >> 8)); \ + *((T)+2)=(uchar) (((A) >> 16)); \ + *((T)+3)=(uchar) (((A) >> 24)); \ + *((T)+4)=(uchar) (((A) >> 32)); \ + *((T)+5)=(uchar) (((A) >> 40)); \ + } while(0) +#define int8store(T,A) do { uchar *pT= (uchar*)(T);\ + *((ulonglong *) (pT))= (ulonglong) (A);\ + } while(0) + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/cmake_install.cmake b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/cmake_install.cmake new file mode 100644 index 000000000..44716de4e --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/cmake_install.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +# Install script for directory: /media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include + +# Set the install prefix +IF(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) + SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "/usr/local/mysql") +ENDIF(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) +STRING(REGEX REPLACE "/$" "" CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") + +# Set the install configuration name. +IF(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_CONFIG_NAME) + IF(BUILD_TYPE) + STRING(REGEX REPLACE "^[^A-Za-z0-9_]+" "" + CMAKE_INSTALL_CONFIG_NAME "${BUILD_TYPE}") + ELSE(BUILD_TYPE) + SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_CONFIG_NAME "RelWithDebInfo") + ENDIF(BUILD_TYPE) + MESSAGE(STATUS "Install configuration: \"${CMAKE_INSTALL_CONFIG_NAME}\"") +ENDIF(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_CONFIG_NAME) + +# Set the component getting installed. +IF(NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT) + IF(COMPONENT) + MESSAGE(STATUS "Install component: \"${COMPONENT}\"") + SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT "${COMPONENT}") + ELSE(COMPONENT) + SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT) + ENDIF(COMPONENT) +ENDIF(NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT) + +# Install shared libraries without execute permission? +IF(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_SO_NO_EXE) + SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_SO_NO_EXE "1") +ENDIF(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_SO_NO_EXE) + +IF(NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT OR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT}" STREQUAL "Development") + FILE(INSTALL DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include" TYPE FILE FILES + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_com.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_time.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_list.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_alloc.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/typelib.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_audit.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_ftparser.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_validate_password.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_dbug.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/m_string.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_sys.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_xml.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_embed.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_pthread.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/decimal.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/errmsg.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_global.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_net.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_getopt.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-longopts.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_dir.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-vars.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-case.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/sql_common.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/keycache.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/m_ctype.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_attribute.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_compiler.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_com_server.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_byteorder.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic_x86.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/byte_order_generic_x86_64.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/little_endian.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/big_endian.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl/include/mysql_version.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl/include/my_config.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl/include/mysqld_ername.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl/include/mysqld_error.h" + "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/bl/include/sql_state.h" + ) +ENDIF(NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT OR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT}" STREQUAL "Development") + +IF(NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT OR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT}" STREQUAL "Development") + FILE(INSTALL DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/mysql" TYPE DIRECTORY FILES "/media/psf/Home/Downloads/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/" REGEX "/[^/]*\\.h$" REGEX "/psi\\_abi[^/]*$" EXCLUDE) +ENDIF(NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT OR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT}" STREQUAL "Development") + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/config.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/config.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b3742866 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/config.h @@ -0,0 +1,667 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2009, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MY_CONFIG_H +#define MY_CONFIG_H +#define DOT_FRM_VERSION 6 +/* Headers we may want to use. */ +#define STDC_HEADERS 1 +#define _GNU_SOURCE 1 +#define HAVE_ALLOCA_H 1 +#define HAVE_AIO_H 1 +#define HAVE_ARPA_INET_H 1 +#define HAVE_ASM_MSR_H 1 +#define HAVE_ASM_TERMBITS_H 1 +#define HAVE_BSEARCH 1 +#define HAVE_CRYPT_H 1 +#define HAVE_CURSES_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_CXXABI_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_NCURSES_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_NDIR_H */ +#define HAVE_DIRENT_H 1 +#define HAVE_DLFCN_H 1 +#define HAVE_EXECINFO_H 1 +#define HAVE_FCNTL_H 1 +#define HAVE_FENV_H 1 +#define HAVE_FLOAT_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_FLOATINGPOINT_H */ +#define HAVE_FNMATCH_H 1 +#define HAVE_FPU_CONTROL_H 1 +#define HAVE_GRP_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_IA64INTRIN_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_IEEEFP_H */ +#define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1 +#define HAVE_LIMITS_H 1 +#define HAVE_LOCALE_H 1 +#define HAVE_MALLOC_H 1 +#define HAVE_MEMORY_H 1 +#define HAVE_NETINET_IN_H 1 +#define HAVE_PATHS_H 1 +#define HAVE_POLL_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PORT_H */ +#define HAVE_PWD_H 1 +#define HAVE_SCHED_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SELECT_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SOLARIS_LARGE_PAGES */ +#define HAVE_STDDEF_H 1 +#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1 +#define HAVE_STDARG_H 1 +#define HAVE_STRINGS_H 1 +#define HAVE_STRING_H 1 +#define HAVE_STDINT_H 1 +#define HAVE_SEMAPHORE_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYNCH_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SYSENT_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_DIR_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_CDEFS_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_FILE_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_FPU_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_IPC_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_MALLOC_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_NDIR_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_PTE_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_PTEM_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_SHM_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_STREAM_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_TERMCAP_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_TIMEB_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_TIMES_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_TIME_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_UN_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_VADVISE_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_TERM_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_TERMBITS_H */ +#define HAVE_TERMIOS_H 1 +#define HAVE_TERMIO_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_TERMCAP_H */ +#define HAVE_TIME_H 1 +#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1 +#define HAVE_UTIME_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_VARARGS_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_VIS_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_UTIME_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H 1 + +/* Libraries */ +/* #undef HAVE_LIBPTHREAD */ +#define HAVE_LIBM 1 +#define HAVE_LIBDL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_LIBRT */ +/* #undef HAVE_LIBSOCKET */ +/* #undef HAVE_LIBNSL */ +#define HAVE_LIBCRYPT 1 +/* #undef HAVE_LIBMTMALLOC */ +/* #undef HAVE_LIBWRAP */ +/* #undef HAVE_LIBRESOLV */ +/* Does "struct timespec" have a "sec" and "nsec" field? */ +/* #undef HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC */ + +/* Readline */ +#define HAVE_HIST_ENTRY 1 +#define USE_LIBEDIT_INTERFACE 1 + +#define FIONREAD_IN_SYS_IOCTL 1 +#define GWINSZ_IN_SYS_IOCTL 1 +/* #undef TIOCSTAT_IN_SYS_IOCTL */ +/* #undef FIONREAD_IN_SYS_FILIO */ + +/* Functions we may want to use. */ +/* #undef HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC */ +/* #undef HAVE_ALIGNED_FREE */ +/* #undef HAVE_AIOWAIT */ +#define HAVE_ALARM 1 +#define HAVE_ALLOCA 1 +/* #undef HAVE_BMOVE */ +#define HAVE_INDEX 1 +#define HAVE_CHOWN 1 +#define HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME 1 +#define HAVE_CRYPT 1 +#define HAVE_CUSERID 1 +/* #undef HAVE_DIRECTIO */ +#define HAVE_DLERROR 1 +#define HAVE_DLOPEN 1 +/* #undef HAVE_DOPRNT */ +#define HAVE_FCHMOD 1 +#define HAVE_FCNTL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_FCONVERT */ +#define HAVE_FDATASYNC 1 +#define HAVE_FESETROUND 1 +#define HAVE_FINITE 1 +/* #undef HAVE_FP_EXCEPT */ +/* #undef HAVE_FPSETMASK */ +#define HAVE_FSEEKO 1 +#define HAVE_FSYNC 1 +#define HAVE_FTIME 1 +#define HAVE_GETADDRINFO 1 +#define HAVE_GETCWD 1 +#define HAVE_GETHOSTBYADDR_R 1 +/* #undef HAVE_GETHRTIME */ +#define HAVE_GETLINE 1 +#define HAVE_GETNAMEINFO 1 +#define HAVE_GETPAGESIZE 1 +#define HAVE_GETPASS 1 +/* #undef HAVE_GETPASSPHRASE */ +#define HAVE_GETPWNAM 1 +#define HAVE_GETPWUID 1 +#define HAVE_GETRLIMIT 1 +#define HAVE_GETRUSAGE 1 +#define HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY 1 +#define HAVE_GETWD 1 +#define HAVE_GMTIME_R 1 +/* #undef gmtime_r */ +#define HAVE_INITGROUPS 1 +/* #undef HAVE_ISSETUGID */ +#define HAVE_GETUID 1 +#define HAVE_GETEUID 1 +#define HAVE_GETGID 1 +#define HAVE_GETEGID 1 +#define HAVE_ISNAN 1 +#define HAVE_ISINF 1 +#define HAVE_LARGE_PAGE_OPTION 1 +#define HAVE_LDIV 1 +#define HAVE_LRAND48 1 +#define HAVE_LOCALTIME_R 1 +#define HAVE_LOG2 1 +#define HAVE_LONGJMP 1 +#define HAVE_LSTAT 1 +#define HAVE_MEMALIGN 1 +/* #define HAVE_MLOCK 1 see Bug#54662 */ +#define HAVE_NPTL 1 +#define HAVE_NL_LANGINFO 1 +#define HAVE_MADVISE 1 +#define HAVE_DECL_MADVISE 1 +#define HAVE_DECL_TGOTO 1 +/* #undef HAVE_DECL_MHA_MAPSIZE_VA */ +#define HAVE_MALLOC_INFO 1 +#define HAVE_MEMCPY 1 +#define HAVE_MEMMOVE 1 +#define HAVE_MKSTEMP 1 +#define HAVE_MLOCKALL 1 +#define HAVE_MMAP 1 +#define HAVE_MMAP64 1 +#define HAVE_PERROR 1 +#define HAVE_POLL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PORT_CREATE */ +#define HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE 1 +#define HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN 1 +#define HAVE_PREAD 1 +#define HAVE_PAUSE_INSTRUCTION 1 +/* #undef HAVE_FAKE_PAUSE_INSTRUCTION */ +/* #undef HAVE_RDTSCLL */ +/* #undef HAVE_READ_REAL_TIME */ +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_CREATE */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETGUARDSIZE 1 +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETSTACKSIZE 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETPRIO */ +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSCHEDPARAM */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSCOPE 1 +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSTACKSIZE 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_CREATE */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_SETCLOCK 1 +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_KEY_DELETE 1 +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_KEY_DELETE 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_KILL */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_RDLOCK 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_SETPRIO_NP */ +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_SETSCHEDPARAM */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_SIGMASK 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_THREADMASK */ +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_YIELD_NP */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_YIELD_ZERO_ARG 1 +#define PTHREAD_ONCE_INITIALIZER PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT +#define HAVE_PUTENV 1 +#define HAVE_RE_COMP 1 +#define HAVE_REGCOMP 1 +#define HAVE_READDIR_R 1 +#define HAVE_READLINK 1 +#define HAVE_REALPATH 1 +#define HAVE_RENAME 1 +#define HAVE_RINT 1 +/* #undef HAVE_RWLOCK_INIT */ +#define HAVE_SCHED_YIELD 1 +#define HAVE_SELECT 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SETFD */ +#define HAVE_SETENV 1 +#define HAVE_SETLOCALE 1 +#define HAVE_SIGADDSET 1 +#define HAVE_SIGEMPTYSET 1 +#define HAVE_SIGHOLD 1 +#define HAVE_SIGSET 1 +#define HAVE_SIGSET_T 1 +#define HAVE_SIGACTION 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SIGTHREADMASK */ +#define HAVE_SIGWAIT 1 +#define HAVE_SLEEP 1 +#define HAVE_SNPRINTF 1 +#define HAVE_STPCPY 1 +#define HAVE_STRERROR 1 +#define HAVE_STRCOLL 1 +#define HAVE_STRSIGNAL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_STRLCPY */ +/* #undef HAVE_STRLCAT */ +/* #undef HAVE_FGETLN */ +#define HAVE_STRNLEN 1 +#define HAVE_STRPBRK 1 +#define HAVE_STRSEP 1 +#define HAVE_STRSTR 1 +#define HAVE_STRTOK_R 1 +#define HAVE_STRTOL 1 +#define HAVE_STRTOLL 1 +#define HAVE_STRTOUL 1 +#define HAVE_STRTOULL 1 +#define HAVE_SHMAT 1 +#define HAVE_SHMCTL 1 +#define HAVE_SHMDT 1 +#define HAVE_SHMGET 1 +/* #undef HAVE_TELL */ +#define HAVE_TEMPNAM 1 +/* #undef HAVE_THR_SETCONCURRENCY */ +/* #undef HAVE_THR_YIELD */ +#define HAVE_TIME 1 +#define HAVE_TIMES 1 +#define HAVE_VALLOC 1 +#define HAVE_VIO_READ_BUFF 1 +#define HAVE_VASPRINTF 1 +#define HAVE_VPRINTF 1 +#define HAVE_VSNPRINTF 1 +#define HAVE_FTRUNCATE 1 +#define HAVE_TZNAME 1 +/* #undef HAVE_AIO_READ */ +/* Symbols we may use */ +/* used by stacktrace functions */ +#define HAVE_BSS_START 1 +#define HAVE_BACKTRACE 1 +#define HAVE_BACKTRACE_SYMBOLS 1 +#define HAVE_BACKTRACE_SYMBOLS_FD 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PRINTSTACK */ +#define HAVE_STRUCT_SOCKADDR_IN6 1 +#define HAVE_STRUCT_IN6_ADDR 1 +/* #undef HAVE_NETINET_IN6_H */ +#define HAVE_IPV6 1 +/* #undef ss_family */ +/* #undef HAVE_SOCKADDR_IN_SIN_LEN */ +/* #undef HAVE_SOCKADDR_IN6_SIN6_LEN */ +/* #undef HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC */ +#define STRUCT_DIRENT_HAS_D_INO 1 +/* #undef STRUCT_DIRENT_HAS_D_NAMLEN */ +#define SPRINTF_RETURNS_INT 1 + +#define DNS_USE_CPU_CLOCK_FOR_ID 1 +#define HAVE_EPOLL 1 +#define HAVE_EPOLL_CTL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_EVENT_PORTS */ +#define HAVE_INET_NTOP 1 +/* #undef HAVE_KQUEUE */ +/* #undef HAVE_WORKING_KQUEUE */ +#define HAVE_SIGNAL 1 +#define HAVE_TIMERADD 1 +#define HAVE_TIMERCLEAR 1 +#define HAVE_TIMERCMP 1 +#define HAVE_TIMERISSET 1 + +/* #undef HAVE_DEVPOLL */ +#define HAVE_SIGNAL_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_DEVPOLL_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_EPOLL_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_EVENT_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_QUEUE_H 1 +#define HAVE_TAILQFOREACH 1 +#define USE_MB 1 +#define USE_MB_IDENT 1 + +/* #undef HAVE_VALGRIND */ + +/* Types we may use */ +#ifdef __APPLE__ + /* + Special handling required for OSX to support universal binaries that + mix 32 and 64 bit architectures. + */ + #if(__LP64__) + #define SIZEOF_LONG 8 + #else + #define SIZEOF_LONG 4 + #endif + #define SIZEOF_VOIDP SIZEOF_LONG + #define SIZEOF_CHARP SIZEOF_LONG + #define SIZEOF_SIZE_T SIZEOF_LONG +#else +/* No indentation, to fetch the lines from verification scripts */ +#define SIZEOF_LONG 8 +#define SIZEOF_VOIDP 8 +#define SIZEOF_CHARP 8 +#define SIZEOF_SIZE_T 8 +#endif + +#define SIZEOF_CHAR 1 +#define HAVE_CHAR 1 +#define HAVE_LONG 1 +#define HAVE_CHARP 1 +#define SIZEOF_SHORT 2 +#define HAVE_SHORT 1 +#define SIZEOF_INT 4 +#define HAVE_INT 1 +#define SIZEOF_LONG_LONG 8 +#define HAVE_LONG_LONG 1 +#define SIZEOF_OFF_T 8 +#define HAVE_OFF_T 1 +#define SIZEOF_SIGSET_T 128 +#define HAVE_SIGSET_T 1 +#define HAVE_SIZE_T 1 +/* #undef SIZEOF_UCHAR */ +/* #undef HAVE_UCHAR */ +#define SIZEOF_UINT 4 +#define HAVE_UINT 1 +#define SIZEOF_ULONG 8 +#define HAVE_ULONG 1 +/* #undef SIZEOF_INT8 */ +/* #undef HAVE_INT8 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_UINT8 */ +/* #undef HAVE_UINT8 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_INT16 */ +/* #undef HAVE_INT16 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_UINT16 */ +/* #undef HAVE_UINT16 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_INT32 */ +/* #undef HAVE_INT32 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_UINT32 */ +/* #undef HAVE_UINT32 */ +#define SIZEOF_U_INT32_T 4 +#define HAVE_U_INT32_T 1 +/* #undef SIZEOF_INT64 */ +/* #undef HAVE_INT64 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_UINT64 */ +/* #undef HAVE_UINT64 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_BOOL */ +/* #undef HAVE_BOOL */ + +#define SOCKET_SIZE_TYPE socklen_t + +#define HAVE_MBSTATE_T + +#define MAX_INDEXES 64U + +#define QSORT_TYPE_IS_VOID 1 +#define RETQSORTTYPE void + +#define SIGNAL_RETURN_TYPE_IS_VOID 1 +#define RETSIGTYPE void +#define VOID_SIGHANDLER 1 +#define STRUCT_RLIMIT struct rlimit + +#ifdef __APPLE__ + #if __BIG_ENDIAN + #define WORDS_BIGENDIAN 1 + #endif +#else +/* #undef WORDS_BIGENDIAN */ +#endif + +/* + Define to `__inline__' or `__inline' if that's what the C compiler calls it. +*/ +#define C_HAS_inline 1 +#if !(C_HAS_inline) +#ifndef __cplusplus +# define inline +#endif +#endif + + +#define TARGET_OS_LINUX 1 + +#define HAVE_WCTYPE_H 1 +#define HAVE_WCHAR_H 1 +#define HAVE_LANGINFO_H 1 +#define HAVE_MBRLEN +/* #undef HAVE_MBSCMP */ +#define HAVE_MBSRTOWCS +#define HAVE_WCRTOMB +#define HAVE_MBRTOWC +#define HAVE_WCSCOLL +#define HAVE_WCSDUP +#define HAVE_WCWIDTH +#define HAVE_WCTYPE +#define HAVE_ISWLOWER 1 +#define HAVE_ISWUPPER 1 +#define HAVE_TOWLOWER 1 +#define HAVE_TOWUPPER 1 +#define HAVE_ISWCTYPE 1 +#define HAVE_WCHAR_T 1 +#define HAVE_WCTYPE_T 1 +#define HAVE_WINT_T 1 + + +#define HAVE_STRCASECMP 1 +#define HAVE_STRNCASECMP 1 +#define HAVE_STRDUP 1 +#define HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET +#define HAVE_TCGETATTR 1 +#define HAVE_FLOCKFILE 1 + +#define HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_ABI_CXA_DEMANGLE */ + + +#define HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS 1 +/* #undef HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */ +/* #undef HAVE_SVR3_SIGNALS */ +/* #undef HAVE_V7_SIGNALS */ + + +/* #undef HAVE_SOLARIS_STYLE_GETHOST */ + +/* #undef MY_ATOMIC_MODE_DUMMY */ +/* #undef MY_ATOMIC_MODE_RWLOCKS */ +#define HAVE_GCC_ATOMIC_BUILTINS 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SOLARIS_ATOMIC */ +#define HAVE_DECL_SHM_HUGETLB 1 +#define HAVE_LARGE_PAGES 1 +#define HUGETLB_USE_PROC_MEMINFO 1 +/* #undef NO_FCNTL_NONBLOCK */ +/* #undef NO_ALARM */ + +/* #undef _LARGE_FILES */ +#define _LARGEFILE_SOURCE 1 +/* #undef _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE */ +#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 + +#define TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME 1 + +#define STACK_DIRECTION -1 + +#define SYSTEM_TYPE "Linux" +#define MACHINE_TYPE "x86_64" +/* #undef HAVE_DTRACE */ + +#define SIGNAL_WITH_VIO_SHUTDOWN 1 + +/* Windows stuff, mostly functions, that have Posix analogs but named differently */ +/* #undef S_IROTH */ +/* #undef S_IFIFO */ +/* #undef IPPROTO_IPV6 */ +/* #undef IPV6_V6ONLY */ +/* #undef sigset_t */ +/* #undef mode_t */ +/* #undef SIGQUIT */ +/* #undef SIGPIPE */ +/* #undef isnan */ +/* #undef finite */ +/* #undef popen */ +/* #undef pclose */ +/* #undef ssize_t */ +/* #undef strcasecmp */ +/* #undef strncasecmp */ +/* #undef snprintf */ +/* #undef strtok_r */ +/* #undef strtoll */ +/* #undef strtoull */ +/* #undef vsnprintf */ +#if (_MSC_VER > 1310) +# define HAVE_SETENV +#define setenv(a,b,c) _putenv_s(a,b) +#endif +/* We don't want the min/max macros */ +#ifdef __WIN__ +#define NOMINMAX +#endif + +/* + Memcached config options +*/ +/* #undef WITH_INNODB_MEMCACHED */ +/* #undef ENABLE_MEMCACHED_SASL */ +/* #undef ENABLE_MEMCACHED_SASL_PWDB */ +/* #undef HAVE_SASL_SASL_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_HTONLL */ + +/* + MySQL features +*/ +#define ENABLED_LOCAL_INFILE 1 +#define ENABLED_PROFILING 1 +/* #undef EXTRA_DEBUG */ +/* #undef BACKUP_TEST */ +/* #undef CYBOZU */ +#define OPTIMIZER_TRACE 1 +/* #undef USE_SYMDIR */ + +/* + InnoDB config options +*/ +#define INNODB_COMPILER_HINTS + +/* Character sets and collations */ +#define MYSQL_DEFAULT_CHARSET_NAME "latin1" +#define MYSQL_DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME "latin1_swedish_ci" + +#define USE_MB 1 +#define USE_MB_IDENT 1 +/* #undef USE_STRCOLL */ + +/* This should mean case insensitive file system */ +/* #undef FN_NO_CASE_SENSE */ + +#define HAVE_CHARSET_armscii8 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_ascii 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_big5 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp1250 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp1251 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp1256 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp1257 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp850 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp852 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp866 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp932 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_dec8 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_eucjpms 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_euckr 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_gb2312 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_gbk 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_geostd8 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_greek 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_hebrew 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_hp8 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_keybcs2 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_koi8r 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_koi8u 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_latin1 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_latin2 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_latin5 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_latin7 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_macce 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_macroman 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_sjis 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_swe7 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_tis620 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_ucs2 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_ujis 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_utf8mb4 1 +/* #undef HAVE_CHARSET_utf8mb3 */ +#define HAVE_CHARSET_utf8 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_utf16 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_utf32 1 +#define HAVE_UCA_COLLATIONS 1 +#define HAVE_COMPRESS 1 +/* #undef COMPILE_FLAG_WERROR */ + +/* + Stuff that always need to be defined (compile breaks without it) +*/ +#define HAVE_SPATIAL 1 +#define HAVE_RTREE_KEYS 1 +#define HAVE_QUERY_CACHE 1 +#define BIG_TABLES 1 + +/* + Important storage engines (those that really need define + WITH__STORAGE_ENGINE for the whole server) +*/ +#define WITH_MYISAM_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +#define WITH_MYISAMMRG_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +#define WITH_HEAP_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +#define WITH_CSV_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +#define WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +#define WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +/* #undef WITH_NDBCLUSTER_STORAGE_ENGINE */ +#if (WITH_NDBCLUSTER_STORAGE_ENGINE) && !defined(EMBEDDED_LIBRARY) +# define HAVE_NDB_BINLOG 1 +#endif + +#define DEFAULT_MYSQL_HOME "/usr/local/mysql" +#define SHAREDIR "/usr/local/mysql/share" +#define DEFAULT_BASEDIR "/usr/local/mysql" +#define MYSQL_DATADIR "/usr/local/mysql/data" +#define DEFAULT_CHARSET_HOME "/usr/local/mysql" +#define PLUGINDIR "/usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin" +#define DEFAULT_SYSCONFDIR "/usr/local/mysql/etc" + +/* #undef SO_EXT */ + +#define MYSQL_VERSION_MAJOR 5 +#define MYSQL_VERSION_MINOR 6 +#define MYSQL_VERSION_PATCH 14 +#define MYSQL_VERSION_EXTRA "" + +#define PACKAGE "mysql" +#define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "" +#define PACKAGE_NAME "MySQL Server" +#define PACKAGE_STRING "MySQL Server 5.6.14" +#define PACKAGE_TARNAME "mysql" +#define PACKAGE_VERSION "5.6.14" +#define VERSION "5.6.14" +#define PROTOCOL_VERSION 10 + + +/* time_t related defines */ + +#define SIZEOF_TIME_T 8 +/* #undef TIME_T_UNSIGNED */ + +/* CPU information */ + +#define CPU_LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE 64 + + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/crypt_genhash_impl.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/crypt_genhash_impl.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..828cf1984 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/crypt_genhash_impl.h @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +#ifndef CRYPT_HASHGEN_IMPL_H +#define CRYPT_HASHGEN_IMPL_H +#define ROUNDS_DEFAULT 5000 +#define ROUNDS_MIN 1000 +#define ROUNDS_MAX 999999999 +#define MIXCHARS 32 +#define CRYPT_SALT_LENGTH 20 +#define CRYPT_MAGIC_LENGTH 3 +#define CRYPT_PARAM_LENGTH 13 +#define SHA256_HASH_LENGTH 43 +#define CRYPT_MAX_PASSWORD_SIZE (CRYPT_SALT_LENGTH + \ + SHA256_HASH_LENGTH + \ + CRYPT_MAGIC_LENGTH + \ + CRYPT_PARAM_LENGTH) + +#include +#include + +int extract_user_salt(char **salt_begin, + char **salt_end); +C_MODE_START +char * +my_crypt_genhash(char *ctbuffer, + size_t ctbufflen, + const char *plaintext, + int plaintext_len, + const char *switchsalt, + const char **params); +void generate_user_salt(char *buffer, int buffer_len); +void xor_string(char *to, int to_len, char *pattern, int pattern_len); + +C_MODE_END +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/decimal.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/decimal.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..07f408c7c --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/decimal.h @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _decimal_h +#define _decimal_h + +typedef enum +{TRUNCATE=0, HALF_EVEN, HALF_UP, CEILING, FLOOR} + decimal_round_mode; +typedef int32 decimal_digit_t; + +/** + intg is the number of *decimal* digits (NOT number of decimal_digit_t's !) + before the point + frac is the number of decimal digits after the point + len is the length of buf (length of allocated space) in decimal_digit_t's, + not in bytes + sign false means positive, true means negative + buf is an array of decimal_digit_t's + */ +typedef struct st_decimal_t { + int intg, frac, len; + my_bool sign; + decimal_digit_t *buf; +} decimal_t; + +int internal_str2dec(const char *from, decimal_t *to, char **end, + my_bool fixed); +int decimal2string(const decimal_t *from, char *to, int *to_len, + int fixed_precision, int fixed_decimals, + char filler); +int decimal2ulonglong(decimal_t *from, ulonglong *to); +int ulonglong2decimal(ulonglong from, decimal_t *to); +int decimal2longlong(decimal_t *from, longlong *to); +int longlong2decimal(longlong from, decimal_t *to); +int decimal2double(const decimal_t *from, double *to); +int double2decimal(double from, decimal_t *to); +int decimal_actual_fraction(decimal_t *from); +int decimal2bin(decimal_t *from, uchar *to, int precision, int scale); +int bin2decimal(const uchar *from, decimal_t *to, int precision, int scale); + +/** + Convert decimal to lldiv_t. + The integer part is stored in to->quot. + The fractional part is multiplied to 10^9 and stored to to->rem. + @param from Decimal value + @param to lldiv_t value + @retval 0 on success + @retval !0 in error +*/ +int decimal2lldiv_t(const decimal_t *from, lldiv_t *to); + +/** + Convert doube to lldiv_t. + The integer part is stored in to->quot. + The fractional part is multiplied to 10^9 and stored to to->rem. + @param from Decimal value + @param to lldiv_t value + @retval 0 on success + @retval !0 in error +*/ + +int double2lldiv_t(double from, lldiv_t *to); +int decimal_size(int precision, int scale); +int decimal_bin_size(int precision, int scale); +int decimal_result_size(decimal_t *from1, decimal_t *from2, char op, + int param); + +int decimal_intg(const decimal_t *from); +int decimal_add(const decimal_t *from1, const decimal_t *from2, decimal_t *to); +int decimal_sub(const decimal_t *from1, const decimal_t *from2, decimal_t *to); +int decimal_cmp(const decimal_t *from1, const decimal_t *from2); +int decimal_mul(const decimal_t *from1, const decimal_t *from2, decimal_t *to); +int decimal_div(const decimal_t *from1, const decimal_t *from2, decimal_t *to, + int scale_incr); +int decimal_mod(const decimal_t *from1, const decimal_t *from2, decimal_t *to); +int decimal_round(const decimal_t *from, decimal_t *to, int new_scale, + decimal_round_mode mode); +int decimal_is_zero(const decimal_t *from); +void max_decimal(int precision, int frac, decimal_t *to); + +#define string2decimal(A,B,C) internal_str2dec((A), (B), (C), 0) +#define string2decimal_fixed(A,B,C) internal_str2dec((A), (B), (C), 1) + +/* set a decimal_t to zero */ + +#define decimal_make_zero(dec) do { \ + (dec)->buf[0]=0; \ + (dec)->intg=1; \ + (dec)->frac=0; \ + (dec)->sign=0; \ + } while(0) + +/* + returns the length of the buffer to hold string representation + of the decimal (including decimal dot, possible sign and \0) +*/ + +#define decimal_string_size(dec) (((dec)->intg ? (dec)->intg : 1) + \ + (dec)->frac + ((dec)->frac > 0) + 2) + +/* negate a decimal */ +#define decimal_neg(dec) do { (dec)->sign^=1; } while(0) + +/* + conventions: + + decimal_smth() == 0 -- everything's ok + decimal_smth() <= 1 -- result is usable, but precision loss is possible + decimal_smth() <= 2 -- result can be unusable, most significant digits + could've been lost + decimal_smth() > 2 -- no result was generated +*/ + +#define E_DEC_OK 0 +#define E_DEC_TRUNCATED 1 +#define E_DEC_OVERFLOW 2 +#define E_DEC_DIV_ZERO 4 +#define E_DEC_BAD_NUM 8 +#define E_DEC_OOM 16 + +#define E_DEC_ERROR 31 +#define E_DEC_FATAL_ERROR 30 + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/errmsg.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/errmsg.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..598a7c6f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/errmsg.h @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +#ifndef ERRMSG_INCLUDED +#define ERRMSG_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* Error messages for MySQL clients */ +/* (Error messages for the daemon are in sql/share/errmsg.txt) */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif +void init_client_errs(void); +void finish_client_errs(void); +extern const char *client_errors[]; /* Error messages */ +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#define CR_MIN_ERROR 2000 /* For easier client code */ +#define CR_MAX_ERROR 2999 +#if !defined(ER) +#define ER(X) client_errors[(X)-CR_MIN_ERROR] +#endif +#define CLIENT_ERRMAP 2 /* Errormap used by my_error() */ + +/* Do not add error numbers before CR_ERROR_FIRST. */ +/* If necessary to add lower numbers, change CR_ERROR_FIRST accordingly. */ +#define CR_ERROR_FIRST 2000 /*Copy first error nr.*/ +#define CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR 2000 +#define CR_SOCKET_CREATE_ERROR 2001 +#define CR_CONNECTION_ERROR 2002 +#define CR_CONN_HOST_ERROR 2003 +#define CR_IPSOCK_ERROR 2004 +#define CR_UNKNOWN_HOST 2005 +#define CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR 2006 +#define CR_VERSION_ERROR 2007 +#define CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY 2008 +#define CR_WRONG_HOST_INFO 2009 +#define CR_LOCALHOST_CONNECTION 2010 +#define CR_TCP_CONNECTION 2011 +#define CR_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_ERR 2012 +#define CR_SERVER_LOST 2013 +#define CR_COMMANDS_OUT_OF_SYNC 2014 +#define CR_NAMEDPIPE_CONNECTION 2015 +#define CR_NAMEDPIPEWAIT_ERROR 2016 +#define CR_NAMEDPIPEOPEN_ERROR 2017 +#define CR_NAMEDPIPESETSTATE_ERROR 2018 +#define CR_CANT_READ_CHARSET 2019 +#define CR_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE 2020 +#define CR_EMBEDDED_CONNECTION 2021 +#define CR_PROBE_SLAVE_STATUS 2022 +#define CR_PROBE_SLAVE_HOSTS 2023 +#define CR_PROBE_SLAVE_CONNECT 2024 +#define CR_PROBE_MASTER_CONNECT 2025 +#define CR_SSL_CONNECTION_ERROR 2026 +#define CR_MALFORMED_PACKET 2027 +#define CR_WRONG_LICENSE 2028 + +/* new 4.1 error codes */ +#define CR_NULL_POINTER 2029 +#define CR_NO_PREPARE_STMT 2030 +#define CR_PARAMS_NOT_BOUND 2031 +#define CR_DATA_TRUNCATED 2032 +#define CR_NO_PARAMETERS_EXISTS 2033 +#define CR_INVALID_PARAMETER_NO 2034 +#define CR_INVALID_BUFFER_USE 2035 +#define CR_UNSUPPORTED_PARAM_TYPE 2036 + +#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_CONNECTION 2037 +#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_CONNECT_REQUEST_ERROR 2038 +#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_CONNECT_ANSWER_ERROR 2039 +#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_CONNECT_FILE_MAP_ERROR 2040 +#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_CONNECT_MAP_ERROR 2041 +#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_FILE_MAP_ERROR 2042 +#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_MAP_ERROR 2043 +#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_EVENT_ERROR 2044 +#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_CONNECT_ABANDONED_ERROR 2045 +#define CR_SHARED_MEMORY_CONNECT_SET_ERROR 2046 +#define CR_CONN_UNKNOW_PROTOCOL 2047 +#define CR_INVALID_CONN_HANDLE 2048 +#define CR_SECURE_AUTH 2049 +#define CR_FETCH_CANCELED 2050 +#define CR_NO_DATA 2051 +#define CR_NO_STMT_METADATA 2052 +#define CR_NO_RESULT_SET 2053 +#define CR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 2054 +#define CR_SERVER_LOST_EXTENDED 2055 +#define CR_STMT_CLOSED 2056 +#define CR_NEW_STMT_METADATA 2057 +#define CR_ALREADY_CONNECTED 2058 +#define CR_AUTH_PLUGIN_CANNOT_LOAD 2059 +#define CR_DUPLICATE_CONNECTION_ATTR 2060 +#define CR_AUTH_PLUGIN_ERR 2061 +#define CR_ERROR_LAST /*Copy last error nr:*/ 2061 +/* Add error numbers before CR_ERROR_LAST and change it accordingly. */ + +#endif /* ERRMSG_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/ft_global.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/ft_global.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..06ef4ecda --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/ft_global.h @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* Written by Sergei A. Golubchik, who has a shared copyright to this code */ + +/* some definitions for full-text indices */ + +/* #include "myisam.h" */ + +#ifndef _ft_global_h +#define _ft_global_h +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#define HA_FT_MAXBYTELEN 254 +#define HA_FT_MAXCHARLEN (HA_FT_MAXBYTELEN/3) + +#define DEFAULT_FTB_SYNTAX "+ -><()~*:\"\"&|" + +typedef struct st_ft_info FT_INFO; +struct _ft_vft +{ + int (*read_next)(FT_INFO *, char *); + float (*find_relevance)(FT_INFO *, uchar *, uint); + void (*close_search)(FT_INFO *); + float (*get_relevance)(FT_INFO *); + void (*reinit_search)(FT_INFO *); +}; + +typedef struct st_ft_info_ext FT_INFO_EXT; +struct _ft_vft_ext +{ + uint (*get_version)(); // Extended API version + ulonglong (*get_flags)(); + ulonglong (*get_docid)(FT_INFO_EXT *); + ulonglong (*count_matches)(FT_INFO_EXT *); +}; + +/* Flags for extended FT API */ +#define FTS_ORDERED_RESULT (LL(1) << 1) +#define FTS_DOCID_IN_RESULT (LL(1) << 2) + +#define FTS_DOC_ID_COL_NAME "FTS_DOC_ID" + +#ifndef FT_CORE +struct st_ft_info +{ + struct _ft_vft *please; /* INTERCAL style :-) */ +}; + +struct st_ft_info_ext +{ + struct _ft_vft *please; /* INTERCAL style :-) */ + struct _ft_vft_ext *could_you; +}; +#endif + +extern const char *ft_stopword_file; +extern const char *ft_precompiled_stopwords[]; + +extern ulong ft_min_word_len; +extern ulong ft_max_word_len; +extern ulong ft_query_expansion_limit; +extern const char *ft_boolean_syntax; +extern struct st_mysql_ftparser ft_default_parser; + +int ft_init_stopwords(void); +void ft_free_stopwords(void); + +#define FT_NL 0 +#define FT_BOOL 1 +#define FT_SORTED 2 +#define FT_EXPAND 4 /* query expansion */ + +FT_INFO *ft_init_search(uint,void *, uint, uchar *, uint, + const CHARSET_INFO *, uchar *); +my_bool ft_boolean_check_syntax_string(const uchar *); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/hash.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/hash.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b3a0b5cf4 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/hash.h @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* Dynamic hashing of record with different key-length */ + +#ifndef _hash_h +#define _hash_h + +#include "my_global.h" /* uchar */ +#include "my_sys.h" /* DYNAMIC_ARRAY */ + +/* + This forward declaration is used from C files where the real + definition is included before. Since C does not allow repeated + typedef declarations, even when identical, the definition may not be + repeated. +*/ +#ifndef CHARSET_INFO_DEFINED +#define CHARSET_INFO_DEFINED +typedef struct charset_info_st CHARSET_INFO; +#endif /* CHARSET_INFO_DEFINED */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + Overhead to store an element in hash + Can be used to approximate memory consumption for a hash + */ +#define HASH_OVERHEAD (sizeof(char*)*2) + +/* flags for hash_init */ +#define HASH_UNIQUE 1 /* hash_insert fails on duplicate key */ + +typedef uint my_hash_value_type; +typedef uchar *(*my_hash_get_key)(const uchar *,size_t*,my_bool); +typedef void (*my_hash_free_key)(void *); + +typedef struct st_hash { + size_t key_offset,key_length; /* Length of key if const length */ + size_t blength; + ulong records; + uint flags; + DYNAMIC_ARRAY array; /* Place for hash_keys */ + my_hash_get_key get_key; + void (*free)(void *); + CHARSET_INFO *charset; +} HASH; + +/* A search iterator state */ +typedef uint HASH_SEARCH_STATE; + +#define my_hash_init(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) \ + _my_hash_init(A,0,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) +#define my_hash_init2(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I) \ + _my_hash_init(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I) +my_bool _my_hash_init(HASH *hash, uint growth_size, CHARSET_INFO *charset, + ulong default_array_elements, size_t key_offset, + size_t key_length, my_hash_get_key get_key, + void (*free_element)(void*), + uint flags); +void my_hash_free(HASH *tree); +void my_hash_reset(HASH *hash); +uchar *my_hash_element(HASH *hash, ulong idx); +uchar *my_hash_search(const HASH *info, const uchar *key, size_t length); +uchar *my_hash_search_using_hash_value(const HASH *info, + my_hash_value_type hash_value, + const uchar *key, size_t length); +my_hash_value_type my_calc_hash(const HASH *info, + const uchar *key, size_t length); +uchar *my_hash_first(const HASH *info, const uchar *key, size_t length, + HASH_SEARCH_STATE *state); +uchar *my_hash_first_from_hash_value(const HASH *info, + my_hash_value_type hash_value, + const uchar *key, + size_t length, + HASH_SEARCH_STATE *state); +uchar *my_hash_next(const HASH *info, const uchar *key, size_t length, + HASH_SEARCH_STATE *state); +my_bool my_hash_insert(HASH *info, const uchar *data); +my_bool my_hash_delete(HASH *hash, uchar *record); +my_bool my_hash_update(HASH *hash, uchar *record, uchar *old_key, + size_t old_key_length); +void my_hash_replace(HASH *hash, HASH_SEARCH_STATE *state, uchar *new_row); +my_bool my_hash_check(HASH *hash); /* Only in debug library */ + +#define my_hash_clear(H) memset((H), 0, sizeof(*(H))) +#define my_hash_inited(H) ((H)->blength != 0) +#define my_hash_init_opt(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) \ + (!my_hash_inited(A) && _my_hash_init(A,0,B,C,D,E,F,G,H)) + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/heap.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/heap.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..02cb54006 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/heap.h @@ -0,0 +1,266 @@ +/* + Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA +*/ + +/* This file should be included when using heap_database_functions */ +/* Author: Michael Widenius */ + +#ifndef _heap_h +#define _heap_h +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#ifndef _my_base_h +#include +#endif + +#include +#include + +#include "my_compare.h" +#include "my_tree.h" + + /* defines used by heap-funktions */ + +#define HP_MAX_LEVELS 4 /* 128^5 records is enough */ +#define HP_PTRS_IN_NOD 128 + + /* struct used with heap_funktions */ + +typedef struct st_heapinfo /* Struct from heap_info */ +{ + ulong records; /* Records in database */ + ulong deleted; /* Deleted records in database */ + ulong max_records; + ulonglong data_length; + ulonglong index_length; + uint reclength; /* Length of one record */ + int errkey; + ulonglong auto_increment; + time_t create_time; +} HEAPINFO; + + + /* Structs used by heap-database-handler */ + +typedef struct st_heap_ptrs +{ + uchar *blocks[HP_PTRS_IN_NOD]; /* pointers to HP_PTRS or records */ +} HP_PTRS; + +struct st_level_info +{ + /* Number of unused slots in *last_blocks HP_PTRS block (0 for 0th level) */ + uint free_ptrs_in_block; + + /* + Maximum number of records that can be 'contained' inside of each element + of last_blocks array. For level 0 - 1, for level 1 - HP_PTRS_IN_NOD, for + level 2 - HP_PTRS_IN_NOD^2 and so forth. + */ + ulong records_under_level; + + /* + Ptr to last allocated HP_PTRS (or records buffer for level 0) on this + level. + */ + HP_PTRS *last_blocks; +}; + + +/* + Heap table records and hash index entries are stored in HP_BLOCKs. + HP_BLOCK is used as a 'growable array' of fixed-size records. Size of record + is recbuffer bytes. + The internal representation is as follows: + HP_BLOCK is a hierarchical structure of 'blocks'. + A block at level 0 is an array records_in_block records. + A block at higher level is an HP_PTRS structure with pointers to blocks at + lower levels. + At the highest level there is one top block. It is stored in HP_BLOCK::root. + + See hp_find_block for a description of how record pointer is obtained from + its index. + See hp_get_new_block +*/ + +typedef struct st_heap_block +{ + HP_PTRS *root; /* Top-level block */ + struct st_level_info level_info[HP_MAX_LEVELS+1]; + uint levels; /* number of used levels */ + uint records_in_block; /* Records in one heap-block */ + uint recbuffer; /* Length of one saved record */ + ulong last_allocated; /* number of records there is allocated space for */ +} HP_BLOCK; + +struct st_heap_info; /* For referense */ + +typedef struct st_hp_keydef /* Key definition with open */ +{ + uint flag; /* HA_NOSAME | HA_NULL_PART_KEY */ + uint keysegs; /* Number of key-segment */ + uint length; /* Length of key (automatic) */ + uint8 algorithm; /* HASH / BTREE */ + HA_KEYSEG *seg; + HP_BLOCK block; /* Where keys are saved */ + /* + Number of buckets used in hash table. Used only to provide + #records estimates for heap key scans. + */ + ha_rows hash_buckets; + TREE rb_tree; + int (*write_key)(struct st_heap_info *info, struct st_hp_keydef *keyinfo, + const uchar *record, uchar *recpos); + int (*delete_key)(struct st_heap_info *info, struct st_hp_keydef *keyinfo, + const uchar *record, uchar *recpos, int flag); + uint (*get_key_length)(struct st_hp_keydef *keydef, const uchar *key); +} HP_KEYDEF; + +typedef struct st_heap_share +{ + HP_BLOCK block; + HP_KEYDEF *keydef; + ulong min_records,max_records; /* Params to open */ + ulonglong data_length,index_length,max_table_size; + uint key_stat_version; /* version to indicate insert/delete */ + uint records; /* records */ + uint blength; /* records rounded up to 2^n */ + uint deleted; /* Deleted records in database */ + uint reclength; /* Length of one record */ + uint changed; + uint keys,max_key_length; + uint currently_disabled_keys; /* saved value from "keys" when disabled */ + uint open_count; + uchar *del_link; /* Link to next block with del. rec */ + char * name; /* Name of "memory-file" */ + time_t create_time; + THR_LOCK lock; + mysql_mutex_t intern_lock; /* Locking for use with _locking */ + my_bool delete_on_close; + LIST open_list; + uint auto_key; + uint auto_key_type; /* real type of the auto key segment */ + ulonglong auto_increment; +} HP_SHARE; + +struct st_hp_hash_info; + +typedef struct st_heap_info +{ + HP_SHARE *s; + uchar *current_ptr; + struct st_hp_hash_info *current_hash_ptr; + ulong current_record,next_block; + int lastinx,errkey; + int mode; /* Mode of file (READONLY..) */ + uint opt_flag,update; + uchar *lastkey; /* Last used key with rkey */ + uchar *recbuf; /* Record buffer for rb-tree keys */ + enum ha_rkey_function last_find_flag; + TREE_ELEMENT *parents[MAX_TREE_HEIGHT+1]; + TREE_ELEMENT **last_pos; + uint lastkey_len; + my_bool implicit_emptied; + THR_LOCK_DATA lock; + LIST open_list; +} HP_INFO; + + +typedef struct st_heap_create_info +{ + HP_KEYDEF *keydef; + ulong max_records; + ulong min_records; + uint auto_key; /* keynr [1 - maxkey] for auto key */ + uint auto_key_type; + uint keys; + uint reclength; + ulonglong max_table_size; + ulonglong auto_increment; + my_bool with_auto_increment; + my_bool internal_table; + /* + TRUE if heap_create should 'pin' the created share by setting + open_count to 1. Is only looked at if not internal_table. + */ + my_bool pin_share; +} HP_CREATE_INFO; + + /* Prototypes for heap-functions */ + +extern HP_INFO *heap_open(const char *name, int mode); +extern HP_INFO *heap_open_from_share(HP_SHARE *share, int mode); +extern HP_INFO *heap_open_from_share_and_register(HP_SHARE *share, int mode); +extern void heap_release_share(HP_SHARE *share, my_bool internal_table); +extern int heap_close(HP_INFO *info); +extern int heap_write(HP_INFO *info,const uchar *buff); +extern int heap_update(HP_INFO *info,const uchar *old,const uchar *newdata); +extern int heap_rrnd(HP_INFO *info,uchar *buf,uchar *pos); +extern int heap_scan_init(HP_INFO *info); +extern int heap_scan(register HP_INFO *info, uchar *record); +extern int heap_delete(HP_INFO *info,const uchar *buff); +extern int heap_info(HP_INFO *info,HEAPINFO *x,int flag); +extern int heap_create(const char *name, + HP_CREATE_INFO *create_info, HP_SHARE **share, + my_bool *created_new_share); +extern int heap_delete_table(const char *name); +extern void heap_drop_table(HP_INFO *info); +extern int heap_extra(HP_INFO *info,enum ha_extra_function function); +extern int heap_reset(HP_INFO *info); +extern int heap_rename(const char *old_name,const char *new_name); +extern int heap_panic(enum ha_panic_function flag); +extern int heap_rsame(HP_INFO *info,uchar *record,int inx); +extern int heap_rnext(HP_INFO *info,uchar *record); +extern int heap_rprev(HP_INFO *info,uchar *record); +extern int heap_rfirst(HP_INFO *info,uchar *record,int inx); +extern int heap_rlast(HP_INFO *info,uchar *record,int inx); +extern void heap_clear(HP_INFO *info); +extern void heap_clear_keys(HP_INFO *info); +extern int heap_disable_indexes(HP_INFO *info); +extern int heap_enable_indexes(HP_INFO *info); +extern int heap_indexes_are_disabled(HP_INFO *info); +extern void heap_update_auto_increment(HP_INFO *info, const uchar *record); +ha_rows hp_rb_records_in_range(HP_INFO *info, int inx, key_range *min_key, + key_range *max_key); +int hp_panic(enum ha_panic_function flag); +int heap_rkey(HP_INFO *info, uchar *record, int inx, const uchar *key, + key_part_map keypart_map, enum ha_rkey_function find_flag); +extern uchar * heap_find(HP_INFO *info,int inx,const uchar *key); +extern int heap_check_heap(HP_INFO *info, my_bool print_status); +extern uchar *heap_position(HP_INFO *info); + +/* The following is for programs that uses the old HEAP interface where + pointer to rows where a long instead of a (uchar*). +*/ + +#if defined(WANT_OLD_HEAP_VERSION) || defined(OLD_HEAP_VERSION) +extern int heap_rrnd_old(HP_INFO *info,uchar *buf,ulong pos); +extern ulong heap_position_old(HP_INFO *info); +#endif +#ifdef OLD_HEAP_VERSION +typedef ulong HEAP_PTR; +#define heap_position(A) heap_position_old(A) +#define heap_rrnd(A,B,C) heap_rrnd_old(A,B,C) +#else +typedef uchar *HEAP_PTR; +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/keycache.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/keycache.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3184f9802 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/keycache.h @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2003, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* Key cache variable structures */ + +#ifndef _keycache_h +#define _keycache_h + +#include "my_sys.h" /* flush_type */ + +C_MODE_START + +/* declare structures that is used by st_key_cache */ + +struct st_block_link; +typedef struct st_block_link BLOCK_LINK; +struct st_keycache_page; +typedef struct st_keycache_page KEYCACHE_PAGE; +struct st_hash_link; +typedef struct st_hash_link HASH_LINK; + +/* info about requests in a waiting queue */ +typedef struct st_keycache_wqueue +{ + struct st_my_thread_var *last_thread; /* circular list of waiting threads */ +} KEYCACHE_WQUEUE; + +#define CHANGED_BLOCKS_HASH 128 /* must be power of 2 */ + +/* + The key cache structure + It also contains read-only statistics parameters. +*/ + +typedef struct st_key_cache +{ + my_bool key_cache_inited; + my_bool in_resize; /* true during resize operation */ + my_bool resize_in_flush; /* true during flush of resize operation */ + my_bool can_be_used; /* usage of cache for read/write is allowed */ + size_t key_cache_mem_size; /* specified size of the cache memory */ + uint key_cache_block_size; /* size of the page buffer of a cache block */ + ulong min_warm_blocks; /* min number of warm blocks; */ + ulong age_threshold; /* age threshold for hot blocks */ + ulonglong keycache_time; /* total number of block link operations */ + uint hash_entries; /* max number of entries in the hash table */ + int hash_links; /* max number of hash links */ + int hash_links_used; /* number of hash links currently used */ + int disk_blocks; /* max number of blocks in the cache */ + ulong blocks_used; /* maximum number of concurrently used blocks */ + ulong blocks_unused; /* number of currently unused blocks */ + ulong blocks_changed; /* number of currently dirty blocks */ + ulong warm_blocks; /* number of blocks in warm sub-chain */ + ulong cnt_for_resize_op; /* counter to block resize operation */ + long blocks_available; /* number of blocks available in the LRU chain */ + HASH_LINK **hash_root; /* arr. of entries into hash table buckets */ + HASH_LINK *hash_link_root; /* memory for hash table links */ + HASH_LINK *free_hash_list; /* list of free hash links */ + BLOCK_LINK *free_block_list; /* list of free blocks */ + BLOCK_LINK *block_root; /* memory for block links */ + uchar *block_mem; /* memory for block buffers */ + BLOCK_LINK *used_last; /* ptr to the last block of the LRU chain */ + BLOCK_LINK *used_ins; /* ptr to the insertion block in LRU chain */ + mysql_mutex_t cache_lock; /* to lock access to the cache structure */ + KEYCACHE_WQUEUE resize_queue; /* threads waiting during resize operation */ + /* + Waiting for a zero resize count. Using a queue for symmetry though + only one thread can wait here. + */ + KEYCACHE_WQUEUE waiting_for_resize_cnt; + KEYCACHE_WQUEUE waiting_for_hash_link; /* waiting for a free hash link */ + KEYCACHE_WQUEUE waiting_for_block; /* requests waiting for a free block */ + BLOCK_LINK *changed_blocks[CHANGED_BLOCKS_HASH]; /* hash for dirty file bl.*/ + BLOCK_LINK *file_blocks[CHANGED_BLOCKS_HASH]; /* hash for other file bl.*/ + + /* + The following variables are and variables used to hold parameters for + initializing the key cache. + */ + + ulonglong param_buff_size; /* size the memory allocated for the cache */ + ulonglong param_block_size; /* size of the blocks in the key cache */ + ulonglong param_division_limit; /* min. percentage of warm blocks */ + ulonglong param_age_threshold; /* determines when hot block is downgraded */ + + /* Statistics variables. These are reset in reset_key_cache_counters(). */ + ulong global_blocks_changed; /* number of currently dirty blocks */ + ulonglong global_cache_w_requests;/* number of write requests (write hits) */ + ulonglong global_cache_write; /* number of writes from cache to files */ + ulonglong global_cache_r_requests;/* number of read requests (read hits) */ + ulonglong global_cache_read; /* number of reads from files to cache */ + + int blocks; /* max number of blocks in the cache */ + my_bool in_init; /* Set to 1 in MySQL during init/resize */ +} KEY_CACHE; + +/* The default key cache */ +extern KEY_CACHE dflt_key_cache_var, *dflt_key_cache; + +extern int init_key_cache(KEY_CACHE *keycache, uint key_cache_block_size, + size_t use_mem, uint division_limit, + uint age_threshold); +extern int resize_key_cache(KEY_CACHE *keycache, uint key_cache_block_size, + size_t use_mem, uint division_limit, + uint age_threshold); +extern void change_key_cache_param(KEY_CACHE *keycache, uint division_limit, + uint age_threshold); +extern uchar *key_cache_read(KEY_CACHE *keycache, + File file, my_off_t filepos, int level, + uchar *buff, uint length, + uint block_length,int return_buffer); +extern int key_cache_insert(KEY_CACHE *keycache, + File file, my_off_t filepos, int level, + uchar *buff, uint length); +extern int key_cache_write(KEY_CACHE *keycache, + File file, my_off_t filepos, int level, + uchar *buff, uint length, + uint block_length,int force_write); +extern int flush_key_blocks(KEY_CACHE *keycache, + int file, enum flush_type type); +extern void end_key_cache(KEY_CACHE *keycache, my_bool cleanup); + +/* Functions to handle multiple key caches */ +extern my_bool multi_keycache_init(void); +extern void multi_keycache_free(void); +extern KEY_CACHE *multi_key_cache_search(uchar *key, uint length); +extern my_bool multi_key_cache_set(const uchar *key, uint length, + KEY_CACHE *key_cache); +extern void multi_key_cache_change(KEY_CACHE *old_data, + KEY_CACHE *new_data); +extern int reset_key_cache_counters(const char *name, + KEY_CACHE *key_cache); +C_MODE_END +#endif /* _keycache_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/lf.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/lf.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..44c8279f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/lf.h @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2007, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _lf_h +#define _lf_h + +#include + +C_MODE_START + +/* + Helpers to define both func() and _func(), where + func() is a _func() protected by my_atomic_rwlock_wrlock() +*/ + +#define lock_wrap(f, t, proto_args, args, lock) \ +t _ ## f proto_args; \ +static inline t f proto_args \ +{ \ + t ret; \ + my_atomic_rwlock_wrlock(lock); \ + ret= _ ## f args; \ + my_atomic_rwlock_wrunlock(lock); \ + return ret; \ +} + +#define lock_wrap_void(f, proto_args, args, lock) \ +void _ ## f proto_args; \ +static inline void f proto_args \ +{ \ + my_atomic_rwlock_wrlock(lock); \ + _ ## f args; \ + my_atomic_rwlock_wrunlock(lock); \ +} + +#define nolock_wrap(f, t, proto_args, args) \ +t _ ## f proto_args; \ +static inline t f proto_args \ +{ \ + return _ ## f args; \ +} + +#define nolock_wrap_void(f, proto_args, args) \ +void _ ## f proto_args; \ +static inline void f proto_args \ +{ \ + _ ## f args; \ +} + +/* + wait-free dynamic array, see lf_dynarray.c + + 4 levels of 256 elements each mean 4311810304 elements in an array - it + should be enough for a while +*/ +#define LF_DYNARRAY_LEVEL_LENGTH 256 +#define LF_DYNARRAY_LEVELS 4 + +typedef struct { + void * volatile level[LF_DYNARRAY_LEVELS]; + uint size_of_element; + my_atomic_rwlock_t lock; +} LF_DYNARRAY; + +typedef int (*lf_dynarray_func)(void *, void *); + +void lf_dynarray_init(LF_DYNARRAY *array, uint element_size); +void lf_dynarray_destroy(LF_DYNARRAY *array); + +nolock_wrap(lf_dynarray_value, void *, + (LF_DYNARRAY *array, uint idx), + (array, idx)) +lock_wrap(lf_dynarray_lvalue, void *, + (LF_DYNARRAY *array, uint idx), + (array, idx), + &array->lock) +nolock_wrap(lf_dynarray_iterate, int, + (LF_DYNARRAY *array, lf_dynarray_func func, void *arg), + (array, func, arg)) + +/* + pin manager for memory allocator, lf_alloc-pin.c +*/ + +#define LF_PINBOX_PINS 4 +#define LF_PURGATORY_SIZE 10 + +typedef void lf_pinbox_free_func(void *, void *, void*); + +typedef struct { + LF_DYNARRAY pinarray; + lf_pinbox_free_func *free_func; + void *free_func_arg; + uint free_ptr_offset; + uint32 volatile pinstack_top_ver; /* this is a versioned pointer */ + uint32 volatile pins_in_array; /* number of elements in array */ +} LF_PINBOX; + +typedef struct { + void * volatile pin[LF_PINBOX_PINS]; + LF_PINBOX *pinbox; + void **stack_ends_here; + void *purgatory; + uint32 purgatory_count; + uint32 volatile link; +/* we want sizeof(LF_PINS) to be 64 to avoid false sharing */ +#if SIZEOF_INT*2+SIZEOF_CHARP*(LF_PINBOX_PINS+3) != 64 + char pad[64-sizeof(uint32)*2-sizeof(void*)*(LF_PINBOX_PINS+3)]; +#endif +} LF_PINS; + +/* + shortcut macros to do an atomic_wrlock on a structure that uses pins + (e.g. lf_hash). +*/ +#define lf_rwlock_by_pins(PINS) \ + my_atomic_rwlock_wrlock(&(PINS)->pinbox->pinarray.lock) +#define lf_rwunlock_by_pins(PINS) \ + my_atomic_rwlock_wrunlock(&(PINS)->pinbox->pinarray.lock) + +/* + compile-time assert, to require "no less than N" pins + it's enough if it'll fail on at least one compiler, so + we'll enable it on GCC only, which supports zero-length arrays. +*/ +#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(MY_LF_EXTRA_DEBUG) +#define LF_REQUIRE_PINS(N) \ + static const char require_pins[LF_PINBOX_PINS-N] \ + __attribute__ ((unused)); \ + static const int LF_NUM_PINS_IN_THIS_FILE= N; +#define _lf_pin(PINS, PIN, ADDR) \ + ( \ + assert(PIN < LF_NUM_PINS_IN_THIS_FILE), \ + my_atomic_storeptr(&(PINS)->pin[PIN], (ADDR)) \ + ) +#else +#define LF_REQUIRE_PINS(N) +#define _lf_pin(PINS, PIN, ADDR) my_atomic_storeptr(&(PINS)->pin[PIN], (ADDR)) +#endif + +#define _lf_unpin(PINS, PIN) _lf_pin(PINS, PIN, NULL) +#define lf_pin(PINS, PIN, ADDR) \ + do { \ + lf_rwlock_by_pins(PINS); \ + _lf_pin(PINS, PIN, ADDR); \ + lf_rwunlock_by_pins(PINS); \ + } while (0) +#define lf_unpin(PINS, PIN) lf_pin(PINS, PIN, NULL) +#define _lf_assert_pin(PINS, PIN) assert((PINS)->pin[PIN] != 0) +#define _lf_assert_unpin(PINS, PIN) assert((PINS)->pin[PIN] == 0) + +void lf_pinbox_init(LF_PINBOX *pinbox, uint free_ptr_offset, + lf_pinbox_free_func *free_func, void * free_func_arg); +void lf_pinbox_destroy(LF_PINBOX *pinbox); + +lock_wrap(lf_pinbox_get_pins, LF_PINS *, + (LF_PINBOX *pinbox), + (pinbox), + &pinbox->pinarray.lock) +lock_wrap_void(lf_pinbox_put_pins, + (LF_PINS *pins), + (pins), + &pins->pinbox->pinarray.lock) +lock_wrap_void(lf_pinbox_free, + (LF_PINS *pins, void *addr), + (pins, addr), + &pins->pinbox->pinarray.lock) + +/* + memory allocator, lf_alloc-pin.c +*/ + +typedef struct st_lf_allocator { + LF_PINBOX pinbox; + uchar * volatile top; + uint element_size; + uint32 volatile mallocs; + void (*constructor)(uchar *); /* called, when an object is malloc()'ed */ + void (*destructor)(uchar *); /* called, when an object is free()'d */ +} LF_ALLOCATOR; + +void lf_alloc_init(LF_ALLOCATOR *allocator, uint size, uint free_ptr_offset); +void lf_alloc_destroy(LF_ALLOCATOR *allocator); +uint lf_alloc_pool_count(LF_ALLOCATOR *allocator); +/* + shortcut macros to access underlying pinbox functions from an LF_ALLOCATOR + see _lf_pinbox_get_pins() and _lf_pinbox_put_pins() +*/ +#define _lf_alloc_free(PINS, PTR) _lf_pinbox_free((PINS), (PTR)) +#define lf_alloc_free(PINS, PTR) lf_pinbox_free((PINS), (PTR)) +#define _lf_alloc_get_pins(A) _lf_pinbox_get_pins(&(A)->pinbox) +#define lf_alloc_get_pins(A) lf_pinbox_get_pins(&(A)->pinbox) +#define _lf_alloc_put_pins(PINS) _lf_pinbox_put_pins(PINS) +#define lf_alloc_put_pins(PINS) lf_pinbox_put_pins(PINS) +#define lf_alloc_direct_free(ALLOC, ADDR) my_free((ADDR)) + +lock_wrap(lf_alloc_new, void *, + (LF_PINS *pins), + (pins), + &pins->pinbox->pinarray.lock) + +C_MODE_END + +/* + extendible hash, lf_hash.c +*/ +#include + +C_MODE_START + +#define LF_HASH_UNIQUE 1 + +/* lf_hash overhead per element (that is, sizeof(LF_SLIST) */ +extern const int LF_HASH_OVERHEAD; + +typedef struct { + LF_DYNARRAY array; /* hash itself */ + LF_ALLOCATOR alloc; /* allocator for elements */ + my_hash_get_key get_key; /* see HASH */ + CHARSET_INFO *charset; /* see HASH */ + uint key_offset, key_length; /* see HASH */ + uint element_size; /* size of memcpy'ed area on insert */ + uint flags; /* LF_HASH_UNIQUE, etc */ + int32 volatile size; /* size of array */ + int32 volatile count; /* number of elements in the hash */ +} LF_HASH; + +void lf_hash_init(LF_HASH *hash, uint element_size, uint flags, + uint key_offset, uint key_length, my_hash_get_key get_key, + CHARSET_INFO *charset); +void lf_hash_destroy(LF_HASH *hash); +int lf_hash_insert(LF_HASH *hash, LF_PINS *pins, const void *data); +void *lf_hash_search(LF_HASH *hash, LF_PINS *pins, const void *key, uint keylen); +int lf_hash_delete(LF_HASH *hash, LF_PINS *pins, const void *key, uint keylen); +/* + shortcut macros to access underlying pinbox functions from an LF_HASH + see _lf_pinbox_get_pins() and _lf_pinbox_put_pins() +*/ +#define _lf_hash_get_pins(HASH) _lf_alloc_get_pins(&(HASH)->alloc) +#define lf_hash_get_pins(HASH) lf_alloc_get_pins(&(HASH)->alloc) +#define _lf_hash_put_pins(PINS) _lf_pinbox_put_pins(PINS) +#define lf_hash_put_pins(PINS) lf_pinbox_put_pins(PINS) +#define lf_hash_search_unpin(PINS) lf_unpin((PINS), 2) +/* + cleanup +*/ + +#undef lock_wrap_void +#undef lock_wrap +#undef nolock_wrap_void +#undef nolock_wrap + +C_MODE_END + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/little_endian.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/little_endian.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7fd155b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/little_endian.h @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Data in little-endian format. +*/ + +#ifndef MY_BYTE_ORDER_ARCH_OPTIMIZED +#define float4get(V,M) memcpy(&V, (M), sizeof(float)) +#define float4store(V,M) memcpy(V, (&M), sizeof(float)) +#define float8get(V,M) doubleget((V),(M)) +#define float8store(V,M) doublestore((V),(M)) + +/* Bi-endian hardware.... */ +#if defined(__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER) && (__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN) +#define doublestore(T,V) do { *(((char*)T)+0)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[4];\ + *(((char*)T)+1)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[5];\ + *(((char*)T)+2)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[6];\ + *(((char*)T)+3)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[7];\ + *(((char*)T)+4)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[0];\ + *(((char*)T)+5)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[1];\ + *(((char*)T)+6)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[2];\ + *(((char*)T)+7)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[3]; }\ + while(0) +#define doubleget(V,M) do { double def_temp;\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]=(M)[4];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]=(M)[5];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]=(M)[6];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]=(M)[7];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[4]=(M)[0];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[5]=(M)[1];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[6]=(M)[2];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[7]=(M)[3];\ + (V) = def_temp; } while(0) +#else /* Bi-endian hardware.... */ + +/* Cast away type qualifiers (necessary as macro takes argument by value). */ +#define doublestore(T,V) memcpy((T), (void*) &V, sizeof(double)) +#define doubleget(V,M) memcpy(&V, (M), sizeof(double)) + +#endif /* Bi-endian hardware.... */ + +#endif /* !MY_BYTE_ORDER_ARCH_OPTIMIZED */ + +#define ushortget(V,M) do { uchar *pM= (uchar*)(M);V = uint2korr(pM);} while(0) +#define shortget(V,M) do { uchar *pM= (uchar*)(M);V = sint2korr(pM);} while(0) +#define longget(V,M) do { uchar *pM= (uchar*)(M);V = sint4korr(pM);} while(0) +#define ulongget(V,M) do { uchar *pM= (uchar*)(M);V = uint4korr(pM);} while(0) +#define shortstore(T,V) int2store(T,V) +#define longstore(T,V) int4store(T,V) + +#ifndef floatstore +/* Cast away type qualifiers (necessary as macro takes argument by value). */ +#define floatstore(T,V) memcpy((T), (void*) (&V), sizeof(float)) +#define floatget(V,M) memcpy(&V, (M), sizeof(float)) +#endif + +#define longlongget(V,M) memcpy(&V, (M), sizeof(ulonglong)) +#define longlongstore(T,V) memcpy((T), &V, sizeof(ulonglong)) diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/m_ctype.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/m_ctype.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2c9c5f75d --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/m_ctype.h @@ -0,0 +1,796 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + A better inplementation of the UNIX ctype(3) library. +*/ + +#ifndef _m_ctype_h +#define _m_ctype_h + +#include +#include "my_global.h" /* uint16, uchar */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#define MY_CS_NAME_SIZE 32 +#define MY_CS_CTYPE_TABLE_SIZE 257 +#define MY_CS_TO_LOWER_TABLE_SIZE 256 +#define MY_CS_TO_UPPER_TABLE_SIZE 256 +#define MY_CS_SORT_ORDER_TABLE_SIZE 256 +#define MY_CS_TO_UNI_TABLE_SIZE 256 + +#define CHARSET_DIR "charsets/" + +#define my_wc_t ulong + +#define MY_CS_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER 0xFFFD + +/* + On i386 we store Unicode->CS conversion tables for + some character sets using Big-endian order, + to copy two bytes at onces. + This gives some performance improvement. +*/ +#ifdef __i386__ +#define MB2(x) (((x) >> 8) + (((x) & 0xFF) << 8)) +#define MY_PUT_MB2(s, code) { *((uint16*)(s))= (code); } +#else +#define MB2(x) (x) +#define MY_PUT_MB2(s, code) { (s)[0]= code >> 8; (s)[1]= code & 0xFF; } +#endif + + + +typedef struct unicase_info_char_st +{ + uint32 toupper; + uint32 tolower; + uint32 sort; +} MY_UNICASE_CHARACTER; + + +typedef struct unicase_info_st +{ + my_wc_t maxchar; + MY_UNICASE_CHARACTER **page; +} MY_UNICASE_INFO; + + +extern MY_UNICASE_INFO my_unicase_default; +extern MY_UNICASE_INFO my_unicase_turkish; +extern MY_UNICASE_INFO my_unicase_mysql500; +extern MY_UNICASE_INFO my_unicase_unicode520; + +#define MY_UCA_MAX_CONTRACTION 6 +#define MY_UCA_MAX_WEIGHT_SIZE 8 +#define MY_UCA_WEIGHT_LEVELS 1 + +typedef struct my_contraction_t +{ + my_wc_t ch[MY_UCA_MAX_CONTRACTION]; /* Character sequence */ + uint16 weight[MY_UCA_MAX_WEIGHT_SIZE];/* Its weight string, 0-terminated */ + my_bool with_context; +} MY_CONTRACTION; + + + +typedef struct my_contraction_list_t +{ + size_t nitems; /* Number of items in the list */ + MY_CONTRACTION *item; /* List of contractions */ + char *flags; /* Character flags, e.g. "is contraction head") */ +} MY_CONTRACTIONS; + + +my_bool my_uca_can_be_contraction_head(const MY_CONTRACTIONS *c, my_wc_t wc); +my_bool my_uca_can_be_contraction_tail(const MY_CONTRACTIONS *c, my_wc_t wc); +uint16 *my_uca_contraction2_weight(const MY_CONTRACTIONS *c, + my_wc_t wc1, my_wc_t wc2); + + +/* Collation weights on a single level (e.g. primary, secondary, tertiarty) */ +typedef struct my_uca_level_info_st +{ + my_wc_t maxchar; + uchar *lengths; + uint16 **weights; + MY_CONTRACTIONS contractions; +} MY_UCA_WEIGHT_LEVEL; + + +typedef struct uca_info_st +{ + MY_UCA_WEIGHT_LEVEL level[MY_UCA_WEIGHT_LEVELS]; + + /* Logical positions */ + my_wc_t first_non_ignorable; + my_wc_t last_non_ignorable; + my_wc_t first_primary_ignorable; + my_wc_t last_primary_ignorable; + my_wc_t first_secondary_ignorable; + my_wc_t last_secondary_ignorable; + my_wc_t first_tertiary_ignorable; + my_wc_t last_tertiary_ignorable; + my_wc_t first_trailing; + my_wc_t last_trailing; + my_wc_t first_variable; + my_wc_t last_variable; + +} MY_UCA_INFO; + + + +extern MY_UCA_INFO my_uca_v400; + + +typedef struct uni_ctype_st +{ + uchar pctype; + uchar *ctype; +} MY_UNI_CTYPE; + +extern MY_UNI_CTYPE my_uni_ctype[256]; + +/* wm_wc and wc_mb return codes */ +#define MY_CS_ILSEQ 0 /* Wrong by sequence: wb_wc */ +#define MY_CS_ILUNI 0 /* Cannot encode Unicode to charset: wc_mb */ +#define MY_CS_TOOSMALL -101 /* Need at least one byte: wc_mb and mb_wc */ +#define MY_CS_TOOSMALL2 -102 /* Need at least two bytes: wc_mb and mb_wc */ +#define MY_CS_TOOSMALL3 -103 /* Need at least three bytes: wc_mb and mb_wc */ +/* These following three are currently not really used */ +#define MY_CS_TOOSMALL4 -104 /* Need at least 4 bytes: wc_mb and mb_wc */ +#define MY_CS_TOOSMALL5 -105 /* Need at least 5 bytes: wc_mb and mb_wc */ +#define MY_CS_TOOSMALL6 -106 /* Need at least 6 bytes: wc_mb and mb_wc */ +/* A helper macros for "need at least n bytes" */ +#define MY_CS_TOOSMALLN(n) (-100-(n)) + +#define MY_SEQ_INTTAIL 1 +#define MY_SEQ_SPACES 2 + + /* My charsets_list flags */ +#define MY_CS_COMPILED 1 /* compiled-in sets */ +#define MY_CS_CONFIG 2 /* sets that have a *.conf file */ +#define MY_CS_INDEX 4 /* sets listed in the Index file */ +#define MY_CS_LOADED 8 /* sets that are currently loaded */ +#define MY_CS_BINSORT 16 /* if binary sort order */ +#define MY_CS_PRIMARY 32 /* if primary collation */ +#define MY_CS_STRNXFRM 64 /* if strnxfrm is used for sort */ +#define MY_CS_UNICODE 128 /* is a charset is BMP Unicode */ +#define MY_CS_READY 256 /* if a charset is initialized */ +#define MY_CS_AVAILABLE 512 /* If either compiled-in or loaded*/ +#define MY_CS_CSSORT 1024 /* if case sensitive sort order */ +#define MY_CS_HIDDEN 2048 /* don't display in SHOW */ +#define MY_CS_PUREASCII 4096 /* if a charset is pure ascii */ +#define MY_CS_NONASCII 8192 /* if not ASCII-compatible */ +#define MY_CS_UNICODE_SUPPLEMENT 16384 /* Non-BMP Unicode characters */ +#define MY_CS_LOWER_SORT 32768 /* If use lower case as weight */ +#define MY_CHARSET_UNDEFINED 0 + +/* Character repertoire flags */ +#define MY_REPERTOIRE_ASCII 1 /* Pure ASCII U+0000..U+007F */ +#define MY_REPERTOIRE_EXTENDED 2 /* Extended characters: U+0080..U+FFFF */ +#define MY_REPERTOIRE_UNICODE30 3 /* ASCII | EXTENDED: U+0000..U+FFFF */ + +/* Flags for strxfrm */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_LEVEL1 0x00000001 /* for primary weights */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_LEVEL2 0x00000002 /* for secondary weights */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_LEVEL3 0x00000004 /* for tertiary weights */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_LEVEL4 0x00000008 /* fourth level weights */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_LEVEL5 0x00000010 /* fifth level weights */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_LEVEL6 0x00000020 /* sixth level weights */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_LEVEL_ALL 0x0000003F /* Bit OR for the above six */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_NLEVELS 6 /* Number of possible levels*/ + +#define MY_STRXFRM_PAD_WITH_SPACE 0x00000040 /* if pad result with spaces */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_PAD_TO_MAXLEN 0x00000080 /* if pad tail(for filesort) */ + +#define MY_STRXFRM_DESC_LEVEL1 0x00000100 /* if desc order for level1 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_DESC_LEVEL2 0x00000200 /* if desc order for level2 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_DESC_LEVEL3 0x00000300 /* if desc order for level3 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_DESC_LEVEL4 0x00000800 /* if desc order for level4 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_DESC_LEVEL5 0x00001000 /* if desc order for level5 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_DESC_LEVEL6 0x00002000 /* if desc order for level6 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_DESC_SHIFT 8 + +#define MY_STRXFRM_UNUSED_00004000 0x00004000 /* for future extensions */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_UNUSED_00008000 0x00008000 /* for future extensions */ + +#define MY_STRXFRM_REVERSE_LEVEL1 0x00010000 /* if reverse order for level1 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_REVERSE_LEVEL2 0x00020000 /* if reverse order for level2 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_REVERSE_LEVEL3 0x00040000 /* if reverse order for level3 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_REVERSE_LEVEL4 0x00080000 /* if reverse order for level4 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_REVERSE_LEVEL5 0x00100000 /* if reverse order for level5 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_REVERSE_LEVEL6 0x00200000 /* if reverse order for level6 */ +#define MY_STRXFRM_REVERSE_SHIFT 16 + + +typedef struct my_uni_idx_st +{ + uint16 from; + uint16 to; + uchar *tab; +} MY_UNI_IDX; + +typedef struct +{ + uint beg; + uint end; + uint mb_len; +} my_match_t; + +enum my_lex_states +{ + MY_LEX_START, MY_LEX_CHAR, MY_LEX_IDENT, + MY_LEX_IDENT_SEP, MY_LEX_IDENT_START, + MY_LEX_REAL, MY_LEX_HEX_NUMBER, MY_LEX_BIN_NUMBER, + MY_LEX_CMP_OP, MY_LEX_LONG_CMP_OP, MY_LEX_STRING, MY_LEX_COMMENT, MY_LEX_END, + MY_LEX_OPERATOR_OR_IDENT, MY_LEX_NUMBER_IDENT, MY_LEX_INT_OR_REAL, + MY_LEX_REAL_OR_POINT, MY_LEX_BOOL, MY_LEX_EOL, MY_LEX_ESCAPE, + MY_LEX_LONG_COMMENT, MY_LEX_END_LONG_COMMENT, MY_LEX_SEMICOLON, + MY_LEX_SET_VAR, MY_LEX_USER_END, MY_LEX_HOSTNAME, MY_LEX_SKIP, + MY_LEX_USER_VARIABLE_DELIMITER, MY_LEX_SYSTEM_VAR, + MY_LEX_IDENT_OR_KEYWORD, + MY_LEX_IDENT_OR_HEX, MY_LEX_IDENT_OR_BIN, MY_LEX_IDENT_OR_NCHAR, + MY_LEX_STRING_OR_DELIMITER +}; + +struct charset_info_st; + +typedef struct my_charset_loader_st +{ + char error[128]; + void *(*once_alloc)(size_t); + void *(*malloc)(size_t); + void *(*realloc)(void *, size_t); + void (*free)(void *); + void (*reporter)(enum loglevel, const char *format, ...); + int (*add_collation)(struct charset_info_st *cs); +} MY_CHARSET_LOADER; + + +extern int (*my_string_stack_guard)(int); + +/* See strings/CHARSET_INFO.txt for information about this structure */ +typedef struct my_collation_handler_st +{ + my_bool (*init)(struct charset_info_st *, MY_CHARSET_LOADER *); + /* Collation routines */ + int (*strnncoll)(const struct charset_info_st *, + const uchar *, size_t, const uchar *, size_t, my_bool); + int (*strnncollsp)(const struct charset_info_st *, + const uchar *, size_t, const uchar *, size_t, + my_bool diff_if_only_endspace_difference); + size_t (*strnxfrm)(const struct charset_info_st *, + uchar *dst, size_t dstlen, uint nweights, + const uchar *src, size_t srclen, uint flags); + size_t (*strnxfrmlen)(const struct charset_info_st *, size_t); + my_bool (*like_range)(const struct charset_info_st *, + const char *s, size_t s_length, + pchar w_prefix, pchar w_one, pchar w_many, + size_t res_length, + char *min_str, char *max_str, + size_t *min_len, size_t *max_len); + int (*wildcmp)(const struct charset_info_st *, + const char *str,const char *str_end, + const char *wildstr,const char *wildend, + int escape,int w_one, int w_many); + + int (*strcasecmp)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *, + const char *); + + uint (*instr)(const struct charset_info_st *, + const char *b, size_t b_length, + const char *s, size_t s_length, + my_match_t *match, uint nmatch); + + /* Hash calculation */ + void (*hash_sort)(const struct charset_info_st *cs, const uchar *key, + size_t len, ulong *nr1, ulong *nr2); + my_bool (*propagate)(const struct charset_info_st *cs, const uchar *str, + size_t len); +} MY_COLLATION_HANDLER; + +extern MY_COLLATION_HANDLER my_collation_mb_bin_handler; +extern MY_COLLATION_HANDLER my_collation_8bit_bin_handler; +extern MY_COLLATION_HANDLER my_collation_8bit_simple_ci_handler; +extern MY_COLLATION_HANDLER my_collation_ucs2_uca_handler; + +/* Some typedef to make it easy for C++ to make function pointers */ +typedef int (*my_charset_conv_mb_wc)(const struct charset_info_st *, + my_wc_t *, const uchar *, const uchar *); +typedef int (*my_charset_conv_wc_mb)(const struct charset_info_st *, my_wc_t, + uchar *, uchar *); +typedef size_t (*my_charset_conv_case)(const struct charset_info_st *, + char *, size_t, char *, size_t); + + +/* See strings/CHARSET_INFO.txt about information on this structure */ +typedef struct my_charset_handler_st +{ + my_bool (*init)(struct charset_info_st *, MY_CHARSET_LOADER *loader); + /* Multibyte routines */ + uint (*ismbchar)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *, + const char *); + uint (*mbcharlen)(const struct charset_info_st *, uint c); + size_t (*numchars)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *b, + const char *e); + size_t (*charpos)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *b, + const char *e, size_t pos); + size_t (*well_formed_len)(const struct charset_info_st *, + const char *b,const char *e, + size_t nchars, int *error); + size_t (*lengthsp)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *ptr, + size_t length); + size_t (*numcells)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *b, + const char *e); + + /* Unicode conversion */ + my_charset_conv_mb_wc mb_wc; + my_charset_conv_wc_mb wc_mb; + + /* CTYPE scanner */ + int (*ctype)(const struct charset_info_st *cs, int *ctype, + const uchar *s, const uchar *e); + + /* Functions for case and sort conversion */ + size_t (*caseup_str)(const struct charset_info_st *, char *); + size_t (*casedn_str)(const struct charset_info_st *, char *); + + my_charset_conv_case caseup; + my_charset_conv_case casedn; + + /* Charset dependant snprintf() */ + size_t (*snprintf)(const struct charset_info_st *, char *to, size_t n, + const char *fmt, + ...) ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT_FPTR(printf, 4, 5); + size_t (*long10_to_str)(const struct charset_info_st *, char *to, size_t n, + int radix, long int val); + size_t (*longlong10_to_str)(const struct charset_info_st *, char *to, + size_t n, int radix, longlong val); + + void (*fill)(const struct charset_info_st *, char *to, size_t len, + int fill); + + /* String-to-number conversion routines */ + long (*strntol)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *s, + size_t l, int base, char **e, int *err); + ulong (*strntoul)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *s, + size_t l, int base, char **e, int *err); + longlong (*strntoll)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *s, + size_t l, int base, char **e, int *err); + ulonglong (*strntoull)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *s, + size_t l, int base, char **e, int *err); + double (*strntod)(const struct charset_info_st *, char *s, + size_t l, char **e, int *err); + longlong (*strtoll10)(const struct charset_info_st *cs, + const char *nptr, char **endptr, int *error); + ulonglong (*strntoull10rnd)(const struct charset_info_st *cs, + const char *str, size_t length, + int unsigned_fl, + char **endptr, int *error); + size_t (*scan)(const struct charset_info_st *, const char *b, + const char *e, int sq); +} MY_CHARSET_HANDLER; + +extern MY_CHARSET_HANDLER my_charset_8bit_handler; +extern MY_CHARSET_HANDLER my_charset_ucs2_handler; + + +/* + We define this CHARSET_INFO_DEFINED here to prevent a repeat of the + typedef in hash.c, which will cause a compiler error. +*/ +#define CHARSET_INFO_DEFINED + +/* See strings/CHARSET_INFO.txt about information on this structure */ +typedef struct charset_info_st +{ + uint number; + uint primary_number; + uint binary_number; + uint state; + const char *csname; + const char *name; + const char *comment; + const char *tailoring; + uchar *ctype; + uchar *to_lower; + uchar *to_upper; + uchar *sort_order; + MY_UCA_INFO *uca; + uint16 *tab_to_uni; + MY_UNI_IDX *tab_from_uni; + MY_UNICASE_INFO *caseinfo; + uchar *state_map; + uchar *ident_map; + uint strxfrm_multiply; + uchar caseup_multiply; + uchar casedn_multiply; + uint mbminlen; + uint mbmaxlen; + my_wc_t min_sort_char; + my_wc_t max_sort_char; /* For LIKE optimization */ + uchar pad_char; + my_bool escape_with_backslash_is_dangerous; + uchar levels_for_compare; + uchar levels_for_order; + + MY_CHARSET_HANDLER *cset; + MY_COLLATION_HANDLER *coll; + +} CHARSET_INFO; +#define ILLEGAL_CHARSET_INFO_NUMBER (~0U) + + +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT CHARSET_INFO my_charset_bin; +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT CHARSET_INFO my_charset_latin1; +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT CHARSET_INFO my_charset_filename; + +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_big5_chinese_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_big5_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_cp932_japanese_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_cp932_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_cp1250_czech_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_eucjpms_japanese_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_eucjpms_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_euckr_korean_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_euckr_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_gb2312_chinese_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_gb2312_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_gbk_chinese_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_gbk_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_latin1_german2_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_latin1_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_latin2_czech_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_sjis_japanese_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_sjis_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_tis620_thai_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_tis620_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_ucs2_general_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_ucs2_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_ucs2_unicode_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_ucs2_general_mysql500_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_ujis_japanese_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_ujis_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf16_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf16_general_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf16_unicode_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf16le_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf16le_general_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf32_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf32_general_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf32_unicode_ci; + +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf8_general_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf8_tolower_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf8_unicode_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf8_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf8_general_mysql500_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf8mb4_bin; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf8mb4_general_ci; +extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf8mb4_unicode_ci; +#define MY_UTF8MB3 "utf8" +#define MY_UTF8MB4 "utf8mb4" + + +/* declarations for simple charsets */ +extern size_t my_strnxfrm_simple(const CHARSET_INFO *, + uchar *dst, size_t dstlen, uint nweights, + const uchar *src, size_t srclen, uint flags); +size_t my_strnxfrmlen_simple(const CHARSET_INFO *, size_t); +extern int my_strnncoll_simple(const CHARSET_INFO *, const uchar *, size_t, + const uchar *, size_t, my_bool); + +extern int my_strnncollsp_simple(const CHARSET_INFO *, const uchar *, size_t, + const uchar *, size_t, + my_bool diff_if_only_endspace_difference); + +extern void my_hash_sort_simple(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const uchar *key, size_t len, + ulong *nr1, ulong *nr2); + +extern size_t my_lengthsp_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const char *ptr, + size_t length); + +extern uint my_instr_simple(const struct charset_info_st *, + const char *b, size_t b_length, + const char *s, size_t s_length, + my_match_t *match, uint nmatch); + + +/* Functions for 8bit */ +extern size_t my_caseup_str_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *); +extern size_t my_casedn_str_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *); +extern size_t my_caseup_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *src, size_t srclen, + char *dst, size_t dstlen); +extern size_t my_casedn_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *src, size_t srclen, + char *dst, size_t dstlen); + +extern int my_strcasecmp_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO * cs, const char *, + const char *); + +int my_mb_wc_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *cs,my_wc_t *wc, const uchar *s, + const uchar *e); +int my_wc_mb_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *cs,my_wc_t wc, uchar *s, uchar *e); + +int my_mb_ctype_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *,int *, const uchar *,const uchar *); +int my_mb_ctype_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *,int *, const uchar *,const uchar *); + +size_t my_scan_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const char *b, const char *e, + int sq); + +size_t my_snprintf_8bit(const struct charset_info_st *, char *to, size_t n, + const char *fmt, ...) + ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 4, 5); + +long my_strntol_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *s, size_t l, + int base, char **e, int *err); +ulong my_strntoul_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *s, size_t l, + int base, char **e, int *err); +longlong my_strntoll_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *s, size_t l, + int base, char **e, int *err); +ulonglong my_strntoull_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *s, size_t l, + int base, char **e, int *err); +double my_strntod_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *s, size_t l, char **e, + int *err); +size_t my_long10_to_str_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *to, size_t l, + int radix, long int val); +size_t my_longlong10_to_str_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *to, size_t l, + int radix, longlong val); + +longlong my_strtoll10_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const char *nptr, char **endptr, int *error); +longlong my_strtoll10_ucs2(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const char *nptr, char **endptr, int *error); + +ulonglong my_strntoull10rnd_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const char *str, size_t length, int + unsigned_fl, char **endptr, int *error); +ulonglong my_strntoull10rnd_ucs2(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const char *str, size_t length, + int unsigned_fl, char **endptr, int *error); + +void my_fill_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, char* to, size_t l, int fill); + +/* For 8-bit character set */ +my_bool my_like_range_simple(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const char *ptr, size_t ptr_length, + pbool escape, pbool w_one, pbool w_many, + size_t res_length, + char *min_str, char *max_str, + size_t *min_length, size_t *max_length); + +/* For ASCII-based multi-byte character sets with mbminlen=1 */ +my_bool my_like_range_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const char *ptr, size_t ptr_length, + pbool escape, pbool w_one, pbool w_many, + size_t res_length, + char *min_str, char *max_str, + size_t *min_length, size_t *max_length); + +/* For other character sets, with arbitrary mbminlen and mbmaxlen numbers */ +my_bool my_like_range_generic(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const char *ptr, size_t ptr_length, + pbool escape, pbool w_one, pbool w_many, + size_t res_length, + char *min_str, char *max_str, + size_t *min_length, size_t *max_length); + +int my_wildcmp_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, + const char *str,const char *str_end, + const char *wildstr,const char *wildend, + int escape, int w_one, int w_many); + +int my_wildcmp_bin(const CHARSET_INFO *, + const char *str,const char *str_end, + const char *wildstr,const char *wildend, + int escape, int w_one, int w_many); + +size_t my_numchars_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *b, const char *e); +size_t my_numcells_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *b, const char *e); +size_t my_charpos_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *b, const char *e, + size_t pos); +size_t my_well_formed_len_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *b, + const char *e, size_t pos, int *error); +uint my_mbcharlen_8bit(const CHARSET_INFO *, uint c); + + +/* Functions for multibyte charsets */ +extern size_t my_caseup_str_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *); +extern size_t my_casedn_str_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *); +extern size_t my_caseup_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *src, size_t srclen, + char *dst, size_t dstlen); +extern size_t my_casedn_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *src, size_t srclen, + char *dst, size_t dstlen); +extern size_t my_caseup_mb_varlen(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *src, + size_t srclen, char *dst, size_t dstlen); +extern size_t my_casedn_mb_varlen(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *src, + size_t srclen, char *dst, size_t dstlen); +extern size_t my_caseup_ujis(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *src, size_t srclen, + char *dst, size_t dstlen); +extern size_t my_casedn_ujis(const CHARSET_INFO *, char *src, size_t srclen, + char *dst, size_t dstlen); +extern int my_strcasecmp_mb(const CHARSET_INFO * cs,const char *, + const char *); + +int my_wildcmp_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *, + const char *str,const char *str_end, + const char *wildstr,const char *wildend, + int escape, int w_one, int w_many); +size_t my_numchars_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *b, const char *e); +size_t my_numcells_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *b, const char *e); +size_t my_charpos_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *b, const char *e, + size_t pos); +size_t my_well_formed_len_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *, const char *b, + const char *e, size_t pos, int *error); +uint my_instr_mb(const struct charset_info_st *, + const char *b, size_t b_length, + const char *s, size_t s_length, + my_match_t *match, uint nmatch); + +int my_strnncoll_mb_bin(const CHARSET_INFO * cs, + const uchar *s, size_t slen, + const uchar *t, size_t tlen, + my_bool t_is_prefix); + +int my_strnncollsp_mb_bin(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const uchar *a, size_t a_length, + const uchar *b, size_t b_length, + my_bool diff_if_only_endspace_difference); + +int my_wildcmp_mb_bin(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const char *str,const char *str_end, + const char *wildstr,const char *wildend, + int escape, int w_one, int w_many); + +int my_strcasecmp_mb_bin(const CHARSET_INFO * cs __attribute__((unused)), + const char *s, const char *t); + +void my_hash_sort_mb_bin(const CHARSET_INFO *cs __attribute__((unused)), + const uchar *key, size_t len,ulong *nr1, ulong *nr2); + +size_t my_strnxfrm_mb(const CHARSET_INFO *, + uchar *dst, size_t dstlen, uint nweights, + const uchar *src, size_t srclen, uint flags); + +size_t my_strnxfrm_unicode(const CHARSET_INFO *, + uchar *dst, size_t dstlen, uint nweights, + const uchar *src, size_t srclen, uint flags); + +size_t my_strnxfrm_unicode_full_bin(const CHARSET_INFO *, + uchar *dst, size_t dstlen, uint nweights, + const uchar *src, size_t srclen, uint flags); +size_t my_strnxfrmlen_unicode_full_bin(const CHARSET_INFO *, size_t); + +int my_wildcmp_unicode(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + const char *str, const char *str_end, + const char *wildstr, const char *wildend, + int escape, int w_one, int w_many, + MY_UNICASE_INFO *weights); + +extern my_bool my_parse_charset_xml(MY_CHARSET_LOADER *loader, + const char *buf, size_t buflen); +extern char *my_strchr(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const char *str, + const char *end, pchar c); +extern size_t my_strcspn(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const char *str, + const char *end, const char *accept); + +my_bool my_propagate_simple(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const uchar *str, + size_t len); +my_bool my_propagate_complex(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const uchar *str, + size_t len); + + +uint my_string_repertoire(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const char *str, ulong len); +my_bool my_charset_is_ascii_based(const CHARSET_INFO *cs); +my_bool my_charset_is_8bit_pure_ascii(const CHARSET_INFO *cs); +uint my_charset_repertoire(const CHARSET_INFO *cs); + + +uint my_strxfrm_flag_normalize(uint flags, uint nlevels); +void my_strxfrm_desc_and_reverse(uchar *str, uchar *strend, + uint flags, uint level); +size_t my_strxfrm_pad_desc_and_reverse(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + uchar *str, uchar *frmend, uchar *strend, + uint nweights, uint flags, uint level); + +my_bool my_charset_is_ascii_compatible(const CHARSET_INFO *cs); + +const MY_CONTRACTIONS *my_charset_get_contractions(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, + int level); + +extern size_t my_vsnprintf_ex(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, char *to, size_t n, + const char* fmt, va_list ap); + +uint32 my_convert(char *to, uint32 to_length, const CHARSET_INFO *to_cs, + const char *from, uint32 from_length, + const CHARSET_INFO *from_cs, uint *errors); + +#define _MY_U 01 /* Upper case */ +#define _MY_L 02 /* Lower case */ +#define _MY_NMR 04 /* Numeral (digit) */ +#define _MY_SPC 010 /* Spacing character */ +#define _MY_PNT 020 /* Punctuation */ +#define _MY_CTR 040 /* Control character */ +#define _MY_B 0100 /* Blank */ +#define _MY_X 0200 /* heXadecimal digit */ + + +#define my_isascii(c) (!((c) & ~0177)) +#define my_toascii(c) ((c) & 0177) +#define my_tocntrl(c) ((c) & 31) +#define my_toprint(c) ((c) | 64) +#define my_toupper(s,c) (char) ((s)->to_upper[(uchar) (c)]) +#define my_tolower(s,c) (char) ((s)->to_lower[(uchar) (c)]) +#define my_isalpha(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & (_MY_U | _MY_L)) +#define my_isupper(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & _MY_U) +#define my_islower(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & _MY_L) +#define my_isdigit(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & _MY_NMR) +#define my_isxdigit(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & _MY_X) +#define my_isalnum(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & (_MY_U | _MY_L | _MY_NMR)) +#define my_isspace(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & _MY_SPC) +#define my_ispunct(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & _MY_PNT) +#define my_isprint(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & (_MY_PNT | _MY_U | _MY_L | _MY_NMR | _MY_B)) +#define my_isgraph(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & (_MY_PNT | _MY_U | _MY_L | _MY_NMR)) +#define my_iscntrl(s, c) (((s)->ctype+1)[(uchar) (c)] & _MY_CTR) + +/* Some macros that should be cleaned up a little */ +#define my_isvar(s,c) (my_isalnum(s,c) || (c) == '_') +#define my_isvar_start(s,c) (my_isalpha(s,c) || (c) == '_') + +#define my_binary_compare(s) ((s)->state & MY_CS_BINSORT) +#define use_strnxfrm(s) ((s)->state & MY_CS_STRNXFRM) +#define my_strnxfrm(cs, d, dl, s, sl) \ + ((cs)->coll->strnxfrm((cs), (d), (dl), (dl), (s), (sl), MY_STRXFRM_PAD_WITH_SPACE)) +#define my_strnncoll(s, a, b, c, d) ((s)->coll->strnncoll((s), (a), (b), (c), (d), 0)) +#define my_like_range(s, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) \ + ((s)->coll->like_range((s), (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j))) +#define my_wildcmp(cs,s,se,w,we,e,o,m) ((cs)->coll->wildcmp((cs),(s),(se),(w),(we),(e),(o),(m))) +#define my_strcasecmp(s, a, b) ((s)->coll->strcasecmp((s), (a), (b))) +#define my_charpos(cs, b, e, num) (cs)->cset->charpos((cs), (const char*) (b), (const char *)(e), (num)) + + +#define use_mb(s) ((s)->cset->ismbchar != NULL) +#define my_ismbchar(s, a, b) ((s)->cset->ismbchar((s), (a), (b))) +#ifdef USE_MB +#define my_mbcharlen(s, a) ((s)->cset->mbcharlen((s),(a))) +#else +#define my_mbcharlen(s, a) 1 +#endif + +#define my_caseup_str(s, a) ((s)->cset->caseup_str((s), (a))) +#define my_casedn_str(s, a) ((s)->cset->casedn_str((s), (a))) +#define my_strntol(s, a, b, c, d, e) ((s)->cset->strntol((s),(a),(b),(c),(d),(e))) +#define my_strntoul(s, a, b, c, d, e) ((s)->cset->strntoul((s),(a),(b),(c),(d),(e))) +#define my_strntoll(s, a, b, c, d, e) ((s)->cset->strntoll((s),(a),(b),(c),(d),(e))) +#define my_strntoull(s, a, b, c,d, e) ((s)->cset->strntoull((s),(a),(b),(c),(d),(e))) +#define my_strntod(s, a, b, c, d) ((s)->cset->strntod((s),(a),(b),(c),(d))) + + +/* XXX: still need to take care of this one */ +#ifdef MY_CHARSET_TIS620 +#error The TIS620 charset is broken at the moment. Tell tim to fix it. +#define USE_TIS620 +#include "t_ctype.h" +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* _m_ctype_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/m_string.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/m_string.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..06f8bfadf --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/m_string.h @@ -0,0 +1,286 @@ +/* + Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* There may be prolems include all of theese. Try to test in + configure with ones are needed? */ + +/* This is needed for the definitions of strchr... on solaris */ + +#ifndef _m_string_h +#define _m_string_h + +#include "my_global.h" /* HAVE_* */ + +#ifndef __USE_GNU +#define __USE_GNU /* We want to use stpcpy */ +#endif +#if defined(HAVE_STRINGS_H) +#include +#endif +#if defined(HAVE_STRING_H) +#include +#endif + +/* need by my_vsnprintf */ +#include + +/* This is needed for the definitions of memcpy... on solaris */ +#if defined(HAVE_MEMORY_H) && !defined(__cplusplus) +#include +#endif + +#define bfill please_use_memset_rather_than_bfill() +#define bzero please_use_memset_rather_than_bzero() + +#if !defined(HAVE_MEMCPY) && !defined(HAVE_MEMMOVE) +# define memcpy(d, s, n) bcopy ((s), (d), (n)) +# define memmove(d, s, n) bmove ((d), (s), (n)) +#elif defined(HAVE_MEMMOVE) +# define bmove(d, s, n) memmove((d), (s), (n)) +#endif + +#if defined(__cplusplus) +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + my_str_malloc(), my_str_realloc() and my_str_free() are assigned to + implementations in strings/alloc.c, but can be overridden in + the calling program. + */ +extern void *(*my_str_malloc)(size_t); +extern void *(*my_str_realloc)(void *, size_t); +extern void (*my_str_free)(void *); + +#if defined(HAVE_STPCPY) && MY_GNUC_PREREQ(3, 4) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) +#define strmov(A,B) __builtin_stpcpy((A),(B)) +#elif defined(HAVE_STPCPY) +#define strmov(A,B) stpcpy((A),(B)) +#ifndef stpcpy +extern char *stpcpy(char *, const char *); /* For AIX with gcc 2.95.3 */ +#endif +#endif + +/* Declared in int2str() */ +extern char _dig_vec_upper[]; +extern char _dig_vec_lower[]; + +#ifndef strmov +#define strmov_overlapp(A,B) strmov(A,B) +#define strmake_overlapp(A,B,C) strmake(A,B,C) +#endif + + /* Prototypes for string functions */ + +extern void bmove_upp(uchar *dst,const uchar *src,size_t len); +extern void bchange(uchar *dst,size_t old_len,const uchar *src, + size_t new_len,size_t tot_len); +extern void strappend(char *s,size_t len,pchar fill); +extern char *strend(const char *s); +extern char *strcend(const char *, pchar); +extern char *strfill(char * s,size_t len,pchar fill); +extern char *strmake(char *dst,const char *src,size_t length); + +#ifndef strmov +extern char *strmov(char *dst,const char *src); +#else +extern char *strmov_overlapp(char *dst,const char *src); +#endif +extern char *strnmov(char *dst, const char *src, size_t n); +extern char *strcont(const char *src, const char *set); +extern char *strxmov(char *dst, const char *src, ...); +extern char *strxnmov(char *dst, size_t len, const char *src, ...); + +/* Prototypes of normal stringfunctions (with may ours) */ +#ifndef HAVE_STRNLEN +extern size_t strnlen(const char *s, size_t n); +#endif + +extern int is_prefix(const char *, const char *); + +/* Conversion routines */ +typedef enum { + MY_GCVT_ARG_FLOAT, + MY_GCVT_ARG_DOUBLE +} my_gcvt_arg_type; + +double my_strtod(const char *str, char **end, int *error); +double my_atof(const char *nptr); +size_t my_fcvt(double x, int precision, char *to, my_bool *error); +size_t my_gcvt(double x, my_gcvt_arg_type type, int width, char *to, + my_bool *error); + +#define NOT_FIXED_DEC 31 + +/* + The longest string my_fcvt can return is 311 + "precision" bytes. + Here we assume that we never cal my_fcvt() with precision >= NOT_FIXED_DEC + (+ 1 byte for the terminating '\0'). +*/ +#define FLOATING_POINT_BUFFER (311 + NOT_FIXED_DEC) + +/* + We want to use the 'e' format in some cases even if we have enough space + for the 'f' one just to mimic sprintf("%.15g") behavior for large integers, + and to improve it for numbers < 10^(-4). + That is, for |x| < 1 we require |x| >= 10^(-15), and for |x| > 1 we require + it to be integer and be <= 10^DBL_DIG for the 'f' format to be used. + We don't lose precision, but make cases like "1e200" or "0.00001" look nicer. +*/ +#define MAX_DECPT_FOR_F_FORMAT DBL_DIG + +/* + The maximum possible field width for my_gcvt() conversion. + (DBL_DIG + 2) significant digits + sign + "." + ("e-NNN" or + MAX_DECPT_FOR_F_FORMAT zeros for cases when |x|<1 and the 'f' format is used). +*/ +#define MY_GCVT_MAX_FIELD_WIDTH (DBL_DIG + 4 + MY_MAX(5, MAX_DECPT_FOR_F_FORMAT)) \ + +extern char *llstr(longlong value,char *buff); +extern char *ullstr(longlong value,char *buff); +#ifndef HAVE_STRTOUL +extern long strtol(const char *str, char **ptr, int base); +extern ulong strtoul(const char *str, char **ptr, int base); +#endif + +extern char *int2str(long val, char *dst, int radix, int upcase); +extern char *int10_to_str(long val,char *dst,int radix); +extern char *str2int(const char *src,int radix,long lower,long upper, + long *val); +longlong my_strtoll10(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int *error); +#if SIZEOF_LONG == SIZEOF_LONG_LONG +#define ll2str(A,B,C,D) int2str((A),(B),(C),(D)) +#define longlong10_to_str(A,B,C) int10_to_str((A),(B),(C)) +#undef strtoll +#define strtoll(A,B,C) strtol((A),(B),(C)) +#define strtoull(A,B,C) strtoul((A),(B),(C)) +#ifndef HAVE_STRTOULL +#define HAVE_STRTOULL +#endif +#ifndef HAVE_STRTOLL +#define HAVE_STRTOLL +#endif +#else +#ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG +extern char *ll2str(longlong val,char *dst,int radix, int upcase); +extern char *longlong10_to_str(longlong val,char *dst,int radix); +#if (!defined(HAVE_STRTOULL) || defined(NO_STRTOLL_PROTO)) +extern longlong strtoll(const char *str, char **ptr, int base); +extern ulonglong strtoull(const char *str, char **ptr, int base); +#endif +#endif +#endif +#define longlong2str(A,B,C) ll2str((A),(B),(C),1) + +#if defined(__cplusplus) +} +#endif + +/* + LEX_STRING -- a pair of a C-string and its length. + (it's part of the plugin API as a MYSQL_LEX_STRING) +*/ + +#include +typedef struct st_mysql_lex_string LEX_STRING; + +#define STRING_WITH_LEN(X) (X), ((size_t) (sizeof(X) - 1)) +#define USTRING_WITH_LEN(X) ((uchar*) X), ((size_t) (sizeof(X) - 1)) +#define C_STRING_WITH_LEN(X) ((char *) (X)), ((size_t) (sizeof(X) - 1)) + +struct st_mysql_const_lex_string +{ + const char *str; + size_t length; +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_const_lex_string LEX_CSTRING; + +/* SPACE_INT is a word that contains only spaces */ +#if SIZEOF_INT == 4 +#define SPACE_INT 0x20202020 +#elif SIZEOF_INT == 8 +#define SPACE_INT 0x2020202020202020 +#else +#error define the appropriate constant for a word full of spaces +#endif + +/** + Skip trailing space. + + On most systems reading memory in larger chunks (ideally equal to the size of + the chinks that the machine physically reads from memory) causes fewer memory + access loops and hence increased performance. + This is why the 'int' type is used : it's closest to that (according to how + it's defined in C). + So when we determine the amount of whitespace at the end of a string we do + the following : + 1. We divide the string into 3 zones : + a) from the start of the string (__start) to the first multiple + of sizeof(int) (__start_words) + b) from the end of the string (__end) to the last multiple of sizeof(int) + (__end_words) + c) a zone that is aligned to sizeof(int) and can be safely accessed + through an int * + 2. We start comparing backwards from (c) char-by-char. If all we find is + space then we continue + 3. If there are elements in zone (b) we compare them as unsigned ints to a + int mask (SPACE_INT) consisting of all spaces + 4. Finally we compare the remaining part (a) of the string char by char. + This covers for the last non-space unsigned int from 3. (if any) + + This algorithm works well for relatively larger strings, but it will slow + the things down for smaller strings (because of the additional calculations + and checks compared to the naive method). Thus the barrier of length 20 + is added. + + @param ptr pointer to the input string + @param len the length of the string + @return the last non-space character +*/ + +static inline const uchar *skip_trailing_space(const uchar *ptr,size_t len) +{ + const uchar *end= ptr + len; + + if (len > 20) + { + const uchar *end_words= (const uchar *)(intptr) + (((ulonglong)(intptr)end) / SIZEOF_INT * SIZEOF_INT); + const uchar *start_words= (const uchar *)(intptr) + ((((ulonglong)(intptr)ptr) + SIZEOF_INT - 1) / SIZEOF_INT * SIZEOF_INT); + + DBUG_ASSERT(((ulonglong)(intptr)ptr) >= SIZEOF_INT); + if (end_words > ptr) + { + while (end > end_words && end[-1] == 0x20) + end--; + if (end[-1] == 0x20 && start_words < end_words) + while (end > start_words && ((unsigned *)end)[-1] == SPACE_INT) + end -= SIZEOF_INT; + } + } + while (end > ptr && end[-1] == 0x20) + end--; + return (end); +} + +static inline void lex_string_set(LEX_STRING *lex_str, const char *c_str) +{ + lex_str->str= (char *) c_str; + lex_str->length= strlen(c_str); +} + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_aes.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_aes.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..24ddb6e7f --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_aes.h @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +#ifndef MY_AES_INCLUDED +#define MY_AES_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + + +/* Header file for my_aes.c */ +/* Wrapper to give simple interface for MySQL to AES standard encryption */ + +C_MODE_START + +#define AES_KEY_LENGTH 128 /* Must be 128 192 or 256 */ + +/* + my_aes_encrypt - Crypt buffer with AES encryption algorithm. + source - Pointer to data for encryption + source_length - size of encryption data + dest - buffer to place encrypted data (must be large enough) + key - Key to be used for encryption + kel_length - Length of the key. Will handle keys of any length + + returns - size of encrypted data, or negative in case of error. +*/ + +int my_aes_encrypt(const char *source, int source_length, char *dest, + const char *key, int key_length); + +/* + my_aes_decrypt - DeCrypt buffer with AES encryption algorithm. + source - Pointer to data for decryption + source_length - size of encrypted data + dest - buffer to place decrypted data (must be large enough) + key - Key to be used for decryption + kel_length - Length of the key. Will handle keys of any length + + returns - size of original data, or negative in case of error. +*/ + + +int my_aes_decrypt(const char *source, int source_length, char *dest, + const char *key, int key_length); + +/* + my_aes_get_size - get size of buffer which will be large enough for encrypted + data + source_length - length of data to be encrypted + + returns - size of buffer required to store encrypted data +*/ + +int my_aes_get_size(int source_length); + +C_MODE_END + +#endif /* MY_AES_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_alarm.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_alarm.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..57d86f567 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_alarm.h @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + File to include when we want to use alarm or a loop_counter to display + some information when a program is running +*/ +#ifndef _my_alarm_h +#define _my_alarm_h +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +extern int volatile my_have_got_alarm; +extern ulong my_time_to_wait_for_lock; + +#if defined(HAVE_ALARM) && !defined(NO_ALARM_LOOP) +#include +#define ALARM_VARIABLES uint alarm_old=0; \ + sig_return alarm_signal=0 +#define ALARM_INIT my_have_got_alarm=0 ; \ + alarm_old=(uint) alarm(MY_HOW_OFTEN_TO_ALARM); \ + alarm_signal=signal(SIGALRM,my_set_alarm_variable); +#define ALARM_END (void) signal(SIGALRM,alarm_signal); \ + (void) alarm(alarm_old); +#define ALARM_TEST my_have_got_alarm +#ifdef SIGNAL_HANDLER_RESET_ON_DELIVERY +#define ALARM_REINIT (void) alarm(MY_HOW_OFTEN_TO_ALARM); \ + (void) signal(SIGALRM,my_set_alarm_variable);\ + my_have_got_alarm=0; +#else +#define ALARM_REINIT (void) alarm((uint) MY_HOW_OFTEN_TO_ALARM); \ + my_have_got_alarm=0; +#endif /* SIGNAL_HANDLER_RESET_ON_DELIVERY */ +#else +#define ALARM_VARIABLES long alarm_pos=0,alarm_end_pos=MY_HOW_OFTEN_TO_WRITE-1 +#define ALARM_INIT +#define ALARM_END +#define ALARM_TEST (alarm_pos++ >= alarm_end_pos) +#define ALARM_REINIT alarm_end_pos+=MY_HOW_OFTEN_TO_WRITE +#endif /* HAVE_ALARM */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_alloc.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_alloc.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9e2ef541b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_alloc.h @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Data structures for mysys/my_alloc.c (root memory allocator) +*/ + +#ifndef _my_alloc_h +#define _my_alloc_h + +#define ALLOC_MAX_BLOCK_TO_DROP 4096 +#define ALLOC_MAX_BLOCK_USAGE_BEFORE_DROP 10 + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +typedef struct st_used_mem +{ /* struct for once_alloc (block) */ + struct st_used_mem *next; /* Next block in use */ + unsigned int left; /* memory left in block */ + unsigned int size; /* size of block */ +} USED_MEM; + + +typedef struct st_mem_root +{ + USED_MEM *free; /* blocks with free memory in it */ + USED_MEM *used; /* blocks almost without free memory */ + USED_MEM *pre_alloc; /* preallocated block */ + /* if block have less memory it will be put in 'used' list */ + size_t min_malloc; + size_t block_size; /* initial block size */ + unsigned int block_num; /* allocated blocks counter */ + /* + first free block in queue test counter (if it exceed + MAX_BLOCK_USAGE_BEFORE_DROP block will be dropped in 'used' list) + */ + unsigned int first_block_usage; + + void (*error_handler)(void); +} MEM_ROOT; + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_atomic.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_atomic.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..705f531e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_atomic.h @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +#ifndef MY_ATOMIC_INCLUDED +#define MY_ATOMIC_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2006, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + This header defines five atomic operations: + + my_atomic_add#(&var, what) + 'Fetch and Add' + add 'what' to *var, and return the old value of *var + + my_atomic_fas#(&var, what) + 'Fetch And Store' + store 'what' in *var, and return the old value of *var + + my_atomic_cas#(&var, &old, new) + An odd variation of 'Compare And Set/Swap' + if *var is equal to *old, then store 'new' in *var, and return TRUE + otherwise store *var in *old, and return FALSE + Usually, &old should not be accessed if the operation is successful. + + my_atomic_load#(&var) + return *var + + my_atomic_store#(&var, what) + store 'what' in *var + + '#' is substituted by a size suffix - 8, 16, 32, 64, or ptr + (e.g. my_atomic_add8, my_atomic_fas32, my_atomic_casptr). + + NOTE This operations are not always atomic, so they always must be + enclosed in my_atomic_rwlock_rdlock(lock)/my_atomic_rwlock_rdunlock(lock) + or my_atomic_rwlock_wrlock(lock)/my_atomic_rwlock_wrunlock(lock). + Hint: if a code block makes intensive use of atomic ops, it make sense + to take/release rwlock once for the whole block, not for every statement. + + On architectures where these operations are really atomic, rwlocks will + be optimized away. + 8- and 16-bit atomics aren't implemented for windows (see generic-msvc.h), + but can be added, if necessary. +*/ + +#ifndef my_atomic_rwlock_init + +#define intptr void * +/** + Currently we don't support 8-bit and 16-bit operations. + It can be added later if needed. +*/ +#undef MY_ATOMIC_HAS_8_16 + +#ifndef MY_ATOMIC_MODE_RWLOCKS +/* + * Attempt to do atomic ops without locks + */ +#include "atomic/nolock.h" +#endif + +#ifndef make_atomic_cas_body +/* nolock.h was not able to generate even a CAS function, fall back */ +#include "atomic/rwlock.h" +#endif + +/* define missing functions by using the already generated ones */ +#ifndef make_atomic_add_body +#define make_atomic_add_body(S) \ + int ## S tmp=*a; \ + while (!my_atomic_cas ## S(a, &tmp, tmp+v)) ; \ + v=tmp; +#endif +#ifndef make_atomic_fas_body +#define make_atomic_fas_body(S) \ + int ## S tmp=*a; \ + while (!my_atomic_cas ## S(a, &tmp, v)) ; \ + v=tmp; +#endif +#ifndef make_atomic_load_body +#define make_atomic_load_body(S) \ + ret= 0; /* avoid compiler warning */ \ + (void)(my_atomic_cas ## S(a, &ret, ret)); +#endif +#ifndef make_atomic_store_body +#define make_atomic_store_body(S) \ + (void)(my_atomic_fas ## S (a, v)); +#endif + +/* + transparent_union doesn't work in g++ + Bug ? + + Darwin's gcc doesn't want to put pointers in a transparent_union + when built with -arch ppc64. Complains: + warning: 'transparent_union' attribute ignored +*/ +#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__cplusplus) && \ + ! (defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(_ARCH_PPC64) ||defined (_ARCH_PPC))) +/* + we want to be able to use my_atomic_xxx functions with + both signed and unsigned integers. But gcc will issue a warning + "passing arg N of `my_atomic_XXX' as [un]signed due to prototype" + if the signedness of the argument doesn't match the prototype, or + "pointer targets in passing argument N of my_atomic_XXX differ in signedness" + if int* is used where uint* is expected (or vice versa). + Let's shut these warnings up +*/ +#define make_transparent_unions(S) \ + typedef union { \ + int ## S i; \ + uint ## S u; \ + } U_ ## S __attribute__ ((transparent_union)); \ + typedef union { \ + int ## S volatile *i; \ + uint ## S volatile *u; \ + } Uv_ ## S __attribute__ ((transparent_union)); +#define uintptr intptr +make_transparent_unions(8) +make_transparent_unions(16) +make_transparent_unions(32) +make_transparent_unions(64) +make_transparent_unions(ptr) +#undef uintptr +#undef make_transparent_unions +#define a U_a.i +#define cmp U_cmp.i +#define v U_v.i +#define set U_set.i +#else +#define U_8 int8 +#define U_16 int16 +#define U_32 int32 +#define U_64 int64 +#define U_ptr intptr +#define Uv_8 int8 +#define Uv_16 int16 +#define Uv_32 int32 +#define Uv_64 int64 +#define Uv_ptr intptr +#define U_a volatile *a +#define U_cmp *cmp +#define U_v v +#define U_set set +#endif /* __GCC__ transparent_union magic */ + +#define make_atomic_cas(S) \ +static inline int my_atomic_cas ## S(Uv_ ## S U_a, \ + Uv_ ## S U_cmp, U_ ## S U_set) \ +{ \ + int8 ret; \ + make_atomic_cas_body(S); \ + return ret; \ +} + +#define make_atomic_add(S) \ +static inline int ## S my_atomic_add ## S( \ + Uv_ ## S U_a, U_ ## S U_v) \ +{ \ + make_atomic_add_body(S); \ + return v; \ +} + +#define make_atomic_fas(S) \ +static inline int ## S my_atomic_fas ## S( \ + Uv_ ## S U_a, U_ ## S U_v) \ +{ \ + make_atomic_fas_body(S); \ + return v; \ +} + +#define make_atomic_load(S) \ +static inline int ## S my_atomic_load ## S(Uv_ ## S U_a) \ +{ \ + int ## S ret; \ + make_atomic_load_body(S); \ + return ret; \ +} + +#define make_atomic_store(S) \ +static inline void my_atomic_store ## S( \ + Uv_ ## S U_a, U_ ## S U_v) \ +{ \ + make_atomic_store_body(S); \ +} + +#ifdef MY_ATOMIC_HAS_8_16 +make_atomic_cas(8) +make_atomic_cas(16) +#endif +make_atomic_cas(32) +make_atomic_cas(64) +make_atomic_cas(ptr) + +#ifdef MY_ATOMIC_HAS_8_16 +make_atomic_add(8) +make_atomic_add(16) +#endif +make_atomic_add(32) +make_atomic_add(64) + +#ifdef MY_ATOMIC_HAS_8_16 +make_atomic_load(8) +make_atomic_load(16) +#endif +make_atomic_load(32) +make_atomic_load(64) +make_atomic_load(ptr) + +#ifdef MY_ATOMIC_HAS_8_16 +make_atomic_fas(8) +make_atomic_fas(16) +#endif +make_atomic_fas(32) +make_atomic_fas(64) +make_atomic_fas(ptr) + +#ifdef MY_ATOMIC_HAS_8_16 +make_atomic_store(8) +make_atomic_store(16) +#endif +make_atomic_store(32) +make_atomic_store(64) +make_atomic_store(ptr) + +#ifdef _atomic_h_cleanup_ +#include _atomic_h_cleanup_ +#undef _atomic_h_cleanup_ +#endif + +#undef U_8 +#undef U_16 +#undef U_32 +#undef U_64 +#undef U_ptr +#undef Uv_8 +#undef Uv_16 +#undef Uv_32 +#undef Uv_64 +#undef Uv_ptr +#undef a +#undef cmp +#undef v +#undef set +#undef U_a +#undef U_cmp +#undef U_v +#undef U_set +#undef make_atomic_add +#undef make_atomic_cas +#undef make_atomic_load +#undef make_atomic_store +#undef make_atomic_fas +#undef make_atomic_add_body +#undef make_atomic_cas_body +#undef make_atomic_load_body +#undef make_atomic_store_body +#undef make_atomic_fas_body +#undef intptr + +/* + the macro below defines (as an expression) the code that + will be run in spin-loops. Intel manuals recummend to have PAUSE there. + It is expected to be defined in include/atomic/ *.h files +*/ +#ifndef LF_BACKOFF +#define LF_BACKOFF (1) +#endif + +#define MY_ATOMIC_OK 0 +#define MY_ATOMIC_NOT_1CPU 1 +C_MODE_START +extern int my_atomic_initialize(); +C_MODE_END + +#endif + +#endif /* MY_ATOMIC_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_attribute.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_attribute.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..78999f256 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_attribute.h @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Helper macros used for setting different __attributes__ + on functions in a portable fashion +*/ + +#ifndef _my_attribute_h +#define _my_attribute_h + +#if defined(__GNUC__) +# ifndef GCC_VERSION +# define GCC_VERSION (__GNUC__ * 1000 + __GNUC_MINOR__) +# endif +#endif + +/* + Disable __attribute__() on gcc < 2.7, g++ < 3.4, and non-gcc compilers. + Some forms of __attribute__ are actually supported in earlier versions of + g++, but we just disable them all because we only use them to generate + compilation warnings. +*/ +#ifndef __attribute__ +# if !defined(__GNUC__) +# define __attribute__(A) +# elif GCC_VERSION < 2008 +# define __attribute__(A) +# elif defined(__cplusplus) && GCC_VERSION < 3004 +# define __attribute__(A) +# endif +#endif + +/* + __attribute__((format(...))) is only supported in gcc >= 2.8 and g++ >= 3.4 + But that's already covered by the __attribute__ tests above, so this is + just a convenience macro. +*/ +#ifndef ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT +# define ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(style, m, n) __attribute__((format(style, m, n))) +#endif + +/* + + __attribute__((format(...))) on a function pointer is not supported + until gcc 3.1 +*/ +#ifndef ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT_FPTR +# if (GCC_VERSION >= 3001) +# define ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT_FPTR(style, m, n) ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(style, m, n) +# else +# define ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT_FPTR(style, m, n) +# endif /* GNUC >= 3.1 */ +#endif + + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_base.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_base.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a13b810c --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_base.h @@ -0,0 +1,632 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ + + +/* This file includes constants used with all databases */ + +#ifndef _my_base_h +#define _my_base_h + +#ifndef stdin /* Included first in handler */ +#define CHSIZE_USED +#include +#include /* This includes types */ +#include +#include +#include + +#ifndef EOVERFLOW +#define EOVERFLOW 84 +#endif + +#endif /* stdin */ +#include + +/* The following is bits in the flag parameter to ha_open() */ + +#define HA_OPEN_ABORT_IF_LOCKED 0 /* default */ +#define HA_OPEN_WAIT_IF_LOCKED 1 +#define HA_OPEN_IGNORE_IF_LOCKED 2 +#define HA_OPEN_TMP_TABLE 4 /* Table is a temp table */ +#define HA_OPEN_DELAY_KEY_WRITE 8 /* Don't update index */ +#define HA_OPEN_ABORT_IF_CRASHED 16 +#define HA_OPEN_FOR_REPAIR 32 /* open even if crashed */ +#define HA_OPEN_FROM_SQL_LAYER 64 +#define HA_OPEN_MMAP 128 /* open memory mapped */ +#define HA_OPEN_COPY 256 /* Open copy (for repair) */ +/* Internal temp table, used for temporary results */ +#define HA_OPEN_INTERNAL_TABLE 512 +/** + Don't connect any share_psi to the handler, since it is a partition. + It would not be used, since partitions don't call unbind_psi()/rebind_psi(). +*/ +#define HA_OPEN_NO_PSI_CALL 1024 /* Don't call/connect PSI */ + +/* The following is parameter to ha_rkey() how to use key */ + +/* + We define a complete-field prefix of a key value as a prefix where + the last included field in the prefix contains the full field, not + just some bytes from the start of the field. A partial-field prefix + is allowed to contain only a few first bytes from the last included + field. + + Below HA_READ_KEY_EXACT, ..., HA_READ_BEFORE_KEY can take a + complete-field prefix of a key value as the search + key. HA_READ_PREFIX and HA_READ_PREFIX_LAST could also take a + partial-field prefix, but currently (4.0.10) they are only used with + complete-field prefixes. MySQL uses a padding trick to implement + LIKE 'abc%' queries. + + NOTE that in InnoDB HA_READ_PREFIX_LAST will NOT work with a + partial-field prefix because InnoDB currently strips spaces from the + end of varchar fields! +*/ + +enum ha_rkey_function { + HA_READ_KEY_EXACT, /* Find first record else error */ + HA_READ_KEY_OR_NEXT, /* Record or next record */ + HA_READ_KEY_OR_PREV, /* Record or previous */ + HA_READ_AFTER_KEY, /* Find next rec. after key-record */ + HA_READ_BEFORE_KEY, /* Find next rec. before key-record */ + HA_READ_PREFIX, /* Key which as same prefix */ + HA_READ_PREFIX_LAST, /* Last key with the same prefix */ + HA_READ_PREFIX_LAST_OR_PREV, /* Last or prev key with the same prefix */ + HA_READ_MBR_CONTAIN, /* Minimum Bounding Rectangle contains */ + HA_READ_MBR_INTERSECT, /* Minimum Bounding Rectangle intersect */ + HA_READ_MBR_WITHIN, /* Minimum Bounding Rectangle within */ + HA_READ_MBR_DISJOINT, /* Minimum Bounding Rectangle disjoint */ + HA_READ_MBR_EQUAL /* Minimum Bounding Rectangle equal */ +}; + + /* Key algorithm types */ + +enum ha_key_alg { + HA_KEY_ALG_UNDEF= 0, /* Not specified (old file) */ + HA_KEY_ALG_BTREE= 1, /* B-tree, default one */ + HA_KEY_ALG_RTREE= 2, /* R-tree, for spatial searches */ + HA_KEY_ALG_HASH= 3, /* HASH keys (HEAP tables) */ + HA_KEY_ALG_FULLTEXT= 4 /* FULLTEXT (MyISAM tables) */ +}; + + /* Storage media types */ + +enum ha_storage_media { + HA_SM_DEFAULT= 0, /* Not specified (engine default) */ + HA_SM_DISK= 1, /* DISK storage */ + HA_SM_MEMORY= 2 /* MAIN MEMORY storage */ +}; + + /* The following is parameter to ha_extra() */ + +enum ha_extra_function { + HA_EXTRA_NORMAL=0, /* Optimize for space (def) */ + HA_EXTRA_QUICK=1, /* Optimize for speed */ + HA_EXTRA_NOT_USED=2, + HA_EXTRA_CACHE=3, /* Cache record in HA_rrnd() */ + HA_EXTRA_NO_CACHE=4, /* End caching of records (def) */ + HA_EXTRA_NO_READCHECK=5, /* No readcheck on update */ + HA_EXTRA_READCHECK=6, /* Use readcheck (def) */ + HA_EXTRA_KEYREAD=7, /* Read only key to database */ + HA_EXTRA_NO_KEYREAD=8, /* Normal read of records (def) */ + HA_EXTRA_NO_USER_CHANGE=9, /* No user is allowed to write */ + HA_EXTRA_KEY_CACHE=10, + HA_EXTRA_NO_KEY_CACHE=11, + HA_EXTRA_WAIT_LOCK=12, /* Wait until file is avalably (def) */ + HA_EXTRA_NO_WAIT_LOCK=13, /* If file is locked, return quickly */ + HA_EXTRA_WRITE_CACHE=14, /* Use write cache in ha_write() */ + HA_EXTRA_FLUSH_CACHE=15, /* flush write_record_cache */ + HA_EXTRA_NO_KEYS=16, /* Remove all update of keys */ + HA_EXTRA_KEYREAD_CHANGE_POS=17, /* Keyread, but change pos */ + /* xxxxchk -r must be used */ + HA_EXTRA_REMEMBER_POS=18, /* Remember pos for next/prev */ + HA_EXTRA_RESTORE_POS=19, + HA_EXTRA_REINIT_CACHE=20, /* init cache from current record */ + HA_EXTRA_FORCE_REOPEN=21, /* Datafile have changed on disk */ + HA_EXTRA_FLUSH, /* Flush tables to disk */ + HA_EXTRA_NO_ROWS, /* Don't write rows */ + HA_EXTRA_RESET_STATE, /* Reset positions */ + HA_EXTRA_IGNORE_DUP_KEY, /* Dup keys don't rollback everything*/ + HA_EXTRA_NO_IGNORE_DUP_KEY, + HA_EXTRA_PREPARE_FOR_DROP, + HA_EXTRA_PREPARE_FOR_UPDATE, /* Remove read cache if problems */ + HA_EXTRA_PRELOAD_BUFFER_SIZE, /* Set buffer size for preloading */ + /* + On-the-fly switching between unique and non-unique key inserting. + */ + HA_EXTRA_CHANGE_KEY_TO_UNIQUE, + HA_EXTRA_CHANGE_KEY_TO_DUP, + /* + When using HA_EXTRA_KEYREAD, overwrite only key member fields and keep + other fields intact. When this is off (by default) InnoDB will use memcpy + to overwrite entire row. + */ + HA_EXTRA_KEYREAD_PRESERVE_FIELDS, + HA_EXTRA_MMAP, + /* + Ignore if the a tuple is not found, continue processing the + transaction and ignore that 'row'. Needed for idempotency + handling on the slave + + Currently only used by NDB storage engine. Partition handler ignores flag. + */ + HA_EXTRA_IGNORE_NO_KEY, + HA_EXTRA_NO_IGNORE_NO_KEY, + /* + Mark the table as a log table. For some handlers (e.g. CSV) this results + in a special locking for the table. + */ + HA_EXTRA_MARK_AS_LOG_TABLE, + /* + Informs handler that write_row() which tries to insert new row into the + table and encounters some already existing row with same primary/unique + key can replace old row with new row instead of reporting error (basically + it informs handler that we do REPLACE instead of simple INSERT). + Off by default. + */ + HA_EXTRA_WRITE_CAN_REPLACE, + HA_EXTRA_WRITE_CANNOT_REPLACE, + /* + Inform handler that delete_row()/update_row() cannot batch deletes/updates + and should perform them immediately. This may be needed when table has + AFTER DELETE/UPDATE triggers which access to subject table. + These flags are reset by the handler::extra(HA_EXTRA_RESET) call. + */ + HA_EXTRA_DELETE_CANNOT_BATCH, + HA_EXTRA_UPDATE_CANNOT_BATCH, + /* + Inform handler that an "INSERT...ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" will be + executed. This condition is unset by HA_EXTRA_NO_IGNORE_DUP_KEY. + */ + HA_EXTRA_INSERT_WITH_UPDATE, + /* Inform handler that we will do a rename */ + HA_EXTRA_PREPARE_FOR_RENAME, + /* + Special actions for MERGE tables. + */ + HA_EXTRA_ADD_CHILDREN_LIST, + HA_EXTRA_ATTACH_CHILDREN, + HA_EXTRA_IS_ATTACHED_CHILDREN, + HA_EXTRA_DETACH_CHILDREN, + /* + Prepare table for export + (e.g. quiesce the table and write table metadata). + */ + HA_EXTRA_EXPORT +}; + +/* Compatible option, to be deleted in 6.0 */ +#define HA_EXTRA_PREPARE_FOR_DELETE HA_EXTRA_PREPARE_FOR_DROP + + /* The following is parameter to ha_panic() */ + +enum ha_panic_function { + HA_PANIC_CLOSE, /* Close all databases */ + HA_PANIC_WRITE, /* Unlock and write status */ + HA_PANIC_READ /* Lock and read keyinfo */ +}; + + /* The following is parameter to ha_create(); keytypes */ + +enum ha_base_keytype { + HA_KEYTYPE_END=0, + HA_KEYTYPE_TEXT=1, /* Key is sorted as letters */ + HA_KEYTYPE_BINARY=2, /* Key is sorted as unsigned chars */ + HA_KEYTYPE_SHORT_INT=3, + HA_KEYTYPE_LONG_INT=4, + HA_KEYTYPE_FLOAT=5, + HA_KEYTYPE_DOUBLE=6, + HA_KEYTYPE_NUM=7, /* Not packed num with pre-space */ + HA_KEYTYPE_USHORT_INT=8, + HA_KEYTYPE_ULONG_INT=9, + HA_KEYTYPE_LONGLONG=10, + HA_KEYTYPE_ULONGLONG=11, + HA_KEYTYPE_INT24=12, + HA_KEYTYPE_UINT24=13, + HA_KEYTYPE_INT8=14, + /* Varchar (0-255 bytes) with length packed with 1 byte */ + HA_KEYTYPE_VARTEXT1=15, /* Key is sorted as letters */ + HA_KEYTYPE_VARBINARY1=16, /* Key is sorted as unsigned chars */ + /* Varchar (0-65535 bytes) with length packed with 2 bytes */ + HA_KEYTYPE_VARTEXT2=17, /* Key is sorted as letters */ + HA_KEYTYPE_VARBINARY2=18, /* Key is sorted as unsigned chars */ + HA_KEYTYPE_BIT=19 +}; + +#define HA_MAX_KEYTYPE 31 /* Must be log2-1 */ + + /* These flags kan be OR:ed to key-flag */ + +#define HA_NOSAME 1 /* Set if not dupplicated records */ +#define HA_PACK_KEY 2 /* Pack string key to previous key */ +#define HA_AUTO_KEY 16 +#define HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY 32 /* Packing of all keys to prev key */ +#define HA_FULLTEXT 128 /* For full-text search */ +#define HA_UNIQUE_CHECK 256 /* Check the key for uniqueness */ +#define HA_SPATIAL 1024 /* For spatial search */ +#define HA_NULL_ARE_EQUAL 2048 /* NULL in key are cmp as equal */ +#define HA_GENERATED_KEY 8192 /* Automaticly generated key */ + + /* The combination of the above can be used for key type comparison. */ +#define HA_KEYFLAG_MASK (HA_NOSAME | HA_PACK_KEY | HA_AUTO_KEY | \ + HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY | HA_FULLTEXT | HA_UNIQUE_CHECK | \ + HA_SPATIAL | HA_NULL_ARE_EQUAL | HA_GENERATED_KEY) + +/* + Key contains partial segments. + + This flag is internal to the MySQL server by design. It is not supposed + neither to be saved in FRM-files, nor to be passed to storage engines. + It is intended to pass information into internal static sort_keys(KEY *, + KEY *) function. + + This flag can be calculated -- it's based on key lengths comparison. +*/ +#define HA_KEY_HAS_PART_KEY_SEG 65536 + + /* Automatic bits in key-flag */ + +#define HA_SPACE_PACK_USED 4 /* Test for if SPACE_PACK used */ +#define HA_VAR_LENGTH_KEY 8 +#define HA_NULL_PART_KEY 64 +#define HA_USES_COMMENT 4096 +#define HA_USES_PARSER 16384 /* Fulltext index uses [pre]parser */ +#define HA_USES_BLOCK_SIZE ((uint) 32768) +#define HA_SORT_ALLOWS_SAME 512 /* Intern bit when sorting records */ + + /* These flags can be added to key-seg-flag */ + +#define HA_SPACE_PACK 1 /* Pack space in key-seg */ +#define HA_PART_KEY_SEG 4 /* Used by MySQL for part-key-cols */ +#define HA_VAR_LENGTH_PART 8 +#define HA_NULL_PART 16 +#define HA_BLOB_PART 32 +#define HA_SWAP_KEY 64 +#define HA_REVERSE_SORT 128 /* Sort key in reverse order */ +#define HA_NO_SORT 256 /* do not bother sorting on this keyseg */ +/* + End space in unique/varchar are considered equal. (Like 'a' and 'a ') + Only needed for internal temporary tables. +*/ +#define HA_END_SPACE_ARE_EQUAL 512 +#define HA_BIT_PART 1024 + + /* optionbits for database */ +#define HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD 1 +#define HA_OPTION_PACK_KEYS 2 +#define HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD 4 +#define HA_OPTION_LONG_BLOB_PTR 8 /* new ISAM format */ +#define HA_OPTION_TMP_TABLE 16 +#define HA_OPTION_CHECKSUM 32 +#define HA_OPTION_DELAY_KEY_WRITE 64 +#define HA_OPTION_NO_PACK_KEYS 128 /* Reserved for MySQL */ +#define HA_OPTION_CREATE_FROM_ENGINE 256 +#define HA_OPTION_RELIES_ON_SQL_LAYER 512 +#define HA_OPTION_NULL_FIELDS 1024 +#define HA_OPTION_PAGE_CHECKSUM 2048 +/** STATS_PERSISTENT=1 has been specified in the SQL command (either CREATE +or ALTER TABLE). Table and index statistics that are collected by the +storage engine and used by the optimizer for query optimization will be +stored on disk and will not change after a server restart. */ +#define HA_OPTION_STATS_PERSISTENT 4096 +/** STATS_PERSISTENT=0 has been specified in CREATE/ALTER TABLE. Statistics +for the table will be wiped away on server shutdown and new ones recalculated +after the server is started again. If none of HA_OPTION_STATS_PERSISTENT or +HA_OPTION_NO_STATS_PERSISTENT is set, this means that the setting is not +explicitly set at table level and the corresponding table will use whatever +is the global server default. */ +#define HA_OPTION_NO_STATS_PERSISTENT 8192 +#define HA_OPTION_TEMP_COMPRESS_RECORD ((uint) 16384) /* set by isamchk */ +#define HA_OPTION_READ_ONLY_DATA ((uint) 32768) /* Set by isamchk */ + + /* Bits in flag to create() */ + +#define HA_DONT_TOUCH_DATA 1 /* Don't empty datafile (isamchk) */ +#define HA_PACK_RECORD 2 /* Request packed record format */ +#define HA_CREATE_TMP_TABLE 4 +#define HA_CREATE_CHECKSUM 8 +#define HA_CREATE_KEEP_FILES 16 /* don't overwrite .MYD and MYI */ +#define HA_CREATE_PAGE_CHECKSUM 32 +#define HA_CREATE_DELAY_KEY_WRITE 64 +#define HA_CREATE_RELIES_ON_SQL_LAYER 128 +#define HA_CREATE_INTERNAL_TABLE 256 + +/* + The following flags (OR-ed) are passed to handler::info() method. + The method copies misc handler information out of the storage engine + to data structures accessible from MySQL + + Same flags are also passed down to mi_status, myrg_status, etc. +*/ + +/* this one is not used */ +#define HA_STATUS_POS 1 +/* + assuming the table keeps shared actual copy of the 'info' and + local, possibly outdated copy, the following flag means that + it should not try to get the actual data (locking the shared structure) + slightly outdated version will suffice +*/ +#define HA_STATUS_NO_LOCK 2 +/* update the time of the last modification (in handler::update_time) */ +#define HA_STATUS_TIME 4 +/* + update the 'constant' part of the info: + handler::max_data_file_length, max_index_file_length, create_time + sortkey, ref_length, block_size, data_file_name, index_file_name. + handler::table->s->keys_in_use, keys_for_keyread, rec_per_key +*/ +#define HA_STATUS_CONST 8 +/* + update the 'variable' part of the info: + handler::records, deleted, data_file_length, index_file_length, + check_time, mean_rec_length +*/ +#define HA_STATUS_VARIABLE 16 +/* + get the information about the key that caused last duplicate value error + update handler::errkey and handler::dupp_ref + see handler::get_dup_key() +*/ +#define HA_STATUS_ERRKEY 32 +/* + update handler::auto_increment_value +*/ +#define HA_STATUS_AUTO 64 +/* + Get also delete_length when HA_STATUS_VARIABLE is called. It's ok to set it also + when only HA_STATUS_VARIABLE but it won't be used. +*/ +#define HA_STATUS_VARIABLE_EXTRA 128 + +/* + Errorcodes given by handler functions + + opt_sum_query() assumes these codes are > 1 + Do not add error numbers before HA_ERR_FIRST. + If necessary to add lower numbers, change HA_ERR_FIRST accordingly. +*/ +#define HA_ERR_FIRST 120 /* Copy of first error nr.*/ + +#define HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND 120 /* Didn't find key on read or update */ +#define HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY 121 /* Dupplicate key on write */ +#define HA_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR 122 /* Internal error */ +#define HA_ERR_RECORD_CHANGED 123 /* Uppdate with is recoverable */ +#define HA_ERR_WRONG_INDEX 124 /* Wrong index given to function */ +#define HA_ERR_CRASHED 126 /* Indexfile is crashed */ +#define HA_ERR_WRONG_IN_RECORD 127 /* Record-file is crashed */ +#define HA_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM 128 /* Record-file is crashed */ +#define HA_ERR_NOT_A_TABLE 130 /* not a MYI file - no signature */ +#define HA_ERR_WRONG_COMMAND 131 /* Command not supported */ +#define HA_ERR_OLD_FILE 132 /* old databasfile */ +#define HA_ERR_NO_ACTIVE_RECORD 133 /* No record read in update() */ +#define HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED 134 /* A record is not there */ +#define HA_ERR_RECORD_FILE_FULL 135 /* No more room in file */ +#define HA_ERR_INDEX_FILE_FULL 136 /* No more room in file */ +#define HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE 137 /* end in next/prev/first/last */ +#define HA_ERR_UNSUPPORTED 138 /* unsupported extension used */ +#define HA_ERR_TO_BIG_ROW 139 /* Too big row */ +#define HA_WRONG_CREATE_OPTION 140 /* Wrong create option */ +#define HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_UNIQUE 141 /* Dupplicate unique on write */ +#define HA_ERR_UNKNOWN_CHARSET 142 /* Can't open charset */ +#define HA_ERR_WRONG_MRG_TABLE_DEF 143 /* conflicting tables in MERGE */ +#define HA_ERR_CRASHED_ON_REPAIR 144 /* Last (automatic?) repair failed */ +#define HA_ERR_CRASHED_ON_USAGE 145 /* Table must be repaired */ +#define HA_ERR_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT 146 +#define HA_ERR_LOCK_TABLE_FULL 147 +#define HA_ERR_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION 148 /* Updates not allowed */ +#define HA_ERR_LOCK_DEADLOCK 149 +#define HA_ERR_CANNOT_ADD_FOREIGN 150 /* Cannot add a foreign key constr. */ +#define HA_ERR_NO_REFERENCED_ROW 151 /* Cannot add a child row */ +#define HA_ERR_ROW_IS_REFERENCED 152 /* Cannot delete a parent row */ +#define HA_ERR_NO_SAVEPOINT 153 /* No savepoint with that name */ +#define HA_ERR_NON_UNIQUE_BLOCK_SIZE 154 /* Non unique key block size */ +#define HA_ERR_NO_SUCH_TABLE 155 /* The table does not exist in engine */ +#define HA_ERR_TABLE_EXIST 156 /* The table existed in storage engine */ +#define HA_ERR_NO_CONNECTION 157 /* Could not connect to storage engine */ +/* NULLs are not supported in spatial index */ +#define HA_ERR_NULL_IN_SPATIAL 158 +#define HA_ERR_TABLE_DEF_CHANGED 159 /* The table changed in storage engine */ +/* There's no partition in table for given value */ +#define HA_ERR_NO_PARTITION_FOUND 160 +#define HA_ERR_RBR_LOGGING_FAILED 161 /* Row-based binlogging of row failed */ +#define HA_ERR_DROP_INDEX_FK 162 /* Index needed in foreign key constr */ +/* + Upholding foreign key constraints would lead to a duplicate key error + in some other table. +*/ +#define HA_ERR_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY 163 +/* The table changed in storage engine */ +#define HA_ERR_TABLE_NEEDS_UPGRADE 164 +#define HA_ERR_TABLE_READONLY 165 /* The table is not writable */ + +#define HA_ERR_AUTOINC_READ_FAILED 166 /* Failed to get next autoinc value */ +#define HA_ERR_AUTOINC_ERANGE 167 /* Failed to set row autoinc value */ +#define HA_ERR_GENERIC 168 /* Generic error */ +/* row not actually updated: new values same as the old values */ +#define HA_ERR_RECORD_IS_THE_SAME 169 +/* It is not possible to log this statement */ +#define HA_ERR_LOGGING_IMPOSSIBLE 170 /* It is not possible to log this + statement */ +#define HA_ERR_CORRUPT_EVENT 171 /* The event was corrupt, leading to + illegal data being read */ +#define HA_ERR_NEW_FILE 172 /* New file format */ +#define HA_ERR_ROWS_EVENT_APPLY 173 /* The event could not be processed + no other hanlder error happened */ +#define HA_ERR_INITIALIZATION 174 /* Error during initialization */ +#define HA_ERR_FILE_TOO_SHORT 175 /* File too short */ +#define HA_ERR_WRONG_CRC 176 /* Wrong CRC on page */ +#define HA_ERR_TOO_MANY_CONCURRENT_TRXS 177 /*Too many active concurrent transactions */ +/* There's no explicitly listed partition in table for the given value */ +#define HA_ERR_NOT_IN_LOCK_PARTITIONS 178 +#define HA_ERR_INDEX_COL_TOO_LONG 179 /* Index column length exceeds limit */ +#define HA_ERR_INDEX_CORRUPT 180 /* InnoDB index corrupted */ +#define HA_ERR_UNDO_REC_TOO_BIG 181 /* Undo log record too big */ +#define HA_FTS_INVALID_DOCID 182 /* Invalid InnoDB Doc ID */ +#define HA_ERR_TABLE_IN_FK_CHECK 183 /* Table being used in foreign key check */ +#define HA_ERR_TABLESPACE_EXISTS 184 /* The tablespace existed in storage engine */ +#define HA_ERR_TOO_MANY_FIELDS 185 /* Table has too many columns */ +#define HA_ERR_ROW_IN_WRONG_PARTITION 186 /* Row in wrong partition */ +#define HA_ERR_INNODB_READ_ONLY 187 /* InnoDB is in read only mode. */ +#define HA_ERR_FTS_EXCEED_RESULT_CACHE_LIMIT 188 /* FTS query exceeds result cache limit */ +#define HA_ERR_LAST 188 /* Copy of last error nr */ + +/* Number of different errors */ +#define HA_ERR_ERRORS (HA_ERR_LAST - HA_ERR_FIRST + 1) + + /* Other constants */ + +#define HA_NAMELEN 64 /* Max length of saved filename */ +#define NO_SUCH_KEY (~(uint)0) /* used as a key no. */ + +typedef ulong key_part_map; +#define HA_WHOLE_KEY (~(key_part_map)0) + + /* Intern constants in databases */ + + /* bits in _search */ +#define SEARCH_FIND 1 +#define SEARCH_NO_FIND 2 +#define SEARCH_SAME 4 +#define SEARCH_BIGGER 8 +#define SEARCH_SMALLER 16 +#define SEARCH_SAVE_BUFF 32 +#define SEARCH_UPDATE 64 +#define SEARCH_PREFIX 128 +#define SEARCH_LAST 256 +#define MBR_CONTAIN 512 +#define MBR_INTERSECT 1024 +#define MBR_WITHIN 2048 +#define MBR_DISJOINT 4096 +#define MBR_EQUAL 8192 +#define MBR_DATA 16384 +#define SEARCH_NULL_ARE_EQUAL 32768 /* NULL in keys are equal */ +#define SEARCH_NULL_ARE_NOT_EQUAL 65536 /* NULL in keys are not equal */ + + /* bits in opt_flag */ +#define QUICK_USED 1 +#define READ_CACHE_USED 2 +#define READ_CHECK_USED 4 +#define KEY_READ_USED 8 +#define WRITE_CACHE_USED 16 +#define OPT_NO_ROWS 32 + + /* bits in update */ +#define HA_STATE_CHANGED 1 /* Database has changed */ +#define HA_STATE_AKTIV 2 /* Has a current record */ +#define HA_STATE_WRITTEN 4 /* Record is written */ +#define HA_STATE_DELETED 8 +#define HA_STATE_NEXT_FOUND 16 /* Next found record (record before) */ +#define HA_STATE_PREV_FOUND 32 /* Prev found record (record after) */ +#define HA_STATE_NO_KEY 64 /* Last read didn't find record */ +#define HA_STATE_KEY_CHANGED 128 +#define HA_STATE_WRITE_AT_END 256 /* set in _ps_find_writepos */ +#define HA_STATE_BUFF_SAVED 512 /* If current keybuff is info->buff */ +#define HA_STATE_ROW_CHANGED 1024 /* To invalide ROW cache */ +#define HA_STATE_EXTEND_BLOCK 2048 +#define HA_STATE_RNEXT_SAME 4096 /* rnext_same occupied lastkey2 */ + +/* myisampack expects no more than 32 field types. */ +enum en_fieldtype { + FIELD_LAST=-1,FIELD_NORMAL,FIELD_SKIP_ENDSPACE,FIELD_SKIP_PRESPACE, + FIELD_SKIP_ZERO,FIELD_BLOB,FIELD_CONSTANT,FIELD_INTERVALL,FIELD_ZERO, + FIELD_VARCHAR,FIELD_CHECK, + FIELD_enum_val_count +}; + +enum data_file_type { + STATIC_RECORD, DYNAMIC_RECORD, COMPRESSED_RECORD, BLOCK_RECORD +}; + +/* For key ranges */ + +enum key_range_flag { + NO_MIN_RANGE= 1 << 0, ///< from -inf + NO_MAX_RANGE= 1 << 1, ///< to +inf + /* X < key, i.e. not including the left endpoint */ + NEAR_MIN= 1 << 2, + /* X > key, i.e. not including the right endpoint */ + NEAR_MAX= 1 << 3, + /* + This flag means that index is a unique index, and the interval is + equivalent to "AND(keypart_i = const_i)", where all of const_i are + not NULLs. + */ + UNIQUE_RANGE= 1 << 4, + /* + This flag means that the interval is equivalent to + "AND(keypart_i = const_i)", where not all key parts may be used + but all of const_i are not NULLs. + */ + EQ_RANGE= 1 << 5, + /* + This flag has the same meaning as UNIQUE_RANGE, except that for at + least one keypart the condition is "keypart IS NULL". + */ + NULL_RANGE= 1 << 6, + GEOM_FLAG= 1 << 7, ///< GIS + /* Deprecated, currently used only by NDB at row retrieval */ + SKIP_RANGE= 1 << 8, + /* + Used together with EQ_RANGE to indicate that index statistics + should be used instead of sampling the index. + */ + USE_INDEX_STATISTICS= 1 << 9 +}; + + +typedef struct st_key_range +{ + const uchar *key; + uint length; + key_part_map keypart_map; + enum ha_rkey_function flag; +} key_range; + +typedef struct st_key_multi_range +{ + key_range start_key; + key_range end_key; + char *ptr; /* Free to use by caller (ptr to row etc) */ + uint range_flag; /* key range flags see above */ +} KEY_MULTI_RANGE; + + +/* For number of records */ +#ifdef BIG_TABLES +#define rows2double(A) ulonglong2double(A) +typedef my_off_t ha_rows; +#else +#define rows2double(A) (double) (A) +typedef ulong ha_rows; +#endif + +#define HA_POS_ERROR (~ (ha_rows) 0) +#define HA_OFFSET_ERROR (~ (my_off_t) 0) + +#if SYSTEM_SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 +#define MAX_FILE_SIZE INT_MAX32 +#else +#define MAX_FILE_SIZE LONGLONG_MAX +#endif + +#define HA_VARCHAR_PACKLENGTH(field_length) ((field_length) < 256 ? 1 :2) + +/* invalidator function reference for Query Cache */ +C_MODE_START +typedef void (* invalidator_by_filename)(const char * filename); +C_MODE_END + +#endif /* _my_base_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_bit.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_bit.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8d9f485a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_bit.h @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +/* + Copyright (c) 2007, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MY_BIT_INCLUDED +#define MY_BIT_INCLUDED + +/* + Some useful bit functions +*/ + +C_MODE_START + +extern const char _my_bits_nbits[256]; +extern const uchar _my_bits_reverse_table[256]; + +/* + Find smallest X in 2^X >= value + This can be used to divide a number with value by doing a shift instead +*/ + +static inline uint my_bit_log2(ulong value) +{ + uint bit; + for (bit=0 ; value > 1 ; value>>=1, bit++) ; + return bit; +} + +static inline uint my_count_bits(ulonglong v) +{ +#if SIZEOF_LONG_LONG > 4 + /* The following code is a bit faster on 16 bit machines than if we would + only shift v */ + ulong v2=(ulong) (v >> 32); + return (uint) (uchar) (_my_bits_nbits[(uchar) v] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v >> 8)] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v >> 16)] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v >> 24)] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v2)] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v2 >> 8)] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v2 >> 16)] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v2 >> 24)]); +#else + return (uint) (uchar) (_my_bits_nbits[(uchar) v] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v >> 8)] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v >> 16)] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v >> 24)]); +#endif +} + +static inline uint my_count_bits_uint32(uint32 v) +{ + return (uint) (uchar) (_my_bits_nbits[(uchar) v] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v >> 8)] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v >> 16)] + + _my_bits_nbits[(uchar) (v >> 24)]); +} + + +/* + Next highest power of two + + SYNOPSIS + my_round_up_to_next_power() + v Value to check + + RETURN + Next or equal power of 2 + Note: 0 will return 0 + + NOTES + Algorithm by Sean Anderson, according to: + http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html + (Orignal code public domain) + + Comments shows how this works with 01100000000000000000000000001011 +*/ + +static inline uint32 my_round_up_to_next_power(uint32 v) +{ + v--; /* 01100000000000000000000000001010 */ + v|= v >> 1; /* 01110000000000000000000000001111 */ + v|= v >> 2; /* 01111100000000000000000000001111 */ + v|= v >> 4; /* 01111111110000000000000000001111 */ + v|= v >> 8; /* 01111111111111111100000000001111 */ + v|= v >> 16; /* 01111111111111111111111111111111 */ + return v+1; /* 10000000000000000000000000000000 */ +} + +static inline uint32 my_clear_highest_bit(uint32 v) +{ + uint32 w=v >> 1; + w|= w >> 1; + w|= w >> 2; + w|= w >> 4; + w|= w >> 8; + w|= w >> 16; + return v & w; +} + +static inline uint32 my_reverse_bits(uint32 key) +{ + return + (_my_bits_reverse_table[ key & 255] << 24) | + (_my_bits_reverse_table[(key>> 8) & 255] << 16) | + (_my_bits_reverse_table[(key>>16) & 255] << 8) | + _my_bits_reverse_table[(key>>24) ]; +} + +C_MODE_END + +#endif /* MY_BIT_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_bitmap.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_bitmap.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2e0a5457b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_bitmap.h @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +/* + Copyright (c) 2001, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ + +#ifndef _my_bitmap_h_ +#define _my_bitmap_h_ + +#define MY_BIT_NONE (~(uint) 0) + +#include + +typedef uint32 my_bitmap_map; + +typedef struct st_bitmap +{ + my_bitmap_map *bitmap; + uint n_bits; /* number of bits occupied by the above */ + my_bitmap_map last_word_mask; + my_bitmap_map *last_word_ptr; + /* + mutex will be acquired for the duration of each bitmap operation if + thread_safe flag in bitmap_init was set. Otherwise, we optimize by not + acquiring the mutex + */ + mysql_mutex_t *mutex; +} MY_BITMAP; + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif +extern void create_last_word_mask(MY_BITMAP *map); +extern my_bool bitmap_init(MY_BITMAP *map, my_bitmap_map *buf, uint n_bits, + my_bool thread_safe); +extern my_bool bitmap_is_clear_all(const MY_BITMAP *map); +extern my_bool bitmap_is_prefix(const MY_BITMAP *map, uint prefix_size); +extern my_bool bitmap_is_set_all(const MY_BITMAP *map); +extern my_bool bitmap_is_subset(const MY_BITMAP *map1, const MY_BITMAP *map2); +extern my_bool bitmap_is_overlapping(const MY_BITMAP *map1, + const MY_BITMAP *map2); +extern my_bool bitmap_test_and_set(MY_BITMAP *map, uint bitmap_bit); +extern my_bool bitmap_test_and_clear(MY_BITMAP *map, uint bitmap_bit); +extern my_bool bitmap_fast_test_and_set(MY_BITMAP *map, uint bitmap_bit); +extern uint bitmap_set_next(MY_BITMAP *map); +extern uint bitmap_get_first(const MY_BITMAP *map); +extern uint bitmap_get_first_set(const MY_BITMAP *map); +extern uint bitmap_get_next_set(const MY_BITMAP *map, uint bitmap_bit); +extern uint bitmap_bits_set(const MY_BITMAP *map); +extern void bitmap_free(MY_BITMAP *map); +extern void bitmap_set_above(MY_BITMAP *map, uint from_byte, uint use_bit); +extern void bitmap_set_prefix(MY_BITMAP *map, uint prefix_size); +extern void bitmap_intersect(MY_BITMAP *map, const MY_BITMAP *map2); +extern void bitmap_subtract(MY_BITMAP *map, const MY_BITMAP *map2); +extern void bitmap_union(MY_BITMAP *map, const MY_BITMAP *map2); +extern void bitmap_xor(MY_BITMAP *map, const MY_BITMAP *map2); +extern void bitmap_invert(MY_BITMAP *map); +extern void bitmap_copy(MY_BITMAP *map, const MY_BITMAP *map2); + +extern uint bitmap_lock_set_next(MY_BITMAP *map); +extern void bitmap_lock_clear_bit(MY_BITMAP *map, uint bitmap_bit); +/* Fast, not thread safe, bitmap functions */ +#define bitmap_buffer_size(bits) (((bits)+31)/32)*4 +#define no_bytes_in_map(map) (((map)->n_bits + 7)/8) +#define no_words_in_map(map) (((map)->n_bits + 31)/32) + +static inline void bitmap_set_bit(MY_BITMAP *map, uint bit) +{ + DBUG_ASSERT(bit < map->n_bits); + ((uchar*)map->bitmap)[bit / 8] |= (1 << (bit & 7)); +} + + +static inline void bitmap_flip_bit(MY_BITMAP *map, uint bit) +{ + DBUG_ASSERT(bit < map->n_bits); + ((uchar*)map->bitmap)[bit / 8] ^= (1 << (bit & 7)); +} + + +static inline void bitmap_clear_bit(MY_BITMAP *map, uint bit) +{ + DBUG_ASSERT(bit < map->n_bits); + ((uchar*)map->bitmap)[bit / 8] &= ~(1 << (bit & 7)); +} + + +static inline my_bool bitmap_is_set(const MY_BITMAP *map, uint bit) +{ + DBUG_ASSERT(bit < map->n_bits); + return ((uchar*)map->bitmap)[bit / 8] & (1 << (bit & 7)); +} + +/** + Quite unlike other C comparison functions ending with 'cmp', e.g. memcmp(), + strcmp(), this function returns true if the bitmaps are equal, and false + otherwise. + + @retval true The bitmaps are equal. + @retval false The bitmaps differ. + */ +static inline my_bool bitmap_cmp(const MY_BITMAP *map1, const MY_BITMAP *map2) +{ + if (memcmp(map1->bitmap, map2->bitmap, 4*(no_words_in_map(map1)-1)) != 0) + return FALSE; + return ((*map1->last_word_ptr | map1->last_word_mask) == + (*map2->last_word_ptr | map2->last_word_mask)); +} + +#define bitmap_clear_all(MAP) \ + { memset((MAP)->bitmap, 0, 4*no_words_in_map((MAP))); } +#define bitmap_set_all(MAP) \ + (memset((MAP)->bitmap, 0xFF, 4*no_words_in_map((MAP)))) + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* _my_bitmap_h_ */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_byteorder.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_byteorder.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..11c5f2c91 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_byteorder.h @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +#ifndef MY_BYTEORDER_INCLUDED +#define MY_BYTEORDER_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + + +/* + Macro for reading 32-bit integer from network byte order (big-endian) + from a unaligned memory location. +*/ +#define int4net(A) (int32) (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[3])) | \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[2])) << 8) | \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[1])) << 16) | \ + (((uint32) ((uchar) (A)[0])) << 24)) + +/* + Function-like macros for reading and storing in machine independent + format (low byte first). There are 'korr' (assume 'corrector') variants + for integer types, but 'get' (assume 'getter') for floating point types. +*/ +#if defined(__i386__) || defined(_WIN32) +#define MY_BYTE_ORDER_ARCH_OPTIMIZED +#include "byte_order_generic_x86.h" +#elif defined(__x86_64__) +#include "byte_order_generic_x86_64.h" +#else +#include "byte_order_generic.h" +#endif + +/* + Function-like macros for reading and storing in machine format from/to + short/long to/from some place in memory V should be a variable (not on + a register) and M a pointer to byte. +*/ +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN +#include "big_endian.h" +#else +#include "little_endian.h" +#endif + +#endif /* MY_BYTEORDER_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_compare.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_compare.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8c3825c7f --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_compare.h @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ + +#ifndef _my_compare_h +#define _my_compare_h + +#include "myisampack.h" +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#include "m_ctype.h" /* CHARSET_INFO */ + +/* + There is a hard limit for the maximum number of keys as there are only + 8 bits in the index file header for the number of keys in a table. + This means that 0..255 keys can exist for a table. The idea of + HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY is to ensure that one can use myisamchk & tools on + a MyISAM table for which one has more keys than MyISAM is normally + compiled for. If you don't have this, you will get a core dump when + running myisamchk compiled for 128 keys on a table with 255 keys. +*/ + +#define HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY 255 /* For myisamchk */ +/* + The following defines can be increased if necessary. + But beware the dependency of MI_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY_BUFF and HA_MAX_KEY_LENGTH. +*/ + +#define HA_MAX_KEY_LENGTH 1000 /* Max length in bytes */ +#define HA_MAX_KEY_SEG 16 /* Max segments for key */ + +#define HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY_BUFF (HA_MAX_KEY_LENGTH + 24+ 6+6) +#define HA_MAX_KEY_BUFF (HA_MAX_KEY_LENGTH+HA_MAX_KEY_SEG*6+8+8) + +typedef struct st_HA_KEYSEG /* Key-portion */ +{ + const CHARSET_INFO *charset; + uint32 start; /* Start of key in record */ + uint32 null_pos; /* position to NULL indicator */ + uint16 bit_pos; /* Position to bit part */ + uint16 flag; + uint16 length; /* Keylength */ + uint16 language; + uint8 type; /* Type of key (for sort) */ + uint8 null_bit; /* bitmask to test for NULL */ + uint8 bit_start,bit_end; /* if bit field */ + uint8 bit_length; /* Length of bit part */ +} HA_KEYSEG; + +#define get_key_length(length,key) \ +{ if (*(uchar*) (key) != 255) \ + length= (uint) *(uchar*) ((key)++); \ + else \ + { length= mi_uint2korr((key)+1); (key)+=3; } \ +} + +#define get_key_length_rdonly(length,key) \ +{ if (*(uchar*) (key) != 255) \ + length= ((uint) *(uchar*) ((key))); \ + else \ + { length= mi_uint2korr((key)+1); } \ +} + +#define get_key_pack_length(length,length_pack,key) \ +{ if (*(uchar*) (key) != 255) \ + { length= (uint) *(uchar*) ((key)++); length_pack= 1; }\ + else \ + { length=mi_uint2korr((key)+1); (key)+= 3; length_pack= 3; } \ +} + +#define store_key_length_inc(key,length) \ +{ if ((length) < 255) \ + { *(key)++= (length); } \ + else \ + { *(key)=255; mi_int2store((key)+1,(length)); (key)+=3; } \ +} + +#define size_to_store_key_length(length) ((length) < 255 ? 1 : 3) + +#define get_rec_bits(bit_ptr, bit_ofs, bit_len) \ + (((((uint16) (bit_ptr)[1] << 8) | (uint16) (bit_ptr)[0]) >> (bit_ofs)) & \ + ((1 << (bit_len)) - 1)) + +#define set_rec_bits(bits, bit_ptr, bit_ofs, bit_len) \ +{ \ + (bit_ptr)[0]= ((bit_ptr)[0] & ~(((1 << (bit_len)) - 1) << (bit_ofs))) | \ + ((bits) << (bit_ofs)); \ + if ((bit_ofs) + (bit_len) > 8) \ + (bit_ptr)[1]= ((bit_ptr)[1] & ~((1 << ((bit_len) - 8 + (bit_ofs))) - 1)) | \ + ((bits) >> (8 - (bit_ofs))); \ +} + +#define clr_rec_bits(bit_ptr, bit_ofs, bit_len) \ + set_rec_bits(0, bit_ptr, bit_ofs, bit_len) + +extern int ha_compare_text(const CHARSET_INFO *, uchar *, uint, uchar *, uint , + my_bool, my_bool); +extern int ha_key_cmp(register HA_KEYSEG *keyseg, register uchar *a, + register uchar *b, uint key_length, uint nextflag, + uint *diff_pos); + +/* + Inside an in-memory data record, memory pointers to pieces of the + record (like BLOBs) are stored in their native byte order and in + this amount of bytes. +*/ +#define portable_sizeof_char_ptr 8 + + +/** + Return values of index_cond_func_xxx functions. + + 0=ICP_NO_MATCH - index tuple doesn't satisfy the pushed index condition (the + engine should discard the tuple and go to the next one) + 1=ICP_MATCH - index tuple satisfies the pushed index condition (the engine + should fetch and return the record) + 2=ICP_OUT_OF_RANGE - index tuple is out range that we're scanning, e.g. this + if we're scanning "t.key BETWEEN 10 AND 20" and got a + "t.key=21" tuple (the engine should stop scanning and return + HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE right away). +*/ + +typedef enum icp_result { + ICP_NO_MATCH, + ICP_MATCH, + ICP_OUT_OF_RANGE +} ICP_RESULT; + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* _my_compare_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_compiler.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_compiler.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..000d4e428 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_compiler.h @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +#ifndef MY_COMPILER_INCLUDED +#define MY_COMPILER_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/** + Header for compiler-dependent features. + + Intended to contain a set of reusable wrappers for preprocessor + macros, attributes, pragmas, and any other features that are + specific to a target compiler. +*/ + +#include /* stddef.h offsetof */ + +/** + Compiler-dependent internal convenience macros. +*/ + +/* GNU C/C++ */ +#if defined __GNUC__ +/* Convenience macro to test the minimum required GCC version. */ +# define MY_GNUC_PREREQ(maj, min) \ + ((__GNUC__ << 16) + __GNUC_MINOR__ >= ((maj) << 16) + (min)) +/* Any after 2.95... */ +# define MY_ALIGN_EXT +/* Comunicate to the compiler the unreachability of the code. */ +# if MY_GNUC_PREREQ(4,5) +# define MY_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE() __builtin_unreachable() +# endif + +/* Microsoft Visual C++ */ +#elif defined _MSC_VER +# define MY_ALIGNOF(type) __alignof(type) +# define MY_ALIGNED(n) __declspec(align(n)) + +/* Oracle Solaris Studio */ +#elif defined(__SUNPRO_C) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC) +# if __SUNPRO_C >= 0x590 +# define MY_ALIGN_EXT +# endif + +/* IBM XL C/C++ */ +#elif defined __xlC__ +# if __xlC__ >= 0x0600 +# define MY_ALIGN_EXT +# endif + +/* HP aCC */ +#elif defined(__HP_aCC) || defined(__HP_cc) +# if (__HP_aCC >= 60000) || (__HP_cc >= 60000) +# define MY_ALIGN_EXT +# endif +#endif + +#ifdef MY_ALIGN_EXT +/** Specifies the minimum alignment of a type. */ +# define MY_ALIGNOF(type) __alignof__(type) +/** Determine the alignment requirement of a type. */ +# define MY_ALIGNED(n) __attribute__((__aligned__((n)))) +#endif + +/** + Generic (compiler-independent) features. +*/ + +#ifndef MY_GNUC_PREREQ +# define MY_GNUC_PREREQ(maj, min) (0) +#endif + +#ifndef MY_ALIGNOF +# ifdef __cplusplus + template struct my_alignof_helper { char m1; type m2; }; + /* Invalid for non-POD types, but most compilers give the right answer. */ +# define MY_ALIGNOF(type) offsetof(my_alignof_helper, m2) +# else +# define MY_ALIGNOF(type) offsetof(struct { char m1; type m2; }, m2) +# endif +#endif + +#ifndef MY_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE +# define MY_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE() do { assert(0); } while (0) +#endif + +/** + C++ Type Traits +*/ + +#ifdef __cplusplus + +/** + Opaque storage with a particular alignment. +*/ +# if defined(MY_ALIGNED) +/* Partial specialization used due to MSVC++. */ +template struct my_alignment_imp; +template<> struct MY_ALIGNED(1) my_alignment_imp<1> {}; +template<> struct MY_ALIGNED(2) my_alignment_imp<2> {}; +template<> struct MY_ALIGNED(4) my_alignment_imp<4> {}; +template<> struct MY_ALIGNED(8) my_alignment_imp<8> {}; +template<> struct MY_ALIGNED(16) my_alignment_imp<16> {}; +/* ... expand as necessary. */ +# else +template +struct my_alignment_imp { double m1; }; +# endif + +/** + A POD type with a given size and alignment. + + @remark If the compiler does not support a alignment attribute + (MY_ALIGN macro), the default alignment of a double is + used instead. + + @tparam size The minimum size. + @tparam alignment The desired alignment: 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16. +*/ +template +struct my_aligned_storage +{ + union + { + char data[size]; + my_alignment_imp align; + }; +}; + +#endif /* __cplusplus */ + +# ifndef MY_ALIGNED +/* + Make sure MY_ALIGNED can be used also on platforms where we don't + have a way of aligning data structures. +*/ +#define MY_ALIGNED(size) +#endif + +#include + +#endif /* MY_COMPILER_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_config.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_config.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b3742866 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_config.h @@ -0,0 +1,667 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2009, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MY_CONFIG_H +#define MY_CONFIG_H +#define DOT_FRM_VERSION 6 +/* Headers we may want to use. */ +#define STDC_HEADERS 1 +#define _GNU_SOURCE 1 +#define HAVE_ALLOCA_H 1 +#define HAVE_AIO_H 1 +#define HAVE_ARPA_INET_H 1 +#define HAVE_ASM_MSR_H 1 +#define HAVE_ASM_TERMBITS_H 1 +#define HAVE_BSEARCH 1 +#define HAVE_CRYPT_H 1 +#define HAVE_CURSES_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_CXXABI_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_NCURSES_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_NDIR_H */ +#define HAVE_DIRENT_H 1 +#define HAVE_DLFCN_H 1 +#define HAVE_EXECINFO_H 1 +#define HAVE_FCNTL_H 1 +#define HAVE_FENV_H 1 +#define HAVE_FLOAT_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_FLOATINGPOINT_H */ +#define HAVE_FNMATCH_H 1 +#define HAVE_FPU_CONTROL_H 1 +#define HAVE_GRP_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_IA64INTRIN_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_IEEEFP_H */ +#define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1 +#define HAVE_LIMITS_H 1 +#define HAVE_LOCALE_H 1 +#define HAVE_MALLOC_H 1 +#define HAVE_MEMORY_H 1 +#define HAVE_NETINET_IN_H 1 +#define HAVE_PATHS_H 1 +#define HAVE_POLL_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PORT_H */ +#define HAVE_PWD_H 1 +#define HAVE_SCHED_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SELECT_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SOLARIS_LARGE_PAGES */ +#define HAVE_STDDEF_H 1 +#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1 +#define HAVE_STDARG_H 1 +#define HAVE_STRINGS_H 1 +#define HAVE_STRING_H 1 +#define HAVE_STDINT_H 1 +#define HAVE_SEMAPHORE_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYNCH_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SYSENT_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_DIR_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_CDEFS_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_FILE_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_FPU_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_IPC_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_MALLOC_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_NDIR_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_PTE_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_PTEM_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_SHM_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_STREAM_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_TERMCAP_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_TIMEB_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_TIMES_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_TIME_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_UN_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_VADVISE_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_TERM_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_TERMBITS_H */ +#define HAVE_TERMIOS_H 1 +#define HAVE_TERMIO_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_TERMCAP_H */ +#define HAVE_TIME_H 1 +#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1 +#define HAVE_UTIME_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_VARARGS_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_VIS_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_UTIME_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H 1 +#define HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H 1 + +/* Libraries */ +/* #undef HAVE_LIBPTHREAD */ +#define HAVE_LIBM 1 +#define HAVE_LIBDL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_LIBRT */ +/* #undef HAVE_LIBSOCKET */ +/* #undef HAVE_LIBNSL */ +#define HAVE_LIBCRYPT 1 +/* #undef HAVE_LIBMTMALLOC */ +/* #undef HAVE_LIBWRAP */ +/* #undef HAVE_LIBRESOLV */ +/* Does "struct timespec" have a "sec" and "nsec" field? */ +/* #undef HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC */ + +/* Readline */ +#define HAVE_HIST_ENTRY 1 +#define USE_LIBEDIT_INTERFACE 1 + +#define FIONREAD_IN_SYS_IOCTL 1 +#define GWINSZ_IN_SYS_IOCTL 1 +/* #undef TIOCSTAT_IN_SYS_IOCTL */ +/* #undef FIONREAD_IN_SYS_FILIO */ + +/* Functions we may want to use. */ +/* #undef HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC */ +/* #undef HAVE_ALIGNED_FREE */ +/* #undef HAVE_AIOWAIT */ +#define HAVE_ALARM 1 +#define HAVE_ALLOCA 1 +/* #undef HAVE_BMOVE */ +#define HAVE_INDEX 1 +#define HAVE_CHOWN 1 +#define HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME 1 +#define HAVE_CRYPT 1 +#define HAVE_CUSERID 1 +/* #undef HAVE_DIRECTIO */ +#define HAVE_DLERROR 1 +#define HAVE_DLOPEN 1 +/* #undef HAVE_DOPRNT */ +#define HAVE_FCHMOD 1 +#define HAVE_FCNTL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_FCONVERT */ +#define HAVE_FDATASYNC 1 +#define HAVE_FESETROUND 1 +#define HAVE_FINITE 1 +/* #undef HAVE_FP_EXCEPT */ +/* #undef HAVE_FPSETMASK */ +#define HAVE_FSEEKO 1 +#define HAVE_FSYNC 1 +#define HAVE_FTIME 1 +#define HAVE_GETADDRINFO 1 +#define HAVE_GETCWD 1 +#define HAVE_GETHOSTBYADDR_R 1 +/* #undef HAVE_GETHRTIME */ +#define HAVE_GETLINE 1 +#define HAVE_GETNAMEINFO 1 +#define HAVE_GETPAGESIZE 1 +#define HAVE_GETPASS 1 +/* #undef HAVE_GETPASSPHRASE */ +#define HAVE_GETPWNAM 1 +#define HAVE_GETPWUID 1 +#define HAVE_GETRLIMIT 1 +#define HAVE_GETRUSAGE 1 +#define HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY 1 +#define HAVE_GETWD 1 +#define HAVE_GMTIME_R 1 +/* #undef gmtime_r */ +#define HAVE_INITGROUPS 1 +/* #undef HAVE_ISSETUGID */ +#define HAVE_GETUID 1 +#define HAVE_GETEUID 1 +#define HAVE_GETGID 1 +#define HAVE_GETEGID 1 +#define HAVE_ISNAN 1 +#define HAVE_ISINF 1 +#define HAVE_LARGE_PAGE_OPTION 1 +#define HAVE_LDIV 1 +#define HAVE_LRAND48 1 +#define HAVE_LOCALTIME_R 1 +#define HAVE_LOG2 1 +#define HAVE_LONGJMP 1 +#define HAVE_LSTAT 1 +#define HAVE_MEMALIGN 1 +/* #define HAVE_MLOCK 1 see Bug#54662 */ +#define HAVE_NPTL 1 +#define HAVE_NL_LANGINFO 1 +#define HAVE_MADVISE 1 +#define HAVE_DECL_MADVISE 1 +#define HAVE_DECL_TGOTO 1 +/* #undef HAVE_DECL_MHA_MAPSIZE_VA */ +#define HAVE_MALLOC_INFO 1 +#define HAVE_MEMCPY 1 +#define HAVE_MEMMOVE 1 +#define HAVE_MKSTEMP 1 +#define HAVE_MLOCKALL 1 +#define HAVE_MMAP 1 +#define HAVE_MMAP64 1 +#define HAVE_PERROR 1 +#define HAVE_POLL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PORT_CREATE */ +#define HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE 1 +#define HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN 1 +#define HAVE_PREAD 1 +#define HAVE_PAUSE_INSTRUCTION 1 +/* #undef HAVE_FAKE_PAUSE_INSTRUCTION */ +/* #undef HAVE_RDTSCLL */ +/* #undef HAVE_READ_REAL_TIME */ +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_CREATE */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETGUARDSIZE 1 +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETSTACKSIZE 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETPRIO */ +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSCHEDPARAM */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSCOPE 1 +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSTACKSIZE 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_CREATE */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_SETCLOCK 1 +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_KEY_DELETE 1 +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_KEY_DELETE 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_KILL */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_RDLOCK 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_SETPRIO_NP */ +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_SETSCHEDPARAM */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_SIGMASK 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_THREADMASK */ +/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD_YIELD_NP */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_YIELD_ZERO_ARG 1 +#define PTHREAD_ONCE_INITIALIZER PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT +#define HAVE_PUTENV 1 +#define HAVE_RE_COMP 1 +#define HAVE_REGCOMP 1 +#define HAVE_READDIR_R 1 +#define HAVE_READLINK 1 +#define HAVE_REALPATH 1 +#define HAVE_RENAME 1 +#define HAVE_RINT 1 +/* #undef HAVE_RWLOCK_INIT */ +#define HAVE_SCHED_YIELD 1 +#define HAVE_SELECT 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SETFD */ +#define HAVE_SETENV 1 +#define HAVE_SETLOCALE 1 +#define HAVE_SIGADDSET 1 +#define HAVE_SIGEMPTYSET 1 +#define HAVE_SIGHOLD 1 +#define HAVE_SIGSET 1 +#define HAVE_SIGSET_T 1 +#define HAVE_SIGACTION 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SIGTHREADMASK */ +#define HAVE_SIGWAIT 1 +#define HAVE_SLEEP 1 +#define HAVE_SNPRINTF 1 +#define HAVE_STPCPY 1 +#define HAVE_STRERROR 1 +#define HAVE_STRCOLL 1 +#define HAVE_STRSIGNAL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_STRLCPY */ +/* #undef HAVE_STRLCAT */ +/* #undef HAVE_FGETLN */ +#define HAVE_STRNLEN 1 +#define HAVE_STRPBRK 1 +#define HAVE_STRSEP 1 +#define HAVE_STRSTR 1 +#define HAVE_STRTOK_R 1 +#define HAVE_STRTOL 1 +#define HAVE_STRTOLL 1 +#define HAVE_STRTOUL 1 +#define HAVE_STRTOULL 1 +#define HAVE_SHMAT 1 +#define HAVE_SHMCTL 1 +#define HAVE_SHMDT 1 +#define HAVE_SHMGET 1 +/* #undef HAVE_TELL */ +#define HAVE_TEMPNAM 1 +/* #undef HAVE_THR_SETCONCURRENCY */ +/* #undef HAVE_THR_YIELD */ +#define HAVE_TIME 1 +#define HAVE_TIMES 1 +#define HAVE_VALLOC 1 +#define HAVE_VIO_READ_BUFF 1 +#define HAVE_VASPRINTF 1 +#define HAVE_VPRINTF 1 +#define HAVE_VSNPRINTF 1 +#define HAVE_FTRUNCATE 1 +#define HAVE_TZNAME 1 +/* #undef HAVE_AIO_READ */ +/* Symbols we may use */ +/* used by stacktrace functions */ +#define HAVE_BSS_START 1 +#define HAVE_BACKTRACE 1 +#define HAVE_BACKTRACE_SYMBOLS 1 +#define HAVE_BACKTRACE_SYMBOLS_FD 1 +/* #undef HAVE_PRINTSTACK */ +#define HAVE_STRUCT_SOCKADDR_IN6 1 +#define HAVE_STRUCT_IN6_ADDR 1 +/* #undef HAVE_NETINET_IN6_H */ +#define HAVE_IPV6 1 +/* #undef ss_family */ +/* #undef HAVE_SOCKADDR_IN_SIN_LEN */ +/* #undef HAVE_SOCKADDR_IN6_SIN6_LEN */ +/* #undef HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC */ +#define STRUCT_DIRENT_HAS_D_INO 1 +/* #undef STRUCT_DIRENT_HAS_D_NAMLEN */ +#define SPRINTF_RETURNS_INT 1 + +#define DNS_USE_CPU_CLOCK_FOR_ID 1 +#define HAVE_EPOLL 1 +#define HAVE_EPOLL_CTL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_EVENT_PORTS */ +#define HAVE_INET_NTOP 1 +/* #undef HAVE_KQUEUE */ +/* #undef HAVE_WORKING_KQUEUE */ +#define HAVE_SIGNAL 1 +#define HAVE_TIMERADD 1 +#define HAVE_TIMERCLEAR 1 +#define HAVE_TIMERCMP 1 +#define HAVE_TIMERISSET 1 + +/* #undef HAVE_DEVPOLL */ +#define HAVE_SIGNAL_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_DEVPOLL_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_EPOLL_H 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SYS_EVENT_H */ +#define HAVE_SYS_QUEUE_H 1 +#define HAVE_TAILQFOREACH 1 +#define USE_MB 1 +#define USE_MB_IDENT 1 + +/* #undef HAVE_VALGRIND */ + +/* Types we may use */ +#ifdef __APPLE__ + /* + Special handling required for OSX to support universal binaries that + mix 32 and 64 bit architectures. + */ + #if(__LP64__) + #define SIZEOF_LONG 8 + #else + #define SIZEOF_LONG 4 + #endif + #define SIZEOF_VOIDP SIZEOF_LONG + #define SIZEOF_CHARP SIZEOF_LONG + #define SIZEOF_SIZE_T SIZEOF_LONG +#else +/* No indentation, to fetch the lines from verification scripts */ +#define SIZEOF_LONG 8 +#define SIZEOF_VOIDP 8 +#define SIZEOF_CHARP 8 +#define SIZEOF_SIZE_T 8 +#endif + +#define SIZEOF_CHAR 1 +#define HAVE_CHAR 1 +#define HAVE_LONG 1 +#define HAVE_CHARP 1 +#define SIZEOF_SHORT 2 +#define HAVE_SHORT 1 +#define SIZEOF_INT 4 +#define HAVE_INT 1 +#define SIZEOF_LONG_LONG 8 +#define HAVE_LONG_LONG 1 +#define SIZEOF_OFF_T 8 +#define HAVE_OFF_T 1 +#define SIZEOF_SIGSET_T 128 +#define HAVE_SIGSET_T 1 +#define HAVE_SIZE_T 1 +/* #undef SIZEOF_UCHAR */ +/* #undef HAVE_UCHAR */ +#define SIZEOF_UINT 4 +#define HAVE_UINT 1 +#define SIZEOF_ULONG 8 +#define HAVE_ULONG 1 +/* #undef SIZEOF_INT8 */ +/* #undef HAVE_INT8 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_UINT8 */ +/* #undef HAVE_UINT8 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_INT16 */ +/* #undef HAVE_INT16 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_UINT16 */ +/* #undef HAVE_UINT16 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_INT32 */ +/* #undef HAVE_INT32 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_UINT32 */ +/* #undef HAVE_UINT32 */ +#define SIZEOF_U_INT32_T 4 +#define HAVE_U_INT32_T 1 +/* #undef SIZEOF_INT64 */ +/* #undef HAVE_INT64 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_UINT64 */ +/* #undef HAVE_UINT64 */ +/* #undef SIZEOF_BOOL */ +/* #undef HAVE_BOOL */ + +#define SOCKET_SIZE_TYPE socklen_t + +#define HAVE_MBSTATE_T + +#define MAX_INDEXES 64U + +#define QSORT_TYPE_IS_VOID 1 +#define RETQSORTTYPE void + +#define SIGNAL_RETURN_TYPE_IS_VOID 1 +#define RETSIGTYPE void +#define VOID_SIGHANDLER 1 +#define STRUCT_RLIMIT struct rlimit + +#ifdef __APPLE__ + #if __BIG_ENDIAN + #define WORDS_BIGENDIAN 1 + #endif +#else +/* #undef WORDS_BIGENDIAN */ +#endif + +/* + Define to `__inline__' or `__inline' if that's what the C compiler calls it. +*/ +#define C_HAS_inline 1 +#if !(C_HAS_inline) +#ifndef __cplusplus +# define inline +#endif +#endif + + +#define TARGET_OS_LINUX 1 + +#define HAVE_WCTYPE_H 1 +#define HAVE_WCHAR_H 1 +#define HAVE_LANGINFO_H 1 +#define HAVE_MBRLEN +/* #undef HAVE_MBSCMP */ +#define HAVE_MBSRTOWCS +#define HAVE_WCRTOMB +#define HAVE_MBRTOWC +#define HAVE_WCSCOLL +#define HAVE_WCSDUP +#define HAVE_WCWIDTH +#define HAVE_WCTYPE +#define HAVE_ISWLOWER 1 +#define HAVE_ISWUPPER 1 +#define HAVE_TOWLOWER 1 +#define HAVE_TOWUPPER 1 +#define HAVE_ISWCTYPE 1 +#define HAVE_WCHAR_T 1 +#define HAVE_WCTYPE_T 1 +#define HAVE_WINT_T 1 + + +#define HAVE_STRCASECMP 1 +#define HAVE_STRNCASECMP 1 +#define HAVE_STRDUP 1 +#define HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET +#define HAVE_TCGETATTR 1 +#define HAVE_FLOCKFILE 1 + +#define HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOL 1 +/* #undef HAVE_ABI_CXA_DEMANGLE */ + + +#define HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS 1 +/* #undef HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS */ +/* #undef HAVE_SVR3_SIGNALS */ +/* #undef HAVE_V7_SIGNALS */ + + +/* #undef HAVE_SOLARIS_STYLE_GETHOST */ + +/* #undef MY_ATOMIC_MODE_DUMMY */ +/* #undef MY_ATOMIC_MODE_RWLOCKS */ +#define HAVE_GCC_ATOMIC_BUILTINS 1 +/* #undef HAVE_SOLARIS_ATOMIC */ +#define HAVE_DECL_SHM_HUGETLB 1 +#define HAVE_LARGE_PAGES 1 +#define HUGETLB_USE_PROC_MEMINFO 1 +/* #undef NO_FCNTL_NONBLOCK */ +/* #undef NO_ALARM */ + +/* #undef _LARGE_FILES */ +#define _LARGEFILE_SOURCE 1 +/* #undef _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE */ +#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 + +#define TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME 1 + +#define STACK_DIRECTION -1 + +#define SYSTEM_TYPE "Linux" +#define MACHINE_TYPE "x86_64" +/* #undef HAVE_DTRACE */ + +#define SIGNAL_WITH_VIO_SHUTDOWN 1 + +/* Windows stuff, mostly functions, that have Posix analogs but named differently */ +/* #undef S_IROTH */ +/* #undef S_IFIFO */ +/* #undef IPPROTO_IPV6 */ +/* #undef IPV6_V6ONLY */ +/* #undef sigset_t */ +/* #undef mode_t */ +/* #undef SIGQUIT */ +/* #undef SIGPIPE */ +/* #undef isnan */ +/* #undef finite */ +/* #undef popen */ +/* #undef pclose */ +/* #undef ssize_t */ +/* #undef strcasecmp */ +/* #undef strncasecmp */ +/* #undef snprintf */ +/* #undef strtok_r */ +/* #undef strtoll */ +/* #undef strtoull */ +/* #undef vsnprintf */ +#if (_MSC_VER > 1310) +# define HAVE_SETENV +#define setenv(a,b,c) _putenv_s(a,b) +#endif +/* We don't want the min/max macros */ +#ifdef __WIN__ +#define NOMINMAX +#endif + +/* + Memcached config options +*/ +/* #undef WITH_INNODB_MEMCACHED */ +/* #undef ENABLE_MEMCACHED_SASL */ +/* #undef ENABLE_MEMCACHED_SASL_PWDB */ +/* #undef HAVE_SASL_SASL_H */ +/* #undef HAVE_HTONLL */ + +/* + MySQL features +*/ +#define ENABLED_LOCAL_INFILE 1 +#define ENABLED_PROFILING 1 +/* #undef EXTRA_DEBUG */ +/* #undef BACKUP_TEST */ +/* #undef CYBOZU */ +#define OPTIMIZER_TRACE 1 +/* #undef USE_SYMDIR */ + +/* + InnoDB config options +*/ +#define INNODB_COMPILER_HINTS + +/* Character sets and collations */ +#define MYSQL_DEFAULT_CHARSET_NAME "latin1" +#define MYSQL_DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME "latin1_swedish_ci" + +#define USE_MB 1 +#define USE_MB_IDENT 1 +/* #undef USE_STRCOLL */ + +/* This should mean case insensitive file system */ +/* #undef FN_NO_CASE_SENSE */ + +#define HAVE_CHARSET_armscii8 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_ascii 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_big5 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp1250 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp1251 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp1256 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp1257 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp850 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp852 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp866 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_cp932 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_dec8 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_eucjpms 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_euckr 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_gb2312 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_gbk 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_geostd8 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_greek 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_hebrew 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_hp8 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_keybcs2 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_koi8r 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_koi8u 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_latin1 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_latin2 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_latin5 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_latin7 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_macce 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_macroman 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_sjis 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_swe7 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_tis620 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_ucs2 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_ujis 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_utf8mb4 1 +/* #undef HAVE_CHARSET_utf8mb3 */ +#define HAVE_CHARSET_utf8 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_utf16 1 +#define HAVE_CHARSET_utf32 1 +#define HAVE_UCA_COLLATIONS 1 +#define HAVE_COMPRESS 1 +/* #undef COMPILE_FLAG_WERROR */ + +/* + Stuff that always need to be defined (compile breaks without it) +*/ +#define HAVE_SPATIAL 1 +#define HAVE_RTREE_KEYS 1 +#define HAVE_QUERY_CACHE 1 +#define BIG_TABLES 1 + +/* + Important storage engines (those that really need define + WITH__STORAGE_ENGINE for the whole server) +*/ +#define WITH_MYISAM_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +#define WITH_MYISAMMRG_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +#define WITH_HEAP_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +#define WITH_CSV_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +#define WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +#define WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE 1 +/* #undef WITH_NDBCLUSTER_STORAGE_ENGINE */ +#if (WITH_NDBCLUSTER_STORAGE_ENGINE) && !defined(EMBEDDED_LIBRARY) +# define HAVE_NDB_BINLOG 1 +#endif + +#define DEFAULT_MYSQL_HOME "/usr/local/mysql" +#define SHAREDIR "/usr/local/mysql/share" +#define DEFAULT_BASEDIR "/usr/local/mysql" +#define MYSQL_DATADIR "/usr/local/mysql/data" +#define DEFAULT_CHARSET_HOME "/usr/local/mysql" +#define PLUGINDIR "/usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin" +#define DEFAULT_SYSCONFDIR "/usr/local/mysql/etc" + +/* #undef SO_EXT */ + +#define MYSQL_VERSION_MAJOR 5 +#define MYSQL_VERSION_MINOR 6 +#define MYSQL_VERSION_PATCH 14 +#define MYSQL_VERSION_EXTRA "" + +#define PACKAGE "mysql" +#define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "" +#define PACKAGE_NAME "MySQL Server" +#define PACKAGE_STRING "MySQL Server 5.6.14" +#define PACKAGE_TARNAME "mysql" +#define PACKAGE_VERSION "5.6.14" +#define VERSION "5.6.14" +#define PROTOCOL_VERSION 10 + + +/* time_t related defines */ + +#define SIZEOF_TIME_T 8 +/* #undef TIME_T_UNSIGNED */ + +/* CPU information */ + +#define CPU_LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE 64 + + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_dbug.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_dbug.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d8108ea4b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_dbug.h @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MY_DBUG_INCLUDED +#define MY_DBUG_INCLUDED + +#ifndef __WIN__ +#ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H +#include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H +#include +#endif +#include +#endif /* not __WIN__ */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif +#if !defined(DBUG_OFF) && !defined(_lint) + +struct _db_stack_frame_ { + const char *func; /* function name of the previous stack frame */ + const char *file; /* filename of the function of previous frame */ + uint level; /* this nesting level, highest bit enables tracing */ + struct _db_stack_frame_ *prev; /* pointer to the previous frame */ +}; + +struct _db_code_state_; +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT my_bool _dbug_on_; +extern my_bool _db_keyword_(struct _db_code_state_ *, const char *, int); +extern int _db_explain_(struct _db_code_state_ *cs, char *buf, size_t len); +extern int _db_explain_init_(char *buf, size_t len); +extern int _db_is_pushed_(void); +extern void _db_setjmp_(void); +extern void _db_longjmp_(void); +extern void _db_process_(const char *name); +extern void _db_push_(const char *control); +extern void _db_pop_(void); +extern void _db_set_(const char *control); +extern void _db_set_init_(const char *control); +extern void _db_enter_(const char *_func_, const char *_file_, uint _line_, + struct _db_stack_frame_ *_stack_frame_); +extern void _db_return_(uint _line_, struct _db_stack_frame_ *_stack_frame_); +extern void _db_pargs_(uint _line_,const char *keyword); +extern int _db_enabled_(); +extern void _db_doprnt_(const char *format,...) + ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 1, 2); +extern void _db_dump_(uint _line_,const char *keyword, + const unsigned char *memory, size_t length); +extern void _db_end_(void); +extern void _db_lock_file_(void); +extern void _db_unlock_file_(void); +extern FILE *_db_fp_(void); +extern void _db_flush_(); +extern const char* _db_get_func_(void); + +#define DBUG_ENTER(a) struct _db_stack_frame_ _db_stack_frame_; \ + _db_enter_ (a,__FILE__,__LINE__,&_db_stack_frame_) +#define DBUG_LEAVE _db_return_ (__LINE__, &_db_stack_frame_) +#define DBUG_RETURN(a1) do {DBUG_LEAVE; return(a1);} while(0) +#define DBUG_VOID_RETURN do {DBUG_LEAVE; return;} while(0) +#define DBUG_EXECUTE(keyword,a1) \ + do {if (_db_keyword_(0, (keyword), 0)) { a1 }} while(0) +#define DBUG_EXECUTE_IF(keyword,a1) \ + do {if (_db_keyword_(0, (keyword), 1)) { a1 }} while(0) +#define DBUG_EVALUATE(keyword,a1,a2) \ + (_db_keyword_(0,(keyword), 0) ? (a1) : (a2)) +#define DBUG_EVALUATE_IF(keyword,a1,a2) \ + (_db_keyword_(0,(keyword), 1) ? (a1) : (a2)) +#define DBUG_PRINT(keyword,arglist) \ + do \ + { \ + if (_dbug_on_) \ + { \ + _db_pargs_(__LINE__,keyword); \ + if (_db_enabled_()) \ + { \ + _db_doprnt_ arglist; \ + } \ + } \ + } while(0) +#define DBUG_PUSH(a1) _db_push_ (a1) +#define DBUG_POP() _db_pop_ () +#define DBUG_SET(a1) _db_set_ (a1) +#define DBUG_SET_INITIAL(a1) _db_set_init_ (a1) +#define DBUG_PROCESS(a1) _db_process_(a1) +#define DBUG_FILE _db_fp_() +#define DBUG_SETJMP(a1) (_db_setjmp_ (), setjmp (a1)) +#define DBUG_LONGJMP(a1,a2) (_db_longjmp_ (), longjmp (a1, a2)) +#define DBUG_DUMP(keyword,a1,a2) _db_dump_(__LINE__,keyword,a1,a2) +#define DBUG_END() _db_end_ () +#define DBUG_LOCK_FILE _db_lock_file_() +#define DBUG_UNLOCK_FILE _db_unlock_file_() +#define DBUG_ASSERT(A) assert(A) +#define DBUG_EXPLAIN(buf,len) _db_explain_(0, (buf),(len)) +#define DBUG_EXPLAIN_INITIAL(buf,len) _db_explain_init_((buf),(len)) +#define DEBUGGER_OFF do { _dbug_on_= 0; } while(0) +#define DEBUGGER_ON do { _dbug_on_= 1; } while(0) +#ifndef __WIN__ +#define DBUG_ABORT() (_db_flush_(), abort()) +#else +/* + Avoid popup with abort/retry/ignore buttons. When BUG#31745 is fixed we can + call abort() instead of _exit(3) (now it would cause a "test signal" popup). +*/ +#include +#define DBUG_ABORT() (_db_flush_(),\ + (void)_CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ERROR, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE),\ + (void)_CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_ERROR, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDERR),\ + _exit(3)) +#endif +#define DBUG_CHECK_CRASH(func, op) \ + do { char _dbuf_[255]; strxnmov(_dbuf_, sizeof(_dbuf_)-1, (func), (op)); \ + DBUG_EXECUTE_IF(_dbuf_, DBUG_ABORT()); } while(0) +#define DBUG_CRASH_ENTER(func) \ + DBUG_ENTER(func); DBUG_CHECK_CRASH(func, "_crash_enter") +#define DBUG_CRASH_RETURN(val) \ + DBUG_CHECK_CRASH(_db_get_func_(), "_crash_return") +#define DBUG_CRASH_VOID_RETURN \ + DBUG_CHECK_CRASH (_db_get_func_(), "_crash_return") + +/* + Make the program fail, without creating a core file. + abort() will send SIGABRT which (most likely) generates core. + Use SIGKILL instead, which cannot be caught. + We also pause the current thread, until the signal is actually delivered. + An alternative would be to use _exit(EXIT_FAILURE), + but then valgrind would report lots of memory leaks. + */ +#ifdef __WIN__ +#define DBUG_SUICIDE() DBUG_ABORT() +#else +extern void _db_suicide_(); +extern void _db_flush_gcov_(); +#define DBUG_SUICIDE() (_db_flush_(), _db_suicide_()) +#endif + +#else /* No debugger */ + +#define DBUG_ENTER(a1) +#define DBUG_LEAVE +#define DBUG_RETURN(a1) do { return(a1); } while(0) +#define DBUG_VOID_RETURN do { return; } while(0) +#define DBUG_EXECUTE(keyword,a1) do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_EXECUTE_IF(keyword,a1) do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_EVALUATE(keyword,a1,a2) (a2) +#define DBUG_EVALUATE_IF(keyword,a1,a2) (a2) +#define DBUG_PRINT(keyword,arglist) do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_PUSH(a1) do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_SET(a1) do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_SET_INITIAL(a1) do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_POP() do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_PROCESS(a1) do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_SETJMP(a1) setjmp(a1) +#define DBUG_LONGJMP(a1) longjmp(a1) +#define DBUG_DUMP(keyword,a1,a2) do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_END() do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_ASSERT(A) do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_LOCK_FILE do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_FILE (stderr) +#define DBUG_UNLOCK_FILE do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_EXPLAIN(buf,len) +#define DBUG_EXPLAIN_INITIAL(buf,len) +#define DEBUGGER_OFF do { } while(0) +#define DEBUGGER_ON do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_ABORT() do { } while(0) +#define DBUG_CRASH_ENTER(func) +#define DBUG_CRASH_RETURN(val) do { return(val); } while(0) +#define DBUG_CRASH_VOID_RETURN do { return; } while(0) +#define DBUG_SUICIDE() do { } while(0) + +#endif + +#ifdef EXTRA_DEBUG +/** + Sync points allow us to force the server to reach a certain line of code + and block there until the client tells the server it is ok to go on. + The client tells the server to block with SELECT GET_LOCK() + and unblocks it with SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(). Used for debugging difficult + concurrency problems +*/ +#define DBUG_SYNC_POINT(lock_name,lock_timeout) \ + debug_sync_point(lock_name,lock_timeout) +void debug_sync_point(const char* lock_name, uint lock_timeout); +#else +#define DBUG_SYNC_POINT(lock_name,lock_timeout) +#endif /* EXTRA_DEBUG */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* MY_DBUG_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_default.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_default.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..40d9f6cb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_default.h @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MY_DEFAULT_INCLUDED +#define MY_DEFAULT_INCLUDED + + +#include "my_global.h" + +C_MODE_START + +extern const char *my_defaults_extra_file; +extern const char *my_defaults_group_suffix; +extern const char *my_defaults_file; +extern my_bool my_getopt_use_args_separator; + +/* Define the type of function to be passed to process_default_option_files */ +typedef int (*Process_option_func)(void *ctx, const char *group_name, + const char *option); + +my_bool my_getopt_is_args_separator(const char* arg); +int get_defaults_options(int argc, char **argv, + char **defaults, char **extra_defaults, + char **group_suffix, char **login_path); +int my_load_defaults(const char *conf_file, const char **groups, + int *argc, char ***argv, const char ***); +int load_defaults(const char *conf_file, const char **groups, + int *argc, char ***argv); +int my_search_option_files(const char *conf_file, int *argc, + char ***argv, uint *args_used, + Process_option_func func, void *func_ctx, + const char **default_directories); +void free_defaults(char **argv); +void my_print_default_files(const char *conf_file); +void print_defaults(const char *conf_file, const char **groups); + +C_MODE_END + +#endif // MY_DEFAULT_INCLUDED diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_dir.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_dir.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1ee002cc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_dir.h @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MY_DIR_H +#define MY_DIR_H + +#include "my_global.h" + +#include + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + + /* Defines for my_dir and my_stat */ + +#define MY_S_IFMT S_IFMT /* type of file */ +#define MY_S_IFDIR S_IFDIR /* directory */ +#define MY_S_IFCHR S_IFCHR /* character special */ +#define MY_S_IFBLK S_IFBLK /* block special */ +#define MY_S_IFREG S_IFREG /* regular */ +#define MY_S_IFIFO S_IFIFO /* fifo */ +#define MY_S_ISUID S_ISUID /* set user id on execution */ +#define MY_S_ISGID S_ISGID /* set group id on execution */ +#define MY_S_ISVTX S_ISVTX /* save swapped text even after use */ +#define MY_S_IREAD S_IREAD /* read permission, owner */ +#define MY_S_IWRITE S_IWRITE /* write permission, owner */ +#define MY_S_IEXEC S_IEXEC /* execute/search permission, owner */ + +#define MY_S_ISDIR(m) (((m) & MY_S_IFMT) == MY_S_IFDIR) +#define MY_S_ISCHR(m) (((m) & MY_S_IFMT) == MY_S_IFCHR) +#define MY_S_ISBLK(m) (((m) & MY_S_IFMT) == MY_S_IFBLK) +#define MY_S_ISREG(m) (((m) & MY_S_IFMT) == MY_S_IFREG) +#define MY_S_ISFIFO(m) (((m) & MY_S_IFMT) == MY_S_IFIFO) + +#define MY_DONT_SORT 512 /* my_lib; Don't sort files */ +#define MY_WANT_STAT 1024 /* my_lib; stat files */ + + /* typedefs for my_dir & my_stat */ + +#ifdef USE_MY_STAT_STRUCT + +typedef struct my_stat +{ + dev_t st_dev; /* major & minor device numbers */ + ino_t st_ino; /* inode number */ + ushort st_mode; /* file permissons (& suid sgid .. bits) */ + short st_nlink; /* number of links to file */ + ushort st_uid; /* user id */ + ushort st_gid; /* group id */ + dev_t st_rdev; /* more major & minor device numbers (???) */ + off_t st_size; /* size of file */ + time_t st_atime; /* time for last read */ + time_t st_mtime; /* time for last contens modify */ + time_t st_ctime; /* time for last inode or contents modify */ +} MY_STAT; + +#else + +#if(_MSC_VER) +#define MY_STAT struct _stati64 /* 64 bit file size */ +#else +#define MY_STAT struct stat /* Orginal struct have what we need */ +#endif + +#endif /* USE_MY_STAT_STRUCT */ + +/* Struct describing one file returned from my_dir */ +typedef struct fileinfo +{ + char *name; + MY_STAT *mystat; +} FILEINFO; + +typedef struct st_my_dir /* Struct returned from my_dir */ +{ + /* + These members are just copies of parts of DYNAMIC_ARRAY structure, + which is allocated right after the end of MY_DIR structure (MEM_ROOT + for storing names is also resides there). We've left them here because + we don't want to change code that uses my_dir. + */ + struct fileinfo *dir_entry; + uint number_off_files; +} MY_DIR; + +extern MY_DIR *my_dir(const char *path,myf MyFlags); +extern void my_dirend(MY_DIR *buffer); +extern MY_STAT *my_stat(const char *path, MY_STAT *stat_area, myf my_flags); +extern int my_fstat(int filenr, MY_STAT *stat_area, myf MyFlags); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* MY_DIR_H */ + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_getopt.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_getopt.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f3bb228b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_getopt.h @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +/* + Copyright (c) 2002, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _my_getopt_h +#define _my_getopt_h + +#include "my_sys.h" /* loglevel */ + +C_MODE_START + +#define GET_NO_ARG 1 +#define GET_BOOL 2 +#define GET_INT 3 +#define GET_UINT 4 +#define GET_LONG 5 +#define GET_ULONG 6 +#define GET_LL 7 +#define GET_ULL 8 +#define GET_STR 9 +#define GET_STR_ALLOC 10 +#define GET_DISABLED 11 +#define GET_ENUM 12 +#define GET_SET 13 +#define GET_DOUBLE 14 +#define GET_FLAGSET 15 +#define GET_PASSWORD 16 + +#define GET_ASK_ADDR 128 +#define GET_TYPE_MASK 127 + +/** + Enumeration of the my_option::arg_type attributes. + It should be noted that for historical reasons variables with the combination + arg_type=NO_ARG, my_option::var_type=GET_BOOL still accepts + arguments. This is someone counter intuitive and care should be taken + if the code is refactored. +*/ +enum get_opt_arg_type { NO_ARG, OPT_ARG, REQUIRED_ARG }; + +struct st_typelib; + +struct my_option +{ + const char *name; /**< Name of the option. name=NULL + marks the end of the my_option[] + array. + */ + int id; /**< For 0255 no short option + is created, but a long option still + can be identified uniquely in the + my_get_one_option() callback. + If an opton needs neither special + treatment in the my_get_one_option() + nor one-letter short equivalent + use id=0. + id=-1 is a special case and is used + to generate deprecation warnings for + plugin options. It should not be + used for anything else. + */ + const char *comment; /**< option comment, for autom. --help. + if it's NULL the option is not + visible in --help. + */ + void *value; /**< A pointer to the variable value */ + void *u_max_value; /**< The user def. max variable value */ + struct st_typelib *typelib; /**< Pointer to possible values */ + ulong var_type; /**< GET_BOOL, GET_ULL, etc */ + enum get_opt_arg_type arg_type; /**< e.g. REQUIRED_ARG or OPT_ARG */ + longlong def_value; /**< Default value */ + longlong min_value; /**< Min allowed value (for numbers) */ + ulonglong max_value; /**< Max allowed value (for numbers) */ + longlong sub_size; /**< Unused */ + long block_size; /**< Value should be a mult. of this (for numbers) */ + void *app_type; /**< To be used by an application */ +}; + + +typedef my_bool (*my_get_one_option)(int, const struct my_option *, char *); +/** + Used to retrieve a reference to the object (variable) that holds the value + for the given option. For example, if var_type is GET_UINT, the function + must return a pointer to a variable of type uint. A argument is stored in + the location pointed to by the returned pointer. +*/ +typedef void *(*my_getopt_value)(const char *, uint, const struct my_option *, + int *); + + +extern char *disabled_my_option; +extern my_bool my_getopt_print_errors; +extern my_bool my_getopt_skip_unknown; +extern my_error_reporter my_getopt_error_reporter; + +extern int handle_options (int *argc, char ***argv, + const struct my_option *longopts, my_get_one_option); +extern int my_handle_options (int *argc, char ***argv, + const struct my_option *longopts, + my_get_one_option, + const char **command_list); +extern void my_cleanup_options(const struct my_option *options); +extern void my_cleanup_options(const struct my_option *options); +extern void my_print_help(const struct my_option *options); +extern void my_print_variables(const struct my_option *options); +extern void my_getopt_register_get_addr(my_getopt_value); + +ulonglong getopt_ull_limit_value(ulonglong num, const struct my_option *optp, + my_bool *fix); +longlong getopt_ll_limit_value(longlong, const struct my_option *, + my_bool *fix); +double getopt_double_limit_value(double num, const struct my_option *optp, + my_bool *fix); +my_bool getopt_compare_strings(const char *s, const char *t, uint length); +ulonglong max_of_int_range(int var_type); + +ulonglong getopt_double2ulonglong(double); +double getopt_ulonglong2double(ulonglong); + +C_MODE_END + +#endif /* _my_getopt_h */ + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_global.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_global.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..66feb2cfd --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_global.h @@ -0,0 +1,1221 @@ +/* + Copyright (c) 2001, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MY_GLOBAL_INCLUDED +#define MY_GLOBAL_INCLUDED + +/* This is the include file that should be included 'first' in every C file. */ + +/* Client library users on Windows need this macro defined here. */ +#if !defined(__WIN__) && defined(_WIN32) +#define __WIN__ +#endif + +/* + InnoDB depends on some MySQL internals which other plugins should not + need. This is because of InnoDB's foreign key support, "safe" binlog + truncation, and other similar legacy features. + + We define accessors for these internals unconditionally, but do not + expose them in mysql/plugin.h. They are declared in ha_innodb.h for + InnoDB's use. +*/ +#define INNODB_COMPATIBILITY_HOOKS + +#ifdef __CYGWIN__ +/* We use a Unix API, so pretend it's not Windows */ +#undef WIN +#undef WIN32 +#undef _WIN +#undef _WIN32 +#undef _WIN64 +#undef __WIN__ +#undef __WIN32__ +#define HAVE_ERRNO_AS_DEFINE +#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */ + +#if defined(i386) && !defined(__i386__) +#define __i386__ +#endif + +/* Macros to make switching between C and C++ mode easier */ +#ifdef __cplusplus +#define C_MODE_START extern "C" { +#define C_MODE_END } +#else +#define C_MODE_START +#define C_MODE_END +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +#define CPP_UNNAMED_NS_START namespace { +#define CPP_UNNAMED_NS_END } +#endif + +#include + +#ifdef WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE +#define HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE +#endif /* WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE */ + +/* Make it easier to add conditional code in _expressions_ */ +#ifdef __WIN__ +#define IF_WIN(A,B) A +#else +#define IF_WIN(A,B) B +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_purify +#define IF_PURIFY(A,B) A +#else +#define IF_PURIFY(A,B) B +#endif + +#ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY +#ifdef WITH_NDB_BINLOG +#define HAVE_NDB_BINLOG 1 +#endif +#endif /* !EMBEDDED_LIBRARY */ + +#ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY +#define HAVE_REPLICATION +#define HAVE_EXTERNAL_CLIENT +#endif + +#if defined (_WIN32) +/* + off_t is 32 bit long. We do not use C runtime functions + with off_t but native Win32 file IO APIs, that work with + 64 bit offsets. +*/ +#undef SIZEOF_OFF_T +#define SIZEOF_OFF_T 8 + +/* + Prevent inclusion of Windows GDI headers - they define symbol + ERROR that conflicts with mysql headers. +*/ +#ifndef NOGDI +#define NOGDI +#endif + +/* Include common headers.*/ +#include +#include /* SOCKET */ +#include /* access(), chmod() */ +#include /* getpid() */ + +#define sleep(a) Sleep((a)*1000) + +/* Define missing access() modes. */ +#define F_OK 0 +#define W_OK 2 +#define R_OK 4 /* Test for read permission. */ + +/* Define missing file locking constants. */ +#define F_RDLCK 1 +#define F_WRLCK 2 +#define F_UNLCK 3 +#define F_TO_EOF 0x3FFFFFFF + +/* Shared memory and named pipe connections are supported. */ +#define HAVE_SMEM 1 +#define HAVE_NAMED_PIPE 1 +#define shared_memory_buffer_length 16000 +#define default_shared_memory_base_name "MYSQL" +#endif /* _WIN32*/ + + +/* Workaround for _LARGE_FILES and _LARGE_FILE_API incompatibility on AIX */ +#if defined(_AIX) && defined(_LARGE_FILE_API) +#undef _LARGE_FILE_API +#endif + +/* + The macros below are used to allow build of Universal/fat binaries of + MySQL and MySQL applications under darwin. +*/ +#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) +# undef SIZEOF_CHARP +# undef SIZEOF_SHORT +# undef SIZEOF_INT +# undef SIZEOF_LONG +# undef SIZEOF_LONG_LONG +# undef SIZEOF_OFF_T +# undef WORDS_BIGENDIAN +# define SIZEOF_SHORT 2 +# define SIZEOF_INT 4 +# define SIZEOF_LONG_LONG 8 +# define SIZEOF_OFF_T 8 +# if defined(__i386__) || defined(__ppc__) +# define SIZEOF_CHARP 4 +# define SIZEOF_LONG 4 +# elif defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__ppc64__) +# define SIZEOF_CHARP 8 +# define SIZEOF_LONG 8 +# else +# error Building FAT binary for an unknown architecture. +# endif +# if defined(__ppc__) || defined(__ppc64__) +# define WORDS_BIGENDIAN +# endif +#endif /* defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) */ + + +/* + The macros below are borrowed from include/linux/compiler.h in the + Linux kernel. Use them to indicate the likelyhood of the truthfulness + of a condition. This serves two purposes - newer versions of gcc will be + able to optimize for branch predication, which could yield siginficant + performance gains in frequently executed sections of the code, and the + other reason to use them is for documentation +*/ + +#if !defined(__GNUC__) || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 96) +#define __builtin_expect(x, expected_value) (x) +#endif + +#define likely(x) __builtin_expect((x),1) +#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect((x),0) + +/* Fix problem with S_ISLNK() on Linux */ +#if defined(TARGET_OS_LINUX) || defined(__GLIBC__) +#undef _GNU_SOURCE +#define _GNU_SOURCE 1 +#endif + +/* + Temporary solution to solve bug#7156. Include "sys/types.h" before + the thread headers, else the function madvise() will not be defined +*/ +#if defined(HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H) && ( defined(sun) || defined(__sun) ) +#include +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_THREADS_WITHOUT_SOCKETS +/* MIT pthreads does not work with unix sockets */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_UN_H +#endif + +#define __EXTENSIONS__ 1 /* We want some extension */ +#ifndef __STDC_EXT__ +#define __STDC_EXT__ 1 /* To get large file support on hpux */ +#endif + +/* + Solaris 9 include file refers to X/Open document + + System Interfaces and Headers, Issue 5 + + saying we should define _XOPEN_SOURCE=500 to get POSIX.1c prototypes, + but apparently other systems (namely FreeBSD) don't agree. + + On a newer Solaris 10, the above file recognizes also _XOPEN_SOURCE=600. + Furthermore, it tests that if a program requires older standard + (_XOPEN_SOURCE<600 or _POSIX_C_SOURCE<200112L) it cannot be + run on a new compiler (that defines _STDC_C99) and issues an #error. + It's also an #error if a program requires new standard (_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 + or _POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L) and a compiler does not define _STDC_C99. + + To add more to this mess, Sun Studio C compiler defines _STDC_C99 while + C++ compiler does not! + + So, in a desperate attempt to get correct prototypes for both + C and C++ code, we define either _XOPEN_SOURCE=600 or _XOPEN_SOURCE=500 + depending on the compiler's announced C standard support. + + Cleaner solutions are welcome. +*/ +#ifdef __sun +#if __STDC_VERSION__ - 0 >= 199901L +#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 +#else +#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 +#endif +#endif + +#if !defined(__WIN__) +#ifndef _POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS +#define _POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS /* We want posix threads */ +#endif + +#if !defined(SCO) +#define _REENTRANT 1 /* Some thread libraries require this */ +#endif +#if !defined(_THREAD_SAFE) && !defined(_AIX) +#define _THREAD_SAFE /* Required for OSF1 */ +#endif +#if defined(HPUX10) || defined(HPUX11) +C_MODE_START /* HPUX needs this, signal.h bug */ +#include +C_MODE_END +#else +#include /* AIX must have this included first */ +#endif +#if !defined(SCO) && !defined(_REENTRANT) +#define _REENTRANT 1 /* Threads requires reentrant code */ +#endif +#endif /* !defined(__WIN__) */ + +/* Go around some bugs in different OS and compilers */ +#ifdef _AIX /* By soren@t.dk */ +#define _H_STRINGS +#define _SYS_STREAM_H +/* #define _AIX32_CURSES */ /* XXX: this breaks AIX 4.3.3 (others?). */ +#define ulonglong2double(A) my_ulonglong2double(A) +#define my_off_t2double(A) my_ulonglong2double(A) +C_MODE_START +inline double my_ulonglong2double(unsigned long long A) { return (double A); } +C_MODE_END +#endif /* _AIX */ + +#ifdef HAVE_BROKEN_SNPRINTF /* HPUX 10.20 don't have this defined */ +#undef HAVE_SNPRINTF +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_BROKEN_PREAD +/* + pread()/pwrite() are not 64 bit safe on HP-UX 11.0 without + installing the kernel patch PHKL_20349 or greater +*/ +#undef HAVE_PREAD +#undef HAVE_PWRITE +#endif + +#ifdef UNDEF_HAVE_INITGROUPS /* For AIX 4.3 */ +#undef HAVE_INITGROUPS +#endif + +#if defined(_lint) && !defined(lint) +#define lint +#endif +#if SIZEOF_LONG_LONG > 4 && !defined(_LONG_LONG) +#define _LONG_LONG 1 /* For AIX string library */ +#endif + +#ifndef stdin +#include +#endif +#include +#ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H +#include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_STDDEF_H +#include +#endif + +#include +#ifdef HAVE_LIMITS_H +#include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_FLOAT_H +#include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_FENV_H +#include /* For fesetround() */ +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H +#include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H +#include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIMEB_H +#include /* Avoid warnings on SCO */ +#endif +#if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME +# include +# include +#else +# if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H +# include +# else +# include +# endif +#endif /* TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME */ +#ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H +#include +#endif +#if defined(__cplusplus) && defined(NO_CPLUSPLUS_ALLOCA) +#undef HAVE_ALLOCA +#undef HAVE_ALLOCA_H +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA_H +#include +#endif + +#include /* Recommended by debian */ +/* We need the following to go around a problem with openssl on solaris */ +#if defined(HAVE_CRYPT_H) +#include +#endif + +/* + A lot of our programs uses asserts, so better to always include it + This also fixes a problem when people uses DBUG_ASSERT without including + assert.h +*/ +#include + +/* an assert that works at compile-time. only for constant expression */ +#ifdef _some_old_compiler_that_does_not_understand_the_construct_below_ +#define compile_time_assert(X) do { } while(0) +#else +#define compile_time_assert(X) \ + do \ + { \ + typedef char compile_time_assert[(X) ? 1 : -1] __attribute__((unused)); \ + } while(0) +#endif + +/* Go around some bugs in different OS and compilers */ +#if defined (HPUX11) && defined(_LARGEFILE_SOURCE) +#ifndef _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE +#define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE +#endif +#endif + +#if defined(_HPUX_SOURCE) && defined(HAVE_SYS_STREAM_H) +#include /* HPUX 10.20 defines ulong here. UGLY !!! */ +#define HAVE_ULONG +#endif +#if defined(HPUX10) && defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) +/* Fix bug in setrlimit */ +#undef setrlimit +#define setrlimit cma_setrlimit64 +#endif +/* Declare madvise where it is not declared for C++, like Solaris */ +#if HAVE_MADVISE && !HAVE_DECL_MADVISE && defined(__cplusplus) +extern "C" int madvise(void *addr, size_t len, int behav); +#endif + +#define QUOTE_ARG(x) #x /* Quote argument (before cpp) */ +#define STRINGIFY_ARG(x) QUOTE_ARG(x) /* Quote argument, after cpp */ + +/* Paranoid settings. Define I_AM_PARANOID if you are paranoid */ +#ifdef I_AM_PARANOID +#define DONT_ALLOW_USER_CHANGE 1 +#define DONT_USE_MYSQL_PWD 1 +#endif + +/* Does the system remember a signal handler after a signal ? */ +#if !defined(HAVE_BSD_SIGNALS) && !defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) +#define SIGNAL_HANDLER_RESET_ON_DELIVERY +#endif + +/* + Deprecated workaround for false-positive uninitialized variables + warnings. Those should be silenced using tool-specific heuristics. + + Enabled by default for g++ due to the bug referenced below. +*/ +#if defined(_lint) || defined(FORCE_INIT_OF_VARS) || \ + (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__cplusplus)) +#define LINT_INIT(var) var= 0 +#else +#define LINT_INIT(var) +#endif + +#ifndef SO_EXT +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define SO_EXT ".dll" +#elif defined(__APPLE__) +#define SO_EXT ".dylib" +#else +#define SO_EXT ".so" +#endif +#endif + +/* + Suppress uninitialized variable warning without generating code. + + The _cplusplus is a temporary workaround for C++ code pending a fix + for a g++ bug (http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=34772). +*/ +#if defined(_lint) || defined(FORCE_INIT_OF_VARS) || \ + defined(__cplusplus) || !defined(__GNUC__) +#define UNINIT_VAR(x) x= 0 +#else +/* GCC specific self-initialization which inhibits the warning. */ +#define UNINIT_VAR(x) x= x +#endif + +#if !defined(HAVE_UINT) +#undef HAVE_UINT +#define HAVE_UINT +typedef unsigned int uint; +typedef unsigned short ushort; +#endif + +#define swap_variables(t, a, b) { t dummy; dummy= a; a= b; b= dummy; } +#define test(a) ((a) ? 1 : 0) +#define set_if_bigger(a,b) do { if ((a) < (b)) (a)=(b); } while(0) +#define set_if_smaller(a,b) do { if ((a) > (b)) (a)=(b); } while(0) +#define test_all_bits(a,b) (((a) & (b)) == (b)) +#define array_elements(A) ((uint) (sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0]))) + +/* Define some general constants */ +#ifndef TRUE +#define TRUE (1) /* Logical true */ +#define FALSE (0) /* Logical false */ +#endif + +#include + +/* The DBUG_ON flag always takes precedence over default DBUG_OFF */ +#if defined(DBUG_ON) && defined(DBUG_OFF) +#undef DBUG_OFF +#endif + +/* We might be forced to turn debug off, if not turned off already */ +#if (defined(FORCE_DBUG_OFF) || defined(_lint)) && !defined(DBUG_OFF) +# define DBUG_OFF +# ifdef DBUG_ON +# undef DBUG_ON +# endif +#endif + +/* Some types that is different between systems */ + +typedef int File; /* File descriptor */ +#ifdef _WIN32 +typedef SOCKET my_socket; +#else +typedef int my_socket; /* File descriptor for sockets */ +#define INVALID_SOCKET -1 +#endif +/* Type for fuctions that handles signals */ +#define sig_handler RETSIGTYPE +C_MODE_START +typedef void (*sig_return)();/* Returns type from signal */ +C_MODE_END +#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(_lint) +typedef char pchar; /* Mixed prototypes can take char */ +typedef char puchar; /* Mixed prototypes can take char */ +typedef char pbool; /* Mixed prototypes can take char */ +typedef short pshort; /* Mixed prototypes can take short int */ +typedef float pfloat; /* Mixed prototypes can take float */ +#else +typedef int pchar; /* Mixed prototypes can't take char */ +typedef uint puchar; /* Mixed prototypes can't take char */ +typedef int pbool; /* Mixed prototypes can't take char */ +typedef int pshort; /* Mixed prototypes can't take short int */ +typedef double pfloat; /* Mixed prototypes can't take float */ +#endif +C_MODE_START +typedef int (*qsort_cmp)(const void *,const void *); +typedef int (*qsort_cmp2)(const void*, const void *,const void *); +C_MODE_END +#define qsort_t RETQSORTTYPE /* Broken GCC cant handle typedef !!!! */ +#ifdef HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H +#include +#endif +typedef SOCKET_SIZE_TYPE size_socket; + +#ifndef SOCKOPT_OPTLEN_TYPE +#define SOCKOPT_OPTLEN_TYPE size_socket +#endif + +/* file create flags */ + +#ifndef O_SHARE /* Probably not windows */ +#define O_SHARE 0 /* Flag to my_open for shared files */ +#ifndef O_BINARY +#define O_BINARY 0 /* Flag to my_open for binary files */ +#endif +#ifndef FILE_BINARY +#define FILE_BINARY O_BINARY /* Flag to my_fopen for binary streams */ +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_FCNTL +#define HAVE_FCNTL_LOCK +#define F_TO_EOF 0L /* Param to lockf() to lock rest of file */ +#endif +#endif /* O_SHARE */ + +#ifndef O_TEMPORARY +#define O_TEMPORARY 0 +#endif +#ifndef O_SHORT_LIVED +#define O_SHORT_LIVED 0 +#endif +#ifndef O_NOFOLLOW +#define O_NOFOLLOW 0 +#endif + +/* additional file share flags for win32 */ +#ifdef __WIN__ +#define _SH_DENYRWD 0x110 /* deny read/write mode & delete */ +#define _SH_DENYWRD 0x120 /* deny write mode & delete */ +#define _SH_DENYRDD 0x130 /* deny read mode & delete */ +#define _SH_DENYDEL 0x140 /* deny delete only */ +#endif /* __WIN__ */ + + +/* General constants */ +#define FN_LEN 256 /* Max file name len */ +#define FN_HEADLEN 253 /* Max length of filepart of file name */ +#define FN_EXTLEN 20 /* Max length of extension (part of FN_LEN) */ +#define FN_REFLEN 512 /* Max length of full path-name */ +#define FN_EXTCHAR '.' +#define FN_HOMELIB '~' /* ~/ is used as abbrev for home dir */ +#define FN_CURLIB '.' /* ./ is used as abbrev for current dir */ +#define FN_PARENTDIR ".." /* Parent directory; Must be a string */ + +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define FN_LIBCHAR '\\' +#define FN_LIBCHAR2 '/' +#define FN_DIRSEP "/\\" /* Valid directory separators */ +#define FN_EXEEXT ".exe" +#define FN_SOEXT ".dll" +#define FN_ROOTDIR "\\" +#define FN_DEVCHAR ':' +#define FN_NETWORK_DRIVES /* Uses \\ to indicate network drives */ +#define FN_NO_CASE_SENCE /* Files are not case-sensitive */ +#else +#define FN_LIBCHAR '/' +#define FN_LIBCHAR2 '/' +#define FN_DIRSEP "/" /* Valid directory separators */ +#define FN_EXEEXT "" +#define FN_SOEXT ".so" +#define FN_ROOTDIR "/" +#endif + +/* + MY_FILE_MIN is Windows speciality and is used to quickly detect + the mismatch of CRT and mysys file IO usage on Windows at runtime. + CRT file descriptors can be in the range 0-2047, whereas descriptors returned + by my_open() will start with 2048. If a file descriptor with value less then + MY_FILE_MIN is passed to mysys IO function, chances are it stemms from + open()/fileno() and not my_open()/my_fileno. + + For Posix, mysys functions are light wrappers around libc, and MY_FILE_MIN + is logically 0. +*/ + +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define MY_FILE_MIN 2048 +#else +#define MY_FILE_MIN 0 +#endif + +/* + MY_NFILE is the default size of my_file_info array. + + It is larger on Windows, because it all file handles are stored in my_file_info + Default size is 16384 and this should be enough for most cases.If it is not + enough, --max-open-files with larger value can be used. + + For Posix , my_file_info array is only used to store filenames for + error reporting and its size is not a limitation for number of open files. +*/ +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define MY_NFILE (16384 + MY_FILE_MIN) +#else +#define MY_NFILE 64 +#endif + +#ifndef OS_FILE_LIMIT +#define OS_FILE_LIMIT UINT_MAX +#endif + +/* + Io buffer size; Must be a power of 2 and a multiple of 512. May be + smaller what the disk page size. This influences the speed of the + isam btree library. eg to big to slow. +*/ +#define IO_SIZE 4096 +/* + How much overhead does malloc have. The code often allocates + something like 1024-MALLOC_OVERHEAD bytes +*/ +#define MALLOC_OVERHEAD 8 + + /* get memory in huncs */ +#define ONCE_ALLOC_INIT (uint) (4096-MALLOC_OVERHEAD) + /* Typical record cash */ +#define RECORD_CACHE_SIZE (uint) (64*1024-MALLOC_OVERHEAD) + /* Typical key cash */ +#define KEY_CACHE_SIZE (uint) (8*1024*1024) + /* Default size of a key cache block */ +#define KEY_CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE (uint) 1024 + + + /* Some things that this system doesn't have */ + +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define NO_DIR_LIBRARY /* Not standard dir-library */ +#endif + +/* Some defines of functions for portability */ + +#undef remove /* Crashes MySQL on SCO 5.0.0 */ +#ifndef __WIN__ +#define closesocket(A) close(A) +#endif + +#if (_MSC_VER) +#if !defined(_WIN64) +inline double my_ulonglong2double(unsigned long long value) +{ + long long nr=(long long) value; + if (nr >= 0) + return (double) nr; + return (18446744073709551616.0 + (double) nr); +} +#define ulonglong2double my_ulonglong2double +#define my_off_t2double my_ulonglong2double +#endif /* _WIN64 */ +inline unsigned long long my_double2ulonglong(double d) +{ + double t= d - (double) 0x8000000000000000ULL; + + if (t >= 0) + return ((unsigned long long) t) + 0x8000000000000000ULL; + return (unsigned long long) d; +} +#define double2ulonglong my_double2ulonglong +#endif + +#ifndef ulonglong2double +#define ulonglong2double(A) ((double) (ulonglong) (A)) +#define my_off_t2double(A) ((double) (my_off_t) (A)) +#endif +#ifndef double2ulonglong +#define double2ulonglong(A) ((ulonglong) (double) (A)) +#endif + +#ifndef offsetof +#define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER) +#endif +#define ulong_to_double(X) ((double) (ulong) (X)) + +#ifndef STACK_DIRECTION +#error "please add -DSTACK_DIRECTION=1 or -1 to your CPPFLAGS" +#endif + +#if !defined(HAVE_STRTOK_R) +#define strtok_r(A,B,C) strtok((A),(B)) +#endif + +/* This is from the old m-machine.h file */ + +#if SIZEOF_LONG_LONG > 4 +#define HAVE_LONG_LONG 1 +#endif + +/* + Some pre-ANSI-C99 systems like AIX 5.1 and Linux/GCC 2.95 define + ULONGLONG_MAX, LONGLONG_MIN, LONGLONG_MAX; we use them if they're defined. +*/ + +#if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG) && !defined(LONGLONG_MIN) +#define LONGLONG_MIN ((long long) 0x8000000000000000LL) +#define LONGLONG_MAX ((long long) 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL) +#endif + +#if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG) && !defined(ULONGLONG_MAX) +/* First check for ANSI C99 definition: */ +#ifdef ULLONG_MAX +#define ULONGLONG_MAX ULLONG_MAX +#else +#define ULONGLONG_MAX ((unsigned long long)(~0ULL)) +#endif +#endif /* defined (HAVE_LONG_LONG) && !defined(ULONGLONG_MAX)*/ + +#define INT_MIN64 (~0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL) +#define INT_MAX64 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL +#define INT_MIN32 (~0x7FFFFFFFL) +#define INT_MAX32 0x7FFFFFFFL +#define UINT_MAX32 0xFFFFFFFFL +#define INT_MIN24 (~0x007FFFFF) +#define INT_MAX24 0x007FFFFF +#define UINT_MAX24 0x00FFFFFF +#define INT_MIN16 (~0x7FFF) +#define INT_MAX16 0x7FFF +#define UINT_MAX16 0xFFFF +#define INT_MIN8 (~0x7F) +#define INT_MAX8 0x7F +#define UINT_MAX8 0xFF + +/* From limits.h instead */ +#ifndef DBL_MIN +#define DBL_MIN 4.94065645841246544e-324 +#define FLT_MIN ((float)1.40129846432481707e-45) +#endif +#ifndef DBL_MAX +#define DBL_MAX 1.79769313486231470e+308 +#define FLT_MAX ((float)3.40282346638528860e+38) +#endif +#ifndef SIZE_T_MAX +#define SIZE_T_MAX (~((size_t) 0)) +#endif + +#ifndef isfinite +#ifdef HAVE_FINITE +#define isfinite(x) finite(x) +#else +#define finite(x) (1.0 / fabs(x) > 0.0) +#endif /* HAVE_FINITE */ +#endif /* isfinite */ + +#include +#ifndef HAVE_ISNAN +#define isnan(x) ((x) != (x)) +#endif +C_MODE_START +extern double my_double_isnan(double x); +C_MODE_END + +#ifdef HAVE_ISINF +/* Check if C compiler is affected by GCC bug #39228 */ +#if !defined(__cplusplus) && defined(HAVE_BROKEN_ISINF) +/* Force store/reload of the argument to/from a 64-bit double */ +static inline double my_isinf(double x) +{ + volatile double t= x; + return isinf(t); +} +#else +/* System-provided isinf() is available and safe to use */ +#define my_isinf(X) isinf(X) +#endif +#else /* !HAVE_ISINF */ +#define my_isinf(X) (!finite(X) && !isnan(X)) +#endif + +/* Define missing math constants. */ +#ifndef M_PI +#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 +#endif +#ifndef M_E +#define M_E 2.7182818284590452354 +#endif +#ifndef M_LN2 +#define M_LN2 0.69314718055994530942 +#endif + +/* + Max size that must be added to a so that we know Size to make + adressable obj. +*/ +#if SIZEOF_CHARP == 4 +typedef long my_ptrdiff_t; +#else +typedef long long my_ptrdiff_t; +#endif + +#define MY_ALIGN(A,L) (((A) + (L) - 1) & ~((L) - 1)) +#define ALIGN_SIZE(A) MY_ALIGN((A),sizeof(double)) +/* Size to make adressable obj. */ +#define ADD_TO_PTR(ptr,size,type) (type) ((uchar*) (ptr)+size) +#define PTR_BYTE_DIFF(A,B) (my_ptrdiff_t) ((uchar*) (A) - (uchar*) (B)) + +/* + Custom version of standard offsetof() macro which can be used to get + offsets of members in class for non-POD types (according to the current + version of C++ standard offsetof() macro can't be used in such cases and + attempt to do so causes warnings to be emitted, OTOH in many cases it is + still OK to assume that all instances of the class has the same offsets + for the same members). + + This is temporary solution which should be removed once File_parser class + and related routines are refactored. +*/ + +#define my_offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) \ + ((size_t)((char *)&(((TYPE *)0x10)->MEMBER) - (char*)0x10)) + +#define NullS (char *) 0 + +#ifdef STDCALL +#undef STDCALL +#endif + +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define STDCALL __stdcall +#else +#define STDCALL +#endif + +/* Typdefs for easyier portability */ + +#ifndef HAVE_UCHAR +typedef unsigned char uchar; /* Short for unsigned char */ +#endif + +#ifndef HAVE_INT8 +typedef signed char int8; /* Signed integer >= 8 bits */ +#endif +#ifndef HAVE_UINT8 +typedef unsigned char uint8; /* Unsigned integer >= 8 bits */ +#endif +#ifndef HAVE_INT16 +typedef short int16; +#endif +#ifndef HAVE_UINT16 +typedef unsigned short uint16; +#endif +#if SIZEOF_INT == 4 +#ifndef HAVE_INT32 +typedef int int32; +#endif +#ifndef HAVE_UINT32 +typedef unsigned int uint32; +#endif +#elif SIZEOF_LONG == 4 +#ifndef HAVE_INT32 +typedef long int32; +#endif +#ifndef HAVE_UINT32 +typedef unsigned long uint32; +#endif +#else +#error Neither int or long is of 4 bytes width +#endif + +#if !defined(HAVE_ULONG) && !defined(__USE_MISC) +typedef unsigned long ulong; /* Short for unsigned long */ +#endif +#ifndef longlong_defined +/* + Using [unsigned] long long is preferable as [u]longlong because we use + [unsigned] long long unconditionally in many places, + for example in constants with [U]LL suffix. +*/ +#if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG) && SIZEOF_LONG_LONG == 8 +typedef unsigned long long int ulonglong; /* ulong or unsigned long long */ +typedef long long int longlong; +#else +typedef unsigned long ulonglong; /* ulong or unsigned long long */ +typedef long longlong; +#endif +#endif +#ifndef HAVE_INT64 +typedef longlong int64; +#endif +#ifndef HAVE_UINT64 +typedef ulonglong uint64; +#endif + +#if defined(NO_CLIENT_LONG_LONG) +typedef unsigned long my_ulonglong; +#elif defined (__WIN__) +typedef unsigned __int64 my_ulonglong; +#else +typedef unsigned long long my_ulonglong; +#endif + +#if SIZEOF_CHARP == SIZEOF_INT +typedef int intptr; +#elif SIZEOF_CHARP == SIZEOF_LONG +typedef long intptr; +#elif SIZEOF_CHARP == SIZEOF_LONG_LONG +typedef long long intptr; +#else +#error sizeof(void *) is neither sizeof(int) nor sizeof(long) nor sizeof(long long) +#endif + +#define MY_ERRPTR ((void*)(intptr)1) + +#if defined(_WIN32) +typedef unsigned long long my_off_t; +typedef unsigned long long os_off_t; +#else +typedef off_t os_off_t; +#if SIZEOF_OFF_T > 4 +typedef ulonglong my_off_t; +#else +typedef unsigned long my_off_t; +#endif +#endif /*_WIN32*/ +#define MY_FILEPOS_ERROR (~(my_off_t) 0) + +/* + TODO Convert these to use Bitmap class. + */ +typedef ulonglong table_map; /* Used for table bits in join */ +typedef ulonglong nesting_map; /* Used for flags of nesting constructs */ + +#if defined(__WIN__) +#define socket_errno WSAGetLastError() +#define SOCKET_EINTR WSAEINTR +#define SOCKET_EAGAIN WSAEINPROGRESS +#define SOCKET_EWOULDBLOCK WSAEWOULDBLOCK +#define SOCKET_EADDRINUSE WSAEADDRINUSE +#define SOCKET_ETIMEDOUT WSAETIMEDOUT +#define SOCKET_ECONNRESET WSAECONNRESET +#define SOCKET_ENFILE ENFILE +#define SOCKET_EMFILE EMFILE +#else /* Unix */ +#define socket_errno errno +#define closesocket(A) close(A) +#define SOCKET_EINTR EINTR +#define SOCKET_EAGAIN EAGAIN +#define SOCKET_EWOULDBLOCK EWOULDBLOCK +#define SOCKET_EADDRINUSE EADDRINUSE +#define SOCKET_ETIMEDOUT ETIMEDOUT +#define SOCKET_ECONNRESET ECONNRESET +#define SOCKET_ENFILE ENFILE +#define SOCKET_EMFILE EMFILE +#endif + +typedef int myf; /* Type of MyFlags in my_funcs */ +typedef char my_bool; /* Small bool */ + +/* Macros for converting *constants* to the right type */ +#define MYF(v) (myf) (v) + +#ifndef LL +#ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG +#define LL(A) A ## LL +#else +#define LL(A) A ## L +#endif +#endif + +#ifndef ULL +#ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG +#define ULL(A) A ## ULL +#else +#define ULL(A) A ## UL +#endif +#endif + +/* + Defines to make it possible to prioritize register assignments. No + longer that important with modern compilers. +*/ +#ifndef USING_X +#define reg1 register +#define reg2 register +#define reg3 register +#define reg4 register +#define reg5 register +#define reg6 register +#define reg7 register +#define reg8 register +#define reg9 register +#define reg10 register +#define reg11 register +#define reg12 register +#define reg13 register +#define reg14 register +#define reg15 register +#define reg16 register +#endif + +/* Some helper macros */ +#define YESNO(X) ((X) ? "yes" : "no") + +#define MY_HOW_OFTEN_TO_ALARM 2 /* How often we want info on screen */ +#define MY_HOW_OFTEN_TO_WRITE 1000 /* How often we want info on screen */ + +#include + +#ifdef HAVE_CHARSET_utf8 +#define MYSQL_UNIVERSAL_CLIENT_CHARSET "utf8" +#else +#define MYSQL_UNIVERSAL_CLIENT_CHARSET MYSQL_DEFAULT_CHARSET_NAME +#endif + +#if defined(EMBEDDED_LIBRARY) && !defined(HAVE_EMBEDDED_PRIVILEGE_CONTROL) +#define NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS +#endif + +#if defined(_WIN32) +#define dlsym(lib, name) (void*)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)lib, name) +#define dlopen(libname, unused) LoadLibraryEx(libname, NULL, 0) +#define dlclose(lib) FreeLibrary((HMODULE)lib) +#ifndef HAVE_DLOPEN +#define HAVE_DLOPEN +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_DLOPEN +#if defined(HAVE_DLFCN_H) +#include +#endif +#endif + +#ifndef HAVE_DLERROR +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define DLERROR_GENERATE(errmsg, error_number) \ + char win_errormsg[2048]; \ + if(FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, \ + 0, error_number, 0, win_errormsg, 2048, NULL)) \ + { \ + char *ptr; \ + for (ptr= &win_errormsg[0] + strlen(win_errormsg) - 1; \ + ptr >= &win_errormsg[0] && strchr("\r\n\t\0x20", *ptr); \ + ptr--) \ + *ptr= 0; \ + errmsg= win_errormsg; \ + } \ + else \ + errmsg= "" +#define dlerror() "" +#define dlopen_errno GetLastError() +#else /* _WIN32 */ +#define dlerror() "No support for dynamic loading (static build?)" +#define DLERROR_GENERATE(errmsg, error_number) errmsg= dlerror() +#define dlopen_errno errno +#endif /* _WIN32 */ +#else /* HAVE_DLERROR */ +#define DLERROR_GENERATE(errmsg, error_number) errmsg= dlerror() +#define dlopen_errno errno +#endif /* HAVE_DLERROR */ + + +/* + * Include standard definitions of operator new and delete. + */ +#ifdef __cplusplus +#include +#endif + +/* Length of decimal number represented by INT32. */ +#define MY_INT32_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS 11U + +/* Length of decimal number represented by INT64. */ +#define MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS 21U + +/* Define some useful general macros (should be done after all headers). */ +#define MY_MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) +#define MY_MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) + +/* + Only Linux is known to need an explicit sync of the directory to make sure a + file creation/deletion/renaming in(from,to) this directory durable. +*/ +#ifdef TARGET_OS_LINUX +#define NEED_EXPLICIT_SYNC_DIR 1 +#else +/* + On linux default rwlock scheduling policy is good enough for + waiting_threads.c, on other systems use our special implementation + (which is slower). + + QQ perhaps this should be tested in configure ? how ? +*/ +#define WT_RWLOCKS_USE_MUTEXES 1 +#endif + +#if !defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(bool) +#define bool In_C_you_should_use_my_bool_instead() +#endif + +/* Provide __func__ macro definition for platforms that miss it. */ +#if __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901L +# if __GNUC__ >= 2 +# define __func__ __FUNCTION__ +# else +# define __func__ "" +# endif +#elif defined(_MSC_VER) +# if _MSC_VER < 1300 +# define __func__ "" +# else +# define __func__ __FUNCTION__ +# endif +#elif defined(__BORLANDC__) +# define __func__ __FUNC__ +#else +# define __func__ "" +#endif + +#ifndef HAVE_RINT +/** + All integers up to this number can be represented exactly as double precision + values (DBL_MANT_DIG == 53 for IEEE 754 hardware). +*/ +#define MAX_EXACT_INTEGER ((1LL << DBL_MANT_DIG) - 1) + +/** + rint(3) implementation for platforms that do not have it. + Always rounds to the nearest integer with ties being rounded to the nearest + even integer to mimic glibc's rint() behavior in the "round-to-nearest" + FPU mode. Hardware-specific optimizations are possible (frndint on x86). + Unlike this implementation, hardware will also honor the FPU rounding mode. +*/ + +static inline double rint(double x) +{ + double f, i; + f = modf(x, &i); + /* + All doubles with absolute values > MAX_EXACT_INTEGER are even anyway, + no need to check it. + */ + if (x > 0.0) + i += (double) ((f > 0.5) || (f == 0.5 && + i <= (double) MAX_EXACT_INTEGER && + (longlong) i % 2)); + else + i -= (double) ((f < -0.5) || (f == -0.5 && + i >= (double) -MAX_EXACT_INTEGER && + (longlong) i % 2)); + return i; +} +#endif /* HAVE_RINT */ + +/* + MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT macro is used to export mysqld data + (i.e variables) for usage in storage engine loadable plugins. + Outside of Windows, it is dummy. +*/ +#ifndef MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT +#if (defined(_WIN32) && defined(MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN)) +#define MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport) +#else +#define MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT +#endif +#endif + +#include + +/* Defines that are unique to the embedded version of MySQL */ + +#ifdef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY + +/* Things we don't need in the embedded version of MySQL */ +/* TODO HF add #undef HAVE_VIO if we don't want client in embedded library */ + +#undef HAVE_OPENSSL +#undef HAVE_SMEM /* No shared memory */ + +#endif /* EMBEDDED_LIBRARY */ + + +enum loglevel { + ERROR_LEVEL= 0, + WARNING_LEVEL= 1, + INFORMATION_LEVEL= 2 +}; + + +/* + Visual Studio before the version 2010 did not have lldiv_t. + In Visual Studio 2010, _MSC_VER is defined as 1600. +*/ +#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1600) +typedef struct +{ + long long int quot; /* Quotient. */ + long long int rem; /* Remainder. */ +} lldiv_t; +#endif + +#endif // MY_GLOBAL_INCLUDED diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_libwrap.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_libwrap.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a0176114 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_libwrap.h @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +#ifndef MY_LIBWRAP_INCLUDED +#define MY_LIBWRAP_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 MySQL AB, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. + Use is subject to license terms. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifdef HAVE_LIBWRAP +#include +#include +#ifdef NEED_SYS_SYSLOG_H +#include +#endif /* NEED_SYS_SYSLOG_H */ + +extern void my_fromhost(struct request_info *req); +extern int my_hosts_access(struct request_info *req); +extern char *my_eval_client(struct request_info *req); + +#endif /* HAVE_LIBWRAP */ +#endif /* MY_LIBWRAP_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_list.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_list.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..294be663d --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_list.h @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _list_h_ +#define _list_h_ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +typedef struct st_list { + struct st_list *prev,*next; + void *data; +} LIST; + +typedef int (*list_walk_action)(void *,void *); + +extern LIST *list_add(LIST *root,LIST *element); +extern LIST *list_delete(LIST *root,LIST *element); +extern LIST *list_cons(void *data,LIST *root); +extern LIST *list_reverse(LIST *root); +extern void list_free(LIST *root,unsigned int free_data); +extern unsigned int list_length(LIST *); +extern int list_walk(LIST *,list_walk_action action,unsigned char * argument); + +#define list_rest(a) ((a)->next) +#define list_push(a,b) (a)=list_cons((b),(a)) +#define list_pop(A) {LIST *old=(A); (A)=list_delete(old,old); my_free(old); } + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_md5.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_md5.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..452676e46 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_md5.h @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +#ifndef MY_MD5_INCLUDED +#define MY_MD5_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ + +#include "m_string.h" + +#define MD5_HASH_SIZE 16 /* Hash size in bytes */ + +/* + Wrapper function for MD5 implementation. +*/ +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +void compute_md5_hash(char *digest, const char *buf, int len); + +/* + Convert an array of bytes to a hexadecimal representation. + + Used to generate a hexadecimal representation of a message digest. +*/ +static inline void array_to_hex(char *to, const unsigned char *str, uint len) +{ + const unsigned char *str_end= str + len; + for (; str != str_end; ++str) + { + *to++= _dig_vec_lower[((uchar) *str) >> 4]; + *to++= _dig_vec_lower[((uchar) *str) & 0x0F]; + } +} + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* MY_MD5_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_net.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_net.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ac1643b20 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_net.h @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + This file is also used to make handling of sockets and ioctl() + portable accross systems. + +*/ + +#ifndef _my_net_h +#define _my_net_h + +#include "my_global.h" /* C_MODE_START, C_MODE_END */ + +C_MODE_START + +#include + +#ifdef HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H +#include +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_NETINET_IN_H +#include +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_ARPA_INET_H +#include +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_POLL +#include +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H +#include +#endif + +#if !defined(__WIN__) && !defined(HAVE_BROKEN_NETINET_INCLUDES) +#include +#include +#include +# if !defined(alpha_linux_port) +# include +# endif +#endif + +#if defined(__WIN__) +#define O_NONBLOCK 1 /* For emulation of fcntl() */ + +/* + SHUT_RDWR is called SD_BOTH in windows and + is defined to 2 in winsock2.h + #define SD_BOTH 0x02 +*/ +#define SHUT_RDWR 0x02 +#else +#include /* getaddrinfo() & co */ +#endif + +/* + On OSes which don't have the in_addr_t, we guess that using uint32 is the best + possible choice. We guess this from the fact that on HP-UX64bit & FreeBSD64bit + & Solaris64bit, in_addr_t is equivalent to uint32. And on Linux32bit too. +*/ +#ifndef HAVE_IN_ADDR_T +#define in_addr_t uint32 +#endif + + +C_MODE_END +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_nosys.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_nosys.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d4690d32b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_nosys.h @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Header to remove use of my_functions in functions where we need speed and + where calls to posix functions should work +*/ +#ifndef _my_nosys_h +#define _my_nosys_h +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#ifndef __MY_NOSYS__ +#define __MY_NOSYS__ + +#ifndef HAVE_STDLIB_H +#include +#endif + +#undef my_read +#undef my_write +#undef my_seek +#define my_read(a,b,c,d) my_quick_read(a,b,c,d) +#define my_write(a,b,c,d) my_quick_write(a,b,c) +extern size_t my_quick_read(File Filedes,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count, + myf myFlags); +extern size_t my_quick_write(File Filedes,const uchar *Buffer,size_t Count); + +#if defined(USE_HALLOC) +#define my_malloc(a,b) halloc(a,1) +#define my_no_flags_free(a) hfree(a) +#endif + +#endif /* __MY_NOSYS__ */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_pthread.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_pthread.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..24b207107 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_pthread.h @@ -0,0 +1,936 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ + +/* Defines to make different thread packages compatible */ + +#ifndef _my_pthread_h +#define _my_pthread_h + +#include "my_global.h" /* myf */ + +#ifndef ETIME +#define ETIME ETIMEDOUT /* For FreeBSD */ +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +#define EXTERNC extern "C" +extern "C" { +#else +#define EXTERNC +#endif /* __cplusplus */ + +#if defined(__WIN__) +typedef CRITICAL_SECTION pthread_mutex_t; +typedef DWORD pthread_t; +typedef struct thread_attr { + DWORD dwStackSize ; + DWORD dwCreatingFlag ; +} pthread_attr_t ; + +typedef struct { int dummy; } pthread_condattr_t; + +/* Implementation of posix conditions */ + +typedef struct st_pthread_link { + DWORD thread_id; + struct st_pthread_link *next; +} pthread_link; + +/** + Implementation of Windows condition variables. + We use native conditions on Vista and later, and fallback to own + implementation on earlier OS version. +*/ +typedef union +{ + /* Native condition (used on Vista and later) */ + CONDITION_VARIABLE native_cond; + + /* Own implementation (used on XP) */ + struct + { + uint32 waiting; + CRITICAL_SECTION lock_waiting; + enum + { + SIGNAL= 0, + BROADCAST= 1, + MAX_EVENTS= 2 + } EVENTS; + HANDLE events[MAX_EVENTS]; + HANDLE broadcast_block_event; + }; +} pthread_cond_t; + + +typedef int pthread_mutexattr_t; +#define pthread_self() GetCurrentThreadId() +#define pthread_handler_t EXTERNC void * __cdecl +typedef void * (__cdecl *pthread_handler)(void *); + +typedef volatile LONG my_pthread_once_t; +#define MY_PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT 0 +#define MY_PTHREAD_ONCE_INPROGRESS 1 +#define MY_PTHREAD_ONCE_DONE 2 + +/* + Struct and macros to be used in combination with the + windows implementation of pthread_cond_timedwait +*/ + +/* + Declare a union to make sure FILETIME is properly aligned + so it can be used directly as a 64 bit value. The value + stored is in 100ns units. + */ + union ft64 { + FILETIME ft; + __int64 i64; + }; +struct timespec { + union ft64 tv; + /* The max timeout value in millisecond for pthread_cond_timedwait */ + long max_timeout_msec; +}; +#define set_timespec_time_nsec(ABSTIME,TIME,NSEC) do { \ + (ABSTIME).tv.i64= (TIME)+(__int64)(NSEC)/100; \ + (ABSTIME).max_timeout_msec= (long)((NSEC)/1000000); \ +} while(0) + +#define set_timespec_nsec(ABSTIME,NSEC) do { \ + union ft64 tv; \ + GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&tv.ft); \ + set_timespec_time_nsec((ABSTIME), tv.i64, (NSEC)); \ +} while(0) + +/** + Compare two timespec structs. + + @retval 1 If TS1 ends after TS2. + + @retval 0 If TS1 is equal to TS2. + + @retval -1 If TS1 ends before TS2. +*/ +#define cmp_timespec(TS1, TS2) \ + ((TS1.tv.i64 > TS2.tv.i64) ? 1 : \ + ((TS1.tv.i64 < TS2.tv.i64) ? -1 : 0)) + +#define diff_timespec(TS1, TS2) \ + ((TS1.tv.i64 - TS2.tv.i64) * 100) + +int win_pthread_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex); +int pthread_create(pthread_t *, const pthread_attr_t *, pthread_handler, void *); +int pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t *cond, const pthread_condattr_t *attr); +int pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex); +int pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex, + struct timespec *abstime); +int pthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t *cond); +int pthread_cond_broadcast(pthread_cond_t *cond); +int pthread_cond_destroy(pthread_cond_t *cond); +int pthread_attr_init(pthread_attr_t *connect_att); +int pthread_attr_setstacksize(pthread_attr_t *connect_att,DWORD stack); +int pthread_attr_destroy(pthread_attr_t *connect_att); +int my_pthread_once(my_pthread_once_t *once_control,void (*init_routine)(void)); +struct tm *localtime_r(const time_t *timep,struct tm *tmp); +struct tm *gmtime_r(const time_t *timep,struct tm *tmp); + +void pthread_exit(void *a); +int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **value_ptr); +int pthread_cancel(pthread_t thread); + +#ifndef ETIMEDOUT +#define ETIMEDOUT 145 /* Win32 doesn't have this */ +#endif +#define HAVE_LOCALTIME_R 1 +#define _REENTRANT 1 +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSTACKSIZE 1 + + +#undef SAFE_MUTEX /* This will cause conflicts */ +#define pthread_key(T,V) DWORD V +#define pthread_key_create(A,B) ((*A=TlsAlloc())==0xFFFFFFFF) +#define pthread_key_delete(A) TlsFree(A) +#define my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(T,V) (!TlsSetValue((T),(V))) +#define pthread_setspecific(A,B) (!TlsSetValue((A),(B))) +#define pthread_getspecific(A) (TlsGetValue(A)) +#define my_pthread_getspecific(T,A) ((T) TlsGetValue(A)) +#define my_pthread_getspecific_ptr(T,V) ((T) TlsGetValue(V)) + +#define pthread_equal(A,B) ((A) == (B)) +#define pthread_mutex_init(A,B) (InitializeCriticalSection(A),0) +#define pthread_mutex_lock(A) (EnterCriticalSection(A),0) +#define pthread_mutex_trylock(A) win_pthread_mutex_trylock((A)) +#define pthread_mutex_unlock(A) (LeaveCriticalSection(A), 0) +#define pthread_mutex_destroy(A) (DeleteCriticalSection(A), 0) +#define pthread_kill(A,B) pthread_dummy((A) ? 0 : ESRCH) + + +/* Dummy defines for easier code */ +#define pthread_attr_setdetachstate(A,B) pthread_dummy(0) +#define pthread_attr_setscope(A,B) +#define pthread_detach_this_thread() +#define pthread_condattr_init(A) +#define pthread_condattr_destroy(A) +#define pthread_yield() SwitchToThread() +#define my_sigset(A,B) signal(A,B) + +#else /* Normal threads */ + +#ifdef HAVE_rts_threads +#define sigwait org_sigwait +#include +#undef sigwait +#endif +#include +#ifndef _REENTRANT +#define _REENTRANT +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_THR_SETCONCURRENCY +#include /* Probably solaris */ +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_SCHED_H +#include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_SYNCH_H +#include +#endif + +#define pthread_key(T,V) pthread_key_t V +#define my_pthread_getspecific_ptr(T,V) my_pthread_getspecific(T,(V)) +#define my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(T,V) pthread_setspecific(T,(void*) (V)) +#define pthread_detach_this_thread() +#define pthread_handler_t EXTERNC void * +typedef void *(* pthread_handler)(void *); + +#define my_pthread_once_t pthread_once_t +#if defined(PTHREAD_ONCE_INITIALIZER) +#define MY_PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT PTHREAD_ONCE_INITIALIZER +#else +#define MY_PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT +#endif +#define my_pthread_once(C,F) pthread_once(C,F) + +/* Test first for RTS or FSU threads */ + +#if defined(PTHREAD_SCOPE_GLOBAL) && !defined(PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM) +#define HAVE_rts_threads +extern int my_pthread_create_detached; +#define pthread_sigmask(A,B,C) sigprocmask((A),(B),(C)) +#define PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED &my_pthread_create_detached +#define PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM PTHREAD_SCOPE_GLOBAL +#define PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS PTHREAD_SCOPE_LOCAL +#define USE_ALARM_THREAD +#endif /* defined(PTHREAD_SCOPE_GLOBAL) && !defined(PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM) */ + +#if defined(_BSDI_VERSION) && _BSDI_VERSION < 199910 +int sigwait(sigset_t *set, int *sig); +#endif + +#ifndef HAVE_NONPOSIX_SIGWAIT +#define my_sigwait(A,B) sigwait((A),(B)) +#else +int my_sigwait(const sigset_t *set,int *sig); +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_NONPOSIX_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT +#ifndef SAFE_MUTEX +#define pthread_mutex_init(a,b) my_pthread_mutex_init((a),(b)) +extern int my_pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t *mp, + const pthread_mutexattr_t *attr); +#endif /* SAFE_MUTEX */ +#define pthread_cond_init(a,b) my_pthread_cond_init((a),(b)) +extern int my_pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t *mp, + const pthread_condattr_t *attr); +#endif /* HAVE_NONPOSIX_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT */ + +#if defined(HAVE_SIGTHREADMASK) && !defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_SIGMASK) +#define pthread_sigmask(A,B,C) sigthreadmask((A),(B),(C)) +#endif + +#if !defined(HAVE_SIGWAIT) && !defined(HAVE_rts_threads) && !defined(sigwait) && !defined(alpha_linux_port) && !defined(HAVE_NONPOSIX_SIGWAIT) && !defined(HAVE_DEC_3_2_THREADS) && !defined(_AIX) +int sigwait(sigset_t *setp, int *sigp); /* Use our implemention */ +#endif + + +/* + We define my_sigset() and use that instead of the system sigset() so that + we can favor an implementation based on sigaction(). On some systems, such + as Mac OS X, sigset() results in flags such as SA_RESTART being set, and + we want to make sure that no such flags are set. +*/ +#if defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) && !defined(my_sigset) +#define my_sigset(A,B) do { struct sigaction l_s; sigset_t l_set; \ + DBUG_ASSERT((A) != 0); \ + sigemptyset(&l_set); \ + l_s.sa_handler = (B); \ + l_s.sa_mask = l_set; \ + l_s.sa_flags = 0; \ + sigaction((A), &l_s, NULL); \ + } while (0) +#elif defined(HAVE_SIGSET) && !defined(my_sigset) +#define my_sigset(A,B) sigset((A),(B)) +#elif !defined(my_sigset) +#define my_sigset(A,B) signal((A),(B)) +#endif + +#if !defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSCOPE) || defined(HAVE_DEC_3_2_THREADS) +#define pthread_attr_setscope(A,B) +#undef HAVE_GETHOSTBYADDR_R /* No definition */ +#endif + +#if defined(HAVE_BROKEN_PTHREAD_COND_TIMEDWAIT) && !defined(SAFE_MUTEX) +extern int my_pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *cond, + pthread_mutex_t *mutex, + struct timespec *abstime); +#define pthread_cond_timedwait(A,B,C) my_pthread_cond_timedwait((A),(B),(C)) +#endif + +#if !defined( HAVE_NONPOSIX_PTHREAD_GETSPECIFIC) +#define my_pthread_getspecific(A,B) ((A) pthread_getspecific(B)) +#else +#define my_pthread_getspecific(A,B) ((A) my_pthread_getspecific_imp(B)) +void *my_pthread_getspecific_imp(pthread_key_t key); +#endif + +#ifndef HAVE_LOCALTIME_R +struct tm *localtime_r(const time_t *clock, struct tm *res); +#endif + +#ifndef HAVE_GMTIME_R +struct tm *gmtime_r(const time_t *clock, struct tm *res); +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_CREATE +/* DCE threads on HPUX 10.20 */ +#define pthread_condattr_init pthread_condattr_create +#define pthread_condattr_destroy pthread_condattr_delete +#endif + +/* FSU THREADS */ +#if !defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_KEY_DELETE) && !defined(pthread_key_delete) +#define pthread_key_delete(A) pthread_dummy(0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_CTHREADS_WRAPPER /* For MacOSX */ +#define pthread_cond_destroy(A) pthread_dummy(0) +#define pthread_mutex_destroy(A) pthread_dummy(0) +#define pthread_attr_delete(A) pthread_dummy(0) +#define pthread_condattr_delete(A) pthread_dummy(0) +#define pthread_attr_setstacksize(A,B) pthread_dummy(0) +#define pthread_equal(A,B) ((A) == (B)) +#define pthread_cond_timedwait(a,b,c) pthread_cond_wait((a),(b)) +#define pthread_attr_init(A) pthread_attr_create(A) +#define pthread_attr_destroy(A) pthread_attr_delete(A) +#define pthread_attr_setdetachstate(A,B) pthread_dummy(0) +#define pthread_create(A,B,C,D) pthread_create((A),*(B),(C),(D)) +#define pthread_sigmask(A,B,C) sigprocmask((A),(B),(C)) +#define pthread_kill(A,B) pthread_dummy((A) ? 0 : ESRCH) +#undef pthread_detach_this_thread +#define pthread_detach_this_thread() { pthread_t tmp=pthread_self() ; pthread_detach(&tmp); } +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_DARWIN5_THREADS +#define pthread_sigmask(A,B,C) sigprocmask((A),(B),(C)) +#define pthread_kill(A,B) pthread_dummy((A) ? 0 : ESRCH) +#define pthread_condattr_init(A) pthread_dummy(0) +#define pthread_condattr_destroy(A) pthread_dummy(0) +#undef pthread_detach_this_thread +#define pthread_detach_this_thread() { pthread_t tmp=pthread_self() ; pthread_detach(tmp); } +#endif + +#if ((defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_CREATE) && !defined(HAVE_SIGWAIT)) || defined(HAVE_DEC_3_2_THREADS)) && !defined(HAVE_CTHREADS_WRAPPER) +/* This is set on AIX_3_2 and Siemens unix (and DEC OSF/1 3.2 too) */ +#define pthread_key_create(A,B) \ + pthread_keycreate(A,(B) ?\ + (pthread_destructor_t) (B) :\ + (pthread_destructor_t) pthread_dummy) +#define pthread_attr_init(A) pthread_attr_create(A) +#define pthread_attr_destroy(A) pthread_attr_delete(A) +#define pthread_attr_setdetachstate(A,B) pthread_dummy(0) +#define pthread_create(A,B,C,D) pthread_create((A),*(B),(C),(D)) +#ifndef pthread_sigmask +#define pthread_sigmask(A,B,C) sigprocmask((A),(B),(C)) +#endif +#define pthread_kill(A,B) pthread_dummy((A) ? 0 : ESRCH) +#undef pthread_detach_this_thread +#define pthread_detach_this_thread() { pthread_t tmp=pthread_self() ; pthread_detach(&tmp); } +#else /* HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_CREATE && !HAVE_SIGWAIT */ +#define HAVE_PTHREAD_KILL +#endif + +#endif /* defined(__WIN__) */ + +#if defined(HPUX10) && !defined(DONT_REMAP_PTHREAD_FUNCTIONS) +#undef pthread_cond_timedwait +#define pthread_cond_timedwait(a,b,c) my_pthread_cond_timedwait((a),(b),(c)) +int my_pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex, + struct timespec *abstime); +#endif + +#if defined(HPUX10) +#define pthread_attr_getstacksize(A,B) my_pthread_attr_getstacksize(A,B) +void my_pthread_attr_getstacksize(pthread_attr_t *attrib, size_t *size); +#endif + +#if defined(HAVE_POSIX1003_4a_MUTEX) && !defined(DONT_REMAP_PTHREAD_FUNCTIONS) +#undef pthread_mutex_trylock +#define pthread_mutex_trylock(a) my_pthread_mutex_trylock((a)) +int my_pthread_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex); +#endif + +#if !defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_YIELD_ONE_ARG) && !defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_YIELD_ZERO_ARG) +/* no pthread_yield() available */ +#ifdef HAVE_SCHED_YIELD +#define pthread_yield() sched_yield() +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_YIELD_NP) /* can be Mac OS X */ +#define pthread_yield() pthread_yield_np() +#elif defined(HAVE_THR_YIELD) +#define pthread_yield() thr_yield() +#endif +#endif + +/* + The defines set_timespec and set_timespec_nsec should be used + for calculating an absolute time at which + pthread_cond_timedwait should timeout +*/ +#define set_timespec(ABSTIME,SEC) set_timespec_nsec((ABSTIME),(SEC)*1000000000ULL) + +#ifndef set_timespec_nsec +#define set_timespec_nsec(ABSTIME,NSEC) \ + set_timespec_time_nsec((ABSTIME),my_getsystime(),(NSEC)) +#endif /* !set_timespec_nsec */ + +/* adapt for two different flavors of struct timespec */ +#ifdef HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC +#define MY_tv_sec ts_sec +#define MY_tv_nsec ts_nsec +#else +#define MY_tv_sec tv_sec +#define MY_tv_nsec tv_nsec +#endif /* HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC */ + +#ifndef set_timespec_time_nsec +#define set_timespec_time_nsec(ABSTIME,TIME,NSEC) do { \ + ulonglong nsec= (NSEC); \ + ulonglong now= (TIME) + (nsec/100); \ + (ABSTIME).MY_tv_sec= (now / 10000000ULL); \ + (ABSTIME).MY_tv_nsec= (now % 10000000ULL * 100 + (nsec % 100)); \ +} while(0) +#endif /* !set_timespec_time_nsec */ + +/** + Compare two timespec structs. + + @retval 1 If TS1 ends after TS2. + + @retval 0 If TS1 is equal to TS2. + + @retval -1 If TS1 ends before TS2. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC +#ifndef cmp_timespec +#define cmp_timespec(TS1, TS2) \ + ((TS1.ts_sec > TS2.ts_sec || \ + (TS1.ts_sec == TS2.ts_sec && TS1.ts_nsec > TS2.ts_nsec)) ? 1 : \ + ((TS1.ts_sec < TS2.ts_sec || \ + (TS1.ts_sec == TS2.ts_sec && TS1.ts_nsec < TS2.ts_nsec)) ? -1 : 0)) +#endif /* !cmp_timespec */ +#else +#ifndef cmp_timespec +#define cmp_timespec(TS1, TS2) \ + ((TS1.tv_sec > TS2.tv_sec || \ + (TS1.tv_sec == TS2.tv_sec && TS1.tv_nsec > TS2.tv_nsec)) ? 1 : \ + ((TS1.tv_sec < TS2.tv_sec || \ + (TS1.tv_sec == TS2.tv_sec && TS1.tv_nsec < TS2.tv_nsec)) ? -1 : 0)) +#endif /* !cmp_timespec */ +#endif /* HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC */ + +#ifdef HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC +#ifndef diff_timespec +#define diff_timespec(TS1, TS2) \ + ((TS1.ts_sec - TS2.ts_sec) * 1000000000ULL + TS1.ts_nsec - TS2.ts_nsec) +#endif /* !diff_timespec */ +#else +#ifndef diff_timespec +#define diff_timespec(TS1, TS2) \ + ((TS1.tv_sec - TS2.tv_sec) * 1000000000ULL + TS1.tv_nsec - TS2.tv_nsec) +#endif /* !diff_timespec */ +#endif /* HAVE_TIMESPEC_TS_SEC */ + + /* safe_mutex adds checking to mutex for easier debugging */ + +typedef struct st_safe_mutex_t +{ + pthread_mutex_t global,mutex; + const char *file; + uint line,count; + pthread_t thread; +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX_DETECT_DESTROY + struct st_safe_mutex_info_t *info; /* to track destroying of mutexes */ +#endif +} safe_mutex_t; + +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX_DETECT_DESTROY +/* + Used to track the destroying of mutexes. This needs to be a seperate + structure because the safe_mutex_t structure could be freed before + the mutexes are destroyed. +*/ + +typedef struct st_safe_mutex_info_t +{ + struct st_safe_mutex_info_t *next; + struct st_safe_mutex_info_t *prev; + const char *init_file; + uint32 init_line; +} safe_mutex_info_t; +#endif /* SAFE_MUTEX_DETECT_DESTROY */ + +int safe_mutex_init(safe_mutex_t *mp, const pthread_mutexattr_t *attr, + const char *file, uint line); +int safe_mutex_lock(safe_mutex_t *mp, my_bool try_lock, const char *file, uint line); +int safe_mutex_unlock(safe_mutex_t *mp,const char *file, uint line); +int safe_mutex_destroy(safe_mutex_t *mp,const char *file, uint line); +int safe_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *cond, safe_mutex_t *mp,const char *file, + uint line); +int safe_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *cond, safe_mutex_t *mp, + const struct timespec *abstime, + const char *file, uint line); +void safe_mutex_global_init(void); +void safe_mutex_end(FILE *file); + + /* Wrappers if safe mutex is actually used */ +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX +#define safe_mutex_assert_owner(mp) \ + DBUG_ASSERT((mp)->count > 0 && \ + pthread_equal(pthread_self(), (mp)->thread)) +#define safe_mutex_assert_not_owner(mp) \ + DBUG_ASSERT(! (mp)->count || \ + ! pthread_equal(pthread_self(), (mp)->thread)) + +#define my_cond_timedwait(A,B,C) safe_cond_timedwait((A),(B),(C),__FILE__,__LINE__) +#define my_cond_wait(A,B) safe_cond_wait((A), (B), __FILE__, __LINE__) + +#elif defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) + +#define safe_mutex_assert_owner(mp) do {} while (0) +#define safe_mutex_assert_not_owner(mp) do {} while (0) + +#define my_cond_timedwait(A,B,C) pthread_cond_timedwait((A), &(B)->mutex, (C)) +#define my_cond_wait(A,B) pthread_cond_wait((A), &(B)->mutex) + +#else + +#define safe_mutex_assert_owner(mp) do {} while (0) +#define safe_mutex_assert_not_owner(mp) do {} while (0) + +#define my_cond_timedwait(A,B,C) pthread_cond_timedwait((A),(B),(C)) +#define my_cond_wait(A,B) pthread_cond_wait((A), (B)) + +#endif /* !SAFE_MUTEX && ! MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX */ + +#if defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) && !defined(SAFE_MUTEX) +typedef struct st_my_pthread_fastmutex_t +{ + pthread_mutex_t mutex; + uint spins; + uint rng_state; +} my_pthread_fastmutex_t; +void fastmutex_global_init(void); + +int my_pthread_fastmutex_init(my_pthread_fastmutex_t *mp, + const pthread_mutexattr_t *attr); +int my_pthread_fastmutex_lock(my_pthread_fastmutex_t *mp); + +#endif /* defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) && !defined(SAFE_MUTEX) */ + + /* READ-WRITE thread locking */ + +#ifdef HAVE_BROKEN_RWLOCK /* For OpenUnix */ +#undef HAVE_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_RDLOCK +#undef HAVE_RWLOCK_INIT +#undef HAVE_RWLOCK_T +#endif + +#if defined(USE_MUTEX_INSTEAD_OF_RW_LOCKS) +/* use these defs for simple mutex locking */ +#define rw_lock_t pthread_mutex_t +#define my_rwlock_init(A,B) pthread_mutex_init((A),(B)) +#define rw_rdlock(A) pthread_mutex_lock((A)) +#define rw_wrlock(A) pthread_mutex_lock((A)) +#define rw_tryrdlock(A) pthread_mutex_trylock((A)) +#define rw_trywrlock(A) pthread_mutex_trylock((A)) +#define rw_unlock(A) pthread_mutex_unlock((A)) +#define rwlock_destroy(A) pthread_mutex_destroy((A)) +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_RDLOCK) +#define rw_lock_t pthread_rwlock_t +#define my_rwlock_init(A,B) pthread_rwlock_init((A),(B)) +#define rw_rdlock(A) pthread_rwlock_rdlock(A) +#define rw_wrlock(A) pthread_rwlock_wrlock(A) +#define rw_tryrdlock(A) pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock((A)) +#define rw_trywrlock(A) pthread_rwlock_trywrlock((A)) +#define rw_unlock(A) pthread_rwlock_unlock(A) +#define rwlock_destroy(A) pthread_rwlock_destroy(A) +#elif defined(HAVE_RWLOCK_INIT) +#ifdef HAVE_RWLOCK_T /* For example Solaris 2.6-> */ +#define rw_lock_t rwlock_t +#endif +#define my_rwlock_init(A,B) rwlock_init((A),USYNC_THREAD,0) +#else +/* Use our own version of read/write locks */ +#define NEED_MY_RW_LOCK 1 +#define rw_lock_t my_rw_lock_t +#define my_rwlock_init(A,B) my_rw_init((A)) +#define rw_rdlock(A) my_rw_rdlock((A)) +#define rw_wrlock(A) my_rw_wrlock((A)) +#define rw_tryrdlock(A) my_rw_tryrdlock((A)) +#define rw_trywrlock(A) my_rw_trywrlock((A)) +#define rw_unlock(A) my_rw_unlock((A)) +#define rwlock_destroy(A) my_rw_destroy((A)) +#define rw_lock_assert_write_owner(A) my_rw_lock_assert_write_owner((A)) +#define rw_lock_assert_not_write_owner(A) my_rw_lock_assert_not_write_owner((A)) +#endif /* USE_MUTEX_INSTEAD_OF_RW_LOCKS */ + + +/** + Portable implementation of special type of read-write locks. + + These locks have two properties which are unusual for rwlocks: + 1) They "prefer readers" in the sense that they do not allow + situations in which rwlock is rd-locked and there is a + pending rd-lock which is blocked (e.g. due to pending + request for wr-lock). + This is a stronger guarantee than one which is provided for + PTHREAD_RWLOCK_PREFER_READER_NP rwlocks in Linux. + MDL subsystem deadlock detector relies on this property for + its correctness. + 2) They are optimized for uncontended wr-lock/unlock case. + This is scenario in which they are most oftenly used + within MDL subsystem. Optimizing for it gives significant + performance improvements in some of tests involving many + connections. + + Another important requirement imposed on this type of rwlock + by the MDL subsystem is that it should be OK to destroy rwlock + object which is in unlocked state even though some threads might + have not yet fully left unlock operation for it (of course there + is an external guarantee that no thread will try to lock rwlock + which is destroyed). + Putting it another way the unlock operation should not access + rwlock data after changing its state to unlocked. + + TODO/FIXME: We should consider alleviating this requirement as + it blocks us from doing certain performance optimizations. +*/ + +typedef struct st_rw_pr_lock_t { + /** + Lock which protects the structure. + Also held for the duration of wr-lock. + */ + pthread_mutex_t lock; + /** + Condition variable which is used to wake-up + writers waiting for readers to go away. + */ + pthread_cond_t no_active_readers; + /** Number of active readers. */ + uint active_readers; + /** Number of writers waiting for readers to go away. */ + uint writers_waiting_readers; + /** Indicates whether there is an active writer. */ + my_bool active_writer; +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + /** Thread holding wr-lock (for debug purposes only). */ + pthread_t writer_thread; +#endif +} rw_pr_lock_t; + +extern int rw_pr_init(rw_pr_lock_t *); +extern int rw_pr_rdlock(rw_pr_lock_t *); +extern int rw_pr_wrlock(rw_pr_lock_t *); +extern int rw_pr_unlock(rw_pr_lock_t *); +extern int rw_pr_destroy(rw_pr_lock_t *); +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX +#define rw_pr_lock_assert_write_owner(A) \ + DBUG_ASSERT((A)->active_writer && pthread_equal(pthread_self(), \ + (A)->writer_thread)) +#define rw_pr_lock_assert_not_write_owner(A) \ + DBUG_ASSERT(! (A)->active_writer || ! pthread_equal(pthread_self(), \ + (A)->writer_thread)) +#else +#define rw_pr_lock_assert_write_owner(A) +#define rw_pr_lock_assert_not_write_owner(A) +#endif /* SAFE_MUTEX */ + + +#ifdef NEED_MY_RW_LOCK + +#ifdef _WIN32 + +/** + Implementation of Windows rwlock. + + We use native (slim) rwlocks on Win7 and later, and fallback to portable + implementation on earlier Windows. + + slim rwlock are also available on Vista/WS2008, but we do not use it + ("trylock" APIs are missing on Vista) +*/ +typedef union +{ + /* Native rwlock (is_srwlock == TRUE) */ + struct + { + SRWLOCK srwlock; /* native reader writer lock */ + BOOL have_exclusive_srwlock; /* used for unlock */ + }; + + /* + Portable implementation (is_srwlock == FALSE) + Fields are identical with Unix my_rw_lock_t fields. + */ + struct + { + pthread_mutex_t lock; /* lock for structure */ + pthread_cond_t readers; /* waiting readers */ + pthread_cond_t writers; /* waiting writers */ + int state; /* -1:writer,0:free,>0:readers */ + int waiters; /* number of waiting writers */ +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + pthread_t write_thread; +#endif + }; +} my_rw_lock_t; + + +#else /* _WIN32 */ + +/* + On systems which don't support native read/write locks we have + to use own implementation. +*/ +typedef struct st_my_rw_lock_t { + pthread_mutex_t lock; /* lock for structure */ + pthread_cond_t readers; /* waiting readers */ + pthread_cond_t writers; /* waiting writers */ + int state; /* -1:writer,0:free,>0:readers */ + int waiters; /* number of waiting writers */ +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + pthread_t write_thread; +#endif +} my_rw_lock_t; + +#endif /*! _WIN32 */ + +extern int my_rw_init(my_rw_lock_t *); +extern int my_rw_destroy(my_rw_lock_t *); +extern int my_rw_rdlock(my_rw_lock_t *); +extern int my_rw_wrlock(my_rw_lock_t *); +extern int my_rw_unlock(my_rw_lock_t *); +extern int my_rw_tryrdlock(my_rw_lock_t *); +extern int my_rw_trywrlock(my_rw_lock_t *); +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX +#define my_rw_lock_assert_write_owner(A) \ + DBUG_ASSERT((A)->state == -1 && pthread_equal(pthread_self(), \ + (A)->write_thread)) +#define my_rw_lock_assert_not_write_owner(A) \ + DBUG_ASSERT((A)->state >= 0 || ! pthread_equal(pthread_self(), \ + (A)->write_thread)) +#else +#define my_rw_lock_assert_write_owner(A) +#define my_rw_lock_assert_not_write_owner(A) +#endif +#endif /* NEED_MY_RW_LOCK */ + + +#define GETHOSTBYADDR_BUFF_SIZE 2048 + +#ifndef HAVE_THR_SETCONCURRENCY +#define thr_setconcurrency(A) pthread_dummy(0) +#endif +#if !defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSTACKSIZE) && ! defined(pthread_attr_setstacksize) +#define pthread_attr_setstacksize(A,B) pthread_dummy(0) +#endif + +/* Define mutex types, see my_thr_init.c */ +#define MY_MUTEX_INIT_SLOW NULL +#ifdef PTHREAD_ADAPTIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP +extern pthread_mutexattr_t my_fast_mutexattr; +#define MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST &my_fast_mutexattr +#else +#define MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST NULL +#endif +#ifdef PTHREAD_ERRORCHECK_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP +extern pthread_mutexattr_t my_errorcheck_mutexattr; +#define MY_MUTEX_INIT_ERRCHK &my_errorcheck_mutexattr +#else +#define MY_MUTEX_INIT_ERRCHK NULL +#endif + +#ifndef ESRCH +/* Define it to something */ +#define ESRCH 1 +#endif + +typedef ulong my_thread_id; + +extern my_bool my_thread_global_init(void); +extern void my_thread_global_reinit(void); +extern void my_thread_global_end(void); +extern my_bool my_thread_init(void); +extern void my_thread_end(void); +extern const char *my_thread_name(void); +extern my_thread_id my_thread_dbug_id(void); +extern int pthread_dummy(int); + +#ifndef HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETGUARDSIZE +static inline int pthread_attr_getguardsize(pthread_attr_t *attr, + size_t *guardsize) +{ + *guardsize= 0; + return 0; +} +#endif + +/* All thread specific variables are in the following struct */ + +#define THREAD_NAME_SIZE 10 +#ifndef DEFAULT_THREAD_STACK +#if SIZEOF_CHARP > 4 +/* + MySQL can survive with 32K, but some glibc libraries require > 128K stack + To resolve hostnames. Also recursive stored procedures needs stack. +*/ +#define DEFAULT_THREAD_STACK (256*1024L) +#else +#define DEFAULT_THREAD_STACK (192*1024) +#endif +#endif + +#include + +#define INSTRUMENT_ME 0 + +struct st_my_thread_var +{ + int thr_errno; + mysql_cond_t suspend; + mysql_mutex_t mutex; + mysql_mutex_t * volatile current_mutex; + mysql_cond_t * volatile current_cond; + pthread_t pthread_self; + my_thread_id id; + int cmp_length; + int volatile abort; + my_bool init; + struct st_my_thread_var *next,**prev; + void *opt_info; + void *stack_ends_here; +#ifndef DBUG_OFF + void *dbug; + char name[THREAD_NAME_SIZE+1]; +#endif +}; + +extern struct st_my_thread_var *_my_thread_var(void) __attribute__ ((const)); +extern int set_mysys_var(struct st_my_thread_var *mysys_var); +extern void **my_thread_var_dbug(); +extern uint my_thread_end_wait_time; +#define my_thread_var (_my_thread_var()) +#define my_errno my_thread_var->thr_errno +/* + Keep track of shutdown,signal, and main threads so that my_end() will not + report errors with them +*/ + +/* Which kind of thread library is in use */ + +#define THD_LIB_OTHER 1 +#define THD_LIB_NPTL 2 +#define THD_LIB_LT 4 + +extern uint thd_lib_detected; + +/* + thread_safe_xxx functions are for critical statistic or counters. + The implementation is guaranteed to be thread safe, on all platforms. + Note that the calling code should *not* assume the counter is protected + by the mutex given, as the implementation of these helpers may change + to use my_atomic operations instead. +*/ + +#ifndef thread_safe_increment +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define thread_safe_increment(V,L) InterlockedIncrement((long*) &(V)) +#define thread_safe_decrement(V,L) InterlockedDecrement((long*) &(V)) +#else +#define thread_safe_increment(V,L) \ + (mysql_mutex_lock((L)), (V)++, mysql_mutex_unlock((L))) +#define thread_safe_decrement(V,L) \ + (mysql_mutex_lock((L)), (V)--, mysql_mutex_unlock((L))) +#endif +#endif + +#ifndef thread_safe_add +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define thread_safe_add(V,C,L) InterlockedExchangeAdd((long*) &(V),(C)) +#define thread_safe_sub(V,C,L) InterlockedExchangeAdd((long*) &(V),-(long) (C)) +#else +#define thread_safe_add(V,C,L) \ + (mysql_mutex_lock((L)), (V)+=(C), mysql_mutex_unlock((L))) +#define thread_safe_sub(V,C,L) \ + (mysql_mutex_lock((L)), (V)-=(C), mysql_mutex_unlock((L))) +#endif +#endif + + +/* + statistics_xxx functions are for non critical statistic, + maintained in global variables. + When compiling with SAFE_STATISTICS: + - race conditions can not occur. + - some locking occurs, which may cause performance degradation. + + When compiling without SAFE_STATISTICS: + - race conditions can occur, making the result slightly inaccurate. + - the lock given is not honored. +*/ +#ifdef SAFE_STATISTICS +#define statistic_increment(V,L) thread_safe_increment((V),(L)) +#define statistic_decrement(V,L) thread_safe_decrement((V),(L)) +#define statistic_add(V,C,L) thread_safe_add((V),(C),(L)) +#define statistic_sub(V,C,L) thread_safe_sub((V),(C),(L)) +#else +#define statistic_decrement(V,L) (V)-- +#define statistic_increment(V,L) (V)++ +#define statistic_add(V,C,L) (V)+=(C) +#define statistic_sub(V,C,L) (V)-=(C) +#endif /* SAFE_STATISTICS */ + +/* + No locking needed, the counter is owned by the thread +*/ +#define status_var_increment(V) (V)++ +#define status_var_decrement(V) (V)-- +#define status_var_add(V,C) (V)+=(C) +#define status_var_sub(V,C) (V)-=(C) + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* _my_ptread_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_rdtsc.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_rdtsc.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..38ab0de80 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_rdtsc.h @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2008 MySQL AB, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. + Use is subject to license terms. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + rdtsc3 -- multi-platform timer code + pgulutzan@mysql.com, 2005-08-29 + modified 2008-11-02 +*/ + +#ifndef MY_RDTSC_H +#define MY_RDTSC_H + +/** + Characteristics of a timer. +*/ +struct my_timer_unit_info +{ + /** Routine used for the timer. */ + ulonglong routine; + /** Overhead of the timer. */ + ulonglong overhead; + /** Frequency of the timer. */ + ulonglong frequency; + /** Resolution of the timer. */ + ulonglong resolution; +}; + +/** + Characteristics of all the supported timers. + @sa my_timer_init(). +*/ +struct my_timer_info +{ + /** Characteristics of the cycle timer. */ + struct my_timer_unit_info cycles; + /** Characteristics of the nanosecond timer. */ + struct my_timer_unit_info nanoseconds; + /** Characteristics of the microsecond timer. */ + struct my_timer_unit_info microseconds; + /** Characteristics of the millisecond timer. */ + struct my_timer_unit_info milliseconds; + /** Characteristics of the tick timer. */ + struct my_timer_unit_info ticks; +}; + +typedef struct my_timer_info MY_TIMER_INFO; + +C_MODE_START + +/** + A cycle timer. + @return the current timer value, in cycles. +*/ +ulonglong my_timer_cycles(void); + +/** + A namoseconds timer. + @return the current timer value, in nanoseconds. +*/ +ulonglong my_timer_nanoseconds(void); + +/** + A microseconds timer. + @return the current timer value, in microseconds. +*/ +ulonglong my_timer_microseconds(void); + +/** + A millisecond timer. + @return the current timer value, in milliseconds. +*/ +ulonglong my_timer_milliseconds(void); + +/** + A ticks timer. + @return the current timer value, in ticks. +*/ +ulonglong my_timer_ticks(void); + +/** + Timer initialization function. + @param [out] mti the timer characteristics. +*/ +void my_timer_init(MY_TIMER_INFO *mti); + +C_MODE_END + +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_X86 1 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_X86_64 2 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_RDTSCLL 3 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_X86_WIN 4 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_RDTSC 5 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_IA64 6 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_PPC 7 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_SGI_CYCLE 8 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_GETHRTIME 9 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_READ_REAL_TIME 10 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_CLOCK_GETTIME 11 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_NXGETTIME 12 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_GETTIMEOFDAY 13 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_QUERYPERFORMANCECOUNTER 14 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_GETTICKCOUNT 15 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_TIME 16 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_TIMES 17 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_FTIME 18 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_PPC64 19 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_SUNPRO_SPARC64 20 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_SUNPRO_SPARC32 21 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_SUNPRO_I386 22 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_GCC_SPARC64 23 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_GCC_SPARC32 24 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_MACH_ABSOLUTE_TIME 25 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_GETSYSTEMTIMEASFILETIME 26 +#define MY_TIMER_ROUTINE_ASM_SUNPRO_X86_64 27 + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_rnd.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_rnd.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cf57e8dca --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_rnd.h @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +#ifndef MY_RANDOM_INCLUDED +#define MY_RANDOM_INCLUDED + +/* + Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + A wrapper to use OpenSSL/YaSSL PRNGs. +*/ + +#include +#include +#include + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +double my_rnd_ssl(struct rand_struct *rand_st); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* MY_RANDOM_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_stacktrace.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_stacktrace.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ee0386789 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_stacktrace.h @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _my_stacktrace_h_ +#define _my_stacktrace_h_ + +#include + +#ifdef TARGET_OS_LINUX +#if defined (__x86_64__) || defined (__i386__) || \ + (defined(__alpha__) && defined(__GNUC__)) +#define HAVE_STACKTRACE 1 +#endif +#elif defined(__WIN__) || defined(HAVE_PRINTSTACK) +#define HAVE_STACKTRACE 1 +#endif + +#if HAVE_BACKTRACE && (HAVE_BACKTRACE_SYMBOLS || HAVE_BACKTRACE_SYMBOLS_FD) +#undef HAVE_STACKTRACE +#define HAVE_STACKTRACE 1 +#endif + +#define HAVE_WRITE_CORE + +#if HAVE_BACKTRACE && HAVE_BACKTRACE_SYMBOLS && \ + HAVE_CXXABI_H && HAVE_ABI_CXA_DEMANGLE && \ + HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOL +#define BACKTRACE_DEMANGLE 1 +#endif + +C_MODE_START + +#if defined(HAVE_STACKTRACE) || defined(HAVE_BACKTRACE) +void my_init_stacktrace(); +void my_print_stacktrace(uchar* stack_bottom, ulong thread_stack); +void my_safe_print_str(const char* val, int max_len); +void my_write_core(int sig); +#if BACKTRACE_DEMANGLE +char *my_demangle(const char *mangled_name, int *status); +#endif +#ifdef __WIN__ +void my_set_exception_pointers(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ep); +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_WRITE_CORE +void my_write_core(int sig); +#endif + + + +/** + Async-signal-safe utility functions used by signal handler routines. + Declared here in order to unit-test them. + These are not general-purpose, but tailored to the signal handling routines. +*/ +/** + Converts a longlong value to string. + @param base 10 for decimal, 16 for hex values (0..9a..f) + @param val The value to convert + @param buf Assumed to point to the *end* of the buffer. + @returns Pointer to the first character of the converted string. + Negative values: + for base-10 the return string will be prepended with '-' + for base-16 the return string will contain 16 characters + Implemented with simplicity, and async-signal-safety in mind. +*/ +char *my_safe_itoa(int base, longlong val, char *buf); + +/** + Converts a ulonglong value to string. + @param base 10 for decimal, 16 for hex values (0..9a..f) + @param val The value to convert + @param buf Assumed to point to the *end* of the buffer. + @returns Pointer to the first character of the converted string. + Implemented with simplicity, and async-signal-safety in mind. +*/ +char *my_safe_utoa(int base, ulonglong val, char *buf); + +/** + A (very) limited version of snprintf. + @param to Destination buffer. + @param n Size of destination buffer. + @param fmt printf() style format string. + @returns Number of bytes written, including terminating '\0' + Supports 'd' 'i' 'u' 'x' 'p' 's' conversion. + Supports 'l' and 'll' modifiers for integral types. + Does not support any width/precision. + Implemented with simplicity, and async-signal-safety in mind. +*/ +size_t my_safe_snprintf(char* to, size_t n, const char* fmt, ...) + ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 3, 4); + +/** + A (very) limited version of snprintf, which writes the result to STDERR. + @sa my_safe_snprintf + Implemented with simplicity, and async-signal-safety in mind. + @note Has an internal buffer capacity of 512 bytes, + which should suffice for our signal handling routines. +*/ +size_t my_safe_printf_stderr(const char* fmt, ...) + ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 1, 2); + +/** + Writes up to count bytes from buffer to STDERR. + Implemented with simplicity, and async-signal-safety in mind. + @param buf Buffer containing data to be written. + @param count Number of bytes to write. + @returns Number of bytes written. +*/ +size_t my_write_stderr(const void *buf, size_t count); + +C_MODE_END + +#endif /* _my_stacktrace_h_ */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_sys.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_sys.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..76f0be711 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_sys.h @@ -0,0 +1,1004 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _my_sys_h +#define _my_sys_h + +#include "my_global.h" /* C_MODE_START, C_MODE_END */ + +C_MODE_START + +#ifdef HAVE_AIOWAIT +#include /* Used by record-cache */ +typedef struct my_aio_result { + aio_result_t result; + int pending; +} my_aio_result; +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_VALGRIND +# include +# define MEM_UNDEFINED(a,len) VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(a,len) +# define MEM_NOACCESS(a,len) VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(a,len) +# define MEM_CHECK_ADDRESSABLE(a,len) VALGRIND_CHECK_MEM_IS_ADDRESSABLE(a,len) +# define MEM_CHECK_DEFINED(a,len) VALGRIND_CHECK_MEM_IS_DEFINED(a,len) +#else /* HAVE_VALGRIND */ +# define MEM_UNDEFINED(a,len) ((void) 0) +# define MEM_NOACCESS(a,len) ((void) 0) +# define MEM_CHECK_ADDRESSABLE(a,len) ((void) 0) +# define MEM_CHECK_DEFINED(a,len) ((void) 0) +#endif /* HAVE_VALGRIND */ + +#include + +#include /* for CHARSET_INFO */ +#include +#include +#ifdef _WIN32 +#include /*for alloca*/ +#endif + +#define MY_INIT(name) { my_progname= name; my_init(); } + +/** + Max length of an error message generated by mysys utilities. + Some mysys functions produce error messages. These mostly go + to stderr. + This constant defines the size of the buffer used to format + the message. It should be kept in sync with MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE, + since sometimes mysys errors are stored in the server diagnostics + area, and we would like to avoid unexpected truncation. +*/ +#define MYSYS_ERRMSG_SIZE (512) +#define MYSYS_STRERROR_SIZE (128) + +#define MY_FILE_ERROR ((size_t) -1) + + /* General bitmaps for my_func's */ +#define MY_FFNF 1 /* Fatal if file not found */ +#define MY_FNABP 2 /* Fatal if not all bytes read/writen */ +#define MY_NABP 4 /* Error if not all bytes read/writen */ +#define MY_FAE 8 /* Fatal if any error */ +#define MY_WME 16 /* Write message on error */ +#define MY_WAIT_IF_FULL 32 /* Wait and try again if disk full error */ +#define MY_IGNORE_BADFD 32 /* my_sync: ignore 'bad descriptor' errors */ +#define MY_SYNC_DIR 8192 /* my_create/delete/rename: sync directory */ +#define MY_UNUSED 64 /* Unused (was support for RAID) */ +#define MY_FULL_IO 512 /* For my_read - loop intil I/O is complete */ +#define MY_DONT_CHECK_FILESIZE 128 /* Option to init_io_cache() */ +#define MY_LINK_WARNING 32 /* my_redel() gives warning if links */ +#define MY_COPYTIME 64 /* my_redel() copys time */ +#define MY_DELETE_OLD 256 /* my_create_with_symlink() */ +#define MY_RESOLVE_LINK 128 /* my_realpath(); Only resolve links */ +#define MY_HOLD_ORIGINAL_MODES 128 /* my_copy() holds to file modes */ +#define MY_REDEL_MAKE_BACKUP 256 +#define MY_SEEK_NOT_DONE 32 /* my_lock may have to do a seek */ +#define MY_DONT_WAIT 64 /* my_lock() don't wait if can't lock */ +#define MY_ZEROFILL 32 /* my_malloc(), fill array with zero */ +#define MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR 64 /* my_realloc() ; zero ptr -> malloc */ +#define MY_FREE_ON_ERROR 128 /* my_realloc() ; Free old ptr on error */ +#define MY_HOLD_ON_ERROR 256 /* my_realloc() ; Return old ptr on error */ +#define MY_DONT_OVERWRITE_FILE 1024 /* my_copy: Don't overwrite file */ +#define MY_THREADSAFE 2048 /* my_seek(): lock fd mutex */ +#define MY_SYNC 4096 /* my_copy(): sync dst file */ + +#define MY_CHECK_ERROR 1 /* Params to my_end; Check open-close */ +#define MY_GIVE_INFO 2 /* Give time info about process*/ +#define MY_DONT_FREE_DBUG 4 /* Do not call DBUG_END() in my_end() */ + +#define ME_HIGHBYTE 8 /* Shift for colours */ +#define ME_NOCUR 1 /* Don't use curses message */ +#define ME_OLDWIN 2 /* Use old window */ +#define ME_BELL 4 /* Ring bell then printing message */ +#define ME_HOLDTANG 8 /* Don't delete last keys */ +#define ME_WAITTOT 16 /* Wait for errtime secs of for a action */ +#define ME_WAITTANG 32 /* Wait for a user action */ +#define ME_NOREFRESH 64 /* Write the error message to error log */ +#define ME_NOINPUT 128 /* Dont use the input libary */ +#define ME_COLOUR1 ((1 << ME_HIGHBYTE)) /* Possibly error-colours */ +#define ME_COLOUR2 ((2 << ME_HIGHBYTE)) +#define ME_COLOUR3 ((3 << ME_HIGHBYTE)) +#define ME_FATALERROR 1024 /* Fatal statement error */ + + /* Bits in last argument to fn_format */ +#define MY_REPLACE_DIR 1 /* replace dir in name with 'dir' */ +#define MY_REPLACE_EXT 2 /* replace extension with 'ext' */ +#define MY_UNPACK_FILENAME 4 /* Unpack name (~ -> home) */ +#define MY_PACK_FILENAME 8 /* Pack name (home -> ~) */ +#define MY_RESOLVE_SYMLINKS 16 /* Resolve all symbolic links */ +#define MY_RETURN_REAL_PATH 32 /* return full path for file */ +#define MY_SAFE_PATH 64 /* Return NULL if too long path */ +#define MY_RELATIVE_PATH 128 /* name is relative to 'dir' */ +#define MY_APPEND_EXT 256 /* add 'ext' as additional extension*/ + + + /* My seek flags */ +#define MY_SEEK_SET 0 +#define MY_SEEK_CUR 1 +#define MY_SEEK_END 2 + + /* Some constants */ +#define MY_WAIT_FOR_USER_TO_FIX_PANIC 60 /* in seconds */ +#define MY_WAIT_GIVE_USER_A_MESSAGE 10 /* Every 10 times of prev */ +#define MIN_COMPRESS_LENGTH 50 /* Don't compress small bl. */ +#define DFLT_INIT_HITS 3 + + /* root_alloc flags */ +#define MY_KEEP_PREALLOC 1 +#define MY_MARK_BLOCKS_FREE 2 /* move used to free list and reuse them */ + + /* Internal error numbers (for assembler functions) */ +#define MY_ERRNO_EDOM 33 +#define MY_ERRNO_ERANGE 34 + + /* Bits for get_date timeflag */ +#define GETDATE_DATE_TIME 1 +#define GETDATE_SHORT_DATE 2 +#define GETDATE_HHMMSSTIME 4 +#define GETDATE_GMT 8 +#define GETDATE_FIXEDLENGTH 16 + + /* defines when allocating data */ +extern void *my_malloc(size_t Size,myf MyFlags); +extern void *my_multi_malloc(myf MyFlags, ...); +extern void *my_realloc(void *oldpoint, size_t Size, myf MyFlags); +extern void my_free(void *ptr); +extern void *my_memdup(const void *from,size_t length,myf MyFlags); +extern char *my_strdup(const char *from,myf MyFlags); +extern char *my_strndup(const char *from, size_t length, + myf MyFlags); + +/* + Switch to my_malloc() if the memory block to be allocated is bigger than + max_alloca_sz. +*/ +#ifndef HAVE_ALLOCA +#define my_safe_alloca(size, max_alloca_sz) my_alloca(size) +#define my_safe_afree(ptr, size, max_alloca_sz) my_afree(ptr) +#else +#define my_safe_alloca(size, max_alloca_sz) ((size <= max_alloca_sz) ? \ + my_alloca(size) : \ + my_malloc(size, MYF(0))) +#define my_safe_afree(ptr, size, max_alloca_sz) if (size > max_alloca_sz) \ + my_free(ptr) +#endif /* #ifndef HAVE_ALLOCA */ + +#if !defined(DBUG_OFF) || defined(HAVE_VALGRIND) +/** + Put bad content in memory to be sure it will segfault if dereferenced. + With Valgrind, verify that memory is addressable, and mark it undefined. + We cache value of B because if B is expression which depends on A, memset() + trashes value of B. +*/ +#define TRASH(A,B) do { \ + const size_t l= (B); \ + MEM_CHECK_ADDRESSABLE(A, l); \ + memset(A, 0x8F, l); \ + MEM_UNDEFINED(A, l); \ + } while (0) +#else +#define TRASH(A,B) do {} while(0) +#endif +#if defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) +extern void (*debug_sync_C_callback_ptr)(const char *, size_t); +#define DEBUG_SYNC_C(_sync_point_name_) do { \ + if (debug_sync_C_callback_ptr != NULL) \ + (*debug_sync_C_callback_ptr)(STRING_WITH_LEN(_sync_point_name_)); } \ + while(0) +#define DEBUG_SYNC_C_IF_THD(thd, _sync_point_name_) do { \ + if (debug_sync_C_callback_ptr != NULL && thd) \ + (*debug_sync_C_callback_ptr)(STRING_WITH_LEN(_sync_point_name_)); } \ + while(0) +#else +#define DEBUG_SYNC_C(_sync_point_name_) +#define DEBUG_SYNC_C_IF_THD(thd, _sync_point_name_) +#endif /* defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) */ + +#ifdef HAVE_LARGE_PAGES +extern uint my_get_large_page_size(void); +extern uchar * my_large_malloc(size_t size, myf my_flags); +extern void my_large_free(uchar *ptr); +#else +#define my_get_large_page_size() (0) +#define my_large_malloc(A,B) my_malloc_lock((A),(B)) +#define my_large_free(A) my_free_lock((A)) +#endif /* HAVE_LARGE_PAGES */ + +#ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA +#if defined(_AIX) && !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(_AIX43) +#pragma alloca +#endif /* _AIX */ +#if defined(__MWERKS__) +#undef alloca +#define alloca _alloca +#endif /* __MWERKS__ */ +#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(HAVE_ALLOCA_H) && ! defined(alloca) +#define alloca __builtin_alloca +#endif /* GNUC */ +#define my_alloca(SZ) alloca((size_t) (SZ)) +#define my_afree(PTR) {} +#else +#define my_alloca(SZ) my_malloc(SZ,MYF(MY_FAE)) +#define my_afree(PTR) my_free(PTR) +#endif /* HAVE_ALLOCA */ + +#include /* errno is a define */ + +extern char *home_dir; /* Home directory for user */ +extern const char *my_progname; /* program-name (printed in errors) */ +extern char curr_dir[]; /* Current directory for user */ +extern void (*error_handler_hook)(uint my_err, const char *str,myf MyFlags); +extern void (*fatal_error_handler_hook)(uint my_err, const char *str, + myf MyFlags); +extern void(*sql_print_warning_hook)(const char *format,...); +extern uint my_file_limit; +extern ulong my_thread_stack_size; + +extern void (*proc_info_hook)(void *, const PSI_stage_info *, PSI_stage_info *, + const char *, const char *, const unsigned int); + +#ifdef HAVE_LARGE_PAGES +extern my_bool my_use_large_pages; +extern uint my_large_page_size; +#endif + +/* charsets */ +#define MY_ALL_CHARSETS_SIZE 2048 +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT CHARSET_INFO *default_charset_info; +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT CHARSET_INFO *all_charsets[MY_ALL_CHARSETS_SIZE]; +extern CHARSET_INFO compiled_charsets[]; + +/* statistics */ +extern ulong my_file_opened,my_stream_opened, my_tmp_file_created; +extern ulong my_file_total_opened; +extern my_bool my_init_done; + + /* Point to current my_message() */ +extern void (*my_sigtstp_cleanup)(void), + /* Executed before jump to shell */ + (*my_sigtstp_restart)(void), + (*my_abort_hook)(int); + /* Executed when comming from shell */ +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT int my_umask; /* Default creation mask */ +extern int my_umask_dir, + my_recived_signals, /* Signals we have got */ + my_safe_to_handle_signal, /* Set when allowed to SIGTSTP */ + my_dont_interrupt; /* call remember_intr when set */ +extern my_bool my_use_symdir; + +extern ulong my_default_record_cache_size; +extern my_bool my_disable_locking, my_disable_async_io, + my_disable_flush_key_blocks, my_disable_symlinks; +extern char wild_many,wild_one,wild_prefix; +extern const char *charsets_dir; + +extern my_bool timed_mutexes; + +enum cache_type +{ + TYPE_NOT_SET= 0, READ_CACHE, WRITE_CACHE, + SEQ_READ_APPEND /* sequential read or append */, + READ_FIFO, READ_NET,WRITE_NET}; + +enum flush_type +{ + FLUSH_KEEP, /* flush block and keep it in the cache */ + FLUSH_RELEASE, /* flush block and remove it from the cache */ + FLUSH_IGNORE_CHANGED, /* remove block from the cache */ + /* + As my_disable_flush_pagecache_blocks is always 0, the following option + is strictly equivalent to FLUSH_KEEP + */ + FLUSH_FORCE_WRITE +}; + +typedef struct st_record_cache /* Used when cacheing records */ +{ + File file; + int rc_seek,error,inited; + uint rc_length,read_length,reclength; + my_off_t rc_record_pos,end_of_file; + uchar *rc_buff,*rc_buff2,*rc_pos,*rc_end,*rc_request_pos; +#ifdef HAVE_AIOWAIT + int use_async_io; + my_aio_result aio_result; +#endif + enum cache_type type; +} RECORD_CACHE; + +enum file_type +{ + UNOPEN = 0, FILE_BY_OPEN, FILE_BY_CREATE, STREAM_BY_FOPEN, STREAM_BY_FDOPEN, + FILE_BY_MKSTEMP, FILE_BY_DUP +}; + +struct st_my_file_info +{ + char *name; +#ifdef _WIN32 + HANDLE fhandle; /* win32 file handle */ + int oflag; /* open flags, e.g O_APPEND */ +#endif + enum file_type type; +#if !defined(HAVE_PREAD) && !defined(_WIN32) + mysql_mutex_t mutex; +#endif +}; + +extern struct st_my_file_info *my_file_info; + +typedef struct st_dynamic_array +{ + uchar *buffer; + uint elements,max_element; + uint alloc_increment; + uint size_of_element; +} DYNAMIC_ARRAY; + +typedef struct st_my_tmpdir +{ + DYNAMIC_ARRAY full_list; + char **list; + uint cur, max; + mysql_mutex_t mutex; +} MY_TMPDIR; + +typedef struct st_dynamic_string +{ + char *str; + size_t length,max_length,alloc_increment; +} DYNAMIC_STRING; + +struct st_io_cache; +typedef int (*IO_CACHE_CALLBACK)(struct st_io_cache*); + +typedef struct st_io_cache_share +{ + mysql_mutex_t mutex; /* To sync on reads into buffer. */ + mysql_cond_t cond; /* To wait for signals. */ + mysql_cond_t cond_writer; /* For a synchronized writer. */ + /* Offset in file corresponding to the first byte of buffer. */ + my_off_t pos_in_file; + /* If a synchronized write cache is the source of the data. */ + struct st_io_cache *source_cache; + uchar *buffer; /* The read buffer. */ + uchar *read_end; /* Behind last valid byte of buffer. */ + int running_threads; /* threads not in lock. */ + int total_threads; /* threads sharing the cache. */ + int error; /* Last error. */ +#ifdef NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED + /* whether the structure should be free'd */ + my_bool alloced; +#endif +} IO_CACHE_SHARE; + +typedef struct st_io_cache /* Used when cacheing files */ +{ + /* Offset in file corresponding to the first byte of uchar* buffer. */ + my_off_t pos_in_file; + /* + The offset of end of file for READ_CACHE and WRITE_CACHE. + For SEQ_READ_APPEND it the maximum of the actual end of file and + the position represented by read_end. + */ + my_off_t end_of_file; + /* Points to current read position in the buffer */ + uchar *read_pos; + /* the non-inclusive boundary in the buffer for the currently valid read */ + uchar *read_end; + uchar *buffer; /* The read buffer */ + /* Used in ASYNC_IO */ + uchar *request_pos; + + /* Only used in WRITE caches and in SEQ_READ_APPEND to buffer writes */ + uchar *write_buffer; + /* + Only used in SEQ_READ_APPEND, and points to the current read position + in the write buffer. Note that reads in SEQ_READ_APPEND caches can + happen from both read buffer (uchar* buffer) and write buffer + (uchar* write_buffer). + */ + uchar *append_read_pos; + /* Points to current write position in the write buffer */ + uchar *write_pos; + /* The non-inclusive boundary of the valid write area */ + uchar *write_end; + + /* + Current_pos and current_end are convenience variables used by + my_b_tell() and other routines that need to know the current offset + current_pos points to &write_pos, and current_end to &write_end in a + WRITE_CACHE, and &read_pos and &read_end respectively otherwise + */ + uchar **current_pos, **current_end; + + /* + The lock is for append buffer used in SEQ_READ_APPEND cache + need mutex copying from append buffer to read buffer. + */ + mysql_mutex_t append_buffer_lock; + /* + The following is used when several threads are reading the + same file in parallel. They are synchronized on disk + accesses reading the cached part of the file asynchronously. + It should be set to NULL to disable the feature. Only + READ_CACHE mode is supported. + */ + IO_CACHE_SHARE *share; + + /* + A caller will use my_b_read() macro to read from the cache + if the data is already in cache, it will be simply copied with + memcpy() and internal variables will be accordinging updated with + no functions invoked. However, if the data is not fully in the cache, + my_b_read() will call read_function to fetch the data. read_function + must never be invoked directly. + */ + int (*read_function)(struct st_io_cache *,uchar *,size_t); + /* + Same idea as in the case of read_function, except my_b_write() needs to + be replaced with my_b_append() for a SEQ_READ_APPEND cache + */ + int (*write_function)(struct st_io_cache *,const uchar *,size_t); + /* + Specifies the type of the cache. Depending on the type of the cache + certain operations might not be available and yield unpredicatable + results. Details to be documented later + */ + enum cache_type type; + /* + Callbacks when the actual read I/O happens. These were added and + are currently used for binary logging of LOAD DATA INFILE - when a + block is read from the file, we create a block create/append event, and + when IO_CACHE is closed, we create an end event. These functions could, + of course be used for other things + */ + IO_CACHE_CALLBACK pre_read; + IO_CACHE_CALLBACK post_read; + IO_CACHE_CALLBACK pre_close; + /* + Counts the number of times, when we were forced to use disk. We use it to + increase the binlog_cache_disk_use and binlog_stmt_cache_disk_use status + variables. + */ + ulong disk_writes; + void* arg; /* for use by pre/post_read */ + char *file_name; /* if used with 'open_cached_file' */ + char *dir,*prefix; + File file; /* file descriptor */ + /* + seek_not_done is set by my_b_seek() to inform the upcoming read/write + operation that a seek needs to be preformed prior to the actual I/O + error is 0 if the cache operation was successful, -1 if there was a + "hard" error, and the actual number of I/O-ed bytes if the read/write was + partial. + */ + int seek_not_done,error; + /* buffer_length is memory size allocated for buffer or write_buffer */ + size_t buffer_length; + /* read_length is the same as buffer_length except when we use async io */ + size_t read_length; + myf myflags; /* Flags used to my_read/my_write */ + /* + alloced_buffer is 1 if the buffer was allocated by init_io_cache() and + 0 if it was supplied by the user. + Currently READ_NET is the only one that will use a buffer allocated + somewhere else + */ + my_bool alloced_buffer; +#ifdef HAVE_AIOWAIT + /* + As inidicated by ifdef, this is for async I/O, which is not currently + used (because it's not reliable on all systems) + */ + uint inited; + my_off_t aio_read_pos; + my_aio_result aio_result; +#endif +} IO_CACHE; + +typedef int (*qsort2_cmp)(const void *, const void *, const void *); + +typedef void (*my_error_reporter)(enum loglevel level, const char *format, ...) + ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT_FPTR(printf, 2, 3); + +extern my_error_reporter my_charset_error_reporter; + + /* defines for mf_iocache */ + + /* Test if buffer is inited */ +#define my_b_clear(info) (info)->buffer=0 +#define my_b_inited(info) (info)->buffer +#define my_b_EOF INT_MIN + +#define my_b_read(info,Buffer,Count) \ + ((info)->read_pos + (Count) <= (info)->read_end ?\ + (memcpy(Buffer,(info)->read_pos,(size_t) (Count)), \ + ((info)->read_pos+=(Count)),0) :\ + (*(info)->read_function)((info),Buffer,Count)) + +#define my_b_write(info,Buffer,Count) \ + ((info)->write_pos + (Count) <=(info)->write_end ?\ + (memcpy((info)->write_pos, (Buffer), (size_t)(Count)),\ + ((info)->write_pos+=(Count)),0) : \ + (*(info)->write_function)((info),(uchar *)(Buffer),(Count))) + +#define my_b_get(info) \ + ((info)->read_pos != (info)->read_end ?\ + ((info)->read_pos++, (int) (uchar) (info)->read_pos[-1]) :\ + _my_b_get(info)) + + /* my_b_write_byte dosn't have any err-check */ +#define my_b_write_byte(info,chr) \ + (((info)->write_pos < (info)->write_end) ?\ + ((*(info)->write_pos++)=(chr)) :\ + (_my_b_write(info,0,0) , ((*(info)->write_pos++)=(chr)))) + +#define my_b_fill_cache(info) \ + (((info)->read_end=(info)->read_pos),(*(info)->read_function)(info,0,0)) + +#define my_b_tell(info) ((info)->pos_in_file + \ + (size_t) (*(info)->current_pos - (info)->request_pos)) + +#define my_b_get_buffer_start(info) (info)->request_pos +#define my_b_get_bytes_in_buffer(info) (char*) (info)->read_end - \ + (char*) my_b_get_buffer_start(info) +#define my_b_get_pos_in_file(info) (info)->pos_in_file + +/* tell write offset in the SEQ_APPEND cache */ +int my_b_copy_to_file(IO_CACHE *cache, FILE *file); +my_off_t my_b_append_tell(IO_CACHE* info); +my_off_t my_b_safe_tell(IO_CACHE* info); /* picks the correct tell() */ + +#define my_b_bytes_in_cache(info) (size_t) (*(info)->current_end - \ + *(info)->current_pos) + +typedef uint32 ha_checksum; + +#include + + + /* Prototypes for mysys and my_func functions */ + +extern int my_copy(const char *from,const char *to,myf MyFlags); +extern int my_delete(const char *name,myf MyFlags); +extern int my_getwd(char * buf,size_t size,myf MyFlags); +extern int my_setwd(const char *dir,myf MyFlags); +extern int my_lock(File fd,int op,my_off_t start, my_off_t length,myf MyFlags); +extern void *my_once_alloc(size_t Size,myf MyFlags); +extern void my_once_free(void); +extern char *my_once_strdup(const char *src,myf myflags); +extern void *my_once_memdup(const void *src, size_t len, myf myflags); +extern File my_open(const char *FileName,int Flags,myf MyFlags); +extern File my_register_filename(File fd, const char *FileName, + enum file_type type_of_file, + uint error_message_number, myf MyFlags); +extern File my_create(const char *FileName,int CreateFlags, + int AccessFlags, myf MyFlags); +extern int my_close(File Filedes,myf MyFlags); +extern int my_mkdir(const char *dir, int Flags, myf MyFlags); +extern int my_readlink(char *to, const char *filename, myf MyFlags); +extern int my_is_symlink(const char *filename); +extern int my_realpath(char *to, const char *filename, myf MyFlags); +extern File my_create_with_symlink(const char *linkname, const char *filename, + int createflags, int access_flags, + myf MyFlags); +extern int my_delete_with_symlink(const char *name, myf MyFlags); +extern int my_rename_with_symlink(const char *from,const char *to,myf MyFlags); +extern int my_symlink(const char *content, const char *linkname, myf MyFlags); +extern size_t my_read(File Filedes,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count,myf MyFlags); +extern size_t my_pread(File Filedes,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count,my_off_t offset, + myf MyFlags); +extern int my_rename(const char *from,const char *to,myf MyFlags); +extern my_off_t my_seek(File fd,my_off_t pos,int whence,myf MyFlags); +extern my_off_t my_tell(File fd,myf MyFlags); +extern size_t my_write(File Filedes,const uchar *Buffer,size_t Count, + myf MyFlags); +extern size_t my_pwrite(File Filedes,const uchar *Buffer,size_t Count, + my_off_t offset,myf MyFlags); +extern size_t my_fread(FILE *stream,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count,myf MyFlags); +extern size_t my_fwrite(FILE *stream,const uchar *Buffer,size_t Count, + myf MyFlags); +extern my_off_t my_fseek(FILE *stream,my_off_t pos,int whence,myf MyFlags); +extern my_off_t my_ftell(FILE *stream,myf MyFlags); + +/* implemented in my_memmem.c */ +extern void *my_memmem(const void *haystack, size_t haystacklen, + const void *needle, size_t needlelen); + + +#ifdef _WIN32 +extern int my_access(const char *path, int amode); +#else +#define my_access access +#endif + +extern int check_if_legal_filename(const char *path); +extern int check_if_legal_tablename(const char *path); + +#ifdef __WIN__ +extern my_bool is_filename_allowed(const char *name, size_t length, + my_bool allow_current_dir); +#else /* __WIN__ */ +# define is_filename_allowed(name, length, allow_cwd) (TRUE) +#endif /* __WIN__ */ + +#ifdef _WIN32 +extern int nt_share_delete(const char *name,myf MyFlags); +#define my_delete_allow_opened(fname,flags) nt_share_delete((fname),(flags)) +#else +#define my_delete_allow_opened(fname,flags) my_delete((fname),(flags)) +#endif + +#ifdef _WIN32 +/* Windows-only functions (CRT equivalents)*/ +extern HANDLE my_get_osfhandle(File fd); +extern void my_osmaperr(unsigned long last_error); +#endif + +extern void init_glob_errs(void); +extern const char** get_global_errmsgs(); +extern void wait_for_free_space(const char *filename, int errors); +extern FILE *my_fopen(const char *FileName,int Flags,myf MyFlags); +extern FILE *my_fdopen(File Filedes,const char *name, int Flags,myf MyFlags); +extern FILE *my_freopen(const char *path, const char *mode, FILE *stream); +extern int my_fclose(FILE *fd,myf MyFlags); +extern File my_fileno(FILE *fd); +extern int my_chsize(File fd,my_off_t newlength, int filler, myf MyFlags); +extern void thr_set_sync_wait_callback(void (*before_sync)(void), + void (*after_sync)(void)); +extern int my_sync(File fd, myf my_flags); +extern int my_sync_dir(const char *dir_name, myf my_flags); +extern int my_sync_dir_by_file(const char *file_name, myf my_flags); +extern char *my_strerror(char *buf, size_t len, int errnum); +extern const char *my_get_err_msg(int nr); +extern void my_error(int nr,myf MyFlags, ...); +extern void my_printf_error(uint my_err, const char *format, + myf MyFlags, ...) + ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 2, 4); +extern void my_printv_error(uint error, const char *format, myf MyFlags, + va_list ap); +extern int my_error_register(const char** (*get_errmsgs) (), + int first, int last); +extern void my_printf_warning (const char * format, ...); +extern const char **my_error_unregister(int first, int last); +extern void my_message(uint my_err, const char *str,myf MyFlags); +extern void my_message_stderr(uint my_err, const char *str, myf MyFlags); +extern my_bool my_init(void); +extern void my_end(int infoflag); +extern int my_redel(const char *from, const char *to, int MyFlags); +extern int my_copystat(const char *from, const char *to, int MyFlags); +extern char * my_filename(File fd); + +#ifdef EXTRA_DEBUG +void my_print_open_files(void); +#else +#define my_print_open_files() +#endif + +extern my_bool init_tmpdir(MY_TMPDIR *tmpdir, const char *pathlist); +extern char *my_tmpdir(MY_TMPDIR *tmpdir); +extern void free_tmpdir(MY_TMPDIR *tmpdir); + +extern void my_remember_signal(int signal_number,sig_handler (*func)(int)); +extern size_t dirname_part(char * to,const char *name, size_t *to_res_length); +extern size_t dirname_length(const char *name); +#define base_name(A) (A+dirname_length(A)) +extern int test_if_hard_path(const char *dir_name); +extern my_bool has_path(const char *name); +extern char *convert_dirname(char *to, const char *from, const char *from_end); +extern void to_unix_path(char * name); +extern char * fn_ext(const char *name); +extern char * fn_same(char * toname,const char *name,int flag); +extern char * fn_format(char * to,const char *name,const char *dir, + const char *form, uint flag); +extern size_t strlength(const char *str); +extern void pack_dirname(char * to,const char *from); +extern size_t normalize_dirname(char * to, const char *from); +extern size_t unpack_dirname(char * to,const char *from, my_bool *is_symdir); +extern size_t cleanup_dirname(char * to,const char *from); +extern size_t system_filename(char * to,const char *from); +extern size_t unpack_filename(char * to,const char *from); +extern char * intern_filename(char * to,const char *from); +extern char * directory_file_name(char * dst, const char *src); +extern int pack_filename(char * to, const char *name, size_t max_length); +extern char * my_path(char * to,const char *progname, + const char *own_pathname_part); +extern char * my_load_path(char * to, const char *path, + const char *own_path_prefix); +extern int wild_compare(const char *str,const char *wildstr, + pbool str_is_pattern); +extern my_bool array_append_string_unique(const char *str, + const char **array, size_t size); +extern void get_date(char * to,int timeflag,time_t use_time); +extern void soundex(CHARSET_INFO *, char * out_pntr, char * in_pntr, + pbool remove_garbage); +extern int init_record_cache(RECORD_CACHE *info,size_t cachesize,File file, + size_t reclength,enum cache_type type, + pbool use_async_io); +extern int read_cache_record(RECORD_CACHE *info,uchar *to); +extern int end_record_cache(RECORD_CACHE *info); +extern int write_cache_record(RECORD_CACHE *info,my_off_t filepos, + const uchar *record,size_t length); +extern int flush_write_cache(RECORD_CACHE *info); +extern void handle_recived_signals(void); + +extern sig_handler my_set_alarm_variable(int signo); +extern my_bool radixsort_is_appliccable(uint n_items, size_t size_of_element); +extern void my_string_ptr_sort(uchar *base,uint items,size_t size); +extern void radixsort_for_str_ptr(uchar* base[], uint number_of_elements, + size_t size_of_element,uchar *buffer[]); +extern qsort_t my_qsort(void *base_ptr, size_t total_elems, size_t size, + qsort_cmp cmp); +extern qsort_t my_qsort2(void *base_ptr, size_t total_elems, size_t size, + qsort2_cmp cmp, const void *cmp_argument); +extern qsort2_cmp get_ptr_compare(size_t); +void my_store_ptr(uchar *buff, size_t pack_length, my_off_t pos); +my_off_t my_get_ptr(uchar *ptr, size_t pack_length); +extern int init_io_cache(IO_CACHE *info,File file,size_t cachesize, + enum cache_type type,my_off_t seek_offset, + pbool use_async_io, myf cache_myflags); +extern my_bool reinit_io_cache(IO_CACHE *info,enum cache_type type, + my_off_t seek_offset,pbool use_async_io, + pbool clear_cache); +extern void setup_io_cache(IO_CACHE* info); +extern int _my_b_read(IO_CACHE *info,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count); +extern int _my_b_read_r(IO_CACHE *info,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count); +extern void init_io_cache_share(IO_CACHE *read_cache, IO_CACHE_SHARE *cshare, + IO_CACHE *write_cache, uint num_threads); +extern void remove_io_thread(IO_CACHE *info); +extern int _my_b_seq_read(IO_CACHE *info,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count); +extern int _my_b_net_read(IO_CACHE *info,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count); +extern int _my_b_get(IO_CACHE *info); +extern int _my_b_async_read(IO_CACHE *info,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count); +extern int _my_b_write(IO_CACHE *info,const uchar *Buffer,size_t Count); +extern int my_b_append(IO_CACHE *info,const uchar *Buffer,size_t Count); +extern int my_b_safe_write(IO_CACHE *info,const uchar *Buffer,size_t Count); + +extern int my_block_write(IO_CACHE *info, const uchar *Buffer, + size_t Count, my_off_t pos); +extern int my_b_flush_io_cache(IO_CACHE *info, int need_append_buffer_lock); + +#define flush_io_cache(info) my_b_flush_io_cache((info),1) + +extern int end_io_cache(IO_CACHE *info); +extern size_t my_b_fill(IO_CACHE *info); +extern void my_b_seek(IO_CACHE *info,my_off_t pos); +extern size_t my_b_gets(IO_CACHE *info, char *to, size_t max_length); +extern my_off_t my_b_filelength(IO_CACHE *info); +extern size_t my_b_printf(IO_CACHE *info, const char* fmt, ...) + ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 2, 3); +extern size_t my_b_vprintf(IO_CACHE *info, const char* fmt, va_list ap); +extern my_bool open_cached_file(IO_CACHE *cache,const char *dir, + const char *prefix, size_t cache_size, + myf cache_myflags); +extern my_bool real_open_cached_file(IO_CACHE *cache); +extern void close_cached_file(IO_CACHE *cache); +File create_temp_file(char *to, const char *dir, const char *pfx, + int mode, myf MyFlags); +#define my_init_dynamic_array(A,B,C,D) init_dynamic_array2(A,B,NULL,C,D) +#define my_init_dynamic_array_ci(A,B,C,D) init_dynamic_array2(A,B,NULL,C,D) +#define my_init_dynamic_array2(A,B,C,D,E) init_dynamic_array2(A,B,C,D,E) +#define my_init_dynamic_array2_ci(A,B,C,D,E) init_dynamic_array2(A,B,C,D,E) +extern my_bool init_dynamic_array2(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, uint element_size, + void *init_buffer, uint init_alloc, + uint alloc_increment); +/* init_dynamic_array() function is deprecated */ +extern my_bool init_dynamic_array(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, uint element_size, + uint init_alloc, uint alloc_increment); +extern my_bool insert_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, const void *element); +extern void *alloc_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array); +extern void *pop_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY*); +extern my_bool set_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, const void *element, + uint array_index); +extern my_bool allocate_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, uint max_elements); +extern void get_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, void *element, + uint array_index); +extern void delete_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array); +extern void delete_dynamic_element(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, uint array_index); +extern void freeze_size(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array); +#define dynamic_array_ptr(array,array_index) ((array)->buffer+(array_index)*(array)->size_of_element) +#define dynamic_element(array,array_index,type) ((type)((array)->buffer) +(array_index)) +#define push_dynamic(A,B) insert_dynamic((A),(B)) +#define reset_dynamic(array) ((array)->elements= 0) +#define sort_dynamic(A,cmp) my_qsort((A)->buffer, (A)->elements, (A)->size_of_element, (cmp)) + +extern my_bool init_dynamic_string(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, const char *init_str, + size_t init_alloc,size_t alloc_increment); +extern my_bool dynstr_append(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, const char *append); +my_bool dynstr_append_mem(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, const char *append, + size_t length); +extern my_bool dynstr_append_os_quoted(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, const char *append, + ...); +extern my_bool dynstr_set(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, const char *init_str); +extern my_bool dynstr_realloc(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, size_t additional_size); +extern my_bool dynstr_trunc(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, size_t n); +extern void dynstr_free(DYNAMIC_STRING *str); +#ifdef HAVE_MLOCK +extern void *my_malloc_lock(size_t length,myf flags); +extern void my_free_lock(void *ptr); +#else +#define my_malloc_lock(A,B) my_malloc((A),(B)) +#define my_free_lock(A) my_free((A)) +#endif +#define alloc_root_inited(A) ((A)->min_malloc != 0) +#define ALLOC_ROOT_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE (MALLOC_OVERHEAD + sizeof(USED_MEM) + 8) +#define clear_alloc_root(A) do { (A)->free= (A)->used= (A)->pre_alloc= 0; (A)->min_malloc=0;} while(0) +extern void init_alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, size_t block_size, + size_t pre_alloc_size); +extern void *alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, size_t Size); +extern void *multi_alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, ...); +extern void free_root(MEM_ROOT *root, myf MyFLAGS); +extern void set_prealloc_root(MEM_ROOT *root, char *ptr); +extern void reset_root_defaults(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, size_t block_size, + size_t prealloc_size); +extern char *strdup_root(MEM_ROOT *root,const char *str); +static inline char *safe_strdup_root(MEM_ROOT *root, const char *str) +{ + return str ? strdup_root(root, str) : 0; +} +extern char *strmake_root(MEM_ROOT *root,const char *str,size_t len); +extern void *memdup_root(MEM_ROOT *root,const void *str, size_t len); +extern my_bool my_compress(uchar *, size_t *, size_t *); +extern my_bool my_uncompress(uchar *, size_t , size_t *); +extern uchar *my_compress_alloc(const uchar *packet, size_t *len, + size_t *complen); +extern int packfrm(uchar *, size_t, uchar **, size_t *); +extern int unpackfrm(uchar **, size_t *, const uchar *); + +extern ha_checksum my_checksum(ha_checksum crc, const uchar *mem, + size_t count); +extern void my_sleep(ulong m_seconds); +extern ulong crc32(ulong crc, const uchar *buf, uint len); +extern uint my_set_max_open_files(uint files); +void my_free_open_file_info(void); + +extern time_t my_time(myf flags); +extern ulonglong my_getsystime(void); +extern ulonglong my_micro_time(); +extern ulonglong my_micro_time_and_time(time_t *time_arg); +time_t my_time_possible_from_micro(ulonglong microtime); +extern my_bool my_gethwaddr(uchar *to); +extern int my_getncpus(); + +#ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H +#include + +#ifndef MAP_NOSYNC +#define MAP_NOSYNC 0 +#endif +#ifndef MAP_NORESERVE +#define MAP_NORESERVE 0 /* For irix and AIX */ +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_MMAP64 +#define my_mmap(a,b,c,d,e,f) mmap64(a,b,c,d,e,f) +#else +#define my_mmap(a,b,c,d,e,f) mmap(a,b,c,d,e,f) +#endif +#define my_munmap(a,b) munmap((a),(b)) + +#else +/* not a complete set of mmap() flags, but only those that nesessary */ +#define PROT_READ 1 +#define PROT_WRITE 2 +#define MAP_NORESERVE 0 +#define MAP_SHARED 0x0001 +#define MAP_PRIVATE 0x0002 +#define MAP_NOSYNC 0x0800 +#define MAP_FAILED ((void *)-1) +#define MS_SYNC 0x0000 + +#define HAVE_MMAP +void *my_mmap(void *, size_t, int, int, int, my_off_t); +int my_munmap(void *, size_t); +#endif + +/* my_getpagesize */ +#ifdef HAVE_GETPAGESIZE +#define my_getpagesize() getpagesize() +#else +int my_getpagesize(void); +#endif + +int my_msync(int, void *, size_t, int); + +/* character sets */ +extern void my_charset_loader_init_mysys(MY_CHARSET_LOADER *loader); +extern uint get_charset_number(const char *cs_name, uint cs_flags); +extern uint get_collation_number(const char *name); +extern const char *get_charset_name(uint cs_number); + +extern CHARSET_INFO *get_charset(uint cs_number, myf flags); +extern CHARSET_INFO *get_charset_by_name(const char *cs_name, myf flags); +extern CHARSET_INFO *my_collation_get_by_name(MY_CHARSET_LOADER *loader, + const char *name, myf flags); +extern CHARSET_INFO *get_charset_by_csname(const char *cs_name, + uint cs_flags, myf my_flags); +extern CHARSET_INFO *my_charset_get_by_name(MY_CHARSET_LOADER *loader, + const char *name, + uint cs_flags, myf my_flags); +extern my_bool resolve_charset(const char *cs_name, + const CHARSET_INFO *default_cs, + const CHARSET_INFO **cs); +extern my_bool resolve_collation(const char *cl_name, + const CHARSET_INFO *default_cl, + const CHARSET_INFO **cl); +extern void free_charsets(void); +extern char *get_charsets_dir(char *buf); +extern my_bool my_charset_same(const CHARSET_INFO *cs1, + const CHARSET_INFO *cs2); +extern my_bool init_compiled_charsets(myf flags); +extern void add_compiled_collation(CHARSET_INFO *cs); +extern size_t escape_string_for_mysql(const CHARSET_INFO *charset_info, + char *to, size_t to_length, + const char *from, size_t length); +#ifdef __WIN__ +#define BACKSLASH_MBTAIL +/* File system character set */ +extern CHARSET_INFO *fs_character_set(void); +#endif +extern size_t escape_quotes_for_mysql(CHARSET_INFO *charset_info, + char *to, size_t to_length, + const char *from, size_t length); + +extern void thd_increment_bytes_sent(ulong length); +extern void thd_increment_bytes_received(ulong length); + +#ifdef __WIN__ +extern my_bool have_tcpip; /* Is set if tcpip is used */ + +/* implemented in my_windac.c */ + +int my_security_attr_create(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES **psa, const char **perror, + DWORD owner_rights, DWORD everybody_rights); + +void my_security_attr_free(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *sa); + +/* implemented in my_conio.c */ +my_bool my_win_is_console(FILE *file); +char *my_win_console_readline(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, char *mbbuf, size_t mbbufsize); +void my_win_console_write(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const char *data, size_t datalen); +void my_win_console_fputs(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const char *data); +void my_win_console_putc(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, int c); +void my_win_console_vfprintf(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const char *fmt, va_list args); +int my_win_translate_command_line_args(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, int *ac, char ***av); +#endif /* __WIN__ */ + +#include + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT struct PSI_bootstrap *PSI_hook; +extern void set_psi_server(PSI *psi); +void my_init_mysys_psi_keys(void); +#endif + +struct st_mysql_file; +extern struct st_mysql_file *mysql_stdin; + +enum durability_properties +{ + /* + Preserves the durability properties defined by the engine */ + HA_REGULAR_DURABILITY= 0, + /* + Ignore the durability properties defined by the engine and + write only in-memory entries. + */ + HA_IGNORE_DURABILITY= 1 +}; + +C_MODE_END +#endif /* _my_sys_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_time.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_time.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f10724119 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_time.h @@ -0,0 +1,249 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2004, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + This is a private header of sql-common library, containing + declarations for my_time.c +*/ + +#ifndef _my_time_h_ +#define _my_time_h_ +#include "my_global.h" +#include "mysql_time.h" + +C_MODE_START + +extern ulonglong log_10_int[20]; +extern uchar days_in_month[]; +extern const char my_zero_datetime6[]; /* "0000-00-00 00:00:00.000000" */ + +/* + Portable time_t replacement. + Should be signed and hold seconds for 1902 -- 2038-01-19 range + i.e at least a 32bit variable + + Using the system built in time_t is not an option as + we rely on the above requirements in the time functions +*/ +typedef long my_time_t; + +#define MY_TIME_T_MAX LONG_MAX +#define MY_TIME_T_MIN LONG_MIN + +#define DATETIME_MAX_DECIMALS 6 + +/* Time handling defaults */ +#define TIMESTAMP_MAX_YEAR 2038 +#define TIMESTAMP_MIN_YEAR (1900 + YY_PART_YEAR - 1) +#define TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE INT_MAX32 +#define TIMESTAMP_MIN_VALUE 1 + +/* two-digit years < this are 20..; >= this are 19.. */ +#define YY_PART_YEAR 70 + +/* + check for valid times only if the range of time_t is greater than + the range of my_time_t +*/ +#if SIZEOF_TIME_T > 4 || defined(TIME_T_UNSIGNED) +# define IS_TIME_T_VALID_FOR_TIMESTAMP(x) \ + ((x) <= TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE && \ + (x) >= TIMESTAMP_MIN_VALUE) +#else +# define IS_TIME_T_VALID_FOR_TIMESTAMP(x) \ + ((x) >= TIMESTAMP_MIN_VALUE) +#endif + +/* Flags to str_to_datetime and number_to_datetime */ +#define TIME_FUZZY_DATE 1 +#define TIME_DATETIME_ONLY 2 +#define TIME_NO_NSEC_ROUNDING 4 +#define TIME_NO_DATE_FRAC_WARN 8 + +/* Must be same as MODE_NO_ZERO_IN_DATE */ +#define TIME_NO_ZERO_IN_DATE (65536L*2*2*2*2*2*2*2) +/* Must be same as MODE_NO_ZERO_DATE */ +#define TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE (TIME_NO_ZERO_IN_DATE*2) +#define TIME_INVALID_DATES (TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE*2) + +/* Conversion warnings */ +#define MYSQL_TIME_WARN_TRUNCATED 1 +#define MYSQL_TIME_WARN_OUT_OF_RANGE 2 +#define MYSQL_TIME_WARN_INVALID_TIMESTAMP 4 +#define MYSQL_TIME_WARN_ZERO_DATE 8 +#define MYSQL_TIME_NOTE_TRUNCATED 16 +#define MYSQL_TIME_WARN_ZERO_IN_DATE 32 + +/* Usefull constants */ +#define SECONDS_IN_24H 86400L + +/* Limits for the TIME data type */ +#define TIME_MAX_HOUR 838 +#define TIME_MAX_MINUTE 59 +#define TIME_MAX_SECOND 59 +#define TIME_MAX_VALUE (TIME_MAX_HOUR*10000 + TIME_MAX_MINUTE*100 + \ + TIME_MAX_SECOND) +#define TIME_MAX_VALUE_SECONDS (TIME_MAX_HOUR * 3600L + \ + TIME_MAX_MINUTE * 60L + TIME_MAX_SECOND) + +/* + Structure to return status from + str_to_datetime(), str_to_time(), number_to_datetime(), number_to_time() +*/ +typedef struct st_mysql_time_status +{ + int warnings; + uint fractional_digits; + uint nanoseconds; +} MYSQL_TIME_STATUS; + +static inline void my_time_status_init(MYSQL_TIME_STATUS *status) +{ + status->warnings= status->fractional_digits= status->nanoseconds= 0; +} + + +my_bool check_date(const MYSQL_TIME *ltime, my_bool not_zero_date, + ulonglong flags, int *was_cut); +my_bool str_to_datetime(const char *str, uint length, MYSQL_TIME *l_time, + ulonglong flags, MYSQL_TIME_STATUS *status); +longlong number_to_datetime(longlong nr, MYSQL_TIME *time_res, + ulonglong flags, int *was_cut); +my_bool number_to_time(longlong nr, MYSQL_TIME *ltime, int *warnings); +ulonglong TIME_to_ulonglong_datetime(const MYSQL_TIME *); +ulonglong TIME_to_ulonglong_date(const MYSQL_TIME *); +ulonglong TIME_to_ulonglong_time(const MYSQL_TIME *); +ulonglong TIME_to_ulonglong(const MYSQL_TIME *); + +#define MY_PACKED_TIME_GET_INT_PART(x) ((x) >> 24) +#define MY_PACKED_TIME_GET_FRAC_PART(x) ((x) % (1LL << 24)) +#define MY_PACKED_TIME_MAKE(i, f) ((((longlong) (i)) << 24) + (f)) +#define MY_PACKED_TIME_MAKE_INT(i) ((((longlong) (i)) << 24)) + +longlong year_to_longlong_datetime_packed(long year); +longlong TIME_to_longlong_datetime_packed(const MYSQL_TIME *); +longlong TIME_to_longlong_date_packed(const MYSQL_TIME *); +longlong TIME_to_longlong_time_packed(const MYSQL_TIME *); +longlong TIME_to_longlong_packed(const MYSQL_TIME *); + +void TIME_from_longlong_datetime_packed(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, longlong nr); +void TIME_from_longlong_time_packed(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, longlong nr); +void TIME_from_longlong_date_packed(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, longlong nr); +void TIME_set_yymmdd(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, uint yymmdd); +void TIME_set_hhmmss(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, uint hhmmss); + +void my_datetime_packed_to_binary(longlong nr, uchar *ptr, uint dec); +longlong my_datetime_packed_from_binary(const uchar *ptr, uint dec); +uint my_datetime_binary_length(uint dec); + +void my_time_packed_to_binary(longlong nr, uchar *ptr, uint dec); +longlong my_time_packed_from_binary(const uchar *ptr, uint dec); +uint my_time_binary_length(uint dec); + +void my_timestamp_to_binary(const struct timeval *tm, uchar *ptr, uint dec); +void my_timestamp_from_binary(struct timeval *tm, const uchar *ptr, uint dec); +uint my_timestamp_binary_length(uint dec); + +my_bool str_to_time(const char *str,uint length, MYSQL_TIME *l_time, + MYSQL_TIME_STATUS *status); + +my_bool check_time_mmssff_range(const MYSQL_TIME *ltime); +my_bool check_time_range_quick(const MYSQL_TIME *ltime); +my_bool check_datetime_range(const MYSQL_TIME *ltime); +void adjust_time_range(struct st_mysql_time *, int *warning); + +long calc_daynr(uint year,uint month,uint day); +uint calc_days_in_year(uint year); +uint year_2000_handling(uint year); + +void my_init_time(void); + + +/* + Function to check sanity of a TIMESTAMP value + + DESCRIPTION + Check if a given MYSQL_TIME value fits in TIMESTAMP range. + This function doesn't make precise check, but rather a rough + estimate. + + RETURN VALUES + TRUE The value seems sane + FALSE The MYSQL_TIME value is definitely out of range +*/ + +static inline my_bool validate_timestamp_range(const MYSQL_TIME *t) +{ + if ((t->year > TIMESTAMP_MAX_YEAR || t->year < TIMESTAMP_MIN_YEAR) || + (t->year == TIMESTAMP_MAX_YEAR && (t->month > 1 || t->day > 19)) || + (t->year == TIMESTAMP_MIN_YEAR && (t->month < 12 || t->day < 31))) + return FALSE; + + return TRUE; +} + +my_time_t +my_system_gmt_sec(const MYSQL_TIME *t, long *my_timezone, + my_bool *in_dst_time_gap); + +void set_zero_time(MYSQL_TIME *tm, enum enum_mysql_timestamp_type time_type); +void set_max_time(MYSQL_TIME *tm, my_bool neg); +void set_max_hhmmss(MYSQL_TIME *tm); + +/* + Required buffer length for my_time_to_str, my_date_to_str, + my_datetime_to_str and TIME_to_string functions. Note, that the + caller is still responsible to check that given TIME structure + has values in valid ranges, otherwise size of the buffer could + be not enough. We also rely on the fact that even wrong values + sent using binary protocol fit in this buffer. +*/ +#define MAX_DATE_STRING_REP_LENGTH 30 + +int my_time_to_str(const MYSQL_TIME *l_time, char *to, uint dec); +int my_date_to_str(const MYSQL_TIME *l_time, char *to); +int my_datetime_to_str(const MYSQL_TIME *l_time, char *to, uint dec); +int my_TIME_to_str(const MYSQL_TIME *l_time, char *to, uint dec); + +int my_timeval_to_str(const struct timeval *tm, char *to, uint dec); + +/* + Available interval types used in any statement. + + 'interval_type' must be sorted so that simple intervals comes first, + ie year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, etc. The order based on + interval size is also important and the intervals should be kept in a + large to smaller order. (get_interval_value() depends on this) + + Note: If you change the order of elements in this enum you should fix + order of elements in 'interval_type_to_name' and 'interval_names' + arrays + + See also interval_type_to_name, get_interval_value, interval_names +*/ + +enum interval_type +{ + INTERVAL_YEAR, INTERVAL_QUARTER, INTERVAL_MONTH, INTERVAL_WEEK, INTERVAL_DAY, + INTERVAL_HOUR, INTERVAL_MINUTE, INTERVAL_SECOND, INTERVAL_MICROSECOND, + INTERVAL_YEAR_MONTH, INTERVAL_DAY_HOUR, INTERVAL_DAY_MINUTE, + INTERVAL_DAY_SECOND, INTERVAL_HOUR_MINUTE, INTERVAL_HOUR_SECOND, + INTERVAL_MINUTE_SECOND, INTERVAL_DAY_MICROSECOND, INTERVAL_HOUR_MICROSECOND, + INTERVAL_MINUTE_MICROSECOND, INTERVAL_SECOND_MICROSECOND, INTERVAL_LAST +}; + +C_MODE_END + +#endif /* _my_time_h_ */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_tree.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_tree.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c86e48b0f --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_tree.h @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _tree_h +#define _tree_h +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#include "my_base.h" /* get 'enum ha_rkey_function' */ +#include "my_alloc.h" /* MEM_ROOT */ + +/* Worst case tree is half full. This gives use 2^(MAX_TREE_HEIGHT/2) leafs */ +#define MAX_TREE_HEIGHT 64 + +#define ELEMENT_KEY(tree,element)\ +(tree->offset_to_key ? (void*)((uchar*) element+tree->offset_to_key) :\ + *((void**) (element+1))) + +#define tree_set_pointer(element,ptr) *((uchar **) (element+1))=((uchar*) (ptr)) + +#define TREE_NO_DUPS 1 + +typedef enum { left_root_right, right_root_left } TREE_WALK; +typedef uint32 element_count; +typedef int (*tree_walk_action)(void *,element_count,void *); + +typedef enum { free_init, free_free, free_end } TREE_FREE; +typedef void (*tree_element_free)(void*, TREE_FREE, const void *); + +typedef struct st_tree_element { + struct st_tree_element *left,*right; + uint32 count:31, + colour:1; /* black is marked as 1 */ +} TREE_ELEMENT; + +#define ELEMENT_CHILD(element, offs) (*(TREE_ELEMENT**)((char*)element + offs)) + +typedef struct st_tree { + TREE_ELEMENT *root,null_element; + TREE_ELEMENT **parents[MAX_TREE_HEIGHT]; + uint offset_to_key,elements_in_tree,size_of_element; + ulong memory_limit, allocated; + qsort_cmp2 compare; + const void *custom_arg; + MEM_ROOT mem_root; + my_bool with_delete; + tree_element_free free; + uint flag; +} TREE; + + /* Functions on whole tree */ +void init_tree(TREE *tree, ulong default_alloc_size, ulong memory_limit, + int size, qsort_cmp2 compare, my_bool with_delete, + tree_element_free free_element, const void *custom_arg); +void delete_tree(TREE*); +void reset_tree(TREE*); + /* similar to delete tree, except we do not my_free() blocks in mem_root + */ +#define is_tree_inited(tree) ((tree)->root != 0) + + /* Functions on leafs */ +TREE_ELEMENT *tree_insert(TREE *tree,void *key, uint key_size, + const void *custom_arg); +void *tree_search(TREE *tree, void *key, const void *custom_arg); +int tree_walk(TREE *tree,tree_walk_action action, + void *argument, TREE_WALK visit); +int tree_delete(TREE *tree, void *key, uint key_size, const void *custom_arg); +void *tree_search_key(TREE *tree, const void *key, + TREE_ELEMENT **parents, TREE_ELEMENT ***last_pos, + enum ha_rkey_function flag, const void *custom_arg); +void *tree_search_edge(TREE *tree, TREE_ELEMENT **parents, + TREE_ELEMENT ***last_pos, int child_offs); +void *tree_search_next(TREE *tree, TREE_ELEMENT ***last_pos, int l_offs, + int r_offs); +ha_rows tree_record_pos(TREE *tree, const void *key, + enum ha_rkey_function search_flag, + const void *custom_arg); + +#define TREE_ELEMENT_EXTRA_SIZE (sizeof(TREE_ELEMENT) + sizeof(void*)) + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_uctype.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_uctype.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..80ef01c07 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_uctype.h @@ -0,0 +1,1484 @@ +#ifndef MY_UCTYPE_INCLUDED +#define MY_UCTYPE_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2006 MySQL AB, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. + Use is subject to license terms. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Unicode ctype data + Generated from UnicodeData-5.0.0d9.txt +*/ +static unsigned char uctype_page00[256]= +{ + 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, + 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, + 8, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, + 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, + 16, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, + 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, + 16, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, + 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 16, 16, 16, 16, 32, + 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, + 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, + 8, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 2, 16, 16, 32, 16, 16, + 16, 16, 20, 20, 16, 2, 16, 16, 16, 20, 2, 16, 20, 20, 20, 16, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 16, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 16, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 +}; 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+ + +#endif /* MY_UCTYPE_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_user.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_user.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..48ef13f12 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_user.h @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 MySQL AB + Use is subject to license terms + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ + +/* + This is a header for libraries containing functions used in both server and + only some of clients (but not in libmysql)... +*/ + +#ifndef _my_user_h_ +#define _my_user_h_ + +#include + +C_MODE_START + +void parse_user(const char *user_id_str, size_t user_id_len, + char *user_name_str, size_t *user_name_len, + char *host_name_str, size_t *host_name_len); + +C_MODE_END + +#endif /* _my_user_h_ */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_xml.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_xml.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..639fdc7da --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/my_xml.h @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ + + +#ifndef _my_xml_h +#define _my_xml_h + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + + +#define MY_XML_OK 0 +#define MY_XML_ERROR 1 + +/* + A flag whether to use absolute tag names in call-back functions, + like "a", "a.b" and "a.b.c" (used in character set file parser), + or relative names like "a", "b" and "c". +*/ +#define MY_XML_FLAG_RELATIVE_NAMES 1 + +/* + A flag whether to skip normilization of text values before calling + call-back functions: i.e. skip leading/trailing spaces, + \r, \n, \t characters. +*/ +#define MY_XML_FLAG_SKIP_TEXT_NORMALIZATION 2 + +enum my_xml_node_type +{ + MY_XML_NODE_TAG, /* can have TAG, ATTR and TEXT children */ + MY_XML_NODE_ATTR, /* can have TEXT children */ + MY_XML_NODE_TEXT /* cannot have children */ +}; + +typedef struct xml_stack_st +{ + int flags; + enum my_xml_node_type current_node_type; + char errstr[128]; + + struct { + char static_buffer[128]; + char *buffer; + size_t buffer_size; + char *start; + char *end; + } attr; + + const char *beg; + const char *cur; + const char *end; + void *user_data; + int (*enter)(struct xml_stack_st *st,const char *val, size_t len); + int (*value)(struct xml_stack_st *st,const char *val, size_t len); + int (*leave_xml)(struct xml_stack_st *st,const char *val, size_t len); +} MY_XML_PARSER; + +void my_xml_parser_create(MY_XML_PARSER *st); +void my_xml_parser_free(MY_XML_PARSER *st); +int my_xml_parse(MY_XML_PARSER *st,const char *str, size_t len); + +void my_xml_set_value_handler(MY_XML_PARSER *st, int (*)(MY_XML_PARSER *, + const char *, + size_t len)); +void my_xml_set_enter_handler(MY_XML_PARSER *st, int (*)(MY_XML_PARSER *, + const char *, + size_t len)); +void my_xml_set_leave_handler(MY_XML_PARSER *st, int (*)(MY_XML_PARSER *, + const char *, + size_t len)); +void my_xml_set_user_data(MY_XML_PARSER *st, void *); + +size_t my_xml_error_pos(MY_XML_PARSER *st); +uint my_xml_error_lineno(MY_XML_PARSER *st); + +const char *my_xml_error_string(MY_XML_PARSER *st); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* _my_xml_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/myisam.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/myisam.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..98d2768aa --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/myisam.h @@ -0,0 +1,514 @@ +/* + Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* This file should be included when using myisam_funktions */ + +#ifndef _myisam_h +#define _myisam_h +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#ifndef _my_base_h +#include +#endif +#ifndef _m_ctype_h +#include +#endif +#ifndef _keycache_h +#include "keycache.h" +#endif +#include "my_compare.h" +#include + +/* + Limit max keys according to HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY +*/ + +#if MAX_INDEXES > HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY +#define MI_MAX_KEY HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY /* Max allowed keys */ +#else +#define MI_MAX_KEY MAX_INDEXES /* Max allowed keys */ +#endif + +#define MI_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY_BUFF HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY_BUFF +/* + The following defines can be increased if necessary. + But beware the dependency of MI_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY_BUFF and MI_MAX_KEY_LENGTH. +*/ +#define MI_MAX_KEY_LENGTH 1000 /* Max length in bytes */ +#define MI_MAX_KEY_SEG 16 /* Max segments for key */ + +#define MI_MAX_KEY_BUFF (MI_MAX_KEY_LENGTH+MI_MAX_KEY_SEG*6+8+8) +#define MI_MAX_MSG_BUF 1024 /* used in CHECK TABLE, REPAIR TABLE */ +#define MI_NAME_IEXT ".MYI" +#define MI_NAME_DEXT ".MYD" + +/* Possible values for myisam_block_size (must be power of 2) */ +#define MI_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH 1024 /* default key block length */ +#define MI_MIN_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH 1024 /* Min key block length */ +#define MI_MAX_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH 16384 + +/* + In the following macros '_keyno_' is 0 .. keys-1. + If there can be more keys than bits in the key_map, the highest bit + is for all upper keys. They cannot be switched individually. + This means that clearing of high keys is ignored, setting one high key + sets all high keys. +*/ +#define MI_KEYMAP_BITS (8 * SIZEOF_LONG_LONG) +#define MI_KEYMAP_HIGH_MASK (ULL(1) << (MI_KEYMAP_BITS - 1)) +#define mi_get_mask_all_keys_active(_keys_) \ + (((_keys_) < MI_KEYMAP_BITS) ? \ + ((ULL(1) << (_keys_)) - ULL(1)) : \ + (~ ULL(0))) + +#if MI_MAX_KEY > MI_KEYMAP_BITS + +#define mi_is_key_active(_keymap_,_keyno_) \ + (((_keyno_) < MI_KEYMAP_BITS) ? \ + test((_keymap_) & (ULL(1) << (_keyno_))) : \ + test((_keymap_) & MI_KEYMAP_HIGH_MASK)) +#define mi_set_key_active(_keymap_,_keyno_) \ + (_keymap_)|= (((_keyno_) < MI_KEYMAP_BITS) ? \ + (ULL(1) << (_keyno_)) : \ + MI_KEYMAP_HIGH_MASK) +#define mi_clear_key_active(_keymap_,_keyno_) \ + (_keymap_)&= (((_keyno_) < MI_KEYMAP_BITS) ? \ + (~ (ULL(1) << (_keyno_))) : \ + (~ (ULL(0))) /*ignore*/ ) + +#else + +#define mi_is_key_active(_keymap_,_keyno_) \ + test((_keymap_) & (ULL(1) << (_keyno_))) +#define mi_set_key_active(_keymap_,_keyno_) \ + (_keymap_)|= (ULL(1) << (_keyno_)) +#define mi_clear_key_active(_keymap_,_keyno_) \ + (_keymap_)&= (~ (ULL(1) << (_keyno_))) + +#endif + +#define mi_is_any_key_active(_keymap_) \ + test((_keymap_)) +#define mi_is_all_keys_active(_keymap_,_keys_) \ + ((_keymap_) == mi_get_mask_all_keys_active(_keys_)) +#define mi_set_all_keys_active(_keymap_,_keys_) \ + (_keymap_)= mi_get_mask_all_keys_active(_keys_) +#define mi_clear_all_keys_active(_keymap_) \ + (_keymap_)= 0 +#define mi_intersect_keys_active(_to_,_from_) \ + (_to_)&= (_from_) +#define mi_is_any_intersect_keys_active(_keymap1_,_keys_,_keymap2_) \ + ((_keymap1_) & (_keymap2_) & \ + mi_get_mask_all_keys_active(_keys_)) +#define mi_copy_keys_active(_to_,_maxkeys_,_from_) \ + (_to_)= (mi_get_mask_all_keys_active(_maxkeys_) & \ + (_from_)) + + /* Param to/from mi_status */ + +typedef struct st_mi_isaminfo /* Struct from h_info */ +{ + ha_rows records; /* Records in database */ + ha_rows deleted; /* Deleted records in database */ + my_off_t recpos; /* Pos for last used record */ + my_off_t newrecpos; /* Pos if we write new record */ + my_off_t dupp_key_pos; /* Position to record with dupp key */ + my_off_t data_file_length, /* Length of data file */ + max_data_file_length, + index_file_length, + max_index_file_length, + delete_length; + ulong reclength; /* Recordlength */ + ulong mean_reclength; /* Mean recordlength (if packed) */ + ulonglong auto_increment; + ulonglong key_map; /* Which keys are used */ + char *data_file_name, *index_file_name; + uint keys; /* Number of keys in use */ + uint options; /* HA_OPTION_... used */ + int errkey, /* With key was dupplicated on err */ + sortkey; /* clustered by this key */ + File filenr; /* (uniq) filenr for datafile */ + time_t create_time; /* When table was created */ + time_t check_time; + time_t update_time; + uint reflength; + ulong record_offset; + ulong *rec_per_key; /* for sql optimizing */ +} MI_ISAMINFO; + + +typedef struct st_mi_create_info +{ + const char *index_file_name, *data_file_name; /* If using symlinks */ + ha_rows max_rows; + ha_rows reloc_rows; + ulonglong auto_increment; + ulonglong data_file_length; + ulonglong key_file_length; + uint old_options; + uint16 language; + my_bool with_auto_increment; +} MI_CREATE_INFO; + +struct st_myisam_info; /* For referense */ +struct st_mi_isam_share; +typedef struct st_myisam_info MI_INFO; +struct st_mi_s_param; + +typedef struct st_mi_keydef /* Key definition with open & info */ +{ + struct st_mi_isam_share *share; /* Pointer to base (set in mi_open) */ + uint16 keysegs; /* Number of key-segment */ + uint16 flag; /* NOSAME, PACK_USED */ + + uint8 key_alg; /* BTREE, RTREE */ + uint16 block_length; /* Length of keyblock (auto) */ + uint16 underflow_block_length; /* When to execute underflow */ + uint16 keylength; /* Tot length of keyparts (auto) */ + uint16 minlength; /* min length of (packed) key (auto) */ + uint16 maxlength; /* max length of (packed) key (auto) */ + uint16 block_size_index; /* block_size (auto) */ + uint32 version; /* For concurrent read/write */ + uint32 ftkey_nr; /* full-text index number */ + + HA_KEYSEG *seg,*end; + struct st_mysql_ftparser *parser; /* Fulltext [pre]parser */ + int (*bin_search)(struct st_myisam_info *info,struct st_mi_keydef *keyinfo, + uchar *page,uchar *key, + uint key_len,uint comp_flag,uchar * *ret_pos, + uchar *buff, my_bool *was_last_key); + uint (*get_key)(struct st_mi_keydef *keyinfo,uint nod_flag,uchar * *page, + uchar *key); + int (*pack_key)(struct st_mi_keydef *keyinfo,uint nod_flag,uchar *next_key, + uchar *org_key, uchar *prev_key, uchar *key, + struct st_mi_s_param *s_temp); + void (*store_key)(struct st_mi_keydef *keyinfo, uchar *key_pos, + struct st_mi_s_param *s_temp); + int (*ck_insert)(struct st_myisam_info *inf, uint k_nr, uchar *k, uint klen); + int (*ck_delete)(struct st_myisam_info *inf, uint k_nr, uchar *k, uint klen); +} MI_KEYDEF; + + +#define MI_UNIQUE_HASH_LENGTH 4 + +typedef struct st_unique_def /* Segment definition of unique */ +{ + uint16 keysegs; /* Number of key-segment */ + uchar key; /* Mapped to which key */ + uint8 null_are_equal; + HA_KEYSEG *seg,*end; +} MI_UNIQUEDEF; + +typedef struct st_mi_decode_tree /* Decode huff-table */ +{ + uint16 *table; + uint quick_table_bits; + uchar *intervalls; +} MI_DECODE_TREE; + + +struct st_mi_bit_buff; + +/* + Note that null markers should always be first in a row ! + When creating a column, one should only specify: + type, length, null_bit and null_pos +*/ + +typedef struct st_columndef /* column information */ +{ + int16 type; /* en_fieldtype */ + uint16 length; /* length of field */ + uint32 offset; /* Offset to position in row */ + uint8 null_bit; /* If column may be 0 */ + uint16 null_pos; /* position for null marker */ + +#ifndef NOT_PACKED_DATABASES + void (*unpack)(struct st_columndef *rec,struct st_mi_bit_buff *buff, + uchar *start,uchar *end); + enum en_fieldtype base_type; + uint space_length_bits,pack_type; + MI_DECODE_TREE *huff_tree; +#endif +} MI_COLUMNDEF; + + +extern char * myisam_log_filename; /* Name of logfile */ +extern ulong myisam_block_size; +extern ulong myisam_concurrent_insert; +extern my_bool myisam_flush,myisam_delay_key_write,myisam_single_user; +extern my_off_t myisam_max_temp_length; +extern ulong myisam_data_pointer_size; + +/* usually used to check if a symlink points into the mysql data home */ +/* which is normally forbidden */ +extern int (*myisam_test_invalid_symlink)(const char *filename); +extern ulonglong myisam_mmap_size, myisam_mmap_used; +extern mysql_mutex_t THR_LOCK_myisam_mmap; + + /* Prototypes for myisam-functions */ + +extern int mi_close(struct st_myisam_info *file); +extern int mi_delete(struct st_myisam_info *file,const uchar *buff); +extern struct st_myisam_info *mi_open(const char *name,int mode, + uint wait_if_locked); +extern int mi_panic(enum ha_panic_function function); +extern int mi_rfirst(struct st_myisam_info *file,uchar *buf,int inx); +extern int mi_rkey(MI_INFO *info, uchar *buf, int inx, const uchar *key, + key_part_map keypart_map, enum ha_rkey_function search_flag); +extern int mi_rlast(struct st_myisam_info *file,uchar *buf,int inx); +extern int mi_rnext(struct st_myisam_info *file,uchar *buf,int inx); +extern int mi_rnext_same(struct st_myisam_info *info, uchar *buf); +extern int mi_rprev(struct st_myisam_info *file,uchar *buf,int inx); +extern int mi_rrnd(struct st_myisam_info *file,uchar *buf, my_off_t pos); +extern int mi_scan_init(struct st_myisam_info *file); +extern int mi_scan(struct st_myisam_info *file,uchar *buf); +extern int mi_rsame(struct st_myisam_info *file,uchar *record,int inx); +extern int mi_rsame_with_pos(struct st_myisam_info *file,uchar *record, + int inx, my_off_t pos); +extern int mi_update(struct st_myisam_info *file,const uchar *old, + uchar *new_record); +extern int mi_write(struct st_myisam_info *file,uchar *buff); +extern my_off_t mi_position(struct st_myisam_info *file); +extern int mi_status(struct st_myisam_info *info, MI_ISAMINFO *x, uint flag); +extern int mi_lock_database(struct st_myisam_info *file,int lock_type); +extern int mi_create(const char *name,uint keys,MI_KEYDEF *keydef, + uint columns, MI_COLUMNDEF *columndef, + uint uniques, MI_UNIQUEDEF *uniquedef, + MI_CREATE_INFO *create_info, uint flags); +extern int mi_delete_table(const char *name); +extern int mi_rename(const char *from, const char *to); +extern int mi_extra(struct st_myisam_info *file, + enum ha_extra_function function, + void *extra_arg); +extern int mi_reset(struct st_myisam_info *file); +extern ha_rows mi_records_in_range(MI_INFO *info, int inx, + key_range *min_key, key_range *max_key); +extern int mi_log(int activate_log); +extern int mi_is_changed(struct st_myisam_info *info); +extern int mi_delete_all_rows(struct st_myisam_info *info); +extern ulong _mi_calc_blob_length(uint length , const uchar *pos); +extern uint mi_get_pointer_length(ulonglong file_length, uint def); + +#define MEMMAP_EXTRA_MARGIN 7 /* Write this as a suffix for mmap file */ +/* this is used to pass to mysql_myisamchk_table */ + +#define MYISAMCHK_REPAIR 1 /* equivalent to myisamchk -r */ +#define MYISAMCHK_VERIFY 2 /* Verify, run repair if failure */ + +/* + Definitions needed for myisamchk.c + + Entries marked as "QQ to be removed" are NOT used to + pass check/repair options to mi_check.c. They are used + internally by myisamchk.c or/and ha_myisam.cc and should NOT + be stored together with other flags. They should be removed + from the following list to make addition of new flags possible. +*/ + +#define T_AUTO_INC 1 +#define T_AUTO_REPAIR 2 /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_BACKUP_DATA 4 +#define T_CALC_CHECKSUM 8 +#define T_CHECK 16 /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_CHECK_ONLY_CHANGED 32 /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_CREATE_MISSING_KEYS 64 +#define T_DESCRIPT 128 +#define T_DONT_CHECK_CHECKSUM 256 +#define T_EXTEND 512 +#define T_FAST (1L << 10) /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_FORCE_CREATE (1L << 11) /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_FORCE_UNIQUENESS (1L << 12) +#define T_INFO (1L << 13) +#define T_MEDIUM (1L << 14) +#define T_QUICK (1L << 15) /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_READONLY (1L << 16) /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_REP (1L << 17) +#define T_REP_BY_SORT (1L << 18) /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_REP_PARALLEL (1L << 19) /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_RETRY_WITHOUT_QUICK (1L << 20) +#define T_SAFE_REPAIR (1L << 21) +#define T_SILENT (1L << 22) +#define T_SORT_INDEX (1L << 23) /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_SORT_RECORDS (1L << 24) /* QQ to be removed */ +#define T_STATISTICS (1L << 25) +#define T_UNPACK (1L << 26) +#define T_UPDATE_STATE (1L << 27) +#define T_VERBOSE (1L << 28) +#define T_VERY_SILENT (1L << 29) +#define T_WAIT_FOREVER (1L << 30) +#define T_WRITE_LOOP ((ulong) 1L << 31) + +#define T_REP_ANY (T_REP | T_REP_BY_SORT | T_REP_PARALLEL) + +/* + Flags used by myisamchk.c or/and ha_myisam.cc that are NOT passed + to mi_check.c follows: +*/ + +#define TT_USEFRM 1 +#define TT_FOR_UPGRADE 2 + +#define O_NEW_INDEX 1 /* Bits set in out_flag */ +#define O_NEW_DATA 2 +#define O_DATA_LOST 4 + +/* these struct is used by my_check to tell it what to do */ + +typedef struct st_sort_key_blocks /* Used when sorting */ +{ + uchar *buff,*end_pos; + uchar lastkey[MI_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY_BUFF]; + uint last_length; + int inited; +} SORT_KEY_BLOCKS; + + +/* + MyISAM supports several statistics collection methods. Currently statistics + collection method is not stored in MyISAM file and has to be specified for + each table analyze/repair operation in MI_CHECK::stats_method. +*/ + +typedef enum +{ + /* Treat NULLs as inequal when collecting statistics (default for 4.1/5.0) */ + MI_STATS_METHOD_NULLS_NOT_EQUAL, + /* Treat NULLs as equal when collecting statistics (like 4.0 did) */ + MI_STATS_METHOD_NULLS_EQUAL, + /* Ignore NULLs - count only tuples without NULLs in the index components */ + MI_STATS_METHOD_IGNORE_NULLS +} enum_mi_stats_method; + +typedef struct st_mi_check_param +{ + ulonglong auto_increment_value; + ulonglong max_data_file_length; + ulonglong keys_in_use; + ulonglong max_record_length; + ulonglong sort_buffer_length; + my_off_t search_after_block; + my_off_t new_file_pos,key_file_blocks; + my_off_t keydata,totaldata,key_blocks,start_check_pos; + ha_rows total_records,total_deleted; + ha_checksum record_checksum,glob_crc; + ulonglong use_buffers; + ulong read_buffer_length, write_buffer_length, sort_key_blocks; + uint out_flag,warning_printed,error_printed,verbose; + uint opt_sort_key,total_files,max_level; + uint testflag, key_cache_block_size; + uint16 language; + my_bool using_global_keycache, opt_lock_memory, opt_follow_links; + my_bool retry_repair, force_sort; + char temp_filename[FN_REFLEN],*isam_file_name; + MY_TMPDIR *tmpdir; + int tmpfile_createflag; + myf myf_rw; + IO_CACHE read_cache; + + /* + The next two are used to collect statistics, see update_key_parts for + description. + */ + ulonglong unique_count[MI_MAX_KEY_SEG+1]; + ulonglong notnull_count[MI_MAX_KEY_SEG+1]; + + ha_checksum key_crc[HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY]; + ulong rec_per_key_part[MI_MAX_KEY_SEG*HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY]; + void *thd; + const char *db_name, *table_name; + const char *op_name; + enum_mi_stats_method stats_method; + mysql_mutex_t print_msg_mutex; + my_bool need_print_msg_lock; +} MI_CHECK; + +typedef struct st_sort_ft_buf +{ + uchar *buf, *end; + int count; + uchar lastkey[MI_MAX_KEY_BUFF]; +} SORT_FT_BUF; + +typedef struct st_sort_info +{ + my_off_t filelength,dupp,buff_length; + ha_rows max_records; + uint current_key, total_keys; + myf myf_rw; + enum data_file_type new_data_file_type; + MI_INFO *info; + MI_CHECK *param; + uchar *buff; + SORT_KEY_BLOCKS *key_block,*key_block_end; + SORT_FT_BUF *ft_buf; + /* sync things */ + uint got_error, threads_running; + mysql_mutex_t mutex; + mysql_cond_t cond; +} SORT_INFO; + +/* functions in mi_check */ +void myisamchk_init(MI_CHECK *param); +int chk_status(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info); +int chk_del(MI_CHECK *param, register MI_INFO *info, uint test_flag); +int chk_size(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info); +int chk_key(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info); +int chk_data_link(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info,int extend); +int mi_repair(MI_CHECK *param, register MI_INFO *info, + char * name, int rep_quick); +int mi_sort_index(MI_CHECK *param, register MI_INFO *info, char * name); +int mi_repair_by_sort(MI_CHECK *param, register MI_INFO *info, + const char * name, int rep_quick); +int mi_repair_parallel(MI_CHECK *param, register MI_INFO *info, + const char * name, int rep_quick); +int change_to_newfile(const char * filename, const char * old_ext, + const char * new_ext, myf myflags); +int lock_file(MI_CHECK *param, File file, my_off_t start, int lock_type, + const char *filetype, const char *filename); +void lock_memory(MI_CHECK *param); +void update_auto_increment_key(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info, + my_bool repair); +int update_state_info(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO *info,uint update); +void update_key_parts(MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, ulong *rec_per_key_part, + ulonglong *unique, ulonglong *notnull, + ulonglong records); +int filecopy(MI_CHECK *param, File to,File from,my_off_t start, + my_off_t length, const char *type); +int movepoint(MI_INFO *info,uchar *record,my_off_t oldpos, + my_off_t newpos, uint prot_key); +int write_data_suffix(SORT_INFO *sort_info, my_bool fix_datafile); +int test_if_almost_full(MI_INFO *info); +int recreate_table(MI_CHECK *param, MI_INFO **org_info, char *filename); +void mi_disable_non_unique_index(MI_INFO *info, ha_rows rows); +my_bool mi_test_if_sort_rep(MI_INFO *info, ha_rows rows, ulonglong key_map, + my_bool force); + +int mi_init_bulk_insert(MI_INFO *info, ulong cache_size, ha_rows rows); +void mi_flush_bulk_insert(MI_INFO *info, uint inx); +void mi_end_bulk_insert(MI_INFO *info); +int mi_assign_to_key_cache(MI_INFO *info, ulonglong key_map, + KEY_CACHE *key_cache); +void mi_change_key_cache(KEY_CACHE *old_key_cache, + KEY_CACHE *new_key_cache); +int mi_preload(MI_INFO *info, ulonglong key_map, my_bool ignore_leaves); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/myisammrg.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/myisammrg.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..84b2d6378 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/myisammrg.h @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000-2002, 2004, 2006-2008 MySQL AB, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. + Use is subject to license terms. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* This file should be included when using merge_isam_funktions */ + +#ifndef _myisammrg_h +#define _myisammrg_h +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#ifndef _my_base_h +#include +#endif +#ifndef _myisam_h +#include +#endif + +#include + +#define MYRG_NAME_EXT ".MRG" + +/* In which table to INSERT rows */ +#define MERGE_INSERT_DISABLED 0 +#define MERGE_INSERT_TO_FIRST 1 +#define MERGE_INSERT_TO_LAST 2 + +extern TYPELIB merge_insert_method; + + /* Param to/from myrg_info */ + +typedef struct st_mymerge_info /* Struct from h_info */ +{ + ulonglong records; /* Records in database */ + ulonglong deleted; /* Deleted records in database */ + ulonglong recpos; /* Pos for last used record */ + ulonglong data_file_length; + ulonglong dupp_key_pos; /* Offset of the Duplicate key in the merge table */ + uint reclength; /* Recordlength */ + int errkey; /* With key was dupplicated on err */ + uint options; /* HA_OPTION_... used */ + ulong *rec_per_key; /* for sql optimizing */ +} MYMERGE_INFO; + +typedef struct st_myrg_table_info +{ + struct st_myisam_info *table; + ulonglong file_offset; +} MYRG_TABLE; + +typedef struct st_myrg_info +{ + MYRG_TABLE *open_tables,*current_table,*end_table,*last_used_table; + ulonglong records; /* records in tables */ + ulonglong del; /* Removed records */ + ulonglong data_file_length; + ulong cache_size; + uint merge_insert_method; + uint tables,options,reclength,keys; + my_bool cache_in_use; + /* If MERGE children attached to parent. See top comment in ha_myisammrg.cc */ + my_bool children_attached; + LIST open_list; + QUEUE by_key; + ulong *rec_per_key_part; /* for sql optimizing */ + mysql_mutex_t mutex; +} MYRG_INFO; + + + /* Prototypes for merge-functions */ + +extern int myrg_close(MYRG_INFO *file); +extern int myrg_delete(MYRG_INFO *file,const uchar *buff); +extern MYRG_INFO *myrg_open(const char *name,int mode,int wait_if_locked); +extern MYRG_INFO *myrg_parent_open(const char *parent_name, + int (*callback)(void*, const char*), + void *callback_param); +extern int myrg_attach_children(MYRG_INFO *m_info, int handle_locking, + MI_INFO *(*callback)(void*), + void *callback_param, + my_bool *need_compat_check); +extern int myrg_detach_children(MYRG_INFO *m_info); +extern int myrg_panic(enum ha_panic_function function); +extern int myrg_rfirst(MYRG_INFO *file,uchar *buf,int inx); +extern int myrg_rlast(MYRG_INFO *file,uchar *buf,int inx); +extern int myrg_rnext(MYRG_INFO *file,uchar *buf,int inx); +extern int myrg_rprev(MYRG_INFO *file,uchar *buf,int inx); +extern int myrg_rnext_same(MYRG_INFO *file,uchar *buf); +extern int myrg_rkey(MYRG_INFO *info,uchar *buf,int inx, const uchar *key, + key_part_map keypart_map, enum ha_rkey_function search_flag); +extern int myrg_rrnd(MYRG_INFO *file,uchar *buf,ulonglong pos); +extern int myrg_rsame(MYRG_INFO *file,uchar *record,int inx); +extern int myrg_update(MYRG_INFO *file,const uchar *old,uchar *new_rec); +extern int myrg_write(MYRG_INFO *info,uchar *rec); +extern int myrg_status(MYRG_INFO *file,MYMERGE_INFO *x,int flag); +extern int myrg_lock_database(MYRG_INFO *file,int lock_type); +extern int myrg_create(const char *name, const char **table_names, + uint insert_method, my_bool fix_names); +extern int myrg_extra(MYRG_INFO *file,enum ha_extra_function function, + void *extra_arg); +extern int myrg_reset(MYRG_INFO *info); +extern void myrg_extrafunc(MYRG_INFO *info,invalidator_by_filename inv); +extern ha_rows myrg_records_in_range(MYRG_INFO *info, int inx, + key_range *min_key, key_range *max_key); +extern ha_rows myrg_records(MYRG_INFO *info); + +extern ulonglong myrg_position(MYRG_INFO *info); +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/myisampack.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/myisampack.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cb744d147 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/myisampack.h @@ -0,0 +1,242 @@ +#ifndef MYISAMPACK_INCLUDED +#define MYISAMPACK_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Storing of values in high byte first order. + + integer keys and file pointers are stored with high byte first to get + better compression +*/ + +/* these two are for uniformity */ +#define mi_sint1korr(A) ((int8)(*A)) +#define mi_uint1korr(A) ((uint8)(*A)) + +#define mi_sint2korr(A) ((int16) (((int16) (((uchar*) (A))[1])) +\ + ((int16) ((int16) ((char*) (A))[0]) << 8))) +#define mi_sint3korr(A) ((int32) (((((uchar*) (A))[0]) & 128) ? \ + (((uint32) 255L << 24) | \ + (((uint32) ((uchar*) (A))[0]) << 16) |\ + (((uint32) ((uchar*) (A))[1]) << 8) | \ + ((uint32) ((uchar*) (A))[2])) : \ + (((uint32) ((uchar*) (A))[0]) << 16) |\ + (((uint32) ((uchar*) (A))[1]) << 8) | \ + ((uint32) ((uchar*) (A))[2]))) +#define mi_sint4korr(A) ((int32) (((int32) (((uchar*) (A))[3])) +\ + ((int32) (((uchar*) (A))[2]) << 8) +\ + ((int32) (((uchar*) (A))[1]) << 16) +\ + ((int32) ((int16) ((char*) (A))[0]) << 24))) +#define mi_sint8korr(A) ((longlong) mi_uint8korr(A)) +#define mi_uint2korr(A) ((uint16) (((uint16) (((uchar*) (A))[1])) +\ + ((uint16) (((uchar*) (A))[0]) << 8))) +#define mi_uint3korr(A) ((uint32) (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[2])) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[1])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[0])) << 16))) +#define mi_uint4korr(A) ((uint32) (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[3])) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[2])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[1])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[0])) << 24))) +#define mi_uint5korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[4])) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[3])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[2])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[1])) << 24)) +\ + (((ulonglong) (((uchar*) (A))[0])) << 32)) +#define mi_uint6korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[5])) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[4])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[3])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[2])) << 24)) +\ + (((ulonglong) (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[1])) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[0]) << 8)))) <<\ + 32)) +#define mi_uint7korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[6])) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[5])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[4])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[3])) << 24)) +\ + (((ulonglong) (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[2])) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[1])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[0])) << 16))) <<\ + 32)) +#define mi_uint8korr(A) ((ulonglong)(((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[7])) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[6])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[5])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[4])) << 24)) +\ + (((ulonglong) (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[3])) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[2])) << 8) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[1])) << 16) +\ + (((uint32) (((uchar*) (A))[0])) << 24))) <<\ + 32)) + +/* This one is for uniformity */ +#define mi_int1store(T,A) *((uchar*)(T))= (uchar) (A) + +#define mi_int2store(T,A) { uint def_temp= (uint) (A) ;\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= (uchar) (def_temp);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[0]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 8); } +#define mi_int3store(T,A) { /*lint -save -e734 */\ + ulong def_temp= (ulong) (A);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[2]= (uchar) (def_temp);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 8);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[0]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 16);\ + /*lint -restore */} +#define mi_int4store(T,A) { ulong def_temp= (ulong) (A);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[3]= (uchar) (def_temp);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[2]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 8);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 16);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[0]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 24); } +#define mi_int5store(T,A) { ulong def_temp= (ulong) (A),\ + def_temp2= (ulong) ((A) >> 32);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[4]= (uchar) (def_temp);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[3]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 8);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[2]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 16);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 24);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[0]= (uchar) (def_temp2); } +#define mi_int6store(T,A) { ulong def_temp= (ulong) (A),\ + def_temp2= (ulong) ((A) >> 32);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[5]= (uchar) (def_temp);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[4]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 8);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[3]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 16);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[2]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 24);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= (uchar) (def_temp2);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[0]= (uchar) (def_temp2 >> 8); } +#define mi_int7store(T,A) { ulong def_temp= (ulong) (A),\ + def_temp2= (ulong) ((A) >> 32);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[6]= (uchar) (def_temp);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[5]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 8);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[4]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 16);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[3]= (uchar) (def_temp >> 24);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[2]= (uchar) (def_temp2);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= (uchar) (def_temp2 >> 8);\ + ((uchar*) (T))[0]= (uchar) (def_temp2 >> 16); } +#define mi_int8store(T,A) { ulong def_temp3= (ulong) (A),\ + def_temp4= (ulong) ((A) >> 32);\ + mi_int4store((uchar*) (T) + 0, def_temp4);\ + mi_int4store((uchar*) (T) + 4, def_temp3); } + +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN + +#define mi_float4store(T,A) { ((uchar*) (T))[0]= ((uchar*) &A)[0];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= ((uchar*) &A)[1];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[2]= ((uchar*) &A)[2];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[3]= ((uchar*) &A)[3]; } + +#define mi_float4get(V,M) { float def_temp;\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]= ((uchar*) (M))[0];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]= ((uchar*) (M))[1];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]= ((uchar*) (M))[2];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]= ((uchar*) (M))[3];\ + (V)= def_temp; } + +#define mi_float8store(T,V) { ((uchar*) (T))[0]= ((uchar*) &V)[0];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= ((uchar*) &V)[1];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[2]= ((uchar*) &V)[2];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[3]= ((uchar*) &V)[3];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[4]= ((uchar*) &V)[4];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[5]= ((uchar*) &V)[5];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[6]= ((uchar*) &V)[6];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[7]= ((uchar*) &V)[7]; } + +#define mi_float8get(V,M) { double def_temp;\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]= ((uchar*) (M))[0];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]= ((uchar*) (M))[1];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]= ((uchar*) (M))[2];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]= ((uchar*) (M))[3];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[4]= ((uchar*) (M))[4];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[5]= ((uchar*) (M))[5];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[6]= ((uchar*) (M))[6];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[7]= ((uchar*) (M))[7]; \ + (V)= def_temp; } +#else + +#define mi_float4store(T,A) { ((uchar*) (T))[0]= ((uchar*) &A)[3];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= ((uchar*) &A)[2];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[2]= ((uchar*) &A)[1];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[3]= ((uchar*) &A)[0]; } + +#define mi_float4get(V,M) { float def_temp;\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]= ((uchar*) (M))[3];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]= ((uchar*) (M))[2];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]= ((uchar*) (M))[1];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]= ((uchar*) (M))[0];\ + (V)= def_temp; } + +#if defined(__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER) && (__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN) +#define mi_float8store(T,V) { ((uchar*) (T))[0]= ((uchar*) &V)[3];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= ((uchar*) &V)[2];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[2]= ((uchar*) &V)[1];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[3]= ((uchar*) &V)[0];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[4]= ((uchar*) &V)[7];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[5]= ((uchar*) &V)[6];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[6]= ((uchar*) &V)[5];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[7]= ((uchar*) &V)[4];} + +#define mi_float8get(V,M) { double def_temp;\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]= ((uchar*) (M))[3];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]= ((uchar*) (M))[2];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]= ((uchar*) (M))[1];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]= ((uchar*) (M))[0];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[4]= ((uchar*) (M))[7];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[5]= ((uchar*) (M))[6];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[6]= ((uchar*) (M))[5];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[7]= ((uchar*) (M))[4];\ + (V)= def_temp; } + +#else +#define mi_float8store(T,V) { ((uchar*) (T))[0]= ((uchar*) &V)[7];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[1]= ((uchar*) &V)[6];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[2]= ((uchar*) &V)[5];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[3]= ((uchar*) &V)[4];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[4]= ((uchar*) &V)[3];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[5]= ((uchar*) &V)[2];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[6]= ((uchar*) &V)[1];\ + ((uchar*) (T))[7]= ((uchar*) &V)[0];} + +#define mi_float8get(V,M) { double def_temp;\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]= ((uchar*) (M))[7];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]= ((uchar*) (M))[6];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]= ((uchar*) (M))[5];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]= ((uchar*) (M))[4];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[4]= ((uchar*) (M))[3];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[5]= ((uchar*) (M))[2];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[6]= ((uchar*) (M))[1];\ + ((uchar*) &def_temp)[7]= ((uchar*) (M))[0];\ + (V)= def_temp; } +#endif /* __FLOAT_WORD_ORDER */ +#endif /* WORDS_BIGENDIAN */ + +/* Fix to avoid warnings when sizeof(ha_rows) == sizeof(long) */ + +#ifdef BIG_TABLES +#define mi_rowstore(T,A) mi_int8store(T, A) +#define mi_rowkorr(T) mi_uint8korr(T) +#else +#define mi_rowstore(T,A) { mi_int4store(T, 0);\ + mi_int4store(((uchar*) (T) + 4), A); } +#define mi_rowkorr(T) mi_uint4korr((uchar*) (T) + 4) +#endif + +#if SIZEOF_OFF_T > 4 +#define mi_sizestore(T,A) mi_int8store(T, A) +#define mi_sizekorr(T) mi_uint8korr(T) +#else +#define mi_sizestore(T,A) { if ((A) == HA_OFFSET_ERROR)\ + memset((T), 255, 8);\ + else { mi_int4store((T), 0);\ + mi_int4store(((T) + 4), A); }} +#define mi_sizekorr(T) mi_uint4korr((uchar*) (T) + 4) +#endif +#endif /* MYISAMPACK_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..38b54de2e --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql.h @@ -0,0 +1,739 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + This file defines the client API to MySQL and also the ABI of the + dynamically linked libmysqlclient. + + The ABI should never be changed in a released product of MySQL, + thus you need to take great care when changing the file. In case + the file is changed so the ABI is broken, you must also update + the SHARED_LIB_MAJOR_VERSION in cmake/mysql_version.cmake +*/ + +#ifndef _mysql_h +#define _mysql_h + +#ifdef _AIX /* large-file support will break without this */ +#include +#endif + +#ifdef __CYGWIN__ /* CYGWIN implements a UNIX API */ +#undef WIN +#undef _WIN +#undef _WIN32 +#undef _WIN64 +#undef __WIN__ +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#ifndef MY_GLOBAL_INCLUDED /* If not standard header */ +#ifndef MYSQL_ABI_CHECK +#include +#endif +#ifdef __LCC__ +#include /* For windows */ +#endif +typedef char my_bool; +#if (defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)) && !defined(__WIN__) +#define __WIN__ +#endif +#if !defined(__WIN__) +#define STDCALL +#else +#define STDCALL __stdcall +#endif + +#ifndef my_socket_defined +#ifdef __WIN__ +#define my_socket SOCKET +#else +typedef int my_socket; +#endif /* __WIN__ */ +#endif /* my_socket_defined */ +#endif /* MY_GLOBAL_INCLUDED */ + +#include "mysql_version.h" +#include "mysql_com.h" +#include "mysql_time.h" + +#include "my_list.h" /* for LISTs used in 'MYSQL' and 'MYSQL_STMT' */ + +extern unsigned int mysql_port; +extern char *mysql_unix_port; + +#define CLIENT_NET_READ_TIMEOUT 365*24*3600 /* Timeout on read */ +#define CLIENT_NET_WRITE_TIMEOUT 365*24*3600 /* Timeout on write */ + +#define IS_PRI_KEY(n) ((n) & PRI_KEY_FLAG) +#define IS_NOT_NULL(n) ((n) & NOT_NULL_FLAG) +#define IS_BLOB(n) ((n) & BLOB_FLAG) +/** + Returns true if the value is a number which does not need quotes for + the sql_lex.cc parser to parse correctly. +*/ +#define IS_NUM(t) (((t) <= MYSQL_TYPE_INT24 && (t) != MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) || (t) == MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR || (t) == MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL) +#define IS_LONGDATA(t) ((t) >= MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB && (t) <= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING) + + +typedef struct st_mysql_field { + char *name; /* Name of column */ + char *org_name; /* Original column name, if an alias */ + char *table; /* Table of column if column was a field */ + char *org_table; /* Org table name, if table was an alias */ + char *db; /* Database for table */ + char *catalog; /* Catalog for table */ + char *def; /* Default value (set by mysql_list_fields) */ + unsigned long length; /* Width of column (create length) */ + unsigned long max_length; /* Max width for selected set */ + unsigned int name_length; + unsigned int org_name_length; + unsigned int table_length; + unsigned int org_table_length; + unsigned int db_length; + unsigned int catalog_length; + unsigned int def_length; + unsigned int flags; /* Div flags */ + unsigned int decimals; /* Number of decimals in field */ + unsigned int charsetnr; /* Character set */ + enum enum_field_types type; /* Type of field. See mysql_com.h for types */ + void *extension; +} MYSQL_FIELD; + +typedef char **MYSQL_ROW; /* return data as array of strings */ +typedef unsigned int MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET; /* offset to current field */ + +#ifndef MY_GLOBAL_INCLUDED +#if defined(NO_CLIENT_LONG_LONG) +typedef unsigned long my_ulonglong; +#elif defined (__WIN__) +typedef unsigned __int64 my_ulonglong; +#else +typedef unsigned long long my_ulonglong; +#endif +#endif + +#include "typelib.h" + +#define MYSQL_COUNT_ERROR (~(my_ulonglong) 0) + +/* backward compatibility define - to be removed eventually */ +#define ER_WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED + +typedef struct st_mysql_rows { + struct st_mysql_rows *next; /* list of rows */ + MYSQL_ROW data; + unsigned long length; +} MYSQL_ROWS; + +typedef MYSQL_ROWS *MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET; /* offset to current row */ + +#include "my_alloc.h" + +typedef struct embedded_query_result EMBEDDED_QUERY_RESULT; +typedef struct st_mysql_data { + MYSQL_ROWS *data; + struct embedded_query_result *embedded_info; + MEM_ROOT alloc; + my_ulonglong rows; + unsigned int fields; + /* extra info for embedded library */ + void *extension; +} MYSQL_DATA; + +enum mysql_option +{ + MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS, MYSQL_OPT_NAMED_PIPE, + MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, + MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_DIR, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE, + MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL, MYSQL_SHARED_MEMORY_BASE_NAME, MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT, + MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT, MYSQL_OPT_USE_RESULT, + MYSQL_OPT_USE_REMOTE_CONNECTION, MYSQL_OPT_USE_EMBEDDED_CONNECTION, + MYSQL_OPT_GUESS_CONNECTION, MYSQL_SET_CLIENT_IP, MYSQL_SECURE_AUTH, + MYSQL_REPORT_DATA_TRUNCATION, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, + MYSQL_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT, MYSQL_PLUGIN_DIR, MYSQL_DEFAULT_AUTH, + MYSQL_OPT_BIND, + MYSQL_OPT_SSL_KEY, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CERT, + MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CA, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CAPATH, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CIPHER, + MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CRL, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CRLPATH, + MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_RESET, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_ADD, + MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_DELETE, + MYSQL_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY, + MYSQL_ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN, + MYSQL_OPT_CAN_HANDLE_EXPIRED_PASSWORDS +}; + +/** + @todo remove the "extension", move st_mysql_options completely + out of mysql.h +*/ +struct st_mysql_options_extention; + +struct st_mysql_options { + unsigned int connect_timeout, read_timeout, write_timeout; + unsigned int port, protocol; + unsigned long client_flag; + char *host,*user,*password,*unix_socket,*db; + struct st_dynamic_array *init_commands; + char *my_cnf_file,*my_cnf_group, *charset_dir, *charset_name; + char *ssl_key; /* PEM key file */ + char *ssl_cert; /* PEM cert file */ + char *ssl_ca; /* PEM CA file */ + char *ssl_capath; /* PEM directory of CA-s? */ + char *ssl_cipher; /* cipher to use */ + char *shared_memory_base_name; + unsigned long max_allowed_packet; + my_bool use_ssl; /* if to use SSL or not */ + my_bool compress,named_pipe; + my_bool unused1; + my_bool unused2; + my_bool unused3; + my_bool unused4; + enum mysql_option methods_to_use; + union { + /* + The ip/hostname to use when authenticating + client against embedded server built with + grant tables - only used in embedded server + */ + char *client_ip; + + /* + The local address to bind when connecting to + remote server - not used in embedded server + */ + char *bind_address; + } ci; + /* Refuse client connecting to server if it uses old (pre-4.1.1) protocol */ + my_bool secure_auth; + /* 0 - never report, 1 - always report (default) */ + my_bool report_data_truncation; + + /* function pointers for local infile support */ + int (*local_infile_init)(void **, const char *, void *); + int (*local_infile_read)(void *, char *, unsigned int); + void (*local_infile_end)(void *); + int (*local_infile_error)(void *, char *, unsigned int); + void *local_infile_userdata; + struct st_mysql_options_extention *extension; +}; + +enum mysql_status +{ + MYSQL_STATUS_READY, MYSQL_STATUS_GET_RESULT, MYSQL_STATUS_USE_RESULT, + MYSQL_STATUS_STATEMENT_GET_RESULT +}; + +enum mysql_protocol_type +{ + MYSQL_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT, MYSQL_PROTOCOL_TCP, MYSQL_PROTOCOL_SOCKET, + MYSQL_PROTOCOL_PIPE, MYSQL_PROTOCOL_MEMORY +}; + +typedef struct character_set +{ + unsigned int number; /* character set number */ + unsigned int state; /* character set state */ + const char *csname; /* collation name */ + const char *name; /* character set name */ + const char *comment; /* comment */ + const char *dir; /* character set directory */ + unsigned int mbminlen; /* min. length for multibyte strings */ + unsigned int mbmaxlen; /* max. length for multibyte strings */ +} MY_CHARSET_INFO; + +struct st_mysql_methods; +struct st_mysql_stmt; + +typedef struct st_mysql +{ + NET net; /* Communication parameters */ + unsigned char *connector_fd; /* ConnectorFd for SSL */ + char *host,*user,*passwd,*unix_socket,*server_version,*host_info; + char *info, *db; + struct charset_info_st *charset; + MYSQL_FIELD *fields; + MEM_ROOT field_alloc; + my_ulonglong affected_rows; + my_ulonglong insert_id; /* id if insert on table with NEXTNR */ + my_ulonglong extra_info; /* Not used */ + unsigned long thread_id; /* Id for connection in server */ + unsigned long packet_length; + unsigned int port; + unsigned long client_flag,server_capabilities; + unsigned int protocol_version; + unsigned int field_count; + unsigned int server_status; + unsigned int server_language; + unsigned int warning_count; + struct st_mysql_options options; + enum mysql_status status; + my_bool free_me; /* If free in mysql_close */ + my_bool reconnect; /* set to 1 if automatic reconnect */ + + /* session-wide random string */ + char scramble[SCRAMBLE_LENGTH+1]; + my_bool unused1; + void *unused2, *unused3, *unused4, *unused5; + + LIST *stmts; /* list of all statements */ + const struct st_mysql_methods *methods; + void *thd; + /* + Points to boolean flag in MYSQL_RES or MYSQL_STMT. We set this flag + from mysql_stmt_close if close had to cancel result set of this object. + */ + my_bool *unbuffered_fetch_owner; + /* needed for embedded server - no net buffer to store the 'info' */ + char *info_buffer; + void *extension; +} MYSQL; + + +typedef struct st_mysql_res { + my_ulonglong row_count; + MYSQL_FIELD *fields; + MYSQL_DATA *data; + MYSQL_ROWS *data_cursor; + unsigned long *lengths; /* column lengths of current row */ + MYSQL *handle; /* for unbuffered reads */ + const struct st_mysql_methods *methods; + MYSQL_ROW row; /* If unbuffered read */ + MYSQL_ROW current_row; /* buffer to current row */ + MEM_ROOT field_alloc; + unsigned int field_count, current_field; + my_bool eof; /* Used by mysql_fetch_row */ + /* mysql_stmt_close() had to cancel this result */ + my_bool unbuffered_fetch_cancelled; + void *extension; +} MYSQL_RES; + + +#if !defined(MYSQL_SERVER) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) +#define MYSQL_CLIENT +#endif + + +typedef struct st_mysql_parameters +{ + unsigned long *p_max_allowed_packet; + unsigned long *p_net_buffer_length; + void *extension; +} MYSQL_PARAMETERS; + +#if !defined(MYSQL_SERVER) && !defined(EMBEDDED_LIBRARY) +#define max_allowed_packet (*mysql_get_parameters()->p_max_allowed_packet) +#define net_buffer_length (*mysql_get_parameters()->p_net_buffer_length) +#endif + +/* + Set up and bring down the server; to ensure that applications will + work when linked against either the standard client library or the + embedded server library, these functions should be called. +*/ +int STDCALL mysql_server_init(int argc, char **argv, char **groups); +void STDCALL mysql_server_end(void); + +/* + mysql_server_init/end need to be called when using libmysqld or + libmysqlclient (exactly, mysql_server_init() is called by mysql_init() so + you don't need to call it explicitely; but you need to call + mysql_server_end() to free memory). The names are a bit misleading + (mysql_SERVER* to be used when using libmysqlCLIENT). So we add more general + names which suit well whether you're using libmysqld or libmysqlclient. We + intend to promote these aliases over the mysql_server* ones. +*/ +#define mysql_library_init mysql_server_init +#define mysql_library_end mysql_server_end + +MYSQL_PARAMETERS *STDCALL mysql_get_parameters(void); + +/* + Set up and bring down a thread; these function should be called + for each thread in an application which opens at least one MySQL + connection. All uses of the connection(s) should be between these + function calls. +*/ +my_bool STDCALL mysql_thread_init(void); +void STDCALL mysql_thread_end(void); + +/* + Functions to get information from the MYSQL and MYSQL_RES structures + Should definitely be used if one uses shared libraries. +*/ + +my_ulonglong STDCALL mysql_num_rows(MYSQL_RES *res); +unsigned int STDCALL mysql_num_fields(MYSQL_RES *res); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_eof(MYSQL_RES *res); +MYSQL_FIELD *STDCALL mysql_fetch_field_direct(MYSQL_RES *res, + unsigned int fieldnr); +MYSQL_FIELD * STDCALL mysql_fetch_fields(MYSQL_RES *res); +MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET STDCALL mysql_row_tell(MYSQL_RES *res); +MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET STDCALL mysql_field_tell(MYSQL_RES *res); + +unsigned int STDCALL mysql_field_count(MYSQL *mysql); +my_ulonglong STDCALL mysql_affected_rows(MYSQL *mysql); +my_ulonglong STDCALL mysql_insert_id(MYSQL *mysql); +unsigned int STDCALL mysql_errno(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * STDCALL mysql_error(MYSQL *mysql); +const char *STDCALL mysql_sqlstate(MYSQL *mysql); +unsigned int STDCALL mysql_warning_count(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * STDCALL mysql_info(MYSQL *mysql); +unsigned long STDCALL mysql_thread_id(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * STDCALL mysql_character_set_name(MYSQL *mysql); +int STDCALL mysql_set_character_set(MYSQL *mysql, const char *csname); + +MYSQL * STDCALL mysql_init(MYSQL *mysql); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_ssl_set(MYSQL *mysql, const char *key, + const char *cert, const char *ca, + const char *capath, const char *cipher); +const char * STDCALL mysql_get_ssl_cipher(MYSQL *mysql); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_change_user(MYSQL *mysql, const char *user, + const char *passwd, const char *db); +MYSQL * STDCALL mysql_real_connect(MYSQL *mysql, const char *host, + const char *user, + const char *passwd, + const char *db, + unsigned int port, + const char *unix_socket, + unsigned long clientflag); +int STDCALL mysql_select_db(MYSQL *mysql, const char *db); +int STDCALL mysql_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q); +int STDCALL mysql_send_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q, + unsigned long length); +int STDCALL mysql_real_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q, + unsigned long length); +MYSQL_RES * STDCALL mysql_store_result(MYSQL *mysql); +MYSQL_RES * STDCALL mysql_use_result(MYSQL *mysql); + +void STDCALL mysql_get_character_set_info(MYSQL *mysql, + MY_CHARSET_INFO *charset); + +/* local infile support */ + +#define LOCAL_INFILE_ERROR_LEN 512 + +void +mysql_set_local_infile_handler(MYSQL *mysql, + int (*local_infile_init)(void **, const char *, + void *), + int (*local_infile_read)(void *, char *, + unsigned int), + void (*local_infile_end)(void *), + int (*local_infile_error)(void *, char*, + unsigned int), + void *); + +void +mysql_set_local_infile_default(MYSQL *mysql); + +int STDCALL mysql_shutdown(MYSQL *mysql, + enum mysql_enum_shutdown_level + shutdown_level); +int STDCALL mysql_dump_debug_info(MYSQL *mysql); +int STDCALL mysql_refresh(MYSQL *mysql, + unsigned int refresh_options); +int STDCALL mysql_kill(MYSQL *mysql,unsigned long pid); +int STDCALL mysql_set_server_option(MYSQL *mysql, + enum enum_mysql_set_option + option); +int STDCALL mysql_ping(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * STDCALL mysql_stat(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * STDCALL mysql_get_server_info(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * STDCALL mysql_get_client_info(void); +unsigned long STDCALL mysql_get_client_version(void); +const char * STDCALL mysql_get_host_info(MYSQL *mysql); +unsigned long STDCALL mysql_get_server_version(MYSQL *mysql); +unsigned int STDCALL mysql_get_proto_info(MYSQL *mysql); +MYSQL_RES * STDCALL mysql_list_dbs(MYSQL *mysql,const char *wild); +MYSQL_RES * STDCALL mysql_list_tables(MYSQL *mysql,const char *wild); +MYSQL_RES * STDCALL mysql_list_processes(MYSQL *mysql); +int STDCALL mysql_options(MYSQL *mysql,enum mysql_option option, + const void *arg); +int STDCALL mysql_options4(MYSQL *mysql,enum mysql_option option, + const void *arg1, const void *arg2); +void STDCALL mysql_free_result(MYSQL_RES *result); +void STDCALL mysql_data_seek(MYSQL_RES *result, + my_ulonglong offset); +MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET STDCALL mysql_row_seek(MYSQL_RES *result, + MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET offset); +MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET STDCALL mysql_field_seek(MYSQL_RES *result, + MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET offset); +MYSQL_ROW STDCALL mysql_fetch_row(MYSQL_RES *result); +unsigned long * STDCALL mysql_fetch_lengths(MYSQL_RES *result); +MYSQL_FIELD * STDCALL mysql_fetch_field(MYSQL_RES *result); +MYSQL_RES * STDCALL mysql_list_fields(MYSQL *mysql, const char *table, + const char *wild); +unsigned long STDCALL mysql_escape_string(char *to,const char *from, + unsigned long from_length); +unsigned long STDCALL mysql_hex_string(char *to,const char *from, + unsigned long from_length); +unsigned long STDCALL mysql_real_escape_string(MYSQL *mysql, + char *to,const char *from, + unsigned long length); +void STDCALL mysql_debug(const char *debug); +void STDCALL myodbc_remove_escape(MYSQL *mysql,char *name); +unsigned int STDCALL mysql_thread_safe(void); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_embedded(void); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_read_query_result(MYSQL *mysql); + + +/* + The following definitions are added for the enhanced + client-server protocol +*/ + +/* statement state */ +enum enum_mysql_stmt_state +{ + MYSQL_STMT_INIT_DONE= 1, MYSQL_STMT_PREPARE_DONE, MYSQL_STMT_EXECUTE_DONE, + MYSQL_STMT_FETCH_DONE +}; + + +/* + This structure is used to define bind information, and + internally by the client library. + Public members with their descriptions are listed below + (conventionally `On input' refers to the binds given to + mysql_stmt_bind_param, `On output' refers to the binds given + to mysql_stmt_bind_result): + + buffer_type - One of the MYSQL_* types, used to describe + the host language type of buffer. + On output: if column type is different from + buffer_type, column value is automatically converted + to buffer_type before it is stored in the buffer. + buffer - On input: points to the buffer with input data. + On output: points to the buffer capable to store + output data. + The type of memory pointed by buffer must correspond + to buffer_type. See the correspondence table in + the comment to mysql_stmt_bind_param. + + The two above members are mandatory for any kind of bind. + + buffer_length - the length of the buffer. You don't have to set + it for any fixed length buffer: float, double, + int, etc. It must be set however for variable-length + types, such as BLOBs or STRINGs. + + length - On input: in case when lengths of input values + are different for each execute, you can set this to + point at a variable containining value length. This + way the value length can be different in each execute. + If length is not NULL, buffer_length is not used. + Note, length can even point at buffer_length if + you keep bind structures around while fetching: + this way you can change buffer_length before + each execution, everything will work ok. + On output: if length is set, mysql_stmt_fetch will + write column length into it. + + is_null - On input: points to a boolean variable that should + be set to TRUE for NULL values. + This member is useful only if your data may be + NULL in some but not all cases. + If your data is never NULL, is_null should be set to 0. + If your data is always NULL, set buffer_type + to MYSQL_TYPE_NULL, and is_null will not be used. + + is_unsigned - On input: used to signify that values provided for one + of numeric types are unsigned. + On output describes signedness of the output buffer. + If, taking into account is_unsigned flag, column data + is out of range of the output buffer, data for this column + is regarded truncated. Note that this has no correspondence + to the sign of result set column, if you need to find it out + use mysql_stmt_result_metadata. + error - where to write a truncation error if it is present. + possible error value is: + 0 no truncation + 1 value is out of range or buffer is too small + + Please note that MYSQL_BIND also has internals members. +*/ + +typedef struct st_mysql_bind +{ + unsigned long *length; /* output length pointer */ + my_bool *is_null; /* Pointer to null indicator */ + void *buffer; /* buffer to get/put data */ + /* set this if you want to track data truncations happened during fetch */ + my_bool *error; + unsigned char *row_ptr; /* for the current data position */ + void (*store_param_func)(NET *net, struct st_mysql_bind *param); + void (*fetch_result)(struct st_mysql_bind *, MYSQL_FIELD *, + unsigned char **row); + void (*skip_result)(struct st_mysql_bind *, MYSQL_FIELD *, + unsigned char **row); + /* output buffer length, must be set when fetching str/binary */ + unsigned long buffer_length; + unsigned long offset; /* offset position for char/binary fetch */ + unsigned long length_value; /* Used if length is 0 */ + unsigned int param_number; /* For null count and error messages */ + unsigned int pack_length; /* Internal length for packed data */ + enum enum_field_types buffer_type; /* buffer type */ + my_bool error_value; /* used if error is 0 */ + my_bool is_unsigned; /* set if integer type is unsigned */ + my_bool long_data_used; /* If used with mysql_send_long_data */ + my_bool is_null_value; /* Used if is_null is 0 */ + void *extension; +} MYSQL_BIND; + + +struct st_mysql_stmt_extension; + +/* statement handler */ +typedef struct st_mysql_stmt +{ + MEM_ROOT mem_root; /* root allocations */ + LIST list; /* list to keep track of all stmts */ + MYSQL *mysql; /* connection handle */ + MYSQL_BIND *params; /* input parameters */ + MYSQL_BIND *bind; /* output parameters */ + MYSQL_FIELD *fields; /* result set metadata */ + MYSQL_DATA result; /* cached result set */ + MYSQL_ROWS *data_cursor; /* current row in cached result */ + /* + mysql_stmt_fetch() calls this function to fetch one row (it's different + for buffered, unbuffered and cursor fetch). + */ + int (*read_row_func)(struct st_mysql_stmt *stmt, + unsigned char **row); + /* copy of mysql->affected_rows after statement execution */ + my_ulonglong affected_rows; + my_ulonglong insert_id; /* copy of mysql->insert_id */ + unsigned long stmt_id; /* Id for prepared statement */ + unsigned long flags; /* i.e. type of cursor to open */ + unsigned long prefetch_rows; /* number of rows per one COM_FETCH */ + /* + Copied from mysql->server_status after execute/fetch to know + server-side cursor status for this statement. + */ + unsigned int server_status; + unsigned int last_errno; /* error code */ + unsigned int param_count; /* input parameter count */ + unsigned int field_count; /* number of columns in result set */ + enum enum_mysql_stmt_state state; /* statement state */ + char last_error[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE]; /* error message */ + char sqlstate[SQLSTATE_LENGTH+1]; + /* Types of input parameters should be sent to server */ + my_bool send_types_to_server; + my_bool bind_param_done; /* input buffers were supplied */ + unsigned char bind_result_done; /* output buffers were supplied */ + /* mysql_stmt_close() had to cancel this result */ + my_bool unbuffered_fetch_cancelled; + /* + Is set to true if we need to calculate field->max_length for + metadata fields when doing mysql_stmt_store_result. + */ + my_bool update_max_length; + struct st_mysql_stmt_extension *extension; +} MYSQL_STMT; + +enum enum_stmt_attr_type +{ + /* + When doing mysql_stmt_store_result calculate max_length attribute + of statement metadata. This is to be consistent with the old API, + where this was done automatically. + In the new API we do that only by request because it slows down + mysql_stmt_store_result sufficiently. + */ + STMT_ATTR_UPDATE_MAX_LENGTH, + /* + unsigned long with combination of cursor flags (read only, for update, + etc) + */ + STMT_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE, + /* + Amount of rows to retrieve from server per one fetch if using cursors. + Accepts unsigned long attribute in the range 1 - ulong_max + */ + STMT_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS +}; + + +MYSQL_STMT * STDCALL mysql_stmt_init(MYSQL *mysql); +int STDCALL mysql_stmt_prepare(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, const char *query, + unsigned long length); +int STDCALL mysql_stmt_execute(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +int STDCALL mysql_stmt_fetch(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +int STDCALL mysql_stmt_fetch_column(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, MYSQL_BIND *bind_arg, + unsigned int column, + unsigned long offset); +int STDCALL mysql_stmt_store_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +unsigned long STDCALL mysql_stmt_param_count(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_attr_set(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, + enum enum_stmt_attr_type attr_type, + const void *attr); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_attr_get(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, + enum enum_stmt_attr_type attr_type, + void *attr); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_bind_param(MYSQL_STMT * stmt, MYSQL_BIND * bnd); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_bind_result(MYSQL_STMT * stmt, MYSQL_BIND * bnd); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_close(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_reset(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_free_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_send_long_data(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, + unsigned int param_number, + const char *data, + unsigned long length); +MYSQL_RES *STDCALL mysql_stmt_result_metadata(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +MYSQL_RES *STDCALL mysql_stmt_param_metadata(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +unsigned int STDCALL mysql_stmt_errno(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +const char *STDCALL mysql_stmt_error(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +const char *STDCALL mysql_stmt_sqlstate(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET STDCALL mysql_stmt_row_seek(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, + MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET offset); +MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET STDCALL mysql_stmt_row_tell(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +void STDCALL mysql_stmt_data_seek(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, my_ulonglong offset); +my_ulonglong STDCALL mysql_stmt_num_rows(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +my_ulonglong STDCALL mysql_stmt_affected_rows(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +my_ulonglong STDCALL mysql_stmt_insert_id(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +unsigned int STDCALL mysql_stmt_field_count(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); + +my_bool STDCALL mysql_commit(MYSQL * mysql); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_rollback(MYSQL * mysql); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_autocommit(MYSQL * mysql, my_bool auto_mode); +my_bool STDCALL mysql_more_results(MYSQL *mysql); +int STDCALL mysql_next_result(MYSQL *mysql); +int STDCALL mysql_stmt_next_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +void STDCALL mysql_close(MYSQL *sock); + + +/* status return codes */ +#define MYSQL_NO_DATA 100 +#define MYSQL_DATA_TRUNCATED 101 + +#define mysql_reload(mysql) mysql_refresh((mysql),REFRESH_GRANT) + +#ifdef USE_OLD_FUNCTIONS +MYSQL * STDCALL mysql_connect(MYSQL *mysql, const char *host, + const char *user, const char *passwd); +int STDCALL mysql_create_db(MYSQL *mysql, const char *DB); +int STDCALL mysql_drop_db(MYSQL *mysql, const char *DB); +#endif +#define HAVE_MYSQL_REAL_CONNECT + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* _mysql_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql.h.pp b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql.h.pp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3a5c40d0a --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql.h.pp @@ -0,0 +1,612 @@ +typedef char my_bool; +typedef int my_socket; +#include "mysql_version.h" +#include "mysql_com.h" +enum enum_server_command +{ + COM_SLEEP, COM_QUIT, COM_INIT_DB, COM_QUERY, COM_FIELD_LIST, + COM_CREATE_DB, COM_DROP_DB, COM_REFRESH, COM_SHUTDOWN, COM_STATISTICS, + COM_PROCESS_INFO, COM_CONNECT, COM_PROCESS_KILL, COM_DEBUG, COM_PING, + COM_TIME, COM_DELAYED_INSERT, COM_CHANGE_USER, COM_BINLOG_DUMP, + COM_TABLE_DUMP, COM_CONNECT_OUT, COM_REGISTER_SLAVE, + COM_STMT_PREPARE, COM_STMT_EXECUTE, COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA, COM_STMT_CLOSE, + COM_STMT_RESET, COM_SET_OPTION, COM_STMT_FETCH, COM_DAEMON, + COM_BINLOG_DUMP_GTID, + COM_END +}; +struct st_vio; +typedef struct st_vio Vio; +typedef struct st_net { + Vio *vio; + unsigned char *buff,*buff_end,*write_pos,*read_pos; + my_socket fd; + unsigned long remain_in_buf,length, buf_length, where_b; + unsigned long max_packet,max_packet_size; + unsigned int pkt_nr,compress_pkt_nr; + unsigned int write_timeout, read_timeout, retry_count; + int fcntl; + unsigned int *return_status; + unsigned char reading_or_writing; + char save_char; + my_bool unused1; + my_bool unused2; + my_bool compress; + my_bool unused3; + unsigned char *unused; + unsigned int last_errno; + unsigned char error; + my_bool unused4; + my_bool unused5; + char last_error[512]; + char sqlstate[5 +1]; + void *extension; +} NET; +enum enum_field_types { MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL, MYSQL_TYPE_TINY, + MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, + MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT, MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE, + MYSQL_TYPE_NULL, MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, + MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG,MYSQL_TYPE_INT24, + MYSQL_TYPE_DATE, MYSQL_TYPE_TIME, + MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR, + MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE, MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR, + MYSQL_TYPE_BIT, + MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP2, + MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME2, + MYSQL_TYPE_TIME2, + MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL=246, + MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM=247, + MYSQL_TYPE_SET=248, + MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB=249, + MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB=250, + MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB=251, + MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB=252, + MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING=253, + MYSQL_TYPE_STRING=254, + MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY=255 +}; +enum mysql_enum_shutdown_level { + SHUTDOWN_DEFAULT = 0, + SHUTDOWN_WAIT_CONNECTIONS= (unsigned char)(1 << 0), + SHUTDOWN_WAIT_TRANSACTIONS= (unsigned char)(1 << 1), + SHUTDOWN_WAIT_UPDATES= (unsigned char)(1 << 3), + SHUTDOWN_WAIT_ALL_BUFFERS= ((unsigned char)(1 << 3) << 1), + SHUTDOWN_WAIT_CRITICAL_BUFFERS= ((unsigned char)(1 << 3) << 1) + 1, + KILL_QUERY= 254, + KILL_CONNECTION= 255 +}; +enum enum_cursor_type +{ + CURSOR_TYPE_NO_CURSOR= 0, + CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY= 1, + CURSOR_TYPE_FOR_UPDATE= 2, + CURSOR_TYPE_SCROLLABLE= 4 +}; +enum enum_mysql_set_option +{ + MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_ON, + MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_OFF +}; +my_bool my_net_init(NET *net, Vio* vio); +void my_net_local_init(NET *net); +void net_end(NET *net); +void net_clear(NET *net, my_bool check_buffer); +my_bool net_realloc(NET *net, size_t length); +my_bool net_flush(NET *net); +my_bool my_net_write(NET *net,const unsigned char *packet, size_t len); +my_bool net_write_command(NET *net,unsigned char command, + const unsigned char *header, size_t head_len, + const unsigned char *packet, size_t len); +my_bool net_write_packet(NET *net, const unsigned char *packet, size_t length); +unsigned long my_net_read(NET *net); +struct rand_struct { + unsigned long seed1,seed2,max_value; + double max_value_dbl; +}; +enum Item_result {STRING_RESULT=0, REAL_RESULT, INT_RESULT, ROW_RESULT, + DECIMAL_RESULT}; +typedef struct st_udf_args +{ + unsigned int arg_count; + enum Item_result *arg_type; + char **args; + unsigned long *lengths; + char *maybe_null; + char **attributes; + unsigned long *attribute_lengths; + void *extension; +} UDF_ARGS; +typedef struct st_udf_init +{ + my_bool maybe_null; + unsigned int decimals; + unsigned long max_length; + char *ptr; + my_bool const_item; + void *extension; +} UDF_INIT; +void randominit(struct rand_struct *, unsigned long seed1, + unsigned long seed2); +double my_rnd(struct rand_struct *); +void create_random_string(char *to, unsigned int length, struct rand_struct *rand_st); +void hash_password(unsigned long *to, const char *password, unsigned int password_len); +void make_scrambled_password_323(char *to, const char *password); +void scramble_323(char *to, const char *message, const char *password); +my_bool check_scramble_323(const unsigned char *reply, const char *message, + unsigned long *salt); +void get_salt_from_password_323(unsigned long *res, const char *password); +void make_password_from_salt_323(char *to, const unsigned long *salt); +void make_scrambled_password(char *to, const char *password); +void scramble(char *to, const char *message, const char *password); +my_bool check_scramble(const unsigned char *reply, const char *message, + const unsigned char *hash_stage2); +void get_salt_from_password(unsigned char *res, const char *password); +void make_password_from_salt(char *to, const unsigned char *hash_stage2); +char *octet2hex(char *to, const char *str, unsigned int len); +char *get_tty_password(const char *opt_message); +const char *mysql_errno_to_sqlstate(unsigned int mysql_errno); +my_bool my_thread_init(void); +void my_thread_end(void); +#include "mysql_time.h" +enum enum_mysql_timestamp_type +{ + MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_NONE= -2, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_ERROR= -1, + MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE= 0, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME= 1, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME= 2 +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_time +{ + unsigned int year, month, day, hour, minute, second; + unsigned long second_part; + my_bool neg; + enum enum_mysql_timestamp_type time_type; +} MYSQL_TIME; +#include "my_list.h" +typedef struct st_list { + struct st_list *prev,*next; + void *data; +} LIST; +typedef int (*list_walk_action)(void *,void *); +extern LIST *list_add(LIST *root,LIST *element); +extern LIST *list_delete(LIST *root,LIST *element); +extern LIST *list_cons(void *data,LIST *root); +extern LIST *list_reverse(LIST *root); +extern void list_free(LIST *root,unsigned int free_data); +extern unsigned int list_length(LIST *); +extern int list_walk(LIST *,list_walk_action action,unsigned char * argument); +extern unsigned int mysql_port; +extern char *mysql_unix_port; +typedef struct st_mysql_field { + char *name; + char *org_name; + char *table; + char *org_table; + char *db; + char *catalog; + char *def; + unsigned long length; + unsigned long max_length; + unsigned int name_length; + unsigned int org_name_length; + unsigned int table_length; + unsigned int org_table_length; + unsigned int db_length; + unsigned int catalog_length; + unsigned int def_length; + unsigned int flags; + unsigned int decimals; + unsigned int charsetnr; + enum enum_field_types type; + void *extension; +} MYSQL_FIELD; +typedef char **MYSQL_ROW; +typedef unsigned int MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET; +typedef unsigned long long my_ulonglong; +#include "typelib.h" +#include "my_alloc.h" +typedef struct st_used_mem +{ + struct st_used_mem *next; + unsigned int left; + unsigned int size; +} USED_MEM; +typedef struct st_mem_root +{ + USED_MEM *free; + USED_MEM *used; + USED_MEM *pre_alloc; + size_t min_malloc; + size_t block_size; + unsigned int block_num; + unsigned int first_block_usage; + void (*error_handler)(void); +} MEM_ROOT; +typedef struct st_typelib { + unsigned int count; + const char *name; + const char **type_names; + unsigned int *type_lengths; +} TYPELIB; +extern my_ulonglong find_typeset(char *x, TYPELIB *typelib,int *error_position); +extern int find_type_or_exit(const char *x, TYPELIB *typelib, + const char *option); +extern int find_type(const char *x, const TYPELIB *typelib, unsigned int flags); +extern void make_type(char *to,unsigned int nr,TYPELIB *typelib); +extern const char *get_type(TYPELIB *typelib,unsigned int nr); +extern TYPELIB *copy_typelib(MEM_ROOT *root, TYPELIB *from); +extern TYPELIB sql_protocol_typelib; +my_ulonglong find_set_from_flags(const TYPELIB *lib, unsigned int default_name, + my_ulonglong cur_set, my_ulonglong default_set, + const char *str, unsigned int length, + char **err_pos, unsigned int *err_len); +typedef struct st_mysql_rows { + struct st_mysql_rows *next; + MYSQL_ROW data; + unsigned long length; +} MYSQL_ROWS; +typedef MYSQL_ROWS *MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET; +#include "my_alloc.h" +typedef struct embedded_query_result EMBEDDED_QUERY_RESULT; +typedef struct st_mysql_data { + MYSQL_ROWS *data; + struct embedded_query_result *embedded_info; + MEM_ROOT alloc; + my_ulonglong rows; + unsigned int fields; + void *extension; +} MYSQL_DATA; +enum mysql_option +{ + MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS, MYSQL_OPT_NAMED_PIPE, + MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, + MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_DIR, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE, + MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL, MYSQL_SHARED_MEMORY_BASE_NAME, MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT, + MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT, MYSQL_OPT_USE_RESULT, + MYSQL_OPT_USE_REMOTE_CONNECTION, MYSQL_OPT_USE_EMBEDDED_CONNECTION, + MYSQL_OPT_GUESS_CONNECTION, MYSQL_SET_CLIENT_IP, MYSQL_SECURE_AUTH, + MYSQL_REPORT_DATA_TRUNCATION, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, + MYSQL_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT, MYSQL_PLUGIN_DIR, MYSQL_DEFAULT_AUTH, + MYSQL_OPT_BIND, + MYSQL_OPT_SSL_KEY, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CERT, + MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CA, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CAPATH, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CIPHER, + MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CRL, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CRLPATH, + MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_RESET, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_ADD, + MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_DELETE, + MYSQL_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY, + MYSQL_ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN, + MYSQL_OPT_CAN_HANDLE_EXPIRED_PASSWORDS +}; +struct st_mysql_options_extention; +struct st_mysql_options { + unsigned int connect_timeout, read_timeout, write_timeout; + unsigned int port, protocol; + unsigned long client_flag; + char *host,*user,*password,*unix_socket,*db; + struct st_dynamic_array *init_commands; + char *my_cnf_file,*my_cnf_group, *charset_dir, *charset_name; + char *ssl_key; + char *ssl_cert; + char *ssl_ca; + char *ssl_capath; + char *ssl_cipher; + char *shared_memory_base_name; + unsigned long max_allowed_packet; + my_bool use_ssl; + my_bool compress,named_pipe; + my_bool unused1; + my_bool unused2; + my_bool unused3; + my_bool unused4; + enum mysql_option methods_to_use; + union { + char *client_ip; + char *bind_address; + } ci; + my_bool secure_auth; + my_bool report_data_truncation; + int (*local_infile_init)(void **, const char *, void *); + int (*local_infile_read)(void *, char *, unsigned int); + void (*local_infile_end)(void *); + int (*local_infile_error)(void *, char *, unsigned int); + void *local_infile_userdata; + struct st_mysql_options_extention *extension; +}; +enum mysql_status +{ + MYSQL_STATUS_READY, MYSQL_STATUS_GET_RESULT, MYSQL_STATUS_USE_RESULT, + MYSQL_STATUS_STATEMENT_GET_RESULT +}; +enum mysql_protocol_type +{ + MYSQL_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT, MYSQL_PROTOCOL_TCP, MYSQL_PROTOCOL_SOCKET, + MYSQL_PROTOCOL_PIPE, MYSQL_PROTOCOL_MEMORY +}; +typedef struct character_set +{ + unsigned int number; + unsigned int state; + const char *csname; + const char *name; + const char *comment; + const char *dir; + unsigned int mbminlen; + unsigned int mbmaxlen; +} MY_CHARSET_INFO; +struct st_mysql_methods; +struct st_mysql_stmt; +typedef struct st_mysql +{ + NET net; + unsigned char *connector_fd; + char *host,*user,*passwd,*unix_socket,*server_version,*host_info; + char *info, *db; + struct charset_info_st *charset; + MYSQL_FIELD *fields; + MEM_ROOT field_alloc; + my_ulonglong affected_rows; + my_ulonglong insert_id; + my_ulonglong extra_info; + unsigned long thread_id; + unsigned long packet_length; + unsigned int port; + unsigned long client_flag,server_capabilities; + unsigned int protocol_version; + unsigned int field_count; + unsigned int server_status; + unsigned int server_language; + unsigned int warning_count; + struct st_mysql_options options; + enum mysql_status status; + my_bool free_me; + my_bool reconnect; + char scramble[20 +1]; + my_bool unused1; + void *unused2, *unused3, *unused4, *unused5; + LIST *stmts; + const struct st_mysql_methods *methods; + void *thd; + my_bool *unbuffered_fetch_owner; + char *info_buffer; + void *extension; +} MYSQL; +typedef struct st_mysql_res { + my_ulonglong row_count; + MYSQL_FIELD *fields; + MYSQL_DATA *data; + MYSQL_ROWS *data_cursor; + unsigned long *lengths; + MYSQL *handle; + const struct st_mysql_methods *methods; + MYSQL_ROW row; + MYSQL_ROW current_row; + MEM_ROOT field_alloc; + unsigned int field_count, current_field; + my_bool eof; + my_bool unbuffered_fetch_cancelled; + void *extension; +} MYSQL_RES; +typedef struct st_mysql_parameters +{ + unsigned long *p_max_allowed_packet; + unsigned long *p_net_buffer_length; + void *extension; +} MYSQL_PARAMETERS; +int mysql_server_init(int argc, char **argv, char **groups); +void mysql_server_end(void); +MYSQL_PARAMETERS * mysql_get_parameters(void); +my_bool mysql_thread_init(void); +void mysql_thread_end(void); +my_ulonglong mysql_num_rows(MYSQL_RES *res); +unsigned int mysql_num_fields(MYSQL_RES *res); +my_bool mysql_eof(MYSQL_RES *res); +MYSQL_FIELD * mysql_fetch_field_direct(MYSQL_RES *res, + unsigned int fieldnr); +MYSQL_FIELD * mysql_fetch_fields(MYSQL_RES *res); +MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET mysql_row_tell(MYSQL_RES *res); +MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET mysql_field_tell(MYSQL_RES *res); +unsigned int mysql_field_count(MYSQL *mysql); +my_ulonglong mysql_affected_rows(MYSQL *mysql); +my_ulonglong mysql_insert_id(MYSQL *mysql); +unsigned int mysql_errno(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * mysql_error(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * mysql_sqlstate(MYSQL *mysql); +unsigned int mysql_warning_count(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * mysql_info(MYSQL *mysql); +unsigned long mysql_thread_id(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * mysql_character_set_name(MYSQL *mysql); +int mysql_set_character_set(MYSQL *mysql, const char *csname); +MYSQL * mysql_init(MYSQL *mysql); +my_bool mysql_ssl_set(MYSQL *mysql, const char *key, + const char *cert, const char *ca, + const char *capath, const char *cipher); +const char * mysql_get_ssl_cipher(MYSQL *mysql); +my_bool mysql_change_user(MYSQL *mysql, const char *user, + const char *passwd, const char *db); +MYSQL * mysql_real_connect(MYSQL *mysql, const char *host, + const char *user, + const char *passwd, + const char *db, + unsigned int port, + const char *unix_socket, + unsigned long clientflag); +int mysql_select_db(MYSQL *mysql, const char *db); +int mysql_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q); +int mysql_send_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q, + unsigned long length); +int mysql_real_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q, + unsigned long length); +MYSQL_RES * mysql_store_result(MYSQL *mysql); +MYSQL_RES * mysql_use_result(MYSQL *mysql); +void mysql_get_character_set_info(MYSQL *mysql, + MY_CHARSET_INFO *charset); +void +mysql_set_local_infile_handler(MYSQL *mysql, + int (*local_infile_init)(void **, const char *, + void *), + int (*local_infile_read)(void *, char *, + unsigned int), + void (*local_infile_end)(void *), + int (*local_infile_error)(void *, char*, + unsigned int), + void *); +void +mysql_set_local_infile_default(MYSQL *mysql); +int mysql_shutdown(MYSQL *mysql, + enum mysql_enum_shutdown_level + shutdown_level); +int mysql_dump_debug_info(MYSQL *mysql); +int mysql_refresh(MYSQL *mysql, + unsigned int refresh_options); +int mysql_kill(MYSQL *mysql,unsigned long pid); +int mysql_set_server_option(MYSQL *mysql, + enum enum_mysql_set_option + option); +int mysql_ping(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * mysql_stat(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * mysql_get_server_info(MYSQL *mysql); +const char * mysql_get_client_info(void); +unsigned long mysql_get_client_version(void); +const char * mysql_get_host_info(MYSQL *mysql); +unsigned long mysql_get_server_version(MYSQL *mysql); +unsigned int mysql_get_proto_info(MYSQL *mysql); +MYSQL_RES * mysql_list_dbs(MYSQL *mysql,const char *wild); +MYSQL_RES * mysql_list_tables(MYSQL *mysql,const char *wild); +MYSQL_RES * mysql_list_processes(MYSQL *mysql); +int mysql_options(MYSQL *mysql,enum mysql_option option, + const void *arg); +int mysql_options4(MYSQL *mysql,enum mysql_option option, + const void *arg1, const void *arg2); +void mysql_free_result(MYSQL_RES *result); +void mysql_data_seek(MYSQL_RES *result, + my_ulonglong offset); +MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET mysql_row_seek(MYSQL_RES *result, + MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET offset); +MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET mysql_field_seek(MYSQL_RES *result, + MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET offset); +MYSQL_ROW mysql_fetch_row(MYSQL_RES *result); +unsigned long * mysql_fetch_lengths(MYSQL_RES *result); +MYSQL_FIELD * mysql_fetch_field(MYSQL_RES *result); +MYSQL_RES * mysql_list_fields(MYSQL *mysql, const char *table, + const char *wild); +unsigned long mysql_escape_string(char *to,const char *from, + unsigned long from_length); +unsigned long mysql_hex_string(char *to,const char *from, + unsigned long from_length); +unsigned long mysql_real_escape_string(MYSQL *mysql, + char *to,const char *from, + unsigned long length); +void mysql_debug(const char *debug); +void myodbc_remove_escape(MYSQL *mysql,char *name); +unsigned int mysql_thread_safe(void); +my_bool mysql_embedded(void); +my_bool mysql_read_query_result(MYSQL *mysql); +enum enum_mysql_stmt_state +{ + MYSQL_STMT_INIT_DONE= 1, MYSQL_STMT_PREPARE_DONE, MYSQL_STMT_EXECUTE_DONE, + MYSQL_STMT_FETCH_DONE +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_bind +{ + unsigned long *length; + my_bool *is_null; + void *buffer; + my_bool *error; + unsigned char *row_ptr; + void (*store_param_func)(NET *net, struct st_mysql_bind *param); + void (*fetch_result)(struct st_mysql_bind *, MYSQL_FIELD *, + unsigned char **row); + void (*skip_result)(struct st_mysql_bind *, MYSQL_FIELD *, + unsigned char **row); + unsigned long buffer_length; + unsigned long offset; + unsigned long length_value; + unsigned int param_number; + unsigned int pack_length; + enum enum_field_types buffer_type; + my_bool error_value; + my_bool is_unsigned; + my_bool long_data_used; + my_bool is_null_value; + void *extension; +} MYSQL_BIND; +struct st_mysql_stmt_extension; +typedef struct st_mysql_stmt +{ + MEM_ROOT mem_root; + LIST list; + MYSQL *mysql; + MYSQL_BIND *params; + MYSQL_BIND *bind; + MYSQL_FIELD *fields; + MYSQL_DATA result; + MYSQL_ROWS *data_cursor; + int (*read_row_func)(struct st_mysql_stmt *stmt, + unsigned char **row); + my_ulonglong affected_rows; + my_ulonglong insert_id; + unsigned long stmt_id; + unsigned long flags; + unsigned long prefetch_rows; + unsigned int server_status; + unsigned int last_errno; + unsigned int param_count; + unsigned int field_count; + enum enum_mysql_stmt_state state; + char last_error[512]; + char sqlstate[5 +1]; + my_bool send_types_to_server; + my_bool bind_param_done; + unsigned char bind_result_done; + my_bool unbuffered_fetch_cancelled; + my_bool update_max_length; + struct st_mysql_stmt_extension *extension; +} MYSQL_STMT; +enum enum_stmt_attr_type +{ + STMT_ATTR_UPDATE_MAX_LENGTH, + STMT_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE, + STMT_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS +}; +MYSQL_STMT * mysql_stmt_init(MYSQL *mysql); +int mysql_stmt_prepare(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, const char *query, + unsigned long length); +int mysql_stmt_execute(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +int mysql_stmt_fetch(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +int mysql_stmt_fetch_column(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, MYSQL_BIND *bind_arg, + unsigned int column, + unsigned long offset); +int mysql_stmt_store_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +unsigned long mysql_stmt_param_count(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +my_bool mysql_stmt_attr_set(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, + enum enum_stmt_attr_type attr_type, + const void *attr); +my_bool mysql_stmt_attr_get(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, + enum enum_stmt_attr_type attr_type, + void *attr); +my_bool mysql_stmt_bind_param(MYSQL_STMT * stmt, MYSQL_BIND * bnd); +my_bool mysql_stmt_bind_result(MYSQL_STMT * stmt, MYSQL_BIND * bnd); +my_bool mysql_stmt_close(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +my_bool mysql_stmt_reset(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +my_bool mysql_stmt_free_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +my_bool mysql_stmt_send_long_data(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, + unsigned int param_number, + const char *data, + unsigned long length); +MYSQL_RES * mysql_stmt_result_metadata(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +MYSQL_RES * mysql_stmt_param_metadata(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +unsigned int mysql_stmt_errno(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +const char * mysql_stmt_error(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +const char * mysql_stmt_sqlstate(MYSQL_STMT * stmt); +MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET mysql_stmt_row_seek(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, + MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET offset); +MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET mysql_stmt_row_tell(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +void mysql_stmt_data_seek(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, my_ulonglong offset); +my_ulonglong mysql_stmt_num_rows(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +my_ulonglong mysql_stmt_affected_rows(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +my_ulonglong mysql_stmt_insert_id(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +unsigned int mysql_stmt_field_count(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +my_bool mysql_commit(MYSQL * mysql); +my_bool mysql_rollback(MYSQL * mysql); +my_bool mysql_autocommit(MYSQL * mysql, my_bool auto_mode); +my_bool mysql_more_results(MYSQL *mysql); +int mysql_next_result(MYSQL *mysql); +int mysql_stmt_next_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +void mysql_close(MYSQL *sock); diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/client_authentication.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/client_authentication.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8873bf16b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/client_authentication.h @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#ifndef CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION_H +#define CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION_H +#include +#include "mysql.h" +#include "mysql/client_plugin.h" + +C_MODE_START +int sha256_password_auth_client(MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO *vio, MYSQL *mysql); +int sha256_password_init(char *, size_t, int, va_list); +int sha256_password_deinit(void); +C_MODE_END + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/client_plugin.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/client_plugin.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9be9914a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/client_plugin.h @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +#ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT_PLUGIN_INCLUDED +/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/** + @file + + MySQL Client Plugin API + + This file defines the API for plugins that work on the client side +*/ +#define MYSQL_CLIENT_PLUGIN_INCLUDED + +#ifndef MYSQL_ABI_CHECK +#include +#include +#endif + +/* known plugin types */ +#define MYSQL_CLIENT_reserved1 0 +#define MYSQL_CLIENT_reserved2 1 +#define MYSQL_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION_PLUGIN 2 + +#define MYSQL_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION_PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION 0x0100 + +#define MYSQL_CLIENT_MAX_PLUGINS 3 + +#define mysql_declare_client_plugin(X) \ + MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT struct st_mysql_client_plugin_ ## X \ + _mysql_client_plugin_declaration_ = { \ + MYSQL_CLIENT_ ## X ## _PLUGIN, \ + MYSQL_CLIENT_ ## X ## _PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION, +#define mysql_end_client_plugin } + +/* generic plugin header structure */ +#define MYSQL_CLIENT_PLUGIN_HEADER \ + int type; \ + unsigned int interface_version; \ + const char *name; \ + const char *author; \ + const char *desc; \ + unsigned int version[3]; \ + const char *license; \ + void *mysql_api; \ + int (*init)(char *, size_t, int, va_list); \ + int (*deinit)(); \ + int (*options)(const char *option, const void *); + +struct st_mysql_client_plugin +{ + MYSQL_CLIENT_PLUGIN_HEADER +}; + +struct st_mysql; + +/******** authentication plugin specific declarations *********/ +#include + +struct st_mysql_client_plugin_AUTHENTICATION +{ + MYSQL_CLIENT_PLUGIN_HEADER + int (*authenticate_user)(MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO *vio, struct st_mysql *mysql); +}; + +/******** using plugins ************/ + +/** + loads a plugin and initializes it + + @param mysql MYSQL structure. + @param name a name of the plugin to load + @param type type of plugin that should be loaded, -1 to disable type check + @param argc number of arguments to pass to the plugin initialization + function + @param ... arguments for the plugin initialization function + + @retval + a pointer to the loaded plugin, or NULL in case of a failure +*/ +struct st_mysql_client_plugin * +mysql_load_plugin(struct st_mysql *mysql, const char *name, int type, + int argc, ...); + +/** + loads a plugin and initializes it, taking va_list as an argument + + This is the same as mysql_load_plugin, but take va_list instead of + a list of arguments. + + @param mysql MYSQL structure. + @param name a name of the plugin to load + @param type type of plugin that should be loaded, -1 to disable type check + @param argc number of arguments to pass to the plugin initialization + function + @param args arguments for the plugin initialization function + + @retval + a pointer to the loaded plugin, or NULL in case of a failure +*/ +struct st_mysql_client_plugin * +mysql_load_plugin_v(struct st_mysql *mysql, const char *name, int type, + int argc, va_list args); + +/** + finds an already loaded plugin by name, or loads it, if necessary + + @param mysql MYSQL structure. + @param name a name of the plugin to load + @param type type of plugin that should be loaded + + @retval + a pointer to the plugin, or NULL in case of a failure +*/ +struct st_mysql_client_plugin * +mysql_client_find_plugin(struct st_mysql *mysql, const char *name, int type); + +/** + adds a plugin structure to the list of loaded plugins + + This is useful if an application has the necessary functionality + (for example, a special load data handler) statically linked into + the application binary. It can use this function to register the plugin + directly, avoiding the need to factor it out into a shared object. + + @param mysql MYSQL structure. It is only used for error reporting + @param plugin an st_mysql_client_plugin structure to register + + @retval + a pointer to the plugin, or NULL in case of a failure +*/ +struct st_mysql_client_plugin * +mysql_client_register_plugin(struct st_mysql *mysql, + struct st_mysql_client_plugin *plugin); + +/** + set plugin options + + Can be used to set extra options and affect behavior for a plugin. + This function may be called multiple times to set several options + + @param plugin an st_mysql_client_plugin structure + @param option a string which specifies the option to set + @param value value for the option. + + @retval 0 on success, 1 in case of failure +**/ +int mysql_plugin_options(struct st_mysql_client_plugin *plugin, + const char *option, const void *value); +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/client_plugin.h.pp b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/client_plugin.h.pp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..93eaff750 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/client_plugin.h.pp @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +struct st_mysql_client_plugin +{ + int type; unsigned int interface_version; const char *name; const char *author; const char *desc; unsigned int version[3]; const char *license; void *mysql_api; int (*init)(char *, size_t, int, va_list); int (*deinit)(); int (*options)(const char *option, const void *); +}; +struct st_mysql; +#include +typedef struct st_plugin_vio_info +{ + enum { MYSQL_VIO_INVALID, MYSQL_VIO_TCP, MYSQL_VIO_SOCKET, + MYSQL_VIO_PIPE, MYSQL_VIO_MEMORY } protocol; + int socket; +} MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO_INFO; +typedef struct st_plugin_vio +{ + int (*read_packet)(struct st_plugin_vio *vio, + unsigned char **buf); + int (*write_packet)(struct st_plugin_vio *vio, + const unsigned char *packet, + int packet_len); + void (*info)(struct st_plugin_vio *vio, struct st_plugin_vio_info *info); +} MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO; +struct st_mysql_client_plugin_AUTHENTICATION +{ + int type; unsigned int interface_version; const char *name; const char *author; const char *desc; unsigned int version[3]; const char *license; void *mysql_api; int (*init)(char *, size_t, int, va_list); int (*deinit)(); int (*options)(const char *option, const void *); + int (*authenticate_user)(MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO *vio, struct st_mysql *mysql); +}; +struct st_mysql_client_plugin * +mysql_load_plugin(struct st_mysql *mysql, const char *name, int type, + int argc, ...); +struct st_mysql_client_plugin * +mysql_load_plugin_v(struct st_mysql *mysql, const char *name, int type, + int argc, va_list args); +struct st_mysql_client_plugin * +mysql_client_find_plugin(struct st_mysql *mysql, const char *name, int type); +struct st_mysql_client_plugin * +mysql_client_register_plugin(struct st_mysql *mysql, + struct st_mysql_client_plugin *plugin); +int mysql_plugin_options(struct st_mysql_client_plugin *plugin, + const char *option, const void *value); diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/get_password.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/get_password.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a633c58c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/get_password.h @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* +** Ask for a password from tty +** This is an own file to avoid conflicts with curses +*/ + +#ifndef MYSQL_GET_PASSWORD_H_INCLUDED +#define MYSQL_GET_PASSWORD_H_INCLUDED + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +typedef char *(* strdup_handler_t)(const char *, int); +char *get_tty_password_ext(const char *opt_message, + strdup_handler_t strdup_function); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* ! MYSQL_GET_PASSWORD_H_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/innodb_priv.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/innodb_priv.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c19becd69 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/innodb_priv.h @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ + +#ifndef INNODB_PRIV_INCLUDED +#define INNODB_PRIV_INCLUDED + +/** @file Declaring server-internal functions that are used by InnoDB. */ + +#include + +class THD; + +int get_quote_char_for_identifier(THD *thd, const char *name, uint length); +bool schema_table_store_record(THD *thd, TABLE *table); +void localtime_to_TIME(MYSQL_TIME *to, struct tm *from); +bool check_global_access(THD *thd, ulong want_access); +uint strconvert(CHARSET_INFO *from_cs, const char *from, + CHARSET_INFO *to_cs, char *to, uint to_length, + uint *errors); +void sql_print_error(const char *format, ...); + + + +#endif /* INNODB_PRIV_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..29f4311f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin.h @@ -0,0 +1,676 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2005, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _my_plugin_h +#define _my_plugin_h + +/* + On Windows, exports from DLL need to be declared + Also, plugin needs to be declared as extern "C" because MSVC + unlike other compilers, uses C++ mangling for variables not only + for functions. +*/ +#if defined(_MSC_VER) +#if defined(MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN) + #ifdef __cplusplus + #define MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) + #else + #define MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) + #endif +#else /* MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN */ + #ifdef __cplusplus + #define MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT extern "C" + #else + #define MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT + #endif +#endif /*MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN */ +#else /*_MSC_VER */ +#define MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +class THD; +class Item; +#define MYSQL_THD THD* +#else +#define MYSQL_THD void* +#endif + +typedef void * MYSQL_PLUGIN; + +#include + +#define MYSQL_XIDDATASIZE 128 +/** + struct st_mysql_xid is binary compatible with the XID structure as + in the X/Open CAE Specification, Distributed Transaction Processing: + The XA Specification, X/Open Company Ltd., 1991. + http://www.opengroup.org/bookstore/catalog/c193.htm + + @see XID in sql/handler.h +*/ +struct st_mysql_xid { + long formatID; + long gtrid_length; + long bqual_length; + char data[MYSQL_XIDDATASIZE]; /* Not \0-terminated */ +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_xid MYSQL_XID; + +/************************************************************************* + Plugin API. Common for all plugin types. +*/ + +#define MYSQL_PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION 0x0104 + +/* + The allowable types of plugins +*/ +#define MYSQL_UDF_PLUGIN 0 /* User-defined function */ +#define MYSQL_STORAGE_ENGINE_PLUGIN 1 /* Storage Engine */ +#define MYSQL_FTPARSER_PLUGIN 2 /* Full-text parser plugin */ +#define MYSQL_DAEMON_PLUGIN 3 /* The daemon/raw plugin type */ +#define MYSQL_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_PLUGIN 4 /* The I_S plugin type */ +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_PLUGIN 5 /* The Audit plugin type */ +#define MYSQL_REPLICATION_PLUGIN 6 /* The replication plugin type */ +#define MYSQL_AUTHENTICATION_PLUGIN 7 /* The authentication plugin type */ +#define MYSQL_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_PLUGIN 8 /* validate password plugin type */ +#define MYSQL_MAX_PLUGIN_TYPE_NUM 9 /* The number of plugin types */ + +/* We use the following strings to define licenses for plugins */ +#define PLUGIN_LICENSE_PROPRIETARY 0 +#define PLUGIN_LICENSE_GPL 1 +#define PLUGIN_LICENSE_BSD 2 + +#define PLUGIN_LICENSE_PROPRIETARY_STRING "PROPRIETARY" +#define PLUGIN_LICENSE_GPL_STRING "GPL" +#define PLUGIN_LICENSE_BSD_STRING "BSD" + +/* + Macros for beginning and ending plugin declarations. Between + mysql_declare_plugin and mysql_declare_plugin_end there should + be a st_mysql_plugin struct for each plugin to be declared. +*/ + + +#ifndef MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN +#define __MYSQL_DECLARE_PLUGIN(NAME, VERSION, PSIZE, DECLS) \ +MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT int VERSION= MYSQL_PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION; \ +MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT int PSIZE= sizeof(struct st_mysql_plugin); \ +MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT struct st_mysql_plugin DECLS[]= { +#else +#define __MYSQL_DECLARE_PLUGIN(NAME, VERSION, PSIZE, DECLS) \ +MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT int _mysql_plugin_interface_version_= MYSQL_PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION; \ +MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT int _mysql_sizeof_struct_st_plugin_= sizeof(struct st_mysql_plugin); \ +MYSQL_PLUGIN_EXPORT struct st_mysql_plugin _mysql_plugin_declarations_[]= { +#endif + +#define mysql_declare_plugin(NAME) \ +__MYSQL_DECLARE_PLUGIN(NAME, \ + builtin_ ## NAME ## _plugin_interface_version, \ + builtin_ ## NAME ## _sizeof_struct_st_plugin, \ + builtin_ ## NAME ## _plugin) + +#define mysql_declare_plugin_end ,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}} + +/** + declarations for SHOW STATUS support in plugins +*/ +enum enum_mysql_show_type +{ + SHOW_UNDEF, SHOW_BOOL, + SHOW_INT, ///< shown as _unsigned_ int + SHOW_LONG, ///< shown as _unsigned_ long + SHOW_LONGLONG, ///< shown as _unsigned_ longlong + SHOW_CHAR, SHOW_CHAR_PTR, + SHOW_ARRAY, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_DOUBLE, + SHOW_always_last +}; + +struct st_mysql_show_var { + const char *name; + char *value; + enum enum_mysql_show_type type; +}; + +#define SHOW_VAR_FUNC_BUFF_SIZE 1024 +typedef int (*mysql_show_var_func)(MYSQL_THD, struct st_mysql_show_var*, char *); + + +/* + Constants for plugin flags. + */ + +#define PLUGIN_OPT_NO_INSTALL 1UL /* Not dynamically loadable */ +#define PLUGIN_OPT_NO_UNINSTALL 2UL /* Not dynamically unloadable */ + + +/* + declarations for server variables and command line options +*/ + + +#define PLUGIN_VAR_BOOL 0x0001 +#define PLUGIN_VAR_INT 0x0002 +#define PLUGIN_VAR_LONG 0x0003 +#define PLUGIN_VAR_LONGLONG 0x0004 +#define PLUGIN_VAR_STR 0x0005 +#define PLUGIN_VAR_ENUM 0x0006 +#define PLUGIN_VAR_SET 0x0007 +#define PLUGIN_VAR_DOUBLE 0x0008 +#define PLUGIN_VAR_UNSIGNED 0x0080 +#define PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL 0x0100 /* Variable is per-connection */ +#define PLUGIN_VAR_READONLY 0x0200 /* Server variable is read only */ +#define PLUGIN_VAR_NOSYSVAR 0x0400 /* Not a server variable */ +#define PLUGIN_VAR_NOCMDOPT 0x0800 /* Not a command line option */ +#define PLUGIN_VAR_NOCMDARG 0x1000 /* No argument for cmd line */ +#define PLUGIN_VAR_RQCMDARG 0x0000 /* Argument required for cmd line */ +#define PLUGIN_VAR_OPCMDARG 0x2000 /* Argument optional for cmd line */ +#define PLUGIN_VAR_MEMALLOC 0x8000 /* String needs memory allocated */ + +struct st_mysql_sys_var; +struct st_mysql_value; + +/* + SYNOPSIS + (*mysql_var_check_func)() + thd thread handle + var dynamic variable being altered + save pointer to temporary storage + value user provided value + RETURN + 0 user provided value is OK and the update func may be called. + any other value indicates error. + + This function should parse the user provided value and store in the + provided temporary storage any data as required by the update func. + There is sufficient space in the temporary storage to store a double. + Note that the update func may not be called if any other error occurs + so any memory allocated should be thread-local so that it may be freed + automatically at the end of the statement. +*/ + +typedef int (*mysql_var_check_func)(MYSQL_THD thd, + struct st_mysql_sys_var *var, + void *save, struct st_mysql_value *value); + +/* + SYNOPSIS + (*mysql_var_update_func)() + thd thread handle + var dynamic variable being altered + var_ptr pointer to dynamic variable + save pointer to temporary storage + RETURN + NONE + + This function should use the validated value stored in the temporary store + and persist it in the provided pointer to the dynamic variable. + For example, strings may require memory to be allocated. +*/ +typedef void (*mysql_var_update_func)(MYSQL_THD thd, + struct st_mysql_sys_var *var, + void *var_ptr, const void *save); + + +/* the following declarations are for internal use only */ + + +#define PLUGIN_VAR_MASK \ + (PLUGIN_VAR_READONLY | PLUGIN_VAR_NOSYSVAR | \ + PLUGIN_VAR_NOCMDOPT | PLUGIN_VAR_NOCMDARG | \ + PLUGIN_VAR_OPCMDARG | PLUGIN_VAR_RQCMDARG | PLUGIN_VAR_MEMALLOC) + +#define MYSQL_PLUGIN_VAR_HEADER \ + int flags; \ + const char *name; \ + const char *comment; \ + mysql_var_check_func check; \ + mysql_var_update_func update + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name) mysql_sysvar_ ## name +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR(name) \ + ((struct st_mysql_sys_var *)&(MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name))) + +/* + for global variables, the value pointer is the first + element after the header, the default value is the second. + for thread variables, the value offset is the first + element after the header, the default value is the second. +*/ + + +#define DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_BASIC(name, type) struct { \ + MYSQL_PLUGIN_VAR_HEADER; \ + type *value; \ + const type def_val; \ +} MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name) + +#define DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_SIMPLE(name, type) struct { \ + MYSQL_PLUGIN_VAR_HEADER; \ + type *value; type def_val; \ + type min_val; type max_val; \ + type blk_sz; \ +} MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name) + +#define DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_TYPELIB(name, type) struct { \ + MYSQL_PLUGIN_VAR_HEADER; \ + type *value; type def_val; \ + TYPELIB *typelib; \ +} MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name) + +#define DECLARE_THDVAR_FUNC(type) \ + type *(*resolve)(MYSQL_THD thd, int offset) + +#define DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_BASIC(name, type) struct { \ + MYSQL_PLUGIN_VAR_HEADER; \ + int offset; \ + const type def_val; \ + DECLARE_THDVAR_FUNC(type); \ +} MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name) + +#define DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_SIMPLE(name, type) struct { \ + MYSQL_PLUGIN_VAR_HEADER; \ + int offset; \ + type def_val; type min_val; \ + type max_val; type blk_sz; \ + DECLARE_THDVAR_FUNC(type); \ +} MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name) + +#define DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_TYPELIB(name, type) struct { \ + MYSQL_PLUGIN_VAR_HEADER; \ + int offset; \ + type def_val; \ + DECLARE_THDVAR_FUNC(type); \ + TYPELIB *typelib; \ +} MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name) + + +/* + the following declarations are for use by plugin implementors +*/ + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_BOOL(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_BASIC(name, char) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_BOOL | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def} + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_STR(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_BASIC(name, char *) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_STR | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def} + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_INT(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_SIMPLE(name, int) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_INT | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def, min, max, blk } + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_UINT(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_SIMPLE(name, unsigned int) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_INT | PLUGIN_VAR_UNSIGNED | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def, min, max, blk } + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_LONG(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_SIMPLE(name, long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_LONG | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def, min, max, blk } + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_ULONG(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_SIMPLE(name, unsigned long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_LONG | PLUGIN_VAR_UNSIGNED | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def, min, max, blk } + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_LONGLONG(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_SIMPLE(name, long long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_LONGLONG | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def, min, max, blk } + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_ULONGLONG(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_SIMPLE(name, unsigned long long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_LONGLONG | PLUGIN_VAR_UNSIGNED | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def, min, max, blk } + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_ENUM(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def, typelib) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_TYPELIB(name, unsigned long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_ENUM | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def, typelib } + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_SET(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def, typelib) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_TYPELIB(name, unsigned long long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_SET | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def, typelib } + +#define MYSQL_SYSVAR_DOUBLE(name, varname, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_SYSVAR_SIMPLE(name, double) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_DOUBLE | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, &varname, def, min, max, blk } + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_BOOL(name, opt, comment, check, update, def) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_BASIC(name, char) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_BOOL | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, NULL} + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_STR(name, opt, comment, check, update, def) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_BASIC(name, char *) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_STR | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, NULL} + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_INT(name, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_SIMPLE(name, int) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_INT | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, min, max, blk, NULL } + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_UINT(name, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_SIMPLE(name, unsigned int) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_INT | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | PLUGIN_VAR_UNSIGNED | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, min, max, blk, NULL } + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_LONG(name, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_SIMPLE(name, long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_LONG | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, min, max, blk, NULL } + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_ULONG(name, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_SIMPLE(name, unsigned long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_LONG | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | PLUGIN_VAR_UNSIGNED | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, min, max, blk, NULL } + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_LONGLONG(name, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_SIMPLE(name, long long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_LONGLONG | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, min, max, blk, NULL } + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_ULONGLONG(name, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_SIMPLE(name, unsigned long long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_LONGLONG | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | PLUGIN_VAR_UNSIGNED | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, min, max, blk, NULL } + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_ENUM(name, opt, comment, check, update, def, typelib) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_TYPELIB(name, unsigned long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_ENUM | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, NULL, typelib } + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_SET(name, opt, comment, check, update, def, typelib) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_TYPELIB(name, unsigned long long) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_SET | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, NULL, typelib } + +#define MYSQL_THDVAR_DOUBLE(name, opt, comment, check, update, def, min, max, blk) \ +DECLARE_MYSQL_THDVAR_SIMPLE(name, double) = { \ + PLUGIN_VAR_DOUBLE | PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL | ((opt) & PLUGIN_VAR_MASK), \ + #name, comment, check, update, -1, def, min, max, blk, NULL } + +/* accessor macros */ + +#define SYSVAR(name) \ + (*(MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name).value)) + +/* when thd == null, result points to global value */ +#define THDVAR(thd, name) \ + (*(MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name).resolve(thd, MYSQL_SYSVAR_NAME(name).offset))) + + +/* + Plugin description structure. +*/ + +struct st_mysql_plugin +{ + int type; /* the plugin type (a MYSQL_XXX_PLUGIN value) */ + void *info; /* pointer to type-specific plugin descriptor */ + const char *name; /* plugin name */ + const char *author; /* plugin author (for I_S.PLUGINS) */ + const char *descr; /* general descriptive text (for I_S.PLUGINS) */ + int license; /* the plugin license (PLUGIN_LICENSE_XXX) */ + int (*init)(MYSQL_PLUGIN); /* the function to invoke when plugin is loaded */ + int (*deinit)(MYSQL_PLUGIN);/* the function to invoke when plugin is unloaded */ + unsigned int version; /* plugin version (for I_S.PLUGINS) */ + struct st_mysql_show_var *status_vars; + struct st_mysql_sys_var **system_vars; + void * __reserved1; /* reserved for dependency checking */ + unsigned long flags; /* flags for plugin */ +}; + +/************************************************************************* + API for Full-text parser plugin. (MYSQL_FTPARSER_PLUGIN) +*/ +#include "plugin_ftparser.h" + +/************************************************************************* + API for Storage Engine plugin. (MYSQL_DAEMON_PLUGIN) +*/ + +/* handlertons of different MySQL releases are incompatible */ +#define MYSQL_DAEMON_INTERFACE_VERSION (MYSQL_VERSION_ID << 8) + +/* + Here we define only the descriptor structure, that is referred from + st_mysql_plugin. +*/ + +struct st_mysql_daemon +{ + int interface_version; +}; + + +/************************************************************************* + API for I_S plugin. (MYSQL_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_PLUGIN) +*/ + +/* handlertons of different MySQL releases are incompatible */ +#define MYSQL_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_INTERFACE_VERSION (MYSQL_VERSION_ID << 8) + +/* + Here we define only the descriptor structure, that is referred from + st_mysql_plugin. +*/ + +struct st_mysql_information_schema +{ + int interface_version; +}; + + +/************************************************************************* + API for Storage Engine plugin. (MYSQL_STORAGE_ENGINE_PLUGIN) +*/ + +/* handlertons of different MySQL releases are incompatible */ +#define MYSQL_HANDLERTON_INTERFACE_VERSION (MYSQL_VERSION_ID << 8) + +/* + The real API is in the sql/handler.h + Here we define only the descriptor structure, that is referred from + st_mysql_plugin. +*/ + +struct st_mysql_storage_engine +{ + int interface_version; +}; + +struct handlerton; + + +/* + API for Replication plugin. (MYSQL_REPLICATION_PLUGIN) +*/ + #define MYSQL_REPLICATION_INTERFACE_VERSION 0x0200 + + /** + Replication plugin descriptor + */ + struct Mysql_replication { + int interface_version; + }; + +/************************************************************************* + st_mysql_value struct for reading values from mysqld. + Used by server variables framework to parse user-provided values. + Will be used for arguments when implementing UDFs. + + Note that val_str() returns a string in temporary memory + that will be freed at the end of statement. Copy the string + if you need it to persist. +*/ + +#define MYSQL_VALUE_TYPE_STRING 0 +#define MYSQL_VALUE_TYPE_REAL 1 +#define MYSQL_VALUE_TYPE_INT 2 + +struct st_mysql_value +{ + int (*value_type)(struct st_mysql_value *); + const char *(*val_str)(struct st_mysql_value *, char *buffer, int *length); + int (*val_real)(struct st_mysql_value *, double *realbuf); + int (*val_int)(struct st_mysql_value *, long long *intbuf); + int (*is_unsigned)(struct st_mysql_value *); +}; + + +/************************************************************************* + Miscellaneous functions for plugin implementors +*/ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +int thd_in_lock_tables(const MYSQL_THD thd); +int thd_tablespace_op(const MYSQL_THD thd); +long long thd_test_options(const MYSQL_THD thd, long long test_options); +int thd_sql_command(const MYSQL_THD thd); +const char *thd_proc_info(MYSQL_THD thd, const char *info); +void **thd_ha_data(const MYSQL_THD thd, const struct handlerton *hton); +void thd_storage_lock_wait(MYSQL_THD thd, long long value); +int thd_tx_isolation(const MYSQL_THD thd); +int thd_tx_is_read_only(const MYSQL_THD thd); +char *thd_security_context(MYSQL_THD thd, char *buffer, unsigned int length, + unsigned int max_query_len); +/* Increments the row counter, see THD::row_count */ +void thd_inc_row_count(MYSQL_THD thd); +int thd_allow_batch(MYSQL_THD thd); + +/** + Create a temporary file. + + @details + The temporary file is created in a location specified by the mysql + server configuration (--tmpdir option). The caller does not need to + delete the file, it will be deleted automatically. + + @param prefix prefix for temporary file name + @retval -1 error + @retval >= 0 a file handle that can be passed to dup or my_close +*/ +int mysql_tmpfile(const char *prefix); + +/** + Check the killed state of a connection + + @details + In MySQL support for the KILL statement is cooperative. The KILL + statement only sets a "killed" flag. This function returns the value + of that flag. A thread should check it often, especially inside + time-consuming loops, and gracefully abort the operation if it is + non-zero. + + @param thd user thread connection handle + @retval 0 the connection is active + @retval 1 the connection has been killed +*/ +int thd_killed(const MYSQL_THD thd); + + +/** + Get binary log position for latest written entry. + + @note The file variable will be set to a buffer holding the name of + the file name currently, but this can change if a rotation + occur. Copy the string if you want to retain it. + + @param thd Use thread connection handle + @param file_var Pointer to variable that will hold the file name. + @param pos_var Pointer to variable that will hold the file position. + */ +void thd_binlog_pos(const MYSQL_THD thd, + const char **file_var, + unsigned long long *pos_var); + +/** + Return the thread id of a user thread + + @param thd user thread connection handle + @return thread id +*/ +unsigned long thd_get_thread_id(const MYSQL_THD thd); + +/** + Get the XID for this connection's transaction + + @param thd user thread connection handle + @param xid location where identifier is stored +*/ +void thd_get_xid(const MYSQL_THD thd, MYSQL_XID *xid); + +/** + Invalidate the query cache for a given table. + + @param thd user thread connection handle + @param key databasename\\0tablename\\0 + @param key_length length of key in bytes, including the NUL bytes + @param using_trx flag: TRUE if using transactions, FALSE otherwise +*/ +void mysql_query_cache_invalidate4(MYSQL_THD thd, + const char *key, unsigned int key_length, + int using_trx); + + +/** + Provide a handler data getter to simplify coding +*/ +void *thd_get_ha_data(const MYSQL_THD thd, const struct handlerton *hton); + + +/** + Provide a handler data setter to simplify coding + + @details + Set ha_data pointer (storage engine per-connection information). + + To avoid unclean deactivation (uninstall) of storage engine plugin + in the middle of transaction, additional storage engine plugin + lock is acquired. + + If ha_data is not null and storage engine plugin was not locked + by thd_set_ha_data() in this connection before, storage engine + plugin gets locked. + + If ha_data is null and storage engine plugin was locked by + thd_set_ha_data() in this connection before, storage engine + plugin lock gets released. + + If handlerton::close_connection() didn't reset ha_data, server does + it immediately after calling handlerton::close_connection(). +*/ +void thd_set_ha_data(MYSQL_THD thd, const struct handlerton *hton, + const void *ha_data); +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_audit.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_audit.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0d3f9b8d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_audit.h @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2007, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of + the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _my_audit_h +#define _my_audit_h + +/************************************************************************* + API for Audit plugin. (MYSQL_AUDIT_PLUGIN) +*/ + +#include "plugin.h" + +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_CLASS_MASK_SIZE 1 + +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_INTERFACE_VERSION 0x0301 + + +/************************************************************************* + AUDIT CLASS : GENERAL + + LOG events occurs before emitting to the general query log. + ERROR events occur before transmitting errors to the user. + RESULT events occur after transmitting a resultset to the user. + STATUS events occur after transmitting a resultset or errors + to the user. +*/ + +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_GENERAL_CLASS 0 +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_GENERAL_CLASSMASK (1 << MYSQL_AUDIT_GENERAL_CLASS) +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_GENERAL_LOG 0 +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_GENERAL_ERROR 1 +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_GENERAL_RESULT 2 +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_GENERAL_STATUS 3 + +struct mysql_event_general +{ + unsigned int event_subclass; + int general_error_code; + unsigned long general_thread_id; + const char *general_user; + unsigned int general_user_length; + const char *general_command; + unsigned int general_command_length; + const char *general_query; + unsigned int general_query_length; + struct charset_info_st *general_charset; + unsigned long long general_time; + unsigned long long general_rows; + MYSQL_LEX_STRING general_host; + MYSQL_LEX_STRING general_sql_command; + MYSQL_LEX_STRING general_external_user; + MYSQL_LEX_STRING general_ip; +}; + + +/* + AUDIT CLASS : CONNECTION + + CONNECT occurs after authentication phase is completed. + DISCONNECT occurs after connection is terminated. + CHANGE_USER occurs after COM_CHANGE_USER RPC is completed. +*/ + +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_CONNECTION_CLASS 1 +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_CONNECTION_CLASSMASK (1 << MYSQL_AUDIT_CONNECTION_CLASS) +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_CONNECTION_CONNECT 0 +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_CONNECTION_DISCONNECT 1 +#define MYSQL_AUDIT_CONNECTION_CHANGE_USER 2 + +struct mysql_event_connection +{ + unsigned int event_subclass; + int status; + unsigned long thread_id; + const char *user; + unsigned int user_length; + const char *priv_user; + unsigned int priv_user_length; + const char *external_user; + unsigned int external_user_length; + const char *proxy_user; + unsigned int proxy_user_length; + const char *host; + unsigned int host_length; + const char *ip; + unsigned int ip_length; + const char *database; + unsigned int database_length; +}; + + +/************************************************************************* + Here we define the descriptor structure, that is referred from + st_mysql_plugin. + + release_thd() event occurs when the event class consumer is to be + disassociated from the specified THD. This would typically occur + before some operation which may require sleeping - such as when + waiting for the next query from the client. + + event_notify() is invoked whenever an event occurs which is of any + class for which the plugin has interest. The second argument + indicates the specific event class and the third argument is data + as required for that class. + + class_mask is an array of bits used to indicate what event classes + that this plugin wants to receive. +*/ + +struct st_mysql_audit +{ + int interface_version; + void (*release_thd)(MYSQL_THD); + void (*event_notify)(MYSQL_THD, unsigned int, const void *); + unsigned long class_mask[MYSQL_AUDIT_CLASS_MASK_SIZE]; +}; + + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_audit.h.pp b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_audit.h.pp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41f240546 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_audit.h.pp @@ -0,0 +1,295 @@ +#include "plugin.h" +typedef void * MYSQL_PLUGIN; +#include +#include +extern struct my_snprintf_service_st { + size_t (*my_snprintf_type)(char*, size_t, const char*, ...); + size_t (*my_vsnprintf_type)(char *, size_t, const char*, va_list); +} *my_snprintf_service; +size_t my_snprintf(char* to, size_t n, const char* fmt, ...); +size_t my_vsnprintf(char *to, size_t n, const char* fmt, va_list ap); +#include +struct st_mysql_lex_string +{ + char *str; + size_t length; +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_lex_string MYSQL_LEX_STRING; +extern struct thd_alloc_service_st { + void *(*thd_alloc_func)(void*, unsigned int); + void *(*thd_calloc_func)(void*, unsigned int); + char *(*thd_strdup_func)(void*, const char *); + char *(*thd_strmake_func)(void*, const char *, unsigned int); + void *(*thd_memdup_func)(void*, const void*, unsigned int); + MYSQL_LEX_STRING *(*thd_make_lex_string_func)(void*, MYSQL_LEX_STRING *, + const char *, unsigned int, int); +} *thd_alloc_service; +void *thd_alloc(void* thd, unsigned int size); +void *thd_calloc(void* thd, unsigned int size); +char *thd_strdup(void* thd, const char *str); +char *thd_strmake(void* thd, const char *str, unsigned int size); +void *thd_memdup(void* thd, const void* str, unsigned int size); +MYSQL_LEX_STRING *thd_make_lex_string(void* thd, MYSQL_LEX_STRING *lex_str, + const char *str, unsigned int size, + int allocate_lex_string); +#include +typedef enum _thd_wait_type_e { + THD_WAIT_SLEEP= 1, + THD_WAIT_DISKIO= 2, + THD_WAIT_ROW_LOCK= 3, + THD_WAIT_GLOBAL_LOCK= 4, + THD_WAIT_META_DATA_LOCK= 5, + THD_WAIT_TABLE_LOCK= 6, + THD_WAIT_USER_LOCK= 7, + THD_WAIT_BINLOG= 8, + THD_WAIT_GROUP_COMMIT= 9, + THD_WAIT_SYNC= 10, + THD_WAIT_LAST= 11 +} thd_wait_type; +extern struct thd_wait_service_st { + void (*thd_wait_begin_func)(void*, int); + void (*thd_wait_end_func)(void*); +} *thd_wait_service; +void thd_wait_begin(void* thd, int wait_type); +void thd_wait_end(void* thd); +#include +struct scheduler_functions; +extern struct my_thread_scheduler_service { + int (*set)(struct scheduler_functions *scheduler); + int (*reset)(); +} *my_thread_scheduler_service; +int my_thread_scheduler_set(struct scheduler_functions *scheduler); +int my_thread_scheduler_reset(); +#include +enum plugin_log_level +{ + MY_ERROR_LEVEL, + MY_WARNING_LEVEL, + MY_INFORMATION_LEVEL +}; +extern struct my_plugin_log_service +{ + int (*my_plugin_log_message)(MYSQL_PLUGIN *, enum plugin_log_level, const char *, ...); +} *my_plugin_log_service; +int my_plugin_log_message(MYSQL_PLUGIN *plugin, enum plugin_log_level level, + const char *format, ...); +#include +typedef void *mysql_string_iterator_handle; +typedef void *mysql_string_handle; +extern struct mysql_string_service_st { + int (*mysql_string_convert_to_char_ptr_type) + (mysql_string_handle, const char *, char *, unsigned int, int *); + mysql_string_iterator_handle (*mysql_string_get_iterator_type) + (mysql_string_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_next_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_isupper_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_islower_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_isdigit_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + mysql_string_handle (*mysql_string_to_lowercase_type)(mysql_string_handle); + void (*mysql_string_free_type)(mysql_string_handle); + void (*mysql_string_iterator_free_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); +} *mysql_string_service; +int mysql_string_convert_to_char_ptr(mysql_string_handle string_handle, + const char *charset_name, char *buffer, + unsigned int buffer_size, int *error); +mysql_string_iterator_handle mysql_string_get_iterator(mysql_string_handle + string_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_next(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_isupper(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_islower(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_isdigit(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +mysql_string_handle mysql_string_to_lowercase(mysql_string_handle + string_handle); +void mysql_string_free(mysql_string_handle); +void mysql_string_iterator_free(mysql_string_iterator_handle); +struct st_mysql_xid { + long formatID; + long gtrid_length; + long bqual_length; + char data[128]; +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_xid MYSQL_XID; +enum enum_mysql_show_type +{ + SHOW_UNDEF, SHOW_BOOL, + SHOW_INT, + SHOW_LONG, + SHOW_LONGLONG, + SHOW_CHAR, SHOW_CHAR_PTR, + SHOW_ARRAY, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_DOUBLE, + SHOW_always_last +}; +struct st_mysql_show_var { + const char *name; + char *value; + enum enum_mysql_show_type type; +}; +typedef int (*mysql_show_var_func)(void*, struct st_mysql_show_var*, char *); +struct st_mysql_sys_var; +struct st_mysql_value; +typedef int (*mysql_var_check_func)(void* thd, + struct st_mysql_sys_var *var, + void *save, struct st_mysql_value *value); +typedef void (*mysql_var_update_func)(void* thd, + struct st_mysql_sys_var *var, + void *var_ptr, const void *save); +struct st_mysql_plugin +{ + int type; + void *info; + const char *name; + const char *author; + const char *descr; + int license; + int (*init)(MYSQL_PLUGIN); + int (*deinit)(MYSQL_PLUGIN); + unsigned int version; + struct st_mysql_show_var *status_vars; + struct st_mysql_sys_var **system_vars; + void * __reserved1; + unsigned long flags; +}; +#include "plugin_ftparser.h" +#include "plugin.h" +enum enum_ftparser_mode +{ + MYSQL_FTPARSER_SIMPLE_MODE= 0, + MYSQL_FTPARSER_WITH_STOPWORDS= 1, + MYSQL_FTPARSER_FULL_BOOLEAN_INFO= 2 +}; +enum enum_ft_token_type +{ + FT_TOKEN_EOF= 0, + FT_TOKEN_WORD= 1, + FT_TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN= 2, + FT_TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN= 3, + FT_TOKEN_STOPWORD= 4 +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_ftparser_boolean_info +{ + enum enum_ft_token_type type; + int yesno; + int weight_adjust; + char wasign; + char trunc; + char prev; + char *quot; +} MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO; +typedef struct st_mysql_ftparser_param +{ + int (*mysql_parse)(struct st_mysql_ftparser_param *, + char *doc, int doc_len); + int (*mysql_add_word)(struct st_mysql_ftparser_param *, + char *word, int word_len, + MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO *boolean_info); + void *ftparser_state; + void *mysql_ftparam; + const struct charset_info_st *cs; + char *doc; + int length; + int flags; + enum enum_ftparser_mode mode; +} MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM; +struct st_mysql_ftparser +{ + int interface_version; + int (*parse)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); + int (*init)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); + int (*deinit)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); +}; +struct st_mysql_daemon +{ + int interface_version; +}; +struct st_mysql_information_schema +{ + int interface_version; +}; +struct st_mysql_storage_engine +{ + int interface_version; +}; +struct handlerton; + struct Mysql_replication { + int interface_version; + }; +struct st_mysql_value +{ + int (*value_type)(struct st_mysql_value *); + const char *(*val_str)(struct st_mysql_value *, char *buffer, int *length); + int (*val_real)(struct st_mysql_value *, double *realbuf); + int (*val_int)(struct st_mysql_value *, long long *intbuf); + int (*is_unsigned)(struct st_mysql_value *); +}; +int thd_in_lock_tables(const void* thd); +int thd_tablespace_op(const void* thd); +long long thd_test_options(const void* thd, long long test_options); +int thd_sql_command(const void* thd); +const char *thd_proc_info(void* thd, const char *info); +void **thd_ha_data(const void* thd, const struct handlerton *hton); +void thd_storage_lock_wait(void* thd, long long value); +int thd_tx_isolation(const void* thd); +int thd_tx_is_read_only(const void* thd); +char *thd_security_context(void* thd, char *buffer, unsigned int length, + unsigned int max_query_len); +void thd_inc_row_count(void* thd); +int thd_allow_batch(void* thd); +int mysql_tmpfile(const char *prefix); +int thd_killed(const void* thd); +void thd_binlog_pos(const void* thd, + const char **file_var, + unsigned long long *pos_var); +unsigned long thd_get_thread_id(const void* thd); +void thd_get_xid(const void* thd, MYSQL_XID *xid); +void mysql_query_cache_invalidate4(void* thd, + const char *key, unsigned int key_length, + int using_trx); +void *thd_get_ha_data(const void* thd, const struct handlerton *hton); +void thd_set_ha_data(void* thd, const struct handlerton *hton, + const void *ha_data); +struct mysql_event_general +{ + unsigned int event_subclass; + int general_error_code; + unsigned long general_thread_id; + const char *general_user; + unsigned int general_user_length; + const char *general_command; + unsigned int general_command_length; + const char *general_query; + unsigned int general_query_length; + struct charset_info_st *general_charset; + unsigned long long general_time; + unsigned long long general_rows; + MYSQL_LEX_STRING general_host; + MYSQL_LEX_STRING general_sql_command; + MYSQL_LEX_STRING general_external_user; + MYSQL_LEX_STRING general_ip; +}; +struct mysql_event_connection +{ + unsigned int event_subclass; + int status; + unsigned long thread_id; + const char *user; + unsigned int user_length; + const char *priv_user; + unsigned int priv_user_length; + const char *external_user; + unsigned int external_user_length; + const char *proxy_user; + unsigned int proxy_user_length; + const char *host; + unsigned int host_length; + const char *ip; + unsigned int ip_length; + const char *database; + unsigned int database_length; +}; +struct st_mysql_audit +{ + int interface_version; + void (*release_thd)(void*); + void (*event_notify)(void*, unsigned int, const void *); + unsigned long class_mask[1]; +}; diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_auth.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_auth.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fc661de17 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_auth.h @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +#ifndef MYSQL_PLUGIN_AUTH_INCLUDED +/* Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/** + @file + + Authentication Plugin API. + + This file defines the API for server authentication plugins. +*/ + +#define MYSQL_PLUGIN_AUTH_INCLUDED + +#include + +#define MYSQL_AUTHENTICATION_INTERFACE_VERSION 0x0100 + +#include + +/* defines for MYSQL_SERVER_AUTH_INFO.password_used */ + +#define PASSWORD_USED_NO 0 +#define PASSWORD_USED_YES 1 +#define PASSWORD_USED_NO_MENTION 2 + + +/** + Provides server plugin access to authentication information +*/ +typedef struct st_mysql_server_auth_info +{ + /** + User name as sent by the client and shown in USER(). + NULL if the client packet with the user name was not received yet. + */ + char *user_name; + + /** + Length of user_name + */ + unsigned int user_name_length; + + /** + A corresponding column value from the mysql.user table for the + matching account name + */ + const char *auth_string; + + /** + Length of auth_string + */ + unsigned long auth_string_length; + + /** + Matching account name as found in the mysql.user table. + A plugin can override it with another name that will be + used by MySQL for authorization, and shown in CURRENT_USER() + */ + char authenticated_as[MYSQL_USERNAME_LENGTH+1]; + + + /** + The unique user name that was used by the plugin to authenticate. + Plugins should put null-terminated UTF-8 here. + Available through the @@EXTERNAL_USER variable. + */ + char external_user[512]; + + /** + This only affects the "Authentication failed. Password used: %s" + error message. has the following values : + 0 : %s will be NO. + 1 : %s will be YES. + 2 : there will be no %s. + Set it as appropriate or ignore at will. + */ + int password_used; + + /** + Set to the name of the connected client host, if it can be resolved, + or to its IP address otherwise. + */ + const char *host_or_ip; + + /** + Length of host_or_ip + */ + unsigned int host_or_ip_length; + +} MYSQL_SERVER_AUTH_INFO; + +/** + Server authentication plugin descriptor +*/ +struct st_mysql_auth +{ + int interface_version; /** version plugin uses */ + /** + A plugin that a client must use for authentication with this server + plugin. Can be NULL to mean "any plugin". + */ + const char *client_auth_plugin; + /** + Function provided by the plugin which should perform authentication (using + the vio functions if necessary) and return 0 if successful. The plugin can + also fill the info.authenticated_as field if a different username should be + used for authorization. + */ + int (*authenticate_user)(MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO *vio, MYSQL_SERVER_AUTH_INFO *info); +}; +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_auth.h.pp b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_auth.h.pp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..44049322c --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_auth.h.pp @@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ +#include +typedef void * MYSQL_PLUGIN; +#include +#include +extern struct my_snprintf_service_st { + size_t (*my_snprintf_type)(char*, size_t, const char*, ...); + size_t (*my_vsnprintf_type)(char *, size_t, const char*, va_list); +} *my_snprintf_service; +size_t my_snprintf(char* to, size_t n, const char* fmt, ...); +size_t my_vsnprintf(char *to, size_t n, const char* fmt, va_list ap); +#include +struct st_mysql_lex_string +{ + char *str; + size_t length; +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_lex_string MYSQL_LEX_STRING; +extern struct thd_alloc_service_st { + void *(*thd_alloc_func)(void*, unsigned int); + void *(*thd_calloc_func)(void*, unsigned int); + char *(*thd_strdup_func)(void*, const char *); + char *(*thd_strmake_func)(void*, const char *, unsigned int); + void *(*thd_memdup_func)(void*, const void*, unsigned int); + MYSQL_LEX_STRING *(*thd_make_lex_string_func)(void*, MYSQL_LEX_STRING *, + const char *, unsigned int, int); +} *thd_alloc_service; +void *thd_alloc(void* thd, unsigned int size); +void *thd_calloc(void* thd, unsigned int size); +char *thd_strdup(void* thd, const char *str); +char *thd_strmake(void* thd, const char *str, unsigned int size); +void *thd_memdup(void* thd, const void* str, unsigned int size); +MYSQL_LEX_STRING *thd_make_lex_string(void* thd, MYSQL_LEX_STRING *lex_str, + const char *str, unsigned int size, + int allocate_lex_string); +#include +typedef enum _thd_wait_type_e { + THD_WAIT_SLEEP= 1, + THD_WAIT_DISKIO= 2, + THD_WAIT_ROW_LOCK= 3, + THD_WAIT_GLOBAL_LOCK= 4, + THD_WAIT_META_DATA_LOCK= 5, + THD_WAIT_TABLE_LOCK= 6, + THD_WAIT_USER_LOCK= 7, + THD_WAIT_BINLOG= 8, + THD_WAIT_GROUP_COMMIT= 9, + THD_WAIT_SYNC= 10, + THD_WAIT_LAST= 11 +} thd_wait_type; +extern struct thd_wait_service_st { + void (*thd_wait_begin_func)(void*, int); + void (*thd_wait_end_func)(void*); +} *thd_wait_service; +void thd_wait_begin(void* thd, int wait_type); +void thd_wait_end(void* thd); +#include +struct scheduler_functions; +extern struct my_thread_scheduler_service { + int (*set)(struct scheduler_functions *scheduler); + int (*reset)(); +} *my_thread_scheduler_service; +int my_thread_scheduler_set(struct scheduler_functions *scheduler); +int my_thread_scheduler_reset(); +#include +enum plugin_log_level +{ + MY_ERROR_LEVEL, + MY_WARNING_LEVEL, + MY_INFORMATION_LEVEL +}; +extern struct my_plugin_log_service +{ + int (*my_plugin_log_message)(MYSQL_PLUGIN *, enum plugin_log_level, const char *, ...); +} *my_plugin_log_service; +int my_plugin_log_message(MYSQL_PLUGIN *plugin, enum plugin_log_level level, + const char *format, ...); +#include +typedef void *mysql_string_iterator_handle; +typedef void *mysql_string_handle; +extern struct mysql_string_service_st { + int (*mysql_string_convert_to_char_ptr_type) + (mysql_string_handle, const char *, char *, unsigned int, int *); + mysql_string_iterator_handle (*mysql_string_get_iterator_type) + (mysql_string_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_next_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_isupper_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_islower_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_isdigit_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + mysql_string_handle (*mysql_string_to_lowercase_type)(mysql_string_handle); + void (*mysql_string_free_type)(mysql_string_handle); + void (*mysql_string_iterator_free_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); +} *mysql_string_service; +int mysql_string_convert_to_char_ptr(mysql_string_handle string_handle, + const char *charset_name, char *buffer, + unsigned int buffer_size, int *error); +mysql_string_iterator_handle mysql_string_get_iterator(mysql_string_handle + string_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_next(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_isupper(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_islower(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_isdigit(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +mysql_string_handle mysql_string_to_lowercase(mysql_string_handle + string_handle); +void mysql_string_free(mysql_string_handle); +void mysql_string_iterator_free(mysql_string_iterator_handle); +struct st_mysql_xid { + long formatID; + long gtrid_length; + long bqual_length; + char data[128]; +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_xid MYSQL_XID; +enum enum_mysql_show_type +{ + SHOW_UNDEF, SHOW_BOOL, + SHOW_INT, + SHOW_LONG, + SHOW_LONGLONG, + SHOW_CHAR, SHOW_CHAR_PTR, + SHOW_ARRAY, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_DOUBLE, + SHOW_always_last +}; +struct st_mysql_show_var { + const char *name; + char *value; + enum enum_mysql_show_type type; +}; +typedef int (*mysql_show_var_func)(void*, struct st_mysql_show_var*, char *); +struct st_mysql_sys_var; +struct st_mysql_value; +typedef int (*mysql_var_check_func)(void* thd, + struct st_mysql_sys_var *var, + void *save, struct st_mysql_value *value); +typedef void (*mysql_var_update_func)(void* thd, + struct st_mysql_sys_var *var, + void *var_ptr, const void *save); +struct st_mysql_plugin +{ + int type; + void *info; + const char *name; + const char *author; + const char *descr; + int license; + int (*init)(MYSQL_PLUGIN); + int (*deinit)(MYSQL_PLUGIN); + unsigned int version; + struct st_mysql_show_var *status_vars; + struct st_mysql_sys_var **system_vars; + void * __reserved1; + unsigned long flags; +}; +#include "plugin_ftparser.h" +#include "plugin.h" +enum enum_ftparser_mode +{ + MYSQL_FTPARSER_SIMPLE_MODE= 0, + MYSQL_FTPARSER_WITH_STOPWORDS= 1, + MYSQL_FTPARSER_FULL_BOOLEAN_INFO= 2 +}; +enum enum_ft_token_type +{ + FT_TOKEN_EOF= 0, + FT_TOKEN_WORD= 1, + FT_TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN= 2, + FT_TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN= 3, + FT_TOKEN_STOPWORD= 4 +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_ftparser_boolean_info +{ + enum enum_ft_token_type type; + int yesno; + int weight_adjust; + char wasign; + char trunc; + char prev; + char *quot; +} MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO; +typedef struct st_mysql_ftparser_param +{ + int (*mysql_parse)(struct st_mysql_ftparser_param *, + char *doc, int doc_len); + int (*mysql_add_word)(struct st_mysql_ftparser_param *, + char *word, int word_len, + MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO *boolean_info); + void *ftparser_state; + void *mysql_ftparam; + const struct charset_info_st *cs; + char *doc; + int length; + int flags; + enum enum_ftparser_mode mode; +} MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM; +struct st_mysql_ftparser +{ + int interface_version; + int (*parse)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); + int (*init)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); + int (*deinit)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); +}; +struct st_mysql_daemon +{ + int interface_version; +}; +struct st_mysql_information_schema +{ + int interface_version; +}; +struct st_mysql_storage_engine +{ + int interface_version; +}; +struct handlerton; + struct Mysql_replication { + int interface_version; + }; +struct st_mysql_value +{ + int (*value_type)(struct st_mysql_value *); + const char *(*val_str)(struct st_mysql_value *, char *buffer, int *length); + int (*val_real)(struct st_mysql_value *, double *realbuf); + int (*val_int)(struct st_mysql_value *, long long *intbuf); + int (*is_unsigned)(struct st_mysql_value *); +}; +int thd_in_lock_tables(const void* thd); +int thd_tablespace_op(const void* thd); +long long thd_test_options(const void* thd, long long test_options); +int thd_sql_command(const void* thd); +const char *thd_proc_info(void* thd, const char *info); +void **thd_ha_data(const void* thd, const struct handlerton *hton); +void thd_storage_lock_wait(void* thd, long long value); +int thd_tx_isolation(const void* thd); +int thd_tx_is_read_only(const void* thd); +char *thd_security_context(void* thd, char *buffer, unsigned int length, + unsigned int max_query_len); +void thd_inc_row_count(void* thd); +int thd_allow_batch(void* thd); +int mysql_tmpfile(const char *prefix); +int thd_killed(const void* thd); +void thd_binlog_pos(const void* thd, + const char **file_var, + unsigned long long *pos_var); +unsigned long thd_get_thread_id(const void* thd); +void thd_get_xid(const void* thd, MYSQL_XID *xid); +void mysql_query_cache_invalidate4(void* thd, + const char *key, unsigned int key_length, + int using_trx); +void *thd_get_ha_data(const void* thd, const struct handlerton *hton); +void thd_set_ha_data(void* thd, const struct handlerton *hton, + const void *ha_data); +#include +typedef struct st_plugin_vio_info +{ + enum { MYSQL_VIO_INVALID, MYSQL_VIO_TCP, MYSQL_VIO_SOCKET, + MYSQL_VIO_PIPE, MYSQL_VIO_MEMORY } protocol; + int socket; +} MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO_INFO; +typedef struct st_plugin_vio +{ + int (*read_packet)(struct st_plugin_vio *vio, + unsigned char **buf); + int (*write_packet)(struct st_plugin_vio *vio, + const unsigned char *packet, + int packet_len); + void (*info)(struct st_plugin_vio *vio, struct st_plugin_vio_info *info); +} MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO; +typedef struct st_mysql_server_auth_info +{ + char *user_name; + unsigned int user_name_length; + const char *auth_string; + unsigned long auth_string_length; + char authenticated_as[48 +1]; + char external_user[512]; + int password_used; + const char *host_or_ip; + unsigned int host_or_ip_length; +} MYSQL_SERVER_AUTH_INFO; +struct st_mysql_auth +{ + int interface_version; + const char *client_auth_plugin; + int (*authenticate_user)(MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO *vio, MYSQL_SERVER_AUTH_INFO *info); +}; diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_auth_common.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_auth_common.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a395a9fdb --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_auth_common.h @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +#ifndef MYSQL_PLUGIN_AUTH_COMMON_INCLUDED +/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/** + @file + + This file defines constants and data structures that are the same for + both client- and server-side authentication plugins. +*/ +#define MYSQL_PLUGIN_AUTH_COMMON_INCLUDED + +/** the max allowed length for a user name */ +#define MYSQL_USERNAME_LENGTH 48 + +/** + return values of the plugin authenticate_user() method. +*/ + +/** + Authentication failed, plugin internal error. + An error occurred in the authentication plugin itself. + These errors are reported in table performance_schema.host_cache, + column COUNT_AUTH_PLUGIN_ERRORS. +*/ +#define CR_AUTH_PLUGIN_ERROR 3 +/** + Authentication failed, client server handshake. + An error occurred during the client server handshake. + These errors are reported in table performance_schema.host_cache, + column COUNT_HANDSHAKE_ERRORS. +*/ +#define CR_AUTH_HANDSHAKE 2 +/** + Authentication failed, user credentials. + For example, wrong passwords. + These errors are reported in table performance_schema.host_cache, + column COUNT_AUTHENTICATION_ERRORS. +*/ +#define CR_AUTH_USER_CREDENTIALS 1 +/** + Authentication failed. Additionally, all other CR_xxx values + (libmysql error code) can be used too. + + The client plugin may set the error code and the error message directly + in the MYSQL structure and return CR_ERROR. If a CR_xxx specific error + code was returned, an error message in the MYSQL structure will be + overwritten. If CR_ERROR is returned without setting the error in MYSQL, + CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR will be user. +*/ +#define CR_ERROR 0 +/** + Authentication (client part) was successful. It does not mean that the + authentication as a whole was successful, usually it only means + that the client was able to send the user name and the password to the + server. If CR_OK is returned, the libmysql reads the next packet expecting + it to be one of OK, ERROR, or CHANGE_PLUGIN packets. +*/ +#define CR_OK -1 +/** + Authentication was successful. + It means that the client has done its part successfully and also that + a plugin has read the last packet (one of OK, ERROR, CHANGE_PLUGIN). + In this case, libmysql will not read a packet from the server, + but it will use the data at mysql->net.read_pos. + + A plugin may return this value if the number of roundtrips in the + authentication protocol is not known in advance, and the client plugin + needs to read one packet more to determine if the authentication is finished + or not. +*/ +#define CR_OK_HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE -2 + +typedef struct st_plugin_vio_info +{ + enum { MYSQL_VIO_INVALID, MYSQL_VIO_TCP, MYSQL_VIO_SOCKET, + MYSQL_VIO_PIPE, MYSQL_VIO_MEMORY } protocol; + int socket; /**< it's set, if the protocol is SOCKET or TCP */ +#ifdef _WIN32 + HANDLE handle; /**< it's set, if the protocol is PIPE or MEMORY */ +#endif +} MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO_INFO; + +/** + Provides plugin access to communication channel +*/ +typedef struct st_plugin_vio +{ + /** + Plugin provides a pointer reference and this function sets it to the + contents of any incoming packet. Returns the packet length, or -1 if + the plugin should terminate. + */ + int (*read_packet)(struct st_plugin_vio *vio, + unsigned char **buf); + + /** + Plugin provides a buffer with data and the length and this + function sends it as a packet. Returns 0 on success, 1 on failure. + */ + int (*write_packet)(struct st_plugin_vio *vio, + const unsigned char *packet, + int packet_len); + + /** + Fills in a st_plugin_vio_info structure, providing the information + about the connection. + */ + void (*info)(struct st_plugin_vio *vio, struct st_plugin_vio_info *info); + +} MYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO; + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_ftparser.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_ftparser.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3816a0f8e --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_ftparser.h @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _my_plugin_ftparser_h +#define _my_plugin_ftparser_h +#include "plugin.h" + +/************************************************************************* + API for Full-text parser plugin. (MYSQL_FTPARSER_PLUGIN) +*/ + +#define MYSQL_FTPARSER_INTERFACE_VERSION 0x0100 + +/* Parsing modes. Set in MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM::mode */ +enum enum_ftparser_mode +{ +/* + Fast and simple mode. This mode is used for indexing, and natural + language queries. + + The parser is expected to return only those words that go into the + index. Stopwords or too short/long words should not be returned. The + 'boolean_info' argument of mysql_add_word() does not have to be set. +*/ + MYSQL_FTPARSER_SIMPLE_MODE= 0, + +/* + Parse with stopwords mode. This mode is used in boolean searches for + "phrase matching." + + The parser is not allowed to ignore words in this mode. Every word + should be returned, including stopwords and words that are too short + or long. The 'boolean_info' argument of mysql_add_word() does not + have to be set. +*/ + MYSQL_FTPARSER_WITH_STOPWORDS= 1, + +/* + Parse in boolean mode. This mode is used to parse a boolean query string. + + The parser should provide a valid MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO + structure in the 'boolean_info' argument to mysql_add_word(). + Usually that means that the parser should recognize boolean operators + in the parsing stream and set appropriate fields in + MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO structure accordingly. As for + MYSQL_FTPARSER_WITH_STOPWORDS mode, no word should be ignored. + Instead, use FT_TOKEN_STOPWORD for the token type of such a word. +*/ + MYSQL_FTPARSER_FULL_BOOLEAN_INFO= 2 +}; + +/* + Token types for boolean mode searching (used for the type member of + MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO struct) + + FT_TOKEN_EOF: End of data. + FT_TOKEN_WORD: Regular word. + FT_TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN: Left parenthesis (start of group/sub-expression). + FT_TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN: Right parenthesis (end of group/sub-expression). + FT_TOKEN_STOPWORD: Stopword. +*/ + +enum enum_ft_token_type +{ + FT_TOKEN_EOF= 0, + FT_TOKEN_WORD= 1, + FT_TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN= 2, + FT_TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN= 3, + FT_TOKEN_STOPWORD= 4 +}; + +/* + This structure is used in boolean search mode only. It conveys + boolean-mode metadata to the MySQL search engine for every word in + the search query. A valid instance of this structure must be filled + in by the plugin parser and passed as an argument in the call to + mysql_add_word (the callback function in the MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM + structure) when a query is parsed in boolean mode. + + type: The token type. Should be one of the enum_ft_token_type values. + + yesno: Whether the word must be present for a match to occur: + >0 Must be present + <0 Must not be present + 0 Neither; the word is optional but its presence increases the relevance + With the default settings of the ft_boolean_syntax system variable, + >0 corresponds to the '+' operator, <0 corrresponds to the '-' operator, + and 0 means neither operator was used. + + weight_adjust: A weighting factor that determines how much a match + for the word counts. Positive values increase, negative - decrease the + relative word's importance in the query. + + wasign: The sign of the word's weight in the query. If it's non-negative + the match for the word will increase document relevance, if it's + negative - decrease (the word becomes a "noise word", the less of it the + better). + + trunc: Corresponds to the '*' operator in the default setting of the + ft_boolean_syntax system variable. +*/ + +typedef struct st_mysql_ftparser_boolean_info +{ + enum enum_ft_token_type type; + int yesno; + int weight_adjust; + char wasign; + char trunc; + /* These are parser state and must be removed. */ + char prev; + char *quot; +} MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO; + +/* + The following flag means that buffer with a string (document, word) + may be overwritten by the caller before the end of the parsing (that is + before st_mysql_ftparser::deinit() call). If one needs the string + to survive between two successive calls of the parsing function, she + needs to save a copy of it. The flag may be set by MySQL before calling + st_mysql_ftparser::parse(), or it may be set by a plugin before calling + st_mysql_ftparser_param::mysql_parse() or + st_mysql_ftparser_param::mysql_add_word(). +*/ +#define MYSQL_FTFLAGS_NEED_COPY 1 + +/* + An argument of the full-text parser plugin. This structure is + filled in by MySQL server and passed to the parsing function of the + plugin as an in/out parameter. + + mysql_parse: A pointer to the built-in parser implementation of the + server. It's set by the server and can be used by the parser plugin + to invoke the MySQL default parser. If plugin's role is to extract + textual data from .doc, .pdf or .xml content, it might extract + plaintext from the content, and then pass the text to the default + MySQL parser to be parsed. + + mysql_add_word: A server callback to add a new word. When parsing + a document, the server sets this to point at a function that adds + the word to MySQL full-text index. When parsing a search query, + this function will add the new word to the list of words to search + for. The boolean_info argument can be NULL for all cases except + when mode is MYSQL_FTPARSER_FULL_BOOLEAN_INFO. + + ftparser_state: A generic pointer. The plugin can set it to point + to information to be used internally for its own purposes. + + mysql_ftparam: This is set by the server. It is used by MySQL functions + called via mysql_parse() and mysql_add_word() callback. The plugin + should not modify it. + + cs: Information about the character set of the document or query string. + + doc: A pointer to the document or query string to be parsed. + + length: Length of the document or query string, in bytes. + + flags: See MYSQL_FTFLAGS_* constants above. + + mode: The parsing mode. With boolean operators, with stopwords, or + nothing. See enum_ftparser_mode above. +*/ + +typedef struct st_mysql_ftparser_param +{ + int (*mysql_parse)(struct st_mysql_ftparser_param *, + char *doc, int doc_len); + int (*mysql_add_word)(struct st_mysql_ftparser_param *, + char *word, int word_len, + MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO *boolean_info); + void *ftparser_state; + void *mysql_ftparam; + const struct charset_info_st *cs; + char *doc; + int length; + int flags; + enum enum_ftparser_mode mode; +} MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM; + +/* + Full-text parser descriptor. + + interface_version is, e.g., MYSQL_FTPARSER_INTERFACE_VERSION. + The parsing, initialization, and deinitialization functions are + invoked per SQL statement for which the parser is used. +*/ + +struct st_mysql_ftparser +{ + int interface_version; + int (*parse)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); + int (*init)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); + int (*deinit)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); +}; + + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_ftparser.h.pp b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_ftparser.h.pp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a8b0c66a --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_ftparser.h.pp @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +#include "plugin.h" +typedef void * MYSQL_PLUGIN; +#include +#include +extern struct my_snprintf_service_st { + size_t (*my_snprintf_type)(char*, size_t, const char*, ...); + size_t (*my_vsnprintf_type)(char *, size_t, const char*, va_list); +} *my_snprintf_service; +size_t my_snprintf(char* to, size_t n, const char* fmt, ...); +size_t my_vsnprintf(char *to, size_t n, const char* fmt, va_list ap); +#include +struct st_mysql_lex_string +{ + char *str; + size_t length; +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_lex_string MYSQL_LEX_STRING; +extern struct thd_alloc_service_st { + void *(*thd_alloc_func)(void*, unsigned int); + void *(*thd_calloc_func)(void*, unsigned int); + char *(*thd_strdup_func)(void*, const char *); + char *(*thd_strmake_func)(void*, const char *, unsigned int); + void *(*thd_memdup_func)(void*, const void*, unsigned int); + MYSQL_LEX_STRING *(*thd_make_lex_string_func)(void*, MYSQL_LEX_STRING *, + const char *, unsigned int, int); +} *thd_alloc_service; +void *thd_alloc(void* thd, unsigned int size); +void *thd_calloc(void* thd, unsigned int size); +char *thd_strdup(void* thd, const char *str); +char *thd_strmake(void* thd, const char *str, unsigned int size); +void *thd_memdup(void* thd, const void* str, unsigned int size); +MYSQL_LEX_STRING *thd_make_lex_string(void* thd, MYSQL_LEX_STRING *lex_str, + const char *str, unsigned int size, + int allocate_lex_string); +#include +typedef enum _thd_wait_type_e { + THD_WAIT_SLEEP= 1, + THD_WAIT_DISKIO= 2, + THD_WAIT_ROW_LOCK= 3, + THD_WAIT_GLOBAL_LOCK= 4, + THD_WAIT_META_DATA_LOCK= 5, + THD_WAIT_TABLE_LOCK= 6, + THD_WAIT_USER_LOCK= 7, + THD_WAIT_BINLOG= 8, + THD_WAIT_GROUP_COMMIT= 9, + THD_WAIT_SYNC= 10, + THD_WAIT_LAST= 11 +} thd_wait_type; +extern struct thd_wait_service_st { + void (*thd_wait_begin_func)(void*, int); + void (*thd_wait_end_func)(void*); +} *thd_wait_service; +void thd_wait_begin(void* thd, int wait_type); +void thd_wait_end(void* thd); +#include +struct scheduler_functions; +extern struct my_thread_scheduler_service { + int (*set)(struct scheduler_functions *scheduler); + int (*reset)(); +} *my_thread_scheduler_service; +int my_thread_scheduler_set(struct scheduler_functions *scheduler); +int my_thread_scheduler_reset(); +#include +enum plugin_log_level +{ + MY_ERROR_LEVEL, + MY_WARNING_LEVEL, + MY_INFORMATION_LEVEL +}; +extern struct my_plugin_log_service +{ + int (*my_plugin_log_message)(MYSQL_PLUGIN *, enum plugin_log_level, const char *, ...); +} *my_plugin_log_service; +int my_plugin_log_message(MYSQL_PLUGIN *plugin, enum plugin_log_level level, + const char *format, ...); +#include +typedef void *mysql_string_iterator_handle; +typedef void *mysql_string_handle; +extern struct mysql_string_service_st { + int (*mysql_string_convert_to_char_ptr_type) + (mysql_string_handle, const char *, char *, unsigned int, int *); + mysql_string_iterator_handle (*mysql_string_get_iterator_type) + (mysql_string_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_next_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_isupper_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_islower_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_isdigit_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + mysql_string_handle (*mysql_string_to_lowercase_type)(mysql_string_handle); + void (*mysql_string_free_type)(mysql_string_handle); + void (*mysql_string_iterator_free_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); +} *mysql_string_service; +int mysql_string_convert_to_char_ptr(mysql_string_handle string_handle, + const char *charset_name, char *buffer, + unsigned int buffer_size, int *error); +mysql_string_iterator_handle mysql_string_get_iterator(mysql_string_handle + string_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_next(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_isupper(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_islower(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +int mysql_string_iterator_isdigit(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); +mysql_string_handle mysql_string_to_lowercase(mysql_string_handle + string_handle); +void mysql_string_free(mysql_string_handle); +void mysql_string_iterator_free(mysql_string_iterator_handle); +struct st_mysql_xid { + long formatID; + long gtrid_length; + long bqual_length; + char data[128]; +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_xid MYSQL_XID; +enum enum_mysql_show_type +{ + SHOW_UNDEF, SHOW_BOOL, + SHOW_INT, + SHOW_LONG, + SHOW_LONGLONG, + SHOW_CHAR, SHOW_CHAR_PTR, + SHOW_ARRAY, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_DOUBLE, + SHOW_always_last +}; +struct st_mysql_show_var { + const char *name; + char *value; + enum enum_mysql_show_type type; +}; +typedef int (*mysql_show_var_func)(void*, struct st_mysql_show_var*, char *); +struct st_mysql_sys_var; +struct st_mysql_value; +typedef int (*mysql_var_check_func)(void* thd, + struct st_mysql_sys_var *var, + void *save, struct st_mysql_value *value); +typedef void (*mysql_var_update_func)(void* thd, + struct st_mysql_sys_var *var, + void *var_ptr, const void *save); +struct st_mysql_plugin +{ + int type; + void *info; + const char *name; + const char *author; + const char *descr; + int license; + int (*init)(MYSQL_PLUGIN); + int (*deinit)(MYSQL_PLUGIN); + unsigned int version; + struct st_mysql_show_var *status_vars; + struct st_mysql_sys_var **system_vars; + void * __reserved1; + unsigned long flags; +}; +#include "plugin_ftparser.h" +struct st_mysql_daemon +{ + int interface_version; +}; +struct st_mysql_information_schema +{ + int interface_version; +}; +struct st_mysql_storage_engine +{ + int interface_version; +}; +struct handlerton; + struct Mysql_replication { + int interface_version; + }; +struct st_mysql_value +{ + int (*value_type)(struct st_mysql_value *); + const char *(*val_str)(struct st_mysql_value *, char *buffer, int *length); + int (*val_real)(struct st_mysql_value *, double *realbuf); + int (*val_int)(struct st_mysql_value *, long long *intbuf); + int (*is_unsigned)(struct st_mysql_value *); +}; +int thd_in_lock_tables(const void* thd); +int thd_tablespace_op(const void* thd); +long long thd_test_options(const void* thd, long long test_options); +int thd_sql_command(const void* thd); +const char *thd_proc_info(void* thd, const char *info); +void **thd_ha_data(const void* thd, const struct handlerton *hton); +void thd_storage_lock_wait(void* thd, long long value); +int thd_tx_isolation(const void* thd); +int thd_tx_is_read_only(const void* thd); +char *thd_security_context(void* thd, char *buffer, unsigned int length, + unsigned int max_query_len); +void thd_inc_row_count(void* thd); +int thd_allow_batch(void* thd); +int mysql_tmpfile(const char *prefix); +int thd_killed(const void* thd); +void thd_binlog_pos(const void* thd, + const char **file_var, + unsigned long long *pos_var); +unsigned long thd_get_thread_id(const void* thd); +void thd_get_xid(const void* thd, MYSQL_XID *xid); +void mysql_query_cache_invalidate4(void* thd, + const char *key, unsigned int key_length, + int using_trx); +void *thd_get_ha_data(const void* thd, const struct handlerton *hton); +void thd_set_ha_data(void* thd, const struct handlerton *hton, + const void *ha_data); +enum enum_ftparser_mode +{ + MYSQL_FTPARSER_SIMPLE_MODE= 0, + MYSQL_FTPARSER_WITH_STOPWORDS= 1, + MYSQL_FTPARSER_FULL_BOOLEAN_INFO= 2 +}; +enum enum_ft_token_type +{ + FT_TOKEN_EOF= 0, + FT_TOKEN_WORD= 1, + FT_TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN= 2, + FT_TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN= 3, + FT_TOKEN_STOPWORD= 4 +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_ftparser_boolean_info +{ + enum enum_ft_token_type type; + int yesno; + int weight_adjust; + char wasign; + char trunc; + char prev; + char *quot; +} MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO; +typedef struct st_mysql_ftparser_param +{ + int (*mysql_parse)(struct st_mysql_ftparser_param *, + char *doc, int doc_len); + int (*mysql_add_word)(struct st_mysql_ftparser_param *, + char *word, int word_len, + MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO *boolean_info); + void *ftparser_state; + void *mysql_ftparam; + const struct charset_info_st *cs; + char *doc; + int length; + int flags; + enum enum_ftparser_mode mode; +} MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM; +struct st_mysql_ftparser +{ + int interface_version; + int (*parse)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); + int (*init)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); + int (*deinit)(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param); +}; diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_validate_password.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_validate_password.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cd861d990 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/plugin_validate_password.h @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* Copyright © 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MYSQL_PLUGIN_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_INCLUDED +#define MYSQL_PLUGIN_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_INCLUDED + +/* API for validate_password plugin. (MYSQL_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_PLUGIN) */ + +#include +#define MYSQL_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_INTERFACE_VERSION 0x0100 + +/* + The descriptor structure for the plugin, that is referred from + st_mysql_plugin. +*/ + +typedef void* mysql_string_handle; + +struct st_mysql_validate_password +{ + int interface_version; + /* + This function retuns TRUE for passwords which satisfy the password + policy (as choosen by plugin variable) and FALSE for all other + password + */ + int (*validate_password)(mysql_string_handle password); + /* + This function returns the password strength (0-100) depending + upon the policies + */ + int (*get_password_strength)(mysql_string_handle password); +}; +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_file.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_file.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c839b2b01 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_file.h @@ -0,0 +1,1421 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ + +#ifndef MYSQL_FILE_H +#define MYSQL_FILE_H + +#include + +/* For strlen() */ +#include +/* For MY_STAT */ +#include +/* For my_chsize */ +#include + +/** + @file mysql/psi/mysql_file.h + Instrumentation helpers for mysys file io. + This header file provides the necessary declarations + to use the mysys file API with the performance schema instrumentation. + In some compilers (SunStudio), 'static inline' functions, when declared + but not used, are not optimized away (because they are unused) by default, + so that including a static inline function from a header file does + create unwanted dependencies, causing unresolved symbols at link time. + Other compilers, like gcc, optimize these dependencies by default. + + Since the instrumented APIs declared here are wrapper on top + of mysys file io APIs, including mysql/psi/mysql_file.h assumes that + the dependency on my_sys already exists. +*/ + +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" + +/** + @defgroup File_instrumentation File Instrumentation + @ingroup Instrumentation_interface + @{ +*/ + +/** + @def mysql_file_register(P1, P2, P3) + File registration. +*/ +#define mysql_file_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_register(P1, P2, P3) + +/** + @def mysql_file_fgets(P1, P2, F) + Instrumented fgets. + @c mysql_file_fgets is a replacement for @c fgets. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fgets(P1, P2, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_fgets(__FILE__, __LINE__, P1, P2, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_fgets(P1, P2, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_fgets(P1, P2, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_fgetc(F) + Instrumented fgetc. + @c mysql_file_fgetc is a replacement for @c fgetc. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fgetc(F) inline_mysql_file_fgetc(__FILE__, __LINE__, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_fgetc(F) inline_mysql_file_fgetc(F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_fputs(P1, F) + Instrumented fputs. + @c mysql_file_fputs is a replacement for @c fputs. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fputs(P1, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_fputs(__FILE__, __LINE__, P1, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_fputs(P1, F)\ + inline_mysql_file_fputs(P1, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_fputc(P1, F) + Instrumented fputc. + @c mysql_file_fputc is a replacement for @c fputc. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fputc(P1, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_fputc(__FILE__, __LINE__, P1, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_fputc(P1, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_fputc(P1, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_fprintf + Instrumented fprintf. + @c mysql_file_fprintf is a replacement for @c fprintf. +*/ +#define mysql_file_fprintf inline_mysql_file_fprintf + +/** + @def mysql_file_vfprintf(F, P1, P2) + Instrumented vfprintf. + @c mysql_file_vfprintf is a replacement for @c vfprintf. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_vfprintf(F, P1, P2) \ + inline_mysql_file_vfprintf(__FILE__, __LINE__, F, P1, P2) +#else + #define mysql_file_vfprintf(F, P1, P2) \ + inline_mysql_file_vfprintf(F, P1, P2) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_fflush(F, P1, P2) + Instrumented fflush. + @c mysql_file_fflush is a replacement for @c fflush. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fflush(F) \ + inline_mysql_file_fflush(__FILE__, __LINE__, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_fflush(F) \ + inline_mysql_file_fflush(F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_feof(F) + Instrumented feof. + @c mysql_file_feof is a replacement for @c feof. +*/ +#define mysql_file_feof(F) inline_mysql_file_feof(F) + +/** + @def mysql_file_fstat(FN, S, FL) + Instrumented fstat. + @c mysql_file_fstat is a replacement for @c my_fstat. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fstat(FN, S, FL) \ + inline_mysql_file_fstat(__FILE__, __LINE__, FN, S, FL) +#else + #define mysql_file_fstat(FN, S, FL) \ + inline_mysql_file_fstat(FN, S, FL) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_stat(K, FN, S, FL) + Instrumented stat. + @c mysql_file_stat is a replacement for @c my_stat. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_stat(K, FN, S, FL) \ + inline_mysql_file_stat(K, __FILE__, __LINE__, FN, S, FL) +#else + #define mysql_file_stat(K, FN, S, FL) \ + inline_mysql_file_stat(FN, S, FL) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_chsize(F, P1, P2, P3) + Instrumented chsize. + @c mysql_file_chsize is a replacement for @c my_chsize. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_chsize(F, P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_chsize(__FILE__, __LINE__, F, P1, P2, P3) +#else + #define mysql_file_chsize(F, P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_chsize(F, P1, P2, P3) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_fopen(K, N, F1, F2) + Instrumented fopen. + @c mysql_file_fopen is a replacement for @c my_fopen. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fopen(K, N, F1, F2) \ + inline_mysql_file_fopen(K, __FILE__, __LINE__, N, F1, F2) +#else + #define mysql_file_fopen(K, N, F1, F2) \ + inline_mysql_file_fopen(N, F1, F2) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_fclose(FD, FL) + Instrumented fclose. + @c mysql_file_fclose is a replacement for @c my_fclose. + Without the instrumentation, this call will have the same behavior as the + undocumented and possibly platform specific my_fclose(NULL, ...) behavior. + With the instrumentation, mysql_fclose(NULL, ...) will safely return 0, + which is an extension compared to my_fclose and is therefore compliant. + mysql_fclose is on purpose *not* implementing + @code DBUG_ASSERT(file != NULL) @endcode, + since doing so could introduce regressions. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fclose(FD, FL) \ + inline_mysql_file_fclose(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, FL) +#else + #define mysql_file_fclose(FD, FL) \ + inline_mysql_file_fclose(FD, FL) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_fread(FD, P1, P2, P3) + Instrumented fread. + @c mysql_file_fread is a replacement for @c my_fread. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fread(FD, P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_fread(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, P1, P2, P3) +#else + #define mysql_file_fread(FD, P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_fread(FD, P1, P2, P3) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_fwrite(FD, P1, P2, P3) + Instrumented fwrite. + @c mysql_file_fwrite is a replacement for @c my_fwrite. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fwrite(FD, P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_fwrite(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, P1, P2, P3) +#else + #define mysql_file_fwrite(FD, P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_fwrite(FD, P1, P2, P3) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_fseek(FD, P, W, F) + Instrumented fseek. + @c mysql_file_fseek is a replacement for @c my_fseek. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_fseek(FD, P, W, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_fseek(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, P, W, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_fseek(FD, P, W, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_fseek(FD, P, W, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_ftell(FD, F) + Instrumented ftell. + @c mysql_file_ftell is a replacement for @c my_ftell. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_ftell(FD, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_ftell(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_ftell(FD, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_ftell(FD, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_create(K, N, F1, F2, F3) + Instrumented create. + @c mysql_file_create is a replacement for @c my_create. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_create(K, N, F1, F2, F3) \ + inline_mysql_file_create(K, __FILE__, __LINE__, N, F1, F2, F3) +#else + #define mysql_file_create(K, N, F1, F2, F3) \ + inline_mysql_file_create(N, F1, F2, F3) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_create_temp(K, T, D, P, M, F) + Instrumented create_temp_file. + @c mysql_file_create_temp is a replacement for @c create_temp_file. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_create_temp(K, T, D, P, M, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_create_temp(K, T, D, P, M, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_create_temp(K, T, D, P, M, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_create_temp(T, D, P, M, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_open(K, N, F1, F2) + Instrumented open. + @c mysql_file_open is a replacement for @c my_open. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_open(K, N, F1, F2) \ + inline_mysql_file_open(K, __FILE__, __LINE__, N, F1, F2) +#else + #define mysql_file_open(K, N, F1, F2) \ + inline_mysql_file_open(N, F1, F2) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_close(FD, F) + Instrumented close. + @c mysql_file_close is a replacement for @c my_close. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_close(FD, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_close(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_close(FD, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_close(FD, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_read(FD, B, S, F) + Instrumented read. + @c mysql_read is a replacement for @c my_read. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_read(FD, B, S, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_read(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, B, S, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_read(FD, B, S, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_read(FD, B, S, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_write(FD, B, S, F) + Instrumented write. + @c mysql_file_write is a replacement for @c my_write. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_write(FD, B, S, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_write(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, B, S, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_write(FD, B, S, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_write(FD, B, S, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_pread(FD, B, S, O, F) + Instrumented pread. + @c mysql_pread is a replacement for @c my_pread. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_pread(FD, B, S, O, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_pread(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, B, S, O, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_pread(FD, B, S, O, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_pread(FD, B, S, O, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_pwrite(FD, B, S, O, F) + Instrumented pwrite. + @c mysql_file_pwrite is a replacement for @c my_pwrite. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_pwrite(FD, B, S, O, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_pwrite(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, B, S, O, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_pwrite(FD, B, S, O, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_pwrite(FD, B, S, O, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_seek(FD, P, W, F) + Instrumented seek. + @c mysql_file_seek is a replacement for @c my_seek. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_seek(FD, P, W, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_seek(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, P, W, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_seek(FD, P, W, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_seek(FD, P, W, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_tell(FD, F) + Instrumented tell. + @c mysql_file_tell is a replacement for @c my_tell. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_tell(FD, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_tell(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, F) +#else + #define mysql_file_tell(FD, F) \ + inline_mysql_file_tell(FD, F) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_delete(K, P1, P2) + Instrumented delete. + @c mysql_file_delete is a replacement for @c my_delete. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_delete(K, P1, P2) \ + inline_mysql_file_delete(K, __FILE__, __LINE__, P1, P2) +#else + #define mysql_file_delete(K, P1, P2) \ + inline_mysql_file_delete(P1, P2) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_rename(K, P1, P2, P3) + Instrumented rename. + @c mysql_file_rename is a replacement for @c my_rename. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_rename(K, P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_rename(K, __FILE__, __LINE__, P1, P2, P3) +#else + #define mysql_file_rename(K, P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_rename(P1, P2, P3) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_create_with_symlink(K, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) + Instrumented create with symbolic link. + @c mysql_file_create_with_symlink is a replacement + for @c my_create_with_symlink. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_create_with_symlink(K, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) \ + inline_mysql_file_create_with_symlink(K, __FILE__, __LINE__, \ + P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) +#else + #define mysql_file_create_with_symlink(K, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) \ + inline_mysql_file_create_with_symlink(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(K, P1, P2) + Instrumented delete with symbolic link. + @c mysql_file_delete_with_symlink is a replacement + for @c my_delete_with_symlink. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(K, P1, P2) \ + inline_mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(K, __FILE__, __LINE__, P1, P2) +#else + #define mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(K, P1, P2) \ + inline_mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(P1, P2) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_rename_with_symlink(K, P1, P2, P3) + Instrumented rename with symbolic link. + @c mysql_file_rename_with_symlink is a replacement + for @c my_rename_with_symlink. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_rename_with_symlink(K, P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_rename_with_symlink(K, __FILE__, __LINE__, P1, P2, P3) +#else + #define mysql_file_rename_with_symlink(K, P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_file_rename_with_symlink(P1, P2, P3) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_file_sync(P1, P2) + Instrumented file sync. + @c mysql_file_sync is a replacement for @c my_sync. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + #define mysql_file_sync(P1, P2) \ + inline_mysql_file_sync(__FILE__, __LINE__, P1, P2) +#else + #define mysql_file_sync(P1, P2) \ + inline_mysql_file_sync(P1, P2) +#endif + +/** + An instrumented FILE structure. + @sa MYSQL_FILE +*/ +struct st_mysql_file +{ + /** The real file. */ + FILE *m_file; + /** + The instrumentation hook. + Note that this hook is not conditionally defined, + for binary compatibility of the @c MYSQL_FILE interface. + */ + struct PSI_file *m_psi; +}; + +/** + Type of an instrumented file. + @c MYSQL_FILE is a drop-in replacement for @c FILE. + @sa mysql_file_open +*/ +typedef struct st_mysql_file MYSQL_FILE; + +static inline void inline_mysql_file_register( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *category, + PSI_file_info *info, + int count +#else + const char *category __attribute__ ((unused)), + void *info __attribute__ ((unused)), + int count __attribute__ ((unused)) +#endif +) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_FILE_CALL(register_file)(category, info, count); +#endif +} + +static inline char * +inline_mysql_file_fgets( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + char *str, int size, MYSQL_FILE *file) +{ + char *result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_READ); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) size, src_file, src_line); + result= fgets(str, size, file->m_file); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, result ? strlen(result) : 0); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= fgets(str, size, file->m_file); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_fgetc( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_FILE *file) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_READ); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 1, src_file, src_line); + result= fgetc(file->m_file); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 1); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= fgetc(file->m_file); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_fputs( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + const char *str, MYSQL_FILE *file) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + size_t bytes; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_WRITE); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + bytes= str ? strlen(str) : 0; + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, bytes, src_file, src_line); + result= fputs(str, file->m_file); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, bytes); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= fputs(str, file->m_file); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_fputc( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + char c, MYSQL_FILE *file) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_WRITE); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 1, src_file, src_line); + result= fputc(c, file->m_file); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 1); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= fputc(c, file->m_file); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_fprintf(MYSQL_FILE *file, const char *format, ...) +{ + /* + TODO: figure out how to pass src_file and src_line from the caller. + */ + int result; + va_list args; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_WRITE); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, __FILE__, __LINE__); + va_start(args, format); + result= vfprintf(file->m_file, format, args); + va_end(args); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) result); + return result; + } +#endif + + va_start(args, format); + result= vfprintf(file->m_file, format, args); + va_end(args); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_vfprintf( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_FILE *file, const char *format, va_list args) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_WRITE); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, src_file, src_line); + result= vfprintf(file->m_file, format, args); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) result); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= vfprintf(file->m_file, format, args); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_fflush( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_FILE *file) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_FLUSH); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, src_file, src_line); + result= fflush(file->m_file); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= fflush(file->m_file); + return result; +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_file_feof(MYSQL_FILE *file) +{ + /* Not instrumented, there is no wait involved */ + return feof(file->m_file); +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_fstat( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + int filenr, MY_STAT *stat_area, myf flags) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_descriptor_locker) + (&state, filenr, PSI_FILE_FSTAT); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, src_file, src_line); + result= my_fstat(filenr, stat_area, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_fstat(filenr, stat_area, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline MY_STAT * +inline_mysql_file_stat( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_file_key key, const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + const char *path, MY_STAT *stat_area, myf flags) +{ + MY_STAT *result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_name_locker) + (&state, key, PSI_FILE_STAT, path, &locker); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_open_wait)(locker, src_file, src_line); + result= my_stat(path, stat_area, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_open_wait)(locker, result); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_stat(path, stat_area, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_chsize( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + File file, my_off_t newlength, int filler, myf flags) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_descriptor_locker) + (&state, file, PSI_FILE_CHSIZE); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) newlength, src_file, + src_line); + result= my_chsize(file, newlength, filler, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) newlength); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_chsize(file, newlength, filler, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline MYSQL_FILE* +inline_mysql_file_fopen( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_file_key key, const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + const char *filename, int flags, myf myFlags) +{ + MYSQL_FILE *that; + that= (MYSQL_FILE*) my_malloc(sizeof(MYSQL_FILE), MYF(MY_WME)); + if (likely(that != NULL)) + { +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_name_locker) + (&state, key, PSI_FILE_STREAM_OPEN, filename, that); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_open_wait) + (locker, src_file, src_line); + that->m_file= my_fopen(filename, flags, myFlags); + that->m_psi= PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_open_wait)(locker, that->m_file); + if (unlikely(that->m_file == NULL)) + { + my_free(that); + return NULL; + } + return that; + } +#endif + + that->m_psi= NULL; + that->m_file= my_fopen(filename, flags, myFlags); + if (unlikely(that->m_file == NULL)) + { + my_free(that); + return NULL; + } + } + return that; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_fclose( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_FILE *file, myf flags) +{ + int result= 0; + if (likely(file != NULL)) + { +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_STREAM_CLOSE); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_close_wait)(locker, src_file, src_line); + result= my_fclose(file->m_file, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_close_wait)(locker, result); + my_free(file); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_fclose(file->m_file, flags); + my_free(file); + } + return result; +} + +static inline size_t +inline_mysql_file_fread( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_FILE *file, uchar *buffer, size_t count, myf flags) +{ + size_t result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + size_t bytes_read; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_READ); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, count, src_file, src_line); + result= my_fread(file->m_file, buffer, count, flags); + if (flags & (MY_NABP | MY_FNABP)) + bytes_read= (result == 0) ? count : 0; + else + bytes_read= (result != MY_FILE_ERROR) ? result : 0; + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, bytes_read); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_fread(file->m_file, buffer, count, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline size_t +inline_mysql_file_fwrite( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_FILE *file, const uchar *buffer, size_t count, myf flags) +{ + size_t result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + size_t bytes_written; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_WRITE); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, count, src_file, src_line); + result= my_fwrite(file->m_file, buffer, count, flags); + if (flags & (MY_NABP | MY_FNABP)) + bytes_written= (result == 0) ? count : 0; + else + bytes_written= (result != MY_FILE_ERROR) ? result : 0; + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, bytes_written); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_fwrite(file->m_file, buffer, count, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline my_off_t +inline_mysql_file_fseek( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_FILE *file, my_off_t pos, int whence, myf flags) +{ + my_off_t result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_SEEK); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, src_file, src_line); + result= my_fseek(file->m_file, pos, whence, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_fseek(file->m_file, pos, whence, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline my_off_t +inline_mysql_file_ftell( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_FILE *file, myf flags) +{ + my_off_t result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_stream_locker) + (&state, file->m_psi, PSI_FILE_TELL); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, src_file, src_line); + result= my_ftell(file->m_file, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_ftell(file->m_file, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline File +inline_mysql_file_create( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_file_key key, const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + const char *filename, int create_flags, int access_flags, myf myFlags) +{ + File file; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_name_locker) + (&state, key, PSI_FILE_CREATE, filename, &locker); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_open_wait)(locker, src_file, src_line); + file= my_create(filename, create_flags, access_flags, myFlags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_open_wait_and_bind_to_descriptor)(locker, file); + return file; + } +#endif + + file= my_create(filename, create_flags, access_flags, myFlags); + return file; +} + +static inline File +inline_mysql_file_create_temp( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_file_key key, +#endif + char *to, const char *dir, const char *pfx, int mode, myf myFlags) +{ + File file; + /* + TODO: This event is instrumented, but not timed. + The problem is that the file name is now known + before the create_temp_file call. + */ + file= create_temp_file(to, dir, pfx, mode, myFlags); +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_FILE_CALL(create_file)(key, to, file); +#endif + return file; +} + +static inline File +inline_mysql_file_open( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_file_key key, const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + const char *filename, int flags, myf myFlags) +{ + File file; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_name_locker) + (&state, key, PSI_FILE_OPEN, filename, &locker); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_open_wait)(locker, src_file, src_line); + file= my_open(filename, flags, myFlags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_open_wait_and_bind_to_descriptor)(locker, file); + return file; + } +#endif + + file= my_open(filename, flags, myFlags); + return file; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_close( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + File file, myf flags) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_descriptor_locker) + (&state, file, PSI_FILE_CLOSE); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_close_wait)(locker, src_file, src_line); + result= my_close(file, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_close_wait)(locker, result); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_close(file, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline size_t +inline_mysql_file_read( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + File file, uchar *buffer, size_t count, myf flags) +{ + size_t result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + size_t bytes_read; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_descriptor_locker) + (&state, file, PSI_FILE_READ); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, count, src_file, src_line); + result= my_read(file, buffer, count, flags); + if (flags & (MY_NABP | MY_FNABP)) + bytes_read= (result == 0) ? count : 0; + else + bytes_read= (result != MY_FILE_ERROR) ? result : 0; + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, bytes_read); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_read(file, buffer, count, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline size_t +inline_mysql_file_write( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + File file, const uchar *buffer, size_t count, myf flags) +{ + size_t result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + size_t bytes_written; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_descriptor_locker) + (&state, file, PSI_FILE_WRITE); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, count, src_file, src_line); + result= my_write(file, buffer, count, flags); + if (flags & (MY_NABP | MY_FNABP)) + bytes_written= (result == 0) ? count : 0; + else + bytes_written= (result != MY_FILE_ERROR) ? result : 0; + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, bytes_written); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_write(file, buffer, count, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline size_t +inline_mysql_file_pread( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + File file, uchar *buffer, size_t count, my_off_t offset, myf flags) +{ + size_t result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + size_t bytes_read; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_descriptor_locker) + (&state, file, PSI_FILE_READ); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, count, src_file, src_line); + result= my_pread(file, buffer, count, offset, flags); + if (flags & (MY_NABP | MY_FNABP)) + bytes_read= (result == 0) ? count : 0; + else + bytes_read= (result != MY_FILE_ERROR) ? result : 0; + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, bytes_read); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_pread(file, buffer, count, offset, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline size_t +inline_mysql_file_pwrite( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + File file, const uchar *buffer, size_t count, my_off_t offset, myf flags) +{ + size_t result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + size_t bytes_written; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_descriptor_locker) + (&state, file, PSI_FILE_WRITE); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, count, src_file, src_line); + result= my_pwrite(file, buffer, count, offset, flags); + if (flags & (MY_NABP | MY_FNABP)) + bytes_written= (result == 0) ? count : 0; + else + bytes_written= (result != MY_FILE_ERROR) ? result : 0; + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, bytes_written); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_pwrite(file, buffer, count, offset, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline my_off_t +inline_mysql_file_seek( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + File file, my_off_t pos, int whence, myf flags) +{ + my_off_t result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_descriptor_locker) + (&state, file, PSI_FILE_SEEK); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, src_file, src_line); + result= my_seek(file, pos, whence, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_seek(file, pos, whence, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline my_off_t +inline_mysql_file_tell( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + File file, myf flags) +{ + my_off_t result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_descriptor_locker) + (&state, file, PSI_FILE_TELL); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, src_file, src_line); + result= my_tell(file, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_tell(file, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_delete( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_file_key key, const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + const char *name, myf flags) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_name_locker) + (&state, key, PSI_FILE_DELETE, name, &locker); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_close_wait)(locker, src_file, src_line); + result= my_delete(name, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_close_wait)(locker, result); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_delete(name, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_rename( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_file_key key, const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + const char *from, const char *to, myf flags) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_name_locker) + (&state, key, PSI_FILE_RENAME, to, &locker); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, src_file, src_line); + result= my_rename(from, to, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_rename(from, to, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline File +inline_mysql_file_create_with_symlink( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_file_key key, const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + const char *linkname, const char *filename, int create_flags, + int access_flags, myf flags) +{ + File file; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_name_locker) + (&state, key, PSI_FILE_CREATE, filename, &locker); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_open_wait)(locker, src_file, src_line); + file= my_create_with_symlink(linkname, filename, create_flags, access_flags, + flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_open_wait_and_bind_to_descriptor)(locker, file); + return file; + } +#endif + + file= my_create_with_symlink(linkname, filename, create_flags, access_flags, + flags); + return file; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_delete_with_symlink( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_file_key key, const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + const char *name, myf flags) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_name_locker) + (&state, key, PSI_FILE_DELETE, name, &locker); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_close_wait)(locker, src_file, src_line); + result= my_delete_with_symlink(name, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_close_wait)(locker, result); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_delete_with_symlink(name, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_rename_with_symlink( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + PSI_file_key key, const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + const char *from, const char *to, myf flags) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_name_locker) + (&state, key, PSI_FILE_RENAME, to, &locker); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, src_file, src_line); + result= my_rename_with_symlink(from, to, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_rename_with_symlink(from, to, flags); + return result; +} + +static inline int +inline_mysql_file_sync( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + File fd, myf flags) +{ + int result= 0; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE + struct PSI_file_locker *locker; + PSI_file_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_FILE_CALL(get_thread_file_descriptor_locker) + (&state, fd, PSI_FILE_SYNC); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_FILE_CALL(start_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0, src_file, src_line); + result= my_sync(fd, flags); + PSI_FILE_CALL(end_file_wait)(locker, (size_t) 0); + return result; + } +#endif + + result= my_sync(fd, flags); + return result; +} + +/** @} (end of group File_instrumentation) */ + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_idle.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_idle.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5c72b715b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_idle.h @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ + +#ifndef MYSQL_IDLE_H +#define MYSQL_IDLE_H + +/** + @file mysql/psi/mysql_idle.h + Instrumentation helpers for idle waits. +*/ + +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" + +/** + @defgroup Idle_instrumentation Idle Instrumentation + @ingroup Instrumentation_interface + @{ +*/ + +/** + @def MYSQL_START_IDLE_WAIT + Instrumentation helper for table io_waits. + This instrumentation marks the start of a wait event. + @param LOCKER the locker + @param STATE the locker state + @sa MYSQL_END_IDLE_WAIT. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_IDLE_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_START_IDLE_WAIT(LOCKER, STATE) \ + LOCKER= inline_mysql_start_idle_wait(STATE, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define MYSQL_START_IDLE_WAIT(LOCKER, STATE) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +/** + @def MYSQL_END_IDLE_WAIT + Instrumentation helper for idle waits. + This instrumentation marks the end of a wait event. + @param LOCKER the locker + @sa MYSQL_START_IDLE_WAIT. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_IDLE_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_END_IDLE_WAIT(LOCKER) \ + inline_mysql_end_idle_wait(LOCKER) +#else + #define MYSQL_END_IDLE_WAIT(LOCKER) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_IDLE_INTERFACE +/** + Instrumentation calls for MYSQL_START_IDLE_WAIT. + @sa MYSQL_END_IDLE_WAIT. +*/ +static inline struct PSI_idle_locker * +inline_mysql_start_idle_wait(PSI_idle_locker_state *state, + const char *src_file, int src_line) +{ + struct PSI_idle_locker *locker; + locker= PSI_IDLE_CALL(start_idle_wait)(state, src_file, src_line); + return locker; +} + +/** + Instrumentation calls for MYSQL_END_IDLE_WAIT. + @sa MYSQL_START_IDLE_WAIT. +*/ +static inline void +inline_mysql_end_idle_wait(struct PSI_idle_locker *locker) +{ + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + PSI_IDLE_CALL(end_idle_wait)(locker); +} +#endif + +/** @} (end of group Idle_instrumentation) */ + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_socket.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_socket.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e1d56539f --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_socket.h @@ -0,0 +1,1161 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as +published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the +License. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA +02110-1301 USA +*/ + +#ifndef MYSQL_SOCKET_H +#define MYSQL_SOCKET_H + +/* For strlen() */ +#include +/* For MY_STAT */ +#include +/* For my_chsize */ +#include +/* For socket api */ +#ifdef __WIN__ + #include + #include + #include + #define SOCKBUF_T char +#else + #include + #define SOCKBUF_T void +#endif +/** + @file mysql/psi/mysql_socket.h +[...] +*/ + +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" + +/** + @defgroup Socket_instrumentation Socket Instrumentation + @ingroup Instrumentation_interface + @{ +*/ + +/** + @def mysql_socket_register(P1, P2, P3) + Socket registration. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_socket_register(P1, P2, P3) +#else + #define mysql_socket_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +struct st_mysql_socket +{ + /** The real socket descriptor. */ + my_socket fd; + + /** + The instrumentation hook. + Note that this hook is not conditionally defined, + for binary compatibility of the @c MYSQL_SOCKET interface. + */ + struct PSI_socket *m_psi; +}; + +/** + An instrumented socket. + @c MYSQL_SOCKET is a replacement for @c my_socket. +*/ +typedef struct st_mysql_socket MYSQL_SOCKET; + + +/** + @def MYSQL_INVALID_SOCKET + MYSQL_SOCKET initial value. +*/ +//MYSQL_SOCKET MYSQL_INVALID_SOCKET= {INVALID_SOCKET, NULL}; +#define MYSQL_INVALID_SOCKET mysql_socket_invalid() + +/** + MYSQL_SOCKET helper. Initialize instrumented socket. + @sa mysql_socket_getfd + @sa mysql_socket_setfd +*/ +static inline MYSQL_SOCKET +mysql_socket_invalid() +{ + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket= {INVALID_SOCKET, NULL}; + return mysql_socket; +} + +/** + Set socket descriptor and address. + @param socket nstrumented socket + @param fd socket descriptor + @param addr unformatted socket address + @param adr_len length of socket addres +*/ + +static inline void +mysql_socket_set_address( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + MYSQL_SOCKET socket, + const struct sockaddr *addr, + socklen_t addr_len +#else + MYSQL_SOCKET socket __attribute__ ((unused)), + const struct sockaddr *addr __attribute__ ((unused)), + socklen_t addr_len __attribute__ ((unused)) +#endif +) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (socket.m_psi != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(set_socket_info)(socket.m_psi, NULL, addr, addr_len); +#endif +} + +/** + Set socket descriptor and address. + @param socket instrumented socket + @param thread instrumented owning thread +*/ +static inline void +mysql_socket_set_thread_owner( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE +MYSQL_SOCKET socket +#else +MYSQL_SOCKET socket __attribute__ ((unused)) +#endif +) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (socket.m_psi != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(set_socket_thread_owner)(socket.m_psi); +#endif +} + +/** + MYSQL_SOCKET helper. Get socket descriptor. + @param mysql_socket Instrumented socket + @sa mysql_socket_setfd +*/ +static inline my_socket +mysql_socket_getfd(MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket) +{ + return mysql_socket.fd; +} + +/** + MYSQL_SOCKET helper. Set socket descriptor. + @param mysql_socket Instrumented socket + @param fd Socket descriptor + @sa mysql_socket_getfd +*/ +static inline void +mysql_socket_setfd(MYSQL_SOCKET *mysql_socket, my_socket fd) +{ + if (likely(mysql_socket != NULL)) + mysql_socket->fd= fd; +} + +/** + @def MYSQL_SOCKET_WAIT_VARIABLES + Instrumentation helper for socket waits. + This instrumentation declares local variables. + Do not use a ';' after this macro + @param LOCKER locker + @param STATE locker state + @sa MYSQL_START_SOCKET_WAIT. + @sa MYSQL_END_SOCKET_WAIT. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_SOCKET_WAIT_VARIABLES(LOCKER, STATE) \ + struct PSI_socket_locker* LOCKER; \ + PSI_socket_locker_state STATE; +#else + #define MYSQL_SOCKET_WAIT_VARIABLES(LOCKER, STATE) +#endif + +/** + @def MYSQL_START_SOCKET_WAIT + Instrumentation helper for socket waits. + This instrumentation marks the start of a wait event. + @param LOCKER locker + @param STATE locker state + @param SOCKET instrumented socket + @param OP The socket operation to be performed + @param FLAGS per-socket operation flags. + @param COUNT bytes to be written/read + @sa MYSQL_END_SOCKET_WAIT. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_START_SOCKET_WAIT(LOCKER, STATE, SOCKET, OP, COUNT) \ + LOCKER= inline_mysql_start_socket_wait(STATE, SOCKET, OP, COUNT,\ + __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define MYSQL_START_SOCKET_WAIT(LOCKER, STATE, SOCKET, OP, COUNT) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +/** + @def MYSQL_END_SOCKET_WAIT + Instrumentation helper for socket waits. + This instrumentation marks the end of a wait event. + @param LOCKER locker + @param COUNT actual bytes written/read, or -1 + @sa MYSQL_START_SOCKET_WAIT. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_END_SOCKET_WAIT(LOCKER, COUNT) \ + inline_mysql_end_socket_wait(LOCKER, COUNT) +#else + #define MYSQL_END_SOCKET_WAIT(LOCKER, COUNT) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_SOCKET_SET_STATE(SOCKET, STATE) \ + inline_mysql_socket_set_state(SOCKET, STATE) +#else + #define MYSQL_SOCKET_SET_STATE(SOCKET, STATE) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE +/** + Instrumentation calls for MYSQL_START_SOCKET_WAIT. + @sa MYSQL_START_SOCKET_WAIT. +*/ +static inline struct PSI_socket_locker* +inline_mysql_start_socket_wait(PSI_socket_locker_state *state, + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, + enum PSI_socket_operation op, + size_t byte_count, + const char *src_file, int src_line) +{ + struct PSI_socket_locker *locker; + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (state, mysql_socket.m_psi, op, byte_count, src_file, src_line); + } + else + locker= NULL; + return locker; +} + +/** + Instrumentation calls for MYSQL_END_SOCKET_WAIT. + @sa MYSQL_END_SOCKET_WAIT. +*/ +static inline void +inline_mysql_end_socket_wait(struct PSI_socket_locker *locker, size_t byte_count) +{ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, byte_count); +} + +/** + Set the state (IDLE, ACTIVE) of an instrumented socket. + @param socket the instrumented socket + @param state the new state + @sa PSI_socket_state +*/ +static inline void +inline_mysql_socket_set_state(MYSQL_SOCKET socket, enum PSI_socket_state state) +{ + if (socket.m_psi != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(set_socket_state)(socket.m_psi, state); +} +#endif /* HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE */ + +/** + @def mysql_socket_socket(K, D, T, P) + Create a socket. + @c mysql_socket_socket is a replacement for @c socket. + @param K PSI_socket_key for this instrumented socket + @param D Socket domain + @param T Protocol type + @param P Transport protocol +*/ + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_socket(K, D, T, P) \ + inline_mysql_socket_socket(K, D, T, P) +#else + #define mysql_socket_socket(K, D, T, P) \ + inline_mysql_socket_socket(D, T, P) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_bind(FD, AP, L) + Bind a socket to a local port number and IP address + @c mysql_socket_bind is a replacement for @c bind. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() + @param AP Pointer to local port number and IP address in sockaddr structure + @param L Length of sockaddr structure +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_bind(FD, AP, L) \ + inline_mysql_socket_bind(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, AP, L) +#else + #define mysql_socket_bind(FD, AP, L) \ + inline_mysql_socket_bind(FD, AP, L) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_getsockname(FD, AP, LP) + Return port number and IP address of the local host + @c mysql_socket_getsockname is a replacement for @c getsockname. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() + @param A Pointer to returned address of local host in sockaddr structure + @param L Pointer to length of sockaddr structure +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_getsockname(FD, AP, LP) \ + inline_mysql_socket_getsockname(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, AP, LP) +#else + #define mysql_socket_getsockname(FD, AP, LP) \ + inline_mysql_socket_getsockname(FD, AP, LP) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_connect(FD, AP, L) + Establish a connection to a remote host. + @c mysql_socket_connect is a replacement for @c connect. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() + @param AP Pointer to target address in sockaddr structure + @param L Length of sockaddr structure +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_connect(FD, AP, L) \ + inline_mysql_socket_connect(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, AP, L) +#else + #define mysql_socket_connect(FD, AP, L) \ + inline_mysql_socket_connect(FD, AP, L) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_getpeername(FD, AP, LP) + Get port number and IP address of remote host that a socket is connected to. + @c mysql_socket_getpeername is a replacement for @c getpeername. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() or accept() + @param AP Pointer to returned address of remote host in sockaddr structure + @param LP Pointer to length of sockaddr structure +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_getpeername(FD, AP, LP) \ + inline_mysql_socket_getpeername(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, AP, LP) +#else + #define mysql_socket_getpeername(FD, AP, LP) \ + inline_mysql_socket_getpeername(FD, AP, LP) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_send(FD, B, N, FL) + Send data from the buffer, B, to a connected socket. + @c mysql_socket_send is a replacement for @c send. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() or accept() + @param B Buffer to send + @param N Number of bytes to send + @param FL Control flags +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_send(FD, B, N, FL) \ + inline_mysql_socket_send(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, B, N, FL) +#else + #define mysql_socket_send(FD, B, N, FL) \ + inline_mysql_socket_send(FD, B, N, FL) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_recv(FD, B, N, FL) + Receive data from a connected socket. + @c mysql_socket_recv is a replacement for @c recv. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() or accept() + @param B Buffer to receive to + @param N Maximum bytes to receive + @param FL Control flags +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_recv(FD, B, N, FL) \ + inline_mysql_socket_recv(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, B, N, FL) +#else + #define mysql_socket_recv(FD, B, N, FL) \ + inline_mysql_socket_recv(FD, B, N, FL) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_sendto(FD, B, N, FL, AP, L) + Send data to a socket at the specified address. + @c mysql_socket_sendto is a replacement for @c sendto. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() + @param B Buffer to send + @param N Number of bytes to send + @param FL Control flags + @param AP Pointer to destination sockaddr structure + @param L Size of sockaddr structure +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_sendto(FD, B, N, FL, AP, L) \ + inline_mysql_socket_sendto(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, B, N, FL, AP, L) +#else + #define mysql_socket_sendto(FD, B, N, FL, AP, L) \ + inline_mysql_socket_sendto(FD, B, N, FL, AP, L) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_recvfrom(FD, B, N, FL, AP, L) + Receive data from a socket and return source address information + @c mysql_socket_recvfrom is a replacement for @c recvfrom. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() + @param B Buffer to receive to + @param N Maximum bytes to receive + @param FL Control flags + @param AP Pointer to source address in sockaddr_storage structure + @param L Size of sockaddr_storage structure +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_recvfrom(FD, B, N, FL, AP, LP) \ + inline_mysql_socket_recvfrom(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, B, N, FL, AP, LP) +#else + #define mysql_socket_recvfrom(FD, B, N, FL, AP, LP) \ + inline_mysql_socket_recvfrom(FD, B, N, FL, AP, LP) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_getsockopt(FD, LV, ON, OP, OL) + Get a socket option for the specified socket. + @c mysql_socket_getsockopt is a replacement for @c getsockopt. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() + @param LV Protocol level + @param ON Option to query + @param OP Buffer which will contain the value for the requested option + @param OL Pointer to length of OP +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_getsockopt(FD, LV, ON, OP, OL) \ + inline_mysql_socket_getsockopt(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, LV, ON, OP, OL) +#else + #define mysql_socket_getsockopt(FD, LV, ON, OP, OL) \ + inline_mysql_socket_getsockopt(FD, LV, ON, OP, OL) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_setsockopt(FD, LV, ON, OP, OL) + Set a socket option for the specified socket. + @c mysql_socket_setsockopt is a replacement for @c setsockopt. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() + @param LV Protocol level + @param ON Option to modify + @param OP Buffer containing the value for the specified option + @param OL Pointer to length of OP +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_setsockopt(FD, LV, ON, OP, OL) \ + inline_mysql_socket_setsockopt(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, LV, ON, OP, OL) +#else + #define mysql_socket_setsockopt(FD, LV, ON, OP, OL) \ + inline_mysql_socket_setsockopt(FD, LV, ON, OP, OL) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_listen(FD, N) + Set socket state to listen for an incoming connection. + @c mysql_socket_listen is a replacement for @c listen. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor, bound and connected + @param N Maximum number of pending connections allowed. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_listen(FD, N) \ + inline_mysql_socket_listen(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, N) +#else + #define mysql_socket_listen(FD, N) \ + inline_mysql_socket_listen(FD, N) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_accept(K, FD, AP, LP) + Accept a connection from any remote host; TCP only. + @c mysql_socket_accept is a replacement for @c accept. + @param K PSI_socket_key for this instrumented socket + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor, bound and placed in a listen state + @param AP Pointer to sockaddr structure with returned IP address and port of connected host + @param LP Pointer to length of valid information in AP +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_accept(K, FD, AP, LP) \ + inline_mysql_socket_accept(__FILE__, __LINE__, K, FD, AP, LP) +#else + #define mysql_socket_accept(K, FD, AP, LP) \ + inline_mysql_socket_accept(FD, AP, LP) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_close(FD) + Close a socket and sever any connections. + @c mysql_socket_close is a replacement for @c close. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() or accept() +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_close(FD) \ + inline_mysql_socket_close(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD) +#else + #define mysql_socket_close(FD) \ + inline_mysql_socket_close(FD) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_socket_shutdown(FD, H) + Disable receives and/or sends on a socket. + @c mysql_socket_shutdown is a replacement for @c shutdown. + @param FD Instrumented socket descriptor returned by socket() or accept() + @param H Specifies which operations to shutdown +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + #define mysql_socket_shutdown(FD, H) \ + inline_mysql_socket_shutdown(__FILE__, __LINE__, FD, H) +#else + #define mysql_socket_shutdown(FD, H) \ + inline_mysql_socket_shutdown(FD, H) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE +static inline void inline_mysql_socket_register( + const char *category, + PSI_socket_info *info, + int count) +{ + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(register_socket)(category, info, count); +} +#endif + +/** mysql_socket_socket */ + +static inline MYSQL_SOCKET +inline_mysql_socket_socket +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + PSI_socket_key key, +#endif + int domain, int type, int protocol) +{ + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket= MYSQL_INVALID_SOCKET; + mysql_socket.fd= socket(domain, type, protocol); + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (likely(mysql_socket.fd != INVALID_SOCKET)) + { + mysql_socket.m_psi= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(init_socket) + (key, (const my_socket*)&mysql_socket.fd, NULL, 0); + } +#endif + return mysql_socket; +} + +/** mysql_socket_bind */ + +static inline int +inline_mysql_socket_bind +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t len) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_BIND, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= bind(mysql_socket.fd, addr, len); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (result == 0) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(set_socket_info)(mysql_socket.m_psi, NULL, addr, len); + + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, (size_t)0); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= bind(mysql_socket.fd, addr, len); + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_getsockname */ + +static inline int +inline_mysql_socket_getsockname +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *len) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_BIND, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= getsockname(mysql_socket.fd, addr, len); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, (size_t)0); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= getsockname(mysql_socket.fd, addr, len); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_connect */ + +static inline int +inline_mysql_socket_connect +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t len) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_CONNECT, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= connect(mysql_socket.fd, addr, len); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, (size_t)0); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= connect(mysql_socket.fd, addr, len); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_getpeername */ + +static inline int +inline_mysql_socket_getpeername +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *len) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_BIND, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= getpeername(mysql_socket.fd, addr, len); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, (size_t)0); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= getpeername(mysql_socket.fd, addr, len); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_send */ + +static inline ssize_t +inline_mysql_socket_send +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, const SOCKBUF_T *buf, size_t n, int flags) +{ + ssize_t result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_SEND, n, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= send(mysql_socket.fd, buf, IF_WIN((int),) n, flags); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + { + size_t bytes_written; + bytes_written= (result > -1) ? result : 0; + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, bytes_written); + } + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= send(mysql_socket.fd, buf, IF_WIN((int),) n, flags); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_recv */ + +static inline ssize_t +inline_mysql_socket_recv +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, SOCKBUF_T *buf, size_t n, int flags) +{ + ssize_t result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_RECV, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= recv(mysql_socket.fd, buf, IF_WIN((int),) n, flags); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + { + size_t bytes_read; + bytes_read= (result > -1) ? result : 0; + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, bytes_read); + } + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= recv(mysql_socket.fd, buf, IF_WIN((int),) n, flags); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_sendto */ + +static inline ssize_t +inline_mysql_socket_sendto +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, const SOCKBUF_T *buf, size_t n, int flags, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addr_len) +{ + ssize_t result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_SEND, n, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= sendto(mysql_socket.fd, buf, IF_WIN((int),) n, flags, addr, addr_len); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + { + size_t bytes_written; + bytes_written = (result > -1) ? result : 0; + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, bytes_written); + } + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= sendto(mysql_socket.fd, buf, IF_WIN((int),) n, flags, addr, addr_len); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_recvfrom */ + +static inline ssize_t +inline_mysql_socket_recvfrom +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, SOCKBUF_T *buf, size_t n, int flags, + struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addr_len) +{ + ssize_t result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_RECV, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= recvfrom(mysql_socket.fd, buf, IF_WIN((int),) n, flags, addr, addr_len); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + { + size_t bytes_read; + bytes_read = (result > -1) ? result : 0; + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, bytes_read); + } + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= recvfrom(mysql_socket.fd, buf, IF_WIN((int),) n, flags, addr, addr_len); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_getsockopt */ + +static inline int +inline_mysql_socket_getsockopt +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, int level, int optname, SOCKBUF_T *optval, socklen_t *optlen) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_OPT, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= getsockopt(mysql_socket.fd, level, optname, optval, optlen); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, (size_t)0); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= getsockopt(mysql_socket.fd, level, optname, optval, optlen); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_setsockopt */ + +static inline int +inline_mysql_socket_setsockopt +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, int level, int optname, const SOCKBUF_T *optval, + socklen_t optlen) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_OPT, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= setsockopt(mysql_socket.fd, level, optname, optval, optlen); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, (size_t)0); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= setsockopt(mysql_socket.fd, level, optname, optval, optlen); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_listen */ + +static inline int +inline_mysql_socket_listen +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, int backlog) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_CONNECT, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= listen(mysql_socket.fd, backlog); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, (size_t)0); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= listen(mysql_socket.fd, backlog); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_accept */ + +static inline MYSQL_SOCKET +inline_mysql_socket_accept +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, PSI_socket_key key, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET socket_listen, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addr_len) +{ + MYSQL_SOCKET socket_accept= MYSQL_INVALID_SOCKET; + socklen_t addr_length= (addr_len != NULL) ? *addr_len : 0; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (socket_listen.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, socket_listen.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_CONNECT, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + socket_accept.fd= accept(socket_listen.fd, addr, &addr_length); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, (size_t)0); + } + else +#endif + { + /* Non instrumented code */ + socket_accept.fd= accept(socket_listen.fd, addr, &addr_length); + } + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (likely(socket_accept.fd != INVALID_SOCKET)) + { + /* Initialize the instrument with the new socket descriptor and address */ + socket_accept.m_psi= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(init_socket) + (key, (const my_socket*)&socket_accept.fd, addr, addr_length); + } +#endif + + return socket_accept; +} + +/** mysql_socket_close */ + +static inline int +inline_mysql_socket_close +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_CLOSE, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= closesocket(mysql_socket.fd); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, (size_t)0); + /* Remove the instrumentation for this socket. */ + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(destroy_socket)(mysql_socket.m_psi); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= closesocket(mysql_socket.fd); + + return result; +} + +/** mysql_socket_shutdown */ + +static inline int +inline_mysql_socket_shutdown +( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + const char *src_file, uint src_line, +#endif + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, int how) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef __WIN__ + static LPFN_DISCONNECTEX DisconnectEx = NULL; + if (DisconnectEx == NULL) + { + DWORD dwBytesReturned; + GUID guidDisconnectEx = WSAID_DISCONNECTEX; + WSAIoctl(mysql_socket.fd, SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER, + &guidDisconnectEx, sizeof(GUID), + &DisconnectEx, sizeof(DisconnectEx), + &dwBytesReturned, NULL, NULL); + } +#endif + +/* Instrumentation start */ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE + if (mysql_socket.m_psi != NULL) + { + PSI_socket_locker *locker; + PSI_socket_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_SOCKET_CALL(start_socket_wait) + (&state, mysql_socket.m_psi, PSI_SOCKET_SHUTDOWN, (size_t)0, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ +#ifdef __WIN__ + if (DisconnectEx) + result= (DisconnectEx(mysql_socket.fd, (LPOVERLAPPED) NULL, + (DWORD) 0, (DWORD) 0) == TRUE) ? 0 : -1; + else +#endif + result= shutdown(mysql_socket.fd, how); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_SOCKET_CALL(end_socket_wait)(locker, (size_t)0); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ +#ifdef __WIN__ + if (DisconnectEx) + result= (DisconnectEx(mysql_socket.fd, (LPOVERLAPPED) NULL, + (DWORD) 0, (DWORD) 0) == TRUE) ? 0 : -1; + else +#endif + result= shutdown(mysql_socket.fd, how); + + return result; +} + +/** @} (end of group Socket_instrumentation) */ + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_stage.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_stage.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..91a5c12f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_stage.h @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MYSQL_STAGE_H +#define MYSQL_STAGE_H + +/** + @file mysql/psi/mysql_stage.h + Instrumentation helpers for stages. +*/ + +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" + +/** + @defgroup Stage_instrumentation Stage Instrumentation + @ingroup Instrumentation_interface + @{ +*/ + +/** + @def mysql_stage_register(P1, P2, P3) + Stage registration. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STAGE_INTERFACE +#define mysql_stage_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_stage_register(P1, P2, P3) +#else +#define mysql_stage_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STAGE_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_SET_STAGE(K, F, L) \ + inline_mysql_set_stage(K, F, L) +#else + #define MYSQL_SET_STAGE(K, F, L) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STAGE_INTERFACE +static inline void inline_mysql_stage_register( + const char *category, PSI_stage_info **info, int count) +{ + PSI_STAGE_CALL(register_stage)(category, info, count); +} +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STAGE_INTERFACE +static inline void +inline_mysql_set_stage(PSI_stage_key key, + const char *src_file, int src_line) +{ + PSI_STAGE_CALL(start_stage)(key, src_file, src_line); +} +#endif + +/** @} (end of group Stage_instrumentation) */ + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_statement.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_statement.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d7a76ee25 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_statement.h @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MYSQL_STATEMENT_H +#define MYSQL_STATEMENT_H + +/** + @file mysql/psi/mysql_statement.h + Instrumentation helpers for statements. +*/ + +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" + +/** + @defgroup Statement_instrumentation Statement Instrumentation + @ingroup Instrumentation_interface + @{ +*/ + +/** + @def mysql_statement_register(P1, P2, P3) + Statement registration. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE +#define mysql_statement_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_statement_register(P1, P2, P3) +#else +#define mysql_statement_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_DIGEST_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_DIGEST_START(LOCKER) \ + inline_mysql_digest_start(LOCKER) +#else + #define MYSQL_DIGEST_START(LOCKER) \ + NULL +#endif +#else + #define MYSQL_DIGEST_START(LOCKER) \ + NULL +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_DIGEST_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_ADD_TOKEN(LOCKER, T, Y) \ + inline_mysql_add_token(LOCKER, T, Y) +#else + #define MYSQL_ADD_TOKEN(LOCKER, T, Y) \ + NULL +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_START_STATEMENT(STATE, K, DB, DB_LEN, CS) \ + inline_mysql_start_statement(STATE, K, DB, DB_LEN, CS, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define MYSQL_START_STATEMENT(STATE, K, DB, DB_LEN, CS) \ + NULL +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_REFINE_STATEMENT(LOCKER, K) \ + inline_mysql_refine_statement(LOCKER, K) +#else + #define MYSQL_REFINE_STATEMENT(LOCKER, K) \ + NULL +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_SET_STATEMENT_TEXT(LOCKER, P1, P2) \ + inline_mysql_set_statement_text(LOCKER, P1, P2) +#else + #define MYSQL_SET_STATEMENT_TEXT(LOCKER, P1, P2) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_SET_STATEMENT_LOCK_TIME(LOCKER, P1) \ + inline_mysql_set_statement_lock_time(LOCKER, P1) +#else + #define MYSQL_SET_STATEMENT_LOCK_TIME(LOCKER, P1) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_SET_STATEMENT_ROWS_SENT(LOCKER, P1) \ + inline_mysql_set_statement_rows_sent(LOCKER, P1) +#else + #define MYSQL_SET_STATEMENT_ROWS_SENT(LOCKER, P1) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_SET_STATEMENT_ROWS_EXAMINED(LOCKER, P1) \ + inline_mysql_set_statement_rows_examined(LOCKER, P1) +#else + #define MYSQL_SET_STATEMENT_ROWS_EXAMINED(LOCKER, P1) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_END_STATEMENT(LOCKER, DA) \ + inline_mysql_end_statement(LOCKER, DA) +#else + #define MYSQL_END_STATEMENT(LOCKER, DA) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE +static inline void inline_mysql_statement_register( + const char *category, PSI_statement_info *info, int count) +{ + PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(register_statement)(category, info, count); +} + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_DIGEST_INTERFACE +static inline struct PSI_digest_locker * +inline_mysql_digest_start(PSI_statement_locker *locker) +{ + PSI_digest_locker* digest_locker= NULL; + + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + digest_locker= PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(digest_start)(locker); + return digest_locker; +} +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_DIGEST_INTERFACE +static inline struct PSI_digest_locker * +inline_mysql_add_token(PSI_digest_locker *locker, uint token, + void *yylval) +{ + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + locker= PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(digest_add_token)(locker, token, + (OPAQUE_LEX_YYSTYPE*)yylval); + return locker; +} +#endif + +static inline struct PSI_statement_locker * +inline_mysql_start_statement(PSI_statement_locker_state *state, + PSI_statement_key key, + const char *db, uint db_len, + const CHARSET_INFO *charset, + const char *src_file, int src_line) +{ + PSI_statement_locker *locker; + locker= PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(get_thread_statement_locker)(state, key, charset); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(start_statement)(locker, db, db_len, src_file, src_line); + return locker; +} + +static inline struct PSI_statement_locker * +inline_mysql_refine_statement(PSI_statement_locker *locker, + PSI_statement_key key) +{ + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + locker= PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(refine_statement)(locker, key); + } + return locker; +} + +static inline void +inline_mysql_set_statement_text(PSI_statement_locker *locker, + const char *text, uint text_len) +{ + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(set_statement_text)(locker, text, text_len); + } +} + +static inline void +inline_mysql_set_statement_lock_time(PSI_statement_locker *locker, + ulonglong count) +{ + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(set_statement_lock_time)(locker, count); + } +} + +static inline void +inline_mysql_set_statement_rows_sent(PSI_statement_locker *locker, + ulonglong count) +{ + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(set_statement_rows_sent)(locker, count); + } +} + +static inline void +inline_mysql_set_statement_rows_examined(PSI_statement_locker *locker, + ulonglong count) +{ + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + { + PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(set_statement_rows_examined)(locker, count); + } +} + +static inline void +inline_mysql_end_statement(struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, + Diagnostics_area *stmt_da) +{ + PSI_STAGE_CALL(end_stage)(); + if (likely(locker != NULL)) + PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(end_statement)(locker, stmt_da); +} +#endif + +/** @} (end of group Statement_instrumentation) */ + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_table.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_table.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..815313e65 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_table.h @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ + +#ifndef MYSQL_TABLE_H +#define MYSQL_TABLE_H + +/** + @file mysql/psi/mysql_table.h + Instrumentation helpers for table io. +*/ + +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" + +/** + @defgroup Table_instrumentation Table Instrumentation + @ingroup Instrumentation_interface + @{ +*/ + +/** + @def MYSQL_TABLE_WAIT_VARIABLES + Instrumentation helper for table waits. + This instrumentation declares local variables. + Do not use a ';' after this macro + @param LOCKER the locker + @param STATE the locker state + @sa MYSQL_START_TABLE_IO_WAIT. + @sa MYSQL_END_TABLE_IO_WAIT. + @sa MYSQL_START_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT. + @sa MYSQL_END_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_TABLE_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_TABLE_WAIT_VARIABLES(LOCKER, STATE) \ + struct PSI_table_locker* LOCKER; \ + PSI_table_locker_state STATE; +#else + #define MYSQL_TABLE_WAIT_VARIABLES(LOCKER, STATE) +#endif + +/** + @def MYSQL_TABLE_IO_WAIT + Instrumentation helper for table io_waits. + This instrumentation marks the start of a wait event. + @param PSI the instrumented table + @param OP the table operation to be performed + @param INDEX the table index used if any, or MAY_KEY. + @param FLAGS per table operation flags. + @sa MYSQL_END_TABLE_WAIT. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_TABLE_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_TABLE_IO_WAIT(PSI, OP, INDEX, FLAGS, PAYLOAD) \ + { \ + if (PSI != NULL) \ + { \ + PSI_table_locker *locker; \ + PSI_table_locker_state state; \ + locker= PSI_TABLE_CALL(start_table_io_wait) \ + (& state, PSI, OP, INDEX, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ + PAYLOAD \ + if (locker != NULL) \ + PSI_TABLE_CALL(end_table_io_wait)(locker); \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + PAYLOAD \ + } \ + } +#else + #define MYSQL_TABLE_IO_WAIT(PSI, OP, INDEX, FLAGS, PAYLOAD) \ + PAYLOAD +#endif + +/** + @def MYSQL_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT + Instrumentation helper for table io_waits. + This instrumentation marks the start of a wait event. + @param PSI the instrumented table + @param OP the table operation to be performed + @param INDEX the table index used if any, or MAY_KEY. + @param FLAGS per table operation flags. + @sa MYSQL_END_TABLE_WAIT. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_TABLE_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT(PSI, OP, FLAGS, PAYLOAD) \ + { \ + if (PSI != NULL) \ + { \ + PSI_table_locker *locker; \ + PSI_table_locker_state state; \ + locker= PSI_TABLE_CALL(start_table_lock_wait) \ + (& state, PSI, OP, FLAGS, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ + PAYLOAD \ + if (locker != NULL) \ + PSI_TABLE_CALL(end_table_lock_wait)(locker); \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + PAYLOAD \ + } \ + } +#else + #define MYSQL_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT(PSI, OP, FLAGS, PAYLOAD) \ + PAYLOAD +#endif + +/** + @def MYSQL_START_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT + Instrumentation helper for table lock waits. + This instrumentation marks the start of a wait event. + @param LOCKER the locker + @param STATE the locker state + @param PSI the instrumented table + @param OP the table operation to be performed + @param FLAGS per table operation flags. + @sa MYSQL_END_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_TABLE_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_START_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT(LOCKER, STATE, PSI, OP, FLAGS) \ + LOCKER= inline_mysql_start_table_lock_wait(STATE, PSI, \ + OP, FLAGS, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define MYSQL_START_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT(LOCKER, STATE, PSI, OP, FLAGS) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +/** + @def MYSQL_END_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT + Instrumentation helper for table lock waits. + This instrumentation marks the end of a wait event. + @param LOCKER the locker + @sa MYSQL_START_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_TABLE_INTERFACE + #define MYSQL_END_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT(LOCKER) \ + inline_mysql_end_table_lock_wait(LOCKER) +#else + #define MYSQL_END_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT(LOCKER) \ + do {} while (0) +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_TABLE_INTERFACE +/** + Instrumentation calls for MYSQL_START_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT. + @sa MYSQL_END_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT. +*/ +static inline struct PSI_table_locker * +inline_mysql_start_table_lock_wait(PSI_table_locker_state *state, + struct PSI_table *psi, + enum PSI_table_lock_operation op, + ulong flags, const char *src_file, int src_line) +{ + if (psi != NULL) + { + struct PSI_table_locker *locker; + locker= PSI_TABLE_CALL(start_table_lock_wait) + (state, psi, op, flags, src_file, src_line); + return locker; + } + return NULL; +} + +/** + Instrumentation calls for MYSQL_END_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT. + @sa MYSQL_START_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT. +*/ +static inline void +inline_mysql_end_table_lock_wait(struct PSI_table_locker *locker) +{ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_TABLE_CALL(end_table_lock_wait)(locker); +} +#endif + +/** @} (end of group Table_instrumentation) */ + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..604b9c5af --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h @@ -0,0 +1,1268 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ + +#ifndef MYSQL_THREAD_H +#define MYSQL_THREAD_H + +/** + @file mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h + Instrumentation helpers for mysys threads, mutexes, + read write locks and conditions. + This header file provides the necessary declarations + to use the mysys thread API with the performance schema instrumentation. + In some compilers (SunStudio), 'static inline' functions, when declared + but not used, are not optimized away (because they are unused) by default, + so that including a static inline function from a header file does + create unwanted dependencies, causing unresolved symbols at link time. + Other compilers, like gcc, optimize these dependencies by default. + + Since the instrumented APIs declared here are wrapper on top + of my_pthread / safemutex / etc APIs, + including mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h assumes that + the dependency on my_pthread and safemutex already exists. +*/ +/* + Note: there are several orthogonal dimensions here. + + Dimension 1: Instrumentation + HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE is defined when the instrumentation is compiled in. + This may happen both in debug or production builds. + + Dimension 2: Debug + SAFE_MUTEX is defined when debug is compiled in. + This may happen both with and without instrumentation. + + Dimension 3: Platform + Mutexes are implemented with one of: + - the pthread library + - fast mutexes + - window apis + This is implemented by various macro definitions in my_pthread.h + + This causes complexity with '#ifdef'-ery that can't be avoided. +*/ + +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" + +/** + @defgroup Thread_instrumentation Thread Instrumentation + @ingroup Instrumentation_interface + @{ +*/ + +/** + An instrumented mutex structure. + @sa mysql_mutex_t +*/ +struct st_mysql_mutex +{ + /** The real mutex. */ +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + safe_mutex_t m_mutex; +#elif defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) + my_pthread_fastmutex_t m_mutex; +#else + pthread_mutex_t m_mutex; +#endif + /** + The instrumentation hook. + Note that this hook is not conditionally defined, + for binary compatibility of the @c mysql_mutex_t interface. + */ + struct PSI_mutex *m_psi; +}; + +/** + Type of an instrumented mutex. + @c mysql_mutex_t is a drop-in replacement for @c pthread_mutex_t. + @sa mysql_mutex_assert_owner + @sa mysql_mutex_assert_not_owner + @sa mysql_mutex_init + @sa mysql_mutex_lock + @sa mysql_mutex_unlock + @sa mysql_mutex_destroy +*/ +typedef struct st_mysql_mutex mysql_mutex_t; + +/** + An instrumented rwlock structure. + @sa mysql_rwlock_t +*/ +struct st_mysql_rwlock +{ + /** The real rwlock */ + rw_lock_t m_rwlock; + /** + The instrumentation hook. + Note that this hook is not conditionally defined, + for binary compatibility of the @c mysql_rwlock_t interface. + */ + struct PSI_rwlock *m_psi; +}; + +/** + An instrumented prlock structure. + @sa mysql_prlock_t +*/ +struct st_mysql_prlock +{ + /** The real prlock */ + rw_pr_lock_t m_prlock; + /** + The instrumentation hook. + Note that this hook is not conditionally defined, + for binary compatibility of the @c mysql_rwlock_t interface. + */ + struct PSI_rwlock *m_psi; +}; + +/** + Type of an instrumented rwlock. + @c mysql_rwlock_t is a drop-in replacement for @c pthread_rwlock_t. + @sa mysql_rwlock_init + @sa mysql_rwlock_rdlock + @sa mysql_rwlock_tryrdlock + @sa mysql_rwlock_wrlock + @sa mysql_rwlock_trywrlock + @sa mysql_rwlock_unlock + @sa mysql_rwlock_destroy +*/ +typedef struct st_mysql_rwlock mysql_rwlock_t; + +/** + Type of an instrumented prlock. + A prlock is a read write lock that 'prefers readers' (pr). + @c mysql_prlock_t is a drop-in replacement for @c rw_pr_lock_t. + @sa mysql_prlock_init + @sa mysql_prlock_rdlock + @sa mysql_prlock_wrlock + @sa mysql_prlock_unlock + @sa mysql_prlock_destroy +*/ +typedef struct st_mysql_prlock mysql_prlock_t; + +/** + An instrumented cond structure. + @sa mysql_cond_t +*/ +struct st_mysql_cond +{ + /** The real condition */ + pthread_cond_t m_cond; + /** + The instrumentation hook. + Note that this hook is not conditionally defined, + for binary compatibility of the @c mysql_cond_t interface. + */ + struct PSI_cond *m_psi; +}; + +/** + Type of an instrumented condition. + @c mysql_cond_t is a drop-in replacement for @c pthread_cond_t. + @sa mysql_cond_init + @sa mysql_cond_wait + @sa mysql_cond_timedwait + @sa mysql_cond_signal + @sa mysql_cond_broadcast + @sa mysql_cond_destroy +*/ +typedef struct st_mysql_cond mysql_cond_t; + +/* + Consider the following code: + static inline void foo() { bar(); } + when foo() is never called. + + With gcc, foo() is a local static function, so the dependencies + are optimized away at compile time, and there is no dependency on bar(). + With other compilers (HP, Sun Studio), the function foo() implementation + is compiled, and bar() needs to be present to link. + + Due to the existing header dependencies in MySQL code, this header file + is sometime used when it is not needed, which in turn cause link failures + on some platforms. + The proper fix would be to cut these extra dependencies in the calling code. + DISABLE_MYSQL_THREAD_H is a work around to limit dependencies. + DISABLE_MYSQL_PRLOCK_H is similar, and is used to disable specifically + the prlock wrappers. +*/ +#ifndef DISABLE_MYSQL_THREAD_H + +/** + @def mysql_mutex_assert_owner(M) + Wrapper, to use safe_mutex_assert_owner with instrumented mutexes. + @c mysql_mutex_assert_owner is a drop-in replacement + for @c safe_mutex_assert_owner. +*/ +#define mysql_mutex_assert_owner(M) \ + safe_mutex_assert_owner(&(M)->m_mutex) + +/** + @def mysql_mutex_assert_not_owner(M) + Wrapper, to use safe_mutex_assert_not_owner with instrumented mutexes. + @c mysql_mutex_assert_not_owner is a drop-in replacement + for @c safe_mutex_assert_not_owner. +*/ +#define mysql_mutex_assert_not_owner(M) \ + safe_mutex_assert_not_owner(&(M)->m_mutex) + +/** Wrappers for instrumented prlock objects. */ + +#define mysql_prlock_assert_write_owner(M) \ + rw_pr_lock_assert_write_owner(&(M)->m_prlock) + +#define mysql_prlock_assert_not_write_owner(M) \ + rw_pr_lock_assert_not_write_owner(&(M)->m_prlock) + +/** + @def mysql_mutex_register(P1, P2, P3) + Mutex registration. +*/ +#define mysql_mutex_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_register(P1, P2, P3) + +/** + @def mysql_mutex_init(K, M, A) + Instrumented mutex_init. + @c mysql_mutex_init is a replacement for @c pthread_mutex_init. + @param K The PSI_mutex_key for this instrumented mutex + @param M The mutex to initialize + @param A Mutex attributes +*/ + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE + #ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + #define mysql_mutex_init(K, M, A) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_init(K, M, A, __FILE__, __LINE__) + #else + #define mysql_mutex_init(K, M, A) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_init(K, M, A) + #endif +#else + #ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + #define mysql_mutex_init(K, M, A) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_init(M, A, __FILE__, __LINE__) + #else + #define mysql_mutex_init(K, M, A) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_init(M, A) + #endif +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_mutex_destroy(M) + Instrumented mutex_destroy. + @c mysql_mutex_destroy is a drop-in replacement + for @c pthread_mutex_destroy. +*/ +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + #define mysql_mutex_destroy(M) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_destroy(M, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_mutex_destroy(M) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_destroy(M) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_mutex_lock(M) + Instrumented mutex_lock. + @c mysql_mutex_lock is a drop-in replacement for @c pthread_mutex_lock. + @param M The mutex to lock +*/ + +#if defined(SAFE_MUTEX) || defined (HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE) + #define mysql_mutex_lock(M) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_lock(M, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_mutex_lock(M) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_lock(M) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_mutex_trylock(M) + Instrumented mutex_lock. + @c mysql_mutex_trylock is a drop-in replacement + for @c pthread_mutex_trylock. +*/ + +#if defined(SAFE_MUTEX) || defined (HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE) + #define mysql_mutex_trylock(M) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_trylock(M, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_mutex_trylock(M) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_trylock(M) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_mutex_unlock(M) + Instrumented mutex_unlock. + @c mysql_mutex_unlock is a drop-in replacement for @c pthread_mutex_unlock. +*/ +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + #define mysql_mutex_unlock(M) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_unlock(M, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_mutex_unlock(M) \ + inline_mysql_mutex_unlock(M) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_rwlock_register(P1, P2, P3) + Rwlock registration. +*/ +#define mysql_rwlock_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_rwlock_register(P1, P2, P3) + +/** + @def mysql_rwlock_init(K, RW) + Instrumented rwlock_init. + @c mysql_rwlock_init is a replacement for @c pthread_rwlock_init. + Note that pthread_rwlockattr_t is not supported in MySQL. + @param K The PSI_rwlock_key for this instrumented rwlock + @param RW The rwlock to initialize +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + #define mysql_rwlock_init(K, RW) inline_mysql_rwlock_init(K, RW) +#else + #define mysql_rwlock_init(K, RW) inline_mysql_rwlock_init(RW) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_prlock_init(K, RW) + Instrumented rw_pr_init. + @c mysql_prlock_init is a replacement for @c rw_pr_init. + @param K The PSI_rwlock_key for this instrumented prlock + @param RW The prlock to initialize +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + #define mysql_prlock_init(K, RW) inline_mysql_prlock_init(K, RW) +#else + #define mysql_prlock_init(K, RW) inline_mysql_prlock_init(RW) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_rwlock_destroy(RW) + Instrumented rwlock_destroy. + @c mysql_rwlock_destroy is a drop-in replacement + for @c pthread_rwlock_destroy. +*/ +#define mysql_rwlock_destroy(RW) inline_mysql_rwlock_destroy(RW) + +/** + @def mysql_prlock_destroy(RW) + Instrumented rw_pr_destroy. + @c mysql_prlock_destroy is a drop-in replacement + for @c rw_pr_destroy. +*/ +#define mysql_prlock_destroy(RW) inline_mysql_prlock_destroy(RW) + +/** + @def mysql_rwlock_rdlock(RW) + Instrumented rwlock_rdlock. + @c mysql_rwlock_rdlock is a drop-in replacement + for @c pthread_rwlock_rdlock. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + #define mysql_rwlock_rdlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_rwlock_rdlock(RW, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_rwlock_rdlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_rwlock_rdlock(RW) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_prlock_rdlock(RW) + Instrumented rw_pr_rdlock. + @c mysql_prlock_rdlock is a drop-in replacement + for @c rw_pr_rdlock. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + #define mysql_prlock_rdlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_prlock_rdlock(RW, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_prlock_rdlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_prlock_rdlock(RW) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_rwlock_wrlock(RW) + Instrumented rwlock_wrlock. + @c mysql_rwlock_wrlock is a drop-in replacement + for @c pthread_rwlock_wrlock. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + #define mysql_rwlock_wrlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_rwlock_wrlock(RW, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_rwlock_wrlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_rwlock_wrlock(RW) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_prlock_wrlock(RW) + Instrumented rw_pr_wrlock. + @c mysql_prlock_wrlock is a drop-in replacement + for @c rw_pr_wrlock. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + #define mysql_prlock_wrlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_prlock_wrlock(RW, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_prlock_wrlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_prlock_wrlock(RW) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_rwlock_tryrdlock(RW) + Instrumented rwlock_tryrdlock. + @c mysql_rwlock_tryrdlock is a drop-in replacement + for @c pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + #define mysql_rwlock_tryrdlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_rwlock_tryrdlock(RW, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_rwlock_tryrdlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_rwlock_tryrdlock(RW) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_rwlock_trywrlock(RW) + Instrumented rwlock_trywrlock. + @c mysql_rwlock_trywrlock is a drop-in replacement + for @c pthread_rwlock_trywrlock. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + #define mysql_rwlock_trywrlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_rwlock_trywrlock(RW, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_rwlock_trywrlock(RW) \ + inline_mysql_rwlock_trywrlock(RW) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_rwlock_unlock(RW) + Instrumented rwlock_unlock. + @c mysql_rwlock_unlock is a drop-in replacement + for @c pthread_rwlock_unlock. +*/ +#define mysql_rwlock_unlock(RW) inline_mysql_rwlock_unlock(RW) + +/** + @def mysql_prlock_unlock(RW) + Instrumented rw_pr_unlock. + @c mysql_prlock_unlock is a drop-in replacement + for @c rw_pr_unlock. +*/ +#define mysql_prlock_unlock(RW) inline_mysql_prlock_unlock(RW) + +/** + @def mysql_cond_register(P1, P2, P3) + Cond registration. +*/ +#define mysql_cond_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_cond_register(P1, P2, P3) + +/** + @def mysql_cond_init(K, C, A) + Instrumented cond_init. + @c mysql_cond_init is a replacement for @c pthread_cond_init. + @param C The cond to initialize + @param K The PSI_cond_key for this instrumented cond + @param A Condition attributes +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + #define mysql_cond_init(K, C, A) inline_mysql_cond_init(K, C, A) +#else + #define mysql_cond_init(K, C, A) inline_mysql_cond_init(C, A) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_cond_destroy(C) + Instrumented cond_destroy. + @c mysql_cond_destroy is a drop-in replacement for @c pthread_cond_destroy. +*/ +#define mysql_cond_destroy(C) inline_mysql_cond_destroy(C) + +/** + @def mysql_cond_wait(C) + Instrumented cond_wait. + @c mysql_cond_wait is a drop-in replacement for @c pthread_cond_wait. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + #define mysql_cond_wait(C, M) \ + inline_mysql_cond_wait(C, M, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_cond_wait(C, M) \ + inline_mysql_cond_wait(C, M) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_cond_timedwait(C, M, W) + Instrumented cond_timedwait. + @c mysql_cond_timedwait is a drop-in replacement + for @c pthread_cond_timedwait. +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + #define mysql_cond_timedwait(C, M, W) \ + inline_mysql_cond_timedwait(C, M, W, __FILE__, __LINE__) +#else + #define mysql_cond_timedwait(C, M, W) \ + inline_mysql_cond_timedwait(C, M, W) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_cond_signal(C) + Instrumented cond_signal. + @c mysql_cond_signal is a drop-in replacement for @c pthread_cond_signal. +*/ +#define mysql_cond_signal(C) inline_mysql_cond_signal(C) + +/** + @def mysql_cond_broadcast(C) + Instrumented cond_broadcast. + @c mysql_cond_broadcast is a drop-in replacement + for @c pthread_cond_broadcast. +*/ +#define mysql_cond_broadcast(C) inline_mysql_cond_broadcast(C) + +/** + @def mysql_thread_register(P1, P2, P3) + Thread registration. +*/ +#define mysql_thread_register(P1, P2, P3) \ + inline_mysql_thread_register(P1, P2, P3) + +/** + @def mysql_thread_create(K, P1, P2, P3, P4) + Instrumented pthread_create. + This function creates both the thread instrumentation and a thread. + @c mysql_thread_create is a replacement for @c pthread_create. + The parameter P4 (or, if it is NULL, P1) will be used as the + instrumented thread "indentity". + Providing a P1 / P4 parameter with a different value for each call + will on average improve performances, since this thread identity value + is used internally to randomize access to data and prevent contention. + This is optional, and the improvement is not guaranteed, only statistical. + @param K The PSI_thread_key for this instrumented thread + @param P1 pthread_create parameter 1 + @param P2 pthread_create parameter 2 + @param P3 pthread_create parameter 3 + @param P4 pthread_create parameter 4 +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE + #define mysql_thread_create(K, P1, P2, P3, P4) \ + inline_mysql_thread_create(K, P1, P2, P3, P4) +#else + #define mysql_thread_create(K, P1, P2, P3, P4) \ + pthread_create(P1, P2, P3, P4) +#endif + +/** + @def mysql_thread_set_psi_id(I) + Set the thread indentifier for the instrumentation. + @param I The thread identifier +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE + #define mysql_thread_set_psi_id(I) inline_mysql_thread_set_psi_id(I) +#else + #define mysql_thread_set_psi_id(I) do {} while (0) +#endif + +static inline void inline_mysql_mutex_register( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE + const char *category, + PSI_mutex_info *info, + int count +#else + const char *category __attribute__ ((unused)), + void *info __attribute__ ((unused)), + int count __attribute__ ((unused)) +#endif +) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE + PSI_MUTEX_CALL(register_mutex)(category, info, count); +#endif +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_mutex_init( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE + PSI_mutex_key key, +#endif + mysql_mutex_t *that, + const pthread_mutexattr_t *attr +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE + that->m_psi= PSI_MUTEX_CALL(init_mutex)(key, &that->m_mutex); +#else + that->m_psi= NULL; +#endif +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + return safe_mutex_init(&that->m_mutex, attr, src_file, src_line); +#elif defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) + return my_pthread_fastmutex_init(&that->m_mutex, attr); +#else + return pthread_mutex_init(&that->m_mutex, attr); +#endif +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_mutex_destroy( + mysql_mutex_t *that +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + PSI_MUTEX_CALL(destroy_mutex)(that->m_psi); + that->m_psi= NULL; + } +#endif +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + return safe_mutex_destroy(&that->m_mutex, src_file, src_line); +#elif defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) + return pthread_mutex_destroy(&that->m_mutex.mutex); +#else + return pthread_mutex_destroy(&that->m_mutex); +#endif +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_mutex_lock( + mysql_mutex_t *that +#if defined(SAFE_MUTEX) || defined (HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE) + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_mutex_locker *locker; + PSI_mutex_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_MUTEX_CALL(start_mutex_wait)(&state, that->m_psi, + PSI_MUTEX_LOCK, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + result= safe_mutex_lock(&that->m_mutex, FALSE, src_file, src_line); +#elif defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) + result= my_pthread_fastmutex_lock(&that->m_mutex); +#else + result= pthread_mutex_lock(&that->m_mutex); +#endif + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_MUTEX_CALL(end_mutex_wait)(locker, result); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + result= safe_mutex_lock(&that->m_mutex, FALSE, src_file, src_line); +#elif defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) + result= my_pthread_fastmutex_lock(&that->m_mutex); +#else + result= pthread_mutex_lock(&that->m_mutex); +#endif + + return result; +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_mutex_trylock( + mysql_mutex_t *that +#if defined(SAFE_MUTEX) || defined (HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE) + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_mutex_locker *locker; + PSI_mutex_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_MUTEX_CALL(start_mutex_wait)(&state, that->m_psi, + PSI_MUTEX_TRYLOCK, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + result= safe_mutex_lock(&that->m_mutex, TRUE, src_file, src_line); +#elif defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) + result= pthread_mutex_trylock(&that->m_mutex.mutex); +#else + result= pthread_mutex_trylock(&that->m_mutex); +#endif + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_MUTEX_CALL(end_mutex_wait)(locker, result); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + result= safe_mutex_lock(&that->m_mutex, TRUE, src_file, src_line); +#elif defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) + result= pthread_mutex_trylock(&that->m_mutex.mutex); +#else + result= pthread_mutex_trylock(&that->m_mutex); +#endif + + return result; +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_mutex_unlock( + mysql_mutex_t *that +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + PSI_MUTEX_CALL(unlock_mutex)(that->m_psi); +#endif + +#ifdef SAFE_MUTEX + result= safe_mutex_unlock(&that->m_mutex, src_file, src_line); +#elif defined(MY_PTHREAD_FASTMUTEX) + result= pthread_mutex_unlock(&that->m_mutex.mutex); +#else + result= pthread_mutex_unlock(&that->m_mutex); +#endif + + return result; +} + +static inline void inline_mysql_rwlock_register( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + const char *category, + PSI_rwlock_info *info, + int count +#else + const char *category __attribute__ ((unused)), + void *info __attribute__ ((unused)), + int count __attribute__ ((unused)) +#endif +) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(register_rwlock)(category, info, count); +#endif +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_rwlock_init( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + PSI_rwlock_key key, +#endif + mysql_rwlock_t *that) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + that->m_psi= PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(init_rwlock)(key, &that->m_rwlock); +#else + that->m_psi= NULL; +#endif + /* + pthread_rwlockattr_t is not used in MySQL. + */ + return my_rwlock_init(&that->m_rwlock, NULL); +} + +#ifndef DISABLE_MYSQL_PRLOCK_H +static inline int inline_mysql_prlock_init( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + PSI_rwlock_key key, +#endif + mysql_prlock_t *that) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + that->m_psi= PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(init_rwlock)(key, &that->m_prlock); +#else + that->m_psi= NULL; +#endif + return rw_pr_init(&that->m_prlock); +} +#endif + +static inline int inline_mysql_rwlock_destroy( + mysql_rwlock_t *that) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(destroy_rwlock)(that->m_psi); + that->m_psi= NULL; + } +#endif + return rwlock_destroy(&that->m_rwlock); +} + +#ifndef DISABLE_MYSQL_PRLOCK_H +static inline int inline_mysql_prlock_destroy( + mysql_prlock_t *that) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(destroy_rwlock)(that->m_psi); + that->m_psi= NULL; + } +#endif + return rw_pr_destroy(&that->m_prlock); +} +#endif + +static inline int inline_mysql_rwlock_rdlock( + mysql_rwlock_t *that +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_rwlock_locker *locker; + PSI_rwlock_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(start_rwlock_rdwait)(&state, that->m_psi, + PSI_RWLOCK_READLOCK, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= rw_rdlock(&that->m_rwlock); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(end_rwlock_rdwait)(locker, result); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= rw_rdlock(&that->m_rwlock); + + return result; +} + +#ifndef DISABLE_MYSQL_PRLOCK_H +static inline int inline_mysql_prlock_rdlock( + mysql_prlock_t *that +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_rwlock_locker *locker; + PSI_rwlock_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(start_rwlock_rdwait)(&state, that->m_psi, + PSI_RWLOCK_READLOCK, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= rw_pr_rdlock(&that->m_prlock); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(end_rwlock_rdwait)(locker, result); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= rw_pr_rdlock(&that->m_prlock); + + return result; +} +#endif + +static inline int inline_mysql_rwlock_wrlock( + mysql_rwlock_t *that +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_rwlock_locker *locker; + PSI_rwlock_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(start_rwlock_wrwait)(&state, that->m_psi, + PSI_RWLOCK_WRITELOCK, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= rw_wrlock(&that->m_rwlock); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(end_rwlock_wrwait)(locker, result); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= rw_wrlock(&that->m_rwlock); + + return result; +} + +#ifndef DISABLE_MYSQL_PRLOCK_H +static inline int inline_mysql_prlock_wrlock( + mysql_prlock_t *that +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_rwlock_locker *locker; + PSI_rwlock_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(start_rwlock_wrwait)(&state, that->m_psi, + PSI_RWLOCK_WRITELOCK, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= rw_pr_wrlock(&that->m_prlock); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(end_rwlock_wrwait)(locker, result); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= rw_pr_wrlock(&that->m_prlock); + + return result; +} +#endif + +static inline int inline_mysql_rwlock_tryrdlock( + mysql_rwlock_t *that +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_rwlock_locker *locker; + PSI_rwlock_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(start_rwlock_rdwait)(&state, that->m_psi, + PSI_RWLOCK_TRYREADLOCK, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= rw_tryrdlock(&that->m_rwlock); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(end_rwlock_rdwait)(locker, result); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= rw_tryrdlock(&that->m_rwlock); + + return result; +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_rwlock_trywrlock( + mysql_rwlock_t *that +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_rwlock_locker *locker; + PSI_rwlock_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(start_rwlock_wrwait)(&state, that->m_psi, + PSI_RWLOCK_TRYWRITELOCK, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= rw_trywrlock(&that->m_rwlock); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(end_rwlock_wrwait)(locker, result); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= rw_trywrlock(&that->m_rwlock); + + return result; +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_rwlock_unlock( + mysql_rwlock_t *that) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(unlock_rwlock)(that->m_psi); +#endif + result= rw_unlock(&that->m_rwlock); + return result; +} + +#ifndef DISABLE_MYSQL_PRLOCK_H +static inline int inline_mysql_prlock_unlock( + mysql_prlock_t *that) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(unlock_rwlock)(that->m_psi); +#endif + result= rw_pr_unlock(&that->m_prlock); + return result; +} +#endif + +static inline void inline_mysql_cond_register( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + const char *category, + PSI_cond_info *info, + int count +#else + const char *category __attribute__ ((unused)), + void *info __attribute__ ((unused)), + int count __attribute__ ((unused)) +#endif +) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + PSI_COND_CALL(register_cond)(category, info, count); +#endif +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_cond_init( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + PSI_cond_key key, +#endif + mysql_cond_t *that, + const pthread_condattr_t *attr) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + that->m_psi= PSI_COND_CALL(init_cond)(key, &that->m_cond); +#else + that->m_psi= NULL; +#endif + return pthread_cond_init(&that->m_cond, attr); +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_cond_destroy( + mysql_cond_t *that) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + PSI_COND_CALL(destroy_cond)(that->m_psi); + that->m_psi= NULL; + } +#endif + return pthread_cond_destroy(&that->m_cond); +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_cond_wait( + mysql_cond_t *that, + mysql_mutex_t *mutex +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_cond_locker *locker; + PSI_cond_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_COND_CALL(start_cond_wait)(&state, that->m_psi, mutex->m_psi, + PSI_COND_WAIT, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= my_cond_wait(&that->m_cond, &mutex->m_mutex); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_COND_CALL(end_cond_wait)(locker, result); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= my_cond_wait(&that->m_cond, &mutex->m_mutex); + + return result; +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_cond_timedwait( + mysql_cond_t *that, + mysql_mutex_t *mutex, + struct timespec *abstime +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + , const char *src_file, uint src_line +#endif + ) +{ + int result; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + { + /* Instrumentation start */ + PSI_cond_locker *locker; + PSI_cond_locker_state state; + locker= PSI_COND_CALL(start_cond_wait)(&state, that->m_psi, mutex->m_psi, + PSI_COND_TIMEDWAIT, src_file, src_line); + + /* Instrumented code */ + result= my_cond_timedwait(&that->m_cond, &mutex->m_mutex, abstime); + + /* Instrumentation end */ + if (locker != NULL) + PSI_COND_CALL(end_cond_wait)(locker, result); + + return result; + } +#endif + + /* Non instrumented code */ + result= my_cond_timedwait(&that->m_cond, &mutex->m_mutex, abstime); + + return result; +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_cond_signal( + mysql_cond_t *that) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + PSI_COND_CALL(signal_cond)(that->m_psi); +#endif + result= pthread_cond_signal(&that->m_cond); + return result; +} + +static inline int inline_mysql_cond_broadcast( + mysql_cond_t *that) +{ + int result; +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE + if (that->m_psi != NULL) + PSI_COND_CALL(broadcast_cond)(that->m_psi); +#endif + result= pthread_cond_broadcast(&that->m_cond); + return result; +} + +static inline void inline_mysql_thread_register( +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE + const char *category, + PSI_thread_info *info, + int count +#else + const char *category __attribute__ ((unused)), + void *info __attribute__ ((unused)), + int count __attribute__ ((unused)) +#endif +) +{ +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE + PSI_THREAD_CALL(register_thread)(category, info, count); +#endif +} + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE +static inline int inline_mysql_thread_create( + PSI_thread_key key, + pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr, + void *(*start_routine)(void*), void *arg) +{ + int result; + result= PSI_THREAD_CALL(spawn_thread)(key, thread, attr, start_routine, arg); + return result; +} + +static inline void inline_mysql_thread_set_psi_id(ulong id) +{ + struct PSI_thread *psi= PSI_THREAD_CALL(get_thread)(); + PSI_THREAD_CALL(set_thread_id)(psi, id); +} +#endif + +#endif /* DISABLE_MYSQL_THREAD_H */ + +/** @} (end of group Thread_instrumentation) */ + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..30f2709be --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi.h @@ -0,0 +1,2431 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ + +#ifndef MYSQL_PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA_INTERFACE_H +#define MYSQL_PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA_INTERFACE_H + +#ifdef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY +#define DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +#define DISABLE_PSI_RWLOCK +#define DISABLE_PSI_COND +#define DISABLE_PSI_FILE +#define DISABLE_PSI_TABLE +#define DISABLE_PSI_SOCKET +#define DISABLE_PSI_STAGE +#define DISABLE_PSI_STATEMENT +#define DISABLE_PSI_IDLE +#define DISABLE_PSI_STATEMENT_DIGEST +#endif /* EMBEDDED_LIBRARY */ + +#ifndef MY_GLOBAL_INCLUDED +/* + Make sure a .c or .cc file contains an include to my_global.h first. + When this include is missing, all the #ifdef HAVE_XXX have no effect, + and the resulting binary won't build, or won't link, + or will crash at runtime + since various structures will have different binary definitions. +*/ +#error "You must include my_global.h in the code for the build to be correct." +#endif + +C_MODE_START + +struct TABLE_SHARE; +/* + There are 3 known bison parsers in the server: + - (1) the SQL parser itself, sql/sql_yacc.yy + - (2) storage/innobase/fts/fts0pars.y + - (3) storage/innobase/pars/pars0grm.y + What is instrumented here are the tokens from the SQL query text (1), + to make digests. + Now, to avoid name pollution and conflicts with different YYSTYPE definitions, + an opaque structure is used here. + The real type to use when invoking the digest api is LEX_YYSTYPE. +*/ +struct OPAQUE_LEX_YYSTYPE; + +/** + @file mysql/psi/psi.h + Performance schema instrumentation interface. + + @defgroup Instrumentation_interface Instrumentation Interface + @ingroup Performance_schema + @{ +*/ + +/** + Interface for an instrumented mutex. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_mutex; +typedef struct PSI_mutex PSI_mutex; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented rwlock. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_rwlock; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock PSI_rwlock; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented condition. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_cond; +typedef struct PSI_cond PSI_cond; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented table share. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_table_share; +typedef struct PSI_table_share PSI_table_share; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented table handle. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_table; +typedef struct PSI_table PSI_table; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented thread. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_thread; +typedef struct PSI_thread PSI_thread; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented file handle. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_file; +typedef struct PSI_file PSI_file; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented socket descriptor. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_socket; +typedef struct PSI_socket PSI_socket; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented table operation. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_table_locker; +typedef struct PSI_table_locker PSI_table_locker; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented statement. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_statement_locker; +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker PSI_statement_locker; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented idle operation. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_idle_locker; +typedef struct PSI_idle_locker PSI_idle_locker; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented statement digest operation. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_digest_locker; +typedef struct PSI_digest_locker PSI_digest_locker; + +/** Entry point for the performance schema interface. */ +struct PSI_bootstrap +{ + /** + ABI interface finder. + Calling this method with an interface version number returns either + an instance of the ABI for this version, or NULL. + @param version the interface version number to find + @return a versioned interface (PSI_v1, PSI_v2 or PSI) + @sa PSI_VERSION_1 + @sa PSI_v1 + @sa PSI_VERSION_2 + @sa PSI_v2 + @sa PSI_CURRENT_VERSION + @sa PSI + */ + void* (*get_interface)(int version); +}; +typedef struct PSI_bootstrap PSI_bootstrap; + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX + Compiling option to disable the mutex instrumentation. + This option is mostly intended to be used during development, + when doing special builds with only a subset of the performance schema instrumentation, + for code analysis / profiling / performance tuning of a specific instrumentation alone. + For this reason, DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX is not advertised in the cmake general options. + To disable mutexes, add -DDISABLE_PSI_MUTEX to CFLAGS. + @sa DISABLE_PSI_RWLOCK + @sa DISABLE_PSI_COND + @sa DISABLE_PSI_FILE + @sa DISABLE_PSI_THREAD + @sa DISABLE_PSI_TABLE + @sa DISABLE_PSI_STAGE + @sa DISABLE_PSI_STATEMENT + @sa DISABLE_PSI_SOCKET + @sa DISABLE_PSI_IDLE +*/ + +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +#define HAVE_PSI_MUTEX_INTERFACE +#endif + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_RWLOCK + Compiling option to disable the rwlock instrumentation. + @sa DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +*/ + +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_RWLOCK +#define HAVE_PSI_RWLOCK_INTERFACE +#endif + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_COND + Compiling option to disable the cond instrumentation. + @sa DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +*/ + +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_COND +#define HAVE_PSI_COND_INTERFACE +#endif + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_FILE + Compiling option to disable the file instrumentation. + @sa DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +*/ + +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_FILE +#define HAVE_PSI_FILE_INTERFACE +#endif + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_THREAD + Compiling option to disable the thread instrumentation. + @sa DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +*/ +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_THREAD +#define HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE +#endif + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_TABLE + Compiling option to disable the table instrumentation. + @sa DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +*/ + +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_TABLE +#define HAVE_PSI_TABLE_INTERFACE +#endif + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_STAGE + Compiling option to disable the stage instrumentation. + @sa DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +*/ + +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_STAGE +#define HAVE_PSI_STAGE_INTERFACE +#endif + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_STATEMENT + Compiling option to disable the statement instrumentation. + @sa DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +*/ + +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_STATEMENT +#define HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE +#endif + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_STATEMENT_DIGEST + Compiling option to disable the statement digest instrumentation. +*/ + +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_STATEMENT +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_STATEMENT_DIGEST +#define HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_DIGEST_INTERFACE +#endif +#endif + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_SOCKET + Compiling option to disable the statement instrumentation. + @sa DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +*/ + +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_SOCKET +#define HAVE_PSI_SOCKET_INTERFACE +#endif + +/** + @def DISABLE_PSI_IDLE + Compiling option to disable the idle instrumentation. + @sa DISABLE_PSI_MUTEX +*/ + +#ifndef DISABLE_PSI_IDLE +#define HAVE_PSI_IDLE_INTERFACE +#endif + +/** + @def PSI_VERSION_1 + Performance Schema Interface number for version 1. + This version is supported. +*/ +#define PSI_VERSION_1 1 + +/** + @def PSI_VERSION_2 + Performance Schema Interface number for version 2. + This version is not implemented, it's a placeholder. +*/ +#define PSI_VERSION_2 2 + +/** + @def PSI_CURRENT_VERSION + Performance Schema Interface number for the most recent version. + The most current version is @c PSI_VERSION_1 +*/ +#define PSI_CURRENT_VERSION 1 + +#ifndef USE_PSI_2 +#ifndef USE_PSI_1 +#define USE_PSI_1 +#endif +#endif + +/** + Interface for an instrumented mutex operation. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_mutex_locker; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_locker PSI_mutex_locker; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented rwlock operation. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_rwlock_locker; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker PSI_rwlock_locker; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented condition operation. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_cond_locker; +typedef struct PSI_cond_locker PSI_cond_locker; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented file operation. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_file_locker; +typedef struct PSI_file_locker PSI_file_locker; + +/** + Interface for an instrumented socket operation. + This is an opaque structure. +*/ +struct PSI_socket_locker; +typedef struct PSI_socket_locker PSI_socket_locker; + +/** Operation performed on an instrumented mutex. */ +enum PSI_mutex_operation +{ + /** Lock. */ + PSI_MUTEX_LOCK= 0, + /** Lock attempt. */ + PSI_MUTEX_TRYLOCK= 1 +}; +typedef enum PSI_mutex_operation PSI_mutex_operation; + +/** Operation performed on an instrumented rwlock. */ +enum PSI_rwlock_operation +{ + /** Read lock. */ + PSI_RWLOCK_READLOCK= 0, + /** Write lock. */ + PSI_RWLOCK_WRITELOCK= 1, + /** Read lock attempt. */ + PSI_RWLOCK_TRYREADLOCK= 2, + /** Write lock attempt. */ + PSI_RWLOCK_TRYWRITELOCK= 3 +}; +typedef enum PSI_rwlock_operation PSI_rwlock_operation; + +/** Operation performed on an instrumented condition. */ +enum PSI_cond_operation +{ + /** Wait. */ + PSI_COND_WAIT= 0, + /** Wait, with timeout. */ + PSI_COND_TIMEDWAIT= 1 +}; +typedef enum PSI_cond_operation PSI_cond_operation; + +/** Operation performed on an instrumented file. */ +enum PSI_file_operation +{ + /** File creation, as in @c create(). */ + PSI_FILE_CREATE= 0, + /** Temporary file creation, as in @c create_temp_file(). */ + PSI_FILE_CREATE_TMP= 1, + /** File open, as in @c open(). */ + PSI_FILE_OPEN= 2, + /** File open, as in @c fopen(). */ + PSI_FILE_STREAM_OPEN= 3, + /** File close, as in @c close(). */ + PSI_FILE_CLOSE= 4, + /** File close, as in @c fclose(). */ + PSI_FILE_STREAM_CLOSE= 5, + /** + Generic file read, such as @c fgets(), @c fgetc(), @c fread(), @c read(), + @c pread(). + */ + PSI_FILE_READ= 6, + /** + Generic file write, such as @c fputs(), @c fputc(), @c fprintf(), + @c vfprintf(), @c fwrite(), @c write(), @c pwrite(). + */ + PSI_FILE_WRITE= 7, + /** Generic file seek, such as @c fseek() or @c seek(). */ + PSI_FILE_SEEK= 8, + /** Generic file tell, such as @c ftell() or @c tell(). */ + PSI_FILE_TELL= 9, + /** File flush, as in @c fflush(). */ + PSI_FILE_FLUSH= 10, + /** File stat, as in @c stat(). */ + PSI_FILE_STAT= 11, + /** File stat, as in @c fstat(). */ + PSI_FILE_FSTAT= 12, + /** File chsize, as in @c my_chsize(). */ + PSI_FILE_CHSIZE= 13, + /** File delete, such as @c my_delete() or @c my_delete_with_symlink(). */ + PSI_FILE_DELETE= 14, + /** File rename, such as @c my_rename() or @c my_rename_with_symlink(). */ + PSI_FILE_RENAME= 15, + /** File sync, as in @c fsync() or @c my_sync(). */ + PSI_FILE_SYNC= 16 +}; +typedef enum PSI_file_operation PSI_file_operation; + +/** IO operation performed on an instrumented table. */ +enum PSI_table_io_operation +{ + /** Row fetch. */ + PSI_TABLE_FETCH_ROW= 0, + /** Row write. */ + PSI_TABLE_WRITE_ROW= 1, + /** Row update. */ + PSI_TABLE_UPDATE_ROW= 2, + /** Row delete. */ + PSI_TABLE_DELETE_ROW= 3 +}; +typedef enum PSI_table_io_operation PSI_table_io_operation; + +/** Lock operation performed on an instrumented table. */ +enum PSI_table_lock_operation +{ + /** Table lock, in the server layer. */ + PSI_TABLE_LOCK= 0, + /** Table lock, in the storage engine layer. */ + PSI_TABLE_EXTERNAL_LOCK= 1 +}; +typedef enum PSI_table_lock_operation PSI_table_lock_operation; + +/** State of an instrumented socket. */ +enum PSI_socket_state +{ + /** Idle, waiting for the next command. */ + PSI_SOCKET_STATE_IDLE= 1, + /** Active, executing a command. */ + PSI_SOCKET_STATE_ACTIVE= 2 +}; +typedef enum PSI_socket_state PSI_socket_state; + +/** Operation performed on an instrumented socket. */ +enum PSI_socket_operation +{ + /** Socket creation, as in @c socket() or @c socketpair(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_CREATE= 0, + /** Socket connection, as in @c connect(), @c listen() and @c accept(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_CONNECT= 1, + /** Socket bind, as in @c bind(), @c getsockname() and @c getpeername(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_BIND= 2, + /** Socket close, as in @c shutdown(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_CLOSE= 3, + /** Socket send, @c send(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_SEND= 4, + /** Socket receive, @c recv(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_RECV= 5, + /** Socket send, @c sendto(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_SENDTO= 6, + /** Socket receive, @c recvfrom). */ + PSI_SOCKET_RECVFROM= 7, + /** Socket send, @c sendmsg(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_SENDMSG= 8, + /** Socket receive, @c recvmsg(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_RECVMSG= 9, + /** Socket seek, such as @c fseek() or @c seek(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_SEEK= 10, + /** Socket options, as in @c getsockopt() and @c setsockopt(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_OPT= 11, + /** Socket status, as in @c sockatmark() and @c isfdtype(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_STAT= 12, + /** Socket shutdown, as in @c shutdown(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_SHUTDOWN= 13, + /** Socket select, as in @c select() and @c poll(). */ + PSI_SOCKET_SELECT= 14 +}; +typedef enum PSI_socket_operation PSI_socket_operation; + +/** + Instrumented mutex key. + To instrument a mutex, a mutex key must be obtained using @c register_mutex. + Using a zero key always disable the instrumentation. +*/ +typedef unsigned int PSI_mutex_key; + +/** + Instrumented rwlock key. + To instrument a rwlock, a rwlock key must be obtained + using @c register_rwlock. + Using a zero key always disable the instrumentation. +*/ +typedef unsigned int PSI_rwlock_key; + +/** + Instrumented cond key. + To instrument a condition, a condition key must be obtained + using @c register_cond. + Using a zero key always disable the instrumentation. +*/ +typedef unsigned int PSI_cond_key; + +/** + Instrumented thread key. + To instrument a thread, a thread key must be obtained + using @c register_thread. + Using a zero key always disable the instrumentation. +*/ +typedef unsigned int PSI_thread_key; + +/** + Instrumented file key. + To instrument a file, a file key must be obtained using @c register_file. + Using a zero key always disable the instrumentation. +*/ +typedef unsigned int PSI_file_key; + +/** + Instrumented stage key. + To instrument a stage, a stage key must be obtained using @c register_stage. + Using a zero key always disable the instrumentation. +*/ +typedef unsigned int PSI_stage_key; + +/** + Instrumented statement key. + To instrument a statement, a statement key must be obtained using @c register_statement. + Using a zero key always disable the instrumentation. +*/ +typedef unsigned int PSI_statement_key; + +/** + Instrumented socket key. + To instrument a socket, a socket key must be obtained using @c register_socket. + Using a zero key always disable the instrumentation. +*/ +typedef unsigned int PSI_socket_key; + +/** + @def USE_PSI_1 + Define USE_PSI_1 to use the interface version 1. +*/ + +/** + @def USE_PSI_2 + Define USE_PSI_2 to use the interface version 2. +*/ + +/** + @def HAVE_PSI_1 + Define HAVE_PSI_1 if the interface version 1 needs to be compiled in. +*/ + +/** + @def HAVE_PSI_2 + Define HAVE_PSI_2 if the interface version 2 needs to be compiled in. +*/ + +/** + Global flag. + This flag indicate that an instrumentation point is a global variable, + or a singleton. +*/ +#define PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL (1 << 0) + +/** + Global flag. + This flag indicate that an instrumentation point is a general placeholder, + that can mutate into a more specific instrumentation point. +*/ +#define PSI_FLAG_MUTABLE (1 << 1) + +#ifdef USE_PSI_1 +#define HAVE_PSI_1 +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_1 + +/** + @defgroup Group_PSI_v1 Application Binary Interface, version 1 + @ingroup Instrumentation_interface + @{ +*/ + +/** + Mutex information. + @since PSI_VERSION_1 + This structure is used to register an instrumented mutex. +*/ +struct PSI_mutex_info_v1 +{ + /** + Pointer to the key assigned to the registered mutex. + */ + PSI_mutex_key *m_key; + /** + The name of the mutex to register. + */ + const char *m_name; + /** + The flags of the mutex to register. + @sa PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL + */ + int m_flags; +}; + +/** + Rwlock information. + @since PSI_VERSION_1 + This structure is used to register an instrumented rwlock. +*/ +struct PSI_rwlock_info_v1 +{ + /** + Pointer to the key assigned to the registered rwlock. + */ + PSI_rwlock_key *m_key; + /** + The name of the rwlock to register. + */ + const char *m_name; + /** + The flags of the rwlock to register. + @sa PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL + */ + int m_flags; +}; + +/** + Condition information. + @since PSI_VERSION_1 + This structure is used to register an instrumented cond. +*/ +struct PSI_cond_info_v1 +{ + /** + Pointer to the key assigned to the registered cond. + */ + PSI_cond_key *m_key; + /** + The name of the cond to register. + */ + const char *m_name; + /** + The flags of the cond to register. + @sa PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL + */ + int m_flags; +}; + +/** + Thread instrument information. + @since PSI_VERSION_1 + This structure is used to register an instrumented thread. +*/ +struct PSI_thread_info_v1 +{ + /** + Pointer to the key assigned to the registered thread. + */ + PSI_thread_key *m_key; + /** + The name of the thread instrument to register. + */ + const char *m_name; + /** + The flags of the thread to register. + @sa PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL + */ + int m_flags; +}; + +/** + File instrument information. + @since PSI_VERSION_1 + This structure is used to register an instrumented file. +*/ +struct PSI_file_info_v1 +{ + /** + Pointer to the key assigned to the registered file. + */ + PSI_file_key *m_key; + /** + The name of the file instrument to register. + */ + const char *m_name; + /** + The flags of the file instrument to register. + @sa PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL + */ + int m_flags; +}; + +/** + Stage instrument information. + @since PSI_VERSION_1 + This structure is used to register an instrumented stage. +*/ +struct PSI_stage_info_v1 +{ + /** The registered stage key. */ + PSI_stage_key m_key; + /** The name of the stage instrument to register. */ + const char *m_name; + /** The flags of the stage instrument to register. */ + int m_flags; +}; + +/** + Statement instrument information. + @since PSI_VERSION_1 + This structure is used to register an instrumented statement. +*/ +struct PSI_statement_info_v1 +{ + /** The registered statement key. */ + PSI_statement_key m_key; + /** The name of the statement instrument to register. */ + const char *m_name; + /** The flags of the statement instrument to register. */ + int m_flags; +}; + +/** + Socket instrument information. + @since PSI_VERSION_1 + This structure is used to register an instrumented socket. +*/ +struct PSI_socket_info_v1 +{ + /** + Pointer to the key assigned to the registered socket. + */ + PSI_socket_key *m_key; + /** + The name of the socket instrument to register. + */ + const char *m_name; + /** + The flags of the socket instrument to register. + @sa PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL + */ + int m_flags; +}; + +/** + State data storage for @c start_idle_wait_v1_t. + This structure provide temporary storage to an idle locker. + The content of this structure is considered opaque, + the fields are only hints of what an implementation + of the psi interface can use. + This memory is provided by the instrumented code for performance reasons. + @sa start_idle_wait_v1_t. +*/ +struct PSI_idle_locker_state_v1 +{ + /** Internal state. */ + uint m_flags; + /** Current thread. */ + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + /** Timer start. */ + ulonglong m_timer_start; + /** Timer function. */ + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + /** Internal data. */ + void *m_wait; +}; + +/** + State data storage for @c start_mutex_wait_v1_t. + This structure provide temporary storage to a mutex locker. + The content of this structure is considered opaque, + the fields are only hints of what an implementation + of the psi interface can use. + This memory is provided by the instrumented code for performance reasons. + @sa start_mutex_wait_v1_t +*/ +struct PSI_mutex_locker_state_v1 +{ + /** Internal state. */ + uint m_flags; + /** Current operation. */ + enum PSI_mutex_operation m_operation; + /** Current mutex. */ + struct PSI_mutex *m_mutex; + /** Current thread. */ + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + /** Timer start. */ + ulonglong m_timer_start; + /** Timer function. */ + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + /** Internal data. */ + void *m_wait; +}; + +/** + State data storage for @c start_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t, @c start_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t. + This structure provide temporary storage to a rwlock locker. + The content of this structure is considered opaque, + the fields are only hints of what an implementation + of the psi interface can use. + This memory is provided by the instrumented code for performance reasons. + @sa start_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t + @sa start_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t +*/ +struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v1 +{ + /** Internal state. */ + uint m_flags; + /** Current operation. */ + enum PSI_rwlock_operation m_operation; + /** Current rwlock. */ + struct PSI_rwlock *m_rwlock; + /** Current thread. */ + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + /** Timer start. */ + ulonglong m_timer_start; + /** Timer function. */ + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + /** Internal data. */ + void *m_wait; +}; + +/** + State data storage for @c start_cond_wait_v1_t. + This structure provide temporary storage to a condition locker. + The content of this structure is considered opaque, + the fields are only hints of what an implementation + of the psi interface can use. + This memory is provided by the instrumented code for performance reasons. + @sa start_cond_wait_v1_t +*/ +struct PSI_cond_locker_state_v1 +{ + /** Internal state. */ + uint m_flags; + /** Current operation. */ + enum PSI_cond_operation m_operation; + /** Current condition. */ + struct PSI_cond *m_cond; + /** Current mutex. */ + struct PSI_mutex *m_mutex; + /** Current thread. */ + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + /** Timer start. */ + ulonglong m_timer_start; + /** Timer function. */ + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + /** Internal data. */ + void *m_wait; +}; + +/** + State data storage for @c get_thread_file_name_locker_v1_t. + This structure provide temporary storage to a file locker. + The content of this structure is considered opaque, + the fields are only hints of what an implementation + of the psi interface can use. + This memory is provided by the instrumented code for performance reasons. + @sa get_thread_file_name_locker_v1_t + @sa get_thread_file_stream_locker_v1_t + @sa get_thread_file_descriptor_locker_v1_t +*/ +struct PSI_file_locker_state_v1 +{ + /** Internal state. */ + uint m_flags; + /** Current operation. */ + enum PSI_file_operation m_operation; + /** Current file. */ + struct PSI_file *m_file; + /** Current file name. */ + const char *m_name; + /** Current file class. */ + void *m_class; + /** Current thread. */ + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + /** Operation number of bytes. */ + size_t m_number_of_bytes; + /** Timer start. */ + ulonglong m_timer_start; + /** Timer function. */ + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + /** Internal data. */ + void *m_wait; +}; + +/** + State data storage for @c start_table_io_wait_v1_t, + @c start_table_lock_wait_v1_t. + This structure provide temporary storage to a table locker. + The content of this structure is considered opaque, + the fields are only hints of what an implementation + of the psi interface can use. + This memory is provided by the instrumented code for performance reasons. + @sa start_table_io_wait_v1_t + @sa start_table_lock_wait_v1_t +*/ +struct PSI_table_locker_state_v1 +{ + /** Internal state. */ + uint m_flags; + /** Current io operation. */ + enum PSI_table_io_operation m_io_operation; + /** Current table handle. */ + struct PSI_table *m_table; + /** Current table share. */ + struct PSI_table_share *m_table_share; + /** Current thread. */ + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + /** Timer start. */ + ulonglong m_timer_start; + /** Timer function. */ + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + /** Internal data. */ + void *m_wait; + /** + Implementation specific. + For table io, the table io index. + For table lock, the lock type. + */ + uint m_index; +}; + +#define PSI_MAX_DIGEST_STORAGE_SIZE 1024 + +/** + Structure to store token count/array for a statement + on which digest is to be calculated. +*/ +struct PSI_digest_storage +{ + my_bool m_full; + int m_byte_count; + /** Character set number. */ + uint m_charset_number; + unsigned char m_token_array[PSI_MAX_DIGEST_STORAGE_SIZE]; +}; +typedef struct PSI_digest_storage PSI_digest_storage; + +struct PSI_digest_locker_state +{ + int m_last_id_index; + PSI_digest_storage m_digest_storage; +}; +typedef struct PSI_digest_locker_state PSI_digest_locker_state; + +/* Duplicate of NAME_LEN, to avoid dependency on mysql_com.h */ +#define PSI_SCHEMA_NAME_LEN (64 * 3) + +/** + State data storage for @c get_thread_statement_locker_v1_t, + @c get_thread_statement_locker_v1_t. + This structure provide temporary storage to a statement locker. + The content of this structure is considered opaque, + the fields are only hints of what an implementation + of the psi interface can use. + This memory is provided by the instrumented code for performance reasons. + @sa get_thread_statement_locker_v1_t +*/ +struct PSI_statement_locker_state_v1 +{ + /** Discarded flag. */ + my_bool m_discarded; + /** Metric, no index used flag. */ + uchar m_no_index_used; + /** Metric, no good index used flag. */ + uchar m_no_good_index_used; + /** Internal state. */ + uint m_flags; + /** Instrumentation class. */ + void *m_class; + /** Current thread. */ + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + /** Timer start. */ + ulonglong m_timer_start; + /** Timer function. */ + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + /** Internal data. */ + void *m_statement; + /** Locked time. */ + ulonglong m_lock_time; + /** Rows sent. */ + ulonglong m_rows_sent; + /** Rows examined. */ + ulonglong m_rows_examined; + /** Metric, temporary tables created on disk. */ + ulong m_created_tmp_disk_tables; + /** Metric, temporary tables created. */ + ulong m_created_tmp_tables; + /** Metric, number of select full join. */ + ulong m_select_full_join; + /** Metric, number of select full range join. */ + ulong m_select_full_range_join; + /** Metric, number of select range. */ + ulong m_select_range; + /** Metric, number of select range check. */ + ulong m_select_range_check; + /** Metric, number of select scan. */ + ulong m_select_scan; + /** Metric, number of sort merge passes. */ + ulong m_sort_merge_passes; + /** Metric, number of sort merge. */ + ulong m_sort_range; + /** Metric, number of sort rows. */ + ulong m_sort_rows; + /** Metric, number of sort scans. */ + ulong m_sort_scan; + /** Statement digest. */ + PSI_digest_locker_state m_digest_state; + /** Current schema name. */ + char m_schema_name[PSI_SCHEMA_NAME_LEN]; + /** Length in bytes of @c m_schema_name. */ + uint m_schema_name_length; +}; + +/** + State data storage for @c start_socket_wait_v1_t. + This structure provide temporary storage to a socket locker. + The content of this structure is considered opaque, + the fields are only hints of what an implementation + of the psi interface can use. + This memory is provided by the instrumented code for performance reasons. + @sa start_socket_wait_v1_t +*/ +struct PSI_socket_locker_state_v1 +{ + /** Internal state. */ + uint m_flags; + /** Current socket. */ + struct PSI_socket *m_socket; + /** Current thread. */ + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + /** Operation number of bytes. */ + size_t m_number_of_bytes; + /** Timer start. */ + ulonglong m_timer_start; + /** Timer function. */ + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + /** Current operation. */ + enum PSI_socket_operation m_operation; + /** Source file. */ + const char* m_src_file; + /** Source line number. */ + int m_src_line; + /** Internal data. */ + void *m_wait; +}; + +/* Using typedef to make reuse between PSI_v1 and PSI_v2 easier later. */ + +/** + Mutex registration API. + @param category a category name (typically a plugin name) + @param info an array of mutex info to register + @param count the size of the info array +*/ +typedef void (*register_mutex_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_mutex_info_v1 *info, int count); + +/** + Rwlock registration API. + @param category a category name (typically a plugin name) + @param info an array of rwlock info to register + @param count the size of the info array +*/ +typedef void (*register_rwlock_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_rwlock_info_v1 *info, int count); + +/** + Cond registration API. + @param category a category name (typically a plugin name) + @param info an array of cond info to register + @param count the size of the info array +*/ +typedef void (*register_cond_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_cond_info_v1 *info, int count); + +/** + Thread registration API. + @param category a category name (typically a plugin name) + @param info an array of thread info to register + @param count the size of the info array +*/ +typedef void (*register_thread_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_thread_info_v1 *info, int count); + +/** + File registration API. + @param category a category name (typically a plugin name) + @param info an array of file info to register + @param count the size of the info array +*/ +typedef void (*register_file_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_file_info_v1 *info, int count); + +/** + Stage registration API. + @param category a category name + @param info an array of stage info to register + @param count the size of the info array +*/ +typedef void (*register_stage_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_stage_info_v1 **info, int count); + +/** + Statement registration API. + @param category a category name + @param info an array of stage info to register + @param count the size of the info array +*/ +typedef void (*register_statement_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_statement_info_v1 *info, int count); + +/** + Socket registration API. + @param category a category name (typically a plugin name) + @param info an array of socket info to register + @param count the size of the info array +*/ +typedef void (*register_socket_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_socket_info_v1 *info, int count); + +/** + Mutex instrumentation initialisation API. + @param key the registered mutex key + @param identity the address of the mutex itself + @return an instrumented mutex +*/ +typedef struct PSI_mutex* (*init_mutex_v1_t) + (PSI_mutex_key key, const void *identity); + +/** + Mutex instrumentation destruction API. + @param mutex the mutex to destroy +*/ +typedef void (*destroy_mutex_v1_t)(struct PSI_mutex *mutex); + +/** + Rwlock instrumentation initialisation API. + @param key the registered rwlock key + @param identity the address of the rwlock itself + @return an instrumented rwlock +*/ +typedef struct PSI_rwlock* (*init_rwlock_v1_t) + (PSI_rwlock_key key, const void *identity); + +/** + Rwlock instrumentation destruction API. + @param rwlock the rwlock to destroy +*/ +typedef void (*destroy_rwlock_v1_t)(struct PSI_rwlock *rwlock); + +/** + Cond instrumentation initialisation API. + @param key the registered key + @param identity the address of the rwlock itself + @return an instrumented cond +*/ +typedef struct PSI_cond* (*init_cond_v1_t) + (PSI_cond_key key, const void *identity); + +/** + Cond instrumentation destruction API. + @param cond the rcond to destroy +*/ +typedef void (*destroy_cond_v1_t)(struct PSI_cond *cond); + +/** + Socket instrumentation initialisation API. + @param key the registered mutex key + @param socket descriptor + @param addr the socket ip address + @param addr_len length of socket ip address + @return an instrumented socket +*/ +typedef struct PSI_socket* (*init_socket_v1_t) + (PSI_socket_key key, const my_socket *fd, + const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addr_len); + +/** + socket instrumentation destruction API. + @param socket the socket to destroy +*/ +typedef void (*destroy_socket_v1_t)(struct PSI_socket *socket); + +/** + Acquire a table share instrumentation. + @param temporary True for temporary tables + @param share The SQL layer table share + @return a table share instrumentation, or NULL +*/ +typedef struct PSI_table_share* (*get_table_share_v1_t) + (my_bool temporary, struct TABLE_SHARE *share); + +/** + Release a table share. + @param info the table share to release +*/ +typedef void (*release_table_share_v1_t)(struct PSI_table_share *share); + +/** + Drop a table share. + @param temporary True for temporary tables + @param schema_name the table schema name + @param schema_name_length the table schema name length + @param table_name the table name + @param table_name_length the table name length +*/ +typedef void (*drop_table_share_v1_t) + (my_bool temporary, const char *schema_name, int schema_name_length, + const char *table_name, int table_name_length); + +/** + Open an instrumentation table handle. + @param share the table to open + @param identity table handle identity + @return a table handle, or NULL +*/ +typedef struct PSI_table* (*open_table_v1_t) + (struct PSI_table_share *share, const void *identity); + +/** + Unbind a table handle from the current thread. + This operation happens when an opened table is added to the open table cache. + @param table the table to unbind +*/ +typedef void (*unbind_table_v1_t) + (struct PSI_table *table); + +/** + Rebind a table handle to the current thread. + This operation happens when a table from the open table cache + is reused for a thread. + @param table the table to unbind +*/ +typedef PSI_table* (*rebind_table_v1_t) + (PSI_table_share *share, const void *identity, PSI_table *table); + +/** + Close an instrumentation table handle. + Note that the table handle is invalid after this call. + @param table the table handle to close +*/ +typedef void (*close_table_v1_t)(struct PSI_table *table); + +/** + Create a file instrumentation for a created file. + This method does not create the file itself, but is used to notify the + instrumentation interface that a file was just created. + @param key the file instrumentation key for this file + @param name the file name + @param file the file handle +*/ +typedef void (*create_file_v1_t)(PSI_file_key key, const char *name, + File file); + +/** + Spawn a thread. + This method creates a new thread, with instrumentation. + @param key the instrumentation key for this thread + @param thread the resulting thread + @param attr the thread attributes + @param start_routine the thread start routine + @param arg the thread start routine argument +*/ +typedef int (*spawn_thread_v1_t)(PSI_thread_key key, + pthread_t *thread, + const pthread_attr_t *attr, + void *(*start_routine)(void*), void *arg); + +/** + Create instrumentation for a thread. + @param key the registered key + @param identity an address typical of the thread + @return an instrumented thread +*/ +typedef struct PSI_thread* (*new_thread_v1_t) + (PSI_thread_key key, const void *identity, ulonglong thread_id); + +/** + Assign an id to an instrumented thread. + @param thread the instrumented thread + @param id the id to assign +*/ +typedef void (*set_thread_id_v1_t)(struct PSI_thread *thread, + ulonglong id); + +/** + Get the instrumentation for the running thread. + For this function to return a result, + the thread instrumentation must have been attached to the + running thread using @c set_thread() + @return the instrumentation for the running thread +*/ +typedef struct PSI_thread* (*get_thread_v1_t)(void); + +/** + Assign a user name to the instrumented thread. + @param user the user name + @param user_len the user name length +*/ +typedef void (*set_thread_user_v1_t)(const char *user, int user_len); + +/** + Assign a user name and host name to the instrumented thread. + @param user the user name + @param user_len the user name length + @param host the host name + @param host_len the host name length +*/ +typedef void (*set_thread_user_host_v1_t)(const char *user, int user_len, + const char *host, int host_len); + +/** + Assign a current database to the instrumented thread. + @param db the database name + @param db_len the database name length +*/ +typedef void (*set_thread_db_v1_t)(const char* db, int db_len); + +/** + Assign a current command to the instrumented thread. + @param command the current command +*/ +typedef void (*set_thread_command_v1_t)(int command); + +/** + Assign a start time to the instrumented thread. + @param start_time the thread start time +*/ +typedef void (*set_thread_start_time_v1_t)(time_t start_time); + +/** + Assign a state to the instrumented thread. + @param state the thread state +*/ +typedef void (*set_thread_state_v1_t)(const char* state); + +/** + Assign a process info to the instrumented thread. + @param info the process into string + @param info_len the process into string length +*/ +typedef void (*set_thread_info_v1_t)(const char* info, uint info_len); + +/** + Attach a thread instrumentation to the running thread. + In case of thread pools, this method should be called when + a worker thread picks a work item and runs it. + Also, this method should be called if the instrumented code does not + keep the pointer returned by @c new_thread() and relies on @c get_thread() + instead. + @param thread the thread instrumentation +*/ +typedef void (*set_thread_v1_t)(struct PSI_thread *thread); + +/** Delete the current thread instrumentation. */ +typedef void (*delete_current_thread_v1_t)(void); + +/** Delete a thread instrumentation. */ +typedef void (*delete_thread_v1_t)(struct PSI_thread *thread); + +/** + Get a file instrumentation locker, for opening or creating a file. + @param state data storage for the locker + @param key the file instrumentation key + @param op the operation to perform + @param name the file name + @param identity a pointer representative of this file. + @return a file locker, or NULL +*/ +typedef struct PSI_file_locker* (*get_thread_file_name_locker_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker_state_v1 *state, + PSI_file_key key, enum PSI_file_operation op, const char *name, + const void *identity); + +/** + Get a file stream instrumentation locker. + @param state data storage for the locker + @param file the file stream to access + @param op the operation to perform + @return a file locker, or NULL +*/ +typedef struct PSI_file_locker* (*get_thread_file_stream_locker_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_file *file, enum PSI_file_operation op); + +/** + Get a file instrumentation locker. + @param state data storage for the locker + @param file the file descriptor to access + @param op the operation to perform + @return a file locker, or NULL +*/ +typedef struct PSI_file_locker* (*get_thread_file_descriptor_locker_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker_state_v1 *state, + File file, enum PSI_file_operation op); + +/** + Record a mutex instrumentation unlock event. + @param mutex the mutex instrumentation +*/ +typedef void (*unlock_mutex_v1_t) + (struct PSI_mutex *mutex); + +/** + Record a rwlock instrumentation unlock event. + @param rwlock the rwlock instrumentation +*/ +typedef void (*unlock_rwlock_v1_t) + (struct PSI_rwlock *rwlock); + +/** + Record a condition instrumentation signal event. + @param cond the cond instrumentation +*/ +typedef void (*signal_cond_v1_t) + (struct PSI_cond *cond); + +/** + Record a condition instrumentation broadcast event. + @param cond the cond instrumentation +*/ +typedef void (*broadcast_cond_v1_t) + (struct PSI_cond *cond); + +typedef struct PSI_idle_locker* (*start_idle_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_idle_locker_state_v1 *state, const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +typedef void (*end_idle_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_idle_locker *locker); + +/** + Record a mutex instrumentation wait start event. + @param state data storage for the locker + @param mutex the instrumented mutex to lock + @param op the operation to perform + @param file the source file name + @param line the source line number + @return a mutex locker, or NULL +*/ +typedef struct PSI_mutex_locker* (*start_mutex_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_mutex_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_mutex *mutex, + enum PSI_mutex_operation op, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + Record a mutex instrumentation wait end event. + @param locker a thread locker for the running thread + @param rc the wait operation return code +*/ +typedef void (*end_mutex_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_mutex_locker *locker, int rc); + +/** + Record a rwlock instrumentation read wait start event. + @param locker a thread locker for the running thread + @param must must block: 1 for lock, 0 for trylock +*/ +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker* (*start_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_rwlock *rwlock, + enum PSI_rwlock_operation op, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + Record a rwlock instrumentation read wait end event. + @param locker a thread locker for the running thread + @param rc the wait operation return code +*/ +typedef void (*end_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_rwlock_locker *locker, int rc); + +/** + Record a rwlock instrumentation write wait start event. + @param locker a thread locker for the running thread + @param must must block: 1 for lock, 0 for trylock +*/ +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker* (*start_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_rwlock *rwlock, + enum PSI_rwlock_operation op, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + Record a rwlock instrumentation write wait end event. + @param locker a thread locker for the running thread + @param rc the wait operation return code +*/ +typedef void (*end_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_rwlock_locker *locker, int rc); + +/** + Record a condition instrumentation wait start event. + @param locker a thread locker for the running thread + @param must must block: 1 for wait, 0 for timedwait +*/ +typedef struct PSI_cond_locker* (*start_cond_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_cond_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_cond *cond, + struct PSI_mutex *mutex, + enum PSI_cond_operation op, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + Record a condition instrumentation wait end event. + @param locker a thread locker for the running thread + @param rc the wait operation return code +*/ +typedef void (*end_cond_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_cond_locker *locker, int rc); + +/** + Record a table instrumentation io wait start event. + @param locker a table locker for the running thread + @param file the source file name + @param line the source line number +*/ +typedef struct PSI_table_locker* (*start_table_io_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_table_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_table *table, + enum PSI_table_io_operation op, + uint index, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + Record a table instrumentation io wait end event. + @param locker a table locker for the running thread +*/ +typedef void (*end_table_io_wait_v1_t)(struct PSI_table_locker *locker); + +/** + Record a table instrumentation lock wait start event. + @param locker a table locker for the running thread + @param file the source file name + @param line the source line number +*/ +typedef struct PSI_table_locker* (*start_table_lock_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_table_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_table *table, + enum PSI_table_lock_operation op, + ulong flags, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + Record a table instrumentation lock wait end event. + @param locker a table locker for the running thread +*/ +typedef void (*end_table_lock_wait_v1_t)(struct PSI_table_locker *locker); + +/** + Start a file instrumentation open operation. + @param locker the file locker + @param op the operation to perform + @param src_file the source file name + @param src_line the source line number +*/ +typedef void (*start_file_open_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + End a file instrumentation open operation, for file streams. + @param locker the file locker. + @param result the opened file (NULL indicates failure, non NULL success). + @return an instrumented file handle +*/ +typedef struct PSI_file* (*end_file_open_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, void *result); + +/** + End a file instrumentation open operation, for non stream files. + @param locker the file locker. + @param file the file number assigned by open() or create() for this file. +*/ +typedef void (*end_file_open_wait_and_bind_to_descriptor_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, File file); + +/** + Record a file instrumentation start event. + @param locker a file locker for the running thread + @param op file operation to be performed + @param count the number of bytes requested, or 0 if not applicable + @param src_file the source file name + @param src_line the source line number +*/ +typedef void (*start_file_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, size_t count, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + Record a file instrumentation end event. + Note that for file close operations, the instrumented file handle + associated with the file (which was provided to obtain a locker) + is invalid after this call. + @param locker a file locker for the running thread + @param count the number of bytes actually used in the operation, + or 0 if not applicable, or -1 if the operation failed + @sa get_thread_file_name_locker + @sa get_thread_file_stream_locker + @sa get_thread_file_descriptor_locker +*/ +typedef void (*end_file_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, size_t count); + +/** + Start a file instrumentation close operation. + @param locker the file locker + @param op the operation to perform + @param src_file the source file name + @param src_line the source line number +*/ +typedef void (*start_file_close_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + End a file instrumentation close operation. + @param locker the file locker. + @param rc the close operation return code (0 for success). + @return an instrumented file handle +*/ +typedef void (*end_file_close_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, int rc); + +/** + Start a new stage, and implicitly end the previous stage. + @param key the key of the new stage + @param src_file the source file name + @param src_line the source line number +*/ +typedef void (*start_stage_v1_t) + (PSI_stage_key key, const char *src_file, int src_line); + +/** End the current stage. */ +typedef void (*end_stage_v1_t) (void); + +/** + Get a statement instrumentation locker. + @param state data storage for the locker + @param key the statement instrumentation key + @param charset client character set + @return a statement locker, or NULL +*/ +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker* (*get_thread_statement_locker_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker_state_v1 *state, + PSI_statement_key key, const void *charset); + +/** + Refine a statement locker to a more specific key. + Note that only events declared mutable can be refined. + @param the statement locker for the current event + @param key the new key for the event + @sa PSI_FLAG_MUTABLE +*/ +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker* (*refine_statement_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, + PSI_statement_key key); + +/** + Start a new statement event. + @param locker the statement locker for this event + @param db the active database name for this statement + @param db_length the active database name length for this statement + @param src_file source file name + @param src_line source line number +*/ +typedef void (*start_statement_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, + const char *db, uint db_length, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + Set the statement text for a statement event. + @param locker the current statement locker + @param text the statement text + @param text_len the statement text length +*/ +typedef void (*set_statement_text_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, + const char *text, uint text_len); + +/** + Set a statement event lock time. + @param locker the statement locker + @param lock_time the locked time, in microseconds +*/ +typedef void (*set_statement_lock_time_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulonglong lock_time); + +/** + Set a statement event rows sent metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the number of rows sent +*/ +typedef void (*set_statement_rows_sent_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulonglong count); + +/** + Set a statement event rows examined metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the number of rows examined +*/ +typedef void (*set_statement_rows_examined_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulonglong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "created tmp disk tables" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_created_tmp_disk_tables_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "created tmp tables" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_created_tmp_tables_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "select full join" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_select_full_join_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "select full range join" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_select_full_range_join_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "select range join" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_select_range_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "select range check" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_select_range_check_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "select scan" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_select_scan_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "sort merge passes" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_sort_merge_passes_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "sort range" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_sort_range_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "sort rows" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_sort_rows_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Increment a statement event "sort scan" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric increment value +*/ +typedef void (*inc_statement_sort_scan_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); + +/** + Set a statement event "no index used" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric value +*/ +typedef void (*set_statement_no_index_used_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker); + +/** + Set a statement event "no good index used" metric. + @param locker the statement locker + @param count the metric value +*/ +typedef void (*set_statement_no_good_index_used_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker); + +/** + End a statement event. + @param locker the statement locker + @param stmt_da the statement diagnostics area. + @sa Diagnostics_area +*/ +typedef void (*end_statement_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, void *stmt_da); + +/** + Record a socket instrumentation start event. + @param locker a socket locker for the running thread + @param op socket operation to be performed + @param count the number of bytes requested, or 0 if not applicable + @param src_file the source file name + @param src_line the source line number +*/ +typedef struct PSI_socket_locker* (*start_socket_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_socket_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_socket *socket, + enum PSI_socket_operation op, + size_t count, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); + +/** + Record a socket instrumentation end event. + Note that for socket close operations, the instrumented socket handle + associated with the socket (which was provided to obtain a locker) + is invalid after this call. + @param locker a socket locker for the running thread + @param count the number of bytes actually used in the operation, + or 0 if not applicable, or -1 if the operation failed + @sa get_thread_socket_locker +*/ +typedef void (*end_socket_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_socket_locker *locker, size_t count); + +/** + Set the socket state for an instrumented socket. + @param socket the instrumented socket + @param state socket state + */ +typedef void (*set_socket_state_v1_t)(struct PSI_socket *socket, + enum PSI_socket_state state); + +/** + Set the socket info for an instrumented socket. + @param socket the instrumented socket + @param fd the socket descriptor + @param addr the socket ip address + @param addr_len length of socket ip address + @param thread_id associated thread id +*/ +typedef void (*set_socket_info_v1_t)(struct PSI_socket *socket, + const my_socket *fd, + const struct sockaddr *addr, + socklen_t addr_len); + +/** + Bind a socket to the thread that owns it. + @param socket instrumented socket +*/ +typedef void (*set_socket_thread_owner_v1_t)(struct PSI_socket *socket); + +typedef struct PSI_digest_locker * (*digest_start_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker); + +typedef struct PSI_digest_locker* (*digest_add_token_v1_t) + (struct PSI_digest_locker *locker, uint token, struct OPAQUE_LEX_YYSTYPE *yylval); + +/** + Stores an array of connection attributes + @param buffer char array of length encoded connection attributes + in network format + @param length legnth of the data in buffer + @param from_cs charset in which @buffer is encodded + @return state + @retval non-0 attributes truncated + @retval 0 stored the attribute +*/ +typedef int (*set_thread_connect_attrs_v1_t)(const char *buffer, uint length, + const void *from_cs); + +/** + Performance Schema Interface, version 1. + @since PSI_VERSION_1 +*/ +struct PSI_v1 +{ + /** @sa register_mutex_v1_t. */ + register_mutex_v1_t register_mutex; + /** @sa register_rwlock_v1_t. */ + register_rwlock_v1_t register_rwlock; + /** @sa register_cond_v1_t. */ + register_cond_v1_t register_cond; + /** @sa register_thread_v1_t. */ + register_thread_v1_t register_thread; + /** @sa register_file_v1_t. */ + register_file_v1_t register_file; + /** @sa register_stage_v1_t. */ + register_stage_v1_t register_stage; + /** @sa register_statement_v1_t. */ + register_statement_v1_t register_statement; + /** @sa register_socket_v1_t. */ + register_socket_v1_t register_socket; + /** @sa init_mutex_v1_t. */ + init_mutex_v1_t init_mutex; + /** @sa destroy_mutex_v1_t. */ + destroy_mutex_v1_t destroy_mutex; + /** @sa init_rwlock_v1_t. */ + init_rwlock_v1_t init_rwlock; + /** @sa destroy_rwlock_v1_t. */ + destroy_rwlock_v1_t destroy_rwlock; + /** @sa init_cond_v1_t. */ + init_cond_v1_t init_cond; + /** @sa destroy_cond_v1_t. */ + destroy_cond_v1_t destroy_cond; + /** @sa init_socket_v1_t. */ + init_socket_v1_t init_socket; + /** @sa destroy_socket_v1_t. */ + destroy_socket_v1_t destroy_socket; + /** @sa get_table_share_v1_t. */ + get_table_share_v1_t get_table_share; + /** @sa release_table_share_v1_t. */ + release_table_share_v1_t release_table_share; + /** @sa drop_table_share_v1_t. */ + drop_table_share_v1_t drop_table_share; + /** @sa open_table_v1_t. */ + open_table_v1_t open_table; + /** @sa unbind_table_v1_t. */ + unbind_table_v1_t unbind_table; + /** @sa rebind_table_v1_t. */ + rebind_table_v1_t rebind_table; + /** @sa close_table_v1_t. */ + close_table_v1_t close_table; + /** @sa create_file_v1_t. */ + create_file_v1_t create_file; + /** @sa spawn_thread_v1_t. */ + spawn_thread_v1_t spawn_thread; + /** @sa new_thread_v1_t. */ + new_thread_v1_t new_thread; + /** @sa set_thread_id_v1_t. */ + set_thread_id_v1_t set_thread_id; + /** @sa get_thread_v1_t. */ + get_thread_v1_t get_thread; + /** @sa set_thread_user_v1_t. */ + set_thread_user_v1_t set_thread_user; + /** @sa set_thread_user_host_v1_t. */ + set_thread_user_host_v1_t set_thread_user_host; + /** @sa set_thread_db_v1_t. */ + set_thread_db_v1_t set_thread_db; + /** @sa set_thread_command_v1_t. */ + set_thread_command_v1_t set_thread_command; + /** @sa set_thread_start_time_v1_t. */ + set_thread_start_time_v1_t set_thread_start_time; + /** @sa set_thread_state_v1_t. */ + set_thread_state_v1_t set_thread_state; + /** @sa set_thread_info_v1_t. */ + set_thread_info_v1_t set_thread_info; + /** @sa set_thread_v1_t. */ + set_thread_v1_t set_thread; + /** @sa delete_current_thread_v1_t. */ + delete_current_thread_v1_t delete_current_thread; + /** @sa delete_thread_v1_t. */ + delete_thread_v1_t delete_thread; + /** @sa get_thread_file_name_locker_v1_t. */ + get_thread_file_name_locker_v1_t get_thread_file_name_locker; + /** @sa get_thread_file_stream_locker_v1_t. */ + get_thread_file_stream_locker_v1_t get_thread_file_stream_locker; + /** @sa get_thread_file_descriptor_locker_v1_t. */ + get_thread_file_descriptor_locker_v1_t get_thread_file_descriptor_locker; + /** @sa unlock_mutex_v1_t. */ + unlock_mutex_v1_t unlock_mutex; + /** @sa unlock_rwlock_v1_t. */ + unlock_rwlock_v1_t unlock_rwlock; + /** @sa signal_cond_v1_t. */ + signal_cond_v1_t signal_cond; + /** @sa broadcast_cond_v1_t. */ + broadcast_cond_v1_t broadcast_cond; + /** @sa start_idle_wait_v1_t. */ + start_idle_wait_v1_t start_idle_wait; + /** @sa end_idle_wait_v1_t. */ + end_idle_wait_v1_t end_idle_wait; + /** @sa start_mutex_wait_v1_t. */ + start_mutex_wait_v1_t start_mutex_wait; + /** @sa end_mutex_wait_v1_t. */ + end_mutex_wait_v1_t end_mutex_wait; + /** @sa start_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t. */ + start_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t start_rwlock_rdwait; + /** @sa end_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t. */ + end_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t end_rwlock_rdwait; + /** @sa start_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t. */ + start_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t start_rwlock_wrwait; + /** @sa end_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t. */ + end_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t end_rwlock_wrwait; + /** @sa start_cond_wait_v1_t. */ + start_cond_wait_v1_t start_cond_wait; + /** @sa end_cond_wait_v1_t. */ + end_cond_wait_v1_t end_cond_wait; + /** @sa start_table_io_wait_v1_t. */ + start_table_io_wait_v1_t start_table_io_wait; + /** @sa end_table_io_wait_v1_t. */ + end_table_io_wait_v1_t end_table_io_wait; + /** @sa start_table_lock_wait_v1_t. */ + start_table_lock_wait_v1_t start_table_lock_wait; + /** @sa end_table_lock_wait_v1_t. */ + end_table_lock_wait_v1_t end_table_lock_wait; + /** @sa start_file_open_wait_v1_t. */ + start_file_open_wait_v1_t start_file_open_wait; + /** @sa end_file_open_wait_v1_t. */ + end_file_open_wait_v1_t end_file_open_wait; + /** @sa end_file_open_wait_and_bind_to_descriptor_v1_t. */ + end_file_open_wait_and_bind_to_descriptor_v1_t + end_file_open_wait_and_bind_to_descriptor; + /** @sa start_file_wait_v1_t. */ + start_file_wait_v1_t start_file_wait; + /** @sa end_file_wait_v1_t. */ + end_file_wait_v1_t end_file_wait; + /** @sa start_file_close_wait_v1_t. */ + start_file_close_wait_v1_t start_file_close_wait; + /** @sa end_file_close_wait_v1_t. */ + end_file_close_wait_v1_t end_file_close_wait; + /** @sa start_stage_v1_t. */ + start_stage_v1_t start_stage; + /** @sa end_stage_v1_t. */ + end_stage_v1_t end_stage; + /** @sa get_thread_statement_locker_v1_t. */ + get_thread_statement_locker_v1_t get_thread_statement_locker; + /** @sa refine_statement_v1_t. */ + refine_statement_v1_t refine_statement; + /** @sa start_statement_v1_t. */ + start_statement_v1_t start_statement; + /** @sa set_statement_text_v1_t. */ + set_statement_text_v1_t set_statement_text; + /** @sa set_statement_lock_time_t. */ + set_statement_lock_time_t set_statement_lock_time; + /** @sa set_statement_rows_sent_t. */ + set_statement_rows_sent_t set_statement_rows_sent; + /** @sa set_statement_rows_examined_t. */ + set_statement_rows_examined_t set_statement_rows_examined; + /** @sa inc_statement_created_tmp_disk_tables. */ + inc_statement_created_tmp_disk_tables_t inc_statement_created_tmp_disk_tables; + /** @sa inc_statement_created_tmp_tables. */ + inc_statement_created_tmp_tables_t inc_statement_created_tmp_tables; + /** @sa inc_statement_select_full_join. */ + inc_statement_select_full_join_t inc_statement_select_full_join; + /** @sa inc_statement_select_full_range_join. */ + inc_statement_select_full_range_join_t inc_statement_select_full_range_join; + /** @sa inc_statement_select_range. */ + inc_statement_select_range_t inc_statement_select_range; + /** @sa inc_statement_select_range_check. */ + inc_statement_select_range_check_t inc_statement_select_range_check; + /** @sa inc_statement_select_scan. */ + inc_statement_select_scan_t inc_statement_select_scan; + /** @sa inc_statement_sort_merge_passes. */ + inc_statement_sort_merge_passes_t inc_statement_sort_merge_passes; + /** @sa inc_statement_sort_range. */ + inc_statement_sort_range_t inc_statement_sort_range; + /** @sa inc_statement_sort_rows. */ + inc_statement_sort_rows_t inc_statement_sort_rows; + /** @sa inc_statement_sort_scan. */ + inc_statement_sort_scan_t inc_statement_sort_scan; + /** @sa set_statement_no_index_used. */ + set_statement_no_index_used_t set_statement_no_index_used; + /** @sa set_statement_no_good_index_used. */ + set_statement_no_good_index_used_t set_statement_no_good_index_used; + /** @sa end_statement_v1_t. */ + end_statement_v1_t end_statement; + /** @sa start_socket_wait_v1_t. */ + start_socket_wait_v1_t start_socket_wait; + /** @sa end_socket_wait_v1_t. */ + end_socket_wait_v1_t end_socket_wait; + /** @sa set_socket_state_v1_t. */ + set_socket_state_v1_t set_socket_state; + /** @sa set_socket_info_v1_t. */ + set_socket_info_v1_t set_socket_info; + /** @sa set_socket_thread_owner_v1_t. */ + set_socket_thread_owner_v1_t set_socket_thread_owner; + /** @sa digest_start_v1_t. */ + digest_start_v1_t digest_start; + /** @sa digest_add_token_v1_t. */ + digest_add_token_v1_t digest_add_token; + /** @sa set_thread_connect_attrs_v1_t. */ + set_thread_connect_attrs_v1_t set_thread_connect_attrs; +}; + +/** @} (end of group Group_PSI_v1) */ + +#endif /* HAVE_PSI_1 */ + +#ifdef USE_PSI_2 +#define HAVE_PSI_2 +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_PSI_2 + +/** + @defgroup Group_PSI_v2 Application Binary Interface, version 2 + @ingroup Instrumentation_interface + @{ +*/ + +/** + Performance Schema Interface, version 2. + This is a placeholder, this interface is not defined yet. + @since PSI_VERSION_2 +*/ +struct PSI_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; + /* ... extended interface ... */ +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_mutex_info_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_rwlock_info_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_cond_info_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_thread_info_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_file_info_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_stage_info_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_statement_info_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_idle_locker_state_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_mutex_locker_state_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_cond_locker_state_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_file_locker_state_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_table_locker_state_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_statement_locker_state_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** Placeholder */ +struct PSI_socket_locker_state_v2 +{ + /** Placeholder */ + int placeholder; +}; + +/** @} (end of group Group_PSI_v2) */ + +#endif /* HAVE_PSI_2 */ + +/** + @typedef PSI + The instrumentation interface for the current version. + @sa PSI_CURRENT_VERSION +*/ + +/** + @typedef PSI_mutex_info + The mutex information structure for the current version. +*/ + +/** + @typedef PSI_rwlock_info + The rwlock information structure for the current version. +*/ + +/** + @typedef PSI_cond_info + The cond information structure for the current version. +*/ + +/** + @typedef PSI_thread_info + The thread information structure for the current version. +*/ + +/** + @typedef PSI_file_info + The file information structure for the current version. +*/ + +/* Export the required version */ +#ifdef USE_PSI_1 +typedef struct PSI_v1 PSI; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_info_v1 PSI_mutex_info; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_info_v1 PSI_rwlock_info; +typedef struct PSI_cond_info_v1 PSI_cond_info; +typedef struct PSI_thread_info_v1 PSI_thread_info; +typedef struct PSI_file_info_v1 PSI_file_info; +typedef struct PSI_stage_info_v1 PSI_stage_info; +typedef struct PSI_statement_info_v1 PSI_statement_info; +typedef struct PSI_socket_info_v1 PSI_socket_info; +typedef struct PSI_idle_locker_state_v1 PSI_idle_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_locker_state_v1 PSI_mutex_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v1 PSI_rwlock_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_cond_locker_state_v1 PSI_cond_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_file_locker_state_v1 PSI_file_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_table_locker_state_v1 PSI_table_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker_state_v1 PSI_statement_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_socket_locker_state_v1 PSI_socket_locker_state; +#endif + +#ifdef USE_PSI_2 +typedef struct PSI_v2 PSI; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_info_v2 PSI_mutex_info; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_info_v2 PSI_rwlock_info; +typedef struct PSI_cond_info_v2 PSI_cond_info; +typedef struct PSI_thread_info_v2 PSI_thread_info; +typedef struct PSI_file_info_v2 PSI_file_info; +typedef struct PSI_stage_info_v2 PSI_stage_info; +typedef struct PSI_statement_info_v2 PSI_statement_info; +typedef struct PSI_socket_info_v2 PSI_socket_info; +typedef struct PSI_idle_locker_state_v2 PSI_idle_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_locker_state_v2 PSI_mutex_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v2 PSI_rwlock_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_cond_locker_state_v2 PSI_cond_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_file_locker_state_v2 PSI_file_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_table_locker_state_v2 PSI_table_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker_state_v2 PSI_statement_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_socket_locker_state_v2 PSI_socket_locker_state; +#endif + +#else /* HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE */ + +/** + Dummy structure, used to declare PSI_server when no instrumentation + is available. + The content does not matter, since PSI_server will be NULL. +*/ +struct PSI_none +{ + int opaque; +}; +typedef struct PSI_none PSI; + +/** + Stage instrument information. + @since PSI_VERSION_1 + This structure is used to register an instrumented stage. +*/ +struct PSI_stage_info_none +{ + /** Unused stage key. */ + unsigned int m_key; + /** The name of the stage instrument. */ + const char *m_name; + /** Unused stage flags. */ + int m_flags; +}; + +/** + The stage instrumentation has to co exist with the legacy + THD::set_proc_info instrumentation. + To avoid duplication of the instrumentation in the server, + the common PSI_stage_info structure is used, + so we export it here, even when not building + with HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE. +*/ +typedef struct PSI_stage_info_none PSI_stage_info; + +#endif /* HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE */ + +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT PSI *PSI_server; + +/* + Allow to override PSI_XXX_CALL at compile time + with more efficient implementations, if available. + If nothing better is available, + make a dynamic call using the PSI_server function pointer. +*/ + +#ifndef PSI_MUTEX_CALL +#define PSI_MUTEX_CALL(M) PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) +#endif + +#ifndef PSI_RWLOCK_CALL +#define PSI_RWLOCK_CALL(M) PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) +#endif + +#ifndef PSI_COND_CALL +#define PSI_COND_CALL(M) PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) +#endif + +#ifndef PSI_THREAD_CALL +#define PSI_THREAD_CALL(M) PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) +#endif + +#ifndef PSI_FILE_CALL +#define PSI_FILE_CALL(M) PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) +#endif + +#ifndef PSI_SOCKET_CALL +#define PSI_SOCKET_CALL(M) PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) +#endif + +#ifndef PSI_STAGE_CALL +#define PSI_STAGE_CALL(M) PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) +#endif + +#ifndef PSI_STATEMENT_CALL +#define PSI_STATEMENT_CALL(M) PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) +#endif + +#ifndef PSI_TABLE_CALL +#define PSI_TABLE_CALL(M) PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) +#endif + +#ifndef PSI_IDLE_CALL +#define PSI_IDLE_CALL(M) PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) +#endif + +#define PSI_DYNAMIC_CALL(M) PSI_server->M + +/** @} */ + +C_MODE_END +#endif /* MYSQL_PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA_INTERFACE_H */ + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v0.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v0.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7444cb0b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v0.h @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ + +/** + @file mysql/psi/psi_abi_v0.h + ABI check for mysql/psi/psi.h, when compiling without instrumentation. + This file is only used to automate detection of changes between versions. + Do not include this file, include mysql/psi/psi.h instead. +*/ +#define _global_h +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v0.h.pp b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v0.h.pp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b46b38ed1 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v0.h.pp @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" +C_MODE_START +struct TABLE_SHARE; +struct OPAQUE_LEX_YYSTYPE; +struct PSI_mutex; +typedef struct PSI_mutex PSI_mutex; +struct PSI_rwlock; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock PSI_rwlock; +struct PSI_cond; +typedef struct PSI_cond PSI_cond; +struct PSI_table_share; +typedef struct PSI_table_share PSI_table_share; +struct PSI_table; +typedef struct PSI_table PSI_table; +struct PSI_thread; +typedef struct PSI_thread PSI_thread; +struct PSI_file; +typedef struct PSI_file PSI_file; +struct PSI_socket; +typedef struct PSI_socket PSI_socket; +struct PSI_table_locker; +typedef struct PSI_table_locker PSI_table_locker; +struct PSI_statement_locker; +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker PSI_statement_locker; +struct PSI_idle_locker; +typedef struct PSI_idle_locker PSI_idle_locker; +struct PSI_digest_locker; +typedef struct PSI_digest_locker PSI_digest_locker; +struct PSI_bootstrap +{ + void* (*get_interface)(int version); +}; +typedef struct PSI_bootstrap PSI_bootstrap; +struct PSI_none +{ + int opaque; +}; +typedef struct PSI_none PSI; +struct PSI_stage_info_none +{ + unsigned int m_key; + const char *m_name; + int m_flags; +}; +typedef struct PSI_stage_info_none PSI_stage_info; +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT PSI *PSI_server; +C_MODE_END diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v1.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v1.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54c49f0c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v1.h @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ + +/** + @file mysql/psi/psi_abi_v1.h + ABI check for mysql/psi/psi.h, when using PSI_VERSION_1. + This file is only used to automate detection of changes between versions. + Do not include this file, include mysql/psi/psi.h instead. +*/ +#define USE_PSI_1 +#define HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE +#define MY_GLOBAL_INCLUDED +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v1.h.pp b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v1.h.pp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fa2bf724b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v1.h.pp @@ -0,0 +1,634 @@ +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" +C_MODE_START +struct TABLE_SHARE; +struct OPAQUE_LEX_YYSTYPE; +struct PSI_mutex; +typedef struct PSI_mutex PSI_mutex; +struct PSI_rwlock; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock PSI_rwlock; +struct PSI_cond; +typedef struct PSI_cond PSI_cond; +struct PSI_table_share; +typedef struct PSI_table_share PSI_table_share; +struct PSI_table; +typedef struct PSI_table PSI_table; +struct PSI_thread; +typedef struct PSI_thread PSI_thread; +struct PSI_file; +typedef struct PSI_file PSI_file; +struct PSI_socket; +typedef struct PSI_socket PSI_socket; +struct PSI_table_locker; +typedef struct PSI_table_locker PSI_table_locker; +struct PSI_statement_locker; +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker PSI_statement_locker; +struct PSI_idle_locker; +typedef struct PSI_idle_locker PSI_idle_locker; +struct PSI_digest_locker; +typedef struct PSI_digest_locker PSI_digest_locker; +struct PSI_bootstrap +{ + void* (*get_interface)(int version); +}; +typedef struct PSI_bootstrap PSI_bootstrap; +struct PSI_mutex_locker; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_locker PSI_mutex_locker; +struct PSI_rwlock_locker; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker PSI_rwlock_locker; +struct PSI_cond_locker; +typedef struct PSI_cond_locker PSI_cond_locker; +struct PSI_file_locker; +typedef struct PSI_file_locker PSI_file_locker; +struct PSI_socket_locker; +typedef struct PSI_socket_locker PSI_socket_locker; +enum PSI_mutex_operation +{ + PSI_MUTEX_LOCK= 0, + PSI_MUTEX_TRYLOCK= 1 +}; +typedef enum PSI_mutex_operation PSI_mutex_operation; +enum PSI_rwlock_operation +{ + PSI_RWLOCK_READLOCK= 0, + PSI_RWLOCK_WRITELOCK= 1, + PSI_RWLOCK_TRYREADLOCK= 2, + PSI_RWLOCK_TRYWRITELOCK= 3 +}; +typedef enum PSI_rwlock_operation PSI_rwlock_operation; +enum PSI_cond_operation +{ + PSI_COND_WAIT= 0, + PSI_COND_TIMEDWAIT= 1 +}; +typedef enum PSI_cond_operation PSI_cond_operation; +enum PSI_file_operation +{ + PSI_FILE_CREATE= 0, + PSI_FILE_CREATE_TMP= 1, + PSI_FILE_OPEN= 2, + PSI_FILE_STREAM_OPEN= 3, + PSI_FILE_CLOSE= 4, + PSI_FILE_STREAM_CLOSE= 5, + PSI_FILE_READ= 6, + PSI_FILE_WRITE= 7, + PSI_FILE_SEEK= 8, + PSI_FILE_TELL= 9, + PSI_FILE_FLUSH= 10, + PSI_FILE_STAT= 11, + PSI_FILE_FSTAT= 12, + PSI_FILE_CHSIZE= 13, + PSI_FILE_DELETE= 14, + PSI_FILE_RENAME= 15, + PSI_FILE_SYNC= 16 +}; +typedef enum PSI_file_operation PSI_file_operation; +enum PSI_table_io_operation +{ + PSI_TABLE_FETCH_ROW= 0, + PSI_TABLE_WRITE_ROW= 1, + PSI_TABLE_UPDATE_ROW= 2, + PSI_TABLE_DELETE_ROW= 3 +}; +typedef enum PSI_table_io_operation PSI_table_io_operation; +enum PSI_table_lock_operation +{ + PSI_TABLE_LOCK= 0, + PSI_TABLE_EXTERNAL_LOCK= 1 +}; +typedef enum PSI_table_lock_operation PSI_table_lock_operation; +enum PSI_socket_state +{ + PSI_SOCKET_STATE_IDLE= 1, + PSI_SOCKET_STATE_ACTIVE= 2 +}; +typedef enum PSI_socket_state PSI_socket_state; +enum PSI_socket_operation +{ + PSI_SOCKET_CREATE= 0, + PSI_SOCKET_CONNECT= 1, + PSI_SOCKET_BIND= 2, + PSI_SOCKET_CLOSE= 3, + PSI_SOCKET_SEND= 4, + PSI_SOCKET_RECV= 5, + PSI_SOCKET_SENDTO= 6, + PSI_SOCKET_RECVFROM= 7, + PSI_SOCKET_SENDMSG= 8, + PSI_SOCKET_RECVMSG= 9, + PSI_SOCKET_SEEK= 10, + PSI_SOCKET_OPT= 11, + PSI_SOCKET_STAT= 12, + PSI_SOCKET_SHUTDOWN= 13, + PSI_SOCKET_SELECT= 14 +}; +typedef enum PSI_socket_operation PSI_socket_operation; +typedef unsigned int PSI_mutex_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_rwlock_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_cond_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_thread_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_file_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_stage_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_statement_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_socket_key; +struct PSI_mutex_info_v1 +{ + PSI_mutex_key *m_key; + const char *m_name; + int m_flags; +}; +struct PSI_rwlock_info_v1 +{ + PSI_rwlock_key *m_key; + const char *m_name; + int m_flags; +}; +struct PSI_cond_info_v1 +{ + PSI_cond_key *m_key; + const char *m_name; + int m_flags; +}; +struct PSI_thread_info_v1 +{ + PSI_thread_key *m_key; + const char *m_name; + int m_flags; +}; +struct PSI_file_info_v1 +{ + PSI_file_key *m_key; + const char *m_name; + int m_flags; +}; +struct PSI_stage_info_v1 +{ + PSI_stage_key m_key; + const char *m_name; + int m_flags; +}; +struct PSI_statement_info_v1 +{ + PSI_statement_key m_key; + const char *m_name; + int m_flags; +}; +struct PSI_socket_info_v1 +{ + PSI_socket_key *m_key; + const char *m_name; + int m_flags; +}; +struct PSI_idle_locker_state_v1 +{ + uint m_flags; + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + ulonglong m_timer_start; + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + void *m_wait; +}; +struct PSI_mutex_locker_state_v1 +{ + uint m_flags; + enum PSI_mutex_operation m_operation; + struct PSI_mutex *m_mutex; + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + ulonglong m_timer_start; + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + void *m_wait; +}; +struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v1 +{ + uint m_flags; + enum PSI_rwlock_operation m_operation; + struct PSI_rwlock *m_rwlock; + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + ulonglong m_timer_start; + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + void *m_wait; +}; +struct PSI_cond_locker_state_v1 +{ + uint m_flags; + enum PSI_cond_operation m_operation; + struct PSI_cond *m_cond; + struct PSI_mutex *m_mutex; + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + ulonglong m_timer_start; + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + void *m_wait; +}; +struct PSI_file_locker_state_v1 +{ + uint m_flags; + enum PSI_file_operation m_operation; + struct PSI_file *m_file; + const char *m_name; + void *m_class; + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + size_t m_number_of_bytes; + ulonglong m_timer_start; + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + void *m_wait; +}; +struct PSI_table_locker_state_v1 +{ + uint m_flags; + enum PSI_table_io_operation m_io_operation; + struct PSI_table *m_table; + struct PSI_table_share *m_table_share; + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + ulonglong m_timer_start; + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + void *m_wait; + uint m_index; +}; +struct PSI_digest_storage +{ + my_bool m_full; + int m_byte_count; + uint m_charset_number; + unsigned char m_token_array[1024]; +}; +typedef struct PSI_digest_storage PSI_digest_storage; +struct PSI_digest_locker_state +{ + int m_last_id_index; + PSI_digest_storage m_digest_storage; +}; +typedef struct PSI_digest_locker_state PSI_digest_locker_state; +struct PSI_statement_locker_state_v1 +{ + my_bool m_discarded; + uchar m_no_index_used; + uchar m_no_good_index_used; + uint m_flags; + void *m_class; + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + ulonglong m_timer_start; + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + void *m_statement; + ulonglong m_lock_time; + ulonglong m_rows_sent; + ulonglong m_rows_examined; + ulong m_created_tmp_disk_tables; + ulong m_created_tmp_tables; + ulong m_select_full_join; + ulong m_select_full_range_join; + ulong m_select_range; + ulong m_select_range_check; + ulong m_select_scan; + ulong m_sort_merge_passes; + ulong m_sort_range; + ulong m_sort_rows; + ulong m_sort_scan; + PSI_digest_locker_state m_digest_state; + char m_schema_name[(64 * 3)]; + uint m_schema_name_length; +}; +struct PSI_socket_locker_state_v1 +{ + uint m_flags; + struct PSI_socket *m_socket; + struct PSI_thread *m_thread; + size_t m_number_of_bytes; + ulonglong m_timer_start; + ulonglong (*m_timer)(void); + enum PSI_socket_operation m_operation; + const char* m_src_file; + int m_src_line; + void *m_wait; +}; +typedef void (*register_mutex_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_mutex_info_v1 *info, int count); +typedef void (*register_rwlock_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_rwlock_info_v1 *info, int count); +typedef void (*register_cond_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_cond_info_v1 *info, int count); +typedef void (*register_thread_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_thread_info_v1 *info, int count); +typedef void (*register_file_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_file_info_v1 *info, int count); +typedef void (*register_stage_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_stage_info_v1 **info, int count); +typedef void (*register_statement_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_statement_info_v1 *info, int count); +typedef void (*register_socket_v1_t) + (const char *category, struct PSI_socket_info_v1 *info, int count); +typedef struct PSI_mutex* (*init_mutex_v1_t) + (PSI_mutex_key key, const void *identity); +typedef void (*destroy_mutex_v1_t)(struct PSI_mutex *mutex); +typedef struct PSI_rwlock* (*init_rwlock_v1_t) + (PSI_rwlock_key key, const void *identity); +typedef void (*destroy_rwlock_v1_t)(struct PSI_rwlock *rwlock); +typedef struct PSI_cond* (*init_cond_v1_t) + (PSI_cond_key key, const void *identity); +typedef void (*destroy_cond_v1_t)(struct PSI_cond *cond); +typedef struct PSI_socket* (*init_socket_v1_t) + (PSI_socket_key key, const my_socket *fd, + const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addr_len); +typedef void (*destroy_socket_v1_t)(struct PSI_socket *socket); +typedef struct PSI_table_share* (*get_table_share_v1_t) + (my_bool temporary, struct TABLE_SHARE *share); +typedef void (*release_table_share_v1_t)(struct PSI_table_share *share); +typedef void (*drop_table_share_v1_t) + (my_bool temporary, const char *schema_name, int schema_name_length, + const char *table_name, int table_name_length); +typedef struct PSI_table* (*open_table_v1_t) + (struct PSI_table_share *share, const void *identity); +typedef void (*unbind_table_v1_t) + (struct PSI_table *table); +typedef PSI_table* (*rebind_table_v1_t) + (PSI_table_share *share, const void *identity, PSI_table *table); +typedef void (*close_table_v1_t)(struct PSI_table *table); +typedef void (*create_file_v1_t)(PSI_file_key key, const char *name, + File file); +typedef int (*spawn_thread_v1_t)(PSI_thread_key key, + pthread_t *thread, + const pthread_attr_t *attr, + void *(*start_routine)(void*), void *arg); +typedef struct PSI_thread* (*new_thread_v1_t) + (PSI_thread_key key, const void *identity, ulonglong thread_id); +typedef void (*set_thread_id_v1_t)(struct PSI_thread *thread, + ulonglong id); +typedef struct PSI_thread* (*get_thread_v1_t)(void); +typedef void (*set_thread_user_v1_t)(const char *user, int user_len); +typedef void (*set_thread_user_host_v1_t)(const char *user, int user_len, + const char *host, int host_len); +typedef void (*set_thread_db_v1_t)(const char* db, int db_len); +typedef void (*set_thread_command_v1_t)(int command); +typedef void (*set_thread_start_time_v1_t)(time_t start_time); +typedef void (*set_thread_state_v1_t)(const char* state); +typedef void (*set_thread_info_v1_t)(const char* info, uint info_len); +typedef void (*set_thread_v1_t)(struct PSI_thread *thread); +typedef void (*delete_current_thread_v1_t)(void); +typedef void (*delete_thread_v1_t)(struct PSI_thread *thread); +typedef struct PSI_file_locker* (*get_thread_file_name_locker_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker_state_v1 *state, + PSI_file_key key, enum PSI_file_operation op, const char *name, + const void *identity); +typedef struct PSI_file_locker* (*get_thread_file_stream_locker_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_file *file, enum PSI_file_operation op); +typedef struct PSI_file_locker* (*get_thread_file_descriptor_locker_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker_state_v1 *state, + File file, enum PSI_file_operation op); +typedef void (*unlock_mutex_v1_t) + (struct PSI_mutex *mutex); +typedef void (*unlock_rwlock_v1_t) + (struct PSI_rwlock *rwlock); +typedef void (*signal_cond_v1_t) + (struct PSI_cond *cond); +typedef void (*broadcast_cond_v1_t) + (struct PSI_cond *cond); +typedef struct PSI_idle_locker* (*start_idle_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_idle_locker_state_v1 *state, const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*end_idle_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_idle_locker *locker); +typedef struct PSI_mutex_locker* (*start_mutex_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_mutex_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_mutex *mutex, + enum PSI_mutex_operation op, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*end_mutex_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_mutex_locker *locker, int rc); +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker* (*start_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_rwlock *rwlock, + enum PSI_rwlock_operation op, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*end_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_rwlock_locker *locker, int rc); +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker* (*start_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_rwlock *rwlock, + enum PSI_rwlock_operation op, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*end_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_rwlock_locker *locker, int rc); +typedef struct PSI_cond_locker* (*start_cond_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_cond_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_cond *cond, + struct PSI_mutex *mutex, + enum PSI_cond_operation op, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*end_cond_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_cond_locker *locker, int rc); +typedef struct PSI_table_locker* (*start_table_io_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_table_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_table *table, + enum PSI_table_io_operation op, + uint index, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*end_table_io_wait_v1_t)(struct PSI_table_locker *locker); +typedef struct PSI_table_locker* (*start_table_lock_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_table_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_table *table, + enum PSI_table_lock_operation op, + ulong flags, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*end_table_lock_wait_v1_t)(struct PSI_table_locker *locker); +typedef void (*start_file_open_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef struct PSI_file* (*end_file_open_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, void *result); +typedef void (*end_file_open_wait_and_bind_to_descriptor_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, File file); +typedef void (*start_file_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, size_t count, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*end_file_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, size_t count); +typedef void (*start_file_close_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*end_file_close_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_file_locker *locker, int rc); +typedef void (*start_stage_v1_t) + (PSI_stage_key key, const char *src_file, int src_line); +typedef void (*end_stage_v1_t) (void); +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker* (*get_thread_statement_locker_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker_state_v1 *state, + PSI_statement_key key, const void *charset); +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker* (*refine_statement_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, + PSI_statement_key key); +typedef void (*start_statement_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, + const char *db, uint db_length, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*set_statement_text_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, + const char *text, uint text_len); +typedef void (*set_statement_lock_time_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulonglong lock_time); +typedef void (*set_statement_rows_sent_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulonglong count); +typedef void (*set_statement_rows_examined_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulonglong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_created_tmp_disk_tables_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_created_tmp_tables_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_select_full_join_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_select_full_range_join_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_select_range_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_select_range_check_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_select_scan_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_sort_merge_passes_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_sort_range_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_sort_rows_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*inc_statement_sort_scan_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, ulong count); +typedef void (*set_statement_no_index_used_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker); +typedef void (*set_statement_no_good_index_used_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker); +typedef void (*end_statement_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker, void *stmt_da); +typedef struct PSI_socket_locker* (*start_socket_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_socket_locker_state_v1 *state, + struct PSI_socket *socket, + enum PSI_socket_operation op, + size_t count, + const char *src_file, uint src_line); +typedef void (*end_socket_wait_v1_t) + (struct PSI_socket_locker *locker, size_t count); +typedef void (*set_socket_state_v1_t)(struct PSI_socket *socket, + enum PSI_socket_state state); +typedef void (*set_socket_info_v1_t)(struct PSI_socket *socket, + const my_socket *fd, + const struct sockaddr *addr, + socklen_t addr_len); +typedef void (*set_socket_thread_owner_v1_t)(struct PSI_socket *socket); +typedef struct PSI_digest_locker * (*digest_start_v1_t) + (struct PSI_statement_locker *locker); +typedef struct PSI_digest_locker* (*digest_add_token_v1_t) + (struct PSI_digest_locker *locker, uint token, struct OPAQUE_LEX_YYSTYPE *yylval); +typedef int (*set_thread_connect_attrs_v1_t)(const char *buffer, uint length, + const void *from_cs); +struct PSI_v1 +{ + register_mutex_v1_t register_mutex; + register_rwlock_v1_t register_rwlock; + register_cond_v1_t register_cond; + register_thread_v1_t register_thread; + register_file_v1_t register_file; + register_stage_v1_t register_stage; + register_statement_v1_t register_statement; + register_socket_v1_t register_socket; + init_mutex_v1_t init_mutex; + destroy_mutex_v1_t destroy_mutex; + init_rwlock_v1_t init_rwlock; + destroy_rwlock_v1_t destroy_rwlock; + init_cond_v1_t init_cond; + destroy_cond_v1_t destroy_cond; + init_socket_v1_t init_socket; + destroy_socket_v1_t destroy_socket; + get_table_share_v1_t get_table_share; + release_table_share_v1_t release_table_share; + drop_table_share_v1_t drop_table_share; + open_table_v1_t open_table; + unbind_table_v1_t unbind_table; + rebind_table_v1_t rebind_table; + close_table_v1_t close_table; + create_file_v1_t create_file; + spawn_thread_v1_t spawn_thread; + new_thread_v1_t new_thread; + set_thread_id_v1_t set_thread_id; + get_thread_v1_t get_thread; + set_thread_user_v1_t set_thread_user; + set_thread_user_host_v1_t set_thread_user_host; + set_thread_db_v1_t set_thread_db; + set_thread_command_v1_t set_thread_command; + set_thread_start_time_v1_t set_thread_start_time; + set_thread_state_v1_t set_thread_state; + set_thread_info_v1_t set_thread_info; + set_thread_v1_t set_thread; + delete_current_thread_v1_t delete_current_thread; + delete_thread_v1_t delete_thread; + get_thread_file_name_locker_v1_t get_thread_file_name_locker; + get_thread_file_stream_locker_v1_t get_thread_file_stream_locker; + get_thread_file_descriptor_locker_v1_t get_thread_file_descriptor_locker; + unlock_mutex_v1_t unlock_mutex; + unlock_rwlock_v1_t unlock_rwlock; + signal_cond_v1_t signal_cond; + broadcast_cond_v1_t broadcast_cond; + start_idle_wait_v1_t start_idle_wait; + end_idle_wait_v1_t end_idle_wait; + start_mutex_wait_v1_t start_mutex_wait; + end_mutex_wait_v1_t end_mutex_wait; + start_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t start_rwlock_rdwait; + end_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t end_rwlock_rdwait; + start_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t start_rwlock_wrwait; + end_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t end_rwlock_wrwait; + start_cond_wait_v1_t start_cond_wait; + end_cond_wait_v1_t end_cond_wait; + start_table_io_wait_v1_t start_table_io_wait; + end_table_io_wait_v1_t end_table_io_wait; + start_table_lock_wait_v1_t start_table_lock_wait; + end_table_lock_wait_v1_t end_table_lock_wait; + start_file_open_wait_v1_t start_file_open_wait; + end_file_open_wait_v1_t end_file_open_wait; + end_file_open_wait_and_bind_to_descriptor_v1_t + end_file_open_wait_and_bind_to_descriptor; + start_file_wait_v1_t start_file_wait; + end_file_wait_v1_t end_file_wait; + start_file_close_wait_v1_t start_file_close_wait; + end_file_close_wait_v1_t end_file_close_wait; + start_stage_v1_t start_stage; + end_stage_v1_t end_stage; + get_thread_statement_locker_v1_t get_thread_statement_locker; + refine_statement_v1_t refine_statement; + start_statement_v1_t start_statement; + set_statement_text_v1_t set_statement_text; + set_statement_lock_time_t set_statement_lock_time; + set_statement_rows_sent_t set_statement_rows_sent; + set_statement_rows_examined_t set_statement_rows_examined; + inc_statement_created_tmp_disk_tables_t inc_statement_created_tmp_disk_tables; + inc_statement_created_tmp_tables_t inc_statement_created_tmp_tables; + inc_statement_select_full_join_t inc_statement_select_full_join; + inc_statement_select_full_range_join_t inc_statement_select_full_range_join; + inc_statement_select_range_t inc_statement_select_range; + inc_statement_select_range_check_t inc_statement_select_range_check; + inc_statement_select_scan_t inc_statement_select_scan; + inc_statement_sort_merge_passes_t inc_statement_sort_merge_passes; + inc_statement_sort_range_t inc_statement_sort_range; + inc_statement_sort_rows_t inc_statement_sort_rows; + inc_statement_sort_scan_t inc_statement_sort_scan; + set_statement_no_index_used_t set_statement_no_index_used; + set_statement_no_good_index_used_t set_statement_no_good_index_used; + end_statement_v1_t end_statement; + start_socket_wait_v1_t start_socket_wait; + end_socket_wait_v1_t end_socket_wait; + set_socket_state_v1_t set_socket_state; + set_socket_info_v1_t set_socket_info; + set_socket_thread_owner_v1_t set_socket_thread_owner; + digest_start_v1_t digest_start; + digest_add_token_v1_t digest_add_token; + set_thread_connect_attrs_v1_t set_thread_connect_attrs; +}; +typedef struct PSI_v1 PSI; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_info_v1 PSI_mutex_info; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_info_v1 PSI_rwlock_info; +typedef struct PSI_cond_info_v1 PSI_cond_info; +typedef struct PSI_thread_info_v1 PSI_thread_info; +typedef struct PSI_file_info_v1 PSI_file_info; +typedef struct PSI_stage_info_v1 PSI_stage_info; +typedef struct PSI_statement_info_v1 PSI_statement_info; +typedef struct PSI_socket_info_v1 PSI_socket_info; +typedef struct PSI_idle_locker_state_v1 PSI_idle_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_locker_state_v1 PSI_mutex_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v1 PSI_rwlock_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_cond_locker_state_v1 PSI_cond_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_file_locker_state_v1 PSI_file_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_table_locker_state_v1 PSI_table_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker_state_v1 PSI_statement_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_socket_locker_state_v1 PSI_socket_locker_state; +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT PSI *PSI_server; +C_MODE_END diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v2.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v2.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..08bca609b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v2.h @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ + +/** + @file mysql/psi/psi_abi_v1.h + ABI check for mysql/psi/psi.h, when using PSI_VERSION_2. + This file is only used to automate detection of changes between versions. + Do not include this file, include mysql/psi/psi.h instead. +*/ +#define USE_PSI_2 +#define HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE +#define _global_h +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v2.h.pp b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v2.h.pp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..458013b43 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/psi/psi_abi_v2.h.pp @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +#include "mysql/psi/psi.h" +C_MODE_START +struct TABLE_SHARE; +struct OPAQUE_LEX_YYSTYPE; +struct PSI_mutex; +typedef struct PSI_mutex PSI_mutex; +struct PSI_rwlock; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock PSI_rwlock; +struct PSI_cond; +typedef struct PSI_cond PSI_cond; +struct PSI_table_share; +typedef struct PSI_table_share PSI_table_share; +struct PSI_table; +typedef struct PSI_table PSI_table; +struct PSI_thread; +typedef struct PSI_thread PSI_thread; +struct PSI_file; +typedef struct PSI_file PSI_file; +struct PSI_socket; +typedef struct PSI_socket PSI_socket; +struct PSI_table_locker; +typedef struct PSI_table_locker PSI_table_locker; +struct PSI_statement_locker; +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker PSI_statement_locker; +struct PSI_idle_locker; +typedef struct PSI_idle_locker PSI_idle_locker; +struct PSI_digest_locker; +typedef struct PSI_digest_locker PSI_digest_locker; +struct PSI_bootstrap +{ + void* (*get_interface)(int version); +}; +typedef struct PSI_bootstrap PSI_bootstrap; +struct PSI_mutex_locker; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_locker PSI_mutex_locker; +struct PSI_rwlock_locker; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker PSI_rwlock_locker; +struct PSI_cond_locker; +typedef struct PSI_cond_locker PSI_cond_locker; +struct PSI_file_locker; +typedef struct PSI_file_locker PSI_file_locker; +struct PSI_socket_locker; +typedef struct PSI_socket_locker PSI_socket_locker; +enum PSI_mutex_operation +{ + PSI_MUTEX_LOCK= 0, + PSI_MUTEX_TRYLOCK= 1 +}; +typedef enum PSI_mutex_operation PSI_mutex_operation; +enum PSI_rwlock_operation +{ + PSI_RWLOCK_READLOCK= 0, + PSI_RWLOCK_WRITELOCK= 1, + PSI_RWLOCK_TRYREADLOCK= 2, + PSI_RWLOCK_TRYWRITELOCK= 3 +}; +typedef enum PSI_rwlock_operation PSI_rwlock_operation; +enum PSI_cond_operation +{ + PSI_COND_WAIT= 0, + PSI_COND_TIMEDWAIT= 1 +}; +typedef enum PSI_cond_operation PSI_cond_operation; +enum PSI_file_operation +{ + PSI_FILE_CREATE= 0, + PSI_FILE_CREATE_TMP= 1, + PSI_FILE_OPEN= 2, + PSI_FILE_STREAM_OPEN= 3, + PSI_FILE_CLOSE= 4, + PSI_FILE_STREAM_CLOSE= 5, + PSI_FILE_READ= 6, + PSI_FILE_WRITE= 7, + PSI_FILE_SEEK= 8, + PSI_FILE_TELL= 9, + PSI_FILE_FLUSH= 10, + PSI_FILE_STAT= 11, + PSI_FILE_FSTAT= 12, + PSI_FILE_CHSIZE= 13, + PSI_FILE_DELETE= 14, + PSI_FILE_RENAME= 15, + PSI_FILE_SYNC= 16 +}; +typedef enum PSI_file_operation PSI_file_operation; +enum PSI_table_io_operation +{ + PSI_TABLE_FETCH_ROW= 0, + PSI_TABLE_WRITE_ROW= 1, + PSI_TABLE_UPDATE_ROW= 2, + PSI_TABLE_DELETE_ROW= 3 +}; +typedef enum PSI_table_io_operation PSI_table_io_operation; +enum PSI_table_lock_operation +{ + PSI_TABLE_LOCK= 0, + PSI_TABLE_EXTERNAL_LOCK= 1 +}; +typedef enum PSI_table_lock_operation PSI_table_lock_operation; +enum PSI_socket_state +{ + PSI_SOCKET_STATE_IDLE= 1, + PSI_SOCKET_STATE_ACTIVE= 2 +}; +typedef enum PSI_socket_state PSI_socket_state; +enum PSI_socket_operation +{ + PSI_SOCKET_CREATE= 0, + PSI_SOCKET_CONNECT= 1, + PSI_SOCKET_BIND= 2, + PSI_SOCKET_CLOSE= 3, + PSI_SOCKET_SEND= 4, + PSI_SOCKET_RECV= 5, + PSI_SOCKET_SENDTO= 6, + PSI_SOCKET_RECVFROM= 7, + PSI_SOCKET_SENDMSG= 8, + PSI_SOCKET_RECVMSG= 9, + PSI_SOCKET_SEEK= 10, + PSI_SOCKET_OPT= 11, + PSI_SOCKET_STAT= 12, + PSI_SOCKET_SHUTDOWN= 13, + PSI_SOCKET_SELECT= 14 +}; +typedef enum PSI_socket_operation PSI_socket_operation; +typedef unsigned int PSI_mutex_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_rwlock_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_cond_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_thread_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_file_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_stage_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_statement_key; +typedef unsigned int PSI_socket_key; +struct PSI_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_mutex_info_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_rwlock_info_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_cond_info_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_thread_info_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_file_info_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_stage_info_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_statement_info_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_idle_locker_state_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_mutex_locker_state_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_cond_locker_state_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_file_locker_state_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_table_locker_state_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_statement_locker_state_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +struct PSI_socket_locker_state_v2 +{ + int placeholder; +}; +typedef struct PSI_v2 PSI; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_info_v2 PSI_mutex_info; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_info_v2 PSI_rwlock_info; +typedef struct PSI_cond_info_v2 PSI_cond_info; +typedef struct PSI_thread_info_v2 PSI_thread_info; +typedef struct PSI_file_info_v2 PSI_file_info; +typedef struct PSI_stage_info_v2 PSI_stage_info; +typedef struct PSI_statement_info_v2 PSI_statement_info; +typedef struct PSI_socket_info_v2 PSI_socket_info; +typedef struct PSI_idle_locker_state_v2 PSI_idle_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_mutex_locker_state_v2 PSI_mutex_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_rwlock_locker_state_v2 PSI_rwlock_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_cond_locker_state_v2 PSI_cond_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_file_locker_state_v2 PSI_file_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_table_locker_state_v2 PSI_table_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_statement_locker_state_v2 PSI_statement_locker_state; +typedef struct PSI_socket_locker_state_v2 PSI_socket_locker_state; +extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT PSI *PSI_server; +C_MODE_END diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_my_plugin_log.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_my_plugin_log.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0cf781757 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_my_plugin_log.h @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the + License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/** + @file + This service provides functions to report error conditions and log to + mysql error log. +*/ + +#ifndef MYSQL_SERVICE_MY_PLUGIN_LOG_INCLUDED +#define MYSQL_SERVICE_MY_PLUGIN_LOG_INCLUDED + +#ifndef MYSQL_ABI_CHECK +#include +#endif + +/* keep in sync with the loglevel enum in my_sys.h */ +enum plugin_log_level +{ + MY_ERROR_LEVEL, + MY_WARNING_LEVEL, + MY_INFORMATION_LEVEL +}; + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +extern struct my_plugin_log_service +{ + /** write a message to the log */ + int (*my_plugin_log_message)(MYSQL_PLUGIN *, enum plugin_log_level, const char *, ...); +} *my_plugin_log_service; + +#ifdef MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN + +#define my_plugin_log_message my_plugin_log_service->my_plugin_log_message + +#else + +int my_plugin_log_message(MYSQL_PLUGIN *plugin, enum plugin_log_level level, + const char *format, ...); + +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_my_snprintf.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_my_snprintf.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d5783faa8 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_my_snprintf.h @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +#ifndef MYSQL_SERVICE_MY_SNPRINTF_INCLUDED +/* Copyright (c) 2009, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/** + @file + my_snprintf service + + Portable and limited vsnprintf() implementation. + + This is a portable, limited vsnprintf() implementation, with some + extra features. "Portable" means that it'll produce identical result + on all platforms (for example, on Windows and Linux system printf %e + formats the exponent differently, on different systems %p either + prints leading 0x or not, %s may accept null pointer or crash on + it). "Limited" means that it does not support all the C89 features. + But it supports few extensions, not in any standard. + + my_vsnprintf(to, n, fmt, ap) + + @param[out] to A buffer to store the result in + @param[in] n Store up to n-1 characters, followed by an end 0 + @param[in] fmt printf-like format string + @param[in] ap Arguments + + @return a number of bytes written to a buffer *excluding* terminating '\0' + + @post + The syntax of a format string is generally the same: + % + where everithing but the format is optional. + + Three one-character flags are recognized: + '0' has the standard zero-padding semantics; + '-' is parsed, but silently ignored; + '`' (backtick) is only supported for strings (%s) and means that the + string will be quoted according to MySQL identifier quoting rules. + + Both and can be specified as numbers or '*'. + If an asterisk is used, an argument of type int is consumed. + + can be 'l', 'll', or 'z'. + + Supported formats are 's' (null pointer is accepted, printed as + "(null)"), 'b' (extension, see below), 'c', 'd', 'i', 'u', 'x', 'o', + 'X', 'p' (works as 0x%x). + + Standard syntax for positional arguments $n is supported. + + Extensions: + + Flag '`' (backtick): see above. + + Format 'b': binary buffer, prints exactly bytes from the + argument, without stopping at '\0'. +*/ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#ifndef MYSQL_ABI_CHECK +#include +#include +#endif + +extern struct my_snprintf_service_st { + size_t (*my_snprintf_type)(char*, size_t, const char*, ...); + size_t (*my_vsnprintf_type)(char *, size_t, const char*, va_list); +} *my_snprintf_service; + +#ifdef MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN + +#define my_vsnprintf my_snprintf_service->my_vsnprintf_type +#define my_snprintf my_snprintf_service->my_snprintf_type + +#else + +size_t my_snprintf(char* to, size_t n, const char* fmt, ...); +size_t my_vsnprintf(char *to, size_t n, const char* fmt, va_list ap); + +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#define MYSQL_SERVICE_MY_SNPRINTF_INCLUDED +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_mysql_string.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_mysql_string.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c121a6d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_mysql_string.h @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +/* Copyright © 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* This service provides functions to parse mysql String */ + +#ifndef MYSQL_SERVICE_MYSQL_STRING_INCLUDED +#define MYSQL_SERVICE_MYSQL_STRING_INCLUDED + +#ifndef MYSQL_ABI_CHECK +#include +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +typedef void *mysql_string_iterator_handle; +typedef void *mysql_string_handle; + +extern struct mysql_string_service_st { + int (*mysql_string_convert_to_char_ptr_type) + (mysql_string_handle, const char *, char *, unsigned int, int *); + mysql_string_iterator_handle (*mysql_string_get_iterator_type) + (mysql_string_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_next_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_isupper_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_islower_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + int (*mysql_string_iterator_isdigit_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + mysql_string_handle (*mysql_string_to_lowercase_type)(mysql_string_handle); + void (*mysql_string_free_type)(mysql_string_handle); + void (*mysql_string_iterator_free_type)(mysql_string_iterator_handle); +} *mysql_string_service; + +#ifdef MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN + +#define mysql_string_convert_to_char_ptr(string_handle, charset_name, \ + buffer, buffer_size, error) \ + mysql_string_service->mysql_string_convert_to_char_ptr_type \ + (string_handle, charset_name, buffer, \ + buffer_size, error) + +#define mysql_string_get_iterator(string_handle) \ + mysql_string_service->mysql_string_get_iterator_type(string_handle) + +#define mysql_string_iterator_next(iterator_handle) \ + mysql_string_service->mysql_string_iterator_next_type(iterator_handle) + +#define mysql_string_iterator_isupper(iterator_handle) \ + mysql_string_service->mysql_string_iterator_isupper_type \ + (iterator_handle) + +#define mysql_string_iterator_islower(iterator_handle) \ + mysql_string_service->mysql_string_iterator_islower_type \ + (iterator_handle) + +#define mysql_string_iterator_isdigit(iterator_handle) \ + mysql_string_service->mysql_string_iterator_isdigit_type \ + (iterator_handle) + +#define mysql_string_to_lowercase(string_handle) \ + mysql_string_service->mysql_string_to_lowercase_type(string_handle) + +#define mysql_string_free(mysql_string_handle) \ + mysql_string_service->mysql_string_free_type(mysql_string_handle) + +#define mysql_string_iterator_free(mysql_string_iterator_handle) \ + mysql_string_service->mysql_string_iterator_free_type \ + (mysql_string_iterator_handle) +#else + +/* This service function convert string into given character set */ +int mysql_string_convert_to_char_ptr(mysql_string_handle string_handle, + const char *charset_name, char *buffer, + unsigned int buffer_size, int *error); + +/* This service function returns the beginning of the iterator handle */ +mysql_string_iterator_handle mysql_string_get_iterator(mysql_string_handle + string_handle); +/* + This service function gets the next iterator handle + returns 0 if reached the end else return 1 +*/ +int mysql_string_iterator_next(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); + +/* + This service function return 1 if current iterator handle points to a + uppercase character else return 0 for client character set. +*/ +int mysql_string_iterator_isupper(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); + +/* + This service function return 1 if current iterator handle points to a + lowercase character else return 0 for client character set. +*/ +int mysql_string_iterator_islower(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); + +/* + This service function return 1 if current iterator handle points to a digit + else return 0 for client character sets. +*/ +int mysql_string_iterator_isdigit(mysql_string_iterator_handle iterator_handle); + +/* convert string_handle into lowercase */ +mysql_string_handle mysql_string_to_lowercase(mysql_string_handle + string_handle); + +/* It deallocates the string created on server side during plugin operations */ +void mysql_string_free(mysql_string_handle); + +/* + It deallocates the string iterator created on server side + during plugin operations +*/ +void mysql_string_iterator_free(mysql_string_iterator_handle); + +#endif +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_thd_alloc.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_thd_alloc.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..645fb310c --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_thd_alloc.h @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +#ifndef MYSQL_SERVICE_THD_ALLOC_INCLUDED +/* Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/** + @file + This service provdes functions to allocate memory in a connection local + memory pool. The memory allocated there will be automatically freed at the + end of the statement, don't use it for allocations that should live longer + than that. For short living allocations this is more efficient than + using my_malloc and friends, and automatic "garbage collection" allows not + to think about memory leaks. + + The pool is best for small to medium objects, don't use it for large + allocations - they are better served with my_malloc. +*/ + +#ifndef MYSQL_ABI_CHECK +#include +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +struct st_mysql_lex_string +{ + char *str; + size_t length; +}; +typedef struct st_mysql_lex_string MYSQL_LEX_STRING; + +extern struct thd_alloc_service_st { + void *(*thd_alloc_func)(MYSQL_THD, unsigned int); + void *(*thd_calloc_func)(MYSQL_THD, unsigned int); + char *(*thd_strdup_func)(MYSQL_THD, const char *); + char *(*thd_strmake_func)(MYSQL_THD, const char *, unsigned int); + void *(*thd_memdup_func)(MYSQL_THD, const void*, unsigned int); + MYSQL_LEX_STRING *(*thd_make_lex_string_func)(MYSQL_THD, MYSQL_LEX_STRING *, + const char *, unsigned int, int); +} *thd_alloc_service; + +#ifdef MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN + +#define thd_alloc(thd,size) (thd_alloc_service->thd_alloc_func((thd), (size))) + +#define thd_calloc(thd,size) (thd_alloc_service->thd_calloc_func((thd), (size))) + +#define thd_strdup(thd,str) (thd_alloc_service->thd_strdup_func((thd), (str))) + +#define thd_strmake(thd,str,size) \ + (thd_alloc_service->thd_strmake_func((thd), (str), (size))) + +#define thd_memdup(thd,str,size) \ + (thd_alloc_service->thd_memdup_func((thd), (str), (size))) + +#define thd_make_lex_string(thd, lex_str, str, size, allocate_lex_string) \ + (thd_alloc_service->thd_make_lex_string_func((thd), (lex_str), (str), \ + (size), (allocate_lex_string))) + +#else + +/** + Allocate memory in the connection's local memory pool + + @details + When properly used in place of @c my_malloc(), this can significantly + improve concurrency. Don't use this or related functions to allocate + large chunks of memory. Use for temporary storage only. The memory + will be freed automatically at the end of the statement; no explicit + code is required to prevent memory leaks. + + @see alloc_root() +*/ +void *thd_alloc(MYSQL_THD thd, unsigned int size); +/** + @see thd_alloc() +*/ +void *thd_calloc(MYSQL_THD thd, unsigned int size); +/** + @see thd_alloc() +*/ +char *thd_strdup(MYSQL_THD thd, const char *str); +/** + @see thd_alloc() +*/ +char *thd_strmake(MYSQL_THD thd, const char *str, unsigned int size); +/** + @see thd_alloc() +*/ +void *thd_memdup(MYSQL_THD thd, const void* str, unsigned int size); + +/** + Create a LEX_STRING in this connection's local memory pool + + @param thd user thread connection handle + @param lex_str pointer to LEX_STRING object to be initialized + @param str initializer to be copied into lex_str + @param size length of str, in bytes + @param allocate_lex_string flag: if TRUE, allocate new LEX_STRING object, + instead of using lex_str value + @return NULL on failure, or pointer to the LEX_STRING object + + @see thd_alloc() +*/ +MYSQL_LEX_STRING *thd_make_lex_string(MYSQL_THD thd, MYSQL_LEX_STRING *lex_str, + const char *str, unsigned int size, + int allocate_lex_string); + +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#define MYSQL_SERVICE_THD_ALLOC_INCLUDED +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_thd_wait.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_thd_wait.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6b47a4ff2 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_thd_wait.h @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MYSQL_SERVICE_THD_WAIT_INCLUDED +#define MYSQL_SERVICE_THD_WAIT_INCLUDED + +/** + @file include/mysql/service_thd_wait.h + This service provides functions for plugins and storage engines to report + when they are going to sleep/stall. + + SYNOPSIS + thd_wait_begin() - call just before a wait begins + thd Thread object + Use NULL if the thd is NOT known. + wait_type Type of wait + 1 -- short wait (e.g. for mutex) + 2 -- medium wait (e.g. for disk io) + 3 -- large wait (e.g. for locked row/table) + NOTES + This is used by the threadpool to have better knowledge of which + threads that currently are actively running on CPUs. When a thread + reports that it's going to sleep/stall, the threadpool scheduler is + free to start another thread in the pool most likely. The expected wait + time is simply an indication of how long the wait is expected to + become, the real wait time could be very different. + + thd_wait_end() called immediately after the wait is complete + + thd_wait_end() MUST be called if thd_wait_begin() was called. + + Using thd_wait_...() service is optional but recommended. Using it will + improve performance as the thread pool will be more active at managing the + thread workload. +*/ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + One should only report wait events that could potentially block for a + long time. A mutex wait is too short of an event to report. The reason + is that an event which is reported leads to a new thread starts + executing a query and this has a negative impact of usage of CPU caches + and thus the expected gain of starting a new thread must be higher than + the expected cost of lost performance due to starting a new thread. + + Good examples of events that should be reported are waiting for row locks + that could easily be for many milliseconds or even seconds and the same + holds true for global read locks, table locks and other meta data locks. + Another event of interest is going to sleep for an extended time. +*/ +typedef enum _thd_wait_type_e { + THD_WAIT_SLEEP= 1, + THD_WAIT_DISKIO= 2, + THD_WAIT_ROW_LOCK= 3, + THD_WAIT_GLOBAL_LOCK= 4, + THD_WAIT_META_DATA_LOCK= 5, + THD_WAIT_TABLE_LOCK= 6, + THD_WAIT_USER_LOCK= 7, + THD_WAIT_BINLOG= 8, + THD_WAIT_GROUP_COMMIT= 9, + THD_WAIT_SYNC= 10, + THD_WAIT_LAST= 11 +} thd_wait_type; + +extern struct thd_wait_service_st { + void (*thd_wait_begin_func)(MYSQL_THD, int); + void (*thd_wait_end_func)(MYSQL_THD); +} *thd_wait_service; + +#ifdef MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN + +#define thd_wait_begin(_THD, _WAIT_TYPE) \ + thd_wait_service->thd_wait_begin_func(_THD, _WAIT_TYPE) +#define thd_wait_end(_THD) thd_wait_service->thd_wait_end_func(_THD) + +#else + +void thd_wait_begin(MYSQL_THD thd, int wait_type); +void thd_wait_end(MYSQL_THD thd); + +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_thread_scheduler.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_thread_scheduler.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a5e0e2f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/service_thread_scheduler.h @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +/* + Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA +*/ + +#ifndef SERVICE_THREAD_SCHEDULER_INCLUDED +#define SERVICE_THREAD_SCHEDULER_INCLUDED + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +struct scheduler_functions; + +extern struct my_thread_scheduler_service { + int (*set)(struct scheduler_functions *scheduler); + int (*reset)(); +} *my_thread_scheduler_service; + +#ifdef MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN + +#define my_thread_scheduler_set(F) my_thread_scheduler_service->set((F)) +#define my_thread_scheduler_reset() my_thread_scheduler_service->reset() + +#else + +/** + Set the thread scheduler to use for the server. + + @param scheduler Pointer to scheduler callbacks to use. + @retval 0 Scheduler installed correctly. + @retval 1 Invalid value (NULL) used for scheduler. +*/ +int my_thread_scheduler_set(struct scheduler_functions *scheduler); + +/** + Restore the previous thread scheduler. + + @note If no thread scheduler was installed previously with + thd_set_thread_scheduler, this function will report an error. + + @retval 0 Scheduler installed correctly. + @retval 1 No scheduler installed. +*/ +int my_thread_scheduler_reset(); + +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* SERVICE_THREAD_SCHEDULER_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/services.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/services.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c3ed98e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/services.h @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +#ifndef MYSQL_SERVICES_INCLUDED +/* Copyright (c) 2009, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#define MYSQL_SERVICES_INCLUDED +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/thread_pool_priv.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/thread_pool_priv.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d5d12ef10 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql/thread_pool_priv.h @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +/* + Copyright (c) 2010, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA +*/ + +#ifndef THREAD_POOL_PRIV_INCLUDED +#define THREAD_POOL_PRIV_INCLUDED + +/* + The thread pool requires access to some MySQL server error codes, this is + accessed from mysqld_error.h. + We need access to the struct that defines the thread pool plugin interface + which is accessed through scheduler.h. + All accesses to THD variables and functions are defined in this header file. + A thread pool can also use DEBUG_SYNC and must thus include + debug_sync.h + To handle definitions of Information Schema plugins it is also required + to include sql_profile.h and table.h. +*/ +#include /* To get ER_ERROR_ON_READ */ +#define MYSQL_SERVER 1 +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +typedef std::set::iterator Thread_iterator; +/* Needed to get access to scheduler variables */ +void* thd_get_scheduler_data(THD *thd); +void thd_set_scheduler_data(THD *thd, void *data); +PSI_thread* thd_get_psi(THD *thd); +void thd_set_psi(THD *thd, PSI_thread *psi); + +/* Interface to THD variables and functions */ +void thd_set_killed(THD *thd); +void thd_clear_errors(THD *thd); +void thd_set_thread_stack(THD *thd, char *stack_start); +void thd_lock_thread_count(THD *thd); +void thd_unlock_thread_count(THD *thd); +void thd_close_connection(THD *thd); +THD *thd_get_current_thd(); +void thd_new_connection_setup(THD *thd, char *stack_start); +void thd_lock_data(THD *thd); +void thd_unlock_data(THD *thd); +bool thd_is_transaction_active(THD *thd); +int thd_connection_has_data(THD *thd); +void thd_set_net_read_write(THD *thd, uint val); +uint thd_get_net_read_write(THD *thd); +void thd_set_mysys_var(THD *thd, st_my_thread_var *mysys_var); +ulong thd_get_net_wait_timeout(THD *thd); +my_socket thd_get_fd(THD *thd); +int thd_store_globals(THD* thd); + +/* Interface to global thread list iterator functions */ +Thread_iterator thd_get_global_thread_list_begin(); +Thread_iterator thd_get_global_thread_list_end(); + +/* Print to the MySQL error log */ +void sql_print_error(const char *format, ...); + +/* Store a table record */ +bool schema_table_store_record(THD *thd, TABLE *table); + +/* + The thread pool must be able to execute statements using the connection + state in THD object. This is the main objective of the thread pool to + schedule the start of these commands. +*/ +bool do_command(THD *thd); + +/* + The thread pool requires an interface to the connection logic in the + MySQL Server since the thread pool will maintain the event logic on + the TCP connection of the MySQL Server. Thus new connections, dropped + connections will be discovered by the thread pool and it needs to + ensure that the proper MySQL Server logic attached to these events is + executed. +*/ +/* Initialise a new connection handler thread */ +bool init_new_connection_handler_thread(); +/* Set up connection thread before use as execution thread */ +bool setup_connection_thread_globals(THD *thd); +/* Prepare connection as part of connection set-up */ +bool thd_prepare_connection(THD *thd); +/* Release auditing before executing statement */ +void mysql_audit_release(THD *thd); +/* Check if connection is still alive */ +bool thd_is_connection_alive(THD *thd); +/* Close connection with possible error code */ +void close_connection(THD *thd, uint errcode); +/* End the connection before closing it */ +void end_connection(THD *thd); +/* Release resources of the THD object */ +void thd_release_resources(THD *thd); +/* Decrement connection counter */ +void dec_connection_count(); +/* Destroy THD object */ +void destroy_thd(THD *thd); +/* Remove the THD from the set of global threads. */ +void remove_global_thread(THD *thd); + +/* + thread_created is maintained by thread pool when activated since + user threads are created by the thread pool (and also special + threads to maintain the thread pool). This is done through + inc_thread_created. + + max_connections is needed to calculate the maximum number of threads + that is allowed to be started by the thread pool. The method + get_max_connections() gets reference to this variable. + + connection_attrib is the thread attributes for connection threads, + the method get_connection_attrib provides a reference to these + attributes. +*/ +void inc_thread_created(void); +ulong get_max_connections(void); +pthread_attr_t *get_connection_attrib(void); +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_com.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_com.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a25af23fa --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_com.h @@ -0,0 +1,602 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* +** Common definition between mysql server & client +*/ + +#ifndef _mysql_com_h +#define _mysql_com_h + +#define HOSTNAME_LENGTH 60 +#define SYSTEM_CHARSET_MBMAXLEN 3 +#define NAME_CHAR_LEN 64 /* Field/table name length */ +#define USERNAME_CHAR_LENGTH 16 +#define NAME_LEN (NAME_CHAR_LEN*SYSTEM_CHARSET_MBMAXLEN) +#define USERNAME_LENGTH (USERNAME_CHAR_LENGTH*SYSTEM_CHARSET_MBMAXLEN) + +#define MYSQL_AUTODETECT_CHARSET_NAME "auto" + +#define SERVER_VERSION_LENGTH 60 +#define SQLSTATE_LENGTH 5 + +/* + Maximum length of comments +*/ +#define TABLE_COMMENT_INLINE_MAXLEN 180 /* pre 6.0: 60 characters */ +#define TABLE_COMMENT_MAXLEN 2048 +#define COLUMN_COMMENT_MAXLEN 1024 +#define INDEX_COMMENT_MAXLEN 1024 +#define TABLE_PARTITION_COMMENT_MAXLEN 1024 + +/* + USER_HOST_BUFF_SIZE -- length of string buffer, that is enough to contain + username and hostname parts of the user identifier with trailing zero in + MySQL standard format: + user_name_part@host_name_part\0 +*/ +#define USER_HOST_BUFF_SIZE HOSTNAME_LENGTH + USERNAME_LENGTH + 2 + +#define LOCAL_HOST "localhost" +#define LOCAL_HOST_NAMEDPIPE "." + + +#if defined(__WIN__) && !defined( _CUSTOMCONFIG_) +#define MYSQL_NAMEDPIPE "MySQL" +#define MYSQL_SERVICENAME "MySQL" +#endif /* __WIN__ */ + +/* + You should add new commands to the end of this list, otherwise old + servers won't be able to handle them as 'unsupported'. +*/ + +enum enum_server_command +{ + COM_SLEEP, COM_QUIT, COM_INIT_DB, COM_QUERY, COM_FIELD_LIST, + COM_CREATE_DB, COM_DROP_DB, COM_REFRESH, COM_SHUTDOWN, COM_STATISTICS, + COM_PROCESS_INFO, COM_CONNECT, COM_PROCESS_KILL, COM_DEBUG, COM_PING, + COM_TIME, COM_DELAYED_INSERT, COM_CHANGE_USER, COM_BINLOG_DUMP, + COM_TABLE_DUMP, COM_CONNECT_OUT, COM_REGISTER_SLAVE, + COM_STMT_PREPARE, COM_STMT_EXECUTE, COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA, COM_STMT_CLOSE, + COM_STMT_RESET, COM_SET_OPTION, COM_STMT_FETCH, COM_DAEMON, + COM_BINLOG_DUMP_GTID, + /* don't forget to update const char *command_name[] in sql_parse.cc */ + + /* Must be last */ + COM_END +}; + + +/* + Length of random string sent by server on handshake; this is also length of + obfuscated password, recieved from client +*/ +#define SCRAMBLE_LENGTH 20 +#define SCRAMBLE_LENGTH_323 8 +/* length of password stored in the db: new passwords are preceeded with '*' */ +#define SCRAMBLED_PASSWORD_CHAR_LENGTH (SCRAMBLE_LENGTH*2+1) +#define SCRAMBLED_PASSWORD_CHAR_LENGTH_323 (SCRAMBLE_LENGTH_323*2) + + +#define NOT_NULL_FLAG 1 /* Field can't be NULL */ +#define PRI_KEY_FLAG 2 /* Field is part of a primary key */ +#define UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG 4 /* Field is part of a unique key */ +#define MULTIPLE_KEY_FLAG 8 /* Field is part of a key */ +#define BLOB_FLAG 16 /* Field is a blob */ +#define UNSIGNED_FLAG 32 /* Field is unsigned */ +#define ZEROFILL_FLAG 64 /* Field is zerofill */ +#define BINARY_FLAG 128 /* Field is binary */ + +/* The following are only sent to new clients */ +#define ENUM_FLAG 256 /* field is an enum */ +#define AUTO_INCREMENT_FLAG 512 /* field is a autoincrement field */ +#define TIMESTAMP_FLAG 1024 /* Field is a timestamp */ +#define SET_FLAG 2048 /* field is a set */ +#define NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_FLAG 4096 /* Field doesn't have default value */ +#define ON_UPDATE_NOW_FLAG 8192 /* Field is set to NOW on UPDATE */ +#define NUM_FLAG 32768 /* Field is num (for clients) */ +#define PART_KEY_FLAG 16384 /* Intern; Part of some key */ +#define GROUP_FLAG 32768 /* Intern: Group field */ +#define UNIQUE_FLAG 65536 /* Intern: Used by sql_yacc */ +#define BINCMP_FLAG 131072 /* Intern: Used by sql_yacc */ +#define GET_FIXED_FIELDS_FLAG (1 << 18) /* Used to get fields in item tree */ +#define FIELD_IN_PART_FUNC_FLAG (1 << 19)/* Field part of partition func */ +/** + Intern: Field in TABLE object for new version of altered table, + which participates in a newly added index. +*/ +#define FIELD_IN_ADD_INDEX (1 << 20) +#define FIELD_IS_RENAMED (1<< 21) /* Intern: Field is being renamed */ +#define FIELD_FLAGS_STORAGE_MEDIA 22 /* Field storage media, bit 22-23 */ +#define FIELD_FLAGS_STORAGE_MEDIA_MASK (3 << FIELD_FLAGS_STORAGE_MEDIA) +#define FIELD_FLAGS_COLUMN_FORMAT 24 /* Field column format, bit 24-25 */ +#define FIELD_FLAGS_COLUMN_FORMAT_MASK (3 << FIELD_FLAGS_COLUMN_FORMAT) +#define FIELD_IS_DROPPED (1<< 26) /* Intern: Field is being dropped */ + +#define REFRESH_GRANT 1 /* Refresh grant tables */ +#define REFRESH_LOG 2 /* Start on new log file */ +#define REFRESH_TABLES 4 /* close all tables */ +#define REFRESH_HOSTS 8 /* Flush host cache */ +#define REFRESH_STATUS 16 /* Flush status variables */ +#define REFRESH_THREADS 32 /* Flush thread cache */ +#define REFRESH_SLAVE 64 /* Reset master info and restart slave + thread */ +#define REFRESH_MASTER 128 /* Remove all bin logs in the index + and truncate the index */ +#define REFRESH_ERROR_LOG 256 /* Rotate only the erorr log */ +#define REFRESH_ENGINE_LOG 512 /* Flush all storage engine logs */ +#define REFRESH_BINARY_LOG 1024 /* Flush the binary log */ +#define REFRESH_RELAY_LOG 2048 /* Flush the relay log */ +#define REFRESH_GENERAL_LOG 4096 /* Flush the general log */ +#define REFRESH_SLOW_LOG 8192 /* Flush the slow query log */ + +/* The following can't be set with mysql_refresh() */ +#define REFRESH_READ_LOCK 16384 /* Lock tables for read */ +#define REFRESH_FAST 32768 /* Intern flag */ + +/* RESET (remove all queries) from query cache */ +#define REFRESH_QUERY_CACHE 65536 +#define REFRESH_QUERY_CACHE_FREE 0x20000L /* pack query cache */ +#define REFRESH_DES_KEY_FILE 0x40000L +#define REFRESH_USER_RESOURCES 0x80000L +#define REFRESH_FOR_EXPORT 0x100000L /* FLUSH TABLES ... FOR EXPORT */ + +#define CLIENT_LONG_PASSWORD 1 /* new more secure passwords */ +#define CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS 2 /* Found instead of affected rows */ +#define CLIENT_LONG_FLAG 4 /* Get all column flags */ +#define CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB 8 /* One can specify db on connect */ +#define CLIENT_NO_SCHEMA 16 /* Don't allow database.table.column */ +#define CLIENT_COMPRESS 32 /* Can use compression protocol */ +#define CLIENT_ODBC 64 /* Odbc client */ +#define CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES 128 /* Can use LOAD DATA LOCAL */ +#define CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE 256 /* Ignore spaces before '(' */ +#define CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 512 /* New 4.1 protocol */ +#define CLIENT_INTERACTIVE 1024 /* This is an interactive client */ +#define CLIENT_SSL 2048 /* Switch to SSL after handshake */ +#define CLIENT_IGNORE_SIGPIPE 4096 /* IGNORE sigpipes */ +#define CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS 8192 /* Client knows about transactions */ +#define CLIENT_RESERVED 16384 /* Old flag for 4.1 protocol */ +#define CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION 32768 /* New 4.1 authentication */ +#define CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS (1UL << 16) /* Enable/disable multi-stmt support */ +#define CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS (1UL << 17) /* Enable/disable multi-results */ +#define CLIENT_PS_MULTI_RESULTS (1UL << 18) /* Multi-results in PS-protocol */ + +#define CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH (1UL << 19) /* Client supports plugin authentication */ +#define CLIENT_CONNECT_ATTRS (1UL << 20) /* Client supports connection attributes */ + +/* Enable authentication response packet to be larger than 255 bytes. */ +#define CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH_LENENC_CLIENT_DATA (1UL << 21) + +/* Don't close the connection for a connection with expired password. */ +#define CLIENT_CAN_HANDLE_EXPIRED_PASSWORDS (1UL << 22) + +#define CLIENT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT (1UL << 30) +#define CLIENT_REMEMBER_OPTIONS (1UL << 31) + +#ifdef HAVE_COMPRESS +#define CAN_CLIENT_COMPRESS CLIENT_COMPRESS +#else +#define CAN_CLIENT_COMPRESS 0 +#endif + +/* Gather all possible capabilites (flags) supported by the server */ +#define CLIENT_ALL_FLAGS (CLIENT_LONG_PASSWORD \ + | CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS \ + | CLIENT_LONG_FLAG \ + | CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB \ + | CLIENT_NO_SCHEMA \ + | CLIENT_COMPRESS \ + | CLIENT_ODBC \ + | CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES \ + | CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE \ + | CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 \ + | CLIENT_INTERACTIVE \ + | CLIENT_SSL \ + | CLIENT_IGNORE_SIGPIPE \ + | CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS \ + | CLIENT_RESERVED \ + | CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION \ + | CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS \ + | CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS \ + | CLIENT_PS_MULTI_RESULTS \ + | CLIENT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT \ + | CLIENT_REMEMBER_OPTIONS \ + | CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH \ + | CLIENT_CONNECT_ATTRS \ + | CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH_LENENC_CLIENT_DATA \ + | CLIENT_CAN_HANDLE_EXPIRED_PASSWORDS \ +) + +/* + Switch off the flags that are optional and depending on build flags + If any of the optional flags is supported by the build it will be switched + on before sending to the client during the connection handshake. +*/ +#define CLIENT_BASIC_FLAGS (((CLIENT_ALL_FLAGS & ~CLIENT_SSL) \ + & ~CLIENT_COMPRESS) \ + & ~CLIENT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT) + +/** + Is raised when a multi-statement transaction + has been started, either explicitly, by means + of BEGIN or COMMIT AND CHAIN, or + implicitly, by the first transactional + statement, when autocommit=off. +*/ +#define SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS 1 +#define SERVER_STATUS_AUTOCOMMIT 2 /* Server in auto_commit mode */ +#define SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS 8 /* Multi query - next query exists */ +#define SERVER_QUERY_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED 16 +#define SERVER_QUERY_NO_INDEX_USED 32 +/** + The server was able to fulfill the clients request and opened a + read-only non-scrollable cursor for a query. This flag comes + in reply to COM_STMT_EXECUTE and COM_STMT_FETCH commands. +*/ +#define SERVER_STATUS_CURSOR_EXISTS 64 +/** + This flag is sent when a read-only cursor is exhausted, in reply to + COM_STMT_FETCH command. +*/ +#define SERVER_STATUS_LAST_ROW_SENT 128 +#define SERVER_STATUS_DB_DROPPED 256 /* A database was dropped */ +#define SERVER_STATUS_NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES 512 +/** + Sent to the client if after a prepared statement reprepare + we discovered that the new statement returns a different + number of result set columns. +*/ +#define SERVER_STATUS_METADATA_CHANGED 1024 +#define SERVER_QUERY_WAS_SLOW 2048 + +/** + To mark ResultSet containing output parameter values. +*/ +#define SERVER_PS_OUT_PARAMS 4096 + +/** + Set at the same time as SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS if the started + multi-statement transaction is a read-only transaction. Cleared + when the transaction commits or aborts. Since this flag is sent + to clients in OK and EOF packets, the flag indicates the + transaction status at the end of command execution. +*/ +#define SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS_READONLY 8192 + + +/** + Server status flags that must be cleared when starting + execution of a new SQL statement. + Flags from this set are only added to the + current server status by the execution engine, but + never removed -- the execution engine expects them + to disappear automagically by the next command. +*/ +#define SERVER_STATUS_CLEAR_SET (SERVER_QUERY_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED| \ + SERVER_QUERY_NO_INDEX_USED|\ + SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS|\ + SERVER_STATUS_METADATA_CHANGED |\ + SERVER_QUERY_WAS_SLOW |\ + SERVER_STATUS_DB_DROPPED |\ + SERVER_STATUS_CURSOR_EXISTS|\ + SERVER_STATUS_LAST_ROW_SENT) + +#define MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE 512 +#define NET_READ_TIMEOUT 30 /* Timeout on read */ +#define NET_WRITE_TIMEOUT 60 /* Timeout on write */ +#define NET_WAIT_TIMEOUT 8*60*60 /* Wait for new query */ + +#define ONLY_KILL_QUERY 1 + + +struct st_vio; /* Only C */ +typedef struct st_vio Vio; + +#define MAX_TINYINT_WIDTH 3 /* Max width for a TINY w.o. sign */ +#define MAX_SMALLINT_WIDTH 5 /* Max width for a SHORT w.o. sign */ +#define MAX_MEDIUMINT_WIDTH 8 /* Max width for a INT24 w.o. sign */ +#define MAX_INT_WIDTH 10 /* Max width for a LONG w.o. sign */ +#define MAX_BIGINT_WIDTH 20 /* Max width for a LONGLONG */ +#define MAX_CHAR_WIDTH 255 /* Max length for a CHAR colum */ +#define MAX_BLOB_WIDTH 16777216 /* Default width for blob */ + +typedef struct st_net { +#if !defined(CHECK_EMBEDDED_DIFFERENCES) || !defined(EMBEDDED_LIBRARY) + Vio *vio; + unsigned char *buff,*buff_end,*write_pos,*read_pos; + my_socket fd; /* For Perl DBI/dbd */ + /* + The following variable is set if we are doing several queries in one + command ( as in LOAD TABLE ... FROM MASTER ), + and do not want to confuse the client with OK at the wrong time + */ + unsigned long remain_in_buf,length, buf_length, where_b; + unsigned long max_packet,max_packet_size; + unsigned int pkt_nr,compress_pkt_nr; + unsigned int write_timeout, read_timeout, retry_count; + int fcntl; + unsigned int *return_status; + unsigned char reading_or_writing; + char save_char; + my_bool unused1; /* Please remove with the next incompatible ABI change */ + my_bool unused2; /* Please remove with the next incompatible ABI change */ + my_bool compress; + my_bool unused3; /* Please remove with the next incompatible ABI change. */ + /* + Pointer to query object in query cache, do not equal NULL (0) for + queries in cache that have not stored its results yet + */ +#endif + /* + Unused, please remove with the next incompatible ABI change. + */ + unsigned char *unused; + unsigned int last_errno; + unsigned char error; + my_bool unused4; /* Please remove with the next incompatible ABI change. */ + my_bool unused5; /* Please remove with the next incompatible ABI change. */ + /** Client library error message buffer. Actually belongs to struct MYSQL. */ + char last_error[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE]; + /** Client library sqlstate buffer. Set along with the error message. */ + char sqlstate[SQLSTATE_LENGTH+1]; + /** + Extension pointer, for the caller private use. + Any program linking with the networking library can use this pointer, + which is handy when private connection specific data needs to be + maintained. + The mysqld server process uses this pointer internally, + to maintain the server internal instrumentation for the connection. + */ + void *extension; +} NET; + + +#define packet_error (~(unsigned long) 0) + +enum enum_field_types { MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL, MYSQL_TYPE_TINY, + MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, + MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT, MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE, + MYSQL_TYPE_NULL, MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, + MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG,MYSQL_TYPE_INT24, + MYSQL_TYPE_DATE, MYSQL_TYPE_TIME, + MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR, + MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE, MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR, + MYSQL_TYPE_BIT, + MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP2, + MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME2, + MYSQL_TYPE_TIME2, + MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL=246, + MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM=247, + MYSQL_TYPE_SET=248, + MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB=249, + MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB=250, + MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB=251, + MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB=252, + MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING=253, + MYSQL_TYPE_STRING=254, + MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY=255 + +}; + +/* For backward compatibility */ +#define CLIENT_MULTI_QUERIES CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS +#define FIELD_TYPE_DECIMAL MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL +#define FIELD_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL +#define FIELD_TYPE_TINY MYSQL_TYPE_TINY +#define FIELD_TYPE_SHORT MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT +#define FIELD_TYPE_LONG MYSQL_TYPE_LONG +#define FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT +#define FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE +#define FIELD_TYPE_NULL MYSQL_TYPE_NULL +#define FIELD_TYPE_TIMESTAMP MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP +#define FIELD_TYPE_LONGLONG MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG +#define FIELD_TYPE_INT24 MYSQL_TYPE_INT24 +#define FIELD_TYPE_DATE MYSQL_TYPE_DATE +#define FIELD_TYPE_TIME MYSQL_TYPE_TIME +#define FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME +#define FIELD_TYPE_YEAR MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR +#define FIELD_TYPE_NEWDATE MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE +#define FIELD_TYPE_ENUM MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM +#define FIELD_TYPE_SET MYSQL_TYPE_SET +#define FIELD_TYPE_TINY_BLOB MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB +#define FIELD_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB +#define FIELD_TYPE_LONG_BLOB MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB +#define FIELD_TYPE_BLOB MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB +#define FIELD_TYPE_VAR_STRING MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING +#define FIELD_TYPE_STRING MYSQL_TYPE_STRING +#define FIELD_TYPE_CHAR MYSQL_TYPE_TINY +#define FIELD_TYPE_INTERVAL MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM +#define FIELD_TYPE_GEOMETRY MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY +#define FIELD_TYPE_BIT MYSQL_TYPE_BIT + + +/* Shutdown/kill enums and constants */ + +/* Bits for THD::killable. */ +#define MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_CONNECT (unsigned char)(1 << 0) +#define MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_TRANS (unsigned char)(1 << 1) +#define MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_LOCK_TABLE (unsigned char)(1 << 2) +#define MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_UPDATE (unsigned char)(1 << 3) + +enum mysql_enum_shutdown_level { + /* + We want levels to be in growing order of hardness (because we use number + comparisons). Note that DEFAULT does not respect the growing property, but + it's ok. + */ + SHUTDOWN_DEFAULT = 0, + /* wait for existing connections to finish */ + SHUTDOWN_WAIT_CONNECTIONS= MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_CONNECT, + /* wait for existing trans to finish */ + SHUTDOWN_WAIT_TRANSACTIONS= MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_TRANS, + /* wait for existing updates to finish (=> no partial MyISAM update) */ + SHUTDOWN_WAIT_UPDATES= MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_UPDATE, + /* flush InnoDB buffers and other storage engines' buffers*/ + SHUTDOWN_WAIT_ALL_BUFFERS= (MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_UPDATE << 1), + /* don't flush InnoDB buffers, flush other storage engines' buffers*/ + SHUTDOWN_WAIT_CRITICAL_BUFFERS= (MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_UPDATE << 1) + 1, + /* Now the 2 levels of the KILL command */ +#if MYSQL_VERSION_ID >= 50000 + KILL_QUERY= 254, +#endif + KILL_CONNECTION= 255 +}; + + +enum enum_cursor_type +{ + CURSOR_TYPE_NO_CURSOR= 0, + CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY= 1, + CURSOR_TYPE_FOR_UPDATE= 2, + CURSOR_TYPE_SCROLLABLE= 4 +}; + + +/* options for mysql_set_option */ +enum enum_mysql_set_option +{ + MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_ON, + MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_OFF +}; + +#define net_new_transaction(net) ((net)->pkt_nr=0) + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +my_bool my_net_init(NET *net, Vio* vio); +void my_net_local_init(NET *net); +void net_end(NET *net); +void net_clear(NET *net, my_bool check_buffer); +my_bool net_realloc(NET *net, size_t length); +my_bool net_flush(NET *net); +my_bool my_net_write(NET *net,const unsigned char *packet, size_t len); +my_bool net_write_command(NET *net,unsigned char command, + const unsigned char *header, size_t head_len, + const unsigned char *packet, size_t len); +my_bool net_write_packet(NET *net, const unsigned char *packet, size_t length); +unsigned long my_net_read(NET *net); + +#ifdef MY_GLOBAL_INCLUDED +void my_net_set_write_timeout(NET *net, uint timeout); +void my_net_set_read_timeout(NET *net, uint timeout); +#endif + +struct rand_struct { + unsigned long seed1,seed2,max_value; + double max_value_dbl; +}; + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + + /* The following is for user defined functions */ + +enum Item_result {STRING_RESULT=0, REAL_RESULT, INT_RESULT, ROW_RESULT, + DECIMAL_RESULT}; + +typedef struct st_udf_args +{ + unsigned int arg_count; /* Number of arguments */ + enum Item_result *arg_type; /* Pointer to item_results */ + char **args; /* Pointer to argument */ + unsigned long *lengths; /* Length of string arguments */ + char *maybe_null; /* Set to 1 for all maybe_null args */ + char **attributes; /* Pointer to attribute name */ + unsigned long *attribute_lengths; /* Length of attribute arguments */ + void *extension; +} UDF_ARGS; + + /* This holds information about the result */ + +typedef struct st_udf_init +{ + my_bool maybe_null; /* 1 if function can return NULL */ + unsigned int decimals; /* for real functions */ + unsigned long max_length; /* For string functions */ + char *ptr; /* free pointer for function data */ + my_bool const_item; /* 1 if function always returns the same value */ + void *extension; +} UDF_INIT; +/* + TODO: add a notion for determinism of the UDF. + See Item_udf_func::update_used_tables () +*/ + + /* Constants when using compression */ +#define NET_HEADER_SIZE 4 /* standard header size */ +#define COMP_HEADER_SIZE 3 /* compression header extra size */ + + /* Prototypes to password functions */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* + These functions are used for authentication by client and server and + implemented in sql/password.c +*/ + +void randominit(struct rand_struct *, unsigned long seed1, + unsigned long seed2); +double my_rnd(struct rand_struct *); +void create_random_string(char *to, unsigned int length, struct rand_struct *rand_st); + +void hash_password(unsigned long *to, const char *password, unsigned int password_len); +void make_scrambled_password_323(char *to, const char *password); +void scramble_323(char *to, const char *message, const char *password); +my_bool check_scramble_323(const unsigned char *reply, const char *message, + unsigned long *salt); +void get_salt_from_password_323(unsigned long *res, const char *password); +void make_password_from_salt_323(char *to, const unsigned long *salt); + +void make_scrambled_password(char *to, const char *password); +void scramble(char *to, const char *message, const char *password); +my_bool check_scramble(const unsigned char *reply, const char *message, + const unsigned char *hash_stage2); +void get_salt_from_password(unsigned char *res, const char *password); +void make_password_from_salt(char *to, const unsigned char *hash_stage2); +char *octet2hex(char *to, const char *str, unsigned int len); + +/* end of password.c */ + +char *get_tty_password(const char *opt_message); +const char *mysql_errno_to_sqlstate(unsigned int mysql_errno); + +/* Some other useful functions */ + +my_bool my_thread_init(void); +void my_thread_end(void); + +#ifdef MY_GLOBAL_INCLUDED +ulong STDCALL net_field_length(uchar **packet); +my_ulonglong net_field_length_ll(uchar **packet); +uchar *net_store_length(uchar *pkg, ulonglong length); +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#define NULL_LENGTH ((unsigned long) ~0) /* For net_store_length */ +#define MYSQL_STMT_HEADER 4 +#define MYSQL_LONG_DATA_HEADER 6 + +#define NOT_FIXED_DEC 31 +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_com_server.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_com_server.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1ea040207 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_com_server.h @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Definitions private to the server, + used in the networking layer to notify specific events. +*/ + +#ifndef _mysql_com_server_h +#define _mysql_com_server_h + +struct st_net_server; + +typedef void (*before_header_callback_fn) + (struct st_net *net, void *user_data, size_t count); + +typedef void (*after_header_callback_fn) + (struct st_net *net, void *user_data, size_t count, my_bool rc); + +struct st_net_server +{ + before_header_callback_fn m_before_header; + after_header_callback_fn m_after_header; + void *m_user_data; +}; + +typedef struct st_net_server NET_SERVER; + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_embed.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_embed.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b96083d07 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_embed.h @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +#ifndef MYSQL_EMBED_INCLUDED +#define MYSQL_EMBED_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* Defines that are unique to the embedded version of MySQL */ + +#ifdef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY + +/* Things we don't need in the embedded version of MySQL */ +/* TODO HF add #undef HAVE_VIO if we don't want client in embedded library */ + +#undef HAVE_DLOPEN /* No udf functions */ +#undef HAVE_SMEM /* No shared memory */ + +#endif /* EMBEDDED_LIBRARY */ +#endif /* MYSQL_EMBED_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_time.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_time.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ac9719c68 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_time.h @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2004, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ + +#ifndef _mysql_time_h_ +#define _mysql_time_h_ + +/* + Time declarations shared between the server and client API: + you should not add anything to this header unless it's used + (and hence should be visible) in mysql.h. + If you're looking for a place to add new time-related declaration, + it's most likely my_time.h. See also "C API Handling of Date + and Time Values" chapter in documentation. +*/ + +enum enum_mysql_timestamp_type +{ + MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_NONE= -2, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_ERROR= -1, + MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE= 0, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME= 1, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME= 2 +}; + + +/* + Structure which is used to represent datetime values inside MySQL. + + We assume that values in this structure are normalized, i.e. year <= 9999, + month <= 12, day <= 31, hour <= 23, hour <= 59, hour <= 59. Many functions + in server such as my_system_gmt_sec() or make_time() family of functions + rely on this (actually now usage of make_*() family relies on a bit weaker + restriction). Also functions that produce MYSQL_TIME as result ensure this. + There is one exception to this rule though if this structure holds time + value (time_type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME) days and hour member can hold + bigger values. +*/ +typedef struct st_mysql_time +{ + unsigned int year, month, day, hour, minute, second; + unsigned long second_part; /**< microseconds */ + my_bool neg; + enum enum_mysql_timestamp_type time_type; +} MYSQL_TIME; + +#endif /* _mysql_time_h_ */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_version.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_version.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4c8758f67 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_version.h @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 1996, 1999-2004, 2007 MySQL AB + Use is subject to license terms + This file is public domain and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind */ + +/* Version numbers for protocol & mysqld */ + +#ifndef _mysql_version_h +#define _mysql_version_h +#ifdef _CUSTOMCONFIG_ +#include +#else +#define PROTOCOL_VERSION 10 +#define MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION "5.6.14" +#define MYSQL_BASE_VERSION "mysqld-5.6" +#define MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX_DEF "" +#define FRM_VER 6 +#define MYSQL_VERSION_ID 50614 +#define MYSQL_PORT 3306 +#define MYSQL_PORT_DEFAULT 0 +#define MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR "/tmp/mysql.sock" +#define MYSQL_CONFIG_NAME "my" +#define MYSQL_COMPILATION_COMMENT "Source distribution" + +/* mysqld compile time options */ +#endif /* _CUSTOMCONFIG_ */ + +#ifndef LICENSE +#define LICENSE GPL +#endif /* LICENSE */ + +#endif /* _mysql_version_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_version.h.in b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_version.h.in new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ab7745020 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysql_version.h.in @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 1996, 1999-2004, 2007 MySQL AB + Use is subject to license terms + This file is public domain and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind */ + +/* Version numbers for protocol & mysqld */ + +#ifndef _mysql_version_h +#define _mysql_version_h +#ifdef _CUSTOMCONFIG_ +#include +#else +#define PROTOCOL_VERSION @PROTOCOL_VERSION@ +#define MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION "@VERSION@" +#define MYSQL_BASE_VERSION "mysqld-@MYSQL_BASE_VERSION@" +#define MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX_DEF "@MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX@" +#define FRM_VER @DOT_FRM_VERSION@ +#define MYSQL_VERSION_ID @MYSQL_VERSION_ID@ +#define MYSQL_PORT @MYSQL_TCP_PORT@ +#define MYSQL_PORT_DEFAULT @MYSQL_TCP_PORT_DEFAULT@ +#define MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR "@MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR@" +#define MYSQL_CONFIG_NAME "my" +#define MYSQL_COMPILATION_COMMENT "@COMPILATION_COMMENT@" + +/* mysqld compile time options */ +#endif /* _CUSTOMCONFIG_ */ + +#ifndef LICENSE +#define LICENSE GPL +#endif /* LICENSE */ + +#endif /* _mysql_version_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysqld_ername.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysqld_ername.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1c9cb8e73 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysqld_ername.h @@ -0,0 +1,880 @@ +/* Autogenerated file, please don't edit */ + +{ "ER_HASHCHK", 1000, "hashchk" }, +{ "ER_NISAMCHK", 1001, "isamchk" }, +{ "ER_NO", 1002, "NO" }, +{ "ER_YES", 1003, "YES" }, +{ "ER_CANT_CREATE_FILE", 1004, "Can\'t create file \'%-.200s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_CANT_CREATE_TABLE", 1005, "Can\'t create table \'%-.200s\' (errno: %d)" }, +{ "ER_CANT_CREATE_DB", 1006, "Can\'t create database \'%-.192s\' (errno: %d)" }, +{ "ER_DB_CREATE_EXISTS", 1007, "Can\'t create database \'%-.192s\'; database exists" }, +{ "ER_DB_DROP_EXISTS", 1008, "Can\'t drop database \'%-.192s\'; database doesn\'t exist" }, +{ "ER_DB_DROP_DELETE", 1009, "Error dropping database (can\'t delete \'%-.192s\', errno: %d)" }, +{ "ER_DB_DROP_RMDIR", 1010, "Error dropping database (can\'t rmdir \'%-.192s\', errno: %d)" }, +{ "ER_CANT_DELETE_FILE", 1011, "Error on delete of \'%-.192s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_CANT_FIND_SYSTEM_REC", 1012, "Can\'t read record in system table" }, +{ "ER_CANT_GET_STAT", 1013, "Can\'t get status of \'%-.200s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_CANT_GET_WD", 1014, "Can\'t get working directory (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_CANT_LOCK", 1015, "Can\'t lock file (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_CANT_OPEN_FILE", 1016, "Can\'t open file: \'%-.200s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_FILE_NOT_FOUND", 1017, "Can\'t find file: \'%-.200s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_CANT_READ_DIR", 1018, "Can\'t read dir of \'%-.192s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_CANT_SET_WD", 1019, "Can\'t change dir to \'%-.192s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_CHECKREAD", 1020, "Record has changed since last read in table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_DISK_FULL", 1021, "Disk full (%s); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_DUP_KEY", 1022, "Can\'t write; duplicate key in table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_ERROR_ON_CLOSE", 1023, "Error on close of \'%-.192s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_ERROR_ON_READ", 1024, "Error reading file \'%-.200s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_ERROR_ON_RENAME", 1025, "Error on rename of \'%-.210s\' to \'%-.210s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE", 1026, "Error writing file \'%-.200s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_FILE_USED", 1027, "\'%-.192s\' is locked against change" }, +{ "ER_FILSORT_ABORT", 1028, "Sort aborted" }, +{ "ER_FORM_NOT_FOUND", 1029, "View \'%-.192s\' doesn\'t exist for \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_GET_ERRNO", 1030, "Got error %d from storage engine" }, +{ "ER_ILLEGAL_HA", 1031, "Table storage engine for \'%-.192s\' doesn\'t have this option" }, +{ "ER_KEY_NOT_FOUND", 1032, "Can\'t find record in \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_NOT_FORM_FILE", 1033, "Incorrect information in file: \'%-.200s\'" }, +{ "ER_NOT_KEYFILE", 1034, "Incorrect key file for table \'%-.200s\'; try to repair it" }, +{ "ER_OLD_KEYFILE", 1035, "Old key file for table \'%-.192s\'; repair it!" }, +{ "ER_OPEN_AS_READONLY", 1036, "Table \'%-.192s\' is read only" }, +{ "ER_OUTOFMEMORY", 1037, "Out of memory; restart server and try again (needed %d bytes)" }, +{ "ER_OUT_OF_SORTMEMORY", 1038, "Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size" }, +{ "ER_UNEXPECTED_EOF", 1039, "Unexpected EOF found when reading file \'%-.192s\' (errno: %d - %s)" }, +{ "ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR", 1040, "Too many connections" }, +{ "ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES", 1041, "Out of memory; check if mysqld or some other process uses all available memory; if not, you may have to use \'ulimit\' to allow mysqld to use more memory or you can add more swap space" }, +{ "ER_BAD_HOST_ERROR", 1042, "Can\'t get hostname for your address" }, +{ "ER_HANDSHAKE_ERROR", 1043, "Bad handshake" }, +{ "ER_DBACCESS_DENIED_ERROR", 1044, "Access denied for user \'%-.48s\'@\'%-.64s\' to database \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR", 1045, "Access denied for user \'%-.48s\'@\'%-.64s\' (using password: %s)" }, +{ "ER_NO_DB_ERROR", 1046, "No database selected" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_COM_ERROR", 1047, "Unknown command" }, +{ "ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR", 1048, "Column \'%-.192s\' cannot be null" }, +{ "ER_BAD_DB_ERROR", 1049, "Unknown database \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR", 1050, "Table \'%-.192s\' already exists" }, +{ "ER_BAD_TABLE_ERROR", 1051, "Unknown table \'%-.100s\'" }, +{ "ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR", 1052, "Column \'%-.192s\' in %-.192s is ambiguous" }, +{ "ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN", 1053, "Server shutdown in progress" }, +{ "ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR", 1054, "Unknown column \'%-.192s\' in \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP", 1055, "\'%-.192s\' isn\'t in GROUP BY" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_GROUP_FIELD", 1056, "Can\'t group on \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_SUM_SELECT", 1057, "Statement has sum functions and columns in same statement" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT", 1058, "Column count doesn\'t match value count" }, +{ "ER_TOO_LONG_IDENT", 1059, "Identifier name \'%-.100s\' is too long" }, +{ "ER_DUP_FIELDNAME", 1060, "Duplicate column name \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_DUP_KEYNAME", 1061, "Duplicate key name \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_DUP_ENTRY", 1062, "Duplicate entry \'%-.192s\' for key %d" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_FIELD_SPEC", 1063, "Incorrect column specifier for column \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_PARSE_ERROR", 1064, "%s near \'%-.80s\' at line %d" }, +{ "ER_EMPTY_QUERY", 1065, "Query was empty" }, +{ "ER_NONUNIQ_TABLE", 1066, "Not unique table/alias: \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_INVALID_DEFAULT", 1067, "Invalid default value for \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_MULTIPLE_PRI_KEY", 1068, "Multiple primary key defined" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_KEYS", 1069, "Too many keys specified; max %d keys allowed" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_KEY_PARTS", 1070, "Too many key parts specified; max %d parts allowed" }, +{ "ER_TOO_LONG_KEY", 1071, "Specified key was too long; max key length is %d bytes" }, +{ "ER_KEY_COLUMN_DOES_NOT_EXITS", 1072, "Key column \'%-.192s\' doesn\'t exist in table" }, +{ "ER_BLOB_USED_AS_KEY", 1073, "BLOB column \'%-.192s\' can\'t be used in key specification with the used table type" }, +{ "ER_TOO_BIG_FIELDLENGTH", 1074, "Column length too big for column \'%-.192s\' (max = %lu); use BLOB or TEXT instead" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_AUTO_KEY", 1075, "Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key" }, +{ "ER_READY", 1076, "%s: ready for connections.\nVersion: \'%s\' socket: \'%s\' port: %d" }, +{ "ER_NORMAL_SHUTDOWN", 1077, "%s: Normal shutdown\n" }, +{ "ER_GOT_SIGNAL", 1078, "%s: Got signal %d. Aborting!\n" }, +{ "ER_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE", 1079, "%s: Shutdown complete\n" }, +{ "ER_FORCING_CLOSE", 1080, "%s: Forcing close of thread %ld user: \'%-.48s\'\n" }, +{ "ER_IPSOCK_ERROR", 1081, "Can\'t create IP socket" }, +{ "ER_NO_SUCH_INDEX", 1082, "Table \'%-.192s\' has no index like the one used in CREATE INDEX; recreate the table" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_FIELD_TERMINATORS", 1083, "Field separator argument is not what is expected; check the manual" }, +{ "ER_BLOBS_AND_NO_TERMINATED", 1084, "You can\'t use fixed rowlength with BLOBs; please use \'fields terminated by\'" }, +{ "ER_TEXTFILE_NOT_READABLE", 1085, "The file \'%-.128s\' must be in the database directory or be readable by all" }, +{ "ER_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR", 1086, "File \'%-.200s\' already exists" }, +{ "ER_LOAD_INFO", 1087, "Records: %ld Deleted: %ld Skipped: %ld Warnings: %ld" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_INFO", 1088, "Records: %ld Duplicates: %ld" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_SUB_KEY", 1089, "Incorrect prefix key; the used key part isn\'t a string, the used length is longer than the key part, or the storage engine doesn\'t support unique prefix keys" }, +{ "ER_CANT_REMOVE_ALL_FIELDS", 1090, "You can\'t delete all columns with ALTER TABLE; use DROP TABLE instead" }, +{ "ER_CANT_DROP_FIELD_OR_KEY", 1091, "Can\'t DROP \'%-.192s\'; check that column/key exists" }, +{ "ER_INSERT_INFO", 1092, "Records: %ld Duplicates: %ld Warnings: %ld" }, +{ "ER_UPDATE_TABLE_USED", 1093, "You can\'t specify target table \'%-.192s\' for update in FROM clause" }, +{ "ER_NO_SUCH_THREAD", 1094, "Unknown thread id: %lu" }, +{ "ER_KILL_DENIED_ERROR", 1095, "You are not owner of thread %lu" }, +{ "ER_NO_TABLES_USED", 1096, "No tables used" }, +{ "ER_TOO_BIG_SET", 1097, "Too many strings for column %-.192s and SET" }, +{ "ER_NO_UNIQUE_LOGFILE", 1098, "Can\'t generate a unique log-filename %-.200s.(1-999)\n" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED_FOR_WRITE", 1099, "Table \'%-.192s\' was locked with a READ lock and can\'t be updated" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED", 1100, "Table \'%-.192s\' was not locked with LOCK TABLES" }, +{ "ER_BLOB_CANT_HAVE_DEFAULT", 1101, "BLOB/TEXT column \'%-.192s\' can\'t have a default value" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_DB_NAME", 1102, "Incorrect database name \'%-.100s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_TABLE_NAME", 1103, "Incorrect table name \'%-.100s\'" }, +{ "ER_TOO_BIG_SELECT", 1104, "The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR", 1105, "Unknown error" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_PROCEDURE", 1106, "Unknown procedure \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_PARAMCOUNT_TO_PROCEDURE", 1107, "Incorrect parameter count to procedure \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_PROCEDURE", 1108, "Incorrect parameters to procedure \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_TABLE", 1109, "Unknown table \'%-.192s\' in %-.32s" }, +{ "ER_FIELD_SPECIFIED_TWICE", 1110, "Column \'%-.192s\' specified twice" }, +{ "ER_INVALID_GROUP_FUNC_USE", 1111, "Invalid use of group function" }, +{ "ER_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION", 1112, "Table \'%-.192s\' uses an extension that doesn\'t exist in this MySQL version" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_MUST_HAVE_COLUMNS", 1113, "A table must have at least 1 column" }, +{ "ER_RECORD_FILE_FULL", 1114, "The table \'%-.192s\' is full" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_SET", 1115, "Unknown character set: \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_TABLES", 1116, "Too many tables; MySQL can only use %d tables in a join" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_FIELDS", 1117, "Too many columns" }, +{ "ER_TOO_BIG_ROWSIZE", 1118, "Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is %ld. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs" }, +{ "ER_STACK_OVERRUN", 1119, "Thread stack overrun: Used: %ld of a %ld stack. Use \'mysqld --thread_stack=#\' to specify a bigger stack if needed" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_OUTER_JOIN", 1120, "Cross dependency found in OUTER JOIN; examine your ON conditions" }, +{ "ER_NULL_COLUMN_IN_INDEX", 1121, "Table handler doesn\'t support NULL in given index. Please change column \'%-.192s\' to be NOT NULL or use another handler" }, +{ "ER_CANT_FIND_UDF", 1122, "Can\'t load function \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_CANT_INITIALIZE_UDF", 1123, "Can\'t initialize function \'%-.192s\'; %-.80s" }, +{ "ER_UDF_NO_PATHS", 1124, "No paths allowed for shared library" }, +{ "ER_UDF_EXISTS", 1125, "Function \'%-.192s\' already exists" }, +{ "ER_CANT_OPEN_LIBRARY", 1126, "Can\'t open shared library \'%-.192s\' (errno: %d %-.128s)" }, +{ "ER_CANT_FIND_DL_ENTRY", 1127, "Can\'t find symbol \'%-.128s\' in library" }, +{ "ER_FUNCTION_NOT_DEFINED", 1128, "Function \'%-.192s\' is not defined" }, +{ "ER_HOST_IS_BLOCKED", 1129, "Host \'%-.64s\' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with \'mysqladmin flush-hosts\'" }, +{ "ER_HOST_NOT_PRIVILEGED", 1130, "Host \'%-.64s\' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server" }, +{ "ER_PASSWORD_ANONYMOUS_USER", 1131, "You are using MySQL as an anonymous user and anonymous users are not allowed to change passwords" }, +{ "ER_PASSWORD_NOT_ALLOWED", 1132, "You must have privileges to update tables in the mysql database to be able to change passwords for others" }, +{ "ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH", 1133, "Can\'t find any matching row in the user table" }, +{ "ER_UPDATE_INFO", 1134, "Rows matched: %ld Changed: %ld Warnings: %ld" }, +{ "ER_CANT_CREATE_THREAD", 1135, "Can\'t create a new thread (errno %d); if you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW", 1136, "Column count doesn\'t match value count at row %ld" }, +{ "ER_CANT_REOPEN_TABLE", 1137, "Can\'t reopen table: \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_INVALID_USE_OF_NULL", 1138, "Invalid use of NULL value" }, +{ "ER_REGEXP_ERROR", 1139, "Got error \'%-.64s\' from regexp" }, +{ "ER_MIX_OF_GROUP_FUNC_AND_FIELDS", 1140, "Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause" }, +{ "ER_NONEXISTING_GRANT", 1141, "There is no such grant defined for user \'%-.48s\' on host \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR", 1142, "%-.128s command denied to user \'%-.48s\'@\'%-.64s\' for table \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_COLUMNACCESS_DENIED_ERROR", 1143, "%-.16s command denied to user \'%-.48s\'@\'%-.64s\' for column \'%-.192s\' in table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_ILLEGAL_GRANT_FOR_TABLE", 1144, "Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to see which privileges can be used" }, +{ "ER_GRANT_WRONG_HOST_OR_USER", 1145, "The host or user argument to GRANT is too long" }, +{ "ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE", 1146, "Table \'%-.192s.%-.192s\' doesn\'t exist" }, +{ "ER_NONEXISTING_TABLE_GRANT", 1147, "There is no such grant defined for user \'%-.48s\' on host \'%-.64s\' on table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_NOT_ALLOWED_COMMAND", 1148, "The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version" }, +{ "ER_SYNTAX_ERROR", 1149, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use" }, +{ "ER_DELAYED_CANT_CHANGE_LOCK", 1150, "Delayed insert thread couldn\'t get requested lock for table %-.192s" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_DELAYED_THREADS", 1151, "Too many delayed threads in use" }, +{ "ER_ABORTING_CONNECTION", 1152, "Aborted connection %ld to db: \'%-.192s\' user: \'%-.48s\' (%-.64s)" }, +{ "ER_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE", 1153, "Got a packet bigger than \'max_allowed_packet\' bytes" }, +{ "ER_NET_READ_ERROR_FROM_PIPE", 1154, "Got a read error from the connection pipe" }, +{ "ER_NET_FCNTL_ERROR", 1155, "Got an error from fcntl()" }, +{ "ER_NET_PACKETS_OUT_OF_ORDER", 1156, "Got packets out of order" }, +{ "ER_NET_UNCOMPRESS_ERROR", 1157, "Couldn\'t uncompress communication packet" }, +{ "ER_NET_READ_ERROR", 1158, "Got an error reading communication packets" }, +{ "ER_NET_READ_INTERRUPTED", 1159, "Got timeout reading communication packets" }, +{ "ER_NET_ERROR_ON_WRITE", 1160, "Got an error writing communication packets" }, +{ "ER_NET_WRITE_INTERRUPTED", 1161, "Got timeout writing communication packets" }, +{ "ER_TOO_LONG_STRING", 1162, "Result string is longer than \'max_allowed_packet\' bytes" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_BLOB", 1163, "The used table type doesn\'t support BLOB/TEXT columns" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_AUTO_INCREMENT", 1164, "The used table type doesn\'t support AUTO_INCREMENT columns" }, +{ "ER_DELAYED_INSERT_TABLE_LOCKED", 1165, "INSERT DELAYED can\'t be used with table \'%-.192s\' because it is locked with LOCK TABLES" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_COLUMN_NAME", 1166, "Incorrect column name \'%-.100s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_KEY_COLUMN", 1167, "The used storage engine can\'t index column \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_MRG_TABLE", 1168, "Unable to open underlying table which is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn\'t exist" }, +{ "ER_DUP_UNIQUE", 1169, "Can\'t write, because of unique constraint, to table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_BLOB_KEY_WITHOUT_LENGTH", 1170, "BLOB/TEXT column \'%-.192s\' used in key specification without a key length" }, +{ "ER_PRIMARY_CANT_HAVE_NULL", 1171, "All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_ROWS", 1172, "Result consisted of more than one row" }, +{ "ER_REQUIRES_PRIMARY_KEY", 1173, "This table type requires a primary key" }, +{ "ER_NO_RAID_COMPILED", 1174, "This version of MySQL is not compiled with RAID support" }, +{ "ER_UPDATE_WITHOUT_KEY_IN_SAFE_MODE", 1175, "You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column" }, +{ "ER_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXITS", 1176, "Key \'%-.192s\' doesn\'t exist in table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_CHECK_NO_SUCH_TABLE", 1177, "Can\'t open table" }, +{ "ER_CHECK_NOT_IMPLEMENTED", 1178, "The storage engine for the table doesn\'t support %s" }, +{ "ER_CANT_DO_THIS_DURING_AN_TRANSACTION", 1179, "You are not allowed to execute this command in a transaction" }, +{ "ER_ERROR_DURING_COMMIT", 1180, "Got error %d during COMMIT" }, +{ "ER_ERROR_DURING_ROLLBACK", 1181, "Got error %d during ROLLBACK" }, +{ "ER_ERROR_DURING_FLUSH_LOGS", 1182, "Got error %d during FLUSH_LOGS" }, +{ "ER_ERROR_DURING_CHECKPOINT", 1183, "Got error %d during CHECKPOINT" }, +{ "ER_NEW_ABORTING_CONNECTION", 1184, "Aborted connection %ld to db: \'%-.192s\' user: \'%-.48s\' host: \'%-.64s\' (%-.64s)" }, +{ "ER_DUMP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED", 1185, "The storage engine for the table does not support binary table dump" }, +{ "ER_FLUSH_MASTER_BINLOG_CLOSED", 1186, "Binlog closed, cannot RESET MASTER" }, +{ "ER_INDEX_REBUILD", 1187, "Failed rebuilding the index of dumped table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_MASTER", 1188, "Error from master: \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_MASTER_NET_READ", 1189, "Net error reading from master" }, +{ "ER_MASTER_NET_WRITE", 1190, "Net error writing to master" }, +{ "ER_FT_MATCHING_KEY_NOT_FOUND", 1191, "Can\'t find FULLTEXT index matching the column list" }, +{ "ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION", 1192, "Can\'t execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transaction" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_SYSTEM_VARIABLE", 1193, "Unknown system variable \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_CRASHED_ON_USAGE", 1194, "Table \'%-.192s\' is marked as crashed and should be repaired" }, +{ "ER_CRASHED_ON_REPAIR", 1195, "Table \'%-.192s\' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed" }, +{ "ER_WARNING_NOT_COMPLETE_ROLLBACK", 1196, "Some non-transactional changed tables couldn\'t be rolled back" }, +{ "ER_TRANS_CACHE_FULL", 1197, "Multi-statement transaction required more than \'max_binlog_cache_size\' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try again" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_MUST_STOP", 1198, "This operation cannot be performed with a running slave; run STOP SLAVE first" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_NOT_RUNNING", 1199, "This operation requires a running slave; configure slave and do START SLAVE" }, +{ "ER_BAD_SLAVE", 1200, "The server is not configured as slave; fix in config file or with CHANGE MASTER TO" }, +{ "ER_MASTER_INFO", 1201, "Could not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error log" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_THREAD", 1202, "Could not create slave thread; check system resources" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_USER_CONNECTIONS", 1203, "User %-.64s already has more than \'max_user_connections\' active connections" }, +{ "ER_SET_CONSTANTS_ONLY", 1204, "You may only use constant expressions with SET" }, +{ "ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT", 1205, "Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction" }, +{ "ER_LOCK_TABLE_FULL", 1206, "The total number of locks exceeds the lock table size" }, +{ "ER_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION", 1207, "Update locks cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transaction" }, +{ "ER_DROP_DB_WITH_READ_LOCK", 1208, "DROP DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lock" }, +{ "ER_CREATE_DB_WITH_READ_LOCK", 1209, "CREATE DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lock" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS", 1210, "Incorrect arguments to %s" }, +{ "ER_NO_PERMISSION_TO_CREATE_USER", 1211, "\'%-.48s\'@\'%-.64s\' is not allowed to create new users" }, +{ "ER_UNION_TABLES_IN_DIFFERENT_DIR", 1212, "Incorrect table definition; all MERGE tables must be in the same database" }, +{ "ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK", 1213, "Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_FT", 1214, "The used table type doesn\'t support FULLTEXT indexes" }, +{ "ER_CANNOT_ADD_FOREIGN", 1215, "Cannot add foreign key constraint" }, +{ "ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW", 1216, "Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails" }, +{ "ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED", 1217, "Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails" }, +{ "ER_CONNECT_TO_MASTER", 1218, "Error connecting to master: %-.128s" }, +{ "ER_QUERY_ON_MASTER", 1219, "Error running query on master: %-.128s" }, +{ "ER_ERROR_WHEN_EXECUTING_COMMAND", 1220, "Error when executing command %s: %-.128s" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_USAGE", 1221, "Incorrect usage of %s and %s" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT", 1222, "The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns" }, +{ "ER_CANT_UPDATE_WITH_READLOCK", 1223, "Can\'t execute the query because you have a conflicting read lock" }, +{ "ER_MIXING_NOT_ALLOWED", 1224, "Mixing of transactional and non-transactional tables is disabled" }, +{ "ER_DUP_ARGUMENT", 1225, "Option \'%s\' used twice in statement" }, +{ "ER_USER_LIMIT_REACHED", 1226, "User \'%-.64s\' has exceeded the \'%s\' resource (current value: %ld)" }, +{ "ER_SPECIFIC_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR", 1227, "Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %-.128s privilege(s) for this operation" }, +{ "ER_LOCAL_VARIABLE", 1228, "Variable \'%-.64s\' is a SESSION variable and can\'t be used with SET GLOBAL" }, +{ "ER_GLOBAL_VARIABLE", 1229, "Variable \'%-.64s\' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBAL" }, +{ "ER_NO_DEFAULT", 1230, "Variable \'%-.64s\' doesn\'t have a default value" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_VAR", 1231, "Variable \'%-.64s\' can\'t be set to the value of \'%-.200s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_TYPE_FOR_VAR", 1232, "Incorrect argument type to variable \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_VAR_CANT_BE_READ", 1233, "Variable \'%-.64s\' can only be set, not read" }, +{ "ER_CANT_USE_OPTION_HERE", 1234, "Incorrect usage/placement of \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_YET", 1235, "This version of MySQL doesn\'t yet support \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_MASTER_FATAL_ERROR_READING_BINLOG", 1236, "Got fatal error %d from master when reading data from binary log: \'%-.320s\'" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_IGNORED_TABLE", 1237, "Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rules" }, +{ "ER_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR", 1238, "Variable \'%-.192s\' is a %s variable" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_FK_DEF", 1239, "Incorrect foreign key definition for \'%-.192s\': %s" }, +{ "ER_KEY_REF_DO_NOT_MATCH_TABLE_REF", 1240, "Key reference and table reference don\'t match" }, +{ "ER_OPERAND_COLUMNS", 1241, "Operand should contain %d column(s)" }, +{ "ER_SUBQUERY_NO_1_ROW", 1242, "Subquery returns more than 1 row" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_STMT_HANDLER", 1243, "Unknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %s" }, +{ "ER_CORRUPT_HELP_DB", 1244, "Help database is corrupt or does not exist" }, +{ "ER_CYCLIC_REFERENCE", 1245, "Cyclic reference on subqueries" }, +{ "ER_AUTO_CONVERT", 1246, "Converting column \'%s\' from %s to %s" }, +{ "ER_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE", 1247, "Reference \'%-.64s\' not supported (%s)" }, +{ "ER_DERIVED_MUST_HAVE_ALIAS", 1248, "Every derived table must have its own alias" }, +{ "ER_SELECT_REDUCED", 1249, "Select %u was reduced during optimization" }, +{ "ER_TABLENAME_NOT_ALLOWED_HERE", 1250, "Table \'%-.192s\' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32s" }, +{ "ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE", 1251, "Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client" }, +{ "ER_SPATIAL_CANT_HAVE_NULL", 1252, "All parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULL" }, +{ "ER_COLLATION_CHARSET_MISMATCH", 1253, "COLLATION \'%s\' is not valid for CHARACTER SET \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_WAS_RUNNING", 1254, "Slave is already running" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_WAS_NOT_RUNNING", 1255, "Slave already has been stopped" }, +{ "ER_TOO_BIG_FOR_UNCOMPRESS", 1256, "Uncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)" }, +{ "ER_ZLIB_Z_MEM_ERROR", 1257, "ZLIB: Not enough memory" }, +{ "ER_ZLIB_Z_BUF_ERROR", 1258, "ZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)" }, +{ "ER_ZLIB_Z_DATA_ERROR", 1259, "ZLIB: Input data corrupted" }, +{ "ER_CUT_VALUE_GROUP_CONCAT", 1260, "Row %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()" }, +{ "ER_WARN_TOO_FEW_RECORDS", 1261, "Row %ld doesn\'t contain data for all columns" }, +{ "ER_WARN_TOO_MANY_RECORDS", 1262, "Row %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns" }, +{ "ER_WARN_NULL_TO_NOTNULL", 1263, "Column set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column \'%s\' at row %ld" }, +{ "ER_WARN_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE", 1264, "Out of range value for column \'%s\' at row %ld" }, +{ "WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED", 1265, "Data truncated for column \'%s\' at row %ld" }, +{ "ER_WARN_USING_OTHER_HANDLER", 1266, "Using storage engine %s for table \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_2COLLATIONS", 1267, "Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_DROP_USER", 1268, "Cannot drop one or more of the requested users" }, +{ "ER_REVOKE_GRANTS", 1269, "Can\'t revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested users" }, +{ "ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_3COLLATIONS", 1270, "Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_NCOLLATIONS", 1271, "Illegal mix of collations for operation \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_VARIABLE_IS_NOT_STRUCT", 1272, "Variable \'%-.64s\' is not a variable component (can\'t be used as XXXX.variable_name)" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_COLLATION", 1273, "Unknown collation: \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_IGNORED_SSL_PARAMS", 1274, "SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is started" }, +{ "ER_SERVER_IS_IN_SECURE_AUTH_MODE", 1275, "Server is running in --secure-auth mode, but \'%s\'@\'%s\' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new format" }, +{ "ER_WARN_FIELD_RESOLVED", 1276, "Field or reference \'%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s\' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%d" }, +{ "ER_BAD_SLAVE_UNTIL_COND", 1277, "Incorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTIL" }, +{ "ER_MISSING_SKIP_SLAVE", 1278, "It is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave\'s mysqld restart" }, +{ "ER_UNTIL_COND_IGNORED", 1279, "SQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignored" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_INDEX", 1280, "Incorrect index name \'%-.100s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_CATALOG", 1281, "Incorrect catalog name \'%-.100s\'" }, +{ "ER_WARN_QC_RESIZE", 1282, "Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %lu" }, +{ "ER_BAD_FT_COLUMN", 1283, "Column \'%-.192s\' cannot be part of FULLTEXT index" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_KEY_CACHE", 1284, "Unknown key cache \'%-.100s\'" }, +{ "ER_WARN_HOSTNAME_WONT_WORK", 1285, "MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to work" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_STORAGE_ENGINE", 1286, "Unknown storage engine \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX", 1287, "\'%s\' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s instead" }, +{ "ER_NON_UPDATABLE_TABLE", 1288, "The target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatable" }, +{ "ER_FEATURE_DISABLED", 1289, "The \'%s\' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with \'%s\' to have it working" }, +{ "ER_OPTION_PREVENTS_STATEMENT", 1290, "The MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statement" }, +{ "ER_DUPLICATED_VALUE_IN_TYPE", 1291, "Column \'%-.100s\' has duplicated value \'%-.64s\' in %s" }, +{ "ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE", 1292, "Truncated incorrect %-.32s value: \'%-.128s\'" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MUCH_AUTO_TIMESTAMP_COLS", 1293, "Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clause" }, +{ "ER_INVALID_ON_UPDATE", 1294, "Invalid ON UPDATE clause for \'%-.192s\' column" }, +{ "ER_UNSUPPORTED_PS", 1295, "This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet" }, +{ "ER_GET_ERRMSG", 1296, "Got error %d \'%-.100s\' from %s" }, +{ "ER_GET_TEMPORARY_ERRMSG", 1297, "Got temporary error %d \'%-.100s\' from %s" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_TIME_ZONE", 1298, "Unknown or incorrect time zone: \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_WARN_INVALID_TIMESTAMP", 1299, "Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column \'%s\' at row %ld" }, +{ "ER_INVALID_CHARACTER_STRING", 1300, "Invalid %s character string: \'%.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_WARN_ALLOWED_PACKET_OVERFLOWED", 1301, "Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncated" }, +{ "ER_CONFLICTING_DECLARATIONS", 1302, "Conflicting declarations: \'%s%s\' and \'%s%s\'" }, +{ "ER_SP_NO_RECURSIVE_CREATE", 1303, "Can\'t create a %s from within another stored routine" }, +{ "ER_SP_ALREADY_EXISTS", 1304, "%s %s already exists" }, +{ "ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST", 1305, "%s %s does not exist" }, +{ "ER_SP_DROP_FAILED", 1306, "Failed to DROP %s %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_STORE_FAILED", 1307, "Failed to CREATE %s %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_LILABEL_MISMATCH", 1308, "%s with no matching label: %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_LABEL_REDEFINE", 1309, "Redefining label %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_LABEL_MISMATCH", 1310, "End-label %s without match" }, +{ "ER_SP_UNINIT_VAR", 1311, "Referring to uninitialized variable %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_BADSELECT", 1312, "PROCEDURE %s can\'t return a result set in the given context" }, +{ "ER_SP_BADRETURN", 1313, "RETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION" }, +{ "ER_SP_BADSTATEMENT", 1314, "%s is not allowed in stored procedures" }, +{ "ER_UPDATE_LOG_DEPRECATED_IGNORED", 1315, "The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored." }, +{ "ER_UPDATE_LOG_DEPRECATED_TRANSLATED", 1316, "The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN." }, +{ "ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED", 1317, "Query execution was interrupted" }, +{ "ER_SP_WRONG_NO_OF_ARGS", 1318, "Incorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %u" }, +{ "ER_SP_COND_MISMATCH", 1319, "Undefined CONDITION: %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_NORETURN", 1320, "No RETURN found in FUNCTION %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_NORETURNEND", 1321, "FUNCTION %s ended without RETURN" }, +{ "ER_SP_BAD_CURSOR_QUERY", 1322, "Cursor statement must be a SELECT" }, +{ "ER_SP_BAD_CURSOR_SELECT", 1323, "Cursor SELECT must not have INTO" }, +{ "ER_SP_CURSOR_MISMATCH", 1324, "Undefined CURSOR: %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN", 1325, "Cursor is already open" }, +{ "ER_SP_CURSOR_NOT_OPEN", 1326, "Cursor is not open" }, +{ "ER_SP_UNDECLARED_VAR", 1327, "Undeclared variable: %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_WRONG_NO_OF_FETCH_ARGS", 1328, "Incorrect number of FETCH variables" }, +{ "ER_SP_FETCH_NO_DATA", 1329, "No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processed" }, +{ "ER_SP_DUP_PARAM", 1330, "Duplicate parameter: %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_DUP_VAR", 1331, "Duplicate variable: %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_DUP_COND", 1332, "Duplicate condition: %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_DUP_CURS", 1333, "Duplicate cursor: %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_CANT_ALTER", 1334, "Failed to ALTER %s %s" }, +{ "ER_SP_SUBSELECT_NYI", 1335, "Subquery value not supported" }, +{ "ER_STMT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG", 1336, "%s is not allowed in stored function or trigger" }, +{ "ER_SP_VARCOND_AFTER_CURSHNDLR", 1337, "Variable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declaration" }, +{ "ER_SP_CURSOR_AFTER_HANDLER", 1338, "Cursor declaration after handler declaration" }, +{ "ER_SP_CASE_NOT_FOUND", 1339, "Case not found for CASE statement" }, +{ "ER_FPARSER_TOO_BIG_FILE", 1340, "Configuration file \'%-.192s\' is too big" }, +{ "ER_FPARSER_BAD_HEADER", 1341, "Malformed file type header in file \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_FPARSER_EOF_IN_COMMENT", 1342, "Unexpected end of file while parsing comment \'%-.200s\'" }, +{ "ER_FPARSER_ERROR_IN_PARAMETER", 1343, "Error while parsing parameter \'%-.192s\' (line: \'%-.192s\')" }, +{ "ER_FPARSER_EOF_IN_UNKNOWN_PARAMETER", 1344, "Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_NO_EXPLAIN", 1345, "EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying table" }, +{ "ER_FRM_UNKNOWN_TYPE", 1346, "File \'%-.192s\' has unknown type \'%-.64s\' in its header" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_OBJECT", 1347, "\'%-.192s.%-.192s\' is not %s" }, +{ "ER_NONUPDATEABLE_COLUMN", 1348, "Column \'%-.192s\' is not updatable" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_SELECT_DERIVED", 1349, "View\'s SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clause" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_SELECT_CLAUSE", 1350, "View\'s SELECT contains a \'%s\' clause" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_SELECT_VARIABLE", 1351, "View\'s SELECT contains a variable or parameter" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_SELECT_TMPTABLE", 1352, "View\'s SELECT refers to a temporary table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_WRONG_LIST", 1353, "View\'s SELECT and view\'s field list have different column counts" }, +{ "ER_WARN_VIEW_MERGE", 1354, "View merge algorithm can\'t be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)" }, +{ "ER_WARN_VIEW_WITHOUT_KEY", 1355, "View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in it" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_INVALID", 1356, "View \'%-.192s.%-.192s\' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them" }, +{ "ER_SP_NO_DROP_SP", 1357, "Can\'t drop or alter a %s from within another stored routine" }, +{ "ER_SP_GOTO_IN_HNDLR", 1358, "GOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handler" }, +{ "ER_TRG_ALREADY_EXISTS", 1359, "Trigger already exists" }, +{ "ER_TRG_DOES_NOT_EXIST", 1360, "Trigger does not exist" }, +{ "ER_TRG_ON_VIEW_OR_TEMP_TABLE", 1361, "Trigger\'s \'%-.192s\' is view or temporary table" }, +{ "ER_TRG_CANT_CHANGE_ROW", 1362, "Updating of %s row is not allowed in %strigger" }, +{ "ER_TRG_NO_SUCH_ROW_IN_TRG", 1363, "There is no %s row in %s trigger" }, +{ "ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_FIELD", 1364, "Field \'%-.192s\' doesn\'t have a default value" }, +{ "ER_DIVISION_BY_ZERO", 1365, "Division by 0" }, +{ "ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_FIELD", 1366, "Incorrect %-.32s value: \'%-.128s\' for column \'%.192s\' at row %ld" }, +{ "ER_ILLEGAL_VALUE_FOR_TYPE", 1367, "Illegal %s \'%-.192s\' value found during parsing" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_NONUPD_CHECK", 1368, "CHECK OPTION on non-updatable view \'%-.192s.%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_CHECK_FAILED", 1369, "CHECK OPTION failed \'%-.192s.%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_PROCACCESS_DENIED_ERROR", 1370, "%-.16s command denied to user \'%-.48s\'@\'%-.64s\' for routine \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_RELAY_LOG_FAIL", 1371, "Failed purging old relay logs: %s" }, +{ "ER_PASSWD_LENGTH", 1372, "Password hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal number" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_TARGET_BINLOG", 1373, "Target log not found in binlog index" }, +{ "ER_IO_ERR_LOG_INDEX_READ", 1374, "I/O error reading log index file" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_PURGE_PROHIBITED", 1375, "Server configuration does not permit binlog purge" }, +{ "ER_FSEEK_FAIL", 1376, "Failed on fseek()" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_PURGE_FATAL_ERR", 1377, "Fatal error during log purge" }, +{ "ER_LOG_IN_USE", 1378, "A purgeable log is in use, will not purge" }, +{ "ER_LOG_PURGE_UNKNOWN_ERR", 1379, "Unknown error during log purge" }, +{ "ER_RELAY_LOG_INIT", 1380, "Failed initializing relay log position: %s" }, +{ "ER_NO_BINARY_LOGGING", 1381, "You are not using binary logging" }, +{ "ER_RESERVED_SYNTAX", 1382, "The \'%-.64s\' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL server" }, +{ "ER_WSAS_FAILED", 1383, "WSAStartup Failed" }, +{ "ER_DIFF_GROUPS_PROC", 1384, "Can\'t handle procedures with different groups yet" }, +{ "ER_NO_GROUP_FOR_PROC", 1385, "Select must have a group with this procedure" }, +{ "ER_ORDER_WITH_PROC", 1386, "Can\'t use ORDER clause with this procedure" }, +{ "ER_LOGGING_PROHIBIT_CHANGING_OF", 1387, "Binary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %s" }, +{ "ER_NO_FILE_MAPPING", 1388, "Can\'t map file: %-.200s, errno: %d" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_MAGIC", 1389, "Wrong magic in %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_PS_MANY_PARAM", 1390, "Prepared statement contains too many placeholders" }, +{ "ER_KEY_PART_0", 1391, "Key part \'%-.192s\' length cannot be 0" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_CHECKSUM", 1392, "View text checksum failed" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_MULTIUPDATE", 1393, "Can not modify more than one base table through a join view \'%-.192s.%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_NO_INSERT_FIELD_LIST", 1394, "Can not insert into join view \'%-.192s.%-.192s\' without fields list" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_DELETE_MERGE_VIEW", 1395, "Can not delete from join view \'%-.192s.%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_CANNOT_USER", 1396, "Operation %s failed for %.256s" }, +{ "ER_XAER_NOTA", 1397, "XAER_NOTA: Unknown XID" }, +{ "ER_XAER_INVAL", 1398, "XAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)" }, +{ "ER_XAER_RMFAIL", 1399, "XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %.64s state" }, +{ "ER_XAER_OUTSIDE", 1400, "XAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transaction" }, +{ "ER_XAER_RMERR", 1401, "XAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistency" }, +{ "ER_XA_RBROLLBACK", 1402, "XA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled back" }, +{ "ER_NONEXISTING_PROC_GRANT", 1403, "There is no such grant defined for user \'%-.48s\' on host \'%-.64s\' on routine \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_PROC_AUTO_GRANT_FAIL", 1404, "Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privileges" }, +{ "ER_PROC_AUTO_REVOKE_FAIL", 1405, "Failed to revoke all privileges to dropped routine" }, +{ "ER_DATA_TOO_LONG", 1406, "Data too long for column \'%s\' at row %ld" }, +{ "ER_SP_BAD_SQLSTATE", 1407, "Bad SQLSTATE: \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_STARTUP", 1408, "%s: ready for connections.\nVersion: \'%s\' socket: \'%s\' port: %d %s" }, +{ "ER_LOAD_FROM_FIXED_SIZE_ROWS_TO_VAR", 1409, "Can\'t load value from file with fixed size rows to variable" }, +{ "ER_CANT_CREATE_USER_WITH_GRANT", 1410, "You are not allowed to create a user with GRANT" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_TYPE", 1411, "Incorrect %-.32s value: \'%-.128s\' for function %-.32s" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_DEF_CHANGED", 1412, "Table definition has changed, please retry transaction" }, +{ "ER_SP_DUP_HANDLER", 1413, "Duplicate handler declared in the same block" }, +{ "ER_SP_NOT_VAR_ARG", 1414, "OUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE trigger" }, +{ "ER_SP_NO_RETSET", 1415, "Not allowed to return a result set from a %s" }, +{ "ER_CANT_CREATE_GEOMETRY_OBJECT", 1416, "Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY field" }, +{ "ER_FAILED_ROUTINE_BREAK_BINLOG", 1417, "A routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changes" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_ROUTINE", 1418, "This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_CREATE_ROUTINE_NEED_SUPER", 1419, "You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)" }, +{ "ER_EXEC_STMT_WITH_OPEN_CURSOR", 1420, "You can\'t execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it." }, +{ "ER_STMT_HAS_NO_OPEN_CURSOR", 1421, "The statement (%lu) has no open cursor." }, +{ "ER_COMMIT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG", 1422, "Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger." }, +{ "ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_VIEW_FIELD", 1423, "Field of view \'%-.192s.%-.192s\' underlying table doesn\'t have a default value" }, +{ "ER_SP_NO_RECURSION", 1424, "Recursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed." }, +{ "ER_TOO_BIG_SCALE", 1425, "Too big scale %d specified for column \'%-.192s\'. Maximum is %lu." }, +{ "ER_TOO_BIG_PRECISION", 1426, "Too big precision %d specified for column \'%-.192s\'. Maximum is %lu." }, +{ "ER_M_BIGGER_THAN_D", 1427, "For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column \'%-.192s\')." }, +{ "ER_WRONG_LOCK_OF_SYSTEM_TABLE", 1428, "You can\'t combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock types" }, +{ "ER_CONNECT_TO_FOREIGN_DATA_SOURCE", 1429, "Unable to connect to foreign data source: %.64s" }, +{ "ER_QUERY_ON_FOREIGN_DATA_SOURCE", 1430, "There was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_FOREIGN_DATA_SOURCE_DOESNT_EXIST", 1431, "The foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_FOREIGN_DATA_STRING_INVALID_CANT_CREATE", 1432, "Can\'t create federated table. The data source connection string \'%-.64s\' is not in the correct format" }, +{ "ER_FOREIGN_DATA_STRING_INVALID", 1433, "The data source connection string \'%-.64s\' is not in the correct format" }, +{ "ER_CANT_CREATE_FEDERATED_TABLE", 1434, "Can\'t create federated table. Foreign data src error: %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_TRG_IN_WRONG_SCHEMA", 1435, "Trigger in wrong schema" }, +{ "ER_STACK_OVERRUN_NEED_MORE", 1436, "Thread stack overrun: %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed. Use \'mysqld --thread_stack=#\' to specify a bigger stack." }, +{ "ER_TOO_LONG_BODY", 1437, "Routine body for \'%-.100s\' is too long" }, +{ "ER_WARN_CANT_DROP_DEFAULT_KEYCACHE", 1438, "Cannot drop default keycache" }, +{ "ER_TOO_BIG_DISPLAYWIDTH", 1439, "Display width out of range for column \'%-.192s\' (max = %lu)" }, +{ "ER_XAER_DUPID", 1440, "XAER_DUPID: The XID already exists" }, +{ "ER_DATETIME_FUNCTION_OVERFLOW", 1441, "Datetime function: %-.32s field overflow" }, +{ "ER_CANT_UPDATE_USED_TABLE_IN_SF_OR_TRG", 1442, "Can\'t update table \'%-.192s\' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger." }, +{ "ER_VIEW_PREVENT_UPDATE", 1443, "The definition of table \'%-.192s\' prevents operation %.192s on table \'%-.192s\'." }, +{ "ER_PS_NO_RECURSION", 1444, "The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It\'s not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive manner" }, +{ "ER_SP_CANT_SET_AUTOCOMMIT", 1445, "Not allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or trigger" }, +{ "ER_MALFORMED_DEFINER", 1446, "Definer is not fully qualified" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_FRM_NO_USER", 1447, "View \'%-.192s\'.\'%-.192s\' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_OTHER_USER", 1448, "You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with \'%-.192s\'@\'%-.192s\' definer" }, +{ "ER_NO_SUCH_USER", 1449, "The user specified as a definer (\'%-.64s\'@\'%-.64s\') does not exist" }, +{ "ER_FORBID_SCHEMA_CHANGE", 1450, "Changing schema from \'%-.192s\' to \'%-.192s\' is not allowed." }, +{ "ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED_2", 1451, "Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)" }, +{ "ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2", 1452, "Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)" }, +{ "ER_SP_BAD_VAR_SHADOW", 1453, "Variable \'%-.64s\' must be quoted with `...`, or renamed" }, +{ "ER_TRG_NO_DEFINER", 1454, "No definer attribute for trigger \'%-.192s\'.\'%-.192s\'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger." }, +{ "ER_OLD_FILE_FORMAT", 1455, "\'%-.192s\' has an old format, you should re-create the \'%s\' object(s)" }, +{ "ER_SP_RECURSION_LIMIT", 1456, "Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192s" }, +{ "ER_SP_PROC_TABLE_CORRUPT", 1457, "Failed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)" }, +{ "ER_SP_WRONG_NAME", 1458, "Incorrect routine name \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_NEEDS_UPGRADE", 1459, "Table upgrade required. Please do \"REPAIR TABLE `%-.32s`\" or dump/reload to fix it!" }, +{ "ER_SP_NO_AGGREGATE", 1460, "AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functions" }, +{ "ER_MAX_PREPARED_STMT_COUNT_REACHED", 1461, "Can\'t create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_RECURSIVE", 1462, "`%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursion" }, +{ "ER_NON_GROUPING_FIELD_USED", 1463, "Non-grouping field \'%-.192s\' is used in %-.64s clause" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_SPKEYS", 1464, "The used table type doesn\'t support SPATIAL indexes" }, +{ "ER_NO_TRIGGERS_ON_SYSTEM_SCHEMA", 1465, "Triggers can not be created on system tables" }, +{ "ER_REMOVED_SPACES", 1466, "Leading spaces are removed from name \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_AUTOINC_READ_FAILED", 1467, "Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engine" }, +{ "ER_USERNAME", 1468, "user name" }, +{ "ER_HOSTNAME", 1469, "host name" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_STRING_LENGTH", 1470, "String \'%-.70s\' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)" }, +{ "ER_NON_INSERTABLE_TABLE", 1471, "The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-into" }, +{ "ER_ADMIN_WRONG_MRG_TABLE", 1472, "Table \'%-.64s\' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn\'t exist" }, +{ "ER_TOO_HIGH_LEVEL_OF_NESTING_FOR_SELECT", 1473, "Too high level of nesting for select" }, +{ "ER_NAME_BECOMES_EMPTY", 1474, "Name \'%-.64s\' has become \'\'" }, +{ "ER_AMBIGUOUS_FIELD_TERM", 1475, "First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BY" }, +{ "ER_FOREIGN_SERVER_EXISTS", 1476, "The foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists." }, +{ "ER_FOREIGN_SERVER_DOESNT_EXIST", 1477, "The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error: %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_ILLEGAL_HA_CREATE_OPTION", 1478, "Table storage engine \'%-.64s\' does not support the create option \'%.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_REQUIRES_VALUES_ERROR", 1479, "Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partition" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_WRONG_VALUES_ERROR", 1480, "Only %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definition" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_MAXVALUE_ERROR", 1481, "MAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definition" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_SUBPARTITION_ERROR", 1482, "Subpartitions can only be hash partitions and by key" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_SUBPART_MIX_ERROR", 1483, "Must define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partition" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_WRONG_NO_PART_ERROR", 1484, "Wrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous setting" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_WRONG_NO_SUBPART_ERROR", 1485, "Wrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous setting" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_EXPR_IN_PARTITION_FUNC_ERROR", 1486, "Constant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowed" }, +{ "ER_NO_CONST_EXPR_IN_RANGE_OR_LIST_ERROR", 1487, "Expression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constant" }, +{ "ER_FIELD_NOT_FOUND_PART_ERROR", 1488, "Field in list of fields for partition function not found in table" }, +{ "ER_LIST_OF_FIELDS_ONLY_IN_HASH_ERROR", 1489, "List of fields is only allowed in KEY partitions" }, +{ "ER_INCONSISTENT_PARTITION_INFO_ERROR", 1490, "The partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm file" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_FUNC_NOT_ALLOWED_ERROR", 1491, "The %-.192s function returns the wrong type" }, +{ "ER_PARTITIONS_MUST_BE_DEFINED_ERROR", 1492, "For %-.64s partitions each partition must be defined" }, +{ "ER_RANGE_NOT_INCREASING_ERROR", 1493, "VALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partition" }, +{ "ER_INCONSISTENT_TYPE_OF_FUNCTIONS_ERROR", 1494, "VALUES value must be of same type as partition function" }, +{ "ER_MULTIPLE_DEF_CONST_IN_LIST_PART_ERROR", 1495, "Multiple definition of same constant in list partitioning" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_ENTRY_ERROR", 1496, "Partitioning can not be used stand-alone in query" }, +{ "ER_MIX_HANDLER_ERROR", 1497, "The mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQL" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_NOT_DEFINED_ERROR", 1498, "For the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_PARTITIONS_ERROR", 1499, "Too many partitions (including subpartitions) were defined" }, +{ "ER_SUBPARTITION_ERROR", 1500, "It is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioning" }, +{ "ER_CANT_CREATE_HANDLER_FILE", 1501, "Failed to create specific handler file" }, +{ "ER_BLOB_FIELD_IN_PART_FUNC_ERROR", 1502, "A BLOB field is not allowed in partition function" }, +{ "ER_UNIQUE_KEY_NEED_ALL_FIELDS_IN_PF", 1503, "A %-.192s must include all columns in the table\'s partitioning function" }, +{ "ER_NO_PARTS_ERROR", 1504, "Number of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed value" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_MGMT_ON_NONPARTITIONED", 1505, "Partition management on a not partitioned table is not possible" }, +{ "ER_FOREIGN_KEY_ON_PARTITIONED", 1506, "Foreign key clause is not yet supported in conjunction with partitioning" }, +{ "ER_DROP_PARTITION_NON_EXISTENT", 1507, "Error in list of partitions to %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_DROP_LAST_PARTITION", 1508, "Cannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE instead" }, +{ "ER_COALESCE_ONLY_ON_HASH_PARTITION", 1509, "COALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitions" }, +{ "ER_REORG_HASH_ONLY_ON_SAME_NO", 1510, "REORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbers" }, +{ "ER_REORG_NO_PARAM_ERROR", 1511, "REORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs" }, +{ "ER_ONLY_ON_RANGE_LIST_PARTITION", 1512, "%-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitions" }, +{ "ER_ADD_PARTITION_SUBPART_ERROR", 1513, "Trying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitions" }, +{ "ER_ADD_PARTITION_NO_NEW_PARTITION", 1514, "At least one partition must be added" }, +{ "ER_COALESCE_PARTITION_NO_PARTITION", 1515, "At least one partition must be coalesced" }, +{ "ER_REORG_PARTITION_NOT_EXIST", 1516, "More partitions to reorganize than there are partitions" }, +{ "ER_SAME_NAME_PARTITION", 1517, "Duplicate partition name %-.192s" }, +{ "ER_NO_BINLOG_ERROR", 1518, "It is not allowed to shut off binlog on this command" }, +{ "ER_CONSECUTIVE_REORG_PARTITIONS", 1519, "When reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive order" }, +{ "ER_REORG_OUTSIDE_RANGE", 1520, "Reorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the range" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_FUNCTION_FAILURE", 1521, "Partition function not supported in this version for this handler" }, +{ "ER_PART_STATE_ERROR", 1522, "Partition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLE" }, +{ "ER_LIMITED_PART_RANGE", 1523, "The %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUES" }, +{ "ER_PLUGIN_IS_NOT_LOADED", 1524, "Plugin \'%-.192s\' is not loaded" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_VALUE", 1525, "Incorrect %-.32s value: \'%-.128s\'" }, +{ "ER_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE", 1526, "Table has no partition for value %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_FILEGROUP_OPTION_ONLY_ONCE", 1527, "It is not allowed to specify %s more than once" }, +{ "ER_CREATE_FILEGROUP_FAILED", 1528, "Failed to create %s" }, +{ "ER_DROP_FILEGROUP_FAILED", 1529, "Failed to drop %s" }, +{ "ER_TABLESPACE_AUTO_EXTEND_ERROR", 1530, "The handler doesn\'t support autoextend of tablespaces" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_SIZE_NUMBER", 1531, "A size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10M" }, +{ "ER_SIZE_OVERFLOW_ERROR", 1532, "The size number was correct but we don\'t allow the digit part to be more than 2 billion" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_FILEGROUP_FAILED", 1533, "Failed to alter: %s" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_ROW_LOGGING_FAILED", 1534, "Writing one row to the row-based binary log failed" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_ROW_WRONG_TABLE_DEF", 1535, "Table definition on master and slave does not match: %s" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_ROW_RBR_TO_SBR", 1536, "Slave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log events" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_ALREADY_EXISTS", 1537, "Event \'%-.192s\' already exists" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_STORE_FAILED", 1538, "Failed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine." }, +{ "ER_EVENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST", 1539, "Unknown event \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_CANT_ALTER", 1540, "Failed to alter event \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_DROP_FAILED", 1541, "Failed to drop %s" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_INTERVAL_NOT_POSITIVE_OR_TOO_BIG", 1542, "INTERVAL is either not positive or too big" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_ENDS_BEFORE_STARTS", 1543, "ENDS is either invalid or before STARTS" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_EXEC_TIME_IN_THE_PAST", 1544, "Event execution time is in the past. Event has been disabled" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED", 1545, "Failed to open mysql.event" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_NEITHER_M_EXPR_NOR_M_AT", 1546, "No datetime expression provided" }, +{ "ER_OBSOLETE_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_CORRUPTED", 1547, "Column count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corrupted" }, +{ "ER_OBSOLETE_CANNOT_LOAD_FROM_TABLE", 1548, "Cannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corrupted" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_CANNOT_DELETE", 1549, "Failed to delete the event from mysql.event" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_COMPILE_ERROR", 1550, "Error during compilation of event\'s body" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_SAME_NAME", 1551, "Same old and new event name" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_DATA_TOO_LONG", 1552, "Data for column \'%s\' too long" }, +{ "ER_DROP_INDEX_FK", 1553, "Cannot drop index \'%-.192s\': needed in a foreign key constraint" }, +{ "ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX_WITH_VER", 1554, "The syntax \'%s\' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s instead" }, +{ "ER_CANT_WRITE_LOCK_LOG_TABLE", 1555, "You can\'t write-lock a log table. Only read access is possible" }, +{ "ER_CANT_LOCK_LOG_TABLE", 1556, "You can\'t use locks with log tables." }, +{ "ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_OLD_UNUSED", 1557, "Upholding foreign key constraints for table \'%.192s\', entry \'%-.192s\', key %d would lead to a duplicate entry" }, +{ "ER_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_PLEASE_UPDATE", 1558, "Column count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error." }, +{ "ER_TEMP_TABLE_PREVENTS_SWITCH_OUT_OF_RBR", 1559, "Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tables" }, +{ "ER_STORED_FUNCTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_FORMAT", 1560, "Cannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or trigger" }, +{ "ER_NDB_CANT_SWITCH_BINLOG_FORMAT", 1561, "The NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yet" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_NO_TEMPORARY", 1562, "Cannot create temporary table with partitions" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_CONST_DOMAIN_ERROR", 1563, "Partition constant is out of partition function domain" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_FUNCTION_IS_NOT_ALLOWED", 1564, "This partition function is not allowed" }, +{ "ER_DDL_LOG_ERROR", 1565, "Error in DDL log" }, +{ "ER_NULL_IN_VALUES_LESS_THAN", 1566, "Not allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THAN" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_PARTITION_NAME", 1567, "Incorrect partition name" }, +{ "ER_CANT_CHANGE_TX_CHARACTERISTICS", 1568, "Transaction characteristics can\'t be changed while a transaction is in progress" }, +{ "ER_DUP_ENTRY_AUTOINCREMENT_CASE", 1569, "ALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry \'%-.192s\' for key \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_MODIFY_QUEUE_ERROR", 1570, "Internal scheduler error %d" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_SET_VAR_ERROR", 1571, "Error during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %u" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_MERGE_ERROR", 1572, "Engine cannot be used in partitioned tables" }, +{ "ER_CANT_ACTIVATE_LOG", 1573, "Cannot activate \'%-.64s\' log" }, +{ "ER_RBR_NOT_AVAILABLE", 1574, "The server was not built with row-based replication" }, +{ "ER_BASE64_DECODE_ERROR", 1575, "Decoding of base64 string failed" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_RECURSION_FORBIDDEN", 1576, "Recursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is present" }, +{ "ER_EVENTS_DB_ERROR", 1577, "Cannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server start" }, +{ "ER_ONLY_INTEGERS_ALLOWED", 1578, "Only integers allowed as number here" }, +{ "ER_UNSUPORTED_LOG_ENGINE", 1579, "This storage engine cannot be used for log tables\"" }, +{ "ER_BAD_LOG_STATEMENT", 1580, "You cannot \'%s\' a log table if logging is enabled" }, +{ "ER_CANT_RENAME_LOG_TABLE", 1581, "Cannot rename \'%s\'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_PARAMCOUNT_TO_NATIVE_FCT", 1582, "Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_NATIVE_FCT", 1583, "Incorrect parameters in the call to native function \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_STORED_FCT", 1584, "Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_NATIVE_FCT_NAME_COLLISION", 1585, "This function \'%-.192s\' has the same name as a native function" }, +{ "ER_DUP_ENTRY_WITH_KEY_NAME", 1586, "Duplicate entry \'%-.64s\' for key \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_PURGE_EMFILE", 1587, "Too many files opened, please execute the command again" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_CANNOT_CREATE_IN_THE_PAST", 1588, "Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation." }, +{ "ER_EVENT_CANNOT_ALTER_IN_THE_PAST", 1589, "Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future." }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_INCIDENT", 1590, "The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE_SILENT", 1591, "Table has no partition for some existing values" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_STATEMENT", 1592, "Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %s" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_FATAL_ERROR", 1593, "Fatal error: %s" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_READ_FAILURE", 1594, "Relay log read failure: %s" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_WRITE_FAILURE", 1595, "Relay log write failure: %s" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_CREATE_EVENT_FAILURE", 1596, "Failed to create %s" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_MASTER_COM_FAILURE", 1597, "Master command %s failed: %s" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_LOGGING_IMPOSSIBLE", 1598, "Binary logging not possible. Message: %s" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_NO_CREATION_CTX", 1599, "View `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation context" }, +{ "ER_VIEW_INVALID_CREATION_CTX", 1600, "Creation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s\' is invalid" }, +{ "ER_SR_INVALID_CREATION_CTX", 1601, "Creation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalid" }, +{ "ER_TRG_CORRUPTED_FILE", 1602, "Corrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`" }, +{ "ER_TRG_NO_CREATION_CTX", 1603, "Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation context" }, +{ "ER_TRG_INVALID_CREATION_CTX", 1604, "Trigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalid" }, +{ "ER_EVENT_INVALID_CREATION_CTX", 1605, "Creation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalid" }, +{ "ER_TRG_CANT_OPEN_TABLE", 1606, "Cannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`" }, +{ "ER_CANT_CREATE_SROUTINE", 1607, "Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warnings" }, +{ "ER_NEVER_USED", 1608, "Ambiguous slave modes combination. %s" }, +{ "ER_NO_FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT_BEFORE_BINLOG_STATEMENT", 1609, "The BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement." }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_CORRUPT_EVENT", 1610, "Corrupted replication event was detected" }, +{ "ER_LOAD_DATA_INVALID_COLUMN", 1611, "Invalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATA" }, +{ "ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE", 1612, "Being purged log %s was not found" }, +{ "ER_XA_RBTIMEOUT", 1613, "XA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too long" }, +{ "ER_XA_RBDEADLOCK", 1614, "XA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detected" }, +{ "ER_NEED_REPREPARE", 1615, "Prepared statement needs to be re-prepared" }, +{ "ER_DELAYED_NOT_SUPPORTED", 1616, "DELAYED option not supported for table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "WARN_NO_MASTER_INFO", 1617, "The master info structure does not exist" }, +{ "WARN_OPTION_IGNORED", 1618, "<%-.64s> option ignored" }, +{ "WARN_PLUGIN_DELETE_BUILTIN", 1619, "Built-in plugins cannot be deleted" }, +{ "WARN_PLUGIN_BUSY", 1620, "Plugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown" }, +{ "ER_VARIABLE_IS_READONLY", 1621, "%s variable \'%s\' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the value" }, +{ "ER_WARN_ENGINE_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK", 1622, "Storage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restarted" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_FAILURE", 1623, "Unexpected master\'s heartbeat data: %s" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE", 1624, "The requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds)." }, +{ "ER_NDB_REPLICATION_SCHEMA_ERROR", 1625, "Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_CONFLICT_FN_PARSE_ERROR", 1626, "Error in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64s" }, +{ "ER_EXCEPTIONS_WRITE_ERROR", 1627, "Write to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s\"" }, +{ "ER_TOO_LONG_TABLE_COMMENT", 1628, "Comment for table \'%-.64s\' is too long (max = %lu)" }, +{ "ER_TOO_LONG_FIELD_COMMENT", 1629, "Comment for field \'%-.64s\' is too long (max = %lu)" }, +{ "ER_FUNC_INEXISTENT_NAME_COLLISION", 1630, "FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the \'Function Name Parsing and Resolution\' section in the Reference Manual" }, +{ "ER_DATABASE_NAME", 1631, "Database" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_NAME", 1632, "Table" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_NAME", 1633, "Partition" }, +{ "ER_SUBPARTITION_NAME", 1634, "Subpartition" }, +{ "ER_TEMPORARY_NAME", 1635, "Temporary" }, +{ "ER_RENAMED_NAME", 1636, "Renamed" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_CONCURRENT_TRXS", 1637, "Too many active concurrent transactions" }, +{ "WARN_NON_ASCII_SEPARATOR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED", 1638, "Non-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supported" }, +{ "ER_DEBUG_SYNC_TIMEOUT", 1639, "debug sync point wait timed out" }, +{ "ER_DEBUG_SYNC_HIT_LIMIT", 1640, "debug sync point hit limit reached" }, +{ "ER_DUP_SIGNAL_SET", 1641, "Duplicate condition information item \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_SIGNAL_WARN", 1642, "Unhandled user-defined warning condition" }, +{ "ER_SIGNAL_NOT_FOUND", 1643, "Unhandled user-defined not found condition" }, +{ "ER_SIGNAL_EXCEPTION", 1644, "Unhandled user-defined exception condition" }, +{ "ER_RESIGNAL_WITHOUT_ACTIVE_HANDLER", 1645, "RESIGNAL when handler not active" }, +{ "ER_SIGNAL_BAD_CONDITION_TYPE", 1646, "SIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a CONDITION defined with SQLSTATE" }, +{ "WARN_COND_ITEM_TRUNCATED", 1647, "Data truncated for condition item \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_COND_ITEM_TOO_LONG", 1648, "Data too long for condition item \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_LOCALE", 1649, "Unknown locale: \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_IGNORE_SERVER_IDS", 1650, "The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-id" }, +{ "ER_QUERY_CACHE_DISABLED", 1651, "Query cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable it" }, +{ "ER_SAME_NAME_PARTITION_FIELD", 1652, "Duplicate partition field name \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_COLUMN_LIST_ERROR", 1653, "Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioning" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_TYPE_COLUMN_VALUE_ERROR", 1654, "Partition column values of incorrect type" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_PARTITION_FUNC_FIELDS_ERROR", 1655, "Too many fields in \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_MAXVALUE_IN_VALUES_IN", 1656, "Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES IN" }, +{ "ER_TOO_MANY_VALUES_ERROR", 1657, "Cannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioning" }, +{ "ER_ROW_SINGLE_PARTITION_FIELD_ERROR", 1658, "Row expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioning" }, +{ "ER_FIELD_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED_AS_PARTITION_FIELD", 1659, "Field \'%-.192s\' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioning" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_FIELDS_TOO_LONG", 1660, "The total length of the partitioning fields is too large" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_ROW_ENGINE_AND_STMT_ENGINE", 1661, "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_ROW_MODE_AND_STMT_ENGINE", 1662, "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_AND_STMT_ENGINE", 1663, "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %s" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_ROW_INJECTION_AND_STMT_ENGINE", 1664, "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_STMT_MODE_AND_ROW_ENGINE", 1665, "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%s" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_ROW_INJECTION_AND_STMT_MODE", 1666, "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_MULTIPLE_ENGINES_AND_SELF_LOGGING_ENGINE", 1667, "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_LIMIT", 1668, "The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_DELAYED", 1669, "The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_SYSTEM_TABLE", 1670, "The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_AUTOINC_COLUMNS", 1671, "Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_UDF", 1672, "Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_SYSTEM_VARIABLE", 1673, "Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_SYSTEM_FUNCTION", 1674, "Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_NONTRANS_AFTER_TRANS", 1675, "Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction." }, +{ "ER_MESSAGE_AND_STATEMENT", 1676, "%s Statement: %s" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_CONVERSION_FAILED", 1677, "Column %d of table \'%-.192s.%-.192s\' cannot be converted from type \'%-.32s\' to type \'%-.32s\'" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_CANT_CREATE_CONVERSION", 1678, "Can\'t create conversion table for table \'%-.192s.%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_INSIDE_TRANSACTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_FORMAT", 1679, "Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transaction" }, +{ "ER_PATH_LENGTH", 1680, "The path specified for %.64s is too long." }, +{ "ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX_NO_REPLACEMENT", 1681, "\'%s\' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release." }, +{ "ER_WRONG_NATIVE_TABLE_STRUCTURE", 1682, "Native table \'%-.64s\'.\'%-.64s\' has the wrong structure" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_PERFSCHEMA_USAGE", 1683, "Invalid performance_schema usage." }, +{ "ER_WARN_I_S_SKIPPED_TABLE", 1684, "Table \'%s\'.\'%s\' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statement" }, +{ "ER_INSIDE_TRANSACTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_DIRECT", 1685, "Cannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transaction" }, +{ "ER_STORED_FUNCTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_DIRECT", 1686, "Cannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or trigger" }, +{ "ER_SPATIAL_MUST_HAVE_GEOM_COL", 1687, "A SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type column" }, +{ "ER_TOO_LONG_INDEX_COMMENT", 1688, "Comment for index \'%-.64s\' is too long (max = %lu)" }, +{ "ER_LOCK_ABORTED", 1689, "Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock" }, +{ "ER_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE", 1690, "%s value is out of range in \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_WRONG_SPVAR_TYPE_IN_LIMIT", 1691, "A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clause" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_MULTIPLE_ENGINES_AND_SELF_LOGGING_ENGINE", 1692, "Mixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_MIXED_STATEMENT", 1693, "Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them." }, +{ "ER_INSIDE_TRANSACTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_SQL_LOG_BIN", 1694, "Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transaction" }, +{ "ER_STORED_FUNCTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_SQL_LOG_BIN", 1695, "Cannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or trigger" }, +{ "ER_FAILED_READ_FROM_PAR_FILE", 1696, "Failed to read from the .par file" }, +{ "ER_VALUES_IS_NOT_INT_TYPE_ERROR", 1697, "VALUES value for partition \'%-.64s\' must have type INT" }, +{ "ER_ACCESS_DENIED_NO_PASSWORD_ERROR", 1698, "Access denied for user \'%-.48s\'@\'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_SET_PASSWORD_AUTH_PLUGIN", 1699, "SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via plugins" }, +{ "ER_GRANT_PLUGIN_USER_EXISTS", 1700, "GRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already exists" }, +{ "ER_TRUNCATE_ILLEGAL_FK", 1701, "Cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)" }, +{ "ER_PLUGIN_IS_PERMANENT", 1702, "Plugin \'%s\' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloaded" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE_MIN", 1703, "The requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled." }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE_MAX", 1704, "The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout\' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout." }, +{ "ER_STMT_CACHE_FULL", 1705, "Multi-row statements required more than \'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size\' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try again" }, +{ "ER_MULTI_UPDATE_KEY_CONFLICT", 1706, "Primary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as \'%-.192s\' and \'%-.192s\'." }, +{ "ER_TABLE_NEEDS_REBUILD", 1707, "Table rebuild required. Please do \"ALTER TABLE `%-.32s` FORCE\" or dump/reload to fix it!" }, +{ "WARN_OPTION_BELOW_LIMIT", 1708, "The value of \'%s\' should be no less than the value of \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_INDEX_COLUMN_TOO_LONG", 1709, "Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes." }, +{ "ER_ERROR_IN_TRIGGER_BODY", 1710, "Trigger \'%-.64s\' has an error in its body: \'%-.256s\'" }, +{ "ER_ERROR_IN_UNKNOWN_TRIGGER_BODY", 1711, "Unknown trigger has an error in its body: \'%-.256s\'" }, +{ "ER_INDEX_CORRUPT", 1712, "Index %s is corrupted" }, +{ "ER_UNDO_RECORD_TOO_BIG", 1713, "Undo log record is too big." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_IGNORE_SELECT", 1714, "INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_SELECT_UPDATE", 1715, "INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_REPLACE_SELECT", 1716, "REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_CREATE_IGNORE_SELECT", 1717, "CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_CREATE_REPLACE_SELECT", 1718, "CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_UPDATE_IGNORE", 1719, "UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." }, +{ "ER_PLUGIN_NO_UNINSTALL", 1720, "Plugin \'%s\' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it." }, +{ "ER_PLUGIN_NO_INSTALL", 1721, "Plugin \'%s\' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_WRITE_AUTOINC_SELECT", 1722, "Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_CREATE_SELECT_AUTOINC", 1723, "CREATE TABLE... SELECT... on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_TWO_KEYS", 1724, "INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafe" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_IN_FK_CHECK", 1725, "Table is being used in foreign key check." }, +{ "ER_UNSUPPORTED_ENGINE", 1726, "Storage engine \'%s\' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_AUTOINC_NOT_FIRST", 1727, "INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe." }, +{ "ER_CANNOT_LOAD_FROM_TABLE_V2", 1728, "Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corrupted" }, +{ "ER_MASTER_DELAY_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE", 1729, "The requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %u" }, +{ "ER_ONLY_FD_AND_RBR_EVENTS_ALLOWED_IN_BINLOG_STATEMENT", 1730, "Only Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_DIFFERENT_OPTION", 1731, "Non matching attribute \'%-.64s\' between partition and table" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_PART_TABLE", 1732, "Table to exchange with partition is partitioned: \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_TEMP_TABLE", 1733, "Table to exchange with partition is temporary: \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_INSTEAD_OF_SUBPARTITION", 1734, "Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partition" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_PARTITION", 1735, "Unknown partition \'%-.64s\' in table \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_TABLES_DIFFERENT_METADATA", 1736, "Tables have different definitions" }, +{ "ER_ROW_DOES_NOT_MATCH_PARTITION", 1737, "Found a row that does not match the partition" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_CACHE_SIZE_GREATER_THAN_MAX", 1738, "Option binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size." }, +{ "ER_WARN_INDEX_NOT_APPLICABLE", 1739, "Cannot use %-.64s access on index \'%-.64s\' due to type or collation conversion on field \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_FOREIGN_KEY", 1740, "Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: \'%-.64s\'" }, +{ "ER_NO_SUCH_KEY_VALUE", 1741, "Key value \'%-.192s\' was not found in table \'%-.192s.%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_RPL_INFO_DATA_TOO_LONG", 1742, "Data for column \'%s\' too long" }, +{ "ER_NETWORK_READ_EVENT_CHECKSUM_FAILURE", 1743, "Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from network." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_READ_EVENT_CHECKSUM_FAILURE", 1744, "Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_STMT_CACHE_SIZE_GREATER_THAN_MAX", 1745, "Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size." }, +{ "ER_CANT_UPDATE_TABLE_IN_CREATE_TABLE_SELECT", 1746, "Can\'t update table \'%-.192s\' while \'%-.192s\' is being created." }, +{ "ER_PARTITION_CLAUSE_ON_NONPARTITIONED", 1747, "PARTITION () clause on non partitioned table" }, +{ "ER_ROW_DOES_NOT_MATCH_GIVEN_PARTITION_SET", 1748, "Found a row not matching the given partition set" }, +{ "ER_NO_SUCH_PARTITION__UNUSED", 1749, "partition \'%-.64s\' doesn\'t exist" }, +{ "ER_CHANGE_RPL_INFO_REPOSITORY_FAILURE", 1750, "Failure while changing the type of replication repository: %s." }, +{ "ER_WARNING_NOT_COMPLETE_ROLLBACK_WITH_CREATED_TEMP_TABLE", 1751, "The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back." }, +{ "ER_WARNING_NOT_COMPLETE_ROLLBACK_WITH_DROPPED_TEMP_TABLE", 1752, "Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back." }, +{ "ER_MTS_FEATURE_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED", 1753, "%s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %s" }, +{ "ER_MTS_UPDATED_DBS_GREATER_MAX", 1754, "The number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata." }, +{ "ER_MTS_CANT_PARALLEL", 1755, "Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s." }, +{ "ER_MTS_INCONSISTENT_DATA", 1756, "%s" }, +{ "ER_FULLTEXT_NOT_SUPPORTED_WITH_PARTITIONING", 1757, "FULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables." }, +{ "ER_DA_INVALID_CONDITION_NUMBER", 1758, "Invalid condition number" }, +{ "ER_INSECURE_PLAIN_TEXT", 1759, "Sending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure." }, +{ "ER_INSECURE_CHANGE_MASTER", 1760, "Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the \'START SLAVE Syntax\' in the MySQL Manual for more information." }, +{ "ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_WITH_CHILD_INFO", 1761, "Foreign key constraint for table \'%.192s\', record \'%-.192s\' would lead to a duplicate entry in table \'%.192s\', key \'%.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_WITHOUT_CHILD_INFO", 1762, "Foreign key constraint for table \'%.192s\', record \'%-.192s\' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child table" }, +{ "ER_SQLTHREAD_WITH_SECURE_SLAVE", 1763, "Setting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started." }, +{ "ER_TABLE_HAS_NO_FT", 1764, "The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this query" }, +{ "ER_VARIABLE_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_SF_OR_TRIGGER", 1765, "The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers." }, +{ "ER_VARIABLE_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_TRANSACTION", 1766, "The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction." }, +{ "ER_GTID_NEXT_IS_NOT_IN_GTID_NEXT_LIST", 1767, "The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST." }, +{ "ER_CANT_CHANGE_GTID_NEXT_IN_TRANSACTION_WHEN_GTID_NEXT_LIST_IS_NULL", 1768, "The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction." }, +{ "ER_SET_STATEMENT_CANNOT_INVOKE_FUNCTION", 1769, "The statement \'SET %.200s\' cannot invoke a stored function." }, +{ "ER_GTID_NEXT_CANT_BE_AUTOMATIC_IF_GTID_NEXT_LIST_IS_NON_NULL", 1770, "The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be \'AUTOMATIC\' when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST is non-NULL." }, +{ "ER_SKIPPING_LOGGED_TRANSACTION", 1771, "Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged." }, +{ "ER_MALFORMED_GTID_SET_SPECIFICATION", 1772, "Malformed GTID set specification \'%.200s\'." }, +{ "ER_MALFORMED_GTID_SET_ENCODING", 1773, "Malformed GTID set encoding." }, +{ "ER_MALFORMED_GTID_SPECIFICATION", 1774, "Malformed GTID specification \'%.200s\'." }, +{ "ER_GNO_EXHAUSTED", 1775, "Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid." }, +{ "ER_BAD_SLAVE_AUTO_POSITION", 1776, "Parameters MASTER_LOG_FILE, MASTER_LOG_POS, RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS cannot be set when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is active." }, +{ "ER_AUTO_POSITION_REQUIRES_GTID_MODE_ON", 1777, "CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 can only be executed when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON." }, +{ "ER_CANT_DO_IMPLICIT_COMMIT_IN_TRX_WHEN_GTID_NEXT_IS_SET", 1778, "Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT != AUTOMATIC." }, +{ "ER_GTID_MODE_2_OR_3_REQUIRES_ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY_ON", 1779, "@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or UPGRADE_STEP_2 requires @@GLOBAL.ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = 1." }, +{ "ER_GTID_MODE_REQUIRES_BINLOG", 1780, "@@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or UPGRADE_STEP_1 or UPGRADE_STEP_2 requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates." }, +{ "ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_TO_GTID_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF", 1781, "@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to UUID:NUMBER when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF." }, +{ "ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_TO_ANONYMOUS_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_ON", 1782, "@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be set to ANONYMOUS when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON." }, +{ "ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_LIST_TO_NON_NULL_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF", 1783, "@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST cannot be set to a non-NULL value when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF." }, +{ "ER_FOUND_GTID_EVENT_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF", 1784, "Found a Gtid_log_event or Previous_gtids_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF." }, +{ "ER_GTID_UNSAFE_NON_TRANSACTIONAL_TABLE", 1785, "When @@GLOBAL.ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = 1, updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables." }, +{ "ER_GTID_UNSAFE_CREATE_SELECT", 1786, "CREATE TABLE ... SELECT is forbidden when @@GLOBAL.ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = 1." }, +{ "ER_GTID_UNSAFE_CREATE_DROP_TEMPORARY_TABLE_IN_TRANSACTION", 1787, "When @@GLOBAL.ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = 1, the statements CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can be executed in a non-transactional context only, and require that AUTOCOMMIT = 1." }, +{ "ER_GTID_MODE_CAN_ONLY_CHANGE_ONE_STEP_AT_A_TIME", 1788, "The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only change one step at a time: OFF <-> UPGRADE_STEP_1 <-> UPGRADE_STEP_2 <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers; see the Manual for instructions." }, +{ "ER_MASTER_HAS_PURGED_REQUIRED_GTIDS", 1789, "The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires." }, +{ "ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_WHEN_OWNING_GTID", 1790, "@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK." }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_EXPLAIN_FORMAT", 1791, "Unknown EXPLAIN format name: \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_CANT_EXECUTE_IN_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION", 1792, "Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction." }, +{ "ER_TOO_LONG_TABLE_PARTITION_COMMENT", 1793, "Comment for table partition \'%-.64s\' is too long (max = %lu)" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_CONFIGURATION", 1794, "Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log." }, +{ "ER_INNODB_FT_LIMIT", 1795, "InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a time" }, +{ "ER_INNODB_NO_FT_TEMP_TABLE", 1796, "Cannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB table" }, +{ "ER_INNODB_FT_WRONG_DOCID_COLUMN", 1797, "Column \'%-.192s\' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT index" }, +{ "ER_INNODB_FT_WRONG_DOCID_INDEX", 1798, "Index \'%-.192s\' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT index" }, +{ "ER_INNODB_ONLINE_LOG_TOO_BIG", 1799, "Creating index \'%-.192s\' required more than \'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size\' bytes of modification log. Please try again." }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_ALTER_ALGORITHM", 1800, "Unknown ALGORITHM \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_UNKNOWN_ALTER_LOCK", 1801, "Unknown LOCK type \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_MTS_CHANGE_MASTER_CANT_RUN_WITH_GAPS", 1802, "CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL." }, +{ "ER_MTS_RECOVERY_FAILURE", 1803, "Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log." }, +{ "ER_MTS_RESET_WORKERS", 1804, "Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log." }, +{ "ER_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_CORRUPTED_V2", 1805, "Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corrupted" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_SILENT_RETRY_TRANSACTION", 1806, "Slave must silently retry current transaction" }, +{ "ER_DISCARD_FK_CHECKS_RUNNING", 1807, "There is a foreign key check running on table \'%-.192s\'. Cannot discard the table." }, +{ "ER_TABLE_SCHEMA_MISMATCH", 1808, "Schema mismatch (%s)" }, +{ "ER_TABLE_IN_SYSTEM_TABLESPACE", 1809, "Table \'%-.192s\' in system tablespace" }, +{ "ER_IO_READ_ERROR", 1810, "IO Read error: (%lu, %s) %s" }, +{ "ER_IO_WRITE_ERROR", 1811, "IO Write error: (%lu, %s) %s" }, +{ "ER_TABLESPACE_MISSING", 1812, "Tablespace is missing for table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_TABLESPACE_EXISTS", 1813, "Tablespace for table \'%-.192s\' exists. Please DISCARD the tablespace before IMPORT." }, +{ "ER_TABLESPACE_DISCARDED", 1814, "Tablespace has been discarded for table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_INTERNAL_ERROR", 1815, "Internal error: %s" }, +{ "ER_INNODB_IMPORT_ERROR", 1816, "ALTER TABLE \'%-.192s\' IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_INNODB_INDEX_CORRUPT", 1817, "Index corrupt: %s" }, +{ "ER_INVALID_YEAR_COLUMN_LENGTH", 1818, "YEAR(%lu) column type is deprecated. Creating YEAR(4) column instead." }, +{ "ER_NOT_VALID_PASSWORD", 1819, "Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements" }, +{ "ER_MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD", 1820, "You must SET PASSWORD before executing this statement" }, +{ "ER_FK_NO_INDEX_CHILD", 1821, "Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint \'%s\' in the foreign table \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_FK_NO_INDEX_PARENT", 1822, "Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint \'%s\' in the referenced table \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_FK_FAIL_ADD_SYSTEM", 1823, "Failed to add the foreign key constraint \'%s\' to system tables" }, +{ "ER_FK_CANNOT_OPEN_PARENT", 1824, "Failed to open the referenced table \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_FK_INCORRECT_OPTION", 1825, "Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table \'%s\'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_FK_DUP_NAME", 1826, "Duplicate foreign key constraint name \'%s\'" }, +{ "ER_PASSWORD_FORMAT", 1827, "The password hash doesn\'t have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function." }, +{ "ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_DROP", 1828, "Cannot drop column \'%-.192s\': needed in a foreign key constraint \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_DROP_CHILD", 1829, "Cannot drop column \'%-.192s\': needed in a foreign key constraint \'%-.192s\' of table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_FK_COLUMN_NOT_NULL", 1830, "Column \'%-.192s\' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint \'%-.192s\' SET NULL" }, +{ "ER_DUP_INDEX", 1831, "Duplicate index \'%-.64s\' defined on the table \'%-.64s.%-.64s\'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release." }, +{ "ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_CHANGE", 1832, "Cannot change column \'%-.192s\': used in a foreign key constraint \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_CHANGE_CHILD", 1833, "Cannot change column \'%-.192s\': used in a foreign key constraint \'%-.192s\' of table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_FK_CANNOT_DELETE_PARENT", 1834, "Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint \'%-.192s\' of table \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_MALFORMED_PACKET", 1835, "Malformed communication packet." }, +{ "ER_READ_ONLY_MODE", 1836, "Running in read-only mode" }, +{ "ER_GTID_NEXT_TYPE_UNDEFINED_GROUP", 1837, "When @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is \'%s\'." }, +{ "ER_VARIABLE_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_SP", 1838, "The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures." }, +{ "ER_CANT_SET_GTID_PURGED_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF", 1839, "@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON." }, +{ "ER_CANT_SET_GTID_PURGED_WHEN_GTID_EXECUTED_IS_NOT_EMPTY", 1840, "@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty." }, +{ "ER_CANT_SET_GTID_PURGED_WHEN_OWNED_GTIDS_IS_NOT_EMPTY", 1841, "@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients)." }, +{ "ER_GTID_PURGED_WAS_CHANGED", 1842, "@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from \'%s\' to \'%s\'." }, +{ "ER_GTID_EXECUTED_WAS_CHANGED", 1843, "@@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from \'%s\' to \'%s\'." }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_STMT_MODE_AND_NO_REPL_TABLES", 1844, "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to." }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED", 1845, "%s is not supported for this operation. Try %s." }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON", 1846, "%s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s." }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_COPY", 1847, "COPY algorithm requires a lock" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_PARTITION", 1848, "Partition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHM" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_FK_RENAME", 1849, "Columns participating in a foreign key are renamed" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_COLUMN_TYPE", 1850, "Cannot change column type INPLACE" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_FK_CHECK", 1851, "Adding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFF" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_IGNORE", 1852, "Creating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rows" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_NOPK", 1853, "Dropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary key" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_AUTOINC", 1854, "Adding an auto-increment column requires a lock" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_HIDDEN_FTS", 1855, "Cannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible one" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_CHANGE_FTS", 1856, "Cannot drop or rename FTS_DOC_ID" }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_FTS", 1857, "Fulltext index creation requires a lock" }, +{ "ER_SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_GTID_MODE", 1858, "sql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transaction" }, +{ "ER_DUP_UNKNOWN_IN_INDEX", 1859, "Duplicate entry for key \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_IDENT_CAUSES_TOO_LONG_PATH", 1860, "Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: \'%s\'." }, +{ "ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_NOT_NULL", 1861, "cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODE" }, +{ "ER_MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD_LOGIN", 1862, "Your password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords." }, +{ "ER_ROW_IN_WRONG_PARTITION", 1863, "Found a row in wrong partition %s" }, +{ "ER_MTS_EVENT_BIGGER_PENDING_JOBS_SIZE_MAX", 1864, "Cannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max." }, +{ "ER_INNODB_NO_FT_USES_PARSER", 1865, "Cannot CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX WITH PARSER on InnoDB table" }, +{ "ER_BINLOG_LOGICAL_CORRUPTION", 1866, "The binary log file \'%s\' is logically corrupted: %s" }, +{ "ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IN_USE", 1867, "file %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files." }, +{ "ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IS_ACTIVE", 1868, "file %s was not purged because it is the active log file." }, +{ "ER_AUTO_INCREMENT_CONFLICT", 1869, "Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated values" }, +{ "WARN_ON_BLOCKHOLE_IN_RBR", 1870, "Row events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): \'%-.192s\'" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_MI_INIT_REPOSITORY", 1871, "Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repository" }, +{ "ER_SLAVE_RLI_INIT_REPOSITORY", 1872, "Slave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repository" }, +{ "ER_ACCESS_DENIED_CHANGE_USER_ERROR", 1873, "Access denied trying to change to user \'%-.48s\'@\'%-.64s\' (using password: %s). Disconnecting." }, +{ "ER_INNODB_READ_ONLY", 1874, "InnoDB is in read only mode." }, +{ "ER_STOP_SLAVE_SQL_THREAD_TIMEOUT", 1875, "STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete." }, +{ "ER_STOP_SLAVE_IO_THREAD_TIMEOUT", 1876, "STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete." }, +{ "ER_TABLE_CORRUPT", 1877, "Operation cannot be performed. The table \'%-.64s.%-.64s\' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data." }, diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysqld_error.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysqld_error.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..25a45ea83 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysqld_error.h @@ -0,0 +1,882 @@ +/* Autogenerated file, please don't edit */ + +#define ER_ERROR_FIRST 1000 +#define ER_HASHCHK 1000 +#define ER_NISAMCHK 1001 +#define ER_NO 1002 +#define ER_YES 1003 +#define ER_CANT_CREATE_FILE 1004 +#define ER_CANT_CREATE_TABLE 1005 +#define ER_CANT_CREATE_DB 1006 +#define ER_DB_CREATE_EXISTS 1007 +#define ER_DB_DROP_EXISTS 1008 +#define ER_DB_DROP_DELETE 1009 +#define ER_DB_DROP_RMDIR 1010 +#define ER_CANT_DELETE_FILE 1011 +#define ER_CANT_FIND_SYSTEM_REC 1012 +#define ER_CANT_GET_STAT 1013 +#define ER_CANT_GET_WD 1014 +#define ER_CANT_LOCK 1015 +#define ER_CANT_OPEN_FILE 1016 +#define ER_FILE_NOT_FOUND 1017 +#define ER_CANT_READ_DIR 1018 +#define ER_CANT_SET_WD 1019 +#define ER_CHECKREAD 1020 +#define ER_DISK_FULL 1021 +#define ER_DUP_KEY 1022 +#define ER_ERROR_ON_CLOSE 1023 +#define ER_ERROR_ON_READ 1024 +#define ER_ERROR_ON_RENAME 1025 +#define ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE 1026 +#define ER_FILE_USED 1027 +#define ER_FILSORT_ABORT 1028 +#define ER_FORM_NOT_FOUND 1029 +#define ER_GET_ERRNO 1030 +#define ER_ILLEGAL_HA 1031 +#define ER_KEY_NOT_FOUND 1032 +#define ER_NOT_FORM_FILE 1033 +#define ER_NOT_KEYFILE 1034 +#define ER_OLD_KEYFILE 1035 +#define ER_OPEN_AS_READONLY 1036 +#define ER_OUTOFMEMORY 1037 +#define ER_OUT_OF_SORTMEMORY 1038 +#define ER_UNEXPECTED_EOF 1039 +#define ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR 1040 +#define ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES 1041 +#define ER_BAD_HOST_ERROR 1042 +#define ER_HANDSHAKE_ERROR 1043 +#define ER_DBACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 1044 +#define ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 1045 +#define ER_NO_DB_ERROR 1046 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_COM_ERROR 1047 +#define ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR 1048 +#define ER_BAD_DB_ERROR 1049 +#define ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR 1050 +#define ER_BAD_TABLE_ERROR 1051 +#define ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR 1052 +#define ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN 1053 +#define ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR 1054 +#define ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP 1055 +#define ER_WRONG_GROUP_FIELD 1056 +#define ER_WRONG_SUM_SELECT 1057 +#define ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT 1058 +#define ER_TOO_LONG_IDENT 1059 +#define ER_DUP_FIELDNAME 1060 +#define ER_DUP_KEYNAME 1061 +#define ER_DUP_ENTRY 1062 +#define ER_WRONG_FIELD_SPEC 1063 +#define ER_PARSE_ERROR 1064 +#define ER_EMPTY_QUERY 1065 +#define ER_NONUNIQ_TABLE 1066 +#define ER_INVALID_DEFAULT 1067 +#define ER_MULTIPLE_PRI_KEY 1068 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_KEYS 1069 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_KEY_PARTS 1070 +#define ER_TOO_LONG_KEY 1071 +#define ER_KEY_COLUMN_DOES_NOT_EXITS 1072 +#define ER_BLOB_USED_AS_KEY 1073 +#define ER_TOO_BIG_FIELDLENGTH 1074 +#define ER_WRONG_AUTO_KEY 1075 +#define ER_READY 1076 +#define ER_NORMAL_SHUTDOWN 1077 +#define ER_GOT_SIGNAL 1078 +#define ER_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE 1079 +#define ER_FORCING_CLOSE 1080 +#define ER_IPSOCK_ERROR 1081 +#define ER_NO_SUCH_INDEX 1082 +#define ER_WRONG_FIELD_TERMINATORS 1083 +#define ER_BLOBS_AND_NO_TERMINATED 1084 +#define ER_TEXTFILE_NOT_READABLE 1085 +#define ER_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR 1086 +#define ER_LOAD_INFO 1087 +#define ER_ALTER_INFO 1088 +#define ER_WRONG_SUB_KEY 1089 +#define ER_CANT_REMOVE_ALL_FIELDS 1090 +#define ER_CANT_DROP_FIELD_OR_KEY 1091 +#define ER_INSERT_INFO 1092 +#define ER_UPDATE_TABLE_USED 1093 +#define ER_NO_SUCH_THREAD 1094 +#define ER_KILL_DENIED_ERROR 1095 +#define ER_NO_TABLES_USED 1096 +#define ER_TOO_BIG_SET 1097 +#define ER_NO_UNIQUE_LOGFILE 1098 +#define ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED_FOR_WRITE 1099 +#define ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED 1100 +#define ER_BLOB_CANT_HAVE_DEFAULT 1101 +#define ER_WRONG_DB_NAME 1102 +#define ER_WRONG_TABLE_NAME 1103 +#define ER_TOO_BIG_SELECT 1104 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR 1105 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_PROCEDURE 1106 +#define ER_WRONG_PARAMCOUNT_TO_PROCEDURE 1107 +#define ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_PROCEDURE 1108 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_TABLE 1109 +#define ER_FIELD_SPECIFIED_TWICE 1110 +#define ER_INVALID_GROUP_FUNC_USE 1111 +#define ER_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION 1112 +#define ER_TABLE_MUST_HAVE_COLUMNS 1113 +#define ER_RECORD_FILE_FULL 1114 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_SET 1115 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_TABLES 1116 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_FIELDS 1117 +#define ER_TOO_BIG_ROWSIZE 1118 +#define ER_STACK_OVERRUN 1119 +#define ER_WRONG_OUTER_JOIN 1120 +#define ER_NULL_COLUMN_IN_INDEX 1121 +#define ER_CANT_FIND_UDF 1122 +#define ER_CANT_INITIALIZE_UDF 1123 +#define ER_UDF_NO_PATHS 1124 +#define ER_UDF_EXISTS 1125 +#define ER_CANT_OPEN_LIBRARY 1126 +#define ER_CANT_FIND_DL_ENTRY 1127 +#define ER_FUNCTION_NOT_DEFINED 1128 +#define ER_HOST_IS_BLOCKED 1129 +#define ER_HOST_NOT_PRIVILEGED 1130 +#define ER_PASSWORD_ANONYMOUS_USER 1131 +#define ER_PASSWORD_NOT_ALLOWED 1132 +#define ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH 1133 +#define ER_UPDATE_INFO 1134 +#define ER_CANT_CREATE_THREAD 1135 +#define ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW 1136 +#define ER_CANT_REOPEN_TABLE 1137 +#define ER_INVALID_USE_OF_NULL 1138 +#define ER_REGEXP_ERROR 1139 +#define ER_MIX_OF_GROUP_FUNC_AND_FIELDS 1140 +#define ER_NONEXISTING_GRANT 1141 +#define ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 1142 +#define ER_COLUMNACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 1143 +#define ER_ILLEGAL_GRANT_FOR_TABLE 1144 +#define ER_GRANT_WRONG_HOST_OR_USER 1145 +#define ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE 1146 +#define ER_NONEXISTING_TABLE_GRANT 1147 +#define ER_NOT_ALLOWED_COMMAND 1148 +#define ER_SYNTAX_ERROR 1149 +#define ER_DELAYED_CANT_CHANGE_LOCK 1150 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_DELAYED_THREADS 1151 +#define ER_ABORTING_CONNECTION 1152 +#define ER_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE 1153 +#define ER_NET_READ_ERROR_FROM_PIPE 1154 +#define ER_NET_FCNTL_ERROR 1155 +#define ER_NET_PACKETS_OUT_OF_ORDER 1156 +#define ER_NET_UNCOMPRESS_ERROR 1157 +#define ER_NET_READ_ERROR 1158 +#define ER_NET_READ_INTERRUPTED 1159 +#define ER_NET_ERROR_ON_WRITE 1160 +#define ER_NET_WRITE_INTERRUPTED 1161 +#define ER_TOO_LONG_STRING 1162 +#define ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_BLOB 1163 +#define ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_AUTO_INCREMENT 1164 +#define ER_DELAYED_INSERT_TABLE_LOCKED 1165 +#define ER_WRONG_COLUMN_NAME 1166 +#define ER_WRONG_KEY_COLUMN 1167 +#define ER_WRONG_MRG_TABLE 1168 +#define ER_DUP_UNIQUE 1169 +#define ER_BLOB_KEY_WITHOUT_LENGTH 1170 +#define ER_PRIMARY_CANT_HAVE_NULL 1171 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_ROWS 1172 +#define ER_REQUIRES_PRIMARY_KEY 1173 +#define ER_NO_RAID_COMPILED 1174 +#define ER_UPDATE_WITHOUT_KEY_IN_SAFE_MODE 1175 +#define ER_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXITS 1176 +#define ER_CHECK_NO_SUCH_TABLE 1177 +#define ER_CHECK_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 1178 +#define ER_CANT_DO_THIS_DURING_AN_TRANSACTION 1179 +#define ER_ERROR_DURING_COMMIT 1180 +#define ER_ERROR_DURING_ROLLBACK 1181 +#define ER_ERROR_DURING_FLUSH_LOGS 1182 +#define ER_ERROR_DURING_CHECKPOINT 1183 +#define ER_NEW_ABORTING_CONNECTION 1184 +#define ER_DUMP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 1185 +#define ER_FLUSH_MASTER_BINLOG_CLOSED 1186 +#define ER_INDEX_REBUILD 1187 +#define ER_MASTER 1188 +#define ER_MASTER_NET_READ 1189 +#define ER_MASTER_NET_WRITE 1190 +#define ER_FT_MATCHING_KEY_NOT_FOUND 1191 +#define ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION 1192 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_SYSTEM_VARIABLE 1193 +#define ER_CRASHED_ON_USAGE 1194 +#define ER_CRASHED_ON_REPAIR 1195 +#define ER_WARNING_NOT_COMPLETE_ROLLBACK 1196 +#define ER_TRANS_CACHE_FULL 1197 +#define ER_SLAVE_MUST_STOP 1198 +#define ER_SLAVE_NOT_RUNNING 1199 +#define ER_BAD_SLAVE 1200 +#define ER_MASTER_INFO 1201 +#define ER_SLAVE_THREAD 1202 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_USER_CONNECTIONS 1203 +#define ER_SET_CONSTANTS_ONLY 1204 +#define ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT 1205 +#define ER_LOCK_TABLE_FULL 1206 +#define ER_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION 1207 +#define ER_DROP_DB_WITH_READ_LOCK 1208 +#define ER_CREATE_DB_WITH_READ_LOCK 1209 +#define ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS 1210 +#define ER_NO_PERMISSION_TO_CREATE_USER 1211 +#define ER_UNION_TABLES_IN_DIFFERENT_DIR 1212 +#define ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK 1213 +#define ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_FT 1214 +#define ER_CANNOT_ADD_FOREIGN 1215 +#define ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW 1216 +#define ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED 1217 +#define ER_CONNECT_TO_MASTER 1218 +#define ER_QUERY_ON_MASTER 1219 +#define ER_ERROR_WHEN_EXECUTING_COMMAND 1220 +#define ER_WRONG_USAGE 1221 +#define ER_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT 1222 +#define ER_CANT_UPDATE_WITH_READLOCK 1223 +#define ER_MIXING_NOT_ALLOWED 1224 +#define ER_DUP_ARGUMENT 1225 +#define ER_USER_LIMIT_REACHED 1226 +#define ER_SPECIFIC_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 1227 +#define ER_LOCAL_VARIABLE 1228 +#define ER_GLOBAL_VARIABLE 1229 +#define ER_NO_DEFAULT 1230 +#define ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_VAR 1231 +#define ER_WRONG_TYPE_FOR_VAR 1232 +#define ER_VAR_CANT_BE_READ 1233 +#define ER_CANT_USE_OPTION_HERE 1234 +#define ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_YET 1235 +#define ER_MASTER_FATAL_ERROR_READING_BINLOG 1236 +#define ER_SLAVE_IGNORED_TABLE 1237 +#define ER_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR 1238 +#define ER_WRONG_FK_DEF 1239 +#define ER_KEY_REF_DO_NOT_MATCH_TABLE_REF 1240 +#define ER_OPERAND_COLUMNS 1241 +#define ER_SUBQUERY_NO_1_ROW 1242 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_STMT_HANDLER 1243 +#define ER_CORRUPT_HELP_DB 1244 +#define ER_CYCLIC_REFERENCE 1245 +#define ER_AUTO_CONVERT 1246 +#define ER_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE 1247 +#define ER_DERIVED_MUST_HAVE_ALIAS 1248 +#define ER_SELECT_REDUCED 1249 +#define ER_TABLENAME_NOT_ALLOWED_HERE 1250 +#define ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE 1251 +#define ER_SPATIAL_CANT_HAVE_NULL 1252 +#define ER_COLLATION_CHARSET_MISMATCH 1253 +#define ER_SLAVE_WAS_RUNNING 1254 +#define ER_SLAVE_WAS_NOT_RUNNING 1255 +#define ER_TOO_BIG_FOR_UNCOMPRESS 1256 +#define ER_ZLIB_Z_MEM_ERROR 1257 +#define ER_ZLIB_Z_BUF_ERROR 1258 +#define ER_ZLIB_Z_DATA_ERROR 1259 +#define ER_CUT_VALUE_GROUP_CONCAT 1260 +#define ER_WARN_TOO_FEW_RECORDS 1261 +#define ER_WARN_TOO_MANY_RECORDS 1262 +#define ER_WARN_NULL_TO_NOTNULL 1263 +#define ER_WARN_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE 1264 +#define WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED 1265 +#define ER_WARN_USING_OTHER_HANDLER 1266 +#define ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_2COLLATIONS 1267 +#define ER_DROP_USER 1268 +#define ER_REVOKE_GRANTS 1269 +#define ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_3COLLATIONS 1270 +#define ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_NCOLLATIONS 1271 +#define ER_VARIABLE_IS_NOT_STRUCT 1272 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_COLLATION 1273 +#define ER_SLAVE_IGNORED_SSL_PARAMS 1274 +#define ER_SERVER_IS_IN_SECURE_AUTH_MODE 1275 +#define ER_WARN_FIELD_RESOLVED 1276 +#define ER_BAD_SLAVE_UNTIL_COND 1277 +#define ER_MISSING_SKIP_SLAVE 1278 +#define ER_UNTIL_COND_IGNORED 1279 +#define ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_INDEX 1280 +#define ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_CATALOG 1281 +#define ER_WARN_QC_RESIZE 1282 +#define ER_BAD_FT_COLUMN 1283 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_KEY_CACHE 1284 +#define ER_WARN_HOSTNAME_WONT_WORK 1285 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_STORAGE_ENGINE 1286 +#define ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX 1287 +#define ER_NON_UPDATABLE_TABLE 1288 +#define ER_FEATURE_DISABLED 1289 +#define ER_OPTION_PREVENTS_STATEMENT 1290 +#define ER_DUPLICATED_VALUE_IN_TYPE 1291 +#define ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE 1292 +#define ER_TOO_MUCH_AUTO_TIMESTAMP_COLS 1293 +#define ER_INVALID_ON_UPDATE 1294 +#define ER_UNSUPPORTED_PS 1295 +#define ER_GET_ERRMSG 1296 +#define ER_GET_TEMPORARY_ERRMSG 1297 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_TIME_ZONE 1298 +#define ER_WARN_INVALID_TIMESTAMP 1299 +#define ER_INVALID_CHARACTER_STRING 1300 +#define ER_WARN_ALLOWED_PACKET_OVERFLOWED 1301 +#define ER_CONFLICTING_DECLARATIONS 1302 +#define ER_SP_NO_RECURSIVE_CREATE 1303 +#define ER_SP_ALREADY_EXISTS 1304 +#define ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST 1305 +#define ER_SP_DROP_FAILED 1306 +#define ER_SP_STORE_FAILED 1307 +#define ER_SP_LILABEL_MISMATCH 1308 +#define ER_SP_LABEL_REDEFINE 1309 +#define ER_SP_LABEL_MISMATCH 1310 +#define ER_SP_UNINIT_VAR 1311 +#define ER_SP_BADSELECT 1312 +#define ER_SP_BADRETURN 1313 +#define ER_SP_BADSTATEMENT 1314 +#define ER_UPDATE_LOG_DEPRECATED_IGNORED 1315 +#define ER_UPDATE_LOG_DEPRECATED_TRANSLATED 1316 +#define ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED 1317 +#define ER_SP_WRONG_NO_OF_ARGS 1318 +#define ER_SP_COND_MISMATCH 1319 +#define ER_SP_NORETURN 1320 +#define ER_SP_NORETURNEND 1321 +#define ER_SP_BAD_CURSOR_QUERY 1322 +#define ER_SP_BAD_CURSOR_SELECT 1323 +#define ER_SP_CURSOR_MISMATCH 1324 +#define ER_SP_CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN 1325 +#define ER_SP_CURSOR_NOT_OPEN 1326 +#define ER_SP_UNDECLARED_VAR 1327 +#define ER_SP_WRONG_NO_OF_FETCH_ARGS 1328 +#define ER_SP_FETCH_NO_DATA 1329 +#define ER_SP_DUP_PARAM 1330 +#define ER_SP_DUP_VAR 1331 +#define ER_SP_DUP_COND 1332 +#define ER_SP_DUP_CURS 1333 +#define ER_SP_CANT_ALTER 1334 +#define ER_SP_SUBSELECT_NYI 1335 +#define ER_STMT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG 1336 +#define ER_SP_VARCOND_AFTER_CURSHNDLR 1337 +#define ER_SP_CURSOR_AFTER_HANDLER 1338 +#define ER_SP_CASE_NOT_FOUND 1339 +#define ER_FPARSER_TOO_BIG_FILE 1340 +#define ER_FPARSER_BAD_HEADER 1341 +#define ER_FPARSER_EOF_IN_COMMENT 1342 +#define ER_FPARSER_ERROR_IN_PARAMETER 1343 +#define ER_FPARSER_EOF_IN_UNKNOWN_PARAMETER 1344 +#define ER_VIEW_NO_EXPLAIN 1345 +#define ER_FRM_UNKNOWN_TYPE 1346 +#define ER_WRONG_OBJECT 1347 +#define ER_NONUPDATEABLE_COLUMN 1348 +#define ER_VIEW_SELECT_DERIVED 1349 +#define ER_VIEW_SELECT_CLAUSE 1350 +#define ER_VIEW_SELECT_VARIABLE 1351 +#define ER_VIEW_SELECT_TMPTABLE 1352 +#define ER_VIEW_WRONG_LIST 1353 +#define ER_WARN_VIEW_MERGE 1354 +#define ER_WARN_VIEW_WITHOUT_KEY 1355 +#define ER_VIEW_INVALID 1356 +#define ER_SP_NO_DROP_SP 1357 +#define ER_SP_GOTO_IN_HNDLR 1358 +#define ER_TRG_ALREADY_EXISTS 1359 +#define ER_TRG_DOES_NOT_EXIST 1360 +#define ER_TRG_ON_VIEW_OR_TEMP_TABLE 1361 +#define ER_TRG_CANT_CHANGE_ROW 1362 +#define ER_TRG_NO_SUCH_ROW_IN_TRG 1363 +#define ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_FIELD 1364 +#define ER_DIVISION_BY_ZERO 1365 +#define ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_FIELD 1366 +#define ER_ILLEGAL_VALUE_FOR_TYPE 1367 +#define ER_VIEW_NONUPD_CHECK 1368 +#define ER_VIEW_CHECK_FAILED 1369 +#define ER_PROCACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 1370 +#define ER_RELAY_LOG_FAIL 1371 +#define ER_PASSWD_LENGTH 1372 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_TARGET_BINLOG 1373 +#define ER_IO_ERR_LOG_INDEX_READ 1374 +#define ER_BINLOG_PURGE_PROHIBITED 1375 +#define ER_FSEEK_FAIL 1376 +#define ER_BINLOG_PURGE_FATAL_ERR 1377 +#define ER_LOG_IN_USE 1378 +#define ER_LOG_PURGE_UNKNOWN_ERR 1379 +#define ER_RELAY_LOG_INIT 1380 +#define ER_NO_BINARY_LOGGING 1381 +#define ER_RESERVED_SYNTAX 1382 +#define ER_WSAS_FAILED 1383 +#define ER_DIFF_GROUPS_PROC 1384 +#define ER_NO_GROUP_FOR_PROC 1385 +#define ER_ORDER_WITH_PROC 1386 +#define ER_LOGGING_PROHIBIT_CHANGING_OF 1387 +#define ER_NO_FILE_MAPPING 1388 +#define ER_WRONG_MAGIC 1389 +#define ER_PS_MANY_PARAM 1390 +#define ER_KEY_PART_0 1391 +#define ER_VIEW_CHECKSUM 1392 +#define ER_VIEW_MULTIUPDATE 1393 +#define ER_VIEW_NO_INSERT_FIELD_LIST 1394 +#define ER_VIEW_DELETE_MERGE_VIEW 1395 +#define ER_CANNOT_USER 1396 +#define ER_XAER_NOTA 1397 +#define ER_XAER_INVAL 1398 +#define ER_XAER_RMFAIL 1399 +#define ER_XAER_OUTSIDE 1400 +#define ER_XAER_RMERR 1401 +#define ER_XA_RBROLLBACK 1402 +#define ER_NONEXISTING_PROC_GRANT 1403 +#define ER_PROC_AUTO_GRANT_FAIL 1404 +#define ER_PROC_AUTO_REVOKE_FAIL 1405 +#define ER_DATA_TOO_LONG 1406 +#define ER_SP_BAD_SQLSTATE 1407 +#define ER_STARTUP 1408 +#define ER_LOAD_FROM_FIXED_SIZE_ROWS_TO_VAR 1409 +#define ER_CANT_CREATE_USER_WITH_GRANT 1410 +#define ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_TYPE 1411 +#define ER_TABLE_DEF_CHANGED 1412 +#define ER_SP_DUP_HANDLER 1413 +#define ER_SP_NOT_VAR_ARG 1414 +#define ER_SP_NO_RETSET 1415 +#define ER_CANT_CREATE_GEOMETRY_OBJECT 1416 +#define ER_FAILED_ROUTINE_BREAK_BINLOG 1417 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_ROUTINE 1418 +#define ER_BINLOG_CREATE_ROUTINE_NEED_SUPER 1419 +#define ER_EXEC_STMT_WITH_OPEN_CURSOR 1420 +#define ER_STMT_HAS_NO_OPEN_CURSOR 1421 +#define ER_COMMIT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG 1422 +#define ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_VIEW_FIELD 1423 +#define ER_SP_NO_RECURSION 1424 +#define ER_TOO_BIG_SCALE 1425 +#define ER_TOO_BIG_PRECISION 1426 +#define ER_M_BIGGER_THAN_D 1427 +#define ER_WRONG_LOCK_OF_SYSTEM_TABLE 1428 +#define ER_CONNECT_TO_FOREIGN_DATA_SOURCE 1429 +#define ER_QUERY_ON_FOREIGN_DATA_SOURCE 1430 +#define ER_FOREIGN_DATA_SOURCE_DOESNT_EXIST 1431 +#define ER_FOREIGN_DATA_STRING_INVALID_CANT_CREATE 1432 +#define ER_FOREIGN_DATA_STRING_INVALID 1433 +#define ER_CANT_CREATE_FEDERATED_TABLE 1434 +#define ER_TRG_IN_WRONG_SCHEMA 1435 +#define ER_STACK_OVERRUN_NEED_MORE 1436 +#define ER_TOO_LONG_BODY 1437 +#define ER_WARN_CANT_DROP_DEFAULT_KEYCACHE 1438 +#define ER_TOO_BIG_DISPLAYWIDTH 1439 +#define ER_XAER_DUPID 1440 +#define ER_DATETIME_FUNCTION_OVERFLOW 1441 +#define ER_CANT_UPDATE_USED_TABLE_IN_SF_OR_TRG 1442 +#define ER_VIEW_PREVENT_UPDATE 1443 +#define ER_PS_NO_RECURSION 1444 +#define ER_SP_CANT_SET_AUTOCOMMIT 1445 +#define ER_MALFORMED_DEFINER 1446 +#define ER_VIEW_FRM_NO_USER 1447 +#define ER_VIEW_OTHER_USER 1448 +#define ER_NO_SUCH_USER 1449 +#define ER_FORBID_SCHEMA_CHANGE 1450 +#define ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED_2 1451 +#define ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2 1452 +#define ER_SP_BAD_VAR_SHADOW 1453 +#define ER_TRG_NO_DEFINER 1454 +#define ER_OLD_FILE_FORMAT 1455 +#define ER_SP_RECURSION_LIMIT 1456 +#define ER_SP_PROC_TABLE_CORRUPT 1457 +#define ER_SP_WRONG_NAME 1458 +#define ER_TABLE_NEEDS_UPGRADE 1459 +#define ER_SP_NO_AGGREGATE 1460 +#define ER_MAX_PREPARED_STMT_COUNT_REACHED 1461 +#define ER_VIEW_RECURSIVE 1462 +#define ER_NON_GROUPING_FIELD_USED 1463 +#define ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_SPKEYS 1464 +#define ER_NO_TRIGGERS_ON_SYSTEM_SCHEMA 1465 +#define ER_REMOVED_SPACES 1466 +#define ER_AUTOINC_READ_FAILED 1467 +#define ER_USERNAME 1468 +#define ER_HOSTNAME 1469 +#define ER_WRONG_STRING_LENGTH 1470 +#define ER_NON_INSERTABLE_TABLE 1471 +#define ER_ADMIN_WRONG_MRG_TABLE 1472 +#define ER_TOO_HIGH_LEVEL_OF_NESTING_FOR_SELECT 1473 +#define ER_NAME_BECOMES_EMPTY 1474 +#define ER_AMBIGUOUS_FIELD_TERM 1475 +#define ER_FOREIGN_SERVER_EXISTS 1476 +#define ER_FOREIGN_SERVER_DOESNT_EXIST 1477 +#define ER_ILLEGAL_HA_CREATE_OPTION 1478 +#define ER_PARTITION_REQUIRES_VALUES_ERROR 1479 +#define ER_PARTITION_WRONG_VALUES_ERROR 1480 +#define ER_PARTITION_MAXVALUE_ERROR 1481 +#define ER_PARTITION_SUBPARTITION_ERROR 1482 +#define ER_PARTITION_SUBPART_MIX_ERROR 1483 +#define ER_PARTITION_WRONG_NO_PART_ERROR 1484 +#define ER_PARTITION_WRONG_NO_SUBPART_ERROR 1485 +#define ER_WRONG_EXPR_IN_PARTITION_FUNC_ERROR 1486 +#define ER_NO_CONST_EXPR_IN_RANGE_OR_LIST_ERROR 1487 +#define ER_FIELD_NOT_FOUND_PART_ERROR 1488 +#define ER_LIST_OF_FIELDS_ONLY_IN_HASH_ERROR 1489 +#define ER_INCONSISTENT_PARTITION_INFO_ERROR 1490 +#define ER_PARTITION_FUNC_NOT_ALLOWED_ERROR 1491 +#define ER_PARTITIONS_MUST_BE_DEFINED_ERROR 1492 +#define ER_RANGE_NOT_INCREASING_ERROR 1493 +#define ER_INCONSISTENT_TYPE_OF_FUNCTIONS_ERROR 1494 +#define ER_MULTIPLE_DEF_CONST_IN_LIST_PART_ERROR 1495 +#define ER_PARTITION_ENTRY_ERROR 1496 +#define ER_MIX_HANDLER_ERROR 1497 +#define ER_PARTITION_NOT_DEFINED_ERROR 1498 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_PARTITIONS_ERROR 1499 +#define ER_SUBPARTITION_ERROR 1500 +#define ER_CANT_CREATE_HANDLER_FILE 1501 +#define ER_BLOB_FIELD_IN_PART_FUNC_ERROR 1502 +#define ER_UNIQUE_KEY_NEED_ALL_FIELDS_IN_PF 1503 +#define ER_NO_PARTS_ERROR 1504 +#define ER_PARTITION_MGMT_ON_NONPARTITIONED 1505 +#define ER_FOREIGN_KEY_ON_PARTITIONED 1506 +#define ER_DROP_PARTITION_NON_EXISTENT 1507 +#define ER_DROP_LAST_PARTITION 1508 +#define ER_COALESCE_ONLY_ON_HASH_PARTITION 1509 +#define ER_REORG_HASH_ONLY_ON_SAME_NO 1510 +#define ER_REORG_NO_PARAM_ERROR 1511 +#define ER_ONLY_ON_RANGE_LIST_PARTITION 1512 +#define ER_ADD_PARTITION_SUBPART_ERROR 1513 +#define ER_ADD_PARTITION_NO_NEW_PARTITION 1514 +#define ER_COALESCE_PARTITION_NO_PARTITION 1515 +#define ER_REORG_PARTITION_NOT_EXIST 1516 +#define ER_SAME_NAME_PARTITION 1517 +#define ER_NO_BINLOG_ERROR 1518 +#define ER_CONSECUTIVE_REORG_PARTITIONS 1519 +#define ER_REORG_OUTSIDE_RANGE 1520 +#define ER_PARTITION_FUNCTION_FAILURE 1521 +#define ER_PART_STATE_ERROR 1522 +#define ER_LIMITED_PART_RANGE 1523 +#define ER_PLUGIN_IS_NOT_LOADED 1524 +#define ER_WRONG_VALUE 1525 +#define ER_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE 1526 +#define ER_FILEGROUP_OPTION_ONLY_ONCE 1527 +#define ER_CREATE_FILEGROUP_FAILED 1528 +#define ER_DROP_FILEGROUP_FAILED 1529 +#define ER_TABLESPACE_AUTO_EXTEND_ERROR 1530 +#define ER_WRONG_SIZE_NUMBER 1531 +#define ER_SIZE_OVERFLOW_ERROR 1532 +#define ER_ALTER_FILEGROUP_FAILED 1533 +#define ER_BINLOG_ROW_LOGGING_FAILED 1534 +#define ER_BINLOG_ROW_WRONG_TABLE_DEF 1535 +#define ER_BINLOG_ROW_RBR_TO_SBR 1536 +#define ER_EVENT_ALREADY_EXISTS 1537 +#define ER_EVENT_STORE_FAILED 1538 +#define ER_EVENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST 1539 +#define ER_EVENT_CANT_ALTER 1540 +#define ER_EVENT_DROP_FAILED 1541 +#define ER_EVENT_INTERVAL_NOT_POSITIVE_OR_TOO_BIG 1542 +#define ER_EVENT_ENDS_BEFORE_STARTS 1543 +#define ER_EVENT_EXEC_TIME_IN_THE_PAST 1544 +#define ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED 1545 +#define ER_EVENT_NEITHER_M_EXPR_NOR_M_AT 1546 +#define ER_OBSOLETE_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_CORRUPTED 1547 +#define ER_OBSOLETE_CANNOT_LOAD_FROM_TABLE 1548 +#define ER_EVENT_CANNOT_DELETE 1549 +#define ER_EVENT_COMPILE_ERROR 1550 +#define ER_EVENT_SAME_NAME 1551 +#define ER_EVENT_DATA_TOO_LONG 1552 +#define ER_DROP_INDEX_FK 1553 +#define ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX_WITH_VER 1554 +#define ER_CANT_WRITE_LOCK_LOG_TABLE 1555 +#define ER_CANT_LOCK_LOG_TABLE 1556 +#define ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_OLD_UNUSED 1557 +#define ER_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_PLEASE_UPDATE 1558 +#define ER_TEMP_TABLE_PREVENTS_SWITCH_OUT_OF_RBR 1559 +#define ER_STORED_FUNCTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_FORMAT 1560 +#define ER_NDB_CANT_SWITCH_BINLOG_FORMAT 1561 +#define ER_PARTITION_NO_TEMPORARY 1562 +#define ER_PARTITION_CONST_DOMAIN_ERROR 1563 +#define ER_PARTITION_FUNCTION_IS_NOT_ALLOWED 1564 +#define ER_DDL_LOG_ERROR 1565 +#define ER_NULL_IN_VALUES_LESS_THAN 1566 +#define ER_WRONG_PARTITION_NAME 1567 +#define ER_CANT_CHANGE_TX_CHARACTERISTICS 1568 +#define ER_DUP_ENTRY_AUTOINCREMENT_CASE 1569 +#define ER_EVENT_MODIFY_QUEUE_ERROR 1570 +#define ER_EVENT_SET_VAR_ERROR 1571 +#define ER_PARTITION_MERGE_ERROR 1572 +#define ER_CANT_ACTIVATE_LOG 1573 +#define ER_RBR_NOT_AVAILABLE 1574 +#define ER_BASE64_DECODE_ERROR 1575 +#define ER_EVENT_RECURSION_FORBIDDEN 1576 +#define ER_EVENTS_DB_ERROR 1577 +#define ER_ONLY_INTEGERS_ALLOWED 1578 +#define ER_UNSUPORTED_LOG_ENGINE 1579 +#define ER_BAD_LOG_STATEMENT 1580 +#define ER_CANT_RENAME_LOG_TABLE 1581 +#define ER_WRONG_PARAMCOUNT_TO_NATIVE_FCT 1582 +#define ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_NATIVE_FCT 1583 +#define ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_STORED_FCT 1584 +#define ER_NATIVE_FCT_NAME_COLLISION 1585 +#define ER_DUP_ENTRY_WITH_KEY_NAME 1586 +#define ER_BINLOG_PURGE_EMFILE 1587 +#define ER_EVENT_CANNOT_CREATE_IN_THE_PAST 1588 +#define ER_EVENT_CANNOT_ALTER_IN_THE_PAST 1589 +#define ER_SLAVE_INCIDENT 1590 +#define ER_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE_SILENT 1591 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_STATEMENT 1592 +#define ER_SLAVE_FATAL_ERROR 1593 +#define ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_READ_FAILURE 1594 +#define ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_WRITE_FAILURE 1595 +#define ER_SLAVE_CREATE_EVENT_FAILURE 1596 +#define ER_SLAVE_MASTER_COM_FAILURE 1597 +#define ER_BINLOG_LOGGING_IMPOSSIBLE 1598 +#define ER_VIEW_NO_CREATION_CTX 1599 +#define ER_VIEW_INVALID_CREATION_CTX 1600 +#define ER_SR_INVALID_CREATION_CTX 1601 +#define ER_TRG_CORRUPTED_FILE 1602 +#define ER_TRG_NO_CREATION_CTX 1603 +#define ER_TRG_INVALID_CREATION_CTX 1604 +#define ER_EVENT_INVALID_CREATION_CTX 1605 +#define ER_TRG_CANT_OPEN_TABLE 1606 +#define ER_CANT_CREATE_SROUTINE 1607 +#define ER_NEVER_USED 1608 +#define ER_NO_FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT_BEFORE_BINLOG_STATEMENT 1609 +#define ER_SLAVE_CORRUPT_EVENT 1610 +#define ER_LOAD_DATA_INVALID_COLUMN 1611 +#define ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE 1612 +#define ER_XA_RBTIMEOUT 1613 +#define ER_XA_RBDEADLOCK 1614 +#define ER_NEED_REPREPARE 1615 +#define ER_DELAYED_NOT_SUPPORTED 1616 +#define WARN_NO_MASTER_INFO 1617 +#define WARN_OPTION_IGNORED 1618 +#define WARN_PLUGIN_DELETE_BUILTIN 1619 +#define WARN_PLUGIN_BUSY 1620 +#define ER_VARIABLE_IS_READONLY 1621 +#define ER_WARN_ENGINE_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK 1622 +#define ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_FAILURE 1623 +#define ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE 1624 +#define ER_NDB_REPLICATION_SCHEMA_ERROR 1625 +#define ER_CONFLICT_FN_PARSE_ERROR 1626 +#define ER_EXCEPTIONS_WRITE_ERROR 1627 +#define ER_TOO_LONG_TABLE_COMMENT 1628 +#define ER_TOO_LONG_FIELD_COMMENT 1629 +#define ER_FUNC_INEXISTENT_NAME_COLLISION 1630 +#define ER_DATABASE_NAME 1631 +#define ER_TABLE_NAME 1632 +#define ER_PARTITION_NAME 1633 +#define ER_SUBPARTITION_NAME 1634 +#define ER_TEMPORARY_NAME 1635 +#define ER_RENAMED_NAME 1636 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_CONCURRENT_TRXS 1637 +#define WARN_NON_ASCII_SEPARATOR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 1638 +#define ER_DEBUG_SYNC_TIMEOUT 1639 +#define ER_DEBUG_SYNC_HIT_LIMIT 1640 +#define ER_DUP_SIGNAL_SET 1641 +#define ER_SIGNAL_WARN 1642 +#define ER_SIGNAL_NOT_FOUND 1643 +#define ER_SIGNAL_EXCEPTION 1644 +#define ER_RESIGNAL_WITHOUT_ACTIVE_HANDLER 1645 +#define ER_SIGNAL_BAD_CONDITION_TYPE 1646 +#define WARN_COND_ITEM_TRUNCATED 1647 +#define ER_COND_ITEM_TOO_LONG 1648 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_LOCALE 1649 +#define ER_SLAVE_IGNORE_SERVER_IDS 1650 +#define ER_QUERY_CACHE_DISABLED 1651 +#define ER_SAME_NAME_PARTITION_FIELD 1652 +#define ER_PARTITION_COLUMN_LIST_ERROR 1653 +#define ER_WRONG_TYPE_COLUMN_VALUE_ERROR 1654 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_PARTITION_FUNC_FIELDS_ERROR 1655 +#define ER_MAXVALUE_IN_VALUES_IN 1656 +#define ER_TOO_MANY_VALUES_ERROR 1657 +#define ER_ROW_SINGLE_PARTITION_FIELD_ERROR 1658 +#define ER_FIELD_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED_AS_PARTITION_FIELD 1659 +#define ER_PARTITION_FIELDS_TOO_LONG 1660 +#define ER_BINLOG_ROW_ENGINE_AND_STMT_ENGINE 1661 +#define ER_BINLOG_ROW_MODE_AND_STMT_ENGINE 1662 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_AND_STMT_ENGINE 1663 +#define ER_BINLOG_ROW_INJECTION_AND_STMT_ENGINE 1664 +#define ER_BINLOG_STMT_MODE_AND_ROW_ENGINE 1665 +#define ER_BINLOG_ROW_INJECTION_AND_STMT_MODE 1666 +#define ER_BINLOG_MULTIPLE_ENGINES_AND_SELF_LOGGING_ENGINE 1667 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_LIMIT 1668 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_DELAYED 1669 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_SYSTEM_TABLE 1670 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_AUTOINC_COLUMNS 1671 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_UDF 1672 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_SYSTEM_VARIABLE 1673 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_SYSTEM_FUNCTION 1674 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_NONTRANS_AFTER_TRANS 1675 +#define ER_MESSAGE_AND_STATEMENT 1676 +#define ER_SLAVE_CONVERSION_FAILED 1677 +#define ER_SLAVE_CANT_CREATE_CONVERSION 1678 +#define ER_INSIDE_TRANSACTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_FORMAT 1679 +#define ER_PATH_LENGTH 1680 +#define ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX_NO_REPLACEMENT 1681 +#define ER_WRONG_NATIVE_TABLE_STRUCTURE 1682 +#define ER_WRONG_PERFSCHEMA_USAGE 1683 +#define ER_WARN_I_S_SKIPPED_TABLE 1684 +#define ER_INSIDE_TRANSACTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_DIRECT 1685 +#define ER_STORED_FUNCTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_DIRECT 1686 +#define ER_SPATIAL_MUST_HAVE_GEOM_COL 1687 +#define ER_TOO_LONG_INDEX_COMMENT 1688 +#define ER_LOCK_ABORTED 1689 +#define ER_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE 1690 +#define ER_WRONG_SPVAR_TYPE_IN_LIMIT 1691 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_MULTIPLE_ENGINES_AND_SELF_LOGGING_ENGINE 1692 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_MIXED_STATEMENT 1693 +#define ER_INSIDE_TRANSACTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_SQL_LOG_BIN 1694 +#define ER_STORED_FUNCTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_SQL_LOG_BIN 1695 +#define ER_FAILED_READ_FROM_PAR_FILE 1696 +#define ER_VALUES_IS_NOT_INT_TYPE_ERROR 1697 +#define ER_ACCESS_DENIED_NO_PASSWORD_ERROR 1698 +#define ER_SET_PASSWORD_AUTH_PLUGIN 1699 +#define ER_GRANT_PLUGIN_USER_EXISTS 1700 +#define ER_TRUNCATE_ILLEGAL_FK 1701 +#define ER_PLUGIN_IS_PERMANENT 1702 +#define ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE_MIN 1703 +#define ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE_MAX 1704 +#define ER_STMT_CACHE_FULL 1705 +#define ER_MULTI_UPDATE_KEY_CONFLICT 1706 +#define ER_TABLE_NEEDS_REBUILD 1707 +#define WARN_OPTION_BELOW_LIMIT 1708 +#define ER_INDEX_COLUMN_TOO_LONG 1709 +#define ER_ERROR_IN_TRIGGER_BODY 1710 +#define ER_ERROR_IN_UNKNOWN_TRIGGER_BODY 1711 +#define ER_INDEX_CORRUPT 1712 +#define ER_UNDO_RECORD_TOO_BIG 1713 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_IGNORE_SELECT 1714 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_SELECT_UPDATE 1715 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_REPLACE_SELECT 1716 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_CREATE_IGNORE_SELECT 1717 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_CREATE_REPLACE_SELECT 1718 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_UPDATE_IGNORE 1719 +#define ER_PLUGIN_NO_UNINSTALL 1720 +#define ER_PLUGIN_NO_INSTALL 1721 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_WRITE_AUTOINC_SELECT 1722 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_CREATE_SELECT_AUTOINC 1723 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_TWO_KEYS 1724 +#define ER_TABLE_IN_FK_CHECK 1725 +#define ER_UNSUPPORTED_ENGINE 1726 +#define ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_AUTOINC_NOT_FIRST 1727 +#define ER_CANNOT_LOAD_FROM_TABLE_V2 1728 +#define ER_MASTER_DELAY_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE 1729 +#define ER_ONLY_FD_AND_RBR_EVENTS_ALLOWED_IN_BINLOG_STATEMENT 1730 +#define ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_DIFFERENT_OPTION 1731 +#define ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_PART_TABLE 1732 +#define ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_TEMP_TABLE 1733 +#define ER_PARTITION_INSTEAD_OF_SUBPARTITION 1734 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_PARTITION 1735 +#define ER_TABLES_DIFFERENT_METADATA 1736 +#define ER_ROW_DOES_NOT_MATCH_PARTITION 1737 +#define ER_BINLOG_CACHE_SIZE_GREATER_THAN_MAX 1738 +#define ER_WARN_INDEX_NOT_APPLICABLE 1739 +#define ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_FOREIGN_KEY 1740 +#define ER_NO_SUCH_KEY_VALUE 1741 +#define ER_RPL_INFO_DATA_TOO_LONG 1742 +#define ER_NETWORK_READ_EVENT_CHECKSUM_FAILURE 1743 +#define ER_BINLOG_READ_EVENT_CHECKSUM_FAILURE 1744 +#define ER_BINLOG_STMT_CACHE_SIZE_GREATER_THAN_MAX 1745 +#define ER_CANT_UPDATE_TABLE_IN_CREATE_TABLE_SELECT 1746 +#define ER_PARTITION_CLAUSE_ON_NONPARTITIONED 1747 +#define ER_ROW_DOES_NOT_MATCH_GIVEN_PARTITION_SET 1748 +#define ER_NO_SUCH_PARTITION__UNUSED 1749 +#define ER_CHANGE_RPL_INFO_REPOSITORY_FAILURE 1750 +#define ER_WARNING_NOT_COMPLETE_ROLLBACK_WITH_CREATED_TEMP_TABLE 1751 +#define ER_WARNING_NOT_COMPLETE_ROLLBACK_WITH_DROPPED_TEMP_TABLE 1752 +#define ER_MTS_FEATURE_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED 1753 +#define ER_MTS_UPDATED_DBS_GREATER_MAX 1754 +#define ER_MTS_CANT_PARALLEL 1755 +#define ER_MTS_INCONSISTENT_DATA 1756 +#define ER_FULLTEXT_NOT_SUPPORTED_WITH_PARTITIONING 1757 +#define ER_DA_INVALID_CONDITION_NUMBER 1758 +#define ER_INSECURE_PLAIN_TEXT 1759 +#define ER_INSECURE_CHANGE_MASTER 1760 +#define ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_WITH_CHILD_INFO 1761 +#define ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_WITHOUT_CHILD_INFO 1762 +#define ER_SQLTHREAD_WITH_SECURE_SLAVE 1763 +#define ER_TABLE_HAS_NO_FT 1764 +#define ER_VARIABLE_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_SF_OR_TRIGGER 1765 +#define ER_VARIABLE_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_TRANSACTION 1766 +#define ER_GTID_NEXT_IS_NOT_IN_GTID_NEXT_LIST 1767 +#define ER_CANT_CHANGE_GTID_NEXT_IN_TRANSACTION_WHEN_GTID_NEXT_LIST_IS_NULL 1768 +#define ER_SET_STATEMENT_CANNOT_INVOKE_FUNCTION 1769 +#define ER_GTID_NEXT_CANT_BE_AUTOMATIC_IF_GTID_NEXT_LIST_IS_NON_NULL 1770 +#define ER_SKIPPING_LOGGED_TRANSACTION 1771 +#define ER_MALFORMED_GTID_SET_SPECIFICATION 1772 +#define ER_MALFORMED_GTID_SET_ENCODING 1773 +#define ER_MALFORMED_GTID_SPECIFICATION 1774 +#define ER_GNO_EXHAUSTED 1775 +#define ER_BAD_SLAVE_AUTO_POSITION 1776 +#define ER_AUTO_POSITION_REQUIRES_GTID_MODE_ON 1777 +#define ER_CANT_DO_IMPLICIT_COMMIT_IN_TRX_WHEN_GTID_NEXT_IS_SET 1778 +#define ER_GTID_MODE_2_OR_3_REQUIRES_ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY_ON 1779 +#define ER_GTID_MODE_REQUIRES_BINLOG 1780 +#define ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_TO_GTID_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF 1781 +#define ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_TO_ANONYMOUS_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_ON 1782 +#define ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_LIST_TO_NON_NULL_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF 1783 +#define ER_FOUND_GTID_EVENT_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF 1784 +#define ER_GTID_UNSAFE_NON_TRANSACTIONAL_TABLE 1785 +#define ER_GTID_UNSAFE_CREATE_SELECT 1786 +#define ER_GTID_UNSAFE_CREATE_DROP_TEMPORARY_TABLE_IN_TRANSACTION 1787 +#define ER_GTID_MODE_CAN_ONLY_CHANGE_ONE_STEP_AT_A_TIME 1788 +#define ER_MASTER_HAS_PURGED_REQUIRED_GTIDS 1789 +#define ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_WHEN_OWNING_GTID 1790 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_EXPLAIN_FORMAT 1791 +#define ER_CANT_EXECUTE_IN_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION 1792 +#define ER_TOO_LONG_TABLE_PARTITION_COMMENT 1793 +#define ER_SLAVE_CONFIGURATION 1794 +#define ER_INNODB_FT_LIMIT 1795 +#define ER_INNODB_NO_FT_TEMP_TABLE 1796 +#define ER_INNODB_FT_WRONG_DOCID_COLUMN 1797 +#define ER_INNODB_FT_WRONG_DOCID_INDEX 1798 +#define ER_INNODB_ONLINE_LOG_TOO_BIG 1799 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_ALTER_ALGORITHM 1800 +#define ER_UNKNOWN_ALTER_LOCK 1801 +#define ER_MTS_CHANGE_MASTER_CANT_RUN_WITH_GAPS 1802 +#define ER_MTS_RECOVERY_FAILURE 1803 +#define ER_MTS_RESET_WORKERS 1804 +#define ER_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_CORRUPTED_V2 1805 +#define ER_SLAVE_SILENT_RETRY_TRANSACTION 1806 +#define ER_DISCARD_FK_CHECKS_RUNNING 1807 +#define ER_TABLE_SCHEMA_MISMATCH 1808 +#define ER_TABLE_IN_SYSTEM_TABLESPACE 1809 +#define ER_IO_READ_ERROR 1810 +#define ER_IO_WRITE_ERROR 1811 +#define ER_TABLESPACE_MISSING 1812 +#define ER_TABLESPACE_EXISTS 1813 +#define ER_TABLESPACE_DISCARDED 1814 +#define ER_INTERNAL_ERROR 1815 +#define ER_INNODB_IMPORT_ERROR 1816 +#define ER_INNODB_INDEX_CORRUPT 1817 +#define ER_INVALID_YEAR_COLUMN_LENGTH 1818 +#define ER_NOT_VALID_PASSWORD 1819 +#define ER_MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD 1820 +#define ER_FK_NO_INDEX_CHILD 1821 +#define ER_FK_NO_INDEX_PARENT 1822 +#define ER_FK_FAIL_ADD_SYSTEM 1823 +#define ER_FK_CANNOT_OPEN_PARENT 1824 +#define ER_FK_INCORRECT_OPTION 1825 +#define ER_FK_DUP_NAME 1826 +#define ER_PASSWORD_FORMAT 1827 +#define ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_DROP 1828 +#define ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_DROP_CHILD 1829 +#define ER_FK_COLUMN_NOT_NULL 1830 +#define ER_DUP_INDEX 1831 +#define ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_CHANGE 1832 +#define ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_CHANGE_CHILD 1833 +#define ER_FK_CANNOT_DELETE_PARENT 1834 +#define ER_MALFORMED_PACKET 1835 +#define ER_READ_ONLY_MODE 1836 +#define ER_GTID_NEXT_TYPE_UNDEFINED_GROUP 1837 +#define ER_VARIABLE_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_SP 1838 +#define ER_CANT_SET_GTID_PURGED_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF 1839 +#define ER_CANT_SET_GTID_PURGED_WHEN_GTID_EXECUTED_IS_NOT_EMPTY 1840 +#define ER_CANT_SET_GTID_PURGED_WHEN_OWNED_GTIDS_IS_NOT_EMPTY 1841 +#define ER_GTID_PURGED_WAS_CHANGED 1842 +#define ER_GTID_EXECUTED_WAS_CHANGED 1843 +#define ER_BINLOG_STMT_MODE_AND_NO_REPL_TABLES 1844 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED 1845 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON 1846 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_COPY 1847 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_PARTITION 1848 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_FK_RENAME 1849 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_COLUMN_TYPE 1850 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_FK_CHECK 1851 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_IGNORE 1852 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_NOPK 1853 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_AUTOINC 1854 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_HIDDEN_FTS 1855 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_CHANGE_FTS 1856 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_FTS 1857 +#define ER_SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_GTID_MODE 1858 +#define ER_DUP_UNKNOWN_IN_INDEX 1859 +#define ER_IDENT_CAUSES_TOO_LONG_PATH 1860 +#define ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_NOT_NULL 1861 +#define ER_MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD_LOGIN 1862 +#define ER_ROW_IN_WRONG_PARTITION 1863 +#define ER_MTS_EVENT_BIGGER_PENDING_JOBS_SIZE_MAX 1864 +#define ER_INNODB_NO_FT_USES_PARSER 1865 +#define ER_BINLOG_LOGICAL_CORRUPTION 1866 +#define ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IN_USE 1867 +#define ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IS_ACTIVE 1868 +#define ER_AUTO_INCREMENT_CONFLICT 1869 +#define WARN_ON_BLOCKHOLE_IN_RBR 1870 +#define ER_SLAVE_MI_INIT_REPOSITORY 1871 +#define ER_SLAVE_RLI_INIT_REPOSITORY 1872 +#define ER_ACCESS_DENIED_CHANGE_USER_ERROR 1873 +#define ER_INNODB_READ_ONLY 1874 +#define ER_STOP_SLAVE_SQL_THREAD_TIMEOUT 1875 +#define ER_STOP_SLAVE_IO_THREAD_TIMEOUT 1876 +#define ER_TABLE_CORRUPT 1877 +#define ER_ERROR_LAST 1877 diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysys_err.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysys_err.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..35c7890a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/mysys_err.h @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _mysys_err_h +#define _mysys_err_h + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#define GLOBERRS (EE_ERROR_LAST - EE_ERROR_FIRST + 1) /* Nr of global errors */ +#define EE(X) (globerrs[(X) - EE_ERROR_FIRST]) + +extern const char *globerrs[]; /* my_error_messages is here */ + +/* Error message numbers in global map */ +/* + Do not add error numbers before EE_ERROR_FIRST. + If necessary to add lower numbers, change EE_ERROR_FIRST accordingly. + + We start with error 1 to not confuse peoples with 'error 0' +*/ + +#define EE_ERROR_FIRST 1 /*Copy first error nr.*/ +#define EE_CANTCREATEFILE 1 +#define EE_READ 2 +#define EE_WRITE 3 +#define EE_BADCLOSE 4 +#define EE_OUTOFMEMORY 5 +#define EE_DELETE 6 +#define EE_LINK 7 +#define EE_EOFERR 9 +#define EE_CANTLOCK 10 +#define EE_CANTUNLOCK 11 +#define EE_DIR 12 +#define EE_STAT 13 +#define EE_CANT_CHSIZE 14 +#define EE_CANT_OPEN_STREAM 15 +#define EE_GETWD 16 +#define EE_SETWD 17 +#define EE_LINK_WARNING 18 +#define EE_OPEN_WARNING 19 +#define EE_DISK_FULL 20 +#define EE_CANT_MKDIR 21 +#define EE_UNKNOWN_CHARSET 22 +#define EE_OUT_OF_FILERESOURCES 23 +#define EE_CANT_READLINK 24 +#define EE_CANT_SYMLINK 25 +#define EE_REALPATH 26 +#define EE_SYNC 27 +#define EE_UNKNOWN_COLLATION 28 +#define EE_FILENOTFOUND 29 +#define EE_FILE_NOT_CLOSED 30 +#define EE_CHANGE_OWNERSHIP 31 +#define EE_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS 32 +#define EE_CANT_SEEK 33 +#define EE_ERROR_LAST 33 /* Copy last error nr */ +/* Add error numbers before EE_ERROR_LAST and change it accordingly. */ + + /* exit codes for all MySQL programs */ + +#define EXIT_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR 1 +#define EXIT_UNKNOWN_OPTION 2 +#define EXIT_AMBIGUOUS_OPTION 3 +#define EXIT_NO_ARGUMENT_ALLOWED 4 +#define EXIT_ARGUMENT_REQUIRED 5 +#define EXIT_VAR_PREFIX_NOT_UNIQUE 6 +#define EXIT_UNKNOWN_VARIABLE 7 +#define EXIT_OUT_OF_MEMORY 8 +#define EXIT_UNKNOWN_SUFFIX 9 +#define EXIT_NO_PTR_TO_VARIABLE 10 +#define EXIT_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_SERVICE 11 +#define EXIT_OPTION_DISABLED 12 +#define EXIT_ARGUMENT_INVALID 13 + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/password.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/password.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..66e59e730 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/password.h @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2006, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef PASSWORD_INCLUDED +#define PASSWORD_INCLUDED + +#include "my_global.h" + +struct rand_struct *get_sql_rand(); + +C_MODE_START + +void my_make_scrambled_password_323(char *to, const char *password, + size_t pass_len); +void my_make_scrambled_password(char *to, const char *password, + size_t pass_len); +void my_make_scrambled_password_sha1(char *to, const char *password, + size_t pass_len); +void my_make_scrambled_password_323(char *to, const char *password, + size_t pass_len); + +void hash_password(ulong *result, const char *password, uint password_len); + +C_MODE_END + +#endif /* PASSWORD_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/probes_mysql.d.base b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/probes_mysql.d.base new file mode 100644 index 000000000..02eb9ec1a --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/probes_mysql.d.base @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. + Use is subject to license terms. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + The actual probe names in DTrace scripts will replace '__' by '-'. Thus + insert__row__start will be insert-row-start. + + Recommendations for adding new probes: + + - each probe should have the minimal set of arguments required to + unambiguously identify the context in which the probe fires. Redundant + arguments (i.e. the ones that can be obtained in user scripts from previous + probes' arguments or otherwise) may be added for convenience. + + - try to avoid computationally expensive probe arguments. If impossible, + use *_ENABLED() macros to check if the probe is activated before + performing expensive calculations for a probe argument. + + - all *-done probes should have a status argument wherever applicable to make + it possible for user scripts to figure out whether the completed operation + was successful or not. + + - for all status arguments, a non-zero value should be returned on error or + failure, 0 should be returned on success. +*/ + +provider mysql { + + /* The following ones fire when creating or closing a client connection */ + probe connection__start(unsigned long conn_id, char *user, char *host); + probe connection__done(int status, unsigned long conn_id); + + /* + Fire at the start/end of any client command processing (including SQL + queries). + */ + probe command__start(unsigned long conn_id, int command, + char *user, char *host); + probe command__done(int status); + + /* + The following probes fire at the start/end of any SQL query processing, + respectively. + + query_start() has a lot of parameters that can be used to pick up + parameters for a lot of other probes here. For simplicity reasons we also + add the query string to most other DTrace probes as well. Hostname is + either the hostname or the IP address of the MySQL Client. + */ + probe query__start(char *query, + unsigned long conn_id, + char *db_name, + char *user, + char *host); + probe query__done(int status); + + /* Fire at the start/end of SQL query parsing */ + probe query__parse__start(char *query); + probe query__parse__done(int status); + + /* Track whether the query hits the query cache or not */ + probe query__cache__hit(char *query, unsigned long rows); + probe query__cache__miss(char *query); + + /* + This probe fires when the actual query execution starts, i.e. after + parsing and checking the query cache, but before privilege checks, + optimizing, etc. + + Query means also all independent queries of a stored procedure and prepared + statements. Also the stored procedure itself is a query. + + exec_type is: + 0: Executed query from sql_parse, top-level query (sql_parse.cc) + 1: Executed prepared statement (sql_prepare.cc) + 2: Executed cursor statement (sql_cursor.cc) + 3: Executed query in stored procedure (sp_head.cc) + */ + probe query__exec__start(char *query, + unsigned long connid, + char *db_name, + char *user, + char *host, + int exec_type); + probe query__exec__done(int status); + + /* These probes fire when performing row operations towards any handler */ + probe insert__row__start(char *db, char *table); + probe insert__row__done(int status); + probe update__row__start(char *db, char *table); + probe update__row__done(int status); + probe delete__row__start(char *db, char *table); + probe delete__row__done(int status); + probe read__row__start(char *db, char *table, int scan_flag); + probe read__row__done(int status); + probe index__read__row__start(char *db, char *table); + probe index__read__row__done(int status); + + /* + These probes fire when calling external_lock for any handler + depending on the lock type being acquired or released. + */ + probe handler__rdlock__start(char *db, char *table); + probe handler__wrlock__start(char *db, char *table); + probe handler__unlock__start(char *db, char *table); + probe handler__rdlock__done(int status); + probe handler__wrlock__done(int status); + probe handler__unlock__done(int status); + + /* + These probes fire when a filesort activity happens in a query. + */ + probe filesort__start(char *db, char *table); + probe filesort__done(int status, unsigned long rows); + /* + The query types SELECT, INSERT, INSERT AS SELECT, UPDATE, UPDATE with + multiple tables, DELETE, DELETE with multiple tables are all probed. + The start probe always contains the query text. + */ + probe select__start(char *query); + probe select__done(int status, unsigned long rows); + probe insert__start(char *query); + probe insert__done(int status, unsigned long rows); + probe insert__select__start(char *query); + probe insert__select__done(int status, unsigned long rows); + probe update__start(char *query); + probe update__done(int status, + unsigned long rowsmatches, unsigned long rowschanged); + probe multi__update__start(char *query); + probe multi__update__done(int status, + unsigned long rowsmatches, + unsigned long rowschanged); + probe delete__start(char *query); + probe delete__done(int status, unsigned long rows); + probe multi__delete__start(char *query); + probe multi__delete__done(int status, unsigned long rows); + + /* + These probes can be used to measure the time waiting for network traffic + or identify network-related problems. + */ + probe net__read__start(); + probe net__read__done(int status, unsigned long bytes); + probe net__write__start(unsigned long bytes); + probe net__write__done(int status); + + /* MyISAM Key cache probes */ + probe keycache__read__start(char *filepath, unsigned long bytes, + unsigned long mem_used, unsigned long mem_free); + probe keycache__read__block(unsigned long bytes); + probe keycache__read__hit(); + probe keycache__read__miss(); + probe keycache__read__done(unsigned long mem_used, unsigned long mem_free); + probe keycache__write__start(char *filepath, unsigned long bytes, + unsigned long mem_used, unsigned long mem_free); + probe keycache__write__block(unsigned long bytes); + probe keycache__write__done(unsigned long mem_used, unsigned long mem_free); +}; + +#pragma D attributes Evolving/Evolving/Common provider mysql provider +#pragma D attributes Evolving/Evolving/Common provider mysql module +#pragma D attributes Evolving/Evolving/Common provider mysql function +#pragma D attributes Evolving/Evolving/Common provider mysql name +#pragma D attributes Evolving/Evolving/Common provider mysql args diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/probes_mysql.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/probes_mysql.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..191860d0b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/probes_mysql.h @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. + Use is subject to license terms. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef PROBES_MYSQL_H + +#define PROBES_MYSQL_H + +#include + +#if defined(HAVE_DTRACE) && !defined(DISABLE_DTRACE) +#include "probes_mysql_dtrace.h" +#else +#include "probes_mysql_nodtrace.h" +#endif + +#endif /* PROBES_MYSQL_H */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/probes_mysql_nodtrace.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/probes_mysql_nodtrace.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bc3b65a00 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/probes_mysql_nodtrace.h @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +/* + * Generated by dheadgen(1). + */ + +#ifndef _PROBES_MYSQL_D +#define _PROBES_MYSQL_D + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#define MYSQL_CONNECTION_START(arg0, arg1, arg2) +#define MYSQL_CONNECTION_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_CONNECTION_DONE(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_CONNECTION_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_COMMAND_START(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) +#define MYSQL_COMMAND_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_COMMAND_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_COMMAND_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_START(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_PARSE_START(arg0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_PARSE_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_PARSE_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_PARSE_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_CACHE_HIT(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_CACHE_HIT_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_CACHE_MISS(arg0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_CACHE_MISS_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_EXEC_START(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_EXEC_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_EXEC_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_QUERY_EXEC_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_ROW_START(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_ROW_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_ROW_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_ROW_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_UPDATE_ROW_START(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_UPDATE_ROW_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_UPDATE_ROW_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_UPDATE_ROW_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_DELETE_ROW_START(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_DELETE_ROW_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_DELETE_ROW_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_DELETE_ROW_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_READ_ROW_START(arg0, arg1, arg2) +#define MYSQL_READ_ROW_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_READ_ROW_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_READ_ROW_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_INDEX_READ_ROW_START(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_INDEX_READ_ROW_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_INDEX_READ_ROW_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_INDEX_READ_ROW_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_RDLOCK_START(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_RDLOCK_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_WRLOCK_START(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_WRLOCK_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_UNLOCK_START(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_UNLOCK_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_RDLOCK_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_RDLOCK_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_WRLOCK_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_WRLOCK_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_UNLOCK_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_HANDLER_UNLOCK_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_FILESORT_START(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_FILESORT_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_FILESORT_DONE(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_FILESORT_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_SELECT_START(arg0) +#define MYSQL_SELECT_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_SELECT_DONE(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_SELECT_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_START(arg0) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_DONE(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_SELECT_START(arg0) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_SELECT_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_SELECT_DONE(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_INSERT_SELECT_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_UPDATE_START(arg0) +#define MYSQL_UPDATE_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_UPDATE_DONE(arg0, arg1, arg2) +#define MYSQL_UPDATE_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_MULTI_UPDATE_START(arg0) +#define MYSQL_MULTI_UPDATE_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_MULTI_UPDATE_DONE(arg0, arg1, arg2) +#define MYSQL_MULTI_UPDATE_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_DELETE_START(arg0) +#define MYSQL_DELETE_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_DELETE_DONE(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_DELETE_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_MULTI_DELETE_START(arg0) +#define MYSQL_MULTI_DELETE_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_MULTI_DELETE_DONE(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_MULTI_DELETE_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_NET_READ_START() +#define MYSQL_NET_READ_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_NET_READ_DONE(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_NET_READ_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_NET_WRITE_START(arg0) +#define MYSQL_NET_WRITE_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_NET_WRITE_DONE(arg0) +#define MYSQL_NET_WRITE_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_READ_START(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_READ_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_READ_BLOCK(arg0) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_READ_BLOCK_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_READ_HIT() +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_READ_HIT_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_READ_MISS() +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_READ_MISS_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_READ_DONE(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_READ_DONE_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_WRITE_START(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_WRITE_START_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_WRITE_BLOCK(arg0) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_WRITE_BLOCK_ENABLED() (0) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_WRITE_DONE(arg0, arg1) +#define MYSQL_KEYCACHE_WRITE_DONE_ENABLED() (0) + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* _PROBES_MYSQL_D */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/queues.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/queues.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ece9c220 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/queues.h @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + Code for generell handling of priority Queues. + Implemention of queues from "Algoritms in C" by Robert Sedgewick. + Copyright Monty Program KB. + By monty. +*/ + +#ifndef _queues_h +#define _queues_h + +#include "my_global.h" /* uchar */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +typedef struct st_queue { + uchar **root; + void *first_cmp_arg; + uint elements; + uint max_elements; + uint offset_to_key; /* compare is done on element+offset */ + int max_at_top; /* Normally 1, set to -1 if queue_top gives max */ + int (*compare)(void *, uchar *,uchar *); + uint auto_extent; +} QUEUE; + +#define queue_top(queue) ((queue)->root[1]) +#define queue_element(queue,index) ((queue)->root[index+1]) +#define queue_end(queue) ((queue)->root[(queue)->elements]) +#define queue_replaced(queue) _downheap(queue,1) +#define queue_set_cmp_arg(queue, set_arg) (queue)->first_cmp_arg= set_arg +#define queue_set_max_at_top(queue, set_arg) \ + (queue)->max_at_top= set_arg ? -1 : 1 +typedef int (*queue_compare)(void *,uchar *, uchar *); + +int init_queue(QUEUE *queue,uint max_elements,uint offset_to_key, + pbool max_at_top, queue_compare compare, + void *first_cmp_arg); +int init_queue_ex(QUEUE *queue,uint max_elements,uint offset_to_key, + pbool max_at_top, queue_compare compare, + void *first_cmp_arg, uint auto_extent); +int reinit_queue(QUEUE *queue,uint max_elements,uint offset_to_key, + pbool max_at_top, queue_compare compare, + void *first_cmp_arg); +int resize_queue(QUEUE *queue, uint max_elements); +void delete_queue(QUEUE *queue); +void queue_insert(QUEUE *queue,uchar *element); +int queue_insert_safe(QUEUE *queue, uchar *element); +uchar *queue_remove(QUEUE *queue,uint idx); +#define queue_remove_all(queue) { (queue)->elements= 0; } +#define queue_is_full(queue) (queue->elements == queue->max_elements) +void _downheap(QUEUE *queue,uint idx); +void queue_fix(QUEUE *queue); +#define is_queue_inited(queue) ((queue)->root != 0) + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/service_versions.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/service_versions.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5d3b97874 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/service_versions.h @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2009, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define SERVICE_VERSION __declspec(dllexport) void * +#else +#define SERVICE_VERSION void * +#endif + +#define VERSION_my_snprintf 0x0100 +#define VERSION_thd_alloc 0x0100 +#define VERSION_thd_wait 0x0100 +#define VERSION_my_thread_scheduler 0x0100 +#define VERSION_my_plugin_log 0x0100 +#define VERSION_mysql_string 0x0100 diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sha1.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sha1.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5e68333cf --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sha1.h @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +#ifndef SHA1_INCLUDED +#define SHA1_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2002, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA +*/ + +#define SHA1_HASH_SIZE 20 /* Hash size in bytes */ + +C_MODE_START + +void compute_sha1_hash(uint8 *digest, const char *buf, int len); +void compute_sha1_hash_multi(uint8 *digest, const char *buf1, int len1, + const char *buf2, int len2); + +C_MODE_END + +#endif /* SHA1_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sha2.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sha2.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..737658e9c --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sha2.h @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2007, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef included_sha2_h +#define included_sha2_h + +#include + +#if defined(HAVE_YASSL) || defined(HAVE_OPENSSL) + +# ifdef HAVE_STDDEF_H +# include +# endif + +# ifndef HAVE_YASSL +# include + +# else + +#include "../extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/sha.hpp" + +# ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +# endif + +#ifndef SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH +#define SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH TaoCrypt::SHA512::DIGEST_SIZE +#endif + +#ifndef SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH +#define SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH TaoCrypt::SHA384::DIGEST_SIZE +#endif + +#ifndef SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH +#define SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH TaoCrypt::SHA256::DIGEST_SIZE +#endif + +#ifndef SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH +#define SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH TaoCrypt::SHA224::DIGEST_SIZE +#endif + +#define GEN_YASSL_SHA2_BRIDGE(size) \ +unsigned char* SHA##size(const unsigned char *input_ptr, size_t input_length, \ + char unsigned *output_ptr); + +GEN_YASSL_SHA2_BRIDGE(512); +GEN_YASSL_SHA2_BRIDGE(384); +GEN_YASSL_SHA2_BRIDGE(256); +GEN_YASSL_SHA2_BRIDGE(224); + +#undef GEN_YASSL_SHA2_BRIDGE + +# ifdef __cplusplus +} +# endif + +# endif /* HAVE_YASSL */ + +#endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL || HAVE_YASSL */ +#endif /* included_sha2_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sql_common.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sql_common.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8ea820fb --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sql_common.h @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +#ifndef SQL_COMMON_INCLUDED +#define SQL_COMMON_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2003, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#define SQL_COMMON_INCLUDED + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#include +#include + +extern const char *unknown_sqlstate; +extern const char *cant_connect_sqlstate; +extern const char *not_error_sqlstate; + +struct st_mysql_options_extention { + char *plugin_dir; + char *default_auth; + char *ssl_crl; /* PEM CRL file */ + char *ssl_crlpath; /* PEM directory of CRL-s? */ + HASH connection_attributes; + char *server_public_key_path; + size_t connection_attributes_length; + my_bool enable_cleartext_plugin; +}; + +typedef struct st_mysql_methods +{ + my_bool (*read_query_result)(MYSQL *mysql); + my_bool (*advanced_command)(MYSQL *mysql, + enum enum_server_command command, + const unsigned char *header, + unsigned long header_length, + const unsigned char *arg, + unsigned long arg_length, + my_bool skip_check, + MYSQL_STMT *stmt); + MYSQL_DATA *(*read_rows)(MYSQL *mysql,MYSQL_FIELD *mysql_fields, + unsigned int fields); + MYSQL_RES * (*use_result)(MYSQL *mysql); + void (*fetch_lengths)(unsigned long *to, + MYSQL_ROW column, unsigned int field_count); + void (*flush_use_result)(MYSQL *mysql, my_bool flush_all_results); + int (*read_change_user_result)(MYSQL *mysql); +#if !defined(MYSQL_SERVER) || defined(EMBEDDED_LIBRARY) + MYSQL_FIELD * (*list_fields)(MYSQL *mysql); + my_bool (*read_prepare_result)(MYSQL *mysql, MYSQL_STMT *stmt); + int (*stmt_execute)(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); + int (*read_binary_rows)(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); + int (*unbuffered_fetch)(MYSQL *mysql, char **row); + void (*free_embedded_thd)(MYSQL *mysql); + const char *(*read_statistics)(MYSQL *mysql); + my_bool (*next_result)(MYSQL *mysql); + int (*read_rows_from_cursor)(MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +#endif +} MYSQL_METHODS; + +#define simple_command(mysql, command, arg, length, skip_check) \ + (*(mysql)->methods->advanced_command)(mysql, command, 0, \ + 0, arg, length, skip_check, NULL) +#define stmt_command(mysql, command, arg, length, stmt) \ + (*(mysql)->methods->advanced_command)(mysql, command, 0, \ + 0, arg, length, 1, stmt) + +extern CHARSET_INFO *default_client_charset_info; +MYSQL_FIELD *unpack_fields(MYSQL *mysql, MYSQL_DATA *data,MEM_ROOT *alloc, + uint fields, my_bool default_value, + uint server_capabilities); +void free_rows(MYSQL_DATA *cur); +void free_old_query(MYSQL *mysql); +void end_server(MYSQL *mysql); +my_bool mysql_reconnect(MYSQL *mysql); +void mysql_read_default_options(struct st_mysql_options *options, + const char *filename,const char *group); +my_bool +cli_advanced_command(MYSQL *mysql, enum enum_server_command command, + const unsigned char *header, ulong header_length, + const unsigned char *arg, ulong arg_length, + my_bool skip_check, MYSQL_STMT *stmt); +unsigned long cli_safe_read(MYSQL *mysql); +void net_clear_error(NET *net); +void set_stmt_errmsg(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, NET *net); +void set_stmt_error(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, int errcode, const char *sqlstate, + const char *err); +void set_mysql_error(MYSQL *mysql, int errcode, const char *sqlstate); +void set_mysql_extended_error(MYSQL *mysql, int errcode, const char *sqlstate, + const char *format, ...); + +/* client side of the pluggable authentication */ +struct st_plugin_vio_info; +void mpvio_info(Vio *vio, struct st_plugin_vio_info *info); +int run_plugin_auth(MYSQL *mysql, char *data, uint data_len, + const char *data_plugin, const char *db); +int mysql_client_plugin_init(); +void mysql_client_plugin_deinit(); +struct st_mysql_client_plugin; +extern struct st_mysql_client_plugin *mysql_client_builtins[]; +uchar * send_client_connect_attrs(MYSQL *mysql, uchar *buf); +extern my_bool libmysql_cleartext_plugin_enabled; + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#define protocol_41(A) ((A)->server_capabilities & CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41) + +#endif /* SQL_COMMON_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sql_state.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sql_state.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2e080b437 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sql_state.h @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +/* Autogenerated file, please don't edit */ + +{ ER_DUP_KEY ,"23000", "" }, +{ ER_OUTOFMEMORY ,"HY001", "S1001" }, +{ ER_OUT_OF_SORTMEMORY ,"HY001", "S1001" }, +{ ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR ,"08004", "" }, +{ ER_BAD_HOST_ERROR ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_HANDSHAKE_ERROR ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_DBACCESS_DENIED_ERROR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR ,"28000", "" }, +{ ER_NO_DB_ERROR ,"3D000", "" }, +{ ER_UNKNOWN_COM_ERROR ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR ,"23000", "" }, +{ ER_BAD_DB_ERROR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR ,"42S01", "" }, +{ ER_BAD_TABLE_ERROR ,"42S02", "" }, +{ ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR ,"23000", "" }, +{ ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR ,"42S22", "S0022" }, +{ ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_WRONG_GROUP_FIELD ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_WRONG_SUM_SELECT ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT ,"21S01", "" }, +{ ER_TOO_LONG_IDENT ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_DUP_FIELDNAME ,"42S21", "S1009" }, +{ ER_DUP_KEYNAME ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_DUP_ENTRY ,"23000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_WRONG_FIELD_SPEC ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_PARSE_ERROR ,"42000", "s1009" }, +{ ER_EMPTY_QUERY ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_NONUNIQ_TABLE ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_INVALID_DEFAULT ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_MULTIPLE_PRI_KEY ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_TOO_MANY_KEYS ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_TOO_MANY_KEY_PARTS ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_TOO_LONG_KEY ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_KEY_COLUMN_DOES_NOT_EXITS ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_BLOB_USED_AS_KEY ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_TOO_BIG_FIELDLENGTH ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_WRONG_AUTO_KEY ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_FORCING_CLOSE ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_IPSOCK_ERROR ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_NO_SUCH_INDEX ,"42S12", "S1009" }, +{ ER_WRONG_FIELD_TERMINATORS ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_BLOBS_AND_NO_TERMINATED ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_CANT_REMOVE_ALL_FIELDS ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_CANT_DROP_FIELD_OR_KEY ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_BLOB_CANT_HAVE_DEFAULT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_DB_NAME ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_TABLE_NAME ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_TOO_BIG_SELECT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_UNKNOWN_PROCEDURE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_PARAMCOUNT_TO_PROCEDURE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_UNKNOWN_TABLE ,"42S02", "" }, +{ ER_FIELD_SPECIFIED_TWICE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_TABLE_MUST_HAVE_COLUMNS ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_SET ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_TOO_BIG_ROWSIZE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_OUTER_JOIN ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_NULL_COLUMN_IN_INDEX ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_PASSWORD_ANONYMOUS_USER ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_PASSWORD_NOT_ALLOWED ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW ,"21S01", "" }, +{ ER_INVALID_USE_OF_NULL ,"22004", "" }, +{ ER_REGEXP_ERROR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_MIX_OF_GROUP_FUNC_AND_FIELDS ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_NONEXISTING_GRANT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_COLUMNACCESS_DENIED_ERROR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_ILLEGAL_GRANT_FOR_TABLE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_GRANT_WRONG_HOST_OR_USER ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE ,"42S02", "" }, +{ ER_NONEXISTING_TABLE_GRANT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_NOT_ALLOWED_COMMAND ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SYNTAX_ERROR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_ABORTING_CONNECTION ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_NET_READ_ERROR_FROM_PIPE ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_NET_FCNTL_ERROR ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_NET_PACKETS_OUT_OF_ORDER ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_NET_UNCOMPRESS_ERROR ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_NET_READ_ERROR ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_NET_READ_INTERRUPTED ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_NET_ERROR_ON_WRITE ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_NET_WRITE_INTERRUPTED ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_TOO_LONG_STRING ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_BLOB ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_AUTO_INCREMENT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_COLUMN_NAME ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_KEY_COLUMN ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_DUP_UNIQUE ,"23000", "" }, +{ ER_BLOB_KEY_WITHOUT_LENGTH ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_PRIMARY_CANT_HAVE_NULL ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_TOO_MANY_ROWS ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_REQUIRES_PRIMARY_KEY ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXITS ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_CHECK_NO_SUCH_TABLE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_CHECK_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_CANT_DO_THIS_DURING_AN_TRANSACTION ,"25000", "" }, +{ ER_NEW_ABORTING_CONNECTION ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_MASTER_NET_READ ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_MASTER_NET_WRITE ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_TOO_MANY_USER_CONNECTIONS ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION ,"25000", "" }, +{ ER_NO_PERMISSION_TO_CREATE_USER ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK ,"40001", "" }, +{ ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW ,"23000", "" }, +{ ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED ,"23000", "" }, +{ ER_CONNECT_TO_MASTER ,"08S01", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT ,"21000", "" }, +{ ER_USER_LIMIT_REACHED ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SPECIFIC_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_NO_DEFAULT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_VAR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_TYPE_FOR_VAR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_CANT_USE_OPTION_HERE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_YET ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_FK_DEF ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_OPERAND_COLUMNS ,"21000", "" }, +{ ER_SUBQUERY_NO_1_ROW ,"21000", "" }, +{ ER_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE ,"42S22", "" }, +{ ER_DERIVED_MUST_HAVE_ALIAS ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SELECT_REDUCED ,"01000", "" }, +{ ER_TABLENAME_NOT_ALLOWED_HERE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE ,"08004", "" }, +{ ER_SPATIAL_CANT_HAVE_NULL ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_COLLATION_CHARSET_MISMATCH ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WARN_TOO_FEW_RECORDS ,"01000", "" }, +{ ER_WARN_TOO_MANY_RECORDS ,"01000", "" }, +{ ER_WARN_NULL_TO_NOTNULL ,"22004", "" }, +{ ER_WARN_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE ,"22003", "" }, +{ WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED ,"01000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_INDEX ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_CATALOG ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_UNKNOWN_STORAGE_ENGINE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE ,"22007", "" }, +{ ER_SP_NO_RECURSIVE_CREATE ,"2F003", "" }, +{ ER_SP_ALREADY_EXISTS ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_LILABEL_MISMATCH ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_LABEL_REDEFINE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_LABEL_MISMATCH ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_UNINIT_VAR ,"01000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_BADSELECT ,"0A000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_BADRETURN ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_BADSTATEMENT ,"0A000", "" }, +{ ER_UPDATE_LOG_DEPRECATED_IGNORED ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_UPDATE_LOG_DEPRECATED_TRANSLATED ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED ,"70100", "" }, +{ ER_SP_WRONG_NO_OF_ARGS ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_COND_MISMATCH ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_NORETURN ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_NORETURNEND ,"2F005", "" }, +{ ER_SP_BAD_CURSOR_QUERY ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_BAD_CURSOR_SELECT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_CURSOR_MISMATCH ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN ,"24000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_CURSOR_NOT_OPEN ,"24000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_UNDECLARED_VAR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_FETCH_NO_DATA ,"02000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_DUP_PARAM ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_DUP_VAR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_DUP_COND ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_DUP_CURS ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_SUBSELECT_NYI ,"0A000", "" }, +{ ER_STMT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG ,"0A000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_VARCOND_AFTER_CURSHNDLR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_CURSOR_AFTER_HANDLER ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_CASE_NOT_FOUND ,"20000", "" }, +{ ER_DIVISION_BY_ZERO ,"22012", "" }, +{ ER_ILLEGAL_VALUE_FOR_TYPE ,"22007", "" }, +{ ER_PROCACCESS_DENIED_ERROR ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_XAER_NOTA ,"XAE04", "" }, +{ ER_XAER_INVAL ,"XAE05", "" }, +{ ER_XAER_RMFAIL ,"XAE07", "" }, +{ ER_XAER_OUTSIDE ,"XAE09", "" }, +{ ER_XAER_RMERR ,"XAE03", "" }, +{ ER_XA_RBROLLBACK ,"XA100", "" }, +{ ER_NONEXISTING_PROC_GRANT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_DATA_TOO_LONG ,"22001", "" }, +{ ER_SP_BAD_SQLSTATE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_CANT_CREATE_USER_WITH_GRANT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_DUP_HANDLER ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_NOT_VAR_ARG ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_NO_RETSET ,"0A000", "" }, +{ ER_CANT_CREATE_GEOMETRY_OBJECT ,"22003", "" }, +{ ER_TOO_BIG_SCALE ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_TOO_BIG_PRECISION ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_M_BIGGER_THAN_D ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_TOO_LONG_BODY ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_TOO_BIG_DISPLAYWIDTH ,"42000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_XAER_DUPID ,"XAE08", "" }, +{ ER_DATETIME_FUNCTION_OVERFLOW ,"22008", "" }, +{ ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED_2 ,"23000", "" }, +{ ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2 ,"23000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_BAD_VAR_SHADOW ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_WRONG_NAME ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SP_NO_AGGREGATE ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_MAX_PREPARED_STMT_COUNT_REACHED ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_NON_GROUPING_FIELD_USED ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_OLD_UNUSED ,"23000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_CANT_CHANGE_TX_CHARACTERISTICS ,"25001", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_PARAMCOUNT_TO_NATIVE_FCT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_NATIVE_FCT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_STORED_FCT ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_DUP_ENTRY_WITH_KEY_NAME ,"23000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_XA_RBTIMEOUT ,"XA106", "" }, +{ ER_XA_RBDEADLOCK ,"XA102", "" }, +{ ER_FUNC_INEXISTENT_NAME_COLLISION ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_DUP_SIGNAL_SET ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_SIGNAL_WARN ,"01000", "" }, +{ ER_SIGNAL_NOT_FOUND ,"02000", "" }, +{ ER_SIGNAL_EXCEPTION ,"HY000", "" }, +{ ER_RESIGNAL_WITHOUT_ACTIVE_HANDLER ,"0K000", "" }, +{ ER_SPATIAL_MUST_HAVE_GEOM_COL ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE ,"22003", "" }, +{ ER_ACCESS_DENIED_NO_PASSWORD_ERROR ,"28000", "" }, +{ ER_TRUNCATE_ILLEGAL_FK ,"42000", "" }, +{ ER_DA_INVALID_CONDITION_NUMBER ,"35000", "" }, +{ ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_WITH_CHILD_INFO,"23000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_WITHOUT_CHILD_INFO,"23000", "S1009" }, +{ ER_CANT_EXECUTE_IN_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION,"25006", "" }, +{ ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED ,"0A000", "" }, +{ ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON ,"0A000", "" }, +{ ER_DUP_UNKNOWN_IN_INDEX ,"23000", "" }, +{ ER_ACCESS_DENIED_CHANGE_USER_ERROR ,"28000", "" }, diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-case.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-case.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..25817587a --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-case.h @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +#ifndef SSLOPT_CASE_INCLUDED +#define SSLOPT_CASE_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#if defined(HAVE_OPENSSL) && !defined(EMBEDDED_LIBRARY) + case OPT_SSL_KEY: + case OPT_SSL_CERT: + case OPT_SSL_CA: + case OPT_SSL_CAPATH: + case OPT_SSL_CIPHER: + case OPT_SSL_CRL: + case OPT_SSL_CRLPATH: + /* + Enable use of SSL if we are using any ssl option + One can disable SSL later by using --skip-ssl or --ssl=0 + */ + opt_use_ssl= 1; + /* crl has no effect in yaSSL */ +#ifdef HAVE_YASSL + opt_ssl_crl= NULL; + opt_ssl_crlpath= NULL; +#endif + break; +#endif +#endif /* SSLOPT_CASE_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-longopts.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-longopts.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8280f3b8f --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-longopts.h @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +#ifndef SSLOPT_LONGOPTS_INCLUDED +#define SSLOPT_LONGOPTS_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#if defined(HAVE_OPENSSL) && !defined(EMBEDDED_LIBRARY) + + {"ssl", OPT_SSL_SSL, + "Enable SSL for connection (automatically enabled with other flags).", + &opt_use_ssl, &opt_use_ssl, 0, GET_BOOL, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + {"ssl-ca", OPT_SSL_CA, + "CA file in PEM format (check OpenSSL docs, implies --ssl).", + &opt_ssl_ca, &opt_ssl_ca, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + {"ssl-capath", OPT_SSL_CAPATH, + "CA directory (check OpenSSL docs, implies --ssl).", + &opt_ssl_capath, &opt_ssl_capath, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + {"ssl-cert", OPT_SSL_CERT, "X509 cert in PEM format (implies --ssl).", + &opt_ssl_cert, &opt_ssl_cert, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + {"ssl-cipher", OPT_SSL_CIPHER, "SSL cipher to use (implies --ssl).", + &opt_ssl_cipher, &opt_ssl_cipher, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + {"ssl-key", OPT_SSL_KEY, "X509 key in PEM format (implies --ssl).", + &opt_ssl_key, &opt_ssl_key, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + {"ssl-crl", OPT_SSL_CRL, "Certificate revocation list (implies --ssl).", + &opt_ssl_crl, &opt_ssl_crl, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, + {"ssl-crlpath", OPT_SSL_CRLPATH, + "Certificate revocation list path (implies --ssl).", + &opt_ssl_crlpath, &opt_ssl_crlpath, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, +#ifdef MYSQL_CLIENT + {"ssl-verify-server-cert", OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT, + "Verify server's \"Common Name\" in its cert against hostname used " + "when connecting. This option is disabled by default.", + &opt_ssl_verify_server_cert, &opt_ssl_verify_server_cert, + 0, GET_BOOL, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, +#endif +#endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */ +#endif /* SSLOPT_LONGOPTS_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-vars.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-vars.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6da4dfd8a --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/sslopt-vars.h @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +#ifndef SSLOPT_VARS_INCLUDED +#define SSLOPT_VARS_INCLUDED + +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#if defined(HAVE_OPENSSL) && !defined(EMBEDDED_LIBRARY) +#ifdef SSL_VARS_NOT_STATIC +#define SSL_STATIC +#else +#define SSL_STATIC static +#endif +SSL_STATIC my_bool opt_use_ssl = 0; +SSL_STATIC char *opt_ssl_ca = 0; +SSL_STATIC char *opt_ssl_capath = 0; +SSL_STATIC char *opt_ssl_cert = 0; +SSL_STATIC char *opt_ssl_cipher = 0; +SSL_STATIC char *opt_ssl_key = 0; +SSL_STATIC char *opt_ssl_crl = 0; +SSL_STATIC char *opt_ssl_crlpath = 0; +#ifdef MYSQL_CLIENT +SSL_STATIC my_bool opt_ssl_verify_server_cert= 0; +#endif +#endif +#endif /* SSLOPT_VARS_INCLUDED */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/t_ctype.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/t_ctype.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c019189d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/t_ctype.h @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ +/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ + +/* + Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 by Pruet Boonma, all rights reserved. + Copyright (C) 1998 by Theppitak Karoonboonyanan, all rights reserved. + Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software + and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, + provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. + Smaphan Raruenrom and Pruet Boonma makes no representations about + the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided + "as is" without express or implied warranty. +*/ + +/* LC_COLLATE category + Level information */ + +#ifndef _t_ctype_h +#define _t_ctype_h + +#define TOT_LEVELS 5 +#define LAST_LEVEL 4 /* TOT_LEVELS - 1 */ + +#define IGNORE 0 + + +/* level 1 symbols & order */ +enum l1_symbols { + L1_08 = TOT_LEVELS, + L1_18, + L1_28, + L1_38, + L1_48, + L1_58, + L1_68, + L1_78, + L1_88, + L1_98, + L1_A8, + L1_B8, + L1_C8, + L1_D8, + L1_E8, + L1_F8, + L1_G8, + L1_H8, + L1_I8, + L1_J8, + L1_K8, + L1_L8, + L1_M8, + L1_N8, + L1_O8, + L1_P8, + L1_Q8, + L1_R8, + L1_S8, + L1_T8, + L1_U8, + L1_V8, + L1_W8, + L1_X8, + L1_Y8, + L1_Z8, + L1_KO_KAI, + L1_KHO_KHAI, + L1_KHO_KHUAT, + L1_KHO_KHWAI, + L1_KHO_KHON, + L1_KHO_RAKHANG, + L1_NGO_NGU, + L1_CHO_CHAN, + L1_CHO_CHING, + L1_CHO_CHANG, + L1_SO_SO, + L1_CHO_CHOE, + L1_YO_YING, + L1_DO_CHADA, + L1_TO_PATAK, + L1_THO_THAN, + L1_THO_NANGMONTHO, + L1_THO_PHUTHAO, + L1_NO_NEN, + L1_DO_DEK, + L1_TO_TAO, + L1_THO_THUNG, + L1_THO_THAHAN, + L1_THO_THONG, + L1_NO_NU, + L1_BO_BAIMAI, + L1_PO_PLA, + L1_PHO_PHUNG, + L1_FO_FA, + L1_PHO_PHAN, + L1_FO_FAN, + L1_PHO_SAMPHAO, + L1_MO_MA, + L1_YO_YAK, + L1_RO_RUA, + L1_RU, + L1_LO_LING, + L1_LU, + L1_WO_WAEN, + L1_SO_SALA, + L1_SO_RUSI, + L1_SO_SUA, + L1_HO_HIP, + L1_LO_CHULA, + L1_O_ANG, + L1_HO_NOKHUK, + L1_NKHIT, + L1_SARA_A, + L1_MAI_HAN_AKAT, + L1_SARA_AA, + L1_SARA_AM, + L1_SARA_I, + L1_SARA_II, + L1_SARA_UE, + L1_SARA_UEE, + L1_SARA_U, + L1_SARA_UU, + L1_SARA_E, + L1_SARA_AE, + L1_SARA_O, + L1_SARA_AI_MAIMUAN, + L1_SARA_AI_MAIMALAI +}; + +/* level 2 symbols & order */ +enum l2_symbols { + L2_BLANK = TOT_LEVELS, + L2_THAII, + L2_YAMAK, + L2_PINTHU, + L2_GARAN, + L2_TYKHU, + L2_TONE1, + L2_TONE2, + L2_TONE3, + L2_TONE4 +}; + +/* level 3 symbols & order */ +enum l3_symbols { + L3_BLANK = TOT_LEVELS, + L3_SPACE, + L3_NB_SACE, + L3_LOW_LINE, + L3_HYPHEN, + L3_COMMA, + L3_SEMICOLON, + L3_COLON, + L3_EXCLAMATION, + L3_QUESTION, + L3_SOLIDUS, + L3_FULL_STOP, + L3_PAIYAN_NOI, + L3_MAI_YAMOK, + L3_GRAVE, + L3_CIRCUMFLEX, + L3_TILDE, + L3_APOSTROPHE, + L3_QUOTATION, + L3_L_PARANTHESIS, + L3_L_BRACKET, + L3_L_BRACE, + L3_R_BRACE, + L3_R_BRACKET, + L3_R_PARENTHESIS, + L3_AT, + L3_BAHT, + L3_DOLLAR, + L3_FONGMAN, + L3_ANGKHANKHU, + L3_KHOMUT, + L3_ASTERISK, + L3_BK_SOLIDUS, + L3_AMPERSAND, + L3_NUMBER, + L3_PERCENT, + L3_PLUS, + L3_LESS_THAN, + L3_EQUAL, + L3_GREATER_THAN, + L3_V_LINE +}; + +/* level 4 symbols & order */ +enum l4_symbols { + L4_BLANK = TOT_LEVELS, + L4_MIN, + L4_CAP, + L4_EXT +}; + +enum level_symbols { + L_UPRUPR = TOT_LEVELS, + L_UPPER, + L_MIDDLE, + L_LOWER +}; + +#define _is(c) (t_ctype[(c)][LAST_LEVEL]) +#define _level 8 +#define _consnt 16 +#define _ldvowel 32 +#define _fllwvowel 64 +#define _uprvowel 128 +#define _lwrvowel 256 +#define _tone 512 +#define _diacrt1 1024 +#define _diacrt2 2048 +#define _combine 4096 +#define _stone 8192 +#define _tdig 16384 +#define _rearvowel (_fllwvowel | _uprvowel | _lwrvowel) +#define _diacrt (_diacrt1 | _diacrt2) +#define levelof(c) ( _is(c) & _level ) +#define isthai(c) ( (c) >= 128 ) +#define istalpha(c) ( _is(c) & (_consnt|_ldvowel|_rearvowel|\ + _tone|_diacrt1|_diacrt2) ) +#define isconsnt(c) ( _is(c) & _consnt ) +#define isldvowel(c) ( _is(c) & _ldvowel ) +#define isfllwvowel(c) ( _is(c) & _fllwvowel ) +#define ismidvowel(c) ( _is(c) & (_ldvowel|_fllwvowel) ) +#define isuprvowel(c) ( _is(c) & _uprvowel ) +#define islwrvowel(c) ( _is(c) & _lwrvowel ) +#define isuprlwrvowel(c) ( _is(c) & (_lwrvowel | _uprvowel)) +#define isrearvowel(c) ( _is(c) & _rearvowel ) +#define isvowel(c) ( _is(c) & (_ldvowel|_rearvowel) ) +#define istone(c) ( _is(c) & _tone ) +#define isunldable(c) ( _is(c) & (_rearvowel|_tone|_diacrt1|_diacrt2) ) +#define iscombinable(c) ( _is(c) & _combine ) +#define istdigit(c) ( _is(c) & _tdig ) +#define isstone(c) ( _is(c) & _stone ) +#define isdiacrt1(c) ( _is(c) & _diacrt1) +#define isdiacrt2(c) ( _is(c) & _diacrt2) +#define isdiacrt(c) ( _is(c) & _diacrt) + +/* Function prototype called by sql/field.cc */ +void ThNormalize(uchar* ptr, uint field_length, const uchar* from, uint length); + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/thr_alarm.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/thr_alarm.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4d076b6de --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/thr_alarm.h @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* Prototypes when using thr_alarm library functions */ + +#ifndef _thr_alarm_h +#define _thr_alarm_h +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#ifndef USE_ALARM_THREAD +#define USE_ONE_SIGNAL_HAND /* One must call process_alarm */ +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_rts_threads +#undef USE_ONE_SIGNAL_HAND +#define USE_ALARM_THREAD +#define THR_SERVER_ALARM SIGUSR1 +#else +#define THR_SERVER_ALARM SIGALRM +#endif + +typedef struct st_alarm_info +{ + ulong next_alarm_time; + uint active_alarms; + uint max_used_alarms; +} ALARM_INFO; + +void thr_alarm_info(ALARM_INFO *info); + +#if defined(DONT_USE_THR_ALARM) + +#define USE_ALARM_THREAD +#undef USE_ONE_SIGNAL_HAND + +typedef my_bool thr_alarm_t; +typedef my_bool ALARM; + +#define thr_alarm_init(A) (*(A))=0 +#define thr_alarm_in_use(A) (*(A) != 0) +#define thr_end_alarm(A) +#define thr_alarm(A,B,C) ((*(A)=1)-1) +/* The following should maybe be (*(A)) */ +#define thr_got_alarm(A) 0 +#define init_thr_alarm(A) +#define thr_alarm_kill(A) +#define resize_thr_alarm(N) +#define end_thr_alarm(A) + +#else +#if defined(__WIN__) +typedef struct st_thr_alarm_entry +{ + UINT_PTR crono; +} thr_alarm_entry; + +#else /* System with posix threads */ + +typedef int thr_alarm_entry; + +#define thr_got_alarm(thr_alarm) (**(thr_alarm)) + +#endif /* __WIN__ */ + +typedef thr_alarm_entry* thr_alarm_t; + +typedef struct st_alarm { + ulong expire_time; + thr_alarm_entry alarmed; /* set when alarm is due */ + pthread_t thread; + my_thread_id thread_id; + my_bool malloced; +} ALARM; + +extern uint thr_client_alarm; +extern pthread_t alarm_thread; + +#define thr_alarm_init(A) (*(A))=0 +#define thr_alarm_in_use(A) (*(A)!= 0) +void init_thr_alarm(uint max_alarm); +void resize_thr_alarm(uint max_alarms); +my_bool thr_alarm(thr_alarm_t *alarmed, uint sec, ALARM *buff); +void thr_alarm_kill(my_thread_id thread_id); +void thr_end_alarm(thr_alarm_t *alarmed); +void end_thr_alarm(my_bool free_structures); +sig_handler process_alarm(int); +#ifndef thr_got_alarm +my_bool thr_got_alarm(thr_alarm_t *alrm); +#endif + + +#endif /* DONT_USE_THR_ALARM */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif /* __cplusplus */ +#endif /* _thr_alarm_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/thr_lock.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/thr_lock.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c5638ec2c --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/thr_lock.h @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* For use with thr_lock:s */ + +#ifndef _thr_lock_h +#define _thr_lock_h +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#include +#include + +struct st_thr_lock; +extern ulong locks_immediate,locks_waited ; + +/* + Important: if a new lock type is added, a matching lock description + must be added to sql_test.cc's lock_descriptions array. +*/ +enum thr_lock_type { TL_IGNORE=-1, + TL_UNLOCK, /* UNLOCK ANY LOCK */ + /* + Parser only! At open_tables() becomes TL_READ or + TL_READ_NO_INSERT depending on the binary log format + (SBR/RBR) and on the table category (log table). + Used for tables that are read by statements which + modify tables. + */ + TL_READ_DEFAULT, + TL_READ, /* Read lock */ + TL_READ_WITH_SHARED_LOCKS, + /* High prior. than TL_WRITE. Allow concurrent insert */ + TL_READ_HIGH_PRIORITY, + /* READ, Don't allow concurrent insert */ + TL_READ_NO_INSERT, + /* + Write lock, but allow other threads to read / write. + Used by BDB tables in MySQL to mark that someone is + reading/writing to the table. + */ + TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE, + /* + WRITE lock used by concurrent insert. Will allow + READ, if one could use concurrent insert on table. + */ + TL_WRITE_CONCURRENT_INSERT, + /* Write used by INSERT DELAYED. Allows READ locks */ + TL_WRITE_DELAYED, + /* + parser only! Late bound low_priority flag. + At open_tables() becomes thd->update_lock_default. + */ + TL_WRITE_DEFAULT, + /* WRITE lock that has lower priority than TL_READ */ + TL_WRITE_LOW_PRIORITY, + /* Normal WRITE lock */ + TL_WRITE, + /* Abort new lock request with an error */ + TL_WRITE_ONLY}; + +enum enum_thr_lock_result { THR_LOCK_SUCCESS= 0, THR_LOCK_ABORTED= 1, + THR_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT= 2, THR_LOCK_DEADLOCK= 3 }; + + +extern ulong max_write_lock_count; +extern my_bool thr_lock_inited; +extern enum thr_lock_type thr_upgraded_concurrent_insert_lock; + +/* + A description of the thread which owns the lock. The address + of an instance of this structure is used to uniquely identify the thread. +*/ + +typedef struct st_thr_lock_info +{ + pthread_t thread; + my_thread_id thread_id; +} THR_LOCK_INFO; + + +typedef struct st_thr_lock_data { + THR_LOCK_INFO *owner; + struct st_thr_lock_data *next,**prev; + struct st_thr_lock *lock; + mysql_cond_t *cond; + enum thr_lock_type type; + void *status_param; /* Param to status functions */ + void *debug_print_param; + struct PSI_table *m_psi; +} THR_LOCK_DATA; + +struct st_lock_list { + THR_LOCK_DATA *data,**last; +}; + +typedef struct st_thr_lock { + LIST list; + mysql_mutex_t mutex; + struct st_lock_list read_wait; + struct st_lock_list read; + struct st_lock_list write_wait; + struct st_lock_list write; + /* write_lock_count is incremented for write locks and reset on read locks */ + ulong write_lock_count; + uint read_no_write_count; + void (*get_status)(void*, int); /* When one gets a lock */ + void (*copy_status)(void*,void*); + void (*update_status)(void*); /* Before release of write */ + void (*restore_status)(void*); /* Before release of read */ + my_bool (*check_status)(void *); +} THR_LOCK; + + +extern LIST *thr_lock_thread_list; +extern mysql_mutex_t THR_LOCK_lock; + +my_bool init_thr_lock(void); /* Must be called once/thread */ +void thr_lock_info_init(THR_LOCK_INFO *info); +void thr_lock_init(THR_LOCK *lock); +void thr_lock_delete(THR_LOCK *lock); +void thr_lock_data_init(THR_LOCK *lock,THR_LOCK_DATA *data, + void *status_param); +enum enum_thr_lock_result thr_lock(THR_LOCK_DATA *data, + THR_LOCK_INFO *owner, + enum thr_lock_type lock_type, + ulong lock_wait_timeout); +void thr_unlock(THR_LOCK_DATA *data); +enum enum_thr_lock_result thr_multi_lock(THR_LOCK_DATA **data, + uint count, THR_LOCK_INFO *owner, + ulong lock_wait_timeout); +void thr_multi_unlock(THR_LOCK_DATA **data,uint count); +void +thr_lock_merge_status(THR_LOCK_DATA **data, uint count); +void thr_abort_locks(THR_LOCK *lock, my_bool upgrade_lock); +my_bool thr_abort_locks_for_thread(THR_LOCK *lock, my_thread_id thread); +void thr_print_locks(void); /* For debugging */ +my_bool thr_upgrade_write_delay_lock(THR_LOCK_DATA *data, + enum thr_lock_type new_lock_type, + ulong lock_wait_timeout); +void thr_downgrade_write_lock(THR_LOCK_DATA *data, + enum thr_lock_type new_lock_type); +my_bool thr_reschedule_write_lock(THR_LOCK_DATA *data, + ulong lock_wait_timeout); +void thr_set_lock_wait_callback(void (*before_wait)(void), + void (*after_wait)(void)); +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* _thr_lock_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/typelib.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/typelib.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..919dd69d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/typelib.h @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ + + +#ifndef _typelib_h +#define _typelib_h + +#include "my_alloc.h" + +typedef struct st_typelib { /* Different types saved here */ + unsigned int count; /* How many types */ + const char *name; /* Name of typelib */ + const char **type_names; + unsigned int *type_lengths; +} TYPELIB; + +extern my_ulonglong find_typeset(char *x, TYPELIB *typelib,int *error_position); +extern int find_type_or_exit(const char *x, TYPELIB *typelib, + const char *option); +#define FIND_TYPE_BASIC 0 +/** makes @c find_type() require the whole name, no prefix */ +#define FIND_TYPE_NO_PREFIX (1 << 0) +/** always implicitely on, so unused, but old code may pass it */ +#define FIND_TYPE_NO_OVERWRITE (1 << 1) +/** makes @c find_type() accept a number */ +#define FIND_TYPE_ALLOW_NUMBER (1 << 2) +/** makes @c find_type() treat ',' as terminator */ +#define FIND_TYPE_COMMA_TERM (1 << 3) + +extern int find_type(const char *x, const TYPELIB *typelib, unsigned int flags); +extern void make_type(char *to,unsigned int nr,TYPELIB *typelib); +extern const char *get_type(TYPELIB *typelib,unsigned int nr); +extern TYPELIB *copy_typelib(MEM_ROOT *root, TYPELIB *from); + +extern TYPELIB sql_protocol_typelib; + +my_ulonglong find_set_from_flags(const TYPELIB *lib, unsigned int default_name, + my_ulonglong cur_set, my_ulonglong default_set, + const char *str, unsigned int length, + char **err_pos, unsigned int *err_len); + +#endif /* _typelib_h */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/violite.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/violite.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..00e26e8a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/violite.h @@ -0,0 +1,281 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +/* + * Vio Lite. + * Purpose: include file for Vio that will work with C and C++ + */ + +#ifndef vio_violite_h_ +#define vio_violite_h_ + +#include "my_net.h" /* needed because of struct in_addr */ +#include + + +/* Simple vio interface in C; The functions are implemented in violite.c */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif /* __cplusplus */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +typedef struct st_vio Vio; +#endif /* __cplusplus */ + +enum enum_vio_type +{ + VIO_TYPE_TCPIP, VIO_TYPE_SOCKET, VIO_TYPE_NAMEDPIPE, VIO_TYPE_SSL, + VIO_TYPE_SHARED_MEMORY +}; + +/** + VIO I/O events. +*/ +enum enum_vio_io_event +{ + VIO_IO_EVENT_READ, + VIO_IO_EVENT_WRITE, + VIO_IO_EVENT_CONNECT +}; + +#define VIO_LOCALHOST 1 /* a localhost connection */ +#define VIO_BUFFERED_READ 2 /* use buffered read */ +#define VIO_READ_BUFFER_SIZE 16384 /* size of read buffer */ +#define VIO_DESCRIPTION_SIZE 30 /* size of description */ + +Vio* vio_new(my_socket sd, enum enum_vio_type type, uint flags); +Vio* mysql_socket_vio_new(MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket, enum enum_vio_type type, uint flags); +#ifdef __WIN__ +Vio* vio_new_win32pipe(HANDLE hPipe); +Vio* vio_new_win32shared_memory(HANDLE handle_file_map, + HANDLE handle_map, + HANDLE event_server_wrote, + HANDLE event_server_read, + HANDLE event_client_wrote, + HANDLE event_client_read, + HANDLE event_conn_closed); +#else +#define HANDLE void * +#endif /* __WIN__ */ + +void vio_delete(Vio* vio); +int vio_shutdown(Vio* vio); +my_bool vio_reset(Vio* vio, enum enum_vio_type type, + my_socket sd, void *ssl, uint flags); +size_t vio_read(Vio *vio, uchar * buf, size_t size); +size_t vio_read_buff(Vio *vio, uchar * buf, size_t size); +size_t vio_write(Vio *vio, const uchar * buf, size_t size); +/* setsockopt TCP_NODELAY at IPPROTO_TCP level, when possible */ +int vio_fastsend(Vio *vio); +/* setsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE at SOL_SOCKET level, when possible */ +int vio_keepalive(Vio *vio, my_bool onoff); +/* Whenever we should retry the last read/write operation. */ +my_bool vio_should_retry(Vio *vio); +/* Check that operation was timed out */ +my_bool vio_was_timeout(Vio *vio); +/* Short text description of the socket for those, who are curious.. */ +const char* vio_description(Vio *vio); +/* Return the type of the connection */ +enum enum_vio_type vio_type(Vio* vio); +/* Return last error number */ +int vio_errno(Vio*vio); +/* Get socket number */ +my_socket vio_fd(Vio*vio); +/* Remote peer's address and name in text form */ +my_bool vio_peer_addr(Vio *vio, char *buf, uint16 *port, size_t buflen); +/* Wait for an I/O event notification. */ +int vio_io_wait(Vio *vio, enum enum_vio_io_event event, int timeout); +my_bool vio_is_connected(Vio *vio); +#ifndef DBUG_OFF +ssize_t vio_pending(Vio *vio); +#endif +/* Set timeout for a network operation. */ +int vio_timeout(Vio *vio, uint which, int timeout_sec); +/* Connect to a peer. */ +my_bool vio_socket_connect(Vio *vio, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t len, + int timeout); + +my_bool vio_get_normalized_ip_string(const struct sockaddr *addr, int addr_length, + char *ip_string, size_t ip_string_size); + +my_bool vio_is_no_name_error(int err_code); + +int vio_getnameinfo(const struct sockaddr *sa, + char *hostname, size_t hostname_size, + char *port, size_t port_size, + int flags); + +#ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL +#include +#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x0090700f +#define DES_cblock des_cblock +#define DES_key_schedule des_key_schedule +#define DES_set_key_unchecked(k,ks) des_set_key_unchecked((k),*(ks)) +#define DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt(i,o,l,k1,k2,k3,iv,e) des_ede3_cbc_encrypt((i),(o),(l),*(k1),*(k2),*(k3),(iv),(e)) +#endif +/* apple deprecated openssl in MacOSX Lion */ +#ifdef __APPLE__ +#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" +#endif + +#define HEADER_DES_LOCL_H dummy_something +#define YASSL_MYSQL_COMPATIBLE +#ifndef YASSL_PREFIX +#define YASSL_PREFIX +#endif +/* Set yaSSL to use same type as MySQL do for socket handles */ +typedef my_socket YASSL_SOCKET_T; +#define YASSL_SOCKET_T_DEFINED +#include +#include + +#ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY +enum enum_ssl_init_error +{ + SSL_INITERR_NOERROR= 0, SSL_INITERR_CERT, SSL_INITERR_KEY, + SSL_INITERR_NOMATCH, SSL_INITERR_BAD_PATHS, SSL_INITERR_CIPHERS, + SSL_INITERR_MEMFAIL, SSL_INITERR_LASTERR +}; +const char* sslGetErrString(enum enum_ssl_init_error err); + +struct st_VioSSLFd +{ + SSL_CTX *ssl_context; +}; + +int sslaccept(struct st_VioSSLFd*, Vio *, long timeout, unsigned long *errptr); +int sslconnect(struct st_VioSSLFd*, Vio *, long timeout, unsigned long *errptr); + +struct st_VioSSLFd +*new_VioSSLConnectorFd(const char *key_file, const char *cert_file, + const char *ca_file, const char *ca_path, + const char *cipher, enum enum_ssl_init_error *error, + const char *crl_file, const char *crl_path); +struct st_VioSSLFd +*new_VioSSLAcceptorFd(const char *key_file, const char *cert_file, + const char *ca_file,const char *ca_path, + const char *cipher, enum enum_ssl_init_error *error, + const char *crl_file, const char *crl_path); +void free_vio_ssl_acceptor_fd(struct st_VioSSLFd *fd); +#endif /* ! EMBEDDED_LIBRARY */ +#endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */ + +void ssl_start(void); +void vio_end(void); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#if !defined(DONT_MAP_VIO) +#define vio_delete(vio) (vio)->viodelete(vio) +#define vio_errno(vio) (vio)->vioerrno(vio) +#define vio_read(vio, buf, size) ((vio)->read)(vio,buf,size) +#define vio_write(vio, buf, size) ((vio)->write)(vio, buf, size) +#define vio_fastsend(vio) (vio)->fastsend(vio) +#define vio_keepalive(vio, set_keep_alive) (vio)->viokeepalive(vio, set_keep_alive) +#define vio_should_retry(vio) (vio)->should_retry(vio) +#define vio_was_timeout(vio) (vio)->was_timeout(vio) +#define vio_shutdown(vio) ((vio)->vioshutdown)(vio) +#define vio_peer_addr(vio, buf, prt, buflen) (vio)->peer_addr(vio, buf, prt, buflen) +#define vio_io_wait(vio, event, timeout) (vio)->io_wait(vio, event, timeout) +#define vio_is_connected(vio) (vio)->is_connected(vio) +#endif /* !defined(DONT_MAP_VIO) */ + +/* This enumerator is used in parser - should be always visible */ +enum SSL_type +{ + SSL_TYPE_NOT_SPECIFIED= -1, + SSL_TYPE_NONE, + SSL_TYPE_ANY, + SSL_TYPE_X509, + SSL_TYPE_SPECIFIED +}; + + +/* HFTODO - hide this if we don't want client in embedded server */ +/* This structure is for every connection on both sides */ +struct st_vio +{ + MYSQL_SOCKET mysql_socket; /* Instrumented socket */ + my_bool localhost; /* Are we from localhost? */ + struct sockaddr_storage local; /* Local internet address */ + struct sockaddr_storage remote; /* Remote internet address */ + int addrLen; /* Length of remote address */ + enum enum_vio_type type; /* Type of connection */ + my_bool inactive; /* Connection inactive (has been shutdown) */ + char desc[VIO_DESCRIPTION_SIZE]; /* Description string. This + member MUST NOT be + used directly, but only + via function + "vio_description" */ + char *read_buffer; /* buffer for vio_read_buff */ + char *read_pos; /* start of unfetched data in the + read buffer */ + char *read_end; /* end of unfetched data */ + int read_timeout; /* Timeout value (ms) for read ops. */ + int write_timeout; /* Timeout value (ms) for write ops. */ + + /* + VIO vtable interface to be implemented by VIO's like SSL, Socket, + Named Pipe, etc. + */ + + /* + viodelete is responsible for cleaning up the VIO object by freeing + internal buffers, closing descriptors, handles. + */ + void (*viodelete)(Vio*); + int (*vioerrno)(Vio*); + size_t (*read)(Vio*, uchar *, size_t); + size_t (*write)(Vio*, const uchar *, size_t); + int (*timeout)(Vio*, uint, my_bool); + int (*viokeepalive)(Vio*, my_bool); + int (*fastsend)(Vio*); + my_bool (*peer_addr)(Vio*, char *, uint16*, size_t); + void (*in_addr)(Vio*, struct sockaddr_storage*); + my_bool (*should_retry)(Vio*); + my_bool (*was_timeout)(Vio*); + /* + vioshutdown is resposnible to shutdown/close the channel, so that no + further communications can take place, however any related buffers, + descriptors, handles can remain valid after a shutdown. + */ + int (*vioshutdown)(Vio*); + my_bool (*is_connected)(Vio*); + my_bool (*has_data) (Vio*); + int (*io_wait)(Vio*, enum enum_vio_io_event, int); + my_bool (*connect)(Vio*, struct sockaddr *, socklen_t, int); +#ifdef _WIN32 + OVERLAPPED overlapped; + HANDLE hPipe; +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL + void *ssl_arg; +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_SMEM + HANDLE handle_file_map; + char *handle_map; + HANDLE event_server_wrote; + HANDLE event_server_read; + HANDLE event_client_wrote; + HANDLE event_client_read; + HANDLE event_conn_closed; + size_t shared_memory_remain; + char *shared_memory_pos; +#endif /* HAVE_SMEM */ +}; +#endif /* vio_violite_h_ */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/waiting_threads.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/waiting_threads.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..554df7433 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/waiting_threads.h @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _waiting_threads_h +#define _waiting_threads_h + +#include +#include + +#include + +C_MODE_START + +typedef struct st_wt_resource_id WT_RESOURCE_ID; +typedef struct st_wt_resource WT_RESOURCE; + +typedef struct st_wt_resource_type { + my_bool (*compare)(const void *a, const void *b); + const void *(*make_key)(const WT_RESOURCE_ID *id, uint *len); /* not used */ +} WT_RESOURCE_TYPE; + +struct st_wt_resource_id { + ulonglong value; + const WT_RESOURCE_TYPE *type; +}; +/* the below differs from sizeof(WT_RESOURCE_ID) by the amount of padding */ +#define sizeof_WT_RESOURCE_ID (sizeof(ulonglong)+sizeof(void*)) + +#define WT_WAIT_STATS 24 +#define WT_CYCLE_STATS 32 +extern ulonglong wt_wait_table[WT_WAIT_STATS]; +extern uint32 wt_wait_stats[WT_WAIT_STATS+1]; +extern uint32 wt_cycle_stats[2][WT_CYCLE_STATS+1]; +extern uint32 wt_success_stats; + +typedef struct st_wt_thd { + /* + XXX + there's no protection (mutex) against concurrent access of the + dynarray below. it is assumed that a caller will have it anyway + (not to protect this array but to protect its own - caller's - + data structures), and we'll get it for free. A caller needs to + ensure that a blocker won't release a resource before a blocked + thread starts waiting, which is usually done with a mutex. + + If the above assumption is wrong, we'll need to add a mutex here. + */ + DYNAMIC_ARRAY my_resources; + /* + 'waiting_for' is modified under waiting_for->lock, and only by thd itself + 'waiting_for' is read lock-free (using pinning protocol), but a thd object + can read its own 'waiting_for' without any locks or tricks. + */ + WT_RESOURCE *waiting_for; + LF_PINS *pins; + + /* pointers to values */ + const ulong *timeout_short; + const ulong *deadlock_search_depth_short; + const ulong *timeout_long; + const ulong *deadlock_search_depth_long; + + /* + weight relates to the desirability of a transaction being killed if it's + part of a deadlock. In a deadlock situation transactions with lower weights + are killed first. + + Examples of using the weight to implement different selection strategies: + + 1. Latest + Keep all weights equal. + 2. Random + Assight weights at random. + (variant: modify a weight randomly before every lock request) + 3. Youngest + Set weight to -NOW() + 4. Minimum locks + count locks granted in your lock manager, store the value as a weight + 5. Minimum work + depends on the definition of "work". For example, store the number + of rows modifies in this transaction (or a length of REDO log for a + transaction) as a weight. + + It is only statistically relevant and is not protected by any locks. + */ + ulong volatile weight; + /* + 'killed' is indirectly protected by waiting_for->lock because + a killed thread needs to clear its 'waiting_for' and thus needs a lock. + That is a thread needs an exclusive lock to read 'killed' reliably. + But other threads may change 'killed' from 0 to 1, a shared + lock is enough for that. + */ + my_bool killed; +#ifndef DBUG_OFF + const char *name; +#endif +} WT_THD; + +#define WT_TIMEOUT ETIMEDOUT +#define WT_OK 0 +#define WT_DEADLOCK -1 +#define WT_DEPTH_EXCEEDED -2 +#define WT_FREE_TO_GO -3 + +void wt_init(void); +void wt_end(void); +void wt_thd_lazy_init(WT_THD *, const ulong *, const ulong *, const ulong *, const ulong *); +void wt_thd_destroy(WT_THD *); +int wt_thd_will_wait_for(WT_THD *, WT_THD *, const WT_RESOURCE_ID *); +int wt_thd_cond_timedwait(WT_THD *, mysql_mutex_t *); +void wt_thd_release(WT_THD *, const WT_RESOURCE_ID *); +#define wt_thd_release_all(THD) wt_thd_release((THD), 0) +my_bool wt_resource_id_memcmp(const void *, const void *); + +C_MODE_END + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/welcome_copyright_notice.h b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/welcome_copyright_notice.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..73b2a1382 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/dep/mysql-5.6.14/include/welcome_copyright_notice.h @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef _welcome_copyright_notice_h_ +#define _welcome_copyright_notice_h_ + +#define COPYRIGHT_NOTICE_CURRENT_YEAR "2013" + +/* + This define specifies copyright notice which is displayed by every MySQL + program on start, or on help screen. +*/ +#define ORACLE_WELCOME_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE(first_year) \ + (strcmp(first_year, COPYRIGHT_NOTICE_CURRENT_YEAR) ? \ + "Copyright (c) " first_year ", " COPYRIGHT_NOTICE_CURRENT_YEAR ", " \ + "Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.\n\nOracle is a " \ + "registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its\naffiliates. " \ + "Other names may be trademarks of their respective\nowners.\n" : \ + "Copyright (c) " first_year ", Oracle and/or its affiliates. " \ + "All rights reserved.\n\nOracle is a registered trademark of " \ + "Oracle Corporation and/or its\naffiliates. Other names may be " \ + "trademarks of their respective\nowners.\n") + +#endif /* _welcome_copyright_notice_h_ */ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/DEBIAN/control b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/DEBIAN/control new file mode 100644 index 000000000..de039c848 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/DEBIAN/control @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +Package: geoda +Version: 1.5 +Architecture: i386 +Priority: optional +Section: graphics +Installed-Size: 88128 +Depends: zlib1g, libexpat1, freeglut3, libreadline6, libcurl4-gnutls-dev, libgtk-3-0, libc-dev-bin, libssl0.9.8 +Maintainer: Luc Anselin < luc.anselin@asu.edu > +Provides: geoda +Homepage: http://geodacenter.asu.edu +Description: GeoDa Software + GeoDa Software for Geospatial Analysis and Computation + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/DEBIAN/control64 b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/DEBIAN/control64 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ad1700c3b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/DEBIAN/control64 @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +Package: geoda +Version: 1.5 +Architecture: amd64 +Priority: optional +Section: graphics +Installed-Size: 88128 +Depends: zlib1g, libexpat1, freeglut3, libreadline6, libcurl4-gnutls-dev, libgtk-3-0, libc-dev-bin, libssl0.9.8 +Maintainer: Luc Anselin < luc.anselin@asu.edu > +Provides: geoda +Homepage: http://geodacenter.asu.edu +Description: GeoDa Software + GeoDa Software for Geospatial Analysis and Computation + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/DEBIAN/postinst b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/DEBIAN/postinst new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f6bbaac96 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/DEBIAN/postinst @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +#!bin/sh + +chmod +x /usr/bin/run_geoda.sh +chmod +x /usr/local/geoda/GeoDa diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/applications/GeoDa.desktop b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/applications/GeoDa.desktop new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3d2e0a261 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/applications/GeoDa.desktop @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +[Desktop Entry] +Version=1.0 +Type=Application +Name=GeoDa +GenericName=GeoDa Software +Comment=GeoDa Software +Exec=run_geoda.sh +TryExec=run_geoda.sh +Icon=geoda +Categories=Education diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/geoda.png b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/geoda.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a5e2439f Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/geoda.png differ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/geoda.png b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/geoda.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a6f2b80e7 Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/geoda.png differ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/geoda.png b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/geoda.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ef5d9d437 Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/geoda.png differ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/geoda.png b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/geoda.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ac4111b4f Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/geoda.png differ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/geoda.png b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/geoda.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2115fb85b Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/geoda.png differ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/geoda.png b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/geoda.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a5e2439f Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/geoda.png differ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/geoda.png b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/geoda.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a5e2439f Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/geoda.png differ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/96x96/apps/geoda.png b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/96x96/apps/geoda.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a5e2439f Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/ubuntu/package/usr/share/icons/hicolor/96x96/apps/geoda.png differ diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/readme.txt b/BuildTools/ubuntu/readme.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..56fb3a687 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/readme.txt @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +***************************************************************** +*** Build Instructions for GeoDa. Current as of GeoDa 1.5.23 *** +***************************************************************** + +Overview: We assume the build machine hosts a recently-installed +clean OS. This build guide contains notes on setting up the compile +environment, obtaining the GeoDa source files and dependent libraries, +compiling libraries and GeoDa, and finally packaging the program +for distribution and installation. + +******************************************************* +*** Building GeoDa for 32-bit Ubuntu 12.04 or later *** +******************************************************* + +NOTE: This is just basic placeholder for now! Not currently complete. + +Build machine assumptions: +- clean Ubuntu 32-bit installation with all OS updates + +1. Install C++ developer tools along with command-line subversion + +2. Use SVN to check out GeoDa trunk: + - From user's home directory: ~/ + - svn co https://geodacenter.repositoryhosting.com/svn/geodacenter_geoda/trunk trunk + +3. cd to ~/trunk/BuildTools/ubuntu + +4. run ./build.sh to download and build GeoDa and everything it depends upon +--you need to manually build ogr plugins (will do later) + +5. Package GeoDa for distribution / installation. +-- run create_deb.sh, you will find dep package geoda*.deb in current directory + + +******************************************************* +*** Building GeoDa for 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04 or later *** +******************************************************* + +NOTE: This is just basic placeholder for now! Not currently complete. + +Build machine assumptions: +- clean Ubuntu 64-bit installation with all OS updates + +1. Install C++ developer tools along with command-line subversion + +2. Use SVN to check out GeoDa trunk: + - From user's home directory: ~/ + - svn co https://geodacenter.repositoryhosting.com/svn/geodacenter_geoda/trunk trunk + +3. cd to ~/trunk/BuildTools/ubuntu + +4. run ./build64.sh to download and build GeoDa and everything it depends upon +--you need to manually build ogr plugins + +5. Package GeoDa for distribution / installation. +-- run create_deb.sh, you will find dep package geoda*.deb in current directory + diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/run.sh b/BuildTools/ubuntu/run.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..b1079231c --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/run.sh @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +GEODA_HOME=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd) +#GEODA_HOME=/usr/local/geoda + +export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$GEODA_HOME/plugins:$ORACLE_HOME:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH +export GDAL_DATA=$GEODA_HOME/gdaldata +export OGR_DRIVER_PATH=$GEODA_HOME/plugins +exec "$GEODA_HOME/GeoDa" diff --git a/BuildTools/ubuntu/run_geoda.sh b/BuildTools/ubuntu/run_geoda.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..911628fa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/ubuntu/run_geoda.sh @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +#GEODA_HOME=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd) +GEODA_HOME=/usr/local/geoda + +export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$GEODA_HOME/plugins:$ORACLE_HOME:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH +export GDAL_DATA=$GEODA_HOME/gdaldata +export OGR_DRIVER_PATH=$GEODA_HOME/plugins +exec "$GEODA_HOME/GeoDa" diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/GeoDa.vcxproj b/BuildTools/windows/GeoDa.vcxproj new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ba7301c6e --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/GeoDa.vcxproj @@ -0,0 +1,543 @@ + + + + + Debug + Win32 + + + Debug + x64 + + + Release + Win32 + + + Release + x64 + + + + {B3CB134F-61C6-48C7-B6E4-353AC473A467} + GeoDa + Win32Proj + + + + Application + + + Application + Windows7.1SDK + + + Application + + + Application + Windows7.1SDK + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + <_ProjectFileVersion>10.0.30319.1 + Debug\ + Debug\ + Debug\ + Debug\ + true + true + Release\ + Release\ + Release\ + Release\ + true + true + + + + Disabled + C:\OSGeo4W\include;temp\boost_1_54_0;temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\include;temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\vc_dll\mswud;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + WIN32;DEBUG;_DEBUG;_WINDOWS;__WXMSW__;__WXDEBUG__;WXUSINGDLL;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + EnableFastChecks + MultiThreadedDebugDLL + + + Level3 + EditAndContinue + 4996;4522;%(DisableSpecificWarnings) + /MP %(AdditionalOptions) + true + + + __WXMSW__;_UNICODE;_WINDOWS;NOPCH;WXUSINGDLL;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + + + gdal_i.lib;libboost_thread-vc100-mt-gd-1_54.lib;BLAS.lib;clapack.lib;libf2c.lib;GlU32.lib;OpenGL32.lib;wxmsw30ud.lib;wxmsw30ud_gl.lib;wxtiffd.lib;wxjpegd.lib;wxpngd.lib;wxzlibd.lib;wxregexud.lib;wxexpatd.lib;wsock32.lib;comctl32.lib;winmm.lib;rpcrt4.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies) + C:\OSGeo4W\lib;temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\vc_dll;temp\CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio\LIB\Win32;temp\boost_1_54_0\stage\lib;%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories) + false + %(IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries) + true + Windows + MachineX86 + /NODEFAULTLIB:library %(AdditionalOptions) + + + + + Disabled + C:\OSGeo4W\include;temp\boost_1_54_0;temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\include;temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\vc_x64_dll\mswud;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + WIN32;DEBUG;_DEBUG;_WINDOWS;__WXMSW__;__WXDEBUG__;WXUSINGDLL;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + EnableFastChecks + MultiThreadedDebugDLL + + + Level3 + ProgramDatabase + 4996;4522;%(DisableSpecificWarnings) + /MP %(AdditionalOptions) + true + + + __WXMSW__;_UNICODE;_WINDOWS;NOPCH;WXUSINGDLL;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + + + gdal_i.lib;libboost_thread-vc100-mt-gd-1_54.lib;BLAS.lib;clapack.lib;libf2c.lib;GlU32.lib;OpenGL32.lib;wxmsw30ud.lib;wxmsw30ud_gl.lib;wxtiffd.lib;wxjpegd.lib;wxpngd.lib;wxzlibd.lib;wxregexud.lib;wxexpatd.lib;wsock32.lib;comctl32.lib;winmm.lib;rpcrt4.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies) + C:\OSGeo4W\lib;temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\vc_x64_dll;temp\CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio\LIB\x64;temp\boost_1_54_0\stage\lib;%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories) + false + %(IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries) + true + Windows + + + + + C:\OSGeo4W\include;temp\boost_1_54_0;temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\include;temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\vc_dll\mswu;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + WIN32;NDEBUG;_WINDOWS;__WXMSW__;__NO_VC_CRTDBG__;WXUSINGDLL;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + MultiThreadedDLL + + + Level3 + ProgramDatabase + 4996;4522;%(DisableSpecificWarnings) + /MP %(AdditionalOptions) + + + __WXMSW__;_UNICODE;_WINDOWS;NOPCH;WXUSINGDLL;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + + + gdal_i.lib;libboost_thread-vc100-mt-1_54.lib;BLAS.lib;clapack.lib;libf2c.lib;GlU32.lib;OpenGL32.lib;wxmsw30u.lib;wxmsw30u_gl.lib;wxtiff.lib;wxjpeg.lib;wxpng.lib;wxzlib.lib;wxregexu.lib;wxexpat.lib;wsock32.lib;comctl32.lib;winmm.lib;rpcrt4.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies) + C:\OSGeo4W\lib;temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\vc_dll;temp\CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio\LIB\Win32;temp\boost_1_54_0\stage\lib;%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories) + true + Windows + true + true + MachineX86 + + + + + C:\OSGeo4W\include;temp\boost_1_54_0;temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\include;temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\vc_x64_dll\mswu;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + WIN32;NDEBUG;_WINDOWS;__WXMSW__;__NO_VC_CRTDBG__;WXUSINGDLL;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + MultiThreadedDLL + + + Level3 + ProgramDatabase + 4996;4522;%(DisableSpecificWarnings) + /MP %(AdditionalOptions) + + + __WXMSW__;_UNICODE;_WINDOWS;NOPCH;WXUSINGDLL;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + + + gdal_i.lib;libboost_thread-vc100-mt-1_54.lib;BLAS.lib;clapack.lib;libf2c.lib;GlU32.lib;OpenGL32.lib;wxmsw30u.lib;wxmsw30u_gl.lib;wxtiff.lib;wxjpeg.lib;wxpng.lib;wxzlib.lib;wxregexu.lib;wxexpat.lib;wsock32.lib;comctl32.lib;winmm.lib;rpcrt4.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies) + C:\OSGeo4W\lib;temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\vc_x64_dll;temp\CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio\LIB\x64;temp\boost_1_54_0\stage\lib;%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories) + true + Windows + true + true + + + + + + + + Designer + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4996;%(DisableSpecificWarnings) + 4996;%(DisableSpecificWarnings) + 4996;%(DisableSpecificWarnings) + 4996;%(DisableSpecificWarnings) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/GeoDa.vcxproj.filters b/BuildTools/windows/GeoDa.vcxproj.filters new file mode 100644 index 000000000..99cc06b2a --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/GeoDa.vcxproj.filters @@ -0,0 +1,992 @@ + + + + + {67DA6AB6-F800-4c08-8B7A-83BB121AAD01} + rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx + + + {6b021038-39cc-4a4b-bf84-4b16213eb431} + + + {2e1da7d4-588b-43e1-bdf5-3b9f666a49cd} + + + {c82b635f-6c55-4f4d-bd5d-9155f28ef7a5} + + + {36986a31-8004-4bc0-9b73-48950c781e1c} + + + {5f72b861-8c58-491f-b2a9-fa890171755d} + + + {ee59f97c-f898-49a6-8ade-d246a9b0aa2f} + + + {38efda3f-a143-4635-a0d7-5eccdfa01913} + + + {58866c51-a328-4e1d-b2c1-91e8cb13fcd9} + + + {8ba6e2ee-cf14-4306-829b-ee6c92833904} + + + + + Resource Files + + + rc + + + rc + + + rc + + + rc + + + rc + + + + + Resource Files + + + + + + kNN + + + kNN + + + kNN + + + kNN + + + kNN + + + kNN + + + kNN + + + kNN + + + kNN + + + kNN + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Generic + + + Generic + + + Generic + + + Generic + + + Generic + + + Generic + + + Generic + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + kNN + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + DialogTools + + + ShapeOperations + + + DataViewer + + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + + DataViewer + + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DataViewer + + + DialogTools + + + ShapeOperations + + + DataViewer + + + DialogTools + + + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + + DialogTools + + + VarCalc + + + VarCalc + + + VarCalc + + + + + kNN + + + kNN + + + kNN + + + kNN + + + kNN + + + kNN + + + kNN + + + rc + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + Regression + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + DialogTools + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Explore + + + Generic + + + Generic + + + Generic + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + + + + + + + + + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DialogTools + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + ShapeOperations + + + DialogTools + + + ShapeOperations + + + DataViewer + + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DataViewer + + + DialogTools + + + DataViewer + + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + DataViewer + + + DialogTools + + + ShapeOperations + + + DataViewer + + + DialogTools + + + + DialogTools + + + DialogTools + + + + DialogTools + + + VarCalc + + + VarCalc + + + VarCalc + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/GeoDa.sln b/BuildTools/windows/GeoDa.vs2010.sln similarity index 54% rename from GeoDa.sln rename to BuildTools/windows/GeoDa.vs2010.sln index 706daae99..648a24173 100644 --- a/GeoDa.sln +++ b/BuildTools/windows/GeoDa.vs2010.sln @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@  -Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00 -# Visual Studio 2008 -Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "GeoDa", "GeoDa.vcproj", "{B3CB134F-61C6-48C7-B6E4-353AC473A467}" -EndProject -Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "DataViewer", "DataViewer.vcproj", "{6AFB7267-F908-4CF8-BFEB-63192D77B11C}" +Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00 +# Visual C++ Express 2010 +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "GeoDa", "GeoDa.vcxproj", "{B3CB134F-61C6-48C7-B6E4-353AC473A467}" EndProject Global GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32 + Debug|x64 = Debug|x64 Release|Win32 = Release|Win32 + Release|x64 = Release|x64 EndGlobalSection GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution {B3CB134F-61C6-48C7-B6E4-353AC473A467}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 {B3CB134F-61C6-48C7-B6E4-353AC473A467}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {B3CB134F-61C6-48C7-B6E4-353AC473A467}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {B3CB134F-61C6-48C7-B6E4-353AC473A467}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 {B3CB134F-61C6-48C7-B6E4-353AC473A467}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 {B3CB134F-61C6-48C7-B6E4-353AC473A467}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 - {6AFB7267-F908-4CF8-BFEB-63192D77B11C}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 - {6AFB7267-F908-4CF8-BFEB-63192D77B11C}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 - {6AFB7267-F908-4CF8-BFEB-63192D77B11C}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 - {6AFB7267-F908-4CF8-BFEB-63192D77B11C}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {B3CB134F-61C6-48C7-B6E4-353AC473A467}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {B3CB134F-61C6-48C7-B6E4-353AC473A467}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 EndGlobalSection GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution HideSolutionNode = FALSE diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/build.1.4.bat b/BuildTools/windows/build.1.4.bat new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ff61dabb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/build.1.4.bat @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +@echo ON +call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" +call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" +call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" + +set BUILD_HOME=%CD% +set DOWNLOAD_HOME=%BUILD_HOME%\temp +set BUILD_DEP=%BUILD_HOME%\dep +set UNZIP_EXE=%BUILD_DEP%\7za.exe x +set CURL_EXE=%BUILD_DEP%\curl.exe +set MSBUILD_EXE=msbuild + +IF NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME% ( + md %DOWNLOAD_HOME% +) + +REM ##################################################### +REM # get Boost +REM ##################################################### +set LIB_NAME="boost_1_55_0" +set LIB_URL="http://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/project/boost/boost/1.55.0/boost_1_55_0.zip" + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME% + +IF NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%/%LIB_NAME% ( + %CURL_EXE% -# %LIB_URL% > %LIB_NAME%.zip + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.zip +) + +set BOOST_HOME=%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME% + +REM ##################################################### +REM # build wxWidget +REM ##################################################### +set LIB_NAME="wxWidgets-2.9.4" +set LIB_URL="http://iweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/wxwindows/2.9.4/wxWidgets-" + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME% + +IF NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME% ( + %CURL_EXE% -# %LIB_URL% > %LIB_NAME%.7z + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.7z -o%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME% +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\build\msw +nmake -f makefile.vc UNICODE=1 SHARED=0 RUNTIME_LIBS=static BUILD=debug MONOLITHIC=0 USE_OPENGL=1 USE_POSTSCRIPT=1 +nmake -f makefile.vc UNICODE=1 SHARED=0 RUNTIME_LIBS=static BUILD=release MONOLITHIC=0 USE_OPENGL=1 USE_POSTSCRIPT=1 + +set WX_HOME=%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME% + +REM ##################################################### +REM # build CLAPACK +REM ##################################################### +set LIB_NAME="CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio" +set LIB_URL="http://www.netlib.org/clapack/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio.zip" + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME% + +IF NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%/%LIB_NAME% ( + %CURL_EXE% -# %LIB_URL% > %LIB_NAME%.zip + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.zip +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME% +REM %MSBUILD_EXE% clapack.sln /property:Configuration="Release" + +REM ##################################################### +REM # build GeoDa +REM ##################################################### +cd %BUILD_HOME% + +%MSBUILD_EXE% GeoDa.vs2008.sln /property:Configuration="Release" + diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/build.bat b/BuildTools/windows/build.bat new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4518b4966 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/build.bat @@ -0,0 +1,1014 @@ +@echo OFF + +REM call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" +REM call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" +REM call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" +if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == x86 ( + call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" + REM call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" +) else if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == AMD64 ( + if NOT EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express - ENU\License.txt" ( + call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64 + echo Looks like you are using Visual Studio 2010 Pro + ) else ( + call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\SetEnv.cmd" /x64 + echo Looks like you are using Visual Studio 2010 Express + ) + REM Windows SDK for Windows 7 must be installed before the above command will work + REM Please follow steps here to fully patch SDK 7.1 for 64-bit machines: + REM http://forum.celestialmatters.org/viewtopic.php?t=404 + REM + REM call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64 + REM The above amd64 environment option does not work with the default VS 2010 Express installation. +) + +for /f "tokens=4 delims=;= " %%P in ('findstr /c:"version_major" ..\..\version.h') do set VER_MAJOR=%%P +for /f "tokens=4 delims=;= " %%P in ('findstr /c:"version_minor" ..\..\version.h') do set VER_MINOR=%%P +for /f "tokens=4 delims=;= " %%P in ('findstr /c:"version_build" ..\..\version.h') do set VER_BUILD=%%P +set GDA_VERSION=%VER_MAJOR%.%VER_MINOR%.%VER_BUILD% + +echo. +echo ##################################################### +echo # +echo # Build script for Windows 7, 32-bit and 64-bit +echo # +echo # PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE: %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% + +set GDA_BUILD=unknown +if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == x86 ( + echo # 32-bit Windows detected + set GDA_BUILD=BUILD_32 +) else if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == AMD64 ( + echo # 64-bit Windows detected + set GDA_BUILD=BUILD_64 +) else ( + echo # Could not determine processor architecture. + echo # Exiting... +) +echo # +echo # GeoDa version %GDA_VERSION% +echo # +echo ##################################################### +echo. + + +set BUILD_HOME=%CD% +echo BUILD_HOME: %BUILD_HOME% +set GEODA_HOME=%BUILD_HOME%\..\.. +echo GEODA_HOME: %GEODA_HOME% +set DOWNLOAD_HOME=%BUILD_HOME%\temp +echo DOWNLOAD_HOME: %DOWNLOAD_HOME% +set BUILD_DEP=%BUILD_HOME%\dep +echo BUILD_DEP: %BUILD_DEP% +set UNZIP_EXE=%BUILD_DEP%\7za.exe x +echo UNZIP_EXE: %UNZIP_EXE% +set CURL_EXE=%BUILD_DEP%\curl.exe +echo CURL_EXE: %CURL_EXE% +set MSBUILD_EXE= msbuild +echo MSBUILD_EXE: %MSBUILD_EXE% +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + set LIBRARY_HOME=C:\OSGeo4W + set LIB_HM_LIB=lib +) +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_64 ( + set LIBRARY_HOME=C:\OSGeo4W + set LIB_HM_LIB=lib +) +echo LIBRARY_HOME: %LIBRARY_HOME% +echo LIB_HM_LIB: %LIB_HM_LIB% + +REM rmdir %LIBRARY_HOME% /s /q + +IF NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME% md %LIBRARY_HOME% +IF NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB% md %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB% +IF NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\include md %LIBRARY_HOME%\include +IF NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\plugins md %LIBRARY_HOME%\plugins + +IF NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME% md %DOWNLOAD_HOME% + +REM #Create a empty unix header file, just for ref +echo. 2> %LIBRARY_HOME%\include\unistd.h + +:TO_CURL_BUILD +echo. +echo ##################################################### +echo # build cURL (by default /MD) +echo ##################################################### +echo. +set LIB_NAME=curl-7.30.0 +set LIB_URL="http://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.30.0.zip" + +set ALL_EXIST=true +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libcurl.dll set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libcurl.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libcurl_a.lib set ALL_EXIST=false + +if %ALL_EXIST% == true ( + echo All %LIB_NAME% library targets exist, skipping build + goto SKIP_CURL_BUILD +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME% +IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME% ( + IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME%.zip %CURL_EXE% -# %LIB_URL% > %LIB_NAME%.zip + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.zip +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\winbuild +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + rmdir %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\builds /s /q + nmake -f Makefile.vc mode=static HTTP_ONLY=yes VC=10 DEBUG=no MACHINE=x86 ENABLE_SSPI=no ENABLE_WINSSL=no CONFIG_NAME_LIB=curlib + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\builds\curlib\lib\libcurl_a.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libcurl_a.lib + + rmdir %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\builds /s /q + nmake -f Makefile.vc mode=dll HTTP_ONLY=yes VC=10 DEBUG=no MACHINE=x86 ENABLE_SSPI=no ENABLE_WINSSL=no CONFIG_NAME_LIB=curlib + + xcopy /E /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\builds\curlib\include %LIBRARY_HOME%\include + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\builds\curlib\lib\libcurl.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libcurl.lib + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\builds\curlib\bin\libcurl.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libcurl.dll + + +) else ( + rmdir %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\builds /s /q + nmake -f Makefile.vc mode=static HTTP_ONLY=yes VC=10 DEBUG=no MACHINE=x64 ENABLE_SSPI=no ENABLE_WINSSL=no CONFIG_NAME_LIB=curlib + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\builds\curlib\lib\libcurl_a.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libcurl_a.lib + + rmdir %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\builds /s /q + nmake -f Makefile.vc mode=dll HTTP_ONLY=yes VC=10 DEBUG=no MACHINE=x64 ENABLE_SSPI=no ENABLE_WINSSL=no CONFIG_NAME_LIB=curlib + + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\builds\curlib\bin\libcurl.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libcurl.dll + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\builds\curlib\lib\libcurl.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libcurl.lib + xcopy /E /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\builds\curlib\include %LIBRARY_HOME%\include + +) +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libcurl.dll +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libcurl.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libcurl_a.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +:SKIP_CURL_BUILD + + +:TO_ICONV_BUILD +echo. +echo ##################################################### +echo # build libiconv +echo ##################################################### +echo. +set LIB_NAME=libiconv-1.14 +set LIB_URL="http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libiconv/libiconv-1.14.tar.gz" + +set ALL_EXIST=true +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\iconv.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if %ALL_EXIST% == true ( + echo All %LIB_NAME% library targets exist, skipping build + goto SKIP_ICONV_BUILD +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME% + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME% +IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME% ( + IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME%.tar.gz %CURL_EXE% -# %LIB_URL% > %LIB_NAME%.tar.gz + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.tar.gz + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.tar +) + +xcopy /E /Y %BUILD_DEP%\%LIB_NAME% %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME% +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME% + +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + %MSBUILD_EXE% libiconv.sln /property:Configuration="Release" /p:Platform="Win32" + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\iconv.h %LIBRARY_HOME%\include\iconv.h + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\Release_Win32\libiconv.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libiconv.dll + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\Release_Win32\libiconv.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libiconv.lib + + %MSBUILD_EXE% libiconv.sln /property:Configuration="Release_static" /p:Platform="Win32" + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\Release_static_Win32\libiconv.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\iconv.lib + +) else ( + + %MSBUILD_EXE% libiconv.sln /property:Configuration="Release" /p:Platform="x64" + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\iconv.h %LIBRARY_HOME%\include + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\Release_x64\libiconv.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libiconv.dll + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\Release_x64\libiconv.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libiconv.lib + + %MSBUILD_EXE% libiconv.sln /property:Configuration="Release_static" /p:Platform="x64" + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\Release_static_x64\libiconv.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\iconv.lib +) +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\iconv.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +:SKIP_ICONV_BUILD + + +:TO_XERCES_BUILD +echo. +echo ##################################################### +echo # build Xerces +echo ##################################################### +echo. +set LIB_NAME=xerces-c-3.1.1 +set LIB_URL="http://apache.tradebit.com/pub//xerces/c/3/sources/xerces-c-3.1.1.zip" +set ALL_EXIST=true +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\xerces-c_static_3.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if %ALL_EXIST% == true ( + echo All %LIB_NAME% library targets exist, skipping build + goto SKIP_XERCES_BUILD +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME% +IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME% ( + IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME%.zip %CURL_EXE% -# %LIB_URL% > %LIB_NAME%.zip + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.zip +) + +xcopy /E /Y %BUILD_DEP%\%LIB_NAME% %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME% + +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + %MSBUILD_EXE% %LIB_NAME%\projects\Win32\VC10\xerces-all\xerces-all.sln /t:XercesLib /property:Configuration="Release" + + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\src\*.h %LIBRARY_HOME%\include + md %LIBRARY_HOME%\include\xercesc + xcopy /E /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\src\xercesc %LIBRARY_HOME%\include\xercesc + + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\Build\Win32\VC10\Release\xerces-c_3.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\xerces-c_3.lib + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\Build\Win32\VC10\Release\xerces-c_3_1.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\xerces-c_3_1.dll + + %MSBUILD_EXE% %LIB_NAME%\projects\Win32\VC10\xerces-all\xerces-all.sln /t:XercesLib /property:Configuration="Static Release" + copy /Y "%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\Build\Win32\VC10\Static Release\"xerces-c_static_3.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\xerces-c_static_3.lib + +) else ( + + %MSBUILD_EXE% %LIB_NAME%\projects\Win32\VC10\xerces-all\xerces-all.sln /t:XercesLib /property:Configuration="Release" /p:Platform="x64" + + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\src\*.h %LIBRARY_HOME%\include + md %LIBRARY_HOME%\include\xercesc + xcopy /E /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\src\xercesc %LIBRARY_HOME%\include\xercesc + + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\Build\Win64\VC10\Release\xerces-c_3.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\xerces-c_3.lib + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\Build\Win64\VC10\Release\xerces-c_3_1.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\xerces-c_3_1.dll + + %MSBUILD_EXE% %LIB_NAME%\projects\Win32\VC10\xerces-all\xerces-all.sln /t:XercesLib /property:Configuration="Static Release" /p:Platform="x64" + copy /Y "%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\Build\Win64\VC10\Static Release\"xerces-c_static_3.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\xerces-c_static_3.lib +) +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\xerces-c_static_3.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +:SKIP_XERCES_BUILD + +:TO_GEOS_BUILD +echo. +echo ##################################################### +echo # build GEOS +echo ##################################################### +echo. +set LIB_NAME=geos-3.3.8 +set LIB_URL="http://download.osgeo.org/geos/geos-3.3.8.tar.bz2" +set ALL_EXIST=true +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\geos.dll set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\geos.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\geos_c.dll set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\geos_c_i.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\geos_i.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if %ALL_EXIST% == true ( + echo All %LIB_NAME% library targets exist, skipping build + goto SKIP_GEOS_BUILD +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME% + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME% +IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME% ( + IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME%.tar.bz2 %CURL_EXE% -# %LIB_URL% > %LIB_NAME%.tar.bz2 + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.tar.bz2 + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.tar +) + +cd %LIB_NAME% +call autogen.bat + +REM patch nmake.opt to support nmake with version string 10.00.40219.01 +copy /Y %BUILD_HOME%\dep\%LIB_NAME%\nmake.opt %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\nmake.opt +nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1600 BUILD_DEBUG=NO + +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\capi\*.h %LIBRARY_HOME%\include +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\include\*.h %LIBRARY_HOME%\include +md %LIBRARY_HOME%\include\geos +xcopy /E /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\include\geos %LIBRARY_HOME%\include\geos + +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\src\geos.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\geos.dll +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\src\geos.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\geos.lib +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\src\geos_c.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\geos_c.dll +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\src\geos_c_i.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\geos_c_i.lib +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\src\geos_i.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\geos_i.lib + +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\geos.dll +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\geos.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\geos_c.dll +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\geos_c_i.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\geos_i.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +:SKIP_GEOS_BUILD + + +:TO_PROJ4_BUILD +echo. +echo ##################################################### +echo # build PROJ4 (todo , MD,MT nmake.opt) +echo ##################################################### +echo. +set LIB_NAME=proj-4.8.0 +set LIB_URL="http://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-4.8.0.zip" + +set ALL_EXIST=true +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\proj.dll set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\proj.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\proj_i.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if %ALL_EXIST% == true ( + echo All %LIB_NAME% library targets exist, skipping build + goto SKIP_PROJ4_BUILD +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME% +IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME% ( + IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME%.zip %CURL_EXE% -# %LIB_URL% > %LIB_NAME%.zip + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.zip +) + +cd %LIB_NAME% +nmake -f makefile.vc + +set PROJ_INCLUDE=%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\src + +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\src\*.h %LIBRARY_HOME%\include +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\src\*.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB% +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\src\*.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB% + +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\proj.dll +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\proj.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\proj_i.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +:SKIP_PROJ4_BUILD + + +:TO_FREEXL_BUILD +echo. +echo ##################################################### +echo # build freeXL +echo ##################################################### +echo. +set LIB_NAME=freexl-1.0.0e +set LIB_URL="http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/freexl-sources/freexl-1.0.0e.zip" + +set ALL_EXIST=true +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\freexl.dll set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\freexl.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\freexl_i.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if %ALL_EXIST% == true ( + echo All %LIB_NAME% library targets exist, skipping build + goto SKIP_FREEXL_BUILD +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME% +IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME% ( + IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME%.zip %CURL_EXE% -# %LIB_URL% > %LIB_NAME%.zip + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.zip +) + +cd %LIB_NAME% + +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\headers\*.h %LIBRARY_HOME%\include + +nmake -f makefile.vc OPTFLAGS="/MD /DDLL_EXPORT -DUSING_STATIC_LIBICONV -I%LIBRARY_HOME%\include" OPTLKFLAG="%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\iconv.lib" + +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\freexl_i.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\freexl_i.lib +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\freexl.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\freexl.lib +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\freexl.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\freexl.dll + +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\freexl.dll +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\freexl.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\freexl_i.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +:SKIP_FREEXL_BUILD + + +:TO_SQLITE_BUILD +echo. +echo ##################################################### +echo # build SQLite3 +echo ##################################################### +echo. +set LIB_NAME=sqlite-amalgamation-3071700 +set LIB_URL="http://www.sqlite.org/2013/sqlite-amalgamation-3071700.zip" + +set ALL_EXIST=true +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\sqlite.dll set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\sqlite.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\sqlite3_i.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\sqlited.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if %ALL_EXIST% == true ( + echo All %LIB_NAME% library targets exist, skipping build + goto SKIP_SQLITE_BUILD +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME% +IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME% ( + IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME%.zip %CURL_EXE% -# %LIB_URL% > %LIB_NAME%.zip + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.zip +) + +xcopy /Y /E %BUILD_DEP%\%LIB_NAME% %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME% +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\sqlite + +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + %MSBUILD_EXE% sqlite.sln /property:Configuration="Release_dll" + + REM lib /def:sqlite\sqlite3.def + + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\sqlite\Release_dll\sqlite.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\sqlite3_i.lib + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\sqlite\Release_dll\sqlite.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\sqlite.dll + + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\*.h %LIBRARY_HOME%\include + + %MSBUILD_EXE% sqlite.sln /property:Configuration="Release" + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\sqlite\Release\sqlite.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\sqlite.lib + + %MSBUILD_EXE% sqlite.sln /property:Configuration="Debug" + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\sqlite\Debug\sqlite.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\sqlited.lib + +) else ( + %MSBUILD_EXE% sqlite.sln /property:Configuration="Release_dll" /p:Platform="x64" + + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\sqlite\x64\Release_dll\sqlite.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\sqlite3_i.lib + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\sqlite\x64\Release_dll\sqlite.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\sqlite.dll + + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\*.h %LIBRARY_HOME%\include + + %MSBUILD_EXE% sqlite.sln /property:Configuration="Release" /p:Platform="x64" + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\sqlite\x64\Release\sqlite.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\sqlite.lib + + %MSBUILD_EXE% sqlite.sln /property:Configuration="Debug" /p:Platform="x64" + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\sqlite\x64\Debug\sqlite.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\sqlited.lib +) +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\sqlite.dll +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\sqlite.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\sqlite3_i.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\sqlited.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +:SKIP_SQLITE_BUILD + + +:TO_SPATIALITE_BUILD +echo. +echo ##################################################### +echo # build SpatiaLite +echo ##################################################### +echo. +set LIB_NAME=libspatialite-4.0.0 +set LIB_URL="http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/libspatialite-sources/libspatialite-4.0.0.zip" + +set ALL_EXIST=true +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\spatialite.dll set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\spatialite.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\spatialite_i.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if %ALL_EXIST% == true ( + echo All %LIB_NAME% library targets exist, skipping build + goto SKIP_SPATIALITE_BUILD +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME% +IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME% ( + IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME%.zip %CURL_EXE% -# %LIB_URL% > %LIB_NAME%.zip + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.zip +) + +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + copy /Y %BUILD_DEP%\%LIB_NAME%\makefile.vc %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\makefile.vc +) else ( + copy /Y %BUILD_DEP%\%LIB_NAME%\makefile64.vc %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\makefile.vc +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME% +nmake -f makefile.vc + +md %LIBRARY_HOME%\include\spatialite +xcopy /Y /E %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\src\headers\spatialite %LIBRARY_HOME%\include\spatialite +copy /Y %LIBRARY_HOME%\include\sqlite3.h %LIBRARY_HOME%\include\spatialite\sqlite3.h +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\src\headers\*.h %LIBRARY_HOME%\include +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\spatialite.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\spatialite.dll +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\spatialite_i.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\spatialite_i.lib +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\spatialite.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\spatialite.lib + +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\spatialite.dll +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\spatialite.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\spatialite_i.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +:SKIP_SPATIALITE_BUILD + + +:TO_POSTGRESQL_BUILD +echo. +echo ##################################################### +echo # build PostgreSQL +echo ##################################################### +echo. +set LIB_NAME=postgresql-9.2.4 +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + set LIB_URL="http://get.enterprisedb.com/postgresql/postgresql-9.2.4-1-windows-binaries.zip" +) else ( + set LIB_URL="http://get.enterprisedb.com/postgresql/postgresql-9.2.4-1-windows-x64-binaries.zip" +) + +set ALL_EXIST=true +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libpq.dll set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libpq.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if %ALL_EXIST% == true ( + echo All %LIB_NAME% library targets exist, skipping build + goto SKIP_POSTGRESQL_BUILD +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME% + +IF NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\pgsql ( + IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME%.zip %CURL_EXE% -# %LIB_URL% > %LIB_NAME%.zip + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.zip +) + +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\pgsql\bin\libintl.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libintl.dll + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\pgsql\bin\libeay32.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libeay32.dll + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\pgsql\bin\ssleay32.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\ssleay32.dll + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\pgsql\lib\libpq.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libpq.lib + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\pgsql\lib\libpq.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libpq.dll + xcopy /Y /E %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\pgsql\include %LIBRARY_HOME%\include +) else ( + + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\pgsql\bin\libintl-8.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libintl-8.dll + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\pgsql\bin\libeay32.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libeay32.dll + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\pgsql\bin\ssleay32.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\ssleay32.dll + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\pgsql\lib\libpq.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libpq.lib + copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\pgsql\lib\libpq.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libpq.dll + xcopy /Y /E %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\pgsql\include %LIBRARY_HOME%\include +) +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libpq.dll +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libpq.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +:SKIP_POSTGRESQL_BUILD + + +:TO_MYSQL_BUILD +echo. +echo ##################################################### +echo # build MySQL +echo ##################################################### +echo. +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + set LIB_NAME=mysql-5.6.16-win32 + set LIB_URL="http://cdn.mysql.com/Downloads/MySQL-5.6/mysql-5.6.16-win32.zip" +) else ( + set LIB_NAME=mysql-5.6.16-winx64 + set LIB_URL="http://cdn.mysql.com/Downloads/MySQL-5.6/mysql-5.6.16-winx64.zip" +) + +REM "The downloaded DLLs are /MT builds, which can't be used. I think build " +REM "MysQL on windows is pretty complex, so I just did that once, and copy the DLLs" +REM "to plugins directory for our usage." +set ALL_EXIST=true +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libmysql.dll set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\mysqlclient.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if %ALL_EXIST% == true ( + echo All %LIB_NAME% library targets exist, skipping build + goto SKIP_MYSQL_BUILD +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME% + +IF NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%/%LIB_NAME% ( + IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME%.zip %CURL_EXE% -# %LIB_URL% > %LIB_NAME%.zip + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.zip +) + +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + xcopy /Y /E %BUILD_HOME%\dep\mysql\my_default.h %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\include + copy /Y %BUILD_HOME%\plugins\mysqlclient.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\mysqlclient.lib + REM xcopy /Y /E %BUILD_HOME%\plugins\libmysql.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libmysql.lib + copy /Y %BUILD_HOME%\plugins\libmysql.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libmysql.dll +) else ( + xcopy /Y /E %BUILD_HOME%\dep\mysql\my_default.h %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\include + copy /Y %BUILD_HOME%\plugins\x64\mysqlclient.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\mysqlclient.lib + REM xcopy /Y /E %BUILD_HOME%\plugins\x64\libmysql.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libmysql.lib + copy /Y %BUILD_HOME%\plugins\x64\libmysql.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libmysql.dll +) +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libmysql.dll +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +REM set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\libmysql.lib +REM IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\mysqlclient.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +:SKIP_MYSQL_BUILD + + +:TO_CLAPACK_BUILD +echo. +echo ##################################################### +echo # build CLAPACK +echo ##################################################### +echo. +set LIB_NAME=CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio +set LIB_URL="http://www.netlib.org/clapack/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio.zip" + +REM # We only test for a small subset of all the CLPACK generated libraries +set ALL_EXIST=true +if NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\LIB\Win32\BLAS.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\LIB\Win32\libf2c.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\LIB\Win32\clapack.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\LIB\x64\BLAS.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\LIB\x64\libf2c.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\LIB\x64\clapack.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if %ALL_EXIST% == true ( + echo All %LIB_NAME% library targets exist, skipping build + goto SKIP_CLAPACK_BUILD +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME% + +IF NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%/%LIB_NAME% ( + IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME%.zip %CURL_EXE% -# %LIB_URL% > %LIB_NAME%.zip + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.zip +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME% + +xcopy /E /Y %BUILD_HOME%\dep\%LIB_NAME% %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME% + +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + %MSBUILD_EXE% clapack.sln /t:libf2c /property:Configuration="ReleaseDLL" + %MSBUILD_EXE% clapack.sln /t:BLAS\blas /property:Configuration="ReleaseDLL" + %MSBUILD_EXE% clapack.sln /t:clapack /property:Configuration="ReleaseDLL" + REM %MSBUILD_EXE% clapack.sln /t:libf2c /property:Configuration="Debug" + REM %MSBUILD_EXE% clapack.sln /t:BLAS\blas /property:Configuration="Debug" + REM %MSBUILD_EXE% clapack.sln /t:clapack /property:Configuration="Debug" +) else ( + %MSBUILD_EXE% clapack.sln /t:libf2c /property:Configuration="ReleaseDLL" /p:Platform="x64" + REM %MSBUILD_EXE% clapack.sln /t:tmglib /property:Configuration="ReleaseDLL" + %MSBUILD_EXE% clapack.sln /t:BLAS\blas /property:Configuration="ReleaseDLL" /p:Platform="x64" + %MSBUILD_EXE% clapack.sln /t:clapack /property:Configuration="ReleaseDLL" /p:Platform="x64" +) +REM # We only test for a small subset of all the CLPACK generated libraries +set CHK_LIB=%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\LIB\Win32\BLAS.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\LIB\Win32\libf2c.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\LIB\Win32\clapack.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\LIB\x64\BLAS.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\LIB\x64\libf2c.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\LIB\x64\clapack.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +:SKIP_CLAPACK_BUILD + + +:TO_WXWIDGETS_BUILD +echo. +echo ##################################################### +echo # build wxWidgets +echo ##################################################### +echo. +set LIB_NAME=wxWidgets-3.0.0 +set LIB_URL="http://iweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/wxwindows/3.0.0/wxWidgets-" + +REM # We are only checking for a small subset of wxWidgets libraries +set ALL_EXIST=true +set WX_DLL_PATH=vc_dll +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + if NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\lib\vc_dll\wxmsw30u.lib set ALL_EXIST=false + if NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\lib\vc_dll\wxmsw30ud.lib set ALL_EXIST=false + set WX_DLL_PATH=vc_dll +) else ( + if NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\lib\vc_x64_dll\wxmsw30u.lib set ALL_EXIST=false + if NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\lib\vc_x64_dll\wxmsw30ud.lib set ALL_EXIST=false + set WX_DLL_PATH=vc_x64_dll +) +if %ALL_EXIST% == true ( + echo All %LIB_NAME% library targets exist, skipping build + goto SKIP_WXWIDGETS_BUILD +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME% + +IF NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME% ( + IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME%.7z %CURL_EXE% -# %LIB_URL% > %LIB_NAME%.7z + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.7z -o%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME% +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\build\msw +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + nmake -f makefile.vc UNICODE=1 SHARED=1 RUNTIME_LIBS=dynamic BUILD=debug MONOLITHIC=1 USE_OPENGL=1 USE_POSTSCRIPT=1 + nmake -f makefile.vc UNICODE=1 SHARED=1 RUNTIME_LIBS=dynamic BUILD=release MONOLITHIC=1 USE_OPENGL=1 USE_POSTSCRIPT=1 +) else ( + nmake -f makefile.vc UNICODE=1 SHARED=1 RUNTIME_LIBS=dynamic BUILD=debug MONOLITHIC=1 USE_OPENGL=1 USE_POSTSCRIPT=1 TARGET_CPU=AMD64 + nmake -f makefile.vc UNICODE=1 SHARED=1 RUNTIME_LIBS=dynamic BUILD=release MONOLITHIC=1 USE_OPENGL=1 USE_POSTSCRIPT=1 TARGET_CPU=AMD64 +) +set WX_HOME=%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME% + +REM # We are only checking for a small subset of wxWidgets libraries +set CHK_LIB=%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\lib\%WX_DLL_PATH%\wxmsw30u.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\lib\%WX_DLL_PATH%\wxmsw30ud.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +:SKIP_WXWIDGETS_BUILD + +:TO_EXPAT_BUILD +echo. +echo ##################################################### +echo # build EXPAT +echo ##################################################### +echo. +set LIB_NAME=expat-2.1.0 +set LIB_URL="http://superb-dca2.dl.sourceforge.net/project/expat/expat/2.1.0/expat-2.1.0.tar.gz" + +set ALL_EXIST=true +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\expat.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if %ALL_EXIST% == true ( + echo All %LIB_NAME% library targets exist, skipping build + goto SKIP_EXPAT_BUILD +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME% + +IF NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%/%LIB_NAME% ( + %CURL_EXE% -k -# %LIB_URL% > %LIB_NAME%.tar.gz + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.tar.gz + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.tar +) + +cd %LIB_NAME% + +md build +cd build +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 10" + %MSBUILD_EXE% expat.sln /t:ALL_BUILD /property:Configuration="Release" /p:Platform="Win32" +) else ( + cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 10 Win64" + %MSBUILD_EXE% expat.sln /t:ALL_BUILD /property:Configuration="Release" /p:Platform="x64" +) +copy /Y Release\expat.* %LIBRARY_HOME%\lib +copy /Y ..\lib\*.h %LIBRARY_HOME%\include + +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\expat.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +:SKIP_EXPAT_BUILD + +:TO_GDAL_OGR_BUILD +echo. +echo ##################################################### +echo # build GDAL/OGR +echo ##################################################### +echo. +set LIB_NAME=gdal-1.9.2 +set LIB_URL="https://codeload.github.com/lixun910/gdal-1.9.2-work/zip/master" + +set ALL_EXIST=true +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\gdal.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\gdal19.dll set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\gdal_i.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if %ALL_EXIST% == true ( + echo All %LIB_NAME% library targets exist, skipping build + goto SKIP_GDAL_OGR_BUILD +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME% + +IF NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%/%LIB_NAME% ( + %CURL_EXE% -k -# %LIB_URL% > %LIB_NAME%.zip + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.zip + rename gdal-1.9.2-work-master %LIB_NAME% +) + +cd %LIB_NAME% +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + copy /Y %BUILD_HOME%\dep\%LIB_NAME%\nmake.opt nmake.opt +) else ( + copy /Y %BUILD_HOME%\dep\%LIB_NAME%\nmake64.opt nmake.opt +) +copy /Y %BUILD_HOME%\dep\%LIB_NAME%\port\cpl_config.h port\cpl_config.h + +nmake -f makefile.vc + +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\gcore\*.h %LIBRARY_HOME%\include +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\port\*.h %LIBRARY_HOME%\include +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\ogr\*.h %LIBRARY_HOME%\include +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\ogr\ogrsf_frmts\*.h %LIBRARY_HOME%\include + +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\gdal19.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\gdal19.dll +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\gdal_i.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\gdal_i.lib +copy /Y %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\gdal.lib %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\gdal.lib + +echo Note: building of OGR plugins skipped by default. See readme.txt +echo for information on how to build plugins. +REM call build_ogr_plugins.bat + +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\gdal.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\gdal19.dll +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB%\gdal_i.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +:SKIP_GDAL_OGR_BUILD + + +:TO_BOOST_BUILD +echo. +echo ##################################################### +echo # build Boost +echo ##################################################### +echo. +set LIB_NAME=boost_1_54_0 +set LIB_URL="http://iweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/boost/boost/1.54.0/boost_1_54_0.zip" + +set ALL_EXIST=true +if NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\stage\lib\libboost_thread-vc100-mt-1_54.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\stage\lib\libboost_thread-vc100-mt-gd-1_54.lib set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\stage\lib\boost_chrono-vc100-mt-1_54.dll set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\stage\lib\boost_thread-vc100-mt-1_54.dll set ALL_EXIST=false +if NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\stage\lib\boost_system-vc100-mt-1_54.dll set ALL_EXIST=false +if %ALL_EXIST% == true ( + echo All %LIB_NAME% library targets exist, skipping build + goto SKIP_BOOST_BUILD +) + +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME% +IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME% ( + IF NOT EXIST %LIB_NAME%.zip %CURL_EXE% -# %LIB_URL% > %LIB_NAME%.zip + %UNZIP_EXE% %LIB_NAME%.zip +) + +set BOOST_HOME=%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME% +echo BOOST_HOME: %BOOST_HOME% +cd %BOOST_HOME% +call bootstrap.bat +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + call b2 --with-thread --with-date_time --with-chrono --with-system --toolset=msvc-10.0 --build-type=complete stage + call b2 --with-thread --with-date_time --with-chrono --with-system --toolset=msvc-10.0 --build-type=complete --debug-symbols=on stage +) else ( + call b2 --with-thread --with-date_time --with-chrono --with-system --toolset=msvc-10.0 --build-type=complete architecture=x86 address-model=64 stage + call b2 --with-thread --with-date_time --with-chrono --with-system --toolset=msvc-10.0 --build-type=complete --debug-symbols=on architecture=x86 address-model=64 stage +) +cd %BUILD_HOME% + +set CHK_LIB=%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\stage\lib\libboost_thread-vc100-mt-1_54.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\stage\lib\libboost_thread-vc100-mt-gd-1_54.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\stage\lib\boost_chrono-vc100-mt-1_54.dll +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\stage\lib\boost_thread-vc100-mt-1_54.dll +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\stage\lib\boost_system-vc100-mt-1_54.dll +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +:SKIP_BOOST_BUILD + + +:TO_VISUAL_STUDIO_SETUP_BUILD +echo. +echo ##################################################### +echo # Copy over some DLLs to Debug/Release dirs for +echo # convenience when using Visual Studio +echo # to build/debug interactively. +echo ##################################################### +echo. +cd %BUILD_HOME% + +IF NOT EXIST %BUILD_HOME%\Debug md %BUILD_HOME%\Debug +IF NOT EXIST %BUILD_HOME%\Release md %BUILD_HOME%\Release + +copy /Y cache.sqlite Debug\. +copy /Y temp\expat-2.1.0\build\Release\expat.dll Debug\. +copy /Y temp\gdal-1.9.2\gdal19.dll Debug\. +copy /Y temp\pgsql\lib\libpq.dll Debug\. +copy /Y temp\pgsql\bin\ssleay32.dll Debug\. +copy /Y temp\pgsql\bin\libeay32.dll Debug\. +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + copy /Y temp\pgsql\bin\libintl.dll Debug\. + copy /Y temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\vc_dll\wxmsw30ud_vc_custom.dll Debug\. + copy /Y temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\vc_dll\wxmsw30ud_gl_vc_custom.dll Debug\. +) else ( + copy /Y temp\pgsql\bin\libintl-8.dll Debug\. + copy /Y temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\vc_x64_dll\wxmsw30ud_vc_custom.dll Debug\. + copy /Y temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\vc_x64_dll\wxmsw30ud_gl_vc_custom.dll Debug\. +) +copy /Y temp\boost_1_54_0\stage\lib\boost_chrono-vc100-mt-1_54.dll Debug\. +copy /Y temp\boost_1_54_0\stage\lib\boost_thread-vc100-mt-1_54.dll Debug\. +copy /Y temp\boost_1_54_0\stage\lib\boost_system-vc100-mt-1_54.dll Debug\. + +copy /Y cache.sqlite Release\. +copy /Y temp\expat-2.1.0\build\Release\expat.dll Release\. +copy /Y temp\gdal-1.9.2\gdal19.dll Release\. +copy /Y temp\pgsql\lib\libpq.dll Release\. +copy /Y temp\pgsql\bin\ssleay32.dll Release\. +copy /Y temp\pgsql\bin\libeay32.dll Release\. +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + copy /Y temp\pgsql\bin\libintl.dll Release\. + copy /Y temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\vc_dll\wxmsw30u_vc_custom.dll Release\. + copy /Y temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\vc_dll\wxmsw30u_gl_vc_custom.dll Release\. +) else ( + copy /Y temp\pgsql\bin\libintl-8.dll Release\. + copy /Y temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\vc_x64_dll\wxmsw30u_vc_custom.dll Release\. + copy /Y temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\vc_x64_dll\wxmsw30u_gl_vc_custom.dll Release\. +) +copy /Y temp\boost_1_54_0\stage\lib\boost_chrono-vc100-mt-1_54.dll Release\. +copy /Y temp\boost_1_54_0\stage\lib\boost_thread-vc100-mt-1_54.dll Release\. +copy /Y temp\boost_1_54_0\stage\lib\boost_system-vc100-mt-1_54.dll Release\. +:SKIP_VISUAL_STUDIO_SETUP_BUILD + + +:TO_GEODA_BUILD +echo. +echo ##################################################### +echo # build GeoDa %GDA_VERSION% +echo ##################################################### +echo. +cd %BUILD_HOME% + +IF EXIST %BUILD_HOME%\Release\GeoDa.lib del %BUILD_HOME%\Release\GeoDa.lib +IF EXIST %BUILD_HOME%\Release\GeoDa.exp del %BUILD_HOME%\Release\GeoDa.exp +IF EXIST %BUILD_HOME%\Release\GeoDa.exp del %BUILD_HOME%\Release\GeoDa.exe +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + %MSBUILD_EXE% GeoDa.vs2010.sln /t:GeoDa /property:Configuration="Release" /p:Platform="Win32" +) else ( + %MSBUILD_EXE% GeoDa.vs2010.sln /t:GeoDa /property:Configuration="Release" /p:Platform="x64" +) +set CHK_LIB=%BUILD_HOME%\Release\GeoDa.lib +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%BUILD_HOME%\Release\GeoDa.exp +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +set CHK_LIB=%BUILD_HOME%\Release\GeoDa.exe +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +:SKIP_GEODA_BUILD + + +:TO_PACKAGE_BUILD +echo. +echo ##################################################### +echo # Creating GeoDa %GDA_VERSION% installer... +echo ##################################################### +echo. +cd %BUILD_HOME% + +set INNO_EXE=not_found +IF EXIST "\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 5\ISCC.exe" ( + set INNO_EXE="\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 5\ISCC.exe" +) +IF EXIST "\Program Files\Inno Setup 5\ISCC.exe" ( + set INNO_EXE="\Program Files\Inno Setup 5\ISCC.exe" +) +if %INNO_EXE% == not_found ( + echo Could not find location of Inno 5 command line installer ISCC.exe. Please install Inno 5. + goto BUILD_END +) + +IF EXIST %BUILD_HOME%\geoda_setup.exe del %BUILD_HOME%\geoda_setup.exe +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + %INNO_EXE% /q installer\32bit\GeoDa.iss +) else ( + %INNO_EXE% /q installer\64bit\GeoDa.iss +) +set CHK_LIB=%BUILD_HOME%\geoda_setup.exe +IF NOT EXIST %CHK_LIB% goto MISSING_TARGET_END +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + move /Y %BUILD_HOME%\geoda_setup.exe %BUILD_HOME%\GeoDa-%GDA_VERSION%-Windows-32bit.exe +) else ( + move /Y %BUILD_HOME%\geoda_setup.exe %BUILD_HOME%\GeoDa-%GDA_VERSION%-Windows-64bit.exe +) +:SKIP_PACKAGE_BUILD + +echo Finished building and packaging GeoDa %GDA_VERSION% + +:BUILD_END +goto REAL_END + +:MISSING_TARGET_END +cd %BUILD_HOME% +echo. +echo Build stopped while building %LIB_NAME% due to +echo missing target: %CHK_LIB% +echo. + +:REAL_END diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/build_ogr_plugins.bat b/BuildTools/windows/build_ogr_plugins.bat new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5997aad0b --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/build_ogr_plugins.bat @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +@echo OFF + +REM call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" +REM call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" +REM call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" +if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == x86 ( + call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" + REM call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" +) else if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == AMD64 ( + if NOT EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express - ENU\License.txt" ( + call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64 + echo Looks like you are using Visual Studio 2010 Pro + ) else ( + call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\SetEnv.cmd" /x64 + echo Looks like you are using Visual Studio 2010 Express + ) + REM Windows SDK for Windows 7 must be installed before the above command will work + REM Please follow steps here to fully patch SDK 7.1 for 64-bit machines: + REM http://forum.celestialmatters.org/viewtopic.php?t=404 + REM + REM call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64 + REM The above amd64 environment option does not work with the default VS 2010 Express installation. +) + +echo. +echo ##################################################### +echo # +echo # OGR Plugin build script for Windows 7, 32/64-bit +echo # +echo # Note: This script assumes that GDAL/OGR has +echo # already been built. +echo # +echo # PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE: %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% + +set GDA_BUILD=unknown +if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == x86 ( + echo # 32-bit Windows detected + set GDA_BUILD=BUILD_32 +) else if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == AMD64 ( + echo # 64-bit Windows detected + set GDA_BUILD=BUILD_64 +) else ( + echo # Could not determine processor architecture. + echo # Exiting... +) + +echo # +echo ##################################################### +echo. +if %GDA_BUILD% == unknown goto PLUGIN_BUILD_END + +set BUILD_HOME=%CD% +echo BUILD_HOME: %BUILD_HOME% +set GEODA_HOME=%BUILD_HOME%\..\.. +echo GEODA_HOME: %GEODA_HOME% +set DOWNLOAD_HOME=%BUILD_HOME%\temp +echo DOWNLOAD_HOME: %DOWNLOAD_HOME% +set BUILD_DEP=%BUILD_HOME%\dep +echo BUILD_DEP: %BUILD_DEP% +set UNZIP_EXE=%BUILD_DEP%\7za.exe x +echo UNZIP_EXE: %UNZIP_EXE% +set CURL_EXE=%BUILD_DEP%\curl.exe +echo CURL_EXE: %CURL_EXE% +set MSBUILD_EXE=msbuild +echo MSBUILD_EXE: %MSBUILD_EXE% +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( + set LIBRARY_HOME=C:\OSGeo4W + set LIB_HM_LIB = lib +) +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_64 ( + set LIBRARY_HOME=C:\OSGeo4W + set LIB_HM_LIB = lib +) +echo LIBRARY_HOME: %LIBRARY_HOME% + +REM rmdir %LIBRARY_HOME% /s /q + +IF NOT EXIST %LIBRARY_HOME% ( + md %LIBRARY_HOME% + md %LIBRARY_HOME%\%LIB_HM_LIB% + md %LIBRARY_HOME%\include + md %LIBRARY_HOME%\plugins +) + +IF NOT EXIST %DOWNLOAD_HOME% ( + md %DOWNLOAD_HOME% +) + +REM #Create a empty unix header file, just for ref +echo. 2> %LIBRARY_HOME%\include\unistd.h + + +set LIB_NAME=gdal-1.9.2 +echo LIB_NAME: %LIB_NAME% +echo. + +echo ##################################################### +echo # build ESRI FileGDB plugin +echo ##################################################### +if %GDA_BUILD% == BUILD_32 ( +copy /Y %BUILD_HOME%\dep\%LIB_NAME%\nmake.opt.withplugins %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\nmake.opt +) else ( +copy /Y %BUILD_HOME%\dep\%LIB_NAME%\nmake64.opt.withplugins %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\nmake.opt +) +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\ogr\ogrsf_frmts\filegdb +nmake -f makefile.vc plugin +copy /Y %LIB_NAME%\ogr\ogrsf_frmts\filegd\ogr_FileGDB.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\plugins + +echo ##################################################### +echo # build Oracle plugin +echo ##################################################### +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\ogr\ogrsf_frmts\oci +nmake -f makefile.vc ogr_OCI.dll +copy /Y %LIB_NAME%\ogr\ogrsf_frmts\oci\ogr_OCI.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\plugins + +echo ##################################################### +echo # build ESRI Arc SDE +echo ##################################################### +cd %DOWNLOAD_HOME%\%LIB_NAME%\ogr\ogrsf_frmts\sde +nmake -f makefile.vc ogr_SDE.dll +copy /Y %LIB_NAME%\ogr\ogrsf_frmts\sde\ogr_SDE.dll %LIBRARY_HOME%\plugins + +cd %BUILD_HOME% +echo. +echo Finished GDAL/OGR Plugin build + +:PLUGIN_BUILD_END diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/cache.sqlite b/BuildTools/windows/cache.sqlite new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b67997d10 Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/cache.sqlite differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/7za.exe b/BuildTools/windows/dep/7za.exe new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f6bf86bc Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/dep/7za.exe differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/BLAS/WRAP/cblaswrap.vcxproj b/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/BLAS/WRAP/cblaswrap.vcxproj new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79379d4ea --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/BLAS/WRAP/cblaswrap.vcxproj @@ -0,0 +1,577 @@ + + + + + Debug without wrap + Win32 + + + Debug without wrap + x64 + + + Debug + Win32 + + + Debug + x64 + + + Release without wrap + Win32 + + + Release without wrap + x64 + + + ReleaseDLL + Win32 + + + ReleaseDLL + x64 + + + Release + Win32 + + + Release + x64 + + + + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175} + cblaswrap + + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + <_ProjectFileVersion>10.0.40219.1 + .\Debug\ + .\Debug\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + + + + Disabled + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + EnableFastChecks + MultiThreadedDebug + .\Debug/tmglib.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + EditAndContinue + + + _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\..\LIB\Win32\cblaswrapd.lib + true + + + true + .\Debug/tmglib.bsc + + + + + X64 + + + Disabled + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + EnableFastChecks + MultiThreadedDebug + .\Debug/tmglib.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + ProgramDatabase + + + _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\..\LIB\x64\cblaswrapd.lib + true + + + true + .\Debug/tmglib.bsc + + + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + Default + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + MultiThreaded + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\..\LIB\Win32\cblaswrap.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/tmglib.bsc + + + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + Default + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + MultiThreaded + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\..\LIB\Win32\cblaswrap.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/tmglib.bsc + + + + + X64 + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + Default + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + MultiThreaded + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\..\LIB\x64\cblaswrap.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/tmglib.bsc + + + + + X64 + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + Default + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + MultiThreaded + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\..\LIB\x64\cblaswrap.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/tmglib.bsc + + + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + Default + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + MultiThreaded + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\..\LIB\Win32\cblaswrap.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/tmglib.bsc + + + + + X64 + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + Default + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + MultiThreaded + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\..\LIB\x64\cblaswrap.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/tmglib.bsc + + + + + Disabled + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + EnableFastChecks + MultiThreadedDebug + .\Debug/tmglib.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + EditAndContinue + + + _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\..\LIB\Win32\cblaswrapd.lib + true + + + true + .\Debug/tmglib.bsc + + + + + X64 + + + Disabled + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + EnableFastChecks + MultiThreadedDebug + .\Debug/tmglib.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + ProgramDatabase + + + _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\..\LIB\x64\cblaswrapd.lib + true + + + true + .\Debug/tmglib.bsc + + + + + + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + + + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + + + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + + + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/BLAS/WRAP/cblaswrap.vcxproj.filters b/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/BLAS/WRAP/cblaswrap.vcxproj.filters new file mode 100644 index 000000000..678cbf017 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/BLAS/WRAP/cblaswrap.vcxproj.filters @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ + + + + + {5622f0e4-8044-405a-96bf-7ee281b2411d} + cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat + + + {905c237b-cdc7-4319-8f8f-53d6078a631d} + + + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + + + Header Files + + + Header Files + + + Header Files + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/BLAS/WRAP/f77blaswrap.vcxproj b/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/BLAS/WRAP/f77blaswrap.vcxproj new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a0fc12c8f --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/BLAS/WRAP/f77blaswrap.vcxproj @@ -0,0 +1,577 @@ + + + + + Debug without wrap + Win32 + + + Debug without wrap + x64 + + + Debug + Win32 + + + Debug + x64 + + + Release without wrap + Win32 + + + Release without wrap + x64 + + + ReleaseDLL + Win32 + + + ReleaseDLL + x64 + + + Release + Win32 + + + Release + x64 + + + + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175} + f77blaswrap + + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + <_ProjectFileVersion>10.0.40219.1 + .\Debug\ + .\Debug\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + + + + Disabled + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + EnableFastChecks + MultiThreadedDebug + .\Debug/tmglib.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + EditAndContinue + + + _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\..\LIB\Win32\f77blaswrapd.lib + true + + + true + .\Debug/tmglib.bsc + + + + + X64 + + + Disabled + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + EnableFastChecks + MultiThreadedDebug + .\Debug/tmglib.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + ProgramDatabase + + + _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\..\LIB\x64\f77blaswrapd.lib + true + + + true + .\Debug/tmglib.bsc + + + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + Default + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + MultiThreaded + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\..\LIB\Win32\f77blaswrap.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/tmglib.bsc + + + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + Default + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + MultiThreaded + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\..\LIB\Win32\f77blaswrap.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/tmglib.bsc + + + + + X64 + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + Default + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + MultiThreaded + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\..\LIB\x64\f77blaswrap.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/tmglib.bsc + + + + + X64 + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + Default + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + MultiThreaded + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\..\LIB\x64\f77blaswrap.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/tmglib.bsc + + + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + Default + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + MultiThreaded + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\..\LIB\Win32\f77blaswrap.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/tmglib.bsc + + + + + X64 + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + Default + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + MultiThreaded + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\..\LIB\x64\f77blaswrap.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/tmglib.bsc + + + + + Disabled + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + EnableFastChecks + MultiThreadedDebug + .\Debug/tmglib.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + EditAndContinue + + + _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\..\LIB\Win32\f77blaswrapd.lib + true + + + true + .\Debug/tmglib.bsc + + + + + X64 + + + Disabled + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + EnableFastChecks + MultiThreadedDebug + .\Debug/tmglib.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + ProgramDatabase + + + _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\..\LIB\x64\f77blaswrapd.lib + true + + + true + .\Debug/tmglib.bsc + + + + + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + 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+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/BLAS/WRAP/f77blaswrap.vcxproj.filters b/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/BLAS/WRAP/f77blaswrap.vcxproj.filters new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a744aad16 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/BLAS/WRAP/f77blaswrap.vcxproj.filters @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ + + + + + {00577042-1bd2-45cf-a3c3-62fb05fcd59c} + cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat + + + {0817413d-18a3-492a-8ad7-cd2ea532ed3d} + + + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + + + Header Files + + + Header Files + + + Header Files + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/BLAS/blas.vcxproj b/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/BLAS/blas.vcxproj new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e5a31e7a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/BLAS/blas.vcxproj @@ -0,0 +1,3614 @@ + + + + + Debug without wrap + Win32 + + + Debug without wrap + x64 + + + Debug + Win32 + + + Debug + x64 + + + Release without wrap + Win32 + + + Release without wrap + x64 + + + ReleaseDLL + Win32 + + + ReleaseDLL + x64 + + + Release + Win32 + + + Release + x64 + + + + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698} + blas + + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + <_ProjectFileVersion>10.0.40219.1 + $(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + 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MultiThreadedDebugDLL + .\Debug/blas.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + false + Level3 + true + ProgramDatabase + + + _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ../LIB/x64/BLASd.lib + true + + + true + .\Debug/blas.bsc + + + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + Default + ..\f2clibs;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + + + MultiThreadedDLL + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\LIB\Win32\BLAS.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/blas.bsc + + + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + Default + ..\f2clibs;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + + + MultiThreadedDLL + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\LIB\Win32\BLAS.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/blas.bsc + + + + + + X64 + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + Default + ..\f2clibs;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + + + MultiThreadedDLL + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\LIB\x64\BLAS.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/blas.bsc + + + + + X64 + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + Default + ..\f2clibs;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + + + MultiThreadedDLL + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\LIB\x64\BLAS.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/blas.bsc + + + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + Default + ..\f2clibs;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;NO_BLAS_WRAP;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + + + MultiThreadedDLL + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + 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+ MultiThreadedDebugDLL + .\Debug/blas.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + false + Level3 + true + ProgramDatabase + + + _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ../LIB/x64/BLASd_nowrap.lib + true + + + true + .\Debug/blas.bsc + + + + + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + %(PreprocessorDefinitions) + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + %(PreprocessorDefinitions) + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + %(PreprocessorDefinitions) + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + %(PreprocessorDefinitions) + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + %(PreprocessorDefinitions) + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + %(PreprocessorDefinitions) + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + %(PreprocessorDefinitions) + %(PreprocessorDefinitions) + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + %(PreprocessorDefinitions) + %(PreprocessorDefinitions) + + + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + %(PreprocessorDefinitions) + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + 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true + + + true + .\Release/libf2c.bsc + + + + + "libf2c\comptry.bat" cl -DUSE_CLOCK -DMSDOS -DNO_ONEXIT -Ot1 -DNO_FPINIT "libf2c\arithchk.c" +arithchk >"libf2c\arith.h" +del arithchk.exe +del arithchk.obj + + + + -Ot1 + %(AdditionalOptions) + Disabled + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + MultiThreadedDLL + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + Default + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ..\LIB\Win32\libf2c.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/libf2c.bsc + + + + + "libf2c\comptry.bat" cl -DUSE_CLOCK -DMSDOS -DNO_ONEXIT -Ot1 -DNO_FPINIT "libf2c\arithchk.c" +arithchk >"libf2c\arith.h" +del arithchk.exe +del arithchk.obj + + + + X64 + + + -Ot1 + %(AdditionalOptions) + Disabled + %(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + MultiThreadedDLL + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + Default + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + 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Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Header Files + + + Header Files + + + Header Files + + + + + bat files + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/F2CLIBS/libf2c/fio.h b/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/F2CLIBS/libf2c/fio.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4700ba197 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/F2CLIBS/libf2c/fio.h @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +#ifndef SYSDEP_H_INCLUDED +#include "sysdep1.h" +#endif +#include "stdio.h" +#include "errno.h" +#ifndef NULL +/* ANSI C */ +#include "stddef.h" +#endif + +#ifndef SEEK_SET +#define SEEK_SET 0 +#define SEEK_CUR 1 +#define SEEK_END 2 +#endif + +#ifndef FOPEN +#define FOPEN fopen +#endif + +#ifndef FREOPEN +#define FREOPEN freopen +#endif + +#ifndef FSEEK +#define FSEEK fseek +#endif + +#ifndef FSTAT +#define FSTAT fstat +#endif + +#ifndef FTELL +#define FTELL ftell +#endif + +#ifndef OFF_T +#define OFF_T long +#endif + +#ifndef STAT_ST +#define STAT_ST stat +#endif + +#ifndef STAT +#define STAT stat +#endif + +#ifdef MSDOS +#ifndef NON_UNIX_STDIO +#define NON_UNIX_STDIO +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef UIOLEN_int +typedef int uiolen; +#else +typedef long uiolen; +#endif + +/*units*/ +typedef struct +{ FILE *ufd; /*0=unconnected*/ + char *ufnm; +#ifndef MSDOS + long uinode; + int udev; +#endif + int url; /*0=sequential*/ + flag useek; /*true=can backspace, use dir, ...*/ + flag ufmt; + flag urw; /* (1 for can read) | (2 for can write) */ + flag ublnk; + flag uend; + flag uwrt; /*last io was write*/ + flag uscrtch; +} unit; + +extern flag f__init; +extern cilist *f__elist; /*active external io list*/ +extern flag f__reading,f__external,f__sequential,f__formatted; +#undef Void +#ifdef KR_headers +#define Void /*void*/ +extern int (*f__getn)(); /* for formatted input */ +extern void (*f__putn)(); /* for formatted output */ +extern void x_putc(); +extern long f__inode(); +extern VOID sig_die(); +extern int (*f__donewrec)(), t_putc(), x_wSL(); +extern int c_sfe(), err__fl(), xrd_SL(), f__putbuf(); +#else +#define Void void +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif +extern int (*f__getn)(void); /* for formatted input */ +extern void (*f__putn)(int); /* for formatted output */ +extern void x_putc(int); +extern long f__inode(char*,int*); +extern void sig_die(char*,int); +extern void f__fatal(int,char*); +extern int t_runc(alist*); +extern int f__nowreading(unit*), f__nowwriting(unit*); +extern int fk_open(int,int,ftnint); +extern int en_fio(void); +extern void f_init(void); +extern int (*f__donewrec)(void), t_putc(int), x_wSL(void); +extern void b_char(char*,char*,ftnlen), g_char(char*,ftnlen,char*); +extern int c_sfe(cilist*), z_rnew(void); +//extern int isatty(int); +extern int err__fl(int,int,char*); +extern int xrd_SL(void); +extern int f__putbuf(int); +#ifdef __cplusplus + } +#endif +#endif +extern int (*f__doend)(Void); +extern FILE *f__cf; /*current file*/ +extern unit *f__curunit; /*current unit*/ +extern unit f__units[]; +#define err(f,m,s) {if(f) errno= m; else f__fatal(m,s); return(m);} +#define errfl(f,m,s) return err__fl((int)f,m,s) + +/*Table sizes*/ +#define MXUNIT 100 + +extern int f__recpos; /*position in current record*/ +extern OFF_T f__cursor; /* offset to move to */ +extern OFF_T f__hiwater; /* so TL doesn't confuse us */ + +#define WRITE 1 +#define READ 2 +#define SEQ 3 +#define DIR 4 +#define FMT 5 +#define UNF 6 +#define EXT 7 +#define INT 8 + +#define buf_end(x) (x->_flag & _IONBF ? x->_ptr : x->_base + BUFSIZ) diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/clapack.sln b/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/clapack.sln new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7c60b90bc --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/clapack.sln @@ -0,0 +1,593 @@ + +Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00 +# Visual Studio 2010 +Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "TESTING", "TESTING", "{03EE685F-3A7C-4FD3-9397-F106DD730305}" +EndProject +Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "EIG", "EIG", "{F7F1EEA7-7661-4714-A8EA-52A4E19265BA}" +EndProject +Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "LIN", "LIN", "{DD15D2AB-7CE3-4AB8-BB4A-C94228167DBA}" +EndProject +Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "MATGEN", "MATGEN", "{A699B598-755B-496F-A428-9919A9341D66}" +EndProject +Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "BLAS", "BLAS", "{5A45AE7B-1B44-4E76-9B2C-BA98B09667EE}" +EndProject +Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "TESTING", "TESTING", "{BC705F53-F03F-4EA6-BE0B-4A3023B2F43D}" +EndProject +Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "WRAP", "WRAP", "{F0067FF4-E2CC-408B-9027-B454C75DB309}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "blas", "BLAS\blas.vcxproj", "{B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "clapack", "clapack.vcxproj", "{C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "libf2c", "F2CLIBS\libf2c.vcxproj", "{2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "tmglib", "TESTING\tmglib.vcxproj", "{DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xblat2c", "BLAS\TESTING\xblat2c.vcxproj", "{68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xblat2d", "BLAS\TESTING\xblat2d.vcxproj", "{51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xblat2s", "BLAS\TESTING\xblat2s.vcxproj", "{5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xblat2z", "BLAS\TESTING\xblat2z.vcxproj", "{BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xblat3c", "BLAS\TESTING\xblat3c.vcxproj", "{D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xblat3d", "BLAS\TESTING\xblat3d.vcxproj", "{C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xblat3s", "BLAS\TESTING\xblat3s.vcxproj", "{8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xblat3z", "BLAS\TESTING\xblat3z.vcxproj", "{01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xeigtstc", "TESTING\xeigtstc.vcxproj", "{FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xeigtstd", "TESTING\xeigtstd.vcxproj", "{F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xeigtsts", "TESTING\xeigtsts.vcxproj", "{3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xeigtstz", "TESTING\xeigtstz.vcxproj", "{44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xlintstc", "TESTING\xlintstc.vcxproj", "{19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xlintstd", "TESTING\xlintstd.vcxproj", "{20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xlintsts", "TESTING\xlintsts.vcxproj", "{49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xlintstz", "TESTING\xlintstz.vcxproj", "{84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xlintstds", "TESTING\xlintstds.vcxproj", "{40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xlintstzc", "TESTING\xlintstzc.vcxproj", "{39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "cblaswrap", "BLAS\WRAP\cblaswrap.vcxproj", "{EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}" +EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "f77blaswrap", "BLAS\WRAP\f77blaswrap.vcxproj", "{FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}" +EndProject +Global + GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution + Debug without wrap|Win32 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + Debug without wrap|x64 = Debug without wrap|x64 + Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32 + Debug|x64 = Debug|x64 + Release without wrap|Win32 = Release without wrap|Win32 + Release without wrap|x64 = Release without wrap|x64 + Release|Win32 = Release|Win32 + Release|x64 = Release|x64 + ReleaseDLL|Win32 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + ReleaseDLL|x64 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {2A338F34-FA2F-4D65-8037-E92E25A4C222}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|Win32 + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug without wrap|x64 + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Debug without wrap|x64 + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release without wrap|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|Win32 + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release without wrap|Win32.Build.0 = Release without wrap|Win32 + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release without wrap|x64.ActiveCfg = Release without wrap|x64 + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release without wrap|x64.Build.0 = Release without wrap|x64 + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.ReleaseDLL|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|Win32 + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.ReleaseDLL|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseDLL|x64 + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175}.ReleaseDLL|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseDLL|x64 + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution + HideSolutionNode = FALSE + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(NestedProjects) = preSolution + {F7F1EEA7-7661-4714-A8EA-52A4E19265BA} = {03EE685F-3A7C-4FD3-9397-F106DD730305} + {DD15D2AB-7CE3-4AB8-BB4A-C94228167DBA} = {03EE685F-3A7C-4FD3-9397-F106DD730305} + {A699B598-755B-496F-A428-9919A9341D66} = {03EE685F-3A7C-4FD3-9397-F106DD730305} + {FE3F87C0-E923-4624-AD38-E4EB10CFC387} = {F7F1EEA7-7661-4714-A8EA-52A4E19265BA} + {F988F72B-F1FA-4794-A961-F19DA946C665} = {F7F1EEA7-7661-4714-A8EA-52A4E19265BA} + {3B9CBBDF-5A91-4E88-98AE-0DB39F908FB9} = {F7F1EEA7-7661-4714-A8EA-52A4E19265BA} + {44353E1B-9043-44A8-A9E7-F358D21AE5ED} = {F7F1EEA7-7661-4714-A8EA-52A4E19265BA} + {19731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368} = {DD15D2AB-7CE3-4AB8-BB4A-C94228167DBA} + {20FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC} = {DD15D2AB-7CE3-4AB8-BB4A-C94228167DBA} + {49C8A11A-773C-43A3-AB93-B3FD71ECEE2D} = {DD15D2AB-7CE3-4AB8-BB4A-C94228167DBA} + {84DE26A6-CD99-4117-9F64-A559BE83CDA4} = {DD15D2AB-7CE3-4AB8-BB4A-C94228167DBA} + {40FE1A10-96CB-4D54-8FD7-860A94AA8FAC} = {DD15D2AB-7CE3-4AB8-BB4A-C94228167DBA} + {39731F6D-CCD2-480B-BCE5-1E4554D33368} = {DD15D2AB-7CE3-4AB8-BB4A-C94228167DBA} + {DD6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175} = {A699B598-755B-496F-A428-9919A9341D66} + {BC705F53-F03F-4EA6-BE0B-4A3023B2F43D} = {5A45AE7B-1B44-4E76-9B2C-BA98B09667EE} + {F0067FF4-E2CC-408B-9027-B454C75DB309} = {5A45AE7B-1B44-4E76-9B2C-BA98B09667EE} + {B9F83B5F-9E91-428D-A623-86CE195DB698} = {5A45AE7B-1B44-4E76-9B2C-BA98B09667EE} + {68BF6057-0EC9-4F5B-816E-EEC616F66452} = {BC705F53-F03F-4EA6-BE0B-4A3023B2F43D} + {51BDA11C-CE7E-4747-BBC0-2D862035FDD8} = {BC705F53-F03F-4EA6-BE0B-4A3023B2F43D} + {5C498677-7AA4-484D-A838-2E018B10A45F} = {BC705F53-F03F-4EA6-BE0B-4A3023B2F43D} + {BF1CD915-B8D9-4B08-8C1B-CA5AE04C751D} = {BC705F53-F03F-4EA6-BE0B-4A3023B2F43D} + {D57E81C4-942F-412E-BC88-F67D7337A841} = {BC705F53-F03F-4EA6-BE0B-4A3023B2F43D} + {C3D2E4B5-3D19-48F2-9CD9-A86AF7A3FC97} = {BC705F53-F03F-4EA6-BE0B-4A3023B2F43D} + {8422F583-143C-426F-BABC-CF1982A43BCE} = {BC705F53-F03F-4EA6-BE0B-4A3023B2F43D} + {01294687-8419-4E3B-AF31-71B694C6A1C6} = {BC705F53-F03F-4EA6-BE0B-4A3023B2F43D} + {EE6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175} = {F0067FF4-E2CC-408B-9027-B454C75DB309} + {FF6016A9-8075-41FE-846D-58F771CDD175} = {F0067FF4-E2CC-408B-9027-B454C75DB309} + EndGlobalSection +EndGlobal diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/clapack.vcxproj b/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/clapack.vcxproj new file mode 100644 index 000000000..39340c4fb --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/CLAPACK-3.1.1-VisualStudio/clapack.vcxproj @@ -0,0 +1,30313 @@ + + + + + Debug without wrap + Win32 + + + Debug without wrap + x64 + + + Debug + Win32 + + + Debug + x64 + + + Release without wrap + Win32 + + + Release without wrap + x64 + + + ReleaseDLL + Win32 + + + ReleaseDLL + x64 + + + Release + Win32 + + + Release + x64 + + + + {C94AE37A-B3BE-4FBC-9288-6740C4ECC432} + clapack + + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + StaticLibrary + false + MultiByte + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + <_ProjectFileVersion>10.0.40219.1 + $(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + .\Debug\ + .\Debug\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + $(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ + .lib + + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + MaxSpeed + OnlyExplicitInline + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + + + MultiThreadedDLL + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + LIB\Win32\clapack.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/clapack.bsc + + + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + MaxSpeed + OnlyExplicitInline + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + + + MultiThreadedDLL + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + LIB\Win32\clapack.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/clapack.bsc + + + .\LIB\Win32;%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories) + libf2c.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies) + /DLIBF2C_STATIC %(AdditionalOptions) + + + + + X64 + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + MaxSpeed + OnlyExplicitInline + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + + + MultiThreadedDLL + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + LIB\x64\clapack.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/clapack.bsc + + + + + X64 + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + MaxSpeed + OnlyExplicitInline + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + + + MultiThreadedDLL + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + LIB\x64\clapack.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/clapack.bsc + + + + + Disabled + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + EnableFastChecks + MultiThreadedDebugDLL + .\Debug/clapack.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + EditAndContinue + + + _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + LIB\Win32\clapackd.lib + true + + + true + .\Debug/clapack.bsc + + + + + X64 + + + Disabled + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + EnableFastChecks + MultiThreadedDebugDLL + .\Debug/clapack.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + ProgramDatabase + + + _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + LIB\x64\clapackd.lib + true + + + true + .\Debug/clapack.bsc + + + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + MaxSpeed + OnlyExplicitInline + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;NO_BLAS_WRAP;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + + + MultiThreadedDLL + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + LIB\Win32\clapack_nowrap.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/clapack.bsc + + + + + X64 + + + -Ot1 %(AdditionalOptions) + MaxSpeed + OnlyExplicitInline + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;NO_BLAS_WRAP;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + false + + + MultiThreadedDLL + false + + + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + LIB\x64\clapack_nowrap.lib + true + + + true + .\Release/clapack.bsc + + + + + Disabled + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;NO_BLAS_WRAP;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + EnableFastChecks + MultiThreadedDebugDLL + .\Debug/clapack.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + EditAndContinue + + + _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + LIB\Win32\clapackd_nowrap.lib + true + + + true + .\Debug/clapack.bsc + + + + + X64 + + + Disabled + MSDOS;USE_CLOCK;NO_ONEXIT;NO_BLAS_WRAP;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + EnableFastChecks + MultiThreadedDebugDLL + .\Debug/clapack.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + Level3 + true + ProgramDatabase + + + _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + LIB\x64\clapackd_nowrap.lib + true + + + true + .\Debug/clapack.bsc + + + + + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + + + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + + + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + + + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.xdc + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + $(IntDir)%(Filename)1.obj + 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makefile.vc +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1400 +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1500 DEBUG=1 +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1600 DEBUG=1 ANALYZE=1 +# +############################################################################### +# For convenience, user may put custom settings in a local settings file +# named nmake.local, or a name defined by the EXT_NMAKE_OPT option. + +!IF EXIST("$(GDAL_ROOT)\nmake.local") +!INCLUDE $(GDAL_ROOT)\nmake.local +!ENDIF + +# nmake -f makefile.vc EXT_NMAKE_OPT=mynmake.opt +!IFDEF EXT_NMAKE_OPT +!INCLUDE $(EXT_NMAKE_OPT) +!ENDIF + +############################################################################### +# Check version of Visual C++ compiler: +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=xxxx +# where xxxx is one of following: +# 1700 = 11.0(2011) +# 1600 = 10.0(2010) +# 1500 = 9.0 (2008) +# 1400 = 8.0 (2005) - specific compilation flags, different from older VC++ +# 1310 = 7.1 (2003) +# 1300 = 7.0 (2002) +# 1200 = 6.0 +# +!IFNDEF MSVC_VER +#assume msvc VS2008. +MSVC_VER=1500 +!ENDIF + +############################################################################### +# Optional use of Visual Leak Detector (VLD) by Dan Moulding, available at +# http://dmoulding.googlepages.com/vld +# Uncomment this line to use VLD in debug configuration only: +#MSVC_VLD_DIR="C:\Program Files\Visual Leak Detector" + +############################################################################### +# Location to install .exe, .dll and python stuff +# Edit as required. GDAL_HOME is used for convenience here, +# but this particular relative organization is not mandatory. +# But the paths *should* be absolute (relative paths mess up in submakefiles). + +!IFNDEF GDAL_HOME +#GDAL_HOME = C:\OSGeo4W +GDAL_HOME = %%LIBRARY_HOME%% +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF BINDIR +BINDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\bin +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF PLUGINDIR +PLUGINDIR = $(BINDIR)\gdalplugins +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF LIBDIR +LIBDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF INCDIR +INCDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\include +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF DATADIR +DATADIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\data +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF HTMLDIR +HTMLDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\html +!ENDIF + +# Set this to the installed directory containing python. If you don't +# have python just let it point to a directory that does not exist (as now). +!IFNDEF PYDIR +PYDIR = "C:\Software\Python24" +!ENDIF + +# Set the location of your SWIG installation +!IFNDEF SWIG +SWIG = swig.exe +!ENDIF + +# SWIG Java settings +!IFNDEF JAVA_HOME +JAVA_HOME = c:\j2sdk1.4.2_12 +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF ANT_HOME +ANT_HOME=c:\programmi\apache-ant-1.7.0 +!ENDIF +JAVADOC=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\javadoc +JAVAC=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\javac +JAVA=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\java +JAR=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\jar +JAVA_INCLUDE=-I$(JAVA_HOME)\include -I$(JAVA_HOME)\include\win32 + +# Compilation flags + +# Enable code analyzis on request +# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173498.aspx +!IFDEF ANALYZE +CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS=/analyze +!ELSE +CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS= +!ENDIF + +!IFNDEF OPTFLAGS +!IF $(MSVC_VER) >= 1400 +!IFNDEF DEBUG +OPTFLAGS= $(CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS) /nologo /MD /EHsc /Ox /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /DNDEBUG +!ELSE +OPTFLAGS= $(CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS) /nologo /MD /EHsc /Zi /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /Fd$(GDAL_ROOT)\gdal$(VERSION).pdb /DDEBUG +!ENDIF +!ELSE +!IFNDEF DEBUG +OPTFLAGS= /nologo /MD /EHsc /GR /Ox /DNDEBUG +!ELSE +OPTFLAGS= /nologo /MD /EHsc /GR /Zi /Fd$(GDAL_ROOT)\gdal$(VERSION).pdb /DDEBUG +!ENDIF +!ENDIF #MSVC_VER +!ENDIF # OPTFLAGS + +# +# Set flags controlling warnings level, and supression of some warnings. +# +!IFNDEF WARNFLAGS +WARNFLAGS = /W4 /wd4127 /wd4251 /wd4275 /wd4786 /wd4100 /wd4245 /wd4206 /wd4018 /wd4389 +!ENDIF + +# The followin are extra disables that can be applied to external source +# not under our control that we wish to use less stringent warnings with. +!IFNDEF SOFTWARNFLAGS +SOFTWARNFLAGS= /wd4244 /wd4702 /wd4701 /wd4013 /wd4706 /wd4057 /wd4210 /wd4305 +!ENDIF + +# Linker debug options +!IFDEF DEBUG +LDEBUG= /debug +!ENDIF + +# Uncomment the following if you are building for 64-bit windows +# (x64). You'll need to have PATH, INCLUDE and LIB set up for 64-bit +# compiles. +#WIN64=YES + +# If you don't want some entry points to have STDCALL conventions, +# comment out the following and add -DCPL_DISABLE_STDCALL in OPTFLAGS. +# This option has no effect on 64-bit windows. +STDCALL=YES + +# Version number embedded in DLL name. +VERSION = 19 + +# Comment the following out if you want PAM supported disabled +# by default. +PAM_SETTING=-DPAM_ENABLED + +# Uncomment the following to link OGR utilities against main GDAL DLL +# instead of statically linking against OGR libraries. +#DLLBUILD=1 + +# Enable all OGR formats, or only raster formats? Comment out to disable +# vector formats. +INCLUDE_OGR_FRMTS = YES + +# Location of Visual C++ directory (only required for following SETARGV stuff) +#VCDIR = "D:\Software\VStudio\VC98" + +# Enable the following if VCDIR set properly, and you want the utility +# programs to be able to expand wildcards. +#SETARGV = $(VCDIR)\lib\setargv.obj + +# Uncomment to build with libiconv library to support extended character +# recoding capabilities. GDAL's internal stub implementation supports +# latin1<->utf-8 translations only. +# Depending on your libiconv build you may need to set ICONV_CONST macro to +# const or leave it empty. Take a look on your iconv() declaration in iconv.h. +# If the second parameter declared as const char** then you need to define +# ICONV_CONST=const otherwise leave it empty. +LIBICONV_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME) +LIBICONV_INCLUDE = -I$(LIBICONV_DIR)\include +LIBICONV_LIBRARY = $(LIBICONV_DIR)\lib\iconv.lib +LIBICONV_CFLAGS = -DICONV_CONST=const + +# Comment out the following to disable BSB support. +BSB_SUPPORTED = 1 + +# Comment out the following to disable ODBC support. +ODBC_SUPPORTED = 1 + +# Comment out the following to disable JPEG support. +JPEG_SUPPORTED = 1 + +# This will enable 12bit libjpeg - use only with internal jpeg builds. +JPEG12_SUPPORTED = 1 + +#if using an external jpeg library uncomment the follwing lines +#JPEG_EXTERNAL_LIB = 1 +#JPEGDIR = c:/projects/jpeg-6b +#JPEG_LIB = $(JPEGDIR)/libjpeg.lib + +#if using an external png library uncomment the follwing lines +#PNG_EXTERNAL_LIB = 1 +#PNGDIR = c:/projects/libpng-1.0.8 +#PNG_LIB = $(PNGDIR)/libpng.lib + +# if using an external libtiff library +#TIFF_INC = -Ic:/warmerda/libtiff/libtiff +#TIFF_LIB = c:/warmerda/libtiff/libtiff/libtiff_i.lib +# uncomment following line, if you have libtiff version >= 4.0 to +# enable BigTIFF support +#TIFF_OPTS= -DBIGTIFF_SUPPORT + +# if using an external libgeotiff library +#GEOTIFF_INC = -Ic:/warmerda/libgeotiff -Ic:/warmerda/libgeotiff/libxtiff +#GEOTIFF_LIB = C:/warmerda/libgeotiff/geotiff_i.lib + +# Uncomment out the following lines to enable LibKML support. +#LIBKML_DIR = C:/Dev/libkml +#LIBKML_INCLUDE = -I$(LIBKML_DIR)/src -I$(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party/boost_1_34_1 +#LIBKML_LIBRARY = $(LIBKML_DIR)/msvc/Release +#LIBKML_LIBS = $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlbase.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlconvenience.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmldom.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlengine.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlregionator.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlxsd.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/minizip_static.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\expat.win32/libexpat.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\uriparser-0.7.5.win32/release/uriparser.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\zlib-1.2.3.win32/lib/minizip.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\zlib-1.2.3.win32/lib/zlib.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable ECW read support with the +# 4.1+ readonly SDK +#ECWDIR = "c:/Program Files/ERDAS/ERDAS ECW JPEG2000 Read SDK" +#ECWFLAGS = -DECWSDK_VERSION=41 \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/api -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/jp2 \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/ecw +#ECWLIB = $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCSEcw4_RO.lib \ +# $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCSUtil4.lib \ +# $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCScnet4.lib + +# To add Write support, use the write SDK, change NCSEcw4_RO.lib to +# NCSEcw4.lib, and add -DHAVE_COMPRESS to ECWFLAGS. The ECWDIR setting will +# also need some adjustment. + +# To build ECW support as a plugin uncomment the following, and make sure +# to do "nmake /f makefile.vc plugin" in gdal/frmts/ecw and copy the two +# resulting DLLs to an appropriate place. +#ECW_PLUGIN = YES + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable ECW support with the 3.3 SDK. +# Significant adaption may be needed. +#ECWDIR = C:\warmerda\libecwj2-3.3 +#ECWLIB = $(ECWDIR)\Source\NCSBuildQmake\Debug\libecwj2.lib +#ECWFLAGS = -DECWSDK_VERSION=33 \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include -I$(ECWDIR)/Source/include \ +# /D_MBCS /D_UNICODE /DUNICODE /D_WINDOWS \ +# /DLIBECWJ2 /DWIN32 /D_WINDLL -DNO_X86_MMI + +# DWG support using the Open Design Alliance Teigha Libraries + +#TD_BASE = C:\warmerda\pkg\td_vc9 +#TD_FLAGS = -D_TOOLKIT_IN_DLL_ +#TD_INCLUDE = -I$(TD_BASE)\TD\Include -I$(TD_BASE)\TD\Extensions\ExServices +#TD_LIBDIR = $(TD_BASE)\lib\vc9dll + +# DWG/DXF support via DWGdirect from Open Design Alliance + +#DWGDIRECT=C:\warmerda\DWGdirect +#DWG_LIB_DIR=$(DWGDIRECT)\lib\VC6MD +#DWG_LIB=$(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_AcisBuilder_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_AcisRenderer_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Alloc_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_BmpExport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Br_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Db_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_DwfExport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_DwfImport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Ge_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Gi_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Gs_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_ModelerGeometry_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Root_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Sm_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_SpatialIndex_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_VC6MD_OleDataAccess_dll.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable OGDI support. +#OGDIDIR = D:\warmerda\iii\devdir +#OGDIVER = 31 +#OGDILIB = $(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib \ +# $(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\zlib_ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib + +# Uncomment for Expat support (required for KML, GPX and GeoRSS read support). +EXPAT_DIR = C:\OSGeo4W +EXPAT_INCLUDE = -I$(EXPAT_DIR)\include +EXPAT_LIB = $(EXPAT_DIR)\lib\expat.lib + +# Uncomment for Xerces based GML and ILI support. +XERCES_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME) +XERCES_INCLUDE = -I$(XERCES_DIR)/include -I$(XERCES_DIR)/include/xercesc +#XERCES_LIB = $(XERCES_DIR)/lib/xerces-c_static_3.lib advapi32.lib +XERCES_LIB = $(XERCES_DIR)/lib/xerces-c_static_3.lib + +# Uncomment the following for Interlis support. Note that a Xercex 2.x +# is also required (see above). Also, Interlis support only works with +# Visual Studio.NET or newer, not VC6. +#ILI_ENABLED = YES + +# Uncomment for JasPer based JPEG2000 support +#JASPER_DIR = d:\projects\jasper-1.700.2.uuid +#JASPER_INCLUDE = -I$(JASPER_DIR)\src\libjasper\include -DJAS_WIN_MSVC_BUILD +#JASPER_LIB = $(JASPER_DIR)\src\msvc\Win32_Release\libjasper.lib +# Uncomment the following line if you have patched UUID-enabled version +# of JasPer from ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/gdal/ +#JASPER_INCLUDE = $(JASPER_INCLUDE) -DHAVE_JASPER_UUID + +# Uncommment and adjust paths if you have Kakadu 6.0 or newer +#KAKDIR = \warmerda\pkg\kakadu-6.2.1 +#KAKLIB = $(KAKDIR)\lib_x86\kdu_v62R.lib +#KAKSRC = $(KAKDIR)\vt_2_1-00256N + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 4 support. +#HDF4_PLUGIN = NO +#HDF4_DIR = D:\warmerda\HDF41r5 +#HDF4_LIB = /LIBPATH:$(HDF4_DIR)\lib Ws2_32.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 5 support. +#HDF5_PLUGIN = NO +#HDF5_DIR = c:\warmerda\supportlibs\hdf5\5-164-win +#HDF5_LIB = $(HDF5_DIR)\dll\hdf5dll.lib + +# Uncomment the following for MrSID support. Only MRSID_DIR is required, +# which may point to a MrSID Raster SDK, Lidar SDK, or the combined SDK, and +# will auto-configure the mrsid and/or mrsid_lidar drivers as appropriate. +# Other configuration options can be specified to control specific features +# that may be available. See comments at the top of frmts/mrsid/nmake.opt +# for more details. +#MRSID_DIR = d:\projects\mrsid +#MRSID_JP2 = YES + +!IF DEFINED(MRSID_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_RASTER_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_LIDAR_DIR) +!IF EXIST(frmts\mrsid\nmake.opt) +!INCLUDE frmts\mrsid\nmake.opt +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +# PCIDSK Libraries - default configuration uses internal implementation +PCIDSK_SETTING=INTERNAL +# Replace with these to use an external build. +#PCIDSK_SETTING=EXTERNAL +#PCIDSK_INCLUDE=-I\warmerda\pcidsk\src +#PCIDSK_LIB=\warmerda\pcidsk\src\pcidsk.lib +# Use the following alternative to use the old PCIDSK implementation +#PCIDSK_SETTING=OLD + +# PostGIS Libraries +PG_INC_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\include +PG_LIB = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\libpq.lib wsock32.lib + +# MySQL Libraries +# NOTE: Need /MT instead of /MD, also enable /EHsc switch. +#MYSQL_LIB = D:\Software\MySQLServer4.1\lib\opt\libmysql.lib advapi32.lib +MYSQL_INC_DIR = $(DOWNLOAD_HOME)\mysql-5.6.16-win32\include +MYSQL_LIB = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\mysqlclient.lib advapi32.lib + +# SQLite Libraries +SQLITE_HOME=$(GDAL_HOME) +#SQLITE_INC=-I$(SQLITE_HOME)\include +#SQLITE_LIB=$(SQLITE_HOME)\lib\sqlite3_i.lib +# For spatialite support, try this instead (assuming you grab the libspatialite-amalgamation-2.3.1 and installed it in osgeo4w): +# The -DSPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION, which cause "spatialite/sqlite3.h" to be included instead of "sqlite3.h" might not be necessary +# depending on the layout of the include directories. In case of compilation errors, remove it. +SQLITE_INC=-I$(GDAL_HOME)\include -DHAVE_SPATIALITE -DSPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION +SQLITE_LIB=$(GDAL_HOME)\lib\spatialite.lib $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\sqlite.lib + +# Informix Data Blade +#INFORMIXDIR="C:\Program Files\IBM\Informix\Client-SDK" +#IDB_INC=-I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\cpp -I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\dmi \ +# -I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\esql +#IDB_LIB=$(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\cpp\libthc++.lib \ +# $(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\dmi\libthdmi.lib $(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\isqlt09a.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable FME support. +#FME_DIR = d:\Software\fme + +# Uncomment the following to enable FITS format support +#FITS_PLUGIN = NO +#FITS_INC_DIR = c:\dev32\usr\include\cfitsio +#FITS_LIB = c:\dev32\usr\lib\cfitsio.lib + +# Comment out to disable GRIB support. +GRIB_SETTING=yes + +# Uncomment the following to enable NetCDF format. +#NETCDF_PLUGIN = NO +#NETCDF_SETTING=yes +#NETCDF_LIB=C:\Software\netcdf\lib\netcdf.lib +#NETCDF_INC_DIR=C:\Software\netcdf\include + +# Uncomment the following to add NC4 and HDF4 support +#NETCDF_HAS_NC4 = yes +#NETCDF_HAS_HDF4 = yes + +# PROJ.4 stuff +# Uncomment the following lines to link PROJ.4 library statically. Otherwise +# it will be linked dynamically during runtime. +PROJ_FLAGS = -DPROJ_STATIC +PROJ_INCLUDE = -I$(GDAL_HOME)\include +PROJ_LIBRARY = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\proj.lib + +# Add ORACLE support. +# Uncomment the following line to enable OCI Oracle Spatial support. +#ORACLE_HOME = C:\instantclient_11_2 +#ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle_base\ohome +#ORACLE_HOME = C:\instantclient_10_2 +# Uncomment the following if you prefer to build OCI support as a plugin. +#OCI_PLUGIN = YES + +!IFDEF ORACLE_HOME +OCI_LIB = $(ORACLE_HOME)\oci\lib\msvc\ociw32.lib \ + $(ORACLE_HOME)\oci\lib\msvc\oci.lib +OCI_INCLUDE = -I$(ORACLE_HOME)\oci\include +!ENDIF + +#SDE_ENABLED = NO +#SDE_VERSION= +#SDE_PLUGIN = NO +#SDE_SDK = "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcSDE" +#SDE_INC = $(SDE_SDK)\include +#SDE_LIB = $(SDE_SDK)\lib\pe$(SDE_VERSION).lib \ +# $(SDE_SDK)\lib\sde$(SDE_VERSION).lib $(SDE_SDK)\lib\sg$(SDE_VERSION).lib + + +#FGDB_ENABLED = NO +#FGDB_PLUGIN = NO +#FGDB_SDK = C:\FileGDB +#FGDB_INC = $(FGDB_SDK)\include +#FGDB_LIB = $(FGDB_SDK)\lib\FileGDBAPI.lib + + +#uncomment to use ArcObjects +#ARCOBJECTS_ENABLED = YES +#ARCOBJECTS_PLUGIN = YES +#ARCOBJECTS_SDK = C:\PROGRA~2\ArcGIS\com +#ARCOBJECTS_INC = $(ARCOBJECTS_SDK)\..\include +# +#Interestingly, since this is a COM application, we don't link against external libraries, +#but we still need to link the app, so we put the generic user32.lib to force the linking process +#ARCOBJECTS_LIB = user32.lib + + +# Uncomment to use libcurl (DLL by default) +# The cURL library is used for WCS, WMS, GeoJSON, SRS call importFromUrl(), WFS, GFT, CouchDB, /vsicurl/ etc. +CURL_DIR=$(GDAL_HOME) +CURL_INC = -I$(CURL_DIR)/include +# Uncoment following line to use libcurl as dynamic library +#CURL_LIB = $(CURL_DIR)\lib\libcurl.lib wsock32.lib wldap32.lib winmm.lib +# Uncoment following two lines to use libcurl as static library +CURL_LIB = $(CURL_DIR)\lib\libcurl_a.lib wsock32.lib wldap32.lib winmm.lib +CURL_CFLAGS = -DCURL_STATICLIB + +# Uncomment for DODS / OPeNDAP support +#DODS_DIR = C:\libdap3.6.2 +#DODS_LIB = $(DODSDIR)\lib\libdapMD.lib +# Uncomment for libdap >= 3.9 +#DODS_FLAGS = -DLIBDAP_39 + +# Uncomment for GEOS support +GEOS_DIR= $(GDAL_HOME) +GEOS_CFLAGS = -I$(GEOS_DIR)\include -DHAVE_GEOS +GEOS_LIB = $(GEOS_DIR)\lib\geos.lib + +# Uncomment for SOSI support +#SOSI_ENABLED = YES +#SOSI_INC_DIR = e:/sosi +#SOSI_LIBS = e:/sosi/FYBA.lib e:/sosi/GM.lib e:/sosi/UT.lib + +# Uncomment for OpenJpeg support +#OPENJPEG_ENABLED = YES +#OPENJPEG_CFLAGS = -IC:\openjpeg\libopenjpeg +#OPENJPEG_LIB = C:\openjpeg\bin\Release\openjpeg.lib + +# Uncomment for PDF support +# Uncomment POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = YES for Poppler >= 0.16.0 +# Uncomment POPPLER_0_20_OR_LATER = YES for Poppler >= 0.20.0 +#POPPLER_ENABLED = YES +#POPPLER_CFLAGS = -Ie:/kde/include -Ie:/kde/include/poppler +#POPPLER_HAS_OPTCONTENT = YES +#POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = YES +#POPPLER_0_20_OR_LATER = YES +#POPPLER_LIBS = e:/kde/lib/poppler.lib e:/kde/lib/freetype.lib e:/kde/lib/liblcms-1.lib advapi32.lib gdi32.lib + +# Uncomment for PDF support +#PODOFO_ENABLED = YES +#PODOFO_CFLAGS = -Ie:/podofo-svn/install/include -Ie:/podofo-svn/install/include/podofo +#PODOFO_LIBS = e:/podofo-svn/install/lib/podofo.lib E:/release-1500-dev/release-1500/lib/freetype239.lib gdi32.lib + +# Uncomment for LZMA TIFF support +#LZMA_CFLAGS = -IC:/gdal_trunk/xz-5.0.0-windows/include +#LZMA_LIBS = C:/gdal_trunk/xz-5.0.0-windows/bin_i486/liblzma.lib + +# Uncomment for WEBP support +#WEBP_ENABLED = YES +#WEBP_CFLAGS = -IE:/libwebp-0.1-windows/dev/Include +#WEBP_LIBS = e:/libwebp-0.1-windows/dev/lib/libwebp_a.lib + +# Uncomment for freexl support +# +# Note: Currently there is no MSVC makefile to build freexl. +# Here's the procedure I've followed (from root of freexl source tree) +# cl /c src/freexl.c /Iheaders /IE:\release-1500-dev\release-1500\include /DDLL_EXPORT +# link /dll E:\release-1500-dev\release-1500\lib\iconv.lib freexl.obj /out:freexl.dll /implib:freexl_i.lib +# +FREEXL_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME) +FREEXL_CFLAGS = -I$(GDAL_HOME)\include +FREEXL_LIBS = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\freexl.lib + +# Uncomment for libgta support +# +#GTA_CFLAGS = -IC:/gdal_trunk/libgta-1.0.0-w32/include -IC:/gdal_trunk/libgta-1.0.0-w32/include/gta +#GTA_LIBS = C:/gdal_trunk/libgta-1.0.0-w32/lib/libgta.dll.a + +# Any extra libraries needed on this platform? +ADD_LIBS = + +# Comment out the following if you want to build with Python support, but +# you don't have Numeric Python installed (with include files). Numeric +# integration may not work. This only appears to the old generation +# bindings. +#HAVE_NUMPY=1 + +########### END OF STUFF THAT NORMALLY NEEDS TO BE UPDATED ################## + + +# Location of MS Data Access SDK (not really needed anymore I think) +#MSDASDK = D:\Software\MDAC_2.6 + +GDAL_DLL = gdal$(VERSION).dll + +INC = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\port -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\ogr -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\gcore \ + -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\alg -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\ogr\ogrsf_frmts + +!IFDEF MSVC_VLD_DIR +MSVC_VLD_FLAGS=-DMSVC_USE_VLD=1 -I$(MSVC_VLD_DIR)\include +MSVC_VLD_LIB=/LIBPATH:$(MSVC_VLD_DIR)/lib +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF INCLUDE_OGR_FRMTS +OGR_FLAG = -DOGR_ENABLED +!ENDIF + +#LINKER_FLAGS = /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC +LINKER_FLAGS = $(MSVC_VLD_LIB) $(LDEBUG) /NODEFAULTLIB:library + + +CFLAGS = $(OPTFLAGS) $(WARNFLAGS) $(INC) $(EXTRAFLAGS) $(OGR_FLAG) $(MSVC_VLD_FLAGS) +MAKE = nmake /nologo + +CC = cl -DXERCES_STATIC_LIBRARY + +INSTALL = xcopy /y /r /d /f + +CPLLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/port/cpl.lib + +!IFDEF DLLBUILD +GDALLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/gdal_i.lib +!ELSE +GDALLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/gdal.lib +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF ODBC_SUPPORTED +ODBCLIB = odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib user32.lib +!ENDIF + +!IF DEFINED(MRSID_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_RASTER_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_LIDAR_DIR) +!IF "$(MRSID_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +MRSID_LIB_LINK = $(MRSID_LIB) +!ELSE +MRSID_LIB_LINK= +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF ECWDIR +!IF "$(ECW_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +ECW_LIB_LINK= $(ECWLIB) +!ELSE +ECW_LIB_LINK= +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF FITS_LIB +!IF "$(FITS_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +FITS_LIB_LINK = $(FITS_LIB) +!ELSE +FITS_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF NETCDF_LIB +!IF "$(NETCDF_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +NETCDF_LIB_LINK = $(NETCDF_LIB) +!ELSE +NETCDF_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF HDF4_LIB +!IF "$(HDF4_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +HDF4_LIB_LINK = $(HDF4_LIB) +!ELSE +HDF4_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF HDF5_LIB +!IF "$(HDF5_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +HDF5_LIB_LINK = $(HDF5_LIB) +!ELSE +HDF5_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF FGDB_LIB +!IF "$(FGDB_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +FGDB_LIB_LINK = $(FGDB_LIB) +!ELSE +FGDB_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF XERCES_DIR +NAS_ENABLED = YES +!ENDIF + +# Under win64, symbols for function names lack the underscore prefix +# present on win32. Also the STDCALL calling convention is not used. +!IFDEF WIN64 +!UNDEF STDCALL +!ELSE +SYM_PREFIX=_ +!ENDIF + +EXTERNAL_LIBS = $(OGDILIB) $(XERCES_LIB) $(EXPAT_LIB) $(OCI_LIB) $(PG_LIB) \ + $(ECW_LIB_LINK) $(HDF4_LIB_LINK) $(FME_LIB) $(MRSID_LIB_LINK) \ + $(FITS_LIB_LINK) $(JPEG_LIB) $(NETCDF_LIB_LINK) $(PROJ4_LIB) \ + $(GEOTIFF_LIB) $(TIFF_LIB) $(PROJ_LIBRARY) $(SQLITE_LIB) \ + $(MYSQL_LIB) $(GEOS_LIB) $(HDF5_LIB_LINK) $(SDE_LIB) $(ARCOBJECTS_LIB) $(DWG_LIB) \ + $(IDB_LIB) $(CURL_LIB) $(DODS_LIB) $(KAKLIB) $(PCIDSK_LIB) \ + $(ODBCLIB) $(JASPER_LIB) $(PNG_LIB) $(ADD_LIBS) $(OPENJPEG_LIB) \ + $(MRSID_LIDAR_LIB) $(LIBKML_LIBS) $(SOSI_LIBS) $(POPPLER_LIBS) $(PODOFO_LIBS) $(LZMA_LIBS) \ + $(LIBICONV_LIBRARY) $(WEBP_LIBS) $(FGDB_LIB_LINK) $(FREEXL_LIBS) $(GTA_LIBS) + +.c.obj: + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.c + +.cpp.obj: + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.cpp + diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/nmake.opt.withplugins b/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/nmake.opt.withplugins new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f0e295e73 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/nmake.opt.withplugins @@ -0,0 +1,651 @@ +# $Id: nmake.opt 24437 2012-05-17 20:24:55Z rouault $ +# +# nmake.opt - main configuration file for NMAKE makefiles. +# +# Usage examples (see details below): +# nmake -f makefile.vc +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1400 +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1500 DEBUG=1 +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1600 DEBUG=1 ANALYZE=1 +# +############################################################################### +# For convenience, user may put custom settings in a local settings file +# named nmake.local, or a name defined by the EXT_NMAKE_OPT option. + +!IF EXIST("$(GDAL_ROOT)\nmake.local") +!INCLUDE $(GDAL_ROOT)\nmake.local +!ENDIF + +# nmake -f makefile.vc EXT_NMAKE_OPT=mynmake.opt +!IFDEF EXT_NMAKE_OPT +!INCLUDE $(EXT_NMAKE_OPT) +!ENDIF + +############################################################################### +# Check version of Visual C++ compiler: +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=xxxx +# where xxxx is one of following: +# 1700 = 11.0(2011) +# 1600 = 10.0(2010) +# 1500 = 9.0 (2008) +# 1400 = 8.0 (2005) - specific compilation flags, different from older VC++ +# 1310 = 7.1 (2003) +# 1300 = 7.0 (2002) +# 1200 = 6.0 +# +!IFNDEF MSVC_VER +#assume msvc VS2008. +MSVC_VER=1500 +!ENDIF + +############################################################################### +# Optional use of Visual Leak Detector (VLD) by Dan Moulding, available at +# http://dmoulding.googlepages.com/vld +# Uncomment this line to use VLD in debug configuration only: +#MSVC_VLD_DIR="C:\Program Files\Visual Leak Detector" + +############################################################################### +# Location to install .exe, .dll and python stuff +# Edit as required. GDAL_HOME is used for convenience here, +# but this particular relative organization is not mandatory. +# But the paths *should* be absolute (relative paths mess up in submakefiles). + +!IFNDEF GDAL_HOME +#GDAL_HOME = C:\OSGeo4W +GDAL_HOME = %%LIBRARY_HOME%% +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF BINDIR +BINDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\bin +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF PLUGINDIR +PLUGINDIR = $(BINDIR)\gdalplugins +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF LIBDIR +LIBDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF INCDIR +INCDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\include +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF DATADIR +DATADIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\data +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF HTMLDIR +HTMLDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\html +!ENDIF + +# Set this to the installed directory containing python. If you don't +# have python just let it point to a directory that does not exist (as now). +!IFNDEF PYDIR +PYDIR = "C:\Software\Python24" +!ENDIF + +# Set the location of your SWIG installation +!IFNDEF SWIG +SWIG = swig.exe +!ENDIF + +# SWIG Java settings +!IFNDEF JAVA_HOME +JAVA_HOME = c:\j2sdk1.4.2_12 +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF ANT_HOME +ANT_HOME=c:\programmi\apache-ant-1.7.0 +!ENDIF +JAVADOC=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\javadoc +JAVAC=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\javac +JAVA=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\java +JAR=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\jar +JAVA_INCLUDE=-I$(JAVA_HOME)\include -I$(JAVA_HOME)\include\win32 + +# Compilation flags + +# Enable code analyzis on request +# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173498.aspx +!IFDEF ANALYZE +CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS=/analyze +!ELSE +CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS= +!ENDIF + +!IFNDEF OPTFLAGS +!IF $(MSVC_VER) >= 1400 +!IFNDEF DEBUG +OPTFLAGS= $(CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS) /nologo /MD /EHsc /Ox /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /DNDEBUG +!ELSE +OPTFLAGS= $(CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS) /nologo /MD /EHsc /Zi /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /Fd$(GDAL_ROOT)\gdal$(VERSION).pdb /DDEBUG +!ENDIF +!ELSE +!IFNDEF DEBUG +OPTFLAGS= /nologo /MD /EHsc /GR /Ox /DNDEBUG +!ELSE +OPTFLAGS= /nologo /MD /EHsc /GR /Zi /Fd$(GDAL_ROOT)\gdal$(VERSION).pdb /DDEBUG +!ENDIF +!ENDIF #MSVC_VER +!ENDIF # OPTFLAGS + +# +# Set flags controlling warnings level, and supression of some warnings. +# +!IFNDEF WARNFLAGS +WARNFLAGS = /W4 /wd4127 /wd4251 /wd4275 /wd4786 /wd4100 /wd4245 /wd4206 /wd4018 /wd4389 +!ENDIF + +# The followin are extra disables that can be applied to external source +# not under our control that we wish to use less stringent warnings with. +!IFNDEF SOFTWARNFLAGS +SOFTWARNFLAGS= /wd4244 /wd4702 /wd4701 /wd4013 /wd4706 /wd4057 /wd4210 /wd4305 +!ENDIF + +# Linker debug options +!IFDEF DEBUG +LDEBUG= /debug +!ENDIF + +# Uncomment the following if you are building for 64-bit windows +# (x64). You'll need to have PATH, INCLUDE and LIB set up for 64-bit +# compiles. +#WIN64=YES + +# If you don't want some entry points to have STDCALL conventions, +# comment out the following and add -DCPL_DISABLE_STDCALL in OPTFLAGS. +# This option has no effect on 64-bit windows. +STDCALL=YES + +# Version number embedded in DLL name. +VERSION = 19 + +# Comment the following out if you want PAM supported disabled +# by default. +PAM_SETTING=-DPAM_ENABLED + +# Uncomment the following to link OGR utilities against main GDAL DLL +# instead of statically linking against OGR libraries. +#DLLBUILD=1 + +# Enable all OGR formats, or only raster formats? Comment out to disable +# vector formats. +INCLUDE_OGR_FRMTS = YES + +# Location of Visual C++ directory (only required for following SETARGV stuff) +#VCDIR = "D:\Software\VStudio\VC98" + +# Enable the following if VCDIR set properly, and you want the utility +# programs to be able to expand wildcards. +#SETARGV = $(VCDIR)\lib\setargv.obj + +# Uncomment to build with libiconv library to support extended character +# recoding capabilities. GDAL's internal stub implementation supports +# latin1<->utf-8 translations only. +# Depending on your libiconv build you may need to set ICONV_CONST macro to +# const or leave it empty. Take a look on your iconv() declaration in iconv.h. +# If the second parameter declared as const char** then you need to define +# ICONV_CONST=const otherwise leave it empty. +LIBICONV_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME) +LIBICONV_INCLUDE = -I$(LIBICONV_DIR)\include +LIBICONV_LIBRARY = $(LIBICONV_DIR)\lib\iconv.lib +LIBICONV_CFLAGS = -DICONV_CONST=const + +# Comment out the following to disable BSB support. +BSB_SUPPORTED = 1 + +# Comment out the following to disable ODBC support. +ODBC_SUPPORTED = 1 + +# Comment out the following to disable JPEG support. +JPEG_SUPPORTED = 1 + +# This will enable 12bit libjpeg - use only with internal jpeg builds. +JPEG12_SUPPORTED = 1 + +#if using an external jpeg library uncomment the follwing lines +#JPEG_EXTERNAL_LIB = 1 +#JPEGDIR = c:/projects/jpeg-6b +#JPEG_LIB = $(JPEGDIR)/libjpeg.lib + +#if using an external png library uncomment the follwing lines +#PNG_EXTERNAL_LIB = 1 +#PNGDIR = c:/projects/libpng-1.0.8 +#PNG_LIB = $(PNGDIR)/libpng.lib + +# if using an external libtiff library +#TIFF_INC = -Ic:/warmerda/libtiff/libtiff +#TIFF_LIB = c:/warmerda/libtiff/libtiff/libtiff_i.lib +# uncomment following line, if you have libtiff version >= 4.0 to +# enable BigTIFF support +#TIFF_OPTS= -DBIGTIFF_SUPPORT + +# if using an external libgeotiff library +#GEOTIFF_INC = -Ic:/warmerda/libgeotiff -Ic:/warmerda/libgeotiff/libxtiff +#GEOTIFF_LIB = C:/warmerda/libgeotiff/geotiff_i.lib + +# Uncomment out the following lines to enable LibKML support. +#LIBKML_DIR = C:/Dev/libkml +#LIBKML_INCLUDE = -I$(LIBKML_DIR)/src -I$(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party/boost_1_34_1 +#LIBKML_LIBRARY = $(LIBKML_DIR)/msvc/Release +#LIBKML_LIBS = $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlbase.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlconvenience.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmldom.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlengine.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlregionator.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlxsd.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/minizip_static.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\expat.win32/libexpat.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\uriparser-0.7.5.win32/release/uriparser.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\zlib-1.2.3.win32/lib/minizip.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\zlib-1.2.3.win32/lib/zlib.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable ECW read support with the +# 4.1+ readonly SDK +#ECWDIR = "c:/Program Files/ERDAS/ERDAS ECW JPEG2000 Read SDK" +#ECWFLAGS = -DECWSDK_VERSION=41 \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/api -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/jp2 \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/ecw +#ECWLIB = $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCSEcw4_RO.lib \ +# $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCSUtil4.lib \ +# $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCScnet4.lib + +# To add Write support, use the write SDK, change NCSEcw4_RO.lib to +# NCSEcw4.lib, and add -DHAVE_COMPRESS to ECWFLAGS. The ECWDIR setting will +# also need some adjustment. + +# To build ECW support as a plugin uncomment the following, and make sure +# to do "nmake /f makefile.vc plugin" in gdal/frmts/ecw and copy the two +# resulting DLLs to an appropriate place. +#ECW_PLUGIN = YES + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable ECW support with the 3.3 SDK. +# Significant adaption may be needed. +#ECWDIR = C:\warmerda\libecwj2-3.3 +#ECWLIB = $(ECWDIR)\Source\NCSBuildQmake\Debug\libecwj2.lib +#ECWFLAGS = -DECWSDK_VERSION=33 \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include -I$(ECWDIR)/Source/include \ +# /D_MBCS /D_UNICODE /DUNICODE /D_WINDOWS \ +# /DLIBECWJ2 /DWIN32 /D_WINDLL -DNO_X86_MMI + +# DWG support using the Open Design Alliance Teigha Libraries + +#TD_BASE = C:\warmerda\pkg\td_vc9 +#TD_FLAGS = -D_TOOLKIT_IN_DLL_ +#TD_INCLUDE = -I$(TD_BASE)\TD\Include -I$(TD_BASE)\TD\Extensions\ExServices +#TD_LIBDIR = $(TD_BASE)\lib\vc9dll + +# DWG/DXF support via DWGdirect from Open Design Alliance + +#DWGDIRECT=C:\warmerda\DWGdirect +#DWG_LIB_DIR=$(DWGDIRECT)\lib\VC6MD +#DWG_LIB=$(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_AcisBuilder_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_AcisRenderer_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Alloc_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_BmpExport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Br_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Db_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_DwfExport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_DwfImport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Ge_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Gi_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Gs_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_ModelerGeometry_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Root_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Sm_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_SpatialIndex_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_VC6MD_OleDataAccess_dll.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable OGDI support. +#OGDIDIR = D:\warmerda\iii\devdir +#OGDIVER = 31 +#OGDILIB = $(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib \ +# $(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\zlib_ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib + +# Uncomment for Expat support (required for KML, GPX and GeoRSS read support). +EXPAT_DIR = C:\OSGeo4W +EXPAT_INCLUDE = -I$(EXPAT_DIR)\include +EXPAT_LIB = $(EXPAT_DIR)\lib\expat.lib + +# Uncomment for Xerces based GML and ILI support. +XERCES_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME) +XERCES_INCLUDE = -I$(XERCES_DIR)/include -I$(XERCES_DIR)/include/xercesc +#XERCES_LIB = $(XERCES_DIR)/lib/xerces-c_static_3.lib advapi32.lib +XERCES_LIB = $(XERCES_DIR)/lib/xerces-c_static_3.lib + +# Uncomment the following for Interlis support. Note that a Xercex 2.x +# is also required (see above). Also, Interlis support only works with +# Visual Studio.NET or newer, not VC6. +#ILI_ENABLED = YES + +# Uncomment for JasPer based JPEG2000 support +#JASPER_DIR = d:\projects\jasper-1.700.2.uuid +#JASPER_INCLUDE = -I$(JASPER_DIR)\src\libjasper\include -DJAS_WIN_MSVC_BUILD +#JASPER_LIB = $(JASPER_DIR)\src\msvc\Win32_Release\libjasper.lib +# Uncomment the following line if you have patched UUID-enabled version +# of JasPer from ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/gdal/ +#JASPER_INCLUDE = $(JASPER_INCLUDE) -DHAVE_JASPER_UUID + +# Uncommment and adjust paths if you have Kakadu 6.0 or newer +#KAKDIR = \warmerda\pkg\kakadu-6.2.1 +#KAKLIB = $(KAKDIR)\lib_x86\kdu_v62R.lib +#KAKSRC = $(KAKDIR)\vt_2_1-00256N + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 4 support. +#HDF4_PLUGIN = NO +#HDF4_DIR = D:\warmerda\HDF41r5 +#HDF4_LIB = /LIBPATH:$(HDF4_DIR)\lib Ws2_32.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 5 support. +#HDF5_PLUGIN = NO +#HDF5_DIR = c:\warmerda\supportlibs\hdf5\5-164-win +#HDF5_LIB = $(HDF5_DIR)\dll\hdf5dll.lib + +# Uncomment the following for MrSID support. Only MRSID_DIR is required, +# which may point to a MrSID Raster SDK, Lidar SDK, or the combined SDK, and +# will auto-configure the mrsid and/or mrsid_lidar drivers as appropriate. +# Other configuration options can be specified to control specific features +# that may be available. See comments at the top of frmts/mrsid/nmake.opt +# for more details. +#MRSID_DIR = d:\projects\mrsid +#MRSID_JP2 = YES + +!IF DEFINED(MRSID_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_RASTER_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_LIDAR_DIR) +!IF EXIST(frmts\mrsid\nmake.opt) +!INCLUDE frmts\mrsid\nmake.opt +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +# PCIDSK Libraries - default configuration uses internal implementation +PCIDSK_SETTING=INTERNAL +# Replace with these to use an external build. +#PCIDSK_SETTING=EXTERNAL +#PCIDSK_INCLUDE=-I\warmerda\pcidsk\src +#PCIDSK_LIB=\warmerda\pcidsk\src\pcidsk.lib +# Use the following alternative to use the old PCIDSK implementation +#PCIDSK_SETTING=OLD + +# PostGIS Libraries +PG_INC_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\include +PG_LIB = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\libpq.lib wsock32.lib + +# MySQL Libraries +# NOTE: Need /MT instead of /MD, also enable /EHsc switch. +#MYSQL_INC_DIR = D:\Software\MySQLServer4.1\include +#MYSQL_LIB = D:\Software\MySQLServer4.1\lib\opt\libmysql.lib advapi32.lib +MYSQL_INC_DIR = $(DOWNLOAD_HOME)\mysql-5.6.16-win32\include +MYSQL_LIB = $(DOWNLOAD_HOME)\mysql-5.6.16-win32\lib\libmysql.lib advapi32.lib + +# SQLite Libraries +SQLITE_HOME=$(GDAL_HOME) +#SQLITE_INC=-I$(SQLITE_HOME)\include +#SQLITE_LIB=$(SQLITE_HOME)\lib\sqlite3_i.lib +# For spatialite support, try this instead (assuming you grab the libspatialite-amalgamation-2.3.1 and installed it in osgeo4w): +# The -DSPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION, which cause "spatialite/sqlite3.h" to be included instead of "sqlite3.h" might not be necessary +# depending on the layout of the include directories. In case of compilation errors, remove it. +SQLITE_INC=-I$(GDAL_HOME)\include -DHAVE_SPATIALITE -DSPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION +SQLITE_LIB=$(GDAL_HOME)\lib\spatialite.lib $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\sqlite.lib + +# Informix Data Blade +#INFORMIXDIR="C:\Program Files\IBM\Informix\Client-SDK" +#IDB_INC=-I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\cpp -I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\dmi \ +# -I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\esql +#IDB_LIB=$(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\cpp\libthc++.lib \ +# $(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\dmi\libthdmi.lib $(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\isqlt09a.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable FME support. +#FME_DIR = d:\Software\fme + +# Uncomment the following to enable FITS format support +#FITS_PLUGIN = NO +#FITS_INC_DIR = c:\dev32\usr\include\cfitsio +#FITS_LIB = c:\dev32\usr\lib\cfitsio.lib + +# Comment out to disable GRIB support. +GRIB_SETTING=yes + +# Uncomment the following to enable NetCDF format. +#NETCDF_PLUGIN = NO +#NETCDF_SETTING=yes +#NETCDF_LIB=C:\Software\netcdf\lib\netcdf.lib +#NETCDF_INC_DIR=C:\Software\netcdf\include + +# Uncomment the following to add NC4 and HDF4 support +#NETCDF_HAS_NC4 = yes +#NETCDF_HAS_HDF4 = yes + +# PROJ.4 stuff +# Uncomment the following lines to link PROJ.4 library statically. Otherwise +# it will be linked dynamically during runtime. +PROJ_FLAGS = -DPROJ_STATIC +PROJ_INCLUDE = -I$(GDAL_HOME)\include +PROJ_LIBRARY = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\proj.lib + +# Add ORACLE support. +# Uncomment the following line to enable OCI Oracle Spatial support. +#ORACLE_HOME = C:\instantclient_11_2 +ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle_base\ohome +#ORACLE_HOME = C:\instantclient_10_2 +# Uncomment the following if you prefer to build OCI support as a plugin. +OCI_PLUGIN = YES + +!IFDEF ORACLE_HOME +OCI_LIB = $(ORACLE_HOME)\oci\lib\msvc\ociw32.lib \ + $(ORACLE_HOME)\oci\lib\msvc\oci.lib +OCI_INCLUDE = -I$(ORACLE_HOME)\oci\include +!ENDIF + +SDE_ENABLED = YES +#SDE_VERSION= +SDE_PLUGIN = YES +SDE_SDK = "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcSDE" +SDE_INC = $(SDE_SDK)\include +SDE_LIB = $(SDE_SDK)\lib\pe$(SDE_VERSION).lib \ + $(SDE_SDK)\lib\sde$(SDE_VERSION).lib $(SDE_SDK)\lib\sg$(SDE_VERSION).lib + + +FGDB_ENABLED = YES +FGDB_PLUGIN = YES +FGDB_SDK = C:\FileGDB +FGDB_INC = $(FGDB_SDK)\include +FGDB_LIB = $(FGDB_SDK)\lib\FileGDBAPI.lib + + +#uncomment to use ArcObjects +#ARCOBJECTS_ENABLED = YES +#ARCOBJECTS_PLUGIN = YES +#ARCOBJECTS_SDK = C:\PROGRA~2\ArcGIS\com +#ARCOBJECTS_INC = $(ARCOBJECTS_SDK)\..\include +# +#Interestingly, since this is a COM application, we don't link against external libraries, +#but we still need to link the app, so we put the generic user32.lib to force the linking process +#ARCOBJECTS_LIB = user32.lib + + +# Uncomment to use libcurl (DLL by default) +# The cURL library is used for WCS, WMS, GeoJSON, SRS call importFromUrl(), WFS, GFT, CouchDB, /vsicurl/ etc. +CURL_DIR=$(GDAL_HOME) +CURL_INC = -I$(CURL_DIR)/include +# Uncoment following line to use libcurl as dynamic library +#CURL_LIB = $(CURL_DIR)\lib\libcurl.lib wsock32.lib wldap32.lib winmm.lib +# Uncoment following two lines to use libcurl as static library +CURL_LIB = $(CURL_DIR)\lib\libcurl_a.lib wsock32.lib wldap32.lib winmm.lib +CURL_CFLAGS = -DCURL_STATICLIB + +# Uncomment for DODS / OPeNDAP support +#DODS_DIR = C:\libdap3.6.2 +#DODS_LIB = $(DODSDIR)\lib\libdapMD.lib +# Uncomment for libdap >= 3.9 +#DODS_FLAGS = -DLIBDAP_39 + +# Uncomment for GEOS support +GEOS_DIR= $(GDAL_HOME) +GEOS_CFLAGS = -I$(GEOS_DIR)\include -DHAVE_GEOS +GEOS_LIB = $(GEOS_DIR)\lib\geos.lib + +# Uncomment for SOSI support +#SOSI_ENABLED = YES +#SOSI_INC_DIR = e:/sosi +#SOSI_LIBS = e:/sosi/FYBA.lib e:/sosi/GM.lib e:/sosi/UT.lib + +# Uncomment for OpenJpeg support +#OPENJPEG_ENABLED = YES +#OPENJPEG_CFLAGS = -IC:\openjpeg\libopenjpeg +#OPENJPEG_LIB = C:\openjpeg\bin\Release\openjpeg.lib + +# Uncomment for PDF support +# Uncomment POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = YES for Poppler >= 0.16.0 +# Uncomment POPPLER_0_20_OR_LATER = YES for Poppler >= 0.20.0 +#POPPLER_ENABLED = YES +#POPPLER_CFLAGS = -Ie:/kde/include -Ie:/kde/include/poppler +#POPPLER_HAS_OPTCONTENT = YES +#POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = YES +#POPPLER_0_20_OR_LATER = YES +#POPPLER_LIBS = e:/kde/lib/poppler.lib e:/kde/lib/freetype.lib e:/kde/lib/liblcms-1.lib advapi32.lib gdi32.lib + +# Uncomment for PDF support +#PODOFO_ENABLED = YES +#PODOFO_CFLAGS = -Ie:/podofo-svn/install/include -Ie:/podofo-svn/install/include/podofo +#PODOFO_LIBS = e:/podofo-svn/install/lib/podofo.lib E:/release-1500-dev/release-1500/lib/freetype239.lib gdi32.lib + +# Uncomment for LZMA TIFF support +#LZMA_CFLAGS = -IC:/gdal_trunk/xz-5.0.0-windows/include +#LZMA_LIBS = C:/gdal_trunk/xz-5.0.0-windows/bin_i486/liblzma.lib + +# Uncomment for WEBP support +#WEBP_ENABLED = YES +#WEBP_CFLAGS = -IE:/libwebp-0.1-windows/dev/Include +#WEBP_LIBS = e:/libwebp-0.1-windows/dev/lib/libwebp_a.lib + +# Uncomment for freexl support +# +# Note: Currently there is no MSVC makefile to build freexl. +# Here's the procedure I've followed (from root of freexl source tree) +# cl /c src/freexl.c /Iheaders /IE:\release-1500-dev\release-1500\include /DDLL_EXPORT +# link /dll E:\release-1500-dev\release-1500\lib\iconv.lib freexl.obj /out:freexl.dll /implib:freexl_i.lib +# +FREEXL_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME) +FREEXL_CFLAGS = -I$(GDAL_HOME)\include +FREEXL_LIBS = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\freexl.lib + +# Uncomment for libgta support +# +#GTA_CFLAGS = -IC:/gdal_trunk/libgta-1.0.0-w32/include -IC:/gdal_trunk/libgta-1.0.0-w32/include/gta +#GTA_LIBS = C:/gdal_trunk/libgta-1.0.0-w32/lib/libgta.dll.a + +# Any extra libraries needed on this platform? +ADD_LIBS = + +# Comment out the following if you want to build with Python support, but +# you don't have Numeric Python installed (with include files). Numeric +# integration may not work. This only appears to the old generation +# bindings. +#HAVE_NUMPY=1 + +########### END OF STUFF THAT NORMALLY NEEDS TO BE UPDATED ################## + + +# Location of MS Data Access SDK (not really needed anymore I think) +#MSDASDK = D:\Software\MDAC_2.6 + +GDAL_DLL = gdal$(VERSION).dll + +INC = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\port -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\ogr -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\gcore \ + -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\alg -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\ogr\ogrsf_frmts + +!IFDEF MSVC_VLD_DIR +MSVC_VLD_FLAGS=-DMSVC_USE_VLD=1 -I$(MSVC_VLD_DIR)\include +MSVC_VLD_LIB=/LIBPATH:$(MSVC_VLD_DIR)/lib +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF INCLUDE_OGR_FRMTS +OGR_FLAG = -DOGR_ENABLED +!ENDIF + +#LINKER_FLAGS = /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC +LINKER_FLAGS = $(MSVC_VLD_LIB) $(LDEBUG) /NODEFAULTLIB:library + + +CFLAGS = $(OPTFLAGS) $(WARNFLAGS) $(INC) $(EXTRAFLAGS) $(OGR_FLAG) $(MSVC_VLD_FLAGS) +MAKE = nmake /nologo + +CC = cl -DXERCES_STATIC_LIBRARY + +INSTALL = xcopy /y /r /d /f + +CPLLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/port/cpl.lib + +!IFDEF DLLBUILD +GDALLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/gdal_i.lib +!ELSE +GDALLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/gdal.lib +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF ODBC_SUPPORTED +ODBCLIB = odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib user32.lib +!ENDIF + +!IF DEFINED(MRSID_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_RASTER_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_LIDAR_DIR) +!IF "$(MRSID_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +MRSID_LIB_LINK = $(MRSID_LIB) +!ELSE +MRSID_LIB_LINK= +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF ECWDIR +!IF "$(ECW_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +ECW_LIB_LINK= $(ECWLIB) +!ELSE +ECW_LIB_LINK= +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF FITS_LIB +!IF "$(FITS_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +FITS_LIB_LINK = $(FITS_LIB) +!ELSE +FITS_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF NETCDF_LIB +!IF "$(NETCDF_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +NETCDF_LIB_LINK = $(NETCDF_LIB) +!ELSE +NETCDF_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF HDF4_LIB +!IF "$(HDF4_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +HDF4_LIB_LINK = $(HDF4_LIB) +!ELSE +HDF4_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF HDF5_LIB +!IF "$(HDF5_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +HDF5_LIB_LINK = $(HDF5_LIB) +!ELSE +HDF5_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF FGDB_LIB +!IF "$(FGDB_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +FGDB_LIB_LINK = $(FGDB_LIB) +!ELSE +FGDB_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF XERCES_DIR +NAS_ENABLED = YES +!ENDIF + +# Under win64, symbols for function names lack the underscore prefix +# present on win32. Also the STDCALL calling convention is not used. +!IFDEF WIN64 +!UNDEF STDCALL +!ELSE +SYM_PREFIX=_ +!ENDIF + +EXTERNAL_LIBS = $(OGDILIB) $(XERCES_LIB) $(EXPAT_LIB) $(OCI_LIB) $(PG_LIB) \ + $(ECW_LIB_LINK) $(HDF4_LIB_LINK) $(FME_LIB) $(MRSID_LIB_LINK) \ + $(FITS_LIB_LINK) $(JPEG_LIB) $(NETCDF_LIB_LINK) $(PROJ4_LIB) \ + $(GEOTIFF_LIB) $(TIFF_LIB) $(PROJ_LIBRARY) $(SQLITE_LIB) \ + $(MYSQL_LIB) $(GEOS_LIB) $(HDF5_LIB_LINK) $(SDE_LIB) $(ARCOBJECTS_LIB) $(DWG_LIB) \ + $(IDB_LIB) $(CURL_LIB) $(DODS_LIB) $(KAKLIB) $(PCIDSK_LIB) \ + $(ODBCLIB) $(JASPER_LIB) $(PNG_LIB) $(ADD_LIBS) $(OPENJPEG_LIB) \ + $(MRSID_LIDAR_LIB) $(LIBKML_LIBS) $(SOSI_LIBS) $(POPPLER_LIBS) $(PODOFO_LIBS) $(LZMA_LIBS) \ + $(LIBICONV_LIBRARY) $(WEBP_LIBS) $(FGDB_LIB_LINK) $(FREEXL_LIBS) $(GTA_LIBS) + +.c.obj: + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.c + +.cpp.obj: + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.cpp + diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/nmake.seperatedll.opt b/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/nmake.seperatedll.opt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..55bddfc9f --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/nmake.seperatedll.opt @@ -0,0 +1,648 @@ +# $Id: nmake.opt 24437 2012-05-17 20:24:55Z rouault $ +# +# nmake.opt - main configuration file for NMAKE makefiles. +# +# Usage examples (see details below): +# nmake -f makefile.vc +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1400 +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1500 DEBUG=1 +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1600 DEBUG=1 ANALYZE=1 +# +############################################################################### +# For convenience, user may put custom settings in a local settings file +# named nmake.local, or a name defined by the EXT_NMAKE_OPT option. + +!IF EXIST("$(GDAL_ROOT)\nmake.local") +!INCLUDE $(GDAL_ROOT)\nmake.local +!ENDIF + +# nmake -f makefile.vc EXT_NMAKE_OPT=mynmake.opt +!IFDEF EXT_NMAKE_OPT +!INCLUDE $(EXT_NMAKE_OPT) +!ENDIF + +############################################################################### +# Check version of Visual C++ compiler: +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=xxxx +# where xxxx is one of following: +# 1700 = 11.0(2011) +# 1600 = 10.0(2010) +# 1500 = 9.0 (2008) +# 1400 = 8.0 (2005) - specific compilation flags, different from older VC++ +# 1310 = 7.1 (2003) +# 1300 = 7.0 (2002) +# 1200 = 6.0 +# +!IFNDEF MSVC_VER +#assume msvc VS2008. +MSVC_VER=1500 +!ENDIF + +############################################################################### +# Optional use of Visual Leak Detector (VLD) by Dan Moulding, available at +# http://dmoulding.googlepages.com/vld +# Uncomment this line to use VLD in debug configuration only: +#MSVC_VLD_DIR="C:\Program Files\Visual Leak Detector" + +############################################################################### +# Location to install .exe, .dll and python stuff +# Edit as required. GDAL_HOME is used for convenience here, +# but this particular relative organization is not mandatory. +# But the paths *should* be absolute (relative paths mess up in submakefiles). + +!IFNDEF GDAL_HOME +#GDAL_HOME = C:\OSGeo4W +GDAL_HOME = %%LIBRARY_HOME%% +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF BINDIR +BINDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\bin +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF PLUGINDIR +PLUGINDIR = $(BINDIR)\gdalplugins +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF LIBDIR +LIBDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF INCDIR +INCDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\include +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF DATADIR +DATADIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\data +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF HTMLDIR +HTMLDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\html +!ENDIF + +# Set this to the installed directory containing python. If you don't +# have python just let it point to a directory that does not exist (as now). +!IFNDEF PYDIR +PYDIR = "C:\Software\Python24" +!ENDIF + +# Set the location of your SWIG installation +!IFNDEF SWIG +SWIG = swig.exe +!ENDIF + +# SWIG Java settings +!IFNDEF JAVA_HOME +JAVA_HOME = c:\j2sdk1.4.2_12 +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF ANT_HOME +ANT_HOME=c:\programmi\apache-ant-1.7.0 +!ENDIF +JAVADOC=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\javadoc +JAVAC=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\javac +JAVA=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\java +JAR=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\jar +JAVA_INCLUDE=-I$(JAVA_HOME)\include -I$(JAVA_HOME)\include\win32 + +# Compilation flags + +# Enable code analyzis on request +# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173498.aspx +!IFDEF ANALYZE +CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS=/analyze +!ELSE +CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS= +!ENDIF + +!IFNDEF OPTFLAGS +!IF $(MSVC_VER) >= 1400 +!IFNDEF DEBUG +OPTFLAGS= $(CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS) /nologo /MD /EHsc /Ox /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /DNDEBUG +!ELSE +OPTFLAGS= $(CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS) /nologo /MD /EHsc /Zi /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /Fd$(GDAL_ROOT)\gdal$(VERSION).pdb /DDEBUG +!ENDIF +!ELSE +!IFNDEF DEBUG +OPTFLAGS= /nologo /MD /EHsc /GR /Ox /DNDEBUG +!ELSE +OPTFLAGS= /nologo /MD /EHsc /GR /Zi /Fd$(GDAL_ROOT)\gdal$(VERSION).pdb /DDEBUG +!ENDIF +!ENDIF #MSVC_VER +!ENDIF # OPTFLAGS + +# +# Set flags controlling warnings level, and supression of some warnings. +# +!IFNDEF WARNFLAGS +WARNFLAGS = /W4 /wd4127 /wd4251 /wd4275 /wd4786 /wd4100 /wd4245 /wd4206 /wd4018 /wd4389 +!ENDIF + +# The followin are extra disables that can be applied to external source +# not under our control that we wish to use less stringent warnings with. +!IFNDEF SOFTWARNFLAGS +SOFTWARNFLAGS= /wd4244 /wd4702 /wd4701 /wd4013 /wd4706 /wd4057 /wd4210 /wd4305 +!ENDIF + +# Linker debug options +!IFDEF DEBUG +LDEBUG= /debug +!ENDIF + +# Uncomment the following if you are building for 64-bit windows +# (x64). You'll need to have PATH, INCLUDE and LIB set up for 64-bit +# compiles. +#WIN64=YES + +# If you don't want some entry points to have STDCALL conventions, +# comment out the following and add -DCPL_DISABLE_STDCALL in OPTFLAGS. +# This option has no effect on 64-bit windows. +STDCALL=YES + +# Version number embedded in DLL name. +VERSION = 19 + +# Comment the following out if you want PAM supported disabled +# by default. +PAM_SETTING=-DPAM_ENABLED + +# Uncomment the following to link OGR utilities against main GDAL DLL +# instead of statically linking against OGR libraries. +#DLLBUILD=1 + +# Enable all OGR formats, or only raster formats? Comment out to disable +# vector formats. +INCLUDE_OGR_FRMTS = YES + +# Location of Visual C++ directory (only required for following SETARGV stuff) +#VCDIR = "D:\Software\VStudio\VC98" + +# Enable the following if VCDIR set properly, and you want the utility +# programs to be able to expand wildcards. +#SETARGV = $(VCDIR)\lib\setargv.obj + +# Uncomment to build with libiconv library to support extended character +# recoding capabilities. GDAL's internal stub implementation supports +# latin1<->utf-8 translations only. +# Depending on your libiconv build you may need to set ICONV_CONST macro to +# const or leave it empty. Take a look on your iconv() declaration in iconv.h. +# If the second parameter declared as const char** then you need to define +# ICONV_CONST=const otherwise leave it empty. +LIBICONV_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME) +LIBICONV_INCLUDE = -I$(LIBICONV_DIR)\include +LIBICONV_LIBRARY = $(LIBICONV_DIR)\lib\libiconv.lib +LIBICONV_CFLAGS = -DICONV_CONST=const + +# Comment out the following to disable BSB support. +BSB_SUPPORTED = 1 + +# Comment out the following to disable ODBC support. +ODBC_SUPPORTED = 1 + +# Comment out the following to disable JPEG support. +JPEG_SUPPORTED = 1 + +# This will enable 12bit libjpeg - use only with internal jpeg builds. +JPEG12_SUPPORTED = 1 + +#if using an external jpeg library uncomment the follwing lines +#JPEG_EXTERNAL_LIB = 1 +#JPEGDIR = c:/projects/jpeg-6b +#JPEG_LIB = $(JPEGDIR)/libjpeg.lib + +#if using an external png library uncomment the follwing lines +#PNG_EXTERNAL_LIB = 1 +#PNGDIR = c:/projects/libpng-1.0.8 +#PNG_LIB = $(PNGDIR)/libpng.lib + +# if using an external libtiff library +#TIFF_INC = -Ic:/warmerda/libtiff/libtiff +#TIFF_LIB = c:/warmerda/libtiff/libtiff/libtiff_i.lib +# uncomment following line, if you have libtiff version >= 4.0 to +# enable BigTIFF support +#TIFF_OPTS= -DBIGTIFF_SUPPORT + +# if using an external libgeotiff library +#GEOTIFF_INC = -Ic:/warmerda/libgeotiff -Ic:/warmerda/libgeotiff/libxtiff +#GEOTIFF_LIB = C:/warmerda/libgeotiff/geotiff_i.lib + +# Uncomment out the following lines to enable LibKML support. +#LIBKML_DIR = C:/Dev/libkml +#LIBKML_INCLUDE = -I$(LIBKML_DIR)/src -I$(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party/boost_1_34_1 +#LIBKML_LIBRARY = $(LIBKML_DIR)/msvc/Release +#LIBKML_LIBS = $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlbase.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlconvenience.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmldom.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlengine.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlregionator.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlxsd.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/minizip_static.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\expat.win32/libexpat.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\uriparser-0.7.5.win32/release/uriparser.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\zlib-1.2.3.win32/lib/minizip.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\zlib-1.2.3.win32/lib/zlib.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable ECW read support with the +# 4.1+ readonly SDK +#ECWDIR = "c:/Program Files/ERDAS/ERDAS ECW JPEG2000 Read SDK" +#ECWFLAGS = -DECWSDK_VERSION=41 \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/api -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/jp2 \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/ecw +#ECWLIB = $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCSEcw4_RO.lib \ +# $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCSUtil4.lib \ +# $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCScnet4.lib + +# To add Write support, use the write SDK, change NCSEcw4_RO.lib to +# NCSEcw4.lib, and add -DHAVE_COMPRESS to ECWFLAGS. The ECWDIR setting will +# also need some adjustment. + +# To build ECW support as a plugin uncomment the following, and make sure +# to do "nmake /f makefile.vc plugin" in gdal/frmts/ecw and copy the two +# resulting DLLs to an appropriate place. +#ECW_PLUGIN = YES + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable ECW support with the 3.3 SDK. +# Significant adaption may be needed. +#ECWDIR = C:\warmerda\libecwj2-3.3 +#ECWLIB = $(ECWDIR)\Source\NCSBuildQmake\Debug\libecwj2.lib +#ECWFLAGS = -DECWSDK_VERSION=33 \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include -I$(ECWDIR)/Source/include \ +# /D_MBCS /D_UNICODE /DUNICODE /D_WINDOWS \ +# /DLIBECWJ2 /DWIN32 /D_WINDLL -DNO_X86_MMI + +# DWG support using the Open Design Alliance Teigha Libraries + +#TD_BASE = C:\warmerda\pkg\td_vc9 +#TD_FLAGS = -D_TOOLKIT_IN_DLL_ +#TD_INCLUDE = -I$(TD_BASE)\TD\Include -I$(TD_BASE)\TD\Extensions\ExServices +#TD_LIBDIR = $(TD_BASE)\lib\vc9dll + +# DWG/DXF support via DWGdirect from Open Design Alliance + +#DWGDIRECT=C:\warmerda\DWGdirect +#DWG_LIB_DIR=$(DWGDIRECT)\lib\VC6MD +#DWG_LIB=$(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_AcisBuilder_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_AcisRenderer_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Alloc_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_BmpExport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Br_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Db_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_DwfExport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_DwfImport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Ge_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Gi_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Gs_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_ModelerGeometry_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Root_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Sm_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_SpatialIndex_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_VC6MD_OleDataAccess_dll.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable OGDI support. +#OGDIDIR = D:\warmerda\iii\devdir +#OGDIVER = 31 +#OGDILIB = $(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib \ +# $(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\zlib_ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib + +# Uncomment for Expat support (required for KML, GPX and GeoRSS read support). +EXPAT_DIR = C:\OSGeo4W +EXPAT_INCLUDE = -I$(EXPAT_DIR)\include +EXPAT_LIB = $(EXPAT_DIR)\lib\expat.lib + +# Uncomment for Xerces based GML and ILI support. +XERCES_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME) +XERCES_INCLUDE = -I$(XERCES_DIR)/include -I$(XERCES_DIR)/include/xercesc +XERCES_LIB = $(XERCES_DIR)/lib/xerces-c_3.lib advapi32.lib + +# Uncomment the following for Interlis support. Note that a Xercex 2.x +# is also required (see above). Also, Interlis support only works with +# Visual Studio.NET or newer, not VC6. +#ILI_ENABLED = YES + +# Uncomment for JasPer based JPEG2000 support +#JASPER_DIR = d:\projects\jasper-1.700.2.uuid +#JASPER_INCLUDE = -I$(JASPER_DIR)\src\libjasper\include -DJAS_WIN_MSVC_BUILD +#JASPER_LIB = $(JASPER_DIR)\src\msvc\Win32_Release\libjasper.lib +# Uncomment the following line if you have patched UUID-enabled version +# of JasPer from ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/gdal/ +#JASPER_INCLUDE = $(JASPER_INCLUDE) -DHAVE_JASPER_UUID + +# Uncommment and adjust paths if you have Kakadu 6.0 or newer +#KAKDIR = \warmerda\pkg\kakadu-6.2.1 +#KAKLIB = $(KAKDIR)\lib_x86\kdu_v62R.lib +#KAKSRC = $(KAKDIR)\vt_2_1-00256N + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 4 support. +#HDF4_PLUGIN = NO +#HDF4_DIR = D:\warmerda\HDF41r5 +#HDF4_LIB = /LIBPATH:$(HDF4_DIR)\lib Ws2_32.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 5 support. +#HDF5_PLUGIN = NO +#HDF5_DIR = c:\warmerda\supportlibs\hdf5\5-164-win +#HDF5_LIB = $(HDF5_DIR)\dll\hdf5dll.lib + +# Uncomment the following for MrSID support. Only MRSID_DIR is required, +# which may point to a MrSID Raster SDK, Lidar SDK, or the combined SDK, and +# will auto-configure the mrsid and/or mrsid_lidar drivers as appropriate. +# Other configuration options can be specified to control specific features +# that may be available. See comments at the top of frmts/mrsid/nmake.opt +# for more details. +#MRSID_DIR = d:\projects\mrsid +#MRSID_JP2 = YES + +!IF DEFINED(MRSID_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_RASTER_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_LIDAR_DIR) +!IF EXIST(frmts\mrsid\nmake.opt) +!INCLUDE frmts\mrsid\nmake.opt +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +# PCIDSK Libraries - default configuration uses internal implementation +PCIDSK_SETTING=INTERNAL +# Replace with these to use an external build. +#PCIDSK_SETTING=EXTERNAL +#PCIDSK_INCLUDE=-I\warmerda\pcidsk\src +#PCIDSK_LIB=\warmerda\pcidsk\src\pcidsk.lib +# Use the following alternative to use the old PCIDSK implementation +#PCIDSK_SETTING=OLD + +# PostGIS Libraries +PG_INC_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\include +PG_LIB = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\libpq.lib wsock32.lib + +# MySQL Libraries +# NOTE: Need /MT instead of /MD, also enable /EHsc switch. +#MYSQL_INC_DIR = D:\Software\MySQLServer4.1\include +#MYSQL_LIB = D:\Software\MySQLServer4.1\lib\opt\libmysql.lib advapi32.lib + +# SQLite Libraries +SQLITE_HOME=$(GDAL_HOME) +#SQLITE_INC=-I$(SQLITE_HOME)\include +#SQLITE_LIB=$(SQLITE_HOME)\lib\sqlite3_i.lib +# For spatialite support, try this instead (assuming you grab the libspatialite-amalgamation-2.3.1 and installed it in osgeo4w): +# The -DSPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION, which cause "spatialite/sqlite3.h" to be included instead of "sqlite3.h" might not be necessary +# depending on the layout of the include directories. In case of compilation errors, remove it. +SQLITE_INC=-I$(GDAL_HOME)\include -DHAVE_SPATIALITE -DSPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION +SQLITE_LIB=$(GDAL_HOME)\lib\spatialite_i.lib $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\sqlite3_i.lib + +# Informix Data Blade +#INFORMIXDIR="C:\Program Files\IBM\Informix\Client-SDK" +#IDB_INC=-I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\cpp -I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\dmi \ +# -I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\esql +#IDB_LIB=$(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\cpp\libthc++.lib \ +# $(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\dmi\libthdmi.lib $(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\isqlt09a.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable FME support. +#FME_DIR = d:\Software\fme + +# Uncomment the following to enable FITS format support +#FITS_PLUGIN = NO +#FITS_INC_DIR = c:\dev32\usr\include\cfitsio +#FITS_LIB = c:\dev32\usr\lib\cfitsio.lib + +# Comment out to disable GRIB support. +GRIB_SETTING=yes + +# Uncomment the following to enable NetCDF format. +#NETCDF_PLUGIN = NO +#NETCDF_SETTING=yes +#NETCDF_LIB=C:\Software\netcdf\lib\netcdf.lib +#NETCDF_INC_DIR=C:\Software\netcdf\include + +# Uncomment the following to add NC4 and HDF4 support +#NETCDF_HAS_NC4 = yes +#NETCDF_HAS_HDF4 = yes + +# PROJ.4 stuff +# Uncomment the following lines to link PROJ.4 library statically. Otherwise +# it will be linked dynamically during runtime. +#PROJ_FLAGS = -DPROJ_STATIC +PROJ_INCLUDE = -I$(GDAL_HOME)\include +PROJ_LIBRARY = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\proj_i.lib + +# Add ORACLE support. +# Uncomment the following line to enable OCI Oracle Spatial support. +#ORACLE_HOME = C:\instantclient_11_2 +#ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle_base\ohome +#ORACLE_HOME = C:\instantclient_10_2 +# Uncomment the following if you prefer to build OCI support as a plugin. +#OCI_PLUGIN = YES + +!IFDEF ORACLE_HOME +OCI_LIB = $(ORACLE_HOME)\oci\lib\msvc\ociw32.lib \ + $(ORACLE_HOME)\oci\lib\msvc\oci.lib +OCI_INCLUDE = -I$(ORACLE_HOME)\oci\include +!ENDIF + +#SDE_ENABLED = NO +#SDE_VERSION= +#SDE_PLUGIN = NO +#SDE_SDK = "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcSDE" +#SDE_INC = $(SDE_SDK)\include +#SDE_LIB = $(SDE_SDK)\lib\pe$(SDE_VERSION).lib \ +# $(SDE_SDK)\lib\sde$(SDE_VERSION).lib $(SDE_SDK)\lib\sg$(SDE_VERSION).lib + + +#FGDB_ENABLED = NO +#FGDB_PLUGIN = NO +#FGDB_SDK = C:\FileGDB +#FGDB_INC = $(FGDB_SDK)\include +#FGDB_LIB = $(FGDB_SDK)\lib\FileGDBAPI.lib + + +#uncomment to use ArcObjects +#ARCOBJECTS_ENABLED = YES +#ARCOBJECTS_PLUGIN = YES +#ARCOBJECTS_SDK = C:\PROGRA~2\ArcGIS\com +#ARCOBJECTS_INC = $(ARCOBJECTS_SDK)\..\include +# +#Interestingly, since this is a COM application, we don't link against external libraries, +#but we still need to link the app, so we put the generic user32.lib to force the linking process +#ARCOBJECTS_LIB = user32.lib + + +# Uncomment to use libcurl (DLL by default) +# The cURL library is used for WCS, WMS, GeoJSON, SRS call importFromUrl(), WFS, GFT, CouchDB, /vsicurl/ etc. +CURL_DIR=$(GDAL_HOME) +CURL_INC = -I$(CURL_DIR)/include +# Uncoment following line to use libcurl as dynamic library +CURL_LIB = $(CURL_DIR)\lib\libcurl.lib wsock32.lib wldap32.lib winmm.lib +# Uncoment following two lines to use libcurl as static library +#CURL_LIB = $(CURL_DIR)/libcurl_a.lib wsock32.lib wldap32.lib winmm.lib +#CURL_CFLAGS = -DCURL_STATICLIB + +# Uncomment for DODS / OPeNDAP support +#DODS_DIR = C:\libdap3.6.2 +#DODS_LIB = $(DODSDIR)\lib\libdapMD.lib +# Uncomment for libdap >= 3.9 +#DODS_FLAGS = -DLIBDAP_39 + +# Uncomment for GEOS support +GEOS_DIR= $(GDAL_HOME) +GEOS_CFLAGS = -I$(GEOS_DIR)\include -DHAVE_GEOS +GEOS_LIB = $(GEOS_DIR)\lib\geos_c_i.lib + +# Uncomment for SOSI support +#SOSI_ENABLED = YES +#SOSI_INC_DIR = e:/sosi +#SOSI_LIBS = e:/sosi/FYBA.lib e:/sosi/GM.lib e:/sosi/UT.lib + +# Uncomment for OpenJpeg support +#OPENJPEG_ENABLED = YES +#OPENJPEG_CFLAGS = -IC:\openjpeg\libopenjpeg +#OPENJPEG_LIB = C:\openjpeg\bin\Release\openjpeg.lib + +# Uncomment for PDF support +# Uncomment POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = YES for Poppler >= 0.16.0 +# Uncomment POPPLER_0_20_OR_LATER = YES for Poppler >= 0.20.0 +#POPPLER_ENABLED = YES +#POPPLER_CFLAGS = -Ie:/kde/include -Ie:/kde/include/poppler +#POPPLER_HAS_OPTCONTENT = YES +#POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = YES +#POPPLER_0_20_OR_LATER = YES +#POPPLER_LIBS = e:/kde/lib/poppler.lib e:/kde/lib/freetype.lib e:/kde/lib/liblcms-1.lib advapi32.lib gdi32.lib + +# Uncomment for PDF support +#PODOFO_ENABLED = YES +#PODOFO_CFLAGS = -Ie:/podofo-svn/install/include -Ie:/podofo-svn/install/include/podofo +#PODOFO_LIBS = e:/podofo-svn/install/lib/podofo.lib E:/release-1500-dev/release-1500/lib/freetype239.lib gdi32.lib + +# Uncomment for LZMA TIFF support +#LZMA_CFLAGS = -IC:/gdal_trunk/xz-5.0.0-windows/include +#LZMA_LIBS = C:/gdal_trunk/xz-5.0.0-windows/bin_i486/liblzma.lib + +# Uncomment for WEBP support +#WEBP_ENABLED = YES +#WEBP_CFLAGS = -IE:/libwebp-0.1-windows/dev/Include +#WEBP_LIBS = e:/libwebp-0.1-windows/dev/lib/libwebp_a.lib + +# Uncomment for freexl support +# +# Note: Currently there is no MSVC makefile to build freexl. +# Here's the procedure I've followed (from root of freexl source tree) +# cl /c src/freexl.c /Iheaders /IE:\release-1500-dev\release-1500\include /DDLL_EXPORT +# link /dll E:\release-1500-dev\release-1500\lib\iconv.lib freexl.obj /out:freexl.dll /implib:freexl_i.lib +# +FREEXL_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME) +FREEXL_CFLAGS = -I$(GDAL_HOME)\include +FREEXL_LIBS = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\freexl_i.lib + +# Uncomment for libgta support +# +#GTA_CFLAGS = -IC:/gdal_trunk/libgta-1.0.0-w32/include -IC:/gdal_trunk/libgta-1.0.0-w32/include/gta +#GTA_LIBS = C:/gdal_trunk/libgta-1.0.0-w32/lib/libgta.dll.a + +# Any extra libraries needed on this platform? +ADD_LIBS = + +# Comment out the following if you want to build with Python support, but +# you don't have Numeric Python installed (with include files). Numeric +# integration may not work. This only appears to the old generation +# bindings. +#HAVE_NUMPY=1 + +########### END OF STUFF THAT NORMALLY NEEDS TO BE UPDATED ################## + + +# Location of MS Data Access SDK (not really needed anymore I think) +#MSDASDK = D:\Software\MDAC_2.6 + +GDAL_DLL = gdal$(VERSION).dll + +INC = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\port -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\ogr -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\gcore \ + -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\alg -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\ogr\ogrsf_frmts + +!IFDEF MSVC_VLD_DIR +MSVC_VLD_FLAGS=-DMSVC_USE_VLD=1 -I$(MSVC_VLD_DIR)\include +MSVC_VLD_LIB=/LIBPATH:$(MSVC_VLD_DIR)/lib +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF INCLUDE_OGR_FRMTS +OGR_FLAG = -DOGR_ENABLED +!ENDIF + +#LINKER_FLAGS = /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC +LINKER_FLAGS = $(MSVC_VLD_LIB) $(LDEBUG) /NODEFAULTLIB:library + + +CFLAGS = $(OPTFLAGS) $(WARNFLAGS) $(INC) $(EXTRAFLAGS) $(OGR_FLAG) $(MSVC_VLD_FLAGS) +MAKE = nmake /nologo + +CC = cl + +INSTALL = xcopy /y /r /d /f + +CPLLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/port/cpl.lib + +!IFDEF DLLBUILD +GDALLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/gdal_i.lib +!ELSE +GDALLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/gdal.lib +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF ODBC_SUPPORTED +ODBCLIB = odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib user32.lib +!ENDIF + +!IF DEFINED(MRSID_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_RASTER_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_LIDAR_DIR) +!IF "$(MRSID_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +MRSID_LIB_LINK = $(MRSID_LIB) +!ELSE +MRSID_LIB_LINK= +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF ECWDIR +!IF "$(ECW_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +ECW_LIB_LINK= $(ECWLIB) +!ELSE +ECW_LIB_LINK= +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF FITS_LIB +!IF "$(FITS_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +FITS_LIB_LINK = $(FITS_LIB) +!ELSE +FITS_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF NETCDF_LIB +!IF "$(NETCDF_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +NETCDF_LIB_LINK = $(NETCDF_LIB) +!ELSE +NETCDF_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF HDF4_LIB +!IF "$(HDF4_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +HDF4_LIB_LINK = $(HDF4_LIB) +!ELSE +HDF4_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF HDF5_LIB +!IF "$(HDF5_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +HDF5_LIB_LINK = $(HDF5_LIB) +!ELSE +HDF5_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF FGDB_LIB +!IF "$(FGDB_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +FGDB_LIB_LINK = $(FGDB_LIB) +!ELSE +FGDB_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF XERCES_DIR +NAS_ENABLED = YES +!ENDIF + +# Under win64, symbols for function names lack the underscore prefix +# present on win32. Also the STDCALL calling convention is not used. +!IFDEF WIN64 +!UNDEF STDCALL +!ELSE +SYM_PREFIX=_ +!ENDIF + +EXTERNAL_LIBS = $(OGDILIB) $(XERCES_LIB) $(EXPAT_LIB) $(OCI_LIB) $(PG_LIB) \ + $(ECW_LIB_LINK) $(HDF4_LIB_LINK) $(FME_LIB) $(MRSID_LIB_LINK) \ + $(FITS_LIB_LINK) $(JPEG_LIB) $(NETCDF_LIB_LINK) $(PROJ4_LIB) \ + $(GEOTIFF_LIB) $(TIFF_LIB) $(PROJ_LIBRARY) $(SQLITE_LIB) \ + $(MYSQL_LIB) $(GEOS_LIB) $(HDF5_LIB_LINK) $(SDE_LIB) $(ARCOBJECTS_LIB) $(DWG_LIB) \ + $(IDB_LIB) $(CURL_LIB) $(DODS_LIB) $(KAKLIB) $(PCIDSK_LIB) \ + $(ODBCLIB) $(JASPER_LIB) $(PNG_LIB) $(ADD_LIBS) $(OPENJPEG_LIB) \ + $(MRSID_LIDAR_LIB) $(LIBKML_LIBS) $(SOSI_LIBS) $(POPPLER_LIBS) $(PODOFO_LIBS) $(LZMA_LIBS) \ + $(LIBICONV_LIBRARY) $(WEBP_LIBS) $(FGDB_LIB_LINK) $(FREEXL_LIBS) $(GTA_LIBS) + +.c.obj: + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.c + +.cpp.obj: + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.cpp + diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/nmake64.opt b/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/nmake64.opt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f9b34ee2a --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/nmake64.opt @@ -0,0 +1,652 @@ +# $Id: nmake.opt 24437 2012-05-17 20:24:55Z rouault $ +# +# nmake.opt - main configuration file for NMAKE makefiles. +# +# Usage examples (see details below): +# nmake -f makefile.vc +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1400 +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1500 DEBUG=1 +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1600 DEBUG=1 ANALYZE=1 +# +############################################################################### +# For convenience, user may put custom settings in a local settings file +# named nmake.local, or a name defined by the EXT_NMAKE_OPT option. + +!IF EXIST("$(GDAL_ROOT)\nmake.local") +!INCLUDE $(GDAL_ROOT)\nmake.local +!ENDIF + +# nmake -f makefile.vc EXT_NMAKE_OPT=mynmake.opt +!IFDEF EXT_NMAKE_OPT +!INCLUDE $(EXT_NMAKE_OPT) +!ENDIF + +############################################################################### +# Check version of Visual C++ compiler: +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=xxxx +# where xxxx is one of following: +# 1700 = 11.0(2011) +# 1600 = 10.0(2010) +# 1500 = 9.0 (2008) +# 1400 = 8.0 (2005) - specific compilation flags, different from older VC++ +# 1310 = 7.1 (2003) +# 1300 = 7.0 (2002) +# 1200 = 6.0 +# +!IFNDEF MSVC_VER +#assume msvc VS2008. +MSVC_VER=1500 +!ENDIF + +############################################################################### +# Optional use of Visual Leak Detector (VLD) by Dan Moulding, available at +# http://dmoulding.googlepages.com/vld +# Uncomment this line to use VLD in debug configuration only: +#MSVC_VLD_DIR="C:\Program Files\Visual Leak Detector" + +############################################################################### +# Location to install .exe, .dll and python stuff +# Edit as required. GDAL_HOME is used for convenience here, +# but this particular relative organization is not mandatory. +# But the paths *should* be absolute (relative paths mess up in submakefiles). + +ODBC_DRV_HOME= "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Lib\x64" +!IFNDEF GDAL_HOME +GDAL_HOME = C:\OSGeo4W +#GDAL_HOME = %%LIBRARY_HOME%% +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF BINDIR +BINDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\bin +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF PLUGINDIR +PLUGINDIR = $(BINDIR)\gdalplugins +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF LIBDIR +LIBDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF INCDIR +INCDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\include +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF DATADIR +DATADIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\data +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF HTMLDIR +HTMLDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\html +!ENDIF + +# Set this to the installed directory containing python. If you don't +# have python just let it point to a directory that does not exist (as now). +!IFNDEF PYDIR +PYDIR = "C:\Software\Python24" +!ENDIF + +# Set the location of your SWIG installation +!IFNDEF SWIG +SWIG = swig.exe +!ENDIF + +# SWIG Java settings +!IFNDEF JAVA_HOME +JAVA_HOME = c:\j2sdk1.4.2_12 +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF ANT_HOME +ANT_HOME=c:\programmi\apache-ant-1.7.0 +!ENDIF +JAVADOC=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\javadoc +JAVAC=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\javac +JAVA=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\java +JAR=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\jar +JAVA_INCLUDE=-I$(JAVA_HOME)\include -I$(JAVA_HOME)\include\win32 + +# Compilation flags + +# Enable code analyzis on request +# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173498.aspx +!IFDEF ANALYZE +CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS=/analyze +!ELSE +CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS= +!ENDIF + +!IFNDEF OPTFLAGS +!IF $(MSVC_VER) >= 1400 +!IFNDEF DEBUG +OPTFLAGS= $(CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS) /nologo /MD /EHsc /Ox /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /DNDEBUG +!ELSE +OPTFLAGS= $(CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS) /nologo /MD /EHsc /Zi /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /Fd$(GDAL_ROOT)\gdal$(VERSION).pdb /DDEBUG +!ENDIF +!ELSE +!IFNDEF DEBUG +OPTFLAGS= /nologo /MD /EHsc /GR /Ox /DNDEBUG +!ELSE +OPTFLAGS= /nologo /MD /EHsc /GR /Zi /Fd$(GDAL_ROOT)\gdal$(VERSION).pdb /DDEBUG +!ENDIF +!ENDIF #MSVC_VER +!ENDIF # OPTFLAGS + +# +# Set flags controlling warnings level, and supression of some warnings. +# +!IFNDEF WARNFLAGS +WARNFLAGS = /W4 /wd4127 /wd4251 /wd4275 /wd4786 /wd4100 /wd4245 /wd4206 /wd4018 /wd4389 +!ENDIF + +# The followin are extra disables that can be applied to external source +# not under our control that we wish to use less stringent warnings with. +!IFNDEF SOFTWARNFLAGS +SOFTWARNFLAGS= /wd4244 /wd4702 /wd4701 /wd4013 /wd4706 /wd4057 /wd4210 /wd4305 +!ENDIF + +# Linker debug options +!IFDEF DEBUG +LDEBUG= /debug +!ENDIF + +# Uncomment the following if you are building for 64-bit windows +# (x64). You'll need to have PATH, INCLUDE and LIB set up for 64-bit +# compiles. +WIN64=YES + +# If you don't want some entry points to have STDCALL conventions, +# comment out the following and add -DCPL_DISABLE_STDCALL in OPTFLAGS. +# This option has no effect on 64-bit windows. +STDCALL=YES + +# Version number embedded in DLL name. +VERSION = 19 + +# Comment the following out if you want PAM supported disabled +# by default. +PAM_SETTING=-DPAM_ENABLED + +# Uncomment the following to link OGR utilities against main GDAL DLL +# instead of statically linking against OGR libraries. +#DLLBUILD=1 + +# Enable all OGR formats, or only raster formats? Comment out to disable +# vector formats. +INCLUDE_OGR_FRMTS = YES + +# Location of Visual C++ directory (only required for following SETARGV stuff) +#VCDIR = "D:\Software\VStudio\VC98" + +# Enable the following if VCDIR set properly, and you want the utility +# programs to be able to expand wildcards. +#SETARGV = $(VCDIR)\lib\setargv.obj + +# Uncomment to build with libiconv library to support extended character +# recoding capabilities. GDAL's internal stub implementation supports +# latin1<->utf-8 translations only. +# Depending on your libiconv build you may need to set ICONV_CONST macro to +# const or leave it empty. Take a look on your iconv() declaration in iconv.h. +# If the second parameter declared as const char** then you need to define +# ICONV_CONST=const otherwise leave it empty. +LIBICONV_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME) +LIBICONV_INCLUDE = -I$(LIBICONV_DIR)\include +LIBICONV_LIBRARY = $(LIBICONV_DIR)\lib\iconv.lib +LIBICONV_CFLAGS = -DICONV_CONST=const + +# Comment out the following to disable BSB support. +BSB_SUPPORTED = 1 + +# Comment out the following to disable ODBC support. +ODBC_SUPPORTED = 1 + +# Comment out the following to disable JPEG support. +JPEG_SUPPORTED = 1 + +# This will enable 12bit libjpeg - use only with internal jpeg builds. +JPEG12_SUPPORTED = 1 + +#if using an external jpeg library uncomment the follwing lines +#JPEG_EXTERNAL_LIB = 1 +#JPEGDIR = c:/projects/jpeg-6b +#JPEG_LIB = $(JPEGDIR)/libjpeg.lib + +#if using an external png library uncomment the follwing lines +#PNG_EXTERNAL_LIB = 1 +#PNGDIR = c:/projects/libpng-1.0.8 +#PNG_LIB = $(PNGDIR)/libpng.lib + +# if using an external libtiff library +#TIFF_INC = -Ic:/warmerda/libtiff/libtiff +#TIFF_LIB = c:/warmerda/libtiff/libtiff/libtiff_i.lib +# uncomment following line, if you have libtiff version >= 4.0 to +# enable BigTIFF support +#TIFF_OPTS= -DBIGTIFF_SUPPORT + +# if using an external libgeotiff library +#GEOTIFF_INC = -Ic:/warmerda/libgeotiff -Ic:/warmerda/libgeotiff/libxtiff +#GEOTIFF_LIB = C:/warmerda/libgeotiff/geotiff_i.lib + +# Uncomment out the following lines to enable LibKML support. +#LIBKML_DIR = C:/Dev/libkml +#LIBKML_INCLUDE = -I$(LIBKML_DIR)/src -I$(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party/boost_1_34_1 +#LIBKML_LIBRARY = $(LIBKML_DIR)/msvc/Release +#LIBKML_LIBS = $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlbase.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlconvenience.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmldom.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlengine.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlregionator.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlxsd.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/minizip_static.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\expat.win32/libexpat.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\uriparser-0.7.5.win32/release/uriparser.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\zlib-1.2.3.win32/lib/minizip.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\zlib-1.2.3.win32/lib/zlib.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable ECW read support with the +# 4.1+ readonly SDK +#ECWDIR = "c:/Program Files/ERDAS/ERDAS ECW JPEG2000 Read SDK" +#ECWFLAGS = -DECWSDK_VERSION=41 \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/api -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/jp2 \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/ecw +#ECWLIB = $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCSEcw4_RO.lib \ +# $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCSUtil4.lib \ +# $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCScnet4.lib + +# To add Write support, use the write SDK, change NCSEcw4_RO.lib to +# NCSEcw4.lib, and add -DHAVE_COMPRESS to ECWFLAGS. The ECWDIR setting will +# also need some adjustment. + +# To build ECW support as a plugin uncomment the following, and make sure +# to do "nmake /f makefile.vc plugin" in gdal/frmts/ecw and copy the two +# resulting DLLs to an appropriate place. +#ECW_PLUGIN = YES + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable ECW support with the 3.3 SDK. +# Significant adaption may be needed. +#ECWDIR = C:\warmerda\libecwj2-3.3 +#ECWLIB = $(ECWDIR)\Source\NCSBuildQmake\Debug\libecwj2.lib +#ECWFLAGS = -DECWSDK_VERSION=33 \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include -I$(ECWDIR)/Source/include \ +# /D_MBCS /D_UNICODE /DUNICODE /D_WINDOWS \ +# /DLIBECWJ2 /DWIN32 /D_WINDLL -DNO_X86_MMI + +# DWG support using the Open Design Alliance Teigha Libraries + +#TD_BASE = C:\warmerda\pkg\td_vc9 +#TD_FLAGS = -D_TOOLKIT_IN_DLL_ +#TD_INCLUDE = -I$(TD_BASE)\TD\Include -I$(TD_BASE)\TD\Extensions\ExServices +#TD_LIBDIR = $(TD_BASE)\lib\vc9dll + +# DWG/DXF support via DWGdirect from Open Design Alliance + +#DWGDIRECT=C:\warmerda\DWGdirect +#DWG_LIB_DIR=$(DWGDIRECT)\lib\VC6MD +#DWG_LIB=$(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_AcisBuilder_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_AcisRenderer_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Alloc_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_BmpExport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Br_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Db_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_DwfExport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_DwfImport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Ge_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Gi_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Gs_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_ModelerGeometry_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Root_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Sm_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_SpatialIndex_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_VC6MD_OleDataAccess_dll.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable OGDI support. +#OGDIDIR = D:\warmerda\iii\devdir +#OGDIVER = 31 +#OGDILIB = $(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib \ +# $(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\zlib_ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib + +# Uncomment for Expat support (required for KML, GPX and GeoRSS read support). +EXPAT_DIR = C:\OSGeo4W +EXPAT_INCLUDE = -I$(EXPAT_DIR)\include +EXPAT_LIB = $(EXPAT_DIR)\lib\expat.lib + +# Uncomment for Xerces based GML and ILI support. +XERCES_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME) +XERCES_INCLUDE = -I$(XERCES_DIR)/include -I$(XERCES_DIR)/include/xercesc +#XERCES_LIB = $(XERCES_DIR)/lib/xerces-c_static_3.lib advapi32.lib +XERCES_LIB = $(XERCES_DIR)/lib/xerces-c_static_3.lib + +# Uncomment the following for Interlis support. Note that a Xercex 2.x +# is also required (see above). Also, Interlis support only works with +# Visual Studio.NET or newer, not VC6. +#ILI_ENABLED = YES + +# Uncomment for JasPer based JPEG2000 support +#JASPER_DIR = d:\projects\jasper-1.700.2.uuid +#JASPER_INCLUDE = -I$(JASPER_DIR)\src\libjasper\include -DJAS_WIN_MSVC_BUILD +#JASPER_LIB = $(JASPER_DIR)\src\msvc\Win32_Release\libjasper.lib +# Uncomment the following line if you have patched UUID-enabled version +# of JasPer from ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/gdal/ +#JASPER_INCLUDE = $(JASPER_INCLUDE) -DHAVE_JASPER_UUID + +# Uncommment and adjust paths if you have Kakadu 6.0 or newer +#KAKDIR = \warmerda\pkg\kakadu-6.2.1 +#KAKLIB = $(KAKDIR)\lib_x86\kdu_v62R.lib +#KAKSRC = $(KAKDIR)\vt_2_1-00256N + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 4 support. +#HDF4_PLUGIN = NO +#HDF4_DIR = D:\warmerda\HDF41r5 +#HDF4_LIB = /LIBPATH:$(HDF4_DIR)\lib Ws2_32.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 5 support. +#HDF5_PLUGIN = NO +#HDF5_DIR = c:\warmerda\supportlibs\hdf5\5-164-win +#HDF5_LIB = $(HDF5_DIR)\dll\hdf5dll.lib + +# Uncomment the following for MrSID support. Only MRSID_DIR is required, +# which may point to a MrSID Raster SDK, Lidar SDK, or the combined SDK, and +# will auto-configure the mrsid and/or mrsid_lidar drivers as appropriate. +# Other configuration options can be specified to control specific features +# that may be available. See comments at the top of frmts/mrsid/nmake.opt +# for more details. +#MRSID_DIR = d:\projects\mrsid +#MRSID_JP2 = YES + +!IF DEFINED(MRSID_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_RASTER_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_LIDAR_DIR) +!IF EXIST(frmts\mrsid\nmake.opt) +!INCLUDE frmts\mrsid\nmake.opt +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +# PCIDSK Libraries - default configuration uses internal implementation +PCIDSK_SETTING=INTERNAL +# Replace with these to use an external build. +#PCIDSK_SETTING=EXTERNAL +#PCIDSK_INCLUDE=-I\warmerda\pcidsk\src +#PCIDSK_LIB=\warmerda\pcidsk\src\pcidsk.lib +# Use the following alternative to use the old PCIDSK implementation +#PCIDSK_SETTING=OLD + +# PostGIS Libraries +PG_INC_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\include +PG_LIB = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\libpq.lib wsock32.lib +#PG_LIB = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\postgres.lib + +# MySQL Libraries +# NOTE: Need /MT instead of /MD, also enable /EHsc switch. +MYSQL_INC_DIR = $(DOWNLOAD_HOME)\mysql-5.6.16-winx64\include +MYSQL_LIB = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\mysqlclient.lib advapi32.lib + +# SQLite Libraries +SQLITE_HOME=$(GDAL_HOME) +#SQLITE_INC=-I$(SQLITE_HOME)\include +#SQLITE_LIB=$(SQLITE_HOME)\lib\sqlite3_i.lib +# For spatialite support, try this instead (assuming you grab the libspatialite-amalgamation-2.3.1 and installed it in osgeo4w): +# The -DSPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION, which cause "spatialite/sqlite3.h" to be included instead of "sqlite3.h" might not be necessary +# depending on the layout of the include directories. In case of compilation errors, remove it. +SQLITE_INC=-I$(GDAL_HOME)\include -DHAVE_SPATIALITE -DSPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION +SQLITE_LIB=$(GDAL_HOME)\lib\spatialite.lib $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\sqlite.lib + +# Informix Data Blade +#INFORMIXDIR="C:\Program Files\IBM\Informix\Client-SDK" +#IDB_INC=-I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\cpp -I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\dmi \ +# -I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\esql +#IDB_LIB=$(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\cpp\libthc++.lib \ +# $(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\dmi\libthdmi.lib $(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\isqlt09a.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable FME support. +#FME_DIR = d:\Software\fme + +# Uncomment the following to enable FITS format support +#FITS_PLUGIN = NO +#FITS_INC_DIR = c:\dev32\usr\include\cfitsio +#FITS_LIB = c:\dev32\usr\lib\cfitsio.lib + +# Comment out to disable GRIB support. +GRIB_SETTING=yes + +# Uncomment the following to enable NetCDF format. +#NETCDF_PLUGIN = NO +#NETCDF_SETTING=yes +#NETCDF_LIB=C:\Software\netcdf\lib\netcdf.lib +#NETCDF_INC_DIR=C:\Software\netcdf\include + +# Uncomment the following to add NC4 and HDF4 support +#NETCDF_HAS_NC4 = yes +#NETCDF_HAS_HDF4 = yes + +# PROJ.4 stuff +# Uncomment the following lines to link PROJ.4 library statically. Otherwise +# it will be linked dynamically during runtime. +PROJ_FLAGS = -DPROJ_STATIC +PROJ_INCLUDE = -I$(GDAL_HOME)\include +PROJ_LIBRARY = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\proj.lib + +# Add ORACLE support. +# Uncomment the following line to enable OCI Oracle Spatial support. +#ORACLE_HOME = C:\instantclient_11_64 +#ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle_base\ohome +#ORACLE_HOME = C:\instantclient_10_2 +# Uncomment the following if you prefer to build OCI support as a plugin. +#OCI_PLUGIN = YES + +!IFDEF ORACLE_HOME +#OCI_LIB = $(ORACLE_HOME)\sdk\lib\msvc\ociw32.lib \ +# $(ORACLE_HOME)\sdk\lib\msvc\oci.lib +#OCI_INCLUDE = -I$(ORACLE_HOME)\sdk\include +!ENDIF + +#SDE_ENABLED = YES +#SDE_VERSION= +#SDE_PLUGIN = YES +#SDE_SDK = "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcSDE" +#SDE_INC = $(SDE_SDK)\include +#SDE_LIB = $(SDE_SDK)\lib\pe$(SDE_VERSION).lib \ +# $(SDE_SDK)\lib\sde$(SDE_VERSION).lib $(SDE_SDK)\lib\sg$(SDE_VERSION).lib + + +#FGDB_ENABLED = YES +#FGDB_PLUGIN = YES +#FGDB_SDK = C:\FileGDB +#FGDB_INC = $(FGDB_SDK)\include +#FGDB_LIB = $(FGDB_SDK)\lib\FileGDBAPI.lib + + +#uncomment to use ArcObjects +#ARCOBJECTS_ENABLED = YES +#ARCOBJECTS_PLUGIN = YES +#ARCOBJECTS_SDK = C:\PROGRA~2\ArcGIS\com +#ARCOBJECTS_INC = $(ARCOBJECTS_SDK)\..\include +# +#Interestingly, since this is a COM application, we don't link against external libraries, +#but we still need to link the app, so we put the generic user32.lib to force the linking process +#ARCOBJECTS_LIB = user32.lib + + +# Uncomment to use libcurl (DLL by default) +# The cURL library is used for WCS, WMS, GeoJSON, SRS call importFromUrl(), WFS, GFT, CouchDB, /vsicurl/ etc. +CURL_DIR=$(GDAL_HOME) +CURL_INC = -I$(CURL_DIR)/include +# Uncoment following line to use libcurl as dynamic library +#CURL_LIB = $(CURL_DIR)\lib\libcurl.lib wsock32.lib wldap32.lib winmm.lib +# Uncoment following two lines to use libcurl as static library +CURL_LIB = $(CURL_DIR)\lib\libcurl_a.lib wsock32.lib wldap32.lib winmm.lib +CURL_CFLAGS = -DCURL_STATICLIB + +# Uncomment for DODS / OPeNDAP support +#DODS_DIR = C:\libdap3.6.2 +#DODS_LIB = $(DODSDIR)\lib\libdapMD.lib +# Uncomment for libdap >= 3.9 +#DODS_FLAGS = -DLIBDAP_39 + +# Uncomment for GEOS support +GEOS_DIR= $(GDAL_HOME) +GEOS_CFLAGS = -I$(GEOS_DIR)\include -DHAVE_GEOS +GEOS_LIB = $(GEOS_DIR)\lib\geos.lib + +# Uncomment for SOSI support +#SOSI_ENABLED = YES +#SOSI_INC_DIR = e:/sosi +#SOSI_LIBS = e:/sosi/FYBA.lib e:/sosi/GM.lib e:/sosi/UT.lib + +# Uncomment for OpenJpeg support +#OPENJPEG_ENABLED = YES +#OPENJPEG_CFLAGS = -IC:\openjpeg\libopenjpeg +#OPENJPEG_LIB = C:\openjpeg\bin\Release\openjpeg.lib + +# Uncomment for PDF support +# Uncomment POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = YES for Poppler >= 0.16.0 +# Uncomment POPPLER_0_20_OR_LATER = YES for Poppler >= 0.20.0 +#POPPLER_ENABLED = YES +#POPPLER_CFLAGS = -Ie:/kde/include -Ie:/kde/include/poppler +#POPPLER_HAS_OPTCONTENT = YES +#POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = YES +#POPPLER_0_20_OR_LATER = YES +#POPPLER_LIBS = e:/kde/lib/poppler.lib e:/kde/lib/freetype.lib e:/kde/lib/liblcms-1.lib advapi32.lib gdi32.lib + +# Uncomment for PDF support +#PODOFO_ENABLED = YES +#PODOFO_CFLAGS = -Ie:/podofo-svn/install/include -Ie:/podofo-svn/install/include/podofo +#PODOFO_LIBS = e:/podofo-svn/install/lib/podofo.lib E:/release-1500-dev/release-1500/lib/freetype239.lib gdi32.lib + +# Uncomment for LZMA TIFF support +#LZMA_CFLAGS = -IC:/gdal_trunk/xz-5.0.0-windows/include +#LZMA_LIBS = C:/gdal_trunk/xz-5.0.0-windows/bin_i486/liblzma.lib + +# Uncomment for WEBP support +#WEBP_ENABLED = YES +#WEBP_CFLAGS = -IE:/libwebp-0.1-windows/dev/Include +#WEBP_LIBS = e:/libwebp-0.1-windows/dev/lib/libwebp_a.lib + +# Uncomment for freexl support +# +# Note: Currently there is no MSVC makefile to build freexl. +# Here's the procedure I've followed (from root of freexl source tree) +# cl /c src/freexl.c /Iheaders /IE:\release-1500-dev\release-1500\include /DDLL_EXPORT +# link /dll E:\release-1500-dev\release-1500\lib\iconv.lib freexl.obj /out:freexl.dll /implib:freexl_i.lib +# +FREEXL_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME) +FREEXL_CFLAGS = -I$(GDAL_HOME)\include +FREEXL_LIBS = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\freexl.lib + +# Uncomment for libgta support +# +#GTA_CFLAGS = -IC:/gdal_trunk/libgta-1.0.0-w32/include -IC:/gdal_trunk/libgta-1.0.0-w32/include/gta +#GTA_LIBS = C:/gdal_trunk/libgta-1.0.0-w32/lib/libgta.dll.a + +# Any extra libraries needed on this platform? +ADD_LIBS = + +# Comment out the following if you want to build with Python support, but +# you don't have Numeric Python installed (with include files). Numeric +# integration may not work. This only appears to the old generation +# bindings. +#HAVE_NUMPY=1 + +########### END OF STUFF THAT NORMALLY NEEDS TO BE UPDATED ################## + + +# Location of MS Data Access SDK (not really needed anymore I think) +#MSDASDK = D:\Software\MDAC_2.6 + +GDAL_DLL = gdal$(VERSION).dll + +INC = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\port -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\ogr -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\gcore \ + -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\alg -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\ogr\ogrsf_frmts + +!IFDEF MSVC_VLD_DIR +MSVC_VLD_FLAGS=-DMSVC_USE_VLD=1 -I$(MSVC_VLD_DIR)\include +MSVC_VLD_LIB=/LIBPATH:$(MSVC_VLD_DIR)/lib +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF INCLUDE_OGR_FRMTS +OGR_FLAG = -DOGR_ENABLED +!ENDIF + +#LINKER_FLAGS = /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC +LINKER_FLAGS = $(MSVC_VLD_LIB) $(LDEBUG) /NODEFAULTLIB:library + + +CFLAGS = $(OPTFLAGS) $(WARNFLAGS) $(INC) $(EXTRAFLAGS) $(OGR_FLAG) $(MSVC_VLD_FLAGS) +MAKE = nmake /nologo + +CC = cl -DXERCES_STATIC_LIBRARY + +INSTALL = xcopy /y /r /d /f + +CPLLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/port/cpl.lib + +!IFDEF DLLBUILD +GDALLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/gdal_i.lib +!ELSE +GDALLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/gdal.lib +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF ODBC_SUPPORTED +#ODBCLIB = odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib user32.lib +ODBCLIB = $(ODBC_DRV_HOME)\odbc32.lib $(ODBC_DRV_HOME)\odbccp32.lib $(ODBC_DRV_HOME)\user32.lib +!ENDIF + +!IF DEFINED(MRSID_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_RASTER_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_LIDAR_DIR) +!IF "$(MRSID_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +MRSID_LIB_LINK = $(MRSID_LIB) +!ELSE +MRSID_LIB_LINK= +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF ECWDIR +!IF "$(ECW_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +ECW_LIB_LINK= $(ECWLIB) +!ELSE +ECW_LIB_LINK= +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF FITS_LIB +!IF "$(FITS_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +FITS_LIB_LINK = $(FITS_LIB) +!ELSE +FITS_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF NETCDF_LIB +!IF "$(NETCDF_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +NETCDF_LIB_LINK = $(NETCDF_LIB) +!ELSE +NETCDF_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF HDF4_LIB +!IF "$(HDF4_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +HDF4_LIB_LINK = $(HDF4_LIB) +!ELSE +HDF4_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF HDF5_LIB +!IF "$(HDF5_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +HDF5_LIB_LINK = $(HDF5_LIB) +!ELSE +HDF5_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF FGDB_LIB +!IF "$(FGDB_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +FGDB_LIB_LINK = $(FGDB_LIB) +!ELSE +FGDB_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF XERCES_DIR +NAS_ENABLED = YES +!ENDIF + +# Under win64, symbols for function names lack the underscore prefix +# present on win32. Also the STDCALL calling convention is not used. +!IFDEF WIN64 +!UNDEF STDCALL +!ELSE +SYM_PREFIX=_ +!ENDIF + +EXTERNAL_LIBS = $(OGDILIB) $(XERCES_LIB) $(EXPAT_LIB) $(OCI_LIB) $(PG_LIB) \ + $(ECW_LIB_LINK) $(HDF4_LIB_LINK) $(FME_LIB) $(MRSID_LIB_LINK) \ + $(FITS_LIB_LINK) $(JPEG_LIB) $(NETCDF_LIB_LINK) $(PROJ4_LIB) \ + $(GEOTIFF_LIB) $(TIFF_LIB) $(PROJ_LIBRARY) $(SQLITE_LIB) \ + $(MYSQL_LIB) $(GEOS_LIB) $(HDF5_LIB_LINK) $(SDE_LIB) $(ARCOBJECTS_LIB) $(DWG_LIB) \ + $(IDB_LIB) $(CURL_LIB) $(DODS_LIB) $(KAKLIB) $(PCIDSK_LIB) \ + $(ODBCLIB) $(JASPER_LIB) $(PNG_LIB) $(ADD_LIBS) $(OPENJPEG_LIB) \ + $(MRSID_LIDAR_LIB) $(LIBKML_LIBS) $(SOSI_LIBS) $(POPPLER_LIBS) $(PODOFO_LIBS) $(LZMA_LIBS) \ + $(LIBICONV_LIBRARY) $(WEBP_LIBS) $(FGDB_LIB_LINK) $(FREEXL_LIBS) $(GTA_LIBS) + +.c.obj: + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.c + +.cpp.obj: + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.cpp + diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/nmake64.opt.withplugins b/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/nmake64.opt.withplugins new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6ac82bc85 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/nmake64.opt.withplugins @@ -0,0 +1,650 @@ +# $Id: nmake.opt 24437 2012-05-17 20:24:55Z rouault $ +# +# nmake.opt - main configuration file for NMAKE makefiles. +# +# Usage examples (see details below): +# nmake -f makefile.vc +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1400 +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1500 DEBUG=1 +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1600 DEBUG=1 ANALYZE=1 +# +############################################################################### +# For convenience, user may put custom settings in a local settings file +# named nmake.local, or a name defined by the EXT_NMAKE_OPT option. + +!IF EXIST("$(GDAL_ROOT)\nmake.local") +!INCLUDE $(GDAL_ROOT)\nmake.local +!ENDIF + +# nmake -f makefile.vc EXT_NMAKE_OPT=mynmake.opt +!IFDEF EXT_NMAKE_OPT +!INCLUDE $(EXT_NMAKE_OPT) +!ENDIF + +############################################################################### +# Check version of Visual C++ compiler: +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=xxxx +# where xxxx is one of following: +# 1700 = 11.0(2011) +# 1600 = 10.0(2010) +# 1500 = 9.0 (2008) +# 1400 = 8.0 (2005) - specific compilation flags, different from older VC++ +# 1310 = 7.1 (2003) +# 1300 = 7.0 (2002) +# 1200 = 6.0 +# +!IFNDEF MSVC_VER +#assume msvc VS2008. +MSVC_VER=1500 +!ENDIF + +############################################################################### +# Optional use of Visual Leak Detector (VLD) by Dan Moulding, available at +# http://dmoulding.googlepages.com/vld +# Uncomment this line to use VLD in debug configuration only: +#MSVC_VLD_DIR="C:\Program Files\Visual Leak Detector" + +############################################################################### +# Location to install .exe, .dll and python stuff +# Edit as required. GDAL_HOME is used for convenience here, +# but this particular relative organization is not mandatory. +# But the paths *should* be absolute (relative paths mess up in submakefiles). + +!IFNDEF GDAL_HOME +GDAL_HOME = C:\OSGeo4W64 +#GDAL_HOME = %%LIBRARY_HOME%% +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF BINDIR +BINDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\bin +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF PLUGINDIR +PLUGINDIR = $(BINDIR)\gdalplugins +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF LIBDIR +LIBDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib64 +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF INCDIR +INCDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\include +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF DATADIR +DATADIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\data +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF HTMLDIR +HTMLDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\html +!ENDIF + +# Set this to the installed directory containing python. If you don't +# have python just let it point to a directory that does not exist (as now). +!IFNDEF PYDIR +PYDIR = "C:\Software\Python24" +!ENDIF + +# Set the location of your SWIG installation +!IFNDEF SWIG +SWIG = swig.exe +!ENDIF + +# SWIG Java settings +!IFNDEF JAVA_HOME +JAVA_HOME = c:\j2sdk1.4.2_12 +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF ANT_HOME +ANT_HOME=c:\programmi\apache-ant-1.7.0 +!ENDIF +JAVADOC=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\javadoc +JAVAC=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\javac +JAVA=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\java +JAR=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\jar +JAVA_INCLUDE=-I$(JAVA_HOME)\include -I$(JAVA_HOME)\include\win32 + +# Compilation flags + +# Enable code analyzis on request +# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173498.aspx +!IFDEF ANALYZE +CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS=/analyze +!ELSE +CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS= +!ENDIF + +!IFNDEF OPTFLAGS +!IF $(MSVC_VER) >= 1400 +!IFNDEF DEBUG +OPTFLAGS= $(CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS) /nologo /MD /EHsc /Ox /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /DNDEBUG +!ELSE +OPTFLAGS= $(CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS) /nologo /MD /EHsc /Zi /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /Fd$(GDAL_ROOT)\gdal$(VERSION).pdb /DDEBUG +!ENDIF +!ELSE +!IFNDEF DEBUG +OPTFLAGS= /nologo /MD /EHsc /GR /Ox /DNDEBUG +!ELSE +OPTFLAGS= /nologo /MD /EHsc /GR /Zi /Fd$(GDAL_ROOT)\gdal$(VERSION).pdb /DDEBUG +!ENDIF +!ENDIF #MSVC_VER +!ENDIF # OPTFLAGS + +# +# Set flags controlling warnings level, and supression of some warnings. +# +!IFNDEF WARNFLAGS +WARNFLAGS = /W4 /wd4127 /wd4251 /wd4275 /wd4786 /wd4100 /wd4245 /wd4206 /wd4018 /wd4389 +!ENDIF + +# The followin are extra disables that can be applied to external source +# not under our control that we wish to use less stringent warnings with. +!IFNDEF SOFTWARNFLAGS +SOFTWARNFLAGS= /wd4244 /wd4702 /wd4701 /wd4013 /wd4706 /wd4057 /wd4210 /wd4305 +!ENDIF + +# Linker debug options +!IFDEF DEBUG +LDEBUG= /debug +!ENDIF + +# Uncomment the following if you are building for 64-bit windows +# (x64). You'll need to have PATH, INCLUDE and LIB set up for 64-bit +# compiles. +WIN64=YES + +# If you don't want some entry points to have STDCALL conventions, +# comment out the following and add -DCPL_DISABLE_STDCALL in OPTFLAGS. +# This option has no effect on 64-bit windows. +STDCALL=YES + +# Version number embedded in DLL name. +VERSION = 19 + +# Comment the following out if you want PAM supported disabled +# by default. +PAM_SETTING=-DPAM_ENABLED + +# Uncomment the following to link OGR utilities against main GDAL DLL +# instead of statically linking against OGR libraries. +#DLLBUILD=1 + +# Enable all OGR formats, or only raster formats? Comment out to disable +# vector formats. +INCLUDE_OGR_FRMTS = YES + +# Location of Visual C++ directory (only required for following SETARGV stuff) +#VCDIR = "D:\Software\VStudio\VC98" + +# Enable the following if VCDIR set properly, and you want the utility +# programs to be able to expand wildcards. +#SETARGV = $(VCDIR)\lib\setargv.obj + +# Uncomment to build with libiconv library to support extended character +# recoding capabilities. GDAL's internal stub implementation supports +# latin1<->utf-8 translations only. +# Depending on your libiconv build you may need to set ICONV_CONST macro to +# const or leave it empty. Take a look on your iconv() declaration in iconv.h. +# If the second parameter declared as const char** then you need to define +# ICONV_CONST=const otherwise leave it empty. +LIBICONV_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME) +LIBICONV_INCLUDE = -I$(LIBICONV_DIR)\include +LIBICONV_LIBRARY = $(LIBICONV_DIR)\lib64\iconv.lib +LIBICONV_CFLAGS = -DICONV_CONST=const + +# Comment out the following to disable BSB support. +BSB_SUPPORTED = 1 + +# Comment out the following to disable ODBC support. +ODBC_SUPPORTED = 1 + +# Comment out the following to disable JPEG support. +JPEG_SUPPORTED = 1 + +# This will enable 12bit libjpeg - use only with internal jpeg builds. +JPEG12_SUPPORTED = 1 + +#if using an external jpeg library uncomment the follwing lines +#JPEG_EXTERNAL_LIB = 1 +#JPEGDIR = c:/projects/jpeg-6b +#JPEG_LIB = $(JPEGDIR)/libjpeg.lib + +#if using an external png library uncomment the follwing lines +#PNG_EXTERNAL_LIB = 1 +#PNGDIR = c:/projects/libpng-1.0.8 +#PNG_LIB = $(PNGDIR)/libpng.lib + +# if using an external libtiff library +#TIFF_INC = -Ic:/warmerda/libtiff/libtiff +#TIFF_LIB = c:/warmerda/libtiff/libtiff/libtiff_i.lib +# uncomment following line, if you have libtiff version >= 4.0 to +# enable BigTIFF support +#TIFF_OPTS= -DBIGTIFF_SUPPORT + +# if using an external libgeotiff library +#GEOTIFF_INC = -Ic:/warmerda/libgeotiff -Ic:/warmerda/libgeotiff/libxtiff +#GEOTIFF_LIB = C:/warmerda/libgeotiff/geotiff_i.lib + +# Uncomment out the following lines to enable LibKML support. +#LIBKML_DIR = C:/Dev/libkml +#LIBKML_INCLUDE = -I$(LIBKML_DIR)/src -I$(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party/boost_1_34_1 +#LIBKML_LIBRARY = $(LIBKML_DIR)/msvc/Release +#LIBKML_LIBS = $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlbase.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlconvenience.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmldom.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlengine.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlregionator.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlxsd.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/minizip_static.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\expat.win32/libexpat.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\uriparser-0.7.5.win32/release/uriparser.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\zlib-1.2.3.win32/lib/minizip.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\zlib-1.2.3.win32/lib/zlib.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable ECW read support with the +# 4.1+ readonly SDK +#ECWDIR = "c:/Program Files/ERDAS/ERDAS ECW JPEG2000 Read SDK" +#ECWFLAGS = -DECWSDK_VERSION=41 \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/api -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/jp2 \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/ecw +#ECWLIB = $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCSEcw4_RO.lib \ +# $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCSUtil4.lib \ +# $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCScnet4.lib + +# To add Write support, use the write SDK, change NCSEcw4_RO.lib to +# NCSEcw4.lib, and add -DHAVE_COMPRESS to ECWFLAGS. The ECWDIR setting will +# also need some adjustment. + +# To build ECW support as a plugin uncomment the following, and make sure +# to do "nmake /f makefile.vc plugin" in gdal/frmts/ecw and copy the two +# resulting DLLs to an appropriate place. +#ECW_PLUGIN = YES + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable ECW support with the 3.3 SDK. +# Significant adaption may be needed. +#ECWDIR = C:\warmerda\libecwj2-3.3 +#ECWLIB = $(ECWDIR)\Source\NCSBuildQmake\Debug\libecwj2.lib +#ECWFLAGS = -DECWSDK_VERSION=33 \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include -I$(ECWDIR)/Source/include \ +# /D_MBCS /D_UNICODE /DUNICODE /D_WINDOWS \ +# /DLIBECWJ2 /DWIN32 /D_WINDLL -DNO_X86_MMI + +# DWG support using the Open Design Alliance Teigha Libraries + +#TD_BASE = C:\warmerda\pkg\td_vc9 +#TD_FLAGS = -D_TOOLKIT_IN_DLL_ +#TD_INCLUDE = -I$(TD_BASE)\TD\Include -I$(TD_BASE)\TD\Extensions\ExServices +#TD_LIBDIR = $(TD_BASE)\lib\vc9dll + +# DWG/DXF support via DWGdirect from Open Design Alliance + +#DWGDIRECT=C:\warmerda\DWGdirect +#DWG_LIB_DIR=$(DWGDIRECT)\lib\VC6MD +#DWG_LIB=$(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_AcisBuilder_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_AcisRenderer_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Alloc_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_BmpExport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Br_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Db_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_DwfExport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_DwfImport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Ge_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Gi_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Gs_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_ModelerGeometry_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Root_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Sm_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_SpatialIndex_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_VC6MD_OleDataAccess_dll.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable OGDI support. +#OGDIDIR = D:\warmerda\iii\devdir +#OGDIVER = 31 +#OGDILIB = $(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib \ +# $(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\zlib_ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib + +# Uncomment for Expat support (required for KML, GPX and GeoRSS read support). +EXPAT_DIR = C:\OSGeo4W +EXPAT_INCLUDE = -I$(EXPAT_DIR)\include +EXPAT_LIB = $(EXPAT_DIR)\lib\expat.lib + +# Uncomment for Xerces based GML and ILI support. +XERCES_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME) +XERCES_INCLUDE = -I$(XERCES_DIR)/include -I$(XERCES_DIR)/include/xercesc +#XERCES_LIB = $(XERCES_DIR)/lib/xerces-c_static_3.lib advapi32.lib +XERCES_LIB = $(XERCES_DIR)/lib64/xerces-c_static_3.lib + +# Uncomment the following for Interlis support. Note that a Xercex 2.x +# is also required (see above). Also, Interlis support only works with +# Visual Studio.NET or newer, not VC6. +#ILI_ENABLED = YES + +# Uncomment for JasPer based JPEG2000 support +#JASPER_DIR = d:\projects\jasper-1.700.2.uuid +#JASPER_INCLUDE = -I$(JASPER_DIR)\src\libjasper\include -DJAS_WIN_MSVC_BUILD +#JASPER_LIB = $(JASPER_DIR)\src\msvc\Win32_Release\libjasper.lib +# Uncomment the following line if you have patched UUID-enabled version +# of JasPer from ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/gdal/ +#JASPER_INCLUDE = $(JASPER_INCLUDE) -DHAVE_JASPER_UUID + +# Uncommment and adjust paths if you have Kakadu 6.0 or newer +#KAKDIR = \warmerda\pkg\kakadu-6.2.1 +#KAKLIB = $(KAKDIR)\lib_x86\kdu_v62R.lib +#KAKSRC = $(KAKDIR)\vt_2_1-00256N + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 4 support. +#HDF4_PLUGIN = NO +#HDF4_DIR = D:\warmerda\HDF41r5 +#HDF4_LIB = /LIBPATH:$(HDF4_DIR)\lib Ws2_32.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 5 support. +#HDF5_PLUGIN = NO +#HDF5_DIR = c:\warmerda\supportlibs\hdf5\5-164-win +#HDF5_LIB = $(HDF5_DIR)\dll\hdf5dll.lib + +# Uncomment the following for MrSID support. Only MRSID_DIR is required, +# which may point to a MrSID Raster SDK, Lidar SDK, or the combined SDK, and +# will auto-configure the mrsid and/or mrsid_lidar drivers as appropriate. +# Other configuration options can be specified to control specific features +# that may be available. See comments at the top of frmts/mrsid/nmake.opt +# for more details. +#MRSID_DIR = d:\projects\mrsid +#MRSID_JP2 = YES + +!IF DEFINED(MRSID_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_RASTER_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_LIDAR_DIR) +!IF EXIST(frmts\mrsid\nmake.opt) +!INCLUDE frmts\mrsid\nmake.opt +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +# PCIDSK Libraries - default configuration uses internal implementation +PCIDSK_SETTING=INTERNAL +# Replace with these to use an external build. +#PCIDSK_SETTING=EXTERNAL +#PCIDSK_INCLUDE=-I\warmerda\pcidsk\src +#PCIDSK_LIB=\warmerda\pcidsk\src\pcidsk.lib +# Use the following alternative to use the old PCIDSK implementation +#PCIDSK_SETTING=OLD + +# PostGIS Libraries +#PG_INC_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\include +#PG_LIB = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib64\libpq.lib wsock32.lib + +# MySQL Libraries +# NOTE: Need /MT instead of /MD, also enable /EHsc switch. +#MYSQL_LIB = D:\Software\MySQLServer4.1\lib\opt\libmysql.lib advapi32.lib +#MYSQL_INC_DIR = $(DOWNLOAD_HOME)\mysql-5.6.16-win32\include +#MYSQL_LIB = $(DOWNLOAD_HOME)\mysql-5.6.16-win32\lib64\libmysql.lib advapi32.lib + +# SQLite Libraries +SQLITE_HOME=$(GDAL_HOME) +#SQLITE_INC=-I$(SQLITE_HOME)\include +#SQLITE_LIB=$(SQLITE_HOME)\lib\sqlite3_i.lib +# For spatialite support, try this instead (assuming you grab the libspatialite-amalgamation-2.3.1 and installed it in osgeo4w): +# The -DSPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION, which cause "spatialite/sqlite3.h" to be included instead of "sqlite3.h" might not be necessary +# depending on the layout of the include directories. In case of compilation errors, remove it. +SQLITE_INC=-I$(GDAL_HOME)\include -DHAVE_SPATIALITE -DSPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION +SQLITE_LIB=$(GDAL_HOME)\lib64\spatialite.lib $(GDAL_HOME)\lib64\sqlite.lib + +# Informix Data Blade +#INFORMIXDIR="C:\Program Files\IBM\Informix\Client-SDK" +#IDB_INC=-I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\cpp -I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\dmi \ +# -I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\esql +#IDB_LIB=$(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\cpp\libthc++.lib \ +# $(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\dmi\libthdmi.lib $(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\isqlt09a.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable FME support. +#FME_DIR = d:\Software\fme + +# Uncomment the following to enable FITS format support +#FITS_PLUGIN = NO +#FITS_INC_DIR = c:\dev32\usr\include\cfitsio +#FITS_LIB = c:\dev32\usr\lib\cfitsio.lib + +# Comment out to disable GRIB support. +GRIB_SETTING=yes + +# Uncomment the following to enable NetCDF format. +#NETCDF_PLUGIN = NO +#NETCDF_SETTING=yes +#NETCDF_LIB=C:\Software\netcdf\lib\netcdf.lib +#NETCDF_INC_DIR=C:\Software\netcdf\include + +# Uncomment the following to add NC4 and HDF4 support +#NETCDF_HAS_NC4 = yes +#NETCDF_HAS_HDF4 = yes + +# PROJ.4 stuff +# Uncomment the following lines to link PROJ.4 library statically. Otherwise +# it will be linked dynamically during runtime. +PROJ_FLAGS = -DPROJ_STATIC +PROJ_INCLUDE = -I$(GDAL_HOME)\include +PROJ_LIBRARY = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\proj.lib + +# Add ORACLE support. +# Uncomment the following line to enable OCI Oracle Spatial support. +ORACLE_HOME = C:\instantclient_11_64 +#ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle_base\ohome +#ORACLE_HOME = C:\instantclient_10_2 +# Uncomment the following if you prefer to build OCI support as a plugin. +OCI_PLUGIN = YES + +!IFDEF ORACLE_HOME +OCI_LIB = $(ORACLE_HOME)\sdk\lib\msvc\ociw32.lib \ + $(ORACLE_HOME)\sdk\lib\msvc\oci.lib +OCI_INCLUDE = -I$(ORACLE_HOME)\sdk\include +!ENDIF + +SDE_ENABLED = YES +#SDE_VERSION= +SDE_PLUGIN = YES +SDE_SDK = "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcSDE" +SDE_INC = $(SDE_SDK)\include +SDE_LIB = $(SDE_SDK)\lib\pe$(SDE_VERSION).lib \ + $(SDE_SDK)\lib\sde$(SDE_VERSION).lib $(SDE_SDK)\lib\sg$(SDE_VERSION).lib + + +FGDB_ENABLED = YES +FGDB_PLUGIN = YES +FGDB_SDK = C:\FileGDB +FGDB_INC = $(FGDB_SDK)\include +FGDB_LIB = $(FGDB_SDK)\lib\FileGDBAPI.lib + + +#uncomment to use ArcObjects +#ARCOBJECTS_ENABLED = YES +#ARCOBJECTS_PLUGIN = YES +#ARCOBJECTS_SDK = C:\PROGRA~2\ArcGIS\com +#ARCOBJECTS_INC = $(ARCOBJECTS_SDK)\..\include +# +#Interestingly, since this is a COM application, we don't link against external libraries, +#but we still need to link the app, so we put the generic user32.lib to force the linking process +#ARCOBJECTS_LIB = user32.lib + + +# Uncomment to use libcurl (DLL by default) +# The cURL library is used for WCS, WMS, GeoJSON, SRS call importFromUrl(), WFS, GFT, CouchDB, /vsicurl/ etc. +CURL_DIR=$(GDAL_HOME) +CURL_INC = -I$(CURL_DIR)/include +# Uncoment following line to use libcurl as dynamic library +#CURL_LIB = $(CURL_DIR)\lib\libcurl.lib wsock32.lib wldap32.lib winmm.lib +# Uncoment following two lines to use libcurl as static library +CURL_LIB = $(CURL_DIR)\lib\libcurl_a.lib wsock32.lib wldap32.lib winmm.lib +CURL_CFLAGS = -DCURL_STATICLIB + +# Uncomment for DODS / OPeNDAP support +#DODS_DIR = C:\libdap3.6.2 +#DODS_LIB = $(DODSDIR)\lib\libdapMD.lib +# Uncomment for libdap >= 3.9 +#DODS_FLAGS = -DLIBDAP_39 + +# Uncomment for GEOS support +GEOS_DIR= $(GDAL_HOME) +GEOS_CFLAGS = -I$(GEOS_DIR)\include -DHAVE_GEOS +GEOS_LIB = $(GEOS_DIR)\lib\geos.lib + +# Uncomment for SOSI support +#SOSI_ENABLED = YES +#SOSI_INC_DIR = e:/sosi +#SOSI_LIBS = e:/sosi/FYBA.lib e:/sosi/GM.lib e:/sosi/UT.lib + +# Uncomment for OpenJpeg support +#OPENJPEG_ENABLED = YES +#OPENJPEG_CFLAGS = -IC:\openjpeg\libopenjpeg +#OPENJPEG_LIB = C:\openjpeg\bin\Release\openjpeg.lib + +# Uncomment for PDF support +# Uncomment POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = YES for Poppler >= 0.16.0 +# Uncomment POPPLER_0_20_OR_LATER = YES for Poppler >= 0.20.0 +#POPPLER_ENABLED = YES +#POPPLER_CFLAGS = -Ie:/kde/include -Ie:/kde/include/poppler +#POPPLER_HAS_OPTCONTENT = YES +#POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = YES +#POPPLER_0_20_OR_LATER = YES +#POPPLER_LIBS = e:/kde/lib/poppler.lib e:/kde/lib/freetype.lib e:/kde/lib/liblcms-1.lib advapi32.lib gdi32.lib + +# Uncomment for PDF support +#PODOFO_ENABLED = YES +#PODOFO_CFLAGS = -Ie:/podofo-svn/install/include -Ie:/podofo-svn/install/include/podofo +#PODOFO_LIBS = e:/podofo-svn/install/lib/podofo.lib E:/release-1500-dev/release-1500/lib/freetype239.lib gdi32.lib + +# Uncomment for LZMA TIFF support +#LZMA_CFLAGS = -IC:/gdal_trunk/xz-5.0.0-windows/include +#LZMA_LIBS = C:/gdal_trunk/xz-5.0.0-windows/bin_i486/liblzma.lib + +# Uncomment for WEBP support +#WEBP_ENABLED = YES +#WEBP_CFLAGS = -IE:/libwebp-0.1-windows/dev/Include +#WEBP_LIBS = e:/libwebp-0.1-windows/dev/lib/libwebp_a.lib + +# Uncomment for freexl support +# +# Note: Currently there is no MSVC makefile to build freexl. +# Here's the procedure I've followed (from root of freexl source tree) +# cl /c src/freexl.c /Iheaders /IE:\release-1500-dev\release-1500\include /DDLL_EXPORT +# link /dll E:\release-1500-dev\release-1500\lib\iconv.lib freexl.obj /out:freexl.dll /implib:freexl_i.lib +# +FREEXL_DIR = $(GDAL_HOME) +FREEXL_CFLAGS = -I$(GDAL_HOME)\include +FREEXL_LIBS = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib\freexl.lib + +# Uncomment for libgta support +# +#GTA_CFLAGS = -IC:/gdal_trunk/libgta-1.0.0-w32/include -IC:/gdal_trunk/libgta-1.0.0-w32/include/gta +#GTA_LIBS = C:/gdal_trunk/libgta-1.0.0-w32/lib/libgta.dll.a + +# Any extra libraries needed on this platform? +ADD_LIBS = + +# Comment out the following if you want to build with Python support, but +# you don't have Numeric Python installed (with include files). Numeric +# integration may not work. This only appears to the old generation +# bindings. +#HAVE_NUMPY=1 + +########### END OF STUFF THAT NORMALLY NEEDS TO BE UPDATED ################## + + +# Location of MS Data Access SDK (not really needed anymore I think) +#MSDASDK = D:\Software\MDAC_2.6 + +GDAL_DLL = gdal$(VERSION).dll + +INC = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\port -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\ogr -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\gcore \ + -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\alg -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\ogr\ogrsf_frmts + +!IFDEF MSVC_VLD_DIR +MSVC_VLD_FLAGS=-DMSVC_USE_VLD=1 -I$(MSVC_VLD_DIR)\include +MSVC_VLD_LIB=/LIBPATH:$(MSVC_VLD_DIR)/lib +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF INCLUDE_OGR_FRMTS +OGR_FLAG = -DOGR_ENABLED +!ENDIF + +#LINKER_FLAGS = /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC +LINKER_FLAGS = $(MSVC_VLD_LIB) $(LDEBUG) /NODEFAULTLIB:library + + +CFLAGS = $(OPTFLAGS) $(WARNFLAGS) $(INC) $(EXTRAFLAGS) $(OGR_FLAG) $(MSVC_VLD_FLAGS) +MAKE = nmake /nologo + +CC = cl -DXERCES_STATIC_LIBRARY + +INSTALL = xcopy /y /r /d /f + +CPLLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/port/cpl.lib + +!IFDEF DLLBUILD +GDALLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/gdal_i.lib +!ELSE +GDALLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/gdal.lib +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF ODBC_SUPPORTED +ODBCLIB = odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib user32.lib +!ENDIF + +!IF DEFINED(MRSID_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_RASTER_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_LIDAR_DIR) +!IF "$(MRSID_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +MRSID_LIB_LINK = $(MRSID_LIB) +!ELSE +MRSID_LIB_LINK= +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF ECWDIR +!IF "$(ECW_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +ECW_LIB_LINK= $(ECWLIB) +!ELSE +ECW_LIB_LINK= +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF FITS_LIB +!IF "$(FITS_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +FITS_LIB_LINK = $(FITS_LIB) +!ELSE +FITS_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF NETCDF_LIB +!IF "$(NETCDF_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +NETCDF_LIB_LINK = $(NETCDF_LIB) +!ELSE +NETCDF_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF HDF4_LIB +!IF "$(HDF4_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +HDF4_LIB_LINK = $(HDF4_LIB) +!ELSE +HDF4_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF HDF5_LIB +!IF "$(HDF5_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +HDF5_LIB_LINK = $(HDF5_LIB) +!ELSE +HDF5_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF FGDB_LIB +!IF "$(FGDB_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +FGDB_LIB_LINK = $(FGDB_LIB) +!ELSE +FGDB_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF XERCES_DIR +NAS_ENABLED = YES +!ENDIF + +# Under win64, symbols for function names lack the underscore prefix +# present on win32. Also the STDCALL calling convention is not used. +!IFDEF WIN64 +!UNDEF STDCALL +!ELSE +SYM_PREFIX=_ +!ENDIF + +EXTERNAL_LIBS = $(OGDILIB) $(XERCES_LIB) $(EXPAT_LIB) $(OCI_LIB) $(PG_LIB) \ + $(ECW_LIB_LINK) $(HDF4_LIB_LINK) $(FME_LIB) $(MRSID_LIB_LINK) \ + $(FITS_LIB_LINK) $(JPEG_LIB) $(NETCDF_LIB_LINK) $(PROJ4_LIB) \ + $(GEOTIFF_LIB) $(TIFF_LIB) $(PROJ_LIBRARY) $(SQLITE_LIB) \ + $(MYSQL_LIB) $(GEOS_LIB) $(HDF5_LIB_LINK) $(SDE_LIB) $(ARCOBJECTS_LIB) $(DWG_LIB) \ + $(IDB_LIB) $(CURL_LIB) $(DODS_LIB) $(KAKLIB) $(PCIDSK_LIB) \ + $(ODBCLIB) $(JASPER_LIB) $(PNG_LIB) $(ADD_LIBS) $(OPENJPEG_LIB) \ + $(MRSID_LIDAR_LIB) $(LIBKML_LIBS) $(SOSI_LIBS) $(POPPLER_LIBS) $(PODOFO_LIBS) $(LZMA_LIBS) \ + $(LIBICONV_LIBRARY) $(WEBP_LIBS) $(FGDB_LIB_LINK) $(FREEXL_LIBS) $(GTA_LIBS) + +.c.obj: + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.c + +.cpp.obj: + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.cpp + diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/mysql/ogrmysqldatasource.cpp b/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/mysql/ogrmysqldatasource.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..75bd1ed16 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/mysql/ogrmysqldatasource.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,1084 @@ +/****************************************************************************** + * $Id: ogrmysqldatasource.cpp 22607 2011-06-28 20:43:27Z rouault $ + * + * Project: OpenGIS Simple Features Reference Implementation + * Purpose: Implements OGRMySQLDataSource class. + * Author: Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com + * Author: Howard Butler, hobu@hobu.net + * + ****************************************************************************** + * Copyright (c) 2004, Frank Warmerdam + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included + * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS + * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER + * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING + * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER + * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + ****************************************************************************/ + + +#include +#include "ogr_mysql.h" +#include +#include +#include "cpl_conv.h" +#include "cpl_string.h" + +CPL_CVSID("$Id: ogrmysqldatasource.cpp 22607 2011-06-28 20:43:27Z rouault $"); +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGRMySQLDataSource() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGRMySQLDataSource::OGRMySQLDataSource() + +{ + pszName = NULL; + papoLayers = NULL; + nLayers = 0; + hConn = 0; + nSoftTransactionLevel = 0; + + nKnownSRID = 0; + panSRID = NULL; + papoSRS = NULL; + + poLongResultLayer = NULL; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* ~OGRMySQLDataSource() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGRMySQLDataSource::~OGRMySQLDataSource() + +{ + int i; + + InterruptLongResult(); + + CPLFree( pszName ); + + for( i = 0; i < nLayers; i++ ) + delete papoLayers[i]; + + CPLFree( papoLayers ); + + if( hConn != NULL ) + mysql_close( hConn ); + + for( i = 0; i < nKnownSRID; i++ ) + { + if( papoSRS[i] != NULL ) + papoSRS[i]->Release(); + } + CPLFree( panSRID ); + CPLFree( papoSRS ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* ReportError() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +void OGRMySQLDataSource::ReportError( const char *pszDescription ) + +{ + if( pszDescription ) + CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, + "MySQL error message:%s Description: %s", + mysql_error( hConn ), + pszDescription ); + else + CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, + "%s", mysql_error( hConn ) ); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* Open() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +int OGRMySQLDataSource::Open( const char * pszNewName, int bUpdate, + int bTestOpen ) + +{ + CPLAssert( nLayers == 0 ); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Verify MySQL prefix. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( !EQUALN(pszNewName,"MYSQL:",6) ) + { + if( !bTestOpen ) + CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, + "%s does not conform to MySQL naming convention," + " MYSQL:dbname[, user=..][,password=..][,host=..][,port=..][tables=table;table;...]", + pszNewName ); + return FALSE; + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Use options process to get .my.cnf file contents. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + int nPort = 0, i; + char **papszTableNames=NULL; + std::string oHost, oPassword, oUser, oDB; + char *apszArgv[2] = { (char*) "org", NULL }; + char **papszArgv = apszArgv; + int nArgc = 1; + const char *client_groups[] = {"client", "ogr", NULL }; + + my_init(); // I hope there is no problem with calling this multiple times! + load_defaults( "my", client_groups, &nArgc, &papszArgv ); + + for( i = 0; i < nArgc; i++ ) + { + if( EQUALN(papszArgv[i],"--user=",7) ) + oUser = papszArgv[i] + 7; + else if( EQUALN(papszArgv[i],"--host=",7) ) + oHost = papszArgv[i] + 7; + else if( EQUALN(papszArgv[i],"--password=",11) ) + oPassword = papszArgv[i] + 11; + else if( EQUALN(papszArgv[i],"--port=",7) ) + nPort = atoi(papszArgv[i] + 7); + } + + // cleanup + free_defaults( papszArgv ); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Parse out connection information. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + char **papszItems = CSLTokenizeString2( pszNewName+6, ",", + CSLT_HONOURSTRINGS ); + + if( CSLCount(papszItems) < 1 ) + { + CSLDestroy( papszItems ); + CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, + "MYSQL: request missing databasename." ); + return FALSE; + } + + oDB = papszItems[0]; + + for( i = 1; papszItems[i] != NULL; i++ ) + { + if( EQUALN(papszItems[i],"user=",5) ) + oUser = papszItems[i] + 5; + else if( EQUALN(papszItems[i],"password=",9) ) + oPassword = papszItems[i] + 9; + else if( EQUALN(papszItems[i],"host=",5) ) + oHost = papszItems[i] + 5; + else if( EQUALN(papszItems[i],"port=",5) ) + nPort = atoi(papszItems[i] + 5); + else if( EQUALN(papszItems[i],"tables=",7) ) + { + papszTableNames = CSLTokenizeStringComplex( + papszItems[i] + 7, ";", FALSE, FALSE ); + } + else + CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, + "'%s' in MYSQL datasource definition not recognised and ignored.", papszItems[i] ); + } + + CSLDestroy( papszItems ); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Try to establish connection. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + hConn = mysql_init( NULL ); + + if( hConn == NULL ) + { + CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, + "mysql_init() failed." ); + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Set desired options on the connection: charset and timeout. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( hConn ) + { + const char *pszTimeoutLength = + CPLGetConfigOption( "MYSQL_TIMEOUT", "0" ); + + unsigned int timeout = atoi(pszTimeoutLength); + mysql_options(hConn, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, (char*)&timeout); + + mysql_options(hConn, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, "utf8" ); + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Perform connection. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( hConn + && mysql_real_connect( hConn, + oHost.length() ? oHost.c_str() : NULL, + oUser.length() ? oUser.c_str() : NULL, + oPassword.length() ? oPassword.c_str() : NULL, + oDB.length() ? oDB.c_str() : NULL, + nPort, NULL, CLIENT_INTERACTIVE ) == NULL ) + { + CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, + "MySQL connect failed for: %s\n%s", + pszNewName + 6, mysql_error( hConn ) ); + mysql_close( hConn ); + hConn = NULL; + } + + if( hConn == NULL ) + { + CSLDestroy( papszTableNames ); + return FALSE; + } + + pszName = CPLStrdup( pszNewName ); + + bDSUpdate = bUpdate; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Get a list of available tables. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( papszTableNames == NULL ) + { + MYSQL_RES *hResultSet; + MYSQL_ROW papszRow; + + if( mysql_query( hConn, "SHOW TABLES" ) ) + { + ReportError( "SHOW TABLES Failed" ); + return FALSE; + } + + hResultSet = mysql_store_result( hConn ); + if( hResultSet == NULL ) + { + ReportError( "mysql_store_result() failed on SHOW TABLES result."); + return FALSE; + } + + while( (papszRow = mysql_fetch_row( hResultSet )) != NULL ) + { + if( papszRow[0] == NULL ) + continue; + + if( EQUAL(papszRow[0],"spatial_ref_sys") + || EQUAL(papszRow[0],"geometry_columns") ) + continue; + + papszTableNames = CSLAddString(papszTableNames, papszRow[0] ); + } + + mysql_free_result( hResultSet ); + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Get the schema of the available tables. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + int iRecord; + + for( iRecord = 0; + papszTableNames != NULL && papszTableNames[iRecord] != NULL; + iRecord++ ) + { + // FIXME: This should be fixed to deal with tables + // for which we can't open because the name is bad/ + OpenTable( papszTableNames[iRecord], bUpdate, FALSE ); + } + + CSLDestroy( papszTableNames ); + + return nLayers > 0 || bUpdate; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OpenTable() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +int OGRMySQLDataSource::OpenTable( const char *pszNewName, int bUpdate, + int bTestOpen ) + +{ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Create the layer object. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + OGRMySQLTableLayer *poLayer; + OGRErr eErr; + + poLayer = new OGRMySQLTableLayer( this, pszNewName, bUpdate ); + eErr = poLayer->Initialize(pszNewName); + if (eErr == OGRERR_FAILURE) + return FALSE; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Add layer to data source layer list. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + papoLayers = (OGRMySQLLayer **) + CPLRealloc( papoLayers, sizeof(OGRMySQLLayer *) * (nLayers+1) ); + papoLayers[nLayers++] = poLayer; + + return TRUE; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* TestCapability() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +int OGRMySQLDataSource::TestCapability( const char * pszCap ) + +{ + + if( EQUAL(pszCap, ODsCCreateLayer) ) + return TRUE; + if( EQUAL(pszCap, ODsCDeleteLayer)) + return TRUE; + else + return FALSE; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* GetLayer() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGRLayer *OGRMySQLDataSource::GetLayer( int iLayer ) + +{ + if( iLayer < 0 || iLayer >= nLayers ) + return NULL; + else + return papoLayers[iLayer]; +} + + +/************************************************************************/ +/* InitializeMetadataTables() */ +/* */ +/* Create the metadata tables (SPATIAL_REF_SYS and */ +/* GEOMETRY_COLUMNS). This method "does no harm" if the tables */ +/* exist and can be called at will. */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGRErr OGRMySQLDataSource::InitializeMetadataTables() + +{ + const char* pszCommand; + MYSQL_RES *hResult; + OGRErr eErr = OGRERR_NONE; + + pszCommand = "DESCRIBE geometry_columns"; + if( mysql_query(GetConn(), pszCommand ) ) + { + pszCommand = + "CREATE TABLE geometry_columns " + "( F_TABLE_CATALOG VARCHAR(256), " + "F_TABLE_SCHEMA VARCHAR(256), " + "F_TABLE_NAME VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL," + "F_GEOMETRY_COLUMN VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, " + "COORD_DIMENSION INT, " + "SRID INT," + "TYPE VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL)"; + if( mysql_query(GetConn(), pszCommand ) ) + { + ReportError( pszCommand ); + eErr = OGRERR_FAILURE; + } + else + CPLDebug("MYSQL","Creating geometry_columns metadata table"); + + } + + // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + if( hResult != NULL ) + { + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + } + + pszCommand = "DESCRIBE spatial_ref_sys"; + if( mysql_query(GetConn(), pszCommand ) ) + { + pszCommand = + "CREATE TABLE spatial_ref_sys " + "(SRID INT NOT NULL, " + "AUTH_NAME VARCHAR(256), " + "AUTH_SRID INT, " + "SRTEXT VARCHAR(2048))"; + if( mysql_query(GetConn(), pszCommand ) ) + { + ReportError( pszCommand ); + eErr = OGRERR_FAILURE; + } + else + CPLDebug("MYSQL","Creating spatial_ref_sys metadata table"); + + } + + // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + if( hResult != NULL ) + { + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + } + + return eErr; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* FetchSRS() */ +/* */ +/* Return a SRS corresponding to a particular id. Note that */ +/* reference counting should be honoured on the returned */ +/* OGRSpatialReference, as handles may be cached. */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGRSpatialReference *OGRMySQLDataSource::FetchSRS( int nId ) +{ + char szCommand[128]; + char **papszRow; + MYSQL_RES *hResult; + + if( nId < 0 ) + return NULL; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* First, we look through our SRID cache, is it there? */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + int i; + + for( i = 0; i < nKnownSRID; i++ ) + { + if( panSRID[i] == nId ) + return papoSRS[i]; + } + + OGRSpatialReference *poSRS = NULL; + + // make sure to attempt to free any old results + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + if( hResult != NULL ) + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + + sprintf( szCommand, + "SELECT srtext FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE srid = %d", + nId ); + + if( !mysql_query( GetConn(), szCommand ) ) + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + + char *pszWKT = NULL; + papszRow = NULL; + + + if( hResult != NULL ) + papszRow = mysql_fetch_row( hResult ); + + if( papszRow != NULL && papszRow[0] != NULL ) + { + pszWKT = CPLStrdup(papszRow[0]); + } + + if( hResult != NULL ) + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + + poSRS = new OGRSpatialReference(); + char* pszWKTOri = pszWKT; + if( pszWKT == NULL || poSRS->importFromWkt( &pszWKT ) != OGRERR_NONE ) + { + delete poSRS; + poSRS = NULL; + } + + CPLFree(pszWKTOri); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Add to the cache. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + panSRID = (int *) CPLRealloc(panSRID,sizeof(int) * (nKnownSRID+1) ); + papoSRS = (OGRSpatialReference **) + CPLRealloc(papoSRS, sizeof(void*) * (nKnownSRID + 1) ); + panSRID[nKnownSRID] = nId; + papoSRS[nKnownSRID] = poSRS; + nKnownSRID ++; + + return poSRS; +} + + + +/************************************************************************/ +/* FetchSRSId() */ +/* */ +/* Fetch the id corresponding to an SRS, and if not found, add */ +/* it to the table. */ +/************************************************************************/ + +int OGRMySQLDataSource::FetchSRSId( OGRSpatialReference * poSRS ) + +{ + char **papszRow; + MYSQL_RES *hResult=NULL; + + CPLString osCommand; + char *pszWKT = NULL; + int nSRSId; + + if( poSRS == NULL ) + return -1; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Translate SRS to WKT. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( poSRS->exportToWkt( &pszWKT ) != OGRERR_NONE ) + return -1; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Try to find in the existing table. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + osCommand.Printf( + "SELECT srid FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE srtext = '%s'", + pszWKT ); + + if( !mysql_query( GetConn(), osCommand ) ) + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + + if (!mysql_num_rows(hResult)) + { + CPLDebug("MYSQL", "No rows exist currently exist in spatial_ref_sys"); + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + } + papszRow = NULL; + if( hResult != NULL ) + papszRow = mysql_fetch_row( hResult ); + + if( papszRow != NULL && papszRow[0] != NULL ) + { + nSRSId = atoi(papszRow[0]); + if( hResult != NULL ) + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + CPLFree(pszWKT); + return nSRSId; + } + + // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + if( hResult != NULL ) + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Get the current maximum srid in the srs table. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + osCommand = "SELECT MAX(srid) FROM spatial_ref_sys"; + if( !mysql_query( GetConn(), osCommand ) ) + { + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + papszRow = mysql_fetch_row( hResult ); + } + + if( papszRow != NULL && papszRow[0] != NULL ) + { + nSRSId = atoi(papszRow[0]) + 1; + } + else + nSRSId = 1; + + if( hResult != NULL ) + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Try adding the SRS to the SRS table. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + osCommand.Printf( + "INSERT INTO spatial_ref_sys (srid,srtext) VALUES (%d,'%s')", + nSRSId, pszWKT ); + + if( !mysql_query( GetConn(), osCommand ) ) + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + + // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + if( hResult != NULL ) + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + + CPLFree(pszWKT); + + return nSRSId; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* ExecuteSQL() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGRLayer * OGRMySQLDataSource::ExecuteSQL( const char *pszSQLCommand, + OGRGeometry *poSpatialFilter, + const char *pszDialect ) + +{ + if( poSpatialFilter != NULL ) + { + CPLDebug( "OGR_MYSQL", + "Spatial filter ignored for now in OGRMySQLDataSource::ExecuteSQL()" ); + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Use generic implementation for OGRSQL dialect. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( pszDialect != NULL && EQUAL(pszDialect,"OGRSQL") ) + return OGRDataSource::ExecuteSQL( pszSQLCommand, + poSpatialFilter, + pszDialect ); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Special case DELLAYER: command. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +#ifdef notdef + if( EQUALN(pszSQLCommand,"DELLAYER:",9) ) + { + const char *pszLayerName = pszSQLCommand + 9; + + while( *pszLayerName == ' ' ) + pszLayerName++; + + DeleteLayer( pszLayerName ); + return NULL; + } +#endif + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Make sure there isn't an active transaction already. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + InterruptLongResult(); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Execute the statement. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + MYSQL_RES *hResultSet; + + if( mysql_query( hConn, pszSQLCommand ) ) + { + ReportError( pszSQLCommand ); + return NULL; + } + + hResultSet = mysql_use_result( hConn ); + if( hResultSet == NULL ) + { + if( mysql_field_count( hConn ) == 0 ) + { + CPLDebug( "MYSQL", "Command '%s' succeeded, %d rows affected.", + pszSQLCommand, + (int) mysql_affected_rows(hConn) ); + return NULL; + } + else + { + ReportError( pszSQLCommand ); + return NULL; + } + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Do we have a tuple result? If so, instantiate a results */ +/* layer for it. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + + OGRMySQLResultLayer *poLayer = NULL; + + poLayer = new OGRMySQLResultLayer( this, pszSQLCommand, hResultSet ); + + return poLayer; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* ReleaseResultSet() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +void OGRMySQLDataSource::ReleaseResultSet( OGRLayer * poLayer ) + +{ + delete poLayer; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* LaunderName() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +char *OGRMySQLDataSource::LaunderName( const char *pszSrcName ) + +{ + char *pszSafeName = CPLStrdup( pszSrcName ); + int i; + + for( i = 0; pszSafeName[i] != '\0'; i++ ) + { + pszSafeName[i] = (char) tolower( pszSafeName[i] ); + if( pszSafeName[i] == '-' || pszSafeName[i] == '#' ) + pszSafeName[i] = '_'; + } + + return pszSafeName; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* RequestLongResult() */ +/* */ +/* Layers need to use mysql_use_result() instead of */ +/* mysql_store_result() so that we won't have to load entire */ +/* result sets into RAM. But only one "streamed" resultset can */ +/* be active on a database connection at a time. So we need to */ +/* maintain a way of closing off an active streaming resultset */ +/* before any other sort of query with a resultset is */ +/* executable. This method (and InterruptLongResult()) */ +/* implement that exclusion. */ +/************************************************************************/ + +void OGRMySQLDataSource::RequestLongResult( OGRMySQLLayer * poNewLayer ) + +{ + InterruptLongResult(); + poLongResultLayer = poNewLayer; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* InterruptLongResult() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +void OGRMySQLDataSource::InterruptLongResult() + +{ + if( poLongResultLayer != NULL ) + { + poLongResultLayer->ResetReading(); + poLongResultLayer = NULL; + } +} + + +/************************************************************************/ +/* DeleteLayer() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +int OGRMySQLDataSource::DeleteLayer( int iLayer) + +{ + if( iLayer < 0 || iLayer >= nLayers ) + return OGRERR_FAILURE; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Blow away our OGR structures related to the layer. This is */ +/* pretty dangerous if anything has a reference to this layer! */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + CPLString osLayerName = papoLayers[iLayer]->GetLayerDefn()->GetName(); + + CPLDebug( "MYSQL", "DeleteLayer(%s)", osLayerName.c_str() ); + + delete papoLayers[iLayer]; + memmove( papoLayers + iLayer, papoLayers + iLayer + 1, + sizeof(void *) * (nLayers - iLayer - 1) ); + nLayers--; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Remove from the database. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + CPLString osCommand; + + osCommand.Printf( + "DROP TABLE `%s` ", + osLayerName.c_str() ); + + if( !mysql_query(GetConn(), osCommand ) ) + { + CPLDebug("MYSQL","Dropped table %s.", osLayerName.c_str()); + return OGRERR_NONE; + } + else + { + ReportError( osCommand ); + return OGRERR_FAILURE; + } + +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* CreateLayer() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGRLayer * +OGRMySQLDataSource::CreateLayer( const char * pszLayerNameIn, + OGRSpatialReference *poSRS, + OGRwkbGeometryType eType, + char ** papszOptions ) + +{ + MYSQL_RES *hResult=NULL; + CPLString osCommand; + const char *pszGeometryType; + const char *pszGeomColumnName; + const char *pszExpectedFIDName; + + char *pszLayerName; + int nDimension = 3; // MySQL only supports 2d currently + + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Make sure there isn't an active transaction already. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + InterruptLongResult(); + + + if( CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions,"LAUNDER",TRUE) ) + pszLayerName = LaunderName( pszLayerNameIn ); + else + pszLayerName = CPLStrdup( pszLayerNameIn ); + + if( wkbFlatten(eType) == eType ) + nDimension = 2; + + CPLDebug("MYSQL","Creating layer %s.", pszLayerName); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Do we already have this layer? If so, should we blow it */ +/* away? */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + + int iLayer; + for( iLayer = 0; iLayer < nLayers; iLayer++ ) + { + if( EQUAL(pszLayerName,papoLayers[iLayer]->GetLayerDefn()->GetName()) ) + { + + if( CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "OVERWRITE" ) != NULL + && !EQUAL(CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"OVERWRITE"),"NO") ) + { + DeleteLayer( iLayer ); + } + else + { + CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, + "Layer %s already exists, CreateLayer failed.\n" + "Use the layer creation option OVERWRITE=YES to " + "replace it.", + pszLayerName ); + CPLFree( pszLayerName ); + return NULL; + } + } + } + + pszGeomColumnName = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "GEOMETRY_NAME" ); + if (!pszGeomColumnName) + pszGeomColumnName="SHAPE"; + + pszExpectedFIDName = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "MYSQL_FID" ); + if (!pszExpectedFIDName) + pszExpectedFIDName="OGR_FID"; + + + CPLDebug("MYSQL","Geometry Column Name %s.", pszGeomColumnName); + CPLDebug("MYSQL","FID Column Name %s.", pszExpectedFIDName); + + if( wkbFlatten(eType) == wkbNone ) + { + osCommand.Printf( + "CREATE TABLE `%s` ( " + " %s INT UNIQUE NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT )", + pszLayerName, pszExpectedFIDName ); + } + else + { + osCommand.Printf( + "CREATE TABLE `%s` ( " + " %s INT UNIQUE NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, " + " %s GEOMETRY NOT NULL )", + pszLayerName, pszExpectedFIDName, pszGeomColumnName ); + } + + if( CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "ENGINE" ) != NULL ) + { + osCommand += " ENGINE = "; + osCommand += CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "ENGINE" ); + } + + if( !mysql_query(GetConn(), osCommand ) ) + { + if( mysql_field_count( GetConn() ) == 0 ) + CPLDebug("MYSQL","Created table %s.", pszLayerName); + else + { + ReportError( osCommand ); + return NULL; + } + } + else + { + ReportError( osCommand ); + return NULL; + } + + // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + if( hResult != NULL ) + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + + // Calling this does no harm + InitializeMetadataTables(); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Try to get the SRS Id of this spatial reference system, */ +/* adding tot the srs table if needed. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + int nSRSId = -1; + + if( poSRS != NULL ) + nSRSId = FetchSRSId( poSRS ); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Sometimes there is an old crufty entry in the geometry_columns */ +/* table if things were not properly cleaned up before. We make */ +/* an effort to clean out such cruft. */ +/* */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + osCommand.Printf( + "DELETE FROM geometry_columns WHERE f_table_name = '%s'", + pszLayerName ); + + if( mysql_query(GetConn(), osCommand ) ) + { + ReportError( osCommand ); + return NULL; + } + + // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + if( hResult != NULL ) + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Attempt to add this table to the geometry_columns table, if */ +/* it is a spatial layer. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( eType != wkbNone ) + { + int nCoordDimension; + if( eType == wkbFlatten(eType) ) + nCoordDimension = 2; + else + nCoordDimension = 3; + + pszGeometryType = OGRToOGCGeomType(eType); + + if( nSRSId == -1 ) + osCommand.Printf( + "INSERT INTO geometry_columns " + " (F_TABLE_NAME, " + " F_GEOMETRY_COLUMN, " + " COORD_DIMENSION, " + " TYPE) values " + " ('%s', '%s', %d, '%s')", + pszLayerName, + pszGeomColumnName, + nCoordDimension, + pszGeometryType ); + else + osCommand.Printf( + "INSERT INTO geometry_columns " + " (F_TABLE_NAME, " + " F_GEOMETRY_COLUMN, " + " COORD_DIMENSION, " + " SRID, " + " TYPE) values " + " ('%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s')", + pszLayerName, + pszGeomColumnName, + nCoordDimension, + nSRSId, + pszGeometryType ); + + if( mysql_query(GetConn(), osCommand ) ) + { + ReportError( osCommand ); + return NULL; + } + + // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + if( hResult != NULL ) + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Create the spatial index. */ +/* */ +/* We're doing this before we add geometry and record to the table */ +/* so this may not be exactly the best way to do it. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + const char *pszSI = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "SPATIAL_INDEX" ); + + if( eType != wkbNone && (pszSI == NULL || CSLTestBoolean(pszSI)) ) + { + osCommand.Printf( + "ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD SPATIAL INDEX(`%s`) ", + pszLayerName, + pszGeomColumnName); + + if( mysql_query(GetConn(), osCommand ) ) + { + ReportError( osCommand ); + return NULL; + } + + // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries + hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() ); + if( hResult != NULL ) + mysql_free_result( hResult ); + hResult = NULL; + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Create the layer object. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + OGRMySQLTableLayer *poLayer; + OGRErr eErr; + + poLayer = new OGRMySQLTableLayer( this, pszLayerName, TRUE, nSRSId ); + eErr = poLayer->Initialize(pszLayerName); + if (eErr == OGRERR_FAILURE) + return NULL; + + poLayer->SetLaunderFlag( CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions,"LAUNDER",TRUE) ); + poLayer->SetPrecisionFlag( CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions,"PRECISION",TRUE)); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Add layer to data source layer list. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + papoLayers = (OGRMySQLLayer **) + CPLRealloc( papoLayers, sizeof(OGRMySQLLayer *) * (nLayers+1) ); + + papoLayers[nLayers++] = poLayer; + + CPLFree( pszLayerName ); + + return poLayer; +} diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci/ogrocistatement.cpp b/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci/ogrocistatement.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec5bd3e2f --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci/ogrocistatement.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,398 @@ +/****************************************************************************** + * $Id: ogrocistatement.cpp 14387 2008-05-07 16:14:03Z tamas $ + * + * Project: Oracle Spatial Driver + * Purpose: Implementation of OGROCIStatement, which encapsulates the + * preparation, executation and fetching from an SQL statement. + * Author: Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com + * + ****************************************************************************** + * Copyright (c) 2002, Frank Warmerdam + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included + * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS + * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER + * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING + * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER + * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + ****************************************************************************/ + +#include "ogr_oci.h" +#include "cpl_conv.h" + +CPL_CVSID("$Id: ogrocistatement.cpp 14387 2008-05-07 16:14:03Z tamas $"); + +/************************************************************************/ +/* OGROCIStatement() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGROCIStatement::OGROCIStatement( OGROCISession *poSessionIn ) + +{ + poSession = poSessionIn; + hStatement = NULL; + poDefn = NULL; + + nRawColumnCount = 0; + papszCurColumn = NULL; + papszCurImage = NULL; + panCurColumnInd = NULL; + panFieldMap = NULL; + + pszCommandText = NULL; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* ~OGROCIStatement() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +OGROCIStatement::~OGROCIStatement() + +{ + Clean(); +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* Clean() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +void OGROCIStatement::Clean() + +{ + int i; + + CPLFree( pszCommandText ); + pszCommandText = NULL; + + if( papszCurColumn != NULL ) + { + for( i = 0; papszCurColumn[i] != NULL; i++ ) + CPLFree( papszCurColumn[i] ); + } + CPLFree( papszCurColumn ); + papszCurColumn = NULL; + + CPLFree( papszCurImage ); + papszCurImage = NULL; + + CPLFree( panCurColumnInd ); + panCurColumnInd = NULL; + + CPLFree( panFieldMap ); + panFieldMap = NULL; + + if( poDefn != NULL && poDefn->Dereference() <= 0 ) + { + delete poDefn; + poDefn = NULL; + } + + if( hStatement != NULL ) + { + OCIHandleFree((dvoid *)hStatement, (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_STMT); + hStatement = NULL; + } +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* Prepare() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +CPLErr OGROCIStatement::Prepare( const char *pszSQLStatement ) + +{ + Clean(); + + CPLDebug( "OCI", "Prepare(%s)", pszSQLStatement ); + + pszCommandText = CPLStrdup(pszSQLStatement); + + if( hStatement != NULL ) + { + CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, + "Statement already executed once on this OGROCIStatement." ); + return CE_Failure; + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Allocate a statement handle. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( poSession->Failed( + OCIHandleAlloc( poSession->hEnv, (dvoid **) &hStatement, + (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_STMT,(size_t)0, (dvoid **)0 ), + "OCIHandleAlloc(Statement)" ) ) + return CE_Failure; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Xun: set prefetch count. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + int prefetch_rows = 2000; + if( poSession->Failed( + OCIAttrSet( hStatement, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, (void*)&prefetch_rows, + sizeof(int), OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS, + poSession->hError ) )) + return CE_Failure; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Prepare the statement. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( poSession->Failed( + OCIStmtPrepare( hStatement, poSession->hError, + (text *) pszSQLStatement, strlen(pszSQLStatement), + (ub4)OCI_NTV_SYNTAX, (ub4)OCI_DEFAULT ), + "OCIStmtPrepare" ) ) + return CE_Failure; + + return CE_None; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* BindObject() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +CPLErr OGROCIStatement::BindObject( const char *pszPlaceName, + void *pahObjects, OCIType *hTDO, + void **papIndicators ) + +{ + OCIBind *hBindOrd = NULL; + + if( poSession->Failed( + OCIBindByName( hStatement, &hBindOrd, poSession->hError, + (text *) pszPlaceName, (sb4) strlen(pszPlaceName), + (dvoid *) 0, (sb4) 0, SQLT_NTY, (dvoid *)0, + (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0, (ub4)0, (ub4 *)0, + (ub4)OCI_DEFAULT), + "OCIBindByName()") ) + return CE_Failure; + + if( poSession->Failed( + OCIBindObject( hBindOrd, poSession->hError, hTDO, + (dvoid **) pahObjects, (ub4 *)0, + (dvoid **)papIndicators, (ub4 *)0), + "OCIBindObject()" ) ) + return CE_Failure; + + return CE_None; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* BindScalar() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +CPLErr OGROCIStatement::BindScalar( const char *pszPlaceName, + void *pData, int nDataLen, + int nSQLType, sb2 *paeInd ) + +{ + OCIBind *hBindOrd = NULL; + + if( poSession->Failed( + OCIBindByName( hStatement, &hBindOrd, poSession->hError, + (text *) pszPlaceName, (sb4) strlen(pszPlaceName), + (dvoid *) pData, (sb4) nDataLen, + (ub2) nSQLType, (dvoid *)paeInd, (ub2 *)0, + (ub2 *)0, (ub4)0, (ub4 *)0, + (ub4)OCI_DEFAULT), + "OCIBindByName()") ) + return CE_Failure; + else + return CE_None; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* Execute() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +CPLErr OGROCIStatement::Execute( const char *pszSQLStatement, + int nMode ) + +{ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Prepare the statement if it is being passed in. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( pszSQLStatement != NULL ) + { + CPLErr eErr = Prepare( pszSQLStatement ); + if( eErr != CE_None ) + return eErr; + } + + if( hStatement == NULL ) + { + CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, + "No prepared statement in call to OGROCIStatement::Execute(NULL)" ); + return CE_Failure; + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Determine if this is a SELECT statement. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + ub2 nStmtType; + + if( poSession->Failed( + OCIAttrGet( hStatement, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, + &nStmtType, 0, OCI_ATTR_STMT_TYPE, poSession->hError ), + "OCIAttrGet(ATTR_STMT_TYPE)") ) + return CE_Failure; + + int bSelect = (nStmtType == OCI_STMT_SELECT); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Work out some details about execution mode. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( nMode == -1 ) + { + if( bSelect ) + nMode = OCI_DEFAULT; + else + nMode = OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS; + } + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Execute the statement. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( poSession->Failed( + OCIStmtExecute( poSession->hSvcCtx, hStatement, + poSession->hError, (ub4)bSelect ? 0 : 1, (ub4)0, + (OCISnapshot *)NULL, (OCISnapshot *)NULL, nMode ), + pszCommandText ) ) + return CE_Failure; + + if( !bSelect ) + return CE_None; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Count the columns. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + for( nRawColumnCount = 0; TRUE; nRawColumnCount++ ) + { + OCIParam *hParmDesc; + + if( OCIParamGet( hStatement, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, poSession->hError, + (dvoid**)&hParmDesc, + (ub4) nRawColumnCount+1 ) != OCI_SUCCESS ) + break; + } + + panFieldMap = (int *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(int),nRawColumnCount); + + papszCurColumn = (char **) CPLCalloc(sizeof(char*),nRawColumnCount+1); + panCurColumnInd = (sb2 *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(sb2),nRawColumnCount+1); + +/* ==================================================================== */ +/* Establish result column definitions, and setup parameter */ +/* defines. */ +/* ==================================================================== */ + poDefn = new OGRFeatureDefn( pszCommandText ); + poDefn->Reference(); + + for( int iParm = 0; iParm < nRawColumnCount; iParm++ ) + { + OGRFieldDefn oField( "", OFTString ); + OCIParam *hParmDesc; + ub2 nOCIType; + ub4 nOCILen; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Get parameter definition. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + if( poSession->Failed( + OCIParamGet( hStatement, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, poSession->hError, + (dvoid**)&hParmDesc, (ub4) iParm+1 ), + "OCIParamGet") ) + return CE_Failure; + + if( poSession->GetParmInfo( hParmDesc, &oField, &nOCIType, &nOCILen ) + != CE_None ) + return CE_Failure; + + if( oField.GetType() == OFTBinary ) + { + panFieldMap[iParm] = -1; + continue; + } + + poDefn->AddFieldDefn( &oField ); + panFieldMap[iParm] = poDefn->GetFieldCount() - 1; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/* Prepare a binding. */ +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + int nBufWidth = 256, nOGRField = panFieldMap[iParm]; + OCIDefine *hDefn = NULL; + + if( oField.GetWidth() > 0 ) + /* extra space needed for the decimal separator the string + terminator and the negative sign (Tamas Szekeres)*/ + nBufWidth = oField.GetWidth() + 3; + else if( oField.GetType() == OFTInteger ) + nBufWidth = 22; + else if( oField.GetType() == OFTReal ) + nBufWidth = 36; + else if ( oField.GetType() == OFTDateTime ) + nBufWidth = 40; + else if ( oField.GetType() == OFTDate ) + nBufWidth = 20; + + papszCurColumn[nOGRField] = (char *) CPLMalloc(nBufWidth+2); + CPLAssert( ((long) papszCurColumn[nOGRField]) % 2 == 0 ); + + if( poSession->Failed( + OCIDefineByPos( hStatement, &hDefn, poSession->hError, + iParm+1, + (ub1 *) papszCurColumn[nOGRField], nBufWidth, + SQLT_STR, panCurColumnInd + nOGRField, + NULL, NULL, OCI_DEFAULT ), + "OCIDefineByPos" ) ) + return CE_Failure; + } + + return CE_None; +} + +/************************************************************************/ +/* SimpleFetchRow() */ +/************************************************************************/ + +char **OGROCIStatement::SimpleFetchRow() + +{ + int nStatus, i; + + if( papszCurImage == NULL ) + { + papszCurImage = (char **) + CPLCalloc(sizeof(char *), nRawColumnCount+1 ); + } + + nStatus = OCIStmtFetch( hStatement, poSession->hError, 1, + OCI_FETCH_NEXT, OCI_DEFAULT ); + + if( nStatus == OCI_NO_DATA ) + return NULL; + else if( poSession->Failed( nStatus, "OCIStmtFetch" ) ) + return NULL; + + for( i = 0; papszCurColumn[i] != NULL; i++ ) + { + if( panCurColumnInd[i] == OCI_IND_NULL ) + papszCurImage[i] = NULL; + else + papszCurImage[i] = papszCurColumn[i]; + } + + return papszCurImage; +} + diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/sde/makefile.vc b/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/sde/makefile.vc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9742896e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/sde/makefile.vc @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +OBJ = ogrsdedatasource.obj ogrsdedriver.obj ogrsdelayer.obj +EXTRAFLAGS = -I.. -I..\.. -I$(SDE_INC) + +GDAL_ROOT = ..\..\.. + +!INCLUDE $(GDAL_ROOT)\nmake.opt + +default: $(OBJ) + +clean: + -del *.obj *.pdb + +ogr_SDE.dll: $(OBJ) + link /dll $(LDEBUG) /out:ogr_SDE.dll $(OBJ) \ + $(GDAL_ROOT)/gdal_i.lib $(SDE_LIB) diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/port/cpl_config.h b/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/port/cpl_config.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bfff8f666 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/gdal-1.9.2/port/cpl_config.h @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ + +/* We define this here in general so that a VC++ build will publically + declare STDCALL interfaces even if an application is built against it + using MinGW */ + +#ifndef CPL_DISABLE_STDCALL +# define CPL_STDCALL __stdcall +#endif + +/* Define if you don't have vprintf but do have _doprnt. */ +#undef HAVE_DOPRNT + +/* Define if you have the vprintf function. */ +#define HAVE_VPRINTF 1 +#define HAVE_VSNPRINTF 1 +#define HAVE_SNPRINTF 1 +#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1500) +# define vsnprintf _vsnprintf +#endif +#define snprintf _snprintf + +#define HAVE_GETCWD 1 +/* gmt_notunix.h from GMT project also redefines getcwd. See #3138 */ +#ifndef getcwd +#define getcwd _getcwd +#endif + +/* Define if you have the ANSI C header files. */ +#ifndef STDC_HEADERS +# define STDC_HEADERS 1 +#endif + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#define HAVE_ASSERT_H 1 + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#define HAVE_FCNTL_H 1 + +/* Define if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_UNISTD_H + +/* Define if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_STDINT_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1 + +#undef HAVE_LIBDL + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#define HAVE_LOCALE_H 1 + +#define HAVE_FLOAT_H 1 + +#define HAVE_ERRNO_H 1 + +#define HAVE_SEARCH_H 1 + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#define HAVE_DIRECT_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `localtime_r' function. */ +#undef HAVE_LOCALTIME_R + +#undef HAVE_DLFCN_H +#undef HAVE_DBMALLOC_H +#undef HAVE_LIBDBMALLOC +#undef WORDS_BIGENDIAN + +/* The size of a `int', as computed by sizeof. */ +#define SIZEOF_INT 4 + +/* The size of a `long', as computed by sizeof. */ +#define SIZEOF_LONG 4 + +/* The size of a `unsigned long', as computed by sizeof. */ +#define SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG 4 + +/* The size of `void*', as computed by sizeof. */ +#ifdef _WIN64 +# define SIZEOF_VOIDP 8 +#else +# define SIZEOF_VOIDP 4 +#endif + +/* Set the native cpu bit order */ +#define HOST_FILLORDER FILLORDER_LSB2MSB + +/* Define as 0 or 1 according to the floating point format suported by the + machine */ +#define HAVE_IEEEFP 1 + +/* Define to `__inline__' or `__inline' if that's what the C compiler + calls it, or to nothing if 'inline' is not supported under any name. */ +#ifndef __cplusplus +# ifndef inline +# define inline __inline +# endif +#endif + +#define lfind _lfind + +#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1310) +# define VSI_STAT64 _stat +# define VSI_STAT64_T _stat +#else +# define VSI_STAT64 _stat64 +# define VSI_STAT64_T __stat64 +#endif + +/* VC6 doesn't known intptr_t */ +#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER <= 1200) + typedef int intptr_t; +#endif + +#pragma warning(disable: 4786) + +/* #define CPL_DISABLE_DLL */ + diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/geos-3.3.8/nmake.opt b/BuildTools/windows/dep/geos-3.3.8/nmake.opt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..baacffda1 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/geos-3.3.8/nmake.opt @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +# $Id$ +# +# nmake.opt - main configuration file for NMAKE makefiles +# +!MESSAGE ********************************************************************** +!MESSAGE *** GEOS Build Configuration *** +!INCLUDE + +############################################################################### +# For convenience, user may put custom settings to private mynmake.opt +# and use EXT_NMAKE_OPT option while calling nmake.exe, as follows: +# +# nmake -f makefile.vc EXT_NMAKE_OPT=mynmake.opt + +!IFDEF EXT_NMAKE_OPT +!MESSAGE *** Setting EXT_NMAKE_OPT $(EXT_NMAKE_OPT) +!INCLUDE $(EXT_NMAKE_OPT) +!ENDIF + +############################################################################### +# Set BUILD_DEBUG to YES if you want to make debug build +# and to prepare not optimized binaries. + +!IFNDEF BUILD_DEBUG +BUILD_DEBUG = NO +!ENDIF + +!MESSAGE *** Setting BUILD_DEBUG $(BUILD_DEBUG) + +############################################################################### +# Set ENABLE_INLINE to YES if you want to make debug build +# and to prepare not optimized binaries. + +!IFNDEF ENABLE_INLINE +ENABLE_INLINE = NO +!ENDIF + +!MESSAGE *** Setting ENABLE_INLINE $(ENABLE_INLINE) + +############################################################################### +# Set BUILD_BATCH to YES if you want feed compiler with all +# source .c and .cpp files in single batch. + +!IFNDEF BUILD_BATCH +BUILD_BATCH = NO +!ENDIF + +!MESSAGE *** Setting BUILD_BATCH $(BUILD_BATCH) + +############################################################################### +# Derive version of Visual C++ being used from NMAKE if not specified +# +# WARNING: +# If we should expect variety of NMAKE build versions, tests below may fail +# and we will need to fall back to setting GEOS_MSVC as command line parameter. + +!IF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "" +GEOS_MSVC = 4.0 +!ERROR *** Failed to determine version of Visual C++ +!ELSEIF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "162" +GEOS_MSVC = 5.0 +!ERROR *** Detected Visual C++ 5.0 - NOT SUPPORTED +!ELSEIF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "6.00.8168.0" +GEOS_MSVC = 6.0 +GEOS_MSC = 1200 +!ERROR *** Detected Visual C++ 6.0 - NOT SUPPORTED +!ELSEIF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "7.00.9466" +GEOS_MSVC = 7.0 +GEOS_MSC = 1300 +!ELSEIF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "7.10.3077" +GEOS_MSVC = 7.1 +GEOS_MSC = 1310 +!ELSEIF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "8.00.50727.42" +GEOS_MSVC = 8.0 +GEOS_MSC = 1400 +!ELSEIF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "8.00.50727.762" +GEOS_MSVC = 8.0 +GEOS_MSC = 1400 +!ELSEIF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "9.00.21022.08" +GEOS_MSVC = 9.0 +GEOS_MSC = 1500 +!ELSEIF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "9.00.30729.01" +GEOS_MSVC = 9.0 +GEOS_MSC = 1500 +!ELSEIF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "10.00.30128.01" +GEOS_MSVC = 10.0 +GEOS_MSC = 1600 +!ELSEIF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "10.00.30319.01" +GEOS_MSVC = 10.0 +GEOS_MSC = 1600 +!ELSEIF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "10.00.40219.01" +GEOS_MSVC = 10.0 +GEOS_MSC = 1600 +!ELSE +GEOS_MSVC = 0.0 +GEOS_MSC = 0 +!ENDIF + +!IF "$(GEOS_MSVC)" == "0.0" && "$(GEOS_MSC)" == "0" +!MESSAGE *** Cannot determined Visual C++ version +!ERROR *** Aborting make job +!ELSE +!MESSAGE *** Using Microsoft NMAKE version $(_NMAKE_VER) +!MESSAGE *** Using Microsoft Visual C++ version $(GEOS_MSVC) +!MESSAGE *** Using Microsoft C/C++ version $(GEOS_MSC) +!ENDIF + +############################################################################### +# Include directories + +GEOS_INCLUDE = -I..\include -I..\capi + +!MESSAGE *** Setting GEOS_INCLUDE $(GEOS_INCLUDE) +!MESSAGE *** Setting INCLUDE $(INCLUDE) + +############################################################################### +# Compilation flags for Release and Debug modes + +GEOS_CPPFLAGS = /D "NOMINMAX" /D "WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN" /D "NOGDI" +GEOS_CPPFLAGS = $(GEOS_CPPFLAGS) /D "GEOS_DLL_EXPORT" + +!IF "$(BUILD_DEBUG)" == "YES" +BUILD_PREFIX=_d +GEOS_CFLAGS = /nologo /MDd /GR /Od /W4 /Zi +GEOS_CPPFLAGS = /D "DEBUG" /D "_DEBUG" $(GEOS_CPPFLAGS) +!ELSE +GEOS_CFLAGS = /nologo /MD /GR /O2 /W3 +GEOS_CPPFLAGS = /D "NDEBUG" $(GEOS_CPPFLAGS) +!ENDIF + +# Compiler version specific flags +!IF $(GEOS_MSC) >= 1400 +GEOS_CFLAGS = $(GEOS_CFLAGS) /EHs +GEOS_CPPFLAGS = $(GEOS_CPPFLAGS) /D "_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" /D "_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE" /D "_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" +!ELSE +GEOS_CFLAGS = $(GEOS_CFLAGS) /GX +!ENDIF + +# For Visual C++ 9.0+ use multiple process build +!IF "$(BUILD_BATCH)" == "YES" +!IF $(GEOS_MSC) > 1400 +MPFLAGS = /MP +!MESSAGE *** Setting /MP flag to number of effective processors +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IF "$(ENABLE_INLINE)" == "YES" +GEOS_CFLAGS = /D "GEOS_INLINE" +!ENDIF + +!MESSAGE *** Using CFLAGS $(GEOS_CFLAGS) +!MESSAGE *** Using CPPFLAGS $(GEOS_CPPFLAGS) + +CFLAGS= $(MPFLAGS) $(GEOS_CFLAGS) $(GEOS_CPPFLAGS) $(GEOS_INCLUDE) + +############################################################################### +# Output location + +LIBNAME = geos$(BUILD_PREFIX).lib +DLLNAME = geos$(BUILD_PREFIX).dll +SLIBNAME = geos_i$(BUILD_PREFIX).lib +CDLLNAME = geos_c$(BUILD_PREFIX).dll +CLIBNAME = geos_c_i$(BUILD_PREFIX).lib + +############################################################################### +# Building toolset programs + +MAKE = nmake +CC = cl +RM = del +CP = copy + +# Linker executable +# - Dynamic-Linked Libraries +# $(LINK) /dll +# - Static Libraries (use of lib.exe wrapper is not portable, see VC++ Toolkit 2003) +# $(LINK) /lib +LINK = link.exe + +!MESSAGE ********************************************************************** +# EOF diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/config.h b/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/config.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..598b8a46a --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/config.h @@ -0,0 +1,926 @@ +/* config.h.in. Generated from configure.ac by autoheader. */ + +/* Define to the number of bits in type 'ptrdiff_t'. */ +#undef BITSIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T + +/* Define to the number of bits in type 'sig_atomic_t'. */ +#undef BITSIZEOF_SIG_ATOMIC_T + +/* Define to the number of bits in type 'size_t'. */ +#undef BITSIZEOF_SIZE_T + +/* Define to the number of bits in type 'wchar_t'. */ +#undef BITSIZEOF_WCHAR_T + +/* Define to the number of bits in type 'wint_t'. */ +#undef BITSIZEOF_WINT_T + +/* Define to one of `_getb67', `GETB67', `getb67' for Cray-2 and Cray-YMP + systems. This function is required for `alloca.c' support on those systems. + */ +#undef CRAY_STACKSEG_END + +/* Define to 1 if using `alloca.c'. */ +#undef C_ALLOCA + +/* Define to 1 if // is a file system root distinct from /. */ +#undef DOUBLE_SLASH_IS_DISTINCT_ROOT + +///* Define as good substitute value for EILSEQ. */ +//#undef EILSEQ + +/* Define to 1 to enable a few rarely used encodings. */ +#undef ENABLE_EXTRA + +/* Define to 1 if translation of program messages to the user's native + language is requested. */ +#undef ENABLE_NLS + +/* Define to 1 if the package shall run at any location in the file system. */ +#undef ENABLE_RELOCATABLE + +/* Define to 1 if realpath() can malloc memory, always gives an absolute path, + and handles trailing slash correctly. */ +#undef FUNC_REALPATH_WORKS + +/* Define to a C preprocessor expression that evaluates to 1 or 0, depending + whether the gnulib module canonicalize-lgpl shall be considered present. */ +#undef GNULIB_CANONICALIZE_LGPL + +/* Define to a C preprocessor expression that evaluates to 1 or 0, depending + whether the gnulib module sigpipe shall be considered present. */ +#undef GNULIB_SIGPIPE + +/* Define to a C preprocessor expression that evaluates to 1 or 0, depending + whether the gnulib module strerror shall be considered present. */ +#undef GNULIB_STRERROR + +/* Define to 1 when the gnulib module canonicalize_file_name should be tested. + */ +#undef GNULIB_TEST_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME + +/* Define to 1 when the gnulib module environ should be tested. */ +#undef GNULIB_TEST_ENVIRON + +/* Define to 1 when the gnulib module lstat should be tested. */ +#undef GNULIB_TEST_LSTAT + +/* Define to 1 when the gnulib module read should be tested. */ +#undef GNULIB_TEST_READ + +/* Define to 1 when the gnulib module readlink should be tested. */ +#undef GNULIB_TEST_READLINK + +/* Define to 1 when the gnulib module realpath should be tested. */ +#undef GNULIB_TEST_REALPATH + +/* Define to 1 when the gnulib module sigprocmask should be tested. */ +#undef GNULIB_TEST_SIGPROCMASK + +/* Define to 1 when the gnulib module stat should be tested. */ +#undef GNULIB_TEST_STAT + +/* Define to 1 when the gnulib module strerror should be tested. */ +#undef GNULIB_TEST_STRERROR + +/* Define to 1 if you have `alloca', as a function or macro. */ +#undef HAVE_ALLOCA + +/* Define to 1 if you have and it should be used (not on Ultrix). + */ +#undef HAVE_ALLOCA_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `canonicalize_file_name' function. */ +#undef HAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME + +/* Define to 1 if you have the MacOS X function CFLocaleCopyCurrent in the + CoreFoundation framework. */ +#undef HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT + +/* Define to 1 if you have the MacOS X function CFPreferencesCopyAppValue in + the CoreFoundation framework. */ +#undef HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE + +/* Define if the GNU dcgettext() function is already present or preinstalled. + */ +#undef HAVE_DCGETTEXT + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `clearerr_unlocked', and to 0 if + you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_CLEARERR_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `feof_unlocked', and to 0 if you + don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_FEOF_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `ferror_unlocked', and to 0 if + you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_FERROR_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `fflush_unlocked', and to 0 if + you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_FFLUSH_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `fgets_unlocked', and to 0 if + you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_FGETS_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `fputc_unlocked', and to 0 if + you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_FPUTC_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `fputs_unlocked', and to 0 if + you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_FPUTS_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `fread_unlocked', and to 0 if + you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_FREAD_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `fwrite_unlocked', and to 0 if + you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_FWRITE_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `getchar_unlocked', and to 0 if + you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_GETCHAR_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `getc_unlocked', and to 0 if you + don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_GETC_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `program_invocation_name', and + to 0 if you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_PROGRAM_INVOCATION_NAME + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `program_invocation_short_name', + and to 0 if you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_PROGRAM_INVOCATION_SHORT_NAME + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `putchar_unlocked', and to 0 if + you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_PUTCHAR_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `putc_unlocked', and to 0 if you + don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_PUTC_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `setenv', and to 0 if you don't. + */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_SETENV + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `strerror_r', and to 0 if you + don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_STRERROR_R + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_DLFCN_H + +/* Define if you have the declaration of environ. */ +#undef HAVE_ENVIRON_DECL + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `getcwd' function. */ +#undef HAVE_GETCWD + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `getc_unlocked' function. */ +#undef HAVE_GETC_UNLOCKED + +/* Define if the GNU gettext() function is already present or preinstalled. */ +#undef HAVE_GETTEXT + +/* Define if you have the iconv() function and it works. */ +#undef HAVE_ICONV + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_INTTYPES_H + +/* Define if you have and nl_langinfo(CODESET). */ +#undef HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET + +/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `long long int'. */ +#undef HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `lstat' function. */ +#undef HAVE_LSTAT + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_MACH_O_DYLD_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `mbrtowc' function. */ +#undef HAVE_MBRTOWC + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `mbsinit' function. */ +#undef HAVE_MBSINIT + +/* Define to 1 if declares mbstate_t. */ +#undef HAVE_MBSTATE_T + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `memmove' function. */ +#undef HAVE_MEMMOVE + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_MEMORY_H + +/* Define to 1 if atoll is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_ATOLL + +/* Define to 1 if canonicalize_file_name is declared even after undefining + macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME + +/* Define to 1 if chown is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_CHOWN + +/* Define to 1 if dprintf is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_DPRINTF + +/* Define to 1 if dup2 is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_DUP2 + +/* Define to 1 if dup3 is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_DUP3 + +/* Define to 1 if endusershell is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_ENDUSERSHELL + +/* Define to 1 if environ is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_ENVIRON + +/* Define to 1 if euidaccess is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_EUIDACCESS + +/* Define to 1 if faccessat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FACCESSAT + +/* Define to 1 if fchdir is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FCHDIR + +/* Define to 1 if fchmodat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FCHMODAT + +/* Define to 1 if fchownat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FCHOWNAT + +/* Define to 1 if fcntl is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FCNTL + +/* Define to 1 if ffsl is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FFSL + +/* Define to 1 if ffsll is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FFSLL + +/* Define to 1 if fpurge is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FPURGE + +/* Define to 1 if fseeko is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FSEEKO + +/* Define to 1 if fstatat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FSTATAT + +/* Define to 1 if fsync is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FSYNC + +/* Define to 1 if ftello is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FTELLO + +/* Define to 1 if ftruncate is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FTRUNCATE + +/* Define to 1 if futimens is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FUTIMENS + +/* Define to 1 if getcwd is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETCWD + +/* Define to 1 if getdelim is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETDELIM + +/* Define to 1 if getdomainname is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETDOMAINNAME + +/* Define to 1 if getdtablesize is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETDTABLESIZE + +/* Define to 1 if getgroups is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETGROUPS + +/* Define to 1 if gethostname is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETHOSTNAME + +/* Define to 1 if getline is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETLINE + +/* Define to 1 if getloadavg is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETLOADAVG + +/* Define to 1 if getlogin is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETLOGIN + +/* Define to 1 if getlogin_r is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETLOGIN_R + +/* Define to 1 if getpagesize is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETPAGESIZE + +/* Define to 1 if getsubopt is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETSUBOPT + +/* Define to 1 if getusershell is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETUSERSHELL + +/* Define to 1 if grantpt is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GRANTPT + +/* Define to 1 if group_member is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GROUP_MEMBER + +/* Define to 1 if initstat_r is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_INITSTAT_R + +/* Define to 1 if lchmod is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_LCHMOD + +/* Define to 1 if lchown is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_LCHOWN + +/* Define to 1 if link is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_LINK + +/* Define to 1 if linkat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_LINKAT + +/* Define to 1 if lseek is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_LSEEK + +/* Define to 1 if lstat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_LSTAT + +/* Define to 1 if memmem is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MEMMEM + +/* Define to 1 if mempcpy is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MEMPCPY + +/* Define to 1 if memrchr is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MEMRCHR + +/* Define to 1 if mkdirat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MKDIRAT + +/* Define to 1 if mkdtemp is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MKDTEMP + +/* Define to 1 if mkfifo is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MKFIFO + +/* Define to 1 if mkfifoat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MKFIFOAT + +/* Define to 1 if mknod is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MKNOD + +/* Define to 1 if mknodat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MKNODAT + +/* Define to 1 if mkostemp is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MKOSTEMP + +/* Define to 1 if mkostemps is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MKOSTEMPS + +/* Define to 1 if mkstemp is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MKSTEMP + +/* Define to 1 if mkstemps is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MKSTEMPS + +/* Define to 1 if openat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_OPENAT + +/* Define to 1 if pipe is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_PIPE + +/* Define to 1 if pipe2 is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_PIPE2 + +/* Define to 1 if popen is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_POPEN + +/* Define to 1 if pread is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_PREAD + +/* Define to 1 if pthread_sigmask is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_PTHREAD_SIGMASK + +/* Define to 1 if ptsname is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_PTSNAME + +/* Define to 1 if pwrite is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_PWRITE + +/* Define to 1 if random_r is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_RANDOM_R + +/* Define to 1 if rawmemchr is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_RAWMEMCHR + +/* Define to 1 if readlink is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_READLINK + +/* Define to 1 if readlinkat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_READLINKAT + +/* Define to 1 if realpath is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_REALPATH + +/* Define to 1 if renameat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_RENAMEAT + +/* Define to 1 if rmdir is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_RMDIR + +/* Define to 1 if rpmatch is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_RPMATCH + +/* Define to 1 if setenv is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SETENV + +/* Define to 1 if setstate_r is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SETSTATE_R + +/* Define to 1 if setusershell is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SETUSERSHELL + +/* Define to 1 if sigaction is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SIGACTION + +/* Define to 1 if sigaddset is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SIGADDSET + +/* Define to 1 if sigdelset is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SIGDELSET + +/* Define to 1 if sigemptyset is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SIGEMPTYSET + +/* Define to 1 if sigfillset is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SIGFILLSET + +/* Define to 1 if sigismember is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SIGISMEMBER + +/* Define to 1 if sigpending is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SIGPENDING + +/* Define to 1 if sigprocmask is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SIGPROCMASK + +/* Define to 1 if sleep is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SLEEP + +/* Define to 1 if snprintf is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SNPRINTF + +/* Define to 1 if srandom_r is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SRANDOM_R + +/* Define to 1 if stat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STAT + +/* Define to 1 if stpcpy is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STPCPY + +/* Define to 1 if stpncpy is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STPNCPY + +/* Define to 1 if strcasestr is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRCASESTR + +/* Define to 1 if strchrnul is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRCHRNUL + +/* Define to 1 if strdup is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRDUP + +/* Define to 1 if strerror_r is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRERROR_R + +/* Define to 1 if strncat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRNCAT + +/* Define to 1 if strndup is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRNDUP + +/* Define to 1 if strnlen is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRNLEN + +/* Define to 1 if strpbrk is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRPBRK + +/* Define to 1 if strsep is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRSEP + +/* Define to 1 if strsignal is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRSIGNAL + +/* Define to 1 if strtod is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRTOD + +/* Define to 1 if strtok_r is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRTOK_R + +/* Define to 1 if strtoll is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRTOLL + +/* Define to 1 if strtoull is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRTOULL + +/* Define to 1 if strverscmp is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRVERSCMP + +/* Define to 1 if symlink is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SYMLINK + +/* Define to 1 if symlinkat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SYMLINKAT + +/* Define to 1 if tmpfile is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_TMPFILE + +/* Define to 1 if ttyname_r is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_TTYNAME_R + +/* Define to 1 if unlink is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_UNLINK + +/* Define to 1 if unlinkat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_UNLINKAT + +/* Define to 1 if unlockpt is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_UNLOCKPT + +/* Define to 1 if unsetenv is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_UNSETENV + +/* Define to 1 if usleep is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_USLEEP + +/* Define to 1 if utimensat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_UTIMENSAT + +/* Define to 1 if vdprintf is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_VDPRINTF + +/* Define to 1 if vsnprintf is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_VSNPRINTF + +/* Define to 1 if _Exit is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL__EXIT + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `readlink' function. */ +#undef HAVE_READLINK + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `readlinkat' function. */ +#undef HAVE_READLINKAT + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `realpath' function. */ +#undef HAVE_REALPATH + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SEARCH_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `setenv' function. */ +#undef HAVE_SETENV + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `setlocale' function. */ +#undef HAVE_SETLOCALE + +/* Define to 1 if 'sig_atomic_t' is a signed integer type. */ +#undef HAVE_SIGNED_SIG_ATOMIC_T + +/* Define to 1 if 'wchar_t' is a signed integer type. */ +#undef HAVE_SIGNED_WCHAR_T + +/* Define to 1 if 'wint_t' is a signed integer type. */ +#undef HAVE_SIGNED_WINT_T + +/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `sigset_t'. */ +#undef HAVE_SIGSET_T + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_STDINT_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_STDLIB_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `strerror_r' function. */ +#undef HAVE_STRERROR_R + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_STRINGS_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_STRING_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_BITYPES_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_INTTYPES_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `tsearch' function. */ +#undef HAVE_TSEARCH + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_UNISTD_H + +/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `unsigned long long int'. */ +#undef HAVE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG_INT + +/* Define to 1 or 0, depending whether the compiler supports simple visibility + declarations. */ +#undef HAVE_VISIBILITY + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_WCHAR_H + +/* Define if you have the 'wchar_t' type. */ +#undef HAVE_WCHAR_T + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `wcrtomb' function. */ +#undef HAVE_WCRTOMB + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_WINSOCK2_H + +/* Define to 1 if O_NOATIME works. */ +#undef HAVE_WORKING_O_NOATIME + +/* Define to 1 if O_NOFOLLOW works. */ +#undef HAVE_WORKING_O_NOFOLLOW + +/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `_Bool'. */ +#undef HAVE__BOOL + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `_NSGetExecutablePath' function. */ +#undef HAVE__NSGETEXECUTABLEPATH + +/* Define as const if the declaration of iconv() needs const. */ +#undef ICONV_CONST + +/* Define to the value of ${prefix}, as a string. */ +#undef INSTALLPREFIX + +/* Define to 1 if `lstat' dereferences a symlink specified with a trailing + slash. */ +#undef LSTAT_FOLLOWS_SLASHED_SYMLINK + +/* Define to the sub-directory in which libtool stores uninstalled libraries. + */ +#undef LT_OBJDIR + +/* If malloc(0) is != NULL, define this to 1. Otherwise define this to 0. */ +#undef MALLOC_0_IS_NONNULL + +/* Define to 1 if your C compiler doesn't accept -c and -o together. */ +#undef NO_MINUS_C_MINUS_O + +/* Name of package */ +#undef PACKAGE + +/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */ +#undef PACKAGE_BUGREPORT + +/* Define to the full name of this package. */ +#undef PACKAGE_NAME + +/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */ +#undef PACKAGE_STRING + +/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */ +#undef PACKAGE_TARNAME + +/* Define to the home page for this package. */ +#undef PACKAGE_URL + +/* Define to the version of this package. */ +#undef PACKAGE_VERSION + +/* Define to l, ll, u, ul, ull, etc., as suitable for constants of type + 'ptrdiff_t'. */ +#undef PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX + +/* Define to 1 if readlink fails to recognize a trailing slash. */ +#undef READLINK_TRAILING_SLASH_BUG + +/* Define to 1 if stat needs help when passed a directory name with a trailing + slash */ +#undef REPLACE_FUNC_STAT_DIR + +/* Define to 1 if stat needs help when passed a file name with a trailing + slash */ +#undef REPLACE_FUNC_STAT_FILE + +/* Define to 1 if strerror(0) does not return a message implying success. */ +#undef REPLACE_STRERROR_0 + +/* Define to l, ll, u, ul, ull, etc., as suitable for constants of type + 'sig_atomic_t'. */ +#undef SIG_ATOMIC_T_SUFFIX + +/* Define to l, ll, u, ul, ull, etc., as suitable for constants of type + 'size_t'. */ +#undef SIZE_T_SUFFIX + +/* If using the C implementation of alloca, define if you know the + direction of stack growth for your system; otherwise it will be + automatically deduced at runtime. + STACK_DIRECTION > 0 => grows toward higher addresses + STACK_DIRECTION < 0 => grows toward lower addresses + STACK_DIRECTION = 0 => direction of growth unknown */ +#undef STACK_DIRECTION + +/* Define to 1 if the `S_IS*' macros in do not work properly. */ +#undef STAT_MACROS_BROKEN + +/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */ +#undef STDC_HEADERS + +/* Define to 1 if strerror_r returns char *. */ +#undef STRERROR_R_CHAR_P + +/* Define to the prefix of C symbols at the assembler and linker level, either + an underscore or empty. */ +#undef USER_LABEL_PREFIX + +/* Define to 1 if you want getc etc. to use unlocked I/O if available. + Unlocked I/O can improve performance in unithreaded apps, but it is not + safe for multithreaded apps. */ +#undef USE_UNLOCKED_IO + +/* Version number of package */ +#undef VERSION + +/* Define to l, ll, u, ul, ull, etc., as suitable for constants of type + 'wchar_t'. */ +#undef WCHAR_T_SUFFIX + +/* Define to l, ll, u, ul, ull, etc., as suitable for constants of type + 'wint_t'. */ +#undef WINT_T_SUFFIX + +/* Define if the machine's byte ordering is little endian. */ +#undef WORDS_LITTLEENDIAN + +/* Define to 1 if on MINIX. */ +#undef _MINIX + +/* The _Noreturn keyword of draft C1X. */ +#ifndef _Noreturn +# if (3 <= __GNUC__ || (__GNUC__ == 2 && 8 <= __GNUC_MINOR__) \ + || 0x5110 <= __SUNPRO_C) +# define _Noreturn __attribute__ ((__noreturn__)) +# elif 1200 <= _MSC_VER +# define _Noreturn __declspec (noreturn) +# else +# define _Noreturn +# endif +#endif + + +/* Define to 2 if the system does not provide POSIX.1 features except with + this defined. */ +#undef _POSIX_1_SOURCE + +/* Define to 1 if you need to in order for `stat' and other things to work. */ +#undef _POSIX_SOURCE + +/* Define to 500 only on HP-UX. */ +#undef _XOPEN_SOURCE + +/* Enable extensions on AIX 3, Interix. */ +#ifndef _ALL_SOURCE +# undef _ALL_SOURCE +#endif +/* Enable general extensions on MacOS X. */ +#ifndef _DARWIN_C_SOURCE +# undef _DARWIN_C_SOURCE +#endif +/* Enable GNU extensions on systems that have them. */ +#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE +# undef _GNU_SOURCE +#endif +/* Enable threading extensions on Solaris. */ +#ifndef _POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS +# undef _POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS +#endif +/* Enable extensions on HP NonStop. */ +#ifndef _TANDEM_SOURCE +# undef _TANDEM_SOURCE +#endif +/* Enable general extensions on Solaris. */ +#ifndef __EXTENSIONS__ +# undef __EXTENSIONS__ +#endif + + +/* Define to `int' if doesn't define. */ +#undef gid_t + +/* Define to `__inline__' or `__inline' if that's what the C compiler + calls it, or to nothing if 'inline' is not supported under any name. */ +#ifndef __cplusplus +#undef inline +#endif + +/* Work around a bug in Apple GCC 4.0.1 build 5465: In C99 mode, it supports + the ISO C 99 semantics of 'extern inline' (unlike the GNU C semantics of + earlier versions), but does not display it by setting __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__. + __APPLE__ && __MACH__ test for MacOS X. + __APPLE_CC__ tests for the Apple compiler and its version. + __STDC_VERSION__ tests for the C99 mode. */ +#if defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__ && __APPLE_CC__ >= 5465 && !defined __cplusplus && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L && !defined __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ +# define __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ 1 +#endif + +/* Define to a type if does not define. */ +#undef mbstate_t + +/* Define to the type of st_nlink in struct stat, or a supertype. */ +#undef nlink_t + +/* Define to the equivalent of the C99 'restrict' keyword, or to + nothing if this is not supported. Do not define if restrict is + supported directly. */ +#undef restrict +/* Work around a bug in Sun C++: it does not support _Restrict or + __restrict__, even though the corresponding Sun C compiler ends up with + "#define restrict _Restrict" or "#define restrict __restrict__" in the + previous line. Perhaps some future version of Sun C++ will work with + restrict; if so, hopefully it defines __RESTRICT like Sun C does. */ +#if defined __SUNPRO_CC && !defined __RESTRICT +# define _Restrict +# define __restrict__ +#endif + +/* Define to `unsigned int' if does not define. */ +#undef size_t + +/* Define as a signed type of the same size as size_t. */ +#undef ssize_t + +/* Define to `int' if doesn't define. */ +#undef uid_t + +/* Define as a marker that can be attached to declarations that might not + be used. This helps to reduce warnings, such as from + GCC -Wunused-parameter. */ +#if __GNUC__ >= 3 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7) +# define _GL_UNUSED __attribute__ ((__unused__)) +#else +# define _GL_UNUSED +#endif +/* The name _UNUSED_PARAMETER_ is an earlier spelling, although the name + is a misnomer outside of parameter lists. */ +#define _UNUSED_PARAMETER_ _GL_UNUSED + +/* The __pure__ attribute was added in gcc 2.96. */ +#if __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 96) +# define _GL_ATTRIBUTE_PURE __attribute__ ((__pure__)) +#else +# define _GL_ATTRIBUTE_PURE /* empty */ +#endif + +/* The __const__ attribute was added in gcc 2.95. */ +#if __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 95) +# define _GL_ATTRIBUTE_CONST __attribute__ ((__const__)) +#else +# define _GL_ATTRIBUTE_CONST /* empty */ +#endif + + + +/* On Windows, variables that may be in a DLL must be marked specially. */ +#if defined _MSC_VER && defined _DLL +# define DLL_VARIABLE __declspec (dllimport) +#else +# define DLL_VARIABLE +#endif + diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/iconv.h b/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/iconv.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e0b1136d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/iconv.h @@ -0,0 +1,260 @@ +/* Copyright (C) 1999-2003, 2005-2006, 2008-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + + The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ + +/* When installed, this file is called "iconv.h". */ + +#ifndef _LIBICONV_H +#define _LIBICONV_H + +#define _LIBICONV_VERSION 0x010E /* version number: (major<<8) + minor */ + +//#if @HAVE_VISIBILITY@ && BUILDING_LIBICONV +//#define LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED __attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) +//#else +//#define LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED +//#endif +//extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED @DLL_VARIABLE@ int _libiconv_version; /* Likewise */ +#if BUILDING_LIBICONV +#define LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED __declspec(dllexport) +#elif USING_STATIC_LIBICONV +#define LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED +#else +#define LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED __declspec(dllimport) +#endif +extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED int _libiconv_version; /* Likewise */ +/* We would like to #include any system header file which could define + iconv_t, 1. in order to eliminate the risk that the user gets compilation + errors because some other system header file includes /usr/include/iconv.h + which defines iconv_t or declares iconv after this file, 2. when compiling + for LIBICONV_PLUG, we need the proper iconv_t type in order to produce + binary compatible code. + But gcc's #include_next is not portable. Thus, once libiconv's iconv.h + has been installed in /usr/local/include, there is no way any more to + include the original /usr/include/iconv.h. We simply have to get away + without it. + Ad 1. The risk that a system header file does + #include "iconv.h" or #include_next "iconv.h" + is small. They all do #include . + Ad 2. The iconv_t type is a pointer type in all cases I have seen. (It + has to be a scalar type because (iconv_t)(-1) is a possible return value + from iconv_open().) */ + +/* Define iconv_t ourselves. */ +#undef iconv_t +#define iconv_t libiconv_t +typedef void* iconv_t; + +/* Get size_t declaration. + Get wchar_t declaration if it exists. */ +#include + +/* Get errno declaration and values. */ +#include +/* Some systems, like SunOS 4, don't have EILSEQ. Some systems, like BSD/OS, + have EILSEQ in a different header. On these systems, define EILSEQ + ourselves. */ +#ifndef EILSEQ +#define EILSEQ @EILSEQ@ +#endif + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + + +/* Allocates descriptor for code conversion from encoding ‘fromcode’ to + encoding ‘tocode’. */ +#ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG +#define iconv_open libiconv_open +#endif +extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED iconv_t iconv_open (const char* tocode, const char* fromcode); + +/* Converts, using conversion descriptor ‘cd’, at most ‘*inbytesleft’ bytes + starting at ‘*inbuf’, writing at most ‘*outbytesleft’ bytes starting at + ‘*outbuf’. + Decrements ‘*inbytesleft’ and increments ‘*inbuf’ by the same amount. + Decrements ‘*outbytesleft’ and increments ‘*outbuf’ by the same amount. */ +#ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG +#define iconv libiconv +#endif +//extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED size_t iconv (iconv_t cd, @ICONV_CONST@ char* * inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char* * outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft); +extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED size_t iconv (iconv_t cd, const char* * inbuf, + size_t *inbytesleft, char* * outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft); +/* Frees resources allocated for conversion descriptor ‘cd’. */ +#ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG +#define iconv_close libiconv_close +#endif +extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED int iconv_close (iconv_t cd); + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + + +#ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG + +/* Nonstandard extensions. */ + +//#if @USE_MBSTATE_T@ +//#if @BROKEN_WCHAR_H@ +#if USE_MBSTATE_T +#if BROKEN_WCHAR_H +/* Tru64 with Desktop Toolkit C has a bug: must be included before + . + BSD/OS 4.0.1 has a bug: , and must be + included before . */ +#include +#include +#include +#endif +#include +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* A type that holds all memory needed by a conversion descriptor. + A pointer to such an object can be used as an iconv_t. */ +typedef struct { + void* dummy1[28]; +//#if @USE_MBSTATE_T@ +#if USE_MBSTATE_T + mbstate_t dummy2; +#endif +} iconv_allocation_t; + +/* Allocates descriptor for code conversion from encoding ‘fromcode’ to + encoding ‘tocode’ into preallocated memory. Returns an error indicator + (0 or -1 with errno set). */ +#define iconv_open_into libiconv_open_into +extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED int iconv_open_into (const char* tocode, const char* fromcode, + iconv_allocation_t* resultp); + +/* Control of attributes. */ +#define iconvctl libiconvctl +extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED int iconvctl (iconv_t cd, int request, void* argument); + +/* Hook performed after every successful conversion of a Unicode character. */ +typedef void (*iconv_unicode_char_hook) (unsigned int uc, void* data); +/* Hook performed after every successful conversion of a wide character. */ +typedef void (*iconv_wide_char_hook) (wchar_t wc, void* data); +/* Set of hooks. */ +struct iconv_hooks { + iconv_unicode_char_hook uc_hook; + iconv_wide_char_hook wc_hook; + void* data; +}; + +/* Fallback function. Invoked when a small number of bytes could not be + converted to a Unicode character. This function should process all + bytes from inbuf and may produce replacement Unicode characters by calling + the write_replacement callback repeatedly. */ +typedef void (*iconv_unicode_mb_to_uc_fallback) + (const char* inbuf, size_t inbufsize, + void (*write_replacement) (const unsigned int *buf, size_t buflen, + void* callback_arg), + void* callback_arg, + void* data); +/* Fallback function. Invoked when a Unicode character could not be converted + to the target encoding. This function should process the character and + may produce replacement bytes (in the target encoding) by calling the + write_replacement callback repeatedly. */ +typedef void (*iconv_unicode_uc_to_mb_fallback) + (unsigned int code, + void (*write_replacement) (const char *buf, size_t buflen, + void* callback_arg), + void* callback_arg, + void* data); +//#if @HAVE_WCHAR_T@ +#if HAVE_WCHAR_T +/* Fallback function. Invoked when a number of bytes could not be converted to + a wide character. This function should process all bytes from inbuf and may + produce replacement wide characters by calling the write_replacement + callback repeatedly. */ +typedef void (*iconv_wchar_mb_to_wc_fallback) + (const char* inbuf, size_t inbufsize, + void (*write_replacement) (const wchar_t *buf, size_t buflen, + void* callback_arg), + void* callback_arg, + void* data); +/* Fallback function. Invoked when a wide character could not be converted to + the target encoding. This function should process the character and may + produce replacement bytes (in the target encoding) by calling the + write_replacement callback repeatedly. */ +typedef void (*iconv_wchar_wc_to_mb_fallback) + (wchar_t code, + void (*write_replacement) (const char *buf, size_t buflen, + void* callback_arg), + void* callback_arg, + void* data); +#else +/* If the wchar_t type does not exist, these two fallback functions are never + invoked. Their argument list therefore does not matter. */ +typedef void (*iconv_wchar_mb_to_wc_fallback) (); +typedef void (*iconv_wchar_wc_to_mb_fallback) (); +#endif +/* Set of fallbacks. */ +struct iconv_fallbacks { + iconv_unicode_mb_to_uc_fallback mb_to_uc_fallback; + iconv_unicode_uc_to_mb_fallback uc_to_mb_fallback; + iconv_wchar_mb_to_wc_fallback mb_to_wc_fallback; + iconv_wchar_wc_to_mb_fallback wc_to_mb_fallback; + void* data; +}; + +/* Requests for iconvctl. */ +#define ICONV_TRIVIALP 0 /* int *argument */ +#define ICONV_GET_TRANSLITERATE 1 /* int *argument */ +#define ICONV_SET_TRANSLITERATE 2 /* const int *argument */ +#define ICONV_GET_DISCARD_ILSEQ 3 /* int *argument */ +#define ICONV_SET_DISCARD_ILSEQ 4 /* const int *argument */ +#define ICONV_SET_HOOKS 5 /* const struct iconv_hooks *argument */ +#define ICONV_SET_FALLBACKS 6 /* const struct iconv_fallbacks *argument */ + +/* Listing of locale independent encodings. */ +#define iconvlist libiconvlist +extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED void iconvlist (int (*do_one) (unsigned int namescount, + const char * const * names, + void* data), + void* data); + +/* Canonicalize an encoding name. + The result is either a canonical encoding name, or name itself. */ +extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED const char * iconv_canonicalize (const char * name); + +/* Support for relocatable packages. */ + +/* Sets the original and the current installation prefix of the package. + Relocation simply replaces a pathname starting with the original prefix + by the corresponding pathname with the current prefix instead. Both + prefixes should be directory names without trailing slash (i.e. use "" + instead of "/"). */ +extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED void libiconv_set_relocation_prefix (const char *orig_prefix, + const char *curr_prefix); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif + + +#endif /* _LIBICONV_H */ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/libiconv.sln b/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/libiconv.sln new file mode 100644 index 000000000..727990cbf --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/libiconv.sln @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ + +Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00 +# Visual Studio 2010 +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "libiconv", "libiconv.vcxproj", "{7A485270-4B04-4D4B-9C67-D3A1584ED205}" +EndProject +Global + GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution + Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32 + Debug|x64 = Debug|x64 + Release_static|Win32 = Release_static|Win32 + Release_static|x64 = Release_static|x64 + Release|Win32 = Release|Win32 + Release|x64 = Release|x64 + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution + {7A485270-4B04-4D4B-9C67-D3A1584ED205}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {7A485270-4B04-4D4B-9C67-D3A1584ED205}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {7A485270-4B04-4D4B-9C67-D3A1584ED205}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {7A485270-4B04-4D4B-9C67-D3A1584ED205}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {7A485270-4B04-4D4B-9C67-D3A1584ED205}.Release_static|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release_static|Win32 + {7A485270-4B04-4D4B-9C67-D3A1584ED205}.Release_static|Win32.Build.0 = Release_static|Win32 + {7A485270-4B04-4D4B-9C67-D3A1584ED205}.Release_static|x64.ActiveCfg = Release_static|x64 + {7A485270-4B04-4D4B-9C67-D3A1584ED205}.Release_static|x64.Build.0 = Release_static|x64 + {7A485270-4B04-4D4B-9C67-D3A1584ED205}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {7A485270-4B04-4D4B-9C67-D3A1584ED205}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {7A485270-4B04-4D4B-9C67-D3A1584ED205}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {7A485270-4B04-4D4B-9C67-D3A1584ED205}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution + HideSolutionNode = FALSE + EndGlobalSection +EndGlobal diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/libiconv.vcxproj b/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/libiconv.vcxproj new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cce8fefb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/libiconv.vcxproj @@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ + + + + + Debug + Win32 + + + Debug + x64 + + + Release_static + Win32 + + + Release_static + x64 + + + Release + Win32 + + + Release + x64 + + + + {7A485270-4B04-4D4B-9C67-D3A1584ED205} + Win32Proj + libiconv + + + + DynamicLibrary + true + Unicode + + + DynamicLibrary + true + Unicode + + + DynamicLibrary + false + true + Unicode + + + DynamicLibrary + false + true + Unicode + + + StaticLibrary + false + true + Unicode + + + StaticLibrary + false + true + Unicode + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + true + $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)_$(Platform)\ + $(SolutionDir)obj\$(ProjectName)\$(Configuration)_$(Platform)\ + .\;.\lib;.\srclib;.\libcharset;.\include;$(IncludePath) + .dll + + + true + $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)_$(Platform)\ + $(SolutionDir)obj\$(ProjectName)\$(Configuration)_$(Platform)\ + .\;.\lib;.\srclib;.\libcharset;.\include;$(IncludePath) + .dll + + + false + $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)_$(Platform)\ + $(SolutionDir)obj\$(ProjectName)\$(Configuration)_$(Platform)\ + .\;.\lib;.\srclib;.\libcharset;.\include;$(IncludePath) + .dll + + + false + $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)_$(Platform)\ + $(SolutionDir)obj\$(ProjectName)\$(Configuration)_$(Platform)\ + .\;.\lib;.\srclib;.\libcharset;.\include;$(IncludePath) + .dll + + + false + $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)_$(Platform)\ + $(SolutionDir)obj\$(ProjectName)\$(Configuration)_$(Platform)\ + .\;.\lib;.\srclib;.\libcharset;.\include;$(IncludePath) + .lib + + + false + $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)_$(Platform)\ + $(SolutionDir)obj\$(ProjectName)\$(Configuration)_$(Platform)\ + .\;.\lib;.\srclib;.\libcharset;.\include;$(IncludePath) + .lib + + + + NotUsing + Level3 + Disabled + BUILDING_LIBICONV;BUILDING_LIBCHARSET;WIN32;_DEBUG;_WINDOWS;_USRDLL;LIBICONV_EXPORTS;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + MultiThreadedDebugDLL + + + Windows + true + + + + + NotUsing + Level3 + Disabled + BUILDING_LIBICONV;BUILDING_LIBCHARSET;WIN32;_DEBUG;_WINDOWS;_USRDLL;LIBICONV_EXPORTS;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + MultiThreadedDebugDLL + + + Windows + true + + + + + Level3 + NotUsing + MaxSpeed + true + true + BUILDING_LIBICONV;BUILDING_LIBCHARSET;WIN32;NDEBUG;_WINDOWS;_USRDLL;LIBICONV_EXPORTS;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + MultiThreadedDLL + + + Windows + true + true + true + + + + + Level3 + NotUsing + MaxSpeed + true + true + BUILDING_LIBICONV;BUILDING_LIBCHARSET;WIN32;NDEBUG;_WINDOWS;_USRDLL;LIBICONV_EXPORTS;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + MultiThreadedDLL + + + Windows + true + true + true + + + + + Level3 + NotUsing + MaxSpeed + true + true + BUILDING_LIBICONV;BUILDING_LIBCHARSET;WIN32;NDEBUG;_WINDOWS;_USRDLL;LIBICONV_EXPORTS;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + MultiThreadedDLL + + + Windows + true + true + true + + + + + Level3 + NotUsing + MaxSpeed + true + true + BUILDING_LIBICONV;BUILDING_LIBCHARSET;WIN32;NDEBUG;_WINDOWS;_USRDLL;LIBICONV_EXPORTS;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + MultiThreadedDLL + + + Windows + true + true + true + + + /MACHINE:x64 %(AdditionalOptions) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/libiconv.vcxproj.filters b/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/libiconv.vcxproj.filters new file mode 100644 index 000000000..767c568a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/libiconv.vcxproj.filters @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ + + + + + {4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF} + cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx + + + {93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB} + h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd + + + {67DA6AB6-F800-4c08-8B7A-83BB121AAD01} + rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx;tiff;tif;png;wav;mfcribbon-ms + + + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + + + Resource Files + + + + + Header Files + + + Header Files + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/modified/iconv.c b/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/modified/iconv.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..74947ead9 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/modified/iconv.c @@ -0,0 +1,613 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2008, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +#include + +#include +#include +#include "config.h" +#include "localcharset.h" + +#ifdef __CYGWIN__ +#include +#endif + +#if ENABLE_EXTRA +/* + * Consider all system dependent encodings, for any system, + * and the extra encodings. + */ +#define USE_AIX +#define USE_OSF1 +#define USE_DOS +#define USE_EXTRA +#else +/* + * Consider those system dependent encodings that are needed for the + * current system. + */ +#ifdef _AIX +#define USE_AIX +#endif +#if defined(__osf__) || defined(VMS) +#define USE_OSF1 +#endif +#if defined(__DJGPP__) || (defined(_WIN32) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__))) +#define USE_DOS +#endif +#endif + +/* + * Data type for general conversion loop. + */ +struct loop_funcs { + size_t (*loop_convert) (iconv_t icd, + const char* * inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, + char* * outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft); + size_t (*loop_reset) (iconv_t icd, + char* * outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft); +}; + +/* + * Converters. + */ +#include "converters.h" + +/* + * Transliteration tables. + */ +#include "cjk_variants.h" +#include "translit.h" + +/* + * Table of all supported encodings. + */ +struct encoding { + struct mbtowc_funcs ifuncs; /* conversion multibyte -> unicode */ + struct wctomb_funcs ofuncs; /* conversion unicode -> multibyte */ + int oflags; /* flags for unicode -> multibyte conversion */ +}; +#define DEFALIAS(xxx_alias,xxx) /* nothing */ +enum { +#define DEFENCODING(xxx_names,xxx,xxx_ifuncs1,xxx_ifuncs2,xxx_ofuncs1,xxx_ofuncs2) \ + ei_##xxx , +#include "encodings.def" +#ifdef USE_AIX +# include "encodings_aix.def" +#endif +#ifdef USE_OSF1 +# include "encodings_osf1.def" +#endif +#ifdef USE_DOS +# include "encodings_dos.def" +#endif +#ifdef USE_EXTRA +# include "encodings_extra.def" +#endif +#include "encodings_local.def" +#undef DEFENCODING +ei_for_broken_compilers_that_dont_like_trailing_commas +}; +#include "flags.h" +static struct encoding const all_encodings[] = { +#define DEFENCODING(xxx_names,xxx,xxx_ifuncs1,xxx_ifuncs2,xxx_ofuncs1,xxx_ofuncs2) \ + { xxx_ifuncs1,xxx_ifuncs2, xxx_ofuncs1,xxx_ofuncs2, ei_##xxx##_oflags }, +#include "encodings.def" +#ifdef USE_AIX +# include "encodings_aix.def" +#endif +#ifdef USE_OSF1 +# include "encodings_osf1.def" +#endif +#ifdef USE_DOS +# include "encodings_dos.def" +#endif +#ifdef USE_EXTRA +# include "encodings_extra.def" +#endif +#undef DEFENCODING +#define DEFENCODING(xxx_names,xxx,xxx_ifuncs1,xxx_ifuncs2,xxx_ofuncs1,xxx_ofuncs2) \ + { xxx_ifuncs1,xxx_ifuncs2, xxx_ofuncs1,xxx_ofuncs2, 0 }, +#include "encodings_local.def" +#undef DEFENCODING +}; +#undef DEFALIAS + +/* + * Conversion loops. + */ +#include "loops.h" + +/* + * Alias lookup function. + * Defines + * struct alias { int name; unsigned int encoding_index; }; + * const struct alias * aliases_lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len); + * #define MAX_WORD_LENGTH ... + */ +#if defined _AIX +# include "aliases_sysaix.h" +#elif defined hpux || defined __hpux +# include "aliases_syshpux.h" +#elif defined __osf__ +# include "aliases_sysosf1.h" +#elif defined __sun +# include "aliases_syssolaris.h" +#else +# include "aliases.h" +#endif + +/* + * System dependent alias lookup function. + * Defines + * const struct alias * aliases2_lookup (const char *str); + */ +#if defined(USE_AIX) || defined(USE_OSF1) || defined(USE_DOS) || defined(USE_EXTRA) /* || ... */ +struct stringpool2_t { +#define S(tag,name,encoding_index) char stringpool_##tag[sizeof(name)]; +#include "aliases2.h" +#undef S +}; +static const struct stringpool2_t stringpool2_contents = { +#define S(tag,name,encoding_index) name, +#include "aliases2.h" +#undef S +}; +#define stringpool2 ((const char *) &stringpool2_contents) +static const struct alias sysdep_aliases[] = { +#define S(tag,name,encoding_index) { (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_##tag, encoding_index }, +#include "aliases2.h" +#undef S +}; +#ifdef __GNUC__ +__inline +#endif +const struct alias * +aliases2_lookup (register const char *str) +{ + const struct alias * ptr; + unsigned int count; + for (ptr = sysdep_aliases, count = sizeof(sysdep_aliases)/sizeof(sysdep_aliases[0]); count > 0; ptr++, count--) + if (!strcmp(str, stringpool2 + ptr->name)) + return ptr; + return NULL; +} +#else +#define aliases2_lookup(str) NULL +#define stringpool2 NULL +#endif + +#if 0 +/* Like !strcasecmp, except that the both strings can be assumed to be ASCII + and the first string can be assumed to be in uppercase. */ +static int strequal (const char* str1, const char* str2) +{ + unsigned char c1; + unsigned char c2; + for (;;) { + c1 = * (unsigned char *) str1++; + c2 = * (unsigned char *) str2++; + if (c1 == 0) + break; + if (c2 >= 'a' && c2 <= 'z') + c2 -= 'a'-'A'; + if (c1 != c2) + break; + } + return (c1 == c2); +} +#endif + +iconv_t iconv_open (const char* tocode, const char* fromcode) +{ + struct conv_struct * cd; + unsigned int from_index; + int from_wchar; + unsigned int to_index; + int to_wchar; + int transliterate; + int discard_ilseq; + +#include "iconv_open1.h" + + cd = (struct conv_struct *) malloc(from_wchar != to_wchar + ? sizeof(struct wchar_conv_struct) + : sizeof(struct conv_struct)); + if (cd == NULL) { + errno = ENOMEM; + return (iconv_t)(-1); + } + +#include "iconv_open2.h" + + return (iconv_t)cd; +invalid: + errno = EINVAL; + return (iconv_t)(-1); +} + +//size_t iconv (iconv_t icd, +// ICONV_CONST char* * inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, +// char* * outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft) +size_t iconv (iconv_t icd, + const char* * inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, + char* * outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft) +{ + conv_t cd = (conv_t) icd; + if (inbuf == NULL || *inbuf == NULL) + return cd->lfuncs.loop_reset(icd,outbuf,outbytesleft); + else + return cd->lfuncs.loop_convert(icd, + (const char* *)inbuf,inbytesleft, + outbuf,outbytesleft); +} + +int iconv_close (iconv_t icd) +{ + conv_t cd = (conv_t) icd; + free(cd); + return 0; +} + +#ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG + +/* + * Verify that a 'struct conv_struct' and a 'struct wchar_conv_struct' each + * fit in an iconv_allocation_t. + * If this verification fails, iconv_allocation_t must be made larger and + * the major version in LIBICONV_VERSION_INFO must be bumped. + * Currently 'struct conv_struct' has 21 integer/pointer fields, and + * 'struct wchar_conv_struct' additionally has an 'mbstate_t' field. + */ +typedef int verify_size_1[2 * (sizeof (struct conv_struct) <= sizeof (iconv_allocation_t)) - 1]; +typedef int verify_size_2[2 * (sizeof (struct wchar_conv_struct) <= sizeof (iconv_allocation_t)) - 1]; + +int iconv_open_into (const char* tocode, const char* fromcode, + iconv_allocation_t* resultp) +{ + struct conv_struct * cd; + unsigned int from_index; + int from_wchar; + unsigned int to_index; + int to_wchar; + int transliterate; + int discard_ilseq; + +#include "iconv_open1.h" + + cd = (struct conv_struct *) resultp; + +#include "iconv_open2.h" + + return 0; +invalid: + errno = EINVAL; + return -1; +} + +int iconvctl (iconv_t icd, int request, void* argument) +{ + conv_t cd = (conv_t) icd; + switch (request) { + case ICONV_TRIVIALP: + *(int *)argument = + ((cd->lfuncs.loop_convert == unicode_loop_convert + && cd->iindex == cd->oindex) + || cd->lfuncs.loop_convert == wchar_id_loop_convert + ? 1 : 0); + return 0; + case ICONV_GET_TRANSLITERATE: + *(int *)argument = cd->transliterate; + return 0; + case ICONV_SET_TRANSLITERATE: + cd->transliterate = (*(const int *)argument ? 1 : 0); + return 0; + case ICONV_GET_DISCARD_ILSEQ: + *(int *)argument = cd->discard_ilseq; + return 0; + case ICONV_SET_DISCARD_ILSEQ: + cd->discard_ilseq = (*(const int *)argument ? 1 : 0); + return 0; + case ICONV_SET_HOOKS: + if (argument != NULL) { + cd->hooks = *(const struct iconv_hooks *)argument; + } else { + cd->hooks.uc_hook = NULL; + cd->hooks.wc_hook = NULL; + cd->hooks.data = NULL; + } + return 0; + case ICONV_SET_FALLBACKS: + if (argument != NULL) { + cd->fallbacks = *(const struct iconv_fallbacks *)argument; + } else { + cd->fallbacks.mb_to_uc_fallback = NULL; + cd->fallbacks.uc_to_mb_fallback = NULL; + cd->fallbacks.mb_to_wc_fallback = NULL; + cd->fallbacks.wc_to_mb_fallback = NULL; + cd->fallbacks.data = NULL; + } + return 0; + default: + errno = EINVAL; + return -1; + } +} + +/* An alias after its name has been converted from 'int' to 'const char*'. */ +struct nalias { const char* name; unsigned int encoding_index; }; + +static int compare_by_index (const void * arg1, const void * arg2) +{ + const struct nalias * alias1 = (const struct nalias *) arg1; + const struct nalias * alias2 = (const struct nalias *) arg2; + return (int)alias1->encoding_index - (int)alias2->encoding_index; +} + +static int compare_by_name (const void * arg1, const void * arg2) +{ + const char * name1 = *(const char **)arg1; + const char * name2 = *(const char **)arg2; + /* Compare alphabetically, but put "CS" names at the end. */ + int sign = strcmp(name1,name2); + if (sign != 0) { + sign = ((name1[0]=='C' && name1[1]=='S') - (name2[0]=='C' && name2[1]=='S')) + * 4 + (sign >= 0 ? 1 : -1); + } + return sign; +} + +void iconvlist (int (*do_one) (unsigned int namescount, + const char * const * names, + void* data), + void* data) +{ +#define aliascount1 sizeof(aliases)/sizeof(aliases[0]) +#ifndef aliases2_lookup +#define aliascount2 sizeof(sysdep_aliases)/sizeof(sysdep_aliases[0]) +#else +#define aliascount2 0 +#endif +#define aliascount (aliascount1+aliascount2) + struct nalias aliasbuf[aliascount]; + const char * namesbuf[aliascount]; + size_t num_aliases; + { + /* Put all existing aliases into a buffer. */ + size_t i; + size_t j; + j = 0; + for (i = 0; i < aliascount1; i++) { + const struct alias * p = &aliases[i]; + if (p->name >= 0 + && p->encoding_index != ei_local_char + && p->encoding_index != ei_local_wchar_t) { + aliasbuf[j].name = stringpool + p->name; + aliasbuf[j].encoding_index = p->encoding_index; + j++; + } + } +#ifndef aliases2_lookup + for (i = 0; i < aliascount2; i++) { + aliasbuf[j].name = stringpool2 + sysdep_aliases[i].name; + aliasbuf[j].encoding_index = sysdep_aliases[i].encoding_index; + j++; + } +#endif + num_aliases = j; + } + /* Sort by encoding_index. */ + if (num_aliases > 1) + qsort(aliasbuf, num_aliases, sizeof(struct nalias), compare_by_index); + { + /* Process all aliases with the same encoding_index together. */ + size_t j; + j = 0; + while (j < num_aliases) { + unsigned int ei = aliasbuf[j].encoding_index; + size_t i = 0; + do + namesbuf[i++] = aliasbuf[j++].name; + while (j < num_aliases && aliasbuf[j].encoding_index == ei); + if (i > 1) + qsort(namesbuf, i, sizeof(const char *), compare_by_name); + /* Call the callback. */ + if (do_one(i,namesbuf,data)) + break; + } + } +#undef aliascount +#undef aliascount2 +#undef aliascount1 +} + +/* + * Table of canonical names of encodings. + * Instead of strings, it contains offsets into stringpool and stringpool2. + */ +static const unsigned short all_canonical[] = { +#if defined _AIX +# include "canonical_sysaix.h" +#elif defined hpux || defined __hpux +# include "canonical_syshpux.h" +#elif defined __osf__ +# include "canonical_sysosf1.h" +#elif defined __sun +# include "canonical_syssolaris.h" +#else +# include "canonical.h" +#endif +#ifdef USE_AIX +# if defined _AIX +# include "canonical_aix_sysaix.h" +# else +# include "canonical_aix.h" +# endif +#endif +#ifdef USE_OSF1 +# if defined __osf__ +# include "canonical_osf1_sysosf1.h" +# else +# include "canonical_osf1.h" +# endif +#endif +#ifdef USE_DOS +# include "canonical_dos.h" +#endif +#ifdef USE_EXTRA +# include "canonical_extra.h" +#endif +#if defined _AIX +# include "canonical_local_sysaix.h" +#elif defined hpux || defined __hpux +# include "canonical_local_syshpux.h" +#elif defined __osf__ +# include "canonical_local_sysosf1.h" +#elif defined __sun +# include "canonical_local_syssolaris.h" +#else +# include "canonical_local.h" +#endif +}; + +const char * iconv_canonicalize (const char * name) +{ + const char* code; + char buf[MAX_WORD_LENGTH+10+1]; + const char* cp; + char* bp; + const struct alias * ap; + unsigned int count; + unsigned int index; + const char* pool; + + /* Before calling aliases_lookup, convert the input string to upper case, + * and check whether it's entirely ASCII (we call gperf with option "-7" + * to achieve a smaller table) and non-empty. If it's not entirely ASCII, + * or if it's too long, it is not a valid encoding name. + */ + for (code = name;;) { + /* Search code in the table. */ + for (cp = code, bp = buf, count = MAX_WORD_LENGTH+10+1; ; cp++, bp++) { + unsigned char c = * (unsigned char *) cp; + if (c >= 0x80) + goto invalid; + if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') + c -= 'a'-'A'; + *bp = c; + if (c == '\0') + break; + if (--count == 0) + goto invalid; + } + for (;;) { + if (bp-buf >= 10 && memcmp(bp-10,"//TRANSLIT",10)==0) { + bp -= 10; + *bp = '\0'; + continue; + } + if (bp-buf >= 8 && memcmp(bp-8,"//IGNORE",8)==0) { + bp -= 8; + *bp = '\0'; + continue; + } + break; + } + if (buf[0] == '\0') { + code = locale_charset(); + /* Avoid an endless loop that could occur when using an older version + of localcharset.c. */ + if (code[0] == '\0') + goto invalid; + continue; + } + pool = stringpool; + ap = aliases_lookup(buf,bp-buf); + if (ap == NULL) { + pool = stringpool2; + ap = aliases2_lookup(buf); + if (ap == NULL) + goto invalid; + } + if (ap->encoding_index == ei_local_char) { + code = locale_charset(); + /* Avoid an endless loop that could occur when using an older version + of localcharset.c. */ + if (code[0] == '\0') + goto invalid; + continue; + } + if (ap->encoding_index == ei_local_wchar_t) { + /* On systems which define __STDC_ISO_10646__, wchar_t is Unicode. + This is also the case on native Woe32 systems and Cygwin >= 1.7, where + we know that it is UTF-16. */ +#if ((defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && !defined __CYGWIN__) || (defined __CYGWIN__ && CYGWIN_VERSION_DLL_MAJOR >= 1007) + if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 4) { + index = ei_ucs4internal; + break; + } + if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2) { +# if WORDS_LITTLEENDIAN + index = ei_utf16le; +# else + index = ei_utf16be; +# endif + break; + } +#elif __STDC_ISO_10646__ + if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 4) { + index = ei_ucs4internal; + break; + } + if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2) { + index = ei_ucs2internal; + break; + } + if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 1) { + index = ei_iso8859_1; + break; + } +#endif + } + index = ap->encoding_index; + break; + } + return all_canonical[index] + pool; + invalid: + return name; +} + +int _libiconv_version = _LIBICONV_VERSION; + +#if defined __FreeBSD__ && !defined __gnu_freebsd__ +/* GNU libiconv is the native FreeBSD iconv implementation since 2002. + It wants to define the symbols 'iconv_open', 'iconv', 'iconv_close'. */ +#define strong_alias(name, aliasname) _strong_alias(name, aliasname) +#define _strong_alias(name, aliasname) \ + extern __typeof (name) aliasname __attribute__ ((alias (#name))); +#undef iconv_open +#undef iconv +#undef iconv_close +strong_alias (libiconv_open, iconv_open) +strong_alias (libiconv, iconv) +strong_alias (libiconv_close, iconv_close) +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/modified/libiconv.rc b/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/modified/libiconv.rc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ee6f206f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/modified/libiconv.rc @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/* Resources for iconv.dll */ + +#include +#define PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR 1 +#define PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR 14 +#define PACKAGE_VERSION_SUBMINOR 0 +#define PACKAGE_VERSION_STRING "1.14" +VS_VERSION_INFO VERSIONINFO + FILEVERSION PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR,PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR,PACKAGE_VERSION_SUBMINOR,0 + PRODUCTVERSION PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR,PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR,PACKAGE_VERSION_SUBMINOR,0 + FILEFLAGSMASK 0x3fL /* VS_FFI_FILEFLAGSMASK */ +#ifdef _DEBUG + FILEFLAGS 0x1L /* VS_FF_DEBUG */ +#else + FILEFLAGS 0x0L +#endif + FILEOS 0x10004L /* VOS_DOS_WINDOWS32 */ + FILETYPE 0x2L /* VFT_DLL */ + FILESUBTYPE 0x0L /* VFT2_UNKNOWN */ +BEGIN + BLOCK "StringFileInfo" + BEGIN + BLOCK "04090000" /* Lang = US English, Charset = ASCII */ + BEGIN + VALUE "Comments", "This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA\0" + VALUE "CompanyName", "Free Software Foundation\0" + VALUE "FileDescription", "LGPLed libiconv for Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 and Windows 95/98/ME\0" + VALUE "FileVersion", PACKAGE_VERSION_STRING "\0" + VALUE "InternalName", "iconv.dll\0" + VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) 1999-2009\0" + VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "\0" + VALUE "OriginalFilename", "iconv.dll\0" + VALUE "ProductName", "libiconv: character set conversion library\0" + VALUE "ProductVersion", PACKAGE_VERSION_STRING "\0" + END + END + BLOCK "VarFileInfo" + BEGIN + VALUE "Translation", 0x0409, 0 /* US English, ASCII */ + END +END diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/modified/localcharset.c b/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/modified/localcharset.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..64e56f7cd --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/libiconv-1.14/modified/localcharset.c @@ -0,0 +1,548 @@ +/* Determine a canonical name for the current locale's character encoding. + + Copyright (C) 2000-2006, 2008-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published + by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, + USA. */ + +/* Written by Bruno Haible . */ + +#include + +/* Specification. */ +#include "localcharset.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#if defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__ && HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET +# define DARWIN7 /* Darwin 7 or newer, i.e. MacOS X 10.3 or newer */ +#endif + +#if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ +# define WIN32_NATIVE +#endif + +#if defined __EMX__ +/* Assume EMX program runs on OS/2, even if compiled under DOS. */ +# ifndef OS2 +# define OS2 +# endif +#endif + +#if !defined WIN32_NATIVE +# include +# if HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET +# include +# else +# if 0 /* see comment below */ +# include +# endif +# endif +# ifdef __CYGWIN__ +# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN +# include +# endif +#elif defined WIN32_NATIVE +# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN +# include +#endif +#if defined OS2 +# define INCL_DOS +# include +#endif + +#if ENABLE_RELOCATABLE +# include "relocatable.h" +#else +# define relocate(pathname) (pathname) +#endif + +///* Get LIBDIR. */ +//#ifndef LIBDIR +//# include "configmake.h" +//#endif + +/* Define O_NOFOLLOW to 0 on platforms where it does not exist. */ +#ifndef O_NOFOLLOW +# define O_NOFOLLOW 0 +#endif + +#if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined __EMX__ || defined __DJGPP__ + /* Win32, Cygwin, OS/2, DOS */ +# define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/' || (C) == '\\') +#endif + +#ifndef DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR +# define DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR '/' +#endif + +#ifndef ISSLASH +# define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) +#endif + +#if HAVE_DECL_GETC_UNLOCKED +# undef getc +# define getc getc_unlocked +#endif + +/* The following static variable is declared 'volatile' to avoid a + possible multithread problem in the function get_charset_aliases. If we + are running in a threaded environment, and if two threads initialize + 'charset_aliases' simultaneously, both will produce the same value, + and everything will be ok if the two assignments to 'charset_aliases' + are atomic. But I don't know what will happen if the two assignments mix. */ +#if __STDC__ != 1 +# define volatile /* empty */ +#endif +/* Pointer to the contents of the charset.alias file, if it has already been + read, else NULL. Its format is: + ALIAS_1 '\0' CANONICAL_1 '\0' ... ALIAS_n '\0' CANONICAL_n '\0' '\0' */ +static const char * volatile charset_aliases; + +/* Return a pointer to the contents of the charset.alias file. */ +static const char * +get_charset_aliases (void) +{ + const char *cp; + + cp = charset_aliases; + if (cp == NULL) + { +#if !(defined DARWIN7 || defined VMS || defined WIN32_NATIVE || defined __CYGWIN__) + const char *dir; + const char *base = "charset.alias"; + char *file_name; + + /* Make it possible to override the charset.alias location. This is + necessary for running the testsuite before "make install". */ + dir = getenv ("CHARSETALIASDIR"); + if (dir == NULL || dir[0] == '\0') + dir = relocate (LIBDIR); + + /* Concatenate dir and base into freshly allocated file_name. */ + { + size_t dir_len = strlen (dir); + size_t base_len = strlen (base); + int add_slash = (dir_len > 0 && !ISSLASH (dir[dir_len - 1])); + file_name = (char *) malloc (dir_len + add_slash + base_len + 1); + if (file_name != NULL) + { + memcpy (file_name, dir, dir_len); + if (add_slash) + file_name[dir_len] = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; + memcpy (file_name + dir_len + add_slash, base, base_len + 1); + } + } + + if (file_name == NULL) + /* Out of memory. Treat the file as empty. */ + cp = ""; + else + { + int fd; + + /* Open the file. Reject symbolic links on platforms that support + O_NOFOLLOW. This is a security feature. Without it, an attacker + could retrieve parts of the contents (namely, the tail of the + first line that starts with "* ") of an arbitrary file by placing + a symbolic link to that file under the name "charset.alias" in + some writable directory and defining the environment variable + CHARSETALIASDIR to point to that directory. */ + fd = open (file_name, + O_RDONLY | (HAVE_WORKING_O_NOFOLLOW ? O_NOFOLLOW : 0)); + if (fd < 0) + /* File not found. Treat it as empty. */ + cp = ""; + else + { + FILE *fp; + + fp = fdopen (fd, "r"); + if (fp == NULL) + { + /* Out of memory. Treat the file as empty. */ + close (fd); + cp = ""; + } + else + { + /* Parse the file's contents. */ + char *res_ptr = NULL; + size_t res_size = 0; + + for (;;) + { + int c; + char buf1[50+1]; + char buf2[50+1]; + size_t l1, l2; + char *old_res_ptr; + + c = getc (fp); + if (c == EOF) + break; + if (c == '\n' || c == ' ' || c == '\t') + continue; + if (c == '#') + { + /* Skip comment, to end of line. */ + do + c = getc (fp); + while (!(c == EOF || c == '\n')); + if (c == EOF) + break; + continue; + } + ungetc (c, fp); + if (fscanf (fp, "%50s %50s", buf1, buf2) < 2) + break; + l1 = strlen (buf1); + l2 = strlen (buf2); + old_res_ptr = res_ptr; + if (res_size == 0) + { + res_size = l1 + 1 + l2 + 1; + res_ptr = (char *) malloc (res_size + 1); + } + else + { + res_size += l1 + 1 + l2 + 1; + res_ptr = (char *) realloc (res_ptr, res_size + 1); + } + if (res_ptr == NULL) + { + /* Out of memory. */ + res_size = 0; + free (old_res_ptr); + break; + } + strcpy (res_ptr + res_size - (l2 + 1) - (l1 + 1), buf1); + strcpy (res_ptr + res_size - (l2 + 1), buf2); + } + fclose (fp); + if (res_size == 0) + cp = ""; + else + { + *(res_ptr + res_size) = '\0'; + cp = res_ptr; + } + } + } + + free (file_name); + } + +#else + +# if defined DARWIN7 + /* To avoid the trouble of installing a file that is shared by many + GNU packages -- many packaging systems have problems with this --, + simply inline the aliases here. */ + cp = "ISO8859-1" "\0" "ISO-8859-1" "\0" + "ISO8859-2" "\0" "ISO-8859-2" "\0" + "ISO8859-4" "\0" "ISO-8859-4" "\0" + "ISO8859-5" "\0" "ISO-8859-5" "\0" + "ISO8859-7" "\0" "ISO-8859-7" "\0" + "ISO8859-9" "\0" "ISO-8859-9" "\0" + "ISO8859-13" "\0" "ISO-8859-13" "\0" + "ISO8859-15" "\0" "ISO-8859-15" "\0" + "KOI8-R" "\0" "KOI8-R" "\0" + "KOI8-U" "\0" "KOI8-U" "\0" + "CP866" "\0" "CP866" "\0" + "CP949" "\0" "CP949" "\0" + "CP1131" "\0" "CP1131" "\0" + "CP1251" "\0" "CP1251" "\0" + "eucCN" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" + "GB2312" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" + "eucJP" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" + "eucKR" "\0" "EUC-KR" "\0" + "Big5" "\0" "BIG5" "\0" + "Big5HKSCS" "\0" "BIG5-HKSCS" "\0" + "GBK" "\0" "GBK" "\0" + "GB18030" "\0" "GB18030" "\0" + "SJIS" "\0" "SHIFT_JIS" "\0" + "ARMSCII-8" "\0" "ARMSCII-8" "\0" + "PT154" "\0" "PT154" "\0" + /*"ISCII-DEV" "\0" "?" "\0"*/ + "*" "\0" "UTF-8" "\0"; +# endif + +# if defined VMS + /* To avoid the troubles of an extra file charset.alias_vms in the + sources of many GNU packages, simply inline the aliases here. */ + /* The list of encodings is taken from the OpenVMS 7.3-1 documentation + "Compaq C Run-Time Library Reference Manual for OpenVMS systems" + section 10.7 "Handling Different Character Sets". */ + cp = "ISO8859-1" "\0" "ISO-8859-1" "\0" + "ISO8859-2" "\0" "ISO-8859-2" "\0" + "ISO8859-5" "\0" "ISO-8859-5" "\0" + "ISO8859-7" "\0" "ISO-8859-7" "\0" + "ISO8859-8" "\0" "ISO-8859-8" "\0" + "ISO8859-9" "\0" "ISO-8859-9" "\0" + /* Japanese */ + "eucJP" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" + "SJIS" "\0" "SHIFT_JIS" "\0" + "DECKANJI" "\0" "DEC-KANJI" "\0" + "SDECKANJI" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" + /* Chinese */ + "eucTW" "\0" "EUC-TW" "\0" + "DECHANYU" "\0" "DEC-HANYU" "\0" + "DECHANZI" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" + /* Korean */ + "DECKOREAN" "\0" "EUC-KR" "\0"; +# endif + +# if defined WIN32_NATIVE || defined __CYGWIN__ + /* To avoid the troubles of installing a separate file in the same + directory as the DLL and of retrieving the DLL's directory at + runtime, simply inline the aliases here. */ + + cp = "CP936" "\0" "GBK" "\0" + "CP1361" "\0" "JOHAB" "\0" + "CP20127" "\0" "ASCII" "\0" + "CP20866" "\0" "KOI8-R" "\0" + "CP20936" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" + "CP21866" "\0" "KOI8-RU" "\0" + "CP28591" "\0" "ISO-8859-1" "\0" + "CP28592" "\0" "ISO-8859-2" "\0" + "CP28593" "\0" "ISO-8859-3" "\0" + "CP28594" "\0" "ISO-8859-4" "\0" + "CP28595" "\0" "ISO-8859-5" "\0" + "CP28596" "\0" "ISO-8859-6" "\0" + "CP28597" "\0" "ISO-8859-7" "\0" + "CP28598" "\0" "ISO-8859-8" "\0" + "CP28599" "\0" "ISO-8859-9" "\0" + "CP28605" "\0" "ISO-8859-15" "\0" + "CP38598" "\0" "ISO-8859-8" "\0" + "CP51932" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" + "CP51936" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" + "CP51949" "\0" "EUC-KR" "\0" + "CP51950" "\0" "EUC-TW" "\0" + "CP54936" "\0" "GB18030" "\0" + "CP65001" "\0" "UTF-8" "\0"; +# endif +#endif + + charset_aliases = cp; + } + + return cp; +} + +/* Determine the current locale's character encoding, and canonicalize it + into one of the canonical names listed in config.charset. + The result must not be freed; it is statically allocated. + If the canonical name cannot be determined, the result is a non-canonical + name. */ + +#ifdef STATIC +STATIC +#endif +const char * +locale_charset (void) +{ + const char *codeset; + const char *aliases; + +#if !(defined WIN32_NATIVE || defined OS2) + +# if HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET + + /* Most systems support nl_langinfo (CODESET) nowadays. */ + codeset = nl_langinfo (CODESET); + +# ifdef __CYGWIN__ + /* Cygwin < 1.7 does not have locales. nl_langinfo (CODESET) always + returns "US-ASCII". Return the suffix of the locale name from the + environment variables (if present) or the codepage as a number. */ + if (codeset != NULL && strcmp (codeset, "US-ASCII") == 0) + { + const char *locale; + static char buf[2 + 10 + 1]; + + locale = getenv ("LC_ALL"); + if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') + { + locale = getenv ("LC_CTYPE"); + if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') + locale = getenv ("LANG"); + } + if (locale != NULL && locale[0] != '\0') + { + /* If the locale name contains an encoding after the dot, return + it. */ + const char *dot = strchr (locale, '.'); + + if (dot != NULL) + { + const char *modifier; + + dot++; + /* Look for the possible @... trailer and remove it, if any. */ + modifier = strchr (dot, '@'); + if (modifier == NULL) + return dot; + if (modifier - dot < sizeof (buf)) + { + memcpy (buf, dot, modifier - dot); + buf [modifier - dot] = '\0'; + return buf; + } + } + } + + /* Woe32 has a function returning the locale's codepage as a number: + GetACP(). This encoding is used by Cygwin, unless the user has set + the environment variable CYGWIN=codepage:oem (which very few people + do). + Output directed to console windows needs to be converted (to + GetOEMCP() if the console is using a raster font, or to + GetConsoleOutputCP() if it is using a TrueType font). Cygwin does + this conversion transparently (see winsup/cygwin/fhandler_console.cc), + converting to GetConsoleOutputCP(). This leads to correct results, + except when SetConsoleOutputCP has been called and a raster font is + in use. */ + sprintf (buf, "CP%u", GetACP ()); + codeset = buf; + } +# endif + +# else + + /* On old systems which lack it, use setlocale or getenv. */ + const char *locale = NULL; + + /* But most old systems don't have a complete set of locales. Some + (like SunOS 4 or DJGPP) have only the C locale. Therefore we don't + use setlocale here; it would return "C" when it doesn't support the + locale name the user has set. */ +# if 0 + locale = setlocale (LC_CTYPE, NULL); +# endif + if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') + { + locale = getenv ("LC_ALL"); + if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') + { + locale = getenv ("LC_CTYPE"); + if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') + locale = getenv ("LANG"); + } + } + + /* On some old systems, one used to set locale = "iso8859_1". On others, + you set it to "language_COUNTRY.charset". In any case, we resolve it + through the charset.alias file. */ + codeset = locale; + +# endif + +#elif defined WIN32_NATIVE + + static char buf[2 + 10 + 1]; + + /* Woe32 has a function returning the locale's codepage as a number: + GetACP(). + When the output goes to a console window, it needs to be provided in + GetOEMCP() encoding if the console is using a raster font, or in + GetConsoleOutputCP() encoding if it is using a TrueType font. + But in GUI programs and for output sent to files and pipes, GetACP() + encoding is the best bet. */ + sprintf (buf, "CP%u", GetACP ()); + codeset = buf; + +#elif defined OS2 + + const char *locale; + static char buf[2 + 10 + 1]; + ULONG cp[3]; + ULONG cplen; + + /* Allow user to override the codeset, as set in the operating system, + with standard language environment variables. */ + locale = getenv ("LC_ALL"); + if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') + { + locale = getenv ("LC_CTYPE"); + if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') + locale = getenv ("LANG"); + } + if (locale != NULL && locale[0] != '\0') + { + /* If the locale name contains an encoding after the dot, return it. */ + const char *dot = strchr (locale, '.'); + + if (dot != NULL) + { + const char *modifier; + + dot++; + /* Look for the possible @... trailer and remove it, if any. */ + modifier = strchr (dot, '@'); + if (modifier == NULL) + return dot; + if (modifier - dot < sizeof (buf)) + { + memcpy (buf, dot, modifier - dot); + buf [modifier - dot] = '\0'; + return buf; + } + } + + /* Resolve through the charset.alias file. */ + codeset = locale; + } + else + { + /* OS/2 has a function returning the locale's codepage as a number. */ + if (DosQueryCp (sizeof (cp), cp, &cplen)) + codeset = ""; + else + { + sprintf (buf, "CP%u", cp[0]); + codeset = buf; + } + } + +#endif + + if (codeset == NULL) + /* The canonical name cannot be determined. */ + codeset = ""; + + /* Resolve alias. */ + for (aliases = get_charset_aliases (); + *aliases != '\0'; + aliases += strlen (aliases) + 1, aliases += strlen (aliases) + 1) + if (strcmp (codeset, aliases) == 0 + || (aliases[0] == '*' && aliases[1] == '\0')) + { + codeset = aliases + strlen (aliases) + 1; + break; + } + + /* Don't return an empty string. GNU libc and GNU libiconv interpret + the empty string as denoting "the locale's character encoding", + thus GNU libiconv would call this function a second time. */ + if (codeset[0] == '\0') + codeset = "ASCII"; + + return codeset; +} diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/libspatialite-4.0.0/makefile.vc b/BuildTools/windows/dep/libspatialite-4.0.0/makefile.vc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ad0003681 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/libspatialite-4.0.0/makefile.vc @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +# $Id: $ +# +# NMAKE Makefile to build libspatialite on Windows +# +!INCLUDE nmake.opt + +LIBOBJ = src\gaiaaux\gg_sqlaux.obj src\gaiaaux\gg_utf8.obj \ + src\gaiaexif\gaia_exif.obj src\gaiageo\gg_advanced.obj \ + src\gaiageo\gg_endian.obj src\gaiageo\gg_ewkt.obj \ + src\gaiageo\gg_geodesic.obj src\gaiageo\gg_geoJSON.obj \ + src\gaiageo\gg_geometries.obj src\gaiageo\gg_geoscvt.obj \ + src\gaiageo\gg_gml.obj src\gaiageo\gg_kml.obj \ + src\gaiageo\gg_relations.obj src\gaiageo\gg_shape.obj \ + src\gaiageo\gg_transform.obj src\gaiageo\gg_vanuatu.obj \ + src\gaiageo\gg_wkb.obj src\gaiageo\gg_wkt.obj src\gaiageo\gg_extras.obj \ + src\spatialite\mbrcache.obj src\shapefiles\shapefiles.obj \ + src\spatialite\spatialite.obj src\spatialite\virtualdbf.obj \ + src\spatialite\virtualfdo.obj src\spatialite\virtualnetwork.obj \ + src\spatialite\virtualshape.obj src\spatialite\virtualspatialindex.obj \ + src\spatialite\statistics.obj src\spatialite\metatables.obj \ + src\spatialite\virtualXL.obj src\srsinit\srs_init.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_00.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_01.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_02.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_03.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_04.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_05.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_06.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_07.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_08.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_09.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_10.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_11.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_12.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_13.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_14.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_15.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_16.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_17.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_18.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_19.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_20.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_21.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_22.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_23.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_24.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_25.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_26.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_27.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_28.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_29.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_30.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_31.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_32.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_33.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_34.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_35.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_36.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_37.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_38.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_39.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_40.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_extra.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_prussian.obj \ + src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_wgs84_00.obj src\srsinit\epsg_inlined_wgs84_01.obj \ + src\versioninfo\version.obj src\virtualtext\virtualtext.obj +SPATIALITE_DLL = spatialite$(VERSION).dll + +LIBRARY_HOME = C:\OSGeo4W +LIB_HM_LIB = lib + +CFLAGS = /nologo -I.\src\headers -I. -I$(LIBRARY_HOME)\include $(OPTFLAGS) -DUSING_STATIC_LIBICONV + +default: all + +all: spatialite.lib spatialite_i.lib +#$(EXIF_LOADER_EXE) + +spatialite.lib: $(LIBOBJ) + if exist spatialite.lib del spatialite.lib + lib /out:spatialite.lib $(LIBOBJ) + +$(SPATIALITE_DLL): spatialite_i.lib + +spatialite_i.lib: $(LIBOBJ) + link /debug /dll /out:$(SPATIALITE_DLL) \ + /implib:spatialite_i.lib $(LIBOBJ) \ + $(LIBRARY_HOME)\$(LIB_HM_LIB)\proj_i.lib $(LIBRARY_HOME)\$(LIB_HM_LIB)\geos_c_i.lib \ + $(LIBRARY_HOME)\$(LIB_HM_LIB)\freexl_i.lib $(LIBRARY_HOME)\$(LIB_HM_LIB)\iconv.lib \ + $(LIBRARY_HOME)\$(LIB_HM_LIB)\sqlite3_i.lib + if exist $(SPATIALITE_DLL).manifest mt -manifest \ + $(SPATIALITE_DLL).manifest -outputresource:$(SPATIALITE_DLL);2 + +.c.obj: + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.c /Fo$@ + +clean: + del *.dll + del *.exp + del *.manifest + del *.lib + del src\gaiaaux\*.obj + del src\gaiaexif\*.obj + del src\gaiageo\*.obj + del src\spatialite\*.obj + del src\srsinit\*.obj + del src\versioninfo\*.obj + del src\virtualtext\*.obj + del *.pdb + +install: all + -mkdir $(INSTDIR) + -mkdir $(INSTDIR)\bin + -mkdir $(INSTDIR)\lib + -mkdir $(INSTDIR)\include + -mkdir $(INSTDIR)\include\spatialite + copy *.dll $(INSTDIR)\bin + copy *.lib $(INSTDIR)\lib + copy src\headers\spatialite.h $(INSTDIR)\include + copy src\headers\spatialite\*.h $(INSTDIR)\include\spatialite + diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/mysql/my_default.h b/BuildTools/windows/dep/mysql/my_default.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..40d9f6cb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/mysql/my_default.h @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ + +#ifndef MY_DEFAULT_INCLUDED +#define MY_DEFAULT_INCLUDED + + +#include "my_global.h" + +C_MODE_START + +extern const char *my_defaults_extra_file; +extern const char *my_defaults_group_suffix; +extern const char *my_defaults_file; +extern my_bool my_getopt_use_args_separator; + +/* Define the type of function to be passed to process_default_option_files */ +typedef int (*Process_option_func)(void *ctx, const char *group_name, + const char *option); + +my_bool my_getopt_is_args_separator(const char* arg); +int get_defaults_options(int argc, char **argv, + char **defaults, char **extra_defaults, + char **group_suffix, char **login_path); +int my_load_defaults(const char *conf_file, const char **groups, + int *argc, char ***argv, const char ***); +int load_defaults(const char *conf_file, const char **groups, + int *argc, char ***argv); +int my_search_option_files(const char *conf_file, int *argc, + char ***argv, uint *args_used, + Process_option_func func, void *func_ctx, + const char **default_directories); +void free_defaults(char **argv); +void my_print_default_files(const char *conf_file); +void print_defaults(const char *conf_file, const char **groups); + +C_MODE_END + +#endif // MY_DEFAULT_INCLUDED diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/sqlite-amalgamation-3071700/sqlite/ReadMe.txt b/BuildTools/windows/dep/sqlite-amalgamation-3071700/sqlite/ReadMe.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b68c27ad8 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/sqlite-amalgamation-3071700/sqlite/ReadMe.txt @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +======================================================================== + STATIC LIBRARY : sqlite Project Overview +======================================================================== + +AppWizard has created this sqlite library project for you. + +No source files were created as part of your project. + + +sqlite.vcxproj + This is the main project file for VC++ projects generated using an Application Wizard. + It contains information about the version of Visual C++ that generated the file, and + information about the platforms, configurations, and project features selected with the + Application Wizard. + +sqlite.vcxproj.filters + This is the filters file for VC++ projects generated using an Application Wizard. + It contains information about the association between the files in your project + and the filters. This association is used in the IDE to show grouping of files with + similar extensions under a specific node (for e.g. ".cpp" files are associated with the + "Source Files" filter). + +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +Other notes: + +AppWizard uses "TODO:" comments to indicate parts of the source code you +should add to or customize. + +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/sqlite-amalgamation-3071700/sqlite/sqlite.sln b/BuildTools/windows/dep/sqlite-amalgamation-3071700/sqlite/sqlite.sln new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9e7021abc --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/sqlite-amalgamation-3071700/sqlite/sqlite.sln @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ + +Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00 +# Visual Studio 2010 +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "sqlite", "sqlite.vcxproj", "{C074BD80-7E37-4975-81CA-DF1E50DF64BA}" +EndProject +Global + GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution + Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32 + Debug|x64 = Debug|x64 + Release_dll|Win32 = Release_dll|Win32 + Release_dll|x64 = Release_dll|x64 + Release|Win32 = Release|Win32 + Release|x64 = Release|x64 + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution + {C074BD80-7E37-4975-81CA-DF1E50DF64BA}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {C074BD80-7E37-4975-81CA-DF1E50DF64BA}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {C074BD80-7E37-4975-81CA-DF1E50DF64BA}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64 + {C074BD80-7E37-4975-81CA-DF1E50DF64BA}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64 + {C074BD80-7E37-4975-81CA-DF1E50DF64BA}.Release_dll|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release_dll|Win32 + {C074BD80-7E37-4975-81CA-DF1E50DF64BA}.Release_dll|Win32.Build.0 = Release_dll|Win32 + {C074BD80-7E37-4975-81CA-DF1E50DF64BA}.Release_dll|x64.ActiveCfg = Release_dll|x64 + {C074BD80-7E37-4975-81CA-DF1E50DF64BA}.Release_dll|x64.Build.0 = Release_dll|x64 + {C074BD80-7E37-4975-81CA-DF1E50DF64BA}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {C074BD80-7E37-4975-81CA-DF1E50DF64BA}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + {C074BD80-7E37-4975-81CA-DF1E50DF64BA}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64 + {C074BD80-7E37-4975-81CA-DF1E50DF64BA}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64 + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution + HideSolutionNode = FALSE + EndGlobalSection +EndGlobal diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/sqlite-amalgamation-3071700/sqlite/sqlite.vcxproj b/BuildTools/windows/dep/sqlite-amalgamation-3071700/sqlite/sqlite.vcxproj new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a7cad3c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/sqlite-amalgamation-3071700/sqlite/sqlite.vcxproj @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ + + + + + Debug + Win32 + + + Debug + x64 + + + Release_dll + Win32 + + + Release_dll + x64 + + + Release + Win32 + + + Release + x64 + + + + {C074BD80-7E37-4975-81CA-DF1E50DF64BA} + Win32Proj + sqlite + + + + StaticLibrary + true + Unicode + + + StaticLibrary + true + Unicode + + + StaticLibrary + false + true + Unicode + + + StaticLibrary + false + true + Unicode + + + DynamicLibrary + false + true + Unicode + + + DynamicLibrary + false + true + Unicode + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Level3 + Disabled + WIN32;_DEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + + + Windows + true + + + + + + + Level3 + Disabled + WIN32;_DEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + + + Windows + true + + + + + Level3 + + + MaxSpeed + true + true + WIN32;NDEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + MultiThreadedDLL + + + Windows + true + true + true + + + + + Level3 + + + MaxSpeed + true + true + WIN32;NDEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + MultiThreadedDLL + + + Windows + true + true + true + + + + + Level3 + + + MaxSpeed + true + true + WIN32;NDEBUG;_LIB;SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA;THREADSAFE;SQLITE_API=extern __declspec(dllexport);SQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + + + Windows + true + true + true + sqlite3.def + + + + + Level3 + + + MaxSpeed + true + true + WIN32;NDEBUG;_LIB;SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA;THREADSAFE;SQLITE_API=extern __declspec(dllexport);SQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + + + Windows + true + true + true + sqlite3.def + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/dep/sqlite-amalgamation-3071700/sqlite/sqlite.vcxproj.filters b/BuildTools/windows/dep/sqlite-amalgamation-3071700/sqlite/sqlite.vcxproj.filters new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bd58ffceb --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/dep/sqlite-amalgamation-3071700/sqlite/sqlite.vcxproj.filters @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ + + + + + {4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF} + cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx + + + {93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB} + h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd + + + {67DA6AB6-F800-4c08-8B7A-83BB121AAD01} + rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx;tiff;tif;png;wav;mfcribbon-ms + + + + + + + + Source Files + + + + + Header Files + + + \ 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StaticLibrary + false + + + StaticLibrary + false + + + DynamicLibrary + false + + + DynamicLibrary + false + true + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + <_ProjectFileVersion>10.0.30319.1 + .\..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC10\$(Configuration)\ + $(OutDir)obj\$(ProjectName)\ + false + .\..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win64\VC10\$(Configuration)\ + $(OutDir)obj\$(ProjectName)\ + false + .\..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC10\$(Configuration)\ + $(OutDir)obj\$(ProjectName)\ + true + .\..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win64\VC10\$(Configuration)\ + $(OutDir)obj\$(ProjectName)\ + true + .\..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC10\$(Configuration)\ + $(OutDir)obj\$(ProjectName)\ + .\..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win64\VC10\$(Configuration)\ + $(OutDir)obj\$(ProjectName)\ + .\..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC10\$(Configuration)\ + $(OutDir)obj\$(ProjectName)\ + .\..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win64\VC10\$(Configuration)\ + $(OutDir)obj\$(ProjectName)\ + .\..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC10\$(Configuration)\ + $(OutDir)obj\$(ProjectName)\ + true + .\..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win64\VC10\$(Configuration)\ + $(OutDir)obj\$(ProjectName)\ + true + .\..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC10\$(Configuration)\ + $(OutDir)obj\$(ProjectName)\ + false + .\..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win64\VC10\$(Configuration)\ + $(OutDir)obj\$(ProjectName)\ + false + xerces-c_3_1D + xerces-c_3_1D + xerces-c_3_1 + xerces-c_3_1 + xerces-c_static_3D + xerces-c_static_3 + xerces-c_3_1D + xerces-c_3_1D + xerces-c_3_1 + xerces-c_3_1 + xerces-c_static_3D + xerces-c_static_3 + + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + Win32 + $(OutDir)XercesLib.tlb + + + MinSpace + AnySuitable + ..\..\..\..\..\src;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + 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$(OutDir)XercesLib.tlb + + + MinSpace + AnySuitable + ..\..\..\..\..\src;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;NDEBUG;WIN64;_WINDOWS;XERCES_BUILDING_LIBRARY;XERCES_USE_TRANSCODER_WINDOWS;XERCES_USE_WIN32_MSGLOADER;XERCES_USE_NETACCESSOR_WINSOCK;XERCES_USE_FILEMGR_WINDOWS;XERCES_USE_MUTEXMGR_WINDOWS;XERCES_PATH_DELIMITER_BACKSLASH;HAVE_STRICMP;HAVE_STRNICMP;HAVE_LIMITS_H;HAVE_SYS_TIMEB_H;HAVE_FTIME;HAVE_WCSUPR;HAVE_WCSLWR;HAVE_WCSICMP;HAVE_WCSNICMP;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + MultiThreadedDLL + true + $(IntDir)XercesLib.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir)XercesLib_vc100.pdb + Level3 + ProgramDatabase + Default + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ws2_32.lib;advapi32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies) + $(TargetPath) + %(AdditionalLibraryDirectories) + true + $(OutDir)xerces-c_3_1.fullpdb + $(OutDir)xerces-c_3_1.pdb + true + $(IntDir)xerces-c_3_1.map + Windows + true + true + 0x12000000 + false + + + $(OutDir)xerces-c_3.lib + MachineX64 + + + + + _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + Win32 + $(OutDir)XercesLib.tlb + + + Disabled + ..\..\..\..\..\src;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;_DEBUG;WIN32;_WINDOWS;XERCES_BUILDING_LIBRARY;XERCES_USE_TRANSCODER_WINDOWS;XERCES_USE_WIN32_MSGLOADER;XERCES_USE_NETACCESSOR_WINSOCK;XERCES_USE_FILEMGR_WINDOWS;XERCES_USE_MUTEXMGR_WINDOWS;XERCES_PATH_DELIMITER_BACKSLASH;HAVE_STRICMP;HAVE_STRNICMP;HAVE_LIMITS_H;HAVE_SYS_TIMEB_H;HAVE_FTIME;HAVE_WCSUPR;HAVE_WCSLWR;HAVE_WCSICMP;HAVE_WCSNICMP;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + MultiThreadedDebugDLL + true + $(IntDir)XercesLib.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir)XercesLib_vc100.pdb + Level3 + ProgramDatabase + Default + 4996;%(DisableSpecificWarnings) + + + _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + %(AdditionalOptions) + ws2_32.lib;advapi32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies) + $(TargetPath) + %(AdditionalLibraryDirectories) + true + $(OutDir)xerces-c_3_1D.pdb + Windows + false + 0x12000000 + false + + + 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+ NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + Win32 + $(OutDir)XercesLib.tlb + + + MinSpace + AnySuitable + ..\..\..\..\..\src;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;NDEBUG;WIN32;_WINDOWS;XERCES_STATIC_LIBRARY;XERCES_BUILDING_LIBRARY;XERCES_USE_TRANSCODER_WINDOWS;XERCES_USE_MSGLOADER_INMEMORY;XERCES_USE_NETACCESSOR_WINSOCK;XERCES_USE_FILEMGR_WINDOWS;XERCES_USE_MUTEXMGR_WINDOWS;XERCES_PATH_DELIMITER_BACKSLASH;HAVE_STRICMP;HAVE_STRNICMP;HAVE_LIMITS_H;HAVE_SYS_TIMEB_H;HAVE_FTIME;HAVE_WCSUPR;HAVE_WCSLWR;HAVE_WCSICMP;HAVE_WCSNICMP;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + MultiThreadedDLL + $(IntDir)XercesLib.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir)XercesLib_vc100.pdb + Level3 + Default + 4996;%(DisableSpecificWarnings) + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + $(TargetPath) + + + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + X64 + $(OutDir)XercesLib.tlb + + + MinSpace + AnySuitable + ..\..\..\..\..\src;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + 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_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;_DEBUG;WIN32;_WINDOWS;XERCES_BUILDING_LIBRARY;XERCES_USE_TRANSCODER_ICU;XERCES_USE_WIN32_MSGLOADER;XERCES_USE_NETACCESSOR_WINSOCK;XERCES_USE_FILEMGR_WINDOWS;XERCES_USE_MUTEXMGR_WINDOWS;XERCES_PATH_DELIMITER_BACKSLASH;HAVE_STRICMP;HAVE_STRNICMP;HAVE_LIMITS_H;HAVE_SYS_TIMEB_H;HAVE_FTIME;HAVE_WCSUPR;HAVE_WCSLWR;HAVE_WCSICMP;HAVE_WCSNICMP;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + MultiThreadedDebugDLL + true + $(IntDir)XercesLib.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir)XercesLib_vc100.pdb + Level3 + ProgramDatabase + Default + 4996;%(DisableSpecificWarnings) + + + _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + %(AdditionalOptions) + ws2_32.lib;advapi32.lib;icuuc.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies) + $(TargetPath) + %(AdditionalLibraryDirectories) + true + $(OutDir)xerces-c_3_1D.pdb + Windows + false + 0x12000000 + false + + + $(OutDir)xerces-c_3D.lib + + + + + _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + X64 + $(OutDir)XercesLib.tlb + + + Disabled + ..\..\..\..\..\src;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;_DEBUG;WIN64;_WINDOWS;XERCES_BUILDING_LIBRARY;XERCES_USE_TRANSCODER_ICU;XERCES_USE_WIN32_MSGLOADER;XERCES_USE_NETACCESSOR_WINSOCK;XERCES_USE_FILEMGR_WINDOWS;XERCES_USE_MUTEXMGR_WINDOWS;XERCES_PATH_DELIMITER_BACKSLASH;HAVE_STRICMP;HAVE_STRNICMP;HAVE_LIMITS_H;HAVE_SYS_TIMEB_H;HAVE_FTIME;HAVE_WCSUPR;HAVE_WCSLWR;HAVE_WCSICMP;HAVE_WCSNICMP;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + MultiThreadedDebugDLL + true + $(IntDir)XercesLib.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir)XercesLib_vc100.pdb + Level3 + ProgramDatabase + Default + + + _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ws2_32.lib;advapi32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies) + $(TargetPath) + %(AdditionalLibraryDirectories) + true + $(OutDir)xerces-c_3_1D.pdb + Windows + false + 0x12000000 + false + + + $(OutDir)xerces-c_3D.lib + MachineX64 + + + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + Win32 + $(OutDir)XercesLib.tlb + + + MinSpace + AnySuitable + ..\..\..\..\..\src;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;NDEBUG;WIN32;_WINDOWS;XERCES_BUILDING_LIBRARY;XERCES_USE_TRANSCODER_ICU;XERCES_USE_WIN32_MSGLOADER;XERCES_USE_NETACCESSOR_WINSOCK;XERCES_USE_FILEMGR_WINDOWS;XERCES_USE_MUTEXMGR_WINDOWS;XERCES_PATH_DELIMITER_BACKSLASH;HAVE_STRICMP;HAVE_STRNICMP;HAVE_LIMITS_H;HAVE_SYS_TIMEB_H;HAVE_FTIME;HAVE_WCSUPR;HAVE_WCSLWR;HAVE_WCSICMP;HAVE_WCSNICMP;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + MultiThreadedDLL + true + $(IntDir)XercesLib.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir)XercesLib_vc100.pdb + Level3 + ProgramDatabase + Default + 4996;%(DisableSpecificWarnings) + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + %(AdditionalOptions) + ws2_32.lib;advapi32.lib;icuuc.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies) + $(TargetPath) + %(AdditionalLibraryDirectories) + true + $(OutDir)xerces-c_3_1.fullpdb + $(OutDir)xerces-c_3_1.pdb + true + $(IntDir)xerces-c_3_1.map + Windows + true + true + 0x12000000 + false + + + $(OutDir)xerces-c_3.lib + + + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + X64 + $(OutDir)XercesLib.tlb + + + MinSpace + AnySuitable + ..\..\..\..\..\src;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;NDEBUG;WIN64;_WINDOWS;XERCES_BUILDING_LIBRARY;XERCES_USE_TRANSCODER_ICU;XERCES_USE_WIN32_MSGLOADER;XERCES_USE_NETACCESSOR_WINSOCK;XERCES_USE_FILEMGR_WINDOWS;XERCES_USE_MUTEXMGR_WINDOWS;XERCES_PATH_DELIMITER_BACKSLASH;HAVE_STRICMP;HAVE_STRNICMP;HAVE_LIMITS_H;HAVE_SYS_TIMEB_H;HAVE_FTIME;HAVE_WCSUPR;HAVE_WCSLWR;HAVE_WCSICMP;HAVE_WCSNICMP;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + MultiThreadedDLL + true + $(IntDir)XercesLib.pch + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir) + $(IntDir)XercesLib_vc100.pdb + Level3 + ProgramDatabase + Default + + + NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + 0x0409 + + + ws2_32.lib;advapi32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies) + $(TargetPath) + %(AdditionalLibraryDirectories) + true + $(OutDir)xerces-c_3_1.fullpdb + $(OutDir)xerces-c_3_1.pdb + true + $(IntDir)xerces-c_3_1.map + Windows + true + true + 0x12000000 + false + + + $(OutDir)xerces-c_3.lib + MachineX64 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + echo copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" +copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" + + %(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp;%(AdditionalInputs) + %(FullPath);%(Outputs) + echo copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" +copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" + + %(RootDir)%(Directory)\%(Filename).msvc.hpp;%(AdditionalInputs) + %(FullPath);%(Outputs) + echo copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" +copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" + + %(RootDir)%(Directory)\%(Filename).msvc.hpp;%(AdditionalInputs) + %(FullPath);%(Outputs) + echo copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" +copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" + + %(RootDir)%(Directory)\%(Filename).msvc.hpp;%(AdditionalInputs) + %(FullPath);%(Outputs) + echo copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" +copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" + + %(RootDir)%(Directory)\%(Filename).msvc.hpp;%(AdditionalInputs) + %(FullPath);%(Outputs) + echo copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" +copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" + + %(RootDir)%(Directory)\%(Filename).msvc.hpp;%(AdditionalInputs) + %(FullPath);%(Outputs) + echo copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" +copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" + + %(RootDir)%(Directory)\%(Filename).msvc.hpp;%(AdditionalInputs) + %(FullPath);%(Outputs) + echo copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" +copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" + + %(RootDir)%(Directory)\%(Filename).msvc.hpp;%(AdditionalInputs) + %(FullPath);%(Outputs) + echo copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" +copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" + + %(RootDir)%(Directory)\%(Filename).msvc.hpp;%(AdditionalInputs) + %(FullPath);%(Outputs) + echo copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" +copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" + + %(RootDir)%(Directory)\%(Filename).msvc.hpp;%(AdditionalInputs) + %(FullPath);%(Outputs) + echo copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" +copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" + + %(RootDir)%(Directory)\%(Filename).msvc.hpp;%(AdditionalInputs) + %(FullPath);%(Outputs) + echo copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" +copy "%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(Filename).msvc.hpp" "%(FullPath)" + + %(RootDir)%(Directory)\%(Filename).msvc.hpp;%(AdditionalInputs) + %(FullPath);%(Outputs) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + echo copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" +copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" + %(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp + echo copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" +copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" + echo copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" +copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" + echo copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" +copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" + echo copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" +copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" + echo copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" +copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" + echo copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" +copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" + echo copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" +copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" + echo copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" +copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" + echo copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" +copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" + echo copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" +copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" + echo copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" +copy "%(FullPath)" "%(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp" + %(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp + %(RootDir)%(Directory)Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp + 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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ..\..\..\..\..\src\xercesc\util\MsgLoaders\Win32 + ..\..\..\..\..\src\xercesc\util\MsgLoaders\Win32 + ..\..\..\..\..\src\xercesc\util\MsgLoaders\Win32 + ..\..\..\..\..\src\xercesc\util\MsgLoaders\Win32 + ..\..\..\..\..\src\xercesc\util\MsgLoaders\Win32 + ..\..\..\..\..\src\xercesc\util\MsgLoaders\Win32 + ..\..\..\..\..\src\xercesc\util\MsgLoaders\Win32 + ..\..\..\..\..\src\xercesc\util\MsgLoaders\Win32 + true + ..\..\..\..\..\src\xercesc\util\MsgLoaders\Win32 + true + ..\..\..\..\..\src\xercesc\util\MsgLoaders\Win32 + true + ..\..\..\..\..\src\xercesc\util\MsgLoaders\Win32 + true + ..\..\..\..\..\src\xercesc\util\MsgLoaders\Win32 + + + + + + diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/installer/32bit/GeoDa.iss b/BuildTools/windows/installer/32bit/GeoDa.iss new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9e46738bd --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/installer/32bit/GeoDa.iss @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +[Setup] +AppName=GeoDa +AppPublisher=GeoDa Center +AppPublisherURL=http://geoda.asu.edu/ +AppSupportURL=http://geoda.asu.edu/ +AppUpdatesURL=http://geoda.asu.edu/ +AppSupportPhone=(480)965-7533 +AppVersion=1.5 +DefaultDirName={pf}\GeoDa Software +DefaultGroupName=GeoDa Software +; Since no icons will be created in "{group}", we don't need the wizard +; to ask for a Start Menu folder name: +;DisableProgramGroupPage=yes +UninstallDisplayIcon={app}\GeoDa.exe +Compression=lzma2 +SolidCompression=yes +OutputDir=..\.. +OutputBaseFilename=geoda_setup +;OutputDir=userdocs:Inno Setup Examples Output + +[dirs] + +[Files] +Source: "..\..\Release\GeoDa.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "GeoDa.exe" +Source: "..\..\..\CommonDistFiles\copyright.txt"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\..\CommonDistFiles\GPLv3.txt"; DestDir: "{app}" + +Source: "vcredist_x86.exe"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "ogr_FileGDB.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "ogr_OCI.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "ogr_SDE.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\cache.sqlite"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\expat-2.1.0\build\Release\expat.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\gdal-1.9.2\gdal19.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\pgsql\lib\libpq.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\pgsql\bin\ssleay32.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\pgsql\bin\libintl.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\pgsql\bin\libeay32.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\vc_dll\wxmsw30u_vc_custom.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\vc_dll\wxmsw30u_gl_vc_custom.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\boost_1_54_0\stage\lib\boost_chrono-vc100-mt-1_54.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\boost_1_54_0\stage\lib\boost_thread-vc100-mt-1_54.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\boost_1_54_0\stage\lib\boost_system-vc100-mt-1_54.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" + +Source: "..\..\..\..\SampleData\Examples\*"; DestDir: "{userdocs}\Examples"; Flags: recursesubdirs uninsneveruninstall + +Source: "..\..\temp\gdal-1.9.2\data\*"; DestDir: "{app}\data"; Flags: recursesubdirs + +;Source: "Readme.txt"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: isreadme + +[Icons] +Name: "{group}\GeoDa"; Filename: "{app}\GeoDa.exe" +Name: "{group}\Uninstall"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}" +Name: "{commondesktop}\GeoDa"; Filename: "{app}\GeoDa.exe" + +[Registry] +; set PATH +; set GDAL_DATA +Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Environment"; ValueType:string; ValueName:"OGR_DATA"; ValueData:"{pf}\GeoDa Software\data"; Flags: preservestringtype +; set OGR_DRIVER_PATH +Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Environment"; ValueType:string; ValueName:"OGR_DRIVER_PATH"; ValueData:"{pf}\GeoDa Software"; Flags: preservestringtype + +Root: HKCR; Subkey: ".gda"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "GeoDaProjectFile"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue +Root: HKCR; Subkey: "GeoDaProjectFile"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "GeoDa Project File"; Flags: uninsdeletekey +Root: HKCR; Subkey: "GeoDaProjectFile\DefaultIcon"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "{app}\GeoDa.exe,0" +Root: HKCR; Subkey: "GeoDaProjectFile\shell\open\command"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: """{app}\GeoDa.exe"" ""%1""" + +[Code] +function IsX64: Boolean; +begin + Result := Is64BitInstallMode and (ProcessorArchitecture = paX64); +end; + +function IsIA64: Boolean; +begin + Result := Is64BitInstallMode and (ProcessorArchitecture = paIA64); +end; + +function IsOtherArch: Boolean; +begin + Result := not IsX64 and not IsIA64; +end; + +function VCRedistNeedsInstall: Boolean; +begin + Result := not RegKeyExists(HKLM,'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{F0C3E5D1-1ADE-321E-8167-68EF0DE699A5}'); +end; + +[Run] +Filename: {app}\vcredist_x86.exe; StatusMsg: Installing Visual Studio 2010 SP1 C++ CRT Libraries...; Check: VCRedistNeedsInstall diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/installer/32bit/ogr_FileGDB.dll b/BuildTools/windows/installer/32bit/ogr_FileGDB.dll new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1c3a543f1 Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/installer/32bit/ogr_FileGDB.dll differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/installer/32bit/ogr_OCI.dll b/BuildTools/windows/installer/32bit/ogr_OCI.dll new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fd9b9759e Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/installer/32bit/ogr_OCI.dll differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/installer/32bit/ogr_SDE.dll b/BuildTools/windows/installer/32bit/ogr_SDE.dll new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c5ad71804 Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/installer/32bit/ogr_SDE.dll differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/installer/32bit/vcredist_x86.exe b/BuildTools/windows/installer/32bit/vcredist_x86.exe new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d81f3f5ab Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/installer/32bit/vcredist_x86.exe differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/installer/64bit/GeoDa.iss b/BuildTools/windows/installer/64bit/GeoDa.iss new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1146c87a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/installer/64bit/GeoDa.iss @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +[Setup] +AppName=GeoDa +AppPublisher=GeoDa Center +AppPublisherURL=http://geoda.asu.edu/ +AppSupportURL=http://geoda.asu.edu/ +AppUpdatesURL=http://geoda.asu.edu/ +AppSupportPhone=(480)965-7533 +AppVersion=1.5 +DefaultDirName={pf}\GeoDa Software +DefaultGroupName=GeoDa Software +; Since no icons will be created in "{group}", we don't need the wizard +; to ask for a Start Menu folder name: +;DisableProgramGroupPage=yes +UninstallDisplayIcon={app}\GeoDa.exe +Compression=lzma2 +SolidCompression=yes +OutputDir=..\.. +OutputBaseFilename=geoda_setup +;OutputDir=userdocs:Inno Setup Examples Output + +; "ArchitecturesAllowed=x64" specifies that Setup cannot run on +; anything but x64. +; Note: We don't set ProcessorsAllowed because we want this +; installation to run on all architectures (including Itanium, +; since it's capable of running 32-bit code too). +ArchitecturesAllowed=x64 + +; "ArchitecturesInstallIn64BitMode=x64" requests that the install be +; done in "64-bit mode" on x64, meaning it should use the native +; 64-bit Program Files directory and the 64-bit view of the registry. +ArchitecturesInstallIn64BitMode=x64 + +ChangesAssociations=yes + +[dirs] + +[Files] +Source: "..\..\Release\GeoDa.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "GeoDa.exe"; Check: IsX64 +Source: "..\..\..\CommonDistFiles\copyright.txt"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\..\CommonDistFiles\GPLv3.txt"; DestDir: "{app}" + +Source: "vcredist_x64.exe"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "ogr_FileGDB.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "ogr_OCI.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "ogr_SDE.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\cache.sqlite"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\expat-2.1.0\build\Release\expat.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\gdal-1.9.2\gdal19.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\pgsql\lib\libpq.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\pgsql\bin\ssleay32.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\pgsql\bin\libintl-8.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\pgsql\bin\libeay32.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\vc_x64_dll\wxmsw30u_vc_custom.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\wxWidgets-3.0.0\lib\vc_x64_dll\wxmsw30u_gl_vc_custom.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\boost_1_54_0\stage\lib\boost_chrono-vc100-mt-1_54.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\boost_1_54_0\stage\lib\boost_thread-vc100-mt-1_54.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" +Source: "..\..\temp\boost_1_54_0\stage\lib\boost_system-vc100-mt-1_54.dll"; DestDir: "{app}" + +Source: "..\..\..\..\SampleData\Examples\*"; DestDir: "{userdocs}\Examples"; Flags: recursesubdirs uninsneveruninstall + +Source: "..\..\temp\gdal-1.9.2\data\*"; DestDir: "{app}\data"; Flags: recursesubdirs + +;Source: "Readme.txt"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: isreadme + +[Icons] +Name: "{group}\GeoDa"; Filename: "{app}\GeoDa.exe" +Name: "{group}\Uninstall"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}" +Name: "{commondesktop}\GeoDa"; Filename: "{app}\GeoDa.exe" + +[Registry] +; set PATH +; set GDAL_DATA +Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Environment"; ValueType:string; ValueName:"OGR_DATA"; ValueData:"{pf}\GeoDa Software\data"; Flags: preservestringtype +; set OGR_DRIVER_PATH +Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Environment"; ValueType:string; ValueName:"OGR_DRIVER_PATH"; ValueData:"{pf}\GeoDa Software"; Flags: preservestringtype + +Root: HKCR; Subkey: ".gda"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "GeoDaProjectFile"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue +Root: HKCR; Subkey: "GeoDaProjectFile"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "GeoDa Project File"; Flags: uninsdeletekey +Root: HKCR; Subkey: "GeoDaProjectFile\DefaultIcon"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "{app}\GeoDa.exe,0" +Root: HKCR; Subkey: "GeoDaProjectFile\shell\open\command"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: """{app}\GeoDa.exe"" ""%1""" + +[Code] +function IsX64: Boolean; +begin + Result := Is64BitInstallMode and (ProcessorArchitecture = paX64); +end; + +function IsIA64: Boolean; +begin + Result := Is64BitInstallMode and (ProcessorArchitecture = paIA64); +end; + +function IsOtherArch: Boolean; +begin + Result := not IsX64 and not IsIA64; +end; + +function VCRedistNeedsInstall: Boolean; +begin + Result := not RegKeyExists(HKLM,'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{1D8E6291-B0D5-35EC-8441-6616F567A0F7}'); +end; + +[Run] +Filename: {app}\vcredist_x64.exe; StatusMsg: Installing Visual Studio 2010 SP1 C++ CRT Libraries...; Check: VCRedistNeedsInstall diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/installer/64bit/ogr_FileGDB.dll b/BuildTools/windows/installer/64bit/ogr_FileGDB.dll new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0cfe449b9 Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/installer/64bit/ogr_FileGDB.dll differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/installer/64bit/ogr_OCI.dll b/BuildTools/windows/installer/64bit/ogr_OCI.dll new file mode 100644 index 000000000..40d2726bb Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/installer/64bit/ogr_OCI.dll differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/installer/64bit/ogr_SDE.dll b/BuildTools/windows/installer/64bit/ogr_SDE.dll new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a5a4e8cd0 Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/installer/64bit/ogr_SDE.dll differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/installer/64bit/vcredist_x64.exe b/BuildTools/windows/installer/64bit/vcredist_x64.exe new file mode 100644 index 000000000..834133f8b Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/installer/64bit/vcredist_x64.exe differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/plugins/libmysql.dll b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/libmysql.dll new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c575ad5eb Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/libmysql.dll differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/plugins/libmysql.lib b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/libmysql.lib new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5976600fc Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/libmysql.lib differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/plugins/mysqlclient.lib b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/mysqlclient.lib new file mode 100644 index 000000000..59de7ad36 Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/mysqlclient.lib differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/plugins/ogr_FileGDB.dll b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/ogr_FileGDB.dll new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ca76f8c76 Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/ogr_FileGDB.dll differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/plugins/ogr_OCI.dll b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/ogr_OCI.dll new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ced54516f Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/ogr_OCI.dll differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/plugins/ogr_SDE.dll b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/ogr_SDE.dll new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fe0c433d5 Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/ogr_SDE.dll differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/plugins/x64/libmysql.dll b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/x64/libmysql.dll new file mode 100644 index 000000000..72367bffa Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/x64/libmysql.dll differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/plugins/x64/mysqlclient.lib b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/x64/mysqlclient.lib new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a020c316 Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/x64/mysqlclient.lib differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/plugins/x64/ogr_FileGDB.dll b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/x64/ogr_FileGDB.dll new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cb98839dd Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/x64/ogr_FileGDB.dll differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/plugins/x64/ogr_OCI.dll b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/x64/ogr_OCI.dll new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1940e818 Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/x64/ogr_OCI.dll differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/plugins/x64/ogr_SDE.dll b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/x64/ogr_SDE.dll new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f63b41b9b Binary files /dev/null and b/BuildTools/windows/plugins/x64/ogr_SDE.dll differ diff --git a/BuildTools/windows/readme.txt b/BuildTools/windows/readme.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54e69e805 --- /dev/null +++ b/BuildTools/windows/readme.txt @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +***************************************************************** +*** Build Instructions for GeoDa. Current as of GeoDa 1.5.23 *** +***************************************************************** + +Overview: We assume the build machine hosts a recently-installed +clean OS. This build guide contains notes on setting up the compile +environment, obtaining the GeoDa source files and dependent libraries, +compiling libraries and GeoDa, and finally packaging the program +for distribution and installation. + +*************************************************************** +*** Building GeoDa for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 7 or later *** +*************************************************************** + +Build machine assumptions: +- clean Windows 7 32-bit installation for building Windows 32-bit GeoDa +- clean Windows 7 64-bit installation for building Windows 32-bit GeoDa +- all OS updates applied + +1. Install Subversion + - TortiseSVN or similar Subversion program + +2. Install Visual Studio 2010 (VS) + - We assume Visual Studio C++ Express 2010 + - For 64-bit Windows only (and VS Express), you must also + install Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7: + http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8279 + +Note: follow these instructions exactly to correctly patch Win 7 SDK. +This was originally from: http://forum.celestialmatters.org/viewtopic.php?t=404 + +Here is a little VS2010 blog for those of you who do programming work (Celestia!,...) using the free +MS VC++ 2010 Express compiler IDE. Quite recently, a SP1 release became available for the VS2010 compilers that is worth implementing. But some care is required during the installation: + +Let's proceed step-by-step starting with the canonical installation of VS2010 Express: + +1) Install Visual Studio 2010 Express +http://www.microsoft.com/express/Downlo ... Visual-CPP + +2) Install Windows SDK 7.1 +http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/d ... laylang=en + +Unlike the earlier VS2008 Express, 1) + 2) provided a pretty workable compiler environment for BOTH X64 and X86 settings during the past year or so. Yet, a number of remaining quirks led to the said SP1 for all Visual Studio 2010 compiler versions. + +3) Install Visual Studio 2010 SP1 (with VS2010 being already installed!): +http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/d ... 22627e57a5 + +The release date of the SP1 pack is March 3rd 2011. +That should have been it, however... + +An issue has been discovered, where Visual C++ Compilers and libraries that are installed with the Windows SDK 7.1 are removed when Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 is installed. This notably refers to the x64 part. Fortunately, on March 30th 2011 an official update to the SDK 7.1 became available that fixes the problem. + +4) Install Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Compiler Update for the Windows SDK 7.1 +http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/d ... laylang=en + +Note: the sequence of installs is unfortunately quite crucial! The recommended one is +1), 2), 3), 4). PLEASE do read about errors that may occur otherwise in the readme that accompanies the fix 4)! + +On my machines, I stuck to the sequence 1),2),3),4) and everything installed fine and seems to work OK. + + +2.1 Install Inno +2.2 Install cmake for windows with command line available. + +3. Use SVN to check out GeoDa trunk: + - right click on C:\ in Explorer and choose "SVN Checkout" + - choose URL for repository: + https://geodacenter.repositoryhosting.com/svn/geodacenter_geoda/trunk + - will assume Checkout directory is changed to C:\trunk + +4. Choose "Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010)" from the + Visual Studio 2010 Express program folder. + - cd to C:\trunk\BuildTools\windows + +5. Run the correct build script. + - For 32-bit Windows, run build.bat + - For 64-bit Windows, run build64.bat + - Note: The script should do the following: + * set up the compile environment for 32-bit compilation + * download the source for each library GeoDa depends on + and compile and install them + * build GeoDa 32-bit (64-bit) with VS against the + GeoDa.vs2010.sln solution file + * the final output should be an executable called GeoDa.exe + +NOTE: the boost library may not be compiled automatically. In this case, + try to manually enter the command next to bootstrap.bat in build.bat/build64.bat file. + +--(optional) to build OGR plugins, you need to manually copy the file + dep/gdal-1.9.2/nmake.opt.withplugins to temp/gdal-1.9.2/, + then manually enter and execute the commands between "go noplugin" and ":noplugin" section. + 1. For FileGDB plugin, download ESRI File geodatabase API 1.3 from http://www.esri.com/apps/products/download/ + Extrac this zip file to C:\FileGDB + cd %LIB_NAME%\ogr\ogrsf_frmts\filegdb + nmake -f makefile.vc plugin + You can find the DLL in current directory + Note: if there is an error about PGtableResultLayer, try to re-download the gdal-1.9.2 from Gitub + 2. For OCI plugin, download Oracle instant client 11.2 from + http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/winsoft-085727.html + Extract this file to C:\oracle_base\ohome + cd %LIB_NAME%\ogr\ogrsf_frmts\oci + nmake -f makefile.vc ogr_OCI.dll + 3. For Arc SDE plugin, try to install ArcSDE SDK from ESRI on your machine, + you will find the SDK at C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcSDE + cd %LIB_NAME%\ogr\ogrsf_frmts\sde + nmake -f makefile.vc ogr_SDE.dll + The built DLLs also need to be manually copied to Debug/Release direcotry for testing + , or installer/64bit or installer/32bit directory for packaging installer. + +--GeoDa.exe should be compiled when run build.bat or build64.bat. You can find it at Release/ directory. + If GeoDa is failed to build using build.bat, try to open GeoDa.vs2010.sln + in visual studio, and select release/Win32 or release/x64, and select build. + + +6. Package GeoDa for distribution / installation. +--Make sure you have gdal19.dll and GeoDa.exe successfully compiled. +--copy the following DLLs into installer/32bit or installer/64bit directory: + gdal19.dll + GeoDa.exe +--If you want latest dependent libraries and plugins, also copy these DLLs to the same directory + boost_chrono-vc100-mt-1_54.dll + boost_system-vc100-mt-1_54.dll + boost_thread-vc100-mt-1_54.dll + libeay32.dll + libintl.dll + libpq.dll + ssleay32.dll + wxmsw30u_gl_vc_custom.dll + wxmsw30u_vc_custom.dll + ogr_FileGDB.dll + ogr_OCI.dll + ogr_SDE.dll +--make sure the data/ directory exist, otherwise copy it from temp/gdal-1.9.2/data +--make sure the SampleData directory exist, and the items described in GeoDa.iss exist inside this directory +--double click GeoDa.iss (You need to install Inno Setup Compiler http://www.jrsoftware.org/isdl.php), + click run icon. You will find a setup.exe in your local "Document\Inno Setup Examples Output" directory + diff --git a/DataViewer-Info.plist b/DataViewer-Info.plist deleted file mode 100644 index b928c17b4..000000000 --- a/DataViewer-Info.plist +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ - - - - - CFBundleDevelopmentRegion - English - CFBundleExecutable - ${EXECUTABLE_NAME} - CFBundleIconFile - oGeoDa.icns - CFBundleIdentifier - edu.asu.geodacenter.${PRODUCT_NAME:identifier} - CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion - 6.0 - CFBundlePackageType - APPL - CFBundleSignature - ???? - CFBundleVersion - 1.0 - - diff --git a/DataViewer.vcproj b/DataViewer.vcproj deleted file mode 100644 index af631efbf..000000000 --- a/DataViewer.vcproj +++ /dev/null @@ -1,358 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/DataViewer/CustomClassifPtree.cpp b/DataViewer/CustomClassifPtree.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b638dd675 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/CustomClassifPtree.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,371 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include "../Explore/CatClassifManager.h" +#include "../GdaException.h" +#include "../logger.h" +#include "CustomClassifPtree.h" +#include "CustomClassifPtree.h" + +CustomClassifPtree::CustomClassifPtree() +{ +} + +CustomClassifPtree::CustomClassifPtree(const CustomClassifPtree& o) +{ + std::list::const_iterator it; + for (it = o.cc.begin(); it != o.cc.end(); ++it) { + cc.push_back( *it ); + } +} + +CustomClassifPtree::CustomClassifPtree(const boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path) +{ + ReadPtree(pt, proj_path); +} + +CustomClassifPtree::~CustomClassifPtree() +{ +} + +CustomClassifPtree* CustomClassifPtree::Clone() +{ + return new CustomClassifPtree(*this); +} + +void CustomClassifPtree::ReadPtree(const boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering CustomClassifPtree::ReadPtree"); + using boost::property_tree::ptree; + using namespace std; + + cc.clear(); + try { + try { + pt.get_child("custom_classifications"); + } + catch (boost::property_tree::ptree_bad_path& e) { + // custom_classifications is optional + return; + } + + // iterate over each child of custom_classifications + BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type &v, + pt.get_child("custom_classifications")) { + wxString key = v.first.data(); + LOG_MSG(key); + if (key == "classification_definition") { + bool first_name = false; + bool first_color = false; + CatClassifDef cc_data; + BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type &v, v.second) { + wxString key = v.first.data(); + LOG_MSG(key); + if (key == "title") { + wxString s = v.second.data(); + cc_data.title = s; + } else if (key == "type") { + wxString s = v.second.data(); + CatClassification::BreakValsType t; + if (s == "no_theme") { + t = CatClassification::no_theme_break_vals; + } else if (s == "hinge_15") { + t = CatClassification::hinge_15_break_vals; + } else if (s == "hinge_30") { + t = CatClassification::hinge_30_break_vals; + } else if (s == "quantile") { + t = CatClassification::quantile_break_vals; + } else if (s == "percentile") { + t = CatClassification::percentile_break_vals; + } else if (s == "stddev") { + t = CatClassification::stddev_break_vals; + } else if (s == "unique_values") { + t = CatClassification::unique_values_break_vals; + } else if (s == "natural_breaks") { + t = CatClassification::natural_breaks_break_vals; + } else if (s == "equal_intervals") { + t = CatClassification::equal_intervals_break_vals; + } else if (s == "custom") { + t = CatClassification::custom_break_vals; + } else { + wxString msg("unrecognized type: "); + msg << s; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + cc_data.cat_classif_type = CatClassification::custom; + cc_data.break_vals_type = t; + } else if (key == "num_cats") { + wxString s = v.second.data(); + long n; + if (!s.ToLong(&n)) { + wxString msg("expected a valid integer: "); + msg << s; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + cc_data.num_cats = n; + } else if (key == "automatic_labels") { + cc_data.automatic_labels = + GenUtils::StrToBool(v.second.data()); + } else if (key == "assoc_db_fld_name") { + cc_data.assoc_db_fld_name = v.second.data(); + } else if (key == "uniform_dist_min") { + wxString s = v.second.data(); + double n; + if (!s.ToDouble(&n)) { + wxString msg("expected a valid double: "); + msg << s; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + cc_data.uniform_dist_min = n; + } else if (key == "uniform_dist_max") { + wxString s = v.second.data(); + double n; + if (!s.ToDouble(&n)) { + wxString msg("expected a valid double: "); + msg << s; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + cc_data.uniform_dist_max = n; + } else if (key == "breaks") { + BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type &v, v.second) { + wxString key = v.first.data(); + LOG_MSG(key); + if (key == "break") { + wxString s = v.second.data(); + double n; + if (!s.ToDouble(&n)) { + wxString msg("expected a valid double: "); + msg << s; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + cc_data.breaks.push_back(n); + } else { + wxString msg("unrecognized key: "); + msg << key; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + } + } else if (key == "names") { + BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type &v, v.second) { + wxString key = v.first.data(); + LOG_MSG(key); + if (key == "name") { + if (!first_name) { + cc_data.names.clear(); + first_name = true; + } + cc_data.names.push_back(v.second.data()); + } else { + wxString msg("unrecognized key: "); + msg << key; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + } + } else if (key == "colors") { + BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type &v, v.second) { + wxString key = v.first.data(); + LOG_MSG(key); + if (key == "color") { + if (!first_color) { + cc_data.colors.clear(); + first_color = true; + } + long red=0; + long blue=0; + long green=0; + BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type &v, + v.second) + { + wxString key = v.first.data(); + LOG_MSG(key); + if (key == "red") { + wxString s = v.second.data(); + if (!s.ToLong(&red)) { + wxString msg("expected integer: "); + msg << s; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + } else if (key == "green") { + wxString s = v.second.data(); + if (!s.ToLong(&green)) { + wxString msg("expected integer: "); + msg << s; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + } else if (key == "blue") { + wxString s = v.second.data(); + if (!s.ToLong(&blue)) { + wxString msg("expected integer: "); + msg << s; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + } else { + wxString msg("unrecognized key: "); + msg << key; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + } + wxColour c((unsigned char) red, + (unsigned char) green, + (unsigned char) blue); + cc_data.colors.push_back(c); + } else { + wxString msg("unrecognized key: "); + msg << key; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + } + } else if (key == "color_scheme") { + wxString s = v.second.data(); + if (s == "sequential") { + cc_data.color_scheme = + CatClassification::sequential_color_scheme; + } else if (s == "diverging") { + cc_data.color_scheme = + CatClassification::diverging_color_scheme; + } else if (s == "qualitative") { + cc_data.color_scheme = + CatClassification::qualitative_color_scheme; + } else { // s == "custom" + cc_data.color_scheme = + CatClassification::custom_color_scheme; + } + } else { + wxString msg("unrecognized key: "); + msg << key; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + } + cc.push_back(cc_data); + } else { + wxString msg("unrecognized key: "); + msg << key; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + } + } catch (std::exception &e) { + throw GdaException(e.what()); + } + + LOG_MSG("Exiting CustomClassifPtree::ReadPtree"); +} + +void CustomClassifPtree::WritePtree(boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path) +{ + using boost::property_tree::ptree; + using namespace std; + try { + ptree& subtree = pt.put("custom_classifications", ""); + + // Write each custom classification definition + BOOST_FOREACH(const CatClassifDef& c, cc) { + ptree& sub = subtree.add("classification_definition", ""); + sub.put("title", c.title); + CatClassification::BreakValsType type = c.break_vals_type; + if (type == CatClassification::no_theme_break_vals) { + sub.put("type", "no_theme"); + } else if (type == CatClassification::hinge_15_break_vals) { + sub.put("type", "hinge_15"); + } else if (type == CatClassification::hinge_30_break_vals) { + sub.put("type", "hinge_30"); + } else if (type == CatClassification::quantile_break_vals) { + sub.put("type", "quantile"); + } else if (type == CatClassification::percentile_break_vals) { + sub.put("type", "percentile"); + } else if (type == CatClassification::stddev_break_vals) { + sub.put("type", "stddev"); + } else if (type == CatClassification::unique_values_break_vals) { + sub.put("type", "unique_values"); + } else if (type == CatClassification::natural_breaks_break_vals) { + sub.put("type", "natural_breaks"); + } else if (type == CatClassification::equal_intervals_break_vals) { + sub.put("type", "equal_intervals"); + } else if (type == CatClassification::custom_break_vals) { + sub.put("type", "custom"); + } else { + // unknown type + } + sub.put("num_cats", c.num_cats); + sub.put("automatic_labels", + GenUtils::BoolToStr(c.automatic_labels)); + sub.put("assoc_db_fld_name", c.assoc_db_fld_name); + if (!c.assoc_db_fld_name.IsEmpty()) { + sub.put("uniform_dist_min", c.uniform_dist_min); + sub.put("uniform_dist_max", c.uniform_dist_max); + } + BOOST_FOREACH(double b, c.breaks) sub.add("breaks.break", b); + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& s, c.names) sub.add("names.name",s); + subtree.put("classification_definition.colors", ""); + if (c.color_scheme == CatClassification::sequential_color_scheme) { + sub.put("color_scheme", "sequential"); + } else if (c.color_scheme == + CatClassification::diverging_color_scheme) { + sub.put("color_scheme", "diverging"); + } else if (c.color_scheme == + CatClassification::qualitative_color_scheme) { + sub.put("color_scheme", "qualitative"); + } else { // CatClassification::custom_color_scheme + sub.put("color_scheme", "custom"); + } + if (c.color_scheme == CatClassification::custom_color_scheme) { + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxColour& clr, c.colors) { + ptree& ssub = sub.add("colors.color", ""); + ssub.put("red", (int) clr.Red()); + ssub.put("green", (int) clr.Green()); + ssub.put("blue", (int) clr.Blue()); + } + } + } + } catch (std::exception &e) { + throw GdaException(e.what()); + } +} + +const std::list& CustomClassifPtree::GetCatClassifList() const +{ + return cc; +} + +void CustomClassifPtree::SetCatClassifList(CatClassifManager* cc_manager) +{ + cc.clear(); + if (!cc_manager) return; + std::vector titles; + cc_manager->GetTitles(titles); + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& t, titles) { + CatClassifState* ccs = cc_manager->FindClassifState(t); + if (ccs) cc.push_back(ccs->GetCatClassif()); + } +} + +wxString CustomClassifPtree::ToStr() const +{ + using namespace std; + wxString ss; + BOOST_FOREACH(const CatClassifDef& c, cc) { + ss << c.ToStr(); + } + return ss; +} diff --git a/DataViewer/CustomClassifPtree.h b/DataViewer/CustomClassifPtree.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..711a12872 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/CustomClassifPtree.h @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_CUSTOM_CLASSIF_PTREE_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_CUSTOM_CLASSIF_PTREE_H__ + +#include +#include "../Explore/CatClassification.h" +#include "PtreeInterface.h" + +class CatClassifManager; + +class CustomClassifPtree : public PtreeInterface { +public: + CustomClassifPtree(); + CustomClassifPtree(const CustomClassifPtree& o); + CustomClassifPtree(const boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path); + virtual ~CustomClassifPtree(); + + /// PtreeInterface method. Throws GdaException + virtual void ReadPtree(const boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path); + /// PtreeInterface method. Throws GdaException + virtual void WritePtree(boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path); + + const std::list& GetCatClassifList() const; + void SetCatClassifList(CatClassifManager* cc_manager); + + wxString ToStr() const; + + CustomClassifPtree* Clone(); + +private: + std::list cc; +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DataViewer/DataSource.cpp b/DataViewer/DataSource.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4025a5a3b --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/DataSource.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,452 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include "../logger.h" +#include "../GdaException.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" +#include "../GenUtils.h" +#include "DataSource.h" + +using boost::property_tree::ptree; +using namespace std; + + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// IDataSource static functions +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +bool IDataSource::IsWritable(GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type) +{ + if (ds_type == GdaConst::ds_shapefile || + ds_type == GdaConst::ds_csv || + ds_type == GdaConst::ds_dbf || + ds_type == GdaConst::ds_esri_file_geodb || + ds_type == GdaConst::ds_geo_json || + ds_type == GdaConst::ds_kml || + ds_type == GdaConst::ds_gml || + ds_type == GdaConst::ds_mapinfo || + ds_type == GdaConst::ds_sqlite || + ds_type == GdaConst::ds_mysql || + ds_type == GdaConst::ds_oci || + ds_type == GdaConst::ds_postgresql ) + return true; + return false; +} + +bool IDataSource::IsTableOnly(GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type) +{ + if (ds_type == GdaConst::ds_csv || + ds_type == GdaConst::ds_dbf || + ds_type == GdaConst::ds_xls || + ds_type == GdaConst::ds_xlsx ) + return true; + return false; +} + +wxString IDataSource::GetDataTypeNameByExt(wxString ext) +{ + wxString ds_format; + if (ext.CmpNoCase("shp")==0) + ds_format = "ESRI Shapefile"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("dbf")==0) + ds_format = "DBF"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("tab")==0 || + ext.CmpNoCase("mif")==0 || ext.CmpNoCase("mid")==0 ) + ds_format = "MapInfo File"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("csv")==0) + ds_format = "CSV"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("mdb")==0) + ds_format = "PGeo"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("gdb")==0) + ds_format = "FileGDB"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("gml")==0) + ds_format = "GML"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("gpx")==0) + ds_format = "GPX"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("kml")==0) + ds_format = "KML"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("json") ==0 || ext.CmpNoCase("geojson")==0) + ds_format = "GeoJSON"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("sqlite")==0) + ds_format = "SQLite"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("xls")==0) + ds_format = "XLS"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("xlsx")==0) + ds_format = "XLSX"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("dwg")==0) + ds_format = "DWG"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("dxf")==0) + ds_format = "DXF"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("ntf")==0) + ds_format = "UK .NTF"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("sdts")==0) + ds_format = "SDTS"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("tiger")==0) + ds_format = "TIGER"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("s57")==0) + ds_format = "S57"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("dgn")==0) + ds_format = "DGN"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("vrt")==0) + ds_format = "VRT"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("rec")==0) + ds_format = "REC"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("memory")==0) + ds_format = "Memory"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("bna")==0) + ds_format = "BNA"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("nas")==0) + ds_format = "NAS"; + /* + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("itf")==0) + ds_format = "Interlis 1"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("ili")==0) + ds_format = "Interlis 2"; + */ + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("gmt")==0) + ds_format = "GMT"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("georss")==0) + ds_format = "GeoRSS"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("pgdump")==0) + ds_format = "PGDump"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("svg")==0) + ds_format = "SVG"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("couchdb")==0) + ds_format = "CouchDB"; + else if(ext.CmpNoCase("vct")==0) + ds_format = "Idrisi"; + //else + // ds_format = "Unknown"; + return ds_format; +} + +GdaConst::DataSourceType IDataSource::FindDataSourceType +(wxString data_type_name) +{ + if (GdaConst::datasrc_str_to_type.find(data_type_name.ToStdString()) == + GdaConst::datasrc_str_to_type.end()) { + return GdaConst::ds_unknown; + } + + return GdaConst::datasrc_str_to_type[data_type_name.ToStdString()]; +} + +wxString IDataSource::GetDataTypeNameByGdaDSType +(GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type) +{ + return GdaConst::datasrc_type_to_str[ds_type]; +} + +IDataSource* IDataSource::CreateDataSource(wxString data_type_name, + const ptree& subtree, + const wxString& proj_path) +{ + if (GdaConst::datasrc_str_to_type.find(data_type_name.ToStdString()) == + GdaConst::datasrc_str_to_type.end()) { + stringstream ss; + ss << "datasource.type " << data_type_name << " unknown."; + throw GdaException(ss.str().c_str()); + } + + GdaConst::DataSourceType type = + GdaConst::datasrc_str_to_type[data_type_name.ToStdString()]; + + if (type == GdaConst::ds_esri_file_geodb || + type == GdaConst::ds_csv || + type == GdaConst::ds_dbf || + type == GdaConst::ds_gml || + type == GdaConst::ds_kml || + type == GdaConst::ds_mapinfo || + type == GdaConst::ds_shapefile || + type == GdaConst::ds_sqlite || + type == GdaConst::ds_xls || + type == GdaConst::ds_xlsx || + type == GdaConst::ds_geo_json ) + { + // using xxx to create DataSource instance + return new FileDataSource(subtree, type, proj_path); + } else if (type == GdaConst::ds_oci || + type == GdaConst::ds_postgresql || + type == GdaConst::ds_esri_arc_sde ) + { + // using xxx... to create DataSource instance + return new DBDataSource(subtree, type, ""); + } else if (type == GdaConst::ds_wfs) + { + // using to create Datasource instance + return new WebServiceDataSource(subtree, type, ""); + } + return NULL; +} + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// FileDataSource member functions +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +FileDataSource::FileDataSource(const ptree& xml_tree, + GdaConst::DataSourceType _ds_type, + const wxString& proj_path) +{ + ds_type = _ds_type; + ReadPtree(xml_tree, proj_path); +} + +FileDataSource::FileDataSource(wxString file_rep_path) +{ + file_repository_path = file_rep_path; + wxString ds_type_name; + + if ( file_rep_path.StartsWith("PGeo:") ) { + ds_type_name = "PGeo"; + } else { + wxString file_ext = wxFileName(file_rep_path).GetExt(); + ds_type_name = IDataSource::GetDataTypeNameByExt(file_ext); + } + + ds_type = IDataSource::FindDataSourceType(ds_type_name); +} + +IDataSource* FileDataSource::Clone() +{ + return new FileDataSource(file_repository_path); +} + +void FileDataSource::ReadPtree(const ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path) +{ + try { + //const ptree& subtree = pt.get_child("datasource"); + string type_str = pt.get("type"); + ds_type = IDataSource::FindDataSourceType(type_str); + + if (ds_type == GdaConst::ds_unknown) { + stringstream ss; + ss << "datasource.type " << type_str << " unknown."; + throw GdaException(ss.str().c_str()); + } + + file_repository_path = pt.get("path"); + file_repository_path = GenUtils::RestorePath(proj_path, + file_repository_path); + + } catch (std::exception &e) { + throw GdaException(e.what()); + } +} + +void FileDataSource::WritePtree(ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path) +{ + try{ + pt.put("type", GdaConst::datasrc_type_to_str[ds_type]); + pt.put("path", GenUtils::SimplifyPath(proj_path, file_repository_path)); + } catch (std::exception &e) { + throw GdaException(e.what()); + } +} + +wxString FileDataSource::GetOGRConnectStr() +{ + if (wxFileExists(file_repository_path) || + file_repository_path.StartsWith("PGeo:") || + (file_repository_path.EndsWith(".gdb") && + wxDirExists(file_repository_path))) + { + return file_repository_path; + } else { + return file_repository_path; + } + + wxString error_msg; + error_msg << "Datasource (" << file_repository_path << ") doesn't " + << "exist. Please check the project configuration file."; + throw GdaException(error_msg.mb_str()); +} +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// WebServiceDataSource member functions +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +WebServiceDataSource::WebServiceDataSource(const ptree& xml_tree, + GdaConst::DataSourceType _ds_type, + const wxString& proj_path) +{ + ds_type = _ds_type; + ReadPtree(xml_tree, proj_path); +} + +WebServiceDataSource::WebServiceDataSource(wxString ws_url, + GdaConst::DataSourceType _ds_type) +{ + webservice_url = ws_url; + ds_type = _ds_type; +} + +IDataSource* WebServiceDataSource::Clone() +{ + return new WebServiceDataSource(webservice_url); +} + +void WebServiceDataSource::ReadPtree(const ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path) +{ + try { + string type_str = pt.get("type"); + ds_type = IDataSource::FindDataSourceType(type_str); + + if (ds_type == GdaConst::ds_unknown) { + stringstream ss; + ss << "datasource.type " << type_str << " unknown."; + throw GdaException(ss.str().c_str()); + } + + webservice_url = pt.get("url"); + + } catch (std::exception &e) { + throw GdaException(e.what()); + } +} + +void WebServiceDataSource::WritePtree(ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path) +{ + try{ + pt.put("type", GdaConst::datasrc_type_to_str[ds_type]); + pt.put("url", webservice_url); + } catch (std::exception &e) { + throw GdaException(e.what()); + } +} + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// DBDataSource member functions +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +DBDataSource::DBDataSource(const ptree& xml_tree, + GdaConst::DataSourceType _ds_type, + const wxString& proj_path) +{ + ds_type = _ds_type; + ReadPtree(xml_tree, proj_path); +} + +DBDataSource::DBDataSource(wxString _db_name, wxString _db_host, + wxString _db_port, wxString _db_user, + wxString _db_pwd, GdaConst::DataSourceType _ds_type) +{ + db_name = _db_name; + db_host = _db_host; + db_port = _db_port; + db_user = _db_user; + db_pwd = _db_pwd; + ds_type = _ds_type; +} + +IDataSource* DBDataSource::Clone() +{ + return new DBDataSource(db_name, db_host, db_port, db_user, db_pwd, ds_type); +} + +wxString DBDataSource::GetOGRConnectStr() +{ + if (!ogr_conn_str.IsEmpty()) return ogr_conn_str; + + if (ds_type == GdaConst::ds_oci) { + // Oracle examples + //ds_str = "OCI:oracle/abcd1234@ORA11"; + //ds_str = "OCI:oracle/abcd1234@"; + //ds_str = "OCI:oracle/oracle@,table2"; + ogr_conn_str << GdaConst::datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_type]; + ogr_conn_str << db_user << "/" << db_pwd << "@"; + ogr_conn_str << db_host << ":" << db_port << "/"; + ogr_conn_str << db_name; + + } else if (ds_type == GdaConst::ds_postgresql) { + // postgis: PG:"dbname='databasename' host='addr' port='5432' + // user='x' password='y' + ogr_conn_str << GdaConst::datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_type]; + ogr_conn_str << "dbname='" << db_name << "' "; + ogr_conn_str << "host='" << db_host << "' "; + ogr_conn_str << "port='" << db_port << "' "; + ogr_conn_str << "user='" << db_user << "' "; + ogr_conn_str << "password='" << db_pwd << "'"; + + } else if (ds_type == GdaConst::ds_esri_arc_sde) { + // ArcSDE: SDE:server,instance,database,username,password[,layer] + ogr_conn_str << GdaConst::datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_type]; + ogr_conn_str << db_host << "," << db_port << ","; + ogr_conn_str << db_name << ","; + ogr_conn_str << db_user << "," << db_pwd; + + } else if (ds_type == GdaConst::ds_mysql) { + // MYSQL:dbname,host=server,user=root,password=pwd,port=3306,table=test + ogr_conn_str << GdaConst::datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_type]; + ogr_conn_str << db_name<< ",host=" << db_host<< ",port="; + ogr_conn_str << db_port<< ",user="; + ogr_conn_str << db_user << ",password=" << db_pwd; + + } + /* + else if (ds_type == GdaConst::ds_ms_sql) { + // MSSQL:server=.\MSSQLSERVER2008;database=dbname;trusted_connection=yes + ogr_conn_str << GdaConst::datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_type]; + ogr_conn_str << db_name<< ",host=" << db_host<< ",port="; + ogr_conn_str << db_port<< ",user="; + ogr_conn_str << db_user << ",password=" << db_pwd; + + } + */ + return ogr_conn_str; +} + +void DBDataSource::ReadPtree(const ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path) +{ + try{ + string type_str = pt.get("type"); + ds_type = IDataSource::FindDataSourceType(type_str); + + if (ds_type == GdaConst::ds_unknown) { + stringstream ss; + ss << "datasource.type " << type_str << " unknown."; + throw GdaException(ss.str().c_str()); + } + + db_name = pt.get("db_name"); + db_host = pt.get("host"); + db_port = pt.get("port"); + db_user = pt.get("user"); + db_pwd = pt.get("pwd"); + } catch (std::exception &e) { + throw GdaException(e.what()); + } +} + +void DBDataSource::WritePtree(ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path) +{ + try { + pt.put("type", GdaConst::datasrc_type_to_str[ds_type]); + pt.put("db_name", db_name); + pt.put("host", db_host); + pt.put("port", db_port); + pt.put("user", db_user); + pt.put("pwd", db_pwd); + } catch (std::exception &e) { + throw GdaException(e.what()); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/DataViewer/DataSource.h b/DataViewer/DataSource.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..70f685347 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/DataSource.h @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_DATA_SOURCE_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_DATA_SOURCE_H__ + +#include +#include +#include "PtreeInterface.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" +#include "../GdaException.h" + +using namespace std; +using boost::property_tree::ptree; + +/** + * IDataSource is a interface that will be implemented by different kinds of + * datasource, such as FileDataSource (.shp, .json,...), + * DBDataSource (oracle, mysql..) and WebServiceDataSource(wfs). + * + * Each inheritant class must take care of following interfaces(functions): + * GetOGRConnectStr() returns a ogr usable connect string + * GetType() returns the GdaConst::DataSourceType + * ReadPtree() construct itself from a XML tree node + * WritePtree() write itself to a XML tree node + * + * It also provides some utility functions that will be reused often: + * GetDataTypeNameByExt() e.g. given ".shp" return "ESRI Shapefile" + * FindDataSourceType()e.g. given "ESRI Shapefile" return GdaConst:ds_shapefile + * + * It also provides a factory function, which can be called to create a + * instance from three types DataSource base on given datasource type and + * XML tree. e.g. + * reading .gda project file, you can get data type (type_str) and a tree node + * of data source (XML description). You can call this function to return a + * nstance of one of three datasources. See LayerConfiguration::ReadPtree(). + * CreateSource("ESRI Shapefile", ptree); + */ +class IDataSource : public PtreeInterface { +public: + virtual ~IDataSource(){} + + virtual wxString GetOGRConnectStr() = 0; + + virtual GdaConst::DataSourceType GetType()=0; + + virtual bool IsWritable() = 0; + + virtual void UpdateWritable(bool writable) = 0; + + virtual IDataSource* Clone() = 0; + + /** + * Read subtree starting from passed in node pt. + * @param const ptree& pt: a subtree of "datasource" node + */ + virtual void ReadPtree(const ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path) = 0; + + /** + * Write subtree starting from passed in node pt + * @param ptree& pt: a parent node that contains the "datasource" subtree + */ + virtual void WritePtree(ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path) = 0; + + /// utilities + static bool IsWritable(GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type); + static bool IsTableOnly(GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type); + static wxString GetDataTypeNameByExt(wxString ext); + static wxString GetDataTypeNameByGdaDSType(GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type); + static GdaConst::DataSourceType FindDataSourceType(wxString data_type_name); + + /// factory, creator of DataSource instance + static IDataSource* CreateDataSource(wxString data_type_name, + const ptree& subtree, + const wxString& proj_path = ""); +}; + + +/** + * A implementation of IDataSource, provide a instance for File type datasource + * + */ +class FileDataSource : public IDataSource { +public: + /** + * Default constructor + */ + FileDataSource(){} + /** + * Constructor, which init a FileDataSource instance from a XML .gda project + * file.Note: datasource type(_ds_type), which can be read from project file + * also, should be specified explicitly. + * @param xml_tree , a tree node of ... + * @param project_fpath, the file path of project file, in case to rebuild + * the absolute path of file datasource name + */ + FileDataSource(const ptree& xml_tree, GdaConst::DataSourceType _ds_type, + const wxString& proj_path); + /** + * Constructor, which is used when create a FileDataSource instance from a + * data source (e.g. opening a shapefile) + */ + FileDataSource(wxString file_rep_path); + +private: + wxString project_file_path; + wxString file_repository_path; + GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type; + bool is_writable; + +public: + /// implementation of IDataSource interfaces + virtual wxString GetOGRConnectStr(); + virtual bool IsWritable(){return is_writable;} + virtual void UpdateWritable(bool writable){ is_writable = writable;} + virtual GdaConst::DataSourceType GetType(){return ds_type;} + virtual void ReadPtree(const boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path); + virtual void WritePtree(boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path); + virtual IDataSource* Clone(); + + /** + * Return file path. + */ + wxString GetFilePath() { return file_repository_path;} +}; + +/** + * A implementation of IDataSource, provide a instance for Web service type + * of datasource + * + */ +class WebServiceDataSource: public IDataSource{ +public: + WebServiceDataSource(){} + WebServiceDataSource(const ptree& xml_tree, + GdaConst::DataSourceType _ds_type, + const wxString& proj_path); + WebServiceDataSource(wxString ws_url){ webservice_url = ws_url; } + WebServiceDataSource(wxString ws_url, GdaConst::DataSourceType _ds_type); + + +private: + wxString webservice_url; + GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type; + bool is_writable; + +public: + virtual wxString GetOGRConnectStr(){ return webservice_url;} + virtual bool IsWritable(){return is_writable;} + virtual void UpdateWritable(bool writable){ is_writable = writable;} + virtual GdaConst::DataSourceType GetType(){return ds_type;} + virtual void ReadPtree(const boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path); + virtual void WritePtree(boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path); + virtual IDataSource* Clone(); + + wxString GetURL() { return webservice_url; } +}; + + +/** + * A implementation of IDataSource, provide a instance for database type + * of datasource + * + */ +class DBDataSource: public IDataSource{ +public: + DBDataSource(){} + DBDataSource(const ptree& xml_tree, GdaConst::DataSourceType _ds_type, + const wxString& proj_path); + DBDataSource(wxString _db_name, wxString _db_host, wxString _db_port, + wxString _db_user, wxString _db_pwd, + GdaConst::DataSourceType _db_type); +private: + wxString db_name; + wxString db_host; + wxString db_port; + wxString db_user; + wxString db_pwd; + GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type; + wxString ogr_conn_str; + bool is_writable; + +public: + virtual wxString GetOGRConnectStr(); + virtual bool IsWritable(){return is_writable;} + virtual void UpdateWritable(bool writable){ is_writable = writable;} + virtual GdaConst::DataSourceType GetType(){return ds_type;} + virtual void ReadPtree(const boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path); + virtual void WritePtree(boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path); + virtual IDataSource* Clone(); + + wxString GetDBName() { return db_name; } + wxString GetDBHost() { return db_host; } + wxString GetDBPort() { return db_port; } + wxString GetDBUser() { return db_user; } + wxString GetDBPwd() { return db_pwd; } +}; + + +#endif diff --git a/DataViewer/DataViewer.cpp b/DataViewer/DataViewer.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 7b61b74ff..000000000 --- a/DataViewer/DataViewer.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,681 +0,0 @@ -/** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved - * - * This file is part of GeoDa. - * - * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program. If not, see . - */ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include "../FramesManager.h" -#include "../Generic/HighlightState.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" -#include "../logger.h" -#include "TableState.h" -#include "../DialogTools/TimeChooserDlg.h" -#include "DbfGridTableBase.h" -#include "DataViewerResizeColDlg.h" -#include "DataViewerAddColDlg.h" -#include "DataViewerDeleteColDlg.h" -#include "DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg.h" -#include "MergeTableDlg.h" -#include "DataViewer.h" - -int id_serial = wxID_HIGHEST+1; -const int ID_PRINT_TABLE = id_serial++; -const int ID_CHOOSE_TIME_STEP = id_serial++; -const int ID_SHOW_TIME_CHOOSER = id_serial++; -const int ID_MOVE_SELECTED_TO_TOP = id_serial++; -const int ID_DELETE_COL = id_serial++; -const int ID_ADD_COL = id_serial++; -const int ID_COL_RESIZE = id_serial++; -const int ID_SAVE_DBF = id_serial++; -const int ID_SAVE_DBF_AS = id_serial++; -const int ID_SHOW_DBF_INFO = id_serial++; -const int ID_RESET_COL_ORDER = id_serial++; -const int ID_RANDOM_COL_ORDER = id_serial++; -const int ID_PRINT_GRID_INFO = id_serial++; -const int ID_MOVE_COL = id_serial++; -const int ID_EDIT_FIELD_PROPERTIES = id_serial++; -const int ID_MERGE_TABLE = id_serial++; - -BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( DataViewerFrame, wxFrame ) - EVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK( DataViewerFrame::OnLabelLeftClickEvent ) - EVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK( DataViewerFrame::OnLabelLeftDClickEvent ) - //EVT_GRID_COL_SORT( DataViewerFrame::OnSortEvent ) - EVT_GRID_COL_SIZE( DataViewerFrame::OnColSizeEvent ) - EVT_GRID_COL_MOVE( DataViewerFrame::OnColMoveEvent ) - EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGED(DataViewerFrame::OnCellChanged) - EVT_MENU( ID_CHOOSE_TIME_STEP, DataViewerFrame::OnChooseTimeStep ) - EVT_MENU( ID_SHOW_TIME_CHOOSER, DataViewerFrame::OnShowTimeChooser ) - EVT_MENU( ID_MOVE_COL, DataViewerFrame::OnMoveCol ) - EVT_MENU( ID_COL_RESIZE, DataViewerFrame::OnColResize ) - EVT_MENU( wxID_ABOUT, DataViewerFrame::About ) - EVT_MENU( wxID_EXIT, DataViewerFrame::OnQuit ) - EVT_MENU( wxID_OPEN, DataViewerFrame::OnOpenFile ) - EVT_MENU( ID_PRINT_TABLE, DataViewerFrame::OnPrintTable ) - EVT_MENU( ID_MOVE_SELECTED_TO_TOP, DataViewerFrame::OnMoveSelectedToTop ) - EVT_MENU( ID_ADD_COL, DataViewerFrame::OnAddCol ) - EVT_MENU( ID_DELETE_COL, DataViewerFrame::OnDeleteCol ) - EVT_MENU( ID_RANDOM_COL_ORDER, DataViewerFrame::OnRandomColOrder ) - EVT_MENU( ID_PRINT_GRID_INFO, DataViewerFrame::OnPrintGridInfo ) - EVT_MENU( ID_SAVE_DBF, DataViewerFrame::OnSaveDbf ) - EVT_MENU( ID_SAVE_DBF_AS, DataViewerFrame::OnSaveDbfAs ) - EVT_MENU( ID_SHOW_DBF_INFO, DataViewerFrame::OnShowDbfInfo ) - EVT_MENU( ID_EDIT_FIELD_PROPERTIES, DataViewerFrame::OnEditFieldProperties ) - EVT_MENU( ID_MERGE_TABLE, DataViewerFrame::OnMergeTable ) -END_EVENT_TABLE() - - -DataViewerFrame::DataViewerFrame(wxFrame *parent, - FramesManager* frames_manager_s, - const wxString& dbf_fname) -: wxFrame(parent, wxID_ANY, - "DBF Viewer - " +wxFileName::FileName(dbf_fname).GetFullName(), - wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE), -frames_manager(frames_manager_s) -{ - DbfFileReader dbf(dbf_fname); - if (dbf.isDbfReadSuccess()) { - cur_dbf_fname = dbf_fname; - HighlightState* highlight_state = new HighlightState; - TableState* table_state = new TableState; - highlight_state->SetSize(dbf.getNumRecords()); - grid_base = new DbfGridTableBase(dbf, highlight_state, table_state); - grid = new wxGrid( this, wxID_ANY, wxPoint(0,0), wxDefaultSize); - grid->SetDefaultColSize((grid->GetDefaultColSize() * 4)/3); - grid->SetTable(grid_base, true); // false to not take ownership - grid->EnableDragColMove(true); - grid->EnableDragCell(false); - // The following line caused the row to dissapear when clicked on Windows - // and Linux, but not Mac. - //grid->SetSelectionBackground(*wxWHITE); - for (int i=0, iend=grid_base->GetNumberRows(); iDisableRowResize(i); - } - grid->SetSelectionMode(wxGrid::wxGridSelectRows); - std::vector& col_data = grid_base->col_data; - for (int i=0, iend=col_data.size(); itype == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { - grid->SetColFormatNumber(i); - } else if (col_data[i]->type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - grid->SetColFormatFloat(i, -1, col_data[i]->displayed_decimals); - } else if (col_data[i]->type == GeoDaConst::date_type) { - // leave as a string - } - } - } else { - wxString msg("There was a problem reading in the DBF file. " - "The program will now exit."); - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - Close(true); - } - frames_manager->registerObserver(this); -} - -DataViewerFrame::DataViewerFrame(wxFrame *parent, - FramesManager* frames_manager_s, - const wxString& dbf_sp_fname, - const wxString& dbf_tm_fname, - int sp_tbl_sp_col, - int tm_tbl_sp_col, - int tm_tbl_tm_col) -: wxFrame(parent, wxID_ANY, - "DBF Viewer - " +wxFileName::FileName(dbf_sp_fname).GetFullName(), - wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE), -frames_manager(frames_manager_s) -{ - DbfFileReader dbf_sp(dbf_sp_fname); - DbfFileReader dbf_tm(dbf_tm_fname); - if (dbf_sp.isDbfReadSuccess() && dbf_tm.isDbfReadSuccess()) { - cur_dbf_fname = dbf_sp_fname; - cur_dbf_tm_fname = dbf_tm_fname; - HighlightState* highlight_state = new HighlightState(); - highlight_state->SetSize(dbf_sp.getNumRecords()); - TableState* table_state = new TableState(); - grid_base = new DbfGridTableBase(dbf_sp, dbf_tm, sp_tbl_sp_col, - tm_tbl_sp_col, tm_tbl_tm_col, - highlight_state, table_state); - grid = new wxGrid( this, wxID_ANY, wxPoint(0,0), wxDefaultSize); - grid->SetDefaultColSize((grid->GetDefaultColSize() * 4)/3); - grid->SetTable(grid_base, true); // false to not take ownership - grid->EnableDragColMove(true); - grid->EnableDragCell(false); - // The following line caused the row to dissapear when clicked on Windows - // and Linux, but not Mac. - //grid->SetSelectionBackground(*wxWHITE); - for (int i=0, iend=grid_base->GetNumberRows(); iDisableRowResize(i); - } - grid->SetSelectionMode(wxGrid::wxGridSelectRows); - std::vector& col_data = grid_base->col_data; - for (int i=0, iend=col_data.size(); itype == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { - grid->SetColFormatNumber(i); - } else if (col_data[i]->type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - grid->SetColFormatFloat(i, -1, col_data[i]->displayed_decimals); - } else if (col_data[i]->type == GeoDaConst::date_type) { - // leave as a string - } - } - } else { - wxString msg("There was a problem reading in the DBF file. " - "The program will now exit."); - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - Close(true); - } - frames_manager->registerObserver(this); -} - -DataViewerFrame::~DataViewerFrame() -{ - frames_manager->removeObserver(this); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::LoadDefaultMenus() -{ - wxMenu *fileMenu = new wxMenu; - //fileMenu->Append( ID_PRINT_TABLE, "&Print Table\tCtrl-P" ); - fileMenu->Append( wxID_OPEN, "&Open\tCtrl-O" ); - if (grid_base->IsTimeVariant()) { - fileMenu->Append( ID_CHOOSE_TIME_STEP, "Choose time step" ); - fileMenu->Append( ID_SHOW_TIME_CHOOSER, "Show Time Control" ); - } - fileMenu->Append( ID_MOVE_SELECTED_TO_TOP, "&Move selected to top" ); - fileMenu->Append( ID_ADD_COL, "Add Variable" ); - fileMenu->Append( ID_DELETE_COL, "Delete Variable" ); - fileMenu->Append( ID_EDIT_FIELD_PROPERTIES, "Edit Variable Properties" ); - fileMenu->Append( ID_MERGE_TABLE, "Merge Table" ); - //fileMenu->Append( ID_MOVE_COL, "Move Column" ); - //fileMenu->Append( ID_COL_RESIZE, "Manually Resize Column" ); - //fileMenu->Append( ID_RESET_COL_ORDER, "Reset Column Order" ); - //fileMenu->Append( ID_RANDOM_COL_ORDER, "Random Column Order" ); - //fileMenu->Append( ID_PRINT_GRID_INFO, "Print Grid Info to logger"); - fileMenu->Append( ID_SAVE_DBF, "Save DBF" ); - fileMenu->Append( ID_SAVE_DBF_AS, "Save DBF as..." ); - fileMenu->Append( ID_SHOW_DBF_INFO, "Show Info" ); - fileMenu->AppendSeparator(); - fileMenu->Append( wxID_EXIT, "E&xit\tCtrl-Q" ); - - wxMenu *helpMenu = new wxMenu; - helpMenu->Append( wxID_ABOUT, "&About GeoDa DBF Viewer" ); - - wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar; - menuBar->Append( fileMenu, "&File" ); - menuBar->Append( helpMenu, "&Help" ); - - SetMenuBar(menuBar); - menuBar->Enable(ID_SAVE_DBF, false); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::About( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) ) -{ - wxDialog dlg; - wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(&dlg, this, "ID_DATA_VIEWER_ABOUT_DLG"); - dlg.ShowModal(); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnQuit( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) ) -{ - Close(true); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnOpenFile( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) ) -{ - wxFileDialog dlg(this, "Choose a DBF file", "", "", - "DBF files (*.dbf)|*.dbf"); - if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { - DataViewerFrame *frame = new DataViewerFrame(0, frames_manager, - dlg.GetPath()); - frame->LoadDefaultMenus(); - frame->Show(true); - } -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnPrintGridInfo( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::OnPrintGridInfo"); - wxGridSizesInfo col_sizes = grid->GetColSizes(); - LOG(col_sizes.m_sizeDefault); - for (int i=0; iGetNumberCols(); i++) { - LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("col %d width: %d", i, col_sizes.GetSize(i))); - } - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::OnPrintGridInfo"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnPrintTable( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Table Contents: "); - wxString msg("col positions: "); - for (int i=0, iend=grid->GetNumberCols(); iGetColAt(i) << " "; - } - LOG_MSG(msg); - grid_base->PrintTable(); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnMoveSelectedToTop( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::OnMoveSelectedToTop"); - grid_base->MoveSelectedToTop(); - grid->Refresh(); - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::OnMoveSelectedToTop"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::SortEvent( wxGridEvent& ev, - wxGrid* grid, - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::SortEvent"); - int col = ev.GetCol(); - int curr_sort_col = grid_base->GetSortingCol(); - LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("current sorting col: %d, new sorting col %d", - curr_sort_col, col)); - - if (curr_sort_col != col) { - LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("sorting by col %d in ascending order", col)); - grid_base->SortByCol(col, true); // sort in ascending order - } else if (grid_base->IsSortedAscending()) { - LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("sorting by col %d in descending order", col)); - grid_base->SortByCol(col, false); // sort in descending order - } else { - LOG_MSG("Returning to unsorted order"); - grid_base->SortByDefaultDecending(); // restore unsorted order - } - - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::SortEvent"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnSortEvent( wxGridEvent& ev ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::OnSortEvent"); - DataViewerFrame::SortEvent( ev, grid, grid_base ); - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::OnSortEvent"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::ColSizeEvent( wxGridSizeEvent& ev, - wxGrid* grid, - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::ColSizeEvent"); - LOG(ev.GetRowOrCol()); - LOG(ev.GetPosition().x); - LOG(ev.GetPosition().y); - ev.Veto(); - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::ColSizeEvent"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnColSizeEvent( wxGridSizeEvent& ev ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::OnColSizeEvent"); - DataViewerFrame::ColSizeEvent( ev, grid, grid_base ); - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::OnColSizeEvent"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::ColMoveEvent( wxGridEvent& ev, - wxGrid* grid, - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::ColMoveEvent"); - LOG(ev.GetCol()); - LOG(ev.GetPosition().x); - LOG(ev.GetPosition().y); - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::ColMoveEvent"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnColMoveEvent( wxGridEvent& ev ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::OnColMoveEvent"); - DataViewerFrame::ColMoveEvent( ev, grid, grid_base ); - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::OnColMoveEvent"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnColResize( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::OnColResize"); - DataViewerResizeColDlg dlg(grid, grid_base, this); - if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { - LOG(dlg.id); - LOG(dlg.width); - grid->SetColSize(dlg.id, dlg.width); - } - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::OnColResize"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::LabelLeftClickEvent( wxGridEvent& ev, - wxGrid* grid, - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::LabelLeftClickEvent"); - LOG(ev.GetCol()); - LOG(ev.GetRow()); - LOG(ev.ShiftDown()); - int row = ev.GetRow(); - int col = ev.GetCol(); - if (col < 0 && row >= 0) { - if (!ev.ShiftDown()) grid_base->DeselectAll(); - if (grid_base->FromGridIsSelected(row)) { - grid_base->FromGridDeselect(row); - } else { - grid_base->FromGridSelect(row); - } - // unselect whatever the wxGrid object selects since we are doing our - // own selection. - grid->ClearSelection(); - grid->Refresh(); - } else { - ev.Skip(); // continue processing this event - } - - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::LabelLeftClickEvent"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnLabelLeftClickEvent( wxGridEvent& ev) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::OnLabelLeftClickEvent"); - DataViewerFrame::LabelLeftClickEvent( ev, grid, grid_base ); - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::OnLabelLeftClickEvent"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::LabelLeftDClickEvent(wxGridEvent& ev, - wxGrid* grid, - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::LabelLeftDClickEvent"); - LOG(ev.GetCol()); - LOG(ev.GetRow()); - LOG(ev.ShiftDown()); - int row = ev.GetRow(); - int col = ev.GetCol(); - if (row < 0 && col >= -1) { - if (col == -1) { - // upper-right-hand-corner click - if (grid_base->GetSortingCol() != -1) { - grid_base->SortByDefaultDecending(); - } else if (grid_base->IsSortedAscending()) { - grid_base->SortByDefaultDecending(); - } else { - grid_base->SortByDefaultAscending(); - } - grid->ClearSelection(); - } else { - // A column double click event - SortEvent(ev, grid, grid_base); - } - grid->Refresh(); - } else { - ev.Skip(); // continue processing this event - } - - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::LabelLeftDClickEvent"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnLabelLeftDClickEvent( wxGridEvent& ev) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::OnLabelLeftDClickEvent"); - DataViewerFrame::LabelLeftDClickEvent(ev, grid, grid_base); - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::OnLabelLeftDClickEvent"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnCellChanged( wxGridEvent& ev ) -{ - GetMenuBar()->Enable(ID_SAVE_DBF, grid_base->ChangedSinceLastSave()); - ev.Skip(); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnMoveCol( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::OnMoveCol"); - GetMenuBar()->Enable(ID_SAVE_DBF, grid_base->ChangedSinceLastSave()); - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::OnMoveCol"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnAddCol( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::OnAddCol"); - DataViewerAddColDlg dlg(grid_base, this); - if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { - GetMenuBar()->Enable(ID_SAVE_DBF, grid_base->ChangedSinceLastSave()); - } - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::OnAddCol"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnDeleteCol( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::OnDeleteCol"); - DataViewerDeleteColDlg dlg(grid_base, this); - dlg.ShowModal(); - GetMenuBar()->Enable(ID_SAVE_DBF, grid_base->ChangedSinceLastSave()); - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::OnDeleteCol"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnRandomColOrder( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::OnRandomColOrder"); - int cols = grid->GetNumberCols(); - wxArrayInt order(cols); - for (int i=0; i" << order[i] << " "; - } - LOG_MSG(msg); - grid->SetColumnsOrder(order); - GetMenuBar()->Enable(ID_SAVE_DBF, grid_base->ChangedSinceLastSave()); - - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::OnRandomColOrder"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnSaveDbf( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::OnSaveDbf"); - time_t rawtime; - struct tm* timeinfo; - time(&rawtime); - timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime); - grid_base->orig_header.year = timeinfo->tm_year+1900; - grid_base->orig_header.month = timeinfo->tm_mon+1; - grid_base->orig_header.day = timeinfo->tm_mday; - DbfFileHeader t_header = grid_base->orig_header; - - wxString err_msg; - bool success = grid_base->WriteToDbf(cur_dbf_fname, err_msg); - if (!success) { - grid_base->orig_header = t_header; - wxMessageBox(err_msg); - LOG_MSG(err_msg); - } else { - GetMenuBar()->Enable(ID_SAVE_DBF, grid_base->ChangedSinceLastSave()); - wxMessageBox("DBF file saved successfully"); - LOG_MSG("DBF file saved successfully"); - } - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::OnSaveDbf"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnSaveDbfAs( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::OnSaveDbfAs"); - time_t rawtime; - struct tm* timeinfo; - time(&rawtime); - timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime); - DbfFileHeader t_header = grid_base->orig_header; - grid_base->orig_header.year = timeinfo->tm_year+1900; - grid_base->orig_header.month = timeinfo->tm_mon+1; - grid_base->orig_header.day = timeinfo->tm_mday; - - wxFileDialog dlg( this, "Output DBF file", wxEmptyString, - wxEmptyString, - "DBF files (*.dbf)|*.dbf", - wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT); - dlg.SetPath(cur_dbf_fname); - if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { - wxString err_msg; - bool success = grid_base->WriteToDbf(dlg.GetPath(), err_msg); - if (!success) { - grid_base->orig_header = t_header; - wxMessageBox(err_msg); - LOG_MSG(err_msg); - } else { - GetMenuBar()->Enable(ID_SAVE_DBF, - grid_base->ChangedSinceLastSave()); - cur_dbf_fname = dlg.GetPath(); - SetTitle("DBF Viewer - " - + wxFileName::FileName(cur_dbf_fname).GetFullName()); - wxMessageBox("DBF file saved successfully"); - LOG_MSG("DBF file saved successfully"); - } - } - - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::OnSaveDbfAs"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnShowDbfInfo( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::OnShowDbfInfo"); - - wxString version_text; - if (grid_base->orig_header.version == 3) { - version_text = wxString("0x03 (dBASE III+)"); - } else { - version_text = wxString::Format("0x%X (unknown)", - grid_base->orig_header.version); - } - wxString year_text = wxString::Format("%d", grid_base->orig_header.year); - wxString month_text = wxString::Format("%d", grid_base->orig_header.month); - wxString day_text = wxString::Format("%d", grid_base->orig_header.day); - wxString fields_text = wxString::Format("%d", - grid_base->orig_header.num_fields); - wxString records_text = wxString::Format("%d", - grid_base->orig_header.num_records); - int bytes = (grid_base->orig_header.num_fields + 1)*32 + 1; - bytes += grid_base->orig_header.num_records * - grid_base->orig_header.length_each_record; - wxString size_text = wxString::Format("%d bytes", bytes); - - wxString msg; - msg << "file: " << cur_dbf_fname; - msg << "\n version: " << version_text; - msg << "\n year: " << year_text; - msg << "\n month: " << month_text; - msg << "\n day: " << day_text; - msg << "\n fields: " << fields_text; - msg << "\n records: " << records_text; - msg << "\n file size: " << size_text; - - LOG_MSG(msg); - - wxDialog dlg; - wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(&dlg, this, "ID_DATA_VIEWER_DBF_INFO_DLG"); - wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_VERSION_TEXT")), - wxStaticText)->SetLabelText(version_text); - wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_YEAR_TEXT")), - wxStaticText)->SetLabelText(year_text); - wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_MONTH_TEXT")), - wxStaticText)->SetLabelText(month_text); - wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_DAY_TEXT")), - wxStaticText)->SetLabelText(day_text); - wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_FIELDS_TEXT")), - wxStaticText)->SetLabelText(fields_text); - wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_RECORDS_TEXT")), - wxStaticText)->SetLabelText(records_text); - wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_FILE_SIZE_TEXT")), - wxStaticText)->SetLabelText(size_text); - dlg.SetTitle(wxFileName::FileName(cur_dbf_fname).GetFullName()); - - dlg.ShowModal(); - - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::OnShowDbfInfo"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnEditFieldProperties( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::OnEditFieldProperties"); - DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg dlg(grid_base, - wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(600, 400)); - dlg.ShowModal(); - - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::OnEditFieldProperties"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnMergeTable( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::OnMergeTable"); - MergeTableDlg dlg(grid_base, wxDefaultPosition); - dlg.ShowModal(); - - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::OnMergeTable"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnChooseTimeStep( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::OnChooseTimeStep"); - int cur_ts = grid_base->curr_time_step; - - wxString* choices = new wxString[grid_base->time_steps]; - for (int i=0; itime_steps; i++) { - choices[i] << grid_base->time_ids[i]; - } - - wxSingleChoiceDialog dlg(this, "Choose Time Step", "Time Step", - grid_base->time_steps, choices, (char**) 0, - wxOK | wxCANCEL, wxDefaultPosition ); - - if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { - if (dlg.GetSelection() != cur_ts) { - grid_base->curr_time_step = dlg.GetSelection(); - grid->Refresh(); - } - } - if (choices) delete [] choices; - - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::OnChooseTimeStep"); -} - -void DataViewerFrame::OnShowTimeChooser( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerFrame::OnShowTimeChooser"); - - TimeChooserDlg* dlg = new TimeChooserDlg(0, frames_manager, grid_base); - dlg->Show(true); - - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerFrame::OnShowTimeChooser"); -} - - -void DataViewerFrame::update(FramesManager* o) -{ - // A possible title change or time step change. - Refresh(); -} diff --git a/DataViewer/DataViewer.h b/DataViewer/DataViewer.h deleted file mode 100644 index 92bd86da4..000000000 --- a/DataViewer/DataViewer.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ -/** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved - * - * This file is part of GeoDa. - * - * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program. If not, see . - */ - -#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_DATA_VIEWER_H__ -#define __GEODA_CENTER_DATA_VIEWER_H__ - -#include -#include -#include "../FramesManagerObserver.h" - -class DbfGridTableBase; -class FramesManager; - -class DataViewerFrame : public wxFrame, public FramesManagerObserver -{ -public: - DataViewerFrame(wxFrame *parent, FramesManager* frames_manager, - const wxString& dbf_fname ); - DataViewerFrame(wxFrame *parent, FramesManager* frames_manager, - const wxString& dbf_sp_fname, const wxString& dbf_tm_fname, - int sp_tbl_sp_col, int tm_tbl_sp_col, int tm_tbl_tm_col); - virtual ~DataViewerFrame(); - - // Some Default File-menu options for when DataViewer - // is loaded as a stand-alone program. - void LoadDefaultMenus(); - - void OnQuit( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void About( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnOpenFile( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnPrintTable( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnMoveSelectedToTop( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - static void SortEvent( wxGridEvent& ev, wxGrid* grid, - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base ); - void OnSortEvent( wxGridEvent& ev ); - static void ColSizeEvent( wxGridSizeEvent& ev, wxGrid* grid, - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base ); - void OnColSizeEvent( wxGridSizeEvent& ev ); - static void ColMoveEvent( wxGridEvent& ev, wxGrid* grid, - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base ); - void OnColMoveEvent( wxGridEvent& ev ); - void OnMoveCol( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnColResize( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - static void LabelLeftClickEvent( wxGridEvent& ev, wxGrid* grid, - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base ); - void OnLabelLeftClickEvent( wxGridEvent& ev); - static void LabelLeftDClickEvent(wxGridEvent& ev, wxGrid* grid, - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base); - void OnLabelLeftDClickEvent( wxGridEvent& ev); - void OnCellChanged( wxGridEvent& ev ); - void OnAddCol( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnDeleteCol( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnRandomColOrder( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnPrintGridInfo( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnSaveDbf( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnSaveDbfAs( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnShowDbfInfo( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnEditFieldProperties( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnMergeTable( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnChooseTimeStep( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnShowTimeChooser( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - - /** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ - virtual void update(FramesManager* o); - -protected: - FramesManager* frames_manager; - -private: - wxGrid* grid; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; - wxString cur_dbf_fname; - wxString cur_dbf_tm_fname; - - DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() -}; - - -#endif diff --git a/DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.cpp b/DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.cpp index 94c397b92..f346c724b 100644 --- a/DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.cpp +++ b/DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -25,13 +25,16 @@ #include #include -#include "DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "TableInterface.h" +#include "TimeState.h" +#include "../Project.h" #include "../logger.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/DbfFile.h" #include "../GeoDa.h" #include "../TemplateCanvas.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../GenUtils.h" +#include "TableInterface.h" #include "DataViewerAddColDlg.h" BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( DataViewerAddColDlg, wxDialog ) @@ -40,19 +43,22 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( DataViewerAddColDlg, wxDialog ) EVT_TEXT( XRCID("ID_TEXT_NEW_NAME"), DataViewerAddColDlg::OnEditName ) EVT_TEXT( XRCID("ID_TEXT_LENGTH"), DataViewerAddColDlg::OnEditLength ) EVT_TEXT( XRCID("ID_TEXT_DECIMALS"), DataViewerAddColDlg::OnEditDecimals ) - EVT_TEXT( XRCID("ID_TEXT_DISPLAYED_DECIMALS"), - DataViewerAddColDlg::OnEditDisplayedDecimals ) + EVT_CHOICE( XRCID("ID_DISPLAYED_DECIMALS"), + DataViewerAddColDlg::OnChoiceDisplayedDecimals ) END_EVENT_TABLE() -DataViewerAddColDlg::DataViewerAddColDlg(DbfGridTableBase* grid_base_s, +DataViewerAddColDlg::DataViewerAddColDlg(Project* project_s, wxWindow* parent, - bool time_inv_no_as_default_s, - bool can_change_time_inv_s, + bool time_variant_no_as_default_s, + bool can_change_time_variant_s, wxString default_name_s, - GeoDaConst::FieldType default_field_type_s) -: grid_base(grid_base_s), time_inv_no_as_default(time_inv_no_as_default_s), -can_change_time_inv(can_change_time_inv_s), default_name(default_name_s), -default_field_type(default_field_type_s) + GdaConst::FieldType default_field_type_s) +: project(project_s), table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()), +time_variant_no_as_default(time_variant_no_as_default_s), +can_change_time_variant(can_change_time_variant_s), default_name(default_name_s), +default_field_type(default_field_type_s), +time_variant(project_s->GetTableInt()->IsTimeVariant()), +fixed_lengths(project_s->GetTableInt()->HasFixedLengths()) { SetParent(parent); CreateControls(); @@ -65,25 +71,29 @@ default_field_type(default_field_type_s) // 0->2, 1->1, 2->0, 3->5, 4->3, 5->4 std::vector col_id_map; - grid_base->FillColIdMap(col_id_map); - for (int i=0, iend=grid_base->col_data.size(); icol_data[i]->name.Upper()); + table_int->FillColIdMap(col_id_map); + for (int i=0, iend=table_int->GetNumberCols(); iGetColName(i).Upper()); + m_insert_pos->Append(table_int->GetColName(i).Upper()); } - - for (int i=0; iGetNumberCols(); i++) { - m_insert_pos->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name.Upper()); - } - m_insert_pos->Append("end of table"); + + m_insert_pos->Append("after last variable"); m_insert_pos->SetSelection(0); } void DataViewerAddColDlg::CreateControls() { - if (grid_base->IsTimeVariant()) { + if (time_variant && fixed_lengths) { + wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), + "ID_DATA_VIEWER_ADD_COL_TIME_FIXED_DLG"); + } else if (time_variant && !fixed_lengths) { wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), "ID_DATA_VIEWER_ADD_COL_TIME_DLG"); - } else { + } else if (!time_variant && fixed_lengths) { + wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), + "ID_DATA_VIEWER_ADD_COL_FIXED_DLG"); + } else { // !time_variant && !fixed_lengths wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), "ID_DATA_VIEWER_ADD_COL_DLG"); } @@ -98,17 +108,17 @@ void DataViewerAddColDlg::CreateControls() m_name->SetValidator(name_validator); m_name_valid = false; - m_time_inv_no = 0; - m_time_inv_yes = 0; - if (FindWindow(XRCID("ID_TIME_INV_NO"))) { - m_time_inv_no = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_TIME_INV_NO")), + m_time_variant_no = 0; + m_time_variant_yes = 0; + if (FindWindow(XRCID("ID_TIME_VARIANT_NO"))) { + m_time_variant_no = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_TIME_VARIANT_NO")), wxRadioButton); - m_time_inv_yes = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_TIME_INV_YES")), + m_time_variant_yes = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_TIME_VARIANT_YES")), wxRadioButton); - m_time_inv_no->SetValue(time_inv_no_as_default); - m_time_inv_yes->SetValue(!time_inv_no_as_default); - m_time_inv_no->Enable(can_change_time_inv); - m_time_inv_yes->Enable(can_change_time_inv); + m_time_variant_no->SetValue(time_variant_no_as_default); + m_time_variant_yes->SetValue(!time_variant_no_as_default); + m_time_variant_no->Enable(can_change_time_variant); + m_time_variant_yes->Enable(can_change_time_variant); } m_type = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_CHOICE_TYPE")), wxChoice); @@ -120,46 +130,59 @@ void DataViewerAddColDlg::CreateControls() m_insert_pos = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_CHOICE_INSERT_POS")), wxChoice); - - m_length_lable = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_STATIC_LENGTH")), - wxStaticText); - m_length = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_TEXT_LENGTH")), wxTextCtrl); - m_length->SetValidator(wxTextValidator(wxFILTER_DIGITS)); - m_length_valid = true; - - m_decimals_lable = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_STATIC_DECIMALS")), - wxStaticText); - m_decimals = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_TEXT_DECIMALS")), - wxTextCtrl); - m_decimals->SetValidator(wxTextValidator(wxFILTER_DIGITS)); - m_decimals_valid = true; - + m_displayed_decimals_lable = - wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_STATIC_DISPLAYED_DECIMALS")), - wxStaticText); + wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_STATIC_DISPLAYED_DECIMALS")), + wxStaticText); m_displayed_decimals = - wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_TEXT_DISPLAYED_DECIMALS")), - wxTextCtrl); - m_displayed_decimals->SetValidator(wxTextValidator(wxFILTER_DIGITS)); - m_displayed_decimals_valid = true; + wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_DISPLAYED_DECIMALS")), + wxChoice); + m_displayed_decimals->Append("default"); + m_displayed_decimals->Append("1"); + m_displayed_decimals->Append("2"); + m_displayed_decimals->Append("3"); + m_displayed_decimals->Append("4"); + m_displayed_decimals->Append("5"); + m_displayed_decimals->Append("6"); + m_displayed_decimals->Append("7"); + m_displayed_decimals->Append("8"); + m_displayed_decimals->Append("9"); + m_displayed_decimals->Append("10"); - m_max_label = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_STATIC_MAX_LABEL")), - wxStaticText); - m_max_val = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_STATIC_MAX_VAL")), - wxStaticText); + if (fixed_lengths) { + m_length_lable = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_STATIC_LENGTH")), + wxStaticText); + m_length = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_TEXT_LENGTH")), + wxTextCtrl); + m_length->SetValidator(wxTextValidator(wxFILTER_DIGITS)); + m_length_valid = true; - m_min_label = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_STATIC_MIN_LABEL")), - wxStaticText); - m_min_val = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_STATIC_MIN_VAL")), - wxStaticText); + m_decimals_lable = + wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_STATIC_DECIMALS")), + wxStaticText); + m_decimals = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_TEXT_DECIMALS")), + wxTextCtrl); + m_decimals->SetValidator(wxTextValidator(wxFILTER_DIGITS)); + m_decimals_valid = true; - if (default_field_type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { + m_max_label = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_STATIC_MAX_LABEL")), + wxStaticText); + m_max_val = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_STATIC_MAX_VAL")), + wxStaticText); + + m_min_label = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_STATIC_MIN_LABEL")), + wxStaticText); + m_min_val = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_STATIC_MIN_VAL")), + wxStaticText); + } + + if (default_field_type == GdaConst::double_type) { m_type->SetSelection(0); - } else if (default_field_type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { + } else if (default_field_type == GdaConst::long64_type) { m_type->SetSelection(1); - } else if (default_field_type == GeoDaConst::string_type) { + } else if (default_field_type == GdaConst::string_type) { m_type->SetSelection(2); - } else if (default_field_type == GeoDaConst::date_type) { + } else if (default_field_type == GdaConst::date_type) { m_type->SetSelection(3); } else { m_type->SetSelection(0); @@ -174,100 +197,110 @@ void DataViewerAddColDlg::OnChoiceType( wxCommandEvent& ev ) { switch (ev.GetSelection()) { case 0: - if (cur_type == GeoDaConst::double_type) return; - SetDefaultsByType(GeoDaConst::double_type); + if (cur_type == GdaConst::double_type) return; + SetDefaultsByType(GdaConst::double_type); break; case 1: - if (cur_type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) return; - SetDefaultsByType(GeoDaConst::long64_type); + if (cur_type == GdaConst::long64_type) return; + SetDefaultsByType(GdaConst::long64_type); break; case 2: - if (cur_type == GeoDaConst::string_type) return; - SetDefaultsByType(GeoDaConst::string_type); + if (cur_type == GdaConst::string_type) return; + SetDefaultsByType(GdaConst::string_type); break; case 3: - if (cur_type == GeoDaConst::date_type) return; - SetDefaultsByType(GeoDaConst::date_type); + if (cur_type == GdaConst::date_type) return; + SetDefaultsByType(GdaConst::date_type); break; default: // should never get here! - SetDefaultsByType(GeoDaConst::double_type); + SetDefaultsByType(GdaConst::double_type); } } -void DataViewerAddColDlg::SetDefaultsByType(GeoDaConst::FieldType type) +void DataViewerAddColDlg::SetDefaultsByType(GdaConst::FieldType type) { // set some defaults first - m_length->Enable(); - m_decimals_lable->SetLabelText("Decimals"); - m_decimals->SetValue("0"); - m_decimals->Disable(); - m_displayed_decimals->SetValue("0"); + m_displayed_decimals->SetSelection(0); m_displayed_decimals->Disable(); - m_max_label->SetLabelText(""); - m_max_val->SetLabelText(""); - m_min_label->SetLabelText(""); - m_min_val->SetLabelText(""); - m_length_valid = true; - m_decimals_valid = true; - m_displayed_decimals_valid = true; + if (fixed_lengths) { + m_length->Enable(); + m_decimals_lable->SetLabelText("Decimals"); + m_decimals->SetValue("7"); + m_decimals->Disable(); + m_max_label->SetLabelText(""); + m_max_val->SetLabelText(""); + m_min_label->SetLabelText(""); + m_min_val->SetLabelText(""); + m_length_valid = true; + m_decimals_valid = true; + } + switch (type) { - case GeoDaConst::double_type: + case GdaConst::double_type: { - cur_type = GeoDaConst::double_type; - m_length_lable->SetLabelText(wxString::Format("Length (max %d)", - GeoDaConst::max_dbf_double_len)); - m_length->SetValue(wxString::Format("%d", - GeoDaConst::default_dbf_double_len)); - m_decimals_lable->SetLabelText(wxString::Format("Decimals (max %d)", - GeoDaConst::max_dbf_double_decimals)); - m_decimals->Enable(); - m_decimals->SetValue(wxString::Format("%d", - GeoDaConst::default_dbf_double_decimals)); + cur_type = GdaConst::double_type; m_displayed_decimals->Enable(); - m_displayed_decimals->SetValue(wxString::Format("%d", - GeoDaConst::default_dbf_double_decimals)); - m_max_label->SetLabelText("maximum"); - m_max_val->SetLabelText(wxString::Format("%d", 9)); - m_min_label->SetLabelText("minimum"); - m_min_val->SetLabelText(wxString::Format("-%d", 9)); + m_displayed_decimals->SetSelection(0); + if (fixed_lengths) { + m_length_lable->SetLabelText(wxString::Format("Length (max %d)", + GdaConst::max_dbf_double_len)); + m_length->SetValue(wxString::Format("%d", + GdaConst::default_dbf_double_len)); + m_decimals_lable->SetLabelText( + wxString::Format("Decimals (max %d)", + GdaConst::max_dbf_double_decimals)); + m_decimals->Enable(); + m_decimals->SetValue(wxString::Format("%d", + GdaConst::default_dbf_double_decimals)); + + m_max_label->SetLabelText("maximum"); + m_max_val->SetLabelText(wxString::Format("%d", 9)); + m_min_label->SetLabelText("minimum"); + m_min_val->SetLabelText(wxString::Format("-%d", 9)); + } } break; - case GeoDaConst::long64_type: + case GdaConst::long64_type: { - cur_type = GeoDaConst::long64_type; - m_length_lable->SetLabelText(wxString::Format("Length (max %d)", - GeoDaConst::max_dbf_long_len)); - m_length->SetValue(wxString::Format("%d", - GeoDaConst::default_dbf_long_len)); - m_max_label->SetLabelText("maximum"); - m_max_val->SetLabelText(wxString::Format("%d", 9)); - m_min_label->SetLabelText("minimum"); - m_min_val->SetLabelText(wxString::Format("-%d", 9)); + cur_type = GdaConst::long64_type; + if (fixed_lengths) { + m_length_lable->SetLabelText(wxString::Format("Length (max %d)", + GdaConst::max_dbf_long_len)); + m_length->SetValue(wxString::Format("%d", + GdaConst::default_dbf_long_len)); + m_max_label->SetLabelText("maximum"); + m_max_val->SetLabelText(wxString::Format("%d", 9)); + m_min_label->SetLabelText("minimum"); + m_min_val->SetLabelText(wxString::Format("-%d", 9)); + } } break; - case GeoDaConst::string_type: + case GdaConst::string_type: { - cur_type = GeoDaConst::string_type; - m_length_lable->SetLabelText(wxString::Format("Length (max %d)", - GeoDaConst::max_dbf_string_len)); - m_length->SetValue(wxString::Format("%d", - GeoDaConst::default_dbf_string_len)); + cur_type = GdaConst::string_type; + if (fixed_lengths) { + m_length_lable->SetLabelText(wxString::Format("Length (max %d)", + GdaConst::max_dbf_string_len)); + m_length->SetValue(wxString::Format("%d", + GdaConst::default_dbf_string_len)); + } } break; - case GeoDaConst::date_type: + case GdaConst::date_type: default: { - cur_type = GeoDaConst::date_type; - m_length_lable->SetLabelText("Length"); - m_length->SetValue(wxString::Format("%d", - GeoDaConst::default_dbf_date_len)); - - m_length->Disable(); + cur_type = GdaConst::date_type; + if (fixed_lengths) { + m_length_lable->SetLabelText("Length"); + m_length->SetValue(wxString::Format("%d", + GdaConst::default_dbf_date_len)); + m_length->Disable(); + } } } - UpdateMinMaxValues(); + if (fixed_lengths) UpdateMinMaxValues(); } void DataViewerAddColDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ) @@ -277,7 +310,7 @@ void DataViewerAddColDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ) colname.Trim(true); // trim white-space from right of string colname.Trim(false); // trim white-space from left of string - if(colname == wxEmptyString) { + if (colname == wxEmptyString) { wxString msg("Error: Table variable name empty."); wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); dlg.ShowModal(); @@ -305,34 +338,36 @@ void DataViewerAddColDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ) return; } - long displayed_decimals = 0; - m_displayed_decimals->GetValue().ToLong(&displayed_decimals); - - // Note: before we get to this point, all parameters are assumed - // to be valid, except for double_type, where we need to check - // that the particular combination of decimals and length is valid + long displayed_decimals = m_displayed_decimals->GetSelection(); + if (displayed_decimals == 0) displayed_decimals = -1; + + if (fixed_lengths) { + // Note: before we get to this point, all parameters are assumed + // to be valid, except for double_type, where we need to check + // that the particular combination of decimals and length is valid - if (cur_type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - int suggest_len; - int suggest_dec; - DbfFileUtils::SuggestDoubleParams(m_length_val, m_decimals_val, - &suggest_len, &suggest_dec); - if (m_length_val != suggest_len || m_decimals_val != suggest_dec) { - wxString msg; - msg += "Error: Due to restrictions on the DBF file format, the "; - msg += "particular combination of length and decimals entered is "; - msg += "not valid. Based on your current choices, we recommend "; - msg << "length = " << suggest_len; - msg << " and decimals = " << suggest_dec; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; + if (cur_type == GdaConst::double_type) { + int suggest_len; + int suggest_dec; + DbfFileUtils::SuggestDoubleParams(m_length_val, m_decimals_val, + &suggest_len, &suggest_dec); + if (m_length_val != suggest_len || m_decimals_val != suggest_dec) { + wxString m; + m << "Error: Due to restrictions on the DBF file format, the "; + m << "particular combination of length and decimals entered is "; + m << "not valid. Based on your current choices, we recommend "; + m << "length = " << suggest_len; + m << " and decimals = " << suggest_dec; + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, m, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } } } int col_insert_pos; - if (m_insert_pos->GetSelection() >= grid_base->GetNumberCols()) { - col_insert_pos = grid_base->GetNumberCols(); + if (m_insert_pos->GetSelection() >= table_int->GetNumberCols()) { + col_insert_pos = table_int->GetNumberCols(); } else { // One might think we want to use the col_id_map here, but it // turns out we need to specify the position in the visual @@ -340,17 +375,36 @@ void DataViewerAddColDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ) col_insert_pos = m_insert_pos->GetSelection(); } int time_steps = 1; // non-space-time column by default - if (m_time_inv_no && m_time_inv_no->GetValue()) { - time_steps = grid_base->time_steps; + if (m_time_variant_yes && m_time_variant_yes->GetValue()) { + time_steps = table_int->GetTimeSteps(); } LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("Inserting new column %s into Table", colname.Upper().c_str())); - grid_base->InsertCol(col_insert_pos, time_steps, cur_type, colname.Upper(), - m_length_val, m_decimals_val, displayed_decimals); + + bool success; + if (fixed_lengths) { + success = (table_int->InsertCol(cur_type, colname.Upper(), + col_insert_pos, time_steps, + m_length_val, m_decimals_val) != -1); + } else { + success = (table_int->InsertCol(cur_type, colname.Upper(), + col_insert_pos, time_steps) != -1); + } + + if (!success) { + wxString msg("Could not create a new variable. " + "Possibly a read-only data source."); + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR ); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } final_col_name = colname.Upper(); final_col_id = col_insert_pos; + if (table_int->PermitChangeDisplayedDecimals()) { + table_int->ColChangeDisplayedDecimals(final_col_id, displayed_decimals); + } ev.Skip(); EndDialog(wxID_OK); LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerAddColDlg::OnOkClick"); @@ -364,32 +418,19 @@ void DataViewerAddColDlg::OnEditName( wxCommandEvent& ev ) void DataViewerAddColDlg::CheckName() { wxString s = m_name->GetValue(); - if (s.length() > 0) { - wxString f = s.SubString(0, 0); - if (f == "_" || f == "0" || f == "1" || f == "2" || f == "3" || - f == "4" || f == "5" || f == "6" || f == "7" || f == "8" || - f == "9") { - s = s.SubString(1, s.length()-1); - m_name->ChangeValue(s); - } - } - if (DbfFileUtils::isValidFieldName(s) || s.length() == 0) { - wxTextAttr style(m_name->GetDefaultStyle()); - style.SetTextColour(*wxBLACK); - m_name->SetStyle(0, s.length(), style); + m_name_valid = table_int->IsValidDBColName(s); + if ( m_name_valid ) { + m_name->SetForegroundColour(*wxBLACK); } else { - wxTextAttr style(m_name->GetDefaultStyle()); - style.SetTextColour(*wxRED); - m_name->SetStyle(0, s.length(), style); + m_name->SetForegroundColour(*wxRED); } - m_name_valid = (DbfFileUtils::isValidFieldName(s) && - !grid_base->IsSpaceTimeIdField(s)); UpdateApplyButton(); } void DataViewerAddColDlg::OnEditLength( wxCommandEvent& ev ) { + if (!fixed_lengths) return; wxString s = m_length->GetValue(); long val = 0; bool is_num = s.ToLong(&val); @@ -397,18 +438,18 @@ void DataViewerAddColDlg::OnEditLength( wxCommandEvent& ev ) long min_v; long max_v; - if (cur_type == GeoDaConst::date_type) { - min_v = GeoDaConst::min_dbf_date_len; - max_v = GeoDaConst::max_dbf_date_len; - } else if (cur_type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { - min_v = GeoDaConst::min_dbf_long_len; - max_v = GeoDaConst::max_dbf_long_len; - } else if (cur_type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - min_v = GeoDaConst::min_dbf_double_len; - max_v = GeoDaConst::max_dbf_double_len; - } else { // cur_type == GeoDaConst::string_type - min_v = GeoDaConst::min_dbf_string_len; - max_v = GeoDaConst::max_dbf_string_len; + if (cur_type == GdaConst::date_type) { + min_v = GdaConst::min_dbf_date_len; + max_v = GdaConst::max_dbf_date_len; + } else if (cur_type == GdaConst::long64_type) { + min_v = GdaConst::min_dbf_long_len; + max_v = GdaConst::max_dbf_long_len; + } else if (cur_type == GdaConst::double_type) { + min_v = GdaConst::min_dbf_double_len; + max_v = GdaConst::max_dbf_double_len; + } else { // cur_type == GdaConst::string_type + min_v = GdaConst::min_dbf_string_len; + max_v = GdaConst::max_dbf_string_len; } if ((is_num && val >= min_v && val <= max_v) || s.length() == 0) { @@ -427,7 +468,8 @@ void DataViewerAddColDlg::OnEditLength( wxCommandEvent& ev ) void DataViewerAddColDlg::OnEditDecimals( wxCommandEvent& ev ) { - if (!cur_type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { + if (!fixed_lengths) return; + if (!cur_type == GdaConst::double_type) { m_decimals_valid = true; UpdateApplyButton(); return; @@ -436,8 +478,8 @@ void DataViewerAddColDlg::OnEditDecimals( wxCommandEvent& ev ) long val = 0; bool is_num = s.ToLong(&val); m_decimals_val = val; - long min_v = GeoDaConst::min_dbf_double_decimals; - long max_v = GeoDaConst::max_dbf_double_decimals; + long min_v = GdaConst::min_dbf_double_decimals; + long max_v = GdaConst::max_dbf_double_decimals; if ((is_num && val >= min_v && val <= max_v) || s.length() == 0) { wxTextAttr style(m_name->GetDefaultStyle()); @@ -453,46 +495,27 @@ void DataViewerAddColDlg::OnEditDecimals( wxCommandEvent& ev ) UpdateApplyButton(); } -void DataViewerAddColDlg::OnEditDisplayedDecimals( wxCommandEvent& ev ) +void DataViewerAddColDlg::OnChoiceDisplayedDecimals( wxCommandEvent& ev ) { - if (!cur_type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - m_displayed_decimals_valid = true; - UpdateApplyButton(); - return; - } - wxString s = m_displayed_decimals->GetValue(); - long val = 0; - bool is_num = s.ToCLong(&val); - long min_v = 0; - long max_v = GeoDaConst::max_dbf_double_decimals; - - if ((is_num && val >= min_v && val <= max_v) || s.length() == 0) { - wxTextAttr style(m_name->GetDefaultStyle()); - style.SetTextColour(*wxBLACK); - m_name->SetStyle(0, s.length(), style); - } else { - wxTextAttr style(m_name->GetDefaultStyle()); - style.SetTextColour(*wxRED); - m_name->SetStyle(0, s.length(), style); - } - m_displayed_decimals_valid = is_num && val >= min_v && val <= max_v; - UpdateMinMaxValues(); + if (fixed_lengths && + cur_type == GdaConst::double_type) UpdateMinMaxValues(); UpdateApplyButton(); } void DataViewerAddColDlg::UpdateMinMaxValues() { + if (!fixed_lengths) return; m_max_val->SetLabelText(""); m_min_val->SetLabelText(""); if (!m_length_valid || !m_decimals_valid || - !(cur_type == GeoDaConst::double_type || - cur_type == GeoDaConst::long64_type)) { + !(cur_type == GdaConst::double_type || + cur_type == GdaConst::long64_type)) { return; } long length = 8; m_length->GetValue().ToCLong(&length); - if (cur_type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { + if (cur_type == GdaConst::double_type) { long decimals = 0; m_decimals->GetValue().ToLong(&decimals); int suggest_len; @@ -505,7 +528,7 @@ void DataViewerAddColDlg::UpdateMinMaxValues() m_min_val->SetLabelText(DbfFileUtils::GetMinDoubleString(length, decimals)); } - } else { // cur_type == GeoDaConst::long64_type + } else { // cur_type == GdaConst::long64_type m_max_val->SetLabelText(DbfFileUtils::GetMaxIntString(length)); m_min_val->SetLabelText(DbfFileUtils::GetMinIntString(length)); } @@ -513,11 +536,12 @@ void DataViewerAddColDlg::UpdateMinMaxValues() void DataViewerAddColDlg::UpdateApplyButton() { - if (m_name_valid && m_length_valid && m_decimals_valid && - m_displayed_decimals_valid && m_length_val > m_decimals_val) { - m_apply_button->Enable(); + if (fixed_lengths) { + m_apply_button->Enable(m_name_valid && m_length_valid && + m_decimals_valid && + m_length_val > m_decimals_val); } else { - m_apply_button->Disable(); + m_apply_button->Enable(m_name_valid); } } @@ -530,5 +554,3 @@ int DataViewerAddColDlg::GetColId() { return final_col_id; } - - diff --git a/DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.h b/DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.h index 27359c055..5ef194929 100644 --- a/DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.h +++ b/DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -26,34 +26,36 @@ #include #include #include -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" -#include "DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" + +class Project; +class TableInterface; class DataViewerAddColDlg: public wxDialog { public: - DataViewerAddColDlg(DbfGridTableBase* grid_base, - wxWindow* parent, bool time_inv_no_as_default=true, - bool can_change_time_inv=true, + DataViewerAddColDlg(Project* project, + wxWindow* parent, bool time_variant_no_as_default=true, + bool can_change_time_variant=true, wxString default_name=wxEmptyString, - GeoDaConst::FieldType default_field_type=GeoDaConst::double_type); + GdaConst::FieldType default_field_type=GdaConst::double_type); void CreateControls(); void OnChoiceType( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void SetDefaultsByType(GeoDaConst::FieldType type); + void SetDefaultsByType(GdaConst::FieldType type); void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ); void OnEditName( wxCommandEvent& ev ); void CheckName(); void OnEditLength( wxCommandEvent& ev ); void OnEditDecimals( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnEditDisplayedDecimals( wxCommandEvent& ev ); + void OnChoiceDisplayedDecimals( wxCommandEvent& ev ); void UpdateMinMaxValues(); void UpdateApplyButton(); wxString GetColName(); int GetColId(); - wxRadioButton* m_time_inv_no; - wxRadioButton* m_time_inv_yes; + wxRadioButton* m_time_variant_no; + wxRadioButton* m_time_variant_yes; wxButton* m_apply_button; wxTextCtrl* m_name; bool m_name_valid; @@ -68,23 +70,25 @@ class DataViewerAddColDlg: public wxDialog int m_decimals_val; bool m_decimals_valid; wxStaticText* m_displayed_decimals_lable; - wxTextCtrl* m_displayed_decimals; - bool m_displayed_decimals_valid; + wxChoice* m_displayed_decimals; wxStaticText* m_max_label; wxStaticText* m_max_val; wxStaticText* m_min_label; wxStaticText* m_min_val; - GeoDaConst::FieldType cur_type; + GdaConst::FieldType cur_type; wxGrid* grid; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + Project* project; + TableInterface* table_int; private: wxString default_name; - GeoDaConst::FieldType default_field_type; - bool time_inv_no_as_default; - bool can_change_time_inv; + GdaConst::FieldType default_field_type; + bool time_variant_no_as_default; + bool can_change_time_variant; wxString final_col_name; int final_col_id; std::set curr_col_labels; + bool time_variant; + bool fixed_lengths; DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; diff --git a/DataViewer/DataViewerApp.cpp b/DataViewer/DataViewerApp.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 23617084c..000000000 --- a/DataViewer/DataViewerApp.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -/** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved - * - * This file is part of GeoDa. - * - * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program. If not, see . - */ - -#include -#include -#include -#include "../FramesManager.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" -#include "../DialogTools/OpenSpaceTimeDlg.h" -#include "../DialogTools/TimeChooserDlg.h" -#include "DataViewerApp.h" - -extern void DataViewerInitXmlResource(); - -IMPLEMENT_APP( DataViewerApp ) - -bool DataViewerApp::OnInit() -{ - GeoDaConst::init(); - wxImage::AddHandler(new wxPNGHandler); - wxImage::AddHandler(new wxXPMHandler); - wxXmlResource::Get()->InitAllHandlers(); - DataViewerInitXmlResource(); - - frames_manager = new FramesManager; - - OpenSpaceTimeDlg dlg(true); - if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return false; - DataViewerFrame* frame = - new DataViewerFrame(0, frames_manager, - dlg.time_invariant_dbf_name.GetFullPath(), - dlg.time_variant_dbf_name.GetFullPath(), - dlg.sp_table_space_col, - dlg.tm_table_space_col, - dlg.tm_table_time_col); - frame->LoadDefaultMenus(); - frame->Show(true); - - frames_manager->closeAndDeleteWhenEmpty(); - - //TimeChooserDlg* time_chooser = new TimeChooserDlg(0, frames_manager); - //time_chooser->Show(true); - - - //wxFileDialog dlg(0, "Choose DBF file", "", "", - // "DBF files (*.dbf)|*.dbf"); - //if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return false; - //DataViewerFrame* frame = new DataViewerFrame(0, frames_manager, - // dlg.GetPath()); - //frame->LoadDefaultMenus(); - //frame->Show(true); - return true; -} - diff --git a/DataViewer/DataViewerDeleteColDlg.cpp b/DataViewer/DataViewerDeleteColDlg.cpp index 96a48c313..ff6b08baf 100644 --- a/DataViewer/DataViewerDeleteColDlg.cpp +++ b/DataViewer/DataViewerDeleteColDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ #include #include "DataViewerDeleteColDlg.h" +#include "../GdaException.h" BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( DataViewerDeleteColDlg, wxDialog ) EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_DELETE_BUTTON"), DataViewerDeleteColDlg::OnDelete ) @@ -35,9 +36,9 @@ DataViewerDeleteColDlg::DataViewerDeleteColDlg( ) { } -DataViewerDeleteColDlg::DataViewerDeleteColDlg( DbfGridTableBase* grid_base_s, +DataViewerDeleteColDlg::DataViewerDeleteColDlg( TableInterface* table_int_s, wxWindow* parent) -: grid_base(grid_base_s) +: table_int(table_int_s) { SetParent(parent); CreateControls(); @@ -65,12 +66,20 @@ void DataViewerDeleteColDlg::OnDelete( wxCommandEvent& ev ) return; } int col_del_pos = col_id_map[m_field->GetSelection()]; - wxString del_name = grid_base->col_data[col_del_pos]->name; + wxString del_name = table_int->GetColName(col_del_pos); - grid_base->DeleteCol(col_del_pos); - InitFieldChoices(); - m_del_button->Enable(false); - m_message->SetLabelText("Deleted " + del_name.Upper()); + try{ + table_int->DeleteCol(col_del_pos); + InitFieldChoices(); + m_del_button->Enable(false); + m_message->SetLabelText("Deleted " + del_name.Upper()); + } catch (GdaException e) { + wxString msg; + msg << e.what(); + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } } void DataViewerDeleteColDlg::OnChoice( wxCommandEvent& ev ) @@ -78,8 +87,8 @@ void DataViewerDeleteColDlg::OnChoice( wxCommandEvent& ev ) m_message->SetLabelText(""); if (m_field->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND) { int col_del_pos = col_id_map[m_field->GetSelection()]; - wxString del_name = grid_base->col_data[col_del_pos]->name; - m_del_button->Enable(!grid_base->IsSpaceTimeIdField(del_name)); + wxString del_name = table_int->GetColName(col_del_pos); + m_del_button->Enable(true); } } @@ -87,8 +96,9 @@ void DataViewerDeleteColDlg::InitFieldChoices() { col_id_map.clear(); m_field->Clear(); - grid_base->FillColIdMap(col_id_map); - for (int i=0, iend=grid_base->GetNumberCols(); iAppend(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name.Upper()); - } + table_int->FillColIdMap(col_id_map); + for (int i=0, iend=table_int->GetNumberCols(); iAppend(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]).Upper()); + } + m_field->SetSelection(-1); } diff --git a/DataViewer/DataViewerDeleteColDlg.h b/DataViewer/DataViewerDeleteColDlg.h index aa5bbb17c..6ed4f4690 100644 --- a/DataViewer/DataViewerDeleteColDlg.h +++ b/DataViewer/DataViewerDeleteColDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ #include #include #include -#include "DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "TableInterface.h" class DataViewerDeleteColDlg: public wxDialog { public: DataViewerDeleteColDlg(); - DataViewerDeleteColDlg( DbfGridTableBase* grid_base, + DataViewerDeleteColDlg( TableInterface* table_int, wxWindow* parent); void CreateControls(); void OnDelete( wxCommandEvent& ev ); @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class DataViewerDeleteColDlg: public wxDialog wxButton* m_del_button; wxChoice* m_field; wxStaticText* m_message; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + TableInterface* table_int; private: // a mapping from displayed col order to actual col ids in table diff --git a/DataViewer/DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg.cpp b/DataViewer/DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg.cpp index 6885db722..a4a6cf56c 100644 --- a/DataViewer/DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg.cpp +++ b/DataViewer/DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -20,320 +20,279 @@ #include #include #include -//#include //2.9.2 feature #include "../GenUtils.h" #include "../logger.h" +#include "../Project.h" +#include "../GeoDa.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/DbfFile.h" -#include "DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../FramesManager.h" +#include "TableInterface.h" +#include "TableState.h" #include "DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg.h" +#include "../GdaException.h" BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg, wxDialog ) - EVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK( - DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnLabelLeftClickEvent ) - EVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK( - DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellClickLeft ) EVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN( DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellEditorShown ) EVT_GRID_EDITOR_HIDDEN( DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellEditorHidden ) - EVT_BUTTON( wxID_APPLY, - DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnApplyButton ) EVT_BUTTON( wxID_CLOSE, DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCloseButton ) EVT_CLOSE( DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnClose ) - EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGING(DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellEdit) + EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGING(DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellChanging) END_EVENT_TABLE() -const int COL_N = 0; // field name -const int COL_T = 1; // type -const int COL_L = 2; // length -const int COL_D = 3; // decimals -const int COL_DD = 4; // displayed decimals -const int COL_T_INV = 5; // time invariant -int NUM_COLS = 5; - DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg( - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base_s, + Project* project_s, const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size ) : wxDialog(0, wxID_ANY, "Variable Properties", pos, size, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER), -grid_base(grid_base_s), is_space_time(grid_base_s->time_steps > 1), +project(project_s), table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()), cell_editor_open(false), -reenable_apply_after_cell_editor_hidden(false) +field_grid(0), frames_manager(project_s->GetFramesManager()), +table_state(project_s->GetTableState()) { - if (is_space_time) NUM_COLS = 6; + // determine columns to show and assign ids + NUM_COLS = 0; + COL_N = NUM_COLS++; // field name + COL_T = NUM_COLS++; // type + COL_PG = NUM_COLS++; // parent group name + COL_TM = NUM_COLS++; // time period + COL_L = -1; // length + if (table_int->HasFixedLengths()) COL_L = NUM_COLS++; + COL_D = -1; // decimal places + if (table_int->HasFixedDecimals()) COL_D = NUM_COLS++; + COL_DD = -1; // displayed decimal places + if (table_int->PermitChangeDisplayedDecimals()) COL_DD = NUM_COLS++; + + COL_MIN = -1; // min value possible + if (table_int->HasFixedDecimals()) COL_MIN = NUM_COLS++; + COL_MAX = -1; // max value possible + if (table_int->HasFixedDecimals()) COL_MAX = NUM_COLS++; + CreateControls(); - SetTitle("Variable Properties - " + grid_base->GetDbfNameNoExt()); + SetTitle("Variable Properties - " + table_int->GetTableName()); Centre(); + frames_manager->registerObserver(this); + table_state->registerObserver(this); +} + +DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::~DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg() +{ + frames_manager->removeObserver(this); + table_state->removeObserver(this); } void DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::CreateControls() { LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::CreateControls"); - grid_base->FillColIdMap(col_id_map); - - wxBoxSizer *top_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + //wxBoxSizer *top_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); field_grid = new wxGrid(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200,400)); - field_grid->CreateGrid(grid_base->GetNumberCols(), NUM_COLS, + field_grid->CreateGrid(table_int->GetNumberCols(), NUM_COLS, wxGrid::wxGridSelectRows); - - field_grid->SetColLabelValue(COL_N, "variable name"); - field_grid->SetColLabelValue(COL_T, "type"); - field_grid->SetColLabelValue(COL_L, "length"); - field_grid->SetColLabelValue(COL_D, "decimals"); - field_grid->SetColLabelValue(COL_DD, "displayed\ndecimals"); - if (is_space_time) field_grid->SetColLabelValue(COL_T_INV, - "time\ninvariant"); + if (COL_N!=-1) field_grid->SetColLabelValue(COL_N, "variable name"); + if (COL_T!=-1) field_grid->SetColLabelValue(COL_T, "type"); + if (COL_L!=-1) field_grid->SetColLabelValue(COL_L, "length"); + if (COL_D!=-1) field_grid->SetColLabelValue(COL_D, "decimal\nplaces"); + if (COL_DD!=-1) field_grid->SetColLabelValue(COL_DD, + "displayed\ndecimal places"); + if (COL_PG!=-1) field_grid->SetColLabelValue(COL_PG, "parent group"); + if (COL_TM!=-1) field_grid->SetColLabelValue(COL_TM, "time"); + if (COL_MIN!=-1) field_grid->SetColLabelValue(COL_MIN, "minimum\npossible"); + if (COL_MAX!=-1) field_grid->SetColLabelValue(COL_MAX, "maximum\npossible"); field_grid->HideRowLabels(); - field_grid->BeginBatch(); - for (int i=0, iend=grid_base->GetNumberCols(); icol_data[col_id_map[i]]); - wxString name = cd.name.Upper(); - std::map::iterator it = fn_freq.find(name); - if (fn_freq.find(name) != fn_freq.end()) { - fn_freq[name]++; - } else { - fn_freq[name] = 1; - } - field_grid->SetCellValue(i, COL_N, cd.name); - field_grid->SetCellAlignment(i, COL_N, wxALIGN_CENTRE, wxALIGN_CENTRE); - field_grid->SetReadOnly(i, COL_T, true); - field_grid->SetCellAlignment(i, COL_T, wxALIGN_CENTRE, wxALIGN_CENTRE); - field_grid->SetCellTextColour(i, COL_T, - GeoDaConst::table_no_edit_color); - field_grid->SetColFormatNumber(COL_L); - field_grid->SetColFormatNumber(COL_D); - field_grid->SetColFormatNumber(COL_DD); - if (cd.type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - field_grid->SetCellValue(i, COL_T, "real"); - field_grid->SetCellValue(i, COL_D, - wxString::Format("%d", cd.decimals)); - field_grid->SetCellValue(i, COL_DD, - wxString::Format("%d", cd.displayed_decimals)); - } else if (cd.type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { - field_grid->SetCellValue(i, COL_T, "integer"); - field_grid->SetReadOnly(i, COL_D, true); - field_grid->SetReadOnly(i, COL_DD, true); - } else if (cd.type == GeoDaConst::date_type) { - field_grid->SetCellValue(i, COL_T, "date"); - field_grid->SetReadOnly(i, COL_L, true); // should be length 8 - field_grid->SetReadOnly(i, COL_D, true); - field_grid->SetReadOnly(i, COL_DD, true); - } else { - field_grid->SetCellValue(i, COL_T, "string"); - field_grid->SetReadOnly(i, COL_D, true); - field_grid->SetReadOnly(i, COL_DD, true); - } - field_grid->SetCellValue(i, COL_L, - wxString::Format("%d", cd.field_len)); - if (is_space_time) { - wxString val(cd.time_steps > 1 ? "no" : "yes"); - field_grid->SetCellValue(i, COL_T_INV, val); - field_grid->SetCellAlignment(i, COL_T_INV, wxALIGN_CENTRE, - wxALIGN_CENTRE); - field_grid->SetCellTextColour(i, COL_T_INV, - GeoDaConst::table_no_edit_color); - field_grid->SetReadOnly(i, COL_T_INV, true); - } - if (grid_base->IsSpaceTimeIdField(cd.name)) { - field_grid->SetCellTextColour(i, COL_N, - GeoDaConst::table_no_edit_color); - field_grid->SetReadOnly(i, COL_N, true); - field_grid->SetCellTextColour(i, COL_T, - GeoDaConst::table_no_edit_color); - field_grid->SetReadOnly(i, COL_T, true); - field_grid->SetCellTextColour(i, COL_L, - GeoDaConst::table_no_edit_color); - field_grid->SetReadOnly(i, COL_L, true); - field_grid->SetCellTextColour(i, COL_D, - GeoDaConst::table_no_edit_color); - field_grid->SetReadOnly(i, COL_D, true); - field_grid->SetCellTextColour(i, COL_DD, - GeoDaConst::table_no_edit_color); - field_grid->SetReadOnly(i, COL_DD, true); - } - } - for (int i=0, iend=grid_base->GetNumberCols(); icol_data[col_id_map[i]]); - if (fn_freq[cd.name.Upper()] > 1) { - field_grid->SetCellTextColour(i, COL_N, *wxRED); - } else { - field_grid->SetCellTextColour(i, COL_N, *wxBLACK); - if (grid_base->IsSpaceTimeIdField(cd.name)) { - field_grid->SetCellTextColour(i, COL_N, - GeoDaConst::table_no_edit_color); - field_grid->SetReadOnly(i, COL_N, true); - } - } - } - field_grid->EndBatch(); + InitTable(); - field_grid->SetColLabelSize(wxGRID_AUTOSIZE); - field_grid->SetColSize(COL_N, 135); + field_grid->AutoSize(); for (int i=0, iend=field_grid->GetNumberRows(); iEnableDragRowSize(false); } - for (int i=0; iEnableDragColSize(false); - int field_grid_width = field_grid->GetRowLabelSize() + 30; - for (int i=0; iGetColSize(i); - LOG(field_grid_width); - int field_grid_height = field_grid->GetColLabelSize(); - int max_rows = field_grid->GetNumberRows(); - if (max_rows > 300) max_rows = 300; - for (int i=0; iGetRowSize(i); - } - int min_height = field_grid_height < 300 ? field_grid_height : 300; - field_grid->SetMinClientSize(wxSize(field_grid_width, min_height)); - field_grid->SetMinSize(wxSize(field_grid_width, min_height)); - // setting SetMaxSize to field_grid_width was causing wxAssert fail in Windows - SetMaxSize(wxSize(-1, -1)); - - top_sizer->Add(field_grid, 1, wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxBOTTOM, 3); - - g_sizer = new wxGridSizer(2, wxSize(3,0)); - - m_max_label = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, ""); - m_max_val = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, ""); - m_min_label = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, ""); - m_min_val = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, ""); - - //Add (wxWindow *window, int proportion=0, int flag=0, int border=0); - g_sizer->Add(m_max_label, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALL, 1); - g_sizer->Add(m_max_val, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALL, 1); - g_sizer->Add(m_min_label, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALL, 1); - g_sizer->Add(m_min_val, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALL, 1); - - top_sizer->Add(g_sizer, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE, 0); - - wxBoxSizer *button_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); - apply_button = new wxButton(this, wxID_APPLY, "Apply"); - apply_button->Enable(false); - button_sizer->Add(apply_button, 0, wxALL, 5); - button_sizer->Add(new wxButton(this, wxID_CLOSE, "Close"), 0, wxALL, 5); - - top_sizer->Add(button_sizer, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxTOP | wxBOTTOM, 5); - - top_sizer->SetSizeHints(this); - SetSizer(top_sizer); + for (int i=0; iEnableDragColSize(true); LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::CreateControls"); } -// When this function is called, it is assumed that all values for length, -// decimals and displayed decimals are valid. -void DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnApplyButton( wxCommandEvent& ev ) +void DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::InitTable() { - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnApplyButton"); - - // check every row against data in grid_base to find changes and - // make changes as needed. Detect for possible truncation of data - // when length is reduced or when length-decimals is reduced and - // raise a warning dialog. Actually, let's do this at the time - // of cell editing and include a checkbox to suppress further - // warnings. + LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::InitTable"); + if (!field_grid) return; + LOG(table_int->IsReadOnly()); + LOG(table_int->PermitRenameSimpleCol()); + LOG(table_int->HasFixedLengths()); + LOG(table_int->PermitChangeLength()); + LOG(table_int->HasFixedDecimals()); + LOG(table_int->PermitChangeDecimals()); + LOG(table_int->PermitChangeDisplayedDecimals()); - // When numberic data gets truncated, write out the maximum (or - // minimum if negative) value out. + field_grid->DeleteRows(0, field_grid->GetNumberRows()); + fn_freq.clear(); - // 2.9.2 feature - //wxRichMessageDialog dlg((wxWindow*) this, - // wxString("Welcome to my program!"), wxString("foo"), - // wxOK|wxCENTER, wxDefaultPosition); - //dlg.ShowCheckBox("Don't show this again"); - //dlg.ShowModal(); + // a mapping from displayed col order to actual col ids in table + // Eg, in underlying table, we might have A, B, C, D, E, F, + // but because of user wxGrid col reorder operaions might see these + // as C, B, A, F, D, E. In this case, the col_id_map would be + // 0->2, 1->1, 2->0, 3->5, 4->3, 5->4 + std::vector col_id_map; + table_int->FillColIdMap(col_id_map); - //if (dlg.IsCheckBoxChecked()) { - // do something - //} - // - - // first, check for duplicates and give option to abort - for (std::map::iterator it=fn_freq.begin(); - it!=fn_freq.end(); it++) { - if ((*it).second > 1) { - wxString msg; - msg << "Variable name \"" << (*it).first << "\" appears "; - msg << (*it).second << " times in the Table. It is recommended "; - msg << "to change names highlighted in red before proceeding. "; - msg << "Ok to proceed?"; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Warning", - wxICON_EXCLAMATION|wxYES_NO|wxNO_DEFAULT); - if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) { - return; - } - } + UpdateTmStrMap(); + field_grid->BeginBatch(); + if (field_grid->GetNumberRows() > 0) { + field_grid->DeleteRows(0, field_grid->GetNumberRows()); } - - // this can possibly be null, so always check before - // dereferencing grid - wxGrid* grid = grid_base->GetView(); - - for (int id=0; idGetNumberRows(); id++) { - DbfColContainer& cd = *(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[id]]); - wxString orig_name = cd.name.Upper(); - int orig_len = cd.field_len; - int orig_dec = cd.decimals; - int orig_ddec = cd.displayed_decimals; - long val; - field_grid->GetCellValue(id, COL_L).ToLong(&val); - int new_len = val; - int new_dec = 0; - int new_ddec = 0; - wxString new_name = field_grid->GetCellValue(id, COL_N).Upper(); - new_name.Trim(false); - new_name.Trim(true); - if (cd.type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - field_grid->GetCellValue(id, COL_D).ToLong(&val); - new_dec = val; - field_grid->GetCellValue(id, COL_DD).ToLong(&val); - new_ddec = val; - } - if (orig_len != new_len || orig_dec != new_dec || - orig_ddec != new_ddec || orig_name != new_name ) - { - LOG(orig_len); LOG(new_len); LOG(orig_dec); LOG(new_dec); - LOG(orig_ddec); LOG(new_ddec); LOG(orig_name); LOG(new_name); - LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("field %d (col_id %d) changed", id, - col_id_map[id])); - bool r = cd.ChangeProperties(new_name, new_len, new_dec, new_ddec); - if (!r) { - wxString msg; - msg << "Variable Properties update for field "; - msg << cd.name << " failed. Keeping original values for "; - msg << "this field."; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK|wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - field_grid->SetCellValue(id, COL_N, orig_name); - field_grid->SetCellValue(id, COL_L, - wxString::Format("%d", orig_len)); - if (cd.type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - field_grid->SetCellValue(id, COL_D, - wxString::Format("%d", orig_dec)); - field_grid->SetCellValue(id, COL_DD, - wxString::Format("%d", orig_ddec)); + int r = -1; // current row number + for (int c=0, cend=table_int->GetNumberCols(); cGetColTimeSteps(cid); tGetColType(cid, t) == GdaConst::placeholder_type) { + continue; + } + GdaConst::FieldType type = table_int->GetColType(cid, t); + field_grid->AppendRows(1); + ++r; // increment current row number + + // variable name + wxString name = table_int->GetColName(cid, t); + std::map::iterator it = fn_freq.find(name); + if (fn_freq.find(name) != fn_freq.end()) { + fn_freq[name]++; + } else { + fn_freq[name] = 1; + } + field_grid->SetCellValue(r, COL_N, name); + field_grid->SetCellAlignment(r, COL_N, wxALIGN_CENTRE, + wxALIGN_CENTRE); + if (!table_int->PermitRenameSimpleCol()) { + field_grid->SetCellTextColour(r, COL_N, + GdaConst::table_no_edit_color); + field_grid->SetReadOnly(r, COL_N, true); + } + if (tend > 1) { + // parent group + wxString pg = table_int->GetColName(cid); + field_grid->SetCellValue(r, COL_PG, pg); + field_grid->SetCellAlignment(r, COL_PG, wxALIGN_CENTRE, + wxALIGN_CENTRE); + + // time + field_grid->SetCellValue(r, COL_TM, + table_int->GetTimeString(t)); + } else { + field_grid->SetCellTextColour(r, COL_PG, + GdaConst::table_no_edit_color); + field_grid->SetReadOnly(r, COL_PG, true); + } + field_grid->SetCellAlignment(r, COL_TM, wxALIGN_CENTRE, + wxALIGN_CENTRE); + field_grid->SetCellTextColour(r, COL_TM, + GdaConst::table_no_edit_color); + field_grid->SetReadOnly(r, COL_TM, true); + + // type + field_grid->SetCellAlignment(r, COL_T, wxALIGN_CENTRE, + wxALIGN_CENTRE); + field_grid->SetCellTextColour(r, COL_T, + GdaConst::table_no_edit_color); + field_grid->SetReadOnly(r, COL_T, true); + if (type == GdaConst::double_type) { + field_grid->SetCellValue(r, COL_T, "real"); + } else if (type == GdaConst::long64_type) { + field_grid->SetCellValue(r, COL_T, "integer"); + } else if (type == GdaConst::date_type) { + field_grid->SetCellValue(r, COL_T, "date"); + } else { + field_grid->SetCellValue(r, COL_T, "string"); + } + + // length + if (COL_L != -1) { + bool can_edit = (table_int->PermitChangeLength() && + (type == GdaConst::double_type || + type == GdaConst::long64_type || + type == GdaConst::string_type)); + if (can_edit) { + field_grid->SetCellTextColour(r, COL_L, + GdaConst::table_no_edit_color); + } else { + field_grid->SetCellTextColour(r, COL_L, *wxBLACK); + } + field_grid->SetReadOnly(r, COL_L, !can_edit); + wxString lv; + lv << table_int->GetColLength(cid, t); + field_grid->SetCellValue(r, COL_L, lv); + field_grid->SetColFormatNumber(COL_L); + } + + // decimals + if (COL_D != -1) { + if (type != GdaConst::double_type || + !table_int->PermitChangeDecimals()) { + field_grid->SetCellTextColour(r, COL_D, + GdaConst::table_no_edit_color); + field_grid->SetReadOnly(r, COL_D, true); + } else { + field_grid->SetCellTextColour(r, COL_D, *wxBLACK); + field_grid->SetReadOnly(r, COL_D, false); + } + if (type == GdaConst::double_type) { + wxString dv; + dv << table_int->GetColDecimals(cid, t); + field_grid->SetCellValue(r, COL_D, dv); + field_grid->SetColFormatNumber(COL_D); } - } else if (new_ddec != orig_ddec || new_dec != orig_dec) { - // update floating point col properties in the wxGrid - // it seems strange that we have to use the mapped id - // here rather than the order visible in the grid - if (grid) grid->SetColFormatFloat(col_id_map[id], -1, - GenUtils::min(new_ddec, new_dec)); + } + + // displayed decimals + if (COL_DD != -1) { + if (type != GdaConst::double_type || + !table_int->PermitChangeDisplayedDecimals()) { + field_grid->SetCellTextColour(r, COL_DD, + GdaConst::table_no_edit_color); + field_grid->SetReadOnly(r, COL_DD, true); + } else { + field_grid->SetCellTextColour(r, COL_DD, *wxBLACK); + field_grid->SetReadOnly(r, COL_DD, false); + } + if (type == GdaConst::double_type) { + wxString ddv; + ddv << table_int->GetColDispDecimals(cid); + field_grid->SetCellValue(r, COL_DD, ddv); + field_grid->SetColFormatNumber(COL_DD); + } + } + + UpdateMinMax(r); + if (COL_MIN != -1 && COL_MAX != -1) { + field_grid->SetReadOnly(r, COL_MIN, true); + field_grid->SetReadOnly(r, COL_MAX, true); + field_grid->SetCellTextColour(r, COL_MIN, + GdaConst::table_no_edit_color); + field_grid->SetCellTextColour(r, COL_MAX, + GdaConst::table_no_edit_color); + field_grid->SetCellAlignment(r, COL_MIN, wxALIGN_CENTRE, + wxALIGN_CENTRE); + field_grid->SetCellAlignment(r, COL_MAX, wxALIGN_CENTRE, + wxALIGN_CENTRE); } } } - ShowFieldProperties(-1); // reset field properties to blank - apply_button->Enable(false); - if (grid) grid->Refresh(); - ev.Skip(); - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnApplyButton"); + for (int i=0, iend=table_int->GetNumberCols(); iGetColName(cid).Upper()] > 1) { + field_grid->SetCellTextColour(i, COL_N, *wxRED); + } else { + field_grid->SetCellTextColour(i, COL_N, *wxBLACK); + } + } + field_grid->EndBatch(); + LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::InitTable"); } - void DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCloseButton( wxCommandEvent& ev ) { LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCloseButton"); @@ -345,26 +304,40 @@ void DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCloseButton( wxCommandEvent& ev ) void DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnClose( wxCloseEvent& ev ) { LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnClose"); - if (cell_editor_open) return; - if (apply_button->IsEnabled()) { - wxString msg("Ok to close dialog without applying changes?"); - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Unsaved Changes", - wxCANCEL| wxYES_NO | wxYES_DEFAULT); - if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) { - return; - } - } - ev.Skip(); - EndDialog(wxID_OK); + // MMM: This was preventing GeoDa from exiting properly when + // the cell editor was open. + //if (cell_editor_open) return; + Destroy(); LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnClose"); } -void DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellEdit( wxGridEvent& ev ) +void DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellChanging( wxGridEvent& ev ) { - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellEdit"); + LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellChanging"); int row = ev.GetRow(); int col = ev.GetCol(); + if (row < 0 || col < 0) { + ev.Veto(); + return; + } + int time = 0; + wxString pg = field_grid->GetCellValue(row, COL_PG); + wxString name; + if (pg.IsEmpty()) { + name = field_grid->GetCellValue(row, COL_N); + } else { + name = pg; + time = tm_str_map[field_grid->GetCellValue(row, COL_TM)]; + } + int cid = table_int->FindColId(name); + if (cid < 0) { + ev.Veto(); + return; + } + LOG(cid); + LOG(time); + wxString cur_str = field_grid->GetCellValue(row, col); cur_str.Trim(false); cur_str.Trim(true); @@ -377,169 +350,191 @@ void DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellEdit( wxGridEvent& ev ) new_str.ToLong(&new_val); } - if (row > -1 && col > -1) { - LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("%s -> %s", - (const_cast((const char*) - field_grid->GetCellValue(row, col).mb_str())), - (const_cast((const char*) - ev.GetString().mb_str())))); - DbfColContainer& cd = *(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[row]]); - if (cd.type != GeoDaConst::double_type && col > COL_L) { - // this should never happen since non double_type cells in cols - // COL_D and COL_DD were set as read-only + wxString msg; + msg << "changing row " << row << ", col " << col << " from "; + msg << cur_str << " to " << new_str; + LOG_MSG(msg); + + GdaConst::FieldType type = GdaConst::unknown_type; + wxString type_str = field_grid->GetCellValue(row, COL_T); + if (type_str == "real") { + type = GdaConst::double_type; + } else if (type_str == "integer") { + type = GdaConst::long64_type; + } else if (type_str == "string") { + type = GdaConst::string_type; + } else if (type_str == "date") { + type = GdaConst::date_type; + } else { + ev.Veto(); + LOG_MSG("Unknown field type in properties table."); + return; + } + + + if (col == COL_T || col == COL_TM || col == COL_MIN || col == COL_MAX || + (type != GdaConst::double_type && (col == COL_D || col == COL_DD))) { + ev.Veto(); + LOG_MSG("illegal cell to edit."); + return; + } + + if (cur_str == new_str || new_str.IsEmpty()) { + ev.Veto(); + LOG_MSG("empty new string or cell unchanged."); + return; + } + + if (col == COL_D || col == COL_DD || col == COL_L) { + if (!GenUtils::CanModifyGrpAndShowMsgIfNot(table_state, pg)) { + ev.Veto(); + return; + } + } + + long min_v; + long max_v; + if (col == COL_N) { + if (table_int->DoesNameExist(new_str, false) || + !table_int->IsValidDBColName(new_str)) { + wxString m; + m << "Variable name \"" << new_str << "\" is either a duplicate "; + m << "or is invalid. Please enter an alternative, non-duplicate "; + m << "variable name. A valid variable name is between one and "; + m << "ten characters long. The first character must be a letter, "; + m << "and the remaining characters can be either letters, "; + m << "numbers or underscores."; + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, m, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); + ev.Veto(); + return; + } + // proceed with rename + table_int->RenameSimpleCol(cid, time, new_str); + } else if (col == COL_PG) { + if (new_str.IsEmpty()) { + LOG_MSG("empty parent group. vetoing name change."); ev.Veto(); return; } - if (cur_str == new_str) { - // nothing changed, so don't enable Apply button + if (table_int->DoesNameExist(new_str, false) || + !table_int->IsValidGroupName(new_str)) { + wxString m; + m << "Variable name \"" << new_str << "\" is either a duplicate "; + m << "or is invalid. Please enter an alternative, non-duplicate "; + m << "variable name."; + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, m, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); ev.Veto(); return; } - long min_v; - long max_v; - if (col == COL_N) { - new_str.MakeUpper(); - if (!DbfFileUtils::isValidFieldName(new_str)) { + // proceed with rename + table_int->RenameGroup(cid, new_str); + } else if (col == COL_L && + table_int->HasFixedLengths() && + table_int->PermitChangeLength()) { + if (table_int->GetColType(cid) == GdaConst::date_type) { + min_v = GdaConst::min_dbf_date_len; + max_v = GdaConst::max_dbf_date_len; + } else if (table_int->GetColType(cid) == GdaConst::long64_type) { + min_v = GdaConst::min_dbf_long_len; + max_v = GdaConst::max_dbf_long_len; + } else if (table_int->GetColType(cid) == GdaConst::double_type) { + min_v = GdaConst::min_dbf_double_len; + max_v = GdaConst::max_dbf_double_len; + } else { // table_int->GetColType(cid) == GdaConst::string_type + min_v = GdaConst::min_dbf_string_len; + max_v = GdaConst::max_dbf_string_len; + } + if (table_int->GetColType(cid) == GdaConst::string_type) { + if (new_val < min_v || max_v < new_val) { wxString msg; - msg << "\"" << new_str << "\" is an invalid "; - msg << "variable name. "; - msg << "A valid variable name is between one and "; - msg << "ten characters long. The first character must be "; - msg << "alphabetic, and the remaining characters can be "; - msg << "either alphanumeric or underscores."; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + msg << "The length of a string field must be at least "; + msg << min_v << " and at most " << max_v; + msg << ". Keeping original value."; + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK|wxICON_ERROR); dlg.ShowModal(); ev.Veto(); return; } - fn_freq.clear(); - for (int i=0, iend=field_grid->GetNumberRows(); i::iterator it; - wxString key = field_grid->GetCellValue(i, COL_N).Upper(); - if (i==row) key = new_str; - it = fn_freq.find(key); - if (it != fn_freq.end()) { - (*it).second++; - } else { - fn_freq[key] = 1; - } - } - if (fn_freq[new_str] > 1) { + // proceed with length change + table_int->ColChangeProperties(cid, time, new_val); + } else if (table_int->GetColType(cid) == GdaConst::date_type) { + // should never get here since date_type has no editable fields + ev.Veto(); + } else if (table_int->GetColType(cid) == GdaConst::long64_type) { + if (new_val < min_v || max_v < new_val) { wxString msg; - msg << "\"" << new_str <<"\" is a duplicate variable name and "; - msg << "cannot be used, please choose a non-duplicate field "; - msg << "name."; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + msg << "The length of an integral numeric field must be"; + msg << " at least " << min_v << " and at most " << max_v; + msg << ". Keeping original value."; + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK|wxICON_ERROR); dlg.ShowModal(); ev.Veto(); return; } - for (int i=0, iend=field_grid->GetNumberRows(); iGetCellValue(i, COL_N).Upper(); - if (fn_freq[key] > 1) { - field_grid->SetCellTextColour(i, COL_N, *wxRED); - } else { - field_grid->SetCellTextColour(i, COL_N, *wxBLACK); - } - } - } else if (col == COL_L) { - if (cd.type == GeoDaConst::date_type) { - min_v = GeoDaConst::min_dbf_date_len; - max_v = GeoDaConst::max_dbf_date_len; - } else if (cd.type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { - min_v = GeoDaConst::min_dbf_long_len; - max_v = GeoDaConst::max_dbf_long_len; - } else if (cd.type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - min_v = GeoDaConst::min_dbf_double_len; - max_v = GeoDaConst::max_dbf_double_len; - } else { // cd.type == GeoDaConst::string_type - min_v = GeoDaConst::min_dbf_string_len; - max_v = GeoDaConst::max_dbf_string_len; - } - if (cd.type == GeoDaConst::string_type) { - if (new_val < min_v || max_v < new_val) { - wxString msg; - msg << "The length of a string field must be at least "; - msg << min_v << " and at most " << max_v; - msg << ". Keeping original value."; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK|wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - ev.Veto(); - return; - } - } else if (cd.type == GeoDaConst::date_type) { - // should never get here since date_type has no editable fields - ev.Veto(); - } else if (cd.type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { - if (new_val < min_v || max_v < new_val) { - wxString msg; - msg << "The length of an integral numeric field must be"; - msg << " at least " << min_v << " and at most " << max_v; - msg << ". Keeping original value."; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK|wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - ev.Veto(); - return; - } - } else { // cd.type == GeoDaConst::double_type - if (new_val < min_v || max_v < new_val) { - wxString msg; - msg << "The length of a non-integral numeric field must be"; - msg << " at least " << min_v << " and at most " << max_v; - msg << ". Keeping original value."; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK|wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - ev.Veto(); - return; - } - long cur_dec = 0; - field_grid->GetCellValue(row, COL_D).ToLong(&cur_dec); - // Automatically tweak length and decimals to acceptable values - int suggest_len; - int suggest_dec; - DbfFileUtils::SuggestDoubleParams(new_val, cur_dec, - &suggest_len, &suggest_dec); - field_grid->SetCellValue(row, COL_L, - wxString::Format("%d", suggest_len)); - field_grid->SetCellValue(row, COL_D, - wxString::Format("%d", suggest_dec)); - // Since we explictly set the value of both cells above, - // we need to veto the event in case we want to write a - // different value than the user chose. - ev.Veto(); - } - } else if (col == COL_D) { // we know this is a double_type field - min_v = GeoDaConst::min_dbf_double_decimals; - max_v = GeoDaConst::max_dbf_double_decimals; + // proceed with length change + table_int->ColChangeProperties(cid, time, new_val); + } else { // table_int->GetColType(cid) == GdaConst::double_type if (new_val < min_v || max_v < new_val) { wxString msg; - msg << "The number of decimal places for a non-integral "; - msg << "numeric field must be at least " << min_v; - msg << " and at most " << max_v; + msg << "The length of a non-integral numeric field must be"; + msg << " at least " << min_v << " and at most " << max_v; msg << ". Keeping original value."; wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK|wxICON_ERROR); dlg.ShowModal(); ev.Veto(); return; } - long cur_len = 0; - field_grid->GetCellValue(row, COL_L).ToLong(&cur_len); - // Automatically tweak length and decimals to acceptable values + long cur_dec = 0; + field_grid->GetCellValue(row, COL_D).ToLong(&cur_dec); + // Automatically tweak length and decimals to acceptable values int suggest_len; int suggest_dec; - DbfFileUtils::SuggestDoubleParams(cur_len, new_val, + DbfFileUtils::SuggestDoubleParams(new_val, cur_dec, &suggest_len, &suggest_dec); field_grid->SetCellValue(row, COL_L, wxString::Format("%d", suggest_len)); field_grid->SetCellValue(row, COL_D, wxString::Format("%d", suggest_dec)); - // Since we explictly set the value of both cells above, - // we need to veto the event in case we want to write a - // different value than the user chose. + // proceed with length change + table_int->ColChangeProperties(cid, time, suggest_len, suggest_dec); + } + ev.Veto(); + } else if (col == COL_D && table_int->PermitChangeDecimals() + && table_int->HasFixedLengths()) + { // we know this is a double_type field + min_v = GdaConst::min_dbf_double_decimals; + max_v = GdaConst::max_dbf_double_decimals; + if (new_val < min_v || max_v < new_val) { + wxString msg; + msg << "The number of decimal places for a non-integral "; + msg << "numeric field must be at least " << min_v; + msg << " and at most " << max_v; + msg << ". Keeping original value."; + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK|wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); ev.Veto(); - } else if (col == COL_DD) { // we know this is a double_type field + return; + } + long cur_len = 0; + field_grid->GetCellValue(row, COL_L).ToLong(&cur_len); + // Automatically tweak length and decimals to acceptable values + int suggest_len; + int suggest_dec; + DbfFileUtils::SuggestDoubleParams(cur_len, new_val, + &suggest_len, &suggest_dec); + field_grid->SetCellValue(row, COL_L, + wxString::Format("%d", suggest_len)); + field_grid->SetCellValue(row, COL_D, + wxString::Format("%d", suggest_dec)); + table_int->ColChangeProperties(cid, time, suggest_len, suggest_dec); + } else if (col == COL_DD && + table_int->PermitChangeDisplayedDecimals()) + { // we know this is a double_type field + if (table_int->HasFixedDecimals()) { min_v = 0; - max_v = GeoDaConst::max_dbf_double_decimals; + max_v = GdaConst::max_dbf_double_decimals; if (new_val < min_v || max_v < new_val) { wxString msg; msg << "The number of displayed decimal places for a "; @@ -551,106 +546,89 @@ void DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellEdit( wxGridEvent& ev ) ev.Veto(); return; } - } - // if the code execution makes it this far, then a cell value of the - // table has been changed. - apply_button->Enable(true); - if (cd.type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - // it is possible that the values for length and decimals are - // individually valid, but that the combination of values is not - // valid. If this happens, then change these cells in the table to - // red. Otherwise, format them both as black. - long length; - field_grid->GetCellValue(row, COL_L).ToLong(&length); - long decimals; - field_grid->GetCellValue(row, COL_D).ToLong(&decimals); - int suggest_len; - int suggest_dec; - DbfFileUtils::SuggestDoubleParams(length, decimals, - &suggest_len, &suggest_dec); - if (length != suggest_len || decimals != suggest_dec) { - // set length and decimals cell text color to red - field_grid->SetCellTextColour(row, COL_L, *wxRED); - field_grid->SetCellTextColour(row, COL_D, *wxRED); - } else { - field_grid->SetCellTextColour(row, COL_L, *wxBLACK); - field_grid->SetCellTextColour(row, COL_D, *wxBLACK); + } else { + if (new_val < 0 || new_val > 20) { + ev.Veto(); + return; } } - ShowFieldProperties(row); + table_int->ColChangeDisplayedDecimals(cid, new_val); } - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellEdit"); -} - -void DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellClickLeft( wxGridEvent& ev ) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellClickLeft"); - int row = ev.GetRow(); - int col = ev.GetCol(); - LOG(row); - LOG(col); - ShowFieldProperties(row); - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellClickLeft"); - ev.Skip(); + // if the code execution makes it this far, then a cell value of the + // table has been changed. + GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->UpdateToolbarAndMenus(); + + if (table_int->GetColType(cid) == GdaConst::double_type && + table_int->HasFixedLengths() && COL_D != -1 && COL_L != -1) { + // it is possible that the values for length and decimals are + // individually valid, but that the combination of values is not + // valid. If this happens, then change these cells in the table to + // red. Otherwise, format them both as black. + long length; + field_grid->GetCellValue(row, COL_L).ToLong(&length); + long decimals; + field_grid->GetCellValue(row, COL_D).ToLong(&decimals); + int suggest_len; + int suggest_dec; + DbfFileUtils::SuggestDoubleParams(length, decimals, + &suggest_len, &suggest_dec); + if (length != suggest_len || decimals != suggest_dec) { + // set length and decimals cell text color to red + field_grid->SetCellTextColour(row, COL_L, *wxRED); + field_grid->SetCellTextColour(row, COL_D, *wxRED); + } else { + field_grid->SetCellTextColour(row, COL_L, *wxBLACK); + field_grid->SetCellTextColour(row, COL_D, *wxBLACK); + } + } + UpdateMinMax(row); + + LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellChanging"); } void DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellEditorShown( wxGridEvent& ev ) { - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellEditorShown"); + LOG_MSG("In DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellEditorShown"); cell_editor_open = true; - if (apply_button->IsEnabled()) { - reenable_apply_after_cell_editor_hidden = true; - apply_button->Enable(false); - } else { - reenable_apply_after_cell_editor_hidden = false; - } - int row = ev.GetRow(); - int col = ev.GetCol(); - LOG(row); - LOG(col); - ShowFieldProperties(row); - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellEditorShown"); - ev.Skip(); } void DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellEditorHidden( wxGridEvent& ev ) { LOG_MSG("In DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnCellEditorHidden"); - if (reenable_apply_after_cell_editor_hidden) { - apply_button->Enable(true); - reenable_apply_after_cell_editor_hidden = false; - } cell_editor_open = false; - ev.Skip(); } -void DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnLabelLeftClickEvent(wxGridEvent& ev) +void DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::UpdateMinMax(int row) { - LOG_MSG("Entering " - "DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnLabelLeftClickEvent"); - int row = ev.GetRow(); - int col = ev.GetCol(); - LOG(row); - LOG(col); - ShowFieldProperties(row); - LOG_MSG("Exiting " - "DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::OnLabelLeftClickEvent"); - ev.Skip(); -} - -void DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::ShowFieldProperties(int row) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::ShowFieldProperties"); - int mrow = row < 0 ? -1 : col_id_map[row]; - if (mrow >= 0 && - (grid_base->col_data[mrow]->type == GeoDaConst::long64_type - || grid_base->col_data[mrow]->type == GeoDaConst::double_type)) - { - m_max_label->SetLabelText(grid_base->col_data[mrow]->name + " maximum"); - m_min_label->SetLabelText(grid_base->col_data[mrow]->name + " minimum"); + if (COL_MIN == -1 || COL_MAX == -1) return; + if (row < 0) return; + wxString pg = field_grid->GetCellValue(row, COL_PG); + wxString name; + if (pg.IsEmpty()) { + name = field_grid->GetCellValue(row, COL_N); + } else { + name = pg; + } + + int cid = table_int->FindColId(name); + if (cid < 0) { + field_grid->SetCellValue(row, COL_MAX, ""); + field_grid->SetCellValue(row, COL_MIN, ""); + return; + } + int t=0; + wxString tm_str = field_grid->GetCellValue(row, COL_TM); + LOG(tm_str); + if (!tm_str.IsEmpty()) t = tm_str_map[tm_str]; + + wxString smax; + wxString smin; + GdaConst::FieldType type = table_int->GetColType(cid, t); + if (type == GdaConst::double_type || type == GdaConst::long64_type) { + long length; field_grid->GetCellValue(row, COL_L).ToLong(&length); - if (grid_base->col_data[mrow]->type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { + if (type == GdaConst::double_type) { long decimals; field_grid->GetCellValue(row, COL_D).ToLong(&decimals); int suggest_len; @@ -658,25 +636,32 @@ void DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::ShowFieldProperties(int row) DbfFileUtils::SuggestDoubleParams(length, decimals, &suggest_len, &suggest_dec); if (length == suggest_len && decimals == suggest_dec) { - m_max_val->SetLabelText( - DbfFileUtils::GetMaxDoubleString(length, decimals)); - m_min_val->SetLabelText( - DbfFileUtils::GetMinDoubleString(length, decimals)); - } else { - m_max_val->SetLabelText(""); - m_min_val->SetLabelText(""); + smax << DbfFileUtils::GetMaxDoubleString(length, decimals); + smin << DbfFileUtils::GetMinDoubleString(length, decimals); } - } else { // GeoDaConst::long64_type - m_max_val->SetLabelText(DbfFileUtils::GetMaxIntString(length)); - m_min_val->SetLabelText(DbfFileUtils::GetMinIntString(length)); + } else { // type == GdaConst::long64_type + smax << DbfFileUtils::GetMaxIntString(length); + smin << DbfFileUtils::GetMinIntString(length); } - } else { - m_max_label->SetLabelText(""); - m_max_val->SetLabelText(""); - m_min_label->SetLabelText(""); - m_min_val->SetLabelText(""); } - g_sizer->Layout(); - - LOG_MSG("Exiting DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::ShowFieldProperties"); + field_grid->SetCellValue(row, COL_MAX, smax); + field_grid->SetCellValue(row, COL_MIN, smin); +} + +void DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg::UpdateTmStrMap() +{ + using namespace std; + tm_str_map.clear(); + vector tm_strs; + table_int->GetTimeStrings(tm_strs); + for (int t=0, tt=tm_strs.size(); t #include #include -#include "DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../FramesManagerObserver.h" +#include "TableStateObserver.h" -class DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg: public wxDialog +class FramesManager; +class TableInterface; +class TableState; +class Project; + +class DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg: public wxDialog, + public FramesManagerObserver, public TableStateObserver { public: - DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg(DbfGridTableBase* grid_base, + DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg(Project* project, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize ); + virtual ~DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg(); + void CreateControls(); - void OnApplyButton( wxCommandEvent& ev ); + void InitTable(); void OnCloseButton( wxCommandEvent& ev ); void OnClose( wxCloseEvent& ev ); - void OnCellEdit( wxGridEvent& ev ); - void OnCellClickLeft( wxGridEvent& ev ); + void OnCellChanging( wxGridEvent& ev ); void OnCellEditorShown( wxGridEvent& ev ); void OnCellEditorHidden( wxGridEvent& ev ); - void OnLabelLeftClickEvent( wxGridEvent& ev ); - void ShowFieldProperties(int row); + void UpdateMinMax(int row); - wxGrid* field_grid; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + /** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ + virtual void update(FramesManager* o); + /** Implementation of TableStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TableState* o); + virtual bool AllowTimelineChanges() { return true; } + virtual bool AllowGroupModify(const wxString& grp_nm) { return true; } + virtual bool AllowObservationAddDelete() { return true; } - wxGridSizer* g_sizer; - wxStaticText* m_max_label; - wxStaticText* m_max_val; - wxStaticText* m_min_label; - wxStaticText* m_min_val; + void UpdateTmStrMap(); private: + wxGrid* field_grid; + Project* project; + FramesManager* frames_manager; + TableInterface* table_int; + TableState* table_state; + std::map fn_freq; - wxButton* apply_button; - bool reenable_apply_after_cell_editor_hidden; bool cell_editor_open; - bool is_space_time; - // a mapping from displayed col order to actual col ids in table - // Eg, in underlying table, we might have A, B, C, D, E, F, - // but because of user wxGrid col reorder operaions might see these - // as C, B, A, F, D, E. In this case, the col_id_map would be - // 0->2, 1->1, 2->0, 3->5, 4->3, 5->4 - std::vector col_id_map; + std::map tm_str_map; + + int COL_N; // field name + int COL_T; // type + int COL_L; // length + int COL_D; // decimals + int COL_DD; // displayed decimals + int COL_PG; // parent group name + int COL_TM; // time period + int COL_MIN; // min value possible + int COL_MAX; // max value possible + int NUM_COLS; DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; diff --git a/DataViewer/DataViewerResizeColDlg.cpp b/DataViewer/DataViewerResizeColDlg.cpp index 632ded45b..2a01934f3 100644 --- a/DataViewer/DataViewerResizeColDlg.cpp +++ b/DataViewer/DataViewerResizeColDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ #include #include #include "../logger.h" -#include "DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "TableInterface.h" #include "DataViewerResizeColDlg.h" BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( DataViewerResizeColDlg, wxDialog ) @@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( DataViewerResizeColDlg, wxDialog ) END_EVENT_TABLE() DataViewerResizeColDlg::DataViewerResizeColDlg(wxGrid* grid_s, - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base_s, + TableInterface* table_int_s, wxWindow* parent) -: grid(grid_s), grid_base(grid_base_s) +: grid(grid_s), table_int(table_int_s) { SetParent(parent); CreateControls(); diff --git a/DataViewer/DataViewerResizeColDlg.h b/DataViewer/DataViewerResizeColDlg.h index 965ccbdf8..8496d668a 100644 --- a/DataViewer/DataViewerResizeColDlg.h +++ b/DataViewer/DataViewerResizeColDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ #include #include #include -#include "DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "TableInterface.h" class DataViewerResizeColDlg: public wxDialog { public: DataViewerResizeColDlg(wxGrid* grid, - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base, + TableInterface* table_int, wxWindow* parent ); void CreateControls(); void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class DataViewerResizeColDlg: public wxDialog wxTextCtrl* m_col_width; int width; wxGrid* grid; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + TableInterface* table_int; private: diff --git a/DataViewer/DbfColContainer.cpp b/DataViewer/DbfColContainer.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..44b5b33c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/DbfColContainer.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,701 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include // for vector sorting +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "DbfColContainer.h" +#include "../Generic/HighlightState.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" +#include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" +#include "../GenUtils.h" +#include "../logger.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/CsvFileUtils.h" +#include "TableState.h" +#include "DbfColContainer.h" + + +DbfColContainer::DbfColContainer() +: size(0), undefined_initialized(false), raw_data(0), +l_vec(0), d_vec(0), s_vec(0) +{ + info.type = GdaConst::unknown_type; +} + +DbfColContainer::~DbfColContainer() +{ + if (IsRawDataAlloc()) FreeRawData(); + FreeVecData(); +} + +bool DbfColContainer::Init(int size_s, + const GdaConst::FieldInfo& field_info_s, + bool alloc_raw_data, + bool alloc_vector_data, + bool mark_all_defined) +{ + if (size_s <= 0) return false; + if (field_info_s.type == GdaConst::unknown_type || + field_info_s.type == GdaConst::placeholder_type) return false; + + info = field_info_s; + size = size_s; + + stale_min_max_val = true; + min_val = 0; + max_val = 0; + + // if mark_all_defined is true, then mark all as begin defined. + undefined.resize(size_s); + std::fill(undefined.begin(), undefined.end(), !mark_all_defined); + undefined_initialized = mark_all_defined; + + if (alloc_raw_data) AllocRawData(); + if (alloc_vector_data) AllocVecData(); + + return true; +} + +void DbfColContainer::FreeRawData() +{ + if (raw_data) delete [] raw_data; raw_data = 0; +} + +void DbfColContainer::AllocRawData() +{ + if (IsRawDataAlloc()) FreeRawData(); + if (info.type != GdaConst::unknown_type && + info.type != GdaConst::placeholder_type) { + raw_data = new char[size * (info.field_len+1)]; + } else { + raw_data = 0; + } +} + +bool DbfColContainer::IsRawDataAlloc() +{ + return (info.type != GdaConst::unknown_type && + info.type != GdaConst::placeholder_type && + raw_data); +} + +void DbfColContainer::FreeVecData() +{ + if (l_vec) delete [] l_vec; l_vec = 0; + if (d_vec) delete [] d_vec; d_vec = 0; + if (s_vec) delete [] s_vec; s_vec = 0; +} + +void DbfColContainer::AllocVecData() +{ + if (IsVecDataAlloc()) return; + if (GetType() == GdaConst::long64_type || + GetType() == GdaConst::date_type) { + l_vec = new wxInt64[size](); + } else if (GetType() == GdaConst::double_type) { + d_vec = new double[size](); + } else if (GetType() == GdaConst::string_type) { + s_vec = new wxString[size]; + } +} + +bool DbfColContainer::IsVecDataAlloc() +{ + if (GetType() == GdaConst::long64_type) { + return l_vec != 0; + } else if (GetType() == GdaConst::date_type) { + return l_vec != 0; + } else if (GetType() == GdaConst::double_type) { + return d_vec != 0; + } else if (GetType() == GdaConst::string_type) { + return s_vec != 0; + } + return false; +} + + +wxString DbfColContainer::GetName() +{ + return info.name; +} + +wxString DbfColContainer::GetDbfColName() +{ + return info.name; +} + +GdaConst::FieldType DbfColContainer::GetType() +{ + return info.type; +} + +int DbfColContainer::GetFieldLen() +{ + return info.field_len; +} + +int DbfColContainer::GetDecimals() +{ + return info.decimals; +} + +void DbfColContainer::GetMinMaxVals(double& min_v, double& max_v) +{ + UpdateMinMaxVals(); + min_v = min_val; + max_v = max_val; +} + +void DbfColContainer::UpdateMinMaxVals() +{ + if (GetType() != GdaConst::double_type && + GetType() != GdaConst::long64_type) return; + if (stale_min_max_val) { + std::vector vals; + GetVec(vals); + min_val = vals[0]; + max_val = vals[0]; + for (int i=0; i max_val) { + max_val = vals[i]; + } + } + stale_min_max_val = false; + } +} + +// Change Properties will convert data to vector format if length or +// decimals are changed. +bool DbfColContainer::ChangeProperties(int new_len, int new_dec) +{ + if (!IsRawDataAlloc() && !IsVecDataAlloc()) { + // this violates the assumption that at least either raw_data + // exists or a valid vector exists. This should never happen + return false; + } + + if (GetType() == GdaConst::string_type) { + if (new_len < GdaConst::min_dbf_string_len || + new_len > GdaConst::max_dbf_string_len) { + return false; + } + if (IsRawDataAlloc() && !IsVecDataAlloc()) { + AllocVecData(); + raw_data_to_vec(s_vec); + } + // shorten all strings as needed. + if (new_len < info.field_len) { + for (int i=0; i GdaConst::max_dbf_long_len) { + return false; + } + if (IsRawDataAlloc() && !IsVecDataAlloc()) { + AllocVecData(); + raw_data_to_vec(l_vec); + } + // limit all vector values to acceptable range + //wxInt64 max_val = DbfFileUtils::GetMaxInt(new_len); + //wxInt64 min_val = DbfFileUtils::GetMinInt(new_len); + //for (int i=0; i l_vec[i]) { + // l_vec[i] = min_val; + // } + //} + } else if (GetType() == GdaConst::double_type) { + if (new_len < GdaConst::min_dbf_double_len || + new_len > GdaConst::max_dbf_double_len || + new_dec < GdaConst::min_dbf_double_decimals || + new_dec > GdaConst::max_dbf_double_decimals) { + return false; + } + int suggest_len; + int suggest_dec; + DbfFileUtils::SuggestDoubleParams(new_len, new_dec, + &suggest_len, &suggest_dec); + if (new_len != suggest_len || new_dec != suggest_dec) { + return false; + } + if (IsRawDataAlloc() && !IsVecDataAlloc()) { + AllocVecData(); + raw_data_to_vec(d_vec); + } + // limit all vectors to acceptable range + //double max_val = DbfFileUtils::GetMaxDouble(new_len, new_dec); + //double min_val = DbfFileUtils::GetMinDouble(new_len, new_dec); + //for (int i=0, iend=size; i != iend; i++) { + // if (max_val < d_vec[i]) { + // d_vec[i] = max_val; + // } else if (min_val > d_vec[i]) { + // d_vec[i] = min_val; + // } + //} + info.decimals = new_dec; + } else { // GdaConst::date_type + // can only change field name for date_type + if (new_len != GdaConst::max_dbf_date_len) return false; + } + + if (IsRawDataAlloc()) FreeRawData(); + info.field_len = new_len; + return true; +} + + +bool DbfColContainer::ChangeName(const wxString& new_name) +{ + if (!DbfFileUtils::isValidFieldName(new_name)) return false; + info.name = new_name; + return true; +} + +bool DbfColContainer::sprintf_period_for_decimal() +{ + char buf[10]; + sprintf(buf, "%#3.1f", 2.5); + //LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("DbfColContainer::sprintf_period_for_decimal()" + // " = %s", buf[1] == '.' ? "true" : "false")); + return buf[1] == '.'; +} + +// Allow for filling of double from long64 field +void DbfColContainer::GetVec(std::vector& vec) +{ + if (GetType() != GdaConst::double_type && + GetType() != GdaConst::long64_type) return; + if (!IsVecDataAlloc() && IsRawDataAlloc()) CopyRawDataToVector(); + if (vec.size() != size) vec.resize(size); + if (GetType() == GdaConst::double_type) { + if (IsVecDataAlloc()) { + for (int i=0; i t(size); + raw_data_to_vec(t); + for (int i=0; i& vec) +{ + if (GetType() != GdaConst::double_type && + GetType() != GdaConst::long64_type && + GetType() != GdaConst::date_type ) return; + if (!IsVecDataAlloc() && IsRawDataAlloc()) CopyRawDataToVector(); + if (vec.size() != size) vec.resize(size); + if (GetType() == GdaConst::long64_type || + GetType() == GdaConst::date_type ) { + if (IsVecDataAlloc()) { + for (int i=0; i t(size); + raw_data_to_vec(t); + for (int i=0; i& vec) +{ + if (vec.size() != size) vec.resize(size); + if (IsVecDataAlloc()) { + for (int i=0; i& vec) +{ + if (vec.size() != size) return; + if (GetType() != GdaConst::long64_type && + GetType() != GdaConst::double_type) return; + if (!IsVecDataAlloc()) AllocVecData(); + if (IsRawDataAlloc()) FreeRawData(); + + CheckUndefined(); + for (int i=0; i(vec[i]); + } + undefined_initialized = true; + + if (GetType() == GdaConst::long64_type) { + for (int i=0; i& vec) +{ + if (vec.size() != size) return; + if (GetType() != GdaConst::long64_type && + GetType() != GdaConst::double_type) return; + if (!IsVecDataAlloc()) AllocVecData(); + if (IsRawDataAlloc()) FreeRawData(); + + CheckUndefined(); + for (int i=0; i& vec) +{ + if (vec.size() != size) return; + if (!IsVecDataAlloc()) AllocVecData(); + if (IsRawDataAlloc()) FreeRawData(); + + for (int i=0; i& undef_vec) +{ + if (undefined.size() != size) undefined.resize(size); + CheckUndefined(); + for (int i=0; i& undef_vec) +{ + if (undef_vec.size() != size) undef_vec.resize(size); + if (!undefined_initialized) CheckUndefined(); + for (int i=0; i(x)); + buf += inc; + } + } else { + for (int i=0; i(d_vec[i]); + } + } + } else if (GetType() == GdaConst::long64_type) { + if (IsRawDataAlloc()) { + char* buf=raw_data; + for (int i=0; i& vec) +{ + if (vec.size() != size) { + vec.resize(size); + std::fill(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 0); + } + if (GetType() == GdaConst::unknown_type || + GetType() == GdaConst::placeholder_type) return; + CheckUndefined(); + const int inc = info.field_len+1; + char* buf=raw_data; + for (int i=0; i(vec[i])); + buf += inc; + } +} + +void DbfColContainer::raw_data_to_vec(double* vec) +{ + if (!vec) return; + if (GetType() == GdaConst::unknown_type || + GetType() == GdaConst::placeholder_type) return; + CheckUndefined(); + const int inc = info.field_len+1; + char* buf=raw_data; + for (int i=0; i(vec[i])); + buf += inc; + } +} + +void DbfColContainer::raw_data_to_vec(std::vector& vec) +{ + if (vec.size() != size) { + vec.resize(size); + std::fill(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 0); + } + if (GetType() == GdaConst::unknown_type || + GetType() == GdaConst::placeholder_type) return; + CheckUndefined(); + const int inc = info.field_len+1; + char* buf=raw_data; + for (int i=0; i& vec) +{ + if (vec.size() != size) vec.resize(size); + if (GetType() == GdaConst::unknown_type || + GetType() == GdaConst::placeholder_type) return; + CheckUndefined(); + const int inc = info.field_len+1; + char* buf=raw_data; + for (int i=0; i(d_vec[i])) { + // the number is either NaN (not a number) or +/- infinity + undefined[i] = true; + } + if (undefined[i]) { + for (int j=0; j((const char*)s_vec[i].mb_str()))); + for (int j=0; j. + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_DBF_COL_CONTAINER_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_DBF_COL_CONTAINER_H__ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "TableStateObserver.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" +#include "../Generic/HighlightStateObserver.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/DbfFile.h" + +/** + DbfColContainer notes: when a DBF file is read from disk, we initially + just read its data into the raw_data array in raw form to minimize table + loading time. The corrseponding data vector d_vec, l_vec or s_vec are + not filled. When a new column is created, only d_vec, l_vec, or s_vec are + created and raw_data is left as empty. When data is written out to disk, + the data in d_vec, l_vec, s_vec is converted into raw_data unless only + raw_data only exists. + + So, let's allow both raw_data and the vector data to potentially exist + together. When a cell is written, it is written to both. When + an entire column is written, it is only written into to the vector, and + raw_data is deleted. When an entire column is read in (for example by + Scatter Plot), then we must first create the vector if it doesn't already + exist. + + So, in summary, whenever both raw_data and corresponding vector exist, + single cell updates are written to both, but entire column updates + only go to the vector and the raw_data is deleted. When data is + written to disk, the raw_data is created once again. At any given time + it is therefore possible to have just the raw_data, just the vector, or + both raw_data and vector. When providing values to wxGrid, we will + always pull the value from vector first, and then raw_data. In either + case, we must check the undefined flag. When writing a column of data, + we will likely also pass in an optional boolean vector of undefined flags. + + For d_vec and l_vec, we might want the potential to specify empty or + undefined values. The IEEE double standard gives us several special + values for this purpose, but for integers, there are no special reserved + values. We must therefore provide some sort of integer status flags. + Perhaps for both we can just specify defined or undefined? Then it + would be sufficient to maintain a common bit-vector called to flag + empty values (either because no value was provided, or because the value + was undefined). + */ +class DbfColContainer +{ +public: + DbfColContainer(); + virtual ~DbfColContainer(); + bool Init(int size, + const GdaConst::FieldInfo& field_info, + bool alloc_raw_data, + bool alloc_vector_data, + bool mark_all_defined); + + int size; // number of rows + + void AllocRawData(); + bool IsRawDataAlloc(); + void FreeRawData(); + + void AllocVecData(); + bool IsVecDataAlloc(); + void FreeVecData(); + + // raw character data directly from the DBF file but with null-terminated + // strings. If raw_data is valid, then the pointer is non-null, + // otherwise it is set to zero. + char* raw_data; + double* d_vec; + wxInt64* l_vec; + wxString* s_vec; + // for use by d_vec and l_vec to denote either empty or undefined values. + std::vector undefined; + // when reading in a large DBF file, we do not take the time to + // check that all numbers are valid. When a data column is read + // for the first time, we will take the time to properly set the + // undefined vector. If the vector has not been initialized, then + // TableInterface::GetValue should not rely the values in the + // undefined vector. + bool undefined_initialized; + + wxString GetName(); + wxString GetDbfColName(); + GdaConst::FieldType GetType(); + int GetFieldLen(); + int GetDecimals(); + + void GetMinMaxVals(double& min_val, double& max_val); + + // Function to change properties. + bool ChangeProperties(int new_len, int new_dec=0); + bool ChangeName(const wxString& new_name); + + void GetVec(std::vector& vec); + void GetVec(std::vector& vec); + void GetVec(std::vector& vec); + + // note: the following two functions only have an + // effect on numeric fields currently. + void SetFromVec(const std::vector& vec); + void SetFromVec(const std::vector& vec); + void SetFromVec(const std::vector& vec); + void CheckUndefined(); + void SetUndefined(const std::vector& undef_vec); + void GetUndefined(std::vector& undef_vec); + + void CopyRawDataToVector(); + void CopyVectorToRawData(); + + void UpdateMinMaxVals(); + bool stale_min_max_val; + +private: + GdaConst::FieldInfo info; + + double min_val; + double max_val; + + void raw_data_to_vec(std::vector& vec); + void raw_data_to_vec(double* vec); + void raw_data_to_vec(std::vector& vec); + void raw_data_to_vec(wxInt64* vec); + void raw_data_to_vec(std::vector& vec); + void raw_data_to_vec(wxString* vec); + + void d_vec_to_raw_data(); + void l_vec_to_raw_data(); + void s_vec_to_raw_data(); + +public: + static bool sprintf_period_for_decimal(); +}; + + +#endif diff --git a/DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.cpp b/DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 8c528c117..000000000 --- a/DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2951 +0,0 @@ -/** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved - * - * This file is part of GeoDa. - * - * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program. If not, see . - */ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include // for vector sorting -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include "../Generic/HighlightState.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" -#include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" -#include "../GenUtils.h" -#include "../logger.h" -#include "../ShapeOperations/CsvFileUtils.h" -#include "TableState.h" -#include "DbfGridTableBase.h" - -DbfColContainer::DbfColContainer(DbfGridTableBase* grid_base_s) -: size(0), type(GeoDaConst::unknown_type), -field_len(0), decimals(0), -d_vec(boost::extents[0][0]), l_vec(boost::extents[0][0]), -s_vec(boost::extents[0][0]), undefined(boost::extents[0][0]), -undefined_initialized(false), -vector_valid(false), raw_data(0), grid_base(grid_base_s) -{ -} - -DbfColContainer::DbfColContainer(DbfFileReader& dbf, int field, - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base_s) -: size(0), time_steps(1), type(GeoDaConst::unknown_type), -field_len(0), decimals(0), -d_vec(boost::extents[0][0]), l_vec(boost::extents[0][0]), -s_vec(boost::extents[0][0]), undefined(boost::extents[0][0]), -undefined_initialized(false), -stale_min_max_val(0), min_val(0), max_val(0), -vector_valid(false), raw_data(0), grid_base(grid_base_s) -{ - int rows = dbf.getNumRecords(); - if (field < 0 || field >= dbf.getNumFields()) return; - std::vector fields = dbf.getFieldDescs(); - - DbfFieldDesc desc = dbf.getFieldDesc(field); - DbfFileHeader header = dbf.getFileHeader(); - GeoDaConst::FieldType type; - - if (desc.type == 'N' || desc.type == 'F') { - if (desc.decimals > 0) { - type = GeoDaConst::double_type; - Init(rows, time_steps, type, desc.name, desc.length, desc.decimals, - desc.decimals, true, false, false); - } else { - type = GeoDaConst::long64_type; - Init(rows, time_steps, type, desc.name, desc.length, desc.decimals, - desc.decimals, true, false, false); - } - } else if (desc.type == 'D') { - if (desc.length != 8) { - LOG_MSG("Error: Date field found with incorrect length!" - " We recomend fixing this in your DBF before " - "proceeding."); - } - type = GeoDaConst::date_type; - Init(rows, time_steps, type, desc.name, desc.length, 0, 0, - true, false, false); - } else { - // We will assume (desc.type == 'C') - type = GeoDaConst::string_type; - Init(rows, time_steps, type, desc.name, desc.length, - desc.decimals, desc.decimals, - true, false, false); - } - if (!dbf.file.is_open()) { - dbf.file.open(dbf.fname.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), - std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); - } - if (!(dbf.file.is_open() && dbf.file.good())) return; - - // calculate field offset - int record_offset = 1; // the record deletion flag - for (int i=0; i& min_vals, - std::vector& max_vals) -{ - UpdateMinMaxVals(); - if (min_vals.size() != time_steps) min_vals.resize(time_steps); - if (max_vals.size() != time_steps) max_vals.resize(time_steps); - for (int t=0; t vals; - GetVec(vals, t); - min_val[t] = vals[0]; - max_val[t] = vals[0]; - for (int i=0; i max_val[t]) { - max_val[t] = vals[i]; - } - } - } - } -} - -// Change Properties will convert data to vector format if length or -// decimals are changed. -bool DbfColContainer::ChangeProperties(const wxString& new_name, int new_len, - int new_dec, int new_disp_dec) -{ - if (!IsRawDataAlloc() && !vector_valid) { - // this violates the assumption that at least either raw_data - // exists or a valid vector exists. This should never happen - return false; - } - - if (!DbfFileUtils::isValidFieldName(new_name)) return false; - if (type == GeoDaConst::string_type) { - if (new_len < GeoDaConst::min_dbf_string_len || - new_len > GeoDaConst::max_dbf_string_len) { - return false; - } - if (IsRawDataAlloc() && !vector_valid) { - s_vec.resize(boost::extents[time_steps][size]); - raw_data_to_vec(s_vec); - } - // shorten all strings as needed. - if (new_len < field_len) { - int t=0; - for (int i=0; i GeoDaConst::max_dbf_long_len) { - return false; - } - if (IsRawDataAlloc() && !vector_valid) { - l_vec.resize(boost::extents[time_steps][size]); - raw_data_to_vec(l_vec); - } - // limit all vector values to acceptable range - wxInt64 max_val = DbfFileUtils::GetMaxInt(new_len); - wxInt64 min_val = DbfFileUtils::GetMinInt(new_len); - int t=0; - for (int i=0; i l_vec[t][i]) { - l_vec[t][i] = min_val; - } - } - name = new_name; - } else if (type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - if (new_disp_dec < 0 || - new_disp_dec > GeoDaConst::max_dbf_double_decimals || - new_len < GeoDaConst::min_dbf_double_len || - new_len > GeoDaConst::max_dbf_double_len || - new_dec < GeoDaConst::min_dbf_double_decimals || - new_dec > GeoDaConst::max_dbf_double_decimals) { - return false; - } - int suggest_len; - int suggest_dec; - DbfFileUtils::SuggestDoubleParams(new_len, new_dec, - &suggest_len, &suggest_dec); - if (new_len != suggest_len || new_dec != suggest_dec) { - return false; - } - if (IsRawDataAlloc() && !vector_valid) { - d_vec.resize(boost::extents[time_steps][size]); - raw_data_to_vec(d_vec); - } - // limit all vectors to acceptable range - double max_val = DbfFileUtils::GetMaxDouble(new_len, new_dec); - double min_val = DbfFileUtils::GetMinDouble(new_len, new_dec); - int t=0; - for (int i=0, iend=size; i != iend; i++) { - if (max_val < d_vec[t][i]) { - d_vec[t][i] = max_val; - } else if (min_val > d_vec[t][i]) { - d_vec[t][i] = min_val; - } - } - decimals = new_dec; - displayed_decimals = new_disp_dec; - name = new_name; - } else { // GeoDaConst::date_type - // can only change field name for date_type - if (new_len != GeoDaConst::max_dbf_date_len) return false; - name = new_name; - } - - if (IsRawDataAlloc()) FreeRawData(); - vector_valid = true; - field_len = new_len; - grid_base->SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); - return true; -} - -bool DbfColContainer::sprintf_period_for_decimal() -{ - char buf[10]; - sprintf(buf, "%#3.1f", 2.5); - //LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("DbfColContainer::sprintf_period_for_decimal()" - // " = %s", buf[1] == '.' ? "true" : "false")); - return buf[1] == '.'; -} - -bool DbfColContainer::IsVecItemDefined(int i, int time) -{ - if (!vector_valid || (undefined_initialized && undefined[time][i])) { - return false; - } - // can assume vector_valid and !undefined_initialized, so need to - // determine if vector data is valid depending on the type - if (type == GeoDaConst::string_type) return true; - if (type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) return true; - if (type == GeoDaConst::date_type) return (l_vec[time][i] != 0); - // can assume that type is double_type - return boost::math::isfinite(d_vec[time][i]); -} - -bool DbfColContainer::IsRawItemDefined(int i, int time) -{ - if (!IsRawDataAlloc() || (undefined_initialized && undefined[time][i])) { - return false; - } - // need to determine if data is undefined based on raw string data - const char* buf = (char*)(raw_data[time] + i*(field_len+1)); - if (type == GeoDaConst::string_type) return true; - if (type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) return GenUtils::validInt(buf); - // We need to come up with a better date check than the following - if (type == GeoDaConst::date_type) return GenUtils::validInt(buf); - // can assume that type is double_type - if (GenUtils::isEmptyOrSpaces(buf)) return false; - wxString temp(buf); - temp.Trim(true); - temp.Trim(false); - double val; - bool r = temp.ToCDouble(&val); - return r && boost::math::isfinite(val); - -} - -// Allow for filling of double from long64 field -void DbfColContainer::GetVec(std::vector& vec, int time) -{ - if (type != GeoDaConst::double_type && - type != GeoDaConst::long64_type) return; - if (!vector_valid && IsRawDataAlloc()) CopyRawDataToVector(); - if (vec.size() != size) vec.resize(size); - if (time < 0 || time >= time_steps) time = 0; - if (type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - if (vector_valid) { - for (int i=0; i t(size); - raw_data_to_vec(t, time); - for (int i=0; i& vec, int time) -{ - if (type != GeoDaConst::double_type && - type != GeoDaConst::long64_type) return; - if (!vector_valid && IsRawDataAlloc()) CopyRawDataToVector(); - if (vec.size() != size) vec.resize(size); - if (time < 0 || time >= time_steps) time = 0; - if (type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { - if (vector_valid) { - for (int i=0; i t(size); - raw_data_to_vec(t, time); - for (int i=0; i& vec, int time) -{ - if (vec.size() != size) vec.resize(size); - if (time < 0 || time >= time_steps) time = 0; - if (vector_valid) { - for (int i=0; i& vec, int time) -{ - if (grid_base->IsSpaceTimeIdField(name)) return; - if (vec.size() != size) return; - if (time < 0 || time >= time_steps) time = 0; - if (type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { - if (l_vec.shape()[1] != size) { - l_vec.resize(boost::extents[time_steps][size]); - std::fill(l_vec.origin(), l_vec.origin()+l_vec.num_elements(), 0); - } - } else if (type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - if (d_vec.shape()[1] != size) { - d_vec.resize(boost::extents[time_steps][size]); - std::fill(d_vec.origin(), d_vec.origin()+d_vec.num_elements(), 0); - } - } else { - // only numeric types supported currently - return; - } - if (IsRawDataAlloc()) FreeRawData(); - - CheckUndefined(); - for (int i=0; i(vec[i]); - } - - if (type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { - for (int i=0; iSetChangedSinceLastSave(true); -} - -void DbfColContainer::SetFromVec(std::vector& vec, int time) -{ - if (grid_base->IsSpaceTimeIdField(name)) return; - if (vec.size() != size) return; - if (time < 0 || time >= time_steps) time = 0; - if (type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { - if (l_vec.shape()[1] != size) { - l_vec.resize(boost::extents[time_steps][size]); - } - } else if (type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - if (d_vec.shape()[1] != size) { - d_vec.resize(boost::extents[time_steps][size]); - } - } else { - // only numeric types supported currently - return; - } - if (IsRawDataAlloc()) FreeRawData(); - - CheckUndefined(); - for (int i=0; iSetChangedSinceLastSave(true); -} - -void DbfColContainer::SetFromVec(std::vector& vec, int time) -{ - if (grid_base->IsSpaceTimeIdField(name)) return; - if (vec.size() != size) return; - if (time < 0 || time >= time_steps) time = 0; - if (s_vec.shape()[1] != size) { - s_vec.resize(boost::extents[time_steps][size]); - } - if (IsRawDataAlloc()) FreeRawData(); - for (int i=0; iSetChangedSinceLastSave(true); -} - -void DbfColContainer::SetUndefined(const std::vector& undef_vec, int time) -{ - if (grid_base->IsSpaceTimeIdField(name)) return; - if (undefined.shape()[1] != size) { - undefined.resize(boost::extents[time_steps][size]); - } - if (time < 0 || time >= time_steps) time = 0; - CheckUndefined(); - for (int i=0; iSetChangedSinceLastSave(true); -} - -void DbfColContainer::GetUndefined(std::vector& undef_vec, int time) -{ - if (undef_vec.size() != size) undef_vec.resize(size); - if (time < 0 || time >= time_steps) time = 0; - if (!undefined_initialized) { - CheckUndefined(); - } - for (int i=0; i(x)); - buf += inc; - } - } else { - for (int i=0; i(d_vec[t][i]); - } - } - } else if (type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { - if (IsRawDataAlloc()) { - char* buf=raw_data[t]; - for (int i=0; i(vec[t][i])); - buf += inc; - } - } - undefined_initialized = true; -} - -void DbfColContainer::raw_data_to_vec(std::vector& vec, int time) -{ - if (time < 0 || time >= time_steps) time = 0; - if (vec.size() != size) vec.resize(size); - CheckUndefined(); - const int inc = field_len+1; - char* buf=raw_data[time]; - for (int i=0; i(vec[i])); - buf += inc; - } -} - -void DbfColContainer::raw_data_to_vec(l_array_type& vec) -{ - if (vec.shape()[0] != time_steps || vec.shape()[1] != size) { - vec.resize(boost::extents[time_steps][size]); - } - const int inc = field_len+1; - for (int t=0; t& vec, int time) -{ - if (time < 0 || time >= time_steps) time = 0; - if (vec.size() != size) vec.resize(size); - CheckUndefined(); - const int inc = field_len+1; - char* buf=raw_data[time]; - for (int i=0; i& vec, int time) -{ - if (time < 0 || time >= time_steps) time = 0; - if (vec.size() != size) vec.resize(size); - CheckUndefined(); - const int inc = field_len+1; - char* buf=raw_data[time]; - for (int i=0; i(d_vec[t][i])) { - // the number is either NaN (not a number) or +/- infinity - undefined[t][i] = true; - } - if (undefined[t][i]) { - for (int j=0; j((const char*)s_vec[t][i].mb_str()))); - for (int j=0; j& row_order_s, - std::vector& selected_s) -: row_order(row_order_s), selected(selected_s) -{ - attrForSelectedRows = new wxGridCellAttr; - attrForSelectedRows->SetBackgroundColour(*wxLIGHT_GREY); -} - -DbfGridCellAttrProvider::~DbfGridCellAttrProvider() -{ - attrForSelectedRows->DecRef(); -} - -wxGridCellAttr *DbfGridCellAttrProvider::GetAttr(int row, int col, - wxGridCellAttr::wxAttrKind kind ) const -{ - //LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("Calling DbfGridCellAttrProvider::GetAttr" - // "(%d, %d, %d)", row, col, kind)); - wxGridCellAttr *attr = wxGridCellAttrProvider::GetAttr(row, col, kind); - - //if (row >= 0) LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("GetAttr: row=%d, " - // "col=%d selected=%d", - // row, col, - // selected[row_order[row]] ? 1 : 0)); - - if ( row >= 0 && selected[row_order[row]] ) { - if ( !attr ) { - attr = attrForSelectedRows; - attr->IncRef(); - } else { - if ( !attr->HasBackgroundColour() ) { - wxGridCellAttr *attrNew = attr->Clone(); - attr->DecRef(); - attr = attrNew; - attr->SetBackgroundColour(*wxLIGHT_GREY); - } - } - } - - return attr; -} - - -DbfGridTableBase::DbfGridTableBase(int rows_s, int cols_s, - HighlightState* highlight_state_s, - TableState* table_state_s) -: rows(rows_s), time_steps(1), time_ids(1, 0), curr_time_step(0), -highlight_state(highlight_state_s), table_state(table_state_s), -hs(highlight_state_s->GetHighlight()), -sorting_col(-1), -sorting_ascending(false), -row_order(rows_s), col_data(cols_s), -changed_since_last_save(false), dbf_file_name_no_ext("") -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DbfGridTableBase::DbfGridTableBase"); - int cols = cols_s; - time_t rawtime; - struct tm* timeinfo; - time(&rawtime); - timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime); - orig_header.version = 3; // default - orig_header.year = timeinfo->tm_year+1900; - orig_header.month = timeinfo->tm_mon+1; - orig_header.day = timeinfo->tm_mday; - orig_header.num_records=0; - orig_header.header_length=0; - orig_header.length_each_record=0; - orig_header.num_fields=0; - - for (int i=0, iend=col_data.size(); iInit(rows, time_steps, GeoDaConst::double_type, - wxString::Format("col_%d", i+1), - 20, 4, 4, false, true, true); - } - SortByDefaultDecending(); - for (int j=0, jend=cols; jundefined[0][i] = false; - col_data[j]->d_vec[0][i] = (j*10000)+i + 0.1; - } - } - highlight_state->registerObserver(this); - table_state->registerObserver(this); - //SetAttrProvider(new DbfGridCellAttrProvider(row_order, hs)); - LOG_MSG("Exiting DbfGridTableBase::DbfGridTableBase"); -} - -/** If field_names size != string_table width, then field_names will - be automatically generated */ -DbfGridTableBase::DbfGridTableBase(const std_str_array_type& string_table, - const std::vector& field_names, - const std::string file_name, - HighlightState* highlight_state_s, - TableState* table_state_s) -: rows(string_table.shape()[0]), time_steps(1), time_ids(1, 0), -curr_time_step(0), highlight_state(highlight_state_s), -table_state(table_state_s), -hs(highlight_state_s->GetHighlight()), -sorting_col(-1), sorting_ascending(false), -row_order(string_table.shape()[0]), col_data(string_table.shape()[1]), -changed_since_last_save(false) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DbfGridTableBase::DbfGridTableBase"); - int cols = col_data.size(); - SortByDefaultDecending(); - time_t rawtime; - struct tm* timeinfo; - time(&rawtime); - timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime); - orig_header.version = 3; // default - orig_header.year = timeinfo->tm_year+1900; - orig_header.month = timeinfo->tm_mon+1; - orig_header.day = timeinfo->tm_mday; - orig_header.num_records=rows; - orig_header.header_length=0; // To be calculated below - orig_header.length_each_record=0; // To be calculated below - orig_header.num_fields=cols; - - dbf_file_name = wxFileName(wxString(file_name)); - dbf_file_name_no_ext = wxFileName(wxString(file_name)).GetName(); - - // Will try to convert each column of string table first into - // valid doubles, then into valid ints, and default to leave as strings - - std::vector col_names(cols); - if (field_names.size() != cols) { - for (int col=0; col names; - std::vector is_valid_col_name(cols); - std::vector name_to_use(cols); - for (int col=0; col 99999) { - var_gen_cnt++; - next_col_name = wxEmptyString; - next_col_name << "VAR_" << var_gen_cnt; - if (names.find(next_col_name) == names.end()) { - valid_name_found = true; - names.insert(next_col_name); - } - } - col_names[col] = next_col_name; - } - } - } - - std::vector v_longs; - std::vector v_doubles; - std::vector v_strings; - std::vector undef; - int failed_index; - for (int col=0; colInit(rows, time_steps, type, col_names[col], - length, decimals, decimals, - false, true, true); - col_data[col]->SetFromVec(v_longs); - col_data[col]->SetUndefined(undef); - } else if (GeoDa::ConvertColToDoubles(string_table, col, v_doubles, - undef, failed_index)) { - // column of reals - type = GeoDaConst::double_type; - //MMM: for some reason, if length is > 17, then values in - // table get truncated to 1.0 - length = 17; //GeoDaConst::max_dbf_double_len; - double max = 0; - bool has_neg = false; - for (int i=0; i max) max = fabs(v_doubles[i]); - if (v_doubles[i] < 0) has_neg = true; - } - int digits = (int) ceil(log10(max)); - decimals = length - (digits + 2); - if (decimals < 1) decimals = 1; - if (decimals > GeoDaConst::max_dbf_double_decimals) { - length = length - (decimals - - GeoDaConst::max_dbf_double_decimals); - decimals = GeoDaConst::max_dbf_double_decimals; - } - int display_dec = GeoDaConst::default_display_decimals; - if (display_dec > decimals) display_dec = decimals; - col_data[col]->Init(rows, time_steps, type, col_names[col], - length, decimals, display_dec, - false, true, true); - col_data[col]->SetFromVec(v_doubles); - col_data[col]->SetUndefined(undef); - } else { - // column of strings by default - v_strings.resize(rows); - type = GeoDaConst::string_type; - for (int i=0; i length) { - length = string_table[i][col].length(); - } - } - col_data[col]->Init(rows, time_steps, type, col_names[col], - length, decimals, decimals, - false, true, true); - for (int i=0; iSetFromVec(v_strings); - } - } - // Each field descriptor is 32 bits and begins at byte 32 and terminates - // with an additional byte 0x0D. - orig_header.header_length = 32 + orig_header.num_fields*32 + 1; - orig_header.length_each_record = 1; // first byte is either 0x20 or 0x2A - for (int i=0; ifield_len; - } - - SetAttrProvider(new DbfGridCellAttrProvider(row_order, hs)); - highlight_state->registerObserver(this); - table_state->registerObserver(this); - LOG_MSG("Exiting DbfGridTableBase::DbfGridTableBase"); -} - -DbfGridTableBase::DbfGridTableBase(DbfFileReader& dbf, - HighlightState* highlight_state_s, - TableState* table_state_s) -: rows(dbf.getNumRecords()), time_steps(1), time_ids(1, 0), curr_time_step(0), -highlight_state(highlight_state_s), table_state(table_state_s), -hs(highlight_state_s->GetHighlight()), -sorting_col(-1), sorting_ascending(false), -row_order(dbf.getNumRecords()), col_data(dbf.getNumFields()), -orig_header(dbf.getFileHeader()), -changed_since_last_save(false) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DbfGridTableBase::DbfGridTableBase"); - int cols = dbf.getNumFields(); - SortByDefaultDecending(); - - dbf_file_name = wxFileName(dbf.fname); - dbf_file_name_no_ext = wxFileName(dbf.fname).GetName(); - - std::vector desc = dbf.getFieldDescs(); - for (int col=0, col_end=desc.size(); col 0) { - type = GeoDaConst::double_type; - col_data[col]->Init(rows, time_steps, type, desc[col].name, - desc[col].length, desc[col].decimals, - desc[col].decimals, - true, false, false); - } else { - type = GeoDaConst::long64_type; - col_data[col]->Init(rows, time_steps, type, desc[col].name, - desc[col].length, desc[col].decimals, - desc[col].decimals, - true, false, false); - } - } else if (desc[col].type == 'D') { - if (desc[col].length != 8) { - LOG_MSG("Error: Date field found with incorrect length!" - " We recomend fixing this in your DBF before " - "proceeding."); - } - type = GeoDaConst::date_type; - col_data[col]->Init(rows, time_steps, type, desc[col].name, - desc[col].length, 0, 0, true, false, false); - } else { - // We will assume (desc[i].type == 'C') - type = GeoDaConst::string_type; - col_data[col]->Init(rows, time_steps, type, desc[col].name, - desc[col].length, desc[col].decimals, - desc[col].decimals, - true, false, false); - // note that we consider all strings to be valid, so we chose - // to say that all string values have been defined. - //dbf.getFieldValsString(col, col_data[col]->s_vec); - } - } - - if (!dbf.file.is_open()) { - dbf.file.open(dbf.fname.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), - std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); - } - if (!(dbf.file.is_open() && dbf.file.good())) return; - - // Note: first byte of every DBF row is the record deletion flag, so - // we always skip this. - int del_flag_len = 1; // the record deletion flag - dbf.file.seekg(dbf.header.header_length, std::ios::beg); - for (int row=0; rowraw_data[0] + row*(field_len+1)), - field_len); - col_data[col]->raw_data[0][row*(field_len+1)+field_len] = '\0'; - //LOG_MSG(wxString((char*)(col_data[col]->raw_data[0] - // + row*(field_len+1)))); - } - } - SetAttrProvider(new DbfGridCellAttrProvider(row_order, hs)); - - highlight_state->registerObserver(this); - table_state->registerObserver(this); - LOG_MSG("Exiting DbfGridTableBase::DbfGridTableBase"); -} - -DbfGridTableBase::DbfGridTableBase(DbfFileReader& dbf_sp, - DbfFileReader& dbf_tm, - int sp_tbl_sp_col, - int tm_tbl_sp_col, - int tm_tbl_tm_col, - HighlightState* highlight_state_s, - TableState* table_state_s) -: rows(dbf_sp.getNumRecords()), time_steps(1), time_ids(1, 0), -curr_time_step(0), -highlight_state(highlight_state_s), table_state(table_state_s), -hs(highlight_state_s->GetHighlight()), -sorting_col(-1), sorting_ascending(false), -row_order(dbf_sp.getNumRecords()), -col_data(dbf_sp.getNumFields() + dbf_tm.getNumFields() - 2), -orig_header(dbf_sp.getFileHeader()), -orig_header_tm(dbf_tm.getFileHeader()), -changed_since_last_save(false) -{ - using namespace std; - LOG_MSG("Entering DbfGridTableBase::DbfGridTableBase"); - int cols_sp = dbf_sp.getNumFields(); - int cols_tm = dbf_tm.getNumFields(); - SortByDefaultDecending(); - sp_tbl_sp_col_name = dbf_sp.getFieldDesc(sp_tbl_sp_col).name; - tm_tbl_sp_col_name = dbf_tm.getFieldDesc(tm_tbl_sp_col).name; - tm_tbl_tm_col_name = dbf_tm.getFieldDesc(tm_tbl_tm_col).name; - - dbf_file_name = wxFileName(dbf_sp.fname); - dbf_file_name_no_ext = wxFileName(dbf_sp.fname).GetName(); - dbf_tm_file_name = wxFileName(dbf_tm.fname); - dbf_tm_file_name_no_ext = wxFileName(dbf_tm.fname).GetName(); - - vector tm_tbl_tm_ids(dbf_tm.getNumRecords()); - set t_tm_ids; - if (!dbf_tm.getFieldValsLong(tm_tbl_tm_col, tm_tbl_tm_ids)) { - LOG_MSG("Error: unable to read time column data"); - return; - } - for (int i=0, iend=tm_tbl_tm_ids.size(); i::iterator it=t_tm_ids.begin(); it!=t_tm_ids.end(); it++) { - time_ids.push_back(*it); - } - sort(time_ids.begin(), time_ids.end()); - //for (int i=0; i time_id_to_step; - for (int i=0, iend=time_ids.size(); i desc_sp = dbf_sp.getFieldDescs(); - for (int col=0; col 0) { - type = GeoDaConst::double_type; - col_data[col]->Init(rows, 1, type, desc_sp[col].name, - desc_sp[col].length, desc_sp[col].decimals, - desc_sp[col].decimals, - true, false, false); - } else { - type = GeoDaConst::long64_type; - col_data[col]->Init(rows, 1, type, desc_sp[col].name, - desc_sp[col].length, desc_sp[col].decimals, - desc_sp[col].decimals, - true, false, false); - } - } else if (desc_sp[col].type == 'D') { - if (desc_sp[col].length != 8) { - LOG_MSG("Error: Date field found with incorrect length!" - " We recomend fixing this in your DBF before " - "proceeding."); - } - type = GeoDaConst::date_type; - col_data[col]->Init(rows, 1, type, desc_sp[col].name, - desc_sp[col].length, 0, 0, true, false, false); - } else { - // We will assume (desc_sp[i].type == 'C') - type = GeoDaConst::string_type; - col_data[col]->Init(rows, 1, type, desc_sp[col].name, - desc_sp[col].length, desc_sp[col].decimals, - desc_sp[col].decimals, - true, false, false); - // note that we consider all strings to be valid, so we chose - // to say that all string values have been defined. - //dbf.getFieldValsString(col, col_data[col]->s_vec); - } - } - - vector desc_tm = dbf_tm.getFieldDescs(); - int col_ind = cols_sp; - for (int col=0; col 0) { - type = GeoDaConst::double_type; - col_data[col_ind]->Init(rows, time_steps, type, - desc_tm[col].name, - desc_tm[col].length, - desc_tm[col].decimals, - desc_tm[col].decimals, - true, false, false); - } else { - type = GeoDaConst::long64_type; - col_data[col_ind]->Init(rows, time_steps, type, - desc_tm[col].name, - desc_tm[col].length, - desc_tm[col].decimals, - desc_tm[col].decimals, - true, false, false); - } - } else if (desc_tm[col].type == 'D') { - if (desc_tm[col].length != 8) { - LOG_MSG("Error: Date field found with incorrect length!" - " We recomend fixing this in your DBF before " - "proceeding."); - } - type = GeoDaConst::date_type; - col_data[col_ind]->Init(rows, time_steps, type, - desc_tm[col].name, - desc_tm[col].length, 0, 0, - true, false, false); - } else { - // We will assume (desc_tm[i].type == 'C') - type = GeoDaConst::string_type; - col_data[col_ind]->Init(rows, time_steps, type, - desc_tm[col].name, - desc_tm[col].length, - desc_tm[col].decimals, - desc_tm[col].decimals, - true, false, false); - // note that we consider all strings to be valid, so we chose - // to say that all string values have been defined. - //dbf.getFieldValsString(col, col_data[col]->s_vec); - } - col_ind++; - } - } - - if (!dbf_sp.file.is_open()) { - dbf_sp.file.open(dbf_sp.fname.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), - std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); - } - if (!(dbf_sp.file.is_open() && dbf_sp.file.good())) { - LOG_MSG("Error: could not open space DBF for reading"); - return; - } - if (!dbf_tm.file.is_open()) { - dbf_tm.file.open(dbf_tm.fname.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), - std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); - } - if (!(dbf_tm.file.is_open() && dbf_tm.file.good())) { - LOG_MSG("Error: could not open time DBF for reading"); - return; - } - - // Note: first byte of every DBF row is the record deletion flag, so - // we always skip this. - char buff[256]; - int del_flag_len = 1; // the record deletion flag - dbf_sp.file.seekg(dbf_sp.header.header_length, std::ios::beg); - for (int row=0; rowraw_data[0] - + row*(field_len+1)), - field_len); - col_data[col]->raw_data[0][row*(field_len+1)+field_len] = '\0'; - } - } - - // we need to match up time dbf rows with space dbf rows. Don't want - // to assume these are in the same order. - vector tm_row_to_sp_row(dbf_tm.getNumRecords()); - vector tm_row_to_time_step(dbf_tm.getNumRecords()); - vector sp_ids_vec; - col_data[sp_tbl_sp_col]->GetVec(sp_ids_vec); - map sp_id_to_row; - for (int i=0, iend=sp_ids_vec.size(); i tm_tbl_sp_ids(dbf_tm.getNumRecords()); - dbf_tm.getFieldValsLong(tm_tbl_sp_col, tm_tbl_sp_ids); - for (int i=0, iend=tm_tbl_sp_ids.size(); iraw_data[ts] - + mrow*(field_len+1)), - field_len); - col_data[col_ind]-> - raw_data[ts][mrow*(field_len+1)+field_len] = '\0'; - col_ind++; - } else { - dbf_tm.file.read(buff, field_len); - } - } - } - - SetAttrProvider(new DbfGridCellAttrProvider(row_order, hs)); - - highlight_state->registerObserver(this); - table_state->registerObserver(this); - LOG_MSG("Exiting DbfGridTableBase::DbfGridTableBase"); -} - -DbfGridTableBase::~DbfGridTableBase() -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DbfGridTableBase::~DbfGridTableBase"); - for (std::vector::iterator it=col_data.begin(); - it != col_data.end(); it++) { - delete (*it); - } - highlight_state->removeObserver(this); - table_state->removeObserver(this); - LOG_MSG("Exiting DbfGridTableBase::~DbfGridTableBase"); -} - -/** Impelmentation of HighlightStateObserver interface function. This - is called by HighlightState when it notifies all observers - that its state has changed. */ -void DbfGridTableBase::update(HighlightState* o) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DbfGridTableBase::update(HighlightState* o)"); - if (GetView()) GetView()->Refresh(); - LOG_MSG("Exiting DbfGridTableBase::update(HighlightState* o)"); -} - -/** This is the implementation of the TableStateObserver interface - update function. It is called whenever the table associated with - TableState's state has changed. Since this is the table, the update - method will do nothing. */ -void DbfGridTableBase::update(TableState* o) -{ - LOG_MSG("In DbfGridTableBase::update(TableState* o)"); -} - -/** Grid Base does not need to be notifed of TableViewer column - movements since moving a column in the TableViewer doesn not - change the state of Grid Base. This method is here as a workaround - to noftify interested listeners that the visual column order has - changed. It is called by NewTableViewerFrame::OnColMoveEvent */ -void DbfGridTableBase::notifyColMove() -{ - LOG_MSG("In DbfGridTableBase::notifyColMove()"); - table_state->notifyObservers(); -} - -int DbfGridTableBase::GetNumberColsSpace() -{ - int cnt = 0; - for (int i=0, iend=col_data.size(); itime_steps == 1) cnt++; - } - return cnt; -} - -int DbfGridTableBase::GetNumberColsTime() -{ - int cnt = 0; - for (int i=0, iend=col_data.size(); itime_steps > 1) cnt++; - } - return cnt; -} - -wxString DbfGridTableBase::GetTimeString(int time) -{ - if (time < 0 || time > time_steps - 1) return wxEmptyString; - wxString s; - s << time_ids[time]; - return s; -} - -void DbfGridTableBase::GetTimeStrings(std::vector& times) -{ - times.resize(time_steps); - for (int i=0; itime_steps > 1; -} - -int DbfGridTableBase::GetColTimeSteps(int col) -{ - return col_data[col]->time_steps; -} - -bool DbfGridTableBase::IsColNumeric(int col) -{ - return (col_data[col]->type == GeoDaConst::double_type || - col_data[col]->type == GeoDaConst::long64_type); -} - -GeoDaConst::FieldType DbfGridTableBase::GetColType(int col) -{ - return col_data[col]->type; -} - -wxString DbfGridTableBase::GetColName(int col) -{ - return col_data[col]->name; -} - -int DbfGridTableBase::GetColLength(int col) -{ - return col_data[col]->field_len; -} - -int DbfGridTableBase::GetColDecimals(int col) -{ - return col_data[col]->decimals; -} - -void DbfGridTableBase::GetColData(int col, d_array_type& dbl_data) -{ - col_data[col]->CheckUndefined(); - if (!IsColNumeric(col)) return; - DbfColContainer* cd = col_data[col]; - cd->GetVec(dbl_data); - for (int t=0, t_end=cd->time_steps; tsize; iundefined[t][i]) dbl_data[t][i] = 0; - } - } -} - -void DbfGridTableBase::GetColData(int col, int time, std::vector& data) -{ - col_data[col]->CheckUndefined(); - if (!IsColNumeric(col)) return; - DbfColContainer* cd = col_data[col]; - cd->GetVec(data, time); - for (int i=0, iend=cd->size; iundefined[time][i]) data[i] = 0; - } -} - -void DbfGridTableBase::GetColUndefined(int col, b_array_type& undefined) -{ - col_data[col]->GetUndefined(undefined); -} - -void DbfGridTableBase::GetColUndefined(int col, int time, - std::vector& undefined) -{ - col_data[col]->GetUndefined(undefined, time); -} - -void DbfGridTableBase::GetMinMaxVals(int col, std::vector& min_vals, - std::vector& max_vals) -{ - if (!IsColNumeric(col)) return; - col_data[col]->GetMinMaxVals(min_vals, max_vals); -} - -bool DbfGridTableBase::ConvertToSpTime(const wxString& sp_dbf_name, - const wxString& tm_dbf_name, - int space_col, - const wxString& tm_field_name, - const std::vector& new_time_ids, - wxString& err_msg) -{ - // backup original values first in case something goes wrong - wxFileName dbf_file_name_orig = dbf_file_name; - wxString dbf_file_name_no_ext_orig = dbf_file_name_no_ext; - wxFileName dbf_tm_file_name_orig = dbf_tm_file_name; - wxString dbf_tm_file_name_no_ext_orig = dbf_tm_file_name_no_ext; - DbfFileHeader orig_header_orig = orig_header; - DbfFileHeader orig_header_tm_orig = orig_header_tm; - wxString sp_tbl_sp_col_name_orig = sp_tbl_sp_col_name; - wxString tm_tbl_sp_col_name_orig = tm_tbl_sp_col_name; - wxString tm_tbl_tm_col_name_orig = tm_tbl_tm_col_name; - int time_steps_orig = time_steps; - std::vector time_ids_orig(time_steps); - for (int i=0; i col_id_map; - FillColIdMap(col_id_map); - - dbf_file_name = sp_dbf_name; - dbf_file_name_no_ext = wxFileName(sp_dbf_name).GetName(); - dbf_tm_file_name = tm_dbf_name; - dbf_tm_file_name_no_ext = wxFileName(tm_dbf_name).GetName(); - - orig_header_tm.version = orig_header.version; - orig_header_tm.year = orig_header.year; - orig_header_tm.month = orig_header.month; - orig_header_tm.day = orig_header.day; - orig_header_tm.num_records = GetNumberRows() * time_steps; - orig_header_tm.num_fields = GetNumberColsTime() + 2; - orig_header_tm.header_length = 32 + orig_header_tm.num_fields*32 + 1; - orig_header_tm.length_each_record = 1; // first byte is either 0x20 or 0x2A - // add in length of time and space fields - orig_header_tm.length_each_record += col_data[space_col]->field_len; - orig_header_tm.length_each_record += GeoDaConst::default_dbf_long_len; - for (int i=0, iend=col_data.size(); itime_steps > 1) { - orig_header_tm.length_each_record += col_data[mcol]->field_len; - } - } - - sp_tbl_sp_col_name = col_data[space_col]->name; - tm_tbl_sp_col_name = sp_tbl_sp_col_name; - tm_tbl_tm_col_name = tm_field_name; - curr_time_step = 0; - time_steps = new_time_ids.size(); - time_ids.resize(time_steps); - for (int i=0; i names; - wxString name; - std::set::iterator it; - for (int col=0; coltype != tm_c->type || sp_c->field_len != tm_c->field_len || - sp_c->decimals != tm_c->decimals || - !sp_c->IsRawDataAlloc() || !tm_c->IsRawDataAlloc()) return false; - - for (int i=0, its=((sp_c->field_len)+1)*(sp_c->size); iraw_data[time][i] = sp_c->raw_data[0][i]; - } - return true; -} - -// pure virtual method implementation for wxGridTableBase -int DbfGridTableBase::GetNumberRows() -{ - return rows; -} - -int DbfGridTableBase::GetNumberCols() -{ - return col_data.size(); -} - -wxString DbfGridTableBase::GetValue(int row, int col) -{ - if (row<0 || row>=GetNumberRows()) return wxEmptyString; - int field_len = col_data[col]->field_len; - - int curr_ts = col_data[col]->time_steps > 1 ? curr_time_step : 0; - if (col_data[col]->undefined_initialized && - col_data[col]->undefined[curr_ts][row_order[row]]) { - return wxEmptyString; - } - - switch (col_data[col]->type) { - case GeoDaConst::date_type: - { - if (col_data[col]->vector_valid) { - int x = col_data[col]->l_vec[curr_ts][row_order[row]]; - int day = x % 100; x /= 100; - int month = x % 100; x /= 100; - int year = x; - return wxString::Format("%04d %02d %02d", year, month, day); - } - if (col_data[col]->IsRawDataAlloc()) { - wxString temp((char*)(col_data[col]->raw_data[curr_ts] - + row_order[row]*(field_len+1))); - long val; - bool success = temp.ToCLong(&val); - - if (col_data[col]->undefined_initialized || success) { - int x = val; - int day = x % 100; x /= 100; - int month = x % 100; x /= 100; - int year = x; - return wxString::Format("%04d %02d %02d", year, month, day); - } else { - return wxEmptyString; - } - } - } - case GeoDaConst::long64_type: - { - if (col_data[col]->vector_valid) { - return wxString::Format("%lld", - col_data[col]->l_vec[curr_ts][row_order[row]]); - } - if (col_data[col]->IsRawDataAlloc()) { - const char* str = (char*)(col_data[col]->raw_data[curr_ts] - + row_order[row]*(field_len+1)); - //LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("row: %d, col: %d, raw: %s", - // row, col, str)); - - if (col_data[col]->undefined_initialized || - GenUtils::validInt(str)) { - wxInt64 val=0; - GenUtils::strToInt64(str, &val); - return wxString::Format("%lld", val); - } else { - return wxEmptyString; - } - } - } - break; - case GeoDaConst::double_type: - { - // We have to be careful to return a formated string with digits - // after the decimal place at most min(decimals, displayed_decimals) - int decimals = col_data[col]->decimals + 1; // one extra decimal - int disp_dec = GenUtils::min(col_data[col]->decimals, - col_data[col]->displayed_decimals); - wxString d_char = DbfColContainer::sprintf_period_for_decimal() - ? "." : ","; - if (col_data[col]->vector_valid) { - double val = col_data[col]->d_vec[curr_ts][row_order[row]]; - // limit val to acceptable range - int d = col_data[col]->decimals; - int fl = col_data[col]->field_len; - double max_val = DbfFileUtils::GetMaxDouble(fl, d); - double min_val = DbfFileUtils::GetMinDouble(fl, d); - if (max_val < val) { - val = max_val; - } else if (min_val > val) { - val = min_val; - } - wxString s = wxString::Format("%.*f", disp_dec, val); - return s.SubString(0, s.Find(d_char) + disp_dec); - } - if (col_data[col]->IsRawDataAlloc()) { - wxString temp((char*)(col_data[col]->raw_data[curr_ts] - + row_order[row]*(field_len+1))); - // trim any leading or trailing spaces. For some reason - // a trailing space causes ToCDouble to return false even - // though it set val to the correct value. - temp.Trim(true); - temp.Trim(false); - double val; - bool success = temp.ToCDouble(&val); - if (success) success = boost::math::isfinite(val); - - if (col_data[col]->undefined_initialized || success) { - wxString s = wxString::Format("%.*f", disp_dec, val); - return s.SubString(0, s.Find(d_char) + disp_dec); - } else { - return wxEmptyString; - } - } - } - break; - case GeoDaConst::string_type: - { - if (col_data[col]->vector_valid) { - return col_data[col]->s_vec[curr_ts][row_order[row]]; - } - if (col_data[col]->IsRawDataAlloc()) { - return wxString((char*)(col_data[col]->raw_data[curr_ts] - + row_order[row]*(field_len+1))); - } - } - break; - default: - break; - } - return wxEmptyString; -} - -// Note: when writing to raw_data, we must be careful not to overwrite -// the buffer and also to respect the DBF formating requirements, -// especially for floats. Aditionally, must check that all numbers -// are valid and set undefined flag appropriately. Also, this -// method should only be called by wxGrid since we automatically -// compute the correct row. -void DbfGridTableBase::SetValue(int row, int col, const wxString &value) -{ - LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("DbfGridTableBase::SetValue(%d, %d, %s)", - row, col, - (const_cast((const char*)value.mb_str())))); - if (row<0 || row>=GetNumberRows()) return; - if (IsSpaceTimeIdField(col_data[col]->name)) return; - - int curr_ts = col_data[col]->time_steps > 1 ? curr_time_step : 0; - int field_len = col_data[col]->field_len; - int rrow = row_order[row]; - char temp[1024]; - char* buf=0; - if (col_data[col]->IsRawDataAlloc()) { - buf = col_data[col]->raw_data[curr_ts] + rrow*(field_len+1); - buf[field_len] = '\0'; - } - - col_data[col]->stale_min_max_val[curr_ts] = true; - col_data[col]->UpdateMinMaxVals(); - - // assume defined by default - col_data[col]->undefined[curr_ts][rrow] = false; - switch (col_data[col]->type) { - case GeoDaConst::date_type: { - // first, check that value is valid. If invalid, we will - // write some default value and will set undefined to true - wxInt64 l_val; - bool valid = GenUtils::validInt( - const_cast((const char*)value.mb_str())); - if (valid) { - GenUtils::strToInt64( - const_cast((const char*)value.mb_str()), &l_val); - } else { - col_data[col]->undefined[curr_ts][rrow] = true; - } - if (col_data[col]->vector_valid) { - if (col_data[col]->undefined[curr_ts][rrow]) { - col_data[col]->l_vec[curr_ts][rrow] = 0; - } else { - col_data[col]->l_vec[curr_ts][rrow] = l_val; - } - } - if (buf) { - if (col_data[col]->undefined[curr_ts][rrow]) { - for (int j=0; jundefined[curr_ts][rrow] = true; - } else { - GenUtils::strToInt64(value, &l_val); - // limit l_val to acceptable range - int fl = col_data[col]->field_len; - wxInt64 max_val = DbfFileUtils::GetMaxInt(fl); - wxInt64 min_val = DbfFileUtils::GetMinInt(fl); - if (max_val < l_val) { - l_val = max_val; - } else if (min_val > l_val) { - l_val = min_val; - } - } - - if (col_data[col]->vector_valid) { - if (col_data[col]->undefined[curr_ts][rrow]) { - col_data[col]->l_vec[curr_ts][rrow] = 0; - } else { - col_data[col]->l_vec[curr_ts][rrow] = l_val; - } - } - if (buf) { - if (col_data[col]->undefined[curr_ts][rrow]) { - for (int j=0; jundefined[curr_ts][rrow] = true; - } else if (!boost::math::isfinite(d_val)) { - col_data[col]->undefined[curr_ts][rrow] = true; - } - if (!col_data[col]->undefined[curr_ts][rrow]) { - // limit d_val to acceptable range - int d = col_data[col]->decimals; - int fl = col_data[col]->field_len; - double max_val = DbfFileUtils::GetMaxDouble(fl, d); - double min_val = DbfFileUtils::GetMinDouble(fl, d); - if (max_val < d_val) { - d_val = max_val; - } else if (min_val > d_val) { - d_val = min_val; - } - } - if (col_data[col]->vector_valid) { - if (col_data[col]->undefined[curr_ts][rrow]) { - col_data[col]->d_vec[curr_ts][rrow] = 0; - } else { - col_data[col]->d_vec[curr_ts][rrow] = d_val; - } - } - if (buf) { - if (col_data[col]->undefined[curr_ts][rrow]) { - for (int j=0; jdecimals, - d_val); - for (int j=0; jvector_valid) { - if (value.Length() > field_len) { - col_data[col]->s_vec[curr_ts][rrow] - = value.Mid(0, field_len); - } else { - col_data[col]->s_vec[curr_ts][rrow] = value; - } - } - if (col_data[col]->IsRawDataAlloc()) { - if (value.IsEmpty()) { - for (int j=0; jname) == 0) return i; - } - return wxNOT_FOUND; -} - -void DbfGridTableBase::PrintTable() -{ - for (int row=0, row_end=GetNumberRows(); rowCopyRawDataToVector(); - switch (col_data[col]->type) { - case GeoDaConst::date_type: - msg << col_data[col]->l_vec[t][row] << " "; - break; - case GeoDaConst::long64_type: - msg << col_data[col]->l_vec[t][row] << " "; - break; - case GeoDaConst::double_type: - msg << col_data[col]->d_vec[t][row] << " "; - break; - case GeoDaConst::string_type: - msg << col_data[col]->s_vec[t][row] << " "; - break; - default: - break; - } - } - LOG_MSG(msg); - } - } -} - -bool DbfGridTableBase::WriteToDbf(const wxString& fname, wxString& err_msg) -{ - std::ofstream out_file; - out_file.open(fname.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); - if (!(out_file.is_open() && out_file.good())) { - err_msg += "Problem opening \"" + fname + "\""; - return false; - } - - dbf_file_name_no_ext = wxFileName(fname).GetName(); - - // Ensure that raw_data exists. If raw_data exists, then each item is - // assumed to be ready for writing to disk. - for (int i=0, iend=col_data.size(); iIsRawDataAlloc()) col_data[i]->CopyVectorToRawData(); - } - - // a mapping from displayed col order to actual col ids in table - // Eg, in underlying table, we might have A, B, C, D, E, F, - // but because of user wxGrid col reorder operaions might see these - // as C, B, A, F, D, E. In this case, the col_id_map would be - // 0->2, 1->1, 2->0, 3->5, 4->3, 5->4 - // We must write the DBF in the current displayed column order - std::vector col_id_map; - FillColIdMap(col_id_map); - - // update orig_header - orig_header.num_records = GetNumberRows(); - orig_header.num_fields = GetNumberCols(); - // Each field descriptor is 32 bits and begins at byte 32 and terminates - // with an additional byte 0x0D. - orig_header.header_length = 32 + orig_header.num_fields*32 + 1; - orig_header.length_each_record = 1; // first byte is either 0x20 or 0x2A - for (int i=0; ifield_len; - } - DbfFileHeader header = orig_header; - - wxUint32 u_int32; - wxUint32* u_int32p = &u_int32; - wxUint16 u_int16; - wxUint16* u_int16p = &u_int16; - wxUint8 u_int8; - wxUint8* u_int8p = &u_int8; - char membyte; - - // byte 0 - membyte = header.version; - out_file.put(membyte); - - // byte 1 - membyte = (char) (header.year - 1900); - out_file.put(membyte); - - // byte 2 - membyte = (char) header.month; - out_file.put(membyte); - - // byte 3 - membyte = (char) header.day; - out_file.put(membyte); - - // byte 4-7 - u_int32 = header.num_records; - u_int32 = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(u_int32); - out_file.write((char*) u_int32p, 4); - - // byte 8-9 - u_int16 = header.header_length; - u_int16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(u_int16); - out_file.write((char*) u_int16p, 2); - - // byte 10-11 - u_int16 = header.length_each_record; - u_int16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(u_int16); - out_file.write((char*) u_int16p, 2); - - // byte 12-13 (0x0000) - u_int16 = 0x0; - out_file.write((char*) u_int16p, 2); - - // bytes 14-31: write 0 - membyte = 0; - for (int i=0; i<(31-14)+1; i++) out_file.put(membyte); - - // out_file now points to byte 32, which is the beginning of the list - // of fields. There must be at least one field. Each field descriptor - // is 32 bytes long with byte 0xd following the last field descriptor. - char* byte32_buff = new char[32]; - for (int i=0; iname.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), 11); - switch (col_data[mi]->type) { - case GeoDaConst::date_type: - byte32_buff[11] = 'D'; - break; - case GeoDaConst::long64_type: - byte32_buff[11] = 'N'; - break; - case GeoDaConst::double_type: - byte32_buff[11] = 'N'; - break; - default: - byte32_buff[11] = 'C'; - break; - } - byte32_buff[16] = (wxUint8) col_data[mi]->field_len; - byte32_buff[17] = (wxUint8) col_data[mi]->decimals; - out_file.write(byte32_buff, 32); - } - delete [] byte32_buff; - // mark end of field descriptors with 0x0D - out_file.put((char) 0x0D); - - // Write out each record - for (int row=0; rowfield_len; - out_file.write(col_data[mcol]->raw_data[0] + row*(f_len+1), f_len); - } - } - // 0x1A is the EOF marker - out_file.put((char) 0x1A); - out_file.close(); - changed_since_last_save = false; - - return true; -} - -bool DbfGridTableBase::WriteToSpaceTimeDbf(const wxString& space_fname, - const wxString& time_fname, - wxString& err_msg) -{ - std::ofstream out_file_sp; - out_file_sp.open(space_fname.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), - std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); - if (!(out_file_sp.is_open() && out_file_sp.good())) { - err_msg += "Problem opening \"" + space_fname + "\""; - return false; - } - - std::ofstream out_file_tm; - out_file_tm.open(time_fname.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), - std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); - if (!(out_file_tm.is_open() && out_file_tm.good())) { - err_msg += "Problem opening \"" + time_fname + "\""; - return false; - } - - dbf_file_name_no_ext = wxFileName(space_fname).GetName(); - dbf_tm_file_name_no_ext = wxFileName(time_fname).GetName(); - - // Ensure that raw_data exists. If raw_data exists, then each item is - // assumed to be ready for writing to disk. - for (int i=0, iend=col_data.size(); iIsRawDataAlloc()) col_data[i]->CopyVectorToRawData(); - } - - // a mapping from displayed col order to actual col ids in table - // Eg, in underlying table, we might have A, B, C, D, E, F, - // but because of user wxGrid col reorder operaions might see these - // as C, B, A, F, D, E. In this case, the col_id_map would be - // 0->2, 1->1, 2->0, 3->5, 4->3, 5->4 - // We must write the DBF in the current displayed column order - std::vector col_id_map; - FillColIdMap(col_id_map); - - int sp_col_id = FindColId(sp_tbl_sp_col_name); - - // update orig_header - orig_header.num_records = GetNumberRows(); - orig_header.num_fields = GetNumberColsSpace(); - // Each field descriptor is 32 bits and begins at byte 32 and terminates - // with an additional byte 0x0D. - orig_header.header_length = 32 + orig_header.num_fields*32 + 1; - orig_header.length_each_record = 1; // first byte is either 0x20 or 0x2A - // add in length of space field - orig_header.length_each_record += col_data[sp_col_id]->field_len; - for (int i=0, iend=col_data.size(); itime_steps == 1) { - orig_header.length_each_record += col_data[mcol]->field_len; - } - } - - // update orig_header_tm - orig_header_tm.num_records = GetNumberRows() * time_steps; - orig_header_tm.num_fields = GetNumberColsTime() + 2; - // Each field descriptor is 32 bits and begins at byte 32 and terminates - // with an additional byte 0x0D. - orig_header_tm.header_length = 32 + orig_header_tm.num_fields*32 + 1; - orig_header_tm.length_each_record = 1; // first byte is either 0x20 or 0x2A - // add in length of time and space fields - orig_header_tm.length_each_record += col_data[sp_col_id]->field_len; - orig_header_tm.length_each_record += GeoDaConst::default_dbf_long_len; - for (int i=0, iend=col_data.size(); itime_steps > 1) { - orig_header_tm.length_each_record += col_data[mcol]->field_len; - } - } - - wxUint32 u_int32; - wxUint32* u_int32p = &u_int32; - wxUint16 u_int16; - wxUint16* u_int16p = &u_int16; - wxUint8 u_int8; - wxUint8* u_int8p = &u_int8; - char membyte; - - // byte 0 - membyte = orig_header.version; - out_file_sp.put(membyte); - membyte = orig_header_tm.version; - out_file_tm.put(membyte); - - // byte 1 - membyte = (char) (orig_header.year - 1900); - out_file_sp.put(membyte); - membyte = (char) (orig_header_tm.year - 1900); - out_file_tm.put(membyte); - - // byte 2 - membyte = (char) orig_header.month; - out_file_sp.put(membyte); - membyte = (char) orig_header_tm.month; - out_file_tm.put(membyte); - - // byte 3 - membyte = (char) orig_header.day; - out_file_sp.put(membyte); - membyte = (char) orig_header_tm.day; - out_file_tm.put(membyte); - - // byte 4-7 - u_int32 = orig_header.num_records; - u_int32 = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(u_int32); - out_file_sp.write((char*) u_int32p, 4); - u_int32 = orig_header_tm.num_records; - u_int32 = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(u_int32); - out_file_tm.write((char*) u_int32p, 4); - - // byte 8-9 - u_int16 = orig_header.header_length; - u_int16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(u_int16); - out_file_sp.write((char*) u_int16p, 2); - u_int16 = orig_header_tm.header_length; - u_int16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(u_int16); - out_file_tm.write((char*) u_int16p, 2); - - // byte 10-11 - u_int16 = orig_header.length_each_record; - u_int16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(u_int16); - out_file_sp.write((char*) u_int16p, 2); - u_int16 = orig_header_tm.length_each_record; - u_int16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(u_int16); - out_file_tm.write((char*) u_int16p, 2); - - // byte 12-13 (0x0000) - u_int16 = 0x0; - out_file_sp.write((char*) u_int16p, 2); - out_file_tm.write((char*) u_int16p, 2); - - // bytes 14-31: write 0 - membyte = 0; - for (int i=0; i<(31-14)+1; i++) out_file_sp.put(membyte); - for (int i=0; i<(31-14)+1; i++) out_file_tm.put(membyte); - - // out_file_sp/tm now points to byte 32, which is the beginning of the list - // of fields. There must be at least one field. Each field descriptor - // is 32 bytes long with byte 0xd following the last field descriptor. - char* byte32_buff = new char[32]; - - // write out space id field to space and time DBFs - for (int j=0; j<32; j++) byte32_buff[j] = 0; - strncpy(byte32_buff, - (const char*)col_data[sp_col_id]->name.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), 11); - byte32_buff[11] = 'N'; - byte32_buff[16] = (wxUint8) col_data[sp_col_id]->field_len; - byte32_buff[17] = (wxUint8) col_data[sp_col_id]->decimals; - out_file_sp.write(byte32_buff, 32); - out_file_tm.write(byte32_buff, 32); - // write out time id field to time DBF - for (int j=0; j<32; j++) byte32_buff[j] = 0; - strncpy(byte32_buff, (const char*)tm_tbl_tm_col_name.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), - 11); - byte32_buff[11] = 'N'; - byte32_buff[16] = (wxUint8) GeoDaConst::default_dbf_long_len; - byte32_buff[17] = (wxUint8) 0; - out_file_tm.write(byte32_buff, 32); - - for (int i=0, iend=col_data.size(); iname.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), 11); - switch (col_data[mcol]->type) { - case GeoDaConst::date_type: - byte32_buff[11] = 'D'; - break; - case GeoDaConst::long64_type: - byte32_buff[11] = 'N'; - break; - case GeoDaConst::double_type: - byte32_buff[11] = 'N'; - break; - default: - byte32_buff[11] = 'C'; - break; - } - byte32_buff[16] = (wxUint8) col_data[mcol]->field_len; - byte32_buff[17] = (wxUint8) col_data[mcol]->decimals; - if (mcol != sp_col_id) { - if (col_data[mcol]->time_steps == 1) { - out_file_sp.write(byte32_buff, 32); - } else { - out_file_tm.write(byte32_buff, 32); - } - } - } - - // mark end of field descriptors with 0x0D - out_file_sp.put((char) 0x0D); - out_file_tm.put((char) 0x0D); - - // Write out each record to space DBF - for (int row=0, row_end=GetNumberRows(); rowfield_len; - out_file_sp.write(col_data[sp_col_id]->raw_data[0] + row*(f_len+1), - f_len); - for (int col=0, col_end=GetNumberCols(); coltime_steps == 1) { - f_len = col_data[mcol]->field_len; - out_file_sp.write(col_data[mcol]->raw_data[0] - + row*(f_len+1), f_len); - } - } - } - - // Write out each record to time DBF - for (int row=0, row_end=GetNumberRows(); rowfield_len; - out_file_tm.write(col_data[sp_col_id]->raw_data[0] - + row*(f_len+1), f_len); - // write out time id - f_len = GeoDaConst::default_dbf_long_len; - for (int j=0; j<32; j++) byte32_buff[j] = 0; - wxString tm_str; - tm_str << time_ids[t]; - strncpy(byte32_buff, (const char*)tm_str.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), - tm_str.size()); - out_file_tm.write(byte32_buff, f_len); - for (int col=0, col_end=GetNumberCols(); coltime_steps > 1) { - f_len = col_data[mcol]->field_len; - out_file_tm.write(col_data[mcol]->raw_data[t] - + row*(f_len+1), f_len); - } - } - } - } - - // 0x1A is the EOF marker - out_file_sp.put((char) 0x1A); - out_file_tm.put((char) 0x1A); - out_file_sp.close(); - out_file_tm.close(); - changed_since_last_save = false; - delete [] byte32_buff; - - return true; -} - -bool DbfGridTableBase::IsSelected(int row) -{ - return hs[row]; -} - -void DbfGridTableBase::Select(int row) -{ - //LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("selecting %d", (int) row)); - highlight_state->SetEventType(HighlightState::delta); - highlight_state->SetNewlyHighlighted(0, row); - highlight_state->SetTotalNewlyHighlighted(1); - highlight_state->SetTotalNewlyUnhighlighted(0); - highlight_state->notifyObservers(); -} - -void DbfGridTableBase::Deselect(int row) -{ - //LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("deselecting %d", (int) row)); - highlight_state->SetEventType(HighlightState::delta); - highlight_state->SetNewlyUnhighlighted(0, row); - highlight_state->SetTotalNewlyHighlighted(0); - highlight_state->SetTotalNewlyUnhighlighted(1); - highlight_state->notifyObservers(); -} - -/** Only wxGrid should call this, others should use Selected(int row) */ -bool DbfGridTableBase::FromGridIsSelected(int row) -{ - return hs[row_order[row]]; -} - -/** Only wxGrid should call this, others should use Select(int row) */ -void DbfGridTableBase::FromGridSelect(int row) -{ - //LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("selecting %d", (int) row_order[row])); - highlight_state->SetEventType(HighlightState::delta); - highlight_state->SetNewlyHighlighted(0, row_order[row]); - highlight_state->SetTotalNewlyHighlighted(1); - highlight_state->SetTotalNewlyUnhighlighted(0); - highlight_state->notifyObservers(); -} - -/** Only wxGrid should call this, others should use Deselect(int row) */ -void DbfGridTableBase::FromGridDeselect(int row) -{ - //LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("deselecting %d", (int) row_order[row])); - highlight_state->SetEventType(HighlightState::delta); - highlight_state->SetNewlyUnhighlighted(0, row_order[row]); - highlight_state->SetTotalNewlyHighlighted(0); - highlight_state->SetTotalNewlyUnhighlighted(1); - highlight_state->notifyObservers(); -} - -void DbfGridTableBase::SelectAll() -{ - int total_newly_selected = 0; - int hl_size = highlight_state->GetHighlightSize(); - std::vector& hs = highlight_state->GetHighlight(); - std::vector& nh = highlight_state->GetNewlyHighlighted(); - for (int i=0; iSetEventType(HighlightState::delta); - highlight_state->SetTotalNewlyHighlighted(total_newly_selected); - highlight_state->SetTotalNewlyUnhighlighted(0); - highlight_state->notifyObservers(); -} - -void DbfGridTableBase::DeselectAll() -{ - highlight_state->SetEventType(HighlightState::unhighlight_all); - highlight_state->notifyObservers(); -} - -void DbfGridTableBase::InvertSelection() -{ - highlight_state->SetEventType(HighlightState::invert); - highlight_state->notifyObservers(); -} - -void DbfGridTableBase::SortByDefaultDecending() -{ - LOG_MSG("Calling DbfGridTableBase::SortByDefaultDecending"); - for (int i=0; i -class index_pair -{ -public: - int index; - T val; - static bool less_than(const index_pair& i, - const index_pair& j) { - return (i.valj.val); - } -}; - -void DbfGridTableBase::SortByCol(int col, bool ascending) -{ - if (col == -1) { - if (ascending) { - SortByDefaultAscending(); - } else { - SortByDefaultDecending(); - } - return; - } - sorting_ascending = ascending; - sorting_col = col; - int rows = GetNumberRows(); - - switch (col_data[col]->type) { - case GeoDaConst::date_type: - case GeoDaConst::long64_type: - { - std::vector temp; - col_data[col]->GetVec(temp); - std::vector< index_pair > sort_col(rows); - for (int i=0; i::less_than); - } else { - sort(sort_col.begin(), sort_col.end(), - index_pair::greater_than); - } - for (int i=0, iend=rows; i temp; - col_data[col]->GetVec(temp); - std::vector< index_pair > sort_col(rows); - for (int i=0; i::less_than); - } else { - sort(sort_col.begin(), sort_col.end(), - index_pair::greater_than); - } - for (int i=0, iend=rows; i temp; - col_data[col]->GetVec(temp); - std::vector< index_pair > sort_col(rows); - for (int i=0; i::less_than); - } else { - sort(sort_col.begin(), sort_col.end(), - index_pair::greater_than); - } - for (int i=0, iend=rows; i sel_set; - for (int i=0, iend=rows; i& col_order) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering DbfGridTableBase::ReorderCols"); - for (int i=0, iend=col_order.size(); i orig(col_data); - for (int i=0, iend=col_order.size(); iname); - } - changed_since_last_save = true; - LOG_MSG("Entering DbfGridTableBase::ReorderCols"); -} - -/** If there is an associated wxGrid, then return the column ids in the order - they are displayed in the table. Otherwise, just return 0, 1, 2, ... The - vector is automatically resized to col_data.size() - A mapping from displayed col order to actual col ids in table - Eg, in underlying table, we might have A, B, C, D, E, F, - but because of user wxGrid col reorder operaions might see these - as C, B, A, F, D, E. In this case, the col_map would be - 0->2, 1->1, 2->0, 3->5, 4->3, 5->4 */ -void DbfGridTableBase::FillColIdMap(std::vector& col_map) -{ - col_map.resize(col_data.size()); - wxGrid* grid = GetView(); - if (grid) { - for (int i=0, e=col_map.size(); iGetColPos(i)]=i; - } - } else { - for (int i=0, e=col_map.size(); i& col_map) -{ - std::vector t; - FillColIdMap(t); - int numeric_cnt = 0; - for (int i=0, iend=t.size(); itype == GeoDaConst::long64_type || - col_data[t[i]]->type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - numeric_cnt++; - } - } - col_map.resize(numeric_cnt); - int cnt=0; - for (int i=0, iend=t.size(); itype == GeoDaConst::long64_type || - col_data[t[i]]->type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - col_map[cnt++] = t[i]; - } - } -} - -/** Similar to FillColIdMap except this is a map of long64 type columns - only. The size of the resulting corresponds to the number of numeric - columns */ -void DbfGridTableBase::FillIntegerColIdMap(std::vector& col_map) -{ - std::vector t; - FillColIdMap(t); - int numeric_cnt = 0; - for (int i=0, iend=t.size(); itype == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { - numeric_cnt++; - } - } - col_map.resize(numeric_cnt); - int cnt=0; - for (int i=0, iend=t.size(); itype == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { - col_map[cnt++] = t[i]; - } - } -} - -void DbfGridTableBase::FillNumericNameList(std::vector& num_names) -{ - std::vector t; - FillNumericColIdMap(t); - num_names.resize(t.size()); - int cnt=0; - for (int i=0, iend=t.size(); iname; - } -} - -bool DbfGridTableBase::IsSpaceTimeIdField(const wxString& name) -{ - wxString nm = name; - nm.Trim(false); - nm.Trim(true); - return (nm.CmpNoCase(sp_tbl_sp_col_name) == 0 || - nm.CmpNoCase(tm_tbl_sp_col_name) == 0 || - nm.CmpNoCase(tm_tbl_tm_col_name) == 0); -} - -bool DbfGridTableBase::InsertCol(int pos, - int time_steps, GeoDaConst::FieldType type, - const wxString& name, - int field_len, int decimals, - int displayed_decimals, - bool alloc_raw_data, - bool mark_all_defined) -{ - LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("Inserting column into table at postion %d", pos)); - if (pos < 0 || pos > col_data.size()) return false; - std::vector orig(col_data); - col_data.resize(orig.size()+1); - for (int i=0; iInit(rows, time_steps, type, name, field_len, - decimals, decimals, - alloc_raw_data, !alloc_raw_data, false); - col_data[pos]->undefined_initialized = true; - } else { - col_data[pos]->Init(rows, time_steps, type, name, field_len, - decimals, decimals, - alloc_raw_data, !alloc_raw_data, mark_all_defined); - } - for (int i=pos; iProcessTableMessage( msg ); - if (type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { - GetView()->SetColFormatNumber(pos); - } else if (type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - GetView()->SetColFormatFloat(pos, -1, - GenUtils::min(decimals, displayed_decimals)); - } else { - // leave as a string - } - } - - changed_since_last_save = true; - table_state->notifyObservers(); - return true; -} - -bool DbfGridTableBase::DeleteCol(int pos) -{ - LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("Deleting column from table at postion %d", pos)); - if (pos < 0 || pos >= col_data.size() || col_data.size() == 0) return false; - std::vector orig(col_data); - col_data.resize(orig.size()-1); - for (int i=0; iProcessTableMessage( msg ); - } - changed_since_last_save = true; - table_state->notifyObservers(); - return true; -} - -wxString DbfGridTableBase::GetRowLabelValue(int row) -{ - if (row<0 || row>=GetNumberRows()) return wxEmptyString; - return wxString::Format("%d", row_order[row]+1); -} - -wxString DbfGridTableBase::GetColLabelValue(int col) -{ - // \uXXXX are unicode characters for up and down arrows - // \u0668 Arabic-Indic digit eight (up pointing arrow) - // \u0667 Arabic-Indic digit seven (down pointing arrow) - // \u25B5 white small up-pointing triangle (too big on OSX) - // \u25BF white small down-pointing triangle - // \u25B4 black small up-pointing triangle (too big on OSX) - // \u25BE black small down-pointing triangle - // \u02C4, \u02C5 are up and down-pointing arrows - // \u27F0 upward quadruple arrow - // \u27F1 downward quadruble arrow - - if (col<0 || col>col_data.size()) return wxEmptyString; - - wxString label(col_data[col]->name); - - if (col_data[col]->time_steps > 1) { - label << " (" << time_ids[curr_time_step] << ")"; - } - - if (col == sorting_col) { - if (GeneralWxUtils::isMac()) { - label << (sorting_ascending ? " \u02C4" : " \u02C5"); - } else if (GeneralWxUtils::isUnix()) { - label << (sorting_ascending ? " \u25B5" : " \u25BF"); - } else { - label << (sorting_ascending ? " >" : " <"); - } - } - return label; -} - diff --git a/DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h b/DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h deleted file mode 100644 index e09c44de8..000000000 --- a/DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,333 +0,0 @@ -/** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved - * - * This file is part of GeoDa. - * - * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program. If not, see . - */ - -#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_GRID_TABLE_BASE_H__ -#define __GEODA_CENTER_GRID_TABLE_BASE_H__ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include "TableStateObserver.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" -#include "../Generic/HighlightStateObserver.h" -#include "../ShapeOperations/DbfFile.h" - - -/** DbfColContainer notes: when a DBF file is read from disk, we initially - just read its data into the raw_data array in raw form to minimize table - loading time. The corrseponding data vector d_vec, l_vec or s_vec are - not filled. When a new column is created, only d_vec, l_vec, or s_vec are - created and raw_data is left as empty. When data is written out to disk, - the data in d_vec, l_vec, s_vec is converted into raw_data unless only - raw_data only exists. - - So, let's allow both raw_data and the vector data to potentially exist - together. When a cell is written, it is written to both. When - an entire column is written, it is only written into to the vector, and - raw_data is deleted. When an entire column is read in (for example by - Scatter Plot), then we must first create the vector if it doesn't already - exist. - - So, in summary, whenever both raw_data and corresponding vector exist, - single cell updates are written to both, but entire column updates - only go to the vector and the raw_data is deleted. When data is - written to disk, the raw_data is created once again. At any given time - it is therefore possible to have just the raw_data, just the vector, or - both raw_data and vector. When providing values to wxGrid, we will - always pull the value from vector first, and then raw_data. In either - case, we must check the undefined flag. When writing a column of data, - we will likely also pass in an optional boolean vector of undefined flags. - - For d_vec and l_vec, we might want the potential to specify empty or - undefined values. The IEEE double standard gives us several special - values for this purpose, but for integers, there are no special reserved - values. We must therefore provide some sort of integer status flags. - Perhaps for both we can just specify defined or undefined? Then it - would be sufficient to maintain a common bit-vector called to flag - empty values (either because no value was provided, or because the value - was undefined). - */ -class DbfGridTableBase; - -typedef boost::multi_array d_array_type; -typedef boost::multi_array l_array_type; -typedef boost::multi_array s_array_type; -typedef boost::multi_array b_array_type; -typedef boost::multi_array std_str_array_type; - -class DbfColContainer -{ -public: - DbfColContainer(DbfGridTableBase* grid_base); - DbfColContainer(DbfFileReader& dbf, int field, DbfGridTableBase* grid_base); - virtual ~DbfColContainer(); - bool Init(int size, int time_steps, GeoDaConst::FieldType type, - const wxString& name, - int field_len, int decimals, int displayed_decimals, - bool alloc_raw_data, - bool alloc_vector_data, - bool mark_all_defined); - int size; // number of rows - int time_steps; // number of time steps. If time_steps=1, then - // not time-series data. - GeoDaConst::FieldType type; - wxString name; - int field_len; // number of chars in DBF field - int decimals; - int displayed_decimals; // number of decimal places shown in wxGrid - - void AllocRawData(); - bool IsRawDataAlloc(); - void FreeRawData(); - - // raw character data directly from the DBF file but with null-terminated - // strings. If raw_data is valid, then the pointer is non-null, - // otherwise it is set to zero. - // When vector_valid is false, size of corresponding vector should be - // zero to save memory. - std::vector raw_data; - // true if one of d_vec, l_vec, or s_vec is valid, depending on data type - bool vector_valid; - d_array_type d_vec; - l_array_type l_vec; - s_array_type s_vec; - // for use by d_vec and l_vec to denote either empty or undefined values. - b_array_type undefined; - // when reading in a large DBF file, we do not take the time to - // check that all numbers are valid. When a data column is read - // for the first time, we will take the time to properly set the - // undefined vector. If the vector has not been initialized, then - // DbfGridTableBase::GetValue should not rely the values in the - // undefined vector. - bool undefined_initialized; - - void GetMinMaxVals(std::vector& min_vals, - std::vector& max_vals); - std::vector stale_min_max_val; - std::vector min_val; - std::vector max_val; - void UpdateMinMaxVals(); - - // Function to change properties. - bool ChangeProperties(const wxString& new_name, int new_len, int new_dec=0, - int new_disp_dec=0); - - void GetVec(std::vector& vec, int time=0); - void GetVec(std::vector& vec, int time=0); - void GetVec(std::vector& vec, int time=0); - void GetVec(d_array_type& data); - void GetVec(l_array_type& data); - - // note: the following two functions only have an - // effect on numeric fields currently. - void SetFromVec(std::vector& vec, int time=0); - void SetFromVec(std::vector& vec, int time=0); - void SetFromVec(std::vector& vec, int time=0); - void CheckUndefined(); - void SetUndefined(const std::vector& undef_vec, int time=0); - void GetUndefined(std::vector& undef_vec, int time=0); - void GetUndefined(b_array_type& data); - - bool IsVecItemDefined(int i, int time=0); - bool IsRawItemDefined(int i, int time=0); - - void CopyRawDataToVector(); - void CopyVectorToRawData(); -protected: - void raw_data_to_vec(d_array_type& vec); - void raw_data_to_vec(std::vector& vec, int time); - void raw_data_to_vec(l_array_type& vec); - void raw_data_to_vec(std::vector& vec, int time); - void raw_data_to_vec(s_array_type& vec); - void raw_data_to_vec(std::vector& vec, int time); - - void d_vec_to_raw_data(); - void l_vec_to_raw_data(); - void s_vec_to_raw_data(); - - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; // ref used to notify when changes made -public: - static bool sprintf_period_for_decimal(); -}; - -class DbfGridCellAttrProvider : public wxGridCellAttrProvider -{ -public: - DbfGridCellAttrProvider(std::vector& row_order, - std::vector& selected); - virtual ~DbfGridCellAttrProvider(); - - virtual wxGridCellAttr *GetAttr(int row, int col, - wxGridCellAttr::wxAttrKind kind) const; - -private: - wxGridCellAttr* attrForSelectedRows; - std::vector& row_order; - std::vector& selected; -}; - -class DbfGridTableBase : public wxGridTableBase, public HighlightStateObserver, - public TableStateObserver -{ -public: - DbfGridTableBase(const std_str_array_type& string_table, - const std::vector& field_names, - const std::string file_name, - HighlightState* highlight_state, - TableState* table_state); - DbfGridTableBase(DbfFileReader& dbf, HighlightState* highlight_state, - TableState* table_state); - DbfGridTableBase(DbfFileReader& dbf_sp, DbfFileReader& dbf_tm, - int sp_tbl_sp_col, int tm_tbl_sp_col, int tm_tbl_tm_col, - HighlightState* highlight_state, - TableState* table_state); - DbfGridTableBase(int rows, int cols, HighlightState* highlight_state, - TableState* table_state); - virtual ~DbfGridTableBase(); - - int time_steps; // 1 for a non space-time DBF. - int curr_time_step; // value between 0 and time_steps-1; - std::vector time_ids; - std::vector col_data; - std::vector row_order; - - bool IsSelected(int row); - void Select(int row); - void Deselect(int row); - bool FromGridIsSelected(int row); - void FromGridSelect(int row); - void FromGridDeselect(int row); - void SelectAll(); - void DeselectAll(); - void InvertSelection(); - void SortByDefaultAscending(); - void SortByDefaultDecending(); - void SortByCol(int col, bool ascending); - void MoveSelectedToTop(); - bool IsSortedAscending() { return sorting_ascending; } - int GetSortingCol() { return sorting_col; } - int sorting_col; - bool sorting_ascending; - int rows; - wxFileName GetDbfFileName() { return dbf_file_name; } - wxString GetDbfNameNoExt() { return dbf_file_name_no_ext; } - wxFileName dbf_file_name; - wxString dbf_file_name_no_ext; - wxFileName dbf_tm_file_name; - wxString dbf_tm_file_name_no_ext; - wxFileName GetSpaceDbfFileName() { return dbf_file_name; } - wxFileName GetTimeDbfFileName() { return dbf_tm_file_name; } - DbfFileHeader orig_header; - DbfFileHeader orig_header_tm; - bool ChangedSinceLastSave() { return changed_since_last_save; } - void SetChangedSinceLastSave(bool chg) { changed_since_last_save = chg; } - bool ColNameExists(const wxString& name); - int FindColId(const wxString& name); - - void PrintTable(); - bool WriteToDbf(const wxString& fname, wxString& err_msg); - bool WriteToSpaceTimeDbf(const wxString& space_fname, - const wxString& time_fname, wxString& err_msg); - - void ReorderCols(const std::vector& col_order); - void FillColIdMap(std::vector& col_map); - void FillNumericColIdMap(std::vector& col_map); - void FillIntegerColIdMap(std::vector& col_map); - void FillNumericNameList(std::vector& num_names); - - bool IsSpaceTimeIdField(const wxString& name); - wxString GetSpTblSpColName() { return sp_tbl_sp_col_name; } - int GetNumberColsSpace(); - int GetNumberColsTime(); - - int GetCurrTime() { return curr_time_step; } - bool IsTimeVariant() { return time_steps > 1; } - int GetTimeSteps() { return time_steps; } - wxString GetTimeString(int time); - void GetTimeStrings(std::vector& times); - - bool IsColTimeVariant(const wxString& name); - bool IsColTimeVariant(int col); - int GetColTimeSteps(int col); - bool IsColNumeric(int col); - GeoDaConst::FieldType GetColType(int col); - wxString GetColName(int col); - int GetColLength(int col); - int GetColDecimals(int col); - void GetColData(int col, d_array_type& dbl_data); - void GetColData(int col, int time, std::vector& data); - void GetColUndefined(int col, b_array_type& undefined); - void GetColUndefined(int col, int time, std::vector& undefined); - void GetMinMaxVals(int col, std::vector& min_vals, - std::vector& max_vals); - - bool ConvertToSpTime(const wxString& sp_dbf_name, - const wxString& tm_dbf_name, - int space_col, const wxString& tm_field_name, - const std::vector& new_time_ids, - wxString& err_msg); - - bool IsDuplicateColNames(wxString& dup_ret_str); - bool CopySpColRawToTmColRaw(int sp_col, int tm_col, int time); - - // pure virtual method implementation for wxGridTableBase - virtual int GetNumberRows(); - virtual int GetNumberCols(); - virtual wxString GetValue(int row, int col); - virtual void SetValue(int row, int col, const wxString &value); - virtual bool IsEmptyCell(int row, int col) { return false; } - - virtual bool InsertCol(int pos, - int time_steps, GeoDaConst::FieldType type, - const wxString& name, - int field_len, int decimals=0, - int displayed_decimals=0, - bool alloc_raw_data = false, - bool mark_all_defined = true); - virtual bool DeleteCol(int pos); - // methods called by wxGrid - virtual wxString GetRowLabelValue(int row); - virtual wxString GetColLabelValue(int col); - - /** This is the implementation of the HighlightStateObserver interface - update function. It is called whenever the HighlightState's state has - changed. In this case, the observable is HighlightState, which keeps - track of the hightlighted/selected state for every SHP file observation. */ - virtual void update(HighlightState* o); - - /** This is the implementation of the TableStateObserver interface - update function. It is called whenever the table associated with - TableState's state has changed. Since this is the table, the update - method will do nothing. */ - virtual void update(TableState* o); - void notifyColMove(); - -private: - wxString sp_tbl_sp_col_name; - wxString tm_tbl_sp_col_name; - wxString tm_tbl_tm_col_name; - HighlightState* highlight_state; - TableState* table_state; - std::vector& hs; //shortcut to HighlightState::highlight read only! - bool changed_since_last_save; -}; - -#endif diff --git a/DataViewer/DbfTable.cpp b/DataViewer/DbfTable.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4c1427753 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/DbfTable.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,1436 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "../Project.h" +#include "../GenUtils.h" +#include "../GeoDa.h" +#include "../logger.h" +#include "DbfColContainer.h" +#include "DbfTable.h" + +using namespace std; + +/** It is assumed that var_order has been corrected against the data + in dbf. If this assumption is wrong, results are unpredictable. + */ +DbfTable::DbfTable(TableState* table_state, TimeState* time_state, + DbfFileReader& dbf, const VarOrderPtree& var_order_ptree) +: TableInterface(table_state, time_state), orig_header(dbf.getFileHeader()), +var_order(var_order_ptree) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering DbfTable::DbfTable"); + encoding_type = wxFONTENCODING_UTF8; + changed_since_last_save = false; + rows = dbf.getNumRecords(); + int cols = dbf.getNumFields(); + dbf_file_name = wxFileName(dbf.fname); + + int num_tms = var_order.GetNumTms(); + + encoding_type = wxFONTENCODING_UTF8; + m_wx_encoding = new wxCSConv(wxFONTENCODING_UTF8); + map desc_map; + vector desc_vec = dbf.getFieldDescs(); + BOOST_FOREACH(const DbfFieldDesc& desc, desc_vec) { + desc_map[desc.name] = desc; + } + // If displayed decimals attribute in var_order is set to + // default, then set displayed decimals to decimals + for (int i=0, num_grps=var_order.GetNumVarGroups(); i::iterator it; + it = desc_map.find(g.GetGroupName()); + if (it != desc_map.end() && + (it->second.type == 'F' || it->second.type == 'N') && + it->second.decimals != 0) + { + var_order.SetDisplayedDecimals(i, it->second.decimals); + } + } + } + BOOST_FOREACH(const VarGroup& g, var_order.GetVarGroupsRef()) { + GdaConst::FieldInfo info; + if (g.vars.size() == 0) { + FillFieldInfoFromDesc(info, desc_map[g.name]); + var_map[g.name] = new DbfColContainer; + var_map[g.name]->Init(rows, info, true, false, false); + } else { + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& v, g.vars) { + if (!v.empty()) { // skip placeholders + FillFieldInfoFromDesc(info, desc_map[v]); + var_map[v] = new DbfColContainer; + var_map[v]->Init(rows, info, true, false, false); + } + } + } + } + + if (!dbf.file.is_open()) { + //dbf.file.open(dbf.fname.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), + dbf.file.open(GET_ENCODED_FILENAME(dbf.fname), + std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); + } + if (!(dbf.file.is_open() && dbf.file.good())) { + open_err_msg << "Problem reading from DBF file."; + return; + } + + // To speed this up, make a map from col number to DbfColContainer* + vector quick_map(desc_vec.size()); + for (size_t i=0; iraw_data + row*(field_len+1)), + field_len); + c_ptr->raw_data[row*(field_len+1)+field_len] = '\0'; + //LOG_MSG(wxString((char*)(c_ptr->raw_data + row*(field_len+1)))); + } + } + time_state->SetTimeIds(var_order.GetTimeIdsRef()); + is_valid = true; + LOG_MSG("Exiting DbfTable::DbfTable"); +} + +DbfTable::~DbfTable() +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering DbfTable::~DbfTable"); + for (std::map::iterator it=var_map.begin(); + it != var_map.end(); it++) { + delete (it->second); + } + LOG_MSG("Exiting DbfTable::~DbfTable"); +} + +GdaConst::DataSourceType DbfTable::GetDataSourceType() +{ + return GdaConst::ds_dbf; +} + +void DbfTable::GetTimeStrings(std::vector& tm_strs) +{ + tm_strs = var_order.GetTimeIdsRef(); +} + +void DbfTable::GetColNonPlaceholderTmStrs(int col, + std::vector& tm_strs) +{ + if (!IsColTimeVariant(col)) { + tm_strs.resize(1); + tm_strs[0] = var_order.GetTimeIdsRef()[0]; + } else { + tm_strs.clear(); + int tms = GetColTimeSteps(col); + for (int t=0; t= 0 && time < var_order.GetNumTms()) { + return var_order.GetTimeIdsRef()[time]; + } + return wxEmptyString; +} + +int DbfTable::GetTimeInt(const wxString& tm_string) +{ + int t=0; + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& ts, var_order.GetTimeIdsRef()) { + if (tm_string == ts) return t; + ++t; + } + return -1; +} + +bool DbfTable::IsTimeVariant() +{ + return var_order.GetNumTms() > 1; +} + +int DbfTable::GetTimeSteps() +{ + return var_order.GetNumTms(); +} + +wxString DbfTable::GetTableName() +{ + return dbf_file_name.GetName(); +} + +bool DbfTable::Save(wxString& err_msg) +{ + return WriteToDbf(dbf_file_name.GetFullPath(), err_msg); +} + +bool DbfTable::IsReadOnly() +{ + return false; +} + +/** Returns the column id in the underlying grid, not the visual grid + displayed order. wxNOT_FOUND is returned if not found. Always + returns the first result found. */ +int DbfTable::FindColId(const wxString& name) +{ + wxString c_name = name; + c_name.Trim(false); + c_name.Trim(true); + return var_order.GetColId(c_name); +} + +/** If there is an associated wxGrid, then return the column ids in the order + they are displayed in the table. Otherwise, just return 0, 1, 2, ... The + vector is automatically resized to var_order.GetNumVarGroups() + A mapping from displayed col order to actual col ids in table + Eg, in underlying table, we might have A, B, C, D, E, F, + but because of user wxGrid col reorder operaions might see these + as C, B, A, F, D, E. In this case, the col_map would be + 0->2, 1->1, 2->0, 3->5, 4->3, 5->4 */ +void DbfTable::FillColIdMap(std::vector& col_map) +{ + col_map.resize(var_order.GetNumVarGroups()); + // This is a small cheat. Perhaps the current column order + // should be stored in TableInterface rather than getting it from + // wxGrid + wxGrid* grid = GdaFrame::GetProject()->FindTableGrid(); + if (grid) { + for (int i=0, e=col_map.size(); iGetColPos(i)]=i; + } + } else { + for (int i=0, e=col_map.size(); i& col_map) +{ + std::vector t; + FillColIdMap(t); + int numeric_cnt = 0; + for (int i=0, iend=t.size(); i& col_map) +{ + std::vector t; + FillColIdMap(t); + int numeric_cnt = 0; + for (int i=0, iend=t.size(); i& num_names) +{ + std::vector t; + FillNumericColIdMap(t); + num_names.resize(t.size()); + int cnt=0; + for (int i=0, iend=t.size(); iGetType() : GdaConst::placeholder_type; +} + +bool DbfTable::DoesNameExist(const wxString& name, bool case_sensitive) const +{ + return var_order.DoesNameExist(name, case_sensitive); +} + +wxString DbfTable::GetColName(int col) +{ + return var_order.FindVarGroup(col).name; +} + +wxString DbfTable::GetColName(int col, int time) +{ + DbfColContainer* c = FindDbfCol(col, time); + return c ? c->GetDbfColName() : ""; +} + +int DbfTable::GetColLength(int col, int time) +{ + DbfColContainer* c = FindDbfCol(col, time); + return c ? c->GetFieldLen() : 0; +} + +int DbfTable::GetColDecimals(int col, int time) +{ + DbfColContainer* c = FindDbfCol(col, time); + return c ? c->GetDecimals() : 0; +} + +int DbfTable::GetColDispDecimals(int col) +{ + VarGroup vg = var_order.FindVarGroup(col); + if (vg.GetDispDecs() == -1) { + return GdaConst::default_display_decimals; + } else { + return vg.GetDispDecs(); + } + //DbfColContainer* c = FindDbfCol(col, time); + //return c ? c->GetDispDecimals() : 0; +} + +void DbfTable::GetColData(int col, GdaFlexValue& data) +{ + if (col < 0 || col >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups() + || !IsColNumeric(col)) return; + std::vector cols; + GetDbfCols(col, cols); + size_t tms = cols.size(); + data.SetSize(rows, tms); + std::vector vec; + std::valarray& V = data.GetValArrayRef(); + std::valarray v_tmp(rows); + const double quiet_nan = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); + for (size_t t=0; tCheckUndefined(); + cols[t]->GetVec(vec); + for (size_t i=0; iundefined[i] ? quiet_nan : vec[i]; + } + V[std::slice(t,rows,tms)] = v_tmp; + } else { + V[std::slice(t,rows,tms)] = quiet_nan; + } + } +} + +void DbfTable::GetColData(int col, d_array_type& dbl_data) +{ + if (col < 0 || col >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups() + || !IsColNumeric(col)) return; + std::vector cols; + GetDbfCols(col, cols); + size_t tms = cols.size(); + dbl_data.resize(boost::extents[tms][rows]); + std::vector vec; + for (size_t t=0; tCheckUndefined(); + cols[t]->GetVec(vec); + for (size_t i=0; iundefined[i] ? 0 : vec[i]; + } + } else { + for (size_t i=0; i& data) +{ + if (col < 0 || col >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups() + ||! IsColNumeric(col)) return; + DbfColContainer* c = FindDbfCol(col, time); + if (!c) return; + c->CheckUndefined(); + c->GetVec(data); + for (size_t i=0; iundefined[i]) data[i] = 0; +} + +void DbfTable::GetColData(int col, int time, std::vector& data) +{ + if (col < 0 || col >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups() + ||! IsColNumeric(col)) return; + DbfColContainer* c = FindDbfCol(col, time); + if (!c) return; + c->CheckUndefined(); + c->GetVec(data); + for (size_t i=0; iundefined[i]) data[i] = 0; +} + +void DbfTable::GetColData(int col, int time, std::vector& data) +{ + if (col < 0 || col >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups()) return; + DbfColContainer* c = FindDbfCol(col, time); + if (!c) return; + c->GetVec(data); +} + +void DbfTable::GetColUndefined(int col, b_array_type& undefined) +{ + if (col < 0 || col >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups()) return; + std::vector cols; + GetDbfCols(col, cols); + size_t tms = cols.size(); + undefined.resize(boost::extents[tms][rows]); + std::vector vec; + for (size_t t=0; tCheckUndefined(); + for (size_t i=0; iundefined[i]; + } + } else { + for (size_t i=0; i& undefined) +{ + if (col < 0 || col >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups()) return; + DbfColContainer* c = FindDbfCol(col, time); + if (!c) return; + c->GetUndefined(undefined); +} + +void DbfTable::GetMinMaxVals(int col, std::vector& min_vals, + std::vector& max_vals) +{ + if (col < 0 || col >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups()) return; + if (!IsColNumeric(col)) return; + std::vector cols; + GetDbfCols(col, cols); + size_t tms = cols.size(); + min_vals.resize(tms); + max_vals.resize(tms); + for (size_t t=0; tGetMinMaxVals(min_vals[t], max_vals[t]); + } else { + min_vals[t] = 0; + max_vals[t] = 0; + } + } +} + +void DbfTable::GetMinMaxVals(int col, int time, + double& min_val, double& max_val) +{ + min_val = 0; + max_val = 0; + if (col < 0 || col >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups()) return; + if (!IsColNumeric(col)) return; + if (time < 0 || time > GetColTimeSteps(col)) return; + + DbfColContainer* c = FindDbfCol(col, time); + if (!c) return; + c->GetMinMaxVals(min_val, max_val); +} + +void DbfTable::SetColData(int col, int time, + const std::vector& data) +{ + if (col < 0 || col >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups()) return; + if (!IsColNumeric(col)) return; + DbfColContainer* c = FindDbfCol(col, time); + if (!c) return; + c->SetFromVec(data); + table_state->SetColDataChangeEvtTyp(c->GetName(), col); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); +} + +void DbfTable::SetColData(int col, int time, + const std::vector& data) +{ + if (col < 0 || col >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups()) return; + if (!IsColNumeric(col)) return; + DbfColContainer* c = FindDbfCol(col, time); + if (!c) return; + c->SetFromVec(data); + table_state->SetColDataChangeEvtTyp(c->GetName(), col); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); +} + +void DbfTable::SetColData(int col, int time, + const std::vector& data) +{ + if (col < 0 || col >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups()) return; + DbfColContainer* c = FindDbfCol(col, time); + if (!c) return; + c->SetFromVec(data); + table_state->SetColDataChangeEvtTyp(c->GetName(), col); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); +} + +void DbfTable::SetColUndefined(int col, int time, + const std::vector& undefined) +{ + if (col < 0 || col >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups()) return; + if (!IsColNumeric(col)) return; + DbfColContainer* c = FindDbfCol(col, time); + if (!c) return; + c->SetUndefined(undefined); + table_state->SetColDataChangeEvtTyp(c->GetName(), col); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); +} + +bool DbfTable::ColChangeProperties(int col, int time, + int new_len, int new_dec) +{ + if (col < 0 || col >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups()) return false; + DbfColContainer* c = FindDbfCol(col, time); + if (!c) return false; + return c->ChangeProperties(new_len, new_dec); + table_state->SetColPropertiesChangeEvtTyp(c->GetName(), col); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); + return true; +} + +bool DbfTable::ColChangeDisplayedDecimals(int col, int new_disp_dec) +{ + if (!PermitChangeDisplayedDecimals() || + GetColType(col) != GdaConst::double_type) return false; + + var_order.SetDisplayedDecimals(col, new_disp_dec); + table_state->SetColDispDecimalsEvtTyp(GetColName(col), col); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + //SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); + return true; +} + +bool DbfTable::RenameGroup(int col, const wxString& new_name) +{ + if (!IsColTimeVariant(col)) return RenameSimpleCol(col, 0, new_name); + if (DoesNameExist(new_name, false) || + !IsValidGroupName(new_name)) return false; + wxString old_name = GetColName(col); + + var_order.SetGroupName(col, new_name); + table_state->SetColRenameEvtTyp(old_name, new_name, false); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + //SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); + return true; +} + +/** This changes the underlying DB column/field name, not the group + name. If it is a non-time-variant group, then the DB column and + group name are the same. */ +bool DbfTable::RenameSimpleCol(int col, int time, const wxString& new_name) +{ + if (!PermitRenameSimpleCol() || + (!IsColTimeVariant(col) && time != 0)) return false; + if (DoesNameExist(new_name, false) || + !IsValidDBColName(new_name)) return false; + + wxString old_name = GetColName(col, time); + std::map::iterator i = + var_map.find(var_order.GetSimpleColName(col)); + if (i == var_map.end()) return false; + DbfColContainer* c = i->second; + if (!c->ChangeName(new_name)) return false; + var_map.erase(i); + var_map.insert( std::pair(new_name, c) ); + + var_order.SetGroupName(col, new_name); + table_state->SetColRenameEvtTyp(old_name, new_name, true); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); + return true; +} + +wxString DbfTable::GetCellString(int row, int col, int time) +{ + // NOTE: if called from wxGrid, must use row_order[row] to permute + if (row<0 || row>=rows) return wxEmptyString; + + DbfColContainer* c = FindDbfCol(col, time); + if (!c) return wxEmptyString; + int field_len = c->GetFieldLen(); + + if (c->undefined_initialized && + c->undefined[row]) { + return wxEmptyString; + } + + switch (c->GetType()) { + case GdaConst::date_type: + { + if (c->IsVecDataAlloc()) { + int x = c->l_vec[row]; + int day = x % 100; x /= 100; + int month = x % 100; x /= 100; + int year = x; + return wxString::Format("%04d %02d %02d", year, month, day); + } + if (c->IsRawDataAlloc()) { + wxString temp((char*)(c->raw_data + row*(field_len+1))); + long val; + bool success = temp.ToCLong(&val); + + if (c->undefined_initialized || success) { + int x = val; + int day = x % 100; x /= 100; + int month = x % 100; x /= 100; + int year = x; + return wxString::Format("%04d %02d %02d", year, month, day); + } else { + return wxEmptyString; + } + } + } + case GdaConst::long64_type: + { + if (c->IsVecDataAlloc()) { + return wxString::Format("%lld", c->l_vec[row]); + } + if (c->IsRawDataAlloc()) { + const char* str = (char*)(c->raw_data + row*(field_len+1)); + //LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("row: %d, col: %d, raw: %s", + // row, col, str)); + + if (c->undefined_initialized || + GenUtils::validInt(str)) { + wxInt64 val=0; + GenUtils::strToInt64(str, &val); + return wxString::Format("%lld", val); + } else { + return wxEmptyString; + } + } + } + break; + case GdaConst::double_type: + { + // We have to be careful to return a formated string with digits + // after the decimal place at most min(decimals, displayed_decimals) + int decimals = c->GetDecimals(); + if (decimals >=0 ) decimals += 1; // one extra decimal + int disp_dec = GetColDispDecimals(col); + if (disp_dec == -1) disp_dec = decimals-1; + if ( c->GetDecimals() > 0) { + disp_dec = GenUtils::min(c->GetDecimals(),disp_dec); + } + wxString d_char = DbfColContainer::sprintf_period_for_decimal() + ? "." : ","; + if (c->IsVecDataAlloc()) { + double val = c->d_vec[row]; + //MMM: due to the prevalence of DBF files with non-conforming + // data, we are disabling this feature at present. + // limit val to acceptable range + //int d = c->decimals; + //int fl = c->field_len; + //double max_val = DbfFileUtils::GetMaxDouble(fl, d); + //double min_val = DbfFileUtils::GetMinDouble(fl, d); + //if (max_val < val) { + // val = max_val; + //} else if (min_val > val) { + // val = min_val; + //} + wxString s = wxString::Format("%.*f", disp_dec, val); + return s.SubString(0, s.Find(d_char) + disp_dec); + } + if (c->IsRawDataAlloc()) { + wxString temp((char*)(c->raw_data + row*(field_len+1))); + // trim any leading or trailing spaces. For some reason + // a trailing space causes ToCDouble to return false even + // though it set val to the correct value. + temp.Trim(true); + temp.Trim(false); + double val; + bool success = temp.ToCDouble(&val); + if (success) success = boost::math::isfinite(val); + + if (c->undefined_initialized || success) { + wxString s = wxString::Format("%.*f", disp_dec, val); + return s.SubString(0, s.Find(d_char) + disp_dec); + } else { + return wxEmptyString; + } + } + } + break; + case GdaConst::string_type: + { + if (c->IsVecDataAlloc()) { + return c->s_vec[row]; + } + if (c->IsRawDataAlloc()) { + if (m_wx_encoding == NULL) + return wxString((char*)(c->raw_data + row*(field_len+1))); + return wxString((char*)(c->raw_data + row*(field_len+1)), + *m_wx_encoding); + } + } + break; + default: + break; + } + return wxEmptyString; +} + + +// Note: when writing to raw_data, we must be careful not to overwrite +// the buffer and also to respect the DBF formating requirements, +// especially for floats. Aditionally, must check that all numbers +// are valid and set undefined flag appropriately. Also, this +// method should only be called by wxGrid since we automatically +// compute the correct row. +bool DbfTable::SetCellFromString(int row, int col, int time, + const wxString &value) +{ + // NOTE: if called from wxGrid, must use row_order[row] to permute + is_set_cell_from_string_fail = false; + if (row<0 || row>=rows) return false; + if (col<0 || col>=rows) return false; + DbfColContainer* c = FindDbfCol(col, time); + if (!c) return false; + + if (table_state->GetNumDisallowGroupModify(GetColName(col)) > 0) { + is_set_cell_from_string_fail = true; + set_cell_from_string_fail_msg = + table_state->GetDisallowGroupModifyMsg(GetColName(col)); + return false; + } + + int field_len = c->GetFieldLen(); + char temp[2048]; + char* buf=0; + if (c->IsRawDataAlloc()) { + buf = c->raw_data + row*(field_len+1); + buf[field_len] = '\0'; + } + + c->stale_min_max_val = true; + c->UpdateMinMaxVals(); + + // assume defined by default + c->undefined[row] = false; + switch (c->GetType()) { + case GdaConst::date_type: { + // first, check that value is valid. If invalid, we will + // write some default value and will set undefined to true + wxInt64 l_val; + bool valid = GenUtils::validInt( + const_cast((const char*)value.mb_str())); + if (valid) { + GenUtils::strToInt64( + const_cast((const char*)value.mb_str()), &l_val); + } else { + c->undefined[row] = true; + } + if (c->IsVecDataAlloc()) { + if (c->undefined[row]) { + c->l_vec[row] = 0; + } else { + c->l_vec[row] = l_val; + } + } + if (buf) { + if (c->undefined[row]) { + for (int j=0; jundefined[row] = true; + } else { + GenUtils::strToInt64(value, &l_val); + // limit l_val to acceptable range + //int fl = c->GetFieldLen(); + //wxInt64 max_val = DbfFileUtils::GetMaxInt(fl); + //wxInt64 min_val = DbfFileUtils::GetMinInt(fl); + //if (max_val < l_val) { + // l_val = max_val; + //} else if (min_val > l_val) { + // l_val = min_val; + //} + } + + if (c->IsVecDataAlloc()) { + if (c->undefined[row]) { + c->l_vec[row] = 0; + } else { + c->l_vec[row] = l_val; + } + } + if (buf) { + if (c->undefined[row]) { + for (int j=0; jundefined[row] = true; + } else if (!boost::math::isfinite(d_val)) { + c->undefined[row] = true; + } + if (!c->undefined[row]) { + // limit d_val to acceptable range + //int d = c->GetDecimals(); + //int fl = c->GetFieldLen(); + //double max_val = DbfFileUtils::GetMaxDouble(fl, d); + //double min_val = DbfFileUtils::GetMinDouble(fl, d); + //if (max_val < d_val) { + // d_val = max_val; + //} else if (min_val > d_val) { + // d_val = min_val; + //} + } + if (c->IsVecDataAlloc()) { + if (c->undefined[row]) { + c->d_vec[row] = 0; + } else { + c->d_vec[row] = d_val; + } + } + if (buf) { + if (c->undefined[row]) { + for (int j=0; jGetDecimals(), d_val); + for (int j=0; jIsVecDataAlloc()) { + if (value.Length() > field_len) { + c->s_vec[row] = value.Mid(0, field_len); + } else { + c->s_vec[row] = value; + } + } + if (c->IsRawDataAlloc()) { + if (value.IsEmpty()) { + for (int j=0; jSetColDataChangeEvtTyp(c->GetName(), col); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); + return true; +} + +int DbfTable::InsertCol(GdaConst::FieldType type, const wxString& name, + int pos, int time_steps, int field_len, + int decimals) +{ + using namespace std; + bool alloc_raw_data = false; + bool mark_all_defined = true; + if (pos > var_order.GetNumVarGroups()) return -1; + // this case if for appending new column at the end of table + if (pos < 0) pos = var_order.GetNumVarGroups(); + LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("Inserting column into table at postion %d", pos)); + if (time_steps <= 0) return -1; + if (type != GdaConst::double_type) decimals = 0; + if (field_len == -1 && + (type == GdaConst::placeholder_type || + type == GdaConst::unknown_type)) return -1; + if (field_len == -1) { + if (type == GdaConst::double_type) { + field_len = GdaConst::default_dbf_double_len; + } else if (type == GdaConst::long64_type) { + field_len = GdaConst::default_dbf_long_len; + } else if (type == GdaConst::date_type) { + field_len = GdaConst::default_dbf_date_len; + } else { // type == GdaConst::string_type + field_len = GdaConst::default_dbf_string_len; + } + } + if (decimals < 0) { + if (type == GdaConst::double_type) { + decimals = GdaConst::default_display_decimals; + } else { + decimals = 0; + } + } + + vector names(SuggestDBColNames(name, name, time_steps)); + + GdaConst::FieldInfo info; + info.type = type; + info.name = name; + info.field_len = field_len; + info.decimals = decimals; + for (size_t t=0; tInit(rows, info, alloc_raw_data, !alloc_raw_data, false); + c->undefined_initialized = true; + } else { + c->Init(rows, info, alloc_raw_data, !alloc_raw_data, + mark_all_defined); + } + var_map[names[t]] = c; + } + + VarGroup g(name, decimals); + if (time_steps > 1) g.vars = names; + var_order.InsertVarGroup(g, pos); + + SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); + + if (decimals < 0) decimals = GdaConst::default_display_decimals; + TableDeltaList_type tdl; + TableDeltaEntry tde(name, true, pos); + tde.pos_final = pos; + tde.decimals = decimals; + tde.displayed_decimals = decimals; + tde.type = type; + tde.length = field_len; + tde.change_to_db = true; + tdl.push_back(tde); + table_state->SetColsDeltaEvtTyp(tdl); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + return pos; +} + +bool DbfTable::DeleteCol(int pos) +{ + using namespace std; + LOG_MSG("Inside DbfTable::DeleteCol"); + LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("Deleting column from table at postion %d", pos)); + if (pos < 0 || pos >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups() || + var_order.GetNumVarGroups() == 0) return false; + + // Must remove all items from var_map first + vector cols; + GetDbfCols(pos, cols); + for (size_t t=0; tGetDbfColName(); + map::iterator i = var_map.find(nm); + if (i != var_map.end()) var_map.erase(i); + delete cols[t]; + } + } + + wxString name = var_order.GetGroupName(pos); + var_order.RemoveVarGroup(pos); + + TableDeltaList_type tdl; + TableDeltaEntry tde(name, false, pos); + tde.change_to_db = true; + tdl.push_back(tde); + table_state->SetColsDeltaEvtTyp(tdl); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); + return true; +} + +void DbfTable::UngroupCol(int col) +{ + using namespace std; + LOG_MSG("Inside DbfTable::UngroupCol"); + if (col < 0 || col >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups()) return; + if (GetColTimeSteps(col) <= 1) return; + + map nm_to_fi; + for (size_t t=0; tinsert) continue; + GdaConst::FieldInfo& fi = nm_to_fi[i->group_name]; + i->type = fi.type; + i->decimals = fi.decimals; + i->displayed_decimals = displayed_decimals; + i->length = fi.field_len; + } + LOG_MSG("Table delta entries:"); + BOOST_FOREACH(const TableDeltaEntry& tde, tdl) LOG_MSG(tde.ToString()); + + //SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); + table_state->SetColsDeltaEvtTyp(tdl); + table_state->notifyObservers(); +} + +void DbfTable::GroupCols(const std::vector& cols, + const wxString& name, int pos) +{ + using namespace std; + LOG_MSG("Inside DbfTable::GroupCols"); + if (pos < 0 || pos > var_order.GetNumVarGroups()) return; + if (cols.size() <= 1) return; + if (GetTimeSteps() > 1 && cols.size() != GetTimeSteps()) return; + + if (cols.size() > GetTimeSteps()) { + // need to increase number of time steps + RenameTimeStep(0, "time 0"); + for (size_t t=1; tSetTimeIds(var_order.GetTimeIdsRef()); + table_state->SetTimeIdsAddRemoveEvtTyp(); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + } + + // Determine group type information from first non-placeholder + // field in cols. + int decimals = 0; + int displayed_decimals = 0; + int length = -1; + GdaConst::FieldType type = GdaConst::unknown_type; + bool found_nonplaceholder = false; + for (size_t i=0; i= 0 && GetColType(cols[i]) != GdaConst::unknown_type + && GetColType(cols[i]) != GdaConst::placeholder_type) { + decimals = GetColDecimals(cols[i]); + displayed_decimals = GetColDecimals(cols[i]); + length = GetColLength(cols[i]); + type = GetColType(cols[i]); + found_nonplaceholder = true; + } + } + + TableDeltaList_type tdl; + var_order.Group(cols, name, pos, tdl); + // Last entry in tdl should be an insert operation. Add missing + // information to this operation. + TableDeltaList_type::iterator i=tdl.end(); + --i; + i->decimals = decimals; + i->displayed_decimals = displayed_decimals; + i->length = length; + i->type = type; + LOG_MSG("Table delta entries:"); + BOOST_FOREACH(const TableDeltaEntry& tde, tdl) LOG_MSG(tde.ToString()); + + //SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); + table_state->SetColsDeltaEvtTyp(tdl); + table_state->notifyObservers(); +} + +void DbfTable::InsertTimeStep(int time, const wxString& name) +{ + if (time < 0 || time > var_order.GetNumTms()) return; + var_order.InsertTime(time, name); + time_state->SetTimeIds(var_order.GetTimeIdsRef()); + table_state->SetTimeIdsAddRemoveEvtTyp(); + table_state->notifyObservers(); +} + +void DbfTable::RemoveTimeStep(int time) +{ + if (time < 0 || time >= var_order.GetNumTms()) return; + // TableDeltaList is needed for the case where removing a time + // period results in onr or more VarGroup with only placeholders remaining. + // In this case we need to delete these empty columns from the table. + TableDeltaList_type tdl; + var_order.RemoveTime(time, tdl); + + // Must fill in details for simple inserted columns + for (TableDeltaList_type::iterator i=tdl.begin(); i!=tdl.end(); ++i) { + if (!i->insert) continue; + DbfColContainer* c = var_map[i->group_name]; + i->decimals = c->GetDecimals(); + i->displayed_decimals = c->GetDecimals(); + i->length = c->GetFieldLen(); + i->type = c->GetType(); + } + + // Notify Table of inserted and removed columns + if (tdl.size() > 0) { + table_state->SetColsDeltaEvtTyp(tdl); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + } + + time_state->SetTimeIds(var_order.GetTimeIdsRef()); + table_state->SetTimeIdsAddRemoveEvtTyp(); + table_state->notifyObservers(); +} + +void DbfTable::SwapTimeSteps(int time1, int time2) +{ + var_order.SwapTimes(time1, time2); + time_state->SetTimeIds(var_order.GetTimeIdsRef()); + table_state->SetTimeIdsSwapEvtTyp(); + table_state->notifyObservers(); +} + +void DbfTable::RenameTimeStep(int time, const wxString& new_name) +{ + var_order.RenameTime(time, new_name); + time_state->SetTimeIds(var_order.GetTimeIdsRef()); + table_state->SetTimeIdsRenameEvtTyp(); + table_state->notifyObservers(); +} + +bool DbfTable::WriteToDbf(const wxString& fname, wxString& err_msg) +{ + std::ofstream out_file; + out_file.open(GET_ENCODED_FILENAME(fname), + std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); + + if (!(out_file.is_open() && out_file.good())) { + err_msg += "Problem opening \"" + fname + "\""; + return false; + } + + // a mapping from displayed col order to actual col ids in table + // Eg, in underlying table, we might have A, B, C, D, E, F, + // but because of user wxGrid col reorder operaions might see these + // as C, B, A, F, D, E. In this case, the col_id_map would be + // 0->2, 1->1, 2->0, 3->5, 4->3, 5->4 + // We must write the DBF in the current displayed column order + // However, with since we allow grouped columns, we have to expand + // each group and ignore placeholders. + typedef DbfColContainer* dbf_col_ptr; + std::vector dbf_cols; + GetAllSimpleDbfCols(dbf_cols); + + // Ensure that raw_data exists. If raw_data exists, then each item is + // assumed to be ready for writing to disk. + BOOST_FOREACH(const dbf_col_ptr& c, dbf_cols) { + if (!c->IsRawDataAlloc()) c->CopyVectorToRawData(); + } + + // update orig_header + orig_header.num_records = GetNumberRows(); + orig_header.num_fields = dbf_cols.size(); // should == var_map.size() + // Each field descriptor is 32 bits and begins at byte 32 and terminates + // with an additional byte 0x0D. + orig_header.header_length = 32 + orig_header.num_fields*32 + 1; + orig_header.length_each_record = 1; // first byte is either 0x20 or 0x2A + BOOST_FOREACH(const dbf_col_ptr& c, dbf_cols) { + orig_header.length_each_record += c->GetFieldLen(); + } + DbfFileHeader header = orig_header; + + wxUint32 u_int32; + wxUint32* u_int32p = &u_int32; + wxUint16 u_int16; + wxUint16* u_int16p = &u_int16; + wxUint8 u_int8; + wxUint8* u_int8p = &u_int8; + char membyte; + + // byte 0 + membyte = header.version; + out_file.put(membyte); + + // byte 1 + membyte = (char) (header.year - 1900); + out_file.put(membyte); + + // byte 2 + membyte = (char) header.month; + out_file.put(membyte); + + // byte 3 + membyte = (char) header.day; + out_file.put(membyte); + + // byte 4-7 + u_int32 = header.num_records; + u_int32 = wxUINT32_SWAP_ON_BE(u_int32); + out_file.write((char*) u_int32p, 4); + + // byte 8-9 + u_int16 = header.header_length; + u_int16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(u_int16); + out_file.write((char*) u_int16p, 2); + + // byte 10-11 + u_int16 = header.length_each_record; + u_int16 = wxUINT16_SWAP_ON_BE(u_int16); + out_file.write((char*) u_int16p, 2); + + // byte 12-13 (0x0000) + u_int16 = 0x0; + out_file.write((char*) u_int16p, 2); + + // bytes 14-31: write 0 + membyte = 0; + for (int i=0; i<(31-14)+1; i++) out_file.put(membyte); + + // out_file now points to byte 32, which is the beginning of the list + // of fields. There must be at least one field. Each field descriptor + // is 32 bytes long with byte 0xd following the last field descriptor. + char* byte32_buff = new char[32]; + + + BOOST_FOREACH(const dbf_col_ptr& c, dbf_cols) { + for (int j=0; j<32; j++) byte32_buff[j] = 0; + //strncpy(byte32_buff, + // (const char*)c->name.mb_str(*m_wx_encoding), 11); + strncpy(byte32_buff, + (const char*)c->GetName().mb_str(wxConvUTF8), 11); + switch (c->GetType()) { + case GdaConst::date_type: + byte32_buff[11] = 'D'; + break; + case GdaConst::long64_type: + byte32_buff[11] = 'N'; + break; + case GdaConst::double_type: + byte32_buff[11] = 'N'; + break; + default: + byte32_buff[11] = 'C'; + break; + } + byte32_buff[16] = (wxUint8) c->GetFieldLen(); + byte32_buff[17] = (wxUint8) c->GetDecimals(); + out_file.write(byte32_buff, 32); + } + delete [] byte32_buff; + // mark end of field descriptors with 0x0D + out_file.put((char) 0x0D); + + // Write out each record + for (int row=0; rowGetFieldLen(); + out_file.write(c->raw_data + row*(f_len+1), f_len); + } + } + // 0x1A is the EOF marker + out_file.put((char) 0x1A); + out_file.close(); + SetChangedSinceLastSave(false); + + return true; +} + +void DbfTable::FillFieldInfoFromDesc(GdaConst::FieldInfo& fi, + const DbfFieldDesc& desc) +{ + if (desc.type == 'N' || desc.type == 'F') { + if (desc.decimals > 0) { + fi.type = GdaConst::double_type; + } else { + fi.type = GdaConst::long64_type; + } + fi.decimals = desc.decimals; + + } else if (desc.type == 'D') { + fi.type = GdaConst::date_type; + fi.decimals = 0; + } else { + // We will assume (desc[i].type == 'C') + fi.type = GdaConst::string_type; + fi.decimals = desc.decimals; + } + fi.name = desc.name; + fi.field_len = desc.length; +} + +bool DbfTable::DbColNmToColAndTm(const wxString& name, int& col, int& tm) +{ + return var_order.SimpleColNameToColAndTm(name, col, tm); +} + +/** Return pointer to DbfColContainer for col and time. If not found, + or if placeholder, then null is returned. + */ +DbfColContainer* DbfTable::FindDbfCol(int col, int time) +{ + std::map::iterator i = + var_map.find(var_order.GetSimpleColName(col, time)); + return i == var_map.end() ? 0 : i->second; +} + +void DbfTable::GetDbfCols(int col, std::vector& cols) +{ + VarGroup g(var_order.FindVarGroup(col)); + cols.resize(g.GetNumTms()); + for (size_t t=0, tms=g.GetNumTms(); t& cols) +{ + std::vector col_id_map; + FillColIdMap(col_id_map); + for (size_t i=0; i cc; + GetDbfCols(col_id_map[i], cc); + for (size_t t=0; t. + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_DBF_TABLE_BASE_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_DBF_TABLE_BASE_H__ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "TableInterface.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/DbfFile.h" +#include "../DataViewer/VarOrderPtree.h" +#include "../DataViewer/VarOrderMapper.h" + +class DbfColContainer; + +class DbfTable : public TableInterface +{ +public: + DbfTable(TableState* table_state, TimeState* time_state, + DbfFileReader& dbf, const VarOrderPtree& var_order_ptree); + virtual ~DbfTable(); + + // Implementation of TableInterface pure virtual methods + virtual GdaConst::DataSourceType GetDataSourceType(); + virtual void GetTimeStrings(std::vector& tm_strs); + virtual void GetColNonPlaceholderTmStrs(int col, + std::vector& tm_strs); + virtual wxString GetTimeString(int time); + virtual int GetTimeInt(const wxString& tm_string); + virtual bool IsTimeVariant(); + virtual int GetTimeSteps(); + virtual wxString GetTableName(); + + virtual bool Save(wxString& err_msg); + virtual bool IsReadOnly(); + virtual bool PermitRenameSimpleCol() { return true; } + virtual bool HasFixedLengths() { return true; } + virtual bool PermitChangeLength() { return true; } + virtual bool HasFixedDecimals() { return true; } + virtual bool PermitChangeDecimals() { return true; } + virtual bool PermitChangeDisplayedDecimals() { return true; } + + virtual bool DbColNmToColAndTm(const wxString& name, int& col, int& tm); + virtual int FindColId(const wxString& name); + virtual void FillColIdMap(std::vector& col_map); + virtual void FillNumericColIdMap(std::vector& col_map); + virtual void FillIntegerColIdMap(std::vector& col_map); + virtual void FillNumericNameList(std::vector& num_names); + virtual int GetNumberCols(); + virtual int GetNumberRows(); + virtual bool IsColTimeVariant(int col); + virtual int GetColTimeSteps(int col); + virtual bool IsColNumeric(int col); + virtual GdaConst::FieldType GetColType(int col); + virtual GdaConst::FieldType GetColType(int col, int time); + virtual bool DoesNameExist(const wxString& name, bool case_sensitive) const; + virtual wxString GetColName(int col); + virtual wxString GetColName(int col, int time); + virtual int GetColLength(int col, int time=0); + virtual int GetColDecimals(int col, int time=0); + virtual int GetColDispDecimals(int col); + virtual void GetColData(int col, GdaFlexValue& data); + virtual void GetColData(int col, d_array_type& dbl_data); + virtual void GetColData(int col, int time, std::vector& data); + virtual void GetColData(int col, int time, std::vector& data); + virtual void GetColData(int col, int time, std::vector& data); + virtual void GetColUndefined(int col, b_array_type& undefined); + virtual void GetColUndefined(int col, int time, + std::vector& undefined); + virtual void GetMinMaxVals(int col, std::vector& min_vals, + std::vector& max_vals); + virtual void GetMinMaxVals(int col, int time, + double& min_val, double& max_val); + + virtual void SetColData(int col, int time, + const std::vector& data); + virtual void SetColData(int col, int time, + const std::vector& data); + virtual void SetColData(int col, int time, + const std::vector& data); + virtual void SetColUndefined(int col, int time, + const std::vector& undefined); + virtual bool ColChangeProperties(int col, int time, int new_len, + int new_dec); + virtual bool ColChangeDisplayedDecimals(int col, int new_disp_dec); + + virtual bool RenameGroup(int col, const wxString& new_name); + virtual bool RenameSimpleCol(int col, int time, const wxString& new_name); + + virtual wxString GetCellString(int row, int col, int time=0); + virtual bool SetCellFromString(int row, int col, int time, + const wxString &value); + virtual int InsertCol(GdaConst::FieldType type, const wxString& name, + int pos=-1, int time_steps=1, + int field_len=-1, int decimals=-1); + virtual bool DeleteCol(int pos); + + virtual void UngroupCol(int col); + virtual void GroupCols(const std::vector& cols, + const wxString& name, int pos=0); + virtual void InsertTimeStep(int time, const wxString& name); + virtual void RemoveTimeStep(int time); + virtual void SwapTimeSteps(int time1, int time2); + virtual void RenameTimeStep(int time, const wxString& new_name); + virtual bool IsValidDBColName(const wxString& col_nm, + wxString* fld_warn_msg=0); + + // Public methods specific to DbfTable + wxFileName GetDbfFileName() { return dbf_file_name; } + void SetDbfFileName(const wxFileName& d) { dbf_file_name = d; } + + bool WriteToDbf(const wxString& fname, wxString& err_msg); + +private: + static void FillFieldInfoFromDesc(GdaConst::FieldInfo& fi, + const DbfFieldDesc& desc); + DbfColContainer* FindDbfCol(int col, int time=0); + void GetDbfCols(int col, std::vector& cols); + void GetAllSimpleDbfCols(std::vector& cols); + wxFileName dbf_file_name; + + VarOrderMapper var_order; + std::map var_map; + DbfFileHeader orig_header; +}; + + +#endif diff --git a/DataViewer/GNUmakefile b/DataViewer/GNUmakefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e31d9d099 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/GNUmakefile @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ + +include ../GeoDamake.opt + +#include ./file.lst + +CPPFLAGS := $(CPPFLAGS) +CXXFLAGS := $(CXXFLAGS) + +CXX_SRCS := $(wildcard *.cpp) + +ifeq ($(TARGET), GeoDa) +CXX_SRCS := $(filter-out DataViewerApp.cpp,$(CXX_SRCS)) +endif + +OBJ := ${CXX_SRCS:.cpp=.o} + +default: $(O_OBJ:.o=.$(OBJ_EXT)) + +clean: + rm -f *.o + diff --git a/DataViewer/MergeTableDlg.cpp b/DataViewer/MergeTableDlg.cpp index 92c92f260..2a7ee6d56 100644 --- a/DataViewer/MergeTableDlg.cpp +++ b/DataViewer/MergeTableDlg.cpp @@ -1,481 +1,452 @@ -/** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved - * - * This file is part of GeoDa. - * - * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program. If not, see . - */ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include "MergeTableDlg.h" -#include "../ShapeOperations/DbfFile.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" - -BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( MergeTableDlg, wxDialog ) - EVT_RADIOBUTTON( XRCID("ID_KEY_VAL_RB"), MergeTableDlg::OnKeyValRB ) - EVT_RADIOBUTTON( XRCID("ID_REC_ORDER_RB"), MergeTableDlg::OnRecOrderRB ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_OPEN_BUTTON"), MergeTableDlg::OnOpenClick ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_INC_ALL_BUTTON"), MergeTableDlg::OnIncAllClick ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_INC_ONE_BUTTON"), MergeTableDlg::OnIncOneClick ) - EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK( XRCID("ID_INCLUDE_LIST"), - MergeTableDlg::OnIncListDClick ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_EXCL_ALL_BUTTON"), MergeTableDlg::OnExclAllClick ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_EXCL_ONE_BUTTON"), MergeTableDlg::OnExclOneClick ) - EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK( XRCID("ID_EXCLUDE_LIST"), - MergeTableDlg::OnExclListDClick ) - EVT_CHOICE( XRCID("ID_CURRENT_KEY_CHOICE"), MergeTableDlg::OnKeyChoice ) - EVT_CHOICE( XRCID("ID_IMPORT_KEY_CHOICE"), MergeTableDlg::OnKeyChoice ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("wxID_OK"), MergeTableDlg::OnMergeClick ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("wxID_CLOSE"), MergeTableDlg::OnCloseClick ) -END_EVENT_TABLE() - -MergeTableDlg::MergeTableDlg(DbfGridTableBase* grid_base_s, - const wxPoint& pos) -: dbf_reader(0), grid_base(grid_base_s) -{ - SetParent(NULL); - grid_base->FillColIdMap(col_id_map); - CreateControls(); - Init(); - SetTitle("Merge - " + grid_base->GetDbfNameNoExt()); - SetPosition(pos); - Centre(); -} - -MergeTableDlg::~MergeTableDlg() -{ - if (dbf_reader) delete dbf_reader; -} - -void MergeTableDlg::CreateControls() -{ - wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), "ID_MERGE_TABLE_DLG"); - m_input_file_name = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_INPUT_FILE_TEXT")), - wxTextCtrl); - m_key_val_rb = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_KEY_VAL_RB")), - wxRadioButton); - m_rec_order_rb = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_REC_ORDER_RB")), - wxRadioButton); - m_current_key = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_CURRENT_KEY_CHOICE")), - wxChoice); - m_import_key = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_IMPORT_KEY_CHOICE")), - wxChoice); - m_exclude_list = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_EXCLUDE_LIST")), - wxListBox); - m_include_list = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_INCLUDE_LIST")), - wxListBox); -} - -void MergeTableDlg::Init() -{ - table_fnames.clear(); - for (int i=0, iend=grid_base->col_data.size(); icol_data[col_id_map[i]]->name; - n.MakeUpper(); - m_current_key->Append(n); - table_fnames.insert(n); - } - UpdateMergeButton(); -} - -void MergeTableDlg::OnKeyValRB( wxCommandEvent& ev ) -{ - UpdateMergeButton(); -} - -void MergeTableDlg::OnRecOrderRB( wxCommandEvent& ev ) -{ - UpdateMergeButton(); -} - -void MergeTableDlg::OnOpenClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ) -{ - wxFileDialog dlg( this, "DBF File To Merge", wxEmptyString, - wxEmptyString, "DBF files (*.dbf)|*.dbf", - wxFD_OPEN|wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST ); - - if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL) { - return; - } - RemoveDbfReader(); - // GetPath returns the path and the file name + ext - dbf_reader = new DbfFileReader(dlg.GetPath()); - if (!dbf_reader || !dbf_reader->isDbfReadSuccess()) { - wxString msg("There was a problem reading the DBF file."); - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - RemoveDbfReader(); - return; - } - if (dbf_reader->getNumRecords() != grid_base->GetNumberRows()) { - wxString msg("The selected DBF file contains "); - msg << dbf_reader->getNumRecords() << " while the current Table "; - msg << "contains " << grid_base->GetNumberRows(); - msg << " records. Please choose a DBF file with "; - msg << grid_base->GetNumberRows() << " records."; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - RemoveDbfReader(); - return; - } - m_input_file_name->SetValue(dbf_reader->getFileName()); - - std::map dbf_fn_freq; - dups.clear(); - dedup_to_id.clear(); - for (int i=0, iend=dbf_reader->getNumFields(); igetFieldDesc(i).name.Upper(); - if (dbf_fn_freq.find(name) != dbf_fn_freq.end()) { - dbf_fn_freq[name]++; - } else { - dbf_fn_freq[name] = 1; - } - } - - for (std::map::iterator it=dbf_fn_freq.begin(); - it!=dbf_fn_freq.end(); it++) { - if ((*it).second > 1) dups.insert((*it).first); - } - - std::map dups_cntr; - for (std::set::iterator it=dups.begin(); it!=dups.end(); it++) { - dups_cntr[(*it)] = 1; - } - - dups.clear(); - for (int i=0, iend=dbf_reader->getNumFields(); igetFieldDesc(i).name.Upper(); - wxString dedup_name = name; - if (dbf_fn_freq[name] > 1) { - dedup_name << " (" << dups_cntr[name]++ << ")"; - dups.insert(dedup_name); - } - dedup_to_id[dedup_name] = i; // map to DBF col id - m_import_key->Append(dedup_name); - m_exclude_list->Append(dedup_name); - } -} - -void MergeTableDlg::OnIncAllClick( wxCommandEvent& ev) -{ - for (int i=0, iend=m_exclude_list->GetCount(); iAppend(m_exclude_list->GetString(i)); - } - m_exclude_list->Clear(); - - UpdateMergeButton(); -} - -void MergeTableDlg::OnIncOneClick( wxCommandEvent& ev) -{ - if (m_exclude_list->GetSelection() >= 0) { - wxString k = m_exclude_list->GetString(m_exclude_list->GetSelection()); - m_include_list->Append(k); - m_exclude_list->Delete(m_exclude_list->GetSelection()); - } - UpdateMergeButton(); -} - -void MergeTableDlg::OnIncListDClick( wxCommandEvent& ev) -{ - OnExclOneClick(ev); -} - -void MergeTableDlg::OnExclAllClick( wxCommandEvent& ev) -{ - for (int i=0, iend=m_include_list->GetCount(); iAppend(m_include_list->GetString(i)); - } - m_include_list->Clear(); - UpdateMergeButton(); -} - -void MergeTableDlg::OnExclOneClick( wxCommandEvent& ev) -{ - if (m_include_list->GetSelection() >= 0) { - m_exclude_list-> - Append(m_include_list->GetString(m_include_list->GetSelection())); - m_include_list->Delete(m_include_list->GetSelection()); - } - UpdateMergeButton(); -} - -void MergeTableDlg::OnExclListDClick( wxCommandEvent& ev) -{ - OnIncOneClick(ev); -} - -wxString MergeTableDlg::getValidName(const std::map& fname_to_id, - const std::set& table_fnames, - const wxString& fname) -{ - wxString new_fname = fname; - bool done = false; - while (!done) { - wxString msg; - msg << "Field name \"" << new_fname << "\" is either a duplicate\n"; - msg << "or is invalid. Please enter an alternative, non-duplicate\n"; - msg << "field name. A valid field name is between one and ten\n"; - msg << "characters long. The first character must be a letter,\n"; - msg << "and the remaining characters can be either letters,\n"; - msg << "numbers or underscores."; - - wxTextEntryDialog dlg(this, msg, "Rename Field"); - if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { - new_fname = dlg.GetValue().Upper(); - new_fname.Trim(false); - new_fname.Trim(true); - if (DbfFileUtils::isValidFieldName(new_fname) && - table_fnames.find(new_fname) == table_fnames.end() && - fname_to_id.find(new_fname) == fname_to_id.end()) - { - done = true; - } - } else { - new_fname = wxEmptyString; - done = true; - } - } - return new_fname; -} - -void MergeTableDlg::OnMergeClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ) -{ - //id_map: map from the ith row of the imported DBF to a row in the Table - std::vector id_map(grid_base->GetNumberRows()); - for (int i=0, iend=id_map.size(); iGetValue()==1) { - int key1_id = m_current_key->GetSelection(); - int key2_id = m_import_key->GetSelection(); - wxString key1_name = m_current_key->GetString(key1_id); - wxString key2_name = m_import_key->GetString(key2_id); - - DbfColContainer& col1 = *(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[key1_id]]); - DbfColContainer col2(*dbf_reader, key2_id, grid_base); - if (col1.type != col2.type) { - wxString msg; - msg << "Chosen merge key field " << key1_name << " and "; - msg << key2_name << " are not of the same type. Please choose "; - msg << "compatible merge key fields."; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - - std::vector key1_vec; - std::map key1_map; - col1.GetVec(key1_vec); - for (int i=0, iend=key1_vec.size(); i key2_vec; - std::set key2_set; - col2.GetVec(key2_vec); - for (std::vector::iterator it=key2_vec.begin(); - it!=key2_vec.end(); it++) { - (*it).Trim(false); - (*it).Trim(true); - key2_set.insert(*it); - } - - if (key2_vec.size() != key2_set.size()) { - wxString msg; - msg << "Chosen DBF merge key field " << key2_name; - msg << " contains duplicate values. Key fields must contain all "; - msg << "unique values."; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - - std::map::iterator key1_it; - for (int i=0, iend = key2_vec.size(); i dbf_fnames(m_include_list->GetCount()); - - // dups tell us which strings need to be renamed, while - // dedup_to_id tell us which col id this maps to in the original dbf - // we need to create a final list of names to col id. - - std::map fname_to_id; - std::map inc_order_to_fname; // keep track of order - - for (int i=0, iend=m_include_list->GetCount(); iGetString(i); - wxString final_n = inc_n; - if (dups.find(inc_n) != dups.end() || - !DbfFileUtils::isValidFieldName(inc_n) || - table_fnames.find(inc_n) != table_fnames.end()) - { - final_n = getValidName(fname_to_id, table_fnames, inc_n); - } - if (final_n == wxEmptyString) return; - fname_to_id[final_n] = dedup_to_id[inc_n]; - inc_order_to_fname[i] = final_n; - } - - // want to insert at end of table, but in order specified by - // m_include_list - // Create new columns in Table using fname_to_id map - // first_col is the index into col_data of the first column of - // newly merged data. - std::vector dbf_col_to_table_col(dbf_reader->getNumFields(), -1); - - int first_col = grid_base->GetNumberCols(); - - wxGrid* grid = grid_base->GetView(); - if (grid) grid->BeginBatch(); - int time_steps = 1; // non space-time column - std::vector fields = dbf_reader->getFieldDescs(); - for (int i=0, iend=inc_order_to_fname.size(); iInsertCol(first_col+i, time_steps, ftype, - fname, fields[id].length, - fields[id].decimals, fields[id].decimals, - true, false); - } - - std::vector& col_data = grid_base->col_data; - DbfFileReader& dbf = *dbf_reader; - int rows = dbf.getNumRecords(); - int cols = dbf.getNumFields(); - // read in each row of the DBF, and write to the correct raw - // data cell (row and column) as we read in. - if (!dbf.file.is_open()) { - dbf.file.open(dbf.fname.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), - std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); - } - if (!(dbf.file.is_open() && dbf.file.good())) return; - - int del_flag_len = 1; // the record deletion flag - dbf.file.seekg(dbf.header.header_length, std::ios::beg); - char* buf = new char[dbf.getFileHeader().length_each_record]; - for (int row=0; rowraw_data[0] + - t_row*(field_len+1)), - field_len); - col_data[t_col]->raw_data[0][t_row*(field_len+1)+field_len] = '\0'; - } else { // skip over this field - // NOTE: successive read ops are much faster than - // successive read, seekg, read, seekg. Amazingly faster! - dbf.file.read(buf, field_len); - } - } - } - delete [] buf; - if (grid) grid->EndBatch(); - - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, "File merged into Table successfully.", - "Success", wxOK ); - dlg.ShowModal(); - - ev.Skip(); - EndDialog(wxID_OK); -} - -void MergeTableDlg::OnCloseClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ) -{ - ev.Skip(); - EndDialog(wxID_CLOSE); -} - -void MergeTableDlg::OnKeyChoice( wxCommandEvent& ev ) -{ - UpdateMergeButton(); -} - -void MergeTableDlg::UpdateMergeButton() -{ - bool enable = (dbf_reader && !m_include_list->IsEmpty() && - (m_rec_order_rb->GetValue()==1 || - (m_key_val_rb->GetValue()==1 && - m_current_key->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND && - m_import_key->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND))); - FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(enable); -} - -void MergeTableDlg::RemoveDbfReader() -{ - if (dbf_reader) delete dbf_reader; dbf_reader = 0; - m_input_file_name->SetValue(""); - m_import_key->Clear(); - m_exclude_list->Clear(); - m_include_list->Clear(); - UpdateMergeButton(); -} - -void MergeTableDlg::UpdateIncListItems() -{ - // highlight in red and items that will require a name change - // in order to be merged into the table. These includes illegal - // and duplicate names - - std::set dbf_fnames; - - for (int i=0, iend=m_include_list->GetCount(); iGetString(i)); - std::set::iterator it1 = table_fnames.find(s); - std::set::iterator it2 = dbf_fnames.find(s); - bool black = (DbfFileUtils::isValidFieldName(s) && - it1 == table_fnames.end() && it2 == dbf_fnames.end()); - // m_include_list->SetString(i, s); - dbf_fnames.insert(s); - } -} - +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "MergeTableDlg.h" +#include "DataSource.h" +#include "DbfColContainer.h" +#include "TableBase.h" +#include "TableInterface.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/DbfFile.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/OGRLayerProxy.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/OGRDataAdapter.h" +#include "../DialogTools/ConnectDatasourceDlg.h" +#include "../DialogTools/FieldNameCorrectionDlg.h" +#include "../logger.h" + +BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( MergeTableDlg, wxDialog ) + EVT_RADIOBUTTON( XRCID("ID_KEY_VAL_RB"), MergeTableDlg::OnKeyValRB ) + EVT_RADIOBUTTON( XRCID("ID_REC_ORDER_RB"), MergeTableDlg::OnRecOrderRB ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_OPEN_BUTTON"), MergeTableDlg::OnOpenClick ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_INC_ALL_BUTTON"), MergeTableDlg::OnIncAllClick ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_INC_ONE_BUTTON"), MergeTableDlg::OnIncOneClick ) + EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK( XRCID("ID_INCLUDE_LIST"), + MergeTableDlg::OnIncListDClick ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_EXCL_ALL_BUTTON"), MergeTableDlg::OnExclAllClick ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_EXCL_ONE_BUTTON"), MergeTableDlg::OnExclOneClick ) + EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK( XRCID("ID_EXCLUDE_LIST"), + MergeTableDlg::OnExclListDClick ) + EVT_CHOICE( XRCID("ID_CURRENT_KEY_CHOICE"), MergeTableDlg::OnKeyChoice ) + EVT_CHOICE( XRCID("ID_IMPORT_KEY_CHOICE"), MergeTableDlg::OnKeyChoice ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("wxID_OK"), MergeTableDlg::OnMergeClick ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("wxID_CLOSE"), MergeTableDlg::OnCloseClick ) +END_EVENT_TABLE() + +using namespace std; + +MergeTableDlg::MergeTableDlg(TableInterface* _table_int, const wxPoint& pos) +: table_int(_table_int) +{ + SetParent(NULL); + //table_int->FillColIdMap(col_id_map); + CreateControls(); + Init(); + wxString nm; + SetTitle("Merge - " + table_int->GetTableName()); + SetPosition(pos); + Centre(); +} + +MergeTableDlg::~MergeTableDlg() +{ + //delete merge_datasource_proxy; + //merge_datasource_proxy = NULL; +} + +void MergeTableDlg::CreateControls() +{ + wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), "ID_MERGE_TABLE_DLG"); + m_input_file_name = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_INPUT_FILE_TEXT")), + wxTextCtrl); + m_key_val_rb = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_KEY_VAL_RB")), + wxRadioButton); + m_rec_order_rb = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_REC_ORDER_RB")), + wxRadioButton); + m_current_key = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_CURRENT_KEY_CHOICE")), + wxChoice); + m_import_key = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_IMPORT_KEY_CHOICE")), + wxChoice); + m_exclude_list = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_EXCLUDE_LIST")), + wxListBox); + m_include_list = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_INCLUDE_LIST")), + wxListBox); +} + +void MergeTableDlg::Init() +{ + vector col_names; + table_fnames.clear(); + // get the field names from table interface + set field_name_set; + int time_steps = table_int->GetTimeSteps(); + int n_fields = table_int->GetNumberCols(); + for (int cid=0; cidGetColName(cid); + table_fnames.insert(group_name); + for (int i=0; iGetColType(cid,i); + wxString field_name = table_int->GetColName(cid, i); + // only String, Integer can be keys for merging + if ( field_type == GdaConst::long64_type || + field_type == GdaConst::string_type ) + { + if ( field_name_set.count(field_name) == 0) { + m_current_key->Append(field_name); + field_name_set.insert(field_name); + } + } + table_fnames.insert(field_name); + } + } + UpdateMergeButton(); +} + +void MergeTableDlg::OnKeyValRB( wxCommandEvent& ev ) +{ + UpdateMergeButton(); +} + +void MergeTableDlg::OnRecOrderRB( wxCommandEvent& ev ) +{ + UpdateMergeButton(); +} + +void MergeTableDlg::OnOpenClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ) +{ + try { + ConnectDatasourceDlg dlg(this); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + + wxString proj_title = dlg.GetProjectTitle(); + wxString layer_name = dlg.GetLayerName(); + IDataSource* datasource = dlg.GetDataSource(); + wxString datasource_name = datasource->GetOGRConnectStr(); + + //XXX: ToStdString() needs to take care of weird file path + merge_datasource_proxy = + new OGRDatasourceProxy(datasource_name.ToStdString(), true); + merge_layer_proxy = + merge_datasource_proxy->GetLayerProxy(layer_name.ToStdString()); + merge_layer_proxy->ReadData(); + m_input_file_name->SetValue(layer_name); + + // get the unique field names, and fill to m_import_key (wxChoice) + map dbf_fn_freq; + dups.clear(); + dedup_to_id.clear(); + for (int i=0, iend=merge_layer_proxy->GetNumFields(); iGetFieldType(i); + wxString name = merge_layer_proxy->GetFieldName(i); + wxString dedup_name = name; + if (dbf_fn_freq.find(name) != dbf_fn_freq.end()) { + dedup_name << " (" << dbf_fn_freq[name]++ << ")"; + } else { + dbf_fn_freq[name] = 1; + } + dups.insert(dedup_name); + dedup_to_id[dedup_name] = i; // map to DBF col id + if ( field_type == GdaConst::long64_type || + field_type == GdaConst::string_type ) + { + m_import_key->Append(dedup_name); + } + m_exclude_list->Append(dedup_name); + } + + }catch(GdaException& e) { + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, e.what(), "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } +} + +void MergeTableDlg::OnIncAllClick( wxCommandEvent& ev) +{ + for (int i=0, iend=m_exclude_list->GetCount(); iAppend(m_exclude_list->GetString(i)); + } + m_exclude_list->Clear(); + UpdateMergeButton(); +} + +void MergeTableDlg::OnIncOneClick( wxCommandEvent& ev) +{ + if (m_exclude_list->GetSelection() >= 0) { + wxString k = m_exclude_list->GetString(m_exclude_list->GetSelection()); + m_include_list->Append(k); + m_exclude_list->Delete(m_exclude_list->GetSelection()); + } + UpdateMergeButton(); +} + +void MergeTableDlg::OnIncListDClick( wxCommandEvent& ev) +{ + OnExclOneClick(ev); +} + +void MergeTableDlg::OnExclAllClick( wxCommandEvent& ev) +{ + for (int i=0, iend=m_include_list->GetCount(); iAppend(m_include_list->GetString(i)); + } + m_include_list->Clear(); + UpdateMergeButton(); +} + +void MergeTableDlg::OnExclOneClick( wxCommandEvent& ev) +{ + if (m_include_list->GetSelection() >= 0) { + m_exclude_list-> + Append(m_include_list->GetString(m_include_list->GetSelection())); + m_include_list->Delete(m_include_list->GetSelection()); + } + UpdateMergeButton(); +} + +void MergeTableDlg::OnExclListDClick( wxCommandEvent& ev) +{ + OnIncOneClick(ev); +} + + +void MergeTableDlg::CheckKeys(wxString key_name, vector& key_vec, + map& key_map) +{ + for (int i=0, iend=key_vec.size(); i MergeTableDlg:: +GetSelectedFieldNames(map& merged_fnames_dict) +{ + vector merged_field_names; + set dup_merged_field_names, bad_merged_field_names; + + for (int i=0, iend=m_include_list->GetCount(); iGetString(i); + merged_field_names.push_back(inc_n); + if (table_fnames.find(inc_n) != table_fnames.end()) + dup_merged_field_names.insert(inc_n); + else if (!table_int->IsValidDBColName(inc_n)) + bad_merged_field_names.insert(inc_n); + } + + if ( bad_merged_field_names.size() + dup_merged_field_names.size() > 0) { + // show a field name correction dialog + GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type = table_int->GetDataSourceType(); + FieldNameCorrectionDlg fc_dlg(ds_type, merged_fnames_dict, + merged_field_names, + dup_merged_field_names, + bad_merged_field_names); + if ( fc_dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) + merged_field_names.clear(); + else + merged_fnames_dict = fc_dlg.GetMergedFieldNameDict(); + } + return merged_field_names; +} + +void MergeTableDlg::OnMergeClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ) +{ + try { + wxString error_msg; + + // get selected field names from merging table + map merged_fnames_dict; + for (set::iterator it = table_fnames.begin(); + it != table_fnames.end(); ++it ) { + merged_fnames_dict[ *it ] = *it; + } + vector merged_field_names = + GetSelectedFieldNames(merged_fnames_dict); + + if (merged_field_names.empty()) return; + + int n_rows = table_int->GetNumberRows(); + int n_merge_field = merged_field_names.size(); + + map rowid_map; + // check merge by key/record order + if (m_key_val_rb->GetValue()==1) { + // get and check keys from original table + int key1_id = m_current_key->GetSelection(); + wxString key1_name = m_current_key->GetString(key1_id); + int col1_id = table_int->FindColId(key1_name); + if (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col1_id)) { + error_msg = "Chosen key field '"; + error_msg << key1_name << "' is a time variant. Please choose " + << "a non-time variant field as key."; + throw GdaException(error_msg.mb_str()); + } + vector key1_vec; + vector key1_l_vec; + map key1_map; + if ( table_int->GetColType(col1_id, 0) == GdaConst::string_type ) { + table_int->GetColData(col1_id, 0, key1_vec); + }else if (table_int->GetColType(col1_id,0)==GdaConst::long64_type){ + table_int->GetColData(col1_id, 0, key1_l_vec); + } + if (key1_vec.empty()) { + for( int i=0; i< key1_l_vec.size(); i++){ + wxString tmp; + tmp << key1_l_vec[i]; + key1_vec.push_back(tmp); + } + } + CheckKeys(key1_name, key1_vec, key1_map); + + // get and check keys from import table + int key2_id = m_import_key->GetSelection(); + wxString key2_name = m_import_key->GetString(key2_id); + int col2_id = merge_layer_proxy->GetFieldPos(key2_name); + int n_merge_rows = merge_layer_proxy->GetNumRecords(); + vector key2_vec; + map key2_map; + for (int i=0; i < n_merge_rows; i++) { + key2_vec.push_back(merge_layer_proxy->GetValueAt(i, col2_id)); + } + CheckKeys(key2_name, key2_vec, key2_map); + + // make sure key1 <= key2, and store their mappings + map::iterator key1_it, key2_it; + for (key1_it=key1_map.begin(); key1_it!=key1_map.end(); key1_it++) { + key2_it = key2_map.find(key1_it->first); + if ( key2_it == key2_map.end()){ + error_msg = "The set of values in the import key fields "; + error_msg << "do not fully match current table. Please " + << "choose keys with matching sets of values."; + throw GdaException(error_msg.mb_str()); + } + rowid_map[key1_it->second] = key2_it->second; + } + } + // merge by order sequence + else if (m_rec_order_rb->GetValue() == 1) { + if (table_int->GetNumberRows()>merge_layer_proxy->GetNumRecords()) { + error_msg = "The number of records in current table is larger "; + error_msg << "than the number of records in import table. " + << "Please choose import table >= " + << table_int->GetNumberRows() << "records"; + throw GdaException(error_msg.mb_str()); + } + } + // append new fields to original table via TableInterface + for (int i=0; i& rowid_map) +{ + int fid = merge_layer_proxy->GetFieldPos(real_field_name); + GdaConst::FieldType ftype = merge_layer_proxy->GetFieldType(fid); + if ( ftype == GdaConst::string_type ) { + int add_pos = table_int->InsertCol(ftype, field_name); + vector data(n_rows); + for (int i=0; iGetValueAt(import_rid,fid)); + } + table_int->SetColData(add_pos, 0, data); + } else if ( ftype == GdaConst::long64_type ) { + int add_pos = table_int->InsertCol(ftype, field_name); + vector data(n_rows); + for (int i=0; iGetFeatureAt(import_rid); + data[i] = feat->GetFieldAsInteger(fid); + } + table_int->SetColData(add_pos, 0, data); + } else if ( ftype == GdaConst::double_type ) { + int add_pos=table_int->InsertCol(ftype, field_name); + vector data(n_rows); + for (int i=0; iGetFeatureAt(import_rid); + data[i] = feat->GetFieldAsDouble(fid); + } + table_int->SetColData(add_pos, 0, data); + } +} + +void MergeTableDlg::OnCloseClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ) +{ + ev.Skip(); + EndDialog(wxID_CLOSE); +} + +void MergeTableDlg::OnKeyChoice( wxCommandEvent& ev ) +{ + UpdateMergeButton(); +} + +void MergeTableDlg::UpdateMergeButton() +{ + bool enable = (!m_include_list->IsEmpty() && + (m_rec_order_rb->GetValue()==1 || + (m_key_val_rb->GetValue()==1 && + m_current_key->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND && + m_import_key->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND))); + FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(enable); +} diff --git a/DataViewer/MergeTableDlg.h b/DataViewer/MergeTableDlg.h index d64081ae9..4b30281b9 100644 --- a/DataViewer/MergeTableDlg.h +++ b/DataViewer/MergeTableDlg.h @@ -1,89 +1,97 @@ -/** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved - * - * This file is part of GeoDa. - * - * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program. If not, see . - */ - -#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_MERGE_TO_TALBE_DLG_H__ -#define __GEODA_CENTER_MERGE_TO_TALBE_DLG_H__ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -class DbfFileReader; -class DbfGridTableBase; - -class MergeTableDlg: public wxDialog -{ -public: - MergeTableDlg(DbfGridTableBase* grid_base, - const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition); - virtual ~MergeTableDlg(); - - void CreateControls(); - void Init(); - void OnKeyValRB( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnRecOrderRB( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnOpenClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnIncAllClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnIncOneClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnIncListDClick(wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnExclAllClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnExclOneClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnExclListDClick(wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnMergeClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnKeyChoice( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void OnCloseClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ); - void UpdateMergeButton(); - void RemoveDbfReader(); - void UpdateIncListItems(); - - wxTextCtrl* m_input_file_name; - wxRadioButton* m_key_val_rb; - wxRadioButton* m_rec_order_rb; - wxChoice* m_current_key; - wxChoice* m_import_key; - wxListBox* m_exclude_list; - wxListBox* m_include_list; - - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; - DbfFileReader* dbf_reader; - std::set table_fnames; - -private: - wxString getValidName(const std::map& fname_to_id, - const std::set& table_fnames, - const wxString& fname); - std::map dedup_to_id; - std::set dups; - // a mapping from displayed col order to actual col ids in table - // Eg, in underlying table, we might have A, B, C, D, E, F, - // but because of user wxGrid col reorder operaions might see these - // as C, B, A, F, D, E. In this case, the col_id_map would be - // 0->2, 1->1, 2->0, 3->5, 4->3, 5->4 - std::vector col_id_map; - - DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() -}; - -#endif +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_MERGE_TO_TALBE_DLG_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_MERGE_TO_TALBE_DLG_H__ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "DataSource.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/OGRLayerProxy.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/OGRDatasourceProxy.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" + +class MergeTableDlg: public wxDialog +{ +public: + MergeTableDlg(TableInterface* _table_int, + const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition); + virtual ~MergeTableDlg(); + + void CreateControls(); + void Init(); + void OnKeyValRB( wxCommandEvent& ev ); + void OnRecOrderRB( wxCommandEvent& ev ); + void OnOpenClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ); + void OnIncAllClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ); + void OnIncOneClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ); + void OnIncListDClick(wxCommandEvent& ev ); + void OnExclAllClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ); + void OnExclOneClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ); + void OnExclListDClick(wxCommandEvent& ev ); + void OnMergeClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ); + void OnKeyChoice( wxCommandEvent& ev ); + void OnCloseClick( wxCommandEvent& ev ); + void UpdateMergeButton(); + //void RemoveDbfReader(); + //void UpdateIncListItems(); + + wxTextCtrl* m_input_file_name; + wxRadioButton* m_key_val_rb; + wxRadioButton* m_rec_order_rb; + wxChoice* m_current_key; + wxChoice* m_import_key; + wxListBox* m_exclude_list; + wxListBox* m_include_list; + + //TableBase* table_base; + TableInterface* table_int; + OGRLayerProxy* merge_layer_proxy; + OGRDatasourceProxy* merge_datasource_proxy; + std::set table_fnames; + +private: + std::map dedup_to_id; + std::set dups; + // a mapping from displayed col order to actual col ids in table + // Eg, in underlying table, we might have A, B, C, D, E, F, + // but because of user wxGrid col reorder operaions might see these + // as C, B, A, F, D, E. In this case, the col_id_map would be + // 0->2, 1->1, 2->0, 3->5, 4->3, 5->4 + //std::vector col_id_map; + +private: + void CheckKeys(wxString key_name, std::vector& key_vec, + std::map& key_map); + vector + GetSelectedFieldNames(map& merged_fnames_dict); + void AppendNewField(wxString field_name, wxString real_field_name, + int n_rows, std::map& rowid_map); + DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DataViewer/OGRColumn.cpp b/DataViewer/OGRColumn.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d9efdfd48 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/OGRColumn.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,800 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "../GenUtils.h" +#include "../GeoDa.h" +#include "../logger.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/OGRDataAdapter.h" +#include "../GdaException.h" +#include "OGRColumn.h" +#include "VarOrderMapper.h" + +using namespace std; + +OGRColumn::OGRColumn(OGRLayerProxy* _ogr_layer, + wxString name, int field_length,int decimals) +: name(name), ogr_layer(_ogr_layer), length(field_length), decimals(decimals), +is_new(true), is_deleted(false) +{ + rows = ogr_layer->GetNumRecords(); +} + +OGRColumn::OGRColumn(OGRLayerProxy* _ogr_layer, int idx) +{ + // note: idx is only valid when create a OGRColumn. It's value could be + // updated when delete columns in OGRLayer. Therefore, return current + // column index will always dynamically fetch from GetColIndex() by using + // the column name. + is_new = false; + is_deleted = false; + ogr_layer = _ogr_layer; + rows = ogr_layer->GetNumRecords(); + name = ogr_layer->GetFieldName(idx); + length = ogr_layer->GetFieldLength(idx); + decimals = ogr_layer->GetFieldDecimals(idx); +} + +int OGRColumn::GetColIndex() +{ + if (is_new) return -1; + return ogr_layer->GetFieldPos(name); +} + +int OGRColumn::GetLength() +{ + if (is_new) return length; + length = ogr_layer->GetFieldLength(GetColIndex()); + return length; +} + +void OGRColumn::SetLength(int new_length) +{ + if (!is_new) + ogr_layer->SetFieldLength(GetColIndex(), new_length); + length = new_length; +} + +int OGRColumn::GetDecimals() +{ + if (is_new) return decimals; + decimals = ogr_layer->GetFieldDecimals(GetColIndex()); + return decimals; +} + +void OGRColumn::SetDecimals(int new_decimals) +{ + if (!is_new) + ogr_layer->SetFieldDecimals(GetColIndex(), new_decimals); + decimals = new_decimals; +} + +wxString OGRColumn::GetName() +{ + if (!is_new) name = ogr_layer->GetFieldName(GetColIndex()); + return name; +} + +void OGRColumn::Rename(const wxString& new_name) +{ + if (!is_new) + ogr_layer->SetFieldName(GetColIndex(), new_name); + name = new_name; +} + +void OGRColumn::UpdateOGRLayer(OGRLayerProxy* new_ogr_layer) +{ + ogr_layer = new_ogr_layer; +} + +bool OGRColumn::IsCellUpdated(int row) +{ + if (!set_markers.empty()) { + return set_markers[row]; + } + return false; +} + +bool OGRColumn::IsUndefined(int row) +{ + return !set_markers[row]; +} + +void OGRColumn::UpdateData(const vector &data) +{ + wxString msg = "Internal error: UpdateData(double) not implemented."; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); +} + +void OGRColumn::UpdateData(const vector &data) +{ + wxString msg = "Internal error: UpdateData(wxInt64) not implemented."; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + +} + +void OGRColumn::UpdateData(const vector &data) +{ + wxString msg = "Internal error: UpdateData(wxString) not implemented."; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + +} + +void OGRColumn::GetCellValue(int row, wxInt64& val) +{ + wxString msg = "Internal error: GetCellValue(wxInt64) not implemented."; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + +} + +void OGRColumn::GetCellValue(int row, double& val) +{ + wxString msg = "Internal error: GetCellValue(double) not implemented."; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + +} + +void OGRColumn::GetCellValue(int row, wxString& val) +{ + wxString msg = "Internal error: GetCellValue(wxString) not implemented."; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + +} + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +OGRColumnInteger::OGRColumnInteger(OGRLayerProxy* ogr_layer, wxString name, + int field_length, int decimals) +: OGRColumn(ogr_layer, name, field_length, decimals) +{ + // a new integer column + is_new = true; + new_data.resize(rows); + set_markers.resize(rows); + for (int i=0; idata[i]->IsFieldSet(idx) ) + set_markers[i] = true; + else + set_markers[i] = false; + } +} + +OGRColumnInteger::~OGRColumnInteger() +{ + if (new_data.size() > 0 ) new_data.clear(); + if (set_markers.size() > 0) set_markers.clear(); +} + +void OGRColumnInteger::FillData(vector &data) +{ + if (is_new) { + for (int i=0; idata[i]->GetFieldAsInteger(col_idx); + } + } +} + + +void OGRColumnInteger::FillData(vector &data) +{ + if (is_new) { + for (int i=0; idata[i]->GetFieldAsInteger(col_idx); + } + } +} + +void OGRColumnInteger::FillData(vector &data) +{ + if (is_new) { + for (int i=0; idata[i]->GetFieldAsInteger(col_idx)); + } + } +} + +void OGRColumnInteger::UpdateData(const vector& data) +{ + if (is_new) { + for (int i=0; idata[i]->SetField(col_idx, (int)data[i]); + set_markers[i] = true; + } + } +} + +void OGRColumnInteger::UpdateData(const vector& data) +{ + if (is_new) { + for (int i=0; idata[i]->SetField(col_idx, (int)data[i]); + set_markers[i] = true; + } + } +} + +void OGRColumnInteger::GetCellValue(int row, wxInt64& val) +{ + if (is_new) { + val = new_data[row]; + } else { + int col_idx = GetColIndex(); + val = (wxInt64)ogr_layer->data[row]->GetFieldAsInteger(col_idx); + } +} + +wxString OGRColumnInteger::GetValueAt(int row_idx, int disp_decimals, + wxCSConv* m_wx_encoding) +{ + if (is_new) { + if (set_markers[row_idx] == false ) + return wxEmptyString; + return wxString::Format("%lld",new_data[row_idx]); + } else { + int col_idx = GetColIndex(); + if (col_idx == -1) return wxEmptyString; + const char* val = ogr_layer->data[row_idx]->GetFieldAsString(col_idx); + return wxString(val); + } +} + +void OGRColumnInteger::SetValueAt(int row_idx, const wxString &value) +{ + wxInt64 l_val; + if (GenUtils::validInt(value)) { + GenUtils::strToInt64(value, &l_val); + if (is_new) { + new_data[row_idx] = l_val; + } else { + int col_idx = GetColIndex(); + ogr_layer->data[row_idx]->SetField(col_idx, (int)l_val); + } + set_markers[row_idx] = true; + } +} + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +OGRColumnDouble::OGRColumnDouble(OGRLayerProxy* ogr_layer, wxString name, + int field_length, int decimals) +: OGRColumn(ogr_layer, name, field_length, decimals) +{ + // a new double column + if ( decimals < 0) decimals = GdaConst::default_dbf_double_decimals; + is_new = true; + new_data.resize(rows); + set_markers.resize(rows); + for (int i=0; idata[i]->IsFieldSet(idx) ) + set_markers[i] = true; + else + set_markers[i] = false; + } +} + +OGRColumnDouble::~OGRColumnDouble() +{ + if (new_data.size() > 0 ) new_data.clear(); + if (set_markers.size() > 0) set_markers.clear(); +} + + +void OGRColumnDouble::FillData(vector &data) +{ + if (is_new) { + for (int i=0; idata[i]->GetFieldAsDouble(col_idx); + } + } +} + +void OGRColumnDouble::FillData(vector &data) +{ + if (is_new) { + for (int i=0; idata[i]->GetFieldAsDouble(col_idx); + } + } +} + +void OGRColumnDouble::FillData(vector &data) +{ + if (is_new) { + for (int i=0; idata[i]->GetFieldAsDouble(col_idx)); + } + } +} + +void OGRColumnDouble::UpdateData(const vector& data) +{ + if (is_new) { + for (int i=0; idata[i]->SetField(col_idx, data[i]); + set_markers[i] = true; + } + } +} + +void OGRColumnDouble::UpdateData(const vector& data) +{ + if (is_new) { + for (int i=0; idata[i]->SetField(col_idx, (double)data[i]); + set_markers[i] = true; + } + } +} +void OGRColumnDouble::GetCellValue(int row, double& val) +{ + if (is_new) { + val = new_data[row]; + } else { + int col_idx = GetColIndex(); + val = ogr_layer->data[row]->GetFieldAsDouble(col_idx); + } +} + +wxString OGRColumnDouble::GetValueAt(int row_idx, int disp_decimals, + wxCSConv* m_wx_encoding) +{ + disp_decimals = 0; + double val; + if (is_new) { + if (set_markers[row_idx]== false) + return wxEmptyString; + val = new_data[row_idx]; + } else { + int col_idx = GetColIndex(); + if (col_idx == -1) return wxEmptyString; + const char* tmp = ogr_layer->data[row_idx]->GetFieldAsString(col_idx); + if (*tmp == '\0' ) { + return wxEmptyString; + } else { + // return raw values if no display decimals setup + if ( disp_decimals <=0 ) { + return wxString(tmp); + } + } + val = ogr_layer->data[row_idx]->GetFieldAsDouble(col_idx); + } + wxString rst = wxString::Format("%.*f", disp_decimals, val); + return rst; +} + +void OGRColumnDouble::SetValueAt(int row_idx, const wxString &value) +{ + double d_val; + if (value.ToDouble(&d_val)) { + if (is_new) { + new_data[row_idx] = d_val; + } else { + int col_idx = GetColIndex(); + ogr_layer->data[row_idx]->SetField(col_idx, d_val); + } + set_markers[row_idx] = true; + } +} + + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +OGRColumnString::OGRColumnString(OGRLayerProxy* ogr_layer, wxString name, + int field_length, int decimals) +: OGRColumn(ogr_layer, name, field_length, decimals) +{ + // a new string column + is_new = true; + new_data.resize(rows); + set_markers.resize(rows); + for (int i=0; idata[i]->IsFieldSet(idx) ) + set_markers[i] = true; + else + set_markers[i] = false; + } +} + +OGRColumnString::~OGRColumnString() +{ + if (new_data.size() > 0 ) new_data.clear(); + if (set_markers.size() > 0) set_markers.clear(); +} + +void OGRColumnString::FillData(vector &data) +{ + if (is_new) { + for (int i=0; idata[i]->GetFieldAsString(col_idx)); + double val; + if (!tmp.ToDouble(&val)) { + wxString error_msg; + error_msg << "Fill data error: can't convert '" << tmp + << "' to floating-point number."; + throw GdaException(error_msg.mb_str()); + } + data[i] = val; + } + } +} + +void OGRColumnString::FillData(vector &data) +{ + if (is_new) { + for (int i=0; idata[i]->GetFieldAsString(col_idx)); + long val; + if (!tmp.ToLong(&val)) { + wxString error_msg; + error_msg << "Fill data error: can't convert '" << tmp + << "' to floating-point number."; + throw GdaException(error_msg.mb_str()); + } + data[i] = val; + } + } +} + +void OGRColumnString::FillData(vector &data) +{ + if (is_new) { + for (int i=0; idata[i]->GetFieldAsString(col_idx)); + } + } +} + +void OGRColumnString::UpdateData(const vector& data) +{ + if (is_new) { + for (int i=0; idata[i]->SetField(col_idx, data[i].c_str()); + set_markers[i] = true; + } + } +} + +void OGRColumnString::UpdateData(const vector& data) +{ + if (is_new) { + for (int i=0; idata[i]->SetField(col_idx, tmp.c_str()); + set_markers[i] = true; + } + } +} + +void OGRColumnString::UpdateData(const vector& data) +{ + if (is_new) { + for (int i=0; idata[i]->SetField(col_idx, tmp.c_str()); + set_markers[i] = true; + } + } +} + +void OGRColumnString::GetCellValue(int row, wxString& val) +{ + if (is_new) { + val = new_data[row]; + } else { + int col_idx = GetColIndex(); + const char* val = ogr_layer->data[row]->GetFieldAsString(col_idx); + val = wxString(val); + } +} + +wxString OGRColumnString::GetValueAt(int row_idx, int disp_decimals, + wxCSConv* m_wx_encoding) +{ + if (is_new) { + if (set_markers[row_idx] == false ) + return wxEmptyString; + return new_data[row_idx]; + } else { + int col_idx = GetColIndex(); + if (col_idx == -1) return wxEmptyString; + const char* val = ogr_layer->data[row_idx]->GetFieldAsString(col_idx); + if (m_wx_encoding == NULL) return wxString(val); + else return wxString(val,*m_wx_encoding); + } +} + +void OGRColumnString::SetValueAt(int row_idx, const wxString &value) +{ + if (is_new) { + new_data[row_idx] = value; + } else { + int col_idx = GetColIndex(); + ogr_layer->data[row_idx]->SetField(col_idx, value.c_str()); + } + set_markers[row_idx] = true; +} + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// XXX current GeoDa don't support adding new date column +// +OGRColumnDate::OGRColumnDate(OGRLayerProxy* ogr_layer, int idx) +:OGRColumn(ogr_layer, idx) +{ + is_new = false; +} + +OGRColumnDate::~OGRColumnDate() +{ + if (new_data.size() > 0 ) new_data.clear(); +} + +void OGRColumnDate::FillData(vector &data) +{ + if (is_new) { + wxString msg = "Internal error: GeoDa doesn't support new date column."; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } else { + int col_idx = GetColIndex(); + for (int i=0; idata[i]->GetFieldAsDateTime(col_idx, &year, &month, + &day,&hour,&minute, + &seconds, &tzflag); + wxInt64 val = year* 10000 + month*100 + day; + data[i] = val; + } + } +} + +void OGRColumnDate::FillData(vector &data) +{ + wxString error_msg; + error_msg << "Internal error: GeoDa doesn't support fill floating-point " + << "data array with Date column."; + throw GdaException(error_msg.mb_str()); +} + +void OGRColumnDate::FillData(vector &data) +{ + if (is_new) { + wxString msg = "Internal error: GeoDa doesn't support new date column."; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } else { + int col_idx = GetColIndex(); + for (int i=0; idata[i]->GetFieldAsDateTime(col_idx, &year, &month, + &day,&hour,&minute, + &seconds, &tzflag); + wxInt64 val = year* 10000 + month*100 + day; + data[i] = wxString::Format("%i", val); + } + } +} + +void OGRColumnDate::GetCellValue(int row, wxInt64& val) +{ + if (new_data.empty()) { + int col_idx = GetColIndex(); + int year=0; + int month=0; + int day=0; + int hour=0; + int minute = 0; + int seconds = 0; + int tzflag = 0; + ogr_layer->data[row]->GetFieldAsDateTime(col_idx, &year, &month, + &day,&hour,&minute, + &seconds, &tzflag); + val = year* 10000 + month*100 + day; + } else { + val = new_data[row]; + } +} + +wxString OGRColumnDate::GetValueAt(int row_idx, int disp_decimals, + wxCSConv* m_wx_encoding) +{ + wxInt64 val; + GetCellValue(row_idx, val); + return wxString::Format("%lld", val); +} + +void OGRColumnDate::SetValueAt(int row_idx, const wxString &value) +{ + // XXX don't support adding new date column + wxInt64 l_val; + const char* tmp = (const char*)value.mb_str(); + bool valid = GenUtils::validInt(const_cast(tmp)); + if (value.length() == 6 && valid) { + GenUtils::strToInt64(const_cast(tmp), &l_val); + int n_year = l_val/10000; + int n_month = (l_val % 10000) /100; + int n_day = l_val % 10; + int col_idx = GetColIndex(); + ogr_layer->data[row_idx]->SetField(col_idx, n_year, n_month, n_day); + //modifed_features.push_back(feature); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/DataViewer/OGRColumn.h b/DataViewer/OGRColumn.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a111faf46 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/OGRColumn.h @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_OGR_COLUMN_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_OGR_COLUMN_H__ + +#include +#include + +#include "../GdaConst.h" +#include "../DataViewer/VarOrderPtree.h" +#include "../DataViewer/VarOrderMapper.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/OGRLayerProxy.h" + +using namespace std; + +/** + * + */ +class OGRColumn +{ +protected: + wxString name; + int length; + int decimals; + bool is_new; + bool is_deleted; + int rows; + OGRLayerProxy* ogr_layer; + // markers for a new column if the cell has ben assigned a value + vector set_markers; +public: + OGRColumn(OGRLayerProxy* _ogr_layer, + wxString name, int field_length, int decimals); + OGRColumn(OGRLayerProxy* _ogr_layer, int idx); + virtual ~OGRColumn(){} + + int GetColIndex(); + void UpdateOGRLayer(OGRLayerProxy* new_ogr_layer); + bool IsNewColumn() { return is_new;} + bool IsCellUpdated(int row); + bool IsDeleted() { return is_deleted;} + void SetDeletion(bool is_delete) { is_deleted = is_delete;} + OGRLayerProxy* GetOGRLayerProxy() { return ogr_layer;} + wxString GetName(); + void Rename(const wxString& new_name); + int GetLength(); + void SetLength(int new_length); + int GetDecimals(); + void SetDecimals(int new_decimals); + int GetNumRows() { return rows; } + // only for adding new column, and rollback() operation + //void SetColIndex(int idx) { col_idx = idx;} + // virtual functions that need to be overwritten + virtual bool IsUndefined(int row); + virtual GdaConst::FieldType GetType() {return GdaConst::unknown_type;} + virtual void UpdateData(const vector& data); + virtual void UpdateData(const vector& data); + virtual void UpdateData(const vector& data); + virtual void GetCellValue(int row, wxInt64& val); + virtual void GetCellValue(int row, double& val); + virtual void GetCellValue(int row, wxString& val); + // interfaces for TableInterface + virtual void FillData(vector& data) = 0; + virtual void FillData(vector& data) = 0; + virtual void FillData(vector& data) = 0; + virtual wxString GetValueAt(int row_idx, int disp_decimals=0, + wxCSConv* m_wx_encoding=NULL) = 0; + virtual void SetValueAt(int row_idx, const wxString& value) = 0; +}; + +/** + * + */ +class OGRColumnInteger : public OGRColumn +{ +private: + vector new_data; + void InitMemoryData(); + +public: + OGRColumnInteger(OGRLayerProxy* ogr_layer, + wxString name, int field_length, int decimals); + OGRColumnInteger(OGRLayerProxy* ogr_layer, int idx); + ~OGRColumnInteger(); + + virtual GdaConst::FieldType GetType() {return GdaConst::long64_type;} + virtual void FillData(vector& data); + virtual void FillData(vector& data); + virtual void FillData(vector& data); + virtual void UpdateData(const vector& data); + virtual void UpdateData(const vector& data); + virtual void GetCellValue(int row, wxInt64& val); + virtual wxString GetValueAt(int row_idx, int disp_decimals=0, + wxCSConv* m_wx_encoding=NULL); + virtual void SetValueAt(int row_idx, const wxString& value); +}; + +/** + * + */ +class OGRColumnDouble : public OGRColumn +{ +private: + vector new_data; + void InitMemoryData(); + +public: + OGRColumnDouble(OGRLayerProxy* ogr_layer, + wxString name, int field_length, int decimals); + OGRColumnDouble(OGRLayerProxy* ogr_layer, int idx); + ~OGRColumnDouble(); + + virtual GdaConst::FieldType GetType() {return GdaConst::double_type;} + virtual void FillData(vector& data); + virtual void FillData(vector& data); + virtual void FillData(vector& data); + virtual void UpdateData(const vector& data); + virtual void UpdateData(const vector& data); + virtual void GetCellValue(int row, double& val); + virtual wxString GetValueAt(int row_idx, int disp_decimals=0, + wxCSConv* m_wx_encoding=NULL); + virtual void SetValueAt(int row_idx, const wxString& value); +}; + +/** + * + */ +class OGRColumnString : public OGRColumn +{ +private: + vector new_data; + void InitMemoryData(); + +public: + OGRColumnString(OGRLayerProxy* ogr_layer, + wxString name, int field_length, int decimals); + OGRColumnString(OGRLayerProxy* ogr_layer, int idx); + ~OGRColumnString(); + + virtual GdaConst::FieldType GetType() {return GdaConst::string_type;} + virtual void FillData(vector& data); + virtual void FillData(vector& data); + virtual void FillData(vector& data); + virtual void UpdateData(const vector& data); + virtual void UpdateData(const vector& data); + virtual void UpdateData(const vector& data); + virtual void GetCellValue(int row, wxString& val); + virtual wxString GetValueAt(int row_idx, int disp_decimals=0, + wxCSConv* m_wx_encoding=NULL); + virtual void SetValueAt(int row_idx, const wxString& value); +}; + +/** + * + */ +class OGRColumnDate: public OGRColumn +{ +private: + vector new_data; + void InitMemoryData(); + +public: + // XXX: don't support add new date column yet + //OGRColumnDate(int rows); + OGRColumnDate(OGRLayerProxy* ogr_layer, int idx); + ~OGRColumnDate(); + + virtual void FillData(vector& data); + virtual void FillData(vector& data); + virtual void FillData(vector& data); + + virtual GdaConst::FieldType GetType() {return GdaConst::date_type;} + virtual void GetCellValue(int row, wxInt64& val); + virtual wxString GetValueAt(int row_idx, int disp_decimals=0, + wxCSConv* m_wx_encoding=NULL); + virtual void SetValueAt(int row_idx, const wxString& value); +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DataViewer/OGRTable.cpp b/DataViewer/OGRTable.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..421de5f46 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/OGRTable.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,1229 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "../Project.h" +#include "../GenUtils.h" +#include "../GeoDa.h" +#include "../logger.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/OGRDataAdapter.h" +#include "../GdaException.h" +#include "OGRColumn.h" +#include "OGRTable.h" +#include "OGRTableOperation.h" +#include "VarOrderMapper.h" + +using namespace std; + +OGRTable::OGRTable(OGRLayerProxy* _ogr_layer, GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type, + TableState* table_state, TimeState* time_state, + const VarOrderPtree& var_order_ptree) +: TableInterface(table_state, time_state), +ogr_layer(_ogr_layer), var_order(var_order_ptree), datasource_type(ds_type) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering OGRTable::OGRTable"); + encoding_type = wxFONTENCODING_UTF8; + m_wx_encoding = new wxCSConv(wxFONTENCODING_UTF8); + + // create in memory OGRColumns, read var_map + for (size_t i=0; ifields.size(); ++i) { + AddOGRColumn(ogr_layer, i); + var_map[columns[i]->GetName()] = i; + } + + /* + // If displayed decimals attribute in var_order is set to + // default, then set displayed decimals to decimals + for (int i=0, num_grps=var_order.GetNumVarGroups(); i var_names; + g.GetVarNames(var_names); + int decimals = 0; + for (int j=0; jGetField(var_name)->GetDecimals() > decimals) { + decimals = ogr_layer->GetField(var_name)->GetDecimals(); + } + } + if ( decimals > 0) { + var_order.SetDisplayedDecimals(i, decimals); + } + } + */ + + rows = ogr_layer->n_rows; + time_state->SetTimeIds(var_order.GetTimeIdsRef()); + changed_since_last_save = false; + is_valid = true; +} + +OGRTable::~OGRTable() +{ + for ( int i=0; ifields.size(); ++i) { + columns[i]->UpdateOGRLayer(new_ogr_layer); + } +} +*/ + +GdaConst::DataSourceType OGRTable::GetDataSourceType() +{ + return datasource_type; +} + +bool OGRTable::PermitRenameSimpleCol() +{ + return true; +} + +bool OGRTable::HasFixedLengths() +{ + if (datasource_type == GdaConst::ds_dbf || + datasource_type == GdaConst::ds_shapefile) { + return true; + } + return false; +} + +bool OGRTable::PermitChangeLength() +{ + if (datasource_type == GdaConst::ds_dbf || + datasource_type == GdaConst::ds_shapefile) { + return true; + } + return false; +} + +bool OGRTable::HasFixedDecimals() +{ + if (datasource_type == GdaConst::ds_dbf || + datasource_type == GdaConst::ds_shapefile) { + return true; + } + return false; +} + +bool OGRTable::PermitChangeDecimals() +{ + if (datasource_type == GdaConst::ds_dbf || + datasource_type == GdaConst::ds_shapefile) { + return true; + } + return false; +} + +bool OGRTable::PermitChangeDisplayedDecimals() +{ + return true; +} + +void OGRTable::AddOGRColumn(OGRLayerProxy* ogr_layer_proxy, int idx) +{ + GdaConst::FieldType type = ogr_layer_proxy->GetFieldType(idx); + OGRColumn* ogr_col = NULL; + if (type == GdaConst::long64_type){ + ogr_col = new OGRColumnInteger(ogr_layer_proxy,idx); + } else if (type==GdaConst::double_type){ + ogr_col = new OGRColumnDouble(ogr_layer_proxy,idx); + } else if (type==GdaConst::string_type){ + ogr_col = new OGRColumnString(ogr_layer_proxy,idx); + } else if (type==GdaConst::date_type){ + ogr_col = new OGRColumnDate(ogr_layer_proxy,idx); + } else { + wxString msg = "Add OGR column error. Field type is unknown."; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + columns.push_back(ogr_col); +} + +void OGRTable::GetTimeStrings(std::vector& tm_strs) +{ + tm_strs = var_order.GetTimeIdsRef(); +} + +void OGRTable::GetColNonPlaceholderTmStrs(int col, + std::vector& tm_strs) +{ + if (!IsColTimeVariant(col)) { + tm_strs.resize(1); + tm_strs[0] = var_order.GetTimeIdsRef()[0]; + } else { + tm_strs.clear(); + int tms = GetColTimeSteps(col); + for (int t=0; t= 0 && time < var_order.GetNumTms()) { + return var_order.GetTimeIdsRef()[time]; + } + return wxEmptyString; +} + +int OGRTable::GetTimeInt(const wxString& tm_string) +{ + int t=0; + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& ts, var_order.GetTimeIdsRef()) { + if (tm_string == ts) return t; + ++t; + } + return -1; +} + +bool OGRTable::IsTimeVariant() +{ + return var_order.GetNumTms() > 1; +} + +int OGRTable::GetTimeSteps() +{ + return var_order.GetNumTms(); +} + +wxString OGRTable::GetTableName() +{ + return ogr_layer->name; +} + +bool OGRTable::Save(wxString& err_msg) +{ + // OGRTable::Save() will only be used for OGR sources that supports Update + // (e.g. OGR databases, ESRI File Geodatabase etc.) + // Other OGR File datasources, which is read only or doesn't support Update + // will throw a GdaException and will be handled by + // Project::SaveOGRDataSource() function + if (!IsReadOnly() ) { + try { + while (!operations_queue.empty()) { + OGRTableOperation* op = operations_queue.front(); + op->Commit(); + completed_stack.push(op); + operations_queue.pop(); + } + } catch(...) { + while (!completed_stack.empty()) { + OGRTableOperation* op = completed_stack.top(); + op->Rollback(); + operations_queue.push(op); + completed_stack.pop(); + } + err_msg << "GeoDa can't save changes to datasource. Please try to " + << "export to other type of datasources."; + return false; + } + // clean Operations + while (!completed_stack.empty()) { + //XXX needs work + OGRTableOperation* op = completed_stack.top(); + delete op; + completed_stack.pop(); + } + SetChangedSinceLastSave(false); + return true; + } + // if it's readonly, it can be and will be exported.So we set no "Change" + SetChangedSinceLastSave(false); + wxString msg = "This is read only datasource. Try save as."; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str(), GdaException::NORMAL); + return false; +} + +bool OGRTable::IsReadOnly() +{ + if (datasource_type == GdaConst::ds_dbf || + datasource_type == GdaConst::ds_shapefile) { + return true; + } + return !ogr_layer->is_writable; +} + +bool OGRTable::DbColNmToColAndTm(const wxString& name, int& col, int& tm) +{ + return var_order.SimpleColNameToColAndTm(name, col, tm); +} + + +/** Returns the column id in the underlying grid, not the visual grid + displayed order. wxNOT_FOUND is returned if not found. Always + returns the first result found. */ +int OGRTable::FindColId(const wxString& name) +{ + wxString c_name = name; + c_name.Trim(false); + c_name.Trim(true); + return var_order.GetColId(c_name); +} + +/** If there is an associated wxGrid, then return the column ids in the order + they are displayed in the table. Otherwise, just return 0, 1, 2, ... + A mapping from displayed col order to actual col ids in table + Eg, in underlying table, we might have A, B, C, D, E, F, + but because of user wxGrid col reorder operaions might see these + as C, B, A, F, D, E. In this case, the col_map would be + 0->2, 1->1, 2->0, 3->5, 4->3, 5->4 */ +void OGRTable::FillColIdMap(std::vector& col_map) +{ + col_map.resize(GetNumberCols()); + // This is a small cheat. Perhaps the current column order + // should be stored in TableInterface rather than getting it from + // wxGrid + wxGrid* grid = GdaFrame::GetProject()->FindTableGrid(); + if (grid) { + for (int i=0, e=col_map.size(); iGetColPos(i)]=i; + } + } else { + for (int i=0, e=col_map.size(); i& col_map) +{ + std::vector t; + FillColIdMap(t); + int numeric_cnt = 0; + for (int i=0, iend=t.size(); i& col_map) +{ + std::vector t; + FillColIdMap(t); + int numeric_cnt = 0; + for (int i=0, iend=t.size(); i& num_names) +{ + std::vector t; + FillNumericColIdMap(t); + num_names.resize(t.size()); + int cnt=0; + for (int i=0, iend=t.size(); iGetType() : GdaConst::placeholder_type; +} + +/** Return the Group column name. */ +wxString OGRTable::GetColName(int col) +{ + wxString name_in_project = var_order.FindVarGroup(col).name; + // update it if different in real data. E.g. user may create a column + // with name in lowercase, however, it is forced to uppercase in real table + std::map::iterator i; + if ( (i=var_map.find(name_in_project)) != var_map.end() || + (i=var_map.find(name_in_project.Upper())) != var_map.end() || + (i=var_map.find(name_in_project.Lower())) != var_map.end() ) { + OGRColumn* ogr_col = columns[i->second]; + if (name_in_project != ogr_col->GetName() ) { + name_in_project = ogr_col->GetName(); + var_order.FindVarGroup(col).name = name_in_project; + } + } + return name_in_project; +} + +/** Should return column name of actual Table */ +wxString OGRTable::GetColName(int col, int time) +{ + bool is_for_display = true; + OGRColumn* ogr_col = FindOGRColumn(col, time); + return ogr_col ? ogr_col->GetName() : ""; +} + +int OGRTable::GetColLength(int col, int time) +{ + OGRColumn* ogr_col = FindOGRColumn(col, time); + return ogr_col ? ogr_col->GetLength() : 0; +} + +int OGRTable::GetColDecimals(int col, int time) +{ + OGRColumn* ogr_col = FindOGRColumn(col, time); + return ogr_col ? ogr_col->GetDecimals() : 0; +} + +int OGRTable::GetColDispDecimals(int col) +{ + // Displayed decimals will be configured in project file + VarGroup vg = var_order.FindVarGroup(col); + if (vg.GetDispDecs() == -1) { + //XXX: in OGR datasource, since there are many database fields that + //not use "Decimals". Here we just return -1 to wxGrid/Table so that + //all valid values will be displayed + //return GdaConst::default_display_decimals; + return -1; + } else { + //Use user specified display decimals + return vg.GetDispDecs(); + } +} + +void OGRTable::GetColData(int col, GdaFlexValue& data) +{ + if (col < 0 || col >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups() + || !IsColNumeric(col)) return; + VarGroup vg = var_order.FindVarGroup(col); + if (vg.IsEmpty()) return; + vector vars; + vg.GetVarNames(vars); + size_t tms = vars.size(); + vector ftr_c(tms); // OGRFeature column id + for (size_t t=0; t& V = data.GetValArrayRef(); + std::valarray v_tmp(rows); + const double quiet_nan = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); + for (size_t t=0; t data(rows, quiet_nan); + columns[col_idx]->FillData(data); + for (size_t i=0; i + */ +void OGRTable::GetColData(int col, d_array_type& dbl_data) +{ + if (col < 0 || col >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups() + || !IsColNumeric(col)) return; + VarGroup vg = var_order.FindVarGroup(col); + if (vg.IsEmpty()) return; + vector vars; + vg.GetVarNames(vars); + size_t tms = vars.size(); + vector ftr_c(tms); // OGRFeature column id + for (size_t t=0; t data(rows, 0); + columns[col_idx]->FillData(data); + for (size_t i=0; i& data) +{ + if (!IsColNumeric(col)) return; + wxString nm(var_order.GetSimpleColName(col, time)); + if (nm.IsEmpty()) return; + OGRColumn* ogr_col = FindOGRColumn(nm); + if (ogr_col == NULL) return; + data.resize(rows); + ogr_col->FillData(data); +} + +void OGRTable::GetColData(int col, int time, std::vector& data) +{ + if (!IsColNumeric(col)) return; + wxString nm(var_order.GetSimpleColName(col, time)); + if (nm.IsEmpty()) return; + OGRColumn* ogr_col = FindOGRColumn(nm); + if (ogr_col == NULL) return; + data.resize(rows); + ogr_col->FillData(data); +} + +void OGRTable::GetColData(int col, int time, std::vector& data) +{ + wxString nm(var_order.GetSimpleColName(col, time)); + if (nm.IsEmpty()) return; + OGRColumn* ogr_col = FindOGRColumn(nm); + if (ogr_col == NULL) return; + data.resize(rows); + ogr_col->FillData(data); +} + +/** + * OGR doesn't preserve undefined data. For now, everything will be + * reported as defined. In the future, we might store undefined in + * meta-data. + */ +void OGRTable::GetColUndefined(int col, b_array_type& undefined) +{ + vector vars; + var_order.FindVarGroup(col).GetVarNames(vars); + int tms = vars.size(); + undefined.resize(boost::extents[tms][rows]); + for (size_t t=0; t<=tms; t++) { + if (vars[t].IsEmpty()) { + for (int i=0; i& undefined) +{ + undefined.resize(rows); + for (int i=0; i& min_vals, + vector& max_vals) +{ + if (col < 0 || col >= GetNumberCols()) return; + if (!IsColNumeric(col)) return; + min_vals.clear(); + max_vals.clear(); + double tmp_min_val, tmp_max_val, tmp; + + VarGroup vg = var_order.FindVarGroup(col); + if (vg.IsEmpty()) return; + int times = vg.GetNumTms(); + + vector vars; + vg.GetVarNames(vars); + + for (size_t t=0; t data(rows, 0); + columns[col_idx]->FillData(data); + tmp_min_val = data[0]; + tmp_max_val = data[0]; + + for (size_t i=0; i 0) { + if ( tmp_min_val > tmp ) tmp_min_val = tmp; + if ( tmp_max_val < tmp ) tmp_max_val = tmp; + } + } + min_vals.push_back(tmp_min_val); + max_vals.push_back(tmp_max_val); + } + } +} + +void OGRTable::GetMinMaxVals(int col, int time, + double& min_val, double& max_val) +{ + min_val = 0; + max_val = 0; + if (col < 0 || col >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups()) return; + if (!IsColNumeric(col)) return; + if (time < 0 || time > GetColTimeSteps(col)) return; + + std::vector t_min; + std::vector t_max; + GetMinMaxVals(col, t_min, t_max); + min_val = t_min[time]; + max_val = t_max[time]; +} + +void OGRTable::SetColData(int col, int time, const std::vector& data) +{ + if (col < 0 || col >= GetNumberCols()) return; + if (!IsColNumeric(col)) return; + int ogr_col_id = FindOGRColId(col, time); + if (ogr_col_id == wxNOT_FOUND) return; + + OGRColumn* ogr_col = columns[ogr_col_id]; + operations_queue.push(new OGRTableOpUpdateColumn(ogr_col, data)); + ogr_col->UpdateData(data); + table_state->SetColDataChangeEvtTyp(ogr_col->GetName(), col); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); +} + +void OGRTable::SetColData(int col, int time, const std::vector& data) +{ + if (col < 0 || col >= GetNumberCols()) return; + if (!IsColNumeric(col)) return; + int ogr_col_id = FindOGRColId(col, time); + if (ogr_col_id == wxNOT_FOUND) return; + + OGRColumn* ogr_col = columns[ogr_col_id]; + operations_queue.push(new OGRTableOpUpdateColumn(ogr_col, data)); + ogr_col->UpdateData(data); + table_state->SetColDataChangeEvtTyp(ogr_col->GetName(), col); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); +} + +void OGRTable::SetColData(int col, int time, + const std::vector& data) +{ + if (col < 0 || col >= GetNumberCols()) return; + int ogr_col_id = FindOGRColId(col, time); + if (ogr_col_id == wxNOT_FOUND) return; + + OGRColumn* ogr_col = columns[ogr_col_id]; + operations_queue.push(new OGRTableOpUpdateColumn(ogr_col, data)); + ogr_col->UpdateData(data); + table_state->SetColDataChangeEvtTyp(ogr_col->GetName(), col); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); +} + +/** + * OGR doesn't keep track of defined/undefined + */ +void OGRTable::SetColUndefined(int col, int time, + const std::vector& undefined) +{ + return; +} + +/** + * OGR data sources (mostly) immediately commit any changes to field + * to the original source. Furthermore, length and decimals properties + * are mostly ignored by OGR data sources. Therefore this method + * always returns false at present. + */ +bool OGRTable::ColChangeProperties(int col, int time, + int new_len, int new_dec) +{ + if (col < 0 || col >= GetNumberCols()) return false; + int ogr_col_id = FindOGRColId(col, time); + if (ogr_col_id == wxNOT_FOUND) return false; + + OGRColumn* ogr_col = columns[ogr_col_id]; + operations_queue.push(new OGRTableOpUpdateField(ogr_col, new_len, new_dec)); + ogr_col->SetLength(new_len); + ogr_col->SetDecimals(new_dec); + + table_state->SetColPropertiesChangeEvtTyp(GetColName(col), col); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); + + return true; +} + +bool OGRTable::ColChangeDisplayedDecimals(int col, int new_disp_dec) +{ + if (!PermitChangeDisplayedDecimals() || + GetColType(col) != GdaConst::double_type) return false; + + var_order.SetDisplayedDecimals(col, new_disp_dec); + table_state->SetColDispDecimalsEvtTyp(GetColName(col), col); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + //SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); + return true; +} + +bool OGRTable::RenameGroup(int col, const wxString& new_name) +{ + if (!IsColTimeVariant(col)) return RenameSimpleCol(col, 0, new_name); + if (DoesNameExist(new_name, false) || + !IsValidGroupName(new_name)) return false; + wxString old_name = GetColName(col); + + var_order.SetGroupName(col, new_name); + table_state->SetColRenameEvtTyp(old_name, new_name, false); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + //SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); + return true; +} + +/** This changes the underlying DB column/field name, not the group + name. If it is a non-time-variant group, then the DB column and + group name are the same. */ +bool OGRTable::RenameSimpleCol(int col, int time, const wxString& new_name) +{ + if (!PermitRenameSimpleCol()) return false; + if (col < 0 || col >= GetNumberCols()) return false; + int ogr_col_id = FindOGRColId(col, time); + if (ogr_col_id == wxNOT_FOUND) return false; + + wxString old_name = GetColName(col, time); + OGRColumn* cur_col = columns[ogr_col_id]; + operations_queue.push(new OGRTableOpRenameColumn(cur_col, + cur_col->GetName(), + new_name)); + cur_col->Rename(new_name); + + //update var_map + map::iterator it = var_map.find(old_name); + if ( it == var_map.end()) it = var_map.find(old_name.Upper()); + if ( it == var_map.end()) it = var_map.find(old_name.Lower()); + if ( it == var_map.end()) + return false; + + int ogr_col_idx = it->second; + var_map[new_name] = ogr_col_idx; + var_map.erase(it); + + // update variable parameters + var_order.SetGroupName(col, new_name); + + // update Table + table_state->SetColRenameEvtTyp(old_name, new_name, true); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); + return true; +} + +wxString OGRTable::GetCellString(int row, int col, int time) +{ + // NOTE: if called from wxGrid, must use row_order[row] to permute + if (row < 0 || row >= rows) return wxEmptyString; + GdaConst::FieldType cur_type = GetColType(col,time); + if (cur_type == GdaConst::placeholder_type || + cur_type == GdaConst::unknown_type) { + return wxEmptyString; + } + // get display number of decimals + int disp_dec = GetColDispDecimals(col); + + // mapping col+time to underneath OGR col + OGRColumn* ogr_col = FindOGRColumn(col, time); + if (ogr_col == NULL) { + LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("In OGRTable::GetCellFromString, " + "error: wxGrid col %d, time %d " + "not found.", col, time)); + return ""; + } + return ogr_col->GetValueAt(row, disp_dec, m_wx_encoding); +} + + +// Note: Aditionally, must check that all numbers +// are valid and set undefined flag appropriately. Also, this +// method should only be called by wxGrid since we automatically +// compute the correct row. +bool OGRTable::SetCellFromString(int row, int col, int time, + const wxString &value) +{ + // NOTE: if called from wxGrid, must use row_order[row] to permute + is_set_cell_from_string_fail = false; + if (row<0 || row>=rows) return false; + if (col<0 || col>=var_order.GetNumVarGroups()) return false; + + int t_col = FindOGRColId(col, time); + if (t_col == -1) { + LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("In OGRTable::SetCellFromString, " + "error: wxGrid col %d, time %d " + "not found.", col, time)); + return false; + } else { + if (table_state->GetNumDisallowGroupModify(GetColName(col)) > 0) { + is_set_cell_from_string_fail = true; + set_cell_from_string_fail_msg = + table_state->GetDisallowGroupModifyMsg(GetColName(col)); + return false; + } + } + operations_queue.push(new OGRTableOpUpdateCell(columns[t_col], row, value)); + columns[t_col]->SetValueAt(row, value); + SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); + table_state->SetColDataChangeEvtTyp(GetColName(col), col); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + return true; +} + +int OGRTable::InsertCol(GdaConst::FieldType type, const wxString& name, + int pos, int time_steps, int field_len, int decimals) +{ + using namespace std; + if (pos > GetNumberCols()) return -1; + // this case if for appending new column at the end of table + if (pos < 0) pos = GetNumberCols(); + LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("Inserting column into table at postion %d",pos)); + if (time_steps < 0) return -1; + if (type != GdaConst::double_type) decimals = 0; + if (field_len == -1 && (type == GdaConst::placeholder_type || + type == GdaConst::unknown_type || + type == GdaConst::date_type)){ + return -1; + } + if (field_len == -1) { + if (type == GdaConst::double_type) { + field_len = GdaConst::default_dbf_double_len; + } else if (type == GdaConst::long64_type) { + field_len = GdaConst::default_dbf_long_len; + } else { // type == GdaConst::string_type + field_len = GdaConst::default_dbf_string_len; + } + } + if (decimals < 0) { + if (type == GdaConst::double_type) { + decimals = GdaConst::default_display_decimals; + } else { + decimals = 0; + } + } + + // note the differences between "Group/Ungroup" and "Append new column" + // (new field always added to the end of existing columns) + vector names(SuggestDBColNames(name, name, time_steps)); + + for (size_t t=0; tGetName()] = i; + } + + VarGroup g(name, decimals); + if (time_steps > 1) g.vars = names; + var_order.InsertVarGroup(g, pos); + + SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); + + TableDeltaList_type tdl; + TableDeltaEntry tde(name, true, pos); + tde.pos_final = pos; + tde.decimals = decimals < 0 ? GdaConst::default_display_decimals : decimals; + tde.displayed_decimals = decimals; + tde.type = type; + tde.length = field_len; + tde.change_to_db = true; + tdl.push_back(tde); + table_state->SetColsDeltaEvtTyp(tdl); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + return pos; +} + +bool OGRTable::DeleteCol(int pos) +{ + using namespace std; + LOG_MSG("Inside OGRTable::DeleteCol"); + LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("Deleting column from table at postion %d", pos)); + if (pos < 0 || pos >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups() || + var_order.GetNumVarGroups() == 0) return false; + + // Must remove all items from var_map first + VarGroup vg = var_order.FindVarGroup(pos); + vector col_nms; + vg.GetVarNames(col_nms); + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& s, col_nms) { + if (s != "") { + for( size_t i=0; iGetName().CmpNoCase(s) == 0) { + operations_queue.push( + new OGRTableOpDeleteColumn(columns[i])); + columns.erase(columns.begin()+i); + break; + } + } + } + } + var_map.clear(); + for (int i=0; iGetName()] = i; + } + + wxString name = var_order.GetGroupName(pos); + var_order.RemoveVarGroup(pos); + + TableDeltaList_type tdl; + TableDeltaEntry tde(name, false, pos); + tde.change_to_db = true; + tdl.push_back(tde); + table_state->SetColsDeltaEvtTyp(tdl); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); + return true; +} + +void OGRTable::UngroupCol(int col) +{ + using namespace std; + LOG_MSG("Inside OGRTable::UngroupCol"); + if (col < 0 || col >= var_order.GetNumVarGroups()) return; + if (GetColTimeSteps(col) <= 1) return; + + map nm_to_fi; + for (size_t t=0; tinsert) continue; + GdaConst::FieldInfo& fi = nm_to_fi[i->group_name]; + i->type = fi.type; + i->decimals = fi.decimals; + i->displayed_decimals = displayed_decimals; + i->length = fi.field_len; + } + LOG_MSG("Table delta entries:"); + BOOST_FOREACH(const TableDeltaEntry& tde, tdl) LOG_MSG(tde.ToString()); + + //SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); + table_state->SetColsDeltaEvtTyp(tdl); + table_state->notifyObservers(); +} + +void OGRTable::GroupCols(const std::vector& cols, + const wxString& name, int pos) +{ + using namespace std; + LOG_MSG("Inside OGRTable::GroupCols"); + if (pos < 0 || pos > var_order.GetNumVarGroups()) return; + if (cols.size() <= 1) return; + if (GetTimeSteps() > 1 && cols.size() != GetTimeSteps()) return; + + if (cols.size() > GetTimeSteps()) { + // need to increase number of time steps + RenameTimeStep(0, "time 0"); + for (size_t t=1; tSetTimeIds(var_order.GetTimeIdsRef()); + table_state->SetTimeIdsAddRemoveEvtTyp(); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + } + + // Determine group type information from first non-placeholder + // field in cols. + int decimals = 0; + int displayed_decimals = 0; + int length = -1; + GdaConst::FieldType type = GdaConst::unknown_type; + bool found_nonplaceholder = false; + for (size_t i=0; i= 0 && GetColType(cols[i]) != GdaConst::unknown_type + && GetColType(cols[i]) != GdaConst::placeholder_type) { + decimals = GetColDecimals(cols[i]); + displayed_decimals = GetColDecimals(cols[i]); + length = GetColLength(cols[i]); + type = GetColType(cols[i]); + found_nonplaceholder = true; + } + } + + TableDeltaList_type tdl; + var_order.Group(cols, name, pos, tdl); + // Last entry in tdl should be an insert operation. Add missing + // information to this operation. + TableDeltaList_type::iterator i=tdl.end(); + --i; + i->decimals = decimals; + i->displayed_decimals = displayed_decimals; + i->length = length; + i->type = type; + LOG_MSG("Table delta entries:"); + BOOST_FOREACH(const TableDeltaEntry& tde, tdl) LOG_MSG(tde.ToString()); + + //SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); + table_state->SetColsDeltaEvtTyp(tdl); + table_state->notifyObservers(); +} + +void OGRTable::InsertTimeStep(int time, const wxString& name) +{ + if (time < 0 || time > var_order.GetNumTms()) return; + var_order.InsertTime(time, name); + time_state->SetTimeIds(var_order.GetTimeIdsRef()); + table_state->SetTimeIdsAddRemoveEvtTyp(); + table_state->notifyObservers(); +} + +void OGRTable::RemoveTimeStep(int time) +{ + if (time < 0 || time >= var_order.GetNumTms()) return; + // TableDeltaList is needed for the case where removing a time + // period results in onr or more VarGroup with only placeholders remaining. + // In this case we need to delete these empty columns from the table. + TableDeltaList_type tdl; + var_order.RemoveTime(time, tdl); + + // Must fill in details for simple inserted columns + for (TableDeltaList_type::iterator i=tdl.begin(); i!=tdl.end(); ++i) { + if (!i->insert) continue; + int ogr_field_id = FindOGRColId(i->group_name); + i->decimals = columns[ogr_field_id]->GetDecimals(); + i->length = columns[ogr_field_id]->GetLength(); + i->type = columns[ogr_field_id]->GetType(); + } + + if (tdl.size() > 0) { + // Notify of columns that were removed because they only contained + // placeholders. + table_state->SetColsDeltaEvtTyp(tdl); + table_state->notifyObservers(); + } + + time_state->SetTimeIds(var_order.GetTimeIdsRef()); + table_state->SetTimeIdsAddRemoveEvtTyp(); + table_state->notifyObservers(); +} + +void OGRTable::SwapTimeSteps(int time1, int time2) +{ + var_order.SwapTimes(time1, time2); + time_state->SetTimeIds(var_order.GetTimeIdsRef()); + table_state->SetTimeIdsSwapEvtTyp(); + table_state->notifyObservers(); +} + +void OGRTable::RenameTimeStep(int time, const wxString& new_name) +{ + var_order.RenameTime(time, new_name); + time_state->SetTimeIds(var_order.GetTimeIdsRef()); + table_state->SetTimeIdsRenameEvtTyp(); + table_state->notifyObservers(); +} + +/** + * Return the column (field) position in OGR table by given a time step + * and a column position in current wxGrid. wxGrid automatically keeps + * track of columns that have been moved. + */ +int OGRTable::FindOGRColId(int wxgrid_col_pos, int time) +{ + wxString name = var_order.GetSimpleColName(wxgrid_col_pos, time); + + return FindOGRColId(name); +} + +int OGRTable::FindOGRColId(const wxString& name) +{ + std::map::iterator i = var_map.find(name); + if ( i == var_map.end()) i = var_map.find(name.Upper()); + if ( i == var_map.end()) i = var_map.find(name.Lower()); + if ( i == var_map.end()) return -1; + + return i->second; +} + +OGRColumn* OGRTable::FindOGRColumn(int col, int time) +{ + + wxString nm(var_order.GetSimpleColName(col, time)); + return FindOGRColumn(nm); +} + +OGRColumn* OGRTable::FindOGRColumn(const wxString& name) +{ + if (name.IsEmpty()) return NULL; + std::map::iterator i =var_map.find(name); + if ( i == var_map.end()) i = var_map.find(name.Upper()); + if ( i == var_map.end()) i = var_map.find(name.Lower()); + if ( i == var_map.end()) return NULL; + + return columns[i->second]; +} + +bool OGRTable::IsValidDBColName(const wxString& col_nm, + wxString* fld_warn_msg) +{ + if ( GdaConst::datasrc_field_lens.find(datasource_type) == + GdaConst::datasrc_field_lens.end() ) + { + // no valid entry in datasrc_field_lens, could be a unwritable ds + if ( fld_warn_msg ) { + *fld_warn_msg = "This datasource is not supported. Please export\n" + "to other datasource that GeoDa supports first."; + } + return false; + } + + int field_len = GdaConst::datasrc_field_lens[datasource_type]; + if ( field_len < col_nm.length() ) { + if ( fld_warn_msg ) { + *fld_warn_msg = "The length of field name should be between 1 and "; + *fld_warn_msg << field_len << ".\n" + << "Current field length (" << col_nm.length() << ") is not valid."; + } + return false; + } + + wxString field_regex = GdaConst::datasrc_field_regex[datasource_type]; + wxRegEx regex; + regex.Compile(field_regex); + if ( regex.Matches(col_nm) ) { + return true; + } + + if ( fld_warn_msg ) { + *fld_warn_msg = GdaConst::datasrc_field_warning[datasource_type]; + } + return false; +} diff --git a/DataViewer/OGRTable.h b/DataViewer/OGRTable.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..215819106 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/OGRTable.h @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_OGR_TABLE_BASE_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_OGR_TABLE_BASE_H__ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "OGRColumn.h" +#include "OGRTableOperation.h" +#include "TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/VarOrderPtree.h" +#include "../DataViewer/VarOrderMapper.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/OGRLayerProxy.h" + +using namespace std; + +class OGRTable : public TableInterface +{ +public: + OGRTable(OGRLayerProxy* _ogr_layer, GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type, + TableState* table_state, TimeState* time_state, + const VarOrderPtree& var_order_ptree); + virtual ~OGRTable(); + +private: + GdaConst::DataSourceType datasource_type; + OGRLayerProxy* ogr_layer; + vector columns; + VarOrderMapper var_order; + map var_map; + // queues of table operations + queue operations_queue; + stack completed_stack; + +private: + void AddTimeIDs(int n); + int FindOGRColId(int wxgrid_col_pos, int time); + int FindOGRColId(const wxString& name); + OGRColumn* FindOGRColumn(int col, int time=0); + OGRColumn* FindOGRColumn(const wxString& name); + + void AddOGRColumn(OGRLayerProxy* ogr_layer_proxy, int idx); + +public: + // Public methods specific to OGRTable + OGRLayerProxy* GetOGRLayer() { return ogr_layer; } + //void ChangeOGRLayer(OGRLayerProxy* new_ogr_layer); + +public: + // Implementation of TableInterface pure virtual methods + + virtual GdaConst::DataSourceType GetDataSourceType(); + virtual void GetTimeStrings(std::vector& tm_strs); + virtual void GetColNonPlaceholderTmStrs(int col, + std::vector& tm_strs); + virtual wxString GetTimeString(int time); + virtual int GetTimeInt(const wxString& tm_string); + virtual bool IsTimeVariant(); + virtual int GetTimeSteps(); + virtual wxString GetTableName(); + + virtual bool Save(wxString& err_msg); + + virtual bool IsReadOnly(); + virtual bool PermitRenameSimpleCol(); + virtual bool HasFixedLengths(); + virtual bool PermitChangeLength(); + virtual bool HasFixedDecimals(); + virtual bool PermitChangeDecimals(); + virtual bool PermitChangeDisplayedDecimals(); + + virtual bool DbColNmToColAndTm(const wxString& name, int& col, int& tm); + virtual int FindColId(const wxString& name); + virtual void FillColIdMap(std::vector& col_map); + virtual void FillNumericColIdMap(std::vector& col_map); + virtual void FillIntegerColIdMap(std::vector& col_map); + virtual void FillNumericNameList(std::vector& num_names); + virtual int GetNumberCols(); + virtual int GetNumberRows(); + virtual bool IsColTimeVariant(int col); + virtual int GetColTimeSteps(int col); + virtual bool IsColNumeric(int col); + virtual GdaConst::FieldType GetColType(int col); + virtual GdaConst::FieldType GetColType(int col, int time); + virtual bool DoesNameExist(const wxString& name, bool case_sensitive) const; + virtual wxString GetColName(int col); + virtual wxString GetColName(int col, int time); + virtual int GetColLength(int col, int time=0); + virtual int GetColDecimals(int col, int time=0); + virtual int GetColDispDecimals(int col); + virtual void GetColData(int col, GdaFlexValue& data); + virtual void GetColData(int col, d_array_type& dbl_data); + virtual void GetColData(int col, int time, std::vector& data); + virtual void GetColData(int col, int time, std::vector& data); + virtual void GetColData(int col, int time, std::vector& data); + virtual void GetColUndefined(int col, b_array_type& undefined); + virtual void GetColUndefined(int col, int time, + std::vector& undefined); + virtual void GetMinMaxVals(int col, std::vector& min_vals, + std::vector& max_vals); + virtual void GetMinMaxVals(int col, int time, + double& min_val, double& max_val); + virtual void SetColData(int col, int time, + const std::vector& data); + virtual void SetColData(int col, int time, + const std::vector& data); + virtual void SetColData(int col, int time, + const std::vector& data); + virtual void SetColUndefined(int col, int time, + const std::vector& undefined); + virtual bool ColChangeProperties(int col, int time, + int new_len, int new_dec=0); + virtual bool ColChangeDisplayedDecimals(int col, int new_disp_dec); + virtual bool RenameGroup(int col, const wxString& new_name); + virtual bool RenameSimpleCol(int col, int time, const wxString& new_name); + virtual wxString GetCellString(int row, int col, int time=0); + virtual bool SetCellFromString(int row, int col, int time, + const wxString &value); + virtual int InsertCol(GdaConst::FieldType type, const wxString& name, + int pos=-1, int time_steps=1, + int field_len=-1, int decimals=-1); + virtual bool DeleteCol(int pos); + virtual void UngroupCol(int col); + virtual void GroupCols(const vector& cols, + const wxString& name, int pos=0); + virtual void InsertTimeStep(int time, const wxString& name); + virtual void RemoveTimeStep(int time); + virtual void SwapTimeSteps(int time1, int time2); + virtual void RenameTimeStep(int time, const wxString& new_name); + virtual bool IsValidDBColName(const wxString& col_nm, + wxString* fld_warn_msg=0); +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DataViewer/OGRTableOperation.cpp b/DataViewer/OGRTableOperation.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e66c55345 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/OGRTableOperation.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,396 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include "OGRColumn.h" +#include "OGRTableOperation.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/OGRLayerProxy.h" + +OGRTableOperation::OGRTableOperation(OGRColumn* col) +{ + ogr_col = col; + ogr_type = ogr_col->GetType(); + ogr_layer = ogr_col->GetOGRLayerProxy(); +} + +OGRTableOperation::~OGRTableOperation() +{ +} + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +OGRTableOpInsertColumn::OGRTableOpInsertColumn(OGRColumn* col) +: OGRTableOperation(col) +{} + +void OGRTableOpInsertColumn::Commit() +{ + // insert ogr column is only applied for appending new column + if (ogr_col->IsNewColumn()) { + int pos = ogr_layer->AddField(ogr_col->GetName().ToStdString(), + ogr_col->GetType(),ogr_col->GetLength(), + ogr_col->GetDecimals()); + //ogr_col->SetColIndex(pos); + // column content will be done in OGRTableUpdateColumn + } +} +void OGRTableOpInsertColumn::Rollback() +{ + // delete the column which has been added to OGRTable + if (ogr_col->IsNewColumn()){ + int col_idx = ogr_layer->GetFieldPos(ogr_col->GetName()); + ogr_layer->DeleteField(col_idx); + } +} + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +OGRTableOpDeleteColumn::OGRTableOpDeleteColumn(OGRColumn* col) +: OGRTableOperation(col) +{} + +OGRTableOpDeleteColumn::~OGRTableOpDeleteColumn() +{ + // When OGRColumn was erased from vector, the actual memory of + // erased OGRColumn is still there for future committing/rollingback. Once + // the operation is done, we need to clean this piece of memory. + if (ogr_col!= NULL) { + delete ogr_col; + ogr_col = NULL; + } +} + +void OGRTableOpDeleteColumn::Commit() +{ + //int col_idx = ogr_col->GetColIndex(); + int col_idx = ogr_layer->GetFieldPos(ogr_col->GetName()); + ogr_layer->DeleteField(col_idx); +} + +void OGRTableOpDeleteColumn::Rollback() +{ + // add the deteled column back to OGRTable + if (ogr_col->IsNewColumn()) { + // just mark deletion back, and add column back to + // vector + ogr_col->SetDeletion(false); + } else { + // append deleted column back to table + int pos = ogr_layer->AddField(ogr_col->GetName().ToStdString(), + ogr_col->GetType(), + ogr_col->GetLength(), + ogr_col->GetDecimals()); + //ogr_col->SetColIndex(pos); + // restore column content + GdaConst::FieldType type = ogr_col->GetType(); + int n_rows = ogr_col->GetNumRows(); + if ( type == GdaConst::long64_type){ + vector col_data; + ogr_col->FillData(col_data); + for (int i=0; iSetValueAt(i, pos, (int)col_data[i]); + } + } else if ( type == GdaConst::double_type){ + vector col_data; + ogr_col->FillData(col_data); + for (int i=0; iSetValueAt(i, pos, col_data[i]); + } + } else if ( type == GdaConst::date_type){ + vector col_data; + ogr_col->FillData(col_data); + for (int i=0; iSetValueAt(i, pos, year, month, day); + } + } else { + vector col_data; + ogr_col->FillData(col_data); + for (int i=0; iSetValueAt(i, pos, col_data[i].mb_str()); + } + + } + } +} + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +OGRTableOpUpdateField::OGRTableOpUpdateField(OGRColumn* col,int new_flength, + int new_fdecimals) +: OGRTableOperation(col), new_field_length(new_flength), +new_field_decimals(new_fdecimals) +{ + old_field_length = col->GetLength(); + old_field_decimals = col->GetDecimals(); +} + +void OGRTableOpUpdateField::Commit() +{ + wxString col_name = ogr_col->GetName(); + int col_idx = ogr_layer->GetFieldPos(col_name); + ogr_layer->SetFieldLength(col_idx, new_field_length); + ogr_layer->SetFieldDecimals(col_idx, new_field_decimals); + ogr_layer->UpdateFieldProperties(col_idx); +} + +void OGRTableOpUpdateField::Rollback() +{ + wxString col_name = ogr_col->GetName(); + int col_idx = ogr_layer->GetFieldPos(col_name); + ogr_layer->SetFieldLength(col_idx, old_field_length); + ogr_layer->SetFieldDecimals(col_idx, old_field_decimals); + ogr_layer->UpdateFieldProperties(col_idx); +} + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +OGRTableOpRenameColumn::OGRTableOpRenameColumn( OGRColumn* col, + wxString old_name, + wxString new_name) +: OGRTableOperation(col) +{ + old_col_name = old_name; + new_col_name = new_name; +} + +void OGRTableOpRenameColumn::Commit() +{ + // for renaming a new column, it has to be done after inserting this + // column and commit to OGRTable + wxString col_name = ogr_col->GetName(); + int col_idx = ogr_layer->GetFieldPos(col_name); + ogr_layer->SetFieldName(col_idx, new_col_name); + ogr_layer->UpdateFieldProperties(col_idx); +} +void OGRTableOpRenameColumn::Rollback() +{ + // for renaming a new column, it has to be done after inserting this + // column and commit to OGRTable + int col_idx = ogr_layer->GetFieldPos(new_col_name); + ogr_layer->SetFieldName(col_idx, old_col_name); + ogr_layer->UpdateFieldProperties(col_idx); +} + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +OGRTableOpUpdateColumn::OGRTableOpUpdateColumn(OGRColumn* col, + const std::vector& new_data) +: OGRTableOperation(col) +{ + int n_rows = ogr_col->GetNumRows(); + d_old_data.resize(n_rows); + ogr_col->FillData(d_old_data); + d_new_data = new_data; +} + +OGRTableOpUpdateColumn::OGRTableOpUpdateColumn(OGRColumn* col, + const std::vector& new_data) +: OGRTableOperation(col) +{ + int n_rows = ogr_col->GetNumRows(); + l_old_data.resize(n_rows); + ogr_col->FillData(l_old_data); + l_new_data = new_data; +} + +OGRTableOpUpdateColumn::OGRTableOpUpdateColumn(OGRColumn* col, + const std::vector& new_data) +: OGRTableOperation(col) +{ + int n_rows = ogr_col->GetNumRows(); + s_old_data.resize(n_rows); + ogr_col->FillData(s_old_data); + s_new_data = new_data; +} + +void OGRTableOpUpdateColumn::Commit() +{ + // get old cell value from OGRTable, save it for rolling back + // set new cell value to OGRTabe + int n_rows = ogr_col->GetNumRows(); + wxString col_name = ogr_col->GetName(); + int col_idx = ogr_layer->GetFieldPos(col_name); + GdaConst::FieldType type = ogr_col->GetType(); + + if ( type == GdaConst::long64_type) { + for (int rid=0; rid < n_rows; rid++) { + ogr_layer->SetValueAt(rid, col_idx, (int)l_new_data[rid]); + } + + } else if (type == GdaConst::double_type) { + for (int rid=0; rid < n_rows; rid++) { + ogr_layer->SetValueAt(rid, col_idx, d_new_data[rid]); + } + + } else if (type == GdaConst::string_type) { + for (int rid=0; rid < n_rows; rid++) { + ogr_layer->SetValueAt(rid, col_idx, s_new_data[rid].mb_str()); + } + } +} + +void OGRTableOpUpdateColumn::Rollback() +{ + int n_rows = ogr_col->GetNumRows(); + wxString col_name = ogr_col->GetName(); + int col_idx = ogr_layer->GetFieldPos(col_name); + GdaConst::FieldType type = ogr_col->GetType(); + + if ( type == GdaConst::long64_type) { + for (int rid=0; rid < n_rows; rid++) { + if ( !ogr_col->IsUndefined(rid) ) + ogr_layer->SetValueAt(rid, col_idx, (int)l_old_data[rid]); + } + + } else if (type == GdaConst::double_type) { + for (int rid=0; rid < n_rows; rid++) { + if ( !ogr_col->IsUndefined(rid) ) + ogr_layer->SetValueAt(rid, col_idx, d_old_data[rid]); + } + + } else if (type == GdaConst::string_type) { + for (int rid=0; rid < n_rows; rid++) { + if ( !ogr_col->IsUndefined(rid) ) + ogr_layer->SetValueAt(rid, col_idx, s_old_data[rid].mb_str()); + } + } +} + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +OGRTableOpUpdateCell::OGRTableOpUpdateCell(OGRColumn* col, int row_idx, + double new_val) +: OGRTableOperation(col), d_new_value(0.0), d_old_value(0.0) +{ + // this if for adding new Double column + this->row_idx = row_idx; + wxString col_name = ogr_col->GetName(); + int col_idx = ogr_layer->GetFieldPos(col_name); + d_old_value = ogr_layer->data[row_idx]->GetFieldAsDouble(col_idx); + d_new_value = new_val; +} + +OGRTableOpUpdateCell::OGRTableOpUpdateCell(OGRColumn* col, int row_idx, + wxInt64 new_val) +: OGRTableOperation(col), d_new_value(0.0), d_old_value(0.0) +{ + // this if for adding new Integer column + this->row_idx = row_idx; + wxString col_name = ogr_col->GetName(); + int col_idx = ogr_layer->GetFieldPos(col_name); + l_old_value = (wxInt64)ogr_layer->data[row_idx]->GetFieldAsInteger(col_idx); + l_new_value = new_val; +} + +OGRTableOpUpdateCell::OGRTableOpUpdateCell(OGRColumn* col, int row_idx, + wxString new_val) +: OGRTableOperation(col), d_new_value(0.0), d_old_value(0.0) +{ + // this is for user editing cell value and save to table, so the + // wxString(new_val) could be any data type. Here converts new_val + // to related data type + this->row_idx = row_idx; + wxString col_name = ogr_col->GetName(); + GdaConst::FieldType type = ogr_col->GetType(); + if ( type == GdaConst::long64_type) { + new_val.ToLongLong(&l_new_value); + } else if (type == GdaConst::double_type) { + new_val.ToDouble(&d_new_value); + } else if (type == GdaConst::string_type) { + s_new_value = new_val; + } + GetOriginalCellValue(); +} + +void OGRTableOpUpdateCell::GetOriginalCellValue() +{ + int col_idx = ogr_layer->GetFieldPos(ogr_col->GetName()); + + GdaConst::FieldType type = ogr_col->GetType(); + if ( type == GdaConst::long64_type) { + if (col_idx < 0) + l_old_value = 0; + else + l_old_value = ogr_layer->data[row_idx]->GetFieldAsInteger(col_idx); + } else if (type == GdaConst::double_type) { + if (col_idx < 0) + d_old_value = 0.0; + else + d_old_value = ogr_layer->data[row_idx]->GetFieldAsDouble(col_idx); + } else if (type == GdaConst::string_type) { + if (col_idx < 0) + s_old_value = wxEmptyString; + else + s_old_value = + wxString(ogr_layer->data[row_idx]->GetFieldAsString(col_idx)); + } +} + +void OGRTableOpUpdateCell::Commit() +{ + // get old cell value from OGRTable, save it for rolling back + // set new cell value to OGRTabe + int n_rows = ogr_col->GetNumRows(); + wxString col_name = ogr_col->GetName(); + int col_idx = ogr_layer->GetFieldPos(col_name); + if (col_idx < 0) { + wxString msg = "Internal Error: can't update an in-memory cell."; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + + GdaConst::FieldType type = ogr_col->GetType(); + + if ( type == GdaConst::long64_type) { + if ( ogr_col->IsCellUpdated(row_idx) || (l_new_value != l_old_value) ) { + ogr_layer->SetValueAt(row_idx, col_idx, (int)l_new_value); + } + } else if (type == GdaConst::double_type) { + if ( ogr_col->IsCellUpdated(row_idx) || (d_new_value != d_old_value) ) { + ogr_layer->SetValueAt(row_idx, col_idx, d_new_value); + } + } else if (type == GdaConst::string_type) { + if ( ogr_col->IsCellUpdated(row_idx) || (s_new_value != s_old_value) ) { + ogr_layer->SetValueAt(row_idx, col_idx, s_new_value); + } + } +} + +void OGRTableOpUpdateCell::Rollback() +{ + int n_rows = ogr_col->GetNumRows(); + wxString col_name = ogr_col->GetName(); + int col_idx = ogr_layer->GetFieldPos(col_name); + if (col_idx < 0) { + wxString msg = "Internal Error: can't update an in-memory cell."; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + + GdaConst::FieldType type = ogr_col->GetType(); + + if ( type == GdaConst::long64_type) { + if ( ogr_col->IsCellUpdated(row_idx) || (l_new_value != l_old_value) ) { + ogr_layer->SetValueAt(row_idx, col_idx, (int)l_new_value); + } + } else if (type == GdaConst::double_type) { + if ( ogr_col->IsCellUpdated(row_idx) || (d_new_value != d_old_value) ) { + ogr_layer->SetValueAt(row_idx, col_idx, d_new_value); + } + } else if (type == GdaConst::string_type) { + if ( ogr_col->IsCellUpdated(row_idx) || (s_new_value != s_old_value) ) { + ogr_layer->SetValueAt(row_idx, col_idx, s_new_value); + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/DataViewer/OGRTableOperation.h b/DataViewer/OGRTableOperation.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d663a8ff6 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/OGRTableOperation.h @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_OGR_TABLE_OPERATION_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_OGR_TABLE_OPERATION_H__ + +#include +#include "OGRColumn.h" + +using namespace std; + +/** + * OGRTableOperation + * OGRTableOpInsertColumn + * OGRTableOpDeleteColumn + * OGRTableOpRenameColumn + * OGRTableOpUpdateColumn + * OGRTableOpUpdateCell + */ +class OGRTableOperation +{ +public: + OGRTableOperation(OGRColumn* col); + virtual ~OGRTableOperation(); + +protected: + OGRColumn* ogr_col; + OGRLayerProxy* ogr_layer; + GdaConst::FieldType ogr_type; + +public: + virtual void Commit() = 0; + virtual void Rollback() = 0; +}; + +/** + * + */ +class OGRTableOpInsertColumn : public OGRTableOperation +{ +public: + OGRTableOpInsertColumn(OGRColumn* col); + ~OGRTableOpInsertColumn(){} + + virtual void Commit(); + virtual void Rollback(); +}; + +/** + * + */ +class OGRTableOpDeleteColumn : public OGRTableOperation +{ +public: + OGRTableOpDeleteColumn(OGRColumn* col); + ~OGRTableOpDeleteColumn(); + + virtual void Commit(); + virtual void Rollback(); +}; + +/** + * + */ +class OGRTableOpRenameColumn : public OGRTableOperation +{ +private: + wxString old_col_name; + wxString new_col_name; +public: + OGRTableOpRenameColumn(OGRColumn* col, wxString old_name, + wxString new_name); + ~OGRTableOpRenameColumn(){} + + virtual void Commit(); + virtual void Rollback(); +}; + +/** + * Update the field (specifically, length & decimals) in actual OGRTable + */ +class OGRTableOpUpdateField: public OGRTableOperation +{ +private: + int old_field_length; + int old_field_decimals; + int new_field_length; + int new_field_decimals; +public: + OGRTableOpUpdateField(OGRColumn* col, int new_flength, int new_fdecimals); + ~OGRTableOpUpdateField(){} + + virtual void Commit(); + virtual void Rollback(); +}; + +/** + * Content / entire column + */ +class OGRTableOpUpdateColumn : public OGRTableOperation +{ +private: + int n_rows; + vector d_old_data, d_new_data; + vector l_old_data, l_new_data; + vector s_old_data, s_new_data; + +public: + OGRTableOpUpdateColumn(OGRColumn* col, const vector& new_data); + OGRTableOpUpdateColumn(OGRColumn* col, const vector& new_data); + OGRTableOpUpdateColumn(OGRColumn* col, const vector& new_data); + ~OGRTableOpUpdateColumn(){} + + virtual void Commit(); + virtual void Rollback(); +}; + +/** + * Content / cell value + */ +class OGRTableOpUpdateCell : public OGRTableOperation +{ +private: + int row_idx; + int col_idx; + double d_old_value, d_new_value; + wxInt64 l_old_value, l_new_value; + wxString s_old_value, s_new_value; + void GetOriginalCellValue(); + +public: + OGRTableOpUpdateCell(OGRColumn* col, int row_idx ,double new_val); + OGRTableOpUpdateCell(OGRColumn* col, int row_idx ,wxInt64 new_val); + OGRTableOpUpdateCell(OGRColumn* col, int row_idx ,wxString new_val); + ~OGRTableOpUpdateCell(){} + + virtual void Commit(); + virtual void Rollback(); +}; + +#endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/DataViewer/PtreeInterface.h b/DataViewer/PtreeInterface.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..194390b22 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/PtreeInterface.h @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_PTREE_INTERFACE_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_PTREE_INTERFACE_H__ + +/** + * Interface for classes that read/write state startup information + * from Boost Property Trees. Throws GdaException when errors encountered + */ +class PtreeInterface { +public: + /** Read subtree starting from passed in node pt */ + virtual void ReadPtree(const boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path) = 0; + /** Write subtree starting from passed in node pt */ + virtual void WritePtree(boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path) = 0; +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DataViewer/TableBase.cpp b/DataViewer/TableBase.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b4be3ce0a --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/TableBase.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,548 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include "../Generic/HighlightState.h" +#include "../GenUtils.h" +#include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" +#include "TableState.h" +#include "TimeState.h" +#include "TableInterface.h" +#include "TableBase.h" +#include "../Project.h" +#include "../logger.h" +#include "../SaveButtonManager.h" + +class TableCellAttrProvider : public wxGridCellAttrProvider +{ +public: + TableCellAttrProvider(std::vector& row_order, + std::vector& selected, + std::vector& selected_cols); + virtual ~TableCellAttrProvider(); + + virtual wxGridCellAttr *GetAttr(int row, int col, + wxGridCellAttr::wxAttrKind kind) const; + +private: + wxGridCellAttr* attrForAll; + std::vector& row_order; + std::vector& selected; + std::vector& selected_cols; +}; + +TableCellAttrProvider::TableCellAttrProvider(std::vector& row_order_, + std::vector& selected_, + std::vector& selected_cols_) +: row_order(row_order_), selected(selected_), selected_cols(selected_cols_) +{ + attrForAll = new wxGridCellAttr; +} + +TableCellAttrProvider::~TableCellAttrProvider() +{ + attrForAll->DecRef(); +} + +wxGridCellAttr *TableCellAttrProvider::GetAttr(int row, int col, + wxGridCellAttr::wxAttrKind kind ) const +{ + //LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("Calling TableCellAttrProvider::GetAttr" + // "(%d, %d, %d)", row, col, kind)); + wxGridCellAttr *attr = wxGridCellAttrProvider::GetAttr(row, col, kind); + + //if (row >= 0) LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("GetAttr: row=%d, " + // "col=%d selected=%d", + // row, col, + // selected[row_order[row]] ? 1 : 0)); + + bool row_sel = (row >= 0 && selected[row_order[row]]); + bool col_sel = (selected_cols.size()>0 && col >=0 && selected_cols[col]); + + if ( !attr ) { + attr = attrForAll; + attr->IncRef(); + } + if ( !attr->HasBackgroundColour() ) { + wxGridCellAttr *attrNew = attr->Clone(); + attr->DecRef(); + attr = attrNew; + } + if (row_sel && col_sel) { + attr->SetBackgroundColour(GdaConst::table_row_and_col_sel_color); + } else if (row_sel) { + attr->SetBackgroundColour(GdaConst::table_row_sel_color); + } else if (col_sel) { + attr->SetBackgroundColour(GdaConst::table_col_sel_color); + } else { + attr->SetBackgroundColour(*wxWHITE); + } + + return attr; +} + + +TableBase::TableBase(Project* _project) + : project(_project), highlight_state(_project->GetHighlightState()), + hs(_project->GetHighlightState()->GetHighlight()), + table_state(_project->GetTableState()), table_int(_project->GetTableInt()), + time_state(_project->GetTimeState()), cols(table_int->GetNumberCols()), + rows(_project->GetNumRecords()), row_order(_project->GetNumRecords()), + sorting_col(-1), sorting_ascending(false) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering TableBase::TableBase"); + SortByDefaultDecending(); + + for(int i=0;iregisterObserver(this); + table_state->registerTableBase(this); + time_state->registerObserver(this); + LOG_MSG("Exiting TableBase::TableBase"); +} + +TableBase::~TableBase() +{ + LOG_MSG("In TableBase::~TableBase"); + highlight_state->removeObserver(this); + table_state->removeObserver(this); + time_state->removeObserver(this); +} + +/** Only wxGrid should call this, others should use Selected(int row) */ +bool TableBase::FromGridIsSelectedRow(int row) +{ + return hs[row_order[row]]; +} + +/** Only wxGrid should call this */ +void TableBase::FromGridSelectOnlyRow(int row) +{ + int total_newly_selected = 0; + int total_newly_unselected = 0; + int hl_size = highlight_state->GetHighlightSize(); + std::vector& hs = highlight_state->GetHighlight(); + std::vector& nh = highlight_state->GetNewlyHighlighted(); + std::vector& nuh = highlight_state->GetNewlyUnhighlighted(); + for (int i=0; iSetEventType(HighlightState::delta); + highlight_state->SetTotalNewlyHighlighted(total_newly_selected); + highlight_state->SetTotalNewlyUnhighlighted(total_newly_unselected); + highlight_state->notifyObservers(); +} + +/** Only wxGrid should call this */ +void TableBase::FromGridSelectRowRange(int first_row, int last_row) +{ + int total_newly_selected = 0; + int total_newly_unselected = 0; + int hl_size = highlight_state->GetHighlightSize(); + std::vector& hs = highlight_state->GetHighlight(); + std::vector& nh = highlight_state->GetNewlyHighlighted(); + std::vector& nuh = highlight_state->GetNewlyUnhighlighted(); + for (int i=0; i last_row) { + if (hs[row_order[i]]) nuh[total_newly_unselected++] = row_order[i]; + } else { + if (!hs[row_order[i]]) nh[total_newly_selected++] = row_order[i]; + } + } + highlight_state->SetEventType(HighlightState::delta); + highlight_state->SetTotalNewlyHighlighted(total_newly_selected); + highlight_state->SetTotalNewlyUnhighlighted(total_newly_unselected); + highlight_state->notifyObservers(); +} + +/** Only wxGrid should call this, others should use Select(int row) */ +void TableBase::FromGridSelectRow(int row) +{ + //LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("selecting %d", (int) row_order[row])); + highlight_state->SetEventType(HighlightState::delta); + highlight_state->SetNewlyHighlighted(0, row_order[row]); + highlight_state->SetTotalNewlyHighlighted(1); + highlight_state->SetTotalNewlyUnhighlighted(0); + highlight_state->notifyObservers(); +} + +/** Only wxGrid should call this, others should use Deselect(int row) */ +void TableBase::FromGridDeselectRow(int row) +{ + //LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("deselecting %d", (int) row_order[row])); + highlight_state->SetEventType(HighlightState::delta); + highlight_state->SetNewlyUnhighlighted(0, row_order[row]); + highlight_state->SetTotalNewlyHighlighted(0); + highlight_state->SetTotalNewlyUnhighlighted(1); + highlight_state->notifyObservers(); +} + +void TableBase::DeselectAllRows() +{ + highlight_state->SetEventType(HighlightState::unhighlight_all); + highlight_state->notifyObservers(); +} + +void TableBase::SortByDefaultDecending() +{ + LOG_MSG("Calling TableBase::SortByDefaultDecending"); + for (int i=0; i +class index_pair +{ +public: + int index; + T val; + static bool less_than(const index_pair& i, + const index_pair& j) { + return (i.valj.val); + } +}; + +void TableBase::SortByCol(int col, bool ascending) +{ + if (col == -1) { + if (ascending) { + SortByDefaultAscending(); + } else { + SortByDefaultDecending(); + } + return; + } + sorting_ascending = ascending; + sorting_col = col; + int rows = GetNumberRows(); + + int tm=time_state->GetCurrTime(); + switch (table_int->GetColType(col)) { + case GdaConst::date_type: + case GdaConst::long64_type: + { + std::vector temp; + table_int->GetColData(col, tm, temp); + std::vector< index_pair > sort_col(rows); + for (int i=0; i::less_than); + } else { + sort(sort_col.begin(), sort_col.end(), + index_pair::greater_than); + } + for (int i=0, iend=rows; i temp; + table_int->GetColData(col, tm, temp); + std::vector< index_pair > sort_col(rows); + for (int i=0; i::less_than); + } else { + sort(sort_col.begin(), sort_col.end(), + index_pair::greater_than); + } + for (int i=0, iend=rows; i temp; + table_int->GetColData(col, tm, temp); + std::vector< index_pair > sort_col(rows); + for (int i=0; i::less_than); + } else { + sort(sort_col.begin(), sort_col.end(), + index_pair::greater_than); + } + for (int i=0, iend=rows; i sel_set; + for (int i=0, iend=rows; iRefresh(); + LOG_MSG("Exiting TableBase::MoveSelectedToTop"); +} + +bool TableBase::FromGridIsSelectedCol(int col) +{ + return hs_col[col]; +} + +void TableBase::FromGridSelectCol(int col) +{ + hs_col[col] = true; +} + +void TableBase::FromGridDeselectCol(int col) +{ + hs_col[col] = false; +} + +void TableBase::DeselectAllCols() +{ + for(int i=0;i& sel_cols) +{ + sel_cols.clear(); + for (int i=0; iGetNumberRows(); +} + +int TableBase::GetNumberCols() +{ + return table_int->GetNumberCols(); +} + +wxString TableBase::GetValue(int row, int col) +{ + if (row<0 || row>=GetNumberRows()) return wxEmptyString; + if (col<0 || col>GetNumberCols()) return wxEmptyString; + + int curr_ts = (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col) ? + time_state->GetCurrTime() : 0); + return table_int->GetCellString(row_order[row], col, curr_ts); +} + +// Note: when writing to raw_data, we must be careful not to overwrite +// the buffer and also to respect the DBF formating requirements, +// especially for floats. Aditionally, must check that all numbers +// are valid and set undefined flag appropriately. Also, this +// method should only be called by wxGrid since we automatically +// compute the correct row. +void TableBase::SetValue(int row, int col, const wxString &value) +{ + LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("TableBase::SetValue(%d, %d, %s)", + row, col, + (const_cast((const char*)value.mb_str())))); + + int curr_ts = (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col) ? + time_state->GetCurrTime() : 0); + table_int->SetCellFromString(row_order[row], col, curr_ts, value); + if (project->GetSaveButtonManager()) { + project->GetSaveButtonManager()->SetMetaDataSaveNeeded(true); + } +} + +wxString TableBase::GetRowLabelValue(int row) +{ + if (row<0 || row>=GetNumberRows()) return wxEmptyString; + return wxString::Format("%d", row_order[row]+1); +} + +wxString TableBase::GetColLabelValue(int col) +{ + // \uXXXX are unicode characters for up and down arrows + // \u0668 Arabic-Indic digit eight (up pointing arrow) + // \u0667 Arabic-Indic digit seven (down pointing arrow) + // \u25B5 white small up-pointing triangle (too big on OSX) + // \u25BF white small down-pointing triangle + // \u25B4 black small up-pointing triangle (too big on OSX) + // \u25BE black small down-pointing triangle + // \u02C4, \u02C5 are up and down-pointing arrows + // \u27F0 upward quadruple arrow + // \u27F1 downward quadruble arrow + + if (col<0 || col>table_int->GetNumberCols()) return wxEmptyString; + + wxString label(table_int->GetColName(col)); + + if (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col)) { + label << " (" << time_state->GetCurrTimeString(); + label << ")"; + } + + if (col == sorting_col) { + // MMM: problem with unicode character encoding on Mac/Unix with + // wxWidgets 3, so defaulting everything to Windows for now. + //if (GeneralWxUtils::isMac()) { + // label << (sorting_ascending ? " \u02C4" : " \u02C5"); + //} else if (GeneralWxUtils::isUnix()) { + // label << (sorting_ascending ? " \u25B5" : " \u25BF"); + //} else { + label << (sorting_ascending ? " >" : " <"); + //} + } + return label; +} + +void TableBase::update(HighlightState* o) +{ + if (GetView()) GetView()->Refresh(); +} + +void TableBase::update(TableState* o) +{ + using namespace std; + LOG_MSG("Entering TableBase::update(TableState*)"); + if (!GetView()) return; + + if (o->GetEventType() == TableState::cols_delta) { + LOG_MSG("event_type == TableState::cols_delta"); + LOG_MSG(" processing wxGrid notify messages..."); + BOOST_FOREACH(const TableDeltaEntry& e, o->GetTableDeltaListRef()) { + LOG_MSG(e.ToString()); + if (e.insert) { + if (e.pos_at_op <= sorting_col) sorting_col++; + wxGridTableMessage msg(this, wxGRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_COLS_INSERTED, + e.pos_at_op, 1); + GetView()->ProcessTableMessage(msg); + } else { + if (e.pos_at_op == sorting_col) { + sorting_col = -1; sorting_ascending = true; } + if (e.pos_at_op < sorting_col) sorting_col--; + + wxGridTableMessage msg(this, wxGRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_COLS_DELETED, + e.pos_at_op, 1); + GetView()->ProcessTableMessage( msg ); + } + } + LOG_MSG(" formatting wxGrid columns... "); + BOOST_FOREACH(const TableDeltaEntry& e, o->GetTableDeltaListRef()) { + if (e.insert) { + LOG_MSG(e.ToString()); + if (e.type == GdaConst::long64_type) { + GetView()->SetColFormatNumber(e.pos_final); + } else if (e.type == GdaConst::double_type) { + int dd = e.displayed_decimals; + if (dd == -1) dd = e.decimals; + GetView()->SetColFormatFloat(e.pos_final, -1, + GenUtils::min(e.decimals, dd)); + } else { + // leave as a string + } + if (GetNumberRows() <= 500) { + // this operation is too slow when a large number of + // cells are present. + GetView()->AutoSizeColumn(e.pos_final, false); + } + } // no formatting needed for removing columns + } + } else if (o->GetEventType() == TableState::col_disp_decimals_change) { + LOG_MSG("event_type == TableState::col_disp_decimals_change"); + int pos = o->GetModifiedColPos(); + if (table_int->GetColType(pos) == GdaConst::double_type) { + int dd = table_int->GetColDispDecimals(pos); + GetView()->SetColFormatFloat(pos, -1, dd); + } + } + + GetView()->Refresh(); + LOG_MSG("Exiting TableBase::update(TableState*)"); +} + +void TableBase::update(TimeState* o) +{ + if (GetView()) GetView()->Refresh(); +} + +/** Grid Base does not need to be notifed of TableViewer column + movements since moving a column in the TableViewer does not + change the state of Grid Base. This method is a workaround + to notify interested listeners that the visual column order has + changed. It is called by TableFrame::OnColMoveEvent */ +void TableBase::notifyColMove() +{ + LOG_MSG("In TableBase::notifyColMove()"); + table_state->SetColOrderChangeEvtTyp(); + table_state->notifyObservers(); +} + +TableInterface* TableBase::GetTableInt() +{ + return table_int; +} diff --git a/DataViewer/TableBase.h b/DataViewer/TableBase.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6315417f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/TableBase.h @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_TABLE_BASE_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_TABLE_BASE_H__ + +#include +#include +#include "../Generic/HighlightStateObserver.h" +#include "TableStateObserver.h" +#include "TimeStateObserver.h" + +class Project; +class TableInterface; +class TableState; +class TimeState; +class HighlightState; + +class TableBase : public TableStateObserver, TimeStateObserver, +public HighlightStateObserver, public wxGridTableBase +{ +public: + TableBase(Project* _project); + virtual ~TableBase(); + + virtual bool FromGridIsSelectedRow(int row); + virtual void FromGridSelectOnlyRow(int row); + virtual void FromGridSelectRowRange(int first_row, int last_row); + virtual void FromGridSelectRow(int row); + virtual void FromGridDeselectRow(int row); + virtual void DeselectAllRows(); + //virtual void PushAnchorRow(int row); + //virtual void RemoveAnchorRow(int row); + //virtual int GetAnchorRow(); + + virtual void SortByDefaultAscending(); + virtual void SortByDefaultDecending(); + virtual void SortByCol(int col, bool ascending); + virtual void MoveSelectedToTop(); + virtual bool IsSortedAscending() { return sorting_ascending; } + virtual int GetSortingCol() { return sorting_col; } + + virtual bool FromGridIsSelectedCol(int col); + virtual void FromGridSelectCol(int col); + virtual void FromGridDeselectCol(int col); + virtual void DeselectAllCols(); + virtual void GetSelectedCols(std::vector& sel_cols); + //virtual void PushAnchorCol(int col); + //virtual void RemoveAnchorCol(int col); + //virtual int GetAnchorCol(); + + // pure virtual method implementation for wxGridTableBase + virtual int GetNumberRows(); + virtual int GetNumberCols(); + virtual wxString GetValue(int row, int col); + virtual void SetValue(int row, int col, const wxString &value); + virtual bool IsEmptyCell(int row, int col) { return false; } + + // methods called by wxGrid + virtual wxString GetRowLabelValue(int row); + virtual wxString GetColLabelValue(int col); + + virtual void update(HighlightState* o); + virtual void update(TableState* o); + virtual void update(TimeState* o); + virtual bool AllowTimelineChanges() { return true; } + virtual bool AllowGroupModify(const wxString& grp_nm) { return true; } + virtual bool AllowObservationAddDelete() { return true; } + + virtual void notifyColMove(); + virtual TableInterface* GetTableInt(); + +private: + HighlightState* highlight_state; + std::vector& hs; //shortcut to HighlightState::highlight, read only! + std::vector hs_col; + TableState* table_state; + TableInterface* table_int; + TimeState* time_state; + Project* project; + + int rows; + int cols; + std::vector row_order; + int sorting_col; + bool sorting_ascending; + std::list anchor_row_stack; + std::list anchor_col_stack; +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DataViewer/TableFrame.cpp b/DataViewer/TableFrame.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8153923de --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/TableFrame.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,715 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include "../GeoDa.h" +#include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" +#include "../GenUtils.h" +#include "../logger.h" +#include "../Project.h" +#include "TimeState.h" +#include "TableBase.h" +#include "TableInterface.h" +#include "TableFrame.h" + +BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(TableFrame, TemplateFrame) + EVT_ACTIVATE( TableFrame::OnActivate ) + EVT_CLOSE( TableFrame::OnClose ) + EVT_MENU( XRCID("wxID_CLOSE"), TableFrame::OnMenuClose ) + EVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK( TableFrame::OnRightClickEvent ) + EVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK( TableFrame::OnRightClickEvent ) + EVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK( TableFrame::OnLabelLeftClickEvent ) + EVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK( TableFrame::OnLabelLeftDClickEvent ) + EVT_GRID_COL_SIZE( TableFrame::OnColSizeEvent ) + EVT_GRID_COL_MOVE( TableFrame::OnColMoveEvent ) + EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGED( TableFrame::OnCellChanged ) + + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_TABLE_GROUP"), TableFrame::OnGroupVariables) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_TABLE_UNGROUP"), TableFrame::OnUnGroupVariable) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_TABLE_RENAME_VARIABLE"), TableFrame::OnRenameVariable) + /* + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_UTF8"), TableFrame::OnEncodingUTF8) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_UTF16"), TableFrame::OnEncodingUTF16) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1250"), + TableFrame::OnEncodingWindows1250) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1251"), + TableFrame::OnEncodingWindows1251) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1254"), + TableFrame::OnEncodingWindows1254) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1255"), + TableFrame::OnEncodingWindows1255) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1256"), + TableFrame::OnEncodingWindows1256) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1258"), + TableFrame::OnEncodingWindows1258) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_CP852"), TableFrame::OnEncodingCP852) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_CP866"), TableFrame::OnEncodingCP866) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO8859_1"), TableFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_1) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO8859_2"), TableFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_2) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO8859_3"), TableFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_3) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO8859_5"), TableFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_5) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO8859_7"), TableFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_7) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO8859_8_1"), TableFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_8) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO8859_9"), TableFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_9) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO8859_10"), TableFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_10) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO8859_15"), TableFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_15) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_GB2312"), TableFrame::OnEncodingGB2312) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_BIG5"), TableFrame::OnEncodingBIG5) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_KOI8_R"), TableFrame::OnEncodingKOI8_R) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_SHIFT_JIS"), TableFrame::OnEncodingSHIFT_JIS) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_EUC_JP"), TableFrame::OnEncodingEUC_JP) + EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_EUC_KR"), TableFrame::OnEncodingEUC_KR) + */ +END_EVENT_TABLE() + +TableFrame::TableFrame(wxFrame *parent, Project* project, + const wxString& title, + const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, + const long style) +: TemplateFrame(parent, project, title, pos, size, style), +popup_col(-1) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering TableFrame::TableFrame"); + + wxString new_title(title); + new_title << " - " << project->GetProjectTitle(); + SetTitle(new_title); + supports_timeline_changes = true; + table_base = new TableBase(project); + TableInterface* table_int = project->GetTableInt(); + grid = new wxGrid(this, wxID_ANY, wxPoint(0,0), wxDefaultSize); + grid->SetDefaultColSize((grid->GetDefaultColSize() * 4)/3); + // false to not take ownership, but this uncovers a bug in wxWidgets. + // therefore, we'll have to let the wxGrid take ownership and make + // sure that the TableFrame is only hidden until the + // project is finally closed. + grid->SetTable(table_base, true); + grid->EnableDragColMove(true); + grid->EnableDragCell(false); + // This line causes the row to disappear on Windows and Linux, but not OSX + //grid->SetSelectionBackground(*wxWHITE); + for (int i=0, iend=table_base->GetNumberRows(); iDisableRowResize(i); + } + grid->SetSelectionMode(wxGrid::wxGridSelectRowsOrColumns); + //grid->SetSelectionMode(wxGrid::wxGridSelectCells); + wxStopWatch resize_time; + for (int i=0, iend=table_base->GetNumberCols(); iGetColType(i) == GdaConst::long64_type) { + grid->SetColFormatNumber(i); + } else if (table_int->GetColType(i) == GdaConst::double_type) { + grid->SetColFormatFloat(i, -1, table_int->GetColDispDecimals(i)); + } else if (table_int->GetColType(i) == GdaConst::date_type) { + // leave as a string + } + grid->SetColSize(i, -1); // fit column width to lable width + } + int sample = GenUtils::min(table_base->GetNumberRows(), 10); + LOG(sample); + for (int i=0, iend=table_base->GetNumberCols(); iGetColSize(i); + double cur_lbl_len = grid->GetColLabelValue(i).length(); + double avg_cell_len = 0; + for (int j=0; jGetCellValue(j, i); + cv.Trim(true); + cv.Trim(false); + avg_cell_len += cv.length(); + } + if (sample >= 1) { // sample last row + avg_cell_len += grid->GetCellValue(table_base->GetNumberRows()-1, + i).length(); + } + avg_cell_len /= (double) sample; + if (avg_cell_len > cur_lbl_len && + avg_cell_len >= 1 && cur_lbl_len >= 1) { + LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("Resizing col %d", i)); + // attempt to scale up col width based on cur_col_size + double fac = avg_cell_len / cur_lbl_len; + fac *= 1.2; + if (fac < 1) fac = 1; + if (fac < 1.5 && fac > 1) fac = 1.5; + if (fac > 5) fac = 5; + grid->SetColSize(i, cur_col_size*fac); + LOG(grid->GetColLabelValue(i)); + LOG(cur_col_size); + LOG(cur_col_size*fac); + LOG(cur_lbl_len); + LOG(avg_cell_len); + LOG(fac); + } else { + // add a few pixels of buffer to current label + grid->SetColSize(i, cur_col_size+6); + } + } + + LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("Column auto-resize time " + "took %ld ms", resize_time.Time())); + LOG_MSG("Exiting TableFrame::TableFrame"); +} + +TableFrame::~TableFrame() +{ + LOG_MSG("In TableFrame::~TableFrame"); + DeregisterAsActive(); +} + +void TableFrame::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event) +{ + LOG_MSG("In TableFrame::OnActivate"); + if (event.GetActive()) { + RegisterAsActive("TableFrame", GetTitle()); + } + event.Skip(false); +} + +void TableFrame::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering TableFrame::OnClose"); + if (!GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()) { + // This is an exit event, so allow close to proceed + event.Skip(); + LOG_MSG("Exiting TableFrame::OnClose"); + return; + } + if (!GdaFrame::IsProjectOpen()) { + LOG_MSG("In TableFrame::OnClose and actually closing."); + event.Skip(); + // NOTE: We should not have to explicitly close the grid, but + // if we don't an exception is thrown. Very strange. Hopefully + // this doesn't cause a memory leak. + + //grid->Destroy(); + // Event handling halts when: + // - event.Skip() is not called + // - event.Skip(false) is called + // Event handling continues when: + // - event.Skip() is called + // - event.Skip(true) is called + //event.Skip(true); + //Destroy(); + //Close(true); + } else { + LOG_MSG("In TableFrame::OnClose, but just hiding."); + Hide(); + } + LOG_MSG("Exiting TableFrame::OnClose"); +} + +void TableFrame::OnMenuClose(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + LOG_MSG("In TableFrame::OnMenuClose"); + Hide(); +} + +void TableFrame::MapMenus() +{ + LOG_MSG("In TableFrame::MapMenus"); + // Map Default Options Menus + wxMenu* optMenu=wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadMenu("ID_DEFAULT_MENU_OPTIONS"); + GeneralWxUtils::ReplaceMenu(GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(), + "Options", optMenu); +} + +void TableFrame::DisplayPopupMenu( wxGridEvent& ev ) +{ + wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> + LoadMenu("ID_TABLE_VIEW_MENU_CONTEXT"); + + TableInterface* ti = table_base->GetTableInt(); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(optMenu, ti->GetFontEncoding()); + popup_col = ev.GetCol(); + + // Set Group item + vector sel_cols; + table_base->GetSelectedCols(sel_cols); + bool any_sel_time_variant = false; + for (int i=0; iIsColTimeVariant(sel_cols[i])) { + any_sel_time_variant = true; + break; + } + } + bool all_sel_compatible = false; + if (!any_sel_time_variant && sel_cols.size() > 1) { + // check for compatible types + all_sel_compatible = true; + for (int i=0; iIsColNumeric(sel_cols[i])) { + all_sel_compatible = false; + break; + } + } + } + if (any_sel_time_variant || !all_sel_compatible || sel_cols.size() <= 1 || + (ti->GetTimeSteps() > 1 && ti->GetTimeSteps() != sel_cols.size())) { + optMenu->FindItem(XRCID("ID_TABLE_GROUP"))->Enable(false); + } else { + optMenu->FindItem(XRCID("ID_TABLE_GROUP"))->Enable(true); + } + + // Set Ungroup item + wxString ung_str("Ungroup Variable"); + bool ung_enable = false; + if (popup_col >= 0 && ti->IsColTimeVariant(popup_col)) { + wxString col_nm = ti->GetColName(popup_col); + if (!col_nm.IsEmpty()) { + ung_str = "Ungroup"; + ung_str << " \"" << col_nm << "\""; + ung_enable = true; + } + } + optMenu->FindItem(XRCID("ID_TABLE_UNGROUP"))->SetText(ung_str); + optMenu->FindItem(XRCID("ID_TABLE_UNGROUP"))->Enable(ung_enable); + + // Set Rename item + wxString rename_str("Rename Variable"); + if (popup_col != -1) { + rename_str << " \"" << ti->GetColName(popup_col) << "\""; + } + optMenu->FindItem(XRCID("ID_TABLE_RENAME_VARIABLE"))->SetText(rename_str); + bool enable_rename = false; + if (popup_col!=-1) { + if (ti->IsColTimeVariant(popup_col)) { + enable_rename = true; + } else { + enable_rename = ti->PermitRenameSimpleCol(); + } + } + optMenu->FindItem(XRCID("ID_TABLE_RENAME_VARIABLE"))->Enable(enable_rename); + + PopupMenu(optMenu, ev.GetPosition()); +} + + +void TableFrame::SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxMenu* m, wxFontEncoding e) +{ + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_UTF8")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_UTF8); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_UTF16")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_UTF16LE); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1250")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_CP1250); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1251")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_CP1251); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1254")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_CP1254); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1255")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_CP1255); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1256")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_CP1256); + ///MMM: works after 2.9.4 wxFONTENCODING_CP1258 + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1258")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_CP1258); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_CP852")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_CP852); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_CP866")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_CP866); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_1")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_1); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_2")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_2); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_3")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_3); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_5")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_5); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_7")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_7); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_8")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_8); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_9")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_9); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_10")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_10); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_15")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_15); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_GB2312")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_GB2312); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_BIG5")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_BIG5); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_KOI8_R")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_KOI8); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_SHIFT_JIS")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_SHIFT_JIS); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_EUC_JP"))->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_EUC_JP); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_EUC_KR"))->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_EUC_KR); +} + +void TableFrame::OnRightClickEvent( wxGridEvent& ev ) +{ + DisplayPopupMenu(ev); +} + +void TableFrame::OnColSizeEvent( wxGridSizeEvent& ev ) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering TableFrame::OnColSizeEvent"); + LOG(ev.GetRowOrCol()); + LOG(ev.GetPosition().x); + LOG(ev.GetPosition().y); + ev.Veto(); + LOG_MSG("Exiting TableFrame::OnColSizeEvent"); +} + +void TableFrame::OnColMoveEvent( wxGridEvent& ev ) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering TableFrame::OnColMoveEvent"); + LOG(ev.GetCol()); + LOG(ev.GetPosition().x); + LOG(ev.GetPosition().y); + table_base->notifyColMove(); + LOG_MSG("Exiting TableFrame::OnColMoveEvent"); +} + +/** + * The Table row and column selection behaviour follows the conventions + * for file selection on Mac/Windows/Linux: + * - A single click selects a row/col and deselects everything else. + * - Cmd (Ctrl on Win/Lin) click allows multiple item selection/deselection + * - Shift click selects a range of items and deselects everything outside + * of that range. + * + * Notes: + * - ev.GetRow() refers to the displayed row numbers in the table, not + * the possibly permuted rows. However, the TableBase::FromGrid___ + * take care of this + * - ev.GetCol() refers to the permuted columns, not necessarily the + * visible column order since wxGrid hides column moves from + * the underlying wxGridTableBase. This somewhat complicates + * shift-click selection for columns. + * + * The proper shift-selection function requires a anchor point stack. We + * have implemented a stateless shift select which feels quite logical in + * practice. + */ +void TableFrame::OnLabelLeftClickEvent( wxGridEvent& ev ) +{ + using namespace std; + LOG_MSG("Entering TableFrame::OnLabelLeftClickEvent"); + LOG(ev.GetCol()); + LOG(ev.GetRow()); + LOG(ev.ShiftDown()); + LOG(ev.CmdDown()); + int row = ev.GetRow(); + int col = ev.GetCol(); + TableInterface* table_int = project->GetTableInt(); + int rows = table_int->GetNumberRows(); + int cols = table_int->GetNumberCols(); + if (col < 0 && row >= 0) { + if (!ev.ShiftDown() && !ev.CmdDown()) { + table_base->FromGridSelectOnlyRow(row); + } else if (!ev.ShiftDown()) { + if (table_base->FromGridIsSelectedRow(row)) { + table_base->FromGridDeselectRow(row); + } else { + table_base->FromGridSelectRow(row); + } + } else { + // shift down + bool sel_found = false; + int first_sel = -1; + int last_sel = -1; + for (int i=0; iFromGridIsSelectedRow(i)) { + if (!sel_found) { + first_sel = i; + last_sel = i; + sel_found = true; + } + if (i < first_sel) first_sel = i; + if (i > last_sel) last_sel = i; + } + } + + if (!sel_found) { + first_sel = row; + last_sel = row; + } else if (row <= first_sel) { + last_sel = first_sel; + first_sel = row; + } else if (row >= last_sel) { + first_sel = last_sel; + last_sel = row; + } else { + // in the middle, so leave endpoints as they are + } + + table_base->FromGridSelectRowRange(first_sel, last_sel); + } + // unselect whatever the wxGrid object selects since we are doing our + // own selection. + grid->ClearSelection(); + grid->Refresh(); + } else if (col >= 0) { + // deal with column selection + if (!ev.ShiftDown() && !ev.CmdDown()) table_base->DeselectAllCols(); + if (!ev.ShiftDown()) { + if (table_base->FromGridIsSelectedCol(col)) { + table_base->FromGridDeselectCol(col); + } else { + table_base->FromGridSelectCol(col); + } + } else { + // shift down. For columns, we need to work with displayed + // order. So, need to get a translation from displayed col to col + // and col to displayed col. + vector col_to_dispc(cols); + vector dispc_to_col(cols); + for (int i=0; iGetColPos(i); + for (int i=0; iGetColAt(i); + bool sel_found = false; + int dpos_first_sel = -1; + int dpos_last_sel = -1; + for (int dpos=0; dposFromGridIsSelectedCol(dispc_to_col[dpos])) { + if (!sel_found) { + dpos_first_sel = dpos; + dpos_last_sel = dpos; + sel_found = true; + } + if (dpos < dpos_first_sel) dpos_first_sel = dpos; + if (dpos > dpos_last_sel) dpos_last_sel = dpos; + } + } + int dispc = col_to_dispc[col]; + + if (!sel_found) { + dpos_first_sel = dispc; + dpos_last_sel = dispc; + } else if (dispc <= dpos_first_sel) { + dpos_last_sel = dpos_first_sel; + dpos_first_sel = dispc; + } else if (dispc >= dpos_last_sel) { + dpos_first_sel = dpos_last_sel; + dpos_last_sel = dispc; + } else { + // in the middle, so leave endpoints as they are + } + + for (int dc=0; dc dpos_last_sel) { + if (table_base->FromGridIsSelectedCol(id)) { + table_base->FromGridDeselectCol(id); + } + } else { + if (!table_base->FromGridIsSelectedCol(id)) { + table_base->FromGridSelectCol(id); + } + } + } + } + // unselect whatever the wxGrid object selects since we are doing our + // own selection. + grid->ClearSelection(); + grid->Refresh(); + ev.Skip(); // Col move doesn't work if we don't call ev.Skip() + } else if (col < 0 && row < 0) { + // Deselect all rows and columns + table_base->DeselectAllRows(); + table_base->DeselectAllCols(); + // unselect whatever the wxGrid object selects since we are doing our + // own selection. + grid->ClearSelection(); + grid->Refresh(); + //ev.Skip(); + } + + LOG_MSG("Exiting TableFrame::OnLabelLeftClickEvent"); +} + +void TableFrame::OnLabelLeftDClickEvent( wxGridEvent& ev) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering TableFrame::OnLabelLeftDClickEvent"); + LOG(ev.GetCol()); + LOG(ev.GetRow()); + LOG(ev.ShiftDown()); + int row = ev.GetRow(); + int col = ev.GetCol(); + if (col >= 0 && row < 0) { + int sort_col = table_base->GetSortingCol(); + bool ascending = table_base->IsSortedAscending(); + if (sort_col == col) { + if (!ascending) { + table_base->SortByDefaultDecending(); + } else { + table_base->SortByCol(col, false); + } + } else { + table_base->SortByCol(col, true); + } + // unselect whatever the wxGrid object selects since we are doing our + // own selection. + grid->ClearSelection(); + grid->Refresh(); + } else if (col < 0 && row <0) { + int sort_col = table_base->GetSortingCol(); + bool ascending = table_base->IsSortedAscending(); + if (sort_col == col) { + if (ascending) { + table_base->SortByDefaultDecending(); + } else { + table_base->SortByDefaultAscending(); + } + } else { + table_base->SortByDefaultDecending(); + } + grid->ClearSelection(); + grid->Refresh(); + } else { + ev.Skip(); // continue processing this event + } + LOG_MSG("Exiting TableFrame::OnLabelLeftDClickEvent"); +} + +void TableFrame::OnCellChanged( wxGridEvent& ev ) +{ + TableInterface* ti = table_base->GetTableInt(); + if (ti->IsSetCellFromStringFail()) { + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, ti->GetSetCellFromStringFailMsg(), "Warning", + wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + dlg.ShowModal(); + ev.Veto(); + } + ev.Skip(); +} + +void TableFrame::update(TimeState* o) +{ + // A possible title change or time step change. + Refresh(); +} + +class cid_to_pos_pair +{ +public: + int cid; + int pos; + static bool less_than(const cid_to_pos_pair& i, + const cid_to_pos_pair& j) { + return (i.posGetTableInt(); + vector sel_cols; + table_base->GetSelectedCols(sel_cols); + vector cid_to_disp(sel_cols.size()); + for (int i=0; iGetColPos(sel_cols[i]); + cid_to_disp[i] = p; + } + sort(cid_to_disp.begin(), cid_to_disp.end(), cid_to_pos_pair::less_than); + for (int i=0; i names(sel_cols.size()); + for (int i=0; iGetColName(sel_cols[i]); + wxString grp_nm = ti->SuggestGroupName(names); + if (sel_cols.size() > 0) { + if (ti->GetTimeSteps() == 1 && sel_cols.size() > 1) { + if (table_state->GetNumDisallowTimelineChanges() > 0) { + wxString msg = table_state->GetDisallowTimelineChangesMsg(); + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Warning", + wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + } + ti->GroupCols(sel_cols, grp_nm, sel_cols[0]); + } + table_base->DeselectAllCols(); + grid->Refresh(); + GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->UpdateToolbarAndMenus(); +} + +void TableFrame::OnUnGroupVariable(wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + if (popup_col < 0) return; + table_base->GetTableInt()->UngroupCol(popup_col); + popup_col = -1; + table_base->DeselectAllCols(); + grid->Refresh(); +} + +void TableFrame::OnRenameVariable(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (popup_col < 0) return; + TableInterface* ti=table_base->GetTableInt(); + wxString curr_name = ti->GetColName(popup_col); + wxString new_name = PromptRenameColName(ti, popup_col, curr_name); + if (new_name.CmpNoCase(curr_name)==0 || new_name.IsEmpty()) return; + ti->RenameGroup(popup_col, new_name); + + popup_col = -1; + grid->Refresh(); +} + +wxString TableFrame::PromptRenameColName(TableInterface* ti, int curr_col, + const wxString& initial_name) +{ + bool is_group_col = ti->IsColTimeVariant(curr_col); + wxString initial_msg; + wxString dlg_title; + if (is_group_col) { + dlg_title << "Rename Space-Time Variable"; + initial_msg << "New space-time variable name"; + } else { + dlg_title << "Rename Variable"; + initial_msg << "New variable name"; + } + + bool done = false; + wxString curr_name = ti->GetColName(curr_col); + wxString new_name = initial_name; + wxString error_pre_msg = wxEmptyString; + error_pre_msg + << "Variable name is either a duplicate or is invalid. Please\n" + << "enter an alternative, non-duplicate variable name.\n\n"; + wxString error_msg = wxEmptyString; + + bool first = true; + while (!done) { + wxString m = is_group_col ? error_pre_msg : error_pre_msg + error_msg; + wxTextEntryDialog dlg(this, (first ? initial_msg : m), dlg_title, + new_name); + if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { + new_name = dlg.GetValue(); + new_name.Trim(false); + new_name.Trim(true); + done = ((new_name.CmpNoCase(curr_name)==0) || + (is_group_col && ti->IsValidGroupName(new_name) + && !ti->DoesNameExist(new_name, false)) || + (!is_group_col && ti->IsValidDBColName(new_name, &error_msg) + && !ti->DoesNameExist(new_name, false))); + first = false; + } else { + new_name = ""; + done = true; + } + } + return new_name; +} diff --git a/DataViewer/TableFrame.h b/DataViewer/TableFrame.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1557c6b0f --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/TableFrame.h @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_TABLE_FRAME_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_TABLE_FRAME_H__ + +#include +#include "../TemplateFrame.h" + +class TableBase; + +class TableFrame : public TemplateFrame +{ +public: + TableFrame(wxFrame *parent, Project* project, + const wxString& title, + const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, + const long style); + virtual ~TableFrame(); + + void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event); + void OnMenuClose(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event); + virtual void MapMenus(); + + void DisplayPopupMenu( wxGridEvent& ev ); + void SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxMenu* menu, wxFontEncoding enc_type); + void OnColSizeEvent( wxGridSizeEvent& ev ); + void OnColMoveEvent( wxGridEvent& ev ); + void OnRightClickEvent( wxGridEvent& ev ); + void OnLabelLeftClickEvent( wxGridEvent& ev ); + void OnLabelLeftDClickEvent( wxGridEvent& ev ); + void OnCellChanged( wxGridEvent& ev ); + + TableBase* GetTableBase() { return table_base; } + + /** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TimeState* o); + /** Override of TableStateObserver interface */ + virtual bool AllowTimelineChanges() { return true; } + + void OnGroupVariables(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnUnGroupVariable(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnRenameVariable(wxCommandEvent& event); + wxString PromptRenameColName(TableInterface* ti, int curr_col, + const wxString& initial_name); + +private: + wxGrid* grid; + // TableBase contains the instance of table_interface, + // e.g. table_base->GetTableInt() + TableBase* table_base; + int popup_col; + + DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DataViewer/TableInterface.cpp b/DataViewer/TableInterface.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..11c191477 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/TableInterface.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include "../GenUtils.h" +#include "../logger.h" +#include "TableInterface.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/DbfFile.h" + +TableInterface::TableInterface(TableState* table_state_s, + TimeState* time_state_s) +: table_state(table_state_s), time_state(time_state_s), +encoding_type(wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM), m_wx_encoding(0), +cols_case_sensitive(false), cols_max_length(10), +cols_ascii_only(true), is_valid(false) +{ +} + +TableInterface::~TableInterface() +{ + LOG_MSG("In TableInterface::~TableInterface"); + if (m_wx_encoding) delete m_wx_encoding; +} + +bool TableInterface::IsValid() +{ + return is_valid; +} + +wxString TableInterface::GetOpenErrorMessage() +{ + return open_err_msg; +} + +int TableInterface::GetTimeInt(const wxString& tm_str) +{ + std::vector tm_strs; + GetTimeStrings(tm_strs); + for (int t=0, sz=tm_strs.size(); tnotifyObservers(); +} + +wxString TableInterface::SuggestGroupName(std::vector cols) const +{ + using namespace std; + wxString nm(GenUtils::FindLongestSubString(cols)); + // remove trailing and leading whitespace, underscores and numbers + bool done=false; + while (!done && !nm.IsEmpty()) { + int len = nm.length(); + if (nm.length() > 0 && + (nm.find("_") == 0 || nm.find("0") == 0 || nm.find("1") == 0 || + nm.find("2") == 0 || nm.find("3") == 0 || nm.find("4") == 0 || + nm.find("5") == 0 || nm.find("6") == 0 || nm.find("7") == 0 || + nm.find("8") == 0 || nm.find("9") == 0)) { + nm = nm.substr(1, nm.length()-1); + } + int lp = nm.length()-1; + if (nm.length() > 0 && + (nm.find("_") == lp || nm.find("0") == lp || nm.find("1") == lp || + nm.find("2") == lp || nm.find("3") == lp || nm.find("4") == lp || + nm.find("5") == lp || nm.find("6") == lp || nm.find("7") == lp || + nm.find("8") == lp || nm.find("9") == lp)) { + nm = nm.substr(lp, nm.length()-1); + } + nm.Trim(true); + nm.Trim(false); + if (nm.length() == len) done = true; + } + return GetUniqueGroupName(nm); +} + +std::vector TableInterface::SuggestDBColNames( + wxString new_grp_name, wxString prefix, int n) const +{ + return GetUniqueColNames(prefix, n); +} + +wxString TableInterface::GetUniqueGroupName(wxString grp_nm) const +{ + const int MAX_TRIES = 100000; + if (grp_nm.IsEmpty()) grp_nm = "Group"; + wxString u(grp_nm); + for (int i=0; i TableInterface::GetUniqueColNames(wxString col_nm, + int n) const +{ + using namespace std; + vector ret(n, col_nm); + if (n==1 && !DoesNameExist(col_nm, cols_case_sensitive)) return ret; + + const int MAX_TRIES = 100000; + if (col_nm.IsEmpty()) col_nm = "VAR"; + if (col_nm.length() > cols_max_length) { + col_nm = col_nm.substr(0, cols_max_length); + } + + int ret_cnt = 0; + for (int i=1; i 0) { + col_nm = col_nm.substr(0, col_nm.length()-diff); + } + wxString u = col_nm; + u << "_" << i; + if (!DoesNameExist(u, cols_case_sensitive)) ret[ret_cnt++] = u; + } + return ret; +} + +bool TableInterface::IsValidGroupName(const wxString& grp_nm) const +{ + // Almost no restrictions on group names since this info is stored + // in project file. + return true; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/DataViewer/TableInterface.h b/DataViewer/TableInterface.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c757aa83e --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/TableInterface.h @@ -0,0 +1,280 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_TABLE_INTERFACE_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_TABLE_INTERFACE_H__ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "TableState.h" +#include "TimeState.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" +#include "../VarCalc/GdaFlexValue.h" + +class TimeState; +typedef boost::multi_array d_array_type; +typedef boost::multi_array l_array_type; +typedef boost::multi_array s_array_type; +typedef boost::multi_array b_array_type; + +class TableInterface +{ +public: + TableInterface(TableState* table_state, TimeState* time_state); + virtual ~TableInterface(); + + virtual bool IsValid(); + virtual wxString GetOpenErrorMessage(); + + virtual GdaConst::DataSourceType GetDataSourceType() = 0; + + virtual void GetTimeStrings(std::vector& tm_strs) = 0; + virtual void GetColNonPlaceholderTmStrs(int col, + std::vector& tm_strs) = 0; + virtual wxString GetTimeString(int time) = 0; + virtual int GetTimeInt(const wxString& tm_str); + virtual bool IsTimeVariant() = 0; + virtual int GetTimeSteps() = 0; + virtual wxString GetTableName() = 0; + + /** Has Table data changed since last save. */ + virtual bool ChangedSinceLastSave(); + /** Indicate whether Table data is unsaved. */ + virtual void SetChangedSinceLastSave(bool chg); + /** Save table data to data source associated with this table. True + is returned on success. On failure false is returned along with + an error message in err_msg reference. */ + virtual bool Save(wxString& err_msg) = 0; + + /** Is DB read only */ + virtual bool IsReadOnly() = 0; + /** Indicate whether DB field rename is supported. Group names + are stored as meta-data, and so renaming them is always supported. */ + virtual bool PermitRenameSimpleCol() = 0; + /** For most data sources this is false, but for dBase this is true. */ + virtual bool HasFixedLengths() = 0; + /** Not all data sources permit field property changes. This method + indicates if length property change is supported. */ + virtual bool PermitChangeLength() = 0; + /** Only dBase supports fixed decimals places generally. */ + virtual bool HasFixedDecimals() = 0; + /** Not all data sources permit field property changes. This method + indicates if decimals property change is supported. */ + virtual bool PermitChangeDecimals() = 0; + /** This method indicates if displayed decimals property change + is supported. This is saved the project file meta-data, so should + generally be supported. */ + virtual bool PermitChangeDisplayedDecimals() = 0; + + /** Searches for database field/col name and returns true if found + as well as col and time in. If not found, returns false and col + and tm are set to -1 */ + virtual bool DbColNmToColAndTm(const wxString& name, + int& col, int& tm) = 0; + virtual bool ColNameExists(const wxString& name); + virtual int FindColId(const wxString& name) = 0; + + virtual void FillColIdMap(std::vector& col_map) = 0; + virtual void FillNumericColIdMap(std::vector& col_map) = 0; + virtual void FillIntegerColIdMap(std::vector& col_map) = 0; + virtual void FillNumericNameList(std::vector& num_names) = 0; + + virtual int GetNumberCols() = 0; + virtual int GetNumberRows() = 0; + + virtual bool IsColTimeVariant(const wxString& name); + virtual bool IsColTimeVariant(int col) = 0; + virtual int GetColTimeSteps(int col) = 0; + + /** Returns true if name found as group or as a database column */ + virtual bool DoesNameExist(const wxString& name, + bool case_sensitive) const = 0; + virtual wxString GetColName(int col) = 0; // returns group name if group + virtual bool IsColNumeric(int col) = 0; + + /** Returns type for entire group, cannot be a placeholder type */ + virtual GdaConst::FieldType GetColType(int col) = 0; + + /** Returns type for each specific column. Can be a placeholder type */ + virtual GdaConst::FieldType GetColType(int col, int time) = 0; + + virtual wxString GetColName(int col, int time) = 0; + virtual int GetColLength(int col, int time=0) = 0; + virtual int GetColDecimals(int col, int time=0) = 0; + virtual int GetColDispDecimals(int col) = 0; + + virtual void GetColData(int col, GdaFlexValue& data) = 0; + virtual void GetColData(int col, d_array_type& dbl_data) = 0; + virtual void GetColData(int col, int time, std::vector& data) = 0; + virtual void GetColData(int col, int time, std::vector& data) = 0; + virtual void GetColData(int col, int time, std::vector& data) = 0; + virtual void GetColUndefined(int col, b_array_type& undefined) = 0; + virtual void GetColUndefined(int col, int time, + std::vector& undefined) = 0; + virtual void GetMinMaxVals(int col, std::vector& min_vals, + std::vector& max_vals) = 0; + virtual void GetMinMaxVals(int col, int time, + double& min_val, double& max_val) = 0; + + virtual void SetColData(int col, int time, + const std::vector& data) = 0; + virtual void SetColData(int col, int time, + const std::vector& data) = 0; + virtual void SetColData(int col, int time, + const std::vector& data) = 0; + virtual void SetColUndefined(int col, int time, + const std::vector& undefined) = 0; + + /** Changes non-group column properties */ + virtual bool ColChangeProperties(int col, int time, + int new_len, int new_dec=0) = 0; + /** Changes displayed decimals for a group or simple variable. */ + virtual bool ColChangeDisplayedDecimals(int col, int new_disp_dec=0) = 0; + /** Renames a Group name at column or calls + RenameSimpleCol(col, 0, new_name) if not a group */ + virtual bool RenameGroup(int col, const wxString& new_name) = 0; + /** Renames a simple column name. Returns true on success. */ + virtual bool RenameSimpleCol(int col, int time, + const wxString& new_name) = 0; + /** wxGrid will call this function to fill data in displayed part + automatically. Returns formated string (e.g. nummeric numbers) */ + virtual wxString GetCellString(int row, int col, int time=0) = 0; + /** Attempts to set the wxGrid cell from a user-entered value. Returns + true on success. If failured, then IsCellFromStringFail() returns false + and GetSetCellFromStringFailMsg() retuns a meaningful failure message + that can be displayed to the user. */ + virtual bool SetCellFromString(int row, int col, int time, + const wxString &value) = 0; + virtual bool IsSetCellFromStringFail(); + virtual wxString GetSetCellFromStringFailMsg(); + /** Inserts a new Table column. The return value is the same as the + * pos argument on success, and -1 on failure. field_len and decimals + * are only used by certain older formats such as dBase that do not + * have variable-width fields, or do not have floating-point numbers. + * Values of -1 for these indicate to ignore or use a default. */ + virtual int InsertCol(GdaConst::FieldType type, const wxString& name, + int pos=-1, int time_steps=1, + int field_len=-1, int decimals=-1) = 0; + virtual bool DeleteCol(int col) = 0; + virtual void UngroupCol(int col) = 0; + /** Columns to group in specified order. A placeholder column is + * indicated with -1 in cols vector. */ + virtual void GroupCols(const std::vector& cols, + const wxString& name, int pos=0) = 0; + virtual void InsertTimeStep(int time, const wxString& name) = 0; + + /** This is a potentially very complicated operation because it can + * result in some combination of multiple new columns being added + * and removed. When a time step is removed, all groups + * have the corresponding time step removed. For each group, if the + * column at that time is a non-placeholder, the column will be removed + * from the group and added back into the Table at the current group + * position. If there is only a placeholder + * at that position, then the placeholder is removed. If the resulting + * group only contains placeholders, then the group itself is removed + * from the Table. */ + virtual void RemoveTimeStep(int time) = 0; + virtual void SwapTimeSteps(int time1, int time2) = 0; + virtual void RenameTimeStep(int time, const wxString& new_name) = 0; + + /** Sets encoding of string column data. Can possibly use for data base + * column name encoding, but for now remain more restrictive */ + virtual void SetEncoding(wxFontEncoding enc_type); + virtual wxFontEncoding GetFontEncoding() { return encoding_type; } + + /** Suggests a group name based on the member names listed in cols. + * Returned value is a unique, valid group name: it is different than + * all other groups and DB fields. Since group names are stored as + * meta-data, they do not need to follow naming, case or encoding + * restrictions. Generally the longest common substring will be used + * as the group name (excluding spaces, underscores, etc). If there + * is no common prefix, then the first name in cols will be used, but + * modified to be unique. */ + virtual wxString SuggestGroupName(std::vector cols) const; + + /** Suggest a sequence of of n column names for use in a newly + * created space-time group. The column names can be written to the + * data-base will conform to DB restrictions: + * cols_case_sensitive (true/false) + * cols_max_length + * cols_ascii_only (true/false) + * All column names are unique amongst all other data base names and + * group names including new_grp_name. At attempt will be made + * to use prefix (could be the new_grp_name) as a prefix for the column + * names. The prefix might be modified as needed. */ + virtual std::vector SuggestDBColNames(wxString new_grp_name, + wxString prefix, + int n) const; + + /** Returns a valid group name based on grp_nm string. Returned value + * different than all existing group and database field names. If grp_nm + * is already unique, then grp_nm is returned unmodified. If an empty + * value is passed, then a group name of the form "Group x" is returned + * where x is a non-negative integer. */ + virtual wxString GetUniqueGroupName(wxString grp_nm) const; + + /** Returns n valid database column name based on col_nm string. + * Returned value different than all existing group and database + * column names and conforms to various column name restrictions as + * defined in this class. If col_nm is already unique and n=1, + * then col_nm is returned unmodified. If an empty value is passed, + * then a col name of the form "VAR_X" is returned where x is a + * non-negative integer. */ + virtual std::vector GetUniqueColNames(wxString col_nm, + int n) const; + + /** Checks is name is a valid group name given any naming restrctions + * for groups. This is generally much less strict than database + * column names. Does not verify that name is unique. */ + virtual bool IsValidGroupName(const wxString& grp_nm) const; + /** Checks is name is a valid database column name given naming + * restrctions for database as specified by cols_max_length, + * cols_case_sensitive and cols_ascii_only or other encoding restrictions. + * This is generally much more strict than space-time group names. + * Does not verify that name is unique. */ + virtual bool IsValidDBColName(const wxString& col_nm, + wxString* fld_warn_msg=0) =0; + +protected: + + TableState* table_state; + TimeState* time_state; + + bool is_valid; + wxString open_err_msg; + int rows; + bool changed_since_last_save; + + bool is_set_cell_from_string_fail; + wxString set_cell_from_string_fail_msg; + + /** Table Attributes. Should reflect limitations of underlying database. */ + + wxFontEncoding encoding_type; + wxCSConv* m_wx_encoding; // can be NULL. Should match encoding_type + + bool cols_case_sensitive; + bool cols_max_length; + bool cols_ascii_only; +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DataViewer/TableState.cpp b/DataViewer/TableState.cpp index 11d5d1193..93b2ee9d2 100644 --- a/DataViewer/TableState.cpp +++ b/DataViewer/TableState.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -21,8 +21,18 @@ #include "TableStateObserver.h" #include "TableState.h" +wxString TableDeltaEntry::ToString() const +{ + wxString s; + s << "TableDeltaEntry: nm=" << group_name << ", "; + s << (insert ? "insert" : "remove") << ", pos_at_op=" << pos_at_op; + if (insert) s << ", pos_final= " << pos_final; + return s; +} + TableState::TableState() -: delete_self_when_empty(false) +: delete_self_when_empty(false), event_type(TableState::empty), + modified_col_pos(-1) { LOG_MSG("In TableState::TableState"); } @@ -43,11 +53,16 @@ void TableState::closeAndDeleteWhenEmpty() LOG_MSG("Exiting TableState::closeAndDeleteWhenEmpty"); } -void TableState::registerObserver(TableStateObserver* o) +void TableState::registerTableBase(TableStateObserver* o) { observers.push_front(o); } +void TableState::registerObserver(TableStateObserver* o) +{ + observers.push_back(o); +} + void TableState::removeObserver(TableStateObserver* o) { LOG_MSG("Entering TableState::removeObserver"); @@ -59,8 +74,161 @@ void TableState::removeObserver(TableStateObserver* o) void TableState::notifyObservers() { - std::list::iterator it; - for (it=observers.begin(); it != observers.end(); it++) { + for (std::list::iterator it=observers.begin(); + it != observers.end(); ++it) { (*it)->update(this); } + // reset event details + event_type = TableState::empty; + modified_col_name = wxEmptyString; + modified_col_pos = -1; +} + +void TableState::SetColsDeltaEvtTyp(const TableDeltaList_type& _tdl) +{ + event_type = TableState::cols_delta; + tdl = _tdl; +} + +void TableState::SetColRenameEvtTyp(const wxString& old_name, + const wxString& new_name, + bool simple_group) +{ + old_col_name = old_name; + new_col_name = new_name; + is_simple_group_rename = simple_group; + event_type = TableState::col_rename; +} + +void TableState::SetColDataChangeEvtTyp(const wxString& name, int pos) +{ + event_type = TableState::col_data_change; + modified_col_name = name; + modified_col_pos = pos; +} + +void TableState::SetColOrderChangeEvtTyp() +{ + event_type = TableState::col_order_change; +} + +void TableState::SetTimeIdsAddRemoveEvtTyp() +{ + event_type = TableState::time_ids_add_remove; +} + +void TableState::SetTimeIdsRenameEvtTyp() +{ + event_type = TableState::time_ids_rename; +} + +void TableState::SetTimeIdsSwapEvtTyp() +{ + event_type = TableState::time_ids_swap; +} + +void TableState::SetColDispDecimalsEvtTyp(const wxString& name, int pos) +{ + event_type = TableState::col_disp_decimals_change; + modified_col_name = name; + modified_col_pos = pos; +} + +void TableState::SetColPropertiesChangeEvtTyp(const wxString& name, int pos) +{ + event_type = TableState::col_properties_change; + modified_col_name = name; + modified_col_pos = pos; +} + +int TableState::GetNumDisallowTimelineChanges() +{ + int n=0; + for (std::list::iterator it=observers.begin(); + it != observers.end(); ++it) { + if ( !(*it)->AllowTimelineChanges() ) ++n; + } + LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("%d of %d TableStateObservers disallow " + "timeline changes.", n, (int) observers.size())); + return n; +} + +wxString TableState::GetDisallowTimelineChangesMsg() +{ + wxString s; + int n = GetNumDisallowTimelineChanges(); + if (n == 1) { + s << "Cannot proceed with operation since there is a "; + s << "view open that does not support add/remove, move, or "; + s << "rename operations on timeline identifiers. Please close this"; + s << " view and retry operation."; + } else if (n > 1) { + s << "Cannot proceed with operation since there are " << n; + s << " views currently open that do not support add/remove, move, or "; + s << "rename operations on timeline identifiers. Please close these "; + s << n << " views and retry operation."; + } + return s; +} + +int TableState::GetNumDisallowGroupModify(const wxString& grp_nm) +{ + int n=0; + for (std::list::iterator it=observers.begin(); + it != observers.end(); ++it) { + if ( !(*it)->AllowGroupModify(grp_nm) ) ++n; + } + wxString msg; + msg << n << " of " << observers.size() << " TableStateObservers "; + msg << "disallow changes to group: " << grp_nm; + LOG_MSG(msg); + return n; +} + +wxString TableState::GetDisallowGroupModifyMsg(const wxString& grp_nm) +{ + wxString s; + int n = GetNumDisallowGroupModify(grp_nm); + if (n == 1) { + s << "Cannot modify variable " << grp_nm << " since there is a "; + s << "view open that currently depends on this variable. Please "; + s << "close or change variables in this view before retrying "; + s << "operation."; + } else { + s << "Cannot modify variable " << grp_nm << " since there are "; + s << n << "views open that currently depend on this variable. "; + s << "Please close or change variables in these views before "; + s << "retrying operation."; + } + return s; +} + +int TableState::GetNumDisallowObservationAddDelete() +{ + int n=0; + for (std::list::iterator it=observers.begin(); + it != observers.end(); ++it) { + // if ( !(*it)->AllowObservationAddDelete() ) ++n; + } + wxString msg; + msg << n << " of " << observers.size() << " TableStateObservers "; + msg << "disallow observation add/delete"; + LOG_MSG(msg); + return n; +} + +wxString TableState::GetDisallowObservationAddDeleteMsg() +{ + wxString s; + int n = GetNumDisallowObservationAddDelete(); + if (n == 1) { + s << "Cannot add/delete observations since there is a "; + s << "view open that does not allow dynamic observation changes. "; + s << "Please close this view before retrying."; + } else { + s << "Cannot add/delete observations since there are "; + s << n << "views open that currently do not allow dynamic "; + s << "observation changes. Please close these views before retrying."; + } + return s; } diff --git a/DataViewer/TableState.h b/DataViewer/TableState.h index 523157c4b..c7a91e606 100644 --- a/DataViewer/TableState.h +++ b/DataViewer/TableState.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -21,11 +21,59 @@ #define __GEODA_CENTER_TABLE_STATE_H__ #include +#include +#include +#include +#include "../GdaConst.h" class TableStateObserver; // forward declaration +struct TableDeltaEntry { + TableDeltaEntry() : pos_at_op(-1), pos_final(-1), decimals(0), + displayed_decimals(0), length(0), type(GdaConst::unknown_type), + change_to_db(false) {} + TableDeltaEntry(const wxString& _group_name, bool _insert, int _pos_at_op) + : group_name(_group_name), insert(_insert), pos_at_op(_pos_at_op), + pos_final(-1), decimals(0), displayed_decimals(0), length(0), + type(GdaConst::unknown_type), change_to_db(false) {} + + wxString group_name; + bool insert; // if false, then remove + /** Position when operation performed. For example, if colA was + first inserted in pos 0, then colB was inserted in pos 0, the + pos value for both should be 0, not 1 and 0. This should allow + wxGrid to be notified of an entire sequence of table column + changes. + */ + int pos_at_op; + /** Final position. This is only valid for inserted columns since + removed columns are gone after the end of the sequence of operations. */ + int pos_final; + GdaConst::FieldType type; // only needed for insert + int decimals; // only needed for numerical insert + int displayed_decimals; // only needed for numerical insert + int length; // only needed for insert + bool change_to_db; // state of database, not just meta-data changed + + wxString ToString() const; +}; + +typedef std::list TableDeltaList_type; + class TableState { public: + enum EventType { + empty, // an empty event, observers should not be notified + cols_delta, // a series of column insert and deletions + col_rename, // group or db_field rename + col_data_change, // change to values in variable + col_disp_decimals_change, // change to number of displayed decimals + col_properties_change, // change of type, length or precision + col_order_change, // visual order of columns changed in Table + time_ids_add_remove, + time_ids_rename, + time_ids_swap + }; TableState(); virtual ~TableState(); @@ -33,9 +81,52 @@ class TableState { all observers have deregistered themselves. */ void closeAndDeleteWhenEmpty(); - virtual void registerObserver(TableStateObserver* o); - virtual void removeObserver(TableStateObserver* o); - virtual void notifyObservers(); + /** registerTableBase is a special case of registerObserver + that should only be called by the TableBase class. This is + to ensure TableBase is always notified first. */ + void registerTableBase(TableStateObserver* o); + void registerObserver(TableStateObserver* o); + void removeObserver(TableStateObserver* o); + void notifyObservers(); + + EventType GetEventType() { return event_type; } + wxString GetOldColName() { return old_col_name; } + wxString GetNewColName() { return new_col_name; } + bool IsSimpleGroupRename() { return is_simple_group_rename; } + wxString GetModifiedColName() { return modified_col_name; } + int GetModifiedColPos() { return modified_col_pos; } + const TableDeltaList_type& GetTableDeltaListRef() { return tdl; } + + void SetColsDeltaEvtTyp(const TableDeltaList_type& tdl); + void SetColRenameEvtTyp(const wxString& old_name, + const wxString& new_name, + bool simple_group); + void SetColDataChangeEvtTyp(const wxString& name, int pos); + void SetColOrderChangeEvtTyp(); + void SetColDispDecimalsEvtTyp(const wxString& name, int pos); + void SetColPropertiesChangeEvtTyp(const wxString& name, int pos); + void SetTimeIdsAddRemoveEvtTyp(); + void SetTimeIdsRenameEvtTyp(); + void SetTimeIdsSwapEvtTyp(); + + /** Number of TableStateObserver instances for which + TableStateObserver::AllowTimelineChanges() returns false. If + number is zero, then ok to proceed with add/remove, rename + and swap time ids operations */ + int GetNumDisallowTimelineChanges(); + wxString GetDisallowTimelineChangesMsg(); + + /** Number of TableStateObserver instance for which + TableStateObserver::AllowGroupModify(grp_nm) returns false. If + number is zero, then ok to proceed with data or property changes */ + int GetNumDisallowGroupModify(const wxString& grp_nm); + wxString GetDisallowGroupModifyMsg(const wxString& grp_nm); + + /** Number of TableStateObserver instance for which + TableStateObserver::AllowObservationAddDelete returns false. If + number is zero, then ok to proceed. */ + int GetNumDisallowObservationAddDelete(); + wxString GetDisallowObservationAddDeleteMsg(); private: /** The list of registered TableStateObserver objects. */ @@ -44,6 +135,15 @@ class TableState { when the list of observers is empty, the TableState instance will automatically delete itself. */ bool delete_self_when_empty; + + // event details + EventType event_type; + wxString modified_col_name; + int modified_col_pos; + wxString old_col_name; + wxString new_col_name; + bool is_simple_group_rename; + TableDeltaList_type tdl; /// Set by SetColsDeltaEvtTyp() }; #endif diff --git a/DataViewer/TableStateObserver.h b/DataViewer/TableStateObserver.h index 2d4871f3d..09d4d2c3e 100644 --- a/DataViewer/TableStateObserver.h +++ b/DataViewer/TableStateObserver.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -20,11 +20,22 @@ #ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_TABLE_STATE_OBSERVER_H__ #define __GEODA_CENTER_TABLE_STATE_OBSERVER_H__ +#include class TableState; // forward declaration class TableStateObserver { public: virtual void update(TableState* o) = 0; + + /** This method is only here temporarily until all observer classes + support dynamic time changes such as swap, rename and add/remove. */ + virtual bool AllowTimelineChanges() = 0; + + /** Does this observer allow data modifications to named group. */ + virtual bool AllowGroupModify(const wxString& grp_nm) = 0; + + /** Does this observer allow Table/Geometry row additions and deletions. */ + virtual bool AllowObservationAddDelete() = 0; }; #endif diff --git a/DataViewer/TimeState.cpp b/DataViewer/TimeState.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0bf01f193 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/TimeState.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include "../logger.h" +#include "../GenUtils.h" +#include "TimeStateObserver.h" +#include "TimeState.h" + +TimeState::TimeState() +: delete_self_when_empty(false), curr_time_step(0), time_ids(1) +{ + LOG_MSG("In TimeState::TimeState"); +} + +TimeState::TimeState(const std::vector& time_ids) +: delete_self_when_empty(false), curr_time_step(0) +{ + SetTimeIds(time_ids); +} + +TimeState::~TimeState() +{ + LOG_MSG("In TimeState::~TimeState"); +} + +int TimeState::GetCurrTime() +{ + return curr_time_step; +} + +wxString TimeState::GetCurrTimeString() +{ + return time_ids[curr_time_step]; +} + +void TimeState::SetCurrTime(int t) +{ + if (t >= 0 && t < time_ids.size()) curr_time_step = t; +} + +int TimeState::GetTimeSteps() +{ + return time_ids.size(); +} + +void TimeState::SetTimeIds(const std::vector& time_ids_s) +{ + time_ids.resize(time_ids_s.size()); + for (int i=0, ii=time_ids_s.size(); i= time_ids.size()) curr_time_step = time_ids.size()-1; +} + +void TimeState::closeAndDeleteWhenEmpty() +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering TimeState::closeAndDeleteWhenEmpty"); + delete_self_when_empty = true; + if (observers.size() == 0) { + LOG_MSG("Deleting self now since no registered observers."); + delete this; + } + LOG_MSG("Exiting TimeState::closeAndDeleteWhenEmpty"); +} + +void TimeState::registerObserver(TimeStateObserver* o) +{ + observers.push_back(o); +} + +void TimeState::removeObserver(TimeStateObserver* o) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering TimeState::removeObserver"); + observers.remove(o); + LOG(observers.size()); + if (observers.size() == 0 && delete_self_when_empty) delete this; + LOG_MSG("Exiting TimeState::removeObserver"); +} + +void TimeState::notifyObservers() +{ + for (std::list::iterator it=observers.begin(); + it != observers.end(); ++it) { + (*it)->update(this); + } +} diff --git a/DataViewer/TimeState.h b/DataViewer/TimeState.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..43e026be2 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/TimeState.h @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_TIME_STATE_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_TIME_STATE_H__ + +#include +#include +#include + +class TimeStateObserver; // forward declaration + +class TimeState { +public: + TimeState(); + TimeState(const std::vector& time_ids); + virtual ~TimeState(); + + /** Signal that TimeState should be closed, but wait until + all observers have deregistered themselves. */ + void closeAndDeleteWhenEmpty(); + + void registerObserver(TimeStateObserver* o); + void removeObserver(TimeStateObserver* o); + void notifyObservers(); + + int GetCurrTime(); + wxString GetCurrTimeString(); + void SetCurrTime(int t); + int GetTimeSteps(); + + void SetTimeIds(const std::vector& time_ids); + +private: + /** The list of registered TimeStateObserver objects. */ + std::list observers; + /** When the project is being closed, this is set to true so that + when the list of observers is empty, the TimeState instance + will automatically delete itself. */ + bool delete_self_when_empty; + + int curr_time_step; + std::vector time_ids; +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DataViewer/TimeStateObserver.h b/DataViewer/TimeStateObserver.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..acefa585b --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/TimeStateObserver.h @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_TIME_STATE_OBSERVER_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_TIME_STATE_OBSERVER_H__ + +class TimeState; // forward declaration + +class TimeStateObserver { +public: + virtual void update(TimeState* o) = 0; +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DataViewer/VarGroup.cpp b/DataViewer/VarGroup.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e9bdffbd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/VarGroup.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include "VarGroup.h" + +VarGroup::VarGroup() : displayed_decimals(-1) +{ +} + +VarGroup::VarGroup(const VarGroup& e) : name(e.name), vars(e.vars), +displayed_decimals(e.displayed_decimals) +{ +} + +VarGroup::VarGroup(const wxString& _name, int _displayed_decimals) +: name(_name), displayed_decimals(_displayed_decimals) +{ +} + +VarGroup::VarGroup(const wxString& _name, std::vector _vars, + int _displayed_decimals) +: name(_name), vars(_vars), displayed_decimals(_displayed_decimals) +{ + if (vars.size() == 1) vars.clear(); +} + +bool VarGroup::operator<(const VarGroup& e) const +{ + return name < e.name; +} + +VarGroup& VarGroup::operator=(const VarGroup& e) +{ + name = e.name; + vars = e.vars; + return *this; +} + +void VarGroup::Append(const VarGroup& e) +{ + if (e.vars.size() == 0 && !e.name.IsEmpty()) { + vars.push_back(e.name); + } else { + for (int i=0; i& var_nms) const +{ + if (IsEmpty()) return; + if (IsSimple()) { + var_nms.resize(1); + var_nms[0] = GetGroupName(); + } else { + var_nms = vars; + } +} + +wxString VarGroup::GetNameByTime(int time) const +{ + if ( vars.size() == 0 ) return name; + if ( time >= 0 && time < vars.size() ) return vars[time]; + return ""; +} + +wxString VarGroup::GetGroupName() const +{ + return name; +} + +void VarGroup::SetGroupName(const wxString& new_name) +{ + name = new_name; +} + +void VarGroup::SetVarName(const wxString& new_name, int time) +{ + if (time < 0 || vars.size() >= time) return; + vars[time] = new_name; +} + +bool VarGroup::IsSimple() const +{ + return vars.size() == 0; +} + +/** If name is empty, then VarGroup is considered to be empty. An empty + VarGroup should only be used as a temporary return value to indicate + that a VarGroup wasn't found. */ +bool VarGroup::IsEmpty() const +{ + return name.IsEmpty(); +} + +wxString VarGroup::ToStr() const +{ + wxString ss; + if (vars.size() == 0) { + ss << "VarGroup name: " << name; + } else { + ss << "VarGroup name: " << name << "\n"; + ss << " vars: "; + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& v, vars) { + if (v.empty()) { // a placeholder + ss << "placeholder "; + } else { + ss << v << " "; + } + } + } + ss << "\n"; + return ss; +} + +int VarGroup::GetDispDecs() const +{ + return displayed_decimals; +} + +void VarGroup::SetDispDecs(int _displayed_decimals) +{ + displayed_decimals = _displayed_decimals; +} diff --git a/DataViewer/VarGroup.h b/DataViewer/VarGroup.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..28c4e6264 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/VarGroup.h @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_VAR_GROUP_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_VAR_GROUP_H__ + +#include +#include +#include + +struct VarGroup; +typedef std::list VarGroup_container; + +struct VarGroup { + VarGroup(); + VarGroup(const VarGroup& e); + VarGroup(const wxString &name, int displayed_decimals=-1); + VarGroup(const wxString &name, std::vector vars, + int displayed_decimals=-1); + bool operator<(const VarGroup& e) const; + VarGroup& operator=(const VarGroup& e); + void Append(const VarGroup& e); + void AppendPlaceholder(); + bool IsAllPlaceholders() const; + int GetNumTms() const; + void GetVarNames(std::vector& var_nms) const; + wxString GetNameByTime(int time) const; + wxString GetGroupName() const; + /** renames the group */ + void SetGroupName(const wxString& new_name); + /** rename simple var at given time */ + void SetVarName(const wxString& new_name, int time); + bool IsSimple() const; + bool IsEmpty() const; + wxString ToStr() const; + int GetDispDecs() const; + void SetDispDecs(int displayed_decimals); + + /** simple name if only one time period, otherwise group name */ + wxString name; + /** var: empty "" indicates placeholder + * if vars.size() == 0, then a simple variable */ + std::vector vars; + + /** Number of displayed decimals for the entire group. Only + used for non-integer numeric types. -1 indicates not used + or use default for type. */ + int displayed_decimals; +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DataViewer/VarOrderMapper.cpp b/DataViewer/VarOrderMapper.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fead37fe5 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/VarOrderMapper.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,412 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include "../logger.h" +#include "VarOrderMapper.h" + +VarOrderMapper::VarOrderMapper() : time_ids(1, "0") +{ +} + +VarOrderMapper::VarOrderMapper(const VarOrderMapper& vo) +: time_ids(vo.GetTimeIdsRef()), var_grps(vo.GetVarGroupsRef()) +{ +} + +VarOrderMapper::VarOrderMapper(const VarOrderPtree& vo) +: time_ids(vo.GetTimeIdsRef()), var_grps(vo.GetVarGroupsRef()) +{ +} + +VarOrderMapper::~VarOrderMapper() +{ +} + +int VarOrderMapper::GetNumVarGroups() const +{ + return var_grps.size(); +} + +int VarOrderMapper::GetNumTms() const +{ + return time_ids.size(); +} + +const std::vector& VarOrderMapper::GetTimeIdsRef() const +{ + return time_ids; +} + +const VarGroup_container& VarOrderMapper::GetVarGroupsRef() const +{ + return var_grps; +} + +/** Returns column number for given column. Returns -1 if not found. Note, + does not search in Enteries.vars. */ +int VarOrderMapper::GetColId(const wxString& name) const +{ + int cnt=0; + BOOST_FOREACH(const VarGroup& e, var_grps) { + if (e.name.CmpNoCase(name) == 0) return cnt; + //else if (e.vars.size() > 0) { + // BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& subname, e.vars) + // if (subname.CmpNoCase(name) == 0) return cnt; + //} + ++cnt; + } + return wxNOT_FOUND; +} + +/** Searches for name in VarGroup. If VarGroup is simple, then returns + true if name == VarGroup::name. If VarGroup not simple, then only returns + true if name found in VarGroup vars. col and tm are set to -1 when + not found. */ +bool VarOrderMapper::SimpleColNameToColAndTm(const wxString& name, + int& col, int& tm) +{ + col = -1; + tm = -1; + if (name.IsEmpty()) return false; + int i=0; + for (VarGroup_container::iterator vg_i=var_grps.begin(); + vg_i != var_grps.end(); ++vg_i) + { + if (vg_i->IsSimple()) { + if (vg_i->GetGroupName().CmpNoCase(name)==0) { + col = i; + tm = 0; + return true; + } + } else { + for (int j=0, sz=vg_i->vars.size(); jvars[j] == name) { + col = i; + tm = j; + return true; + } + } + } + ++i; + } + return false; +} + +/** Returns a copy of VarGroup corresponding to name. If not found, returns + an empty VarGroup. */ +VarGroup VarOrderMapper::FindVarGroup(const wxString& name) const +{ + /// MMM We should not be using CmpNoCase for no reason here. Some + /// DBs do support case-sensitive names and this logic would + /// break that. + BOOST_FOREACH(const VarGroup& e, var_grps) { + if (e.name.CmpNoCase(name)==0) return e; + } + return VarGroup(); +} + +/** Returns a copy of VarGroup in corresponding position. If out of range, + returns an empty VarGroup. */ +VarGroup VarOrderMapper::FindVarGroup(int i) const +{ + int cnt=0; + BOOST_FOREACH(const VarGroup& e, var_grps) if (cnt++ == i) return e; + return VarGroup(); +} + +VarGroup_container::iterator VarOrderMapper::FindVarGroupIt( + const wxString& name) +{ + /// MMM We should not be using CmpNoCase for no reason here. Some + /// DBs do support case-sensitive names and this logic would + /// break that. + for (VarGroup_container::iterator i=var_grps.begin(); + i!=var_grps.end(); ++i) { + if (i->name.CmpNoCase(name)==0) return i; + } + return var_grps.end(); +} + +VarGroup_container::iterator VarOrderMapper::FindVarGroupIt(int j) +{ + int cnt=0; + for (VarGroup_container::iterator i=var_grps.begin(); + i!=var_grps.end(); ++i) { + if (cnt++ == j) return i; + } + return var_grps.end(); +} + +/** Returns Database Column names, not group names. If placeholder, then + empty string returned. Default time is 0. + */ +wxString VarOrderMapper::GetSimpleColName(int col, int time) const +{ + return FindVarGroup(col).GetNameByTime(time); +} + +/** Returns group names, not underlying DB name (unless a simple group). + If -1 or out of range, then empty string returned. + */ +wxString VarOrderMapper::GetGroupName(int col) const +{ + if (col < 0) return ""; + return FindVarGroup(col).GetGroupName(); +} + +/** Returns true if VarGroup fround with name for group or in simple vars */ +bool VarOrderMapper::DoesNameExist(const wxString& name, + bool case_sensitive) const +{ + BOOST_FOREACH(const VarGroup& g, var_grps) { + if (g.name.IsSameAs(name, case_sensitive)) return true; + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& v, g.vars) { + if (v.IsSameAs(name, case_sensitive)) return true; + } + } + return false; +} + +/** Works for groups or simple groups */ +void VarOrderMapper::SetGroupName(int pos, const wxString& new_name) +{ + if (pos < 0 || pos >= var_grps.size()) return; + VarGroup_container::iterator i = FindVarGroupIt(pos); + i->SetGroupName(new_name); +} + +void VarOrderMapper::SetSimpleColName(int pos, int time, + const wxString& new_name) +{ + if (time < 0 || pos < 0 || pos >= var_grps.size()) return; + VarGroup_container::iterator i = FindVarGroupIt(pos); + if (time >= i->GetNumTms()) return; + i->SetVarName(new_name, time); +} + +void VarOrderMapper::SetDisplayedDecimals(int pos, int disp_decs) +{ + if (pos < 0 || pos >= var_grps.size()) return; + VarGroup_container::iterator i = FindVarGroupIt(pos); + i->SetDispDecs(disp_decs); +} + +/** Insert VarGroup at postion pos. If pos >= var_grps.size(), insert + at the end. */ +void VarOrderMapper::InsertVarGroup(const VarGroup& e, int pos) +{ + LOG_MSG("Inside VarOrderMapper::InsertVarGroup"); + wxString msg; + msg << " inserting " << e.name << " at position " << pos; + LOG_MSG(msg); + if (pos < 0) pos = 0; + if (pos > var_grps.size()) pos = var_grps.size(); + VarGroup_container::iterator i = FindVarGroupIt(pos); + var_grps.insert(i, e); +} + +/** Remove VarGroup at postion pos. */ +void VarOrderMapper::RemoveVarGroup(int pos) +{ + LOG_MSG("Inside VarOrderMapper::RemoveVarGroup"); + if (pos < 0 || pos >= var_grps.size()) return; + VarGroup_container::iterator i = FindVarGroupIt(pos); + wxString msg; + msg << " removing " << i->name << " at position " << pos; + LOG_MSG(msg); + var_grps.erase(i); +} + +/** + * col_ids contains the positions of top-level columns that are to be + * grouped into new column grp_name. VarGroups refered to in cols will be + * removed. Resulting grouped entry will be inserted into position grp_pos + * in resulting table (with fewer columns). Placeholders are indicated + * with -1. + * grp_pos is the desired position to insert the group into the table + * after the grouping is finished (and there are therefore fewer columns) + */ +void VarOrderMapper::Group(const std::vector& col_ids, + const wxString& grp_name, int grp_pos, + TableDeltaList_type& tdl) +{ + using namespace std; + vector cols; + BOOST_FOREACH(int cid, col_ids) cols.push_back(GetGroupName(cid)); + // cols[i] with empty or not found names are assumed to refer to + // placeholder var_grps. + VarGroup new_e(grp_name); + for (size_t c=0; cIsSimple()) continue; + TableDeltaEntry tde(i->name, false, GetColId(i->name)); + tdl.push_back(tde); + new_e.Append(i->name); + var_grps.erase(i); + } + } + // insert new VarGroup at grp_pos + if (grp_pos > var_grps.size()) grp_pos = var_grps.size(); + TableDeltaEntry tde(grp_name, true, grp_pos); + tde.pos_final = grp_pos; + tdl.push_back(tde); + var_grps.insert(FindVarGroupIt(grp_pos), new_e); +} + +/** Ungroup VarGroup at pos, deleting the VarGroup and inserting + all non placeholder var_grps into the table at that position in + order. + */ +void VarOrderMapper::Ungroup(int grp_pos, TableDeltaList_type& tdl) +{ + using namespace std; + VarGroup e = FindVarGroup(grp_pos); + if (e.IsSimple()) return; + wxString grp_name = e.name; + if (e.name == "") return; + for (size_t i=0; i= time_ids.size() || time2 >= time_ids.size()) return; + wxString tmp = time_ids[time1]; + time_ids[time1] = time_ids[time2]; + time_ids[time2] = tmp; + + for (VarGroup_container::iterator i=var_grps.begin(); + i!=var_grps.end(); ++i) { + if (i->IsSimple()) continue; + if (i->vars.size() > time2 && i->vars.size() > time1) { + wxString tmp = i->vars[time1]; + i->vars[time1] = i->vars[time2]; + i->vars[time2] = tmp; + } + } +} + +/** First move through table in reverse and add simple columns from each + * group. Secondly, do a cleanup pass where pure-placeholder groups + * are removed from the table. */ +void VarOrderMapper::RemoveTime(int time, TableDeltaList_type& tdl) +{ + if (time < 0 || time >= time_ids.size()) return; + time_ids.erase(time_ids.begin() + time); + + + // Add all all simple columns removed from groups + for (int pos=GetNumVarGroups()-1; pos>=0; --pos) { + VarGroup_container::iterator i = FindVarGroupIt(pos); + if (i->IsSimple() || time >= i->GetNumTms()) continue; + wxString vn = i->GetNameByTime(time); + i->vars.erase(i->vars.begin() + time); + if (vn == "") continue; + // must insert as new simple variable into list + InsertVarGroup(VarGroup(vn, i->GetDispDecs()), pos); + TableDeltaEntry tde(vn, true, pos); + tdl.push_back(tde); + } + + // Remove all VarGroup with only placeholder entries remaining + for (int pos=GetNumVarGroups()-1; pos>=0; --pos) { + VarGroup_container::iterator i = FindVarGroupIt(pos); + if (i->IsAllPlaceholders()) { + TableDeltaEntry tde(i->GetGroupName(), false, pos); + tdl.push_back(tde); + wxString msg; + msg << " All placeholders group found: removing " << i->name; + msg << " at position " << pos; + LOG_MSG(msg); + var_grps.erase(i); + } + } + + // Must determine final positions of inserted columns and add this + // info to tdl + for (TableDeltaList_type::iterator i=tdl.begin(); i!=tdl.end(); ++i) { + if (!i->insert) continue; + i->pos_final = GetColId(i->group_name); + } +} + +void VarOrderMapper::InsertTime(int time, const wxString& new_time_id) +{ + if (time < 0 || time > time_ids.size()) return; + time_ids.insert(time_ids.begin() + time, new_time_id); + + for (VarGroup_container::iterator i=var_grps.begin(); + i!=var_grps.end(); ++i) { + if (!i->IsSimple() && i->GetNumTms() >= time) { + i->vars.insert(i->vars.begin() + time, ""); + } + } +} + +void VarOrderMapper::RenameTime(int time, const wxString& new_time_id) +{ + if (time < 0 || time > time_ids.size()) return; + time_ids[time] = new_time_id; +} + +wxString VarOrderMapper::VarOrderToStr() const +{ + using namespace std; + wxString ss; + int col = 0; + ss << "VarGroups_container:\n"; + BOOST_FOREACH(const VarGroup& e, var_grps) { + if (e.vars.size() == 0) { + ss << "col " << col << ": name: " << e.name; + } else { + ss << "col " << col << ": name: " << e.name << "\n"; + ss << " vars: "; + int t=0; + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& v, e.vars) { + if (v.empty()) { // a placeholder + ss << "placeholder "; + } else { + ss << v << " "; + } + ++t; + } + } + ss << "\n"; + ++col; + } + return ss; +} diff --git a/DataViewer/VarOrderMapper.h b/DataViewer/VarOrderMapper.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5b7e20e75 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/VarOrderMapper.h @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_VAR_ORDER_MAPPER_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_VAR_ORDER_MAPPER_H__ + +#include +#include "VarGroup.h" +#include "VarOrderPtree.h" + +/** + * Variables: simple or group. A group consists of simple variables. + */ +class VarOrderMapper { +public: + VarOrderMapper(); + VarOrderMapper(const VarOrderMapper& vo); + VarOrderMapper(const VarOrderPtree& vo); + virtual ~VarOrderMapper(); + + int GetNumVarGroups() const; + int GetNumTms() const; + const std::vector& GetTimeIdsRef() const; + const VarGroup_container& GetVarGroupsRef() const; + int GetColId(const wxString& name) const; + VarGroup FindVarGroup(const wxString& name) const; + VarGroup FindVarGroup(int i) const; + bool SimpleColNameToColAndTm(const wxString& name, int& col, int& tm); + VarGroup_container::iterator FindVarGroupIt(const wxString& name); + VarGroup_container::iterator FindVarGroupIt(int i); + wxString GetSimpleColName(int col, int time=0) const; + wxString GetGroupName(int col) const; + bool DoesNameExist(const wxString& name, bool case_sensitive=false) const; + void SetGroupName(int pos, const wxString& new_name); + void SetSimpleColName(int pos, int time, const wxString& new_name); + void SetDisplayedDecimals(int pos, int disp_decs); + void InsertVarGroup(const VarGroup& e, int pos); + void RemoveVarGroup(int pos); + void Group(const std::vector& col_ids, + const wxString& grp_name, int grp_pos, + TableDeltaList_type& tdl); + void Ungroup(int grp_pos, TableDeltaList_type& tdl); + void SwapTimes(int time1, int time2); + void RemoveTime(int time, TableDeltaList_type& tdl); + void InsertTime(int time, const wxString& new_time_id); + void RenameTime(int time, const wxString& new_time_id); + + wxString VarOrderToStr() const; + +private: + std::vector time_ids; + VarGroup_container var_grps; +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DataViewer/VarOrderPtree.cpp b/DataViewer/VarOrderPtree.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..61e809bfc --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/VarOrderPtree.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,403 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include "../GdaException.h" +#include "../logger.h" +#include "VarOrderPtree.h" +#include "VarOrderPtree.h" + +VarOrderPtree::VarOrderPtree() : time_ids(1, "time 0") +{ +} + +VarOrderPtree::VarOrderPtree(const VarOrderPtree& vo) +: time_ids(vo.time_ids), var_grps(vo.var_grps) +{ +} + +VarOrderPtree::VarOrderPtree(const boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path) +: time_ids(1, "time 0") +{ + ReadPtree(pt, proj_path); +} + +VarOrderPtree::~VarOrderPtree() +{ +} + +VarOrderPtree* VarOrderPtree::Clone() +{ + return new VarOrderPtree(*this); +} + +void VarOrderPtree::ReadPtree(const boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering VarOrderPtree::ReadPtree"); + using boost::property_tree::ptree; + using namespace std; + set grp_set; + try { + try { + pt.get_child("variable_order"); + } + catch (boost::property_tree::ptree_bad_path& e) { + // variable_order is optional + return; + } + + // iterate over each child of variable_order + time_ids.clear(); + BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type &v, + pt.get_child("variable_order")) { + wxString key = v.first.data(); + LOG_MSG(key); + if (key == "var") { + VarGroup ent; + ent.name = v.second.data(); + LOG_MSG("found var: "); + LOG_MSG(v.second.data()); + //var_order.push_back(v.second.data()); + var_grps.push_back(ent); + } else if (key == "time_ids") { + BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type &v, v.second) { + wxString key = v.first.data(); + LOG_MSG(key); + LOG_MSG(v.second.data()); + time_ids.push_back(v.second.data()); + } + } else if (key == "group") { + VarGroup ent; + BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type &v, v.second) { + wxString key = v.first.data(); + if (key == "name") { + LOG_MSG("found name: "); + LOG_MSG(v.second.data()); + ent.name = v.second.data(); + } else if (key == "var") { + LOG_MSG("found var: "); + LOG_MSG(v.second.data()); + ent.vars.push_back(v.second.data()); + } else if (key == "placeholder") { + LOG_MSG("placeholder found"); + ent.vars.push_back(""); + } else if (key == "displayed_decimals") { + wxString vs(v.second.data()); + LOG_MSG("found displayed_decimals: "); + LOG_MSG(vs); + long dd; + if (!vs.ToLong(&dd)) dd = -1; + ent.displayed_decimals = dd; + } + } + if (ent.name.empty()) { + wxString msg = "space-time variable found with no name"; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + if (grp_set.find(ent.name) != grp_set.end()) { + wxString ss; + ss << "Space-time variables with duplicate name \""; + ss << ent.name << "\" found."; + throw GdaException(ss.mb_str()); + } + var_grps.push_back(ent); + grp_set.insert(ent.name); + } + } + } catch (std::exception &e) { + throw GdaException(e.what()); + } + if (time_ids.size() == 0) { + time_ids.push_back("time 0"); // Insert a single default time + } + LOG_MSG("Exiting VarOrderPtree::ReadPtree"); +} + +void VarOrderPtree::WritePtree(boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path) +{ + using boost::property_tree::ptree; + using namespace std; + try { + ptree& subtree = pt.put("variable_order", ""); + + // Write time_ids + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& s, time_ids) { + subtree.add("time_ids.id", s); + } + + // Write variables and groups + BOOST_FOREACH(const VarGroup& e, var_grps) { + if (e.vars.size() == 0) { + subtree.add("var", e.name); + } else { + ptree& sstree = subtree.add("group", ""); + sstree.put("name", e.name); + if (e.displayed_decimals != -1) { + wxString vs; + vs << e.displayed_decimals; + sstree.put("displayed_decimals", vs); + } + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& v, e.vars) { + if (v == "") { + sstree.add("placeholder", ""); + } else { + sstree.add("var", v); + } + } + } + } + } catch (std::exception &e) { + throw GdaException(e.what()); + } +} + +const std::vector& VarOrderPtree::GetTimeIdsRef() const +{ + return time_ids; +} + +const VarGroup_container& VarOrderPtree::GetVarGroupsRef() const +{ + return var_grps; +} + +bool VarOrderPtree::CorrectVarGroups(const std::map& ds_var_type_map, + const std::vector& ds_var_list) +{ + using namespace std; + LOG_MSG("Entering VarOrderPtree::CorrectVarGroups"); + bool changed = false; + set ds_var_set; + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString &v, ds_var_list) { ds_var_set.insert(v); } + + set var_set; + set group_nm_set; + BOOST_FOREACH(const VarGroup& e, var_grps) { + if (e.vars.size() == 0) { + var_set.insert(e.name); + } else { + group_nm_set.insert(e.name); + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& v, e.vars) { + if (!v.empty()) var_set.insert(v); + } + } + } + + LOG_MSG(VarOrderToStr()); + + //LOG_MSG("var_set: "); + //BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& v, var_set) { LOG(v); } + //LOG_MSG("ds_var_set: "); + //BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& v, var_set) { LOG(v); } + + // Should also modify group names so that they don't confict + // with any names in ds_var_list + //BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& v, group_nm_set) { + // if (ds_var_set.find(v) != ds_var_set.end()) { + // } + //} + + LOG_MSG("\nRemoving vars not in DS:"); + // Remove all items in var_set not in ds_var_set + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& v, var_set) { + if (ds_var_set.find(v) == ds_var_set.end() && + ds_var_set.find(v.Upper()) == ds_var_set.end() && + ds_var_set.find(v.Lower()) == ds_var_set.end()) { + LOG(v); + RemoveFromVarGroups(v); + changed = true; + } + } + + // Ensure all vars in each group have compatible types. If not + // compatible, ungroup and append to end. + list ungroup; + for (VarGroup_container::iterator i=var_grps.begin(); i!=var_grps.end();) { + if (!IsTypeCompatible(i->vars, ds_var_type_map)) + { + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& v, i->vars) { + ungroup.push_back(v); + } + VarGroup_container::iterator tmp = i; + ++i; + var_grps.erase(tmp); + changed = true; + } else { ++i; } + } + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& v, ungroup) { + VarGroup ent; + ent.name = v; + var_grps.push_back(ent); + } + + // Search for any groups with only placeholders and remove them + // todo: should add removed items to var_grps + for (VarGroup_container::iterator i=var_grps.begin(); i!=var_grps.end();) { + if (i->IsAllPlaceholders()) { + VarGroup_container::iterator tmp = i; + ++i; + var_grps.erase(tmp); + changed = true; + } else { ++i; } + } + + // Append all items in ds_var_list not in var_set + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& v, ds_var_list) { + if (var_set.find(v) == var_set.end() && + var_set.find(v.Upper()) == var_set.end() && + var_set.find(v.Lower()) == var_set.end() ) { + VarGroup ent; + ent.name = v; + var_grps.push_back(ent); + } + } + + LOG_MSG(VarOrderToStr()); + + LOG_MSG("Exiting VarOrderPtree::CorrectVarGroups"); + return changed; +} + +/** Update VarOrderPtree based on meta-data from TableInterface + */ +void VarOrderPtree::ReInitFromTableInt(TableInterface* table) +{ + using namespace std; + if (!table) return; + + var_grps.clear(); + time_ids.clear(); + + vector tm_strs; + table->GetTimeStrings(tm_strs); + int times = table->GetTimeSteps(); + int cols = table->GetNumberCols(); + this->time_ids.resize(times); + for (int t=0; ttime_ids[t] = tm_strs[t].ToStdString(); + } + vector col_map; + table->FillColIdMap(col_map); + for (int i=0; iGetColName(col); + if (table->IsColTimeVariant(col)) { + e.vars.resize(times); + for (int t=0; tGetColType(col, t) == GdaConst::placeholder_type) { + e.vars[t] = ""; + } else { + e.vars[t] = table->GetColName(col, t); + } + } + } + e.displayed_decimals = table->GetColDispDecimals(col); + this->var_grps.push_back(e); + } +} + +wxString VarOrderPtree::VarOrderToStr() const +{ + using namespace std; + wxString ss; + int col = 0; + ss << "VarGroups_container:\n"; + BOOST_FOREACH(const VarGroup& e, var_grps) { + if (e.vars.size() == 0) { + ss << "col " << col << ": name: " << e.name; + } else { + ss << "col " << col << ": name: " << e.name << "\n"; + ss << " vars: "; + int t=0; + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& v, e.vars) { + if (v.empty()) { // a placeholder + ss << "placeholder "; + } else { + ss << v << " "; + } + ++t; + } + } + ss << "\n"; + ++col; + } + return ss; +} + + +/// Remove var from var_grps if found. Replace with placeholder +bool VarOrderPtree::RemoveFromVarGroups(const wxString& v) +{ + if (v == "") return false; + + for (VarGroup_container::iterator i=var_grps.begin(); + i!=var_grps.end(); ++i) { + if (i->name.CmpNoCase(v)==0) { + var_grps.erase(i); + return true; + } + for (std::vector::iterator ii = i->vars.begin(); + ii != i->vars.end(); ++ii) { + if (*ii == v) { + i->vars.erase(ii); + return true; + } + } + } + return false; +} + +bool VarOrderPtree::IsTypeCompatible(const std::vector& vars, + const std::map& ds_var_type_map) +{ + using namespace std; + if (vars.size() == 0) return true; + map::const_iterator m_it; + set type_set; + + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& v, vars) { + if (!v.empty()) { + m_it = ds_var_type_map.find(v); + if ( m_it == ds_var_type_map.end()) + m_it = ds_var_type_map.find(v.Upper()); + if ( m_it == ds_var_type_map.end()) + m_it = ds_var_type_map.find(v.Lower()); + if ( m_it == ds_var_type_map.end()) { + wxString ss; + ss << "Error: could not find type for var: " << v; + LOG_MSG(ss); + return false; + } + GdaConst::FieldType type = m_it->second; + if (type != GdaConst::placeholder_type) { + type_set.insert(type); + } + } + } + return type_set.size() <= 1; +} + diff --git a/DataViewer/VarOrderPtree.h b/DataViewer/VarOrderPtree.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0e180a101 --- /dev/null +++ b/DataViewer/VarOrderPtree.h @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_VAR_ORDER_PTREE_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_VAR_ORDER_PTREE_H__ + +#include +#include +#include "PtreeInterface.h" +#include "TableInterface.h" +#include "VarGroup.h" + +class VarOrderPtree : public PtreeInterface { +public: + VarOrderPtree(); + VarOrderPtree(const VarOrderPtree& vo); + VarOrderPtree(const boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path); + virtual ~VarOrderPtree(); + + /// PtreeInterface method. Throws GdaException + virtual void ReadPtree(const boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path); + /// PtreeInterface method. Throws GdaException + virtual void WritePtree(boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path); + + const std::vector& GetTimeIdsRef() const; + const VarGroup_container& GetVarGroupsRef() const; + + bool CorrectVarGroups(const std::map& ds_var_type_map, + const std::vector& ds_var_list); + /** + * This function clears all data and then reinitializes from the + * TableInterface. The order of the variables ultimately comes + * from the displayed order according to wxGrid. Therefore, this + * should only be used just before saving to disk. + */ + void ReInitFromTableInt(TableInterface* table); + + wxString VarOrderToStr() const; + + VarOrderPtree* Clone(); + +private: + bool RemoveFromVarGroups(const wxString& v); + static bool IsTypeCompatible(const std::vector& vars, + const std::map& ds_var_type_map); + + // Data + std::vector time_ids; + VarGroup_container var_grps; +}; + +#endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/DefaultVarsPtree.cpp b/DefaultVarsPtree.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6ad364e33 --- /dev/null +++ b/DefaultVarsPtree.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include "GdaException.h" +#include "logger.h" +#include "DefaultVarsPtree.h" + +wxString DefaultVar::ToStr() const +{ + wxString s; + s << "Default Var Info:\n"; + s << " name: " << name << "\n"; + if (!time_id.IsEmpty()) s << " time_id: " << time_id << "\n"; + return s; +} + +DefaultVarsPtree::DefaultVarsPtree() +{ +} + +DefaultVarsPtree::DefaultVarsPtree(const DefaultVarsPtree& o) +{ + std::list::const_iterator it; + for (it = o.default_vars_list.begin(); it != o.default_vars_list.end(); ++it) { + default_vars_list.push_back( *it ); + } +} + +DefaultVarsPtree::DefaultVarsPtree(const boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path) +{ + ReadPtree(pt, proj_path); +} + +DefaultVarsPtree::~DefaultVarsPtree() +{ +} + +DefaultVarsPtree* DefaultVarsPtree::Clone() +{ + return new DefaultVarsPtree(*this); +} + +void DefaultVarsPtree::ReadPtree(const boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering DefaultVarsPtree::ReadPtree"); + using boost::property_tree::ptree; + using namespace std; + default_vars_list.clear(); + try { + try { + pt.get_child("default_vars"); + } + catch (boost::property_tree::ptree_bad_path& e) { + // spatial_weights is optional + return; + } + + // iterate over each child of default_vars + BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type &v, + pt.get_child("default_vars")) { + wxString key = v.first.data(); + LOG_MSG(key); + if (key == "default_var") { + DefaultVar dv; + BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type &v, v.second) { + wxString key = v.first.data(); + LOG_MSG(key); + if (key == "name") { + wxString s = v.second.data(); + dv.name = s; + } else if (key == "time_id") { + wxString s = v.second.data(); + dv.time_id = s; + } else { + wxString msg("Warning: unrecognized key: "); + msg << key; + LOG_MSG(msg); + } + } + default_vars_list.push_back(dv); + } else { + wxString msg("Warning: unrecognized key: "); + msg << key; + LOG_MSG(msg); + } + } + } catch (std::exception &e) { + throw GdaException(e.what()); + } + + LOG_MSG("Exiting DefaultVarsPtree::ReadPtree"); +} + +void DefaultVarsPtree::WritePtree(boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path) +{ + using boost::property_tree::ptree; + using namespace std; + try { + ptree& sub = pt.put("default_vars", ""); + + // Write each spatial weights meta info definition + BOOST_FOREACH(const DefaultVar& v, default_vars_list) { + ptree& ssub = sub.add("default_var", ""); + ssub.put("name", v.name); + if (!v.time_id.IsEmpty()) ssub.put("time_id", v.time_id); + } + } catch (std::exception &e) { + throw GdaException(e.what()); + } +} + +const std::list& DefaultVarsPtree::GetDefaultVarList() const +{ + return default_vars_list; +} + +void DefaultVarsPtree::SetDefaultVarList(const std::vector& names, + const std::vector& time_ids) +{ + default_vars_list.clear(); + if (names.size() != time_ids.size()) return; + for (int i=0, sz=names.size(); i. + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_DEFAULT_VARS_PTREE_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_DEFAULT_VARS_PTREE_H__ + +#include +#include +#include "DataViewer/PtreeInterface.h" + +struct DefaultVar { + wxString name; + wxString time_id; + wxString ToStr() const; +}; + +class DefaultVarsPtree : public PtreeInterface { +public: + DefaultVarsPtree(); + DefaultVarsPtree(const DefaultVarsPtree& o); + DefaultVarsPtree(const boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path); + virtual ~DefaultVarsPtree(); + + /// PtreeInterface method. Throws GdaException + virtual void ReadPtree(const boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path); + /// PtreeInterface method. Throws GdaException + virtual void WritePtree(boost::property_tree::ptree& pt, + const wxString& proj_path); + + const std::list& GetDefaultVarList() const; + void SetDefaultVarList(const std::vector& names, + const std::vector& time_ids); + + wxString ToStr() const; + + DefaultVarsPtree* Clone(); + +private: + std::list default_vars_list; +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DialogTools/3DControlPan.cpp b/DialogTools/3DControlPan.cpp index ff91ab3e0..1f92c9c18 100644 --- a/DialogTools/3DControlPan.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/3DControlPan.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/3DControlPan.h b/DialogTools/3DControlPan.h index 8013c1229..d9b280f4b 100644 --- a/DialogTools/3DControlPan.h +++ b/DialogTools/3DControlPan.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/ASC2SHPDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/ASC2SHPDlg.cpp index c519ec725..69eec9a5b 100644 --- a/DialogTools/ASC2SHPDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/ASC2SHPDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/ASC2SHPDlg.h b/DialogTools/ASC2SHPDlg.h index 047c3ecad..ec16b808c 100644 --- a/DialogTools/ASC2SHPDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/ASC2SHPDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/AddIdVariable.cpp b/DialogTools/AddIdVariable.cpp index 27dc1f407..eca24016f 100644 --- a/DialogTools/AddIdVariable.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/AddIdVariable.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ #include #include #include -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/DbfFile.h" #include "../logger.h" #include "AddIdVariable.h" @@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( AddIdVariable, wxDialog ) EVT_BUTTON( wxID_CANCEL, AddIdVariable::OnCancelClick ) END_EVENT_TABLE() -AddIdVariable::AddIdVariable(DbfGridTableBase* grid_base_s, +AddIdVariable::AddIdVariable(TableInterface* table_int_s, wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& caption, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) -: grid_base(grid_base_s) +: table_int(table_int_s) { SetParent(parent); CreateControls(); @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ AddIdVariable::AddIdVariable(DbfGridTableBase* grid_base_s, } void AddIdVariable::CreateControls() -{ +{ wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), "IDD_ADD_ID_VARIABLE"); new_id_var = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_NEW_ID_VAR")), @@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ void AddIdVariable::CreateControls() wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_EXISTING_VARS_LIST")), wxListBox); existing_vars_list->Clear(); - for (int i=0, iend=grid_base->GetNumberCols(); iAppend(grid_base->col_data[i]->name); + for (int i=0, iend=table_int->GetNumberCols(); iAppend(table_int->GetColName(i)); } } void AddIdVariable::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { - new_id_var_name = new_id_var->GetValue().MakeUpper(); + new_id_var_name = new_id_var->GetValue(); new_id_var_name.Trim(true); new_id_var_name.Trim(false); @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ void AddIdVariable::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) } bool name_exists = false; - name_exists = grid_base->ColNameExists(new_id_var_name); + name_exists = table_int->ColNameExists(new_id_var_name); if (name_exists) { wxString msg; msg << "Variable name \"" + new_id_var_name; @@ -92,17 +92,20 @@ void AddIdVariable::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) } - LOG_MSG("Adding new id field to Table in memory"); - grid_base->InsertCol(0, 1, GeoDaConst::long64_type, - new_id_var_name, - GeoDaConst::default_dbf_long_len, - 0, 0, false, true); - std::vector data(grid_base->GetNumberRows()); - for (wxInt64 i=0, iend=data.size(); icol_data[0]->SetFromVec(data, 0); - grid_base->SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); - if (grid_base->GetView()) grid_base->GetView()->Refresh(); - + LOG_MSG("Adding new id field to Table in memory."); + + int add_pos = table_int->InsertCol(GdaConst::long64_type,new_id_var_name,0); + if (add_pos >= 0) { + std::vector data(table_int->GetNumberRows()); + for (wxInt64 i=0, iend=data.size(); iSetColData(add_pos, 0/*time*/, data); + } else { + wxString msg("Could not create a new variable. " + "Possibly a read-only data source."); + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR ); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } event.Skip(); EndDialog(wxID_OK); } diff --git a/DialogTools/AddIdVariable.h b/DialogTools/AddIdVariable.h index 9975984f7..b414d97b2 100644 --- a/DialogTools/AddIdVariable.h +++ b/DialogTools/AddIdVariable.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ #include #include "../ShapeOperations/DbfFile.h" -class DbfGridTableBase; +class TableInterface; class AddIdVariable: public wxDialog { public: - AddIdVariable(DbfGridTableBase* grid_base, + AddIdVariable(TableInterface* table_int, wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = -1, const wxString& caption = "Add New ID Variable", const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, @@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ class AddIdVariable: public wxDialog { wxTextCtrl *new_id_var; wxListBox *existing_vars_list; std::vector fields; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; - + TableInterface* table_int; + DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); }; diff --git a/DialogTools/AutoCompTextCtrl.cpp b/DialogTools/AutoCompTextCtrl.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0c5e256e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/AutoCompTextCtrl.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ + +#include "AutoCompTextCtrl.h" + +IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(AutoTextCtrl, wxTextCtrl) + +BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(AutoTextCtrl, wxTextCtrl) +EVT_TEXT(wxID_ANY, AutoTextCtrl::TextEntered) +EVT_IDLE(AutoTextCtrl::DoIdle) +EVT_KEY_DOWN(AutoTextCtrl::DoKeyDown) +END_EVENT_TABLE() + + +AutoTextCtrl:: AutoTextCtrl (wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, + const wxString& value, + const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, + long style, const wxValidator& validator, + const wxString& name) +: wxTextCtrl(parent, id, value, pos, size, style, validator, name) +{ + m_bIgnoreNextTextEdit = false; +} + + +void +AutoTextCtrl::DoIdle( wxIdleEvent &event ) +{ + m_bIgnoreNextTextEdit = false; + event.Skip(); +} + + +void +AutoTextCtrl::TextEntered( wxCommandEvent &event ) +{ + std::string sVal; + std::string szListName; + long iPoint; + + if(m_bIgnoreNextTextEdit) { + m_bIgnoreNextTextEdit = false; + event.Skip(); + return; + } + + iPoint = GetInsertionPoint(); + + // First, if the cursor is at the end of the text + if(GetInsertionPoint() != GetLastPosition()) { + event.Skip(); + return; + } + + // Second, if the text so far is the prefix of a class in the catalog + sVal = GetValue(); + + // Get the first matching value from the sorted list + for (size_t i=0; i < m_pList.size(); i++) { + if (m_pList[i].find( sVal ) ==0 ){ + szListName = m_pList[i]; + break; + } + } + + if (!szListName.empty() && sVal.length() < szListName.length()) { + //if(szListName && strncmp(szVal, szClassName, strlen(szVal)) == 0 && + // strlen(szVal) < strlen(szClassName)) { + // Third, write the entire name of the first matching class + // into the text string + SetValue(wxString(szListName)); + + // Fourth, select the text from the current cursor position to + // the end of the text + SetSelection(iPoint, -1); + } +} + + +void +AutoTextCtrl::DoKeyDown( wxKeyEvent &event ) +{ + int kc = event.GetKeyCode(); + + // This is necessary to ignore edits after a BACKSPACE or DELETE + // key (points when auto-complete should be momentarily turned off) + if(kc == WXK_DELETE || kc == WXK_NUMPAD_DELETE || kc == WXK_BACK || + kc == WXK_CLEAR) + m_bIgnoreNextTextEdit = true; + + event.Skip(); +} + diff --git a/DialogTools/AutoCompTextCtrl.h b/DialogTools/AutoCompTextCtrl.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bc973d081 --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/AutoCompTextCtrl.h @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ + + + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_AUTOCOMPLETE_TEXT_CTRL_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_AUTOCOMPLETE_TEXT_CTRL_H__ + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +class AutoTextCtrl: public wxTextCtrl { + DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(AutoTextCtrl) + +public: + AutoTextCtrl(){} + AutoTextCtrl(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, + const wxString& value = "", + const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, + const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, + long style = 0, + const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator, + const wxString& name = wxTextCtrlNameStr); + + void TextEntered( wxCommandEvent &event ); + void DoIdle( wxIdleEvent &event ); + void DoKeyDown( wxKeyEvent &event ); + void SetAutoList(std::vector &autoList) { + if (autoList.size() == 0) return; + m_pList = autoList; + std::sort(m_pList.begin(), m_pList.end()); + } + +private: + bool m_bDoSelectAll; + bool m_bIgnoreNextTextEdit; + std::vector m_pList; + + DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DialogTools/Bnd2ShpDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/Bnd2ShpDlg.cpp index 0dacf8cf0..9d634fdad 100644 --- a/DialogTools/Bnd2ShpDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/Bnd2ShpDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -27,13 +27,14 @@ #include "Bnd2ShpDlg.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/shp2gwt.h" +#include "../Generic/GdaShape.h" +#include "ExportDataDlg.h" IMPLEMENT_CLASS( Bnd2ShpDlg, wxDialog ) BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( Bnd2ShpDlg, wxDialog ) EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_CREATE"), Bnd2ShpDlg::OnCreateClick ) EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("IDC_OPEN_IASC"), Bnd2ShpDlg::OnCOpenIascClick ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("IDC_OPEN_OSHP"), Bnd2ShpDlg::OnCOpenOshpClick ) EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("IDCANCEL"), Bnd2ShpDlg::OnCancelClick ) END_EVENT_TABLE() @@ -47,8 +48,6 @@ Bnd2ShpDlg::Bnd2ShpDlg( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, { Create(parent, id, caption, pos, size, style); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_OPEN_OSHP"))->Enable(false); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_FIELD_SHP"))->Enable(false); FindWindow(XRCID("ID_CREATE"))->Enable(false); } @@ -68,21 +67,99 @@ void Bnd2ShpDlg::CreateControls() "IDD_CONVERT_BOUNDARY_TO_SHP"); m_inputfile = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_FIELD_ASC", wxTextCtrl); m_inputfile->SetMaxLength(0); - m_outputfile = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_FIELD_SHP", wxTextCtrl); - m_outputfile->SetMaxLength(0); } void Bnd2ShpDlg::OnCreateClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxString m_iASC = m_inputfile->GetValue(); - wxString m_oSHP = m_outputfile->GetValue(); - if (!CreateSHPfromBoundary(m_iASC, m_oSHP)) + fstream ias; + ias.open(m_iASC.mb_str()); + int nRows; + char name[1000]; + ias.getline(name,100); + wxString tok = wxString(name, wxConvUTF8); + wxString ID_name=wxEmptyString; + + int pos = tok.Find(','); + if( pos >= 0) { - wxMessageBox("Fail in reading the input file!"); - return; + //nRows = wxAtoi(tok.Left(pos)); + long temp; + tok.Left(pos).ToCLong(&temp); + nRows = (int) temp; + ID_name = tok.Right(tok.Length()-pos-1); + } + else + { + wxMessageBox("Wrong format!"); + return; + } + + ID_name.Trim(false); + ID_name.Trim(true); + + if (nRows < 1 || ID_name == wxEmptyString) + { + wxMessageBox("Wrong format!"); + return; } + + int nPoint, ID; + vector polys; + + for (long row = nRows; row >= 1; row--) + { + ias.getline(name,100); + sscanf(name,"%d, %d", &ID, &nPoint); + if (nPoint < 1) + { + wxString xx= wxString::Format("at polygon-%d",ID); + wxMessageBox(wxT("Fail in reading the Boundary file: "+xx)); + return; + } + + wxRealPoint* pts = new wxRealPoint[nPoint+1]; + + for (long pt=0; pt < nPoint; pt++) + { + double xt,yt; + + ias.getline(name, 100); + tok = wxString(name,wxConvUTF8); + //tok = wxString::Format("%100s",name); + int pos = tok.Find(','); + if( pos >= 0) + { + //xt = wxAtof(tok.Left(pos)); + tok.Left(pos).ToCDouble(&xt); + tok = tok.Right(tok.Length()-pos-1); + //yt = wxAtof(tok); + tok.ToCDouble(&yt); + } + else + { + wxMessageBox("Wrong format!"); + return; + } + + pts[pt] = wxRealPoint(xt,yt); + } + + pts[nPoint] = wxRealPoint(pts[0].x, pts[0].y); + + polys.push_back(new GdaPolygon(nPoint, pts)); + + delete[] pts; + } + ExportDataDlg dlg(this, polys, Shapefile::POLYGON); + dlg.ShowModal(); + + for(size_t i=0; iEnable(true); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_FIELD_SHP"))->Enable(true); - + FindWindow(XRCID("ID_CREATE"))->Enable(true); } } -void Bnd2ShpDlg::OnCOpenOshpClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - wxFileDialog dlg - ( - this, - "Output Shp file", - wxEmptyString, - fn + ".shp", - "Shp files (*.shp)|*.shp", - wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT - ); - - wxString m_path = wxEmptyString; - - - if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) - { - - m_path = dlg.GetPath(); - wxString OutFile = m_path; - m_outputfile->SetValue(OutFile); - - FindWindow(XRCID("ID_CREATE"))->Enable(true); - } -} - void Bnd2ShpDlg::OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { event.Skip(); diff --git a/DialogTools/Bnd2ShpDlg.h b/DialogTools/Bnd2ShpDlg.h index b2f3e3762..45aca1354 100644 --- a/DialogTools/Bnd2ShpDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/Bnd2ShpDlg.h @@ -1,55 +1,54 @@ -/** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved - * - * This file is part of GeoDa. - * - * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program. If not, see . - */ - -#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_BND2SHP_DLG_H__ -#define __GEODA_CENTER_BND2SHP_DLG_H__ - -class Bnd2ShpDlg: public wxDialog -{ - DECLARE_CLASS( Bnd2ShpDlg ) - DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() - -public: - Bnd2ShpDlg( ); - Bnd2ShpDlg( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = -1, - const wxString& caption = "Convert Boundary to SHP", - const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, - const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, - long style = wxCAPTION|wxSYSTEM_MENU ); - - bool Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = -1, - const wxString& caption = "Convert Boundary to SHP", - const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, - const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, - long style = wxCAPTION|wxSYSTEM_MENU ); - - void CreateControls(); - - void OnCreateClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnCOpenIascClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnCOpenOshpClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - - wxTextCtrl* m_inputfile; - wxTextCtrl* m_outputfile; - - wxString fn; -}; - -#endif +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_BND2SHP_DLG_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_BND2SHP_DLG_H__ + +class Bnd2ShpDlg: public wxDialog +{ + DECLARE_CLASS( Bnd2ShpDlg ) + DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() + +public: + Bnd2ShpDlg( ); + Bnd2ShpDlg( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = -1, + const wxString& caption = "Convert Boundary to SHP", + const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, + const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, + long style = wxCAPTION|wxSYSTEM_MENU ); + + bool Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = -1, + const wxString& caption = "Convert Boundary to SHP", + const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, + const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, + long style = wxCAPTION|wxSYSTEM_MENU ); + + void CreateControls(); + + void OnCreateClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnCOpenIascClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); + + wxTextCtrl* m_inputfile; + + + wxString fn; +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DialogTools/CalculatorDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/CalculatorDlg.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e8765a2e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/CalculatorDlg.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,426 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "../FramesManager.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/DbfFile.h" +#include "../DataViewer/DbfTable.h" +#include "../DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableState.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" +#include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" +#include "../GenUtils.h" +#include "../GeoDa.h" +#include "../logger.h" +#include "../Project.h" +#include "CalculatorDlg.h" + +/* + Here is the continuous process that will take place: + 1. User modifies expr_t_ctrl + 2. OnExprUpdate is called + 3. Tokenize is called + 4. If an exception is caught, message displayed + 5. If there was an exception, we still want to identify function tokens + and identifier tokens, so, do the following + a) Call Parser in identify mode: parser will evaluate, subsituting + 0 values for identifiers, but annotating identifer and function tokens. + b) parser will proceed until an exeption is thrown + 6. Regardless of exceptions, use info returned from Parser to highlight + expression text with approriate colors + 7. If exception thrown from lexer, show message + 8. If exception thrown from parser but not lexer, show that message + 9. If no exception thown, then attempt re-evaluate with proper values + subsituted in for identifiers. Just the first lines of the table. + 10. If no exception thrown still, then display text in preview and + enable Assign button + 11. Otherwise disable Assign button. + + When Assign button is pressed, run the above process again with the + additional final step of substituting full table values. + + If successful, then show preview along with success message. + + */ + + +BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( CalculatorDlg, wxDialog ) + EVT_CLOSE( CalculatorDlg::OnClose ) + EVT_TEXT( XRCID("ID_EXPRESSION"), CalculatorDlg::OnExprUpdate ) + EVT_CHOICE( XRCID("ID_TARGET"), CalculatorDlg::OnTarget ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_NEW"), CalculatorDlg::OnNew ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_ASSIGN"), CalculatorDlg::OnAssign ) +END_EVENT_TABLE() + +CalculatorDlg::CalculatorDlg( Project* project_, + wxWindow* parent, + const wxString& title, + const wxPoint& pos, + const wxSize& size, long style) +: project(project_), table_int(0), table_state(0), +expr_valid(false), +attr_num(wxColour(0,40,200)), +attr_func(*wxBLACK), +attr_unknown_func(*wxRED), +attr_ident(wxColour(0,100,0)), +attr_unknown_ident(*wxRED), +all_init(false) +{ + //attr_ident.SetFontUnderlined(true); + //attr_unknown_func.SetFontStyle(wxFONTSTYLE_ITALIC); + //attr_func.SetFontStyle(wxFONTSTYLE_ITALIC); + if (project) { + table_int = project->GetTableInt(); + table_state = project->GetTableState(); + table_state->registerObserver(this); + } + CreateControls(); + SetPosition(pos); + SetTitle(title); + Centre(); + + all_init = true; + + UpdateQuickParserTable(); +} + +CalculatorDlg::~CalculatorDlg() +{ + LOG_MSG("In ~CalculatorDlg::CalculatorDlg"); + if (table_state) table_state->removeObserver(this); +} + +void CalculatorDlg::CreateControls() +{ + wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), + "ID_CALCULATOR_DLG"); + + expr_t_ctrl = + wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_EXPRESSION")), wxTextCtrl); + msg_s_txt = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_MESSAGE")), wxStaticText); + target_lbl_s_txt = + wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_TARGET_LBL")), wxStaticText); + target_choice = + wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_TARGET")), wxChoice); + new_btn = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_NEW")), wxButton); + assign_btn = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_ASSIGN")), wxButton); + all_init = true; + + InitTargetChoice(project != 0); +} + +void CalculatorDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& e) +{ + // Note: it seems that if we don't explictly capture the close event + // and call Destory, then the destructor is not called. + Destroy(); +} + +void CalculatorDlg::OnExprUpdate(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ + ValidateExpression(); +} + +void CalculatorDlg::OnTarget(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ + if (!all_init) return; + assign_btn->Enable(expr_valid && IsTargSel()); +} + +void CalculatorDlg::OnNew(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ + if (!all_init || !project) return; + DataViewerAddColDlg dlg(project, this); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + wxString sel_str = dlg.GetColName(); + InitTargetChoice(true); + int new_sel = target_choice->FindString(sel_str); + if (new_sel >= 0) { + target_choice->SetSelection(new_sel); + } + assign_btn->Enable(expr_valid && IsTargSel()); +} + +void CalculatorDlg::OnAssign(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ + if (!all_init || !project) return; + ValidateExpression(); + if (!expr_valid) { + msg_s_txt->SetLabelText("Assign failed: invalid expression"); + Refresh(); + return; + } + // we will now do a full evaluation and will print out + // preview values. + full_parser_table.clear(); + std::set::iterator it; + for (it = active_ident_set.begin(); it!=active_ident_set.end(); ++it) { + int col = table_int->FindColId(*it); + if (col < 0) continue; + GdaFVSmtPtr val(new GdaFlexValue()); + table_int->GetColData(col, (*val)); + full_parser_table[*it] = val; + size_t val_obs = (*val).GetObs(); + LOG(val_obs); + } + + GdaParser parser; + bool parser_success = parser.eval(tokens, &full_parser_table); + if (!parser_success) { + wxString s(parser.GetErrorMsg()); + msg_s_txt->SetLabelText(s); + Refresh(); + return; + } + GdaFVSmtPtr v = parser.GetEvalVal(); + + // Ensure dimensions are compatiable. + int targ_col = table_int->FindColId(target_choice->GetStringSelection()); + if (targ_col < 0) { + msg_s_txt->SetLabelText("Error: Target choice not found"); + Refresh(); + return; + } + size_t targ_tms = table_int->GetColTimeSteps(targ_col); + std::valarray& V = (*v).GetValArrayRef(); + size_t V_tms = (*v).GetTms(); + size_t V_obs = (*v).GetObs(); + if (targ_tms < V_tms) { + msg_s_txt->SetLabelText("Error: Target has too few time periods."); + Refresh(); + return; + } + size_t V_sz = V.size(); + double V_first = V[0]; + LOG(V_tms); + LOG(V_obs); + LOG(V_first); + size_t obs = table_int->GetNumberRows(); + std::vector t_vec(obs); + std::vector undefined(obs); + if (V_obs == 1) { + double val = (*v).GetDouble(); + bool undef = false; + if (!Gda::IsFinite(val)) { + val = 0; + undef = true; + } + for (size_t i=0; i 1) { + // fill t_vec from V for each time period. + //std::slice sl(t,obs,Vtms); + for (size_t i=0; iSetColData(targ_col, t, t_vec); + table_int->SetColUndefined(targ_col, t, undefined); + } + wxString s("Success. First obs. and time value = "); + s << (*v).GetDouble(); + msg_s_txt->SetLabelText(s); + Refresh(); + return; +} + +void CalculatorDlg::ConnectToProject(Project* project_) +{ + LOG_MSG("In CalculatorDlg::ConnectToProject"); + project = project_; + table_state = project->GetTableState(); + table_state->registerObserver(this); + table_int = project->GetTableInt(); + InitTargetChoice(true); +} + +void CalculatorDlg::DisconnectFromProject() +{ + LOG_MSG("In CalculatorDlg::DisconnectFromProject"); + project = 0; + if (table_state) table_state->removeObserver(this); + table_state = 0; + table_int = 0; + InitTargetChoice(false); +} + +void CalculatorDlg::update(TableState* o) +{ + TableState::EventType ev_type = o->GetEventType(); + if (ev_type == TableState::empty ) return; + InitTargetChoice(true); + UpdateQuickParserTable(); + ValidateExpression(); +} + +void CalculatorDlg::InitTargetChoice(bool enable) +{ + if (!all_init) return; + if (!table_int) enable = false; + target_lbl_s_txt->Enable(enable); + target_choice->Enable(enable); + new_btn->Enable(enable); + assign_btn->Enable(enable && expr_valid && IsTargSel()); + if (!enable) { + target_choice->Clear(); + return; + } + // rember existing choice + wxString cur_choice = target_choice->GetStringSelection(); + target_choice->Clear(); + std::vector names; + table_int->FillNumericNameList(names); + for (size_t i=0; iAppend(names[i]); + } + // restore selection if possible + target_choice->SetSelection(target_choice-> + FindString(cur_choice)); +} + +void CalculatorDlg::UpdateQuickParserTable() +{ + quick_parser_table.clear(); + if (!table_int) return; + std::vector names; + table_int->FillNumericNameList(names); + for (size_t i=0; iGetValue(); + if (expr_t_ctrl->GetValue().IsEmpty()) { + msg_s_txt->SetLabelText(""); + assign_btn->Enable(false); + Refresh(); + return; + } + + if (lexer_success = lexer.Tokenize(expr_str, tokens)) { + msg_s_txt->SetLabelText("Lexer success"); + } else { + msg_s_txt->SetLabelText(lexer.GetErrorMsg()); + } + + LOG_MSG("Tokens from lexer"); + for (size_t i=0, sz=tokens.size(); iSetStyle(tokens[i].start_ind, + tokens[i].end_ind, + attr_num); + } + } + + GdaParser parser; + bool parser_success = parser.eval(tokens, &quick_parser_table); + if (lexer_success & !parser_success) { + wxString s(parser.GetErrorMsg()); + msg_s_txt->SetLabelText(s); + } + + LOG_MSG("Tokens from parser"); + eval_toks = parser.GetEvalTokens(); + for (size_t i=0; iSetStyle(eval_toks[i].start_ind, + eval_toks[i].end_ind, + eval_toks[i].problem_token ? + attr_unknown_ident : attr_ident); + } else if (tokens[i].token == Gda::NAME && tokens[i].is_func) { + expr_t_ctrl->SetStyle(eval_toks[i].start_ind, + eval_toks[i].end_ind, + eval_toks[i].problem_token ? + attr_unknown_func : attr_func); + } + } + + if (!lexer_success || !parser_success) { + assign_btn->Enable(false); + Refresh(); + return; + } + + if (active_ident_set.size() == 0) { + GdaFVSmtPtr p_val = parser.GetEvalVal(); + wxString s; + s << (*p_val).GetDouble(); + msg_s_txt->SetLabelText(s); + } else { + msg_s_txt->SetLabelText("valid expression"); + } + assign_btn->Enable(true && IsTargSel()); + expr_valid = true; + + Refresh(); +} + +bool CalculatorDlg::IsTargSel() +{ + if (!all_init) return false; + return (target_choice->GetSelection() >= 0); +} + diff --git a/DialogTools/CalculatorDlg.h b/DialogTools/CalculatorDlg.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1ee5e90f --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/CalculatorDlg.h @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_CALCULATOR_DLG_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_CALCULATOR_DLG_H__ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "../FramesManagerObserver.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableStateObserver.h" +#include "../VarCalc/GdaParser.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" + +class FramesManager; +class TableState; +class TableInterface; +class Project; + +class CalculatorDlg: public wxDialog, +public TableStateObserver +{ +public: + CalculatorDlg(Project* project, wxWindow* parent, + const wxString& title = "Calculator", + const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, + const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, + long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER ); + virtual ~CalculatorDlg(); + + void CreateControls(); + + void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& e); + void OnExprUpdate(wxCommandEvent& e); + void OnTarget(wxCommandEvent& e); + void OnNew(wxCommandEvent& e); + void OnAssign(wxCommandEvent& e); + + void ConnectToProject(Project* project); + void DisconnectFromProject(); + + /** Implementation of TableStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TableState* o); + virtual bool AllowTimelineChanges() { return true; } + virtual bool AllowGroupModify(const wxString& grp_nm) { return true; } + virtual bool AllowObservationAddDelete() { return true; } + +private: + /** If enable false, target choices are cleared and and disabled. + If enable true and if table_int true, target choices are updated. */ + void InitTargetChoice(bool enable); + + /** Fill quick_parser_table with preview values for all numeric + fields in current project table */ + void UpdateQuickParserTable(); + /** Fill full_parser_table with values according to active_ident_list. + This operation involves copying full vectors of data for full evaluation + and should only be called from OnAssign */ + void UpdateFullParserTable(); + + /** Checks that current expression is valid and sets variable + expr_valid to true iff valid. */ + void ValidateExpression(); + bool IsTargSel(); + + bool all_init; + + Project* project; + TableState* table_state; + TableInterface* table_int; + + std::vector tokens; + std::map quick_parser_table; + std::map full_parser_table; + std::vector eval_toks; + std::set active_ident_set; + bool expr_valid; + GdaLexer lexer; + + wxTextCtrl* expr_t_ctrl; + wxStaticText* msg_s_txt; + wxStaticText* target_lbl_s_txt; + wxChoice* target_choice; + wxButton* new_btn; + wxButton* assign_btn; + + wxTextAttr attr_num; + wxTextAttr attr_func; + wxTextAttr attr_unknown_func; + wxTextAttr attr_ident; + wxTextAttr attr_unknown_ident; + + DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DialogTools/CatClassifDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/CatClassifDlg.cpp index 7b89b15c8..a2a5755d2 100644 --- a/DialogTools/CatClassifDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/CatClassifDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -28,15 +28,17 @@ #include #include #include -//#include // causes compile problem on OSX with wxWidgets 2.9.2 +#include #include #include #include "../FramesManager.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" #include "../Project.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../SaveButtonManager.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" #include "../DataViewer/TableState.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../Explore/CatClassifState.h" #include "../Generic/HighlightState.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/ShapeUtils.h" @@ -53,6 +55,8 @@ END_EVENT_TABLE() const int CatClassifHistCanvas::max_intervals = 10; const int CatClassifHistCanvas::default_intervals = 6; +const double CatClassifHistCanvas::default_min = 0; +const double CatClassifHistCanvas::default_max = 1; const double CatClassifHistCanvas::left_pad_const = 0; const double CatClassifHistCanvas::right_pad_const = 0; const double CatClassifHistCanvas::interval_width_const = 10; @@ -64,7 +68,7 @@ CatClassifHistCanvas::CatClassifHistCanvas(wxWindow *parent, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size) : TemplateCanvas(parent, pos, size, false, true), project(project_s), num_obs(project_s->GetNumRecords()), -highlight_state(project_s->highlight_state), +highlight_state(project_s->GetHighlightState()), y_axis(0), data(0), default_data(project_s->GetNumRecords()), breaks(0), default_breaks(default_intervals-1), colors(0), default_colors(default_intervals) @@ -75,12 +79,12 @@ colors(0), default_colors(default_intervals) cur_intervals = default_intervals; - InitRandNormData(default_data); - // equal spacing between -3 sd and +3 sd + InitUniformData(default_data, default_min, default_max); + // equal spacing between default_min and default_max for (int i=0; iOnActivate(ae); + wxMenu* optMenu; optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_CAT_CLASSIF_HIST_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); @@ -172,7 +180,7 @@ void CatClassifHistCanvas::UpdateSelection(bool shiftdown, bool pointsel) if (!shiftdown) { bool any_selected = false; for (int i=0; ipointWithin(sel1)) || (rect_sel && GenUtils::RectsIntersect(rec->lower_left, rec->upper_right, @@ -193,7 +201,7 @@ void CatClassifHistCanvas::UpdateSelection(bool shiftdown, bool pointsel) } for (int i=0; ipointWithin(sel1)) || (rect_sel && GenUtils::RectsIntersect(rec->lower_left, @@ -248,7 +256,7 @@ void CatClassifHistCanvas::DrawHighlightedShapes(wxMemoryDC &dc) if (ival_obs_sel_cnt[i] == 0) continue; double s = (((double) ival_obs_sel_cnt[i]) / ((double) ival_obs_cnt[i])); - MyRectangle* rec = (MyRectangle*) selectable_shps[i]; + GdaRectangle* rec = (GdaRectangle*) selectable_shps[i]; dc.DrawRectangle(rec->lower_left.x, rec->lower_left.y, rec->upper_right.x - rec->lower_left.x, (rec->upper_right.y - rec->lower_left.y)*s); @@ -285,11 +293,11 @@ wxString CatClassifHistCanvas::GetCanvasTitle() void CatClassifHistCanvas::PopulateCanvas() { LOG_MSG("Entering CatClassifHistCanvas::PopulateCanvas"); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, background_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, background_shps ) { delete shp; } background_shps.clear(); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } selectable_shps.clear(); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, foreground_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, foreground_shps ) { delete shp; } foreground_shps.clear(); double x_min = 0; @@ -311,7 +319,7 @@ void CatClassifHistCanvas::PopulateCanvas() axis_scale_y = AxisScale(0, shps_orig_ymax, 5); shps_orig_ymax = axis_scale_y.scale_max; - y_axis = new MyAxis("Frequency", axis_scale_y, + y_axis = new GdaAxis("Frequency", axis_scale_y, wxRealPoint(0,0), wxRealPoint(0, shps_orig_ymax), -9, 0); background_shps.push_back(y_axis); @@ -327,16 +335,18 @@ void CatClassifHistCanvas::PopulateCanvas() double x1 = orig_x_pos[i] + interval_width_const/2.0; double y0 = 0; double y1 = ival_obs_cnt[i]; - selectable_shps[i] = new MyRectangle(wxRealPoint(x0, 0), + selectable_shps[i] = new GdaRectangle(wxRealPoint(x0, 0), wxRealPoint(x1, y1)); selectable_shps[i]->setPen((*colors)[i]); selectable_shps[i]->setBrush((*colors)[i]); if (iGetTotalHighlighted(); } else { int num_breaks = breaks->size(); - int num_breaks_lower = num_breaks/2; + int num_breaks_lower = (num_breaks+1)/2; double val; int ind; @@ -446,16 +456,11 @@ void CatClassifHistCanvas::UpdateIvalSelCnts() } } -void CatClassifHistCanvas::ChangeData(GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_vec_type* new_data) +void CatClassifHistCanvas::ChangeAll(Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type* new_data, + std::vector* new_breaks, + std::vector* new_colors) { data = new_data; - InitIntervals(); - PopulateCanvas(); -} - -void CatClassifHistCanvas::ChangeBreaks(std::vector* new_breaks, - std::vector* new_colors) -{ breaks = new_breaks; colors = new_colors; cur_intervals = breaks->size() + 1; @@ -463,14 +468,7 @@ void CatClassifHistCanvas::ChangeBreaks(std::vector* new_breaks, PopulateCanvas(); } -void CatClassifHistCanvas::ChangeColorScheme(std::vector* new_colors) -{ - colors = new_colors; - InitIntervals(); - PopulateCanvas(); -} - -void CatClassifHistCanvas::InitRandNormData(GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_vec_type& rnd) +void CatClassifHistCanvas::InitRandNormData(Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type& rnd) { int n_obs = rnd.size(); // Mersenne Twister random number generator, randomly seeded @@ -484,7 +482,19 @@ void CatClassifHistCanvas::InitRandNormData(GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_vec_type& rnd) rnd[i].second = i; } std::sort(rnd.begin(), rnd.end(), - GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_cmp_less); + Gda::dbl_int_pair_cmp_less); +} + +void CatClassifHistCanvas::InitUniformData(Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type& data, + double min, double max) +{ + int n_obs=data.size(); + double dn_obs = (double) n_obs; + for (int i=0; iSetStatusText(s); } +const wxString CatClassifPanel::unif_dist_txt("uniform distribution"); const int CatClassifPanel::max_intervals = 10; const int CatClassifPanel::default_intervals = 6; +const double CatClassifPanel::default_min = 0; +const double CatClassifPanel::default_max = 1; typedef std::pair int_win_pair_type; typedef std::vector int_win_pair_vec_type; @@ -543,17 +558,23 @@ bool int_win_pair_less(const int_win_pair_type& ind1, BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(CatClassifPanel, wxPanel) EVT_CHOICE(XRCID("ID_CUR_CATS_CHOICE"), CatClassifPanel::OnCurCatsChoice) - EVT_CHOICE(XRCID("ID_COLOR_SCHEME"), CatClassifPanel::OnColorScheme) - EVT_SPINCTRL(XRCID("ID_NUM_CATS"), CatClassifPanel::OnNumCatsSpinCtrl) - EVT_CHOICE( XRCID("ID_PREVIEW_VAR"), CatClassifPanel::OnFieldChoice) - EVT_CHOICE( XRCID("ID_PREVIEW_VAR_TM"), CatClassifPanel::OnFieldChoiceTm) + EVT_CHOICE(XRCID("ID_BREAKS_CHOICE"), CatClassifPanel::OnBreaksChoice) + EVT_CHOICE(XRCID("ID_COLOR_SCHEME"), CatClassifPanel::OnColorSchemeChoice) + EVT_CHOICE(XRCID("ID_NUM_CATS_CHOICE"), CatClassifPanel::OnNumCatsChoice) + EVT_CHOICE( XRCID("ID_ASSOC_VAR"), CatClassifPanel::OnAssocVarChoice) + EVT_CHOICE( XRCID("ID_ASSOC_VAR_TM"), + CatClassifPanel::OnAssocVarTmChoice) + EVT_TEXT_ENTER(XRCID("ID_UNIF_DIST_MIN_TXT"), + CatClassifPanel::OnUnifDistMinEnter) + EVT_TEXT_ENTER(XRCID("ID_UNIF_DIST_MAX_TXT"), + CatClassifPanel::OnUnifDistMaxEnter) + EVT_CHECKBOX(XRCID("ID_AUTO_LABELS_CB"), + CatClassifPanel::OnAutomaticLabelsCb) EVT_SLIDER(XRCID("ID_BRK_SLIDER"), CatClassifPanel::OnBrkSlider) EVT_SCROLL_THUMBRELEASE(CatClassifPanel::OnScrollThumbRelease) - EVT_TEXT(XRCID("ID_CAT_TXT"), CatClassifPanel::OnCatTxt) + EVT_TEXT(XRCID("ID_CAT_TXT"), CatClassifPanel::OnCategoryTitleText) EVT_RADIOBUTTON(XRCID("ID_BRK_RAD"), CatClassifPanel::OnBrkRad) EVT_TEXT_ENTER(XRCID("ID_BRK_TXT"), CatClassifPanel::OnBrkTxtEnter) - EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_COPY_FROM_EXISTING"), - CatClassifPanel::OnButtonCopyFromExisting) EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_CHANGE_TITLE"), CatClassifPanel::OnButtonChangeTitle) EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("wxID_NEW"), CatClassifPanel::OnButtonNew) @@ -563,21 +584,37 @@ END_EVENT_TABLE() CatClassifPanel::CatClassifPanel(Project* project_s, CatClassifHistCanvas* hist_canvas_s, - wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, + wxWindow* parent, + wxChoice* preview_var_choice_s, + wxChoice* preview_var_tm_choice_s, + wxCheckBox* sync_vars_chk_s, + wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style) -: project(project_s), grid_base(project_s->GetGridBase()), +: project(project_s), table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()), hist_canvas(hist_canvas_s), cat_classif_manager(project_s->GetCatClassifManager()), cc_state(0), table_state(project_s->GetTableState()), -cur_field_choice(""), cur_field_choice_tm(0), -data(project_s->GetNumRecords()), cur_intervals(default_intervals), -num_obs(project_s->GetNumRecords()), all_init(false) -{ +data(project_s->GetNumRecords()), +preview_data(project_s->GetNumRecords()), +num_obs(project_s->GetNumRecords()), +assoc_var_choice(0), assoc_var_tm_choice(0), +preview_var_choice(preview_var_choice_s), +preview_var_tm_choice(preview_var_tm_choice_s), +sync_vars_chk(sync_vars_chk_s), +unif_dist_mode(true), +all_init(false) +{ + using namespace std; SetParent(parent); - CatClassifHistCanvas::InitRandNormData(data); + CatClassifHistCanvas::InitUniformData(data, cc_data.uniform_dist_min, + cc_data.uniform_dist_max); + CatClassifHistCanvas::InitUniformData(preview_data, + cc_data.uniform_dist_min, + cc_data.uniform_dist_max); cc_data.cat_classif_type = CatClassification::custom; + cc_data.break_vals_type = CatClassification::custom_break_vals; cc_data.color_scheme = CatClassification::diverging_color_scheme; CatClassification::ChangeNumCats(default_intervals, cc_data); @@ -585,32 +622,67 @@ num_obs(project_s->GetNumRecords()), all_init(false) wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadPanel(this, GetParent(), "ID_CAT_CLASSIF"); - num_cats_spin_ctrl = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_NUM_CATS")), - wxSpinCtrl); + num_cats_choice = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_NUM_CATS_CHOICE")), + wxChoice); cur_cats_choice = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_CUR_CATS_CHOICE")), wxChoice); - copy_from_existing_button = - wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_COPY_FROM_EXISTING")), wxButton); + breaks_choice = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_BREAKS_CHOICE")), + wxChoice); + change_title_button = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_CHANGE_TITLE")), wxButton); delete_button = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_DELETE")), wxButton); min_lbl = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_MIN_LBL")), wxStaticText); max_lbl = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_MAX_LBL")), wxStaticText); + + auto_labels_cb = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_AUTO_LABELS_CB")), + wxCheckBox); + auto_labels_cb->SetValue(cc_data.automatic_labels); + color_scheme = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_COLOR_SCHEME")), wxChoice); color_scheme->SetSelection(1); - field_choice = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_PREVIEW_VAR")), wxChoice); - field_choice->Clear(); - field_choice->Append("normal distribution"); - field_choice->SetSelection(0); - field_choice_tm = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_PREVIEW_VAR_TM")), - wxChoice); - field_choice_tm->Show(grid_base->IsTimeVariant()); + assoc_var_choice = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_ASSOC_VAR")), + wxChoice); + assoc_var_choice->Clear(); + assoc_var_choice->Append(unif_dist_txt); + assoc_var_choice->SetSelection(0); + assoc_var_tm_choice = + wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_ASSOC_VAR_TM")), wxChoice); + assoc_var_tm_choice->Show(project->GetTableInt()->IsTimeVariant()); + + preview_var_choice->Clear(); + preview_var_choice->Append(unif_dist_txt); + preview_var_choice->SetSelection(0); + preview_var_tm_choice->Show(project->GetTableInt()->IsTimeVariant()); + + unif_dist_min_lbl = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_UNIF_DIST_MIN_LBL")), + wxStaticText); + unif_dist_min_txt = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_UNIF_DIST_MIN_TXT")), + wxTextCtrl); + unif_dist_min_txt->SetValidator(wxTextValidator(wxFILTER_NUMERIC)); + unif_dist_min_txt->Bind(wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS, + &CatClassifPanel::OnUnifDistMinKillFocus, + this); + + unif_dist_max_lbl = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_UNIF_DIST_MAX_LBL")), + wxStaticText); + unif_dist_max_txt = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_UNIF_DIST_MAX_TXT")), + wxTextCtrl); + unif_dist_max_txt->SetValidator(wxTextValidator(wxFILTER_NUMERIC)); + unif_dist_max_txt->Bind(wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS, + &CatClassifPanel::OnUnifDistMaxKillFocus, + this); + + cc_data.uniform_dist_min = default_min; + cc_data.uniform_dist_max = default_max; + ShowUnifDistMinMax(true); + SetUnifDistMinMaxTxt(cc_data.uniform_dist_min, cc_data.uniform_dist_max); brk_slider = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_BRK_SLIDER")), wxSlider); - int_win_pair_vec_type cat_but_srt_vec; - int_win_pair_vec_type cat_txt_srt_vec; + int_win_pair_vec_type cat_color_button_srt_vec; + int_win_pair_vec_type cat_title_txt_srt_vec; int_win_pair_vec_type brk_rad_srt_vec; int_win_pair_vec_type brk_lbl_srt_vec; int_win_pair_vec_type brk_txt_srt_vec; @@ -619,39 +691,38 @@ num_obs(project_s->GetNumRecords()), all_init(false) for (wxWindowList::iterator it = win_list.begin(); it != win_list.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->GetId() == XRCID("ID_CAT_BUT")) { - cat_but_srt_vec.push_back(std::make_pair((*it)->GetPosition().y, - (*it))); + cat_color_button_srt_vec.push_back(make_pair((*it)->GetPosition().y, + (*it))); } else if ((*it)->GetId() == XRCID("ID_CAT_TXT")) { - cat_txt_srt_vec.push_back(std::make_pair((*it)->GetPosition().y, - (*it))); + cat_title_txt_srt_vec.push_back(make_pair((*it)->GetPosition().y, + (*it))); } else if ((*it)->GetId() == XRCID("ID_BRK_RAD")) { - brk_rad_srt_vec.push_back(std::make_pair((*it)->GetPosition().y, - (*it))); + brk_rad_srt_vec.push_back(make_pair((*it)->GetPosition().y, (*it))); } else if ((*it)->GetId() == XRCID("ID_BRK_LBL")) { - brk_lbl_srt_vec.push_back(std::make_pair((*it)->GetPosition().y, - (*it))); + brk_lbl_srt_vec.push_back(make_pair((*it)->GetPosition().y, (*it))); } else if ((*it)->GetId() == XRCID("ID_BRK_TXT")) { - brk_txt_srt_vec.push_back(std::make_pair((*it)->GetPosition().y, - (*it))); + brk_txt_srt_vec.push_back(make_pair((*it)->GetPosition().y, (*it))); } } - std::sort(cat_but_srt_vec.begin(), cat_but_srt_vec.end(), + std::sort(cat_color_button_srt_vec.begin(), cat_color_button_srt_vec.end(), int_win_pair_less); - cat_but.resize(cat_but_srt_vec.size()); - for (int i=0, iend=cat_but_srt_vec.size(); iBind(wxEVT_LEFT_UP, &CatClassifPanel::OnCatBut, this); + cat_color_button.resize(cat_color_button_srt_vec.size()); + for (int i=0, iend=cat_color_button_srt_vec.size(); iBind(wxEVT_LEFT_UP, + &CatClassifPanel::OnCategoryColorButton, this); } - std::sort(cat_txt_srt_vec.begin(), cat_txt_srt_vec.end(), + std::sort(cat_title_txt_srt_vec.begin(), cat_title_txt_srt_vec.end(), int_win_pair_less); - cat_txt.resize(cat_txt_srt_vec.size()); - for (int i=0, iend=cat_txt_srt_vec.size(); iGetValue(); + cc_data.names[i] = cat_title_txt[i]->GetValue(); } std::sort(brk_rad_srt_vec.begin(), brk_rad_srt_vec.end(), @@ -682,23 +753,22 @@ num_obs(project_s->GetNumRecords()), all_init(false) this); } brk_slider->SetRange(0, 1000); - brk_slider_min.resize(brk_txt.size()); - brk_slider_max.resize(brk_txt.size()); //End Creating Controls - //wxString str; - //CatClassification::PrintCatClassifDef(cc_data, str); - //LOG(str); + //LOG_MSG(cc_data.ToStr()); all_init = true; - InitFieldChoices(); + InitCurCatsChoices(); + InitAssocVarChoices(); + InitPreviewVarChoices(); ResetValuesToDefault(); EnableControls(false); + ShowNumCategories(default_intervals); - InitCurCatsChoices(); wxString cc_str_sel = cur_cats_choice->GetStringSelection(); cc_state = cat_classif_manager->FindClassifState(cc_str_sel); if (cc_state) { cc_data = cc_state->GetCatClassif(); + SetSyncVars(true); InitFromCCData(); EnableControls(true); } @@ -746,23 +816,19 @@ CatClassifState* CatClassifPanel::PromptNew(const CatClassifDef& ccd, success = true; cc_data = ccd; cc_data.title = new_title; + CatClassification::CatClassifTypeToBreakValsType( + cc_data.cat_classif_type); cc_data.cat_classif_type = CatClassification::custom; - int f_sel = field_choice->FindString(field_name); + int f_sel = assoc_var_choice->FindString(field_name); if (f_sel != wxNOT_FOUND) { - field_choice->SetSelection(f_sel); - cur_field_choice = field_name; - cc_data.default_var = field_name; - if (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(field_name)) { - field_choice_tm->SetSelection(field_tm); - cur_field_choice_tm = field_tm; - cc_data.default_var_tm = field_tm; - } else { - cur_field_choice_tm = 0; + assoc_var_choice->SetSelection(f_sel); + if (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(field_name)) { + assoc_var_tm_choice->SetSelection(field_tm); } } - InitNewFieldChoice(); - InitFromCCData(); cc_state = cat_classif_manager->CreateNewClassifState(cc_data); + SetSyncVars(true); + InitFromCCData(); cur_cats_choice->Append(new_title); cur_cats_choice->SetSelection(cur_cats_choice->GetCount()-1); EnableControls(true); @@ -775,294 +841,434 @@ CatClassifState* CatClassifPanel::PromptNew(const CatClassifDef& ccd, return success ? cc_state : 0; } -void CatClassifPanel::EditExisting(const wxString& cat_classif_title, - const wxString& field_name, - int field_tm) +/** A new Custom Category was selected. Copy cc_data from cc_state and + re-initialize interface. */ +void CatClassifPanel::OnCurCatsChoice(wxCommandEvent& event) { - + if (!all_init) return; + wxString cc_str_sel = cur_cats_choice->GetStringSelection(); + cc_state = cat_classif_manager->FindClassifState(cc_str_sel); + if (!cc_state) return; + cc_data = cc_state->GetCatClassif(); + SetSyncVars(true); + InitFromCCData(); + UpdateCCState(); + EnableControls(true); } -void CatClassifPanel::OnKillFocusEvent(wxFocusEvent& event) +void CatClassifPanel::OnBreaksChoice(wxCommandEvent& event) { - LOG_MSG("In CatClassifPanel::OnKillFocusEvent"); - wxWindow* w = (wxWindow*) (event.GetEventObject()); - if (wxTextCtrl* tc = dynamic_cast(w)) { - LOG(tc->GetValue()); - int obj_id = -1; - for (int i=0; iGetValue()); - double val; - if (s.ToDouble(&val)) { - if (val != cc_data.breaks[obj_id]) { - int nbrk = CatClassification::ChangeBreakValue(obj_id, val, - cc_data); - UpdateCCState(); - UpdateBrkTxtRad(nbrk); - hist_canvas->ChangeBreaks(&cc_data.breaks, &cc_data.colors); - UpdateBrkSliderRanges(); - double new_min = brk_slider_min[0]; - double new_max = brk_slider_max[0]; - for (int i=0; i new_max) { - new_max = brk_slider_max[i]; - } - } - min_lbl->SetLabelText(GenUtils::DblToStr(new_min)); - max_lbl->SetLabelText(GenUtils::DblToStr(new_max)); - InitSliderFromBreak(nbrk); - Refresh(); - } - } else { - wxString o; - o << cc_data.breaks[obj_id]; - brk_txt[obj_id]->ChangeValue(o); - } + if (!all_init) return; + CatClassification::BreakValsType bv_type = GetBreakValsTypeChoice(); + cc_data.break_vals_type = bv_type; + InitFromCCData(); + UpdateCCState(); +} + +void CatClassifPanel::OnColorSchemeChoice(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!all_init) return; + cc_data.color_scheme = GetColorSchemeChoice(); + if (cc_data.color_scheme != CatClassification::custom_color_scheme) { + CatClassification::PickColorSet(cc_data.colors, + cc_data.color_scheme, + cc_data.num_cats, false); + for (size_t i=0; iSetBackgroundColour(cc_data.colors[i]); } } - event.Skip(); + InitFromCCData(); + UpdateCCState(); } -void CatClassifPanel::OnCurCatsChoice(wxCommandEvent& event) +void CatClassifPanel::OnNumCatsChoice(wxCommandEvent& event) { if (!all_init) return; - wxString cc_str_sel = cur_cats_choice->GetStringSelection(); - cc_state = cat_classif_manager->FindClassifState(cc_str_sel); + int new_num_cats = GetNumCats(); + if (new_num_cats == cc_data.num_cats || + new_num_cats < 1 || new_num_cats > max_intervals) return; + + CatClassification::BreakValsType new_cat_typ = GetBreakValsTypeChoice(); + if (new_cat_typ == CatClassification::hinge_15_break_vals || + new_cat_typ == CatClassification::hinge_30_break_vals || + new_cat_typ == CatClassification::stddev_break_vals || + new_cat_typ == CatClassification::percentile_break_vals || + new_cat_typ == CatClassification::unique_values_break_vals || + new_cat_typ == CatClassification::no_theme_break_vals) + { + cc_data.break_vals_type = CatClassification::custom_break_vals; + } else { + cc_data.break_vals_type = new_cat_typ; + } + cc_data.num_cats = new_num_cats; + InitFromCCData(); + UpdateCCState(); +} + +void CatClassifPanel::OnAssocVarChoice(wxCommandEvent& ev) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering CatClassifPanel::OnAssocVarChoice"); + wxString cur_fc_str = assoc_var_choice->GetStringSelection(); + bool is_tm_var = table_int->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str); + assoc_var_tm_choice->Enable(is_tm_var); + if (is_tm_var && assoc_var_tm_choice->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND) { + assoc_var_tm_choice->SetSelection(0); + } if (cc_state) { - cc_data = cc_state->GetCatClassif(); - int col = grid_base->FindColId(cc_data.default_var); - if (col >= 0) { - cur_field_choice = cc_data.default_var; - if (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col)) { - field_choice_tm->Enable(true); - field_choice_tm->SetSelection(cc_data.default_var_tm); + cc_state->GetCatClassif().assoc_db_fld_name = GetAssocDbFldNm(); + cc_data.assoc_db_fld_name = GetAssocDbFldNm(); + } + InitFromCCData(); + UpdateCCState(); + LOG_MSG("Exiting CatClassifPanel::OnAssocVarChoice"); +} + +void CatClassifPanel::OnAssocVarTmChoice(wxCommandEvent& ev) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering CatClassifPanel::OnAssocVarTmChoice"); + if (cc_state) { + cc_state->GetCatClassif().assoc_db_fld_name = GetAssocDbFldNm(); + cc_data.assoc_db_fld_name = GetAssocDbFldNm(); + } + InitFromCCData(); + UpdateCCState(); + LOG_MSG("Exiting CatClassifPanel::OnAssocVarTmChoice"); +} + + +void CatClassifPanel::OnPreviewVarChoice(wxCommandEvent& ev) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering CatClassifPanel::OnPreviewVarChoice"); + bool preview_unif_dist_mode = (preview_var_choice->GetSelection() == 0); + if (!preview_unif_dist_mode) { + wxString cur_fc_str = preview_var_choice->GetStringSelection(); + bool is_tm_var = table_int->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str); + preview_var_tm_choice->Enable(is_tm_var); + if (is_tm_var && preview_var_tm_choice->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND) { + preview_var_tm_choice->SetSelection(0); + } + if (GetPreviewDbFldNm() == "") { + SetSyncVars(true); + InitFromCCData(); + return; + } + // change preview_data to new choice. We know the choice cannot + // be "uniform distribution" if the user chose it because this option + // is removed from the list whenever IsSyncVars() is false. + int col, tm; + table_int->DbColNmToColAndTm(GetPreviewDbFldNm(), col, tm); + std::vector dd; + table_int->GetColData(col, tm, dd); + for (size_t i=0, sz=dd.size(); i prev_max) { + double t = prev_min; + prev_min = prev_max; + prev_max = t; + } + if (prev_min == prev_max) { + if (prev_min == 0) { + prev_max = 1; } else { - field_choice_tm->Enable(false); + double d = prev_max - prev_min; + prev_max += d/4; + if (prev_min-d/4 >= 0) prev_min = prev_min-d/4; } } - InitFromCCData(); - InitNewFieldChoice(); - EnableControls(true); + CatClassifHistCanvas::InitUniformData(preview_data, prev_min, prev_max); } + hist_canvas->ChangeAll(&preview_data, + &cc_data.breaks, &cc_data.colors); + Refresh(); + LOG_MSG("Exiting CatClassifPanel::OnPreviewVarChoice"); } -void CatClassifPanel::OnColorScheme(wxCommandEvent& event) +void CatClassifPanel::OnPreviewVarTmChoice(wxCommandEvent& ev) { - if (!all_init) return; - if (color_scheme->GetSelection() == 0) { - cc_data.color_scheme = CatClassification::sequential_color_scheme; - } else if (color_scheme->GetSelection() == 1) { - cc_data.color_scheme = CatClassification::diverging_color_scheme; - } else if (color_scheme->GetSelection() == 2) { - cc_data.color_scheme = CatClassification::qualitative_color_scheme; - } else { - cc_data.color_scheme = CatClassification::custom_color_scheme; + LOG_MSG("Entering CatClassifPanel::OnPreviewVarTmChoice"); + if (preview_var_choice->GetSelection() == 0) return; + if (GetPreviewDbFldNm() == "") { + SetSyncVars(true); + InitFromCCData(); + return; } - if (cc_data.color_scheme != CatClassification::custom_color_scheme) { - CatClassification::PickColorSet(cc_data.colors, - cc_data.color_scheme, - cc_data.num_cats, false); - for (int i=0; iSetBackgroundColour(cc_data.colors[i]); - } - UpdateCCState(); - hist_canvas->ChangeColorScheme(&cc_data.colors); - Refresh(); + int col, tm; + table_int->DbColNmToColAndTm(GetPreviewDbFldNm(), col, tm); + std::vector dd; + table_int->GetColData(col, tm, dd); + for (size_t i=0, sz=dd.size(); iChangeAll(&preview_data, + &cc_data.breaks, &cc_data.colors); + Refresh(); + LOG_MSG("Exiting CatClassifPanel::OnPreviewVarTmChoice"); } -void CatClassifPanel::OnNumCatsSpinCtrl(wxSpinEvent& event) +void CatClassifPanel::OnSyncVarsChk(wxCommandEvent& ev) { - if (!all_init) return; - int cats = num_cats_spin_ctrl->GetValue(); - if (cats < 1 || cats > max_intervals) return; - ChangeNumCats(cats); + LOG_MSG("In CatClassifPanel::OnSyncVarsChk"); + // IsSyncVars() reflects the new value of the checkbox. This + // callback is called after the value has changed. + preview_var_choice->Enable(!IsSyncVars()); + preview_var_tm_choice->Enable(!IsSyncVars()); + if (IsSyncVars()) InitFromCCData(); + LOG_MSG("Exiting CatClassifPanel::OnSyncVarsChk"); } -/** - Assumptions: all widgets are initialized - Purpose: Initialize field_choice and field_choice_tm - widgets. If any current selections, then these are remembered - and reselected. Note: InitFieldChoices is based on methods - in DataMovieDlg class - */ -void CatClassifPanel::InitFieldChoices() +void CatClassifPanel::OnUnifDistMinEnter(wxCommandEvent& event) { - LOG_MSG("Entering CatClassifPanel::InitFieldChoices"); - if (!all_init) return; - wxString cur_fc_str = field_choice->GetStringSelection(); - int cur_fc_tm_id = field_choice_tm->GetSelection(); - field_choice->Clear(); - field_choice_tm->Clear(); - std::vector times; - grid_base->GetTimeStrings(times); - for (int i=0; iAppend(times[i]); - } - if (cur_fc_tm_id != wxNOT_FOUND) { - field_choice_tm->SetSelection(cur_fc_tm_id); - } - std::vector names; - grid_base->FillNumericNameList(names); - field_choice->Append("normal distribution"); - for (int i=0; iAppend(names[i]); - } - field_choice->SetSelection(field_choice->FindString(cur_fc_str)); - field_choice_tm->Enable(grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str)); - if (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str) && - field_choice_tm->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND) { - field_choice_tm->SetSelection(0); - } - - if (field_choice->FindString(cur_fc_str) != wxNOT_FOUND) { - cur_field_choice = cur_fc_str; - if (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str)) { - cur_field_choice_tm = field_choice_tm->GetSelection(); - } else { - cur_field_choice_tm = 0; + LOG_MSG("In CatClassifPanel::OnUnifDistMinEnter"); + if (!all_init || !IsUnifDistMode()) return; + // When in uniform dist mode, there is no variable associated + // with the breaks. Therefore the data must be resampled whenever + // the uniform dist min/max value is changed and the existing + // breaks might need to be modified as well. + wxString s(unif_dist_min_txt->GetValue()); + double val; + if (s.ToDouble(&val)) { + if (val != cc_data.uniform_dist_min) { + // Proceed with change + cc_data.uniform_dist_min = val; + if (cc_data.uniform_dist_min > cc_data.uniform_dist_max) { + double t = cc_data.uniform_dist_min; + cc_data.uniform_dist_min = cc_data.uniform_dist_max; + cc_data.uniform_dist_max = t; + } + // Adjust break values to fit min and max + for (int i=0, sz=cc_data.breaks.size(); i cc_data.uniform_dist_max) { + cc_data.breaks[i] = cc_data.uniform_dist_max; + } + } + InitFromCCData(); + UpdateCCState(); } } else { - // default to normal distribution - cur_field_choice = "normal distribution"; - field_choice->SetSelection(0); + // restore to original value + wxString s; + s << cc_data.uniform_dist_min; + unif_dist_min_txt->ChangeValue(s); } - LOG(grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str)); - LOG_MSG("Exiting CatClassifPanel::InitFieldChoices"); } -void CatClassifPanel::OnFieldChoice(wxCommandEvent& ev) +void CatClassifPanel::OnUnifDistMinKillFocus(wxFocusEvent& event) +{ + LOG_MSG("In CatClassifPanel::OnUnifDistMinKillFocus"); + wxCommandEvent ev; + OnUnifDistMinEnter(ev); + event.Skip(); +} + +void CatClassifPanel::OnUnifDistMaxEnter(wxCommandEvent& event) { - LOG_MSG("Entering CatClassifPanel::OnFieldChoice"); - wxString cur_fc_str = field_choice->GetStringSelection(); - bool is_tm_var = grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str); - field_choice_tm->Enable(is_tm_var); - if (is_tm_var && field_choice_tm->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND) { - field_choice_tm->SetSelection(0); + LOG_MSG("In CatClassifPanel::OnUnifDistMaxEnter"); + if (!all_init || !IsUnifDistMode()) return; + // When in uniform dist mode, there is no variable associated + // with the breaks. Therefore the data must be resampled whenever + // the uniform dist min/max value is changed and the existing + // breaks might need to be modified as well. + wxString s(unif_dist_max_txt->GetValue()); + double val; + if (s.ToDouble(&val)) { + if (val != cc_data.uniform_dist_max) { + // Proceed with change + cc_data.uniform_dist_max = val; + if (cc_data.uniform_dist_min > cc_data.uniform_dist_max) { + double t = cc_data.uniform_dist_min; + cc_data.uniform_dist_min = cc_data.uniform_dist_max; + cc_data.uniform_dist_max = t; + } + // Adjust break values to fit min and max + for (int i=0, sz=cc_data.breaks.size(); i cc_data.uniform_dist_max) { + cc_data.breaks[i] = cc_data.uniform_dist_max; + } + } + InitFromCCData(); + UpdateCCState(); + } + } else { + // restore to original value + wxString s; + s << cc_data.uniform_dist_max; + unif_dist_max_txt->ChangeValue(s); } - InitFieldChoices(); - InitNewFieldChoice(); - - // MMM is new field choice exists in Table Data, then make this - // the new default_var for current custom category - // Also update default_var_tm if needed - - LOG_MSG("Exiting CatClassifPanel::OnFieldChoice"); } -void CatClassifPanel::OnFieldChoiceTm(wxCommandEvent& ev) +void CatClassifPanel::OnUnifDistMaxKillFocus(wxFocusEvent& event) { - LOG_MSG("Entering CatClassifPanel::OnFieldChoiceTm"); - InitFieldChoices(); - InitNewFieldChoice(); - - // MMM is new field choice exists in Table Data, then make this - // the new default_var for current custom category - - LOG_MSG("Exiting CatClassifPanel::OnFieldChoiceTm"); + LOG_MSG("In CatClassifPanel::OnUnifDistMaxKillFocus"); + wxCommandEvent ev; + OnUnifDistMaxEnter(ev); + event.Skip(); } -/** A new field_choice / field_choice_tm combination has been selected. If - cur_field_choice str is normal distribution, then resample from a - normal distribution, otherwise get data from table update. - */ -void CatClassifPanel::InitNewFieldChoice() +void CatClassifPanel::OnAutomaticLabelsCb(wxCommandEvent& event) { - LOG_MSG("Entering CatClassifPanel::InitNewFieldChoice"); - if (cur_field_choice.IsEmpty()) { - cur_field_choice = "normal distribution"; - } - if (cur_field_choice == "normal distribution") { - CatClassifHistCanvas::InitRandNormData(data); + LOG_MSG("In CatClassifPanel::OnAutomaticLabelsCb"); + if (event.IsChecked()) { + cc_data.automatic_labels = true; + LOG_MSG("turning automatic labels on"); + SetBrkTxtFromVec(cc_data.breaks); + UpdateCCState(); + Refresh(); } else { - int col = grid_base->FindColId(cur_field_choice); - std::vector dd; - grid_base->GetColData(col, cur_field_choice_tm, dd); - for (int i=0; iChangeData(&data); - LOG_MSG("Exiting CatClassifPanel::InitNewFieldChoice"); + LOG_MSG("automatic_labels: " + GenUtils::BoolToStr(event.IsChecked())); } -void CatClassifPanel::InitCurCatsChoices() +void CatClassifPanel::OnBrkRad(wxCommandEvent& event) { - LOG_MSG("Entering CatClassifPanel::InitCutCatsChoices"); - wxString cur_str = cur_cats_choice->GetStringSelection(); - cur_cats_choice->Clear(); - std::vector titles; - cat_classif_manager->GetTitles(titles); - for (int i=0, ie=titles.size(); iAppend(titles[i]); + if (!all_init) return; + wxRadioButton* obj = (wxRadioButton*) event.GetEventObject(); + int obj_id = -1; + for (int i=0, iend=brk_rad.size(); iGetCount() == 0) return; - int sel = cur_cats_choice->FindString(cur_str); - if (sel != wxNOT_FOUND) { - cur_cats_choice->SetSelection(sel); + LOG(obj_id); + if (obj_id < 0) return; + SetSliderFromBreak(obj_id); +} + +void CatClassifPanel::OnBrkTxtEnter(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!all_init) return; + wxTextCtrl* obj = (wxTextCtrl*) event.GetEventObject(); + int obj_id = -1; + for (int i=0, iend=brk_txt.size(); iGetValue()); + double val; + if (s.ToDouble(&val)) { + if (val != cc_data.breaks[obj_id]) { + SetBreakValsTypeChoice(CatClassification::custom_break_vals); + int nbrk = CatClassification::ChangeBreakValue(obj_id, val, + cc_data); + SetBrkTxtFromVec(cc_data.breaks); + SetActiveBrkRadio(nbrk); + SetUnifDistMinMaxTxt(cc_data.uniform_dist_min, + cc_data.uniform_dist_max); + UpdateCCState(); + hist_canvas->ChangeAll(&preview_data, &cc_data.breaks, + &cc_data.colors); + SetSliderFromBreak(nbrk); + } } else { - cur_cats_choice->SetSelection(0); + wxString o; + o << cc_data.breaks[obj_id]; + brk_txt[obj_id]->ChangeValue(o); } - LOG_MSG("Exiting CatClassifPanel::InitCutCatsChoices"); } - void CatClassifPanel::OnBrkSlider(wxCommandEvent& event) { if (!all_init) return; + if (!brk_slider->IsEnabled()) return; if (last_brk_slider_pos == brk_slider->GetValue()) return; last_brk_slider_pos = brk_slider->GetValue(); //LOG_MSG("In CatClassifPanel::OnBrkSlider"); int brk = GetActiveBrkRadio(); - if (brk < 0 || brk > cur_intervals-2) return; + if (brk < 0 || brk > GetNumCats()-2) return; double sr = ((double) (brk_slider->GetMax()-brk_slider->GetMin())); if (sr == 0) return; double sd = ((double) (brk_slider->GetValue()-brk_slider->GetMin())); - double r = brk_slider_max[brk]-brk_slider_min[brk]; - double v = brk_slider_min[brk] + (sd/sr)*r; + double r = GetBrkSliderMax()-GetBrkSliderMin(); + double v = GetBrkSliderMin() + (sd/sr)*r; LOG(v); cc_data.breaks[brk] = v; brk_txt[brk]->ChangeValue(GenUtils::DblToStr(v)); int nbrk = CatClassification::ChangeBreakValue(brk, v, cc_data); // refresh just the radio buttons and break txt - UpdateBrkTxtRad(nbrk); + SetBreakValsTypeChoice(CatClassification::custom_break_vals); + SetBrkTxtFromVec(cc_data.breaks); + SetActiveBrkRadio(nbrk); UpdateCCState(); - hist_canvas->ChangeBreaks(&cc_data.breaks, &cc_data.colors); + hist_canvas->ChangeAll(&preview_data, &cc_data.breaks, &cc_data.colors); } void CatClassifPanel::OnScrollThumbRelease(wxScrollEvent& event) { //LOG_MSG("In CatClassifPanel::OnScrollThumbRelease"); - InitSliderFromBreak(GetActiveBrkRadio()); - UpdateBrkSliderRanges(); + SetSliderFromBreak(GetActiveBrkRadio()); +} + +void CatClassifPanel::OnKillFocusEvent(wxFocusEvent& event) +{ + LOG_MSG("In CatClassifPanel::OnKillFocusEvent"); + wxWindow* w = (wxWindow*) (event.GetEventObject()); + if (wxTextCtrl* tc = dynamic_cast(w)) { + LOG(tc->GetValue()); + int obj_id = -1; + for (size_t i=0; iGetValue()); + double val; + if (s.ToDouble(&val)) { + if (val != cc_data.breaks[obj_id]) { + SetBreakValsTypeChoice( + CatClassification::custom_break_vals); + int nbrk = CatClassification::ChangeBreakValue(obj_id, val, + cc_data); + SetBrkTxtFromVec(cc_data.breaks); + SetActiveBrkRadio(nbrk); + hist_canvas->ChangeAll(&preview_data, &cc_data.breaks, + &cc_data.colors); + min_lbl->SetLabelText( + GenUtils::DblToStr(GetBrkSliderMin())); + max_lbl->SetLabelText( + GenUtils::DblToStr(GetBrkSliderMin())); + SetSliderFromBreak(nbrk); + UpdateCCState(); + Refresh(); + } + } else { + wxString o; + o << cc_data.breaks[obj_id]; + brk_txt[obj_id]->ChangeValue(o); + } + } + } + event.Skip(); } -void CatClassifPanel::OnCatBut(wxMouseEvent& event) +void CatClassifPanel::OnCategoryColorButton(wxMouseEvent& event) { if (!all_init) return; int obj_id = -1; wxStaticBitmap* obj = (wxStaticBitmap*) event.GetEventObject(); - for (int i=0, iend=cat_but.size(); iGetPosition(&x, &y); - // cat_but[i]->GetSize(&w, &h); + // cat_color_button[i]->GetPosition(&x, &y); + // cat_color_button[i]->GetSize(&w, &h); // if ((pos_x >= x && pos_x <= x+w) && // (pos_y >= y && pos_y <= y+h)) obj_id = i; //} @@ -1070,94 +1276,44 @@ void CatClassifPanel::OnCatBut(wxMouseEvent& event) if (obj_id < 0) return; wxColour col = cc_data.colors[obj_id]; - wxColourData data; - data.SetColour(col); - data.SetChooseFull(true); + wxColourData clr_data; + clr_data.SetColour(col); + clr_data.SetChooseFull(true); int ki; for (ki = 0; ki < 16; ki++) { wxColour colour(ki * 16, ki * 16, ki * 16); - data.SetCustomColour(ki, colour); + clr_data.SetCustomColour(ki, colour); } - wxColourDialog dialog(this, &data); + wxColourDialog dialog(this, &clr_data); dialog.SetTitle("Choose Cateogry Color"); if (dialog.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; wxColourData retData = dialog.GetColourData(); if (cc_data.colors[obj_id] == retData.GetColour()) return; - color_scheme->SetSelection(3); + SetColorSchemeChoice(CatClassification::custom_color_scheme); cc_data.color_scheme = CatClassification::custom_color_scheme; cc_data.colors[obj_id] = retData.GetColour(); - cat_but[obj_id]->SetBackgroundColour(retData.GetColour()); + cat_color_button[obj_id]->SetBackgroundColour(retData.GetColour()); UpdateCCState(); - hist_canvas->ChangeColorScheme(&cc_data.colors); + hist_canvas->ChangeAll(&preview_data, &cc_data.breaks, &cc_data.colors); Refresh(); } -void CatClassifPanel::OnCatTxt(wxCommandEvent& event) +void CatClassifPanel::OnCategoryTitleText(wxCommandEvent& event) { if (!all_init) return; wxTextCtrl* obj = (wxTextCtrl*) event.GetEventObject(); int obj_id = -1; - for (int i=0, iend=cat_txt.size(); iGetValue(); + cc_data.names[obj_id] = cat_title_txt[obj_id]->GetValue(); UpdateCCState(); } -void CatClassifPanel::OnBrkRad(wxCommandEvent& event) -{ - if (!all_init) return; - wxRadioButton* obj = (wxRadioButton*) event.GetEventObject(); - int obj_id = -1; - for (int i=0, iend=brk_rad.size(); iGetValue()); - double val; - if (s.ToDouble(&val)) { - if (val != cc_data.breaks[obj_id]) { - int nbrk = CatClassification::ChangeBreakValue(obj_id, val, - cc_data); - UpdateBrkTxtRad(nbrk); - UpdateCCState(); - hist_canvas->ChangeBreaks(&cc_data.breaks, &cc_data.colors); - InitSliderFromBreak(nbrk); - } - } else { - wxString o; - o << cc_data.breaks[obj_id]; - brk_txt[obj_id]->ChangeValue(o); - } -} - -void CatClassifPanel::OnButtonCopyFromExisting(wxCommandEvent& event) -{ - if (!all_init) return; - wxMenu* menu = wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadMenu("ID_CAT_CLASSIF_POPUP"); - wxWindow* win = (wxWindow*) event.GetEventObject(); - PopupMenu(menu, win->GetPosition()); -} - -void CatClassifPanel::OnButtonChangeTitle(wxCommandEvent& event) +void CatClassifPanel::OnButtonChangeTitle(wxCommandEvent& event) { if (!all_init) return; wxString msg; @@ -1217,9 +1373,12 @@ void CatClassifPanel::OnButtonNew(wxCommandEvent& event) ed.ShowModal(); } else { cc_data.title = new_title; + cc_data.assoc_db_fld_name = GetAssocDbFldNm(); cc_state = cat_classif_manager->CreateNewClassifState(cc_data); cur_cats_choice->Append(new_title); cur_cats_choice->SetSelection(cur_cats_choice->GetCount()-1); + SetSyncVars(true); + InitFromCCData(); EnableControls(true); retry = false; } @@ -1237,17 +1396,21 @@ void CatClassifPanel::OnButtonDelete(wxCommandEvent& event) cat_classif_manager->RemoveClassifState(cc_state); cc_state = 0; cur_cats_choice->Delete(cur_cats_choice->GetSelection()); + SetSyncVars(true); if (cur_cats_choice->GetCount() > 0) { cur_cats_choice->SetSelection(0); cc_state = cat_classif_manager-> - FindClassifState(cur_cats_choice->GetStringSelection()); + FindClassifState(cur_cats_choice->GetStringSelection()); cc_data = cc_state->GetCatClassif(); InitFromCCData(); } else { ResetValuesToDefault(); - CatClassifHistCanvas::InitRandNormData(data); - hist_canvas->ChangeData(&data); - hist_canvas->ChangeBreaks(&cc_data.breaks, &cc_data.colors); + CatClassifHistCanvas::InitUniformData(data, + default_min, default_max); + CatClassifHistCanvas::InitUniformData(preview_data, + default_min, default_max); + hist_canvas->ChangeAll(&preview_data, + &cc_data.breaks, &cc_data.colors); EnableControls(false); } } else { @@ -1265,405 +1428,702 @@ void CatClassifPanel::OnButtonClose(wxCommandEvent& event) template_frame->Close(); } -bool CatClassifPanel::IsDuplicateTitle(const wxString& title) +/** Reset cc_data and all controls according to default_intervals. + Assumes controls have already been created. + To be reset: + - Num Cats to default + - uniform dist mode + - preview_var selection to uniform dist + - preview_var time to first and disable + - unif dist min to 0, unif dist max to 1 + - automatic_labels to true + - data to uniform dist + - assoc_db_fld_name to empty + - cat classif type to Quantile + - Break values to uniform dist + - cat names to default + - slider min/max to 0/1 + - slider radio to first + - slider value to match first break + - cat colors / color scheme to diverging + + Not to be reset: + - title + */ +void CatClassifPanel::ResetValuesToDefault() { - wxString ttl(title); - ttl.Trim(false); - ttl.Trim(true); - int num_cl = cur_cats_choice->GetCount(); - for (int i=0; iGetString(i)) return true; + SetNumCats(default_intervals); + CatClassification::ChangeNumCats(default_intervals, cc_data); + cc_data.num_cats = default_intervals; + + cc_data.automatic_labels = true; + SetAutomaticLabels(true); + + unif_dist_mode = true; + assoc_var_choice->SetSelection(0); + assoc_var_tm_choice->SetSelection(0); + assoc_var_tm_choice->Enable(false); + + preview_var_choice->SetSelection(0); + preview_var_tm_choice->SetSelection(0); + preview_var_tm_choice->Enable(false); + + sync_vars_chk->SetValue(true); + sync_vars_chk->Enable(false); + + cc_data.uniform_dist_min = default_min; + cc_data.uniform_dist_max = default_max; + ShowUnifDistMinMax(true); + { + wxString s; + s << default_min; + unif_dist_min_txt->ChangeValue(s); } - return false; -} - -wxString CatClassifPanel::GetDefaultTitle(const wxString& field_name, - int field_tm) -{ - int max_tries = 500; - int cur_try = 1; - wxString ret_title_base("Custom Breaks"); - if (grid_base->ColNameExists(field_name)) { - ret_title_base << " (" << field_name; - if (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(field_name)) { - ret_title_base << ", " << grid_base->GetTimeString(field_tm); + { + wxString s; + s << default_max; + unif_dist_max_txt->ChangeValue(s); + } + + CatClassifHistCanvas::InitUniformData(data, default_min, + default_max); + CatClassifHistCanvas::InitUniformData(preview_data, default_min, + default_max); + + cc_data.assoc_db_fld_name = ""; + + cc_data.names.clear(); + cc_data.break_vals_type = CatClassification::quantile_break_vals; + CatClassification::SetBreakPoints(cc_data.breaks, cc_data.names, data, + CatClassification::quantile, + default_intervals); + + for (int i=0; iChangeValue(""); + if (i < default_intervals) { + cat_title_txt[i]->ChangeValue(cc_data.names[i]); } - ret_title_base << ")"; } - wxString ret_title = ret_title_base; - while (IsDuplicateTitle(ret_title) && cur_try <= max_tries) { - ret_title = ret_title_base; - ret_title << " " << cur_try++; + for (int i=0; iChangeValue(s); // no events emitted } - return ret_title; + brk_rad[0]->SetValue(true); // no events emitted and all others set to false + SetSliderFromBreak(0); + + SetColorSchemeChoice(CatClassification::diverging_color_scheme); + CatClassification::PickColorSet(cc_data.colors, + CatClassification::diverging_color_scheme, + default_intervals, false); + for (int i=0; iSetBackgroundColour(cc_data.colors[i]); + } + + Refresh(); } void CatClassifPanel::EnableControls(bool enable) -{ +{ cur_cats_choice->Enable(enable); - copy_from_existing_button->Enable(enable); + breaks_choice->Enable(enable); change_title_button->Enable(enable); delete_button->Enable(enable); - num_cats_spin_ctrl->Enable(enable); + num_cats_choice->Enable(enable); + auto_labels_cb->Enable(enable); color_scheme->Enable(enable); - field_choice->Enable(enable); - field_choice_tm->Enable(enable); + assoc_var_choice->Enable(enable); + assoc_var_tm_choice->Enable(enable); + preview_var_choice->Enable(enable && !IsSyncVars()); + preview_var_tm_choice->Enable(enable && !IsSyncVars()); + sync_vars_chk->Enable(enable); + unif_dist_min_txt->Enable(enable); + unif_dist_max_txt->Enable(enable); brk_slider->Enable(enable); - for (int i=0; iEnable(enable); - cat_txt[i]->Enable(enable); + for (size_t i=0; iEnable(enable); + cat_title_txt[i]->Enable(enable); } - for (int i=0; iEnable(enable); brk_txt[i]->Enable(enable); } } -/** Reset cc_data and all controls according to default_intervals. - Assumes controls have already been created, but assumes nothing about - current values. */ -void CatClassifPanel::ResetValuesToDefault() -{ - cur_intervals = default_intervals; - CatClassification::ChangeNumCats(default_intervals, cc_data); - num_cats_spin_ctrl->SetValue(default_intervals); - - CatClassification::PickColorSet(cc_data.colors, - CatClassification::diverging_color_scheme, - default_intervals, false); - for (int i=0; iSetBackgroundColour(cc_data.colors[i]); - } - for (int i=0, iend=cat_txt.size(); iChangeValue(s); - } - for (int i=0; iChangeValue("3.0"); - } - // equal spacing between -3 sd and +3 sd - for (int i=0; iChangeValue(s); - cc_data.breaks[i] = brk; - } - min_lbl->SetLabelText("-4"); - max_lbl->SetLabelText("4"); - brk_slider->SetValue(250); - last_brk_slider_pos = 250; - for (int i=0; iSetSelection(0); - Refresh(); -} - - /** Initialize all controls and CatClassifHistogram according to current - cc_data and preview_variable */ + cc_data and associated variable. Additionally, if IsSyncVars true, + then preview_data and data vectors will be synchronized as well as + current Preview Variable selections. If IsSyncVars false, breaks will + be recalculated, but current Preview Variable data will be used for the + histogram. + + Controls: + Initialized here from cc_data: + - associated variable and time choices + - preview variable and time choices + - breaks selection from cc_data.break_vals_type + - color scheme + - # categories / GetNumCats() from cc_data.breaks.size()+1 + - automatic labels checkbox + - category colors + - category names + - break values + - particular col/field and time choice + - fill data depending on col name or uni dist + - uni dist min/max txt depending on uni dist mode + - slider min/max and slider position + */ void CatClassifPanel::InitFromCCData() { - CatClassification::PickColorSet(cc_data.colors, cc_data.color_scheme, - cc_data.breaks.size()+1); - if (cc_data.color_scheme == CatClassification::sequential_color_scheme) { - color_scheme->SetSelection(0); - } else if (cc_data.color_scheme == - CatClassification::diverging_color_scheme) { - color_scheme->SetSelection(1); - } else if (cc_data.color_scheme == - CatClassification::qualitative_color_scheme) { - color_scheme->SetSelection(2); + // Verify that cc data is self-consistent and correct if not. This + // will result in all breaks, colors and names being initialized. + CatClassification::CorrectCatClassifFromTable(cc_data, table_int); + + SetColorSchemeChoice(cc_data.color_scheme); + SetUnifDistMode(cc_data.assoc_db_fld_name.IsEmpty()); + SetNumCats(cc_data.num_cats); + for (int i=0; iSetBackgroundColour(cc_data.colors[i]); + cat_title_txt[i]->ChangeValue(cc_data.names[i]); + } + SetBrkTxtFromVec(cc_data.breaks); + SetActiveBrkRadio(0); + ShowNumCategories(cc_data.num_cats); + SetAutomaticLabels(cc_data.automatic_labels); + if (IsUnifDistMode()) { + assoc_var_choice->SetSelection(0); // uniform distribution + assoc_var_tm_choice->Enable(false); + if (IsSyncVars()) { + preview_var_choice->SetSelection(0); + preview_var_tm_choice->Enable(false); + } + CatClassifHistCanvas::InitUniformData(preview_data, + cc_data.uniform_dist_min, + cc_data.uniform_dist_max); } else { - color_scheme->SetSelection(3); - } - cur_intervals = cc_data.breaks.size()+1; - num_cats_spin_ctrl->SetValue(cur_intervals); - for (int i=0; iSetBackgroundColour(cc_data.colors[i]); - cat_txt[i]->ChangeValue(cc_data.names[i]); - } - for (int i=0; iChangeValue(s); - } - int f_sel = field_choice->FindString(cc_data.default_var); - if (f_sel != wxNOT_FOUND) { - field_choice->SetSelection(f_sel); - cur_field_choice = cc_data.default_var; - if (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(cc_data.default_var)) { - field_choice_tm->SetSelection(cc_data.default_var_tm); - cur_field_choice_tm = cc_data.default_var_tm; + int col, tm; + table_int->DbColNmToColAndTm(cc_data.assoc_db_fld_name, col, tm); + int sel = assoc_var_choice->FindString(table_int->GetColName(col)); + assoc_var_choice->SetSelection(sel); + if (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col)) { + assoc_var_tm_choice->Enable(true); + assoc_var_tm_choice->SetSelection(tm); } else { - cur_field_choice_tm = 0; + assoc_var_tm_choice->Enable(false); + } + if (IsSyncVars()) { + preview_var_choice->SetSelection(sel); + if (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col)) { + preview_var_tm_choice->Enable(true); + preview_var_tm_choice->SetSelection(tm); + } else { + preview_var_tm_choice->Enable(false); + } + } + std::vector dd; + table_int->GetColData(col, tm, dd); + for (int i=0; iChangeBreaks(&cc_data.breaks, &cc_data.colors); + + SetBreakValsTypeChoice(cc_data.break_vals_type); + + SetUnifDistMinMaxTxt(cc_data.uniform_dist_min, cc_data.uniform_dist_max); + ShowUnifDistMinMax(IsUnifDistMode()); + + SetSliderFromBreak(0); + + hist_canvas->ChangeAll(&preview_data, &cc_data.breaks, &cc_data.colors); Refresh(); } -/** Return true if and only if current category has no interested clients. */ -bool CatClassifPanel::IsOkToDelete(const wxString& custom_cat_title) +/** + Assumptions: all widgets are initialized + Purpose: Initialize assoc_var_choice and assoc_var_tm_choice + widgets. If any current selections, then these are remembered + and reselected. Note: InitAssocVarChoices is based on methods + in DataMovieDlg class. + */ +void CatClassifPanel::InitAssocVarChoices() { - CatClassifState* ccs = - cat_classif_manager->FindClassifState(custom_cat_title); - if (!ccs) return false; - return ccs->GetNumberObservers() == 0; -} - -void CatClassifPanel::CopyFromExisting( - CatClassification::CatClassifType new_theme) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering CatClassifPanel::CopyFromExisting"); - // cur_intervals = num_cats - // new_theme is new theme - // data is data - // will set just breaks and also color scheme accordingly - std::vector new_breaks; - CatClassification::SetBreakPoints(new_breaks, data, new_theme, - cur_intervals); - if (new_theme != CatClassification::custom && - cc_data.color_scheme != CatClassification::custom_color_scheme) { - if (new_theme == CatClassification::quantile || - new_theme == CatClassification::natural_breaks || - new_theme == CatClassification::equal_intervals) { - cc_data.color_scheme = CatClassification::sequential_color_scheme; - color_scheme->SetSelection(0); - } else if (new_theme == CatClassification::hinge_15 || - new_theme == CatClassification::hinge_30 || - new_theme == CatClassification::percentile || - new_theme == CatClassification::stddev) { - cc_data.color_scheme = CatClassification::diverging_color_scheme; - color_scheme->SetSelection(1); - } else if (new_theme == CatClassification::unique_values) { - cc_data.color_scheme = CatClassification::qualitative_color_scheme; - color_scheme->SetSelection(2); - } + LOG_MSG("Entering CatClassifPanel::InitAssocVarChoices"); + if (!all_init) return; + wxString cur_fc_str = assoc_var_choice->GetStringSelection(); + int cur_fc_tm_id = assoc_var_tm_choice->GetSelection(); + assoc_var_choice->Clear(); + assoc_var_tm_choice->Clear(); + std::vector times; + project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeStrings(times); + for (size_t i=0; iAppend(times[i]); } - cur_intervals = new_breaks.size()+1; - for (int i=0; iSetSelection(cur_fc_tm_id); } - CatClassification::ChangeNumCats(cur_intervals, cc_data); - wxString ncs; - ncs << cur_intervals; - num_cats_spin_ctrl->SetValue(ncs); - ShowNumCategories(cur_intervals); - for (int i=0; iSetBackgroundColour(cc_data.colors[i]); + std::vector names; + table_int->FillNumericNameList(names); + assoc_var_choice->Append(unif_dist_txt); + for (size_t i=0; iAppend(names[i]); + } + assoc_var_choice->SetSelection(assoc_var_choice-> + FindString(cur_fc_str)); + assoc_var_tm_choice->Enable(table_int->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str)); + if (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str) && + assoc_var_tm_choice->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND) { + assoc_var_tm_choice->SetSelection(0); } - for (int i=0; iChangeValue(GenUtils::DblToStr(new_breaks[i])); + + if (assoc_var_choice->FindString(cur_fc_str) == wxNOT_FOUND) { + // default to uniform distribution + assoc_var_choice->SetSelection(0); } + LOG(table_int->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str)); + LOG_MSG("Exiting CatClassifPanel::InitAssocVarChoices"); +} - UpdateBrkSliderRanges(); - int cur_brk_rad = GetActiveBrkRadio(); - if (cur_brk_rad >= cc_data.num_cats-1) { - brk_rad[cur_brk_rad]->SetValue(0); - if (cc_data.num_cats-2 >= 0) { - brk_rad[cc_data.num_cats-2]->SetValue(1); - } else { - brk_rad[0]->SetValue(1); - } + +/** + Assumptions: all widgets are initialized + Purpose: Initialize preview_var_choice and preview_var_tm_choice + widgets. If any current selections, then these are remembered + and reselected. Note: InitPreviewVarChoices is based on methods + in DataMovieDlg class. + */ +void CatClassifPanel::InitPreviewVarChoices() +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering CatClassifPanel::InitPreviewVarChoices"); + if (!all_init) return; + wxString cur_fc_str = preview_var_choice->GetStringSelection(); + int cur_fc_tm_id = preview_var_tm_choice->GetSelection(); + preview_var_choice->Clear(); + preview_var_tm_choice->Clear(); + std::vector times; + project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeStrings(times); + for (size_t i=0; iAppend(times[i]); + } + if (cur_fc_tm_id != wxNOT_FOUND) { + preview_var_tm_choice->SetSelection(cur_fc_tm_id); + } + std::vector names; + table_int->FillNumericNameList(names); + preview_var_choice->Append(unif_dist_txt); + for (size_t i=0; iAppend(names[i]); + } + preview_var_choice->SetSelection(preview_var_choice-> + FindString(cur_fc_str)); + preview_var_tm_choice->Enable(table_int->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str)); + if (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str) && + preview_var_tm_choice->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND) { + preview_var_tm_choice->SetSelection(0); } - InitSliderFromBreak(GetActiveBrkRadio()); - UpdateCCState(); - hist_canvas->ChangeBreaks(&cc_data.breaks, &cc_data.colors); - Refresh(); - LOG_MSG("Exiting CatClassifPanel::CopyFromExisting"); + if (preview_var_choice->FindString(cur_fc_str) == wxNOT_FOUND) { + // default to first item + preview_var_choice->SetSelection(0); + } + LOG(table_int->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str)); + LOG_MSG("Exiting CatClassifPanel::InitPreivewVarChoices"); } -/** If brk==-1, then disable slider */ -void CatClassifPanel::InitSliderFromBreak(int brk) + +/** Populate the Custom Categories Choices from Classification Manager. + Will attempt to keep the current selection if it still exists. This + is only called in the constructor currently. */ +void CatClassifPanel::InitCurCatsChoices() { + LOG_MSG("Entering CatClassifPanel::InitCutCatsChoices"); if (!all_init) return; - if (brk < 0 || brk > cc_data.num_cats-2) { - min_lbl->SetLabelText(" "); - max_lbl->SetLabelText(" "); - brk_slider->SetValue((brk_slider->GetMax()-brk_slider->GetMin())/2); - brk_slider->Disable(); - return; - } - double min; - double max; - if (cc_data.num_cats <= 1) { - min = data[0].first; - max = data[num_obs-1].first; - } else { - min = cc_data.breaks[0]; - max = cc_data.breaks[cc_data.num_cats-2]; + wxString cur_str = cur_cats_choice->GetStringSelection(); + cur_cats_choice->Clear(); + std::vector titles; + cat_classif_manager->GetTitles(titles); + for (int i=0, ie=titles.size(); iAppend(titles[i]); } - double range = max-min; - double sl_min; - double sl_max; - bool center = false; - if (min == 0 && max == 0) { - sl_min = -1; - sl_max = 1; - center = true; - } else if (range == 0) { - double mag = min; - if (mag < 0) mag = -mag; - sl_min = min - mag/2.0; - sl_max = min + mag/2.0; - center = true; - } else { - sl_min = min - range/2.0; - sl_max = max + range/2.0; - } - brk_slider_min[brk] = sl_min; - brk_slider_max[brk] = sl_max; - min_lbl->SetLabelText(GenUtils::DblToStr(sl_min)); - max_lbl->SetLabelText(GenUtils::DblToStr(sl_max)); - if (center) { - brk_slider->SetValue((brk_slider->GetMax()-brk_slider->GetMin())/2); - brk_slider->Enable(); + if (cur_cats_choice->GetCount() == 0) return; + int sel = cur_cats_choice->FindString(cur_str); + if (sel != wxNOT_FOUND) { + cur_cats_choice->SetSelection(sel); } else { - double sl_pos_min = (double) brk_slider->GetMin(); - double sl_pos_max = (double) brk_slider->GetMax(); - double diff = cc_data.breaks[brk] - sl_min; - double p = sl_pos_min + (sl_pos_max-sl_pos_min)*(diff/(sl_max-sl_min)); - brk_slider->SetValue((int) p); + cur_cats_choice->SetSelection(0); } + LOG_MSG("Exiting CatClassifPanel::InitCutCatsChoices"); } -void CatClassifPanel::ChangeNumCats(int new_num_cats) +/** Gets number of categories from num_cats_choice */ +int CatClassifPanel::GetNumCats() { - if (!all_init) return; - if (new_num_cats < 1) new_num_cats = 1; - if (new_num_cats > max_intervals) new_num_cats = max_intervals; - if (new_num_cats == cc_data.num_cats) return; - int old_num_cats = cc_data.num_cats; - CatClassification::ChangeNumCats(new_num_cats, cc_data); - UpdateCCState(); - cur_intervals = new_num_cats; - ShowNumCategories(new_num_cats); - for (int i=0; iSetBackgroundColour(cc_data.colors[i]); - } - for (int i=0; iSetBackgroundColour(cc_data.colors[i]); - cat_txt[i]->ChangeValue(cc_data.names[i]); + if (!all_init) return default_intervals; + if (num_cats_choice->GetSelection() < 0) return default_intervals; + return num_cats_choice->GetSelection()+1; +} + +/** Sets num_cats_choice widget */ +void CatClassifPanel::SetNumCats(int num_cats) +{ + if (!all_init || num_cats < 1 || num_cats > max_intervals) return; + num_cats_choice->SetSelection(num_cats-1); +} + +/** Show/hide widgets for breaks radio/text/label, color button and + cat titles */ +void CatClassifPanel::ShowNumCategories(int num_cats) +{ + if (num_cats < 1 || num_cats > max_intervals) return; + for (int i=0; iShow(show); + cat_title_txt[i]->Show(show); } - for (int i=0; iChangeValue(GenUtils::DblToStr(cc_data.breaks[i])); + for (int i=0; iShow(show); + brk_lbl[i]->Show(show); + brk_txt[i]->Show(show); } - int cur_brk_rad = GetActiveBrkRadio(); - if (cur_brk_rad >= cc_data.num_cats-1) { - brk_rad[cur_brk_rad]->SetValue(0); - if (cc_data.num_cats-2 >= 0) { - brk_rad[cc_data.num_cats-2]->SetValue(1); - } else { - brk_rad[0]->SetValue(1); - } +} + +bool CatClassifPanel::IsAutomaticLabels() +{ + if (!all_init) return true; + return auto_labels_cb->GetValue(); +} + +void CatClassifPanel::SetAutomaticLabels(bool auto_labels) +{ + if (!all_init) return; + auto_labels_cb->SetValue(auto_labels); +} + +/** Get color scheme from color_scheme choice widget */ +CatClassification::ColorScheme CatClassifPanel::GetColorSchemeChoice() +{ + if (!all_init) return CatClassification::diverging_color_scheme; + if (color_scheme->GetSelection() == 0) + return CatClassification::sequential_color_scheme; + if (color_scheme->GetSelection() == 1) + return CatClassification::diverging_color_scheme; + if (color_scheme->GetSelection() == 2) + return CatClassification::qualitative_color_scheme; + return CatClassification::custom_color_scheme; +} + +/** Set color_scheme choice widget */ +void CatClassifPanel::SetColorSchemeChoice(CatClassification::ColorScheme cs) +{ + if (!all_init) return; + if (cs == CatClassification::sequential_color_scheme) { + color_scheme->SetSelection(0); + } else if (cs == CatClassification::diverging_color_scheme) { + color_scheme->SetSelection(1); + } else if (cs == CatClassification::qualitative_color_scheme) { + color_scheme->SetSelection(2); + } else { // custom + color_scheme->SetSelection(3); } - InitSliderFromBreak(GetActiveBrkRadio()); - UpdateCCState(); - hist_canvas->ChangeBreaks(&cc_data.breaks, &cc_data.colors); - UpdateBrkSliderRanges(); - Refresh(); +} + +/** Get classification type from breaks_choice widget */ +CatClassification::BreakValsType CatClassifPanel::GetBreakValsTypeChoice() +{ + int brs = breaks_choice->GetSelection(); + if (brs == 0) return CatClassification::no_theme_break_vals; + if (brs == 1) return CatClassification::quantile_break_vals; + if (brs == 2) return CatClassification::unique_values_break_vals; + if (brs == 3) return CatClassification::natural_breaks_break_vals; + if (brs == 4) return CatClassification::equal_intervals_break_vals; + if (brs == 5) return CatClassification::custom_break_vals; + // quantile by default + return CatClassification::quantile_break_vals; +} + +/** Set breaks_choice widget classification type */ +void CatClassifPanel::SetBreakValsTypeChoice( + CatClassification::BreakValsType ct) +{ + int brs = 1; // quantile by default + if (ct == CatClassification::no_theme_break_vals) brs = 0; + if (ct == CatClassification::quantile_break_vals) brs = 1; + if (ct == CatClassification::unique_values_break_vals) brs = 2; + if (ct == CatClassification::natural_breaks_break_vals) brs = 3; + if (ct == CatClassification::equal_intervals_break_vals) brs = 4; + if (ct == CatClassification::custom_break_vals) brs = 5; + + if (ct == CatClassification::percentile_break_vals) brs = 5; + if (ct == CatClassification::hinge_15_break_vals) brs = 5; + if (ct == CatClassification::hinge_30_break_vals) brs = 5; + if (ct == CatClassification::stddev_break_vals) brs = 5; + breaks_choice->SetSelection(brs); +} + +/** Returns current data base field name based on values in + assoc_var_choice and assoc_var_tm_choice. If placeholder, + uniform distribution or simple not found in TableInterface + than empty string is returned. */ +wxString CatClassifPanel::GetAssocDbFldNm() +{ + if (!assoc_var_choice || !assoc_var_tm_choice) return ""; + if (assoc_var_choice->GetSelection() == 0) return ""; + if (!assoc_var_choice->IsEnabled() || + !assoc_var_choice->IsShown()) return ""; + int tm = assoc_var_tm_choice->GetSelection(); + if (tm < 0) tm = 0; + if (!assoc_var_tm_choice->IsEnabled() || + !assoc_var_tm_choice->IsShown()) tm = 0; + wxString grp_nm = assoc_var_choice->GetStringSelection(); + int col = table_int->FindColId(grp_nm); + return table_int->GetColName(col, tm); +} + +wxString CatClassifPanel::GetAssocVarChoice() +{ + if (!all_init) return ""; + return assoc_var_choice->GetStringSelection(); +} + +wxString CatClassifPanel::GetAssocVarTmChoice() +{ + if (!all_init) return ""; + return assoc_var_tm_choice->GetStringSelection(); +} + +int CatClassifPanel::GetAssocVarTmAsInt() +{ + if (!all_init) return 0; + return table_int->GetTimeInt(GetAssocVarTmChoice()); +} + +/** Returns current data base field name based on values in + preview_var_choice and preview_var_tm_choice. If placeholder, + uniform distribution or simple not found in TableInterface + than empty string is returned. */ +wxString CatClassifPanel::GetPreviewDbFldNm() +{ + if (!preview_var_choice || !preview_var_tm_choice) return ""; + if (preview_var_choice->GetSelection() == 0) return ""; + int tm = preview_var_tm_choice->GetSelection(); + if (tm < 0) tm = 0; + if (!preview_var_tm_choice->IsShown()) tm = 0; + wxString grp_nm = preview_var_choice->GetStringSelection(); + int col = table_int->FindColId(grp_nm); + return table_int->GetColName(col, tm); +} + +wxString CatClassifPanel::GetPreviewVarChoice() +{ + if (!all_init) return ""; + return preview_var_choice->GetStringSelection(); +} + +wxString CatClassifPanel::GetPreviewVarTmChoice() +{ + if (!all_init) return ""; + return preview_var_tm_choice->GetStringSelection(); +} + +int CatClassifPanel::GetPreviewVarTmAsInt() +{ + if (!all_init) return 0; + return table_int->GetTimeInt(GetPreviewVarTmChoice()); +} + +bool CatClassifPanel::IsSyncVars() +{ + return sync_vars_chk->GetValue(); +} + +void CatClassifPanel::SetSyncVars(bool sync_assoc_and_prev_vars) +{ + sync_vars_chk->SetValue(sync_assoc_and_prev_vars); +} + +void CatClassifPanel::ShowUnifDistMinMax(bool show) +{ + unif_dist_min_lbl->Show(show); + unif_dist_min_txt->Show(show); + unif_dist_max_lbl->Show(show); + unif_dist_max_txt->Show(show); +} + +void CatClassifPanel::SetUnifDistMinMaxTxt(double min, double max) +{ + wxString min_txt; + min_txt << min; + unif_dist_min_txt->ChangeValue(min_txt); + wxString max_txt; + max_txt << max; + unif_dist_max_txt->ChangeValue(max_txt); } int CatClassifPanel::GetActiveBrkRadio() { if (!all_init) return -1; - for (int i=0; iGetValue() != 0) return i; } return -1; } -void CatClassifPanel::UpdateBrkTxtRad(int active_brk) +void CatClassifPanel::SetActiveBrkRadio(int i) +{ + if (!all_init) return; + if (i < 0 || i > max_intervals) return; + brk_rad[i]->SetValue(1); +} + +void CatClassifPanel::SetBrkTxtFromVec(const std::vector& brks) { - for (int i=0; iChangeValue(GenUtils::DblToStr(cc_data.breaks[i])); + for (int i=0, sz=brks.size(); iChangeValue(GenUtils::DblToStr(brks[i])); } - for (int i=0; iSetValue(0); + if (IsAutomaticLabels()) { + std::vector new_labels; + CatClassification::CatLabelsFromBreaks(brks, new_labels); + int sz = new_labels.size(); + cc_data.names.resize(sz); + for (int i=0; iChangeValue(new_labels[i]); + } } - if (active_brk >= 0) brk_rad[active_brk]->SetValue(1); } -void CatClassifPanel::UpdateBrkSliderRanges() +/** Current minimum valid value for all Breaks Slider controls. We + ensure that max-min in never zero. Also, min cannot be below zero + unless actual data points already go below zero. */ +double CatClassifPanel::GetBrkSliderMin() { - if (!all_init) return; - if (cc_data.num_cats-1 <= 0) return; - double min; - double max; - if (cc_data.num_cats <= 1) { - min = data[0].first; - max = data[num_obs-1].first; + double min = cc_data.uniform_dist_min; + double max = cc_data.uniform_dist_max; + double range = max-min; + double sl_min; + double sl_max; + if (min == 0 && max == 0) { + sl_min = 0; + sl_max = 1; + } else if (range == 0) { + double mag = min; + if (mag < 0) mag = -mag; + sl_min = min; + sl_max = min + mag; } else { - min = cc_data.breaks[0]; - max = cc_data.breaks[cc_data.num_cats-2]; + sl_min = min; + sl_max = max; } + return sl_min; +} + +/** Current maximum valid value for all Breaks Slider controls. We + ensure that max-min in never zero. Also, min cannot be below zero + unless actual data points already go below zero. */ +double CatClassifPanel::GetBrkSliderMax() +{ + double min = cc_data.uniform_dist_min; + double max = cc_data.uniform_dist_max; double range = max-min; double sl_min; double sl_max; if (min == 0 && max == 0) { - sl_min = -1; + sl_min = 0; sl_max = 1; } else if (range == 0) { double mag = min; if (mag < 0) mag = -mag; - sl_min = min - mag/2.0; - sl_max = min + mag/2.0; + sl_min = min; + sl_max = min + mag; } else { - sl_min = min - range/2.0; - sl_max = max + range/2.0; + sl_min = min; + sl_max = max; } - for (int i=0; i cc_data.num_cats-2) { + min_lbl->SetLabelText(" "); + max_lbl->SetLabelText(" "); + brk_slider->SetValue((brk_slider->GetMax()-brk_slider->GetMin())/2); + brk_slider->Disable(); + return; } + brk_slider->Enable(); + double min = GetBrkSliderMin(); + double max = GetBrkSliderMax(); + // max-min gauranteed to not be zero! + min_lbl->SetLabelText(GenUtils::DblToStr(min)); + max_lbl->SetLabelText(GenUtils::DblToStr(max)); + + double sl_pos_min = (double) brk_slider->GetMin(); + double sl_pos_max = (double) brk_slider->GetMax(); + double diff = cc_data.breaks[brk] - min; + double p = sl_pos_min + (sl_pos_max-sl_pos_min)*(diff/(max-min)); + brk_slider->SetValue((int) p); } -void CatClassifPanel::update(TableState* o) +bool CatClassifPanel::IsDuplicateTitle(const wxString& title) { - LOG_MSG("In DataMovieDlg::update(TableState* o)"); - InitFieldChoices(); - InitNewFieldChoice(); + wxString ttl(title); + ttl.Trim(false); + ttl.Trim(true); + int num_cl = cur_cats_choice->GetCount(); + for (int i=0; iGetString(i)) return true; + } + return false; } -/** Show / Hide color, category name, and break widget objects - according to number of passed in categories */ -void CatClassifPanel::ShowNumCategories(int num_cats) +wxString CatClassifPanel::GetDefaultTitle(const wxString& field_name, + int field_tm) { - if (num_cats < 1 || num_cats > max_intervals) return; - for (int i=0; iShow(show); - cat_txt[i]->Show(show); + int max_tries = 500; + int cur_try = 1; + wxString ret_title_base("Custom Breaks"); + if (table_int->ColNameExists(field_name)) { + ret_title_base << " (" << field_name; + if (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(field_name)) { + ret_title_base << ", "; + ret_title_base << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(field_tm); + } + ret_title_base << ")"; } - for (int i=0; iShow(show); - brk_lbl[i]->Show(show); - brk_txt[i]->Show(show); + wxString ret_title = ret_title_base; + while (IsDuplicateTitle(ret_title) && cur_try <= max_tries) { + ret_title = ret_title_base; + ret_title << " " << cur_try++; } + return ret_title; +} + +/** Return true if and only if current category has no interested clients. */ +bool CatClassifPanel::IsOkToDelete(const wxString& custom_cat_title) +{ + CatClassifState* ccs = + cat_classif_manager->FindClassifState(custom_cat_title); + if (!ccs) return false; + return ccs->GetNumberObservers() == 0; } /** If cc_state !=0, copy over current cc_data values and call @@ -1673,6 +2133,16 @@ void CatClassifPanel::UpdateCCState() if (!cc_state) return; cc_state->SetCatClassif(cc_data); cc_state->notifyObservers(); + if (project->GetSaveButtonManager()) { + project->GetSaveButtonManager()->SetMetaDataSaveNeeded(true); + } +} + +void CatClassifPanel::update(TableState* o) +{ + LOG_MSG("In CatClassifPanel::update(TableState* o)"); + InitAssocVarChoices(); + InitPreviewVarChoices(); } BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(CatClassifFrame, TemplateFrame) @@ -1685,19 +2155,94 @@ CatClassifFrame::CatClassifFrame(wxFrame *parent, Project* project, : TemplateFrame(parent, project, title, pos, size, style) { LOG_MSG("Entering CatClassifFrame::CatClassifFrame"); - wxSplitterWindow* splitter = new wxSplitterWindow(this); - canvas = new CatClassifHistCanvas(splitter, this, project); + /// START: original wxSpliterWindow desgin + /* + wxSplitterWindow* spliter_vert = + new wxSplitterWindow(this, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, + wxSP_3D|wxSP_LIVE_UPDATE|wxCLIP_CHILDREN); + canvas = new CatClassifHistCanvas(spliter_vert, this, project); template_canvas = canvas; - panel = new CatClassifPanel(project, canvas, splitter, wxID_ANY); + panel = new CatClassifPanel(project, canvas, spliter_vert, wxID_ANY); + canvas->template_frame = this; + panel->template_frame = this; + spliter_vert->SplitVertically(panel, canvas); + spliter_vert->SetMinimumPaneSize(20); + SetMinSize(wxSize(600,500)); + */ + /// END: orginal wxSpliterWindow desgin + + + /// START: wxBoxSizer desgin + wxPanel* histo_panel = new wxPanel(this); + wxStaticText* preview_var_text = new wxStaticText(histo_panel, wxID_ANY, + "Preview Var."); + wxChoice* preview_var_choice = new wxChoice(histo_panel, + XRCID("ID_PREVIEW_VAR_CHOICE"), + wxDefaultPosition, + wxSize(120, -1)); + Connect(XRCID("ID_PREVIEW_VAR_CHOICE"), wxEVT_CHOICE, + wxCommandEventHandler(CatClassifFrame::OnPreviewVarChoice)); + + wxChoice* preview_var_tm_choice = new wxChoice(histo_panel, + XRCID("ID_PREVIEW_VAR_TM_CHOICE"), + wxDefaultPosition, + wxSize(70, -1)); + Connect(XRCID("ID_PREVIEW_VAR_TM_CHOICE"), wxEVT_CHOICE, + wxCommandEventHandler(CatClassifFrame::OnPreviewVarTmChoice)); + + wxBoxSizer* histo_h_szr = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); + histo_h_szr->Add(preview_var_text, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); + histo_h_szr->AddSpacer(3); + histo_h_szr->Add(preview_var_choice, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); + histo_h_szr->AddSpacer(5); + histo_h_szr->Add(preview_var_tm_choice, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); + wxCheckBox* sync_vars_chk = new wxCheckBox(histo_panel, + XRCID("ID_SYNC_VARS_CHK"), + "same as Assoc. Var."); + sync_vars_chk->SetValue(true); + Connect(XRCID("ID_SYNC_VARS_CHK"), wxEVT_CHECKBOX, + wxCommandEventHandler(CatClassifFrame::OnSyncVarsChk)); + + wxBoxSizer* histo_v_szr = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + histo_v_szr->Add(histo_h_szr, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL); + histo_v_szr->Add(sync_vars_chk, 0, wxALL|wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 5); + + histo_panel->SetSizer(histo_v_szr); + + canvas = new CatClassifHistCanvas(this, this, project, wxDefaultPosition, + wxSize(300, -1)); + canvas->SetMinSize(wxSize(100, -1)); + template_canvas = canvas; + panel = new CatClassifPanel(project, canvas, this, + preview_var_choice, preview_var_tm_choice, + sync_vars_chk, wxID_ANY, + wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize); canvas->template_frame = this; panel->template_frame = this; - splitter->SplitVertically(panel, canvas); - splitter->SetMinimumPaneSize(20); - SetMinSize(wxSize(300,500)); + + wxBoxSizer* r_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + r_sizer->Add(canvas, 1, wxEXPAND); + wxBoxSizer* spacer_r_300 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); + spacer_r_300->AddSpacer(300); + r_sizer->Add(spacer_r_300, 0); + r_sizer->Add(histo_panel, 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 5); + + wxBoxSizer* top_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); + top_sizer->Add(panel, 0); + wxBoxSizer* spacer_v_500 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + spacer_v_500->AddSpacer(500); + top_sizer->Add(spacer_v_500, 0); + top_sizer->Add(r_sizer, 1, wxEXPAND); + + wxColour panel_color = panel->GetBackgroundColour(); + SetBackgroundColour(panel_color); + canvas->SetCanvasBackgroundColor(panel_color); + + SetSizerAndFit(top_sizer); + /// END: wxBoxSizer desgin - //template_canvas->SetScrollRate(1,1); DisplayStatusBar(true); SetTitle(template_canvas->GetCanvasTitle()); Show(true); @@ -1721,65 +2266,26 @@ void CatClassifFrame::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event) if ( event.GetActive() && template_canvas ) template_canvas->SetFocus(); } - -/** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ -void CatClassifFrame::update(FramesManager* o) +void CatClassifFrame::OnPreviewVarChoice(wxCommandEvent& event) { - LOG_MSG("In CatClassifFrame::update(FramesManager* o)"); - template_canvas->TitleOrTimeChange(); - //UpdateTitle(); + panel->OnPreviewVarChoice(event); } -void CatClassifFrame::OnThemeless(wxCommandEvent& event) +void CatClassifFrame::OnPreviewVarTmChoice(wxCommandEvent& event) { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::no_theme); + panel->OnPreviewVarTmChoice(event); } -void CatClassifFrame::OnHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event) +void CatClassifFrame::OnSyncVarsChk(wxCommandEvent& event) { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_15); + panel->OnSyncVarsChk(event); } -void CatClassifFrame::OnHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event) +/** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ +void CatClassifFrame::update(TimeState* o) { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_30); -} - -void CatClassifFrame::OnQuantile(wxCommandEvent& event) -{ - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::quantile); -} - -void CatClassifFrame::OnPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event) -{ - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::percentile); -} - -void CatClassifFrame::OnStdDevMap(wxCommandEvent& event) -{ - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::stddev); -} - -void CatClassifFrame::OnUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event) -{ - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::unique_values); -} - -void CatClassifFrame::OnNaturalBreaks(wxCommandEvent& event) -{ - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::natural_breaks); -} - -void CatClassifFrame::OnEqualIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event) -{ - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::equal_intervals); -} - -void CatClassifFrame::ChangeThemeType( - CatClassification::CatClassifType new_theme) -{ - LOG_MSG("In CatClassifFrame::ChangeThemeType"); - panel->CopyFromExisting(new_theme); + LOG_MSG("In CatClassifFrame::update(TimeState* o)"); + template_canvas->TimeChange(); } CatClassifState* CatClassifFrame::PromptNew(const CatClassifDef& ccd, @@ -1790,8 +2296,3 @@ CatClassifState* CatClassifFrame::PromptNew(const CatClassifDef& ccd, return panel->PromptNew(ccd, suggested_title, field_name, field_tm); } -void CatClassifFrame::EditExisting(const wxString& cat_classif_title, - const wxString& field_name, int field_tm) -{ - panel->EditExisting(cat_classif_title, field_name, field_tm); -} diff --git a/DialogTools/CatClassifDlg.h b/DialogTools/CatClassifDlg.h index 97e3f72b3..6c10e9c3f 100644 --- a/DialogTools/CatClassifDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/CatClassifDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ #include "../Explore/CatClassifStateObserver.h" #include "../FramesManagerObserver.h" #include "../GenUtils.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" class CatClassifCanvas; class CatClassifFrame; class CatClassifPanel; -class DbfGridTableBase; +class TableInterface; class FramesManager; class HighlightState; class TableState; @@ -78,12 +78,15 @@ class CatClassifHistCanvas : public TemplateCanvas { void UpdateIvalSelCnts(); static const int max_intervals; static const int default_intervals; + static const double default_min; + static const double default_max; - void ChangeData(GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_vec_type* new_data); - void ChangeBreaks(std::vector* new_breaks, - std::vector* new_colors); - void ChangeColorScheme(std::vector* new_colors); - static void InitRandNormData(GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_vec_type& rn_data); + void ChangeAll(Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type* new_data, + std::vector* new_breaks, + std::vector* new_colors); + static void InitRandNormData(Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type& rn_data); + static void InitUniformData(Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type& data, + double min, double max); private: virtual void UpdateStatusBar(); @@ -91,11 +94,11 @@ class CatClassifHistCanvas : public TemplateCanvas { Project* project; HighlightState* highlight_state; int num_obs; - GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_vec_type* data; - GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_vec_type default_data; + Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type* data; + Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type default_data; AxisScale axis_scale_y; - MyAxis* y_axis; + GdaAxis* y_axis; std::vector* colors; // size = cur_num_intervals std::vector default_colors; @@ -122,7 +125,11 @@ class CatClassifPanel: public wxPanel, public TableStateObserver public: CatClassifPanel(Project* project, CatClassifHistCanvas* hist_canvas, - wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, + wxWindow* parent, + wxChoice* preview_var_choice, + wxChoice* preview_var_tm_choice, + wxCheckBox* sync_vars_chk, + wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxCAPTION|wxSYSTEM_MENU); @@ -132,134 +139,163 @@ class CatClassifPanel: public wxPanel, public TableStateObserver const wxString& suggested_title = wxEmptyString, const wxString& field_name = wxEmptyString, int field_tm = 0); - void EditExisting(const wxString& cat_classif_title, - const wxString& field_name = wxEmptyString, - int field_tm = 0); - - void OnKillFocusEvent(wxFocusEvent& event); + + // Top level user actions void OnCurCatsChoice(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnColorScheme(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnNumCatsSpinCtrl(wxSpinEvent& event); - void InitFieldChoices(); - void OnFieldChoice(wxCommandEvent& ev); - void OnFieldChoiceTm(wxCommandEvent& ev); - void InitNewFieldChoice(); - void InitCurCatsChoices(); - void OnBrkSlider(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnScrollThumbRelease(wxScrollEvent& event); - void OnCatBut(wxMouseEvent& event); - void OnCatTxt(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnBreaksChoice(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnColorSchemeChoice(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnNumCatsChoice(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnAssocVarChoice(wxCommandEvent& ev); + void OnAssocVarTmChoice(wxCommandEvent& ev); + void OnPreviewVarChoice(wxCommandEvent& ev); + void OnPreviewVarTmChoice(wxCommandEvent& ev); + void OnSyncVarsChk(wxCommandEvent& ev); + void OnUnifDistMinEnter(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnUnifDistMinKillFocus(wxFocusEvent& event); + void OnUnifDistMaxEnter(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnUnifDistMaxKillFocus(wxFocusEvent& event); + void OnAutomaticLabelsCb(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnBrkRad(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnBrkTxtEnter(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnButtonCopyFromExisting(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnBrkSlider(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnScrollThumbRelease(wxScrollEvent& event); + void OnKillFocusEvent(wxFocusEvent& event); + void OnCategoryColorButton(wxMouseEvent& event); + void OnCategoryTitleText(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnButtonChangeTitle(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnButtonNew(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnButtonDelete(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnButtonClose(wxCommandEvent& event); - bool IsDuplicateTitle(const wxString& title); - wxString GetDefaultTitle(const wxString& field_name = wxEmptyString, - int field_tm = 0); - void EnableControls(bool enable); + void ResetValuesToDefault(); + void EnableControls(bool enable); void InitFromCCData(); - bool IsOkToDelete(const wxString& custom_cat_title); + void InitAssocVarChoices(); + void InitPreviewVarChoices(); + void InitCurCatsChoices(); - void CopyFromExisting(CatClassification::CatClassifType new_theme); - void InitSliderFromBreak(int brk); - void ChangeNumCats(int new_num_cats); + int GetNumCats(); + void SetNumCats(int num_cats); + void ShowNumCategories(int num_cats); + bool IsAutomaticLabels(); + void SetAutomaticLabels(bool auto_labels); + CatClassification::ColorScheme GetColorSchemeChoice(); + void SetColorSchemeChoice(CatClassification::ColorScheme cs); + CatClassification::BreakValsType GetBreakValsTypeChoice(); + void SetBreakValsTypeChoice(CatClassification::BreakValsType bvt); + wxString GetAssocDbFldNm(); + wxString GetAssocVarChoice(); + wxString GetAssocVarTmChoice(); + int GetAssocVarTmAsInt(); + wxString GetPreviewDbFldNm(); + wxString GetPreviewVarChoice(); + wxString GetPreviewVarTmChoice(); + int GetPreviewVarTmAsInt(); + bool IsSyncVars(); + void SetSyncVars(bool sync_assoc_and_prev_vars); + bool IsUnifDistMode() { return unif_dist_mode; } + void SetUnifDistMode(bool enable) { unif_dist_mode = enable; } + void ShowUnifDistMinMax(bool show); + void SetUnifDistMinMaxTxt(double min, double max); int GetActiveBrkRadio(); - void UpdateBrkTxtRad(int active_brk); - void UpdateBrkSliderRanges(); + void SetActiveBrkRadio(int); + void SetBrkTxtFromVec(const std::vector& brks); + double GetBrkSliderMin(); + double GetBrkSliderMax(); + void SetSliderFromBreak(int brk); + bool IsDuplicateTitle(const wxString& title); + wxString GetDefaultTitle(const wxString& field_name = wxEmptyString, + int field_tm = 0); + + bool IsOkToDelete(const wxString& custom_cat_title); + void UpdateCCState(); /** Implementation of TableStateObserver interface */ virtual void update(TableState* o); - - int num_obs; - GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_vec_type data; - CatClassifDef cc_data; - - static const int max_intervals; - static const int default_intervals; - int cur_intervals; - - CatClassifFrame* template_frame; + virtual bool AllowTimelineChanges() { return true; } + virtual bool AllowGroupModify(const wxString& grp_nm) { return true; } + virtual bool AllowObservationAddDelete() { return true; } //MMM + + CatClassifFrame* template_frame; private: Project* project; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + TableInterface* table_int; CatClassifHistCanvas* hist_canvas; CatClassifManager* cat_classif_manager; TableState* table_state; - void ShowNumCategories(int num_cats); - - void UpdateCCState(); CatClassifState* cc_state; wxChoice* cur_cats_choice; - wxButton* copy_from_existing_button; + wxChoice* breaks_choice; wxButton* change_title_button; wxButton* delete_button; - wxSpinCtrl* num_cats_spin_ctrl; + wxChoice* num_cats_choice; wxStaticText* min_lbl; wxStaticText* max_lbl; wxChoice* color_scheme; - wxString cur_field_choice; - int cur_field_choice_tm; - wxChoice* field_choice; - wxChoice* field_choice_tm; + wxChoice* assoc_var_choice; + wxChoice* assoc_var_tm_choice; + wxChoice* preview_var_choice; + wxChoice* preview_var_tm_choice; + wxCheckBox* sync_vars_chk; + wxStaticText* unif_dist_min_lbl; + wxTextCtrl* unif_dist_min_txt; + wxStaticText* unif_dist_max_lbl; + wxTextCtrl* unif_dist_max_txt; + wxCheckBox* auto_labels_cb; wxSlider* brk_slider; int last_brk_slider_pos; - std::vector cat_but; - std::vector cat_txt; + std::vector cat_color_button; + std::vector cat_title_txt; std::vector brk_rad; std::vector brk_lbl; std::vector brk_txt; - std::vector brk_slider_min; - std::vector brk_slider_max; + + int num_obs; + Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type data; + CatClassifDef cc_data; + Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type preview_data; + + static const wxString unif_dist_txt; + static const int max_intervals; + static const int default_intervals; + static const double default_min; + static const double default_max; + bool all_init; + bool unif_dist_mode; DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; + class CatClassifFrame : public TemplateFrame { public: CatClassifFrame(wxFrame *parent, Project* project, const wxString& title = "Category Editor", const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, - const wxSize& size = GeoDaConst::cat_classif_default_size, + const wxSize& size = GdaConst::cat_classif_default_size, const long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); virtual ~CatClassifFrame(); void OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event); - - /** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ - virtual void update(FramesManager* o); - - void OnThemeless(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnQuantile(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnStdDevMap(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnNaturalBreaks(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnEqualIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnPreviewVarChoice(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnPreviewVarTmChoice(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnSyncVarsChk(wxCommandEvent& event); + + /** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TimeState* o); CatClassifState* PromptNew(const CatClassifDef& ccd, const wxString& suggested_title = wxEmptyString, const wxString& field_name = wxEmptyString, int field_tm = 0); - void EditExisting(const wxString& cat_classif_title, - const wxString& field_name = wxEmptyString, - int field_tm = 0); private: - void ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::CatClassifType new_theme); - - wxSplitterWindow* splitter; CatClassifHistCanvas* canvas; CatClassifPanel* panel; - + DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; diff --git a/DialogTools/ConnectDatasourceDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/ConnectDatasourceDlg.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e18ae92e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/ConnectDatasourceDlg.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,321 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "../DataViewer/DataSource.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/OGRDataAdapter.h" +#include "../GenUtils.h" +#include "../logger.h" +#include "../GdaException.h" +#include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" +#include "ConnectDatasourceDlg.h" +#include "DatasourceDlg.h" + +BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( ConnectDatasourceDlg, wxDialog ) + EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDC_OPEN_IASC"), ConnectDatasourceDlg::OnBrowseDSfileBtn) + EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_BTN_LOOKUP_TABLE"), + ConnectDatasourceDlg::OnLookupDSTableBtn) + EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_BTN_LOOKUP_WSLAYER"), + ConnectDatasourceDlg::OnLookupWSLayerBtn) + EVT_BUTTON(wxID_OK, ConnectDatasourceDlg::OnOkClick ) +END_EVENT_TABLE() + +using namespace std; + +ConnectDatasourceDlg::ConnectDatasourceDlg(wxWindow* parent, const wxPoint& pos, + const wxSize& size) +:datasource(NULL) +{ + // init controls defined in parent class + DatasourceDlg::Init(); + + SetParent(parent); + CreateControls(); + SetPosition(pos); + Centre(); + + Bind( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, &ConnectDatasourceDlg::BrowseDataSource, + this, DatasourceDlg::ID_DS_START, ID_DS_START + ds_names.Count()); +} + +ConnectDatasourceDlg::~ConnectDatasourceDlg() +{ + if ( datasource != NULL ) { + delete datasource; + datasource = NULL; + } +} + +void ConnectDatasourceDlg::CreateControls() +{ + bool test = wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), + "IDD_CONNECT_DATASOURCE"); + FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(true); + // init db_table control that is unique in this class + m_webservice_url = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_CDS_WS_URL",AutoTextCtrl); + m_database_lookup_table = + XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_BTN_LOOKUP_TABLE", wxBitmapButton); + m_database_lookup_wslayer = + XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_BTN_LOOKUP_WSLAYER", wxBitmapButton); + m_database_table = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_CDS_DB_TABLE", wxTextCtrl); + // create controls defined in parent class + DatasourceDlg::CreateControls(); + // setup WSF auto-completion + std::vector ws_url_cands = + OGRDataAdapter::GetInstance().GetHistory("ws_url"); + m_webservice_url->SetAutoList(ws_url_cands); +} + +/** + * This functions handles the event of user click the "lookup" button in + * Web Service tab + */ +void ConnectDatasourceDlg::OnLookupWSLayerBtn( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + //XXX handling invalid wfs url: + //http://walkableneighborhoods.org/geoserver/wfs + OnLookupDSTableBtn(event); +} + +/** + * This functions handles the event of user click the "lookup" button in + * Database Tab. + * When click "lookup" button in Datasource Table, this will call + * PromptDSLayers() function + */ +void ConnectDatasourceDlg::OnLookupDSTableBtn( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + try { + CreateDataSource(); + PromptDSLayers(datasource); + m_database_table->SetValue(layer_name ); + } catch (GdaException& e) { + wxString msg; + msg << e.what(); + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg , "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); + if( datasource!= NULL && + msg.StartsWith("Failed to open data source") ) { + if ( datasource->GetType() == GdaConst::ds_oci ){ + wxExecute("open https://geodacenter.asu.edu/geoda/setup-oracle"); + } else if ( datasource->GetType() == GdaConst::ds_esri_arc_sde ){ + wxExecute("open https://geodacenter.asu.edu/geoda/setup-arcsde"); + } else if ( datasource->GetType() == GdaConst::ds_esri_file_geodb ){ + wxExecute("open https://geodacenter.asu.edu/geoda/setup-esri-fgdb"); + } else { + wxExecute("open https://geodacenter.asu.edu/geoda/formats"); + } + } + } +} + +/** + * This function handles the event of user click OK button. + * When user chooses a data source, validate it first, + * then create a Project() that will be used by the + * main program. + */ +void ConnectDatasourceDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering ConnectDatasourceDlg::OnOkClick"); + try { + CreateDataSource(); + // Check to make sure to get a layer name + wxString layername; + int datasource_type = m_ds_notebook->GetSelection(); + if (datasource_type == 0) { + // File table is selected + if (layer_name.IsEmpty()) { + layername = ds_file_path.GetName(); + } + else { + // user may select a layer name from Popup dialog that displays + // all layer names, see PromptDSLayers() + layername = layer_name; + } + } else if (datasource_type == 1) { + // Database tab is selected + layername = m_database_table->GetValue(); + } else if (datasource_type == 2) { + // Web Service tab is selected + if (layer_name.IsEmpty()) PromptDSLayers(datasource); + layername = layer_name; + } else { + // Should never be here + return; + } + if (layername.IsEmpty()) { + wxString msg = "Layer name could not be empty. Please select" + " a layer."; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + // At this point, there is a valid datasource and layername. + if (layer_name.IsEmpty()) layer_name = layername; + EndDialog(wxID_OK); + } catch (GdaException& e) { + wxString msg; + msg << e.what(); + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); + EndDialog(wxID_CANCEL); + } catch (...) { + wxString msg = "Unknow exception. Please contact GeoDa support."; + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg , "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); + EndDialog(wxID_CANCEL); + } + LOG_MSG("Exiting ConnectDatasourceDlg::OnOkClick"); +} + +/** + * After user click OK, create a data source connection string based on user + * inputs + * Throw GdaException() + */ +IDataSource* ConnectDatasourceDlg::CreateDataSource() +{ + if (datasource) { + delete datasource; + datasource = NULL; + } + + int datasource_type = m_ds_notebook->GetSelection(); + + if (datasource_type == 0) { + // File tab selected + wxString fn = ds_file_path.GetFullPath(); + if (fn.IsEmpty()) { + throw GdaException( + wxString("Please select a datasource file.").mb_str()); + } +#ifdef _WIN64 || __amd64__ + if (m_ds_filepath_txt->GetValue().StartsWith("PGeo:")) { + fn = "PGeo:" + fn; + } +#endif + datasource = new FileDataSource(fn); + + // a special case: sqlite is a file based database, so we need to get + // avalible layers and prompt for user selecting + if (datasource->GetType() == GdaConst::ds_sqlite || + datasource->GetType() == GdaConst::ds_osm || + datasource->GetType() == GdaConst::ds_esri_personal_gdb|| + datasource->GetType() == GdaConst::ds_esri_file_geodb) + { + PromptDSLayers(datasource); + if (layer_name.IsEmpty()) { + throw GdaException( + wxString("Layer name could not be empty. Please select" + " a layer.").mb_str()); + } + } + + } else if (datasource_type == 1) { + // Database tab selected + //int cur_sel = m_database_type->GetSelection(); + wxString cur_sel = m_database_type->GetStringSelection(); + wxString dbname = m_database_name->GetValue().Trim(); + wxString dbhost = m_database_host->GetValue().Trim(); + wxString dbport = m_database_port->GetValue().Trim(); + wxString dbuser = m_database_uname->GetValue().Trim(); + wxString dbpwd = m_database_upwd->GetValue().Trim(); + + wxRegEx regex; + regex.Compile("[0-9]+"); + if (!regex.Matches( dbport )){ + throw GdaException( + wxString("Please input a valid database port.").mb_str()); + } + + GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type = GdaConst::ds_unknown; + if (cur_sel == DBTYPE_ORACLE) ds_type = GdaConst::ds_oci; + else if (cur_sel == DBTYPE_ARCSDE) ds_type = GdaConst::ds_esri_arc_sde; + else if (cur_sel == DBTYPE_POSTGIS) ds_type = GdaConst::ds_postgresql; + else if (cur_sel == DBTYPE_MYSQL) ds_type = GdaConst::ds_mysql; + //else if (cur_sel == 4) ds_type = GdaConst::ds_ms_sql; + else { + wxString msg = "The selected database driver is not supported " + "on this platform. Please check GeoDa website " + "for more information about database support " + " and connection."; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + datasource = new DBDataSource(dbname, dbhost, dbport, dbuser, dbpwd, + ds_type); + // save user inputs to history table + if (!dbhost.IsEmpty()) + OGRDataAdapter::GetInstance() + .AddHistory("db_host", dbhost.ToStdString()); + if (!dbname.IsEmpty()) + OGRDataAdapter::GetInstance() + .AddHistory("db_name", dbname.ToStdString()); + if (!dbport.IsEmpty()) + OGRDataAdapter::GetInstance() + .AddHistory("db_port", dbport.ToStdString()); + if (!dbuser.IsEmpty()) + OGRDataAdapter::GetInstance() + .AddHistory("db_user", dbuser.ToStdString()); + + // check if empty, prompt user to input + wxString error_msg; + if (dbhost.IsEmpty()) error_msg = "Please input database host."; + else if (dbname.IsEmpty()) error_msg = "Please input database name."; + else if (dbport.IsEmpty()) error_msg = "Please input database port."; + else if (dbuser.IsEmpty()) error_msg = "Please input user name."; + if (!error_msg.IsEmpty()) { + throw GdaException(error_msg.mb_str() ); + } + } else if ( datasource_type == 2 ) { + // Web Service tab selected + wxString ws_url = m_webservice_url->GetValue().Trim(); + // detect if it's a valid url string + wxRegEx regex; + regex.Compile("^(https|http)://"); + if (!regex.Matches( ws_url )){ + throw GdaException( + wxString("Please input a valid WFS url address.").mb_str()); + } + if (ws_url.IsEmpty()) { + throw GdaException( + wxString("Please input WFS url.").mb_str()); + } else { + OGRDataAdapter::GetInstance().AddHistory("ws_url", ws_url.ToStdString()); + } + if ((!ws_url.StartsWith("WFS:") || !ws_url.StartsWith("wfs:")) + && !ws_url.EndsWith("SERVICE=WFS")) { + ws_url = "WFS:" + ws_url; + } + datasource = new WebServiceDataSource(ws_url, GdaConst::ds_wfs); + // prompt user to select a layer from WFS + //if (layer_name.IsEmpty()) PromptDSLayers(datasource); + } + + return datasource; +} diff --git a/DialogTools/ConnectDatasourceDlg.h b/DialogTools/ConnectDatasourceDlg.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ee570a496 --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/ConnectDatasourceDlg.h @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_CONNECT_DATASOURCE_DLG_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_CONNECT_DATASOURCE_DLG_H__ + + +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include "../DataViewer/DataSource.h" +#include "AutoCompTextCtrl.h" +#include "DatasourceDlg.h" + + +class ConnectDatasourceDlg: public DatasourceDlg +{ +public: + ConnectDatasourceDlg(wxWindow* parent, + const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, + const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize ); + ~ConnectDatasourceDlg(); + + void CreateControls(); + void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnLookupWSLayerBtn( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnLookupDSTableBtn( wxCommandEvent& event ); + IDataSource* GetDataSource(){ return datasource;} + +private: + wxBitmapButton* m_database_lookup_table; + wxBitmapButton* m_database_lookup_wslayer; + wxTextCtrl* m_database_table; + AutoTextCtrl* m_webservice_url; + IDataSource* datasource; + +private: + IDataSource* CreateDataSource(); + + DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DialogTools/CreateGridDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/CreateGridDlg.cpp index 4e821ba29..6e7338647 100644 --- a/DialogTools/CreateGridDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/CreateGridDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -32,7 +32,11 @@ #include "../GeoDa.h" #include "../TemplateCanvas.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/ShapeFileHdr.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/OGRDatasourceProxy.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/OGRLayerProxy.h" #include "CreateGridDlg.h" +#include "ExportDataDlg.h" +#include "ConnectDatasourceDlg.h" IMPLEMENT_CLASS( CreateGridDlg, wxDialog ) @@ -40,7 +44,7 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( CreateGridDlg, wxDialog ) EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("IDCANCEL"), CreateGridDlg::OnCancelClick ) EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("IDC_REFERENCEFILE"), CreateGridDlg::OnCReferencefileClick ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("IDC_BROWSE_OFILE"), CreateGridDlg::OnCBrowseOfileClick ) + //EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("IDC_BROWSE_OFILE"), CreateGridDlg::OnCBrowseOfileClick ) EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("IDC_REFERENCEFILE2"), CreateGridDlg::OnCReferencefile2Click ) EVT_TEXT( XRCID("IDC_EDIT1"), CreateGridDlg::OnCEdit1Updated ) @@ -97,8 +101,8 @@ bool CreateGridDlg::Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, void CreateGridDlg::CreateControls() { wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), "IDD_CREATE_GRID"); - m_outputfile = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_EDIT9", wxTextCtrl); - m_outputfile->SetMaxLength(0); + //m_outputfile = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_EDIT9", wxTextCtrl); + //m_outputfile->SetMaxLength(0); m_inputfile_ascii = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_EDIT6", wxTextCtrl); m_inputfile_ascii->SetMaxLength(0); m_lower_x = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_EDIT1", wxTextCtrl); @@ -134,6 +138,7 @@ void CreateGridDlg::CreateControls() FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_EDIT8"))-> SetValidator( wxTextValidator(wxFILTER_NUMERIC, & s_col) ); } + FindWindow(XRCID("ID_CREATE"))->Enable(true); } void CreateGridDlg::OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) @@ -216,9 +221,9 @@ void CreateGridDlg::OnCBrowseOfileClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) wxString m_path = wxEmptyString; if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { - m_path = dlg.GetPath(); - wxString OutFile = m_path; - m_outputfile->SetValue(OutFile); + //m_path = dlg.GetPath(); + //wxString OutFile = m_path; + //m_outputfile->SetValue(OutFile); } EnableItems(); @@ -226,33 +231,35 @@ void CreateGridDlg::OnCBrowseOfileClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) void CreateGridDlg::OnCReferencefile2Click( wxCommandEvent& event ) { - wxFileDialog dlg( this, "Input Shp file", "", "", - "Shp files (*.shp)|*.shp" ); - - wxString m_path = wxEmptyString; - bool m_polyid = false; - - if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { - m_path = dlg.GetPath(); - wxString InFile = m_path; - m_inputfileshp->SetValue(InFile); - - fn = dlg.GetFilename(); - int pos = fn.Find('.', true); - if (pos >= 0) fn = fn.Left(pos); + try{ + ConnectDatasourceDlg dlg(this); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; - iShapeFile shp_ref(m_path, "shp"); - char hs_ref[ 2*GeoDaConst::ShpHeaderSize ]; - shp_ref.read(hs_ref, 2*GeoDaConst::ShpHeaderSize); - ShapeFileHdr hd_ref(hs_ref); - m_BigBox = hd_ref.BoundingBox(); - m_xBot = m_BigBox._min().x; - m_yBot = m_BigBox._min().y; - m_xTop = m_BigBox._max().x; - m_yTop = m_BigBox._max().y; - - } - EnableItems(); + wxString proj_title = dlg.GetProjectTitle(); + wxString layer_name = dlg.GetLayerName(); + IDataSource* datasource = dlg.GetDataSource(); + wxString ds_name = datasource->GetOGRConnectStr(); + + OGRDatasourceProxy* ogr_ds = + new OGRDatasourceProxy(ds_name.ToStdString(), false); + OGRLayerProxy* ogr_layer = + ogr_ds->GetLayerProxy(layer_name.ToStdString()); + bool validExt = ogr_layer->GetExtent(m_xBot, m_yBot, m_xTop, m_yTop); + delete ogr_ds; + ogr_ds = NULL; + if ( validExt ) { + m_inputfileshp->SetValue(layer_name); + EnableItems(); + } else { + wxMessageBox("Can't get bounding box information from this " + "datasource. Please try another datasource." ); + } + }catch(GdaException& e) { + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, e.what(), "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + event.Skip(); } void CreateGridDlg::OnCreateClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) @@ -295,11 +302,10 @@ void CreateGridDlg::EnableItems() FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_REFERENCEFILE"))->Enable((m_check == 2)); FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_REFERENCEFILE2"))->Enable((m_check == 3)); - wxString m_oSHAPE = m_outputfile->GetValue(); + //wxString m_oSHAPE = m_outputfile->GetValue(); - FindWindow(XRCID("ID_CREATE"))->Enable(m_oSHAPE.Length() > 0 && - (m_xBot < m_xTop && - m_yBot < m_yTop)); + //FindWindow(XRCID("ID_CREATE"))->Enable((m_xBot < m_xTop && + // m_yBot < m_yTop)); FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_EDIT7"))->Enable((m_check != 2)); FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_EDIT8"))->Enable((m_check != 2)); if (m_check != 2) m_inputfile_ascii->SetValue(wxEmptyString); @@ -311,7 +317,8 @@ bool CreateGridDlg::CheckBBox() { if (m_xBot >= m_xTop || m_yBot >= m_yTop ) { wxString xx; - xx.Format("Bounding Box: (%f,%f) (%f,%f)",m_xBot,m_yBot,m_xTop,m_yTop); + xx << "Bounding Box: (" << m_xBot << "," << m_yBot << ") (" + << m_xTop << "," << m_yTop << ") is not valid."; wxMessageBox(xx); return false; } @@ -349,15 +356,40 @@ void CreateGridDlg::CreateGrid() BB.p1.x = m_xBot - eps_x;BB.p1.y = m_yBot - eps_y; BB.p2.x = m_xTop + eps_x;BB.p2.y = m_yTop + eps_y; - wxString m_oSHAPE = m_outputfile->GetValue(); - - CreateGridShapeFile(m_oSHAPE, m_nRows, m_nCols, x, y, BB); + //wxString m_oSHAPE = m_outputfile->GetValue(); + //CreateGridShapeFile(m_oSHAPE, m_nRows, m_nCols, x, y, BB); + + vector grids; + int n_pts = 5; + int n_polygons = m_nRows * m_nCols; + + for (int row = m_nRows; row >= 1; row--) { + for (int col = 1; col <= m_nCols; col++) { + wxRealPoint* pts = new wxRealPoint[n_pts]; + pts[0] = wxRealPoint(x[col-1],y[row]); + pts[1] = wxRealPoint(x[col],y[row]); + pts[2] = wxRealPoint(x[col],y[row-1]); + pts[3] = wxRealPoint(x[col-1],y[row-1]); + pts[4] = wxRealPoint(x[col-1],y[row]); + + grids.push_back(new GdaPolygon(n_pts,pts)); + + delete pts; + } + } + + ExportDataDlg dlg(this, grids, Shapefile::POLYGON); + dlg.ShowModal(); + m_nCount = nMaxCount; FindWindow(XRCID("ID_CREATE"))->Enable(true); FindWindow(XRCID("IDCANCEL"))->Enable(true); + for(size_t i=0; i. - */ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include "AddIdVariable.h" -#include "../GeoDa.h" -#include "../Project.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" -#include "../GenUtils.h" -#include "../logger.h" -#include "CreateSpTmProjectDlg.h" - -BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( CreateSpTmProjectDlg, wxDialog ) - EVT_CHOICE( XRCID("ID_FIELD_CHOICE"), CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnFieldChoice ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("wxID_OK"), CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnOkClick ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_ADD_NEW_FIELD_BTN"), - CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnAddFieldClick ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_OUTPUT_TIME_DBF_BTN"), - CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnOutputDbfFileClick ) - EVT_TEXT( XRCID("ID_TIME_FIELD_NAME_TXT"), - CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnTimeFieldNameTxtChange ) - EVT_TEXT( XRCID("ID_INTERGER_TXT"), - CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnIntegerTxtChange ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_SPACE_ID_VAR_HELP"), - CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnSpaceIdVarHelp ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_SPACE_DBF_FILE_HELP"), - CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnSpaceDbfFileHelp ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_TIME_DBF_FILE_HELP"), - CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnTimeDbfFileHelp ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_NEW_TIME_ID_VAR_HELP"), - CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnNewTimeIdVarHelp ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_TIME_PERIODS_HELP"), - CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnTimePeriodsHelp ) -END_EVENT_TABLE() - -CreateSpTmProjectDlg::CreateSpTmProjectDlg(wxWindow* parent, Project* project_s, - const wxPoint& pos, - const wxSize& size) -: project(project_s), grid_base(project_s->GetGridBase()), -num_obs(project_s->GetNumRecords()), time_ids_valid(false), all_init(false) -{ - SetParent(parent); - CreateControls(); - SetPosition(pos); - Centre(); -} - -void CreateSpTmProjectDlg::CreateControls() -{ - wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), - "IDD_CREATE_SP_TM_PROJECT_DLG"); - add_new_field_btn = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_ADD_NEW_FIELD_BTN", wxButton); - field_choice = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_FIELD_CHOICE", wxChoice); - sp_dbf_file_static_txt = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_SP_DBF_FILE_STATIC_TXT", - wxStaticText); - output_tm_dbf_txt = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_OUTPUT_TM_DBF_TXT", wxTextCtrl); - output_time_dbf_btn = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_OUTPUT_TIME_DBF_BTN", - wxBitmapButton); - time_field_name_txt = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_TIME_FIELD_NAME_TXT", wxTextCtrl); - integer_txt = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_INTERGER_TXT", wxTextCtrl); - num_times_static_txt = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_NUM_TIMES_STATIC_TXT", - wxStaticText); - - InitFieldChoices(); - - wxString sp_txt("Space DBF File: "); - sp_txt << project->GetMainName() << ".dbf"; - sp_dbf_file_static_txt->SetLabelText(sp_txt); - - wxString o_dbf; - o_dbf << project->GetMainDir() << project->GetMainName() << "_time.dbf"; - output_tm_dbf_txt->SetValue(o_dbf); - - if ( !grid_base->ColNameExists("TIME") ) { - time_field_name_txt->SetValue("TIME"); - } - - wxString n_tms_txt("Current number time periods: 0"); - num_times_static_txt->SetLabelText(n_tms_txt); - - FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(false); - - all_init = true; -} - -void CreateSpTmProjectDlg::InitFieldChoices() -{ - int prev_cnt = field_choice->GetCount(); - wxString str_sel = field_choice->GetStringSelection(); - //int sel = field_choice->GetSelection(); - field_choice->Clear(); - - grid_base->FillIntegerColIdMap(col_id_map); - for (int i=0; iGetColName(col_id_map[i]); - field_choice->Append(name); - } - - if (prev_cnt == 0 && field_choice->GetCount() > 0) { - // dialog has just been opened, so choose the first - // item on the list - field_choice->SetSelection(0); - } else { - // a new variable might have been added, so find old string - field_choice->SetSelection(field_choice->FindString(str_sel)); - } -} - -void CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - if (!all_init) return; - - // we know that integer list is valid because OK button is enabled - - // warn if only one time period - if (time_ids.size() == 1) { - wxString msg; - msg << "Only one time period specified. Normally a Space-Time project"; - msg << " has at least two time periods. Ok to proceed with just "; - msg << " one time period?"; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Proceed with one time period?", - wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL | wxNO_DEFAULT); - if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) return; - } - - // to ensure that unique ID column is in the shapefile, require that - // all changes are saved before proceeding - if (grid_base->ChangedSinceLastSave()) { - wxString msg; - msg << "Current project has unsaved changes to the Table. Changes "; - msg << "must be saved before proceeding. Ok to save changes now?"; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Save Changes Now?", - wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL | wxNO_DEFAULT); - if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) return; - if (!MyFrame::theFrame->SaveTableSpace()) { - msg << "There was a problem saving Table changes. Aborting "; - msg << "current operation."; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - MyFrame::theFrame->UpdateToolbarAndMenus(); - } - - // check that time field name is valid - wxString time_field = time_field_name_txt->GetValue(); - time_field.Trim(true); - time_field.Trim(false); - if ( !DbfFileUtils::isValidFieldName(time_field) ) { - wxString msg; - msg += "Error: \"" + time_field + "\" is an invalid "; - msg += "field name. A valid field name is between one and ten "; - msg += "characters long. The first character must be alphabetic,"; - msg += " and the remaining characters can be either alphanumeric "; - msg += "or underscores."; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - // check that time field name is unused - if ( grid_base->ColNameExists(time_field) ) { - wxString msg; - msg << time_field << " already exists in the Table. Please choose "; - msg << "a different name for the new time field."; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - - // check that unique id field is valid - int space_id_col = -1; - { - std::vector id_vec(num_obs); - int sel = field_choice->GetSelection(); - if (sel < 0) { - wxString msg; - msg << "No Unquie Id Field choosen."; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - space_id_col = col_id_map[sel]; - wxString col_string = field_choice->GetStringSelection(); - grid_base->col_data[space_id_col]->GetVec(id_vec, 0); - std::set id_set; - for (int i=0, iend=id_vec.size(); iGetValue()); - wxString new_main_dir = new_dbf_fname.GetPathWithSep(); - wxString new_main_name = new_dbf_fname.GetName(); - wxString new_dbf = new_main_dir + new_main_name + ".dbf"; - wxString curr_dbf = project->GetMainDir() + project->GetMainName()+".dbf"; - LOG(new_dbf); - LOG(curr_dbf); - - if (curr_dbf.CmpNoCase(new_dbf) == 0) { - wxString msg; - msg << "Current Space DBF name chosen for Time DBF! Must choose "; - msg << "a different name. A space-time project requires both "; - msg << "a space DBF file and a time DBF file."; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - - bool overwriting_required = false; - if (wxFileExists(new_dbf)) { - overwriting_required = true; - wxString msg; - msg << new_dbf << " already exists. Ok to overwrite?"; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Overwrite?", - wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL | wxNO_DEFAULT); - if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) return; - } - - // Attempt to create a new Time DBF file - wxString err_msg; - bool success = grid_base->ConvertToSpTime(curr_dbf, new_dbf, space_id_col, - time_field, time_ids, err_msg); - - if (!success) { - wxString msg; - msg << "Unable to create Time DBF. " << err_msg; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - - // Update Table menu to reflect this being a space-time project - MyFrame::theFrame->UpdateToolbarAndMenus(); - - EndDialog(wxID_OK); -} - -void CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnFieldChoice( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - if (!all_init) return; - UpdateOkButton(); -} - -void CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnAddFieldClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - if (!all_init) return; - AddIdVariable dlg(grid_base, this); - if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { - // We know that the new id has been added to the table - grid_base->SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); - InitFieldChoices(); - field_choice->SetSelection( - field_choice->FindString(dlg.GetIdVarName())); - MyFrame::theFrame->UpdateToolbarAndMenus(); - } - UpdateOkButton(); -} - -void CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnTimeFieldNameTxtChange( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - if (!all_init) return; - LOG_MSG("In CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnTimeFieldNameTxtChange"); - UpdateOkButton(); -} - -void CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnIntegerTxtChange( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - if (!all_init) return; - LOG_MSG("In CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnIntegerTxtChange"); - - time_ids_valid = false; - wxString s = integer_txt->GetValue(); - wxStringTokenizer tkns(s); - // tkns contains a sequence of space-seperated ints or dates - //int n_tkns = tkns.CountTokens(); - time_ids.clear(); - int tkn_cnt = 0; - bool valid = true; - while (tkns.HasMoreTokens() && valid) { - long val; - valid = tkns.GetNextToken().ToCLong(&val); - if (valid) { - time_ids.push_back((wxInt64) val); - } - } - wxString n_tms_txt("Current number time periods: "); - if (!valid) { - n_tms_txt << "invalid"; - } else if (time_ids.size() > CreateSpTmProjectDlg::max_time_periods) { - n_tms_txt << "too many"; - } else { - std::sort(time_ids.begin(), time_ids.end()); - bool duplicate = false; - if (time_ids.size() > 1) { - for (int i=0, its=time_ids.size()-1; !duplicate && i 0) time_ids_valid = true; - } - } - num_times_static_txt->SetLabelText(n_tms_txt); - if (time_ids_valid) { - wxTextAttr style(integer_txt->GetDefaultStyle()); - style.SetTextColour(*wxBLACK); - integer_txt->SetStyle(0, s.length(), style); - } else { - wxTextAttr style(integer_txt->GetDefaultStyle()); - style.SetTextColour(*wxRED); - integer_txt->SetStyle(0, s.length(), style); - } - - UpdateOkButton(); -} - -void CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnOutputDbfFileClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - if (!all_init) return; - - wxFileDialog dlg( this, "Name of New Time DBF File", wxEmptyString, - wxEmptyString, - "DBF files (*.dbf)|*.dbf", - wxFD_SAVE ); - dlg.SetPath(project->GetMainDir()); - dlg.SetName(project->GetMainName() + "_table.dbf"); - if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { - wxFileName new_dbf_fname(dlg.GetPath()); - wxString new_main_dir = new_dbf_fname.GetPathWithSep(); - wxString new_main_name = new_dbf_fname.GetName(); - wxString new_dbf = new_main_dir + new_main_name + ".dbf"; - output_tm_dbf_txt->SetValue(new_dbf); - } - UpdateOkButton(); -} - -void CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnSpaceIdVarHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - wxString msg; - msg << "Variable used to identify each observation in space. Choose an "; - msg << "existing variable, or create one with the New ID Variable button."; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Help", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION ); - dlg.ShowModal(); -} - -void CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnSpaceDbfFileHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - wxString msg; - msg << "Space-Time Project data is stored in two DBF files: "; - msg << "a space DBF file, and a time DBF file. Adding a time "; - msg << "dimension does not immediately change the original (space) "; - msg << "DBF file."; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Help", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION ); - dlg.ShowModal(); -} - -void CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnTimeDbfFileHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - wxString msg; - msg << "The default (and suggested) name for the time file "; - msg << "portion of the space-time DBF file pair is \n"; - msg << project->GetMainName() << "_time.dbf"; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Help", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION ); - dlg.ShowModal(); -} - -void CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnNewTimeIdVarHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - wxString msg; - msg << "This variable name will be used internally in the Time DBF file. "; - msg << "It will be hidden when the project is opened as a Space-Time "; - msg << "project. If not already used, the variable name TIME is "; - msg << "suggested."; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Help", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION ); - dlg.ShowModal(); -} - -void CreateSpTmProjectDlg::OnTimePeriodsHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - wxString msg; - msg << "Enter a list of space-separated integers. Example:\n\n"; - msg << "1900 1995 2000 2005 2010\n\n"; - msg << "The order you enter them does not matter (they will be sorted "; - msg << "automatically sorted), and negative numbers are permissible. "; - msg << "The number of time periods entered here will be the number "; - msg << "of time-periods required for every space-time variable created "; - msg << "in the new Space-Time project."; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Help", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION ); - dlg.ShowModal(); -} - - -void CreateSpTmProjectDlg::UpdateOkButton() -{ - if (!all_init) return; - - wxString time_field = time_field_name_txt->GetValue(); - time_field.Trim(true); - time_field.Trim(false); - bool enable = (time_ids_valid && !output_tm_dbf_txt->GetValue().IsEmpty() - && !field_choice->GetStringSelection().IsEmpty() - && !time_field.IsEmpty()); - FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(enable); -} diff --git a/DialogTools/CreateSpTmProjectDlg.h b/DialogTools/CreateSpTmProjectDlg.h deleted file mode 100644 index 7cbfd4474..000000000 --- a/DialogTools/CreateSpTmProjectDlg.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -/** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved - * - * This file is part of GeoDa. - * - * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program. If not, see . - */ - -#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_CREATE_SP_TM_PROJECT_DLG_H__ -#define __GEODA_CENTER_CREATE_SP_TM_PROJECT_DLG_H__ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include "../ShapeOperations/DbfFile.h" - -class Project; -class DbfGridTableBase; - -class CreateSpTmProjectDlg: public wxDialog -{ -public: - CreateSpTmProjectDlg(wxWindow* parent, Project* project, - const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, - const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize ); - void CreateControls(); - - void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnFieldChoice( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnAddFieldClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnOutputDbfFileClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnTimeFieldNameTxtChange( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnIntegerTxtChange( wxCommandEvent& event ); - - void OnSpaceIdVarHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnSpaceDbfFileHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnTimeDbfFileHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnNewTimeIdVarHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnTimePeriodsHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ); - - static const int max_time_periods = 10000; -private: - void InitFieldChoices(); - void UpdateOkButton(); - - wxButton* add_new_field_btn; - wxChoice* field_choice; - wxStaticText* sp_dbf_file_static_txt; - wxStaticText* tm_dbf_file_static_txt; - wxTextCtrl* output_tm_dbf_txt; - wxBitmapButton* output_time_dbf_btn; - wxTextCtrl* time_field_name_txt; - wxTextCtrl* integer_txt; - wxStaticText* num_times_static_txt; - - bool all_init; - int num_obs; - std::vector time_ids; - bool time_ids_valid; - Project* project; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; - // col_id_map[i] is a map from the i'th numeric item in the - // fields drop-down to the actual col_id_map. Items - // in the fields dropdown are in the order displayed in wxGrid - std::vector col_id_map; - - DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() -}; - -#endif diff --git a/DialogTools/CreatingWeightDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/CreatingWeightDlg.cpp index 25cd5977a..9e9006f56 100644 --- a/DialogTools/CreatingWeightDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/CreatingWeightDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ #include "../ShapeOperations/VoronoiUtils.h" #include "../Project.h" #include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableState.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/WeightsManager.h" #include "../GeoDa.h" #include "../TemplateCanvas.h" @@ -73,6 +74,8 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( CreatingWeightDlg, wxDialog ) EVT_SPIN( XRCID("IDC_SPIN_KNN"), CreatingWeightDlg::OnCSpinKnnUpdated ) EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("wxID_OK"), CreatingWeightDlg::OnCreateClick ) EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("wxID_CLOSE"), CreatingWeightDlg::OnCloseClick ) + EVT_CHECKBOX( XRCID("IDC_PRECISION_CBX"), + CreatingWeightDlg::OnPrecisionThresholdCheck) END_EVENT_TABLE() @@ -84,11 +87,11 @@ CreatingWeightDlg::CreatingWeightDlg(wxWindow* parent, const wxSize& size, long style ) : all_init(false), m_thres_delta_factor(1.00001), -m_method(1), m_thres_val_valid(false), m_threshold_val(0.01), -project(project_s), grid_base(project_s->GetGridBase()), +m_method(1), m_arc_in_km(false), m_thres_val_valid(false), +m_threshold_val(0.01), +project(project_s), table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()), m_num_obs(project_s->GetNumRecords()), -m_is_table_only(project_s->IsTableOnlyProject()), -m_is_space_time(project_s->GetGridBase()->IsTimeVariant()) +m_cbx_precision_threshold_first_click(true) { Create(parent, id, caption, pos, size, style); all_init = true; @@ -98,12 +101,14 @@ bool CreatingWeightDlg::Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& caption, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) { - m_field = 0; + m_id_field = 0; m_radio2 = 0; m_contiguity = 0; m_spincont = 0; m_radio1 = 0; m_include_lower = 0; + m_txt_precision_threshold = 0; + m_cbx_precision_threshold = 0; m_distance_metric = 0; m_X = 0; m_Y = 0; @@ -129,10 +134,11 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::CreateControls() { wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), "IDD_WEIGHTS_FILE_CREATION"); - m_field = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_IDVARIABLE", wxChoice); + m_id_field = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_IDVARIABLE", wxChoice); m_contiguity = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_EDIT_ORDEROFCONTIGUITY", wxTextCtrl); m_spincont = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_SPIN_ORDEROFCONTIGUITY", wxSpinButton); m_include_lower = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_CHECK1", wxCheckBox); + m_cbx_precision_threshold= XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_PRECISION_CBX", wxCheckBox); m_distance_metric = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_DISTANCE_METRIC", wxChoice); m_X = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_XCOORDINATES", wxChoice); m_Y = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_YCOORDINATES", wxChoice); @@ -141,6 +147,8 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::CreateControls() m_X_time->Show(false); m_Y_time->Show(false); m_threshold = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_THRESHOLD_EDIT", wxTextCtrl); + m_txt_precision_threshold = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_PRECISION_THRESHOLD_EDIT", + wxTextCtrl); m_sliderdistance = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_THRESHOLD_SLIDER", wxSlider); m_radio2 = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_RADIO_QUEEN", wxRadioButton); m_radio1 = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_RADIO_ROOK", wxRadioButton); @@ -155,15 +163,15 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::CreateControls() void CreatingWeightDlg::OnCreateNewIdClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { LOG_MSG("Entering CreatingWeightDlg::OnCreateNewIdClick"); - - AddIdVariable dlg(grid_base, this); + + AddIdVariable dlg(table_int, this); if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { // We know that the new id has been added to the the table in memory - m_field->Insert(dlg.GetIdVarName(), 0); - m_field->SetSelection(0); - EnableDistanceRadioButtons(m_field->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND); - EnableContiguityRadioButtons((m_field->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND) - && !m_is_table_only); + m_id_field->Insert(dlg.GetIdVarName(), 0); + m_id_field->SetSelection(0); + EnableDistanceRadioButtons(m_id_field->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND); + EnableContiguityRadioButtons((m_id_field->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND) + && !project->IsTableOnlyProject()); UpdateCreateButtonState(); } else { // A new id was not added to the dbf file, so do nothing. @@ -195,7 +203,6 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::OnCreateClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) msg << "a valid number."; wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); dlg.ShowModal(); - event.Skip(); return; } if (m_threshold_val*m_thres_delta_factor < m_thres_min) { @@ -207,17 +214,12 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::OnCreateClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) msg << "Press Yes to proceed anyhow, press No to abort."; wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Warning", wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT | wxICON_QUESTION ); - if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) { - event.Skip(); - return; - } - } + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) return; + } } wxString wildcard; - wxString defaultDir(project->GetMainDir()); - wxString defaultFile(project->GetMainName()); - LOG(defaultDir); + wxString defaultFile(project->GetProjectTitle()); LOG(defaultFile); if (IsSaveAsGwt()) { defaultFile += ".gwt"; @@ -229,7 +231,7 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::OnCreateClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) wxFileDialog dlg(this, "Choose an output weights file name.", - defaultDir, + "", defaultFile, wildcard, wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT); @@ -239,16 +241,16 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::OnCreateClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) outputfile = dlg.GetPath(); wxString id = wxEmptyString; - if ( m_field->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND ) { - id = m_field->GetString(m_field->GetSelection()); + if ( m_id_field->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND ) { + id = m_id_field->GetString(m_id_field->GetSelection()); } else { return; // we must have key id variable } - if ((m_field->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND) && !CheckID(id)) return; + if ((m_id_field->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND) && !CheckID(id)) return; std::vector id_vec(m_num_obs); - int col = grid_base->FindColId(id); - grid_base->col_data[col]->GetVec(id_vec, 0); + int col = table_int->FindColId(id); + table_int->GetColData(col, 0, id_vec); int m_ooC = m_spincont->GetValue(); int m_kNN = m_spinneigh->GetValue(); @@ -258,8 +260,6 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::OnCreateClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) GalElement *Hgal = 0; GwtElement *gwt = 0; bool done = false; - - m_method = m_distance_metric->GetSelection() + 1; wxString str_X = m_X->GetString(m_X->GetSelection()); wxString str_Y = m_Y->GetString(m_Y->GetSelection()); @@ -272,16 +272,29 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::OnCreateClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { double t_val = m_threshold_val; if (t_val <= 0) t_val = std::numeric_limits::min(); + if (m_method == 2 && m_arc_in_km) { + t_val /= 1.609344; // convert km to mi + } if (t_val > 0) { gwt = shp2gwt(m_num_obs, m_XCOO, m_YCOO, t_val * m_thres_delta_factor, 1, m_method); - if (gwt == 0) return; + if (gwt == 0) { + wxString m; + m << "No weights file was created due to all observations "; + m << "being isolates for the specified threshold value. "; + m << "Increase the threshold to create a "; + m << "non-empty weights file."; + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, m, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } - Shp2GalProgress(0, gwt, project->GetFullShpName(), - outputfile, id, id_vec); + Shp2GalProgress(0, gwt, + project->GetProjectTitle(), outputfile, + id, id_vec); + if (gwt) delete [] gwt; gwt = 0; done = true; - event.Skip(); } } break; @@ -292,12 +305,11 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::OnCreateClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) gwt = DynKNN(m_XCOO, m_YCOO, m_kNN+1, m_method); if (gwt==0) return; - Shp2GalProgress(0, gwt, project->GetFullShpName(), outputfile, + Shp2GalProgress(0, gwt, + project->GetProjectTitle(), outputfile, id, id_vec); + if (gwt) delete [] gwt; gwt = 0; done = true; - event.Skip(); - delete [] gwt; - gwt = 0; } else { wxString s = wxString::Format("Error: Maximum # of neighbors " "(%d) exceeded.", @@ -316,7 +328,13 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::OnCreateClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) project->DisplayPointDupsWarning(); } - gal = project->GetVoronoiRookNeighborGal(); + std::vector > nbr_map; + if (is_rook) { + project->GetVoronoiRookNeighborMap(nbr_map); + } else { + project->GetVoronoiQueenNeighborMap(nbr_map); + } + gal = Gda::VoronoiUtils::NeighborMapToGal(nbr_map); if (!gal) { wxString msg("There was a problem generating voronoi " "contiguity neighbors. Please report this."); @@ -327,23 +345,67 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::OnCreateClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) break; } } else { - gal = shp2gal(project->GetFullShpName(), - (is_rook ? 1 : 0), true); + double precision_threshold = 0.0; + if ( m_cbx_precision_threshold->IsChecked()) { + if (!m_txt_precision_threshold->IsEmpty()) { + wxString prec_thres = + m_txt_precision_threshold->GetValue(); + double value; + if ( prec_thres.ToDouble(&value) ) + precision_threshold = value; + } else { + precision_threshold = 0.0; + } + } + gal = shp2gal(project->main_data, (is_rook ? 1 : 0), true, + precision_threshold); } - if (!gal) break; + if (!gal) { + // could be an empty weights file, and should prompt user + // to setup Precision Threshold + wxString msg("GeoDa can't find weights information from " + "shapes. You can try to set precision " + "threshold value to find neighbor shapes " + "using fuzzy matching approach."); + wxMessageDialog dlg(NULL, msg, + "Empty Contiguity Weights Created", + wxOK | wxICON_WARNING); + dlg.ShowModal(); + + m_cbx_precision_threshold->SetValue(true); + m_txt_precision_threshold->Enable(true); + // give a suggested value + double shp_min_x = (double)project->main_data.header.bbox_x_min; + double shp_max_x = (double)project->main_data.header.bbox_x_max; + double shp_min_y = (double)project->main_data.header.bbox_y_min; + double shp_max_y = (double)project->main_data.header.bbox_y_max; + double shp_x_len = shp_max_x - shp_min_x; + double shp_y_len = shp_max_y - shp_min_y; + double pixel_len = MIN(shp_x_len, shp_y_len) / 4096.0; // 4K LCD + double suggest_precision = pixel_len * 10E-7; + // round it to power of 10 + suggest_precision = log10(suggest_precision); + suggest_precision = ceil(suggest_precision); + suggest_precision = pow(10, suggest_precision); + wxString tmpTxt; + tmpTxt << suggest_precision; + m_txt_precision_threshold->SetValue(tmpTxt); + break; + } if (m_ooC > 1) { Hgal = HOContiguity(m_ooC, m_num_obs, gal, m_check1); - Shp2GalProgress(Hgal, 0, project->GetFullShpName(), outputfile, + Shp2GalProgress(Hgal, 0, + project->GetProjectTitle(), outputfile, id, id_vec); - done = true; - event.Skip(); } else { - Shp2GalProgress(gal, 0, project->GetFullShpName(), outputfile, + Shp2GalProgress(gal, 0, + project->GetProjectTitle(), outputfile, id, id_vec); - done = true; - event.Skip(); } + if (Hgal) delete [] Hgal; Hgal = 0; + if (gal) delete [] gal; gal = 0; + done = true; } break; @@ -354,6 +416,32 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::OnCreateClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_CLOSE"))->Enable(true); } +void CreatingWeightDlg::OnPrecisionThresholdCheck( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + if (m_cbx_precision_threshold_first_click) { + // Show a warning message regarding the use of this function + wxString msg; + msg << "Precision threshold should normally be set to 0. "; + msg << "For data sources with neighboring polygons whose vertex "; + msg << "coordinates do not match exactly, a very small positive "; + msg << "threshold value can be chosen so that neighboring polygons "; + msg << "are correctly identified. This is an advanced option. "; + msg << "It is important to visually verify the resulting weights "; + msg << "to ensure there are no false-positives."; + wxMessageDialog dlg(NULL, msg, "About Precision Threshold", + wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + dlg.ShowModal(); + m_cbx_precision_threshold_first_click = false; + } + if ( m_cbx_precision_threshold->IsChecked() ) { + m_txt_precision_threshold->Enable(true); + m_cbx_precision_threshold->SetValue(true); + } else { + m_txt_precision_threshold->Enable(false); + m_cbx_precision_threshold->SetValue(false); + } +} + void CreatingWeightDlg::OnCRadioRookSelected( wxCommandEvent& event ) { SetRadioBtnAndAssocWidgets(5); @@ -364,6 +452,12 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::OnCRadioQueenSelected( wxCommandEvent& event ) SetRadioBtnAndAssocWidgets(6); } +void CreatingWeightDlg::update(TableState* o) +{ + LOG_MSG("In CreatingWeightDlg::update(TableState* o)"); + Refresh(); +} + void CreatingWeightDlg::EnableThresholdControls( bool b ) { // This either enable the Threshold distance controls. This does not @@ -371,11 +465,11 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::EnableThresholdControls( bool b ) FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_STATIC1"))->Enable(b); FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_STATIC2"))->Enable(b); FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_STATIC3"))->Enable(b); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_XCOORDINATES"))->Enable(b); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_YCOORDINATES"))->Enable(b); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_DISTANCE_METRIC"))->Enable(b); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_THRESHOLD_SLIDER"))->Enable(b); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_THRESHOLD_EDIT"))->Enable(b); + m_X->Enable(b); + m_Y->Enable(b); + m_distance_metric->Enable(b); + m_sliderdistance->Enable(b); + m_threshold->Enable(b); UpdateTmSelEnableState(); if (!b) { m_X_time->Disable(); @@ -386,18 +480,18 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::EnableThresholdControls( bool b ) void CreatingWeightDlg::UpdateTmSelEnableState() { int m_x_sel = m_X->GetSelection(); - if (!m_is_table_only) m_x_sel -= 2; - if (m_is_space_time && m_x_sel >= 0) { + if (!project->IsTableOnlyProject()) m_x_sel -= 2; + if (table_int->IsTimeVariant() && m_x_sel >= 0) { int col = col_id_map[m_x_sel]; - m_X_time->Enable(grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col)); + m_X_time->Enable(table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col)); } else { m_X_time->Disable(); } int m_y_sel = m_Y->GetSelection(); - if (!m_is_table_only) m_y_sel -= 2; - if (m_is_space_time && m_y_sel >= 0) { + if (!project->IsTableOnlyProject()) m_y_sel -= 2; + if (table_int->IsTimeVariant() && m_y_sel >= 0) { int col = col_id_map[m_y_sel]; - m_Y_time->Enable(grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col)); + m_Y_time->Enable(table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col)); } else { m_Y_time->Disable(); } @@ -410,13 +504,14 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::SetRadioBtnAndAssocWidgets(int radio) // Disable everything to begin. FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_STATIC_OOC1"))->Enable(false); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_EDIT_ORDEROFCONTIGUITY"))->Enable(false); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_SPIN_ORDEROFCONTIGUITY"))->Enable(false); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_CHECK1"))->Enable(false); + m_contiguity->Enable(false); + m_spincont->Enable(false); + m_cbx_precision_threshold->Enable(false); + m_include_lower->Enable(false); EnableThresholdControls(false); FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_STATIC_KNN"))->Enable(false); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_EDIT_KNN"))->Enable(false); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_SPIN_KNN"))->Enable(false); + m_neighbors->Enable(false); + m_spinneigh->Enable(false); if ((radio == 7) || (radio == 3) || (radio == 4) || (radio == 5) || (radio == 6)) { @@ -430,9 +525,10 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::SetRadioBtnAndAssocWidgets(int radio) case 6: // queen case 5: { // rook FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_STATIC_OOC1"))->Enable(true); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_EDIT_ORDEROFCONTIGUITY"))->Enable(true); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_SPIN_ORDEROFCONTIGUITY"))->Enable(true); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_CHECK1"))->Enable(true); + m_contiguity->Enable(true); + m_spincont->Enable(true); + m_cbx_precision_threshold->Enable(true); + m_include_lower->Enable(true); } break; case 3: { // threshold distance @@ -443,16 +539,14 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::SetRadioBtnAndAssocWidgets(int radio) FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_STATIC1"))->Enable(true); FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_STATIC2"))->Enable(true); FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_STATIC3"))->Enable(true); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_XCOORDINATES"))->Enable(true); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_YCOORDINATES"))->Enable(true); - m_distance_metric->Enable(true); - m_distance_metric->SetSelection(0); - m_method = 1; + m_X->Enable(true); + m_Y->Enable(true); + SetDistMetricEuclid(true); m_distance_metric->Enable(false); FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_STATIC_KNN"))->Enable(true); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_EDIT_KNN"))->Enable(true); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_SPIN_KNN"))->Enable(true); + m_neighbors->Enable(true); + m_spinneigh->Enable(true); UpdateTmSelEnableState(); } break; @@ -504,31 +598,35 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::UpdateThresholdValues() } if (v1 != wxEmptyString || v1 != wxEmptyString) { if (v1 != wxEmptyString) { - int x_sel = (m_is_table_only ? + int x_sel = (project->IsTableOnlyProject() ? m_X->GetSelection() : m_X->GetSelection()-2); int col_id = col_id_map[x_sel]; int tm = 0; - if (m_is_space_time && - grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)) { + if (table_int->IsTimeVariant() && + table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)) { tm = m_X_time->GetSelection(); } - grid_base->col_data[col_id]->GetVec(m_XCOO, tm); + table_int->GetColData(col_id, tm, m_XCOO); } if (v2 != wxEmptyString) { - int y_sel = (m_is_table_only ? + int y_sel = (project->IsTableOnlyProject() ? m_Y->GetSelection() : m_Y->GetSelection()-2); int col_id = col_id_map[y_sel]; int tm = 0; - if (m_is_space_time && - grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)) { + if (table_int->IsTimeVariant() && + table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)) { tm = m_Y_time->GetSelection(); } - grid_base->col_data[col_id]->GetVec(m_YCOO, tm); + table_int->GetColData(col_id, tm, m_YCOO); } } m_thres_min = ComputeCutOffPoint(m_XCOO, m_YCOO, m_method); m_thres_max = ComputeMaxDistance(m_XCOO, m_YCOO, m_method); + if (m_method == 2 && m_arc_in_km) { + m_thres_min *= 1.609344; // convert mi to km + m_thres_max *= 1.609344; + } LOG(m_thres_min); LOG(m_thres_max); m_threshold_val = (m_sliderdistance->GetValue() * @@ -584,7 +682,6 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::OnCRadioDistanceSelected( wxCommandEvent& event ) void CreatingWeightDlg::OnCRadioGeoDaLSelected( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // do nothing for now, perhaps will force save as GAL in future. - event.Skip(); } void CreatingWeightDlg::OnCRadioKnnSelected( wxCommandEvent& event ) @@ -614,7 +711,7 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::UpdateCreateButtonState() bool enable = true; // Check that a Weights File ID variable is selected. - if (m_field->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND) enable = false; + if (m_id_field->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND) enable = false; // Check that a weight type radio button choice is selected. if (m_radio == -1) enable = false; if (m_X->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND || @@ -647,11 +744,11 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::ClearRadioButtons() void CreatingWeightDlg::ResetThresXandYCombo() { m_X->Clear(); - if (!m_is_table_only) { + m_Y->Clear(); + if (!project->IsTableOnlyProject()) { m_X->Append(""); m_X->Append(""); m_X->SetSelection(0); - m_Y->Clear(); m_Y->Append(""); m_Y->Append(""); m_Y->SetSelection(0); @@ -660,83 +757,48 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::ResetThresXandYCombo() void CreatingWeightDlg::InitFields() { - m_field->Clear(); + m_id_field->Clear(); m_X_time->Clear(); m_Y_time->Clear(); ResetThresXandYCombo(); for (int i=0, iend=col_id_map.size(); iIsColTimeVariant(col)) { - wxString t; - t << " (" << grid_base->time_ids[0] << ")"; - m_X->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name + t); - m_Y->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name + t); - } else { - m_X->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name); - m_Y->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name); - } - if (!m_is_space_time && - grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->type - == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { - m_field->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name); + + m_X->Append(table_int->GetColName(col)); + m_Y->Append(table_int->GetColName(col)); + + if (table_int->GetColType(col) == GdaConst::long64_type) { + if (!table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col)) { + m_id_field->Append(table_int->GetColName(col)); + } } } - if (m_is_space_time) { - m_field->Append(grid_base->GetSpTblSpColName()); - m_field->SetSelection(0); - EnableDistanceRadioButtons(true); - EnableContiguityRadioButtons(true && !m_is_table_only); - UpdateCreateButtonState(); - FindWindow(XRCID("ID_CREATE_ID"))->Enable(false); - - for (int i=0; itime_steps; i++) { - wxString t; - t << grid_base->time_ids[i]; - m_X_time->Append(t); - m_Y_time->Append(t); + m_id_field->SetSelection(-1); + + if (table_int->IsTimeVariant()) { + std::vector tm_strs; + table_int->GetTimeStrings(tm_strs); + for (int t=0, sz=tm_strs.size(); tAppend(tm_strs[t]); + m_Y_time->Append(tm_strs[t]); } - m_X_time->SetSelection(0); - m_Y_time->SetSelection(0); } - if (!m_is_table_only) { + if (!project->IsTableOnlyProject()) { m_X->SetSelection(0); m_Y->SetSelection(0); } + m_X_time->Disable(); m_Y_time->Disable(); } -void CreatingWeightDlg::UpdateFieldNamesTm() -{ - if (!m_is_space_time) return; - int x_sel = m_X->GetSelection(); - int y_sel = m_Y->GetSelection(); - ResetThresXandYCombo(); - wxString x_tm_str; - x_tm_str << " (" << grid_base->time_ids[m_X_time->GetSelection()] << ")"; - wxString y_tm_str; - y_tm_str << " (" << grid_base->time_ids[m_Y_time->GetSelection()] << ")"; - for (int i=0, iend=col_id_map.size(); iIsColTimeVariant(col)) { - m_X->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name + x_tm_str); - m_Y->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name + y_tm_str); - } else { - m_X->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name); - m_Y->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name); - } - } - m_X->SetSelection(x_sel); - m_Y->SetSelection(y_sel); -} - bool CreatingWeightDlg::CheckID(const wxString& id) { std::vector id_vec(m_num_obs); - int col = grid_base->FindColId(id); - grid_base->col_data[col]->GetVec(id_vec, 0); + int col = table_int->FindColId(id); + table_int->GetColData(col, 0, id_vec); std::set id_set; for (int i=0, iend=id_vec.size(); iClear(); + m_id_field->Clear(); m_contiguity->SetValue( "1"); ResetThresXandYCombo(); m_sliderdistance->SetRange(0, 100); @@ -764,11 +826,12 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::InitDlg() m_neighbors->SetValue( "4"); FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(false); FindWindow(XRCID("ID_ID_VAR_STAT_TXT"))->Enable(false); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_IDVARIABLE"))->Enable(false); + m_id_field->Enable(false); FindWindow(XRCID("ID_CREATE_ID"))->Enable(false); m_distance_metric->Clear(); - m_distance_metric->Append(""); - m_distance_metric->Append(""); + m_distance_metric->Append("Euclidean Distance"); + m_distance_metric->Append("Arc Distance (mi)"); + m_distance_metric->Append("Arc Distance (km)"); m_distance_metric->SetSelection(0); ClearRadioButtons(); SetRadioBtnAndAssocWidgets(-1); @@ -777,12 +840,14 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::InitDlg() // Previously from OpenShapefile: FindWindow(XRCID("ID_ID_VAR_STAT_TXT"))->Enable(true); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_IDVARIABLE"))->Enable(true); + m_id_field->Enable(true); FindWindow(XRCID("ID_CREATE_ID"))->Enable(true); FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(false); + m_cbx_precision_threshold->Enable(false); + m_txt_precision_threshold->Enable(false); col_id_map.clear(); - grid_base->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); + table_int->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); InitFields(); int sl_x, sl_y; @@ -790,8 +855,8 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::InitDlg() wxSize sl_size = m_sliderdistance->GetSize(); m_sliderdistance->SetSize(sl_x, sl_y, 500, sl_size.GetHeight()); - m_X_time->Show(m_is_space_time); - m_Y_time->Show(m_is_space_time); + m_X_time->Show(table_int->IsTimeVariant()); + m_Y_time->Show(table_int->IsTimeVariant()); m_spincont->SetRange(1, (int) m_num_obs / 2); m_spinneigh->SetRange(1, (int) m_num_obs - 1); @@ -852,32 +917,66 @@ void CreatingWeightDlg::OnYSelected(wxCommandEvent& event ) void CreatingWeightDlg::OnXTmSelected(wxCommandEvent& event ) { - UpdateFieldNamesTm(); UpdateThresholdValues(); } void CreatingWeightDlg::OnYTmSelected(wxCommandEvent& event ) { - UpdateFieldNamesTm(); UpdateThresholdValues(); } void CreatingWeightDlg::OnDistanceMetricSelected(wxCommandEvent& event ) { - m_method = m_distance_metric->GetSelection() + 1; - UpdateThresholdValues(); + wxString s = m_distance_metric->GetStringSelection(); + if (s == "Euclidean Distance") { + SetDistMetricEuclid(false); + UpdateThresholdValues(); + } else if (s == "Arc Distance (mi)") { + SetDistMetricArcMiles(false); + UpdateThresholdValues(); + } else if (s == "Arc Distance (km)") { + SetDistMetricArcKms(false); + UpdateThresholdValues(); + } } +void CreatingWeightDlg::SetDistMetricEuclid(bool update_sel) +{ + if (update_sel) m_distance_metric->SetSelection(0); + m_method = 1; + m_arc_in_km = false; +} + +void CreatingWeightDlg::SetDistMetricArcMiles(bool update_sel) +{ + if (update_sel) m_distance_metric->SetSelection(1); + m_method = 2; + m_arc_in_km = false; +} + +void CreatingWeightDlg::SetDistMetricArcKms(bool update_sel) +{ + if (update_sel) m_distance_metric->SetSelection(2); + m_method = 2; + m_arc_in_km = true; +} + + void CreatingWeightDlg::OnIdVariableSelected( wxCommandEvent& event ) { - EnableDistanceRadioButtons(m_field->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND); - EnableContiguityRadioButtons((m_field->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND) && - !m_is_table_only); + EnableDistanceRadioButtons(m_id_field->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND); + EnableContiguityRadioButtons((m_id_field->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND) && + !project->IsTableOnlyProject()); UpdateCreateButtonState(); } -bool CreatingWeightDlg::Shp2GalProgress(GalElement *gl, GwtElement *gw, - const wxString& ifn, +/** layer_name: layer name + * ofn: output file name + * idd: id column name + * id: id column vector + */ +bool CreatingWeightDlg::Shp2GalProgress(GalElement *gal, GwtElement *gwt, + const wxString& layer_name, const wxString& ofn, const wxString& idd, const std::vector& id_vec) @@ -888,12 +987,12 @@ bool CreatingWeightDlg::Shp2GalProgress(GalElement *gl, GwtElement *gw, bool success = false; bool flag = false; bool geodaL=true; // always save as "Legacy" format. - if (gl) // gal - flag = SaveGal(gl, ifn, ofn, idd, id_vec); + if (gal) // gal + flag = SaveGal(gal, layer_name, ofn, idd, id_vec); else if (m_radio == 3) // binary distance - flag = WriteGwt(gw, ifn, ofn, idd, id_vec, 1, geodaL ); + flag = WriteGwt(gwt, layer_name, ofn, idd, id_vec, 1, geodaL ); else if (m_radio == 4) // kNN - flag = WriteGwt(gw, ifn, ofn, idd, id_vec, -2, geodaL); + flag = WriteGwt(gwt, layer_name, ofn, idd, id_vec, -2, geodaL); else flag = false; if (!flag) { @@ -921,7 +1020,7 @@ bool CreatingWeightDlg::Shp2GalProgress(GalElement *gl, GwtElement *gw, int obs = w_manager->GetNumObservations(); if (ext == "gal") { - GalElement* tempGal=WeightUtils::ReadGal(ofn, grid_base); + GalElement* tempGal=WeightUtils::ReadGal(ofn, table_int); if (tempGal != 0) { GalWeight* w = new GalWeight(); w->num_obs = obs; @@ -933,7 +1032,7 @@ bool CreatingWeightDlg::Shp2GalProgress(GalElement *gl, GwtElement *gw, } } } else { // ext == "gwt" - GalElement* tempGal=WeightUtils::ReadGwtAsGal(ofn, grid_base); + GalElement* tempGal=WeightUtils::ReadGwtAsGal(ofn, table_int); if (tempGal != 0) { GalWeight* w = new GalWeight(); w->num_obs = obs; @@ -947,10 +1046,7 @@ bool CreatingWeightDlg::Shp2GalProgress(GalElement *gl, GwtElement *gw, } } } - - if (gl) delete [] gl; - if (gw) delete [] gw; - + FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(true); FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_CLOSE"))->Enable(true); return success; diff --git a/DialogTools/CreatingWeightDlg.h b/DialogTools/CreatingWeightDlg.h index 8ff382c93..da12e4921 100644 --- a/DialogTools/CreatingWeightDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/CreatingWeightDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -29,13 +29,18 @@ #include #include #include +#include "../DataViewer/TableStateObserver.h" class wxSpinButton; class GalElement; class GwtElement; class Project; +class TableInterface; +class TableState; -class CreatingWeightDlg: public wxDialog +/** NOTE: CreatingWeightDlg is still modal even though it is a + TableStateObserver. The plan is to make it non-modal in the future.*/ +class CreatingWeightDlg: public wxDialog, public TableStateObserver { public: CreatingWeightDlg(wxWindow* parent, @@ -52,8 +57,12 @@ class CreatingWeightDlg: public wxDialog long style = wxCAPTION|wxSYSTEM_MENU ); void CreateControls(); void OnCreateNewIdClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnIdVariableSelected( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnDistanceMetricSelected(wxCommandEvent& event ); + void SetDistMetricEuclid(bool update_sel); + void SetDistMetricArcMiles(bool update_sel); + void SetDistMetricArcKms(bool update_sel); + void OnIdVariableSelected( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnXSelected(wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnYSelected(wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnXTmSelected(wxCommandEvent& event ); @@ -69,9 +78,17 @@ class CreatingWeightDlg: public wxDialog void OnCSpinKnnUpdated( wxSpinEvent& event ); void OnCreateClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnCloseClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnPrecisionThresholdCheck( wxCommandEvent& event ); + /** Implementation of TableStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TableState* o); + virtual bool AllowTimelineChanges() { return true; } + virtual bool AllowGroupModify(const wxString& grp_nm) { return true; } + virtual bool AllowObservationAddDelete() { return true; } + +private: bool all_init; - wxChoice* m_field; + wxChoice* m_id_field; wxRadioButton* m_radio2; wxTextCtrl* m_contiguity; wxSpinButton* m_spincont; @@ -84,6 +101,8 @@ class CreatingWeightDlg: public wxDialog wxChoice* m_Y_time; wxRadioButton* m_radio3; wxTextCtrl* m_threshold; + wxCheckBox* m_cbx_precision_threshold; + wxTextCtrl* m_txt_precision_threshold; wxSlider* m_sliderdistance; wxRadioButton* m_radio4; wxCheckBox* m_radio9; @@ -91,9 +110,8 @@ class CreatingWeightDlg: public wxDialog wxSpinButton* m_spinneigh; Project* project; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; - bool m_is_table_only; - bool m_is_space_time; + TableInterface* table_int; + TableState* table_state; // col_id_map[i] is a map from the i'th numeric item in the // fields drop-down to the actual col_id_map. Items @@ -108,8 +126,10 @@ class CreatingWeightDlg: public wxDialog double m_threshold_val; double m_thres_val_valid; const double m_thres_delta_factor; + bool m_cbx_precision_threshold_first_click; int m_method; // 1 == Euclidean Dist, 2 = Arc Dist + bool m_arc_in_km; // true if Arc Dist in km, else miles std::vector m_XCOO; std::vector m_YCOO; @@ -126,10 +146,9 @@ class CreatingWeightDlg: public wxDialog void ClearRadioButtons(); void InitFields(); void InitDlg(); - void UpdateFieldNamesTm(); bool CheckID(const wxString& id); bool IsSaveAsGwt(); // determine if save type will be GWT or GAL. - bool Shp2GalProgress(GalElement *gl, GwtElement *gw, + bool Shp2GalProgress(GalElement *gal, GwtElement *gwt, const wxString& ifn, const wxString& ofn, const wxString& idd, const std::vector& id_vec); diff --git a/DialogTools/DataMovieDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/DataMovieDlg.cpp index 029f7a829..cdbd78b7f 100644 --- a/DialogTools/DataMovieDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/DataMovieDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ #include #include #include "../FramesManager.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../DataViewer/TableState.h" #include "../Generic/HighlightState.h" #include "../logger.h" @@ -68,13 +69,15 @@ void DataMovieTimer::Notify() { DataMovieDlg::DataMovieDlg(wxWindow* parent, FramesManager* frames_manager_s, TableState* table_state_s, - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base_s, + TimeState* time_state_s, + TableInterface* table_int_s, HighlightState* highlight_state_s) : frames_manager(frames_manager_s), table_state(table_state_s), -grid_base(grid_base_s), highlight_state(highlight_state_s), +time_state(time_state_s), table_int(table_int_s), +highlight_state(highlight_state_s), playing(false), timer(0), delay_ms(333), -loop(true), forward(true), is_space_time(grid_base->GetTimeSteps() > 1), -num_obs(grid_base->GetNumberRows()), +loop(true), forward(true), is_space_time(time_state_s->GetTimeSteps() > 1), +num_obs(table_int->GetNumberRows()), cur_field_choice(""), cur_field_choice_tm(0), is_ascending(true), is_cumulative(true), all_init(false) @@ -319,7 +322,7 @@ void DataMovieDlg::InitFieldChoices() field_choice->Clear(); field_choice_tm->Clear(); std::vector times; - grid_base->GetTimeStrings(times); + table_int->GetTimeStrings(times); for (int i=0; iAppend(times[i]); } @@ -327,20 +330,20 @@ void DataMovieDlg::InitFieldChoices() field_choice_tm->SetSelection(cur_fc_tm_id); } std::vector names; - grid_base->FillNumericNameList(names); + table_int->FillNumericNameList(names); for (int i=0; iAppend(names[i]); } field_choice->SetSelection(field_choice->FindString(cur_fc_str)); - field_choice_tm->Enable(grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str)); - if (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str) && + field_choice_tm->Enable(table_int->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str)); + if (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str) && field_choice_tm->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND) { field_choice_tm->SetSelection(0); } if (field_choice->FindString(cur_fc_str) != wxNOT_FOUND) { cur_field_choice = cur_fc_str; - if (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str)) { + if (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str)) { cur_field_choice_tm = field_choice_tm->GetSelection(); } else { cur_field_choice_tm = 0; @@ -351,7 +354,7 @@ void DataMovieDlg::InitFieldChoices() } EnableControls(field_choice->FindString(cur_fc_str) != wxNOT_FOUND); - LOG(grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str)); + LOG(table_int->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str)); LOG_MSG("Exiting DataMovieDlg::InitFieldChoices"); } @@ -359,7 +362,7 @@ void DataMovieDlg::OnFieldChoice(wxCommandEvent& ev) { LOG_MSG("Entering DataMovieDlg::OnFieldChoice"); wxString cur_fc_str = field_choice->GetStringSelection(); - bool is_tm_var = grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str); + bool is_tm_var = table_int->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str); field_choice_tm->Enable(is_tm_var); if (is_tm_var && field_choice_tm->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND) { field_choice_tm->SetSelection(0); @@ -413,7 +416,7 @@ void DataMovieDlg::EnableControls(bool enable) if (!all_init) return; if (is_space_time && field_choice && field_choice_tm) { wxString cur_fc_str = field_choice->GetStringSelection(); - bool is_tm_var = grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str); + bool is_tm_var = table_int->IsColTimeVariant(cur_fc_str); field_choice_tm->Enable(is_tm_var); } play_button->Enable(enable); @@ -443,19 +446,19 @@ void DataMovieDlg::InitNewFieldChoice() return; } data_sorted.resize(num_obs); - int col = grid_base->FindColId(cur_field_choice); + int col = table_int->FindColId(cur_field_choice); std::vector dd; - grid_base->GetColData(col, cur_field_choice_tm, dd); + table_int->GetColData(col, cur_field_choice_tm, dd); for (int i=0; icurr_time_step = grid_base->curr_time_step + del; - if (grid_base->curr_time_step < 0) { - grid_base->curr_time_step = grid_base->time_steps-1; - } else if (grid_base->curr_time_step >= grid_base->time_steps) { - grid_base->curr_time_step = 0; + time_state->SetCurrTime(time_state->GetCurrTime() + del); + if (time_state->GetCurrTime() < 0) { + time_state->SetCurrTime(time_state->GetTimeSteps()-1); + } else if (time_state->GetCurrTime() >= time_state->GetTimeSteps()) { + time_state->SetCurrTime(0); } - frames_manager->notifyObservers(); + time_state->notifyObservers(); return; } event.Skip(); diff --git a/DialogTools/DataMovieDlg.h b/DialogTools/DataMovieDlg.h index 43f631662..230fc8722 100644 --- a/DialogTools/DataMovieDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/DataMovieDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -28,13 +28,15 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include "../DataViewer/TableStateObserver.h" #include "../FramesManagerObserver.h" #include "../GenUtils.h" class TableState; +class TimeState; class FramesManager; -class DbfGridTableBase; +class TableInterface; class DataMovieDlg; class DataMovieTimer; @@ -55,7 +57,8 @@ class DataMovieDlg : public wxDialog, public FramesManagerObserver, { public: DataMovieDlg(wxWindow* parent, FramesManager* frames_manager, - TableState* table_state, DbfGridTableBase* grid_base, + TableState* table_state, TimeState* time_state, + TableInterface* table_int, HighlightState* highlight_state); virtual ~DataMovieDlg(); void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& ev); @@ -91,10 +94,14 @@ class DataMovieDlg : public wxDialog, public FramesManagerObserver, virtual void update(FramesManager* o); /** Implementation of TableStateObserver interface */ virtual void update(TableState* o); + virtual bool AllowTimelineChanges() { return true; } + virtual bool AllowGroupModify(const wxString& grp_nm) { return true; } + virtual bool AllowObservationAddDelete() { return false; } private: FramesManager* frames_manager; TableState* table_state; + TimeState* time_state; DataMovieTimer* timer; bool playing; wxString cur_field_choice; @@ -121,7 +128,7 @@ class DataMovieDlg : public wxDialog, public FramesManagerObserver, wxCheckBox* cumulative_cb; wxRadioButton* ascending_rb; wxRadioButton* descending_rb; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + TableInterface* table_int; HighlightState* highlight_state; bool all_init; bool ignore_slider_event; @@ -133,7 +140,7 @@ class DataMovieDlg : public wxDialog, public FramesManagerObserver, bool is_ascending; bool is_cumulative; - GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_vec_type data_sorted; + Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type data_sorted; DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; diff --git a/DialogTools/DatasourceDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/DatasourceDlg.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2c67edf48 --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/DatasourceDlg.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "../Project.h" +#include "../DataViewer/DataSource.h" +#include "../DataViewer/DbfTable.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../GenUtils.h" +#include "../logger.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/OGRDataAdapter.h" +#include "../GdaException.h" +#include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" +#include "DatasourceDlg.h" + +using namespace std; + +void DatasourceDlg::Init() +{ + m_ds_menu = NULL; + ds_file_path = wxFileName(""); + + // create file type dataset pop-up menu dynamically + ds_names.Add("ESRI Shapefiles (*.shp)|*.shp"); + ds_names.Add("Comma Separated Value (*.csv)|*.csv"); + ds_names.Add("dBase database file (*.dbf)|*.dbf"); + if( GeneralWxUtils::isWindows()){ + ds_names.Add("ESRI Personal Geodatabase (*.mdb)|*.mdb"); + } + ds_names.Add("ESRI File Geodatabase (*.gdb)|*.gdb"); + ds_names.Add("GeoJSON (*.geojson;*.json)|*.geojson;*.json|" + "GeoJSON (*.geojson)|*.geojson|" + "GeoJSON (*.json)|*.json"); + ds_names.Add("GML (*.gml)|*.gml"); + ds_names.Add("KML (*.kml)|*.kml"); + ds_names.Add("MapInfo (*.tab;*.mif;*.mid)|*.tab;*.mif;*.mid|" + "MapInfo Tab (*.tab)|*.tab|" + "MapInfo MID (*.mid)|*.mid|" + "MapInfo MID (*.mif)|*.mif"); + ds_names.Add("MS Excel (*.xls)|*.xls"); + //ds_names.Add("Idrisi Vector (*.vct)|*.vct"); + //ds_names.Add("MS Office Open XML Spreadsheet (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx"); + //ds_names.Add("OpenStreetMap XML and PBF (*.osm)|*.OSM;*.osm"); + ds_names.Add("SQLite/SpatiaLite (*.sqlite)|*.sqlite"); + //XXX: looks like tiger data are downloaded as Shapefile, geodatabase etc. + //ds_names.Add("U.S. Census TIGER/Line (*.tiger)|*.tiger"); + + // create database tab drop-down list items dynamically + DBTYPE_ORACLE = "Oracle Spatial Database"; + if( GeneralWxUtils::isX64() ) DBTYPE_ARCSDE = "ESRI ArcSDE (ver 10.x)"; + else if ( GeneralWxUtils::isX86() ) DBTYPE_ARCSDE = "ESRI ArcSDE (ver 9.x)"; + DBTYPE_POSTGIS = "PostgreSQL/PostGIS Database"; + DBTYPE_MYSQL = "MySQL Spatial Database"; +} + +void DatasourceDlg::CreateControls() +{ + m_ds_filepath_txt = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_FIELD_ASC",wxTextCtrl); + m_database_type = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_CDS_DB_TYPE",wxChoice); + m_database_name = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_CDS_DB_NAME",AutoTextCtrl); + m_database_host = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_CDS_DB_HOST",AutoTextCtrl); + m_database_port = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_CDS_DB_PORT",AutoTextCtrl); + m_database_uname = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_CDS_DB_UNAME",AutoTextCtrl); + m_database_upwd = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_CDS_DB_UPWD",wxTextCtrl); + //m_database_table = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_CDS_DB_TABLE",AutoTextCtrl); + m_ds_notebook = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_DS_NOTEBOOK", wxNotebook); + m_ds_browse_file_btn = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_OPEN_IASC",wxBitmapButton); + + m_database_type->Append(DBTYPE_ORACLE); + if(GeneralWxUtils::isWindows()) m_database_type->Append(DBTYPE_ARCSDE); + m_database_type->Append(DBTYPE_POSTGIS); + m_database_type->Append(DBTYPE_MYSQL); + m_database_type->SetSelection(0); + + // for autocompletion of input boxes in Database Tab + std::vector host_cands = + OGRDataAdapter::GetInstance().GetHistory("db_host"); + std::vector port_cands = + OGRDataAdapter::GetInstance().GetHistory("db_port"); + std::vector uname_cands = + OGRDataAdapter::GetInstance().GetHistory("db_user"); + std::vector name_cands = + OGRDataAdapter::GetInstance().GetHistory("db_name"); + + m_database_host->SetAutoList(host_cands); + m_database_port->SetAutoList(port_cands); + m_database_uname->SetAutoList(uname_cands); + m_database_name->SetAutoList(name_cands); +} + +/** + * Prompt layer names of input datasource to user for selection. + * This function is used by OnLookupDSTableBtn, OnOkClick + */ +void DatasourceDlg::PromptDSLayers(IDataSource* datasource) +{ + wxString ds_name = datasource->GetOGRConnectStr(); + + if (ds_name.IsEmpty()) { + wxString msg = "Can't get layers from unknown datasource. " + "Please complete the datasource fields."; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + vector table_names = OGRDataAdapter::GetInstance() + .GetLayerNames(ds_name.ToStdString()); + int n_tables = table_names.size(); + if ( n_tables > 0 ) { + wxString *choices = new wxString[n_tables]; + for (int i=0; i= 0) { + layer_name = choiceDlg.GetStringSelection(); + } + } + delete[] choices; + } else if ( n_tables == 0) { + wxMessageDialog dlg(NULL, "There is no layer found in current " + "data source.", "Info", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + dlg.ShowModal(); + } else { + wxString msg = "No layer has been selected. Please select a layer."; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } +} + +/** + * This function handles the event of user click the open button in File Tab + * When click browse datasource file button + */ +void DatasourceDlg::OnBrowseDSfileBtn ( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + // create pop-up datasource menu dynamically + if ( m_ds_menu == NULL ){ + m_ds_menu = new wxMenu; + for ( size_t i=0; i < ds_names.GetCount(); i++ ) { + m_ds_menu->Append( ID_DS_START + i, ds_names[i].BeforeFirst('|')); + } + } + this->PopupMenu(m_ds_menu); +} + +/** + * This function handles the event of user click the pop-up menu of file type + * data sources. + * For some menu options (e.g. ESR File GDB, or ODBC based mdb), a directory + * selector or input dialog need to be prompted to users for further information + * Otherwise, prompt a file selector to user. + */ +void DatasourceDlg::BrowseDataSource( wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + + int index = event.GetId() - ID_DS_START; + wxString name = ds_names[index]; + + if (name.Contains("gdb")) { + // directory data source, such as ESRI .gdb directory + wxDirDialog dlg(this, "Choose a spatial diretory to open",""); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + ds_file_path = dlg.GetPath(); + m_ds_filepath_txt->SetValue(ds_file_path.GetFullPath()); + FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(true); + + } +#ifdef _WIN64 || __amd64__ + else if (name.Contains("mdb")){ + // 64bit Windows only accept DSN ODBC for ESRI PGeo + wxTextEntryDialog dlg(this, "Input the DSN name of ESRI Personal " + "Geodatabase (.mdb) that is created in ODBC Data " + "Source Administrator dialog box.", "DSN name:", + ""); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + ds_file_path = dlg.GetValue().Trim(); + m_ds_filepath_txt->SetValue( "PGeo:"+dlg.GetValue() ); + } +#endif + else { + // file data source + wxString wildcard; + wildcard << name; + wxFileDialog dlg(this,"Choose a spatial file to open", "","",wildcard); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + + ds_file_path = dlg.GetPath(); + m_ds_filepath_txt->SetValue(ds_file_path.GetFullPath()); + FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(true); + } +} + +wxString DatasourceDlg::GetProjectTitle() +{ + return wxString(layer_name); +} +wxString DatasourceDlg::GetLayerName() +{ + return wxString(layer_name); +} diff --git a/DialogTools/DatasourceDlg.h b/DialogTools/DatasourceDlg.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2d76f30dd --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/DatasourceDlg.h @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_DATASOURCE_DLG_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_DATASOURCE_DLG_H__ + + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "../DataViewer/DataSource.h" +#include "AutoCompTextCtrl.h" + +class DatasourceDlg : public wxDialog +{ +protected: + enum DS_IDS + { + ID_DS_START=1001, + ID_DS_END = ID_DS_START + 1, + }; + +public: + DatasourceDlg(){} + virtual ~DatasourceDlg(){} + +protected: + wxTextCtrl* m_ds_filepath_txt; + wxBitmapButton* m_ds_browse_file_btn; + //wxBitmapButton* m_database_lookup_table; + //wxBitmapButton* m_database_lookup_wslayer; + wxChoice* m_database_type; + AutoTextCtrl* m_database_name; + AutoTextCtrl* m_database_host; + AutoTextCtrl* m_database_port; + AutoTextCtrl* m_database_uname; + wxTextCtrl* m_database_upwd; + //AutoTextCtrl* m_webservice_url; + wxNotebook* m_ds_notebook; + wxMenu* m_ds_menu; + wxFileName ds_file_path; + wxString layer_name; + + wxArrayString ds_names; + +public: + void Init(); + void CreateControls(); + void PromptDSLayers(IDataSource* datasource); + void OnBrowseDSfileBtn( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void BrowseDataSource( wxCommandEvent& event ); + wxString GetProjectTitle(); + wxString GetLayerName(); + + + virtual void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) = 0; + +protected: + wxString DBTYPE_ORACLE; + wxString DBTYPE_ARCSDE; + wxString DBTYPE_POSTGIS; + wxString DBTYPE_MYSQL; +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DialogTools/ExportCsvDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/ExportCsvDlg.cpp index ce825a6ba..b0bb40570 100644 --- a/DialogTools/ExportCsvDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/ExportCsvDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ #include #include #include -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../Project.h" #include "../GenUtils.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/CsvFileUtils.h" @@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ END_EVENT_TABLE() ExportCsvDlg::ExportCsvDlg(wxWindow* parent, Project* project_s, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size) -: project(project_s), grid_base(project_s->GetGridBase()), all_init(false) +: project(project_s), table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()), all_init(false) { SetParent(parent); CreateControls(); @@ -71,7 +72,6 @@ void ExportCsvDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) wxEmptyString, "CSV files (*.csv)|*.csv", wxFD_SAVE ); - dlg.SetPath(project->GetMainDir()); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; wxFileName new_csv_fname(dlg.GetPath()); @@ -100,8 +100,10 @@ void ExportCsvDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) } } - std::ofstream out_file; - out_file.open(new_csv.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), std::ios::out); + std::ofstream out_file; + out_file.open(GET_ENCODED_FILENAME(new_csv), + std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); + if (!(out_file.is_open() && out_file.good())) { wxString msg; msg << "Unable to create CSV file."; @@ -111,49 +113,49 @@ void ExportCsvDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) } vector col_map; - grid_base->FillColIdMap(col_map); + table_int->FillColIdMap(col_map); - // Ensure string data is available int tot_cols = 0; - for (int i=0, iend=grid_base->col_data.size(); icol_data[i]->CopyVectorToRawData(); - tot_cols += grid_base->col_data[i]->time_steps; - } - int rows = grid_base->GetNumberRows(); - int cols = grid_base->GetNumberCols(); - vector v(tot_cols); - int v_ind; + int rows = table_int->GetNumberRows(); + int cols = table_int->GetNumberCols(); + vector v; + + // This will export with the group name and time period rather + // than the original datasource column names. if (inc_var_names) { - v_ind = 0; for (int col=0; colcol_data[col_map[col]]; - for (int t=0; ttime_steps; t++) { + int cid = col_map[col]; + for (int t=0; tGetColTimeSteps(cid); t++) { + if (table_int->GetColType(cid, t) + == GdaConst::placeholder_type) continue; ostringstream ss; - ss << string(cc->name.mb_str(wxConvUTF8)); - if (cc->time_steps > 1) { - ss << "_" << grid_base->time_ids[t]; + ss << table_int->GetColName(cid).ToStdString(); + if (table_int->GetColTimeSteps(cid) > 1) { + ss << "_" << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(t); } - v[v_ind++] = ss.str(); + v.push_back(ss.str()); + ++tot_cols; } } string record; - GeoDa::StringsToCsvRecord(v, record); + Gda::StringsToCsvRecord(v, record); out_file << record << "\n"; } for (int row=0; rowcol_data[col_map[col]]; - for (int t=0; ttime_steps; t++) { - v[v_ind++] = string((char*)(cc->raw_data[t]+ - row*(cc->field_len+1))); + int cid = col_map[col]; + for (int t=0, tt=table_int->GetColTimeSteps(cid); tGetColType(cid, t) + == GdaConst::placeholder_type) continue; + v[v_ind++] = table_int->GetCellString(row,col,t).ToStdString(); } } string record; - GeoDa::StringsToCsvRecord(v, record); + Gda::StringsToCsvRecord(v, record); out_file << record << "\n"; } diff --git a/DialogTools/ExportCsvDlg.h b/DialogTools/ExportCsvDlg.h index 601613462..5e703f92f 100644 --- a/DialogTools/ExportCsvDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/ExportCsvDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ #include "../ShapeOperations/DbfFile.h" class Project; -class DbfGridTableBase; +class TableInterface; class ExportCsvDlg: public wxDialog { @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class ExportCsvDlg: public wxDialog private: bool all_init; Project* project; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + TableInterface* table_int; wxCheckBox* include_var_names_cb; diff --git a/DialogTools/ExportDataDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/ExportDataDlg.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d46e01271 --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/ExportDataDlg.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,584 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + + + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "../Project.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/DbfTable.h" +#include "../DataViewer/DataSource.h" +#include "../GenUtils.h" +#include "../logger.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/OGRDataAdapter.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/shp2cnt.h" +#include "../GdaException.h" +#include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" +#include "ExportDataDlg.h" + +using namespace std; + +BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( ExportDataDlg, wxDialog ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("IDC_OPEN_IASC"), ExportDataDlg::OnBrowseDSfileBtn ) + EVT_BUTTON( wxID_OK, ExportDataDlg::OnOkClick ) +END_EVENT_TABLE() + +ExportDataDlg::ExportDataDlg(wxWindow* parent, + Project* project, + bool isSelectedOnly, + wxString projectFileName, + const wxPoint& pos, + const wxSize& size ) +: is_selected_only(isSelectedOnly), project_p(project), +project_file_name(projectFileName), is_saveas_op(true), +is_geometry_only(false) +{ + if( project)project_file_name = project->GetProjectTitle(); + Init(parent, pos); + +} + +ExportDataDlg::ExportDataDlg(wxWindow* parent, + vector& _geometries, + Shapefile::ShapeType _shape_type, + Project* project, + bool isSelectedOnly, + const wxPoint& pos, + const wxSize& size) +: is_selected_only(isSelectedOnly), project_p(project), +geometries(_geometries), shape_type(_shape_type), is_saveas_op(false), +is_geometry_only(true) +{ + if( project)project_file_name = project->GetProjectTitle(); + Init(parent, pos); +} + +// This construction is for exporting POINT data only, e.g. centroids +ExportDataDlg::ExportDataDlg(wxWindow* parent, + vector& _geometries, + Shapefile::ShapeType _shape_type, + Project* project, + bool isSelectedOnly, + const wxPoint& pos, + const wxSize& size) +: is_selected_only(isSelectedOnly), project_p(project), +is_saveas_op(false), shape_type(_shape_type),is_geometry_only(true) +{ + if( project)project_file_name = project->GetProjectTitle(); + for(size_t i=0; i<_geometries.size(); i++) { + geometries.push_back((GdaShape*)_geometries[i]); + } + Init(parent, pos); +} + +void ExportDataDlg::Init(wxWindow* parent, const wxPoint& pos) +{ + DatasourceDlg::Init(); + + if ( project_file_name.empty() ) is_create_project = false; + else is_create_project = true; + ds_file_path = wxFileName(""); + + //ds_names.Remove("dBase database file (*.dbf)|*.dbf"); + ds_names.Remove("MS Excel (*.xls)|*.xls"); + //ds_names.Remove("MS Office Open XML Spreadsheet (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx"); + //ds_names.Remove("U.S. Census TIGER/Line (*.tiger)|*.tiger"); + //ds_names.Remove("Idrisi Vector (*.vct)|*.vct"); + if( GeneralWxUtils::isWindows()){ + ds_names.Remove("ESRI Personal Geodatabase (*.mdb)|*.mdb"); + } + Bind( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, &ExportDataDlg::BrowseExportDataSource, + this, DatasourceDlg::ID_DS_START, ID_DS_START + ds_names.Count()); + SetParent(parent); + CreateControls(); + SetPosition(pos); + Centre(); +} + +void ExportDataDlg::CreateControls() +{ + wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), "IDD_EXPORT_OGRDATA"); + FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(true); + m_database_table = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_CDS_DB_TABLE",AutoTextCtrl); + m_chk_create_project = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_CREATE_PROJECT_FILE",wxCheckBox); + if (!is_create_project) { + m_chk_create_project->SetValue(false); + m_chk_create_project->Hide(); + } + DatasourceDlg::CreateControls(); +} + + +void ExportDataDlg::BrowseExportDataSource ( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + // for datasource file, we should support many file types: + // SHP, DBF, CSV, GML, ... + //bool table_only = m_chk_table_only->IsChecked(); + int index = event.GetId() - ID_DS_START; + wxString name = ds_names[index]; + wxString wildcard; + wildcard << name ; + wxString filegdb_ext = "gdb"; + wxString tmp; + if (name.Contains(filegdb_ext)) { + // directory data source, such as ESRI .gdb directory + //do { + wxDirDialog dlg(this, "Select an existing *.gdb directory, " + "or create an New Folder named *.gdb","", + wxFD_SAVE|wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + ds_file_path = dlg.GetPath(); + if (ds_file_path.GetExt()!=filegdb_ext) + ds_file_path.SetExt(filegdb_ext); + //} while (!ds_file_path.EndsWith(".gdb")) + } else { + wxFileDialog dlg(this, "Export or save layer to", "", "", + wildcard, wxFD_SAVE|wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + ds_file_path = dlg.GetPath(); + if (ds_file_path.GetExt().IsEmpty()) { + wxString ext_str = wildcard.AfterLast('.'); + ds_file_path.SetExt(ext_str); + } + tmp = dlg.GetName(); + } + // construct the export datasource file name + wxString ext_str; + if (ds_file_path.GetExt().IsEmpty()){ + wxString msg; + msg << "Can't get datasource type from: "; + msg << ds_file_path.GetFullPath(); + msg << "\n\nPlease select datasource supported by GeoDa or add "; + msg << "extension to file datasource."; + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Warning", wxOK | wxICON_WARNING); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } else { + m_ds_filepath_txt->SetValue(ds_file_path.GetFullPath()); + } + m_ds_filepath_txt->SetEditable(true); + FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(true); +} + +/** + * When user choose a data source, validate it first, + * then create a Project() that will be used by the + * main program. + */ +void ExportDataDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + int datasource_type = m_ds_notebook->GetSelection(); + IDataSource* datasource = GetDatasource(); + wxString ds_name = datasource->GetOGRConnectStr(); + GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type = datasource->GetType(); + + if (ds_name.length() <= 0 ) { + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, "Please specify a valid data source name.", + "Warning", wxOK | wxICON_WARNING); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + + bool is_update = false; + wxString tmp_ds_name; + + try{ + TableInterface* table = NULL; + OGRSpatialReference* spatial_ref = NULL; + + if ( project_p == NULL ) { + //project does not exist, could be created a datasource from + //geometries only, e.g. boundray file + } else { + //case: save current open datasource as a new datasource + table = project_p->GetTableInt(); + spatial_ref = project_p->GetSpatialReference(); + // warning if saveas not compaptible + GdaConst::DataSourceType o_ds_type = project_p->GetDatasourceType(); + bool o_ds_table_only = IDataSource::IsTableOnly(o_ds_type); + bool n_ds_table_only = IDataSource::IsTableOnly(ds_type); + + if (o_ds_table_only && !n_ds_table_only) { + if (project_p && project_p->main_data.records.size() ==0) { + if (ds_type == GdaConst::ds_geo_json || + ds_type == GdaConst::ds_kml || + ds_type == GdaConst::ds_shapefile) { + // can't save a table-only ds to non-table-only ds, + // if there is no new geometries to be saved. + wxString msg = "GeoDa can't export a Table-only data " + "source to a Geometry data source. Please try to add a " + "geometry layer and then export."; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + } + } else if ( !o_ds_table_only && n_ds_table_only) { + // possible loss geom data save a non-table ds to table-only ds + wxString msg = "The geometries will not be saved when exporting " + "a Geometry data source to a Table-only data source.\n\n" + "Do you want to continue?"; + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Warning: loss data", + wxYES_NO | wxICON_WARNING); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) + return; + } + } + + // by default the datasource will be re-created, except for some special + // cases: e.g. sqlite, ESRI FileGDB + if (datasource_type == 0) { + if (wxFileExists(ds_name)) { + if (ds_name.EndsWith(".sqlite")) { + // add new layer to existing sqlite + is_update = true; + } else { + wxRemoveFile(ds_name); + } + } else if (wxDirExists(ds_name)) { + // only for adding new layer to ESRI File Geodatabase + is_update = true; + wxDir dir(ds_name); + wxString first_filename; + if (!dir.GetFirst(&first_filename)) { + // for an empty .gdb directory, create a new FileGDB datasource + is_update = false; + wxRmDir(ds_name); + } + } + } + + if( !CreateOGRLayer(ds_name, table, spatial_ref, is_update) ) { + wxString msg = "Exporting has been cancelled."; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str(), GdaException::NORMAL); + } + // save project file + if (m_chk_create_project->IsChecked() ) { + //wxString proj_fname = project_file_name; + wxString proj_fname = wxEmptyString; + ProjectConfiguration* project_conf = NULL; + + if ( m_chk_create_project->IsChecked() ){ + // Export case: create a project file + // Export means exporting current datasource to a new one, and + // create a new project file that is based on this datasource. + // E.g. export a shape file to PostgreGIS layer, then the new + // project file should has content of database + // configuration + wxString file_dlg_title = "GeoDa Project to Save As"; + wxString file_dlg_type = "GeoDa Project (*.gda)|*.gda"; + wxFileDialog dlg(this, file_dlg_title, wxEmptyString, + wxEmptyString, file_dlg_type, + wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + wxFileName f(dlg.GetPath()); + f.SetExt("gda"); + proj_fname = f.GetFullPath(); + // copy a project_conf for exporting, will be deleted later + project_conf = project_p->GetProjectConf()->Clone(); + } + // save project file + wxFileName new_proj_fname(proj_fname); + wxString proj_title = new_proj_fname.GetName(); + LayerConfiguration* layer_conf + = project_conf->GetLayerConfiguration(); + layer_conf->SetName(layer_name); + layer_conf->UpdateDataSource(datasource); + project_conf->Save(proj_fname); + + // in export case, delete cloned project_conf + if ( proj_fname.empty() ) { + delete project_conf; + //delete datasource; Note: it is deleted in project_conf + } + } + } catch (GdaException& e) { + if (e.type() == GdaException::NORMAL) + return; + // special clean up for file datasource + if ( !tmp_ds_name.empty() ) { + if ( wxFileExists(tmp_ds_name) && !tmp_ds_name.EndsWith(".sqlite")){ + wxRemoveFile(ds_name); + wxCopyFile(tmp_ds_name, ds_name); + wxRemoveFile(tmp_ds_name); + } + } + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, e.what() , "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + + wxString msg = "Export successfully."; + //msg << "\n\nTips: if you want to use exported project/datasource, please" + // << " close current project and then open exported project/datasource."; + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg , "Info", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + dlg.ShowModal(); + + EndDialog(wxID_OK); +} + +/** + * Exporting OGR layer in project to another datasource name + * This function will be called by OnOKClick (When user clicks OK) + */ +void ExportDataDlg::ExportOGRLayer(wxString& ds_name, bool is_update) +{ + // Exporting layer in multi-layer cases will not use OGRTable anymore, + // we will use OGRDataAdapter to get ogr layer by layer name + OGRTable* tbl = dynamic_cast(project_p->GetTableInt()); + if (!tbl) { + // DBFTable case, try to read into + wxString msg = "Only OGR datasource can be exported now."; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + + OGRLayerProxy* layer = tbl->GetOGRLayer(); + + layer->T_Export(ds_format.ToStdString(), ds_name.ToStdString(), + layer_name.ToStdString(), is_update); + int prog_n_max = project_p->GetNumRecords(); + wxProgressDialog prog_dlg("Export data source progress dialog", + "Exporting data...", + prog_n_max, // range + this, + wxPD_CAN_ABORT|wxPD_AUTO_HIDE|wxPD_APP_MODAL); + bool cont = true; + while (layer->export_progress < prog_n_max) { + wxSleep(1); + cont = prog_dlg.Update(layer->export_progress); + + if (!cont ) { + layer->T_StopExport(); + return; + } + if (layer->export_progress == -1){ + ostringstream msg; + msg << "Exporting to data source (" << ds_name.ToStdString() + << ") failed." << "\n\nDetails:" + << layer->error_message.str(); + throw GdaException(msg.str().c_str()); + } + } +} + +/** + * Exporting (in-memory) geometries/table in project to another datasource name + * This function will be called by OnOKClick (When user clicks OK) + */ +bool +ExportDataDlg::CreateOGRLayer(wxString& ds_name, TableInterface* table, + OGRSpatialReference* spatial_ref, + bool is_update) +{ + // The reason that we don't use Project::Main directly is for creating + // datasource from centroids/centers directly, we have to use + // vector. Therefore, we use it as a uniform interface. + // for shp/dbf reading, we need to convert Main data to GdaShape first + // this will spend some time, but keep the rest of code clean. + // Note: potential speed/memory performance issue + vector selected_rows; + if ( project_p != NULL && geometries.empty() ) { + shape_type = Shapefile::NULL_SHAPE; + int num_obs = project_p->main_data.records.size(); + if (num_obs == 0) num_obs = project_p->GetNumRecords(); + if (num_obs == 0) { + ostringstream msg; + msg << "Export failed: GeoDa wan't export empty datasource."; + throw GdaException(msg.str().c_str()); + } + + if (is_selected_only) { + project_p->GetSelectedRows(selected_rows); + } else { + for( int i=0; imain_data.header.shape_type == Shapefile::POINT) { + PointContents* pc; + for (int i=0; imain_data.records[i].contents_p; + geometries.push_back(new GdaPoint(wxRealPoint(pc->x, pc->y))); + } + shape_type = Shapefile::POINT; + } + else if (project_p->main_data.header.shape_type == Shapefile::POLYGON) { + PolygonContents* pc; + for (int i=0; imain_data.records[i].contents_p; + geometries.push_back(new GdaPolygon(pc)); + } + shape_type = Shapefile::POLYGON; + } + } else { + // create datasource from geometries only + for(size_t i=0; i ogr_geometries; + OGRwkbGeometryType geom_type = + OGRDataAdapter::GetInstance().MakeOGRGeometries( + geometries, shape_type, ogr_geometries, selected_rows); + + // take care of empty layer name + if (layer_name.empty()) { + layer_name = table ? table->GetTableName() : "NO_NAME"; + } + + int prog_n_max = selected_rows.size(); + if (prog_n_max == 0 && table) prog_n_max = table->GetNumberRows(); + + OGRLayerProxy* new_layer = OGRDataAdapter::GetInstance().ExportDataSource( + ds_format.ToStdString(), ds_name.ToStdString(), + layer_name.ToStdString(), geom_type, + ogr_geometries, table, selected_rows, spatial_ref, is_update); + if (new_layer == NULL) + return false; + wxProgressDialog prog_dlg("Save data source progress dialog", + "Saving data...", + prog_n_max, this, + wxPD_CAN_ABORT|wxPD_AUTO_HIDE|wxPD_APP_MODAL); + bool cont = true; + while (new_layer->export_progress < prog_n_max) { + wxMilliSleep(100); + if ( new_layer->stop_exporting == true ) + return false; + // update progress bar + cont = prog_dlg.Update(new_layer->export_progress); + if (!cont ) { + new_layer->stop_exporting = true; + OGRDataAdapter::GetInstance().CancelExport(new_layer); + return false; + } + if (new_layer->export_progress == -1){ + ostringstream msg; + msg << "Exporting to data source (" << ds_name.ToStdString() + << ") failed." << "\n\nDetails:" << new_layer->error_message.str(); + throw GdaException(msg.str().c_str()); + } + } + OGRDataAdapter::GetInstance().StopExport(); //here new_layer will be deleted + + if (!is_geometry_only) + for (size_t i=0; i < geometries.size(); i++) + delete geometries[i]; + + //NOTE: export_ds will take ownership of ogr_geometries + //for (size_t i=0; iGetSelection(); + + if (0 == datasource_type) + { + // file datasource tab is selected + wxString ds_name = m_ds_filepath_txt->GetValue().Trim(); + ds_file_path = ds_name; + wxString ext = ds_file_path.GetExt(); + if ( ext.CmpNoCase("DBF") == 0 ) { + ds_file_path.SetExt("SHP"); + ext = ds_file_path.GetExt(); + } + ds_format = IDataSource::GetDataTypeNameByExt(ext); + return new FileDataSource(ds_name); + + } else if (1 == datasource_type) { + // database sources tab is selected + wxString cur_sel; + wxString dbname, dbhost, dbport, dbuser, dbpwd; + cur_sel = m_database_type->GetStringSelection(); + dbname = m_database_name->GetValue().Trim(); + dbhost = m_database_host->GetValue().Trim(); + dbport = m_database_port->GetValue().Trim(); + dbuser = m_database_uname->GetValue().Trim(); + dbpwd = m_database_upwd->GetValue().Trim(); + layer_name = m_database_table->GetValue().Trim(); + + // save user inputs to history table + if (!dbhost.IsEmpty()) + OGRDataAdapter::GetInstance() + .AddHistory("db_host", dbhost.ToStdString()); + if (!dbname.IsEmpty()) + OGRDataAdapter::GetInstance() + .AddHistory("db_name", dbname.ToStdString()); + if (!dbport.IsEmpty()) + OGRDataAdapter::GetInstance() + .AddHistory("db_port", dbport.ToStdString()); + if (!dbuser.IsEmpty()) + OGRDataAdapter::GetInstance() + .AddHistory("db_user", dbuser.ToStdString()); + if (!layer_name.IsEmpty()) + OGRDataAdapter::GetInstance() + .AddHistory("tbl_name", layer_name.ToStdString()); + + + GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type = GdaConst::ds_unknown; + if (cur_sel == DBTYPE_ORACLE) ds_type = GdaConst::ds_oci; + else if (cur_sel == DBTYPE_ARCSDE) ds_type = GdaConst::ds_esri_arc_sde; + else if (cur_sel == DBTYPE_POSTGIS) ds_type = GdaConst::ds_postgresql; + else if (cur_sel == DBTYPE_MYSQL) ds_type = GdaConst::ds_mysql; + //else if (cur_sel == 4) ds_type = GdaConst::ds_ms_sql; + else { + wxString msg = "The selected database driver is not supported " + "on this platform. Please check GeoDa website " + "for more information about database support " + " and connection."; + throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); + } + + // check if empty, prompt user to input + if (dbhost.IsEmpty()) error_msg = "Please input database host."; + else if (dbname.IsEmpty()) error_msg= "Please input database name."; + else if (dbport.IsEmpty()) error_msg= "Please input database port."; + else if (dbuser.IsEmpty()) error_msg= "Please input user name."; + else if (layer_name.IsEmpty()) error_msg= "Please input table name."; + + if (!error_msg.IsEmpty()) throw GdaException(error_msg.mb_str()); + + ds_format = IDataSource::GetDataTypeNameByGdaDSType(ds_type); + return new DBDataSource(dbname,dbhost,dbport,dbuser,dbpwd,ds_type); + //ds_name = ds.GetOGRConnectStr(); + } + return NULL; +} + + +bool ExportDataDlg::IsTableOnly() +{ + //return m_chk_table_only->IsChecked(); + return false; +} diff --git a/DialogTools/ExportDataDlg.h b/DialogTools/ExportDataDlg.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..160707b6d --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/ExportDataDlg.h @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_EXPORT_DATASOURCE_DLG_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_EXPORT_DATASOURCE_DLG_H__ + + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "../Project.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/OGRLayerProxy.h" +#include "AutoCompTextCtrl.h" +#include "DatasourceDlg.h" + +class ExportDataDlg: public DatasourceDlg +{ +public: + ExportDataDlg(wxWindow* parent, + Project* project, + bool isSelectedOnly=false, + wxString projectFileName = "", + const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, + const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize ); + /** NOTE: Project could be NULL in case of creating + * a GRID shape ds or from a BOUNDARY. + */ + ExportDataDlg(wxWindow* parent, + std::vector& _geometries, + Shapefile::ShapeType _shape_type, + Project* project=NULL, + bool isSelectedOnly=false, + const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, + const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize); + ExportDataDlg(wxWindow* parent, + std::vector& _geometries, + Shapefile::ShapeType _shape_type, + Project* project=NULL, + bool isSelectedOnly=false, + const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, + const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize); + void Init(wxWindow* parent, const wxPoint& pos); + void CreateControls(); + void BrowseExportDataSource( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); + +public: + bool IsTableOnly(); + +private: + AutoTextCtrl* m_database_table; + wxCheckBox* m_chk_create_project; + + Project* project_p; + vector geometries; + Shapefile::ShapeType shape_type; + wxString project_file_name; + wxFileName ds_file_path; + wxString ds_format; + wxString ds_srs; + bool is_selected_only; + bool is_create_project; + bool is_saveas_op; + // e.g. centroids, grids. vector geometries + // take ownership of external geometries temporarily, + // so its memory will be maintained (no cleanup). + bool is_geometry_only; + + IDataSource* GetDatasource(); + void OpenDatasourceFile(const wxFileName& ds_fname); + void ExportOGRLayer(wxString& ds_name, bool is_update); + bool CreateOGRLayer(wxString& ds_name, TableInterface* table, + OGRSpatialReference* spatial_ref, bool is_update); + + DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() +}; + +#endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/DialogTools/FieldNameCorrectionDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/FieldNameCorrectionDlg.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6921df7ca --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/FieldNameCorrectionDlg.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,278 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "FieldNameCorrectionDlg.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" + + +BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( FieldNameCorrectionDlg, wxDialog ) +//EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("IDC_OPEN_IASC"), FieldNameCorrectionDlg::OnBrowseDSfileBtn) +EVT_BUTTON( wxID_OK, FieldNameCorrectionDlg::OnOkClick ) +EVT_BUTTON( wxID_CANCEL, FieldNameCorrectionDlg::OnCancelClick ) +END_EVENT_TABLE() + +FieldNameCorrectionDlg:: +FieldNameCorrectionDlg(GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type, + vector& all_fname, + wxString title) +: wxDialog(NULL, -1, title), ds_type(ds_type), need_correction(false) +{ + vector merged_field_names; + set bad_fnames, dup_fname; + for (int i=0; i < all_fname.size(); i++) { + wxString field_name = all_fname[i]; + field_names_dict[field_name] = field_name; + if (!IsFieldNameValid(field_name) ) { + bad_fnames.insert(field_name); + merged_field_names.push_back(field_name); + } + } + if (!bad_fnames.empty()) need_correction = true; + Init(merged_field_names, dup_fname, bad_fnames); +} + +FieldNameCorrectionDlg:: +FieldNameCorrectionDlg(GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type, + map& fnames_dict, + vector& merged_field_names, + set& dup_fname, + set& bad_fname, + wxString title) +: wxDialog(NULL, -1, title), field_names_dict(fnames_dict), ds_type(ds_type), +merged_field_names(merged_field_names), need_correction(true) +{ + Init(merged_field_names, dup_fname, bad_fname); +} + +map FieldNameCorrectionDlg::GetMergedFieldNameDict() +{ + return field_names_dict; +} + +void FieldNameCorrectionDlg::Init(vector& merged_field_names, + set& dup_fname, + set& bad_fname) +{ + n_fields = dup_fname.size() + bad_fname.size(); + int nrow = n_fields + 2; + int ncol = 3; + wxFlexGridSizer* gridSizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(nrow, ncol, 0, 0); + SetSizer( gridSizer ); + // titile + wxStaticText* txt_oname=new wxStaticText(this, wxID_STATIC, "Field name:"); + gridSizer->Add(txt_oname, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 15); + wxStaticText* txt_newname=new wxStaticText(this,wxID_STATIC,"New field name:"); + gridSizer->Add(txt_newname, 0, + wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 15); + wxStaticText* txt_orest=new wxStaticText(this, wxID_STATIC, + "Field restrictions:"); + gridSizer->Add(txt_orest, 0, + wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 15); + // add content + wxString warn_msg; + wxString DUP_WARN = "Duplicated field name."; + wxString INV_WARN = "Field name is not valid."; + for (size_t i=0; i < merged_field_names.size(); i++) { + wxString field_name = merged_field_names[i]; + if (dup_fname.find(field_name)!=dup_fname.end()) warn_msg=DUP_WARN; + else if (bad_fname.find(field_name)!=bad_fname.end()) warn_msg=INV_WARN; + else continue; + wxString user_field_name = GetSuggestFieldName(field_name); + wxStaticText* txt_fname = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_STATIC,field_name); + gridSizer->Add(txt_fname, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5); + wxTextCtrl* txt_input = new wxTextCtrl(this, 1000+i, + user_field_name, + wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(240,-1)); + gridSizer->Add(txt_input, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5); + wxStaticText* txt_info = + new wxStaticText(this, wxID_STATIC, warn_msg); + gridSizer->Add(txt_info, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5); + } + + // buttons + wxStaticText* txt_dummy = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_STATIC, ""); + gridSizer->Add(txt_dummy, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALL, 5); + wxBoxSizer* btnSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); + wxButton* ok_btn = new wxButton(this, wxID_OK, "OK"); + btnSizer->Add(ok_btn, 0, + wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL,15); + wxButton* exit_btn = new wxButton(this, wxID_CANCEL, "Cancel"); + btnSizer->Add(exit_btn, 0, + wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL,15); + gridSizer->Add(btnSizer, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALL, 15); + + gridSizer->Fit(this); + gridSizer->SetSizeHints(this); +} + +// give suggested field name based on GdaConst::DataSourceType +wxString FieldNameCorrectionDlg::GetSuggestFieldName(const wxString& old_name) +{ + wxString new_name = old_name; + + // if illegal name + new_name = RemoveIllegalChars(new_name); + + // if name too long + new_name = TruncateFieldName(new_name); + + // check duplicate name + if ( field_names_dict.find(new_name) != field_names_dict.end() ) { + new_name = RenameDupFieldName(new_name); + } + + field_names_dict[old_name] = new_name; + + return new_name; +} + +wxString FieldNameCorrectionDlg::RenameDupFieldName(const wxString& old_name) +{ + // duplicated name, try to append suffix in the form "_x" + wxString new_name = old_name; + wxRegEx regex; + long suffix_number = 1; + regex.Compile("_[0-9]+$"); + if ( regex.Matches(new_name) ) { + wxString tmp_suffix = new_name.AfterLast('_'); + if (tmp_suffix.ToLong(&suffix_number)) { + new_name = new_name.BeforeLast('_'); + suffix_number += 1; + } + } + if (new_name.EndsWith("_")) new_name << suffix_number; + else new_name << "_" << suffix_number; + + int max_len = GdaConst::datasrc_field_lens[ds_type]; + if ( new_name.length() > max_len ) { + int offset = new_name.length() - max_len; + wxString first_part = new_name.BeforeLast('_'); + wxString last_part = new_name.AfterLast('_'); + first_part = TruncateFieldName(first_part, first_part.length()-offset); + new_name = first_part + "_" + last_part; + } + + if ( field_names_dict.find(new_name) != field_names_dict.end() ) + return RenameDupFieldName(new_name); + + return new_name; +} + +wxString FieldNameCorrectionDlg::TruncateFieldName(const wxString& old_name, + int max_len) +{ + if (GdaConst::datasrc_field_lens.find(ds_type) == + GdaConst::datasrc_field_lens.end()) + { + return old_name; + } + if (max_len == 0) { + max_len = GdaConst::datasrc_field_lens[ds_type]; + } + int str_len = old_name.length(); + if ( str_len <= max_len ) return old_name; + + wxString separator = "_"; + int sep_len = separator.length(); + int chars_to_show = max_len - sep_len; + int front_chars = ceil(chars_to_show / 2.0 ); + int back_chars = floor(chars_to_show / 2.0 ); + + wxString new_name; + new_name << old_name.substr(0, front_chars) << separator + << old_name.substr(str_len - back_chars); + + return new_name; +} + +wxString FieldNameCorrectionDlg::RemoveIllegalChars(const wxString& old_name) +{ + if (GdaConst::datasrc_field_illegal_regex.find(ds_type) == + GdaConst::datasrc_field_illegal_regex.end()) + { + return old_name; + } + wxString illegal_regex = GdaConst::datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_type]; + if (illegal_regex.empty()) return wxEmptyString; + + wxString new_name = old_name; + wxRegEx regex; + regex.Compile(illegal_regex); + regex.ReplaceAll(&new_name, ""); + + if (new_name.size()==0) new_name = "NONAME"; + return new_name; +} + +bool FieldNameCorrectionDlg::IsFieldNameValid(const wxString& col_name) +{ + if ( GdaConst::datasrc_field_lens.find(ds_type) == + GdaConst::datasrc_field_lens.end() ) + { + // no valid entry in datasrc_field_lens, could be a unwritable ds + return false; + } + + int field_len = GdaConst::datasrc_field_lens[ds_type]; + if ( field_len < col_name.length() ) return false; + + if (GdaConst::datasrc_field_regex.find(ds_type) == + GdaConst::datasrc_field_regex.end() ) + { + return true; + } + wxString field_regex = GdaConst::datasrc_field_regex[ds_type]; + if (field_regex.empty()) return true; + + wxRegEx regex; + regex.Compile(field_regex); + if ( regex.Matches(col_name) ) { + return true; + } + return false; +} + +void FieldNameCorrectionDlg::OnOkClick(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + // check user input + for ( int i=0; iGetValue(); + if ( !IsFieldNameValid(user_field_name) ) { + input->SetForegroundColour(*wxRED); + return; + } else { + input->SetForegroundColour(*wxBLACK); + } + } + event.Skip(); + EndDialog(wxID_OK); +} + +void FieldNameCorrectionDlg::OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + event.Skip(); + EndDialog(wxID_CANCEL); +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/DialogTools/FieldNameCorrectionDlg.h b/DialogTools/FieldNameCorrectionDlg.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f40b91c94 --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/FieldNameCorrectionDlg.h @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_FIELDNAMECORRECTION_DLG_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_FIELDNAMECORRECTION_DLG_H__ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" + +using namespace std; + +class FieldNameCorrectionDlg: public wxDialog +{ +private: + int n_fields; + bool need_correction; + GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type; + map field_names_dict; + vector merged_field_names; + +public: + FieldNameCorrectionDlg(GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type, + vector& all_fname, + wxString title="Field name correction dialog."); + + FieldNameCorrectionDlg(GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type, + map& fnames_dict, + vector& merged_field_names, + set& dup_fname, + set& bad_fname, + wxString title="Field name correction dialog."); + + void OnOkClick(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCancelClick(wxCommandEvent& event); + bool NeedCorrection(){return need_correction;} + map GetMergedFieldNameDict(); + +protected: + void Init(vector& merged_field_names, + set& dup_fname, set& bad_fname); + wxString GetSuggestFieldName(const wxString& old_name); + wxString RenameDupFieldName(const wxString& old_name); + wxString RemoveIllegalChars(const wxString& old_name); + wxString TruncateFieldName(const wxString& old_name, int max_len=0); + bool IsFieldNameValid(const wxString& col_name); + +DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() +}; + +#endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcBinDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcBinDlg.cpp index 454c0c6ca..f9a00e2ed 100644 --- a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcBinDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcBinDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -22,8 +22,10 @@ #include #include #include +#include "../GenUtils.h" #include "../Project.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.h" #include "FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg.h" #include "FieldNewCalcUniDlg.h" @@ -53,15 +55,16 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( FieldNewCalcBinDlg, wxPanel ) FieldNewCalcBinDlg::OnBinaryOperand2TmUpdated ) END_EVENT_TABLE() -FieldNewCalcBinDlg::FieldNewCalcBinDlg(Project* project, +FieldNewCalcBinDlg::FieldNewCalcBinDlg(Project* project_s, wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& caption, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) -: all_init(false), op_string(5), grid_base(project->GetGridBase()), +: all_init(false), op_string(5), project(project_s), +table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()), m_valid_const1(false), m_const1(1), m_var1_sel(wxNOT_FOUND), m_valid_const2(false), m_const2(1), m_var2_sel(wxNOT_FOUND), -is_space_time(project->GetGridBase()->IsTimeVariant()) +is_space_time(project_s->GetTableInt()->IsTimeVariant()) { SetParent(parent); CreateControls(); @@ -108,6 +111,10 @@ void FieldNewCalcBinDlg::Apply() return; } int result_col = col_id_map[m_result->GetSelection()]; + + TableState* ts = project->GetTableState(); + wxString grp_nm = table_int->GetColName(result_col); + if (!GenUtils::CanModifyGrpAndShowMsgIfNot(ts, grp_nm)) return; int var1_col = wxNOT_FOUND; int var2_col = wxNOT_FOUND; @@ -137,15 +144,16 @@ void FieldNewCalcBinDlg::Apply() std::vector time_list; if (IsAllTime(result_col, m_result_tm->GetSelection())) { - time_list.resize(grid_base->time_steps); - for (int i=0; itime_steps; i++) time_list[i] = i; + int ts = project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); + time_list.resize(ts); + for (int i=0; iGetSelection() : 0; time_list.resize(1); time_list[0] = tm; } - int rows = grid_base->GetNumberRows(); + int rows = table_int->GetNumberRows(); std::vector data0(rows, 0); // results std::vector undefined0(rows, false); // results std::vector data1(rows, 0); // var1 @@ -156,16 +164,16 @@ void FieldNewCalcBinDlg::Apply() if (var1_col != wxNOT_FOUND && !IsAllTime(var1_col, m_var1_tm->GetSelection())) { int tm = IsTimeVariant(var1_col) ? m_var1_tm->GetSelection() : 0; - grid_base->col_data[var1_col]->GetVec(data1, tm); - grid_base->col_data[var1_col]->GetUndefined(undefined1, tm); + table_int->GetColData(var1_col, tm, data1); + table_int->GetColUndefined(var1_col, tm, undefined1); } else { for (int i=0; iGetSelection())) { int tm = IsTimeVariant(var2_col) ? m_var2_tm->GetSelection() : 0; - grid_base->col_data[var2_col]->GetVec(data2, tm); - grid_base->col_data[var2_col]->GetUndefined(undefined2, tm); + table_int->GetColData(var2_col, tm, data2); + table_int->GetColUndefined(var2_col, tm, undefined2); } else { for (int i=0; iGetSelection())) { - grid_base->col_data[var1_col]->GetVec(data1, time_list[t]); - grid_base->col_data[var1_col]->GetUndefined(undefined1, - time_list[t]); + table_int->GetColData(var1_col, time_list[t], data1); + table_int->GetColUndefined(var1_col, time_list[t], undefined1); } if (var2_col != wxNOT_FOUND && IsAllTime(var2_col, m_var2_tm->GetSelection())) { - grid_base->col_data[var2_col]->GetVec(data2, time_list[t]); - grid_base->col_data[var2_col]->GetUndefined(undefined2, - time_list[t]); + table_int->GetColData(var2_col, time_list[t], data2); + table_int->GetColUndefined(var2_col, time_list[t], undefined2); } for (int i=0; iGetSelection()) { case add_op: { - for (int i=0, iend=grid_base->GetNumberRows(); iGetNumberRows(); iGetNumberRows(); iGetNumberRows(); iGetNumberRows(); iGetNumberRows(); iGetNumberRows(); iGetNumberRows(); iGetNumberRows(); iGetNumberRows(); icol_data[result_col]->SetFromVec(data0, time_list[t]); - grid_base->col_data[result_col]->SetUndefined(undefined0, time_list[t]); + table_int->SetColData(result_col, time_list[t], data0); + table_int->SetColUndefined(result_col, time_list[t], undefined0); } - if (grid_base->GetView()) grid_base->GetView()->Refresh(); } @@ -277,7 +282,7 @@ void FieldNewCalcBinDlg::InitFieldChoices() m_var2_sel = sel2_temp; } - grid_base->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); + table_int->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); m_var1_str.resize(col_id_map.size()); m_var2_str.resize(col_id_map.size()); @@ -289,18 +294,18 @@ void FieldNewCalcBinDlg::InitFieldChoices() } for (int i=0, iend=col_id_map.size(); icol_data[col_id_map[i]]->time_steps > 1) { - m_result->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name + r_tm); - m_var1->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name + v1_tm); - m_var1_str[i] = grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name + v1_tm; - m_var2->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name + v2_tm); - m_var2_str[i] = grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name + v2_tm; + table_int->GetColTimeSteps(col_id_map[i]) > 1) { + m_result->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) + r_tm); + m_var1->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) + v1_tm); + m_var1_str[i] = table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) + v1_tm; + m_var2->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) + v2_tm); + m_var2_str[i] = table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) + v2_tm; } else { - m_result->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name); - m_var1->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name); - m_var1_str[i] = grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name; - m_var2->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name); - m_var2_str[i] = grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name; + m_result->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i])); + m_var1->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i])); + m_var1_str[i] = table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]); + m_var2->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i])); + m_var2_str[i] = table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]); } } @@ -407,14 +412,14 @@ void FieldNewCalcBinDlg::Display() bool FieldNewCalcBinDlg::IsTimeVariant(int col_id) { if (!is_space_time) return false; - return (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)); + return (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)); } bool FieldNewCalcBinDlg::IsAllTime(int col_id, int tm_sel) { if (!is_space_time) return false; - if (!grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)) return false; - return tm_sel == grid_base->time_steps; + if (!table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)) return false; + return tm_sel == project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); } void FieldNewCalcBinDlg::OnBinaryResultUpdated( wxCommandEvent& event ) @@ -463,7 +468,7 @@ void FieldNewCalcBinDlg::OnBinaryOperand1Updated( wxCommandEvent& event ) m_var1_sel = m_var1->GetSelection(); } m_var1_tm->Enable(m_var1_sel != wxNOT_FOUND && - grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[m_var1_sel]]->time_steps>1); + table_int->GetColTimeSteps(col_id_map[m_var1_sel]) > 1); Display(); } @@ -500,7 +505,7 @@ void FieldNewCalcBinDlg::OnBinaryOperand2Updated( wxCommandEvent& event ) m_var2_sel = m_var2->GetSelection(); } m_var2_tm->Enable(m_var2_sel != wxNOT_FOUND && - grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[m_var2_sel]]->time_steps>1); + table_int->GetColTimeSteps(col_id_map[m_var2_sel]) > 1); Display(); } @@ -512,11 +517,11 @@ void FieldNewCalcBinDlg::OnBinaryOperand2TmUpdated( wxCommandEvent& event ) void FieldNewCalcBinDlg::OnAddColumnClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { - DataViewerAddColDlg dlg(grid_base, this); + DataViewerAddColDlg dlg(project, this); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; InitFieldChoices(); wxString sel_str = dlg.GetColName(); - if (grid_base->col_data[dlg.GetColId()]->time_steps > 1) { + if (table_int->GetColTimeSteps(dlg.GetColId()) > 1) { sel_str << " (" << m_result_tm->GetStringSelection() << ")"; } m_result->SetSelection(m_result->FindString(sel_str)); @@ -527,13 +532,13 @@ void FieldNewCalcBinDlg::OnAddColumnClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) void FieldNewCalcBinDlg::InitTime(wxChoice* time_list) { time_list->Clear(); - for (int i=0; itime_steps; i++) { + for (int i=0; iGetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); i++) { wxString t; - t << grid_base->time_ids[i]; + t << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(i); time_list->Append(t); } time_list->Append("all times"); - time_list->SetSelection(grid_base->time_steps); + time_list->SetSelection(project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps()); time_list->Disable(); time_list->Show(is_space_time); } diff --git a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcBinDlg.h b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcBinDlg.h index b8177a664..62a742229 100644 --- a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcBinDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcBinDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ #include class Project; -class DbfGridTableBase; +class TableInterface; class FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg; class FieldNewCalcUniDlg; class FieldNewCalcLagDlg; @@ -91,7 +91,8 @@ class FieldNewCalcBinDlg: public wxPanel bool m_valid_const2; int m_var2_sel; wxTextCtrl* m_text; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + Project* project; + TableInterface* table_int; // col_id_map[i] is a map from the i'th numeric item in the // fields drop-down to the actual col_id_map. Items // in the fields dropdown are in the order displayed diff --git a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcLagDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcLagDlg.cpp index cc138db9e..9e618306b 100644 --- a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcLagDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcLagDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -21,10 +21,12 @@ #include #include #include +#include "../GenUtils.h" #include "../Project.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/WeightsManager.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/GalWeight.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.h" #include "SelectWeightDlg.h" #include "../logger.h" @@ -55,8 +57,8 @@ FieldNewCalcLagDlg::FieldNewCalcLagDlg(Project* project_s, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) : all_init(false), project(project_s), -grid_base(project_s->GetGridBase()), w_manager(project_s->GetWManager()), -is_space_time(project_s->GetGridBase()->IsTimeVariant()) +table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()), w_manager(project_s->GetWManager()), +is_space_time(project_s->GetTableInt()->IsTimeVariant()) { SetParent(parent); CreateControls(); @@ -112,6 +114,10 @@ void FieldNewCalcLagDlg::Apply() int result_col = col_id_map[m_result->GetSelection()]; int var_col = col_id_map[m_var->GetSelection()]; + TableState* ts = project->GetTableState(); + wxString grp_nm = table_int->GetColName(result_col); + if (!GenUtils::CanModifyGrpAndShowMsgIfNot(ts, grp_nm)) return; + if (is_space_time && !IsAllTime(result_col, m_result_tm->GetSelection()) && IsAllTime(var_col, m_var_tm->GetSelection())) { @@ -124,25 +130,26 @@ void FieldNewCalcLagDlg::Apply() std::vector time_list; if (IsAllTime(result_col, m_result_tm->GetSelection())) { - time_list.resize(grid_base->time_steps); - for (int i=0; itime_steps; i++) time_list[i] = i; + int ts = project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); + time_list.resize(ts); + for (int i=0; iGetSelection() : 0; time_list.resize(1); time_list[0] = tm; } - std::vector data(grid_base->GetNumberRows(), 0); - std::vector undefined(grid_base->GetNumberRows(), false); + std::vector data(table_int->GetNumberRows(), 0); + std::vector undefined(table_int->GetNumberRows(), false); if (!IsAllTime(var_col, m_var_tm->GetSelection())) { int tm = IsTimeVariant(var_col) ? m_var_tm->GetSelection() : 0; - grid_base->col_data[var_col]->GetVec(data, tm); - grid_base->col_data[var_col]->GetUndefined(undefined, tm); + table_int->GetColData(var_col, tm, data); + table_int->GetColUndefined(var_col, tm, undefined); } - int rows = grid_base->GetNumberRows(); - std::vector r_data(grid_base->GetNumberRows(), 0); - std::vector r_undefined(grid_base->GetNumberRows(), false); + int rows = table_int->GetNumberRows(); + std::vector r_data(table_int->GetNumberRows(), 0); + std::vector r_undefined(table_int->GetNumberRows(), false); GalWeight* gal_w = w_manager->GetGalWeight(m_weight->GetSelection()); if (gal_w == NULL) return; @@ -154,11 +161,11 @@ void FieldNewCalcLagDlg::Apply() r_undefined[i] = false; } if (IsAllTime(var_col, m_var_tm->GetSelection())) { - grid_base->col_data[var_col]->GetVec(data, time_list[t]); - grid_base->col_data[var_col]->GetUndefined(undefined, time_list[t]); + table_int->GetColData(var_col, time_list[t], data); + table_int->GetColUndefined(var_col, time_list[t], undefined); } // Row-standardized lag calculation. - for (int i=0, iend=grid_base->GetNumberRows(); iGetNumberRows(); icol_data[result_col]->SetFromVec(r_data, time_list[t]); - grid_base->col_data[result_col]->SetUndefined(r_undefined, - time_list[t]); + table_int->SetColData(result_col, time_list[t], r_data); + table_int->SetColUndefined(result_col, time_list[t], r_undefined); + } - if (grid_base->GetView()) grid_base->GetView()->Refresh(); } @@ -190,7 +196,7 @@ void FieldNewCalcLagDlg::InitFieldChoices() m_var->Clear(); m_weight->Clear(); - grid_base->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); + table_int->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); wxString r_tm, v_tm; if (is_space_time) { @@ -199,12 +205,12 @@ void FieldNewCalcLagDlg::InitFieldChoices() } for (int i=0, iend=col_id_map.size(); icol_data[col_id_map[i]]->time_steps > 1) { - m_result->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name + r_tm); - m_var->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name + v_tm); + table_int->GetColTimeSteps(col_id_map[i]) > 1) { + m_result->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) + r_tm); + m_var->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) + v_tm); } else { - m_result->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name); - m_var->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name); + m_result->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i])); + m_var->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i])); } } @@ -269,14 +275,14 @@ void FieldNewCalcLagDlg::Display() bool FieldNewCalcLagDlg::IsTimeVariant(int col_id) { if (!is_space_time) return false; - return (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)); + return (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)); } bool FieldNewCalcLagDlg::IsAllTime(int col_id, int tm_sel) { if (!is_space_time) return false; - if (!grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)) return false; - return tm_sel == grid_base->time_steps; + if (!table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)) return false; + return tm_sel == project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); } void FieldNewCalcLagDlg::OnLagResultUpdated( wxCommandEvent& event ) @@ -331,11 +337,11 @@ void FieldNewCalcLagDlg::OnOpenWeightClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) void FieldNewCalcLagDlg::OnAddColumnClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { - DataViewerAddColDlg dlg(grid_base, this); + DataViewerAddColDlg dlg(project, this); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; InitFieldChoices(); wxString sel_str = dlg.GetColName(); - if (grid_base->col_data[dlg.GetColId()]->time_steps > 1) { + if (table_int->GetColTimeSteps(dlg.GetColId()) > 1) { sel_str << " (" << m_result_tm->GetStringSelection() << ")"; } m_result->SetSelection(m_result->FindString(sel_str)); @@ -346,13 +352,13 @@ void FieldNewCalcLagDlg::OnAddColumnClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) void FieldNewCalcLagDlg::InitTime(wxChoice* time_list) { time_list->Clear(); - for (int i=0; itime_steps; i++) { + for (int i=0; iGetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); i++) { wxString t; - t << grid_base->time_ids[i]; + t << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(i); time_list->Append(t); } time_list->Append("all times"); - time_list->SetSelection(grid_base->time_steps); + time_list->SetSelection(project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps()); time_list->Disable(); time_list->Show(is_space_time); } diff --git a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcLagDlg.h b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcLagDlg.h index 7e1a3073f..dae1d2176 100644 --- a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcLagDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcLagDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ #include class Project; -class DbfGridTableBase; +class TableInterface; class WeightsManager; class FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg; class FieldNewCalcUniDlg; @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class FieldNewCalcLagDlg: public wxPanel wxTextCtrl* m_text; Project* project; WeightsManager* w_manager; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + TableInterface* table_int; // col_id_map[i] is a map from the i'th numeric item in the // fields drop-down to the actual col_id_map. Items // in the fields dropdown are in the order displayed diff --git a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcRateDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcRateDlg.cpp index 1a345475b..19d22c80d 100644 --- a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcRateDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcRateDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -23,9 +23,11 @@ #include #include "../ShapeOperations/RateSmoothing.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/GalWeight.h" +#include "../GenUtils.h" #include "../Project.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/WeightsManager.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.h" #include "SelectWeightDlg.h" #include "FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg.h" @@ -61,8 +63,8 @@ FieldNewCalcRateDlg::FieldNewCalcRateDlg(Project* project_s, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) : all_init(false), project(project_s), -grid_base(project_s->GetGridBase()), w_manager(project_s->GetWManager()), -is_space_time(project_s->GetGridBase()->IsTimeVariant()) +table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()), w_manager(project_s->GetWManager()), +is_space_time(project_s->GetTableInt()->IsTimeVariant()) { SetParent(parent); CreateControls(); @@ -139,7 +141,11 @@ void FieldNewCalcRateDlg::Apply() const int w = m_weight->GetSelection(); const int cop1 = col_id_map[m_event->GetSelection()]; const int cop2 = col_id_map[m_base->GetSelection()]; - + + TableState* ts = project->GetTableState(); + wxString grp_nm = table_int->GetColName(result_col); + if (!GenUtils::CanModifyGrpAndShowMsgIfNot(ts, grp_nm)) return; + if (is_space_time && !IsAllTime(result_col, m_result_tm->GetSelection()) && (IsAllTime(cop1, m_event_tm->GetSelection()) || IsAllTime(cop2, m_base_tm->GetSelection()))) @@ -170,21 +176,23 @@ void FieldNewCalcRateDlg::Apply() std::vector time_list; if (IsAllTime(result_col, m_result_tm->GetSelection())) { - time_list.resize(grid_base->time_steps); - for (int i=0; itime_steps; i++) time_list[i] = i; + int ts = project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); + time_list.resize(ts); + for (int i=0; iGetSelection() : 0; time_list.resize(1); time_list[0] = tm; } - const int obs = grid_base->GetNumberRows(); + const int obs = table_int->GetNumberRows(); bool Event_undefined = false; if (IsAllTime(cop1, m_event_tm->GetSelection())) { b_array_type undefined; - grid_base->col_data[cop1]->GetUndefined(undefined); - for (int t=0; ttime_steps && !Event_undefined; t++) { + table_int->GetColUndefined(cop1, undefined); + int ts = project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); + for (int t=0; t undefined(obs); int tm = IsTimeVariant(cop1) ? m_event_tm->GetSelection() : 0; - grid_base->col_data[cop1]->GetUndefined(undefined, tm); + table_int->GetColUndefined(cop1, tm, undefined); for (int i=0; iGetSelection())) { b_array_type undefined; - grid_base->col_data[cop2]->GetUndefined(undefined); - for (int t=0; ttime_steps && !Base_undefined; t++) { + table_int->GetColUndefined(cop2, undefined); + int ts = project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); + for (int t=0; t undefined(obs); int tm = IsTimeVariant(cop2) ? m_base_tm->GetSelection() : 0; - grid_base->col_data[cop2]->GetUndefined(undefined, tm); + table_int->GetColUndefined(cop2, tm, undefined); for (int i=0; iGetSelection())) { d_array_type data; - grid_base->col_data[cop2]->GetVec(data); - for (int t=0; ttime_steps && !Base_non_positive; t++) { + table_int->GetColData(cop2, data); + int ts = project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); + for (int t=0; t data(obs); int tm = IsTimeVariant(cop2) ? m_base_tm->GetSelection() : 0; - grid_base->col_data[cop2]->GetVec(data, tm); + table_int->GetColData(cop2, tm, data); for (int i=0; iGetSelection())) { int tm = IsTimeVariant(cop2) ? m_base_tm->GetSelection() : 0; - grid_base->col_data[cop2]->GetVec(data, tm); + table_int->GetColData(cop2, tm, data); for (int i=0; iGetSelection())) { int tm = IsTimeVariant(cop1) ? m_event_tm->GetSelection() : 0; - grid_base->col_data[cop1]->GetVec(data, tm); + table_int->GetColData(cop1, tm, data); for (int i=0; iGetSelection())) { - grid_base->col_data[cop2]->GetVec(data, time_list[t]); + table_int->GetColData(cop2, time_list[t], data); for (int i=0; iGetSelection())) { - grid_base->col_data[cop1]->GetVec(data, time_list[t]); + table_int->GetColData(cop1, time_list[t], data); for (int i=0; i undef_r; switch (op) { case 0: - GeoDaAlgs::RateSmoother_RawRate(obs, B, E, r, undef_r); + GdaAlgs::RateSmoother_RawRate(obs, B, E, r, undef_r); break; case 1: - GeoDaAlgs::RateSmoother_ExcessRisk(obs, B, E, r, undef_r); + GdaAlgs::RateSmoother_ExcessRisk(obs, B, E, r, undef_r); break; case 2: - GeoDaAlgs::RateSmoother_EBS(obs, B, E, r, undef_r); + GdaAlgs::RateSmoother_EBS(obs, B, E, r, undef_r); break; case 3: - has_undefined = GeoDaAlgs::RateSmoother_SRS(obs, W, B, E, r, + has_undefined = GdaAlgs::RateSmoother_SRS(obs, W, B, E, r, undef_r); break; case 4: - has_undefined = GeoDaAlgs::RateSmoother_SEBS(obs, W, B, E, r, + has_undefined = GdaAlgs::RateSmoother_SEBS(obs, W, B, E, r, undef_r); break; case 5: - GeoDaAlgs::RateStandardizeEB(obs, B, E, r, undef_r); + GdaAlgs::RateStandardizeEB(obs, B, E, r, undef_r); break; default: break; } for (int i=0; icol_data[result_col]->SetFromVec(data, time_list[t]); - grid_base->col_data[result_col]->SetUndefined(undef_r, time_list[t]); + table_int->SetColData(result_col, time_list[t], data); + table_int->SetColUndefined(result_col, time_list[t], undef_r); + } - if (grid_base->GetView()) grid_base->GetView()->Refresh(); if (B) delete [] B; B = NULL; if (E) delete [] E; E = NULL; if (r) delete [] r; r = NULL; @@ -351,7 +361,7 @@ void FieldNewCalcRateDlg::InitFieldChoices() m_base->Clear(); m_weight->Clear(); - grid_base->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); + table_int->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); wxString r_tm, event_tm, base_tm; if (is_space_time) { @@ -361,14 +371,14 @@ void FieldNewCalcRateDlg::InitFieldChoices() } for (int i=0, iend=col_id_map.size(); icol_data[col_id_map[i]]->time_steps > 1) { - m_result->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name + r_tm); - m_event->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name +event_tm); - m_base->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name + base_tm); + table_int->GetColTimeSteps(col_id_map[i]) > 1) { + m_result->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) + r_tm); + m_event->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) +event_tm); + m_base->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) + base_tm); } else { - m_result->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name); - m_event->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name); - m_base->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name); + m_result->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i])); + m_event->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i])); + m_base->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i])); } } @@ -406,14 +416,14 @@ void FieldNewCalcRateDlg::UpdateOtherPanels() bool FieldNewCalcRateDlg::IsTimeVariant(int col_id) { if (!is_space_time) return false; - return (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)); + return (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)); } bool FieldNewCalcRateDlg::IsAllTime(int col_id, int tm_sel) { if (!is_space_time) return false; - if (!grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)) return false; - return tm_sel == grid_base->time_steps; + if (!table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)) return false; + return tm_sel == project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); } void FieldNewCalcRateDlg::OnRateResultUpdated( wxCommandEvent& event ) @@ -470,11 +480,11 @@ void FieldNewCalcRateDlg::OnOpenWeightClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) void FieldNewCalcRateDlg::OnAddColumnClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { - DataViewerAddColDlg dlg(grid_base, this); + DataViewerAddColDlg dlg(project, this); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; InitFieldChoices(); wxString sel_str = dlg.GetColName(); - if (grid_base->col_data[dlg.GetColId()]->time_steps > 1) { + if (table_int->GetColTimeSteps(dlg.GetColId()) > 1) { sel_str << " (" << m_result_tm->GetStringSelection() << ")"; } m_result->SetSelection(m_result->FindString(sel_str)); @@ -492,13 +502,13 @@ void FieldNewCalcRateDlg::OnMethodChange( wxCommandEvent& event ) void FieldNewCalcRateDlg::InitTime(wxChoice* time_list) { time_list->Clear(); - for (int i=0; itime_steps; i++) { + for (int i=0; iGetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); i++) { wxString t; - t << grid_base->time_ids[i]; + t << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(i); time_list->Append(t); } time_list->Append("all times"); - time_list->SetSelection(grid_base->time_steps); + time_list->SetSelection(project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps()); time_list->Disable(); time_list->Show(is_space_time); } diff --git a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcRateDlg.h b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcRateDlg.h index 284d3e391..05f3caeeb 100644 --- a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcRateDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcRateDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ #include class Project; -class DbfGridTableBase; +class TableInterface; class WeightsManager; class FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg; class FieldNewCalcUniDlg; @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class FieldNewCalcRateDlg: public wxPanel wxBitmapButton* m_weight_button; Project* project; WeightsManager* w_manager; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + TableInterface* table_int; // col_id_map[i] is a map from the i'th numeric item in the // fields drop-down to the actual col_id_map. Items // in the fields dropdown are in the order displayed diff --git a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcSheetDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcSheetDlg.cpp index 1be810db9..1a1d94815 100644 --- a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcSheetDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcSheetDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -17,11 +17,12 @@ * along with this program. If not, see . */ +#include #include #include #include #include "../Project.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" #include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" #include "../GeoDa.h" #include "FieldNewCalcSheetDlg.h" @@ -125,13 +126,5 @@ void FieldNewCalcSheetDlg::OnApplyClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) pRate->InitFieldChoices(); break; } - - if (project->GetGridBase()->GetView()) { - project->GetGridBase()->GetView()->Refresh(); - } - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(), - XRCID("ID_SAVE_PROJECT"), - project->GetGridBase()->ChangedSinceLastSave() && - project->IsAllowEnableSave()); } diff --git a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcSheetDlg.h b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcSheetDlg.h index 8811d5a53..e6c3038fc 100644 --- a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcSheetDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcSheetDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg.cpp index 0ef5f9a8e..0840e726f 100644 --- a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -27,8 +27,10 @@ #include #include #include +#include "../GenUtils.h" #include "../Project.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.h" #include "../logger.h" #include "FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg.h" @@ -52,15 +54,16 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg, wxPanel ) FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg::OnSpecialOperand2Updated ) END_EVENT_TABLE() -FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg::FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg(Project* project, +FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg::FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg(Project* project_s, wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& caption, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) -: all_init(false), op_string(3), grid_base(project->GetGridBase()), -is_space_time(project->GetGridBase()->IsTimeVariant()) +: all_init(false), op_string(3), project(project_s), +table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()), +is_space_time(project_s->GetTableInt()->IsTimeVariant()) { SetParent(parent); CreateControls(); @@ -110,6 +113,10 @@ void FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg::Apply() } int result_col = col_id_map[m_result->GetSelection()]; + TableState* ts = project->GetTableState(); + wxString grp_nm = table_int->GetColName(result_col); + if (!GenUtils::CanModifyGrpAndShowMsgIfNot(ts, grp_nm)) return; + int op_sel = m_op->GetSelection(); if (!m_var1_valid || !m_var2_valid) { @@ -127,16 +134,17 @@ void FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg::Apply() std::vector time_list; if (IsAllTime(result_col, m_result_tm->GetSelection())) { - time_list.resize(grid_base->time_steps); - for (int i=0; itime_steps; i++) time_list[i] = i; + int ts = project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); + time_list.resize(ts); + for (int i=0; iGetSelection() : 0; time_list.resize(1); time_list[0] = tm; } - std::vector data(grid_base->GetNumberRows(), 0); - std::vector undefined(grid_base->GetNumberRows(), false); + std::vector data(table_int->GetNumberRows(), 0); + std::vector undefined(table_int->GetNumberRows(), false); for (int t=0; tGetSelection()) { case normal_rand: @@ -145,7 +153,7 @@ void FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg::Apply() m_var2_const); boost::variate_generator > X(rng, norm_dist); - for (int i=0, iend=grid_base->GetNumberRows(); iGetNumberRows(); i X(rng); - for (int i=0, iend=grid_base->GetNumberRows(); iGetNumberRows(); iGetNumberRows(); iGetNumberRows(); icol_data[result_col]->SetFromVec(data, time_list[t]); - grid_base->col_data[result_col]->SetUndefined(undefined, time_list[t]); + table_int->SetColData(result_col, time_list[t], data); + table_int->SetColUndefined(result_col, time_list[t], undefined); + } - if (grid_base->GetView()) grid_base->GetView()->Refresh(); } @@ -183,15 +191,15 @@ void FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg::InitFieldChoices() int prev_cnt = m_result->GetCount(); m_result->Clear(); - grid_base->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); + table_int->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); wxString t; if (is_space_time) t << " (" << m_result_tm->GetStringSelection() << ")"; for (int i=0, iend=col_id_map.size(); icol_data[col_id_map[i]]->time_steps > 1) { - m_result->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name + t); + table_int->GetColTimeSteps(col_id_map[i]) > 1) { + m_result->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) + t); } else { - m_result->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name); + m_result->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i])); } } @@ -257,14 +265,14 @@ void FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg::Display() bool FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg::IsTimeVariant(int col_id) { if (!is_space_time) return false; - return (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)); + return (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)); } bool FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg::IsAllTime(int col_id, int tm_sel) { if (!is_space_time) return false; - if (!grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)) return false; - return tm_sel == grid_base->time_steps; + if (!table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)) return false; + return tm_sel == project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); } void FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg::OnSpecialResultUpdated( wxCommandEvent& event ) @@ -310,11 +318,11 @@ void FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg::OnSpecialOperand2Updated( wxCommandEvent& event ) void FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg::OnAddColumnClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { - DataViewerAddColDlg dlg(grid_base, this); + DataViewerAddColDlg dlg(project, this); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; InitFieldChoices(); wxString sel_str = dlg.GetColName(); - if (grid_base->col_data[dlg.GetColId()]->time_steps > 1) { + if (table_int->GetColTimeSteps(dlg.GetColId()) > 1) { sel_str << " (" << m_result_tm->GetStringSelection() << ")"; } m_result->SetSelection(m_result->FindString(sel_str)); @@ -325,13 +333,13 @@ void FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg::OnAddColumnClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) void FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg::InitTime(wxChoice* time_list) { time_list->Clear(); - for (int i=0; itime_steps; i++) { + for (int i=0; iGetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); i++) { wxString t; - t << grid_base->time_ids[i]; + t << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(i); time_list->Append(t); } time_list->Append("all times"); - time_list->SetSelection(grid_base->time_steps); + time_list->SetSelection(project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps()); time_list->Disable(); time_list->Show(is_space_time); } diff --git a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg.h b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg.h index 1d5c956ae..72c69446b 100644 --- a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ #include class Project; -class DbfGridTableBase; +class TableInterface; class FieldNewCalcUniDlg; class FieldNewCalcBinDlg; class FieldNewCalcLagDlg; @@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ class FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg: public wxPanel bool m_var2_valid; // is m_var1 a valid constant double m_var2_const; // actual value of m_var1 wxTextCtrl* m_text; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + Project* project; + TableInterface* table_int; // col_id_map[i] is a map from the i'th numeric item in the // fields drop-down to the actual col_id_map. Items // in the fields dropdown are in the order displayed diff --git a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcUniDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcUniDlg.cpp index 23db4fc6e..6e655b845 100644 --- a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcUniDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcUniDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ #include #include #include "../Project.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.h" #include "../GenUtils.h" #include "../logger.h" @@ -54,14 +55,15 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( FieldNewCalcUniDlg, wxPanel ) FieldNewCalcUniDlg::OnUnaryOperandTmUpdated ) END_EVENT_TABLE() -FieldNewCalcUniDlg::FieldNewCalcUniDlg(Project* project, +FieldNewCalcUniDlg::FieldNewCalcUniDlg(Project* project_s, wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& caption, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) -: all_init(false), op_string(9), grid_base(project->GetGridBase()), +: all_init(false), op_string(9), project(project_s), +table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()), m_valid_const(false), m_const(1), m_var_sel(wxNOT_FOUND), -is_space_time(project->GetGridBase()->IsTimeVariant()) +is_space_time(project_s->GetTableInt()->IsTimeVariant()) { SetParent(parent); CreateControls(); @@ -131,40 +133,46 @@ void FieldNewCalcUniDlg::Apply() return; } + TableState* ts = project->GetTableState(); + wxString grp_nm = table_int->GetColName(result_col); + if (!GenUtils::CanModifyGrpAndShowMsgIfNot(ts, grp_nm)) return; + + // Mersenne Twister random number generator, randomly seeded // with current time in seconds since Jan 1 1970. static boost::mt19937 rng(std::time(0)); std::vector time_list; if (IsAllTime(result_col, m_result_tm->GetSelection())) { - time_list.resize(grid_base->time_steps); - for (int i=0; itime_steps; i++) time_list[i] = i; + int ts = project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); + time_list.resize(ts); + for (int i=0; iGetSelection() : 0; time_list.resize(1); time_list[0] = tm; } - int rows = grid_base->GetNumberRows(); + int rows = table_int->GetNumberRows(); std::vector data(rows, 0); std::vector undefined(rows, false); if (var_col != wxNOT_FOUND && !IsAllTime(var_col, m_var_tm->GetSelection())) { int tm = IsTimeVariant(var_col) ? m_var_tm->GetSelection() : 0; - grid_base->col_data[var_col]->GetVec(data, tm); - grid_base->col_data[var_col]->GetUndefined(undefined, tm); + table_int->GetColData(var_col,tm, data); + table_int->GetColUndefined(var_col, tm, undefined); } else { for (int i=0; i r_data(grid_base->GetNumberRows(), 0); - std::vector r_undefined(grid_base->GetNumberRows(), false); + std::vector r_data(table_int->GetNumberRows(), 0); + std::vector r_undefined(table_int->GetNumberRows(), false); for (int t=0; tGetSelection())) { - grid_base->col_data[var_col]->GetVec(data, time_list[t]); - grid_base->col_data[var_col]->GetUndefined(undefined, time_list[t]); + table_int->GetColData(var_col, time_list[t], data); + table_int->GetColUndefined(var_col, time_list[t], undefined); } for (int i=0; icol_data[result_col]->SetFromVec(r_data, time_list[t]); - grid_base->col_data[result_col]->SetUndefined(r_undefined, time_list[t]); + table_int->SetColData(result_col, time_list[t], r_data); + table_int->SetColUndefined(result_col, time_list[t], r_undefined); + } } @@ -320,7 +329,7 @@ void FieldNewCalcUniDlg::InitFieldChoices() m_var_sel = sel_temp; } - grid_base->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); + table_int->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); m_var_str.resize(col_id_map.size()); wxString r_tm, v_tm; @@ -330,14 +339,14 @@ void FieldNewCalcUniDlg::InitFieldChoices() } for (int i=0, iend=col_id_map.size(); icol_data[col_id_map[i]]->time_steps > 1) { - m_result->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name + r_tm); - m_var->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name + v_tm); - m_var_str[i] = grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name + v_tm; + table_int->GetColTimeSteps(col_id_map[i]) > 1) { + m_result->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) + r_tm); + m_var->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) + v_tm); + m_var_str[i] = table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) + v_tm; } else { - m_result->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name); - m_var->Append(grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name); - m_var_str[i] = grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[i]]->name; + m_result->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i])); + m_var->Append(table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i])); + m_var_str[i] = table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]); } } @@ -429,14 +438,14 @@ void FieldNewCalcUniDlg::Display() bool FieldNewCalcUniDlg::IsTimeVariant(int col_id) { if (!is_space_time) return false; - return (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)); + return (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)); } bool FieldNewCalcUniDlg::IsAllTime(int col_id, int tm_sel) { if (!is_space_time) return false; - if (!grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)) return false; - return tm_sel == grid_base->time_steps; + if (!table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col_id)) return false; + return tm_sel == project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); } void FieldNewCalcUniDlg::OnUnaryResultUpdated( wxCommandEvent& event ) @@ -485,7 +494,7 @@ void FieldNewCalcUniDlg::OnUnaryOperandUpdated( wxCommandEvent& event ) m_var_sel = m_var->GetSelection(); } m_var_tm->Enable(m_var_sel != wxNOT_FOUND && - grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[m_var_sel]]->time_steps>1); + table_int->GetColTimeSteps(col_id_map[m_var_sel]) > 1); Display(); } @@ -497,11 +506,11 @@ void FieldNewCalcUniDlg::OnUnaryOperandTmUpdated( wxCommandEvent& event ) void FieldNewCalcUniDlg::OnAddColumnClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { - DataViewerAddColDlg dlg(grid_base, this); + DataViewerAddColDlg dlg(project, this); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; InitFieldChoices(); wxString sel_str = dlg.GetColName(); - if (grid_base->col_data[dlg.GetColId()]->time_steps > 1) { + if (table_int->GetColTimeSteps(dlg.GetColId()) > 1) { sel_str << " (" << m_result_tm->GetStringSelection() << ")"; } m_result->SetSelection(m_result->FindString(sel_str)); @@ -512,13 +521,13 @@ void FieldNewCalcUniDlg::OnAddColumnClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) void FieldNewCalcUniDlg::InitTime(wxChoice* time_list) { time_list->Clear(); - for (int i=0; itime_steps; i++) { + for (int i=0; iGetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); i++) { wxString t; - t << grid_base->time_ids[i]; + t << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(i); time_list->Append(t); } time_list->Append("all times"); - time_list->SetSelection(grid_base->time_steps); + time_list->SetSelection(project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps()); time_list->Disable(); time_list->Show(is_space_time); } diff --git a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcUniDlg.h b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcUniDlg.h index 0fa5d72c7..4793065d1 100644 --- a/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcUniDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/FieldNewCalcUniDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ #include class Project; -class DbfGridTableBase; +class TableInterface; class FieldNewCalcSpecialDlg; class FieldNewCalcBinDlg; class FieldNewCalcLagDlg; @@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ class FieldNewCalcUniDlg: public wxPanel bool m_valid_const; int m_var_sel; wxTextCtrl* m_text; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + Project* project; + TableInterface* table_int; // col_id_map[i] is a map from the i'th numeric item in the // fields drop-down to the actual col_id_map. Items // in the fields dropdown are in the order displayed diff --git a/DialogTools/GNUmakefile b/DialogTools/GNUmakefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e72fae931 --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/GNUmakefile @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +include ../GeoDamake.opt + +#include ./file.lst + +CPPFLAGS := $(CPPFLAGS) +CXXFLAGS := $(CXXFLAGS) + +CXX_SRCS := $(wildcard *.cpp) +OBJ := ${CXX_SRCS:.cpp=.o} + +default: $(O_OBJ:.o=.$(OBJ_EXT)) + +clean: + rm -f *.o + diff --git a/DialogTools/GetisOrdChoiceDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/GetisOrdChoiceDlg.cpp index 5442eca73..71677e17e 100644 --- a/DialogTools/GetisOrdChoiceDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/GetisOrdChoiceDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/GetisOrdChoiceDlg.h b/DialogTools/GetisOrdChoiceDlg.h index 10c93039f..e62c58cdd 100644 --- a/DialogTools/GetisOrdChoiceDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/GetisOrdChoiceDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/HistIntervalDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/HistIntervalDlg.cpp index e5c596717..64b563339 100644 --- a/DialogTools/HistIntervalDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/HistIntervalDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/HistIntervalDlg.h b/DialogTools/HistIntervalDlg.h index 280e65727..7cd525804 100644 --- a/DialogTools/HistIntervalDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/HistIntervalDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/ImportCsvDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/ImportCsvDlg.cpp index c6f315198..f6542ae7f 100644 --- a/DialogTools/ImportCsvDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/ImportCsvDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ #include #include #include -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" #include "../logger.h" #include "ImportCsvDlg.h" diff --git a/DialogTools/ImportCsvDlg.h b/DialogTools/ImportCsvDlg.h index 058931651..1191930ca 100644 --- a/DialogTools/ImportCsvDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/ImportCsvDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/LisaWhat2OpenDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/LisaWhat2OpenDlg.cpp index 416f0988c..5a3dfdb66 100644 --- a/DialogTools/LisaWhat2OpenDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/LisaWhat2OpenDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/LisaWhat2OpenDlg.h b/DialogTools/LisaWhat2OpenDlg.h index c86da7e77..1053ce950 100644 --- a/DialogTools/LisaWhat2OpenDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/LisaWhat2OpenDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/LocaleSetupDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/LocaleSetupDlg.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..84c59755b --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/LocaleSetupDlg.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + + + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "../GenUtils.h" +#include "../logger.h" +#include "../GdaException.h" +#include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" +#include "LocaleSetupDlg.h" + + +BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( LocaleSetupDlg, wxDialog ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_RESET_SYS_LOCALE"), LocaleSetupDlg::OnResetSysLocale ) + EVT_BUTTON( wxID_OK, LocaleSetupDlg::OnOkClick ) +END_EVENT_TABLE() + +LocaleSetupDlg::LocaleSetupDlg(wxWindow* parent, + wxWindowID id, + const wxString& title, + const wxPoint& pos, + const wxSize& size ) +{ + wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), "IDD_LOCALE_SETUP_DLG"); + FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(true); + m_txt_thousands = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_FIELD_THOUSANDS",wxTextCtrl); + m_txt_decimal = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_FIELD_DECIMAL",wxTextCtrl); + m_txt_thousands->SetMaxLength(1); + m_txt_decimal->SetMaxLength(1); + wxString thousands_sep = CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_LOCALE_SEPARATOR", ""); + wxString decimal_point = CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_LOCALE_DECIMAL", ""); + + m_txt_thousands->SetValue(thousands_sep); + m_txt_decimal->SetValue(decimal_point); + + SetParent(parent); + SetPosition(pos); + Centre(); +} + +void LocaleSetupDlg::OnResetSysLocale( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); + struct lconv *poLconv = localeconv(); + CPLSetConfigOption("GDAL_LOCALE_SEPARATOR", poLconv->thousands_sep); + CPLSetConfigOption("GDAL_LOCALE_DECIMAL", poLconv->decimal_point); + // forcing to C locale, which is used internally in GeoDa + setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"); + + wxString thousands_sep = poLconv->thousands_sep; + wxString decimal_point = poLconv->decimal_point; + + m_txt_thousands->SetValue(thousands_sep); + m_txt_decimal->SetValue(decimal_point); + + wxString msg = "Reset to system locale successfully. Please re-open " + "current project with reset system locale."; + wxMessageDialog msg_dlg(this, msg, + "Reset to system locale information", + wxOK | wxOK_DEFAULT | wxICON_INFORMATION); + msg_dlg.ShowModal(); + EndDialog(wxID_OK); +} + +void LocaleSetupDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + wxString thousands_sep = m_txt_thousands->GetValue(); + wxString decimal_point = m_txt_decimal->GetValue(); + + CPLSetConfigOption("GDAL_LOCALE_SEPARATOR", + (const char*)thousands_sep.mb_str()); + if ( !decimal_point.IsEmpty() ) + CPLSetConfigOption("GDAL_LOCALE_DECIMAL", + (const char*)decimal_point.mb_str()); + + wxString msg = "Locale for numbers has been setup successfully. Please " + "re-open current project to enable this locale."; + wxMessageDialog msg_dlg(this, msg, + "Setup locale", + wxOK | wxOK_DEFAULT | wxICON_INFORMATION); + msg_dlg.ShowModal(); + EndDialog(wxID_OK); +} diff --git a/DialogTools/LocaleSetupDlg.h b/DialogTools/LocaleSetupDlg.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bb798836a --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/LocaleSetupDlg.h @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_LOCALE_SETUP_DLG_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_LOCALE_SETUP_DLG_H__ + + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "../Project.h" + +class LocaleSetupDlg: public wxDialog +{ +public: + LocaleSetupDlg(wxWindow* parent, + wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, + const wxString& title = "Setup Locale of GeoDa Table", + const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, + const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize ); + +private: + wxTextCtrl* m_txt_thousands; + wxTextCtrl* m_txt_decimal; + wxButton* m_btn_rest; + + void OnResetSysLocale( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); + + DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DialogTools/MapQuantileDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/NumCategoriesDlg.cpp similarity index 50% rename from DialogTools/MapQuantileDlg.cpp rename to DialogTools/NumCategoriesDlg.cpp index 603a5bede..e6d5ceb8c 100644 --- a/DialogTools/MapQuantileDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/NumCategoriesDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -23,53 +23,54 @@ #include #include #include "../GenUtils.h" -#include "MapQuantileDlg.h" +#include "NumCategoriesDlg.h" -BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( MapQuantileDlg, wxDialog ) - EVT_BUTTON( wxID_OK, MapQuantileDlg::OnOkClick ) - EVT_BUTTON( wxID_CANCEL, MapQuantileDlg::OnCancelClick ) +BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( NumCategoriesDlg, wxDialog ) + EVT_SPINCTRL( XRCID("ID_NUM_CATEGORIES_SPIN"), + NumCategoriesDlg::OnSpinCtrl ) + EVT_BUTTON( wxID_OK, NumCategoriesDlg::OnOkClick ) END_EVENT_TABLE() -MapQuantileDlg::MapQuantileDlg(wxWindow* parent, - int min_classes_s, - int max_classes_s, - int default_classes_s, +NumCategoriesDlg::NumCategoriesDlg(wxWindow* parent, + int min_categories_s, + int max_categories_s, + int default_categories_s, const wxString& title, const wxString& text) -: min_classes(min_classes_s), max_classes(max_classes_s), -default_classes(default_classes_s) +: min_categories(min_categories_s), max_categories(max_categories_s), +default_categories(default_categories_s) { - classes = GenUtils::min(default_classes, max_classes); + categories = GenUtils::min(default_categories, max_categories); wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), - "IDD_DIALOG_QUANTILE"); - m_classes = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_EDIT_QUANTILE")), + "ID_NUM_CATEGORIES_DLG"); + m_categories = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_NUM_CATEGORIES_SPIN")), wxSpinCtrl); - m_classes->SetRange(min_classes, max_classes); + m_categories->SetRange(min_categories, max_categories); stat_text = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_STATIC")), wxStaticText); stat_text->SetLabelText(text); - wxString val; - val << classes; - m_classes->SetValue(val); + m_categories->SetValue(categories); SetParent(parent); SetTitle(title); Centre(); } -void MapQuantileDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) +void NumCategoriesDlg::OnSpinCtrl( wxSpinEvent& event ) { - classes = m_classes->GetValue(); - if (classes < 1) classes = 1; - if (classes > max_classes) classes = max_classes; + categories = m_categories->GetValue(); + if (categories < 1) categories = 1; + if (categories > max_categories) categories = max_categories; +} +void NumCategoriesDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ event.Skip(); EndDialog(wxID_OK); } -void MapQuantileDlg::OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) +int NumCategoriesDlg::GetNumCategories() { - event.Skip(); - EndDialog(wxID_CANCEL); + return categories; } diff --git a/DialogTools/MapQuantileDlg.h b/DialogTools/NumCategoriesDlg.h similarity index 62% rename from DialogTools/MapQuantileDlg.h rename to DialogTools/NumCategoriesDlg.h index b79263b49..e860fcc26 100644 --- a/DialogTools/MapQuantileDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/NumCategoriesDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -24,27 +24,29 @@ #include #include -class MapQuantileDlg: public wxDialog +class NumCategoriesDlg: public wxDialog { DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() public: - MapQuantileDlg( wxWindow* parent, - int min_classes_s, - int max_classes_s, - int default_classes_s, - const wxString& title, - const wxString& text = "Number of Classes"); + NumCategoriesDlg( wxWindow* parent, + int min_categories_s, + int max_categories_s, + int default_categories_s, + const wxString& title = "Number of Categories", + const wxString& text = "Categories"); + void OnSpinCtrl( wxSpinEvent& event ); void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - - int classes; - int min_classes; - int max_classes; - int default_classes; + int GetNumCategories(); + +private: + int categories; + int min_categories; + int max_categories; + int default_categories; wxStaticText* stat_text; - wxSpinCtrl* m_classes; + wxSpinCtrl* m_categories; }; #endif diff --git a/DialogTools/OpenSpaceTimeDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/OpenSpaceTimeDlg.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 87924417c..000000000 --- a/DialogTools/OpenSpaceTimeDlg.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,439 +0,0 @@ -/** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved - * - * This file is part of GeoDa. - * - * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program. If not, see . - */ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include "../Project.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" -#include "../GenUtils.h" -#include "../logger.h" -#include "OpenSpaceTimeDlg.h" - -BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( OpenSpaceTimeDlg, wxDialog ) - EVT_CHOICE( XRCID("ID_SPACE_ID_FIELD"), OpenSpaceTimeDlg::OnFieldChoice ) - EVT_CHOICE( XRCID("ID_TIME_ID_FIELD"), OpenSpaceTimeDlg::OnFieldChoice ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_OPEN_SHAPEFILE_BTN"), - OpenSpaceTimeDlg::OnOpenShapefileBtn ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_TIME_INVARIANT_TABLE_BTN"), - OpenSpaceTimeDlg::OnOpenSpaceTableBtn ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_TIME_VARIANT_TABLE_BTN"), - OpenSpaceTimeDlg::OnOpenTimeTableBtn ) - EVT_BUTTON( wxID_OK, OpenSpaceTimeDlg::OnOkClick ) -END_EVENT_TABLE() - -OpenSpaceTimeDlg::OpenSpaceTimeDlg(bool table_only_s, - const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size) -: all_init(false), -table_only(table_only_s), time_steps(1) -{ - m_open_Shapefile_txt = 0; - m_time_invariant_table_txt = 0; - m_time_variant_table_txt = 0; - m_time_variant_table_btn = 0; - m_space_id_field = 0; - m_time_id_field = 0; - - time_invariant_dbf_name = wxFileName(""); - time_variant_dbf_name = wxFileName(""); - sp_table_space_col = -1; - sp_table_space_col_name = ""; - tm_table_space_col = -1; - tm_table_space_col_name = ""; - tm_table_time_col = -1; - tm_table_time_col_name = ""; - CreateControls(); - SetPosition(pos); - Centre(); -} - -void OpenSpaceTimeDlg::CreateControls() -{ - if (table_only) { - wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), - "IDD_OPEN_SPACE_TIME_DBF"); - } else { - wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), - "IDD_OPEN_SPACE_TIME_SHP"); - m_open_Shapefile_txt = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_OPEN_SHAPEFILE_TXT", - wxTextCtrl); - } - m_time_invariant_table_txt = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_TIME_INVARIANT_TABLE_TXT", - wxTextCtrl); - m_time_variant_table_txt = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_TIME_VARIANT_TABLE_TXT", - wxTextCtrl); - m_time_variant_table_btn = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_TIME_VARIANT_TABLE_BTN", - wxBitmapButton); - m_space_id_field = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_SPACE_ID_FIELD", wxChoice); - m_time_id_field = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_TIME_ID_FIELD", wxChoice); - FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(false); - all_init = true; -} - - -void OpenSpaceTimeDlg::OnOpenShapefileBtn( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - if (!all_init) return; - wxFileDialog dlg(this, "Choose a Shapefile to open", "", "", - "Shapefiles (*.shp)|*.shp"); - if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; - - wxFileName shp_fname = dlg.GetPath(); - - bool shx_found; - bool dbf_found; - if (!GenUtils::ExistsShpShxDbf(shp_fname, 0, &shx_found, &dbf_found)) { - wxString msg; - msg << shp_fname.GetName() << ".shp, "; - msg << shp_fname.GetName() << ".shx, and "; - msg << shp_fname.GetName() << ".dbf "; - msg << "were not found together in the same file directory. "; - msg << "Could not find "; - if (!shx_found && dbf_found) { - msg << shp_fname.GetName() << ".shx."; - } else if (shx_found && !dbf_found) { - msg << shp_fname.GetName() << ".dbf."; - } else { - msg << shp_fname.GetName() << ".shx and "; - msg << shp_fname.GetName() << ".dbf."; - } - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - - wxFileName dbf_fname(dlg.GetPath()); - dbf_fname.SetExt("dbf"); - DbfFileReader dbf_reader(dbf_fname.GetFullPath()); - if (!dbf_reader.isDbfReadSuccess()) { - wxString msg; - msg << "There was a problem opening "; - msg << dbf_fname.GetName() << ".dbf."; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - - time_invariant_dbf_name = dbf_fname; - m_open_Shapefile_txt->SetValue(shp_fname.GetFullPath()); - m_time_invariant_table_txt->SetValue(dbf_fname.GetFullPath()); - - m_time_variant_table_txt->Clear(); - m_time_variant_table_btn->Enable(true); - m_space_id_field->Clear(); - m_space_id_field->Enable(false); - m_time_id_field->Clear(); - m_time_id_field->Enable(false); - sp_table_space_col = -1; - sp_table_space_col_name = ""; - tm_table_space_col = -1; - tm_table_space_col_name = ""; - tm_table_time_col = -1; - tm_table_time_col_name = ""; - time_steps = 1; - - FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(false); - - wxString time_f1 = time_invariant_dbf_name.GetPathWithSep(); - time_f1 << time_invariant_dbf_name.GetName(); - time_f1 << "_time." << time_invariant_dbf_name.GetExt(); - wxString time_f2 = time_invariant_dbf_name.GetPathWithSep(); - time_f2 << time_invariant_dbf_name.GetName(); - time_f2 << "_TIME." << time_invariant_dbf_name.GetExt(); - if (wxFileExists(time_f1)) { - OpenTimeTable(wxFileName(time_f1), true); - } else if (wxFileExists(time_f2)) { - OpenTimeTable(wxFileName(time_f2), true); - } -} - -void OpenSpaceTimeDlg::OnOpenSpaceTableBtn( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - if (!all_init) return; - wxFileDialog dlg(this, "Choose a time-independant table to open", "", "", - "DBF files (*.dbf)|*.dbf"); - if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; - - wxFileName dbf_fname(dlg.GetPath()); - dbf_fname.SetExt("dbf"); - DbfFileReader dbf_reader(dbf_fname.GetFullPath()); - if (!dbf_reader.isDbfReadSuccess()) { - wxString msg; - msg << "There was a problem opening "; - msg << dbf_fname.GetName() << ".dbf."; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - - time_invariant_dbf_name = dbf_fname; - m_time_invariant_table_txt->SetValue(dbf_fname.GetFullPath()); - - m_time_variant_table_txt->Clear(); - m_time_variant_table_btn->Enable(true); - m_space_id_field->Clear(); - m_space_id_field->Enable(false); - m_time_id_field->Clear(); - m_time_id_field->Enable(false); - sp_table_space_col = -1; - sp_table_space_col_name = ""; - tm_table_space_col = -1; - tm_table_space_col_name = ""; - tm_table_time_col = -1; - tm_table_time_col_name = ""; - time_steps = 1; - - FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(false); - - wxString time_f1 = time_invariant_dbf_name.GetPathWithSep(); - time_f1 << time_invariant_dbf_name.GetName(); - time_f1 << "_time." << time_invariant_dbf_name.GetExt(); - wxString time_f2 = time_invariant_dbf_name.GetPathWithSep(); - time_f2 << time_invariant_dbf_name.GetName(); - time_f2 << "_TIME." << time_invariant_dbf_name.GetExt(); - if (wxFileExists(time_f1)) { - OpenTimeTable(wxFileName(time_f1), true); - } else if (wxFileExists(time_f2)) { - OpenTimeTable(wxFileName(time_f2), true); - } -} - - -void OpenSpaceTimeDlg::OnOpenTimeTableBtn( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - if (!all_init) return; - wxFileDialog dlg(this, "Choose a time-dependant table to open", "", "", - "DBF files (*.dbf)|*.dbf"); - if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; - - OpenTimeTable(wxFileName(dlg.GetPath()), false); -} - -void OpenSpaceTimeDlg::OpenTimeTable(const wxFileName& tbl_fname, - bool check_silent) -{ - DbfFileReader dbf_reader_tm(tbl_fname.GetFullPath()); - if (!dbf_reader_tm.isDbfReadSuccess()) { - if (!check_silent) { - wxString msg; - msg << "There was a problem opening "; - msg << tbl_fname.GetName() << ".dbf."; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - } - return; - } - if (tbl_fname == time_invariant_dbf_name) { - if (!check_silent) { - wxString msg; - msg << "Time-variant table must be different from "; - msg << "time-invariant table."; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - } - return; - } - - std::vector dbf_fields_tm = dbf_reader_tm.getFieldDescs(); - - DbfFileReader dbf_reader_sp(time_invariant_dbf_name.GetFullPath()); - if (!dbf_reader_sp.isDbfReadSuccess()) { - if (!check_silent) { - wxString msg; - msg << "There was a problem opening "; - msg << time_invariant_dbf_name.GetName() << ".dbf."; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - } - return; - } - - std::vector dbf_fields_sp = dbf_reader_sp.getFieldDescs(); - - int sp_tbl_col_sp; - int tm_tbl_col_sp; - int tm_tbl_col_tm; - std::vector sp_tbl_sp_id_map; - std::vector tm_tbl_sp_id_map; - std::vector tm_tbl_tm_id_map; - - bool matches_found = FindSpTimeFields(dbf_fields_sp, dbf_fields_tm, - sp_tbl_sp_id_map, - tm_tbl_sp_id_map, - tm_tbl_tm_id_map, - sp_tbl_col_sp, - tm_tbl_col_sp, - tm_tbl_col_tm, - check_silent); - if (!matches_found) return; - - sp_table_space_col = sp_tbl_col_sp; - tm_table_space_col = tm_tbl_col_sp; - tm_table_time_col = tm_tbl_col_tm; - sp_table_sp_id_map = sp_tbl_sp_id_map; - tm_table_sp_id_map = tm_tbl_sp_id_map; - tm_table_tm_id_map = tm_tbl_tm_id_map; - - time_variant_dbf_name = tbl_fname; - m_time_variant_table_txt->SetValue(time_variant_dbf_name.GetFullPath()); - m_space_id_field->Clear(); - m_time_id_field->Clear(); - m_space_id_field->Enable(true); - m_time_id_field->Enable(true); - int space_sel = -1; - for (int i=0, iend=sp_table_sp_id_map.size(); iAppend(sp_table_sp_id_map[i].name); - if (sp_tbl_col_sp == sp_table_sp_id_map[i].col_id) { - space_sel = i; - } - } - m_space_id_field->SetSelection(space_sel); - int time_sel = -1; - for (int i=0, iend=tm_table_tm_id_map.size(); iAppend(tm_table_tm_id_map[i].name); - if (tm_tbl_col_tm == tm_table_tm_id_map[i].col_id) { - time_sel = i; - } - } - m_time_id_field->SetSelection(time_sel); - - FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(true); -} - -/** - Looks for a common space-id field in space and time tables and a - time field in time table. If check_silent is false, then an error - message will be shown if no valid fields found. - */ -bool OpenSpaceTimeDlg::FindSpTimeFields( - const std::vector& dbf_fields_sp, - const std::vector& dbf_fields_tm, - std::vector& sp_table_sp_id_map, - std::vector& tm_table_sp_id_map, - std::vector& tm_table_tm_id_map, - int& sp_tbl_col_sp, int& tm_tbl_col_sp, - int& tm_tbl_col_tm, bool check_silent) -{ - sp_tbl_col_sp = -1; - tm_tbl_col_sp = -1; - sp_table_sp_id_map.clear(); - tm_table_sp_id_map.clear(); - bool match = false; - for (int i=0, iend=dbf_fields_sp.size(); iGetSelection(); - int tm_tbl_tm_sel = m_time_id_field->GetSelection(); - if (sp_tbl_sp_sel == -1 || sp_tbl_sp_sel == -1) return; - - sp_table_space_col = sp_table_sp_id_map[sp_tbl_sp_sel].col_id; - sp_table_space_col_name = sp_table_sp_id_map[sp_tbl_sp_sel].name; - - bool match = false; - for (int i=0, iend=tm_table_space_col; iEnable(!same); -} - -void OpenSpaceTimeDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - // need to check that space & time fields are valid choices. - // if so, then exit with wxID_OK, otherwise show error message - // and don't exit - EndDialog(wxID_OK); -} diff --git a/DialogTools/OpenSpaceTimeDlg.h b/DialogTools/OpenSpaceTimeDlg.h deleted file mode 100644 index ca7370834..000000000 --- a/DialogTools/OpenSpaceTimeDlg.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -/** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved - * - * This file is part of GeoDa. - * - * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program. If not, see . - */ - -#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_OPEN_SPACE_TIME_DLG_H__ -#define __GEODA_CENTER_OPEN_SPACE_TIME_DLG_H__ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include "../ShapeOperations/DbfFile.h" - -class OpenSpaceTimeDlg: public wxDialog -{ -public: - struct ColIdNamePair { - ColIdNamePair(const int& c, const wxString& n) :col_id(c), name(n) {} - int col_id; - wxString name; - }; - - OpenSpaceTimeDlg(bool table_only, - const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, - const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize ); - void CreateControls(); - - void OnOpenShapefileBtn( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnOpenSpaceTableBtn( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnOpenTimeTableBtn( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnFieldChoice( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - - wxTextCtrl* m_open_Shapefile_txt; - wxTextCtrl* m_time_invariant_table_txt; - wxTextCtrl* m_time_variant_table_txt; - wxBitmapButton* m_time_variant_table_btn; - wxChoice* m_space_id_field; - wxChoice* m_time_id_field; - -public: - wxFileName time_invariant_dbf_name; - wxFileName time_variant_dbf_name; - wxString sp_table_space_col_name; - wxString tm_table_space_col_name; - int sp_table_space_col; - int tm_table_space_col; - wxString tm_table_time_col_name; - int tm_table_time_col; - int time_steps; - std::vector sp_table_sp_id_map; - std::vector tm_table_sp_id_map; - std::vector tm_table_tm_id_map; - -private: - bool table_only; // true: no Shapefile, false: Shapefile - void OpenTimeTable(const wxFileName& tbl_fname, bool check_silent); - bool FindSpTimeFields(const std::vector& dbf_fields_sp, - const std::vector& dbf_fields_tm, - std::vector& sp_table_sp_id_map, - std::vector& tm_table_sp_id_map, - std::vector& tm_table_tm_id_map, - int& sp_tbl_col_sp, int& tm_tbl_col_sp, - int& tm_tbl_col_tm, bool check_silent); - - bool all_init; - - DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() -}; - -#endif diff --git a/DialogTools/PCPDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/PCPDlg.cpp index 43be0df2b..0fa4a53b9 100644 --- a/DialogTools/PCPDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/PCPDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -20,8 +20,10 @@ #include #include #include -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../logger.h" +#include "../Project.h" #include "PCPDlg.h" BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( PCPDlg, wxDialog ) @@ -38,10 +40,10 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( PCPDlg, wxDialog ) PCPDlg::OnExclListDClick ) END_EVENT_TABLE() -PCPDlg::PCPDlg(DbfGridTableBase* grid_base_s, wxWindow* parent, - wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, - const wxSize& size, long style ) -: grid_base(grid_base_s) +PCPDlg::PCPDlg(Project* project_s, wxWindow* parent, + wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, + const wxSize& size, long style ) +: project(project_s), table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()) { SetParent(parent); CreateControls(); @@ -61,16 +63,16 @@ void PCPDlg::CreateControls() void PCPDlg::Init() { - grid_base->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); - name_to_id.clear(); // map to grid_base col id + table_int->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); + name_to_id.clear(); // map to table_int col id name_to_tm_id.clear(); // map to corresponding time id for (int i=0, iend=col_id_map.size(); icol_data[id]->name.Upper(); - if (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(id)) { - for (int t=0; tcol_data[id]->time_steps; t++) { + wxString name = table_int->GetColName(id).Upper(); + if (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(id)) { + for (int t=0; tGetColTimeSteps(id); t++) { wxString nm = name; - nm << " (" << grid_base->time_ids[t] << ")"; + nm << " (" << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(t) << ")"; name_to_id[nm] = id; name_to_tm_id[nm] = t; m_exclude_list->Append(nm); @@ -153,15 +155,15 @@ void PCPDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) col_ids[i] = pcp_col_ids[i]; var_info[i].time = pcp_col_tm_ids[i]; - var_info[i].name = grid_base->GetColName(col_ids[i]); - var_info[i].is_time_variant = grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col_ids[i]); - grid_base->GetMinMaxVals(col_ids[i], var_info[i].min, var_info[i].max); + var_info[i].name = table_int->GetColName(col_ids[i]); + var_info[i].is_time_variant = table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col_ids[i]); + table_int->GetMinMaxVals(col_ids[i], var_info[i].min, var_info[i].max); var_info[i].sync_with_global_time = var_info[i].is_time_variant; var_info[i].fixed_scale = true; } // Call function to set all Secondary Attributes based on Primary Attributes - GeoDa::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(var_info); - GeoDa::PrintVarInfoVector(var_info); + Gda::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(var_info); + Gda::PrintVarInfoVector(var_info); event.Skip(); EndDialog(wxID_OK); diff --git a/DialogTools/PCPDlg.h b/DialogTools/PCPDlg.h index 6a3a307e0..0debdc620 100644 --- a/DialogTools/PCPDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/PCPDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -26,12 +26,13 @@ #include #include "../GenUtils.h" -class DbfGridTableBase; +class Project; +class TableInterface; class PCPDlg: public wxDialog { public: - PCPDlg(DbfGridTableBase* grid_base, wxWindow* parent, + PCPDlg(Project* project, wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxString& title = "Parallel Coordinate Plot", const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, @@ -71,7 +72,8 @@ class PCPDlg: public wxDialog // 0->2, 1->1, 2->0, 3->5, 4->3, 5->4. Numeric fields only. std::vector col_id_map; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + Project* project; + TableInterface* table_int; DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); }; diff --git a/DialogTools/PermutationCounterDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/PermutationCounterDlg.cpp index e8bf9ada4..71a8b8507 100644 --- a/DialogTools/PermutationCounterDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/PermutationCounterDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/PermutationCounterDlg.h b/DialogTools/PermutationCounterDlg.h index 5fc80e460..088363899 100644 --- a/DialogTools/PermutationCounterDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/PermutationCounterDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/ProgressDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/ProgressDlg.cpp index 0b943502d..8c79120ce 100644 --- a/DialogTools/ProgressDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/ProgressDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/ProgressDlg.h b/DialogTools/ProgressDlg.h index 6d965faf5..1775ae062 100644 --- a/DialogTools/ProgressDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/ProgressDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/ProjectInfoDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/ProjectInfoDlg.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..187ff16e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/ProjectInfoDlg.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include "../DataViewer/DataSource.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../Project.h" +#include "ProjectInfoDlg.h" + +ProjectInfoDlg::ProjectInfoDlg(Project* project) +: wxDialog(0, -1, "Project Information", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(250, 150)) +{ + using namespace std; + wxPanel* panel = new wxPanel(this, -1); + + wxBoxSizer* vbox = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + wxBoxSizer* hbox = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); + + + vector key; + vector val; + key.push_back("Project Title"); + val.push_back(project->GetProjectTitle()); + + key.push_back("Project File"); + wxString pfp = project->GetProjectFullPath(); + if (pfp.IsEmpty()) { + val.push_back("N/A"); + } else { + val.push_back(pfp); + } + + IDataSource* ds = project->GetDataSource(); + + key.push_back("Data Source Type"); + val.push_back(GdaConst::datasrc_type_to_str[ds->GetType()]); + + if (FileDataSource* d = dynamic_cast(ds)) { + key.push_back("Data Source File"); + val.push_back(d->GetFilePath()); + } else if (DBDataSource* d = dynamic_cast(ds)) { + key.push_back("Database Name"); + val.push_back(d->GetDBName()); + key.push_back("Database Host"); + val.push_back(d->GetDBHost()); + key.push_back("Database Port"); + val.push_back(d->GetDBPort()); + key.push_back("Database User"); + val.push_back(d->GetDBUser()); + } else if (WebServiceDataSource* d = + dynamic_cast(ds)) { + key.push_back("Web File Service URL"); + val.push_back(d->GetURL()); + } + + key.push_back("Layer Name"); + wxString layername; + if (ProjectConfiguration* pc = project->GetProjectConf()) { + if (LayerConfiguration* lc = pc->GetLayerConfiguration()) { + layername = lc->GetName(); + } + } + val.push_back(layername); + + TableInterface* table_int = project->GetTableInt(); + key.push_back("Number Records/Observations"); + val.push_back(wxString::Format("%d", table_int->GetNumberRows())); + + int table_cols = table_int->GetNumberCols(); + int grp_cnt = 0; + int fld_cnt = 0; + int plhdr_cnt = 0; + for (int c=0; cIsColTimeVariant(c)) { + ++grp_cnt; + for (int t=0, ts=table_int->GetColTimeSteps(c); tGetColType(c,t) != GdaConst::placeholder_type) { + ++fld_cnt; + } else { + ++plhdr_cnt; + } + } + } else { + ++fld_cnt; + } + } + + key.push_back("Number Data Source Fields"); + val.push_back(wxString::Format("%d", fld_cnt)); + + key.push_back("Number Table Columns"); + val.push_back(wxString::Format("%d", table_cols)); + + key.push_back("Number Table Groups"); + val.push_back(wxString::Format("%d", grp_cnt)); + + const int left_offset = 0; + const int top_offset = 0; + const int line_space = 25; + for (int i=0, sz=key.size(); iAdd(ok_btn, 1, wxLEFT, 15); + + vbox->Add(panel, 1, wxALL, 15); + vbox->Add(hbox, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER | wxALL, 10); + + SetSizer(vbox); + vbox->Fit(this); + + Center(); +} diff --git a/DataViewer/DataViewerApp.h b/DialogTools/ProjectInfoDlg.h similarity index 67% rename from DataViewer/DataViewerApp.h rename to DialogTools/ProjectInfoDlg.h index 353057c13..4f4defb2f 100644 --- a/DataViewer/DataViewerApp.h +++ b/DialogTools/ProjectInfoDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -17,21 +17,16 @@ * along with this program. If not, see . */ -#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_DATA_VIEWER_APP_H__ -#define __GEODA_CENTER_DATA_VIEWER_APP_H__ +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_PROJECT_INFO_DLG_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_PROJECT_INFO_DLG_H__ -#include -#include "DataViewer.h" +#include +class Project; -class FramesManager; - -class DataViewerApp : public wxApp +class ProjectInfoDlg : public wxDialog { public: - virtual bool OnInit(); - FramesManager* frames_manager; + ProjectInfoDlg(Project* project); }; -DECLARE_APP( DataViewerApp ) - #endif diff --git a/DialogTools/RandomizationDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/RandomizationDlg.cpp index 29de7c925..0eaecbde1 100644 --- a/DialogTools/RandomizationDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/RandomizationDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ #include "../ShapeOperations/shp2cnt.h" #include "../GeoDa.h" #include "../TemplateCanvas.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../logger.h" #include "RandomizationDlg.h" @@ -256,8 +256,8 @@ void RandomizationDlg::Draw(wxDC* dc) freq[i] = int(df); } - wxColour color = (count_greater ? GeoDaConst::outliers_colour : - GeoDaConst::textColor); + wxColour color = (count_greater ? GdaConst::outliers_colour : + GdaConst::textColor); for (int i=0; i < thresholdBin; i++) { if (freq[i] > 0) { int xx = Top + Height - freq[i]; @@ -267,8 +267,8 @@ void RandomizationDlg::Draw(wxDC* dc) } } - color = (!count_greater ? GeoDaConst::outliers_colour : - GeoDaConst::textColor); + color = (!count_greater ? GdaConst::outliers_colour : + GdaConst::textColor); for (int i=thresholdBin+1; i < bins; i++) { if (freq[i] > 0) { int xx = Top + Height - freq[i]; @@ -280,10 +280,10 @@ void RandomizationDlg::Draw(wxDC* dc) DrawRectangle(dc, Left + thresholdBin*binX, Top, Left + (thresholdBin+1)*binX, Top+ Height, - GeoDaConst::highlight_color ); + GdaConst::highlight_color ); wxPen drawPen(*wxBLACK_PEN); - drawPen.SetColour(GeoDaConst::textColor); + drawPen.SetColour(GdaConst::textColor); dc->SetPen(drawPen); //dc->DrawLine(Left, Top, Left, Top+Height); // Vertical axis @@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ void RandomizationDlg::Draw(wxDC* dc) nf.SetPointSize(fs); dc->SetFont(nf); - drawPen.SetColour(GeoDaConst::textColor); + drawPen.SetColour(GdaConst::textColor); dc->SetPen(drawPen); double zval = 0; if (MSdev != 0) zval = (Moran-MMean)/MSdev; diff --git a/DialogTools/RandomizationDlg.h b/DialogTools/RandomizationDlg.h index 4c7acf1a1..8997ce664 100644 --- a/DialogTools/RandomizationDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/RandomizationDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/RangeSelectionDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/RangeSelectionDlg.cpp index 9d132107c..c48524e93 100644 --- a/DialogTools/RangeSelectionDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/RangeSelectionDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ */ #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -25,10 +26,13 @@ #include #include #include -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GenUtils.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../Project.h" +#include "../FramesManager.h" #include "../DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableState.h" #include "../logger.h" #include "RangeSelectionDlg.h" @@ -64,29 +68,39 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( RangeSelectionDlg, wxDialog ) END_EVENT_TABLE() -RangeSelectionDlg::RangeSelectionDlg(Project* project_p, wxWindow* parent, +RangeSelectionDlg::RangeSelectionDlg(wxWindow* parent, Project* _project, + FramesManager* _frames_manager, + TableState* _table_state, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos) -: project(project_p), grid_base(project_p->GetGridBase()), +: project(_project), frames_manager(_frames_manager), +table_state(_table_state), table_int(_project->GetTableInt()), current_sel_mcol(wxNOT_FOUND), m_field_choice(0), m_min_text(0), m_field_static_txt(0), m_field2_static_txt(0), m_max_text(0), m_sel_range_button(0), m_sel_undef_button(0), m_invert_sel_button(0), m_random_sel_button(0), m_save_field_choice(0), m_sel_check_box(0), m_sel_val_text(0), m_unsel_check_box(0), m_unsel_val_text(0), -m_apply_save_button(0), m_all_init(false), m_selection_made(false), -is_space_time(project_p->GetGridBase()->IsTimeVariant()) +m_apply_save_button(0), all_init(false), m_selection_made(false) { SetParent(parent); + RefreshColIdMap(); CreateControls(); - m_all_init = true; + all_init = true; SetTitle(title); Centre(); - InitTime(); - FillColIdMap(); - InitField(); - InitSaveField(); - if (m_field_choice_tm) m_field_choice_tm->Disable(); - if (m_save_field_choice_tm) m_save_field_choice_tm->Disable(); + InitSelectionVars(); + InitSaveVars(); + CheckRangeButtonSettings(); + CheckApplySaveSettings(); + + frames_manager->registerObserver(this); + table_state->registerObserver(this); +} + +RangeSelectionDlg::~RangeSelectionDlg() +{ + frames_manager->removeObserver(this); + table_state->removeObserver(this); } void RangeSelectionDlg::CreateControls() @@ -158,124 +172,15 @@ void RangeSelectionDlg::CreateControls() m_apply_save_button->Disable(); } -void RangeSelectionDlg::InitTime() -{ - if (!is_space_time) return; - for (int t=0; ttime_steps; t++) { - wxString tm; - tm << grid_base->time_ids[t]; - m_field_choice_tm->Append(tm); - m_save_field_choice_tm->Append(tm); - } - m_field_choice_tm->SetSelection(0); - m_field_choice_tm->Disable(); - m_save_field_choice_tm->SetSelection(0); - m_save_field_choice_tm->Disable(); -} - -void RangeSelectionDlg::FillColIdMap() -{ - col_id_map.clear(); - grid_base->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); -} - -void RangeSelectionDlg::InitField() -{ - // assumes that FillColIdMap and InitTime has been called previously - InitField(m_field_choice, m_field_choice_tm); -} - -void RangeSelectionDlg::InitSaveField() -{ - // assumes that FillColIdMap and InitTime has been called previously - InitField(m_save_field_choice, m_save_field_choice_tm); -} - -void RangeSelectionDlg::InitField(wxChoice* field, wxChoice* field_tm) -{ - // assumes that FillColIdMap and InitTime has been called previously - field->Clear(); - - for (int i=0, iend=col_id_map.size(); icol_data[col]; - if (field_tm && grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col)) { - wxString t; - int t_sel = field_tm->GetSelection(); - t << " (" << grid_base->time_ids[t_sel] << ")"; - field->Append(cd.name + t); - } else { - field->Append(cd.name); - } - } -} - -void RangeSelectionDlg::CheckRangeButtonSettings() -{ - if (!m_all_init) return; - - int fc = m_field_choice->GetSelection(); - bool valid_field = fc != wxNOT_FOUND; - if (valid_field) { - wxString fn = grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[fc]]->name; - if (grid_base->col_data[col_id_map[fc]]->time_steps > 1) { - wxString t; - t << grid_base->time_ids[m_field_choice_tm->GetSelection()]; - fn << " (" << t << ")"; - } - m_field_static_txt->SetLabelText(fn); - m_field2_static_txt->SetLabelText(fn); - } else { - m_field_static_txt->SetLabelText("choose a variable"); - m_field2_static_txt->SetLabelText("choose a variable"); - } - - /** Check that min and max range text is valid. If not valid, set - text color to red. */ - double val; - wxString min_text = m_min_text->GetValue(); - bool min_valid = min_text.ToDouble(&val); - { - wxTextAttr style(m_min_text->GetDefaultStyle()); - style.SetTextColour(*(min_valid ? wxBLACK : wxRED)); - m_min_text->SetStyle(0, min_text.length(), style); - } - wxString max_text = m_max_text->GetValue(); - bool max_valid = max_text.ToDouble(&val); - { - wxTextAttr style(m_max_text->GetDefaultStyle()); - style.SetTextColour(*(max_valid ? wxBLACK : wxRED)); - m_max_text->SetStyle(0, max_text.length(), style); - } - - m_sel_range_button->Enable(min_valid && max_valid && valid_field); - m_sel_undef_button->Enable(valid_field); -} - void RangeSelectionDlg::OnFieldChoice( wxCommandEvent& event ) { - EnableTimeField(); + InitSelectionVars(); CheckRangeButtonSettings(); } void RangeSelectionDlg::OnFieldChoiceTm( wxCommandEvent& event ) { - if (!is_space_time) return; - - int prev_col = -1; - if (m_field_choice->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND) { - prev_col = col_id_map[m_field_choice->GetSelection()]; - } - - InitField(); - - if (prev_col != -1) { - for (int i=0; iSetSelection(i); - } - } - } + InitSelectionVars(); CheckRangeButtonSettings(); } @@ -287,42 +192,39 @@ void RangeSelectionDlg::OnRangeTextChange( wxCommandEvent& event ) void RangeSelectionDlg::OnSelRangeClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { LOG_MSG("Entering RangeSelectionDlg::OnApplySelClick"); - HighlightState& hs = *project->highlight_state; + HighlightState& hs = *project->GetHighlightState(); std::vector& h = hs.GetHighlight(); std::vector& nh = hs.GetNewlyHighlighted(); std::vector& nuh = hs.GetNewlyUnhighlighted(); int nh_cnt = 0; int nuh_cnt = 0; if (m_field_choice->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND) return; - int mcol = col_id_map[m_field_choice->GetSelection()]; - int f_tm = 0; - if (grid_base->col_data[mcol]->time_steps > 1) { - f_tm = m_field_choice_tm->GetSelection(); - } - DbfColContainer& cd = *grid_base->col_data[mcol]; - LOG(cd.name); + int mcol = GetSelColInt(); + int f_tm = GetSelColTmInt(); + + LOG(table_int->GetColName(mcol)); double min_dval = 0; m_min_text->GetValue().ToDouble(&min_dval); double max_dval = 1; m_max_text->GetValue().ToDouble(&max_dval); std::vector undefined; - cd.GetUndefined(undefined, f_tm); - if (cd.type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { + table_int->GetColUndefined(mcol, f_tm, undefined); + if (table_int->GetColType(mcol) == GdaConst::long64_type) { wxInt64 min_ival = ceil(min_dval); wxInt64 max_ival = floor(max_dval); std::vector vec; - cd.GetVec(vec, f_tm); - for (int i=0, iend=grid_base->GetNumberRows(); iGetColData(mcol, f_tm, vec); + for (int i=0, iend=table_int->GetNumberRows(); iGetColType(mcol) == GdaConst::double_type) { std::vector vec; - cd.GetVec(vec, f_tm); - for (int i=0, iend=grid_base->GetNumberRows(); iGetColData(mcol, f_tm, vec); + for (int i=0, iend=table_int->GetNumberRows(); ihighlight_state; + HighlightState& hs = *project->GetHighlightState(); hs.SetEventType(HighlightState::unhighlight_all); hs.notifyObservers(); @@ -360,14 +262,11 @@ void RangeSelectionDlg::OnSelUndefClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) int nh_cnt = 0; int nuh_cnt = 0; if (m_field_choice->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND) return; - int mcol = col_id_map[m_field_choice->GetSelection()]; - int f_tm = 0; - if (grid_base->col_data[mcol]->time_steps > 1) { - f_tm = m_field_choice_tm->GetSelection(); - } - DbfColContainer& cd = *grid_base->col_data[mcol]; + int mcol = GetSelColInt(); + int f_tm = GetSelColTmInt(); + std::vector undefined; - cd.GetUndefined(undefined, f_tm); + table_int->GetColUndefined(mcol, f_tm, undefined); for (int i=0, iend=h.size(); i X(rng); - HighlightState& hs = *project->highlight_state; + HighlightState& hs = *project->GetHighlightState(); std::vector& h = hs.GetHighlight(); std::vector& nh = hs.GetNewlyHighlighted(); std::vector& nuh = hs.GetNewlyUnhighlighted(); @@ -413,7 +312,7 @@ void RangeSelectionDlg::OnRandomSelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) void RangeSelectionDlg::OnInvertSelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { - HighlightState& hs = *project->highlight_state; + HighlightState& hs = *project->GetHighlightState(); hs.SetEventType(HighlightState::invert); hs.notifyObservers(); m_selection_made = true; @@ -421,63 +320,33 @@ void RangeSelectionDlg::OnInvertSelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) } void RangeSelectionDlg::OnAddField( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - int prev_field_col = -1; - if (m_field_choice->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND) { - prev_field_col = col_id_map[m_field_choice->GetSelection()]; - } - - DataViewerAddColDlg dlg(grid_base, this, false, true, "SELECT"); +{ + DataViewerAddColDlg dlg(project, this, false, true, "SELECT"); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; int col = dlg.GetColId(); - if (grid_base->GetColType(col) != GeoDaConst::long64_type && - grid_base->GetColType(col) != GeoDaConst::double_type) return; - - FillColIdMap(); - InitField(); - InitSaveField(); - - for (int i=0; iSetSelection(i); - } - } + if (table_int->GetColType(col) != GdaConst::long64_type && + table_int->GetColType(col) != GdaConst::double_type) return; + + // DataViewerAddColDlg will result in TableState::notify being + // called upon success, which means RangeSelectionDlg::update + // will have been called by this execution point. - for (int i=0; iSetSelection(i); - } - } + int sel = m_save_field_choice->FindString(table_int->GetColName(col)); + if (sel != wxNOT_FOUND) m_save_field_choice->SetSelection(sel); - EnableTimeField(); - EnableTimeSaveField(); + InitSaveVars(); // call again in case selection changed CheckApplySaveSettings(); } void RangeSelectionDlg::OnSaveFieldChoice( wxCommandEvent& event ) { - EnableTimeSaveField(); + InitSaveVars(); CheckApplySaveSettings(); } void RangeSelectionDlg::OnSaveFieldChoiceTm( wxCommandEvent& event ) { - if (!is_space_time) return; - - int prev_col = -1; - if (m_save_field_choice->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND) { - prev_col = col_id_map[m_save_field_choice->GetSelection()]; - } - - InitSaveField(); - - if (prev_col != -1) { - for (int i=0; iSetSelection(i); - } - } - } + InitSaveVars(); CheckApplySaveSettings(); } @@ -496,70 +365,19 @@ void RangeSelectionDlg::OnSelUnselTextChange( wxCommandEvent& event ) CheckApplySaveSettings(); } -void RangeSelectionDlg::EnableTimeField() -{ - if (!is_space_time) return; - if (m_field_choice->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND) { - m_field_choice_tm->Disable(); - return; - } - int col = col_id_map[m_field_choice->GetSelection()]; - m_field_choice_tm->Enable(grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col)); -} - -void RangeSelectionDlg::EnableTimeSaveField() -{ - if (!is_space_time) return; - if (m_save_field_choice->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND) { - m_save_field_choice_tm->Disable(); - return; - } - int col = col_id_map[m_save_field_choice->GetSelection()]; - m_save_field_choice_tm->Enable(grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col)); -} - -void RangeSelectionDlg::CheckApplySaveSettings() +void RangeSelectionDlg::OnApplySaveClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { - if (!m_all_init) return; - - bool target_field_empty = m_save_field_choice->GetSelection()==wxNOT_FOUND; + // The Apply button is only enable when Selected / Unselected values + // are valid (only when checked), and at least one checkbox is + // selected. The Target Variable is not empty, but has not been + // checked for validity. - // Check that m_sel_val_text and m_unsel_val_text is valid. - // If not valid, set text color to red. - double val; - wxString sel_text = m_sel_val_text->GetValue(); - bool sel_valid = sel_text.ToDouble(&val); - { - wxTextAttr style(m_sel_val_text->GetDefaultStyle()); - style.SetTextColour(*(sel_valid ? wxBLACK : wxRED)); - m_sel_val_text->SetStyle(0, sel_text.length(), style); - } - wxString unsel_text = m_unsel_val_text->GetValue(); - bool unsel_valid = unsel_text.ToDouble(&val); - { - wxTextAttr style(m_unsel_val_text->GetDefaultStyle()); - style.SetTextColour(*(unsel_valid ? wxBLACK : wxRED)); - m_unsel_val_text->SetStyle(0, unsel_text.length(), style); - } + int write_col = GetSaveColInt(); - bool sel_checked = m_sel_check_box->GetValue() == 1; - bool unsel_checked = m_unsel_check_box->GetValue() == 1; + TableState* ts = project->GetTableState(); + wxString grp_nm = table_int->GetColName(write_col); + if (!GenUtils::CanModifyGrpAndShowMsgIfNot(ts, grp_nm)) return; - m_apply_save_button->Enable(!target_field_empty && - (sel_checked || unsel_checked) && - ((sel_checked && sel_valid) || !sel_checked) && - ((unsel_checked && unsel_valid) || - !unsel_checked) && m_selection_made); -} - -/** The Apply button is only enable when Selected / Unselected values - are valid (only when checked), and at least one checkbox is - selected. The Target Variable is not empty, but has not been - checked for validity. */ -void RangeSelectionDlg::OnApplySaveClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - int write_col = col_id_map[m_save_field_choice->GetSelection()]; - bool sel_checked = m_sel_check_box->GetValue() == 1; bool unsel_checked = m_unsel_check_box->GetValue() == 1; @@ -576,24 +394,19 @@ void RangeSelectionDlg::OnApplySaveClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) unsel_c_str.ToDouble(&unsel_c); } - int sf_tm = 0; - if (grid_base->col_data[write_col]->time_steps > 1 && - m_save_field_choice_tm) { - sf_tm = m_save_field_choice_tm->GetSelection(); - } + int sf_tm = GetSaveColTmInt(); - std::vector& h = project->highlight_state->GetHighlight(); + std::vector& h = project->GetHighlightState()->GetHighlight(); // write_col now refers to a valid field in grid base, so write out // results to that field. int obs = h.size(); - DbfColContainer& cd = *grid_base->col_data[write_col]; std::vector undefined; - if (cd.type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { + if (table_int->GetColType(write_col) == GdaConst::long64_type) { wxInt64 sel_c_i = sel_c; wxInt64 unsel_c_i = unsel_c; - std::vector t(grid_base->GetNumberRows()); - cd.GetVec(t, sf_tm); - cd.GetUndefined(undefined, sf_tm); + std::vector t(table_int->GetNumberRows()); + table_int->GetColData(write_col, sf_tm, t); + table_int->GetColUndefined(write_col, sf_tm, undefined); if (sel_checked) { for (int i=0; i t(grid_base->GetNumberRows()); - cd.GetVec(t, sf_tm); - cd.GetUndefined(undefined, sf_tm); + table_int->SetColData(write_col, sf_tm, t); + table_int->SetColUndefined(write_col, sf_tm, undefined); + } else if (table_int->GetColType(write_col) == GdaConst::double_type) { + std::vector t(table_int->GetNumberRows()); + table_int->GetColData(write_col, sf_tm, t); + table_int->GetColUndefined(write_col, sf_tm, undefined); if (sel_checked) { for (int i=0; iSetColData(write_col, sf_tm, t); + table_int->SetColUndefined(write_col, sf_tm, undefined); } else { wxString msg = "Chosen field is not a numeric type. This is likely "; msg << "a bug. Please report this."; @@ -642,7 +455,6 @@ void RangeSelectionDlg::OnApplySaveClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) return; } - if (grid_base->GetView()) grid_base->GetView()->Refresh(); wxString msg = "Values assigned to target field successfully."; wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Success", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION ); dlg.ShowModal(); @@ -653,3 +465,192 @@ void RangeSelectionDlg::OnCloseClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) event.Skip(); EndDialog(wxID_CLOSE); } + +void RangeSelectionDlg::update(FramesManager* o) +{ +} + +void RangeSelectionDlg::update(TableState* o) +{ + LOG_MSG("In RangeSelectionDlg::update(TableState* o)"); + RefreshColIdMap(); + InitSelectionVars(); + InitSaveVars(); + CheckRangeButtonSettings(); + CheckApplySaveSettings(); + Refresh(); +} + +void RangeSelectionDlg::RefreshColIdMap() +{ + col_id_map.clear(); + table_int->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); +} + +void RangeSelectionDlg::InitSelectionVars() +{ + InitVars(m_field_choice, m_field_choice_tm); +} + +void RangeSelectionDlg::InitSaveVars() +{ + InitVars(m_save_field_choice, m_save_field_choice_tm); +} + +void RangeSelectionDlg::InitVars(wxChoice* field, wxChoice* field_tm) +{ + if (!field || !field_tm) return; + + // save original field_choice selection + wxString cur_str_sel = field->GetStringSelection(); + + // clear field_choice selection and repopulate + field->Clear(); + for (int i=0, iend=col_id_map.size(); iAppend(table_int->GetColName(col)); + } + + // reselect original selection if possible + field->SetSelection(field->FindString(cur_str_sel)); + + // save original field_choice time selection + wxString cur_str_tm_sel = field_tm->GetStringSelection(); + + // clear field_choice_tm selection and repopulate if currently + // a valid field_choice selection + // reselect original field_choice_tm selection if possible. If not + // possible, and if time variant, select the first item on the + // list. + field_tm->Clear(); + bool is_time_variant = false; + if (field->FindString(cur_str_sel) != wxNOT_FOUND) { + int col = table_int->FindColId(cur_str_sel); + if (col != -1 && table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col)) { + is_time_variant = true; + std::vector tm_strs; + table_int->GetColNonPlaceholderTmStrs(col, tm_strs); + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& s, tm_strs) field_tm->Append(s); + int sel = field_tm->FindString(cur_str_tm_sel); + if (sel != wxNOT_FOUND) { + field_tm->SetSelection(sel); + } else { + field_tm->SetSelection(0); + } + } + } + + // enable/disable time selection according to time variance + field_tm->Enable(is_time_variant); +} + +bool RangeSelectionDlg::IsTimeVariant() +{ + return table_int->IsTimeVariant(); +} + +void RangeSelectionDlg::CheckRangeButtonSettings() +{ + if (!all_init) return; + + int fc = m_field_choice->GetSelection(); + bool valid_field = fc != wxNOT_FOUND; + if (valid_field) { + wxString fn; + fn = m_field_choice->GetStringSelection(); + wxString tm_str = m_field_choice_tm->GetStringSelection(); + if (!tm_str.IsEmpty()) { + fn << " (" << tm_str << ")"; + } + m_field_static_txt->SetLabelText(fn); + m_field2_static_txt->SetLabelText(fn); + } else { + m_field_static_txt->SetLabelText("choose a variable"); + m_field2_static_txt->SetLabelText("choose a variable"); + } + + /** Check that min and max range text is valid. If not valid, set + text color to red. */ + double val; + wxString min_text = m_min_text->GetValue(); + bool min_valid = min_text.ToDouble(&val); + { + wxTextAttr style(m_min_text->GetDefaultStyle()); + style.SetTextColour(*(min_valid ? wxBLACK : wxRED)); + m_min_text->SetStyle(0, min_text.length(), style); + } + wxString max_text = m_max_text->GetValue(); + bool max_valid = max_text.ToDouble(&val); + { + wxTextAttr style(m_max_text->GetDefaultStyle()); + style.SetTextColour(*(max_valid ? wxBLACK : wxRED)); + m_max_text->SetStyle(0, max_text.length(), style); + } + + m_sel_range_button->Enable(min_valid && max_valid && valid_field); + m_sel_undef_button->Enable(valid_field); +} + +void RangeSelectionDlg::CheckApplySaveSettings() +{ + if (!all_init) return; + + bool target_field_empty = m_save_field_choice->GetSelection()==wxNOT_FOUND; + + // Check that m_sel_val_text and m_unsel_val_text is valid. + // If not valid, set text color to red. + double val; + wxString sel_text = m_sel_val_text->GetValue(); + bool sel_valid = sel_text.ToDouble(&val); + { + wxTextAttr style(m_sel_val_text->GetDefaultStyle()); + style.SetTextColour(*(sel_valid ? wxBLACK : wxRED)); + m_sel_val_text->SetStyle(0, sel_text.length(), style); + } + wxString unsel_text = m_unsel_val_text->GetValue(); + bool unsel_valid = unsel_text.ToDouble(&val); + { + wxTextAttr style(m_unsel_val_text->GetDefaultStyle()); + style.SetTextColour(*(unsel_valid ? wxBLACK : wxRED)); + m_unsel_val_text->SetStyle(0, unsel_text.length(), style); + } + + bool sel_checked = m_sel_check_box->GetValue() == 1; + bool unsel_checked = m_unsel_check_box->GetValue() == 1; + + m_apply_save_button->Enable(!target_field_empty && + (sel_checked || unsel_checked) && + ((sel_checked && sel_valid) || !sel_checked) && + ((unsel_checked && unsel_valid) || + !unsel_checked) && m_selection_made); +} + +int RangeSelectionDlg::GetSelColInt() +{ + if (!m_field_choice) return -1; + wxString str = m_field_choice->GetStringSelection(); + return table_int->FindColId(str); +} + +int RangeSelectionDlg::GetSelColTmInt() +{ + if (!m_field_choice_tm) return 0; + wxString str = m_field_choice_tm->GetStringSelection(); + int tm_int = table_int->GetTimeInt(str); + return (tm_int < 0 ? 0 : tm_int); +} + +int RangeSelectionDlg::GetSaveColInt() +{ + if (!m_save_field_choice) return -1; + wxString str = m_save_field_choice->GetStringSelection(); + return table_int->FindColId(str); +} + +int RangeSelectionDlg::GetSaveColTmInt() +{ + if (!m_save_field_choice_tm) return 0; + wxString str = m_save_field_choice_tm->GetStringSelection(); + int tm_int = table_int->GetTimeInt(str); + return (tm_int < 0 ? 0 : tm_int); +} diff --git a/DialogTools/RangeSelectionDlg.h b/DialogTools/RangeSelectionDlg.h index 48a9808d9..e86e0555a 100644 --- a/DialogTools/RangeSelectionDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/RangeSelectionDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -27,17 +27,26 @@ #include #include #include +#include "../FramesManagerObserver.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableStateObserver.h" +class FramesManager; +class TableState; class Project; -class DbfGridTableBase; +class TableInterface; -class RangeSelectionDlg: public wxDialog +class RangeSelectionDlg: public wxDialog, public FramesManagerObserver, +public TableStateObserver { public: - RangeSelectionDlg( Project* project, wxWindow* parent, - const wxString& title = "Selection Dialog", - const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition ); + RangeSelectionDlg( wxWindow* parent, Project* project, + FramesManager* frames_manager, TableState* table_state, + const wxString& title = "Selection Tool", + const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition ); + virtual ~RangeSelectionDlg(); + /** Load XML resources and initialize local-variable widget pointers. + Initialize widgets with defaults. */ void CreateControls(); void OnFieldChoice( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnFieldChoiceTm( wxCommandEvent& event ); @@ -55,6 +64,47 @@ class RangeSelectionDlg: public wxDialog void OnApplySaveClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnCloseClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); + /** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ + virtual void update(FramesManager* o); + /** Implementation of TableStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TableState* o); + virtual bool AllowTimelineChanges() { return true; } + virtual bool AllowGroupModify(const wxString& grp_nm) { return true; } + virtual bool AllowObservationAddDelete() { return true; } + +private: + /** Should only be called by update and constructor. */ + void RefreshColIdMap(); + /** Refresh selection vars list and associated time list, + enabling widgets as needed. */ + + void InitSelectionVars(); + /** Refresh save vars list and associated time list, + enabling widgets as needed. */ + void InitSaveVars(); + /** Generic helper method called only by InitSelectionVars + and InitSaveVars */ + void InitVars(wxChoice* field, wxChoice* field_tm); + /** Is Table currently time variant */ + + bool IsTimeVariant(); + + /** If Variable choice is valid, enable select all in range and + undefined buttons. Also update text to current variable choice. */ + void CheckRangeButtonSettings(); + /** Check that everything is ok to enable the Apply button and + enable/disable as needed. */ + void CheckApplySaveSettings(); + + /** Get the current selection variable col id. -1 if not found */ + int GetSelColInt(); + /** Get the current selection variable time id. 0 by default */ + int GetSelColTmInt(); + /** Get the current save variable col id. -1 if not found */ + int GetSaveColInt(); + /** Get the current save variable time id. 0 by default */ + int GetSaveColTmInt(); + wxChoice* m_field_choice; wxChoice* m_field_choice_tm; wxTextCtrl* m_min_text; @@ -74,26 +124,16 @@ class RangeSelectionDlg: public wxDialog wxButton* m_apply_save_button; bool m_selection_made; // true once a selection has been made - bool m_all_init; - bool is_space_time; - void CheckRangeButtonSettings(); - void CheckApplySaveSettings(); - void EnableTimeField(); - void EnableTimeSaveField(); - -private: - void FillColIdMap(); - void InitField(); - void InitSaveField(); - void InitField(wxChoice* field, wxChoice* field_tm); - void InitTime(); - + bool all_init; + // col_id_map[i] is a map from the i'th item in the fields drop-down // to the actual col_id_map. Items in the fields dropdown are in the // order displayed in wxGrid std::vector col_id_map; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + TableInterface* table_int; Project* project; + FramesManager* frames_manager; + TableState* table_state; // The last mapped col_id for which selection was applied. // This value is used for the save results apply funciton. int current_sel_mcol; diff --git a/DialogTools/RegressionDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/RegressionDlg.cpp index 86fb7e881..96fa384a4 100644 --- a/DialogTools/RegressionDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/RegressionDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ */ #include +#include +#include #include #include #include @@ -32,7 +34,8 @@ #include "ProgressDlg.h" #include "SaveToTableDlg.h" #include "SelectWeightDlg.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableState.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/DbfFile.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/WeightsManager.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/GeodaWeight.h" @@ -45,26 +48,11 @@ #include "../Regression/smile.h" #include "RegressionDlg.h" -void Compute_MoranI(const GalElement* g, double *resid, int dim, double* rst); -void Compute_RSLmError(const GalElement* g, double *resid, int dim, - double* rst); -void Compute_RSLmErrorRobust(const GalElement* g, double** cov, DenseVector y, - DenseVector *x, DenseVector ols, double *resid, - int dim, int expl, double* rst); -void Compute_RSLmLag(const GalElement* g, double** cov, DenseVector y, - DenseVector *x, DenseVector ols, double *resid, - int dim, int expl, double* rst); -void Compute_RSLmLagRobust(const GalElement* g, double** cov, DenseVector y, - DenseVector *x, DenseVector ols, double *resid, - int dim, int expl, double* rst); -void Compute_RSLmSarma(const GalElement* g, double** cov, DenseVector y, - DenseVector *x, DenseVector ols, double *resid, - int dim, int expl, double* rst); - bool classicalRegression(const GalElement *g, int num_obs, double * Y, int dim, double ** X, int expl, DiagnosticReport *dr, bool InclConstant, - bool m_moranz, wxGauge* gauge = 0); + bool m_moranz, wxGauge* gauge, + bool do_white_test); bool spatialLagRegression(const GalElement *g, int num_obs, double * Y, int dim, double ** X, int deps, DiagnosticReport *dr, @@ -88,8 +76,6 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( RegressionDlg, wxDialog ) EVT_CHECKBOX( XRCID("ID_PRED_VAL_CB"), RegressionDlg::OnPredValCbClick ) EVT_CHECKBOX( XRCID("ID_COEF_VAR_MATRIX_CB"), RegressionDlg::OnCoefVarMatrixCbClick ) - EVT_CHECKBOX( XRCID("ID_MORAN_Z_VAL_CB"), - RegressionDlg::OnMoranZValCbClick ) EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("IDC_BUTTON1"), RegressionDlg::OnCButton1Click ) EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("IDC_BUTTON2"), RegressionDlg::OnCButton2Click ) EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("IDC_RESET"), RegressionDlg::OnCResetClick ) @@ -116,14 +102,15 @@ RegressionDlg::RegressionDlg(Project* project_s, wxWindow* parent, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) : project(project_s), frames_manager(project_s->GetFramesManager()), +table_state(project_s->GetTableState()), w_manager(project_s->GetWManager()), -grid_base(project_s->GetGridBase()) +table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()) { Create(parent, id, caption, pos, size, style); m_choice->Clear(); for (int i=0; iGetNumWeights(); i++) { - m_choice->Append(w_manager->GetWFilename(i)); + m_choice->Append(w_manager->GetWTitle(i)); } if (w_manager->GetCurrWeightInd() != -1) { m_choice->SetSelection(w_manager->GetCurrWeightInd()); @@ -135,24 +122,25 @@ grid_base(project_s->GetGridBase()) nVarName = 0; m_Run = false; m_OpenDump = false; - m_moranz= m_output1 = m_output2 = false; + m_output1 = m_output2 = false; b_done1 = b_done2 = b_done3 = false; m_nCount = 0; m_output1 = false; m_output2 = false; - m_moranz = false; m_title = title; InitVariableList(); frames_manager->registerObserver(this); + table_state->registerObserver(this); } RegressionDlg::~RegressionDlg() { LOG_MSG("Entering RegressionDlg::~RegressionDlg"); frames_manager->removeObserver(this); + table_state->removeObserver(this); LOG_MSG("Exiting RegressionDlg::~RegressionDlg"); } @@ -172,6 +160,7 @@ bool RegressionDlg::Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, m_radio3 = NULL; m_gauge = NULL; m_gauge_text = NULL; + m_white_test_cb = NULL; SetParent(parent); CreateControls(); @@ -199,7 +188,8 @@ void RegressionDlg::CreateControls() m_pred_val_cb = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_PRED_VAL_CB", wxCheckBox); m_coef_var_matrix_cb = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_COEF_VAR_MATRIX_CB", wxCheckBox); - m_moran_z_val_cb = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_MORAN_Z_VAL_CB", wxCheckBox); + m_white_test_cb = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_WHITE_TEST_CB", wxCheckBox); + m_white_test_cb->SetValue(false); m_gauge = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_GAUGE", wxGauge); m_gauge->SetRange(200); @@ -293,6 +283,7 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnRunClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) // Y and X's data //wxString st; m_independentlist->SetSelection(0); + m_independentlist->SetFirstItem(m_independentlist->GetSelection()); const unsigned int sz = m_independentlist->GetCount(); LOG(sz); @@ -310,7 +301,7 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnRunClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) std::vector vec(m_obs); for (i=0; i < m_independentlist->GetCount(); i++) { wxString nm = name_to_nm[m_independentlist->GetString(i)]; - int col = grid_base->FindColId(nm); + int col = table_int->FindColId(nm); if (col == wxNOT_FOUND) { wxString err_msg; err_msg << "Variable " << nm << " is no longer "; @@ -321,10 +312,10 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnRunClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) return; } int tm = name_to_tm_id[m_independentlist->GetString(i)]; - grid_base->col_data[col]->GetVec(vec, tm); + table_int->GetColData(col, tm, vec); for (int j=0; jFindColId(name_to_nm[m_Yname]); + int y_col_id = table_int->FindColId(name_to_nm[m_Yname]); if (y_col_id == wxNOT_FOUND) { wxString err_msg; err_msg << "Variable " << name_to_nm[m_Yname]; @@ -334,7 +325,7 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnRunClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) dlg.ShowModal(); return; } - grid_base->col_data[y_col_id]->GetVec(vec, name_to_tm_id[m_Yname]); + table_int->GetColData(y_col_id, name_to_tm_id[m_Yname], vec); for (int j=0; jGetValue(); + if (m_WeightCheck) { const int op = m_choice->GetSelection(); GeoDaWeight* w = w_manager->GetWeight(op); @@ -374,7 +366,8 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnRunClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) if (gal_weight && !classicalRegression(gal_weight, m_obs, y, n, x, nX, &m_DR, - m_constant_term, m_moranz, m_gauge)) { + m_constant_term, true, m_gauge, + do_white_test)) { wxMessageBox("Error: the inverse matrix is ill-conditioned"); m_OpenDump = false; OnCResetClick(event); @@ -382,9 +375,9 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnRunClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) return; } else { m_resid1= m_DR.GetResidual(); - printAndShowClassicalResults(grid_base->GetDbfNameNoExt(), + printAndShowClassicalResults(table_int->GetTableName(), fname, &m_DR, - n, nX); + n, nX, do_white_test); m_yhat1 = m_DR.GetYHAT(); m_OpenDump = true; m_Run = true; @@ -430,7 +423,7 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnRunClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) UpdateMessageBox(""); return; } else { - printAndShowLagResults(grid_base->GetDbfNameNoExt(), + printAndShowLagResults(table_int->GetTableName(), fname, &m_DR, n, nX); m_yhat2 = m_DR.GetYHAT(); m_resid2= m_DR.GetResidual(); @@ -478,7 +471,7 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnRunClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) UpdateMessageBox(""); return; } else { - printAndShowErrorResults(grid_base->GetDbfNameNoExt(), + printAndShowErrorResults(table_int->GetTableName(), fname, &m_DR, n, nX); m_yhat3 = m_DR.GetYHAT(); m_resid3= m_DR.GetResidual(); @@ -503,15 +496,17 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnRunClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) m_DR.SetSDevY(ComputeSdev(y, n)); if (!classicalRegression((GalElement*)NULL, m_obs, y, n, x, nX, &m_DR, - m_constant_term, false, m_gauge)) { + m_constant_term, false, m_gauge, + do_white_test)) { wxMessageBox("Error: the inverse matrix is ill-conditioned."); m_OpenDump = false; OnCResetClick(event); UpdateMessageBox(""); return; } else { - printAndShowClassicalResults(grid_base->GetDbfNameNoExt(), - wxEmptyString, &m_DR, n, nX); + printAndShowClassicalResults(table_int->GetTableName(), + wxEmptyString, &m_DR, n, nX, + do_white_test); m_yhat1 = m_DR.GetYHAT(); m_resid1= m_DR.GetResidual(); m_OpenDump = true; @@ -521,8 +516,12 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnRunClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) m_DR.release_Var(); } + if (m_OpenDump) { + GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->DisplayRegression(logReport); + } + EnablingItems(); - FindWindow(XRCID("ID_RUN"))->Enable(false); + //FindWindow(XRCID("ID_RUN"))->Enable(false); UpdateMessageBox("done"); LOG_MSG("Exiting RegressionDlg::OnRunClick"); @@ -531,7 +530,7 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnRunClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) void RegressionDlg::OnViewResultsClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { if (m_OpenDump) { - MyFrame::theFrame->DisplayRegression(logReport); + GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->DisplayRegression(logReport); } } @@ -543,7 +542,6 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnSaveToTxtFileClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) wxEmptyString, "TXT files (*.txt)|*.txt", wxFD_SAVE ); - dlg.SetPath(project->GetMainDir()); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; wxFileName new_txt_fname(dlg.GetPath()); @@ -613,6 +611,7 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnCButton1Click( wxCommandEvent& event ) b_done1 = b_done2 = b_done3 = false; m_nCount = 0; m_varlist->SetSelection(0); + m_varlist->SetFirstItem(m_varlist->GetSelection()); } } lastSelection = 2; @@ -630,6 +629,7 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnCButton2Click( wxCommandEvent& event ) cur_sel = m_varlist->GetCount()-1; } m_varlist->SetSelection(cur_sel); + m_varlist->SetFirstItem(m_varlist->GetSelection()); b_done1 = b_done2 = b_done3 = false; m_nCount = 0; } @@ -649,6 +649,10 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnCResetClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) m_nCount = 0; RegressModel = 1; + m_white_test_cb->SetValue(false); + m_white_test_cb->Enable(true); + + m_gauge->SetValue(0); m_dependent->SetValue(wxEmptyString); InitVariableList(); @@ -665,6 +669,7 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnCButton3Click( wxCommandEvent& event ) cur_sel = m_independentlist->GetCount()-1; } m_independentlist->SetSelection(cur_sel); + m_independentlist->SetFirstItem(m_independentlist->GetSelection()); m_nCount = 0; b_done1 = b_done2 = b_done3 = false; } @@ -703,11 +708,11 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnCButton5Click( wxCommandEvent& event ) void RegressionDlg::OnCSaveRegressionClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { LOG_MSG("Entering RegressionDlg::OnCSaveRegressionClick"); - if (!grid_base) return; - int n_obs = grid_base->GetNumberRows(); + if (!table_int) return; + int n_obs = table_int->GetNumberRows(); - std::vector yhat(grid_base->GetNumberRows()); - std::vector resid(grid_base->GetNumberRows()); + std::vector yhat(table_int->GetNumberRows()); + std::vector resid(table_int->GetNumberRows()); std::vector prederr(RegressModel > 1 ? n_obs : 0); std::vector data(RegressModel > 1 ? 3 : 2); @@ -737,26 +742,26 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnCSaveRegressionClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) data[0].d_val = &yhat; data[0].label = "Predicted Value"; data[0].field_default = pre + "PREDIC"; - data[0].type = GeoDaConst::double_type; + data[0].type = GdaConst::double_type; data[1].d_val = &resid; data[1].label = "Residual"; data[1].field_default = pre + "RESIDU"; - data[1].type = GeoDaConst::double_type; + data[1].type = GdaConst::double_type; if (RegressModel > 1) { data[2].d_val = &prederr; data[2].label = "Prediction Error"; data[2].field_default = pre + "PRDERR"; - data[2].type = GeoDaConst::double_type; + data[2].type = GdaConst::double_type; } - SaveToTableDlg dlg(grid_base, this, data, + SaveToTableDlg dlg(project, this, data, "Save Regression Results", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(400,400)); dlg.ShowModal(); - if (grid_base->GetView()) grid_base->GetView()->Refresh(); + if (project->FindTableGrid()) project->FindTableGrid()->Refresh(); LOG_MSG("Exiting RegressionDlg::OnCSaveRegressionClick"); } @@ -766,7 +771,6 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnCloseClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) event.Skip(); EndDialog(wxID_CLOSE); Destroy(); - project->regression_dlg = 0; LOG_MSG("Entering RegressionDlg::OnCloseClick"); } @@ -774,7 +778,6 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event) { LOG_MSG("Entering RegressionDlg::OnClose"); Destroy(); - project->regression_dlg = 0; LOG_MSG("Exiting RegressionDlg::OnClose"); } @@ -784,7 +787,7 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnCOpenWeightClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) if (dlg.ShowModal()!= wxID_OK) return; m_choice->Clear(); for (int i=0; iGetNumWeights(); i++) { - m_choice->Append(w_manager->GetWFilename(i)); + m_choice->Append(w_manager->GetWTitle(i)); } if (w_manager->GetCurrWeightInd() >=0 ) { m_choice->SetSelection(w_manager->GetCurrWeightInd()); @@ -827,16 +830,17 @@ void RegressionDlg::InitVariableList() lists = NULL; listb = NULL; - grid_base->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); - name_to_nm.clear(); // map to grid_base col id + std::vector col_id_map; + table_int->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); + name_to_nm.clear(); // map to table_int col id name_to_tm_id.clear(); // map to corresponding time id for (int i=0, iend=col_id_map.size(); icol_data[id]->name.Upper(); - if (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(id)) { - for (int t=0; tcol_data[id]->time_steps; t++) { + wxString name = table_int->GetColName(id); + if (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(id)) { + for (int t=0; tGetColTimeSteps(id); t++) { wxString nm = name; - nm << " (" << grid_base->time_ids[t] << ")"; + nm << " (" << table_int->GetTimeString(t) << ")"; name_to_nm[nm] = name; name_to_tm_id[nm] = t; m_varlist->Append(nm); @@ -851,6 +855,7 @@ void RegressionDlg::InitVariableList() y = NULL; x = NULL; m_varlist->SetSelection(0); + m_varlist->SetFirstItem(m_varlist->GetSelection()); EnablingItems(); } @@ -880,7 +885,7 @@ void RegressionDlg::EnablingItems() //Option to not use include constant removed. //FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_CHECK_CONSTANT"))->Enable(m_Run1); //FindWindow(XRCID("ID_STANDARDIZE"))->Enable(m_Run1); - FindWindow(XRCID("ID_VIEW_RESULTS"))->Enable(!logReport.IsEmpty()); + //FindWindow(XRCID("ID_VIEW_RESULTS"))->Enable(!logReport.IsEmpty()); FindWindow(XRCID("ID_SAVE_TO_TXT_FILE"))->Enable(!logReport.IsEmpty()); FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_SAVE_REGRESSION"))->Enable(m_Run); FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_RADIO1"))->Enable(m_Run1); @@ -912,255 +917,262 @@ void RegressionDlg::SetXVariableNames(DiagnosticReport *dr) void RegressionDlg::printAndShowClassicalResults(const wxString& datasetname, const wxString& wname, DiagnosticReport *r, - int Obs, int nX) + int Obs, int nX, + bool do_white_test) { + LOG_MSG("Entering RegressionDlg::printAndShowClassicalResults"); wxString f; // temporary formatting string wxString slog; - - slog << "SUMMARY OF OUTPUT: ORDINARY LEAST SQUARES ESTIMATION\n"; - slog << "Data set : " << datasetname << "\n"; + + logReport = wxEmptyString; // reset log report + int cnt = 0; + + slog << "SUMMARY OF OUTPUT: ORDINARY LEAST SQUARES ESTIMATION\n"; cnt++; + slog << "Data set : " << datasetname << "\n"; cnt++; slog << "Dependent Variable :"; slog << GenUtils::Pad(m_dependent->GetValue(), 12); - slog << " Number of Observations:" << wxString::Format("%5d\n",Obs); + slog << " Number of Observations:" << wxString::Format("%5d\n",Obs); cnt++; f = "Mean dependent var :%12.6g Number of Variables :%5d\n"; - slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetMeanY(), nX); + slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetMeanY(), nX); cnt++; f = "S.D. dependent var :%12.6g Degrees of Freedom :%5d \n"; - slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetSDevY(), Obs-nX); - slog << "\n"; + slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetSDevY(), Obs-nX); cnt++; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; - f = "R-squared :%12.6f F-statistic :%12.6g\n"; + f = "R-squared :%12.6f F-statistic :%12.6g\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetR2(), r->GetFtest()); - f = "Adjusted R-squared :%12.6f Prob(F-statistic) :%12.6g\n"; + f = "Adjusted R-squared :%12.6f Prob(F-statistic) :%12.6g\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetR2_adjust(), r->GetFtestProb()); - f = "Sum squared residual:%12.6g Log likelihood :%12.6g\n"; + f = "Sum squared residual:%12.6g Log likelihood :%12.6g\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetRSS() ,r->GetLIK()); - f = "Sigma-square :%12.6g Akaike info criterion :%12.6g\n"; + f = "Sigma-square :%12.6g Akaike info criterion :%12.6g\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetSIQ_SQ(), r->GetAIC()); - f = "S.E. of regression :%12.6g Schwarz criterion :%12.6g\n"; + f = "S.E. of regression :%12.6g Schwarz criterion :%12.6g\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, sqrt(r->GetSIQ_SQ()), r->GetOLS_SC()); - f = "Sigma-square ML :%12.6g\n"; + f = "Sigma-square ML :%12.6g\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetSIQ_SQLM()); - f = "S.E of regression ML:%12.6g\n\n"; + f = "S.E of regression ML:%12.6g\n\n"; cnt++; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, sqrt(r->GetSIQ_SQLM())); - + slog << "--------------------------------"; - slog << "---------------------------------------\n"; + slog << "---------------------------------------\n"; cnt++; slog << " Variable Coefficient "; - slog << "Std.Error t-Statistic Probability \n"; + slog << "Std.Error t-Statistic Probability\n"; cnt++; slog << "--------------------------------"; - slog << "---------------------------------------\n"; + slog << "---------------------------------------\n"; cnt++; for (int i=0; iGetXVarName(i), 12); - slog << wxString::Format(" %12.7g %12.7g %12.7g %10.7f\n", + slog << wxString::Format(" %12.7g %12.7g %12.7g %9.5f\n", r->GetCoefficient(i), r->GetStdError(i), - r->GetZValue(i), r->GetProbability(i)); + r->GetZValue(i), r->GetProbability(i)); cnt++; } - slog << "--------------------------------"; - slog << "---------------------------------------\n"; - slog << "\n\n"; + slog << "----------------------------------"; + slog << "-------------------------------------\n\n"; cnt++; cnt++; - slog << "REGRESSION DIAGNOSTICS \n"; + slog << "REGRESSION DIAGNOSTICS \n"; cnt++; double *rr = r->GetBPtest(); if (rr[1] > 1) { slog << wxString::Format("MULTICOLLINEARITY CONDITION NUMBER %7f\n", - r->GetConditionNumber()); + r->GetConditionNumber()); cnt++; } else { slog << wxString::Format("MULTICOLLINEARITY CONDITION NUMBER %7f\n", - r->GetConditionNumber()); + r->GetConditionNumber()); cnt++; slog << " "; - slog << " (Extreme Multicollinearity)\n"; + slog << " (Extreme Multicollinearity)\n"; cnt++; } - slog << "TEST ON NORMALITY OF ERRORS\n"; - slog << "TEST DF VALUE PROB\n"; + slog << "TEST ON NORMALITY OF ERRORS\n"; cnt++; + slog << "TEST DF VALUE PROB\n"; cnt++; rr = r->GetJBtest(); - f = "Jarque-Bera %2.0f %11.7g %9.7f\n"; + f = "Jarque-Bera %2.0f %11.4f %9.5f\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0], rr[1], rr[2]); - slog << "\n"; - slog << "DIAGNOSTICS FOR HETEROSKEDASTICITY \n"; - slog << "RANDOM COEFFICIENTS\n"; - slog << "TEST DF VALUE PROB\n"; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; + slog << "DIAGNOSTICS FOR HETEROSKEDASTICITY \n"; cnt++; + slog << "RANDOM COEFFICIENTS\n"; cnt++; + slog << "TEST DF VALUE PROB\n"; cnt++; rr = r->GetBPtest(); if (rr[1] > 0) { - f = "Breusch-Pagan test %2.0f %11.7g %9.7f\n"; + f = "Breusch-Pagan test %2.0f %11.4f %9.5f\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0], rr[1], rr[2]); } else { - f = "Breusch-Pagan test %2.0f %11.7g N/A\n"; + f = "Breusch-Pagan test %2.0f %11.4f N/A\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0], rr[1]); } rr = r->GetKBtest(); if (rr[1]>0) { - f = "Koenker-Bassett test %2.0f %11.7g %9.7f\n"; + f = "Koenker-Bassett test %2.0f %11.4f %9.5f\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0], rr[1], rr[2]); } else { - f = "Koenker-Bassett test %2.0f %11.7g N/A\n"; + f = "Koenker-Bassett test %2.0f %11.4f N/A\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0], rr[1]); } - slog << "SPECIFICATION ROBUST TEST\n"; - rr = r->GetWhitetest(); - slog << "TEST DF VALUE PROB\n"; - if (rr[2] < 0.0) { - f = "White %2.0f N/A N/A\n"; - slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0], rr[1], rr[2]); - } else { - f = "White %2.0f %11.7g %9.7f\n"; - slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0], rr[1], rr[2]); + if (do_white_test) { + slog << "SPECIFICATION ROBUST TEST\n"; cnt++; + rr = r->GetWhitetest(); + slog << "TEST DF VALUE PROB\n"; cnt++; + if (rr[2] < 0.0) { + f = "White %2.0f N/A N/A\n"; cnt++; + slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0]); + } else { + f = "White %2.0f %11.4f %9.5f\n"; cnt++; + slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0], rr[1], rr[2]); + } } - + bool m_WeightCheck = m_CheckWeight->GetValue(); if (m_WeightCheck) { - slog <<"\n"; - slog << "DIAGNOSTICS FOR SPATIAL DEPENDENCE \n"; + slog <<"\n"; cnt++; + slog << "DIAGNOSTICS FOR SPATIAL DEPENDENCE \n"; cnt++; slog << "FOR WEIGHT MATRIX : " << wname; - slog << "\n (row-standardized weights)\n"; + slog << "\n (row-standardized weights)\n"; cnt++; cnt++; rr = r->GetMoranI(); slog << "TEST "; - slog << "MI/DF VALUE PROB \n"; - if (m_moranz) { - f = "Moran's I (error) %8.6f %11.7f %9.7f\n"; - slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0], rr[1] ,rr[2]); - } else { - f = "Moran's I (error) %8.6f N/A N/A\n"; - slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0]); - } + slog << "MI/DF VALUE PROB\n"; cnt++; + f = "Moran's I (error) %8.4f %11.4f %9.5f\n"; cnt++; + slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0], rr[1] ,rr[2]); rr = r->GetLMLAG(); - f = "Lagrange Multiplier (lag) %2.0f %11.7f %9.7f\n"; + f = "Lagrange Multiplier (lag) %2.0f %11.4f %9.5f\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0], rr[1], rr[2]); rr = r->GetLMLAGRob(); - f = "Robust LM (lag) %2.0f %11.7f %9.7f\n"; + f = "Robust LM (lag) %2.0f %11.4f %9.5f\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0], rr[1], rr[2]); rr = r->GetLMERR(); - f = "Lagrange Multiplier (error) %2.0f %11.7f %9.7f\n"; + f = "Lagrange Multiplier (error) %2.0f %11.4f %9.5f\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0], rr[1], rr[2]); rr = r->GetLMERRRob(); - f = "Robust LM (error) %2.0f %11.7f %9.7f\n"; + f = "Robust LM (error) %2.0f %11.4f %9.5f\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0], rr[1], rr[2]); rr = r->GetLMSarma(); - f = "Lagrange Multiplier (SARMA) %2.0f %11.7f %9.7f\n"; + f = "Lagrange Multiplier (SARMA) %2.0f %11.4f %9.5f\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0], rr[1], rr[2]); } if (m_output2) { - slog << "\n"; - slog << "COEFFICIENTS VARIANCE MATRIX\n"; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; + slog << "COEFFICIENTS VARIANCE MATRIX\n"; cnt++; int start = 0; while (start < nX) { wxString st = wxEmptyString; for (int j=start; jGetXVarName(j), 10) << " "; } - slog << "\n"; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; for (int i=0; iGetCovariance(i,j)); } - slog << "\n"; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; } - slog << "\n"; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; start += 5; } } if (m_output1) { - slog << "\n"; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; slog << " OBS " << GenUtils::Pad(m_dependent->GetValue(), 12); - slog << " PREDICTED RESIDUAL \n"; + slog << " PREDICTED RESIDUAL\n"; cnt++; double *res = r->GetResidual(); double *yh = r->GetYHAT(); for (int i=0; iGetValue(); slog << "SUMMARY OF OUTPUT: SPATIAL LAG MODEL - "; - slog << "MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATION\n"; - slog << "Data set : " << datasetname << "\n"; - slog << "Spatial Weight : " << wname << "\n"; - f = "Dependent Variable :%12s Number of Observations:%5d\n"; + slog << "MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATION\n"; cnt++; + slog << "Data set : " << datasetname << "\n"; cnt++; + slog << "Spatial Weight : " << wname << "\n"; cnt++; + f = "Dependent Variable :%12s Number of Observations:%5d\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, m_Yname, Obs); - f = "Mean dependent var :%12.6g Number of Variables :%5d\n"; + f = "Mean dependent var :%12.6g Number of Variables :%5d\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetMeanY(), nX+1); - f = "S.D. dependent var :%12.6g Degrees of Freedom :%5d\n"; + f = "S.D. dependent var :%12.6g Degrees of Freedom :%5d\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetSDevY(), Obs-nX-1); - f = "Lag coeff. (Rho) :%12.6g\n"; + f = "Lag coeff. (Rho) :%12.6g\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetCoefficient(0)); - slog << "\n"; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; - f = "R-squared :%12.6f Log likelihood :%12.6g\n"; + f = "R-squared :%12.6f Log likelihood :%12.6g\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetR2(), r->GetLIK()); //f = "Sq. Correlation :%12.6f Akaike info criterion :%12.6g\n"; //slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetR2_adjust(), r->GetAIC()); - f = "Sq. Correlation : - Akaike info criterion :%12.6g\n"; + f = "Sq. Correlation : - Akaike info criterion :%12.6g\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetAIC()); - f = "Sigma-square :%12.6g Schwarz criterion :%12.6g\n"; + f = "Sigma-square :%12.6g Schwarz criterion :%12.6g\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetSIQ_SQ(),r->GetOLS_SC()); f = "S.E of regression :%12.6g"; slog << wxString::Format(f, sqrt(r->GetSIQ_SQ())); - slog << "\n\n"; + slog << "\n\n"; cnt++; cnt++; slog << "----------------------------------"; - slog << "-------------------------------------\n"; + slog << "-------------------------------------\n"; cnt++; slog << " Variable Coefficient "; - slog << "Std.Error z-value Probability \n"; + slog << "Std.Error z-value Probability\n"; cnt++; slog << "----------------------------------"; - slog << "-------------------------------------\n"; + slog << "-------------------------------------\n"; cnt++; for (int i=0; iGetXVarName(i)), 12); - f = " %12.7g %12.7g %12.7g %10.7f\n"; + f = " %12.7g %12.7g %12.7g %9.5f\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetCoefficient(i), r->GetStdError(i), r->GetZValue(i), r->GetProbability(i)); } slog << "----------------------------------"; - slog << "-------------------------------------\n\n"; - - slog << "REGRESSION DIAGNOSTICS\n"; - slog << "DIAGNOSTICS FOR HETEROSKEDASTICITY \n"; - slog << "RANDOM COEFFICIENTS\n"; + slog << "-------------------------------------\n\n"; cnt++; cnt++; + + slog << "REGRESSION DIAGNOSTICS\n"; cnt++; + slog << "DIAGNOSTICS FOR HETEROSKEDASTICITY \n"; cnt++; + slog << "RANDOM COEFFICIENTS\n"; cnt++; slog << "TEST "; - slog << "DF VALUE PROB\n"; + slog << "DF VALUE PROB\n"; cnt++; double *rr = r->GetBPtest(); if (rr[1] >0) { f = "Breusch-Pagan test "; - f += "%2.0f %11.7g %9.7f\n"; + f += "%2.0f %11.4f %9.5f\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0], rr[1], rr[2]); } else { f = "Breusch-Pagan test "; - f += "%2.0f N/A N/A\n"; + f += "%2.0f N/A N/A\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0]); } - slog << "\n"; - - slog << "DIAGNOSTICS FOR SPATIAL DEPENDENCE\n"; - slog << "SPATIAL LAG DEPENDENCE FOR WEIGHT MATRIX : " << wname << "\n"; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; + + slog << "DIAGNOSTICS FOR SPATIAL DEPENDENCE\n"; cnt++; + slog << "SPATIAL LAG DEPENDENCE FOR WEIGHT MATRIX : " << wname << "\n"; cnt++; slog << "TEST "; - slog << "DF VALUE PROB\n"; + slog << "DF VALUE PROB\n"; cnt++; rr = r->GetLRTest(); - f = "Likelihood Ratio Test %2.0f %11.7g %9.7f\n"; + f = "Likelihood Ratio Test %2.0f %11.4f %9.5f\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0], rr[1], rr[2]); - + if (m_output2) { - slog << "\n"; - slog << "COEFFICIENTS VARIANCE MATRIX\n"; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; + slog << "COEFFICIENTS VARIANCE MATRIX\n"; cnt++; int start = 0; while (start < nX+1) { wxString st = wxEmptyString; @@ -1168,38 +1180,40 @@ void RegressionDlg::printAndShowLagResults(const wxString& datasetname, int jj = (j==nX ? 0 : j+1); slog << " " << GenUtils::Pad(r->GetXVarName(jj), 10) << " "; } - slog << "\n"; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; for (int i=0; iGetCovariance(i,j)); } - slog << "\n"; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; } - slog << "\n"; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; start += 5; } } - + if (m_output1) { - slog << "\n"; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; slog << " OBS " << GenUtils::Pad(m_Yname, 12); - slog << " PREDICTED RESIDUAL PRED ERROR\n"; + slog << " PREDICTED RESIDUAL PRED ERROR\n"; cnt++; double *res = r->GetResidual(); double *yh = r->GetYHAT(); double *pe = r->GetPredError(); for (int i=0; iGetValue(); wxString f; // temporary formatting string wxString slog; - + + logReport = wxEmptyString; // reset log report + int cnt = 0; slog << "SUMMARY OF OUTPUT: SPATIAL ERROR MODEL - "; - slog << "MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATION \n"; - slog << "Data set : " << datasetname << "\n"; - slog << "Spatial Weight : " << wname << "\n"; - + slog << "MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATION \n"; cnt++; + slog << "Data set : " << datasetname << "\n"; cnt++; + slog << "Spatial Weight : " << wname << "\n"; cnt++; + slog << "Dependent Variable :" << GenUtils::Pad(m_Yname, 12); - slog << wxString::Format(" Number of Observations:%5d\n", Obs); - f = "Mean dependent var :%12.6f Number of Variables :%5d\n"; + slog << wxString::Format(" Number of Observations:%5d\n", Obs); cnt++; + f = "Mean dependent var :%12.6f Number of Variables :%5d\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetMeanY(), nX); - f = "S.D. dependent var :%12.6f Degrees of Freedom :%5d\n"; + f = "S.D. dependent var :%12.6f Degrees of Freedom :%5d\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetSDevY(), Obs-nX); - f = "Lag coeff. (Lambda) :%12.6f\n"; + f = "Lag coeff. (Lambda) :%12.6f\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetCoefficient(nX)); - slog << "\n"; - f = "R-squared :%12.6f R-squared (BUSE) : - \n"; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; + f = "R-squared :%12.6f R-squared (BUSE) : - \n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetR2()); - f = "Sq. Correlation : - Log likelihood :%12.6f\n"; + f = "Sq. Correlation : - Log likelihood :%12.6f\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetLIK()); - f = "Sigma-square :%12.6g Akaike info criterion :%12.6g\n"; + f = "Sigma-square :%12.6g Akaike info criterion :%12.6g\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetSIQ_SQ(), r->GetAIC()); - f = "S.E of regression :%12.6g Schwarz criterion :%12.6g\n\n"; + f = "S.E of regression :%12.6g Schwarz criterion :%12.6g\n\n"; cnt++; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, sqrt(r->GetSIQ_SQ()), r->GetOLS_SC()); slog << "----------------------------------"; - slog << "-------------------------------------\n"; + slog << "-------------------------------------\n"; cnt++; slog << " Variable Coefficient "; - slog << "Std.Error z-value Probability \n"; + slog << "Std.Error z-value Probability\n"; cnt++; slog << "----------------------------------"; - slog << "-------------------------------------\n"; + slog << "-------------------------------------\n"; cnt++; for (int i=0; iGetXVarName(i)), 12); - f = " %12.7g %12.7g %12.7g %10.7f\n"; + f = " %12.7g %12.7g %12.7g %9.5f\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, r->GetCoefficient(i), r->GetStdError(i), r->GetZValue(i), r->GetProbability(i)); } slog << "----------------------------------"; - slog << "-------------------------------------\n\n"; - - slog << "REGRESSION DIAGNOSTICS\n"; - slog << "DIAGNOSTICS FOR HETEROSKEDASTICITY \n"; - slog << "RANDOM COEFFICIENTS\n"; + slog << "-------------------------------------\n\n"; cnt++; cnt++; + + slog << "REGRESSION DIAGNOSTICS\n"; cnt++; + slog << "DIAGNOSTICS FOR HETEROSKEDASTICITY \n"; cnt++; + slog << "RANDOM COEFFICIENTS\n"; cnt++; slog << "TEST "; - slog << "DF VALUE PROB\n"; + slog << "DF VALUE PROB\n"; cnt++; double *rr = r->GetBPtest(); if (rr[1] >0) { f = "Breusch-Pagan test "; - f += "%2.0f %11.7g %9.7f\n"; + f += "%2.0f %11.4f %9.5f\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0], rr[1], rr[2]); } else { f = "Breusch-Pagan test "; - f += "%2.0f N/A N/A\n"; + f += "%2.0f N/A N/A\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0]); } - slog << "\n"; - - slog << "DIAGNOSTICS FOR SPATIAL DEPENDENCE \n"; - slog << "SPATIAL ERROR DEPENDENCE FOR WEIGHT MATRIX : " << wname << "\n"; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; + + slog << "DIAGNOSTICS FOR SPATIAL DEPENDENCE \n"; cnt++; + slog << "SPATIAL ERROR DEPENDENCE FOR WEIGHT MATRIX : " << wname << "\n"; cnt++; slog << "TEST "; - slog << "DF VALUE PROB \n"; + slog << "DF VALUE PROB\n"; cnt++; rr = r->GetLRTest(); - f = "Likelihood Ratio Test %2.0f %11.7g %9.7f\n"; + f = "Likelihood Ratio Test %2.0f %11.4f %9.5f\n"; cnt++; slog << wxString::Format(f, rr[0], rr[1], rr[2]); if (m_output2) { - slog << "\n"; - slog << "COEFFICIENTS VARIANCE MATRIX\n"; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; + slog << "COEFFICIENTS VARIANCE MATRIX\n"; cnt++; int start = 0; while (start < nX+1) { wxString st = wxEmptyString; for (int j=start; jGetXVarName(j), 10) << " "; } - slog << "\n"; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; for (int i=0; iGetCovariance(i,j)); } - slog << "\n"; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; } - slog << "\n"; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; start += 5; } } if (m_output1) { - slog << "\n"; + slog << "\n"; cnt++; slog << " OBS " << GenUtils::Pad(m_Yname, 12); - slog << " PREDICTED RESIDUAL PRED ERROR\n"; + slog << " PREDICTED RESIDUAL PRED ERROR\n"; cnt++; double *res = r->GetResidual(); double *yh = r->GetYHAT(); double *pe = r->GetPredError(); for (int i=0; iEnable(true); m_gauge->SetValue(0); } @@ -1333,6 +1353,7 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnCRadio2Selected( wxCommandEvent& event ) RegressModel = 2; UpdateMessageBox(" "); EnablingItems(); + m_white_test_cb->Enable(false); m_gauge->SetValue(0); } @@ -1342,6 +1363,7 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnCRadio3Selected( wxCommandEvent& event ) RegressModel = 3; UpdateMessageBox(" "); EnablingItems(); + m_white_test_cb->Enable(false); m_gauge->SetValue(0); } @@ -1361,12 +1383,65 @@ void RegressionDlg::OnCoefVarMatrixCbClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) m_output2 = m_coef_var_matrix_cb->GetValue() == 1; } -void RegressionDlg::OnMoranZValCbClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) +void RegressionDlg::update(FramesManager* o) { - m_moranz = m_moran_z_val_cb->GetValue() == 1; } -void RegressionDlg::update(FramesManager* o) +/** If variables are simply being added, then we will just add these to the +list of vaiables rather than do a reset. Otherwise, a reset will be done. +This could be made more intelligent in the future, but is probably good +enough for now. */ +void RegressionDlg::update(TableState* o) { + LOG_MSG("Entering RegressionDlg::update(TableState*)"); + bool add_vars_only_event = false; + TableState::EventType et = o->GetEventType(); + if (et == TableState::cols_delta) { + add_vars_only_event = true; + BOOST_FOREACH(const TableDeltaEntry& e, o->GetTableDeltaListRef()) { + if (!e.insert) add_vars_only_event = false; + } + if (add_vars_only_event) { + // name_to_nm, name_to_tm_id and m_varlist need updating + // Note: we have ensured that the Table received this event + // first and has already updated it's information. Therefore, it + // is safe to query the table for details about new columns + BOOST_FOREACH(const TableDeltaEntry& e, o->GetTableDeltaListRef()) { + wxString name = e.group_name; + LOG(name); + int id = table_int->FindColId(name); + LOG(id); + bool tm_vari = table_int->IsColTimeVariant(id); + LOG(tm_vari); + if (tm_vari) { + for (int t=0; tGetColTimeSteps(id); t++) { + wxString nm = name; + nm << " (" << table_int->GetTimeString(t) << ")"; + name_to_nm[nm] = name; + name_to_tm_id[nm] = t; + m_varlist->Append(nm); + LOG_MSG("Appending: " + nm); + } + } else { + name_to_nm[name] = name; + name_to_tm_id[name] = 0; + m_varlist->Append(name); + LOG_MSG("Appending: " + name); + } + } + } + Refresh(); + } else if (et == TableState::col_disp_decimals_change) { + add_vars_only_event = true; + } + if (!add_vars_only_event) { + LOG_MSG("TableState event not just simple variable addition. Reset dialog"); + // default is to reset dialog + wxCommandEvent event; + m_OpenDump = false; + OnCResetClick(event); + UpdateMessageBox(""); + } + LOG_MSG("Exiting RegressionDlg::update(TableState*)"); } diff --git a/DialogTools/RegressionDlg.h b/DialogTools/RegressionDlg.h index efad36a86..3d7047483 100644 --- a/DialogTools/RegressionDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/RegressionDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -28,15 +28,18 @@ #include #include #include +#include "../DataViewer/TableStateObserver.h" #include "../FramesManagerObserver.h" class FramesManager; +class TableState; class DiagnosticReport; class WeightsManager; -class DbfGridTableBase; +class TableInterface; class Project; -class RegressionDlg: public wxDialog, public FramesManagerObserver +class RegressionDlg: public wxDialog, public FramesManagerObserver, + public TableStateObserver { DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() @@ -64,7 +67,6 @@ class RegressionDlg: public wxDialog, public FramesManagerObserver void OnStandardizeClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnPredValCbClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnCoefVarMatrixCbClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnMoranZValCbClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnCListVarinDoubleClicked( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnCListVaroutDoubleClicked( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnCButton1Click( wxCommandEvent& event ); @@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ class RegressionDlg: public wxDialog, public FramesManagerObserver wxStaticText* m_gauge_text; Project* project; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + TableInterface* table_int; WeightsManager* w_manager; int RegressModel; @@ -108,10 +110,10 @@ class RegressionDlg: public wxDialog, public FramesManagerObserver double **x; bool m_Run; bool m_OpenDump; - bool m_output1, m_output2, m_moranz; + bool m_output1, m_output2; wxCheckBox* m_pred_val_cb; wxCheckBox* m_coef_var_matrix_cb; - wxCheckBox* m_moran_z_val_cb; + wxCheckBox* m_white_test_cb; int lastSelection; int nVarName; double *m_resid1, *m_yhat1; @@ -121,7 +123,7 @@ class RegressionDlg: public wxDialog, public FramesManagerObserver bool b_done1,b_done2, b_done3; int m_nCount; int m_nTimer; - + // name_to_nm is a mapping from variable name // in the the column which could include time such as // TEMP (1998) --> TEMP @@ -130,7 +132,6 @@ class RegressionDlg: public wxDialog, public FramesManagerObserver // the Table. std::map name_to_nm; std::map name_to_tm_id; - std::vector col_id_map; wxString logReport; void InitVariableList(); @@ -141,7 +142,8 @@ class RegressionDlg: public wxDialog, public FramesManagerObserver void SetXVariableNames(DiagnosticReport *dr); void printAndShowClassicalResults(const wxString& datasetname, const wxString& wname, - DiagnosticReport *r, int Obs, int nX); + DiagnosticReport *r, int Obs, int nX, + bool do_white_test); void printAndShowLagResults(const wxString& dname, const wxString& wname, DiagnosticReport *dr, int Obs, int nX); void printAndShowErrorResults(const wxString& datasetname, @@ -150,8 +152,15 @@ class RegressionDlg: public wxDialog, public FramesManagerObserver /** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ virtual void update(FramesManager* o); + /** Implementation of TableStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TableState* o); + virtual bool AllowTimelineChanges() { return true; } + virtual bool AllowGroupModify(const wxString& grp_nm) { return true; } + virtual bool AllowObservationAddDelete() { return false; } + protected: FramesManager* frames_manager; + TableState* table_state; }; #endif diff --git a/DialogTools/RegressionReportDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/RegressionReportDlg.cpp index 048977abb..a28e5f9aa 100644 --- a/DialogTools/RegressionReportDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/RegressionReportDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/RegressionReportDlg.h b/DialogTools/RegressionReportDlg.h index 3e1a1a503..4b4cb518a 100644 --- a/DialogTools/RegressionReportDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/RegressionReportDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/SHP2ASCDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/SHP2ASCDlg.cpp index b823a8b6a..30ec1b8e2 100644 --- a/DialogTools/SHP2ASCDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/SHP2ASCDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -31,7 +31,11 @@ #include "../ShapeOperations/shp.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/ShapeFileTypes.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/ShapeFileHdr.h" + +#include "../ShapeOperations/OGRDatasourceProxy.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/OGRLayerProxy.h" #include "SHP2ASCDlg.h" +#include "ConnectDatasourceDlg.h" using namespace ShapeFileTypes; @@ -46,15 +50,16 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( SHP2ASCDlg, wxDialog ) EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("IDC_OPEN_ISHP"), SHP2ASCDlg::OnCOpenIshpClick ) END_EVENT_TABLE() -bool CreateASCBoundary(char* ishp, char* oasc, char* orasc, int field, - int type, bool isR) +bool SHP2ASCDlg::CreateASCBoundary(wxString oasc, wxString orasc, int field, + int type, bool isR) { if(isR && !orasc) return false; ofstream ascr; if (isR) { - ascr.open(orasc); // produce bounding box file. + //ascr.open(orasc); // produce bounding box file. + ascr.open(GET_ENCODED_FILENAME(orasc)); } if(isR) { @@ -62,47 +67,23 @@ bool CreateASCBoundary(char* ishp, char* oasc, char* orasc, int field, return false; } - ofstream asc(oasc); + ofstream asc; + asc.open(GET_ENCODED_FILENAME(oasc)); if(!asc.is_open()) return false; - iShapeFile shx(wxString(ishp), "shx"); - char hsx[ 2*GeoDaConst::ShpHeaderSize ]; - shx.read((char *) &hsx[0], 2*GeoDaConst::ShpHeaderSize); - ShapeFileHdr hdx(hsx); - long offset, contents, *OffsetIx; - long n = (hdx.Length() - GeoDaConst::ShpHeaderSize) / 4; - OffsetIx= new long [ n ]; - - if (n < 1 || OffsetIx == NULL) - return false; - - for (long rec= 0; rec < n; ++rec) { - offset= ReadBig(shx); - contents= ReadBig(shx); - offset *= 2; - OffsetIx[rec]= offset; - } - shx.close(); - - wxString name = wxString::Format("%s",ishp); - name = name+ ".dbf"; - iDBF tb(name); - - if(!tb.IsConnectedToFile()) { - wxMessageBox("Can't find a DBF file."); - return false; - } - + int n = ogr_layer->GetNumRecords(); + string field_name = ogr_layer->GetFieldName(field).ToStdString(); + switch(type) { case 1: case 3: break; case 2: case 4: - asc << n << "," << tb.GetFieldName(field) << endl; - if(isR) ascr << n << "," << tb.GetFieldName(field) << endl; + asc << n << "," << field_name << endl; + if(isR) ascr << n << "," << field_name << endl; break; default: asc.close(); @@ -112,81 +93,66 @@ bool CreateASCBoundary(char* ishp, char* oasc, char* orasc, int field, } double* polyid = NULL; - charPtr* temp_y = NULL; + string* temp_y = NULL; int col_type; - if (tb.GetFieldType(field) == 'N' || tb.GetFieldType(field) == 'D') { + if (ogr_layer->GetFieldType(field) == GdaConst::long64_type || + ogr_layer->GetFieldType(field) == GdaConst::double_type ) { polyid = new double[n]; col_type = 1; - tb.GetDblDataArray(wxString(tb.GetFieldName(field)),polyid); - } else if (tb.GetFieldType(field) == 'C') { - temp_y = new charPtr [n + 1]; + for (int i=0; idata[i]->GetFieldAsInteger(field); + } + + } else if (ogr_layer->GetFieldType(field) == GdaConst::string_type) { + temp_y = new string[n + 1]; col_type = 0; - tb.GetStrDataArray(wxString(tb.GetFieldName(field)),temp_y); + for (int i=0; idata[i]->GetFieldAsString(field); + } + } else { wxMessageBox("the file is Unsupported type!"); - tb.close(); return false; } - tb.close(); - - iShapeFile shp(wxString(ishp), "shp"); - char hs[ 2*GeoDaConst::ShpHeaderSize ]; - shp.read(hs, 2*GeoDaConst::ShpHeaderSize); - ShapeFileHdr hd(hs); - - if ((ShapeFileTypes::ShapeType(hd.FileShape()) - == ShapeFileTypes::POLYGON) || - (ShapeFileTypes::ShapeType(hd.FileShape()) - == ShapeFileTypes::POLYGON_Z) || - (ShapeFileTypes::ShapeType(hd.FileShape()) - == ShapeFileTypes::POLYGON_M)) - { - Box pBox; - for (long rec= 0; rec < n; ++rec) + + if (ogr_layer->GetShapeType() == wkbPolygon || + ogr_layer->GetShapeType() == wkbMultiPolygon ) { + + for (long rec= 0; rec < n; ++rec) { if(col_type == 0) asc << temp_y[rec]; else - asc << polyid[rec]; - - shp.seekg(OffsetIx[rec]+12, ios::beg); -#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN - char r[32], p; - double m1, m2, n1, n2; - shp.read((char *)r, sizeof(double) * 4); - SWAP(r[0], r[7], p); - SWAP(r[1], r[6], p); - SWAP(r[2], r[5], p); - SWAP(r[3], r[4], p); - memcpy(&m1, &r[0], sizeof(double)); - SWAP(r[8], r[15], p); - SWAP(r[9], r[14], p); - SWAP(r[10], r[13], p); - SWAP(r[11], r[12], p); - memcpy(&m2, &r[8], sizeof(double)); - SWAP(r[16], r[23], p); - SWAP(r[17], r[22], p); - SWAP(r[18], r[21], p); - SWAP(r[19], r[20], p); - memcpy(&n1, &r[16], sizeof(double)); - SWAP(r[24], r[31], p); - SWAP(r[25], r[30], p); - SWAP(r[26], r[29], p); - SWAP(r[27], r[28], p); - memcpy(&n2, &r[24], sizeof(double)); - BasePoint p1 = BasePoint(m1, m2); - BasePoint p2 = BasePoint(n1, n2); - pBox = Box(p1, p2); -#else - shp >> pBox; -#endif - shp.seekg(OffsetIx[rec]+12, ios::beg); - BoundaryShape t; - t.ReadShape(shp); - - int n_po = t.GetNumPoints()-1; - + asc << polyid[rec]; + + int n_po = 0; + OGRGeometry* geom = ogr_layer->data[rec]->GetGeometryRef(); + OGRPolygon* poly = dynamic_cast(geom); + OGRMultiPolygon* multi_poly = NULL; + + // if a OGRPolygon, build a OGRMultiPolygon + if ( poly != NULL ) { + multi_poly = new OGRMultiPolygon(); + multi_poly->addGeometry(poly); + } else { + multi_poly = dynamic_cast(geom); + } + + int num_sub_polys = multi_poly->getNumGeometries(); + + for ( int i=0; i < num_sub_polys; i++) { + OGRPolygon* sub_poly = + (OGRPolygon*)multi_poly->getGeometryRef(i); + OGRLinearRing* ext_ring = sub_poly->getExteriorRing(); + n_po += ext_ring->getNumPoints(); + int num_inner_rings = sub_poly->getNumInteriorRings(); + for (int j=0; j < num_inner_rings; j++) { + OGRLinearRing* inn_ring = sub_poly->getInteriorRing(j); + n_po += inn_ring->getNumPoints(); + } + } + switch(type) { case 1: @@ -207,32 +173,52 @@ bool CreateASCBoundary(char* ishp, char* oasc, char* orasc, int field, ascr << temp_y[rec]; else ascr << polyid[rec]; - - ascr << "," << wxString::Format("%.10f", pBox._min().x); - ascr << "," << wxString::Format("%.10f", pBox._min().y); - ascr << "," << wxString::Format("%.10f", pBox._max().x); - ascr << "," << wxString::Format("%.10f", pBox._max().y); + + OGREnvelope pEnvelope; + multi_poly->getEnvelope(&pEnvelope); + + ascr << "," << wxString::Format("%.10f", pEnvelope.MinX); + ascr << "," << wxString::Format("%.10f", pEnvelope.MinY); + ascr << "," << wxString::Format("%.10f", pEnvelope.MaxX); + ascr << "," << wxString::Format("%.10f", pEnvelope.MaxY); ascr << endl; } - - BasePoint *Points; - Points = t.GetPoints(); - - for(int p=0; pgetGeometryRef(i); + ext_ring = sub_poly->getExteriorRing(); + for (int i=0; i < ext_ring->getNumPoints(); i++) { + asc << wxString::Format("%.10f", ext_ring->getX(i)); + asc << ","; + asc << wxString::Format("%.10f", ext_ring->getY(i)); + asc << endl; + } + int num_inner_rings = sub_poly->getNumInteriorRings(); + for (int i=0; i < num_inner_rings; i++) { + OGRLinearRing* inn_ring = sub_poly->getInteriorRing(i); + for (int j=0; j < inn_ring->getNumPoints(); j++) { + asc << wxString::Format("%.10f", inn_ring->getX(j)); + asc << ","; + asc << wxString::Format("%.10f", inn_ring->getY(j)); + asc << endl; + } + } + } + + /* switch(type) { case 3: case 4: - asc << wxString::Format("%.10f", Points[0].x); - asc << ","; - asc << wxString::Format("%.10f", Points[0].y); - asc << endl; + if ( poly != NULL) { + asc << wxString::Format("%.10f", ext_ring->getX(0)); + asc << ","; + asc << wxString::Format("%.10f", ext_ring->getY(0)); + asc << endl; + } break; case 1: case 2: @@ -240,6 +226,7 @@ bool CreateASCBoundary(char* ishp, char* oasc, char* orasc, int field, default: return false; } + */ } } @@ -253,18 +240,19 @@ bool CreateASCBoundary(char* ishp, char* oasc, char* orasc, int field, asc.close(); if(isR) ascr.close(); - shp.close(); return true; } SHP2ASCDlg::SHP2ASCDlg( ) +: ogr_ds(NULL), ogr_layer(NULL) { } SHP2ASCDlg::SHP2ASCDlg( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& caption, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) +: ogr_ds(NULL), ogr_layer(NULL) { type = -1; Create(parent, id, caption, pos, size, style); @@ -275,6 +263,14 @@ SHP2ASCDlg::SHP2ASCDlg( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, FindWindow(XRCID("IDOK_ADD"))->Enable(false); } +SHP2ASCDlg::~SHP2ASCDlg() +{ + if ( ogr_ds ) { + delete ogr_ds; + ogr_ds = NULL; + } +} + bool SHP2ASCDlg::Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& caption, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) @@ -329,13 +325,15 @@ void SHP2ASCDlg::OnOkAddClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) else DirName = m_ishp; - char buf_ifl[512]; - strcpy( buf_ifl, (const char*)DirName.mb_str(wxConvUTF8) ); - char* ifl = buf_ifl; + //char buf_ifl[512]; + //strcpy( buf_ifl, (const char*)DirName.mb_str(wxConvUTF8) ); + //char* ifl = buf_ifl; + wxString ifl = DirName; - char buf_ofl[512]; - strcpy( buf_ofl, (const char*)m_oasc.mb_str(wxConvUTF8) ); - char* ofl = buf_ofl; + //char buf_ofl[512]; + //strcpy( buf_ofl, (const char*)m_oasc.mb_str(wxConvUTF8) ); + //char* ofl = buf_ofl; + wxString ofl = m_oasc; pos = m_oasc.Find('.',true); if (pos > 0) { @@ -350,24 +348,27 @@ void SHP2ASCDlg::OnOkAddClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) if(m_isR) { wxString orf = RName+ "_r" +RNameExt; - char buf_orfl[512]; - strcpy( buf_orfl, (const char*)orf.mb_str(wxConvUTF8) ); - char* orfl = buf_orfl; + //char buf_orfl[512]; + //strcpy( buf_orfl, (const char*)orf.mb_str(wxConvUTF8) ); + //char* orfl = buf_orfl; - if(!CreateASCBoundary(ifl, ofl, orfl, - m_X->GetSelection(), type, m_isR)) { + if(!CreateASCBoundary(ofl, orf, m_X->GetSelection(), type, m_isR)) { wxMessageBox("Can't write output file!"); return; } } else { - if(!CreateASCBoundary(ifl, ofl, NULL, - m_X->GetSelection(), type, m_isR)) { + if(!CreateASCBoundary(ofl, wxEmptyString, m_X->GetSelection(), + type, m_isR)) { wxMessageBox("Can't write output file!"); return; } } + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, "Export shape to boundary successfully.", + "Info", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + dlg.ShowModal(); + event.Skip(); } @@ -423,58 +424,49 @@ void SHP2ASCDlg::OnCRadio4Selected( wxCommandEvent& event ) void SHP2ASCDlg::OnCOpenIshpClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { - wxFileDialog dlg( this, "Input Shp file", "", "", - "Shp files (*.shp)|*.shp" ); - - - wxString m_path = wxEmptyString; - bool m_polyid = false; - - if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { - m_path = dlg.GetPath(); - wxString onlyFileName = dlg.GetPath(); - wxString InFile = m_path; - wxString m_ishp = m_path; - m_inputfile->SetValue(InFile); - fn = dlg.GetFilename(); - int j = fn.Find('.', true); - if (j >= 0) fn = fn.Left(j); - - m_X->Clear(); - - wxString DirName; - int pos = m_ishp.Find('.',true); - DirName = pos >= 0 ? m_ishp.Left(pos) : m_ishp; - DirName = DirName + ".dbf"; - - iDBF tb(DirName); - - if(!tb.IsConnectedToFile()) - { - wxMessageBox("DBF file failed!"); - return; - } - int numfields = tb.GetNumOfField(); - - if(numfields == 0) - { - wxMessageBox("No fields found!"); - tb.close(); - return; - } - - for(int i=0; iAppend(wxString::Format("%s",tb.GetFieldName(i))); - } - tb.close(); - - m_X->SetSelection(0); - - - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_OPEN_OASC"))->Enable(true); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_FIELD_ASC"))->Enable(true); - FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_KEYVAR"))->Enable(true); - } + try{ + ConnectDatasourceDlg dlg(this); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + + wxString proj_title = dlg.GetProjectTitle(); + wxString layer_name = dlg.GetLayerName(); + IDataSource* datasource = dlg.GetDataSource(); + wxString ds_name = datasource->GetOGRConnectStr(); + + ogr_ds = new OGRDatasourceProxy(ds_name.ToStdString(),true); + ogr_layer = ogr_ds->GetLayerProxy(layer_name.ToStdString()); + ogr_layer->ReadData(); + + bool is_valid_layer = true; + + if (ogr_layer->IsTableOnly()) { + wxMessageBox("This is not a shape datasource. Please open a valid " + "shape datasource, e.g. ESRI Shapefile, PostGIS layer..."); + is_valid_layer = false; + } + if (ogr_layer->GetNumFields() == 0){ + wxMessageBox("No fields found!"); + is_valid_layer = false; + } + if ( !is_valid_layer) { + delete ogr_ds; + ogr_ds = NULL; + return; + } + + m_X->Clear(); + for (int i=0; iGetNumFields(); i++){ + m_X->Append(wxString::Format("%s",ogr_layer->GetFieldName(i))); + } + m_X->SetSelection(0); + m_inputfile->SetValue(layer_name); + + FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_OPEN_OASC"))->Enable(true); + FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_FIELD_ASC"))->Enable(true); + FindWindow(XRCID("IDC_KEYVAR"))->Enable(true); + } catch (GdaException& e) { + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, e.what(), "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } } diff --git a/DialogTools/SHP2ASCDlg.h b/DialogTools/SHP2ASCDlg.h index 3631ebd08..e10a95dda 100644 --- a/DialogTools/SHP2ASCDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/SHP2ASCDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ #ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_SHP_2_ASC_DLG_H__ #define __GEODA_CENTER_SHP_2_ASC_DLG_H__ +#include "../ShapeOperations/OGRDatasourceProxy.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/OGRLayerProxy.h" + class SHP2ASCDlg: public wxDialog { DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() @@ -31,6 +34,7 @@ class SHP2ASCDlg: public wxDialog const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxCAPTION|wxSYSTEM_MENU ); + ~SHP2ASCDlg(); bool Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = -1, const wxString& caption = "Exporting Shape to Boundary", @@ -38,6 +42,8 @@ class SHP2ASCDlg: public wxDialog const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxCAPTION|wxSYSTEM_MENU ); + bool CreateASCBoundary(wxString oasc, wxString orasc, int field, + int type, bool isR); void CreateControls(); void OnOkAddClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); @@ -49,6 +55,7 @@ class SHP2ASCDlg: public wxDialog void OnCRadio4Selected( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnCOpenIshpClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); +private: wxTextCtrl* m_inputfile; wxTextCtrl* m_outputfile; wxChoice* m_X; @@ -60,6 +67,9 @@ class SHP2ASCDlg: public wxDialog int type; wxString fn; + + OGRDatasourceProxy* ogr_ds; + OGRLayerProxy* ogr_layer; }; #endif diff --git a/DialogTools/SaveAsDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/SaveAsDlg.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d5734ef99 --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/SaveAsDlg.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,249 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + + + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "../Project.h" +#include "../GenUtils.h" +#include "../logger.h" +#include "../GdaException.h" +#include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" +#include "SaveAsDlg.h" + + +BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( SaveAsDlg, wxDialog ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("IDC_OPEN_IASC"), SaveAsDlg::OnBrowseProjectFileBtn ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("IDC_OPEN_DS_PATH"), SaveAsDlg::OnBrowseDatasourceBtn ) + EVT_BUTTON( wxID_OK, SaveAsDlg::OnOkClick ) + EVT_CHECKBOX( XRCID("ID_SEL_PRJ_CHECKBOX"), SaveAsDlg::OnProjectCheck) + EVT_CHECKBOX( XRCID("ID_SEL_DS_CHECKBOX"), SaveAsDlg::OnDatasourceCheck) +END_EVENT_TABLE() + +SaveAsDlg::SaveAsDlg(wxWindow* parent, + Project* project, + wxWindowID id, + const wxString& title, + const wxPoint& pos, + const wxSize& size ) +: project_p(project) +{ + proj_file_path = wxFileName(""); + ds_file_path = wxFileName(""); + + wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), "IDD_SAVE_AS_DLG"); + FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(false); + + m_chk_create_datasource = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_SEL_DS_CHECKBOX",wxCheckBox); + m_datasource_path_txt = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_FIELD_DS_PATH", wxTextCtrl); + m_browse_datasource_btn = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_OPEN_DS_PATH",wxBitmapButton); + m_chk_create_datasource->SetValue(false); + m_datasource_path_txt->Disable(); + m_browse_datasource_btn->Disable(); + + m_chk_create_project = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_SEL_PRJ_CHECKBOX",wxCheckBox); + m_project_path_txt = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_FIELD_ASC", wxTextCtrl); + m_browse_project_btn = XRCCTRL(*this, "IDC_OPEN_IASC",wxBitmapButton); + m_chk_create_project->SetValue(true); + m_project_path_txt->Enable(); + m_browse_project_btn->Enable(); + + SetParent(parent); + SetPosition(pos); + Centre(); +} + +void SaveAsDlg::OnProjectCheck( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + if ( !m_chk_create_project->IsChecked() && + !m_chk_create_datasource->IsChecked() ) { + FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(false); + } + bool flag = m_chk_create_project->IsChecked(); + m_project_path_txt->Enable(flag); + m_browse_project_btn->Enable(flag); +} + +void SaveAsDlg::OnDatasourceCheck( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + if ( !m_chk_create_project->IsChecked() && + !m_chk_create_datasource->IsChecked() ) { + FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(false); + } + bool flag = m_chk_create_datasource->IsChecked(); + m_datasource_path_txt->Enable(flag); + m_browse_datasource_btn->Enable(flag); +} + +void SaveAsDlg::OnBrowseDatasourceBtn ( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + wxString msg; + IDataSource* datasource = project_p->GetDataSource(); + if ( datasource == NULL ) { + msg = "Datasource in project is not valid."; + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg , "Error", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type = datasource->GetType(); + wxString ds_format = IDataSource::GetDataTypeNameByGdaDSType(ds_type); + + if (ds_type != GdaConst::ds_dbf && + ds_type != GdaConst::ds_shapefile && + ds_type != GdaConst::ds_gml && + ds_type != GdaConst::ds_kml && + ds_type != GdaConst::ds_geo_json && + ds_type != GdaConst::ds_mapinfo && + ds_type != GdaConst::ds_sqlite && + ds_type != GdaConst::ds_csv) { + msg << "SaveAs is not supported on current data source type: " + << ds_format << ". Please try to \"Export\" to other data source. " + << "However, the project file can still be saved as other project file."; + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Warning", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + dlg.ShowModal(); + m_datasource_path_txt->SetValue(""); + m_chk_create_datasource->SetValue(false); + return; + } + wxString ds_path = project_p->GetDataSource()->GetOGRConnectStr(); + wxString suffix = ds_path.AfterLast('.'); + if ( suffix.empty() ) { + msg << "The original datasource " << ds_path << " is not a valid file." + "GeoDa \"SaveAs\" only works on file datasource."; + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg , "Warning", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + wxString wildcard; + wildcard << ds_format << " (*." << suffix << ")|*." << suffix; + wxFileDialog dlg(this, "Save As Datasource", "", "", wildcard, + wxFD_SAVE|wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + ds_file_path = dlg.GetPath(); + ds_file_path.SetExt(suffix); + m_datasource_path_txt->SetValue(ds_file_path.GetFullPath()); + FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(true); +} + +void SaveAsDlg::OnBrowseProjectFileBtn ( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + wxString wildcard = "GeoDa Project (*.gda)|*.gda"; + wxFileDialog dlg(this, "GeoDa Project File to Open", "", "", wildcard, + wxFD_SAVE|wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + proj_file_path = dlg.GetPath(); + proj_file_path.SetExt("gda"); + m_project_path_txt->SetValue(proj_file_path.GetFullPath()); + FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(true); +} + +void SaveAsDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering SaveAsDlg::OnOkClick"); + try { + wxString project_fname = m_project_path_txt->GetValue().Trim(); + wxString datasource_fname = m_datasource_path_txt->GetValue().Trim(); + + bool bSaveProject = m_chk_create_project->IsChecked(); + bool bSaveDatasource = m_chk_create_datasource->IsChecked(); + + wxString msg; + + if ( bSaveProject && !bSaveDatasource ) { + // SaveAs project only + if (!project_fname.empty()) { + project_p->SpecifyProjectConfFile(project_fname); + project_p->SaveProjectConf(); + } else { + msg = "Project file path is empty."; + } + } else if ( !bSaveProject && bSaveDatasource ) { + // SaveAs datasource only + if (!datasource_fname.empty()) { + bool is_update = false; + project_p->SaveDataSourceAs(datasource_fname, is_update); + } else { + msg = "Datasource path is empty."; + } + } else if ( bSaveProject && bSaveDatasource ) { + // SaveAs project + datasource + if ( project_fname.empty() || datasource_fname.empty() ) { + msg = "Please provide paths for both Project file and " + "Datasource."; + } else { + project_p->SpecifyProjectConfFile(project_fname); + bool is_update = false; + project_p->SaveDataSourceAs(datasource_fname, is_update); + + wxFileName new_proj_fname(project_fname); + wxString proj_title = new_proj_fname.GetName(); + wxFileName new_ds_fname(datasource_fname); + wxString layer_name = new_ds_fname.GetName(); + + IDataSource* datasource = new FileDataSource(datasource_fname); + LayerConfiguration* layer_conf = + new LayerConfiguration(layer_name, datasource); + + VarOrderPtree* var_order = layer_conf->GetVarOrderPtree(); + var_order->ReInitFromTableInt(project_p->GetTableInt()); + CustomClassifPtree* cc = layer_conf->GetCustClassifPtree(); + cc->SetCatClassifList(project_p->GetCatClassifManager()); + WeightsManPtree* spatial_weights = + layer_conf->GetWeightsManPtree(); + spatial_weights-> + SetWeightsMetaInfoList(project_p->GetWManager()); + + ProjectConfiguration* project_conf = + new ProjectConfiguration(proj_title, layer_conf); + project_conf->Save(project_fname); + + delete project_conf; + } + } else if ( !bSaveProject && !bSaveDatasource ) { + // SaveAs nothing + return; + } + + if ( !msg.empty() ) { + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg , "Info", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + msg = "Saved successfully."; + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg , "Info", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + dlg.ShowModal(); + EndDialog(wxID_OK); + + } catch (GdaException& e) { + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, e.what(), "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + LOG_MSG("Exiting SaveAsDlg::OnOkClick"); +} diff --git a/DialogTools/SaveAsDlg.h b/DialogTools/SaveAsDlg.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e7ed9819 --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/SaveAsDlg.h @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_SAVE_AS_PROJECT_DLG_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_SAVE_AS_PROJECT_DLG_H__ + + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "../Project.h" + +class SaveAsDlg: public wxDialog +{ +public: + SaveAsDlg(wxWindow* parent, + Project* project, + wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, + const wxString& title = "Save Project File As...", + const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, + const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize ); + void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); + +private: + wxCheckBox* m_chk_create_datasource; + wxCheckBox* m_chk_create_project; + wxTextCtrl* m_project_path_txt; + wxTextCtrl* m_datasource_path_txt; + wxBitmapButton* m_browse_project_btn; + wxBitmapButton* m_browse_datasource_btn; + + Project* project_p; + GdaConst::DataSourceType ds_type; + bool is_create_project; + bool is_create_datasource; + wxFileName proj_file_path; + wxFileName ds_file_path; + + void OnProjectCheck( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnDatasourceCheck( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnBrowseProjectFileBtn( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnBrowseDatasourceBtn( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnOKClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); + + DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DialogTools/SaveSelectionDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/SaveSelectionDlg.cpp index a563945a4..f0033bd8f 100644 --- a/DialogTools/SaveSelectionDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/SaveSelectionDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -20,10 +20,11 @@ #include // XRC XML resouces #include #include -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../Project.h" #include "../DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../logger.h" #include "SaveSelectionDlg.h" @@ -51,8 +52,8 @@ SaveSelectionDlg::SaveSelectionDlg(Project* project_s, const wxString& caption, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) -: project(project_s), grid_base(project_s->GetGridBase()), -m_all_init(false), is_space_time(project_s->GetGridBase()->IsTimeVariant()) +: project(project_s), table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()), +m_all_init(false), is_space_time(project_s->GetTableInt()->IsTimeVariant()) { SetParent(parent); CreateControls(); @@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ m_all_init(false), is_space_time(project_s->GetGridBase()->IsTimeVariant()) void SaveSelectionDlg::CreateControls() { - if (grid_base->IsTimeVariant()) { + if (project->GetTableInt()->IsTimeVariant()) { wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), "IDD_SAVE_SELECTION_TM"); } else { @@ -108,9 +109,9 @@ void SaveSelectionDlg::CreateControls() void SaveSelectionDlg::InitTime() { if (!is_space_time) return; - for (int t=0; ttime_steps; t++) { + for (int t=0; tGetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); t++) { wxString tm; - tm << grid_base->time_ids[t]; + tm << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(t); m_save_field_choice_tm->Append(tm); } m_save_field_choice_tm->SetSelection(0); @@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ void SaveSelectionDlg::InitTime() void SaveSelectionDlg::FillColIdMap() { col_id_map.clear(); - grid_base->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); + table_int->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); } void SaveSelectionDlg::InitField() @@ -130,14 +131,13 @@ void SaveSelectionDlg::InitField() for (int i=0, iend=col_id_map.size(); icol_data[col]; - if (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col)) { + if (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col)) { wxString t; int t_sel = m_save_field_choice_tm->GetSelection(); - t << " (" << grid_base->time_ids[t_sel] << ")"; - m_save_field_choice->Append(cd.name + t); + t << " (" << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(t_sel) << ")"; + m_save_field_choice->Append(table_int->GetColName(col) + t); } else { - m_save_field_choice->Append(cd.name); + m_save_field_choice->Append(table_int->GetColName(col)); } } } @@ -145,11 +145,11 @@ void SaveSelectionDlg::InitField() void SaveSelectionDlg::OnAddField( wxCommandEvent& event ) { - DataViewerAddColDlg dlg(grid_base, this, false, true, "SELECT"); + DataViewerAddColDlg dlg(project, this, false, true, "SELECT"); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; int col = dlg.GetColId(); - if (grid_base->GetColType(col) != GeoDaConst::long64_type && - grid_base->GetColType(col) != GeoDaConst::double_type) return; + if (table_int->GetColType(col) != GdaConst::long64_type && + table_int->GetColType(col) != GdaConst::double_type) return; FillColIdMap(); InitField(); @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ void SaveSelectionDlg::EnableTimeField() return; } int col = col_id_map[m_save_field_choice->GetSelection()]; - m_save_field_choice_tm->Enable(grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col)); + m_save_field_choice_tm->Enable(table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col)); } void SaveSelectionDlg::OnSelCheckBox( wxCommandEvent& event ) @@ -276,23 +276,22 @@ void SaveSelectionDlg::OnApplySaveClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) } int sf_tm = 0; - if (grid_base->col_data[write_col]->time_steps > 1 && + if (table_int->GetColTimeSteps(write_col) > 1 && m_save_field_choice_tm) { sf_tm = m_save_field_choice_tm->GetSelection(); } - std::vector& h = project->highlight_state->GetHighlight(); + std::vector& h = project->GetHighlightState()->GetHighlight(); // write_col now refers to a valid field in grid base, so write out // results to that field. int obs = h.size(); - DbfColContainer& cd = *grid_base->col_data[write_col]; std::vector undefined; - if (cd.type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { + if (table_int->GetColType(write_col) == GdaConst::long64_type) { wxInt64 sel_c_i = sel_c; wxInt64 unsel_c_i = unsel_c; - std::vector t(grid_base->GetNumberRows()); - cd.GetVec(t, sf_tm); - cd.GetUndefined(undefined, sf_tm); + std::vector t(table_int->GetNumberRows()); + table_int->GetColData(write_col, sf_tm, t); + table_int->GetColUndefined(write_col, sf_tm, undefined); if (sel_checked) { for (int i=0; i t(grid_base->GetNumberRows()); - cd.GetVec(t, sf_tm); - cd.GetUndefined(undefined, sf_tm); + table_int->SetColData(write_col, sf_tm, t); + table_int->SetColUndefined(write_col, sf_tm, undefined); + } else if (table_int->GetColType(write_col) == GdaConst::double_type) { + std::vector t(table_int->GetNumberRows()); + table_int->GetColData(write_col, sf_tm, t); + table_int->GetColUndefined(write_col, sf_tm, undefined); if (sel_checked) { for (int i=0; iSetColData(write_col, sf_tm, t); + table_int->SetColUndefined(write_col, sf_tm, undefined); } else { wxString msg = "Chosen field is not a numeric type. This is likely "; msg << "a bug. Please report this."; @@ -341,7 +340,6 @@ void SaveSelectionDlg::OnApplySaveClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) return; } - if (grid_base->GetView()) grid_base->GetView()->Refresh(); wxString msg = "Values assigned to target field successfully."; wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Success", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION ); dlg.ShowModal(); diff --git a/DialogTools/SaveSelectionDlg.h b/DialogTools/SaveSelectionDlg.h index 882a622b0..71554c2c4 100644 --- a/DialogTools/SaveSelectionDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/SaveSelectionDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ #include #include -class DbfGridTableBase; +class TableInterface; class Project; class SaveSelectionDlg: public wxDialog @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class SaveSelectionDlg: public wxDialog private: void FillColIdMap(); void InitField(); - void InitTime(); + void InitTime(); wxChoice* m_save_field_choice; wxChoice* m_save_field_choice_tm; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class SaveSelectionDlg: public wxDialog // col_id_map[i] is a map from the i'th item in the fields drop-down // to the actual col_id_map. Items in the fields dropdown are in the // order displayed in wxGrid - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + TableInterface* table_int; Project* project; std::vector col_id_map; diff --git a/DialogTools/SaveToTableDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/SaveToTableDlg.cpp index 3100503f8..d34368ce5 100644 --- a/DialogTools/SaveToTableDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/SaveToTableDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -24,10 +24,13 @@ #include #include "../ShapeOperations/DbfFile.h" #include "../DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" +#include "../GenUtils.h" #include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" #include "../GeoDa.h" #include "../logger.h" +#include "../Project.h" #include "SaveToTableDlg.h" const int ID_ADD_BUTTON = wxID_HIGHEST+1; @@ -44,16 +47,16 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( SaveToTableDlg, wxDialog ) EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("wxID_CLOSE"), SaveToTableDlg::OnCloseClick ) END_EVENT_TABLE() -SaveToTableDlg::SaveToTableDlg(DbfGridTableBase* grid_base_s, wxWindow* parent, +SaveToTableDlg::SaveToTableDlg(Project* project_s, wxWindow* parent, const std::vector& data_s, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style) : wxDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, title, pos, size, style), -data(data_s), grid_base(grid_base_s), +data(data_s), project(project_s), table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()), m_check(data_s.size()), m_add_button(data_s.size()), m_field(data_s.size()), m_time(data_s.size()), col_id_maps(data_s.size()), -is_space_time(grid_base_s->IsTimeVariant()), +is_space_time(project_s->GetTableInt()->IsTimeVariant()), all_init(false) { for (int i=0, iend=data.size(); iGetStringSelection(); } - DataViewerAddColDlg dlg(grid_base, this, false, true, + LOG(data[obj_id].field_default); + LOG(data[obj_id].type); + DataViewerAddColDlg dlg(project, this, false, true, data[obj_id].field_default, data[obj_id].type); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; int col = dlg.GetColId(); - GeoDaConst::FieldType type = grid_base->GetColType(col); + GdaConst::FieldType type = table_int->GetColType(col); if (type != data[obj_id].type && - data[obj_id].type == GeoDaConst::long64_type && - type != GeoDaConst::double_type) return; + data[obj_id].type == GdaConst::long64_type && + type != GdaConst::double_type) return; // reinitialize all field lists, but set list corresponding to button // to newly created field FillColIdMaps(); @@ -161,7 +166,11 @@ void SaveToTableDlg::OnAddFieldButton( wxCommandEvent& event ) for (int i=0; iFindString(prev_col_nm[i]); - if (sel != wxNOT_FOUND) m_field[i]->SetSelection(sel); + if (sel != wxNOT_FOUND) { + m_field[i]->SetSelection(sel); + } else { + m_field[i]->SetSelection(-1); + } } m_field[obj_id]->SetSelection(m_field[obj_id]-> @@ -255,7 +264,7 @@ void SaveToTableDlg::EnableTimeField(int button) return; } int col = col_id_maps[button][m_field[button]->GetSelection()]; - m_time[button]->Enable(grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col)); + m_time[button]->Enable(table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col)); } void SaveToTableDlg::UpdateFieldTms(int button) @@ -290,7 +299,7 @@ void SaveToTableDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) std::vector fname(data.size()); for (int i=0, iend=data.size(); iGetStringSelection(); + if (is_check[i]) fname[i] = m_field[i]->GetStringSelection(); } // Throw all fname[i] into a set container and check for duplicates while @@ -299,7 +308,10 @@ void SaveToTableDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) std::set::iterator it; for (int i=0, iend=fname.size(); iIsTimeVariant() && m_time[i]->IsEnabled()) { + TableState* ts = project->GetTableState(); + if (!GenUtils::CanModifyGrpAndShowMsgIfNot(ts, s)) return; + if (project->GetTableInt()->IsTimeVariant() + && m_time[i]->IsEnabled()) { s << " (" << m_time[i]->GetStringSelection() << ")"; } it = names.find(s); @@ -315,23 +327,18 @@ void SaveToTableDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) for (int i=0, iend=data.size(); iGetSelection()]; - DbfColContainer& cd = *grid_base->col_data[col]; int time = is_space_time ? m_time[i]->GetSelection() : 0; if (data[i].d_val) { - cd.SetFromVec(*data[i].d_val, time); + table_int->SetColData(col, time, *data[i].d_val); } else if (data[i].l_val) { - cd.SetFromVec(*data[i].l_val, time); + table_int->SetColData(col, time, *data[i].l_val); } if (data[i].undefined) { - cd.SetUndefined(*data[i].undefined, time); + table_int->SetColUndefined(col, time, *data[i].undefined); } } } - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(), - XRCID("ID_SAVE_PROJECT"), - grid_base->ChangedSinceLastSave()); - - if (grid_base->GetView()) grid_base->GetView()->Refresh(); + event.Skip(); EndDialog(wxID_OK); } @@ -346,9 +353,9 @@ void SaveToTableDlg::InitTime() { if (!is_space_time) return; for (int j=0, jend=data.size(); jtime_steps; t++) { + for (int t=0; tGetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); t++) { wxString tm; - tm << grid_base->time_ids[t]; + tm << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(t); m_time[j]->Append(tm); } m_time[j]->SetSelection(0); @@ -359,23 +366,22 @@ void SaveToTableDlg::InitTime() void SaveToTableDlg::FillColIdMaps() { std::vector tmp_col_id_map; - grid_base->FillColIdMap(tmp_col_id_map); + table_int->FillColIdMap(tmp_col_id_map); for (int i=0; iGetNumberCols(); i++) { + for (int i=0; iGetNumberCols(); i++) { int col = tmp_col_id_map[i]; - DbfColContainer& cd = *grid_base->col_data[col]; - if (cd.type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { + if (table_int->GetColType(col) == GdaConst::double_type) { for (int j=0, jend=data.size(); jGetColType(col) == GdaConst::double_type || + table_int->GetColType(col) == GdaConst::long64_type) { for (int j=0, jend=data.size(); jcol_data[col]; - //if (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col)) { + //if (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col)) { // wxString t; // int t_sel = m_time[button]->GetSelection(); - // t << " (" << grid_base->time_ids[t_sel] << ")"; - // m_field[button]->Append(cd.name + t); + // t << " (" << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(t_sel) << ")"; + // m_field[button]->Append(table_int->GetColName(col) + t); //} else { - m_field[button]->Append(cd.name); + m_field[button]->Append(table_int->GetColName(col)); //} } } diff --git a/DialogTools/SaveToTableDlg.h b/DialogTools/SaveToTableDlg.h index 4d0b0a18b..efa6fb6a7 100644 --- a/DialogTools/SaveToTableDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/SaveToTableDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -25,9 +25,10 @@ #include #include #include -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" -class DbfGridTableBase; +class Project; +class TableInterface; struct SaveToTableEntry { @@ -40,13 +41,13 @@ struct SaveToTableEntry // if type is double, then only show or allow double fields. If type // is long64 then show both fields, and create a long64 field if a new // field is specified. - GeoDaConst::FieldType type; + GdaConst::FieldType type; }; class SaveToTableDlg: public wxDialog { public: - SaveToTableDlg( DbfGridTableBase* grid_base, wxWindow* parent, + SaveToTableDlg( Project* project, wxWindow* parent, const std::vector& data, const wxString& title = "Save Results", const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, @@ -81,7 +82,8 @@ class SaveToTableDlg: public wxDialog std::vector< std::vector > col_id_maps; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + Project* project; + TableInterface* table_int; DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; diff --git a/DialogTools/SelectWeightDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/SelectWeightDlg.cpp index cb82bbfeb..68b4966b8 100644 --- a/DialogTools/SelectWeightDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/SelectWeightDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ #include #include // XRC XML resouces #include "../Project.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/WeightsManager.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/GalWeight.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/GwtWeight.h" @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ SelectWeightDlg::SelectWeightDlg(Project* project_s, wxWindowID id, const wxString& caption, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) -: project(project_s), grid_base(project_s->GetGridBase()), +: project(project_s), table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()), w_manager(project_s->GetWManager()) { Create(parent, id, caption, pos, size, style); @@ -132,19 +132,12 @@ void SelectWeightDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) w_manager->SetDefaultWeight(m_checkButton->GetValue()); } if (m_radio2->GetValue()) { - wxString ext = wxEmptyString; - int pos = m_wfile_fpath.Find('.',true); - if (pos > 0) { - ext = m_wfile_fpath.Right(m_wfile_fpath.Length()-pos-1); - } - ext.MakeLower(); - char buf_flname[512]; - strcpy( buf_flname, (const char*)m_wfile_fpath.mb_str(wxConvUTF8) ); - char* flname = buf_flname; + wxString ext = GenUtils::GetFileExt(m_wfile_fpath).Lower(); + wxString flname = m_wfile_fpath; int obs = w_manager->GetNumObservations(); if (ext == "gal") { - GalElement* tempGal = WeightUtils::ReadGal(flname, grid_base); + GalElement* tempGal = WeightUtils::ReadGal(flname, table_int); if (tempGal == NULL) { FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(false); return; @@ -160,7 +153,7 @@ void SelectWeightDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) return; } } else if (ext == "gwt") { - GalElement* tempGal = WeightUtils::ReadGwtAsGal(flname, grid_base); + GalElement* tempGal = WeightUtils::ReadGwtAsGal(flname, table_int); if (tempGal == NULL) { FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK"))->Enable(false); return; @@ -188,9 +181,7 @@ void SelectWeightDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) void SelectWeightDlg::OnCOpenFileweightClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { - wxFileDialog dlg( this, - "Input Weights File", - project->GetMainDir(), + wxFileDialog dlg( this, "Input Weights File", "", "Weights Files (*.gal, *.gwt)|*.gal;*.gwt"); diff --git a/DialogTools/SelectWeightDlg.h b/DialogTools/SelectWeightDlg.h index c88abd7e9..f7e3f273a 100644 --- a/DialogTools/SelectWeightDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/SelectWeightDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class Project; class WeightsManager; -class DbfGridTableBase; +class TableInterface; class SelectWeightDlg: public wxDialog { @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class SelectWeightDlg: public wxDialog Project* project; WeightsManager* w_manager; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + TableInterface* table_int; wxString m_wfile_fpath; // weights file name with full path }; diff --git a/DialogTools/Statistics.cpp b/DialogTools/Statistics.cpp index ffd9a91fd..93a1bb8ae 100644 --- a/DialogTools/Statistics.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/Statistics.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/Statistics.h b/DialogTools/Statistics.h index 302a7fc9d..aa861438c 100644 --- a/DialogTools/Statistics.h +++ b/DialogTools/Statistics.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/DialogTools/TimeChooserDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/TimeChooserDlg.cpp index 566deb906..9c8d4a66a 100644 --- a/DialogTools/TimeChooserDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/TimeChooserDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -20,8 +20,10 @@ #include #include #include "../FramesManager.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableState.h" #include "../logger.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" #include "TimeChooserDlg.h" BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( TimeChooserDlg, wxDialog ) @@ -65,10 +67,13 @@ void TimeChooserTimer::Notify() { TimeChooserDlg::TimeChooserDlg(wxWindow* parent, FramesManager* frames_manager_s, - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base_s) -: frames_manager(frames_manager_s), grid_base(grid_base_s), -all_init(false), suspend_notify(false), suspend_update(false), -playing(false), timer(0), delay_ms(1000), + TimeState* time_state_s, + TableState* table_state_s, + TableInterface* table_int_s) +: frames_manager(frames_manager_s), time_state(time_state_s), +table_state(table_state_s), table_int(table_int_s), +all_init(false), suspend_notify(false), +suspend_update(false), playing(false), timer(0), delay_ms(1000), loop(true), forward(true) { LOG_MSG("Entering TimeChooserDlg::TimeChooserDlg"); @@ -84,32 +89,26 @@ loop(true), forward(true) sval = sval*sval/100; delay_ms = min_delay_ms + ((max_delay_ms-min_delay_ms)*sval)/100; } - min_txt = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_MIN_TXT")), wxStaticText); - max_txt = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_MAX_TXT")), wxStaticText); cur_txt = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_CUR_TXT")), wxStaticText); loop_cb = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_LOOP")), wxCheckBox); reverse_cb = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_REVERSE")), wxCheckBox); - int steps = grid_base->time_ids.size(); - wxString t_min; - wxString t_max; + int steps = table_int->GetTimeSteps(); wxString t_cur; - t_min << grid_base->time_ids[0]; - t_max << grid_base->time_ids[steps-1]; - t_cur << grid_base->time_ids[grid_base->curr_time_step]; - min_txt->SetLabelText(t_min); - max_txt->SetLabelText(t_max); + t_cur << time_state->GetCurrTimeString(); cur_txt->SetLabelText(t_cur); - slider_val = grid_base->curr_time_step; + slider_val = time_state->GetCurrTime(); suspend_notify = true; slider->SetRange(0, steps-1); - slider->SetValue(grid_base->curr_time_step); + slider->SetValue(time_state->GetCurrTime()); suspend_notify = false; speed_slider->GetValue(); frames_manager->registerObserver(this); + time_state->registerObserver(this); + table_state->registerObserver(this); SetMinSize(wxSize(100,50)); all_init = true; LOG_MSG("Exiting TimeChooserDlg::TimeChooserDlg"); @@ -119,6 +118,8 @@ TimeChooserDlg::~TimeChooserDlg() { if (timer) delete timer; frames_manager->removeObserver(this); + time_state->removeObserver(this); + table_state->removeObserver(this); } void TimeChooserDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& ev) @@ -137,10 +138,10 @@ void TimeChooserDlg::OnMoveSlider(wxCommandEvent& ev) int slider_val = slider->GetValue(); if (slider_val == GetGridBaseTimeStep()) return; SetCurTxt(slider_val); - grid_base->curr_time_step = slider_val; + time_state->SetCurrTime(slider_val); if (!suspend_notify) { suspend_update = true; - frames_manager->notifyObservers(); + time_state->notifyObservers(); suspend_update = false; } Refresh(); @@ -160,10 +161,10 @@ void TimeChooserDlg::ChangeTime(int new_time) slider_val = new_time; slider->SetValue(slider_val); SetCurTxt(slider_val); - grid_base->curr_time_step = slider_val; + time_state->SetCurrTime(slider_val); if (!suspend_notify) { suspend_update = true; - frames_manager->notifyObservers(); + time_state->notifyObservers(); suspend_update = false; } Refresh(); @@ -283,19 +284,19 @@ int TimeChooserDlg::GetSliderTimeStep() int TimeChooserDlg::GetGridBaseTimeStep() { - return grid_base->curr_time_step; + return time_state->GetCurrTime(); } int TimeChooserDlg::GetTotalTimeSteps() { - return grid_base->time_steps; + return table_int->GetTimeSteps(); } void TimeChooserDlg::SetCurTxt(wxInt64 val) { if (!all_init) return; wxString t_val; - t_val << grid_base->time_ids[val]; + t_val << table_int->GetTimeString(val); cur_txt->SetLabelText(t_val); } @@ -338,18 +339,46 @@ void TimeChooserDlg::TimerCall() } void TimeChooserDlg::update(FramesManager* o) +{ +} + +void TimeChooserDlg::update(TimeState* o) { if (suspend_update) return; - LOG_MSG("Entering TimeChooserDlg::update(FramesManager* o)"); + LOG_MSG("Entering TimeChooserDlg::update(TimeState* o)"); suspend_notify = true; LOG(slider->GetValue()); - SetCurTxt(grid_base->curr_time_step); - slider->SetValue(grid_base->curr_time_step); + SetCurTxt(o->GetCurrTime()); + slider->SetValue(o->GetCurrTime()); slider->Refresh(); LOG(slider->GetValue()); suspend_notify = false; Refresh(); - LOG_MSG("Exiting TimeChooserDlg::update(FramesManager* o)"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting TimeChooserDlg::update(TimeState* o)"); +} + +void TimeChooserDlg::update(TableState* o) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering TimeChooserDlg::update(TableState* o)"); + if (o->GetEventType() != TableState::time_ids_add_remove && + o->GetEventType() != TableState::time_ids_rename && + o->GetEventType() != TableState::time_ids_swap) return; + + int steps = table_int->GetTimeSteps(); + wxString t_cur; + t_cur << time_state->GetCurrTimeString(); + cur_txt->SetLabelText(t_cur); + slider_val = time_state->GetCurrTime(); + + suspend_notify = true; + slider->SetRange(0, steps-1); + slider->SetValue(time_state->GetCurrTime()); + suspend_notify = false; + + speed_slider->GetValue(); + + Refresh(); + LOG_MSG("Exiting TimeChooserDlg::update(TableState* o)"); } void TimeChooserDlg::OnKeyEvent(wxKeyEvent& event) @@ -358,13 +387,13 @@ void TimeChooserDlg::OnKeyEvent(wxKeyEvent& event) (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_LEFT || event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_RIGHT)) { int del = (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_LEFT) ? -1 : 1; LOG(del); - grid_base->curr_time_step = grid_base->curr_time_step + del; - if (grid_base->curr_time_step < 0) { - grid_base->curr_time_step = grid_base->time_steps-1; - } else if (grid_base->curr_time_step >= grid_base->time_steps) { - grid_base->curr_time_step = 0; + time_state->SetCurrTime(time_state->GetCurrTime() + del); + if (time_state->GetCurrTime() < 0) { + time_state->SetCurrTime(table_int->GetTimeSteps()-1); + } else if (time_state->GetCurrTime() >= table_int->GetTimeSteps()) { + time_state->SetCurrTime(0); } - frames_manager->notifyObservers(); + time_state->notifyObservers(); return; } event.Skip(); diff --git a/DialogTools/TimeChooserDlg.h b/DialogTools/TimeChooserDlg.h index e590ec2d3..3a9960968 100644 --- a/DialogTools/TimeChooserDlg.h +++ b/DialogTools/TimeChooserDlg.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -25,14 +25,16 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include "../FramesManagerObserver.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeStateObserver.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableStateObserver.h" class FramesManager; -class DbfGridTableBase; +class TimeState; class TimeChooserDlg; -class TimeChooserTimer; -class TimeChooserTimer: public wxTimer +class TimeChooserTimer : public wxTimer { public: TimeChooserTimer(TimeChooserDlg* dlg); @@ -44,11 +46,13 @@ class TimeChooserTimer: public wxTimer }; -class TimeChooserDlg : public wxDialog, public FramesManagerObserver +class TimeChooserDlg : public wxDialog, public FramesManagerObserver, + public TimeStateObserver, public TableStateObserver { public: TimeChooserDlg(wxWindow* parent, FramesManager* frames_manager, - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base); + TimeState* time_state, TableState* table_state, + TableInterface* table_int); virtual ~TimeChooserDlg(); void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& ev); void OnMoveSlider(wxCommandEvent& ev); @@ -77,9 +81,19 @@ class TimeChooserDlg : public wxDialog, public FramesManagerObserver /** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ virtual void update(FramesManager* o); + /** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TimeState* o); + /** Implementation of TableStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TableState* o); + virtual bool AllowTimelineChanges() { return true; } + virtual bool AllowGroupModify(const wxString& grp_nm) { return true; } + virtual bool AllowObservationAddDelete() { return true; } protected: + TableInterface* table_int; FramesManager* frames_manager; + TimeState* time_state; + TableState* table_state; TimeChooserTimer* timer; bool playing; wxSlider* slider; @@ -89,12 +103,9 @@ class TimeChooserDlg : public wxDialog, public FramesManagerObserver static const int min_delay_ms = 200; static const int max_delay_ms = 3000; wxButton* play_button; - wxStaticText* min_txt; - wxStaticText* max_txt; wxStaticText* cur_txt; wxCheckBox* loop_cb; wxCheckBox* reverse_cb; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; bool all_init; bool suspend_notify; bool suspend_update; diff --git a/DialogTools/TimeEditorDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/TimeEditorDlg.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0c8b1237b --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/TimeEditorDlg.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,302 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "../FramesManager.h" +#include "../GeoDa.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableState.h" +#include "../logger.h" +#include "TimeEditorDlg.h" + +BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( TimeEditorDlg, wxDialog ) + EVT_CLOSE( TimeEditorDlg::OnClose ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_NEW_BTN"), TimeEditorDlg::OnNewButton ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_BACK_BTN"), TimeEditorDlg::OnBackButton ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_FORWARD_BTN"), TimeEditorDlg::OnForwardButton ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_DELETE_BTN"), TimeEditorDlg::OnDeleteButton ) + EVT_SIZE( TimeEditorDlg::OnSize ) + EVT_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT( XRCID("ID_TIME_ID_LIST"), + TimeEditorDlg::OnEndEditItem ) + EVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED( XRCID("ID_TIME_ID_LIST"), + TimeEditorDlg::OnItemActivate ) + EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED( XRCID("ID_TIME_ID_LIST"), + TimeEditorDlg::OnItemSelection ) + EVT_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED( XRCID("ID_TIME_ID_LIST"), + TimeEditorDlg::OnItemSelection ) +END_EVENT_TABLE() + +TimeEditorDlg::TimeEditorDlg(wxWindow* parent, + FramesManager* frames_manager_s, + TableState* table_state_s, + TableInterface* table_int_s) +: frames_manager(frames_manager_s), table_state(table_state_s), +table_int(table_int_s), all_init(false), lc(0), +ignore_time_id_update(false) +{ + SetParent(parent); + wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), + "IDD_TIME_EDITOR"); + lc = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_TIME_ID_LIST")), wxListCtrl); + lc->InsertColumn(0, "", wxLIST_FORMAT_CENTER, 150); + InitFromTable(); + UpdateButtons(); + + frames_manager->registerObserver(this); + table_state->registerObserver(this); + all_init = true; +} + +TimeEditorDlg::~TimeEditorDlg() +{ + LOG_MSG("In TimeEditorDlg::~TimeEditorDlg"); + frames_manager->removeObserver(this); + table_state->removeObserver(this); +} + +void TimeEditorDlg::InitFromTable() +{ + lc->DeleteAllItems(); + std::vector tm_strs; + table_int->GetTimeStrings(tm_strs); + int t=0; + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& s, tm_strs) lc->InsertItem(t++, s); +} + +void TimeEditorDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& ev) +{ + // Note: it seems that if we don't explictly capture the close event + // and call Destory, then the destructor is not called. + Destroy(); +} + +void TimeEditorDlg::OnNewButton(wxCommandEvent& ev) +{ + if (table_state->GetNumDisallowTimelineChanges() > 0) { + wxString msg = table_state->GetDisallowTimelineChangesMsg(); + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Warning", + wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + int id = GetListSel(); + bool end_insert = id < 0; + if (end_insert) id = lc->GetItemCount(); + wxString label; + if (id == 0) { + label = GetNewPrependTimeLabel(); + } else { + label = GetNewAppendTimeLabel(); + } + table_int->InsertTimeStep(id, label); + if (!end_insert) SelectItem(id); + if (lc->GetItemCount() == 2) { + GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->UpdateToolbarAndMenus(); + } + UpdateButtons(); +} + +void TimeEditorDlg::OnBackButton(wxCommandEvent& ev) +{ + int sel = GetListSel(); + if (sel <= 0 || sel >= lc->GetItemCount()) return; + if (table_state->GetNumDisallowTimelineChanges() > 0) { + wxString msg = table_state->GetDisallowTimelineChangesMsg(); + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Warning", + wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + table_int->SwapTimeSteps(sel-1, sel); + SelectItem(sel-1); + UpdateButtons(); +} + +void TimeEditorDlg::OnForwardButton(wxCommandEvent& ev) +{ + int sel = GetListSel(); + if (sel < 0 || sel >= lc->GetItemCount()-1) return; + if (table_state->GetNumDisallowTimelineChanges() > 0) { + wxString msg = table_state->GetDisallowTimelineChangesMsg(); + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Warning", + wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + table_int->SwapTimeSteps(sel, sel+1); + SelectItem(sel+1); + UpdateButtons(); +} + +void TimeEditorDlg::OnDeleteButton(wxCommandEvent& ev) +{ + int sel = GetListSel(); + if (sel < 0) return; + if (table_state->GetNumDisallowTimelineChanges() > 0) { + wxString msg = table_state->GetDisallowTimelineChangesMsg(); + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Warning", + wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + table_int->RemoveTimeStep(sel); + if (lc->GetItemCount() == 1) { + GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->UpdateToolbarAndMenus(); + } + UpdateButtons(); +} + +void TimeEditorDlg::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& ev) +{ + wxDialog::OnSize(ev); + if (lc) { + int w, h; + lc->GetClientSize(&w, &h); + lc->SetColumnWidth(0, w); + } +} + +void TimeEditorDlg::OnEndEditItem(wxListEvent& ev) +{ + using namespace std; + LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("In TimeEditorDlg::OnEndEditItem, item %d", + (int) ev.GetItem().GetId())); + // ensure that new time label is unique and not empty + int id = ev.GetItem().GetId(); + wxString item_new = ev.GetText(); + item_new.Trim(true); + item_new.Trim(false); + LOG(item_new); + bool is_dup = false; + for (int t=0, tms=table_int->GetTimeSteps(); tGetTimeString(t) == item_new) is_dup = true; + } + + bool is_disallow = table_state->GetNumDisallowTimelineChanges() > 0; + + if (item_new.IsEmpty() || is_dup || is_disallow) { + if (is_disallow && !(item_new.IsEmpty() || is_dup)) { + wxString msg = table_state->GetDisallowTimelineChangesMsg(); + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Warning", + wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + dlg.ShowModal(); + } + LOG_MSG("Restoring item to original."); + ev.Veto(); + return; + } + + // item_new is valid, proceed with rename + ignore_time_id_update = true; + table_int->RenameTimeStep(id, item_new); +} + +void TimeEditorDlg::OnItemActivate(wxListEvent& ev) +{ + lc->EditLabel(ev.GetItem().GetId()); + UpdateButtons(); +} + +void TimeEditorDlg::OnItemSelection( wxListEvent& event ) +{ + if (!all_init) return; + UpdateButtons(); +} + +void TimeEditorDlg::update(FramesManager* o) +{ +} + +void TimeEditorDlg::update(TableState* o) +{ + TableState::EventType type = o->GetEventType(); + if (!ignore_time_id_update && + (type == TableState::time_ids_add_remove || + type == TableState::time_ids_rename || + type == TableState::time_ids_swap)) + { + InitFromTable(); + } + ignore_time_id_update = false; + UpdateButtons(); +} + +wxString TimeEditorDlg::GetNewPrependTimeLabel() +{ + int cnt = 1; + wxString s; + for (int i=0; i<10000; i++) { + s = "time "; + s << cnt--; + if (lc->FindItem(-1, s) == wxNOT_FOUND) return s; + } + return s; +} + +wxString TimeEditorDlg::GetNewAppendTimeLabel() +{ + int cnt = 1; + wxString s; + for (int i=0; i<10000; i++) { + s = "time "; + s << cnt++; + if (lc->FindItem(-1, s) == wxNOT_FOUND) return s; + } + return s; +} + +int TimeEditorDlg::GetListSel() +{ + if (!all_init || !lc) return -1; + long item = -1; + for ( ;; ) { + item = lc->GetNextItem(item, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); + if ( item == -1 ) break; + return item; + } + return -1; +} + +void TimeEditorDlg::SelectItem(int i) +{ + if (!lc || i<0 || i>=lc->GetItemCount()) return; + lc->SetItemState(i, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); +} + +void TimeEditorDlg::UpdateButtons() +{ + if (!lc) return; + int sel = GetListSel(); + wxWindow* w; + w = FindWindow(XRCID("ID_NEW_BTN")); + if (w) w->Enable(true); + w = FindWindow(XRCID("ID_BACK_BTN")); + if (w) w->Enable(sel > 0); + w = FindWindow(XRCID("ID_FORWARD_BTN")); + if (w) w->Enable(sel >= 0 && sel < lc->GetItemCount()-1); + w = FindWindow(XRCID("ID_DELETE_BTN")); + if (w) w->Enable(sel >= 0 && sel < lc->GetItemCount() && + lc->GetItemCount() > 1); +} diff --git a/DialogTools/TimeEditorDlg.h b/DialogTools/TimeEditorDlg.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..766ca28a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/TimeEditorDlg.h @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_TIME_EDITOR_DLG_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_TIME_EDITOR_DLG_H__ + +#include +#include +#include "../FramesManagerObserver.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableStateObserver.h" + +class FramesManager; +class TableState; +class TableInterface; + +class TimeEditorDlg : public wxDialog, public FramesManagerObserver, +public TableStateObserver +{ +public: + TimeEditorDlg(wxWindow* parent, FramesManager* frames_manager, + TableState* table_state, TableInterface* table_int); + virtual ~TimeEditorDlg(); + void InitFromTable(); + void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& ev); + void OnNewButton(wxCommandEvent& ev); + void OnBackButton(wxCommandEvent& ev); + void OnForwardButton(wxCommandEvent& ev); + void OnDeleteButton(wxCommandEvent& ev); + void OnSize(wxSizeEvent& ev); + void OnEndEditItem(wxListEvent& ev); + void OnItemActivate(wxListEvent& ev); + void OnItemSelection(wxListEvent& ev); + + /** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ + virtual void update(FramesManager* o); + /** Implementation of TableStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TableState* o); + virtual bool AllowTimelineChanges() { return true; } + virtual bool AllowGroupModify(const wxString& grp_nm) { return true; } + virtual bool AllowObservationAddDelete() { return true; } + +private: + wxString GetNewPrependTimeLabel(); + wxString GetNewAppendTimeLabel(); + int GetListSel(); + void SelectItem(int i); + void UpdateButtons(); + wxListCtrl* lc; + + FramesManager* frames_manager; + TableState* table_state; + TableInterface* table_int; + bool all_init; + bool ignore_time_id_update; + + DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DialogTools/TimeVariantImportDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/TimeVariantImportDlg.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index b4f953e7f..000000000 --- a/DialogTools/TimeVariantImportDlg.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,653 +0,0 @@ -/** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved - * - * This file is part of GeoDa. - * - * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program. If not, see . - */ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include "../ShapeOperations/DbfFile.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" -#include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" -#include "../GeoDa.h" -#include "../logger.h" -#include "TimeVariantImportDlg.h" - -BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( TimeVariantImportDlg, wxDialog ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("wxID_OK"), TimeVariantImportDlg::OnOkClick ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("wxID_CLOSE"), TimeVariantImportDlg::OnCloseClick ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_MOVE_UP_BUTTON"), - TimeVariantImportDlg::OnMoveUpClick ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_MOVE_DOWN_BUTTON"), - TimeVariantImportDlg::OnMoveDownClick ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_SORT_BUTTON"), TimeVariantImportDlg::OnSortClick ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_REVERSE_BUTTON"), - TimeVariantImportDlg::OnReverseClick ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_ADD_TO_LIST_BUTTON"), - TimeVariantImportDlg::OnAddToListClick ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_REMOVE_FR_LIST_BUTTON"), - TimeVariantImportDlg::OnRemoveFrListClick ) - EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK( XRCID("ID_ALL_FIELDS_LIST"), - TimeVariantImportDlg::OnAddToListClick ) - EVT_LISTBOX( XRCID("ID_ALL_FIELDS_LIST"), - TimeVariantImportDlg::OnAllFieldsListSelection ) - EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK( XRCID("ID_INCLUDE_LIST"), - TimeVariantImportDlg::OnRemoveFrListClick ) - EVT_LISTBOX( XRCID("ID_INCLUDE_LIST"), - TimeVariantImportDlg::OnIncludeListSelection ) - EVT_TEXT( XRCID("ID_NEW_FIELD_NAME_TXT_CTRL"), - TimeVariantImportDlg::OnNewFieldNameChange ) - EVT_CHECKBOX( XRCID("ID_SHOW_DETAILS"), - TimeVariantImportDlg::OnShowDetailsClick ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_CUR_VARS_HELP"), - TimeVariantImportDlg::OnCurVarsHelp ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_NEW_SP_TM_VAR_HELP"), - TimeVariantImportDlg::OnNewSpTmVarHelp ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_VARS_REMAINING_HELP"), - TimeVariantImportDlg::OnVarsRemainingHelp ) - EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_CUR_SP_TM_VARS_HELP"), - TimeVariantImportDlg::OnCurSpTmVarsHelp ) -END_EVENT_TABLE() - -TimeVariantImportDlg::TimeVariantImportDlg(DbfGridTableBase* grid_base_s, - wxWindow* parent, - const wxString& title, - const wxPoint& pos, - const wxSize& size, long style) -: grid_base(grid_base_s), time_steps(grid_base_s->GetTimeSteps()), -common_empty(true), show_details(false), all_init(false) -{ - CreateControls(); - SetPosition(pos); - SetTitle(title); - Centre(); - all_init = true; -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::CreateControls() -{ - wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), - "ID_TIME_VARIANT_IMPORT_DLG"); - ok_button = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("wxID_OK")), - wxButton); - - new_field_name_txt_ctrl = - wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_NEW_FIELD_NAME_TXT_CTRL")), - wxTextCtrl); - new_field_type_stat_txt = - wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_NEW_FIELD_TYPE_STAT_TXT")), - wxStaticText); - new_field_length_stat_txt = - wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_NEW_FIELD_LENGTH_STAT_TXT")), - wxStaticText); - new_field_decimals_caption = - wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_NEW_FIELD_DECIMALS_CAPTION")), - wxStaticText); - new_field_decimals_stat_txt = - wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_NEW_FIELD_DECIMALS_STAT_TXT")), - wxStaticText); - include_list_stat_txt = - wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_INCLUDE_LIST_STAT_TXT")), - wxStaticText); - - move_up_button = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_MOVE_UP_BUTTON")), - wxButton); - move_down_button = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_MOVE_DOWN_BUTTON")), - wxButton); - sort_button = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_SORT_BUTTON")), - wxButton); - reverse_button = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_REVERSE_BUTTON")), - wxButton); - - include_list = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_INCLUDE_LIST")), - wxListBox); - - add_to_list_button = - wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_ADD_TO_LIST_BUTTON")), wxButton); - remove_fr_list_button = - wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_REMOVE_FR_LIST_BUTTON")), wxButton); - - all_fields_list = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_ALL_FIELDS_LIST")), - wxListBox); - all_st_fields_list = - wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_ALL_ST_FIELDS_LIST")), wxListBox); - show_details_cb = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_SHOW_DETAILS")), - wxCheckBox); - - ResetAllButtons(); - ResetCommonTypeLenDecs(); - - all_init = true; - InitAllFieldsList(); -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::InitAllFieldsList() -{ - new_field_name_txt_ctrl->SetValue(wxEmptyString); - UpdateTimeStepsTxt(0); - all_fields_to_name.clear(); - name_to_all_fields.clear(); - all_fields_list->Clear(); - all_st_fields_list->Clear(); - include_list->Clear(); - std::vector col_id_map; - grid_base->FillColIdMap(col_id_map); - for (int i=0, its=col_id_map.size(); iIsColTimeVariant(col)) { - all_st_fields_list->Append(grid_base->GetColName(col)); - continue; - } - GeoDaConst::FieldType type = grid_base->GetColType(col); - int length = grid_base->GetColLength(col); - int decimals = grid_base->GetColDecimals(col); - wxString name(grid_base->GetColName(col)); - wxString s(name); - if (show_details) { - if (type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - s << ": type=real, length=" << length; - s << ", decimals=" << decimals; - } else if (type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { - s << ", type=integer, length=" << length; - } else if (type == GeoDaConst::string_type) { - s << ", type=string, length=" << length; - } else if (type == GeoDaConst::date_type) { - s << ", type=date, length=" << length; - } - } - all_fields_list->Append(s); - - all_fields_to_name[s] = name; - name_to_all_fields[name] = s; - } - // the following is the only way to make scroll window start at the - // top initially - if (all_fields_list->GetCount() > 0) all_fields_list->SetSelection(0); - // the following two calls to set the scroll position should work - // but currently don't work when window is first initialized - if (all_fields_list->HasScrollbar(wxVERTICAL)) { - all_fields_list->SetScrollPos(wxVERTICAL, 0); - } - all_fields_list->ScrollLines(0); -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - if (!all_init) return; - - // check that new field name is valid - wxString time_field = new_field_name_txt_ctrl->GetValue(); - time_field.Trim(true); - time_field.Trim(false); - time_field = time_field.Upper(); - if ( !DbfFileUtils::isValidFieldName(time_field) ) { - wxString msg; - msg += "Error: \"" + time_field + "\" is an invalid "; - msg += "field name. A valid field name is between one and ten "; - msg += "characters long. The first character must be alphabetic,"; - msg += " and the remaining characters can be either alphanumeric "; - msg += "or underscores."; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - - // check that new field name does not already exist - if ( grid_base->ColNameExists(time_field) ) { - wxString msg; - msg << time_field << " already exists in the Table. Please choose "; - msg << "a different name."; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - - LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("Inserting new time-variant column %s into Table", - time_field.Upper().c_str())); - int col_pos = grid_base->GetNumberCols(); - grid_base->InsertCol(col_pos, time_steps, common_type, time_field, - common_length, common_decimals, common_decimals, - true, false); - - // since we inserted in the last position, we know that col_pos - // correctly refers to the newly created time-variant column. - for (int t=0; tFindColId(include_list->GetString(t)); - grid_base->col_data[sp_col]->CopyVectorToRawData(); - if (!grid_base->CopySpColRawToTmColRaw(sp_col, col_pos, t)) { - wxString msg; - msg << "An error occurred while copying data into the new "; - msg << "time-variant field. Please report this error."; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - } - - // delete time-invariant fields from the Table - for (int t=0; tFindColId(include_list->GetString(t)); - grid_base->DeleteCol(sp_col); - } - - grid_base->SetChangedSinceLastSave(true); - MyFrame::theFrame->UpdateToolbarAndMenus(); - - InitAllFieldsList(); - ResetAllButtons(); - ResetCommonTypeLenDecs(); - common_empty = true; -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::OnCloseClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - event.Skip(); - EndDialog(wxID_CLOSE); -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::OnMoveUpClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - LOG_MSG("In TimeVariantImportDlg::OnMoveUpClick"); - if (!all_init) return; - int cnt = include_list->GetCount(); - int cur_sel = include_list->GetSelection(); - if (cur_sel == wxNOT_FOUND || cnt < 2 || cur_sel == 0 ) return; - - wxString cur_sel_str = include_list->GetStringSelection(); - include_list->Delete(cur_sel); - include_list->Insert(cur_sel_str, cur_sel-1); - include_list->SetSelection(include_list->FindString(cur_sel_str)); - - UpdateButtons(); -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::OnMoveDownClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - LOG_MSG("In TimeVariantImportDlg::OnMoveDownClick"); - if (!all_init) return; - int cnt = include_list->GetCount(); - int cur_sel = include_list->GetSelection(); - if (cur_sel == wxNOT_FOUND || cnt < 2 || cur_sel == cnt-1) return; - - wxString cur_sel_str = include_list->GetStringSelection(); - include_list->Delete(cur_sel); - include_list->Insert(cur_sel_str, cur_sel+1); - include_list->SetSelection(include_list->FindString(cur_sel_str)); - - UpdateButtons(); -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::OnSortClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - LOG_MSG("In TimeVariantImportDlg::OnSortClick"); - if (!all_init) return; - - wxString cur_sel_str = include_list->GetStringSelection(); - int cnt = include_list->GetCount(); - std::vector sorted(cnt); - for (int i=0; iGetString(i); - std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end()); - include_list->Clear(); - for (int i=0; iAppend(sorted[i]); - include_list->SetSelection(include_list->FindString(cur_sel_str)); - - UpdateButtons(); -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::OnReverseClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - LOG_MSG("In TimeVariantImportDlg::OnReverseClick"); - if (!all_init) return; - - wxString cur_sel_str = include_list->GetStringSelection(); - int cnt = include_list->GetCount(); - std::vector order(cnt); - for (int i=0; iGetString(i); - include_list->Clear(); - for (int i=0; iAppend(order[(cnt-1)-i]); - include_list->SetSelection(include_list->FindString(cur_sel_str)); - - UpdateButtons(); -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::OnAddToListClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - LOG_MSG("In TimeVariantImportDlg::OnAddToListClick"); - if (!all_init) return; - - int sel = all_fields_list->GetSelection(); - if (sel == wxNOT_FOUND || - time_steps == include_list->GetCount()) return; - wxString string_sel(all_fields_list->GetStringSelection()); - int sel_col = grid_base->FindColId(all_fields_to_name[string_sel]); - - if (!IsCompatibleWithCommon(sel_col)) return; - - GeoDaConst::FieldType type = grid_base->GetColType(sel_col); - int length = grid_base->GetColLength(sel_col); - int decimals = grid_base->GetColDecimals(sel_col); - wxString name(grid_base->GetColName(sel_col)); - - if (include_list->GetCount() == 0) { - common_empty = false; - common_length = length; - common_type = type; - common_decimals = decimals; - wxString s; - if (type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - s << common_decimals; - } else { - s << "not applicable"; - } - new_field_decimals_stat_txt->SetLabelText(s); - - { - wxString s; - s << common_length; - new_field_length_stat_txt->SetLabelText(s); - } - - if (common_type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - new_field_type_stat_txt->SetLabelText("real"); - } else if (type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { - new_field_type_stat_txt->SetLabelText("integer"); - } else if (type == GeoDaConst::string_type) { - new_field_type_stat_txt->SetLabelText("string"); - } else if (type == GeoDaConst::date_type) { - new_field_type_stat_txt->SetLabelText("date"); - } - - Refresh(); - } - - include_list->Append(name); - all_fields_list->Delete(sel); - if (sel >= all_fields_list->GetCount()) sel = all_fields_list->GetCount()-1; - if (sel >= 0 && sel < all_fields_list->GetCount()) { - all_fields_list->Select(sel); - } - UpdateTimeStepsTxt(include_list->GetCount()); - - UpdateButtons(); -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::OnRemoveFrListClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - LOG_MSG("In TimeVariantImportDlg::OnRemoveFrListClick"); - if (!all_init) return; - - int sel = include_list->GetSelection(); - if (sel == wxNOT_FOUND) return; - wxString string_sel(include_list->GetString(sel)); - LOG(string_sel); - - all_fields_list->DeselectAll(); - all_fields_list->Append(name_to_all_fields[string_sel]); - LOG(name_to_all_fields[string_sel]); - - - // This is a bug in wxListBox where duplicate items are - // sometimes displayed, even though the internal strings - // are correct. We will therefore attempt to correct this - // by clearing the all_fields_list and reinserting all its - // items - std::vector cpy(all_fields_list->GetCount()); - for (int i=0; iGetCount(); i++) { - cpy[i] = all_fields_list->GetString(i); - } - all_fields_list->Clear(); - for (int i=0; iAppend(cpy[i]); - } - - include_list->Delete(sel); - UpdateTimeStepsTxt(include_list->GetCount()); - - if (include_list->GetCount() == 0) { - common_empty = true; - ResetCommonTypeLenDecs(); - Refresh(); - } - - UpdateButtons(); -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::OnAllFieldsListSelection( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - LOG_MSG("In TimeVariantImportDlg::OnAllFieldsListSelection"); - if (!all_init) return; - UpdateButtons(); -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::OnIncludeListSelection( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - LOG_MSG("In TimeVariantImportDlg::OnIncludeListSelection"); - if (!all_init) return; - UpdateButtons(); -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::OnNewFieldNameChange( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - if (!all_init) return; - UpdateCreateButton(); -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::OnShowDetailsClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - if (!all_init) return; - show_details = (show_details_cb->GetValue() == 1); - // repopulate all_fields_list and all_fields_to_name and - // name_to_all_fields - int cur_sel = all_fields_list->GetSelection(); - int vert_scroll_pos = all_fields_list->GetScrollPos(wxVERTICAL); - LOG(vert_scroll_pos); - - std::vector new_all_fields_list(all_fields_list->GetCount()); - for (int i=0; iGetCount(); i++) { - wxString col_nm = all_fields_to_name[all_fields_list->GetString(i)]; - int col = grid_base->FindColId(col_nm); - GeoDaConst::FieldType type = grid_base->GetColType(col); - int length = grid_base->GetColLength(col); - int decimals = grid_base->GetColDecimals(col); - wxString name(grid_base->GetColName(col)); - wxString s(name); - if (show_details) { - if (type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - s << ": type=real, length=" << length; - s << ", decimals=" << decimals; - } else if (type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { - s << ", type=integer, length=" << length; - } else if (type == GeoDaConst::string_type) { - s << ", type=string, length=" << length; - } else if (type == GeoDaConst::date_type) { - s << ", type=date, length=" << length; - } - } - new_all_fields_list[i] = s; - } - - all_fields_list->Clear(); - for (int i=0; iAppend(new_all_fields_list[i]); - } - if (cur_sel != wxNOT_FOUND) all_fields_list->SetSelection(cur_sel); - if (all_fields_list->HasScrollbar(wxVERTICAL)) { - all_fields_list->SetScrollPos(wxVERTICAL, vert_scroll_pos); - } - - all_fields_to_name.clear(); - name_to_all_fields.clear(); - std::vector col_id_map; - grid_base->FillColIdMap(col_id_map); - for (int i=0, its=col_id_map.size(); iIsColTimeVariant(col)) continue; - GeoDaConst::FieldType type = grid_base->GetColType(col); - int length = grid_base->GetColLength(col); - int decimals = grid_base->GetColDecimals(col); - wxString name(grid_base->GetColName(col)); - wxString s(name); - if (show_details) { - if (type == GeoDaConst::double_type) { - s << ": type=real, length=" << length; - s << ", decimals=" << decimals; - } else if (type == GeoDaConst::long64_type) { - s << ", type=integer, length=" << length; - } else if (type == GeoDaConst::string_type) { - s << ", type=string, length=" << length; - } else if (type == GeoDaConst::date_type) { - s << ", type=date, length=" << length; - } - } - all_fields_to_name[s] = name; - name_to_all_fields[name] = s; - } - - Refresh(); -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::UpdateCreateButton() -{ - ok_button->Enable(!new_field_name_txt_ctrl->GetValue().IsEmpty() && - include_list->GetCount() == time_steps); -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::UpdateButtons() -{ - int cnt = include_list->GetCount(); - move_up_button->Enable(cnt > 1 && - include_list->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND && - include_list->GetSelection() > 0); - move_down_button->Enable(cnt > 1 && - include_list->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND && - include_list->GetSelection() < cnt-1); - sort_button->Enable(cnt > 1); - reverse_button->Enable(cnt > 1); - - { - bool enable = false; - int sel = all_fields_list->GetSelection(); - wxString string_sel(all_fields_list->GetStringSelection()); - int sel_col = grid_base->FindColId(all_fields_to_name[string_sel]); - enable = (sel != wxNOT_FOUND && - time_steps != include_list->GetCount() && - IsCompatibleWithCommon(sel_col)); - add_to_list_button->Enable(enable); - } - - remove_fr_list_button->Enable(include_list->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND); - - UpdateCreateButton(); -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::ResetAllButtons() -{ - ok_button->Disable(); - move_up_button->Disable(); - move_down_button->Disable(); - sort_button->Disable(); - reverse_button->Disable(); - add_to_list_button->Disable(); - remove_fr_list_button->Disable(); -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::ResetCommonTypeLenDecs() -{ - new_field_type_stat_txt->SetLabelText(""); - new_field_length_stat_txt->SetLabelText(""); - new_field_decimals_caption->Show(true); - new_field_decimals_stat_txt->SetLabelText(""); - new_field_decimals_stat_txt->Show(true); -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::UpdateTimeStepsTxt(int num_list_items) -{ - wxString s; - s << num_list_items << " of " << time_steps << " variables to include"; - include_list_stat_txt->SetLabelText(s); -} - -bool TimeVariantImportDlg::IsCompatibleWithCommon(int col) -{ - if (common_empty) return true; - GeoDaConst::FieldType type = grid_base->GetColType(col); - int length = grid_base->GetColLength(col); - int decimals = grid_base->GetColDecimals(col); - - if (type != common_type) return false; - if (length != common_length) return false; - if (type == GeoDaConst::double_type && - decimals != common_decimals) return false; - - return true; -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::OnCurVarsHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - wxString msg; - msg << "List of existing, time-invariant (do not change with time) "; - msg << "variables. Move variables that measure the same property, "; - msg << "but at different times into the list to the right.\n\n"; - msg << "For example, to combine the four population variables "; - msg << "POP_2000, POP_2001, POP_2002, and POP_2003 into one "; - msg << "space-time variable called POP, move each of these to the "; - msg << "list on the right and specify POP for the new space-time "; - msg << "variable name."; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Help", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION ); - dlg.ShowModal(); -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::OnNewSpTmVarHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - wxString msg; - msg << "Desired name for new space-time variable. As an example, "; - msg << "if you were to group the four existing variables "; - msg << "POP_2000, POP_2001, POP_2002, and POP_2003 into one "; - msg << "space-time variable, a logical name-choice might be POP."; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Help", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION ); - dlg.ShowModal(); -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::OnVarsRemainingHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - wxString msg; - msg << "Must choose existing (non-time dependent) variables: "; - msg << "one variable for each time period. "; - msg << "Variables must be arranged in ascending order with "; - msg << "the variable corresponding to the first time period on top."; - msg << "\n\n"; - msg << "All variables to be grouped together must have identical "; - msg << "properties. To edit variable properties, close this tool "; - msg << "and open the Edit Variable Properties dialog from the Tools "; - msg << "menu."; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Help", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION ); - dlg.ShowModal(); -} - -void TimeVariantImportDlg::OnCurSpTmVarsHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ) -{ - wxString msg; - msg << "This is the list of existing space-time variables for "; - msg << "reference purposes. As new space-time variables are "; - msg << "created, they will appear on this list."; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Help", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION ); - dlg.ShowModal(); -} diff --git a/DialogTools/TimeVariantImportDlg.h b/DialogTools/TimeVariantImportDlg.h deleted file mode 100644 index 08af6b9a4..000000000 --- a/DialogTools/TimeVariantImportDlg.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ -/** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved - * - * This file is part of GeoDa. - * - * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program. If not, see . - */ - -#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_TIME_VARIANT_IMPORT_DLG_H__ -#define __GEODA_CENTER_TIME_VARIANT_IMPORT_DLG_H__ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" - -class DbfGridTableBase; - -class TimeVariantImportDlg: public wxDialog -{ -public: - TimeVariantImportDlg( DbfGridTableBase* grid_base, wxWindow* parent, - const wxString& title = "Space-Time Variable Creation Tool", - const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, - const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, - long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER ); - - void CreateControls(); - void InitAllFieldsList(); - - void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnCloseClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - - void OnMoveUpClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnMoveDownClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnSortClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnReverseClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnAddToListClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnRemoveFrListClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnAllFieldsListSelection( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnIncludeListSelection( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnNewFieldNameChange( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnShowDetailsClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - - void OnCurVarsHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnNewSpTmVarHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnVarsRemainingHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnCurSpTmVarsHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ); - - void UpdateCreateButton(); - void UpdateButtons(); - void ResetAllButtons(); - void ResetCommonTypeLenDecs(); - void UpdateTimeStepsTxt(int num_list_items); - - bool IsCompatibleWithCommon(int col); - -private: - bool all_init; - wxButton* ok_button; - - wxTextCtrl* new_field_name_txt_ctrl; - wxStaticText* new_field_type_stat_txt; - wxStaticText* new_field_length_stat_txt; - wxStaticText* new_field_decimals_caption; - wxStaticText* new_field_decimals_stat_txt; - wxStaticText* include_list_stat_txt; - - wxButton* move_up_button; - wxButton* move_down_button; - wxButton* sort_button; - wxButton* reverse_button; - - wxListBox* include_list; - - wxButton* add_to_list_button; - wxButton* remove_fr_list_button; - - wxCheckBox* show_details_cb; - - bool show_details; - wxListBox* all_fields_list; - wxListBox* all_st_fields_list; - - std::map all_fields_to_name; - std::map name_to_all_fields; - - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; - - int time_steps; - int common_empty; - int common_length; - int common_decimals; - GeoDaConst::FieldType common_type; - - DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() -}; - -#endif diff --git a/DialogTools/VarGroupingEditorDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/VarGroupingEditorDlg.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec9d38ca1 --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/VarGroupingEditorDlg.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,931 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "../FramesManager.h" +#include "../ShapeOperations/DbfFile.h" +#include "../DataViewer/DbfTable.h" +#include "../DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableState.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" +#include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" +#include "../GeoDa.h" +#include "../logger.h" +#include "../Project.h" +#include "VarGroupingEditorDlg.h" + +BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( VarGroupingEditorDlg, wxDialog ) + EVT_CLOSE( VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnClose ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_CREATE_GRP_BUTTON"), + VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnCreateGrpClick ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_UNGROUP_BUTTON"), + VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnUngroupClick ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_MOVE_UP_BUTTON"), + VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnMoveUpClick ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_MOVE_DOWN_BUTTON"), + VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnMoveDownClick ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_SORT_BUTTON"), VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnSortClick ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON"), + VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnPlaceholderClick ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_ADD_TO_LIST_BUTTON"), + VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnAddToListClick ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_REMOVE_FR_LIST_BUTTON"), + VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnRemoveFrListClick ) + EVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED( XRCID("ID_UNGROUPED_LIST"), + VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnUngroupedListItemActivate ) + EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED( XRCID("ID_UNGROUPED_LIST"), + VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnUngroupedListSelection ) + EVT_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED( XRCID("ID_UNGROUPED_LIST"), + VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnUngroupedListSelection ) + EVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED( XRCID("ID_INCLUDE_LIST"), + VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnIncludeListItemActivate ) + EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED( XRCID("ID_INCLUDE_LIST"), + VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnIncludeListSelection ) + EVT_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED( XRCID("ID_INCLUDE_LIST"), + VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnIncludeListSelection ) + EVT_LISTBOX( XRCID("ID_GROUPED_LIST"), + VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnGroupedListSelection ) + + EVT_TEXT( XRCID("ID_NEW_GROUP_NAME_TXT_CTRL"), + VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnNewGroupNameChange ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_UNGROUPED_VARS_HELP"), + VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnUngroupedVarsHelp ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_NEW_GROUP_HELP"), + VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnNewGroupHelp ) + EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ID_CUR_GROUPED_HELP"), + VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnCurGroupedHelp ) +END_EVENT_TABLE() + +VarGroupingEditorDlg::VarGroupingEditorDlg(Project* project, + wxWindow* parent, + const wxString& title, + const wxPoint& pos, + const wxSize& size, long style) +: table_int(project->GetTableInt()), +frames_manager(project->GetFramesManager()), +table_state(project->GetTableState()), +common_empty(true), all_init(false) +{ + CreateControls(); + SetPosition(pos); + SetTitle(title); + Centre(); + + frames_manager->registerObserver(this); + table_state->registerObserver(this); + all_init = true; +} + +VarGroupingEditorDlg::~VarGroupingEditorDlg() +{ + LOG_MSG("In ~VarGroupingEditorDlg::VarGroupingEditorDlg"); + frames_manager->removeObserver(this); + table_state->removeObserver(this); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::CreateControls() +{ + wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, GetParent(), + "ID_VAR_GROUPING_EDITOR"); + new_group_name_txt_ctrl = + wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_NEW_GROUP_NAME_TXT_CTRL")), + wxTextCtrl); + new_field_type_stat_txt = + wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_NEW_FIELD_TYPE_STAT_TXT")), + wxStaticText); + move_up_button = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_MOVE_UP_BUTTON")), + wxButton); + move_down_button = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_MOVE_DOWN_BUTTON")), + wxButton); + sort_button = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_SORT_BUTTON")), + wxButton); + + placeholder_button = + wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON")), + wxButton); + + include_list = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_INCLUDE_LIST")), + wxListCtrl); + include_list->AppendColumn("Name"); + include_list->SetColumnWidth(0, 120); + include_list->AppendColumn("Time"); + include_list->SetColumnWidth(1, 50); + + include_list_stat_txt = + wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_INCLUDE_LIST_STAT_TXT")), + wxStaticText); + + add_to_list_button = + wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_ADD_TO_LIST_BUTTON")), wxButton); + remove_fr_list_button = + wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_REMOVE_FR_LIST_BUTTON")), wxButton); + + group_button = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_CREATE_GRP_BUTTON")), + wxButton); + ungroup_button = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_UNGROUP_BUTTON")), + wxButton); + + ungrouped_list = wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_UNGROUPED_LIST")), + wxListCtrl); + ungrouped_list->AppendColumn("Name"); + ungrouped_list->SetColumnWidth(0, 120); + ungrouped_list->AppendColumn("Type"); + ungrouped_list->SetColumnWidth(1, 50); + + grouped_list = + wxDynamicCast(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_GROUPED_LIST")), wxListBox); + + ResetAllButtons(); + UpdateCommonType(); + + all_init = true; + InitAll(); + UpdateButtons(); +} + +/** This should completely reset all info based on data from TableInterface. + This is called when dialog is first constructed, and can be called again + when changes TableState::update is called. */ +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::InitAll() +{ + new_group_name_txt_ctrl->SetValue(wxEmptyString); + + std::set empty_set; + InitUngroupedList(empty_set); + + include_list->DeleteAllItems(); + int table_ts = table_int->GetTimeSteps(); + if (table_ts > 1) { + for (int t=0; tInsertItem(t, wxEmptyString); + include_list->SetItem(t, 1, table_int->GetTimeString(t)); + } + } + UpdateTimeStepsTxt(); + + InitGroupedList(); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::InitUngroupedList(std::set& excl_nms) +{ + ungrouped_list->DeleteAllItems(); + std::vector col_id_map; + table_int->FillColIdMap(col_id_map); + for (int i=0, ug_cnt=0, cid_sz=col_id_map.size(); iIsColTimeVariant(col) || + excl_nms.find(table_int->GetColName(col)) != excl_nms.end()) { + continue; + } + + GdaConst::FieldType type = table_int->GetColType(col); + wxString type_str; + if (type == GdaConst::double_type || type == GdaConst::long64_type) { + type_str << "num"; + } else if (type == GdaConst::string_type) { + type_str << "str"; + } else if (type == GdaConst::date_type) { + type_str << "date"; + } + ungrouped_list->InsertItem(ug_cnt, wxEmptyString); + ungrouped_list->SetItem(ug_cnt, 0, table_int->GetColName(col)); + ungrouped_list->SetItem(ug_cnt, 1, type_str); + ++ug_cnt; + } +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::InitGroupedList() +{ + grouped_list->Clear(); + std::vector col_id_map; + table_int->FillColIdMap(col_id_map); + for (int i=0, ug_cnt=0, cid_sz=col_id_map.size(); iIsColTimeVariant(col)) { + grouped_list->Append(table_int->GetColName(col)); + continue; + } + } +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event) +{ + // Note: it seems that if we don't explictly capture the close event + // and call Destory, then the destructor is not called. + Destroy(); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnCreateGrpClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + if (!all_init) return; + + // check that new field name is valid + wxString grp_nm = new_group_name_txt_ctrl->GetValue(); + grp_nm.Trim(true); + grp_nm.Trim(false); + + if (!table_int->IsValidGroupName(grp_nm) || + table_int->DoesNameExist(grp_nm, false)) { + wxString m; + m << "Variable name \"" << grp_nm << "\" is either a duplicate\n"; + m << "or is invalid. Please enter an alternative,\n"; + m << "non-duplicate variable name."; + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, m, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR ); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + + int tot_items = include_list->GetItemCount(); + std::vector cols(tot_items); + for (int t=0; tGetItemText(t, 0); + if (nm == GdaConst::placeholder_str) { + cols[t] = -1; + } else { + cols[t] = table_int->FindColId(nm); + } + } + + if (table_int->GetTimeSteps() == 1) { + if (table_int->GetTimeSteps() == 1 && tot_items > 1) { + if (table_state->GetNumDisallowTimelineChanges() > 0) { + wxString msg = table_state->GetDisallowTimelineChangesMsg(); + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Warning", + wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + } + // This is a special case since we are increasing + // the number of table time steps. + for (int t=1; tInsertTimeStep(t, s); + } + } + + table_int->GroupCols(cols, grp_nm, cols[0]); + UpdateButtons(); + GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->UpdateToolbarAndMenus(); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnUngroupClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + using namespace std; + wxString grp_nm = grouped_list->GetStringSelection(); + if (grp_nm == "") return; + int col = table_int->FindColId(grp_nm); + if (col < 0) return; + + int tms = table_int->GetColTimeSteps(col); + LOG(tms); + set col_nms_set; + vector col_nms(tms); + for (int t=0; tGetColName(col, t); + if (nm.IsEmpty()) nm = GdaConst::placeholder_str; + col_nms[t] = nm; + col_nms_set.insert(nm); + } + + GdaConst::FieldType type = table_int->GetColType(col); + + table_int->UngroupCol(col); + + new_group_name_txt_ctrl->SetValue(grp_nm); + if (type == GdaConst::double_type || type == GdaConst::long64_type) { + common_type = "num"; + } else if (type == GdaConst::date_type) { + common_type = "date"; + } else { + common_type = "string"; + } + common_empty = false; + UpdateCommonType(); + + include_list->DeleteAllItems(); + for (int t=0; tInsertItem(t, wxEmptyString); + include_list->SetItem(t, 0, col_nms[t]); + include_list->SetItem(t, 1, table_int->GetTimeString(t)); + } + + InitUngroupedList(col_nms_set); + UpdateTimeStepsTxt(); + + UpdateButtons(); +} + +/** Shift selected items, including selection highlighting, + backwards in time. */ +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnMoveUpClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + LOG_MSG("In VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnMoveUpClick"); + if (!all_init) return; + int item_cnt = include_list->GetItemCount(); + int sel_count = include_list->GetSelectedItemCount(); + if (sel_count == 0) return; + list sel_pos = GetListSel(include_list); + if (sel_pos.front() == 0) return; + set sel_pos_set; + BOOST_FOREACH(int i, sel_pos) sel_pos_set.insert(i); + list unsel_pos; + for (int i=0; i orig(item_cnt); + for (int i=0; iGetItemText(i, 0); + UnselectAll(include_list); + set new_pos_set; + BOOST_FOREACH(int i, sel_pos) { + include_list->SetItem(i-1, 0, orig[i]); + SelectItem(include_list, i-1); + new_pos_set.insert(i-1); + } + int free_pos = 0; + BOOST_FOREACH(int i, unsel_pos) { + while (new_pos_set.find(free_pos) != new_pos_set.end()) ++free_pos; + include_list->SetItem(free_pos, 0, orig[i]); + ++free_pos; + } + UpdateButtons(); +} + +/** Shift selected items, including selection highlighting, + forwards in time */ +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnMoveDownClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + LOG_MSG("In VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnMoveDownClick"); + if (!all_init) return; + int item_cnt = include_list->GetItemCount(); + int sel_count = include_list->GetSelectedItemCount(); + if (sel_count == 0) return; + list sel_pos = GetListSel(include_list); + if (sel_pos.back() == item_cnt-1) return; + set sel_pos_set; + BOOST_FOREACH(int i, sel_pos) sel_pos_set.insert(i); + list unsel_pos; + for (int i=0; i orig(item_cnt); + for (int i=0; iGetItemText(i, 0); + UnselectAll(include_list); + set new_pos_set; + BOOST_FOREACH(int i, sel_pos) { + include_list->SetItem(i+1, 0, orig[i]); + SelectItem(include_list, i+1); + new_pos_set.insert(i+1); + } + int free_pos = 0; + BOOST_FOREACH(int i, unsel_pos) { + while (new_pos_set.find(free_pos) != new_pos_set.end()) ++free_pos; + include_list->SetItem(free_pos, 0, orig[i]); + ++free_pos; + } + UpdateButtons(); +} + +/** Sort items in place ignoring blanks and placeholders. Highlighting + moves with items. */ +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnSortClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + LOG_MSG("In VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnSortClick"); + if (!all_init) return; + + list all_str = GetListAllStrs(include_list, 0); + list nm_locs; + vector sorted_nms; + set sel_nms; + int loc=0; + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& s, all_str) { + if (!s.IsEmpty() && s != GdaConst::placeholder_str) { + nm_locs.push_back(loc); + sorted_nms.push_back(s); + if (IsItemSel(include_list, loc)) { + UnselectItem(include_list, loc); + sel_nms.insert(s); + } + } + ++loc; + } + + sort(sorted_nms.begin(), sorted_nms.end()); + list::iterator pos = nm_locs.begin(); + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& s, sorted_nms) { + include_list->SetItem(*pos, 0, s); + if (sel_nms.find(s) != sel_nms.end()) SelectItem(include_list, *pos); + ++pos; + } + + UpdateButtons(); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnPlaceholderClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + using namespace std; + LOG_MSG("In VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnPlaceholderClick"); + if (!all_init) return; + std::list sel = GetListSel(include_list); + BOOST_FOREACH(int i, sel) { + if (include_list->GetItemText(i, 0).IsEmpty()) { + include_list->SetItem(i, 0, GdaConst::placeholder_str); + } + } + UpdateButtons(); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnUngroupedListItemActivate( wxListEvent& event ) +{ + wxCommandEvent ce; + OnAddToListClick(ce); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnAddToListClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + using namespace std; + LOG_MSG("In VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnAddToListClick"); + if (!all_init) return; + + int sel_cnt = ungrouped_list->GetSelectedItemCount(); + if (sel_cnt == 0) return; + + list typs = GetListSelStrs(ungrouped_list, 1); + set pool; + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& s, typs) pool.insert(s); + if (pool.size() != 1) return; + + if (!common_empty && common_type != typs.front()) return; + + int cur_tm_steps = table_int->GetTimeSteps(); + if (cur_tm_steps > 1) { + int empty_spots = cur_tm_steps - GetIncListNonPlaceholderCnt(); + if (sel_cnt > empty_spots) return; + } + + // At this point, we know for sure operation is legal + common_empty = false; + common_type = typs.front(); + UpdateCommonType(); + + // attempt to add after last selected item, but if that won't + // fit, then add into empty spots from the beginning. If + // placeholders must be overwritten, then do so as well. + + bool overwrite_plhdr = false; + int room_with_plhdr = -1; + if (cur_tm_steps > 1) { + room_with_plhdr = cur_tm_steps - GetIncListNameCnt(); + if (room_with_plhdr < sel_cnt) overwrite_plhdr = true; + } + + list inc_list_sel = GetListSel(include_list); + int last_inc_list_sel = 0; + if (inc_list_sel.size() > 0) last_inc_list_sel = inc_list_sel.back(); + + bool fill_from_top = false; + if (cur_tm_steps == 1) { + fill_from_top = true; + overwrite_plhdr = true; + } else if (overwrite_plhdr) { + fill_from_top = true; + } else if (cur_tm_steps - last_inc_list_sel < sel_cnt) { + fill_from_top = true; + } + + if (cur_tm_steps == 1) { + // add time periods as needed + int item_cnt = include_list->GetItemCount(); + int room = item_cnt - GetIncListNonPlaceholderCnt(); + if (sel_cnt > room) { + int diff = sel_cnt - room; + for (int i=0; iInsertItem(item_cnt+i, wxEmptyString); + wxString t; + if (item_cnt+i == 0) { + t << table_int->GetTimeString(0); + } else { + t << "time " << item_cnt+i; + } + include_list->SetItem(item_cnt+i, 1, t); + } + } + } + + list ung_sel_strs = GetListSelStrs(ungrouped_list, 0); + + int insert_pos = 0; + if (!fill_from_top) insert_pos = last_inc_list_sel; + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& s, ung_sel_strs) { + while (!((overwrite_plhdr && + (include_list->GetItemText(insert_pos, 0) == + GdaConst::placeholder_str)) || + include_list->GetItemText(insert_pos, 0).IsEmpty())) + { + ++insert_pos; + } + include_list->SetItem(insert_pos, 0, s); + ++insert_pos; + } + + // Remove added items from ungrouped_list + set add_nms; + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& s, ung_sel_strs) add_nms.insert(s); + InitUngroupedList(add_nms); + + int inc_list_cnt = GetIncListNameCnt(); + UpdateTimeStepsTxt(); + + if (new_group_name_txt_ctrl->GetValue().IsEmpty() && inc_list_cnt > 1) { + vector names(inc_list_cnt); + for (int i=0; iGetItemText(i); + } + wxString grp_nm = table_int->SuggestGroupName(names); + new_group_name_txt_ctrl->SetValue(grp_nm); + } + + UpdateButtons(); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnIncludeListItemActivate( wxListEvent& event ) +{ + wxCommandEvent ce; + OnRemoveFrListClick(ce); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnRemoveFrListClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + using namespace std; + LOG_MSG("In VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnRemoveFrListClick"); + if (!all_init) return; + + list inc_sel_pos = GetListSel(include_list); + BOOST_FOREACH(int i, inc_sel_pos) { + include_list->SetItem(i, 0, ""); + include_list->SetItemState(i, 0, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); + } + + if (table_int->GetTimeSteps() == 1) { + // remove any unused time periods at the end + int inc_cnt = include_list->GetItemCount(); + bool done = false; + for (int i=inc_cnt-1; i>=0 && !done; --i) { + if (!include_list->GetItemText(i, 0).IsEmpty()) { + done = true; + } else { + include_list->DeleteItem(i); + } + } + } + + list inc_strs = GetListAllStrs(include_list, 0); + set excl; + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& s, inc_strs) if (s!="") excl.insert(s); + InitUngroupedList(excl); + + UpdateTimeStepsTxt(); + + if (GetIncListNonPlaceholderCnt() == 0) { + common_empty = true; + UpdateCommonType(); + } + + UpdateButtons(); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnUngroupedListSelection( wxListEvent& event ) +{ + LOG_MSG("In VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnUngroupedListSelection"); + if (!all_init) return; + UpdateButtons(); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnIncludeListSelection( wxListEvent& event ) +{ + LOG_MSG("In VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnIncludeListSelection"); + if (!all_init) return; + UpdateButtons(); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnGroupedListSelection( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + LOG_MSG("In VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnGroupedListSelection"); + if (!all_init) return; + UpdateButtons(); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnNewGroupNameChange( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + if (!all_init) return; + UpdateGroupButton(); +} + + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::UpdateGroupButton() +{ + group_button->Enable(!new_group_name_txt_ctrl->GetValue().IsEmpty() && + (GetIncListNameCnt() == table_int->GetTimeSteps() || + table_int->GetTimeSteps() == 1) && + GetIncListNonPlaceholderCnt() > 0); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::UpdateAddToListButton() +{ + // Enable add to list button when following conditions are met: + + // 1) Non-empty selection + int sel_cnt = ungrouped_list->GetSelectedItemCount(); + if (sel_cnt == 0) { + add_to_list_button->Enable(false); + return; + } + + // 2) Currently selected items are type compatible with each other + std::list typs = GetListSelStrs(ungrouped_list, 1); + std::set pool; + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& s, typs) pool.insert(s); + if (pool.size() != 1) { + add_to_list_button->Enable(false); + return; + } + + // 3) Currently selected items are type compatible with items in + // include list currently + if (!common_empty && common_type != typs.front()) { + add_to_list_button->Enable(false); + return; + } + + // 4) Number of selected items is <= number of empty or placeholder items + // but current number of time steps is > 1 + int cur_tm_steps = table_int->GetTimeSteps(); + if (cur_tm_steps > 1) { + int empty_spots = cur_tm_steps - GetIncListNonPlaceholderCnt(); + if (sel_cnt > empty_spots) { + add_to_list_button->Enable(false); + return; + } + } + + add_to_list_button->Enable(true); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::UpdateButtons() +{ + using namespace std; + list sel_strs = GetListSelStrs(include_list, 0); + int non_empty_cnt = 0; + BOOST_FOREACH(const wxString& s, sel_strs) if (s != "") ++non_empty_cnt; + list sel_pos = GetListSel(include_list); + int sel_first = -1; + int sel_last = -1; + if (sel_pos.size() > 0) { + sel_first = sel_pos.front(); + sel_last = sel_pos.back(); + } + + int cnt = GetIncListNameCnt(); + int inc_item_cnt = include_list->GetItemCount(); + int inc_sel_cnt = include_list->GetSelectedItemCount(); + + move_up_button->Enable(inc_sel_cnt > 0 && sel_first != 0); + move_down_button->Enable(inc_sel_cnt > 0 && sel_last != inc_item_cnt-1); + sort_button->Enable(cnt > 1); + placeholder_button->Enable((table_int->GetTimeSteps() == 1 && + inc_item_cnt > 0) || + (sel_strs.size()-non_empty_cnt > 0)); + + UpdateAddToListButton(); + remove_fr_list_button->Enable(non_empty_cnt > 0); + + ungroup_button->Enable(grouped_list->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND); + + UpdateGroupButton(); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::ResetAllButtons() +{ + group_button->Disable(); + ungroup_button->Disable(); + move_up_button->Disable(); + move_down_button->Disable(); + sort_button->Disable(); + placeholder_button->Disable(); + add_to_list_button->Disable(); + remove_fr_list_button->Disable(); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::UpdateCommonType() +{ + if (common_empty) { + new_field_type_stat_txt->SetLabelText(""); + } else if (common_type == "str") { + new_field_type_stat_txt->SetLabelText("string"); + } else if (common_type == "date") { + new_field_type_stat_txt->SetLabelText("date"); + } else if (common_type == "num") { + new_field_type_stat_txt->SetLabelText("numeric"); + } +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::UpdateTimeStepsTxt() +{ + wxString s; + int cur_tm_steps = table_int->GetTimeSteps(); + if (cur_tm_steps > 1) { + s << GetIncListNameCnt() << " of " << cur_tm_steps; + } else { + s << GetIncListNameCnt(); + } + s << " variables to include"; + include_list_stat_txt->SetLabelText(s); + //wxSizer* szr = include_list_stat_txt->GetContainingSizer(); + //if (szr) szr->Layout(); + //Fit(); + Refresh(); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnUngroupedVarsHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + wxString msg; + msg << "List of existing variables that are not part of a group. "; + msg << "Move variables that measure the same property, "; + msg << "but at different times into the list to the right.\n\n"; + msg << "For example, to combine the four population variables "; + msg << "POP_2000, POP_2001, POP_2002, and POP_2003 into one "; + msg << "grouped variable called Population, move each of these to the "; + msg << "list on the right and specify Population for the new grouped "; + msg << "variable name."; + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Help", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION ); + dlg.ShowModal(); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnNewGroupHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + wxString msg; + msg << "Choose existing non-grouped variables, "; + msg << "one variable for each time period. "; + msg << "\n\n"; + msg << "All variables to be grouped together must be of similar types."; + msg << "Enter desired name for new grouped variable. For example, "; + msg << "if grouping the four existing variables "; + msg << "POP_2000, POP_2001, POP_2002, and POP_2003, "; + msg << "a logical name-choice could be Population."; + msg << "\n\n"; + msg << "Time periods with missing data can be denoted "; + msg << "by selecting the empty time-slot and pressing "; + msg << "the Placeholder button."; + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Help", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION ); + dlg.ShowModal(); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::OnCurGroupedHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ) +{ + wxString msg; + msg << "This is the list of existing grouped variables for "; + msg << "reference purposes. As new groups are "; + msg << "created, they will appear on this list."; + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Help", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION ); + dlg.ShowModal(); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::update(FramesManager* o) +{ +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::update(TableState* o) +{ + TableState::EventType ev_type = o->GetEventType(); + if (ev_type != TableState::empty && + ev_type != TableState::col_data_change) + { + common_empty = true; + InitAll(); + ResetAllButtons(); + UpdateCommonType(); + } +} + +std::list VarGroupingEditorDlg::GetListSel(wxListCtrl* lc) +{ + std::list l; + if (!lc) return l; + long item = -1; + for ( ;; ) { + item = lc->GetNextItem(item, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); + if ( item == -1 ) break; + l.push_back(item); + } + return l; +} + +std::list VarGroupingEditorDlg::GetListSelStrs(wxListCtrl* lc, + int col) +{ + std::list l; + if (!lc) return l; + long item = -1; + for ( ;; ) { + item = lc->GetNextItem(item, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); + if ( item == -1 ) break; + l.push_back(lc->GetItemText(item, col)); + } + return l; +} + +std::list VarGroupingEditorDlg::GetListAllStrs(wxListCtrl* lc, + int col) +{ + std::list l; + if (!lc) return l; + long item = -1; + for ( ;; ) { + item = lc->GetNextItem(item, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_DONTCARE); + if ( item == -1 ) break; + l.push_back(lc->GetItemText(item, col)); + } + return l; +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::UnselectAll(wxListCtrl* lc) +{ + if (!lc) return; + int cnt = lc->GetItemCount(); + for (int i=0; iSetItemState(i, 0, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); + } +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::SelectItem(wxListCtrl* lc, int i) +{ + if (!lc || i<0 || i>=lc->GetItemCount()) return; + lc->SetItemState(i, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); +} + +void VarGroupingEditorDlg::UnselectItem(wxListCtrl* lc, int i) +{ + if (!lc || i<0 || i>=lc->GetItemCount()) return; + lc->SetItemState(i, 0, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); +} + +bool VarGroupingEditorDlg::IsItemSel(wxListCtrl* lc, int i) +{ + if (!lc || i<0 || i>=lc->GetItemCount()) return false; + return lc->GetItemState(i, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED) != 0; +} + +int VarGroupingEditorDlg::GetIncListNameCnt() +{ + if (!all_init || !include_list) return 0; + int nm_cnt = 0; + for (int i=0, il_sz=include_list->GetItemCount(); iGetItemText(i, 0).IsEmpty()) ++nm_cnt; + } + return nm_cnt; +} + +int VarGroupingEditorDlg::GetIncListNonPlaceholderCnt() +{ + if (!all_init || !include_list) return 0; + int nm_cnt = 0; + for (int i=0, il_sz=include_list->GetItemCount(); iGetItemText(i, 0).IsEmpty() && + include_list->GetItemText(i, 0) != GdaConst::placeholder_str ) + { + ++nm_cnt; + } + } + return nm_cnt; +} + diff --git a/DialogTools/VarGroupingEditorDlg.h b/DialogTools/VarGroupingEditorDlg.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d5e8e8cad --- /dev/null +++ b/DialogTools/VarGroupingEditorDlg.h @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_TIME_VARIANT_IMPORT_DLG_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_TIME_VARIANT_IMPORT_DLG_H__ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "../FramesManagerObserver.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableStateObserver.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" + +class FramesManager; +class TableState; +class TableInterface; +class Project; + +class VarGroupingEditorDlg: public wxDialog, public FramesManagerObserver, +public TableStateObserver +{ +public: + VarGroupingEditorDlg(Project* project, wxWindow* parent, + const wxString& title = "Variable Grouping Editor", + const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, + const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, + long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER ); + virtual ~VarGroupingEditorDlg(); + + void CreateControls(); + void InitAll(); + void InitUngroupedList(std::set& excl_nms); + void InitGroupedList(); + + void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event); + void OnCreateGrpClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnUngroupClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); + + void OnMoveUpClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnMoveDownClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnSortClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnPlaceholderClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnAddToListClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnRemoveFrListClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnUngroupedListSelection( wxListEvent& event ); + void OnUngroupedListItemActivate( wxListEvent& event ); + void OnIncludeListSelection( wxListEvent& event ); + void OnIncludeListItemActivate( wxListEvent& event); + void OnGroupedListSelection( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnNewGroupNameChange( wxCommandEvent& event ); + + void OnUngroupedVarsHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnNewGroupHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnCurGroupedHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ); + + void UpdateGroupButton(); + void UpdateAddToListButton(); + void UpdateButtons(); + void ResetAllButtons(); + void UpdateCommonType(); + void UpdateTimeStepsTxt(); + + /** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ + virtual void update(FramesManager* o); + /** Implementation of TableStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TableState* o); + virtual bool AllowTimelineChanges() { return true; } + virtual bool AllowGroupModify(const wxString& grp_nm) { return true; } + virtual bool AllowObservationAddDelete() { return true; } + + std::list GetListSel(wxListCtrl* lc); + std::list GetListSelStrs(wxListCtrl* lc, int col=0); + std::list GetListAllStrs(wxListCtrl* lc, int col=0); + void UnselectAll(wxListCtrl* lc); + void SelectItem(wxListCtrl* lc, int i); + void UnselectItem(wxListCtrl* lc, int i); + bool IsItemSel(wxListCtrl* lc, int i); + +private: + int GetIncListNameCnt(); + int GetIncListNonPlaceholderCnt(); + + bool all_init; + wxButton* group_button; + wxButton* ungroup_button; + + wxTextCtrl* new_group_name_txt_ctrl; + wxStaticText* new_field_type_stat_txt; + wxStaticText* include_list_stat_txt; + + wxButton* move_up_button; + wxButton* move_down_button; + wxButton* sort_button; + wxButton* placeholder_button; + + wxButton* add_to_list_button; + wxButton* remove_fr_list_button; + + wxListCtrl* ungrouped_list; + wxListCtrl* include_list; + wxListBox* grouped_list; + + FramesManager* frames_manager; + TableState* table_state; + TableInterface* table_int; + + bool common_empty; + wxString common_type; + + DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() +}; + +#endif diff --git a/DialogTools/VariableSettingsDlg.cpp b/DialogTools/VariableSettingsDlg.cpp index ed07a1a5e..6ef4df2f1 100644 --- a/DialogTools/VariableSettingsDlg.cpp +++ b/DialogTools/VariableSettingsDlg.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ #include #include #include -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../Project.h" #include "../logger.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/GalWeight.h" @@ -29,22 +30,24 @@ #include "VariableSettingsDlg.h" BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(VariableSettingsDlg, wxDialog) - EVT_CHOICE(XRCID("ID_TIME1"), VariableSettingsDlg::OnTime) - EVT_CHOICE(XRCID("ID_TIME2"), VariableSettingsDlg::OnTime) - EVT_CHOICE(XRCID("ID_TIME3"), VariableSettingsDlg::OnTime) - EVT_CHOICE(XRCID("ID_TIME4"), VariableSettingsDlg::OnTime) + EVT_CHOICE(XRCID("ID_TIME1"), VariableSettingsDlg::OnTime1) + EVT_CHOICE(XRCID("ID_TIME2"), VariableSettingsDlg::OnTime2) + EVT_CHOICE(XRCID("ID_TIME3"), VariableSettingsDlg::OnTime3) + EVT_CHOICE(XRCID("ID_TIME4"), VariableSettingsDlg::OnTime4) EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK(XRCID("ID_VARIABLE1"), - VariableSettingsDlg::OnListVariableDoubleClicked) + VariableSettingsDlg::OnListVariable1DoubleClicked) EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK(XRCID("ID_VARIABLE2"), - VariableSettingsDlg::OnListVariableDoubleClicked) + VariableSettingsDlg::OnListVariable2DoubleClicked) EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK(XRCID("ID_VARIABLE3"), - VariableSettingsDlg::OnListVariableDoubleClicked) + VariableSettingsDlg::OnListVariable3DoubleClicked) EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK(XRCID("ID_VARIABLE4"), - VariableSettingsDlg::OnListVariableDoubleClicked) - EVT_LISTBOX(XRCID("ID_VARIABLE1"), VariableSettingsDlg::OnVarChange) - EVT_LISTBOX(XRCID("ID_VARIABLE2"), VariableSettingsDlg::OnVarChange) - EVT_LISTBOX(XRCID("ID_VARIABLE3"), VariableSettingsDlg::OnVarChange) - EVT_LISTBOX(XRCID("ID_VARIABLE4"), VariableSettingsDlg::OnVarChange) + VariableSettingsDlg::OnListVariable4DoubleClicked) + EVT_LISTBOX(XRCID("ID_VARIABLE1"), VariableSettingsDlg::OnVar1Change) + EVT_LISTBOX(XRCID("ID_VARIABLE2"), VariableSettingsDlg::OnVar2Change) + EVT_LISTBOX(XRCID("ID_VARIABLE3"), VariableSettingsDlg::OnVar3Change) + EVT_LISTBOX(XRCID("ID_VARIABLE4"), VariableSettingsDlg::OnVar4Change) + EVT_SPINCTRL(XRCID("ID_NUM_CATEGORIES_SPIN"), + VariableSettingsDlg::OnSpinCtrl) EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("wxID_OK"), VariableSettingsDlg::OnOkClick) EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("wxID_CANCEL"), VariableSettingsDlg::OnCancelClick) END_EVENT_TABLE() @@ -57,17 +60,16 @@ VariableSettingsDlg::VariableSettingsDlg(Project* project_s, short smoother, GalElement* gal, const wxString& title_s, const wxString& var1_title_s, - const wxString& var2_title_s, - const wxString& var3_title_s, - const wxString& var4_title_s) -: project(project_s), grid_base(project_s->GetGridBase()), -is_time(project_s->GetGridBase()->IsTimeVariant()), -time_steps(project_s->GetGridBase()->time_steps), + const wxString& var2_title_s) +: project(project_s), table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()), +is_time(project_s->GetTableInt()->IsTimeVariant() && + project_s->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps() > 1 ), +time_steps(project_s->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps()), m_smoother(smoother), // 9: is for MoranI EB Rate Standardization m_gal(gal), title(title_s), var1_title(var1_title_s), var2_title(var2_title_s), -var3_title(var3_title_s), var4_title(var4_title_s), -time_ref_var(-1), fill_smoothed_results(true), fill_result_vectors(true), +set_second_from_first_mode(false), set_fourth_from_third_mode(false), +num_cats_spin(0), num_categories(4), all_init(false) { Init(rate_smoothed); @@ -81,19 +83,22 @@ all_init(false) /** All new code should use this constructor. */ VariableSettingsDlg::VariableSettingsDlg(Project* project_s, VarType v_type_s, - bool fill_result_vectors_s, const wxString& title_s, const wxString& var1_title_s, const wxString& var2_title_s, const wxString& var3_title_s, - const wxString& var4_title_s) -: project(project_s), grid_base(project_s->GetGridBase()), -is_time(project_s->GetGridBase()->IsTimeVariant()), -time_steps(project_s->GetGridBase()->time_steps), + const wxString& var4_title_s, + bool _set_second_from_first_mode, + bool _set_fourth_from_third_mode) +: project(project_s), table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()), +is_time(project_s->GetTableInt()->IsTimeVariant()), +time_steps(project_s->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps()), m_smoother(0), m_gal(0), title(title_s), var1_title(var1_title_s), var2_title(var2_title_s), var3_title(var3_title_s), var4_title(var4_title_s), -fill_smoothed_results(false), fill_result_vectors(fill_result_vectors_s), +set_second_from_first_mode(_set_second_from_first_mode), +set_fourth_from_third_mode(_set_fourth_from_third_mode), +num_cats_spin(0), num_categories(4), all_init(false) { Init(v_type_s); @@ -106,10 +111,6 @@ all_init(false) VariableSettingsDlg::~VariableSettingsDlg() { - if (v1_single_time) delete [] v1_single_time; - if (v2_single_time) delete [] v2_single_time; - if (v3_single_time) delete [] v3_single_time; - if (v4_single_time) delete [] v4_single_time; if (E) delete [] E; if (P) delete [] P; if (smoothed_results) delete [] smoothed_results; @@ -128,23 +129,15 @@ void VariableSettingsDlg::Init(VarType var_type) num_var = 4; } - num_obs = project->GetNumRecords(); - E = (v_type == rate_smoothed && fill_result_vectors) ? + int num_obs = project->GetNumRecords(); + E = (v_type == rate_smoothed) ? new double[num_obs] : 0; - P = (v_type == rate_smoothed && fill_result_vectors) ? + P = (v_type == rate_smoothed) ? new double[num_obs] : 0; - smoothed_results = (v_type == rate_smoothed && fill_result_vectors) ? + smoothed_results = (v_type == rate_smoothed) ? new double[num_obs] : 0; m_theme = 0; map_theme_lb = 0; - v1_single_time = (v_type != rate_smoothed && fill_result_vectors) ? - new double[num_obs] : 0; - v2_single_time = (v_type != rate_smoothed && fill_result_vectors) ? - new double[num_obs] : 0; - v3_single_time = (v_type != rate_smoothed && fill_result_vectors) ? - new double[num_obs] : 0; - v4_single_time = (v_type != rate_smoothed && fill_result_vectors) ? - new double[num_obs] : 0; lb1 = 0; lb2 = 0; lb3 = 0; @@ -163,17 +156,43 @@ void VariableSettingsDlg::Init(VarType var_type) lb2_cur_sel = 0; lb3_cur_sel = 0; lb4_cur_sel = 0; - grid_base->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); + table_int->FillNumericColIdMap(col_id_map); for (int i=0, iend=col_id_map.size(); iGetColName(col_id_map[i]) - == project->default_v1_name) lb1_cur_sel = i; - if (num_var >= 2 && grid_base->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) - == project->default_v2_name) lb2_cur_sel = i; - if (num_var >= 3 && grid_base->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) - == project->default_v3_name) lb3_cur_sel = i; - if (num_var >= 4 && grid_base->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) - == project->default_v4_name) lb4_cur_sel = i; - } + if (table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) + == project->GetDefaultVarName(0)) { + lb1_cur_sel = i; + if (set_second_from_first_mode && num_var >= 2) { + lb2_cur_sel = i; + } + } + if (num_var >= 2 && table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) + == project->GetDefaultVarName(1)) { + if (!set_second_from_first_mode) { + lb2_cur_sel = i; + } + } + if (num_var >= 3 && table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) + == project->GetDefaultVarName(2)) { + lb3_cur_sel = i; + if (set_fourth_from_third_mode && num_var >= 4) { + lb4_cur_sel = i; + } + } + if (num_var >= 4 && table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]) + == project->GetDefaultVarName(3)) { + if (!set_fourth_from_third_mode) { + lb4_cur_sel = i; + } + } + } + + if (col_id_map.size() == 0) { + wxString msg("No numeric variables found."); + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Warning", wxOK | wxICON_WARNING); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + InitFieldChoices(); if (map_theme_lb) { @@ -272,31 +291,143 @@ void VariableSettingsDlg::CreateControls() if (FindWindow(XRCID("ID_THEMATIC"))) { map_theme_lb = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_THEMATIC", wxChoice); } + if (FindWindow(XRCID("ID_NUM_CATEGORIES_SPIN"))) { + num_cats_spin = XRCCTRL(*this, "ID_NUM_CATEGORIES_SPIN", wxSpinCtrl); + num_categories = num_cats_spin->GetValue(); + } + +} + +void VariableSettingsDlg::OnListVariable1DoubleClicked(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!all_init) return; + if (num_var >= 2 && set_second_from_first_mode) { + lb2->SetSelection(lb1_cur_sel); + lb2_cur_sel = lb1_cur_sel; + if (is_time) { + time_lb2->SetSelection(v1_time); + v2_time = v1_time; + } + } + OnOkClick(event); +} + +void VariableSettingsDlg::OnListVariable2DoubleClicked(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!all_init) return; + OnOkClick(event); +} + +void VariableSettingsDlg::OnListVariable3DoubleClicked(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!all_init) return; + if (num_var >= 4 && set_fourth_from_third_mode) { + lb4->SetSelection(lb3_cur_sel); + lb4_cur_sel = lb3_cur_sel; + if (is_time) { + time_lb4->SetSelection(v3_time); + v4_time = v3_time; + } + } + OnOkClick(event); } -void VariableSettingsDlg::OnListVariableDoubleClicked(wxCommandEvent& event) +void VariableSettingsDlg::OnListVariable4DoubleClicked(wxCommandEvent& event) { if (!all_init) return; OnOkClick(event); } -void VariableSettingsDlg::OnTime(wxCommandEvent& event) +void VariableSettingsDlg::OnTime1(wxCommandEvent& event) { if (!all_init) return; v1_time = time_lb1->GetSelection(); - if (num_var >= 2) v2_time = time_lb2->GetSelection(); - if (num_var >= 3) v3_time = time_lb3->GetSelection(); - if (num_var >= 4) v4_time = time_lb4->GetSelection(); + if (num_var >= 2 && set_second_from_first_mode) { + lb2->SetSelection(lb1_cur_sel); + lb2_cur_sel = lb1_cur_sel; + time_lb2->SetSelection(v1_time); + v2_time = v1_time; + } + InitFieldChoices(); +} + +void VariableSettingsDlg::OnTime2(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!all_init) return; + v2_time = time_lb2->GetSelection(); InitFieldChoices(); } -void VariableSettingsDlg::OnVarChange(wxCommandEvent& event) +void VariableSettingsDlg::OnTime3(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!all_init) return; + v3_time = time_lb3->GetSelection(); + if (num_var >= 4 && set_fourth_from_third_mode) { + lb4->SetSelection(lb3_cur_sel); + lb4_cur_sel = lb3_cur_sel; + time_lb4->SetSelection(v3_time); + v4_time = v3_time; + } + InitFieldChoices(); +} + +void VariableSettingsDlg::OnTime4(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!all_init) return; + v4_time = time_lb4->GetSelection(); + InitFieldChoices(); +} + +void VariableSettingsDlg::OnVar1Change(wxCommandEvent& event) { if (!all_init) return; lb1_cur_sel = lb1->GetSelection(); - if (num_var >= 2) lb2_cur_sel = lb2->GetSelection(); - if (num_var >= 3) lb3_cur_sel = lb3->GetSelection(); - if (num_var >= 4) lb4_cur_sel = lb4->GetSelection(); + if (num_var >= 2 && set_second_from_first_mode) { + lb2->SetSelection(lb1_cur_sel); + lb2_cur_sel = lb1_cur_sel; + if (is_time) { + time_lb2->SetSelection(v1_time); + v2_time = v1_time; + } + } +} + +void VariableSettingsDlg::OnVar2Change(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!all_init) return; + lb2_cur_sel = lb2->GetSelection(); +} + +void VariableSettingsDlg::OnVar3Change(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!all_init) return; + lb3_cur_sel = lb3->GetSelection(); + if (num_var >= 4 && set_fourth_from_third_mode) { + lb4->SetSelection(lb3_cur_sel); + lb4_cur_sel = lb3_cur_sel; + if (is_time) { + time_lb4->SetSelection(v3_time); + v4_time = v3_time; + } + } +} + +void VariableSettingsDlg::OnVar4Change(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!all_init) return; + lb4_cur_sel = lb4->GetSelection(); +} + +void VariableSettingsDlg::OnSpinCtrl( wxSpinEvent& event ) +{ + if (!num_cats_spin) return; + num_categories = num_cats_spin->GetValue(); + if (num_categories < num_cats_spin->GetMin()) { + num_categories = num_cats_spin->GetMin(); + } + if (num_categories > num_cats_spin->GetMax()) { + num_categories = num_cats_spin->GetMax(); + } } void VariableSettingsDlg::OnCancelClick(wxCommandEvent& event) @@ -310,19 +441,18 @@ void VariableSettingsDlg::OnOkClick(wxCommandEvent& event) if (map_theme_lb) m_theme = map_theme_lb->GetSelection(); if (lb1->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND) { - wxString msg("No field chosen first variable."); + wxString msg("No field chosen for first variable."); wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); dlg.ShowModal(); return; } v1_col_id = col_id_map[lb1->GetSelection()]; - v1_name_with_time = lb1->GetString(lb1->GetSelection()); - v1_name = grid_base->GetColName(v1_col_id); - project->default_v1_name = v1_name; + v1_name = table_int->GetColName(v1_col_id); + project->SetDefaultVarName(0, v1_name); if (is_time) { v1_time = time_lb1->GetSelection(); - project->default_v1_time = v1_time; - if (!grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(v1_col_id)) v1_time = 0; + project->SetDefaultVarTime(0, v1_time); + if (!table_int->IsColTimeVariant(v1_col_id)) v1_time = 0; } if (num_var >= 2) { if (lb2->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND) { @@ -332,13 +462,12 @@ void VariableSettingsDlg::OnOkClick(wxCommandEvent& event) return; } v2_col_id = col_id_map[lb2->GetSelection()]; - v2_name_with_time = lb2->GetString(lb2->GetSelection()); - v2_name = grid_base->GetColName(v2_col_id); - project->default_v2_name = v2_name; + v2_name = table_int->GetColName(v2_col_id); + project->SetDefaultVarName(1, v2_name); if (is_time) { v2_time = time_lb2->GetSelection(); - project->default_v2_time = v2_time; - if (!grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(v2_col_id)) v2_time = 0; + project->SetDefaultVarTime(1, v2_time); + if (!table_int->IsColTimeVariant(v2_col_id)) v2_time = 0; } } if (num_var >= 3) { @@ -349,13 +478,12 @@ void VariableSettingsDlg::OnOkClick(wxCommandEvent& event) return; } v3_col_id = col_id_map[lb3->GetSelection()]; - v3_name_with_time = lb3->GetString(lb3->GetSelection()); - v3_name = grid_base->GetColName(v3_col_id); - project->default_v3_name = v3_name; + v3_name = table_int->GetColName(v3_col_id); + project->SetDefaultVarName(2, v3_name); if (is_time) { v3_time = time_lb3->GetSelection(); - project->default_v3_time = v3_time; - if (!grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(v3_col_id)) v3_time = 0; + project->SetDefaultVarTime(2, v3_time); + if (!table_int->IsColTimeVariant(v3_col_id)) v3_time = 0; } } if (num_var >= 4) { @@ -366,13 +494,12 @@ void VariableSettingsDlg::OnOkClick(wxCommandEvent& event) return; } v4_col_id = col_id_map[lb4->GetSelection()]; - v4_name_with_time = lb4->GetString(lb4->GetSelection()); - v4_name = grid_base->GetColName(v4_col_id); - project->default_v4_name = v4_name; + v4_name = table_int->GetColName(v4_col_id); + project->SetDefaultVarName(3, v4_name); if (is_time) { v4_time = time_lb4->GetSelection(); - project->default_v4_time = v4_time; - if (!grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(v4_col_id)) v4_time = 0; + project->SetDefaultVarTime(3, v4_time); + if (!table_int->IsColTimeVariant(v4_col_id)) v4_time = 0; } } @@ -386,29 +513,55 @@ void VariableSettingsDlg::OnOkClick(wxCommandEvent& event) EndDialog(wxID_OK); } +// Theme choice for Rate Smoothed variable settings +CatClassification::CatClassifType VariableSettingsDlg::GetCatClassifType() +{ + if (m_theme == 0) return CatClassification::quantile; + if (m_theme == 1) return CatClassification::percentile; + if (m_theme == 2) return CatClassification::hinge_15; + if (m_theme == 3) return CatClassification::hinge_30; + if (m_theme == 4) return CatClassification::stddev; + if (m_theme == 5) return CatClassification::natural_breaks; + if (m_theme == 6) return CatClassification::equal_intervals; + return CatClassification::quantile; +} + +// Number of categories for Rate Smoothed variable settings +int VariableSettingsDlg::GetNumCategories() +{ + CatClassification::CatClassifType cc_type = GetCatClassifType(); + if (cc_type == CatClassification::quantile || + cc_type == CatClassification::natural_breaks || + cc_type == CatClassification::equal_intervals) { + return num_categories; + } else { + return 6; + } +} + void VariableSettingsDlg::InitTimeChoices() { if (!is_time) return; for (int i=0; itime_ids[i]; + s << table_int->GetTimeString(i); time_lb1->Append(s); if (num_var >= 2) time_lb2->Append(s); if (num_var >= 3) time_lb3->Append(s); if (num_var >= 4) time_lb4->Append(s); } - v1_time = project->default_v1_time; + v1_time = project->GetDefaultVarTime(0); time_lb1->SetSelection(v1_time); if (num_var >= 2) { - v2_time = project->default_v2_time; + v2_time = project->GetDefaultVarTime(1); time_lb2->SetSelection(v2_time); } if (num_var >= 3) { - v3_time = project->default_v3_time; + v3_time = project->GetDefaultVarTime(2); time_lb3->SetSelection(v3_time); } if (num_var >= 4) { - v4_time = project->default_v4_time; + v4_time = project->GetDefaultVarTime(3); time_lb4->SetSelection(v4_time); } } @@ -420,10 +573,10 @@ void VariableSettingsDlg::InitFieldChoices() wxString t3; wxString t4; if (is_time) { - t1 << " (" << grid_base->time_ids[v1_time] << ")"; - t2 << " (" << grid_base->time_ids[v2_time] << ")"; - t3 << " (" << grid_base->time_ids[v3_time] << ")"; - t4 << " (" << grid_base->time_ids[v4_time] << ")"; + t1 << " (" << table_int->GetTimeString(v1_time) << ")"; + t2 << " (" << table_int->GetTimeString(v2_time) << ")"; + t3 << " (" << table_int->GetTimeString(v3_time) << ")"; + t4 << " (" << table_int->GetTimeString(v4_time) << ")"; } lb1->Clear(); @@ -432,163 +585,134 @@ void VariableSettingsDlg::InitFieldChoices() if (num_var >= 4) lb4->Clear(); for (int i=0, iend=col_id_map.size(); iGetColName(col_id_map[i]); - if (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col_id_map[i])) name << t1; + wxString name = table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]); + if (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col_id_map[i])) name << t1; lb1->Append(name); if (num_var >= 2) { - wxString name = grid_base->GetColName(col_id_map[i]); - if (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col_id_map[i])) name << t2; + wxString name = table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]); + if (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col_id_map[i])) name << t2; lb2->Append(name); } if (num_var >= 3) { - wxString name = grid_base->GetColName(col_id_map[i]); - if (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col_id_map[i])) name << t3; + wxString name = table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]); + if (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col_id_map[i])) name << t3; lb3->Append(name); } if (num_var >= 4) { - wxString name = grid_base->GetColName(col_id_map[i]); - if (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col_id_map[i])) name << t4; + wxString name = table_int->GetColName(col_id_map[i]); + if (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col_id_map[i])) name << t4; lb4->Append(name); } } + int pos = lb1->GetScrollPos(wxVERTICAL); lb1->SetSelection(lb1_cur_sel); - if (num_var >= 2) lb2->SetSelection(lb2_cur_sel); - if (num_var >= 3) lb3->SetSelection(lb3_cur_sel); - if (num_var >= 4) lb4->SetSelection(lb4_cur_sel); + lb1->SetFirstItem(lb1->GetSelection()); + if (num_var >= 2) { + lb2->SetSelection(lb2_cur_sel); + lb2->SetFirstItem(lb2->GetSelection()); + } + if (num_var >= 3) { + lb3->SetSelection(lb3_cur_sel); + lb3->SetFirstItem(lb3->GetSelection()); + } + if (num_var >= 4) { + lb4->SetSelection(lb4_cur_sel); + lb4->SetFirstItem(lb4->GetSelection()); + } } void VariableSettingsDlg::FillData() { - std::vector data; - std::vector undefined; - if (fill_result_vectors) { - data.resize(grid_base->GetNumberRows()); - for (int i=0, iend=grid_base->GetNumberRows(); iGetNumberRows()); - } - col_ids.resize(num_var); var_info.resize(num_var); if (num_var >= 1) { v1_col_id = col_id_map[lb1->GetSelection()]; - v1_name = grid_base->GetColName(v1_col_id); + v1_name = table_int->GetColName(v1_col_id); col_ids[0] = v1_col_id; var_info[0].time = v1_time; - if (fill_result_vectors) { - grid_base->GetColData(col_ids[0], var_info[0].time, data); - grid_base->GetColUndefined(col_ids[0], var_info[0].time, undefined); - for (int i=0, iend=data.size(); i= 2) { v2_col_id = col_id_map[lb2->GetSelection()]; - v2_name = grid_base->GetColName(v2_col_id); + v2_name = table_int->GetColName(v2_col_id); col_ids[1] = v2_col_id; var_info[1].time = v2_time; - if (fill_result_vectors) { - grid_base->GetColData(col_ids[1], var_info[1].time, data); - grid_base->GetColUndefined(col_ids[1], var_info[1].time, undefined); - for (int i=0, iend=data.size(); i= 3) { v3_col_id = col_id_map[lb3->GetSelection()]; - v3_name = grid_base->GetColName(v3_col_id); + v3_name = table_int->GetColName(v3_col_id); col_ids[2] = v3_col_id; var_info[2].time = v3_time; - if (fill_result_vectors) { - grid_base->GetColData(col_ids[2], var_info[2].time, data); - grid_base->GetColUndefined(col_ids[2], var_info[2].time, undefined); - for (int i=0, iend=data.size(); i= 4) { v4_col_id = col_id_map[lb4->GetSelection()]; - v4_name = grid_base->GetColName(v4_col_id); + v4_name = table_int->GetColName(v4_col_id); col_ids[3] = v4_col_id; var_info[3].time = v4_time; - if (fill_result_vectors) { - grid_base->GetColData(col_ids[3], var_info[3].time, data); - grid_base->GetColUndefined(col_ids[3], var_info[3].time, undefined); - for (int i=0, iend=data.size(); iGetColName(col_ids[i]); - var_info[i].is_time_variant = grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col_ids[i]); + var_info[i].name = table_int->GetColName(col_ids[i]); + var_info[i].is_time_variant = table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col_ids[i]); // var_info[i].time already set above - grid_base->GetMinMaxVals(col_ids[i], var_info[i].min, var_info[i].max); + table_int->GetMinMaxVals(col_ids[i], var_info[i].min, var_info[i].max); var_info[i].sync_with_global_time = var_info[i].is_time_variant; var_info[i].fixed_scale = true; } // Call function to set all Secondary Attributes based on Primary Attributes - GeoDa::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(var_info); - //GeoDa::PrintVarInfoVector(var_info); + Gda::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(var_info); + //Gda::PrintVarInfoVector(var_info); } bool VariableSettingsDlg::FillSmoothedResults() { std::vector data; std::vector undefined; - if (fill_result_vectors) { - data.resize(grid_base->GetNumberRows()); - for (int i=0, iend=grid_base->GetNumberRows(); iGetNumberRows()); - } + data.resize(table_int->GetNumberRows()); + for (int i=0, iend=table_int->GetNumberRows(); iGetNumberRows()); col_ids.resize(num_var); var_info.resize(num_var); v1_col_id = col_id_map[lb1->GetSelection()]; - v1_name = grid_base->GetColName(v1_col_id); + v1_name = table_int->GetColName(v1_col_id); col_ids[0] = v1_col_id; var_info[0].time = v1_time; - if (fill_result_vectors) { - int col1 = col_id_map[lb1->GetSelection()]; - grid_base->GetColData(col1, v1_time, data); - grid_base->GetColUndefined(col1, v1_time, undefined); - for (int i=0, iend=data.size(); iGetSelection()]; + table_int->GetColData(col1, v1_time, data); + table_int->GetColUndefined(col1, v1_time, undefined); + for (int i=0, iend=data.size(); iGetSelection()]; - v2_name = grid_base->GetColName(v2_col_id); + v2_name = table_int->GetColName(v2_col_id); col_ids[1] = v2_col_id; var_info[1].time = v2_time; - if (fill_result_vectors) { - int col2 = col_id_map[lb2->GetSelection()]; - grid_base->GetColData(col2, v2_time, data); - grid_base->GetColUndefined(col2, v2_time, undefined); - for (int i=0, iend=data.size(); iGetSelection()]; + table_int->GetColData(col2, v2_time, data); + table_int->GetColUndefined(col2, v2_time, undefined); + for (int i=0, iend=data.size(); iGetColName(col_ids[i]); - var_info[i].is_time_variant = grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col_ids[i]); + var_info[i].name = table_int->GetColName(col_ids[i]); + var_info[i].is_time_variant = table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col_ids[i]); // var_info[i].time already set above - grid_base->GetMinMaxVals(col_ids[i], var_info[i].min, var_info[i].max); + table_int->GetMinMaxVals(col_ids[i], var_info[i].min, var_info[i].max); var_info[i].sync_with_global_time = var_info[i].is_time_variant; var_info[i].fixed_scale = true; } // Call function to set all Secondary Attributes based on Primary Attributes - GeoDa::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(var_info); - //GeoDa::PrintVarInfoVector(var_info); - - if (!fill_result_vectors) return true; + Gda::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(var_info); + //Gda::PrintVarInfoVector(var_info); + int num_obs = project->GetNumRecords(); for (int i=0; i #include #include +#include #include "../GenUtils.h" +#include "../Explore/CatClassification.h" -class DbfGridTableBase; class GalElement; class Project; +class TableInterface; class VariableSettingsDlg: public wxDialog { @@ -41,41 +43,46 @@ class VariableSettingsDlg: public wxDialog VariableSettingsDlg(Project* project, short smoother, GalElement* gal, const wxString& title="Rates Variable Settings", const wxString& var1_title="Event Variable", - const wxString& var2_title="Base Variable", - const wxString& var3_title="Third Variable", - const wxString& var4_title="Fourth Variable"); + const wxString& var2_title="Base Variable"); VariableSettingsDlg( Project* project, VarType v_type, - bool fill_result_vectors, const wxString& title="Variable Settings", const wxString& var1_title="First Variable (X)", const wxString& var2_title="Second Variable (Y)", const wxString& var3_title="Third Variable (Z)", - const wxString& var4_title="Fourth Variable"); + const wxString& var4_title="Fourth Variable", + bool set_second_from_first_mode = false, + bool set_fourth_from_third_mode = false); virtual ~VariableSettingsDlg(); void CreateControls(); void Init(VarType var_type); - - void OnListVariableDoubleClicked( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnVarChange( wxCommandEvent& event ); - void OnTime( wxCommandEvent& event ); + + void OnListVariable1DoubleClicked( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnListVariable2DoubleClicked( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnListVariable3DoubleClicked( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnListVariable4DoubleClicked( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnVar1Change( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnVar2Change( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnVar3Change( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnVar4Change( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnTime1( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnTime2( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnTime3( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnTime4( wxCommandEvent& event ); + void OnSpinCtrl( wxSpinEvent& event ); void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); - bool fill_result_vectors; // when true, only var_info and col_ids are filled - bool fill_smoothed_results; // only true when first constructor is called + + std::vector col_ids; + std::vector var_info; + CatClassification::CatClassifType GetCatClassifType(); // for rate smoothed + int GetNumCategories(); // for rate smoothed + +private: double* smoothed_results; // for rate_smoothed std::vector m_undef_r; // for rate_smoothed int m_theme; // for rate_smoothed - double* v1_single_time; - double* v2_single_time; - double* v3_single_time; - double* v4_single_time; - wxString v1_name_with_time; - wxString v2_name_with_time; - wxString v3_name_with_time; - wxString v4_name_with_time; - wxString v1_name; wxString v2_name; wxString v3_name; @@ -89,12 +96,6 @@ class VariableSettingsDlg: public wxDialog int v3_col_id; int v4_col_id; - std::vector col_ids; - std::vector var_info; - - int time_ref_var; // which var_info item has is_ref_variable == true, if any - -protected: VarType v_type; wxListBox* lb1; wxListBox* lb2; @@ -117,20 +118,21 @@ class VariableSettingsDlg: public wxDialog wxChoice* map_theme_lb; // for rate_smoothed short m_smoother; // for rate_smoothed - + wxSpinCtrl* num_cats_spin; + int num_categories; + bool all_init; int num_var; // 1, 2, 3, or 4 bool is_time; int time_steps; - long num_obs; // for rate_smoothed double* E; // for rate_smoothed double* P; // for rate_smoothed GalElement* m_gal; // for rate_smoothed Project* project; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + TableInterface* table_int; // col_id_map[i] is a map from the i'th numeric item in the // fields drop-down to the actual col_id_map. Items // in the fields dropdown are in the order displayed in wxGrid @@ -141,6 +143,13 @@ class VariableSettingsDlg: public wxDialog void FillData(); bool FillSmoothedResults(); + /** Automatically set the second variable to the same value as + the first variable when first variable is changed. */ + bool set_second_from_first_mode; + /** Automatically set the fourth variable to the same value as + the third variable when third variable is changed. */ + bool set_fourth_from_third_mode; + DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; diff --git a/Doxyfile b/Doxyfile index 75286c531..e9987d566 100644 --- a/Doxyfile +++ b/Doxyfile @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ PROJECT_NAME = OpenGeoDa # This could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or # if some version control system is used. -PROJECT_NUMBER = 1.3.26 +PROJECT_NUMBER = 1.5.1 # The OUTPUT_DIRECTORY tag is used to specify the (relative or absolute) # base path where the generated documentation will be put. @@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ WARN_LOGFILE = # directories like "/usr/src/myproject". Separate the files or directories # with spaces. -INPUT = ./ ./DialogTools ./Explore ./Generic ./Regression ./SampleData ./ShapeOperations ./Thiessen ./kNN ./rc +INPUT = ./ ./DataViewer ./DialogTools ./Explore ./Generic ./ShapeOperations # This tag can be used to specify the character encoding of the source files # that doxygen parses. Internally doxygen uses the UTF-8 encoding, which is diff --git a/Explore/3DPlotView.cpp b/Explore/3DPlotView.cpp index e543c1fe8..7f59fab32 100644 --- a/Explore/3DPlotView.cpp +++ b/Explore/3DPlotView.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -26,11 +26,12 @@ #include #include #include -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../DialogTools/3DControlPan.h" #include "../FramesManager.h" #include "Geom3D.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" #include "../GeoDa.h" #include "../logger.h" @@ -44,23 +45,23 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(C3DPlotCanvas, wxGLCanvas) EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS(C3DPlotCanvas::OnMouse) END_EVENT_TABLE() -C3DPlotCanvas::C3DPlotCanvas(DbfGridTableBase* grid_base_s, +C3DPlotCanvas::C3DPlotCanvas(Project* project_s, C3DPlotFrame* t_frame, HighlightState* highlight_state_s, const std::vector& v_info, const std::vector& col_ids, - double* x, double* y, double* z, wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style) : wxGLCanvas(parent, id, pos, size, style), ball(0), -grid_base(grid_base_s), -num_obs(grid_base_s->GetNumberRows()), num_vars(v_info.size()), +project(project_s), table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()), +num_obs(project_s->GetTableInt()->GetNumberRows()), num_vars(v_info.size()), num_time_vals(1), highlight_state(highlight_state_s), var_info(v_info), -data(v_info.size()), scaled_d(v_info.size()) +data(v_info.size()), scaled_d(v_info.size()), +c3d_plot_frame(t_frame) { - selectable_fill_color = GeoDaConst::three_d_plot_default_point_colour; - highlight_color = GeoDaConst::three_d_plot_default_highlight_colour; - canvas_background_color=GeoDaConst::three_d_plot_default_background_colour; + selectable_fill_color = GdaConst::three_d_plot_default_point_colour; + highlight_color = GdaConst::three_d_plot_default_highlight_colour; + canvas_background_color=GdaConst::three_d_plot_default_background_colour; data_stats.resize(var_info.size()); var_min.resize(var_info.size()); @@ -68,8 +69,8 @@ data(v_info.size()), scaled_d(v_info.size()) std::vector temp_vec(num_obs); for (int v=0; vGetColData(col_ids[v], data[v]); - grid_base->GetColData(col_ids[v], scaled_d[v]); + table_int->GetColData(col_ids[v], data[v]); + table_int->GetColData(col_ids[v], scaled_d[v]); int data_times = data[v].shape()[0]; data_stats[v].resize(data_times); for (int t=0; tClearAllGroupDependencies(); + for (int i=0, sz=var_info.size(); iAddGroupDependancy(var_info[i].name); + } + VarInfoAttributeChange(); UpdateScaledData(); @@ -135,7 +141,7 @@ void C3DPlotCanvas::AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(wxMenu* menu) wxString s; s << "Synchronize " << var_info[i].name << " with Time Control"; wxMenuItem* mi = - menu1->AppendCheckItem(GeoDaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1+i, s, s); + menu1->AppendCheckItem(GdaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1+i, s, s); mi->Check(var_info[i].sync_with_global_time); } } @@ -154,7 +160,7 @@ void C3DPlotCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) for (int i=0, iend=var_info.size(); icontrol->m_xp->SetValue((int)((xp+1)*10000)); - template_frame->control->m_yp->SetValue((int)((yp+1)*10000)); - template_frame->control->m_zp->SetValue((int)((zp+1)*10000)); + c3d_plot_frame->control->m_xp->SetValue((int)((xp+1)*10000)); + c3d_plot_frame->control->m_yp->SetValue((int)((yp+1)*10000)); + c3d_plot_frame->control->m_zp->SetValue((int)((zp+1)*10000)); this->UpdateSelect(); } else { @@ -913,18 +919,18 @@ wxString C3DPlotCanvas::GetNameWithTime(int var) if (var < 0 || var >= var_info.size()) return wxEmptyString; wxString s(var_info[var].name); if (var_info[var].is_time_variant) { - s << " (" << grid_base->GetTimeString(var_info[var].time); + s << " (" << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(var_info[var].time); s << ")"; } return s; } -void C3DPlotCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() +void C3DPlotCanvas::TimeChange() { - LOG_MSG("Entering C3DPlotCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange"); + LOG_MSG("Entering C3DPlotCanvas::TimeChange"); if (!is_any_sync_with_global_time) return; - int cts = grid_base->curr_time_step; + int cts = project->GetTimeState()->GetCurrTime(); int ref_time = var_info[ref_var_index].time; int ref_time_min = var_info[ref_var_index].time_min; int ref_time_max = var_info[ref_var_index].time_max; @@ -950,14 +956,14 @@ void C3DPlotCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() //PopulateCanvas(); Refresh(); - LOG_MSG("Exiting C3DPlotCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting C3DPlotCanvas::TimeChange"); } /** Update Secondary Attributes based on Primary Attributes. Update num_time_vals and ref_var_index based on Secondary Attributes. */ void C3DPlotCanvas::VarInfoAttributeChange() { - GeoDa::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(var_info); + Gda::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(var_info); is_any_time_variant = false; is_any_sync_with_global_time = false; @@ -967,6 +973,7 @@ void C3DPlotCanvas::VarInfoAttributeChange() is_any_sync_with_global_time = true; } } + c3d_plot_frame->SetDependsOnNonSimpleGroups(is_any_time_variant); ref_var_index = -1; num_time_vals = 1; for (int i=0; i& var_info, const std::vector& col_ids, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, - const wxSize& size, const long style, - double* x, const wxString& x_name, - double* y, const wxString& y_name, - double* z, const wxString& z_name) + const wxSize& size, const long style) : TemplateFrame(parent, project, title, pos, size, style) { m_splitter = new wxSplitterWindow(this); - canvas = new C3DPlotCanvas(project->GetGridBase(), + canvas = new C3DPlotCanvas(project, this, project->GetHighlightState(), var_info, col_ids, - x, y, z, m_splitter); control = new C3DControlPan(m_splitter, -1, wxDefaultPosition, - wxDefaultSize, wxCAPTION|wxSYSTEM_MENU, - x_name, y_name, z_name); - canvas->template_frame = this; + wxDefaultSize, wxCAPTION|wxSYSTEM_MENU); control->template_frame = this; m_splitter->SplitVertically(control, canvas, 70); UpdateTitle(); @@ -1103,7 +1104,7 @@ void C3DPlotFrame::OnMenuClose(wxCommandEvent& event) void C3DPlotFrame::MapMenus() { LOG_MSG("In C3DPlotFrame::MapMenus"); - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); // Map Options Menus wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_3D_PLOT_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); @@ -1116,7 +1117,7 @@ void C3DPlotFrame::MapMenus() void C3DPlotFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems() { TemplateFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems(); // set common items first - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); int menu = mb->FindMenu("Options"); if (menu == wxNOT_FOUND) { LOG_MSG("C3DPlotFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems: Options " @@ -1162,13 +1163,11 @@ void C3DPlotFrame::OnSelectableFillColor(wxCommandEvent& event) } } - - -/** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ -void C3DPlotFrame::update(FramesManager* o) +/** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ +void C3DPlotFrame::update(TimeState* o) { - LOG_MSG("In C3DPlotFrame::update(FramesManager* o)"); - canvas->TitleOrTimeChange(); + LOG_MSG("In C3DPlotFrame::update(TimeState* o)"); + canvas->TimeChange(); UpdateTitle(); } @@ -1181,7 +1180,7 @@ void C3DPlotFrame::OnTimeSyncVariable(int var_index) void C3DPlotFrame::UpdateTitle() { - SetTitle(canvas->GetCanvasTitle()); + TemplateFrame::UpdateTitle(); control->UpdateAxesLabels(canvas->GetNameWithTime(0), canvas->GetNameWithTime(1), canvas->GetNameWithTime(2)); diff --git a/Explore/3DPlotView.h b/Explore/3DPlotView.h index a07302b71..74e0accce 100644 --- a/Explore/3DPlotView.h +++ b/Explore/3DPlotView.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -30,17 +30,16 @@ class Arcball; class C3DControlPan; class C3DPlotFrame; -class DbfGridTableBase; +class TableInterface; typedef boost::multi_array d_array_type; class C3DPlotCanvas: public wxGLCanvas, public HighlightStateObserver { public: - C3DPlotCanvas(DbfGridTableBase* grid_base, + C3DPlotCanvas(Project* project, C3DPlotFrame* t_frame, HighlightState* highlight_state, const std::vector& var_info, const std::vector& col_ids, - double* x, double* y, double* z, wxWindow *parent, const wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, @@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ class C3DPlotCanvas: public wxGLCanvas, public HighlightStateObserver virtual void SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu); virtual wxString GetCanvasTitle(); virtual wxString GetNameWithTime(int var); - virtual void TitleOrTimeChange(); + virtual void TimeChange(); void VarInfoAttributeChange(); void UpdateScaledData(); virtual void TimeSyncVariableToggle(int var_index); @@ -83,7 +82,6 @@ class C3DPlotCanvas: public wxGLCanvas, public HighlightStateObserver int height, width; double bb_min[3], bb_max[3]; - C3DPlotFrame* template_frame; wxColour selectable_fill_color; wxColour highlight_color; wxColour canvas_background_color; @@ -109,7 +107,8 @@ class C3DPlotCanvas: public wxGLCanvas, public HighlightStateObserver /** Implementation of the HighlightStateObserver interface update function. */ virtual void update(HighlightState* o); - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + TableInterface* table_int; + Project* project; HighlightState* highlight_state; int num_obs; int num_vars; @@ -128,7 +127,8 @@ class C3DPlotCanvas: public wxGLCanvas, public HighlightStateObserver wxPoint select_end; bool bSelect; C3DControlPan *m_dlg; - + C3DPlotFrame* c3d_plot_frame; + DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; @@ -140,10 +140,7 @@ class C3DPlotFrame: public TemplateFrame const std::vector& var_info, const std::vector& col_ids, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, - const wxSize& size, const long style, - double* x, const wxString& x_name, - double* y, const wxString& y_name, - double* z, const wxString& z_name); + const wxSize& size, const long style); virtual ~C3DPlotFrame(); wxSplitterWindow* m_splitter; @@ -160,8 +157,8 @@ class C3DPlotFrame: public TemplateFrame virtual void OnHighlightColor(wxCommandEvent& event); virtual void OnTimeSyncVariable(int var_index); - /** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ - virtual void update(FramesManager* o); + /** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TimeState* o); virtual void UpdateTitle(); diff --git a/Explore/BoxNewPlotView.cpp b/Explore/BoxNewPlotView.cpp index 159460079..bfa591b34 100644 --- a/Explore/BoxNewPlotView.cpp +++ b/Explore/BoxNewPlotView.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -29,9 +29,10 @@ #include #include #include -#include "../DialogTools/MapQuantileDlg.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../DialogTools/NumCategoriesDlg.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" #include "../logger.h" #include "../GeoDa.h" @@ -70,17 +71,17 @@ BoxNewPlotCanvas::BoxNewPlotCanvas(wxWindow *parent, TemplateFrame* t_frame, : TemplateCanvas(parent, pos, size, false, true), project(project_s), var_info(v_info), num_obs(project_s->GetNumRecords()), num_time_vals(1), data(v_info.size()), -highlight_state(project_s->highlight_state), +highlight_state(project_s->GetHighlightState()), vert_axis(0), display_stats(false), show_axes(true), hinge_15(true) { using namespace Shapefile; LOG_MSG("Entering BoxNewPlotCanvas::BoxNewPlotCanvas"); template_frame = t_frame; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base = project->GetGridBase(); + TableInterface* table_int = project->GetTableInt(); sel_scratch.resize(num_obs); - grid_base->GetColData(col_ids[0], data[0]); + table_int->GetColData(col_ids[0], data[0]); int data0_times = data[0].shape()[0]; hinge_stats.resize(data0_times); data_stats.resize(data0_times); @@ -92,20 +93,25 @@ hinge_15(true) data_sorted[t][i].second = i; } std::sort(data_sorted[t].begin(), data_sorted[t].end(), - GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_cmp_less); + Gda::dbl_int_pair_cmp_less); hinge_stats[t].CalculateHingeStats(data_sorted[t]); data_stats[t].CalculateFromSample(data_sorted[t]); } + template_frame->ClearAllGroupDependencies(); + for (int i=0, sz=var_info.size(); iAddGroupDependancy(var_info[i].name); + } + max_plots = GenUtils::min(MAX_BOX_PLOTS, var_info[0].is_time_variant ? - project->GetGridBase()->GetTimeSteps() : 1); + project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps() : 1); cur_num_plots = max_plots; cur_first_ind = var_info[0].time_min; cur_last_ind = var_info[0].time_max; // NOTE: define Box Plot defaults - selectable_fill_color = GeoDaConst::map_default_fill_colour; - highlight_color = GeoDaConst::highlight_color; + selectable_fill_color = GdaConst::map_default_fill_colour; + highlight_color = GdaConst::highlight_color; fixed_aspect_ratio_mode = false; use_category_brushes = false; @@ -114,6 +120,7 @@ hinge_15(true) ref_var_index = var_info[0].is_time_variant ? 0 : -1; VarInfoAttributeChange(); PopulateCanvas(); + DisplayStatistics(true); highlight_state->registerObserver(this); SetBackgroundStyle(wxBG_STYLE_CUSTOM); // default style @@ -130,6 +137,10 @@ BoxNewPlotCanvas::~BoxNewPlotCanvas() void BoxNewPlotCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu(const wxPoint& pos) { LOG_MSG("Entering BoxNewPlotCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu"); + // Workaround for right-click not changing window focus in OSX / wxW 3.0 + wxActivateEvent ae(wxEVT_NULL, true, 0, wxActivateEvent::Reason_Mouse); + ((BoxNewPlotFrame*) template_frame)->OnActivate(ae); + wxMenu* optMenu; optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_BOX_NEW_PLOT_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); @@ -150,7 +161,7 @@ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(wxMenu* menu) wxString s; s << "Synchronize " << var_info[0].name << " with Time Control"; wxMenuItem* mi = - menu1->AppendCheckItem(GeoDaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1+0, s, s); + menu1->AppendCheckItem(GdaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1+0, s, s); mi->Check(var_info[0].sync_with_global_time); } @@ -159,35 +170,35 @@ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(wxMenu* menu) wxString s; s << "Fixed scale over time"; wxMenuItem* mi = - menu2->AppendCheckItem(GeoDaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR1, s, s); + menu2->AppendCheckItem(GdaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR1, s, s); mi->Check(var_info[0].fixed_scale); } wxMenu* menu3 = new wxMenu(wxEmptyString); { - int mppv = GeoDaConst::max_plots_per_view_menu_items; + int mppv = GdaConst::max_plots_per_view_menu_items; int mp = GenUtils::min(max_plots, mppv); for (int i=0; iAppendCheckItem(GeoDaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_1+i, s, s); + menu3->AppendCheckItem(GdaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_1+i, s, s); mi->Check(i+1 == cur_num_plots); } if (max_plots > 10) { wxString s; s << "Other..."; wxMenuItem* mi = - menu3->AppendCheckItem(GeoDaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_OTHER, s, s); + menu3->AppendCheckItem(GdaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_OTHER, s, s); } wxString s; - if (project->GetGridBase()->GetTimeSteps() <= MAX_BOX_PLOTS) { + if (project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps() <= MAX_BOX_PLOTS) { s << "All"; } else { s << MAX_BOX_PLOTS << " (max plots allowed)"; } wxMenuItem* mi = - menu3->AppendCheckItem(GeoDaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_ALL, s, s); + menu3->AppendCheckItem(GdaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_ALL, s, s); mi->Check(cur_num_plots == max_plots); } @@ -217,20 +228,20 @@ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) if (var_info[0].is_time_variant) { GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, - GeoDaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1, + GdaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1, var_info[0].sync_with_global_time); GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, - GeoDaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR1, + GdaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR1, var_info[0].fixed_scale); - int mppv = GeoDaConst::max_plots_per_view_menu_items; + int mppv = GdaConst::max_plots_per_view_menu_items; int mp = GenUtils::min(max_plots, mppv); for (int i=0; i(min_IQR, 0); int iqr_t = GenUtils::min(max_IQR, num_obs-1); - dc.SetPen(GeoDaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color); - dc.SetBrush(GeoDaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color); + dc.SetPen(GdaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color); + dc.SetBrush(GdaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color); for (int i=iqr_s; i<=iqr_t; i++) { int ind = ind_base + data_sorted[t][i].second; - MyRectangle* rec = (MyRectangle*) selectable_shps[ind]; + GdaRectangle* rec = (GdaRectangle*) selectable_shps[ind]; dc.DrawRectangle(rec->lower_left.x, rec->lower_left.y, rec->upper_right.x - rec->lower_left.x, rec->upper_right.y - rec->lower_left.y); @@ -366,7 +377,7 @@ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::DrawHighlightedShapes(wxMemoryDC &dc) for (int i=iqr_s; i<=iqr_t; i++) { if (!hs[data_sorted[t][i].second]) continue; int ind = ind_base + data_sorted[t][i].second; - MyRectangle* rec = (MyRectangle*) selectable_shps[ind]; + GdaRectangle* rec = (GdaRectangle*) selectable_shps[ind]; dc.DrawRectangle(rec->lower_left.x, rec->lower_left.y, rec->upper_right.x - rec->lower_left.x, rec->upper_right.y - rec->lower_left.y); @@ -394,7 +405,6 @@ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::update(HighlightState* o) wxString BoxNewPlotCanvas::GetCanvasTitle() { - DbfGridTableBase* gb = project->GetGridBase(); wxString s("Box Plot (Hinge="); if (hinge_15) s << "1.5): "; else s << "3.0): "; @@ -402,8 +412,8 @@ wxString BoxNewPlotCanvas::GetCanvasTitle() s << GetNameWithTime(0); } else { s << var_info[0].name << " ("; - s << gb->GetTimeString(cur_first_ind) << "-"; - s << gb->GetTimeString(cur_last_ind) << ")"; + s << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(cur_first_ind) << "-"; + s << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(cur_last_ind) << ")"; } return s; } @@ -413,7 +423,7 @@ wxString BoxNewPlotCanvas::GetNameWithTime(int var) if (var < 0 || var >= var_info.size()) return wxEmptyString; wxString s(var_info[var].name); if (var_info[var].is_time_variant) { - s << " (" << project->GetGridBase()->GetTimeString(var_info[var].time); + s << " (" << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(var_info[var].time); s << ")"; } return s; @@ -422,12 +432,12 @@ wxString BoxNewPlotCanvas::GetNameWithTime(int var) wxString BoxNewPlotCanvas::GetNameWithTime(int var, int time) { if (var < 0 || var >= var_info.size() || - time < 0 || time >= project->GetGridBase()->GetTimeSteps()) { + time < 0 || time >= project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps()) { return wxEmptyString; } wxString s(var_info[var].name); if (var_info[var].is_time_variant) { - s << " (" << project->GetGridBase()->GetTimeString(time); + s << " (" << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(time); s << ")"; } return s; @@ -436,21 +446,21 @@ wxString BoxNewPlotCanvas::GetNameWithTime(int var, int time) wxString BoxNewPlotCanvas::GetTimeString(int var, int time) { if (var < 0 || var >= var_info.size() || - time < 0 || time >= project->GetGridBase()->GetTimeSteps() || + time < 0 || time >= project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps() || !var_info[var].is_time_variant) { return wxEmptyString; } - return project->GetGridBase()->GetTimeString(time); + return project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(time); } void BoxNewPlotCanvas::PopulateCanvas() { LOG_MSG("Entering BoxNewPlotCanvas::PopulateCanvas"); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, background_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, background_shps ) { delete shp; } background_shps.clear(); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } selectable_shps.clear(); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, foreground_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, foreground_shps ) { delete shp; } foreground_shps.clear(); double x_min = 0; @@ -463,7 +473,7 @@ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::PopulateCanvas() shps_orig_ymin = 0; shps_orig_ymax = 100; - MyShape* s = 0; + GdaShape* s = 0; int table_w=0, table_h=0; if (display_stats) { int cols = 1; @@ -477,13 +487,13 @@ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::PopulateCanvas() vals[5] << "IQR"; vals[6] << "mean"; vals[7] << "s.d."; - std::vector attribs(0); // undefined - s = new MyTable(vals, attribs, rows, cols, *GeoDaConst::small_font, - wxRealPoint(0, 0), MyText::h_center, MyText::top, - MyText::right, MyText::v_center, 3, 10, -45, 30); + std::vector attribs(0); // undefined + s = new GdaShapeTable(vals, attribs, rows, cols, *GdaConst::small_font, + wxRealPoint(0, 0), GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::top, + GdaShapeText::right, GdaShapeText::v_center, 3, 10, -45, 30); background_shps.push_back(s); wxClientDC dc(this); - ((MyTable*) s)->GetSize(dc, table_w, table_h); + ((GdaShapeTable*) s)->GetSize(dc, table_w, table_h); } virtual_screen_marg_top = 25; @@ -493,7 +503,7 @@ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::PopulateCanvas() wxSize size(GetVirtualSize()); double scale_x, scale_y, trans_x, trans_y; - MyScaleTrans::calcAffineParams(shps_orig_xmin, shps_orig_ymin, + GdaScaleTrans::calcAffineParams(shps_orig_xmin, shps_orig_ymin, shps_orig_xmax, shps_orig_ymax, virtual_screen_marg_top, virtual_screen_marg_bottom, @@ -530,7 +540,7 @@ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::PopulateCanvas() axis_scale = AxisScale(y_min, y_max); y_min = axis_scale.scale_min; y_max = axis_scale.scale_max; - vert_axis = new MyAxis(var_info[0].name, axis_scale, + vert_axis = new GdaAxis(var_info[0].name, axis_scale, wxRealPoint(0,0), wxRealPoint(0, 100), -20, 0); background_shps.push_back(vert_axis); } @@ -573,42 +583,42 @@ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::PopulateCanvas() vals[6] << GenUtils::DblToStr(data_stats[t].mean, 4); vals[7] << GenUtils::DblToStr(data_stats[t].sd_with_bessel, 4); - std::vector attribs(0); // undefined - s = new MyTable(vals, attribs, rows, cols, *GeoDaConst::small_font, - wxRealPoint(xM, 0), MyText::h_center, MyText::top, - MyText::h_center, MyText::v_center, 3, 10, 0, 30); + std::vector attribs(0); // undefined + s = new GdaShapeTable(vals, attribs, rows, cols, *GdaConst::small_font, + wxRealPoint(xM, 0), GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::top, + GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::v_center, 3, 10, 0, 30); background_shps.push_back(s); } - s = new MyPolyLine(xM-plot_width_const/3.0, (y0-y_min)*scaleY, + s = new GdaPolyLine(xM-plot_width_const/3.0, (y0-y_min)*scaleY, xM+plot_width_const/3.0, (y0-y_min)*scaleY); background_shps.push_back(s); - s = new MyPolyLine(xM-plot_width_const/3.0, (y1-y_min)*scaleY, + s = new GdaPolyLine(xM-plot_width_const/3.0, (y1-y_min)*scaleY, xM+plot_width_const/3.0, (y1-y_min)*scaleY); background_shps.push_back(s); - s = new MyPolyLine(orig_x_pos[t-cur_first_ind], (y0-y_min)*scaleY, + s = new GdaPolyLine(orig_x_pos[t-cur_first_ind], (y0-y_min)*scaleY, orig_x_pos[t-cur_first_ind], (y1-y_min)*scaleY); background_shps.push_back(s); - //s = new MyRectangle(wxRealPoint(x0, (hinge_stats[t].Q1-y_min)*scaleY), + //s = new GdaRectangle(wxRealPoint(x0, (hinge_stats[t].Q1-y_min)*scaleY), // wxRealPoint(x1, (hinge_stats[t].Q3-y_min)*scaleY)); //background_shps.push_back(s); - s = new MyCircle(wxRealPoint(xM, (data_stats[t].mean-y_min)*scaleY), + s = new GdaCircle(wxRealPoint(xM, (data_stats[t].mean-y_min)*scaleY), 5.0); - s->setPen(GeoDaConst::boxplot_point_color); - s->setBrush(GeoDaConst::boxplot_mean_point_color); + s->setPen(GdaConst::boxplot_point_color); + s->setBrush(GdaConst::boxplot_mean_point_color); foreground_shps.push_back(s); double y0m = (hinge_stats[t].Q2-y_min)*scaleY - 0.2; double y1m = (hinge_stats[t].Q2-y_min)*scaleY + 0.2; - s = new MyRectangle(wxRealPoint(x0, y0m), wxRealPoint(x1, y1m)); - s->setPen(GeoDaConst::boxplot_median_color); - s->setBrush(GeoDaConst::boxplot_median_color); + s = new GdaRectangle(wxRealPoint(x0, y0m), wxRealPoint(x1, y1m)); + s->setPen(GdaConst::boxplot_median_color); + s->setBrush(GdaConst::boxplot_median_color); foreground_shps.push_back(s); wxString plot_label(var_info[0].is_time_variant ? GetTimeString(0, t) : GetNameWithTime(0)); - s = new MyText(plot_label, *GeoDaConst::small_font, + s = new GdaShapeText(plot_label, *GdaConst::small_font, wxRealPoint(orig_x_pos[t-cur_first_ind], 0), 0, - MyText::h_center, MyText::v_center, 0, 18); + GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::v_center, 0, 18); background_shps.push_back(s); for (int i=0; isetPen(GeoDaConst::boxplot_point_color); + new GdaPoint(orig_x_pos[t-cur_first_ind], (val-y_min) * scaleY); + selectable_shps[ind]->setPen(GdaConst::boxplot_point_color); selectable_shps[ind]->setBrush(*wxWHITE_BRUSH); } for (int i=hinge_stats[t].max_IQR_ind+1; isetPen(GeoDaConst::boxplot_point_color); + new GdaPoint(orig_x_pos[t-cur_first_ind], (val-y_min) * scaleY); + selectable_shps[ind]->setPen(GdaConst::boxplot_point_color); selectable_shps[ind]->setBrush(*wxWHITE_BRUSH); //} } @@ -642,10 +652,10 @@ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::PopulateCanvas() data_sorted[t][hinge_stats[t].min_IQR_ind].second); double y0 = (hinge_stats[t].Q1 - y_min) * scaleY; double y1 = (hinge_stats[t].Q3 - y_min) * scaleY; - selectable_shps[ind] = new MyRectangle(wxRealPoint(x0r, y0), + selectable_shps[ind] = new GdaRectangle(wxRealPoint(x0r, y0), wxRealPoint(x1r, y1)); - selectable_shps[ind]->setPen(GeoDaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color); - selectable_shps[ind]->setBrush(GeoDaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color); + selectable_shps[ind]->setPen(GdaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color); + selectable_shps[ind]->setBrush(GdaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color); } else { int minIQR = hinge_stats[t].min_IQR_ind; int maxIQR = hinge_stats[t].max_IQR_ind; @@ -659,12 +669,12 @@ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::PopulateCanvas() } else { y1 = (data_sorted[t][minIQR+1].first - y_min)*scaleY; } - selectable_shps[ind] = new MyRectangle(wxRealPoint(x0r, y0), + selectable_shps[ind] = new GdaRectangle(wxRealPoint(x0r, y0), wxRealPoint(x1r, y1)); //selectable_shps[ind]->pen = *wxGREEN_PEN; //selectable_shps[ind]->brush = *wxGREEN_BRUSH; - selectable_shps[ind]->setPen(GeoDaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color); - selectable_shps[ind]->setBrush(GeoDaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color); + selectable_shps[ind]->setPen(GdaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color); + selectable_shps[ind]->setBrush(GdaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color); ind = (t-cur_first_ind)*num_obs + data_sorted[t][maxIQR].second; if (maxIQR < num_obs) { y0 = (((data_sorted[t][maxIQR].first + @@ -673,12 +683,12 @@ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::PopulateCanvas() y0 = (data_sorted[t][maxIQR-1].first - y_min)*scaleY; } y1 = (hinge_stats[t].Q3 - y_min) * scaleY; - selectable_shps[ind] = new MyRectangle(wxRealPoint(x0r, y0), + selectable_shps[ind] = new GdaRectangle(wxRealPoint(x0r, y0), wxRealPoint(x1r, y1)); //selectable_shps[ind]->pen = *wxCYAN_PEN; //selectable_shps[ind]->brush = *wxCYAN_BRUSH; - selectable_shps[ind]->setPen(GeoDaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color); - selectable_shps[ind]->setBrush(GeoDaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color); + selectable_shps[ind]->setPen(GdaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color); + selectable_shps[ind]->setBrush(GdaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color); //LOG(data_sorted[t][maxIQR].first); //LOG(data_sorted[t][maxIQR-1].first); //LOG(hinge_stats[t].Q3); @@ -690,10 +700,10 @@ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::PopulateCanvas() data_sorted[t][i-1].first)/2.0) - y_min)*scaleY; y1 = (((data_sorted[t][i].first + data_sorted[t][i+1].first)/2.0) - y_min)*scaleY; - selectable_shps[ind] = new MyRectangle(wxRealPoint(x0r, y0), + selectable_shps[ind] = new GdaRectangle(wxRealPoint(x0r, y0), wxRealPoint(x1r, y1)); - selectable_shps[ind]->setPen(GeoDaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color); - selectable_shps[ind]->setBrush(GeoDaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color); + selectable_shps[ind]->setPen(GdaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color); + selectable_shps[ind]->setBrush(GdaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color); //if (ind % 2 == 0) { // selectable_shps[ind]->pen = *wxBLUE_PEN; // selectable_shps[ind]->brush = *wxBLUE_BRUSH; @@ -710,14 +720,14 @@ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::PopulateCanvas() LOG_MSG("Exiting BoxNewPlotCanvas::PopulateCanvas"); } -void BoxNewPlotCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() +void BoxNewPlotCanvas::TimeChange() { - LOG_MSG("Entering BoxNewPlotCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange"); + LOG_MSG("Entering BoxNewPlotCanvas::TimeChange"); if (!is_any_sync_with_global_time) return; - var_info[0].time = project->GetGridBase()->curr_time_step; + var_info[0].time = project->GetTimeState()->GetCurrTime(); - int time_steps = project->GetGridBase()->GetTimeSteps(); + int time_steps = project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); int start = var_info[0].time - cur_num_plots/2; if (cur_num_plots % 2 == 0) start++; start = GenUtils::max(start, 0); @@ -731,14 +741,14 @@ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() invalidateBms(); PopulateCanvas(); Refresh(); - LOG_MSG("Exiting BoxNewPlotCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting BoxNewPlotCanvas::TimeChange"); } /** Update Secondary Attributes based on Primary Attributes. Update num_time_vals and ref_var_index based on Secondary Attributes. */ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::VarInfoAttributeChange() { - GeoDa::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(var_info); + Gda::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(var_info); is_any_time_variant = false; is_any_sync_with_global_time = false; @@ -746,6 +756,7 @@ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::VarInfoAttributeChange() if (var_info[0].sync_with_global_time) { is_any_sync_with_global_time = true; } + template_frame->SetDependsOnNonSimpleGroups(is_any_time_variant); ref_var_index = -1; num_time_vals = 1; if (var_info[0].is_ref_variable) ref_var_index = 0; @@ -754,7 +765,7 @@ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::VarInfoAttributeChange() var_info[ref_var_index].time_min) + 1; } - //GeoDa::PrintVarInfoVector(var_info); + //Gda::PrintVarInfoVector(var_info); } void BoxNewPlotCanvas::TimeSyncVariableToggle(int var_index) @@ -780,7 +791,7 @@ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::PlotsPerView(int plots_per_view) { if (plots_per_view == cur_num_plots) return; cur_num_plots = plots_per_view; - int time_steps = project->GetGridBase()->GetTimeSteps(); + int time_steps = project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps(); int start = var_info[0].time - cur_num_plots/2; if (cur_num_plots % 2 == 0) start++; start = GenUtils::max(start, 0); @@ -798,10 +809,10 @@ void BoxNewPlotCanvas::PlotsPerViewOther() // ask user for custom number of plots. This dialog only appears // when GetTimeSteps() > 10 wxString title("Plots Per View"); - MapQuantileDlg dlg(this, 1, max_plots, 11, title, "Plots Per View"); + NumCategoriesDlg dlg(this, 1, max_plots, 11, title, "Plots Per View"); dlg.SetTitle(title); - if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; - else PlotsPerView(dlg.classes); + dlg.ShowModal(); + PlotsPerView(dlg.GetNumCategories()); } void BoxNewPlotCanvas::PlotsPerViewAll() @@ -921,7 +932,7 @@ void BoxNewPlotFrame::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event) void BoxNewPlotFrame::MapMenus() { LOG_MSG("In BoxNewPlotFrame::MapMenus"); - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); // Map Options Menus wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_BOX_NEW_PLOT_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); @@ -935,7 +946,7 @@ void BoxNewPlotFrame::MapMenus() void BoxNewPlotFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems() { TemplateFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems(); // set common items first - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); int menu = mb->FindMenu("Options"); if (menu == wxNOT_FOUND) { LOG_MSG("BoxNewPlotFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems: Options " @@ -955,19 +966,14 @@ void BoxNewPlotFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu) TemplateFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(menu); // set common items } -/** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ -void BoxNewPlotFrame::update(FramesManager* o) +/** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ +void BoxNewPlotFrame::update(TimeState* o) { - LOG_MSG("In BoxNewPlotFrame::update(FramesManager* o)"); - template_canvas->TitleOrTimeChange(); + LOG_MSG("In BoxNewPlotFrame::update(TimeState* o)"); + template_canvas->TimeChange(); UpdateTitle(); } -void BoxNewPlotFrame::UpdateTitle() -{ - SetTitle(template_canvas->GetCanvasTitle()); -} - void BoxNewPlotFrame::OnShowAxes(wxCommandEvent& event) { LOG_MSG("In BoxNewPlotFrame::OnShowAxes"); diff --git a/Explore/BoxNewPlotView.h b/Explore/BoxNewPlotView.h index 6a46ce432..a984ac90b 100644 --- a/Explore/BoxNewPlotView.h +++ b/Explore/BoxNewPlotView.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ #include #include "../TemplateCanvas.h" #include "../TemplateFrame.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../GenUtils.h" -#include "../Generic/MyShape.h" +#include "../Generic/GdaShape.h" class BoxNewPlotCanvas; class BoxNewPlotFrame; @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class BoxNewPlotCanvas : public TemplateCanvas { protected: virtual void PopulateCanvas(); - virtual void TitleOrTimeChange(); + virtual void TimeChange(); void VarInfoAttributeChange(); public: @@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ class BoxNewPlotCanvas : public TemplateCanvas { int ref_var_index; std::vector var_info; std::vector data; - std::vector data_sorted; + std::vector data_sorted; std::vector hinge_stats; std::vector data_stats; bool is_any_time_variant; bool is_any_sync_with_global_time; AxisScale axis_scale; - MyAxis* vert_axis; + GdaAxis* vert_axis; std::vector sel_scratch; bool show_axes; @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class BoxNewPlotFrame : public TemplateFrame { const std::vector& col_ids, const wxString& title = "Box Plot", const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, - const wxSize& size = GeoDaConst::boxplot_default_size, + const wxSize& size = GdaConst::boxplot_default_size, const long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); virtual ~BoxNewPlotFrame(); @@ -131,10 +131,8 @@ class BoxNewPlotFrame : public TemplateFrame { virtual void UpdateOptionMenuItems(); virtual void UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu); - /** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ - virtual void update(FramesManager* o); - - virtual void UpdateTitle(); + /** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TimeState* o); void OnShowAxes(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnDisplayStatistics(wxCommandEvent& event); diff --git a/Explore/CartogramNewView.cpp b/Explore/CartogramNewView.cpp index be8c10d6e..7d0187f80 100644 --- a/Explore/CartogramNewView.cpp +++ b/Explore/CartogramNewView.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -26,13 +26,11 @@ #include #include #include -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../DialogTools/CatClassifDlg.h" -#include "../DialogTools/MapQuantileDlg.h" #include "../DialogTools/SelectWeightDlg.h" -#include "../DialogTools/SaveToTableDlg.h" -#include "../DialogTools/VariableSettingsDlg.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" #include "../GenUtils.h" #include "../FramesManager.h" @@ -105,10 +103,10 @@ CartogramNewCanvas::CartogramNewCanvas(wxWindow *parent, : TemplateCanvas(parent, pos, size, true, true), project(project_s), num_obs(project_s->GetNumRecords()), num_time_vals(1), -num_cats(6), -highlight_state(project_s->highlight_state), custom_classif_state(0), +num_categories(6), +highlight_state(project_s->GetHighlightState()), custom_classif_state(0), data(v_info.size()), var_info(v_info), -grid_base(project_s->GetGridBase()), gal_weight(0), +table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()), gal_weight(0), full_map_redraw_needed(true), is_any_time_variant(false), is_any_sync_with_global_time(false), improve_table(6), realtime_updates(false), all_init(false) @@ -120,13 +118,15 @@ improve_table(6), realtime_updates(false), all_init(false) cat_classif_def.cat_classif_type = CatClassification::no_theme; cat_classif_def.color_scheme = CatClassification::custom_color_scheme; CatClassification::ChangeNumCats(1, cat_classif_def); - cat_classif_def.colors[0] = GeoDaConst::map_default_fill_colour; + cat_classif_def.colors[0] = GdaConst::map_default_fill_colour; - for (int i=0; iGetColData(col_ids[i], data[i]); + template_frame->ClearAllGroupDependencies(); + for (size_t i=0; iAddGroupDependancy(var_info[i].name); + table_int->GetColData(col_ids[i], data[i]); } - for (int i=0; iGetVoronoiRookNeighborGal(), num_obs); - int num_cart_times = (grid_base->IsColTimeVariant(col_ids[RAD_VAR]) ? - grid_base->GetTimeSteps() : 1); + int num_cart_times = (table_int->IsColTimeVariant(col_ids[RAD_VAR]) ? + project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps() : 1); carts.resize(num_cart_times); num_improvement_iters.resize(num_cart_times); for (int t=0; tGetColData(col_ids[RAD_VAR], t, orig_data); + table_int->GetColData(col_ids[RAD_VAR], t, orig_data); carts[t] = new DorlingCartogram(cart_nbr_info, orig_x, orig_y, orig_data, var_info[RAD_VAR].min_over_time, @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ improve_table(6), realtime_updates(false), all_init(false) max_out_x += max_rad; max_out_y += max_rad; - selectable_fill_color = GeoDaConst::map_default_fill_colour; + selectable_fill_color = GdaConst::map_default_fill_colour; // Note: the shps_orig min/max will depend on the bubble sizes virtual_screen_marg_top = 25; @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ improve_table(6), realtime_updates(false), all_init(false) shps_orig_ymax = max_out_y; double scale_x, scale_y, trans_x, trans_y; - MyScaleTrans::calcAffineParams(shps_orig_xmin, shps_orig_ymin, + GdaScaleTrans::calcAffineParams(shps_orig_xmin, shps_orig_ymin, shps_orig_xmax, shps_orig_ymax, virtual_screen_marg_top, virtual_screen_marg_bottom, @@ -220,13 +220,13 @@ improve_table(6), realtime_updates(false), all_init(false) fixed_aspect_ratio_val = current_shps_width / current_shps_height; selectable_shps_type = circles; - highlight_color = GeoDaConst::map_default_highlight_colour; + highlight_color = GdaConst::map_default_highlight_colour; use_category_brushes = true; if (num_obs >= 6) { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_15); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_15, 6); } else { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::unique_values); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::unique_values, 6); } all_init = true; @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ improve_table(6), realtime_updates(false), all_init(false) CartogramNewCanvas::~CartogramNewCanvas() { LOG_MSG("Entering CartogramNewCanvas::~CartogramNewCanvas"); - for (int i=0; iremoveObserver(this); if (custom_classif_state) custom_classif_state->removeObserver(this); @@ -248,6 +248,10 @@ CartogramNewCanvas::~CartogramNewCanvas() void CartogramNewCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu(const wxPoint& pos) { LOG_MSG("Entering CartogramNewCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu"); + // Workaround for right-click not changing window focus in OSX / wxW 3.0 + wxActivateEvent ae(wxEVT_NULL, true, 0, wxActivateEvent::Reason_Mouse); + ((CartogramNewFrame*) template_frame)->OnActivate(ae); + wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_CARTOGRAM_NEW_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(optMenu); @@ -265,12 +269,12 @@ void CartogramNewCanvas::AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(wxMenu* menu) { if (!is_any_time_variant) return; wxMenu* menu1 = new wxMenu(wxEmptyString); - for (int i=0; iAppendCheckItem(GeoDaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1+i, s, s); + menu1->AppendCheckItem(GdaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1+i, s, s); mi->Check(var_info[i].sync_with_global_time); } } @@ -289,9 +293,39 @@ void CartogramNewCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_THEMELESS"), GetCcType() == CatClassification::no_theme); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, - XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_CHOROPLETH_QUANTILE"), - GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile); + + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_1"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_2"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_3"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_4"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_5"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_6"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_7"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_8"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_9"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_10"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 10); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_CHOROPLETH_PERCENTILE"), GetCcType() == CatClassification::percentile); @@ -304,13 +338,93 @@ void CartogramNewCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) GetCcType() == CatClassification::stddev); GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_UNIQUE_VALUES"), GetCcType() == CatClassification::unique_values); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_EQUAL_INTERVALS"), - GetCcType() ==CatClassification::equal_intervals); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_NATURAL_BREAKS"), - GetCcType() == CatClassification::natural_breaks); + + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_1"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_2"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_3"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_4"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_5"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_6"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_7"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_8"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_9"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_10"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 10); + + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_1"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_2"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_3"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_4"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_5"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_6"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_7"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_8"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_9"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_10"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 10); std::vector txt(6); - for (int i=0; i= var_info.size()) return wxEmptyString; + if (var < 0 || var >= (int)var_info.size()) return wxEmptyString; wxString s(var_info[var].name); if (var_info[var].is_time_variant) { - s << " (" << project->GetGridBase()->GetTimeString(var_info[var].time); + s << " (" << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(var_info[var].time); s << ")"; } return s; @@ -400,7 +514,9 @@ void CartogramNewCanvas::NewCustomCatClassif() int tht = var_info[THM_VAR].time; CatClassification::ChangeNumCats(cat_classif_def.num_cats, cat_classif_def); + std::vector temp_cat_labels; // will be ignored CatClassification::SetBreakPoints(cat_classif_def.breaks, + temp_cat_labels, cat_var_sorted[tht], cat_classif_def.cat_classif_type, cat_classif_def.num_cats); @@ -409,9 +525,11 @@ void CartogramNewCanvas::NewCustomCatClassif() cat_classif_def.colors[i] = cat_data.GetCategoryColor(time, i); cat_classif_def.names[i] = cat_data.GetCategoryLabel(time, i); } + int col = table_int->FindColId(var_info[THM_VAR].name); + cat_classif_def.assoc_db_fld_name = table_int->GetColName(col, tht); } - CatClassifFrame* ccf = MyFrame::theFrame->GetCatClassifFrame(); + CatClassifFrame* ccf = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetCatClassifFrame(); if (!ccf) return; CatClassifState* ccs = ccf->PromptNew(cat_classif_def, "", var_info[THM_VAR].name, @@ -439,10 +557,11 @@ void CartogramNewCanvas::NewCustomCatClassif() category classification. */ void CartogramNewCanvas::ChangeThemeType( CatClassification::CatClassifType new_cat_theme, + int num_categories_s, const wxString& custom_classif_title) { - // User has already chosen theme variable on startup, so no need - // to ever ask for theme variable. + num_categories = num_categories_s; + if (new_cat_theme == CatClassification::custom) { CatClassifManager* ccm = project->GetCatClassifManager(); if (!ccm) return; @@ -491,7 +610,7 @@ void CartogramNewCanvas::update(CatClassifState* o) void CartogramNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas() { LOG_MSG("Entering CartogramNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas"); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, background_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, background_shps ) { delete shp; } background_shps.clear(); int canvas_ts = cat_data.GetCurrentCanvasTmStep(); @@ -500,19 +619,19 @@ void CartogramNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas() // Note: only need to delete selectable shapes if the cartogram // relative positions change. Otherwise, just reuse. if (full_map_redraw_needed) { - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } selectable_shps.clear(); } - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, foreground_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, foreground_shps ) { delete shp; } foreground_shps.clear(); if (map_valid[canvas_ts]) { if (full_map_redraw_needed) { int cur_cart_ts = var_info[RAD_VAR].time; - MyCircle* c; + GdaCircle* c; for (int i=0; ioutput_x[i], + c = new GdaCircle(wxRealPoint(carts[cur_cart_ts]->output_x[i], carts[cur_cart_ts]->output_y[i]), carts[cur_cart_ts]->output_radius[i], true); selectable_shps.push_back(c); @@ -524,8 +643,8 @@ void CartogramNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas() (shps_orig_xmax-shps_orig_xmin)/2.0, shps_orig_ymin+ (shps_orig_ymax-shps_orig_ymin)/2.0); - MyText* txt_shp = new MyText(map_error_message[canvas_ts], - *GeoDaConst::medium_font, cntr_ref_pnt); + GdaShapeText* txt_shp = new GdaShapeText(map_error_message[canvas_ts], + *GdaConst::medium_font, cntr_ref_pnt); background_shps.push_back(txt_shp); } @@ -534,12 +653,12 @@ void CartogramNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas() LOG_MSG("Exiting CartogramNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas"); } -void CartogramNewCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() +void CartogramNewCanvas::TimeChange() { - LOG_MSG("Entering CartogramNewCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange"); + LOG_MSG("Entering CartogramNewCanvas::TimeChange"); if (!is_any_sync_with_global_time) return; - int cts = project->GetGridBase()->curr_time_step; + int cts = project->GetTimeState()->GetCurrTime(); int ref_time = var_info[ref_var_index].time; int ref_time_min = var_info[ref_var_index].time_min; int ref_time_max = var_info[ref_var_index].time_max; @@ -555,7 +674,7 @@ void CartogramNewCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() ref_time = cts; } int cur_rad_time = var_info[RAD_VAR].time; - for (int i=0; iSetDependsOnNonSimpleGroups(is_any_time_variant); ref_var_index = -1; num_time_vals = 1; - for (int i=0; iSetMinimumPaneSize(10); - template_canvas = new CartogramNewCanvas(splitter_win, this, project, + wxPanel* rpanel = new wxPanel(splitter_win); + template_canvas = new CartogramNewCanvas(rpanel, this, project, var_info, col_ids, wxDefaultPosition, - wxSize(width,height)); + wxDefaultSize); SetTitle(template_canvas->GetCanvasTitle()); template_canvas->SetScrollRate(1,1); - DisplayStatusBar(true); + wxBoxSizer* rbox = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + rbox->Add(template_canvas, 1, wxEXPAND); + rpanel->SetSizer(rbox); - template_legend = new CartogramNewLegend(splitter_win, template_canvas, + wxPanel* lpanel = new wxPanel(splitter_win); + template_legend = new CartogramNewLegend(lpanel, template_canvas, wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(0,0)); - - splitter_win->SplitVertically(template_legend, template_canvas, - GeoDaConst::map_default_legend_width); - + wxBoxSizer* lbox = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + lbox->Add(template_legend, 1, wxEXPAND); + lpanel->SetSizer(lbox); + + splitter_win->SplitVertically(lpanel, rpanel, + GdaConst::map_default_legend_width); + + wxBoxSizer* sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + sizer->Add(splitter_win, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL); + SetSizer(sizer); + splitter_win->SetSize(wxSize(width,height)); + SetAutoLayout(true); + + DisplayStatusBar(true); Show(true); LOG_MSG("Exiting CartogramNewFrame::CartogramNewFrame"); } @@ -1015,7 +1126,7 @@ void CartogramNewFrame::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event) void CartogramNewFrame::MapMenus() { LOG_MSG("In CartogramNewFrame::MapMenus"); - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); // Map Options Menus wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_CARTOGRAM_NEW_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); @@ -1031,7 +1142,7 @@ void CartogramNewFrame::MapMenus() void CartogramNewFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems() { TemplateFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems(); // set common items first - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); int menu = mb->FindMenu("Options"); if (menu == wxNOT_FOUND) { LOG_MSG("CartogramNewFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems: " @@ -1053,20 +1164,15 @@ void CartogramNewFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu) } -/** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ -void CartogramNewFrame::update(FramesManager* o) +/** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ +void CartogramNewFrame::update(TimeState* o) { - LOG_MSG("In CartogramNewFrame::update(FramesManager* o)"); - template_canvas->TitleOrTimeChange(); + LOG_MSG("In CartogramNewFrame::update(TimeState* o)"); + template_canvas->TimeChange(); UpdateTitle(); if (template_legend) template_legend->Refresh(); } -void CartogramNewFrame::UpdateTitle() -{ - SetTitle(template_canvas->GetCanvasTitle()); -} - void CartogramNewFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifA() { ((CartogramNewCanvas*) template_canvas)->NewCustomCatClassif(); @@ -1074,65 +1180,66 @@ void CartogramNewFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifA() void CartogramNewFrame::OnCustomCatClassifA(const wxString& cc_title) { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::custom, cc_title); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::custom, 4, cc_title); } -void CartogramNewFrame::OnThemeless(wxCommandEvent& event) +void CartogramNewFrame::OnThemeless() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::no_theme); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::no_theme, 1); } -void CartogramNewFrame::OnHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event) +void CartogramNewFrame::OnHinge15() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_15); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_15, 6); } -void CartogramNewFrame::OnHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event) +void CartogramNewFrame::OnHinge30() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_30); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_30, 6); } -void CartogramNewFrame::OnQuantile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void CartogramNewFrame::OnQuantile(int num_cats) { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::quantile); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::quantile, num_cats); } -void CartogramNewFrame::OnPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void CartogramNewFrame::OnPercentile() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::percentile); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::percentile, 6); } -void CartogramNewFrame::OnStdDevMap(wxCommandEvent& event) +void CartogramNewFrame::OnStdDevMap() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::stddev); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::stddev, 6); } -void CartogramNewFrame::OnUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event) +void CartogramNewFrame::OnUniqueValues() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::unique_values); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::unique_values, 6); } -void CartogramNewFrame::OnNaturalBreaks(wxCommandEvent& event) +void CartogramNewFrame::OnNaturalBreaks(int num_cats) { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::natural_breaks); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::natural_breaks, num_cats); } -void CartogramNewFrame::OnEqualIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event) +void CartogramNewFrame::OnEqualIntervals(int num_cats) { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::equal_intervals); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::equal_intervals, num_cats); } -void CartogramNewFrame::OnSaveCategories(wxCommandEvent& event) +void CartogramNewFrame::OnSaveCategories() { ((CartogramNewCanvas*) template_canvas)->OnSaveCategories(); } void CartogramNewFrame::ChangeThemeType( CatClassification::CatClassifType new_cat_theme, + int num_categories, const wxString& custom_classif_title) { ((CartogramNewCanvas*) template_canvas)-> - ChangeThemeType(new_cat_theme, custom_classif_title); + ChangeThemeType(new_cat_theme, num_categories, custom_classif_title); UpdateTitle(); UpdateOptionMenuItems(); template_legend->Refresh(); diff --git a/Explore/CartogramNewView.h b/Explore/CartogramNewView.h index 47bd61f33..903ea91c3 100644 --- a/Explore/CartogramNewView.h +++ b/Explore/CartogramNewView.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class CatClassifState; class CartogramNewFrame; class CartogramNewCanvas; class CartogramNewLegend; -class DbfGridTableBase; +class TableInterface; class GalWeight; typedef boost::multi_array d_array_type; @@ -79,11 +79,12 @@ class CartogramNewCanvas : public TemplateCanvas, public CatClassifStateObserver virtual void NewCustomCatClassif(); virtual void ChangeThemeType( CatClassification::CatClassifType new_cat_theme, + int num_categories, const wxString& custom_classif_title = wxEmptyString); virtual void update(CatClassifState* o); virtual void OnSaveCategories(); virtual void SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu); - virtual void TitleOrTimeChange(); + virtual void TimeChange(); protected: virtual void PopulateCanvas(); @@ -94,18 +95,19 @@ class CartogramNewCanvas : public TemplateCanvas, public CatClassifStateObserver virtual void TimeSyncVariableToggle(int var_index); CatClassifDef cat_classif_def; CatClassification::CatClassifType GetCcType(); + virtual int GetNumCats() { return num_categories; } protected: Project* project; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + TableInterface* table_int; HighlightState* highlight_state; CatClassifState* custom_classif_state; int num_obs; int num_time_vals; // current number of valid variable combos - int num_cats; // current number of categories + int num_categories; // current number of categories int ref_var_index; - std::vector cat_var_sorted; + std::vector cat_var_sorted; std::vector var_info; std::vector data; bool is_any_time_variant; @@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ class CartogramNewCanvas : public TemplateCanvas, public CatClassifStateObserver std::vector num_improvement_iters; int GetCurNumCartTms(); int GetNumBatches(); - GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_vec_type improve_table; + Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type improve_table; public: void CartogramImproveLevel(int level); @@ -176,27 +178,28 @@ class CartogramNewFrame : public TemplateFrame { virtual void UpdateOptionMenuItems(); virtual void UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu); - /** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ - virtual void update(FramesManager* o); + /** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TimeState* o); - virtual void UpdateTitle(); - virtual void OnNewCustomCatClassifA(); virtual void OnCustomCatClassifA(const wxString& cc_title); - void OnThemeless(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnQuantile(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnStdDevMap(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnNaturalBreaks(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnEqualIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnSaveCategories(wxCommandEvent& event); - void CartogramImproveLevel(int level); + + virtual void OnThemeless(); + virtual void OnQuantile(int num_cats); + virtual void OnPercentile(); + virtual void OnHinge15(); + virtual void OnHinge30(); + virtual void OnStdDevMap(); + virtual void OnUniqueValues(); + virtual void OnNaturalBreaks(int num_cats); + virtual void OnEqualIntervals(int num_cats); + virtual void OnSaveCategories(); + + virtual void CartogramImproveLevel(int level); protected: void ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::CatClassifType new_cat_theme, + int num_categories, const wxString& custom_classif_title = wxEmptyString); DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() diff --git a/Explore/CatClassifManager.cpp b/Explore/CatClassifManager.cpp index 3bf8142e5..141843abb 100644 --- a/Explore/CatClassifManager.cpp +++ b/Explore/CatClassifManager.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -17,12 +17,21 @@ * along with this program. If not, see . */ +#include #include "../logger.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableState.h" #include "CatClassifManager.h" -CatClassifManager::CatClassifManager() +CatClassifManager::CatClassifManager(TableInterface* _table_int, + TableState* _table_state, + CustomClassifPtree* cc_ptree) +: table_state(_table_state), table_int(_table_int) { - + BOOST_FOREACH(const CatClassifDef& cc, cc_ptree->GetCatClassifList()) { + CreateNewClassifState(cc); + } + table_state->registerObserver(this); } CatClassifManager::~CatClassifManager() @@ -31,6 +40,7 @@ CatClassifManager::~CatClassifManager() it != classif_states.end(); it++) { (*it)->closeAndDeleteWhenEmpty(); } + table_state->removeObserver(this); } void CatClassifManager::GetTitles(std::vector& titles) @@ -54,7 +64,7 @@ CatClassifState* CatClassifManager::FindClassifState(const wxString& title) } CatClassifState* CatClassifManager::CreateNewClassifState( - const CatClassifDef& cc_data) + const CatClassifDef& cc_data) { CatClassifState* ccs = new CatClassifState; ccs->SetCatClassif(cc_data); @@ -68,3 +78,102 @@ void CatClassifManager::RemoveClassifState(CatClassifState* ccs) classif_states.remove(ccs); } +bool CatClassifManager::VerifyAgainstTable() +{ + if (!table_int) return false; + bool any_changed = false; + for (std::list::iterator it=classif_states.begin(); + it != classif_states.end(); it++) { + CatClassifDef& cc = (*it)->GetCatClassif(); + if (CatClassification::CorrectCatClassifFromTable(cc, table_int)) { + any_changed = true; + } + } + if (any_changed) { + LOG_MSG("some custom categories from project file were corrected."); + } + return any_changed; +} + +void CatClassifManager::update(TableState* o) +{ + std::list::iterator i; + if (o->GetEventType() == TableState::col_rename) { + if (!o->IsSimpleGroupRename()) return; + for (i = classif_states.begin(); i != classif_states.end(); ++i) { + if ((*i)->GetCatClassif().assoc_db_fld_name.CmpNoCase(o->GetOldColName())==0) { + (*i)->GetCatClassif().assoc_db_fld_name = o->GetNewColName(); + } + } + } else if (o->GetEventType() == TableState::cols_delta) { + const TableDeltaList_type& tdl = o->GetTableDeltaListRef(); + BOOST_FOREACH(const TableDeltaEntry& e, tdl) { + // remove association for every deleted field + if (!e.insert) { + for (i = classif_states.begin(); i!=classif_states.end(); ++i) { + if ((*i)->GetCatClassif().assoc_db_fld_name.CmpNoCase(e.group_name)==0) + { + (*i)->GetCatClassif().assoc_db_fld_name = ""; + (*i)->notifyObservers(); + } + } + } + } + } else if (o->GetEventType() == TableState::col_data_change) { + for (i = classif_states.begin(); i != classif_states.end(); ++i) { + CatClassifDef& cc = (*i)->GetCatClassif(); + if (cc.assoc_db_fld_name == o->GetModifiedColName() && + cc.cat_classif_type != CatClassification::custom) + { + // reset breaks and notify observers + int col = -1, tm = 0; + bool found = table_int->DbColNmToColAndTm(cc.assoc_db_fld_name, + col, tm); + if (!found) continue; + std::vector v; + table_int->GetColData(col, tm, v); + int num_obs = table_int->GetNumberRows(); + Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type data(num_obs); + for (int ii=0; iinotifyObservers(); + } + } else if (cc.assoc_db_fld_name == o->GetModifiedColName() && + cc.cat_classif_type == CatClassification::custom) { + int col = -1, tm = 0; + bool found = table_int->DbColNmToColAndTm(cc.assoc_db_fld_name, + col, tm); + if (!found) continue; + CatClassifDef _cc = cc; + // ensure that breaks and min/max are within new + // min/max bounds + double new_min = cc.uniform_dist_min; + double new_max = cc.uniform_dist_max; + table_int->GetMinMaxVals(col, tm, new_min, new_max); + if (cc.uniform_dist_min < new_min) { + cc.uniform_dist_min = new_min; + } + if (cc.uniform_dist_max > new_max) { + cc.uniform_dist_max = new_max; + } + for (int ii=0, sz=cc.breaks.size(); ii new_max) cc.breaks[ii] = new_max; + } + if (_cc != cc) { + cc = cc; + (*i)->notifyObservers(); + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/Explore/CatClassifManager.h b/Explore/CatClassifManager.h index 6bee917d7..467a9f806 100644 --- a/Explore/CatClassifManager.h +++ b/Explore/CatClassifManager.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -22,18 +22,39 @@ #include #include +#include +#include "../DataViewer/CustomClassifPtree.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableStateObserver.h" +#include "CatClassification.h" #include "CatClassifState.h" -class CatClassifManager { +class TableState; +class TableInterface; + +class CatClassifManager : public TableStateObserver { public: - CatClassifManager(); + CatClassifManager(TableInterface* table_int, + TableState* table_state, CustomClassifPtree* cc_ptree); virtual ~CatClassifManager(); void GetTitles(std::vector& titles); CatClassifState* FindClassifState(const wxString& title); + /** Create and return a new CatClassifState object and associate + with a default variable db field name. If the name is blank, + then no default preview variable associated. */ CatClassifState* CreateNewClassifState(const CatClassifDef& cc_data); void RemoveClassifState(CatClassifState* ccs); + bool VerifyAgainstTable(); + + /** Implementation of TableStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TableState* o); + virtual bool AllowTimelineChanges() { return true; } + virtual bool AllowGroupModify(const wxString& grp_nm) { return true; } + virtual bool AllowObservationAddDelete() { return true; } + private: std::list classif_states; + TableInterface* table_int; + TableState* table_state; }; #endif diff --git a/Explore/CatClassifState.cpp b/Explore/CatClassifState.cpp index d23a445d0..56ccf5e06 100644 --- a/Explore/CatClassifState.cpp +++ b/Explore/CatClassifState.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ void CatClassifState::removeObserver(CatClassifStateObserver* o) void CatClassifState::notifyObservers() { - std::list::iterator it; - for (it=observers.begin(); it != observers.end(); it++) { + for (std::list::iterator it=observers.begin(); + it != observers.end(); ++it) { (*it)->update(this); } } diff --git a/Explore/CatClassifState.h b/Explore/CatClassifState.h index 16c534cc7..821b6e097 100644 --- a/Explore/CatClassifState.h +++ b/Explore/CatClassifState.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ class CatClassifState { all observers have deregistered themselves. */ void closeAndDeleteWhenEmpty(); - virtual void registerObserver(CatClassifStateObserver* o); - virtual void removeObserver(CatClassifStateObserver* o); - virtual void notifyObservers(); + void registerObserver(CatClassifStateObserver* o); + void removeObserver(CatClassifStateObserver* o); + void notifyObservers(); CatClassifDef& GetCatClassif(); void SetCatClassif(const CatClassifDef& data); diff --git a/Explore/CatClassifStateObserver.h b/Explore/CatClassifStateObserver.h index cdfa21917..7fc1630bc 100644 --- a/Explore/CatClassifStateObserver.h +++ b/Explore/CatClassifStateObserver.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/Explore/CatClassification.cpp b/Explore/CatClassification.cpp index 031a708dc..eb4d2ee54 100644 --- a/Explore/CatClassification.cpp +++ b/Explore/CatClassification.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -18,14 +18,16 @@ */ #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include -#include "../DialogTools/MapQuantileDlg.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DialogTools/NumCategoriesDlg.h" #include "../logger.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "CatClassification.h" struct UniqueValElem { @@ -110,10 +112,52 @@ double calc_gvf(const std::vector& b, const std::vector& v, return 1-(tssd/gssd); } +void CatClassification::CatLabelsFromBreaks(const std::vector& breaks, + std::vector& cat_labels) +{ + int num_breaks = breaks.size(); + int cur_intervals = num_breaks+1; + cat_labels.resize(cur_intervals); + for (int ival=0; ival " << GenUtils::DblToStr(breaks[ival-1]); + //s << "(" << breaks[ival-1] << ", inf)"; + } else if (ival == cur_intervals-1 && cur_intervals == 2) { + s << ">= " << GenUtils::DblToStr(breaks[ival-1]); + //s << "[" << breaks[ival-1] << ", inf)"; + } else { + int num_breaks = cur_intervals-1; + int num_breaks_lower = (num_breaks+1)/2; + wxString a; + wxString b; + if (ival < num_breaks_lower) { + a = "["; + b = ")"; + } else if (ival == num_breaks_lower) { + a = "["; + b = "]"; + } else { + a = "("; + b = "]"; + } + s << a << GenUtils::DblToStr(breaks[ival-1]) << ", "; + s << GenUtils::DblToStr(breaks[ival]) << b; + } + cat_labels[ival] = s; + } +} + /** It is assumed that var is sorted in ascending order */ void CatClassification::SetBreakPoints(std::vector& breaks, - const GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_vec_type& var, - const CatClassifType theme, int num_cats) + std::vector& cat_labels, + const Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type& var, + const CatClassifType theme, int num_cats) { int num_obs = var.size(); if (num_cats < 1) num_cats = 1; @@ -126,36 +170,49 @@ void CatClassification::SetBreakPoints(std::vector& breaks, num_cats = 6; } else if (theme == no_theme) { num_cats = 1; + cat_labels[0] = ""; } breaks.resize(num_cats-1); + cat_labels.resize(num_cats); // no_theme handled by default if (theme == hinge_15 || theme == hinge_30) { HingeStats hinge_stats; hinge_stats.CalculateHingeStats(var); - breaks[0] = (hinge_15 ? hinge_stats.extreme_lower_val_15 : - hinge_stats.extreme_lower_val_30); + breaks[0] = (theme == hinge_15 ? hinge_stats.extreme_lower_val_15 : + hinge_stats.extreme_lower_val_30); breaks[1] = hinge_stats.Q1; breaks[2] = hinge_stats.Q2; breaks[3] = hinge_stats.Q3; - breaks[4] = (hinge_15 ? hinge_stats.extreme_upper_val_15 : + breaks[4] = (theme == hinge_15 ? hinge_stats.extreme_upper_val_15 : hinge_stats.extreme_upper_val_30); + cat_labels[0] = "Lower outlier"; + cat_labels[1] = "< 25%"; + cat_labels[2] = "25% - 50%"; + cat_labels[3] = "50% - 75%"; + cat_labels[4] = "> 75%"; + cat_labels[5] = "Upper outlier"; } else if (theme == quantile) { if (num_cats == 1) { // already handled } else { - int num_breaks = breaks.size(); - int num_breaks_lower = num_breaks/2; for (int i=0, iend=breaks.size(); i= 1% && < 10% + cat_labels[2] = "10% - 50%"; // >= 10% && < 50% + cat_labels[3] = "50% - 90%"; // >= 50% && <= 90% + cat_labels[4] = "90% - 99%"; // > 90% && <= 99% + cat_labels[5] = "> 99%"; // > 99% } else if (theme == stddev) { std::vector v(num_obs); SampleStatistics stats; @@ -165,7 +222,9 @@ void CatClassification::SetBreakPoints(std::vector& breaks, breaks[1] = stats.mean - 1.0 * stats.sd_with_bessel; breaks[2] = stats.mean; breaks[3] = stats.mean + 1.0 * stats.sd_with_bessel; - breaks[4] = stats.mean + 2.0 * stats.sd_with_bessel; + breaks[4] = stats.mean + 2.0 * stats.sd_with_bessel; + + CatLabelsFromBreaks(breaks, cat_labels); } else if (theme == unique_values) { std::vector v(num_obs); for (int i=0; i& breaks, for (int i=0; i& breaks, breaks[i] = min_val + (((double) i) + 1.0)*delta; } } + CatLabelsFromBreaks(breaks, cat_labels); } } @@ -216,7 +282,7 @@ void CatClassification::SetBreakPoints(std::vector& breaks, Note: LISA and Getis-Ord map themes are not supported by this function. */ void CatClassification::PopulateCatClassifData(const CatClassifDef& cat_def, - const std::vector& var, + const std::vector& var, CatClassifData& cat_data, std::vector& cats_valid, std::vector& cats_error_message) { @@ -229,7 +295,7 @@ void CatClassification::PopulateCatClassifData(const CatClassifDef& cat_def, cat_data.CreateCategoriesAllCanvasTms(1, num_time_vals, num_obs); for (int t=0; t cat_max(num_cats); std::vector breaks(num_cats-1); int num_breaks = breaks.size(); - int num_breaks_lower = num_breaks/2; + int num_breaks_lower = (num_breaks+1)/2; for (int t=0; t cat_max(num_cats); std::vector breaks(num_cats-1); int num_breaks = breaks.size(); - int num_breaks_lower = num_breaks/2; + int num_breaks_lower = (num_breaks+1)/2; for (int t=0; t labels(num_cats); labels[0] << "< 1%"; // < 1% labels[1] << "1% - 10%"; // >= 1% && < 10% - labels[2] << "10% - 50%"; // >= 10% && <= 50% - labels[3] << "50% - 90%"; // > 50% && <= 90% + labels[2] << "10% - 50%"; // >= 10% && < 50% + labels[3] << "50% - 90%"; // => 50% && <= 90% labels[4] << "90% - 99%"; // > 90% && <= 99% labels[5] << "> 99%"; // > 99% for (int cat=0; cat= -2 sd && < -1 sd labels[1] << GenUtils::DblToStr(SDm2) << " - "; labels[1] << GenUtils::DblToStr(SDm1); - // >= -1 sd && <= mean - labels[2] << GenUtils::DblToStr(SDm1) << " - " << mean; - // > mean && <= 1 sd - labels[3] << mean << " - " << GenUtils::DblToStr(SDp1); + // >= -1 sd && < mean + labels[2] << GenUtils::DblToStr(SDm1) << " - "; + labels[2] << GenUtils::DblToStr(mean); + // => mean && <= 1 sd + labels[3] << GenUtils::DblToStr(mean) << " - "; + labels[3] << GenUtils::DblToStr(SDp1); // > 1 sd && <= 2 sd labels[4] << GenUtils::DblToStr(SDp1) << " - "; labels[4] << GenUtils::DblToStr(SDp2); @@ -664,18 +744,18 @@ void CatClassification::PopulateCatClassifData(const CatClassifDef& cat_def, for (int t=0; t max_num_classes) { + if (u_vals_map[t].size() > max_num_categories) { // automatically use Natural Breaks when number of - // unique values exceeds max_num_classes. This will avoid + // unique values exceeds max_num_categories. This will avoid // all error messages. - SetNaturalBreaksCats(max_num_classes, - var, cat_data, cats_valid, - CatClassification::qualitative_color_scheme); + SetNaturalBreaksCats(max_num_categories, + var, cat_data, cats_valid, + CatClassification::qualitative_color_scheme); return; } else { cat_data.SetCategoryBrushesAtCanvasTm( - CatClassification::qualitative_color_scheme, - u_vals_map[t].size(), false, t); + CatClassification::qualitative_color_scheme, + u_vals_map[t].size(), false, t); } } @@ -717,7 +797,7 @@ void CatClassification::PopulateCatClassifData(const CatClassifDef& cat_def, if (min_val == max_val || num_cats == 1) { // Create just one category and continue cat_data.SetCategoryBrushesAtCanvasTm( - CatClassification::sequential_color_scheme, 1, false, t); + CatClassification::sequential_color_scheme, 1, false, t); for (int i=0; i= 2 and <= 10 cat_data.SetCategoryBrushesAtCanvasTm( - CatClassification::sequential_color_scheme, num_cats, false, t); + CatClassification::sequential_color_scheme, num_cats, false, t); std::vector cat_min(num_cats); std::vector cat_max(num_cats); @@ -757,7 +837,8 @@ void CatClassification::PopulateCatClassifData(const CatClassifDef& cat_def, for (int i=0; i labels(num_cats); labels[0] << "< 0.25"; // < 0.25 labels[1] << "0.25 - 0.50"; // >= 0.25 && < 0.50 - labels[2] << "0.50 - 1.00"; // >= 0.50 && <= 1.00 - labels[3] << "1.00 - 2.00"; // > 1.00 && <= 2.00 + labels[2] << "0.50 - 1.00"; // >= 0.50 && < 1.00 + labels[3] << "1.00 - 2.00"; // >= 1.00 && <= 2.00 labels[4] << "2.00 - 4.00"; // > 2.00 && <= 4.00 labels[5] << "> 4.00"; // > 4.00 for (int cat=0; catGetNumberRows(); + CatClassifDef cc; + cc = _cc; + + std::sort(cc.breaks.begin(), cc.breaks.end()); + if (cc.uniform_dist_min > cc.uniform_dist_max) { + double t = cc.uniform_dist_min; + cc.uniform_dist_min = cc.uniform_dist_max; + cc.uniform_dist_max = t; + } + if (cc.breaks.size() > 0) { + if (cc.uniform_dist_min > cc.breaks[0]) { + cc.uniform_dist_min = cc.breaks[0]; + } + if (cc.uniform_dist_max < cc.breaks[cc.breaks.size()-1]) { + cc.uniform_dist_max = cc.breaks[cc.breaks.size()-1]; + } + } + // At this point, uniform_dist min/max and breaks consistent with each + // other + + int col = -1, tm = 0; + // first ensure that assoc_db_fld_name exists in table + bool field_removed = (cc.assoc_db_fld_name != "" && + (!table_int->DbColNmToColAndTm(cc.assoc_db_fld_name, + col, tm) || + !table_int->IsColNumeric(col))); + + if (field_removed) { + // use min/max breaks as min/max for uniform dist + if (cc.breaks.size() > 0) { + cc.uniform_dist_min = cc.breaks[0]; + cc.uniform_dist_max = cc.breaks[cc.breaks.size()-1]; + } + cc.assoc_db_fld_name = ""; + } + + bool uni_dist_mode = cc.assoc_db_fld_name.IsEmpty(); + Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type data(num_obs); + if (uni_dist_mode) { + // fill data with uniform distribution + double delta = ((cc.uniform_dist_max-cc.uniform_dist_min) / + (double) num_obs); + for (int i=0; i v; + table_int->GetColData(col, tm, v); + for (int i=0; i 10) cc.num_cats = 10; + if (cc.cat_classif_type == CatClassification::no_theme || + cc.break_vals_type == CatClassification::no_theme_break_vals) { + cc.num_cats = 1; + } else if (cc.cat_classif_type == CatClassification::hinge_15 || + cc.break_vals_type == CatClassification::hinge_15_break_vals || + cc.cat_classif_type == CatClassification::hinge_30 || + cc.break_vals_type == CatClassification::hinge_30_break_vals || + cc.cat_classif_type == CatClassification::percentile || + cc.break_vals_type == CatClassification::percentile_break_vals || + cc.cat_classif_type == CatClassification::stddev || + cc.break_vals_type == CatClassification::stddev_break_vals) { + cc.num_cats = 6; + } else if (cc.cat_classif_type == CatClassification::unique_values || + cc.break_vals_type == + CatClassification::unique_values_break_vals) { + // need to determine number of unique values + std::vector v(num_obs); + for (int i=0; i uv_mapping; + create_unique_val_mapping(uv_mapping, v); + int num_unique_vals = uv_mapping.size(); + if (num_unique_vals > 10) num_unique_vals = 10; + cc.num_cats = num_unique_vals; + } + // otherwise the user can choose the number of categories + + // ensure that size of breaks, colors and names matches num_cats + if (cc.breaks.size() != cc.num_cats-1) cc.breaks.resize(cc.num_cats-1); + if (cc.colors.size() != cc.num_cats) cc.colors.resize(cc.num_cats); + if (cc.names.size() != cc.num_cats) cc.names.resize(cc.num_cats); + + if (!uni_dist_mode) { + // ensure that min/max and breaks are consistent with actual min/max + double col_min = 0, col_max = 0; + table_int->GetMinMaxVals(col, tm, col_min, col_max); + cc.uniform_dist_min = col_min; + cc.uniform_dist_max = col_max; + for (int i=0, sz=cc.breaks.size(); i col_max) cc.breaks[i] = col_max; + } + } + + if (cc.cat_classif_type == CatClassification::hinge_15 || + cc.break_vals_type == CatClassification::hinge_15_break_vals || + cc.cat_classif_type == CatClassification::hinge_30 || + cc.break_vals_type == CatClassification::hinge_30_break_vals || + cc.cat_classif_type == CatClassification::percentile || + cc.break_vals_type == CatClassification::percentile_break_vals || + cc.cat_classif_type == CatClassification::stddev || + cc.break_vals_type == CatClassification::stddev_break_vals || + cc.cat_classif_type == CatClassification::quantile || + cc.break_vals_type == CatClassification::quantile_break_vals || + cc.cat_classif_type == CatClassification::unique_values || + cc.break_vals_type == CatClassification::unique_values_break_vals || + cc.cat_classif_type == CatClassification::natural_breaks || + cc.break_vals_type == CatClassification::natural_breaks_break_vals || + cc.cat_classif_type == CatClassification::equal_intervals || + cc.break_vals_type == CatClassification::equal_intervals_break_vals) + { + // Calculate breaks from data + CatClassification::CatClassifType cct = cc.cat_classif_type; + if (cc.break_vals_type != CatClassification::by_cat_classif_type) { + cct = BreakValsTypeToCatClassifType(cc.break_vals_type); + } + CatClassification::SetBreakPoints(cc.breaks, cc.names, + data, cct, cc.num_cats); + } + + if (cc.color_scheme != CatClassification::custom_color_scheme) + { + // Calculate colors + CatClassification::PickColorSet(cc.colors, cc.color_scheme, + cc.num_cats); + } + + bool changed = false; + if (cc != _cc) { + LOG_MSG("Categories definition modified"); + LOG_MSG("\nOriginal:"); + LOG_MSG(_cc.ToStr()); + LOG_MSG("\nModified:"); + LOG_MSG(cc.ToStr()); + _cc = cc; + changed = true; + } + LOG_MSG("Exiting CatClassification::CorrectCatClassifFromTable"); + return changed; +} + void CatClassification::FindNaturalBreaks(int num_cats, - const GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_vec_type& var, + const Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type& var, std::vector& nat_breaks) { int num_obs = var.size(); @@ -867,7 +1127,7 @@ void CatClassification::FindNaturalBreaks(int num_cats, } void CatClassification::SetNaturalBreaksCats(int num_cats, - const std::vector& var, + const std::vector& var, CatClassifData& cat_data, std::vector& cats_valid, CatClassification::ColorScheme coltype) { @@ -996,30 +1256,6 @@ wxString CatClassification::CatClassifTypeToString(CatClassifType theme_type) return wxEmptyString; } -int CatClassification::PromptNumCats(const CatClassifType new_theme) -{ - int num_cats = 4; - if (new_theme == CatClassification::quantile || - new_theme == CatClassification::natural_breaks || - new_theme == CatClassification::equal_intervals) - { - // Need to ask user for number of categories - wxString title; - if (new_theme == CatClassification::quantile) { - title = "Quantile Map"; - } else if (new_theme == CatClassification::natural_breaks) { - title = "Natural Breaks"; - } else if (new_theme == CatClassification::equal_intervals) { - title = "Equal Intervals"; - } - MapQuantileDlg dlg(NULL, 1, - CatClassification::max_num_classes, 4, title); - dlg.SetTitle(title); - if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) num_cats = dlg.classes; - } - return num_cats; -} - void CatClassification::PickColorSet(std::vector& color_vec, ColorScheme coltype, int num_color, bool reversed) @@ -1154,6 +1390,17 @@ void CatClassification::PickColorSet(std::vector& color_vec, wxColour(202, 178, 214), wxColour(106, 61, 154) }; + // MMM: The following is comment out for now, but is a quick + // way to test alpha-blending. + //for (int i=0; i<56; ++i) { + // Color1[i] = wxColour(Color1[i].Red(), Color1[i].Green(), + // Color1[i].Blue(), 128); + // Color2[i] = wxColour(Color2[i].Red(), Color2[i].Green(), + // Color2[i].Blue(), 128); + // Color3[i] = wxColour(Color3[i].Red(), Color3[i].Green(), + // Color3[i].Blue(), 128); + //} + if (color_vec.size() != num_color) { color_vec.resize(num_color, *wxBLUE); } @@ -1261,6 +1508,10 @@ void CatClassification::ChangeNumCats(int num_cats, CatClassifDef& cc) if (cc.color_scheme != custom_color_scheme) { ApplyColorScheme(cc.color_scheme, cc); } + BOOST_FOREACH(double v, cc.breaks) { + if (v < cc.uniform_dist_min) cc.uniform_dist_min = v; + if (v > cc.uniform_dist_max) cc.uniform_dist_max = v; + } } /** Change the given break value and automatically sort. @@ -1276,9 +1527,47 @@ int CatClassification::ChangeBreakValue(int brk, double new_val, for (int i=0; i cc.uniform_dist_max) cc.uniform_dist_max = v; + } return brk; } +void CatClassification::ChangeUnifDistMin(double new_unif_dist_min, + CatClassifDef& cc) +{ + cc.uniform_dist_min = new_unif_dist_min; + if (cc.uniform_dist_min > cc.uniform_dist_max) { + double t = cc.uniform_dist_max; + cc.uniform_dist_max = cc.uniform_dist_min; + cc.uniform_dist_min = t; + } + for (int i=0, sz=cc.breaks.size(); i + cc.uniform_dist_min) cc.breaks[i] = cc.uniform_dist_min; + if (cc.breaks[i] < + cc.uniform_dist_max) cc.breaks[i] = cc.uniform_dist_max; + } +} + +void CatClassification::ChangeUnifDistMax(double new_unif_dist_max, + CatClassifDef& cc) +{ + cc.uniform_dist_max = new_unif_dist_max; + if (cc.uniform_dist_min > cc.uniform_dist_max) { + double t = cc.uniform_dist_max; + cc.uniform_dist_max = cc.uniform_dist_min; + cc.uniform_dist_min = t; + } + for (int i=0, sz=cc.breaks.size(); i + cc.uniform_dist_min) cc.breaks[i] = cc.uniform_dist_min; + if (cc.breaks[i] < + cc.uniform_dist_max) cc.breaks[i] = cc.uniform_dist_max; + } +} + void CatClassification::ApplyColorScheme(ColorScheme scheme, CatClassifDef& cc) { if (cc.num_cats < 1 || cc.num_cats > 10) return; @@ -1292,7 +1581,6 @@ void CatClassification::PrintCatClassifDef(const CatClassifDef& cc, wxString& str) { str << "CatClassifDef details:\n"; - str << " unique_id: " << cc.unique_id << "\n"; str << " title: " << cc.title << "\n"; str << " num_cats: " << cc.num_cats << "\n"; str << " breaks: "; @@ -1326,10 +1614,50 @@ wxString CatClassification::ColorToString(const wxColour& c) return s; } + +CatClassification::BreakValsType +CatClassification::CatClassifTypeToBreakValsType( + CatClassification::CatClassifType cct) +{ + if (cct == no_theme) return no_theme_break_vals; + if (cct == quantile) return quantile_break_vals; + if (cct == unique_values) return unique_values_break_vals; + if (cct == natural_breaks) return natural_breaks_break_vals; + if (cct == equal_intervals) return equal_intervals_break_vals; + + if (cct == percentile) return custom_break_vals; //percentile_break_vals + if (cct == hinge_15) return custom_break_vals; //hinge_15_break_vals + if (cct == hinge_30) return custom_break_vals; //hinge_30_break_vals + if (cct == stddev) return custom_break_vals; //stddev_break_vals + + return custom_break_vals; +} + +CatClassification::CatClassifType +CatClassification::BreakValsTypeToCatClassifType( + CatClassification::BreakValsType bvt) +{ + if (bvt == no_theme_break_vals) return no_theme; + if (bvt == quantile_break_vals) return quantile; + if (bvt == unique_values_break_vals) return unique_values; + if (bvt == natural_breaks_break_vals) return natural_breaks; + if (bvt == equal_intervals_break_vals) return equal_intervals; + + if (bvt == percentile_break_vals) return custom; //percentile + if (bvt == hinge_15_break_vals) return custom; //hinge_15 + if (bvt == hinge_30_break_vals) return custom; //hinge_30 + if (bvt == stddev_break_vals) return custom; //stddev + + return custom; +} + + CatClassifDef::CatClassifDef() -: cat_classif_type(CatClassification::custom), num_cats(1), -color_scheme(CatClassification::diverging_color_scheme), unique_id(0), -names(1), colors(1), default_var(wxEmptyString), default_var_tm(0) +: cat_classif_type(CatClassification::custom), +break_vals_type(CatClassification::custom_break_vals), +num_cats(1), automatic_labels(true), +color_scheme(CatClassification::diverging_color_scheme), +names(1), colors(1), uniform_dist_min(0), uniform_dist_max(1) { names[0] = "category 1"; CatClassification::PickColorSet(colors, color_scheme, num_cats, false); @@ -1338,7 +1666,9 @@ names(1), colors(1), default_var(wxEmptyString), default_var_tm(0) CatClassifDef& CatClassifDef::operator=(const CatClassifDef& s) { cat_classif_type = s.cat_classif_type; + break_vals_type = s.break_vals_type; num_cats = s.num_cats; + automatic_labels = s.automatic_labels; breaks.resize(s.breaks.size()); for (int i=0; i& breaks, + std::vector& cat_labels); + void SetBreakPoints(std::vector& breaks, - const GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_vec_type& var, + std::vector& cat_labels, + const Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type& var, const CatClassifType theme, int num_cats); void PopulateCatClassifData(const CatClassifDef& cat_def, - const std::vector& var, + const std::vector& var, CatClassifData& cat_data, std::vector& cats_valid, std::vector& cats_error_message); + bool CorrectCatClassifFromTable(CatClassifDef& cc, + TableInterface* table_int); + void FindNaturalBreaks(int num_cats, - const GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_vec_type& var, + const Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type& var, std::vector& nat_breaks); void SetNaturalBreaksCats(int num_cats, - const std::vector& var, + const std::vector& var, CatClassifData& cat_data, std::vector& cats_valid, ColorScheme coltype=CatClassification::sequential_color_scheme); @@ -66,17 +84,19 @@ namespace CatClassification { wxString CatClassifTypeToString(CatClassifType theme_type); - int PromptNumCats(const CatClassifType new_theme); - void PickColorSet(std::vector& color_vec, ColorScheme coltype, int num_color, bool reversed=false); wxColour ChangeBrightness(const wxColour& input_col, int brightness = 75); void ChangeNumCats(int num_cats, CatClassifDef& cc); int ChangeBreakValue(int brk, double new_val, CatClassifDef& cc); + void ChangeUnifDistMin(double new_unif_dist_min, CatClassifDef& cc); + void ChangeUnifDistMax(double new_unif_dist_max, CatClassifDef& cc); void ApplyColorScheme(ColorScheme scheme, CatClassifDef& cc); void PrintCatClassifDef(const CatClassifDef& cc, wxString& str); wxString ColorToString(const wxColour& c); + BreakValsType CatClassifTypeToBreakValsType(CatClassifType cct); + CatClassifType BreakValsTypeToCatClassifType(BreakValsType bvt); } /** @@ -95,16 +115,27 @@ namespace CatClassification { struct CatClassifDef { CatClassifDef(); CatClassifDef& operator=(const CatClassifDef& s); + bool operator==(const CatClassifDef& s) const; + bool operator!=(const CatClassifDef& s) const; + // If cat_classif_type != custom, then most fields below other + // than num_cats are ignored. CatClassification::CatClassifType cat_classif_type; + // breaks_type is only relevant when cat_classif_type == custom. + // Cannot have breaks_type == by_cat_classif_type combined + // with cat_classif_type == custom + CatClassification::BreakValsType break_vals_type; int num_cats; // limit of 10 + bool automatic_labels; // update category labels automatically if true std::vector breaks; // size: num_cats-1 std::vector names; // size: num_cats std::vector colors; // size: num_cats CatClassification::ColorScheme color_scheme; // one of four choices wxString title; - int unique_id; - wxString default_var; - int default_var_tm; + wxString assoc_db_fld_name; // if empty, then uniform dist + double uniform_dist_min; // used for uniform dist + double uniform_dist_max; // used for uniform dist + + wxString ToStr() const; }; struct Category { diff --git a/Explore/ConditionalHistogramView.cpp b/Explore/ConditionalHistogramView.cpp index a4c477dd5..983277c3e 100644 --- a/Explore/ConditionalHistogramView.cpp +++ b/Explore/ConditionalHistogramView.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -27,12 +27,9 @@ #include #include #include -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" #include "../DialogTools/HistIntervalDlg.h" -#include "../DialogTools/MapQuantileDlg.h" -#include "../DialogTools/SaveToTableDlg.h" -#include "../DialogTools/VariableSettingsDlg.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" #include "../GenUtils.h" #include "../FramesManager.h" @@ -85,7 +82,7 @@ show_axes(true), scale_x_over_time(true), scale_y_over_time(true) data_sorted[t][i].second = i; } std::sort(data_sorted[t].begin(), data_sorted[t].end(), - GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_cmp_less); + Gda::dbl_int_pair_cmp_less); data_stats[t].CalculateFromSample(data_sorted[t]); if (data_stats[t].min < data_min_over_time) { data_min_over_time = data_stats[t].min; @@ -103,7 +100,7 @@ show_axes(true), scale_x_over_time(true), scale_y_over_time(true) cur_intervals = GenUtils::min(cur_intervals, 7); } - highlight_color = GeoDaConst::highlight_color; + highlight_color = GdaConst::highlight_color; fixed_aspect_ratio_mode = false; use_category_brushes = false; selectable_shps_type = rectangles; @@ -125,6 +122,10 @@ ConditionalHistogramCanvas::~ConditionalHistogramCanvas() void ConditionalHistogramCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu(const wxPoint& pos) { LOG_MSG("Entering ConditionalHistogramCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu"); + // Workaround for right-click not changing window focus in OSX / wxW 3.0 + wxActivateEvent ae(wxEVT_NULL, true, 0, wxActivateEvent::Reason_Mouse); + ((ConditionalHistogramFrame*) template_frame)->OnActivate(ae); + wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_COND_HISTOGRAM_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(optMenu); @@ -187,10 +188,10 @@ void ConditionalHistogramCanvas::ResizeSelectableShps(int virtual_scrn_w, // last_scale_trans is only used in calls made to ApplyLastResizeToShp // which are made in ScaterNewPlotView - MyScaleTrans **st; - st = new MyScaleTrans*[vert_num_cats]; + GdaScaleTrans **st; + st = new GdaScaleTrans*[vert_num_cats]; for (int i=0; iapplyScaleTrans(st[r][c]); background_shps.push_front(s); - s = new MyAxis(*y_axis); + s = new GdaAxis(*y_axis); s->applyScaleTrans(st[r][c]); background_shps.push_front(s); } @@ -328,8 +329,8 @@ void ConditionalHistogramCanvas::ResizeSelectableShps(int virtual_scrn_w, b = cat_classif_def_vert.breaks[row]; } wxString t(GenUtils::DblToStr(b)); - s = new MyText(t, *GeoDaConst::small_font, v_brk_ref[row], 90, - MyText::h_center, MyText::bottom, -label_offset, 0); + s = new GdaShapeText(t, *GdaConst::small_font, v_brk_ref[row], 90, + GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::bottom, -label_offset, 0); background_shps.push_front(s); bg_shp_cnt++; } @@ -343,25 +344,25 @@ void ConditionalHistogramCanvas::ResizeSelectableShps(int virtual_scrn_w, } vert_label << " vert cat var: "; vert_label << GetNameWithTime(VERT_VAR); - s = new MyText(vert_label, *GeoDaConst::small_font, + s = new GdaShapeText(vert_label, *GdaConst::small_font, wxRealPoint(bg_xmin, bg_ymin+(bg_ymax-bg_ymin)/2.0), 90, - MyText::h_center, MyText::bottom, -(label_offset+15), 0); + GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::bottom, -(label_offset+15), 0); background_shps.push_front(s); bg_shp_cnt++; } - int rt = var_info[HOR_VAR].time; + int ht = var_info[HOR_VAR].time; for (int col=0; col::iterator it=background_shps.begin(); + for (std::list::iterator it=background_shps.begin(); bg_shp_i < bg_shp_cnt && it != background_shps.end(); bg_shp_i++, it++) { (*it)->applyScaleTrans(last_scale_trans); @@ -418,7 +419,7 @@ void ConditionalHistogramCanvas::ResizeSelectableShps(int virtual_scrn_w, void ConditionalHistogramCanvas::PopulateCanvas() { LOG_MSG("Entering ConditionalHistogramCanvas::PopulateCanvas"); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } selectable_shps.clear(); int t = var_info[HIST_VAR].time; @@ -443,7 +444,7 @@ void ConditionalHistogramCanvas::PopulateCanvas() if (show_axes) { axis_scale_y = AxisScale(0, shps_orig_ymax, 3); shps_orig_ymax = axis_scale_y.scale_max; - y_axis = new MyAxis("Frequency", axis_scale_y, + y_axis = new GdaAxis("Frequency", axis_scale_y, wxRealPoint(0,0), wxRealPoint(0, shps_orig_ymax), -9, 0); @@ -476,7 +477,7 @@ void ConditionalHistogramCanvas::PopulateCanvas() } } axis_scale_x.tic_inc = axis_scale_x.tics[1]-axis_scale_x.tics[0]; - x_axis = new MyAxis(GetNameWithTime(0), axis_scale_x, wxRealPoint(0,0), + x_axis = new GdaAxis(GetNameWithTime(0), axis_scale_x, wxRealPoint(0,0), wxRealPoint(shps_orig_xmax, 0), 0, 9); } @@ -489,13 +490,13 @@ void ConditionalHistogramCanvas::PopulateCanvas() double x1 = orig_x_pos[ival] + interval_width_const/2.0; double y0 = 0; double y1 = cell_data[t][r][c].ival_obs_cnt[ival]; - selectable_shps[i] = new MyRectangle(wxRealPoint(x0, 0), + selectable_shps[i] = new GdaRectangle(wxRealPoint(x0, 0), wxRealPoint(x1, y1)); - int sz = GeoDaConst::qualitative_colors.size(); + int sz = GdaConst::qualitative_colors.size(); selectable_shps[i]-> - setPen(GeoDaConst::qualitative_colors[ival%sz]); + setPen(GdaConst::qualitative_colors[ival%sz]); selectable_shps[i]-> - setBrush(GeoDaConst::qualitative_colors[ival%sz]); + setBrush(GdaConst::qualitative_colors[ival%sz]); i++; } } @@ -560,7 +561,7 @@ void ConditionalHistogramCanvas::UpdateSelection(bool shiftdown, bool pointsel) if (!shiftdown) { bool any_selected = false; for (int i=0; ipointWithin(sel1)) || (rect_sel && GenUtils::RectsIntersect(rec->lower_left, rec->upper_right, @@ -580,7 +581,7 @@ void ConditionalHistogramCanvas::UpdateSelection(bool shiftdown, bool pointsel) for (int i=0; ipointWithin(sel1)) || (rect_sel && GenUtils::RectsIntersect(rec->lower_left, @@ -651,7 +652,7 @@ void ConditionalHistogramCanvas::DrawHighlightedShapes(wxMemoryDC &dc) if (cell_data[t][r][c].ival_obs_sel_cnt[ival] != 0) { s = (((double) cell_data[t][r][c].ival_obs_sel_cnt[ival]) / ((double) cell_data[t][r][c].ival_obs_cnt[ival])); - MyRectangle* rec = (MyRectangle*) selectable_shps[i]; + GdaRectangle* rec = (GdaRectangle*) selectable_shps[i]; dc.DrawRectangle(rec->lower_left.x, rec->lower_left.y, rec->upper_right.x - rec->lower_left.x, (rec->upper_right.y-rec->lower_left.y)*s); @@ -1003,7 +1004,7 @@ void ConditionalHistogramFrame::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event) void ConditionalHistogramFrame::MapMenus() { LOG_MSG("In ConditionalHistogramFrame::MapMenus"); - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); // Map Options Menus wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_COND_HISTOGRAM_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); @@ -1019,7 +1020,7 @@ void ConditionalHistogramFrame::MapMenus() void ConditionalHistogramFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems() { TemplateFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems(); // set common items first - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); int menu = mb->FindMenu("Options"); if (menu == wxNOT_FOUND) { LOG_MSG("ConditionalHistogramFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems: " @@ -1040,19 +1041,14 @@ void ConditionalHistogramFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu) TemplateFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(menu); // set common items } -/** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ -void ConditionalHistogramFrame::update(FramesManager* o) +/** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ +void ConditionalHistogramFrame::update(TimeState* o) { - LOG_MSG("In ConditionalHistogramFrame::update(FramesManager* o)"); - template_canvas->TitleOrTimeChange(); + LOG_MSG("In ConditionalHistogramFrame::update(TimeState* o)"); + template_canvas->TimeChange(); UpdateTitle(); } -void ConditionalHistogramFrame::UpdateTitle() -{ - SetTitle(template_canvas->GetCanvasTitle()); -} - void ConditionalHistogramFrame::OnShowAxes(wxCommandEvent& ev) { LOG_MSG("In ConditionalHistogramFrame::OnShowAxes"); diff --git a/Explore/ConditionalHistogramView.h b/Explore/ConditionalHistogramView.h index 0767d45ae..c20178af2 100644 --- a/Explore/ConditionalHistogramView.h +++ b/Explore/ConditionalHistogramView.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class ConditionalHistogramFrame; class ConditionalHistogramCanvas; typedef boost::multi_array stats_array_type; -typedef boost::multi_array polyline_array_type; +typedef boost::multi_array polyline_array_type; struct CondCellData { std::vector ival_obs_cnt; // size = cur_intervals @@ -92,13 +92,13 @@ class ConditionalHistogramCanvas : public ConditionalNewCanvas { static const int HIST_VAR; // histogram variable // size = time_steps if HIST_VAR is time variant - std::vector data_sorted; + std::vector data_sorted; std::vector data_stats; AxisScale axis_scale_x; AxisScale axis_scale_y; - MyAxis* x_axis; - MyAxis* y_axis; + GdaAxis* x_axis; + GdaAxis* y_axis; bool scale_x_over_time; bool scale_y_over_time; stats_array_type stats_x; @@ -147,10 +147,8 @@ class ConditionalHistogramFrame : public ConditionalNewFrame { virtual void UpdateOptionMenuItems(); virtual void UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu); - /** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ - virtual void update(FramesManager* o); - - virtual void UpdateTitle(); + /** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TimeState* o); void OnShowAxes(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnHistogramIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event); diff --git a/Explore/ConditionalMapView.cpp b/Explore/ConditionalMapView.cpp index 6bd7c067b..4b7c3c31b 100644 --- a/Explore/ConditionalMapView.cpp +++ b/Explore/ConditionalMapView.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -29,12 +29,10 @@ #include #include "CatClassifState.h" #include "CatClassifManager.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../DialogTools/CatClassifDlg.h" -#include "../DialogTools/MapQuantileDlg.h" -#include "../DialogTools/SaveToTableDlg.h" -#include "../DialogTools/VariableSettingsDlg.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" #include "../GenUtils.h" #include "../FramesManager.h" @@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ ConditionalMapCanvas::ConditionalMapCanvas(wxWindow *parent, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size) : ConditionalNewCanvas(parent, t_frame, project_s, v_info, col_ids, true, true, pos, size), -num_cats(1),bin_bm(0), +num_categories(1),bin_bm(0), bin_bg_map_pen(wxColor(200,200,200)), bin_bg_map_brush(wxColor(200,200,200)), cc_state_map(0), full_map_redraw_needed(true) @@ -72,7 +70,7 @@ full_map_redraw_needed(true) LOG_MSG("Entering ConditionalMapCanvas::ConditionalMapCanvas"); SetCatType(CatClassification::no_theme); - selectable_fill_color = GeoDaConst::map_default_fill_colour; + selectable_fill_color = GdaConst::map_default_fill_colour; virtual_screen_marg_top = 25; virtual_screen_marg_bottom = 50; @@ -84,7 +82,7 @@ full_map_redraw_needed(true) shps_orig_ymax = project->main_data.header.bbox_y_max; double scale_x, scale_y, trans_x, trans_y; - MyScaleTrans::calcAffineParams(shps_orig_xmin, shps_orig_ymin, + GdaScaleTrans::calcAffineParams(shps_orig_xmin, shps_orig_ymin, shps_orig_xmax, shps_orig_ymax, virtual_screen_marg_top, virtual_screen_marg_bottom, @@ -102,14 +100,14 @@ full_map_redraw_needed(true) highlight_color = *wxRED; } else { selectable_shps_type = polygons; - highlight_color = GeoDaConst::map_default_highlight_colour; + highlight_color = GdaConst::map_default_highlight_colour; } use_category_brushes = true; if (num_obs >= 6) { - ChangeCatThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_15, false); + ChangeCatThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_15, 6); } else { - ChangeCatThemeType(CatClassification::unique_values, false); + ChangeCatThemeType(CatClassification::unique_values, 4); } all_init = true; @@ -127,8 +125,36 @@ ConditionalMapCanvas::~ConditionalMapCanvas() void ConditionalMapCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu(const wxPoint& pos) { LOG_MSG("Entering ConditionalMapCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu"); - wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> - LoadMenu("ID_COND_MAP_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); + // Workaround for right-click not changing window focus in OSX / wxW 3.0 + wxActivateEvent ae(wxEVT_NULL, true, 0, wxActivateEvent::Reason_Mouse); + ((ConditionalMapFrame*) template_frame)->OnActivate(ae); + + wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> + LoadMenu("ID_COND_MAP_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); + + // Due to problems with zooming, the following menu options have been + // temporarily removed from the XRC file: + // + // + //1 + // + // + // + //1 + // + // + // + //1 + // + // + // + //1 + // + // + // + //1 + // + AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(optMenu); TemplateCanvas::AppendCustomCategories(optMenu, project->GetCatClassifManager()); @@ -140,6 +166,35 @@ void ConditionalMapCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu(const wxPoint& pos) LOG_MSG("Exiting ConditionalMapCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu"); } +/** + * Overwrite TemplaceCanvas Scroll + */ +void ConditionalMapCanvas::OnScrollChanged(wxScrollWinEvent& event) +{ + event.Skip(); +} +/** + * Overwrite TemplaceCanvas OnPaint + */ +void ConditionalMapCanvas::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event) +{ + DrawLayers(); + + wxMemoryDC dc(*layer2_bm); + wxPaintDC paint_dc(this); + wxSize sz = GetClientSize(); + + int xx, yy; + CalcUnscrolledPosition(0, 0, &xx, &yy); + paint_dc.Blit(0, 0, sz.x, sz.y, &dc, xx, yy); + + // Draw the the selection region if needed + PaintSelectionOutline(paint_dc); + + // Draw optional control objects if needed + PaintControls(paint_dc); +} + void ConditionalMapCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) { // Update the checkmarks and enable/disable state for the @@ -151,9 +206,38 @@ void ConditionalMapCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_THEMELESS"), GetCatType() == CatClassification::no_theme); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, - XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_CHOROPLETH_QUANTILE"), - GetCatType() == CatClassification::quantile); + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_1"), + (GetCatType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_2"), + (GetCatType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_3"), + (GetCatType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_4"), + (GetCatType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_5"), + (GetCatType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_6"), + (GetCatType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_7"), + (GetCatType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_8"), + (GetCatType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_9"), + (GetCatType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_10"), + (GetCatType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 10); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_CHOROPLETH_PERCENTILE"), GetCatType() == CatClassification::percentile); @@ -166,10 +250,91 @@ void ConditionalMapCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) GetCatType() == CatClassification::stddev); GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_UNIQUE_VALUES"), GetCatType() == CatClassification::unique_values); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_EQUAL_INTERVALS"), - GetCatType() ==CatClassification::equal_intervals); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_NATURAL_BREAKS"), - GetCatType() == CatClassification::natural_breaks); + + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_1"), + (GetCatType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_2"), + (GetCatType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_3"), + (GetCatType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_4"), + (GetCatType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_5"), + (GetCatType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_6"), + (GetCatType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_7"), + (GetCatType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_8"), + (GetCatType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_9"), + (GetCatType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_10"), + (GetCatType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 10); + + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_1"), + (GetCatType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_2"), + (GetCatType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_3"), + (GetCatType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_4"), + (GetCatType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_5"), + (GetCatType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_6"), + (GetCatType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_7"), + (GetCatType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_8"), + (GetCatType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_9"), + (GetCatType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_10"), + (GetCatType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 10); + } wxString ConditionalMapCanvas::GetCategoriesTitle() @@ -226,7 +391,9 @@ void ConditionalMapCanvas::NewCustomCatClassifMap() if (cat_classif_def_map.cat_classif_type != CatClassification::custom) { CatClassification::ChangeNumCats(cat_classif_def_map.num_cats, cat_classif_def_map); + std::vector temp_cat_labels; // will be ignored CatClassification::SetBreakPoints(cat_classif_def_map.breaks, + temp_cat_labels, cat_var_sorted[var_info[CAT_VAR].time], cat_classif_def_map.cat_classif_type, cat_classif_def_map.num_cats); @@ -237,18 +404,18 @@ void ConditionalMapCanvas::NewCustomCatClassifMap() } } - CatClassifFrame* ccf = MyFrame::theFrame->GetCatClassifFrame(); + CatClassifFrame* ccf = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetCatClassifFrame(); if (!ccf) return; CatClassifState* ccs = ccf->PromptNew(cat_classif_def_map, "", var_info[CAT_VAR].name, var_info[CAT_VAR].time); if (!ccs) return; - if (cc_state_map) cc_state_vert->removeObserver(this); + if (cc_state_map) cc_state_map->removeObserver(this); cat_classif_def_map = ccs->GetCatClassif(); cc_state_map = ccs; cc_state_map->registerObserver(this); - CreateAndUpdateCategories(false); + CreateAndUpdateCategories(); PopulateCanvas(); if (template_frame) { template_frame->UpdateTitle(); @@ -263,11 +430,10 @@ void ConditionalMapCanvas::NewCustomCatClassifMap() category classification. */ void ConditionalMapCanvas::ChangeCatThemeType( CatClassification::CatClassifType new_cat_theme, - bool prompt_num_cats, + int num_categories_s, const wxString& custom_classif_title) { - // User has already chosen theme variable on startup, so no need - // to ever ask for theme variable. + num_categories = num_categories_s; if (new_cat_theme == CatClassification::custom) { CatClassifManager* ccm = project->GetCatClassifManager(); @@ -285,7 +451,7 @@ void ConditionalMapCanvas::ChangeCatThemeType( } SetCatType(new_cat_theme); VarInfoAttributeChange(); - CreateAndUpdateCategories(prompt_num_cats); + CreateAndUpdateCategories(); UserChangedCellCategories(); PopulateCanvas(); if (all_init && template_frame) { @@ -299,8 +465,9 @@ void ConditionalMapCanvas::ChangeCatThemeType( void ConditionalMapCanvas::update(CatClassifState* o) { LOG_MSG("In ConditionalMapCanvas::update(CatClassifState*)"); - if (cc_state_map && cc_state_map == o) { - CreateAndUpdateCategories(false); + if (cc_state_map == o) { + cat_classif_def_map = o->GetCatClassif(); + CreateAndUpdateCategories(); UserChangedCellCategories(); PopulateCanvas(); if (template_frame) { @@ -314,6 +481,377 @@ void ConditionalMapCanvas::update(CatClassifState* o) } } +void ConditionalMapCanvas::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event) +{ + //LOG_MSG("Entering TemplateCanvas::OnSize"); + // we know there has been a change in the client size + int cs_w=0, cs_h=0; + GetClientSize(&cs_w, &cs_h); + int vs_w, vs_h; + GetVirtualSize(&vs_w, &vs_h); + + if (GetFitToWindowMode()) { + double new_w = (cs_w-(virtual_screen_marg_left + + virtual_screen_marg_right)); + double new_h = (cs_h-(virtual_screen_marg_top + + virtual_screen_marg_bottom)); + double new_ar = (double) new_w / (double) new_h; + //LOG(new_w); + //LOG(new_h); + //LOG(new_ar); + //LOG(fixed_aspect_ratio_mode); + //LOG(fixed_aspect_ratio_val); + if (fixed_aspect_ratio_mode) { + if (fixed_aspect_ratio_val >= new_ar) { + current_shps_width = new_w; + current_shps_height = new_w / fixed_aspect_ratio_val; + } else { + current_shps_height = new_h; + current_shps_width = new_h * fixed_aspect_ratio_val; + } + } else { + current_shps_width = new_w; + current_shps_height = new_h; + } + //LOG(current_shps_width); + //LOG(current_shps_height); + resizeLayerBms(cs_w, cs_h); + //SetVirtualSize(cs_w, cs_h); + ResizeSelectableShps(); + } else { + int margs_vert = virtual_screen_marg_top + virtual_screen_marg_bottom; + int margs_horiz = virtual_screen_marg_left + virtual_screen_marg_right; + int shps_n_margs_w = current_shps_width + margs_horiz; + int shps_n_margs_h = current_shps_height + margs_vert; + + if (shps_n_margs_w <= cs_w && shps_n_margs_h <= cs_h) { + //LOG_MSG("No Scroll Bars"); + resizeLayerBms(cs_w, cs_h); + ResizeSelectableShps(cs_w, cs_h); + SetVirtualSize(cs_w, cs_h); + scrollbarmode = none; + } + if (shps_n_margs_w <= cs_w && shps_n_margs_h > cs_h) { + //LOG_MSG("Vertical Scroll Bars Only"); + resizeLayerBms(cs_w, shps_n_margs_h); + ResizeSelectableShps(cs_w, shps_n_margs_h); + SetVirtualSize(cs_w, shps_n_margs_h); +#ifdef __WXMSW__ + Update(); // Only needed in Windows to get Vertical SB to + // draw automatically +#endif + scrollbarmode = vert_only; + } + if (shps_n_margs_w > cs_w && shps_n_margs_h <= cs_h) { + LOG_MSG("Horizontal Scroll Bars Only"); + resizeLayerBms(shps_n_margs_w, cs_h); + ResizeSelectableShps(shps_n_margs_w, cs_h); + SetVirtualSize(shps_n_margs_w, cs_h); + scrollbarmode = horiz_only; +#ifdef __WXMSW__ + Update(); // Only needed in Windows to get Vertical SB to + // draw automatically +#endif + } + if (shps_n_margs_w > cs_w && shps_n_margs_h > cs_h) { + LOG_MSG("Vertical and Horizontal Scroll Bars"); + resizeLayerBms(shps_n_margs_w, shps_n_margs_h); + SetVirtualSize(shps_n_margs_w, shps_n_margs_h); + if (scrollbarmode != horiz_and_vert) { + LOG_MSG("One-time shps resize"); + ResizeSelectableShps(shps_n_margs_w, shps_n_margs_h); + } + scrollbarmode = horiz_and_vert; + } + } + + event.Skip(); + //LOG_MSG("Exiting TemplateCanvas::OnSize"); +} +// use virtual canvas style code +void ConditionalMapCanvas::OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent& event) +{ + // Capture the mouse when left mouse button is down. + if (event.LeftIsDown() && !HasCapture()) CaptureMouse(); + if (event.LeftUp() && HasCapture()) ReleaseMouse(); + int wheel_rotation = event.GetWheelRotation(); + int wheel_delta = GenUtils::max(event.GetLinesPerAction(), 1); + int wheel_lines_per_action =GenUtils::max(event.GetLinesPerAction(),1); + if (abs(wheel_rotation) >= wheel_delta) { + LOG(wheel_rotation); + LOG(wheel_delta); + LOG(wheel_lines_per_action); + } + + if (mousemode == select) { + if (selectstate == start) { + if (event.LeftDown()) { + prev = GetActualPos(event); + sel1 = prev; + selectstate = leftdown; + } else if (event.RightDown()) { + DisplayRightClickMenu(event.GetPosition()); + } else { + if (template_frame->IsStatusBarVisible()) { + prev = GetActualPos(event); + sel1 = prev; // sel1 now has current mouse position + DetermineMouseHoverObjects(); + UpdateStatusBar(); + } + } + } else if (selectstate == leftdown) { + if (event.Moving() || event.Dragging()) { + wxPoint act_pos = GetActualPos(event); + if (fabs((double) (prev.x - act_pos.x)) + + fabs((double) (prev.y - act_pos.y)) > 2) { + sel1 = prev; + sel2 = GetActualPos(event); + selectstate = dragging; + remember_shiftdown = event.ShiftDown(); + UpdateSelectRegion(); + UpdateSelection(remember_shiftdown); + UpdateStatusBar(); + Refresh(); + } + } else if (event.LeftUp()) { + UpdateSelectRegion(); + UpdateSelection(event.ShiftDown(), true); + selectstate = start; + Refresh(); + } else if (event.RightDown()) { + selectstate = start; + } + } else if (selectstate == dragging) { + if (event.Dragging()) { // mouse moved while buttons still down + sel2 = GetActualPos(event); + UpdateSelectRegion(); + UpdateSelection(remember_shiftdown); + UpdateStatusBar(); + Refresh(); + } else if (event.LeftUp() && !event.CmdDown()) { + sel2 = GetActualPos(event); + UpdateSelectRegion(); + UpdateSelection(remember_shiftdown); + remember_shiftdown = false; + selectstate = start; + Refresh(); + } else if (event.LeftUp() && event.CmdDown()) { + selectstate = brushing; + sel2 = GetActualPos(event); + wxPoint diff = wxPoint(0,0); + UpdateSelectRegion(false, diff); + UpdateSelection(remember_shiftdown); + remember_shiftdown = false; + Refresh(); + } else if (event.RightDown()) { + DisplayRightClickMenu(event.GetPosition()); + } + } else if (selectstate == brushing) { + if (event.LeftIsDown()) { + } else if (event.LeftUp()) { + selectstate = start; + Refresh(); + } + else if (event.RightDown()) { + selectstate = start; + Refresh(); + } else if (event.Moving()) { + wxPoint diff = GetActualPos(event) - sel2; + sel1 += diff; + sel2 = GetActualPos(event); + UpdateStatusBar(); + UpdateSelectRegion(true, diff); + UpdateSelection(); + Refresh(); + } + } else { // unknown state + LOG_MSG("TemplateCanvas::OnMouseEvent: ERROR, unknown SelectState"); + } + + } else if (mousemode == zoom) { + // we will allow zooming in up to a maximum virtual screen area + if (event.LeftUp()) { + SetFitToWindowMode(false); + int client_screen_w, client_screen_h; + GetClientSize(&client_screen_w, &client_screen_h); + int virtual_screen_w, virtual_screen_h; + GetVirtualSize(&virtual_screen_w, &virtual_screen_h); + wxSize v_size(GetVirtualSize()); + bool zoom_changed = false; + if (!event.CmdDown()) { // zoom in + LOG_MSG("Entering TemplateCanvas::OnMouseEvent zoom in"); + if ( (int) (current_shps_width * current_shps_height * 4) <= + GdaConst::shps_max_area && + (int) (current_shps_width*2)<=GdaConst::shps_max_width && + (int) (current_shps_height*2)<=GdaConst::shps_max_height){ + current_shps_width *= 2; + current_shps_height *= 2; + + int new_w = (int) current_shps_width + + virtual_screen_marg_left + virtual_screen_marg_right; + int new_h = (int) current_shps_height + + virtual_screen_marg_top + virtual_screen_marg_bottom; + if ( new_h > client_screen_w || new_h > client_screen_h ) { + } + SetVirtualSize(GenUtils::max(new_w,client_screen_w), + GenUtils::max(new_h,client_screen_h)); + zoom_changed = true; + } + } else { // zoom out + LOG_MSG("Entering TemplateCanvas::OnMouseEvent zoom out"); + if ( (int)(current_shps_width/2)>=GdaConst::shps_min_width + &&(int)(current_shps_height/2)>=GdaConst::shps_min_height) { + current_shps_width /= 2; + current_shps_height /= 2; + int new_w = (int) current_shps_width + + virtual_screen_marg_left + virtual_screen_marg_right; + int new_h = (int) current_shps_height + + virtual_screen_marg_top + virtual_screen_marg_bottom; + int new_vs_w = GenUtils::max(new_w, client_screen_w); + int new_vs_h = GenUtils::max(new_h, client_screen_h); + LOG(new_vs_w); + LOG(new_vs_h); + SetVirtualSize(new_vs_w, new_vs_h); + zoom_changed = true; + } + } + if (zoom_changed) { + //LOG_MSG(GetCanvasStateString()); + int margs_vert = virtual_screen_marg_top + virtual_screen_marg_bottom; + int margs_horiz = virtual_screen_marg_left + virtual_screen_marg_right; + int shps_n_margs_w = current_shps_width + margs_horiz; + int shps_n_margs_h = current_shps_height + margs_vert; + resizeLayerBms(shps_n_margs_w, shps_n_margs_h); + ResizeSelectableShps(); + Refresh(); + } + LOG_MSG("Exiting TemplateCanvas::OnMouseEvent zoom"); + } else if (event.RightDown()) { + DisplayRightClickMenu(event.GetPosition()); + } + } else if (mousemode == pan) { + if (event.Moving()) { + // in start state, do nothing + } else if (event.LeftDown()) { + prev = event.GetPosition(); + // temporarily set scroll rate to 1 + SetScrollRate(1,1); + } else if (event.Dragging()&& !event.LeftUp() && !event.LeftDown()) { + int xViewStart, yViewStart; + GetViewStart(&xViewStart, &yViewStart); + wxPoint diff = event.GetPosition() - prev; + prev = event.GetPosition(); + Scroll(xViewStart-diff.x, yViewStart-diff.y); + } else if (event.LeftUp()) { + // restore original scroll rate + SetScrollRate(1,1); + } else if (event.RightDown()) { + DisplayRightClickMenu(event.GetPosition()); + } + } +} + + +void ConditionalMapCanvas::ZoomShapes(bool is_zoomin) +{ + if (sel2.x == 0 && sel2.y==0) return; + + // get current selected extent/view in map coordinates + // topLeft, bottomRight + //double resize_xmin, resize_ymin, resize_xmax, resize_ymax; + if (!is_pan_zoom ) { + current_map_x_min = shps_orig_xmin; + current_map_y_min = shps_orig_ymin; + current_map_x_max = shps_orig_xmax; + current_map_y_max = shps_orig_ymax; + } + + int vs_w=0, vs_h=0; + GetVirtualSize(&vs_w, &vs_h); + + double scn_w = (double) vs_w; + double scn_h = (double) vs_h; + + double image_width, image_height; + bool ftwm = GetFitToWindowMode(); + + // pixels between columns/rows + double fac = 0.02; + if (vert_num_cats >= 4 || horiz_num_cats >=4) fac = 0.015; + double pad_w = scn_w * fac; + double pad_h = scn_h * fac; + if (pad_w < 1) pad_w = 1; + if (pad_h < 1) pad_h = 1; + double pad = GenUtils::min(pad_w, pad_h); + + double marg_top = virtual_screen_marg_top; + double marg_bottom = virtual_screen_marg_bottom; + double marg_left = virtual_screen_marg_left; + double marg_right = virtual_screen_marg_right; + + double d_rows = vert_num_cats; + double d_cols = horiz_num_cats; + + double individual_map_scn_w = (scn_w - marg_left - marg_right) / horiz_num_cats; + double individual_map_scn_h = (scn_h - marg_bottom - marg_top) / vert_num_cats; + + int scn_map_idx_h_1 = (int)((sel1.x - marg_left)/individual_map_scn_w); + int scn_map_idx_v_1 = (int)((sel1.y - marg_top) / individual_map_scn_h); + int scn_map_idx_h_2 = (int)((sel2.x - marg_left)/individual_map_scn_w); + int scn_map_idx_v_2 = (int)((sel2.y - marg_top) / individual_map_scn_h); + if (scn_map_idx_h_1 < 0 || scn_map_idx_v_1 < 0 || + scn_map_idx_h_2 < 0 || scn_map_idx_v_2 < 0 || + (scn_map_idx_h_1!=scn_map_idx_h_2) || + (scn_map_idx_v_1!=scn_map_idx_v_2)) return; + + wxPoint scn1, scn2; + scn1.x = sel1.x - marg_left - scn_map_idx_h_1 * individual_map_scn_w; + scn1.y = sel1.y - marg_top - scn_map_idx_v_1 * individual_map_scn_h; + scn2.x = sel2.x - marg_left - scn_map_idx_h_1 * individual_map_scn_w; + scn2.y = sel2.y - marg_top - scn_map_idx_v_1 * individual_map_scn_h; + + double s_x, s_y, t_x, t_y; + GdaScaleTrans::calcAffineParams(current_map_x_min, current_map_y_min, + current_map_x_max, current_map_y_max, + pad, pad, pad, pad, + individual_map_scn_w, individual_map_scn_h, + fixed_aspect_ratio_mode, + ftwm, + &s_x, &s_y, &t_x, &t_y, + ftwm ? 0 : current_shps_width, + ftwm ? 0 : current_shps_height, + &image_width, &image_height); + wxRealPoint map_sel1, map_sel2; + map_sel1.x = (scn1.x - t_x) / s_x; + map_sel1.y = (scn1.y - t_y) / s_y; + map_sel2.x = (scn2.x - t_x) / s_x; + map_sel2.y = (scn2.y - t_y) / s_y; + + + + if (!is_zoomin) { + double current_map_w = current_map_x_max - current_map_x_min; + double current_map_h = current_map_y_max - current_map_y_min; + double w_ratio = current_map_w / abs( map_sel1.x - map_sel2.x); + double h_ratio = current_map_h / abs( map_sel1.y - map_sel2.y); + double ratio = w_ratio > h_ratio ? h_ratio : w_ratio; + + double x_expand = current_map_w * (ratio - 1) / 2.0; + double y_expand = current_map_h * (ratio - 1) / 2.0; + current_map_x_min = current_map_x_min - x_expand; + current_map_x_max = current_map_x_max + x_expand; + current_map_y_min = current_map_y_min - y_expand; + current_map_y_max = current_map_y_max + y_expand; + } else { + current_map_x_min = std::min( map_sel1.x, map_sel2.x); + current_map_x_max = std::max( map_sel1.x, map_sel2.x); + current_map_y_min = std::min( map_sel1.y, map_sel2.y); + current_map_y_max = std::max( map_sel1.y, map_sel2.y); + } + is_pan_zoom = true; + ResizeSelectableShps(); +} + void ConditionalMapCanvas::ResizeSelectableShps(int virtual_scrn_w, int virtual_scrn_h) { @@ -328,10 +866,10 @@ void ConditionalMapCanvas::ResizeSelectableShps(int virtual_scrn_w, // last_scale_trans is only used in calls made to ApplyLastResizeToShp // which are made in ScaterNewPlotView - MyScaleTrans **st; - st = new MyScaleTrans*[vert_num_cats]; + GdaScaleTrans **st; + st = new GdaScaleTrans*[vert_num_cats]; for (int i=0; iapplyScaleTrans(bin_st); } - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { shp->paintSelf(dc); } bin_bm_redraw_needed = false; @@ -452,7 +990,7 @@ void ConditionalMapCanvas::ResizeSelectableShps(int virtual_scrn_w, if (selectable_shps_type == polygons) { int proj_to_pnt_cnt = 0; for (int i=0; iall_points_same) { + if (((GdaPolygon*) selectable_shps[i])->all_points_same) { proj_to_pnt_cnt++; } } @@ -464,7 +1002,7 @@ void ConditionalMapCanvas::ResizeSelectableShps(int virtual_scrn_w, LOG_MSG(s); } - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, background_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, background_shps ) { delete shp; } background_shps.clear(); double bg_xmin = marg_left; @@ -489,7 +1027,7 @@ void ConditionalMapCanvas::ResizeSelectableShps(int virtual_scrn_w, h_brk_ref[col].y = bg_ymin; } - MyShape* s; + GdaShape* s; int vt = var_info[VERT_VAR].time; for (int row=0; row(last_scale_trans.scale_x, last_scale_trans.scale_y); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* ms, background_shps ) { + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* ms, background_shps ) { ms->applyScaleTrans(last_scale_trans); } - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* ms, foreground_shps ) { + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* ms, foreground_shps ) { ms->applyScaleTrans(last_scale_trans); } @@ -581,8 +1119,8 @@ void ConditionalMapCanvas::DrawLayer0() // using bin_extents, tile bin_bm at every cell position if (bin_bm) { - for (int i=0; ipaintSelf(dc); } if (draw_sel_shps_by_z_val) { @@ -631,17 +1169,17 @@ void ConditionalMapCanvas::PopulateCanvas() // Note: only need to delete selectable shapes if the cartogram // relative positions change. Otherwise, just reuse. if (full_map_redraw_needed) { - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } selectable_shps.clear(); } - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, foreground_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, foreground_shps ) { delete shp; } foreground_shps.clear(); if (map_valid[canvas_ts]) { if (full_map_redraw_needed) { CreateSelShpsFromProj(selectable_shps, project); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { shp->setPen(bin_bg_map_pen); shp->setBrush(bin_bg_map_brush); } @@ -652,8 +1190,8 @@ void ConditionalMapCanvas::PopulateCanvas() (shps_orig_xmax-shps_orig_xmin)/2.0, shps_orig_ymin+ (shps_orig_ymax-shps_orig_ymin)/2.0); - MyText* txt_shp = new MyText(map_error_message[canvas_ts], - *GeoDaConst::medium_font, cntr_ref_pnt); + GdaShapeText* txt_shp = new GdaShapeText(map_error_message[canvas_ts], + *GdaConst::medium_font, cntr_ref_pnt); background_shps.push_back(txt_shp); } @@ -662,12 +1200,12 @@ void ConditionalMapCanvas::PopulateCanvas() LOG_MSG("Exiting ConditionalMapCanvas::PopulateCanvas"); } -void ConditionalMapCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() +void ConditionalMapCanvas::TimeChange() { - LOG_MSG("Entering ConditionalMapCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange"); + LOG_MSG("Entering ConditionalMapCanvas::TimeChange"); if (!is_any_sync_with_global_time) return; - int cts = project->GetGridBase()->curr_time_step; + int cts = project->GetTimeState()->GetCurrTime(); int ref_time = var_info[ref_var_index].time; int ref_time_min = var_info[ref_var_index].time_min; int ref_time_max = var_info[ref_var_index].time_max; @@ -682,7 +1220,7 @@ void ConditionalMapCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() } else { ref_time = cts; } - for (int i=0; iSetMinimumPaneSize(10); - template_canvas = new ConditionalMapCanvas(splitter_win, this, project, + wxPanel* rpanel = new wxPanel(splitter_win); + template_canvas = new ConditionalMapCanvas(rpanel, this, project, var_info, col_ids, wxDefaultPosition, - wxSize(width,height)); + wxDefaultSize); SetTitle(template_canvas->GetCanvasTitle()); template_canvas->SetScrollRate(1,1); - DisplayStatusBar(true); - - template_legend = new ConditionalMapLegend(splitter_win, template_canvas, + wxBoxSizer* rbox = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + rbox->Add(template_canvas, 1, wxEXPAND); + rpanel->SetSizer(rbox); + + wxPanel* lpanel = new wxPanel(splitter_win); + template_legend = new ConditionalMapLegend(lpanel, template_canvas, wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(0,0)); - - splitter_win->SplitVertically(template_legend, template_canvas, - GeoDaConst::map_default_legend_width); - + wxBoxSizer* lbox = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + lbox->Add(template_legend, 1, wxEXPAND); + lpanel->SetSizer(lbox); + + splitter_win->SplitVertically(lpanel, rpanel, + GdaConst::map_default_legend_width); + wxBoxSizer* sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + sizer->Add(splitter_win, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL); + SetSizer(sizer); + splitter_win->SetSize(wxSize(width,height)); + SetAutoLayout(true); + DisplayStatusBar(true); Show(true); LOG_MSG("Exiting ConditionalMapFrame::ConditionalMapFrame"); } @@ -895,7 +1440,7 @@ void ConditionalMapFrame::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event) void ConditionalMapFrame::MapMenus() { LOG_MSG("In ConditionalMapFrame::MapMenus"); - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); // Map Options Menus wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_COND_MAP_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); @@ -911,7 +1456,7 @@ void ConditionalMapFrame::MapMenus() void ConditionalMapFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems() { TemplateFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems(); // set common items first - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); int menu = mb->FindMenu("Options"); if (menu == wxNOT_FOUND) { LOG_MSG("ConditionalMapFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems: " @@ -932,20 +1477,15 @@ void ConditionalMapFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu) TemplateFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(menu); // set common items } -/** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ -void ConditionalMapFrame::update(FramesManager* o) +/** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ +void ConditionalMapFrame::update(TimeState* o) { - LOG_MSG("In ConditionalMapFrame::update(FramesManager* o)"); - template_canvas->TitleOrTimeChange(); + LOG_MSG("In ConditionalMapFrame::update(TimeState* o)"); + template_canvas->TimeChange(); UpdateTitle(); if (template_legend) template_legend->Refresh(); } -void ConditionalMapFrame::UpdateTitle() -{ - SetTitle(template_canvas->GetCanvasTitle()); -} - void ConditionalMapFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifA() { ((ConditionalMapCanvas*) template_canvas)->NewCustomCatClassifMap(); @@ -953,65 +1493,66 @@ void ConditionalMapFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifA() void ConditionalMapFrame::OnCustomCatClassifA(const wxString& cc_title) { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::custom, cc_title); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::custom, 4, cc_title); } -void ConditionalMapFrame::OnThemeless(wxCommandEvent& event) +void ConditionalMapFrame::OnThemeless() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::no_theme); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::no_theme, 1); } -void ConditionalMapFrame::OnHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event) +void ConditionalMapFrame::OnHinge15() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_15); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_15, 6); } -void ConditionalMapFrame::OnHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event) +void ConditionalMapFrame::OnHinge30() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_30); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_30, 6); } -void ConditionalMapFrame::OnQuantile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void ConditionalMapFrame::OnQuantile(int num_cats) { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::quantile); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::quantile, num_cats); } -void ConditionalMapFrame::OnPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void ConditionalMapFrame::OnPercentile() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::percentile); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::percentile, 6); } -void ConditionalMapFrame::OnStdDevMap(wxCommandEvent& event) +void ConditionalMapFrame::OnStdDevMap() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::stddev); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::stddev, 6); } -void ConditionalMapFrame::OnUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event) +void ConditionalMapFrame::OnUniqueValues() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::unique_values); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::unique_values, 6); } -void ConditionalMapFrame::OnNaturalBreaks(wxCommandEvent& event) +void ConditionalMapFrame::OnNaturalBreaks(int num_cats) { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::natural_breaks); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::natural_breaks, num_cats); } -void ConditionalMapFrame::OnEqualIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event) +void ConditionalMapFrame::OnEqualIntervals(int num_cats) { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::equal_intervals); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::equal_intervals, num_cats); } -void ConditionalMapFrame::OnSaveCategories(wxCommandEvent& event) +void ConditionalMapFrame::OnSaveCategories() { ((ConditionalMapCanvas*) template_canvas)->OnSaveCategories(); } void ConditionalMapFrame::ChangeThemeType( CatClassification::CatClassifType new_theme, + int num_categories, const wxString& custom_classif_title) { ConditionalMapCanvas* cc = (ConditionalMapCanvas*) template_canvas; - cc->ChangeCatThemeType(new_theme, false, custom_classif_title); + cc->ChangeCatThemeType(new_theme, num_categories, custom_classif_title); UpdateTitle(); UpdateOptionMenuItems(); template_legend->Refresh(); diff --git a/Explore/ConditionalMapView.h b/Explore/ConditionalMapView.h index b58866971..0c2e9add3 100644 --- a/Explore/ConditionalMapView.h +++ b/Explore/ConditionalMapView.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class ConditionalMapFrame; class ConditionalMapCanvas; class ConditionalMapLegend; -class DbfGridTableBase; +class TableInterface; class ConditionalMapCanvas : public ConditionalNewCanvas { DECLARE_CLASS(ConditionalMapCanvas) @@ -46,33 +46,39 @@ class ConditionalMapCanvas : public ConditionalNewCanvas { virtual void NewCustomCatClassifMap(); virtual void ChangeCatThemeType( CatClassification::CatClassifType new_theme, - bool prompt_num_cats = true, + int num_categories, const wxString& custom_classif_title = wxEmptyString); virtual void update(CatClassifState* o); virtual void OnSaveCategories(); virtual void SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu); - virtual void TitleOrTimeChange(); + virtual void TimeChange(); virtual void ResizeSelectableShps(int virtual_scrn_w = 0, int virtual_scrn_h = 0); virtual void DrawLayer0(); - + virtual void ZoomShapes(bool is_zoomin = true); + virtual void OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent& event); + virtual void OnScrollChanged(wxScrollWinEvent& event); + virtual void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event); + virtual void OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event); + protected: virtual void PopulateCanvas(); public: - virtual void CreateAndUpdateCategories(bool prompt_num_cats = true); + virtual void CreateAndUpdateCategories(); virtual void TimeSyncVariableToggle(int var_index); CatClassifDef cat_classif_def_map; CatClassification::CatClassifType GetCatType(); void SetCatType(CatClassification::CatClassifType cc_type); + int GetNumCats() { return num_categories; } protected: CatClassifState* cc_state_map; - int num_cats; // current number of categories - std::vector cat_var_sorted; + int num_categories; // current number of categories + std::vector cat_var_sorted; std::vector map_valid; std::vector map_error_message; @@ -114,27 +120,26 @@ class ConditionalMapFrame : public ConditionalNewFrame { virtual void UpdateOptionMenuItems(); virtual void UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu); - /** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ - virtual void update(FramesManager* o); - - virtual void UpdateTitle(); + /** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TimeState* o); virtual void OnNewCustomCatClassifA(); virtual void OnCustomCatClassifA(const wxString& cc_title); - void OnThemeless(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnQuantile(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnStdDevMap(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnNaturalBreaks(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnEqualIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnSaveCategories(wxCommandEvent& event); + virtual void OnThemeless(); + virtual void OnQuantile(int num_cats); + virtual void OnPercentile(); + virtual void OnHinge15(); + virtual void OnHinge30(); + virtual void OnStdDevMap(); + virtual void OnUniqueValues(); + virtual void OnNaturalBreaks(int num_cats); + virtual void OnEqualIntervals(int num_cats); + virtual void OnSaveCategories(); virtual void ChangeThemeType( CatClassification::CatClassifType new_cat_theme, + int num_categories, const wxString& custom_classif_title = wxEmptyString); DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() diff --git a/Explore/ConditionalNewView.cpp b/Explore/ConditionalNewView.cpp index d78a09976..750c24e79 100644 --- a/Explore/ConditionalNewView.cpp +++ b/Explore/ConditionalNewView.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -28,11 +28,9 @@ #include #include #include "../DialogTools/CatClassifDlg.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" -#include "../DialogTools/MapQuantileDlg.h" -#include "../DialogTools/SaveToTableDlg.h" -#include "../DialogTools/VariableSettingsDlg.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" #include "../GenUtils.h" #include "../FramesManager.h" @@ -69,19 +67,21 @@ project(project_s), num_obs(project_s->GetNumRecords()), num_time_vals(1), vert_num_time_vals(1), horiz_num_time_vals(1), horiz_num_cats(3), vert_num_cats(3), bin_extents(boost::extents[3][3]), bin_w(0), bin_h(0), -highlight_state(project_s->highlight_state), +highlight_state(project_s->GetHighlightState()), data(v_info.size()), var_info(v_info), -grid_base(project_s->GetGridBase()), +table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()), is_any_time_variant(false), is_any_sync_with_global_time(false), cc_state_vert(0), cc_state_horiz(0), all_init(false) { LOG_MSG("Entering ConditionalNewCanvas::ConditionalNewCanvas"); template_frame = t_frame; - SetCatType(VERT_VAR, CatClassification::quantile); - SetCatType(HOR_VAR, CatClassification::quantile); + SetCatType(VERT_VAR, CatClassification::quantile, 3); + SetCatType(HOR_VAR, CatClassification::quantile, 3); - for (int i=0; iGetColData(col_ids[i], data[i]); + template_frame->ClearAllGroupDependencies(); + for (size_t i=0; iGetColData(col_ids[i], data[i]); + template_frame->AddGroupDependancy(var_info[i].name); } horiz_num_time_vals = data[HOR_VAR].size(); horiz_var_sorted.resize(horiz_num_time_vals); @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ cc_state_vert(0), cc_state_horiz(0), all_init(false) horiz_var_sorted[t][i].second = i; } std::sort(horiz_var_sorted[t].begin(), horiz_var_sorted[t].end(), - GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_cmp_less); + Gda::dbl_int_pair_cmp_less); } vert_num_time_vals = data[VERT_VAR].size(); vert_var_sorted.resize(vert_num_time_vals); @@ -107,18 +107,18 @@ cc_state_vert(0), cc_state_horiz(0), all_init(false) vert_var_sorted[t][i].second = i; } std::sort(vert_var_sorted[t].begin(), vert_var_sorted[t].end(), - GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_cmp_less); + Gda::dbl_int_pair_cmp_less); } VarInfoAttributeChange(); if (num_obs < 3) { horiz_num_cats = num_obs; vert_num_cats = num_obs; - SetCatType(VERT_VAR, CatClassification::unique_values); - SetCatType(HOR_VAR, CatClassification::unique_values); + SetCatType(VERT_VAR, CatClassification::unique_values, vert_num_cats); + SetCatType(HOR_VAR, CatClassification::unique_values, horiz_num_cats); } - CreateAndUpdateCategories(VERT_VAR, false); - CreateAndUpdateCategories(HOR_VAR, false); + CreateAndUpdateCategories(VERT_VAR); + CreateAndUpdateCategories(HOR_VAR); highlight_state->registerObserver(this); // child classes will set all_init = true; @@ -138,18 +138,21 @@ ConditionalNewCanvas::~ConditionalNewCanvas() void ConditionalNewCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu(const wxPoint& pos) { LOG_MSG("In ConditionalNewCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu"); + // Workaround for right-click not changing window focus in OSX / wxW 3.0 + wxActivateEvent ae(wxEVT_NULL, true, 0, wxActivateEvent::Reason_Mouse); + ((ConditionalNewFrame*) template_frame)->OnActivate(ae); } void ConditionalNewCanvas::AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(wxMenu* menu) { if (!is_any_time_variant) return; wxMenu* menu1 = new wxMenu(wxEmptyString); - for (int i=0; iAppendCheckItem(GeoDaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1+i, s, s); + menu1->AppendCheckItem(GdaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1+i, s, s); mi->Check(var_info[i].sync_with_global_time); } } @@ -166,10 +169,50 @@ void ConditionalNewCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) // or are not checkable do not appear. GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_THEMELESS"), - GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == CatClassification::no_theme); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, - XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_CHOROPLETH_QUANTILE"), - GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == CatClassification::quantile); + GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == CatClassification::no_theme); + + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_QUANT_1"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::quantile) + && GetVertNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_QUANT_2"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::quantile) + && GetVertNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_QUANT_3"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::quantile) + && GetVertNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_QUANT_4"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::quantile) + && GetVertNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_QUANT_5"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::quantile) + && GetVertNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_QUANT_6"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::quantile) + && GetVertNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_QUANT_7"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::quantile) + && GetVertNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_QUANT_8"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::quantile) + && GetVertNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_QUANT_9"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::quantile) + && GetVertNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_QUANT_10"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::quantile) + && GetVertNumCats() == 10); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_CHOROPLETH_PERCENTILE"), GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == CatClassification::percentile); @@ -182,16 +225,136 @@ void ConditionalNewCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == CatClassification::stddev); GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_UNIQUE_VALUES"), GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == CatClassification::unique_values); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQUAL_INTERVALS"), - GetCatType(VERT_VAR) ==CatClassification::equal_intervals); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NATURAL_BREAKS"), - GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == CatClassification::natural_breaks); + + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQU_INTS_1"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetVertNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQU_INTS_2"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetVertNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQU_INTS_3"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetVertNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQU_INTS_4"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetVertNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQU_INTS_5"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetVertNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQU_INTS_6"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetVertNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQU_INTS_7"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetVertNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQU_INTS_8"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetVertNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQU_INTS_9"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetVertNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQU_INTS_10"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetVertNumCats() == 10); + + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NAT_BRKS_1"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetVertNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NAT_BRKS_2"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetVertNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NAT_BRKS_3"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetVertNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NAT_BRKS_4"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetVertNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NAT_BRKS_5"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetVertNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NAT_BRKS_6"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetVertNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NAT_BRKS_7"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetVertNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NAT_BRKS_8"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetVertNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NAT_BRKS_9"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetVertNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NAT_BRKS_10"), + (GetCatType(VERT_VAR) == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetVertNumCats() == 10); GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_THEMELESS"), - GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == CatClassification::no_theme); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, - XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_CHOROPLETH_QUANTILE"), - GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == CatClassification::quantile); + GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == CatClassification::no_theme); + + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_QUANT_1"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::quantile) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_QUANT_2"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::quantile) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_QUANT_3"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::quantile) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_QUANT_4"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::quantile) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_QUANT_5"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::quantile) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_QUANT_6"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::quantile) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_QUANT_7"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::quantile) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_QUANT_8"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::quantile) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_QUANT_9"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::quantile) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_QUANT_10"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::quantile) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 10); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_CHOROPLETH_PERCENTILE"), GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == CatClassification::percentile); @@ -204,10 +367,90 @@ void ConditionalNewCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == CatClassification::stddev); GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_UNIQUE_VALUES"), GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == CatClassification::unique_values); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQUAL_INTERVALS"), - GetCatType(HOR_VAR) ==CatClassification::equal_intervals); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NATURAL_BREAKS"), - GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == CatClassification::natural_breaks); + + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQU_INTS_1"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQU_INTS_2"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQU_INTS_3"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQU_INTS_4"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQU_INTS_5"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQU_INTS_6"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQU_INTS_7"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQU_INTS_8"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQU_INTS_9"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQU_INTS_10"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 10); + + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NAT_BRKS_1"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NAT_BRKS_2"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NAT_BRKS_3"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NAT_BRKS_4"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NAT_BRKS_5"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NAT_BRKS_6"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NAT_BRKS_7"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NAT_BRKS_8"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NAT_BRKS_9"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NAT_BRKS_10"), + (GetCatType(HOR_VAR) == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetHorizNumCats() == 10); } wxString ConditionalNewCanvas::GetCategoriesTitle(int var_id) @@ -231,10 +474,10 @@ wxString ConditionalNewCanvas::GetCategoriesTitle(int var_id) wxString ConditionalNewCanvas::GetNameWithTime(int var) { - if (var < 0 || var >= var_info.size()) return wxEmptyString; + if (var < 0 || var >= (int)var_info.size()) return wxEmptyString; wxString s(var_info[var].name); if (var_info[var].is_time_variant) { - s << " (" << project->GetGridBase()->GetTimeString(var_info[var].time); + s << " (" << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(var_info[var].time); s << ")"; } return s; @@ -251,7 +494,9 @@ void ConditionalNewCanvas::NewCustomCatClassifVert() if (cat_classif_def_vert.cat_classif_type != CatClassification::custom) { CatClassification::ChangeNumCats(cat_classif_def_vert.num_cats, cat_classif_def_vert); + std::vector temp_cat_labels; // will be ignored CatClassification::SetBreakPoints(cat_classif_def_vert.breaks, + temp_cat_labels, vert_var_sorted[var_info[var_id].time], cat_classif_def_vert.cat_classif_type, cat_classif_def_vert.num_cats); @@ -264,7 +509,7 @@ void ConditionalNewCanvas::NewCustomCatClassifVert() } } - CatClassifFrame* ccf = MyFrame::theFrame->GetCatClassifFrame(); + CatClassifFrame* ccf = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetCatClassifFrame(); if (!ccf) return; CatClassifState* ccs = ccf->PromptNew(cat_classif_def_vert, "", var_info[var_id].name, @@ -274,7 +519,7 @@ void ConditionalNewCanvas::NewCustomCatClassifVert() cc_state_vert = ccs; cc_state_vert->registerObserver(this); - CreateAndUpdateCategories(var_id, false); + CreateAndUpdateCategories(var_id); UserChangedCellCategories(); PopulateCanvas(); if (template_frame) { @@ -296,7 +541,9 @@ void ConditionalNewCanvas::NewCustomCatClassifHoriz() if (cat_classif_def_horiz.cat_classif_type != CatClassification::custom) { CatClassification::ChangeNumCats(cat_classif_def_horiz.num_cats, cat_classif_def_horiz); + std::vector temp_cat_labels; // will be ignored CatClassification::SetBreakPoints(cat_classif_def_horiz.breaks, + temp_cat_labels, horiz_var_sorted[var_info[var_id].time], cat_classif_def_horiz.cat_classif_type, cat_classif_def_horiz.num_cats); @@ -309,7 +556,7 @@ void ConditionalNewCanvas::NewCustomCatClassifHoriz() } } - CatClassifFrame* ccf = MyFrame::theFrame->GetCatClassifFrame(); + CatClassifFrame* ccf = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetCatClassifFrame(); if (!ccf) return; CatClassifState* ccs = ccf->PromptNew(cat_classif_def_horiz, "", var_info[var_id].name, @@ -319,7 +566,7 @@ void ConditionalNewCanvas::NewCustomCatClassifHoriz() cc_state_horiz = ccs; cc_state_horiz->registerObserver(this); - CreateAndUpdateCategories(var_id, false); + CreateAndUpdateCategories(var_id); UserChangedCellCategories(); PopulateCanvas(); if (template_frame) { @@ -333,7 +580,7 @@ void ConditionalNewCanvas::NewCustomCatClassifHoriz() void ConditionalNewCanvas::ChangeThemeType(int var_id, CatClassification::CatClassifType new_cat_theme, - bool prompt_num_cats, + int num_categories, const wxString& custom_classif_title) { CatClassifState* ccs = (var_id==VERT_VAR ? cc_state_vert : cc_state_horiz); @@ -361,9 +608,9 @@ void ConditionalNewCanvas::ChangeThemeType(int var_id, cc_state_horiz = 0; } } - SetCatType(var_id, new_cat_theme); + SetCatType(var_id, new_cat_theme, num_categories); VarInfoAttributeChange(); - CreateAndUpdateCategories(var_id, prompt_num_cats); + CreateAndUpdateCategories(var_id); UserChangedCellCategories(); PopulateCanvas(); if (template_frame) { @@ -387,7 +634,7 @@ void ConditionalNewCanvas::update(CatClassifState* o) } else { return; } - CreateAndUpdateCategories(var_id, false); + CreateAndUpdateCategories(var_id); UserChangedCellCategories(); PopulateCanvas(); if (template_frame) { @@ -403,12 +650,12 @@ void ConditionalNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas() LOG_MSG("In ConditionalNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas"); } -void ConditionalNewCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() +void ConditionalNewCanvas::TimeChange() { - LOG_MSG("Entering ConditionalNewCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange"); + LOG_MSG("Entering ConditionalNewCanvas::TimeChange"); if (!is_any_sync_with_global_time) return; - int cts = project->GetGridBase()->GetCurrTime(); + int cts = project->GetTimeState()->GetCurrTime(); int ref_time = var_info[ref_var_index].time; int ref_time_min = var_info[ref_var_index].time_min; int ref_time_max = var_info[ref_var_index].time_max; @@ -423,7 +670,7 @@ void ConditionalNewCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() } else { ref_time = cts; } - for (int i=0; iSetDependsOnNonSimpleGroups(is_any_time_variant); ref_var_index = -1; num_time_vals = 1; - for (int i=0; iGetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); int menu = mb->FindMenu("Options"); if (menu == wxNOT_FOUND) { LOG_MSG("ConditionalNewFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems: " @@ -623,20 +857,14 @@ void ConditionalNewFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu) TemplateFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(menu); // set common items } -/** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ -void ConditionalNewFrame::update(FramesManager* o) +/** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ +void ConditionalNewFrame::update(TimeState* o) { - LOG_MSG("In ConditionalNewFrame::update(FramesManager* o)"); - template_canvas->TitleOrTimeChange(); + LOG_MSG("In ConditionalNewFrame::update(TimeState* o)"); + template_canvas->TimeChange(); UpdateTitle(); } -void ConditionalNewFrame::UpdateTitle() -{ - SetTitle(template_canvas->GetCanvasTitle()); -} - - void ConditionalNewFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifA() { // only implemented by Conditional Map View @@ -661,32 +889,34 @@ void ConditionalNewFrame::OnCustomCatClassifA(const wxString& cc_title) void ConditionalNewFrame::OnCustomCatClassifB(const wxString& cc_title) { - ChangeVertThemeType(CatClassification::custom, cc_title); + ChangeVertThemeType(CatClassification::custom, 4, cc_title); } void ConditionalNewFrame::OnCustomCatClassifC(const wxString& cc_title) { - ChangeHorizThemeType(CatClassification::custom, cc_title); + ChangeHorizThemeType(CatClassification::custom, 4, cc_title); } void ConditionalNewFrame::ChangeVertThemeType( - CatClassification::CatClassifType new_theme, - const wxString& cc_title) + CatClassification::CatClassifType new_theme, + int num_categories, + const wxString& cc_title) { ConditionalNewCanvas* cc = (ConditionalNewCanvas*) template_canvas; cc->ChangeThemeType(ConditionalNewCanvas::VERT_VAR, new_theme, - false, cc_title); + num_categories, cc_title); UpdateTitle(); UpdateOptionMenuItems(); } void ConditionalNewFrame::ChangeHorizThemeType( - CatClassification::CatClassifType new_theme, - const wxString& cc_title) + CatClassification::CatClassifType new_theme, + int num_categories, + const wxString& cc_title) { ConditionalNewCanvas* cc = (ConditionalNewCanvas*) template_canvas; cc->ChangeThemeType(ConditionalNewCanvas::HOR_VAR, new_theme, - false, cc_title); + num_categories, cc_title); UpdateTitle(); UpdateOptionMenuItems(); } diff --git a/Explore/ConditionalNewView.h b/Explore/ConditionalNewView.h index 9f9e3c561..646212859 100644 --- a/Explore/ConditionalNewView.h +++ b/Explore/ConditionalNewView.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -27,16 +27,16 @@ #include "../TemplateCanvas.h" #include "../TemplateFrame.h" #include "../GenUtils.h" -#include "../Generic/MyShape.h" +#include "../Generic/GdaShape.h" class CatClassifState; class ConditionalNewFrame; class ConditionalNewCanvas; class ConditionalNewLegend; -class DbfGridTableBase; +class TableInterface; typedef boost::multi_array d_array_type; -typedef boost::multi_array rec_array_type; +typedef boost::multi_array rec_array_type; class ConditionalNewCanvas : public TemplateCanvas, public CatClassifStateObserver @@ -64,20 +64,19 @@ class ConditionalNewCanvas virtual void NewCustomCatClassifHoriz(); virtual void ChangeThemeType(int var_id, CatClassification::CatClassifType new_theme, - bool prompt_num_cats = true, + int num_categories, const wxString& custom_classif_title = wxEmptyString); virtual void update(CatClassifState* o); virtual void SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu); - virtual void TitleOrTimeChange(); + virtual void TimeChange(); protected: virtual void PopulateCanvas(); virtual void VarInfoAttributeChange(); public: - virtual void CreateAndUpdateCategories(int var_id, - bool prompt_num_cats = true); + virtual void CreateAndUpdateCategories(int var_id); virtual void UpdateNumVertHorizCats(); virtual void UserChangedCellCategories() {} @@ -86,11 +85,14 @@ class ConditionalNewCanvas CatClassifDef cat_classif_def_horiz; CatClassifDef cat_classif_def_vert; CatClassification::CatClassifType GetCatType(int var_id); - void SetCatType(int var_id, CatClassification::CatClassifType cc_type); + void SetCatType(int var_id, CatClassification::CatClassifType cc_type, + int num_categories); + int GetHorizNumCats() { return horiz_num_cats; } + int GetVertNumCats() { return vert_num_cats; } protected: Project* project; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + TableInterface* table_int; HighlightState* highlight_state; CatClassifState* cc_state_vert; CatClassifState* cc_state_horiz; @@ -108,8 +110,8 @@ class ConditionalNewCanvas int horiz_num_cats; // number of horizontal categories int vert_num_cats; // number of vertical categories - std::vector horiz_var_sorted; - std::vector vert_var_sorted; + std::vector horiz_var_sorted; + std::vector vert_var_sorted; CatClassifData horiz_cat_data; CatClassifData vert_cat_data; std::vector horiz_cats_valid; @@ -144,10 +146,8 @@ class ConditionalNewFrame : public TemplateFrame { virtual void UpdateOptionMenuItems(); virtual void UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu); - /** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ - virtual void update(FramesManager* o); - - virtual void UpdateTitle(); + /** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TimeState* o); virtual void OnNewCustomCatClassifA(); // Map Theme virtual void OnNewCustomCatClassifB(); // Horizontal Cats @@ -158,9 +158,11 @@ class ConditionalNewFrame : public TemplateFrame { virtual void ChangeVertThemeType( CatClassification::CatClassifType new_theme, + int num_categories, const wxString& cc_title = wxEmptyString); virtual void ChangeHorizThemeType( CatClassification::CatClassifType new_theme, + int num_categories, const wxString& cc_title = wxEmptyString); DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() diff --git a/Explore/ConditionalScatterPlotView.cpp b/Explore/ConditionalScatterPlotView.cpp index e319531bf..e937065c9 100644 --- a/Explore/ConditionalScatterPlotView.cpp +++ b/Explore/ConditionalScatterPlotView.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -27,11 +27,8 @@ #include #include #include -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" -#include "../DialogTools/MapQuantileDlg.h" -#include "../DialogTools/SaveToTableDlg.h" -#include "../DialogTools/VariableSettingsDlg.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" #include "../GenUtils.h" #include "../FramesManager.h" @@ -63,7 +60,7 @@ ConditionalScatterPlotCanvas::ConditionalScatterPlotCanvas(wxWindow *parent, false, true, pos, size), full_map_redraw_needed(true), X(project_s->GetNumRecords()), Y(project_s->GetNumRecords()), -display_axes_scale_values(true), display_slope_values(false) +display_axes_scale_values(true), display_slope_values(true) { LOG_MSG("Entering ConditionalScatterPlotCanvas::ConditionalScatterPlotCanvas"); @@ -78,10 +75,10 @@ display_axes_scale_values(true), display_slope_values(false) axis_scale_y = AxisScale(y_min - y_pad, y_max + y_pad, 4); axis_scale_y.SkipEvenTics(); - highlight_color = GeoDaConst::scatterplot_regression_selected_color; + highlight_color = GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_selected_color; selectable_fill_color = - GeoDaConst::scatterplot_regression_excluded_color; - selectable_outline_color = GeoDaConst::scatterplot_regression_color; + GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_excluded_color; + selectable_outline_color = GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_color; shps_orig_xmin = 0; shps_orig_ymin = 0; @@ -133,6 +130,10 @@ ConditionalScatterPlotCanvas::~ConditionalScatterPlotCanvas() void ConditionalScatterPlotCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu(const wxPoint& pos) { LOG_MSG("Entering ConditionalScatterPlotCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu"); + // Workaround for right-click not changing window focus in OSX / wxW 3.0 + wxActivateEvent ae(wxEVT_NULL, true, 0, wxActivateEvent::Reason_Mouse); + ((ConditionalScatterPlotFrame*) template_frame)->OnActivate(ae); + wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_COND_SCATTER_PLOT_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(optMenu); @@ -187,10 +188,10 @@ void ConditionalScatterPlotCanvas::ResizeSelectableShps(int virtual_scrn_w, // last_scale_trans is only used in calls made to ApplyLastResizeToShp // which are made in ScaterNewPlotView - MyScaleTrans **st; - st = new MyScaleTrans*[vert_num_cats]; + GdaScaleTrans **st; + st = new GdaScaleTrans*[vert_num_cats]; for (int i=0; iapplyScaleTrans(st[row][col]); foreground_shps.push_back(p); - MyAxis* x_ax = new MyAxis("", axis_scale_x, + GdaAxis* x_ax = new GdaAxis("", axis_scale_x, wxRealPoint(0,0), wxRealPoint(100, 0)); if (!display_axes_scale_values) x_ax->hideScaleValues(true); - x_ax->setPen(*GeoDaConst::scatterplot_scale_pen); + x_ax->setPen(*GdaConst::scatterplot_scale_pen); x_ax->applyScaleTrans(st[row][col]); foreground_shps.push_back(x_ax); - MyAxis* y_ax = new MyAxis("", axis_scale_y, + GdaAxis* y_ax = new GdaAxis("", axis_scale_y, wxRealPoint(0,0), wxRealPoint(0, 100)); if (!display_axes_scale_values) y_ax->hideScaleValues(true); - y_ax->setPen(*GeoDaConst::scatterplot_scale_pen); + y_ax->setPen(*GdaConst::scatterplot_scale_pen); y_ax->applyScaleTrans(st[row][col]); foreground_shps.push_back(y_ax); @@ -301,10 +302,10 @@ void ConditionalScatterPlotCanvas::ResizeSelectableShps(int virtual_scrn_w, stats_x[row][col].sample_size >= 3) { s << "*"; } - MyText* t = new MyText(s, *GeoDaConst::small_font, + GdaShapeText* t = new GdaShapeText(s, *GdaConst::small_font, wxRealPoint(50, 100), 0, - MyText::h_center, MyText::v_center); - t->setPen(*GeoDaConst::scatterplot_scale_pen); + GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::v_center); + t->setPen(*GdaConst::scatterplot_scale_pen); t->applyScaleTrans(st[row][col]); foreground_shps.push_back(t); } @@ -319,7 +320,7 @@ void ConditionalScatterPlotCanvas::ResizeSelectableShps(int virtual_scrn_w, selectable_shps[i]->applyScaleTrans(st[row_c][col_c]); } - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, background_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, background_shps ) { delete shp; } background_shps.clear(); double bg_xmin = marg_left; @@ -346,7 +347,7 @@ void ConditionalScatterPlotCanvas::ResizeSelectableShps(int virtual_scrn_w, int label_offset = 12; if (display_axes_scale_values) label_offset = 2+25; - MyShape* s; + GdaShape* s; int vt = var_info[VERT_VAR].time; for (int row=0; row(last_scale_trans.scale_x, last_scale_trans.scale_y); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* ms, background_shps ) { + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* ms, background_shps ) { ms->applyScaleTrans(last_scale_trans); } @@ -445,7 +446,7 @@ void ConditionalScatterPlotCanvas::ResizeSelectableShps(int virtual_scrn_w, void ConditionalScatterPlotCanvas::PopulateCanvas() { LOG_MSG("Entering ConditionalScatterPlotCanvas::PopulateCanvas"); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } selectable_shps.clear(); selectable_shps.resize(num_obs); for (int i=0; iGetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); // Map Options Menus wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_COND_SCATTER_PLOT_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); @@ -849,7 +850,7 @@ void ConditionalScatterPlotFrame::MapMenus() void ConditionalScatterPlotFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems() { TemplateFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems(); // set common items first - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); int menu = mb->FindMenu("Options"); if (menu == wxNOT_FOUND) { LOG_MSG("ConditionalScatterPlotFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems: " @@ -870,19 +871,14 @@ void ConditionalScatterPlotFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu) TemplateFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(menu); // set common items } -/** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ -void ConditionalScatterPlotFrame::update(FramesManager* o) +/** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ +void ConditionalScatterPlotFrame::update(TimeState* o) { - LOG_MSG("In ConditionalScatterPlotFrame::update(FramesManager* o)"); - template_canvas->TitleOrTimeChange(); + LOG_MSG("In ConditionalScatterPlotFrame::update(TimeState* o)"); + template_canvas->TimeChange(); UpdateTitle(); } -void ConditionalScatterPlotFrame::UpdateTitle() -{ - SetTitle(template_canvas->GetCanvasTitle()); -} - void ConditionalScatterPlotFrame::OnDisplayAxesScaleValues(wxCommandEvent& ev) { ConditionalScatterPlotCanvas* c = diff --git a/Explore/ConditionalScatterPlotView.h b/Explore/ConditionalScatterPlotView.h index 2aa470713..90b7405de 100644 --- a/Explore/ConditionalScatterPlotView.h +++ b/Explore/ConditionalScatterPlotView.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class ConditionalScatterPlotCanvas; typedef boost::multi_array stats_array_type; typedef boost::multi_array slr_array_type; -typedef boost::multi_array polyline_array_type; +typedef boost::multi_array polyline_array_type; class ConditionalScatterPlotCanvas : public ConditionalNewCanvas { DECLARE_CLASS(ConditionalScatterPlotCanvas) @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class ConditionalScatterPlotCanvas : public ConditionalNewCanvas { virtual void CalcCellsRegression(); public: - static void CalcRegressionLine(MyPolyLine& reg_line, double& slope, + static void CalcRegressionLine(GdaPolyLine& reg_line, double& slope, bool& infinite_slope, bool& regression_defined, wxRealPoint& reg_a, wxRealPoint& reg_b, @@ -118,10 +118,8 @@ class ConditionalScatterPlotFrame : public ConditionalNewFrame { virtual void UpdateOptionMenuItems(); virtual void UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu); - /** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ - virtual void update(FramesManager* o); - - virtual void UpdateTitle(); + /** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TimeState* o); void OnDisplayAxesScaleValues(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnDisplaySlopeValues(wxCommandEvent& event); diff --git a/Explore/ConnectivityHistView.cpp b/Explore/ConnectivityHistView.cpp index 240e666fb..0b4254f17 100644 --- a/Explore/ConnectivityHistView.cpp +++ b/Explore/ConnectivityHistView.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ #include #include #include -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" #include "../DialogTools/HistIntervalDlg.h" #include "../DialogTools/SaveToTableDlg.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" #include "../logger.h" #include "../GeoDa.h" @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ ConnectivityHistCanvas::ConnectivityHistCanvas(wxWindow *parent, project(project_s), num_obs(project_s->GetNumRecords()), connectivity(project_s->GetNumRecords()), has_isolates(gal_w->HasIsolates()), num_isolates(0), -highlight_state(project_s->highlight_state), +highlight_state(project_s->GetHighlightState()), x_axis(0), y_axis(0), display_stats(false), show_axes(true) { using namespace Shapefile; @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ x_axis(0), y_axis(0), display_stats(false), show_axes(true) } std::sort(data_sorted.begin(), data_sorted.end(), - GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_cmp_less); + Gda::dbl_int_pair_cmp_less); data_stats.CalculateFromSample(data_sorted); hinge_stats.CalculateHingeStats(data_sorted); int min_connectivity = data_sorted[0].first; @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ x_axis(0), y_axis(0), display_stats(false), show_axes(true) InitIntervals(); - highlight_color = GeoDaConst::highlight_color; + highlight_color = GdaConst::highlight_color; fixed_aspect_ratio_mode = false; use_category_brushes = false; @@ -129,6 +129,10 @@ ConnectivityHistCanvas::~ConnectivityHistCanvas() void ConnectivityHistCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu(const wxPoint& pos) { LOG_MSG("Entering ConnectivityHistCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu"); + // Workaround for right-click not changing window focus in OSX / wxW 3.0 + wxActivateEvent ae(wxEVT_NULL, true, 0, wxActivateEvent::Reason_Mouse); + ((ConnectivityHistFrame*) template_frame)->OnActivate(ae); + wxMenu* optMenu; optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_CONNECTIVITY_HIST_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); @@ -190,7 +194,7 @@ void ConnectivityHistCanvas::UpdateSelection(bool shiftdown, bool pointsel) if (!shiftdown) { bool any_selected = false; for (int i=0; ipointWithin(sel1)) || (rect_sel && GenUtils::RectsIntersect(rec->lower_left, rec->upper_right, @@ -211,7 +215,7 @@ void ConnectivityHistCanvas::UpdateSelection(bool shiftdown, bool pointsel) } for (int i=0; ipointWithin(sel1)) || (rect_sel && GenUtils::RectsIntersect(rec->lower_left, @@ -266,7 +270,7 @@ void ConnectivityHistCanvas::DrawHighlightedShapes(wxMemoryDC &dc) if (ival_obs_sel_cnt[i] == 0) continue; double s = (((double) ival_obs_sel_cnt[i]) / ((double) ival_obs_cnt[i])); - MyRectangle* rec = (MyRectangle*) selectable_shps[i]; + GdaRectangle* rec = (GdaRectangle*) selectable_shps[i]; dc.DrawRectangle(rec->lower_left.x, rec->lower_left.y, rec->upper_right.x - rec->lower_left.x, (rec->upper_right.y - rec->lower_left.y)*s); @@ -303,11 +307,11 @@ wxString ConnectivityHistCanvas::GetCanvasTitle() void ConnectivityHistCanvas::PopulateCanvas() { LOG_MSG("Entering ConnectivityHistCanvas::PopulateCanvas"); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, background_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, background_shps ) { delete shp; } background_shps.clear(); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } selectable_shps.clear(); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, foreground_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, foreground_shps ) { delete shp; } foreground_shps.clear(); double x_min = 0; @@ -330,7 +334,7 @@ void ConnectivityHistCanvas::PopulateCanvas() if (show_axes) { axis_scale_y = AxisScale(0, shps_orig_ymax, 5); shps_orig_ymax = axis_scale_y.scale_max; - y_axis = new MyAxis("Frequency", axis_scale_y, + y_axis = new GdaAxis("Frequency", axis_scale_y, wxRealPoint(0,0), wxRealPoint(0, shps_orig_ymax), -9, 0); background_shps.push_back(y_axis); @@ -366,13 +370,13 @@ void ConnectivityHistCanvas::PopulateCanvas() } } axis_scale_x.tic_inc = axis_scale_x.tics[1]-axis_scale_x.tics[0]; - x_axis = new MyAxis("Number of Neighbors", + x_axis = new GdaAxis("Number of Neighbors", axis_scale_x, wxRealPoint(0,0), wxRealPoint(shps_orig_xmax, 0), 0, 9); background_shps.push_back(x_axis); } - MyShape* s = 0; + GdaShape* s = 0; if (has_isolates) { wxString msg; msg << "Warning: " << num_isolates << " observation"; @@ -382,10 +386,10 @@ void ConnectivityHistCanvas::PopulateCanvas() msg << " is "; } msg << "neighborless. See Options menu."; - s = new MyText(msg, *GeoDaConst::small_font, + s = new GdaShapeText(msg, *GdaConst::small_font, wxRealPoint(((double) shps_orig_xmax)/2.0, - shps_orig_ymax), 0, MyText::h_center, - MyText::bottom, 0, -15); + shps_orig_ymax), 0, GdaShapeText::h_center, + GdaShapeText::bottom, 0, -15); background_shps.push_back(s); } @@ -400,14 +404,14 @@ void ConnectivityHistCanvas::PopulateCanvas() vals[2] << "#obs"; vals[3] << "% of total"; vals[4] << "sd from mean"; - std::vector attribs(0); // undefined - s = new MyTable(vals, attribs, rows, cols, *GeoDaConst::small_font, - wxRealPoint(0, 0), MyText::h_center, MyText::top, - MyText::right, MyText::v_center, 3, 10, -62, 53+y_d); + std::vector attribs(0); // undefined + s = new GdaShapeTable(vals, attribs, rows, cols, *GdaConst::small_font, + wxRealPoint(0, 0), GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::top, + GdaShapeText::right, GdaShapeText::v_center, 3, 10, -62, 53+y_d); background_shps.push_back(s); { wxClientDC dc(this); - ((MyTable*) s)->GetSize(dc, table_w, table_h); + ((GdaShapeTable*) s)->GetSize(dc, table_w, table_h); } for (int i=0; i vals(rows); @@ -429,11 +433,11 @@ void ConnectivityHistCanvas::PopulateCanvas() vals[3] << GenUtils::DblToStr(p, 3); vals[4] << GenUtils::DblToStr(sd_d, 3); - std::vector attribs(0); // undefined - s = new MyTable(vals, attribs, rows, cols, *GeoDaConst::small_font, + std::vector attribs(0); // undefined + s = new GdaShapeTable(vals, attribs, rows, cols, *GdaConst::small_font, wxRealPoint(orig_x_pos[i], 0), - MyText::h_center, MyText::top, - MyText::h_center, MyText::v_center, 3, 10, 0, + GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::top, + GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::v_center, 3, 10, 0, 53+y_d); background_shps.push_back(s); } @@ -446,9 +450,9 @@ void ConnectivityHistCanvas::PopulateCanvas() sts << ", s.d.: " << data_stats.sd_with_bessel; sts << ", #obs: " << num_obs; - s = new MyText(sts, *GeoDaConst::small_font, + s = new GdaShapeText(sts, *GdaConst::small_font, wxRealPoint(shps_orig_xmax/2.0, 0), 0, - MyText::h_center, MyText::v_center, 0, + GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::v_center, 0, table_h + 70 + y_d); //145+y_d); background_shps.push_back(s); } @@ -476,11 +480,11 @@ void ConnectivityHistCanvas::PopulateCanvas() double x1 = orig_x_pos[i] + interval_width_const/2.0; double y0 = 0; double y1 = ival_obs_cnt[i]; - selectable_shps[i] = new MyRectangle(wxRealPoint(x0, 0), + selectable_shps[i] = new GdaRectangle(wxRealPoint(x0, 0), wxRealPoint(x1, y1)); - int sz = GeoDaConst::qualitative_colors.size(); - selectable_shps[i]->setPen(GeoDaConst::qualitative_colors[i%sz]); - selectable_shps[i]->setBrush(GeoDaConst::qualitative_colors[i%sz]); + int sz = GdaConst::qualitative_colors.size(); + selectable_shps[i]->setPen(GdaConst::qualitative_colors[i%sz]); + selectable_shps[i]->setBrush(GdaConst::qualitative_colors[i%sz]); } ResizeSelectableShps(); @@ -519,9 +523,9 @@ void ConnectivityHistCanvas::SaveConnectivityToTable() data[0].l_val = &t_con; data[0].label << "Connectivity of " << weights_name; data[0].field_default = "NUM_NBRS"; - data[0].type = GeoDaConst::long64_type; + data[0].type = GdaConst::long64_type; - SaveToTableDlg dlg(project->GetGridBase(), this, data, + SaveToTableDlg dlg(project, this, data, "Save Connectivity to Table", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(400,400)); dlg.ShowModal(); @@ -717,7 +721,7 @@ void ConnectivityHistFrame::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event) void ConnectivityHistFrame::MapMenus() { LOG_MSG("In ConnectivityHistFrame::MapMenus"); - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); // Map Options Menus wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_CONNECTIVITY_HIST_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); @@ -729,7 +733,7 @@ void ConnectivityHistFrame::MapMenus() void ConnectivityHistFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems() { TemplateFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems(); // set common items first - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); int menu = mb->FindMenu("Options"); if (menu == wxNOT_FOUND) { LOG_MSG("ConnectivityHistFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems: Options " @@ -750,18 +754,13 @@ void ConnectivityHistFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu) TemplateFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(menu); // set common items } -/** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ -void ConnectivityHistFrame::update(FramesManager* o) +/** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ +void ConnectivityHistFrame::update(TimeState* o) { - LOG_MSG("In ConnectivityHistFrame::update(FramesManager* o)"); + LOG_MSG("In ConnectivityHistFrame::update(TimeState* o)"); UpdateTitle(); } -void ConnectivityHistFrame::UpdateTitle() -{ - SetTitle(template_canvas->GetCanvasTitle()); -} - void ConnectivityHistFrame::OnShowAxes(wxCommandEvent& event) { LOG_MSG("In ConnectivityHistFrame::OnShowAxes"); diff --git a/Explore/ConnectivityHistView.h b/Explore/ConnectivityHistView.h index 0026ab3c7..f8b500fae 100644 --- a/Explore/ConnectivityHistView.h +++ b/Explore/ConnectivityHistView.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ #include "CatClassification.h" #include "../TemplateCanvas.h" #include "../TemplateFrame.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../GenUtils.h" -#include "../Generic/MyShape.h" +#include "../Generic/GdaShape.h" class GalWeight; class ConnectivityHistCanvas; @@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ class ConnectivityHistCanvas : public TemplateCanvas { bool has_isolates; int num_isolates; std::vector connectivity; - GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_vec_type data_sorted; + Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type data_sorted; SampleStatistics data_stats; HingeStats hinge_stats; AxisScale axis_scale_x; AxisScale axis_scale_y; - MyAxis* x_axis; - MyAxis* y_axis; + GdaAxis* x_axis; + GdaAxis* y_axis; bool show_axes; bool display_stats; @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class ConnectivityHistFrame : public TemplateFrame { ConnectivityHistFrame(wxFrame *parent, Project* project, GalWeight* gal, const wxString& title = "Connectivity Histogram", const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, - const wxSize& size = GeoDaConst::hist_default_size, + const wxSize& size = GdaConst::hist_default_size, const long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); virtual ~ConnectivityHistFrame(); @@ -127,10 +127,8 @@ class ConnectivityHistFrame : public TemplateFrame { virtual void UpdateOptionMenuItems(); virtual void UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu); - /** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ - virtual void update(FramesManager* o); - - virtual void UpdateTitle(); + /** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TimeState* o); void OnShowAxes(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnDisplayStatistics(wxCommandEvent& event); diff --git a/Explore/GNUmakefile b/Explore/GNUmakefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e72fae931 --- /dev/null +++ b/Explore/GNUmakefile @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +include ../GeoDamake.opt + +#include ./file.lst + +CPPFLAGS := $(CPPFLAGS) +CXXFLAGS := $(CXXFLAGS) + +CXX_SRCS := $(wildcard *.cpp) +OBJ := ${CXX_SRCS:.cpp=.o} + +default: $(O_OBJ:.o=.$(OBJ_EXT)) + +clean: + rm -f *.o + diff --git a/Explore/GStatCoordinator.cpp b/Explore/GStatCoordinator.cpp index cc27c6ac1..844944f67 100644 --- a/Explore/GStatCoordinator.cpp +++ b/Explore/GStatCoordinator.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -17,13 +17,14 @@ * along with this program. If not, see . */ +#include #include // for normal_distribution #include #include #include #include #include -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" #include "../GenUtils.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/Randik.h" #include "../logger.h" @@ -78,13 +79,14 @@ GStatWorkerThread::GStatWorkerThread(int obs_start_s, int obs_end_s, - GStatCoordinator* gstat_coord_s, - wxMutex* worker_list_mutex_s, - wxCondition* worker_list_empty_cond_s, - std::list *worker_list_s, - int thread_id_s) + uint64_t seed_start_s, + GStatCoordinator* gstat_coord_s, + wxMutex* worker_list_mutex_s, + wxCondition* worker_list_empty_cond_s, + std::list *worker_list_s, + int thread_id_s) : wxThread(), -obs_start(obs_start_s), obs_end(obs_end_s), +obs_start(obs_start_s), obs_end(obs_end_s), seed_start(seed_start_s), gstat_coord(gstat_coord_s), worker_list_mutex(worker_list_mutex_s), worker_list_empty_cond(worker_list_empty_cond_s), @@ -102,7 +104,7 @@ wxThread::ExitCode GStatWorkerThread::Entry() LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("GStatWorkerThread %d started", thread_id)); // call work for assigned range of observations - gstat_coord->CalcPseudoP_range(obs_start, obs_end); + gstat_coord->CalcPseudoP_range(obs_start, obs_end, seed_start); wxMutexLocker lock(*worker_list_mutex); // remove ourself from the list @@ -120,21 +122,22 @@ wxThread::ExitCode GStatWorkerThread::Entry() GStatCoordinator::GStatCoordinator(const GalWeight* gal_weights_s, - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base, + TableInterface* table_int, const std::vector& var_info_s, const std::vector& col_ids, bool row_standardize_weights) : W(gal_weights_s->gal), weight_name(wxFileName(gal_weights_s->wflnm).GetName()), row_standardize(row_standardize_weights), -num_obs(grid_base->GetNumberRows()), +num_obs(table_int->GetNumberRows()), permutations(99), var_info(var_info_s), -data(var_info_s.size()) +data(var_info_s.size()), +last_seed_used(0), reuse_last_seed(false) { SetSignificanceFilter(1); for (int i=0; iGetColData(col_ids[i], data[i]); + table_int->GetColData(col_ids[i], data[i]); } InitFromVarInfo(); @@ -296,7 +299,7 @@ void GStatCoordinator::InitFromVarInfo() Update num_time_vals and ref_var_index based on Secondary Attributes. */ void GStatCoordinator::VarInfoAttributeChange() { - GeoDa::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(var_info); + Gda::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(var_info); is_any_time_variant = false; is_any_sync_with_global_time = false; @@ -315,7 +318,7 @@ void GStatCoordinator::VarInfoAttributeChange() num_time_vals = (var_info[ref_var_index].time_max - var_info[ref_var_index].time_min) + 1; } - //GeoDa::PrintVarInfoVector(var_info); + //Gda::PrintVarInfoVector(var_info); } /** The category vector c_val will be filled based on the current @@ -504,14 +507,19 @@ void GStatCoordinator::CalcPseudoP() x_star_t = x_star[t]; if (nCPUs <= 1) { - CalcPseudoP_range(0, num_obs-1); + if (!reuse_last_seed) last_seed_used = time(0); + CalcPseudoP_range(0, num_obs-1, last_seed_used); } else { CalcPseudoP_threaded(); } } - LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("GStat on %d obs with %d perms over %d " - "time periods took %ld ms", - num_obs, permutations, num_time_vals, sw.Time())); + { + wxString m; + m << "GStat on " << num_obs << " obs with " << permutations; + m << " perms over " << num_time_vals << " time periods took "; + m << sw.Time() << " ms. Last seed used: " << last_seed_used; + LOG_MSG(m); + } LOG_MSG("Exiting GStatCoordinator::CalcPseudoP"); } @@ -541,6 +549,7 @@ void GStatCoordinator::CalcPseudoP_threaded() int remainder = num_obs % nCPUs; int tot_threads = (quotient > 0) ? nCPUs : remainder; + if (!reuse_last_seed) last_seed_used = time(0); for (int i=0; i%d", thread_id, a, b)); + wxString msg; + msg << "thread " << thread_id << ": " << a << "->" << b; + msg << ", seed: " << seed_start << "->" << seed_end; + LOG_MSG(msg); GStatWorkerThread* thread = - new GStatWorkerThread(a, b, this, + new GStatWorkerThread(a, b, seed_start, this, &worker_list_mutex, &worker_list_empty_cond, &worker_list, thread_id); @@ -571,7 +585,7 @@ void GStatCoordinator::CalcPseudoP_threaded() LOG_MSG("Error: Could not spawn a worker thread, falling back " "to single-threaded pseudo-p calculation."); // fall back to single thread calculation mode - CalcPseudoP_range(0, num_obs-1); + CalcPseudoP_range(0, num_obs-1, last_seed_used); } else { LOG_MSG("Starting all worker threads"); std::list::iterator it; @@ -595,11 +609,11 @@ void GStatCoordinator::CalcPseudoP_threaded() /** In the code that computes Gi and Gi*, we specifically checked for self-neighbors and handled the situation appropriately. For the permutation code, we will disallow self-neighbors. */ -void GStatCoordinator::CalcPseudoP_range(int obs_start, int obs_end) +void GStatCoordinator::CalcPseudoP_range(int obs_start, int obs_end, + uint64_t seed_start) { GeoDaSet workPermutation(num_obs); - Randik rng; - + //Randik rng; //const int DBGI = 4; //std::map freq; //for (int j=0; j d_array_type; class GStatWorkerThread : public wxThread { public: - GStatWorkerThread(int obs_start, int obs_end, + GStatWorkerThread(int obs_start, int obs_end, uint64_t seed_start, GStatCoordinator* gstat_coord, wxMutex* worker_list_mutex, wxCondition* worker_list_empty_cond, @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ class GStatWorkerThread : public wxThread int obs_start; int obs_end; + uint64_t seed_start; int thread_id; GStatCoordinator* gstat_coord; @@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ class GStatCoordinator { public: GStatCoordinator(const GalWeight* gal_weights, - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base, + TableInterface* table_int, const std::vector& var_info, const std::vector& col_ids, bool row_standardize_weights); @@ -84,6 +85,11 @@ class GStatCoordinator int GetSignificanceFilter() { return significance_filter; } int permutations; // any number from 9 to 99999, 99 will be default + uint64_t GetLastUsedSeed() { return last_seed_used; } + void SetLastUsedSeed(uint64_t seed) { last_seed_used = seed; } + bool IsReuseLastSeed() { return reuse_last_seed; } + void SetReuseLastSeed(bool reuse) { reuse_last_seed = reuse; } + std::vector n; // # non-neighborless observations double x_star_t; // temporary x_star for use in worker threads @@ -162,7 +168,7 @@ class GStatCoordinator std::vector maps; void CalcPseudoP(); - void CalcPseudoP_range(int obs_start, int obs_end); + void CalcPseudoP_range(int obs_start, int obs_end, uint64_t seed_start); void InitFromVarInfo(); void VarInfoAttributeChange(); @@ -178,6 +184,8 @@ class GStatCoordinator std::vector has_undefined; std::vector has_isolates; bool row_standardize; + uint64_t last_seed_used; + bool reuse_last_seed; }; #endif diff --git a/Explore/Geom3D.cpp b/Explore/Geom3D.cpp index 65ccb2f20..f46648194 100644 --- a/Explore/Geom3D.cpp +++ b/Explore/Geom3D.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/Explore/Geom3D.h b/Explore/Geom3D.h index 124af9cb4..21acce56a 100644 --- a/Explore/Geom3D.h +++ b/Explore/Geom3D.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/Explore/GetisOrdMapNewView.cpp b/Explore/GetisOrdMapNewView.cpp index feb970fd5..79baeec6f 100644 --- a/Explore/GetisOrdMapNewView.cpp +++ b/Explore/GetisOrdMapNewView.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -19,10 +19,12 @@ #include "GetisOrdMapNewView.h" +#include #include #include #include -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" #include "../GeoDa.h" #include "../logger.h" @@ -49,8 +51,10 @@ GetisOrdMapNewCanvas::GetisOrdMapNewCanvas(wxWindow *parent, bool row_standardize_s, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size) -: MapNewCanvas(parent, t_frame, project, CatClassification::no_theme, - no_smoothing, pos, size), +: MapNewCanvas(parent, t_frame, project, + std::vector(0), std::vector(0), + CatClassification::no_theme, + no_smoothing, 1, pos, size), gs_coord(gs_coordinator), is_gi(is_gi_s), is_clust(is_clust_s), is_perm(is_perm_s), row_standardize(row_standardize_s) @@ -67,6 +71,10 @@ row_standardize(row_standardize_s) // must set var_info times from GStatCoordinator initially var_info = gs_coord->var_info; + template_frame->ClearAllGroupDependencies(); + for (int t=0, sz=var_info.size(); tAddGroupDependancy(var_info[t].name); + } CreateAndUpdateCategories(); LOG_MSG("Exiting GetisOrdMapNewCanvas::GetisOrdMapNewCanvas"); @@ -81,6 +89,10 @@ GetisOrdMapNewCanvas::~GetisOrdMapNewCanvas() void GetisOrdMapNewCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu(const wxPoint& pos) { LOG_MSG("Entering GetisOrdMapNewCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu"); + // Workaround for right-click not changing window focus in OSX / wxW 3.0 + wxActivateEvent ae(wxEVT_NULL, true, 0, wxActivateEvent::Reason_Mouse); + ((GetisOrdMapNewFrame*) template_frame)->OnActivate(ae); + wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_GETIS_ORD_NEW_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(optMenu); @@ -137,14 +149,17 @@ void GetisOrdMapNewCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) sig_filter == 3); GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_SIGNIFICANCE_FILTER_0001"), sig_filter == 4); + + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_USE_SPECIFIED_SEED"), + gs_coord->IsReuseLastSeed()); } -void GetisOrdMapNewCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() +void GetisOrdMapNewCanvas::TimeChange() { - LOG_MSG("Entering GetisOrdMapNewCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange"); + LOG_MSG("Entering GetisOrdMapNewCanvas::TimeChange"); if (!is_any_sync_with_global_time) return; - int cts = project->GetGridBase()->curr_time_step; + int cts = project->GetTimeState()->GetCurrTime(); int ref_time = var_info[ref_var_index].time; int ref_time_min = var_info[ref_var_index].time_min; int ref_time_max = var_info[ref_var_index].time_max; @@ -168,7 +183,7 @@ void GetisOrdMapNewCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() invalidateBms(); PopulateCanvas(); Refresh(); - LOG_MSG("Exiting GetisOrdMapNewCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting GetisOrdMapNewCanvas::TimeChange"); } /** Update Categories based on info in GStatCoordinator */ @@ -321,7 +336,11 @@ void GetisOrdMapNewCanvas::SyncVarInfoFromCoordinator() std::vectormy_times(var_info.size()); for (int t=0; tvar_info; - for (int t=0; tClearAllGroupDependencies(); + for (int t=0; tAddGroupDependancy(var_info[t].name); + } is_any_time_variant = gs_coord->is_any_time_variant; is_any_sync_with_global_time = gs_coord->is_any_sync_with_global_time; ref_var_index = gs_coord->ref_var_index; @@ -352,7 +371,9 @@ row_standardize(row_standardize_s) LOG(width); LOG(height); - wxSplitterWindow* splitter_win = new wxSplitterWindow(this); + wxSplitterWindow* splitter_win = new wxSplitterWindow(this,-1, + wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, + wxSP_3D|wxSP_LIVE_UPDATE|wxCLIP_CHILDREN); splitter_win->SetMinimumPaneSize(10); is_gi = (map_type == Gi_clus_perm || map_type == Gi_clus_norm || @@ -362,24 +383,38 @@ row_standardize(row_standardize_s) is_perm = (map_type == Gi_clus_perm || map_type == Gi_sig_perm || map_type == GiStar_clus_perm || map_type == GiStar_sig_perm); - template_canvas = new GetisOrdMapNewCanvas(splitter_win, this, project, + wxPanel* rpanel = new wxPanel(splitter_win); + template_canvas = new GetisOrdMapNewCanvas(rpanel, this, project, gs_coordinator, is_gi, is_clust, is_perm, row_standardize, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(width,height)); template_canvas->SetScrollRate(1,1); + wxBoxSizer* rbox = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + rbox->Add(template_canvas, 1, wxEXPAND); + rpanel->SetSizer(rbox); DisplayStatusBar(true); SetTitle(template_canvas->GetCanvasTitle()); - template_legend = new MapNewLegend(splitter_win, template_canvas, + wxPanel* lpanel = new wxPanel(splitter_win); + template_legend = new MapNewLegend(lpanel, template_canvas, wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(0,0)); - - splitter_win->SplitVertically(template_legend, template_canvas, - GeoDaConst::map_default_legend_width); + wxBoxSizer* lbox = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + lbox->Add(template_legend, 1, wxEXPAND); + lpanel->SetSizer(lbox); + + splitter_win->SplitVertically(lpanel, rpanel, + GdaConst::map_default_legend_width); gs_coord->registerObserver(this); - + + wxBoxSizer* sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + sizer->Add(splitter_win, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL); + SetSizer(sizer); + splitter_win->SetSize(wxSize(width,height)); + SetAutoLayout(true); + DisplayStatusBar(true); Show(true); LOG_MSG("Exiting GetisOrdMapNewFrame::GetisOrdMapNewFrame"); } @@ -404,7 +439,7 @@ void GetisOrdMapNewFrame::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event) void GetisOrdMapNewFrame::MapMenus() { LOG_MSG("In GetisOrdMapNewFrame::MapMenus"); - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); // Map Options Menus wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_GETIS_ORD_NEW_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); @@ -418,7 +453,7 @@ void GetisOrdMapNewFrame::MapMenus() void GetisOrdMapNewFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems() { TemplateFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems(); // set common items first - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); int menu = mb->FindMenu("Options"); if (menu == wxNOT_FOUND) { LOG_MSG("GetisOrdMapNewFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems: " @@ -478,6 +513,42 @@ void GetisOrdMapNewFrame::OnRanOtherPer(wxCommandEvent& event) } } +void GetisOrdMapNewFrame::OnUseSpecifiedSeed(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + gs_coord->SetReuseLastSeed(!gs_coord->IsReuseLastSeed()); +} + +void GetisOrdMapNewFrame::OnSpecifySeedDlg(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + uint64_t last_seed = gs_coord->GetLastUsedSeed(); + wxString m; + m << "The last seed used by the pseudo random\nnumber "; + m << "generator was " << last_seed << ".\n"; + m << "Enter a seed value to use between\n0 and "; + m << std::numeric_limits::max() << "."; + long long unsigned int val; + wxString dlg_val; + wxString cur_val; + cur_val << last_seed; + + wxTextEntryDialog dlg(NULL, m, "Enter a seed value", cur_val); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + dlg_val = dlg.GetValue(); + dlg_val.Trim(true); + dlg_val.Trim(false); + if (dlg_val.IsEmpty()) return; + if (dlg_val.ToULongLong(&val)) { + if (!gs_coord->IsReuseLastSeed()) gs_coord->SetLastUsedSeed(true); + uint64_t new_seed_val = val; + gs_coord->SetLastUsedSeed(new_seed_val); + } else { + wxString m; + m << "\"" << dlg_val << "\" is not a valid seed. Seed unchanged."; + wxMessageDialog dlg(NULL, m, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); + } +} + void GetisOrdMapNewFrame::SetSigFilterX(int filter) { if (filter == gs_coord->GetSignificanceFilter()) return; @@ -552,34 +623,34 @@ void GetisOrdMapNewFrame::OnSaveGetisOrd(wxCommandEvent& event) data[data_i].d_val = &g_val; data[data_i].label = g_label; data[data_i].field_default = g_field_default; - data[data_i].type = GeoDaConst::double_type; + data[data_i].type = GdaConst::double_type; data_i++; data[data_i].l_val = &c_val; data[data_i].label = c_label; data[data_i].field_default = c_field_default; - data[data_i].type = GeoDaConst::long64_type; + data[data_i].type = GdaConst::long64_type; data_i++; if (!is_perm) { data[data_i].d_val = &z_val; data[data_i].label = "z-score"; data[data_i].field_default = "Z_SCR"; - data[data_i].type = GeoDaConst::double_type; + data[data_i].type = GdaConst::double_type; data_i++; } data[data_i].d_val = &p_val; data[data_i].label = p_label; data[data_i].field_default = p_field_default; - data[data_i].type = GeoDaConst::double_type; + data[data_i].type = GdaConst::double_type; data_i++; - SaveToTableDlg dlg(project->GetGridBase(), this, data, title, + SaveToTableDlg dlg(project, this, data, title, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(400,400)); dlg.ShowModal(); } void GetisOrdMapNewFrame::CoreSelectHelper(const std::vector& elem) { - HighlightState* highlight_state = project->highlight_state; + HighlightState* highlight_state = project->GetHighlightState(); std::vector& hs = highlight_state->GetHighlight(); std::vector& nh = highlight_state->GetNewlyHighlighted(); std::vector& nuh = highlight_state->GetNewlyUnhighlighted(); diff --git a/Explore/GetisOrdMapNewView.h b/Explore/GetisOrdMapNewView.h index bea22649d..825ff1d4e 100644 --- a/Explore/GetisOrdMapNewView.h +++ b/Explore/GetisOrdMapNewView.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ #ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_GETIS_ORD_MAP_NEW_VIEW_H__ #define __GEODA_CENTER_GETIS_ORD_MAP_NEW_VIEW_H__ -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "MapNewView.h" class GetisOrdMapNewFrame; @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class GetisOrdMapNewCanvas : public MapNewCanvas virtual bool ChangeMapType(CatClassification::CatClassifType new_map_theme, SmoothingType new_map_smoothing); virtual void SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu); - virtual void TitleOrTimeChange(); + virtual void TimeChange(); void SyncVarInfoFromCoordinator(); virtual void CreateAndUpdateCategories(); virtual void TimeSyncVariableToggle(int var_index); @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class GetisOrdMapNewFrame : public MapNewFrame GMapType map_type, bool row_standardize_weights, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, - const wxSize& size = GeoDaConst::map_default_size, + const wxSize& size = GdaConst::map_default_size, const long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); virtual ~GetisOrdMapNewFrame(); @@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ class GetisOrdMapNewFrame : public MapNewFrame void OnRan999Per(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnRanOtherPer(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnUseSpecifiedSeed(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnSpecifySeedDlg(wxCommandEvent& event); + void SetSigFilterX(int filter); void OnSigFilter05(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSigFilter01(wxCommandEvent& event); diff --git a/Explore/HistogramView.cpp b/Explore/HistogramView.cpp index b2cd1323a..99f2cbd39 100644 --- a/Explore/HistogramView.cpp +++ b/Explore/HistogramView.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -29,9 +29,10 @@ #include #include #include -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../DialogTools/HistIntervalDlg.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" #include "../logger.h" #include "../GeoDa.h" @@ -62,18 +63,18 @@ HistogramCanvas::HistogramCanvas(wxWindow *parent, TemplateFrame* t_frame, : TemplateCanvas(parent, pos, size, false, true), project(project_s), var_info(v_info), num_obs(project_s->GetNumRecords()), num_time_vals(1), -highlight_state(project_s->highlight_state), +highlight_state(project_s->GetHighlightState()), x_axis(0), y_axis(0), display_stats(false), show_axes(true), scale_x_over_time(true), scale_y_over_time(true) { using namespace Shapefile; LOG_MSG("Entering HistogramCanvas::HistogramCanvas"); template_frame = t_frame; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base = project->GetGridBase(); + TableInterface* table_int = project->GetTableInt(); std::vector data(v_info.size()); - grid_base->GetColData(col_ids[0], data[0]); + table_int->GetColData(col_ids[0], data[0]); int data0_times = data[0].shape()[0]; data_stats.resize(data0_times); hinge_stats.resize(data0_times); @@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ scale_x_over_time(true), scale_y_over_time(true) data_sorted[t][i].second = i; } std::sort(data_sorted[t].begin(), data_sorted[t].end(), - GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_cmp_less); + Gda::dbl_int_pair_cmp_less); data_stats[t].CalculateFromSample(data_sorted[t]); hinge_stats[t].CalculateHingeStats(data_sorted[t]); if (data_stats[t].min < data_min_over_time) { @@ -98,6 +99,11 @@ scale_x_over_time(true), scale_y_over_time(true) } } + template_frame->ClearAllGroupDependencies(); + for (int i=0, sz=var_info.size(); iAddGroupDependancy(var_info[i].name); + } + obs_id_to_ival.resize(boost::extents[data0_times][num_obs]); max_intervals = GenUtils::min(MAX_INTERVALS, num_obs); cur_intervals = GenUtils::min(max_intervals, default_intervals); @@ -111,7 +117,7 @@ scale_x_over_time(true), scale_y_over_time(true) max_num_obs_in_ival.resize(data0_times); ival_to_obs_ids.resize(data0_times); - highlight_color = GeoDaConst::highlight_color; + highlight_color = GdaConst::highlight_color; fixed_aspect_ratio_mode = false; use_category_brushes = false; selectable_shps_type = rectangles; @@ -120,6 +126,8 @@ scale_x_over_time(true), scale_y_over_time(true) VarInfoAttributeChange(); InitIntervals(); PopulateCanvas(); + + DisplayStatistics(true); highlight_state->registerObserver(this); SetBackgroundStyle(wxBG_STYLE_CUSTOM); // default style @@ -136,6 +144,10 @@ HistogramCanvas::~HistogramCanvas() void HistogramCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu(const wxPoint& pos) { LOG_MSG("Entering HistogramCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu"); + // Workaround for right-click not changing window focus in OSX / wxW 3.0 + wxActivateEvent ae(wxEVT_NULL, true, 0, wxActivateEvent::Reason_Mouse); + ((HistogramFrame*) template_frame)->OnActivate(ae); + wxMenu* optMenu; optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_HISTOGRAM_NEW_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); @@ -156,7 +168,7 @@ void HistogramCanvas::AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(wxMenu* menu) wxString s; s << "Synchronize " << var_info[0].name << " with Time Control"; wxMenuItem* mi = - menu1->AppendCheckItem(GeoDaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1+0, s, s); + menu1->AppendCheckItem(GdaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1+0, s, s); mi->Check(var_info[0].sync_with_global_time); } @@ -166,7 +178,7 @@ void HistogramCanvas::AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(wxMenu* menu) wxString s; s << "Fixed scale over time"; wxMenuItem* mi = - menu2->AppendCheckItem(GeoDaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR1, s, s); + menu2->AppendCheckItem(GdaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR1, s, s); mi->Check(var_info[0].fixed_scale); } */ @@ -190,10 +202,10 @@ void HistogramCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) if (var_info[0].is_time_variant) { GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, - GeoDaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1, + GdaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1, var_info[0].sync_with_global_time); GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, - GeoDaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR1, + GdaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR1, var_info[0].fixed_scale); } } @@ -232,7 +244,7 @@ void HistogramCanvas::UpdateSelection(bool shiftdown, bool pointsel) if (!shiftdown) { bool any_selected = false; for (int i=0; ipointWithin(sel1)) || (rect_sel && GenUtils::RectsIntersect(rec->lower_left, rec->upper_right, @@ -250,7 +262,7 @@ void HistogramCanvas::UpdateSelection(bool shiftdown, bool pointsel) } for (int i=0; ipointWithin(sel1)) || (rect_sel && GenUtils::RectsIntersect(rec->lower_left, @@ -306,7 +318,7 @@ void HistogramCanvas::DrawHighlightedShapes(wxMemoryDC &dc) if (ival_obs_sel_cnt[t][i] == 0) continue; double s = (((double) ival_obs_sel_cnt[t][i]) / ((double) ival_obs_cnt[t][i])); - MyRectangle* rec = (MyRectangle*) selectable_shps[i]; + GdaRectangle* rec = (GdaRectangle*) selectable_shps[i]; dc.DrawRectangle(rec->lower_left.x, rec->lower_left.y, rec->upper_right.x - rec->lower_left.x, (rec->upper_right.y - rec->lower_left.y)*s); @@ -327,7 +339,6 @@ void HistogramCanvas::update(HighlightState* o) wxString HistogramCanvas::GetCanvasTitle() { - DbfGridTableBase* gb = project->GetGridBase(); wxString s("Histogram: "); s << GetNameWithTime(0); return s; @@ -338,7 +349,7 @@ wxString HistogramCanvas::GetNameWithTime(int var) if (var < 0 || var >= var_info.size()) return wxEmptyString; wxString s(var_info[var].name); if (var_info[var].is_time_variant) { - s << " (" << project->GetGridBase()->GetTimeString(var_info[var].time); + s << " (" << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(var_info[var].time); s << ")"; } return s; @@ -347,11 +358,11 @@ wxString HistogramCanvas::GetNameWithTime(int var) void HistogramCanvas::PopulateCanvas() { LOG_MSG("Entering HistogramCanvas::PopulateCanvas"); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, background_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, background_shps ) { delete shp; } background_shps.clear(); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } selectable_shps.clear(); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, foreground_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, foreground_shps ) { delete shp; } foreground_shps.clear(); int time = var_info[0].time; @@ -376,7 +387,7 @@ void HistogramCanvas::PopulateCanvas() if (show_axes) { axis_scale_y = AxisScale(0, shps_orig_ymax, 5); shps_orig_ymax = axis_scale_y.scale_max; - y_axis = new MyAxis("Frequency", axis_scale_y, + y_axis = new GdaAxis("Frequency", axis_scale_y, wxRealPoint(0,0), wxRealPoint(0, shps_orig_ymax), -9, 0); background_shps.push_back(y_axis); @@ -412,12 +423,12 @@ void HistogramCanvas::PopulateCanvas() } } axis_scale_x.tic_inc = axis_scale_x.tics[1]-axis_scale_x.tics[0]; - x_axis = new MyAxis(GetNameWithTime(0), axis_scale_x, wxRealPoint(0,0), + x_axis = new GdaAxis(GetNameWithTime(0), axis_scale_x, wxRealPoint(0,0), wxRealPoint(shps_orig_xmax, 0), 0, 9); background_shps.push_back(x_axis); } - MyShape* s = 0; + GdaShape* s = 0; int table_w=0, table_h=0; if (display_stats) { int y_d = show_axes ? 0 : -32; @@ -429,14 +440,14 @@ void HistogramCanvas::PopulateCanvas() vals[2] << "#obs"; vals[3] << "% of total"; vals[4] << "sd from mean"; - std::vector attribs(0); // undefined - s = new MyTable(vals, attribs, rows, cols, *GeoDaConst::small_font, - wxRealPoint(0, 0), MyText::h_center, MyText::top, - MyText::right, MyText::v_center, 3, 10, -62, 53+y_d); + std::vector attribs(0); // undefined + s = new GdaShapeTable(vals, attribs, rows, cols, *GdaConst::small_font, + wxRealPoint(0, 0), GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::top, + GdaShapeText::right, GdaShapeText::v_center, 3, 10, -62, 53+y_d); background_shps.push_back(s); { wxClientDC dc(this); - ((MyTable*) s)->GetSize(dc, table_w, table_h); + ((GdaShapeTable*) s)->GetSize(dc, table_w, table_h); } for (int i=0; i attribs(0); // undefined - s = new MyTable(vals, attribs, rows, cols, *GeoDaConst::small_font, + std::vector attribs(0); // undefined + s = new GdaShapeTable(vals, attribs, rows, cols, *GdaConst::small_font, wxRealPoint(orig_x_pos[i], 0), - MyText::h_center, MyText::top, - MyText::h_center, MyText::v_center, 3, 10, 0, + GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::top, + GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::v_center, 3, 10, 0, 53+y_d); background_shps.push_back(s); } @@ -476,9 +487,9 @@ void HistogramCanvas::PopulateCanvas() sts << ", s.d.: " << data_stats[time].sd_with_bessel; sts << ", #obs: " << num_obs; - s = new MyText(sts, *GeoDaConst::small_font, + s = new GdaShapeText(sts, *GdaConst::small_font, wxRealPoint(shps_orig_xmax/2.0, 0), 0, - MyText::h_center, MyText::v_center, 0, + GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::v_center, 0, table_h + 70 + y_d); //145+y_d); background_shps.push_back(s); } @@ -505,35 +516,35 @@ void HistogramCanvas::PopulateCanvas() double x1 = orig_x_pos[i] + interval_width_const/2.0; double y0 = 0; double y1 = ival_obs_cnt[time][i]; - selectable_shps[i] = new MyRectangle(wxRealPoint(x0, 0), + selectable_shps[i] = new GdaRectangle(wxRealPoint(x0, 0), wxRealPoint(x1, y1)); - int sz = GeoDaConst::qualitative_colors.size(); - selectable_shps[i]->setPen(GeoDaConst::qualitative_colors[i%sz]); - selectable_shps[i]->setBrush(GeoDaConst::qualitative_colors[i%sz]); + int sz = GdaConst::qualitative_colors.size(); + selectable_shps[i]->setPen(GdaConst::qualitative_colors[i%sz]); + selectable_shps[i]->setBrush(GdaConst::qualitative_colors[i%sz]); } ResizeSelectableShps(); LOG_MSG("Exiting HistogramCanvas::PopulateCanvas"); } -void HistogramCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() +void HistogramCanvas::TimeChange() { - LOG_MSG("Entering HistogramCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange"); + LOG_MSG("Entering HistogramCanvas::TimeChange"); if (!is_any_sync_with_global_time) return; - var_info[0].time = project->GetGridBase()->curr_time_step; + var_info[0].time = project->GetTimeState()->GetCurrTime(); invalidateBms(); PopulateCanvas(); Refresh(); - LOG_MSG("Exiting HistogramCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting HistogramCanvas::TimeChange"); } /** Update Secondary Attributes based on Primary Attributes. Update num_time_vals and ref_var_index based on Secondary Attributes. */ void HistogramCanvas::VarInfoAttributeChange() { - GeoDa::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(var_info); + Gda::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(var_info); is_any_time_variant = false; is_any_sync_with_global_time = false; @@ -541,6 +552,7 @@ void HistogramCanvas::VarInfoAttributeChange() if (var_info[0].sync_with_global_time) { is_any_sync_with_global_time = true; } + template_frame->SetDependsOnNonSimpleGroups(is_any_time_variant); ref_var_index = -1; num_time_vals = 1; if (var_info[0].is_ref_variable) ref_var_index = 0; @@ -549,7 +561,7 @@ void HistogramCanvas::VarInfoAttributeChange() var_info[ref_var_index].time_min) + 1; } - //GeoDa::PrintVarInfoVector(var_info); + //Gda::PrintVarInfoVector(var_info); } void HistogramCanvas::TimeSyncVariableToggle(int var_index) @@ -801,7 +813,7 @@ void HistogramFrame::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event) void HistogramFrame::MapMenus() { LOG_MSG("In HistogramFrame::MapMenus"); - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); // Map Options Menus wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_HISTOGRAM_NEW_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); @@ -815,7 +827,7 @@ void HistogramFrame::MapMenus() void HistogramFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems() { TemplateFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems(); // set common items first - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); int menu = mb->FindMenu("Options"); if (menu == wxNOT_FOUND) { LOG_MSG("HistogramFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems: Options " @@ -835,19 +847,14 @@ void HistogramFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu) TemplateFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(menu); // set common items } -/** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ -void HistogramFrame::update(FramesManager* o) +/** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ +void HistogramFrame::update(TimeState* o) { - LOG_MSG("In HistogramFrame::update(FramesManager* o)"); - template_canvas->TitleOrTimeChange(); + LOG_MSG("In HistogramFrame::update(TimeState* o)"); + template_canvas->TimeChange(); UpdateTitle(); } -void HistogramFrame::UpdateTitle() -{ - SetTitle(template_canvas->GetCanvasTitle()); -} - void HistogramFrame::OnShowAxes(wxCommandEvent& event) { LOG_MSG("In HistogramFrame::OnShowAxes"); diff --git a/Explore/HistogramView.h b/Explore/HistogramView.h index 247cde06c..968f5275b 100644 --- a/Explore/HistogramView.h +++ b/Explore/HistogramView.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ #include "CatClassification.h" #include "../TemplateCanvas.h" #include "../TemplateFrame.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../GenUtils.h" -#include "../Generic/MyShape.h" +#include "../Generic/GdaShape.h" class HistogramCanvas; class HistogramFrame; @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class HistogramCanvas : public TemplateCanvas { protected: virtual void PopulateCanvas(); - virtual void TitleOrTimeChange(); + virtual void TimeChange(); void VarInfoAttributeChange(); public: @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class HistogramCanvas : public TemplateCanvas { int num_time_vals; int ref_var_index; std::vector var_info; - std::vector data_sorted; + std::vector data_sorted; std::vector data_stats; std::vector hinge_stats; bool is_any_time_variant; @@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ class HistogramCanvas : public TemplateCanvas { AxisScale axis_scale_x; AxisScale axis_scale_y; - MyAxis* x_axis; - MyAxis* y_axis; + GdaAxis* x_axis; + GdaAxis* y_axis; bool scale_x_over_time; bool scale_y_over_time; @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class HistogramFrame : public TemplateFrame { const std::vector& col_ids, const wxString& title = "Histogram", const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, - const wxSize& size = GeoDaConst::hist_default_size, + const wxSize& size = GdaConst::hist_default_size, const long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); virtual ~HistogramFrame(); @@ -141,10 +141,8 @@ class HistogramFrame : public TemplateFrame { virtual void UpdateOptionMenuItems(); virtual void UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu); - /** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ - virtual void update(FramesManager* o); - - virtual void UpdateTitle(); + /** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TimeState* o); void OnShowAxes(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnDisplayStatistics(wxCommandEvent& event); diff --git a/Explore/LisaCoordinator.cpp b/Explore/LisaCoordinator.cpp index 5b51275b8..1a19e2081 100644 --- a/Explore/LisaCoordinator.cpp +++ b/Explore/LisaCoordinator.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -17,9 +17,10 @@ * along with this program. If not, see . */ +#include #include #include -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/RateSmoothing.h" #include "../ShapeOperations/Randik.h" #include "../logger.h" @@ -27,13 +28,14 @@ #include "LisaCoordinator.h" LisaWorkerThread::LisaWorkerThread(int obs_start_s, int obs_end_s, + uint64_t seed_start_s, LisaCoordinator* lisa_coord_s, wxMutex* worker_list_mutex_s, wxCondition* worker_list_empty_cond_s, std::list *worker_list_s, int thread_id_s) : wxThread(), -obs_start(obs_start_s), obs_end(obs_end_s), +obs_start(obs_start_s), obs_end(obs_end_s), seed_start(seed_start_s), lisa_coord(lisa_coord_s), worker_list_mutex(worker_list_mutex_s), worker_list_empty_cond(worker_list_empty_cond_s), @@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ wxThread::ExitCode LisaWorkerThread::Entry() LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("LisaWorkerThread %d started", thread_id)); // call work for assigned range of observations - lisa_coord->CalcPseudoP_range(obs_start, obs_end); + lisa_coord->CalcPseudoP_range(obs_start, obs_end, seed_start); wxMutexLocker lock(*worker_list_mutex); // remove ourself from the list @@ -94,24 +96,25 @@ wxThread::ExitCode LisaWorkerThread::Entry() */ LisaCoordinator::LisaCoordinator(const GalWeight* gal_weights_s, - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base, + TableInterface* table_int, const std::vector& var_info_s, const std::vector& col_ids, LisaType lisa_type_s, bool calc_significances_s) : W(gal_weights_s->gal), weight_name(wxFileName(gal_weights_s->wflnm).GetName()), -num_obs(grid_base->GetNumberRows()), +num_obs(table_int->GetNumberRows()), permutations(99), lisa_type(lisa_type_s), calc_significances(calc_significances_s), isBivariate(lisa_type_s == bivariate), var_info(var_info_s), -data(var_info_s.size()) +data(var_info_s.size()), +last_seed_used(0), reuse_last_seed(false) { SetSignificanceFilter(1); for (int i=0; iGetColData(col_ids[i], data[i]); + table_int->GetColData(col_ids[i], data[i]); } InitFromVarInfo(); } @@ -252,7 +255,7 @@ void LisaCoordinator::InitFromVarInfo() v1_t += t; } for (int i=0; i 0) ? nCPUs : remainder; + if (!reuse_last_seed) last_seed_used = time(0); for (int i=0; i%d", thread_id, a, b)); + wxString msg; + msg << "thread " << thread_id << ": " << a << "->" << b; + msg << ", seed: " << seed_start << "->" << seed_end; + LOG_MSG(msg); LisaWorkerThread* thread = - new LisaWorkerThread(a, b, this, + new LisaWorkerThread(a, b, seed_start, this, &worker_list_mutex, &worker_list_empty_cond, &worker_list, thread_id); @@ -459,7 +473,7 @@ void LisaCoordinator::CalcPseudoP_threaded() LOG_MSG("Error: Could not spawn a worker thread, falling back " "to single-threaded pseudo-p calculation."); // fall back to single thread calculation mode - CalcPseudoP_range(0, num_obs-1); + CalcPseudoP_range(0, num_obs-1, last_seed_used); } else { LOG_MSG("Starting all worker threads"); std::list::iterator it; @@ -480,20 +494,23 @@ void LisaCoordinator::CalcPseudoP_threaded() LOG_MSG("Exiting LisaCoordinator::CalcPseudoP_threaded"); } -void LisaCoordinator::CalcPseudoP_range(int obs_start, int obs_end) +void LisaCoordinator::CalcPseudoP_range(int obs_start, int obs_end, + uint64_t seed_start) { GeoDaSet workPermutation(num_obs); - Randik rng; + //Randik rng; int max_rand = num_obs-1; for (int cnt=obs_start; cnt<=obs_end; cnt++) { const int numNeighbors = W[cnt].Size(); - int countLarger = 0; + uint64_t countLarger = 0; for (int perm=0; perm::iterator it; - for (it=observers.begin(); it != observers.end(); it++) { + for (std::list::iterator it=observers.begin(); + it != observers.end(); ++it) { (*it)->update(this); } } diff --git a/Explore/LisaCoordinator.h b/Explore/LisaCoordinator.h index 78877e7ce..8e1e02a89 100644 --- a/Explore/LisaCoordinator.h +++ b/Explore/LisaCoordinator.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ typedef boost::multi_array d_array_type; class LisaWorkerThread : public wxThread { public: - LisaWorkerThread(int obs_start, int obs_end, + LisaWorkerThread(int obs_start, int obs_end, uint64_t seed_start, LisaCoordinator* lisa_coord, wxMutex* worker_list_mutex, wxCondition* worker_list_empty_cond, @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ class LisaWorkerThread : public wxThread int obs_start; int obs_end; + uint64_t seed_start; int thread_id; LisaCoordinator* lisa_coord; @@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ class LisaCoordinator enum LisaType { univariate, bivariate, eb_rate_standardized }; // #9 LisaCoordinator(const GalWeight* gal_weights, - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base, + TableInterface* table_int, const std::vector& var_info, const std::vector& col_ids, LisaType lisa_type, bool calc_significances = true); @@ -74,6 +75,11 @@ class LisaCoordinator void SetSignificanceFilter(int filter_id); int GetSignificanceFilter() { return significance_filter; } int permutations; // any number from 9 to 99999, 99 will be default + + uint64_t GetLastUsedSeed() { return last_seed_used; } + void SetLastUsedSeed(uint64_t seed) { last_seed_used = seed; } + bool IsReuseLastSeed() { return reuse_last_seed; } + void SetReuseLastSeed(bool reuse) { reuse_last_seed = reuse; } protected: // The following seven are just temporary pointers into the corresponding @@ -133,7 +139,7 @@ class LisaCoordinator std::list observers; void CalcPseudoP(); - void CalcPseudoP_range(int obs_start, int obs_end); + void CalcPseudoP_range(int obs_start, int obs_end, uint64_t seed_start); void InitFromVarInfo(); void VarInfoAttributeChange(); @@ -149,6 +155,8 @@ class LisaCoordinator std::vector has_isolates; bool row_standardize; bool calc_significances; // if false, then p-vals will never be needed + uint64_t last_seed_used; + bool reuse_last_seed; }; #endif diff --git a/Explore/LisaCoordinatorObserver.h b/Explore/LisaCoordinatorObserver.h index 794572f7c..c2a40bca8 100644 --- a/Explore/LisaCoordinatorObserver.h +++ b/Explore/LisaCoordinatorObserver.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/Explore/LisaMapNewView.cpp b/Explore/LisaMapNewView.cpp index 7e1152e8d..e29c0d608 100644 --- a/Explore/LisaMapNewView.cpp +++ b/Explore/LisaMapNewView.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -17,10 +17,12 @@ * along with this program. If not, see . */ +#include #include #include #include -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" #include "../GeoDa.h" #include "../logger.h" @@ -44,8 +46,10 @@ LisaMapNewCanvas::LisaMapNewCanvas(wxWindow *parent, TemplateFrame* t_frame, CatClassification::CatClassifType theme_type_s, bool isBivariate, bool isEBRate, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size) -: MapNewCanvas(parent, t_frame, project, CatClassification::no_theme, - no_smoothing, pos, size), +: MapNewCanvas(parent, t_frame, project, + std::vector(0), std::vector(0), + CatClassification::no_theme, + no_smoothing, 1, pos, size), lisa_coord(lisa_coordinator), is_clust(theme_type_s==CatClassification::lisa_categories), is_bi(isBivariate), is_rate(isEBRate) @@ -55,6 +59,10 @@ is_bi(isBivariate), is_rate(isEBRate) cat_classif_def.cat_classif_type = theme_type_s; // must set var_info times from LisaCoordinator initially var_info = lisa_coordinator->var_info; + template_frame->ClearAllGroupDependencies(); + for (int t=0, sz=var_info.size(); tAddGroupDependancy(var_info[t].name); + } CreateAndUpdateCategories(); LOG_MSG("Exiting LisaMapNewCanvas::LisaMapNewCanvas"); @@ -68,6 +76,10 @@ LisaMapNewCanvas::~LisaMapNewCanvas() void LisaMapNewCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu(const wxPoint& pos) { LOG_MSG("Entering LisaMapNewCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu"); + // Workaround for right-click not changing window focus in OSX / wxW 3.0 + wxActivateEvent ae(wxEVT_NULL, true, 0, wxActivateEvent::Reason_Mouse); + ((LisaMapNewFrame*) template_frame)->OnActivate(ae); + wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_LISAMAP_NEW_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(optMenu); @@ -133,14 +145,17 @@ void LisaMapNewCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) sig_filter == 3); GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_SIGNIFICANCE_FILTER_0001"), sig_filter == 4); + + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_USE_SPECIFIED_SEED"), + lisa_coord->IsReuseLastSeed()); } -void LisaMapNewCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() +void LisaMapNewCanvas::TimeChange() { - LOG_MSG("Entering LisaMapNewCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange"); + LOG_MSG("Entering LisaMapNewCanvas::TimeChange"); if (!is_any_sync_with_global_time) return; - int cts = project->GetGridBase()->curr_time_step; + int cts = project->GetTimeState()->GetCurrTime(); int ref_time = var_info[ref_var_index].time; int ref_time_min = var_info[ref_var_index].time_min; int ref_time_max = var_info[ref_var_index].time_max; @@ -164,7 +179,7 @@ void LisaMapNewCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() invalidateBms(); PopulateCanvas(); Refresh(); - LOG_MSG("Exiting LisaMapNewCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting LisaMapNewCanvas::TimeChange"); } /** Update Categories based on info in LisaCoordinator */ @@ -299,7 +314,11 @@ void LisaMapNewCanvas::SyncVarInfoFromCoordinator() std::vectormy_times(var_info.size()); for (int t=0; tvar_info; - for (int t=0; tClearAllGroupDependencies(); + for (int t=0; tAddGroupDependancy(var_info[t].name); + } is_any_time_variant = lisa_coord->is_any_time_variant; is_any_sync_with_global_time = lisa_coord->is_any_sync_with_global_time; ref_var_index = lisa_coord->ref_var_index; @@ -343,10 +362,13 @@ lisa_coord(lisa_coordinator) LOG(width); LOG(height); - wxSplitterWindow* splitter_win = new wxSplitterWindow(this); + wxSplitterWindow* splitter_win = new wxSplitterWindow(this,-1, + wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, + wxSP_3D|wxSP_LIVE_UPDATE|wxCLIP_CHILDREN); splitter_win->SetMinimumPaneSize(10); - template_canvas = new LisaMapNewCanvas(splitter_win, this, project, + wxPanel* rpanel = new wxPanel(splitter_win); + template_canvas = new LisaMapNewCanvas(rpanel, this, project, lisa_coordinator, (isClusterMap ? CatClassification::lisa_categories : @@ -355,17 +377,30 @@ lisa_coord(lisa_coordinator) wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(width,height)); template_canvas->SetScrollRate(1,1); + wxBoxSizer* rbox = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + rbox->Add(template_canvas, 1, wxEXPAND); + rpanel->SetSizer(rbox); + DisplayStatusBar(true); SetTitle(template_canvas->GetCanvasTitle()); - template_legend = new MapNewLegend(splitter_win, template_canvas, + wxPanel* lpanel = new wxPanel(splitter_win); + template_legend = new MapNewLegend(lpanel, template_canvas, wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(0,0)); - - splitter_win->SplitVertically(template_legend, template_canvas, - GeoDaConst::map_default_legend_width); + wxBoxSizer* lbox = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + lbox->Add(template_legend, 1, wxEXPAND); + lpanel->SetSizer(lbox); + + splitter_win->SplitVertically(lpanel, rpanel, + GdaConst::map_default_legend_width); lisa_coord->registerObserver(this); + wxBoxSizer* sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + sizer->Add(splitter_win, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL); + SetSizer(sizer); + splitter_win->SetSize(wxSize(width,height)); + SetAutoLayout(true); Show(true); LOG_MSG("Exiting LisaMapNewFrame::LisaMapNewFrame"); } @@ -390,7 +425,7 @@ void LisaMapNewFrame::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event) void LisaMapNewFrame::MapMenus() { LOG_MSG("In LisaMapNewFrame::MapMenus"); - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); // Map Options Menus wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_LISAMAP_NEW_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); @@ -404,7 +439,7 @@ void LisaMapNewFrame::MapMenus() void LisaMapNewFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems() { TemplateFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems(); // set common items first - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); int menu = mb->FindMenu("Options"); if (menu == wxNOT_FOUND) { LOG_MSG("LisaMapNewFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems: " @@ -463,6 +498,42 @@ void LisaMapNewFrame::OnRanOtherPer(wxCommandEvent& event) } } +void LisaMapNewFrame::OnUseSpecifiedSeed(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + lisa_coord->SetReuseLastSeed(!lisa_coord->IsReuseLastSeed()); +} + +void LisaMapNewFrame::OnSpecifySeedDlg(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + uint64_t last_seed = lisa_coord->GetLastUsedSeed(); + wxString m; + m << "The last seed used by the pseudo random\nnumber "; + m << "generator was " << last_seed << ".\n"; + m << "Enter a seed value to use between\n0 and "; + m << std::numeric_limits::max() << "."; + long long unsigned int val; + wxString dlg_val; + wxString cur_val; + cur_val << last_seed; + + wxTextEntryDialog dlg(NULL, m, "Enter a seed value", cur_val); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + dlg_val = dlg.GetValue(); + dlg_val.Trim(true); + dlg_val.Trim(false); + if (dlg_val.IsEmpty()) return; + if (dlg_val.ToULongLong(&val)) { + if (!lisa_coord->IsReuseLastSeed()) lisa_coord->SetLastUsedSeed(true); + uint64_t new_seed_val = val; + lisa_coord->SetLastUsedSeed(new_seed_val); + } else { + wxString m; + m << "\"" << dlg_val << "\" is not a valid seed. Seed unchanged."; + wxMessageDialog dlg(NULL, m, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); + } +} + void LisaMapNewFrame::SetSigFilterX(int filter) { if (filter == lisa_coord->GetSignificanceFilter()) return; @@ -502,7 +573,7 @@ void LisaMapNewFrame::OnSaveLisa(wxCommandEvent& event) data[0].d_val = &tempLocalMoran; data[0].label = "Lisa Indices"; data[0].field_default = "LISA_I"; - data[0].type = GeoDaConst::double_type; + data[0].type = GdaConst::double_type; double cuttoff = lisa_coord->significance_cutoff; double* p = lisa_coord->sig_local_moran_vecs[t]; @@ -518,7 +589,7 @@ void LisaMapNewFrame::OnSaveLisa(wxCommandEvent& event) data[1].l_val = &clust; data[1].label = "Clusters"; data[1].field_default = "LISA_CL"; - data[1].type = GeoDaConst::long64_type; + data[1].type = GdaConst::long64_type; std::vector sig(lisa_coord->num_obs); for (int i=0, iend=lisa_coord->num_obs; iGetGridBase(), this, data, + SaveToTableDlg dlg(project, this, data, "Save Results: LISA", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(400,400)); dlg.ShowModal(); @@ -538,7 +609,7 @@ void LisaMapNewFrame::OnSaveLisa(wxCommandEvent& event) void LisaMapNewFrame::CoreSelectHelper(const std::vector& elem) { - HighlightState* highlight_state = project->highlight_state; + HighlightState* highlight_state = project->GetHighlightState(); std::vector& hs = highlight_state->GetHighlight(); std::vector& nh = highlight_state->GetNewlyHighlighted(); std::vector& nuh = highlight_state->GetNewlyUnhighlighted(); diff --git a/Explore/LisaMapNewView.h b/Explore/LisaMapNewView.h index 3869dbe8b..cf6655e48 100644 --- a/Explore/LisaMapNewView.h +++ b/Explore/LisaMapNewView.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class LisaMapNewCanvas : public MapNewCanvas virtual bool ChangeMapType(CatClassification::CatClassifType new_map_theme, SmoothingType new_map_smoothing); virtual void SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu); - virtual void TitleOrTimeChange(); + virtual void TimeChange(); void SyncVarInfoFromCoordinator(); virtual void CreateAndUpdateCategories(); virtual void TimeSyncVariableToggle(int var_index); @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class LisaMapNewFrame : public MapNewFrame, public LisaCoordinatorObserver bool isClusterMap, bool isBivariate, bool isEBRate, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, - const wxSize& size = GeoDaConst::map_default_size, + const wxSize& size = GdaConst::map_default_size, const long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); virtual ~LisaMapNewFrame(); @@ -83,6 +83,9 @@ class LisaMapNewFrame : public MapNewFrame, public LisaCoordinatorObserver void OnRan999Per(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnRanOtherPer(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnUseSpecifiedSeed(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnSpecifySeedDlg(wxCommandEvent& event); + void SetSigFilterX(int filter); void OnSigFilter05(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSigFilter01(wxCommandEvent& event); diff --git a/Explore/LisaScatterPlotView.cpp b/Explore/LisaScatterPlotView.cpp index 6275de64f..7eab00d98 100644 --- a/Explore/LisaScatterPlotView.cpp +++ b/Explore/LisaScatterPlotView.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ #include #include #include -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" #include "../GeoDa.h" #include "../logger.h" @@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ is_rate(lisa_coordinator->lisa_type == LisaCoordinator::eb_rate_standardized) cat_data.CreateCategoriesAllCanvasTms(1, 1, num_obs); cat_data.SetCategoryColor(0, 0, - GeoDaConst::scatterplot_regression_excluded_color); + GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_excluded_color); for (int i=0; ilisa_type == LisaCoordinator::eb_rate_standardized) //CreateCategoriesAllCanvasTms(1, num_time_vals); // 1 = #cats //for (int t=0; tlisa_type == LisaCoordinator::eb_rate_standardized) //CreateAndUpdateCategories(); PopulateCanvas(); + UpdateDisplayLinesAndMargins(); + ResizeSelectableShps(); + LOG_MSG("Exiting LisaScatterPlotCanvas::LisaMapNewCanvas"); } @@ -104,6 +108,10 @@ LisaScatterPlotCanvas::~LisaScatterPlotCanvas() void LisaScatterPlotCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu(const wxPoint& pos) { LOG_MSG("Entering LisaScatterPlotCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu"); + // Workaround for right-click not changing window focus in OSX / wxW 3.0 + wxActivateEvent ae(wxEVT_NULL, true, 0, wxActivateEvent::Reason_Mouse); + ((LisaScatterPlotFrame*) template_frame)->OnActivate(ae); + wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_LISA_SCATTER_PLOT_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(optMenu); @@ -124,7 +132,7 @@ void LisaScatterPlotCanvas::AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(wxMenu* menu) wxString s; s << "Synchronize " << var_info[i].name << " with Time Control"; wxMenuItem* mi = - menu1->AppendCheckItem(GeoDaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1+i, s, s); + menu1->AppendCheckItem(GdaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1+i, s, s); mi->Check(var_info[i].sync_with_global_time); } } @@ -135,14 +143,14 @@ void LisaScatterPlotCanvas::AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(wxMenu* menu) wxString s; s << "Fixed x-axis scale over time"; wxMenuItem* mi = - menu2->AppendCheckItem(GeoDaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR1, s, s); + menu2->AppendCheckItem(GdaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR1, s, s); mi->Check(var_info[0].fixed_scale); } if (var_info[1].is_time_variant) { wxString s; s << "Fixed y-axis scale over time"; wxMenuItem* mi = - menu2->AppendCheckItem(GeoDaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR2, s, s); + menu2->AppendCheckItem(GdaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR2, s, s); mi->Check(var_info[1].fixed_scale); } menu->Prepend(wxID_ANY, "Scale Options", menu2, "Scale Options"); @@ -157,7 +165,7 @@ wxString LisaScatterPlotCanvas::GetCanvasTitle() wxString s; wxString v0(var_info_orig[0].name); if (var_info_orig[0].is_time_variant) { - v0 << " (" << project->GetGridBase()-> + v0 << " (" << project->GetTableInt()-> GetTimeString(var_info_orig[0].time); v0 << ")"; } @@ -165,7 +173,7 @@ wxString LisaScatterPlotCanvas::GetCanvasTitle() if (is_bi || is_rate) { v1 << var_info_orig[1].name; if (var_info_orig[1].is_time_variant) { - v1 << " (" << project->GetGridBase()-> + v1 << " (" << project->GetTableInt()-> GetTimeString(var_info_orig[1].time); v1 << ")"; } @@ -194,7 +202,7 @@ wxString LisaScatterPlotCanvas::GetNameWithTime(int var) wxString v0(var_info_orig[0].name); if (var_info_orig[0].is_time_variant) { - v0 << " (" << project->GetGridBase()-> + v0 << " (" << project->GetTableInt()-> GetTimeString(var_info_orig[0].time); v0 << ")"; } @@ -202,7 +210,7 @@ wxString LisaScatterPlotCanvas::GetNameWithTime(int var) if (is_bi || is_rate) { v1 << var_info_orig[1].name; if (var_info_orig[1].is_time_variant) { - v1 << " (" << project->GetGridBase()-> + v1 << " (" << project->GetTableInt()-> GetTimeString(var_info_orig[1].time); v1 << ")"; } @@ -236,12 +244,12 @@ void LisaScatterPlotCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) ScatterNewPlotCanvas::SetCheckMarks(menu); } -void LisaScatterPlotCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() +void LisaScatterPlotCanvas::TimeChange() { - LOG_MSG("Entering LisaScatterPlotCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange"); + LOG_MSG("Entering LisaScatterPlotCanvas::TimeChange"); if (!is_any_sync_with_global_time) return; - int cts = project->GetGridBase()->curr_time_step; + int cts = project->GetTimeState()->GetCurrTime(); int ref_time = var_info[ref_var_index].time; int ref_time_min = var_info[ref_var_index].time_min; int ref_time_max = var_info[ref_var_index].time_max; @@ -268,7 +276,7 @@ void LisaScatterPlotCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() invalidateBms(); PopulateCanvas(); Refresh(); - LOG_MSG("Exiting LisaScatterPlotCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting LisaScatterPlotCanvas::TimeChange"); } /** Copy everything in var_info except for current time field for each @@ -280,7 +288,11 @@ void LisaScatterPlotCanvas::SyncVarInfoFromCoordinator() std::vectormy_times(var_info.size()); for (int t=0; tvar_info; - for (int t=0; tClearAllGroupDependencies(); + for (int t=0; tAddGroupDependancy(var_info[t].name); + } is_any_time_variant = lisa_coord->is_any_time_variant; is_any_sync_with_global_time = lisa_coord->is_any_sync_with_global_time; ref_var_index = lisa_coord->ref_var_index; @@ -385,11 +397,11 @@ void LisaScatterPlotCanvas::PopCanvPreResizeShpsHook() { wxString s("Moran's I: "); s << regressionXY.beta; - MyText* morans_i_text = new MyText(s, *GeoDaConst::small_font, + GdaShapeText* morans_i_text = new GdaShapeText(s, *GdaConst::small_font, wxRealPoint(50, 100), 0, - MyText::h_center, MyText::v_center, + GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::v_center, 0, -15); - morans_i_text->setPen(*GeoDaConst::scatterplot_reg_pen); + morans_i_text->setPen(*GdaConst::scatterplot_reg_pen); foreground_shps.push_back(morans_i_text); } @@ -434,13 +446,13 @@ void LisaScatterPlotCanvas::SaveMoranI() data[0].d_val = &std_data; data[0].label = "Standardized Data"; data[0].field_default = "MORAN_STD"; - data[0].type = GeoDaConst::double_type; + data[0].type = GdaConst::double_type; data[1].d_val = &lag; data[1].label = "Spatial Lag"; data[1].field_default = "MORAN_LAG"; - data[1].type = GeoDaConst::double_type; + data[1].type = GdaConst::double_type; - SaveToTableDlg dlg(project->GetGridBase(), this, data, title, + SaveToTableDlg dlg(project, this, data, title, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(400,400)); dlg.ShowModal(); } @@ -494,7 +506,7 @@ void LisaScatterPlotFrame::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event) void LisaScatterPlotFrame::MapMenus() { LOG_MSG("In LisaScatterPlotFrame::MapMenus"); - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); // Map Options Menus wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_LISA_SCATTER_PLOT_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); @@ -508,7 +520,7 @@ void LisaScatterPlotFrame::MapMenus() void LisaScatterPlotFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems() { TemplateFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems(); // set common items first - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); int menu = mb->FindMenu("Options"); if (menu == wxNOT_FOUND) { LOG_MSG("LisaScatterPlotFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems: " diff --git a/Explore/LisaScatterPlotView.h b/Explore/LisaScatterPlotView.h index 3e34d9364..bfafd37bc 100644 --- a/Explore/LisaScatterPlotView.h +++ b/Explore/LisaScatterPlotView.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ #ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_LISA_SCATTER_PLOT_VIEW_H__ #define __GEODA_CENTER_LISA_SCATTER_PLOT_VIEW_H__ -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "ScatterNewPlotView.h" #include "LisaCoordinatorObserver.h" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class LisaScatterPlotCanvas : public ScatterNewPlotCanvas virtual wxString GetCanvasTitle(); virtual wxString GetNameWithTime(int var); virtual void SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu); - virtual void TitleOrTimeChange(); + virtual void TimeChange(); void SyncVarInfoFromCoordinator(); virtual void TimeSyncVariableToggle(int var_index); virtual void FixedScaleVariableToggle(int var_index); @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class LisaScatterPlotFrame : public ScatterNewPlotFrame, LisaScatterPlotFrame(wxFrame *parent, Project* project, LisaCoordinator* lisa_coordinator, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, - const wxSize& size = GeoDaConst::scatterplot_default_size, + const wxSize& size = GdaConst::scatterplot_default_size, const long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); virtual ~LisaScatterPlotFrame(); diff --git a/Explore/MapNewView.cpp b/Explore/MapNewView.cpp index d8466bd5a..52093fcbc 100644 --- a/Explore/MapNewView.cpp +++ b/Explore/MapNewView.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ #include #include "CatClassifState.h" #include "CatClassifManager.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../DialogTools/CatClassifDlg.h" -#include "../DialogTools/MapQuantileDlg.h" #include "../DialogTools/SelectWeightDlg.h" #include "../DialogTools/SaveToTableDlg.h" #include "../DialogTools/VariableSettingsDlg.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" #include "../GenUtils.h" #include "../FramesManager.h" @@ -59,18 +59,22 @@ END_EVENT_TABLE() MapNewCanvas::MapNewCanvas(wxWindow *parent, TemplateFrame* t_frame, Project* project_s, + const std::vector& var_info_s, + const std::vector& col_ids_s, CatClassification::CatClassifType theme_type, SmoothingType smoothing_type_s, + int num_categories_s, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size) : TemplateCanvas(parent, pos, size, true, true), project(project_s), num_obs(project_s->GetNumRecords()), -num_time_vals(1), highlight_state(project_s->highlight_state), +num_time_vals(1), highlight_state(project_s->GetHighlightState()), custom_classif_state(0), data(0), var_info(0), -grid_base(project_s->GetGridBase()), +table_int(project_s->GetTableInt()), smoothing_type(no_smoothing), gal_weight(0), is_rate_smoother(false), full_map_redraw_needed(true), display_mean_centers(false), display_centroids(false), -display_voronoi_diagram(false), voronoi_diagram_duplicates_exist(false) +display_voronoi_diagram(false), voronoi_diagram_duplicates_exist(false), +num_categories(num_categories_s) { using namespace Shapefile; LOG_MSG("Entering MapNewCanvas::MapNewCanvas"); @@ -80,10 +84,10 @@ display_voronoi_diagram(false), voronoi_diagram_duplicates_exist(false) if (theme_type == CatClassification::no_theme) { cat_classif_def.color_scheme = CatClassification::custom_color_scheme; CatClassification::ChangeNumCats(1, cat_classif_def); - cat_classif_def.colors[0] = GeoDaConst::map_default_fill_colour; + cat_classif_def.colors[0] = GdaConst::map_default_fill_colour; } selectable_fill_color = - GeoDaConst::map_default_fill_colour; + GdaConst::map_default_fill_colour; virtual_screen_marg_top = 25; virtual_screen_marg_bottom = 25; @@ -95,7 +99,7 @@ display_voronoi_diagram(false), voronoi_diagram_duplicates_exist(false) shps_orig_ymax = project->main_data.header.bbox_y_max; double scale_x, scale_y, trans_x, trans_y; - MyScaleTrans::calcAffineParams(shps_orig_xmin, shps_orig_ymin, + GdaScaleTrans::calcAffineParams(shps_orig_xmin, shps_orig_ymin, shps_orig_xmax, shps_orig_ymax, virtual_screen_marg_top, virtual_screen_marg_bottom, virtual_screen_marg_left, virtual_screen_marg_right, @@ -110,14 +114,18 @@ display_voronoi_diagram(false), voronoi_diagram_duplicates_exist(false) highlight_color = *wxRED; } else { selectable_shps_type = polygons; - highlight_color = GeoDaConst::map_default_highlight_colour; + highlight_color = GdaConst::map_default_highlight_colour; } use_category_brushes = true; - if (!ChangeMapType(theme_type, smoothing_type_s)) { + if (!ChangeMapType(theme_type, smoothing_type_s, num_categories, + true, var_info_s, col_ids_s)) { // The user possibly clicked cancel. Try again with // themeless map - ChangeMapType(CatClassification::no_theme, no_smoothing); + std::vector vi(0); + std::vector cids(0); + ChangeMapType(CatClassification::no_theme, no_smoothing, 1, + true, vi, cids); } highlight_state->registerObserver(this); @@ -136,6 +144,10 @@ MapNewCanvas::~MapNewCanvas() void MapNewCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu(const wxPoint& pos) { LOG_MSG("Entering MapNewCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu"); + // Workaround for right-click not changing window focus in OSX / wxW 3.0 + wxActivateEvent ae(wxEVT_NULL, true, 0, wxActivateEvent::Reason_Mouse); + ((MapNewFrame*) template_frame)->OnActivate(ae); + wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_MAP_NEW_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(optMenu); @@ -153,12 +165,12 @@ void MapNewCanvas::AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(wxMenu* menu) { if (!is_any_time_variant) return; wxMenu* menu1 = new wxMenu(wxEmptyString); - for (int i=0; iAppendCheckItem(GeoDaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1+i, s, s); + menu1->AppendCheckItem(GdaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1+i, s, s); mi->Check(var_info[i].sync_with_global_time); } } @@ -175,10 +187,40 @@ void MapNewCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) // or are not checkable do not appear. GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_THEMELESS"), - GetCcType() == CatClassification::no_theme); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, - XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_CHOROPLETH_QUANTILE"), - GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile); + GetCcType() == CatClassification::no_theme); + + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_1"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_2"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_3"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_4"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_5"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_6"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_7"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_8"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_9"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_10"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 10); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_CHOROPLETH_PERCENTILE"), GetCcType() == CatClassification::percentile); @@ -191,10 +233,70 @@ void MapNewCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) GetCcType() == CatClassification::stddev); GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_UNIQUE_VALUES"), GetCcType() == CatClassification::unique_values); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_EQUAL_INTERVALS"), - GetCcType() == CatClassification::equal_intervals); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_NATURAL_BREAKS"), - GetCcType() == CatClassification::natural_breaks); + + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_1"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_2"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_3"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_4"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_5"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_6"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_7"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_8"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_9"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_10"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 10); + + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_1"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_2"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_3"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_4"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_5"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_6"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_7"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_8"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_9"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_10"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 10); GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_RATES_SMOOTH_RAWRATE"), smoothing_type == raw_rate); @@ -214,7 +316,7 @@ void MapNewCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) selectable_shps_type != points); GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_DISPLAY_VORONOI_DIAGRAM"), selectable_shps_type == points); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_SAVE_VORONOI_TO_SHAPEFILE"), + GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EXPORT_VORONOI"), selectable_shps_type == points); GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_SAVE_VORONOI_DUPS_TO_TABLE"), voronoi_diagram_duplicates_exist); @@ -229,8 +331,8 @@ void MapNewCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) wxString MapNewCanvas::GetCanvasTitle() { wxString v; - if (var_info.size() == 1) v << GetNameWithTime(0); - if (var_info.size() == 2) { + if (GetNumVars() == 1) v << GetNameWithTime(0); + if (GetNumVars() == 2) { if (smoothing_type == raw_rate) { v << "Raw Rate "; } else if (smoothing_type == excess_risk) { @@ -255,7 +357,7 @@ wxString MapNewCanvas::GetCanvasTitle() s << "Excess Risk Map: " << v; } else if (GetCcType() == CatClassification::no_theme) { - s << "Map"; + s << "Map - " << project->GetProjectTitle(); } else if (GetCcType() == CatClassification::custom) { s << cat_classif_def.title << ": " << v; } else { @@ -268,10 +370,10 @@ wxString MapNewCanvas::GetCanvasTitle() wxString MapNewCanvas::GetNameWithTime(int var) { - if (var < 0 || var >= var_info.size()) return wxEmptyString; + if (var < 0 || var >= GetNumVars()) return wxEmptyString; wxString s(var_info[var].name); if (var_info[var].is_time_variant) { - s << " (" << project->GetGridBase()->GetTimeString(var_info[var].time); + s << " (" << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(var_info[var].time); s << ")"; } return s; @@ -296,13 +398,12 @@ void MapNewCanvas::NewCustomCatClassif() { // Begin by asking for a variable if none yet chosen if (var_info.size() == 0) { - VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate, - false); + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; var_info.resize(1); data.resize(1); var_info[0] = dlg.var_info[0]; - grid_base->GetColData(dlg.col_ids[0], data[0]); + table_int->GetColData(dlg.col_ids[0], data[0]); VarInfoAttributeChange(); cat_var_sorted.resize(num_time_vals); for (int t=0; t temp_cat_labels; // will be ignored CatClassification::SetBreakPoints(cat_classif_def.breaks, + temp_cat_labels, cat_var_sorted[var_info[0].time], cat_classif_def.cat_classif_type, cat_classif_def.num_cats); @@ -330,9 +433,12 @@ void MapNewCanvas::NewCustomCatClassif() cat_classif_def.colors[i] = cat_data.GetCategoryColor(time, i); cat_classif_def.names[i] = cat_data.GetCategoryLabel(time, i); } + int col = table_int->FindColId(var_info[0].name); + int tm = var_info[0].time; + cat_classif_def.assoc_db_fld_name = table_int->GetColName(col, tm); } - CatClassifFrame* ccf = MyFrame::theFrame->GetCatClassifFrame(); + CatClassifFrame* ccf = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetCatClassifFrame(); if (!ccf) return; CatClassifState* ccs = ccf->PromptNew(cat_classif_def, "", var_info[0].name, var_info[0].time); @@ -354,19 +460,40 @@ void MapNewCanvas::NewCustomCatClassif() } } +/** ChangeMapType should always have var_info and col_ids passed in to it + when needed. */ + /** This method initializes data array according to values in var_info and col_ids. It calls CreateAndUpdateCategories which does all of the category classification including any needed data smoothing. */ bool MapNewCanvas::ChangeMapType( - CatClassification::CatClassifType new_map_theme, - SmoothingType new_map_smoothing, - const wxString& custom_classif_title) + CatClassification::CatClassifType new_map_theme, + SmoothingType new_map_smoothing, + int num_categories_s, + bool use_new_var_info_and_col_ids, + const std::vector& new_var_info, + const std::vector& new_col_ids, + const wxString& custom_classif_title) { // We only ask for variables when changing from no_theme or // smoothed (with theme). + num_categories = num_categories_s; if (new_map_theme == CatClassification::custom) { new_map_smoothing = no_smoothing; + } + + if (smoothing_type != no_smoothing && new_map_smoothing == no_smoothing) { + wxString msg; + msg << "The new theme chosen will no longer include rates smoothing."; + msg << " Please use the Rates submenu to choose a theme with rates"; + msg << " again."; + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Information", + wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + dlg.ShowModal(); + } + + if (new_map_theme == CatClassification::custom) { CatClassifManager* ccm = project->GetCatClassifManager(); if (!ccm) return false; CatClassifState* new_ccs = ccm->FindClassifState(custom_classif_title); @@ -385,38 +512,46 @@ bool MapNewCanvas::ChangeMapType( new_map_theme = CatClassification::excess_risk_theme; } - int new_num_vars; + int new_num_vars = 1; if (new_map_smoothing != no_smoothing) { new_num_vars = 2; - } else if (new_map_theme != CatClassification::no_theme) { - new_num_vars = 1; - } else { + } else if (new_map_theme == CatClassification::no_theme) { new_num_vars = 0; } - int num_vars = var_info.size(); + int num_vars = GetNumVars(); if (new_num_vars == 0) { var_info.clear(); + template_frame->ClearAllGroupDependencies(); } else if (new_num_vars == 1) { if (num_vars == 0) { - VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate, - false); - if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return false; + if (!use_new_var_info_and_col_ids) return false; var_info.resize(1); data.resize(1); - for (int i=0; i<1; i++) { - var_info[i] = dlg.var_info[i]; - grid_base->GetColData(dlg.col_ids[i], data[i]); - } + var_info[0] = new_var_info[0]; + template_frame->AddGroupDependancy(var_info[0].name); + table_int->GetColData(new_col_ids[0], data[0]); } else if (num_vars == 1) { - // reuse current variable settings and values + if (use_new_var_info_and_col_ids) { + var_info[0] = new_var_info[0]; + template_frame->AddGroupDependancy(var_info[0].name); + table_int->GetColData(new_col_ids[0], data[0]); + } // else reuse current variable settings and values } else { // num_vars == 2 - // reuse first variable setting and value + if (!use_new_var_info_and_col_ids) return false; var_info.resize(1); + template_frame->ClearAllGroupDependencies(); data.resize(1); + var_info[0] = new_var_info[0]; + template_frame->AddGroupDependancy(var_info[0].name); + table_int->GetColData(new_col_ids[0], data[0]); } } else if (new_num_vars == 2) { + // For Rates, new var_info and col_id vectors should + // always be passed in and num_cateogries, new_map_theme and + // new_map_smoothing are assumed to be valid. + if (!use_new_var_info_and_col_ids) return false; // user needs to choose new map themes if (new_map_smoothing == spatial_rate || @@ -430,50 +565,18 @@ bool MapNewCanvas::ChangeMapType( gal_weight = project->GetWManager()->GetGalWeight(w_ind); } - wxString title; - if (new_map_smoothing == raw_rate) { - title = "Raw Rate Smoothed Variable Settings"; - } else if (new_map_smoothing == excess_risk) { - title = "Excess Risk Map Variable Settings"; - } else if (new_map_smoothing == empirical_bayes) { - title = "Empirical Bayes Smoothed Variable Settings"; - } else if (new_map_smoothing == spatial_rate) { - title = "Spatial Rate Smoothed Variable Settings"; - } else if (new_map_smoothing == spatial_empirical_bayes) { - title = "Empirical Spatial Rate Smoothed Variable Settings"; - } - - VariableSettingsDlg::VarType v_type=VariableSettingsDlg::rate_smoothed; - if (new_map_smoothing == excess_risk) { - v_type = VariableSettingsDlg::bivariate; - } - VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project, v_type, false, title, - "Event Variable", "Base Variable"); - if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return false; var_info.clear(); data.clear(); var_info.resize(2); data.resize(2); + template_frame->ClearAllGroupDependencies(); for (int i=0; i<2; i++) { - var_info[i] = dlg.var_info[i]; - grid_base->GetColData(dlg.col_ids[i], data[i]); + var_info[i] = new_var_info[i]; + template_frame->AddGroupDependancy(var_info[i].name); + table_int->GetColData(new_col_ids[i], data[i]); } if (new_map_smoothing == excess_risk) { new_map_theme = CatClassification::excess_risk_theme; - } else if (dlg.m_theme == 0) { - new_map_theme = CatClassification::quantile; - } else if (dlg.m_theme == 1) { - new_map_theme = CatClassification::percentile; - } else if (dlg.m_theme == 2) { - new_map_theme = CatClassification::hinge_15; - } else if (dlg.m_theme == 3) { - new_map_theme = CatClassification::hinge_30; - } else if (dlg.m_theme == 4) { - new_map_theme = CatClassification::stddev; - } else if (dlg.m_theme == 5) { - new_map_theme = CatClassification::natural_breaks; - } else if (dlg.m_theme == 6) { - new_map_theme = CatClassification::equal_intervals; } } @@ -511,7 +614,7 @@ void MapNewCanvas::update(CatClassifState* o) void MapNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas() { LOG_MSG("Entering MapNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas"); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, background_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, background_shps ) { delete shp; } background_shps.clear(); int canvas_ts = cat_data.GetCurrentCanvasTmStep(); @@ -520,11 +623,11 @@ void MapNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas() // Note: only need to delete selectable shapes if the map needs // to be resized. Otherwise, just reuse. if (full_map_redraw_needed) { - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } selectable_shps.clear(); } - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, foreground_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, foreground_shps ) { delete shp; } foreground_shps.clear(); if (map_valid[canvas_ts]) { @@ -534,22 +637,22 @@ void MapNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas() if (selectable_shps_type == polygons && (display_mean_centers || display_centroids)) { - MyPoint* p; + GdaPoint* p; wxPen cent_pen(wxColour(20, 20, 20)); wxPen cntr_pen(wxColour(55, 55, 55)); if (display_mean_centers) { - const std::vector& c = project->GetMeanCenters(); + const std::vector& c = project->GetMeanCenters(); for (int i=0; isetPen(cntr_pen); p->setBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH); foreground_shps.push_back(p); } } if (display_centroids) { - const std::vector& c = project->GetCentroids(); + const std::vector& c = project->GetCentroids(); for (int i=0; isetPen(cent_pen); p->setBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH); foreground_shps.push_back(p); @@ -557,11 +660,11 @@ void MapNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas() } } if (selectable_shps_type == points && display_voronoi_diagram) { - MyPolygon* p; - const std::vector& polys = + GdaPolygon* p; + const std::vector& polys = project->GetVoronoiPolygons(); for (int i=0, num_polys=polys.size(); iGetGridBase()->curr_time_step; + int cts = project->GetTimeState()->GetCurrTime(); int ref_time = var_info[ref_var_index].time; int ref_time_min = var_info[ref_var_index].time_min; int ref_time_max = var_info[ref_var_index].time_max; @@ -601,7 +704,7 @@ void MapNewCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() } else { ref_time = cts; } - for (int i=0; iSetDependsOnNonSimpleGroups(is_any_time_variant); ref_var_index = -1; num_time_vals = 1; - for (int i=0; igal, P, E, + GdaAlgs::RateSmoother_SRS(num_obs, gal_weight->gal, P, E, smoothed_results, undef_res); } else if (smoothing_type == spatial_empirical_bayes) { - GeoDaAlgs::RateSmoother_SEBS(num_obs, gal_weight->gal, P, E, + GdaAlgs::RateSmoother_SEBS(num_obs, gal_weight->gal, P, E, smoothed_results, undef_res); } @@ -760,37 +865,12 @@ void MapNewCanvas::CreateAndUpdateCategories() for (int t=0; t& var_info, + const std::vector& col_ids, CatClassification::CatClassifType theme_type, MapNewCanvas::SmoothingType smoothing_type, + int num_categories, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, const long style) : TemplateFrame(parent, project, "Map", pos, size, style) @@ -963,25 +1056,41 @@ MapNewFrame::MapNewFrame(wxFrame *parent, Project* project, int width, height; GetClientSize(&width, &height); - LOG(width); - LOG(height); - - wxSplitterWindow* splitter_win = new wxSplitterWindow(this); + + wxSplitterWindow* splitter_win = 0; + splitter_win = new wxSplitterWindow(this,-1, + wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, + wxSP_3D|wxSP_LIVE_UPDATE|wxCLIP_CHILDREN); splitter_win->SetMinimumPaneSize(10); - template_canvas = new MapNewCanvas(splitter_win, this, project, + wxPanel* rpanel = new wxPanel(splitter_win); + template_canvas = new MapNewCanvas(rpanel, this, project, + var_info, col_ids, theme_type, smoothing_type, + num_categories, wxDefaultPosition, - wxSize(width,height)); + wxDefaultSize); template_canvas->SetScrollRate(1,1); - DisplayStatusBar(true); - - template_legend = new MapNewLegend(splitter_win, template_canvas, - wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(0,0)); - - splitter_win->SplitVertically(template_legend, template_canvas, - GeoDaConst::map_default_legend_width); - + wxBoxSizer* rbox = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + rbox->Add(template_canvas, 1, wxEXPAND); + rpanel->SetSizer(rbox); + + wxPanel* lpanel = new wxPanel(splitter_win); + template_legend = new MapNewLegend(lpanel, template_canvas, + wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(0,0)); + wxBoxSizer* lbox = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + lbox->Add(template_legend, 1, wxEXPAND); + lpanel->SetSizer(lbox); + + splitter_win->SplitVertically(lpanel, rpanel, + GdaConst::map_default_legend_width); + + wxBoxSizer* sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + sizer->Add(splitter_win, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL); + SetSizer(sizer); + splitter_win->SetSize(wxSize(width,height)); + SetAutoLayout(true); + DisplayStatusBar(true); Show(true); LOG_MSG("Exiting MapNewFrame::MapNewFrame"); } @@ -998,6 +1107,7 @@ MapNewFrame::MapNewFrame(wxFrame *parent, Project* project, MapNewFrame::~MapNewFrame() { LOG_MSG("In MapNewFrame::~MapNewFrame"); + if (HasCapture()) ReleaseMouse(); DeregisterAsActive(); } @@ -1007,14 +1117,13 @@ void MapNewFrame::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event) if (event.GetActive()) { RegisterAsActive("MapNewFrame", GetTitle()); } - if ( event.GetActive() && template_canvas ) - template_canvas->SetFocus(); + if ( event.GetActive() && template_canvas ) template_canvas->SetFocus(); } void MapNewFrame::MapMenus() { LOG_MSG("In MapNewFrame::MapMenus"); - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); // Map Options Menus wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_MAP_NEW_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); @@ -1030,7 +1139,7 @@ void MapNewFrame::MapMenus() void MapNewFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems() { TemplateFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems(); // set common items first - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); int menu = mb->FindMenu("Options"); if (menu == wxNOT_FOUND) { LOG_MSG("MapNewFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems: Options menu not found"); @@ -1049,20 +1158,15 @@ void MapNewFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu) TemplateFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(menu); // set common items } -/** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ -void MapNewFrame::update(FramesManager* o) +/** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ +void MapNewFrame::update(TimeState* o) { - LOG_MSG("In MapNewFrame::update(FramesManager* o)"); - template_canvas->TitleOrTimeChange(); + LOG_MSG("In MapNewFrame::update(TimeState* o)"); + template_canvas->TimeChange(); UpdateTitle(); if (template_legend) template_legend->Refresh(); } -void MapNewFrame::UpdateTitle() -{ - SetTitle(template_canvas->GetCanvasTitle()); -} - void MapNewFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifA() { ((MapNewCanvas*) template_canvas)->NewCustomCatClassif(); @@ -1070,101 +1174,228 @@ void MapNewFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifA() void MapNewFrame::OnCustomCatClassifA(const wxString& cc_title) { - ChangeMapType(CatClassification::custom, MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, - cc_title); + if (((MapNewCanvas*) template_canvas)->GetNumVars() != 1) { + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project, + VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + ChangeMapType(CatClassification::custom, MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, 4, + true, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, cc_title); + } else { + ChangeMapType(CatClassification::custom, MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, 4, + false, std::vector(0), std::vector(0), + cc_title); + } } -void MapNewFrame::OnThemelessMap(wxCommandEvent& event) +void MapNewFrame::OnThemelessMap() { - ChangeMapType(CatClassification::no_theme, MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing); + ChangeMapType(CatClassification::no_theme, MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, 1, + false, std::vector(0), std::vector(0)); } -void MapNewFrame::OnHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event) +void MapNewFrame::OnHinge15() { - ChangeMapType(CatClassification::hinge_15, MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing); + if (((MapNewCanvas*) template_canvas)->GetNumVars() != 1) { + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project, + VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + ChangeMapType(CatClassification::hinge_15, MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + 6, true, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids); + } else { + ChangeMapType(CatClassification::hinge_15, MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + 6, false, std::vector(0), + std::vector(0)); + } } -void MapNewFrame::OnHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event) +void MapNewFrame::OnHinge30() { - ChangeMapType(CatClassification::hinge_30, MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing); + if (((MapNewCanvas*) template_canvas)->GetNumVars() != 1) { + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project, + VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + ChangeMapType(CatClassification::hinge_30, MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + 6, true, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids); + } else { + ChangeMapType(CatClassification::hinge_30, MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + 6, false, std::vector(0), + std::vector(0)); + } } -void MapNewFrame::OnQuantile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void MapNewFrame::OnQuantile(int num_cats) { - ChangeMapType(CatClassification::quantile, MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing); + if (((MapNewCanvas*) template_canvas)->GetNumVars() != 1) { + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project, + VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + ChangeMapType(CatClassification::quantile, MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + num_cats, true, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids); + } else { + ChangeMapType(CatClassification::quantile, MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + num_cats, false, + std::vector(0), std::vector(0)); + } } -void MapNewFrame::OnPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void MapNewFrame::OnPercentile() { - ChangeMapType(CatClassification::percentile, MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing); + if (((MapNewCanvas*) template_canvas)->GetNumVars() != 1) { + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project, + VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + ChangeMapType(CatClassification::percentile, MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + 6, true, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids); + } else { + ChangeMapType(CatClassification::percentile, MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + 6, false, std::vector(0), + std::vector(0)); + } } -void MapNewFrame::OnStdDevMap(wxCommandEvent& event) +void MapNewFrame::OnStdDevMap() { - ChangeMapType(CatClassification::stddev, MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing); + if (((MapNewCanvas*) template_canvas)->GetNumVars() != 1) { + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project, + VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + ChangeMapType(CatClassification::stddev, MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + 6, true, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids); + } else { + ChangeMapType(CatClassification::stddev, MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + 6, false, std::vector(0), + std::vector(0)); + } } -void MapNewFrame::OnUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event) +void MapNewFrame::OnUniqueValues() { - ChangeMapType(CatClassification::unique_values, - MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing); + if (((MapNewCanvas*) template_canvas)->GetNumVars() != 1) { + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project, + VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + ChangeMapType(CatClassification::unique_values, + MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + 6, true, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids); + } else { + ChangeMapType(CatClassification::unique_values, + MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + 6, false, std::vector(0), + std::vector(0)); + } } -void MapNewFrame::OnNaturalBreaks(wxCommandEvent& event) +void MapNewFrame::OnNaturalBreaks(int num_cats) { - ChangeMapType(CatClassification::natural_breaks, - MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing); + if (((MapNewCanvas*) template_canvas)->GetNumVars() != 1) { + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project, + VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + ChangeMapType(CatClassification::natural_breaks, + MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, num_cats, + true, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids); + } else { + ChangeMapType(CatClassification::natural_breaks, + MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, num_cats, + false, std::vector(0), std::vector(0)); + } } -void MapNewFrame::OnEqualIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event) +void MapNewFrame::OnEqualIntervals(int num_cats) { - ChangeMapType(CatClassification::equal_intervals, - MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing); + if (((MapNewCanvas*) template_canvas)->GetNumVars() != 1) { + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project, + VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + ChangeMapType(CatClassification::equal_intervals, + MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, num_cats, + true, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids); + } else { + ChangeMapType(CatClassification::equal_intervals, + MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, num_cats, + false, std::vector(0), std::vector(0)); + } } -void MapNewFrame::OnSaveCategories(wxCommandEvent& event) +void MapNewFrame::OnSaveCategories() { ((MapNewCanvas*) template_canvas)->OnSaveCategories(); } -void MapNewFrame::OnRawrate(wxCommandEvent& event) +void MapNewFrame::OnRawrate() { - ChangeMapType(CatClassification::no_theme, MapNewCanvas::raw_rate); + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project, VariableSettingsDlg::rate_smoothed, + "Raw Rate Smoothed Variable Settings", + "Event Variable", "Base Variable"); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + ChangeMapType(dlg.GetCatClassifType(), + MapNewCanvas::raw_rate, dlg.GetNumCategories(), + true, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids); } -void MapNewFrame::OnExcessRisk(wxCommandEvent& event) +void MapNewFrame::OnExcessRisk() { + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project, VariableSettingsDlg::bivariate, + "Excess Risk Map Variable Settings", + "Event Variable", "Base Variable"); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; ChangeMapType(CatClassification::excess_risk_theme, - MapNewCanvas::excess_risk); + MapNewCanvas::excess_risk, 6, + true, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids); } -void MapNewFrame::OnEmpiricalBayes(wxCommandEvent& event) +void MapNewFrame::OnEmpiricalBayes() { - ChangeMapType(CatClassification::no_theme, MapNewCanvas::empirical_bayes); + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project, VariableSettingsDlg::rate_smoothed, + "Empirical Bayes Smoothed Variable Settings", + "Event Variable", "Base Variable"); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + ChangeMapType(dlg.GetCatClassifType(), + MapNewCanvas::empirical_bayes, dlg.GetNumCategories(), + true, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids); } -void MapNewFrame::OnSpatialRate(wxCommandEvent& event) +void MapNewFrame::OnSpatialRate() { - ChangeMapType(CatClassification::no_theme, MapNewCanvas::spatial_rate); + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project, VariableSettingsDlg::rate_smoothed, + "Spatial Rate Smoothed Variable Settings", + "Event Variable", "Base Variable"); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + ChangeMapType(dlg.GetCatClassifType(), + MapNewCanvas::spatial_rate, dlg.GetNumCategories(), + true, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids); } -void MapNewFrame::OnSpatialEmpiricalBayes(wxCommandEvent& event) +void MapNewFrame::OnSpatialEmpiricalBayes() { - ChangeMapType(CatClassification::no_theme, - MapNewCanvas::spatial_empirical_bayes); + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project, VariableSettingsDlg::rate_smoothed, + "Empirical Spatial Rate Smoothed Variable Settings", + "Event Variable", "Base Variable"); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + ChangeMapType(dlg.GetCatClassifType(), + MapNewCanvas::spatial_empirical_bayes, + dlg.GetNumCategories(), + true, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids); } -void MapNewFrame::OnSaveRates(wxCommandEvent& event) +void MapNewFrame::OnSaveRates() { ((MapNewCanvas*) template_canvas)->SaveRates(); } bool MapNewFrame::ChangeMapType(CatClassification::CatClassifType new_map_theme, MapNewCanvas::SmoothingType new_map_smoothing, + int num_categories, + bool use_new_var_info_and_col_ids, + const std::vector& new_var_info, + const std::vector& new_col_ids, const wxString& custom_classif_title) { bool r=((MapNewCanvas*) template_canvas)-> - ChangeMapType(new_map_theme, new_map_smoothing, custom_classif_title); + ChangeMapType(new_map_theme, new_map_smoothing, num_categories, + use_new_var_info_and_col_ids, + new_var_info, new_col_ids, + custom_classif_title); UpdateTitle(); UpdateOptionMenuItems(); if (template_legend) template_legend->Refresh(); @@ -1191,22 +1422,22 @@ void MapNewFrame::OnDisplayVoronoiDiagram() UpdateOptionMenuItems(); } -void MapNewFrame::OnSaveVoronoiToShapefile() +void MapNewFrame::OnExportVoronoi() { - project->SaveVoronoiToShapefile(); + project->ExportVoronoi(); ((MapNewCanvas*) template_canvas)->voronoi_diagram_duplicates_exist = project->IsPointDuplicates(); UpdateOptionMenuItems(); } -void MapNewFrame::OnSaveMeanCntrsToShapefile() +void MapNewFrame::OnExportMeanCntrs() { - project->SaveCentersToShapefile(true); + project->ExportCenters(true); } -void MapNewFrame::OnSaveCentroidsToShapefile() +void MapNewFrame::OnExportCentroids() { - project->SaveCentersToShapefile(false); + project->ExportCenters(false); } void MapNewFrame::OnSaveVoronoiDupsToTable() diff --git a/Explore/MapNewView.h b/Explore/MapNewView.h index f06ae9a1d..4e3f63295 100644 --- a/Explore/MapNewView.h +++ b/Explore/MapNewView.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ #include "../TemplateLegend.h" #include "../TemplateFrame.h" #include "../GenUtils.h" -#include "../Generic/MyShape.h" +#include "../Generic/GdaShape.h" class CatClassifState; class MapNewFrame; class MapNewCanvas; class MapNewLegend; -class DbfGridTableBase; +class TableInterface; class GalWeight; typedef boost::multi_array d_array_type; @@ -46,12 +46,16 @@ class MapNewCanvas : public TemplateCanvas, public CatClassifStateObserver { MapNewCanvas(wxWindow *parent, TemplateFrame* t_frame, Project* project, + const std::vector& var_info, + const std::vector& col_ids, CatClassification::CatClassifType theme_type = CatClassification::no_theme, SmoothingType smoothing_type = no_smoothing, + int num_categories = 1, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize); virtual ~MapNewCanvas(); + virtual void DisplayRightClickMenu(const wxPoint& pos); virtual void AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(wxMenu* menu); virtual wxString GetCanvasTitle(); @@ -60,12 +64,16 @@ class MapNewCanvas : public TemplateCanvas, public CatClassifStateObserver { virtual void NewCustomCatClassif(); virtual bool ChangeMapType(CatClassification::CatClassifType new_map_theme, SmoothingType new_map_smoothing, + int num_categories, + bool use_new_var_info_and_col_ids, + const std::vector& new_var_info, + const std::vector& new_col_ids, const wxString& custom_classif_title = wxEmptyString); virtual void update(CatClassifState* o); virtual void SaveRates(); virtual void OnSaveCategories(); virtual void SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu); - virtual void TitleOrTimeChange(); + virtual void TimeChange(); protected: virtual void PopulateCanvas(); @@ -77,6 +85,8 @@ class MapNewCanvas : public TemplateCanvas, public CatClassifStateObserver { virtual void DisplayMeanCenters(); virtual void DisplayCentroids(); virtual void DisplayVoronoiDiagram(); + virtual int GetNumVars(); + virtual int GetNumCats(); CatClassifDef cat_classif_def; CatClassification::CatClassifType GetCcType(); @@ -89,14 +99,15 @@ class MapNewCanvas : public TemplateCanvas, public CatClassifStateObserver { protected: Project* project; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base; + TableInterface* table_int; HighlightState* highlight_state; CatClassifState* custom_classif_state; int num_obs; int num_time_vals; std::vector data; - std::vector cat_var_sorted; + std::vector cat_var_sorted; + int num_categories; // used for Quantile, Equal Interval and Natural Breaks int ref_var_index; std::vector var_info; @@ -125,10 +136,13 @@ class MapNewFrame : public TemplateFrame { DECLARE_CLASS(MapNewFrame) public: MapNewFrame(wxFrame *parent, Project* project, + const std::vector& var_info, + const std::vector& col_ids, CatClassification::CatClassifType theme_type = CatClassification::no_theme, MapNewCanvas::SmoothingType smoothing_type = MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + int num_categories = 1, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, const long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); @@ -144,40 +158,42 @@ class MapNewFrame : public TemplateFrame { virtual void UpdateOptionMenuItems(); virtual void UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu); - /** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ - virtual void update(FramesManager* o); - - virtual void UpdateTitle(); + /** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TimeState* o); virtual void OnNewCustomCatClassifA(); virtual void OnCustomCatClassifA(const wxString& cc_title); - void OnThemelessMap(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnQuantile(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnStdDevMap(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnNaturalBreaks(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnEqualIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnRawrate(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnExcessRisk(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnEmpiricalBayes(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnSpatialRate(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnSpatialEmpiricalBayes(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnSaveRates(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnSaveCategories(wxCommandEvent& event); + virtual void OnThemelessMap(); + virtual void OnQuantile(int num_cats); + virtual void OnPercentile(); + virtual void OnHinge15(); + virtual void OnHinge30(); + virtual void OnStdDevMap(); + virtual void OnUniqueValues(); + virtual void OnNaturalBreaks(int num_cats); + virtual void OnEqualIntervals(int num_cats); + virtual void OnRawrate(); + virtual void OnExcessRisk(); + virtual void OnEmpiricalBayes(); + virtual void OnSpatialRate(); + virtual void OnSpatialEmpiricalBayes(); + virtual void OnSaveRates(); + virtual void OnSaveCategories(); virtual void OnDisplayMeanCenters(); virtual void OnDisplayCentroids(); virtual void OnDisplayVoronoiDiagram(); - virtual void OnSaveVoronoiToShapefile(); - virtual void OnSaveMeanCntrsToShapefile(); - virtual void OnSaveCentroidsToShapefile(); + virtual void OnExportVoronoi(); + virtual void OnExportMeanCntrs(); + virtual void OnExportCentroids(); virtual void OnSaveVoronoiDupsToTable(); protected: bool ChangeMapType(CatClassification::CatClassifType new_map_theme, MapNewCanvas::SmoothingType new_map_smoothing, + int num_categories, + bool use_new_var_info_and_col_ids, + const std::vector& new_var_info, + const std::vector& new_col_ids, const wxString& custom_classif_title = wxEmptyString); DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() diff --git a/Explore/PCPNewView.cpp b/Explore/PCPNewView.cpp index 1a4f74027..aa7e026c6 100644 --- a/Explore/PCPNewView.cpp +++ b/Explore/PCPNewView.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ #include #include "CatClassifState.h" #include "CatClassifManager.h" -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../DialogTools/CatClassifDlg.h" -#include "../DialogTools/MapQuantileDlg.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" #include "../logger.h" #include "../GeoDa.h" @@ -60,20 +60,20 @@ PCPNewCanvas::PCPNewCanvas(wxWindow *parent, TemplateFrame* t_frame, project(project_s), var_info(v_info), num_obs(project_s->GetNumRecords()), num_time_vals(1), num_vars(v_info.size()), data(v_info.size()), -highlight_state(project_s->highlight_state), custom_classif_state(0), +highlight_state(project_s->GetHighlightState()), custom_classif_state(0), display_stats(false), show_axes(true), standardized(false), pcp_selectstate(pcp_start), show_pcp_control(false), overall_abs_max_std_exists(false), theme_var(0), -num_cats(6), remember_num_cats(true), all_init(false) +num_categories(6), all_init(false) { using namespace Shapefile; LOG_MSG("Entering PCPNewCanvas::PCPNewCanvas"); template_frame = t_frame; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base = project->GetGridBase(); + TableInterface* table_int = project->GetTableInt(); LOG(var_info.size()); - //std::vector< std::vector > data_sorted; + //std::vector< std::vector > data_sorted; //std::vector< std::vector > hinge_stats; //data_sorted.resize(v_info.size()); //hinge_stats.resize(v_info.size()); @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ num_cats(6), remember_num_cats(true), all_init(false) std::vector temp_vec(num_obs); for (int v=0; vGetColData(col_ids[v], data[v]); + table_int->GetColData(col_ids[v], data[v]); int data_times = data[v].shape()[0]; data_stats[v].resize(data_times); //hinge_stats[v].resize(data_times); @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ num_cats(6), remember_num_cats(true), all_init(false) } //std::sort(data_sorted[v][t].begin(), // data_sorted[v][t].end(), - // GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_cmp_less); + // Gda::dbl_int_pair_cmp_less); //hinge_stats[v][t].CalculateHingeStats(data_sorted[v][t]); data_stats[v][t].CalculateFromSample(temp_vec); double min = data_stats[v][t].min; @@ -118,6 +118,11 @@ num_cats(6), remember_num_cats(true), all_init(false) } } + template_frame->ClearAllGroupDependencies(); + for (int i=0, sz=var_info.size(); iAddGroupDependancy(var_info[i].name); + } + control_labels.resize(num_vars); control_circs.resize(num_vars); control_lines.resize(num_vars); @@ -135,15 +140,15 @@ num_cats(6), remember_num_cats(true), all_init(false) } */ - selectable_fill_color = GeoDaConst::pcp_line_color; - //highlight_color = GeoDaConst::highlight_color; + selectable_fill_color = GdaConst::pcp_line_color; + //highlight_color = GdaConst::highlight_color; highlight_color = wxColour(68, 244, 136); // light mint green fixed_aspect_ratio_mode = false; use_category_brushes = true; selectable_shps_type = polylines; - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::stddev); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::stddev, 6); /* VarInfoAttributeChange(); @@ -160,6 +165,9 @@ num_cats(6), remember_num_cats(true), all_init(false) */ all_init = true; + + DisplayStatistics(true); + highlight_state->registerObserver(this); SetBackgroundStyle(wxBG_STYLE_CUSTOM); // default style LOG_MSG("Exiting PCPNewCanvas::PCPNewCanvas"); @@ -176,6 +184,10 @@ PCPNewCanvas::~PCPNewCanvas() void PCPNewCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu(const wxPoint& pos) { LOG_MSG("Entering PCPNewCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu"); + // Workaround for right-click not changing window focus in OSX / wxW 3.0 + wxActivateEvent ae(wxEVT_NULL, true, 0, wxActivateEvent::Reason_Mouse); + ((PCPNewFrame*) template_frame)->OnActivate(ae); + wxMenu* optMenu; optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_PCP_NEW_PLOT_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); @@ -194,12 +206,12 @@ void PCPNewCanvas::AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(wxMenu* menu) { if (!is_any_time_variant) return; wxMenu* menu1 = new wxMenu(wxEmptyString); - for (int i=0; iAppendCheckItem(GeoDaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1+i, s, s); + menu1->AppendCheckItem(GdaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1+i, s, s); mi->Check(var_info[i].sync_with_global_time); } } @@ -210,7 +222,7 @@ void PCPNewCanvas::AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(wxMenu* menu) wxString s; s << "Fixed scale over time"; wxMenuItem* mi = - menu2->AppendCheckItem(GeoDaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR1, s, s); + menu2->AppendCheckItem(GdaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR1, s, s); mi->Check(var_info[0].fixed_scale); } */ @@ -239,9 +251,39 @@ void PCPNewCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_THEMELESS"), GetCcType() == CatClassification::no_theme); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, - XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_CHOROPLETH_QUANTILE"), - GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile); + + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_1"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_2"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_3"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_4"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_5"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_6"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_7"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_8"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_9"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_10"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 10); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_CHOROPLETH_PERCENTILE"), GetCcType() == CatClassification::percentile); @@ -254,17 +296,96 @@ void PCPNewCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) GetCcType() == CatClassification::stddev); GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_UNIQUE_VALUES"), GetCcType() == CatClassification::unique_values); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_EQUAL_INTERVALS"), - GetCcType() ==CatClassification::equal_intervals); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_NATURAL_BREAKS"), - GetCcType() == CatClassification::natural_breaks); + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_1"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_2"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_3"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_4"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_5"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_6"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_7"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_8"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_9"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_10"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 10); + + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_1"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_2"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_3"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_4"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_5"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_6"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_7"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_8"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_9"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_10"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 10); //if (var_info[0].is_time_variant) { // GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, - // GeoDaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1, + // GdaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1, // var_info[0].sync_with_global_time); // GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, - // GeoDaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR1, + // GdaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR1, // var_info[0].fixed_scale); //} } @@ -312,10 +433,10 @@ wxString PCPNewCanvas::GetCategoriesTitle() wxString PCPNewCanvas::GetNameWithTime(int var) { - if (var < 0 || var >= var_info.size()) return wxEmptyString; + if (var < 0 || var >= (int)var_info.size()) return wxEmptyString; wxString s(var_info[var].name); if (var_info[var].is_time_variant) { - s << " (" << project->GetGridBase()->GetTimeString(var_info[var].time); + s << " (" << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(var_info[var].time); s << ")"; } return s; @@ -326,7 +447,7 @@ void PCPNewCanvas::NewCustomCatClassif() // Fully update cat_classif_def fields according to current // categorization state if (cat_classif_def.cat_classif_type != CatClassification::custom) { - GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_vec_type cat_var_sorted(num_obs); + Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type cat_var_sorted(num_obs); for (int i=0; i temp_cat_labels; // will be ignored CatClassification::SetBreakPoints(cat_classif_def.breaks, + temp_cat_labels, cat_var_sorted, cat_classif_def.cat_classif_type, cat_classif_def.num_cats); @@ -351,9 +474,13 @@ void PCPNewCanvas::NewCustomCatClassif() cat_classif_def.colors[i] = cat_data.GetCategoryColor(time, i); cat_classif_def.names[i] = cat_data.GetCategoryLabel(time, i); } + int col = project->GetTableInt()->FindColId(var_info[theme_var].name); + int tm = var_info[theme_var].time; + cat_classif_def.assoc_db_fld_name = + project->GetTableInt()->GetColName(col, tm); } - CatClassifFrame* ccf = MyFrame::theFrame->GetCatClassifFrame(); + CatClassifFrame* ccf = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetCatClassifFrame(); if (!ccf) return; CatClassifState* ccs = ccf->PromptNew(cat_classif_def, "", var_info[0].name, var_info[0].time); @@ -380,8 +507,11 @@ void PCPNewCanvas::NewCustomCatClassif() category classification. */ void PCPNewCanvas::ChangeThemeType( CatClassification::CatClassifType new_cat_theme, + int num_categories_s, const wxString& custom_classif_title) { + num_categories = num_categories_s; + if (new_cat_theme == CatClassification::custom) { CatClassifManager* ccm = project->GetCatClassifManager(); if (!ccm) return; @@ -440,11 +570,11 @@ void PCPNewCanvas::OnSaveCategories() void PCPNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas() { LOG_MSG("Entering PCPNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas"); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, background_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, background_shps ) { delete shp; } background_shps.clear(); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } selectable_shps.clear(); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, foreground_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, foreground_shps ) { delete shp; } foreground_shps.clear(); double x_min = 0; @@ -473,7 +603,7 @@ void PCPNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas() wxSize size(GetVirtualSize()); double scale_x, scale_y, trans_x, trans_y; - MyScaleTrans::calcAffineParams(shps_orig_xmin, shps_orig_ymin, + GdaScaleTrans::calcAffineParams(shps_orig_xmin, shps_orig_ymin, shps_orig_xmax, shps_orig_ymax, virtual_screen_marg_top, virtual_screen_marg_bottom, @@ -489,7 +619,7 @@ void PCPNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas() selectable_shps.resize(num_obs); - MyShape* s = 0; + GdaShape* s = 0; wxRealPoint* pts = new wxRealPoint[num_vars]; double std_fact = 1; if (overall_abs_max_std_exists) std_fact = 100.0/(2.0*overall_abs_max_std); @@ -515,33 +645,33 @@ void PCPNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas() } pts[v].y = 100.0-(nvf*((double) v)); } - selectable_shps[i] = new MyPolyLine(num_vars, pts); + selectable_shps[i] = new GdaPolyLine(num_vars, pts); } - wxPen control_line_pen(GeoDaConst::pcp_horiz_line_color); + wxPen control_line_pen(GdaConst::pcp_horiz_line_color); control_line_pen.SetWidth(2); for (int v=0; vsetPen(control_line_pen); background_shps.push_back(s); - control_lines[v] = (MyPolyLine*) s; - s = new MyRay(wxRealPoint(0, y_pos), 180, 10); + control_lines[v] = (GdaPolyLine*) s; + s = new GdaRay(wxRealPoint(0, y_pos), 180, 10); s->setPen(control_line_pen); background_shps.push_back(s); - s = new MyCircle(wxRealPoint(0, y_pos), 3.0); + s = new GdaCircle(wxRealPoint(0, y_pos), 3.0); s->setNudge(-10, 0); s->setPen(control_line_pen); s->setBrush(*wxWHITE_BRUSH); background_shps.push_back(s); - control_circs[v] = (MyCircle*) s; - s = new MyText(GetNameWithTime(vv), *GeoDaConst::small_font, - wxRealPoint(0, y_pos), 0, MyText::right, - MyText::v_center, -25, 0+y_del); + control_circs[v] = (GdaCircle*) s; + s = new GdaShapeText(GetNameWithTime(vv), *GdaConst::small_font, + wxRealPoint(0, y_pos), 0, GdaShapeText::right, + GdaShapeText::v_center, -25, 0+y_del); background_shps.push_back(s); - control_labels[v] = (MyText*) s; + control_labels[v] = (GdaShapeText*) s; wxString m; double t_min = data_stats[vv][t].min; double t_max = data_stats[vv][t].max; @@ -565,8 +695,8 @@ void PCPNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas() if (display_stats) { m << "[" << GenUtils::DblToStr(t_min, 4); m << ", " << GenUtils::DblToStr(t_max, 4) << "]"; - s = new MyText(m, *GeoDaConst::small_font, wxRealPoint(0, y_pos), 0, - MyText::right, MyText::v_center, -25, 15+y_del); + s = new GdaShapeText(m, *GdaConst::small_font, wxRealPoint(0, y_pos), 0, + GdaShapeText::right, GdaShapeText::v_center, -25, 15+y_del); background_shps.push_back(s); int cols = 2; int rows = 2; @@ -575,10 +705,10 @@ void PCPNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas() vals[1] << GenUtils::DblToStr(t_mean, 4); vals[2] << "s.d."; vals[3] << GenUtils::DblToStr(t_sd, 4); - std::vector attribs(0); // undefined - s = new MyTable(vals, attribs, rows, cols, *GeoDaConst::small_font, - wxRealPoint(0, y_pos), MyText::right, - MyText::top, MyText::right, MyText::v_center, + std::vector attribs(0); // undefined + s = new GdaShapeTable(vals, attribs, rows, cols, *GdaConst::small_font, + wxRealPoint(0, y_pos), GdaShapeText::right, + GdaShapeText::top, GdaShapeText::right, GdaShapeText::v_center, 3, 7, -25, 25+y_del); background_shps.push_back(s); } @@ -586,12 +716,12 @@ void PCPNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas() if (standardized) { // add dotted lines and labels for sd and mean // add dotted line for mean in center - s = new MyPolyLine(50, 0, 50, 100); - s->setPen(*GeoDaConst::scatterplot_origin_axes_pen); + s = new GdaPolyLine(50, 0, 50, 100); + s->setPen(*GdaConst::scatterplot_origin_axes_pen); background_shps.push_back(s); - s = new MyText(wxString::Format("%d", 0), - *GeoDaConst::small_font, wxRealPoint(50, 0), 0, - MyText::h_center, MyText::v_center, 0, 12); + s = new GdaShapeText(wxString::Format("%d", 0), + *GdaConst::small_font, wxRealPoint(50, 0), 0, + GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::v_center, 0, 12); background_shps.push_back(s); int sd_abs = overall_abs_max_std; for (int i=1; i<=sd_abs && overall_abs_max_std_exists; i++) { @@ -601,19 +731,19 @@ void PCPNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas() double sd_m = (double) -i; sd_m += overall_abs_max_std; sd_m *= std_fact; - s = new MyPolyLine(sd_p, 0, sd_p, 100); - s->setPen(*GeoDaConst::scatterplot_origin_axes_pen); + s = new GdaPolyLine(sd_p, 0, sd_p, 100); + s->setPen(*GdaConst::scatterplot_origin_axes_pen); background_shps.push_back(s); - s = new MyText(wxString::Format("%d", i), - *GeoDaConst::small_font, wxRealPoint(sd_p, 0), 0, - MyText::h_center, MyText::v_center, 0, 12); + s = new GdaShapeText(wxString::Format("%d", i), + *GdaConst::small_font, wxRealPoint(sd_p, 0), 0, + GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::v_center, 0, 12); background_shps.push_back(s); - s = new MyPolyLine(sd_m, 0, sd_m, 100); - s->setPen(*GeoDaConst::scatterplot_origin_axes_pen); + s = new GdaPolyLine(sd_m, 0, sd_m, 100); + s->setPen(*GdaConst::scatterplot_origin_axes_pen); background_shps.push_back(s); - s = new MyText(wxString::Format("%d", -i), - *GeoDaConst::small_font, wxRealPoint(sd_m, 0), 0, - MyText::h_center, MyText::v_center, 0, 12); + s = new GdaShapeText(wxString::Format("%d", -i), + *GdaConst::small_font, wxRealPoint(sd_m, 0), 0, + GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::v_center, 0, 12); background_shps.push_back(s); } } @@ -625,12 +755,12 @@ void PCPNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas() LOG_MSG("Exiting PCPNewCanvas::PopulateCanvas"); } -void PCPNewCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() +void PCPNewCanvas::TimeChange() { - LOG_MSG("Entering PCPNewCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange"); + LOG_MSG("Entering PCPNewCanvas::TimeChange"); if (!is_any_sync_with_global_time) return; - int cts = project->GetGridBase()->curr_time_step; + int cts = project->GetTimeState()->GetCurrTime(); int ref_time = var_info[ref_var_index].time; int ref_time_min = var_info[ref_var_index].time_min; int ref_time_max = var_info[ref_var_index].time_max; @@ -655,26 +785,27 @@ void PCPNewCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() invalidateBms(); PopulateCanvas(); Refresh(); - LOG_MSG("Exiting PCPNewCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting PCPNewCanvas::TimeChange"); } /** Update Secondary Attributes based on Primary Attributes. Update num_time_vals and ref_var_index based on Secondary Attributes. */ void PCPNewCanvas::VarInfoAttributeChange() { - GeoDa::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(var_info); + Gda::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(var_info); is_any_time_variant = false; is_any_sync_with_global_time = false; - for (int i=0; iSetDependsOnNonSimpleGroups(is_any_time_variant); ref_var_index = -1; num_time_vals = 1; - for (int i=0; i cat_var_sorted(num_time_vals); + std::vector cat_var_sorted(num_time_vals); for (int t=0; tGetTemplateLegend(); if (tl) tl->Refresh(); } @@ -1116,7 +1221,6 @@ PCPNewLegend::~PCPNewLegend() LOG_MSG("In PCPNewLegend::~PCPNewLegend"); } - IMPLEMENT_CLASS(PCPNewFrame, TemplateFrame) BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(PCPNewFrame, TemplateFrame) EVT_ACTIVATE(PCPNewFrame::OnActivate) @@ -1137,25 +1241,40 @@ PCPNewFrame::PCPNewFrame(wxFrame *parent, Project* project, GetClientSize(&width, &height); wxSplitterWindow* splitter_win = 0; - splitter_win = new wxSplitterWindow(this); + splitter_win = new wxSplitterWindow(this,-1, + wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, + wxSP_3D|wxSP_LIVE_UPDATE|wxCLIP_CHILDREN); splitter_win->SetMinimumPaneSize(10); - template_canvas = new PCPNewCanvas(splitter_win, this, project, + wxPanel* rpanel = new wxPanel(splitter_win); + template_canvas = new PCPNewCanvas(rpanel, this, project, var_info, col_ids, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(width,height)); template_canvas->SetScrollRate(1,1); + wxBoxSizer* rbox = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + rbox->Add(template_canvas, 1, wxEXPAND); + rpanel->SetSizer(rbox); + DisplayStatusBar(true); SetTitle(template_canvas->GetCanvasTitle()); - template_legend = new PCPNewLegend(splitter_win, - template_canvas, + wxPanel* lpanel = new wxPanel(splitter_win); + template_legend = new PCPNewLegend(lpanel, template_canvas, wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(0,0)); + wxBoxSizer* lbox = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + lbox->Add(template_legend, 1, wxEXPAND); + lpanel->SetSizer(lbox); + + splitter_win->SplitVertically(lpanel, rpanel, + GdaConst::bubble_chart_default_legend_width); - splitter_win->SplitVertically(template_legend, template_canvas, - GeoDaConst::bubble_chart_default_legend_width); - + wxBoxSizer* sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + sizer->Add(splitter_win, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL); + SetSizer(sizer); + splitter_win->SetSize(wxSize(width,height)); + SetAutoLayout(true); Show(true); LOG_MSG("Exiting PCPNewFrame::PCPNewFrame"); } @@ -1179,7 +1298,7 @@ void PCPNewFrame::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event) void PCPNewFrame::MapMenus() { LOG_MSG("In PCPNewFrame::MapMenus"); - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); // Map Options Menus wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_PCP_NEW_PLOT_VIEW_MENU_OPTIONS"); @@ -1195,7 +1314,7 @@ void PCPNewFrame::MapMenus() void PCPNewFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems() { TemplateFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems(); // set common items first - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); int menu = mb->FindMenu("Options"); if (menu == wxNOT_FOUND) { LOG_MSG("PCPNewFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems: Options " @@ -1215,19 +1334,14 @@ void PCPNewFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu) TemplateFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(menu); // set common items } -/** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ -void PCPNewFrame::update(FramesManager* o) +/** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ +void PCPNewFrame::update(TimeState* o) { - LOG_MSG("In PCPNewFrame::update(FramesManager* o)"); - template_canvas->TitleOrTimeChange(); + LOG_MSG("In PCPNewFrame::update(TimeState* o)"); + template_canvas->TimeChange(); UpdateTitle(); } -void PCPNewFrame::UpdateTitle() -{ - SetTitle(template_canvas->GetCanvasTitle()); -} - void PCPNewFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifA() { ((PCPNewCanvas*) template_canvas)->NewCustomCatClassif(); @@ -1235,7 +1349,7 @@ void PCPNewFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifA() void PCPNewFrame::OnCustomCatClassifA(const wxString& cc_title) { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::custom, cc_title); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::custom, 4, cc_title); } void PCPNewFrame::OnShowAxes(wxCommandEvent& event) @@ -1270,65 +1384,67 @@ void PCPNewFrame::OnViewStandardizedData(wxCommandEvent& event) UpdateOptionMenuItems(); } -void PCPNewFrame::OnThemeless(wxCommandEvent& event) +void PCPNewFrame::OnThemeless() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::no_theme); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::no_theme, 1); } -void PCPNewFrame::OnHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event) +void PCPNewFrame::OnHinge15() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_15); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_15, 6); } -void PCPNewFrame::OnHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event) +void PCPNewFrame::OnHinge30() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_30); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_30, 6); } -void PCPNewFrame::OnQuantile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void PCPNewFrame::OnQuantile(int num_cats) { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::quantile); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::quantile, num_cats); } -void PCPNewFrame::OnPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void PCPNewFrame::OnPercentile() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::percentile); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::percentile, 6); } -void PCPNewFrame::OnStdDevMap(wxCommandEvent& event) +void PCPNewFrame::OnStdDevMap() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::stddev); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::stddev, 6); } -void PCPNewFrame::OnUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event) +void PCPNewFrame::OnUniqueValues() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::unique_values); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::unique_values, 6); } -void PCPNewFrame::OnNaturalBreaks(wxCommandEvent& event) +void PCPNewFrame::OnNaturalBreaks(int num_cats) { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::natural_breaks); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::natural_breaks, num_cats); } -void PCPNewFrame::OnEqualIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event) +void PCPNewFrame::OnEqualIntervals(int num_cats) { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::equal_intervals); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::equal_intervals, num_cats); +} + +void PCPNewFrame::OnSaveCategories() +{ + ((PCPNewCanvas*) template_canvas)->OnSaveCategories(); } void PCPNewFrame::ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::CatClassifType new_theme, + int num_categories, const wxString& custom_classif_title) { - ((PCPNewCanvas*) template_canvas)->ForgetNumCats(); ((PCPNewCanvas*) template_canvas)->ChangeThemeType(new_theme, + num_categories, custom_classif_title); UpdateTitle(); UpdateOptionMenuItems(); if (template_legend) template_legend->Refresh(); } -void PCPNewFrame::OnSaveCategories(wxCommandEvent& event) -{ - ((PCPNewCanvas*) template_canvas)->OnSaveCategories(); -} diff --git a/Explore/PCPNewView.h b/Explore/PCPNewView.h index 20bd9634e..c406042b5 100644 --- a/Explore/PCPNewView.h +++ b/Explore/PCPNewView.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ #include "../TemplateCanvas.h" #include "../TemplateLegend.h" #include "../TemplateFrame.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../GenUtils.h" -#include "../Generic/MyShape.h" +#include "../Generic/GdaShape.h" class CatClassifState; class PCPNewCanvas; @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ class PCPNewCanvas : public TemplateCanvas, public CatClassifStateObserver virtual void NewCustomCatClassif(); void ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::CatClassifType new_theme, + int num_categories, const wxString& custom_classif_title = wxEmptyString); virtual void update(CatClassifState* o); virtual void SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu); @@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ class PCPNewCanvas : public TemplateCanvas, public CatClassifStateObserver protected: virtual void PopulateCanvas(); - virtual void TitleOrTimeChange(); + virtual void TimeChange(); void VarInfoAttributeChange(); void CreateAndUpdateCategories(); // cats @@ -89,9 +90,9 @@ class PCPNewCanvas : public TemplateCanvas, public CatClassifStateObserver virtual void PaintControls(wxDC& dc); void MoveControlLine(int final_y); - void ForgetNumCats() { remember_num_cats = false; } CatClassifDef cat_classif_def; CatClassification::CatClassifType GetCcType(); + int GetNumCats() { return num_categories; } protected: virtual void UpdateStatusBar(); @@ -103,8 +104,8 @@ class PCPNewCanvas : public TemplateCanvas, public CatClassifStateObserver int num_obs; int num_vars; int num_time_vals; - int num_cats; - bool remember_num_cats; // only reask user for num_cats if false + int num_categories; + int ref_var_index; std::vector var_info; std::vector var_order; // var id for position 0 to position num_vars-1 @@ -125,10 +126,10 @@ class PCPNewCanvas : public TemplateCanvas, public CatClassifStateObserver bool standardized; int theme_var; // current theme variable - std::vector control_labels; + std::vector control_labels; int control_label_sel; // selected variable text label - std::vector control_circs; - std::vector control_lines; + std::vector control_circs; + std::vector control_lines; int control_line_sel; // selected control line PCPSelectState pcp_selectstate; bool show_pcp_control; @@ -152,20 +153,17 @@ class PCPNewFrame : public TemplateFrame { const std::vector& col_ids, const wxString& title = "Parallel Coordinate Plot", const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, - const wxSize& size = GeoDaConst::pcp_default_size, + const wxSize& size = GdaConst::pcp_default_size, const long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); virtual ~PCPNewFrame(); -public: void OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event); virtual void MapMenus(); virtual void UpdateOptionMenuItems(); virtual void UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu); - /** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ - virtual void update(FramesManager* o); - - virtual void UpdateTitle(); + /** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TimeState* o); virtual void OnNewCustomCatClassifA(); virtual void OnCustomCatClassifA(const wxString& cc_title); @@ -174,19 +172,20 @@ class PCPNewFrame : public TemplateFrame { void OnViewOriginalData(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnViewStandardizedData(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnThemeless(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnQuantile(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnStdDevMap(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnNaturalBreaks(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnEqualIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnSaveCategories(wxCommandEvent& event); + virtual void OnThemeless(); + virtual void OnQuantile(int num_cats); + virtual void OnPercentile(); + virtual void OnHinge15(); + virtual void OnHinge30(); + virtual void OnStdDevMap(); + virtual void OnUniqueValues(); + virtual void OnNaturalBreaks(int num_cats); + virtual void OnEqualIntervals(int num_cats); + virtual void OnSaveCategories(); protected: void ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::CatClassifType new_theme, + int num_categories, const wxString& custom_classif_title = wxEmptyString); DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() diff --git a/Explore/ScatterNewPlotView.cpp b/Explore/ScatterNewPlotView.cpp index b76997ef9..11790ad61 100644 --- a/Explore/ScatterNewPlotView.cpp +++ b/Explore/ScatterNewPlotView.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ #include #include #include -#include "../DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TableInterface.h" +#include "../DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "../DialogTools/CatClassifDlg.h" -#include "../DialogTools/MapQuantileDlg.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" #include "../logger.h" #include "../GeoDa.h" @@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ ScatterNewPlotCanvas::ScatterNewPlotCanvas(wxWindow *parent, const wxSize& size) : TemplateCanvas(parent, pos, size, false, true), project(project_s), num_obs(project_s->GetNumRecords()), -num_cats(1), num_time_vals(1), -highlight_state(project_s->highlight_state), custom_classif_state(0), +num_categories(1), num_time_vals(1), +highlight_state(project_s->GetHighlightState()), custom_classif_state(0), is_bubble_plot(false), axis_scale_x(), axis_scale_y(), standardized(false), reg_line(0), stats_table(0), reg_line_selected(0), reg_line_selected_slope(0), @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ reg_line_excluded(0), reg_line_excluded_slope(0), reg_line_excluded_infinite_slope(false), reg_line_excluded_defined(false), x_axis_through_origin(0), y_axis_through_origin(0), show_origin_axes(true), display_stats(false), -show_reg_selected(false), show_reg_excluded(false), +show_reg_selected(true), show_reg_excluded(true), sse_c(0), sse_sel(0), sse_unsel(0), chow_ratio(0), chow_pval(1), chow_valid(false), chow_test_text(0), table_display_lines(0), @@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ obs_id_to_z_val_order(boost::extents[0][0]), all_init(false) template_frame = t_frame; use_category_brushes = true; draw_sel_shps_by_z_val = false; - highlight_color = GeoDaConst::scatterplot_regression_selected_color; + highlight_color = GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_selected_color; selectable_fill_color = - GeoDaConst::scatterplot_regression_excluded_color; - selectable_outline_color = GeoDaConst::scatterplot_regression_color; + GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_excluded_color; + selectable_outline_color = GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_color; shps_orig_xmin = 0; shps_orig_ymin = 0; @@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ obs_id_to_z_val_order(boost::extents[0][0]), all_init(false) UpdateDisplayLinesAndMargins(); all_init = true; + highlight_state->registerObserver(this); SetBackgroundStyle(wxBG_STYLE_CUSTOM); // default style LOG_MSG("Exiting ScatterNewPlotCanvas::ScatterNewPlotCanvas"); @@ -114,9 +115,9 @@ ScatterNewPlotCanvas::ScatterNewPlotCanvas(wxWindow *parent, const wxSize& size) : TemplateCanvas(parent, pos, size, false, true), project(project_s), var_info(v_info), num_obs(project_s->GetNumRecords()), -num_cats(is_bubble_plot ? 1 : 3), num_time_vals(1), +num_categories(is_bubble_plot ? 1 : 3), num_time_vals(1), data(v_info.size()), -highlight_state(project_s->highlight_state), custom_classif_state(0), +highlight_state(project_s->GetHighlightState()), custom_classif_state(0), is_bubble_plot(is_bubble_plot_s), axis_scale_x(), axis_scale_y(), standardized(standardized_s), reg_line(0), stats_table(0), @@ -125,8 +126,8 @@ reg_line_selected_infinite_slope(false), reg_line_selected_defined(false), reg_line_excluded(0), reg_line_excluded_slope(0), reg_line_excluded_infinite_slope(false), reg_line_excluded_defined(false), x_axis_through_origin(0), y_axis_through_origin(0), -show_origin_axes(true), display_stats(false), -show_reg_selected(false), show_reg_excluded(false), +show_origin_axes(true), display_stats(!is_bubble_plot_s), +show_reg_selected(!is_bubble_plot_s), show_reg_excluded(!is_bubble_plot_s), sse_c(0), sse_sel(0), sse_unsel(0), chow_ratio(0), chow_pval(1), chow_valid(false), chow_test_text(0), table_display_lines(0), @@ -138,22 +139,23 @@ obs_id_to_z_val_order(boost::extents[0][0]), all_init(false) LOG_MSG("Entering ScatterNewPlotCanvas::ScatterNewPlotCanvas"); template_frame = t_frame; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base = project->GetGridBase(); - - for (int i=0; iGetColData(col_ids[i], data[i]); + TableInterface* table_int = project->GetTableInt(); + for (size_t i=0; iAddGroupDependancy(var_info[i].name); + table_int->GetColData(col_ids[i], data[i]); } if (!is_bubble_plot) { - highlight_color = GeoDaConst::scatterplot_regression_selected_color; + highlight_color = GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_selected_color; selectable_fill_color = - GeoDaConst::scatterplot_regression_excluded_color; - selectable_outline_color = GeoDaConst::scatterplot_regression_color; + GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_excluded_color; + selectable_outline_color = GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_color; } if (is_bubble_plot) { - GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_vec_type v_sorted(num_obs); - int times = var_info[2].is_time_variant ? grid_base->time_steps : 1; + Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type v_sorted(num_obs); + int times = var_info[2].is_time_variant ? + project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps() : 1; obs_id_to_z_val_order.resize(boost::extents[times][num_obs]); for (int t=0; tregisterObserver(this); SetBackgroundStyle(wxBG_STYLE_CUSTOM); // default style LOG_MSG("Exiting ScatterNewPlotCanvas::ScatterNewPlotCanvas"); @@ -228,6 +237,10 @@ ScatterNewPlotCanvas::~ScatterNewPlotCanvas() void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu(const wxPoint& pos) { LOG_MSG("Entering ScatterNewPlotCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu"); + // Workaround for right-click not changing window focus in OSX / wxW 3.0 + wxActivateEvent ae(wxEVT_NULL, true, 0, wxActivateEvent::Reason_Mouse); + ((ScatterNewPlotFrame*) template_frame)->OnActivate(ae); + wxMenu* optMenu; if (is_bubble_plot) { optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> @@ -251,12 +264,12 @@ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(wxMenu* menu) { if (!is_any_time_variant) return; wxMenu* menu1 = new wxMenu(wxEmptyString); - for (int i=0; iAppendCheckItem(GeoDaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1+i, s, s); + menu1->AppendCheckItem(GdaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1+i, s, s); mi->Check(var_info[i].sync_with_global_time); } } @@ -266,14 +279,14 @@ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::AddTimeVariantOptionsToMenu(wxMenu* menu) wxString s; s << "Fixed x-axis scale over time"; wxMenuItem* mi = - menu2->AppendCheckItem(GeoDaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR1, s, s); + menu2->AppendCheckItem(GdaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR1, s, s); mi->Check(var_info[0].fixed_scale); } if (var_info[1].is_time_variant) { wxString s; s << "Fixed y-axis scale over time"; wxMenuItem* mi = - menu2->AppendCheckItem(GeoDaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR2, s, s); + menu2->AppendCheckItem(GdaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR2, s, s); mi->Check(var_info[1].fixed_scale); } @@ -289,12 +302,36 @@ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) // view in the xrc file. Items that cannot be enable/disabled, // or are not checkable do not appear. + // We have replaced the following seperate menu items: + // + // + // + // 1 + // 0 + // + // + // + // 1 + // 0 + // + // + // with: + // + // + // + // 1 + // 0 + // + + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_VIEW_STANDARDIZED_DATA"), IsStandardized()); GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_VIEW_ORIGINAL_DATA"), !IsStandardized()); GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_VIEW_REGRESSION_SELECTED"), IsRegressionSelected()); + + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_VIEW_REGRESSION_SELECTED_EXCLUDED"), IsRegressionExcluded()); @@ -304,10 +341,40 @@ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) IsShowOriginAxes()); GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_THEMELESS"), - GetCcType() == CatClassification::no_theme); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, - XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_CHOROPLETH_QUANTILE"), - GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile); + GetCcType() == CatClassification::no_theme); + + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_1"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_2"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_3"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_4"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_5"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_6"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_7"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_8"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_9"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_10"), + (GetCcType() == CatClassification::quantile) + && GetNumCats() == 10); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_CHOROPLETH_PERCENTILE"), GetCcType() == CatClassification::percentile); @@ -320,10 +387,90 @@ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu) GetCcType() == CatClassification::stddev); GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_UNIQUE_VALUES"), GetCcType() == CatClassification::unique_values); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_EQUAL_INTERVALS"), - GetCcType() ==CatClassification::equal_intervals); - GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_NATURAL_BREAKS"), - GetCcType() == CatClassification::natural_breaks); + + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_1"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_2"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_3"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_4"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_5"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_6"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_7"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_8"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_9"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_10"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::equal_intervals) + && GetNumCats() == 10); + + // since XRCID is a macro, we can't make this into a loop + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_1"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 1); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_2"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 2); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_3"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 3); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_4"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 4); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_5"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 5); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_6"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 6); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_7"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 7); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_8"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 8); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_9"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 9); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(menu, XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_10"), + (GetCcType() == + CatClassification::natural_breaks) + && GetNumCats() == 10); } /** @@ -355,7 +502,6 @@ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::update(HighlightState* o) wxString ScatterNewPlotCanvas::GetCanvasTitle() { - DbfGridTableBase* gb = project->GetGridBase(); wxString s(is_bubble_plot ? "Bubble Chart" : "Scatter Plot"); s << " - x: " << GetNameWithTime(0) << ", y: " << GetNameWithTime(1); if (is_bubble_plot) { @@ -384,10 +530,10 @@ wxString ScatterNewPlotCanvas::GetCategoriesTitle() wxString ScatterNewPlotCanvas::GetNameWithTime(int var) { - if (var < 0 || var >= var_info.size()) return wxEmptyString; + if (var < 0 || var >= (int)var_info.size()) return wxEmptyString; wxString s(var_info[var].name); if (var_info[var].is_time_variant) { - s << " (" << project->GetGridBase()->GetTimeString(var_info[var].time); + s << " (" << project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeString(var_info[var].time); s << ")"; } return s; @@ -398,7 +544,7 @@ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::NewCustomCatClassif() // Fully update cat_classif_def fields according to current // categorization state if (cat_classif_def.cat_classif_type != CatClassification::custom) { - GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_vec_type cat_var_sorted(num_obs); + Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type cat_var_sorted(num_obs); for (int i=0; i temp_cat_labels; // will be ignored CatClassification::SetBreakPoints(cat_classif_def.breaks, + temp_cat_labels, cat_var_sorted, cat_classif_def.cat_classif_type, cat_classif_def.num_cats); @@ -422,9 +570,13 @@ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::NewCustomCatClassif() cat_classif_def.colors[i] = cat_data.GetCategoryColor(time, i); cat_classif_def.names[i] = cat_data.GetCategoryLabel(time, i); } + int col = project->GetTableInt()->FindColId(var_info[3].name); + int tm = var_info[3].time; + cat_classif_def.assoc_db_fld_name = + project->GetTableInt()->GetColName(col, tm); } - CatClassifFrame* ccf = MyFrame::theFrame->GetCatClassifFrame(); + CatClassifFrame* ccf = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetCatClassifFrame(); if (!ccf) return; CatClassifState* ccs = ccf->PromptNew(cat_classif_def, "", var_info[3].name, @@ -452,10 +604,11 @@ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::NewCustomCatClassif() category classification. */ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::ChangeThemeType( CatClassification::CatClassifType new_theme, - const wxString& custom_classif_title) + int num_categories_s, + const wxString& custom_classif_title) { - // User has already chosen theme variable on startup, so no need - // to ever ask for theme variable. + num_categories = num_categories_s; + if (new_theme == CatClassification::custom) { CatClassifManager* ccm = project->GetCatClassifManager(); if (!ccm) return; @@ -515,7 +668,7 @@ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::OnSaveCategories() void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::SetHighlightColor(wxColour color) { highlight_color = color; - //GeoDaConst::scatterplot_reg_selected_pen->SetColour(highlight_color); + //GdaConst::scatterplot_reg_selected_pen->SetColour(highlight_color); UpdateRegSelectedLine(); UpdateDisplayStats(); TemplateCanvas::SetHighlightColor(color); @@ -525,7 +678,7 @@ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::SetSelectableFillColor(wxColour color) { if (!is_bubble_plot) { selectable_fill_color = color; - //GeoDaConst::scatterplot_reg_excluded_pen-> + //GdaConst::scatterplot_reg_excluded_pen-> // SetColour(selectable_fill_color); for (int t=0; tSetColour(selectable_outline_color); + //GdaConst::scatterplot_reg_pen->SetColour(selectable_outline_color); if (reg_line) { reg_line->setPen(selectable_outline_color); } @@ -556,16 +709,16 @@ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::SetSelectableOutlineColor(wxColour color) void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::PopulateCanvas() { LOG_MSG("Entering ScatterNewPlotCanvas::PopulateCanvas"); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, background_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, background_shps ) { delete shp; } background_shps.clear(); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { delete shp; } selectable_shps.clear(); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, foreground_shps ) { delete shp; } + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, foreground_shps ) { delete shp; } foreground_shps.clear(); wxSize size(GetVirtualSize()); double scale_x, scale_y, trans_x, trans_y; - MyScaleTrans::calcAffineParams(shps_orig_xmin, shps_orig_ymin, + GdaScaleTrans::calcAffineParams(shps_orig_xmin, shps_orig_ymin, shps_orig_xmax, shps_orig_ymax, virtual_screen_marg_top, virtual_screen_marg_bottom, @@ -688,7 +841,7 @@ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::PopulateCanvas() for (int i=0; isetPen(*GeoDaConst::scatterplot_scale_pen); + x_baseline->setPen(*GdaConst::scatterplot_scale_pen); background_shps.push_back(x_baseline); - y_baseline = new MyAxis(GetNameWithTime(1), axis_scale_y, + y_baseline = new GdaAxis(GetNameWithTime(1), axis_scale_y, wxRealPoint(0,0), wxRealPoint(0, 100)); - y_baseline->setPen(*GeoDaConst::scatterplot_scale_pen); + y_baseline->setPen(*GdaConst::scatterplot_scale_pen); background_shps.push_back(y_baseline); // create optional axes through origin - x_axis_through_origin = new MyPolyLine(0,50,100,50); + x_axis_through_origin = new GdaPolyLine(0,50,100,50); x_axis_through_origin->setPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); - y_axis_through_origin = new MyPolyLine(50,0,50,100); + y_axis_through_origin = new GdaPolyLine(50,0,50,100); y_axis_through_origin->setPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); background_shps.push_back(x_axis_through_origin); background_shps.push_back(y_axis_through_origin); UpdateAxesThroughOrigin(); // show regression lines - reg_line = new MyPolyLine(0,100,0,100); + reg_line = new GdaPolyLine(0,100,0,100); double cc_degs_of_rot; double reg_line_slope; bool reg_line_infinite_slope; @@ -740,10 +893,10 @@ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::PopulateCanvas() reg_line_defined, a, b, cc_degs_of_rot, axis_scale_x, axis_scale_y, regressionXY, wxPen(selectable_outline_color)); - reg_line_selected = new MyPolyLine(0,100,0,100); + reg_line_selected = new GdaPolyLine(0,100,0,100); reg_line_selected->setPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); reg_line_selected->setBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH); - reg_line_excluded = new MyPolyLine(0,100,0,100); + reg_line_excluded = new GdaPolyLine(0,100,0,100); reg_line_excluded->setPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); reg_line_excluded->setBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH); @@ -762,10 +915,10 @@ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::PopulateCanvas() if (IsRegressionSelected()) UpdateRegSelectedLine(); if (IsRegressionExcluded()) UpdateRegExcludedLine(); - chow_test_text = new MyText(); + chow_test_text = new GdaShapeText(); chow_test_text->hidden = true; foreground_shps.push_back(chow_test_text); - stats_table = new MyTable(); + stats_table = new GdaShapeTable(); stats_table->hidden = true; foreground_shps.push_back(stats_table); if (!is_bubble_plot) { @@ -783,12 +936,12 @@ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::PopCanvPreResizeShpsHook() { } -void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() +void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::TimeChange() { - LOG_MSG("Entering ScatterNewPlotCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange"); + LOG_MSG("Entering ScatterNewPlotCanvas::TimeChange"); if (!is_any_sync_with_global_time) return; - int cts = project->GetGridBase()->curr_time_step; + int cts = project->GetTimeState()->GetCurrTime(); int ref_time = var_info[ref_var_index].time; int ref_time_min = var_info[ref_var_index].time_min; int ref_time_max = var_info[ref_var_index].time_max; @@ -819,26 +972,27 @@ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange() invalidateBms(); PopulateCanvas(); Refresh(); - LOG_MSG("Exiting ScatterNewPlotCanvas::TitleOrTimeChange"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting ScatterNewPlotCanvas::TimeChange"); } /** Update Secondary Attributes based on Primary Attributes. Update num_time_vals and ref_var_index based on Secondary Attributes. */ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::VarInfoAttributeChange() { - GeoDa::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(var_info); + Gda::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(var_info); is_any_time_variant = false; is_any_sync_with_global_time = false; - for (int i=0; iSetDependsOnNonSimpleGroups(is_any_time_variant); ref_var_index = -1; num_time_vals = 1; - for (int i=0; i cat_var_sorted(num_time_vals); + std::vector cat_var_sorted(num_time_vals); for (int t=0; t vals(rows*cols); - std::vector attributes(rows*cols); + std::vector attributes(rows*cols); int i=0; int j=0; for (int k=i*cols, kend=i*cols+cols; koperator=(MyTable(vals, attributes, rows, cols, - *GeoDaConst::small_font, + stats_table->operator=(GdaShapeTable(vals, attributes, rows, cols, + *GdaConst::small_font, wxRealPoint(50, 0), - MyText::h_center, MyText::top, - MyText::h_center, MyText::v_center, + GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::top, + GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::v_center, 3, 8, -x_nudge, 45)); //62)); stats_table->setPen(*wxBLACK_PEN); stats_table->hidden = false; @@ -1609,9 +1740,9 @@ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::UpdateDisplayStats() stats_table->GetSize(dc, table_w, table_h); ComputeChowTest(); wxString s = chow_test_text->getText(); - chow_test_text->operator=(MyText(s, *GeoDaConst::small_font, + chow_test_text->operator=(GdaShapeText(s, *GdaConst::small_font, wxRealPoint(50,0), 0, - MyText::h_center, MyText::v_center, + GdaShapeText::h_center, GdaShapeText::v_center, -x_nudge, table_h+62)); //117)); chow_test_text->setPen(*wxBLACK_PEN); @@ -1640,16 +1771,16 @@ void ScatterNewPlotCanvas::UpdateAxesThroughOrigin() axis_scale_y.scale_min < 0 && 0 < axis_scale_y.scale_max) { double y_inter = 100.0 * ((-axis_scale_y.scale_min) / (axis_scale_y.scale_max-axis_scale_y.scale_min)); - x_axis_through_origin->operator=(MyPolyLine(0,y_inter,100,y_inter)); - x_axis_through_origin->setPen(*GeoDaConst::scatterplot_origin_axes_pen); + x_axis_through_origin->operator=(GdaPolyLine(0,y_inter,100,y_inter)); + x_axis_through_origin->setPen(*GdaConst::scatterplot_origin_axes_pen); ApplyLastResizeToShp(x_axis_through_origin); } if (show_origin_axes && axis_scale_x.scale_min < 0 && 0 < axis_scale_x.scale_max) { double x_inter = 100.0 * ((-axis_scale_x.scale_min) / (axis_scale_x.scale_max-axis_scale_x.scale_min)); - y_axis_through_origin->operator=(MyPolyLine(x_inter,0,x_inter,100)); - y_axis_through_origin->setPen(*GeoDaConst::scatterplot_origin_axes_pen); + y_axis_through_origin->operator=(GdaPolyLine(x_inter,0,x_inter,100)); + y_axis_through_origin->setPen(*GdaConst::scatterplot_origin_axes_pen); ApplyLastResizeToShp(y_axis_through_origin); } layer0_valid = false; @@ -1883,16 +2014,25 @@ is_bubble_plot(is_bubble_plot_s) wxSplitterWindow* splitter_win = 0; if (is_bubble_plot) { - splitter_win = new wxSplitterWindow(this); + splitter_win = new wxSplitterWindow(this,-1, + wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, + wxSP_3D|wxSP_LIVE_UPDATE|wxCLIP_CHILDREN); splitter_win->SetMinimumPaneSize(10); } - + wxPanel* rpanel = NULL; + wxPanel* lpanel = NULL; + if (is_bubble_plot) { - template_canvas = new ScatterNewPlotCanvas(splitter_win, this, project, + rpanel = new wxPanel(splitter_win); + template_canvas = new ScatterNewPlotCanvas(rpanel, this, project, var_info, col_ids, is_bubble_plot, false, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(width,height)); + wxBoxSizer* rbox = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + rbox->Add(template_canvas, 1, wxEXPAND); + rpanel->SetSizer(rbox); + } else { template_canvas = new ScatterNewPlotCanvas(this, this, project, var_info, col_ids, @@ -1905,12 +2045,18 @@ is_bubble_plot(is_bubble_plot_s) SetTitle(template_canvas->GetCanvasTitle()); if (is_bubble_plot) { - template_legend = new ScatterNewPlotLegend(splitter_win, + lpanel = new wxPanel(splitter_win); + template_legend = new ScatterNewPlotLegend(lpanel, template_canvas, wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(0,0)); - splitter_win->SplitVertically(template_legend, template_canvas, - GeoDaConst::bubble_chart_default_legend_width); + splitter_win->SplitVertically(lpanel, rpanel, + GdaConst::bubble_chart_default_legend_width); + wxBoxSizer* sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + sizer->Add(splitter_win, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL); + SetSizer(sizer); + splitter_win->SetSize(wxSize(width,height)); + SetAutoLayout(true); } Show(true); @@ -1936,7 +2082,7 @@ void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event) void ScatterNewPlotFrame::MapMenus() { LOG_MSG("In ScatterNewPlotFrame::MapMenus"); - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); // Map Options Menus wxMenu* optMenu; if (is_bubble_plot) { @@ -1958,7 +2104,7 @@ void ScatterNewPlotFrame::MapMenus() void ScatterNewPlotFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems() { TemplateFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems(); // set common items first - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); int menu = mb->FindMenu("Options"); if (menu == wxNOT_FOUND) { LOG_MSG("ScatterNewPlotFrame::UpdateOptionMenuItems: Options " @@ -1979,20 +2125,15 @@ void ScatterNewPlotFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu) TemplateFrame::UpdateContextMenuItems(menu); // set common items } -/** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ -void ScatterNewPlotFrame::update(FramesManager* o) +/** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ +void ScatterNewPlotFrame::update(TimeState* o) { - LOG_MSG("In ScatterNewPlotFrame::update(FramesManager* o)"); - template_canvas->TitleOrTimeChange(); + LOG_MSG("In ScatterNewPlotFrame::update(TimeState* o)"); + template_canvas->TimeChange(); UpdateTitle(); if (template_legend) template_legend->Refresh(); } -void ScatterNewPlotFrame::UpdateTitle() -{ - SetTitle(template_canvas->GetCanvasTitle()); -} - void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnViewStandardizedData(wxCommandEvent& event) { LOG_MSG("In ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnViewStandardizedData"); @@ -2007,6 +2148,22 @@ void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnViewOriginalData(wxCommandEvent& event) UpdateOptionMenuItems(); } +void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnViewRegimesRegression(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + LOG_MSG("In ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnViewRegimesRegression"); + ScatterNewPlotCanvas* t = (ScatterNewPlotCanvas*) template_canvas; + bool r_sel = t->IsRegressionSelected(); + bool r_exl = t->IsRegressionExcluded(); + if (!r_sel || !r_exl) { + t->ViewRegressionSelected(true); + t->ViewRegressionSelectedExcluded(true); + } else { + t->ViewRegressionSelected(false); + t->ViewRegressionSelectedExcluded(false); + } + UpdateOptionMenuItems(); +} + void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnViewRegressionSelected(wxCommandEvent& event) { LOG_MSG("In ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnViewRegressionSelected"); @@ -2047,68 +2204,70 @@ void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifA() void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnCustomCatClassifA(const wxString& cc_title) { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::custom, cc_title); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::custom, 4, cc_title); } -void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnThemeless(wxCommandEvent& event) +void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnThemeless() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::no_theme); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::no_theme, 1); } -void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event) +void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnHinge15() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_15); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_15, 6); } -void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event) +void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnHinge30() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_30); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_30, 6); } -void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnQuantile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnQuantile(int num_cats) { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::quantile); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::quantile, num_cats); } -void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnPercentile() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::percentile); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::percentile, 6); } -void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnStdDevMap(wxCommandEvent& event) +void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnStdDevMap() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::stddev); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::stddev, 6); } -void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event) +void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnUniqueValues() { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::unique_values); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::unique_values, 6); } -void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnNaturalBreaks(wxCommandEvent& event) +void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnNaturalBreaks(int num_cats) { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::natural_breaks); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::natural_breaks, num_cats); } -void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnEqualIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event) +void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnEqualIntervals(int num_cats) { - ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::equal_intervals); + ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::equal_intervals, num_cats); +} + +void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnSaveCategories() +{ + ((ScatterNewPlotCanvas*) template_canvas)->OnSaveCategories(); } void ScatterNewPlotFrame::ChangeThemeType( CatClassification::CatClassifType new_theme, + int num_categories, const wxString& custom_classif_title) { ((ScatterNewPlotCanvas*) template_canvas)-> - ChangeThemeType(new_theme, custom_classif_title); + ChangeThemeType(new_theme, num_categories, custom_classif_title); UpdateTitle(); UpdateOptionMenuItems(); if (template_legend) template_legend->Refresh(); } -void ScatterNewPlotFrame::OnSaveCategories(wxCommandEvent& event) -{ - ((ScatterNewPlotCanvas*) template_canvas)->OnSaveCategories(); -} diff --git a/Explore/ScatterNewPlotView.h b/Explore/ScatterNewPlotView.h index 677e59440..3a29a80d3 100644 --- a/Explore/ScatterNewPlotView.h +++ b/Explore/ScatterNewPlotView.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ #include "../TemplateFrame.h" #include "../TemplateLegend.h" #include "../GenUtils.h" -#include "../Generic/MyShape.h" +#include "../Generic/GdaShape.h" class CatClassifState; class ScatterNewPlotCanvas; @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ class ScatterNewPlotCanvas : virtual wxString GetNameWithTime(int var); virtual void NewCustomCatClassif(); void ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::CatClassifType new_theme, + int num_categories, const wxString& custom_classif_title = wxEmptyString); virtual void update(CatClassifState* o); virtual void SetCheckMarks(wxMenu* menu); @@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ class ScatterNewPlotCanvas : protected: virtual void PopulateCanvas(); virtual void PopCanvPreResizeShpsHook(); - virtual void TitleOrTimeChange(); + virtual void TimeChange(); void VarInfoAttributeChange(); void CreateAndUpdateCategories(); @@ -86,6 +87,7 @@ class ScatterNewPlotCanvas : virtual void FixedScaleVariableToggle(int var_index); CatClassifDef cat_classif_def; CatClassification::CatClassifType GetCcType(); + int GetNumCats() { return num_categories; } // used by Bubble Plot void ViewStandardizedData(); void ViewOriginalData(); @@ -110,7 +112,7 @@ class ScatterNewPlotCanvas : void ComputeChowTest(); void UpdateRegSelectedLine(); void UpdateRegExcludedLine(); - static void CalcRegressionLine(MyPolyLine& reg_line, // return value + static void CalcRegressionLine(GdaPolyLine& reg_line, // return value double& slope, // return value bool& infinite_slope, // return value bool& regression_defined, // return value @@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ class ScatterNewPlotCanvas : int num_obs; int num_time_vals; - int num_cats; + int num_categories; int ref_var_index; std::vector var_info; std::vector data; @@ -154,8 +156,8 @@ class ScatterNewPlotCanvas : std::vector Z; AxisScale axis_scale_x; AxisScale axis_scale_y; - MyAxis* x_baseline; - MyAxis* y_baseline; + GdaAxis* x_baseline; + GdaAxis* y_baseline; SampleStatistics statsX; SampleStatistics statsXselected; SampleStatistics statsXexcluded; @@ -177,24 +179,24 @@ class ScatterNewPlotCanvas : double chow_pval; // significance of chow_ratio bool chow_valid; - MyPolyLine* reg_line; - MyTable* stats_table; - MyText* chow_test_text; + GdaPolyLine* reg_line; + GdaShapeTable* stats_table; + GdaShapeText* chow_test_text; bool show_reg_selected; - MyPolyLine* reg_line_selected; + GdaPolyLine* reg_line_selected; double reg_line_selected_slope; bool reg_line_selected_infinite_slope; bool reg_line_selected_defined; bool show_reg_excluded; - MyPolyLine* reg_line_excluded; + GdaPolyLine* reg_line_excluded; double reg_line_excluded_slope; bool reg_line_excluded_infinite_slope; bool reg_line_excluded_defined; - MyPolyLine* x_axis_through_origin; - MyPolyLine* y_axis_through_origin; + GdaPolyLine* x_axis_through_origin; + GdaPolyLine* y_axis_through_origin; bool show_origin_axes; bool display_stats; @@ -242,13 +244,12 @@ class ScatterNewPlotFrame : public TemplateFrame { virtual void UpdateOptionMenuItems(); virtual void UpdateContextMenuItems(wxMenu* menu); - /** Implementation of FramesManagerObserver interface */ - virtual void update(FramesManager* o); - - virtual void UpdateTitle(); + /** Implementation of TimeStateObserver interface */ + virtual void update(TimeState* o); void OnViewStandardizedData(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnViewOriginalData(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnViewRegimesRegression(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnViewRegressionSelected(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnViewRegressionSelectedExcluded(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnDisplayStatistics(wxCommandEvent& event); @@ -256,19 +257,21 @@ class ScatterNewPlotFrame : public TemplateFrame { virtual void OnNewCustomCatClassifA(); virtual void OnCustomCatClassifA(const wxString& cc_title); - void OnThemeless(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnQuantile(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnStdDevMap(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnNaturalBreaks(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnEqualIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnSaveCategories(wxCommandEvent& event); + + virtual void OnThemeless(); + virtual void OnQuantile(int num_cats); + virtual void OnPercentile(); + virtual void OnHinge15(); + virtual void OnHinge30(); + virtual void OnStdDevMap(); + virtual void OnUniqueValues(); + virtual void OnNaturalBreaks(int num_cats); + virtual void OnEqualIntervals(int num_cats); + virtual void OnSaveCategories(); protected: void ChangeThemeType(CatClassification::CatClassifType new_theme, + int num_categories, const wxString& custom_classif_title = wxEmptyString); bool is_bubble_plot; diff --git a/FramesManager.cpp b/FramesManager.cpp index c7313f69c..c69d91daf 100644 --- a/FramesManager.cpp +++ b/FramesManager.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ void FramesManager::removeObserver(FramesManagerObserver* o) void FramesManager::notifyObservers() { - std::list::iterator it; - for (it=observers.begin(); it != observers.end(); it++) { + for (std::list::iterator it=observers.begin(); + it != observers.end(); ++it) { (*it)->update(this); } } diff --git a/FramesManager.h b/FramesManager.h index d82afadd2..546c08165 100644 --- a/FramesManager.h +++ b/FramesManager.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ class FramesManager { } int getNumberObservers() { return observers.size(); } - virtual void registerObserver(FramesManagerObserver* o); - virtual void removeObserver(FramesManagerObserver* o); - virtual void notifyObservers(); + void registerObserver(FramesManagerObserver* o); + void removeObserver(FramesManagerObserver* o); + void notifyObservers(); private: /** The list of registered FramesManagerObserver objects. */ diff --git a/FramesManagerObserver.h b/FramesManagerObserver.h index ac4c84057..b428411ba 100644 --- a/FramesManagerObserver.h +++ b/FramesManagerObserver.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/GNUmakefile b/GNUmakefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9e81aef25 --- /dev/null +++ b/GNUmakefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ + +include GeoDamake.opt + +CPPFLAGS := $(CPPFLAGS) +CXXFLAGS := $(CXXFLAGS) + +CXX_SRCS := $(wildcard *.cpp) +OBJ := ${CXX_SRCS:.cpp=.o} + +default: $(T_OBJ:.o=.$(OBJ_EXT)) + +clean: + rm -f *.o + diff --git a/GdaConst.cpp b/GdaConst.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e135df8dc --- /dev/null +++ b/GdaConst.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,465 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include "GdaConst.h" +#include "GeneralWxUtils.h" + +std::map GdaConst::datasrc_str_to_type; +std::map GdaConst::datasrc_type_to_str; +std::map GdaConst::datasrc_type_to_prefix; +std::map + GdaConst::datasrc_type_to_fullname; +std::map > + GdaConst::datasrc_req_flds; +std::map > + GdaConst::datasrc_opt_flds; + + +wxString GdaConst::db_field_name_regex; +wxString GdaConst::db_field_name_illegal_regex; +wxString GdaConst::default_field_name_regex; +wxString GdaConst::default_field_name_illegal_regex; +wxString GdaConst::no_field_warning; +wxString GdaConst::db_field_warning; +wxString GdaConst::default_field_warning; +std::map GdaConst::datasrc_field_lens; +std::map GdaConst::datasrc_table_lens; +std::map GdaConst::datasrc_field_warning; +std::map GdaConst::datasrc_field_regex; +std::map GdaConst::datasrc_field_illegal_regex; +std::map GdaConst::datasrc_field_casesensitive; + +wxFont* GdaConst::extra_small_font = 0; +wxFont* GdaConst::small_font = 0; +wxFont* GdaConst::medium_font = 0; +wxFont* GdaConst::large_font = 0; + +const wxPen* GdaConst::default_myshape_pen=0; +const wxBrush* GdaConst::default_myshape_brush=0; + +// The following are defined in shp2cnt and should be moved from there. +//background color -- this is light gray +const wxColour GdaConst::backColor(192, 192, 192); +// background color -- this is light gray +const wxColour GdaConst::darkColor(20, 20, 20); +// color of text, frames, points -- this is dark cherry +const wxColour GdaConst::textColor(128, 0, 64); +// outliers color (also used for regression, etc.) -- blue +const wxColour GdaConst::outliers_colour(0, 0, 255); +// envelope color (also used for regression, etc.) -- blue +const wxColour GdaConst::envelope_colour(0, 0, 255); + +const wxColour GdaConst::selectable_outline_color(0, 0, 0); // black +const wxColour GdaConst::selectable_fill_color(49, 163, 84); // forest green +const wxColour GdaConst::highlight_color(255, 255, 0); // yellow +const wxColour GdaConst::canvas_background_color(255, 255, 255); // white +const wxColour GdaConst::legend_background_color(255, 255, 255); // white + +// Map +const wxSize GdaConst::map_default_size(550, 300); +const int GdaConst::map_default_legend_width = 150; +// this is a light forest green +const wxColour GdaConst::map_default_fill_colour(49, 163, 84); +const wxColour GdaConst::map_default_outline_colour(0, 0, 0); +const wxColour GdaConst::map_default_highlight_colour(255, 255, 0); // yellow + +// Map Movie +const wxColour GdaConst::map_movie_default_fill_colour(49, 163, 84); +const wxColour GdaConst::map_movie_default_highlight_colour(224, 113, 182); + +// Histogram +const wxSize GdaConst::hist_default_size(600, 500); + +// Table +const wxString GdaConst::placeholder_str(""); +const wxString GdaConst::table_frame_title("Table"); +const wxSize GdaConst::table_default_size(750, 500); +const wxColour GdaConst::table_no_edit_color(80, 80, 80); // grey +const wxColour GdaConst::table_row_sel_color(230, 220, 40); // golden +const wxColour GdaConst::table_col_sel_color(181, 213, 251); // light blue +// following is the combination of the above two. Light greenish +const wxColour GdaConst::table_row_and_col_sel_color(206, 217, 146); + +// Scatterplot +const wxSize GdaConst::scatterplot_default_size(530, 530); +const wxColour GdaConst::scatterplot_scale_color(0, 0, 0); +//const wxColour GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_color(0, 79, 241); +//const wxColour GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_selected_color(204, 41, 44); +//const wxColour GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_excluded_color(0, 146, 31); +const wxColour GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_color(100, 0, 110); +const wxColour GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_selected_color(204, 41, 44); +const wxColour GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_excluded_color(0, 79, 241); +const wxColour GdaConst::scatterplot_origin_axes_color(120, 120, 120); +wxPen* GdaConst::scatterplot_reg_pen = 0; +wxPen* GdaConst::scatterplot_reg_selected_pen = 0; +wxPen* GdaConst::scatterplot_reg_excluded_pen = 0; +wxPen* GdaConst::scatterplot_scale_pen = 0; +wxPen* GdaConst::scatterplot_origin_axes_pen = 0; + +// Bubble Chart +const wxSize GdaConst::bubble_chart_default_size(550, 400); +const int GdaConst::bubble_chart_default_legend_width = 150; + +// 3D Plot +// yellow +const wxColour GdaConst::three_d_plot_default_highlight_colour(255, 255, 0); +// white +const wxColour GdaConst::three_d_plot_default_point_colour(255, 255, 255); +// black +const wxColour GdaConst::three_d_plot_default_background_colour(0, 0, 0); +const wxSize GdaConst::three_d_default_size(700, 500); + +// Boxplot +const wxSize GdaConst::boxplot_default_size(300, 500); +const wxColour GdaConst::boxplot_point_color(0, 0, 255); +const wxColour GdaConst::boxplot_median_color(219, 99, 28); // orange +const wxColour GdaConst::boxplot_mean_point_color(20, 200, 20); // green +const wxColour GdaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color(128, 0, 64); // dark cherry + +// PCP (Parallel Coordinate Plot) +const wxSize GdaConst::pcp_default_size(600, 450); +const wxColour GdaConst::pcp_line_color(128, 0, 64); // dark cherry +const wxColour GdaConst::pcp_horiz_line_color(0, 98, 0); // dark green + +// Conditional View +const wxSize GdaConst::cond_view_default_size(700, 500); + +// Category Classification +const wxSize GdaConst::cat_classif_default_size(780, 520); + +std::vector GdaConst::qualitative_colors(10); + +/** + Certain objects such as wxFont objects need to be created after + wxWidgets is sufficiently initialized. This function will be + called just once by GdaApp::OnInit() when the program begins. + */ +void GdaConst::init() +{ + // standard GeoDa font creation. Through experimentation, as of the + // wxWidgets 2.9.1 release, it appears that neither wxFont::SetPixelSize() + // nor wxFont::SetPointSize() results in fonts of nearly similar vertical + // height on all of our three supported platforms, Mac, Linux and Windows. + // Therefore, at present we will specify sizes differently on each + // platform according to experimentation. When we specify the font + // using point size, it seems that Linux and Windows are very similar, but + // Mac is considerably smaller. + int ref_extra_small_pt_sz = 6; + int ref_small_pt_sz = 8; + int ref_medium_pt_sz = 12; + int ref_large_pt_sz = 16; + + if (GeneralWxUtils::isMac()) { + ref_extra_small_pt_sz += 4; + ref_small_pt_sz += 4; + ref_medium_pt_sz += 5; + ref_large_pt_sz += 5; + } + + extra_small_font = wxFont::New(ref_extra_small_pt_sz, + wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, + wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, false, wxEmptyString, + wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT); + small_font = wxFont::New(ref_small_pt_sz, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, + wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, false, + wxEmptyString, wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT); + medium_font = wxFont::New(ref_medium_pt_sz, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, + wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, false, + wxEmptyString, wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT); + large_font = wxFont::New(ref_large_pt_sz, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, + wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, false, + wxEmptyString, wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT); + + // GdaShape resources + default_myshape_pen = wxBLACK_PEN; + default_myshape_brush = wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH; + + //ScatterPlot and ScatterNewPlot resources + scatterplot_reg_pen = new wxPen(scatterplot_regression_color, 2); + scatterplot_reg_selected_pen = + new wxPen(scatterplot_regression_selected_color, 2); + scatterplot_reg_excluded_pen = + new wxPen(scatterplot_regression_excluded_color, 2); + scatterplot_scale_pen = new wxPen(scatterplot_scale_color); + scatterplot_origin_axes_pen = + new wxPen(scatterplot_origin_axes_color, 1, wxSHORT_DASH); + + // From Colorbrewer 2.0 + qualitative_colors[0] = wxColour(166, 206, 227); + qualitative_colors[1] = wxColour(31, 120, 180); + qualitative_colors[2] = wxColour(178, 223, 138); + qualitative_colors[3] = wxColour(51, 160, 44); + qualitative_colors[4] = wxColour(251, 154, 153); + qualitative_colors[5] = wxColour(227, 26, 28); + qualitative_colors[6] = wxColour(253, 191, 111); + qualitative_colors[7] = wxColour(255, 127, 0); + qualitative_colors[8] = wxColour(202, 178, 214); + qualitative_colors[9] = wxColour(106, 61, 154); + + // Filenames or field names start with a letter, and they can contain any + // combination of the letters A through Z, the digits 0 through 9, + // the colon (:) (in dBASE II field names only), and the underscore (_) + default_field_name_regex = "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$"; + default_field_name_illegal_regex = "((^[^a-zA-Z]+)|[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+)"; + // There might be a problem when field name contains ' or " when using + // INSERT sql clause to export/save table. + // Details: no problem in Postgresq; error in Oracle; unknown in MySQL + db_field_name_regex = "[^'\"]+"; + db_field_name_illegal_regex = "['\"]+"; + // Warning message for valid field name of different field type + no_field_warning = "There is no restriction of variable name."; + db_field_warning = "A valid variable name should not contains any\n" + "quotes (' or \")."; + default_field_warning = + "A valid variable name should have the first character be a\n" + "letter, and the remaining characters be either letters,\n" + "numbers or underscores."; + + datasrc_str_to_type["DBF"] = ds_dbf; + datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_dbf] = ""; + datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_dbf] = "dBase"; + datasrc_table_lens[ds_dbf] = 128; + datasrc_field_lens[ds_dbf] = 10; + datasrc_field_warning[ds_dbf] = default_field_warning; + datasrc_field_regex[ds_dbf] = default_field_name_regex; + datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_dbf] = default_field_name_illegal_regex; + datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_dbf] = false; + + datasrc_str_to_type["ESRI Shapefile"] = ds_shapefile; + datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_shapefile] = ""; + datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_shapefile] = "ESRI Shapefile"; + // share the same with DBF + datasrc_table_lens[ds_shapefile] = 128; + datasrc_field_lens[ds_shapefile] = 10; + datasrc_field_warning[ds_shapefile] = default_field_warning; + datasrc_field_regex[ds_shapefile] = default_field_name_regex; + datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_shapefile] = default_field_name_illegal_regex; + datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_shapefile] = false; + + datasrc_str_to_type["FileGDB"] = ds_esri_file_geodb; + datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_esri_file_geodb] = ""; + datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_esri_file_geodb] = "ESRI File GeoDatabase"; + //http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisserver/9.3/java/index.htm#geodatabases/file_g-1445296021.htm + datasrc_table_lens[ds_esri_file_geodb] = 160; + datasrc_field_lens[ds_esri_file_geodb] = 64; + datasrc_field_warning[ds_esri_file_geodb] = no_field_warning; + datasrc_field_regex[ds_esri_file_geodb] = wxEmptyString; + datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_esri_file_geodb] = true; + + datasrc_str_to_type["PGeo"] = ds_esri_personal_gdb; + datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_esri_personal_gdb] = "PGeo"; + datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_esri_personal_gdb] ="ESRI Personal GeoDatabase"; + //follows Microsoft Access .mdb + datasrc_table_lens[ds_esri_personal_gdb] = 64; + datasrc_field_lens[ds_esri_personal_gdb] = 64; + datasrc_field_warning[ds_esri_personal_gdb] = no_field_warning; + datasrc_field_regex[ds_esri_personal_gdb] = wxEmptyString; + datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_esri_personal_gdb] = true; + + datasrc_str_to_type["SDE"] = ds_esri_arc_sde; + datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_esri_arc_sde] = "SDE:"; + datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_esri_arc_sde] = "ESRI ArcSDE"; + //http://help.arcgis.com/en/geodatabase/10.0/sdk/arcsde/api/constants_define_limits.htm + //ArcSDE doesn't support writing, so following will be ignored + datasrc_table_lens[ds_esri_arc_sde] = 32; + datasrc_field_lens[ds_esri_arc_sde] = 32; + datasrc_field_warning[ds_esri_arc_sde] = default_field_warning; + datasrc_field_regex[ds_esri_arc_sde] = default_field_name_regex; + datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_esri_arc_sde]=default_field_name_illegal_regex; + datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_esri_arc_sde] = true; + + datasrc_str_to_type["CSV"] = ds_csv; + datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_csv] = ""; + datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_csv] = "Comma Separated Value"; + //CSV should have no restriction except the comma character, but we give + //a limitation to a reasonable 128 length + datasrc_table_lens[ds_csv] = 128; + datasrc_field_lens[ds_csv] = 128; + datasrc_field_warning[ds_csv] = "Field name should not contains comma(,)."; + datasrc_field_regex[ds_csv] = "[^,]+"; + datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_csv] = "[,]+"; + datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_csv] = true; + + datasrc_str_to_type["GeoJSON"] = ds_geo_json; + datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_geo_json] = ""; + datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_geo_json] = "GeoJSON"; + //GeoJSON seams like has no restriction + datasrc_table_lens[ds_geo_json] = 128; + datasrc_field_lens[ds_geo_json] = 128; + datasrc_field_warning[ds_geo_json] = db_field_warning; + datasrc_field_regex[ds_geo_json] = db_field_name_regex; + datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_geo_json] = db_field_name_illegal_regex; + datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_geo_json] = true; + + datasrc_str_to_type["GML"] = ds_gml; + datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_gml] = ""; + datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_gml] = "Geography Markup Language"; + //http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML + datasrc_table_lens[ds_gml] = 128; + datasrc_field_lens[ds_gml] = 128; + datasrc_field_warning[ds_gml] = + "A valid variable name should only contains either letters,\n" + "numbers or underscores. Brackets (e.g. < or > ) are not allowed."; + datasrc_field_regex[ds_gml] = "[^<> ]+"; + datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_gml] = "[<> ]+"; + datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_gml] = true; + + datasrc_str_to_type["KML"] = ds_kml; + datasrc_str_to_type["LIBKML"] = ds_kml; + datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_kml] = ""; + datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_kml] = "Keyhole Markup Language"; + datasrc_table_lens[ds_kml] = 128; + datasrc_field_lens[ds_kml] = 128; + datasrc_field_warning[ds_kml] = db_field_warning; + datasrc_field_regex[ds_kml] = db_field_name_regex; + datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_kml] = db_field_name_illegal_regex; + datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_kml] = true; + + datasrc_str_to_type["MapInfo File"] = ds_mapinfo; + datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_mapinfo] = ""; + datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_mapinfo] = "MapInfo File (TAB and MIF/MID)"; + datasrc_table_lens[ds_mapinfo] = 128; + datasrc_field_lens[ds_mapinfo] = 32; + datasrc_field_warning[ds_mapinfo] = default_field_warning; + datasrc_field_regex[ds_mapinfo] = default_field_name_regex; + datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_mapinfo] = default_field_name_illegal_regex; + datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_mapinfo] = true; + + datasrc_str_to_type["MySQL"] = ds_mysql; + datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_mysql] = "MYSQL:"; + datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_mysql] = "MySQL"; + datasrc_table_lens[ds_mysql] = 64; + datasrc_field_lens[ds_mysql] = 64; + datasrc_field_warning[ds_mysql] = db_field_warning; + datasrc_field_regex[ds_mysql] = db_field_name_regex; + datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_mysql] = db_field_name_illegal_regex; + datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_mysql] = true; + + datasrc_str_to_type["OCI"] = ds_oci; + datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_oci] = "OCI:"; + datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_oci] = "Oracle Spatial"; + datasrc_table_lens[ds_oci] = 30; + datasrc_field_lens[ds_oci] = 30; + datasrc_field_warning[ds_oci] = db_field_warning; + datasrc_field_regex[ds_oci] = db_field_name_regex; + datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_oci] = db_field_name_illegal_regex; + datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_oci] = false; + + datasrc_str_to_type["PostgreSQL"] = ds_postgresql; + datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_postgresql] = "PG:"; + datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_postgresql] = "PostgreSQL / PostGIS"; + datasrc_table_lens[ds_postgresql] = 31; + datasrc_field_lens[ds_postgresql] = 31; + datasrc_field_warning[ds_postgresql] = db_field_warning; + datasrc_field_regex[ds_postgresql] = db_field_name_regex; + datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_postgresql] = db_field_name_illegal_regex; + datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_postgresql] = true; + + datasrc_str_to_type["SQLite"] = ds_sqlite; + datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_sqlite] = ""; + datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_sqlite] = "SQLite / Spatialite"; + datasrc_table_lens[ds_sqlite] = 128; + datasrc_field_lens[ds_sqlite] = 128; + datasrc_field_warning[ds_sqlite] = no_field_warning; + datasrc_field_regex[ds_sqlite] = wxEmptyString; + datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_sqlite] = wxEmptyString; + datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_sqlite] = true; + + datasrc_str_to_type["WFS"] = ds_wfs; + datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_wfs] = "WFS:"; + datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_wfs] = "OGC Web Feature Service"; + datasrc_table_lens[ds_wfs] = 128; + datasrc_field_lens[ds_wfs] = 128; + datasrc_field_warning[ds_wfs] = no_field_warning; + datasrc_field_regex[ds_wfs] = wxEmptyString; + datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_wfs] = wxEmptyString; + datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_wfs] = true; + + // Since XLS can be dBase, we use dBase as its field name limitation + datasrc_str_to_type["XLS"] = ds_xls; + datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_xls] = ""; + datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_xls] = "Microsoft Excel"; + datasrc_table_lens[ds_xls] = 128; + datasrc_field_lens[ds_xls] = 10; + datasrc_field_warning[ds_xls] = default_field_warning; + datasrc_field_regex[ds_xls] = default_field_name_regex; + datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_xls] = default_field_name_illegal_regex; + datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_xls] = false; + + //not supported yet + //datasrc_str_to_type["OSM"] = ds_osm; + //datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_xls] = ""; + //datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_xls] = "OSM"; + + //datasrc_str_to_type["MSSQLSpatial"] = ds_ms_sql; + //datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_ms_sql] = "MSSQL:"; + //datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_ms_sql] = "Microsoft SQL Server"; + + //datasrc_str_to_type["ArcObjects"] = ds_esri_arc_obj; + //datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_esri_arc_obj] = "AO"; + //datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_esri_arc_obj] = "ESRI ArcObjects"; + + //datasrc_str_to_type["ODBC"] = ds_odbc; + //datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_odbc] = "ODBC:"; + //datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_odbc] = "ODBC"; + + typedef std::map ds_map; + for (ds_map::iterator it=datasrc_str_to_type.begin(); + it != datasrc_str_to_type.end(); it++) { + datasrc_type_to_str[it->second] = it->first; + datasrc_req_flds[it->second] = std::set(); + datasrc_opt_flds[it->second] = std::set(); + } + + typedef std::map > ds_fld_map; + for (ds_fld_map::iterator it=datasrc_req_flds.begin(); + it != datasrc_req_flds.end(); it++) { + DataSourceType type = it->first; + if (type == ds_esri_file_geodb || type == ds_csv || type == ds_dbf || + type == ds_gml || type == ds_kml || type == ds_mapinfo || + type == ds_shapefile || type == ds_sqlite || type == ds_xls || + type == ds_geo_json || type == ds_osm) { + // These are simple files, and a file name must be supplied + it->second.insert("file"); + } else if (type == ds_esri_arc_obj || type == ds_esri_personal_gdb || + type == ds_esri_arc_sde || type == ds_mysql || + type == ds_ms_sql || type == ds_oci || type == ds_odbc) { + it->second.insert("user"); + it->second.insert("pwd"); + it->second.insert("host"); + it->second.insert("port"); + it->second.insert("db_name"); + } else if ( type == ds_wfs) { + it->second.insert("url"); + } else if (type == ds_postgresql) { + it->second.insert("db_name"); + } + } + + for (ds_fld_map::iterator it=datasrc_opt_flds.begin(); + it != datasrc_opt_flds.end(); it++) { + DataSourceType type = it->first; + if (type == ds_postgresql) { + it->second.insert("user"); + it->second.insert("pwd"); + it->second.insert("host"); + it->second.insert("port"); + } + } +} diff --git a/GeoDaConst.h b/GdaConst.h similarity index 86% rename from GeoDaConst.h rename to GdaConst.h index e372297e6..f468b103d 100644 --- a/GeoDaConst.h +++ b/GdaConst.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -20,13 +20,16 @@ /** * Note: This file is the place to hold all constants such as default colors, * as well as common text strings used in various dialogs. Everything - * should be kept in the GeoDaConst namespace + * should be kept in the GdaConst namespace * */ #ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_GEODACONST_H__ #define __GEODA_CENTER_GEODACONST_H__ +#include +#include +#include #include #include #include @@ -34,11 +37,11 @@ #include #include -class GeoDaConst { +class GdaConst { public: static const int EMPTY = -1; - // This should be called only once in MyApp::OnInit() + // This should be called only once in GdaApp::OnInit() static void init(); // Types for use in Table @@ -47,9 +50,44 @@ class GeoDaConst { double_type, // N or F with decimals > 0 in DBF long64_type, // N or F with decimals = 0 in DBF string_type, // C in DBF, max 254 characters - date_type // D in DBF, YYYYMMDD format + date_type, // D in DBF, YYYYMMDD format + placeholder_type }; + struct FieldInfo { + FieldInfo() : type(unknown_type), field_len(0), + decimals(0) //, displayed_decimals(0) + {} + FieldType type; + wxString name; + int field_len; + int decimals; + //int displayed_decimals; + }; + + enum DataSourceType { ds_esri_arc_obj, ds_esri_file_geodb, + ds_esri_personal_gdb, ds_esri_arc_sde, + ds_csv, ds_dbf, ds_geo_json, ds_gml, ds_kml, + ds_mapinfo, ds_mysql, ds_ms_sql, ds_oci, ds_odbc, ds_postgresql, + ds_shapefile, ds_sqlite, ds_wfs, ds_xls, ds_xlsx, ds_osm, ds_unknown }; + + static std::map datasrc_str_to_type; + static std::map datasrc_type_to_str; + static std::map datasrc_type_to_prefix; + static std::map datasrc_type_to_fullname; + static std::map > datasrc_req_flds; + static std::map > datasrc_opt_flds; + + static wxString no_field_warning, db_field_warning, default_field_warning; + static wxString default_field_name_regex, default_field_name_illegal_regex; + static wxString db_field_name_regex, db_field_name_illegal_regex; + static std::map datasrc_field_lens; + static std::map datasrc_table_lens; + static std::map datasrc_field_regex; + static std::map datasrc_field_warning; + static std::map datasrc_field_illegal_regex; + static std::map datasrc_field_casesensitive; + static const int max_dbf_numeric_len = 20; // same for long and double static const int max_dbf_long_len = 20; static const int min_dbf_long_len = 1; @@ -63,7 +101,7 @@ class GeoDaConst { static const int default_dbf_double_decimals = 7; static const int max_dbf_string_len = 254; static const int min_dbf_string_len = 1; - static const int default_dbf_string_len = 40; + static const int default_dbf_string_len = 50; static const int max_dbf_date_len = 8; static const int min_dbf_date_len = 8; static const int default_dbf_date_len = 8; @@ -192,11 +230,11 @@ class GeoDaConst { static wxFont* medium_font; static wxFont* large_font; - // MyShape constants + // GdaShape constants static const wxPen* default_myshape_pen; static const wxBrush* default_myshape_brush; - // MyPoint radius to give a larger target for clicking on + // GdaPoint radius to give a larger target for clicking on static const int my_point_click_radius = 2; // Shared Colours @@ -248,11 +286,14 @@ class GeoDaConst { static const wxSize hist_default_size; // Table - static const wxString new_table_frame_title; + static const wxString placeholder_str; static const wxString table_frame_title; static const wxSize table_default_size; static const wxColour table_no_edit_color; - + static const wxColour table_row_sel_color; + static const wxColour table_col_sel_color; + static const wxColour table_row_and_col_sel_color; + // Scatterplot static const wxSize scatterplot_default_size; static const wxColour scatterplot_scale_color; // black diff --git a/GdaException.h b/GdaException.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5f160f232 --- /dev/null +++ b/GdaException.h @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +/** + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * + * This file is part of GeoDa. + * + * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_GDA_EXCEPTION_H__ +#define __GEODA_CENTER_GDA_EXCEPTION_H__ + +#include +#include + +/** + *This exception is thrown when the sanity checks defined below fail + */ + +class GdaException : public std::exception { +public: + typedef enum { + NORMAL = 0, + WARNING = 1, + CRITICLE = 2 + } Type; + + GdaException(const char* message, Type _t_=GdaException::CRITICLE) + { + std::ostringstream s; + s << message; +#ifdef DEBUG + //s << " in file " << __FILE__ << " line#" << __LINE__; +#endif + + what_ = s.str(); + t_ = _t_; + } + virtual ~GdaException() throw () {} + virtual const char* what() const throw () { + if (what_.empty()) return "None"; + return what_.c_str(); + } + virtual const Type type() const throw() { return t_; } + +private: + std::string what_; + Type t_; +}; + +#endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/GenGeomAlgs.cpp b/GenGeomAlgs.cpp index e3812ce87..8b92fd3ce 100644 --- a/GenGeomAlgs.cpp +++ b/GenGeomAlgs.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -41,13 +41,17 @@ double GenGeomAlgs::ComputeArcDist(double long1, double lat1, double long2, double lat2) { //const double pi = 3.141592653589; + const double R_earth_mi = 6371.0 / 1.609344; const double rad = 0.017453292519938; // rad = pi/180.0 double rlat1 = (90.0 - lat1) *rad; double rlat2 = (90.0 - lat2) *rad; double rlong = (long2-long1) *rad; double drad = cos(rlong)*sin(rlat1)*sin(rlat2) + cos(rlat1)*cos(rlat2); - double dist = acos(drad)*3959.0; // approx radius of earth in miles - return dist; // in miles + // 6371.0 / 1.609344 = approx radius of earth in miles + // 6371 is Earth radius in km and the conversion to (Statue) miles is + // given by 1 mi = 1.609344 km + double dist = acos(drad) * R_earth_mi; + return dist; // in miles. } /* diff --git a/GenGeomAlgs.h b/GenGeomAlgs.h index f51002146..ff33b97d5 100644 --- a/GenGeomAlgs.h +++ b/GenGeomAlgs.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/GenUtils.cpp b/GenUtils.cpp index 3dd03ca23..37e18c95b 100644 --- a/GenUtils.cpp +++ b/GenUtils.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -24,17 +24,49 @@ #include #include #include -#include "GeoDaConst.h" +#include +#include "DataViewer/TableState.h" +#include "GdaConst.h" #include "logger.h" #include "GenUtils.h" using namespace std; +uint64_t Gda::ThomasWangHashUInt64(uint64_t key) { + key = (~key) + (key << 21); // key = (key << 21) - key - 1; + key = key ^ (key >> 24); + key = (key + (key << 3)) + (key << 8); // key * 265 + key = key ^ (key >> 14); + key = (key + (key << 2)) + (key << 4); // key * 21 + key = key ^ (key >> 28); + key = key + (key << 31); + return key; +} + +double Gda::ThomasWangHashDouble(uint64_t key) { + key = (~key) + (key << 21); // key = (key << 21) - key - 1; + key = key ^ (key >> 24); + key = (key + (key << 3)) + (key << 8); // key * 265 + key = key ^ (key >> 14); + key = (key + (key << 2)) + (key << 4); // key * 21 + key = key ^ (key >> 28); + key = key + (key << 31); + return 5.42101086242752217E-20 * key; +} + +GeoDaVarInfo::GeoDaVarInfo() : is_time_variant(false), time(0), +min(1, 0), max(1, 0), sync_with_global_time(true), fixed_scale(true), +is_ref_variable(false), time_min(0), time_max(0), min_over_time(0), +max_over_time(0) +{ +} + // Sets all Secondary Attributes in GeoDaVarInfo based on Primary Attributes. // This method must be called whenever a Primary attribute of any item in the // GeoDaVarInfo vector changes. -int GeoDa::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(std::vector& var_info) +int Gda::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(std::vector& var_info) { + PrintVarInfoVector(var_info); int num_vars = var_info.size(); int ref_var = -1; for (int i=0; i& var_info) var_info[i].ref_time_offset = 0; var_info[i].time_min = var_info[i].time; var_info[i].time_max = var_info[i].time; + LOG(var_info[i].min.size()); var_info[i].min_over_time = var_info[i].min[var_info[i].time]; var_info[i].max_over_time = var_info[i].max[var_info[i].time]; } @@ -79,9 +112,9 @@ int GeoDa::UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(std::vector& var_info) return ref_var; } -void GeoDa::PrintVarInfoVector(std::vector& var_info) +void Gda::PrintVarInfoVector(std::vector& var_info) { - LOG_MSG("Entering GeoDa::PrintVarInfoVector"); + LOG_MSG("Entering Gda::PrintVarInfoVector"); LOG(var_info.size()); for (int i=0; i& var_info) LOG(var_info[i].max_over_time); LOG_MSG("\n"); } - LOG_MSG("Exiting GeoDa::PrintVarInfoVector"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting Gda::PrintVarInfoVector"); } /** Use with std::sort for sorting in ascending order */ -bool GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_cmp_less(const dbl_int_pair_type& ind1, +bool Gda::dbl_int_pair_cmp_less(const dbl_int_pair_type& ind1, const dbl_int_pair_type& ind2) { return ind1.first < ind2.first; } /** Use with std::sort for sorting in descending order */ -bool GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_cmp_greater(const dbl_int_pair_type& ind1, +bool Gda::dbl_int_pair_cmp_greater(const dbl_int_pair_type& ind1, const dbl_int_pair_type& ind2) { return ind1.first > ind2.first; } /** Use with std::sort for sorting in ascending order */ -bool GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_cmp_second_less(const dbl_int_pair_type& ind1, +bool Gda::dbl_int_pair_cmp_second_less(const dbl_int_pair_type& ind1, const dbl_int_pair_type& ind2) { return ind1.second < ind2.second; } /** Use with std::sort for sorting in descending order */ -bool GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_cmp_second_greater(const dbl_int_pair_type& ind1, +bool Gda::dbl_int_pair_cmp_second_greater(const dbl_int_pair_type& ind1, const dbl_int_pair_type& ind2) { return ind1.second > ind2.second; @@ -137,7 +170,7 @@ bool GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_cmp_second_greater(const dbl_int_pair_type& ind1, void HingeStats::CalculateHingeStats( - const std::vector& data) + const std::vector& data) { num_obs = data.size(); double N = num_obs; @@ -183,7 +216,7 @@ void HingeStats::CalculateHingeStats( // percentile(1, v) = 15, percentile(10, v) = 15, percentile(11) = 15.25 // percentile(50, v) = 35, percentile(89, v) = 49.5, // percentile(90, v) = 50, percentile(99, v) = 50 -double GeoDa::percentile(double x, const std::vector& v) +double Gda::percentile(double x, const std::vector& v) { int N = v.size(); double Nd = (double) N; @@ -204,7 +237,7 @@ double GeoDa::percentile(double x, const std::vector& v) } // Same assumptions as above -double GeoDa::percentile(double x, const GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_vec_type& v) +double Gda::percentile(double x, const Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type& v) { int N = v.size(); double Nd = (double) N; @@ -262,7 +295,7 @@ void SampleStatistics::CalculateFromSample(const std::vector& data) /** We assume that the data has been sorted in ascending order */ void SampleStatistics::CalculateFromSample( - const std::vector& data) + const std::vector& data) { sample_size = data.size(); if (sample_size == 0) return; @@ -348,7 +381,7 @@ double SampleStatistics::CalcMean(const std::vector& data) } double SampleStatistics::CalcMean( - const std::vector& data) + const std::vector& data) { if (data.size() == 0) return 0; double total = 0; @@ -639,6 +672,18 @@ bool GenUtils::LineSegsIntersect(const wxPoint& l1_p1, const wxPoint& l1_p2, CounterClockwise(l1_p1, l1_p2, l2_p2))); } +wxString GenUtils::BoolToStr(bool b) +{ + return b ? "true" : "false"; +} + +bool GenUtils::StrToBool(const wxString& s) +{ + if (s.CmpNoCase("1") == 0) return true; + if (s.CmpNoCase("true") == 0) return true; + return false; +} + /** If input string has length < width, then prepends (or appends if pad_left=false) string with spaces so that total length is now width. If string length >= width, then returns original input string. */ @@ -764,13 +809,80 @@ wxString GenUtils::GetFileExt(const wxString& path) return wxEmptyString; } -wxString GenUtils::GetTheFileTitle(const wxString& path) +wxString GenUtils::RestorePath(const wxString& proj_path, const wxString& path) { - wxString strResult = GetFileName(path); - int pos = strResult.Find('.',true); - if (pos >= 0) - return strResult.Left(pos); - return strResult; + LOG_MSG("In GenUtils::RestorePath"); + wxFileName path_fn(path); + if (path_fn.IsAbsolute()) return path; + if (!path_fn.IsOk()) return path; + wxFileName wd; + wxFileName prj_path_fn(proj_path); + if (prj_path_fn.GetExt().IsEmpty()) { + wd.AssignDir(proj_path); + } else { + wd.AssignDir(prj_path_fn.GetPath()); + } + if (!wd.IsOk() || !wd.IsDir() || !wd.IsAbsolute()) return path; + if (path_fn.MakeAbsolute(wd.GetPath())) { + if (path_fn.GetExt().IsEmpty()) { + LOG_MSG(path_fn.GetPath()); + return path_fn.GetPath(); + } + LOG_MSG(path_fn.GetFullPath()); + return path_fn.GetFullPath(); + } + return path; +} + +wxString GenUtils::SimplifyPath(const wxString& proj_path, const wxString& path) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering GenUtils::SimplifyPath(const wxString&, " + "const wxString&"); + wxFileName wd; + wxFileName proj_path_fn(proj_path); + if (proj_path_fn.GetExt().IsEmpty()) { + wd.AssignDir(proj_path); + } else { + wd.AssignDir(proj_path_fn.GetPath()); + } + LOG_MSG("Exiting GenUtils::SimplifyPath"); + return GenUtils::SimplifyPath(wd, path); +} + +wxString GenUtils::SimplifyPath(const wxFileName& wd, const wxString& path) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering GenUtils::SimplifyPath(const wxFileName&, " + "const wxString&)"); + LOG(wd.GetPath()); + LOG(wd.GetFullPath()); + LOG(wd.IsDir()); + LOG(path); + wxFileName path_fn(path); + if (!wd.IsOk() || !wd.IsDir() || !wd.IsAbsolute() || + path_fn.IsRelative()) return path; + wxFileName p; + if (wxDirExists(path)) { + p.AssignDir(path); + } else { + p.Assign(path); + } + if (p.GetVolume() != wd.GetVolume()) return path; + wxArrayString p_dirs = p.GetDirs(); + wxArrayString wd_dirs = wd.GetDirs(); + if (p_dirs.size() < wd_dirs.size()) return path; + for (int i=0, sz=wd_dirs.size(); i= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '-' || ch == '+' || ch == '.') break; } - if (s.good()) - s.putback(ch); + if (s.good()) s.putback(ch); } // This is an implementation of ltoa @@ -825,7 +936,7 @@ void GenUtils::longToString(const long d, char* Id, const int base) { int i = 0; long j = d; - char rId[ GeoDaConst::ShpObjIdLen ]; + char rId[ GdaConst::ShpObjIdLen ]; if (d == 0) { Id[0] = '0'; Id[1] = '\0'; @@ -1011,3 +1122,70 @@ bool GenUtils::ExistsShpShxDbf(const wxFileName& fname, bool* shp_found, return shp.FileExists() && shx.FileExists() && dbf.FileExists(); } +wxString GenUtils::FindLongestSubString(const std::vector strings, + bool cs) +{ + using namespace std; + int n=strings.size(); + if (n == 0) return ""; + vector strs(strings); + if (!cs) for (int i=0; i 0; --cur_len) { + for (int cur_pos=0; cur_pos <= len-cur_len; ++cur_pos) { + wxString ss = ref_str.substr(cur_pos, cur_len); + bool all_match = true; // substring found everywhere currently + for (int i=0; iGetNumDisallowGroupModify(grp_nm); + if (n == 0) return true; + wxString msg(table_state->GetDisallowGroupModifyMsg(grp_nm)); + wxMessageDialog dlg(NULL, msg, "Warning", wxOK | wxICON_WARNING); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return false; +} + +wxString GenUtils::WrapText(wxWindow *win, const wxString& text, int widthMax) +{ + class HardBreakWrapper : public wxTextWrapper + { + public: + HardBreakWrapper(wxWindow *win, const wxString& text, int widthMax) { + Wrap(win, text, widthMax); + } + wxString const& GetWrapped() const { return m_wrapped; } + protected: + virtual void OnOutputLine(const wxString& line) { + m_wrapped += line; + } + virtual void OnNewLine() { + m_wrapped += '\n'; + } + private: + wxString m_wrapped; + }; + HardBreakWrapper wrapper(win, text, widthMax); + return wrapper.GetWrapped(); +} diff --git a/GenUtils.h b/GenUtils.h index 52084e534..b1746f6fb 100644 --- a/GenUtils.h +++ b/GenUtils.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -20,17 +20,55 @@ #ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_GEN_UTILS_H__ #define __GEODA_CENTER_GEN_UTILS_H__ -#include +#include #include +#include +#include #include #include #include // for wxPoint / wxRealPoint +#include + +// file name encodings +// in windows, wxString.fn_str() will return a wchar*, which take care of +// international encodings +// in mac, wxString.mb_str() will return UTF8 char* +#ifdef __WIN32__ + #ifndef GET_ENCODED_FILENAME + #define GET_ENCODED_FILENAME(a) a.fn_str() + #endif +#else + #ifndef GET_ENCODED_FILENAME + #define GET_ENCODED_FILENAME(a) a.mb_str() + #endif +#endif class wxDC; +class TableState; + +namespace Gda { + /** Returns a uniformly distributed + random unsigned 64-bit integer given a seed. Has the property + that seed, seed+1, seed+2, .... seed+n are good random numbers. This + is useful for doing parallel Monte Carlo simulations with a common + random seed for reproducibility. */ + uint64_t ThomasWangHashUInt64(uint64_t key); + + /** Returns a uniformly distributed + random double on the unit interval given unsigned 64-bit integer as + a seed. Has the property that seed, seed+1, seed+2, .... seed+n are + good random numbers. This is useful for doing parallel Monte Carlo + simulations with a common random seed for reproducibility. */ + double ThomasWangHashDouble(uint64_t key); + + inline bool IsNaN(double x) { return x != x; } + inline bool IsFinite(double x) { return x-x == 0; } +} struct GeoDaVarInfo { - // Primary Attributes + GeoDaVarInfo(); + // Primary Attributes wxString name; bool is_time_variant; int time; // current time, always between time_min and time_max @@ -60,7 +98,7 @@ struct GeoDaVarInfo { double max_over_time; // within time min/max range }; -namespace GeoDa { +namespace Gda { // returns new reference variable index, or else -1 if no reference // variable int UpdateVarInfoSecondaryAttribs(std::vector& var_info); @@ -68,10 +106,10 @@ namespace GeoDa { void PrintVarInfoVector(std::vector& var_info); } -namespace GeoDa { +namespace Gda { // useful for sorting a vector of double with their original indexes: // std::vector data; - // std::sort(data.begin(), data.end(), GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_cmp_less); + // std::sort(data.begin(), data.end(), Gda::dbl_int_pair_cmp_less); typedef std::pair dbl_int_pair_type; typedef std::vector dbl_int_pair_vec_type; bool dbl_int_pair_cmp_less(const dbl_int_pair_type& ind1, @@ -128,7 +166,7 @@ struct HingeStats { max_val(0), is_even_num_obs(false), Q2(0), Q2_ind(0), Q1(0), Q1_ind(0), Q3(0), Q3_ind(0), min_IQR_ind(0), max_IQR_ind(0) {} - void CalculateHingeStats(const std::vector& data); + void CalculateHingeStats(const std::vector& data); int num_obs; double min_val; double max_val; @@ -152,14 +190,14 @@ struct HingeStats { double extreme_upper_val_30; }; -namespace GeoDa { +namespace Gda { // Percentile using Linear interpolation between closest ranks // Definition as described in Matlab documentation // and at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percentile // Assumes that input vector v is sorted in ascending order. // Duplicate values are allowed. double percentile(double x, const std::vector& v); - double percentile(double x, const GeoDa::dbl_int_pair_vec_type& v); + double percentile(double x, const Gda::dbl_int_pair_vec_type& v); } struct DataPoint { @@ -176,7 +214,7 @@ struct SampleStatistics { sd_with_bessel(0), sd_without_bessel(0) {} SampleStatistics(const std::vector& data); void CalculateFromSample(const std::vector& data); - void CalculateFromSample(const std::vector& data); + void CalculateFromSample(const std::vector& data); std::string ToString(); int sample_size; @@ -193,7 +231,7 @@ struct SampleStatistics { static void CalcMinMax(const std::vector& data, double& min, double& max); static double CalcMean(const std::vector& data); - static double CalcMean(const std::vector& data); + static double CalcMean(const std::vector& data); }; struct SimpleLinearRegression { @@ -272,8 +310,10 @@ namespace GenUtils { const wxPoint& p3); bool LineSegsIntersect(const wxPoint& l1_p1, const wxPoint& l1_p2, const wxPoint& l2_p1, const wxPoint& l2_p2); - + // other + wxString BoolToStr(bool b); + bool StrToBool(const wxString& s); wxString Pad(const wxString& s, int width, bool pad_left=true); wxString DblToStr(double x, int precision = 3); wxString PtToStr(const wxPoint& p); @@ -292,7 +332,23 @@ namespace GenUtils { wxString GetFileDirectory(const wxString& path); wxString GetFileName(const wxString& path); wxString GetFileExt(const wxString& path); - wxString GetTheFileTitle(const wxString& path); + /** If path is a relative path, return an absolute path based + on proj_path path. If path is absolute, return it as is. */ + wxString RestorePath(const wxString& proj_path, const wxString& path); + wxString SimplifyPath(const wxString& proj_path, const wxString& path); + /** Input: wd should be the working directory of the project file. It + is assumed that this directory is valid. + path can be either a dir or file path. If path is + relative, then path is returned unchanged. If path is abolute, then + if directory or file is either the same as, or within a subdirectory + of current working directory, then return a relative path with + respect to the current working directory. Otherwise, return the + resource string unchanged. Within the the program, all resource + file should be stored with an absolute path. Upon saving the + project file, each of these resource strings should be processed + by SimplfyPath to see if they can be converted into a relative path + with respect to the current Working Directory (project file location). */ + wxString SimplifyPath(const wxFileName& wd, const wxString& path); wxInt32 Reverse(const wxInt32 &val); long ReverseInt(const int &val); void SkipTillNumber(std::istream &s); @@ -315,6 +371,13 @@ namespace GenUtils { bool isEmptyOrSpaces(const wxString& str); bool ExistsShpShxDbf(const wxFileName& fname, bool* shp_found, bool* shx_found, bool* dbf_found); + wxString FindLongestSubString(const std::vector strings, + bool case_sensitive=false); + + bool CanModifyGrpAndShowMsgIfNot(TableState* table_state, + const wxString& grp_nm); + + wxString WrapText(wxWindow *win, const wxString& text, int widthMax); } /** Old code used by LISA functions */ @@ -345,7 +408,7 @@ class GeoDaSet { } } int Pop() { // remove element from the set - if (current == 0) return -1; // formerly GeoDaConst::EMPTY + if (current == 0) return -1; // formerly GdaConst::EMPTY int rtn= buffer[ --current ]; flags[rtn]= '\x0'; // check it out return rtn; @@ -409,4 +472,5 @@ template void GenUtils::swap(T& x, T& y) y = t; } + #endif diff --git a/GeneralWxUtils.cpp b/GeneralWxUtils.cpp index 867e72a03..09d684e26 100644 --- a/GeneralWxUtils.cpp +++ b/GeneralWxUtils.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ wxString GeneralWxUtils::wxFindAppPath(const wxString& argv0, const wxString& appVariableName) { wxString str; - + /* // Try appVariableName if (!appVariableName.IsEmpty()) { @@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ wxString GeneralWxUtils::wxFindAppPath(const wxString& argv0, return wxPathOnly(str); // Failed + */ return wxEmptyString; } @@ -127,6 +128,20 @@ bool GeneralWxUtils::isVista() return r; } +bool GeneralWxUtils::isX86() +{ +#ifdef _WIN64 || __amd64__ + return false; +#else + return true; +#endif +} + +bool GeneralWxUtils::isX64() +{ + return !isX86(); +} + bool GeneralWxUtils::isDebug() { #if defined(__WXDEBUG__) || defined(DEBUG) @@ -171,11 +186,13 @@ bool GeneralWxUtils::ReplaceMenu(wxMenuBar* mb, const wxString& title, LOG_MSG("Exiting GeneralWxUtils::ReplaceMenu in unexpected way!"); return false; } - wxMenu* prev_opt_menu = mb->GetMenu(m_ind); - mb->Replace(m_ind, newMenu, title); + //wxMenu* prev_opt_menu = mb->GetMenu(m_ind); + //mb->Replace(m_ind, newMenu, title); + wxMenu* prev_opt_menu = mb->Remove(m_ind); + mb->Insert(m_ind, newMenu, title); // The following line shouldn't be needed, but on wxWidgets 2.9.2, the // menu label is set to empty after Replace is called. - mb->SetMenuLabel(m_ind, title); + //mb->SetMenuLabel(m_ind, title); if (prev_opt_menu) delete prev_opt_menu; LOG_MSG("Exiting GeneralWxUtils::ReplaceMenu"); return true; diff --git a/GeneralWxUtils.h b/GeneralWxUtils.h index 647eea376..7ec4cbb24 100644 --- a/GeneralWxUtils.h +++ b/GeneralWxUtils.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ class GeneralWxUtils { static bool isUnix(); static bool isXP(); static bool isVista(); + static bool isX86(); + static bool isX64(); static bool isDebug(); static bool isBigEndian(); static bool isLittleEndian(); diff --git a/Generic/GNUmakefile b/Generic/GNUmakefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41ee29b21 --- /dev/null +++ b/Generic/GNUmakefile @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ + +include ../GeoDamake.opt + +#include ./file.lst + +CPPFLAGS := $(CPPFLAGS) +CXXFLAGS := $(CXXFLAGS) + +CXX_SRCS := $(wildcard *.cpp) +#OBJ := ${CXX_SRCS:.cpp=.o} +OBJ := HighlightState.o GdaShape.o + +default: $(O_OBJ:.o=.$(OBJ_EXT)) + +clean: + rm -f *.o + diff --git a/Generic/MyShape.cpp b/Generic/GdaShape.cpp similarity index 74% rename from Generic/MyShape.cpp rename to Generic/GdaShape.cpp index 0e7ed82e8..876223474 100644 --- a/Generic/MyShape.cpp +++ b/Generic/GdaShape.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ * along with this program. If not, see . */ -#include "MyShape.h" +#include "GdaShape.h" #include // for math abs and floor function #include #include #include #include "../logger.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../GenUtils.h" #include -MyScaleTrans& MyScaleTrans::operator=(const MyScaleTrans& s) +GdaScaleTrans& GdaScaleTrans::operator=(const GdaScaleTrans& s) { scale_x = s.scale_x; scale_y = s.scale_y; @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ MyScaleTrans& MyScaleTrans::operator=(const MyScaleTrans& s) desired, for example when the user continually zooms out. The optional image_width_p and image_height_p parameters are for returning the resulting image width after the transformation is applied. */ -void MyScaleTrans::calcAffineParams(double x_min, double y_min, +void GdaScaleTrans::calcAffineParams(double x_min, double y_min, double x_max, double y_max, double top_marg, double bottom_marg, double left_marg, double right_marg, @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ void MyScaleTrans::calcAffineParams(double x_min, double y_min, double* image_width_p, double* image_height_p) { - //LOG_MSG("Entering MyScaleTrans::calcAffineParams"); + //LOG_MSG("Entering GdaScaleTrans::calcAffineParams"); double drawing_area_width = screen_width-(left_marg+right_marg); double drawing_area_height = screen_height-(top_marg+bottom_marg); @@ -138,62 +138,68 @@ void MyScaleTrans::calcAffineParams(double x_min, double y_min, *image_width_p = abs(new_x_min - new_x_max); *image_height_p = abs(new_y_min - new_y_max); } - //LOG_MSG("Exiting MyScaleTrans::calcAffineParams"); + //LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaScaleTrans::calcAffineParams"); } -wxString MyScaleTrans::GetString() +wxString GdaScaleTrans::GetString() { - wxString str("MyScaleTrans: "); + wxString str("GdaScaleTrans: "); str << "scale_x=" << scale_x << ", scale_y=" << scale_y; str << "\n trans_x=" << trans_x << ", trans_y="; str << trans_y; return str; } -void MyScaleTrans::transform(const point_2d& src, +void GdaScaleTrans::transform_back(const wxPoint& src, wxRealPoint& result) const +{ + result.x = (src.x - trans_x) / scale_x ; + result.y = (src.y - trans_y) / scale_y ; +} + +void GdaScaleTrans::transform(const point_2d& src, wxPoint* result) const { result->x = (int) (src.x()*scale_x + trans_x); result->y = (int) (src.y()*scale_y + trans_y); } -void MyScaleTrans::transform(const wxRealPoint& src, wxPoint* result) const +void GdaScaleTrans::transform(const wxRealPoint& src, wxPoint* result) const { result->x = (int) (src.x * scale_x + trans_x); result->y = (int) (src.y * scale_y + trans_y); } -void MyScaleTrans::transform(const wxRealPoint& src, wxRealPoint* result) const +void GdaScaleTrans::transform(const wxRealPoint& src, wxRealPoint* result) const { result->x = src.x * scale_x + trans_x; result->y = src.y * scale_y + trans_y; } -void MyScaleTrans::transform(const wxPoint& src, wxPoint* result) const +void GdaScaleTrans::transform(const wxPoint& src, wxPoint* result) const { result->x = (int) (((double) src.x) * scale_x + trans_x); result->y = (int) (((double) src.y) * scale_y + trans_y); } -void MyScaleTrans::transform(const Shapefile::Point& src, wxPoint* result) const +void GdaScaleTrans::transform(const Shapefile::Point& src, wxPoint* result) const { result->x = (int) (src.x * scale_x + trans_x); result->y = (int) (src.y * scale_y + trans_y); } -void MyScaleTrans::transform(const double& src, double* result) const +void GdaScaleTrans::transform(const double& src, double* result) const { *result = src * max_scale; } -MyShapeAttribs::MyShapeAttribs(const MyShapeAttribs& s) +GdaShapeAttribs::GdaShapeAttribs(const GdaShapeAttribs& s) : brush(s.brush), pen(s.pen), x_nudge(s.x_nudge), y_nudge(s.y_nudge) { } -MyShapeAttribs::MyShapeAttribs(const MyShapeAttribs* s) -: brush(*GeoDaConst::default_myshape_brush), -pen(*GeoDaConst::default_myshape_pen), x_nudge(0), y_nudge(0) +GdaShapeAttribs::GdaShapeAttribs(const GdaShapeAttribs* s) +: brush(*GdaConst::default_myshape_brush), +pen(*GdaConst::default_myshape_pen), x_nudge(0), y_nudge(0) { if (!s) return; brush = s->brush; @@ -202,7 +208,7 @@ pen(*GeoDaConst::default_myshape_pen), x_nudge(0), y_nudge(0) y_nudge = s->y_nudge; } -MyShapeAttribs& MyShapeAttribs::operator=(const MyShapeAttribs& s) { +GdaShapeAttribs& GdaShapeAttribs::operator=(const GdaShapeAttribs& s) { brush = s.brush; pen = s.pen; x_nudge = s.x_nudge; @@ -210,87 +216,90 @@ MyShapeAttribs& MyShapeAttribs::operator=(const MyShapeAttribs& s) { return *this; } -MyShape::MyShape() : - center(0,0), center_o(0.0,0.0), category(0), attribs(0) +GdaShape::GdaShape() : + center(0,0), center_o(0.0,0.0), category(0), attribs(0), null_shape(false) { } -MyShape::~MyShape() +GdaShape::~GdaShape() { if (attribs) delete attribs; } -MyShape::MyShape(const MyShape& s) : - center(s.center), center_o(s.center_o), attribs(0) +GdaShape::GdaShape(const GdaShape& s) : + center(s.center), center_o(s.center_o), attribs(0), + null_shape(s.null_shape) { - if (s.attribs) attribs = new MyShapeAttribs(s.attribs); + if (s.attribs) attribs = new GdaShapeAttribs(s.attribs); } -MyShape& MyShape::operator=(const MyShape& s) +GdaShape& GdaShape::operator=(const GdaShape& s) { + null_shape = s.null_shape; center = s.center; center_o = s.center_o; /** allocate optional attributes if not already allocated. Attributes will be deleted by destructor */ if (s.attribs) { - if (!attribs) attribs = new MyShapeAttribs; + if (!attribs) attribs = new GdaShapeAttribs; attribs->operator=(*s.attribs); } return *this; } -void MyShape::applyScaleTrans(const MyScaleTrans& A) +void GdaShape::applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A) { A.transform(center_o, ¢er); } -void MyShape::setNudge(int x_nudge, int y_nudge) +void GdaShape::setNudge(int x_nudge, int y_nudge) { - if (!attribs) attribs = new MyShapeAttribs; + if (!attribs) attribs = new GdaShapeAttribs; attribs->x_nudge = x_nudge; attribs->y_nudge = y_nudge; } -void MyShape::setPen(const wxPen& pen) +void GdaShape::setPen(const wxPen& pen) { - if (!attribs) attribs = new MyShapeAttribs; + if (!attribs) attribs = new GdaShapeAttribs; attribs->pen = pen; } -void MyShape::setBrush(const wxBrush& brush) +void GdaShape::setBrush(const wxBrush& brush) { - if (!attribs) attribs = new MyShapeAttribs; + if (!attribs) attribs = new GdaShapeAttribs; attribs->brush = brush; } -const wxPen& MyShape::getPen() +const wxPen& GdaShape::getPen() { - if (!attribs) return *GeoDaConst::default_myshape_pen; + if (!attribs) return *GdaConst::default_myshape_pen; return attribs->pen; } -const wxBrush& MyShape::getBrush() +const wxBrush& GdaShape::getBrush() { - if (!attribs) return *GeoDaConst::default_myshape_brush; + if (!attribs) return *GdaConst::default_myshape_brush; return attribs->brush; } -int MyShape::getXNudge() +int GdaShape::getXNudge() { if (!attribs) return 0; return attribs->x_nudge; } -int MyShape::getYNudge() +int GdaShape::getYNudge() { if (!attribs) return 0; return attribs->y_nudge; } -void MyShapeAlgs::partsToCount(const std::vector& parts, +void GdaShapeAlgs::partsToCount(const std::vector& parts, int total_points, int* count) { - //LOG_MSG("Entering MyShape::partsToCount"); + if (total_points == 0 || parts.size() == 0) return; + //LOG_MSG("Entering GdaShape::partsToCount"); int last_ind = parts.size()-1; for (int i=0; i& parts, //LOG(parts[last_ind]); //LOG(last_ind); //LOG(count[last_ind]); - //LOG_MSG("Exiting MyShape::partsToCount"); + //LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaShape::partsToCount"); } -wxRealPoint MyShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(MyPolygon* poly) +wxRealPoint GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(GdaPolygon* poly) { if (poly->n_count < 1) return wxRealPoint(0,0); if (poly->points_o) { @@ -318,7 +327,7 @@ wxRealPoint MyShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(MyPolygon* poly) } } -wxRealPoint MyShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(int n, wxRealPoint* pts) +wxRealPoint GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(int n, wxRealPoint* pts) { wxRealPoint c(0.0, 0.0); if (pts) { @@ -332,7 +341,7 @@ wxRealPoint MyShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(int n, wxRealPoint* pts) return c; } -wxRealPoint MyShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter( +wxRealPoint GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter( const std::vector& pts) { wxRealPoint c(0.0, 0.0); @@ -350,7 +359,7 @@ wxRealPoint MyShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter( // The only calculates the centroid for the first polygon in the // description and does not take into acount holes in the polygon. // also, polygons are assumed to be simple. -wxRealPoint MyShapeAlgs::calculateCentroid(MyPolygon* poly) +wxRealPoint GdaShapeAlgs::calculateCentroid(GdaPolygon* poly) { if (poly->n_count < 1) return wxRealPoint(0,0); if (poly->points_o) { @@ -360,9 +369,9 @@ wxRealPoint MyShapeAlgs::calculateCentroid(MyPolygon* poly) } } -wxRealPoint MyShapeAlgs::calculateCentroid(int n, wxRealPoint* pts) +wxRealPoint GdaShapeAlgs::calculateCentroid(int n, wxRealPoint* pts) { - double area = MyShapeAlgs::calculateArea(n, pts); + double area = GdaShapeAlgs::calculateArea(n, pts); if (area == 0) return wxRealPoint(pts[0].x, pts[0].y); // polygon is a p-gon. Handle case when polygon is not closed int p = (pts[0].x==pts[n-1].x && pts[0].y==pts[n-1].y) ? n-1 : n; @@ -377,10 +386,10 @@ wxRealPoint MyShapeAlgs::calculateCentroid(int n, wxRealPoint* pts) return wxRealPoint(cx, cy); } -wxRealPoint MyShapeAlgs::calculateCentroid(int n, +wxRealPoint GdaShapeAlgs::calculateCentroid(int n, const std::vector& pts) { - double area = MyShapeAlgs::calculateArea(n, pts); + double area = GdaShapeAlgs::calculateArea(n, pts); if (area == 0) return wxRealPoint(pts[0].x, pts[0].y); // polygon is a p-gon. Handle case when polygon is not closed int p = (pts[0].x==pts[n-1].x && pts[0].y==pts[n-1].y) ? n-1 : n; @@ -400,7 +409,7 @@ wxRealPoint MyShapeAlgs::calculateCentroid(int n, to by the calculateCentroid function, the negative area will automatically correct for reversed coordinates in the returned centroid point. */ -double MyShapeAlgs::calculateArea(int n, wxRealPoint* pts) +double GdaShapeAlgs::calculateArea(int n, wxRealPoint* pts) { if (n <= 2) return 0; double a = 0; @@ -411,7 +420,7 @@ double MyShapeAlgs::calculateArea(int n, wxRealPoint* pts) return a/2.0f; } -double MyShapeAlgs::calculateArea(int n, +double GdaShapeAlgs::calculateArea(int n, const std::vector& pts) { if (n <= 2) return 0; @@ -430,7 +439,7 @@ double MyShapeAlgs::calculateArea(int n, is null, or will write to pnts_array if not null. Note, the size of pnts_array needs to be sufficiently large. */ -wxRegion MyShapeAlgs::createCircleRegion(const wxPoint& center, double radius, +wxRegion GdaShapeAlgs::createCircleRegion(const wxPoint& center, double radius, int num_points, wxPoint* pnts_array, int* pnts_array_size) @@ -466,7 +475,7 @@ wxRegion MyShapeAlgs::createCircleRegion(const wxPoint& center, double radius, return wxRegion(num_points, p); } -void MyShapeAlgs::createCirclePolygon(const wxPoint& center, double radius, +void GdaShapeAlgs::createCirclePolygon(const wxPoint& center, double radius, int num_points, wxPoint* pnts_array, int* pnts_array_size) { @@ -501,7 +510,7 @@ void MyShapeAlgs::createCirclePolygon(const wxPoint& center, double radius, /** wxRegions need to have a non-zero area. This function takes a line specifiation and converts it to a 3-pixels across parallelogram. */ -wxRegion MyShapeAlgs::createLineRegion(wxPoint a, wxPoint b) +wxRegion GdaShapeAlgs::createLineRegion(wxPoint a, wxPoint b) { static wxPoint scratch_pts[4]; if (a == b) { @@ -525,7 +534,7 @@ wxRegion MyShapeAlgs::createLineRegion(wxPoint a, wxPoint b) return wxRegion(4, scratch_pts); } -bool MyShapeAlgs::pointInPolygon(const wxPoint& pt, int n, const wxPoint* pts) +bool GdaShapeAlgs::pointInPolygon(const wxPoint& pt, int n, const wxPoint* pts) { bool within = false; for (int i=0, j=n-1; ipc) { @@ -567,58 +576,80 @@ void MyShapeAlgs::getBoundingBoxOrig(const MyPolygon* p, double& xmin, } } -MyPoint::MyPoint(const MyPoint& s) - : MyShape(s) +GdaPoint::GdaPoint() { + null_shape = true; } -MyPoint::MyPoint(wxRealPoint point_o_s) +GdaPoint::GdaPoint(const GdaPoint& s) + : GdaShape(s) +{ +} + +GdaPoint::GdaPoint(wxRealPoint point_o_s) { center = wxPoint((int) point_o_s.x, (int) point_o_s.y); center_o = point_o_s; } -MyPoint::MyPoint(double x_orig, double y_orig) +GdaPoint::GdaPoint(double x_orig, double y_orig) { center = wxPoint((int) x_orig, (int) y_orig); center_o = wxRealPoint(x_orig, y_orig); } -bool MyPoint::pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt) +double GdaPoint::GetX() +{ + return center_o.x; +} + +double GdaPoint::GetY() { + return center_o.y; +} + +bool GdaPoint::pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt) +{ + if (null_shape) return false; return ( fabs((double) (center.x - pt.x)) - <= GeoDaConst::my_point_click_radius && + <= GdaConst::my_point_click_radius && fabs((double) (center.y - pt.y)) - <= GeoDaConst::my_point_click_radius ); + <= GdaConst::my_point_click_radius ); } -bool MyPoint::regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r) +bool GdaPoint::regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r) { + if (null_shape) return false; return r.Contains(center.x-1, center.y-1, 3, 3) != wxOutRegion; } -//void MyPoint::applyScaleTrans(const MyScaleTrans& A) +//void GdaPoint::applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A) //{ -// MyShape::applyScaleTrans(A); // apply affine transform to base class +// GdaShape::applyScaleTrans(A); // apply affine transform to base class // A.transform(center_o, ¢er); //} -void MyPoint::paintSelf(wxDC& dc) +void GdaPoint::paintSelf(wxDC& dc) { + if (null_shape) return; dc.SetPen(getPen()); dc.SetBrush(getBrush()); wxPoint n_center(center.x+getXNudge(), center.y+getYNudge()); - dc.DrawCircle(n_center, GeoDaConst::my_point_click_radius); + dc.DrawCircle(n_center, GdaConst::my_point_click_radius); } +GdaCircle::GdaCircle() +{ + null_shape = true; +} -MyCircle::MyCircle(const MyCircle& s) - : MyShape(s), radius(s.radius), radius_o(s.radius_o), +GdaCircle::GdaCircle(const GdaCircle& s) + : GdaShape(s), radius(s.radius), radius_o(s.radius_o), scale_radius(s.scale_radius) { } -MyCircle::MyCircle(wxRealPoint center_o_s, double radius_o_s, +GdaCircle::GdaCircle(wxRealPoint center_o_s, double radius_o_s, bool scale_radius_s) : radius_o(radius_o_s), radius(radius_o_s), scale_radius(scale_radius_s) { @@ -626,48 +657,55 @@ MyCircle::MyCircle(wxRealPoint center_o_s, double radius_o_s, center_o = center_o_s; } -bool MyCircle::pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt) +bool GdaCircle::pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt) { + if (null_shape) return false; return GenUtils::distance(center, pt) <= radius; } -bool MyCircle::regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r) +bool GdaCircle::regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r) { //long diam = (long) (2*radius); //if (r.Contains(center.x - radius, center.y - radius, // diam, diam) == wxOutRegion) { // return false; //} else { - // wxRegion circ_reg = MyShapeAlgs::createCircleRegion(center, radius); + // wxRegion circ_reg = GdaShapeAlgs::createCircleRegion(center, radius); // circ_reg.Intersect(r); // return !circ_reg.IsEmpty(); //} return false; } -void MyCircle::applyScaleTrans(const MyScaleTrans& A) +void GdaCircle::applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A) { - MyShape::applyScaleTrans(A); // apply affine transform to base class + if (null_shape) return; + GdaShape::applyScaleTrans(A); // apply affine transform to base class A.transform(center_o, ¢er); if (scale_radius) A.transform(radius_o, &radius); } -void MyCircle::paintSelf(wxDC& dc) +void GdaCircle::paintSelf(wxDC& dc) { + if (null_shape) return; dc.SetPen(getPen()); dc.SetBrush(getBrush()); wxPoint n_center(center.x+getXNudge(), center.y+getYNudge()); dc.DrawCircle(n_center, radius); } +GdaRectangle::GdaRectangle() +{ + null_shape = true; +} -MyRectangle::MyRectangle(const MyRectangle& s) -: MyShape(s), lower_left(s.lower_left), lower_left_o(s.lower_left_o), +GdaRectangle::GdaRectangle(const GdaRectangle& s) +: GdaShape(s), lower_left(s.lower_left), lower_left_o(s.lower_left_o), upper_right_o(s.upper_right_o), upper_right(s.upper_right_o) { } -MyRectangle::MyRectangle(wxRealPoint lower_left_o_s, +GdaRectangle::GdaRectangle(wxRealPoint lower_left_o_s, wxRealPoint upper_right_o_s) : lower_left_o(lower_left_o_s), upper_right_o(upper_right_o_s) { @@ -676,26 +714,29 @@ MyRectangle::MyRectangle(wxRealPoint lower_left_o_s, center = wxPoint((int) center_o.x, (int) center_o.y); } -bool MyRectangle::pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt) +bool GdaRectangle::pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt) { + if (null_shape) return false; return (pt.x >= lower_left.x && pt.x <= upper_right.x && pt.y <= lower_left.y && pt.y >= upper_right.y); } -bool MyRectangle::regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r) +bool GdaRectangle::regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r) { return false; } -void MyRectangle::applyScaleTrans(const MyScaleTrans& A) +void GdaRectangle::applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A) { - MyShape::applyScaleTrans(A); // apply affine transform to base class + if (null_shape) return; + GdaShape::applyScaleTrans(A); // apply affine transform to base class A.transform(lower_left_o, &lower_left); A.transform(upper_right_o, &upper_right); } -void MyRectangle::paintSelf(wxDC& dc) +void GdaRectangle::paintSelf(wxDC& dc) { + if (null_shape) return; dc.SetPen(getPen()); dc.SetBrush(getBrush()); dc.DrawRectangle(lower_left.x+getXNudge(), lower_left.y+getYNudge(), @@ -703,13 +744,18 @@ void MyRectangle::paintSelf(wxDC& dc) upper_right.y - lower_left.y); } +GdaPolygon::GdaPolygon() : points(0), points_o(0), count(0) +{ + null_shape = true; +} -MyPolygon::MyPolygon(const MyPolygon& s) - : MyShape(s), //region(s.region), +GdaPolygon::GdaPolygon(const GdaPolygon& s) + : GdaShape(s), //region(s.region), n(s.n), pc(s.pc), points_o(s.points_o), n_count(s.n_count), all_points_same(s.all_points_same), - bb_ll_o(s.bb_ll_o), bb_ur_o(s.bb_ur_o) + bb_ll_o(s.bb_ll_o), bb_ur_o(s.bb_ur_o), count(0) { + if (null_shape) return; points = new wxPoint[n]; for (int i=0; ishape_type == 0 || pc->num_points == 0) { + null_shape = true; + return; + } count = new int[pc->num_parts]; // initialize count array - MyShapeAlgs::partsToCount(pc->parts, pc->num_points, count); + GdaShapeAlgs::partsToCount(pc->parts, pc->num_points, count); n_count = pc->num_parts; n = pc->num_points; points = new wxPoint[n]; + //points_o = new wxRealPoint[n]; for (int i=0; ipoints[i].x; points[i].y = (int) pc->points[i].y; + //points_o[i].x = pc->points[i].x; + //points_o[i].y = pc->points[i].y; } - center_o = MyShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(pc->points); + center_o = GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(pc->points); center.x = (int) center_o.x; center.y = (int) center_o.y; bb_ll_o = center_o; @@ -793,7 +851,7 @@ MyPolygon::MyPolygon(Shapefile::PolygonContents* pc_s) } -MyPolygon::~MyPolygon() +GdaPolygon::~GdaPolygon() { if (points) { delete [] points; @@ -809,17 +867,18 @@ MyPolygon::~MyPolygon() } } -bool MyPolygon::pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt) +bool GdaPolygon::pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt) { + if (null_shape) return false; if (all_points_same) { return pt == center; } else { - return MyShapeAlgs::pointInPolygon(pt, n, points); + return GdaShapeAlgs::pointInPolygon(pt, n, points); } //return region.Contains(pt) != wxOutRegion; } -bool MyPolygon::regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r) +bool GdaPolygon::regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r) { //wxRegion reg(region); //reg.Intersect(r); @@ -827,9 +886,10 @@ bool MyPolygon::regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r) return false; } -void MyPolygon::applyScaleTrans(const MyScaleTrans& A) +void GdaPolygon::applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A) { - MyShape::applyScaleTrans(A); // apply affine transform to base class + if (null_shape) return; + GdaShape::applyScaleTrans(A); // apply affine transform to base class all_points_same = true; wxPoint tpt; A.transform(bb_ll_o, &tpt); @@ -850,7 +910,7 @@ void MyPolygon::applyScaleTrans(const MyScaleTrans& A) } } -wxRealPoint MyPolygon::CalculateCentroid(int n, wxRealPoint* pts) +wxRealPoint GdaPolygon::CalculateCentroid(int n, wxRealPoint* pts) { double area = 0; double sum_x = 0; @@ -865,8 +925,9 @@ wxRealPoint MyPolygon::CalculateCentroid(int n, wxRealPoint* pts) return wxRealPoint(sum_x / (3 * area), sum_y / (3 * area)); } -void MyPolygon::paintSelf(wxDC& dc) +void GdaPolygon::paintSelf(wxDC& dc) { + if (null_shape) return; dc.SetPen(getPen()); dc.SetBrush(getBrush()); if (n_count > 1) { @@ -877,9 +938,13 @@ void MyPolygon::paintSelf(wxDC& dc) } -MyPolyLine::MyPolyLine() - : n(2), pc(0), n_count(1) +GdaPolyLine::GdaPolyLine() + : n(2), pc(0), n_count(1), count(0), points(0), points_o(0) { + null_shape = true; + return; + + /* double x1=0, y1=0, x2=100, y2=100; count = new int[1]; count[0] = n; @@ -894,21 +959,23 @@ MyPolyLine::MyPolyLine() points[1].x = (int) x2; points[1].y = (int) y2; - center_o = MyShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(n, points_o); + center_o = GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(n, points_o); center.x = (int) center_o.x; center.y = (int) center_o.y; - //region = MyShapeAlgs::createLineRegion(points[0], points[1]); + //region = GdaShapeAlgs::createLineRegion(points[0], points[1]); //for (int i=1; i1) { - // region = MyShapeAlgs::createLineRegion(points[0], points[1]); + // region = GdaShapeAlgs::createLineRegion(points[0], points[1]); // for (int i=1; ishape_type == 0 || pc->num_points == 0) { + null_shape = true; + return; + } count = new int[pc->num_parts]; // initialize count array - MyShapeAlgs::partsToCount(pc->parts, pc->num_points, count); + GdaShapeAlgs::partsToCount(pc->parts, pc->num_points, count); n_count = pc->num_parts; n = pc->num_points; @@ -1006,35 +1081,36 @@ MyPolyLine::MyPolyLine(Shapefile::PolyLineContents* pc_s) //int chunk_index = 0; // will have the initial index of each part //for (int h=0; h 1) { // ensure this is a valid part - // region.Union(MyShapeAlgs::createLineRegion(points[chunk_index], + // region.Union(GdaShapeAlgs::createLineRegion(points[chunk_index], // points[chunk_index+1])); // for (int i=1; ipoints); + center_o = GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(pc->points); center.x = (int) center_o.x; center.y = (int) center_o.y; } -MyPolyLine::~MyPolyLine() +GdaPolyLine::~GdaPolyLine() { if (points) delete [] points; points = 0; if (points_o) delete [] points_o; points_o = 0; if (count) delete [] count; count = 0; } -MyPolyLine& MyPolyLine::operator=(const MyPolyLine& s) +GdaPolyLine& GdaPolyLine::operator=(const GdaPolyLine& s) { - //LOG_MSG("Entering MyPolyLine::operator="); - MyShape::operator=(s); + //LOG_MSG("Entering GdaPolyLine::operator="); + GdaShape::operator=(s); if (points) delete [] points; points = 0; if (points_o) delete [] points_o; points_o = 0; if (count) delete [] count; count = 0; + if (s.null_shape) return *this; if (s.points) { points = new wxPoint[s.n]; for (int i=0, iend=s.n; i& vals_s, +GdaShapeTable::GdaShapeTable(const std::vector& vals_s, const std::vector& attributes_s, int rows_s, int cols_s, wxFont font_s, const wxRealPoint& ref_pt_s, - MyText::HorizAlignment horiz_align_s, - MyText::VertAlignment vert_align_s, - MyText::HorizAlignment cell_h_align_s, - MyText::VertAlignment cell_v_align_s, + GdaShapeText::HorizAlignment horiz_align_s, + GdaShapeText::VertAlignment vert_align_s, + GdaShapeText::HorizAlignment cell_h_align_s, + GdaShapeText::VertAlignment cell_v_align_s, int row_gap_s, int col_gap_s, int x_nudge, int y_nudge) : vals(vals_s), attributes(attributes_s), @@ -1434,8 +1522,8 @@ MyTable::MyTable(const std::vector& vals_s, setNudge(x_nudge, y_nudge); } -MyTable::MyTable(const MyTable& s) - : MyShape(s), vals(s.vals), attributes(s.attributes), +GdaShapeTable::GdaShapeTable(const GdaShapeTable& s) + : GdaShape(s), vals(s.vals), attributes(s.attributes), rows(s.rows), cols(s.cols), font(s.font), ref_pt(s.ref_pt), ref_pt_o(s.ref_pt_o), horiz_align(s.horiz_align), vert_align(s.vert_align), @@ -1445,9 +1533,9 @@ MyTable::MyTable(const MyTable& s) { } -MyTable& MyTable::operator=(const MyTable& s) +GdaShapeTable& GdaShapeTable::operator=(const GdaShapeTable& s) { - MyShape::operator=(s); + GdaShape::operator=(s); vals = s.vals; attributes = s.attributes; rows = s.rows; @@ -1466,10 +1554,10 @@ MyTable& MyTable::operator=(const MyTable& s) return *this; } -void MyTable::paintSelf(wxDC& dc) +void GdaShapeTable::paintSelf(wxDC& dc) { using namespace std; - //LOG_MSG("Entering MyTable::paintSelf"); + //LOG_MSG("Entering GdaShapeTable::paintSelf"); if (hidden || vals.size() == 0 || rows*cols != vals.size()) return; dc.SetPen(getPen()); dc.SetBrush(getBrush()); @@ -1514,16 +1602,16 @@ void MyTable::paintSelf(wxDC& dc) for (int i=0; i #include "../GenUtils.h" -class MyPolygon; +class GdaPolygon; typedef boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy point_2d; -struct MyScaleTrans { - MyScaleTrans() : +struct GdaScaleTrans { + GdaScaleTrans() : scale_x(1.0), scale_y(1.0), max_scale(1.0), trans_x(0.0), trans_y(0.0){} - MyScaleTrans(double s_x, double s_y, double t_x, double t_y) : + GdaScaleTrans(double s_x, double s_y, double t_x, double t_y) : scale_x(s_x), scale_y(s_y), max_scale(GenUtils::max(s_x, s_y)), trans_x(t_x), trans_y(t_y) {} - virtual MyScaleTrans& operator=(const MyScaleTrans& s); + virtual GdaScaleTrans& operator=(const GdaScaleTrans& s); static void calcAffineParams(double x_min, double y_min, double x_max, double y_max, double top_marg, double bottom_marg, @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ struct MyScaleTrans { double* image_width_p=0, double* image_height_p=0); wxString GetString(); + void transform_back(const wxPoint& src, wxRealPoint& result) const; void transform(const point_2d& pt, wxPoint* result) const; void transform(const wxRealPoint& src, wxPoint* result) const; void transform(const wxRealPoint& src, wxRealPoint* result) const; @@ -72,13 +73,13 @@ struct MyScaleTrans { double trans_y; }; -namespace MyShapeAlgs { +namespace GdaShapeAlgs { void partsToCount(const std::vector& parts, int total_points, int* count); - wxRealPoint calculateMeanCenter(MyPolygon* poly); + wxRealPoint calculateMeanCenter(GdaPolygon* poly); wxRealPoint calculateMeanCenter(int n, wxRealPoint* pts); wxRealPoint calculateMeanCenter(const std::vector& pts); - wxRealPoint calculateCentroid(MyPolygon* poly); + wxRealPoint calculateCentroid(GdaPolygon* poly); wxRealPoint calculateCentroid(int n, wxRealPoint* pts); wxRealPoint calculateCentroid(int n, const std::vector& pts); @@ -94,17 +95,17 @@ namespace MyShapeAlgs { int* pnts_array_size = 0); wxRegion createLineRegion(wxPoint a, wxPoint b); bool pointInPolygon(const wxPoint& pt, int n, const wxPoint* pts); - void getBoundingBoxOrig(const MyPolygon* p, double& xmin, + void getBoundingBoxOrig(const GdaPolygon* p, double& xmin, double& ymin, double& xmax, double& ymax); } -struct MyShapeAttribs { - MyShapeAttribs() : brush(*wxBLUE_BRUSH), pen(*wxBLACK_PEN), +struct GdaShapeAttribs { + GdaShapeAttribs() : brush(*wxBLUE_BRUSH), pen(*wxBLACK_PEN), x_nudge(0), y_nudge(0) {} - MyShapeAttribs(const MyShapeAttribs& s); - MyShapeAttribs(const MyShapeAttribs* s); - virtual MyShapeAttribs& operator=(const MyShapeAttribs& s); - virtual ~MyShapeAttribs() {} + GdaShapeAttribs(const GdaShapeAttribs& s); + GdaShapeAttribs(const GdaShapeAttribs* s); + virtual GdaShapeAttribs& operator=(const GdaShapeAttribs& s); + virtual ~GdaShapeAttribs() {} wxBrush brush; wxPen pen; @@ -112,13 +113,13 @@ struct MyShapeAttribs { int y_nudge; }; -class MyShape { +class GdaShape { public: - MyShape(); - MyShape(const MyShape& s); - virtual ~MyShape(); - virtual MyShape* clone() = 0; - virtual MyShape& operator=(const MyShape& s); + GdaShape(); + GdaShape(const GdaShape& s); + virtual ~GdaShape(); + virtual GdaShape* clone() = 0; + virtual GdaShape& operator=(const GdaShape& s); virtual wxPoint getCentroid() { return center; } virtual wxPoint getMeanCenter() { return center; } @@ -127,8 +128,7 @@ class MyShape { virtual bool pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt) { return false; }; virtual bool regionIntersect(const wxRegion& region) { return false; }; - virtual void applyScaleTrans(const MyScaleTrans& A); - + virtual void applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A); virtual void paintSelf(wxDC& dc) = 0; public: @@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ class MyShape { const wxBrush& getBrush(); int getXNudge(); int getYNudge(); + bool isNull() { return null_shape; } wxPoint center; // for selectable shapes, indicates which category shape belongs to int category; @@ -147,58 +148,62 @@ class MyShape { wxRealPoint center_o; wxPoint bb_poly[5]; protected: - MyShapeAttribs* attribs; // optional extra attributes + bool null_shape; // flag for an placeholder or empty shape + GdaShapeAttribs* attribs; // optional extra attributes }; -class MyPoint: public MyShape { +class GdaPoint: public GdaShape { public: - MyPoint(const MyPoint& s); - MyPoint(wxRealPoint point_o_s); - MyPoint(double x_orig, double y_orig); - virtual ~MyPoint() {} - virtual MyPoint* clone() { return new MyPoint(*this); } + GdaPoint(); // creates a null shape + GdaPoint(const GdaPoint& s); + GdaPoint(wxRealPoint point_o_s); + GdaPoint(double x_orig, double y_orig); + virtual ~GdaPoint() {} + virtual GdaPoint* clone() { return new GdaPoint(*this); } virtual bool pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt); virtual bool regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r); - //virtual void applyScaleTrans(const MyScaleTrans& A); + //virtual void applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A); virtual void paintSelf(wxDC& dc); + double GetX(); + double GetY(); }; -class MyCircle: public MyShape { +class GdaCircle: public GdaShape { public: - MyCircle(const MyCircle& s); - MyCircle(wxRealPoint center_o_s, double radius_o_s, + GdaCircle(); // creates a null shape + GdaCircle(const GdaCircle& s); + GdaCircle(wxRealPoint center_o_s, double radius_o_s, bool scale_radius = false); - virtual ~MyCircle() {} - virtual MyCircle* clone() { return new MyCircle(*this); } + virtual ~GdaCircle() {} + virtual GdaCircle* clone() { return new GdaCircle(*this); } virtual bool pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt); virtual bool regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r); - virtual void applyScaleTrans(const MyScaleTrans& A); + virtual void applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A); virtual void paintSelf(wxDC& dc); public: - //wxPoint center; // inherited from MyShape + //wxPoint center; // inherited from GdaShape double radius; bool scale_radius; // does radius change when affine trans applied? protected: - //wxRealPoint center_o; // inherited from MyShape + //wxRealPoint center_o; // inherited from GdaShape double radius_o; }; -class MyRectangle: public MyShape { +class GdaRectangle: public GdaShape { public: - MyRectangle() : lower_left(0,0), upper_right(0,0), - lower_left_o(0,0), upper_right_o(0,0) {} - MyRectangle(const MyRectangle& s); - MyRectangle(wxRealPoint lower_left_o_s, wxRealPoint upper_right_o_s); - virtual ~MyRectangle() {} - virtual MyRectangle* clone() { return new MyRectangle(*this); } + GdaRectangle(); // creates a null shape + GdaRectangle(const GdaRectangle& s); + GdaRectangle(wxRealPoint lower_left_o_s, wxRealPoint upper_right_o_s); + virtual ~GdaRectangle() {} + virtual GdaRectangle* clone() { return new GdaRectangle(*this); } virtual bool pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt); virtual bool regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r); - virtual void applyScaleTrans(const MyScaleTrans& A); + virtual void applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A); virtual void paintSelf(wxDC& dc); public: wxPoint lower_left; @@ -209,18 +214,19 @@ class MyRectangle: public MyShape { }; -class MyPolygon: public MyShape { +class GdaPolygon: public GdaShape { public: - MyPolygon(const MyPolygon& s); - MyPolygon(int n_s, wxRealPoint* points_o_s); - MyPolygon(Shapefile::PolygonContents* pc_s); - virtual ~MyPolygon(); - virtual MyPolygon* clone() { return new MyPolygon(*this); } + GdaPolygon(); // creates a null shape + GdaPolygon(const GdaPolygon& s); + GdaPolygon(int n_s, wxRealPoint* points_o_s); + GdaPolygon(Shapefile::PolygonContents* pc_s); + virtual ~GdaPolygon(); + virtual GdaPolygon* clone() { return new GdaPolygon(*this); } virtual bool pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt); virtual bool regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r); - virtual void applyScaleTrans(const MyScaleTrans& A); - + virtual void applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A); + static wxRealPoint CalculateCentroid(int n, wxRealPoint* pts); virtual void paintSelf(wxDC& dc); public: @@ -245,20 +251,20 @@ class MyPolygon: public MyShape { }; -class MyPolyLine: public MyShape { +class GdaPolyLine: public GdaShape { public: - MyPolyLine(); - MyPolyLine(const MyPolyLine& s); - MyPolyLine(int n_s, wxRealPoint* points_o_s); - MyPolyLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2); - MyPolyLine(Shapefile::PolyLineContents* pc_s); - virtual MyPolyLine& operator=(const MyPolyLine& s); - virtual ~MyPolyLine(); - virtual MyPolyLine* clone() { return new MyPolyLine(*this); } + GdaPolyLine(); + GdaPolyLine(const GdaPolyLine& s); + GdaPolyLine(int n_s, wxRealPoint* points_o_s); + GdaPolyLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2); + GdaPolyLine(Shapefile::PolyLineContents* pc_s); + virtual GdaPolyLine& operator=(const GdaPolyLine& s); + virtual ~GdaPolyLine(); + virtual GdaPolyLine* clone() { return new GdaPolyLine(*this); } virtual bool pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt); virtual bool regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r); - virtual void applyScaleTrans(const MyScaleTrans& A); + virtual void applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A); virtual void paintSelf(wxDC& dc); virtual wxString printDetails(); @@ -277,44 +283,45 @@ class MyPolyLine: public MyShape { }; -class MyRay: public MyShape { +class GdaRay: public GdaShape { public: - MyRay(const MyRay& s); - MyRay(wxRealPoint center_o_s, double degs_rot_cc_from_horiz_s, + GdaRay(); // creates a null shape + GdaRay(const GdaRay& s); + GdaRay(wxRealPoint center_o_s, double degs_rot_cc_from_horiz_s, int length_s); - virtual ~MyRay() {} - virtual MyRay* clone() { return new MyRay(*this); } + virtual ~GdaRay() {} + virtual GdaRay* clone() { return new GdaRay(*this); } virtual bool pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt); virtual bool regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r); - virtual void applyScaleTrans(const MyScaleTrans& A); + virtual void applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A); virtual void paintSelf(wxDC& dc); public: - //wxPoint center; // inherited from MyShape + //wxPoint center; // inherited from GdaShape double degs_rot_cc_from_horiz; int length; // length in pixels protected: - //wxRealPoint center_o; // inherited from MyShape + //wxRealPoint center_o; // inherited from GdaShape }; -class MyText: public MyShape { +class GdaShapeText: public GdaShape { public: enum VertAlignment{ top, v_center, bottom }; enum HorizAlignment{ left, h_center, right }; - MyText(); - MyText(wxString text_s, wxFont font_s, const wxRealPoint& ref_pt_s, + GdaShapeText(); + GdaShapeText(wxString text_s, wxFont font_s, const wxRealPoint& ref_pt_s, double degs_rot_cc_from_horiz_s = 0, HorizAlignment h_align = h_center, VertAlignment v_align = v_center, int x_nudge = 0, int y_nudge = 0); - MyText(const MyText& s); - virtual MyText& operator=(const MyText& s); - virtual ~MyText() {} - virtual MyText* clone() { return new MyText(*this); } + GdaShapeText(const GdaShapeText& s); + virtual GdaShapeText& operator=(const GdaShapeText& s); + virtual ~GdaShapeText() {} + virtual GdaShapeText* clone() { return new GdaShapeText(*this); } virtual bool pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt); - virtual void applyScaleTrans(const MyScaleTrans& A); + virtual void applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A); virtual void paintSelf(wxDC& dc); static wxPoint calcRefPoint(wxDC& dc, const wxString& text, @@ -339,29 +346,29 @@ class MyText: public MyShape { wxRealPoint ref_pt_o; }; -class MyTable : public MyShape { +class GdaShapeTable : public GdaShape { public: struct CellAttrib { wxColour color; }; - MyTable(); - MyTable(const std::vector& vals, + GdaShapeTable(); + GdaShapeTable(const std::vector& vals, const std::vector& attributes, int rows, int cols, wxFont font, const wxRealPoint& ref_pt, - MyText::HorizAlignment horiz_align = MyText::h_center, - MyText::VertAlignment vert_align = MyText::v_center, - MyText::HorizAlignment cell_h_align = MyText::h_center, - MyText::VertAlignment cell_v_align = MyText::v_center, + GdaShapeText::HorizAlignment horiz_align = GdaShapeText::h_center, + GdaShapeText::VertAlignment vert_align = GdaShapeText::v_center, + GdaShapeText::HorizAlignment cell_h_align = GdaShapeText::h_center, + GdaShapeText::VertAlignment cell_v_align = GdaShapeText::v_center, int row_gap = 3, int col_gap = 10, int x_nudge = 0, int y_nudge = 0); - MyTable(const MyTable& s); - virtual MyTable& operator=(const MyTable& s); - virtual ~MyTable() {} - virtual MyTable* clone() { return new MyTable(*this); } + GdaShapeTable(const GdaShapeTable& s); + virtual GdaShapeTable& operator=(const GdaShapeTable& s); + virtual ~GdaShapeTable() {} + virtual GdaShapeTable* clone() { return new GdaShapeTable(*this); } - virtual void applyScaleTrans(const MyScaleTrans& A); + virtual void applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A); virtual void paintSelf(wxDC& dc); virtual void GetSize(wxDC& dc, int& w, int& h); @@ -375,25 +382,25 @@ class MyTable : public MyShape { int row_gap; int col_gap; wxRealPoint ref_pt; - MyText::HorizAlignment horiz_align; - MyText::VertAlignment vert_align; - MyText::HorizAlignment cell_h_align; - MyText::VertAlignment cell_v_align; + GdaShapeText::HorizAlignment horiz_align; + GdaShapeText::VertAlignment vert_align; + GdaShapeText::HorizAlignment cell_h_align; + GdaShapeText::VertAlignment cell_v_align; protected: wxRealPoint ref_pt_o; }; -class MyAxis: public MyShape { +class GdaAxis: public GdaShape { public: - MyAxis(); - MyAxis(const MyAxis& s); - MyAxis(const wxString& caption_s, const AxisScale& s, + GdaAxis(); + GdaAxis(const GdaAxis& s); + GdaAxis(const wxString& caption_s, const AxisScale& s, const wxRealPoint& a_s, const wxRealPoint& b_s, int x_nudge = 0, int y_nudge = 0); - virtual ~MyAxis() {} - virtual MyAxis* clone() { return new MyAxis(*this); } + virtual ~GdaAxis() {} + virtual GdaAxis* clone() { return new GdaAxis(*this); } - virtual void applyScaleTrans(const MyScaleTrans& A); + virtual void applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A); virtual void paintSelf(wxDC& dc); public: @@ -414,7 +421,7 @@ class MyAxis: public MyShape { bool hide_scale_values; }; -class MySelRegion { +class GdaSelRegion { public: enum Type { rectangle, circle, line }; Type regionType; @@ -423,17 +430,17 @@ class MySelRegion { }; /** - This class is used for pointer comparisons between MyShape pointers. If - p1 and p2 are pointers to MyShape instances, then p1 < p2 is true - if and only if p1->z < p2->z, where z is the z-value integer in each MyShape + This class is used for pointer comparisons between GdaShape pointers. If + p1 and p2 are pointers to GdaShape instances, then p1 < p2 is true + if and only if p1->z < p2->z, where z is the z-value integer in each GdaShape object. - This is only used to specify the std::multiset - template instance so that a multiset of MyShape points has a well-defined + This is only used to specify the std::multiset + template instance so that a multiset of GdaShape points has a well-defined partial order. */ //class my_shp_ptr_comp { // used by multiset template for comparison //public: -// bool operator() (const MyShape* lhs, const MyShape* rhs) const +// bool operator() (const GdaShape* lhs, const GdaShape* rhs) const // { return lhs->z < rhs->z; } //}; diff --git a/Generic/HighlightState.cpp b/Generic/HighlightState.cpp index abd0b40ad..456183164 100644 --- a/Generic/HighlightState.cpp +++ b/Generic/HighlightState.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/Generic/HighlightState.h b/Generic/HighlightState.h index 2059e3e27..9001b0b22 100644 --- a/Generic/HighlightState.h +++ b/Generic/HighlightState.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ class HighlightStateObserver; /** - An instance of this class models the linked highlight state of all SHP file - observations in the currently opened SHP file. This is the means by which + An instance of this class models the linked highlight state of all + observations in the currentl project. This is the means by which all of the views in GeoDa are linked. All children of TemplateCanvas can be Observers of the HightlightState Observable class. To be notified of state changes, an Observable registers itself by calling the @@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ class HighlightStateObserver; class HighlightState { public: - // Types for use in Table enum EventType { empty, // an empty event, observers should not be notified delta, // check both newly_highlighted and newly_unhighlighted diff --git a/Generic/HighlightStateObserver.h b/Generic/HighlightStateObserver.h index b68fcdd5f..ac1c06d64 100644 --- a/Generic/HighlightStateObserver.h +++ b/Generic/HighlightStateObserver.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/Generic/Observable.h b/Generic/Observable.h index 7c58a492b..d1c368c0e 100644 --- a/Generic/Observable.h +++ b/Generic/Observable.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/Generic/Observer.h b/Generic/Observer.h index 5273d5c16..67740a86e 100644 --- a/Generic/Observer.h +++ b/Generic/Observer.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/Generic/TestMapView.cpp b/Generic/TestMapView.cpp index 4a9437da3..6d0e498a1 100644 --- a/Generic/TestMapView.cpp +++ b/Generic/TestMapView.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ #include "../Project.h" #include #include "../ShapeOperations/ShapeUtils.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" IMPLEMENT_CLASS(TestMapFrame, TemplateFrame) BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(TestMapFrame, TemplateFrame) @@ -51,15 +51,15 @@ TestMapCanvas::TestMapCanvas(wxWindow *parent, using namespace Shapefile; LOG_MSG("Entering TestMapCanvas::TestMapCanvas"); - Project* project = MyFrame::GetProject(); - highlight_state = &(project->highlight_state); + Project* project = GdaFrame::GetProject(); + highlight_state = &(project->GetHighlightState()); shps_orig_xmin = project->main_data.header.bbox_x_min; shps_orig_ymin = project->main_data.header.bbox_y_min; shps_orig_xmax = project->main_data.header.bbox_x_max; shps_orig_ymax = project->main_data.header.bbox_y_max; double scale_x, scale_y, trans_x, trans_y; - MyScaleTrans::calcAffineParams(shps_orig_xmin, shps_orig_ymin, + GdaScaleTrans::calcAffineParams(shps_orig_xmin, shps_orig_ymin, shps_orig_xmax, shps_orig_ymax, virtual_screen_marg_top, virtual_screen_marg_bottom, @@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ TestMapCanvas::TestMapCanvas(wxWindow *parent, CreateSelShpsFromProj(selectable_shps, project); ResizeSelectableShps(); - wxBrush t_brush(GeoDaConst::map_default_fill_colour); - wxPen t_pen(GeoDaConst::map_default_outline_colour, - GeoDaConst::map_default_outline_width); - BOOST_FOREACH( MyShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { + wxBrush t_brush(GdaConst::map_default_fill_colour); + wxPen t_pen(GdaConst::map_default_outline_colour, + GdaConst::map_default_outline_width); + BOOST_FOREACH( GdaShape* shp, selectable_shps ) { shp->pen = t_pen; shp->brush = t_brush; } @@ -105,6 +105,10 @@ TestMapCanvas::~TestMapCanvas() void TestMapCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu(const wxPoint& pos) { LOG_MSG("Entering TestMapCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu"); + // Workaround for right-click not changing window focus in OSX / wxW 3.0 + wxActivateEvent ae(wxEVT_NULL, true, 0, wxActivateEvent::Reason_Mouse); + ((TestMapFrame*) template_frame)->OnActivate(ae); + wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadMenu("ID_TESTMAP_VIEW_MENU_CONTEXT"); template_frame->UpdateContextMenuItems(optMenu); @@ -160,7 +164,7 @@ void TestMapFrame::OnMenuClose(wxCommandEvent& event) void TestMapFrame::MapMenus() { LOG_MSG("In TestMapFrame::MapMenus"); - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); // Map Options Menus wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_TESTMAP_VIEW_MENU_CONTEXT"); diff --git a/Generic/TestMapView.h b/Generic/TestMapView.h index 5d0e99525..03f22d431 100644 --- a/Generic/TestMapView.h +++ b/Generic/TestMapView.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/Generic/TestScrollWinView.cpp b/Generic/TestScrollWinView.cpp index 4c7af7eba..773660cae 100644 --- a/Generic/TestScrollWinView.cpp +++ b/Generic/TestScrollWinView.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ #include #include #include "../GeoDa.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" +#include "../GdaConst.h" #include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" IMPLEMENT_CLASS(TestScrollWinFrame, TemplateFrame) @@ -73,6 +73,10 @@ TestScrollWinCanvas::~TestScrollWinCanvas() void TestScrollWinCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu(const wxPoint& pos) { //LOG_MSG("Entering TestScrollWinCanvas::DisplayRightClickMenu"); + // Workaround for right-click not changing window focus in OSX / wxW 3.0 + wxActivateEvent ae(wxEVT_NULL, true, 0, wxActivateEvent::Reason_Mouse); + ((TestScrollWinFrame*) template_frame)->OnActivate(ae); + wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadMenu("ID_TEST_SCROLL_WIN_VIEW_MENU_CONTEXT"); template_frame->UpdateContextMenuItems(optMenu); @@ -131,13 +135,13 @@ void TestScrollWinCanvas::PaintShapes(wxDC& dc) f5.SetPixelSize(wxSize(0,20)); dc.SetFont(f5); dc.DrawText("SetPixelSize(0,20), wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS", 10, y+(dy*i++)); - dc.SetFont(*GeoDaConst::small_font); - dc.DrawText("*GeoDaConst::small_font", 10, y+(dy*i++)); - dc.SetFont(*GeoDaConst::medium_font); - dc.DrawText("*GeoDaConst::medium_font", 10, y+(dy*i++)); - dc.SetTextForeground(GeoDaConst::selectable_fill_color); - dc.SetFont(*GeoDaConst::large_font); - dc.DrawText("*GeoDaConst::large_font", 10, y+(dy*i++)); + dc.SetFont(*GdaConst::small_font); + dc.DrawText("*GdaConst::small_font", 10, y+(dy*i++)); + dc.SetFont(*GdaConst::medium_font); + dc.DrawText("*GdaConst::medium_font", 10, y+(dy*i++)); + dc.SetTextForeground(GdaConst::selectable_fill_color); + dc.SetFont(*GdaConst::large_font); + dc.DrawText("*GdaConst::large_font", 10, y+(dy*i++)); } TestScrollWinFrame::TestScrollWinFrame(wxFrame *parent, @@ -270,7 +274,7 @@ void TestScrollWinFrame::OnMenuClose(wxCommandEvent& event) void TestScrollWinFrame::MapMenus() { //LOG_MSG("In TestScrollWinFrame::MapMenus"); - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); + wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); // Map Options Menus wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> LoadMenu("ID_TEST_SCROLL_WIN_VIEW_MENU_CONTEXT"); diff --git a/Generic/TestScrollWinView.h b/Generic/TestScrollWinView.h index 4dcaf0e5b..542a0da2d 100644 --- a/Generic/TestScrollWinView.h +++ b/Generic/TestScrollWinView.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/Generic/TestTableView.cpp b/Generic/TestTableView.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 58c17a48f..000000000 --- a/Generic/TestTableView.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,207 +0,0 @@ -/** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved - * - * This file is part of GeoDa. - * - * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program. If not, see . - */ - -#include "TestTableView.h" -#include "../logger.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include "../GeoDa.h" -#include "../Project.h" -#include "../GeoDaConst.h" -#include "../GeneralWxUtils.h" - - -IMPLEMENT_CLASS(TestTableFrame, TemplateFrame) - BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(TestTableFrame, TemplateFrame) - EVT_ACTIVATE(TestTableFrame::OnActivate) - EVT_CLOSE(TestTableFrame::OnClose) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("wxID_CLOSE"), TestTableFrame::OnMenuClose) -END_EVENT_TABLE() - - -TestTableFrame::TestTableFrame(wxFrame *parent, Project* project, - const wxString& title, - const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, - const long style) -: TemplateFrame(parent, project, title, pos, size, style), my_grid(0) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering TestTableFrame::TestTableFrame"); - - my_grid = new wxGrid( this, wxID_ANY, - wxDefaultPosition, GetClientSize() ); - - // Then we call CreateGrid to set the dimensions of the grid - // (100 rows and 10 columns in this example) - my_grid->CreateGrid( project->GetNumRecords(), - project->dbf_reader->getNumFields() ); - - my_grid->SetSelectionMode(wxGrid::wxGridSelectRows); - - // We can set the sizes of individual rows and columns - // in pixels - my_grid->SetRowSize( 0, 60 ); - my_grid->SetColSize( 0, 120 ); - - // And set grid cell contents as strings - my_grid->SetCellValue( 0, 0, "wxGrid is good" ); - - // We can specify that some cells are read->only - my_grid->SetCellValue( 0, 3, "This is read->only" ); - my_grid->SetReadOnly( 0, 3 ); - - // Colours can be specified for grid cell contents - my_grid->SetCellValue(3, 3, "green on grey"); - my_grid->SetCellTextColour(3, 3, *wxGREEN); - my_grid->SetCellBackgroundColour(3, 3, *wxLIGHT_GREY); - - // We can specify the some cells will store numeric - // values rather than strings. Here we set grid column 5 - // to hold floating point values displayed with width of 6 - // and precision of 2 - my_grid->SetColFormatFloat(5, 6, 2); - my_grid->SetCellValue(0, 6, "3.1415"); - - my_grid->SetColLabelValue(1, "Yes"); - my_grid->SetRowLabelValue(2, "OK Now"); - - std::vector dbf_fields = project->dbf_reader->getFieldDescs(); - DbfFileHeader dbf_header = project->dbf_reader->getFileHeader(); - for (int j=0, jend=dbf_fields.size(); jSetColLabelValue(j, dbf_fields[j].name); - } - for (int i=0, iend=dbf_header.num_records; iSetCellValue(i, j, val); - } - } - - my_grid->SelectRow(4, true); - my_grid->SelectRow(5, true); - my_grid->SelectRow(0, true); - - //template_canvas = new TestTableCanvas(this, wxDefaultPosition, - // GetClientSize()); - //template_canvas->template_frame = this; - //template_canvas->SetScrollRate(1,1); - - highlight_state = &(project->highlight_state); - highlight_state->registerObserver(this); - - Show(true); - LOG_MSG("Exiting TestTableFrame::TestTableFrame"); -} - -TestTableFrame::~TestTableFrame() -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering TestMapFrame::~TestMapFrame"); - highlight_state->removeObserver(this); - LOG_MSG("Exiting TestMapFrame::~TestMapFrame"); -} - -void TestTableFrame::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event) -{ - LOG_MSG("In TestTableFrame::OnActivate"); - if (event.GetActive()) { - RegisterAsActive("TestTableFrame", GetTitle()); - } - if ( event.GetActive() && my_grid ) my_grid->SetFocus(); -} - -void TestTableFrame::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event) -{ - LOG_MSG("In TestTableFrame::OnClose"); - DeregisterAsActive(); - Destroy(); -} - -void TestTableFrame::OnMenuClose(wxCommandEvent& event) -{ - LOG_MSG("In TestTableFrame::OnMenuClose"); - Close(); -} - -void TestTableFrame::MapMenus() -{ - LOG_MSG("In TestTableFrame::MapMenus"); - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); - // Map Options Menus - wxMenu* optMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()-> - LoadMenu("ID_TEST_TABLE_VIEW_MENU_CONTEXT"); - GeneralWxUtils::ReplaceMenu(mb, "Options", optMenu); - UpdateOptionMenuItems(); -} - -/** - Impelmentation of HighlightStateObservable interface function. This - is called by HighlightState when it notifies all observers - that its state has changed. */ -void TestTableFrame::update(HighlightState* o) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering TestTableFrame::update"); - - //wxClientDC dc(this); - //DoPrepareDC(dc); - - // Draw the updated objects. - //LOG_MSG("Painting Updated Shapes"); - - // int total = highlight_state->GetTotalNewlyUnhighlighted(); - //std::vector& nuh = highlight_state->GetNewlyUnhighlighted(); - if (highlight_state->GetTotalNewlyUnhighlighted() > 0) { - my_grid->ClearSelection(); - std::vectorhighlight = highlight_state->GetHighlight(); - for (int i=0, iend=highlight.size(); iSelectRow(i, true); - } - } else { - int total = highlight_state->GetTotalNewlyHighlighted(); - std::vector& nh = highlight_state->GetNewlyHighlighted(); - for (int i=0, iend = total; iSelectRow(nh[i], true); - } - } - - //for (int i=0; ihighlight = false; - //DrawMySelShape(nuh[i], dc); - //} - - //total = highlight_state->GetTotalNewlyHighlighted(); - //std::vector& nh = highlight_state->GetNewlyHighlighted(); - //for (int i=0; ihighlight = true; - //DrawMySelShape(nh[i], dc); - //} - - // Redraw the foreground - //BOOST_FOREACH(MyShape* shp, foreground_shps) { - // shp->paintSelf(dc); - //} - - // Draw the the selection region if needed - //PaintSelectionOutline(dc); - - // Draw and scroll/scale-invarant controls such as zoom/pan buttons - //PaintControls(dc); - LOG_MSG("Exiting TestTableFrame::update"); -} - diff --git a/Generic/TestTableView.h b/Generic/TestTableView.h deleted file mode 100644 index ef7bcd78d..000000000 --- a/Generic/TestTableView.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -/** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved - * - * This file is part of GeoDa. - * - * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program. If not, see . - */ - -#ifndef __GEODA_CENTER_TEST_TABLE_VIEW_H__ -#define __GEODA_CENTER_TEST_TABLE_VIEW_H__ - -#include "HighlightState.h" -#include "../TemplateFrame.h" -#include - -class TestTableFrame : public TemplateFrame, public HighlightStateObserver { - DECLARE_CLASS(TestTableFrame) -public: - TestTableFrame(wxFrame *parent, Project* project, const wxString& title, - const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, - const long style); - virtual ~TestTableFrame(); - - void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event); - void OnMenuClose(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event); - virtual void MapMenus(); - - /** This is the implementation of the HighlightStateObserver interface - update function. It is called whenever the observable's state has changed. - In this case, the observable is an instance of the HighlightState, which - keeps track of the hightlighted/selected state for every SHP file - observation. */ - virtual void update(HighlightState* o); - -private: - wxGrid* my_grid; - HighlightState* highlight_state; - - DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() -}; - -#endif diff --git a/Generic/macro_cleaner.h b/Generic/macro_cleaner.h index 35001a382..4efabe4d4 100644 --- a/Generic/macro_cleaner.h +++ b/Generic/macro_cleaner.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * diff --git a/GeoDa-Info.plist b/GeoDa-Info.plist deleted file mode 100644 index b07d40db1..000000000 --- a/GeoDa-Info.plist +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ - - - - - CFBundleDevelopmentRegion - English - CFBundleExecutable - ${EXECUTABLE_NAME} - CFBundleIconFile - GeoDa.icns - CFBundleIdentifier - edu.asu.geodacenter.${PRODUCT_NAME:identifier} - CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion - 6.0 - CFBundlePackageType - APPL - CFBundleSignature - ???? - CFBundleVersion - 1.0 - - diff --git a/GeoDa.cpp b/GeoDa.cpp index 12e2fe50e..0267d23cb 100644 --- a/GeoDa.cpp +++ b/GeoDa.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -21,10 +21,15 @@ #include #include #include +#include +#include +#include +#include #include #include +#include #include #include #include // SVG DC @@ -33,32 +38,37 @@ #include // XRC XML resouces #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include // for wxCopyFile and wxFileExists #include +#include +#include +#include -#include "DataViewer/DbfGridTableBase.h" +#include "DataViewer/DbfTable.h" #include "DataViewer/DataViewerAddColDlg.h" #include "DataViewer/DataViewerDeleteColDlg.h" #include "DataViewer/DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg.h" #include "DataViewer/MergeTableDlg.h" +#include "DataViewer/TableBase.h" +#include "DataViewer/TableFrame.h" +#include "DataViewer/TableInterface.h" #include "DataViewer/TableState.h" - +#include "DataViewer/TimeState.h" #include "DialogTools/CatClassifDlg.h" #include "DialogTools/PCPDlg.h" +#include "DialogTools/ProjectInfoDlg.h" #include "DialogTools/FieldNewCalcSheetDlg.h" -#include "DialogTools/CreateSpTmProjectDlg.h" +#include "DialogTools/CalculatorDlg.h" #include "DialogTools/DataMovieDlg.h" #include "DialogTools/ExportCsvDlg.h" #include "DialogTools/ImportCsvDlg.h" #include "DialogTools/RangeSelectionDlg.h" -#include "DialogTools/OpenSpaceTimeDlg.h" #include "DialogTools/TimeChooserDlg.h" -#include "DialogTools/TimeVariantImportDlg.h" +#include "DialogTools/VarGroupingEditorDlg.h" #include "DialogTools/VariableSettingsDlg.h" #include "DialogTools/Statistics.h" #include "DialogTools/SaveSelectionDlg.h" @@ -69,6 +79,11 @@ #include "DialogTools/RegressionReportDlg.h" #include "DialogTools/ProgressDlg.h" #include "DialogTools/GetisOrdChoiceDlg.h" +#include "DialogTools/ConnectDatasourceDlg.h" +#include "DialogTools/ExportDataDlg.h" +#include "DialogTools/TimeEditorDlg.h" +#include "DialogTools/SaveAsDlg.h" +#include "DialogTools/LocaleSetupDlg.h" #include "Explore/CatClassification.h" #include "Explore/GetisOrdMapNewView.h" @@ -90,7 +105,6 @@ #include "Explore/3DPlotView.h" //#include "Generic/TestMapView.h" -//#include "Generic/TestTableView.h" //#include "Generic/TestScrollWinView.h" #include "Regression/DiagnosticReport.h" @@ -101,67 +115,135 @@ #include "ShapeOperations/ShapeUtils.h" #include "ShapeOperations/shp2cnt.h" // only needed for IsLineShapeFile #include "ShapeOperations/WeightsManager.h" +#include "ShapeOperations/OGRDataAdapter.h" +#include "GdaException.h" #include "FramesManager.h" -#include "GeoDaConst.h" +#include "GdaConst.h" #include "GeneralWxUtils.h" #include "GenUtils.h" #include "logger.h" -#include "NewTableViewer.h" #include "Project.h" #include "TemplateFrame.h" - +#include "SaveButtonManager.h" #include "GeoDa.h" +#include "ogrsf_frmts.h" +#include +#include "cpl_conv.h" +#include "version.h" -// The following is defined in rc/MyAppResouces.cpp. This file was +// The following is defined in rc/GdaAppResouces.cpp. This file was // compiled with: /* wxrc dialogs.xrc menus.xrc toolbar.xrc \ - --cpp-code --output=MyAppResources.cpp --function=MyInitXmlResource + --cpp-code --output=GdaAppResources.cpp --function=GdaInitXmlResource */ // and combines all resouces file into single source file that is linked into // the application binary. -extern void MyInitXmlResource(); - -MyFrame* MyFrame::theFrame = 0; -bool MyFrame::projectOpen = false; +extern void GdaInitXmlResource(); const int ID_TEST_MAP_FRAME = wxID_HIGHEST + 10; -const int ID_TEST_TABLE_FRAME = wxID_HIGHEST + 11; -IMPLEMENT_APP(MyApp) +IMPLEMENT_APP(GdaApp) -//MyApp::MyApp(void) -//{ -// LOG_MSG("Entering MyApp::MyApp"); +GdaApp::GdaApp() : checker(0), server(0) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaApp::GdaApp"); //Don't call wxHandleFatalExceptions so that a core dump file will be //produced for debugging. //wxHandleFatalExceptions(); -// LOG_MSG("Exiting MyApp::MyApp"); -//} - -//wxTimer* MyApp::timer = NULL; + LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaApp::GdaApp"); +} -//void MyApp::OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& event) -//{ - // This method is called once every second - //ExitMainLoop(); // This will force the program to exit immediately -//} +GdaApp::~GdaApp() +{ + if (server) delete server; server = 0; +} #include "rc/GeoDaIcon-16x16.xpm" -bool MyApp::OnInit(void) +bool GdaApp::OnInit(void) { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyApp::OnInit"); - if (!wxApp::OnInit()) return false; + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaApp::OnInit"); - GeoDaConst::init(); + if (!wxApp::OnInit()) return false; + + if (!GeneralWxUtils::isMac()) { + // GeoDa operates in single-instance mode. This means that for + // a given user, only one instance of GeoDa will remain open + // at a time. This is not needed on Mac OSX since by default + // programs are only launched in single instance mode. This might + // not be true for launching directly from the command line, so + // this might need to change in the future. + checker = new wxSingleInstanceChecker("GdaApp"); + + if (!checker->IsAnotherRunning()) { + // This is the first instance of GeoDa running for this + // user, so this instance becomes the "server." + LOG_MSG("First instance of GeoDa: creating server for future " + "program instances."); + server = new GdaServer; + if (!server->Create("GdaApp")) { + LOG_MSG("Error: Failed to create in IPC service."); + } + } else { + // Another instance of GeoDa is already running. This other + // instance is acting as the "server" so this instance + // becomes the "client" and requests that the server open + // the requested project before this instance exits. + + LOG_MSG("Another instance of GeoDa is already running. Attempting " + "to communicate with IPC."); + + GdaClient* client = new GdaClient; + + // host_name will be ignored under DDE (Windows and + // possibly Linux), but will be used on platforms + // implementing wxClient/wxServer using TCP/IP. + wxString host_name("localhost"); + + wxConnectionBase* connection = + client->MakeConnection(host_name, "GdaApp", "GdaApp"); + + if (connection) { + connection->Execute(cmd_line_proj_file_name); + connection->Disconnect(); + delete connection; + } else { + wxString msg; + msg << "The existing GeoDa instance may be too busy to "; + msg << "respond.\nPlease close any open dialogs and try again."; + LOG_MSG(msg); + } + delete client; + delete checker; // OnExit() won't be called if we return false + checker = 0; + return false; + } + } + + // By defaut, GeoDa will use user's system locale + int lan = wxLocale::GetSystemLanguage(); + wxString locale_name = wxLocale::GetLanguageCanonicalName(lan); + setlocale(LC_ALL, locale_name.mb_str()); + struct lconv *poLconv = localeconv(); + CPLSetConfigOption("GDAL_LOCALE_SEPARATOR", poLconv->thousands_sep); + CPLSetConfigOption("GDAL_LOCALE_DECIMAL", poLconv->decimal_point); + // forcing to C locale, which is used internally in GeoDa + setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"); + + // will suppress "iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile" warning message + // in wxWidgets 2.9.5. This is a bug in libpng. See wxWidgets trac + // issue #15331 for more details. + wxLog::SetLogLevel(0); + + GdaConst::init(); wxImage::AddHandler(new wxPNGHandler); wxImage::AddHandler(new wxXPMHandler); wxXmlResource::Get()->InitAllHandlers(); - MyInitXmlResource(); // call the init function in MyAppResources.cpp + GdaInitXmlResource(); // call the init function in GdaAppResources.cpp //int majorVsn = 0; //int minorVsn = 0; @@ -170,25 +252,25 @@ bool MyApp::OnInit(void) //LOG_MSG(wxString::Format("XP? %d, Vista? %d", GeneralWxUtils::isXP(), // GeneralWxUtils::isVista())); - int frameWidth = 770; + int frameWidth = 814; int frameHeight = 80; if (GeneralWxUtils::isMac()) { - frameWidth = 648; - frameHeight = 46; + frameWidth = 621; + frameHeight = 45; } if (GeneralWxUtils::isWindows()) { // The default is assumed to be Vista / Win 7 family, but can check // with GeneralWxUtils::isVista() - frameWidth = 590; + frameWidth = 634; frameHeight = 76; // Override default in case XP family of OSes is detected if (GeneralWxUtils::isXP()) { - frameWidth = 590; + frameWidth = 634; frameHeight = 76; } } if (GeneralWxUtils::isUnix()) { // assumes GTK - frameWidth = 760; + frameWidth = 804; frameHeight = 84; } @@ -197,45 +279,47 @@ bool MyApp::OnInit(void) appFramePos = wxPoint(80,60); } - MyFrame::theFrame = new MyFrame("GeoDa", - appFramePos, - wxSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), - wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE & - ~(wxRESIZE_BORDER | wxMAXIMIZE_BOX)); - - MyFrame::theFrame->Show(true); - SetTopWindow(MyFrame::theFrame); + wxFrame* frame = new GdaFrame("GeoDa", appFramePos, + wxSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), + wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE & + ~(wxRESIZE_BORDER | wxMAXIMIZE_BOX)); + frame->Show(true); + //GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->Show(true); + SetTopWindow(GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()); if (GeneralWxUtils::isWindows()) { // For XP / Vista / Win 7, the user can select to use font sizes // of %100, %125 or %150. // Therefore, we might need to slighly increase the window size // when sizes > %100 are used in the Display options. - LOG(MyFrame::theFrame->GetSize().GetHeight()); - LOG(MyFrame::theFrame->GetClientSize().GetHeight()); - if (MyFrame::theFrame->GetClientSize().GetHeight() < 22) { - MyFrame::theFrame->SetSize(MyFrame::theFrame->GetSize().GetWidth(), - MyFrame::theFrame->GetSize().GetHeight() + - (22 - MyFrame::theFrame->GetClientSize().GetHeight())); - LOG(MyFrame::theFrame->GetClientSize().GetHeight()); + LOG(GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetSize().GetHeight()); + LOG(GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetClientSize().GetHeight()); + if (GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetClientSize().GetHeight() < 22) { + GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->SetSize( + GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetSize().GetWidth(), + GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetSize().GetHeight() + + (22 - GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetClientSize().GetHeight())); + LOG(GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetClientSize().GetHeight()); } } + if (!cmd_line_proj_file_name.IsEmpty()) { + wxString proj_fname(cmd_line_proj_file_name); + LOG_MSG("Potential project file: " + proj_fname); + GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->OpenProject(proj_fname); + } + // The following code will insert a "Test Map Frame" menu item // under the file menu. Comment this section out when not // testing. // BEGIN TestMapFrame TEST - wxMenuBar* mb = MyFrame::theFrame->GetMenuBar(); - int fm_index = mb->FindMenu("File"); - wxMenu* fm = mb->GetMenu(fm_index); + //wxMenuBar* mb = GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->GetMenuBar(); + //int fm_index = mb->FindMenu("File"); + //wxMenu* fm = mb->GetMenu(fm_index); //fm->Append(ID_TEST_MAP_FRAME, "Test Map Frame", // "Open a test frame"); //GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", // ID_TEST_MAP_FRAME, true); - //fm->Append(ID_TEST_TABLE_FRAME, "Test Table", - // "Open a test table"); - //GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", - // ID_TEST_TABLE_FRAME, false); // END TestMapFrame TEST //TestScrollWinFrame *subframe = @@ -244,566 +328,766 @@ bool MyApp::OnInit(void) // wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); //subframe->Show(true); - - //MyFrame::theFrame->OpenColumbusTest(); - - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyApp::OnInit"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaApp::OnInit"); return true; } -int MyApp::OnExit(void) +int GdaApp::OnExit(void) { - LOG_MSG("In MyApp::OnExit"); + LOG_MSG("In GdaApp::OnExit"); + if (checker) delete checker; return 0; } -void MyApp::OnFatalException() +void GdaApp::OnFatalException() { - LOG_MSG("In MyApp::OnFatalException"); + LOG_MSG("In GdaApp::OnFatalException"); wxMessageBox("Fatal Excption. Program will likely close now."); } -/* - * This is the top-level window of the application. - */ +const wxCmdLineEntryDesc GdaApp::globalCmdLineDesc [] = +{ + { wxCMD_LINE_SWITCH, "h", "help", + "displays help on the command line parameters", + wxCMD_LINE_VAL_NONE, wxCMD_LINE_OPTION_HELP }, + { wxCMD_LINE_PARAM, NULL, NULL, "project file", + wxCMD_LINE_VAL_STRING, wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_OPTIONAL }, + { wxCMD_LINE_NONE } +}; + +void GdaApp::OnInitCmdLine(wxCmdLineParser& parser) +{ + LOG_MSG("In GdaApp::OnInitCmdLine"); + parser.SetDesc (GdaApp::globalCmdLineDesc); + // must refuse '/' as parameter starter or cannot use "/path" style paths + parser.SetSwitchChars (wxT("-")); +} -BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame, wxFrame) - EVT_CHAR_HOOK(MyFrame::OnKeyEvent) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_SHAPE_FILE"), MyFrame::OnOpenShapefile) - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_SHAPE_FILE"), MyFrame::OnOpenShapefile) - EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_OPEN_SHAPE_FILE"), MyFrame::OnOpenShapefile) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_TABLE_ONLY"), MyFrame::OnOpenTableOnly) - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_TABLE_ONLY"), MyFrame::OnOpenTableOnly) - EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_OPEN_TABLE_ONLY"), MyFrame::OnOpenTableOnly) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_SPACE_TIME_SHAPEFILE"), - MyFrame::OnOpenSpTmShapefile) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_SPACE_TIME_TABLE_ONLY"), - MyFrame::OnOpenSpTmTableOnly) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("wxID_CLOSE"), MyFrame::OnMenuClose) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_CLOSE_ALL"), MyFrame::OnCloseAll) - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_CLOSE_ALL"), MyFrame::OnCloseAll) - EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_CLOSE_ALL"), MyFrame::OnCloseAll) - EVT_CLOSE(MyFrame::OnClose) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("wxID_EXIT"), MyFrame::OnQuit) - - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SELECT_WITH_RECT"), MyFrame::OnSelectWithRect) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SELECT_WITH_CIRCLE"), MyFrame::OnSelectWithCircle) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SELECT_WITH_LINE"), MyFrame::OnSelectWithLine) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SELECTION_MODE"), MyFrame::OnSelectionMode) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_FIT_TO_WINDOW_MODE"), MyFrame::OnFitToWindowMode) - // Fit-To-Window Mode - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_FIXED_ASPECT_RATIO_MODE"), - MyFrame::OnFixedAspectRatioMode) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ZOOM_MODE"), MyFrame::OnZoomMode) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ZOOM_IN"), MyFrame::OnZoomIn) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ZOOM_OUT"), MyFrame::OnZoomOut) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_PAN_MODE"), MyFrame::OnPanMode) - // Print Canvas State to Log File. Used for debugging. - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_PRINT_CANVAS_STATE"), MyFrame::OnPrintCanvasState) - - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SAVE_CANVAS_IMAGE_AS"), MyFrame::OnSaveCanvasImageAs) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SAVE_SELECTED_TO_COLUMN"), - MyFrame::OnSaveSelectedToColumn) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_CANVAS_BACKGROUND_COLOR"), - MyFrame::OnCanvasBackgroundColor) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_LEGEND_BACKGROUND_COLOR"), - MyFrame::OnLegendBackgroundColor) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SELECTABLE_FILL_COLOR"), - MyFrame::OnSelectableFillColor) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SELECTABLE_OUTLINE_COLOR"), - MyFrame::OnSelectableOutlineColor) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SELECTABLE_OUTLINE_VISIBLE"), - MyFrame::OnSelectableOutlineVisible) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR"), MyFrame::OnHighlightColor) - - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SET_DEFAULT_VARIABLE_SETTINGS"), - MyFrame::OnSetDefaultVariableSettings) - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_SET_DEFAULT_VARIABLE_SETTINGS"), - MyFrame::OnSetDefaultVariableSettings) - EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_SET_DEFAULT_VARIABLE_SETTINGS"), - MyFrame::OnSetDefaultVariableSettings) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COPY_IMAGE_TO_CLIPBOARD"), - MyFrame::OnCopyImageToClipboard) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COPY_LEGEND_TO_CLIPBOARD"), - MyFrame::OnCopyLegendToClipboard) - - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_TOOLS_WEIGHTS_OPEN"), MyFrame::OnToolsWeightsOpen) - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_TOOLS_WEIGHTS_OPEN"), MyFrame::OnToolsWeightsOpen) - EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_TOOLS_WEIGHTS_OPEN"), MyFrame::OnToolsWeightsOpen) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_TOOLS_WEIGHTS_CREATE"), MyFrame::OnToolsWeightsCreate) - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_TOOLS_WEIGHTS_CREATE"), MyFrame::OnToolsWeightsCreate) - EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_TOOLS_WEIGHTS_CREATE"), MyFrame::OnToolsWeightsCreate) +bool GdaApp::OnCmdLineParsed(wxCmdLineParser& parser) +{ + LOG_MSG("In GdaApp::OnCmdLineParsed"); - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_CONNECTIVITY_HIST_VIEW"), - MyFrame::OnConnectivityHistView) - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_CONNECTIVITY_HIST_VIEW"), - MyFrame::OnConnectivityHistView) - EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_CONNECTIVITY_HIST_VIEW"), - MyFrame::OnConnectivityHistView) - - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_AXES"), MyFrame::OnShowAxes) - - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_MAP_CHOICES"), MyFrame::OnMapChoices) - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_CHOICES"), MyFrame::OnOpenChoices) - - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHAPE_POINTS_FROM_ASCII"), - MyFrame::OnShapePointsFromASCII) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHAPE_POLYGONS_FROM_GRID"), - MyFrame::OnShapePolygonsFromGrid) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHAPE_POLYGONS_FROM_BOUNDARY"), - MyFrame::OnShapePolygonsFromBoundary) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHAPE_TO_BOUNDARY"), MyFrame::OnShapeToBoundary) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_POINTS_FROM_TABLE"), MyFrame::OnGeneratePointShpFile) - - // Table menu items - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_TIME_CHOOSER"), MyFrame::OnShowTimeChooser) - - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_DATA_MOVIE"), MyFrame::OnShowDataMovie) - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_SHOW_DATA_MOVIE"), MyFrame::OnShowDataMovie) - EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_SHOW_DATA_MOVIE"), MyFrame::OnShowDataMovie) - - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CAT_CLASSIF"), MyFrame::OnShowCatClassif) - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CAT_CLASSIF"), MyFrame::OnShowCatClassif) - EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CAT_CLASSIF"), MyFrame::OnShowCatClassif) - - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SPACE_TIME_TOOL"), MyFrame::OnSpaceTimeTool) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NEW_TABLE_MOVE_SELECTED_TO_TOP"), - MyFrame::OnMoveSelectedToTop) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NEW_TABLE_CLEAR_SELECTION"), - MyFrame::OnClearSelection) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NEW_TABLE_RANGE_SELECTION"), - MyFrame::OnRangeSelection) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NEW_TABLE_FIELD_CALCULATION"), - MyFrame::OnFieldCalculation) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NEW_TABLE_ADD_COLUMN"), MyFrame::OnAddCol) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NEW_TABLE_DELETE_COLUMN"), MyFrame::OnDeleteCol) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NEW_TABLE_EDIT_FIELD_PROP"), - MyFrame::OnEditFieldProperties) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NEW_TABLE_MERGE_TABLE_DATA"), - MyFrame::OnMergeTableData) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SAVE_PROJECT"), - MyFrame::OnSaveProject) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SAVE_AS_PROJECT"), - MyFrame::OnSaveAsProject) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_EXPORT_TO_CSV_FILE"), - MyFrame::OnExportToCsvFile) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ADD_NEIGHBORS_TO_SELECTION"), - MyFrame::OnAddNeighborsToSelection) - - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_REGRESSION_CLASSIC"), MyFrame::OnRegressionClassic) - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_REGRESSION_CLASSIC"), MyFrame::OnRegressionClassic) - - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_COND_PLOT_CHOICES"), MyFrame::OnCondPlotChoices) - // The following duplicate entries are needed as a workaround to - // make menu enable/disable work for the menu bar when the same menu - // item appears twice. - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CONDITIONAL_MAP_VIEW_MAP_MENU"), - MyFrame::OnShowConditionalMapView) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CONDITIONAL_MAP_VIEW"), - MyFrame::OnShowConditionalMapView) - EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CONDITIONAL_MAP_VIEW"), - MyFrame::OnShowConditionalMapView) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CONDITIONAL_SCATTER_VIEW"), - MyFrame::OnShowConditionalScatterView) - EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CONDITIONAL_SCATTER_VIEW"), - MyFrame::OnShowConditionalScatterView) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CONDITIONAL_HIST_VIEW"), - MyFrame::OnShowConditionalHistView) - EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CONDITIONAL_HIST_VIEW"), - MyFrame::OnShowConditionalHistView) - - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CARTOGRAM_NEW_VIEW"), - MyFrame::OnShowCartogramNewView) - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CARTOGRAM_NEW_VIEW"), - MyFrame::OnShowCartogramNewView) - EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CARTOGRAM_NEW_VIEW"), - MyFrame::OnShowCartogramNewView) - - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_CARTOGRAM_IMPROVE_1"), MyFrame::OnCartogramImprove1) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_CARTOGRAM_IMPROVE_2"), MyFrame::OnCartogramImprove2) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_CARTOGRAM_IMPROVE_3"), MyFrame::OnCartogramImprove3) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_CARTOGRAM_IMPROVE_4"), MyFrame::OnCartogramImprove4) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_CARTOGRAM_IMPROVE_5"), MyFrame::OnCartogramImprove5) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_CARTOGRAM_IMPROVE_6"), MyFrame::OnCartogramImprove6) - - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPTIONS_HINGE_15"), MyFrame::OnHinge15) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPTIONS_HINGE_30"), MyFrame::OnHinge30) - - EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_HIST"), MyFrame::OnExploreHist) - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("IDM_HIST"), MyFrame::OnExploreHist) - EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDM_HIST"), MyFrame::OnExploreHist) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_SCATTERPLOT"), MyFrame::OnExploreScatterNewPlot) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_BUBBLECHART"), MyFrame::OnExploreBubbleChart) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_SCATTER_NEW_PLOT"), MyFrame::OnExploreScatterNewPlot) - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("IDM_SCATTERPLOT"), MyFrame::OnExploreScatterNewPlot) - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("IDM_BUBBLECHART"), MyFrame::OnExploreBubbleChart) - EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDM_SCATTERPLOT"), MyFrame::OnExploreScatterNewPlot) - EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDM_BUBBLECHART"), MyFrame::OnExploreBubbleChart) - EVT_MENU(ID_TEST_MAP_FRAME, MyFrame::OnExploreTestMap) - EVT_MENU(ID_TEST_TABLE_FRAME, MyFrame::OnExploreTestTable) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_BOX"), MyFrame::OnExploreNewBox) - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("IDM_BOX"), MyFrame::OnExploreNewBox) - EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDM_BOX"), MyFrame::OnExploreNewBox) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_PCP"), MyFrame::OnExplorePCP) - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("IDM_PCP"), MyFrame::OnExplorePCP) - EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDM_PCP"), MyFrame::OnExplorePCP) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_3DP"), MyFrame::OnExplore3DP) - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("IDM_3DP"), MyFrame::OnExplore3DP) - EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDM_3DP"), MyFrame::OnExplore3DP) + for (int i=0; i 0) { + cmd_line_proj_file_name = parser.GetParam(0); + } + LOG_MSG(cmd_line_proj_file_name); - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_MAPANALYSIS_NATURAL_BREAKS"), - MyFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_MAPANALYSIS_NATURAL_BREAKS"), - MyFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_NATURAL_BREAKS"), - MyFrame::OnNaturalBreaks) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NATURAL_BREAKS"), - MyFrame::OnCondVertNaturalBreaks) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NATURAL_BREAKS"), - MyFrame::OnCondHorizNaturalBreaks) - - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_MAPANALYSIS_UNIQUE_VALUES"), - MyFrame::OnOpenUniqueValues) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_MAPANALYSIS_UNIQUE_VALUES"), - MyFrame::OnOpenUniqueValues) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_UNIQUE_VALUES"), - MyFrame::OnUniqueValues) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_UNIQUE_VALUES"), - MyFrame::OnCondVertUniqueValues) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_UNIQUE_VALUES"), - MyFrame::OnCondHorizUniqueValues) - - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_MAPANALYSIS_EQUAL_INTERVALS"), - MyFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_MAPANALYSIS_EQUAL_INTERVALS"), - MyFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_EQUAL_INTERVALS"), - MyFrame::OnEqualIntervals) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQUAL_INTERVALS"), - MyFrame::OnCondVertEqualIntervals) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQUAL_INTERVALS"), - MyFrame::OnCondHorizEqualIntervals) - - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SAVE_CATEGORIES"), MyFrame::OnSaveCategories) - - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_RATES_SMOOTH_RAWRATE"), MyFrame::OnOpenRawrate) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_RATES_SMOOTH_RAWRATE"), MyFrame::OnOpenRawrate) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_RATES_SMOOTH_RAWRATE"), MyFrame::OnRawrate) - - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_RATES_SMOOTH_EXCESSRISK"), - MyFrame::OnOpenExcessrisk) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_RATES_SMOOTH_EXCESSRISK"), - MyFrame::OnOpenExcessrisk) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_RATES_SMOOTH_EXCESSRISK"), - MyFrame::OnExcessrisk) - - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_RATES_EMPIRICAL_BAYES_SMOOTHER"), - MyFrame::OnOpenEmpiricalBayes) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_RATES_EMPIRICAL_BAYES_SMOOTHER"), - MyFrame::OnOpenEmpiricalBayes) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_RATES_EMPIRICAL_BAYES_SMOOTHER"), - MyFrame::OnEmpiricalBayes) - - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_RATES_SPATIAL_RATE_SMOOTHER"), - MyFrame::OnOpenSpatialRate) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_RATES_SPATIAL_RATE_SMOOTHER"), - MyFrame::OnOpenSpatialRate) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_RATES_SPATIAL_RATE_SMOOTHER"), - MyFrame::OnSpatialRate) - - EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_RATES_SPATIAL_EMPIRICAL_BAYES"), - MyFrame::OnOpenSpatialEmpiricalBayes) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_RATES_SPATIAL_EMPIRICAL_BAYES"), - MyFrame::OnOpenSpatialEmpiricalBayes) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_RATES_SPATIAL_EMPIRICAL_BAYES"), - MyFrame::OnSpatialEmpiricalBayes) - - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_SAVERESULTS"), MyFrame::OnSaveResults) - - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_VIEW_STANDARDIZED_DATA"), - MyFrame::OnViewStandardizedData) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_VIEW_ORIGINAL_DATA"), MyFrame::OnViewOriginalData) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_VIEW_REGRESSION_SELECTED"), - MyFrame::OnViewRegressionSelected) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_VIEW_REGRESSION_SELECTED_EXCLUDED"), - MyFrame::OnViewRegressionSelectedExcluded) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_DISPLAY_STATISTICS"), MyFrame::OnDisplayStatistics) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_AXES_THROUGH_ORIGIN"), - MyFrame::OnShowAxesThroughOrigin) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_DISPLAY_AXES_SCALE_VALUES"), - MyFrame::OnDisplayAxesScaleValues) - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_DISPLAY_SLOPE_VALUES"), - MyFrame::OnDisplaySlopeValues) - - EVT_MENU(GeoDaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1, MyFrame::OnTimeSyncVariable1) - EVT_MENU(GeoDaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR2, MyFrame::OnTimeSyncVariable2) - EVT_MENU(GeoDaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR3, MyFrame::OnTimeSyncVariable3) - EVT_MENU(GeoDaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR4, MyFrame::OnTimeSyncVariable4) - - EVT_MENU(GeoDaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR1, - MyFrame::OnFixedScaleVariable1) - EVT_MENU(GeoDaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR2, - MyFrame::OnFixedScaleVariable2) - EVT_MENU(GeoDaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR3, - MyFrame::OnFixedScaleVariable3) - EVT_MENU(GeoDaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR4, - MyFrame::OnFixedScaleVariable4) - - EVT_MENU(GeoDaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_1, MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView1) - EVT_MENU(GeoDaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_2, MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView2) - EVT_MENU(GeoDaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_3, MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView3) - EVT_MENU(GeoDaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_4, MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView4) - EVT_MENU(GeoDaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_5, MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView5) - EVT_MENU(GeoDaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_6, MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView6) - EVT_MENU(GeoDaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_7, MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView7) - EVT_MENU(GeoDaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_8, MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView8) - EVT_MENU(GeoDaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_9, MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView9) - EVT_MENU(GeoDaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_10, MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView10) - EVT_MENU(GeoDaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_OTHER, MyFrame::OnPlotsPerViewOther) - EVT_MENU(GeoDaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_ALL, MyFrame::OnPlotsPerViewAll) - - EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_DISPLAY_STATUS_BAR"), MyFrame::OnDisplayStatusBar) - - EVT_MENU(XRCID("wxID_ABOUT"), MyFrame::OnHelpAbout) + return true; +} + +void GdaApp::MacOpenFiles(const wxArrayString& fileNames) +{ + LOG_MSG("In GdaApp::MacOpenFiles"); + wxString msg; + int sz=fileNames.GetCount(); + msg << "Request to open " << sz << " file(s):"; + for (int i=0; i 0) GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->OpenProject(fileNames[0]); +} + +/* + * This is the top-level window of the application. + */ + +BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(GdaFrame, wxFrame) + + +EVT_CHAR_HOOK(GdaFrame::OnKeyEvent) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NEW_PROJECT"), GdaFrame::OnNewProject) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_NEW_PROJECT"), GdaFrame::OnNewProject) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_PROJECT"), GdaFrame::OnOpenProject) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_PROJECT"), GdaFrame::OnOpenProject) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SAVE_PROJECT"), GdaFrame::OnSaveProject) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_SAVE_PROJECT"), GdaFrame::OnSaveProject) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SAVE_AS_PROJECT"), GdaFrame::OnSaveAsProject) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_SAVE_AS_PROJECT"), GdaFrame::OnSaveAsProject) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_EXPORT_LAYER"), GdaFrame::OnExportToOGR) +//EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_EXPORT_LAYER"), GdaFrame::OnExportToOGR) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_EXPORT_SELECTED"), GdaFrame::OnExportSelectedToOGR) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_PROJECT_INFO"), GdaFrame::OnShowProjectInfo) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("wxID_CLOSE"), GdaFrame::OnMenuClose) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_CLOSE_PROJECT"), GdaFrame::OnCloseProjectEvt) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_CLOSE_PROJECT"), GdaFrame::OnCloseProjectEvt) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_CLOSE_PROJECT"), GdaFrame::OnCloseProjectEvt) +EVT_CLOSE(GdaFrame::OnClose) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("wxID_EXIT"), GdaFrame::OnQuit) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SELECT_WITH_RECT"), GdaFrame::OnSelectWithRect) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SELECT_WITH_CIRCLE"), GdaFrame::OnSelectWithCircle) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SELECT_WITH_LINE"), GdaFrame::OnSelectWithLine) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SELECTION_MODE"), GdaFrame::OnSelectionMode) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_FIT_TO_WINDOW_MODE"), GdaFrame::OnFitToWindowMode) +// Fit-To-Window Mode +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_FIXED_ASPECT_RATIO_MODE"), + GdaFrame::OnFixedAspectRatioMode) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ZOOM_MODE"), GdaFrame::OnZoomMode) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_PAN_MODE"), GdaFrame::OnPanMode) +// Print Canvas State to Log File. Used for debugging. +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_PRINT_CANVAS_STATE"), GdaFrame::OnPrintCanvasState) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SAVE_CANVAS_IMAGE_AS"), GdaFrame::OnSaveCanvasImageAs) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SAVE_SELECTED_TO_COLUMN"), + GdaFrame::OnSaveSelectedToColumn) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_CANVAS_BACKGROUND_COLOR"), + GdaFrame::OnCanvasBackgroundColor) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_LEGEND_BACKGROUND_COLOR"), + GdaFrame::OnLegendBackgroundColor) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SELECTABLE_FILL_COLOR"), + GdaFrame::OnSelectableFillColor) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SELECTABLE_OUTLINE_COLOR"), + GdaFrame::OnSelectableOutlineColor) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SELECTABLE_OUTLINE_VISIBLE"), + GdaFrame::OnSelectableOutlineVisible) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR"), GdaFrame::OnHighlightColor) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SET_DEFAULT_VARIABLE_SETTINGS"), + GdaFrame::OnSetDefaultVariableSettings) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_SET_DEFAULT_VARIABLE_SETTINGS"), + GdaFrame::OnSetDefaultVariableSettings) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_SET_DEFAULT_VARIABLE_SETTINGS"), + GdaFrame::OnSetDefaultVariableSettings) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COPY_IMAGE_TO_CLIPBOARD"), + GdaFrame::OnCopyImageToClipboard) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COPY_LEGEND_TO_CLIPBOARD"), + GdaFrame::OnCopyLegendToClipboard) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_TOOLS_WEIGHTS_OPEN"), GdaFrame::OnToolsWeightsOpen) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_TOOLS_WEIGHTS_OPEN"), GdaFrame::OnToolsWeightsOpen) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_TOOLS_WEIGHTS_OPEN"), GdaFrame::OnToolsWeightsOpen) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_TOOLS_WEIGHTS_CREATE"), GdaFrame::OnToolsWeightsCreate) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_TOOLS_WEIGHTS_CREATE"), GdaFrame::OnToolsWeightsCreate) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_TOOLS_WEIGHTS_CREATE"), GdaFrame::OnToolsWeightsCreate) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_CONNECTIVITY_HIST_VIEW"), + GdaFrame::OnConnectivityHistView) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_CONNECTIVITY_HIST_VIEW"), + GdaFrame::OnConnectivityHistView) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_CONNECTIVITY_HIST_VIEW"), + GdaFrame::OnConnectivityHistView) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_AXES"), GdaFrame::OnShowAxes) + +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_MAP_CHOICES"), GdaFrame::OnMapChoices) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHAPE_POINTS_FROM_ASCII"), + GdaFrame::OnShapePointsFromASCII) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHAPE_POLYGONS_FROM_GRID"), + GdaFrame::OnShapePolygonsFromGrid) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHAPE_POLYGONS_FROM_BOUNDARY"), + GdaFrame::OnShapePolygonsFromBoundary) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHAPE_TO_BOUNDARY"), GdaFrame::OnShapeToBoundary) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_POINTS_FROM_TABLE"), GdaFrame::OnGeneratePointShpFile) + +// Table menu items +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_TIME_CHOOSER"), GdaFrame::OnShowTimeChooser) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_DATA_MOVIE"), GdaFrame::OnShowDataMovie) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_SHOW_DATA_MOVIE"), GdaFrame::OnShowDataMovie) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_SHOW_DATA_MOVIE"), GdaFrame::OnShowDataMovie) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CAT_CLASSIF"), GdaFrame::OnShowCatClassif) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CAT_CLASSIF"), GdaFrame::OnShowCatClassif) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CAT_CLASSIF"), GdaFrame::OnShowCatClassif) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_VAR_GROUPING_EDITOR"), GdaFrame::OnVarGroupingEditor) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_TIME_EDITOR"), GdaFrame::OnTimeEditor) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_TABLE_MOVE_SELECTED_TO_TOP"), + GdaFrame::OnMoveSelectedToTop) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_TABLE_CLEAR_SELECTION"), + GdaFrame::OnClearSelection) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_TABLE_RANGE_SELECTION"), + GdaFrame::OnRangeSelection) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_TABLE_FIELD_CALCULATION"), + GdaFrame::OnFieldCalculation) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_CALCULATOR"), GdaFrame::OnCalculator) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_TABLE_ADD_COLUMN"), GdaFrame::OnAddCol) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_TABLE_DELETE_COLUMN"), GdaFrame::OnDeleteCol) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_TABLE_EDIT_FIELD_PROP"), + GdaFrame::OnEditFieldProperties) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_TABLE_MERGE_TABLE_DATA"), + GdaFrame::OnMergeTableData) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_EXPORT_TO_CSV_FILE"), // not used currently + GdaFrame::OnExportToCsvFile) // not used currently +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ADD_NEIGHBORS_TO_SELECTION"), + GdaFrame::OnAddNeighborsToSelection) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_REGRESSION_CLASSIC"), GdaFrame::OnRegressionClassic) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_REGRESSION_CLASSIC"), GdaFrame::OnRegressionClassic) + +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_COND_PLOT_CHOICES"), GdaFrame::OnCondPlotChoices) +// The following duplicate entries are needed as a workaround to +// make menu enable/disable work for the menu bar when the same menu +// item appears twice. +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CONDITIONAL_MAP_VIEW_MAP_MENU"), + GdaFrame::OnShowConditionalMapView) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CONDITIONAL_MAP_VIEW"), + GdaFrame::OnShowConditionalMapView) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CONDITIONAL_MAP_VIEW"), + GdaFrame::OnShowConditionalMapView) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CONDITIONAL_SCATTER_VIEW"), + GdaFrame::OnShowConditionalScatterView) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CONDITIONAL_SCATTER_VIEW"), + GdaFrame::OnShowConditionalScatterView) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CONDITIONAL_HIST_VIEW"), + GdaFrame::OnShowConditionalHistView) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CONDITIONAL_HIST_VIEW"), + GdaFrame::OnShowConditionalHistView) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CARTOGRAM_NEW_VIEW"), + GdaFrame::OnShowCartogramNewView) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CARTOGRAM_NEW_VIEW"), + GdaFrame::OnShowCartogramNewView) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CARTOGRAM_NEW_VIEW"), + GdaFrame::OnShowCartogramNewView) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_CARTOGRAM_IMPROVE_1"), GdaFrame::OnCartogramImprove1) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_CARTOGRAM_IMPROVE_2"), GdaFrame::OnCartogramImprove2) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_CARTOGRAM_IMPROVE_3"), GdaFrame::OnCartogramImprove3) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_CARTOGRAM_IMPROVE_4"), GdaFrame::OnCartogramImprove4) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_CARTOGRAM_IMPROVE_5"), GdaFrame::OnCartogramImprove5) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_CARTOGRAM_IMPROVE_6"), GdaFrame::OnCartogramImprove6) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPTIONS_HINGE_15"), GdaFrame::OnHinge15) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPTIONS_HINGE_30"), GdaFrame::OnHinge30) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_HIST"), GdaFrame::OnExploreHist) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("IDM_HIST"), GdaFrame::OnExploreHist) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDM_HIST"), GdaFrame::OnExploreHist) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_SCATTERPLOT"), GdaFrame::OnExploreScatterNewPlot) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_BUBBLECHART"), GdaFrame::OnExploreBubbleChart) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_SCATTER_NEW_PLOT"), GdaFrame::OnExploreScatterNewPlot) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("IDM_SCATTERPLOT"), GdaFrame::OnExploreScatterNewPlot) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("IDM_BUBBLECHART"), GdaFrame::OnExploreBubbleChart) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDM_SCATTERPLOT"), GdaFrame::OnExploreScatterNewPlot) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDM_BUBBLECHART"), GdaFrame::OnExploreBubbleChart) +EVT_MENU(ID_TEST_MAP_FRAME, GdaFrame::OnExploreTestMap) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_BOX"), GdaFrame::OnExploreNewBox) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("IDM_BOX"), GdaFrame::OnExploreNewBox) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDM_BOX"), GdaFrame::OnExploreNewBox) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_PCP"), GdaFrame::OnExplorePCP) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("IDM_PCP"), GdaFrame::OnExplorePCP) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDM_PCP"), GdaFrame::OnExplorePCP) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_3DP"), GdaFrame::OnExplore3DP) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("IDM_3DP"), GdaFrame::OnExplore3DP) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDM_3DP"), GdaFrame::OnExplore3DP) + +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("IDM_NEW_TABLE"), GdaFrame::OnToolOpenNewTable) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDM_NEW_TABLE"), GdaFrame::OnToolOpenNewTable) + +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_MORAN_MENU"), GdaFrame::OnMoranMenuChoices) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_MSPL"), GdaFrame::OnOpenMSPL) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("IDM_MSPL"), GdaFrame::OnOpenMSPL) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDM_MSPL"), GdaFrame::OnOpenMSPL) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_GMORAN"), GdaFrame::OnOpenGMoran) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("IDM_GMORAN"), GdaFrame::OnOpenGMoran) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDM_GMORAN"), GdaFrame::OnOpenGMoran) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_MORAN_EBRATE"), GdaFrame::OnOpenMoranEB) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("IDM_MORAN_EBRATE"), GdaFrame::OnOpenMoranEB) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDM_MORAN_EBRATE"), GdaFrame::OnOpenMoranEB) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_LISA_MENU"), GdaFrame::OnLisaMenuChoices) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_UNI_LISA"), GdaFrame::OnOpenUniLisa) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("IDM_UNI_LISA"), GdaFrame::OnOpenUniLisa) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDM_UNI_LISA"), GdaFrame::OnOpenUniLisa) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_MULTI_LISA"), GdaFrame::OnOpenMultiLisa) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("IDM_MULTI_LISA"), GdaFrame::OnOpenMultiLisa) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDM_MULTI_LISA"), GdaFrame::OnOpenMultiLisa) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_LISA_EBRATE"), GdaFrame::OnOpenLisaEB) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("IDM_LISA_EBRATE"), GdaFrame::OnOpenLisaEB) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDM_LISA_EBRATE"), GdaFrame::OnOpenLisaEB) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("IDM_GETIS_ORD"), GdaFrame::OnOpenGetisOrd) +EVT_BUTTON(XRCID("IDM_GETIS_ORD"), GdaFrame::OnOpenGetisOrd) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("IDM_GETIS_ORD"), GdaFrame::OnOpenGetisOrd) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_HISTOGRAM_INTERVALS"), GdaFrame::OnHistogramIntervals) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SAVE_CONNECTIVITY_TO_TABLE"), + GdaFrame::OnSaveConnectivityToTable) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SELECT_ISOLATES"), GdaFrame::OnSelectIsolates) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPTIONS_RANDOMIZATION_99PERMUTATION"), + GdaFrame::OnRan99Per) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPTIONS_RANDOMIZATION_199PERMUTATION"), + GdaFrame::OnRan199Per) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPTIONS_RANDOMIZATION_499PERMUTATION"), + GdaFrame::OnRan499Per) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPTIONS_RANDOMIZATION_999PERMUTATION"), + GdaFrame::OnRan999Per) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPTIONS_RANDOMIZATION_OTHER"), + GdaFrame::OnRanOtherPer) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_USE_SPECIFIED_SEED"), GdaFrame::OnUseSpecifiedSeed) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SPECIFY_SEED_DLG"), GdaFrame::OnSpecifySeedDlg) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SAVE_MORANI"), GdaFrame::OnSaveMoranI) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SIGNIFICANCE_FILTER_05"), GdaFrame::OnSigFilter05) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SIGNIFICANCE_FILTER_01"), GdaFrame::OnSigFilter01) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SIGNIFICANCE_FILTER_001"), GdaFrame::OnSigFilter001) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SIGNIFICANCE_FILTER_0001"), GdaFrame::OnSigFilter0001) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SAVE_GETIS_ORD"), GdaFrame::OnSaveGetisOrd) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SAVE_LISA"), GdaFrame::OnSaveLisa) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SELECT_CORES"), GdaFrame::OnSelectCores) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SELECT_NEIGHBORS_OF_CORES"), + GdaFrame::OnSelectNeighborsOfCores) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SELECT_CORES_AND_NEIGHBORS"), + GdaFrame::OnSelectCoresAndNeighbors) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_MAP_ADDMEANCENTERS"), GdaFrame::OnAddMeanCenters) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_MAP_ADDCENTROIDS"), GdaFrame::OnAddCentroids) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_DISPLAY_MEAN_CENTERS"), GdaFrame::OnDisplayMeanCenters) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_DISPLAY_CENTROIDS"), GdaFrame::OnDisplayCentroids) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_DISPLAY_VORONOI_DIAGRAM"), + GdaFrame::OnDisplayVoronoiDiagram) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_EXPORT_VORONOI"), + GdaFrame::OnExportVoronoi) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_EXPORT_MEAN_CNTRS"), + GdaFrame::OnExportMeanCntrs) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_EXPORT_CENTROIDS"), + GdaFrame::OnExportCentroids) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SAVE_VORONOI_DUPS_TO_TABLE"), + GdaFrame::OnSaveVoronoiDupsToTable) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NEW_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_A"), + GdaFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifA) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NEW_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_B"), + GdaFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifB) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NEW_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_C"), + GdaFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifC) + +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A0, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA0) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A1, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA1) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A2, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA2) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A3, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA3) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A4, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA4) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A5, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA5) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A6, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA6) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A7, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA7) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A8, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA8) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A9, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA9) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A10, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA10) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A11, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA11) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A12, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA12) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A13, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA13) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A14, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA14) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A15, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA15) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A16, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA16) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A17, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA17) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A18, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA18) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A19, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA19) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A20, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA20) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A21, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA21) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A22, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA22) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A23, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA23) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A24, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA24) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A25, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA25) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A26, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA26) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A27, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA27) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A28, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA28) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_A29, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA29) + +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B0, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB0) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B1, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB1) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B2, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB2) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B3, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB3) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B4, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB4) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B5, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB5) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B6, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB6) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B7, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB7) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B8, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB8) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B9, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB9) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B10, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB10) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B11, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB11) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B12, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB12) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B13, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB13) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B14, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB14) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B15, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB15) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B16, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB16) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B17, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB17) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B18, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB18) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B19, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB19) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B20, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB20) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B21, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB21) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B22, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB22) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B23, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB23) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B24, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB24) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B25, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB25) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B26, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB26) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B27, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB27) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B28, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB28) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_B29, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB29) + +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C0, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC0) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C1, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC1) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C2, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC2) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C3, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC3) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C4, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC4) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C5, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC5) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C6, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC6) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C7, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC7) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C8, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC8) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C9, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC9) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C10, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC10) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C11, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC11) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C12, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC12) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C13, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC13) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C14, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC14) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C15, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC15) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C16, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC16) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C17, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC17) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C18, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC18) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C19, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC19) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C20, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC20) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C21, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC21) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C22, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC22) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C23, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC23) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C24, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC24) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C25, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC25) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C26, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC26) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C27, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC27) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C28, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC28) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_CUSTOM_CAT_CLASSIF_CHOICE_C29, GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC29) + +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_MAPANALYSIS_THEMELESS"), + GdaFrame::OnOpenThemelessMap) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_MAPANALYSIS_THEMELESS"), + GdaFrame::OnOpenThemelessMap) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_THEMELESS"), + GdaFrame::OnThemelessMap) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_THEMELESS"), + GdaFrame::OnCondVertThemelessMap) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_THEMELESS"), + GdaFrame::OnCondHorizThemelessMap) + +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_QUANTILE_1"), GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile1) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_QUANTILE_1"), GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile1) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_QUANTILE_2"), GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile2) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_QUANTILE_2"), GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile2) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_QUANTILE_3"), GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile3) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_QUANTILE_3"), GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile3) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_QUANTILE_4"), GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile4) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_QUANTILE_4"), GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile4) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_QUANTILE_5"), GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile5) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_QUANTILE_5"), GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile5) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_QUANTILE_6"), GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile6) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_QUANTILE_6"), GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile6) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_QUANTILE_7"), GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile7) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_QUANTILE_7"), GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile7) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_QUANTILE_8"), GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile8) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_QUANTILE_8"), GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile8) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_QUANTILE_9"), GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile9) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_QUANTILE_9"), GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile9) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_QUANTILE_10"), GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile10) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_QUANTILE_10"), GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile10) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_1"), GdaFrame::OnQuantile1) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_2"), GdaFrame::OnQuantile2) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_3"), GdaFrame::OnQuantile3) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_4"), GdaFrame::OnQuantile4) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_5"), GdaFrame::OnQuantile5) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_6"), GdaFrame::OnQuantile6) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_7"), GdaFrame::OnQuantile7) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_8"), GdaFrame::OnQuantile8) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_9"), GdaFrame::OnQuantile9) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_QUANTILE_10"), GdaFrame::OnQuantile10) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_QUANT_1"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertQuant1) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_QUANT_2"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertQuant2) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_QUANT_3"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertQuant3) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_QUANT_4"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertQuant4) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_QUANT_5"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertQuant5) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_QUANT_6"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertQuant6) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_QUANT_7"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertQuant7) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_QUANT_8"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertQuant8) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_QUANT_9"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertQuant9) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_QUANT_10"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertQuant10) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_QUANT_1"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizQuant1) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_QUANT_2"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizQuant2) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_QUANT_3"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizQuant3) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_QUANT_4"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizQuant4) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_QUANT_5"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizQuant5) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_QUANT_6"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizQuant6) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_QUANT_7"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizQuant7) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_QUANT_8"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizQuant8) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_QUANT_9"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizQuant9) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_QUANT_10"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizQuant10) + +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_MAPANALYSIS_CHOROPLETH_PERCENTILE"), + GdaFrame::OnOpenPercentile) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_MAPANALYSIS_CHOROPLETH_PERCENTILE"), + GdaFrame::OnOpenPercentile) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_CHOROPLETH_PERCENTILE"), + GdaFrame::OnPercentile) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_CHOROPLETH_PERCENTILE"), + GdaFrame::OnCondVertPercentile) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_CHOROPLETH_PERCENTILE"), + GdaFrame::OnCondHorizPercentile) + +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_MAPANALYSIS_HINGE_15"), GdaFrame::OnOpenHinge15) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_MAPANALYSIS_HINGE_15"), GdaFrame::OnOpenHinge15) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_HINGE_15"), GdaFrame::OnHinge15) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_HINGE_15"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertHinge15) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_HINGE_15"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizHinge15) + +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_MAPANALYSIS_HINGE_30"), GdaFrame::OnOpenHinge30) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_MAPANALYSIS_HINGE_30"), GdaFrame::OnOpenHinge30) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_HINGE_30"), GdaFrame::OnHinge30) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_HINGE_30"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertHinge30) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_HINGE_30"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizHinge30) + +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_MAPANALYSIS_CHOROPLETH_STDDEV"), + GdaFrame::OnOpenStddev) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_MAPANALYSIS_CHOROPLETH_STDDEV"), + GdaFrame::OnOpenStddev) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_CHOROPLETH_STDDEV"), + GdaFrame::OnStddev) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_CHOROPLETH_STDDEV"), + GdaFrame::OnCondVertStddev) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_CHOROPLETH_STDDEV"), + GdaFrame::OnCondHorizStddev) + +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_MAPANALYSIS_UNIQUE_VALUES"), + GdaFrame::OnOpenUniqueValues) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_MAPANALYSIS_UNIQUE_VALUES"), + GdaFrame::OnOpenUniqueValues) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_UNIQUE_VALUES"), + GdaFrame::OnUniqueValues) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_UNIQUE_VALUES"), + GdaFrame::OnCondVertUniqueValues) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_UNIQUE_VALUES"), + GdaFrame::OnCondHorizUniqueValues) + +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_NATURAL_BREAKS_1"), GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks1) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_NATURAL_BREAKS_1"), GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks1) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_NATURAL_BREAKS_2"), GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks2) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_NATURAL_BREAKS_2"), GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks2) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_NATURAL_BREAKS_3"), GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks3) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_NATURAL_BREAKS_3"), GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks3) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_NATURAL_BREAKS_4"), GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks4) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_NATURAL_BREAKS_4"), GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks4) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_NATURAL_BREAKS_5"), GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks5) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_NATURAL_BREAKS_5"), GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks5) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_NATURAL_BREAKS_6"), GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks6) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_NATURAL_BREAKS_6"), GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks6) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_NATURAL_BREAKS_7"), GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks7) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_NATURAL_BREAKS_7"), GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks7) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_NATURAL_BREAKS_8"), GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks8) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_NATURAL_BREAKS_8"), GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks8) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_NATURAL_BREAKS_9"), GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks9) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_NATURAL_BREAKS_9"), GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks9) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_NATURAL_BREAKS_10"), GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks10) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_NATURAL_BREAKS_10"), GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks10) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_1"), GdaFrame::OnNaturalBreaks1) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_2"), GdaFrame::OnNaturalBreaks2) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_3"), GdaFrame::OnNaturalBreaks3) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_4"), GdaFrame::OnNaturalBreaks4) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_5"), GdaFrame::OnNaturalBreaks5) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_6"), GdaFrame::OnNaturalBreaks6) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_7"), GdaFrame::OnNaturalBreaks7) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_8"), GdaFrame::OnNaturalBreaks8) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_9"), GdaFrame::OnNaturalBreaks9) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_NATURAL_BREAKS_10"), GdaFrame::OnNaturalBreaks10) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NAT_BRKS_1"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertNatBrks1) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NAT_BRKS_2"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertNatBrks2) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NAT_BRKS_3"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertNatBrks3) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NAT_BRKS_4"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertNatBrks4) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NAT_BRKS_5"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertNatBrks5) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NAT_BRKS_6"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertNatBrks6) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NAT_BRKS_7"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertNatBrks7) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NAT_BRKS_8"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertNatBrks8) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NAT_BRKS_9"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertNatBrks9) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_NAT_BRKS_10"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertNatBrks10) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NAT_BRKS_1"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizNatBrks1) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NAT_BRKS_2"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizNatBrks2) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NAT_BRKS_3"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizNatBrks3) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NAT_BRKS_4"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizNatBrks4) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NAT_BRKS_5"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizNatBrks5) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NAT_BRKS_6"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizNatBrks6) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NAT_BRKS_7"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizNatBrks7) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NAT_BRKS_8"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizNatBrks8) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NAT_BRKS_9"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizNatBrks9) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_NAT_BRKS_10"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizNatBrks10) + +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_EQUAL_INTERVALS_1"), GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals1) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_EQUAL_INTERVALS_1"), GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals1) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_EQUAL_INTERVALS_2"), GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals2) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_EQUAL_INTERVALS_2"), GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals2) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_EQUAL_INTERVALS_3"), GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals3) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_EQUAL_INTERVALS_3"), GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals3) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_EQUAL_INTERVALS_4"), GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals4) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_EQUAL_INTERVALS_4"), GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals4) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_EQUAL_INTERVALS_5"), GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals5) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_EQUAL_INTERVALS_5"), GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals5) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_EQUAL_INTERVALS_6"), GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals6) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_EQUAL_INTERVALS_6"), GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals6) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_EQUAL_INTERVALS_7"), GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals7) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_EQUAL_INTERVALS_7"), GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals7) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_EQUAL_INTERVALS_8"), GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals8) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_EQUAL_INTERVALS_8"), GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals8) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_EQUAL_INTERVALS_9"), GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals9) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_EQUAL_INTERVALS_9"), GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals9) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_EQUAL_INTERVALS_10"), GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals10) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_EQUAL_INTERVALS_10"), GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals10) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_1"), GdaFrame::OnEqualIntervals1) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_2"), GdaFrame::OnEqualIntervals2) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_3"), GdaFrame::OnEqualIntervals3) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_4"), GdaFrame::OnEqualIntervals4) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_5"), GdaFrame::OnEqualIntervals5) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_6"), GdaFrame::OnEqualIntervals6) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_7"), GdaFrame::OnEqualIntervals7) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_8"), GdaFrame::OnEqualIntervals8) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_9"), GdaFrame::OnEqualIntervals9) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_EQUAL_INTERVALS_10"), GdaFrame::OnEqualIntervals10) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQU_INTS_1"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertEquInts1) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQU_INTS_2"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertEquInts2) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQU_INTS_3"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertEquInts3) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQU_INTS_4"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertEquInts4) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQU_INTS_5"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertEquInts5) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQU_INTS_6"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertEquInts6) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQU_INTS_7"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertEquInts7) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQU_INTS_8"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertEquInts8) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQU_INTS_9"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertEquInts9) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_VERT_EQU_INTS_10"), GdaFrame::OnCondVertEquInts10) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQU_INTS_1"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizEquInts1) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQU_INTS_2"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizEquInts2) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQU_INTS_3"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizEquInts3) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQU_INTS_4"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizEquInts4) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQU_INTS_5"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizEquInts5) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQU_INTS_6"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizEquInts6) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQU_INTS_7"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizEquInts7) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQU_INTS_8"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizEquInts8) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQU_INTS_9"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizEquInts9) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_COND_HORIZ_EQU_INTS_10"), GdaFrame::OnCondHorizEquInts10) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SAVE_CATEGORIES"), GdaFrame::OnSaveCategories) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_RATES_SMOOTH_RAWRATE"), GdaFrame::OnOpenRawrate) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_RATES_SMOOTH_RAWRATE"), GdaFrame::OnOpenRawrate) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_RATES_SMOOTH_RAWRATE"), GdaFrame::OnRawrate) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_RATES_SMOOTH_EXCESSRISK"), + GdaFrame::OnOpenExcessrisk) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_RATES_SMOOTH_EXCESSRISK"), + GdaFrame::OnOpenExcessrisk) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_RATES_SMOOTH_EXCESSRISK"), + GdaFrame::OnExcessrisk) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_RATES_EMPIRICAL_BAYES_SMOOTHER"), + GdaFrame::OnOpenEmpiricalBayes) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_RATES_EMPIRICAL_BAYES_SMOOTHER"), + GdaFrame::OnOpenEmpiricalBayes) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_RATES_EMPIRICAL_BAYES_SMOOTHER"), + GdaFrame::OnEmpiricalBayes) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_RATES_SPATIAL_RATE_SMOOTHER"), + GdaFrame::OnOpenSpatialRate) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_RATES_SPATIAL_RATE_SMOOTHER"), + GdaFrame::OnOpenSpatialRate) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_RATES_SPATIAL_RATE_SMOOTHER"), + GdaFrame::OnSpatialRate) +EVT_TOOL(XRCID("ID_OPEN_RATES_SPATIAL_EMPIRICAL_BAYES"), + GdaFrame::OnOpenSpatialEmpiricalBayes) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_OPEN_RATES_SPATIAL_EMPIRICAL_BAYES"), + GdaFrame::OnOpenSpatialEmpiricalBayes) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_RATES_SPATIAL_EMPIRICAL_BAYES"), + GdaFrame::OnSpatialEmpiricalBayes) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_MAPANALYSIS_SAVERESULTS"), GdaFrame::OnSaveResults) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_VIEW_STANDARDIZED_DATA"), + GdaFrame::OnViewStandardizedData) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_VIEW_ORIGINAL_DATA"), GdaFrame::OnViewOriginalData) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_VIEW_REGIMES_REGRESSION"), + GdaFrame::OnViewRegimesRegression) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_VIEW_REGRESSION_SELECTED"), + GdaFrame::OnViewRegressionSelected) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_VIEW_REGRESSION_SELECTED_EXCLUDED"), + GdaFrame::OnViewRegressionSelectedExcluded) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_DISPLAY_STATISTICS"), GdaFrame::OnDisplayStatistics) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_SHOW_AXES_THROUGH_ORIGIN"), + GdaFrame::OnShowAxesThroughOrigin) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_DISPLAY_AXES_SCALE_VALUES"), + GdaFrame::OnDisplayAxesScaleValues) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_DISPLAY_SLOPE_VALUES"),GdaFrame::OnDisplaySlopeValues) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_TABLE_SET_LOCALE"), GdaFrame::OnTableSetLocale) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_UTF8"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingUTF8) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_UTF16"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingUTF16) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1250"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingWindows1250) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1251"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingWindows1251) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1254"),GdaFrame::OnEncodingWindows1254) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1255"),GdaFrame::OnEncodingWindows1255) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1256"),GdaFrame::OnEncodingWindows1256) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1258"),GdaFrame::OnEncodingWindows1258) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_CP852"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingCP852) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_CP866"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingCP866) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_1"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_1) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_2"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_2) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_3"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_3) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_5"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_5) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_7"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_7) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_8"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_8) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_9"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_9) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_10"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_10) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_15"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_15) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_GB2312"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingGB2312) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_BIG5"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingBIG5) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_KOI8_R"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingKOI8_R) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_SHIFT_JIS"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingSHIFT_JIS) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_EUC_JP"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingEUC_JP) +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_EUC_KR"), GdaFrame::OnEncodingEUC_KR) + +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR1, GdaFrame::OnTimeSyncVariable1) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR2, GdaFrame::OnTimeSyncVariable2) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR3, GdaFrame::OnTimeSyncVariable3) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_TIME_SYNC_VAR4, GdaFrame::OnTimeSyncVariable4) + +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR1, + GdaFrame::OnFixedScaleVariable1) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR2, + GdaFrame::OnFixedScaleVariable2) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR3, + GdaFrame::OnFixedScaleVariable3) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_FIX_SCALE_OVER_TIME_VAR4, + GdaFrame::OnFixedScaleVariable4) + +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_1, GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView1) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_2, GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView2) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_3, GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView3) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_4, GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView4) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_5, GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView5) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_6, GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView6) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_7, GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView7) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_8, GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView8) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_9, GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView9) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_10, GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView10) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_OTHER, GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerViewOther) +EVT_MENU(GdaConst::ID_PLOTS_PER_VIEW_ALL, GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerViewAll) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("ID_DISPLAY_STATUS_BAR"), GdaFrame::OnDisplayStatusBar) + +EVT_MENU(XRCID("wxID_ABOUT"), GdaFrame::OnHelpAbout) + + END_EVENT_TABLE() -void MyFrame::UpdateToolbarAndMenus() +void GdaFrame::UpdateToolbarAndMenus() { // This method is called when no particular window is currently active. // In this case, the close menu item should be disabled. - LOG_MSG("In MyFrame::UpdateToolbarAndMenus"); + LOG_MSG("In GdaFrame::UpdateToolbarAndMenus"); GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(GetMenuBar(), "File", wxID_CLOSE, false); @@ -811,30 +1095,37 @@ void MyFrame::UpdateToolbarAndMenus() bool proj_open = (p != 0); bool shp_proj = proj_open && !p->IsTableOnlyProject(); bool table_proj = proj_open && p->IsTableOnlyProject(); - bool time_variant = (proj_open && p->GetGridBase()->IsTimeVariant()); + bool time_variant = proj_open && p->GetTableInt()->IsTimeVariant(); wxMenuBar* mb = GetMenuBar(); // Reset the toolbar frame title to default. SetTitle("GeoDa"); + if (proj_open && project_p) SetTitle(project_p->GetProjectTitle()); - //MMM: the following two item states are set elsewhere. This should be - // unified. - EnableTool(XRCID("ID_OPEN_CHOICES"), !proj_open); - EnableTool(XRCID("ID_CLOSE_ALL"), proj_open); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", XRCID("ID_OPEN_SHAPE_FILE"), - !proj_open); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", XRCID("ID_OPEN_TABLE_ONLY"), - !proj_open); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", - XRCID("ID_OPEN_SPACE_TIME_SHAPEFILE"), + EnableTool(XRCID("ID_NEW_PROJECT"), !proj_open); + EnableTool(XRCID("ID_OPEN_PROJECT"), !proj_open); + EnableTool(XRCID("ID_CLOSE_PROJECT"), proj_open); + GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", XRCID("ID_CLOSE_PROJECT"), + proj_open); + GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", XRCID("ID_NEW_PROJECT"), !proj_open); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", - XRCID("ID_OPEN_SPACE_TIME_TABLE_ONLY"), + GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", XRCID("ID_OPEN_PROJECT"), !proj_open); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", XRCID("ID_CLOSE_ALL"), - proj_open); + + if (!proj_open) { + // Disable only if project not open. Otherwise, leave changing + // Save state to SaveButtonManager + EnableTool(XRCID("ID_SAVE_PROJECT"), proj_open); + GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, XRCID("ID_SAVE_PROJECT"), false); + } + GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, XRCID("ID_SAVE_AS_PROJECT"), proj_open); + GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, XRCID("ID_EXPORT_LAYER"), proj_open); + GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, XRCID("ID_EXPORT_SELECTED"), proj_open); + GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, XRCID("ID_SHOW_PROJECT_INFO"), + proj_open); + GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(mb, XRCID("ID_SELECT_WITH_RECT"), true); GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(mb, XRCID("ID_SELECT_WITH_CIRCLE"), false); GeneralWxUtils::CheckMenuItem(mb, XRCID("ID_SELECT_WITH_LINE"), false); @@ -903,6 +1194,12 @@ void MyFrame::UpdateToolbarAndMenus() GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuAll(mb, "Table", proj_open); GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, XRCID("ID_SHOW_TIME_CHOOSER"), time_variant); + // Temporarily removed for 1.6 release work + // + // + // + GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, XRCID("ID_CALCULATOR"), + true); EnableTool(XRCID("ID_SHOW_TIME_CHOOSER"), time_variant); GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, XRCID("ID_SHOW_DATA_MOVIE"), proj_open); @@ -911,20 +1208,14 @@ void MyFrame::UpdateToolbarAndMenus() proj_open); EnableTool(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CAT_CLASSIF"), proj_open); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, XRCID("ID_SPACE_TIME_TOOL"), + GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, XRCID("ID_VAR_GROUPING_EDITOR"), + proj_open); + GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, XRCID("ID_TIME_EDITOR"), proj_open); - mb->SetLabel(XRCID("ID_SPACE_TIME_TOOL"), - (time_variant ? "Space-Time Variable Creation Tool" : - "Convert to Space-Time Project")); - - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, XRCID("ID_SAVE_PROJECT"), - proj_open && project_p->GetGridBase()->ChangedSinceLastSave() && - project_p->IsAllowEnableSave()); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, XRCID("ID_SAVE_AS_PROJECT"), proj_open); GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, XRCID("ID_EXPORT_TO_CSV_FILE"), proj_open); - + EnableTool(XRCID("ID_MORAN_MENU"), proj_open); EnableTool(XRCID("ID_LISA_MENU"), shp_proj); EnableTool(XRCID("IDM_MSPL"), proj_open); @@ -948,58 +1239,64 @@ void MyFrame::UpdateToolbarAndMenus() EnableTool(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CONDITIONAL_MAP_VIEW"), shp_proj); EnableTool(XRCID("ID_SHOW_CARTOGRAM_NEW_VIEW"), shp_proj); - EnableTool(XRCID("ID_REGRESSION_CLASSIC"), true); + GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, XRCID("ID_REGRESSION_CLASSIC"), + proj_open); + EnableTool(XRCID("ID_REGRESSION_CLASSIC"), proj_open); //Empty out the Options menu: wxMenu* optMenu=wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadMenu("ID_DEFAULT_MENU_OPTIONS"); GeneralWxUtils::ReplaceMenu(mb, "Options", optMenu); } -void MyFrame::SetMenusToDefault() +void GdaFrame::SetMenusToDefault() { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::SetMenusToDefault"); + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::SetMenusToDefault"); // This method disables all menu items that are not // in one of File, Tools, Methods, or Help menus. wxMenuBar* mb = GetMenuBar(); if (!mb) return; - wxMenu* menu = NULL; + //wxMenu* menu = NULL; wxString menuText = wxEmptyString; int menuCnt = mb->GetMenuCount(); for (int i=0; iGetMenu(i); + mb->GetMenu(i); menuText = mb->GetMenuLabelText(i); if ( (menuText != "File") && (menuText != "Tools") && - (menuText != "Methods") && + (menuText != "Table") && (menuText != "Help") ) { GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuAll(mb, menuText, false); } } - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::SetMenusToDefault"); + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::SetMenusToDefault"); } +GdaFrame* GdaFrame::gda_frame = 0; +bool GdaFrame::projectOpen = false; +Project* GdaFrame::project_p = 0; +std::list GdaFrame::toolbar_list(0); -Project* MyFrame::project_p = 0; -std::list MyFrame::toolbar_list(0); - -MyFrame::MyFrame(const wxString& title, - const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style): -wxFrame(NULL, -1, title, pos, size, style) +GdaFrame::GdaFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, + const wxSize& size, long style) +: wxFrame(NULL, -1, title, pos, size, style) { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::MyFrame"); + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::GdaFrame"); SetIcon(wxIcon(GeoDaIcon_16x16_xpm)); SetMenuBar(wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadMenuBar("ID_SHARED_MAIN_MENU")); wxToolBar* tb1; - if (GeneralWxUtils::isMac()) { - // for some reason the toolbar icons become disabled when - // MyFrame loses focus on Mac. So, for now we are not + //if (GeneralWxUtils::isMac()) { + //MMM: With wxWidgets 3.0 and OSX Cocoa, this special code + // doesn't appear to be needed. Commenting out for now. + + // For some reason the toolbar icons become disabled when + // GdaFrame loses focus on Mac. So, for now we are not // making the toolbar a child of the Panel. - tb1 = wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadToolBar(this, "ToolBar"); - SetToolBar(tb1); - } else { + //tb1 = wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadToolBar(this, "ToolBar"); + //SetToolBar(tb1); + //} else { wxPanel* panel = new wxPanel(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, size, wxNO_BORDER); wxBoxSizer* topSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ); @@ -1020,7 +1317,9 @@ wxFrame(NULL, -1, title, pos, size, style) } SetSizer(topSizer); topSizer->Fit(panel); - } + //} + + gda_frame = this; toolbar_list.push_front(tb1); ////toolbar_list.push_front(tb2); @@ -1030,44 +1329,45 @@ wxFrame(NULL, -1, title, pos, size, style) SetMenusToDefault(); UpdateToolbarAndMenus(); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_UTF8); - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyFrame::MyFrame"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaFrame::GdaFrame"); } -MyFrame::~MyFrame() +GdaFrame::~GdaFrame() { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::~MyFrame()"); - MyFrame::theFrame = 0; - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyFrame::~MyFrame()"); + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::~GdaFrame()"); + GdaFrame::gda_frame = 0; + LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaFrame::~GdaFrame()"); } -void MyFrame::EnableTool(int xrc_id, bool enable) +void GdaFrame::EnableTool(int xrc_id, bool enable) { BOOST_FOREACH( wxToolBar* tb, toolbar_list ) { if (tb) tb->EnableTool(xrc_id, enable); } } -void MyFrame::EnableTool(const wxString& id_str, bool enable) +void GdaFrame::EnableTool(const wxString& id_str, bool enable) { BOOST_FOREACH( wxToolBar* tb, toolbar_list ) { if (tb) tb->EnableTool(wxXmlResource::GetXRCID(id_str), enable); } } -bool MyFrame::IsProjectOpen() +bool GdaFrame::IsProjectOpen() { return projectOpen; } -void MyFrame::SetProjectOpen(bool open) +void GdaFrame::SetProjectOpen(bool open) { projectOpen = open; } #include "DialogTools/SelectWeightDlg.h" -GalWeight* MyFrame::GetGal() +GalWeight* GdaFrame::GetGal() { if (!project_p->GetWManager()->IsDefaultWeight()) { SelectWeightDlg dlg(project_p, this); @@ -1075,687 +1375,688 @@ GalWeight* MyFrame::GetGal() } GeoDaWeight* w = project_p->GetWManager()->GetCurrWeight(); if (!w->weight_type == GeoDaWeight::gal_type) { - wxMessageBox("Error: Only GAL type weights are currently supported. " + wxString msg("Only GAL type weights are currently supported. " "Other weight types are internally converted to GAL."); + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); return 0; } return (GalWeight*) w; } -void MyFrame::OnOpenNewTable() +void GdaFrame::OnOpenNewTable() { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::OnOpenNewTable"); - NewTableViewerFrame* tvf = 0; - wxGrid* g = project_p->GetGridBase()->GetView(); - if (g) tvf = (NewTableViewerFrame*) g->GetParent(); - if (!tvf) { + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::OnOpenNewTable"); + TableFrame* tf = 0; + wxGrid* g = project_p->FindTableGrid(); + if (g) tf = (TableFrame*) g->GetParent(); + if (!tf) { wxString msg("The Table should always be open, although somtimes it " "is hidden while the project is open. This condition " "has been violated. Please report this to " "the program developers."); wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Warning", wxOK | wxICON_WARNING); dlg.ShowModal(); - tvf = new NewTableViewerFrame(theFrame, project_p, - GeoDaConst::table_frame_title, - wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::table_default_size, - wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); + tf = new TableFrame(gda_frame, project_p, + GdaConst::table_frame_title, + wxDefaultPosition, + GdaConst::table_default_size, + wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); } - tvf->Show(true); - tvf->Maximize(false); - tvf->Raise(); + tf->Show(true); + tf->Maximize(false); + tf->Raise(); - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyFrame::OnOpenNewTable"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaFrame::OnOpenNewTable"); } /** returns false if user wants to abort the operation */ -bool MyFrame::OnCloseMap(bool ignore_unsaved_changes) +bool GdaFrame::OnCloseProject(bool ignore_unsaved_changes) { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::OnCloseMap"); + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::OnCloseProject"); - wxString msg; - if (IsProjectOpen() && !ignore_unsaved_changes && - project_p->GetGridBase()->ChangedSinceLastSave()) { - msg = "Ok to close current project? There have been changes to the " - "Table since it was last saved. To save your work, " - "go to File > Save"; - wxMessageDialog msgDlg(this, msg, - "Close with unsaved Table changes?", - wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT | wxICON_QUESTION ); - if (msgDlg.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) return false; - } + if (IsProjectOpen() && !ignore_unsaved_changes) { + bool is_new_project = (project_p->GetProjectFullPath().empty() || + !wxFileExists(project_p->GetProjectFullPath())); + bool unsaved_meta_data = is_new_project || + (project_p->GetSaveButtonManager() && + project_p->GetSaveButtonManager()->IsMetaDataSaveNeeded()); + bool unsaved_ds_data = + project_p->GetTableInt()->ChangedSinceLastSave(); - SetProjectOpen(false); - if (project_p) { - project_p->GetTableState()->closeAndDeleteWhenEmpty(); - project_p->GetFramesManager()->closeAndDeleteWhenEmpty(); - std::list observers( - project_p->GetFramesManager()->getCopyObservers()); - std::list::iterator it; - for (it=observers.begin(); it != observers.end(); it++) { - if (wxTopLevelWindow* w = dynamic_cast(*it)) { - wxString msg = "Calling Close(true) for window: "+w->GetTitle(); - LOG_MSG(msg); - w->Close(true); + wxString msg; + wxString title; + if (is_new_project || unsaved_ds_data || unsaved_ds_data) { + title = "Close with unsaved changes?"; + + msg << "Ok to close current project?\n\n"; + + if (is_new_project) { + msg << "There is no project file associated with "; + msg << "this project. A project file contains extra "; + msg << "information not directly stored in the "; + msg << "data source such as variable order and grouping.\n\n"; + } + + if (!is_new_project && unsaved_ds_data) { + msg << "There are unsaved project file changes.\n\n"; + } + + if (unsaved_ds_data) { + msg << "There are unsaved data source (Table) changes.\n\n"; } + + msg << "To save your work, go to File > Save"; + + wxMessageDialog msgDlg(this, msg, title, + wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT | wxICON_QUESTION ); + if (msgDlg.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) return false; } } - if (project_p && project_p->regression_dlg) { - ((wxDialog*) project_p->regression_dlg)->Close(true); - project_p->regression_dlg = 0; + SetProjectOpen(false); + if (project_p) { + if (project_p->GetTableState()) { + project_p->GetTableState()->closeAndDeleteWhenEmpty(); + } + if (project_p->GetTimeState()) { + project_p->GetTimeState()->closeAndDeleteWhenEmpty(); + } + if (project_p->GetFramesManager()) { + project_p->GetFramesManager()->closeAndDeleteWhenEmpty(); + std::list observers( + project_p->GetFramesManager()->getCopyObservers()); + std::list::iterator it; + for (it=observers.begin(); it != observers.end(); ++it) { + if (wxTopLevelWindow* w = dynamic_cast(*it)) { + wxString msg="Calling Close(true) for window: "+w->GetTitle(); + LOG_MSG(msg); + w->Close(true); + } + } + } } if (project_p) delete project_p; project_p = 0; - + + // notify wxTopLevelWindows not managed by Project + wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = wxTopLevelWindows.GetFirst(); + while (node) { + wxWindow* win = node->GetData(); + if (CalculatorDlg* w = dynamic_cast(win)) { + LOG_MSG("CalculatorDlg already opened."); + w->DisconnectFromProject(); + } + node = node->GetNext(); + } + UpdateToolbarAndMenus(); - EnableTool(XRCID("ID_OPEN_CHOICES"), true); - EnableTool(XRCID("ID_CLOSE_ALL"), false); - wxMenuBar* mb = GetMenuBar(); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", - XRCID("ID_OPEN_SHAPE_FILE"), true); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", - XRCID("ID_OPEN_TABLE_ONLY"), true); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", - XRCID("ID_OPEN_SPACE_TIME_SHAPEFILE"), true); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", - XRCID("ID_OPEN_SPACE_TIME_TABLE_ONLY"),true); - - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", - XRCID("ID_CLOSE_ALL"), false); return true; } -void MyFrame::OnOpenShapefile(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) -{ - OpenProject(false, false); -} -/** open columbus shapefile for testing */ -void MyFrame::OpenColumbusTest() +void GdaFrame::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event) { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::OpenColumbusTest"); - if (project_p && project_p->GetFramesManager()->getNumberObservers() > 0) { - LOG_MSG("Open wxTopLevelWindows found for current project, " - "calling OnCloseMap()"); - if (!OnCloseMap()) return; - } + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::OnClose"); - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base = 0; - bool is_csv_file = false; - { - wxFileName ifn; - { - ifn = wxFileName("/Users/mmccann/trac_trunk/SampleData/" - "columbus.shp"); - // ifn.GetFullPath returns the filename with path and extension. - - if (IsLineShapeFile(ifn.GetFullPath())) { - wxMessageBox("Error: GeoDa does not support Shapefiles " - "with line data at this time. Please choose a " - "Shapefile with either point or polygon data."); - return; - } - - bool shx_found; - bool dbf_found; - if (!GenUtils::ExistsShpShxDbf(ifn, 0, &shx_found, &dbf_found)) { - wxString msg; - msg << "Error: " << ifn.GetName() << ".shp, "; - msg << ifn.GetName() << ".shx, and " << ifn.GetName(); - msg << ".dbf were not found together in the same file "; - msg << "directory. Could not find "; - if (!shx_found && dbf_found) { - msg << ifn.GetName() << ".shx."; - } else if (shx_found && !dbf_found) { - msg << ifn.GetName() << ".dbf."; - } else { - msg << ifn.GetName() << ".shx and " << ifn.GetName(); - msg << ".dbf."; - } - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - } + bool is_new_project = (IsProjectOpen() && + (project_p->GetProjectFullPath().empty() || + !wxFileExists(project_p->GetProjectFullPath()))); + bool unsaved_meta_data = is_new_project || + (IsProjectOpen() && project_p->GetSaveButtonManager() && + project_p->GetSaveButtonManager()->IsMetaDataSaveNeeded()); + bool unsaved_ds_data = (IsProjectOpen() && + project_p->GetTableInt()->ChangedSinceLastSave()); + + wxString msg; + wxString title; + if (is_new_project || unsaved_ds_data || unsaved_ds_data) { + title = "Exit with unsaved Table changes?"; - { - DbfFileReader dbf_reader(ifn.GetPathWithSep()+ifn.GetName()+".dbf"); - if (!dbf_reader.isDbfReadSuccess()) { - wxString msg("There was a problem reading in the DBF file."); - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - - project_p = new Project(dbf_reader.getNumRecords()); - grid_base = new DbfGridTableBase(dbf_reader, - project_p->GetHighlightState(), - project_p->GetTableState()); - - project_p->Init(grid_base, ifn); + msg << "Ok to Exit GeoDa?\n\n"; + + if (is_new_project) { + msg << "There is no project file associated with "; + msg << "this project. A project file contains extra "; + msg << "information not directly stored in the "; + msg << "data source such as variable order and grouping.\n\n"; } + + if (!is_new_project && unsaved_ds_data) { + msg << "There are unsaved project file changes.\n\n"; + } + + if (unsaved_ds_data) { + msg << "There are unsaved data source (Table) changes.\n\n"; + } + + msg << "To save your work, go to File > Save"; + } else { + title = "Exit?"; + msg = "Ok to Exit?"; } - if (!project_p->IsValid()) { - wxString msg("Could not open new project: "); - msg << project_p->GetErrorMessage(); - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - delete grid_base; - delete project_p; project_p = 0; - return; - } - - // By this point, we know that project has created as - // TopFrameManager object with delete_if_empty = false - - // This call is very improtant because we need the wxGrid to - // take ownership of grid_base - NewTableViewerFrame* tvf = 0; - tvf = new NewTableViewerFrame(this, project_p, - GeoDaConst::table_frame_title, - wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::table_default_size, - wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); - - SetProjectOpen(true); - UpdateToolbarAndMenus(); - - MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, - CatClassification::no_theme, - MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, - wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::map_default_size); - nf->UpdateTitle(); - - EnableTool(XRCID("ID_OPEN_CHOICES"), false); - EnableTool(XRCID("ID_CLOSE_ALL"), true); - wxMenuBar* mb = GetMenuBar(); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", - XRCID("ID_OPEN_SHAPE_FILE"), false); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", - XRCID("ID_OPEN_TABLE_ONLY"), false); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", - XRCID("ID_OPEN_SPACE_TIME_SHAPEFILE"),false); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", - XRCID("ID_OPEN_SPACE_TIME_TABLE_ONLY"), - false); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", - XRCID("ID_CLOSE_ALL"), true); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "Table", - XRCID("ID_SHOW_TIME_CHOOSER"), false); - mb->SetLabel(XRCID("ID_SPACE_TIME_TOOL"), - "Convert to Space-Time Project"); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "Table", - XRCID("ID_NEW_TABLE_MERGE_TABLE_DATA"), - true); + if (IsProjectOpen()) { + wxMessageDialog msgDlg(this, msg, title, + wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT | wxICON_QUESTION); - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyFrame::OpenColumbusTest"); + // Show the message dialog, and if it returns wxID_YES... + if (msgDlg.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) return; + } -} + OnCloseProject(true); + + // Close windows not associated managed by Project + wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = wxTopLevelWindows.GetFirst(); + while (node) { + wxWindow* win = node->GetData(); + if (CalculatorDlg* w = dynamic_cast(win)) { + LOG_MSG("Closing Calculator"); + w->Close(true); + } + node = node->GetNext(); + } + Destroy(); -void MyFrame::OnOpenTableOnly(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) -{ - OpenProject(true, false); + LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaFrame::OnClose"); } -void MyFrame::OnOpenSpTmShapefile(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) +void GdaFrame::OnMenuClose(wxCommandEvent& event) { - OpenProject(false, true); + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::OnMenuClose"); + Close(); // This will result in a call to OnClose + LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaFrame::OnMenuClose"); } -void MyFrame::OnOpenSpTmTableOnly(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) +void GdaFrame::OnCloseProjectEvt(wxCommandEvent& event) { - OpenProject(true, true); + LOG_MSG("In GdaFrame::OnCloseProjectEvt"); + OnCloseProject(); } -void MyFrame::OpenProject(bool table_only, bool space_time) +void GdaFrame::OnNewProject(wxCommandEvent& event) { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::OpenProject"); - if (project_p && project_p->GetFramesManager()->getNumberObservers() > 0) { - LOG_MSG("Open wxTopLevelWindows found for current project, " - "calling OnCloseMap()"); - if (!OnCloseMap()) return; + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::OnNewProject"); + ConnectDatasourceDlg dlg(this); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + + wxString proj_title = dlg.GetProjectTitle(); + wxString layer_name = dlg.GetLayerName(); + IDataSource* datasource = dlg.GetDataSource(); + try { + // this datasource will be freed when dlg exit, so make a copy + // in project_p + project_p = new Project(proj_title, layer_name, datasource); + } catch (GdaException& e) { + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, e.what(), "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + + wxString error_msg; + if (!project_p) { + error_msg << "Error: Could not initialize new project."; + } else if (!project_p->IsValid()) { + error_msg << "Error:"; + error_msg << project_p->GetOpenErrorMessage(); + } + if (!error_msg.IsEmpty()) { + /*if(datasource) { + delete datasource; + datasource = NULL; + }*/ + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, error_msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + + // By this point, we know that project has created as + // TopFrameManager object with delete_if_empty = false + + // This call is very improtant because we need the wxGrid to + // take ownership of the TableBase instance (bug in wxWidgets) + + TableFrame* tf; + tf = new TableFrame(this, project_p, + GdaConst::table_frame_title, + wxDefaultPosition, + GdaConst::table_default_size, + wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); + if (project_p->IsTableOnlyProject()) tf->Show(true); + + SetProjectOpen(true); + UpdateToolbarAndMenus(); + + if (!project_p->IsTableOnlyProject()) { + std::vector col_ids; + std::vector var_info; + MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, + var_info, col_ids, + CatClassification::no_theme, + MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, 1, + wxDefaultPosition, + GdaConst::map_default_size); + nf->UpdateTitle(); } - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base = 0; - bool is_csv_file = false; - if (!space_time) { - wxFileName ifn; - if (!table_only) { - wxFileDialog dlg(this, "Choose a Shapefile to open", "", "", - "Shapefiles (*.shp)|*.shp"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaFrame::OnNewProject"); +} + +/** + OpenProject can be called while another project file is currently open. This + can happen currently on Mac OSX when the user double-clicks on multiple + project files. At present, we will simply present a message to the user + saying that the current project must be closed first. In the future, + especially when multiple layers are supported, we could do something + fancier. + */ +void GdaFrame::OpenProject(const wxString& full_proj_path) +{ + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::OpenProject"); - if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; - - // dlg.GetPath returns the selected filename with complete path. - ifn = wxFileName(dlg.GetPath()); - // ifn.GetFullPath returns the filename with path and extension. - - if (IsLineShapeFile(ifn.GetFullPath())) { - wxMessageBox("Error: GeoDa does not support Shapefiles " - "with line data at this time. Please choose a " - "Shapefile with either point or polygon data."); - return; - } - - bool shx_found; - bool dbf_found; - if (!GenUtils::ExistsShpShxDbf(ifn, 0, &shx_found, &dbf_found)) { - wxString msg; - msg << "Error: " << ifn.GetName() << ".shp, "; - msg << ifn.GetName() << ".shx, and " << ifn.GetName(); - msg << ".dbf were not found together in the same file "; - msg << "directory. Could not find "; - if (!shx_found && dbf_found) { - msg << ifn.GetName() << ".shx."; - } else if (shx_found && !dbf_found) { - msg << ifn.GetName() << ".dbf."; - } else { - msg << ifn.GetName() << ".shx and " << ifn.GetName(); - msg << ".dbf."; - } - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - } else { - //wxFileDialog dlg(this, "Choose a Table DBF file to open", "", "", - // "DBF files (*.dbf)|*.dbf"); - wxFileDialog dlg(this, "Choose a Table file to open", "", "", - "DBF or CSV files (*.dbf;*.csv)|*.dbf;*.csv"); - if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; - - // dlg.GetPath returns the selected filename with complete path. - ifn = wxFileName(dlg.GetPath()); - is_csv_file = (ifn.GetExt().CmpNoCase("dbf") != 0); - } - - if (!is_csv_file) { - DbfFileReader dbf_reader(ifn.GetPathWithSep()+ifn.GetName()+".dbf"); - if (!dbf_reader.isDbfReadSuccess()) { - wxString msg("There was a problem reading in the DBF file."); - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - - project_p = new Project(dbf_reader.getNumRecords()); - grid_base = new DbfGridTableBase(dbf_reader, - project_p->GetHighlightState(), - project_p->GetTableState()); - if (!table_only) { - project_p->Init(grid_base, ifn); - } else { - project_p->Init(grid_base); - } - } else { - std::string csv_fname(ifn.GetFullPath().ToStdString()); - std_str_array_type string_table; - wxString err_msg; - bool r; - int num_rows; - int num_cols; - std::vector first_row; - r = GeoDa::GetCsvStats(csv_fname, num_rows, num_cols, first_row, - err_msg); - if (!r) { - wxString msg("There was a problem reading in the CSV: "); - msg << err_msg; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - - // need to ask user if first_row contains valid field names - - ImportCsvDlg dlg(this, first_row); - if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; - - bool first_row_field_names = dlg.contains_var_names; - if (first_row_field_names) num_rows--; - if (!first_row_field_names) first_row.clear(); - - r = GeoDa::FillStringTableFromCsv(csv_fname, string_table, - first_row_field_names, err_msg); - if (!r) { - wxString msg("There was a problem reading in the CSV: "); - msg << err_msg; - wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - - project_p = new Project(num_rows); - grid_base = new DbfGridTableBase(string_table, - first_row, - csv_fname, - project_p->GetHighlightState(), - project_p->GetTableState()); - project_p->Init(grid_base); + { + wxString msg; + wxFileName fn(full_proj_path); + if (fn.GetExt().CmpNoCase("gda") != 0) { + msg << "Error: \"" << full_proj_path << "\" not a project file."; + } + if (!wxFileExists(full_proj_path)) { + msg << "Error: \"" << full_proj_path << "\" not found."; } - } else { - OpenSpaceTimeDlg dlg(table_only); - if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; - - DbfFileReader dbf_sp(dlg.time_invariant_dbf_name.GetFullPath()); - DbfFileReader dbf_tm(dlg.time_variant_dbf_name.GetFullPath()); - - project_p = new Project(dbf_sp.getNumRecords()); - grid_base = new DbfGridTableBase(dbf_sp, dbf_tm, - dlg.sp_table_space_col, - dlg.tm_table_space_col, - dlg.tm_table_time_col, - project_p->GetHighlightState(), - project_p->GetTableState()); - if (!table_only) { - wxFileName shp_fname = dlg.time_invariant_dbf_name; - shp_fname.SetExt("shp"); - project_p->Init(grid_base, shp_fname); - } else { - project_p->Init(grid_base); + if (!msg.IsEmpty()) { + LOG_MSG(msg); + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; } } - - if (!project_p->IsValid()) { - wxString msg("Could not open new project: "); - msg << project_p->GetErrorMessage(); - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + + // if requested project to open is already open, just raise + // current window + if (IsProjectOpen()) { + if (project_p->GetProjectFullPath().CmpNoCase(full_proj_path) == 0) { + LOG_MSG("Requested project is already open."); + Raise(); + return; + } + Raise(); + wxString msg; + msg << "You have requested to open project "; + msg << full_proj_path; + msg << " while another project is open. Please close project "; + msg << project_p->GetProjectTitle(); + msg << " and try again."; + LOG_MSG(msg); + // For now, don't display a warning message to the user, + // just raise the toplevel window in either case. + //wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Information", + // wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + //dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + + if (project_p && project_p->GetFramesManager()->getNumberObservers() > 0) { + LOG_MSG("Open wxTopLevelWindows found for current project, " + "calling OnCloseProject()"); + if (!OnCloseProject()) return; + } + + try { + project_p = new Project(full_proj_path); + if (!project_p->IsValid()) { + wxString msg("Error while opening project:\n\n"); + msg << project_p->GetOpenErrorMessage(); + throw GdaException(msg.c_str()); + } + + } catch (GdaException &e) { + wxString msg( e.what() ) ; + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); dlg.ShowModal(); - delete grid_base; delete project_p; project_p = 0; return; - } + } // By this point, we know that project has created as // TopFrameManager object with delete_if_empty = false // This call is very improtant because we need the wxGrid to - // take ownership of grid_base - NewTableViewerFrame* tvf = 0; - tvf = new NewTableViewerFrame(this, project_p, - GeoDaConst::table_frame_title, - wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::table_default_size, - wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); - if (table_only) tvf->Show(true); - + // take ownership of the TableBase instance (due to bug in wxWidgets) + TableFrame* tf; + tf = new TableFrame(this, project_p, + GdaConst::table_frame_title, + wxDefaultPosition, + GdaConst::table_default_size, + wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); + if (project_p->IsTableOnlyProject()) tf->Show(true); + SetProjectOpen(true); UpdateToolbarAndMenus(); - if (!table_only) { - MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + // Associate Project with Calculator if open + wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = wxTopLevelWindows.GetFirst(); + while (node) { + wxWindow* win = node->GetData(); + if (CalculatorDlg* w = dynamic_cast(win)) { + LOG_MSG("Notifying Calculator of new Project."); + w->ConnectToProject(GetProject()); + } + node = node->GetNext(); + } + + if (!project_p->IsTableOnlyProject()) { + std::vector col_ids; + std::vector var_info; + MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, + var_info, col_ids, CatClassification::no_theme, - MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, 1, wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::map_default_size); + GdaConst::map_default_size); nf->UpdateTitle(); } - - EnableTool(XRCID("ID_OPEN_CHOICES"), false); - EnableTool(XRCID("ID_CLOSE_ALL"), true); - wxMenuBar* mb = GetMenuBar(); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", - XRCID("ID_OPEN_SHAPE_FILE"), false); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", - XRCID("ID_OPEN_TABLE_ONLY"), false); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", - XRCID("ID_OPEN_SPACE_TIME_SHAPEFILE"),false); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", - XRCID("ID_OPEN_SPACE_TIME_TABLE_ONLY"), false); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "File", - XRCID("ID_CLOSE_ALL"), true); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "Table", - XRCID("ID_SHOW_TIME_CHOOSER"), space_time); - mb->SetLabel(XRCID("ID_SPACE_TIME_TOOL"), - (space_time ? "Space-Time Variable Creation Tool" : - "Convert to Space-Time Project")); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(mb, "Table", - XRCID("ID_NEW_TABLE_MERGE_TABLE_DATA"), - !space_time); - - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyFrame::OpenProject"); } -void MyFrame::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event) + +void GdaFrame::OnOpenProject(wxCommandEvent& event) { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::OnClose"); - - wxString msg; - wxString title; - if (IsProjectOpen() && project_p->GetGridBase()->ChangedSinceLastSave()) { - msg = "Ok to Exit GeoDa? The current Table has unsaved changes." - " To save your work, go to File > Save"; - title = "Exit with unsaved Table changes?"; - } else { - msg = "Ok to Exit?"; - title = "Exit?"; + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::OnOpenProject"); + if (project_p && project_p->GetFramesManager()->getNumberObservers() > 0) { + LOG_MSG("Open wxTopLevelWindows found for current project, " + "calling OnCloseProject()"); + if (!OnCloseProject()) return; } + wxString wildcard = "GeoDa Project (*.gda)|*.gda"; + wxFileDialog dlg(this, "GeoDa Project File to Open", "", "", wildcard); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; - if (IsProjectOpen()) { - wxMessageDialog msgDlg(this, msg, title, - wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT | wxICON_QUESTION); - - // Show the message dialog, and if it returns wxID_YES... - if (msgDlg.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) return; - } - OnCloseMap(true); - Destroy(); - - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyFrame::OnClose"); + OpenProject(dlg.GetPath()); } -void MyFrame::OnMenuClose(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSaveProject(wxCommandEvent& event) { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::OnMenuClose"); - Close(); // This will result in a call to OnClose - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyFrame::OnMenuClose"); + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::OnSaveProject"); + if (!project_p) return; + + // check if locale changed, if it did, warn people to export + /* + setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); + struct lconv *poLconv = localeconv(); + wxString sys_thousands_sep = poLconv->thousands_sep; + wxString sys_decimal_point = poLconv->decimal_point; + setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"); + if ( sys_decimal_point != "." ) { + wxString msg = "GeoDa will save data (numbers) using standard C " + "locale, which uses dot \".\" as decimal point. It's different " + "than the current locale. If you want to keep your locale, please " + "export to a new datasource. Do you want to save?"; + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg, "GeoDa Locale Information.", + wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT | wxICON_QUESTION); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) { + return; + } + } + */ + + // Save Data Source changes first if needed + try { + project_p->SaveDataSourceData(); + } + catch (GdaException& e) { + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, e.what(), "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + // We know Data Source data was saved successfully. + + wxString proj_fname = project_p->GetProjectFullPath(); + bool is_new_project = (proj_fname.empty() || !wxFileExists(proj_fname)); + + if (is_new_project) { + wxString msg; + msg << "Changes made to data source saved successfully. "; + msg << "However, there is no project file associated with "; + msg << "this project."; + msg << "\n\n"; + msg << "Create a project file now? (Recommended)"; + msg << "\n\n"; + msg << "A project file contains extra information not directly "; + msg << "stored in the data source such as variable order and grouping."; + + wxMessageDialog proj_create_dlg(this, msg, "Create Project File Now?", + wxYES_NO|wxYES_DEFAULT|wxICON_QUESTION); + if (proj_create_dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) return; + + wxString wildcard = "GeoDa Project (*.gda)|*.gda"; + wxFileDialog dlg(this, "New Project Filename", "", "", wildcard, + wxFD_SAVE); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + + try { + project_p->SpecifyProjectConfFile(dlg.GetPath()); + } catch (GdaException& e) { + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, e.what(), "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + } + + try { + project_p->SaveProjectConf(); + + wxString msg = "Saved successfully."; + if ( project_p->IsTableOnlyProject() && + !project_p->main_data.records.empty() ) { + // case: users create geometries in a table-only project + msg << "\n\nWarning: newly created geometries are not saved. "; + msg << "Please use \"Export\" to save geometries and related data."; + } + wxMessageDialog dlg(this, msg , "Info", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + dlg.ShowModal(); + } catch (GdaException& e) { + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, e.what(), "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + LOG_MSG(wxString("Wrote GeoDa Project File: ") + proj_fname); + + SaveButtonManager* sbm = project_p->GetSaveButtonManager(); + if (sbm) { + sbm->SetAllowEnableSave(true); + sbm->SetMetaDataSaveNeeded(false); + } + + LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaFrame::OnSaveProject"); } -void MyFrame::OnCloseAll(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSaveAsProject(wxCommandEvent& event) { - LOG_MSG("In MyFrame::OnCloseAll"); - OnCloseMap(); + if (!project_p || !project_p->GetTableInt()) return; + + SaveAsDlg dlg(this, project_p); + dlg.ShowModal(); } -void MyFrame::OnSelectWithRect(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSelectWithRect(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; t->OnSelectWithRect(event); } -void MyFrame::OnSelectWithCircle(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSelectWithCircle(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; t->OnSelectWithCircle(event); } -void MyFrame::OnSelectWithLine(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSelectWithLine(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; t->OnSelectWithLine(event); } -void MyFrame::OnSelectionMode(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSelectionMode(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; t->OnSelectionMode(event); } -void MyFrame::OnFitToWindowMode(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnFitToWindowMode(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; t->OnFitToWindowMode(event); } -void MyFrame::OnFixedAspectRatioMode(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnFixedAspectRatioMode(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (t) t->OnFixedAspectRatioMode(event); } -void MyFrame::OnZoomMode(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnZoomMode(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (t) t->OnZoomMode(event); } -void MyFrame::OnZoomIn(wxCommandEvent& event) -{ - TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); - if (!t) return; - // MMM: Not implemented in new style framework -} - -void MyFrame::OnZoomOut(wxCommandEvent& event) -{ - TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); - if (!t) return; - // MMM: Not implemented in new style framework -} - - -void MyFrame::OnPanMode(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnPanMode(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; t->OnPanMode(event); } -void MyFrame::OnPrintCanvasState(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnPrintCanvasState(wxCommandEvent& event) { - LOG_MSG("Called MyFrame::OnPrintCanvasState"); + LOG_MSG("Called GdaFrame::OnPrintCanvasState"); TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (t) t->OnPrintCanvasState(event); // Add this menu item to the XRC file to see this debugging option: // // - // + //s } -void MyFrame::OnSaveCanvasImageAs(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSaveCanvasImageAs(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (t) t->OnSaveCanvasImageAs(event); } -void MyFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) +void GdaFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::OnQuit"); - // Generate a wxCloseEvent for MyFrame. MyFrame::OnClose will + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::OnQuit"); + // Generate a wxCloseEvent for GdaFrame. GdaFrame::OnClose will // be called and will give the user a chance to not exit program. Close(); - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyFrame::OnQuit"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaFrame::OnQuit"); } -void MyFrame::OnSaveSelectedToColumn(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSaveSelectedToColumn(wxCommandEvent& event) { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::OnSaveSelectedToColumn"); + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::OnSaveSelectedToColumn"); SaveSelectionDlg dlg(project_p, this); dlg.ShowModal(); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(GetMenuBar(), XRCID("ID_SAVE_PROJECT"), - project_p->GetGridBase()->ChangedSinceLastSave() && - project_p->IsAllowEnableSave()); - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyFrame::OnSaveSelectedToColumn"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaFrame::OnSaveSelectedToColumn"); } -void MyFrame::OnCanvasBackgroundColor(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnCanvasBackgroundColor(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; t->OnCanvasBackgroundColor(event); } -void MyFrame::OnLegendBackgroundColor(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnLegendBackgroundColor(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; } -void MyFrame::OnSelectableFillColor(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSelectableFillColor(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; t->OnSelectableFillColor(event); } -void MyFrame::OnSelectableOutlineColor(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSelectableOutlineColor(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; t->OnSelectableOutlineColor(event); } -void MyFrame::OnSelectableOutlineVisible(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSelectableOutlineVisible(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; t->OnSelectableOutlineVisible(event); } -void MyFrame::OnHighlightColor(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnHighlightColor(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; t->OnHighlightColor(event); } -void MyFrame::OnSetDefaultVariableSettings(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) +void GdaFrame::OnSetDefaultVariableSettings(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { - VariableSettingsDlg VS(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::quadvariate, true); + VariableSettingsDlg VS(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::quadvariate); VS.ShowModal(); } -void MyFrame::OnCopyImageToClipboard(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnCopyImageToClipboard(wxCommandEvent& event) { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::OnCopyImageToClipboard"); + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::OnCopyImageToClipboard"); TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; t->OnCopyImageToClipboard(event); - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyFrame::OnCopyImageToClipboard"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaFrame::OnCopyImageToClipboard"); } -void MyFrame::OnCopyLegendToClipboard(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnCopyLegendToClipboard(wxCommandEvent& event) { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::OnCopyLegendToClipboard"); + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::OnCopyLegendToClipboard"); TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyFrame::OnCopyLegendToClipboard"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaFrame::OnCopyLegendToClipboard"); } -void MyFrame::OnKeyEvent(wxKeyEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnKeyEvent(wxKeyEvent& event) { Project* project = GetProject(); if (event.GetModifiers() == wxMOD_CMD && - project && project->GetGridBase() && - project->GetGridBase()->IsTimeVariant() && + project && project->GetTimeState() && + project->GetTableInt()->IsTimeVariant() && (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_LEFT || event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_RIGHT)) { - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base = project->GetGridBase(); int del = (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_LEFT) ? -1 : 1; - LOG(del); - grid_base->curr_time_step = grid_base->curr_time_step + del; - if (grid_base->curr_time_step < 0) { - grid_base->curr_time_step = grid_base->time_steps-1; - } else if (grid_base->curr_time_step >= grid_base->time_steps) { - grid_base->curr_time_step = 0; + project->GetTimeState()->SetCurrTime( + project->GetTimeState()->GetCurrTime() + del); + if (project->GetTimeState()->GetCurrTime() < 0) { + project->GetTimeState()->SetCurrTime( + project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps()-1); + } else if (project->GetTimeState()->GetCurrTime() + >= project->GetTableInt()->GetTimeSteps()) { + project->GetTimeState()->SetCurrTime(0); } - if (project->GetFramesManager()) { - project->GetFramesManager()->notifyObservers(); + if (project->GetTimeState()) { + project->GetTimeState()->notifyObservers(); } return; } event.Skip(); } -void MyFrame::OnToolsWeightsOpen(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) +void GdaFrame::OnToolsWeightsOpen(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { SelectWeightDlg dlg(project_p, this); if (dlg.ShowModal()!= wxID_OK) return; @@ -1766,26 +2067,26 @@ void MyFrame::OnToolsWeightsOpen(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) } #include "DialogTools/CreatingWeightDlg.h" -void MyFrame::OnToolsWeightsCreate(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) +void GdaFrame::OnToolsWeightsCreate(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { CreatingWeightDlg dlg(NULL, project_p); dlg.ShowModal(); } -void MyFrame::OnConnectivityHistView(wxCommandEvent& event ) +void GdaFrame::OnConnectivityHistView(wxCommandEvent& event ) { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::OnConnectivityHistView"); + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::OnConnectivityHistView"); GalWeight* gal = GetGal(); if (!gal) return; ConnectivityHistFrame* f; f = new ConnectivityHistFrame(this, project_p, gal); - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyFrame::OnConnectivityHistView"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaFrame::OnConnectivityHistView"); } -void MyFrame::OnMapChoices(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnMapChoices(wxCommandEvent& event) { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::OnMapChoices"); + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::OnMapChoices"); wxMenu* popupMenu = 0; if (GeneralWxUtils::isMac()) { popupMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadMenu("ID_MAP_CHOICES"); @@ -1794,54 +2095,45 @@ void MyFrame::OnMapChoices(wxCommandEvent& event) } if (popupMenu) PopupMenu(popupMenu, wxDefaultPosition); - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyFrame::OnMapChoices"); -} - -void MyFrame::OnOpenChoices(wxCommandEvent& event) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::OnOpenChoices"); - wxMenu* popupMenu = 0; - popupMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadMenu("ID_OPEN_CHOICES_MENU"); - if (popupMenu) PopupMenu(popupMenu, wxDefaultPosition); - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyFrame::OnOpenChoices"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaFrame::OnMapChoices"); } #include "DialogTools/ASC2SHPDlg.h" -void MyFrame::OnShapePointsFromASCII(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) +void GdaFrame::OnShapePointsFromASCII(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { ASC2SHPDlg dlg(this); dlg.ShowModal(); } #include "DialogTools/CreateGridDlg.h" -void MyFrame::OnShapePolygonsFromGrid(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) +void GdaFrame::OnShapePolygonsFromGrid(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { CreateGridDlg dlg(this); dlg.ShowModal(); } #include "DialogTools/Bnd2ShpDlg.h" -void MyFrame::OnShapePolygonsFromBoundary(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) +void GdaFrame::OnShapePolygonsFromBoundary(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { Bnd2ShpDlg dlg(this); dlg.ShowModal(); } #include "DialogTools/SHP2ASCDlg.h" -void MyFrame::OnShapeToBoundary(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) +void GdaFrame::OnShapeToBoundary(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { SHP2ASCDlg dlg(this); dlg.ShowModal(); } -void MyFrame::OnShowTimeChooser(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnShowTimeChooser(wxCommandEvent& event) { Project* p = GetProject(); - if (!p || !p->GetGridBase()) return; + if (!p || !p->GetTableInt()) return; FramesManager* fm = p->GetFramesManager(); std::list observers(fm->getCopyObservers()); std::list::iterator it; - for (it=observers.begin(); it != observers.end(); it++) { + for (it=observers.begin(); it != observers.end(); ++it) { if (TimeChooserDlg* w = dynamic_cast(*it)) { LOG_MSG("TimeChooserDlg already opened."); w->Show(true); @@ -1853,18 +2145,20 @@ void MyFrame::OnShowTimeChooser(wxCommandEvent& event) LOG_MSG("Opening a new TimeChooserDlg"); TimeChooserDlg* dlg = new TimeChooserDlg(0, project_p->GetFramesManager(), - project_p->GetGridBase()); + project_p->GetTimeState(), + project_p->GetTableState(), + project_p->GetTableInt()); dlg->Show(true); } -void MyFrame::OnShowDataMovie(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnShowDataMovie(wxCommandEvent& event) { Project* p = GetProject(); - if (!p || !p->GetGridBase()) return; + if (!p || !p->GetTableInt()) return; FramesManager* fm = p->GetFramesManager(); std::list observers(fm->getCopyObservers()); std::list::iterator it; - for (it=observers.begin(); it != observers.end(); it++) { + for (it=observers.begin(); it != observers.end(); ++it) { if (DataMovieDlg* w = dynamic_cast(*it)) { LOG_MSG("DataMovieDlg already opened."); w->Show(true); @@ -1877,19 +2171,20 @@ void MyFrame::OnShowDataMovie(wxCommandEvent& event) LOG_MSG("Opening a new DataMovieDlg"); DataMovieDlg* dlg = new DataMovieDlg(0, project_p->GetFramesManager(), project_p->GetTableState(), - project_p->GetGridBase(), + project_p->GetTimeState(), + project_p->GetTableInt(), project_p->GetHighlightState()); dlg->Show(true); } -void MyFrame::OnShowCatClassif(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnShowCatClassif(wxCommandEvent& event) { Project* p = GetProject(); - if (!p || !p->GetGridBase()) return; + if (!p || !p->GetTableInt()) return; FramesManager* fm = p->GetFramesManager(); std::list observers(fm->getCopyObservers()); std::list::iterator it; - for (it=observers.begin(); it != observers.end(); it++) { + for (it=observers.begin(); it != observers.end(); ++it) { if (CatClassifFrame* w = dynamic_cast(*it)) { LOG_MSG("Cateogry Editor already opened."); w->Show(true); @@ -1903,420 +2198,309 @@ void MyFrame::OnShowCatClassif(wxCommandEvent& event) CatClassifFrame* dlg = new CatClassifFrame(this, project_p); } -CatClassifFrame* MyFrame::GetCatClassifFrame() +CatClassifFrame* GdaFrame::GetCatClassifFrame() { Project* p = GetProject(); - if (!p || !p->GetGridBase()) return 0; + if (!p || !p->GetTableInt()) return 0; FramesManager* fm = p->GetFramesManager(); std::list observers(fm->getCopyObservers()); std::list::iterator it; - for (it=observers.begin(); it != observers.end(); it++) { + for (it=observers.begin(); it != observers.end(); ++it) { if (CatClassifFrame* w = dynamic_cast(*it)) { LOG_MSG("Cateogry Editor already opened."); w->Show(true); w->Maximize(false); w->Raise(); - return w; + return w; + } + } + + LOG_MSG("Opening a new Cateogry Editor"); + CatClassifFrame* dlg = new CatClassifFrame(this, project_p); + return dlg; +} + +void GdaFrame::OnVarGroupingEditor(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + Project* p = GetProject(); + if (!p || !p->GetTableInt()) return; + FramesManager* fm = p->GetFramesManager(); + std::list observers(fm->getCopyObservers()); + std::list::iterator it; + for (it=observers.begin(); it != observers.end(); ++it) { + if (VarGroupingEditorDlg* w = dynamic_cast(*it)) + { + LOG_MSG("VarGroupingEditorDlg already opened."); + w->Show(true); + w->Maximize(false); + w->Raise(); + return; } } - LOG_MSG("Opening a new Cateogry Editor"); - CatClassifFrame* dlg = new CatClassifFrame(this, project_p); - return dlg; + LOG_MSG("Opening a new VarGroupingEditorDlg"); + VarGroupingEditorDlg* dlg = new VarGroupingEditorDlg(GetProject(), this); + dlg->Show(true); } -void MyFrame::OnSpaceTimeTool(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnTimeEditor(wxCommandEvent& event) { - if (!project_p || !project_p->GetGridBase()) return; - if (project_p->GetGridBase()->IsTimeVariant()) { - if (!project_p || !project_p->GetGridBase()) return; - TimeVariantImportDlg dlg(GetProject()->GetGridBase(), this); - if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; - } else { - wxString dup_name; - if (GetProject()->GetGridBase()->IsDuplicateColNames(dup_name)) { - wxString msg; - msg << "Two or more fields share the name " << dup_name; - msg << " in the Table. This is technically not permitted in the"; - msg << " DBF standard. Please use Table > Edit "; - msg << " Variable Properties to remove all duplicate"; - msg << " field names then use File > Save to"; - msg << " save changes before proceeding."; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); + if (!GetProject() || !GetProject()->GetTableInt()) return; + FramesManager* fm = GetProject()->GetFramesManager(); + std::list observers(fm->getCopyObservers()); + std::list::iterator it; + for (it=observers.begin(); it != observers.end(); ++it) { + if (TimeEditorDlg* w = dynamic_cast(*it)) { + LOG_MSG("TimeEditorDlg already opened."); + w->Show(true); + w->Maximize(false); + w->Raise(); return; } - CreateSpTmProjectDlg dlg(this, GetProject()); - if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { - OnSpaceTimeTool(event); - } - UpdateToolbarAndMenus(); } + + LOG_MSG("Opening a new TimeEditorDlg"); + TimeEditorDlg* dlg = new TimeEditorDlg(0, GetProject()->GetFramesManager(), + GetProject()->GetTableState(), + GetProject()->GetTableInt()); + dlg->Show(true); } -void MyFrame::OnMoveSelectedToTop(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnMoveSelectedToTop(wxCommandEvent& event) { - if (!project_p || !project_p->GetGridBase()) return; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base = project_p->GetGridBase(); - grid_base->MoveSelectedToTop(); - if (grid_base->GetView()) grid_base->GetView()->Refresh(); + if (!project_p || !project_p->FindTableBase()) return; + project_p->FindTableBase()->MoveSelectedToTop(); } -void MyFrame::OnClearSelection(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnClearSelection(wxCommandEvent& event) { - if (!project_p || !project_p->GetGridBase()) return; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base = project_p->GetGridBase(); - grid_base->DeselectAll(); - if (grid_base->GetView()) grid_base->GetView()->Refresh(); + if (!project_p || !project_p->FindTableBase()) return; + project_p->FindTableBase()->DeselectAllRows(); } -void MyFrame::OnRangeSelection(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnRangeSelection(wxCommandEvent& event) { - if (!project_p || !project_p->GetGridBase()) return; + if (!GetProject() || !GetProject()->GetTableInt()) return; + FramesManager* fm = GetProject()->GetFramesManager(); + std::list observers(fm->getCopyObservers()); + std::list::iterator it; + for (it=observers.begin(); it != observers.end(); ++it) { + if (RangeSelectionDlg* w = dynamic_cast(*it)) { + LOG_MSG("RangeSelectionDlg already opened."); + w->Show(true); + w->Maximize(false); + w->Raise(); + return; + } + } - RangeSelectionDlg dlg(project_p, this); - dlg.ShowModal(); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(GetMenuBar(), XRCID("ID_SAVE_PROJECT"), - project_p->GetGridBase()->ChangedSinceLastSave() && - project_p->IsAllowEnableSave()); + LOG_MSG("Opening a new RangeSelectionDlg"); + RangeSelectionDlg* dlg = new RangeSelectionDlg(0, GetProject(), + GetProject()->GetFramesManager(), + GetProject()->GetTableState()); + dlg->Show(true); } -void MyFrame::OnFieldCalculation(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnFieldCalculation(wxCommandEvent& event) { - if (!project_p || !project_p->GetGridBase()) return; + if (!project_p || !project_p->GetTableInt()) return; FieldNewCalcSheetDlg dlg(project_p, this, wxID_ANY, "Variable Calculation", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(700, 500) ); dlg.ShowModal(); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(GetMenuBar(), XRCID("ID_SAVE_PROJECT"), - project_p->GetGridBase()->ChangedSinceLastSave() && - project_p->IsAllowEnableSave()); } -void MyFrame::OnAddCol(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnCalculator(wxCommandEvent& event) { - if (!project_p || !project_p->GetGridBase()) return; - - DataViewerAddColDlg dlg(project_p->GetGridBase(), this); - dlg.ShowModal(); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(GetMenuBar(), XRCID("ID_SAVE_PROJECT"), - project_p->GetGridBase()->ChangedSinceLastSave() && - project_p->IsAllowEnableSave()); -} + wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = wxTopLevelWindows.GetFirst(); + while (node) { + wxWindow* win = node->GetData(); + if (CalculatorDlg* w = dynamic_cast(win)) { + LOG_MSG("CalculatorDlg already opened."); + w->Show(true); + w->Maximize(false); + w->Raise(); + return; + } + node = node->GetNext(); + } -void MyFrame::OnDeleteCol(wxCommandEvent& event) -{ - if (!project_p || !project_p->GetGridBase()) return; - - DataViewerDeleteColDlg dlg(project_p->GetGridBase(), this); - dlg.ShowModal(); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(GetMenuBar(), XRCID("ID_SAVE_PROJECT"), - project_p->GetGridBase()->ChangedSinceLastSave()); + LOG_MSG("Opening a new CalculatorDlg"); + // GetProject() could be NULL, but CalculatorDlg supports this. + CalculatorDlg* dlg = new CalculatorDlg(GetProject(), this); + dlg->Show(true); } -void MyFrame::OnEditFieldProperties(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnAddCol(wxCommandEvent& event) { - if (!project_p || !project_p->GetGridBase()) return; + if (!project_p || !project_p->GetTableInt()) return; - DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg dlg(project_p->GetGridBase(), - wxDefaultPosition, - wxSize(600, 400)); + DataViewerAddColDlg dlg(project_p, this); dlg.ShowModal(); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(GetMenuBar(), XRCID("ID_SAVE_PROJECT"), - project_p->GetGridBase()->ChangedSinceLastSave() && - project_p->IsAllowEnableSave()); } -void MyFrame::OnMergeTableData(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnDeleteCol(wxCommandEvent& event) { - if (!project_p || !project_p->GetGridBase()) return; + if (!project_p || !project_p->GetTableInt()) return; - MergeTableDlg dlg(project_p->GetGridBase(), wxDefaultPosition); + DataViewerDeleteColDlg dlg(project_p->GetTableInt(), this); dlg.ShowModal(); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(GetMenuBar(), XRCID("ID_SAVE_PROJECT"), - project_p->GetGridBase()->ChangedSinceLastSave() && - project_p->IsAllowEnableSave()); } -void MyFrame::OnSaveProject(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnEditFieldProperties(wxCommandEvent& event) { - if (!project_p || !project_p->GetGridBase()) return; - if (project_p->GetGridBase()->IsTimeVariant()) { - SaveTableSpaceTime(); - } else { - SaveTableSpace(); - } -} - -void MyFrame::OnSaveAsProject(wxCommandEvent& event) -{ - if (!project_p || !project_p->GetGridBase()) return; - // if Table Only, then will offer to save as DBF - // if also Shapefile, then will ask for shapefile - // name, but we will have to see if we can create - // .shx, .dbf and .shp and ask for overwrite permission - // for each if needed. - - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base = project_p->GetGridBase(); - bool table_only = project_p->IsTableOnlyProject(); - bool space_time = grid_base->IsTimeVariant(); - - wxString file_dlg_title = (table_only ? "DBF Name to Save As" : - "Shapefile Name to Save As"); - wxString file_dlg_type = (table_only ? "DBF files (*.dbf)|*.dbf" : - "SHP files (*.shp)|*.shp"); - wxFileDialog dlg(this, file_dlg_title, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, - file_dlg_type, wxFD_SAVE); - - if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; - wxFileName new_fname = dlg.GetPath(); - wxString new_main_dir = new_fname.GetPathWithSep(); - wxString new_main_name = new_fname.GetName(); - - wxString new_sp_dbf = new_main_dir + new_main_name + ".dbf"; - wxString new_tm_dbf = new_main_dir + new_main_name + "_time.dbf"; - wxString new_shp = new_main_dir + new_main_name + ".shp"; - wxString new_shx = new_main_dir + new_main_name + ".shx"; - - wxString cur_sp_dbf = grid_base->GetSpaceDbfFileName().GetFullPath(); - wxString cur_tm_dbf; - if (space_time) { - cur_tm_dbf = grid_base->GetTimeDbfFileName().GetFullPath(); - } - wxString cur_shp = project_p->GetMainDir()+project_p->GetMainName()+".shp"; - wxString cur_shx = project_p->GetMainDir()+project_p->GetMainName()+".shx"; - - // Prompt for overwrite permissions - // in each case, if new file name equals current file name, don't - // need to ask permission. - std::vector overwrite_list; - if ((new_sp_dbf.CmpNoCase(cur_sp_dbf) != 0) && wxFileExists(new_sp_dbf)) { - overwrite_list.push_back(new_sp_dbf); - } - if (space_time && - (new_tm_dbf.CmpNoCase(cur_tm_dbf) != 0) && wxFileExists(new_tm_dbf)) { - overwrite_list.push_back(new_tm_dbf); - } - if (!table_only && (new_shp.CmpNoCase(cur_shp) != 0) - && wxFileExists(new_shp)) { - overwrite_list.push_back(new_shp); - } - if (!table_only && (new_shx.CmpNoCase(cur_shx) != 0) - && wxFileExists(new_shx)) { - overwrite_list.push_back(new_shx); - } - - // Prompt for overwrite permission - if (overwrite_list.size() > 0) { - wxString msg((overwrite_list.size() > 1) ? "Files " : "File "); - for (int i=0; i 1) ? "." : "s."); - msg << " Ok to overwrite?"; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Overwrite?", - wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL | wxNO_DEFAULT); - if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) return; - } - - if (!project_p->IsShpFileNeedsFirstSave()) { - // Copy shp and shx files as needed - if (!wxFileExists(new_shp)) { - if (!wxCopyFile(cur_shp, new_shp, true)) { - wxString msg("Unable to overwrite "); - msg << new_main_name << ".shp"; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - } - if (!wxFileExists(new_shx)) { - if (!wxCopyFile(cur_shx, new_shx, true)) { - wxString msg("Unable to overwrite "); - msg << new_main_name << ".shx"; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - } - } else { - std::string err_msg; - std::string shx_fname(new_shx.ToStdString()); - bool r = Shapefile::writePointIndexFile(shx_fname, - project_p->index_data, err_msg); - if (!r) { - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, err_msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - return; - } - std::string shp_fname(new_shp.ToStdString()); - r = Shapefile::writePointMainFile(shp_fname, - project_p->main_data, err_msg); - if (!r) { - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, err_msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); + Project* p = GetProject(); + if (!p || !p->GetTableInt()) return; + FramesManager* fm = p->GetFramesManager(); + std::list observers(fm->getCopyObservers()); + std::list::iterator it; + for (it=observers.begin(); it != observers.end(); ++it) { + if (DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg* w + = dynamic_cast(*it)) + { + LOG_MSG("DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg already opened."); + w->Show(true); + w->Maximize(false); + w->Raise(); return; } - project_p->SetShapeFileNeedsFirstSave(false); } - if (!table_only) project_p->shp_fname = wxFileName(new_shp); - grid_base->dbf_file_name = wxFileName(new_sp_dbf); - grid_base->dbf_file_name_no_ext = grid_base->dbf_file_name.GetName(); - if (space_time) { - grid_base->dbf_tm_file_name = wxFileName(new_tm_dbf); - grid_base->dbf_tm_file_name_no_ext = - grid_base->dbf_tm_file_name.GetName(); - } - - OnSaveProject(event); + LOG_MSG("Opening a new DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg"); + DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg* dlg; + dlg = new DataViewerEditFieldPropertiesDlg(p, wxDefaultPosition, + wxSize(600, 400)); + dlg->Show(true); +} + +void GdaFrame::OnMergeTableData(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p || !project_p->FindTableBase()) return; - // Must notify all frames that project name has changed so that they - // can update titles and legend as needed. At the moment, no - // views contain the name of the Project, so no update needed. + MergeTableDlg dlg(project_p->GetTableInt(), wxDefaultPosition); + dlg.ShowModal(); } -void MyFrame::OnExportToCsvFile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnExportSelectedToOGR(wxCommandEvent& event) { - if (!project_p || !project_p->GetGridBase()) return; - ExportCsvDlg dlg(this, project_p); + if (!project_p || !project_p->GetTableInt()) return; + vector selected_rows; + project_p->GetSelectedRows(selected_rows); + if ( selected_rows.empty() ) { + wxMessageDialog dlg (this, + "Please select features first.", + "Info", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); + dlg.ShowModal(); + return; + } + ExportDataDlg dlg(this, project_p, true); dlg.ShowModal(); } -bool MyFrame::SaveTableSpace() +void GdaFrame::OnExportToOGR(wxCommandEvent& event) { - if (!project_p || !project_p->GetGridBase()) return false; - Project* project = project_p; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base = project->GetGridBase(); - DbfFileHeader backup_header = grid_base->orig_header; + if (!project_p || !project_p->GetTableInt()) return; + ExportDataDlg dlg(this, project_p); + dlg.ShowModal(); +} - time_t rawtime; - struct tm* timeinfo; - time(&rawtime); - timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime); - grid_base->orig_header.year = timeinfo->tm_year+1900; - grid_base->orig_header.month = timeinfo->tm_mon+1; - grid_base->orig_header.day = timeinfo->tm_mday; - - wxString curr_dbf = grid_base->GetSpaceDbfFileName().GetFullPath(); - - wxString err_msg; - bool success = grid_base->WriteToDbf(curr_dbf, err_msg); - if (!success) { - grid_base->orig_header = backup_header; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, err_msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - LOG_MSG(err_msg); - return false; - } - project->SetAllowEnableSave(true); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(GetMenuBar(), XRCID("ID_SAVE_PROJECT"), - false); - LOG_MSG("Table saved successfully"); - return true; +/** Export to CSV. This is not used currently. */ +void GdaFrame::OnExportToCsvFile(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p || !project_p->GetTableInt()) return; + ExportCsvDlg dlg(this, project_p); + dlg.ShowModal(); } -bool MyFrame::SaveTableSpaceTime() +void GdaFrame::OnShowProjectInfo(wxCommandEvent& event) { - if (!project_p || !project_p->GetGridBase()) return false; - Project* project = project_p; - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base = project->GetGridBase(); - DbfFileHeader backup_sp_header = grid_base->orig_header; - DbfFileHeader backup_tm_header = grid_base->orig_header_tm; - - time_t rawtime; - struct tm* timeinfo; - time(&rawtime); - timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime); - grid_base->orig_header.year = timeinfo->tm_year+1900; - grid_base->orig_header.month = timeinfo->tm_mon+1; - grid_base->orig_header.day = timeinfo->tm_mday; - grid_base->orig_header_tm.year = timeinfo->tm_year+1900; - grid_base->orig_header_tm.month = timeinfo->tm_mon+1; - grid_base->orig_header_tm.day = timeinfo->tm_mday; - - wxString curr_sp_dbf = grid_base->GetSpaceDbfFileName().GetFullPath(); - wxString curr_tm_dbf = grid_base->GetTimeDbfFileName().GetFullPath(); - - wxString err_msg; - bool success = grid_base->WriteToSpaceTimeDbf(curr_sp_dbf, - curr_tm_dbf, err_msg); - if (!success) { - grid_base->orig_header = backup_sp_header; - grid_base->orig_header_tm = backup_tm_header; - wxMessageDialog dlg (this, err_msg, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); - dlg.ShowModal(); - LOG_MSG(err_msg); - return false; - } - project->SetAllowEnableSave(true); - GeneralWxUtils::EnableMenuItem(GetMenuBar(), XRCID("ID_SAVE_PROJECT"), - false); - LOG_MSG("Space-Time tables saved successfully"); - return true; + if (!project_p) return; + ProjectInfoDlg dlg(project_p); + dlg.ShowModal(); } -void MyFrame::OnGeneratePointShpFile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnGeneratePointShpFile(wxCommandEvent& event) { - if (!GetProject() || !GetProject()->GetGridBase()) return; + if (!GetProject() || !GetProject()->GetTableInt()) return; Project* p = GetProject(); - DbfGridTableBase* grid_base = p->GetGridBase(); - VariableSettingsDlg VS(GetProject(), VariableSettingsDlg::bivariate, false, + TableInterface* table_int = p->GetTableInt(); + VariableSettingsDlg VS(GetProject(), VariableSettingsDlg::bivariate, "New Map Coordinates"); if (VS.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; - std::vector x; - std::vector y; - grid_base->col_data[VS.col_ids[0]]->GetVec(x, VS.var_info[0].time); - grid_base->col_data[VS.col_ids[1]]->GetVec(y, VS.var_info[1].time); - ShapeUtils::populatePointShpFile(x, y, p->index_data, p->main_data); - p->CreateShapefileFromPoints(x, y); - LOG(p->main_data.records.size()); + std::vector xs; + std::vector ys; + table_int->GetColData(VS.col_ids[0], VS.var_info[0].time, xs); + table_int->GetColData(VS.col_ids[1], VS.var_info[1].time, ys); + + int n_rows = xs.size(); + + // clean p->main_data + if (!p->main_data.records.empty()) { + p->main_data.records.clear(); + } + p->main_data.header.shape_type = Shapefile::POINT; + p->main_data.records.resize(n_rows); + + double min_x = 0.0, min_y = 0.0, max_x = 0.0, max_y = 0.0; + + for ( int i=0; i < n_rows; i++ ) { + if ( i==0 ) { + min_x = max_x = xs[i]; + min_y = max_y = ys[i]; + } + if ( xs[i] < min_x ) min_x = xs[i]; + else if ( xs[i] > max_x ) max_x = xs[i]; + if ( ys[i] < min_y ) min_y = ys[i]; + else if ( ys[i] > max_y ) max_y = ys[i]; + + Shapefile::PointContents* pc = new Shapefile::PointContents(); + pc->shape_type = Shapefile::POINT; + pc->x = xs[i]; + pc->y = ys[i]; + p->main_data.records[i].contents_p = pc; + } + + p->main_data.header.bbox_x_min = min_x; + p->main_data.header.bbox_y_min = min_y; + p->main_data.header.bbox_x_max = max_x; + p->main_data.header.bbox_y_max = max_y; + p->main_data.header.bbox_z_min = 0; + p->main_data.header.bbox_z_max = 0; + p->main_data.header.bbox_m_min = 0; + p->main_data.header.bbox_m_max = 0; + + //LOG(p->main_data.records.size()); UpdateToolbarAndMenus(); - MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(this, p, + std::vector col_ids; + std::vector var_info; + MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(this, p, var_info, col_ids, CatClassification::no_theme, - MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, 1, wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::map_default_size); + GdaConst::map_default_size); nf->UpdateTitle(); } -void MyFrame::OnRegressionClassic(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnRegressionClassic(wxCommandEvent& event) { - wxString regFileName; - if (IsProjectOpen()) { - if (project_p->regression_dlg) { - LOG_MSG("Project::regression_dlg pointer is not null!"); - return; - } - } else { - OnOpenTableOnly(event); - if (!IsProjectOpen()) return; - } - regFileName = project_p->GetMainDir() + project_p->GetMainName() - + "Regression.txt"; - - RegressionDlg* regDlg; - regDlg = new RegressionDlg(project_p, this); - project_p->regression_dlg = regDlg; - regDlg->Show(true); + RegressionDlg* dlg = new RegressionDlg(project_p, this); + dlg->Show(true); } -void MyFrame::DisplayRegression(const wxString dump) +void GdaFrame::DisplayRegression(const wxString dump) { RegressionReportDlg *regReportDlg = new RegressionReportDlg(this, dump); regReportDlg->Show(true); regReportDlg->m_textbox->SetSelection(0, 0); } -void MyFrame::OnCondPlotChoices(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) +void GdaFrame::OnCondPlotChoices(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::OnCondPlotChoices"); + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::OnCondPlotChoices"); wxMenu* popupMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadMenu("ID_COND_MENU"); if (popupMenu) { @@ -2335,42 +2519,42 @@ void MyFrame::OnCondPlotChoices(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) proj_open); PopupMenu(popupMenu, wxDefaultPosition); } - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyFrame::OnCondPlotChoices"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaFrame::OnCondPlotChoices"); } -void MyFrame::OnShowConditionalMapView(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) +void GdaFrame::OnShowConditionalMapView(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { - VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::trivariate, false, + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::trivariate, "Conditional Map Variables", "Horizontal Cells", "Vertical Cells", "Map Theme"); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; ConditionalMapFrame* subframe = - new ConditionalMapFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + new ConditionalMapFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, "Conditional Map", wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::cond_view_default_size); + GdaConst::cond_view_default_size); } -void MyFrame::OnShowConditionalHistView(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) +void GdaFrame::OnShowConditionalHistView(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { - VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::trivariate, false, + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::trivariate, "Conditional Histogram Variables", "Horizontal Cells", "Vertical Cells", "Histogram Variable"); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; ConditionalHistogramFrame* subframe = - new ConditionalHistogramFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + new ConditionalHistogramFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, "Conditional Histogram", wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::cond_view_default_size); + GdaConst::cond_view_default_size); } -void MyFrame::OnShowConditionalScatterView(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) +void GdaFrame::OnShowConditionalScatterView(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { - VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::quadvariate, false, + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::quadvariate, "Conditional Scatter Plot Variables", "Horizontal Cells", "Vertical Cells", "Independent Var (x-axis)", @@ -2378,28 +2562,29 @@ void MyFrame::OnShowConditionalScatterView(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; ConditionalScatterPlotFrame* subframe = - new ConditionalScatterPlotFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + new ConditionalScatterPlotFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, "Conditional Scatter Plot", wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::cond_view_default_size); + GdaConst::cond_view_default_size); } -void MyFrame::OnShowCartogramNewView(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) +void GdaFrame::OnShowCartogramNewView(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { - VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::bivariate, false, + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::bivariate, "Cartogram Variables", - "Circle Size", "Circle Color"); + "Circle Size", "Circle Color", "", "", + true, false); // set second var from first if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; CartogramNewFrame* subframe = - new CartogramNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + new CartogramNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, "Cartogram", wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::map_default_size); + GdaConst::map_default_size); } -void MyFrame::OnCartogramImprove1(wxCommandEvent& event ) +void GdaFrame::OnCartogramImprove1(wxCommandEvent& event ) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -2408,7 +2593,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnCartogramImprove1(wxCommandEvent& event ) } } -void MyFrame::OnCartogramImprove2(wxCommandEvent& event ) +void GdaFrame::OnCartogramImprove2(wxCommandEvent& event ) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -2417,7 +2602,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnCartogramImprove2(wxCommandEvent& event ) } } -void MyFrame::OnCartogramImprove3(wxCommandEvent& event ) +void GdaFrame::OnCartogramImprove3(wxCommandEvent& event ) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -2426,7 +2611,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnCartogramImprove3(wxCommandEvent& event ) } } -void MyFrame::OnCartogramImprove4(wxCommandEvent& event ) +void GdaFrame::OnCartogramImprove4(wxCommandEvent& event ) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -2435,7 +2620,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnCartogramImprove4(wxCommandEvent& event ) } } -void MyFrame::OnCartogramImprove5(wxCommandEvent& event ) +void GdaFrame::OnCartogramImprove5(wxCommandEvent& event ) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -2444,7 +2629,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnCartogramImprove5(wxCommandEvent& event ) } } -void MyFrame::OnCartogramImprove6(wxCommandEvent& event ) +void GdaFrame::OnCartogramImprove6(wxCommandEvent& event ) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -2453,208 +2638,194 @@ void MyFrame::OnCartogramImprove6(wxCommandEvent& event ) } } -void MyFrame::OnExploreHist(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) +void GdaFrame::OnExploreHist(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::OnExploreHist"); + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::OnExploreHist"); - VariableSettingsDlg VS(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate, false); + VariableSettingsDlg VS(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); if (VS.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; - HistogramFrame* f = new HistogramFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + HistogramFrame* f = new HistogramFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, VS.var_info, VS.col_ids, "Histogram", wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::hist_default_size); + GdaConst::hist_default_size); - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyFrame::OnExploreHist"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaFrame::OnExploreHist"); } -void MyFrame::OnExploreScatterplot(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnExploreScatterplot(wxCommandEvent& event) { OnExploreScatterNewPlot(event); } -void MyFrame::OnExploreScatterNewPlot(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) +void GdaFrame::OnExploreScatterNewPlot(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { - VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::bivariate, false, + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::bivariate, "Scatter Plot Variables", "Independent Var X", "Dependent Var Y"); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; wxString title("Scatter Plot"); ScatterNewPlotFrame* subframe = - new ScatterNewPlotFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + new ScatterNewPlotFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, false, title, wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::scatterplot_default_size, + GdaConst::scatterplot_default_size, wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); } -void MyFrame::OnExploreBubbleChart(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) +void GdaFrame::OnExploreBubbleChart(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { - VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::quadvariate, false, + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::quadvariate, "Bubble Chart Variables", "X-Axis", "Y-Axis", - "Bubble Size", "Standard Deviation Color"); + "Bubble Size", "Standard Deviation Color", + false, true); // set fourth variable from third if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; wxString title("Bubble Chart"); ScatterNewPlotFrame* subframe = - new ScatterNewPlotFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + new ScatterNewPlotFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, true, title, wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::bubble_chart_default_size, + GdaConst::bubble_chart_default_size, wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); } -void MyFrame::OnExploreTestMap(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) +void GdaFrame::OnExploreTestMap(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::OnExploreTestMap"); + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::OnExploreTestMap"); //MapNewFrame* subframe = new MapNewFrame(frame, project_p, // MapNewCanvas::no_theme, - // MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + // MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, 1, // wxDefaultPosition, - // GeoDaConst::map_default_size); + // GdaConst::map_default_size); //subframe->UpdateTitle(); // TestMapFrame *subframe = new TestMapFrame(frame, project_p, // "Test Map Frame", // wxDefaultPosition, - // GeoDaConst::map_default_size, + // GdaConst::map_default_size, // wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyFrame::OnExploreTestMap"); -} - - -void MyFrame::OnExploreTestTable(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) -{ - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::OnExploreTestTable"); - //TestTableFrame *subframe = new TestTableFrame(frame, project_p, - // "Test Table Frame", - // wxDefaultPosition, - // GeoDaConst::map_default_size, - // wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyFrame::OnExploreTestTable"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaFrame::OnExploreTestMap"); } -void MyFrame::OnExploreNewBox(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) +void GdaFrame::OnExploreNewBox(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { - VariableSettingsDlg VS(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate, false); + VariableSettingsDlg VS(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); if (VS.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; - wxSize size = GeoDaConst::boxplot_default_size; + wxSize size = GdaConst::boxplot_default_size; int w = size.GetWidth(); if (VS.var_info[0].is_time_variant) size.SetWidth((w*3)/2); else size.SetWidth(w/2); - BoxNewPlotFrame *sf = new BoxNewPlotFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, GetProject(), + BoxNewPlotFrame *sf = new BoxNewPlotFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, GetProject(), VS.var_info, VS.col_ids, "Box Plot", wxDefaultPosition, size); } -void MyFrame::OnExplorePCP(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) +void GdaFrame::OnExplorePCP(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { - PCPDlg dlg(project_p->GetGridBase(),this); + PCPDlg dlg(project_p,this); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; PCPNewFrame* s = new PCPNewFrame(this, GetProject(), dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids); } -void MyFrame::OnExplore3DP(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) +void GdaFrame::OnExplore3DP(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { - VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::trivariate, false, + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::trivariate, "3D Scatter Plot Variables", "X", "Y", "Z"); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; - + C3DPlotFrame *subframe = - new C3DPlotFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + new C3DPlotFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, "3D Plot", wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::three_d_default_size, - wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, - dlg.v1_single_time, dlg.v1_name_with_time, - dlg.v2_single_time, dlg.v2_name_with_time, - dlg.v3_single_time, dlg.v3_name_with_time); + GdaConst::three_d_default_size, + wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); } -void MyFrame::OnToolOpenNewTable(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) +void GdaFrame::OnToolOpenNewTable(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { OnOpenNewTable(); } -void MyFrame::OnMoranMenuChoices(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) +void GdaFrame::OnMoranMenuChoices(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::OnMoranMenuChoices"); + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::OnMoranMenuChoices"); wxMenu* popupMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadMenu("ID_MORAN_MENU"); if (popupMenu) PopupMenu(popupMenu, wxDefaultPosition); - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyFrame::OnMoranMenuChoices"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaFrame::OnMoranMenuChoices"); } -void MyFrame::OnOpenMSPL(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnOpenMSPL(wxCommandEvent& event) { - VariableSettingsDlg VS(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate, false); + VariableSettingsDlg VS(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); if (VS.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; GalWeight* gal = GetGal(); if (!gal) return; - LisaCoordinator* lc = new LisaCoordinator(gal, project_p->GetGridBase(), + LisaCoordinator* lc = new LisaCoordinator(gal, project_p->GetTableInt(), VS.var_info, VS.col_ids, LisaCoordinator::univariate, false); - LisaScatterPlotFrame *f = new LisaScatterPlotFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, + LisaScatterPlotFrame *f = new LisaScatterPlotFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, lc); } -void MyFrame::OnOpenGMoran(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnOpenGMoran(wxCommandEvent& event) { - VariableSettingsDlg VS(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::bivariate, false); + VariableSettingsDlg VS(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::bivariate); if (VS.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; GalWeight* gal = GetGal(); if (!gal) return; - LisaCoordinator* lc = new LisaCoordinator(gal, project_p->GetGridBase(), + LisaCoordinator* lc = new LisaCoordinator(gal, project_p->GetTableInt(), VS.var_info, VS.col_ids, LisaCoordinator::bivariate, false); - LisaScatterPlotFrame *f = new LisaScatterPlotFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, + LisaScatterPlotFrame *f = new LisaScatterPlotFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, lc); } -void MyFrame::OnOpenMoranEB(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnOpenMoranEB(wxCommandEvent& event) { - VariableSettingsDlg VS(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::bivariate, false, + VariableSettingsDlg VS(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::bivariate, "Empirical Bayes Rate Standardization Variables", "Event Variable", "Base Variable"); if (VS.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; GalWeight* gal = GetGal(); if (!gal) return; - LisaCoordinator* lc = new LisaCoordinator(gal, project_p->GetGridBase(), + LisaCoordinator* lc = new LisaCoordinator(gal, project_p->GetTableInt(), VS.var_info, VS.col_ids, LisaCoordinator::eb_rate_standardized, false); - LisaScatterPlotFrame *f = new LisaScatterPlotFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, + LisaScatterPlotFrame *f = new LisaScatterPlotFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, lc); } -void MyFrame::OnLisaMenuChoices(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) +void GdaFrame::OnLisaMenuChoices(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { - LOG_MSG("Entering MyFrame::OnLisaMenuChoices"); + LOG_MSG("Entering GdaFrame::OnLisaMenuChoices"); wxMenu* popupMenu = wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadMenu("ID_LISA_MENU"); if (popupMenu) PopupMenu(popupMenu, wxDefaultPosition); - LOG_MSG("Exiting MyFrame::OnLisaMenuChoices"); + LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaFrame::OnLisaMenuChoices"); } -void MyFrame::OnOpenUniLisa(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnOpenUniLisa(wxCommandEvent& event) { - VariableSettingsDlg VS(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate, false); + VariableSettingsDlg VS(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); if (VS.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; GalWeight* gal = GetGal(); @@ -2664,30 +2835,30 @@ void MyFrame::OnOpenUniLisa(wxCommandEvent& event) if (LWO.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; if (!LWO.m_ClustMap && !LWO.m_SigMap && !LWO.m_Moran) return; - LisaCoordinator* lc = new LisaCoordinator(gal, project_p->GetGridBase(), + LisaCoordinator* lc = new LisaCoordinator(gal, project_p->GetTableInt(), VS.var_info, VS.col_ids, LisaCoordinator::univariate, true); if (LWO.m_Moran) { - LisaScatterPlotFrame *sf = new LisaScatterPlotFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, + LisaScatterPlotFrame *sf = new LisaScatterPlotFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, lc); } if (LWO.m_ClustMap) { - LisaMapNewFrame *sf = new LisaMapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + LisaMapNewFrame *sf = new LisaMapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, lc, true, false, false); } if (LWO.m_SigMap) { - LisaMapNewFrame *sf = new LisaMapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + LisaMapNewFrame *sf = new LisaMapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, lc, false, false, false, wxDefaultPosition); } } -void MyFrame::OnOpenMultiLisa(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnOpenMultiLisa(wxCommandEvent& event) { - VariableSettingsDlg VS(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::bivariate, false); + VariableSettingsDlg VS(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::bivariate); if (VS.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; GalWeight* gal = GetGal(); @@ -2697,30 +2868,31 @@ void MyFrame::OnOpenMultiLisa(wxCommandEvent& event) if (LWO.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; if (!LWO.m_ClustMap && !LWO.m_SigMap &&!LWO.m_Moran) return; - LisaCoordinator* lc = new LisaCoordinator(gal, project_p->GetGridBase(), + LisaCoordinator* lc = new LisaCoordinator(gal, project_p->GetTableInt(), VS.var_info, VS.col_ids, LisaCoordinator::bivariate, true); if (LWO.m_Moran) { - LisaScatterPlotFrame *sf = new LisaScatterPlotFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, + LisaScatterPlotFrame *sf = new LisaScatterPlotFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, lc); } if (LWO.m_ClustMap) { - LisaMapNewFrame *sf = new LisaMapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + LisaMapNewFrame *sf = new LisaMapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, lc, true, true, false); } if (LWO.m_SigMap) { - LisaMapNewFrame *sf = new LisaMapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + LisaMapNewFrame *sf = new LisaMapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, lc, false, true, false); } } -void MyFrame::OnOpenLisaEB(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnOpenLisaEB(wxCommandEvent& event) { - VariableSettingsDlg VS(project_p, 9, 0); + // Note: this is the only call to this particular constructor + VariableSettingsDlg VS(project_p, 9, (GalElement*) 0); if (VS.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; GalWeight* gal = GetGal(); @@ -2730,30 +2902,30 @@ void MyFrame::OnOpenLisaEB(wxCommandEvent& event) if (LWO.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; if (!LWO.m_ClustMap && !LWO.m_Moran && !LWO.m_SigMap) return; - LisaCoordinator* lc = new LisaCoordinator(gal, project_p->GetGridBase(), + LisaCoordinator* lc = new LisaCoordinator(gal, project_p->GetTableInt(), VS.var_info, VS.col_ids, LisaCoordinator::eb_rate_standardized, true); if (LWO.m_Moran) { - LisaScatterPlotFrame *sf = new LisaScatterPlotFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, + LisaScatterPlotFrame *sf = new LisaScatterPlotFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, lc); } if (LWO.m_ClustMap) { - LisaMapNewFrame *sf = new LisaMapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + LisaMapNewFrame *sf = new LisaMapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, lc, true, false, true); } if (LWO.m_SigMap) { - LisaMapNewFrame *sf = new LisaMapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + LisaMapNewFrame *sf = new LisaMapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, lc, false, false, true); } } -void MyFrame::OnOpenGetisOrd(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnOpenGetisOrd(wxCommandEvent& event) { - VariableSettingsDlg VS(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate, false); + VariableSettingsDlg VS(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); if (VS.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; if (!GetGal()) return; @@ -2767,7 +2939,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnOpenGetisOrd(wxCommandEvent& event) !dlg.GiStar_ClustMap_perm && !dlg.GiStar_SigMap_perm) return; GStatCoordinator* gc = new GStatCoordinator(GetGal(), - project_p->GetGridBase(), + project_p->GetTableInt(), VS.var_info, VS.col_ids, dlg.row_standardize_weights); if (!gc || !gc->IsOk()) { @@ -2810,7 +2982,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnOpenGetisOrd(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifA(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifA(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -2827,7 +2999,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifA(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifB(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifB(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -2836,7 +3008,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifB(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifC(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifC(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -2845,13 +3017,13 @@ void MyFrame::OnNewCustomCatClassifC(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA(int cc_menu_num) +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA(int cc_menu_num) { CatClassifManager* ccm = project_p->GetCatClassifManager(); if (!ccm) return; std::vector titles; ccm->GetTitles(titles); - if (cc_menu_num < 0 || cc_menu_num >= titles.size()) return; + if (cc_menu_num < 0 || cc_menu_num >= (int)titles.size()) return; LOG_MSG(titles[cc_menu_num]); TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); @@ -2869,13 +3041,13 @@ void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA(int cc_menu_num) } } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB(int cc_menu_num) +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB(int cc_menu_num) { CatClassifManager* ccm = project_p->GetCatClassifManager(); if (!ccm) return; std::vector titles; ccm->GetTitles(titles); - if (cc_menu_num < 0 || cc_menu_num >= titles.size()) return; + if (cc_menu_num < 0 || cc_menu_num >= (int)titles.size()) return; LOG_MSG(titles[cc_menu_num]); TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); @@ -2885,13 +3057,13 @@ void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB(int cc_menu_num) } } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC(int cc_menu_num) +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC(int cc_menu_num) { CatClassifManager* ccm = project_p->GetCatClassifManager(); if (!ccm) return; std::vector titles; ccm->GetTitles(titles); - if (cc_menu_num < 0 || cc_menu_num >= titles.size()) return; + if (cc_menu_num < 0 || cc_menu_num >= (int)titles.size()) return; LOG_MSG(titles[cc_menu_num]); TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); @@ -2901,203 +3073,232 @@ void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC(int cc_menu_num) } } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA0(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(0); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA1(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(1); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA2(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(2); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA3(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(3); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA4(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(4); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA5(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(5); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA6(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(6); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA7(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(7); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA8(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(8); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA9(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(9); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA10(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(10); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA11(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(11); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA12(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(12); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA13(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(13); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA14(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(14); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA15(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(15); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA16(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(16); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA17(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(17); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA18(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(18); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA19(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(19); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA20(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(20); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA21(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(21); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA22(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(22); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA23(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(23); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA24(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(24); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA25(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(25); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA26(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(26); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA27(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(27); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA28(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(28); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifA29(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(29); } - -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB0(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(0); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB1(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(1); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB2(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(2); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB3(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(3); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB4(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(4); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB5(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(5); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB6(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(6); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB7(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(7); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB8(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(8); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB9(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(9); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB10(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(10); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB11(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(11); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB12(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(12); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB13(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(13); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB14(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(14); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB15(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(15); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB16(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(16); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB17(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(17); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB18(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(18); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB19(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(19); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB20(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(20); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB21(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(21); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB22(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(22); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB23(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(23); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB24(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(24); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB25(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(25); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB26(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(26); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB27(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(27); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB28(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(28); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifB29(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(29); } - -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC0(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(0); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC1(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(1); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC2(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(2); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC3(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(3); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC4(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(4); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC5(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(5); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC6(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(6); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC7(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(7); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC8(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(8); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC9(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(9); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC10(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(10); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC11(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(11); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC12(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(12); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC13(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(13); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC14(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(14); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC15(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(15); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC16(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(16); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC17(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(17); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC18(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(18); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC19(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(19); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC20(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(20); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC21(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(21); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC22(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(22); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC23(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(23); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC24(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(24); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC25(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(25); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC26(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(26); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC27(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(27); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC28(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(28); } -void MyFrame::OnCCClassifC29(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(29); } - -void MyFrame::OnOpenThemelessMap(wxCommandEvent& event) -{ - MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA0(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(0); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA1(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(1); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA2(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(2); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA3(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(3); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA4(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(4); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA5(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(5); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA6(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(6); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA7(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(7); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA8(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(8); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA9(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(9); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA10(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(10); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA11(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(11); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA12(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(12); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA13(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(13); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA14(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(14); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA15(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(15); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA16(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(16); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA17(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(17); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA18(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(18); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA19(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(19); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA20(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(20); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA21(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(21); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA22(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(22); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA23(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(23); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA24(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(24); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA25(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(25); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA26(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(26); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA27(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(27); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA28(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(28); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifA29(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifA(29); } + +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB0(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(0); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB1(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(1); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB2(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(2); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB3(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(3); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB4(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(4); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB5(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(5); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB6(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(6); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB7(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(7); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB8(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(8); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB9(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(9); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB10(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(10); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB11(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(11); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB12(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(12); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB13(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(13); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB14(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(14); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB15(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(15); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB16(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(16); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB17(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(17); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB18(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(18); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB19(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(19); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB20(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(20); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB21(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(21); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB22(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(22); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB23(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(23); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB24(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(24); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB25(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(25); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB26(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(26); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB27(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(27); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB28(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(28); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifB29(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifB(29); } + +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC0(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(0); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC1(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(1); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC2(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(2); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC3(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(3); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC4(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(4); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC5(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(5); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC6(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(6); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC7(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(7); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC8(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(8); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC9(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(9); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC10(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(10); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC11(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(11); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC12(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(12); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC13(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(13); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC14(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(14); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC15(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(15); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC16(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(16); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC17(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(17); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC18(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(18); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC19(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(19); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC20(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(20); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC21(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(21); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC22(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(22); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC23(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(23); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC24(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(24); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC25(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(25); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC26(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(26); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC27(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(27); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC28(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(28); } +void GdaFrame::OnCCClassifC29(wxCommandEvent& e) { OnCCClassifC(29); } + +void GdaFrame::OnOpenThemelessMap(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + std::vector col_ids; + std::vector var_info; + MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, + var_info, col_ids, CatClassification::no_theme, - MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, 1, wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::map_default_size); + GdaConst::map_default_size); nf->UpdateTitle(); } -void MyFrame::OnThemelessMap(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnThemelessMap(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (LisaMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (GetisOrdMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (MapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnThemelessMap(event); + f->OnThemelessMap(); } else if (ScatterNewPlotFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnThemeless(event); + f->OnThemeless(); } else if (PCPNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnThemeless(event); + f->OnThemeless(); } else if (CartogramNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnThemeless(event); + f->OnThemeless(); } else if (ConditionalMapFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnThemeless(event); - } else if (CatClassifFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnThemeless(event); + f->OnThemeless(); } } -void MyFrame::OnOpenQuantile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile1(wxCommandEvent& e) { OpenQuantile(1); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile2(wxCommandEvent& e) { OpenQuantile(2); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile3(wxCommandEvent& e) { OpenQuantile(3); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile4(wxCommandEvent& e) { OpenQuantile(4); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile5(wxCommandEvent& e) { OpenQuantile(5); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile6(wxCommandEvent& e) { OpenQuantile(6); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile7(wxCommandEvent& e) { OpenQuantile(7); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile8(wxCommandEvent& e) { OpenQuantile(8); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile9(wxCommandEvent& e) { OpenQuantile(9); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenQuantile10(wxCommandEvent& e) { OpenQuantile(10); } + +void GdaFrame::OpenQuantile(int num_cats) { - MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, + dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, CatClassification::quantile, - MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, num_cats, wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::map_default_size); + GdaConst::map_default_size); nf->UpdateTitle(); } -void MyFrame::OnQuantile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnQuantile1(wxCommandEvent& e) { ChangeToQuantile(1); } +void GdaFrame::OnQuantile2(wxCommandEvent& e) { ChangeToQuantile(2); } +void GdaFrame::OnQuantile3(wxCommandEvent& e) { ChangeToQuantile(3); } +void GdaFrame::OnQuantile4(wxCommandEvent& e) { ChangeToQuantile(4); } +void GdaFrame::OnQuantile5(wxCommandEvent& e) { ChangeToQuantile(5); } +void GdaFrame::OnQuantile6(wxCommandEvent& e) { ChangeToQuantile(6); } +void GdaFrame::OnQuantile7(wxCommandEvent& e) { ChangeToQuantile(7); } +void GdaFrame::OnQuantile8(wxCommandEvent& e) { ChangeToQuantile(8); } +void GdaFrame::OnQuantile9(wxCommandEvent& e) { ChangeToQuantile(9); } +void GdaFrame::OnQuantile10(wxCommandEvent& e) { ChangeToQuantile(10); } + +void GdaFrame::ChangeToQuantile(int num_cats) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; + wxCommandEvent event; if (LisaMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (GetisOrdMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (MapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnQuantile(event); + f->OnQuantile(num_cats); } else if (ScatterNewPlotFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnQuantile(event); + f->OnQuantile(num_cats); } else if (PCPNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnQuantile(event); + f->OnQuantile(num_cats); } else if (CartogramNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnQuantile(event); + f->OnQuantile(num_cats); } else if (ConditionalMapFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnQuantile(event); - } else if (CatClassifFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnQuantile(event); + f->OnQuantile(num_cats); } } -void MyFrame::OnOpenPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnOpenPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event) { - MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, + dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, CatClassification::percentile, - MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, 6, wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::map_default_size); + GdaConst::map_default_size); nf->UpdateTitle(); } -void MyFrame::OnPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (LisaMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (GetisOrdMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (MapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnPercentile(event); + f->OnPercentile(); } else if (ScatterNewPlotFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnPercentile(event); + f->OnPercentile(); } else if (PCPNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnPercentile(event); + f->OnPercentile(); } else if (CartogramNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnPercentile(event); + f->OnPercentile(); } else if (ConditionalMapFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnPercentile(event); - } else if (CatClassifFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnPercentile(event); + f->OnPercentile(); } } -void MyFrame::OnOpenHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnOpenHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event) { - MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, + dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, CatClassification::hinge_15, - MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, 6, wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::map_default_size); + GdaConst::map_default_size); nf->UpdateTitle(); } -void MyFrame::OnHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3106,31 +3307,32 @@ void MyFrame::OnHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event) if (BoxNewPlotFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { f->OnHinge15(event); } else if (MapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnHinge15(event); + f->OnHinge15(); } else if (ScatterNewPlotFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnHinge15(event); + f->OnHinge15(); } else if (PCPNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnHinge15(event); + f->OnHinge15(); } else if (CartogramNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnHinge15(event); + f->OnHinge15(); } else if (ConditionalMapFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnHinge15(event); - } else if (CatClassifFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnHinge15(event); + f->OnHinge15(); } } -void MyFrame::OnOpenHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnOpenHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event) { - MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, + dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, CatClassification::hinge_30, - MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, 6, wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::map_default_size); + GdaConst::map_default_size); nf->UpdateTitle(); } -void MyFrame::OnHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3139,444 +3341,667 @@ void MyFrame::OnHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event) if (BoxNewPlotFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { f->OnHinge30(event); } else if (MapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnHinge30(event); + f->OnHinge30(); } else if (ScatterNewPlotFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnHinge30(event); + f->OnHinge30(); } else if (PCPNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnHinge30(event); + f->OnHinge30(); } else if (CartogramNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnHinge30(event); + f->OnHinge30(); } else if (ConditionalMapFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnHinge30(event); - } else if (CatClassifFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnHinge30(event); + f->OnHinge30(); } } -void MyFrame::OnOpenStddev(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnOpenStddev(wxCommandEvent& event) { - MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, + dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, CatClassification::stddev, - MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, 6, wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::map_default_size); + GdaConst::map_default_size); nf->UpdateTitle(); } -void MyFrame::OnStddev(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnStddev(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (LisaMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (GetisOrdMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (MapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnStdDevMap(event); + f->OnStdDevMap(); } else if (ScatterNewPlotFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnStdDevMap(event); + f->OnStdDevMap(); } else if (PCPNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnStdDevMap(event); + f->OnStdDevMap(); } else if (CartogramNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnStdDevMap(event); + f->OnStdDevMap(); } else if (ConditionalMapFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnStdDevMap(event); - } else if (CatClassifFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnStdDevMap(event); + f->OnStdDevMap(); } } -void MyFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks1(wxCommandEvent& e) { OpenNaturalBreaks(1); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks2(wxCommandEvent& e) { OpenNaturalBreaks(2); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks3(wxCommandEvent& e) { OpenNaturalBreaks(3); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks4(wxCommandEvent& e) { OpenNaturalBreaks(4); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks5(wxCommandEvent& e) { OpenNaturalBreaks(5); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks6(wxCommandEvent& e) { OpenNaturalBreaks(6); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks7(wxCommandEvent& e) { OpenNaturalBreaks(7); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks8(wxCommandEvent& e) { OpenNaturalBreaks(8); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks9(wxCommandEvent& e) { OpenNaturalBreaks(9); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenNaturalBreaks10(wxCommandEvent& e) {OpenNaturalBreaks(10);} + +void GdaFrame::OpenNaturalBreaks(int num_cats) { - MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, + dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, CatClassification::natural_breaks, - MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, num_cats, wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::map_default_size); + GdaConst::map_default_size); nf->UpdateTitle(); } -void MyFrame::OnNaturalBreaks(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnNaturalBreaks1(wxCommandEvent& e) { ChangeToNaturalBreaks(1); } +void GdaFrame::OnNaturalBreaks2(wxCommandEvent& e) { ChangeToNaturalBreaks(2); } +void GdaFrame::OnNaturalBreaks3(wxCommandEvent& e) { ChangeToNaturalBreaks(3); } +void GdaFrame::OnNaturalBreaks4(wxCommandEvent& e) { ChangeToNaturalBreaks(4); } +void GdaFrame::OnNaturalBreaks5(wxCommandEvent& e) { ChangeToNaturalBreaks(5); } +void GdaFrame::OnNaturalBreaks6(wxCommandEvent& e) { ChangeToNaturalBreaks(6); } +void GdaFrame::OnNaturalBreaks7(wxCommandEvent& e) { ChangeToNaturalBreaks(7); } +void GdaFrame::OnNaturalBreaks8(wxCommandEvent& e) { ChangeToNaturalBreaks(8); } +void GdaFrame::OnNaturalBreaks9(wxCommandEvent& e) { ChangeToNaturalBreaks(9); } +void GdaFrame::OnNaturalBreaks10(wxCommandEvent& e) {ChangeToNaturalBreaks(10);} + +void GdaFrame::ChangeToNaturalBreaks(int num_cats) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; + wxCommandEvent event; if (LisaMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (GetisOrdMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (MapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnNaturalBreaks(event); + f->OnNaturalBreaks(num_cats); } else if (ScatterNewPlotFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnNaturalBreaks(event); + f->OnNaturalBreaks(num_cats); } else if (PCPNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnNaturalBreaks(event); + f->OnNaturalBreaks(num_cats); } else if (CartogramNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnNaturalBreaks(event); + f->OnNaturalBreaks(num_cats); } else if (ConditionalMapFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnNaturalBreaks(event); - } else if (CatClassifFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnNaturalBreaks(event); - } -} - -void MyFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event) -{ - MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + f->OnNaturalBreaks(num_cats); + } +} + +void GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals1(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ OpenEqualIntervals(1); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals2(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ OpenEqualIntervals(2); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals3(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ OpenEqualIntervals(3); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals4(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ OpenEqualIntervals(4); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals5(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ OpenEqualIntervals(5); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals6(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ OpenEqualIntervals(6); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals7(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ OpenEqualIntervals(7); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals8(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ OpenEqualIntervals(8); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals9(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ OpenEqualIntervals(9); } +void GdaFrame::OnOpenEqualIntervals10(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ OpenEqualIntervals(10); } + +void GdaFrame::OpenEqualIntervals(int num_cats) +{ + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, + dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, CatClassification::equal_intervals, - MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, num_cats, wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::map_default_size); + GdaConst::map_default_size); nf->UpdateTitle(); } -void MyFrame::OnEqualIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnEqualIntervals1(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToEqualIntervals(1); } +void GdaFrame::OnEqualIntervals2(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToEqualIntervals(2); } +void GdaFrame::OnEqualIntervals3(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToEqualIntervals(3); } +void GdaFrame::OnEqualIntervals4(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToEqualIntervals(4); } +void GdaFrame::OnEqualIntervals5(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToEqualIntervals(5); } +void GdaFrame::OnEqualIntervals6(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToEqualIntervals(6); } +void GdaFrame::OnEqualIntervals7(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToEqualIntervals(7); } +void GdaFrame::OnEqualIntervals8(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToEqualIntervals(8); } +void GdaFrame::OnEqualIntervals9(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToEqualIntervals(9); } +void GdaFrame::OnEqualIntervals10(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToEqualIntervals(10); } + +void GdaFrame::ChangeToEqualIntervals(int num_cats) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; + wxCommandEvent event; if (LisaMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (GetisOrdMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (MapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnEqualIntervals(event); + f->OnEqualIntervals(num_cats); } else if (ScatterNewPlotFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnEqualIntervals(event); + f->OnEqualIntervals(num_cats); } else if (PCPNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnEqualIntervals(event); + f->OnEqualIntervals(num_cats); } else if (CartogramNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnEqualIntervals(event); + f->OnEqualIntervals(num_cats); } else if (ConditionalMapFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnEqualIntervals(event); - } else if (CatClassifFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnEqualIntervals(event); + f->OnEqualIntervals(num_cats); } } -void MyFrame::OnOpenUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnOpenUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event) { - MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::univariate); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, + dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, CatClassification::unique_values, - MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, + MapNewCanvas::no_smoothing, 4, wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::map_default_size); + GdaConst::map_default_size); nf->UpdateTitle(); } -void MyFrame::OnUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (LisaMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (GetisOrdMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (MapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnUniqueValues(event); + f->OnUniqueValues(); } else if (ScatterNewPlotFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnUniqueValues(event); + f->OnUniqueValues(); } else if (PCPNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnUniqueValues(event); + f->OnUniqueValues(); } else if (CartogramNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnUniqueValues(event); + f->OnUniqueValues(); } else if (ConditionalMapFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnUniqueValues(event); - } else if (CatClassifFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnUniqueValues(event); + f->OnUniqueValues(); } } -void MyFrame::OnCondVertThemelessMap(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertThemelessMap(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (ConditionalNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->ChangeVertThemeType(CatClassification::no_theme); - } -} - -void MyFrame::OnCondVertQuantile(wxCommandEvent& event) + f->ChangeVertThemeType(CatClassification::no_theme, 1); + } +} + +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertQuant1(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertQuant(1); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertQuant2(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertQuant(2); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertQuant3(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertQuant(3); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertQuant4(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertQuant(4); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertQuant5(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertQuant(5); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertQuant6(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertQuant(6); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertQuant7(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertQuant(7); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertQuant8(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertQuant(8); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertQuant9(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertQuant(9); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertQuant10(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertQuant(10); } + +void GdaFrame::ChangeToCondVertQuant(int num_cats) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (ConditionalNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->ChangeVertThemeType(CatClassification::quantile); + f->ChangeVertThemeType(CatClassification::quantile, num_cats); } } -void MyFrame::OnCondVertPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (ConditionalNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->ChangeVertThemeType(CatClassification::percentile); + f->ChangeVertThemeType(CatClassification::percentile, 6); } } -void MyFrame::OnCondVertHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (ConditionalNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->ChangeVertThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_15); + f->ChangeVertThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_15, 6); } } -void MyFrame::OnCondVertHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (ConditionalNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->ChangeVertThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_30); + f->ChangeVertThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_30, 6); } } -void MyFrame::OnCondVertStddev(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertStddev(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (ConditionalNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->ChangeVertThemeType(CatClassification::stddev); - } -} - -void MyFrame::OnCondVertNaturalBreaks(wxCommandEvent& event) + f->ChangeVertThemeType(CatClassification::stddev, 6); + } +} + +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertNatBrks1(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertNatBrks(1); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertNatBrks2(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertNatBrks(2); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertNatBrks3(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertNatBrks(3); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertNatBrks4(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertNatBrks(4); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertNatBrks5(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertNatBrks(5); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertNatBrks6(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertNatBrks(6); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertNatBrks7(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertNatBrks(7); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertNatBrks8(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertNatBrks(8); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertNatBrks9(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertNatBrks(9); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertNatBrks10(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ChangeToCondVertNatBrks(10);} + +void GdaFrame::ChangeToCondVertNatBrks(int num_cats) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (ConditionalNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->ChangeVertThemeType(CatClassification::natural_breaks); - } -} - -void MyFrame::OnCondVertEqualIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event) + f->ChangeVertThemeType(CatClassification::natural_breaks, num_cats); + } +} + +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertEquInts1(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertEquInts(1); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertEquInts2(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertEquInts(2); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertEquInts3(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertEquInts(3); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertEquInts4(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertEquInts(4); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertEquInts5(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertEquInts(5); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertEquInts6(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertEquInts(6); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertEquInts7(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertEquInts(7); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertEquInts8(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertEquInts(8); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertEquInts9(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertEquInts(9); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertEquInts10(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondVertEquInts(10); } + +void GdaFrame::ChangeToCondVertEquInts(int num_cats) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (ConditionalNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->ChangeVertThemeType(CatClassification::equal_intervals); + f->ChangeVertThemeType(CatClassification::equal_intervals, num_cats); } } -void MyFrame::OnCondVertUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnCondVertUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (ConditionalNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->ChangeVertThemeType(CatClassification::unique_values); + f->ChangeVertThemeType(CatClassification::unique_values, 4); } } -void MyFrame::OnCondHorizThemelessMap(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizThemelessMap(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (ConditionalNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->ChangeHorizThemeType(CatClassification::no_theme); - } -} - -void MyFrame::OnCondHorizQuantile(wxCommandEvent& event) + f->ChangeHorizThemeType(CatClassification::no_theme, 1); + } +} + +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizQuant1(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizQuant(1); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizQuant2(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizQuant(2); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizQuant3(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizQuant(3); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizQuant4(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizQuant(4); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizQuant5(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizQuant(5); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizQuant6(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizQuant(6); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizQuant7(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizQuant(7); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizQuant8(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizQuant(8); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizQuant9(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizQuant(9); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizQuant10(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizQuant(10); } + +void GdaFrame::ChangeToCondHorizQuant(int num_cats) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (ConditionalNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->ChangeHorizThemeType(CatClassification::quantile); + f->ChangeHorizThemeType(CatClassification::quantile, num_cats); } } -void MyFrame::OnCondHorizPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (ConditionalNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->ChangeHorizThemeType(CatClassification::percentile); + f->ChangeHorizThemeType(CatClassification::percentile, 6); } } -void MyFrame::OnCondHorizHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (ConditionalNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->ChangeHorizThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_15); + f->ChangeHorizThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_15, 6); } } -void MyFrame::OnCondHorizHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (ConditionalNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->ChangeHorizThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_30); + f->ChangeHorizThemeType(CatClassification::hinge_30, 6); } } -void MyFrame::OnCondHorizStddev(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizStddev(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (ConditionalNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->ChangeHorizThemeType(CatClassification::stddev); - } -} - -void MyFrame::OnCondHorizNaturalBreaks(wxCommandEvent& event) + f->ChangeHorizThemeType(CatClassification::stddev, 6); + } +} + +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizNatBrks1(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizNatBrks(1); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizNatBrks2(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizNatBrks(2); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizNatBrks3(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizNatBrks(3); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizNatBrks4(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizNatBrks(4); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizNatBrks5(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizNatBrks(5); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizNatBrks6(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizNatBrks(6); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizNatBrks7(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizNatBrks(7); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizNatBrks8(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizNatBrks(8); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizNatBrks9(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizNatBrks(9); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizNatBrks10(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ChangeToCondHorizNatBrks(10);} + +void GdaFrame::ChangeToCondHorizNatBrks(int num_cats) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (ConditionalNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->ChangeHorizThemeType(CatClassification::natural_breaks); - } -} - -void MyFrame::OnCondHorizEqualIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event) + f->ChangeHorizThemeType(CatClassification::natural_breaks, num_cats); + } +} + +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizEquInts1(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizEquInts(1); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizEquInts2(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizEquInts(2); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizEquInts3(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizEquInts(3); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizEquInts4(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizEquInts(4); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizEquInts5(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizEquInts(5); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizEquInts6(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizEquInts(6); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizEquInts7(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizEquInts(7); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizEquInts8(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizEquInts(8); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizEquInts9(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizEquInts(9); } +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizEquInts10(wxCommandEvent& e) +{ ChangeToCondHorizEquInts(10); } + +void GdaFrame::ChangeToCondHorizEquInts(int num_cats) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (ConditionalNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->ChangeHorizThemeType(CatClassification::equal_intervals); + f->ChangeHorizThemeType(CatClassification::equal_intervals, num_cats); } } -void MyFrame::OnCondHorizUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnCondHorizUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (ConditionalNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->ChangeHorizThemeType(CatClassification::unique_values); + f->ChangeHorizThemeType(CatClassification::unique_values, 4); } } -void MyFrame::OnSaveCategories(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSaveCategories(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (MapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnSaveCategories(event); + f->OnSaveCategories(); } else if (ScatterNewPlotFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnSaveCategories(event); + f->OnSaveCategories(); } else if (PCPNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnSaveCategories(event); + f->OnSaveCategories(); } else if (CartogramNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnSaveCategories(event); + f->OnSaveCategories(); } else if (ConditionalMapFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnSaveCategories(event); + f->OnSaveCategories(); } } -void MyFrame::OnOpenRawrate(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnOpenRawrate(wxCommandEvent& event) { - MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, - CatClassification::no_theme, + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::rate_smoothed, + "Raw Rate Smoothed Variable Settings", + "Event Variable", "Base Variable"); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, + dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, + dlg.GetCatClassifType(), MapNewCanvas::raw_rate, + dlg.GetNumCategories(), wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::map_default_size); + GdaConst::map_default_size); nf->UpdateTitle(); } -void MyFrame::OnRawrate(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnRawrate(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (LisaMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (GetisOrdMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (MapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnRawrate(event); + f->OnRawrate(); } } -void MyFrame::OnOpenExcessrisk(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnOpenExcessrisk(wxCommandEvent& event) { - MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::bivariate, + "Excess Risk Map Variable Settings", + "Event Variable", "Base Variable"); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, + dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, CatClassification::excess_risk_theme, - MapNewCanvas::excess_risk, + MapNewCanvas::excess_risk, 6, wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::map_default_size); + GdaConst::map_default_size); nf->UpdateTitle(); } -void MyFrame::OnExcessrisk(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnExcessrisk(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (LisaMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (GetisOrdMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (MapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnExcessRisk(event); + f->OnExcessRisk(); } } -void MyFrame::OnOpenEmpiricalBayes(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnOpenEmpiricalBayes(wxCommandEvent& event) { - MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, - CatClassification::no_theme, + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::rate_smoothed, + "Empirical Bayes Smoothed Variable Settings", + "Event Variable", "Base Variable"); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, + dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, + dlg.GetCatClassifType(), MapNewCanvas::empirical_bayes, + dlg.GetNumCategories(), wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::map_default_size); + GdaConst::map_default_size); nf->UpdateTitle(); } -void MyFrame::OnEmpiricalBayes(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnEmpiricalBayes(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (LisaMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (GetisOrdMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (MapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnEmpiricalBayes(event); + f->OnEmpiricalBayes(); } } -void MyFrame::OnOpenSpatialRate(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnOpenSpatialRate(wxCommandEvent& event) { - MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, - CatClassification::no_theme, + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::rate_smoothed, + "Spatial Rate Smoothed Variable Settings", + "Event Variable", "Base Variable"); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, + dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, + dlg.GetCatClassifType(), MapNewCanvas::spatial_rate, + dlg.GetNumCategories(), wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::map_default_size); + GdaConst::map_default_size); nf->UpdateTitle(); } -void MyFrame::OnSpatialRate(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSpatialRate(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (LisaMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (GetisOrdMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (MapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnSpatialRate(event); + f->OnSpatialRate(); } } -void MyFrame::OnOpenSpatialEmpiricalBayes(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnOpenSpatialEmpiricalBayes(wxCommandEvent& event) { - MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(MyFrame::theFrame, project_p, - CatClassification::no_theme, + VariableSettingsDlg dlg(project_p, VariableSettingsDlg::rate_smoothed, + "Empirical Spatial Rate Smoothed Variable Settings", + "Event Variable", "Base Variable"); + if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; + MapNewFrame* nf = new MapNewFrame(GdaFrame::gda_frame, project_p, + dlg.var_info, dlg.col_ids, + dlg.GetCatClassifType(), MapNewCanvas::spatial_empirical_bayes, + dlg.GetNumCategories(), wxDefaultPosition, - GeoDaConst::map_default_size); + GdaConst::map_default_size); nf->UpdateTitle(); } -void MyFrame::OnSpatialEmpiricalBayes(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSpatialEmpiricalBayes(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (LisaMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (GetisOrdMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (MapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnSpatialEmpiricalBayes(event); + f->OnSpatialEmpiricalBayes(); } } -void MyFrame::OnSaveResults(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSaveResults(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (LisaMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (GetisOrdMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) return; if (MapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnSaveRates(event); + f->OnSaveRates(); } } -void MyFrame::OnSelectIsolates(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSelectIsolates(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3585,7 +4010,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnSelectIsolates(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnSaveConnectivityToTable(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSaveConnectivityToTable(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3594,7 +4019,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnSaveConnectivityToTable(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnHistogramIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnHistogramIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3608,7 +4033,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnHistogramIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnRan99Per(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnRan99Per(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3622,7 +4047,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnRan99Per(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnRan199Per(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnRan199Per(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3636,7 +4061,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnRan199Per(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnRan499Per(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnRan499Per(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3650,7 +4075,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnRan499Per(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnRan999Per(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnRan999Per(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3664,7 +4089,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnRan999Per(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnRanOtherPer(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnRanOtherPer(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3678,7 +4103,29 @@ void MyFrame::OnRanOtherPer(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnSaveMoranI(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnUseSpecifiedSeed(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); + if (!t) return; + if (LisaMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { + f->OnUseSpecifiedSeed(event); + } else if (GetisOrdMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { + f->OnUseSpecifiedSeed(event); + } +} + +void GdaFrame::OnSpecifySeedDlg(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); + if (!t) return; + if (LisaMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { + f->OnSpecifySeedDlg(event); + } else if (GetisOrdMapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { + f->OnSpecifySeedDlg(event); + } +} + +void GdaFrame::OnSaveMoranI(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3687,7 +4134,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnSaveMoranI(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnSigFilter05(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSigFilter05(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3698,7 +4145,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnSigFilter05(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnSigFilter01(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSigFilter01(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3709,7 +4156,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnSigFilter01(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnSigFilter001(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSigFilter001(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3720,7 +4167,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnSigFilter001(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnSigFilter0001(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSigFilter0001(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3731,7 +4178,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnSigFilter0001(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnAddMeanCenters(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnAddMeanCenters(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3740,7 +4187,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnAddMeanCenters(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnAddCentroids(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnAddCentroids(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3749,7 +4196,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnAddCentroids(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnDisplayMeanCenters(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnDisplayMeanCenters(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3758,7 +4205,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnDisplayMeanCenters(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnDisplayCentroids(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnDisplayCentroids(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3767,7 +4214,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnDisplayCentroids(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnDisplayVoronoiDiagram(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnDisplayVoronoiDiagram(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3776,32 +4223,32 @@ void MyFrame::OnDisplayVoronoiDiagram(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnSaveVoronoiToShapefile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnExportVoronoi(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; if (MapNewFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { - f->OnSaveVoronoiToShapefile(); + f->OnExportVoronoi(); } else { - if (project_p) project_p->SaveVoronoiToShapefile(); + if (project_p) project_p->ExportVoronoi(); } } -void MyFrame::OnSaveMeanCntrsToShapefile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnExportMeanCntrs(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; - if (project_p) project_p->SaveCentersToShapefile(true); + if (project_p) project_p->ExportCenters(true); } -void MyFrame::OnSaveCentroidsToShapefile(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnExportCentroids(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; - if (project_p) project_p->SaveCentersToShapefile(false); + if (project_p) project_p->ExportCenters(false); } -void MyFrame::OnSaveVoronoiDupsToTable(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSaveVoronoiDupsToTable(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3812,7 +4259,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnSaveVoronoiDupsToTable(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnSaveGetisOrd(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSaveGetisOrd(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3821,7 +4268,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnSaveGetisOrd(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnSaveLisa(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSaveLisa(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3830,7 +4277,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnSaveLisa(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnSelectCores(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSelectCores(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3841,7 +4288,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnSelectCores(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnSelectNeighborsOfCores(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSelectNeighborsOfCores(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3852,7 +4299,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnSelectNeighborsOfCores(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnSelectCoresAndNeighbors(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnSelectCoresAndNeighbors(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3863,7 +4310,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnSelectCoresAndNeighbors(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnAddNeighborsToSelection(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnAddNeighborsToSelection(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3877,7 +4324,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnAddNeighborsToSelection(wxCommandEvent& event) project_p->AddNeighborsToSelection(); } -void MyFrame::OnViewStandardizedData(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnViewStandardizedData(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3888,7 +4335,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnViewStandardizedData(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnViewOriginalData(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnViewOriginalData(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3899,7 +4346,16 @@ void MyFrame::OnViewOriginalData(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnViewRegressionSelectedExcluded(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnViewRegimesRegression(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); + if (!t) return; + if (ScatterNewPlotFrame* f = dynamic_cast(t)) { + f->OnViewRegimesRegression(event); + } +} + +void GdaFrame::OnViewRegressionSelectedExcluded(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3908,7 +4364,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnViewRegressionSelectedExcluded(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnViewRegressionSelected(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnViewRegressionSelected(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3917,7 +4373,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnViewRegressionSelected(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnDisplayStatistics(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnDisplayStatistics(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3935,7 +4391,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnDisplayStatistics(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnShowAxesThroughOrigin(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnShowAxesThroughOrigin(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3944,7 +4400,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnShowAxesThroughOrigin(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnShowAxes(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnShowAxes(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3963,7 +4419,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnShowAxes(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnDisplayAxesScaleValues(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnDisplayAxesScaleValues(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3973,7 +4429,7 @@ void MyFrame::OnDisplayAxesScaleValues(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnDisplaySlopeValues(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnDisplaySlopeValues(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; @@ -3983,143 +4439,444 @@ void MyFrame::OnDisplaySlopeValues(wxCommandEvent& event) } } -void MyFrame::OnTimeSyncVariable(int var_index) +void GdaFrame::OnTimeSyncVariable(int var_index) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; t->OnTimeSyncVariable(var_index); } -void MyFrame::OnTimeSyncVariable1(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnTimeSyncVariable1(wxCommandEvent& event) { OnTimeSyncVariable(0); } -void MyFrame::OnTimeSyncVariable2(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnTimeSyncVariable2(wxCommandEvent& event) { OnTimeSyncVariable(1); } -void MyFrame::OnTimeSyncVariable3(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnTimeSyncVariable3(wxCommandEvent& event) { OnTimeSyncVariable(2); } -void MyFrame::OnTimeSyncVariable4(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnTimeSyncVariable4(wxCommandEvent& event) { OnTimeSyncVariable(3); } -void MyFrame::OnFixedScaleVariable(int var_index) +void GdaFrame::OnFixedScaleVariable(int var_index) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; t->OnFixedScaleVariable(var_index); } -void MyFrame::OnFixedScaleVariable1(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnFixedScaleVariable1(wxCommandEvent& event) { OnFixedScaleVariable(0); } -void MyFrame::OnFixedScaleVariable2(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnFixedScaleVariable2(wxCommandEvent& event) { OnFixedScaleVariable(1); } -void MyFrame::OnFixedScaleVariable3(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnFixedScaleVariable3(wxCommandEvent& event) { OnFixedScaleVariable(2); } -void MyFrame::OnFixedScaleVariable4(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnFixedScaleVariable4(wxCommandEvent& event) { OnFixedScaleVariable(3); } -void MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView(int plots_per_view) +void GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView(int plots_per_view) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; t->OnPlotsPerView(plots_per_view); } -void MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView1(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView1(wxCommandEvent& event) { OnPlotsPerView(1); } -void MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView2(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView2(wxCommandEvent& event) { OnPlotsPerView(2); } -void MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView3(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView3(wxCommandEvent& event) { OnPlotsPerView(3); } -void MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView4(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView4(wxCommandEvent& event) { OnPlotsPerView(4); } -void MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView5(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView5(wxCommandEvent& event) { OnPlotsPerView(5); } -void MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView6(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView6(wxCommandEvent& event) { OnPlotsPerView(6); } -void MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView7(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView7(wxCommandEvent& event) { OnPlotsPerView(7); } -void MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView8(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView8(wxCommandEvent& event) { OnPlotsPerView(8); } -void MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView9(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView9(wxCommandEvent& event) { OnPlotsPerView(9); } -void MyFrame::OnPlotsPerView10(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerView10(wxCommandEvent& event) { OnPlotsPerView(10); } -void MyFrame::OnPlotsPerViewOther(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerViewOther(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; t->OnPlotsPerViewOther(); } -void MyFrame::OnPlotsPerViewAll(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnPlotsPerViewAll(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; t->OnPlotsPerViewAll(); } -void MyFrame::OnDisplayStatusBar(wxCommandEvent& event) +void GdaFrame::OnDisplayStatusBar(wxCommandEvent& event) { TemplateFrame* t = TemplateFrame::GetActiveFrame(); if (!t) return; t->OnDisplayStatusBar(event); } -void MyFrame::OnHelpAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) +void GdaFrame::OnHelpAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { wxDialog dlg; wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(&dlg, this, "IDD_ABOUTBOX"); + + wxStaticText* cr = dynamic_cast + (wxWindow::FindWindowById(XRCID("ID_COPYRIGHT"), &dlg)); + wxString cr_s; + cr_s << "Copyright (C) 2011-" << Gda::version_year << " by Luc Anselin"; + if (cr) cr->SetLabelText(cr_s); + + wxStaticText* arr = dynamic_cast + (wxWindow::FindWindowById(XRCID("ID_ALL_RIGHTS_RESERVED"), &dlg)); + wxString arr_s; + arr_s << "All Rights Reserved"; + if (arr) arr->SetLabelText(arr_s); + + wxStaticText* vl = dynamic_cast + (wxWindow::FindWindowById(XRCID("ID_VERSION_LABEL"), &dlg)); + wxString vl_s; + vl_s << "GeoDa " << Gda::version_major << "." << Gda::version_minor << "."; + vl_s << Gda::version_build; + if (Gda::version_type == 0) { + vl_s << " (alpha),"; + } else if (Gda::version_type == 1) { + vl_s << " (beta),"; + } // otherwise assumed to be release + vl_s << " " << Gda::version_day << " "; + if (Gda::version_month == 1) { + vl_s << "January"; + } else if (Gda::version_month == 2) { + vl_s << "February"; + } else if (Gda::version_month == 3) { + vl_s << "March"; + } else if (Gda::version_month == 4) { + vl_s << "April"; + } else if (Gda::version_month == 5) { + vl_s << "May"; + } else if (Gda::version_month == 6) { + vl_s << "June"; + } else if (Gda::version_month == 7) { + vl_s << "July"; + } else if (Gda::version_month == 8) { + vl_s << "August"; + } else if (Gda::version_month == 9) { + vl_s << "September"; + } else if (Gda::version_month == 10) { + vl_s << "October"; + } else if (Gda::version_month == 11) { + vl_s << "November"; + } else { + vl_s << "December"; + } + vl_s << " " << Gda::version_year; + if (vl) vl->SetLabelText(vl_s); + dlg.ShowModal(); } +void GdaFrame::OnTableSetLocale(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + // show a number locale setup dialog, then save it to GDAL global env + LocaleSetupDlg localeDlg(this); + localeDlg.ShowModal(); +} +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// Following are functions for all encoding events +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingUTF8(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_UTF8); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_UTF8); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingUTF16(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_UTF16LE); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_UTF16LE); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingWindows1250(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_CP1250); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_CP1250); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingWindows1251(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_CP1251); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_CP1251); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingWindows1254(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_CP1254); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_CP1254); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingWindows1255(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_CP1255); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_CP1255); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingWindows1256(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_CP1256); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_CP1256); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingWindows1258(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_CP1258); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_CP1258); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingCP852(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_CP852); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_CP852); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingCP866(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_CP866); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_CP866); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_1(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_1); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_1); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_2(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_2); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_2); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_3(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_3); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_3); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_5(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_5); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_5); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_7(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_7); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_7); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_8(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_8); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_8); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_9(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_9); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_9); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_10(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_10); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_10); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingISO8859_15(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_15); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_15); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingGB2312(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_GB2312); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_GB2312); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingBIG5(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_BIG5); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_BIG5); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingKOI8_R(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_KOI8); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_KOI8); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingSHIFT_JIS(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_SHIFT_JIS); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_SHIFT_JIS); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingEUC_JP(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_EUC_JP); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_EUC_JP); +} +void GdaFrame::OnEncodingEUC_KR(wxCommandEvent& event) +{ + if (!project_p) return; + project_p->GetTableInt()->SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_EUC_KR); + SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFONTENCODING_EUC_KR); +} +void GdaFrame::SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFontEncoding e) +{ + wxMenuBar* m = GetMenuBar(); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_UTF8")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_UTF8); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_UTF16")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_UTF16LE); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1250")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_CP1250); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1251")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_CP1251); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1254")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_CP1254); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1255")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_CP1255); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1256")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_CP1256); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_WINDOWS_1258")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_CP1258); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_CP852")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_CP852); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_CP866")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_CP866); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_1")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_1); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_2")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_2); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_3")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_3); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_5")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_5); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_7")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_7); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_8")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_8); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_9")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_9); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_10")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_10); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_ISO_8859_15")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_15); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_GB2312")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_GB2312); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_BIG5")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_BIG5); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_KOI8_R")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_KOI8); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_SHIFT_JIS")) + ->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_SHIFT_JIS); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_EUC_JP"))->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_EUC_JP); + m->FindItem(XRCID("ID_ENCODING_EUC_KR"))->Check(e==wxFONTENCODING_EUC_KR); +} +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// End of functions for all encoding events +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +wxConnectionBase* GdaServer::OnAcceptConnection(const wxString& topic) +{ + LOG_MSG("In GdaServer::OnAcceptConnection"); + if (topic.CmpNoCase("GdaApp") == 0) { + // Check there are no modal dialogs active + wxWindowList::Node* node = wxTopLevelWindows.GetFirst(); + while (node) { + wxDialog* dlg = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(), wxDialog); + if (dlg && dlg->IsModal()) return 0; + node = node->GetNext(); + } + return new GdaConnection(); + } else { + return 0; + } +} + +wxConnectionBase* GdaClient::OnMakeConnection() +{ + return new GdaConnection; +} + +bool GdaConnection::OnExec(const wxString &topic, const wxString &data) +{ + LOG_MSG("In GdaConnection::OnExec"); + GdaFrame* frame = wxDynamicCast(wxGetApp().GetTopWindow(), GdaFrame); + wxString filename(data); + if (filename.IsEmpty()) { + if (frame) frame->Raise(); + } else { + frame->OpenProject(filename); + } + return true; +} diff --git a/GeoDa.h b/GeoDa.h index b10039d58..0a48dc4bd 100644 --- a/GeoDa.h +++ b/GeoDa.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved + * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved * * This file is part of GeoDa. * @@ -22,13 +22,16 @@ #include #include +#include #include #include #include +#include #include #include +#include #include -#include +#include #include // Forward Declarations @@ -36,30 +39,41 @@ class GalWeight; class ProgressDlg; class Project; class CatClassifFrame; +class GdaApp; +class GdaFrame; +class GdaServer; +class GdaClient; +class GdaConnection; /** Main appilcation class. */ -class MyApp: public wxApp +class GdaApp: public wxApp { public: - //MyApp(void); + GdaApp(); + virtual ~GdaApp(); virtual bool OnInit(void); virtual int OnExit(void); virtual void OnFatalException(void); - //void OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& event); + virtual void OnInitCmdLine(wxCmdLineParser& parser); + virtual bool OnCmdLineParsed(wxCmdLineParser& parser); + virtual void MacOpenFiles(const wxArrayString& fileNames); + + static const wxCmdLineEntryDesc globalCmdLineDesc[]; private: - //static wxTimer* timer; - //DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() + wxString cmd_line_proj_file_name; + wxSingleInstanceChecker* checker; + GdaServer* server; }; -DECLARE_APP(MyApp) +DECLARE_APP(GdaApp) /** Main toolbar frame. */ -class MyFrame: public wxFrame +class GdaFrame: public wxFrame { public: - MyFrame(const wxString& title, + GdaFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style); - virtual ~MyFrame(); + virtual ~GdaFrame(); void EnableTool(const wxString& id_str, bool enable); void EnableTool(int xrc_id, bool enable); @@ -68,20 +82,20 @@ class MyFrame: public wxFrame void OnKeyEvent(wxKeyEvent& event); void OnToolOpenNewTable(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnOpenNewTable(); - /** Opens a new SHP file and initializes many global variables. */ - void OnOpenShapefile(wxCommandEvent& event); - /** open columbus shapefile for testing */ - void OpenColumbusTest(); - void OnOpenTableOnly(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnOpenSpTmShapefile(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnOpenSpTmTableOnly(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OpenProject(bool table_only, bool space_time); - bool OnCloseMap(bool ignore_unsaved_changes = false); + bool OnCloseProject(bool ignore_unsaved_changes = false); void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event); void OnMenuClose(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnCloseAll(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCloseProjectEvt(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)); + void OnNewProject(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OpenProject(const wxString& full_proj_path); + void OnOpenProject(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnSaveProject(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnSaveAsProject(wxCommandEvent& event); + + void OnShowProjectInfo(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnSelectWithRect(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSelectWithCircle(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSelectWithLine(wxCommandEvent& event); @@ -89,8 +103,6 @@ class MyFrame: public wxFrame void OnFitToWindowMode(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnFixedAspectRatioMode(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnZoomMode(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnZoomIn(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnZoomOut(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnPanMode(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnPrintCanvasState(wxCommandEvent& event); @@ -112,7 +124,6 @@ class MyFrame: public wxFrame void OnConnectivityHistView(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnMapChoices(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnOpenChoices(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnShapePointsFromASCII(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnShapePolygonsFromGrid(wxCommandEvent& event); @@ -123,20 +134,20 @@ class MyFrame: public wxFrame void OnShowDataMovie(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnShowCatClassif(wxCommandEvent& event); CatClassifFrame* GetCatClassifFrame(); - void OnSpaceTimeTool(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnVarGroupingEditor(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnTimeEditor(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnMoveSelectedToTop(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnClearSelection(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnRangeSelection(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnFieldCalculation(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCalculator(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnAddCol(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnDeleteCol(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnEditFieldProperties(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnMergeTableData(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnSaveProject(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnSaveAsProject(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnExportToCsvFile(wxCommandEvent& event); - bool SaveTableSpace(); - bool SaveTableSpaceTime(); + void OnExportToCsvFile(wxCommandEvent& event); // not used currently + void OnExportToOGR(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnExportSelectedToOGR(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnGeneratePointShpFile(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnRegressionClassic(wxCommandEvent& event); @@ -159,7 +170,6 @@ class MyFrame: public wxFrame void OnExploreScatterNewPlot(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnExploreBubbleChart(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnExploreTestMap(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnExploreTestTable(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnExploreBox(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnExploreNewBox(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnExplorePCP(wxCommandEvent& event); @@ -274,53 +284,196 @@ class MyFrame: public wxFrame void OnOpenThemelessMap(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnThemelessMap(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnOpenQuantile(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnQuantile(wxCommandEvent& event); + + void OnOpenQuantile1(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenQuantile2(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenQuantile3(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenQuantile4(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenQuantile5(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenQuantile6(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenQuantile7(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenQuantile8(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenQuantile9(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenQuantile10(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OpenQuantile(int num_cats); + void OnQuantile1(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnQuantile2(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnQuantile3(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnQuantile4(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnQuantile5(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnQuantile6(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnQuantile7(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnQuantile8(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnQuantile9(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnQuantile10(wxCommandEvent& event); + void ChangeToQuantile(int num_cats); + void OnOpenPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenStddev(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnStddev(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnOpenNaturalBreaks(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnNaturalBreaks(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnOpenEqualIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnEqualIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event); + + void OnOpenNaturalBreaks1(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenNaturalBreaks2(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenNaturalBreaks3(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenNaturalBreaks4(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenNaturalBreaks5(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenNaturalBreaks6(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenNaturalBreaks7(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenNaturalBreaks8(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenNaturalBreaks9(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenNaturalBreaks10(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OpenNaturalBreaks(int num_cats); + void OnNaturalBreaks1(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnNaturalBreaks2(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnNaturalBreaks3(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnNaturalBreaks4(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnNaturalBreaks5(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnNaturalBreaks6(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnNaturalBreaks7(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnNaturalBreaks8(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnNaturalBreaks9(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnNaturalBreaks10(wxCommandEvent& event); + void ChangeToNaturalBreaks(int num_cats); + + void OnOpenEqualIntervals1(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenEqualIntervals2(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenEqualIntervals3(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenEqualIntervals4(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenEqualIntervals5(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenEqualIntervals6(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenEqualIntervals7(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenEqualIntervals8(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenEqualIntervals9(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenEqualIntervals10(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OpenEqualIntervals(int num_cats); + void OnEqualIntervals1(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEqualIntervals2(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEqualIntervals3(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEqualIntervals4(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEqualIntervals5(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEqualIntervals6(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEqualIntervals7(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEqualIntervals8(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEqualIntervals9(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEqualIntervals10(wxCommandEvent& event); + void ChangeToEqualIntervals(int num_cats); + void OnOpenUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnSaveCategories(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnOpenRawrate(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnRawrate(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenExcessrisk(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnExcessrisk(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenEmpiricalBayes(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnEmpiricalBayes(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenSpatialRate(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSpatialRate(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnOpenSpatialEmpiricalBayes(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSpatialEmpiricalBayes(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnCondHorizThemelessMap(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnCondHorizQuantile(wxCommandEvent& event); + + void OnCondHorizQuant1(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizQuant2(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizQuant3(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizQuant4(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizQuant5(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizQuant6(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizQuant7(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizQuant8(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizQuant9(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizQuant10(wxCommandEvent& event); + void ChangeToCondHorizQuant(int num_cats); + void OnCondHorizPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnCondHorizHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnCondHorizHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnCondHorizStddev(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnCondHorizNaturalBreaks(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnCondHorizEqualIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event); + + void OnCondHorizNatBrks1(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizNatBrks2(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizNatBrks3(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizNatBrks4(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizNatBrks5(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizNatBrks6(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizNatBrks7(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizNatBrks8(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizNatBrks9(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizNatBrks10(wxCommandEvent& event); + void ChangeToCondHorizNatBrks(int num_cats); + + void OnCondHorizEquInts1(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizEquInts2(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizEquInts3(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizEquInts4(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizEquInts5(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizEquInts6(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizEquInts7(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizEquInts8(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizEquInts9(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondHorizEquInts10(wxCommandEvent& event); + void ChangeToCondHorizEquInts(int num_cats); + void OnCondHorizUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnCondVertThemelessMap(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnCondVertQuantile(wxCommandEvent& event); + + void OnCondVertQuant1(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertQuant2(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertQuant3(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertQuant4(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertQuant5(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertQuant6(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertQuant7(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertQuant8(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertQuant9(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertQuant10(wxCommandEvent& event); + void ChangeToCondVertQuant(int num_cats); + void OnCondVertPercentile(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnCondVertHinge15(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnCondVertHinge30(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnCondVertStddev(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnCondVertNaturalBreaks(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnCondVertEqualIntervals(wxCommandEvent& event); + + void OnCondVertNatBrks1(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertNatBrks2(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertNatBrks3(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertNatBrks4(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertNatBrks5(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertNatBrks6(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertNatBrks7(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertNatBrks8(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertNatBrks9(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertNatBrks10(wxCommandEvent& event); + void ChangeToCondVertNatBrks(int num_cats); + + void OnCondVertEquInts1(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertEquInts2(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertEquInts3(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertEquInts4(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertEquInts5(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertEquInts6(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertEquInts7(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertEquInts8(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertEquInts9(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnCondVertEquInts10(wxCommandEvent& event); + void ChangeToCondVertEquInts(int num_cats); + void OnCondVertUniqueValues(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSaveResults(wxCommandEvent& event); @@ -335,6 +488,9 @@ class MyFrame: public wxFrame void OnRan999Per(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnRanOtherPer(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnUseSpecifiedSeed(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnSpecifySeedDlg(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnSaveMoranI(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSigFilter05(wxCommandEvent& event); @@ -355,15 +511,16 @@ class MyFrame: public wxFrame void OnDisplayMeanCenters(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnDisplayCentroids(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnDisplayVoronoiDiagram(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnSaveVoronoiToShapefile(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnSaveMeanCntrsToShapefile(wxCommandEvent& event); - void OnSaveCentroidsToShapefile(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnExportVoronoi(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnExportMeanCntrs(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnExportCentroids(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSaveVoronoiDupsToTable(wxCommandEvent& event); // ScatterPlot and PCP specific callbacks void OnViewStandardizedData(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnViewOriginalData(wxCommandEvent& event); // ScatterPlot specific callbacks + void OnViewRegimesRegression(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnViewRegressionSelectedExcluded(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnViewRegressionSelected(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnDisplayStatistics(wxCommandEvent& event); @@ -403,25 +560,73 @@ class MyFrame: public wxFrame void OnDisplayStatusBar(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnHelpAbout(wxCommandEvent& event); - + + void OnTableSetLocale(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingUTF8(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingUTF16(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingWindows1250(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingWindows1251(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingWindows1254(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingWindows1255(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingWindows1256(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingWindows1258(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingCP852(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingCP866(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingISO8859_1(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingISO8859_2(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingISO8859_3(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingISO8859_5(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingISO8859_7(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingISO8859_8(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingISO8859_9(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingISO8859_10(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingISO8859_15(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingGB2312(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingBIG5(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingKOI8_R(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingSHIFT_JIS(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingEUC_JP(wxCommandEvent& event); + void OnEncodingEUC_KR(wxCommandEvent& event); + void SetEncodingCheckmarks(wxFontEncoding e); + void DisplayRegression(const wxString dump); void UpdateToolbarAndMenus(); void SetMenusToDefault(); - static Project* project_p; static Project* GetProject() { return projectOpen ? project_p : 0; } - - // Getter/Setter methods + static GdaFrame* GetGdaFrame() { return gda_frame; } static bool IsProjectOpen(); - static void SetProjectOpen(bool open); - static MyFrame* theFrame; - - static std::list toolbar_list; + private: + static void SetProjectOpen(bool open); + + static GdaFrame* gda_frame; + static Project* project_p; static bool projectOpen; + static std::list toolbar_list; // not currently used + DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; +class GdaServer : public wxServer { +public: + virtual wxConnectionBase* OnAcceptConnection(const wxString& topic); +}; + +class GdaClient : public wxClient { +public: + GdaClient() {} + virtual wxConnectionBase* OnMakeConnection(); +}; + +class GdaConnection : public wxConnection { +public: + GdaConnection() {} + virtual ~GdaConnection() {} + + virtual bool OnExec(const wxString &topic, const wxString &data); +}; + #endif diff --git a/GeoDa.rc b/GeoDa.rc index d4153d59c..255afce7f 100644 --- a/GeoDa.rc +++ b/GeoDa.rc @@ -1,13 +1,14 @@ // Microsoft Visual C++ generated resource script. // #include "resource.h" +#include "wx/msw/wx.rc" #define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. // -#include "afxres.h" +//#include "afxres.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS @@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) #ifdef _WIN32 -LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US +//LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US #pragma code_page(1252) #endif //_WIN32 @@ -61,18 +62,18 @@ IDI_ICON1 ICON "./rc/GeoDa.ico" // Menu // -WXWINDOWMENU MENU -BEGIN - POPUP "&Window" - BEGIN - MENUITEM "&Cascade", 4002 - MENUITEM "Tile &Horizontally", 4001 - MENUITEM "Tile &Vertically", 4005 - MENUITEM "", 65535 - MENUITEM "&Arrange Icons", 4003 - MENUITEM "&Next", 4004 - END -END +//WXWINDOWMENU MENU +//BEGIN +// POPUP "&Window" +// BEGIN +// MENUITEM "&Cascade", 4002 +// MENUITEM "Tile &Horizontally", 4001 +// MENUITEM "Tile &Vertically", 4005 +// MENUITEM "", 65535 +// MENUITEM "&Arrange Icons", 4003 +// MENUITEM "&Next", 4004 +// END +//END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @@ -80,25 +81,25 @@ END // Cursor // -WXCURSOR_HAND CURSOR "wx/msw/hand.cur" -WXCURSOR_BULLSEYE CURSOR "wx/msw/bullseye.cur" -WXCURSOR_PENCIL CURSOR "wx/msw/pencil.cur" -WXCURSOR_MAGNIFIER CURSOR "wx/msw/magnif1.cur" -WXCURSOR_ROLLER CURSOR "wx/msw/roller.cur" -WXCURSOR_PBRUSH CURSOR "wx/msw/pbrush.cur" -WXCURSOR_PLEFT CURSOR "wx/msw/pntleft.cur" -WXCURSOR_PRIGHT CURSOR "wx/msw/pntright.cur" -WXCURSOR_BLANK CURSOR "wx/msw/blank.cur" -WXCURSOR_RIGHT_ARROW CURSOR "wx/msw/rightarr.cur" -WXCURSOR_CROSS CURSOR "wx/msw/cross.cur" +//WXCURSOR_HAND CURSOR "wx/msw/hand.cur" +//WXCURSOR_BULLSEYE CURSOR "wx/msw/bullseye.cur" +//WXCURSOR_PENCIL CURSOR "wx/msw/pencil.cur" +//WXCURSOR_MAGNIFIER CURSOR "wx/msw/magnif1.cur" +//WXCURSOR_ROLLER CURSOR "wx/msw/roller.cur" +//WXCURSOR_PBRUSH CURSOR "wx/msw/pbrush.cur" +//WXCURSOR_PLEFT CURSOR "wx/msw/pntleft.cur" +//WXCURSOR_PRIGHT CURSOR "wx/msw/pntright.cur" +//WXCURSOR_BLANK CURSOR "wx/msw/blank.cur" +//WXCURSOR_RIGHT_ARROW CURSOR "wx/msw/rightarr.cur" +//WXCURSOR_CROSS CURSOR "wx/msw/cross.cur" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Bitmap // -CSQUERY BITMAP "wx/msw/csquery.bmp" -WXBITMAP_STD_COLOURS BITMAP "wx/msw/colours.bmp" +//CSQUERY BITMAP "wx/msw/csquery.bmp" +//WXBITMAP_STD_COLOURS BITMAP "wx/msw/colours.bmp" #endif // English (U.S.) resources ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// diff --git a/GeoDa.vcproj b/GeoDa.vcproj deleted file mode 100644 index ade356b58..000000000 --- a/GeoDa.vcproj +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1327 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/GeoDaConst.cpp b/GeoDaConst.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 5f5fd3231..000000000 --- a/GeoDaConst.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,184 +0,0 @@ -/** - * GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved - * - * This file is part of GeoDa. - * - * GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program. If not, see . - */ - -#include "GeoDaConst.h" -#include "GeneralWxUtils.h" - -wxFont* GeoDaConst::extra_small_font = 0; -wxFont* GeoDaConst::small_font = 0; -wxFont* GeoDaConst::medium_font = 0; -wxFont* GeoDaConst::large_font = 0; - -const wxPen* GeoDaConst::default_myshape_pen=0; -const wxBrush* GeoDaConst::default_myshape_brush=0; - -// The following are defined in shp2cnt and should be moved from there. -//background color -- this is light gray -const wxColour GeoDaConst::backColor(192, 192, 192); -// background color -- this is light gray -const wxColour GeoDaConst::darkColor(20, 20, 20); -// color of text, frames, points -- this is dark cherry -const wxColour GeoDaConst::textColor(128, 0, 64); -// outliers color (also used for regression, etc.) -- blue -const wxColour GeoDaConst::outliers_colour(0, 0, 255); -// envelope color (also used for regression, etc.) -- blue -const wxColour GeoDaConst::envelope_colour(0, 0, 255); - -const wxColour GeoDaConst::selectable_outline_color(0, 0, 0); // black -const wxColour GeoDaConst::selectable_fill_color(49, 163, 84); // forest green -const wxColour GeoDaConst::highlight_color(255, 255, 0); // yellow -const wxColour GeoDaConst::canvas_background_color(255, 255, 255); // white -const wxColour GeoDaConst::legend_background_color(255, 255, 255); // white - -// Map -const wxSize GeoDaConst::map_default_size(550, 300); -const int GeoDaConst::map_default_legend_width = 150; -// this is a light forest green -const wxColour GeoDaConst::map_default_fill_colour(49, 163, 84); -const wxColour GeoDaConst::map_default_outline_colour(0, 0, 0); -const wxColour GeoDaConst::map_default_highlight_colour(255, 255, 0); // yellow - -// Map Movie -const wxColour GeoDaConst::map_movie_default_fill_colour(49, 163, 84); -const wxColour GeoDaConst::map_movie_default_highlight_colour(224, 113, 182); - -// Histogram -const wxSize GeoDaConst::hist_default_size(500, 300); - -// Table -const wxString GeoDaConst::table_frame_title("Table"); -const wxSize GeoDaConst::table_default_size(750, 500); -const wxColour GeoDaConst::table_no_edit_color(80, 80, 80); // grey - -// Scatterplot -const wxSize GeoDaConst::scatterplot_default_size(400, 400); -const wxColour GeoDaConst::scatterplot_scale_color(0, 0, 0); -//const wxColour GeoDaConst::scatterplot_regression_color(0, 79, 241); -//const wxColour GeoDaConst::scatterplot_regression_selected_color(204, 41, 44); -//const wxColour GeoDaConst::scatterplot_regression_excluded_color(0, 146, 31); -const wxColour GeoDaConst::scatterplot_regression_color(100, 0, 110); -const wxColour GeoDaConst::scatterplot_regression_selected_color(204, 41, 44); -const wxColour GeoDaConst::scatterplot_regression_excluded_color(0, 79, 241); -const wxColour GeoDaConst::scatterplot_origin_axes_color(120, 120, 120); -wxPen* GeoDaConst::scatterplot_reg_pen = 0; -wxPen* GeoDaConst::scatterplot_reg_selected_pen = 0; -wxPen* GeoDaConst::scatterplot_reg_excluded_pen = 0; -wxPen* GeoDaConst::scatterplot_scale_pen = 0; -wxPen* GeoDaConst::scatterplot_origin_axes_pen = 0; - -// Bubble Chart -const wxSize GeoDaConst::bubble_chart_default_size(550, 400); -const int GeoDaConst::bubble_chart_default_legend_width = 150; - -// 3D Plot -// yellow -const wxColour GeoDaConst::three_d_plot_default_highlight_colour(255, 255, 0); -// white -const wxColour GeoDaConst::three_d_plot_default_point_colour(255, 255, 255); -// black -const wxColour GeoDaConst::three_d_plot_default_background_colour(0, 0, 0); -const wxSize GeoDaConst::three_d_default_size(700, 500); - -// Boxplot -const wxSize GeoDaConst::boxplot_default_size(300, 500); -const wxColour GeoDaConst::boxplot_point_color(0, 0, 255); -const wxColour GeoDaConst::boxplot_median_color(219, 99, 28); // orange -const wxColour GeoDaConst::boxplot_mean_point_color(20, 200, 20); // green -const wxColour GeoDaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color(128, 0, 64); // dark cherry - -// PCP (Parallel Coordinate Plot) -const wxSize GeoDaConst::pcp_default_size(500, 300); -const wxColour GeoDaConst::pcp_line_color(128, 0, 64); // dark cherry -const wxColour GeoDaConst::pcp_horiz_line_color(0, 98, 0); // dark green - -// Conditional View -const wxSize GeoDaConst::cond_view_default_size(700, 500); - -// Category Classification -const wxSize GeoDaConst::cat_classif_default_size(780, 520); - -std::vector GeoDaConst::qualitative_colors(10); - -/** - Certain objects such as wxFont objects need to be created after - wxWidgets is sufficiently initialized. This function will be - called just once by MyApp::OnInit() when the program begins. - */ -void GeoDaConst::init() -{ - // standard GeoDa font creation. Through experimentation, as of the - // wxWidgets 2.9.1 release, it appears that neither wxFont::SetPixelSize() - // nor wxFont::SetPointSize() results in fonts of nearly similar vertical - // height on all of our three supported platforms, Mac, Linux and Windows. - // Therefore, at present we will specify sizes differently on each - // platform according to experimentation. When we specify the font - // using point size, it seems that Linux and Windows are very similar, but - // Mac is considerably smaller. - int ref_extra_small_pt_sz = 6; - int ref_small_pt_sz = 8; - int ref_medium_pt_sz = 12; - int ref_large_pt_sz = 16; - - if (GeneralWxUtils::isMac()) { - ref_extra_small_pt_sz += 4; - ref_small_pt_sz += 4; - ref_medium_pt_sz += 5; - ref_large_pt_sz += 5; - } - - extra_small_font = wxFont::New(ref_extra_small_pt_sz, - wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, - wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, false, wxEmptyString, - wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT); - small_font = wxFont::New(ref_small_pt_sz, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, - wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, false, - wxEmptyString, wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT); - medium_font = wxFont::New(ref_medium_pt_sz, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, - wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, false, - wxEmptyString, wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT); - large_font = wxFont::New(ref_large_pt_sz, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, - wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, false, - wxEmptyString, wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT); - - // MyShape resources - default_myshape_pen = wxBLACK_PEN; - default_myshape_brush = wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH; - - //ScatterPlot and ScatterNewPlot resources - scatterplot_reg_pen = new wxPen(scatterplot_regression_color, 2); - scatterplot_reg_selected_pen = - new wxPen(scatterplot_regression_selected_color, 2); - scatterplot_reg_excluded_pen = - new wxPen(scatterplot_regression_excluded_color, 2); - scatterplot_scale_pen = new wxPen(scatterplot_scale_color); - scatterplot_origin_axes_pen = - new wxPen(scatterplot_origin_axes_color, 1, wxSHORT_DASH); - - // From Colorbrewer 2.0 - qualitative_colors[0] = wxColour(166, 206, 227); - qualitative_colors[1] = wxColour(31, 120, 180); - qualitative_colors[2] = wxColour(178, 223, 138); - qualitative_colors[3] = wxColour(51, 160, 44); - qualitative_colors[4] = wxColour(251, 154, 153); - qualitative_colors[5] = wxColour(227, 26, 28); - qualitative_colors[6] = wxColour(253, 191, 111); - qualitative_colors[7] = wxColour(255, 127, 0); - qualitative_colors[8] = wxColour(202, 178, 214); - qualitative_colors[9] = wxColour(106, 61, 154); -} diff --git a/GeoDamake.centos.opt b/GeoDamake.centos.opt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2912e4952 --- /dev/null +++ b/GeoDamake.centos.opt @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +GeoDa_ROOT = $(GEODA_HOME)/../.. + +TARGET = GeoDa + +CC = gcc +CXX = g++ +LD = g++ +RM = /bin/rm -f + +WXLIBS = $(shell $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/bin/wx-config --libs xrc,stc,richtext,ribbon,propgrid,aui,gl,html,qa,adv,core,xml,net,base) +WX_HEADER = $(shell $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/bin/wx-config --cppflags) + +LIBS = $(WXLIBS) \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/lapack.a \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/libf2c.a \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/blas.a \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/tmglib.a \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/boost/stage/lib/libboost_thread.a \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/boost/stage/lib/libboost_system.a \ + -L$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib -lgdal \ + -lGL -lGLU -lglut -lidn -lrt + +BOOST_HEADER = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/boost + +GDAL_HEADER = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include -I/usr/include + +CPPFLAGS = -I$(GeoDa_ROOT) +CFLAGS = -Os -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement $(USER_DEFS) $(GDAL_HEADER) +CXXFLAGS = -Os -Wall $(USER_DEFS) $(WX_HEADER) $(BOOST_HEADER) $(GDAL_HEADER) +LDFLAGS = + +OBJ_EXT = o + +# +# generic library rules +# + +# +# gdal and ogr low level drivers use the following default rules in order to +# populate the ../o/ directory with all object and library object files +# + +O_OBJ = $(foreach file,$(OBJ),../o/$(file)) +T_OBJ = $(foreach file,$(OBJ),o/$(file)) + +../o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +../o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +# +# default rules for handling subdirectories +# + +%-target: + $(MAKE) -C $* + +%-clean: + $(MAKE) -C $* clean diff --git a/GeoDamake.macosx.opt b/GeoDamake.macosx.opt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..99fb7d091 --- /dev/null +++ b/GeoDamake.macosx.opt @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +GeoDa_ROOT = $(GEODA_HOME)/../.. + +TARGET = GeoDa + +COMPILER = /usr/bin/gcc-4.2 +CC = $(COMPILER) +#CXX = $(COMPILER) -x c++ +CXX = /usr/bin/g++-4.2 --sysroot=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk +#LD = /usr/bin/g++-4.2 --sysroot=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk +LD = /usr/bin/g++-4.2 +RM = /bin/rm -f + +WXLIBS = $(shell $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/bin/wx-config --libs xrc,stc,richtext,ribbon,propgrid,aui,gl,html,qa,adv,core,xml,net,base) +WX_HEADER = $(shell $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/bin/wx-config --cppflags) + +LIBS = $(WXLIBS) \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/blas.a \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/F2CLIBS/libf2c.a \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/lapack.a \ + -L/usr/lib -liconv \ + -L$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib -lgdal \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/boost/stage/lib/libboost_thread.a \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/boost/stage/lib/libboost_system.a + + +BOOST_HEADER = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/boost + +GDAL_HEADER = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include + +CPPFLAGS = -I$(GeoDa_ROOT) +CFLAGS = -Os -arch x86_64 -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement $(USER_DEFS) $(GDAL_HEADER) +CXXFLAGS = -Os -arch x86_64 -Wall $(USER_DEFS) $(WX_HEADER) $(BOOST_HEADER) $(GDAL_HEADER) +LDFLAGS = -arch x86_64 + +OBJ_EXT = o + +# +# generic library rules +# + +# +# gdal and ogr low level drivers use the following default rules in order to +# populate the ../o/ directory with all object and library object files +# + +O_OBJ = $(foreach file,$(OBJ),../o/$(file)) +T_OBJ = $(foreach file,$(OBJ),o/$(file)) + +../o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +../o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +# +# default rules for handling subdirectories +# + +%-target: + $(MAKE) -C $* + +%-clean: + $(MAKE) -C $* clean diff --git a/GeoDamake.ubuntu.opt b/GeoDamake.ubuntu.opt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f12516b37 --- /dev/null +++ b/GeoDamake.ubuntu.opt @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +GeoDa_ROOT = $(GEODA_HOME)/../.. + +TARGET = GeoDa + +CC = /usr/bin/gcc +CXX = /usr/bin/g++ +LD = /usr/bin/g++ +RM = /bin/rm -f + +WXLIBS = $(shell $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/bin/wx-config --libs xrc,stc,richtext,ribbon,propgrid,aui,gl,html,qa,adv,core,xml,net,base) +WX_HEADER = $(shell $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/bin/wx-config --cppflags) + +LIBS = $(WXLIBS) \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/lapack.a \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/libf2c.a \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/blas.a \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/tmglib.a \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/boost/stage/lib/libboost_thread.a \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/boost/stage/lib/libboost_system.a \ + -L$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib -lgdal \ + -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lGL -lGLU -lglut -lrt -lrtmp -lidn -lssl + +BOOST_HEADER = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/boost + +GDAL_HEADER = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include -I/usr/include + +CPPFLAGS = -I$(GeoDa_ROOT) +CFLAGS = -Os -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement $(USER_DEFS) $(GDAL_HEADER) +CXXFLAGS = -Os -Wall $(USER_DEFS) $(WX_HEADER) $(BOOST_HEADER) $(GDAL_HEADER) +LDFLAGS = + +OBJ_EXT = o + +# +# generic library rules +# + +# +# gdal and ogr low level drivers use the following default rules in order to +# populate the ../o/ directory with all object and library object files +# + +O_OBJ = $(foreach file,$(OBJ),../o/$(file)) +T_OBJ = $(foreach file,$(OBJ),o/$(file)) + +../o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +../o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +# +# default rules for handling subdirectories +# + +%-target: + $(MAKE) -C $* + +%-clean: + $(MAKE) -C $* clean diff --git a/GeoDamake.ubuntu32.opt b/GeoDamake.ubuntu32.opt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..760f7851b --- /dev/null +++ b/GeoDamake.ubuntu32.opt @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +GeoDa_ROOT = $(GEODA_HOME)/../.. + +TARGET = GeoDa + +CC = /usr/bin/gcc +CXX = /usr/bin/g++ +LD = /usr/bin/g++ +RM = /bin/rm -f + +WXLIBS = $(shell $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/bin/wx-config --libs xrc,stc,richtext,ribbon,propgrid,aui,gl,html,qa,adv,core,xml,net,base) +WX_HEADER = $(shell $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/bin/wx-config --cppflags) + +LIBS = $(WXLIBS) \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/lapack.a \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/libf2c.a \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/blas.a \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/temp/CLAPACK-3.2.1/tmglib.a \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/boost/stage/lib/libboost_thread.a \ + $(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/boost/stage/lib/libboost_system.a \ + -L$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/lib -lgdal \ + -L/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa -lGL -lGLU -lglut -L/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu -lrtmp -lidn -lrt -lssl + +BOOST_HEADER = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include/boost + +GDAL_HEADER = -I$(GEODA_HOME)/libraries/include -I/usr/include + +CPPFLAGS = -I$(GeoDa_ROOT) +CFLAGS = -Os -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement $(USER_DEFS) $(GDAL_HEADER) +CXXFLAGS = -Os -Wall $(USER_DEFS) $(WX_HEADER) $(BOOST_HEADER) $(GDAL_HEADER) +LDFLAGS = + +OBJ_EXT = o + +# +# generic library rules +# + +# +# gdal and ogr low level drivers use the following default rules in order to +# populate the ../o/ directory with all object and library object files +# + +O_OBJ = $(foreach file,$(OBJ),../o/$(file)) +T_OBJ = $(foreach file,$(OBJ),o/$(file)) + +../o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +../o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +o/%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +%.$(OBJ_EXT): %.cpp + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +# +# default rules for handling subdirectories +# + +%-target: + $(MAKE) -C $* + +%-clean: + $(MAKE) -C $* clean diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/gdal-1.9.2/nmake.opt b/LibTools/ogr/windows/gdal-1.9.2/nmake.opt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0a7cf3376 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/gdal-1.9.2/nmake.opt @@ -0,0 +1,641 @@ +# $Id: nmake.opt 24437 2012-05-17 20:24:55Z rouault $ +# +# nmake.opt - main configuration file for NMAKE makefiles. +# +# Usage examples (see details below): +# nmake -f makefile.vc +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1400 +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1500 DEBUG=1 +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=1600 DEBUG=1 ANALYZE=1 +# +############################################################################### +# For convenience, user may put custom settings in a local settings file +# named nmake.local, or a name defined by the EXT_NMAKE_OPT option. + +!IF EXIST("$(GDAL_ROOT)\nmake.local") +!INCLUDE $(GDAL_ROOT)\nmake.local +!ENDIF + +# nmake -f makefile.vc EXT_NMAKE_OPT=mynmake.opt +!IFDEF EXT_NMAKE_OPT +!INCLUDE $(EXT_NMAKE_OPT) +!ENDIF + +############################################################################### +# Check version of Visual C++ compiler: +# nmake -f makefile.vc MSVC_VER=xxxx +# where xxxx is one of following: +# 1700 = 11.0(2011) +# 1600 = 10.0(2010) +# 1500 = 9.0 (2008) +# 1400 = 8.0 (2005) - specific compilation flags, different from older VC++ +# 1310 = 7.1 (2003) +# 1300 = 7.0 (2002) +# 1200 = 6.0 +!IFNDEF MSVC_VER +#assume msvc VS2008. +MSVC_VER=1600 +!ENDIF + +############################################################################### +# Optional use of Visual Leak Detector (VLD) by Dan Moulding, available at +# http://dmoulding.googlepages.com/vld +# Uncomment this line to use VLD in debug configuration only: +#MSVC_VLD_DIR="C:\Program Files\Visual Leak Detector" + +############################################################################### +# Location to install .exe, .dll and python stuff +# Edit as required. GDAL_HOME is used for convenience here, +# but this particular relative organization is not mandatory. +# But the paths *should* be absolute (relative paths mess up in submakefiles). + +!IFNDEF GDAL_HOME +GDAL_HOME = "C:\gdal\build" +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF BINDIR +BINDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\bin +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF PLUGINDIR +PLUGINDIR = $(BINDIR)\gdalplugins +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF LIBDIR +LIBDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\lib +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF INCDIR +INCDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\include +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF DATADIR +DATADIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\data +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF HTMLDIR +HTMLDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\html +!ENDIF + +# Set this to the installed directory containing python. If you don't +# have python just let it point to a directory that does not exist (as now). +!IFNDEF PYDIR +PYDIR = "C:\Software\Python24" +!ENDIF + +# Set the location of your SWIG installation +!IFNDEF SWIG +SWIG = swig.exe +!ENDIF + +# SWIG Java settings +!IFNDEF JAVA_HOME +JAVA_HOME = c:\j2sdk1.4.2_12 +!ENDIF +!IFNDEF ANT_HOME +ANT_HOME=c:\programmi\apache-ant-1.7.0 +!ENDIF +JAVADOC=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\javadoc +JAVAC=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\javac +JAVA=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\java +JAR=$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\jar +JAVA_INCLUDE=-I$(JAVA_HOME)\include -I$(JAVA_HOME)\include\win32 + +# Compilation flags + +# Enable code analyzis on request +# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173498.aspx +!IFDEF ANALYZE +CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS=/analyze +!ELSE +CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS= +!ENDIF + +!IFNDEF OPTFLAGS +!IF $(MSVC_VER) >= 1400 +!IFNDEF DEBUG +OPTFLAGS= $(CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS) /nologo /MT /EHsc /Ox /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /DNDEBUG +!ELSE +OPTFLAGS= $(CXX_ANALYZE_FLAGS) /nologo /MT /EHsc /Zi /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /Fd$(GDAL_ROOT)\gdal$(VERSION).pdb /DDEBUG +!ENDIF +!ELSE +!IFNDEF DEBUG +OPTFLAGS= /nologo /MT /EHsc /GR /Ox /DNDEBUG +!ELSE +OPTFLAGS= /nologo /MT /EHsc /GR /Zi /Fd$(GDAL_ROOT)\gdal$(VERSION).pdb /DDEBUG +!ENDIF +!ENDIF #MSVC_VER +!ENDIF # OPTFLAGS + +# +# Set flags controlling warnings level, and supression of some warnings. +# +!IFNDEF WARNFLAGS +WARNFLAGS = /W4 /wd4127 /wd4251 /wd4275 /wd4786 /wd4100 /wd4245 /wd4206 /wd4018 /wd4389 +!ENDIF + +# The followin are extra disables that can be applied to external source +# not under our control that we wish to use less stringent warnings with. +!IFNDEF SOFTWARNFLAGS +SOFTWARNFLAGS= /wd4244 /wd4702 /wd4701 /wd4013 /wd4706 /wd4057 /wd4210 /wd4305 +!ENDIF + +# Linker debug options +!IFDEF DEBUG +LDEBUG= /debug +!ENDIF + +# Uncomment the following if you are building for 64-bit windows +# (x64). You'll need to have PATH, INCLUDE and LIB set up for 64-bit +# compiles. +#WIN64=YES + +# If you don't want some entry points to have STDCALL conventions, +# comment out the following and add -DCPL_DISABLE_STDCALL in OPTFLAGS. +# This option has no effect on 64-bit windows. +STDCALL=YES + +# Version number embedded in DLL name. +VERSION = 19 + +# Comment the following out if you want PAM supported disabled +# by default. +PAM_SETTING=-DPAM_ENABLED + +# Uncomment the following to link OGR utilities against main GDAL DLL +# instead of statically linking against OGR libraries. +#DLLBUILD=1 + +# Enable all OGR formats, or only raster formats? Comment out to disable +# vector formats. +INCLUDE_OGR_FRMTS = YES + +# Location of Visual C++ directory (only required for following SETARGV stuff) +#VCDIR = "D:\Software\VStudio\VC98" + +# Enable the following if VCDIR set properly, and you want the utility +# programs to be able to expand wildcards. +#SETARGV = $(VCDIR)\lib\setargv.obj + +# Uncomment to build with libiconv library to support extended character +# recoding capabilities. GDAL's internal stub implementation supports +# latin1<->utf-8 translations only. +# Depending on your libiconv build you may need to set ICONV_CONST macro to +# const or leave it empty. Take a look on your iconv() declaration in iconv.h. +# If the second parameter declared as const char** then you need to define +# ICONV_CONST=const otherwise leave it empty. +#LIBICONV_DIR = "C:\Program Files\GnuWin32" +#LIBICONV_INCLUDE = -I$(LIBICONV_DIR)\include +#LIBICONV_LIBRARY = $(LIBICONV_DIR)\lib\libiconv.lib +#LIBICONV_CFLAGS = -DICONV_CONST=const + +# Comment out the following to disable BSB support. +BSB_SUPPORTED = 1 + +# Comment out the following to disable ODBC support. +#ODBC_SUPPORTED = 1 + +# Comment out the following to disable JPEG support. +JPEG_SUPPORTED = 1 + +# This will enable 12bit libjpeg - use only with internal jpeg builds. +JPEG12_SUPPORTED = 1 + +#if using an external jpeg library uncomment the follwing lines +#JPEG_EXTERNAL_LIB = 1 +#JPEGDIR = c:/projects/jpeg-6b +#JPEG_LIB = $(JPEGDIR)/libjpeg.lib + +#if using an external png library uncomment the follwing lines +#PNG_EXTERNAL_LIB = 1 +#PNGDIR = c:/projects/libpng-1.0.8 +#PNG_LIB = $(PNGDIR)/libpng.lib + +# if using an external libtiff library +#TIFF_INC = -Ic:/warmerda/libtiff/libtiff +#TIFF_LIB = c:/warmerda/libtiff/libtiff/libtiff_i.lib +# uncomment following line, if you have libtiff version >= 4.0 to +# enable BigTIFF support +#TIFF_OPTS= -DBIGTIFF_SUPPORT + +# if using an external libgeotiff library +#GEOTIFF_INC = -Ic:/warmerda/libgeotiff -Ic:/warmerda/libgeotiff/libxtiff +#GEOTIFF_LIB = C:/warmerda/libgeotiff/geotiff_i.lib + +# Uncomment out the following lines to enable LibKML support. +#LIBKML_DIR = C:/Dev/libkml +#LIBKML_INCLUDE = -I$(LIBKML_DIR)/src -I$(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party/boost_1_34_1 +#LIBKML_LIBRARY = $(LIBKML_DIR)/msvc/Release +#LIBKML_LIBS = $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlbase.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlconvenience.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmldom.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlengine.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlregionator.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/libkmlxsd.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_LIBRARY)/minizip_static.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\expat.win32/libexpat.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\uriparser-0.7.5.win32/release/uriparser.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\zlib-1.2.3.win32/lib/minizip.lib \ +# $(LIBKML_DIR)/third_party\zlib-1.2.3.win32/lib/zlib.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable ECW read support with the +# 4.1+ readonly SDK +#ECWDIR = "c:/Program Files/ERDAS/ERDAS ECW JPEG2000 Read SDK" +#ECWFLAGS = -DECWSDK_VERSION=41 \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/api -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/jp2 \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/ecw +#ECWLIB = $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCSEcw4_RO.lib \ +# $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCSUtil4.lib \ +# $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\win32\NCScnet4.lib + +# To add Write support, use the write SDK, change NCSEcw4_RO.lib to +# NCSEcw4.lib, and add -DHAVE_COMPRESS to ECWFLAGS. The ECWDIR setting will +# also need some adjustment. + +# To build ECW support as a plugin uncomment the following, and make sure +# to do "nmake /f makefile.vc plugin" in gdal/frmts/ecw and copy the two +# resulting DLLs to an appropriate place. +#ECW_PLUGIN = YES + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable ECW support with the 3.3 SDK. +# Significant adaption may be needed. +#ECWDIR = C:\warmerda\libecwj2-3.3 +#ECWLIB = $(ECWDIR)\Source\NCSBuildQmake\Debug\libecwj2.lib +#ECWFLAGS = -DECWSDK_VERSION=33 \ +# -I$(ECWDIR)\include -I$(ECWDIR)/Source/include \ +# /D_MBCS /D_UNICODE /DUNICODE /D_WINDOWS \ +# /DLIBECWJ2 /DWIN32 /D_WINDLL -DNO_X86_MMI + +# DWG support using the Open Design Alliance Teigha Libraries + +#TD_BASE = C:\warmerda\pkg\td_vc9 +#TD_FLAGS = -D_TOOLKIT_IN_DLL_ +#TD_INCLUDE = -I$(TD_BASE)\TD\Include -I$(TD_BASE)\TD\Extensions\ExServices +#TD_LIBDIR = $(TD_BASE)\lib\vc9dll + +# DWG/DXF support via DWGdirect from Open Design Alliance + +#DWGDIRECT=C:\warmerda\DWGdirect +#DWG_LIB_DIR=$(DWGDIRECT)\lib\VC6MD +#DWG_LIB=$(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_AcisBuilder_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_AcisRenderer_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Alloc_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_BmpExport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Br_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Db_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_DwfExport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_DwfImport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Ge_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Gi_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Gs_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_ModelerGeometry_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Root_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Sm_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_SpatialIndex_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_VC6MD_OleDataAccess_dll.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable OGDI support. +#OGDIDIR = D:\warmerda\iii\devdir +#OGDIVER = 31 +#OGDILIB = $(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib \ +# $(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\zlib_ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib + +# Uncomment for Expat support (required for KML, GPX and GeoRSS read support). +#EXPAT_DIR = "C:\Program Files\Expat 2.0.1" +#EXPAT_INCLUDE = -I$(EXPAT_DIR)/source/lib +#EXPAT_LIB = $(EXPAT_DIR)/bin/libexpat.lib + +# Uncomment for Xerces based GML and ILI support. +XERCES_DIR = "C:\xerces-c\Build\Win32\VC10\Static Release" +XERCES_INCLUDE = -I C:\xerces-c\src -I C:\xerces-c\src\xercesc +XERCES_LIB = $(XERCES_DIR)\xerces-c_static_3.lib + +# Uncomment the following for Interlis support. Note that a Xercex 2.x +# is also required (see above). Also, Interlis support only works with +# Visual Studio.NET or newer, not VC6. +#ILI_ENABLED = YES + +# Uncomment for JasPer based JPEG2000 support +#JASPER_DIR = d:\projects\jasper-1.700.2.uuid +#JASPER_INCLUDE = -I$(JASPER_DIR)\src\libjasper\include -DJAS_WIN_MSVC_BUILD +#JASPER_LIB = $(JASPER_DIR)\src\msvc\Win32_Release\libjasper.lib +# Uncomment the following line if you have patched UUID-enabled version +# of JasPer from ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/gdal/ +#JASPER_INCLUDE = $(JASPER_INCLUDE) -DHAVE_JASPER_UUID + +# Uncommment and adjust paths if you have Kakadu 6.0 or newer +#KAKDIR = \warmerda\pkg\kakadu-6.2.1 +#KAKLIB = $(KAKDIR)\lib_x86\kdu_v62R.lib +#KAKSRC = $(KAKDIR)\vt_2_1-00256N + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 4 support. +#HDF4_PLUGIN = NO +#HDF4_DIR = D:\warmerda\HDF41r5 +#HDF4_LIB = /LIBPATH:$(HDF4_DIR)\lib Ws2_32.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 5 support. +#HDF5_PLUGIN = NO +#HDF5_DIR = c:\warmerda\supportlibs\hdf5\5-164-win +#HDF5_LIB = $(HDF5_DIR)\dll\hdf5dll.lib + +# Uncomment the following for MrSID support. Only MRSID_DIR is required, +# which may point to a MrSID Raster SDK, Lidar SDK, or the combined SDK, and +# will auto-configure the mrsid and/or mrsid_lidar drivers as appropriate. +# Other configuration options can be specified to control specific features +# that may be available. See comments at the top of frmts/mrsid/nmake.opt +# for more details. +#MRSID_DIR = d:\projects\mrsid +#MRSID_JP2 = YES + +!IF DEFINED(MRSID_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_RASTER_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_LIDAR_DIR) +!IF EXIST(frmts\mrsid\nmake.opt) +!INCLUDE frmts\mrsid\nmake.opt +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +# PCIDSK Libraries - default configuration uses internal implementation +PCIDSK_SETTING=INTERNAL +# Replace with these to use an external build. +#PCIDSK_SETTING=EXTERNAL +#PCIDSK_INCLUDE=-I\warmerda\pcidsk\src +#PCIDSK_LIB=\warmerda\pcidsk\src\pcidsk.lib +# Use the following alternative to use the old PCIDSK implementation +#PCIDSK_SETTING=OLD + +# PostGIS Libraries +PG_INC_DIR1 = C:\postgresql\src\include +PG_INC_DIR2 = C:\postgresql\src\interfaces\libpq +PG_LIB = C:\postgresql\src\interfaces\libpq\Release\libpq.lib \ +crypt32.lib dnsapi.lib secur32.lib shfolder.lib + +# MySQL Libraries +# NOTE: Need /MT instead of /MD, also enable /EHsc switch. +#MYSQL_INC_DIR = D:\Software\MySQLServer4.1\include +#MYSQL_LIB = D:\Software\MySQLServer4.1\lib\opt\libmysql.lib advapi32.lib + +# SQLite Libraries +#SQLITE_INC=-IN:\pkg\sqlite-win32 +#SQLITE_LIB=N:\pkg\sqlite-win32\sqlite3_i.lib +# For spatialite support, try this instead (assuming you grab the libspatialite-amalgamation-2.3.1 and installed it in osgeo4w): +# The -DSPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION, which cause "spatialite/sqlite3.h" to be included instead of "sqlite3.h" might not be necessary +# depending on the layout of the include directories. In case of compilation errors, remove it. +SQLITE_INC=-IC:\libspatialite\src\headers -IC:\sqlite-amalgamation -DHAVE_SPATIALITE -DSPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION +SQLITE_LIB=C:\libspatialite\spatialite.lib + +# Informix Data Blade +#INFORMIXDIR="C:\Program Files\IBM\Informix\Client-SDK" +#IDB_INC=-I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\cpp -I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\dmi \ +# -I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\esql +#IDB_LIB=$(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\cpp\libthc++.lib \ +# $(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\dmi\libthdmi.lib $(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\isqlt09a.lib + +# Uncomment the following and update to enable FME support. +#FME_DIR = d:\Software\fme + +# Uncomment the following to enable FITS format support +#FITS_PLUGIN = NO +#FITS_INC_DIR = c:\dev32\usr\include\cfitsio +#FITS_LIB = c:\dev32\usr\lib\cfitsio.lib + +# Comment out to disable GRIB support. +GRIB_SETTING=yes + +# Uncomment the following to enable NetCDF format. +#NETCDF_PLUGIN = NO +#NETCDF_SETTING=yes +#NETCDF_LIB=C:\Software\netcdf\lib\netcdf.lib +#NETCDF_INC_DIR=C:\Software\netcdf\include + +# Uncomment the following to add NC4 and HDF4 support +#NETCDF_HAS_NC4 = yes +#NETCDF_HAS_HDF4 = yes + +# PROJ.4 stuff +# Uncomment the following lines to link PROJ.4 library statically. Otherwise +# it will be linked dynamically during runtime. +PROJ_FLAGS = -DPROJ_STATIC +PROJ_INCLUDE = -I C:\proj\src +PROJ_LIBRARY = C:\proj\src\proj.lib + +# Add ORACLE support. +# Uncomment the following line to enable OCI Oracle Spatial support. +ORACLE_HOME = C:\instantclient +# Uncomment the following if you prefer to build OCI support as a plugin. +#OCI_PLUGIN = YES + +!IFDEF ORACLE_HOME +OCI_LIB = $(ORACLE_HOME)\sdk\lib\msvc\ociw32.lib \ + $(ORACLE_HOME)\sdk\lib\msvc\oci.lib +OCI_INCLUDE = -I$(ORACLE_HOME)\sdk\include +!ENDIF + +#SDE_ENABLED = YES +#SDE_VERSION=91 +#SDE_PLUGIN = NO +#SDE_SDK = C:\arcgis\arcsde +#SDE_INC = $(SDE_SDK)\include +#SDE_LIB = $(SDE_SDK)\lib\pe$(SDE_VERSION).lib \ +# $(SDE_SDK)\lib\sde$(SDE_VERSION).lib $(SDE_SDK)\lib\sg$(SDE_VERSION).lib + + +#FGDB_ENABLED = YES +#FGDB_PLUGIN = YES +#FGDB_SDK = C:\Users\rburhum\Desktop\FileGDB_API_VS2008_1_0beta3 +#FGDB_INC = $(FGDB_SDK)\include +#FGDB_LIB = $(FGDB_SDK)\lib\FileGDBAPI.lib + + +#uncomment to use ArcObjects +#ARCOBJECTS_ENABLED = YES +#ARCOBJECTS_PLUGIN = YES +#ARCOBJECTS_SDK = C:\PROGRA~2\ArcGIS\com +#ARCOBJECTS_INC = $(ARCOBJECTS_SDK)\..\include +# +#Interestingly, since this is a COM application, we don't link against external libraries, +#but we still need to link the app, so we put the generic user32.lib to force the linking process +#ARCOBJECTS_LIB = user32.lib + + +# Uncomment to use libcurl (DLL by default) +# The cURL library is used for WCS, WMS, GeoJSON, SRS call importFromUrl(), WFS, GFT, CouchDB, /vsicurl/ etc. +CURL_DIR=C:\curl\builds\libcurl-vc10-x86-release-static-ipv6-spnego +CURL_INC = -I$(CURL_DIR)\include +CURL_LIB = $(CURL_DIR)\lib\libcurl_a.lib +CURL_CFLAGS = -DCURL_STATICLIB + +# Uncomment for DODS / OPeNDAP support +#DODS_DIR = C:\libdap3.6.2 +#DODS_LIB = $(DODSDIR)\lib\libdapMD.lib +# Uncomment for libdap >= 3.9 +#DODS_FLAGS = -DLIBDAP_39 + +# Uncomment for GEOS support +GEOS_DIR = C:\geos +GEOS_CFLAGS = -I$(GEOS_DIR)/capi -I$(GEOS_DIR)/include -DHAVE_GEOS +GEOS_LIB = $(GEOS_DIR)/src/geos.lib + +# Uncomment for SOSI support +#SOSI_ENABLED = YES +#SOSI_INC_DIR = e:/sosi +#SOSI_LIBS = e:/sosi/FYBA.lib e:/sosi/GM.lib e:/sosi/UT.lib + +# Uncomment for OpenJpeg support +#OPENJPEG_ENABLED = YES +#OPENJPEG_CFLAGS = -IC:\openjpeg\libopenjpeg +#OPENJPEG_LIB = C:\openjpeg\bin\Release\openjpeg.lib + +# Uncomment for PDF support +# Uncomment POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = YES for Poppler >= 0.16.0 +# Uncomment POPPLER_0_20_OR_LATER = YES for Poppler >= 0.20.0 +#POPPLER_ENABLED = YES +#POPPLER_CFLAGS = -Ie:/kde/include -Ie:/kde/include/poppler +#POPPLER_HAS_OPTCONTENT = YES +#POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = YES +#POPPLER_0_20_OR_LATER = YES +#POPPLER_LIBS = e:/kde/lib/poppler.lib e:/kde/lib/freetype.lib e:/kde/lib/liblcms-1.lib advapi32.lib gdi32.lib + +# Uncomment for PDF support +#PODOFO_ENABLED = YES +#PODOFO_CFLAGS = -Ie:/podofo-svn/install/include -Ie:/podofo-svn/install/include/podofo +#PODOFO_LIBS = e:/podofo-svn/install/lib/podofo.lib E:/release-1500-dev/release-1500/lib/freetype239.lib gdi32.lib + +# Uncomment for LZMA TIFF support +#LZMA_CFLAGS = -IC:/gdal_trunk/xz-5.0.0-windows/include +#LZMA_LIBS = C:/gdal_trunk/xz-5.0.0-windows/bin_i486/liblzma.lib + +# Uncomment for WEBP support +#WEBP_ENABLED = YES +#WEBP_CFLAGS = -IE:/libwebp-0.1-windows/dev/Include +#WEBP_LIBS = e:/libwebp-0.1-windows/dev/lib/libwebp_a.lib + +# Uncomment for freexl support +# +# Note: Currently there is no MSVC makefile to build freexl. +# Here's the procedure I've followed (from root of freexl source tree) +# cl /c src/freexl.c /Iheaders /IE:\release-1500-dev\release-1500\include /DDLL_EXPORT +# link /dll E:\release-1500-dev\release-1500\lib\iconv.lib freexl.obj /out:freexl.dll /implib:freexl_i.lib +# +FREEXL_CFLAGS = -DUSING_STATIC_LIBICONV -IC:\freexl\headers +FREEXL_LIBS = C:\freexl\freexl.lib + +# Uncomment for libgta support +# +#GTA_CFLAGS = -IC:/gdal_trunk/libgta-1.0.0-w32/include -IC:/gdal_trunk/libgta-1.0.0-w32/include/gta +#GTA_LIBS = C:/gdal_trunk/libgta-1.0.0-w32/lib/libgta.dll.a + +# Any extra libraries needed on this platform? +ADD_LIBS = + +# Comment out the following if you want to build with Python support, but +# you don't have Numeric Python installed (with include files). Numeric +# integration may not work. This only appears to the old generation +# bindings. +#HAVE_NUMPY=1 + +########### END OF STUFF THAT NORMALLY NEEDS TO BE UPDATED ################## + + +# Location of MS Data Access SDK (not really needed anymore I think) +#MSDASDK = D:\Software\MDAC_2.6 + +GDAL_DLL = gdal$(VERSION).dll + +INC = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\port -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\ogr -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\gcore \ + -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\alg -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\ogr\ogrsf_frmts + +!IFDEF MSVC_VLD_DIR +MSVC_VLD_FLAGS=-DMSVC_USE_VLD=1 -I$(MSVC_VLD_DIR)\include +MSVC_VLD_LIB=/LIBPATH:$(MSVC_VLD_DIR)/lib +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF INCLUDE_OGR_FRMTS +OGR_FLAG = -DOGR_ENABLED +!ENDIF + +#LINKER_FLAGS = /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC +LINKER_FLAGS = $(MSVC_VLD_LIB) $(LDEBUG) + + +CFLAGS = $(OPTFLAGS) $(WARNFLAGS) $(INC) $(EXTRAFLAGS) $(OGR_FLAG) $(MSVC_VLD_FLAGS) +MAKE = nmake /nologo + +CC = cl -DXERCES_STATIC_LIBRARY + + +INSTALL = xcopy /y /r /d /f + +CPLLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/port/cpl.lib + +!IFDEF DLLBUILD +GDALLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/gdal_i.lib +!ELSE +GDALLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/gdal.lib +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF ODBC_SUPPORTED +#ODBCLIB = odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib user32.lib +!ENDIF + +!IF DEFINED(MRSID_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_RASTER_DIR) || DEFINED(MRSID_LIDAR_DIR) +!IF "$(MRSID_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +MRSID_LIB_LINK = $(MRSID_LIB) +!ELSE +MRSID_LIB_LINK= +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF ECWDIR +!IF "$(ECW_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +ECW_LIB_LINK= $(ECWLIB) +!ELSE +ECW_LIB_LINK= +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF FITS_LIB +!IF "$(FITS_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +FITS_LIB_LINK = $(FITS_LIB) +!ELSE +FITS_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF NETCDF_LIB +!IF "$(NETCDF_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +NETCDF_LIB_LINK = $(NETCDF_LIB) +!ELSE +NETCDF_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF HDF4_LIB +!IF "$(HDF4_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +HDF4_LIB_LINK = $(HDF4_LIB) +!ELSE +HDF4_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF HDF5_LIB +!IF "$(HDF5_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +HDF5_LIB_LINK = $(HDF5_LIB) +!ELSE +HDF5_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF FGDB_LIB +!IF "$(FGDB_PLUGIN)" != "YES" +FGDB_LIB_LINK = $(FGDB_LIB) +!ELSE +FGDB_LIB_LINK = +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + +!IFDEF XERCES_DIR +NAS_ENABLED = YES +!ENDIF + +# Under win64, symbols for function names lack the underscore prefix +# present on win32. Also the STDCALL calling convention is not used. +!IFDEF WIN64 +!UNDEF STDCALL +!ELSE +SYM_PREFIX=_ +!ENDIF + +EXTERNAL_LIBS = $(OGDILIB) $(XERCES_LIB) $(EXPAT_LIB) $(OCI_LIB) $(PG_LIB) \ + $(ECW_LIB_LINK) $(HDF4_LIB_LINK) $(FME_LIB) $(MRSID_LIB_LINK) \ + $(FITS_LIB_LINK) $(JPEG_LIB) $(NETCDF_LIB_LINK) $(PROJ4_LIB) \ + $(GEOTIFF_LIB) $(TIFF_LIB) $(PROJ_LIBRARY) $(SQLITE_LIB) \ + $(MYSQL_LIB) $(GEOS_LIB) $(HDF5_LIB_LINK) $(SDE_LIB) $(ARCOBJECTS_LIB) $(DWG_LIB) \ + $(IDB_LIB) $(CURL_LIB) $(DODS_LIB) $(KAKLIB) $(PCIDSK_LIB) \ + $(ODBCLIB) $(JASPER_LIB) $(PNG_LIB) $(ADD_LIBS) $(OPENJPEG_LIB) \ + $(MRSID_LIDAR_LIB) $(LIBKML_LIBS) $(SOSI_LIBS) $(POPPLER_LIBS) $(PODOFO_LIBS) $(LZMA_LIBS) \ + $(LIBICONV_LIBRARY) $(WEBP_LIBS) $(FGDB_LIB_LINK) $(FREEXL_LIBS) $(GTA_LIBS) + +.c.obj: + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.c + +.cpp.obj: + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.cpp diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/README b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/README new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9b2105417 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/README @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +This is a minimal version of libiconv 1.14. Since there are +no Microsoft Visual Studio makefile or project files included, +we have provided a copy here following the instructions +provided from +http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/302012/How-to-Build-libiconv-with-Microsoft-Visual-Studio + +To build the library, open the MSVC10 solution file, select +target as Release and then build. diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b68ea2d19 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases.h @@ -0,0 +1,1719 @@ +/* ANSI-C code produced by gperf version 3.0.4 */ +/* Command-line: gperf -m 10 lib/aliases.gperf */ +/* Computed positions: -k'1,3-11,$' */ + +#if !((' ' == 32) && ('!' == 33) && ('"' == 34) && ('#' == 35) \ + && ('%' == 37) && ('&' == 38) && ('\'' == 39) && ('(' == 40) \ + && (')' == 41) && ('*' == 42) && ('+' == 43) && (',' == 44) \ + && ('-' == 45) && ('.' == 46) && ('/' == 47) && ('0' == 48) \ + && ('1' == 49) && ('2' == 50) && ('3' == 51) && ('4' == 52) \ + && ('5' == 53) && ('6' == 54) && ('7' == 55) && ('8' == 56) \ + && ('9' == 57) && (':' == 58) && (';' == 59) && ('<' == 60) \ + && ('=' == 61) && ('>' == 62) && ('?' == 63) && ('A' == 65) \ + && ('B' == 66) && ('C' == 67) && ('D' == 68) && ('E' == 69) \ + && ('F' == 70) && ('G' == 71) && ('H' == 72) && ('I' == 73) \ + && ('J' == 74) && ('K' == 75) && ('L' == 76) && ('M' == 77) \ + && ('N' == 78) && ('O' == 79) && ('P' == 80) && ('Q' == 81) \ + && ('R' == 82) && ('S' == 83) && ('T' == 84) && ('U' == 85) \ + && ('V' == 86) && ('W' == 87) && ('X' == 88) && ('Y' == 89) \ + && ('Z' == 90) && ('[' == 91) && ('\\' == 92) && (']' == 93) \ + && ('^' == 94) && ('_' == 95) && ('a' == 97) && ('b' == 98) \ + && ('c' == 99) && ('d' == 100) && ('e' == 101) && ('f' == 102) \ + && ('g' == 103) && ('h' == 104) && ('i' == 105) && ('j' == 106) \ + && ('k' == 107) && ('l' == 108) && ('m' == 109) && ('n' == 110) \ + && ('o' == 111) && ('p' == 112) && ('q' == 113) && ('r' == 114) \ + && ('s' == 115) && ('t' == 116) && ('u' == 117) && ('v' == 118) \ + && ('w' == 119) && ('x' == 120) && ('y' == 121) && ('z' == 122) \ + && ('{' == 123) && ('|' == 124) && ('}' == 125) && ('~' == 126)) +/* The character set is not based on ISO-646. */ +#error "gperf generated tables don't work with this execution character set. Please report a bug to ." +#endif + +#line 1 "lib/aliases.gperf" +struct alias { int name; unsigned int encoding_index; }; + +#define TOTAL_KEYWORDS 347 +#define MIN_WORD_LENGTH 2 +#define MAX_WORD_LENGTH 45 +#define MIN_HASH_VALUE 7 +#define MAX_HASH_VALUE 935 +/* maximum key range = 929, duplicates = 0 */ + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +__inline +#else +#ifdef __cplusplus +inline +#endif +#endif +static unsigned int +aliases_hash (register const char *str, register unsigned int len) +{ + static const unsigned short asso_values[] = + { + 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, + 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, + 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, + 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, + 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 16, 62, 936, 73, 0, + 5, 2, 47, 4, 1, 168, 8, 12, 357, 936, + 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 112, 123, 3, 14, 34, + 71, 142, 147, 0, 258, 79, 39, 122, 4, 0, + 109, 936, 76, 1, 54, 147, 114, 180, 102, 3, + 10, 936, 936, 936, 936, 34, 936, 936, 936, 936, + 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, + 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, + 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936, 936 + }; + register int hval = len; + + switch (hval) + { + default: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[10]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 10: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[9]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 9: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[8]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 8: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[7]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 7: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[6]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 6: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[5]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 5: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[4]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 4: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[3]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 3: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[2]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 2: + case 1: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[0]]; + break; + } + return hval + asso_values[(unsigned char)str[len - 1]]; +} + +struct stringpool_t + { + char stringpool_str7[sizeof("SJIS")]; + char stringpool_str9[sizeof("CN")]; + char stringpool_str11[sizeof("CP1131")]; + char stringpool_str12[sizeof("CP1361")]; + char stringpool_str13[sizeof("866")]; + char stringpool_str15[sizeof("CP1133")]; + char stringpool_str18[sizeof("CP1251")]; + char stringpool_str19[sizeof("CP866")]; + char stringpool_str20[sizeof("CP1256")]; + char stringpool_str21[sizeof("862")]; + char stringpool_str22[sizeof("CP1253")]; + char stringpool_str24[sizeof("CP936")]; + char stringpool_str26[sizeof("CP1255")]; + char stringpool_str27[sizeof("CP862")]; + char stringpool_str28[sizeof("CP1252")]; + char stringpool_str30[sizeof("C99")]; + char stringpool_str32[sizeof("CP932")]; + char stringpool_str34[sizeof("CP1258")]; + char stringpool_str40[sizeof("CP819")]; + char stringpool_str41[sizeof("L1")]; + char stringpool_str42[sizeof("L6")]; + char stringpool_str43[sizeof("L3")]; + char stringpool_str45[sizeof("L5")]; + char stringpool_str46[sizeof("L2")]; + char stringpool_str49[sizeof("L8")]; + char stringpool_str53[sizeof("EUCCN")]; + char stringpool_str57[sizeof("ISO8859-1")]; + char stringpool_str58[sizeof("ISO8859-11")]; + char stringpool_str59[sizeof("ISO8859-6")]; + char stringpool_str60[sizeof("ISO8859-16")]; + char stringpool_str61[sizeof("ISO8859-3")]; + char stringpool_str62[sizeof("ISO8859-13")]; + char stringpool_str65[sizeof("ISO8859-5")]; + char stringpool_str66[sizeof("ISO8859-15")]; + char stringpool_str67[sizeof("ISO8859-2")]; + char stringpool_str70[sizeof("EUC-CN")]; + char stringpool_str73[sizeof("ISO8859-8")]; + char stringpool_str74[sizeof("ISO-8859-1")]; + char stringpool_str75[sizeof("ISO-8859-11")]; + char stringpool_str76[sizeof("ISO-8859-6")]; + char stringpool_str77[sizeof("ISO-8859-16")]; + char stringpool_str78[sizeof("ISO-8859-3")]; + char stringpool_str79[sizeof("ISO-8859-13")]; + char stringpool_str81[sizeof("ISO8859-9")]; + char stringpool_str82[sizeof("ISO-8859-5")]; + char stringpool_str83[sizeof("ISO-8859-15")]; + char stringpool_str84[sizeof("ISO-8859-2")]; + char stringpool_str85[sizeof("ISO646-CN")]; + char stringpool_str86[sizeof("R8")]; + char stringpool_str88[sizeof("L4")]; + char stringpool_str90[sizeof("ISO-8859-8")]; + char stringpool_str91[sizeof("CP949")]; + char stringpool_str92[sizeof("ISO_8859-1")]; + char stringpool_str93[sizeof("ISO_8859-11")]; + char stringpool_str94[sizeof("ISO_8859-6")]; + char stringpool_str95[sizeof("ISO_8859-16")]; + char stringpool_str96[sizeof("ISO_8859-3")]; + char stringpool_str97[sizeof("ISO_8859-13")]; + char stringpool_str98[sizeof("ISO-8859-9")]; + char stringpool_str99[sizeof("ISO_8859-16:2001")]; + char stringpool_str100[sizeof("ISO_8859-5")]; + char stringpool_str101[sizeof("ISO_8859-15")]; + char stringpool_str102[sizeof("ISO_8859-2")]; + char stringpool_str103[sizeof("LATIN1")]; + char stringpool_str105[sizeof("LATIN6")]; + char stringpool_str106[sizeof("CP154")]; + char stringpool_str107[sizeof("LATIN3")]; + char stringpool_str108[sizeof("ISO_8859-8")]; + char stringpool_str110[sizeof("ISO_8859-15:1998")]; + char stringpool_str111[sizeof("LATIN5")]; + char stringpool_str112[sizeof("CP1254")]; + char stringpool_str113[sizeof("LATIN2")]; + char stringpool_str114[sizeof("CSISO2022CN")]; + char stringpool_str116[sizeof("ISO_8859-9")]; + char stringpool_str117[sizeof("CHINESE")]; + char stringpool_str118[sizeof("ISO-IR-6")]; + char stringpool_str119[sizeof("LATIN8")]; + char stringpool_str120[sizeof("ASCII")]; + char stringpool_str121[sizeof("ISO-IR-166")]; + char stringpool_str122[sizeof("X0212")]; + char stringpool_str124[sizeof("VISCII")]; + char stringpool_str125[sizeof("ISO-IR-126")]; + char stringpool_str126[sizeof("CSASCII")]; + char stringpool_str127[sizeof("ISO-IR-165")]; + char stringpool_str129[sizeof("CSVISCII")]; + char stringpool_str130[sizeof("ISO-IR-226")]; + char stringpool_str131[sizeof("MAC")]; 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+ "UCS-2-INTERNAL", + "UCS-4BE", + "ISO-8859-7", + "SHIFT-JIS", + "CN-GB", + "JIS_C6220-1969-RO", + "UNICODE-1-1-UTF-7", + "WINDOWS-1251", + "WINDOWS-1256", + "WINDOWS-1253", + "WINDOWS-1255", + "WINDOWS-1252", + "WINDOWS-936", + "WINDOWS-1258", + "CSEUCKR", + "KS_C_5601-1987", + "ISO_8859-7", + "SHIFT_JIS", + "JIS0208", + "UTF-16BE", + "LATIN7", + "UTF-32BE", + "MACTHAI", + "UCS-4-INTERNAL", + "CSISOLATINGREEK", + "MACROMAN", + "EXTENDED_UNIX_CODE_PACKED_FORMAT_FOR_JAPANESE", + "EUCTW", + "ISO-IR-57", + "ISO-IR-157", + "ISO-IR-127", + "ISO-IR-87", + "WINDOWS-1254", + "ISO_8859-3:1988", + "ISO_8859-5:1988", + "IBM367", + "ISO_8859-8:1988", + "HZ-GB-2312", + "EUC-TW", + "CSISO57GB1988", + "NEXTSTEP", + "CSISO2022JP2", + "ISO_8859-9:1989", + "KOI8-RU", + "MACINTOSH", + "WINDOWS-1250", + "JIS_X0212", + "ISO-2022-JP-1", + "MACCROATIAN", + "HP-ROMAN8", + "ISO-2022-JP-2", + "ISO_8859-4:1988", + "BIG5HKSCS", + "ASMO-708", + "EUCJP", + "BIGFIVE", + "BIG5-HKSCS", + "MACCENTRALEUROPE", + "CSPC862LATINHEBREW", + "EUC-JP", + "BIG-FIVE", + "CSSHIFTJIS", + "ISO646-JP", + "JISX0201-1976", + "JIS_X0201", + "CSISOLATINHEBREW", + "MACARABIC", + "CSISO87JISX0208", + "JIS_X0208", + "UTF-7", + "MACGREEK", + "CSISO2022JP", + "MS-TURK", + "JIS_X0212-1990", + "WINDOWS-1257", + "JIS_X0208-1983", + "MS-GREEK", + "CSHPROMAN8", + "JAVA", + "MS-HEBR", + "CSMACINTOSH", + "ISO-2022-JP", + "CSEUCTW", + "GEORGIAN-PS", + "UNICODEBIG", + "MS_KANJI", + "CSPC850MULTILINGUAL", + "MACUKRAINE", + "ISO_8859-1:1987", + "ISO_8859-6:1987", + "ISO_8859-7:2003", + "GEORGIAN-ACADEMY", + "ISO_8859-2:1987", + "JIS_X0212.1990-0", + "JIS_X0208-1990", + "WCHAR_T", + "MACROMANIA", + "WINDOWS-874", + "CSEUCPKDFMTJAPANESE", + "MS-ARAB", + "UCS-2-SWAPPED", + "TCVN5712-1:1993", + "HEBREW", + "UCS-4-SWAPPED", + "JOHAB", + "MACTURKISH", + "ISO_8859-7:1987", + "WINBALTRIM", + "BIG5-HKSCS:2001", + "BIG5-HKSCS:2008", + "CSHALFWIDTHKATAKANA", + "BIG5-HKSCS:1999", + "MACHEBREW", + "BIG5-HKSCS:2004" + }; +#define stringpool ((const char *) &stringpool_contents) + +static const struct alias aliases[] = + { + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 308 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str7, ei_sjis}, + {-1}, +#line 288 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str9, ei_iso646_cn}, + {-1}, +#line 209 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str11, ei_cp1131}, +#line 354 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str12, ei_johab}, +#line 207 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str13, ei_cp866}, + {-1}, +#line 244 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str15, ei_cp1133}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 174 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str18, ei_cp1251}, +#line 205 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str19, ei_cp866}, +#line 189 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str20, ei_cp1256}, +#line 203 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str21, ei_cp862}, +#line 180 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str22, ei_cp1253}, + {-1}, +#line 323 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str24, ei_cp936}, + {-1}, +#line 186 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str26, ei_cp1255}, +#line 201 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str27, ei_cp862}, +#line 177 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str28, ei_cp1252}, + {-1}, +#line 51 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str30, ei_c99}, + {-1}, +#line 311 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str32, ei_cp932}, + {-1}, +#line 195 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str34, ei_cp1258}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 57 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str40, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 60 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str41, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 134 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str42, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 76 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str43, ei_iso8859_3}, + {-1}, +#line 126 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str45, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 68 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str46, ei_iso8859_2}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 151 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str49, ei_iso8859_14}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 318 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str53, ei_euc_cn}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 62 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str57, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 139 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str58, ei_iso8859_11}, +#line 102 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str59, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 166 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str60, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 78 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str61, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 145 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str62, ei_iso8859_13}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 93 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str65, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 159 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str66, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 70 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str67, ei_iso8859_2}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 317 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str70, ei_euc_cn}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 120 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str73, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 53 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str74, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 137 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str75, ei_iso8859_11}, +#line 94 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str76, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 160 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str77, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 71 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str78, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 140 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str79, ei_iso8859_13}, + {-1}, +#line 128 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str81, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 87 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str82, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 154 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str83, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 63 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str84, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 286 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str85, ei_iso646_cn}, +#line 227 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str86, ei_hp_roman8}, + {-1}, +#line 84 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str88, ei_iso8859_4}, + {-1}, +#line 114 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str90, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 351 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str91, ei_cp949}, +#line 54 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str92, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 138 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str93, ei_iso8859_11}, +#line 95 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str94, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 161 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str95, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 72 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str96, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 141 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str97, ei_iso8859_13}, +#line 121 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str98, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 162 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str99, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 88 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str100, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 155 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str101, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 64 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str102, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 59 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str103, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, +#line 133 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str105, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 236 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str106, ei_pt154}, +#line 75 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str107, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 115 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str108, ei_iso8859_8}, + {-1}, +#line 156 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str110, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 125 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str111, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 183 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str112, ei_cp1254}, +#line 67 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str113, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 328 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str114, ei_iso2022_cn}, + {-1}, +#line 122 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str116, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 293 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str117, ei_gb2312}, +#line 16 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str118, ei_ascii}, +#line 150 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str119, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 13 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str120, ei_ascii}, +#line 252 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str121, ei_tis620}, +#line 282 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str122, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, +#line 255 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str124, ei_viscii}, +#line 107 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str125, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 22 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str126, ei_ascii}, +#line 294 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str127, ei_isoir165}, + {-1}, +#line 257 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str129, ei_viscii}, +#line 163 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str130, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 212 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str131, ei_mac_roman}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 117 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str136, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 291 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str137, ei_gb2312}, + {-1}, +#line 206 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str139, ei_cp866}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 327 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str142, ei_iso2022_cn}, +#line 324 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str143, ei_cp936}, +#line 158 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str144, ei_iso8859_15}, + {-1}, +#line 283 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str146, ei_jisx0212}, +#line 202 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str147, ei_cp862}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 21 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str150, ei_ascii}, +#line 86 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str151, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 153 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str152, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 148 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str153, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 149 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str154, ei_iso8859_14}, + {-1}, +#line 352 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str156, ei_cp949}, +#line 199 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str157, ei_cp850}, + {-1}, +#line 330 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str159, ei_hz}, +#line 58 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str160, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, +#line 152 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str162, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 109 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str163, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 171 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str164, ei_cp1250}, +#line 319 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str165, ei_euc_cn}, +#line 197 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str166, ei_cp850}, + {-1}, +#line 79 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str168, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 146 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str169, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 341 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str170, ei_cp950}, +#line 91 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str171, ei_iso8859_5}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 131 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str176, ei_iso8859_10}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 24 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str179, ei_ucs2}, +#line 258 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str180, ei_tcvn}, +#line 124 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str181, ei_iso8859_9}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 269 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str185, ei_jisx0201}, +#line 80 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str186, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 147 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str187, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 165 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str188, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 299 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str189, ei_ksc5601}, + {-1}, +#line 66 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str191, ei_iso8859_2}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 329 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str196, ei_iso2022_cn_ext}, +#line 83 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str197, ei_iso8859_4}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 157 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str200, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 275 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str201, ei_jisx0208}, +#line 296 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str202, ei_ksc5601}, + {-1}, +#line 136 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str204, ei_iso8859_10}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 256 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str207, ei_viscii}, + {-1}, +#line 144 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str209, ei_iso8859_13}, + {-1}, +#line 264 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str211, ei_iso646_jp}, +#line 234 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str212, ei_pt154}, +#line 247 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str213, ei_tis620}, + {-1}, +#line 74 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str215, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 30 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str216, ei_ucs2be}, +#line 233 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str217, ei_koi8_t}, +#line 239 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str218, ei_rk1048}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 129 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str221, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 251 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str222, ei_tis620}, +#line 14 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str223, ei_ascii}, +#line 61 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str224, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, +#line 135 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str226, ei_iso8859_10}, + {-1}, +#line 77 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str228, ei_iso8859_3}, + {-1}, +#line 246 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str230, ei_tis620}, + {-1}, +#line 127 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str232, ei_iso8859_9}, + {-1}, +#line 69 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str234, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 249 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str235, ei_tis620}, +#line 242 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str236, ei_rk1048}, +#line 92 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str237, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 241 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str238, ei_rk1048}, +#line 130 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str239, ei_iso8859_10}, + {-1}, +#line 29 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str241, ei_ucs2be}, +#line 38 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str242, ei_utf16}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 173 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str245, ei_cp1250}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 26 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str248, ei_ucs2}, +#line 168 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str249, ei_koi8_r}, +#line 164 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str250, ei_iso8859_16}, + {-1}, +#line 41 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str252, ei_utf32}, + {-1}, +#line 35 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str254, ei_ucs4}, +#line 23 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str255, ei_utf8}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 90 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str259, ei_iso8859_5}, + {-1}, +#line 167 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str261, ei_koi8_r}, +#line 179 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str262, ei_cp1252}, +#line 33 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str263, ei_ucs4}, +#line 82 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str264, ei_iso8859_4}, + {-1}, +#line 245 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str266, ei_cp1133}, +#line 208 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str267, ei_cp866}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 298 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str270, ei_ksc5601}, +#line 357 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str271, ei_local_char}, + {-1}, +#line 349 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str273, ei_euc_kr}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 335 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str277, ei_ces_big5}, +#line 253 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str278, ei_cp874}, +#line 230 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str279, ei_armscii_8}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 340 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str282, ei_ces_big5}, +#line 31 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str283, ei_ucs2le}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 198 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str286, ei_cp850}, +#line 12 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str287, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 348 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str290, ei_euc_kr}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 321 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str293, ei_euc_cn}, +#line 336 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str294, ei_ces_big5}, +#line 250 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str295, ei_tis620}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 339 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str299, ei_ces_big5}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 218 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str302, ei_mac_cyrillic}, +#line 322 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str303, ei_ces_gbk}, +#line 248 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str304, ei_tis620}, +#line 176 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str305, ei_cp1251}, + {-1}, +#line 237 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str307, ei_pt154}, +#line 108 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str308, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, +#line 142 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str310, ei_iso8859_13}, +#line 110 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str311, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 301 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str315, ei_ksc5601}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 85 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str318, ei_iso8859_4}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 25 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str321, ei_ucs2}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 37 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str325, ei_ucs4le}, +#line 235 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str326, ei_pt154}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 266 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str330, ei_iso646_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 356 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str334, ei_iso2022_kr}, + {-1}, +#line 226 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str336, ei_hp_roman8}, +#line 56 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str337, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 277 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str340, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 101 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str344, ei_iso8859_6}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 19 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str347, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 40 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str350, ei_utf16le}, +#line 15 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str351, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 192 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str354, ei_cp1257}, +#line 215 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str355, ei_mac_iceland}, +#line 43 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str356, ei_utf32le}, +#line 300 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str357, ei_ksc5601}, + {-1}, +#line 100 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str359, ei_iso8859_6}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 355 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str362, ei_iso2022_kr}, +#line 34 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str363, ei_ucs4}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 27 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str367, ei_ucs2be}, +#line 290 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str368, ei_gb2312}, +#line 265 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str369, ei_iso646_jp}, + {-1}, +#line 243 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str371, ei_mulelao}, +#line 284 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str372, ei_jisx0212}, +#line 111 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str373, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, +#line 260 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str375, ei_tcvn}, +#line 292 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str376, ei_gb2312}, + {-1}, +#line 326 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str378, ei_gb18030}, +#line 259 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str379, ei_tcvn}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 285 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str384, ei_iso646_cn}, +#line 238 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str385, ei_pt154}, +#line 98 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str386, ei_iso8859_6}, + {-1}, +#line 46 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str388, ei_utf7}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 18 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str391, ei_ascii}, +#line 32 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str392, ei_ucs2le}, +#line 113 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str393, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, +#line 295 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str395, ei_isoir165}, +#line 240 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str396, ei_rk1048}, + {-1}, +#line 17 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str398, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 169 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str403, ei_koi8_u}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 47 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str406, ei_ucs2internal}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 36 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str409, ei_ucs4be}, +#line 103 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str410, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 307 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str411, ei_sjis}, +#line 320 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str412, ei_euc_cn}, +#line 262 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str413, ei_iso646_jp}, + {-1}, +#line 45 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str415, ei_utf7}, +#line 175 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str416, ei_cp1251}, +#line 190 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str417, ei_cp1256}, +#line 181 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str418, ei_cp1253}, + {-1}, +#line 187 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str420, ei_cp1255}, +#line 178 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str421, ei_cp1252}, +#line 325 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str422, ei_cp936}, + {-1}, +#line 196 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str424, ei_cp1258}, +#line 350 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str425, ei_euc_kr}, +#line 297 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str426, ei_ksc5601}, + {-1}, +#line 104 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str428, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 306 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str429, ei_sjis}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 274 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str433, ei_jisx0208}, +#line 39 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str434, ei_utf16be}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 143 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str439, ei_iso8859_13}, +#line 42 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str440, ei_utf32be}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 224 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str445, ei_mac_thai}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 49 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str448, ei_ucs4internal}, +#line 112 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str449, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, +#line 210 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str451, ei_mac_roman}, +#line 304 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str452, ei_euc_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 333 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str456, ei_euc_tw}, +#line 287 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str457, ei_iso646_cn}, +#line 132 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str458, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 97 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str459, ei_iso8859_6}, + {-1}, +#line 276 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str461, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, +#line 184 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str463, ei_cp1254}, +#line 73 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str464, ei_iso8859_3}, + {-1}, +#line 89 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str466, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 20 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str467, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 116 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str470, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 331 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str471, ei_hz}, + {-1}, +#line 332 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str473, ei_euc_tw}, +#line 289 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str474, ei_iso646_cn}, +#line 229 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str475, ei_nextstep}, +#line 316 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str476, ei_iso2022_jp2}, + {-1}, +#line 123 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str478, ei_iso8859_9}, + {-1}, +#line 170 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str480, ei_koi8_ru}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 211 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str487, ei_mac_roman}, + {-1}, +#line 172 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str489, ei_cp1250}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 279 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str492, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 314 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str500, ei_iso2022_jp1}, +#line 216 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str501, ei_mac_croatian}, +#line 225 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str502, ei_hp_roman8}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 315 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str505, ei_iso2022_jp2}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 81 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str509, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 346 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str510, ei_big5hkscs2008}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 99 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str515, ei_iso8859_6}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 303 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str518, ei_euc_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 338 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str525, ei_ces_big5}, + {-1}, +#line 345 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str527, ei_big5hkscs2008}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 214 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str531, ei_mac_centraleurope}, +#line 204 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str532, ei_cp862}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 302 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str535, ei_euc_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 337 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str542, ei_ces_big5}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 310 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str546, ei_sjis}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 263 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str550, ei_iso646_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 268 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str554, ei_jisx0201}, +#line 267 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str555, ei_jisx0201}, +#line 119 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str556, ei_iso8859_8}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 223 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str563, ei_mac_arabic}, +#line 278 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str564, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 271 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str571, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 44 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str575, ei_utf7}, + {-1}, +#line 220 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str577, ei_mac_greek}, + {-1}, +#line 313 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str579, ei_iso2022_jp}, +#line 185 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str580, ei_cp1254}, +#line 281 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str581, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 193 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str584, ei_cp1257}, + {-1}, +#line 272 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str586, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 182 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str590, ei_cp1253}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 228 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str599, ei_hp_roman8}, +#line 52 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str600, ei_java}, +#line 188 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str601, ei_cp1255}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 213 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str604, ei_mac_roman}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 312 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str607, ei_iso2022_jp}, +#line 334 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str608, ei_euc_tw}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 232 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str614, ei_georgian_ps}, +#line 28 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str615, ei_ucs2be}, + {-1}, +#line 309 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str617, ei_sjis}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 200 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str620, ei_cp850}, +#line 219 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str621, ei_mac_ukraine}, +#line 55 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str622, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 96 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str623, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 106 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str624, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, +#line 231 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str626, ei_georgian_academy}, +#line 65 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str627, ei_iso8859_2}, + {-1}, +#line 280 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str629, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 273 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str657, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 358 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str664, ei_local_wchar_t}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 217 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str673, ei_mac_romania}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 254 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str676, ei_cp874}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 305 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str689, ei_euc_jp}, + {-1}, +#line 191 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str691, ei_cp1256}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 48 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str723, ei_ucs2swapped}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 261 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str739, ei_tcvn}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 118 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str746, ei_iso8859_8}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 50 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str765, ei_ucs4swapped}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 353 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str768, ei_johab}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 221 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str786, ei_mac_turkish}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 105 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str790, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 194 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str842, ei_cp1257}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 343 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str888, ei_big5hkscs2001}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 347 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str896, ei_big5hkscs2008}, + {-1}, +#line 270 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str898, ei_jisx0201}, + {-1}, +#line 342 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str900, ei_big5hkscs1999}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 222 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str908, ei_mac_hebrew}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 344 "lib/aliases.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str935, ei_big5hkscs2004} + }; + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +__inline +#if defined __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ || defined __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__ +__attribute__ ((__gnu_inline__)) +#endif +#endif +const struct alias * +aliases_lookup (register const char *str, register unsigned int len) +{ + if (len <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH && len >= MIN_WORD_LENGTH) + { + register int key = aliases_hash (str, len); + + if (key <= MAX_HASH_VALUE && key >= 0) + { + register int o = aliases[key].name; + if (o >= 0) + { + register const char *s = o + stringpool; + + if (*str == *s && !strcmp (str + 1, s + 1)) + return &aliases[key]; + } + } + } + return 0; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases2.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases2.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f2dc449b --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases2.h @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2003, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +#ifdef USE_AIX +# if defined _AIX +# include "aliases_aix_sysaix.h" +# else +# include "aliases_aix.h" +# endif +#endif +#ifdef USE_OSF1 +# if defined __osf__ +# include "aliases_osf1_sysosf1.h" +# else +# include "aliases_osf1.h" +# endif +#endif +#ifdef USE_DOS +# include "aliases_dos.h" +#endif +#ifdef USE_EXTRA +# include "aliases_extra.h" +#endif diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_aix.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_aix.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5cbc77fdf --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_aix.h @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + S(aix_0, "CP856", ei_cp856 ) + S(aix_1, "CP922", ei_cp922 ) + S(aix_2, "CP943", ei_cp943 ) + S(aix_3, "CP1046", ei_cp1046 ) + S(aix_4, "CP1124", ei_cp1124 ) + S(aix_5, "CP1129", ei_cp1129 ) + S(aix_6, "CP1161", ei_cp1161 ) + S(aix_7, "IBM1161", ei_cp1161 ) + S(aix_8, "IBM-1161", ei_cp1161 ) + S(aix_9, "CSIBM1161", ei_cp1161 ) + S(aix_10, "CP1162", ei_cp1162 ) + S(aix_11, "IBM1162", ei_cp1162 ) + S(aix_12, "IBM-1162", ei_cp1162 ) + S(aix_13, "CSIBM1162", ei_cp1162 ) + S(aix_14, "CP1163", ei_cp1163 ) + S(aix_15, "IBM1163", ei_cp1163 ) + S(aix_16, "IBM-1163", ei_cp1163 ) + S(aix_17, "CSIBM1163", ei_cp1163 ) diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_aix_sysaix.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_aix_sysaix.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b7dc5841e --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_aix_sysaix.h @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ + S(aix_0, "CP856", ei_cp856 ) + S(aix_1, "IBM-856", ei_cp856 ) + S(aix_2, "CP922", ei_cp922 ) + S(aix_3, "IBM-922", ei_cp922 ) + S(aix_4, "CP943", ei_cp943 ) + S(aix_5, "IBM-943", ei_cp943 ) + S(aix_6, "CP1046", ei_cp1046 ) + S(aix_7, "IBM-1046", ei_cp1046 ) + S(aix_8, "CP1124", ei_cp1124 ) + S(aix_9, "IBM-1124", ei_cp1124 ) + S(aix_10, "CP1129", ei_cp1129 ) + S(aix_11, "IBM-1129", ei_cp1129 ) + S(aix_12, "CP1161", ei_cp1161 ) + S(aix_13, "IBM1161", ei_cp1161 ) + S(aix_14, "IBM-1161", ei_cp1161 ) + S(aix_15, "CSIBM1161", ei_cp1161 ) + S(aix_16, "CP1162", ei_cp1162 ) + S(aix_17, "IBM1162", ei_cp1162 ) + S(aix_18, "IBM-1162", ei_cp1162 ) + S(aix_19, "CSIBM1162", ei_cp1162 ) + S(aix_20, "CP1163", ei_cp1163 ) + S(aix_21, "IBM1163", ei_cp1163 ) + S(aix_22, "IBM-1163", ei_cp1163 ) + S(aix_23, "CSIBM1163", ei_cp1163 ) diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_dos.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_dos.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1dd4fcba0 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_dos.h @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ + S(dos_0, "CP437", ei_cp437 ) + S(dos_1, "IBM437", ei_cp437 ) + S(dos_2, "437", ei_cp437 ) + S(dos_3, "CSPC8CODEPAGE437", ei_cp437 ) + S(dos_4, "CP737", ei_cp737 ) + S(dos_5, "CP775", ei_cp775 ) + S(dos_6, "IBM775", ei_cp775 ) + S(dos_7, "CSPC775BALTIC", ei_cp775 ) + S(dos_8, "CP852", ei_cp852 ) + S(dos_9, "IBM852", ei_cp852 ) + S(dos_10, "852", ei_cp852 ) + S(dos_11, "CSPCP852", ei_cp852 ) + S(dos_12, "CP853", ei_cp853 ) + S(dos_13, "CP855", ei_cp855 ) + S(dos_14, "IBM855", ei_cp855 ) + S(dos_15, "855", ei_cp855 ) + S(dos_16, "CSIBM855", ei_cp855 ) + S(dos_17, "CP857", ei_cp857 ) + S(dos_18, "IBM857", ei_cp857 ) + S(dos_19, "857", ei_cp857 ) + S(dos_20, "CSIBM857", ei_cp857 ) + S(dos_21, "CP858", ei_cp858 ) + S(dos_22, "CP860", ei_cp860 ) + S(dos_23, "IBM860", ei_cp860 ) + S(dos_24, "860", ei_cp860 ) + S(dos_25, "CSIBM860", ei_cp860 ) + S(dos_26, "CP861", ei_cp861 ) + S(dos_27, "IBM861", ei_cp861 ) + S(dos_28, "861", ei_cp861 ) + S(dos_29, "CP-IS", ei_cp861 ) + S(dos_30, "CSIBM861", ei_cp861 ) + S(dos_31, "CP863", ei_cp863 ) + S(dos_32, "IBM863", ei_cp863 ) + S(dos_33, "863", ei_cp863 ) + S(dos_34, "CSIBM863", ei_cp863 ) + S(dos_35, "CP864", ei_cp864 ) + S(dos_36, "IBM864", ei_cp864 ) + S(dos_37, "CSIBM864", ei_cp864 ) + S(dos_38, "CP865", ei_cp865 ) + S(dos_39, "IBM865", ei_cp865 ) + S(dos_40, "865", ei_cp865 ) + S(dos_41, "CSIBM865", ei_cp865 ) + S(dos_42, "CP869", ei_cp869 ) + S(dos_43, "IBM869", ei_cp869 ) + S(dos_44, "869", ei_cp869 ) + S(dos_45, "CP-GR", ei_cp869 ) + S(dos_46, "CSIBM869", ei_cp869 ) + S(dos_47, "CP1125", ei_cp1125 ) diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_extra.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_extra.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a54e16a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_extra.h @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + S(extra_0, "EUC-JISX0213", ei_euc_jisx0213 ) + S(extra_1, "EUC-JIS-2004", ei_euc_jisx0213 ) + S(extra_2, "SHIFT_JISX0213", ei_shift_jisx0213 ) + S(extra_3, "SHIFT_JIS-2004", ei_shift_jisx0213 ) + S(extra_4, "ISO-2022-JP-3", ei_iso2022_jp3 ) + S(extra_5, "ISO-2022-JP-2004", ei_iso2022_jp3 ) + S(extra_6, "BIG5-2003", ei_big5_2003 ) + S(extra_7, "TDS565", ei_tds565 ) + S(extra_8, "ISO-IR-230", ei_tds565 ) + S(extra_9, "ATARIST", ei_atarist ) + S(extra_10, "ATARI", ei_atarist ) + S(extra_11, "RISCOS-LATIN1", ei_riscos1 ) diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_osf1.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_osf1.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9e4f6854e --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_osf1.h @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + S(osf1_0, "DEC-KANJI", ei_dec_kanji ) + S(osf1_1, "DEC-HANYU", ei_dec_hanyu ) diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_osf1_sysosf1.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_osf1_sysosf1.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1f802d28 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_osf1_sysosf1.h @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + S(osf1_0, "DEC-KANJI", ei_dec_kanji ) + S(osf1_1, "DECKANJI", ei_dec_kanji ) + S(osf1_2, "DEC-HANYU", ei_dec_hanyu ) + S(osf1_3, "DECHANYU", ei_dec_hanyu ) diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_sysaix.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_sysaix.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a5bfa8988 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_sysaix.h @@ -0,0 +1,1769 @@ +/* ANSI-C code produced by gperf version 3.0.4 */ +/* Command-line: gperf -m 10 lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf */ +/* Computed positions: -k'1,3-11,$' */ + +#if !((' ' == 32) && ('!' == 33) && ('"' == 34) && ('#' == 35) \ + && ('%' == 37) && ('&' == 38) && ('\'' == 39) && ('(' == 40) \ + && (')' == 41) && ('*' == 42) && ('+' == 43) && (',' == 44) \ + && ('-' == 45) && ('.' == 46) && ('/' == 47) && ('0' == 48) \ + && ('1' == 49) && ('2' == 50) && ('3' == 51) && ('4' == 52) \ + && ('5' == 53) && ('6' == 54) && ('7' == 55) && ('8' == 56) \ + && ('9' == 57) && (':' == 58) && (';' == 59) && ('<' == 60) \ + && ('=' == 61) && ('>' == 62) && ('?' == 63) && ('A' == 65) \ + && ('B' == 66) && ('C' == 67) && ('D' == 68) && ('E' == 69) \ + && ('F' == 70) && ('G' == 71) && ('H' == 72) && ('I' == 73) \ + && ('J' == 74) && ('K' == 75) && ('L' == 76) && ('M' == 77) \ + && ('N' == 78) && ('O' == 79) && ('P' == 80) && ('Q' == 81) \ + && ('R' == 82) && ('S' == 83) && ('T' == 84) && ('U' == 85) \ + && ('V' == 86) && ('W' == 87) && ('X' == 88) && ('Y' == 89) \ + && ('Z' == 90) && ('[' == 91) && ('\\' == 92) && (']' == 93) \ + && ('^' == 94) && ('_' == 95) && ('a' == 97) && ('b' == 98) \ + && ('c' == 99) && ('d' == 100) && ('e' == 101) && ('f' == 102) \ + && ('g' == 103) && ('h' == 104) && ('i' == 105) && ('j' == 106) \ + && ('k' == 107) && ('l' == 108) && ('m' == 109) && ('n' == 110) \ + && ('o' == 111) && ('p' == 112) && ('q' == 113) && ('r' == 114) \ + && ('s' == 115) && ('t' == 116) && ('u' == 117) && ('v' == 118) \ + && ('w' == 119) && ('x' == 120) && ('y' == 121) && ('z' == 122) \ + && ('{' == 123) && ('|' == 124) && ('}' == 125) && ('~' == 126)) +/* The character set is not based on ISO-646. */ +#error "gperf generated tables don't work with this execution character set. Please report a bug to ." +#endif + +#line 1 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" +struct alias { int name; unsigned int encoding_index; }; + +#define TOTAL_KEYWORDS 356 +#define MIN_WORD_LENGTH 2 +#define MAX_WORD_LENGTH 45 +#define MIN_HASH_VALUE 13 +#define MAX_HASH_VALUE 989 +/* maximum key range = 977, duplicates = 0 */ + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +__inline +#else +#ifdef __cplusplus +inline +#endif +#endif +static unsigned int +aliases_hash (register const char *str, register unsigned int len) +{ + static const unsigned short asso_values[] = + { + 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, + 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, + 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, + 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, + 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 13, 112, 990, 73, 4, + 7, 6, 55, 8, 5, 171, 10, 23, 255, 990, + 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 147, 128, 4, 9, 125, + 130, 5, 75, 4, 402, 69, 7, 125, 18, 4, + 44, 990, 76, 4, 25, 195, 191, 161, 120, 22, + 15, 990, 990, 990, 990, 27, 990, 990, 990, 990, + 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, + 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, + 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990, 990 + }; + register int hval = len; + + switch (hval) + { + default: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[10]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 10: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[9]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 9: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[8]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 8: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[7]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 7: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[6]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 6: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[5]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 5: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[4]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 4: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[3]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 3: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[2]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 2: + case 1: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[0]]; + break; + } + return hval + asso_values[(unsigned char)str[len - 1]]; +} + +struct stringpool_t + { + char stringpool_str13[sizeof("L1")]; + char stringpool_str14[sizeof("L6")]; + char stringpool_str15[sizeof("L3")]; + char stringpool_str16[sizeof("L2")]; + char stringpool_str17[sizeof("L5")]; + char stringpool_str19[sizeof("L8")]; + char stringpool_str20[sizeof("SJIS")]; + char stringpool_str23[sizeof("866")]; + char stringpool_str24[sizeof("CN")]; + char stringpool_str27[sizeof("862")]; + char stringpool_str32[sizeof("CP1131")]; + char stringpool_str33[sizeof("CP1361")]; + char stringpool_str34[sizeof("CP866")]; + char stringpool_str36[sizeof("CP1133")]; + char stringpool_str37[sizeof("CP1251")]; + char stringpool_str38[sizeof("CP862")]; + char stringpool_str39[sizeof("CP1256")]; + char stringpool_str41[sizeof("CP1253")]; + char stringpool_str42[sizeof("GB2312")]; + char stringpool_str43[sizeof("CP1252")]; + char stringpool_str45[sizeof("CP1255")]; + char stringpool_str48[sizeof("CP936")]; + char stringpool_str49[sizeof("CP1258")]; + char stringpool_str52[sizeof("CP932")]; + char stringpool_str53[sizeof("C99")]; + char stringpool_str64[sizeof("L4")]; + char stringpool_str68[sizeof("LATIN1")]; + char stringpool_str69[sizeof("CP819")]; + char stringpool_str70[sizeof("LATIN6")]; + char stringpool_str72[sizeof("LATIN3")]; + char stringpool_str74[sizeof("LATIN2")]; + char stringpool_str76[sizeof("LATIN5")]; + char stringpool_str80[sizeof("LATIN8")]; + char stringpool_str88[sizeof("R8")]; + char stringpool_str89[sizeof("ISO8859-1")]; + char stringpool_str91[sizeof("ISO8859-6")]; + char stringpool_str92[sizeof("HZ")]; + char stringpool_str93[sizeof("ISO8859-3")]; + char stringpool_str94[sizeof("ISO8859-11")]; + char stringpool_str95[sizeof("ISO8859-2")]; + char stringpool_str96[sizeof("ISO8859-16")]; + char stringpool_str97[sizeof("ISO8859-5")]; + char stringpool_str98[sizeof("ISO8859-13")]; + char stringpool_str101[sizeof("ISO8859-8")]; + char stringpool_str102[sizeof("ISO8859-15")]; + char stringpool_str103[sizeof("ISO-8859-1")]; + char stringpool_str105[sizeof("ISO-8859-6")]; + char stringpool_str107[sizeof("ISO-8859-3")]; + char stringpool_str108[sizeof("ISO-8859-11")]; + char stringpool_str109[sizeof("ISO-8859-2")]; + char stringpool_str110[sizeof("ISO-8859-16")]; + char stringpool_str111[sizeof("ISO-8859-5")]; + char stringpool_str112[sizeof("ISO-8859-13")]; + char stringpool_str115[sizeof("ISO-8859-8")]; + char stringpool_str116[sizeof("ISO-8859-15")]; + char stringpool_str117[sizeof("ISO_8859-1")]; + char stringpool_str118[sizeof("CYRILLIC")]; + char stringpool_str119[sizeof("ISO_8859-6")]; + char stringpool_str120[sizeof("LATIN-9")]; + char stringpool_str121[sizeof("ISO_8859-3")]; + char stringpool_str122[sizeof("ISO_8859-11")]; + char stringpool_str123[sizeof("ISO_8859-2")]; + char stringpool_str124[sizeof("ISO_8859-16")]; + char stringpool_str125[sizeof("ISO_8859-5")]; + char stringpool_str126[sizeof("ISO_8859-13")]; + char 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stringpool_str891[sizeof("JAVA")]; + char stringpool_str898[sizeof("MACUKRAINE")]; + char stringpool_str965[sizeof("IBM-EUCJP")]; + char stringpool_str989[sizeof("MACHEBREW")]; + }; +static const struct stringpool_t stringpool_contents = + { + "L1", + "L6", + "L3", + "L2", + "L5", + "L8", + "SJIS", + "866", + "CN", + "862", + "CP1131", + "CP1361", + "CP866", + "CP1133", + "CP1251", + "CP862", + "CP1256", + "CP1253", + "GB2312", + "CP1252", + "CP1255", + "CP936", + "CP1258", + "CP932", + "C99", + "L4", + "LATIN1", + "CP819", + "LATIN6", + "LATIN3", + "LATIN2", + "LATIN5", + "LATIN8", + "R8", + "ISO8859-1", + "ISO8859-6", + "HZ", + "ISO8859-3", + "ISO8859-11", + "ISO8859-2", + "ISO8859-16", + "ISO8859-5", + "ISO8859-13", + "ISO8859-8", + "ISO8859-15", + "ISO-8859-1", + "ISO-8859-6", + "ISO-8859-3", + "ISO-8859-11", + "ISO-8859-2", + "ISO-8859-16", + "ISO-8859-5", + "ISO-8859-13", + "ISO-8859-8", + "ISO-8859-15", + "ISO_8859-1", + "CYRILLIC", + "ISO_8859-6", + "LATIN-9", + "ISO_8859-3", + "ISO_8859-11", + "ISO_8859-2", + "ISO_8859-16", + "ISO_8859-5", + "ISO_8859-13", + "ISO8859-9", + "ISO_8859-16:2001", + "ISO_8859-8", + "ISO_8859-15", + "CP154", + "ISO-IR-6", + "CP949", + "ISO646-CN", + "MAC", + "ISO_8859-15:1998", + "CP1254", + "ISO-8859-9", + "ISO-IR-166", + "ISO-IR-126", + "GBK", + "ISO-IR-226", + "ISO-IR-165", + "X0212", + "ISO-IR-58", + "KOI8-T", + "BIG5", + "ISO-IR-138", + "ISO_8859-9", + "L10", + "850", + "IBM866", + "CSISO2022CN", + "CSBIG5", + "IBM862", + "BIG-5", + "ASCII", + "MS936", + "LATIN4", + "PT154", + "IBM-1131", + "CP850", + "EUCCN", + "CP1250", + "CSGB2312", + "CN-BIG5", + "CSASCII", + "ISO-2022-CN", + "L7", + "ISO-IR-159", + "IBM-1252", + "ISO_8859-14:1998", + "CP950", + "IBM-921", + "EUC-CN", + "ISO-2022-CN-EXT", + "ISO8859-4", + "IBM-932", + "TIS620", + "IBM819", + "ISO8859-14", + "ISO-IR-199", + "ISO_8859-10:1992", + "US", + "KSC_5601", + "ISO-IR-148", + "ISO-CELTIC", + "ISO-8859-4", + "UHC", + "TIS-620", + "ISO-IR-101", + "ISO-8859-14", + "LATIN10", + "X0201", + "ISO-IR-203", + "VISCII", + "ISO_8859-4", + "PTCP154", + "ISO_8859-14", + "X0208", + "IBM-CP1133", + "CSVISCII", + "ISO-IR-149", + "UCS-2", + "ISO8859-10", + "RK1048", + "GB_2312-80", + "CSISOLATIN1", + "ISO-IR-14", + "CSISOLATIN6", + "ELOT_928", + "CSISOLATIN3", + "KZ-1048", + "CSISOLATIN2", + "CSISOLATINCYRILLIC", + "CSISOLATIN5", + "ISO-8859-10", + "ISO-IR-109", + "CSKZ1048", + "CSKOI8R", + "GB18030", + "CSPTCP154", + "KOI8-R", + "TCVN", + "GB_1988-80", + "ISO_8859-10", + "MS-CYRL", + "CSISO58GB231280", + "TIS620.2533-1", + "KS_C_5601-1989", + "MACCYRILLIC", + "HZ-GB-2312", + "CN-GB-ISOIR165", + "ISO-IR-110", + "TIS620-0", + "CN-GB", + "TIS620.2529-1", + "ISO-IR-144", + "CSIBM866", + "ISO646-US", + "IBM850", + "CP874", + "CYRILLIC-ASIAN", + "CSISOLATINGREEK", + "CHAR", + "BIG5HKSCS", + "IBM-850", + "MS-ANSI", + "CSUCS4", + "BIG5-HKSCS", + "UCS-4", + "ARMSCII-8", + "GEORGIAN-PS", + "CSISOLATIN4", + "TIS620.2533-0", + "CSISO2022KR", + "MACINTOSH", + "ISO-IR-179", + "ISO-IR-100", + "GREEK8", + "EUCKR", + "UTF-16", + "VISCII1.1-1", + "ISO-2022-KR", + "CP367", + "UTF-8", + "UTF-32", + "EUC-KR", + "CP1257", + "CSISO57GB1988", + "CSKSC56011987", + "US-ASCII", + "CSISOLATINARABIC", + "ISO_8859-3:1988", + "CSUNICODE11", + "ISO_8859-5:1988", + "ISO_8859-8:1988", + "UNICODE-1-1", + "MACTHAI", + "ROMAN8", + "ISO-10646-UCS-2", + "GREEK", + "LATIN7", + "STRK1048-2002", + "WINDOWS-1251", + "WINDOWS-1256", + "WINDOWS-1253", + "WINDOWS-1252", + "WINDOWS-1255", + "WINDOWS-1258", + "CHINESE", + "NEXTSTEP", + "ISO_8859-9:1989", + "KS_C_5601-1987", + "WINDOWS-936", + "ISO8859-7", + "ISO_8859-4:1988", + "CSPC862LATINHEBREW", + "ISO-8859-7", + "ARABIC", + "ISO-10646-UCS-4", + "MULELAO-1", + "ECMA-118", + "JP", + "ISO_8859-7", + "TCVN-5712", + "TCVN5712-1", + "WINDOWS-1254", + "KOREAN", + "GEORGIAN-ACADEMY", + "MACICELAND", + "CSISOLATINHEBREW", + "ISO-IR-57", + "WINDOWS-1250", + "ISO-IR-87", + "ISO-IR-127", + "ISO-IR-157", + "EUCTW", + "UCS-2LE", + "HP-ROMAN8", + "IBM367", + "KOI8-U", + "UNICODEBIG", + "EUC-TW", + "CSMACINTOSH", + "CSUNICODE", + "JIS_C6226-1983", + "UCS-2-INTERNAL", + "ISO_646.IRV:1991", + "CSISO14JISC6220RO", + "ANSI_X3.4-1986", + "IBM-EUCCN", + "ANSI_X3.4-1968", + "MS-EE", + "CSPC850MULTILINGUAL", + "CSHPROMAN8", + "MACROMAN", + "UCS-4LE", + "ECMA-114", + "UNICODELITTLE", + "WCHAR_T", + "ISO_8859-1:1987", + "ISO_8859-6:1987", + "ISO_8859-7:2003", + "ISO_8859-2:1987", + "UCS-4-INTERNAL", + "CSISO159JISX02121990", + "CSEUCKR", + "CSUNICODE11UTF7", + "ASMO-708", + "UNICODE-1-1-UTF-7", + "JIS_C6220-1969-RO", + "KOI8-RU", + "WINDOWS-1257", + "CSISO2022JP2", + "MS-TURK", + "MACCROATIAN", + "BIG5-HKSCS:2001", + "ISO646-JP", + "JIS0208", + "BIG5-HKSCS:2008", + "ISO-2022-JP-1", + "ISO-2022-JP-2", + "SHIFT-JIS", + "BIG5-HKSCS:1999", + "UCS-2BE", + "MACGREEK", + "CSISO2022JP", + "UTF-16LE", + "SHIFT_JIS", + "MS-GREEK", + "UTF-32LE", + "EUCJP", + "MS-HEBR", + "ISO-2022-JP", + "BIG5-HKSCS:2004", + "EUC-JP", + "MACARABIC", + "UCS-4BE", + "UCS-2-SWAPPED", + "JIS_X0212", + "MACTURKISH", + "CSSHIFTJIS", + "WINDOWS-874", + "CSEUCTW", + "UTF-7", + "IBM-EUCKR", + "UCS-4-SWAPPED", + "ISO_8859-7:1987", + "BIGFIVE", + "TCVN5712-1:1993", + "JIS_X0201", + "BIG-FIVE", + "HEBREW", + "UTF-16BE", + "JIS_X0208", + "UTF-32BE", + "JISX0201-1976", + "JIS_X0212-1990", + "CSISO87JISX0208", + "JIS_X0208-1983", + "MS-ARAB", + "MACCENTRALEUROPE", + "CSHALFWIDTHKATAKANA", + "MS_KANJI", + "MACROMANIA", + "JIS_X0208-1990", + "IBM-EUCTW", + "WINBALTRIM", + "EXTENDED_UNIX_CODE_PACKED_FORMAT_FOR_JAPANESE", + "JIS_X0212.1990-0", + "CSEUCPKDFMTJAPANESE", + "JOHAB", + "JAVA", + "MACUKRAINE", + "IBM-EUCJP", + "MACHEBREW" + }; +#define stringpool ((const char *) &stringpool_contents) + +static const struct alias aliases[] = + { + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 60 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str13, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 134 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str14, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 76 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str15, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 68 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str16, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 126 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str17, ei_iso8859_9}, + {-1}, +#line 152 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str19, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 313 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str20, ei_sjis}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 210 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str23, ei_cp866}, +#line 292 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str24, ei_iso646_cn}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 206 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str27, ei_cp862}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 212 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str32, ei_cp1131}, +#line 363 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str33, ei_johab}, +#line 208 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str34, ei_cp866}, + {-1}, +#line 248 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str36, ei_cp1133}, +#line 175 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str37, ei_cp1251}, +#line 204 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str38, ei_cp862}, +#line 191 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str39, ei_cp1256}, + {-1}, +#line 182 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str41, ei_cp1253}, +#line 325 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str42, ei_euc_cn}, +#line 178 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str43, ei_cp1252}, + {-1}, +#line 188 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str45, ei_cp1255}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 330 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str48, ei_cp936}, +#line 197 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str49, ei_cp1258}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 316 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str52, ei_cp932}, +#line 51 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str53, ei_c99}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, +#line 84 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str64, ei_iso8859_4}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 59 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str68, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 57 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str69, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 133 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str70, ei_iso8859_10}, + {-1}, +#line 75 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str72, ei_iso8859_3}, + {-1}, +#line 67 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str74, ei_iso8859_2}, + {-1}, +#line 125 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str76, ei_iso8859_9}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 151 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str80, ei_iso8859_14}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 231 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str88, ei_hp_roman8}, +#line 62 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str89, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, +#line 102 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str91, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 337 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str92, ei_hz}, +#line 78 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str93, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 139 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str94, ei_iso8859_11}, +#line 70 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str95, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 167 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str96, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 93 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str97, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 145 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str98, ei_iso8859_13}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 120 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str101, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 160 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str102, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 53 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str103, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, +#line 94 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str105, ei_iso8859_6}, + {-1}, +#line 71 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str107, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 137 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str108, ei_iso8859_11}, +#line 63 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str109, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 161 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str110, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 87 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str111, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 140 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str112, ei_iso8859_13}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 114 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str115, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 155 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str116, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 54 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str117, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 91 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str118, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 95 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str119, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 159 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str120, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 72 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str121, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 138 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str122, ei_iso8859_11}, +#line 64 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str123, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 162 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str124, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 88 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str125, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 141 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str126, ei_iso8859_13}, +#line 128 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str127, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 163 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str128, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 115 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str129, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 156 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str130, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 240 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str131, ei_pt154}, +#line 16 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str132, ei_ascii}, +#line 360 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str133, ei_cp949}, + {-1}, +#line 290 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str135, ei_iso646_cn}, +#line 216 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str136, ei_mac_roman}, +#line 157 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str137, ei_iso8859_15}, + {-1}, +#line 185 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str139, ei_cp1254}, + {-1}, +#line 121 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str141, ei_iso8859_9}, + {-1}, +#line 256 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str143, ei_tis620}, + {-1}, +#line 107 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str145, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 329 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str146, ei_ces_gbk}, + {-1}, +#line 164 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str148, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 298 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str149, ei_isoir165}, +#line 286 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str150, ei_jisx0212}, +#line 295 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str151, ei_gb2312}, +#line 237 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str152, ei_koi8_t}, +#line 343 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str153, ei_ces_big5}, +#line 117 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str154, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 122 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str155, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 166 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str156, ei_iso8859_16}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 201 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str159, ei_cp850}, +#line 209 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str160, ei_cp866}, +#line 335 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str161, ei_iso2022_cn}, + {-1}, +#line 348 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str163, ei_ces_big5}, +#line 205 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str164, ei_cp862}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 344 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str167, ei_ces_big5}, +#line 13 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str168, ei_ascii}, +#line 331 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str169, ei_cp936}, +#line 83 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str170, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 238 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str171, ei_pt154}, +#line 213 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str172, ei_cp1131}, +#line 199 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str173, ei_cp850}, +#line 324 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str174, ei_euc_cn}, +#line 172 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str175, ei_cp1250}, +#line 327 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str176, ei_euc_cn}, +#line 347 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str177, ei_ces_big5}, +#line 22 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str178, ei_ascii}, +#line 334 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str179, ei_iso2022_cn}, +#line 144 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str180, ei_iso8859_13}, + {-1}, +#line 287 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str182, ei_jisx0212}, +#line 181 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str183, ei_cp1252}, +#line 149 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str184, ei_iso8859_14}, + {-1}, +#line 349 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str186, ei_cp950}, +#line 146 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str187, ei_iso8859_13}, +#line 323 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str188, ei_euc_cn}, + {-1}, +#line 336 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str190, ei_iso2022_cn_ext}, +#line 86 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str191, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 317 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str192, ei_cp932}, +#line 251 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str193, ei_tis620}, + {-1}, +#line 58 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str195, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 154 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str196, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 150 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str197, ei_iso8859_14}, + {-1}, +#line 131 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str199, ei_iso8859_10}, + {-1}, +#line 21 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str201, ei_ascii}, +#line 300 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str202, ei_ksc5601}, +#line 124 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str203, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 153 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str204, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 79 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str205, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 361 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str206, ei_cp949}, +#line 250 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str207, ei_tis620}, + {-1}, +#line 66 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str209, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 147 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str210, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 165 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str211, ei_iso8859_16}, + {-1}, +#line 273 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str213, ei_jisx0201}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 158 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str216, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 259 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str217, ei_viscii}, + {-1}, +#line 80 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str219, ei_iso8859_4}, + {-1}, +#line 239 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str221, ei_pt154}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 148 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str224, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 279 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str225, ei_jisx0208}, +#line 249 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str226, ei_cp1133}, +#line 261 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str227, ei_viscii}, + {-1}, +#line 303 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str229, ei_ksc5601}, + {-1}, +#line 24 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str231, ei_ucs2}, +#line 136 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str232, ei_iso8859_10}, + {-1}, +#line 243 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str234, ei_rk1048}, +#line 294 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str235, ei_gb2312}, +#line 61 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str236, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 268 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str237, ei_iso646_jp}, +#line 135 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str238, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 109 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str239, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 77 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str240, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 245 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str241, ei_rk1048}, +#line 69 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str242, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 92 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str243, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 127 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str244, ei_iso8859_9}, + {-1}, +#line 129 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str246, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 74 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str247, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 246 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str248, ei_rk1048}, + {-1}, +#line 169 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str250, ei_koi8_r}, +#line 333 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str251, ei_gb18030}, +#line 242 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str252, ei_pt154}, + {-1}, +#line 168 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str254, ei_koi8_r}, + {-1}, +#line 262 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str256, ei_tcvn}, + {-1}, +#line 289 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str258, ei_iso646_cn}, + {-1}, +#line 130 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str260, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 177 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str261, ei_cp1251}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 296 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str268, ei_gb2312}, + {-1}, +#line 255 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str270, ei_tis620}, +#line 302 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str271, ei_ksc5601}, +#line 222 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str272, ei_mac_cyrillic}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 338 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str275, ei_hz}, + {-1}, +#line 299 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str277, ei_isoir165}, +#line 82 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str278, ei_iso8859_4}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 252 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str281, ei_tis620}, + {-1}, +#line 326 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str283, ei_euc_cn}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 253 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str288, ei_tis620}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 90 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str293, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 211 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str294, ei_cp866}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 14 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str298, ei_ascii}, +#line 200 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str299, ei_cp850}, +#line 257 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str300, ei_cp874}, + {-1}, +#line 241 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str302, ei_pt154}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 112 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str306, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 366 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str307, ei_local_char}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 354 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str310, ei_big5hkscs2008}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 203 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str313, ei_cp850}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 180 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str322, ei_cp1252}, +#line 35 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str323, ei_ucs4}, +#line 353 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str324, ei_big5hkscs2008}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 33 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str327, ei_ucs4}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 234 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str330, ei_armscii_8}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 236 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str335, ei_georgian_ps}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 85 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str338, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 254 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str339, ei_tis620}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 365 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str342, ei_iso2022_kr}, +#line 215 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str343, ei_mac_roman}, + {-1}, +#line 142 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str345, ei_iso8859_13}, + {-1}, +#line 56 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str347, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 110 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str350, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 357 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str355, ei_euc_kr}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 38 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str358, ei_utf16}, +#line 260 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str359, ei_viscii}, +#line 364 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str360, ei_iso2022_kr}, + {-1}, +#line 19 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str362, ei_ascii}, +#line 23 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str363, ei_utf8}, +#line 41 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str364, ei_utf32}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 356 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str369, ei_euc_kr}, + {-1}, +#line 194 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str371, ei_cp1257}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 293 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str378, ei_iso646_cn}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 304 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str382, ei_ksc5601}, +#line 12 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str383, ei_ascii}, +#line 101 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str384, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 73 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str385, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 30 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str386, ei_ucs2be}, +#line 89 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str387, ei_iso8859_5}, + {-1}, +#line 116 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str389, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 29 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str390, ei_ucs2be}, +#line 228 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str391, ei_mac_thai}, +#line 230 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str392, ei_hp_roman8}, +#line 25 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str393, ei_ucs2}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 111 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str398, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 143 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str402, ei_iso8859_13}, + {-1}, +#line 244 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str404, ei_rk1048}, +#line 176 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str405, ei_cp1251}, +#line 192 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str406, ei_cp1256}, +#line 183 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str407, ei_cp1253}, +#line 179 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str408, ei_cp1252}, +#line 189 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str409, ei_cp1255}, + {-1}, +#line 198 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str411, ei_cp1258}, +#line 297 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str412, ei_gb2312}, +#line 233 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str413, ei_nextstep}, + {-1}, +#line 123 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str415, ei_iso8859_9}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 301 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str419, ei_ksc5601}, +#line 332 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str420, ei_cp936}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 113 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str423, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, +#line 81 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str434, ei_iso8859_4}, + {-1}, +#line 207 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str436, ei_cp862}, +#line 103 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str437, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 100 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str440, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 34 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str441, ei_ucs4}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 247 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str445, ei_mulelao}, +#line 108 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str446, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, +#line 269 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str448, ei_iso646_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 104 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str451, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, +#line 263 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str453, ei_tcvn}, + {-1}, +#line 264 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str455, ei_tcvn}, +#line 186 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str456, ei_cp1254}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 305 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str459, ei_ksc5601}, + {-1}, +#line 235 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str461, ei_georgian_academy}, +#line 219 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str462, ei_mac_iceland}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 119 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str469, ei_iso8859_8}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 291 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str473, ei_iso646_cn}, +#line 173 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str474, ei_cp1250}, +#line 280 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str475, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, +#line 97 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str477, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 132 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str478, ei_iso8859_10}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 340 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str481, ei_euc_tw}, + {-1}, +#line 31 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str483, ei_ucs2le}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 229 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str487, ei_hp_roman8}, +#line 20 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str488, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 170 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str492, ei_koi8_u}, +#line 28 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str493, ei_ucs2be}, + {-1}, +#line 339 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str495, ei_euc_tw}, +#line 217 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str496, ei_mac_roman}, +#line 26 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str497, ei_ucs2}, +#line 281 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str498, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 47 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str501, ei_ucs2internal}, + {-1}, +#line 15 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str503, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 270 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str510, ei_iso646_jp}, +#line 18 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str511, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 328 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str515, ei_euc_cn}, +#line 17 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str516, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, +#line 174 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str518, ei_cp1250}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 202 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str521, ei_cp850}, + {-1}, +#line 232 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str523, ei_hp_roman8}, + {-1}, +#line 214 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str525, ei_mac_roman}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 37 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str531, ei_ucs4le}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 98 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str536, ei_iso8859_6}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 32 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str540, ei_ucs2le}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 367 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str543, ei_local_wchar_t}, +#line 55 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str544, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 96 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str545, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 106 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str546, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 65 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str547, ei_iso8859_2}, + {-1}, +#line 49 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str549, ei_ucs4internal}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 288 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str554, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, +#line 358 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str556, ei_euc_kr}, +#line 46 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str557, ei_utf7}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 99 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str561, ei_iso8859_6}, + {-1}, +#line 45 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str563, ei_utf7}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 266 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str567, ei_iso646_jp}, + {-1}, +#line 171 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str569, ei_koi8_ru}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 195 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str572, ei_cp1257}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 322 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str575, ei_iso2022_jp2}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 187 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str579, ei_cp1254}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 220 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str583, ei_mac_croatian}, +#line 351 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str584, ei_big5hkscs2001}, +#line 267 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str585, ei_iso646_jp}, +#line 278 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str586, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 355 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str590, ei_big5hkscs2008}, +#line 320 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str591, ei_iso2022_jp1}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 321 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str594, ei_iso2022_jp2}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 312 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str599, ei_sjis}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 350 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str603, ei_big5hkscs1999}, +#line 27 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str604, ei_ucs2be}, + {-1}, +#line 224 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str606, ei_mac_greek}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 319 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str611, ei_iso2022_jp}, +#line 40 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str612, ei_utf16le}, +#line 311 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str613, ei_sjis}, + {-1}, +#line 184 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str615, ei_cp1253}, +#line 43 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str616, ei_utf32le}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 307 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str624, ei_euc_jp}, +#line 190 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str625, ei_cp1255}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 318 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str629, ei_iso2022_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 352 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str635, ei_big5hkscs2004}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 306 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str638, ei_euc_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 227 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str648, ei_mac_arabic}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 36 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str652, ei_ucs4be}, + {-1}, +#line 48 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str654, ei_ucs2swapped}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 283 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str660, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, +#line 225 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str662, ei_mac_turkish}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 315 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str666, ei_sjis}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 258 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str672, ei_cp874}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 341 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str682, ei_euc_tw}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 44 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str685, ei_utf7}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, +#line 359 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str696, ei_euc_kr}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 50 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str702, ei_ucs4swapped}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 105 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str711, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 346 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str715, ei_ces_big5}, + {-1}, +#line 265 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str717, ei_tcvn}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 271 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str723, ei_jisx0201}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 345 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str729, ei_ces_big5}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 118 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str732, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 39 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str733, ei_utf16be}, + {-1}, +#line 275 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str735, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, +#line 42 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str737, ei_utf32be}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 272 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str741, ei_jisx0201}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 285 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str748, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 282 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str752, ei_jisx0208}, +#line 276 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str753, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 193 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str771, ei_cp1256}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 218 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str797, ei_mac_centraleurope}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 274 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str803, ei_jisx0201}, +#line 314 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str804, ei_sjis}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 221 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str807, ei_mac_romania}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 277 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str820, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, +#line 342 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str822, ei_euc_tw}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 196 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str826, ei_cp1257}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, +#line 308 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str846, ei_euc_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 284 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str849, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 309 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str874, ei_euc_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, +#line 362 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str885, ei_johab}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 52 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str891, ei_java}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 223 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str898, ei_mac_ukraine}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 310 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str965, ei_euc_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 226 "lib/aliases_sysaix.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str989, ei_mac_hebrew} + }; + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +__inline +#if defined __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ || defined __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__ +__attribute__ ((__gnu_inline__)) +#endif +#endif +const struct alias * +aliases_lookup (register const char *str, register unsigned int len) +{ + if (len <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH && len >= MIN_WORD_LENGTH) + { + register int key = aliases_hash (str, len); + + if (key <= MAX_HASH_VALUE && key >= 0) + { + register int o = aliases[key].name; + if (o >= 0) + { + register const char *s = o + stringpool; + + if (*str == *s && !strcmp (str + 1, s + 1)) + return &aliases[key]; + } + } + } + return 0; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_syshpux.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_syshpux.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..57545efa2 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_syshpux.h @@ -0,0 +1,1773 @@ +/* ANSI-C code produced by gperf version 3.0.4 */ +/* Command-line: gperf -m 10 lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf */ +/* Computed positions: -k'1,3-11,$' */ + +#if !((' ' == 32) && ('!' == 33) && ('"' == 34) && ('#' == 35) \ + && ('%' == 37) && ('&' == 38) && ('\'' == 39) && ('(' == 40) \ + && (')' == 41) && ('*' == 42) && ('+' == 43) && (',' == 44) \ + && ('-' == 45) && ('.' == 46) && ('/' == 47) && ('0' == 48) \ + && ('1' == 49) && ('2' == 50) && ('3' == 51) && ('4' == 52) \ + && ('5' == 53) && ('6' == 54) && ('7' == 55) && ('8' == 56) \ + && ('9' == 57) && (':' == 58) && (';' == 59) && ('<' == 60) \ + && ('=' == 61) && ('>' == 62) && ('?' == 63) && ('A' == 65) \ + && ('B' == 66) && ('C' == 67) && ('D' == 68) && ('E' == 69) \ + && ('F' == 70) && ('G' == 71) && ('H' == 72) && ('I' == 73) \ + && ('J' == 74) && ('K' == 75) && ('L' == 76) && ('M' == 77) \ + && ('N' == 78) && ('O' == 79) && ('P' == 80) && ('Q' == 81) \ + && ('R' == 82) && ('S' == 83) && ('T' == 84) && ('U' == 85) \ + && ('V' == 86) && ('W' == 87) && ('X' == 88) && ('Y' == 89) \ + && ('Z' == 90) && ('[' == 91) && ('\\' == 92) && (']' == 93) \ + && ('^' == 94) && ('_' == 95) && ('a' == 97) && ('b' == 98) \ + && ('c' == 99) && ('d' == 100) && ('e' == 101) && ('f' == 102) \ + && ('g' == 103) && ('h' == 104) && ('i' == 105) && ('j' == 106) \ + && ('k' == 107) && ('l' == 108) && ('m' == 109) && ('n' == 110) \ + && ('o' == 111) && ('p' == 112) && ('q' == 113) && ('r' == 114) \ + && ('s' == 115) && ('t' == 116) && ('u' == 117) && ('v' == 118) \ + && ('w' == 119) && ('x' == 120) && ('y' == 121) && ('z' == 122) \ + && ('{' == 123) && ('|' == 124) && ('}' == 125) && ('~' == 126)) +/* The character set is not based on ISO-646. */ +#error "gperf generated tables don't work with this execution character set. Please report a bug to ." +#endif + +#line 1 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" +struct alias { int name; unsigned int encoding_index; }; + +#define TOTAL_KEYWORDS 357 +#define MIN_WORD_LENGTH 2 +#define MAX_WORD_LENGTH 45 +#define MIN_HASH_VALUE 9 +#define MAX_HASH_VALUE 1038 +/* maximum key range = 1030, duplicates = 0 */ + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +__inline +#else +#ifdef __cplusplus +inline +#endif +#endif +static unsigned int +aliases_hash (register const char *str, register unsigned int len) +{ + static const unsigned short asso_values[] = + { + 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, + 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, + 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, + 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, + 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 0, 112, 1039, 57, 2, + 0, 20, 51, 8, 5, 49, 13, 16, 335, 1039, + 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 13, 149, 1, 6, 10, + 55, 139, 10, 0, 328, 86, 210, 147, 6, 0, + 73, 1039, 120, 6, 17, 282, 238, 172, 274, 2, + 0, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 34, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, + 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, + 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, + 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039 + }; + register int hval = len; + + switch (hval) + { + default: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[10]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 10: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[9]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 9: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[8]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 8: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[7]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 7: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[6]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 6: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[5]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 5: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[4]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 4: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[3]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 3: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[2]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 2: + case 1: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[0]]; + break; + } + return hval + asso_values[(unsigned char)str[len - 1]]; +} + +struct stringpool_t + { + char stringpool_str9[sizeof("CN")]; + char stringpool_str12[sizeof("HZ")]; + char stringpool_str16[sizeof("862")]; + char stringpool_str17[sizeof("CP1252")]; + char stringpool_str19[sizeof("ASCII")]; + char stringpool_str21[sizeof("CP1251")]; + char stringpool_str22[sizeof("SJIS")]; + char stringpool_str24[sizeof("CP862")]; + char stringpool_str26[sizeof("866")]; + char stringpool_str27[sizeof("CP1256")]; + char stringpool_str28[sizeof("CSASCII")]; + char stringpool_str29[sizeof("EUCCN")]; + char stringpool_str30[sizeof("EUC-CN")]; + char stringpool_str33[sizeof("CP1255")]; + char stringpool_str34[sizeof("CP866")]; + char stringpool_str35[sizeof("CP1131")]; + char stringpool_str36[sizeof("C99")]; + char stringpool_str38[sizeof("CP1361")]; + char stringpool_str39[sizeof("HP15CN")]; + char stringpool_str42[sizeof("CP932")]; + char stringpool_str43[sizeof("CP1258")]; + char stringpool_str50[sizeof("CHINESE")]; + char stringpool_str52[sizeof("CP936")]; + char stringpool_str53[sizeof("CP819")]; + char stringpool_str57[sizeof("CP1253")]; + char stringpool_str58[sizeof("ISO88592")]; + char stringpool_str59[sizeof("ISO8859-2")]; + char stringpool_str60[sizeof("ISO-8859-2")]; + char stringpool_str62[sizeof("ISO88591")]; + char stringpool_str63[sizeof("ISO8859-1")]; + char stringpool_str64[sizeof("ISO-8859-1")]; + char stringpool_str66[sizeof("ISO8859-11")]; + char stringpool_str67[sizeof("ISO-8859-11")]; + char stringpool_str68[sizeof("ISO88596")]; + char stringpool_str69[sizeof("ISO8859-6")]; + char stringpool_str70[sizeof("ISO-8859-6")]; + char stringpool_str71[sizeof("CP1133")]; + char stringpool_str72[sizeof("ISO8859-16")]; + char stringpool_str73[sizeof("ISO-8859-16")]; + char stringpool_str74[sizeof("ISO88595")]; + char stringpool_str75[sizeof("ISO8859-5")]; + char stringpool_str76[sizeof("ISO-8859-5")]; + char stringpool_str77[sizeof("ISO885915")]; + char stringpool_str78[sizeof("ISO8859-15")]; + char stringpool_str79[sizeof("ISO-8859-15")]; + char stringpool_str81[sizeof("ISO-2022-CN")]; + char stringpool_str83[sizeof("ISO646-CN")]; + char stringpool_str84[sizeof("ISO88598")]; + char stringpool_str85[sizeof("ISO8859-8")]; + char stringpool_str86[sizeof("ISO-8859-8")]; + char stringpool_str88[sizeof("CSISO2022CN")]; + char stringpool_str90[sizeof("ISO88599")]; + char stringpool_str91[sizeof("ISO8859-9")]; + char stringpool_str92[sizeof("ISO-8859-9")]; + char stringpool_str94[sizeof("ISO_8859-2")]; + char stringpool_str96[sizeof("ISO-2022-CN-EXT")]; + char stringpool_str98[sizeof("ISO_8859-1")]; + char stringpool_str99[sizeof("ISO8859-3")]; + char stringpool_str100[sizeof("ISO-8859-3")]; + char stringpool_str101[sizeof("ISO_8859-11")]; + char stringpool_str102[sizeof("ISO8859-13")]; + char stringpool_str103[sizeof("ISO-8859-13")]; + char stringpool_str104[sizeof("ISO_8859-6")]; + char stringpool_str105[sizeof("CP949")]; + char stringpool_str107[sizeof("ISO_8859-16")]; + char stringpool_str109[sizeof("ISO_8859-16:2001")]; + char stringpool_str110[sizeof("ISO_8859-5")]; + char stringpool_str111[sizeof("ELOT_928")]; + char stringpool_str113[sizeof("ISO_8859-15")]; + char stringpool_str115[sizeof("CP1257")]; + char stringpool_str118[sizeof("CP154")]; + char stringpool_str119[sizeof("CP1254")]; + char stringpool_str120[sizeof("ISO_8859-8")]; + char stringpool_str123[sizeof("ISO_8859-15:1998")]; + char stringpool_str126[sizeof("ISO_8859-9")]; + char stringpool_str129[sizeof("CP367")]; + char stringpool_str130[sizeof("850")]; + char stringpool_str131[sizeof("CP1250")]; + char stringpool_str134[sizeof("ISO_8859-3")]; + char stringpool_str135[sizeof("R8")]; + char stringpool_str137[sizeof("ISO_8859-13")]; + char stringpool_str138[sizeof("ISO-IR-6")]; + char stringpool_str139[sizeof("KOI8-T")]; + char stringpool_str140[sizeof("ISO-IR-226")]; + char stringpool_str141[sizeof("CP850")]; + char stringpool_str142[sizeof("ISO-IR-126")]; + char stringpool_str144[sizeof("CP950")]; + char stringpool_str147[sizeof("ISO-IR-166")]; + char stringpool_str148[sizeof("TIS620")]; + char stringpool_str149[sizeof("TIS-620")]; + char stringpool_str152[sizeof("MAC")]; + char stringpool_str153[sizeof("ISO-IR-165")]; + char stringpool_str156[sizeof("ISO88597")]; + char stringpool_str157[sizeof("ISO8859-7")]; + char stringpool_str158[sizeof("ISO-8859-7")]; + char stringpool_str159[sizeof("ISO_8859-10:1992")]; + char stringpool_str161[sizeof("ISO8859-4")]; + char stringpool_str162[sizeof("ISO-8859-4")]; + char stringpool_str163[sizeof("ISO-IR-58")]; + char stringpool_str164[sizeof("ISO8859-14")]; + char stringpool_str165[sizeof("ISO-8859-14")]; + char stringpool_str166[sizeof("ISO_8859-14:1998")]; + char stringpool_str167[sizeof("GB2312")]; + char stringpool_str170[sizeof("CP874")]; + char stringpool_str171[sizeof("IBM862")]; + char 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"ISO8859-3", + "ISO-8859-3", + "ISO_8859-11", + "ISO8859-13", + "ISO-8859-13", + "ISO_8859-6", + "CP949", + "ISO_8859-16", + "ISO_8859-16:2001", + "ISO_8859-5", + "ELOT_928", + "ISO_8859-15", + "CP1257", + "CP154", + "CP1254", + "ISO_8859-8", + "ISO_8859-15:1998", + "ISO_8859-9", + "CP367", + "850", + "CP1250", + "ISO_8859-3", + "R8", + "ISO_8859-13", + "ISO-IR-6", + "KOI8-T", + "ISO-IR-226", + "CP850", + "ISO-IR-126", + "CP950", + "ISO-IR-166", + "TIS620", + "TIS-620", + "MAC", + "ISO-IR-165", + "ISO88597", + "ISO8859-7", + "ISO-8859-7", + "ISO_8859-10:1992", + "ISO8859-4", + "ISO-8859-4", + "ISO-IR-58", + "ISO8859-14", + "ISO-8859-14", + "ISO_8859-14:1998", + "GB2312", + "CP874", + "IBM862", + "ISO-IR-159", + "ISO8859-10", + "ISO-8859-10", + "ISO-IR-138", + "MS-ANSI", + "ISO-IR-199", + "IBM866", + "MS-EE", + "ARABIC", + "PT154", + "ISO_8859-7", + "ISO-IR-101", + "MACTHAI", + "ISO_8859-4", + "MS936", + "ISO_8859-14", + "IBM819", + "ARMSCII-8", + "KSC_5601", + "MACINTOSH", + 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"lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str12, ei_hz}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 212 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str16, ei_cp862}, +#line 186 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str17, ei_cp1252}, + {-1}, +#line 13 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str19, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, +#line 183 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str21, ei_cp1251}, +#line 317 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str22, ei_sjis}, + {-1}, +#line 210 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str24, ei_cp862}, + {-1}, +#line 216 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str26, ei_cp866}, +#line 198 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str27, ei_cp1256}, +#line 22 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str28, ei_ascii}, +#line 327 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str29, ei_euc_cn}, +#line 326 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str30, ei_euc_cn}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 195 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str33, ei_cp1255}, +#line 214 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str34, ei_cp866}, +#line 218 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str35, ei_cp1131}, +#line 52 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str36, ei_c99}, + {-1}, +#line 364 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str38, ei_johab}, +#line 331 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str39, ei_euc_cn}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 320 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str42, ei_cp932}, +#line 204 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str43, ei_cp1258}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 302 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str50, ei_gb2312}, + {-1}, +#line 333 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str52, ei_cp936}, +#line 58 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str53, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 189 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str57, ei_cp1253}, +#line 73 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str58, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 72 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str59, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 65 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str60, ei_iso8859_2}, + {-1}, +#line 64 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str62, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 63 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str63, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 54 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str64, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, +#line 147 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str66, ei_iso8859_11}, +#line 145 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str67, ei_iso8859_11}, +#line 107 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str68, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 106 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str69, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 98 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str70, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 253 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str71, ei_cp1133}, +#line 175 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str72, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 169 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str73, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 97 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str74, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 96 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str75, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 90 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str76, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 168 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str77, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 167 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str78, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 162 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str79, ei_iso8859_15}, + {-1}, +#line 337 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str81, ei_iso2022_cn}, + {-1}, +#line 295 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str83, ei_iso646_cn}, +#line 127 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str84, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 126 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str85, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 120 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str86, ei_iso8859_8}, + {-1}, +#line 338 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str88, ei_iso2022_cn}, + {-1}, +#line 136 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str90, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 135 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str91, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 128 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str92, ei_iso8859_9}, + {-1}, +#line 66 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str94, ei_iso8859_2}, + {-1}, +#line 339 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str96, ei_iso2022_cn_ext}, + {-1}, +#line 55 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str98, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 81 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str99, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 74 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str100, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 146 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str101, ei_iso8859_11}, +#line 153 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str102, ei_iso8859_13}, +#line 148 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str103, ei_iso8859_13}, +#line 99 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str104, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 361 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str105, ei_cp949}, + {-1}, +#line 170 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str107, ei_iso8859_16}, + {-1}, +#line 171 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str109, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 91 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str110, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 114 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str111, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, +#line 163 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str113, ei_iso8859_15}, + {-1}, +#line 201 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str115, ei_cp1257}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 245 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str118, ei_pt154}, +#line 192 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str119, ei_cp1254}, +#line 121 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str120, ei_iso8859_8}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 164 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str123, ei_iso8859_15}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 129 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str126, ei_iso8859_9}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 19 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str129, ei_ascii}, +#line 208 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str130, ei_cp850}, +#line 180 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str131, ei_cp1250}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 75 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str134, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 236 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str135, ei_hp_roman8}, + {-1}, +#line 149 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str137, ei_iso8859_13}, +#line 16 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str138, ei_ascii}, +#line 242 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str139, ei_koi8_t}, +#line 172 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str140, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 206 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str141, ei_cp850}, +#line 112 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str142, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, +#line 351 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str144, ei_cp950}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 261 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str147, ei_tis620}, +#line 256 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str148, ei_tis620}, +#line 255 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str149, ei_tis620}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 221 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str152, ei_mac_roman}, +#line 303 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str153, ei_isoir165}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 119 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str156, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 118 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str157, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 108 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str158, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 139 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str159, ei_iso8859_10}, + {-1}, +#line 89 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str161, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 82 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str162, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 300 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str163, ei_gb2312}, +#line 161 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str164, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 154 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str165, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 156 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str166, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 328 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str167, ei_euc_cn}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 262 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str170, ei_cp874}, +#line 211 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str171, ei_cp862}, +#line 292 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str172, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 144 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str176, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 137 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str177, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 123 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str178, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 188 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str179, ei_cp1252}, +#line 157 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str180, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 215 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str181, ei_cp866}, +#line 182 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str182, ei_cp1250}, +#line 104 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str183, ei_iso8859_6}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 243 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str190, ei_pt154}, + {-1}, +#line 109 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str192, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 68 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str193, ei_iso8859_2}, + {-1}, +#line 233 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str195, ei_mac_thai}, +#line 83 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str196, ei_iso8859_4}, + {-1}, +#line 334 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str198, ei_cp936}, +#line 155 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str199, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 59 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str200, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, +#line 239 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str202, ei_armscii_8}, +#line 305 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str203, ei_ksc5601}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 220 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str206, ei_mac_roman}, +#line 257 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str207, ei_tis620}, +#line 113 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str208, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 131 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str209, ei_iso8859_9}, + {-1}, +#line 138 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str211, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 70 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str212, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 150 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str213, ei_iso8859_13}, +#line 61 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str214, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 308 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str215, ei_ksc5601}, + {-1}, +#line 142 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str217, ei_iso8859_10}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 133 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str220, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 77 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str221, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 222 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str222, ei_mac_roman}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 159 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str225, ei_iso8859_14}, + {-1}, +#line 165 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str227, ei_iso8859_15}, + {-1}, +#line 250 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str229, ei_rk1048}, +#line 101 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str230, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 251 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str231, ei_rk1048}, +#line 79 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str232, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 273 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str233, ei_iso646_jp}, + {-1}, +#line 296 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str235, ei_iso646_cn}, +#line 258 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str236, ei_tis620}, + {-1}, +#line 140 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str238, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 69 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str239, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 285 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str240, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 60 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str243, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 309 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str246, ei_ksc5601}, +#line 310 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str247, ei_ksc5601}, +#line 85 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str248, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 141 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str249, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 160 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str250, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 264 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str251, ei_viscii}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 266 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str254, ei_viscii}, +#line 132 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str255, ei_iso8859_9}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 367 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str258, ei_local_char}, +#line 307 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str259, ei_ksc5601}, +#line 260 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str260, ei_tis620}, +#line 152 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str261, ei_iso8859_13}, +#line 248 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str262, ei_rk1048}, +#line 87 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str263, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 71 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str264, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 158 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str265, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 244 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str266, ei_pt154}, + {-1}, +#line 62 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str268, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 267 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str271, ei_tcvn}, +#line 166 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str272, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 95 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str273, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 143 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str274, ei_iso8859_10}, + {-1}, +#line 20 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str276, ei_ascii}, +#line 115 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str277, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, +#line 78 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str279, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 134 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str280, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 291 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str281, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, +#line 105 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str283, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 102 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str284, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 93 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str285, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 247 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str286, ei_pt154}, +#line 362 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str287, ei_cp949}, +#line 207 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str288, ei_cp850}, + {-1}, +#line 21 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str290, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, +#line 306 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str292, ei_ksc5601}, +#line 25 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str293, ei_ucs2}, + {-1}, +#line 254 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str295, ei_cp1133}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 103 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str300, ei_iso8859_6}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 57 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str303, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 80 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str304, ei_iso8859_3}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 345 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str308, ei_ces_big5}, +#line 346 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str309, ei_ces_big5}, +#line 12 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str310, ei_ascii}, +#line 350 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str311, ei_ces_big5}, +#line 349 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str312, ei_ces_big5}, + {-1}, +#line 332 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str314, ei_ces_gbk}, +#line 259 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str315, ei_tis620}, +#line 30 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str316, ei_ucs2be}, + {-1}, +#line 235 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str318, ei_hp_roman8}, +#line 330 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str319, ei_euc_cn}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 31 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str323, ei_ucs2be}, + {-1}, +#line 27 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str325, ei_ucs2}, + {-1}, +#line 174 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str327, ei_iso8859_16}, + {-1}, +#line 268 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str329, ei_tcvn}, +#line 341 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str330, ei_hz}, +#line 234 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str331, ei_hp_roman8}, +#line 299 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str332, ei_gb2312}, +#line 217 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str333, ei_cp866}, +#line 269 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str334, ei_tcvn}, +#line 225 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str335, ei_mac_croatian}, +#line 116 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str336, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 151 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str337, ei_iso8859_13}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 278 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str340, ei_jisx0201}, +#line 86 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str341, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 359 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str342, ei_euc_kr}, +#line 358 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str343, ei_euc_kr}, + {-1}, +#line 176 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str345, ei_koi8_r}, + {-1}, +#line 177 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str347, ei_koi8_r}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 336 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str352, ei_gb18030}, + {-1}, +#line 294 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str354, ei_iso646_cn}, +#line 39 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str355, ei_utf16}, +#line 173 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str356, ei_iso8859_16}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 284 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str362, ei_jisx0208}, +#line 42 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str363, ei_utf32}, +#line 14 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str364, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, +#line 88 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str366, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 24 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str367, ei_utf8}, +#line 23 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str368, ei_utf8}, +#line 46 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str369, ei_utf7}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 47 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str374, ei_utf7}, + {-1}, +#line 265 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str376, ei_viscii}, +#line 343 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str377, ei_euc_tw}, +#line 342 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str378, ei_euc_tw}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 187 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str384, ei_cp1252}, + {-1}, +#line 184 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str386, ei_cp1251}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 199 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str389, ei_cp1256}, +#line 368 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str390, ei_local_wchar_t}, + {-1}, +#line 196 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str392, ei_cp1255}, + {-1}, +#line 365 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str394, ei_iso2022_kr}, +#line 34 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str395, ei_ucs4}, +#line 298 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str396, ei_iso646_cn}, +#line 205 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str397, ei_cp1258}, +#line 36 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str398, ei_ucs4}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 366 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str401, ei_iso2022_kr}, + {-1}, +#line 274 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str403, ei_iso646_jp}, +#line 190 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str404, ei_cp1253}, +#line 249 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str405, ei_rk1048}, +#line 237 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str406, ei_hp_roman8}, + {-1}, +#line 301 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str408, ei_gb2312}, + {-1}, +#line 224 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str410, ei_mac_iceland}, + {-1}, +#line 275 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str412, ei_iso646_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 286 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str415, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, +#line 26 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str417, ei_ucs2}, + {-1}, +#line 335 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str419, ei_cp936}, +#line 356 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str420, ei_big5hkscs2008}, +#line 355 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str421, ei_big5hkscs2008}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 316 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str427, ei_sjis}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 202 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str433, ei_cp1257}, + {-1}, +#line 193 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str435, ei_cp1254}, + {-1}, +#line 304 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str437, ei_isoir165}, + {-1}, +#line 319 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str439, ei_sjis}, +#line 45 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str440, ei_utf7}, +#line 181 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str441, ei_cp1250}, +#line 313 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str442, ei_euc_jp}, +#line 329 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str443, ei_euc_cn}, +#line 293 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str444, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 219 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str448, ei_mac_roman}, +#line 240 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str449, ei_georgian_academy}, +#line 271 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str450, ei_iso646_jp}, +#line 125 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str451, ei_iso8859_8}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 232 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str454, ei_mac_arabic}, +#line 92 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str455, ei_iso8859_5}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 122 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str460, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 315 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str461, ei_sjis}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 28 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str464, ei_ucs2be}, + {-1}, +#line 130 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str466, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 76 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str467, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 35 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str468, ei_ucs4}, + {-1}, +#line 226 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str470, ei_mac_romania}, +#line 324 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str471, ei_iso2022_jp2}, + {-1}, +#line 323 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str473, ei_iso2022_jp1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 325 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str477, ei_iso2022_jp2}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 283 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str481, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, +#line 67 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str483, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 238 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str484, ei_nextstep}, +#line 56 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str485, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 100 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str488, ei_iso8859_6}, + {-1}, +#line 312 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str490, ei_euc_jp}, +#line 311 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str491, ei_euc_jp}, + {-1}, +#line 117 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str493, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 84 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str498, ei_iso8859_4}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 111 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str503, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 241 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str513, ei_georgian_ps}, + {-1}, +#line 37 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str515, ei_ucs4be}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 40 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str521, ei_utf16be}, + {-1}, +#line 213 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str523, ei_cp862}, + {-1}, +#line 32 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str525, ei_ucs2le}, +#line 279 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str526, ei_jisx0201}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 18 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str531, ei_ascii}, +#line 110 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str532, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, +#line 43 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str534, ei_utf32be}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 263 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str537, ei_cp874}, + {-1}, +#line 17 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str539, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 321 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str542, ei_iso2022_jp}, + {-1}, +#line 272 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str544, ei_iso646_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 322 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str549, ei_iso2022_jp}, + {-1}, +#line 94 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str551, ei_iso8859_5}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 223 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str561, ei_mac_centraleurope}, + {-1}, +#line 197 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str563, ei_cp1255}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 33 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str566, ei_ucs2le}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 38 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str576, ei_ucs4le}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 246 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str581, ei_pt154}, +#line 41 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str582, ei_utf16le}, +#line 15 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str583, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 44 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str595, ei_utf32le}, +#line 53 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str596, ei_java}, + {-1}, +#line 200 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str598, ei_cp1256}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 252 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str603, ei_mulelao}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 191 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str606, ei_cp1253}, +#line 229 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str607, ei_mac_greek}, +#line 348 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str608, ei_ces_big5}, +#line 347 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str609, ei_ces_big5}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 318 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str622, ei_sjis}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 360 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str627, ei_euc_kr}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 124 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str639, ei_iso8859_8}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 49 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str644, ei_ucs2swapped}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 363 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str654, ei_johab}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 344 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str662, ei_euc_tw}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 48 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str665, ei_ucs2internal}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 178 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str669, ei_koi8_u}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 228 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str685, ei_mac_ukraine}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 230 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str689, ei_mac_turkish}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 270 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str692, ei_tcvn}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 51 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str695, ei_ucs4swapped}, + {-1}, +#line 185 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str697, ei_cp1251}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 227 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str704, ei_mac_cyrillic}, +#line 287 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str705, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, +#line 314 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str707, ei_euc_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 288 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str710, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 50 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str716, ei_ucs4internal}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, +#line 29 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str736, ei_ucs2be}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 194 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str745, ei_cp1254}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 353 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str757, ei_big5hkscs2001}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 277 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str760, ei_jisx0201}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 357 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str768, ei_big5hkscs2008}, +#line 276 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str769, ei_jisx0201}, + {-1}, +#line 352 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str771, ei_big5hkscs1999}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 290 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str774, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 179 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str790, ei_koi8_ru}, +#line 280 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str791, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 231 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str800, ei_mac_hebrew}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 281 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str805, ei_jisx0208}, +#line 354 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str806, ei_big5hkscs2004}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 282 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str842, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 289 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str888, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 203 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str991, ei_cp1257}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, +#line 209 "lib/aliases_syshpux.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str1038, ei_cp850} + }; + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +__inline +#if defined __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ || defined __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__ +__attribute__ ((__gnu_inline__)) +#endif +#endif +const struct alias * +aliases_lookup (register const char *str, register unsigned int len) +{ + if (len <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH && len >= MIN_WORD_LENGTH) + { + register int key = aliases_hash (str, len); + + if (key <= MAX_HASH_VALUE && key >= 0) + { + register int o = aliases[key].name; + if (o >= 0) + { + register const char *s = o + stringpool; + + if (*str == *s && !strcmp (str + 1, s + 1)) + return &aliases[key]; + } + } + } + return 0; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_sysosf1.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_sysosf1.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..18bbb031f --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_sysosf1.h @@ -0,0 +1,1745 @@ +/* ANSI-C code produced by gperf version 3.0.4 */ +/* Command-line: gperf -m 10 lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf */ +/* Computed positions: -k'1,3-11,$' */ + +#if !((' ' == 32) && ('!' == 33) && ('"' == 34) && ('#' == 35) \ + && ('%' == 37) && ('&' == 38) && ('\'' == 39) && ('(' == 40) \ + && (')' == 41) && ('*' == 42) && ('+' == 43) && (',' == 44) \ + && ('-' == 45) && ('.' == 46) && ('/' == 47) && ('0' == 48) \ + && ('1' == 49) && ('2' == 50) && ('3' == 51) && ('4' == 52) \ + && ('5' == 53) && ('6' == 54) && ('7' == 55) && ('8' == 56) \ + && ('9' == 57) && (':' == 58) && (';' == 59) && ('<' == 60) \ + && ('=' == 61) && ('>' == 62) && ('?' == 63) && ('A' == 65) \ + && ('B' == 66) && ('C' == 67) && ('D' == 68) && ('E' == 69) \ + && ('F' == 70) && ('G' == 71) && ('H' == 72) && ('I' == 73) \ + && ('J' == 74) && ('K' == 75) && ('L' == 76) && ('M' == 77) \ + && ('N' == 78) && ('O' == 79) && ('P' == 80) && ('Q' == 81) \ + && ('R' == 82) && ('S' == 83) && ('T' == 84) && ('U' == 85) \ + && ('V' == 86) && ('W' == 87) && ('X' == 88) && ('Y' == 89) \ + && ('Z' == 90) && ('[' == 91) && ('\\' == 92) && (']' == 93) \ + && ('^' == 94) && ('_' == 95) && ('a' == 97) && ('b' == 98) \ + && ('c' == 99) && ('d' == 100) && ('e' == 101) && ('f' == 102) \ + && ('g' == 103) && ('h' == 104) && ('i' == 105) && ('j' == 106) \ + && ('k' == 107) && ('l' == 108) && ('m' == 109) && ('n' == 110) \ + && ('o' == 111) && ('p' == 112) && ('q' == 113) && ('r' == 114) \ + && ('s' == 115) && ('t' == 116) && ('u' == 117) && ('v' == 118) \ + && ('w' == 119) && ('x' == 120) && ('y' == 121) && ('z' == 122) \ + && ('{' == 123) && ('|' == 124) && ('}' == 125) && ('~' == 126)) +/* The character set is not based on ISO-646. */ +#error "gperf generated tables don't work with this execution character set. Please report a bug to ." +#endif + +#line 1 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" +struct alias { int name; unsigned int encoding_index; }; + +#define TOTAL_KEYWORDS 352 +#define MIN_WORD_LENGTH 2 +#define MAX_WORD_LENGTH 45 +#define MIN_HASH_VALUE 13 +#define MAX_HASH_VALUE 939 +/* maximum key range = 927, duplicates = 0 */ + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +__inline +#else +#ifdef __cplusplus +inline +#endif +#endif +static unsigned int +aliases_hash (register const char *str, register unsigned int len) +{ + static const unsigned short asso_values[] = + { + 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, + 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, + 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, + 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, + 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 13, 100, 940, 73, 4, + 7, 6, 55, 8, 5, 156, 10, 23, 295, 940, + 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 115, 165, 4, 6, 104, + 115, 13, 53, 4, 304, 95, 7, 150, 18, 4, + 75, 940, 76, 50, 25, 141, 173, 137, 120, 6, + 5, 940, 940, 940, 940, 27, 940, 940, 940, 940, + 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, + 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, + 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940 + }; + register int hval = len; + + switch (hval) + { + default: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[10]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 10: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[9]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 9: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[8]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 8: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[7]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 7: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[6]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 6: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[5]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 5: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[4]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 4: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[3]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 3: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[2]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 2: + case 1: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[0]]; + break; + } + return hval + asso_values[(unsigned char)str[len - 1]]; +} + +struct stringpool_t + { + char stringpool_str13[sizeof("L1")]; + char stringpool_str14[sizeof("L6")]; + char stringpool_str15[sizeof("L3")]; + char stringpool_str16[sizeof("L2")]; + char stringpool_str17[sizeof("L5")]; + char stringpool_str19[sizeof("L8")]; + char stringpool_str23[sizeof("866")]; + char stringpool_str24[sizeof("CN")]; + char stringpool_str27[sizeof("862")]; + char stringpool_str32[sizeof("CP1131")]; + char stringpool_str33[sizeof("CP1361")]; + char stringpool_str34[sizeof("CP866")]; + char stringpool_str36[sizeof("CP1133")]; + char stringpool_str37[sizeof("CP1251")]; + char stringpool_str38[sizeof("CP862")]; + char stringpool_str39[sizeof("CP1256")]; + char stringpool_str41[sizeof("CP1253")]; + char stringpool_str43[sizeof("CP1252")]; + char stringpool_str45[sizeof("CP1255")]; + char stringpool_str48[sizeof("CP936")]; + char stringpool_str49[sizeof("CP1258")]; + char stringpool_str50[sizeof("GB2312")]; + char stringpool_str52[sizeof("CP932")]; + char stringpool_str53[sizeof("C99")]; + char stringpool_str60[sizeof("HZ")]; + char stringpool_str64[sizeof("L4")]; + char stringpool_str68[sizeof("LATIN1")]; + char stringpool_str69[sizeof("CP819")]; + char stringpool_str70[sizeof("LATIN6")]; + char stringpool_str72[sizeof("LATIN3")]; + char stringpool_str74[sizeof("LATIN2")]; + char stringpool_str76[sizeof("LATIN5")]; + char stringpool_str80[sizeof("LATIN8")]; + char stringpool_str88[sizeof("R8")]; + char stringpool_str89[sizeof("ISO8859-1")]; + char stringpool_str91[sizeof("ISO8859-6")]; + char stringpool_str93[sizeof("ISO8859-3")]; + char stringpool_str94[sizeof("ISO8859-11")]; + char stringpool_str95[sizeof("ISO8859-2")]; + char stringpool_str96[sizeof("ISO8859-16")]; + char stringpool_str97[sizeof("ISO8859-5")]; + char stringpool_str98[sizeof("ISO8859-13")]; + char stringpool_str101[sizeof("ISO8859-8")]; + char stringpool_str102[sizeof("ISO8859-15")]; + char stringpool_str103[sizeof("ISO-8859-1")]; + char stringpool_str105[sizeof("ISO-8859-6")]; + char stringpool_str107[sizeof("ISO-8859-3")]; + char stringpool_str108[sizeof("ISO-8859-11")]; + char stringpool_str109[sizeof("ISO-8859-2")]; + char stringpool_str110[sizeof("ISO-8859-16")]; + char stringpool_str111[sizeof("ISO-8859-5")]; + char stringpool_str112[sizeof("ISO-8859-13")]; + char stringpool_str115[sizeof("ISO-8859-8")]; + char stringpool_str116[sizeof("ISO-8859-15")]; + char stringpool_str117[sizeof("ISO_8859-1")]; + char stringpool_str118[sizeof("CYRILLIC")]; + char stringpool_str119[sizeof("ISO_8859-6")]; + char stringpool_str120[sizeof("LATIN-9")]; + char stringpool_str121[sizeof("ISO_8859-3")]; + char stringpool_str122[sizeof("ISO_8859-11")]; + char stringpool_str123[sizeof("ISO_8859-2")]; + char stringpool_str124[sizeof("ISO_8859-16")]; + char stringpool_str125[sizeof("ISO_8859-5")]; + char stringpool_str126[sizeof("ISO_8859-13")]; + char 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"EXTENDED_UNIX_CODE_PACKED_FORMAT_FOR_JAPANESE", + "SDECKANJI", + "JAVA", + "ISO_8859-7:1987", + "TCVN5712-1:1993", + "MS_KANJI", + "MACCENTRALEUROPE", + "CSISO87JISX0208", + "UCS-4-SWAPPED", + "MACROMANIA", + "BIG5-HKSCS:2001", + "JIS_X0208-1990", + "BIG5-HKSCS:2008", + "BIG5-HKSCS:1999", + "JIS_X0212.1990-0", + "MS-ARAB", + "JOHAB", + "BIG5-HKSCS:2004", + "MACUKRAINE", + "CSEUCPKDFMTJAPANESE", + "WINBALTRIM", + "MACHEBREW" + }; +#define stringpool ((const char *) &stringpool_contents) + +static const struct alias aliases[] = + { + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 60 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str13, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 134 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str14, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 76 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str15, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 68 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str16, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 126 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str17, ei_iso8859_9}, + {-1}, +#line 151 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str19, ei_iso8859_14}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 207 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str23, ei_cp866}, +#line 289 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str24, ei_iso646_cn}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 203 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str27, ei_cp862}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 209 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str32, ei_cp1131}, +#line 359 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str33, ei_johab}, +#line 205 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str34, ei_cp866}, + {-1}, +#line 244 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str36, ei_cp1133}, +#line 174 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str37, ei_cp1251}, +#line 201 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str38, ei_cp862}, +#line 189 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str39, ei_cp1256}, + {-1}, +#line 180 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str41, ei_cp1253}, + {-1}, +#line 177 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str43, ei_cp1252}, + {-1}, +#line 186 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str45, ei_cp1255}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 326 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str48, ei_cp936}, +#line 195 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str49, ei_cp1258}, +#line 321 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str50, ei_euc_cn}, + {-1}, +#line 313 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str52, ei_cp932}, +#line 51 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str53, ei_c99}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 333 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str60, ei_hz}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 84 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str64, ei_iso8859_4}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 59 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str68, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 57 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str69, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 133 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str70, ei_iso8859_10}, + {-1}, +#line 75 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str72, ei_iso8859_3}, + {-1}, +#line 67 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str74, ei_iso8859_2}, + {-1}, +#line 125 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str76, ei_iso8859_9}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 150 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str80, ei_iso8859_14}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 227 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str88, ei_hp_roman8}, +#line 62 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str89, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, +#line 102 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str91, ei_iso8859_6}, + {-1}, +#line 78 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str93, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 139 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str94, ei_iso8859_11}, +#line 70 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str95, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 166 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str96, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 93 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str97, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 145 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str98, ei_iso8859_13}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 120 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str101, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 159 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str102, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 53 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str103, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, +#line 94 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str105, ei_iso8859_6}, + {-1}, +#line 71 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str107, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 137 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str108, ei_iso8859_11}, +#line 63 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str109, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 160 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str110, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 87 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str111, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 140 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str112, ei_iso8859_13}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 114 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str115, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 154 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str116, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 54 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str117, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 91 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str118, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 95 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str119, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 158 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str120, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 72 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str121, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 138 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str122, ei_iso8859_11}, +#line 64 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str123, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 161 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str124, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 88 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str125, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 141 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str126, ei_iso8859_13}, +#line 128 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str127, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 162 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str128, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 115 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str129, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 155 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str130, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 236 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str131, ei_pt154}, +#line 16 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str132, ei_ascii}, +#line 355 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str133, ei_cp949}, + {-1}, +#line 287 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str135, ei_iso646_cn}, +#line 13 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str136, ei_ascii}, +#line 156 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str137, ei_iso8859_15}, + {-1}, +#line 183 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str139, ei_cp1254}, + {-1}, +#line 121 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str141, ei_iso8859_9}, + {-1}, +#line 252 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str143, ei_tis620}, + {-1}, +#line 107 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str145, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 163 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str148, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 295 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str149, ei_isoir165}, +#line 283 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str150, ei_jisx0212}, +#line 292 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str151, ei_gb2312}, +#line 356 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str152, ei_cp949}, +#line 320 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str153, ei_euc_cn}, +#line 117 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str154, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 122 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str155, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 165 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str156, ei_iso8859_16}, + {-1}, +#line 310 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str158, ei_sjis}, +#line 199 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str159, ei_cp850}, + {-1}, +#line 212 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str161, ei_mac_roman}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 253 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str164, ei_tis620}, +#line 144 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str165, ei_iso8859_13}, + {-1}, +#line 319 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str167, ei_euc_cn}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 83 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str170, ei_iso8859_4}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 197 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str173, ei_cp850}, + {-1}, +#line 171 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str175, ei_cp1250}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 233 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str178, ei_koi8_t}, +#line 330 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str179, ei_iso2022_cn}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 284 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str182, ei_jisx0212}, +#line 152 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str183, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 148 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str184, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 206 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str185, ei_cp866}, +#line 344 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str186, ei_cp950}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 202 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str189, ei_cp862}, +#line 332 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str190, ei_iso2022_cn_ext}, +#line 86 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str191, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 22 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str192, ei_ascii}, +#line 21 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str193, ei_ascii}, +#line 327 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str194, ei_cp936}, + {-1}, +#line 153 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str196, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 149 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str197, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 338 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str198, ei_ces_big5}, +#line 131 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str199, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 357 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str200, ei_cp949}, + {-1}, +#line 234 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str202, ei_pt154}, +#line 124 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str203, ei_iso8859_9}, + {-1}, +#line 79 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str205, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 325 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str206, ei_ces_gbk}, +#line 331 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str207, ei_iso2022_cn}, +#line 343 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str208, ei_ces_big5}, +#line 66 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str209, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 146 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str210, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 164 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str211, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 339 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str212, ei_ces_big5}, +#line 270 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str213, ei_jisx0201}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 157 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str216, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 324 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str217, ei_euc_cn}, +#line 109 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str218, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 80 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str219, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 58 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str220, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 323 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str221, ei_euc_cn}, +#line 342 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str222, ei_ces_big5}, +#line 24 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str223, ei_ucs2}, +#line 147 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str224, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 276 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str225, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 297 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str228, ei_ksc5601}, +#line 300 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str229, ei_ksc5601}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 136 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str232, ei_iso8859_10}, + {-1}, +#line 239 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str234, ei_rk1048}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 265 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str237, ei_iso646_jp}, +#line 259 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str238, ei_tcvn}, +#line 247 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str239, ei_tis620}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 291 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str243, ei_gb2312}, + {-1}, +#line 256 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str245, ei_viscii}, +#line 129 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str246, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 74 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str247, ei_iso8859_3}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 61 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str250, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, +#line 135 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str252, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 246 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str253, ei_tis620}, +#line 77 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str254, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 258 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str255, ei_viscii}, +#line 69 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str256, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 92 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str257, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 127 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str258, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 329 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str259, ei_gb18030}, +#line 130 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str260, ei_iso8859_10}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 242 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str264, ei_rk1048}, + {-1}, +#line 286 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str266, ei_iso646_cn}, +#line 241 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str267, ei_rk1048}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 176 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str270, ei_cp1251}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 362 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str275, ei_local_char}, +#line 168 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str276, ei_koi8_r}, + {-1}, +#line 82 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str278, ei_iso8859_4}, + {-1}, +#line 167 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str280, ei_koi8_r}, +#line 218 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str281, ei_mac_cyrillic}, +#line 245 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str282, ei_cp1133}, +#line 235 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str283, ei_pt154}, + {-1}, +#line 254 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str285, ei_cp874}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 38 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str289, ei_utf16}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 90 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str293, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 23 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str294, ei_utf8}, +#line 41 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str295, ei_utf32}, + {-1}, +#line 299 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str297, ei_ksc5601}, +#line 334 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str298, ei_hz}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 251 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str304, ei_tis620}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 30 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str308, ei_ucs2be}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 29 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str312, ei_ucs2be}, + {-1}, +#line 238 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str314, ei_pt154}, +#line 35 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str315, ei_ucs4}, +#line 237 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str316, ei_pt154}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 33 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str319, ei_ucs4}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 249 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str322, ei_tis620}, + {-1}, +#line 198 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str324, ei_cp850}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 248 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str327, ei_tis620}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 142 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str330, ei_iso8859_13}, + {-1}, +#line 19 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str332, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 14 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str336, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 25 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str339, ei_ucs2}, + {-1}, +#line 192 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str341, ei_cp1257}, +#line 110 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str342, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 12 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str343, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 56 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str347, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 85 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str352, ei_iso8859_4}, + {-1}, +#line 112 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str354, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, +#line 208 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str356, ei_cp866}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 293 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str359, ei_gb2312}, +#line 352 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str360, ei_euc_kr}, +#line 179 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str361, ei_cp1252}, +#line 224 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str362, ei_mac_thai}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 322 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str365, ei_euc_cn}, +#line 101 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str366, ei_iso8859_6}, + {-1}, +#line 296 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str368, ei_isoir165}, +#line 230 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str369, ei_armscii_8}, +#line 211 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str370, ei_mac_roman}, + {-1}, +#line 143 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str372, ei_iso8859_13}, +#line 250 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str373, ei_tis620}, +#line 351 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str374, ei_euc_kr}, +#line 257 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str375, ei_viscii}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 266 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str381, ei_iso646_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 226 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str385, ei_hp_roman8}, +#line 360 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str386, ei_iso2022_kr}, +#line 34 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str387, ei_ucs4}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 113 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str393, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, +#line 294 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str395, ei_gb2312}, + {-1}, +#line 231 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str397, ei_georgian_academy}, +#line 26 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str398, ei_ucs2}, + {-1}, +#line 175 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str400, ei_cp1251}, +#line 190 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str401, ei_cp1256}, +#line 181 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str402, ei_cp1253}, +#line 178 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str403, ei_cp1252}, +#line 187 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str404, ei_cp1255}, + {-1}, +#line 196 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str406, ei_cp1258}, +#line 103 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str407, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 169 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str410, ei_koi8_u}, +#line 204 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str411, ei_cp862}, +#line 336 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str412, ei_euc_tw}, +#line 100 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str413, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 361 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str414, ei_iso2022_kr}, +#line 328 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str415, ei_cp936}, +#line 111 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str416, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 243 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str417, ei_mulelao}, +#line 108 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str418, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, +#line 260 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str420, ei_tcvn}, +#line 104 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str421, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 261 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str422, ei_tcvn}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 73 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str425, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 335 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str426, ei_euc_tw}, +#line 89 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str427, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 215 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str428, ei_mac_iceland}, +#line 116 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str429, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 298 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str430, ei_ksc5601}, + {-1}, +#line 302 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str432, ei_ksc5601}, +#line 31 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str433, ei_ucs2le}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 119 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str437, ei_iso8859_8}, + {-1}, +#line 301 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str439, ei_ksc5601}, + {-1}, +#line 32 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str441, ei_ucs2le}, +#line 232 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str442, ei_georgian_ps}, +#line 288 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str443, ei_iso646_cn}, + {-1}, +#line 277 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str445, ei_jisx0208}, +#line 278 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str446, ei_jisx0208}, +#line 97 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str447, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 132 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str448, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 354 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str449, ei_euc_kr}, + {-1}, +#line 184 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str451, ei_cp1254}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 290 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str454, ei_iso646_cn}, +#line 123 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str455, ei_iso8859_9}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 225 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str458, ei_hp_roman8}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 46 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str464, ei_utf7}, +#line 363 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str465, ei_local_wchar_t}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 28 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str468, ei_ucs2be}, +#line 172 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str469, ei_cp1250}, +#line 45 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str470, ei_utf7}, + {-1}, +#line 47 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str472, ei_ucs2internal}, +#line 15 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str473, ei_ascii}, +#line 81 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str474, ei_iso8859_4}, + {-1}, +#line 240 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str476, ei_rk1048}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 173 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str480, ei_cp1250}, +#line 37 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str481, ei_ucs4le}, + {-1}, +#line 20 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str483, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 170 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str487, ei_koi8_ru}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 213 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str491, ei_mac_roman}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 349 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str497, ei_big5hkscs2008}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 229 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str500, ei_nextstep}, +#line 40 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str501, ei_utf16le}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 267 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str504, ei_iso646_jp}, +#line 43 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str505, ei_utf32le}, + {-1}, +#line 353 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str507, ei_euc_kr}, +#line 98 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str508, ei_iso8859_6}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 348 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str511, ei_big5hkscs2008}, + {-1}, +#line 18 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str513, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, +#line 263 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str515, ei_iso646_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 17 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str518, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, +#line 49 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str520, ei_ucs4internal}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 200 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str523, ei_cp850}, +#line 316 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str524, ei_iso2022_jp1}, +#line 228 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str525, ei_hp_roman8}, + {-1}, +#line 317 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str527, ei_iso2022_jp2}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 275 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str534, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 99 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str539, ei_iso8859_6}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 210 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str543, ei_mac_roman}, +#line 216 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str544, ei_mac_croatian}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 285 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str548, ei_jisx0212}, +#line 264 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str549, ei_iso646_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 193 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str552, ei_cp1257}, + {-1}, +#line 318 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str554, ei_iso2022_jp2}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 337 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str559, ei_euc_tw}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 304 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str567, ei_euc_jp}, + {-1}, +#line 55 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str569, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 96 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str570, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 106 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str571, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 65 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str572, ei_iso8859_2}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 303 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str581, ei_euc_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 44 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str586, ei_utf7}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 27 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str591, ei_ucs2be}, + {-1}, +#line 314 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str593, ei_iso2022_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 185 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str602, ei_cp1254}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 280 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str608, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 315 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str621, ei_iso2022_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 309 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str624, ei_sjis}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 308 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str638, ei_sjis}, +#line 36 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str639, ei_ucs4be}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 188 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str644, ei_cp1255}, + {-1}, +#line 223 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str646, ei_mac_arabic}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 220 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str649, ei_mac_greek}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 255 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str652, ei_cp874}, +#line 271 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str653, ei_jisx0201}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 182 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str658, ei_cp1253}, +#line 39 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str659, ei_utf16be}, + {-1}, +#line 221 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str661, ei_mac_turkish}, + {-1}, +#line 42 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str663, ei_utf32be}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 312 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str669, ei_sjis}, + {-1}, +#line 268 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str671, ei_jisx0201}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 118 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str678, ei_iso8859_8}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 272 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str683, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, +#line 341 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str685, ei_ces_big5}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 269 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str689, ei_jisx0201}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 48 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str695, ei_ucs2swapped}, +#line 282 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str696, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 340 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str699, ei_ces_big5}, + {-1}, +#line 273 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str701, ei_jisx0208}, +#line 305 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str702, ei_euc_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 307 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str707, ei_euc_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 52 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str711, ei_java}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 105 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str721, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 262 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str724, ei_tcvn}, +#line 311 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str725, ei_sjis}, + {-1}, +#line 214 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str727, ei_mac_centraleurope}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 279 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str731, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 50 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str743, ei_ucs4swapped}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 217 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str761, ei_mac_romania}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 346 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str765, ei_big5hkscs2001}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 274 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str768, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 350 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str771, ei_big5hkscs2008}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 345 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str784, ei_big5hkscs1999}, +#line 281 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str785, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 191 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str806, ei_cp1256}, +#line 358 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str807, ei_johab}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 347 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str816, ei_big5hkscs2004}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 219 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str821, ei_mac_ukraine}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 306 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str842, ei_euc_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 194 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str857, ei_cp1257}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 222 "lib/aliases_sysosf1.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str939, ei_mac_hebrew} + }; + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +__inline +#if defined __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ || defined __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__ +__attribute__ ((__gnu_inline__)) +#endif +#endif +const struct alias * +aliases_lookup (register const char *str, register unsigned int len) +{ + if (len <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH && len >= MIN_WORD_LENGTH) + { + register int key = aliases_hash (str, len); + + if (key <= MAX_HASH_VALUE && key >= 0) + { + register int o = aliases[key].name; + if (o >= 0) + { + register const char *s = o + stringpool; + + if (*str == *s && !strcmp (str + 1, s + 1)) + return &aliases[key]; + } + } + } + return 0; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_syssolaris.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_syssolaris.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c35d4f9bf --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/aliases_syssolaris.h @@ -0,0 +1,1756 @@ +/* ANSI-C code produced by gperf version 3.0.4 */ +/* Command-line: gperf -m 10 lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf */ +/* Computed positions: -k'1,3-11,$' */ + +#if !((' ' == 32) && ('!' == 33) && ('"' == 34) && ('#' == 35) \ + && ('%' == 37) && ('&' == 38) && ('\'' == 39) && ('(' == 40) \ + && (')' == 41) && ('*' == 42) && ('+' == 43) && (',' == 44) \ + && ('-' == 45) && ('.' == 46) && ('/' == 47) && ('0' == 48) \ + && ('1' == 49) && ('2' == 50) && ('3' == 51) && ('4' == 52) \ + && ('5' == 53) && ('6' == 54) && ('7' == 55) && ('8' == 56) \ + && ('9' == 57) && (':' == 58) && (';' == 59) && ('<' == 60) \ + && ('=' == 61) && ('>' == 62) && ('?' == 63) && ('A' == 65) \ + && ('B' == 66) && ('C' == 67) && ('D' == 68) && ('E' == 69) \ + && ('F' == 70) && ('G' == 71) && ('H' == 72) && ('I' == 73) \ + && ('J' == 74) && ('K' == 75) && ('L' == 76) && ('M' == 77) \ + && ('N' == 78) && ('O' == 79) && ('P' == 80) && ('Q' == 81) \ + && ('R' == 82) && ('S' == 83) && ('T' == 84) && ('U' == 85) \ + && ('V' == 86) && ('W' == 87) && ('X' == 88) && ('Y' == 89) \ + && ('Z' == 90) && ('[' == 91) && ('\\' == 92) && (']' == 93) \ + && ('^' == 94) && ('_' == 95) && ('a' == 97) && ('b' == 98) \ + && ('c' == 99) && ('d' == 100) && ('e' == 101) && ('f' == 102) \ + && ('g' == 103) && ('h' == 104) && ('i' == 105) && ('j' == 106) \ + && ('k' == 107) && ('l' == 108) && ('m' == 109) && ('n' == 110) \ + && ('o' == 111) && ('p' == 112) && ('q' == 113) && ('r' == 114) \ + && ('s' == 115) && ('t' == 116) && ('u' == 117) && ('v' == 118) \ + && ('w' == 119) && ('x' == 120) && ('y' == 121) && ('z' == 122) \ + && ('{' == 123) && ('|' == 124) && ('}' == 125) && ('~' == 126)) +/* The character set is not based on ISO-646. */ +#error "gperf generated tables don't work with this execution character set. Please report a bug to ." +#endif + +#line 1 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" +struct alias { int name; unsigned int encoding_index; }; + +#define TOTAL_KEYWORDS 354 +#define MIN_WORD_LENGTH 2 +#define MAX_WORD_LENGTH 45 +#define MIN_HASH_VALUE 8 +#define MAX_HASH_VALUE 1003 +/* maximum key range = 996, duplicates = 0 */ + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +__inline +#else +#ifdef __cplusplus +inline +#endif +#endif +static unsigned int +aliases_hash (register const char *str, register unsigned int len) +{ + static const unsigned short asso_values[] = + { + 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, + 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, + 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, + 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, + 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 2, 112, 1004, 27, 4, + 34, 57, 16, 22, 11, 168, 3, 10, 254, 1004, + 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 21, 126, 7, 10, 37, + 40, 119, 81, 62, 332, 197, 9, 169, 4, 2, + 8, 1004, 3, 34, 104, 205, 191, 192, 195, 36, + 16, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 3, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, + 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, + 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, + 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004, 1004 + }; + register int hval = len; + + switch (hval) + { + default: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[10]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 10: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[9]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 9: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[8]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 8: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[7]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 7: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[6]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 6: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[5]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 5: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[4]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 4: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[3]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 3: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[2]]; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + case 2: + case 1: + hval += asso_values[(unsigned char)str[0]]; + break; + } + return hval + asso_values[(unsigned char)str[len - 1]]; +} + +struct stringpool_t + { + char stringpool_str8[sizeof("R8")]; + char stringpool_str13[sizeof("CN")]; + char stringpool_str14[sizeof("L8")]; + char stringpool_str15[sizeof("L1")]; + char stringpool_str22[sizeof("L6")]; + char stringpool_str27[sizeof("L4")]; + char stringpool_str28[sizeof("866")]; + char stringpool_str30[sizeof("C99")]; + char stringpool_str33[sizeof("L5")]; + char stringpool_str36[sizeof("646")]; + char stringpool_str38[sizeof("CHAR")]; + char stringpool_str39[sizeof("CP819")]; + char stringpool_str45[sizeof("L2")]; + char stringpool_str48[sizeof("CP866")]; + char stringpool_str58[sizeof("CP949")]; + char stringpool_str60[sizeof("850")]; + char stringpool_str61[sizeof("5601")]; + char stringpool_str62[sizeof("RK1048")]; + char stringpool_str64[sizeof("EUCCN")]; + char stringpool_str66[sizeof("L10")]; + char stringpool_str67[sizeof("EUC-CN")]; + char stringpool_str68[sizeof("L3")]; + char stringpool_str70[sizeof("CP154")]; + char stringpool_str71[sizeof("PT154")]; + char stringpool_str74[sizeof("862")]; + char stringpool_str79[sizeof("CP1258")]; + char stringpool_str81[sizeof("CP1251")]; + char stringpool_str86[sizeof("CP1131")]; + char stringpool_str88[sizeof("PTCP154")]; + char stringpool_str91[sizeof("CP850")]; + char stringpool_str93[sizeof("CP1361")]; + char stringpool_str94[sizeof("CP862")]; + char stringpool_str95[sizeof("CP1256")]; + char stringpool_str98[sizeof("CP950")]; + char stringpool_str99[sizeof("HZ")]; + char stringpool_str101[sizeof("CP936")]; + char stringpool_str105[sizeof("CP1254")]; + char stringpool_str117[sizeof("CP1255")]; + char stringpool_str119[sizeof("ISO8859-8")]; + char stringpool_str121[sizeof("ISO8859-1")]; + char stringpool_str122[sizeof("ISO-8859-8")]; + char stringpool_str123[sizeof("ISO_8859-8")]; + char stringpool_str124[sizeof("ISO-8859-1")]; + char stringpool_str125[sizeof("ISO_8859-1")]; + char stringpool_str126[sizeof("ISO8859-11")]; + char stringpool_str127[sizeof("CP1250")]; + char stringpool_str128[sizeof("ISO646-CN")]; + char stringpool_str129[sizeof("ISO-8859-11")]; + char stringpool_str130[sizeof("ISO_8859-11")]; + char stringpool_str133[sizeof("ISO8859-9")]; + char stringpool_str135[sizeof("ISO8859-6")]; + char stringpool_str136[sizeof("ISO-8859-9")]; + char stringpool_str137[sizeof("ISO_8859-9")]; + char stringpool_str138[sizeof("ISO-8859-6")]; + char stringpool_str139[sizeof("ISO_8859-6")]; + char stringpool_str140[sizeof("ISO8859-16")]; + char stringpool_str141[sizeof("CP1252")]; + char stringpool_str142[sizeof("ISO_8859-16:2001")]; + char stringpool_str143[sizeof("ISO-8859-16")]; + char stringpool_str144[sizeof("ISO_8859-16")]; + char stringpool_str145[sizeof("ISO8859-4")]; + char stringpool_str146[sizeof("ISO_8859-14:1998")]; + char stringpool_str147[sizeof("CP932")]; + char stringpool_str148[sizeof("ISO-8859-4")]; + char stringpool_str149[sizeof("ISO_8859-4")]; + char stringpool_str150[sizeof("ISO8859-14")]; + char stringpool_str152[sizeof("ISO_8859-15:1998")]; + char stringpool_str153[sizeof("ISO-8859-14")]; + char stringpool_str154[sizeof("ISO_8859-14")]; + char stringpool_str157[sizeof("ISO8859-5")]; + char stringpool_str160[sizeof("ISO-8859-5")]; + char stringpool_str161[sizeof("ISO_8859-5")]; + char stringpool_str162[sizeof("ISO8859-15")]; + char stringpool_str163[sizeof("ISO-IR-6")]; + char stringpool_str165[sizeof("ISO-8859-15")]; + char stringpool_str166[sizeof("ISO_8859-15")]; + char stringpool_str168[sizeof("SJIS")]; + char stringpool_str169[sizeof("ISO-IR-148")]; + char stringpool_str170[sizeof("ISO-IR-58")]; + char stringpool_str172[sizeof("ISO8859-10")]; + char stringpool_str174[sizeof("CYRILLIC")]; + char stringpool_str175[sizeof("ISO-8859-10")]; + char stringpool_str176[sizeof("ISO_8859-10")]; + char stringpool_str177[sizeof("ISO-IR-199")]; + char stringpool_str178[sizeof("ISO-IR-14")]; + char stringpool_str179[sizeof("L7")]; + char stringpool_str180[sizeof("ISO-IR-166")]; + char stringpool_str181[sizeof("ISO8859-2")]; + char stringpool_str182[sizeof("ISO-IR-101")]; + char stringpool_str183[sizeof("ISO-IR-149")]; + char stringpool_str184[sizeof("ISO-8859-2")]; + char stringpool_str185[sizeof("ISO_8859-2")]; + char stringpool_str186[sizeof("MAC")]; + char stringpool_str187[sizeof("CP1253")]; + char stringpool_str188[sizeof("ISO_8859-10:1992")]; + char stringpool_str189[sizeof("ISO-IR-159")]; + char stringpool_str191[sizeof("LATIN8")]; + char stringpool_str192[sizeof("CP1133")]; + char stringpool_str193[sizeof("LATIN1")]; + char stringpool_str194[sizeof("ISO-IR-109")]; + char stringpool_str195[sizeof("ISO-IR-144")]; + char stringpool_str196[sizeof("ANSI-1251")]; + char stringpool_str198[sizeof("CNS11643")]; + char stringpool_str201[sizeof("CSPTCP154")]; + char stringpool_str202[sizeof("ISO-IR-165")]; + char 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stringpool_str917[sizeof("CSISO87JISX0208")]; + char stringpool_str953[sizeof("MACTURKISH")]; + char stringpool_str1003[sizeof("KO_KR.JOHAP92")]; + }; +static const struct stringpool_t stringpool_contents = + { + "R8", + "CN", + "L8", + "L1", + "L6", + "L4", + "866", + "C99", + "L5", + "646", + "CHAR", + "CP819", + "L2", + "CP866", + "CP949", + "850", + "5601", + "RK1048", + "EUCCN", + "L10", + "EUC-CN", + "L3", + "CP154", + "PT154", + "862", + "CP1258", + "CP1251", + "CP1131", + "PTCP154", + "CP850", + "CP1361", + "CP862", + "CP1256", + "CP950", + "HZ", + "CP936", + "CP1254", + "CP1255", + "ISO8859-8", + "ISO8859-1", + "ISO-8859-8", + "ISO_8859-8", + "ISO-8859-1", + "ISO_8859-1", + "ISO8859-11", + "CP1250", + "ISO646-CN", + "ISO-8859-11", + "ISO_8859-11", + "ISO8859-9", + "ISO8859-6", + "ISO-8859-9", + "ISO_8859-9", + "ISO-8859-6", + "ISO_8859-6", + "ISO8859-16", + "CP1252", + "ISO_8859-16:2001", + "ISO-8859-16", + "ISO_8859-16", + "ISO8859-4", + "ISO_8859-14:1998", + "CP932", + "ISO-8859-4", + "ISO_8859-4", + "ISO8859-14", + "ISO_8859-15:1998", + "ISO-8859-14", + "ISO_8859-14", + "ISO8859-5", + "ISO-8859-5", + "ISO_8859-5", + "ISO8859-15", + "ISO-IR-6", + "ISO-8859-15", + "ISO_8859-15", + "SJIS", + "ISO-IR-148", + "ISO-IR-58", + "ISO8859-10", + "CYRILLIC", + "ISO-8859-10", + "ISO_8859-10", + "ISO-IR-199", + "ISO-IR-14", + "L7", + "ISO-IR-166", + "ISO8859-2", + "ISO-IR-101", + "ISO-IR-149", + "ISO-8859-2", + "ISO_8859-2", + "MAC", + "CP1253", + "ISO_8859-10:1992", + "ISO-IR-159", + "LATIN8", + "CP1133", + "LATIN1", + "ISO-IR-109", + "ISO-IR-144", + "ANSI-1251", + "CNS11643", + "CSPTCP154", + "ISO-IR-165", + "ISO-IR-126", + "ELOT_928", + "ISO-IR-110", + "LATIN6", + "LATIN-9", + "ROMAN8", + "ISO-IR-138", + "GB_1988-80", + "CP874", + "LATIN4", + "ASCII", + "UHC", + "ISO-2022-CN", + "CHINESE", + "ISO8859-3", + "ISO-IR-100", + "LATIN5", + "ISO-8859-3", + "ISO_8859-3", + "ISO8859-13", + "ISO-IR-226", + "CYRILLIC-ASIAN", + "ISO-8859-13", + "ISO_8859-13", + "US", + "MS-CYRL", + "TIS620", + "LATIN10", + "TIS-620", + "ARABIC", + "ECMA-118", + "EUCKR", + "LATIN2", + "EUC-KR", + "UTF-8", + "KZ-1048", + "CSISO2022CN", + "CSASCII", + "MS936", + "IBM819", + "MULELAO-1", + "X0208", + "X0201", + "GB18030", + "KOREAN", + "IBM866", + "TIS620-0", + "KOI8-R", + "ECMA-114", + "UCS-4", + "UTF-16", + "CSKZ1048", + "KSC_5601", + "CSKOI8R", + "MS-EE", + "GB2312", + "CSUCS4", + "BIG5", + "BIG-5", + "HP-ROMAN8", + "LATIN3", + "KS_C_5601-1989", + "X0212", + "TCVN", + "ISO-CELTIC", + "CSHPROMAN8", + "UCS-2", + "IBM850", + "ISO-IR-203", + "IBM862", + "GB_2312-80", + "CSISOLATIN1", + "ISO-2022-CN-EXT", + "ISO-IR-179", + "CSISOLATINCYRILLIC", + "CSISOLATIN6", + "JP", + "MACICELAND", + "UCS-4LE", + "CSISOLATIN4", + "CSISOLATINARABIC", + "UNICODE-1-1", + "UTF-16LE", + "CSUNICODE11", + "CSISOLATIN5", + "MS-ANSI", + "CSBIG5", + "UCS-2LE", + "CN-BIG5", + "ARMSCII-8", + "ISO-10646-UCS-4", + "UTF-32", + "CSUNICODE", + "ISO_8859-8:1988", + "CSISOLATIN2", + "CN-GB", + 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"WINDOWS-1258", + "WINDOWS-1251", + "MACTHAI", + "WCHAR_T", + "GBK", + "ISO-IR-127", + "WINDOWS-1256", + "UNICODE-1-1-UTF-7", + "LATIN7", + "ANSI_X3.4-1968", + "WINDOWS-1254", + "CSUNICODE11UTF7", + "WINDOWS-1255", + "ANSI_X3.4-1986", + "TIS620.2533-0", + "EXTENDED_UNIX_CODE_PACKED_FORMAT_FOR_JAPANESE", + "WINDOWS-1250", + "WINDOWS-936", + "EUCTW", + "EUC-TW", + "WINDOWS-1252", + "JIS_C6226-1983", + "UCS-4-SWAPPED", + "UTF-32BE", + "TCVN5712-1", + "ISO_8859-1:1987", + "MACINTOSH", + "ISO-2022-JP-1", + "ISO_8859-6:1987", + "ISO-2022-JP", + "TIS620.2533", + "UCS-2-SWAPPED", + "WINDOWS-1253", + "JAVA", + "CSISO57GB1988", + "TCVN-5712", + "ISO_8859-2:1987", + "CSISO14JISC6220RO", + "CSMACINTOSH", + "ISO-2022-JP-2", + "UTF-7", + "CSPC850MULTILINGUAL", + "GREEK", + "CSISO2022JP", + "CSISOLATINHEBREW", + "ISO_8859-7:2003", + "CSISO159JISX02121990", + "BIGFIVE", + "CSISO2022JP2", + "BIG-FIVE", + "CSISOLATINGREEK", + "HEBREW", + "IBM367", + "CSHALFWIDTHKATAKANA", + "WINDOWS-874", + "UNICODELITTLE", + "BIG5HKSCS", + "BIG5-HKSCS", + "JIS_X0208", + "JIS_X0201", + "WINDOWS-1257", + "KOI8-U", + "KOI8-RU", + "JOHAB", + "JISX0201-1976", + "JIS_X0208-1990", + "JIS_X0212", + "JIS_X0212-1990", + "ISO_8859-7:1987", + "SHIFT-JIS", + "SHIFT_JIS", + "JIS_X0208-1983", + "CSEUCTW", + "MACUKRAINE", + "UNICODEBIG", + "MS-GREEK", + "MACGREEK", + "CSSHIFTJIS", + "JIS_X0212.1990-0", + "CSEUCPKDFMTJAPANESE", + "MACHEBREW", + "MS_KANJI", + "TCVN5712-1:1993", + "WINBALTRIM", + "MS-TURK", + "BIG5-HKSCS:2008", + "BIG5-HKSCS:2001", + "BIG5-HKSCS:1999", + "BIG5-HKSCS:2004", + "CSISO87JISX0208", + "MACTURKISH", + "KO_KR.JOHAP92" + }; +#define stringpool ((const char *) &stringpool_contents) + +static const struct alias aliases[] = + { + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 229 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str8, ei_hp_roman8}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 291 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str13, ei_iso646_cn}, +#line 152 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str14, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 61 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str15, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 135 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str22, ei_iso8859_10}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 85 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str27, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 209 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str28, ei_cp866}, + {-1}, +#line 52 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str30, ei_c99}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 127 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str33, ei_iso8859_9}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 23 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str36, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, +#line 364 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str38, ei_local_char}, +#line 58 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str39, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 69 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str45, ei_iso8859_2}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 207 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str48, ei_cp866}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 357 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str58, ei_cp949}, + {-1}, +#line 201 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str60, ei_cp850}, +#line 356 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str61, ei_euc_kr}, +#line 241 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str62, ei_rk1048}, + {-1}, +#line 322 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str64, ei_euc_cn}, + {-1}, +#line 166 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str66, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 321 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str67, ei_euc_cn}, +#line 77 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str68, ei_iso8859_3}, + {-1}, +#line 238 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str70, ei_pt154}, +#line 236 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str71, ei_pt154}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 205 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str74, ei_cp862}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 197 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str79, ei_cp1258}, + {-1}, +#line 175 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str81, ei_cp1251}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 211 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str86, ei_cp1131}, + {-1}, +#line 237 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str88, ei_pt154}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 199 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str91, ei_cp850}, + {-1}, +#line 360 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str93, ei_johab}, +#line 203 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str94, ei_cp862}, +#line 191 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str95, ei_cp1256}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 346 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str98, ei_cp950}, +#line 334 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str99, ei_hz}, + {-1}, +#line 327 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str101, ei_cp936}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 185 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str105, ei_cp1254}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 188 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str117, ei_cp1255}, + {-1}, +#line 121 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str119, ei_iso8859_8}, + {-1}, +#line 63 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str121, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 115 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str122, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 116 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str123, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 54 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str124, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 55 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str125, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 140 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str126, ei_iso8859_11}, +#line 172 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str127, ei_cp1250}, +#line 289 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str128, ei_iso646_cn}, +#line 138 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str129, ei_iso8859_11}, +#line 139 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str130, ei_iso8859_11}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 129 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str133, ei_iso8859_9}, + {-1}, +#line 103 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str135, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 122 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str136, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 123 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str137, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 95 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str138, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 96 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str139, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 167 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str140, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 179 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str141, ei_cp1252}, +#line 163 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str142, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 161 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str143, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 162 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str144, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 87 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str145, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 149 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str146, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 315 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str147, ei_cp932}, +#line 80 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str148, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 81 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str149, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 154 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str150, ei_iso8859_14}, + {-1}, +#line 157 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str152, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 147 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str153, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 148 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str154, ei_iso8859_14}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 94 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str157, ei_iso8859_5}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 88 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str160, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 89 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str161, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 160 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str162, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 16 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str163, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, +#line 155 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str165, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 156 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str166, ei_iso8859_15}, + {-1}, +#line 311 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str168, ei_sjis}, +#line 125 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str169, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 294 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str170, ei_gb2312}, + {-1}, +#line 137 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str172, ei_iso8859_10}, + {-1}, +#line 92 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str174, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 130 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str175, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 131 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str176, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 150 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str177, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 267 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str178, ei_iso646_jp}, +#line 145 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str179, ei_iso8859_13}, +#line 254 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str180, ei_tis620}, +#line 71 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str181, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 67 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str182, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 302 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str183, ei_ksc5601}, +#line 64 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str184, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 65 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str185, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 214 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str186, ei_mac_roman}, +#line 182 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str187, ei_cp1253}, +#line 132 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str188, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 286 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str189, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, +#line 151 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str191, ei_iso8859_14}, +#line 246 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str192, ei_cp1133}, +#line 60 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str193, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 75 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str194, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 91 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str195, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 178 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str196, ei_cp1251}, + {-1}, +#line 339 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str198, ei_euc_tw}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 240 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str201, ei_pt154}, +#line 297 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str202, ei_isoir165}, +#line 108 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str203, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 110 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str204, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 83 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str205, ei_iso8859_4}, + {-1}, +#line 134 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str207, ei_iso8859_10}, +#line 159 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str208, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 228 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str209, ei_hp_roman8}, +#line 118 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str210, ei_iso8859_8}, +#line 288 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str211, ei_iso646_cn}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 256 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str215, ei_cp874}, + {-1}, +#line 84 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str217, ei_iso8859_4}, + {-1}, +#line 13 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str219, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 358 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str222, ei_cp949}, +#line 331 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str223, ei_iso2022_cn}, + {-1}, +#line 296 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str225, ei_gb2312}, + {-1}, +#line 79 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str227, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 57 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str228, ei_iso8859_1}, +#line 126 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str229, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 72 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str230, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 73 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str231, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 146 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str232, ei_iso8859_13}, +#line 164 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str233, ei_iso8859_16}, +#line 239 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str234, ei_pt154}, +#line 141 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str235, ei_iso8859_13}, +#line 142 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str236, ei_iso8859_13}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 21 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str241, ei_ascii}, +#line 177 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str242, ei_cp1251}, +#line 249 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str243, ei_tis620}, +#line 165 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str244, ei_iso8859_16}, + {-1}, +#line 248 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str246, ei_tis620}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 101 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str250, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 109 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str251, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 354 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str252, ei_euc_kr}, +#line 68 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str253, ei_iso8859_2}, + {-1}, +#line 353 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str255, ei_euc_kr}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 24 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str258, ei_utf8}, +#line 243 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str259, ei_rk1048}, +#line 332 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str260, ei_iso2022_cn}, + {-1}, +#line 22 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str262, ei_ascii}, +#line 328 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str263, ei_cp936}, +#line 59 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str264, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, +#line 245 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str266, ei_mulelao}, +#line 278 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str267, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, +#line 272 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str269, ei_jisx0201}, + {-1}, +#line 330 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str271, ei_gb18030}, +#line 304 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str272, ei_ksc5601}, +#line 208 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str273, ei_cp866}, +#line 250 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str274, ei_tis620}, + {-1}, +#line 168 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str276, ei_koi8_r}, +#line 99 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str277, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 34 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str278, ei_ucs4}, +#line 39 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str279, ei_utf16}, + {-1}, +#line 244 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str281, ei_rk1048}, + {-1}, +#line 299 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str283, ei_ksc5601}, +#line 169 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str284, ei_koi8_r}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 174 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str287, ei_cp1250}, +#line 323 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str288, ei_euc_cn}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 36 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str291, ei_ucs4}, + {-1}, +#line 340 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str293, ei_ces_big5}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 341 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str296, ei_ces_big5}, +#line 227 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str297, ei_hp_roman8}, + {-1}, +#line 76 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str299, ei_iso8859_3}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 301 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str304, ei_ksc5601}, + {-1}, +#line 285 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str306, ei_jisx0212}, +#line 261 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str307, ei_tcvn}, + {-1}, +#line 153 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str309, ei_iso8859_14}, + {-1}, +#line 230 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str311, ei_hp_roman8}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 25 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str314, ei_ucs2}, + {-1}, +#line 200 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str316, ei_cp850}, + {-1}, +#line 158 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str318, ei_iso8859_15}, +#line 204 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str319, ei_cp862}, +#line 293 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str320, ei_gb2312}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 62 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str324, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 333 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str327, ei_iso2022_cn_ext}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 143 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str335, ei_iso8859_13}, + {-1}, +#line 93 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str337, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 136 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str338, ei_iso8859_10}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 268 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str342, ei_iso646_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 217 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str346, ei_mac_iceland}, +#line 38 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str347, ei_ucs4le}, +#line 86 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str348, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 102 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str349, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 30 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str350, ei_ucs2be}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 41 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str353, ei_utf16le}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 31 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str357, ei_ucs2be}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 128 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str360, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 181 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str361, ei_cp1252}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 345 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str364, ei_ces_big5}, +#line 32 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str365, ei_ucs2le}, + {-1}, +#line 344 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str367, ei_ces_big5}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 232 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str372, ei_armscii_8}, +#line 35 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str373, ei_ucs4}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 42 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str378, ei_utf32}, + {-1}, +#line 27 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str380, ei_ucs2}, + {-1}, +#line 117 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str382, ei_iso8859_8}, + {-1}, +#line 70 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str384, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 324 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str385, ei_euc_cn}, +#line 14 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str386, ei_ascii}, +#line 212 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str387, ei_mac_roman}, + {-1}, +#line 220 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str389, ei_mac_cyrillic}, + {-1}, +#line 26 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str391, ei_ucs2}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 242 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str394, ei_rk1048}, +#line 82 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str395, ei_iso8859_4}, +#line 124 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str396, ei_iso8859_9}, +#line 306 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str397, ei_euc_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 305 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str400, ei_euc_jp}, +#line 90 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str401, ei_iso8859_5}, +#line 111 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str402, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 100 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str403, ei_iso8859_6}, + {-1}, +#line 314 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str405, ei_sjis}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 210 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str408, ei_cp866}, +#line 194 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str409, ei_cp1257}, + {-1}, +#line 362 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str411, ei_iso2022_kr}, +#line 233 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str412, ei_georgian_academy}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 218 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str415, ei_mac_croatian}, +#line 19 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str416, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 234 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str419, ei_georgian_ps}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 325 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str423, ei_euc_cn}, +#line 258 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str424, ei_viscii}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 190 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str428, ei_cp1255}, +#line 44 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str429, ei_utf32le}, +#line 78 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str430, ei_iso8859_3}, + {-1}, +#line 225 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str432, ei_mac_arabic}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 74 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str436, ei_iso8859_3}, +#line 247 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str437, ei_cp1133}, + {-1}, +#line 251 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str439, ei_tis620}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 363 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str448, ei_iso2022_kr}, +#line 114 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str449, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, +#line 216 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str451, ei_mac_centraleurope}, +#line 104 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str452, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 105 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str453, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, +#line 298 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str455, ei_isoir165}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 266 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str461, ei_iso646_jp}, +#line 300 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str462, ei_ksc5601}, +#line 12 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str463, ei_ascii}, +#line 37 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str464, ei_ucs4be}, + {-1}, +#line 355 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str466, ei_euc_kr}, +#line 277 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str467, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 40 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str470, ei_utf16be}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 193 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str475, ei_cp1256}, +#line 206 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str476, ei_cp862}, + {-1}, +#line 235 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str478, ei_koi8_t}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 279 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str481, ei_jisx0208}, +#line 28 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str482, ei_ucs2be}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 219 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str489, ei_mac_romania}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 50 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str492, ei_ucs4internal}, +#line 15 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str493, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, +#line 260 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str495, ei_viscii}, + {-1}, +#line 259 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str497, ei_viscii}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 290 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str500, ei_iso646_cn}, + {-1}, +#line 231 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str502, ei_nextstep}, +#line 335 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str503, ei_hz}, +#line 303 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str504, ei_ksc5601}, +#line 133 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str505, ei_iso8859_10}, + {-1}, +#line 265 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str507, ei_iso646_jp}, +#line 295 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str508, ei_gb2312}, +#line 253 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str509, ei_tis620}, +#line 48 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str510, ei_ucs2internal}, +#line 198 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str511, ei_cp1258}, +#line 176 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str512, ei_cp1251}, +#line 226 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str513, ei_mac_thai}, + {-1}, +#line 365 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str515, ei_local_wchar_t}, +#line 326 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str516, ei_ces_gbk}, +#line 98 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str517, ei_iso8859_6}, + {-1}, +#line 192 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str519, ei_cp1256}, +#line 46 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str520, ei_utf7}, +#line 144 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str521, ei_iso8859_13}, + {-1}, +#line 17 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str523, ei_ascii}, +#line 186 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str524, ei_cp1254}, +#line 47 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str525, ei_utf7}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 189 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str530, ei_cp1255}, +#line 18 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str531, ei_ascii}, +#line 252 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str532, ei_tis620}, +#line 307 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str533, ei_euc_jp}, + {-1}, +#line 173 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str535, ei_cp1250}, +#line 329 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str536, ei_cp936}, +#line 337 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str537, ei_euc_tw}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 336 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str540, ei_euc_tw}, + {-1}, +#line 180 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str542, ei_cp1252}, +#line 280 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str543, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, +#line 51 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str545, ei_ucs4swapped}, +#line 43 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str546, ei_utf32be}, +#line 263 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str547, ei_tcvn}, +#line 56 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str548, ei_iso8859_1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 213 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str553, ei_mac_roman}, +#line 318 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str554, ei_iso2022_jp1}, +#line 97 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str555, ei_iso8859_6}, +#line 316 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str556, ei_iso2022_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 255 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str560, ei_tis620}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 49 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str563, ei_ucs2swapped}, + {-1}, +#line 183 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str565, ei_cp1253}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 53 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str569, ei_java}, +#line 292 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str570, ei_iso646_cn}, + {-1}, +#line 262 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str572, ei_tcvn}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 66 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str578, ei_iso8859_2}, +#line 269 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str579, ei_iso646_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 215 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str583, ei_mac_roman}, +#line 319 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str584, ei_iso2022_jp2}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 45 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str588, ei_utf7}, +#line 202 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str589, ei_cp850}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 112 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str592, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 317 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str593, ei_iso2022_jp}, +#line 120 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str594, ei_iso8859_8}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 107 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str601, ei_iso8859_7}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 287 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str616, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 343 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str619, ei_ces_big5}, +#line 320 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str620, ei_iso2022_jp2}, + {-1}, +#line 342 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str622, ei_ces_big5}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 113 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str636, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 119 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str637, ei_iso8859_8}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 20 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str641, ei_ascii}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 273 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str647, ei_jisx0201}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 257 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str650, ei_cp874}, + {-1}, +#line 33 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str652, ei_ucs2le}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, +#line 351 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str663, ei_big5hkscs2008}, + {-1}, {-1}, +#line 350 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str666, ei_big5hkscs2008}, +#line 274 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str667, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, +#line 270 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str669, ei_jisx0201}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 195 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str676, ei_cp1257}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 170 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str680, ei_koi8_u}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 171 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str684, ei_koi8_ru}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 359 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str691, ei_johab}, + {-1}, +#line 271 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str693, ei_jisx0201}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 276 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str702, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 282 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str706, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 284 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str710, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, +#line 106 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str712, ei_iso8859_7}, +#line 310 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str713, ei_sjis}, +#line 309 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str714, ei_sjis}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 275 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str732, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 338 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str751, ei_euc_tw}, +#line 221 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str752, ei_mac_ukraine}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 29 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str759, ei_ucs2be}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 184 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str769, ei_cp1253}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 222 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str774, ei_mac_greek}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 313 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str800, ei_sjis}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 283 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str822, ei_jisx0212}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 308 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str840, ei_euc_jp}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 224 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str853, ei_mac_hebrew}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 312 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str858, ei_sjis}, +#line 264 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str859, ei_tcvn}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 196 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str869, ei_cp1257}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 187 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str884, ei_cp1254}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 352 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str894, ei_big5hkscs2008}, +#line 348 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str895, ei_big5hkscs2001}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 347 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str901, ei_big5hkscs1999}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 349 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str907, ei_big5hkscs2004}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 281 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str917, ei_jisx0208}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 223 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str953, ei_mac_turkish}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, + {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, {-1}, +#line 361 "lib/aliases_syssolaris.gperf" + {(int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str1003, ei_johab} + }; + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +__inline +#if defined __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ || defined __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__ +__attribute__ ((__gnu_inline__)) +#endif +#endif +const struct alias * +aliases_lookup (register const char *str, register unsigned int len) +{ + if (len <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH && len >= MIN_WORD_LENGTH) + { + register int key = aliases_hash (str, len); + + if (key <= MAX_HASH_VALUE && key >= 0) + { + register int o = aliases[key].name; + if (o >= 0) + { + register const char *s = o + stringpool; + + if (*str == *s && !strcmp (str + 1, s + 1)) + return &aliases[key]; + } + } + } + return 0; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/armscii_8.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/armscii_8.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8d1613ff9 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/armscii_8.h @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ARMSCII-8 + */ + +static const unsigned short armscii_8_2uni[96] = { + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0xfffd, 0x0587, 0x0589, 0x0029, 0x0028, 0x00bb, 0x00ab, + 0x2014, 0x002e, 0x055d, 0x002c, 0x002d, 0x058a, 0x2026, 0x055c, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x055b, 0x055e, 0x0531, 0x0561, 0x0532, 0x0562, 0x0533, 0x0563, + 0x0534, 0x0564, 0x0535, 0x0565, 0x0536, 0x0566, 0x0537, 0x0567, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0538, 0x0568, 0x0539, 0x0569, 0x053a, 0x056a, 0x053b, 0x056b, + 0x053c, 0x056c, 0x053d, 0x056d, 0x053e, 0x056e, 0x053f, 0x056f, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0540, 0x0570, 0x0541, 0x0571, 0x0542, 0x0572, 0x0543, 0x0573, + 0x0544, 0x0574, 0x0545, 0x0575, 0x0546, 0x0576, 0x0547, 0x0577, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0548, 0x0578, 0x0549, 0x0579, 0x054a, 0x057a, 0x054b, 0x057b, + 0x054c, 0x057c, 0x054d, 0x057d, 0x054e, 0x057e, 0x054f, 0x057f, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0550, 0x0580, 0x0551, 0x0581, 0x0552, 0x0582, 0x0553, 0x0583, + 0x0554, 0x0584, 0x0555, 0x0585, 0x0556, 0x0586, 0x055a, 0xfffd, +}; + +static int +armscii_8_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0xa0) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = armscii_8_2uni[c-0xa0]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char armscii_8_page00[8] = { + 0xa5, 0xa4, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0xab, 0xac, 0xa9, 0x2f, /* 0x28-0x2f */ +}; +static const unsigned char armscii_8_page00_1[32] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ +}; +static const unsigned char armscii_8_page05[96] = { + 0x00, 0xb2, 0xb4, 0xb6, 0xb8, 0xba, 0xbc, 0xbe, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xc0, 0xc2, 0xc4, 0xc6, 0xc8, 0xca, 0xcc, 0xce, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xd0, 0xd2, 0xd4, 0xd6, 0xd8, 0xda, 0xdc, 0xde, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xe0, 0xe2, 0xe4, 0xe6, 0xe8, 0xea, 0xec, 0xee, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xf0, 0xf2, 0xf4, 0xf6, 0xf8, 0xfa, 0xfc, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe, 0xb0, 0xaf, 0xaa, 0xb1, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0xb3, 0xb5, 0xb7, 0xb9, 0xbb, 0xbd, 0xbf, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0xc1, 0xc3, 0xc5, 0xc7, 0xc9, 0xcb, 0xcd, 0xcf, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0xd1, 0xd3, 0xd5, 0xd7, 0xd9, 0xdb, 0xdd, 0xdf, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0xe1, 0xe3, 0xe5, 0xe7, 0xe9, 0xeb, 0xed, 0xef, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xf1, 0xf3, 0xf5, 0xf7, 0xf9, 0xfb, 0xfd, 0xa2, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0xa3, 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ +}; +static const unsigned char armscii_8_page20[24] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xae, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; + +static int +armscii_8_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0028) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x0028 && wc < 0x0030) + c = armscii_8_page00[wc-0x0028]; + else if (wc >= 0x0030 && wc < 0x00a0) + c = wc; + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00c0) + c = armscii_8_page00_1[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0530 && wc < 0x0590) + c = armscii_8_page05[wc-0x0530]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2028) + c = armscii_8_page20[wc-0x2010]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ascii.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ascii.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fa49e3bf9 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ascii.h @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ASCII + */ + +static int +ascii_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +ascii_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/atarist.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/atarist.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..90f18cc14 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/atarist.h @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * Atari ST + */ + +static const unsigned short atarist_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00c7, 0x00fc, 0x00e9, 0x00e2, 0x00e4, 0x00e0, 0x00e5, 0x00e7, + 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00e8, 0x00ef, 0x00ee, 0x00ec, 0x00c4, 0x00c5, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00c9, 0x00e6, 0x00c6, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x00f2, 0x00fb, 0x00f9, + 0x00ff, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00a5, 0x00df, 0x0192, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00e1, 0x00ed, 0x00f3, 0x00fa, 0x00f1, 0x00d1, 0x00aa, 0x00ba, + 0x00bf, 0x2310, 0x00ac, 0x00bd, 0x00bc, 0x00a1, 0x00ab, 0x00bb, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00e3, 0x00f5, 0x00d8, 0x00f8, 0x0153, 0x0152, 0x00c0, 0x00c3, + 0x00d5, 0x00a8, 0x00b4, 0x2020, 0x00b6, 0x00a9, 0x00ae, 0x2122, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0133, 0x0132, 0x05d0, 0x05d1, 0x05d2, 0x05d3, 0x05d4, 0x05d5, + 0x05d6, 0x05d7, 0x05d8, 0x05d9, 0x05db, 0x05dc, 0x05de, 0x05e0, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x05e1, 0x05e2, 0x05e4, 0x05e6, 0x05e7, 0x05e8, 0x05e9, 0x05ea, + 0x05df, 0x05da, 0x05dd, 0x05e3, 0x05e5, 0x00a7, 0x2227, 0x221e, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x03b1, 0x03b2, 0x0393, 0x03c0, 0x03a3, 0x03c3, 0x00b5, 0x03c4, + 0x03a6, 0x0398, 0x03a9, 0x03b4, 0x222e, 0x03c6, 0x2208, 0x2229, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x2261, 0x00b1, 0x2265, 0x2264, 0x2320, 0x2321, 0x00f7, 0x2248, + 0x00b0, 0x2219, 0x00b7, 0x221a, 0x207f, 0x00b2, 0x00b3, 0x00af, +}; + +static int +atarist_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) atarist_2uni[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char atarist_page00[96] = { + 0x00, 0xad, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x00, 0x9d, 0x00, 0xdd, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xb9, 0xbd, 0xa6, 0xae, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xbe, 0xff, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xf8, 0xf1, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xba, 0xe6, 0xbc, 0xfa, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xa7, 0xaf, 0xac, 0xab, 0x00, 0xa8, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xb6, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb7, 0x8e, 0x8f, 0x92, 0x80, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0xa5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb8, 0x99, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9e, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x85, 0xa0, 0x83, 0xb0, 0x84, 0x86, 0x91, 0x87, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x8a, 0x82, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8d, 0xa1, 0x8c, 0x8b, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0xa4, 0x95, 0xa2, 0x93, 0xb1, 0x94, 0xf6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0xb3, 0x97, 0xa3, 0x96, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x98, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char atarist_page01[104] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xb5, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x9f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; +static const unsigned char atarist_page03[56] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0xe9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe8, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xea, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0x00, 0xeb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xe3, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe5, 0xe7, 0x00, 0xed, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char atarist_page05[32] = { + 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xc8, 0xc9, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xca, 0xcb, 0xd9, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xda, 0xce, 0xd8, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xdb, 0xd2, 0xdc, 0xd3, 0xd4, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ +}; +static const unsigned char atarist_page22[96] = { + 0xee, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0xf9, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdf, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xde, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0xef, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xec, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xf7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ +}; +static const unsigned char atarist_page23[24] = { + 0xa9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xf4, 0xf5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; + +static int +atarist_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = atarist_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0130 && wc < 0x0198) + c = atarist_page01[wc-0x0130]; + else if (wc >= 0x0390 && wc < 0x03c8) + c = atarist_page03[wc-0x0390]; + else if (wc >= 0x05d0 && wc < 0x05f0) + c = atarist_page05[wc-0x05d0]; + else if (wc == 0x2020) + c = 0xbb; + else if (wc == 0x207f) + c = 0xfc; + else if (wc == 0x2122) + c = 0xbf; + else if (wc >= 0x2208 && wc < 0x2268) + c = atarist_page22[wc-0x2208]; + else if (wc >= 0x2310 && wc < 0x2328) + c = atarist_page23[wc-0x2310]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/big5.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/big5.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..de10a99ae --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/big5.h @@ -0,0 +1,4160 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * BIG5 + */ + +static const unsigned short big5_2uni_pagea1[6121] = { + /* 0xa1 */ + 0x3000, 0xff0c, 0x3001, 0x3002, 0xff0e, 0x2022, 0xff1b, 0xff1a, + 0xff1f, 0xff01, 0xfe30, 0x2026, 0x2025, 0xfe50, 0xff64, 0xfe52, + 0x00b7, 0xfe54, 0xfe55, 0xfe56, 0xfe57, 0xff5c, 0x2013, 0xfe31, + 0x2014, 0xfe33, 0xfffd, 0xfe34, 0xfe4f, 0xff08, 0xff09, 0xfe35, + 0xfe36, 0xff5b, 0xff5d, 0xfe37, 0xfe38, 0x3014, 0x3015, 0xfe39, + 0xfe3a, 0x3010, 0x3011, 0xfe3b, 0xfe3c, 0x300a, 0x300b, 0xfe3d, + 0xfe3e, 0x3008, 0x3009, 0xfe3f, 0xfe40, 0x300c, 0x300d, 0xfe41, + 0xfe42, 0x300e, 0x300f, 0xfe43, 0xfe44, 0xfe59, 0xfe5a, 0xfe5b, + 0xfe5c, 0xfe5d, 0xfe5e, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x301d, + 0x301e, 0x2035, 0x2032, 0xff03, 0xff06, 0xff0a, 0x203b, 0x00a7, + 0x3003, 0x25cb, 0x25cf, 0x25b3, 0x25b2, 0x25ce, 0x2606, 0x2605, + 0x25c7, 0x25c6, 0x25a1, 0x25a0, 0x25bd, 0x25bc, 0x32a3, 0x2105, + 0x203e, 0xfffd, 0xff3f, 0xfffd, 0xfe49, 0xfe4a, 0xfe4d, 0xfe4e, + 0xfe4b, 0xfe4c, 0xfe5f, 0xfe60, 0xfe61, 0xff0b, 0xff0d, 0x00d7, + 0x00f7, 0x00b1, 0x221a, 0xff1c, 0xff1e, 0xff1d, 0x2266, 0x2267, + 0x2260, 0x221e, 0x2252, 0x2261, 0xfe62, 0xfe63, 0xfe64, 0xfe65, + 0xfe66, 0x223c, 0x2229, 0x222a, 0x22a5, 0x2220, 0x221f, 0x22bf, + 0x33d2, 0x33d1, 0x222b, 0x222e, 0x2235, 0x2234, 0x2640, 0x2642, + 0x2641, 0x2609, 0x2191, 0x2193, 0x2190, 0x2192, 0x2196, 0x2197, + 0x2199, 0x2198, 0x2225, 0x2223, 0xfffd, + /* 0xa2 */ + 0xfffd, 0xff0f, 0xff3c, 0xff04, 0x00a5, 0x3012, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, + 0xff05, 0xff20, 0x2103, 0x2109, 0xfe69, 0xfe6a, 0xfe6b, 0x33d5, + 0x339c, 0x339d, 0x339e, 0x33ce, 0x33a1, 0x338e, 0x338f, 0x33c4, + 0x00b0, 0x5159, 0x515b, 0x515e, 0x515d, 0x5161, 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*/ + 0x5171, 0x518d, 0x51b0, 0x5217, 0x5211, 0x5212, 0x520e, 0x5216, + 0x52a3, 0x5308, 0x5321, 0x5320, 0x5370, 0x5371, 0x5409, 0x540f, + 0x540c, 0x540a, 0x5410, 0x5401, 0x540b, 0x5404, 0x5411, 0x540d, + 0x5408, 0x5403, 0x540e, 0x5406, 0x5412, 0x56e0, 0x56de, 0x56dd, + 0x5733, 0x5730, 0x5728, 0x572d, 0x572c, 0x572f, 0x5729, 0x5919, + 0x591a, 0x5937, 0x5938, 0x5984, 0x5978, 0x5983, 0x597d, 0x5979, + 0x5982, 0x5981, 0x5b57, 0x5b58, 0x5b87, 0x5b88, 0x5b85, 0x5b89, + 0x5bfa, 0x5c16, 0x5c79, 0x5dde, 0x5e06, 0x5e76, 0x5e74, 0x5f0f, + 0x5f1b, 0x5fd9, 0x5fd6, 0x620e, 0x620c, 0x620d, 0x6210, 0x6263, + 0x625b, 0x6258, 0x6536, 0x65e9, 0x65e8, 0x65ec, 0x65ed, 0x66f2, + 0x66f3, 0x6709, 0x673d, 0x6734, 0x6731, 0x6735, 0x6b21, 0x6b64, + 0x6b7b, 0x6c16, 0x6c5d, 0x6c57, 0x6c59, 0x6c5f, 0x6c60, 0x6c50, + 0x6c55, 0x6c61, 0x6c5b, 0x6c4d, 0x6c4e, 0x7070, 0x725f, 0x725d, + 0x767e, 0x7af9, 0x7c73, 0x7cf8, 0x7f36, 0x7f8a, 0x7fbd, 0x8001, + 0x8003, 0x800c, 0x8012, 0x8033, 0x807f, 0x8089, 0x808b, 0x808c, + 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0x7538, 0x7682, 0x76ef, 0x77e3, + 0x79c1, 0x79c0, 0x79bf, 0x7a76, 0x7cfb, 0x7f55, 0x8096, 0x8093, + 0x809d, 0x8098, 0x809b, 0x809a, 0x80b2, 0x826f, 0x8292, 0x828b, + 0x828d, 0x898b, 0x89d2, 0x8a00, 0x8c37, 0x8c46, 0x8c55, 0x8c9d, + 0x8d64, 0x8d70, 0x8db3, 0x8eab, 0x8eca, 0x8f9b, 0x8fb0, 0x8fc2, + 0x8fc6, 0x8fc5, 0x8fc4, 0x5de1, 0x9091, 0x90a2, 0x90aa, 0x90a6, + 0x90a3, 0x9149, 0x91c6, 0x91cc, 0x9632, 0x962e, 0x9631, 0x962a, + 0x962c, 0x4e26, 0x4e56, 0x4e73, 0x4e8b, 0x4e9b, 0x4e9e, 0x4eab, + 0x4eac, 0x4f6f, 0x4f9d, 0x4f8d, 0x4f73, 0x4f7f, 0x4f6c, 0x4f9b, + 0x4f8b, 0x4f86, 0x4f83, 0x4f70, 0x4f75, 0x4f88, 0x4f69, 0x4f7b, + 0x4f96, 0x4f7e, 0x4f8f, 0x4f91, 0x4f7a, 0x5154, 0x5152, 0x5155, + 0x5169, 0x5177, 0x5176, 0x5178, 0x51bd, 0x51fd, 0x523b, 0x5238, + 0x5237, 0x523a, 0x5230, 0x522e, 0x5236, 0x5241, 0x52be, 0x52bb, + 0x5352, 0x5354, 0x5353, 0x5351, 0x5366, 0x5377, 0x5378, 0x5379, + 0x53d6, 0x53d4, 0x53d7, 0x5473, 0x5475, + /* 0xa9 */ + 0x5496, 0x5478, 0x5495, 0x5480, 0x547b, 0x5477, 0x5484, 0x5492, + 0x5486, 0x547c, 0x5490, 0x5471, 0x5476, 0x548c, 0x549a, 0x5462, + 0x5468, 0x548b, 0x547d, 0x548e, 0x56fa, 0x5783, 0x5777, 0x576a, + 0x5769, 0x5761, 0x5766, 0x5764, 0x577c, 0x591c, 0x5949, 0x5947, + 0x5948, 0x5944, 0x5954, 0x59be, 0x59bb, 0x59d4, 0x59b9, 0x59ae, + 0x59d1, 0x59c6, 0x59d0, 0x59cd, 0x59cb, 0x59d3, 0x59ca, 0x59af, + 0x59b3, 0x59d2, 0x59c5, 0x5b5f, 0x5b64, 0x5b63, 0x5b97, 0x5b9a, + 0x5b98, 0x5b9c, 0x5b99, 0x5b9b, 0x5c1a, 0x5c48, 0x5c45, 0x5c46, + 0x5cb7, 0x5ca1, 0x5cb8, 0x5ca9, 0x5cab, 0x5cb1, 0x5cb3, 0x5e18, + 0x5e1a, 0x5e16, 0x5e15, 0x5e1b, 0x5e11, 0x5e78, 0x5e9a, 0x5e97, + 0x5e9c, 0x5e95, 0x5e96, 0x5ef6, 0x5f26, 0x5f27, 0x5f29, 0x5f80, + 0x5f81, 0x5f7f, 0x5f7c, 0x5fdd, 0x5fe0, 0x5ffd, 0x5ff5, 0x5fff, + 0x600f, 0x6014, 0x602f, 0x6035, 0x6016, 0x602a, 0x6015, 0x6021, + 0x6027, 0x6029, 0x602b, 0x601b, 0x6216, 0x6215, 0x623f, 0x623e, + 0x6240, 0x627f, 0x62c9, 0x62cc, 0x62c4, 0x62bf, 0x62c2, 0x62b9, + 0x62d2, 0x62db, 0x62ab, 0x62d3, 0x62d4, 0x62cb, 0x62c8, 0x62a8, + 0x62bd, 0x62bc, 0x62d0, 0x62d9, 0x62c7, 0x62cd, 0x62b5, 0x62da, + 0x62b1, 0x62d8, 0x62d6, 0x62d7, 0x62c6, 0x62ac, 0x62ce, 0x653e, + 0x65a7, 0x65bc, 0x65fa, 0x6614, 0x6613, 0x660c, 0x6606, 0x6602, + 0x660e, 0x6600, 0x660f, 0x6615, 0x660a, + /* 0xaa */ + 0x6607, 0x670d, 0x670b, 0x676d, 0x678b, 0x6795, 0x6771, 0x679c, + 0x6773, 0x6777, 0x6787, 0x679d, 0x6797, 0x676f, 0x6770, 0x677f, + 0x6789, 0x677e, 0x6790, 0x6775, 0x679a, 0x6793, 0x677c, 0x676a, + 0x6772, 0x6b23, 0x6b66, 0x6b67, 0x6b7f, 0x6c13, 0x6c1b, 0x6ce3, + 0x6ce8, 0x6cf3, 0x6cb1, 0x6ccc, 0x6ce5, 0x6cb3, 0x6cbd, 0x6cbe, + 0x6cbc, 0x6ce2, 0x6cab, 0x6cd5, 0x6cd3, 0x6cb8, 0x6cc4, 0x6cb9, + 0x6cc1, 0x6cae, 0x6cd7, 0x6cc5, 0x6cf1, 0x6cbf, 0x6cbb, 0x6ce1, + 0x6cdb, 0x6cca, 0x6cac, 0x6cef, 0x6cdc, 0x6cd6, 0x6ce0, 0x7095, + 0x708e, 0x7092, 0x708a, 0x7099, 0x722c, 0x722d, 0x7238, 0x7248, + 0x7267, 0x7269, 0x72c0, 0x72ce, 0x72d9, 0x72d7, 0x72d0, 0x73a9, + 0x73a8, 0x739f, 0x73ab, 0x73a5, 0x753d, 0x759d, 0x7599, 0x759a, + 0x7684, 0x76c2, 0x76f2, 0x76f4, 0x77e5, 0x77fd, 0x793e, 0x7940, + 0x7941, 0x79c9, 0x79c8, 0x7a7a, 0x7a79, 0x7afa, 0x7cfe, 0x7f54, + 0x7f8c, 0x7f8b, 0x8005, 0x80ba, 0x80a5, 0x80a2, 0x80b1, 0x80a1, + 0x80ab, 0x80a9, 0x80b4, 0x80aa, 0x80af, 0x81e5, 0x81fe, 0x820d, + 0x82b3, 0x829d, 0x8299, 0x82ad, 0x82bd, 0x829f, 0x82b9, 0x82b1, + 0x82ac, 0x82a5, 0x82af, 0x82b8, 0x82a3, 0x82b0, 0x82be, 0x82b7, + 0x864e, 0x8671, 0x521d, 0x8868, 0x8ecb, 0x8fce, 0x8fd4, 0x8fd1, + 0x90b5, 0x90b8, 0x90b1, 0x90b6, 0x91c7, 0x91d1, 0x9577, 0x9580, + 0x961c, 0x9640, 0x963f, 0x963b, 0x9644, + /* 0xab */ + 0x9642, 0x96b9, 0x96e8, 0x9752, 0x975e, 0x4e9f, 0x4ead, 0x4eae, + 0x4fe1, 0x4fb5, 0x4faf, 0x4fbf, 0x4fe0, 0x4fd1, 0x4fcf, 0x4fdd, + 0x4fc3, 0x4fb6, 0x4fd8, 0x4fdf, 0x4fca, 0x4fd7, 0x4fae, 0x4fd0, + 0x4fc4, 0x4fc2, 0x4fda, 0x4fce, 0x4fde, 0x4fb7, 0x5157, 0x5192, + 0x5191, 0x51a0, 0x524e, 0x5243, 0x524a, 0x524d, 0x524c, 0x524b, + 0x5247, 0x52c7, 0x52c9, 0x52c3, 0x52c1, 0x530d, 0x5357, 0x537b, + 0x539a, 0x53db, 0x54ac, 0x54c0, 0x54a8, 0x54ce, 0x54c9, 0x54b8, + 0x54a6, 0x54b3, 0x54c7, 0x54c2, 0x54bd, 0x54aa, 0x54c1, 0x54c4, + 0x54c8, 0x54af, 0x54ab, 0x54b1, 0x54bb, 0x54a9, 0x54a7, 0x54bf, + 0x56ff, 0x5782, 0x578b, 0x57a0, 0x57a3, 0x57a2, 0x57ce, 0x57ae, + 0x5793, 0x5955, 0x5951, 0x594f, 0x594e, 0x5950, 0x59dc, 0x59d8, + 0x59ff, 0x59e3, 0x59e8, 0x5a03, 0x59e5, 0x59ea, 0x59da, 0x59e6, + 0x5a01, 0x59fb, 0x5b69, 0x5ba3, 0x5ba6, 0x5ba4, 0x5ba2, 0x5ba5, + 0x5c01, 0x5c4e, 0x5c4f, 0x5c4d, 0x5c4b, 0x5cd9, 0x5cd2, 0x5df7, + 0x5e1d, 0x5e25, 0x5e1f, 0x5e7d, 0x5ea0, 0x5ea6, 0x5efa, 0x5f08, + 0x5f2d, 0x5f65, 0x5f88, 0x5f85, 0x5f8a, 0x5f8b, 0x5f87, 0x5f8c, + 0x5f89, 0x6012, 0x601d, 0x6020, 0x6025, 0x600e, 0x6028, 0x604d, + 0x6070, 0x6068, 0x6062, 0x6046, 0x6043, 0x606c, 0x606b, 0x606a, + 0x6064, 0x6241, 0x62dc, 0x6316, 0x6309, 0x62fc, 0x62ed, 0x6301, + 0x62ee, 0x62fd, 0x6307, 0x62f1, 0x62f7, + /* 0xac */ + 0x62ef, 0x62ec, 0x62fe, 0x62f4, 0x6311, 0x6302, 0x653f, 0x6545, + 0x65ab, 0x65bd, 0x65e2, 0x6625, 0x662d, 0x6620, 0x6627, 0x662f, + 0x661f, 0x6628, 0x6631, 0x6624, 0x66f7, 0x67ff, 0x67d3, 0x67f1, + 0x67d4, 0x67d0, 0x67ec, 0x67b6, 0x67af, 0x67f5, 0x67e9, 0x67ef, + 0x67c4, 0x67d1, 0x67b4, 0x67da, 0x67e5, 0x67b8, 0x67cf, 0x67de, + 0x67f3, 0x67b0, 0x67d9, 0x67e2, 0x67dd, 0x67d2, 0x6b6a, 0x6b83, + 0x6b86, 0x6bb5, 0x6bd2, 0x6bd7, 0x6c1f, 0x6cc9, 0x6d0b, 0x6d32, + 0x6d2a, 0x6d41, 0x6d25, 0x6d0c, 0x6d31, 0x6d1e, 0x6d17, 0x6d3b, + 0x6d3d, 0x6d3e, 0x6d36, 0x6d1b, 0x6cf5, 0x6d39, 0x6d27, 0x6d38, + 0x6d29, 0x6d2e, 0x6d35, 0x6d0e, 0x6d2b, 0x70ab, 0x70ba, 0x70b3, + 0x70ac, 0x70af, 0x70ad, 0x70b8, 0x70ae, 0x70a4, 0x7230, 0x7272, + 0x726f, 0x7274, 0x72e9, 0x72e0, 0x72e1, 0x73b7, 0x73ca, 0x73bb, + 0x73b2, 0x73cd, 0x73c0, 0x73b3, 0x751a, 0x752d, 0x754f, 0x754c, + 0x754e, 0x754b, 0x75ab, 0x75a4, 0x75a5, 0x75a2, 0x75a3, 0x7678, + 0x7686, 0x7687, 0x7688, 0x76c8, 0x76c6, 0x76c3, 0x76c5, 0x7701, + 0x76f9, 0x76f8, 0x7709, 0x770b, 0x76fe, 0x76fc, 0x7707, 0x77dc, + 0x7802, 0x7814, 0x780c, 0x780d, 0x7946, 0x7949, 0x7948, 0x7947, + 0x79b9, 0x79ba, 0x79d1, 0x79d2, 0x79cb, 0x7a7f, 0x7a81, 0x7aff, + 0x7afd, 0x7c7d, 0x7d02, 0x7d05, 0x7d00, 0x7d09, 0x7d07, 0x7d04, + 0x7d06, 0x7f38, 0x7f8e, 0x7fbf, 0x8004, + /* 0xad */ + 0x8010, 0x800d, 0x8011, 0x8036, 0x80d6, 0x80e5, 0x80da, 0x80c3, + 0x80c4, 0x80cc, 0x80e1, 0x80db, 0x80ce, 0x80de, 0x80e4, 0x80dd, + 0x81f4, 0x8222, 0x82e7, 0x8303, 0x8305, 0x82e3, 0x82db, 0x82e6, + 0x8304, 0x82e5, 0x8302, 0x8309, 0x82d2, 0x82d7, 0x82f1, 0x8301, + 0x82dc, 0x82d4, 0x82d1, 0x82de, 0x82d3, 0x82df, 0x82ef, 0x8306, + 0x8650, 0x8679, 0x867b, 0x867a, 0x884d, 0x886b, 0x8981, 0x89d4, + 0x8a08, 0x8a02, 0x8a03, 0x8c9e, 0x8ca0, 0x8d74, 0x8d73, 0x8db4, + 0x8ecd, 0x8ecc, 0x8ff0, 0x8fe6, 0x8fe2, 0x8fea, 0x8fe5, 0x8fed, + 0x8feb, 0x8fe4, 0x8fe8, 0x90ca, 0x90ce, 0x90c1, 0x90c3, 0x914b, + 0x914a, 0x91cd, 0x9582, 0x9650, 0x964b, 0x964c, 0x964d, 0x9762, + 0x9769, 0x97cb, 0x97ed, 0x97f3, 0x9801, 0x98a8, 0x98db, 0x98df, + 0x9996, 0x9999, 0x4e58, 0x4eb3, 0x500c, 0x500d, 0x5023, 0x4fef, + 0x5026, 0x5025, 0x4ff8, 0x5029, 0x5016, 0x5006, 0x503c, 0x501f, + 0x501a, 0x5012, 0x5011, 0x4ffa, 0x5000, 0x5014, 0x5028, 0x4ff1, + 0x5021, 0x500b, 0x5019, 0x5018, 0x4ff3, 0x4fee, 0x502d, 0x502a, + 0x4ffe, 0x502b, 0x5009, 0x517c, 0x51a4, 0x51a5, 0x51a2, 0x51cd, + 0x51cc, 0x51c6, 0x51cb, 0x5256, 0x525c, 0x5254, 0x525b, 0x525d, + 0x532a, 0x537f, 0x539f, 0x539d, 0x53df, 0x54e8, 0x5510, 0x5501, + 0x5537, 0x54fc, 0x54e5, 0x54f2, 0x5506, 0x54fa, 0x5514, 0x54e9, + 0x54ed, 0x54e1, 0x5509, 0x54ee, 0x54ea, + /* 0xae */ + 0x54e6, 0x5527, 0x5507, 0x54fd, 0x550f, 0x5703, 0x5704, 0x57c2, + 0x57d4, 0x57cb, 0x57c3, 0x5809, 0x590f, 0x5957, 0x5958, 0x595a, + 0x5a11, 0x5a18, 0x5a1c, 0x5a1f, 0x5a1b, 0x5a13, 0x59ec, 0x5a20, + 0x5a23, 0x5a29, 0x5a25, 0x5a0c, 0x5a09, 0x5b6b, 0x5c58, 0x5bb0, + 0x5bb3, 0x5bb6, 0x5bb4, 0x5bae, 0x5bb5, 0x5bb9, 0x5bb8, 0x5c04, + 0x5c51, 0x5c55, 0x5c50, 0x5ced, 0x5cfd, 0x5cfb, 0x5cea, 0x5ce8, + 0x5cf0, 0x5cf6, 0x5d01, 0x5cf4, 0x5dee, 0x5e2d, 0x5e2b, 0x5eab, + 0x5ead, 0x5ea7, 0x5f31, 0x5f92, 0x5f91, 0x5f90, 0x6059, 0x6063, + 0x6065, 0x6050, 0x6055, 0x606d, 0x6069, 0x606f, 0x6084, 0x609f, + 0x609a, 0x608d, 0x6094, 0x608c, 0x6085, 0x6096, 0x6247, 0x62f3, + 0x6308, 0x62ff, 0x634e, 0x633e, 0x632f, 0x6355, 0x6342, 0x6346, + 0x634f, 0x6349, 0x633a, 0x6350, 0x633d, 0x632a, 0x632b, 0x6328, + 0x634d, 0x634c, 0x6548, 0x6549, 0x6599, 0x65c1, 0x65c5, 0x6642, + 0x6649, 0x664f, 0x6643, 0x6652, 0x664c, 0x6645, 0x6641, 0x66f8, + 0x6714, 0x6715, 0x6717, 0x6821, 0x6838, 0x6848, 0x6846, 0x6853, + 0x6839, 0x6842, 0x6854, 0x6829, 0x68b3, 0x6817, 0x684c, 0x6851, + 0x683d, 0x67f4, 0x6850, 0x6840, 0x683c, 0x6843, 0x682a, 0x6845, + 0x6813, 0x6818, 0x6841, 0x6b8a, 0x6b89, 0x6bb7, 0x6c23, 0x6c27, + 0x6c28, 0x6c26, 0x6c24, 0x6cf0, 0x6d6a, 0x6d95, 0x6d88, 0x6d87, + 0x6d66, 0x6d78, 0x6d77, 0x6d59, 0x6d93, + /* 0xaf */ + 0x6d6c, 0x6d89, 0x6d6e, 0x6d5a, 0x6d74, 0x6d69, 0x6d8c, 0x6d8a, + 0x6d79, 0x6d85, 0x6d65, 0x6d94, 0x70ca, 0x70d8, 0x70e4, 0x70d9, + 0x70c8, 0x70cf, 0x7239, 0x7279, 0x72fc, 0x72f9, 0x72fd, 0x72f8, + 0x72f7, 0x7386, 0x73ed, 0x7409, 0x73ee, 0x73e0, 0x73ea, 0x73de, + 0x7554, 0x755d, 0x755c, 0x755a, 0x7559, 0x75be, 0x75c5, 0x75c7, + 0x75b2, 0x75b3, 0x75bd, 0x75bc, 0x75b9, 0x75c2, 0x75b8, 0x768b, + 0x76b0, 0x76ca, 0x76cd, 0x76ce, 0x7729, 0x771f, 0x7720, 0x7728, + 0x77e9, 0x7830, 0x7827, 0x7838, 0x781d, 0x7834, 0x7837, 0x7825, + 0x782d, 0x7820, 0x781f, 0x7832, 0x7955, 0x7950, 0x7960, 0x795f, + 0x7956, 0x795e, 0x795d, 0x7957, 0x795a, 0x79e4, 0x79e3, 0x79e7, + 0x79df, 0x79e6, 0x79e9, 0x79d8, 0x7a84, 0x7a88, 0x7ad9, 0x7b06, + 0x7b11, 0x7c89, 0x7d21, 0x7d17, 0x7d0b, 0x7d0a, 0x7d20, 0x7d22, + 0x7d14, 0x7d10, 0x7d15, 0x7d1a, 0x7d1c, 0x7d0d, 0x7d19, 0x7d1b, + 0x7f3a, 0x7f5f, 0x7f94, 0x7fc5, 0x7fc1, 0x8006, 0x8018, 0x8015, + 0x8019, 0x8017, 0x803d, 0x803f, 0x80f1, 0x8102, 0x80f0, 0x8105, + 0x80ed, 0x80f4, 0x8106, 0x80f8, 0x80f3, 0x8108, 0x80fd, 0x810a, + 0x80fc, 0x80ef, 0x81ed, 0x81ec, 0x8200, 0x8210, 0x822a, 0x822b, + 0x8228, 0x822c, 0x82bb, 0x832b, 0x8352, 0x8354, 0x834a, 0x8338, + 0x8350, 0x8349, 0x8335, 0x8334, 0x834f, 0x8332, 0x8339, 0x8336, + 0x8317, 0x8340, 0x8331, 0x8328, 0x8343, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x8654, 0x868a, 0x86aa, 0x8693, 0x86a4, 0x86a9, 0x868c, 0x86a3, + 0x869c, 0x8870, 0x8877, 0x8881, 0x8882, 0x887d, 0x8879, 0x8a18, + 0x8a10, 0x8a0e, 0x8a0c, 0x8a15, 0x8a0a, 0x8a17, 0x8a13, 0x8a16, + 0x8a0f, 0x8a11, 0x8c48, 0x8c7a, 0x8c79, 0x8ca1, 0x8ca2, 0x8d77, + 0x8eac, 0x8ed2, 0x8ed4, 0x8ecf, 0x8fb1, 0x9001, 0x9006, 0x8ff7, + 0x9000, 0x8ffa, 0x8ff4, 0x9003, 0x8ffd, 0x9005, 0x8ff8, 0x9095, + 0x90e1, 0x90dd, 0x90e2, 0x9152, 0x914d, 0x914c, 0x91d8, 0x91dd, + 0x91d7, 0x91dc, 0x91d9, 0x9583, 0x9662, 0x9663, 0x9661, 0x965b, + 0x965d, 0x9664, 0x9658, 0x965e, 0x96bb, 0x98e2, 0x99ac, 0x9aa8, + 0x9ad8, 0x9b25, 0x9b32, 0x9b3c, 0x4e7e, 0x507a, 0x507d, 0x505c, + 0x5047, 0x5043, 0x504c, 0x505a, 0x5049, 0x5065, 0x5076, 0x504e, + 0x5055, 0x5075, 0x5074, 0x5077, 0x504f, 0x500f, 0x506f, 0x506d, + 0x515c, 0x5195, 0x51f0, 0x526a, 0x526f, 0x52d2, 0x52d9, 0x52d8, + 0x52d5, 0x5310, 0x530f, 0x5319, 0x533f, 0x5340, 0x533e, 0x53c3, + 0x66fc, 0x5546, 0x556a, 0x5566, 0x5544, 0x555e, 0x5561, 0x5543, + 0x554a, 0x5531, 0x5556, 0x554f, 0x5555, 0x552f, 0x5564, 0x5538, + 0x552e, 0x555c, 0x552c, 0x5563, 0x5533, 0x5541, 0x5557, 0x5708, + 0x570b, 0x5709, 0x57df, 0x5805, 0x580a, 0x5806, 0x57e0, 0x57e4, + 0x57fa, 0x5802, 0x5835, 0x57f7, 0x57f9, 0x5920, 0x5962, 0x5a36, + 0x5a41, 0x5a49, 0x5a66, 0x5a6a, 0x5a40, + /* 0xb1 */ + 0x5a3c, 0x5a62, 0x5a5a, 0x5a46, 0x5a4a, 0x5b70, 0x5bc7, 0x5bc5, + 0x5bc4, 0x5bc2, 0x5bbf, 0x5bc6, 0x5c09, 0x5c08, 0x5c07, 0x5c60, + 0x5c5c, 0x5c5d, 0x5d07, 0x5d06, 0x5d0e, 0x5d1b, 0x5d16, 0x5d22, + 0x5d11, 0x5d29, 0x5d14, 0x5d19, 0x5d24, 0x5d27, 0x5d17, 0x5de2, + 0x5e38, 0x5e36, 0x5e33, 0x5e37, 0x5eb7, 0x5eb8, 0x5eb6, 0x5eb5, + 0x5ebe, 0x5f35, 0x5f37, 0x5f57, 0x5f6c, 0x5f69, 0x5f6b, 0x5f97, + 0x5f99, 0x5f9e, 0x5f98, 0x5fa1, 0x5fa0, 0x5f9c, 0x607f, 0x60a3, + 0x6089, 0x60a0, 0x60a8, 0x60cb, 0x60b4, 0x60e6, 0x60bd, 0x60c5, + 0x60bb, 0x60b5, 0x60dc, 0x60bc, 0x60d8, 0x60d5, 0x60c6, 0x60df, + 0x60b8, 0x60da, 0x60c7, 0x621a, 0x621b, 0x6248, 0x63a0, 0x63a7, + 0x6372, 0x6396, 0x63a2, 0x63a5, 0x6377, 0x6367, 0x6398, 0x63aa, + 0x6371, 0x63a9, 0x6389, 0x6383, 0x639b, 0x636b, 0x63a8, 0x6384, + 0x6388, 0x6399, 0x63a1, 0x63ac, 0x6392, 0x638f, 0x6380, 0x637b, + 0x6369, 0x6368, 0x637a, 0x655d, 0x6556, 0x6551, 0x6559, 0x6557, + 0x555f, 0x654f, 0x6558, 0x6555, 0x6554, 0x659c, 0x659b, 0x65ac, + 0x65cf, 0x65cb, 0x65cc, 0x65ce, 0x665d, 0x665a, 0x6664, 0x6668, + 0x6666, 0x665e, 0x66f9, 0x52d7, 0x671b, 0x6881, 0x68af, 0x68a2, + 0x6893, 0x68b5, 0x687f, 0x6876, 0x68b1, 0x68a7, 0x6897, 0x68b0, + 0x6883, 0x68c4, 0x68ad, 0x6886, 0x6885, 0x6894, 0x689d, 0x68a8, + 0x689f, 0x68a1, 0x6882, 0x6b32, 0x6bba, + /* 0xb2 */ + 0x6beb, 0x6bec, 0x6c2b, 0x6d8e, 0x6dbc, 0x6df3, 0x6dd9, 0x6db2, + 0x6de1, 0x6dcc, 0x6de4, 0x6dfb, 0x6dfa, 0x6e05, 0x6dc7, 0x6dcb, + 0x6daf, 0x6dd1, 0x6dae, 0x6dde, 0x6df9, 0x6db8, 0x6df7, 0x6df5, + 0x6dc5, 0x6dd2, 0x6e1a, 0x6db5, 0x6dda, 0x6deb, 0x6dd8, 0x6dea, + 0x6df1, 0x6dee, 0x6de8, 0x6dc6, 0x6dc4, 0x6daa, 0x6dec, 0x6dbf, + 0x6de6, 0x70f9, 0x7109, 0x710a, 0x70fd, 0x70ef, 0x723d, 0x727d, + 0x7281, 0x731c, 0x731b, 0x7316, 0x7313, 0x7319, 0x7387, 0x7405, + 0x740a, 0x7403, 0x7406, 0x73fe, 0x740d, 0x74e0, 0x74f6, 0x74f7, + 0x751c, 0x7522, 0x7565, 0x7566, 0x7562, 0x7570, 0x758f, 0x75d4, + 0x75d5, 0x75b5, 0x75ca, 0x75cd, 0x768e, 0x76d4, 0x76d2, 0x76db, + 0x7737, 0x773e, 0x773c, 0x7736, 0x7738, 0x773a, 0x786b, 0x7843, + 0x784e, 0x7965, 0x7968, 0x796d, 0x79fb, 0x7a92, 0x7a95, 0x7b20, + 0x7b28, 0x7b1b, 0x7b2c, 0x7b26, 0x7b19, 0x7b1e, 0x7b2e, 0x7c92, + 0x7c97, 0x7c95, 0x7d46, 0x7d43, 0x7d71, 0x7d2e, 0x7d39, 0x7d3c, + 0x7d40, 0x7d30, 0x7d33, 0x7d44, 0x7d2f, 0x7d42, 0x7d32, 0x7d31, + 0x7f3d, 0x7f9e, 0x7f9a, 0x7fcc, 0x7fce, 0x7fd2, 0x801c, 0x804a, + 0x8046, 0x812f, 0x8116, 0x8123, 0x812b, 0x8129, 0x8130, 0x8124, + 0x8202, 0x8235, 0x8237, 0x8236, 0x8239, 0x838e, 0x839e, 0x8398, + 0x8378, 0x83a2, 0x8396, 0x83bd, 0x83ab, 0x8392, 0x838a, 0x8393, + 0x8389, 0x83a0, 0x8377, 0x837b, 0x837c, + /* 0xb3 */ + 0x8386, 0x83a7, 0x8655, 0x5f6a, 0x86c7, 0x86c0, 0x86b6, 0x86c4, + 0x86b5, 0x86c6, 0x86cb, 0x86b1, 0x86af, 0x86c9, 0x8853, 0x889e, + 0x8888, 0x88ab, 0x8892, 0x8896, 0x888d, 0x888b, 0x8993, 0x898f, + 0x8a2a, 0x8a1d, 0x8a23, 0x8a25, 0x8a31, 0x8a2d, 0x8a1f, 0x8a1b, + 0x8a22, 0x8c49, 0x8c5a, 0x8ca9, 0x8cac, 0x8cab, 0x8ca8, 0x8caa, + 0x8ca7, 0x8d67, 0x8d66, 0x8dbe, 0x8dba, 0x8edb, 0x8edf, 0x9019, + 0x900d, 0x901a, 0x9017, 0x9023, 0x901f, 0x901d, 0x9010, 0x9015, + 0x901e, 0x9020, 0x900f, 0x9022, 0x9016, 0x901b, 0x9014, 0x90e8, + 0x90ed, 0x90fd, 0x9157, 0x91ce, 0x91f5, 0x91e6, 0x91e3, 0x91e7, + 0x91ed, 0x91e9, 0x9589, 0x966a, 0x9675, 0x9673, 0x9678, 0x9670, + 0x9674, 0x9676, 0x9677, 0x966c, 0x96c0, 0x96ea, 0x96e9, 0x7ae0, + 0x7adf, 0x9802, 0x9803, 0x9b5a, 0x9ce5, 0x9e75, 0x9e7f, 0x9ea5, + 0x9ebb, 0x50a2, 0x508d, 0x5085, 0x5099, 0x5091, 0x5080, 0x5096, + 0x5098, 0x509a, 0x6700, 0x51f1, 0x5272, 0x5274, 0x5275, 0x5269, + 0x52de, 0x52dd, 0x52db, 0x535a, 0x53a5, 0x557b, 0x5580, 0x55a7, + 0x557c, 0x558a, 0x559d, 0x5598, 0x5582, 0x559c, 0x55aa, 0x5594, + 0x5587, 0x558b, 0x5583, 0x55b3, 0x55ae, 0x559f, 0x553e, 0x55b2, + 0x559a, 0x55bb, 0x55ac, 0x55b1, 0x557e, 0x5589, 0x55ab, 0x5599, + 0x570d, 0x582f, 0x582a, 0x5834, 0x5824, 0x5830, 0x5831, 0x5821, + 0x581d, 0x5820, 0x58f9, 0x58fa, 0x5960, + /* 0xb4 */ + 0x5a77, 0x5a9a, 0x5a7f, 0x5a92, 0x5a9b, 0x5aa7, 0x5b73, 0x5b71, + 0x5bd2, 0x5bcc, 0x5bd3, 0x5bd0, 0x5c0a, 0x5c0b, 0x5c31, 0x5d4c, + 0x5d50, 0x5d34, 0x5d47, 0x5dfd, 0x5e45, 0x5e3d, 0x5e40, 0x5e43, + 0x5e7e, 0x5eca, 0x5ec1, 0x5ec2, 0x5ec4, 0x5f3c, 0x5f6d, 0x5fa9, + 0x5faa, 0x5fa8, 0x60d1, 0x60e1, 0x60b2, 0x60b6, 0x60e0, 0x611c, + 0x6123, 0x60fa, 0x6115, 0x60f0, 0x60fb, 0x60f4, 0x6168, 0x60f1, + 0x610e, 0x60f6, 0x6109, 0x6100, 0x6112, 0x621f, 0x6249, 0x63a3, + 0x638c, 0x63cf, 0x63c0, 0x63e9, 0x63c9, 0x63c6, 0x63cd, 0x63d2, + 0x63e3, 0x63d0, 0x63e1, 0x63d6, 0x63ed, 0x63ee, 0x6376, 0x63f4, + 0x63ea, 0x63db, 0x6452, 0x63da, 0x63f9, 0x655e, 0x6566, 0x6562, + 0x6563, 0x6591, 0x6590, 0x65af, 0x666e, 0x6670, 0x6674, 0x6676, + 0x666f, 0x6691, 0x667a, 0x667e, 0x6677, 0x66fe, 0x66ff, 0x671f, + 0x671d, 0x68fa, 0x68d5, 0x68e0, 0x68d8, 0x68d7, 0x6905, 0x68df, + 0x68f5, 0x68ee, 0x68e7, 0x68f9, 0x68d2, 0x68f2, 0x68e3, 0x68cb, + 0x68cd, 0x690d, 0x6912, 0x690e, 0x68c9, 0x68da, 0x696e, 0x68fb, + 0x6b3e, 0x6b3a, 0x6b3d, 0x6b98, 0x6b96, 0x6bbc, 0x6bef, 0x6c2e, + 0x6c2f, 0x6c2c, 0x6e2f, 0x6e38, 0x6e54, 0x6e21, 0x6e32, 0x6e67, + 0x6e4a, 0x6e20, 0x6e25, 0x6e23, 0x6e1b, 0x6e5b, 0x6e58, 0x6e24, + 0x6e56, 0x6e6e, 0x6e2d, 0x6e26, 0x6e6f, 0x6e34, 0x6e4d, 0x6e3a, + 0x6e2c, 0x6e43, 0x6e1d, 0x6e3e, 0x6ecb, + /* 0xb5 */ + 0x6e89, 0x6e19, 0x6e4e, 0x6e63, 0x6e44, 0x6e72, 0x6e69, 0x6e5f, + 0x7119, 0x711a, 0x7126, 0x7130, 0x7121, 0x7136, 0x716e, 0x711c, + 0x724c, 0x7284, 0x7280, 0x7336, 0x7325, 0x7334, 0x7329, 0x743a, + 0x742a, 0x7433, 0x7422, 0x7425, 0x7435, 0x7436, 0x7434, 0x742f, + 0x741b, 0x7426, 0x7428, 0x7525, 0x7526, 0x756b, 0x756a, 0x75e2, + 0x75db, 0x75e3, 0x75d9, 0x75d8, 0x75de, 0x75e0, 0x767b, 0x767c, + 0x7696, 0x7693, 0x76b4, 0x76dc, 0x774f, 0x77ed, 0x785d, 0x786c, + 0x786f, 0x7a0d, 0x7a08, 0x7a0b, 0x7a05, 0x7a00, 0x7a98, 0x7a97, + 0x7a96, 0x7ae5, 0x7ae3, 0x7b49, 0x7b56, 0x7b46, 0x7b50, 0x7b52, + 0x7b54, 0x7b4d, 0x7b4b, 0x7b4f, 0x7b51, 0x7c9f, 0x7ca5, 0x7d5e, + 0x7d50, 0x7d68, 0x7d55, 0x7d2b, 0x7d6e, 0x7d72, 0x7d61, 0x7d66, + 0x7d62, 0x7d70, 0x7d73, 0x5584, 0x7fd4, 0x7fd5, 0x800b, 0x8052, + 0x8085, 0x8155, 0x8154, 0x814b, 0x8151, 0x814e, 0x8139, 0x8146, + 0x813e, 0x814c, 0x8153, 0x8174, 0x8212, 0x821c, 0x83e9, 0x8403, + 0x83f8, 0x840d, 0x83e0, 0x83c5, 0x840b, 0x83c1, 0x83ef, 0x83f1, + 0x83f4, 0x8457, 0x840a, 0x83f0, 0x840c, 0x83cc, 0x83fd, 0x83f2, + 0x83ca, 0x8438, 0x840e, 0x8404, 0x83dc, 0x8407, 0x83d4, 0x83df, + 0x865b, 0x86df, 0x86d9, 0x86ed, 0x86d4, 0x86db, 0x86e4, 0x86d0, + 0x86de, 0x8857, 0x88c1, 0x88c2, 0x88b1, 0x8983, 0x8996, 0x8a3b, + 0x8a60, 0x8a55, 0x8a5e, 0x8a3c, 0x8a41, + /* 0xb6 */ + 0x8a54, 0x8a5b, 0x8a50, 0x8a46, 0x8a34, 0x8a3a, 0x8a36, 0x8a56, + 0x8c61, 0x8c82, 0x8caf, 0x8cbc, 0x8cb3, 0x8cbd, 0x8cc1, 0x8cbb, + 0x8cc0, 0x8cb4, 0x8cb7, 0x8cb6, 0x8cbf, 0x8cb8, 0x8d8a, 0x8d85, + 0x8d81, 0x8dce, 0x8ddd, 0x8dcb, 0x8dda, 0x8dd1, 0x8dcc, 0x8ddb, + 0x8dc6, 0x8efb, 0x8ef8, 0x8efc, 0x8f9c, 0x902e, 0x9035, 0x9031, + 0x9038, 0x9032, 0x9036, 0x9102, 0x90f5, 0x9109, 0x90fe, 0x9163, + 0x9165, 0x91cf, 0x9214, 0x9215, 0x9223, 0x9209, 0x921e, 0x920d, + 0x9210, 0x9207, 0x9211, 0x9594, 0x958f, 0x958b, 0x9591, 0x9593, + 0x9592, 0x958e, 0x968a, 0x968e, 0x968b, 0x967d, 0x9685, 0x9686, + 0x968d, 0x9672, 0x9684, 0x96c1, 0x96c5, 0x96c4, 0x96c6, 0x96c7, + 0x96ef, 0x96f2, 0x97cc, 0x9805, 0x9806, 0x9808, 0x98e7, 0x98ea, + 0x98ef, 0x98e9, 0x98f2, 0x98ed, 0x99ae, 0x99ad, 0x9ec3, 0x9ecd, + 0x9ed1, 0x4e82, 0x50ad, 0x50b5, 0x50b2, 0x50b3, 0x50c5, 0x50be, + 0x50ac, 0x50b7, 0x50bb, 0x50af, 0x50c7, 0x527f, 0x5277, 0x527d, + 0x52df, 0x52e6, 0x52e4, 0x52e2, 0x52e3, 0x532f, 0x55df, 0x55e8, + 0x55d3, 0x55e6, 0x55ce, 0x55dc, 0x55c7, 0x55d1, 0x55e3, 0x55e4, + 0x55ef, 0x55da, 0x55e1, 0x55c5, 0x55c6, 0x55e5, 0x55c9, 0x5712, + 0x5713, 0x585e, 0x5851, 0x5858, 0x5857, 0x585a, 0x5854, 0x586b, + 0x584c, 0x586d, 0x584a, 0x5862, 0x5852, 0x584b, 0x5967, 0x5ac1, + 0x5ac9, 0x5acc, 0x5abe, 0x5abd, 0x5abc, + /* 0xb7 */ + 0x5ab3, 0x5ac2, 0x5ab2, 0x5d69, 0x5d6f, 0x5e4c, 0x5e79, 0x5ec9, + 0x5ec8, 0x5f12, 0x5f59, 0x5fac, 0x5fae, 0x611a, 0x610f, 0x6148, + 0x611f, 0x60f3, 0x611b, 0x60f9, 0x6101, 0x6108, 0x614e, 0x614c, + 0x6144, 0x614d, 0x613e, 0x6134, 0x6127, 0x610d, 0x6106, 0x6137, + 0x6221, 0x6222, 0x6413, 0x643e, 0x641e, 0x642a, 0x642d, 0x643d, + 0x642c, 0x640f, 0x641c, 0x6414, 0x640d, 0x6436, 0x6416, 0x6417, + 0x6406, 0x656c, 0x659f, 0x65b0, 0x6697, 0x6689, 0x6687, 0x6688, + 0x6696, 0x6684, 0x6698, 0x668d, 0x6703, 0x6994, 0x696d, 0x695a, + 0x6977, 0x6960, 0x6954, 0x6975, 0x6930, 0x6982, 0x694a, 0x6968, + 0x696b, 0x695e, 0x6953, 0x6979, 0x6986, 0x695d, 0x6963, 0x695b, + 0x6b47, 0x6b72, 0x6bc0, 0x6bbf, 0x6bd3, 0x6bfd, 0x6ea2, 0x6eaf, + 0x6ed3, 0x6eb6, 0x6ec2, 0x6e90, 0x6e9d, 0x6ec7, 0x6ec5, 0x6ea5, + 0x6e98, 0x6ebc, 0x6eba, 0x6eab, 0x6ed1, 0x6e96, 0x6e9c, 0x6ec4, + 0x6ed4, 0x6eaa, 0x6ea7, 0x6eb4, 0x714e, 0x7159, 0x7169, 0x7164, + 0x7149, 0x7167, 0x715c, 0x716c, 0x7166, 0x714c, 0x7165, 0x715e, + 0x7146, 0x7168, 0x7156, 0x723a, 0x7252, 0x7337, 0x7345, 0x733f, + 0x733e, 0x746f, 0x745a, 0x7455, 0x745f, 0x745e, 0x7441, 0x743f, + 0x7459, 0x745b, 0x745c, 0x7576, 0x7578, 0x7600, 0x75f0, 0x7601, + 0x75f2, 0x75f1, 0x75fa, 0x75ff, 0x75f4, 0x75f3, 0x76de, 0x76df, + 0x775b, 0x776b, 0x7766, 0x775e, 0x7763, + /* 0xb8 */ + 0x7779, 0x776a, 0x776c, 0x775c, 0x7765, 0x7768, 0x7762, 0x77ee, + 0x788e, 0x78b0, 0x7897, 0x7898, 0x788c, 0x7889, 0x787c, 0x7891, + 0x7893, 0x787f, 0x797a, 0x797f, 0x7981, 0x842c, 0x79bd, 0x7a1c, + 0x7a1a, 0x7a20, 0x7a14, 0x7a1f, 0x7a1e, 0x7a9f, 0x7aa0, 0x7b77, + 0x7bc0, 0x7b60, 0x7b6e, 0x7b67, 0x7cb1, 0x7cb3, 0x7cb5, 0x7d93, + 0x7d79, 0x7d91, 0x7d81, 0x7d8f, 0x7d5b, 0x7f6e, 0x7f69, 0x7f6a, + 0x7f72, 0x7fa9, 0x7fa8, 0x7fa4, 0x8056, 0x8058, 0x8086, 0x8084, + 0x8171, 0x8170, 0x8178, 0x8165, 0x816e, 0x8173, 0x816b, 0x8179, + 0x817a, 0x8166, 0x8205, 0x8247, 0x8482, 0x8477, 0x843d, 0x8431, + 0x8475, 0x8466, 0x846b, 0x8449, 0x846c, 0x845b, 0x843c, 0x8435, + 0x8461, 0x8463, 0x8469, 0x846d, 0x8446, 0x865e, 0x865c, 0x865f, + 0x86f9, 0x8713, 0x8708, 0x8707, 0x8700, 0x86fe, 0x86fb, 0x8702, + 0x8703, 0x8706, 0x870a, 0x8859, 0x88df, 0x88d4, 0x88d9, 0x88dc, + 0x88d8, 0x88dd, 0x88e1, 0x88ca, 0x88d5, 0x88d2, 0x899c, 0x89e3, + 0x8a6b, 0x8a72, 0x8a73, 0x8a66, 0x8a69, 0x8a70, 0x8a87, 0x8a7c, + 0x8a63, 0x8aa0, 0x8a71, 0x8a85, 0x8a6d, 0x8a62, 0x8a6e, 0x8a6c, + 0x8a79, 0x8a7b, 0x8a3e, 0x8a68, 0x8c62, 0x8c8a, 0x8c89, 0x8cca, + 0x8cc7, 0x8cc8, 0x8cc4, 0x8cb2, 0x8cc3, 0x8cc2, 0x8cc5, 0x8de1, + 0x8ddf, 0x8de8, 0x8def, 0x8df3, 0x8dfa, 0x8dea, 0x8de4, 0x8de6, + 0x8eb2, 0x8f03, 0x8f09, 0x8efe, 0x8f0a, + /* 0xb9 */ + 0x8f9f, 0x8fb2, 0x904b, 0x904a, 0x9053, 0x9042, 0x9054, 0x903c, + 0x9055, 0x9050, 0x9047, 0x904f, 0x904e, 0x904d, 0x9051, 0x903e, + 0x9041, 0x9112, 0x9117, 0x916c, 0x916a, 0x9169, 0x91c9, 0x9237, + 0x9257, 0x9238, 0x923d, 0x9240, 0x923e, 0x925b, 0x924b, 0x9264, + 0x9251, 0x9234, 0x9249, 0x924d, 0x9245, 0x9239, 0x923f, 0x925a, + 0x9598, 0x9698, 0x9694, 0x9695, 0x96cd, 0x96cb, 0x96c9, 0x96ca, + 0x96f7, 0x96fb, 0x96f9, 0x96f6, 0x9756, 0x9774, 0x9776, 0x9810, + 0x9811, 0x9813, 0x980a, 0x9812, 0x980c, 0x98fc, 0x98f4, 0x98fd, + 0x98fe, 0x99b3, 0x99b1, 0x99b4, 0x9ae1, 0x9ce9, 0x9e82, 0x9f0e, + 0x9f13, 0x9f20, 0x50e7, 0x50ee, 0x50e5, 0x50d6, 0x50ed, 0x50da, + 0x50d5, 0x50cf, 0x50d1, 0x50f1, 0x50ce, 0x50e9, 0x5162, 0x51f3, + 0x5283, 0x5282, 0x5331, 0x53ad, 0x55fe, 0x5600, 0x561b, 0x5617, + 0x55fd, 0x5614, 0x5606, 0x5609, 0x560d, 0x560e, 0x55f7, 0x5616, + 0x561f, 0x5608, 0x5610, 0x55f6, 0x5718, 0x5716, 0x5875, 0x587e, + 0x5883, 0x5893, 0x588a, 0x5879, 0x5885, 0x587d, 0x58fd, 0x5925, + 0x5922, 0x5924, 0x596a, 0x5969, 0x5ae1, 0x5ae6, 0x5ae9, 0x5ad7, + 0x5ad6, 0x5ad8, 0x5ae3, 0x5b75, 0x5bde, 0x5be7, 0x5be1, 0x5be5, + 0x5be6, 0x5be8, 0x5be2, 0x5be4, 0x5bdf, 0x5c0d, 0x5c62, 0x5d84, + 0x5d87, 0x5e5b, 0x5e63, 0x5e55, 0x5e57, 0x5e54, 0x5ed3, 0x5ed6, + 0x5f0a, 0x5f46, 0x5f70, 0x5fb9, 0x6147, + /* 0xba */ + 0x613f, 0x614b, 0x6177, 0x6162, 0x6163, 0x615f, 0x615a, 0x6158, + 0x6175, 0x622a, 0x6487, 0x6458, 0x6454, 0x64a4, 0x6478, 0x645f, + 0x647a, 0x6451, 0x6467, 0x6434, 0x646d, 0x647b, 0x6572, 0x65a1, + 0x65d7, 0x65d6, 0x66a2, 0x66a8, 0x669d, 0x699c, 0x69a8, 0x6995, + 0x69c1, 0x69ae, 0x69d3, 0x69cb, 0x699b, 0x69b7, 0x69bb, 0x69ab, + 0x69b4, 0x69d0, 0x69cd, 0x69ad, 0x69cc, 0x69a6, 0x69c3, 0x69a3, + 0x6b49, 0x6b4c, 0x6c33, 0x6f33, 0x6f14, 0x6efe, 0x6f13, 0x6ef4, + 0x6f29, 0x6f3e, 0x6f20, 0x6f2c, 0x6f0f, 0x6f02, 0x6f22, 0x6eff, + 0x6eef, 0x6f06, 0x6f31, 0x6f38, 0x6f32, 0x6f23, 0x6f15, 0x6f2b, + 0x6f2f, 0x6f88, 0x6f2a, 0x6eec, 0x6f01, 0x6ef2, 0x6ecc, 0x6ef7, + 0x7194, 0x7199, 0x717d, 0x718a, 0x7184, 0x7192, 0x723e, 0x7292, + 0x7296, 0x7344, 0x7350, 0x7464, 0x7463, 0x746a, 0x7470, 0x746d, + 0x7504, 0x7591, 0x7627, 0x760d, 0x760b, 0x7609, 0x7613, 0x76e1, + 0x76e3, 0x7784, 0x777d, 0x777f, 0x7761, 0x78c1, 0x789f, 0x78a7, + 0x78b3, 0x78a9, 0x78a3, 0x798e, 0x798f, 0x798d, 0x7a2e, 0x7a31, + 0x7aaa, 0x7aa9, 0x7aed, 0x7aef, 0x7ba1, 0x7b95, 0x7b8b, 0x7b75, + 0x7b97, 0x7b9d, 0x7b94, 0x7b8f, 0x7bb8, 0x7b87, 0x7b84, 0x7cb9, + 0x7cbd, 0x7cbe, 0x7dbb, 0x7db0, 0x7d9c, 0x7dbd, 0x7dbe, 0x7da0, + 0x7dca, 0x7db4, 0x7db2, 0x7db1, 0x7dba, 0x7da2, 0x7dbf, 0x7db5, + 0x7db8, 0x7dad, 0x7dd2, 0x7dc7, 0x7dac, + /* 0xbb */ + 0x7f70, 0x7fe0, 0x7fe1, 0x7fdf, 0x805e, 0x805a, 0x8087, 0x8150, + 0x8180, 0x818f, 0x8188, 0x818a, 0x817f, 0x8182, 0x81e7, 0x81fa, + 0x8207, 0x8214, 0x821e, 0x824b, 0x84c9, 0x84bf, 0x84c6, 0x84c4, + 0x8499, 0x849e, 0x84b2, 0x849c, 0x84cb, 0x84b8, 0x84c0, 0x84d3, + 0x8490, 0x84bc, 0x84d1, 0x84ca, 0x873f, 0x871c, 0x873b, 0x8722, + 0x8725, 0x8734, 0x8718, 0x8755, 0x8737, 0x8729, 0x88f3, 0x8902, + 0x88f4, 0x88f9, 0x88f8, 0x88fd, 0x88e8, 0x891a, 0x88ef, 0x8aa6, + 0x8a8c, 0x8a9e, 0x8aa3, 0x8a8d, 0x8aa1, 0x8a93, 0x8aa4, 0x8aaa, + 0x8aa5, 0x8aa8, 0x8a98, 0x8a91, 0x8a9a, 0x8aa7, 0x8c6a, 0x8c8d, + 0x8c8c, 0x8cd3, 0x8cd1, 0x8cd2, 0x8d6b, 0x8d99, 0x8d95, 0x8dfc, + 0x8f14, 0x8f12, 0x8f15, 0x8f13, 0x8fa3, 0x9060, 0x9058, 0x905c, + 0x9063, 0x9059, 0x905e, 0x9062, 0x905d, 0x905b, 0x9119, 0x9118, + 0x911e, 0x9175, 0x9178, 0x9177, 0x9174, 0x9278, 0x9280, 0x9285, + 0x9298, 0x9296, 0x927b, 0x9293, 0x929c, 0x92a8, 0x927c, 0x9291, + 0x95a1, 0x95a8, 0x95a9, 0x95a3, 0x95a5, 0x95a4, 0x9699, 0x969c, + 0x969b, 0x96cc, 0x96d2, 0x9700, 0x977c, 0x9785, 0x97f6, 0x9817, + 0x9818, 0x98af, 0x98b1, 0x9903, 0x9905, 0x990c, 0x9909, 0x99c1, + 0x9aaf, 0x9ab0, 0x9ae6, 0x9b41, 0x9b42, 0x9cf4, 0x9cf6, 0x9cf3, + 0x9ebc, 0x9f3b, 0x9f4a, 0x5104, 0x5100, 0x50fb, 0x50f5, 0x50f9, + 0x5102, 0x5108, 0x5109, 0x5105, 0x51dc, + /* 0xbc */ + 0x5287, 0x5288, 0x5289, 0x528d, 0x528a, 0x52f0, 0x53b2, 0x562e, + 0x563b, 0x5639, 0x5632, 0x563f, 0x5634, 0x5629, 0x5653, 0x564e, + 0x5657, 0x5674, 0x5636, 0x562f, 0x5630, 0x5880, 0x589f, 0x589e, + 0x58b3, 0x589c, 0x58ae, 0x58a9, 0x58a6, 0x596d, 0x5b09, 0x5afb, + 0x5b0b, 0x5af5, 0x5b0c, 0x5b08, 0x5bee, 0x5bec, 0x5be9, 0x5beb, + 0x5c64, 0x5c65, 0x5d9d, 0x5d94, 0x5e62, 0x5e5f, 0x5e61, 0x5ee2, + 0x5eda, 0x5edf, 0x5edd, 0x5ee3, 0x5ee0, 0x5f48, 0x5f71, 0x5fb7, + 0x5fb5, 0x6176, 0x6167, 0x616e, 0x615d, 0x6155, 0x6182, 0x617c, + 0x6170, 0x616b, 0x617e, 0x61a7, 0x6190, 0x61ab, 0x618e, 0x61ac, + 0x619a, 0x61a4, 0x6194, 0x61ae, 0x622e, 0x6469, 0x646f, 0x6479, + 0x649e, 0x64b2, 0x6488, 0x6490, 0x64b0, 0x64a5, 0x6493, 0x6495, + 0x64a9, 0x6492, 0x64ae, 0x64ad, 0x64ab, 0x649a, 0x64ac, 0x6499, + 0x64a2, 0x64b3, 0x6575, 0x6577, 0x6578, 0x66ae, 0x66ab, 0x66b4, + 0x66b1, 0x6a23, 0x6a1f, 0x69e8, 0x6a01, 0x6a1e, 0x6a19, 0x69fd, + 0x6a21, 0x6a13, 0x6a0a, 0x69f3, 0x6a02, 0x6a05, 0x69ed, 0x6a11, + 0x6b50, 0x6b4e, 0x6ba4, 0x6bc5, 0x6bc6, 0x6f3f, 0x6f7c, 0x6f84, + 0x6f51, 0x6f66, 0x6f54, 0x6f86, 0x6f6d, 0x6f5b, 0x6f78, 0x6f6e, + 0x6f8e, 0x6f7a, 0x6f70, 0x6f64, 0x6f97, 0x6f58, 0x6ed5, 0x6f6f, + 0x6f60, 0x6f5f, 0x719f, 0x71ac, 0x71b1, 0x71a8, 0x7256, 0x729b, + 0x734e, 0x7357, 0x7469, 0x748b, 0x7483, + /* 0xbd */ + 0x747e, 0x7480, 0x757f, 0x7620, 0x7629, 0x761f, 0x7624, 0x7626, + 0x7621, 0x7622, 0x769a, 0x76ba, 0x76e4, 0x778e, 0x7787, 0x778c, + 0x7791, 0x778b, 0x78cb, 0x78c5, 0x78ba, 0x78ca, 0x78be, 0x78d5, + 0x78bc, 0x78d0, 0x7a3f, 0x7a3c, 0x7a40, 0x7a3d, 0x7a37, 0x7a3b, + 0x7aaf, 0x7aae, 0x7bad, 0x7bb1, 0x7bc4, 0x7bb4, 0x7bc6, 0x7bc7, + 0x7bc1, 0x7ba0, 0x7bcc, 0x7cca, 0x7de0, 0x7df4, 0x7def, 0x7dfb, + 0x7dd8, 0x7dec, 0x7ddd, 0x7de8, 0x7de3, 0x7dda, 0x7dde, 0x7de9, + 0x7d9e, 0x7dd9, 0x7df2, 0x7df9, 0x7f75, 0x7f77, 0x7faf, 0x7fe9, + 0x8026, 0x819b, 0x819c, 0x819d, 0x81a0, 0x819a, 0x8198, 0x8517, + 0x853d, 0x851a, 0x84ee, 0x852c, 0x852d, 0x8513, 0x8511, 0x8523, + 0x8521, 0x8514, 0x84ec, 0x8525, 0x84ff, 0x8506, 0x8782, 0x8774, + 0x8776, 0x8760, 0x8766, 0x8778, 0x8768, 0x8759, 0x8757, 0x874c, + 0x8753, 0x885b, 0x885d, 0x8910, 0x8907, 0x8912, 0x8913, 0x8915, + 0x890a, 0x8abc, 0x8ad2, 0x8ac7, 0x8ac4, 0x8a95, 0x8acb, 0x8af8, + 0x8ab2, 0x8ac9, 0x8ac2, 0x8abf, 0x8ab0, 0x8ad6, 0x8acd, 0x8ab6, + 0x8ab9, 0x8adb, 0x8c4c, 0x8c4e, 0x8c6c, 0x8ce0, 0x8cde, 0x8ce6, + 0x8ce4, 0x8cec, 0x8ced, 0x8ce2, 0x8ce3, 0x8cdc, 0x8cea, 0x8ce1, + 0x8d6d, 0x8d9f, 0x8da3, 0x8e2b, 0x8e10, 0x8e1d, 0x8e22, 0x8e0f, + 0x8e29, 0x8e1f, 0x8e21, 0x8e1e, 0x8eba, 0x8f1d, 0x8f1b, 0x8f1f, + 0x8f29, 0x8f26, 0x8f2a, 0x8f1c, 0x8f1e, + /* 0xbe */ + 0x8f25, 0x9069, 0x906e, 0x9068, 0x906d, 0x9077, 0x9130, 0x912d, + 0x9127, 0x9131, 0x9187, 0x9189, 0x918b, 0x9183, 0x92c5, 0x92bb, + 0x92b7, 0x92ea, 0x92ac, 0x92e4, 0x92c1, 0x92b3, 0x92bc, 0x92d2, + 0x92c7, 0x92f0, 0x92b2, 0x95ad, 0x95b1, 0x9704, 0x9706, 0x9707, + 0x9709, 0x9760, 0x978d, 0x978b, 0x978f, 0x9821, 0x982b, 0x981c, + 0x98b3, 0x990a, 0x9913, 0x9912, 0x9918, 0x99dd, 0x99d0, 0x99df, + 0x99db, 0x99d1, 0x99d5, 0x99d2, 0x99d9, 0x9ab7, 0x9aee, 0x9aef, + 0x9b27, 0x9b45, 0x9b44, 0x9b77, 0x9b6f, 0x9d06, 0x9d09, 0x9d03, + 0x9ea9, 0x9ebe, 0x9ece, 0x58a8, 0x9f52, 0x5112, 0x5118, 0x5114, + 0x5110, 0x5115, 0x5180, 0x51aa, 0x51dd, 0x5291, 0x5293, 0x52f3, + 0x5659, 0x566b, 0x5679, 0x5669, 0x5664, 0x5678, 0x566a, 0x5668, + 0x5665, 0x5671, 0x566f, 0x566c, 0x5662, 0x5676, 0x58c1, 0x58be, + 0x58c7, 0x58c5, 0x596e, 0x5b1d, 0x5b34, 0x5b78, 0x5bf0, 0x5c0e, + 0x5f4a, 0x61b2, 0x6191, 0x61a9, 0x618a, 0x61cd, 0x61b6, 0x61be, + 0x61ca, 0x61c8, 0x6230, 0x64c5, 0x64c1, 0x64cb, 0x64bb, 0x64bc, + 0x64da, 0x64c4, 0x64c7, 0x64c2, 0x64cd, 0x64bf, 0x64d2, 0x64d4, + 0x64be, 0x6574, 0x66c6, 0x66c9, 0x66b9, 0x66c4, 0x66c7, 0x66b8, + 0x6a3d, 0x6a38, 0x6a3a, 0x6a59, 0x6a6b, 0x6a58, 0x6a39, 0x6a44, + 0x6a62, 0x6a61, 0x6a4b, 0x6a47, 0x6a35, 0x6a5f, 0x6a48, 0x6b59, + 0x6b77, 0x6c05, 0x6fc2, 0x6fb1, 0x6fa1, + /* 0xbf */ + 0x6fc3, 0x6fa4, 0x6fc1, 0x6fa7, 0x6fb3, 0x6fc0, 0x6fb9, 0x6fb6, + 0x6fa6, 0x6fa0, 0x6fb4, 0x71be, 0x71c9, 0x71d0, 0x71d2, 0x71c8, + 0x71d5, 0x71b9, 0x71ce, 0x71d9, 0x71dc, 0x71c3, 0x71c4, 0x7368, + 0x749c, 0x74a3, 0x7498, 0x749f, 0x749e, 0x74e2, 0x750c, 0x750d, + 0x7634, 0x7638, 0x763a, 0x76e7, 0x76e5, 0x77a0, 0x779e, 0x779f, + 0x77a5, 0x78e8, 0x78da, 0x78ec, 0x78e7, 0x79a6, 0x7a4d, 0x7a4e, + 0x7a46, 0x7a4c, 0x7a4b, 0x7aba, 0x7bd9, 0x7c11, 0x7bc9, 0x7be4, + 0x7bdb, 0x7be1, 0x7be9, 0x7be6, 0x7cd5, 0x7cd6, 0x7e0a, 0x7e11, + 0x7e08, 0x7e1b, 0x7e23, 0x7e1e, 0x7e1d, 0x7e09, 0x7e10, 0x7f79, + 0x7fb2, 0x7ff0, 0x7ff1, 0x7fee, 0x8028, 0x81b3, 0x81a9, 0x81a8, + 0x81fb, 0x8208, 0x8258, 0x8259, 0x854a, 0x8559, 0x8548, 0x8568, + 0x8569, 0x8543, 0x8549, 0x856d, 0x856a, 0x855e, 0x8783, 0x879f, + 0x879e, 0x87a2, 0x878d, 0x8861, 0x892a, 0x8932, 0x8925, 0x892b, + 0x8921, 0x89aa, 0x89a6, 0x8ae6, 0x8afa, 0x8aeb, 0x8af1, 0x8b00, + 0x8adc, 0x8ae7, 0x8aee, 0x8afe, 0x8b01, 0x8b02, 0x8af7, 0x8aed, + 0x8af3, 0x8af6, 0x8afc, 0x8c6b, 0x8c6d, 0x8c93, 0x8cf4, 0x8e44, + 0x8e31, 0x8e34, 0x8e42, 0x8e39, 0x8e35, 0x8f3b, 0x8f2f, 0x8f38, + 0x8f33, 0x8fa8, 0x8fa6, 0x9075, 0x9074, 0x9078, 0x9072, 0x907c, + 0x907a, 0x9134, 0x9192, 0x9320, 0x9336, 0x92f8, 0x9333, 0x932f, + 0x9322, 0x92fc, 0x932b, 0x9304, 0x931a, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x9310, 0x9326, 0x9321, 0x9315, 0x932e, 0x9319, 0x95bb, 0x96a7, + 0x96a8, 0x96aa, 0x96d5, 0x970e, 0x9711, 0x9716, 0x970d, 0x9713, + 0x970f, 0x975b, 0x975c, 0x9766, 0x9798, 0x9830, 0x9838, 0x983b, + 0x9837, 0x982d, 0x9839, 0x9824, 0x9910, 0x9928, 0x991e, 0x991b, + 0x9921, 0x991a, 0x99ed, 0x99e2, 0x99f1, 0x9ab8, 0x9abc, 0x9afb, + 0x9aed, 0x9b28, 0x9b91, 0x9d15, 0x9d23, 0x9d26, 0x9d28, 0x9d12, + 0x9d1b, 0x9ed8, 0x9ed4, 0x9f8d, 0x9f9c, 0x512a, 0x511f, 0x5121, + 0x5132, 0x52f5, 0x568e, 0x5680, 0x5690, 0x5685, 0x5687, 0x568f, + 0x58d5, 0x58d3, 0x58d1, 0x58ce, 0x5b30, 0x5b2a, 0x5b24, 0x5b7a, + 0x5c37, 0x5c68, 0x5dbc, 0x5dba, 0x5dbd, 0x5db8, 0x5e6b, 0x5f4c, + 0x5fbd, 0x61c9, 0x61c2, 0x61c7, 0x61e6, 0x61cb, 0x6232, 0x6234, + 0x64ce, 0x64ca, 0x64d8, 0x64e0, 0x64f0, 0x64e6, 0x64ec, 0x64f1, + 0x64e2, 0x64ed, 0x6582, 0x6583, 0x66d9, 0x66d6, 0x6a80, 0x6a94, + 0x6a84, 0x6aa2, 0x6a9c, 0x6adb, 0x6aa3, 0x6a7e, 0x6a97, 0x6a90, + 0x6aa0, 0x6b5c, 0x6bae, 0x6bda, 0x6c08, 0x6fd8, 0x6ff1, 0x6fdf, + 0x6fe0, 0x6fdb, 0x6fe4, 0x6feb, 0x6fef, 0x6f80, 0x6fec, 0x6fe1, + 0x6fe9, 0x6fd5, 0x6fee, 0x6ff0, 0x71e7, 0x71df, 0x71ee, 0x71e6, + 0x71e5, 0x71ed, 0x71ec, 0x71f4, 0x71e0, 0x7235, 0x7246, 0x7370, + 0x7372, 0x74a9, 0x74b0, 0x74a6, 0x74a8, 0x7646, 0x7642, 0x764c, + 0x76ea, 0x77b3, 0x77aa, 0x77b0, 0x77ac, + /* 0xc1 */ + 0x77a7, 0x77ad, 0x77ef, 0x78f7, 0x78fa, 0x78f4, 0x78ef, 0x7901, + 0x79a7, 0x79aa, 0x7a57, 0x7abf, 0x7c07, 0x7c0d, 0x7bfe, 0x7bf7, + 0x7c0c, 0x7be0, 0x7ce0, 0x7cdc, 0x7cde, 0x7ce2, 0x7cdf, 0x7cd9, + 0x7cdd, 0x7e2e, 0x7e3e, 0x7e46, 0x7e37, 0x7e32, 0x7e43, 0x7e2b, + 0x7e3d, 0x7e31, 0x7e45, 0x7e41, 0x7e34, 0x7e39, 0x7e48, 0x7e35, + 0x7e3f, 0x7e2f, 0x7f44, 0x7ff3, 0x7ffc, 0x8071, 0x8072, 0x8070, + 0x806f, 0x8073, 0x81c6, 0x81c3, 0x81ba, 0x81c2, 0x81c0, 0x81bf, + 0x81bd, 0x81c9, 0x81be, 0x81e8, 0x8209, 0x8271, 0x85aa, 0x8584, + 0x857e, 0x859c, 0x8591, 0x8594, 0x85af, 0x859b, 0x8587, 0x85a8, + 0x858a, 0x8667, 0x87c0, 0x87d1, 0x87b3, 0x87d2, 0x87c6, 0x87ab, + 0x87bb, 0x87ba, 0x87c8, 0x87cb, 0x893b, 0x8936, 0x8944, 0x8938, + 0x893d, 0x89ac, 0x8b0e, 0x8b17, 0x8b19, 0x8b1b, 0x8b0a, 0x8b20, + 0x8b1d, 0x8b04, 0x8b10, 0x8c41, 0x8c3f, 0x8c73, 0x8cfa, 0x8cfd, + 0x8cfc, 0x8cf8, 0x8cfb, 0x8da8, 0x8e49, 0x8e4b, 0x8e48, 0x8e4a, + 0x8f44, 0x8f3e, 0x8f42, 0x8f45, 0x8f3f, 0x907f, 0x907d, 0x9084, + 0x9081, 0x9082, 0x9080, 0x9139, 0x91a3, 0x919e, 0x919c, 0x934d, + 0x9382, 0x9328, 0x9375, 0x934a, 0x9365, 0x934b, 0x9318, 0x937e, + 0x936c, 0x935b, 0x9370, 0x935a, 0x9354, 0x95ca, 0x95cb, 0x95cc, + 0x95c8, 0x95c6, 0x96b1, 0x96b8, 0x96d6, 0x971c, 0x971e, 0x97a0, + 0x97d3, 0x9846, 0x98b6, 0x9935, 0x9a01, + /* 0xc2 */ + 0x99ff, 0x9bae, 0x9bab, 0x9baa, 0x9bad, 0x9d3b, 0x9d3f, 0x9e8b, + 0x9ecf, 0x9ede, 0x9edc, 0x9edd, 0x9edb, 0x9f3e, 0x9f4b, 0x53e2, + 0x5695, 0x56ae, 0x58d9, 0x58d8, 0x5b38, 0x5f5d, 0x61e3, 0x6233, + 0x64f4, 0x64f2, 0x64fe, 0x6506, 0x64fa, 0x64fb, 0x64f7, 0x65b7, + 0x66dc, 0x6726, 0x6ab3, 0x6aac, 0x6ac3, 0x6abb, 0x6ab8, 0x6ac2, + 0x6aae, 0x6aaf, 0x6b5f, 0x6b78, 0x6baf, 0x7009, 0x700b, 0x6ffe, + 0x7006, 0x6ffa, 0x7011, 0x700f, 0x71fb, 0x71fc, 0x71fe, 0x71f8, + 0x7377, 0x7375, 0x74a7, 0x74bf, 0x7515, 0x7656, 0x7658, 0x7652, + 0x77bd, 0x77bf, 0x77bb, 0x77bc, 0x790e, 0x79ae, 0x7a61, 0x7a62, + 0x7a60, 0x7ac4, 0x7ac5, 0x7c2b, 0x7c27, 0x7c2a, 0x7c1e, 0x7c23, + 0x7c21, 0x7ce7, 0x7e54, 0x7e55, 0x7e5e, 0x7e5a, 0x7e61, 0x7e52, + 0x7e59, 0x7f48, 0x7ff9, 0x7ffb, 0x8077, 0x8076, 0x81cd, 0x81cf, + 0x820a, 0x85cf, 0x85a9, 0x85cd, 0x85d0, 0x85c9, 0x85b0, 0x85ba, + 0x85b9, 0x85a6, 0x87ef, 0x87ec, 0x87f2, 0x87e0, 0x8986, 0x89b2, + 0x89f4, 0x8b28, 0x8b39, 0x8b2c, 0x8b2b, 0x8c50, 0x8d05, 0x8e59, + 0x8e63, 0x8e66, 0x8e64, 0x8e5f, 0x8e55, 0x8ec0, 0x8f49, 0x8f4d, + 0x9087, 0x9083, 0x9088, 0x91ab, 0x91ac, 0x91d0, 0x9394, 0x938a, + 0x9396, 0x93a2, 0x93b3, 0x93ae, 0x93ac, 0x93b0, 0x9398, 0x939a, + 0x9397, 0x95d4, 0x95d6, 0x95d0, 0x95d5, 0x96e2, 0x96dc, 0x96d9, + 0x96db, 0x96de, 0x9724, 0x97a3, 0x97a6, + /* 0xc3 */ + 0x97ad, 0x97f9, 0x984d, 0x984f, 0x984c, 0x984e, 0x9853, 0x98ba, + 0x993e, 0x993f, 0x993d, 0x992e, 0x99a5, 0x9a0e, 0x9ac1, 0x9b03, + 0x9b06, 0x9b4f, 0x9b4e, 0x9b4d, 0x9bca, 0x9bc9, 0x9bfd, 0x9bc8, + 0x9bc0, 0x9d51, 0x9d5d, 0x9d60, 0x9ee0, 0x9f15, 0x9f2c, 0x5133, + 0x56a5, 0x58de, 0x58df, 0x58e2, 0x5bf5, 0x9f90, 0x5eec, 0x61f2, + 0x61f7, 0x61f6, 0x61f5, 0x6500, 0x650f, 0x66e0, 0x66dd, 0x6ae5, + 0x6add, 0x6ada, 0x6ad3, 0x701b, 0x701f, 0x7028, 0x701a, 0x701d, + 0x7015, 0x7018, 0x7206, 0x720d, 0x7258, 0x72a2, 0x7378, 0x737a, + 0x74bd, 0x74ca, 0x74e3, 0x7587, 0x7586, 0x765f, 0x7661, 0x77c7, + 0x7919, 0x79b1, 0x7a6b, 0x7a69, 0x7c3e, 0x7c3f, 0x7c38, 0x7c3d, + 0x7c37, 0x7c40, 0x7e6b, 0x7e6d, 0x7e79, 0x7e69, 0x7e6a, 0x7f85, + 0x7e73, 0x7fb6, 0x7fb9, 0x7fb8, 0x81d8, 0x85e9, 0x85dd, 0x85ea, + 0x85d5, 0x85e4, 0x85e5, 0x85f7, 0x87fb, 0x8805, 0x880d, 0x87f9, + 0x87fe, 0x8960, 0x895f, 0x8956, 0x895e, 0x8b41, 0x8b5c, 0x8b58, + 0x8b49, 0x8b5a, 0x8b4e, 0x8b4f, 0x8b46, 0x8b59, 0x8d08, 0x8d0a, + 0x8e7c, 0x8e72, 0x8e87, 0x8e76, 0x8e6c, 0x8e7a, 0x8e74, 0x8f54, + 0x8f4e, 0x8fad, 0x908a, 0x908b, 0x91b1, 0x91ae, 0x93e1, 0x93d1, + 0x93df, 0x93c3, 0x93c8, 0x93dc, 0x93dd, 0x93d6, 0x93e2, 0x93cd, + 0x93d8, 0x93e4, 0x93d7, 0x93e8, 0x95dc, 0x96b4, 0x96e3, 0x972a, + 0x9727, 0x9761, 0x97dc, 0x97fb, 0x985e, + /* 0xc4 */ + 0x9858, 0x985b, 0x98bc, 0x9945, 0x9949, 0x9a16, 0x9a19, 0x9b0d, + 0x9be8, 0x9be7, 0x9bd6, 0x9bdb, 0x9d89, 0x9d61, 0x9d72, 0x9d6a, + 0x9d6c, 0x9e92, 0x9e97, 0x9e93, 0x9eb4, 0x52f8, 0x56a8, 0x56b7, + 0x56b6, 0x56b4, 0x56bc, 0x58e4, 0x5b40, 0x5b43, 0x5b7d, 0x5bf6, + 0x5dc9, 0x61f8, 0x61fa, 0x6518, 0x6514, 0x6519, 0x66e6, 0x6727, + 0x6aec, 0x703e, 0x7030, 0x7032, 0x7210, 0x737b, 0x74cf, 0x7662, + 0x7665, 0x7926, 0x792a, 0x792c, 0x792b, 0x7ac7, 0x7af6, 0x7c4c, + 0x7c43, 0x7c4d, 0x7cef, 0x7cf0, 0x8fae, 0x7e7d, 0x7e7c, 0x7e82, + 0x7f4c, 0x8000, 0x81da, 0x8266, 0x85fb, 0x85f9, 0x8611, 0x85fa, + 0x8606, 0x860b, 0x8607, 0x860a, 0x8814, 0x8815, 0x8964, 0x89ba, + 0x89f8, 0x8b70, 0x8b6c, 0x8b66, 0x8b6f, 0x8b5f, 0x8b6b, 0x8d0f, + 0x8d0d, 0x8e89, 0x8e81, 0x8e85, 0x8e82, 0x91b4, 0x91cb, 0x9418, + 0x9403, 0x93fd, 0x95e1, 0x9730, 0x98c4, 0x9952, 0x9951, 0x99a8, + 0x9a2b, 0x9a30, 0x9a37, 0x9a35, 0x9c13, 0x9c0d, 0x9e79, 0x9eb5, + 0x9ee8, 0x9f2f, 0x9f5f, 0x9f63, 0x9f61, 0x5137, 0x5138, 0x56c1, + 0x56c0, 0x56c2, 0x5914, 0x5c6c, 0x5dcd, 0x61fc, 0x61fe, 0x651d, + 0x651c, 0x6595, 0x66e9, 0x6afb, 0x6b04, 0x6afa, 0x6bb2, 0x704c, + 0x721b, 0x72a7, 0x74d6, 0x74d4, 0x7669, 0x77d3, 0x7c50, 0x7e8f, + 0x7e8c, 0x7fbc, 0x8617, 0x862d, 0x861a, 0x8823, 0x8822, 0x8821, + 0x881f, 0x896a, 0x896c, 0x89bd, 0x8b74, + /* 0xc5 */ + 0x8b77, 0x8b7d, 0x8d13, 0x8e8a, 0x8e8d, 0x8e8b, 0x8f5f, 0x8faf, + 0x91ba, 0x942e, 0x9433, 0x9435, 0x943a, 0x9438, 0x9432, 0x942b, + 0x95e2, 0x9738, 0x9739, 0x9732, 0x97ff, 0x9867, 0x9865, 0x9957, + 0x9a45, 0x9a43, 0x9a40, 0x9a3e, 0x9acf, 0x9b54, 0x9b51, 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0x962d, 0x4e33, + 0x4f98, 0x4f7c, 0x4f85, 0x4f7d, 0x4f80, 0x4f87, 0x4f76, 0x4f74, + 0x4f89, 0x4f84, 0x4f77, 0x4f4c, 0x4f97, 0x4f6a, 0x4f9a, 0x4f79, + 0x4f81, 0x4f78, 0x4f90, 0x4f9c, 0x4f94, 0x4f9e, 0x4f92, 0x4f82, + 0x4f95, 0x4f6b, 0x4f6e, 0x519e, 0x51bc, 0x51be, 0x5235, 0x5232, + 0x5233, 0x5246, 0x5231, 0x52bc, 0x530a, 0x530b, 0x533c, 0x5392, + 0x5394, 0x5487, 0x547f, 0x5481, 0x5491, 0x5482, 0x5488, 0x546b, + 0x547a, 0x547e, 0x5465, 0x546c, 0x5474, 0x5466, 0x548d, 0x546f, + 0x5461, 0x5460, 0x5498, 0x5463, 0x5467, 0x5464, 0x56f7, 0x56f9, + 0x576f, 0x5772, 0x576d, 0x576b, 0x5771, 0x5770, 0x5776, 0x5780, + 0x5775, 0x577b, 0x5773, 0x5774, 0x5762, + /* 0xcc */ + 0x5768, 0x577d, 0x590c, 0x5945, 0x59b5, 0x59ba, 0x59cf, 0x59ce, + 0x59b2, 0x59cc, 0x59c1, 0x59b6, 0x59bc, 0x59c3, 0x59d6, 0x59b1, + 0x59bd, 0x59c0, 0x59c8, 0x59b4, 0x59c7, 0x5b62, 0x5b65, 0x5b93, + 0x5b95, 0x5c44, 0x5c47, 0x5cae, 0x5ca4, 0x5ca0, 0x5cb5, 0x5caf, + 0x5ca8, 0x5cac, 0x5c9f, 0x5ca3, 0x5cad, 0x5ca2, 0x5caa, 0x5ca7, + 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0x6cb4, 0x6c8a, 0x6c9d, 0x6c80, 0x6cde, 0x6cc0, + 0x6d30, 0x6ccd, 0x6cc7, 0x6cb0, 0x6cf9, 0x6ccf, 0x6ce9, 0x6cd1, + 0x7094, 0x7098, 0x7085, 0x7093, 0x7086, 0x7084, 0x7091, 0x7096, + 0x7082, 0x709a, 0x7083, 0x726a, 0x72d6, 0x72cb, 0x72d8, 0x72c9, + 0x72dc, 0x72d2, 0x72d4, 0x72da, 0x72cc, 0x72d1, 0x73a4, 0x73a1, + 0x73ad, 0x73a6, 0x73a2, 0x73a0, 0x73ac, 0x739d, 0x74dd, 0x74e8, + 0x753f, 0x7540, 0x753e, 0x758c, 0x7598, 0x76af, 0x76f3, 0x76f1, + 0x76f0, 0x76f5, 0x77f8, 0x77fc, 0x77f9, 0x77fb, 0x77fa, 0x77f7, + 0x7942, 0x793f, 0x79c5, 0x7a78, 0x7a7b, 0x7afb, 0x7c75, 0x7cfd, + 0x8035, 0x808f, 0x80ae, 0x80a3, 0x80b8, 0x80b5, 0x80ad, 0x8220, + 0x82a0, 0x82c0, 0x82ab, 0x829a, 0x8298, 0x829b, 0x82b5, 0x82a7, + 0x82ae, 0x82bc, 0x829e, 0x82ba, 0x82b4, 0x82a8, 0x82a1, 0x82a9, + 0x82c2, 0x82a4, 0x82c3, 0x82b6, 0x82a2, 0x8670, 0x866f, 0x866d, + 0x866e, 0x8c56, 0x8fd2, 0x8fcb, 0x8fd3, 0x8fcd, 0x8fd6, 0x8fd5, + 0x8fd7, 0x90b2, 0x90b4, 0x90af, 0x90b3, 0x90b0, 0x9639, 0x963d, + 0x963c, 0x963a, 0x9643, 0x4fcd, 0x4fc5, 0x4fd3, 0x4fb2, 0x4fc9, + 0x4fcb, 0x4fc1, 0x4fd4, 0x4fdc, 0x4fd9, 0x4fbb, 0x4fb3, 0x4fdb, + 0x4fc7, 0x4fd6, 0x4fba, 0x4fc0, 0x4fb9, 0x4fec, 0x5244, 0x5249, + 0x52c0, 0x52c2, 0x533d, 0x537c, 0x5397, 0x5396, 0x5399, 0x5398, + 0x54ba, 0x54a1, 0x54ad, 0x54a5, 0x54cf, + /* 0xce */ + 0x54c3, 0x830d, 0x54b7, 0x54ae, 0x54d6, 0x54b6, 0x54c5, 0x54c6, + 0x54a0, 0x5470, 0x54bc, 0x54a2, 0x54be, 0x5472, 0x54de, 0x54b0, + 0x57b5, 0x579e, 0x579f, 0x57a4, 0x578c, 0x5797, 0x579d, 0x579b, + 0x5794, 0x5798, 0x578f, 0x5799, 0x57a5, 0x579a, 0x5795, 0x58f4, + 0x590d, 0x5953, 0x59e1, 0x59de, 0x59ee, 0x5a00, 0x59f1, 0x59dd, + 0x59fa, 0x59fd, 0x59fc, 0x59f6, 0x59e4, 0x59f2, 0x59f7, 0x59db, + 0x59e9, 0x59f3, 0x59f5, 0x59e0, 0x59fe, 0x59f4, 0x59ed, 0x5ba8, + 0x5c4c, 0x5cd0, 0x5cd8, 0x5ccc, 0x5cd7, 0x5ccb, 0x5cdb, 0x5cde, + 0x5cda, 0x5cc9, 0x5cc7, 0x5cca, 0x5cd6, 0x5cd3, 0x5cd4, 0x5ccf, + 0x5cc8, 0x5cc6, 0x5cce, 0x5cdf, 0x5cf8, 0x5df9, 0x5e21, 0x5e22, + 0x5e23, 0x5e20, 0x5e24, 0x5eb0, 0x5ea4, 0x5ea2, 0x5e9b, 0x5ea3, + 0x5ea5, 0x5f07, 0x5f2e, 0x5f56, 0x5f86, 0x6037, 0x6039, 0x6054, + 0x6072, 0x605e, 0x6045, 0x6053, 0x6047, 0x6049, 0x605b, 0x604c, + 0x6040, 0x6042, 0x605f, 0x6024, 0x6044, 0x6058, 0x6066, 0x606e, + 0x6242, 0x6243, 0x62cf, 0x630d, 0x630b, 0x62f5, 0x630e, 0x6303, + 0x62eb, 0x62f9, 0x630f, 0x630c, 0x62f8, 0x62f6, 0x6300, 0x6313, + 0x6314, 0x62fa, 0x6315, 0x62fb, 0x62f0, 0x6541, 0x6543, 0x65aa, + 0x65bf, 0x6636, 0x6621, 0x6632, 0x6635, 0x661c, 0x6626, 0x6622, + 0x6633, 0x662b, 0x663a, 0x661d, 0x6634, 0x6639, 0x662e, 0x670f, + 0x6710, 0x67c1, 0x67f2, 0x67c8, 0x67ba, + /* 0xcf */ + 0x67dc, 0x67bb, 0x67f8, 0x67d8, 0x67c0, 0x67b7, 0x67c5, 0x67eb, + 0x67e4, 0x67df, 0x67b5, 0x67cd, 0x67b3, 0x67f7, 0x67f6, 0x67ee, + 0x67e3, 0x67c2, 0x67b9, 0x67ce, 0x67e7, 0x67f0, 0x67b2, 0x67fc, + 0x67c6, 0x67ed, 0x67cc, 0x67ae, 0x67e6, 0x67db, 0x67fa, 0x67c9, + 0x67ca, 0x67c3, 0x67ea, 0x67cb, 0x6b28, 0x6b82, 0x6b84, 0x6bb6, + 0x6bd6, 0x6bd8, 0x6be0, 0x6c20, 0x6c21, 0x6d28, 0x6d34, 0x6d2d, + 0x6d1f, 0x6d3c, 0x6d3f, 0x6d12, 0x6d0a, 0x6cda, 0x6d33, 0x6d04, + 0x6d19, 0x6d3a, 0x6d1a, 0x6d11, 0x6d00, 0x6d1d, 0x6d42, 0x6d01, + 0x6d18, 0x6d37, 0x6d03, 0x6d0f, 0x6d40, 0x6d07, 0x6d20, 0x6d2c, + 0x6d08, 0x6d22, 0x6d09, 0x6d10, 0x70b7, 0x709f, 0x70be, 0x70b1, + 0x70b0, 0x70a1, 0x70b4, 0x70b5, 0x70a9, 0x7241, 0x7249, 0x724a, + 0x726c, 0x7270, 0x7273, 0x726e, 0x72ca, 0x72e4, 0x72e8, 0x72eb, + 0x72df, 0x72ea, 0x72e6, 0x72e3, 0x7385, 0x73cc, 0x73c2, 0x73c8, + 0x73c5, 0x73b9, 0x73b6, 0x73b5, 0x73b4, 0x73eb, 0x73bf, 0x73c7, + 0x73be, 0x73c3, 0x73c6, 0x73b8, 0x73cb, 0x74ec, 0x74ee, 0x752e, + 0x7547, 0x7548, 0x75a7, 0x75aa, 0x7679, 0x76c4, 0x7708, 0x7703, + 0x7704, 0x7705, 0x770a, 0x76f7, 0x76fb, 0x76fa, 0x77e7, 0x77e8, + 0x7806, 0x7811, 0x7812, 0x7805, 0x7810, 0x780f, 0x780e, 0x7809, + 0x7803, 0x7813, 0x794a, 0x794c, 0x794b, 0x7945, 0x7944, 0x79d5, + 0x79cd, 0x79cf, 0x79d6, 0x79ce, 0x7a80, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x7a7e, 0x7ad1, 0x7b00, 0x7b01, 0x7c7a, 0x7c78, 0x7c79, 0x7c7f, + 0x7c80, 0x7c81, 0x7d03, 0x7d08, 0x7d01, 0x7f58, 0x7f91, 0x7f8d, + 0x7fbe, 0x8007, 0x800e, 0x800f, 0x8014, 0x8037, 0x80d8, 0x80c7, + 0x80e0, 0x80d1, 0x80c8, 0x80c2, 0x80d0, 0x80c5, 0x80e3, 0x80d9, + 0x80dc, 0x80ca, 0x80d5, 0x80c9, 0x80cf, 0x80d7, 0x80e6, 0x80cd, + 0x81ff, 0x8221, 0x8294, 0x82d9, 0x82fe, 0x82f9, 0x8307, 0x82e8, + 0x8300, 0x82d5, 0x833a, 0x82eb, 0x82d6, 0x82f4, 0x82ec, 0x82e1, + 0x82f2, 0x82f5, 0x830c, 0x82fb, 0x82f6, 0x82f0, 0x82ea, 0x82e4, + 0x82e0, 0x82fa, 0x82f3, 0x82ed, 0x8677, 0x8674, 0x867c, 0x8673, + 0x8841, 0x884e, 0x8867, 0x886a, 0x8869, 0x89d3, 0x8a04, 0x8a07, + 0x8d72, 0x8fe3, 0x8fe1, 0x8fee, 0x8fe0, 0x90f1, 0x90bd, 0x90bf, + 0x90d5, 0x90c5, 0x90be, 0x90c7, 0x90cb, 0x90c8, 0x91d4, 0x91d3, + 0x9654, 0x964f, 0x9651, 0x9653, 0x964a, 0x964e, 0x501e, 0x5005, + 0x5007, 0x5013, 0x5022, 0x5030, 0x501b, 0x4ff5, 0x4ff4, 0x5033, + 0x5037, 0x502c, 0x4ff6, 0x4ff7, 0x5017, 0x501c, 0x5020, 0x5027, + 0x5035, 0x502f, 0x5031, 0x500e, 0x515a, 0x5194, 0x5193, 0x51ca, + 0x51c4, 0x51c5, 0x51c8, 0x51ce, 0x5261, 0x525a, 0x5252, 0x525e, + 0x525f, 0x5255, 0x5262, 0x52cd, 0x530e, 0x539e, 0x5526, 0x54e2, + 0x5517, 0x5512, 0x54e7, 0x54f3, 0x54e4, 0x551a, 0x54ff, 0x5504, + 0x5508, 0x54eb, 0x5511, 0x5505, 0x54f1, + /* 0xd1 */ + 0x550a, 0x54fb, 0x54f7, 0x54f8, 0x54e0, 0x550e, 0x5503, 0x550b, + 0x5701, 0x5702, 0x57cc, 0x5832, 0x57d5, 0x57d2, 0x57ba, 0x57c6, + 0x57bd, 0x57bc, 0x57b8, 0x57b6, 0x57bf, 0x57c7, 0x57d0, 0x57b9, + 0x57c1, 0x590e, 0x594a, 0x5a19, 0x5a16, 0x5a2d, 0x5a2e, 0x5a15, + 0x5a0f, 0x5a17, 0x5a0a, 0x5a1e, 0x5a33, 0x5b6c, 0x5ba7, 0x5bad, + 0x5bac, 0x5c03, 0x5c56, 0x5c54, 0x5cec, 0x5cff, 0x5cee, 0x5cf1, + 0x5cf7, 0x5d00, 0x5cf9, 0x5e29, 0x5e28, 0x5ea8, 0x5eae, 0x5eaa, + 0x5eac, 0x5f33, 0x5f30, 0x5f67, 0x605d, 0x605a, 0x6067, 0x6041, + 0x60a2, 0x6088, 0x6080, 0x6092, 0x6081, 0x609d, 0x6083, 0x6095, + 0x609b, 0x6097, 0x6087, 0x609c, 0x608e, 0x6219, 0x6246, 0x62f2, + 0x6310, 0x6356, 0x632c, 0x6344, 0x6345, 0x6336, 0x6343, 0x63e4, + 0x6339, 0x634b, 0x634a, 0x633c, 0x6329, 0x6341, 0x6334, 0x6358, + 0x6354, 0x6359, 0x632d, 0x6347, 0x6333, 0x635a, 0x6351, 0x6338, + 0x6357, 0x6340, 0x6348, 0x654a, 0x6546, 0x65c6, 0x65c3, 0x65c4, + 0x65c2, 0x664a, 0x665f, 0x6647, 0x6651, 0x6712, 0x6713, 0x681f, + 0x681a, 0x6849, 0x6832, 0x6833, 0x683b, 0x684b, 0x684f, 0x6816, + 0x6831, 0x681c, 0x6835, 0x682b, 0x682d, 0x682f, 0x684e, 0x6844, + 0x6834, 0x681d, 0x6812, 0x6814, 0x6826, 0x6828, 0x682e, 0x684d, + 0x683a, 0x6825, 0x6820, 0x6b2c, 0x6b2f, 0x6b2d, 0x6b31, 0x6b34, + 0x6b6d, 0x8082, 0x6b88, 0x6be6, 0x6be4, + /* 0xd2 */ + 0x6be8, 0x6be3, 0x6be2, 0x6be7, 0x6c25, 0x6d7a, 0x6d63, 0x6d64, + 0x6d76, 0x6d0d, 0x6d61, 0x6d92, 0x6d58, 0x6d62, 0x6d6d, 0x6d6f, + 0x6d91, 0x6d8d, 0x6def, 0x6d7f, 0x6d86, 0x6d5e, 0x6d67, 0x6d60, + 0x6d97, 0x6d70, 0x6d7c, 0x6d5f, 0x6d82, 0x6d98, 0x6d2f, 0x6d68, + 0x6d8b, 0x6d7e, 0x6d80, 0x6d84, 0x6d16, 0x6d83, 0x6d7b, 0x6d7d, + 0x6d75, 0x6d90, 0x70dc, 0x70d3, 0x70d1, 0x70dd, 0x70cb, 0x7f39, + 0x70e2, 0x70d7, 0x70d2, 0x70de, 0x70e0, 0x70d4, 0x70cd, 0x70c5, + 0x70c6, 0x70c7, 0x70da, 0x70ce, 0x70e1, 0x7242, 0x7278, 0x7277, + 0x7276, 0x7300, 0x72fa, 0x72f4, 0x72fe, 0x72f6, 0x72f3, 0x72fb, + 0x7301, 0x73d3, 0x73d9, 0x73e5, 0x73d6, 0x73bc, 0x73e7, 0x73e3, + 0x73e9, 0x73dc, 0x73d2, 0x73db, 0x73d4, 0x73dd, 0x73da, 0x73d7, + 0x73d8, 0x73e8, 0x74de, 0x74df, 0x74f4, 0x74f5, 0x7521, 0x755b, + 0x755f, 0x75b0, 0x75c1, 0x75bb, 0x75c4, 0x75c0, 0x75bf, 0x75b6, + 0x75ba, 0x768a, 0x76c9, 0x771d, 0x771b, 0x7710, 0x7713, 0x7712, + 0x7723, 0x7711, 0x7715, 0x7719, 0x771a, 0x7722, 0x7727, 0x7823, + 0x782c, 0x7822, 0x7835, 0x782f, 0x7828, 0x782e, 0x782b, 0x7821, + 0x7829, 0x7833, 0x782a, 0x7831, 0x7954, 0x795b, 0x794f, 0x795c, + 0x7953, 0x7952, 0x7951, 0x79eb, 0x79ec, 0x79e0, 0x79ee, 0x79ed, + 0x79ea, 0x79dc, 0x79de, 0x79dd, 0x7a86, 0x7a89, 0x7a85, 0x7a8b, + 0x7a8c, 0x7a8a, 0x7a87, 0x7ad8, 0x7b10, + /* 0xd3 */ + 0x7b04, 0x7b13, 0x7b05, 0x7b0f, 0x7b08, 0x7b0a, 0x7b0e, 0x7b09, + 0x7b12, 0x7c84, 0x7c91, 0x7c8a, 0x7c8c, 0x7c88, 0x7c8d, 0x7c85, + 0x7d1e, 0x7d1d, 0x7d11, 0x7d0e, 0x7d18, 0x7d16, 0x7d13, 0x7d1f, + 0x7d12, 0x7d0f, 0x7d0c, 0x7f5c, 0x7f61, 0x7f5e, 0x7f60, 0x7f5d, + 0x7f5b, 0x7f96, 0x7f92, 0x7fc3, 0x7fc2, 0x7fc0, 0x8016, 0x803e, + 0x8039, 0x80fa, 0x80f2, 0x80f9, 0x80f5, 0x8101, 0x80fb, 0x8100, + 0x8201, 0x822f, 0x8225, 0x8333, 0x832d, 0x8344, 0x8319, 0x8351, + 0x8325, 0x8356, 0x833f, 0x8341, 0x8326, 0x831c, 0x8322, 0x8342, + 0x834e, 0x831b, 0x832a, 0x8308, 0x833c, 0x834d, 0x8316, 0x8324, + 0x8320, 0x8337, 0x832f, 0x8329, 0x8347, 0x8345, 0x834c, 0x8353, + 0x831e, 0x832c, 0x834b, 0x8327, 0x8348, 0x8653, 0x8652, 0x86a2, + 0x86a8, 0x8696, 0x868d, 0x8691, 0x869e, 0x8687, 0x8697, 0x8686, + 0x868b, 0x869a, 0x8685, 0x86a5, 0x8699, 0x86a1, 0x86a7, 0x8695, + 0x8698, 0x868e, 0x869d, 0x8690, 0x8694, 0x8843, 0x8844, 0x886d, + 0x8875, 0x8876, 0x8872, 0x8880, 0x8871, 0x887f, 0x886f, 0x8883, + 0x887e, 0x8874, 0x887c, 0x8a12, 0x8c47, 0x8c57, 0x8c7b, 0x8ca4, + 0x8ca3, 0x8d76, 0x8d78, 0x8db5, 0x8db7, 0x8db6, 0x8ed1, 0x8ed3, + 0x8ffe, 0x8ff5, 0x9002, 0x8fff, 0x8ffb, 0x9004, 0x8ffc, 0x8ff6, + 0x90d6, 0x90e0, 0x90d9, 0x90da, 0x90e3, 0x90df, 0x90e5, 0x90d8, + 0x90db, 0x90d7, 0x90dc, 0x90e4, 0x9150, + /* 0xd4 */ + 0x914e, 0x914f, 0x91d5, 0x91e2, 0x91da, 0x965c, 0x965f, 0x96bc, + 0x98e3, 0x9adf, 0x9b2f, 0x4e7f, 0x5070, 0x506a, 0x5061, 0x505e, + 0x5060, 0x5053, 0x504b, 0x505d, 0x5072, 0x5048, 0x504d, 0x5041, + 0x505b, 0x504a, 0x5062, 0x5015, 0x5045, 0x505f, 0x5069, 0x506b, + 0x5063, 0x5064, 0x5046, 0x5040, 0x506e, 0x5073, 0x5057, 0x5051, + 0x51d0, 0x526b, 0x526d, 0x526c, 0x526e, 0x52d6, 0x52d3, 0x532d, + 0x539c, 0x5575, 0x5576, 0x553c, 0x554d, 0x5550, 0x5534, 0x552a, + 0x5551, 0x5562, 0x5536, 0x5535, 0x5530, 0x5552, 0x5545, 0x550c, + 0x5532, 0x5565, 0x554e, 0x5539, 0x5548, 0x552d, 0x553b, 0x5540, + 0x554b, 0x570a, 0x5707, 0x57fb, 0x5814, 0x57e2, 0x57f6, 0x57dc, + 0x57f4, 0x5800, 0x57ed, 0x57fd, 0x5808, 0x57f8, 0x580b, 0x57f3, + 0x57cf, 0x5807, 0x57ee, 0x57e3, 0x57f2, 0x57e5, 0x57ec, 0x57e1, + 0x580e, 0x57fc, 0x5810, 0x57e7, 0x5801, 0x580c, 0x57f1, 0x57e9, + 0x57f0, 0x580d, 0x5804, 0x595c, 0x5a60, 0x5a58, 0x5a55, 0x5a67, + 0x5a5e, 0x5a38, 0x5a35, 0x5a6d, 0x5a50, 0x5a5f, 0x5a65, 0x5a6c, + 0x5a53, 0x5a64, 0x5a57, 0x5a43, 0x5a5d, 0x5a52, 0x5a44, 0x5a5b, + 0x5a48, 0x5a8e, 0x5a3e, 0x5a4d, 0x5a39, 0x5a4c, 0x5a70, 0x5a69, + 0x5a47, 0x5a51, 0x5a56, 0x5a42, 0x5a5c, 0x5b72, 0x5b6e, 0x5bc1, + 0x5bc0, 0x5c59, 0x5d1e, 0x5d0b, 0x5d1d, 0x5d1a, 0x5d20, 0x5d0c, + 0x5d28, 0x5d0d, 0x5d26, 0x5d25, 0x5d0f, + /* 0xd5 */ + 0x5d30, 0x5d12, 0x5d23, 0x5d1f, 0x5d2e, 0x5e3e, 0x5e34, 0x5eb1, + 0x5eb4, 0x5eb9, 0x5eb2, 0x5eb3, 0x5f36, 0x5f38, 0x5f9b, 0x5f96, + 0x5f9f, 0x608a, 0x6090, 0x6086, 0x60be, 0x60b0, 0x60ba, 0x60d3, + 0x60d4, 0x60cf, 0x60e4, 0x60d9, 0x60dd, 0x60c8, 0x60b1, 0x60db, + 0x60b7, 0x60ca, 0x60bf, 0x60c3, 0x60cd, 0x60c0, 0x6332, 0x6365, + 0x638a, 0x6382, 0x637d, 0x63bd, 0x639e, 0x63ad, 0x639d, 0x6397, + 0x63ab, 0x638e, 0x636f, 0x6387, 0x6390, 0x636e, 0x63af, 0x6375, + 0x639c, 0x636d, 0x63ae, 0x637c, 0x63a4, 0x633b, 0x639f, 0x6378, + 0x6385, 0x6381, 0x6391, 0x638d, 0x6370, 0x6553, 0x65cd, 0x6665, + 0x6661, 0x665b, 0x6659, 0x665c, 0x6662, 0x6718, 0x6879, 0x6887, + 0x6890, 0x689c, 0x686d, 0x686e, 0x68ae, 0x68ab, 0x6956, 0x686f, + 0x68a3, 0x68ac, 0x68a9, 0x6875, 0x6874, 0x68b2, 0x688f, 0x6877, + 0x6892, 0x687c, 0x686b, 0x6872, 0x68aa, 0x6880, 0x6871, 0x687e, + 0x689b, 0x6896, 0x688b, 0x68a0, 0x6889, 0x68a4, 0x6878, 0x687b, + 0x6891, 0x688c, 0x688a, 0x687d, 0x6b36, 0x6b33, 0x6b37, 0x6b38, + 0x6b91, 0x6b8f, 0x6b8d, 0x6b8e, 0x6b8c, 0x6c2a, 0x6dc0, 0x6dab, + 0x6db4, 0x6db3, 0x6e74, 0x6dac, 0x6de9, 0x6de2, 0x6db7, 0x6df6, + 0x6dd4, 0x6e00, 0x6dc8, 0x6de0, 0x6ddf, 0x6dd6, 0x6dbe, 0x6de5, + 0x6ddc, 0x6ddd, 0x6ddb, 0x6df4, 0x6dca, 0x6dbd, 0x6ded, 0x6df0, + 0x6dba, 0x6dd5, 0x6dc2, 0x6dcf, 0x6dc9, + /* 0xd6 */ + 0x6dd0, 0x6df2, 0x6dd3, 0x6dfd, 0x6dd7, 0x6dcd, 0x6de3, 0x6dbb, + 0x70fa, 0x710d, 0x70f7, 0x7117, 0x70f4, 0x710c, 0x70f0, 0x7104, + 0x70f3, 0x7110, 0x70fc, 0x70ff, 0x7106, 0x7113, 0x7100, 0x70f8, + 0x70f6, 0x710b, 0x7102, 0x710e, 0x727e, 0x727b, 0x727c, 0x727f, + 0x731d, 0x7317, 0x7307, 0x7311, 0x7318, 0x730a, 0x7308, 0x72ff, + 0x730f, 0x731e, 0x7388, 0x73f6, 0x73f8, 0x73f5, 0x7404, 0x7401, + 0x73fd, 0x7407, 0x7400, 0x73fa, 0x73fc, 0x73ff, 0x740c, 0x740b, + 0x73f4, 0x7408, 0x7564, 0x7563, 0x75ce, 0x75d2, 0x75cf, 0x75cb, + 0x75cc, 0x75d1, 0x75d0, 0x768f, 0x7689, 0x76d3, 0x7739, 0x772f, + 0x772d, 0x7731, 0x7732, 0x7734, 0x7733, 0x773d, 0x7725, 0x773b, + 0x7735, 0x7848, 0x7852, 0x7849, 0x784d, 0x784a, 0x784c, 0x7826, + 0x7845, 0x7850, 0x7964, 0x7967, 0x7969, 0x796a, 0x7963, 0x796b, + 0x7961, 0x79bb, 0x79fa, 0x79f8, 0x79f6, 0x79f7, 0x7a8f, 0x7a94, + 0x7a90, 0x7b35, 0x7b47, 0x7b34, 0x7b25, 0x7b30, 0x7b22, 0x7b24, + 0x7b33, 0x7b18, 0x7b2a, 0x7b1d, 0x7b31, 0x7b2b, 0x7b2d, 0x7b2f, + 0x7b32, 0x7b38, 0x7b1a, 0x7b23, 0x7c94, 0x7c98, 0x7c96, 0x7ca3, + 0x7d35, 0x7d3d, 0x7d38, 0x7d36, 0x7d3a, 0x7d45, 0x7d2c, 0x7d29, + 0x7d41, 0x7d47, 0x7d3e, 0x7d3f, 0x7d4a, 0x7d3b, 0x7d28, 0x7f63, + 0x7f95, 0x7f9c, 0x7f9d, 0x7f9b, 0x7fca, 0x7fcb, 0x7fcd, 0x7fd0, + 0x7fd1, 0x7fc7, 0x7fcf, 0x7fc9, 0x801f, + /* 0xd7 */ + 0x801e, 0x801b, 0x8047, 0x8043, 0x8048, 0x8118, 0x8125, 0x8119, + 0x811b, 0x812d, 0x811f, 0x812c, 0x811e, 0x8121, 0x8115, 0x8127, + 0x811d, 0x8122, 0x8211, 0x8238, 0x8233, 0x823a, 0x8234, 0x8232, + 0x8274, 0x8390, 0x83a3, 0x83a8, 0x838d, 0x837a, 0x8373, 0x83a4, + 0x8374, 0x838f, 0x8381, 0x8395, 0x8399, 0x8375, 0x8394, 0x83a9, + 0x837d, 0x8383, 0x838c, 0x839d, 0x839b, 0x83aa, 0x838b, 0x837e, + 0x83a5, 0x83af, 0x8388, 0x8397, 0x83b0, 0x837f, 0x83a6, 0x8387, + 0x83ae, 0x8376, 0x839a, 0x8659, 0x8656, 0x86bf, 0x86b7, 0x86c2, + 0x86c1, 0x86c5, 0x86ba, 0x86b0, 0x86c8, 0x86b9, 0x86b3, 0x86b8, + 0x86cc, 0x86b4, 0x86bb, 0x86bc, 0x86c3, 0x86bd, 0x86be, 0x8852, + 0x8889, 0x8895, 0x88a8, 0x88a2, 0x88aa, 0x889a, 0x8891, 0x88a1, + 0x889f, 0x8898, 0x88a7, 0x8899, 0x889b, 0x8897, 0x88a4, 0x88ac, + 0x888c, 0x8893, 0x888e, 0x8982, 0x89d6, 0x89d9, 0x89d5, 0x8a30, + 0x8a27, 0x8a2c, 0x8a1e, 0x8c39, 0x8c3b, 0x8c5c, 0x8c5d, 0x8c7d, + 0x8ca5, 0x8d7d, 0x8d7b, 0x8d79, 0x8dbc, 0x8dc2, 0x8db9, 0x8dbf, + 0x8dc1, 0x8ed8, 0x8ede, 0x8edd, 0x8edc, 0x8ed7, 0x8ee0, 0x8ee1, + 0x9024, 0x900b, 0x9011, 0x901c, 0x900c, 0x9021, 0x90ef, 0x90ea, + 0x90f0, 0x90f4, 0x90f2, 0x90f3, 0x90d4, 0x90eb, 0x90ec, 0x90e9, + 0x9156, 0x9158, 0x915a, 0x9153, 0x9155, 0x91ec, 0x91f4, 0x91f1, + 0x91f3, 0x91f8, 0x91e4, 0x91f9, 0x91ea, + /* 0xd8 */ + 0x91eb, 0x91f7, 0x91e8, 0x91ee, 0x957a, 0x9586, 0x9588, 0x967c, + 0x966d, 0x966b, 0x9671, 0x966f, 0x96bf, 0x976a, 0x9804, 0x98e5, + 0x9997, 0x509b, 0x5095, 0x5094, 0x509e, 0x508b, 0x50a3, 0x5083, + 0x508c, 0x508e, 0x509d, 0x5068, 0x509c, 0x5092, 0x5082, 0x5087, + 0x515f, 0x51d4, 0x5312, 0x5311, 0x53a4, 0x53a7, 0x5591, 0x55a8, + 0x55a5, 0x55ad, 0x5577, 0x5645, 0x55a2, 0x5593, 0x5588, 0x558f, + 0x55b5, 0x5581, 0x55a3, 0x5592, 0x55a4, 0x557d, 0x558c, 0x55a6, + 0x557f, 0x5595, 0x55a1, 0x558e, 0x570c, 0x5829, 0x5837, 0x5819, + 0x581e, 0x5827, 0x5823, 0x5828, 0x57f5, 0x5848, 0x5825, 0x581c, + 0x581b, 0x5833, 0x583f, 0x5836, 0x582e, 0x5839, 0x5838, 0x582d, + 0x582c, 0x583b, 0x5961, 0x5aaf, 0x5a94, 0x5a9f, 0x5a7a, 0x5aa2, + 0x5a9e, 0x5a78, 0x5aa6, 0x5a7c, 0x5aa5, 0x5aac, 0x5a95, 0x5aae, + 0x5a37, 0x5a84, 0x5a8a, 0x5a97, 0x5a83, 0x5a8b, 0x5aa9, 0x5a7b, + 0x5a7d, 0x5a8c, 0x5a9c, 0x5a8f, 0x5a93, 0x5a9d, 0x5bea, 0x5bcd, + 0x5bcb, 0x5bd4, 0x5bd1, 0x5bca, 0x5bce, 0x5c0c, 0x5c30, 0x5d37, + 0x5d43, 0x5d6b, 0x5d41, 0x5d4b, 0x5d3f, 0x5d35, 0x5d51, 0x5d4e, + 0x5d55, 0x5d33, 0x5d3a, 0x5d52, 0x5d3d, 0x5d31, 0x5d59, 0x5d42, + 0x5d39, 0x5d49, 0x5d38, 0x5d3c, 0x5d32, 0x5d36, 0x5d40, 0x5d45, + 0x5e44, 0x5e41, 0x5f58, 0x5fa6, 0x5fa5, 0x5fab, 0x60c9, 0x60b9, + 0x60cc, 0x60e2, 0x60ce, 0x60c4, 0x6114, + /* 0xd9 */ + 0x60f2, 0x610a, 0x6116, 0x6105, 0x60f5, 0x6113, 0x60f8, 0x60fc, + 0x60fe, 0x60c1, 0x6103, 0x6118, 0x611d, 0x6110, 0x60ff, 0x6104, + 0x610b, 0x624a, 0x6394, 0x63b1, 0x63b0, 0x63ce, 0x63e5, 0x63e8, + 0x63ef, 0x63c3, 0x649d, 0x63f3, 0x63ca, 0x63e0, 0x63f6, 0x63d5, + 0x63f2, 0x63f5, 0x6461, 0x63df, 0x63be, 0x63dd, 0x63dc, 0x63c4, + 0x63d8, 0x63d3, 0x63c2, 0x63c7, 0x63cc, 0x63cb, 0x63c8, 0x63f0, + 0x63d7, 0x63d9, 0x6532, 0x6567, 0x656a, 0x6564, 0x655c, 0x6568, + 0x6565, 0x658c, 0x659d, 0x659e, 0x65ae, 0x65d0, 0x65d2, 0x667c, + 0x666c, 0x667b, 0x6680, 0x6671, 0x6679, 0x666a, 0x6672, 0x6701, + 0x690c, 0x68d3, 0x6904, 0x68dc, 0x692a, 0x68ec, 0x68ea, 0x68f1, + 0x690f, 0x68d6, 0x68f7, 0x68eb, 0x68e4, 0x68f6, 0x6913, 0x6910, + 0x68f3, 0x68e1, 0x6907, 0x68cc, 0x6908, 0x6970, 0x68b4, 0x6911, + 0x68ef, 0x68c6, 0x6914, 0x68f8, 0x68d0, 0x68fd, 0x68fc, 0x68e8, + 0x690b, 0x690a, 0x6917, 0x68ce, 0x68c8, 0x68dd, 0x68de, 0x68e6, + 0x68f4, 0x68d1, 0x6906, 0x68d4, 0x68e9, 0x6915, 0x6925, 0x68c7, + 0x6b39, 0x6b3b, 0x6b3f, 0x6b3c, 0x6b94, 0x6b97, 0x6b99, 0x6b95, + 0x6bbd, 0x6bf0, 0x6bf2, 0x6bf3, 0x6c30, 0x6dfc, 0x6e46, 0x6e47, + 0x6e1f, 0x6e49, 0x6e88, 0x6e3c, 0x6e3d, 0x6e45, 0x6e62, 0x6e2b, + 0x6e3f, 0x6e41, 0x6e5d, 0x6e73, 0x6e1c, 0x6e33, 0x6e4b, 0x6e40, + 0x6e51, 0x6e3b, 0x6e03, 0x6e2e, 0x6e5e, + /* 0xda */ + 0x6e68, 0x6e5c, 0x6e61, 0x6e31, 0x6e28, 0x6e60, 0x6e71, 0x6e6b, + 0x6e39, 0x6e22, 0x6e30, 0x6e53, 0x6e65, 0x6e27, 0x6e78, 0x6e64, + 0x6e77, 0x6e55, 0x6e79, 0x6e52, 0x6e66, 0x6e35, 0x6e36, 0x6e5a, + 0x7120, 0x711e, 0x712f, 0x70fb, 0x712e, 0x7131, 0x7123, 0x7125, + 0x7122, 0x7132, 0x711f, 0x7128, 0x713a, 0x711b, 0x724b, 0x725a, + 0x7288, 0x7289, 0x7286, 0x7285, 0x728b, 0x7312, 0x730b, 0x7330, + 0x7322, 0x7331, 0x7333, 0x7327, 0x7332, 0x732d, 0x7326, 0x7323, + 0x7335, 0x730c, 0x742e, 0x742c, 0x7430, 0x742b, 0x7416, 0x741a, + 0x7421, 0x742d, 0x7431, 0x7424, 0x7423, 0x741d, 0x7429, 0x7420, + 0x7432, 0x74fb, 0x752f, 0x756f, 0x756c, 0x75e7, 0x75da, 0x75e1, + 0x75e6, 0x75dd, 0x75df, 0x75e4, 0x75d7, 0x7695, 0x7692, 0x76da, + 0x7746, 0x7747, 0x7744, 0x774d, 0x7745, 0x774a, 0x774e, 0x774b, + 0x774c, 0x77de, 0x77ec, 0x7860, 0x7864, 0x7865, 0x785c, 0x786d, + 0x7871, 0x786a, 0x786e, 0x7870, 0x7869, 0x7868, 0x785e, 0x7862, + 0x7974, 0x7973, 0x7972, 0x7970, 0x7a02, 0x7a0a, 0x7a03, 0x7a0c, + 0x7a04, 0x7a99, 0x7ae6, 0x7ae4, 0x7b4a, 0x7b3b, 0x7b44, 0x7b48, + 0x7b4c, 0x7b4e, 0x7b40, 0x7b58, 0x7b45, 0x7ca2, 0x7c9e, 0x7ca8, + 0x7ca1, 0x7d58, 0x7d6f, 0x7d63, 0x7d53, 0x7d56, 0x7d67, 0x7d6a, + 0x7d4f, 0x7d6d, 0x7d5c, 0x7d6b, 0x7d52, 0x7d54, 0x7d69, 0x7d51, + 0x7d5f, 0x7d4e, 0x7f3e, 0x7f3f, 0x7f65, + /* 0xdb */ + 0x7f66, 0x7fa2, 0x7fa0, 0x7fa1, 0x7fd7, 0x8051, 0x804f, 0x8050, + 0x80fe, 0x80d4, 0x8143, 0x814a, 0x8152, 0x814f, 0x8147, 0x813d, + 0x814d, 0x813a, 0x81e6, 0x81ee, 0x81f7, 0x81f8, 0x81f9, 0x8204, + 0x823c, 0x823d, 0x823f, 0x8275, 0x833b, 0x83cf, 0x83f9, 0x8423, + 0x83c0, 0x83e8, 0x8412, 0x83e7, 0x83e4, 0x83fc, 0x83f6, 0x8410, + 0x83c6, 0x83c8, 0x83eb, 0x83e3, 0x83bf, 0x8401, 0x83dd, 0x83e5, + 0x83d8, 0x83ff, 0x83e1, 0x83cb, 0x83ce, 0x83d6, 0x83f5, 0x83c9, + 0x8409, 0x840f, 0x83de, 0x8411, 0x8406, 0x83c2, 0x83f3, 0x83d5, + 0x83fa, 0x83c7, 0x83d1, 0x83ea, 0x8413, 0x83c3, 0x83ec, 0x83ee, + 0x83c4, 0x83fb, 0x83d7, 0x83e2, 0x841b, 0x83db, 0x83fe, 0x86d8, + 0x86e2, 0x86e6, 0x86d3, 0x86e3, 0x86da, 0x86ea, 0x86dd, 0x86eb, + 0x86dc, 0x86ec, 0x86e9, 0x86d7, 0x86e8, 0x86d1, 0x8848, 0x8856, + 0x8855, 0x88ba, 0x88d7, 0x88b9, 0x88b8, 0x88c0, 0x88be, 0x88b6, + 0x88bc, 0x88b7, 0x88bd, 0x88b2, 0x8901, 0x88c9, 0x8995, 0x8998, + 0x8997, 0x89dd, 0x89da, 0x89db, 0x8a4e, 0x8a4d, 0x8a39, 0x8a59, + 0x8a40, 0x8a57, 0x8a58, 0x8a44, 0x8a45, 0x8a52, 0x8a48, 0x8a51, + 0x8a4a, 0x8a4c, 0x8a4f, 0x8c5f, 0x8c81, 0x8c80, 0x8cba, 0x8cbe, + 0x8cb0, 0x8cb9, 0x8cb5, 0x8d84, 0x8d80, 0x8d89, 0x8dd8, 0x8dd3, + 0x8dcd, 0x8dc7, 0x8dd6, 0x8ddc, 0x8dcf, 0x8dd5, 0x8dd9, 0x8dc8, + 0x8dd7, 0x8dc5, 0x8eef, 0x8ef7, 0x8efa, + /* 0xdc */ + 0x8ef9, 0x8ee6, 0x8eee, 0x8ee5, 0x8ef5, 0x8ee7, 0x8ee8, 0x8ef6, + 0x8eeb, 0x8ef1, 0x8eec, 0x8ef4, 0x8ee9, 0x902d, 0x9034, 0x902f, + 0x9106, 0x912c, 0x9104, 0x90ff, 0x90fc, 0x9108, 0x90f9, 0x90fb, + 0x9101, 0x9100, 0x9107, 0x9105, 0x9103, 0x9161, 0x9164, 0x915f, + 0x9162, 0x9160, 0x9201, 0x920a, 0x9225, 0x9203, 0x921a, 0x9226, + 0x920f, 0x920c, 0x9200, 0x9212, 0x91ff, 0x91fd, 0x9206, 0x9204, + 0x9227, 0x9202, 0x921c, 0x9224, 0x9219, 0x9217, 0x9205, 0x9216, + 0x957b, 0x958d, 0x958c, 0x9590, 0x9687, 0x967e, 0x9688, 0x9689, + 0x9683, 0x9680, 0x96c2, 0x96c8, 0x96c3, 0x96f1, 0x96f0, 0x976c, + 0x9770, 0x976e, 0x9807, 0x98a9, 0x98eb, 0x9ce6, 0x9ef9, 0x4e83, + 0x4e84, 0x4eb6, 0x50bd, 0x50bf, 0x50c6, 0x50ae, 0x50c4, 0x50ca, + 0x50b4, 0x50c8, 0x50c2, 0x50b0, 0x50c1, 0x50ba, 0x50b1, 0x50cb, + 0x50c9, 0x50b6, 0x50b8, 0x51d7, 0x527a, 0x5278, 0x527b, 0x527c, + 0x55c3, 0x55db, 0x55cc, 0x55d0, 0x55cb, 0x55ca, 0x55dd, 0x55c0, + 0x55d4, 0x55c4, 0x55e9, 0x55bf, 0x55d2, 0x558d, 0x55cf, 0x55d5, + 0x55e2, 0x55d6, 0x55c8, 0x55f2, 0x55cd, 0x55d9, 0x55c2, 0x5714, + 0x5853, 0x5868, 0x5864, 0x584f, 0x584d, 0x5849, 0x586f, 0x5855, + 0x584e, 0x585d, 0x5859, 0x5865, 0x585b, 0x583d, 0x5863, 0x5871, + 0x58fc, 0x5ac7, 0x5ac4, 0x5acb, 0x5aba, 0x5ab8, 0x5ab1, 0x5ab5, + 0x5ab0, 0x5abf, 0x5ac8, 0x5abb, 0x5ac6, + /* 0xdd */ + 0x5ab7, 0x5ac0, 0x5aca, 0x5ab4, 0x5ab6, 0x5acd, 0x5ab9, 0x5a90, + 0x5bd6, 0x5bd8, 0x5bd9, 0x5c1f, 0x5c33, 0x5d71, 0x5d63, 0x5d4a, + 0x5d65, 0x5d72, 0x5d6c, 0x5d5e, 0x5d68, 0x5d67, 0x5d62, 0x5df0, + 0x5e4f, 0x5e4e, 0x5e4a, 0x5e4d, 0x5e4b, 0x5ec5, 0x5ecc, 0x5ec6, + 0x5ecb, 0x5ec7, 0x5f40, 0x5faf, 0x5fad, 0x60f7, 0x6149, 0x614a, + 0x612b, 0x6145, 0x6136, 0x6132, 0x612e, 0x6146, 0x612f, 0x614f, + 0x6129, 0x6140, 0x6220, 0x9168, 0x6223, 0x6225, 0x6224, 0x63c5, + 0x63f1, 0x63eb, 0x6410, 0x6412, 0x6409, 0x6420, 0x6424, 0x6433, + 0x6443, 0x641f, 0x6415, 0x6418, 0x6439, 0x6437, 0x6422, 0x6423, + 0x640c, 0x6426, 0x6430, 0x6428, 0x6441, 0x6435, 0x642f, 0x640a, + 0x641a, 0x6440, 0x6425, 0x6427, 0x640b, 0x63e7, 0x641b, 0x642e, + 0x6421, 0x640e, 0x656f, 0x6592, 0x65d3, 0x6686, 0x668c, 0x6695, + 0x6690, 0x668b, 0x668a, 0x6699, 0x6694, 0x6678, 0x6720, 0x6966, + 0x695f, 0x6938, 0x694e, 0x6962, 0x6971, 0x693f, 0x6945, 0x696a, + 0x6939, 0x6942, 0x6957, 0x6959, 0x697a, 0x6948, 0x6949, 0x6935, + 0x696c, 0x6933, 0x693d, 0x6965, 0x68f0, 0x6978, 0x6934, 0x6969, + 0x6940, 0x696f, 0x6944, 0x6976, 0x6958, 0x6941, 0x6974, 0x694c, + 0x693b, 0x694b, 0x6937, 0x695c, 0x694f, 0x6951, 0x6932, 0x6952, + 0x692f, 0x697b, 0x693c, 0x6b46, 0x6b45, 0x6b43, 0x6b42, 0x6b48, + 0x6b41, 0x6b9b, 0xfa0d, 0x6bfb, 0x6bfc, + /* 0xde */ + 0x6bf9, 0x6bf7, 0x6bf8, 0x6e9b, 0x6ed6, 0x6ec8, 0x6e8f, 0x6ec0, + 0x6e9f, 0x6e93, 0x6e94, 0x6ea0, 0x6eb1, 0x6eb9, 0x6ec6, 0x6ed2, + 0x6ebd, 0x6ec1, 0x6e9e, 0x6ec9, 0x6eb7, 0x6eb0, 0x6ecd, 0x6ea6, + 0x6ecf, 0x6eb2, 0x6ebe, 0x6ec3, 0x6edc, 0x6ed8, 0x6e99, 0x6e92, + 0x6e8e, 0x6e8d, 0x6ea4, 0x6ea1, 0x6ebf, 0x6eb3, 0x6ed0, 0x6eca, + 0x6e97, 0x6eae, 0x6ea3, 0x7147, 0x7154, 0x7152, 0x7163, 0x7160, + 0x7141, 0x715d, 0x7162, 0x7172, 0x7178, 0x716a, 0x7161, 0x7142, + 0x7158, 0x7143, 0x714b, 0x7170, 0x715f, 0x7150, 0x7153, 0x7144, + 0x714d, 0x715a, 0x724f, 0x728d, 0x728c, 0x7291, 0x7290, 0x728e, + 0x733c, 0x7342, 0x733b, 0x733a, 0x7340, 0x734a, 0x7349, 0x7444, + 0x744a, 0x744b, 0x7452, 0x7451, 0x7457, 0x7440, 0x744f, 0x7450, + 0x744e, 0x7442, 0x7446, 0x744d, 0x7454, 0x74e1, 0x74ff, 0x74fe, + 0x74fd, 0x751d, 0x7579, 0x7577, 0x6983, 0x75ef, 0x760f, 0x7603, + 0x75f7, 0x75fe, 0x75fc, 0x75f9, 0x75f8, 0x7610, 0x75fb, 0x75f6, + 0x75ed, 0x75f5, 0x75fd, 0x7699, 0x76b5, 0x76dd, 0x7755, 0x775f, + 0x7760, 0x7752, 0x7756, 0x775a, 0x7769, 0x7767, 0x7754, 0x7759, + 0x776d, 0x77e0, 0x7887, 0x789a, 0x7894, 0x788f, 0x7884, 0x7895, + 0x7885, 0x7886, 0x78a1, 0x7883, 0x7879, 0x7899, 0x7880, 0x7896, + 0x787b, 0x797c, 0x7982, 0x797d, 0x7979, 0x7a11, 0x7a18, 0x7a19, + 0x7a12, 0x7a17, 0x7a15, 0x7a22, 0x7a13, + /* 0xdf */ + 0x7a1b, 0x7a10, 0x7aa3, 0x7aa2, 0x7a9e, 0x7aeb, 0x7b66, 0x7b64, + 0x7b6d, 0x7b74, 0x7b69, 0x7b72, 0x7b65, 0x7b73, 0x7b71, 0x7b70, + 0x7b61, 0x7b78, 0x7b76, 0x7b63, 0x7cb2, 0x7cb4, 0x7caf, 0x7d88, + 0x7d86, 0x7d80, 0x7d8d, 0x7d7f, 0x7d85, 0x7d7a, 0x7d8e, 0x7d7b, + 0x7d83, 0x7d7c, 0x7d8c, 0x7d94, 0x7d84, 0x7d7d, 0x7d92, 0x7f6d, + 0x7f6b, 0x7f67, 0x7f68, 0x7f6c, 0x7fa6, 0x7fa5, 0x7fa7, 0x7fdb, + 0x7fdc, 0x8021, 0x8164, 0x8160, 0x8177, 0x815c, 0x8169, 0x815b, + 0x8162, 0x8172, 0x6721, 0x815e, 0x8176, 0x8167, 0x816f, 0x8144, + 0x8161, 0x821d, 0x8249, 0x8244, 0x8240, 0x8242, 0x8245, 0x84f1, + 0x843f, 0x8456, 0x8476, 0x8479, 0x848f, 0x848d, 0x8465, 0x8451, + 0x8440, 0x8486, 0x8467, 0x8430, 0x844d, 0x847d, 0x845a, 0x8459, + 0x8474, 0x8473, 0x845d, 0x8507, 0x845e, 0x8437, 0x843a, 0x8434, + 0x847a, 0x8443, 0x8478, 0x8432, 0x8445, 0x8429, 0x83d9, 0x844b, + 0x842f, 0x8442, 0x842d, 0x845f, 0x8470, 0x8439, 0x844e, 0x844c, + 0x8452, 0x846f, 0x84c5, 0x848e, 0x843b, 0x8447, 0x8436, 0x8433, + 0x8468, 0x847e, 0x8444, 0x842b, 0x8460, 0x8454, 0x846e, 0x8450, + 0x870b, 0x8704, 0x86f7, 0x870c, 0x86fa, 0x86d6, 0x86f5, 0x874d, + 0x86f8, 0x870e, 0x8709, 0x8701, 0x86f6, 0x870d, 0x8705, 0x88d6, + 0x88cb, 0x88cd, 0x88ce, 0x88de, 0x88db, 0x88da, 0x88cc, 0x88d0, + 0x8985, 0x899b, 0x89df, 0x89e5, 0x89e4, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x89e1, 0x89e0, 0x89e2, 0x89dc, 0x89e6, 0x8a76, 0x8a86, 0x8a7f, + 0x8a61, 0x8a3f, 0x8a77, 0x8a82, 0x8a84, 0x8a75, 0x8a83, 0x8a81, + 0x8a74, 0x8a7a, 0x8c3c, 0x8c4b, 0x8c4a, 0x8c65, 0x8c64, 0x8c66, + 0x8c86, 0x8c84, 0x8c85, 0x8ccc, 0x8d68, 0x8d69, 0x8d91, 0x8d8c, + 0x8d8e, 0x8d8f, 0x8d8d, 0x8d93, 0x8d94, 0x8d90, 0x8d92, 0x8df0, + 0x8de0, 0x8dec, 0x8df1, 0x8dee, 0x8dd0, 0x8de9, 0x8de3, 0x8de2, + 0x8de7, 0x8df2, 0x8deb, 0x8df4, 0x8f06, 0x8eff, 0x8f01, 0x8f00, + 0x8f05, 0x8f07, 0x8f08, 0x8f02, 0x8f0b, 0x9052, 0x903f, 0x9044, + 0x9049, 0x903d, 0x9110, 0x910d, 0x910f, 0x9111, 0x9116, 0x9114, + 0x910b, 0x910e, 0x916e, 0x916f, 0x9248, 0x9252, 0x9230, 0x923a, + 0x9266, 0x9233, 0x9265, 0x925e, 0x9283, 0x922e, 0x924a, 0x9246, + 0x926d, 0x926c, 0x924f, 0x9260, 0x9267, 0x926f, 0x9236, 0x9261, + 0x9270, 0x9231, 0x9254, 0x9263, 0x9250, 0x9272, 0x924e, 0x9253, + 0x924c, 0x9256, 0x9232, 0x959f, 0x959c, 0x959e, 0x959b, 0x9692, + 0x9693, 0x9691, 0x9697, 0x96ce, 0x96fa, 0x96fd, 0x96f8, 0x96f5, + 0x9773, 0x9777, 0x9778, 0x9772, 0x980f, 0x980d, 0x980e, 0x98ac, + 0x98f6, 0x98f9, 0x99af, 0x99b2, 0x99b0, 0x99b5, 0x9aad, 0x9aab, + 0x9b5b, 0x9cea, 0x9ced, 0x9ce7, 0x9e80, 0x9efd, 0x50e6, 0x50d4, + 0x50d7, 0x50e8, 0x50f3, 0x50db, 0x50ea, 0x50dd, 0x50e4, 0x50d3, + 0x50ec, 0x50f0, 0x50ef, 0x50e3, 0x50e0, + /* 0xe1 */ + 0x51d8, 0x5280, 0x5281, 0x52e9, 0x52eb, 0x5330, 0x53ac, 0x5627, + 0x5615, 0x560c, 0x5612, 0x55fc, 0x560f, 0x561c, 0x5601, 0x5613, + 0x5602, 0x55fa, 0x561d, 0x5604, 0x55ff, 0x55f9, 0x5889, 0x587c, + 0x5890, 0x5898, 0x5886, 0x5881, 0x587f, 0x5874, 0x588b, 0x587a, + 0x5887, 0x5891, 0x588e, 0x5876, 0x5882, 0x5888, 0x587b, 0x5894, + 0x588f, 0x58fe, 0x596b, 0x5adc, 0x5aee, 0x5ae5, 0x5ad5, 0x5aea, + 0x5ada, 0x5aed, 0x5aeb, 0x5af3, 0x5ae2, 0x5ae0, 0x5adb, 0x5aec, + 0x5ade, 0x5add, 0x5ad9, 0x5ae8, 0x5adf, 0x5b77, 0x5be0, 0x5be3, + 0x5c63, 0x5d82, 0x5d80, 0x5d7d, 0x5d86, 0x5d7a, 0x5d81, 0x5d77, + 0x5d8a, 0x5d89, 0x5d88, 0x5d7e, 0x5d7c, 0x5d8d, 0x5d79, 0x5d7f, + 0x5e58, 0x5e59, 0x5e53, 0x5ed8, 0x5ed1, 0x5ed7, 0x5ece, 0x5edc, + 0x5ed5, 0x5ed9, 0x5ed2, 0x5ed4, 0x5f44, 0x5f43, 0x5f6f, 0x5fb6, + 0x612c, 0x6128, 0x6141, 0x615e, 0x6171, 0x6173, 0x6152, 0x6153, + 0x6172, 0x616c, 0x6180, 0x6174, 0x6154, 0x617a, 0x615b, 0x6165, + 0x613b, 0x616a, 0x6161, 0x6156, 0x6229, 0x6227, 0x622b, 0x642b, + 0x644d, 0x645b, 0x645d, 0x6474, 0x6476, 0x6472, 0x6473, 0x647d, + 0x6475, 0x6466, 0x64a6, 0x644e, 0x6482, 0x645e, 0x645c, 0x644b, + 0x6453, 0x6460, 0x6450, 0x647f, 0x643f, 0x646c, 0x646b, 0x6459, + 0x6465, 0x6477, 0x6573, 0x65a0, 0x66a1, 0x66a0, 0x669f, 0x6705, + 0x6704, 0x6722, 0x69b1, 0x69b6, 0x69c9, + /* 0xe2 */ + 0x69a0, 0x69ce, 0x6996, 0x69b0, 0x69ac, 0x69bc, 0x6991, 0x6999, + 0x698e, 0x69a7, 0x698d, 0x69a9, 0x69be, 0x69af, 0x69bf, 0x69c4, + 0x69bd, 0x69a4, 0x69d4, 0x69b9, 0x69ca, 0x699a, 0x69cf, 0x69b3, + 0x6993, 0x69aa, 0x69a1, 0x699e, 0x69d9, 0x6997, 0x6990, 0x69c2, + 0x69b5, 0x69a5, 0x69c6, 0x6b4a, 0x6b4d, 0x6b4b, 0x6b9e, 0x6b9f, + 0x6ba0, 0x6bc3, 0x6bc4, 0x6bfe, 0x6ece, 0x6ef5, 0x6ef1, 0x6f03, + 0x6f25, 0x6ef8, 0x6f37, 0x6efb, 0x6f2e, 0x6f09, 0x6f4e, 0x6f19, + 0x6f1a, 0x6f27, 0x6f18, 0x6f3b, 0x6f12, 0x6eed, 0x6f0a, 0x6f36, + 0x6f73, 0x6ef9, 0x6eee, 0x6f2d, 0x6f40, 0x6f30, 0x6f3c, 0x6f35, + 0x6eeb, 0x6f07, 0x6f0e, 0x6f43, 0x6f05, 0x6efd, 0x6ef6, 0x6f39, + 0x6f1c, 0x6efc, 0x6f3a, 0x6f1f, 0x6f0d, 0x6f1e, 0x6f08, 0x6f21, + 0x7187, 0x7190, 0x7189, 0x7180, 0x7185, 0x7182, 0x718f, 0x717b, + 0x7186, 0x7181, 0x7197, 0x7244, 0x7253, 0x7297, 0x7295, 0x7293, + 0x7343, 0x734d, 0x7351, 0x734c, 0x7462, 0x7473, 0x7471, 0x7475, + 0x7472, 0x7467, 0x746e, 0x7500, 0x7502, 0x7503, 0x757d, 0x7590, + 0x7616, 0x7608, 0x760c, 0x7615, 0x7611, 0x760a, 0x7614, 0x76b8, + 0x7781, 0x777c, 0x7785, 0x7782, 0x776e, 0x7780, 0x776f, 0x777e, + 0x7783, 0x78b2, 0x78aa, 0x78b4, 0x78ad, 0x78a8, 0x787e, 0x78ab, + 0x789e, 0x78a5, 0x78a0, 0x78ac, 0x78a2, 0x78a4, 0x7998, 0x798a, + 0x798b, 0x7996, 0x7995, 0x7994, 0x7993, + /* 0xe3 */ + 0x7997, 0x7988, 0x7992, 0x7990, 0x7a2b, 0x7a4a, 0x7a30, 0x7a2f, + 0x7a28, 0x7a26, 0x7aa8, 0x7aab, 0x7aac, 0x7aee, 0x7b88, 0x7b9c, + 0x7b8a, 0x7b91, 0x7b90, 0x7b96, 0x7b8d, 0x7b8c, 0x7b9b, 0x7b8e, + 0x7b85, 0x7b98, 0x5284, 0x7b99, 0x7ba4, 0x7b82, 0x7cbb, 0x7cbf, + 0x7cbc, 0x7cba, 0x7da7, 0x7db7, 0x7dc2, 0x7da3, 0x7daa, 0x7dc1, + 0x7dc0, 0x7dc5, 0x7d9d, 0x7dce, 0x7dc4, 0x7dc6, 0x7dcb, 0x7dcc, + 0x7daf, 0x7db9, 0x7d96, 0x7dbc, 0x7d9f, 0x7da6, 0x7dae, 0x7da9, + 0x7da1, 0x7dc9, 0x7f73, 0x7fe2, 0x7fe3, 0x7fe5, 0x7fde, 0x8024, + 0x805d, 0x805c, 0x8189, 0x8186, 0x8183, 0x8187, 0x818d, 0x818c, + 0x818b, 0x8215, 0x8497, 0x84a4, 0x84a1, 0x849f, 0x84ba, 0x84ce, + 0x84c2, 0x84ac, 0x84ae, 0x84ab, 0x84b9, 0x84b4, 0x84c1, 0x84cd, + 0x84aa, 0x849a, 0x84b1, 0x84d0, 0x849d, 0x84a7, 0x84bb, 0x84a2, + 0x8494, 0x84c7, 0x84cc, 0x849b, 0x84a9, 0x84af, 0x84a8, 0x84d6, + 0x8498, 0x84b6, 0x84cf, 0x84a0, 0x84d7, 0x84d4, 0x84d2, 0x84db, + 0x84b0, 0x8491, 0x8661, 0x8733, 0x8723, 0x8728, 0x876b, 0x8740, + 0x872e, 0x871e, 0x8721, 0x8719, 0x871b, 0x8743, 0x872c, 0x8741, + 0x873e, 0x8746, 0x8720, 0x8732, 0x872a, 0x872d, 0x873c, 0x8712, + 0x873a, 0x8731, 0x8735, 0x8742, 0x8726, 0x8727, 0x8738, 0x8724, + 0x871a, 0x8730, 0x8711, 0x88f7, 0x88e7, 0x88f1, 0x88f2, 0x88fa, + 0x88fe, 0x88ee, 0x88fc, 0x88f6, 0x88fb, + /* 0xe4 */ + 0x88f0, 0x88ec, 0x88eb, 0x899d, 0x89a1, 0x899f, 0x899e, 0x89e9, + 0x89eb, 0x89e8, 0x8aab, 0x8a99, 0x8a8b, 0x8a92, 0x8a8f, 0x8a96, + 0x8c3d, 0x8c68, 0x8c69, 0x8cd5, 0x8ccf, 0x8cd7, 0x8d96, 0x8e09, + 0x8e02, 0x8dff, 0x8e0d, 0x8dfd, 0x8e0a, 0x8e03, 0x8e07, 0x8e06, + 0x8e05, 0x8dfe, 0x8e00, 0x8e04, 0x8f10, 0x8f11, 0x8f0e, 0x8f0d, + 0x9123, 0x911c, 0x9120, 0x9122, 0x911f, 0x911d, 0x911a, 0x9124, + 0x9121, 0x911b, 0x917a, 0x9172, 0x9179, 0x9173, 0x92a5, 0x92a4, + 0x9276, 0x929b, 0x927a, 0x92a0, 0x9294, 0x92aa, 0x928d, 0x92a6, + 0x929a, 0x92ab, 0x9279, 0x9297, 0x927f, 0x92a3, 0x92ee, 0x928e, + 0x9282, 0x9295, 0x92a2, 0x927d, 0x9288, 0x92a1, 0x928a, 0x9286, + 0x928c, 0x9299, 0x92a7, 0x927e, 0x9287, 0x92a9, 0x929d, 0x928b, + 0x922d, 0x969e, 0x96a1, 0x96ff, 0x9758, 0x977d, 0x977a, 0x977e, + 0x9783, 0x9780, 0x9782, 0x977b, 0x9784, 0x9781, 0x977f, 0x97ce, + 0x97cd, 0x9816, 0x98ad, 0x98ae, 0x9902, 0x9900, 0x9907, 0x999d, + 0x999c, 0x99c3, 0x99b9, 0x99bb, 0x99ba, 0x99c2, 0x99bd, 0x99c7, + 0x9ab1, 0x9ae3, 0x9ae7, 0x9b3e, 0x9b3f, 0x9b60, 0x9b61, 0x9b5f, + 0x9cf1, 0x9cf2, 0x9cf5, 0x9ea7, 0x50ff, 0x5103, 0x5130, 0x50f8, + 0x5106, 0x5107, 0x50f6, 0x50fe, 0x510b, 0x510c, 0x50fd, 0x510a, + 0x528b, 0x528c, 0x52f1, 0x52ef, 0x5648, 0x5642, 0x564c, 0x5635, + 0x5641, 0x564a, 0x5649, 0x5646, 0x5658, + /* 0xe5 */ + 0x565a, 0x5640, 0x5633, 0x563d, 0x562c, 0x563e, 0x5638, 0x562a, + 0x563a, 0x571a, 0x58ab, 0x589d, 0x58b1, 0x58a0, 0x58a3, 0x58af, + 0x58ac, 0x58a5, 0x58a1, 0x58ff, 0x5aff, 0x5af4, 0x5afd, 0x5af7, + 0x5af6, 0x5b03, 0x5af8, 0x5b02, 0x5af9, 0x5b01, 0x5b07, 0x5b05, + 0x5b0f, 0x5c67, 0x5d99, 0x5d97, 0x5d9f, 0x5d92, 0x5da2, 0x5d93, + 0x5d95, 0x5da0, 0x5d9c, 0x5da1, 0x5d9a, 0x5d9e, 0x5e69, 0x5e5d, + 0x5e60, 0x5e5c, 0x7df3, 0x5edb, 0x5ede, 0x5ee1, 0x5f49, 0x5fb2, + 0x618b, 0x6183, 0x6179, 0x61b1, 0x61b0, 0x61a2, 0x6189, 0x619b, + 0x6193, 0x61af, 0x61ad, 0x619f, 0x6192, 0x61aa, 0x61a1, 0x618d, + 0x6166, 0x61b3, 0x622d, 0x646e, 0x6470, 0x6496, 0x64a0, 0x6485, + 0x6497, 0x649c, 0x648f, 0x648b, 0x648a, 0x648c, 0x64a3, 0x649f, + 0x6468, 0x64b1, 0x6498, 0x6576, 0x657a, 0x6579, 0x657b, 0x65b2, + 0x65b3, 0x66b5, 0x66b0, 0x66a9, 0x66b2, 0x66b7, 0x66aa, 0x66af, + 0x6a00, 0x6a06, 0x6a17, 0x69e5, 0x69f8, 0x6a15, 0x69f1, 0x69e4, + 0x6a20, 0x69ff, 0x69ec, 0x69e2, 0x6a1b, 0x6a1d, 0x69fe, 0x6a27, + 0x69f2, 0x69ee, 0x6a14, 0x69f7, 0x69e7, 0x6a40, 0x6a08, 0x69e6, + 0x69fb, 0x6a0d, 0x69fc, 0x69eb, 0x6a09, 0x6a04, 0x6a18, 0x6a25, + 0x6a0f, 0x69f6, 0x6a26, 0x6a07, 0x69f4, 0x6a16, 0x6b51, 0x6ba5, + 0x6ba3, 0x6ba2, 0x6ba6, 0x6c01, 0x6c00, 0x6bff, 0x6c02, 0x6f41, + 0x6f26, 0x6f7e, 0x6f87, 0x6fc6, 0x6f92, + /* 0xe6 */ + 0x6f8d, 0x6f89, 0x6f8c, 0x6f62, 0x6f4f, 0x6f85, 0x6f5a, 0x6f96, + 0x6f76, 0x6f6c, 0x6f82, 0x6f55, 0x6f72, 0x6f52, 0x6f50, 0x6f57, + 0x6f94, 0x6f93, 0x6f5d, 0x6f00, 0x6f61, 0x6f6b, 0x6f7d, 0x6f67, + 0x6f90, 0x6f53, 0x6f8b, 0x6f69, 0x6f7f, 0x6f95, 0x6f63, 0x6f77, + 0x6f6a, 0x6f7b, 0x71b2, 0x71af, 0x719b, 0x71b0, 0x71a0, 0x719a, + 0x71a9, 0x71b5, 0x719d, 0x71a5, 0x719e, 0x71a4, 0x71a1, 0x71aa, + 0x719c, 0x71a7, 0x71b3, 0x7298, 0x729a, 0x7358, 0x7352, 0x735e, + 0x735f, 0x7360, 0x735d, 0x735b, 0x7361, 0x735a, 0x7359, 0x7362, + 0x7487, 0x7489, 0x748a, 0x7486, 0x7481, 0x747d, 0x7485, 0x7488, + 0x747c, 0x7479, 0x7508, 0x7507, 0x757e, 0x7625, 0x761e, 0x7619, + 0x761d, 0x761c, 0x7623, 0x761a, 0x7628, 0x761b, 0x769c, 0x769d, + 0x769e, 0x769b, 0x778d, 0x778f, 0x7789, 0x7788, 0x78cd, 0x78bb, + 0x78cf, 0x78cc, 0x78d1, 0x78ce, 0x78d4, 0x78c8, 0x78c3, 0x78c4, + 0x78c9, 0x799a, 0x79a1, 0x79a0, 0x799c, 0x79a2, 0x799b, 0x6b76, + 0x7a39, 0x7ab2, 0x7ab4, 0x7ab3, 0x7bb7, 0x7bcb, 0x7bbe, 0x7bac, + 0x7bce, 0x7baf, 0x7bb9, 0x7bca, 0x7bb5, 0x7cc5, 0x7cc8, 0x7ccc, + 0x7ccb, 0x7df7, 0x7ddb, 0x7dea, 0x7de7, 0x7dd7, 0x7de1, 0x7e03, + 0x7dfa, 0x7de6, 0x7df6, 0x7df1, 0x7df0, 0x7dee, 0x7ddf, 0x7f76, + 0x7fac, 0x7fb0, 0x7fad, 0x7fed, 0x7feb, 0x7fea, 0x7fec, 0x7fe6, + 0x7fe8, 0x8064, 0x8067, 0x81a3, 0x819f, + /* 0xe7 */ + 0x819e, 0x8195, 0x81a2, 0x8199, 0x8197, 0x8216, 0x824f, 0x8253, + 0x8252, 0x8250, 0x824e, 0x8251, 0x8524, 0x853b, 0x850f, 0x8500, + 0x8529, 0x850e, 0x8509, 0x850d, 0x851f, 0x850a, 0x8527, 0x851c, + 0x84fb, 0x852b, 0x84fa, 0x8508, 0x850c, 0x84f4, 0x852a, 0x84f2, + 0x8515, 0x84f7, 0x84eb, 0x84f3, 0x84fc, 0x8512, 0x84ea, 0x84e9, + 0x8516, 0x84fe, 0x8528, 0x851d, 0x852e, 0x8502, 0x84fd, 0x851e, + 0x84f6, 0x8531, 0x8526, 0x84e7, 0x84e8, 0x84f0, 0x84ef, 0x84f9, + 0x8518, 0x8520, 0x8530, 0x850b, 0x8519, 0x852f, 0x8662, 0x8756, + 0x8763, 0x8764, 0x8777, 0x87e1, 0x8773, 0x8758, 0x8754, 0x875b, + 0x8752, 0x8761, 0x875a, 0x8751, 0x875e, 0x876d, 0x876a, 0x8750, + 0x874e, 0x875f, 0x875d, 0x876f, 0x876c, 0x877a, 0x876e, 0x875c, + 0x8765, 0x874f, 0x877b, 0x8775, 0x8762, 0x8767, 0x8769, 0x885a, + 0x8905, 0x890c, 0x8914, 0x890b, 0x8917, 0x8918, 0x8919, 0x8906, + 0x8916, 0x8911, 0x890e, 0x8909, 0x89a2, 0x89a4, 0x89a3, 0x89ed, + 0x89f0, 0x89ec, 0x8acf, 0x8ac6, 0x8ab8, 0x8ad3, 0x8ad1, 0x8ad4, + 0x8ad5, 0x8abb, 0x8ad7, 0x8abe, 0x8ac0, 0x8ac5, 0x8ad8, 0x8ac3, + 0x8aba, 0x8abd, 0x8ad9, 0x8c3e, 0x8c4d, 0x8c8f, 0x8ce5, 0x8cdf, + 0x8cd9, 0x8ce8, 0x8cda, 0x8cdd, 0x8ce7, 0x8da0, 0x8d9c, 0x8da1, + 0x8d9b, 0x8e20, 0x8e23, 0x8e25, 0x8e24, 0x8e2e, 0x8e15, 0x8e1b, + 0x8e16, 0x8e11, 0x8e19, 0x8e26, 0x8e27, + /* 0xe8 */ + 0x8e14, 0x8e12, 0x8e18, 0x8e13, 0x8e1c, 0x8e17, 0x8e1a, 0x8f2c, + 0x8f24, 0x8f18, 0x8f1a, 0x8f20, 0x8f23, 0x8f16, 0x8f17, 0x9073, + 0x9070, 0x906f, 0x9067, 0x906b, 0x912f, 0x912b, 0x9129, 0x912a, + 0x9132, 0x9126, 0x912e, 0x9185, 0x9186, 0x918a, 0x9181, 0x9182, + 0x9184, 0x9180, 0x92d0, 0x92c3, 0x92c4, 0x92c0, 0x92d9, 0x92b6, + 0x92cf, 0x92f1, 0x92df, 0x92d8, 0x92e9, 0x92d7, 0x92dd, 0x92cc, + 0x92ef, 0x92c2, 0x92e8, 0x92ca, 0x92c8, 0x92ce, 0x92e6, 0x92cd, + 0x92d5, 0x92c9, 0x92e0, 0x92de, 0x92e7, 0x92d1, 0x92d3, 0x92b5, + 0x92e1, 0x92c6, 0x92b4, 0x957c, 0x95ac, 0x95ab, 0x95ae, 0x95b0, + 0x96a4, 0x96a2, 0x96d3, 0x9705, 0x9708, 0x9702, 0x975a, 0x978a, + 0x978e, 0x9788, 0x97d0, 0x97cf, 0x981e, 0x981d, 0x9826, 0x9829, + 0x9828, 0x9820, 0x981b, 0x9827, 0x98b2, 0x9908, 0x98fa, 0x9911, + 0x9914, 0x9916, 0x9917, 0x9915, 0x99dc, 0x99cd, 0x99cf, 0x99d3, + 0x99d4, 0x99ce, 0x99c9, 0x99d6, 0x99d8, 0x99cb, 0x99d7, 0x99cc, + 0x9ab3, 0x9aec, 0x9aeb, 0x9af3, 0x9af2, 0x9af1, 0x9b46, 0x9b43, + 0x9b67, 0x9b74, 0x9b71, 0x9b66, 0x9b76, 0x9b75, 0x9b70, 0x9b68, + 0x9b64, 0x9b6c, 0x9cfc, 0x9cfa, 0x9cfd, 0x9cff, 0x9cf7, 0x9d07, + 0x9d00, 0x9cf9, 0x9cfb, 0x9d08, 0x9d05, 0x9d04, 0x9e83, 0x9ed3, + 0x9f0f, 0x9f10, 0x511c, 0x5113, 0x5117, 0x511a, 0x5111, 0x51de, + 0x5334, 0x53e1, 0x5670, 0x5660, 0x566e, + /* 0xe9 */ + 0x5673, 0x5666, 0x5663, 0x566d, 0x5672, 0x565e, 0x5677, 0x571c, + 0x571b, 0x58c8, 0x58bd, 0x58c9, 0x58bf, 0x58ba, 0x58c2, 0x58bc, + 0x58c6, 0x5b17, 0x5b19, 0x5b1b, 0x5b21, 0x5b14, 0x5b13, 0x5b10, + 0x5b16, 0x5b28, 0x5b1a, 0x5b20, 0x5b1e, 0x5bef, 0x5dac, 0x5db1, + 0x5da9, 0x5da7, 0x5db5, 0x5db0, 0x5dae, 0x5daa, 0x5da8, 0x5db2, + 0x5dad, 0x5daf, 0x5db4, 0x5e67, 0x5e68, 0x5e66, 0x5e6f, 0x5ee9, + 0x5ee7, 0x5ee6, 0x5ee8, 0x5ee5, 0x5f4b, 0x5fbc, 0x619d, 0x61a8, + 0x6196, 0x61c5, 0x61b4, 0x61c6, 0x61c1, 0x61cc, 0x61ba, 0x61bf, + 0x61b8, 0x618c, 0x64d7, 0x64d6, 0x64d0, 0x64cf, 0x64c9, 0x64bd, + 0x6489, 0x64c3, 0x64db, 0x64f3, 0x64d9, 0x6533, 0x657f, 0x657c, + 0x65a2, 0x66c8, 0x66be, 0x66c0, 0x66ca, 0x66cb, 0x66cf, 0x66bd, + 0x66bb, 0x66ba, 0x66cc, 0x6723, 0x6a34, 0x6a66, 0x6a49, 0x6a67, + 0x6a32, 0x6a68, 0x6a3e, 0x6a5d, 0x6a6d, 0x6a76, 0x6a5b, 0x6a51, + 0x6a28, 0x6a5a, 0x6a3b, 0x6a3f, 0x6a41, 0x6a6a, 0x6a64, 0x6a50, + 0x6a4f, 0x6a54, 0x6a6f, 0x6a69, 0x6a60, 0x6a3c, 0x6a5e, 0x6a56, + 0x6a55, 0x6a4d, 0x6a4e, 0x6a46, 0x6b55, 0x6b54, 0x6b56, 0x6ba7, + 0x6baa, 0x6bab, 0x6bc8, 0x6bc7, 0x6c04, 0x6c03, 0x6c06, 0x6fad, + 0x6fcb, 0x6fa3, 0x6fc7, 0x6fbc, 0x6fce, 0x6fc8, 0x6f5e, 0x6fc4, + 0x6fbd, 0x6f9e, 0x6fca, 0x6fa8, 0x7004, 0x6fa5, 0x6fae, 0x6fba, + 0x6fac, 0x6faa, 0x6fcf, 0x6fbf, 0x6fb8, + /* 0xea */ + 0x6fa2, 0x6fc9, 0x6fab, 0x6fcd, 0x6faf, 0x6fb2, 0x6fb0, 0x71c5, + 0x71c2, 0x71bf, 0x71b8, 0x71d6, 0x71c0, 0x71c1, 0x71cb, 0x71d4, + 0x71ca, 0x71c7, 0x71cf, 0x71bd, 0x71d8, 0x71bc, 0x71c6, 0x71da, + 0x71db, 0x729d, 0x729e, 0x7369, 0x7366, 0x7367, 0x736c, 0x7365, + 0x736b, 0x736a, 0x747f, 0x749a, 0x74a0, 0x7494, 0x7492, 0x7495, + 0x74a1, 0x750b, 0x7580, 0x762f, 0x762d, 0x7631, 0x763d, 0x7633, + 0x763c, 0x7635, 0x7632, 0x7630, 0x76bb, 0x76e6, 0x779a, 0x779d, + 0x77a1, 0x779c, 0x779b, 0x77a2, 0x77a3, 0x7795, 0x7799, 0x7797, + 0x78dd, 0x78e9, 0x78e5, 0x78ea, 0x78de, 0x78e3, 0x78db, 0x78e1, + 0x78e2, 0x78ed, 0x78df, 0x78e0, 0x79a4, 0x7a44, 0x7a48, 0x7a47, + 0x7ab6, 0x7ab8, 0x7ab5, 0x7ab1, 0x7ab7, 0x7bde, 0x7be3, 0x7be7, + 0x7bdd, 0x7bd5, 0x7be5, 0x7bda, 0x7be8, 0x7bf9, 0x7bd4, 0x7bea, + 0x7be2, 0x7bdc, 0x7beb, 0x7bd8, 0x7bdf, 0x7cd2, 0x7cd4, 0x7cd7, + 0x7cd0, 0x7cd1, 0x7e12, 0x7e21, 0x7e17, 0x7e0c, 0x7e1f, 0x7e20, + 0x7e13, 0x7e0e, 0x7e1c, 0x7e15, 0x7e1a, 0x7e22, 0x7e0b, 0x7e0f, + 0x7e16, 0x7e0d, 0x7e14, 0x7e25, 0x7e24, 0x7f43, 0x7f7b, 0x7f7c, + 0x7f7a, 0x7fb1, 0x7fef, 0x802a, 0x8029, 0x806c, 0x81b1, 0x81a6, + 0x81ae, 0x81b9, 0x81b5, 0x81ab, 0x81b0, 0x81ac, 0x81b4, 0x81b2, + 0x81b7, 0x81a7, 0x81f2, 0x8255, 0x8256, 0x8257, 0x8556, 0x8545, + 0x856b, 0x854d, 0x8553, 0x8561, 0x8558, + /* 0xeb */ + 0x8540, 0x8546, 0x8564, 0x8541, 0x8562, 0x8544, 0x8551, 0x8547, + 0x8563, 0x853e, 0x855b, 0x8571, 0x854e, 0x856e, 0x8575, 0x8555, + 0x8567, 0x8560, 0x858c, 0x8566, 0x855d, 0x8554, 0x8565, 0x856c, + 0x8663, 0x8665, 0x8664, 0x879b, 0x878f, 0x8797, 0x8793, 0x8792, + 0x8788, 0x8781, 0x8796, 0x8798, 0x8779, 0x8787, 0x87a3, 0x8785, + 0x8790, 0x8791, 0x879d, 0x8784, 0x8794, 0x879c, 0x879a, 0x8789, + 0x891e, 0x8926, 0x8930, 0x892d, 0x892e, 0x8927, 0x8931, 0x8922, + 0x8929, 0x8923, 0x892f, 0x892c, 0x891f, 0x89f1, 0x8ae0, 0x8ae2, + 0x8af2, 0x8af4, 0x8af5, 0x8add, 0x8b14, 0x8ae4, 0x8adf, 0x8af0, + 0x8ac8, 0x8ade, 0x8ae1, 0x8ae8, 0x8aff, 0x8aef, 0x8afb, 0x8c91, + 0x8c92, 0x8c90, 0x8cf5, 0x8cee, 0x8cf1, 0x8cf0, 0x8cf3, 0x8d6c, + 0x8d6e, 0x8da5, 0x8da7, 0x8e33, 0x8e3e, 0x8e38, 0x8e40, 0x8e45, + 0x8e36, 0x8e3c, 0x8e3d, 0x8e41, 0x8e30, 0x8e3f, 0x8ebd, 0x8f36, + 0x8f2e, 0x8f35, 0x8f32, 0x8f39, 0x8f37, 0x8f34, 0x9076, 0x9079, + 0x907b, 0x9086, 0x90fa, 0x9133, 0x9135, 0x9136, 0x9193, 0x9190, + 0x9191, 0x918d, 0x918f, 0x9327, 0x931e, 0x9308, 0x931f, 0x9306, + 0x930f, 0x937a, 0x9338, 0x933c, 0x931b, 0x9323, 0x9312, 0x9301, + 0x9346, 0x932d, 0x930e, 0x930d, 0x92cb, 0x931d, 0x92fa, 0x9325, + 0x9313, 0x92f9, 0x92f7, 0x9334, 0x9302, 0x9324, 0x92ff, 0x9329, + 0x9339, 0x9335, 0x932a, 0x9314, 0x930c, + /* 0xec */ + 0x930b, 0x92fe, 0x9309, 0x9300, 0x92fb, 0x9316, 0x95bc, 0x95cd, + 0x95be, 0x95b9, 0x95ba, 0x95b6, 0x95bf, 0x95b5, 0x95bd, 0x96a9, + 0x96d4, 0x970b, 0x9712, 0x9710, 0x9799, 0x9797, 0x9794, 0x97f0, + 0x97f8, 0x9835, 0x982f, 0x9832, 0x9924, 0x991f, 0x9927, 0x9929, + 0x999e, 0x99ee, 0x99ec, 0x99e5, 0x99e4, 0x99f0, 0x99e3, 0x99ea, + 0x99e9, 0x99e7, 0x9ab9, 0x9abf, 0x9ab4, 0x9abb, 0x9af6, 0x9afa, + 0x9af9, 0x9af7, 0x9b33, 0x9b80, 0x9b85, 0x9b87, 0x9b7c, 0x9b7e, + 0x9b7b, 0x9b82, 0x9b93, 0x9b92, 0x9b90, 0x9b7a, 0x9b95, 0x9b7d, + 0x9b88, 0x9d25, 0x9d17, 0x9d20, 0x9d1e, 0x9d14, 0x9d29, 0x9d1d, + 0x9d18, 0x9d22, 0x9d10, 0x9d19, 0x9d1f, 0x9e88, 0x9e86, 0x9e87, + 0x9eae, 0x9ead, 0x9ed5, 0x9ed6, 0x9efa, 0x9f12, 0x9f3d, 0x5126, + 0x5125, 0x5122, 0x5124, 0x5120, 0x5129, 0x52f4, 0x5693, 0x568c, + 0x568d, 0x5686, 0x5684, 0x5683, 0x567e, 0x5682, 0x567f, 0x5681, + 0x58d6, 0x58d4, 0x58cf, 0x58d2, 0x5b2d, 0x5b25, 0x5b32, 0x5b23, + 0x5b2c, 0x5b27, 0x5b26, 0x5b2f, 0x5b2e, 0x5b7b, 0x5bf1, 0x5bf2, + 0x5db7, 0x5e6c, 0x5e6a, 0x5fbe, 0x5fbb, 0x61c3, 0x61b5, 0x61bc, + 0x61e7, 0x61e0, 0x61e5, 0x61e4, 0x61e8, 0x61de, 0x64ef, 0x64e9, + 0x64e3, 0x64eb, 0x64e4, 0x64e8, 0x6581, 0x6580, 0x65b6, 0x65da, + 0x66d2, 0x6a8d, 0x6a96, 0x6a81, 0x6aa5, 0x6a89, 0x6a9f, 0x6a9b, + 0x6aa1, 0x6a9e, 0x6a87, 0x6a93, 0x6a8e, + /* 0xed */ + 0x6a95, 0x6a83, 0x6aa8, 0x6aa4, 0x6a91, 0x6a7f, 0x6aa6, 0x6a9a, + 0x6a85, 0x6a8c, 0x6a92, 0x6b5b, 0x6bad, 0x6c09, 0x6fcc, 0x6fa9, + 0x6ff4, 0x6fd4, 0x6fe3, 0x6fdc, 0x6fed, 0x6fe7, 0x6fe6, 0x6fde, + 0x6ff2, 0x6fdd, 0x6fe2, 0x6fe8, 0x71e1, 0x71f1, 0x71e8, 0x71f2, + 0x71e4, 0x71f0, 0x71e2, 0x7373, 0x736e, 0x736f, 0x7497, 0x74b2, + 0x74ab, 0x7490, 0x74aa, 0x74ad, 0x74b1, 0x74a5, 0x74af, 0x7510, + 0x7511, 0x7512, 0x750f, 0x7584, 0x7643, 0x7648, 0x7649, 0x7647, + 0x76a4, 0x76e9, 0x77b5, 0x77ab, 0x77b2, 0x77b7, 0x77b6, 0x77b4, + 0x77b1, 0x77a8, 0x77f0, 0x78f3, 0x78fd, 0x7902, 0x78fb, 0x78fc, + 0x78f2, 0x7905, 0x78f9, 0x78fe, 0x7904, 0x79ab, 0x79a8, 0x7a5c, + 0x7a5b, 0x7a56, 0x7a58, 0x7a54, 0x7a5a, 0x7abe, 0x7ac0, 0x7ac1, + 0x7c05, 0x7c0f, 0x7bf2, 0x7c00, 0x7bff, 0x7bfb, 0x7c0e, 0x7bf4, + 0x7c0b, 0x7bf3, 0x7c02, 0x7c09, 0x7c03, 0x7c01, 0x7bf8, 0x7bfd, + 0x7c06, 0x7bf0, 0x7bf1, 0x7c10, 0x7c0a, 0x7ce8, 0x7e2d, 0x7e3c, + 0x7e42, 0x7e33, 0x9848, 0x7e38, 0x7e2a, 0x7e49, 0x7e40, 0x7e47, + 0x7e29, 0x7e4c, 0x7e30, 0x7e3b, 0x7e36, 0x7e44, 0x7e3a, 0x7f45, + 0x7f7f, 0x7f7e, 0x7f7d, 0x7ff4, 0x7ff2, 0x802c, 0x81bb, 0x81c4, + 0x81cc, 0x81ca, 0x81c5, 0x81c7, 0x81bc, 0x81e9, 0x825b, 0x825a, + 0x825c, 0x8583, 0x8580, 0x858f, 0x85a7, 0x8595, 0x85a0, 0x858b, + 0x85a3, 0x857b, 0x85a4, 0x859a, 0x859e, + /* 0xee */ + 0x8577, 0x857c, 0x8589, 0x85a1, 0x857a, 0x8578, 0x8557, 0x858e, + 0x8596, 0x8586, 0x858d, 0x8599, 0x859d, 0x8581, 0x85a2, 0x8582, + 0x8588, 0x8585, 0x8579, 0x8576, 0x8598, 0x8590, 0x859f, 0x8668, + 0x87be, 0x87aa, 0x87ad, 0x87c5, 0x87b0, 0x87ac, 0x87b9, 0x87b5, + 0x87bc, 0x87ae, 0x87c9, 0x87c3, 0x87c2, 0x87cc, 0x87b7, 0x87af, + 0x87c4, 0x87ca, 0x87b4, 0x87b6, 0x87bf, 0x87b8, 0x87bd, 0x87de, + 0x87b2, 0x8935, 0x8933, 0x893c, 0x893e, 0x8941, 0x8952, 0x8937, + 0x8942, 0x89ad, 0x89af, 0x89ae, 0x89f2, 0x89f3, 0x8b1e, 0x8b18, + 0x8b16, 0x8b11, 0x8b05, 0x8b0b, 0x8b22, 0x8b0f, 0x8b12, 0x8b15, + 0x8b07, 0x8b0d, 0x8b08, 0x8b06, 0x8b1c, 0x8b13, 0x8b1a, 0x8c4f, + 0x8c70, 0x8c72, 0x8c71, 0x8c6f, 0x8c95, 0x8c94, 0x8cf9, 0x8d6f, + 0x8e4e, 0x8e4d, 0x8e53, 0x8e50, 0x8e4c, 0x8e47, 0x8f43, 0x8f40, + 0x9085, 0x907e, 0x9138, 0x919a, 0x91a2, 0x919b, 0x9199, 0x919f, + 0x91a1, 0x919d, 0x91a0, 0x93a1, 0x9383, 0x93af, 0x9364, 0x9356, + 0x9347, 0x937c, 0x9358, 0x935c, 0x9376, 0x9349, 0x9350, 0x9351, + 0x9360, 0x936d, 0x938f, 0x934c, 0x936a, 0x9379, 0x9357, 0x9355, + 0x9352, 0x934f, 0x9371, 0x9377, 0x937b, 0x9361, 0x935e, 0x9363, + 0x9367, 0x9380, 0x934e, 0x9359, 0x95c7, 0x95c0, 0x95c9, 0x95c3, + 0x95c5, 0x95b7, 0x96ae, 0x96b0, 0x96ac, 0x9720, 0x971f, 0x9718, + 0x971d, 0x9719, 0x979a, 0x97a1, 0x979c, + /* 0xef */ + 0x979e, 0x979d, 0x97d5, 0x97d4, 0x97f1, 0x9841, 0x9844, 0x984a, + 0x9849, 0x9845, 0x9843, 0x9925, 0x992b, 0x992c, 0x992a, 0x9933, + 0x9932, 0x992f, 0x992d, 0x9931, 0x9930, 0x9998, 0x99a3, 0x99a1, + 0x9a02, 0x99fa, 0x99f4, 0x99f7, 0x99f9, 0x99f8, 0x99f6, 0x99fb, + 0x99fd, 0x99fe, 0x99fc, 0x9a03, 0x9abe, 0x9afe, 0x9afd, 0x9b01, + 0x9afc, 0x9b48, 0x9b9a, 0x9ba8, 0x9b9e, 0x9b9b, 0x9ba6, 0x9ba1, + 0x9ba5, 0x9ba4, 0x9b86, 0x9ba2, 0x9ba0, 0x9baf, 0x9d33, 0x9d41, + 0x9d67, 0x9d36, 0x9d2e, 0x9d2f, 0x9d31, 0x9d38, 0x9d30, 0x9d45, + 0x9d42, 0x9d43, 0x9d3e, 0x9d37, 0x9d40, 0x9d3d, 0x7ff5, 0x9d2d, + 0x9e8a, 0x9e89, 0x9e8d, 0x9eb0, 0x9ec8, 0x9eda, 0x9efb, 0x9eff, + 0x9f24, 0x9f23, 0x9f22, 0x9f54, 0x9fa0, 0x5131, 0x512d, 0x512e, + 0x5698, 0x569c, 0x5697, 0x569a, 0x569d, 0x5699, 0x5970, 0x5b3c, + 0x5c69, 0x5c6a, 0x5dc0, 0x5e6d, 0x5e6e, 0x61d8, 0x61df, 0x61ed, + 0x61ee, 0x61f1, 0x61ea, 0x61f0, 0x61eb, 0x61d6, 0x61e9, 0x64ff, + 0x6504, 0x64fd, 0x64f8, 0x6501, 0x6503, 0x64fc, 0x6594, 0x65db, + 0x66da, 0x66db, 0x66d8, 0x6ac5, 0x6ab9, 0x6abd, 0x6ae1, 0x6ac6, + 0x6aba, 0x6ab6, 0x6ab7, 0x6ac7, 0x6ab4, 0x6aad, 0x6b5e, 0x6bc9, + 0x6c0b, 0x7007, 0x700c, 0x700d, 0x7001, 0x7005, 0x7014, 0x700e, + 0x6fff, 0x7000, 0x6ffb, 0x7026, 0x6ffc, 0x6ff7, 0x700a, 0x7201, + 0x71ff, 0x71f9, 0x7203, 0x71fd, 0x7376, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x74b8, 0x74c0, 0x74b5, 0x74c1, 0x74be, 0x74b6, 0x74bb, 0x74c2, + 0x7514, 0x7513, 0x765c, 0x7664, 0x7659, 0x7650, 0x7653, 0x7657, + 0x765a, 0x76a6, 0x76bd, 0x76ec, 0x77c2, 0x77ba, 0x78ff, 0x790c, + 0x7913, 0x7914, 0x7909, 0x7910, 0x7912, 0x7911, 0x79ad, 0x79ac, + 0x7a5f, 0x7c1c, 0x7c29, 0x7c19, 0x7c20, 0x7c1f, 0x7c2d, 0x7c1d, + 0x7c26, 0x7c28, 0x7c22, 0x7c25, 0x7c30, 0x7e5c, 0x7e50, 0x7e56, + 0x7e63, 0x7e58, 0x7e62, 0x7e5f, 0x7e51, 0x7e60, 0x7e57, 0x7e53, + 0x7fb5, 0x7fb3, 0x7ff7, 0x7ff8, 0x8075, 0x81d1, 0x81d2, 0x81d0, + 0x825f, 0x825e, 0x85b4, 0x85c6, 0x85c0, 0x85c3, 0x85c2, 0x85b3, + 0x85b5, 0x85bd, 0x85c7, 0x85c4, 0x85bf, 0x85cb, 0x85ce, 0x85c8, + 0x85c5, 0x85b1, 0x85b6, 0x85d2, 0x8624, 0x85b8, 0x85b7, 0x85be, + 0x8669, 0x87e7, 0x87e6, 0x87e2, 0x87db, 0x87eb, 0x87ea, 0x87e5, + 0x87df, 0x87f3, 0x87e4, 0x87d4, 0x87dc, 0x87d3, 0x87ed, 0x87d8, + 0x87e3, 0x87a4, 0x87d7, 0x87d9, 0x8801, 0x87f4, 0x87e8, 0x87dd, + 0x8953, 0x894b, 0x894f, 0x894c, 0x8946, 0x8950, 0x8951, 0x8949, + 0x8b2a, 0x8b27, 0x8b23, 0x8b33, 0x8b30, 0x8b35, 0x8b47, 0x8b2f, + 0x8b3c, 0x8b3e, 0x8b31, 0x8b25, 0x8b37, 0x8b26, 0x8b36, 0x8b2e, + 0x8b24, 0x8b3b, 0x8b3d, 0x8b3a, 0x8c42, 0x8c75, 0x8c99, 0x8c98, + 0x8c97, 0x8cfe, 0x8d04, 0x8d02, 0x8d00, 0x8e5c, 0x8e62, 0x8e60, + 0x8e57, 0x8e56, 0x8e5e, 0x8e65, 0x8e67, + /* 0xf1 */ + 0x8e5b, 0x8e5a, 0x8e61, 0x8e5d, 0x8e69, 0x8e54, 0x8f46, 0x8f47, + 0x8f48, 0x8f4b, 0x9128, 0x913a, 0x913b, 0x913e, 0x91a8, 0x91a5, + 0x91a7, 0x91af, 0x91aa, 0x93b5, 0x938c, 0x9392, 0x93b7, 0x939b, + 0x939d, 0x9389, 0x93a7, 0x938e, 0x93aa, 0x939e, 0x93a6, 0x9395, + 0x9388, 0x9399, 0x939f, 0x938d, 0x93b1, 0x9391, 0x93b2, 0x93a4, + 0x93a8, 0x93b4, 0x93a3, 0x93a5, 0x95d2, 0x95d3, 0x95d1, 0x96b3, + 0x96d7, 0x96da, 0x5dc2, 0x96df, 0x96d8, 0x96dd, 0x9723, 0x9722, + 0x9725, 0x97ac, 0x97ae, 0x97a8, 0x97ab, 0x97a4, 0x97aa, 0x97a2, + 0x97a5, 0x97d7, 0x97d9, 0x97d6, 0x97d8, 0x97fa, 0x9850, 0x9851, + 0x9852, 0x98b8, 0x9941, 0x993c, 0x993a, 0x9a0f, 0x9a0b, 0x9a09, + 0x9a0d, 0x9a04, 0x9a11, 0x9a0a, 0x9a05, 0x9a07, 0x9a06, 0x9ac0, + 0x9adc, 0x9b08, 0x9b04, 0x9b05, 0x9b29, 0x9b35, 0x9b4a, 0x9b4c, + 0x9b4b, 0x9bc7, 0x9bc6, 0x9bc3, 0x9bbf, 0x9bc1, 0x9bb5, 0x9bb8, + 0x9bd3, 0x9bb6, 0x9bc4, 0x9bb9, 0x9bbd, 0x9d5c, 0x9d53, 0x9d4f, + 0x9d4a, 0x9d5b, 0x9d4b, 0x9d59, 0x9d56, 0x9d4c, 0x9d57, 0x9d52, + 0x9d54, 0x9d5f, 0x9d58, 0x9d5a, 0x9e8e, 0x9e8c, 0x9edf, 0x9f01, + 0x9f00, 0x9f16, 0x9f25, 0x9f2b, 0x9f2a, 0x9f29, 0x9f28, 0x9f4c, + 0x9f55, 0x5134, 0x5135, 0x5296, 0x52f7, 0x53b4, 0x56ab, 0x56ad, + 0x56a6, 0x56a7, 0x56aa, 0x56ac, 0x58da, 0x58dd, 0x58db, 0x5912, + 0x5b3d, 0x5b3e, 0x5b3f, 0x5dc3, 0x5e70, + /* 0xf2 */ + 0x5fbf, 0x61fb, 0x6507, 0x6510, 0x650d, 0x6509, 0x650c, 0x650e, + 0x6584, 0x65de, 0x65dd, 0x66de, 0x6ae7, 0x6ae0, 0x6acc, 0x6ad1, + 0x6ad9, 0x6acb, 0x6adf, 0x6adc, 0x6ad0, 0x6aeb, 0x6acf, 0x6acd, + 0x6ade, 0x6b60, 0x6bb0, 0x6c0c, 0x7019, 0x7027, 0x7020, 0x7016, + 0x702b, 0x7021, 0x7022, 0x7023, 0x7029, 0x7017, 0x7024, 0x701c, + 0x702a, 0x720c, 0x720a, 0x7207, 0x7202, 0x7205, 0x72a5, 0x72a6, + 0x72a4, 0x72a3, 0x72a1, 0x74cb, 0x74c5, 0x74b7, 0x74c3, 0x7516, + 0x7660, 0x77c9, 0x77ca, 0x77c4, 0x77f1, 0x791d, 0x791b, 0x7921, + 0x791c, 0x7917, 0x791e, 0x79b0, 0x7a67, 0x7a68, 0x7c33, 0x7c3c, + 0x7c39, 0x7c2c, 0x7c3b, 0x7cec, 0x7cea, 0x7e76, 0x7e75, 0x7e78, + 0x7e70, 0x7e77, 0x7e6f, 0x7e7a, 0x7e72, 0x7e74, 0x7e68, 0x7f4b, + 0x7f4a, 0x7f83, 0x7f86, 0x7fb7, 0x7ffd, 0x7ffe, 0x8078, 0x81d7, + 0x81d5, 0x8264, 0x8261, 0x8263, 0x85eb, 0x85f1, 0x85ed, 0x85d9, + 0x85e1, 0x85e8, 0x85da, 0x85d7, 0x85ec, 0x85f2, 0x85f8, 0x85d8, + 0x85df, 0x85e3, 0x85dc, 0x85d1, 0x85f0, 0x85e6, 0x85ef, 0x85de, + 0x85e2, 0x8800, 0x87fa, 0x8803, 0x87f6, 0x87f7, 0x8809, 0x880c, + 0x880b, 0x8806, 0x87fc, 0x8808, 0x87ff, 0x880a, 0x8802, 0x8962, + 0x895a, 0x895b, 0x8957, 0x8961, 0x895c, 0x8958, 0x895d, 0x8959, + 0x8988, 0x89b7, 0x89b6, 0x89f6, 0x8b50, 0x8b48, 0x8b4a, 0x8b40, + 0x8b53, 0x8b56, 0x8b54, 0x8b4b, 0x8b55, + /* 0xf3 */ + 0x8b51, 0x8b42, 0x8b52, 0x8b57, 0x8c43, 0x8c77, 0x8c76, 0x8c9a, + 0x8d06, 0x8d07, 0x8d09, 0x8dac, 0x8daa, 0x8dad, 0x8dab, 0x8e6d, + 0x8e78, 0x8e73, 0x8e6a, 0x8e6f, 0x8e7b, 0x8ec2, 0x8f52, 0x8f51, + 0x8f4f, 0x8f50, 0x8f53, 0x8fb4, 0x9140, 0x913f, 0x91b0, 0x91ad, + 0x93de, 0x93c7, 0x93cf, 0x93c2, 0x93da, 0x93d0, 0x93f9, 0x93ec, + 0x93cc, 0x93d9, 0x93a9, 0x93e6, 0x93ca, 0x93d4, 0x93ee, 0x93e3, + 0x93d5, 0x93c4, 0x93ce, 0x93c0, 0x93d2, 0x93e7, 0x957d, 0x95da, + 0x95db, 0x96e1, 0x9729, 0x972b, 0x972c, 0x9728, 0x9726, 0x97b3, + 0x97b7, 0x97b6, 0x97dd, 0x97de, 0x97df, 0x985c, 0x9859, 0x985d, + 0x9857, 0x98bf, 0x98bd, 0x98bb, 0x98be, 0x9948, 0x9947, 0x9943, + 0x99a6, 0x99a7, 0x9a1a, 0x9a15, 0x9a25, 0x9a1d, 0x9a24, 0x9a1b, + 0x9a22, 0x9a20, 0x9a27, 0x9a23, 0x9a1e, 0x9a1c, 0x9a14, 0x9ac2, + 0x9b0b, 0x9b0a, 0x9b0e, 0x9b0c, 0x9b37, 0x9bea, 0x9beb, 0x9be0, + 0x9bde, 0x9be4, 0x9be6, 0x9be2, 0x9bf0, 0x9bd4, 0x9bd7, 0x9bec, + 0x9bdc, 0x9bd9, 0x9be5, 0x9bd5, 0x9be1, 0x9bda, 0x9d77, 0x9d81, + 0x9d8a, 0x9d84, 0x9d88, 0x9d71, 0x9d80, 0x9d78, 0x9d86, 0x9d8b, + 0x9d8c, 0x9d7d, 0x9d6b, 0x9d74, 0x9d75, 0x9d70, 0x9d69, 0x9d85, + 0x9d73, 0x9d7b, 0x9d82, 0x9d6f, 0x9d79, 0x9d7f, 0x9d87, 0x9d68, + 0x9e94, 0x9e91, 0x9ec0, 0x9efc, 0x9f2d, 0x9f40, 0x9f41, 0x9f4d, + 0x9f56, 0x9f57, 0x9f58, 0x5337, 0x56b2, + /* 0xf4 */ + 0x56b5, 0x56b3, 0x58e3, 0x5b45, 0x5dc6, 0x5dc7, 0x5eee, 0x5eef, + 0x5fc0, 0x5fc1, 0x61f9, 0x6517, 0x6516, 0x6515, 0x6513, 0x65df, + 0x66e8, 0x66e3, 0x66e4, 0x6af3, 0x6af0, 0x6aea, 0x6ae8, 0x6af9, + 0x6af1, 0x6aee, 0x6aef, 0x703c, 0x7035, 0x702f, 0x7037, 0x7034, + 0x7031, 0x7042, 0x7038, 0x703f, 0x703a, 0x7039, 0x7040, 0x703b, + 0x7033, 0x7041, 0x7213, 0x7214, 0x72a8, 0x737d, 0x737c, 0x74ba, + 0x76ab, 0x76aa, 0x76be, 0x76ed, 0x77cc, 0x77ce, 0x77cf, 0x77cd, + 0x77f2, 0x7925, 0x7923, 0x7927, 0x7928, 0x7924, 0x7929, 0x79b2, + 0x7a6e, 0x7a6c, 0x7a6d, 0x7af7, 0x7c49, 0x7c48, 0x7c4a, 0x7c47, + 0x7c45, 0x7cee, 0x7e7b, 0x7e7e, 0x7e81, 0x7e80, 0x7fba, 0x7fff, + 0x8079, 0x81db, 0x81d9, 0x820b, 0x8268, 0x8269, 0x8622, 0x85ff, + 0x8601, 0x85fe, 0x861b, 0x8600, 0x85f6, 0x8604, 0x8609, 0x8605, + 0x860c, 0x85fd, 0x8819, 0x8810, 0x8811, 0x8817, 0x8813, 0x8816, + 0x8963, 0x8966, 0x89b9, 0x89f7, 0x8b60, 0x8b6a, 0x8b5d, 0x8b68, + 0x8b63, 0x8b65, 0x8b67, 0x8b6d, 0x8dae, 0x8e86, 0x8e88, 0x8e84, + 0x8f59, 0x8f56, 0x8f57, 0x8f55, 0x8f58, 0x8f5a, 0x908d, 0x9143, + 0x9141, 0x91b7, 0x91b5, 0x91b2, 0x91b3, 0x940b, 0x9413, 0x93fb, + 0x9420, 0x940f, 0x9414, 0x93fe, 0x9415, 0x9410, 0x9428, 0x9419, + 0x940d, 0x93f5, 0x9400, 0x93f7, 0x9407, 0x940e, 0x9416, 0x9412, + 0x93fa, 0x9409, 0x93f8, 0x940a, 0x93ff, + /* 0xf5 */ + 0x93fc, 0x940c, 0x93f6, 0x9411, 0x9406, 0x95de, 0x95e0, 0x95df, + 0x972e, 0x972f, 0x97b9, 0x97bb, 0x97fd, 0x97fe, 0x9860, 0x9862, + 0x9863, 0x985f, 0x98c1, 0x98c2, 0x9950, 0x994e, 0x9959, 0x994c, + 0x994b, 0x9953, 0x9a32, 0x9a34, 0x9a31, 0x9a2c, 0x9a2a, 0x9a36, + 0x9a29, 0x9a2e, 0x9a38, 0x9a2d, 0x9ac7, 0x9aca, 0x9ac6, 0x9b10, + 0x9b12, 0x9b11, 0x9c0b, 0x9c08, 0x9bf7, 0x9c05, 0x9c12, 0x9bf8, + 0x9c40, 0x9c07, 0x9c0e, 0x9c06, 0x9c17, 0x9c14, 0x9c09, 0x9d9f, + 0x9d99, 0x9da4, 0x9d9d, 0x9d92, 0x9d98, 0x9d90, 0x9d9b, 0x9da0, + 0x9d94, 0x9d9c, 0x9daa, 0x9d97, 0x9da1, 0x9d9a, 0x9da2, 0x9da8, + 0x9d9e, 0x9da3, 0x9dbf, 0x9da9, 0x9d96, 0x9da6, 0x9da7, 0x9e99, + 0x9e9b, 0x9e9a, 0x9ee5, 0x9ee4, 0x9ee7, 0x9ee6, 0x9f30, 0x9f2e, + 0x9f5b, 0x9f60, 0x9f5e, 0x9f5d, 0x9f59, 0x9f91, 0x513a, 0x5139, + 0x5298, 0x5297, 0x56c3, 0x56bd, 0x56be, 0x5b48, 0x5b47, 0x5dcb, + 0x5dcf, 0x5ef1, 0x61fd, 0x651b, 0x6b02, 0x6afc, 0x6b03, 0x6af8, + 0x6b00, 0x7043, 0x7044, 0x704a, 0x7048, 0x7049, 0x7045, 0x7046, + 0x721d, 0x721a, 0x7219, 0x737e, 0x7517, 0x766a, 0x77d0, 0x792d, + 0x7931, 0x792f, 0x7c54, 0x7c53, 0x7cf2, 0x7e8a, 0x7e87, 0x7e88, + 0x7e8b, 0x7e86, 0x7e8d, 0x7f4d, 0x7fbb, 0x8030, 0x81dd, 0x8618, + 0x862a, 0x8626, 0x861f, 0x8623, 0x861c, 0x8619, 0x8627, 0x862e, + 0x8621, 0x8620, 0x8629, 0x861e, 0x8625, + /* 0xf6 */ + 0x8829, 0x881d, 0x881b, 0x8820, 0x8824, 0x881c, 0x882b, 0x884a, + 0x896d, 0x8969, 0x896e, 0x896b, 0x89fa, 0x8b79, 0x8b78, 0x8b45, + 0x8b7a, 0x8b7b, 0x8d10, 0x8d14, 0x8daf, 0x8e8e, 0x8e8c, 0x8f5e, + 0x8f5b, 0x8f5d, 0x9146, 0x9144, 0x9145, 0x91b9, 0x943f, 0x943b, + 0x9436, 0x9429, 0x943d, 0x943c, 0x9430, 0x9439, 0x942a, 0x9437, + 0x942c, 0x9440, 0x9431, 0x95e5, 0x95e4, 0x95e3, 0x9735, 0x973a, + 0x97bf, 0x97e1, 0x9864, 0x98c9, 0x98c6, 0x98c0, 0x9958, 0x9956, + 0x9a39, 0x9a3d, 0x9a46, 0x9a44, 0x9a42, 0x9a41, 0x9a3a, 0x9a3f, + 0x9acd, 0x9b15, 0x9b17, 0x9b18, 0x9b16, 0x9b3a, 0x9b52, 0x9c2b, + 0x9c1d, 0x9c1c, 0x9c2c, 0x9c23, 0x9c28, 0x9c29, 0x9c24, 0x9c21, + 0x9db7, 0x9db6, 0x9dbc, 0x9dc1, 0x9dc7, 0x9dca, 0x9dcf, 0x9dbe, + 0x9dc5, 0x9dc3, 0x9dbb, 0x9db5, 0x9dce, 0x9db9, 0x9dba, 0x9dac, + 0x9dc8, 0x9db1, 0x9dad, 0x9dcc, 0x9db3, 0x9dcd, 0x9db2, 0x9e7a, + 0x9e9c, 0x9eeb, 0x9eee, 0x9eed, 0x9f1b, 0x9f18, 0x9f1a, 0x9f31, + 0x9f4e, 0x9f65, 0x9f64, 0x9f92, 0x4eb9, 0x56c6, 0x56c5, 0x56cb, + 0x5971, 0x5b4b, 0x5b4c, 0x5dd5, 0x5dd1, 0x5ef2, 0x6521, 0x6520, + 0x6526, 0x6522, 0x6b0b, 0x6b08, 0x6b09, 0x6c0d, 0x7055, 0x7056, + 0x7057, 0x7052, 0x721e, 0x721f, 0x72a9, 0x737f, 0x74d8, 0x74d5, + 0x74d9, 0x74d7, 0x766d, 0x76ad, 0x7935, 0x79b4, 0x7a70, 0x7a71, + 0x7c57, 0x7c5c, 0x7c59, 0x7c5b, 0x7c5a, + /* 0xf7 */ + 0x7cf4, 0x7cf1, 0x7e91, 0x7f4f, 0x7f87, 0x81de, 0x826b, 0x8634, + 0x8635, 0x8633, 0x862c, 0x8632, 0x8636, 0x882c, 0x8828, 0x8826, + 0x882a, 0x8825, 0x8971, 0x89bf, 0x89be, 0x89fb, 0x8b7e, 0x8b84, + 0x8b82, 0x8b86, 0x8b85, 0x8b7f, 0x8d15, 0x8e95, 0x8e94, 0x8e9a, + 0x8e92, 0x8e90, 0x8e96, 0x8e97, 0x8f60, 0x8f62, 0x9147, 0x944c, + 0x9450, 0x944a, 0x944b, 0x944f, 0x9447, 0x9445, 0x9448, 0x9449, + 0x9446, 0x973f, 0x97e3, 0x986a, 0x9869, 0x98cb, 0x9954, 0x995b, + 0x9a4e, 0x9a53, 0x9a54, 0x9a4c, 0x9a4f, 0x9a48, 0x9a4a, 0x9a49, + 0x9a52, 0x9a50, 0x9ad0, 0x9b19, 0x9b2b, 0x9b3b, 0x9b56, 0x9b55, + 0x9c46, 0x9c48, 0x9c3f, 0x9c44, 0x9c39, 0x9c33, 0x9c41, 0x9c3c, + 0x9c37, 0x9c34, 0x9c32, 0x9c3d, 0x9c36, 0x9ddb, 0x9dd2, 0x9dde, + 0x9dda, 0x9dcb, 0x9dd0, 0x9ddc, 0x9dd1, 0x9ddf, 0x9de9, 0x9dd9, + 0x9dd8, 0x9dd6, 0x9df5, 0x9dd5, 0x9ddd, 0x9eb6, 0x9ef0, 0x9f35, + 0x9f33, 0x9f32, 0x9f42, 0x9f6b, 0x9f95, 0x9fa2, 0x513d, 0x5299, + 0x58e8, 0x58e7, 0x5972, 0x5b4d, 0x5dd8, 0x882f, 0x5f4f, 0x6201, + 0x6203, 0x6204, 0x6529, 0x6525, 0x6596, 0x66eb, 0x6b11, 0x6b12, + 0x6b0f, 0x6bca, 0x705b, 0x705a, 0x7222, 0x7382, 0x7381, 0x7383, + 0x7670, 0x77d4, 0x7c67, 0x7c66, 0x7e95, 0x826c, 0x863a, 0x8640, + 0x8639, 0x863c, 0x8631, 0x863b, 0x863e, 0x8830, 0x8832, 0x882e, + 0x8833, 0x8976, 0x8974, 0x8973, 0x89fe, + /* 0xf8 */ + 0x8b8c, 0x8b8e, 0x8b8b, 0x8b88, 0x8c45, 0x8d19, 0x8e98, 0x8f64, + 0x8f63, 0x91bc, 0x9462, 0x9455, 0x945d, 0x9457, 0x945e, 0x97c4, + 0x97c5, 0x9800, 0x9a56, 0x9a59, 0x9b1e, 0x9b1f, 0x9b20, 0x9c52, + 0x9c58, 0x9c50, 0x9c4a, 0x9c4d, 0x9c4b, 0x9c55, 0x9c59, 0x9c4c, + 0x9c4e, 0x9dfb, 0x9df7, 0x9def, 0x9de3, 0x9deb, 0x9df8, 0x9de4, + 0x9df6, 0x9de1, 0x9dee, 0x9de6, 0x9df2, 0x9df0, 0x9de2, 0x9dec, + 0x9df4, 0x9df3, 0x9de8, 0x9ded, 0x9ec2, 0x9ed0, 0x9ef2, 0x9ef3, + 0x9f06, 0x9f1c, 0x9f38, 0x9f37, 0x9f36, 0x9f43, 0x9f4f, 0x9f71, + 0x9f70, 0x9f6e, 0x9f6f, 0x56d3, 0x56cd, 0x5b4e, 0x5c6d, 0x652d, + 0x66ed, 0x66ee, 0x6b13, 0x705f, 0x7061, 0x705d, 0x7060, 0x7223, + 0x74db, 0x74e5, 0x77d5, 0x7938, 0x79b7, 0x79b6, 0x7c6a, 0x7e97, + 0x7f89, 0x826d, 0x8643, 0x8838, 0x8837, 0x8835, 0x884b, 0x8b94, + 0x8b95, 0x8e9e, 0x8e9f, 0x8ea0, 0x8e9d, 0x91be, 0x91bd, 0x91c2, + 0x946b, 0x9468, 0x9469, 0x96e5, 0x9746, 0x9743, 0x9747, 0x97c7, + 0x97e5, 0x9a5e, 0x9ad5, 0x9b59, 0x9c63, 0x9c67, 0x9c66, 0x9c62, + 0x9c5e, 0x9c60, 0x9e02, 0x9dfe, 0x9e07, 0x9e03, 0x9e06, 0x9e05, + 0x9e00, 0x9e01, 0x9e09, 0x9dff, 0x9dfd, 0x9e04, 0x9ea0, 0x9f1e, + 0x9f46, 0x9f74, 0x9f75, 0x9f76, 0x56d4, 0x652e, 0x65b8, 0x6b18, + 0x6b19, 0x6b17, 0x6b1a, 0x7062, 0x7226, 0x72aa, 0x77d8, 0x77d9, + 0x7939, 0x7c69, 0x7c6b, 0x7cf6, 0x7e9a, + /* 0xf9 */ + 0x7e98, 0x7e9b, 0x7e99, 0x81e0, 0x81e1, 0x8646, 0x8647, 0x8648, + 0x8979, 0x897a, 0x897c, 0x897b, 0x89ff, 0x8b98, 0x8b99, 0x8ea5, + 0x8ea4, 0x8ea3, 0x946e, 0x946d, 0x946f, 0x9471, 0x9473, 0x9749, + 0x9872, 0x995f, 0x9c68, 0x9c6e, 0x9c6d, 0x9e0b, 0x9e0d, 0x9e10, + 0x9e0f, 0x9e12, 0x9e11, 0x9ea1, 0x9ef5, 0x9f09, 0x9f47, 0x9f78, + 0x9f7b, 0x9f7a, 0x9f79, 0x571e, 0x7066, 0x7c6f, 0x883c, 0x8db2, + 0x8ea6, 0x91c3, 0x9474, 0x9478, 0x9476, 0x9475, 0x9a60, 0x9c74, + 0x9c73, 0x9c71, 0x9c75, 0x9e14, 0x9e13, 0x9ef6, 0x9f0a, 0x9fa4, + 0x7068, 0x7065, 0x7cf7, 0x866a, 0x883e, 0x883d, 0x883f, 0x8b9e, + 0x8c9c, 0x8ea9, 0x8ec9, 0x974b, 0x9873, 0x9874, 0x98cc, 0x9961, + 0x99ab, 0x9a64, 0x9a66, 0x9a67, 0x9b24, 0x9e15, 0x9e17, 0x9f48, + 0x6207, 0x6b1e, 0x7227, 0x864c, 0x8ea8, 0x9482, 0x9480, 0x9481, + 0x9a69, 0x9a68, 0x9b2e, 0x9e19, 0x7229, 0x864b, 0x8b9f, 0x9483, + 0x9c79, 0x9eb7, 0x7675, 0x9a6b, 0x9c7a, 0x9e1d, 0x7069, 0x706a, + 0x9ea4, 0x9f7e, 0x9f49, 0x9f98, +}; + +static int +big5_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 >= 0xa1 && c1 <= 0xc7) || (c1 >= 0xc9 && c1 <= 0xf9)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 < 0x7f) || (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff)) { + unsigned int i = 157 * (c1 - 0xa1) + (c2 - (c2 >= 0xa1 ? 0x62 : 0x40)); + unsigned short wc = 0xfffd; + if (i < 6280) { + if (i < 6121) + wc = big5_2uni_pagea1[i]; + } else { + if (i < 13932) + wc = big5_2uni_pagec9[i-6280]; + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned short big5_2charset[13703] = { + 0xa246, 0xa247, 0xa244, 0xa1b1, 0xa258, 0xa1d3, 0xa150, 0xa1d1, + 0xa1d2, 0xa3be, 0xa3bc, 0xa3bd, 0xa3bf, 0xa3bb, 0xa344, 0xa345, + 0xa346, 0xa347, 0xa348, 0xa349, 0xa34a, 0xa34b, 0xa34c, 0xa34d, + 0xa34e, 0xa34f, 0xa350, 0xa351, 0xa352, 0xa353, 0xa354, 0xa355, + 0xa356, 0xa357, 0xa358, 0xa359, 0xa35a, 0xa35b, 0xa35c, 0xa35d, + 0xa35e, 0xa35f, 0xa360, 0xa361, 0xa362, 0xa363, 0xa364, 0xa365, + 0xa366, 0xa367, 0xa368, 0xa369, 0xa36a, 0xa36b, 0xa36c, 0xa36d, + 0xa36e, 0xa36f, 0xa370, 0xa371, 0xa372, 0xa373, 0xc7b3, 0xc7b1, + 0xc7b2, 0xc7b4, 0xc7b5, 0xc7b6, 0xc7b7, 0xc7b8, 0xc7b9, 0xc7ba, + 0xc7bb, 0xc7bc, 0xc7bd, 0xc7be, 0xc7bf, 0xc7c0, 0xc7c1, 0xc7c2, + 0xc7c3, 0xc7c4, 0xc7c5, 0xc7c6, 0xc7c7, 0xc7c8, 0xc7c9, 0xc7ca, + 0xc7cb, 0xc7cc, 0xc7cd, 0xc7cf, 0xc7d0, 0xc7d1, 0xc7d2, 0xc7d3, + 0xc7d4, 0xc7d5, 0xc7d6, 0xc7d7, 0xc7d8, 0xc7d9, 0xc7da, 0xc7db, + 0xc7dc, 0xc7dd, 0xc7de, 0xc7df, 0xc7e0, 0xc7e1, 0xc7e2, 0xc7e3, + 0xc7e4, 0xc7e5, 0xc7e6, 0xc7e7, 0xc7e8, 0xc7ce, 0xa156, 0xa158, + 0xa1a5, 0xa1a6, 0xa1a7, 0xa1a8, 0xa145, 0xa14c, 0xa14b, 0xa1ac, + 0xa1ab, 0xa1b0, 0xa1c2, 0xa24a, 0xa1c1, 0xa24b, 0xa2b9, 0xa2ba, + 0xa2bb, 0xa2bc, 0xa2bd, 0xa2be, 0xa2bf, 0xa2c0, 0xa2c1, 0xa2c2, + 0xa1f6, 0xa1f4, 0xa1f7, 0xa1f5, 0xa1f8, 0xa1f9, 0xa1fb, 0xa1fa, + 0xa1d4, 0xa1db, 0xa1e8, 0xa1e7, 0xa1fd, 0xa1fc, 0xa1e4, 0xa1e5, + 0xa1ec, 0xa1ed, 0xa1ef, 0xa1ee, 0xa1e3, 0xa1dc, 0xa1da, 0xa1dd, + 0xa1d8, 0xa1d9, 0xa1e6, 0xa1e9, 0xc7e9, 0xc7ea, 0xc7eb, 0xc7ec, + 0xc7ed, 0xc7ee, 0xc7ef, 0xc7f0, 0xc7f1, 0xc7f2, 0xc7f3, 0xc7f4, + 0xc7f5, 0xc7f6, 0xc7f7, 0xc7f8, 0xc7f9, 0xc7fa, 0xc7fb, 0xc7fc, + 0xa277, 0xa278, 0xa27a, 0xa27b, 0xa27c, 0xa27d, 0xa275, 0xa274, + 0xa273, 0xa272, 0xa271, 0xa2a4, 0xa2a5, 0xa2a7, 0xa2a6, 0xa27e, + 0xa2a1, 0xa2a3, 0xa2a2, 0xa2ac, 0xa2ad, 0xa2ae, 0xa262, 0xa263, + 0xa264, 0xa265, 0xa266, 0xa267, 0xa268, 0xa269, 0xa270, 0xa26f, + 0xa26e, 0xa26d, 0xa26c, 0xa26b, 0xa26a, 0xa276, 0xa279, 0xa1bd, + 0xa1bc, 0xa1b6, 0xa1b5, 0xa1bf, 0xa1be, 0xa1bb, 0xa1ba, 0xa1b3, + 0xa1b7, 0xa1b4, 0xa2a8, 0xa2a9, 0xa2ab, 0xa2aa, 0xa1b9, 0xa1b8, + 0xa1f3, 0xa1f0, 0xa1f2, 0xa1f1, 0xa140, 0xa142, 0xa143, 0xa1b2, + 0xc6a4, 0xa171, 0xa172, 0xa16d, 0xa16e, 0xa175, 0xa176, 0xa179, + 0xa17a, 0xa169, 0xa16a, 0xa245, 0xa165, 0xa166, 0xa1a9, 0xa1aa, + 0xa2c3, 0xa2c4, 0xa2c5, 0xa2c6, 0xa2c7, 0xa2c8, 0xa2c9, 0xa2ca, + 0xa2cb, 0xc6a5, 0xc6a6, 0xc6a7, 0xc6a8, 0xc6a9, 0xc6aa, 0xc6ab, + 0xc6ac, 0xc6ad, 0xc6ae, 0xc6af, 0xc6b0, 0xc6b1, 0xc6b2, 0xc6b3, + 0xc6b4, 0xc6b5, 0xc6b6, 0xc6b7, 0xc6b8, 0xc6b9, 0xc6ba, 0xc6bb, + 0xc6bc, 0xc6bd, 0xc6be, 0xc6bf, 0xc6c0, 0xc6c1, 0xc6c2, 0xc6c3, + 0xc6c4, 0xc6c5, 0xc6c6, 0xc6c7, 0xc6c8, 0xc6c9, 0xc6ca, 0xc6cb, + 0xc6cc, 0xc6cd, 0xc6ce, 0xc6cf, 0xc6d0, 0xc6d1, 0xc6d2, 0xc6d3, + 0xc6d4, 0xc6d5, 0xc6d6, 0xc6d7, 0xc6d8, 0xc6d9, 0xc6da, 0xc6db, + 0xc6dc, 0xc6dd, 0xc6de, 0xc6df, 0xc6e0, 0xc6e1, 0xc6e2, 0xc6e3, + 0xc6e4, 0xc6e5, 0xc6e6, 0xc6e7, 0xc6e8, 0xc6e9, 0xc6ea, 0xc6eb, + 0xc6ec, 0xc6ed, 0xc6ee, 0xc6ef, 0xc6f0, 0xc6f1, 0xc6f2, 0xc6f3, + 0xc6f4, 0xc6f5, 0xc6f6, 0xc6f7, 0xc6a2, 0xc6a3, 0xc6f8, 0xc6f9, + 0xc6fa, 0xc6fb, 0xc6fc, 0xc6fd, 0xc6fe, 0xc740, 0xc741, 0xc742, + 0xc743, 0xc744, 0xc745, 0xc746, 0xc747, 0xc748, 0xc749, 0xc74a, + 0xc74b, 0xc74c, 0xc74d, 0xc74e, 0xc74f, 0xc750, 0xc751, 0xc752, + 0xc753, 0xc754, 0xc755, 0xc756, 0xc757, 0xc758, 0xc759, 0xc75a, + 0xc75b, 0xc75c, 0xc75d, 0xc75e, 0xc75f, 0xc760, 0xc761, 0xc762, + 0xc763, 0xc764, 0xc765, 0xc766, 0xc767, 0xc768, 0xc769, 0xc76a, + 0xc76b, 0xc76c, 0xc76d, 0xc76e, 0xc76f, 0xc770, 0xc771, 0xc772, + 0xc773, 0xc774, 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0xa8df, + 0xa8e1, 0xab5e, 0xa259, 0xd0de, 0xa25a, 0xb0c2, 0xa25c, 0xa25b, + 0xd860, 0xa25d, 0xb9b8, 0xa25e, 0xa44a, 0xa4ba, 0xa5fe, 0xa8e2, + 0xa44b, 0xa4bd, 0xa4bb, 0xa4bc, 0xa640, 0xa74c, 0xa8e4, 0xa8e3, + 0xa8e5, 0xaddd, 0xbeac, 0xc94e, 0xa554, 0xa555, 0xa641, 0xca6a, + 0xab60, 0xab5f, 0xd0e0, 0xd0df, 0xb0c3, 0xa4be, 0xc955, 0xcbcd, + 0xab61, 0xade0, 0xadde, 0xaddf, 0xbead, 0xa556, 0xa642, 0xc9bc, + 0xa74d, 0xa74e, 0xca6b, 0xcbce, 0xa8e6, 0xcbcf, 0xd0e2, 0xd0e3, + 0xade3, 0xd0e4, 0xd0e1, 0xade4, 0xade2, 0xade1, 0xd0e5, 0xd468, + 0xd861, 0xdcc5, 0xe140, 0xbbfe, 0xbeae, 0xe8f9, 0xa44c, 0xa45a, + 0xb0c4, 0xb3cd, 0xb9b9, 0xc942, 0xa4bf, 0xa559, 0xa557, 0xa558, + 0xa8e7, 0xa44d, 0xa44e, 0xa462, 0xa4c0, 0xa4c1, 0xa4c2, 0xc9be, + 0xa55a, 0xc96b, 0xa646, 0xc9bf, 0xa644, 0xa645, 0xc9bd, 0xa647, + 0xa643, 0xca6c, 0xaaec, 0xca6d, 0xca6e, 0xa750, 0xa74f, 0xa753, + 0xa751, 0xa752, 0xa8ed, 0xa8ec, 0xcbd4, 0xcbd1, 0xcbd2, 0xcbd0, + 0xa8ee, 0xa8ea, 0xa8e9, 0xa8eb, 0xa8e8, 0xa8ef, 0xab63, 0xcdf0, + 0xcbd3, 0xab68, 0xcdf1, 0xab64, 0xab67, 0xab66, 0xab65, 0xab62, + 0xd0e8, 0xade7, 0xd0eb, 0xade5, 0xd0e7, 0xade8, 0xade6, 0xade9, + 0xd0e9, 0xd0ea, 0xd0e6, 0xd0ec, 0xb3d1, 0xb0c5, 0xd469, 0xd46b, + 0xd46a, 0xd46c, 0xb0c6, 0xb3ce, 0xb3cf, 0xb3d0, 0xb6d0, 0xdcc7, + 0xdcc6, 0xdcc8, 0xdcc9, 0xb6d1, 0xb6cf, 0xe141, 0xe142, 0xb9bb, + 0xb9ba, 0xe35a, 0xbc40, 0xbc41, 0xbc42, 0xbc44, 0xe4f2, 0xe4f3, + 0xbc43, 0xbeaf, 0xbeb0, 0xf1ed, 0xf5c3, 0xf5c2, 0xf7d1, 0xa44f, + 0xa55c, 0xa55b, 0xa648, 0xc9c0, 0xa755, 0xa756, 0xa754, 0xa757, + 0xca6f, 0xca70, 0xa8f1, 0xcbd5, 0xa8f0, 0xcdf2, 0xab6c, 0xcdf3, + 0xab6b, 0xab69, 0xab6a, 0xd0ed, 0xb0c7, 0xd46e, 0xb0ca, 0xd46d, + 0xb1e5, 0xb0c9, 0xb0c8, 0xb3d4, 0xb3d3, 0xb3d2, 0xb6d2, 0xb6d5, + 0xb6d6, 0xb6d4, 0xb6d3, 0xe143, 0xe144, 0xe4f5, 0xbc45, 0xe4f4, + 0xbeb1, 0xecbf, 0xc079, 0xf1ee, 0xc455, 0xa463, 0xa4c3, 0xc956, + 0xa4c4, 0xa4c5, 0xa55d, 0xa55e, 0xa649, 0xca71, 0xcbd6, 0xcbd7, + 0xab6d, 0xd0ee, 0xb0cc, 0xb0cb, 0xd863, 0xd862, 0xa450, 0xa4c6, + 0xa55f, 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0xce4a, 0xab7c, 0xce4c, 0xaba9, 0xab73, + 0xab7e, 0xab7b, 0xce40, 0xaba1, 0xce46, 0xce47, 0xab7a, 0xaba2, + 0xab76, 0xab75, 0xcdfe, 0xce44, 0xce4e, 0xd144, 0xadfb, 0xd0f1, + 0xd0f6, 0xadf4, 0xae40, 0xd0f4, 0xadef, 0xadf9, 0xadfe, 0xd0fb, + 0xadfa, 0xadfd, 0xd0fe, 0xadf5, 0xd0f5, 0xd142, 0xd143, 0xadf7, + 0xd141, 0xadf3, 0xae43, 0xd0f8, 0xadf1, 0xd146, 0xd0f9, 0xd0fd, + 0xadf6, 0xae42, 0xd0fa, 0xadfc, 0xd140, 0xd147, 0xd4a1, 0xd145, + 0xae44, 0xadf0, 0xd0fc, 0xd0f3, 0xadf8, 0xd0f2, 0xd0f7, 0xd0f0, + 0xae41, 0xd477, 0xb0e4, 0xd4a7, 0xb0e2, 0xb0df, 0xd47c, 0xb0db, + 0xd4a2, 0xb0e6, 0xd476, 0xd47b, 0xd47a, 0xadf2, 0xb0e1, 0xd4a5, + 0xd4a8, 0xd473, 0xb3e8, 0xd4a9, 0xb0e7, 0xb0d9, 0xb0d6, 0xd47e, + 0xb0d3, 0xd4a6, 0xb0da, 0xd4aa, 0xd474, 0xd4a4, 0xb0dd, 0xd475, + 0xd478, 0xd47d, 0xb0de, 0xb0dc, 0xb0e8, 0xb0e3, 0xb0d7, 0xb1d2, + 0xb0d8, 0xd479, 0xb0e5, 0xb0e0, 0xd4a3, 0xb0d5, 0xb0d4, 0xd471, + 0xd472, 0xd86a, 0xb3d7, 0xb3da, 0xd875, 0xb3ee, 0xd878, 0xb3d8, + 0xd871, 0xb3de, 0xb3e4, 0xb5bd, 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0xd149, 0xae45, + 0xae46, 0xd4ac, 0xb0e9, 0xb0eb, 0xd4ab, 0xb0ea, 0xd87c, 0xb3f2, + 0xb6e9, 0xb6ea, 0xdce1, 0xb9cf, 0xb9ce, 0xe549, 0xe948, 0xe947, + 0xf96b, 0xa467, 0xc959, 0xc96e, 0xc96f, 0xa662, 0xa666, 0xc9c9, + 0xa664, 0xa663, 0xc9c8, 0xa665, 0xa661, 0xa660, 0xc9ca, 0xa7a6, + 0xa7a3, 0xa77d, 0xcaaa, 0xcaab, 0xa7a1, 0xcaad, 0xa77b, 0xcaae, + 0xcaac, 0xa77e, 0xa7a2, 0xa7a5, 0xa7a4, 0xa77c, 0xcaaf, 0xa959, + 0xcbfe, 0xa95b, 0xa95a, 0xcc40, 0xa958, 0xa957, 0xcbf5, 0xcbf4, + 0xcbf2, 0xcbf7, 0xcbf6, 0xcbf3, 0xcbfc, 0xcbfd, 0xcbfa, 0xcbf8, + 0xa956, 0xcbfb, 0xa95c, 0xcc41, 0xcbf9, 0xabab, 0xa955, 0xabac, + 0xce54, 0xce5a, 0xabb2, 0xce58, 0xce5e, 0xce55, 0xce59, 0xce5b, + 0xce5d, 0xce57, 0xce56, 0xce51, 0xce52, 0xabad, 0xabaf, 0xabae, + 0xce53, 0xce5c, 0xabb1, 0xce50, 0xd153, 0xd152, 0xd157, 0xd14e, + 0xd151, 0xd150, 0xd154, 0xd158, 0xae47, 0xae4a, 0xd14f, 0xd155, + 0xae49, 0xd14a, 0xabb0, 0xd4ba, 0xd156, 0xd14d, 0xae48, 0xd14c, + 0xd4b1, 0xb0ec, 0xb0f0, 0xd4c1, 0xd4af, 0xd4bd, 0xb0f1, 0xd4bf, + 0xd4c5, 0xd4c9, 0xd4c0, 0xd4b4, 0xd4bc, 0xd4ca, 0xd4c8, 0xd4be, + 0xd4b9, 0xd4b2, 0xd8a6, 0xd4b0, 0xb0f5, 0xd4b7, 0xb0f6, 0xb0f2, + 0xd4ad, 0xd4c3, 0xd4b5, 0xd4b3, 0xd4c6, 0xb0f3, 0xd4cc, 0xb0ed, + 0xb0ef, 0xd4bb, 0xd4b6, 0xae4b, 0xb0ee, 0xd4b8, 0xd4c7, 0xd4cb, + 0xd4c2, 0xd4c4, 0xd4ae, 0xd8a1, 0xd8aa, 0xd8a9, 0xb3fa, 0xd8a2, + 0xb3fb, 0xb3f9, 0xd8a4, 0xb3f6, 0xd8a8, 0xd8a3, 0xd8a5, 0xd87d, + 0xb3f4, 0xd8b2, 0xd8b1, 0xd8ae, 0xb3f3, 0xb3f7, 0xb3f8, 0xd14b, + 0xd8ab, 0xb3f5, 0xb0f4, 0xd8ad, 0xd87e, 0xd8b0, 0xd8af, 0xd8b3, + 0xdcef, 0xd8ac, 0xd8a7, 0xdce7, 0xb6f4, 0xb6f7, 0xb6f2, 0xdce6, + 0xdcea, 0xdce5, 0xb6ec, 0xb6f6, 0xdce2, 0xb6f0, 0xdce9, 0xb6ee, + 0xb6ed, 0xdcec, 0xb6ef, 0xdcee, 0xdceb, 0xb6eb, 0xb6f5, 0xdcf0, + 0xdce4, 0xdced, 0xdce3, 0xb6f1, 0xb6f3, 0xdce8, 0xdcf1, 0xe15d, + 0xb9d0, 0xe163, 0xb9d5, 0xe15f, 0xe166, 0xe157, 0xb9d7, 0xb9d1, + 0xe15c, 0xbc55, 0xe15b, 0xe164, 0xb9d2, 0xb9d6, 0xe15a, 0xe160, + 0xe165, 0xe156, 0xb9d4, 0xe15e, 0xe162, 0xe168, 0xe158, 0xe161, + 0xb9d3, 0xe167, 0xe159, 0xbc59, 0xe54b, 0xbc57, 0xbc56, 0xe54d, + 0xe552, 0xe54e, 0xe551, 0xbc5c, 0xbea5, 0xbc5b, 0xe54a, 0xe550, + 0xbc5a, 0xe54f, 0xe54c, 0xbc58, 0xe94d, 0xe94f, 0xe94a, 0xbec1, + 0xe94c, 0xbec0, 0xe94e, 0xbec3, 0xe950, 0xbec2, 0xe949, 0xe94b, + 0xc0a5, 0xeccc, 0xc0a4, 0xeccd, 0xc0a3, 0xeccb, 0xc0a2, 0xecca, + 0xc253, 0xc252, 0xf1f6, 0xf1f8, 0xf1f7, 0xc361, 0xc362, 0xc363, + 0xf442, 0xc45b, 0xf7d3, 0xf7d2, 0xc5f2, 0xa468, 0xa4d0, 0xa7a7, + 0xce5f, 0xb3fc, 0xb3fd, 0xdcf2, 0xb9d8, 0xe169, 0xe553, 0xc95a, + 0xcab0, 0xcc42, 0xce60, 0xd159, 0xae4c, 0xf1f9, 0xc4dc, 0xa469, + 0xa57e, 0xc970, 0xa667, 0xa668, 0xa95d, 0xb0f7, 0xb9da, 0xb9db, + 0xb9d9, 0xa46a, 0xa4d1, 0xa4d3, 0xa4d2, 0xc95b, 0xa4d4, 0xa5a1, + 0xc971, 0xa5a2, 0xa669, 0xa66a, 0xc9cb, 0xa7a8, 0xcab1, 0xa961, + 0xcc43, 0xa95f, 0xa960, 0xa95e, 0xd15a, 0xabb6, 0xabb5, 0xabb7, + 0xabb4, 0xce61, 0xa962, 0xabb3, 0xae4d, 0xae4e, 0xae4f, 0xd4cd, + 0xb3fe, 0xd8b4, 0xb0f8, 0xb6f8, 0xb9dd, 0xb9dc, 0xe16a, 0xbc5d, + 0xbec4, 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0xe170, 0xe176, 0xe16b, 0xe179, 0xe178, + 0xe17c, 0xe175, 0xb9de, 0xe174, 0xb9e4, 0xe16d, 0xb9df, 0xe17b, + 0xb9e0, 0xe16f, 0xe172, 0xe177, 0xe171, 0xe16c, 0xe173, 0xe555, + 0xbc61, 0xe558, 0xe557, 0xe55a, 0xe55c, 0xbc5f, 0xe556, 0xe554, + 0xe55d, 0xe55b, 0xe559, 0xe55f, 0xe55e, 0xbc63, 0xbc5e, 0xbc60, + 0xbc62, 0xe560, 0xe957, 0xe956, 0xe955, 0xe958, 0xe951, 0xe952, + 0xe95a, 0xe953, 0xbec5, 0xe95c, 0xe95b, 0xe954, 0xecd1, 0xc0a8, + 0xeccf, 0xecd4, 0xecd3, 0xe959, 0xc0a7, 0xecd2, 0xecce, 0xecd6, + 0xecd5, 0xc0a6, 0xecd0, 0xbec6, 0xc254, 0xefc1, 0xf1fa, 0xf1fb, + 0xf1fc, 0xc45c, 0xc45d, 0xf443, 0xf5c8, 0xf5c7, 0xf6db, 0xf6dc, + 0xf7d5, 0xf8a7, 0xa46c, 0xa46d, 0xa46e, 0xa4d5, 0xa5a5, 0xc9d3, + 0xa672, 0xa673, 0xa7b7, 0xa7b8, 0xa7b6, 0xa7b5, 0xa973, 0xcc55, + 0xa975, 0xa974, 0xcc56, 0xabc4, 0xae5d, 0xd165, 0xd4f0, 0xb145, + 0xb447, 0xd4ef, 0xb446, 0xb9e5, 0xe17d, 0xbec7, 0xc0a9, 0xecd7, + 0xc45e, 0xc570, 0xc972, 0xa5a6, 0xc973, 0xa676, 0xa674, 0xa675, + 0xa677, 0xa7ba, 0xa7b9, 0xcabc, 0xa7bb, 0xcabd, 0xcc57, 0xcc58, + 0xa976, 0xa978, 0xa97a, 0xa977, 0xa97b, 0xa979, 0xabc8, 0xabc5, + 0xabc7, 0xabc9, 0xabc6, 0xd166, 0xce77, 0xd168, 0xd167, 0xae63, + 0xae5f, 0xae60, 0xae62, 0xae64, 0xae61, 0xae66, 0xae65, 0xb14a, + 0xd4f2, 0xd4f1, 0xb149, 0xb148, 0xb147, 0xb14b, 0xb146, 0xd8d5, + 0xd8d2, 0xb449, 0xd8d1, 0xd8d6, 0xb44b, 0xd8d4, 0xb448, 0xb44a, + 0xd8d3, 0xdd48, 0xdd49, 0xdd4a, 0xb9e6, 0xb9ee, 0xe17e, 0xb9e8, + 0xb9ec, 0xe1a1, 0xb9ed, 0xb9e9, 0xb9ea, 0xb9e7, 0xb9eb, 0xbc66, + 0xd8d0, 0xbc67, 0xbc65, 0xbc64, 0xe95d, 0xbec8, 0xecd8, 0xecd9, + 0xc364, 0xc45f, 0xa46f, 0xa678, 0xabca, 0xd169, 0xae67, 0xb14e, + 0xb14d, 0xb14c, 0xb44c, 0xb44d, 0xd8d7, 0xb9ef, 0xbec9, 0xa470, + 0xc95c, 0xa4d6, 0xc974, 0xc9d4, 0xa679, 0xa97c, 0xdd4b, 0xa471, + 0xa4d7, 0xc9d5, 0xcabe, 0xcabf, 0xa7bc, 0xd8d8, 0xb44e, 0xdd4c, + 0xc0aa, 0xa472, 0xa4a8, 0xa4d8, 0xc975, 0xa5a7, 0xa7c0, 0xa7bf, + 0xa7bd, 0xa7be, 0xcc59, 0xa97e, 0xa9a1, 0xcc5a, 0xa97d, 0xabce, + 0xce78, 0xabcd, 0xabcb, 0xabcc, 0xae6a, 0xae68, 0xd16b, 0xae69, + 0xd16a, 0xae5e, 0xd4f3, 0xb150, 0xb151, 0xb14f, 0xb9f0, 0xe1a2, + 0xbc68, 0xbc69, 0xe561, 0xc0ab, 0xefc2, 0xefc3, 0xc4dd, 0xf8a8, + 0xc94b, 0xa4d9, 0xa473, 0xc977, 0xc976, 0xa67a, 0xc9d7, 0xc9d8, + 0xc9d6, 0xc9d9, 0xcac7, 0xcac2, 0xcac4, 0xcac6, 0xcac3, 0xa7c4, + 0xcac0, 0xcac1, 0xa7c1, 0xa7c2, 0xcac5, 0xcac8, 0xa7c3, 0xcac9, + 0xcc68, 0xcc62, 0xcc5d, 0xa9a3, 0xcc65, 0xcc63, 0xcc5c, 0xcc69, + 0xcc6c, 0xcc67, 0xcc60, 0xa9a5, 0xcc66, 0xa9a6, 0xcc61, 0xcc64, + 0xcc5b, 0xcc5f, 0xcc6b, 0xa9a7, 0xa9a8, 0xcc5e, 0xcc6a, 0xa9a2, + 0xa9a4, 0xceab, 0xcea4, 0xceaa, 0xcea3, 0xcea5, 0xce7d, 0xce7b, + 0xceac, 0xcea9, 0xce79, 0xabd0, 0xcea7, 0xcea8, 0xcea6, 0xce7c, + 0xce7a, 0xabcf, 0xcea2, 0xce7e, 0xcea1, 0xcead, 0xae6f, 0xae6e, + 0xd16c, 0xae6b, 0xd16e, 0xae70, 0xd16f, 0xae73, 0xae71, 0xd170, + 0xceae, 0xd172, 0xae6d, 0xae6c, 0xd16d, 0xd171, 0xae72, 0xb153, + 0xb152, 0xd4f5, 0xd4f9, 0xd4fb, 0xb154, 0xd4fe, 0xb158, 0xd541, + 0xb15a, 0xb156, 0xb15e, 0xb15b, 0xd4f7, 0xb155, 0xd4f6, 0xd4f4, + 0xd543, 0xd4f8, 0xb157, 0xd542, 0xb15c, 0xd4fd, 0xd4fc, 0xb15d, + 0xd4fa, 0xb159, 0xd544, 0xd540, 0xd8e7, 0xd8ee, 0xd8e3, 0xb451, + 0xd8df, 0xd8ef, 0xd8d9, 0xd8ec, 0xd8ea, 0xd8e4, 0xd8ed, 0xd8e6, + 0xd8de, 0xd8f0, 0xd8dc, 0xd8e9, 0xd8da, 0xd8f1, 0xb452, 0xd8eb, + 0xdd4f, 0xd8dd, 0xb44f, 0xd8e1, 0xb450, 0xd8e0, 0xd8e5, 0xd8e2, + 0xd8e8, 0xdd53, 0xdd56, 0xdd4e, 0xdd50, 0xdd55, 0xdd54, 0xb743, + 0xd8db, 0xdd52, 0xb744, 0xdd4d, 0xdd51, 0xe1a9, 0xe1b0, 0xe1a7, + 0xe1ae, 0xe1a5, 0xe1ad, 0xe1b1, 0xe1a4, 0xe1a8, 0xe1a3, 0xb9f1, + 0xe1a6, 0xb9f2, 0xe1ac, 0xe1ab, 0xe1aa, 0xe1af, 0xe565, 0xe567, + 0xbc6b, 0xe568, 0xe563, 0xe562, 0xe56c, 0xe56a, 0xbc6a, 0xe56d, + 0xe564, 0xe569, 0xe56b, 0xe566, 0xe961, 0xe966, 0xe960, 0xe965, + 0xe95e, 0xe968, 0xe964, 0xe969, 0xe963, 0xe95f, 0xe967, 0xe96a, + 0xe962, 0xecda, 0xc0af, 0xc0ad, 0xc0ac, 0xc0ae, 0xefc4, 0xf172, + 0xf1fd, 0xf444, 0xf445, 0xc460, 0xf5c9, 0xc4de, 0xf5ca, 0xf6de, + 0xc572, 0xc571, 0xf6dd, 0xc5c9, 0xf7d6, 0xa474, 0xa67b, 0xc9da, + 0xcaca, 0xa8b5, 0xb15f, 0xa475, 0xa5aa, 0xa5a9, 0xa5a8, 0xa7c5, + 0xae74, 0xdd57, 0xa476, 0xa477, 0xa478, 0xa4da, 0xabd1, 0xceaf, + 0xb453, 0xa479, 0xc95d, 0xa5ab, 0xa5ac, 0xc978, 0xa67c, 0xcacb, + 0xa7c6, 0xcacc, 0xa9ae, 0xcc6e, 0xa9ac, 0xa9ab, 0xcc6d, 0xa9a9, + 0xcc6f, 0xa9aa, 0xa9ad, 0xabd2, 0xabd4, 0xceb3, 0xceb0, 0xceb1, + 0xceb2, 0xceb4, 0xabd3, 0xd174, 0xd173, 0xae76, 0xae75, 0xb162, + 0xd546, 0xb161, 0xb163, 0xb160, 0xb455, 0xd545, 0xb456, 0xd8f3, + 0xb457, 0xd8f2, 0xb454, 0xdd5a, 0xdd5c, 0xb745, 0xdd5b, 0xdd59, + 0xdd58, 0xe1b4, 0xb9f7, 0xb9f5, 0xb9f6, 0xe1b2, 0xe1b3, 0xb9f3, + 0xe571, 0xe56f, 0xbc6d, 0xe570, 0xbc6e, 0xbc6c, 0xb9f4, 0xe96d, + 0xe96b, 0xe96c, 0xe56e, 0xecdc, 0xc0b0, 0xecdb, 0xefc5, 0xefc6, + 0xe96e, 0xf1fe, 0xa47a, 0xa5ad, 0xa67e, 0xc9db, 0xa67d, 0xa9af, + 0xb746, 0xa4db, 0xa5ae, 0xabd5, 0xb458, 0xc979, 0xc97a, 0xc9dc, + 0xa7c8, 0xcad0, 0xcace, 0xa7c9, 0xcacd, 0xcacf, 0xcad1, 0xa7c7, + 0xa9b3, 0xa9b4, 0xa9b1, 0xa9b0, 0xceb8, 0xa9b2, 0xabd6, 0xceb7, + 0xceb9, 0xceb6, 0xceba, 0xabd7, 0xae79, 0xd175, 0xd177, 0xae77, + 0xd178, 0xae78, 0xd176, 0xceb5, 0xd547, 0xd54a, 0xd54b, 0xd548, + 0xb167, 0xb166, 0xb164, 0xb165, 0xd549, 0xb168, 0xb45a, 0xb45b, + 0xb45c, 0xdd5d, 0xdd5f, 0xdd61, 0xb748, 0xb747, 0xb459, 0xdd60, + 0xdd5e, 0xe1b8, 0xe1b6, 0xe1bc, 0xb9f8, 0xe1bd, 0xe1ba, 0xb9f9, + 0xe1b7, 0xe1b5, 0xe1bb, 0xbc70, 0xe573, 0xe1b9, 0xbc72, 0xe574, + 0xbc71, 0xbc74, 0xe575, 0xbc6f, 0xbc73, 0xe973, 0xe971, 0xe970, + 0xe972, 0xe96f, 0xc366, 0xf446, 0xf447, 0xf5cb, 0xf6df, 0xc655, + 0xa9b5, 0xa7ca, 0xabd8, 0xa47b, 0xa4dc, 0xa5af, 0xc9dd, 0xa7cb, + 0xcad2, 0xcebb, 0xabd9, 0xb9fa, 0xa47c, 0xa6a1, 0xb749, 0xa47d, + 0xa4dd, 0xa4de, 0xa5b1, 0xa5b0, 0xc9de, 0xa6a2, 0xcad3, 0xa7cc, + 0xcc71, 0xcc72, 0xcc73, 0xa9b6, 0xa9b7, 0xcc70, 0xa9b8, 0xabda, + 0xcebc, 0xd17a, 0xae7a, 0xd179, 0xb169, 0xd54c, 0xb16a, 0xd54d, + 0xb45d, 0xdd62, 0xe1bf, 0xe1be, 0xb9fb, 0xbc75, 0xe576, 0xbeca, + 0xe974, 0xc0b1, 0xc573, 0xf7d8, 0xcc74, 0xcebd, 0xb16b, 0xd8f4, + 0xb74a, 0xc255, 0xa7ce, 0xa7cd, 0xabdb, 0xd17b, 0xb16d, 0xb343, + 0xb16e, 0xb16c, 0xb45e, 0xe1c0, 0xb9fc, 0xbc76, 0xc94c, 0xc9df, + 0xcad5, 0xa7cf, 0xcad4, 0xa7d0, 0xa9bc, 0xcc77, 0xcc76, 0xa9bb, + 0xa9b9, 0xa9ba, 0xcc75, 0xabdd, 0xcebe, 0xabe0, 0xabdc, 0xabe2, + 0xabde, 0xabdf, 0xabe1, 0xae7d, 0xae7c, 0xae7b, 0xd54f, 0xb16f, + 0xb172, 0xb170, 0xd54e, 0xb175, 0xb171, 0xd550, 0xb174, 0xb173, + 0xd8f6, 0xd8f5, 0xb461, 0xb45f, 0xb460, 0xd8f7, 0xb74b, 0xdd64, + 0xb74c, 0xdd63, 0xe577, 0xbc78, 0xe1c1, 0xbc77, 0xb9fd, 0xecde, + 0xe975, 0xc0b2, 0xecdd, 0xf240, 0xf448, 0xf449, 0xa4df, 0xa5b2, + 0xc97b, 0xa7d2, 0xa7d4, 0xc9e2, 0xcad8, 0xcad7, 0xcad6, 0xc9e1, + 0xc9e0, 0xa6a4, 0xa7d3, 0xa7d1, 0xa6a3, 0xa9bd, 0xcc78, 0xa9be, + 0xcadd, 0xcadf, 0xcade, 0xcc79, 0xcada, 0xa7d8, 0xa7d6, 0xcad9, + 0xcadb, 0xcae1, 0xa7d5, 0xcadc, 0xcae5, 0xa9c0, 0xcae2, 0xa7d7, + 0xcae0, 0xcae3, 0xa9bf, 0xa9c1, 0xcae4, 0xccaf, 0xcca2, 0xcc7e, + 0xccae, 0xcca9, 0xabe7, 0xa9c2, 0xccaa, 0xccad, 0xabe3, 0xccac, + 0xa9c3, 0xa9c8, 0xa9c6, 0xcca3, 0xcc7c, 0xcca5, 0xa9cd, 0xccb0, + 0xabe4, 0xcca6, 0xabe5, 0xa9c9, 0xcca8, 0xcecd, 0xabe6, 0xcc7b, + 0xa9ca, 0xabe8, 0xa9cb, 0xa9c7, 0xa9cc, 0xcca7, 0xcc7a, 0xccab, + 0xa9c4, 0xcc7d, 0xcca4, 0xcca1, 0xa9c5, 0xcebf, 0xcec0, 0xceca, + 0xd1a1, 0xcecb, 0xabee, 0xcece, 0xcec4, 0xabed, 0xcec6, 0xcec7, + 0xcec9, 0xabe9, 0xaea3, 0xcec5, 0xcec1, 0xaea4, 0xcecf, 0xae7e, + 0xd17d, 0xcec8, 0xd17c, 0xcec3, 0xcecc, 0xabec, 0xaea1, 0xabf2, + 0xaea2, 0xced0, 0xd17e, 0xabeb, 0xaea6, 0xabf1, 0xabf0, 0xabef, + 0xaea5, 0xced1, 0xaea7, 0xabea, 0xcec2, 0xb176, 0xd1a4, 0xd1a6, + 0xd1a8, 0xaea8, 0xaeae, 0xd553, 0xd1ac, 0xd1a3, 0xb178, 0xd551, + 0xaead, 0xaeab, 0xd1ae, 0xd552, 0xd1a5, 0xaeac, 0xd1a9, 0xaeaf, + 0xd1ab, 0xaeaa, 0xd1aa, 0xd1ad, 0xd1a7, 0xaea9, 0xb179, 0xd1a2, + 0xb177, 0xb17a, 0xd555, 0xd55e, 0xb464, 0xb17c, 0xb1a3, 0xb465, + 0xd560, 0xb1aa, 0xd8f9, 0xd556, 0xb1a2, 0xb1a5, 0xb17e, 0xd554, + 0xd562, 0xd565, 0xd949, 0xd563, 0xd8fd, 0xb1a1, 0xb1a8, 0xb1ac, + 0xd55d, 0xd8f8, 0xd561, 0xb17b, 0xd8fa, 0xd564, 0xd8fc, 0xd559, + 0xb462, 0xd557, 0xd558, 0xb1a7, 0xb1a6, 0xd55b, 0xb1ab, 0xd55f, + 0xb1a4, 0xd55c, 0xb1a9, 0xb466, 0xb463, 0xd8fb, 0xd55a, 0xb17d, + 0xb46b, 0xb46f, 0xd940, 0xb751, 0xb46d, 0xd944, 0xb471, 0xdd65, + 0xd946, 0xb753, 0xb469, 0xb46c, 0xd947, 0xd948, 0xd94e, 0xb473, + 0xb754, 0xd94a, 0xd94f, 0xd943, 0xb75e, 0xb755, 0xb472, 0xd941, + 0xd950, 0xb75d, 0xb470, 0xb74e, 0xd94d, 0xb474, 0xd945, 0xd8fe, + 0xb46a, 0xd942, 0xd94b, 0xb74d, 0xb752, 0xb467, 0xd94c, 0xb750, + 0xb468, 0xb75c, 0xe1c3, 0xdd70, 0xdd68, 0xe1c2, 0xdd6c, 0xdd6e, + 0xdd6b, 0xb75b, 0xdd6a, 0xb75f, 0xe1d2, 0xb75a, 0xba40, 0xdd71, + 0xe1c4, 0xb758, 0xdd69, 0xdd6d, 0xb9fe, 0xb74f, 0xdd66, 0xdd67, + 0xba41, 0xb757, 0xb759, 0xb756, 0xdd6f, 0xe1c8, 0xe1c9, 0xe1ce, + 0xbc7d, 0xe1d5, 0xba47, 0xba46, 0xe1d0, 0xbc7c, 0xe1c5, 0xba45, + 0xe1d4, 0xba43, 0xba44, 0xe1d1, 0xe5aa, 0xbc7a, 0xb46e, 0xe1d3, + 0xbca3, 0xe1cb, 0xbc7b, 0xbca2, 0xe1c6, 0xe1ca, 0xe1c7, 0xe1cd, + 0xba48, 0xbc79, 0xba42, 0xe57a, 0xe1cf, 0xbca1, 0xbca4, 0xe1cc, + 0xbc7e, 0xe579, 0xe57e, 0xbece, 0xe578, 0xe9a3, 0xe5a9, 0xbca8, + 0xbca6, 0xbecc, 0xe5a6, 0xe5a2, 0xbcac, 0xe978, 0xbcaa, 0xe5a1, + 0xe976, 0xe5a5, 0xe5a8, 0xe57d, 0xbcab, 0xbca5, 0xe977, 0xbecd, + 0xe5a7, 0xbca7, 0xbca9, 0xe5a4, 0xbcad, 0xe5a3, 0xe57c, 0xe57b, + 0xbecb, 0xe5ab, 0xe97a, 0xece0, 0xbed0, 0xe9a2, 0xe97e, 0xece1, + 0xbed1, 0xe9a1, 0xe97c, 0xc0b4, 0xecdf, 0xe979, 0xe97b, 0xc0b5, + 0xbed3, 0xc0b3, 0xbed2, 0xc0b7, 0xe97d, 0xbecf, 0xefcf, 0xefc7, + 0xece7, 0xefc8, 0xece3, 0xc256, 0xece5, 0xece4, 0xc0b6, 0xece2, + 0xece6, 0xefd0, 0xefcc, 0xefce, 0xefc9, 0xefca, 0xefcd, 0xefcb, + 0xc367, 0xc36a, 0xc369, 0xc368, 0xc461, 0xf44a, 0xc462, 0xf241, + 0xc4df, 0xf5cc, 0xc4e0, 0xc574, 0xc5ca, 0xf7d9, 0xf7da, 0xf7db, + 0xf9ba, 0xa4e0, 0xc97c, 0xa5b3, 0xa6a6, 0xa6a7, 0xa6a5, 0xa6a8, + 0xa7da, 0xa7d9, 0xccb1, 0xa9cf, 0xa9ce, 0xd1af, 0xb1ad, 0xb1ae, + 0xb475, 0xdd72, 0xb760, 0xb761, 0xdd74, 0xdd76, 0xdd75, 0xe1d7, + 0xe1d6, 0xba49, 0xe1d8, 0xe5ac, 0xbcae, 0xbed4, 0xc0b8, 0xc257, + 0xc0b9, 0xa4e1, 0xcae6, 0xccb2, 0xa9d1, 0xa9d0, 0xa9d2, 0xabf3, + 0xced2, 0xced3, 0xd1b0, 0xaeb0, 0xb1af, 0xb476, 0xd951, 0xa4e2, + 0xa47e, 0xa4e3, 0xc97d, 0xa5b7, 0xa5b6, 0xa5b4, 0xa5b5, 0xa6ab, + 0xc9e9, 0xc9eb, 0xa6aa, 0xc9e3, 0xc9e4, 0xc9ea, 0xc9e6, 0xc9e8, + 0xa6a9, 0xc9e5, 0xc9ec, 0xc9e7, 0xa7e1, 0xa7ea, 0xa7e8, 0xcaf0, + 0xcaed, 0xcaf5, 0xa7e6, 0xcaf6, 0xa7df, 0xcaf3, 0xa7e5, 0xcaef, + 0xcaee, 0xa7e3, 0xcaf4, 0xa7e4, 0xa9d3, 0xa7de, 0xcaf1, 0xcae7, + 0xa7db, 0xa7ee, 0xcaec, 0xcaf2, 0xa7e0, 0xa7e2, 0xcae8, 0xcae9, + 0xcaea, 0xa7ed, 0xa7e7, 0xa7ec, 0xcaeb, 0xa7eb, 0xa7dd, 0xa7dc, + 0xa7e9, 0xa9e1, 0xccbe, 0xccb7, 0xa9dc, 0xa9ef, 0xccb3, 0xccba, + 0xccbc, 0xccbf, 0xa9ea, 0xccbb, 0xccb4, 0xa9e8, 0xccb8, 0xccc0, + 0xa9d9, 0xccbd, 0xa9e3, 0xa9e2, 0xccb6, 0xa9d7, 0xa9d8, 0xa9d6, + 0xa9ee, 0xa9e6, 0xa9e0, 0xa9d4, 0xccb9, 0xa9df, 0xa9d5, 0xa9e7, + 0xa9f0, 0xced4, 0xa9e4, 0xccb5, 0xa9da, 0xa9dd, 0xa9de, 0xa9ec, + 0xa9ed, 0xa9eb, 0xa9e5, 0xa9e9, 0xa9db, 0xabf4, 0xceda, 0xac41, + 0xabf8, 0xabfa, 0xac40, 0xcee6, 0xabfd, 0xd1b1, 0xaeb1, 0xac43, + 0xced7, 0xcedf, 0xabfe, 0xcede, 0xcedb, 0xcee3, 0xcee5, 0xabf7, + 0xabfb, 0xac42, 0xaeb3, 0xcee0, 0xabf9, 0xac45, 0xced9, 0xabfc, + 0xaeb2, 0xabf6, 0xced6, 0xcedd, 0xced5, 0xced8, 0xcedc, 0xd1b2, + 0xac44, 0xcee1, 0xcee2, 0xcee4, 0xabf5, 0xaec1, 0xd1be, 0xaebf, + 0xaec0, 0xd1b4, 0xd1c4, 0xaeb6, 0xd566, 0xd1c6, 0xd1c0, 0xd1b7, + 0xd1c9, 0xd1ba, 0xaebc, 0xd57d, 0xd1bd, 0xaebe, 0xaeb5, 0xd1cb, + 0xd1bf, 0xaeb8, 0xd1b8, 0xd1b5, 0xd1b6, 0xaeb9, 0xd1c5, 0xd1cc, + 0xaebb, 0xd1bc, 0xd1bb, 0xaec3, 0xaec2, 0xaeb4, 0xaeba, 0xaebd, + 0xd1c8, 0xd1c2, 0xaeb7, 0xd1b3, 0xd1ca, 0xd1c1, 0xd1c3, 0xd1c7, + 0xd567, 0xb1b7, 0xb1cb, 0xb1ca, 0xb1bf, 0xd579, 0xd575, 0xd572, + 0xd5a6, 0xb1ba, 0xb1b2, 0xd577, 0xb4a8, 0xb1b6, 0xd5a1, 0xb1cc, + 0xb1c9, 0xd57b, 0xd56a, 0xb1c8, 0xd5a3, 0xd569, 0xb1bd, 0xb1c1, + 0xd5a2, 0xd573, 0xb1c2, 0xb1bc, 0xd568, 0xb478, 0xd5a5, 0xd571, + 0xb1c7, 0xd574, 0xd5a4, 0xb1c6, 0xd952, 0xb1b3, 0xd56f, 0xb1b8, + 0xb1c3, 0xb1be, 0xd578, 0xd56e, 0xd56c, 0xd57e, 0xb1b0, 0xb1c4, + 0xb1b4, 0xb477, 0xd57c, 0xb1b5, 0xb1b1, 0xb1c0, 0xb1bb, 0xb1b9, + 0xd570, 0xb1c5, 0xd56d, 0xd57a, 0xd576, 0xd954, 0xd953, 0xd56b, + 0xd964, 0xb47a, 0xd96a, 0xd959, 0xd967, 0xdd77, 0xb47d, 0xd96b, + 0xd96e, 0xb47c, 0xd95c, 0xd96d, 0xd96c, 0xb47e, 0xd955, 0xb479, + 0xb4a3, 0xb4a1, 0xd969, 0xd95f, 0xb4a5, 0xd970, 0xd968, 0xd971, + 0xb4ad, 0xb4ab, 0xd966, 0xd965, 0xd963, 0xd95d, 0xb4a4, 0xb4a2, + 0xd1b9, 0xd956, 0xddb7, 0xd957, 0xb47b, 0xb4aa, 0xdd79, 0xb4a6, + 0xb4a7, 0xd958, 0xd96f, 0xdd78, 0xd960, 0xd95b, 0xb4a9, 0xd961, + 0xd95e, 0xb4ae, 0xb770, 0xdd7c, 0xddb1, 0xddb6, 0xddaa, 0xb76c, + 0xddbb, 0xb769, 0xdd7a, 0xdd7b, 0xb762, 0xb76b, 0xdda4, 0xb76e, + 0xb76f, 0xdda5, 0xddb2, 0xddb8, 0xb76a, 0xb764, 0xdda3, 0xdd7d, + 0xddba, 0xdda8, 0xdda9, 0xdd7e, 0xddb4, 0xddab, 0xddb5, 0xddad, + 0xb765, 0xe1d9, 0xb768, 0xb766, 0xddb9, 0xddb0, 0xddac, 0xdda1, + 0xba53, 0xddaf, 0xb76d, 0xdda7, 0xdda6, 0xb767, 0xb763, 0xe1ee, + 0xddb3, 0xddae, 0xdda2, 0xe1e9, 0xe1da, 0xe1e5, 0xe1ec, 0xba51, + 0xb4ac, 0xe1ea, 0xba4c, 0xba4b, 0xe1f1, 0xe1db, 0xe1e8, 0xe1dc, + 0xe1e7, 0xba4f, 0xe1eb, 0xd962, 0xe1f2, 0xe1e3, 0xba52, 0xe5ba, + 0xbcaf, 0xe1f0, 0xe1ef, 0xba54, 0xe5ad, 0xbcb0, 0xe5ae, 0xe1df, + 0xe1e0, 0xe1dd, 0xe1e2, 0xe1de, 0xe1f3, 0xba4e, 0xbcb1, 0xba50, + 0xba55, 0xe1e1, 0xe1ed, 0xe1e6, 0xe5b1, 0xba4a, 0xbcb4, 0xe9aa, + 0xe5b6, 0xe5b5, 0xe5b7, 0xe5b4, 0xbcb5, 0xbcbb, 0xbcb8, 0xbcb9, + 0xe5af, 0xe5b2, 0xe5bc, 0xbcc1, 0xbcbf, 0xe5b3, 0xd95a, 0xbcb2, + 0xe5b9, 0xe5b0, 0xbcc2, 0xe5b8, 0xba4d, 0xbcb7, 0xe1e4, 0xbcba, + 0xbcbe, 0xbcc0, 0xbcbd, 0xbcbc, 0xbcb6, 0xe5bb, 0xbcb3, 0xbcc3, + 0xbed8, 0xbed9, 0xe9a9, 0xbee2, 0xbedf, 0xbed6, 0xbedd, 0xe9ab, + 0xbedb, 0xbed5, 0xbedc, 0xe9a8, 0xc0bb, 0xbed7, 0xbede, 0xc0ba, + 0xe9a7, 0xe9a6, 0xbee0, 0xbee1, 0xe9a5, 0xe9a4, 0xc0bc, 0xe9ae, + 0xbeda, 0xe9ac, 0xc0bd, 0xc0c2, 0xecea, 0xecec, 0xc0bf, 0xeced, + 0xece9, 0xeceb, 0xc0c0, 0xc0c3, 0xece8, 0xc0be, 0xc0c1, 0xc259, + 0xe9ad, 0xc258, 0xc25e, 0xefd4, 0xc25c, 0xc25d, 0xefd7, 0xefd3, + 0xc25a, 0xefd1, 0xc36b, 0xefd5, 0xefd6, 0xefd2, 0xc25b, 0xf242, + 0xf245, 0xf246, 0xf244, 0xf247, 0xc36c, 0xf243, 0xf44e, 0xc464, + 0xf44d, 0xf44c, 0xf44b, 0xc463, 0xc465, 0xf5cd, 0xc4e2, 0xc4e1, + 0xf6e1, 0xf6e0, 0xf6e3, 0xc5cb, 0xc575, 0xf7dd, 0xf6e2, 0xf7dc, + 0xc5cd, 0xc5cc, 0xc5f3, 0xf8a9, 0xf8ef, 0xa4e4, 0xd972, 0xe9af, + 0xa6ac, 0xcaf7, 0xa7f1, 0xa7ef, 0xa7f0, 0xccc1, 0xa9f1, 0xac46, + 0xcee7, 0xcee8, 0xac47, 0xd1ce, 0xaec4, 0xaec5, 0xd1cd, 0xb1d3, + 0xb1cf, 0xd5a7, 0xb1d6, 0xb1d5, 0xb1ce, 0xb1d1, 0xb1d4, 0xb1d0, + 0xd976, 0xb1cd, 0xb4af, 0xb4b1, 0xb4b2, 0xd975, 0xd978, 0xb4b0, + 0xd973, 0xd977, 0xd974, 0xb771, 0xddbc, 0xba56, 0xe1f4, 0xbee3, + 0xbcc4, 0xe5bd, 0xbcc5, 0xbcc6, 0xe5bf, 0xe5be, 0xe5c0, 0xe9b1, + 0xe9b0, 0xecef, 0xecee, 0xc0c4, 0xc0c5, 0xf248, 0xa4e5, 0xd979, + 0xb4b4, 0xb4b3, 0xddbd, 0xefd8, 0xc4e3, 0xf7de, 0xa4e6, 0xaec6, + 0xb1d8, 0xb1d7, 0xd97a, 0xd97b, 0xb772, 0xe1f5, 0xba57, 0xe9b2, + 0xa4e7, 0xa5b8, 0xa9f2, 0xccc2, 0xcee9, 0xac48, 0xb1d9, 0xd97c, + 0xb4b5, 0xb773, 0xe5c1, 0xe5c2, 0xecf0, 0xc25f, 0xf8f0, 0xa4e8, + 0xccc3, 0xa9f3, 0xac49, 0xceea, 0xaec7, 0xd1d2, 0xd1d0, 0xd1d1, + 0xaec8, 0xd1cf, 0xb1db, 0xb1dc, 0xd5a8, 0xb1dd, 0xb1da, 0xd97d, + 0xd97e, 0xddbe, 0xba59, 0xba58, 0xecf1, 0xefd9, 0xf24a, 0xf249, + 0xf44f, 0xc95e, 0xac4a, 0xa4e9, 0xa5b9, 0xa6ae, 0xa6ad, 0xa6af, + 0xa6b0, 0xc9ee, 0xc9ed, 0xcaf8, 0xa7f2, 0xcafb, 0xcafa, 0xcaf9, + 0xcafc, 0xa9f4, 0xccc9, 0xccc5, 0xccce, 0xa9fb, 0xa9f9, 0xccca, + 0xccc6, 0xcccd, 0xa9f8, 0xaa40, 0xccc8, 0xccc4, 0xa9fe, 0xcccb, + 0xa9f7, 0xcccc, 0xa9fa, 0xa9fc, 0xccd0, 0xcccf, 0xccc7, 0xa9f6, + 0xa9f5, 0xa9fd, 0xceef, 0xcef5, 0xac50, 0xac4d, 0xceec, 0xcef1, + 0xac53, 0xac4b, 0xcef0, 0xac4e, 0xac51, 0xcef3, 0xac4c, 0xcef8, + 0xac4f, 0xac52, 0xceed, 0xcef2, 0xcef6, 0xceee, 0xceeb, 0xcef7, + 0xcef4, 0xaed0, 0xaec9, 0xaecc, 0xaecf, 0xd1d5, 0xaeca, 0xd1d3, + 0xaece, 0xaecb, 0xd1d6, 0xaecd, 0xd5ac, 0xb1df, 0xd5ab, 0xd5ad, + 0xb1de, 0xb1e3, 0xd1d4, 0xd5aa, 0xd5ae, 0xb1e0, 0xd5a9, 0xb1e2, + 0xb1e1, 0xd9a7, 0xd9a2, 0xb4b6, 0xb4ba, 0xb4b7, 0xd9a5, 0xd9a8, + 0xb4b8, 0xb4b9, 0xb4be, 0xddc7, 0xd9a6, 0xb4bc, 0xd9a3, 0xd9a1, + 0xb4bd, 0xd9a4, 0xb779, 0xddbf, 0xb776, 0xb777, 0xb775, 0xddc4, + 0xddc3, 0xddc0, 0xb77b, 0xddc2, 0xb4bb, 0xddc6, 0xddc1, 0xb778, + 0xb774, 0xb77a, 0xddc5, 0xba5c, 0xe1f8, 0xe1f7, 0xe1f6, 0xba5a, + 0xba5b, 0xe5c5, 0xe5c8, 0xbcc8, 0xbcc7, 0xe5c9, 0xe5c4, 0xbcca, + 0xe5c6, 0xbcc9, 0xe5c3, 0xe5c7, 0xbee9, 0xbee6, 0xe9bb, 0xe9ba, + 0xe9b9, 0xe9b4, 0xe9b5, 0xbee7, 0xbee4, 0xbee8, 0xe9b3, 0xbee5, + 0xe9b6, 0xe9b7, 0xe9bc, 0xe9b8, 0xecf2, 0xc0c7, 0xefdc, 0xc0c6, + 0xefda, 0xefdb, 0xc260, 0xc36e, 0xf24b, 0xc36d, 0xf451, 0xf452, + 0xc466, 0xf450, 0xc4e4, 0xf7df, 0xc5ce, 0xf8aa, 0xf8ab, 0xa4ea, + 0xa6b1, 0xa6b2, 0xa7f3, 0xccd1, 0xac54, 0xaed1, 0xb1e4, 0xb0d2, + 0xb4bf, 0xb4c0, 0xb3cc, 0xd9a9, 0xb77c, 0xe1fa, 0xe1f9, 0xa4eb, + 0xa6b3, 0xccd2, 0xaa42, 0xaa41, 0xcef9, 0xcefa, 0xd1d7, 0xd1d8, + 0xaed2, 0xaed3, 0xaed4, 0xd5af, 0xb1e6, 0xb4c2, 0xb4c1, 0xddc8, + 0xdf7a, 0xe1fb, 0xe9bd, 0xc261, 0xc467, 0xa4ec, 0xa5bc, 0xa5bd, + 0xa5bb, 0xa5be, 0xa5ba, 0xa6b6, 0xc9f6, 0xa6b5, 0xa6b7, 0xc9f1, + 0xc9f0, 0xc9f3, 0xc9f2, 0xc9f5, 0xa6b4, 0xc9ef, 0xc9f4, 0xcafd, + 0xa7fd, 0xcafe, 0xcb43, 0xa7fc, 0xcb47, 0xcb42, 0xcb45, 0xa7f5, + 0xa7f6, 0xa7f7, 0xa7f8, 0xa840, 0xcb41, 0xa7fa, 0xa841, 0xcb40, + 0xcb46, 0xa7f9, 0xcb44, 0xa7fb, 0xa7f4, 0xa7fe, 0xaa57, 0xccd4, + 0xaa43, 0xaa4d, 0xaa4e, 0xaa46, 0xaa58, 0xaa48, 0xccdc, 0xaa53, + 0xccd7, 0xaa49, 0xcce6, 0xcce7, 0xccdf, 0xccd8, 0xaa56, 0xcce4, + 0xaa51, 0xaa4f, 0xcce5, 0xcce3, 0xccdb, 0xccd3, 0xccda, 0xaa4a, + 0xaa50, 0xaa44, 0xccde, 0xccdd, 0xccd5, 0xaa52, 0xcce1, 0xccd6, + 0xaa55, 0xcce8, 0xaa45, 0xaa4c, 0xccd9, 0xcce2, 0xaa54, 0xaa47, + 0xaa4b, 0xcce0, 0xcf5b, 0xac5c, 0xac69, 0xcf56, 0xcf4c, 0xac62, + 0xcf4a, 0xac5b, 0xcf45, 0xac65, 0xcf52, 0xcefe, 0xcf41, 0xcf44, + 0xcefb, 0xcf51, 0xcf61, 0xac60, 0xcf46, 0xcf58, 0xcefd, 0xcf5f, + 0xcf60, 0xcf63, 0xcf5a, 0xcf4b, 0xcf53, 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0xddcc, + 0xddee, 0xddef, 0xddf1, 0xb7ac, 0xb7a4, 0xd5b8, 0xddd4, 0xdde6, + 0xddd5, 0xb7a1, 0xb7b1, 0xdded, 0xb7af, 0xb7ab, 0xddca, 0xb7a3, + 0xddcd, 0xb7b0, 0xdddd, 0xddc9, 0xb7a9, 0xdde1, 0xddd1, 0xb7aa, + 0xddda, 0xb77e, 0xb4d8, 0xdde3, 0xd9bf, 0xddce, 0xdde8, 0xb7a5, + 0xdde5, 0xb7a2, 0xdddf, 0xb7ad, 0xddd6, 0xddf3, 0xb7a7, 0xdec6, + 0xb7ae, 0xe24a, 0xe248, 0xe25e, 0xe246, 0xe258, 0xb77d, 0xba5f, + 0xe242, 0xe25d, 0xe247, 0xe255, 0xba64, 0xba5d, 0xe25b, 0xe240, + 0xe25a, 0xba6f, 0xe251, 0xe261, 0xba6d, 0xe249, 0xba5e, 0xe24b, + 0xe259, 0xba67, 0xe244, 0xba6b, 0xba61, 0xe24d, 0xe243, 0xe1fc, + 0xe257, 0xba68, 0xe260, 0xe1fd, 0xba65, 0xe253, 0xba66, 0xe245, + 0xe250, 0xe24c, 0xe24e, 0xba60, 0xe25f, 0xba6e, 0xe24f, 0xe262, + 0xe1fe, 0xe254, 0xba63, 0xba6c, 0xba6a, 0xe241, 0xe256, 0xba69, + 0xba62, 0xe252, 0xe25c, 0xe5d5, 0xe5d1, 0xe5cd, 0xe5e1, 0xe5de, + 0xbccd, 0xe5e5, 0xe5d4, 0xbcd8, 0xe5db, 0xe5d0, 0xe5da, 0xbcd5, + 0xe5ee, 0xe5eb, 0xe5dd, 0xe5ce, 0xe5e2, 0xe5e4, 0xbcd1, 0xe5d8, + 0xe5d3, 0xe5ca, 0xbcce, 0xbcd6, 0xe5e7, 0xbcd7, 0xe5cb, 0xe5ed, + 0xe5e0, 0xe5e6, 0xbcd4, 0xe5e3, 0xe5ea, 0xbcd9, 0xbcd3, 0xe5dc, + 0xe5cf, 0xe5ef, 0xe5cc, 0xe5e8, 0xbcd0, 0xe5d6, 0xe5d7, 0xbccf, + 0xbccc, 0xe5d2, 0xbcd2, 0xbccb, 0xe5e9, 0xe5ec, 0xe5d9, 0xe9ca, + 0xe9c2, 0xe9be, 0xbef6, 0xbeeb, 0xbef0, 0xbeec, 0xe9cc, 0xe9d7, + 0xbeea, 0xe9c4, 0xe9cd, 0xe5df, 0xe9ce, 0xbef1, 0xe9dd, 0xbef5, + 0xbef8, 0xe9c0, 0xbef4, 0xe9db, 0xe9dc, 0xe9d2, 0xe9d1, 0xe9c9, + 0xe9d3, 0xe9da, 0xe9d9, 0xbeef, 0xbeed, 0xe9cb, 0xe9c8, 0xe9c5, + 0xe9d8, 0xbef7, 0xe9d6, 0xbef3, 0xbef2, 0xe9d0, 0xe9bf, 0xe9c1, + 0xe9c3, 0xe9d5, 0xe9cf, 0xbeee, 0xe9c6, 0xe9d4, 0xe9c7, 0xc0cf, + 0xed45, 0xc0c8, 0xecf5, 0xed41, 0xc0ca, 0xed48, 0xecfc, 0xecf7, + 0xed49, 0xecf3, 0xecfe, 0xc0d1, 0xed44, 0xed4a, 0xecfd, 0xc0c9, + 0xed40, 0xecf4, 0xc0d0, 0xed47, 0xecf9, 0xc0cc, 0xecfb, 0xecf8, + 0xc0d2, 0xecfa, 0xc0cb, 0xc0ce, 0xed43, 0xecf6, 0xed46, 0xed42, + 0xc263, 0xefe7, 0xc268, 0xc269, 0xc262, 0xefe6, 0xefe3, 0xefe4, + 0xc266, 0xefde, 0xefe2, 0xc265, 0xefdf, 0xc267, 0xc264, 0xefdd, + 0xefe1, 0xefe5, 0xf251, 0xf24e, 0xf257, 0xf256, 0xf254, 0xf24f, + 0xc372, 0xf250, 0xc371, 0xc0cd, 0xf253, 0xc370, 0xf258, 0xf252, + 0xf24d, 0xefe0, 0xc36f, 0xf24c, 0xf456, 0xf455, 0xf255, 0xc468, + 0xf459, 0xf45a, 0xf454, 0xf458, 0xf453, 0xf5d1, 0xf457, 0xc4e7, + 0xc4e5, 0xf5cf, 0xf5d2, 0xf5ce, 0xf5d0, 0xc4e6, 0xf6e5, 0xf6e6, + 0xc576, 0xf6e4, 0xf7e2, 0xc5cf, 0xf7e0, 0xf7e1, 0xf8ac, 0xc656, + 0xf8f3, 0xf8f1, 0xf8f2, 0xf8f4, 0xf9bb, 0xa4ed, 0xa6b8, 0xaa59, + 0xcce9, 0xcf64, 0xd1f5, 0xd1f7, 0xd1f6, 0xd1f8, 0xb1fd, 0xd5d7, + 0xd1f9, 0xd5d6, 0xd5d8, 0xd5d9, 0xd9da, 0xb4db, 0xd9db, 0xd9dd, + 0xb4dc, 0xb4da, 0xd9dc, 0xddfa, 0xddf8, 0xddf7, 0xddf6, 0xddf5, + 0xb7b2, 0xddf9, 0xba70, 0xe263, 0xe265, 0xba71, 0xe264, 0xbcdb, + 0xbcda, 0xe5f0, 0xe9df, 0xe9de, 0xe9e0, 0xbef9, 0xed4b, 0xc0d3, + 0xefe8, 0xc26a, 0xf259, 0xc577, 0xa4ee, 0xa5bf, 0xa6b9, 0xa842, + 0xaa5a, 0xaa5b, 0xac6e, 0xd1fa, 0xb7b3, 0xe6d1, 0xbefa, 0xc26b, + 0xa4ef, 0xa6ba, 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0xe2e5, 0xe2ea, 0xbacb, 0xe2e4, 0xbd4e, + 0xe6bf, 0xe6be, 0xbd51, 0xbd4f, 0xe6bc, 0xbd4d, 0xe6bd, 0xbd50, + 0xea7d, 0xeaa1, 0xea7e, 0xea76, 0xea7a, 0xea79, 0xea77, 0xbf66, + 0xbf67, 0xbf65, 0xea78, 0xea7b, 0xea7c, 0xbf68, 0xc140, 0xeda3, + 0xc0fc, 0xed7b, 0xc0fe, 0xc141, 0xc0fd, 0xeda2, 0xed7c, 0xc0fb, + 0xeda1, 0xed7a, 0xed7e, 0xed7d, 0xf055, 0xc2a4, 0xc2a5, 0xc2a2, + 0xc2a3, 0xf054, 0xf27b, 0xc3a9, 0xf279, 0xf27a, 0xf474, 0xf477, + 0xf475, 0xf476, 0xf5e0, 0xc4ef, 0xf7eb, 0xf8b4, 0xc5f7, 0xf8f8, + 0xf8f9, 0xc666, 0xa5d9, 0xace1, 0xdac3, 0xdee3, 0xa5da, 0xa86f, + 0xaabe, 0xcfe8, 0xcfe9, 0xaf78, 0xdac4, 0xb575, 0xb847, 0xc142, + 0xeda4, 0xf27c, 0xf478, 0xa5db, 0xcda1, 0xcd7a, 0xcd7c, 0xcd7e, + 0xcd7d, 0xcd7b, 0xaabf, 0xace2, 0xcff2, 0xcfed, 0xcfea, 0xcff1, + 0xace4, 0xace5, 0xcff0, 0xcfef, 0xcfee, 0xcfeb, 0xcfec, 0xcff3, + 0xace3, 0xaf7c, 0xafa4, 0xafa3, 0xd2e1, 0xd2db, 0xd2d9, 0xafa1, + 0xd6b9, 0xaf7a, 0xd2de, 0xd2e2, 0xd2e4, 0xd2e0, 0xd2da, 0xafa2, + 0xd2df, 0xd2dd, 0xaf79, 0xd2e5, 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0xeda6, 0xedad, 0xf056, + 0xc147, 0xeda7, 0xedae, 0xedab, 0xf05a, 0xf057, 0xc2a6, 0xf05b, + 0xf05d, 0xf05c, 0xf058, 0xf059, 0xf2a3, 0xc3aa, 0xf27e, 0xf2a2, + 0xf27d, 0xf2a4, 0xf2a1, 0xf47a, 0xf47d, 0xf479, 0xc471, 0xf47b, + 0xf47c, 0xf47e, 0xc472, 0xc474, 0xc473, 0xf5e1, 0xf5e3, 0xf5e2, + 0xf6f6, 0xf8b5, 0xf8fa, 0xa5dc, 0xcb72, 0xaac0, 0xcda3, 0xaac1, + 0xaac2, 0xcda2, 0xcff8, 0xcff7, 0xace6, 0xace9, 0xace8, 0xace7, + 0xcff4, 0xcff6, 0xcff5, 0xd2e8, 0xafa7, 0xd2ec, 0xd2eb, 0xd2ea, + 0xd2e6, 0xafa6, 0xafaa, 0xafad, 0xafae, 0xd2e7, 0xd2e9, 0xafac, + 0xafab, 0xafa9, 0xafa8, 0xd6c2, 0xd6c0, 0xd6bc, 0xb2bb, 0xd6bd, + 0xb2bc, 0xd6be, 0xd6bf, 0xd6c1, 0xb2bd, 0xdad5, 0xdad4, 0xdad3, + 0xdad2, 0xdef6, 0xb852, 0xdef3, 0xdef5, 0xb853, 0xb854, 0xdef4, + 0xe341, 0xe2f9, 0xe2fa, 0xbad7, 0xbad5, 0xbad6, 0xe343, 0xe342, + 0xe2fe, 0xe2fd, 0xe2fc, 0xe2fb, 0xe340, 0xe2f8, 0xe6cb, 0xe6d0, + 0xe6ce, 0xe6cd, 0xe6cc, 0xe6cf, 0xeaae, 0xbf6d, 0xc148, 0xedb0, + 0xc149, 0xedaf, 0xf05f, 0xf05e, 0xc2a7, 0xf2a5, 0xc3ab, 0xf4a1, + 0xc5a1, 0xf6f7, 0xf8b7, 0xf8b6, 0xc9a8, 0xacea, 0xaceb, 0xd6c3, + 0xb856, 0xa5dd, 0xa872, 0xa871, 0xa870, 0xcda4, 0xaac4, 0xaac3, + 0xacee, 0xcffa, 0xcffd, 0xcffb, 0xacec, 0xaced, 0xcff9, 0xcffc, + 0xafb5, 0xd2f3, 0xd2f5, 0xd2f4, 0xafb2, 0xd2ef, 0xafb0, 0xafaf, + 0xafb3, 0xafb1, 0xafb4, 0xd2f2, 0xd2ed, 0xd2ee, 0xd2f1, 0xd2f0, + 0xd6c6, 0xd6c7, 0xd6c5, 0xd6c4, 0xb2be, 0xb57d, 0xdad6, 0xdad8, + 0xdada, 0xb57c, 0xb57a, 0xdad7, 0xb57b, 0xdad9, 0xb579, 0xdf41, + 0xdef7, 0xdefa, 0xdefe, 0xb85a, 0xdefc, 0xdefb, 0xdef8, 0xdef9, + 0xb858, 0xdf40, 0xb857, 0xb85c, 0xb85b, 0xb859, 0xdefd, 0xe349, + 0xe348, 0xe344, 0xbad8, 0xe347, 0xe346, 0xbad9, 0xbd5e, 0xe6d2, + 0xbd5f, 0xbd5b, 0xbd5d, 0xbd5a, 0xbd5c, 0xeaaf, 0xbf70, 0xeab1, + 0xeab0, 0xe345, 0xbf72, 0xbf71, 0xbf6e, 0xbf6f, 0xedb5, 0xedb3, + 0xc14a, 0xedb4, 0xedb6, 0xedb2, 0xedb1, 0xf060, 0xc2aa, 0xc2a8, + 0xc2a9, 0xf2a6, 0xf2a7, 0xc3ad, 0xc3ac, 0xf4a3, 0xf4a4, 0xf4a2, + 0xf6f8, 0xf6f9, 0xa5de, 0xca48, 0xa873, 0xcda5, 0xaac6, 0xaac5, + 0xcda6, 0xd040, 0xacef, 0xcffe, 0xacf0, 0xafb6, 0xd2f8, 0xd2f6, + 0xd2fc, 0xafb7, 0xd2f7, 0xd2fb, 0xd2f9, 0xd2fa, 0xd6c8, 0xd6ca, + 0xb2bf, 0xd6c9, 0xb2c0, 0xb5a2, 0xb5a1, 0xb57e, 0xdadb, 0xdf44, + 0xb85d, 0xb85e, 0xdf43, 0xdf42, 0xe34a, 0xbadb, 0xbada, 0xe34b, + 0xe34c, 0xbd61, 0xbd60, 0xeab5, 0xe6d3, 0xe6d5, 0xe6d4, 0xeab4, + 0xeab2, 0xeab6, 0xeab3, 0xbf73, 0xedb7, 0xc14b, 0xedb8, 0xedb9, + 0xc2ab, 0xc2ac, 0xc475, 0xc5d1, 0xa5df, 0xd041, 0xd2fd, 0xafb8, + 0xb3ba, 0xb3b9, 0xb5a4, 0xdadd, 0xb5a3, 0xdadc, 0xdf45, 0xbadc, + 0xe34d, 0xbadd, 0xc476, 0xf4a5, 0xa6cb, 0xaac7, 0xcda7, 0xacf2, + 0xacf1, 0xd042, 0xd043, 0xd340, 0xd342, 0xafb9, 0xd344, 0xd347, + 0xd345, 0xd346, 0xd343, 0xd2fe, 0xafba, 0xd348, 0xd341, 0xd6d3, + 0xb2c6, 0xd6dc, 0xb2c3, 0xd6d5, 0xb2c7, 0xb2c1, 0xd6d0, 0xd6dd, + 0xd6d1, 0xd6ce, 0xb2c5, 0xb2c2, 0xd6d4, 0xd6d7, 0xb2c4, 0xd6d8, + 0xb2c8, 0xd6d9, 0xd6cf, 0xd6d6, 0xd6da, 0xd6d2, 0xd6cd, 0xd6cb, + 0xd6db, 0xdadf, 0xdae4, 0xdae0, 0xdae6, 0xb5a7, 0xd6cc, 0xdae1, + 0xb5a5, 0xdade, 0xb5ac, 0xdae2, 0xb5ab, 0xdae3, 0xb5ad, 0xb5a8, + 0xb5ae, 0xb5a9, 0xb5aa, 0xb5a6, 0xdae5, 0xb861, 0xdf50, 0xdf53, + 0xdf47, 0xdf4c, 0xdf46, 0xb863, 0xdf4a, 0xdf48, 0xb862, 0xdf4f, + 0xdf4e, 0xdf4b, 0xdf4d, 0xdf49, 0xbae1, 0xdf52, 0xb85f, 0xdf51, + 0xe35d, 0xbae8, 0xe358, 0xbae7, 0xe34e, 0xe350, 0xbae0, 0xe355, + 0xe354, 0xe357, 0xbae5, 0xe352, 0xe351, 0xbae4, 0xbadf, 0xe353, + 0xbae2, 0xe359, 0xe35b, 0xe356, 0xe34f, 0xbae3, 0xbd69, 0xbade, + 0xe35c, 0xe6d9, 0xbd62, 0xe6db, 0xbd63, 0xbd65, 0xe6de, 0xe6d6, + 0xbae6, 0xe6dc, 0xe6d8, 0xb860, 0xbd68, 0xbd64, 0xbd66, 0xbd67, + 0xbf76, 0xe6dd, 0xe6d7, 0xbd6a, 0xe6da, 0xeac0, 0xeabb, 0xeac5, + 0xbf74, 0xeabd, 0xbf78, 0xeac3, 0xeaba, 0xeab7, 0xeac6, 0xc151, + 0xbf79, 0xeac2, 0xeab8, 0xbf77, 0xeabc, 0xbf7b, 0xeab9, 0xeabe, + 0xbf7a, 0xeac1, 0xeac4, 0xedcb, 0xedcc, 0xedbc, 0xedc3, 0xedc1, + 0xc14f, 0xedc8, 0xeabf, 0xedbf, 0xedc9, 0xc14e, 0xedbe, 0xedbd, + 0xedc7, 0xedc4, 0xedc6, 0xedba, 0xedca, 0xc14c, 0xedc5, 0xedce, + 0xedc2, 0xc150, 0xc14d, 0xedc0, 0xedbb, 0xedcd, 0xbf75, 0xf063, + 0xf061, 0xf067, 0xc2b0, 0xf065, 0xf064, 0xc2b2, 0xf06a, 0xc2b1, + 0xf06b, 0xf068, 0xc2ae, 0xf069, 0xf062, 0xc2af, 0xc2ad, 0xf2ab, + 0xf066, 0xf06c, 0xf2a8, 0xc3b2, 0xc3b0, 0xf2aa, 0xf2ac, 0xf2a9, + 0xc3b1, 0xc3ae, 0xc3af, 0xc3b3, 0xc478, 0xf4aa, 0xf4a9, 0xf4a7, + 0xf4a6, 0xf4a8, 0xc477, 0xc479, 0xc4f0, 0xf5e5, 0xf5e4, 0xf6fa, + 0xf6fc, 0xf6fe, 0xf6fd, 0xf6fb, 0xc5a3, 0xc5a2, 0xc5d3, 0xc5d2, + 0xc5d4, 0xf7ed, 0xf7ec, 0xf8fb, 0xf8b8, 0xf8fc, 0xc658, 0xc659, + 0xf96d, 0xc67e, 0xa6cc, 0xcda8, 0xd045, 0xd046, 0xd044, 0xacf3, + 0xd047, 0xd048, 0xd049, 0xd349, 0xd34f, 0xd34d, 0xafbb, 0xd34b, + 0xd34c, 0xd34e, 0xd34a, 0xb2c9, 0xd6de, 0xb2cb, 0xd6e0, 0xb2ca, + 0xd6df, 0xdae8, 0xb5af, 0xdaea, 0xdae7, 0xd6e1, 0xb5b0, 0xdae9, + 0xdf56, 0xb864, 0xdf54, 0xb865, 0xdf55, 0xb866, 0xbae9, 0xe361, + 0xe35e, 0xe360, 0xbaea, 0xbaeb, 0xe35f, 0xe6df, 0xe6e0, 0xbd6b, + 0xe6e2, 0xe6e1, 0xa261, 0xeaca, 0xeacb, 0xeac7, 0xeac8, 0xbf7c, + 0xbf7d, 0xeac9, 0xc157, 0xc153, 0xc158, 0xc154, 0xc156, 0xc152, + 0xc155, 0xc2b3, 0xedcf, 0xf2ae, 0xf2ad, 0xf4ab, 0xc47a, 0xc47b, + 0xf741, 0xf5e6, 0xf740, 0xf8fd, 0xf9a4, 0xa6cd, 0xa874, 0xcda9, + 0xaac8, 0xacf6, 0xd04c, 0xacf4, 0xd04a, 0xacf9, 0xacf5, 0xacfa, + 0xacf8, 0xd04b, 0xacf7, 0xafbf, 0xafbe, 0xd35a, 0xafc7, 0xd353, + 0xd359, 0xafc3, 0xd352, 0xd358, 0xd356, 0xafc2, 0xafc4, 0xd355, + 0xafbd, 0xd354, 0xafc8, 0xafc5, 0xafc9, 0xafc6, 0xd351, 0xd350, + 0xd357, 0xafc0, 0xafbc, 0xafc1, 0xd6f0, 0xd6e9, 0xb5b5, 0xd6e8, + 0xb2cf, 0xb2d6, 0xb2d3, 0xb2d9, 0xb2d8, 0xb2d4, 0xd6e2, 0xd6e5, + 0xd6e4, 0xb2d0, 0xd6e6, 0xd6ef, 0xb2d1, 0xd6e3, 0xd6ec, 0xd6ed, + 0xb2d2, 0xd6ea, 0xb2d7, 0xb2cd, 0xb2d5, 0xd6e7, 0xb2cc, 0xd6eb, + 0xd6ee, 0xdafb, 0xdaf2, 0xb5b2, 0xdaf9, 0xdaf6, 0xdaee, 0xdaf7, + 0xb5b4, 0xdaef, 0xdaeb, 0xb86c, 0xdaf4, 0xb5b1, 0xdafa, 0xb5b8, + 0xb5ba, 0xdaed, 0xb5b9, 0xdaf0, 0xb5b3, 0xdaf8, 0xdaf1, 0xdaf5, + 0xdaf3, 0xb5b6, 0xdaec, 0xb5bb, 0xb2ce, 0xb5b7, 0xb5bc, 0xb868, + 0xdf5d, 0xdf5f, 0xdf61, 0xdf65, 0xdf5b, 0xdf59, 0xb86a, 0xdf60, + 0xdf64, 0xdf5c, 0xdf58, 0xdf57, 0xdf62, 0xdf5a, 0xdf5e, 0xb86b, + 0xb869, 0xdf66, 0xb867, 0xdf63, 0xe372, 0xbaee, 0xe36a, 0xbd78, + 0xe374, 0xbaf1, 0xe378, 0xbaf7, 0xe365, 0xe375, 0xe362, 0xe377, + 0xe366, 0xbafe, 0xbafb, 0xe376, 0xe370, 0xbaed, 0xbaf5, 0xbaf4, + 0xbaf3, 0xbaf9, 0xe363, 0xbafa, 0xe371, 0xbaf6, 0xbaec, 0xe373, + 0xbaef, 0xbaf0, 0xbaf8, 0xe368, 0xe367, 0xe364, 0xe36c, 0xe369, + 0xe36d, 0xbafd, 0xe379, 0xbaf2, 0xe36e, 0xe36f, 0xe36b, 0xbafc, + 0xe6e7, 0xbd70, 0xbd79, 0xbd75, 0xe6e4, 0xbd72, 0xbd76, 0xe6f0, + 0xbd6c, 0xe6e8, 0xbd74, 0xe6eb, 0xe6e6, 0xbd73, 0xbd77, 0xe6e5, + 0xbd71, 0xe6ef, 0xbd6e, 0xe6ee, 0xe6ed, 0xbd7a, 0xe572, 0xbd6d, + 0xe6ec, 0xe6e3, 0xbd7b, 0xe6ea, 0xbd6f, 0xe6e9, 0xbfa2, 0xbfa7, + 0xbf7e, 0xead8, 0xeacf, 0xeadb, 0xead3, 0xead9, 0xbfa8, 0xbfa1, + 0xeacc, 0xead2, 0xeadc, 0xead5, 0xeada, 0xeace, 0xead6, 0xbfa3, + 0xead4, 0xbfa6, 0xbfa5, 0xead0, 0xead1, 0xeacd, 0xead7, 0xbfa4, + 0xeade, 0xeadd, 0xedda, 0xedd6, 0xc15f, 0xedd0, 0xc159, 0xc169, + 0xeddc, 0xc161, 0xc15d, 0xedd3, 0xc164, 0xc167, 0xedde, 0xc15c, + 0xedd5, 0xc165, 0xede0, 0xeddd, 0xedd1, 0xc160, 0xc15a, 0xc168, + 0xedd8, 0xc163, 0xedd2, 0xc15e, 0xeddf, 0xc162, 0xc15b, 0xedd9, + 0xc166, 0xedd7, 0xeddb, 0xf06e, 0xf074, 0xc2b9, 0xf077, 0xc2b4, + 0xc2b5, 0xf06f, 0xf076, 0xf071, 0xc2ba, 0xc2b7, 0xf06d, 0xc2b6, + 0xf073, 0xf075, 0xc2b8, 0xf072, 0xf070, 0xf2b8, 0xc3b7, 0xc3b8, + 0xc3b4, 0xc3b5, 0xf2b4, 0xf2b2, 0xf2b6, 0xc3ba, 0xf2b7, 0xf2b0, + 0xf2af, 0xf2b3, 0xf2b1, 0xc3b6, 0xf2b5, 0xf4ac, 0xc47e, 0xc47d, + 0xf4ad, 0xf4af, 0xf4ae, 0xc4a1, 0xf5eb, 0xf5e8, 0xf5e9, 0xf5e7, + 0xf5ea, 0xc4f2, 0xf5ec, 0xc4f1, 0xf742, 0xc5d5, 0xc5d7, 0xf7ee, + 0xc5d6, 0xf8b9, 0xf940, 0xf942, 0xf8fe, 0xf941, 0xc66c, 0xa6ce, + 0xacfb, 0xd26f, 0xafca, 0xb2da, 0xdafc, 0xdafd, 0xeadf, 0xc16a, + 0xede1, 0xc2bb, 0xf2ba, 0xf2b9, 0xc4a2, 0xf5ed, 0xf743, 0xc5f8, + 0xca49, 0xaac9, 0xa875, 0xd04d, 0xd360, 0xd35b, 0xd35f, 0xd35d, + 0xafcb, 0xd35e, 0xd35c, 0xd6f1, 0xdafe, 0xdb40, 0xdf69, 0xdf6a, + 0xb86e, 0xb86f, 0xdf68, 0xdf6b, 0xdf67, 0xb86d, 0xbb40, 0xb870, + 0xe37a, 0xbd7c, 0xe6f1, 0xbd7d, 0xbfa9, 0xeae2, 0xeae0, 0xeae1, + 0xede4, 0xede3, 0xede2, 0xf2bb, 0xc3b9, 0xf2bc, 0xf744, 0xc5f9, + 0xf8ba, 0xa6cf, 0xaacb, 0xaaca, 0xd04f, 0xacfc, 0xd04e, 0xd362, + 0xafcc, 0xd6f2, 0xd361, 0xb2dc, 0xd6f5, 0xd6f3, 0xd6f4, 0xb2db, + 0xdb42, 0xdb43, 0xdb41, 0xb873, 0xdf6d, 0xdf6c, 0xdf6e, 0xb872, + 0xb871, 0xe6f2, 0xe6f4, 0xbd7e, 0xe6f3, 0xeae3, 0xbfaa, 0xf079, + 0xf078, 0xc3bb, 0xf2bd, 0xc3bd, 0xc3bc, 0xf4b0, 0xf5ee, 0xc4f3, + 0xa6d0, 0xd050, 0xacfd, 0xd365, 0xafce, 0xd364, 0xd363, 0xafcd, + 0xd6fb, 0xd6fd, 0xd6f6, 0xd6f7, 0xb2dd, 0xd6f8, 0xb2de, 0xd6fc, + 0xd6f9, 0xd6fa, 0xb2df, 0xb5be, 0xb5bf, 0xdb44, 0xdf6f, 0xdf70, + 0xe37e, 0xbb43, 0xbb41, 0xbb42, 0xe37b, 0xe37c, 0xe37d, 0xe6f9, + 0xe6fa, 0xbda1, 0xe6f7, 0xe6f6, 0xe6f8, 0xe6f5, 0xbfad, 0xeae4, + 0xbfab, 0xbfac, 0xede6, 0xc16b, 0xede5, 0xefa8, 0xf07a, 0xf07b, + 0xc2bc, 0xc2bd, 0xc16c, 0xf2be, 0xf2bf, 0xf4b1, 0xc4a3, 0xa6d1, + 0xa6d2, 0xacfe, 0xaacc, 0xafcf, 0xd051, 0xb5c0, 0xa6d3, 0xad41, + 0xd052, 0xd053, 0xad40, 0xad42, 0xa6d4, 0xd054, 0xafd1, 0xd366, + 0xafd3, 0xafd0, 0xafd2, 0xd741, 0xb2e0, 0xd740, 0xd6fe, 0xdf71, + 0xe3a1, 0xbda2, 0xbfae, 0xeae6, 0xeae5, 0xede7, 0xf5ef, 0xa6d5, + 0xcb73, 0xcdaa, 0xad43, 0xd055, 0xd368, 0xafd4, 0xd367, 0xafd5, + 0xd743, 0xb2e2, 0xd742, 0xd744, 0xb2e1, 0xdb46, 0xdb47, 0xdb45, + 0xb5c1, 0xb874, 0xb875, 0xbb45, 0xe3a3, 0xe3a2, 0xbb44, 0xe6fb, + 0xe6fc, 0xeae7, 0xc170, 0xc16f, 0xc16d, 0xc16e, 0xc171, 0xf07c, + 0xc2bf, 0xc2be, 0xf2c0, 0xf4b2, 0xc5a5, 0xc5a4, 0xa6d6, 0xd1fb, + 0xb877, 0xb5c2, 0xb876, 0xbb46, 0xa6d7, 0xc9a9, 0xa6d8, 0xa6d9, + 0xcdab, 0xcb76, 0xcb77, 0xa877, 0xcb74, 0xa876, 0xa879, 0xcb75, + 0xa87b, 0xa87a, 0xcb78, 0xa878, 0xaad1, 0xaacf, 0xcdad, 0xaace, + 0xaad3, 0xaad5, 0xaad2, 0xcdb0, 0xcdac, 0xaad6, 0xaad0, 0xa87c, + 0xaad4, 0xcdaf, 0xcdae, 0xaacd, 0xd05b, 0xad47, 0xad48, 0xd05d, + 0xd057, 0xd05a, 0xd063, 0xd061, 0xad49, 0xd067, 0xad4c, 0xd064, + 0xd05c, 0xd059, 0xdb49, 0xd062, 0xad44, 0xd065, 0xd056, 0xd05f, + 0xad46, 0xad4b, 0xd060, 0xad4f, 0xad4d, 0xd058, 0xad4a, 0xd05e, + 0xad4e, 0xad45, 0xd066, 0xafda, 0xafe3, 0xafd8, 0xafd6, 0xd36a, + 0xafde, 0xafdb, 0xd36c, 0xafdd, 0xd36b, 0xd369, 0xd36e, 0xafe2, + 0xafe0, 0xdb48, 0xd36f, 0xd36d, 0xafd7, 0xafd9, 0xafdc, 0xafdf, + 0xafe1, 0xd74e, 0xb2e4, 0xd745, 0xd747, 0xd748, 0xd750, 0xd74c, + 0xd74a, 0xd74d, 0xd751, 0xb2e5, 0xb2e9, 0xd746, 0xd74f, 0xb2e7, + 0xb2e6, 0xd74b, 0xd749, 0xb2e3, 0xb2e8, 0xb5c8, 0xdb51, 0xdb4f, + 0xb5ca, 0xdb4a, 0xdfa1, 0xb5c9, 0xdb4e, 0xdb4b, 0xb5c5, 0xb5cb, + 0xdb50, 0xb5c7, 0xdb4d, 0xbb47, 0xb5c6, 0xdb4c, 0xb5cc, 0xb5c4, + 0xb5c3, 0xdf77, 0xdf75, 0xdf7b, 0xdf73, 0xdfa2, 0xdf78, 0xdf72, + 0xb87b, 0xb8a3, 0xdf7d, 0xdf76, 0xb87e, 0xb87c, 0xdf7e, 0xb879, + 0xb878, 0xdf79, 0xb87d, 0xb5cd, 0xdf7c, 0xdf74, 0xb87a, 0xb8a1, + 0xb8a2, 0xbb4c, 0xbb48, 0xbb4d, 0xe3a6, 0xe3a5, 0xe3a7, 0xbb4a, + 0xe3a4, 0xbb4b, 0xe3aa, 0xe3a9, 0xe3a8, 0xbb49, 0xe741, 0xe744, + 0xbda8, 0xe743, 0xbda7, 0xbda3, 0xbda4, 0xbda5, 0xe740, 0xe6fe, + 0xbda6, 0xe742, 0xe6fd, 0xeae9, 0xeaf3, 0xbfb1, 0xbfb0, 0xeaed, + 0xeaef, 0xeaea, 0xeaee, 0xeae8, 0xeaf1, 0xbfaf, 0xeaf0, 0xeaec, + 0xeaf2, 0xeaeb, 0xc174, 0xede8, 0xedee, 0xc178, 0xc17a, 0xc177, + 0xc176, 0xc175, 0xc173, 0xede9, 0xedec, 0xc172, 0xeded, 0xc179, + 0xedeb, 0xedea, 0xc2c0, 0xc2c1, 0xf0a1, 0xf07d, 0xf07e, 0xf2c2, + 0xf2c1, 0xc3be, 0xf4b4, 0xc4a4, 0xf4b3, 0xf5f0, 0xf745, 0xc5a6, + 0xf943, 0xf944, 0xc5d8, 0xa6da, 0xaad7, 0xdb52, 0xbb4e, 0xc17b, + 0xedef, 0xa6db, 0xafe5, 0xafe4, 0xdb53, 0xeaf4, 0xa6dc, 0xad50, + 0xdb54, 0xdb55, 0xdb56, 0xbb4f, 0xbfb2, 0xa6dd, 0xaad8, 0xd068, + 0xafe6, 0xd370, 0xb2ea, 0xdb57, 0xb8a4, 0xbb50, 0xbfb3, 0xc17c, + 0xc2c2, 0xf4b5, 0xa6de, 0xaad9, 0xafe7, 0xd752, 0xb5ce, 0xbb51, + 0xe3ab, 0xe745, 0xa6df, 0xb5cf, 0xdfa3, 0xbb52, 0xa6e0, 0xcdb1, + 0xd069, 0xad51, 0xd372, 0xafea, 0xafe8, 0xafe9, 0xafeb, 0xd371, + 0xd757, 0xd754, 0xd756, 0xb2eb, 0xb2ed, 0xb2ec, 0xd753, 0xb2ee, + 0xd755, 0xdb58, 0xdb59, 0xdb5a, 0xdfa6, 0xdfa7, 0xdfa5, 0xdfa8, + 0xb8a5, 0xdfa4, 0xbb53, 0xe74a, 0xe746, 0xe749, 0xe74b, 0xe748, + 0xe747, 0xeaf5, 0xeaf6, 0xeaf7, 0xbfb4, 0xbfb5, 0xedf1, 0xedf0, + 0xedf2, 0xf0a3, 0xf0a2, 0xf2c4, 0xf2c5, 0xf2c3, 0xc4a5, 0xf4b6, + 0xf4b7, 0xf746, 0xf7ef, 0xf8bb, 0xa6e1, 0xa87d, 0xc17d, 0xa6e2, + 0xd758, 0xdb5b, 0xc641, 0xca4a, 0xca4b, 0xca4d, 0xa6e3, 0xca4e, + 0xca4c, 0xcba2, 0xcba3, 0xcb7b, 0xcba1, 0xa8a1, 0xa8a2, 0xcb7c, + 0xcb7a, 0xcb79, 0xcb7d, 0xa87e, 0xcb7e, 0xd06a, 0xcdb6, 0xaadc, + 0xcdb5, 0xcdb7, 0xaadb, 0xcdbc, 0xaadf, 0xcdb2, 0xcdc0, 0xcdc6, + 0xaae6, 0xcdc3, 0xaae3, 0xcdb9, 0xcdbf, 0xcdc1, 0xcdb4, 0xaae2, + 0xaadd, 0xcdba, 0xaae4, 0xaae7, 0xaae1, 0xaada, 0xcdbe, 0xcdb8, + 0xcdc5, 0xaae9, 0xaae5, 0xaae0, 0xcdbd, 0xafec, 0xcdbb, 0xaade, + 0xaae8, 0xcdb3, 0xcdc2, 0xcdc4, 0xad62, 0xad5c, 0xad64, 0xad61, + 0xd071, 0xd074, 0xad5d, 0xd06b, 0xad56, 0xad60, 0xad63, 0xad65, + 0xd0a2, 0xd077, 0xad55, 0xd0a1, 0xad59, 0xad57, 0xad52, 0xd06f, + 0xd07e, 0xd073, 0xd076, 0xd0a5, 0xad66, 0xd07d, 0xad5e, 0xd078, + 0xd0a4, 0xd075, 0xd079, 0xd07c, 0xd06d, 0xd0a3, 0xd07b, 0xd06c, + 0xd070, 0xad5f, 0xad5a, 0xad53, 0xad58, 0xad54, 0xad67, 0xd06e, + 0xd3a5, 0xad5b, 0xd07a, 0xce41, 0xd3a8, 0xaffa, 0xd376, 0xd3a3, + 0xd37d, 0xd3b2, 0xd3aa, 0xd37e, 0xd3a9, 0xd378, 0xd37c, 0xd3b5, + 0xaffd, 0xd3ad, 0xd3a4, 0xafed, 0xd3b3, 0xd374, 0xd3ac, 0xaffc, + 0xaff7, 0xd373, 0xaff5, 0xaff4, 0xaff9, 0xd3ab, 0xaff1, 0xaff8, + 0xd072, 0xdb5c, 0xd3a6, 0xd37a, 0xaffb, 0xd37b, 0xd3a1, 0xaffe, + 0xd375, 0xd3af, 0xd3ae, 0xd3b6, 0xaff3, 0xaff0, 0xd3b4, 0xd3b0, + 0xd3a7, 0xd3a2, 0xaff6, 0xaff2, 0xd377, 0xafee, 0xd3b1, 0xafef, + 0xd379, 0xd75e, 0xd760, 0xd765, 0xd779, 0xb2fc, 0xb2f2, 0xd75d, + 0xb2fd, 0xb2fe, 0xd768, 0xd76f, 0xd775, 0xd762, 0xd769, 0xb340, + 0xd777, 0xd772, 0xb2fa, 0xb2f8, 0xd76e, 0xd76a, 0xd75c, 0xb2ef, + 0xd761, 0xd759, 0xb2f7, 0xb2f9, 0xd766, 0xd763, 0xb2f4, 0xd773, + 0xb2f1, 0xd764, 0xd77a, 0xd76c, 0xd76b, 0xb2f0, 0xb2fb, 0xb2f3, + 0xd75a, 0xd75f, 0xd770, 0xd776, 0xb341, 0xd75b, 0xd767, 0xd76d, + 0xb2f6, 0xd778, 0xd771, 0xd774, 0xb2f5, 0xdb6c, 0xdb60, 0xb5d7, + 0xdb7d, 0xdba7, 0xdbaa, 0xb5d5, 0xdb68, 0xdba3, 0xdb69, 0xdb77, + 0xb5e2, 0xdb73, 0xb5df, 0xdb74, 0xdb5d, 0xdba4, 0xb5e8, 0xdba1, + 0xdb75, 0xdbac, 0xdb70, 0xdfc8, 0xdbaf, 0xb5e6, 0xdb6e, 0xdb7a, + 0xb5e9, 0xb5d4, 0xdb72, 0xdbad, 0xdb6b, 0xdb64, 0xdb6f, 0xdb63, + 0xdb61, 0xb5d0, 0xdba5, 0xdb6a, 0xdba8, 0xdba9, 0xb5d8, 0xb5dd, + 0xb5d9, 0xb5e1, 0xdb7e, 0xb5da, 0xdb76, 0xdb66, 0xb5d2, 0xdb5e, + 0xdba2, 0xdbab, 0xdb65, 0xb5e0, 0xdbb0, 0xdb71, 0xdb6d, 0xb5d1, + 0xb5e5, 0xdb7c, 0xb5e7, 0xdb78, 0xb5dc, 0xb5d6, 0xb5de, 0xb5d3, + 0xb5e4, 0xdb79, 0xdb67, 0xdb7b, 0xdb62, 0xdba6, 0xdbae, 0xdb5f, + 0xdfc7, 0xdfdd, 0xb855, 0xdfcc, 0xdfca, 0xdfb5, 0xb8a9, 0xdfc5, + 0xdfd9, 0xdfc1, 0xb8b1, 0xdfd8, 0xdfbf, 0xb5e3, 0xdfcf, 0xdfc0, + 0xdfd6, 0xb8b0, 0xb8a8, 0xdfaa, 0xdfb2, 0xdfcb, 0xdfc3, 0xdfdc, + 0xdfc6, 0xb8b6, 0xdfd7, 0xb8ad, 0xdfc9, 0xdfd1, 0xdfb6, 0xdfd0, + 0xdfe1, 0xdfb1, 0xdfd2, 0xdfdf, 0xdfab, 0xb5db, 0xdfb9, 0xdfb8, + 0xb8af, 0xdfbc, 0xdfbe, 0xdfcd, 0xdfde, 0xb8b2, 0xb8b3, 0xdfb0, + 0xb8ab, 0xdfb4, 0xdfda, 0xb8b4, 0xb8ac, 0xb8ae, 0xb8b5, 0xdfe0, + 0xdfd3, 0xdfce, 0xdfbb, 0xdfba, 0xb8aa, 0xdfac, 0xb8a7, 0xdfc4, + 0xdfad, 0xdfc2, 0xdfb7, 0xdfdb, 0xb8a6, 0xdfb3, 0xdfaf, 0xdfd5, + 0xdfae, 0xbb60, 0xe3d3, 0xe3c2, 0xe3ac, 0xe3ca, 0xbb58, 0xe3bb, + 0xe3c5, 0xbb5b, 0xe3be, 0xbb59, 0xe3af, 0xe3cd, 0xe3ae, 0xe3c1, + 0xe3ad, 0xe3bf, 0xe3c8, 0xe3c6, 0xe3ba, 0xe3b5, 0xe3b3, 0xe3b4, + 0xe3c7, 0xe3d2, 0xe3bc, 0xbb5a, 0xe3b7, 0xe3cb, 0xbb5d, 0xe3b6, + 0xe3b0, 0xe3c0, 0xbb61, 0xbb55, 0xbb5e, 0xe3b8, 0xe3b2, 0xbb57, + 0xdfd4, 0xbb56, 0xe3c3, 0xbb54, 0xbb63, 0xbb5c, 0xe3c4, 0xe3b9, + 0xe3b1, 0xe3cc, 0xe3bd, 0xbb62, 0xe3d0, 0xbb5f, 0xe3cf, 0xe3c9, + 0xe3ce, 0xe3d1, 0xe773, 0xe774, 0xe767, 0xe766, 0xe762, 0xbdb4, + 0xbdac, 0xe776, 0xe775, 0xdfa9, 0xe75f, 0xe763, 0xe75d, 0xe770, + 0xe761, 0xe777, 0xe75a, 0xe758, 0xe764, 0xe76e, 0xe769, 0xbdb6, + 0xe74f, 0xe76d, 0xbdb7, 0xdfbd, 0xe75b, 0xe752, 0xe755, 0xe77b, + 0xe75c, 0xe753, 0xe751, 0xe74e, 0xbdb0, 0xe765, 0xbdaf, 0xbdb3, + 0xe760, 0xe768, 0xbda9, 0xe778, 0xe77c, 0xbdab, 0xe757, 0xe76b, + 0xe76f, 0xe754, 0xe779, 0xbdb2, 0xbdb1, 0xe74c, 0xbdb5, 0xe772, + 0xe756, 0xe76a, 0xe750, 0xe75e, 0xe759, 0xbdad, 0xbdae, 0xe76c, + 0xe77d, 0xe77a, 0xe771, 0xe74d, 0xbdaa, 0xeb49, 0xeb40, 0xeb43, + 0xbfbb, 0xeb45, 0xeaf9, 0xeb41, 0xeb47, 0xbfb8, 0xbfbc, 0xbfb6, + 0xeafb, 0xeb4c, 0xeb46, 0xeafc, 0xeb55, 0xeb4f, 0xeaf8, 0xee46, + 0xeafe, 0xbfb7, 0xeb4a, 0xeb54, 0xbfbf, 0xeb51, 0xeafd, 0xeb44, + 0xeb48, 0xeb42, 0xeb56, 0xeb53, 0xeb50, 0xbfb9, 0xbfba, 0xbfbe, + 0xeafa, 0xeb57, 0xbfbd, 0xeb4d, 0xeb4b, 0xeb4e, 0xee53, 0xee40, + 0xee45, 0xee52, 0xee44, 0xedfb, 0xee41, 0xc1a2, 0xedf4, 0xee4d, + 0xee4f, 0xedf3, 0xc1a1, 0xee51, 0xee49, 0xc1a8, 0xee50, 0xee42, + 0xc1aa, 0xedf9, 0xeb52, 0xee4a, 0xee47, 0xedf5, 0xee55, 0xc1a4, + 0xc1a5, 0xedf7, 0xee48, 0xee54, 0xee4b, 0xedfd, 0xc1a7, 0xc1a3, + 0xee4c, 0xedfe, 0xee56, 0xedf8, 0xee43, 0xee4e, 0xedfa, 0xedfc, + 0xc2cb, 0xedf6, 0xc1a9, 0xc2c4, 0xc17e, 0xc1a6, 0xc2c8, 0xf0b3, + 0xf0a9, 0xf0a4, 0xf0aa, 0xf0b4, 0xf0b8, 0xf0b7, 0xc2ca, 0xc2c9, + 0xf0ab, 0xf0b9, 0xf0ae, 0xf0a6, 0xf0a8, 0xf0a7, 0xf0ad, 0xf0b2, + 0xf0a5, 0xf0ac, 0xf0b1, 0xc2c7, 0xf0af, 0xc2c5, 0xf0b0, 0xc2c3, + 0xc2c6, 0xf2d5, 0xf0b5, 0xc3c2, 0xf2cd, 0xf2d1, 0xf2c9, 0xf2cc, + 0xf2d4, 0xc3c0, 0xf2d9, 0xf2d2, 0xf2ca, 0xf2da, 0xf2d3, 0xc3c3, + 0xc3c4, 0xf2d7, 0xf2cb, 0xc3bf, 0xc3c1, 0xf2c6, 0xf2ce, 0xf2c8, + 0xf2d8, 0xf2d6, 0xf2c7, 0xf2cf, 0xf4be, 0xc3c5, 0xf2d0, 0xc4a7, + 0xc4a9, 0xc4a6, 0xf4c3, 0xf4bb, 0xf4b9, 0xf4bd, 0xf4ba, 0xf4bf, + 0xf4c1, 0xc4aa, 0xc4ac, 0xf4c0, 0xc4ad, 0xc4ab, 0xf4c2, 0xc4a8, + 0xc4f4, 0xf5f1, 0xf5f7, 0xc4f6, 0xf4bc, 0xf5f6, 0xf5fd, 0xf5f4, + 0xf5fb, 0xf5fa, 0xf4b8, 0xf5f5, 0xf0b6, 0xf5fe, 0xf5f3, 0xf5f8, + 0xf5fc, 0xf5f2, 0xf74a, 0xc4f5, 0xf5f9, 0xf7f4, 0xf74b, 0xf749, + 0xf747, 0xf748, 0xf74c, 0xc5d9, 0xf7f2, 0xf7f0, 0xf7f5, 0xf7f3, + 0xf7f6, 0xc5da, 0xf7f1, 0xf8bc, 0xf945, 0xf946, 0xf947, 0xf9c7, + 0xf9bd, 0xca4f, 0xaaea, 0xad68, 0xd3b8, 0xd3b7, 0xb040, 0xb342, + 0xd77c, 0xd77b, 0xb5ea, 0xb8b8, 0xb8b7, 0xb8b9, 0xe3d4, 0xe77e, + 0xeb58, 0xeb5a, 0xeb59, 0xc1ab, 0xee57, 0xf0ba, 0xf9a5, 0xa6e4, + 0xcdc9, 0xcdca, 0xcdc8, 0xcdc7, 0xaaeb, 0xd0a9, 0xd0a7, 0xd0a6, + 0xad69, 0xad6b, 0xad6a, 0xd0a8, 0xd3c4, 0xd3c1, 0xd3bf, 0xb041, + 0xd3c2, 0xb046, 0xd3bc, 0xd3cb, 0xd3cd, 0xd3bd, 0xb043, 0xd3ce, + 0xd3c9, 0xd3bb, 0xd3c0, 0xd3ca, 0xd3c6, 0xd3c3, 0xb048, 0xd3cc, + 0xd3be, 0xd3c7, 0xd3b9, 0xb047, 0xb044, 0xd3c5, 0xd3c8, 0xd3ba, + 0xb045, 0xb042, 0xb34c, 0xd7a5, 0xb34b, 0xd7a8, 0xd7ab, 0xb348, + 0xb346, 0xd77e, 0xd7a9, 0xd7a7, 0xd7a4, 0xd7ac, 0xd7ad, 0xd7af, + 0xd7b0, 0xd77d, 0xb345, 0xd7a2, 0xd7a1, 0xd7ae, 0xb347, 0xd7a3, + 0xb349, 0xb344, 0xd7a6, 0xb34d, 0xb34a, 0xd7aa, 0xb5f1, 0xdbbf, + 0xdbb4, 0xb5ee, 0xdfe7, 0xdbbd, 0xdbb1, 0xb5ec, 0xdbb6, 0xb5ef, + 0xdbba, 0xdbb8, 0xb5f2, 0xb5eb, 0xdbb2, 0xdbb5, 0xb5f0, 0xdbb3, + 0xdbbe, 0xdbbc, 0xdbb7, 0xdbb9, 0xdbbb, 0xb5ed, 0xdfe8, 0xdfee, + 0xdfe4, 0xdfea, 0xb8ba, 0xdfe6, 0xb8c0, 0xb8bf, 0xb8be, 0xdfed, + 0xb8c1, 0xb8c2, 0xdfe3, 0xdff0, 0xb8c3, 0xb8bd, 0xb8bc, 0xdfec, + 0xb8c4, 0xdfe2, 0xdfe5, 0xdfef, 0xdfeb, 0xe3f4, 0xe3e9, 0xb8bb, + 0xbb6a, 0xe3dd, 0xe3f2, 0xe3de, 0xbb65, 0xe3db, 0xe3e4, 0xe3dc, + 0xbb67, 0xe3d6, 0xe3f1, 0xbb68, 0xe3ee, 0xe3ef, 0xe3d7, 0xbb6d, + 0xe3e6, 0xe3e0, 0xe3e7, 0xe3da, 0xe3f3, 0xe3eb, 0xe3e5, 0xe3d5, + 0xbb69, 0xe3ec, 0xbb6c, 0xe3f0, 0xe3ea, 0xbb66, 0xe3e8, 0xe3e2, + 0xbb64, 0xe3d9, 0xe3e1, 0xe3ed, 0xe3df, 0xe3e3, 0xbdc1, 0xdfe9, + 0xe7b2, 0xe7bb, 0xe7b1, 0xe7ad, 0xe7aa, 0xbdc2, 0xe7a8, 0xbb6b, + 0xe7a1, 0xbdc0, 0xe7a7, 0xbdbf, 0xe7ac, 0xe7a9, 0xe7b9, 0xe7b4, + 0xe7ae, 0xe7b3, 0xbdbb, 0xe7ab, 0xe7be, 0xe7a2, 0xe7a3, 0xe7ba, + 0xbdbc, 0xe7bf, 0xbdbe, 0xe7c0, 0xe7b0, 0xe3d8, 0xe7b6, 0xe7af, + 0xe7b8, 0xe7b5, 0xe7a6, 0xbdb9, 0xe7bd, 0xbdba, 0xe7a4, 0xbdbd, + 0xeb64, 0xe7b7, 0xe7bc, 0xeb61, 0xbdb8, 0xbfc0, 0xeb6b, 0xeb67, + 0xeb65, 0xeb60, 0xeb6f, 0xbfc4, 0xeb5c, 0xeb68, 0xeb69, 0xeb5f, + 0xeb5e, 0xeb6c, 0xeb62, 0xeb5d, 0xeb63, 0xeb6e, 0xeb5b, 0xeb6d, + 0xeb6a, 0xbfc2, 0xbfc1, 0xbfc3, 0xeb66, 0xf0cb, 0xee59, 0xc1b1, + 0xee5d, 0xee5a, 0xee61, 0xee67, 0xee5c, 0xee70, 0xc1ae, 0xee6a, + 0xee5f, 0xee6b, 0xee66, 0xee6d, 0xee5e, 0xc1b3, 0xc1b2, 0xee60, + 0xee6e, 0xee58, 0xee6c, 0xc1ac, 0xee64, 0xee63, 0xee68, 0xee5b, + 0xc1b0, 0xc1b4, 0xee62, 0xee69, 0xc1b5, 0xee65, 0xc1ad, 0xc1af, + 0xf0c7, 0xf0c5, 0xf0cc, 0xf0c9, 0xf0cd, 0xf0be, 0xf0c6, 0xf0d1, + 0xee6f, 0xf0c2, 0xc2cf, 0xe7a5, 0xf0bd, 0xf0ca, 0xf0c4, 0xf0c1, + 0xf0bc, 0xf0bb, 0xf0d0, 0xf0c0, 0xf0bf, 0xc2cd, 0xf0c8, 0xc2cc, + 0xc2ce, 0xf0c3, 0xf0cf, 0xf2de, 0xf2df, 0xc3c9, 0xf2dc, 0xc3c6, + 0xf2e4, 0xc3ca, 0xf2e6, 0xf2db, 0xf0ce, 0xf2e8, 0xf2dd, 0xc3c7, + 0xf2e3, 0xf2e5, 0xf2e0, 0xf2e7, 0xf2e2, 0xf2e1, 0xc3c8, 0xf4c5, + 0xf4c6, 0xf4c8, 0xc4ae, 0xc4af, 0xf4c9, 0xf4c7, 0xf4c4, 0xf642, + 0xf645, 0xf641, 0xc4fa, 0xf643, 0xc4f9, 0xc4f8, 0xc4f7, 0xf644, + 0xf751, 0xf74f, 0xf74e, 0xf640, 0xf750, 0xf646, 0xf74d, 0xf7f9, + 0xf7d7, 0xf7f7, 0xc5db, 0xf7f8, 0xf7fa, 0xf8bf, 0xc5fa, 0xf8be, + 0xf8bd, 0xc5fb, 0xc65a, 0xf96e, 0xf9a7, 0xf9a6, 0xf9a8, 0xa6e5, + 0xd0aa, 0xd3cf, 0xd3d0, 0xdbc0, 0xf647, 0xf8c0, 0xa6e6, 0xad6c, + 0xd0ab, 0xd7b1, 0xb34e, 0xdbc2, 0xdbc1, 0xb5f3, 0xb8c5, 0xe7c1, + 0xbdc3, 0xbdc4, 0xbfc5, 0xc5fc, 0xa6e7, 0xd0ac, 0xaaed, 0xd0ae, + 0xd0ad, 0xad6d, 0xd3d1, 0xd3d8, 0xb049, 0xd3d6, 0xd3d4, 0xd3db, + 0xd3d2, 0xd3d3, 0xb04a, 0xb04e, 0xd3dc, 0xb04d, 0xd3da, 0xd3d7, + 0xd3d5, 0xb04b, 0xb04c, 0xd3d9, 0xb350, 0xd7b2, 0xb355, 0xd7c2, + 0xb354, 0xd7c4, 0xd7b8, 0xb352, 0xd7c3, 0xd7b3, 0xb353, 0xd7bf, + 0xd7bb, 0xd7bd, 0xd7b7, 0xd7be, 0xb34f, 0xd7ba, 0xd7b9, 0xd7b5, + 0xd7c0, 0xd7bc, 0xd7b4, 0xd7b6, 0xb351, 0xd7c1, 0xb5f6, 0xdbcd, + 0xdbc9, 0xdbcb, 0xdbc6, 0xdbc5, 0xdbc3, 0xdbca, 0xdbcc, 0xdbc8, + 0xdbc7, 0xb5f4, 0xb5f5, 0xdbcf, 0xb8cd, 0xdff2, 0xdff8, 0xdff3, + 0xdff4, 0xdff9, 0xb8cf, 0xb8c7, 0xb8ce, 0xdff1, 0xdbc4, 0xb8ca, + 0xb8c8, 0xdff7, 0xdff6, 0xb8c9, 0xb8cb, 0xdff5, 0xb8c6, 0xb8cc, + 0xe3f6, 0xbb74, 0xe442, 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0xb5f8, 0xdbd2, 0xdbd1, 0xdffb, + 0xb8d0, 0xe443, 0xe446, 0xe445, 0xe444, 0xe7ce, 0xe7d0, 0xe7cf, + 0xbfcc, 0xbfcb, 0xc1bb, 0xee79, 0xee7b, 0xee7a, 0xc2d1, 0xf2f4, + 0xf2f3, 0xf4cc, 0xc4b1, 0xc4fd, 0xf754, 0xf753, 0xc65b, 0xa8a4, + 0xd0af, 0xad6f, 0xd7c8, 0xd7c6, 0xd7c7, 0xdbd4, 0xdbd5, 0xe043, + 0xdbd3, 0xdffc, 0xe041, 0xe040, 0xe042, 0xb8d1, 0xdffe, 0xdffd, + 0xe044, 0xe449, 0xe447, 0xe448, 0xe7d3, 0xe7d1, 0xe7d2, 0xeb7d, + 0xee7c, 0xee7d, 0xc2d2, 0xf2f5, 0xf4cd, 0xc4b2, 0xf64c, 0xf755, + 0xc5a9, 0xf7fe, 0xf94c, 0xa8a5, 0xad71, 0xad72, 0xd0b0, 0xd0b1, + 0xad70, 0xb054, 0xb052, 0xb051, 0xb058, 0xb050, 0xb059, 0xd3dd, + 0xb056, 0xb053, 0xb057, 0xb055, 0xb04f, 0xb35f, 0xb359, 0xd7cc, + 0xb35e, 0xb360, 0xb35a, 0xb35b, 0xd7ca, 0xb358, 0xd7cb, 0xb35d, + 0xd7c9, 0xb35c, 0xb644, 0xb646, 0xdbd8, 0xb645, 0xb5f9, 0xb5fd, + 0xb8e4, 0xe049, 0xdbda, 0xb5fe, 0xdbdd, 0xdbde, 0xb643, 0xdbe0, + 0xdbe2, 0xdbe3, 0xdbd7, 0xdbd6, 0xdbe4, 0xb642, 0xdbe1, 0xdbdf, + 0xb640, 0xb5fb, 0xb647, 0xdbdb, 0xdbdc, 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0xbfd7, 0xc1c3, + 0xeea4, 0xeead, 0xeeaa, 0xeeac, 0xc1c0, 0xeea5, 0xeeab, 0xc1bc, + 0xeea7, 0xc1c4, 0xeea3, 0xeea8, 0xeeaf, 0xeba6, 0xeea9, 0xeea2, + 0xc1bd, 0xeea1, 0xc1be, 0xeeb0, 0xc1bf, 0xeeae, 0xc1c2, 0xee7e, + 0xc1c1, 0xeea6, 0xf0dc, 0xf0ea, 0xf0e5, 0xf0e7, 0xf0db, 0xc2d3, + 0xf0da, 0xc2d6, 0xc2d5, 0xf0e9, 0xf0e1, 0xf0de, 0xf0e4, 0xf0dd, + 0xf0df, 0xf0e8, 0xf0e6, 0xc2d4, 0xf0ed, 0xf0eb, 0xf0e2, 0xf0ec, + 0xf0e3, 0xf2f9, 0xc3cf, 0xf341, 0xf64f, 0xc3d6, 0xf0e0, 0xf2f7, + 0xc3d2, 0xf2f8, 0xf2fd, 0xc3d4, 0xc3d5, 0xf2f6, 0xf340, 0xf342, + 0xf2fa, 0xf2fc, 0xf2fe, 0xf2fb, 0xf343, 0xc3d1, 0xc3d7, 0xc3d3, + 0xc3d0, 0xf4d0, 0xc4b7, 0xf4ce, 0xf4d2, 0xf4d3, 0xc4b5, 0xf4d4, + 0xf4d1, 0xf4cf, 0xc4b8, 0xc4b4, 0xf4d5, 0xc4b6, 0xc4b3, 0xc4fe, + 0xc540, 0xf64e, 0xf64d, 0xf650, 0xf651, 0xc541, 0xf756, 0xf75b, + 0xc5aa, 0xf758, 0xf757, 0xf75a, 0xf759, 0xf843, 0xc5dc, 0xf842, + 0xf840, 0xf841, 0xc5fe, 0xc5fd, 0xf8c1, 0xf8c2, 0xc640, 0xf94d, + 0xf94e, 0xc667, 0xc66d, 0xf9a9, 0xf9c8, 0xa8a6, 0xd7cd, 0xd7ce, + 0xe052, 0xe450, 0xe7e5, 0xc1c6, 0xc1c5, 0xf0ee, 0xf344, 0xf844, + 0xa8a7, 0xd3de, 0xb05a, 0xb361, 0xe054, 0xe053, 0xbddc, 0xe7e6, + 0xbddd, 0xeeb1, 0xc2d7, 0xc676, 0xa8a8, 0xcdcb, 0xd3df, 0xb362, + 0xd7cf, 0xd7d0, 0xdbe5, 0xb648, 0xb8e6, 0xe056, 0xe055, 0xe057, + 0xe451, 0xe452, 0xbba8, 0xbfdd, 0xbdde, 0xbfde, 0xeeb5, 0xeeb2, + 0xeeb4, 0xeeb3, 0xc1c7, 0xf0ef, 0xf346, 0xf345, 0xcba4, 0xb05c, + 0xb05b, 0xd3e0, 0xd7d1, 0xdbe7, 0xdbe6, 0xb649, 0xe059, 0xe05a, + 0xe058, 0xb8e8, 0xb8e7, 0xbbaa, 0xbba9, 0xe7e7, 0xebb3, 0xebb1, + 0xebb2, 0xbfdf, 0xeeb7, 0xeeb6, 0xf0f2, 0xf0f1, 0xf0f0, 0xf347, + 0xf9aa, 0xa8a9, 0xad73, 0xad74, 0xb05d, 0xb05e, 0xd3e2, 0xd3e1, + 0xd7d2, 0xb368, 0xb366, 0xb363, 0xb367, 0xb365, 0xb364, 0xb64a, + 0xdbea, 0xb8ed, 0xb64c, 0xb651, 0xdbec, 0xb653, 0xb652, 0xb655, + 0xdbeb, 0xdbe8, 0xb64f, 0xb64b, 0xb64d, 0xdbe9, 0xb654, 0xb650, + 0xb64e, 0xb8ef, 0xb8ee, 0xb8ec, 0xb8f0, 0xb8ea, 0xb8eb, 0xb8e9, + 0xe05b, 0xe454, 0xbbac, 0xbbad, 0xbbab, 0xe453, 0xe455, 0xe7ea, + 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0xbdf8, 0xbdfd, 0xbdf7, 0xbdfe, 0xbdf9, + 0xe84b, 0xe84c, 0xe848, 0xbe40, 0xbdfb, 0xbdfa, 0xbdfc, 0xe847, + 0xebca, 0xbfe8, 0xebcc, 0xbfea, 0xebcf, 0xebcb, 0xebc9, 0xebce, + 0xbfe9, 0xebcd, 0xbfe7, 0xc1d3, 0xc1d6, 0xeec1, 0xc1d4, 0xeec0, + 0xc1d2, 0xc1d5, 0xf146, 0xf147, 0xf148, 0xc2e0, 0xf149, 0xc2e1, + 0xc3e2, 0xf358, 0xf359, 0xf357, 0xf356, 0xf35a, 0xc3e1, 0xf4dd, + 0xf4db, 0xf4dc, 0xf4de, 0xf4da, 0xf4df, 0xf658, 0xf659, 0xf657, + 0xc546, 0xf764, 0xc5af, 0xf765, 0xf848, 0xf847, 0xa8af, 0xb664, + 0xb940, 0xbbb6, 0xbfec, 0xbfeb, 0xc3e3, 0xc47c, 0xc547, 0xa8b0, + 0xb064, 0xb941, 0xf35b, 0xcba6, 0xa8b1, 0xa8b4, 0xa8b3, 0xa8b2, + 0xcba5, 0xcdcd, 0xcdcf, 0xaaef, 0xaaf1, 0xcdcc, 0xcdce, 0xaaf0, + 0xcdd1, 0xcdd0, 0xcdd2, 0xd0b6, 0xd0b4, 0xad7c, 0xd0b3, 0xada3, + 0xad7e, 0xad7b, 0xada4, 0xad7d, 0xada2, 0xada1, 0xd0b5, 0xad7a, + 0xb06a, 0xd3eb, 0xd3f1, 0xb067, 0xb06e, 0xb069, 0xd3ee, 0xd3f0, + 0xb06c, 0xd3ea, 0xd3ed, 0xb068, 0xb065, 0xd3ec, 0xb06b, 0xd3ef, + 0xb06d, 0xb066, 0xd7e3, 0xd7e6, 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0xdc62, + 0xdc71, 0xdc65, 0xdc6f, 0xdc76, 0xdc6e, 0xb679, 0xb675, 0xdc63, + 0xdc69, 0xb677, 0xdc68, 0xb678, 0xb67a, 0xdc6b, 0xb672, 0xb673, + 0xdc77, 0xdc75, 0xdc74, 0xdc66, 0xdc72, 0xb676, 0xb674, 0xdc73, + 0xdc64, 0xdc67, 0xdc70, 0xe4ba, 0xe0b7, 0xe0b0, 0xe0c3, 0xe0cc, + 0xe0b3, 0xb961, 0xe0c0, 0xb957, 0xb959, 0xb965, 0xe0b1, 0xb95a, + 0xb95c, 0xb966, 0xb95b, 0xb964, 0xe0b9, 0xe0ae, 0xb962, 0xe0b8, + 0xb95e, 0xe0ca, 0xb963, 0xe0c8, 0xe0bc, 0xe0c6, 0xb960, 0xe0af, + 0xe0c9, 0xe0c4, 0xe0cb, 0xb958, 0xb967, 0xb95d, 0xe0b5, 0xe0bd, + 0xe0c1, 0xe0c5, 0xb95f, 0xe0b4, 0xe0b2, 0xe0be, 0xe0bb, 0xe0ba, + 0xe0bf, 0xe0c2, 0xe0c7, 0xe478, 0xbbc7, 0xe4a4, 0xe47a, 0xbbcc, + 0xbbd0, 0xe4ad, 0xe4b5, 0xe4a6, 0xbbc8, 0xe4aa, 0xe0b6, 0xbbc9, + 0xe4b1, 0xe4b6, 0xe4ae, 0xe4b0, 0xe4b9, 0xe4b2, 0xe47e, 0xe4a9, + 0xbbd1, 0xbbcd, 0xe47c, 0xe4ab, 0xbbcb, 0xe4a5, 0xbbca, 0xe4b3, + 0xe4a2, 0xe479, 0xbbce, 0xe4b8, 0xe47b, 0xe4af, 0xe4ac, 0xe4a7, + 0xe477, 0xe476, 0xe4a1, 0xe4b4, 0xbbcf, 0xe4b7, 0xe47d, 0xe4a3, + 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0xc1ed, 0xc1eb, 0xeed5, 0xeee8, 0xeeda, 0xeee7, 0xeee9, + 0xeed0, 0xc1e6, 0xeeea, 0xeede, 0xc1ea, 0xeedb, 0xc1ec, 0xeee4, + 0xc1e4, 0xeed6, 0xeee5, 0xeedf, 0xebe3, 0xeee6, 0xeed3, 0xc1e9, + 0xeeeb, 0xc1e2, 0xeece, 0xf160, 0xf159, 0xc2e9, 0xf154, 0xf163, + 0xf15b, 0xeedc, 0xf165, 0xf155, 0xc2e8, 0xf15f, 0xc2ea, 0xc2f2, + 0xc2f0, 0xf161, 0xc2f1, 0xf157, 0xf158, 0xf15d, 0xf162, 0xeecd, + 0xc2eb, 0xf16a, 0xf167, 0xf16b, 0xf15e, 0xf15a, 0xf168, 0xf36a, + 0xf15c, 0xc2ee, 0xc2ed, 0xeecf, 0xc2ef, 0xf164, 0xf166, 0xc2ec, + 0xf169, 0xf153, 0xf156, 0xf373, 0xf363, 0xc3eb, 0xf371, 0xf361, + 0xc3ec, 0xf36c, 0xf368, 0xc3f1, 0xf372, 0xf362, 0xf365, 0xc3e9, + 0xf374, 0xf36d, 0xf370, 0xc3ef, 0xc3f4, 0xc3f2, 0xf369, 0xf364, + 0xc3ed, 0xc3ee, 0xf360, 0xc3ea, 0xc3e8, 0xc3f0, 0xf36f, 0xc3f3, + 0xf36b, 0xf375, 0xc3f5, 0xf367, 0xf36e, 0xf4f3, 0xf542, 0xf4f5, + 0xf4fc, 0xf366, 0xf4fa, 0xf4e9, 0xf540, 0xc4c3, 0xf4ed, 0xf4fe, + 0xf4f4, 0xc4c2, 0xf544, 0xf4f6, 0xf4fb, 0xf4fd, 0xf4e7, 0xf541, + 0xf4f2, 0xf4f7, 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0xec46, 0xec4e, 0xec48, 0xec4c, 0xeeef, + 0xeef1, 0xeef2, 0xc1f3, 0xeeee, 0xc1f2, 0xeef0, 0xc1ef, 0xc1f0, + 0xc1f1, 0xec47, 0xc2f5, 0xf16e, 0xf16c, 0xf16d, 0xc2f3, 0xc2f6, + 0xc2f4, 0xf377, 0xf378, 0xc3f6, 0xf545, 0xf547, 0xf546, 0xc4c4, + 0xc550, 0xf66d, 0xf66c, 0xf66b, 0xaafa, 0xc9aa, 0xca58, 0xa6e9, + 0xca56, 0xca59, 0xca57, 0xcbae, 0xa8c1, 0xa8c2, 0xcbb0, 0xa8bf, + 0xcbaf, 0xcbad, 0xa8c0, 0xa8be, 0xcdd8, 0xcddb, 0xaafd, 0xcdda, + 0xcdd9, 0xaafc, 0xaafb, 0xab40, 0xcddc, 0xaafe, 0xd0c6, 0xadae, + 0xadaf, 0xadb0, 0xd0c7, 0xd0c3, 0xadad, 0xd0c4, 0xd0c5, 0xd0c2, + 0xb0a4, 0xb0a1, 0xd445, 0xb0a2, 0xb0a5, 0xd446, 0xb07e, 0xb07c, + 0xb07d, 0xb0a3, 0xb3ad, 0xd849, 0xb3b5, 0xd848, 0xd84b, 0xb3b1, + 0xd84a, 0xb6ab, 0xb3af, 0xb3b2, 0xb3ae, 0xb3b3, 0xb3b4, 0xb3b0, + 0xd847, 0xb6a7, 0xdc7d, 0xdca3, 0xdca2, 0xb6ac, 0xb6a8, 0xb6a9, + 0xdc7c, 0xdc7e, 0xdca1, 0xb6a4, 0xb6a6, 0xb6aa, 0xb6a5, 0xe0d3, + 0xe0d1, 0xe0d2, 0xb96a, 0xb96b, 0xe0d4, 0xb969, 0xbbd8, 0xbbda, + 0xbbd9, 0xe4bb, 0xe4bc, 0xe8ab, 0xe8aa, 0xc047, 0xc048, 0xec4f, + 0xc049, 0xeef6, 0xeef4, 0xeef5, 0xc1f4, 0xf16f, 0xc3f7, 0xc1f5, + 0xab41, 0xb0a6, 0xd447, 0xd84c, 0xb3b6, 0xb6ad, 0xdca4, 0xdca6, + 0xb6af, 0xb6ae, 0xb6b0, 0xb6b1, 0xdca5, 0xb96e, 0xb96f, 0xb96d, + 0xbbdb, 0xb96c, 0xe0d5, 0xbbdc, 0xe8ac, 0xec50, 0xc04a, 0xc1f6, + 0xf170, 0xf174, 0xc2f9, 0xf171, 0xc2fa, 0xc2f8, 0xf175, 0xc2fb, + 0xf173, 0xf379, 0xc2f7, 0xc3f8, 0xf8cd, 0xab42, 0xb3b8, 0xb3b7, + 0xb6b2, 0xdca8, 0xdca7, 0xb6b3, 0xe0d9, 0xb973, 0xb970, 0xe0d8, + 0xb972, 0xe0d6, 0xb971, 0xe0d7, 0xe4bd, 0xbbdd, 0xe8af, 0xbe5d, + 0xe8ad, 0xbe5e, 0xbe5f, 0xe8ae, 0xbe60, 0xec51, 0xc04e, 0xc04b, + 0xc050, 0xec53, 0xc04c, 0xec52, 0xc04f, 0xc04d, 0xeef9, 0xeefb, + 0xc1f7, 0xeefa, 0xc1f8, 0xeef8, 0xeef7, 0xf177, 0xf176, 0xc2fc, + 0xf178, 0xf37e, 0xc3fa, 0xf37d, 0xf37a, 0xc3f9, 0xf37b, 0xf37c, + 0xf548, 0xf549, 0xc4c5, 0xc553, 0xf66e, 0xc551, 0xc552, 0xf66f, + 0xc5b4, 0xc5b5, 0xf771, 0xc645, 0xf8cf, 0xc647, 0xf8ce, 0xf8d0, + 0xc646, 0xf957, 0xf9ad, 0xab43, 0xb974, 0xe4be, 0xe8b0, 0xc051, + 0xc052, 0xab44, 0xbe61, 0xc3fb, 0xadb1, 0xc053, 0xc5e2, 0xadb2, + 0xd84d, 0xdca9, 0xdcab, 0xdcaa, 0xe0dd, 0xe0da, 0xb975, 0xb976, + 0xe0db, 0xe0dc, 0xe4c0, 0xe4c5, 0xbbde, 0xe4bf, 0xe4c1, 0xe4c8, + 0xe4c3, 0xe4c7, 0xe4c4, 0xe4c2, 0xe4c6, 0xbbdf, 0xe8b3, 0xe8b1, + 0xbe63, 0xbe62, 0xe8b2, 0xbe64, 0xec56, 0xec55, 0xc054, 0xec54, + 0xeefc, 0xeefe, 0xef41, 0xef40, 0xc1f9, 0xeefd, 0xf1a1, 0xc2fd, + 0xf17d, 0xf1a2, 0xc2fe, 0xf17b, 0xf17e, 0xf17c, 0xf179, 0xc340, + 0xf17a, 0xf3a1, 0xf3a3, 0xf3a2, 0xf54a, 0xf54b, 0xf670, 0xc5b7, + 0xc5b6, 0xf84f, 0xf850, 0xc648, 0xf8d1, 0xc669, 0xadb3, 0xb6b4, + 0xe4ca, 0xe4c9, 0xe8b5, 0xe8b4, 0xc1fa, 0xef43, 0xef42, 0xf1a5, + 0xf1a3, 0xf1a6, 0xf1a4, 0xc3fc, 0xf3a4, 0xf3a5, 0xf3a6, 0xf671, + 0xf772, 0xf8d2, 0xadb4, 0xec57, 0xef44, 0xadb5, 0xbbe0, 0xec58, + 0xc341, 0xf1a7, 0xc3fd, 0xf54c, 0xf54d, 0xc554, 0xf851, 0xadb6, + 0xb3bb, 0xb3bc, 0xd84e, 0xb6b5, 0xb6b6, 0xdcac, 0xb6b7, 0xb97a, + 0xb97c, 0xe0df, 0xe0e0, 0xe0de, 0xb977, 0xb978, 0xb97b, 0xb979, + 0xe4cb, 0xbbe1, 0xbbe2, 0xe8bc, 0xbe67, 0xe8b7, 0xe8b6, 0xe8bb, + 0xbe65, 0xc05b, 0xe8b8, 0xe8bd, 0xe8ba, 0xe8b9, 0xbe66, 0xc059, + 0xec5a, 0xc055, 0xec5b, 0xec59, 0xc058, 0xc056, 0xc05a, 0xc057, + 0xef45, 0xef4a, 0xef46, 0xef49, 0xc1fb, 0xedd4, 0xef48, 0xef47, + 0xc344, 0xc342, 0xc345, 0xc343, 0xf1a8, 0xf1a9, 0xf1aa, 0xc346, + 0xf3aa, 0xc440, 0xf3a8, 0xc441, 0xf3a7, 0xf3a9, 0xc3fe, 0xf551, + 0xf54e, 0xf54f, 0xf550, 0xf672, 0xc556, 0xc555, 0xf774, 0xf773, + 0xc5b8, 0xc5e3, 0xc649, 0xc660, 0xf958, 0xf9ae, 0xf9af, 0xadb7, + 0xdcad, 0xe0e1, 0xe4cc, 0xe4cd, 0xbbe3, 0xbbe4, 0xe8be, 0xbe68, + 0xc1fc, 0xf1ab, 0xc347, 0xf3ad, 0xc442, 0xf3ac, 0xf3ae, 0xf3ab, + 0xf675, 0xf552, 0xf553, 0xc4c6, 0xf674, 0xf673, 0xf775, 0xf9b0, + 0xadb8, 0xadb9, 0xb0a7, 0xd448, 0xd84f, 0xb6b8, 0xb6bb, 0xb6b9, + 0xdcae, 0xb6bd, 0xb6ba, 0xb6bc, 0xb97e, 0xe0e2, 0xe0e3, 0xe8c0, + 0xb97d, 0xb9a1, 0xb9a2, 0xe4cf, 0xe4ce, 0xbbe5, 0xbbe6, 0xe4d0, + 0xe8bf, 0xbbe8, 0xbe69, 0xbbe7, 0xc05c, 0xe8c1, 0xbe6b, 0xbe6a, + 0xe8c2, 0xe8c5, 0xe8c3, 0xe8c4, 0xbe6c, 0xc061, 0xc05f, 0xc05e, + 0xec5d, 0xc060, 0xec5c, 0xef4b, 0xec5e, 0xc05d, 0xec5f, 0xef4e, + 0xef4c, 0xef4d, 0xef52, 0xc34b, 0xef51, 0xef54, 0xef53, 0xef50, + 0xef4f, 0xc1fd, 0xf1ae, 0xf1ad, 0xc34a, 0xc348, 0xc349, 0xf1ac, + 0xf3b1, 0xc443, 0xf3b0, 0xf3af, 0xc444, 0xf558, 0xf557, 0xf555, + 0xf554, 0xc4c8, 0xc4c7, 0xf559, 0xf776, 0xc5b9, 0xf677, 0xc557, + 0xf676, 0xf556, 0xf777, 0xc5e4, 0xc661, 0xf959, 0xf9b1, 0xadba, + 0xd850, 0xef55, 0xadbb, 0xe4d2, 0xe4d1, 0xec60, 0xef57, 0xef56, + 0xc34c, 0xf3b2, 0xf3b3, 0xc4c9, 0xf9b2, 0xb0a8, 0xb6bf, 0xb6be, + 0xe0e4, 0xe0e6, 0xb9a4, 0xe0e5, 0xb9a3, 0xb9a5, 0xe0e7, 0xe4d4, + 0xe4d6, 0xe4d5, 0xe4d8, 0xbbe9, 0xe4d7, 0xe4d3, 0xe4d9, 0xe8cc, + 0xe8cf, 0xe8d1, 0xe8c7, 0xe8cb, 0xe8c8, 0xbe6e, 0xbe71, 0xbe73, + 0xe8c9, 0xe8ca, 0xbe72, 0xe8cd, 0xe8d0, 0xe8ce, 0xbe74, 0xbe70, + 0xe8c6, 0xbe6d, 0xbe6f, 0xc063, 0xec66, 0xec64, 0xec63, 0xec69, + 0xec68, 0xec67, 0xec62, 0xc062, 0xec61, 0xec65, 0xc064, 0xef5a, + 0xef5e, 0xef5b, 0xef5d, 0xef5c, 0xef59, 0xef5f, 0xef62, 0xef60, + 0xef61, 0xc240, 0xc1fe, 0xef58, 0xef63, 0xf1b3, 0xf1b6, 0xf1b8, + 0xf1b7, 0xf1b1, 0xf1b5, 0xf1b0, 0xf1b2, 0xc34d, 0xf1af, 0xf1b4, + 0xf3c0, 0xf3b5, 0xc445, 0xc446, 0xf3b4, 0xf3b9, 0xf3bf, 0xf3b7, + 0xf3be, 0xf3bb, 0xf3ba, 0xf3bd, 0xf3b8, 0xf3b6, 0xf3bc, 0xf560, + 0xf55e, 0xc4ca, 0xf55d, 0xf563, 0xf561, 0xc4cb, 0xf55c, 0xf55a, + 0xf55b, 0xc4cd, 0xf55f, 0xc4cc, 0xf562, 0xf678, 0xf67e, 0xf679, + 0xc55b, 0xf6a1, 0xc55a, 0xf67d, 0xf67c, 0xc559, 0xf67b, 0xc558, + 0xf67a, 0xf77d, 0xf7a1, 0xf77e, 0xf77b, 0xc5bb, 0xf778, 0xf77c, + 0xf7a3, 0xf7a2, 0xf779, 0xf77a, 0xc5ba, 0xf852, 0xc5e7, 0xf853, + 0xc5e5, 0xc5e6, 0xf8d3, 0xc64a, 0xf976, 0xc66a, 0xf9b3, 0xc66b, + 0xf9b4, 0xf9b5, 0xf9c3, 0xf9c2, 0xc67a, 0xf9cd, 0xb0a9, 0xe0e9, + 0xe0e8, 0xbbea, 0xbbeb, 0xe4da, 0xe8d2, 0xec6c, 0xbe75, 0xc065, + 0xec6a, 0xec6d, 0xc066, 0xef64, 0xec6b, 0xf1b9, 0xc34e, 0xf3c1, + 0xf566, 0xf564, 0xf565, 0xf6a2, 0xc55c, 0xf7a4, 0xc5ea, 0xc5bc, + 0xc5e8, 0xc5e9, 0xf8d4, 0xc662, 0xb0aa, 0xf1ba, 0xd449, 0xb9a6, + 0xe4db, 0xbbec, 0xe4dc, 0xe8d4, 0xe8d3, 0xc068, 0xbe76, 0xbe77, + 0xe8d7, 0xe8d6, 0xe8d5, 0xec6e, 0xec71, 0xec70, 0xec6f, 0xc067, + 0xef68, 0xef66, 0xef65, 0xef67, 0xc34f, 0xf1bc, 0xf1bd, 0xc350, + 0xf1bb, 0xf3c3, 0xf3c2, 0xf3c5, 0xc447, 0xf3c4, 0xf567, 0xf569, + 0xf568, 0xf6a3, 0xf6a6, 0xf6a4, 0xf6a5, 0xf7a5, 0xc5bd, 0xf854, + 0xf855, 0xf856, 0xc64b, 0xc663, 0xf9b6, 0xb0ab, 0xbe78, 0xc069, + 0xf1be, 0xf7a6, 0xf9c4, 0xd44a, 0xc67b, 0xb0ac, 0xec72, 0xf1bf, + 0xf3c6, 0xf6a7, 0xf7a7, 0xb0ad, 0xe4dd, 0xe4de, 0xbbed, 0xbbee, + 0xe8d9, 0xbe7a, 0xbe79, 0xe8d8, 0xef69, 0xf1c0, 0xf1c2, 0xf1c1, + 0xc353, 0xc352, 0xc351, 0xc55e, 0xf6a8, 0xc55d, 0xf7a9, 0xf7a8, + 0xc64c, 0xf8d5, 0xb3bd, 0xe0ea, 0xe4e1, 0xe4df, 0xe4e0, 0xe8e2, + 0xe8dd, 0xe8da, 0xe8e1, 0xe8e3, 0xbe7c, 0xe8e0, 0xe8dc, 0xe8db, + 0xe8df, 0xe8de, 0xbe7b, 0xec7d, 0xec78, 0xec76, 0xeca1, 0xec77, + 0xec73, 0xec79, 0xec74, 0xef72, 0xec75, 0xeca2, 0xec7c, 0xc06a, + 0xec7b, 0xec7a, 0xec7e, 0xef6a, 0xef6d, 0xef6c, 0xef74, 0xef6f, + 0xef73, 0xef71, 0xef70, 0xef6e, 0xef6b, 0xc243, 0xc242, 0xc244, + 0xc241, 0xef75, 0xf1c8, 0xf1cb, 0xf1c9, 0xf1cd, 0xf1ce, 0xf1c6, + 0xc358, 0xf1c7, 0xf1c5, 0xf1cc, 0xf1c4, 0xf1c3, 0xc357, 0xc355, + 0xc354, 0xf1ca, 0xf3cf, 0xf3d5, 0xc44a, 0xf3d0, 0xf3d3, 0xf3d7, + 0xc44b, 0xf3d2, 0xf3ca, 0xf3c9, 0xf3d6, 0xf3cd, 0xf3cb, 0xf3d4, + 0xf3cc, 0xc449, 0xc448, 0xf3c7, 0xf3c8, 0xf3d1, 0xf3ce, 0xf56c, + 0xf56f, 0xc356, 0xf56d, 0xf573, 0xf571, 0xf56b, 0xf576, 0xf56a, + 0xc4cf, 0xf572, 0xf56e, 0xc4ce, 0xf575, 0xf574, 0xf6ab, 0xf6aa, + 0xf6b1, 0xf6ad, 0xf6b0, 0xc560, 0xf6ae, 0xf6af, 0xf6a9, 0xf6ac, + 0xc55f, 0xc5bf, 0xf7b4, 0xf7af, 0xf7b3, 0xf7b6, 0xf7b2, 0xf7ae, + 0xc5c1, 0xf7b1, 0xf7b5, 0xc5c0, 0xf7ac, 0xf570, 0xf7b0, 0xf7ad, + 0xf7aa, 0xf7ab, 0xc5be, 0xf85a, 0xf85c, 0xf85f, 0xf85b, 0xf860, + 0xf859, 0xf857, 0xc5eb, 0xf85d, 0xc5ed, 0xc5ec, 0xf858, 0xf85e, + 0xf8da, 0xc64d, 0xf8db, 0xf8d9, 0xf8d6, 0xf8d8, 0xf8d7, 0xf95a, + 0xf95c, 0xf95b, 0xf979, 0xf978, 0xf977, 0xf97a, 0xc673, 0xc674, + 0xf9ca, 0xf9ce, 0xb3be, 0xdcaf, 0xe0ed, 0xb9a7, 0xe0eb, 0xe0ec, + 0xe4e2, 0xe4e3, 0xbbf1, 0xbbef, 0xe4e4, 0xbbf0, 0xe8e8, 0xe8eb, + 0xe8e5, 0xe8ec, 0xe8e4, 0xe8e6, 0xe8e7, 0xe8ea, 0xbea1, 0xe8ef, + 0xe8ee, 0xbe7d, 0xe8e9, 0xe8ed, 0xbe7e, 0xecac, 0xc06f, 0xeca7, + 0xc06b, 0xeca4, 0xecaa, 0xecad, 0xc070, 0xeca9, 0xeca6, 0xecae, + 0xeca5, 0xecab, 0xc06c, 0xeca3, 0xc06d, 0xc06e, 0xeca8, 0xefa9, + 0xef7a, 0xef7b, 0xef7e, 0xef7c, 0xef76, 0xef79, 0xefa5, 0xef7d, + 0xc245, 0xefa7, 0xefa4, 0xc246, 0xefa6, 0xef77, 0xefa2, 0xefa3, + 0xefa1, 0xf1d2, 0xf1d4, 0xf1d7, 0xf1d1, 0xc359, 0xf1d9, 0xf1d0, + 0xf1da, 0xf1d6, 0xf1d8, 0xf1dc, 0xf1d5, 0xf1dd, 0xf1d3, 0xf1cf, + 0xc35a, 0xf1db, 0xc35b, 0xc44d, 0xef78, 0xf3f1, 0xf3e8, 0xc44f, + 0xf3e4, 0xc450, 0xf3ed, 0xf3e7, 0xf3dd, 0xc44e, 0xf3ea, 0xf3e5, + 0xf3e6, 0xf3d8, 0xf3df, 0xf3ee, 0xf3eb, 0xf3e3, 0xf3ef, 0xf3de, + 0xf3d9, 0xf3ec, 0xf3db, 0xf3e9, 0xf3e0, 0xf3f0, 0xf3dc, 0xc44c, + 0xf3da, 0xf3e1, 0xf3e2, 0xf57d, 0xf57b, 0xf5a2, 0xf5ae, 0xf5a5, + 0xf57c, 0xf578, 0xf5a7, 0xf57e, 0xf5a3, 0xf57a, 0xf5aa, 0xf577, + 0xf5a1, 0xf5a6, 0xf5a8, 0xf5ab, 0xf579, 0xf5af, 0xf5b0, 0xf5a9, + 0xf5ad, 0xf5a4, 0xf6c1, 0xf6c4, 0xc561, 0xf6c3, 0xf6c8, 0xf6c6, + 0xc562, 0xf6bd, 0xf6b3, 0xf6b2, 0xc564, 0xf6bf, 0xf6c0, 0xf6bc, + 0xf6b4, 0xf6b9, 0xf5ac, 0xf6b5, 0xc563, 0xf6bb, 0xf6ba, 0xf6b6, + 0xf6c2, 0xf6b7, 0xf7bb, 0xf6c5, 0xf6c7, 0xf6be, 0xf6b8, 0xf7bc, + 0xf7be, 0xf7b8, 0xc5c2, 0xf7c5, 0xf7c3, 0xc5c3, 0xf7c2, 0xf7c1, + 0xf7ba, 0xf7b7, 0xf7bd, 0xf7c6, 0xf7b9, 0xf7bf, 0xf869, 0xf86e, + 0xf864, 0xf867, 0xc5ee, 0xf86b, 0xf872, 0xf7c0, 0xf865, 0xf86f, + 0xf873, 0xf86a, 0xf863, 0xf86d, 0xf86c, 0xf871, 0xf870, 0xf7c4, + 0xf868, 0xf862, 0xf866, 0xc64e, 0xc64f, 0xf861, 0xf8e6, 0xf8dd, + 0xf8e5, 0xf8e2, 0xf8e3, 0xf8dc, 0xf8df, 0xf8e7, 0xf8e1, 0xf8e0, + 0xf8de, 0xf8e4, 0xf95d, 0xf95e, 0xf960, 0xf95f, 0xf962, 0xf961, + 0xf97c, 0xf97b, 0xf9b7, 0xf9b8, 0xf9c5, 0xc678, 0xc67c, 0xf9cf, + 0xc67d, 0xb3bf, 0xc4d0, 0xf6c9, 0xc650, 0xc651, 0xb3c0, 0xe0ee, + 0xb9a8, 0xe8f0, 0xecb0, 0xecb1, 0xecaf, 0xefab, 0xefaa, 0xc247, + 0xf1df, 0xefac, 0xf1de, 0xf3f3, 0xc451, 0xc453, 0xf3f2, 0xc452, + 0xf5b1, 0xf5b3, 0xf5b2, 0xf6ca, 0xc565, 0xc5ef, 0xf8e8, 0xf963, + 0xf9d2, 0xb3c1, 0xe4e5, 0xbea2, 0xecb3, 0xecb2, 0xefad, 0xc454, + 0xc4d1, 0xf7c7, 0xf9cb, 0xb3c2, 0xbbf2, 0xbea3, 0xf3f4, 0xf874, + 0xb6c0, 0xefae, 0xc664, 0xb6c1, 0xbea4, 0xc248, 0xf875, 0xb6c2, + 0xe8f1, 0xc072, 0xecb4, 0xecb5, 0xc071, 0xefaf, 0xc24c, 0xc24a, + 0xc24b, 0xc249, 0xf1e0, 0xc35c, 0xf5b5, 0xf5b4, 0xf5b7, 0xf5b6, + 0xc4d2, 0xf6cb, 0xf6cd, 0xf6cc, 0xc566, 0xf7c8, 0xf876, 0xf877, + 0xc5f0, 0xf964, 0xf97d, 0xc675, 0xdcb0, 0xecb6, 0xefb0, 0xf3f5, + 0xe0ef, 0xefb1, 0xf1e2, 0xf1e1, 0xf878, 0xc652, 0xf965, 0xf97e, + 0xb9a9, 0xe8f2, 0xe8f3, 0xecb7, 0xb9aa, 0xc35d, 0xf1e3, 0xf6cf, + 0xc567, 0xf6d0, 0xf6ce, 0xf879, 0xf8e9, 0xb9ab, 0xefb4, 0xefb3, + 0xefb2, 0xf1e4, 0xf1e8, 0xf1e7, 0xf1e6, 0xf1e5, 0xc35e, 0xf3f6, + 0xf5b9, 0xc4d3, 0xf5b8, 0xf6d1, 0xf7cb, 0xf7ca, 0xc5c4, 0xf7c9, + 0xf87c, 0xf87b, 0xf87a, 0xbbf3, 0xecb8, 0xc24d, 0xf3f7, 0xf3f8, + 0xf7cc, 0xf87d, 0xf8ea, 0xf966, 0xf9b9, 0xf9d4, 0xbbf4, 0xc24e, + 0xf1e9, 0xf3f9, 0xf6d2, 0xf87e, 0xbea6, 0xefb5, 0xf1ea, 0xf3fa, + 0xf3fb, 0xf3fc, 0xf5be, 0xf5ba, 0xc568, 0xf5bd, 0xf5bc, 0xc4d4, + 0xf5bb, 0xc4d6, 0xc4d5, 0xf6d4, 0xf6d3, 0xc569, 0xc56a, 0xc5c6, + 0xf7cd, 0xc5c5, 0xf8a3, 0xf8a4, 0xf8a2, 0xf8a1, 0xc654, 0xf8eb, + 0xf8ec, 0xf8ed, 0xc653, 0xf967, 0xf96a, 0xf969, 0xf968, 0xf9d3, + 0xc073, 0xc365, 0xf5bf, 0xf6d5, 0xc5c7, 0xf7ce, 0xf9d5, 0xc074, + 0xefb6, 0xf7cf, 0xf9a1, 0xc94a, 0xddfc, 0xa14a, 0xa157, 0xa159, + 0xa15b, 0xa15f, 0xa160, 0xa163, 0xa164, 0xa167, 0xa168, 0xa16b, + 0xa16c, 0xa16f, 0xa170, 0xa173, 0xa174, 0xa177, 0xa178, 0xa17b, + 0xa17c, 0xa1c6, 0xa1c7, 0xa1ca, 0xa1cb, 0xa1c8, 0xa1c9, 0xa15c, + 0xa14d, 0xa14f, 0xa151, 0xa152, 0xa153, 0xa154, 0xa17d, 0xa17e, + 0xa1a1, 0xa1a2, 0xa1a3, 0xa1a4, 0xa1cc, 0xa1cd, 0xa1ce, 0xa1de, + 0xa1df, 0xa1e0, 0xa1e1, 0xa1e2, 0xa24c, 0xa24d, 0xa24e, 0xa149, + 0xa1ad, 0xa243, 0xa248, 0xa1ae, 0xa15d, 0xa15e, 0xa1af, 0xa1cf, + 0xa141, 0xa1d0, 0xa144, 0xa241, 0xa2af, 0xa2b0, 0xa2b1, 0xa2b2, + 0xa2b3, 0xa2b4, 0xa2b5, 0xa2b6, 0xa2b7, 0xa2b8, 0xa147, 0xa146, + 0xa1d5, 0xa1d7, 0xa1d6, 0xa148, 0xa249, 0xa2cf, 0xa2d0, 0xa2d1, + 0xa2d2, 0xa2d3, 0xa2d4, 0xa2d5, 0xa2d6, 0xa2d7, 0xa2d8, 0xa2d9, + 0xa2da, 0xa2db, 0xa2dc, 0xa2dd, 0xa2de, 0xa2df, 0xa2e0, 0xa2e1, + 0xa2e2, 0xa2e3, 0xa2e4, 0xa2e5, 0xa2e6, 0xa2e7, 0xa2e8, 0xa242, + 0xa1c4, 0xa2e9, 0xa2ea, 0xa2eb, 0xa2ec, 0xa2ed, 0xa2ee, 0xa2ef, + 0xa2f0, 0xa2f1, 0xa2f2, 0xa2f3, 0xa2f4, 0xa2f5, 0xa2f6, 0xa2f7, + 0xa2f8, 0xa2f9, 0xa2fa, 0xa2fb, 0xa2fc, 0xa2fd, 0xa2fe, 0xa340, + 0xa341, 0xa342, 0xa343, 0xa161, 0xa155, 0xa162, 0xa14e, +}; + +static const Summary16 big5_uni2indx_page00[16] = { + /* 0x0000 */ + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x00ac }, { 4, 0x0083 }, + { 7, 0x0000 }, { 7, 0x0080 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0080 }, +}; +static const Summary16 big5_uni2indx_page02[38] = { + /* 0x0200 */ + { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, + { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, + { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, + { 9, 0x0e80 }, { 13, 0x0200 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x0300 */ + { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, + { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, + { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0xfffe }, { 29, 0x03fb }, { 38, 0xfffe }, + { 53, 0x03fb }, { 62, 0x0000 }, { 62, 0x0000 }, { 62, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x0400 */ + { 62, 0x0002 }, { 63, 0x1ff0 }, { 72, 0xfff8 }, { 85, 0xffff }, + { 101, 0xffff }, { 117, 0x0002 }, +}; +static const Summary16 big5_uni2indx_page20[44] = { + /* 0x2000 */ + { 118, 0x0000 }, { 118, 0x3318 }, { 124, 0x0064 }, { 127, 0x4824 }, + { 131, 0x0000 }, { 131, 0x0000 }, { 131, 0x0000 }, { 131, 0x0000 }, + { 131, 0x0000 }, { 131, 0x0000 }, { 131, 0x0000 }, { 131, 0x0000 }, + { 131, 0x0000 }, { 131, 0x0000 }, { 131, 0x0000 }, { 131, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2100 */ + { 131, 0x0228 }, { 134, 0x0000 }, { 134, 0x0000 }, { 134, 0x0000 }, + { 134, 0x0000 }, { 134, 0x0000 }, { 134, 0x03ff }, { 144, 0x0000 }, + { 144, 0x0000 }, { 144, 0x03cf }, { 152, 0x0000 }, { 152, 0x0000 }, + { 152, 0x0000 }, { 152, 0x0000 }, { 152, 0x0000 }, { 152, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2200 */ + { 152, 0x0000 }, { 152, 0xc400 }, { 155, 0x4e29 }, { 162, 0x1030 }, + { 165, 0x0000 }, { 165, 0x0004 }, { 166, 0x00c3 }, { 170, 0x0000 }, + { 170, 0x0000 }, { 170, 0x0000 }, { 170, 0x0020 }, { 171, 0x8000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 big5_uni2indx_page24[37] = { + /* 0x2400 */ + { 172, 0x0000 }, { 172, 0x0000 }, { 172, 0x0000 }, { 172, 0x0000 }, + { 172, 0x0000 }, { 172, 0x0000 }, { 172, 0x03ff }, { 182, 0x3ff0 }, + { 192, 0x0000 }, { 192, 0x0000 }, { 192, 0x0000 }, { 192, 0x0000 }, + { 192, 0x0000 }, { 192, 0x0000 }, { 192, 0x0000 }, { 192, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2500 */ + { 192, 0x1005 }, { 195, 0x1111 }, { 199, 0x1010 }, { 201, 0x1010 }, + { 203, 0x0000 }, { 203, 0x4001 }, { 205, 0xe402 }, { 210, 0x000f }, + { 214, 0xfffe }, { 229, 0x0030 }, { 231, 0x0003 }, { 233, 0x300c }, + { 237, 0xc8c0 }, { 242, 0x0000 }, { 242, 0x003c }, { 246, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2600 */ + { 246, 0x0260 }, { 249, 0x0000 }, { 249, 0x0000 }, { 249, 0x0000 }, + { 249, 0x0007 }, +}; +static const Summary16 big5_uni2indx_page30[62] = { + /* 0x3000 */ + { 252, 0xff2f }, { 265, 0x6037 }, { 272, 0x03fe }, { 281, 0x0000 }, + { 281, 0xfffe }, { 296, 0xffff }, { 312, 0xffff }, { 328, 0xffff }, + { 344, 0xffff }, { 360, 0x600f }, { 366, 0xfffe }, { 381, 0xffff }, + { 397, 0xffff }, { 413, 0xffff }, { 429, 0xffff }, { 445, 0x407f }, + /* 0x3100 */ + { 453, 0xffe0 }, { 464, 0xffff }, { 480, 0x03ff }, { 490, 0x0000 }, + { 490, 0x0000 }, { 490, 0x0000 }, { 490, 0x0000 }, { 490, 0x0000 }, + { 490, 0x0000 }, { 490, 0x0000 }, { 490, 0x0000 }, { 490, 0x0000 }, + { 490, 0x0000 }, { 490, 0x0000 }, { 490, 0x0000 }, { 490, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3200 */ + { 490, 0x0000 }, { 490, 0x0000 }, { 490, 0x0000 }, { 490, 0x0000 }, + { 490, 0x0000 }, { 490, 0x0000 }, { 490, 0x0000 }, { 490, 0x0000 }, + { 490, 0x0000 }, { 490, 0x0000 }, { 490, 0x0008 }, { 491, 0x0000 }, + { 491, 0x0000 }, { 491, 0x0000 }, { 491, 0x0000 }, { 491, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3300 */ + { 491, 0x0000 }, { 491, 0x0000 }, { 491, 0x0000 }, { 491, 0x0000 }, + { 491, 0x0000 }, { 491, 0x0000 }, { 491, 0x0000 }, { 491, 0x0000 }, + { 491, 0xc000 }, { 493, 0x7000 }, { 496, 0x0002 }, { 497, 0x0000 }, + { 497, 0x4010 }, { 499, 0x0026 }, +}; +static const Summary16 big5_uni2indx_page4e[1307] = { + /* 0x4e00 */ + { 502, 0xff8b }, { 514, 0xc373 }, { 523, 0x6840 }, { 527, 0x1b0f }, + { 535, 0xe9ac }, { 544, 0xf34c }, { 553, 0x0200 }, { 554, 0xc008 }, + { 557, 0x795c }, { 566, 0xca3e }, { 575, 0x7976 }, { 585, 0x0648 }, + { 589, 0x2fdf }, { 601, 0xf7f0 }, { 612, 0x033a }, { 618, 0xa8ff }, + /* 0x4f00 */ + { 629, 0xef37 }, { 641, 0x233f }, { 650, 0xb004 }, { 654, 0xfd59 }, + { 665, 0xf3ca }, { 675, 0xffff }, { 691, 0xde9f }, { 703, 0xfff9 }, + { 717, 0xabff }, { 730, 0x7df7 }, { 743, 0xc000 }, { 745, 0x8eec }, + { 754, 0xeebf }, { 767, 0xffdb }, { 781, 0xd003 }, { 786, 0x45fa }, + /* 0x5000 */ + { 795, 0xfae1 }, { 805, 0xdffe }, { 819, 0xbfef }, { 833, 0x10ab }, + { 839, 0xffeb }, { 853, 0xfcaa }, { 863, 0xef3f }, { 876, 0x24fd }, + { 885, 0x78ad }, { 894, 0x7f76 }, { 906, 0xf00c }, { 912, 0xedff }, + { 926, 0xcff6 }, { 938, 0x2cfa }, { 947, 0xf7f9 }, { 960, 0xeb6b }, + /* 0x5100 */ + { 971, 0x1ffd }, { 983, 0x95bf }, { 994, 0x6677 }, { 1004, 0xbfbf }, + { 1018, 0x3bfb }, { 1030, 0xfeb4 }, { 1041, 0x7bae }, { 1052, 0x11e2 }, + { 1058, 0xa681 }, { 1064, 0x41be }, { 1072, 0x1435 }, { 1078, 0x72c3 }, + { 1086, 0x7d70 }, { 1095, 0x7191 }, { 1102, 0x0003 }, { 1104, 0x276b }, + /* 0x5200 */ + { 1113, 0x57cb }, { 1123, 0x70cf }, { 1132, 0x4732 }, { 1139, 0x0def }, + { 1149, 0x7eda }, { 1160, 0xfc74 }, { 1170, 0xfe06 }, { 1179, 0xbdb4 }, + { 1189, 0x3f9f }, { 1201, 0x8bca }, { 1209, 0x7e49 }, { 1218, 0x5800 }, + { 1221, 0x228f }, { 1228, 0xebec }, { 1239, 0x8a5c }, { 1246, 0xddbb }, + /* 0x5300 */ + { 1258, 0xef60 }, { 1267, 0xb6e7 }, { 1278, 0xa40f }, { 1285, 0xf293 }, + { 1294, 0x37bb }, { 1305, 0x549e }, { 1313, 0xd04b }, { 1320, 0x9baf }, + { 1331, 0xc414 }, { 1336, 0xf7d4 }, { 1347, 0x30b0 }, { 1352, 0x0a14 }, + { 1356, 0x2f08 }, { 1362, 0x88d0 }, { 1367, 0xff7e }, { 1381, 0x192f }, + /* 0x5400 */ + { 1389, 0xffda }, { 1402, 0xfb07 }, { 1412, 0x7ff1 }, { 1424, 0x7beb }, + { 1436, 0xc5ef }, { 1447, 0x0010 }, { 1448, 0x99ff }, { 1460, 0xfdff }, + { 1475, 0x79d7 }, { 1486, 0x0567 }, { 1493, 0xffe7 }, { 1507, 0xfdcb }, + { 1519, 0xc3ff }, { 1531, 0x4040 }, { 1533, 0x6ff7 }, { 1546, 0xbd8e }, + /* 0x5500 */ + { 1556, 0xdffa }, { 1569, 0x0497 }, { 1575, 0xf4c0 }, { 1582, 0x5bff }, + { 1595, 0xed7b }, { 1607, 0xd0e7 }, { 1616, 0x047e }, { 1623, 0xf8e0 }, + { 1631, 0xff9f }, { 1645, 0xb73e }, { 1656, 0x7dfe }, { 1669, 0x882e }, + { 1675, 0xfffd }, { 1690, 0xbe7f }, { 1703, 0x83fe }, { 1713, 0xf6c4 }, + /* 0x5600 */ + { 1722, 0xf357 }, { 1733, 0xb8fd }, { 1744, 0xd680 }, { 1750, 0xef7d }, + { 1763, 0x5767 }, { 1773, 0x4788 }, { 1779, 0xff7d }, { 1793, 0xc3df }, + { 1804, 0xf0ff }, { 1816, 0x37a9 }, { 1825, 0x7de0 }, { 1834, 0x70fc }, + { 1843, 0x3f6f }, { 1855, 0xec9a }, { 1864, 0x4cb3 }, { 1872, 0x8681 }, + /* 0x5700 */ + { 1877, 0x3f9e }, { 1888, 0xdd5c }, { 1898, 0xf70d }, { 1908, 0x4819 }, + { 1913, 0xfea3 }, { 1924, 0x0007 }, { 1927, 0xaf56 }, { 1937, 0x38ff }, + { 1948, 0x980d }, { 1954, 0xefb8 }, { 1965, 0x403d }, { 1971, 0xb760 }, + { 1979, 0xd8ce }, { 1988, 0x9035 }, { 1994, 0x72bf }, { 2005, 0x3fff }, + /* 0x5800 */ + { 2019, 0x7ff7 }, { 2033, 0x7a11 }, { 2040, 0xf7bb }, { 2053, 0xabff }, + { 2066, 0xff00 }, { 2074, 0x6fbe }, { 2086, 0xa93c }, { 2094, 0xfe72 }, + { 2105, 0xcfef }, { 2118, 0xf11b }, { 2127, 0xdb6b }, { 2138, 0xf40a }, + { 2145, 0xc3e6 }, { 2154, 0xef7e }, { 2167, 0x9b9c }, { 2176, 0xf610 }, + /* 0x5900 */ + { 2183, 0xf048 }, { 2189, 0x16f4 }, { 2197, 0xfeb5 }, { 2209, 0x5182 }, + { 2214, 0xc7b1 }, { 2223, 0x15bb }, { 2232, 0x6e87 }, { 2241, 0xfbdf }, + { 2255, 0xe43f }, { 2265, 0x63cd }, { 2274, 0xc1ff }, { 2285, 0x7e7e }, + { 2297, 0xfdeb }, { 2310, 0x7d5f }, { 2322, 0x777b }, { 2334, 0xfcfe }, + /* 0x5a00 */ + { 2347, 0x960b }, { 2354, 0xdbea }, { 2365, 0x6229 }, { 2371, 0x53e8 }, + { 2379, 0x37df }, { 2391, 0xfdef }, { 2405, 0x36f5 }, { 2415, 0xbd81 }, + { 2423, 0xdc18 }, { 2430, 0xfcbd }, { 2442, 0xd2e4 }, { 2450, 0xffff }, + { 2466, 0x3fd7 }, { 2478, 0xffe0 }, { 2489, 0x7f6f }, { 2502, 0xabf8 }, + /* 0x5b00 */ + { 2512, 0x9bae }, { 2522, 0x6ed9 }, { 2532, 0xf5fb }, { 2545, 0xf115 }, + { 2553, 0x79a9 }, { 2562, 0xbdfb }, { 2575, 0x5a3c }, { 2583, 0xadaf }, + { 2594, 0xdbba }, { 2605, 0x1fac }, { 2614, 0x71fc }, { 2624, 0x8379 }, + { 2632, 0x7cf7 }, { 2644, 0xc35f }, { 2654, 0xdfff }, { 2669, 0x0567 }, + /* 0x5c00 */ + { 2676, 0xff9a }, { 2688, 0x8467 }, { 2695, 0x1534 }, { 2701, 0xdf8b }, + { 2712, 0xf9f3 }, { 2724, 0x3373 }, { 2733, 0xf7bd }, { 2746, 0x5e1a }, + { 2754, 0xbf40 }, { 2762, 0xa03f }, { 2770, 0xffff }, { 2786, 0x01eb }, + { 2793, 0xdfc0 }, { 2802, 0xcfdd }, { 2814, 0x7500 }, { 2819, 0xabd3 }, + /* 0x5d00 */ + { 2829, 0xf8c3 }, { 2838, 0xeed6 }, { 2849, 0x43fd }, { 2859, 0xb7ff }, + { 2873, 0x5eaf }, { 2884, 0x4227 }, { 2890, 0x9bac }, { 2899, 0xf686 }, + { 2908, 0x27d7 }, { 2918, 0xf6bc }, { 2929, 0xf787 }, { 2940, 0x35b7 }, + { 2950, 0xaacd }, { 2959, 0xe176 }, { 2968, 0x49e7 }, { 2977, 0xe29f }, + /* 0x5e00 */ + { 2987, 0x545c }, { 2994, 0xaff2 }, { 3005, 0x2b3f }, { 3015, 0x61d8 }, + { 3022, 0xfc3b }, { 3033, 0xbbb8 }, { 3043, 0xffcf }, { 3057, 0x7b7d }, + { 3069, 0xbf95 }, { 3080, 0x1ce0 }, { 3086, 0x7dfd }, { 3099, 0x43ff }, + { 3110, 0x5ff6 }, { 3122, 0xfffe }, { 3137, 0xd3ef }, { 3149, 0xc4ce }, + /* 0x5f00 */ + { 3157, 0x8db6 }, { 3166, 0xadbc }, { 3176, 0x63dc }, { 3185, 0x11eb }, + { 3193, 0xdf59 }, { 3204, 0x23d0 }, { 3210, 0xbeb4 }, { 3220, 0xf3db }, + { 3232, 0x1fe7 }, { 3243, 0xdbc7 }, { 3254, 0xff63 }, { 3266, 0xfae4 }, + { 3276, 0xb22b }, { 3284, 0x63f7 }, { 3295, 0xed3b }, { 3306, 0xadba }, + /* 0x6000 */ + { 3316, 0xfe01 }, { 3324, 0x7eff }, { 3338, 0xfff7 }, { 3353, 0x02bc }, + { 3359, 0x32ff }, { 3370, 0xef39 }, { 3381, 0xfffc }, { 3395, 0x8005 }, + { 3398, 0x77fb }, { 3411, 0xbcf5 }, { 3422, 0x010d }, { 3426, 0xfff7 }, + { 3441, 0xfffb }, { 3456, 0xbf3a }, { 3467, 0x0057 }, { 3472, 0xdfff }, + /* 0x6100 */ + { 3487, 0xef7b }, { 3500, 0xbd7d }, { 3512, 0xdb88 }, { 3520, 0xc8d4 }, + { 3527, 0xfff3 }, { 3541, 0xed7c }, { 3552, 0x5dee }, { 3563, 0x56ff }, + { 3575, 0x7e0d }, { 3584, 0xac5f }, { 3594, 0xff96 }, { 3606, 0xd57f }, + { 3618, 0x3fee }, { 3630, 0xc140 }, { 3634, 0x6ff9 }, { 3646, 0xffe7 }, + /* 0x6200 */ + { 3660, 0x779b }, { 3671, 0x8e77 }, { 3681, 0x6ebf }, { 3693, 0xe45d }, + { 3702, 0x6fcf }, { 3714, 0x5f1f }, { 3725, 0xe07f }, { 3735, 0xfedf }, + { 3749, 0xd7db }, { 3761, 0x01fe }, { 3769, 0xff00 }, { 3777, 0xfb7b }, + { 3790, 0xffd4 }, { 3802, 0x1fdf }, { 3814, 0xf800 }, { 3819, 0xffff }, + /* 0x6300 */ + { 3835, 0xfb8f }, { 3847, 0x007b }, { 3853, 0xbf00 }, { 3860, 0x7f5c }, + { 3871, 0xffff }, { 3887, 0x07f3 }, { 3896, 0xeba0 }, { 3904, 0x3de7 }, + { 3915, 0xf7bf }, { 3929, 0xfbd7 }, { 3942, 0xffbf }, { 3957, 0x6003 }, + { 3961, 0xfffd }, { 3976, 0xbfed }, { 3989, 0xefbb }, { 4002, 0x027f }, + /* 0x6400 */ + { 4010, 0xfe40 }, { 4018, 0xddfd }, { 4031, 0xfdff }, { 4046, 0xe2f9 }, + { 4056, 0x680b }, { 4062, 0xfb1f }, { 4074, 0xfbe3 }, { 4086, 0xaffd }, + { 4099, 0x9fa4 }, { 4108, 0xf7ed }, { 4121, 0x7a7d }, { 4132, 0xf80f }, + { 4141, 0xeebe }, { 4153, 0x0fd5 }, { 4162, 0xbb5d }, { 4173, 0xfd9f }, + /* 0x6500 */ + { 4186, 0xf2db }, { 4197, 0x3bf9 }, { 4208, 0xfe7f }, { 4222, 0xebcc }, + { 4232, 0x876a }, { 4240, 0x73fa }, { 4251, 0x95fc }, { 4261, 0x9ffc }, + { 4273, 0x109f }, { 4280, 0xfaf7 }, { 4293, 0xddb7 }, { 4305, 0xbbcd }, + { 4316, 0xf87e }, { 4327, 0xeccd }, { 4337, 0xf366 }, { 4347, 0x3c3f }, + /* 0x6600 */ + { 4357, 0xfffd }, { 4372, 0xb03f }, { 4381, 0xe9f7 }, { 4393, 0x067e }, + { 4401, 0x96ae }, { 4410, 0xfe06 }, { 4419, 0xd576 }, { 4429, 0x5fd7 }, + { 4441, 0x3fd1 }, { 4451, 0xa3f3 }, { 4461, 0xcf07 }, { 4470, 0x6fb7 }, + { 4482, 0x9fd1 }, { 4492, 0x7f44 }, { 4501, 0x7b59 }, { 4511, 0xd3dd }, + /* 0x6700 */ + { 4522, 0xaf3b }, { 4533, 0xa9bd }, { 4543, 0x7dcf }, { 4555, 0xff3a }, + { 4567, 0xfbe0 }, { 4577, 0xf6eb }, { 4589, 0xb401 }, { 4594, 0xffff }, + { 4610, 0x7afa }, { 4621, 0xb7bf }, { 4634, 0xc000 }, { 4636, 0x0ffd }, + { 4647, 0xff7f }, { 4662, 0xff1f }, { 4675, 0xfefc }, { 4688, 0x95ff }, + /* 0x6800 */ + { 4700, 0x0000 }, { 4700, 0xb5dc }, { 4710, 0xef63 }, { 4721, 0x3f3e }, + { 4732, 0xfb7f }, { 4746, 0x001b }, { 4750, 0xe800 }, { 4754, 0xfbf6 }, + { 4767, 0x9eef }, { 4779, 0xb8df }, { 4790, 0xff9f }, { 4804, 0x003f }, + { 4810, 0x7bd0 }, { 4819, 0xf5ff }, { 4833, 0xdfdb }, { 4846, 0x3fff }, + /* 0x6900 */ + { 4860, 0xfdf0 }, { 4871, 0x00bf }, { 4878, 0x8420 }, { 4881, 0xbbbd }, + { 4893, 0xdf37 }, { 4905, 0xffde }, { 4919, 0xff6d }, { 4932, 0x0ff3 }, + { 4942, 0x604c }, { 4947, 0x5efb }, { 4959, 0xfffb }, { 4974, 0xfafb }, + { 4987, 0xfe5e }, { 4999, 0x0219 }, { 5003, 0x79f4 }, { 5013, 0xf9de }, + /* 0x6a00 */ + { 5025, 0xa7f7 }, { 5037, 0xebfa }, { 5049, 0x01eb }, { 5056, 0xff34 }, + { 5067, 0xebd3 }, { 5078, 0xef73 }, { 5090, 0xafd7 }, { 5102, 0xc040 }, + { 5105, 0x72bb }, { 5115, 0xdcff }, { 5128, 0xf17f }, { 5140, 0x2fd8 }, + { 5149, 0xb8ec }, { 5158, 0xfe0b }, { 5168, 0xdda3 }, { 5178, 0x1f0b }, + /* 0x6b00 */ + { 5186, 0x8f1d }, { 5195, 0x47cf }, { 5205, 0xb12b }, { 5213, 0xffde }, + { 5227, 0x7fee }, { 5240, 0xda73 }, { 5250, 0x24ff }, { 5260, 0xcbc4 }, + { 5268, 0xf75d }, { 5280, 0xcbf2 }, { 5290, 0xecfd }, { 5302, 0xb4ed }, + { 5312, 0xbff9 }, { 5325, 0x4ddd }, { 5335, 0x99dd }, { 5345, 0xfb8d }, + /* 0x6c00 */ + { 5356, 0xbb7f }, { 5369, 0xaf7b }, { 5381, 0xddfb }, { 5394, 0xc959 }, + { 5402, 0xfc4f }, { 5413, 0xfab5 }, { 5424, 0xafe3 }, { 5435, 0x6d5f }, + { 5446, 0xffff }, { 5462, 0x3f7d }, { 5474, 0x7800 }, { 5478, 0xffdb }, + { 5492, 0xb6ff }, { 5505, 0x7eff }, { 5519, 0xfbaf }, { 5532, 0x022f }, + /* 0x6d00 */ + { 5538, 0xff9b }, { 5551, 0xefc7 }, { 5563, 0xffa5 }, { 5575, 0xffff }, + { 5591, 0x0007 }, { 5594, 0xc700 }, { 5599, 0xf7ff }, { 5614, 0xfff1 }, + { 5627, 0x7ffd }, { 5641, 0x01bf }, { 5649, 0xdc00 }, { 5654, 0xfdbc }, + { 5666, 0xbff5 }, { 5679, 0xffff }, { 5695, 0xff7f }, { 5710, 0x3eff }, + /* 0x6e00 */ + { 5723, 0x0029 }, { 5726, 0xbe00 }, { 5732, 0xf9ff }, { 5746, 0xff7f }, + { 5761, 0x6efb }, { 5773, 0xfd7e }, { 5786, 0xcbff }, { 5799, 0x039e }, + { 5806, 0xe300 }, { 5811, 0xfbdd }, { 5824, 0xccff }, { 5836, 0xf6df }, + { 5849, 0xffff }, { 5865, 0x117f }, { 5874, 0xf800 }, { 5879, 0xfbf6 }, + /* 0x6f00 */ + { 5892, 0xe7ef }, { 5905, 0xd73c }, { 5915, 0xfeef }, { 5929, 0xdfef }, + { 5943, 0xc00b }, { 5948, 0xedbf }, { 5961, 0xfedf }, { 5975, 0xfdcd }, + { 5987, 0x7bf5 }, { 5999, 0x40fd }, { 6007, 0xffff }, { 6023, 0xb75f }, + { 6035, 0xffdf }, { 6050, 0xf930 }, { 6058, 0xfbdf }, { 6072, 0xdc97 }, + /* 0x7000 */ + { 6082, 0xfef3 }, { 6095, 0xbff2 }, { 6107, 0x8fdf }, { 6119, 0xdfbf }, + { 6133, 0x177f }, { 6144, 0xede6 }, { 6155, 0x0f7f }, { 6166, 0x3553 }, + { 6174, 0x447c }, { 6181, 0x877e }, { 6191, 0xfa12 }, { 6199, 0x45bb }, + { 6208, 0xede0 }, { 6217, 0x779e }, { 6228, 0x8017 }, { 6233, 0xbfd9 }, + /* 0x7100 */ + { 6245, 0x7e55 }, { 6255, 0xde89 }, { 6264, 0xc16f }, { 6273, 0x0447 }, + { 6278, 0x7ade }, { 6289, 0xf75d }, { 6301, 0x57ff }, { 6314, 0x2905 }, + { 6319, 0x86f7 }, { 6329, 0xfe95 }, { 6340, 0x97b3 }, { 6350, 0xf32f }, + { 6361, 0xcfff }, { 6375, 0x9f75 }, { 6386, 0x71f7 }, { 6397, 0xfb17 }, + /* 0x7200 */ + { 6408, 0x34ee }, { 6417, 0xee19 }, { 6426, 0x37cc }, { 6435, 0xef61 }, + { 6445, 0x9fd6 }, { 6456, 0xef4c }, { 6466, 0xd68f }, { 6476, 0xfbdd }, + { 6489, 0x7b73 }, { 6500, 0x6def }, { 6512, 0xd7fe }, { 6525, 0xa431 }, + { 6531, 0x5e7f }, { 6543, 0x97d7 }, { 6554, 0x0f5b }, { 6563, 0xffd8 }, + /* 0x7300 */ + { 6575, 0x9d83 }, { 6583, 0x7bce }, { 6594, 0x22ec }, { 6601, 0xdcff }, + { 6614, 0x763d }, { 6624, 0xef87 }, { 6635, 0xdfe7 }, { 6648, 0xfded }, + { 6661, 0x4fff }, { 6674, 0xa0fc }, { 6682, 0x3b77 }, { 6693, 0xdbfc }, + { 6705, 0x3ded }, { 6716, 0x7fdc }, { 6728, 0x6fa9 }, { 6738, 0xf570 }, + /* 0x7400 */ + { 6747, 0x3ffb }, { 6760, 0x2c40 }, { 6764, 0xff7f }, { 6779, 0x847f }, + { 6788, 0xec57 }, { 6798, 0xdeb7 }, { 6810, 0xe69c }, { 6819, 0xf22f }, + { 6829, 0x0feb }, { 6839, 0xd5b5 }, { 6849, 0xafeb }, { 6861, 0xede7 }, + { 6873, 0x8c2f }, { 6881, 0xfff0 }, { 6893, 0x537f }, { 6904, 0xe8f0 }, + /* 0x7500 */ + { 6912, 0xb99d }, { 6922, 0xb5ff }, { 6935, 0xff66 }, { 6947, 0xe78f }, + { 6958, 0xd981 }, { 6965, 0xbe10 }, { 6972, 0x9c7c }, { 6981, 0xe3c1 }, + { 6989, 0x9cd1 }, { 6997, 0x2733 }, { 7005, 0x0cbc }, { 7012, 0xff6d }, + { 7025, 0xfcb7 }, { 7037, 0xefb7 }, { 7050, 0xa0df }, { 7059, 0xffff }, + /* 0x7600 */ + { 7075, 0xbf0b }, { 7085, 0xfe7b }, { 7098, 0xa3ff }, { 7110, 0x353f }, + { 7120, 0x13cc }, { 7127, 0x97cd }, { 7137, 0x7637 }, { 7147, 0xfb27 }, + { 7158, 0xcfd6 }, { 7169, 0x7e6c }, { 7179, 0xec50 }, { 7186, 0xed31 }, + { 7195, 0x677c }, { 7205, 0xfc1c }, { 7214, 0xf6fa }, { 7226, 0x5fbf }, + /* 0x7700 */ + { 7239, 0x0fba }, { 7248, 0xae2f }, { 7258, 0xa3ad }, { 7267, 0x7ffe }, + { 7281, 0xfcf0 }, { 7291, 0xde74 }, { 7301, 0xffef }, { 7316, 0xf200 }, + { 7321, 0xfbbf }, { 7335, 0xfea2 }, { 7345, 0x3daf }, { 7356, 0xbcff }, + { 7369, 0xf694 }, { 7378, 0x5fb9 }, { 7389, 0xf3ad }, { 7400, 0x3f8f }, + /* 0x7800 */ + { 7411, 0xf26c }, { 7420, 0xa01f }, { 7427, 0xffef }, { 7442, 0x01bf }, + { 7450, 0x7728 }, { 7458, 0x7005 }, { 7463, 0xff35 }, { 7475, 0xda03 }, + { 7482, 0xd2f9 }, { 7492, 0xc7fa }, { 7503, 0x3fbf }, { 7516, 0x5c1d }, + { 7524, 0xff3a }, { 7536, 0xec33 }, { 7545, 0xb7af }, { 7557, 0xfe9c }, + /* 0x7900 */ + { 7568, 0x5236 }, { 7575, 0x7a9f }, { 7586, 0xbffa }, { 7599, 0xe722 }, + { 7607, 0x9ff7 }, { 7620, 0xfcff }, { 7634, 0x2fbb }, { 7645, 0xb61d }, + { 7654, 0xed06 }, { 7662, 0x1dfd }, { 7673, 0x7dd7 }, { 7685, 0xefdf }, + { 7699, 0xeb23 }, { 7708, 0xf166 }, { 7717, 0x7ed9 }, { 7728, 0x0dc0 }, + /* 0x7a00 */ + { 7733, 0x3d3d }, { 7743, 0xdfbf }, { 7757, 0xc945 }, { 7764, 0xba83 }, + { 7772, 0x7dd1 }, { 7782, 0x9dd0 }, { 7790, 0x7b87 }, { 7800, 0xcf73 }, + { 7811, 0x9ff3 }, { 7823, 0xc3f5 }, { 7833, 0xdf0d }, { 7843, 0xc5fe }, + { 7854, 0x0cb3 }, { 7861, 0x8302 }, { 7865, 0xe879 }, { 7874, 0xaec0 }, + /* 0x7b00 */ + { 7881, 0xc773 }, { 7891, 0x6f0f }, { 7901, 0xfd7d }, { 7914, 0x093f }, + { 7922, 0xfff1 }, { 7935, 0x0157 }, { 7941, 0x62fb }, { 7951, 0x01ff }, + { 7960, 0xfdb4 }, { 7971, 0x3bf3 }, { 7982, 0xb013 }, { 7988, 0x43b2 }, + { 7995, 0x5ed3 }, { 8005, 0xff30 }, { 8015, 0x0fff }, { 8027, 0xeb9f }, + /* 0x7c00 */ + { 8039, 0xfeef }, { 8053, 0xf203 }, { 8060, 0x3fef }, { 8073, 0xfb89 }, + { 8083, 0x37a9 }, { 8092, 0x9e99 }, { 8101, 0xdef9 }, { 8113, 0xa72c }, + { 8121, 0x3733 }, { 8130, 0xc1f6 }, { 8139, 0x812e }, { 8145, 0xfe3e }, + { 8157, 0x5d20 }, { 8163, 0xf2f7 }, { 8175, 0xd585 }, { 8183, 0x69d7 }, + /* 0x7d00 */ + { 8193, 0xffff }, { 8209, 0xffff }, { 8225, 0xdb07 }, { 8234, 0xff6f }, + { 8248, 0xc4ff }, { 8259, 0xd97f }, { 8271, 0xefce }, { 8283, 0xbe0f }, + { 8293, 0xf17b }, { 8304, 0xf05e }, { 8313, 0xf6cf }, { 8325, 0xffb7 }, + { 8339, 0x5ef7 }, { 8351, 0xef84 }, { 8360, 0xd7cb }, { 8371, 0x0edf }, + /* 0x7e00 */ + { 8381, 0xff08 }, { 8390, 0xfcff }, { 8404, 0xee3f }, { 8416, 0xffff }, + { 8432, 0x13ff }, { 8443, 0xd7ff }, { 8457, 0xaf0f }, { 8467, 0x7ffd }, + { 8481, 0xbdc7 }, { 8492, 0x1ffa }, { 8503, 0x0000 }, { 8503, 0x0000 }, + { 8503, 0x0000 }, { 8503, 0x0000 }, { 8503, 0x0000 }, { 8503, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7f00 */ + { 8503, 0x0000 }, { 8503, 0x0000 }, { 8503, 0x0000 }, { 8503, 0xe740 }, + { 8510, 0xbd38 }, { 8519, 0xf933 }, { 8529, 0x7feb }, { 8542, 0xfeed }, + { 8555, 0x7fe8 }, { 8566, 0x7c76 }, { 8576, 0xb3f7 }, { 8588, 0xffef }, + { 8603, 0xfeaf }, { 8616, 0xd8b7 }, { 8626, 0xff6f }, { 8640, 0xfbbf }, + /* 0x8000 */ + { 8654, 0xf8fb }, { 8666, 0xdbf7 }, { 8679, 0x1752 }, { 8686, 0xe2f9 }, + { 8696, 0x85c8 }, { 8702, 0x7547 }, { 8711, 0x9090 }, { 8715, 0xe3ef }, + { 8727, 0x9ef4 }, { 8737, 0x3f6d }, { 8748, 0xee2e }, { 8758, 0x0536 }, + { 8764, 0xf7bc }, { 8776, 0x7ff3 }, { 8789, 0xa07b }, { 8797, 0x7f3f }, + /* 0x8100 */ + { 8810, 0x0567 }, { 8817, 0xeb60 }, { 8825, 0xbabe }, { 8836, 0x6601 }, + { 8841, 0xfcd8 }, { 8851, 0x583f }, { 8860, 0xcaf7 }, { 8871, 0x87df }, + { 8882, 0xbfcd }, { 8894, 0xffa0 }, { 8904, 0x5bcd }, { 8914, 0xfebf }, + { 8928, 0xb6fd }, { 8940, 0xefa7 }, { 8952, 0x77ef }, { 8965, 0xdf9c }, + /* 0x8200 */ + { 8976, 0x3fb7 }, { 8988, 0xf877 }, { 8999, 0x9d27 }, { 9008, 0xb7fc }, + { 9020, 0xcab5 }, { 9029, 0xdfef }, { 9043, 0xfb5a }, { 9054, 0xf1b6 }, + { 9064, 0xec39 }, { 9073, 0xef1f }, { 9085, 0xfbbf }, { 9099, 0x7ffb }, + { 9113, 0x000d }, { 9116, 0xdafe }, { 9128, 0xbdfb }, { 9141, 0x4e7f }, + /* 0x8300 */ + { 9152, 0x33ff }, { 9164, 0x5ac0 }, { 9170, 0xbff5 }, { 9183, 0x9ffe }, + { 9196, 0xffbf }, { 9211, 0x005f }, { 9217, 0x0000 }, { 9217, 0xfdf8 }, + { 9229, 0xffca }, { 9241, 0x6ffd }, { 9254, 0xcffd }, { 9267, 0xa001 }, + { 9270, 0xdfff }, { 9285, 0xfbf2 }, { 9297, 0xdfbf }, { 9311, 0xff7f }, + /* 0x8400 */ + { 9326, 0xfeda }, { 9338, 0x080f }, { 9343, 0xba08 }, { 9349, 0xbfff }, + { 9364, 0x7afd }, { 9376, 0xeed7 }, { 9388, 0xfbeb }, { 9401, 0x67f9 }, + { 9412, 0xe044 }, { 9417, 0xff93 }, { 9429, 0xdf97 }, { 9441, 0x9f57 }, + { 9452, 0xfef7 }, { 9466, 0x08df }, { 9474, 0xdf80 }, { 9482, 0xfedf }, + /* 0x8500 */ + { 9496, 0xffc5 }, { 9508, 0xf7fe }, { 9522, 0xfffb }, { 9537, 0x6803 }, + { 9542, 0x67fb }, { 9554, 0x6bfa }, { 9565, 0x7fff }, { 9580, 0x5fe2 }, + { 9590, 0xffff }, { 9606, 0xff73 }, { 9619, 0x87df }, { 9630, 0xe7fb }, + { 9643, 0xebfd }, { 9656, 0xf7a7 }, { 9668, 0xbf7e }, { 9681, 0xefc7 }, + /* 0x8600 */ + { 9693, 0x1ef3 }, { 9703, 0xdf82 }, { 9712, 0x76ff }, { 9725, 0xdf7e }, + { 9738, 0x79c9 }, { 9747, 0xda7d }, { 9758, 0xefbe }, { 9771, 0x1e9b }, + { 9780, 0x7ce0 }, { 9788, 0x77fb }, { 9801, 0x87be }, { 9811, 0xfffb }, + { 9826, 0x1bff }, { 9838, 0xffdb }, { 9852, 0x3f5c }, { 9862, 0x4fe0 }, + /* 0x8700 */ + { 9870, 0x7fff }, { 9885, 0x5f0e }, { 9894, 0x77ff }, { 9908, 0xddbf }, + { 9921, 0xf04f }, { 9930, 0xffff }, { 9946, 0xffff }, { 9962, 0x0ff8 }, + { 9971, 0xa3be }, { 9981, 0xfddf }, { 9995, 0xfc1c }, { 10004, 0xfffd }, + { 10019, 0x1f7d }, { 10030, 0xfb9e }, { 10042, 0xbdff }, { 10056, 0xdedc }, + /* 0x8800 */ + { 10067, 0x3f6f }, { 10079, 0xbafb }, { 10091, 0xdf7f }, { 10105, 0xfbef }, + { 10119, 0x7d1b }, { 10129, 0x2eec }, { 10138, 0xaf8e }, { 10148, 0xf2f7 }, + { 10160, 0x7b0f }, { 10170, 0xcfee }, { 10182, 0x1d96 }, { 10190, 0x77c6 }, + { 10200, 0x7e07 }, { 10209, 0xfff5 }, { 10223, 0xd982 }, { 10230, 0x7fdf }, + /* 0x8900 */ + { 10244, 0x5ee6 }, { 10254, 0xc7ff }, { 10267, 0xfeee }, { 10280, 0x79ef }, + { 10292, 0x9a56 }, { 10300, 0xffcf }, { 10314, 0xfe5f }, { 10327, 0xde5e }, + { 10338, 0x896e }, { 10346, 0xf9e8 }, { 10356, 0xf45e }, { 10366, 0xe6c4 }, + { 10374, 0x0001 }, { 10375, 0xbe7c }, { 10386, 0x3b7f }, { 10398, 0xdddf }, + /* 0x8a00 */ + { 10411, 0xd59d }, { 10421, 0xe9ef }, { 10433, 0x34ac }, { 10440, 0xde53 }, + { 10450, 0xf573 }, { 10461, 0x4bf7 }, { 10472, 0x7b4f }, { 10483, 0x9eff }, + { 10496, 0xb8fe }, { 10507, 0x476e }, { 10516, 0x0dfb }, { 10526, 0xff45 }, + { 10537, 0xabfd }, { 10549, 0xfbfe }, { 10563, 0xe9d7 }, { 10574, 0xddff }, + /* 0x8b00 */ + { 10588, 0xedf7 }, { 10601, 0x7fff }, { 10616, 0xddfd }, { 10629, 0x7eeb }, + { 10641, 0xcfe7 }, { 10653, 0xb7ff }, { 10667, 0xbde9 }, { 10678, 0xef91 }, + { 10688, 0x5d75 }, { 10698, 0xd77c }, { 10709, 0x0000 }, { 10709, 0x0000 }, + { 10709, 0x0000 }, { 10709, 0x0000 }, { 10709, 0x0000 }, { 10709, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8c00 */ + { 10709, 0x0000 }, { 10709, 0x0000 }, { 10709, 0x0000 }, { 10709, 0xfa80 }, + { 10716, 0xffee }, { 10730, 0xb4f1 }, { 10739, 0xbf76 }, { 10751, 0x2fef }, + { 10763, 0xb677 }, { 10774, 0x77bf }, { 10787, 0x9fbf }, { 10800, 0xfffd }, + { 10815, 0x95bf }, { 10826, 0xf6ae }, { 10837, 0x75ff }, { 10850, 0x7f3b }, + /* 0x8d00 */ + { 10862, 0xa7f5 }, { 10873, 0x0af9 }, { 10881, 0x0000 }, { 10881, 0x0000 }, + { 10881, 0x0000 }, { 10881, 0x0000 }, { 10881, 0xfbd0 }, { 10891, 0x2bdd }, + { 10901, 0xf633 }, { 10911, 0x9a7f }, { 10922, 0xfdab }, { 10934, 0xd6fc }, + { 10945, 0xf9e6 }, { 10956, 0xbfeb }, { 10969, 0xdfdf }, { 10983, 0xf41f }, + /* 0x8e00 */ + { 10993, 0xa6fd }, { 11004, 0xffff }, { 11020, 0x4aff }, { 11031, 0xf37b }, + { 11043, 0x7fb7 }, { 11056, 0xfef9 }, { 11069, 0xb6ff }, { 11082, 0x1d5c }, + { 11090, 0x7ff6 }, { 11103, 0xe5ff }, { 11116, 0x1f7b }, { 11127, 0x2404 }, + { 11130, 0xbe05 }, { 11138, 0xf99e }, { 11149, 0xdbe3 }, { 11160, 0xdff2 }, + /* 0x8f00 */ + { 11172, 0x6fef }, { 11185, 0xfdff }, { 11200, 0xd679 }, { 11210, 0xcbfc }, + { 11221, 0xebfd }, { 11234, 0xefff }, { 11249, 0x001f }, { 11254, 0x0000 }, + { 11254, 0x0000 }, { 11254, 0x9800 }, { 11257, 0xe148 }, { 11263, 0x8017 }, + { 11268, 0x6a74 }, { 11276, 0x00fe }, { 11283, 0x6d7f }, { 11295, 0xfdf1 }, + /* 0x9000 */ + { 11307, 0xb87f }, { 11318, 0xfef3 }, { 11331, 0xe01f }, { 11339, 0xf176 }, + { 11349, 0xee96 }, { 11359, 0x7b3f }, { 11371, 0xeb8d }, { 11381, 0xfffd }, + { 11396, 0xadff }, { 11409, 0xcbb3 }, { 11419, 0x84ef }, { 11428, 0xe17f }, + { 11439, 0x4daa }, { 11447, 0xbff0 }, { 11458, 0xbf3f }, { 11471, 0xfe3f }, + /* 0x9100 */ + { 11484, 0xebff }, { 11498, 0xffd7 }, { 11512, 0xffdf }, { 11527, 0xcf7f }, + { 11540, 0xfffb }, { 11555, 0x85ed }, { 11564, 0xd73f }, { 11576, 0x07bc }, + { 11584, 0xaeff }, { 11597, 0xfe0f }, { 11608, 0xfdaf }, { 11621, 0x76bf }, + { 11633, 0xfaef }, { 11646, 0x37bb }, { 11657, 0x7fdc }, { 11669, 0xa3ba }, + /* 0x9200 */ + { 11678, 0xb6ff }, { 11691, 0x56f7 }, { 11702, 0x60f8 }, { 11709, 0xe7df }, + { 11722, 0xff61 }, { 11733, 0x4cdf }, { 11743, 0xb0fb }, { 11753, 0xff45 }, + { 11764, 0x7ded }, { 11776, 0x3ffa }, { 11788, 0x1fff }, { 11801, 0x18fc }, + { 11809, 0xffff }, { 11825, 0xe3af }, { 11836, 0xc7d3 }, { 11846, 0xdf83 }, + /* 0x9300 */ + { 11856, 0xfb57 }, { 11868, 0xef7d }, { 11881, 0xefff }, { 11896, 0x1378 }, + { 11903, 0xfec0 }, { 11912, 0x5ff7 }, { 11925, 0x34bb }, { 11934, 0x5ee3 }, + { 11944, 0xf70d }, { 11954, 0xeff6 }, { 11967, 0xd7fe }, { 11980, 0x00bf }, + { 11987, 0xf59d }, { 11998, 0xf7f7 }, { 12012, 0x51de }, { 12021, 0xffe0 }, + /* 0x9400 */ + { 12032, 0xfec9 }, { 12043, 0x037f }, { 12052, 0x5f01 }, { 12059, 0xbfef }, + { 12073, 0x9ff1 }, { 12084, 0x60a7 }, { 12091, 0xef1d }, { 12102, 0xf1ff }, + { 12115, 0x000f }, { 12119, 0x0000 }, { 12119, 0x0000 }, { 12119, 0x0000 }, + { 12119, 0x0000 }, { 12119, 0x0000 }, { 12119, 0x0000 }, { 12119, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9500 */ + { 12119, 0x0000 }, { 12119, 0x0000 }, { 12119, 0x0000 }, { 12119, 0x0000 }, + { 12119, 0x0000 }, { 12119, 0x0000 }, { 12119, 0x0000 }, { 12119, 0x3c80 }, + { 12124, 0xfb4d }, { 12135, 0xd91f }, { 12145, 0x7b3a }, { 12155, 0xfee3 }, + { 12167, 0x3fe9 }, { 12178, 0xdc7f }, { 12190, 0x003f }, { 12196, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9600 */ + { 12196, 0x0000 }, { 12196, 0x5000 }, { 12198, 0xf51f }, { 12209, 0xbe07 }, + { 12218, 0xfc1d }, { 12228, 0xf91b }, { 12238, 0xbc1e }, { 12247, 0x71ff }, + { 12259, 0x6ff9 }, { 12271, 0x5bbe }, { 12282, 0x5796 }, { 12291, 0x9b1b }, + { 12300, 0x7fff }, { 12315, 0xfffc }, { 12329, 0x872e }, { 12337, 0xafe7 }, + /* 0x9700 */ + { 12349, 0xebf5 }, { 12361, 0xf34f }, { 12372, 0xdffd }, { 12386, 0xe725 }, + { 12395, 0x0bdc }, { 12403, 0x5d44 }, { 12410, 0x5747 }, { 12419, 0xfddd }, + { 12432, 0xed3f }, { 12444, 0x7790 }, { 12452, 0x7d7f }, { 12465, 0x8ac8 }, + { 12471, 0xfafa }, { 12483, 0xf3f9 }, { 12495, 0x202a }, { 12499, 0xef4b }, + /* 0x9800 */ + { 12510, 0xf5ff }, { 12524, 0x79cf }, { 12535, 0xabd3 }, { 12545, 0x0ba5 }, + { 12552, 0xf77a }, { 12564, 0xfb8f }, { 12576, 0x8ebd }, { 12586, 0x001f }, + { 12591, 0x0000 }, { 12591, 0x0000 }, { 12591, 0xf300 }, { 12597, 0xfd4e }, + { 12608, 0x1a57 }, { 12616, 0x8800 }, { 12618, 0xaeac }, { 12627, 0x7654 }, + /* 0x9900 */ + { 12635, 0x17ad }, { 12644, 0xcdff }, { 12657, 0xffb2 }, { 12669, 0xf42f }, + { 12679, 0x5baa }, { 12688, 0xdbff }, { 12702, 0x0002 }, { 12703, 0x0000 }, + { 12703, 0x0000 }, { 12703, 0x73c0 }, { 12710, 0xf9ea }, { 12721, 0x2e3f }, + { 12731, 0xfa8e }, { 12741, 0xbbff }, { 12755, 0x76bc }, { 12765, 0xffd3 }, + /* 0x9a00 */ + { 12778, 0xeefe }, { 12791, 0x7e72 }, { 12801, 0x7ebd }, { 12813, 0xe7f7 }, + { 12826, 0xf77f }, { 12840, 0xcefd }, { 12852, 0x0ff5 }, { 12862, 0x0000 }, + { 12862, 0x0000 }, { 12862, 0x0000 }, { 12862, 0xa900 }, { 12866, 0xdb9b }, + { 12877, 0xa4c7 }, { 12885, 0x917f }, { 12895, 0xf8ca }, { 12904, 0x7ece }, + /* 0x9b00 */ + { 12915, 0x7d7a }, { 12926, 0xc7e7 }, { 12937, 0xcbbd }, { 12948, 0xdcae }, + { 12958, 0xfd7e }, { 12971, 0x8f76 }, { 12981, 0x91d3 }, { 12989, 0x7cf3 }, + { 13000, 0x01e5 }, { 13006, 0x4c2f }, { 13014, 0xed77 }, { 13026, 0xa360 }, + { 13032, 0x07db }, { 13041, 0x5ef8 }, { 13051, 0x1df7 }, { 13062, 0x2181 }, + /* 0x9c00 */ + { 13066, 0x6be0 }, { 13074, 0x309c }, { 13080, 0x3b3a }, { 13089, 0xfade }, + { 13101, 0x7f53 }, { 13112, 0xc3f5 }, { 13122, 0x61cd }, { 13130, 0x07ba }, + { 13138, 0x0000 }, { 13138, 0x0000 }, { 13138, 0x0000 }, { 13138, 0x0000 }, + { 13138, 0x0000 }, { 13138, 0x0000 }, { 13138, 0x26e0 }, { 13144, 0xbefe }, + /* 0x9d00 */ + { 13157, 0x03f9 }, { 13165, 0xebb5 }, { 13176, 0xe36d }, { 13186, 0xe9cb }, + { 13196, 0x9c2f }, { 13205, 0xbfde }, { 13218, 0x9f83 }, { 13227, 0xabbf }, + { 13239, 0x1ff7 }, { 13251, 0xffd5 }, { 13264, 0xb7df }, { 13277, 0xdffe }, + { 13291, 0xfdae }, { 13303, 0xffef }, { 13318, 0xfb7e }, { 13331, 0xeffd }, + /* 0x9e00 */ + { 13345, 0xaaff }, { 13357, 0x6ebf }, { 13369, 0x0000 }, { 13369, 0x0000 }, + { 13369, 0x0000 }, { 13369, 0x0000 }, { 13369, 0x0000 }, { 13369, 0xb620 }, + { 13375, 0x7fcd }, { 13387, 0xbe9e }, { 13398, 0x62b3 }, { 13406, 0x58f1 }, + { 13414, 0xf10d }, { 13422, 0xfd7b }, { 13435, 0xe9f1 }, { 13445, 0xbefd }, + /* 0x9f00 */ + { 13458, 0xc6c3 }, { 13466, 0x5f6d }, { 13477, 0xff3d }, { 13490, 0x69ff }, + { 13502, 0xffcf }, { 13516, 0xfbf4 }, { 13528, 0xdcfb }, { 13540, 0x4ff7 }, + { 13552, 0x2000 }, { 13553, 0x1137 }, { 13560, 0x0015 }, +}; +static const Summary16 big5_uni2indx_pagefa[1] = { + /* 0xfa00 */ + { 13563, 0x3000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 big5_uni2indx_pagefe[23] = { + /* 0xfe00 */ + { 13565, 0x0000 }, { 13565, 0x0000 }, { 13565, 0x0000 }, { 13565, 0xfffb }, + { 13580, 0xfe1f }, { 13592, 0xfef5 }, { 13605, 0x0e7f }, { 13615, 0x0000 }, + { 13615, 0x0000 }, { 13615, 0x0000 }, { 13615, 0x0000 }, { 13615, 0x0000 }, + { 13615, 0x0000 }, { 13615, 0x0000 }, { 13615, 0x0000 }, { 13615, 0x0000 }, + /* 0xff00 */ + { 13615, 0xff7a }, { 13628, 0xffff }, { 13644, 0xffff }, { 13660, 0x97ff }, + { 13673, 0xfffe }, { 13688, 0x3fff }, { 13702, 0x0010 }, +}; + +static int +big5_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + const Summary16 *summary = NULL; + if (wc >= 0x0000 && wc < 0x0100) + summary = &big5_uni2indx_page00[(wc>>4)]; + else if (wc >= 0x0200 && wc < 0x0460) + summary = &big5_uni2indx_page02[(wc>>4)-0x020]; + else if (wc >= 0x2000 && wc < 0x22c0) + summary = &big5_uni2indx_page20[(wc>>4)-0x200]; + else if (wc >= 0x2400 && wc < 0x2650) + summary = &big5_uni2indx_page24[(wc>>4)-0x240]; + else if (wc >= 0x3000 && wc < 0x33e0) + summary = &big5_uni2indx_page30[(wc>>4)-0x300]; + else if (wc >= 0x4e00 && wc < 0x9fb0) + summary = &big5_uni2indx_page4e[(wc>>4)-0x4e0]; + else if (wc >= 0xfa00 && wc < 0xfa10) + summary = &big5_uni2indx_pagefa[(wc>>4)-0xfa0]; + else if (wc >= 0xfe00 && wc < 0xff70) + summary = &big5_uni2indx_pagefe[(wc>>4)-0xfe0]; + if (summary) { + unsigned short used = summary->used; + unsigned int i = wc & 0x0f; + if (used & ((unsigned short) 1 << i)) { + unsigned short c; + /* Keep in `used' only the bits 0..i-1. */ + used &= ((unsigned short) 1 << i) - 1; + /* Add `summary->indx' and the number of bits set in `used'. */ + used = (used & 0x5555) + ((used & 0xaaaa) >> 1); + used = (used & 0x3333) + ((used & 0xcccc) >> 2); + used = (used & 0x0f0f) + ((used & 0xf0f0) >> 4); + used = (used & 0x00ff) + (used >> 8); + c = big5_2charset[summary->indx + used]; + r[0] = (c >> 8); r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/big5_2003.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/big5_2003.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b532ce6ee --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/big5_2003.h @@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * BIG5-2003 + */ + +/* + * BIG5-2003 is a slightly extended and slightly modified version of BIG5. + * It is actually nearer to Microsoft CP950 than to BIG5. The differences + * between EASTASIA/OTHER/BIG5.TXT found on ftp.unicode.org and BIG5-2003.TXT + * are as follows: + * + * 1. Some characters in the symbols area (0xA140..0xA2CE) are defined + * differently: + * + * code BIG5.TXT BIG5-2003.TXT + * 0xA145 0x2022 # BULLET 0x2027 # HYPHENATION POINT + * 0xA14E 0xFF64 # HALFWIDTH IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA + * 0xFE51 # SMALL IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA + * 0xA156 0x2013 # EN DASH 0x2015 # HORIZONTAL BAR + * 0xA15A --- 0x2574 # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT LEFT + * 0xA1C3 --- 0xFFE3 # FULLWIDTH MACRON + * 0xA1C5 --- 0x02CD # MODIFIER LETTER LOW MACRON + * 0xA1E3 0x223C # TILDE OPERATOR 0xFF5E # FULLWIDTH TILDE + * 0xA1F2 0x2641 # EARTH 0x2295 # CIRCLED PLUS + * 0xA1F3 0x2609 # SUN 0x2299 # CIRCLED DOT OPERATOR + * 0xA1FE --- 0xFF0F # FULLWIDTH SOLIDUS + * 0xA240 --- 0xFF3C # FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS + * 0xA241 0xFF0F # FULLWIDTH SOLIDUS 0x2215 # DIVISION SLASH + * 0xA242 0xFF3C # FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS + * 0xFE68 # SMALL REVERSE SOLIDUS + * 0xA244 0x00A5 # YEN SIGN 0xFFE5 # FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN + * 0xA246 0x00A2 # CENT SIGN 0xFFE0 # FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN + * 0xA247 0x00A3 # POUND SIGN 0xFFE1 # FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN + * 0xA2A4 0x2550 # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE HORIZONTAL + * 0x2501 # BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY HORIZONTAL + * 0xA2A5 0x255E # BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE + * 0x251D # BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL LIGHT AND RIGHT HEAVY + * 0xA2A6 0x256A # BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE + * 0x253F # BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL LIGHT AND HORIZONTAL HEAVY + * 0xA2A7 0x2561 # BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND LEFT DOUBLE + * 0x2525 # BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL LIGHT AND LEFT HEAVY + * 0xA2CC --- 0x3038 # HANGZHOU NUMERAL TEN + * 0xA2CD 0x5344 0x3039 # HANGZHOU NUMERAL TWENTY + * 0xA2CE --- 0x303A # HANGZHOU NUMERAL THIRTY + * + * 2. A control symbols area is added: + * + * code + * 0xA3C0..0xA3E0 U+2400..U+2421 + * + * 3. The Euro sign is added: + * + * code + * 0xA3E1 0x20AC # EURO SIGN + * + * 4. Some characters in the main area are defined differently: + * + * code BIG5.TXT BIG5-2003.TXT + * 0xC255 0x5F5D 0x5F5E + * + * 5. The area 0xC6A1..0xC7FE is organized differently: + * + * code + * 0xC6A1..0xC6BE numerals (was in BIG5.TXT at 0xC7E9..0xC7FC) + * 0xC6BF..0xC6D7 radicals + * 0xC6D8..0xC6E6 rarely used symbols + * 0xC6E7..0xC77A hiragana (U+3041..U+3093, was in BIG5.TXT at 0xC6A5..0xC6F7) + * 0xC77B..0xC7F2 katakana (U+30A1..U+30F6, was in BIG5.TXT at 0xC6F8..0xC7B0) + * + * 6. Some characters are added at 0xF9D6..0xF9DC. + * + * 7. Box drawing characters are added at 0xF9DD..0xF9FE. + * + * Note: 4 of these characters are mapped in a non-inversible way, because + * Unicode does not yet include the corresponding characters: + * + * code Unicode approximation + * 0xF9FA BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE ARC DOWN AND RIGHT 0x2554 + * 0xF9FB BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE ARC DOWN AND LEFT 0x2557 + * 0xF9FC BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE ARC UP AND RIGHT 0x255A + * 0xF9FD BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE ARC UP AND LEFT 0x255D + * + * 8. Private area mappings are added: + * + * code Unicode + * 0x{81..8D}{40..7E,A1..FE} U+EEB8..U+F6B0 + * 0x{8E..A0}{40..7E,A1..FE} U+E311..U+EEB7 + * 0x{FA..FE}{40..7E,A1..FE} U+E000..U+E310 + * + * These mappings are not contained in the BSMI Big5-2003 standard. However, + * they were contained in a draft of it. + */ + +static const unsigned short big5_2003_2uni_pagea1[314] = { + /* 0xa1 */ + 0x3000, 0xff0c, 0x3001, 0x3002, 0xff0e, 0x2027, 0xff1b, 0xff1a, + 0xff1f, 0xff01, 0xfe30, 0x2026, 0x2025, 0xfe50, 0xfe51, 0xfe52, + 0x00b7, 0xfe54, 0xfe55, 0xfe56, 0xfe57, 0xff5c, 0x2015, 0xfe31, + 0x2014, 0xfe33, 0x2574, 0xfe34, 0xfe4f, 0xff08, 0xff09, 0xfe35, + 0xfe36, 0xff5b, 0xff5d, 0xfe37, 0xfe38, 0x3014, 0x3015, 0xfe39, + 0xfe3a, 0x3010, 0x3011, 0xfe3b, 0xfe3c, 0x300a, 0x300b, 0xfe3d, + 0xfe3e, 0x3008, 0x3009, 0xfe3f, 0xfe40, 0x300c, 0x300d, 0xfe41, + 0xfe42, 0x300e, 0x300f, 0xfe43, 0xfe44, 0xfe59, 0xfe5a, 0xfe5b, + 0xfe5c, 0xfe5d, 0xfe5e, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x301d, + 0x301e, 0x2035, 0x2032, 0xff03, 0xff06, 0xff0a, 0x203b, 0x00a7, + 0x3003, 0x25cb, 0x25cf, 0x25b3, 0x25b2, 0x25ce, 0x2606, 0x2605, + 0x25c7, 0x25c6, 0x25a1, 0x25a0, 0x25bd, 0x25bc, 0x32a3, 0x2105, + 0x203e, 0xffe3, 0xff3f, 0x02cd, 0xfe49, 0xfe4a, 0xfe4d, 0xfe4e, + 0xfe4b, 0xfe4c, 0xfe5f, 0xfe60, 0xfe61, 0xff0b, 0xff0d, 0x00d7, + 0x00f7, 0x00b1, 0x221a, 0xff1c, 0xff1e, 0xff1d, 0x2266, 0x2267, + 0x2260, 0x221e, 0x2252, 0x2261, 0xfe62, 0xfe63, 0xfe64, 0xfe65, + 0xfe66, 0xff5e, 0x2229, 0x222a, 0x22a5, 0x2220, 0x221f, 0x22bf, + 0x33d2, 0x33d1, 0x222b, 0x222e, 0x2235, 0x2234, 0x2640, 0x2642, + 0x2295, 0x2299, 0x2191, 0x2193, 0x2190, 0x2192, 0x2196, 0x2197, + 0x2199, 0x2198, 0x2225, 0x2223, 0xff0f, + /* 0xa2 */ + 0xff3c, 0x2215, 0xfe68, 0xff04, 0xffe5, 0x3012, 0xffe0, 0xffe1, + 0xff05, 0xff20, 0x2103, 0x2109, 0xfe69, 0xfe6a, 0xfe6b, 0x33d5, + 0x339c, 0x339d, 0x339e, 0x33ce, 0x33a1, 0x338e, 0x338f, 0x33c4, + 0x00b0, 0x5159, 0x515b, 0x515e, 0x515d, 0x5161, 0x5163, 0x55e7, + 0x74e9, 0x7cce, 0x2581, 0x2582, 0x2583, 0x2584, 0x2585, 0x2586, + 0x2587, 0x2588, 0x258f, 0x258e, 0x258d, 0x258c, 0x258b, 0x258a, + 0x2589, 0x253c, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x2524, 0x251c, 0x2594, 0x2500, + 0x2502, 0x2595, 0x250c, 0x2510, 0x2514, 0x2518, 0x256d, 0x256e, + 0x2570, 0x256f, 0x2501, 0x251d, 0x253f, 0x2525, 0x25e2, 0x25e3, + 0x25e5, 0x25e4, 0x2571, 0x2572, 0x2573, 0xff10, 0xff11, 0xff12, + 0xff13, 0xff14, 0xff15, 0xff16, 0xff17, 0xff18, 0xff19, 0x2160, + 0x2161, 0x2162, 0x2163, 0x2164, 0x2165, 0x2166, 0x2167, 0x2168, + 0x2169, 0x3021, 0x3022, 0x3023, 0x3024, 0x3025, 0x3026, 0x3027, + 0x3028, 0x3029, 0x3038, 0x3039, 0x303a, 0xff21, 0xff22, 0xff23, + 0xff24, 0xff25, 0xff26, 0xff27, 0xff28, 0xff29, 0xff2a, 0xff2b, + 0xff2c, 0xff2d, 0xff2e, 0xff2f, 0xff30, 0xff31, 0xff32, 0xff33, + 0xff34, 0xff35, 0xff36, 0xff37, 0xff38, 0xff39, 0xff3a, 0xff41, + 0xff42, 0xff43, 0xff44, 0xff45, 0xff46, 0xff47, 0xff48, 0xff49, + 0xff4a, 0xff4b, 0xff4c, 0xff4d, 0xff4e, 0xff4f, 0xff50, 0xff51, + 0xff52, 0xff53, 0xff54, 0xff55, 0xff56, +}; + +static const unsigned short big5_2003_2uni_pagec6[70] = { + /* 0xc6a1 */ + 0x2460, 0x2461, 0x2462, 0x2463, 0x2464, 0x2465, 0x2466, 0x2467, + 0x2468, 0x2469, 0x2474, 0x2475, 0x2476, 0x2477, 0x2478, 0x2479, + 0x247a, 0x247b, 0x247c, 0x247d, 0x2170, 0x2171, 0x2172, 0x2173, + 0x2174, 0x2175, 0x2176, 0x2177, 0x2178, 0x2179, 0x2f02, 0x2f03, + 0x2f05, 0x2f07, 0x2f0c, 0x2f0d, 0x2f0e, 0x2f13, 0x2f16, 0x2f19, + 0x2f1b, 0x2f22, 0x2f27, 0x2f2e, 0x2f33, 0x2f34, 0x2f35, 0x2f39, + 0x2f3a, 0x2f41, 0x2f46, 0x2f67, 0x2f68, 0x2fa1, 0x2faa, 0x00a8, + 0xff3e, 0x30fd, 0x30fe, 0x309d, 0x309e, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x3005, + 0x3006, 0x3007, 0x30fc, 0xff3b, 0xff3d, 0x273d, +}; + +static const unsigned short big5_2003_2uni_pagef9[41] = { + /* 0xf9d6 */ + 0x7881, 0x92b9, 0x88cf, 0x58bb, 0x6052, 0x7ca7, 0x5afa, + /* 0xf9dd */ + 0x2554, 0x2566, 0x2557, 0x2560, 0x256c, 0x2563, 0x255a, 0x2569, + 0x255d, 0x2552, 0x2564, 0x2555, 0x255e, 0x256a, 0x2561, 0x2558, + 0x2567, 0x255b, 0x2553, 0x2565, 0x2556, 0x255f, 0x256b, 0x2562, + 0x2559, 0x2568, 0x255c, 0x2551, 0x2550, + 0x2554, 0x2557, 0x255a, 0x255d, /* not invertible */ + 0x2593, +}; + +static int +big5_2003_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + if (c < 0x80) + return ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + /* Code set 1 (BIG5 extended) */ + if (c >= 0x81 && c < 0xff) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 < 0x7f) || (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff)) { + if (c >= 0xa1) { + if (c < 0xa3) { + unsigned int i = 157 * (c - 0xa1) + (c2 - (c2 >= 0xa1 ? 0x62 : 0x40)); + unsigned short wc = big5_2003_2uni_pagea1[i]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 2; + } + } + if (!((c == 0xc6 && c2 >= 0xa1) || c == 0xc7)) { + if (!(c == 0xc2 && c2 == 0x55)) { + int ret = big5_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + if (c == 0xa3) { + if (c2 >= 0xc0 && c2 <= 0xe1) { + *pwc = (c2 == 0xe1 ? 0x20ac : c2 == 0xe0 ? 0x2421 : 0x2340 + c2); + return 2; + } + } else if (c == 0xf9) { + if (c2 >= 0xd6) { + *pwc = big5_2003_2uni_pagef9[c2-0xd6]; + return 2; + } + } else if (c >= 0xfa) { + *pwc = 0xe000 + 157 * (c - 0xfa) + (c2 - (c2 >= 0xa1 ? 0x62 : 0x40)); + return 2; + } + } else { + /* c == 0xc2 && c2 == 0x55. */ + *pwc = 0x5f5e; + return 2; + } + } else { + /* (c == 0xc6 && c2 >= 0xa1) || c == 0xc7. */ + unsigned int i = 157 * (c - 0xc6) + (c2 - (c2 >= 0xa1 ? 0x62 : 0x40)); + if (i < 133) { + /* 63 <= i < 133. */ + unsigned short wc = big5_2003_2uni_pagec6[i-63]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 2; + } + } else if (i < 216) { + /* 133 <= i < 216. Hiragana. */ + *pwc = 0x3041 - 133 + i; + return 2; + } else if (i < 302) { + /* 216 <= i < 302. Katakana. */ + *pwc = 0x30a1 - 216 + i; + return 2; + } + } + } else { + /* 0x81 <= c < 0xa1. */ + *pwc = (c >= 0x8e ? 0xdb18 : 0xeeb8) + 157 * (c - 0x81) + + (c2 - (c2 >= 0xa1 ? 0x62 : 0x40)); + return 2; + } + } + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char big5_2003_2charset_page25[29] = { + /* 0x2550 */ + 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xe6, 0xef, 0xdd, 0xe8, 0xf1, 0xdf, + 0xec, 0xf5, 0xe3, 0xee, 0xf7, 0xe5, 0xe9, 0xf2, + 0xe0, 0xeb, 0xf4, 0xe2, 0xe7, 0xf0, 0xde, 0xed, + 0xf6, 0xe4, 0xea, 0xf3, 0xe1, +}; + +static int +big5_2003_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) + return ret; + + /* Code set 1 (BIG5 extended) */ + switch (wc >> 8) { + case 0x00: + if (wc == 0x00a8) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xd8; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x00a2 || wc == 0x00a3 || wc == 0x00a5) + return RET_ILUNI; + break; + case 0x02: + if (wc == 0x02cd) { buf[0] = 0xa1; buf[1] = 0xc5; ret = 2; break; } + break; + case 0x04: + return RET_ILUNI; + case 0x20: + if (wc == 0x2015) { buf[0] = 0xa1; buf[1] = 0x56; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2027) { buf[0] = 0xa1; buf[1] = 0x45; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x20ac) { buf[0] = 0xa3; buf[1] = 0xe1; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2013 || wc == 0x2022) + return RET_ILUNI; + break; + case 0x21: + if (wc >= 0x2170 && wc <= 0x2179) { + buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = wc - 0x20bb; ret = 2; + break; + } + break; + case 0x22: + if (wc == 0x2215) { buf[0] = 0xa2; buf[1] = 0x41; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2295) { buf[0] = 0xa1; buf[1] = 0xf2; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2299) { buf[0] = 0xa1; buf[1] = 0xf3; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x223c) + return RET_ILUNI; + break; + case 0x24: + if (wc <= 0x241f) { buf[0] = 0xa3; buf[1] = wc - 0x2340; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2421) { buf[0] = 0xa3; buf[1] = 0xe0; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc >= 0x2460 && wc <= 0x2469) { + buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = wc - 0x23bf; ret = 2; + break; + } + if (wc >= 0x2474 && wc <= 0x247d) { + buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = wc - 0x23c9; ret = 2; + break; + } + break; + case 0x25: + if (wc == 0x2501) { buf[0] = 0xa2; buf[1] = 0xa4; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x251d) { buf[0] = 0xa2; buf[1] = 0xa5; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2525) { buf[0] = 0xa2; buf[1] = 0xa7; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x253f) { buf[0] = 0xa2; buf[1] = 0xa6; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc >= 0x2550 && wc <= 0x256c) { + buf[0] = 0xf9; buf[1] = big5_2003_2charset_page25[wc-0x2550]; ret = 2; + break; + } + if (wc == 0x2574) { buf[0] = 0xa1; buf[1] = 0x5a; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2593) { buf[0] = 0xf9; buf[1] = 0xfe; ret = 2; break; } + break; + case 0x26: + if (wc == 0x2609 || wc == 0x2641) + return RET_ILUNI; + break; + case 0x27: + if (wc == 0x273d) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xe6; ret = 2; break; } + break; + case 0x2f: + if (wc == 0x2f02) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xbf; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f03) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xc0; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f05) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xc1; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f07) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xc2; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f0c) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xc3; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f0d) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xc4; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f0e) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xc5; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f13) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xc6; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f16) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xc7; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f19) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xc8; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f1b) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xc9; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f22) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xca; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f27) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xcb; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f2e) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xcc; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f33) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xcd; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f34) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xce; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f35) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xcf; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f39) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xd0; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f3a) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xd1; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f41) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xd2; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f46) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xd3; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f67) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xd4; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2f68) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xd5; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2fa1) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xd6; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2faa) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xd7; ret = 2; break; } + break; + case 0x30: + if (wc >= 0x3005 && wc <= 0x3007) { + buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = wc - 0x2f25; ret = 2; + break; + } + if (wc >= 0x3038 && wc <= 0x303a) { + buf[0] = 0xa2; buf[1] = wc - 0x2f6c; ret = 2; + break; + } + if (wc >= 0x3041 && wc <= 0x3093) { + if (wc < 0x3059) { + buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = wc - 0x2f5a; + } else { + buf[0] = 0xc7; buf[1] = wc - 0x3019; + } + ret = 2; + break; + } + if (wc == 0x309d) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xdc; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x309e) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xdd; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc >= 0x30a1 && wc <= 0x30f6) { + buf[0] = 0xc7; buf[1] = wc - (wc < 0x30a5 ? 0x3026 : 0x3004); ret = 2; + break; + } + if (wc == 0x30fc) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xe3; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x30fd) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xda; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x30fe) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xdb; ret = 2; break; } + break; + case 0x53: + if (wc == 0x5344) + return RET_ILUNI; + break; + case 0x58: + if (wc == 0x58bb) { buf[0] = 0xf9; buf[1] = 0xd9; ret = 2; break; } + break; + case 0x5a: + if (wc == 0x5afa) { buf[0] = 0xf9; buf[1] = 0xdc; ret = 2; break; } + break; + case 0x5f: + if (wc == 0x5f5e) { buf[0] = 0xc2; buf[1] = 0x55; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x5f5d) + return RET_ILUNI; + break; + case 0x60: + if (wc == 0x6052) { buf[0] = 0xf9; buf[1] = 0xda; ret = 2; break; } + break; + case 0x78: + if (wc == 0x7881) { buf[0] = 0xf9; buf[1] = 0xd6; ret = 2; break; } + break; + case 0x7c: + if (wc == 0x7ca7) { buf[0] = 0xf9; buf[1] = 0xdb; ret = 2; break; } + break; + case 0x88: + if (wc == 0x88cf) { buf[0] = 0xf9; buf[1] = 0xd8; ret = 2; break; } + break; + case 0x92: + if (wc == 0x92b9) { buf[0] = 0xf9; buf[1] = 0xd7; ret = 2; break; } + break; + case 0xe0: case 0xe1: case 0xe2: case 0xe3: case 0xe4: case 0xe5: + case 0xe6: case 0xe7: case 0xe8: case 0xe9: case 0xea: case 0xeb: + case 0xec: case 0xed: case 0xee: case 0xef: case 0xf0: case 0xf1: + case 0xf2: case 0xf3: case 0xf4: case 0xf5: case 0xf6: + { + unsigned int i = wc - 0xe000; + if (i < 5809) { + unsigned int c1 = i / 157; + unsigned int c2 = i % 157; + buf[0] = c1 + (c1 < 5 ? 0xfa : c1 < 24 ? 0x89 : 0x69); + buf[1] = c2 + (c2 < 0x3f ? 0x40 : 0x62); + ret = 2; + break; + } + } + break; + case 0xfe: + if (wc == 0xfe51) { buf[0] = 0xa1; buf[1] = 0x4e; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0xfe68) { buf[0] = 0xa2; buf[1] = 0x42; ret = 2; break; } + break; + case 0xff: + if (wc == 0xff0f) { buf[0] = 0xa1; buf[1] = 0xfe; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0xff3b) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xe4; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0xff3c) { buf[0] = 0xa2; buf[1] = 0x40; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0xff3d) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xe5; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0xff3e) { buf[0] = 0xc6; buf[1] = 0xd9; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0xff5e) { buf[0] = 0xa1; buf[1] = 0xe3; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0xffe0) { buf[0] = 0xa2; buf[1] = 0x46; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0xffe1) { buf[0] = 0xa2; buf[1] = 0x47; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0xffe3) { buf[0] = 0xa1; buf[1] = 0xc3; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0xffe5) { buf[0] = 0xa2; buf[1] = 0x44; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0xff64) + return RET_ILUNI; + break; + } + if (ret == RET_ILUNI) + ret = big5_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + return 2; + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/big5hkscs1999.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/big5hkscs1999.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9e0d1b0c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/big5hkscs1999.h @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * BIG5-HKSCS:1999 + */ + +/* + * BIG5-HKSCS:1999 can be downloaded from + * http://www.info.gov.hk/digital21/eng/hkscs/download.html + * http://www.info.gov.hk/digital21/eng/hkscs/index.html + * + * It extends BIG5 (without the rows 0xC6..0xC7) through the ranges + * + * 0x{88..8D}{40..7E,A1..FE} 641 characters + * 0x{8E..A0}{40..7E,A1..FE} 2898 characters + * 0x{C6..C8}{40..7E,A1..FE} 359 characters + * 0xF9{D6..FE} 41 characters + * 0x{FA..FE}{40..7E,A1..FE} 763 characters + * + * Note that some HKSCS characters are not contained in Unicode 3.2 + * and are therefore best represented as sequences of Unicode characters: + * 0x8862 U+00CA U+0304 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND MACRON + * 0x8864 U+00CA U+030C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND CARON + * 0x88A3 U+00EA U+0304 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND MACRON + * 0x88A5 U+00EA U+030C LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND CARON + */ + +#include "hkscs1999.h" +#include "flushwc.h" + +static int +big5hkscs1999_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + ucs4_t last_wc = conv->istate; + if (last_wc) { + /* Output the buffered character. */ + conv->istate = 0; + *pwc = last_wc; + return 0; /* Don't advance the input pointer. */ + } else { + unsigned char c = *s; + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + if (c < 0x80) + return ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + /* Code set 1 (BIG5 extended) */ + if (c >= 0xa1 && c < 0xff) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 < 0x7f) || (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff)) { + if (!((c == 0xc6 && c2 >= 0xa1) || c == 0xc7)) { + int ret = big5_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + } + } + } + } + { + int ret = hkscs1999_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + } + if (c == 0x88) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 == 0x62 || c2 == 0x64 || c2 == 0xa3 || c2 == 0xa5) { + /* It's a composed character. */ + ucs4_t wc1 = ((c2 >> 3) << 2) + 0x009a; /* = 0x00ca or 0x00ea */ + ucs4_t wc2 = ((c2 & 6) << 2) + 0x02fc; /* = 0x0304 or 0x030c */ + /* We cannot output two Unicode characters at once. So, + output the first character and buffer the second one. */ + *pwc = wc1; + conv->istate = wc2; + return 2; + } + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } +} + +#define big5hkscs1999_flushwc normal_flushwc + +static int +big5hkscs1999_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + int count = 0; + unsigned char last = conv->ostate; + + if (last) { + /* last is = 0x66 or = 0xa7. */ + if (wc == 0x0304 || wc == 0x030c) { + /* Output the combined character. */ + if (n >= 2) { + r[0] = 0x88; + r[1] = last + ((wc & 24) >> 2) - 4; /* = 0x62 or 0x64 or 0xa3 or 0xa5 */ + conv->ostate = 0; + return 2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + + /* Output the buffered character. */ + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = 0x88; + r[1] = last; + r += 2; + count = 2; + } + + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + if (wc < 0x0080) { + /* Plain ASCII character. */ + if (n > count) { + r[0] = (unsigned char) wc; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+1; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } else { + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Code set 1 (BIG5 extended) */ + ret = big5_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (!((buf[0] == 0xc6 && buf[1] >= 0xa1) || buf[0] == 0xc7)) { + if (n >= count+2) { + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + } + ret = hkscs1999_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if ((wc & ~0x0020) == 0x00ca) { + /* A possible first character of a multi-character sequence. We have to + buffer it. */ + if (!(buf[0] == 0x88 && (buf[1] == 0x66 || buf[1] == 0xa7))) abort(); + conv->ostate = buf[1]; /* = 0x66 or = 0xa7 */ + return count+0; + } + if (n >= count+2) { + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } +} + +static int +big5hkscs1999_reset (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, int n) +{ + unsigned char last = conv->ostate; + + if (last) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = 0x88; + r[1] = last; + /* conv->ostate = 0; will be done by the caller */ + return 2; + } else + return 0; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/big5hkscs2001.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/big5hkscs2001.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2d378c480 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/big5hkscs2001.h @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * BIG5-HKSCS:2001 + */ + +/* + * BIG5-HKSCS:2001 can be downloaded from + * http://www.info.gov.hk/digital21/eng/hkscs/download.html + * http://www.info.gov.hk/digital21/eng/hkscs/index.html + * + * It extends BIG5-HKSCS:1999 through 116 characters. + * + * It extends BIG5 (without the rows 0xC6..0xC7) through the ranges + * + * 0x{88..8D}{40..7E,A1..FE} 757 characters + * 0x{8E..A0}{40..7E,A1..FE} 2898 characters + * 0x{C6..C8}{40..7E,A1..FE} 359 characters + * 0xF9{D6..FE} 41 characters + * 0x{FA..FE}{40..7E,A1..FE} 763 characters + * + * Note that some HKSCS characters are not contained in Unicode 3.2 + * and are therefore best represented as sequences of Unicode characters: + * 0x8862 U+00CA U+0304 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND MACRON + * 0x8864 U+00CA U+030C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND CARON + * 0x88A3 U+00EA U+0304 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND MACRON + * 0x88A5 U+00EA U+030C LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND CARON + */ + +#include "hkscs2001.h" +#include "flushwc.h" + +static int +big5hkscs2001_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + ucs4_t last_wc = conv->istate; + if (last_wc) { + /* Output the buffered character. */ + conv->istate = 0; + *pwc = last_wc; + return 0; /* Don't advance the input pointer. */ + } else { + unsigned char c = *s; + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + if (c < 0x80) + return ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + /* Code set 1 (BIG5 extended) */ + if (c >= 0xa1 && c < 0xff) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 < 0x7f) || (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff)) { + if (!((c == 0xc6 && c2 >= 0xa1) || c == 0xc7)) { + int ret = big5_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + } + } + } + } + { + int ret = hkscs1999_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + } + { + int ret = hkscs2001_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + } + if (c == 0x88) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 == 0x62 || c2 == 0x64 || c2 == 0xa3 || c2 == 0xa5) { + /* It's a composed character. */ + ucs4_t wc1 = ((c2 >> 3) << 2) + 0x009a; /* = 0x00ca or 0x00ea */ + ucs4_t wc2 = ((c2 & 6) << 2) + 0x02fc; /* = 0x0304 or 0x030c */ + /* We cannot output two Unicode characters at once. So, + output the first character and buffer the second one. */ + *pwc = wc1; + conv->istate = wc2; + return 2; + } + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } +} + +#define big5hkscs2001_flushwc normal_flushwc + +static int +big5hkscs2001_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + int count = 0; + unsigned char last = conv->ostate; + + if (last) { + /* last is = 0x66 or = 0xa7. */ + if (wc == 0x0304 || wc == 0x030c) { + /* Output the combined character. */ + if (n >= 2) { + r[0] = 0x88; + r[1] = last + ((wc & 24) >> 2) - 4; /* = 0x62 or 0x64 or 0xa3 or 0xa5 */ + conv->ostate = 0; + return 2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + + /* Output the buffered character. */ + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = 0x88; + r[1] = last; + r += 2; + count = 2; + } + + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + if (wc < 0x0080) { + /* Plain ASCII character. */ + if (n > count) { + r[0] = (unsigned char) wc; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+1; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } else { + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Code set 1 (BIG5 extended) */ + ret = big5_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (!((buf[0] == 0xc6 && buf[1] >= 0xa1) || buf[0] == 0xc7)) { + if (n >= count+2) { + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + } + ret = hkscs1999_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if ((wc & ~0x0020) == 0x00ca) { + /* A possible first character of a multi-character sequence. We have to + buffer it. */ + if (!(buf[0] == 0x88 && (buf[1] == 0x66 || buf[1] == 0xa7))) abort(); + conv->ostate = buf[1]; /* = 0x66 or = 0xa7 */ + return count+0; + } + if (n >= count+2) { + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + ret = hkscs2001_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n >= count+2) { + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } +} + +static int +big5hkscs2001_reset (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, int n) +{ + unsigned char last = conv->ostate; + + if (last) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = 0x88; + r[1] = last; + /* conv->ostate = 0; will be done by the caller */ + return 2; + } else + return 0; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/big5hkscs2004.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/big5hkscs2004.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c57f66b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/big5hkscs2004.h @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * BIG5-HKSCS:2004 + */ + +/* + * BIG5-HKSCS:2004 can be downloaded from + * http://www.info.gov.hk/digital21/eng/hkscs/download.html + * http://www.info.gov.hk/digital21/eng/hkscs/index.html + * + * It extends BIG5-HKSCS:2001 through 123 characters. + * + * It extends BIG5 (without the rows 0xC6..0xC7) through the ranges + * + * 0x{87..8D}{40..7E,A1..FE} 880 characters + * 0x{8E..A0}{40..7E,A1..FE} 2898 characters + * 0x{C6..C8}{40..7E,A1..FE} 359 characters + * 0xF9{D6..FE} 41 characters + * 0x{FA..FE}{40..7E,A1..FE} 763 characters + * + * Note that some HKSCS characters are not contained in Unicode 3.2 + * and are therefore best represented as sequences of Unicode characters: + * 0x8862 U+00CA U+0304 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND MACRON + * 0x8864 U+00CA U+030C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND CARON + * 0x88A3 U+00EA U+0304 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND MACRON + * 0x88A5 U+00EA U+030C LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND CARON + */ + +#include "hkscs2004.h" +#include "flushwc.h" + +static int +big5hkscs2004_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + ucs4_t last_wc = conv->istate; + if (last_wc) { + /* Output the buffered character. */ + conv->istate = 0; + *pwc = last_wc; + return 0; /* Don't advance the input pointer. */ + } else { + unsigned char c = *s; + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + if (c < 0x80) + return ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + /* Code set 1 (BIG5 extended) */ + if (c >= 0xa1 && c < 0xff) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 < 0x7f) || (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff)) { + if (!((c == 0xc6 && c2 >= 0xa1) || c == 0xc7)) { + int ret = big5_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + } + } + } + } + { + int ret = hkscs1999_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + } + { + int ret = hkscs2001_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + } + { + int ret = hkscs2004_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + } + if (c == 0x88) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 == 0x62 || c2 == 0x64 || c2 == 0xa3 || c2 == 0xa5) { + /* It's a composed character. */ + ucs4_t wc1 = ((c2 >> 3) << 2) + 0x009a; /* = 0x00ca or 0x00ea */ + ucs4_t wc2 = ((c2 & 6) << 2) + 0x02fc; /* = 0x0304 or 0x030c */ + /* We cannot output two Unicode characters at once. So, + output the first character and buffer the second one. */ + *pwc = wc1; + conv->istate = wc2; + return 2; + } + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } +} + +#define big5hkscs2004_flushwc normal_flushwc + +static int +big5hkscs2004_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + int count = 0; + unsigned char last = conv->ostate; + + if (last) { + /* last is = 0x66 or = 0xa7. */ + if (wc == 0x0304 || wc == 0x030c) { + /* Output the combined character. */ + if (n >= 2) { + r[0] = 0x88; + r[1] = last + ((wc & 24) >> 2) - 4; /* = 0x62 or 0x64 or 0xa3 or 0xa5 */ + conv->ostate = 0; + return 2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + + /* Output the buffered character. */ + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = 0x88; + r[1] = last; + r += 2; + count = 2; + } + + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + if (wc < 0x0080) { + /* Plain ASCII character. */ + if (n > count) { + r[0] = (unsigned char) wc; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+1; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } else { + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Code set 1 (BIG5 extended) */ + ret = big5_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (!((buf[0] == 0xc6 && buf[1] >= 0xa1) || buf[0] == 0xc7)) { + if (n >= count+2) { + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + } + ret = hkscs1999_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if ((wc & ~0x0020) == 0x00ca) { + /* A possible first character of a multi-character sequence. We have to + buffer it. */ + if (!(buf[0] == 0x88 && (buf[1] == 0x66 || buf[1] == 0xa7))) abort(); + conv->ostate = buf[1]; /* = 0x66 or = 0xa7 */ + return count+0; + } + if (n >= count+2) { + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + ret = hkscs2001_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n >= count+2) { + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + ret = hkscs2004_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n >= count+2) { + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } +} + +static int +big5hkscs2004_reset (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, int n) +{ + unsigned char last = conv->ostate; + + if (last) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = 0x88; + r[1] = last; + /* conv->ostate = 0; will be done by the caller */ + return 2; + } else + return 0; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/big5hkscs2008.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/big5hkscs2008.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8759f4d04 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/big5hkscs2008.h @@ -0,0 +1,247 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002, 2006, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * BIG5-HKSCS:2008 + */ + +/* + * BIG5-HKSCS:2008 can be downloaded from + * http://www.ogcio.gov.hk/ccli/eng/hkscs/download.html + * http://www.ogcio.gov.hk/ccli/eng/hkscs/introduction.html + * + * It extends BIG5-HKSCS:2004 through 68 characters. + * + * It extends BIG5 (without the rows 0xC6..0xC7) through the ranges + * + * 0x{87..8D}{40..7E,A1..FE} 880 characters + * 0x{8E..A0}{40..7E,A1..FE} 2898 characters + * 0x{C6..C8}{40..7E,A1..FE} 359 characters + * 0xF9{D6..FE} 41 characters + * 0x{FA..FE}{40..7E,A1..FE} 763 characters + * + * Note that some HKSCS characters are not contained in Unicode 3.2 + * and are therefore best represented as sequences of Unicode characters: + * 0x8862 U+00CA U+0304 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND MACRON + * 0x8864 U+00CA U+030C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND CARON + * 0x88A3 U+00EA U+0304 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND MACRON + * 0x88A5 U+00EA U+030C LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX AND CARON + */ + +#include "hkscs2008.h" +#include "flushwc.h" + +static int +big5hkscs2008_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + ucs4_t last_wc = conv->istate; + if (last_wc) { + /* Output the buffered character. */ + conv->istate = 0; + *pwc = last_wc; + return 0; /* Don't advance the input pointer. */ + } else { + unsigned char c = *s; + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + if (c < 0x80) + return ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + /* Code set 1 (BIG5 extended) */ + if (c >= 0xa1 && c < 0xff) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 < 0x7f) || (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff)) { + if (!((c == 0xc6 && c2 >= 0xa1) || c == 0xc7)) { + int ret = big5_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + } + } + } + } + { + int ret = hkscs1999_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + } + { + int ret = hkscs2001_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + } + { + int ret = hkscs2004_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + } + { + int ret = hkscs2008_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + } + if (c == 0x88) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 == 0x62 || c2 == 0x64 || c2 == 0xa3 || c2 == 0xa5) { + /* It's a composed character. */ + ucs4_t wc1 = ((c2 >> 3) << 2) + 0x009a; /* = 0x00ca or 0x00ea */ + ucs4_t wc2 = ((c2 & 6) << 2) + 0x02fc; /* = 0x0304 or 0x030c */ + /* We cannot output two Unicode characters at once. So, + output the first character and buffer the second one. */ + *pwc = wc1; + conv->istate = wc2; + return 2; + } + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } +} + +#define big5hkscs2008_flushwc normal_flushwc + +static int +big5hkscs2008_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + int count = 0; + unsigned char last = conv->ostate; + + if (last) { + /* last is = 0x66 or = 0xa7. */ + if (wc == 0x0304 || wc == 0x030c) { + /* Output the combined character. */ + if (n >= 2) { + r[0] = 0x88; + r[1] = last + ((wc & 24) >> 2) - 4; /* = 0x62 or 0x64 or 0xa3 or 0xa5 */ + conv->ostate = 0; + return 2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + + /* Output the buffered character. */ + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = 0x88; + r[1] = last; + r += 2; + count = 2; + } + + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + if (wc < 0x0080) { + /* Plain ASCII character. */ + if (n > count) { + r[0] = (unsigned char) wc; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+1; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } else { + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Code set 1 (BIG5 extended) */ + ret = big5_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (!((buf[0] == 0xc6 && buf[1] >= 0xa1) || buf[0] == 0xc7)) { + if (n >= count+2) { + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + } + ret = hkscs1999_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if ((wc & ~0x0020) == 0x00ca) { + /* A possible first character of a multi-character sequence. We have to + buffer it. */ + if (!(buf[0] == 0x88 && (buf[1] == 0x66 || buf[1] == 0xa7))) abort(); + conv->ostate = buf[1]; /* = 0x66 or = 0xa7 */ + return count+0; + } + if (n >= count+2) { + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + ret = hkscs2001_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n >= count+2) { + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + ret = hkscs2004_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n >= count+2) { + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + ret = hkscs2008_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n >= count+2) { + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } +} + +static int +big5hkscs2008_reset (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, int n) +{ + unsigned char last = conv->ostate; + + if (last) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = 0x88; + r[1] = last; + /* conv->ostate = 0; will be done by the caller */ + return 2; + } else + return 0; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/c99.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/c99.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..52a73c354 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/c99.h @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * C99 + * This is ASCII with \uXXXX and \UXXXXXXXX escape sequences, denoting Unicode + * characters. See ISO/IEC 9899:1999, section 6.4.3. + * The treatment of control characters in the range U+0080..U+009F is not + * specified; we pass them through unmodified. + */ + +static int +c99_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c; + ucs4_t wc; + int i; + + c = s[0]; + if (c < 0xa0) { + if (c != '\\') { + *pwc = c; + return 1; + } + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + c = s[1]; + if (c == 'u') { + wc = 0; + for (i = 2; i < 6; i++) { + if (n <= i) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + c = s[i]; + if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') + c -= '0'; + else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') + c -= 'A'-10; + else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') + c -= 'a'-10; + else + goto simply_backslash; + wc |= (ucs4_t) c << (4 * (5-i)); + } + if ((wc >= 0x00a0 && !(wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xe000)) + || wc == 0x0024 || wc == 0x0040 || wc == 0x0060) { + *pwc = wc; + return 6; + } + } else if (c == 'U') { + wc = 0; + for (i = 2; i < 10; i++) { + if (n <= i) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + c = s[i]; + if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') + c -= '0'; + else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') + c -= 'A'-10; + else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') + c -= 'a'-10; + else + goto simply_backslash; + wc |= (ucs4_t) c << (4 * (9-i)); + } + if ((wc >= 0x00a0 && !(wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xe000)) + || wc == 0x0024 || wc == 0x0040 || wc == 0x0060) { + *pwc = wc; + return 10; + } + } else + goto simply_backslash; + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +simply_backslash: + *pwc = '\\'; + return 1; +} + +static int +c99_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (wc < 0xa0) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } else { + int result; + unsigned char u; + if (wc < 0x10000) { + result = 6; + u = 'u'; + } else { + result = 10; + u = 'U'; + } + if (n >= result) { + int count; + r[0] = '\\'; + r[1] = u; + r += 2; + for (count = result-3; count >= 0; count--) { + unsigned int i = (wc >> (4*count)) & 0x0f; + *r++ = (i < 10 ? '0'+i : 'a'-10+i); + } + return result; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..550cc64f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical.h @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str287, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str255, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str179, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str367, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str283, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str263, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str409, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str325, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str242, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str434, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str350, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str252, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str440, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str356, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str575, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str406, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str723, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str448, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str765, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str30, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str600, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str74, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str84, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str78, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str168, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str82, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str76, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str410, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str90, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str98, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str221, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str75, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str79, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str169, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str83, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str77, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str261, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str403, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str480, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str164, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str18, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str28, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str22, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t 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b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_aix_sysaix.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8b58d1fa8 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_aix_sysaix.h @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_aix_0, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_aix_2, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_aix_4, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_aix_6, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_aix_8, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_aix_10, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_aix_12, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_aix_16, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_aix_20, diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_dos.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_dos.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aa82651cd --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_dos.h @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_dos_0, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_dos_4, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_dos_5, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_dos_8, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_dos_12, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_dos_13, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_dos_17, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_dos_21, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_dos_22, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_dos_26, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_dos_31, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_dos_35, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_dos_38, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_dos_42, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_dos_47, 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b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_osf1.h @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_osf1_0, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_osf1_1, diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_osf1_sysosf1.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_osf1_sysosf1.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..15c276908 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_osf1_sysosf1.h @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_osf1_0, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_osf1_2, diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_sysaix.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_sysaix.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..00a71f6bd --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_sysaix.h @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str383, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str363, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str231, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str604, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str483, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str327, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str652, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str531, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str358, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str733, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str612, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str364, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str737, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str616, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str685, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str501, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str654, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str549, 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stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str235, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str149, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str202, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str638, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str613, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str52, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str629, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str591, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str594, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str188, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str146, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str48, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str251, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str179, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str190, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str92, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str495, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str153, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str186, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str603, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str584, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str635, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str324, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str369, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str133, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str885, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str360, diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_syshpux.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_syshpux.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..390355b73 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_syshpux.h @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str310, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str368, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str293, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str464, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str525, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str395, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str515, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str576, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str355, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str521, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str582, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str363, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str534, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str595, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str440, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str665, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str644, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str716, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str695, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str36, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str596, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str64, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str60, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str100, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str162, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str76, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str70, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str158, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str86, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str92, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str177, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str67, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str103, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str165, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str79, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str73, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str345, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str669, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str790, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str131, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str21, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str17, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str57, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str119, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str33, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str27, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str115, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str43, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str141, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str24, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str34, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str35, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str448, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str561, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str410, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str335, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str470, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str704, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str685, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str607, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str689, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str800, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str454, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str195, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str331, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str484, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str202, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str449, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str513, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str139, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str190, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str262, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str603, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str71, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str149, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str170, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str251, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str271, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str450, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str769, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str791, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str710, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str354, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str332, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str153, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str203, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str491, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str461, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str42, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str542, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str473, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str471, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str30, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str314, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str52, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str352, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str81, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str96, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str12, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str378, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str308, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str144, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str771, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str757, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str806, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str421, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str343, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str105, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str654, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str394, diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_sysosf1.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_sysosf1.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..659a516aa --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_sysosf1.h @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str343, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str294, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str223, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str591, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str433, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str319, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str639, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str481, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str289, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str659, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str501, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str295, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str663, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str505, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str586, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str472, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str695, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str520, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str743, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str53, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str711, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str103, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str109, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str107, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str205, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str111, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str105, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str407, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str115, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str141, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str246, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str108, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str112, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str210, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str116, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str110, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str280, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str410, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str487, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str175, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str37, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str43, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str41, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str139, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str45, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str39, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str341, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str49, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str173, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str38, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str34, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str32, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str543, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str727, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str428, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str544, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str761, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str281, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str821, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str649, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str661, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str939, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str646, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str362, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str458, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str500, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str369, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str397, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str442, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str178, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str202, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str234, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str417, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str36, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str253, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str285, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str245, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str238, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str515, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str671, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str683, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str608, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str266, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str243, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str149, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str228, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str581, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str638, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str52, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str593, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str524, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str527, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str167, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str206, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str48, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str259, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str179, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str190, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str60, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str426, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str198, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str186, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str784, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str765, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str816, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str511, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str374, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str133, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str807, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str386, diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_syssolaris.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_syssolaris.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..72ad33a50 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/canonical_syssolaris.h @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str463, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str258, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str314, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str482, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str365, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str278, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str464, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str347, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str279, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str470, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str353, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str378, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str546, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str429, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str588, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str510, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str563, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str492, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str545, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str30, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str569, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str124, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str184, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str230, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str148, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str160, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str138, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str452, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str122, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str136, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str175, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str129, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str235, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str153, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str165, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str143, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str276, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str680, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str684, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str127, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str81, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str141, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str187, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str105, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str117, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str95, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str409, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str79, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str91, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str94, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str48, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str86, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str387, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str451, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str346, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str415, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str489, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str389, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str752, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str774, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str953, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str853, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str432, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str513, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str297, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str502, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str372, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str412, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str419, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str478, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str71, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str62, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str266, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str192, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str246, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str215, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str424, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str307, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str507, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str669, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str667, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str706, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str211, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str320, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str202, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str283, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str400, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str714, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str147, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str556, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str554, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str584, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str67, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str516, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str101, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str271, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str223, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str327, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str99, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str540, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str293, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str98, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str901, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str895, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str907, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str666, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str255, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str58, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str691, + (int)(long)&((struct stringpool_t *)0)->stringpool_str411, diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ces_big5.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ces_big5.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2f87735bc --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ces_big5.h @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * BIG-5 + */ + +static int +ces_big5_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + if (c < 0x80) + return ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + /* Code set 1 (BIG5) */ + if (c >= 0xa1 && c < 0xff) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 < 0x7f) || (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff)) + return big5_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + else + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +ces_big5_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) + return ret; + + /* Code set 1 (BIG5) */ + ret = big5_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + return 2; + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ces_gbk.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ces_gbk.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..69e61f7dc --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ces_gbk.h @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * GBK + */ + +static int +ces_gbk_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + + /* Code set 0 (ASCII or GB 1988-89) */ + if (c < 0x80) + return ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + /* Code set 1 (GBK) */ + if (c >= 0x81 && c < 0xff) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + return gbk_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +ces_gbk_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Code set 0 (ASCII or GB 1988-89) */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) + return ret; + + /* Code set 1 (GBK) */ + ret = gbk_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + return 2; + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cjk_variants.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cjk_variants.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..23cb4b326 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cjk_variants.h @@ -0,0 +1,4241 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CJK variants table + */ + +static const unsigned short cjk_variants[12038] = { + 0x9e44, 0x1e2a, 0x200b, 0xcb87, 0xaf0c, 0x9e0a, 0x9e0b, 0xd42c, + 0x23c1, 0xaf0e, 0x9e04, 0x9e05, 0xa176, 0xd207, 0x2303, 0xa304, + 0x1e12, 0x619c, 0xeb57, 0x9e11, 0x2c02, 0xac08, 0x1e17, 0xa34b, + 0x1e16, 0xa34b, 0x1e20, 0xa775, 0xb96d, 0x23e2, 0x3a37, 0x3b09, + 0xd5c2, 0xb771, 0x4cf8, 0xcd72, 0x1e22, 0xa3be, 0x1e18, 0xa775, + 0x1e24, 0xa169, 0x1e1f, 0xa3be, 0xe149, 0x1e21, 0xa169, 0x23b3, + 0xa6b4, 0x20a1, 0x2e76, 0xcadd, 0xa5aa, 0x00f6, 0x200b, 0xcb87, + 0x3792, 0x3860, 0xb90f, 0xc23f, 0x5c4a, 0x5c50, 0x673b, 0x674a, + 0x68a8, 0xe8ce, 0x9e33, 0x9e32, 0xd1e8, 0x40ba, 0xc232, 0x2a6f, + 0xee97, 0x3319, 0x34e7, 0xd209, 0xa3ca, 0x2208, 0xd2c5, 0x2efc, + 0xdffa, 0x0006, 0x9e94, 0x1e46, 0xe579, 0x1e45, 0xe579, 0x2c1b, + 0x2e7a, 0x2e85, 0x6ebc, 0xeebd, 0xcfa9, 0xc0cf, 0x397d, 0xba02, + 0x1f17, 0x3500, 0x473e, 0xd846, 0xa5ac, 0x564e, 0xd65d, 0x1e58, + 0xb909, 0x1e57, 0xb909, 0x6690, 0x66a0, 0xe6b1, 0xcfd2, 0x60f7, + 0x6109, 0x610a, 0xe115, 0xb6f8, 0x2158, 0xa9cb, 0xdcb7, 0x1e82, + 0xe1e0, 0x1e7e, 0x1e81, 0xbf27, 0x1e79, 0x1e81, 0x2e72, 0xbf27, + 0x6f9c, 0xef9f, 0x1e79, 0x1e7e, 0xbf27, 0x1e71, 0xe1e0, 0x36b8, + 0xc7ad, 0xdc6b, 0xc22d, 0x1e8b, 0xa3d3, 0x1e8a, 0xa3d3, 0xaf0d, + 0x1e8f, 0x1e90, 0xb5bc, 0x1e8e, 0x1e90, 0x35bc, 0xd667, 0x1e8e, + 0x9e8f, 0x1f1d, 0xe6f2, 0x9e44, 0xa6db, 0x2c81, 0x2d57, 0x3b72, + 0xbb73, 0x9e99, 0x9e98, 0x1e9c, 0x9e9e, 0x1e9a, 0x9e9e, 0x3589, + 0x358a, 0x6f4a, 0xef50, 0x1e9a, 0x9e9c, 0xc10f, 0x1ebe, 0xa166, + 0x4522, 0xc523, 0x4546, 0x4552, 0x455d, 0xc55e, 0x9eaf, 0x9eb0, + 0x9eab, 0x9eac, 0xa91c, 0xd9aa, 0xd93b, 0xa6b2, 0x9ebb, 0x9eba, + 0x1ea1, 0xa166, 0xa104, 0xafce, 0x20cd, 0x22a8, 0xa2d5, 0x1ed8, + 0xa0c5, 0xa0d5, 0xdb8e, 0xa0df, 0x21ab, 0x21b0, 0xbc37, 0x2f93, + 0xaf9e, 0x9f5b, 0x1f1e, 0xa098, 0x1f96, 0x2d18, 0xad19, 0x1efa, + 0xa009, 0x9ec5, 0x20ca, 0xa0f2, 0xa40c, 0x9eed, 0xaf74, 0x214f, + 0x6577, 0x6578, 0xe57f, 0xa100, 0xa011, 0x9ede, 0x2047, 0xa3cd, + 0x1fa1, 0xa0f9, 0x1ed3, 0xa009, 0x9fc7, 0x2f6c, 0xb58c, 0x9f4e, + 0x2023, 0x2f77, 0x2fac, 0x4706, 0xeae3, 0x20a0, 0xc26b, 0xae11, + 0x1e51, 0x473e, 0xd846, 0xa12a, 0xa925, 0xb703, 0xa0b4, 0xa005, + 0x1e91, 0x1f20, 0xa0b3, 0x1ed0, 0x2098, 0xce56, 0xa049, 0x1f1d, + 0xa0b3, 0x9fe5, 0x9fd4, 0xa0b7, 0xa000, 0xa02b, 0xa096, 0x207d, + 0xa0de, 0x1f47, 0xcada, 0xa2aa, 0x1f32, 0x1f60, 0xa11e, 0x1f31, + 0x1f60, 0xa11e, 0x9f90, 0xd0c4, 0x9f40, 0x9f3c, 0xb014, 0x9f2b, + 0xae03, 0x9efe, 0x4b28, 0x5eb0, 0x5ec6, 0x6ab5, 0xead4, 0xa360, + 0x6918, 0xe980, 0x1ecf, 0x2f7f, 0xeaf4, 0xa05a, 0x9fab, 0x1f31, + 0x1f32, 0x211e, 0xa9b3, 0xa0ad, 0xa0c9, 0xaf8a, 0x3cd5, 0xc04b, + 0x2002, 0xae76, 0xaf88, 0xa058, 0x29b7, 0xa9ea, 0xb765, 0x6625, + 0x6634, 0x6670, 0xe682, 0xb549, 0x9f35, 0x9ed1, 0x5350, 0xd5a6, + 0x9fe0, 0x1ef7, 0xa0f9, 0x9fb6, 0xa0e5, 0x2075, 0xe049, 0xa074, + 0xa0d1, 0xa108, 0xa115, 0x9f5e, 0xa102, 0x2118, 0xac3d, 0xc7e6, + 0x9fa3, 0xac40, 0xc537, 0x9fe3, 0xccfb, 0x9efc, 0xa101, 0xdf14, + 0xc23c, 0x1f23, 0xb093, 0xa16a, 0xcae2, 0x9fa0, 0xda2b, 0x9fee, + 0x9fc1, 0x9f21, 0xa114, 0xa13c, 0xa006, 0xa137, 0xa008, 0x2039, + 0xa109, 0x1fe2, 0xd129, 0xa036, 0x209a, 0xb548, 0x2079, 0x2099, + 0x20c3, 0xa907, 0x4ca5, 0xeb3b, 0x30de, 0xbb23, 0x9f25, 0x1f75, + 0xae76, 0x207a, 0x24b1, 0xa592, 0x9f1c, 0x9fe9, 0x9feb, 0x1ed3, + 0x9efa, 0xa06c, 0x00f6, 0x1e2a, 0xcb87, 0xd146, 0xa010, 0xa00f, + 0x9eec, 0xae78, 0xa0b9, 0x2fa3, 0xd5c9, 0x1eff, 0xc706, 0xa03c, + 0x22b5, 0xa2cc, 0x9f26, 0xa25a, 0x9ff1, 0x1fed, 0xa109, 0xa0b5, + 0xa024, 0xa0be, 0xd2f1, 0xdcf0, 0x9eee, 0x9f1f, 0x5d0b, 0x5d17, + 0xdd5d, 0x9f83, 0xa0c0, 0x9f5c, 0xafa4, 0xe03c, 0x200a, 0xa0af, + 0x9fa7, 0x1fa6, 0xe049, 0xa078, 0xa077, 0x1ffb, 0x2099, 0x20c3, + 0xa907, 0x2003, 0x24b1, 0xa592, 0xa0c2, 0x1f2a, 0xa0de, 0xa0e8, + 0xa11f, 0x4f75, 0x69e1, 0xea82, 0xafac, 0xb770, 0x9f27, 0x1ed0, + 0x1f1e, 0xce56, 0x1ffb, 0x2079, 0x20c3, 0xa907, 0x1ff2, 0xb548, + 0xafad, 0x1f10, 0xc26b, 0x1e26, 0x2e76, 0xcadd, 0xabb6, 0xa10e, + 0xa13b, 0xa110, 0xa132, 0xa13a, 0x9f63, 0xa06c, 0x1f1d, 0x9f20, + 0x9f1b, 0xa03a, 0x9f24, 0xa01e, 0xa03e, 0xa059, 0xa07b, 0x1ffb, + 0x2079, 0x2099, 0xa907, 0xafb1, 0x9ec5, 0x9f65, 0x9ed9, 0x1ec2, + 0x22a8, 0xa2d5, 0x9fa8, 0x9ec6, 0xb55e, 0xc67b, 0x1f2a, 0xa07d, + 0x9ec9, 0xa0ed, 0x9fa5, 0xa07e, 0xa0f4, 0x3076, 0x30aa, 0xb0e1, + 0xa0e3, 0xe6c7, 0x9ed9, 0xa0e9, 0x1ef7, 0x9fa1, 0x9eea, 0x9fca, + 0x9fac, 0x9ebf, 0x9fa9, 0x1fed, 0xa039, 0xa0a4, 0xa0a7, 0x9fe6, + 0x9faa, 0x1fad, 0xac3d, 0x1f31, 0x1f32, 0x9f60, 0xa07f, 0xa139, + 0x9f18, 0xa0a8, 0x9fea, 0xa127, 0xa0a9, 0xa0a5, 0x9fe8, 0x2150, + 0xa152, 0xcc2a, 0xa1f6, 0x406e, 0xc097, 0x214c, 0xa151, 0x224b, + 0x22ca, 0xac05, 0x214a, 0xa151, 0xa154, 0x1ee7, 0x6577, 0x6578, + 0xe57f, 0x213f, 0xa152, 0x214a, 0xa14c, 0x213f, 0xa150, 0xa14e, + 0xa157, 0xa156, 0x1e68, 0xa9cb, 0xeee8, 0xa160, 0xa15c, 0xb5f7, + 0x1ea1, 0x9ebe, 0xa185, 0x1e21, 0x9e24, 0x9fde, 0xd62d, 0x2929, + 0x6754, 0xe75d, 0x24b2, 0x4b11, 0x65a2, 0x65d7, 0xe5dc, 0xd208, + 0x9e0c, 0x530a, 0xd332, 0x4faa, 0xe90a, 0x4363, 0xc378, 0xa180, + 0xa17e, 0xa6c5, 0xa18b, 0xae3d, 0xa189, 0xa167, 0x2706, 0x270e, + 0xa713, 0xaca1, 0xa184, 0x218c, 0xcb27, 0xa182, 0x218a, 0xcb27, + 0x226e, 0xa3e7, 0xa6e7, 0xa192, 0xd0c4, 0xa190, 0xab82, 0x21a9, + 0xabeb, 0xdecd, 0xdfb2, 0x2b90, 0xab9c, 0xa85a, 0xb700, 0xabc3, + 0x2bbc, 0xabc7, 0xabcc, 0x2199, 0xabeb, 0x2e42, 0xcf83, 0x1ecc, + 0x21b0, 0xbc37, 0x3638, 0xef15, 0xe9ae, 0x1ecc, 0x21ab, 0xbc37, + 0xa1b4, 0x3c96, 0xd85d, 0xbc7a, 0xa1b1, 0xbcc1, 0xbcef, 0xa1cd, + 0xbd0c, 0x21c8, 0xbde8, 0xbd7c, 0xbd82, 0x3053, 0x30bd, 0xbdd2, + 0xbdb8, 0x21d6, 0xbe96, 0xa1c0, 0xbdbc, 0xa1bb, 0xbe1b, 0xbe4a, + 0xc69a, 0xb817, 0x21c6, 0xbe96, 0x21dc, 0xbf9f, 0x21db, 0xbf9f, + 0x4108, 0x4155, 0x4188, 0xc199, 0x2e7e, 0xb73a, 0x21e2, 0xa1e3, + 0x21e1, 0xa1e3, 0x21e1, 0xa1e2, 0xecf3, 0xac45, 0x2904, 0xd655, + 0x21ec, 0x21ee, 0x68a8, 0x68cc, 0xe8ce, 0xece7, 0x21e8, 0x21ee, + 0x68a8, 0x68cc, 0xe8ce, 0x21f4, 0x317f, 0xb191, 0x21e8, 0x21ec, + 0x68a8, 0x68cc, 0xe8ce, 0xa1f1, 0xa1ef, 0x2c32, 0x2c34, 0x2c36, + 0x2c37, 0xeb50, 0xbac8, 0x21ed, 0x317f, 0xb191, 0xa147, 0x2757, + 0x284a, 0xa8a4, 0x2c80, 0xef63, 0x3483, 0xb4ca, 0xa1fe, 0xa1fd, + 0xe47f, 0x2202, 0xe1d6, 0x2200, 0xe1d6, 0xa204, 0xa203, 0x221b, + 0xa275, 0x1e42, 0xd2c5, 0xb81e, 0xd2bb, 0x2283, 0x2290, 0xc53b, + 0xa6ed, 0xb289, 0xa289, 0xa247, 0xa25b, 0x2205, 0x2231, 0x224f, + 0x2259, 0xa275, 0xa22a, 0xa22b, 0x2227, 0x223c, 0xa2ab, 0x2226, + 0x223c, 0xa2ab, 0x624b, 0x6464, 0xe4c7, 0xa220, 0x2225, 0xaf46, + 0x2257, 0x2277, 0x63df, 0xe4f2, 0xa244, 0xe8b3, 0x221b, 0x224f, + 0x2259, 0xa275, 0xa241, 0xd8fd, 0xa24e, 0xa23e, 0x2226, 0x2227, + 0xa2ab, 0xa28a, 0xa23a, 0xa28c, 0xa274, 0xa234, 0x2264, 0xa291, + 0xeb00, 0xa22d, 0xa219, 0x214b, 0x22ca, 0xac05, 0xbe82, 0xbb6c, + 0xa239, 0x221b, 0x2231, 0x2259, 0xa275, 0x226e, 0xa3e7, 0x2263, + 0x2271, 0x228d, 0x228e, 0x2292, 0x2294, 0x61f0, 0xe1fc, 0x222c, + 0x2277, 0x63df, 0xe4f2, 0x221b, 0x2231, 0x224f, 0xa275, 0xa033, + 0xa21a, 0xa265, 0x2251, 0x2271, 0x228d, 0x228e, 0x2292, 0x2294, + 0x61f0, 0xe1fc, 0x2242, 0xa291, 0xa25d, 0x65b9, 0xe609, 0xa287, + 0xa270, 0x218e, 0x2250, 0xa3e7, 0xa269, 0x2251, 0x2263, 0x228d, + 0x228e, 0x2292, 0x2294, 0x61f0, 0xe1fc, 0xb72d, 0xa240, 0x2205, + 0x221b, 0x2231, 0x224f, 0xa259, 0x222c, 0x2257, 0x63df, 0xe4f2, + 0xb22e, 0xa2e6, 0x2212, 0x2290, 0xc53b, 0xcb9a, 0xa267, 0xa218, + 0xa23d, 0xa23f, 0x2251, 0x2263, 0x2271, 0x228e, 0x2292, 0x2294, + 0x61f0, 0xe1fc, 0x2251, 0x2263, 0x2271, 0x228d, 0x2292, 0x2294, + 0x61f0, 0xe1fc, 0x2212, 0x2283, 0xc53b, 0x2242, 0xa264, 0x2251, + 0x2263, 0x2271, 0x228d, 0x228e, 0x2294, 0x61f0, 0xe1fc, 0x2251, + 0x2263, 0x2271, 0x228d, 0x228e, 0x2292, 0x61f0, 0xe1fc, 0x5cad, + 0xdcea, 0x22e7, 0xa2f8, 0xdfa6, 0x4cfc, 0xccff, 0xa2d9, 0xa2f1, + 0x1ec2, 0x20cd, 0xa2d5, 0x9f2e, 0x2226, 0x2227, 0xa23c, 0xa2f5, + 0xa2c1, 0x22b4, 0x22de, 0xb1a5, 0x22b3, 0x22de, 0xb1a5, 0x2026, + 0xa2cc, 0xb548, 0xa2e2, 0xa2b2, 0xb54f, 0x22d1, 0xb555, 0xa2c8, + 0xa2c7, 0x214b, 0x224b, 0xac05, 0x22db, 0x22f2, 0xa2f3, 0x2026, + 0xa2b5, 0x22c5, 0x2f95, 0x2fa0, 0xb555, 0x1ec2, 0x20cd, 0xa2a8, + 0x22d7, 0xb702, 0x22d6, 0xb702, 0xa2a1, 0xa2e9, 0x22cb, 0x22f2, + 0xa2f3, 0xd0dc, 0x22b3, 0x22b4, 0xb1a5, 0xb22e, 0xa2bf, 0xb1c3, + 0xa27f, 0x229d, 0xa2f8, 0xa2da, 0xa2a2, 0x22cb, 0x22db, 0xa2f3, + 0x22cb, 0x22db, 0xa2f2, 0xa2b1, 0x229d, 0xa2e7, 0xa300, 0xa2fb, + 0x1e10, 0xa304, 0x1e10, 0xa303, 0xeead, 0x2fe9, 0x3031, 0xb0a4, + 0xb3ac, 0x5133, 0xd166, 0xa338, 0x37e9, 0xb7fe, 0x2e00, 0xdfca, + 0xa320, 0xa31e, 0xa329, 0xa32d, 0xcbcb, 0x5535, 0xd5cf, 0xa321, + 0xa326, 0xa331, 0x3c47, 0xbed9, 0xa32e, 0x2333, 0x2941, 0xa969, + 0x2332, 0x2941, 0xa969, 0xa31a, 0xa340, 0x3bc9, 0xe1ab, 0xa33a, + 0xe7c6, 0xa352, 0x3607, 0x36fb, 0x6629, 0xe65e, 0xd294, 0x1e16, + 0x9e17, 0xa350, 0x2d0b, 0x53ef, 0xd550, 0x2354, 0x23f6, 0xb5ea, + 0xa34d, 0xa346, 0x384c, 0xb9d5, 0x234f, 0x23f6, 0xb5ea, 0x2358, + 0xa5ae, 0x28f2, 0xdce3, 0x2355, 0xa5ae, 0xb13d, 0xc387, 0x53d4, + 0xd514, 0x9f54, 0xc6e7, 0x2365, 0x2877, 0x3ef7, 0x3f9b, 0x4002, + 0x597f, 0xee75, 0x2364, 0xd97f, 0xd1e5, 0x585b, 0xd85e, 0xadf5, + 0x2918, 0xb23c, 0xae01, 0x237d, 0xc68d, 0xa37b, 0x2dfb, 0xb372, + 0xcf37, 0x3064, 0xdcc9, 0xa374, 0x2373, 0xc68d, 0x2388, 0x23b0, + 0xaee0, 0xb239, 0x2ef0, 0xaef3, 0x23a4, 0x23af, 0x36a6, 0x36c6, + 0x3b74, 0xbb77, 0xc8d4, 0xa382, 0xa3b2, 0x2727, 0xa8d3, 0xa3ad, + 0xa399, 0xc825, 0xef8e, 0xad16, 0x23a0, 0xaec1, 0x28e5, 0x2edb, + 0x613d, 0xe1d0, 0xa38d, 0xa795, 0xaef3, 0xa3a1, 0x2395, 0xaec1, + 0xa39f, 0xaec2, 0xa3b4, 0x2386, 0xb6c6, 0xaec8, 0xaeda, 0x2ecf, + 0xaed0, 0xa38c, 0xaedd, 0x2386, 0x36a6, 0x36c6, 0x3b74, 0xbb77, + 0x2382, 0xaee0, 0xa389, 0x1e25, 0xa6b4, 0xa3a3, 0xbe90, 0xc9c1, + 0xd0b1, 0x60bb, 0x6130, 0xe6a3, 0xa3bb, 0xa3ba, 0x1e1f, 0x9e22, + 0x470c, 0xce23, 0x1e09, 0xaf0e, 0x23c3, 0x23c4, 0xa3c5, 0x23c2, + 0x23c4, 0xa3c5, 0x23c2, 0x23c3, 0xa3c5, 0x23c2, 0x23c3, 0xa3c4, + 0xe749, 0xe746, 0xa3f9, 0xb268, 0x9e41, 0xe6d9, 0x1eee, 0x23db, + 0xc08d, 0xb536, 0xa92c, 0xc2ae, 0x467a, 0x467c, 0x6aea, 0xeaee, + 0x1e8a, 0x9e8b, 0xcdb4, 0x2909, 0xdb8a, 0x354d, 0xb558, 0x23cd, + 0xc08d, 0xac09, 0x4573, 0x4582, 0x4589, 0xc58a, 0x28e1, 0xc77f, + 0x1e1b, 0x3a37, 0x3b09, 0xd5c2, 0x218e, 0x2250, 0xa26e, 0x49d6, + 0x5879, 0xe6bb, 0xa44c, 0x276e, 0x37b1, 0x3aaf, 0x51fa, 0xe8b1, + 0x234f, 0x2354, 0x35ea, 0xd449, 0xd65f, 0x23c8, 0x2606, 0xbb4e, + 0xa630, 0x24a9, 0xa4f6, 0x4c72, 0xefa5, 0x25ab, 0xa644, 0xe5a4, + 0xaf14, 0x1edd, 0xd855, 0xaf8c, 0x26ae, 0xb6cf, 0xa687, 0xa442, + 0xa5ce, 0xb061, 0xa451, 0x252b, 0x2656, 0xda21, 0xa678, 0x5074, + 0xd07d, 0x2518, 0x2553, 0x2554, 0x255f, 0x5aec, 0xe5d9, 0x2434, + 0xa449, 0x2433, 0xa449, 0xa450, 0xd117, 0xa44d, 0xa44a, 0xa415, + 0x3282, 0xc2c2, 0x2433, 0xa434, 0xa43f, 0xa3eb, 0xa43d, 0xa436, + 0xa41e, 0xa638, 0xa6c8, 0xa614, 0xa6a6, 0xa504, 0x24e1, 0x5c9f, + 0xdd20, 0x24bc, 0xa58e, 0xa4fa, 0xa5c6, 0xa5da, 0xda46, 0xe031, + 0xa5dc, 0x2492, 0xda4b, 0xda4d, 0x2611, 0x5656, 0xdb3c, 0xa4e3, + 0x248c, 0x30d2, 0xefa2, 0x248a, 0x30d2, 0xefa2, 0xda60, 0x246a, + 0xda4b, 0xa6a8, 0xa680, 0xa4a4, 0xa65d, 0xa49c, 0x2400, 0xa4f6, + 0xef69, 0x2580, 0xd849, 0x2003, 0x207a, 0xa592, 0x2173, 0xcb11, + 0x618e, 0xee79, 0x2459, 0xa58e, 0xa6a5, 0x65a7, 0xeb28, 0xe7ff, + 0x2516, 0x255e, 0x45d6, 0xc602, 0xa660, 0xa635, 0xa5f6, 0xa666, + 0x2629, 0xdb41, 0xa672, 0xa68c, 0xa665, 0xa5b2, 0x2458, 0x5c9f, + 0xdd20, 0xa485, 0xda36, 0x2560, 0x2586, 0x269e, 0x27d1, 0xb08a, + 0x2400, 0xa4a9, 0xa45a, 0x5a98, 0xdbf1, 0xa457, 0xd123, 0xd39e, + 0xa57a, 0xa523, 0x24d1, 0x255e, 0x45d6, 0xc602, 0x242f, 0x2553, + 0x2554, 0x255f, 0x5aec, 0xe5d9, 0xa61c, 0xa5ca, 0xa62e, 0xa5e9, + 0xa515, 0xa59a, 0xa59e, 0xa41f, 0xdaaf, 0xaff5, 0xa60a, 0xdb2a, + 0xe5ee, 0x242f, 0x2518, 0x2554, 0x255f, 0x5aec, 0xe5d9, 0x242f, + 0x2518, 0x2553, 0x255f, 0x5aec, 0xe5d9, 0xa649, 0xa649, 0x24d1, + 0x2516, 0x45d6, 0xc602, 0x242f, 0x2518, 0x2553, 0x2554, 0x5aec, + 0xe5d9, 0x24f2, 0x2586, 0x269e, 0x27d1, 0xb08a, 0x5854, 0x5858, + 0xe29c, 0xa616, 0xa5c7, 0xa6c0, 0x265b, 0x2699, 0x26d3, 0xef67, + 0xa613, 0x26c9, 0xcf57, 0xa63d, 0xa62f, 0xa510, 0x24af, 0xd849, + 0x6927, 0xe935, 0xdb71, 0x24f2, 0x2560, 0x269e, 0x27d1, 0xb08a, + 0x2459, 0xa4bc, 0x267e, 0xc616, 0x2003, 0x207a, 0xa4b1, 0xa524, + 0x3198, 0x3199, 0xbb56, 0xa527, 0xa5bb, 0x9e27, 0x2403, 0xa644, + 0x9e54, 0x2355, 0xa358, 0x25b7, 0xa674, 0x68df, 0x68e0, 0xe963, + 0xa4df, 0x41df, 0xd425, 0x25af, 0xa674, 0xa5a9, 0xa60d, 0xa6b3, + 0xef45, 0xa45b, 0xa56c, 0xa51d, 0xa417, 0xa45c, 0xa469, 0xe16a, + 0xab60, 0xa637, 0xa522, 0xa6c1, 0xa66f, 0xa4d4, 0xdb30, 0x23f9, + 0xbb4e, 0xa540, 0xa5bd, 0x247c, 0xdb3c, 0xa56f, 0xa455, 0xa567, + 0x2690, 0x2c1d, 0xc51e, 0xa653, 0xa51b, 0xa6b6, 0xa62f, 0x24d7, + 0xdb41, 0xa520, 0x2578, 0xa628, 0xa3fd, 0xa6d1, 0xa4d3, 0xa5e5, + 0xa452, 0xa574, 0xb076, 0xdb50, 0x2403, 0xa5ab, 0xa655, 0x2556, + 0xa557, 0xa668, 0xa618, 0xa645, 0x241f, 0xda21, 0x256e, 0xa699, + 0xa695, 0xa49d, 0xa4d2, 0xdb6b, 0xa4dd, 0xa4d5, 0xa650, 0xdb5f, + 0xa5f3, 0xa4d9, 0x25af, 0xa5b7, 0x585c, 0x585f, 0xe053, 0xa428, + 0xaf53, 0xa591, 0xa49b, 0xa413, 0xa4dc, 0xa694, 0x2617, 0x2c1d, + 0xc51e, 0xa68f, 0xa65c, 0x256e, 0x265b, 0x26d3, 0xef67, 0x24f2, + 0x2560, 0x2586, 0x27d1, 0xb08a, 0xbd4f, 0xa6ca, 0xa6c2, 0xa4bd, + 0xa456, 0xa499, 0xa411, 0x9eb8, 0xa5be, 0x1e25, 0xa3b3, 0xa624, + 0xa6c2, 0xa56d, 0xa5eb, 0x26a3, 0xa6bb, 0xa181, 0xa453, 0x2570, + 0xcf57, 0xa6a2, 0xd2cf, 0xd271, 0xa631, 0x256e, 0x2699, 0xef67, + 0x26f2, 0x26f4, 0xa70d, 0x26de, 0x26ec, 0x2efb, 0x2efd, 0x5ff4, + 0xe025, 0xa6e0, 0x9e96, 0x26d8, 0x26ec, 0x2efb, 0x2efd, 0x5ff4, + 0xe025, 0xe856, 0xa6d9, 0x26e3, 0x2718, 0xccf0, 0x26e2, 0x2718, + 0xccf0, 0x3df5, 0x3e0a, 0xbe15, 0xa18f, 0xa6f1, 0x26d8, 0x26de, + 0x2efb, 0x2efd, 0x5ff4, 0xe025, 0x2213, 0x2712, 0xd597, 0x26f6, + 0x26fb, 0x26fd, 0x2700, 0xa70b, 0xc74f, 0xa6ea, 0x26d7, 0x26f4, + 0xa70d, 0x26fe, 0x2716, 0xa717, 0x26d7, 0x26f2, 0xa70d, 0xa707, + 0x26ef, 0x26fb, 0x26fd, 0x2700, 0xa70b, 0xb5e5, 0x26ef, 0x26f6, + 0x26fd, 0x2700, 0xa70b, 0x26ef, 0x26f6, 0x26fb, 0x2700, 0xa70b, + 0x26f3, 0x2716, 0xa717, 0x26ef, 0x26f6, 0x26fb, 0x26fd, 0xa70b, + 0xa711, 0x2186, 0x270e, 0xa713, 0xa6f5, 0xa70f, 0x26ef, 0x26f6, + 0x26fb, 0x26fd, 0xa700, 0x26d7, 0x26f2, 0xa6f4, 0x2186, 0x2706, + 0xa713, 0xa708, 0xa703, 0x26ed, 0xd597, 0x2186, 0x2706, 0xa70e, + 0x26f3, 0x26fe, 0xa717, 0x26f3, 0x26fe, 0xa716, 0x26e2, 0xa6e3, + 0x383e, 0xbb12, 0xa721, 0xa71f, 0x453a, 0xc53c, 0xd056, 0x238b, + 0xa8d3, 0xb257, 0xb747, 0xc3ea, 0x2754, 0x27ca, 0xadb3, 0xa8d9, + 0x2834, 0xa872, 0x3b7e, 0x3b7f, 0x3b81, 0xbca1, 0xe62f, 0x2c85, + 0xe62a, 0x276f, 0x28ca, 0x28de, 0xe62b, 0xaea7, 0xe62c, 0xa78b, + 0x2730, 0x27ca, 0xadb3, 0x21f7, 0x284a, 0xa8a4, 0xade0, 0xa805, + 0x28b0, 0x28b5, 0x28c7, 0x28dc, 0x4f48, 0xcf4e, 0xa8e2, 0x27bb, + 0xa8e9, 0x2862, 0xe696, 0x28b3, 0xe6ab, 0x289c, 0xc908, 0xa802, + 0xa803, 0xb1bb, 0xa88c, 0x6640, 0xe641, 0xbce5, 0x23f0, 0xd1fa, + 0x274f, 0xe62b, 0xa7a7, 0xa787, 0x1e18, 0x9e20, 0xa7a2, 0xa8a2, + 0xa7c0, 0xa8df, 0xa8e0, 0xa8da, 0xa773, 0xa753, 0x2841, 0xa8d8, + 0xc561, 0xe67b, 0xa39a, 0xa806, 0x282f, 0x2c27, 0xac2d, 0xa79c, + 0xa79b, 0xa8a2, 0xa778, 0xa8be, 0xa770, 0xab88, 0x280a, 0xd056, + 0xa88a, 0xa7e1, 0xa8b6, 0xa8cb, 0xa84f, 0xa816, 0x275d, 0xa8e9, + 0xa782, 0xc86e, 0xe656, 0x2730, 0x2754, 0xadb3, 0x24f2, 0x2560, + 0x2586, 0x269e, 0xb08a, 0xa7d3, 0xa7d2, 0xa852, 0x2864, 0xa8ce, + 0xa81d, 0x28c4, 0xe1ce, 0x2824, 0xe684, 0xa7ad, 0xc897, 0xb267, + 0x2d0e, 0x2d5c, 0xc895, 0xb383, 0xa763, 0xa764, 0xa75a, 0xa796, + 0xd3eb, 0xa7a9, 0xa879, 0x28ae, 0xa8af, 0xa7b4, 0xe67b, 0xa7da, + 0x27de, 0xe684, 0x6636, 0xe68e, 0x279a, 0x2c27, 0xac2d, 0x2895, + 0xe681, 0xb2a5, 0x273a, 0xa872, 0x454c, 0xc54d, 0x2792, 0xa8d8, + 0xa8ea, 0x21f7, 0x2757, 0xa8a4, 0xd314, 0xc57b, 0xa7b2, 0xa851, + 0xa850, 0xa7d8, 0xa896, 0xbd82, 0xa8a7, 0xa1a2, 0xd46c, 0xa86b, + 0xa75e, 0x27d9, 0xa8ce, 0xe663, 0x46d0, 0xee7d, 0xa861, 0x273a, + 0xa834, 0xac18, 0x2364, 0xee75, 0x2811, 0xa8cd, 0x450e, 0x4816, + 0xc8da, 0xc245, 0xa7ab, 0xa767, 0x2830, 0xe681, 0xa854, 0xa89e, + 0x28bb, 0xc246, 0x2760, 0xc908, 0xa897, 0x277a, 0xa7a1, 0x21f7, + 0x2757, 0xa84a, 0xa859, 0x2815, 0xa8af, 0x2815, 0xa8ae, 0x275b, + 0x28b5, 0x28dc, 0x4f48, 0xcf4e, 0x275f, 0xe6ab, 0x275b, 0x28b0, + 0x28dc, 0x4f48, 0xcf4e, 0xa7af, 0xde87, 0xa899, 0xa7a6, 0x27dc, + 0xe1ce, 0xa75b, 0x274f, 0xa8de, 0xa7b1, 0xa8e4, 0xa879, 0x27d9, + 0xa864, 0xc4bd, 0x238b, 0xa727, 0x2792, 0xa841, 0xa739, 0xa786, + 0x275b, 0x28b0, 0x28b5, 0x4f48, 0xcf4e, 0x274f, 0xa8ca, 0xa784, + 0xa785, 0x23e1, 0xc77f, 0xa75c, 0xa8cc, 0x2398, 0x2edb, 0xe13d, + 0x275d, 0xa7bb, 0xa846, 0x28ef, 0xa8f5, 0x28ee, 0xa8f5, 0xd072, + 0xa8f9, 0x2356, 0xdce3, 0x3bbb, 0xbbbc, 0x28ee, 0xa8ef, 0x28f7, + 0xa8fa, 0x28f6, 0xa8fa, 0xa8fc, 0xa8f1, 0x28f6, 0xa8f7, 0x2a7f, + 0xd05f, 0xa8f8, 0x2900, 0xabff, 0x28fd, 0xabff, 0xa90a, 0x21e6, + 0xd655, 0xe64d, 0x1ffb, 0x2079, 0x2099, 0xa0c3, 0x23d8, 0xdb8a, + 0xa902, 0x2fa9, 0x5907, 0xd986, 0xa913, 0xa90f, 0xd641, 0x236f, + 0xb23c, 0xa91b, 0xa91a, 0x9eb1, 0xa920, 0xa91f, 0x2923, 0xb8a6, + 0x2922, 0xb8a6, 0x9f19, 0x2172, 0x6754, 0xe75d, 0xa3cf, 0xbb80, + 0x372c, 0xb94d, 0xbcf0, 0xe82d, 0xbbd4, 0xda87, 0xa93e, 0xa96a, + 0xa939, 0x2332, 0x2333, 0xa969, 0xa950, 0xcad2, 0xb7f0, 0xa96e, + 0xeede, 0xa942, 0x4287, 0xe029, 0x2968, 0x296c, 0xc34e, 0xaf09, + 0xc55a, 0x2967, 0xadb4, 0x2965, 0xadb4, 0x2956, 0x296c, 0xc34e, + 0x2332, 0x2333, 0xa941, 0xa93a, 0x2956, 0x2968, 0xc34e, 0xa94b, + 0x29b3, 0xab2d, 0x29e6, 0xa9e7, 0x299d, 0x2a24, 0x4ca7, 0xccda, + 0x2a66, 0xaa8d, 0xaabd, 0xa9d9, 0x29f8, 0xd505, 0xa9ac, 0xc945, + 0xc385, 0xaab8, 0x2986, 0x2a24, 0x4ca7, 0xccda, 0xaaf5, 0xaad7, + 0x2aaf, 0xab00, 0xa992, 0x1f60, 0x2976, 0xab2d, 0x1f84, 0xa9ea, + 0x2a3f, 0xaa40, 0xaa12, 0xa9ca, 0xa9c9, 0x1e68, 0xa158, 0xa9d7, + 0xaa8e, 0xaa30, 0xa9cd, 0xa98a, 0xd591, 0xaa1f, 0x2978, 0xa9e7, + 0x2978, 0xa9e6, 0x1f84, 0xa9b7, 0xa9ec, 0xa9eb, 0xaae6, 0x298d, + 0xd505, 0xaa63, 0xaa41, 0xaa6d, 0xab08, 0xab0c, 0xab4c, 0xa9c6, + 0x2b22, 0xab43, 0x2a2f, 0xaa31, 0xa9e2, 0x2986, 0x299d, 0x4ca7, + 0xccda, 0xab2a, 0xab09, 0x2a1b, 0xaa31, 0xa9d2, 0x2a1b, 0xaa2f, + 0xaaa7, 0x2afa, 0xaafb, 0x29b8, 0xaa40, 0x29b8, 0x2a3f, 0xaa50, + 0xaa04, 0xaa40, 0xa9fb, 0x2987, 0xaa8d, 0xbdeb, 0xaa05, 0x1e3d, + 0xee97, 0xaaff, 0x2b30, 0x2b46, 0xab7e, 0xab0b, 0xab38, 0x28fb, + 0xd05f, 0x2987, 0xaa66, 0xa9d0, 0xaa32, 0xaabc, 0xab03, 0x29ab, + 0xab00, 0xa99b, 0xaaaa, 0xa988, 0x3127, 0xd06d, 0x2b1d, 0xd885, + 0xab32, 0xab21, 0xab2a, 0xa9aa, 0xa9ee, 0xab19, 0xa9a9, 0x3194, + 0xc644, 0x2a34, 0xaafb, 0x2a34, 0xaafa, 0xaa73, 0x29ab, 0xaaaf, + 0xaaad, 0xaa06, 0xaa2d, 0xaa75, 0xaa07, 0xaaf1, 0x2acb, 0xd885, + 0xaad2, 0x2a18, 0xab43, 0xab37, 0x2a26, 0xaad4, 0x2976, 0xa9b3, + 0x2a74, 0x2b46, 0xab7e, 0xaad0, 0xab24, 0xaa76, 0xb1d2, 0x2a18, + 0xab22, 0x2a74, 0x2b30, 0xab7e, 0xaa08, 0xab53, 0xab52, 0xab6b, + 0xa5e3, 0x2b78, 0x3569, 0x3585, 0x3586, 0xb588, 0xab7f, 0xab59, + 0x2b66, 0x3569, 0x3585, 0x3586, 0xb588, 0xab7d, 0xab7c, 0x2a74, + 0x2b30, 0xab46, 0xab6a, 0x2bcd, 0x2bd5, 0x2bd7, 0x2bdc, 0x2be7, + 0xc52f, 0xa197, 0x4260, 0x5675, 0xd6c7, 0xca79, 0xa7a8, 0xca81, + 0xd089, 0x219d, 0xab9c, 0x219d, 0xab90, 0x2bda, 0x2bf3, 0x2bf6, + 0xc3e4, 0x2b9f, 0xabe6, 0x2b9e, 0xabe6, 0xabf5, 0x2bb7, 0xabe9, + 0xac4e, 0xb1b2, 0xabae, 0xabab, 0x5b8c, 0xe1bc, 0xa0a2, 0x2ba1, + 0xabe9, 0xabc6, 0x21a6, 0xabc7, 0x2bdb, 0xabec, 0x5cd3, 0xdcd4, + 0xe1c7, 0xa1a4, 0xabbb, 0x21a6, 0xabbc, 0x6751, 0xe752, 0x66ba, + 0x674d, 0x674e, 0x674f, 0x6db4, 0x6e16, 0xee64, 0xa1a8, 0x2b81, + 0x2bd5, 0x2bd7, 0x2bdc, 0x2be7, 0xc52f, 0xaebd, 0x2b81, 0x2bcd, + 0x2bd7, 0x2bdc, 0x2be7, 0xc52f, 0x2b81, 0x2bcd, 0x2bd5, 0x2bdc, + 0x2be7, 0xc52f, 0x2b9d, 0x2bf3, 0x2bf6, 0xc3e4, 0x2bbd, 0xabec, + 0x2b81, 0x2bcd, 0x2bd5, 0x2bd7, 0x2be7, 0xc52f, 0xabe2, 0xda67, + 0x4aad, 0xcab6, 0xabdd, 0x2b9e, 0xab9f, 0x2b81, 0x2bcd, 0x2bd5, + 0x2bd7, 0x2bdc, 0xc52f, 0x2ba1, 0xabb7, 0x2199, 0xa1a9, 0x2bbd, + 0xabdb, 0x2b9d, 0x2bda, 0x2bf6, 0xc3e4, 0xaba0, 0x2b9d, 0x2bda, + 0x2bf3, 0xc3e4, 0x2bfe, 0xac0d, 0xac0b, 0xac0e, 0x2bf9, 0xac0d, + 0x28fd, 0xa900, 0x1e13, 0xac08, 0x214b, 0x224b, 0xa2ca, 0xac07, + 0xac06, 0x1e13, 0xac02, 0xa3de, 0xabfb, 0x2bf9, 0xabfe, 0xabfc, + 0x2c13, 0x2c14, 0xc23e, 0x2c12, 0x2c14, 0xc23e, 0x2c12, 0x2c13, + 0xc23e, 0xa875, 0xac1a, 0xac19, 0x1e48, 0x2e85, 0x6ebc, 0xeebd, + 0x2617, 0x2690, 0xc51e, 0xc1ce, 0x2c20, 0x5d7b, 0x6bae, 0x6c7b, + 0xec9c, 0x2c1f, 0x5d7b, 0x6bae, 0x6c7b, 0xec9c, 0x2c23, 0x2c24, + 0xb023, 0xac22, 0x2c22, 0xb023, 0xac26, 0xac25, 0x279a, 0x282f, + 0xac2d, 0xac2b, 0xac29, 0xeb40, 0x279a, 0x282f, 0xac27, 0x21f2, + 0x2c34, 0x2c36, 0x2c37, 0xeb50, 0x21f2, 0x2c32, 0x2c36, 0x2c37, + 0xeb50, 0x21f2, 0x2c32, 0x2c34, 0x2c37, 0xeb50, 0x21f2, 0x2c32, + 0x2c34, 0x2c36, 0xeb50, 0xac4d, 0x1fad, 0x2118, 0xc6e1, 0x1fb7, + 0xddfc, 0xac64, 0xac53, 0xa1e5, 0xac4a, 0xac46, 0x6ce5, 0xee1f, + 0xac38, 0xaba9, 0x2c5b, 0xae48, 0xac43, 0x2c4f, 0xae48, 0xac6c, + 0xac62, 0xac61, 0xac42, 0xac68, 0xac66, 0xac5e, 0xadbc, 0xa1fa, + 0x1e97, 0x2d57, 0x3b72, 0xbb73, 0xdc48, 0x2742, 0xe62a, 0xdc3a, + 0xad87, 0xad17, 0xacf4, 0xad50, 0x2cf6, 0x2d8b, 0x2d8c, 0x2db9, + 0x6666, 0x669d, 0xe6af, 0xa188, 0x2d52, 0x2d53, 0x2dcc, 0x2dd6, + 0x2dd7, 0xc89e, 0xadba, 0xadbd, 0xad87, 0xad2c, 0xadcb, 0xada8, + 0xada7, 0xacdd, 0xacd2, 0xacfd, 0xada2, 0xada0, 0xad22, 0xadd2, + 0xace9, 0xace8, 0xacf0, 0xacef, 0xac98, 0x2d58, 0x2db8, 0xadc6, + 0x2c9b, 0x2d8b, 0x2d8c, 0x2db9, 0x6666, 0x669d, 0xe6af, 0xace1, + 0xad97, 0xad0d, 0xadae, 0xad08, 0xad07, 0x234e, 0xd3ef, 0xad03, + 0x27fc, 0x2d5c, 0xc895, 0xa393, 0xac97, 0x1ed1, 0xad19, 0x1ed1, + 0xad18, 0xace5, 0xacbd, 0x2d83, 0xad84, 0xcbcf, 0xac9a, 0x2ca9, + 0x2d53, 0xc89e, 0x2ca9, 0x2d52, 0xc89e, 0x1e97, 0x2c81, 0x3b72, + 0xbb73, 0x2cf5, 0x2db8, 0xadc6, 0xad94, 0x27fc, 0x2d0e, 0xc895, + 0xad81, 0x3e13, 0xbeaa, 0xad73, 0xad6f, 0xad5d, 0xad2d, 0xad2d, + 0x2c96, 0xacb4, 0x2c9b, 0x2cf6, 0x2d8c, 0x2db9, 0x6666, 0x669d, + 0xe6af, 0x2c9b, 0x2cf6, 0x2d8b, 0x2db9, 0x6666, 0x669d, 0xe6af, + 0xad5a, 0xad02, 0xace4, 0xace3, 0xacc4, 0xacc3, 0xad04, 0xe6df, + 0x2730, 0x2754, 0xa7ca, 0x2965, 0xa967, 0x2cf5, 0x2d58, 0xadc6, + 0x2c9b, 0x2cf6, 0x2d8b, 0x2d8c, 0x6666, 0x669d, 0xe6af, 0xacad, + 0xac7f, 0xacb3, 0x2dd3, 0xadd4, 0x2cf5, 0x2d58, 0xadb8, 0xacbf, + 0x2ca9, 0x2dd6, 0xadd7, 0xace6, 0xadc5, 0xadc5, 0x2ca9, 0x2dcc, + 0xadd7, 0x2ca9, 0x2dcc, 0xadd6, 0xaddd, 0xaddb, 0xa759, 0xade3, + 0xade2, 0xe78f, 0xadf0, 0xadef, 0xa36e, 0xd856, 0xadfd, 0x2377, + 0xb372, 0xadfa, 0x67cd, 0xe7e8, 0x231d, 0xdfca, 0x2370, 0x2e63, + 0xae64, 0x9f48, 0xae25, 0xae2b, 0xcd19, 0xae43, 0xae33, 0x9f16, + 0xd88b, 0xcd48, 0xcc3e, 0xcb92, 0x2e5f, 0xb5d8, 0xae05, 0x2e2f, + 0xae36, 0xae40, 0xae08, 0xd4c6, 0x2e47, 0x2e5a, 0xae6b, 0x2e26, + 0xae36, 0x2f52, 0x3b78, 0xc688, 0xae6c, 0xae10, 0x2e26, 0xae2f, + 0xae58, 0xae57, 0xa183, 0xae27, 0x21aa, 0xcf83, 0xae0f, 0x2e2e, + 0x2e5a, 0xae6b, 0x2c4f, 0xac5b, 0xce28, 0xae3c, 0xae3b, 0x2e2e, + 0x2e47, 0xae6b, 0x2e1c, 0xb5d8, 0xb5d9, 0x2e01, 0xae64, 0x2e01, + 0xae63, 0x2e2e, 0x2e47, 0xae5a, 0xae31, 0x1e7e, 0x2e79, 0xb9a6, + 0xc9ca, 0x1e26, 0x1f75, 0x2002, 0x20a1, 0x2e77, 0xcadd, 0xae76, + 0xa016, 0x2e72, 0xb9a6, 0x9e48, 0xa1e0, 0x2e83, 0x2eb5, 0xaee3, + 0x2ef0, 0xaef3, 0x2e7f, 0xaee3, 0x5358, 0xd38a, 0x1e48, 0x2c1b, + 0x6ebc, 0xeebd, 0xb176, 0xc240, 0xaeec, 0xaee1, 0xaeab, 0x2fdc, + 0xb1c9, 0xaedf, 0xef90, 0x2ec3, 0xaee2, 0xa750, 0xae93, 0x2e7f, + 0x53f4, 0x544a, 0xd4ed, 0xaebb, 0x377e, 0x3780, 0x37a9, 0x37d7, + 0xb8a5, 0xaeb6, 0xaece, 0xabd3, 0xaedf, 0x2395, 0xa3a0, 0xa3a2, + 0x2e9f, 0xaee2, 0xa3a6, 0xaebc, 0x23a9, 0xaed0, 0x23a9, 0xaecf, + 0xa3a8, 0x2398, 0x28e5, 0xe13d, 0xa3ae, 0x2e99, 0xaebf, 0x2382, + 0xa3b0, 0xae91, 0x2e9f, 0xaec3, 0x2e7f, 0xae83, 0xaeea, 0xaee9, + 0xae90, 0x2385, 0x2e81, 0xaef3, 0x2385, 0x239b, 0x2e81, 0xaef0, + 0xdfea, 0x26d8, 0x26de, 0x26ec, 0x2efd, 0x5ff4, 0xe025, 0x1e43, + 0xdffa, 0x26d8, 0x26de, 0x26ec, 0x2efb, 0x5ff4, 0xe025, 0xe58b, + 0x44e3, 0x598d, 0x5fa1, 0x5fa7, 0x5fa8, 0x5fa9, 0xdfaf, 0xc570, + 0xb8c4, 0x330a, 0xb335, 0xa958, 0x9e00, 0x9e8c, 0x1e09, 0xa3c1, + 0x5cae, 0x5cb3, 0xdd30, 0xaf12, 0xaf11, 0xa40a, 0xaf35, 0x2f4c, + 0xc030, 0xcd43, 0xaf33, 0xaf4e, 0xaf2a, 0xaf20, 0xaf3a, 0x2f3e, + 0xaf48, 0xaf37, 0xaf3c, 0xaf3b, 0x2f39, 0xaf48, 0xa22b, 0x2f39, + 0xaf3e, 0xaf25, 0xaf2f, 0xaf51, 0xaf50, 0x2e30, 0x3b78, 0xc688, + 0x2679, 0xc576, 0xaf55, 0x2f54, 0x6304, 0xe332, 0xcbf2, 0x2f5a, + 0xbc47, 0x2f59, 0xbc47, 0x2f5c, 0x2f5d, 0xaf5e, 0x2f5b, 0x2f5d, + 0xaf5e, 0x2f5b, 0x2f5c, 0xaf5e, 0x2f5b, 0x2f5c, 0xaf5d, 0xaf60, + 0x2f5f, 0xd4a6, 0xaf66, 0xaf65, 0xaf72, 0xcdb5, 0xe6d5, 0x1efd, + 0xb58c, 0xaf68, 0x9ee2, 0x1eff, 0x2fac, 0xeae3, 0xafb9, 0x1f5b, + 0xeaf4, 0x2f83, 0xdfec, 0x2fb0, 0x2fb4, 0xafb5, 0xaf80, 0x2f91, + 0x5ff3, 0xe015, 0xc2e5, 0x9f77, 0x9f6a, 0xa40e, 0xe65f, 0x2f84, + 0x5ff3, 0xe015, 0x1ece, 0xaf9e, 0x22d1, 0xafa0, 0x1ece, 0xaf93, + 0x22d1, 0xaf95, 0xc9a6, 0x201f, 0xd5c9, 0xa065, 0x290d, 0xd986, + 0x1eff, 0x208d, 0xaf77, 0xa09c, 0xaf81, 0xa0c4, 0x2fb7, 0x3074, + 0xb0b3, 0x2f81, 0xafb5, 0x2f81, 0xafb4, 0x2fb3, 0x3074, 0xb0b3, + 0xaf7b, 0xafc4, 0xafc3, 0xb1b6, 0x9ec1, 0x31f4, 0xb1fa, 0xda8c, + 0xb07e, 0x2e94, 0xb1c9, 0xb09f, 0xb025, 0xb182, 0x2306, 0x3031, + 0xb0a4, 0xb0b4, 0xa538, 0xb13e, 0x31d0, 0xb1f7, 0xb14b, 0xb16b, + 0xb1ae, 0xb16a, 0xb0b5, 0xb134, 0x9f42, 0xb091, 0xb190, 0xb056, + 0x2c22, 0xac24, 0xafe3, 0xb060, 0x2306, 0x2fe9, 0xb0a4, 0x30e3, + 0x3374, 0x4dcf, 0x4deb, 0xce3d, 0xb1df, 0xb1cc, 0xb052, 0xb200, + 0xb046, 0x21c4, 0xb0bd, 0xb01d, 0xb02a, 0x241d, 0xb08b, 0x2379, + 0xdcc9, 0xd03b, 0xb119, 0x3085, 0xb0a6, 0xb1c7, 0x2fb3, 0x2fb7, + 0xb0b3, 0xb0e0, 0x20eb, 0x2641, 0x30aa, 0xb0e1, 0xb15f, 0xb1e8, + 0xb137, 0xb0fb, 0x30a9, 0xb0f1, 0xb0f2, 0xafd9, 0x30e5, 0xb142, + 0x3111, 0xb139, 0x3071, 0xb0a6, 0x24f2, 0x2560, 0x2586, 0x269e, + 0xa7d1, 0xb061, 0xc302, 0xb016, 0x9fd4, 0x3102, 0xda96, 0xdbef, + 0xafe2, 0xb0ca, 0x2306, 0x2fe9, 0xb031, 0x3071, 0xb085, 0x307c, + 0xb0f1, 0x20eb, 0x3076, 0xb0e1, 0xb164, 0xb1f8, 0xb173, 0xb1ab, + 0x2fb3, 0x2fb7, 0xb074, 0xaff0, 0xb005, 0xe5f7, 0x21c4, 0xb053, + 0x30a2, 0xea5a, 0x248a, 0x248c, 0xefa2, 0x1ffd, 0xbb23, 0xb075, + 0x20eb, 0x3076, 0xb0aa, 0xb03b, 0x307f, 0xb142, 0xb1fc, 0xb158, + 0xb1f2, 0xb18a, 0xb11c, 0x3159, 0xb15a, 0xb19a, 0xb163, 0x307c, + 0xb0a9, 0xb07d, 0xd822, 0xb07b, 0xd90a, 0x3096, 0xda96, 0x4609, + 0xc652, 0x3080, 0xb139, 0xb06a, 0xc231, 0xb0ec, 0xb14d, 0xb181, + 0xb1a4, 0xb192, 0x2abf, 0xd06d, 0xb1fc, 0xb006, 0xb07a, 0x3080, + 0xb111, 0xb14e, 0xa35a, 0xaffe, 0xe858, 0x307f, 0xb0e5, 0xb817, + 0xbbb7, 0xb001, 0xb120, 0x313c, 0x361a, 0xc718, 0x3174, 0xb1fe, + 0xb0e8, 0x30ed, 0xb15a, 0x30ed, 0xb159, 0x3078, 0xb185, 0xb0ef, + 0xb0ab, 0xb004, 0xb002, 0xb196, 0xd651, 0xb0ad, 0xb151, 0xae86, + 0x317d, 0xb21a, 0x317c, 0xb21a, 0xbb32, 0x21ed, 0x21f4, 0xb191, + 0xb121, 0xafe7, 0xb15f, 0xb1a9, 0xb0eb, 0xb01c, 0x21ed, 0x21f4, + 0xb17f, 0xb126, 0x2af6, 0xc644, 0x316d, 0xb197, 0xb196, 0x259c, + 0x3199, 0xbb56, 0x259c, 0x3198, 0xbb56, 0xb0ee, 0xb124, 0x22b3, + 0x22b4, 0xa2de, 0xb187, 0xb0af, 0xb003, 0xabaa, 0xafc6, 0xa766, + 0xa2e4, 0xb073, 0x2e94, 0xafdc, 0xb03f, 0xb1d4, 0x3000, 0xb1f7, + 0xb1e3, 0x2b3e, 0xb1f6, 0xb1cd, 0xb1f5, 0xd499, 0xb03c, 0xb1d1, + 0xb1e7, 0xb1e6, 0xb079, 0xb0e9, 0x2fcf, 0xb1ff, 0xb1dc, 0xb1d2, + 0x3000, 0xb1d0, 0xb0ac, 0xafcf, 0x30e7, 0xb133, 0xbb22, 0xb151, + 0xb1f4, 0xb04b, 0xb207, 0xb206, 0xb214, 0x322f, 0xb232, 0xb20b, + 0xb227, 0x3226, 0xb230, 0x317c, 0xb17d, 0xb21e, 0x5ca1, 0xdd22, + 0xb21b, 0x3218, 0xb230, 0xb217, 0xb22c, 0xb229, 0x2279, 0xa2e0, + 0x320f, 0xb232, 0x3218, 0xb226, 0x320f, 0xb22f, 0x3237, 0xb238, + 0x3236, 0xb238, 0x3236, 0xb237, 0xa384, 0xb23e, 0x236f, 0xa918, + 0xb23b, 0xb24c, 0xb24b, 0xce94, 0x33e0, 0xcd2e, 0x34b2, 0xb4c8, + 0xb2c2, 0xa728, 0x5a17, 0xdbac, 0xb34d, 0xb268, 0xe1e6, 0xa7f7, + 0x23c9, 0xb260, 0x32e1, 0xb4f4, 0xb36b, 0xb383, 0xb3da, 0xb4a6, + 0xb4fe, 0xb5bc, 0x2448, 0xc2c2, 0xa214, 0xb4ab, 0xb2cb, 0xb2d4, + 0xb2d7, 0x32e9, 0xb4c7, 0xb476, 0xb473, 0xb384, 0xb436, 0xdb77, + 0xa831, 0xb4e1, 0x32de, 0x4274, 0xd9dd, 0xb255, 0xb4d4, 0xb49a, + 0xb29b, 0xb2ff, 0x37b4, 0xb7fa, 0xb428, 0xb29c, 0xb2d6, 0xb2d5, + 0xb29d, 0xb2dd, 0xb2dc, 0xb2b5, 0xb4ec, 0x336e, 0xb4da, 0x3269, + 0x3304, 0xb4f4, 0xb50f, 0xb3c0, 0xb4c1, 0xb514, 0xb4f0, 0x34a5, + 0xc67a, 0x329e, 0xb4c7, 0xb2cf, 0xb39b, 0x32e1, 0xb4f4, 0x2f04, + 0xb335, 0x1e3e, 0x34e7, 0xd209, 0xb46f, 0xb523, 0xb397, 0xb4be, + 0xb4bb, 0xb33e, 0xb493, 0xb4cb, 0xb49f, 0xb399, 0xb4e0, 0xb3ee, + 0xb48f, 0x2f04, 0xb30a, 0xb412, 0xdf13, 0xb31f, 0xb3d2, 0x3405, + 0x34b9, 0xb52a, 0x38b1, 0x4975, 0xcd91, 0xb25e, 0xb3d1, 0xd379, + 0xb41c, 0xb488, 0xb40d, 0xb4bf, 0xb3db, 0x3417, 0xb4e3, 0xd20d, + 0xb26a, 0x32e0, 0xb4da, 0x2377, 0xadfb, 0xb03b, 0x3816, 0xb8f2, + 0x27fd, 0xb26b, 0xb2a1, 0xb31c, 0xb323, 0xb302, 0xe1c7, 0xb4d1, + 0xa30a, 0xb3ed, 0xb4c4, 0xb451, 0xb4f2, 0xb4a3, 0xb47b, 0xb414, + 0xb45c, 0xc8b0, 0xb2e3, 0xb34f, 0xb33f, 0xb26c, 0xb362, 0xb24e, + 0xb3b2, 0xb325, 0xd0cc, 0x3416, 0xb447, 0xb52c, 0xb4b3, 0xb519, + 0xb4f1, 0xb45f, 0xce3d, 0x3341, 0x34b9, 0xb52a, 0xb784, 0xb35f, + 0xb337, 0xb3bb, 0x33fa, 0xb447, 0xb363, 0x335c, 0xd490, 0xb2d3, + 0xb498, 0xb528, 0xb2a2, 0x34d5, 0xb51c, 0xb9a8, 0x3444, 0xb51d, + 0x3442, 0xb51d, 0xb504, 0x34fa, 0xd96c, 0x33fa, 0xb416, 0xb4ef, + 0xb524, 0xb3b4, 0xb3bc, 0xb402, 0x4dcf, 0x4deb, 0xce3d, 0xb4f5, + 0xb31a, 0xb2a0, 0xb29f, 0xb3ba, 0x21fb, 0xb4ca, 0xb516, 0xb35e, + 0xb326, 0xb491, 0xb490, 0xb320, 0xb42d, 0xb2c8, 0xb322, 0xb4cd, + 0xb3b8, 0x32e8, 0xc67a, 0xb26f, 0x4d55, 0x4d76, 0xcedd, 0xb29a, + 0x3251, 0xb4c8, 0xb3ff, 0xb506, 0xb4f7, 0xb4fc, 0x3341, 0x3405, + 0xb52a, 0xb51b, 0xb31e, 0xb31d, 0xb361, 0xb2e5, 0xb3b3, 0x329e, + 0xb2e9, 0x3251, 0xb4b2, 0x21fb, 0xb483, 0xb321, 0xb4a1, 0xb3a5, + 0xb2c5, 0x343a, 0xb51c, 0x32e0, 0xb36e, 0xb4fb, 0xb324, 0xb2ac, + 0xb363, 0xb52c, 0x1e3e, 0x3319, 0xd209, 0xb2df, 0xb448, 0xb2e7, + 0xb401, 0xb3b7, 0x3269, 0x32e1, 0xb304, 0xb469, 0x34b7, 0xd96d, + 0xb446, 0xb4de, 0xb4b8, 0xb50a, 0xb270, 0x9e51, 0xb445, 0xb522, + 0xb4b5, 0xb51f, 0xb4fd, 0xb2e2, 0xb522, 0xb2e6, 0xb484, 0xb400, + 0xb4ba, 0x343a, 0xb4d5, 0x3442, 0xb444, 0xb508, 0x3505, 0xb512, + 0xb31b, 0xb44a, 0xb432, 0x3341, 0x3405, 0xb4b9, 0xc234, 0x33fd, + 0xb4e5, 0xb535, 0xb534, 0xa3ce, 0xd003, 0x4b27, 0x4b56, 0x4b5e, + 0xcba3, 0x1ff2, 0x209a, 0xa2b9, 0x9f8e, 0xb575, 0x23d9, 0xb558, + 0xb559, 0xa2c4, 0x22c5, 0xa2d1, 0x5d01, 0xdd25, 0x23d9, 0xb54d, + 0xb54e, 0x3582, 0xbb5b, 0xa0d8, 0x2b66, 0x2b78, 0x3585, 0x3586, + 0xb588, 0xb578, 0xb54c, 0xb5c9, 0xb570, 0x69c6, 0x69c8, 0x6a45, + 0xea71, 0xbb5d, 0x355b, 0xbb5b, 0xbbd9, 0x2b66, 0x2b78, 0x3569, + 0x3586, 0xb588, 0x2b66, 0x2b78, 0x3569, 0x3585, 0xb588, 0x2b66, + 0x2b78, 0x3569, 0x3585, 0xb586, 0x1e9d, 0x358a, 0x6f4a, 0xef50, + 0x1e9d, 0x3589, 0x6f4a, 0xef50, 0x358e, 0xef4b, 0x1efd, 0xaf6c, + 0xd9ba, 0x358b, 0xef4b, 0xb595, 0x359e, 0xd7a4, 0xb593, 0x65d8, + 0x6b25, 0x6b26, 0x6b2a, 0xeb2d, 0x3594, 0xd7a4, 0xe159, 0xb5ac, + 0xb5a9, 0xb5b7, 0xb5b5, 0xb5b2, 0xb5ad, 0x1e8e, 0x1e8f, 0xb275, + 0xb5d2, 0xb577, 0xb5c8, 0x4c31, 0xcc4f, 0x2e1c, 0xae5f, 0x2e61, + 0xb5db, 0xb5d9, 0xc121, 0xa6f8, 0xd20a, 0x234f, 0x2354, 0xa3f6, + 0x35f9, 0xb642, 0x2164, 0x363f, 0xb6e0, 0xb698, 0x35f6, 0xb642, + 0xb680, 0xb625, 0xb664, 0xb63b, 0x2347, 0xb6fb, 0xb626, 0xb719, + 0xb62c, 0xb6c7, 0xb14e, 0xc6a8, 0xb5fe, 0xb60a, 0xb60f, 0xc0a4, + 0xb630, 0xb62f, 0xa1ac, 0xb602, 0x365d, 0xb6f8, 0xb6e8, 0x6855, + 0xe86f, 0x35f7, 0xb6e0, 0x35f6, 0xb5f9, 0xb644, 0xb643, 0xb64b, + 0xb649, 0xb6ec, 0x3681, 0xb6c9, 0xb6c4, 0xb688, 0xb689, 0xb669, + 0x363c, 0xb6f8, 0xb660, 0xb65f, 0xb5ff, 0xb6df, 0xb65a, 0xb69c, + 0x3692, 0xc520, 0xb697, 0xb5fa, 0x3653, 0xb6c9, 0xb6ab, 0x4f6a, + 0xdfa0, 0xb655, 0xb656, 0xb674, 0x4156, 0xc157, 0x367b, 0x5af3, + 0x5c19, 0x65c7, 0xe68c, 0xb5f8, 0xb66e, 0xc545, 0x36ad, 0x36cd, + 0xc6a5, 0x2386, 0x23af, 0xb6c6, 0xb6d6, 0xb6c1, 0xb682, 0x36a4, + 0xc6a5, 0x1e86, 0xc7ad, 0xb6a8, 0xb654, 0x2386, 0x23a4, 0x23af, + 0xb6a6, 0xb619, 0x3653, 0xb681, 0x40a4, 0x4167, 0x41f3, 0xc7be, + 0xb6a4, 0xa411, 0xb6a7, 0xb668, 0x35f7, 0xb63f, 0xb63d, 0xb652, + 0x3d40, 0x4cac, 0x6eaf, 0x6eb4, 0xeeb9, 0xb6f5, 0xb6f3, 0x1e66, + 0x363c, 0xb65d, 0xb6fa, 0xb6f9, 0x2347, 0xb607, 0xb6fe, 0xb6fd, + 0xa1a3, 0x22d6, 0xa2d7, 0x9f1a, 0xd8e8, 0xb717, 0xb716, 0xb60e, + 0xb722, 0xb71f, 0xb71e, 0xb71b, 0xd0e7, 0x2932, 0xb94d, 0xa273, + 0xb72f, 0x372e, 0xd853, 0xc843, 0x3a38, 0xba8f, 0xb736, 0xb735, + 0x21e0, 0xba5f, 0xbbba, 0x594d, 0x66d1, 0xe6dc, 0x3a29, 0xbb0a, + 0xb87f, 0xa72c, 0x3766, 0x3919, 0xba86, 0xe0a8, 0xb9d3, 0xb89d, + 0xb803, 0x9f86, 0xb749, 0xb94a, 0xb9aa, 0x386e, 0xc6c3, 0xa091, + 0x9e1c, 0x2eba, 0x3780, 0x37a9, 0x37d7, 0x38a5, 0xeb06, 0xe5c6, + 0x2eba, 0x377e, 0x37a9, 0x37d7, 0xb8a5, 0xb975, 0x3406, 0xb9cb, + 0xb960, 0x1e2b, 0x3860, 0x390f, 0xb930, 0x5edb, 0x5ef6, 0xdf6d, + 0xd3d3, 0xba05, 0xb85d, 0xba1e, 0xb8d7, 0xbaea, 0xb80c, 0xb898, + 0xb8d6, 0x2eba, 0x377e, 0x3780, 0x37d7, 0xb8a5, 0x39cd, 0x6397, + 0xe453, 0xb953, 0xb89f, 0x23f0, 0x3aaf, 0xd01c, 0x32d0, 0xb7fa, + 0xb827, 0xd235, 0xb822, 0xb959, 0x2eba, 0x377e, 0x3780, 0x37a9, + 0xb8a5, 0xbac3, 0xbab8, 0xb7fb, 0x231b, 0xb7fe, 0xa948, 0x3801, + 0x387a, 0xba6e, 0xb805, 0xb7ff, 0x32d0, 0xb7b4, 0xb7e5, 0xba89, + 0x231b, 0xb7e9, 0xb7f9, 0xb894, 0x37f3, 0x387a, 0xba6e, 0x3764, + 0xbad4, 0x39ae, 0xd363, 0xb7f5, 0xba19, 0x385f, 0xb8e7, 0xbadb, + 0x39de, 0xbaf3, 0xb8df, 0x37a6, 0xbae8, 0x3aaa, 0xbadf, 0x3b04, + 0xbb17, 0xba39, 0x337f, 0xb8f2, 0x21d3, 0xb144, 0xa20a, 0xb7cf, + 0xb7bb, 0x3a43, 0xcb4f, 0x39d8, 0xba23, 0xd988, 0x271d, 0xbb12, + 0xb97f, 0x2353, 0xb9d5, 0xb852, 0xb851, 0xb90e, 0x3a31, 0xbafb, + 0xb7a1, 0x3808, 0xb8e7, 0x1e2b, 0x3792, 0xb90f, 0xba48, 0xb968, + 0xba94, 0xb9bf, 0x39d7, 0xba4b, 0xba3a, 0xba9c, 0xb9f3, 0xba01, + 0xba33, 0x376f, 0xc6c3, 0xba03, 0x37f3, 0x3801, 0xba6e, 0xbf06, + 0xb746, 0x3a11, 0xcc17, 0xb9f1, 0x3973, 0xb9d1, 0x4681, 0xc682, + 0xb800, 0xb7a7, 0xb761, 0xb7ad, 0x2eba, 0x377e, 0x3780, 0x37a9, + 0xb7d7, 0x2922, 0xa923, 0x3346, 0xcd91, 0xbaae, 0xb8f6, 0xb9e4, + 0x391c, 0xbaa2, 0xbb1e, 0xaf03, 0x38cb, 0x3ab1, 0x3ac0, 0xc881, + 0x38ca, 0x3ab1, 0x3ac0, 0xc881, 0xb936, 0xb7a8, 0xb7a3, 0xb80b, + 0xba0a, 0x3808, 0xb85f, 0xca1c, 0x337f, 0xb816, 0xb8be, 0xbac2, + 0xc897, 0xb9e8, 0x1e57, 0x9e58, 0xb858, 0x1e2b, 0x3792, 0xb860, + 0x47f4, 0xc887, 0xb95a, 0xb749, 0x38c0, 0xbaa2, 0xbadd, 0xb9e7, + 0xb9f6, 0xbb0f, 0xba3f, 0xba62, 0xb792, 0xd46e, 0xb8d5, 0xd45a, + 0xb768, 0x2932, 0xb72c, 0xb7ab, 0xba62, 0xb7d5, 0xb918, 0xb78f, + 0xb986, 0xb966, 0xb965, 0xb862, 0xc243, 0xba9d, 0x9e1a, 0x3885, + 0xb9d1, 0xb781, 0xba13, 0x1e50, 0xba02, 0xb842, 0xbb16, 0xb9b2, + 0xb961, 0xbaec, 0xbada, 0x3af8, 0xbb05, 0xc253, 0x2e72, 0xae79, + 0xb43e, 0xb769, 0x3804, 0xd363, 0xb985, 0xba4a, 0xe198, 0xb864, + 0xb9d9, 0x5028, 0xe392, 0xb784, 0xb7aa, 0x3885, 0xb973, 0xb760, + 0x39f9, 0xba70, 0x2353, 0xb84c, 0x3865, 0xba4b, 0x3837, 0xba23, + 0xb9c7, 0xba9f, 0x3abb, 0xce7f, 0xb80a, 0xbab3, 0xbae7, 0xb8bf, + 0xb920, 0xb901, 0xb884, 0xb868, 0xb922, 0xb9d4, 0xb869, 0x1e50, + 0xb97d, 0xb879, 0xb79e, 0xb8e5, 0xbad3, 0x3881, 0xcc17, 0xbac1, + 0xb97c, 0xb807, 0xb7a2, 0x3837, 0xb9d8, 0x3743, 0xbb0a, 0x3a6b, + 0xbace, 0x3aa3, 0xd262, 0x385c, 0xbafb, 0xb86a, 0x1e1b, 0x23e2, + 0x3b09, 0xd5c2, 0x3734, 0xba8f, 0xb811, 0xb866, 0xcf47, 0xb92b, + 0x3830, 0xcb4f, 0xb861, 0xb9b4, 0x3865, 0xb9d7, 0xb73a, 0x392d, + 0xb955, 0x3a2a, 0xbace, 0x37f3, 0x3801, 0xb87a, 0xb9d4, 0xbae5, + 0x3ad3, 0x5263, 0xd26a, 0xbade, 0xbaa9, 0xbafd, 0xb749, 0xb7fd, + 0x3734, 0xba38, 0xcc37, 0xb863, 0x3a98, 0xd617, 0xba97, 0xb867, + 0xb96b, 0xb9da, 0x38c0, 0xb91c, 0xba2f, 0xba81, 0x380e, 0xbadf, + 0xb8bc, 0x23f0, 0xb7b1, 0x38ca, 0x38cb, 0x3ac0, 0xc881, 0xb9df, + 0xb7e0, 0xb9db, 0x38ca, 0x38cb, 0x3ab1, 0xc881, 0xba12, 0xb8f9, + 0xb7dc, 0xa1f3, 0xd030, 0x3a2a, 0xba6b, 0x3a10, 0xba79, 0xb803, + 0xbb11, 0xb988, 0xb809, 0xb91f, 0xba7c, 0x380e, 0xbaaa, 0xba71, + 0xb9e0, 0xb80c, 0xb7a5, 0xb987, 0xb80a, 0xb989, 0xbb1e, 0x385c, + 0xba31, 0xba83, 0x380f, 0xbb17, 0xb989, 0x1e1b, 0x23e2, 0x3a37, + 0xd5c2, 0x3743, 0xba29, 0xb924, 0xbad5, 0x271d, 0xb83e, 0xb984, + 0x380f, 0xbb04, 0x60c1, 0x6b30, 0xeb31, 0x38c2, 0xbafa, 0x4f3a, + 0xcf3c, 0x31fd, 0x3b53, 0x3b61, 0xea69, 0x1ffd, 0x30de, 0xda22, + 0xbb5f, 0xbb50, 0xb17e, 0xbb3e, 0xbb58, 0xe4a6, 0xbb35, 0xdb0c, + 0x23f9, 0xa606, 0xbb27, 0x3b22, 0xbb61, 0x259c, 0x3198, 0xb199, + 0xbb3b, 0x355b, 0xb582, 0xb581, 0xbb24, 0x3b22, 0xbb53, 0x3b68, + 0xbb69, 0x3b65, 0xbb69, 0x3b65, 0xbb68, 0xa24d, 0x3e0b, 0x3f80, + 0xbf81, 0x6f52, 0xef7f, 0x1e97, 0x2c81, 0x2d57, 0xbb73, 0x1e97, + 0x2c81, 0x2d57, 0xbb72, 0x2386, 0x23af, 0xbb77, 0x2386, 0x23af, + 0xbb74, 0x2e30, 0x2f52, 0xc688, 0xbb7a, 0xbb79, 0x3bb1, 0xbbb2, + 0x273d, 0x3b7f, 0x3b81, 0xbca1, 0x273d, 0x3b7e, 0x3b81, 0xbca1, + 0xa92d, 0x273d, 0x3b7e, 0x3b7f, 0xbca1, 0xbba4, 0xbb98, 0xbb9e, + 0xbbae, 0xbb8b, 0xbbab, 0xbb92, 0xbbaf, 0xbb87, 0xbb9a, 0xbb93, + 0xbba1, 0x3b7c, 0xbbb2, 0x3b7c, 0xbbb1, 0xbbc6, 0xb147, 0xb740, + 0x28f3, 0xbbbc, 0x28f3, 0xbbbb, 0xbbc1, 0x3bc0, 0x41ec, 0xdb6d, + 0xdf42, 0xbbb4, 0x233b, 0xe1ab, 0xbbcf, 0xbbce, 0x50b2, 0xd8ac, + 0xa936, 0xc562, 0xbbd8, 0xbbd7, 0xb583, 0xbbee, 0xbc08, 0xc403, + 0xbbdf, 0xbbff, 0xbbf5, 0x4266, 0xc29b, 0xbc0c, 0x3be1, 0xbc0a, + 0xbc08, 0xbc07, 0x3c17, 0x3c23, 0xc081, 0x3c14, 0x3c23, 0xc081, + 0xe6f0, 0xbc2b, 0x3c14, 0x3c17, 0xc081, 0xbc2c, 0xbc22, 0xbc29, + 0xbc33, 0xbc32, 0x3c35, 0xbc3a, 0x3c34, 0xbc3a, 0x1ecc, 0x21ab, + 0xa1b0, 0x3c34, 0xbc35, 0x232f, 0x2f59, 0x2f5a, 0xbed9, 0xbf22, + 0xbcdb, 0x3c5a, 0xbc61, 0x3c59, 0xbc61, 0x3c59, 0xbc5a, 0xbe6f, + 0xbc74, 0xbc73, 0xbd36, 0xa1b3, 0xbef8, 0x3c89, 0xc00b, 0xbc88, + 0xbca1, 0xa1b2, 0xbdfb, 0xbe9d, 0x273d, 0x3b7e, 0x3b7f, 0x3b81, + 0xbc92, 0x3cfd, 0xbfa4, 0xc043, 0xbf1a, 0xc01d, 0xbdea, 0xbec4, + 0xbe22, 0xbf59, 0x3eec, 0xcc04, 0xe63b, 0xbcb2, 0xbcb1, 0xbfd4, + 0xe711, 0xa1b5, 0x1f71, 0xc04b, 0xbc4e, 0xbeaf, 0xbfd8, 0xa76d, + 0xda3b, 0x3d99, 0xbdda, 0xa1ba, 0xa933, 0xbfa9, 0x3edd, 0xc027, + 0xc018, 0xbffc, 0xc009, 0x3e8c, 0x3f51, 0xc67a, 0x3ca2, 0xbfa4, + 0xbd87, 0xbf54, 0xa1bd, 0xc051, 0xbf54, 0xbc79, 0xcaaa, 0xb6f2, + 0xbd79, 0xbde8, 0xbdfa, 0xbf3f, 0xbf86, 0xbe5e, 0xbeae, 0xbfc1, + 0xbe2c, 0xbfae, 0x3e08, 0xbfdf, 0x26a0, 0xc00f, 0xbefb, 0xbe3e, + 0xbef8, 0xbfc3, 0xbf6f, 0xbfdc, 0x3ee8, 0x3ff1, 0xbff5, 0xbfa3, + 0x3f82, 0x3f84, 0xc013, 0xbf94, 0xbd43, 0xa1c2, 0x21c3, 0xa857, + 0xbe7c, 0xbcfe, 0xbe09, 0xbe67, 0x5385, 0xd49e, 0x3cea, 0xbdda, + 0xbfe4, 0x3e0e, 0xc006, 0xbf87, 0xbdf6, 0xbf23, 0xbf7f, 0xbe26, + 0xbeb3, 0xbe19, 0xbecc, 0xbf64, 0x3f97, 0xc900, 0xbf32, 0x3e0b, + 0x3f80, 0x3f81, 0xbfc7, 0xbf04, 0xa1c5, 0xa1c9, 0xbfb1, 0xbe7d, + 0xc5f3, 0xa1c4, 0x3cea, 0xbd99, 0xbe0c, 0x21c0, 0xbd44, 0xbca6, + 0x2a6c, 0xbedb, 0xbe7b, 0x26e6, 0x3e0a, 0xbe15, 0xbd9e, 0xbe05, + 0xbd45, 0xbc97, 0xbdf8, 0xbe34, 0x3d4e, 0xbfdf, 0xbd89, 0x26e6, + 0x3df5, 0xbe15, 0x3b6e, 0x3da9, 0x3f80, 0xbf81, 0xbde5, 0xbf2c, + 0x3d9c, 0xc006, 0xbf38, 0xbfa0, 0x2d60, 0x3eaa, 0x5c3f, 0xdc40, + 0xbf01, 0x26e6, 0x3df5, 0xbe0a, 0xc00b, 0xbef2, 0xbda3, 0xa1cf, + 0xbca8, 0xbda1, 0xbeab, 0xbd4b, 0xbe07, 0x6030, 0xe04a, 0xbd51, + 0xa1d1, 0xbd48, 0xbd8c, 0xbc64, 0xbdf3, 0xbd85, 0xbdc4, 0xc063, + 0x3ebc, 0xbfd5, 0x3ee1, 0xbeff, 0xbfda, 0xa24c, 0xbf70, 0xbffa, + 0xbf0a, 0xbf11, 0x3cfc, 0x3f51, 0xc67a, 0xa3b5, 0x3fdb, 0xd499, + 0x21c6, 0xa1d6, 0xbf91, 0xbc9f, 0x2d60, 0x3e13, 0x5c3f, 0xdc40, + 0xbe29, 0xbd49, 0x3cdd, 0xe061, 0xbda2, 0x4194, 0xe394, 0x3e7f, + 0xbfd5, 0xbca7, 0xc06d, 0xbda4, 0xd365, 0xbf77, 0x232f, 0xbc47, + 0xbefe, 0xbdeb, 0x3cf7, 0xc027, 0xbeef, 0x404e, 0x4054, 0xc067, + 0xc044, 0x3e80, 0xbeff, 0xc005, 0xbffe, 0xbfeb, 0xc064, 0x3d5c, + 0x3ff1, 0xbff5, 0xc058, 0xbfa6, 0x3caa, 0xcc04, 0xbede, 0xbe17, + 0x2364, 0x3f9b, 0xc002, 0x3c7b, 0xbd52, 0xbd50, 0xbeda, 0x3e80, + 0xbee1, 0xbe14, 0xbdaf, 0xb87c, 0xbe87, 0xbe89, 0xc055, 0xbca4, + 0xbc49, 0xbd9f, 0x1e79, 0x1e7e, 0x9e81, 0xc1b3, 0xbe0d, 0xbf44, + 0xbda8, 0xbe10, 0xbd46, 0xe88d, 0xbf31, 0xc04c, 0xc020, 0xc01f, + 0xc032, 0xbff0, 0x3cfc, 0x3e8c, 0xc67a, 0x3d01, 0xbd2f, 0xbca9, + 0x3f5c, 0xbff3, 0x3f5b, 0xbff3, 0xbda6, 0xbd54, 0xbe83, 0xc026, + 0xbed7, 0xbda0, 0x3b6e, 0x3da9, 0x3e0b, 0xbf81, 0x3b6e, 0x3da9, + 0x3e0b, 0xbf80, 0x3d67, 0x3f84, 0xc013, 0x3d67, 0x3f82, 0xc013, + 0xbd47, 0xbd9d, 0xbe9c, 0xbd69, 0xbda7, 0xbfb3, 0x2364, 0x3ef7, + 0xc002, 0xc03e, 0x21db, 0xa1dc, 0xbe11, 0xbd63, 0x3ca2, 0xbcfd, + 0xbeea, 0xbcf6, 0xbd4d, 0xc032, 0xbdc0, 0xbf9a, 0xbd4a, 0xbd53, + 0xbda9, 0x4028, 0xc02c, 0xc015, 0xbcb5, 0x3e7f, 0xbebc, 0xbcde, + 0x3e81, 0xc02f, 0x3e95, 0xd499, 0xbd55, 0x3d4e, 0xbe08, 0xbd9b, + 0xbee5, 0xbf4d, 0x3d5c, 0x3ee8, 0xbff5, 0x3f5b, 0xbf5c, 0x3d5c, + 0x3ee8, 0xbff1, 0x65ca, 0xe614, 0xbe85, 0xbcfa, 0xbee4, 0x2364, + 0x3ef7, 0xbf9b, 0xbee2, 0x3d9c, 0xbe0e, 0xbcfb, 0x3c88, 0xbe16, + 0xbd4f, 0x3d67, 0x3f82, 0xbf84, 0xbfd2, 0xbcf8, 0xbca5, 0xbf47, + 0xbf46, 0xbf74, 0x3cf7, 0xbedd, 0x3fd1, 0xc02c, 0x3fd1, 0xc028, + 0xbfda, 0xaf25, 0x3f4b, 0xbfb0, 0xbf9c, 0xbca3, 0xbee0, 0x1f71, + 0xbcd5, 0xbf45, 0x3edf, 0xc054, 0xc05d, 0xbd12, 0x3edf, 0xc04e, + 0xbf13, 0xbee9, 0xc04f, 0xbe7e, 0xbee6, 0xbedf, 0xbec5, 0x2149, + 0xc097, 0xc1c8, 0x670a, 0x671b, 0xe748, 0x4ac3, 0xcac8, 0x40fe, + 0xdd64, 0x407e, 0xc0d6, 0x407d, 0xc0d6, 0xc1e6, 0xc16c, 0x3c14, + 0x3c17, 0xbc23, 0x4210, 0x6229, 0xe46a, 0x23cd, 0xa3db, 0xc08f, + 0xc08e, 0x2149, 0xc06e, 0xc152, 0xc197, 0x362d, 0x36cc, 0x4167, + 0x41f3, 0xc7be, 0x4832, 0x491f, 0xc92e, 0xc0f1, 0xcf39, 0xeede, + 0x1e3a, 0xc232, 0x4149, 0x632c, 0xe34a, 0xc1be, 0xc20d, 0x41d7, + 0x421b, 0xc224, 0xc0f4, 0xc16c, 0x9e4c, 0x407d, 0xc07e, 0xc1ed, + 0xc159, 0xc169, 0x413c, 0xc1d2, 0x41c1, 0xc217, 0xc1f4, 0xc1d9, + 0xc1fc, 0xc1b1, 0xc0af, 0xc0c3, 0xc1a2, 0x407b, 0xdd64, 0xe2b7, + 0x21de, 0x4155, 0x4188, 0xc199, 0xe2b2, 0x9e9f, 0x4130, 0xc1c4, + 0xc165, 0xc1dc, 0xc1fe, 0x41cc, 0xc1d3, 0xb5e0, 0xc133, 0xc162, + 0x4114, 0xc1c4, 0xc126, 0x40e7, 0xc1d2, 0xe35b, 0x40bc, 0x632c, + 0xe34a, 0xc16e, 0xc09c, 0x21de, 0x4108, 0x4188, 0xc199, 0xb696, + 0xb696, 0xc0df, 0x412d, 0xd315, 0xc115, 0x36cc, 0x40a4, 0x41f3, + 0xc7be, 0xc0e6, 0x4080, 0xc0ca, 0xc151, 0x417e, 0xc185, 0x4174, + 0xc185, 0x4174, 0xc17e, 0x21de, 0x4108, 0x4155, 0xc199, 0xc1fb, + 0xd367, 0x3eb6, 0xe394, 0xc09d, 0x21de, 0x4108, 0x4155, 0xc188, + 0xc0fd, 0xc0ed, 0xe88e, 0xbf2b, 0xc1ba, 0xc1b9, 0xc0bd, 0x40e8, + 0xc217, 0x4114, 0xc130, 0xc06f, 0x411a, 0xc1d3, 0xac1e, 0x48f7, + 0xcca6, 0x40e7, 0xc13c, 0x411a, 0xc1cc, 0xedf0, 0x40c2, 0x421b, + 0xc224, 0xc0eb, 0xc116, 0x25b6, 0xd425, 0xc07f, 0xbbc1, 0xc0db, + 0x36cc, 0x40a4, 0x4167, 0xc7be, 0xc0e9, 0xc18f, 0xc0ec, 0xc118, + 0xd000, 0xc0c1, 0xc089, 0x40e8, 0xc1c1, 0x40c2, 0x41d7, 0xc224, + 0x40c2, 0x41d7, 0xc21b, 0x9e89, 0xb11b, 0x1e3a, 0xc0ba, 0xb52b, + 0xc23a, 0xc237, 0x9fce, 0x2c12, 0x2c13, 0xac14, 0x9e2c, 0xae8a, + 0xb96a, 0xa889, 0xa899, 0xcb3a, 0xc258, 0x4255, 0x4a93, 0x4a97, + 0xcabb, 0xb99c, 0x424e, 0x4a93, 0x4a97, 0xcabb, 0xc24d, 0xc25c, + 0xc25b, 0xab83, 0x3c02, 0xc29b, 0x1f10, 0xa0a0, 0xb2b5, 0xc27d, + 0x42a0, 0xc2a7, 0xc275, 0xc282, 0xc281, 0xa954, 0xc2a2, 0xd366, + 0x3c02, 0xc266, 0x427a, 0xc2a7, 0xc28a, 0x427a, 0xc2a0, 0xc2ad, + 0xc2ac, 0xa3d0, 0xdc7a, 0x5c7b, 0xdc8b, 0xc2c0, 0xc377, 0xc341, + 0xc336, 0xc2b6, 0x2448, 0xb282, 0xc2fd, 0xdc7e, 0xc329, 0xc36e, + 0xc370, 0xdc89, 0xaf87, 0xc368, 0xc2f9, 0xc345, 0xc36a, 0xc319, + 0xc344, 0xc33b, 0x430d, 0xdc8d, 0xc2ed, 0xc2c8, 0xc318, 0xb08d, + 0xc36b, 0xd653, 0xdc8e, 0x42f8, 0xdc8d, 0x431f, 0xc375, 0xc37c, + 0xc2fe, 0xc2f0, 0x430e, 0xc375, 0xc380, 0xc33f, 0xc2cc, 0xdc6c, + 0xdc93, 0xd75f, 0xc37b, 0xdc92, 0xc366, 0xc371, 0xc2b9, 0xc2f2, + 0x4328, 0xd76f, 0xc2b8, 0xc2f1, 0xc2ee, 0xe3e1, 0x2956, 0x2968, + 0xa96c, 0xdc98, 0xee9e, 0xc359, 0xc358, 0x217d, 0xc378, 0xc332, + 0xc2ec, 0xc2ef, 0x4303, 0xc381, 0xc37a, 0xc2dd, 0xc2de, 0xc335, + 0xd3b7, 0x430e, 0xc31f, 0xc2b7, 0x217d, 0xc363, 0xc36d, 0xc32e, + 0xc315, 0xdc9b, 0xc321, 0xc36b, 0x583c, 0xdc9c, 0xa999, 0xa35b, + 0xc4a3, 0xc4b5, 0xc452, 0xc46a, 0x43cf, 0xc474, 0xcfeb, 0xc44b, + 0xc4b0, 0xc3fe, 0xc472, 0xc447, 0xc4bd, 0x4409, 0x4460, 0xc4a2, + 0xc3ce, 0xc3cd, 0x43a8, 0xc474, 0xc43a, 0xc4cf, 0x4434, 0xc439, + 0x2b9d, 0x2bda, 0x2bf3, 0xabf6, 0xa72d, 0xc4ab, 0x448e, 0xc4d4, + 0xc43f, 0xc894, 0xc3b0, 0xbbec, 0xc46f, 0x43cb, 0x4460, 0xc4a2, + 0x4483, 0xc4c8, 0xc4a1, 0xc489, 0x4411, 0xc463, 0x4410, 0xc463, + 0xe6d5, 0x43e1, 0xc439, 0x43e1, 0xc434, 0xc3d0, 0xc4ca, 0xc3f2, + 0xc3b3, 0xc3ae, 0xc39a, 0xc8af, 0x43cb, 0x4409, 0xc4a2, 0x4410, + 0xc411, 0xc476, 0xc4a1, 0xd3b9, 0xc39b, 0xc405, 0xc4cc, 0xc3b1, + 0x43a8, 0xc3cf, 0xc464, 0xc4a6, 0xc4b8, 0x440d, 0xc4c8, 0xc4bf, + 0xc40f, 0x43f1, 0xc4d4, 0x440e, 0xc468, 0x43cb, 0x4409, 0xc460, + 0xc391, 0xc477, 0xc3f0, 0xc3af, 0xc399, 0xc478, 0x28d0, 0xc3ba, + 0xc487, 0x440d, 0xc483, 0xc4da, 0xc43c, 0xc470, 0xc3d1, 0xc4da, + 0x43f1, 0xc48e, 0x44c9, 0xc4d2, 0xaf01, 0xcf38, 0xc515, 0xc50c, + 0x4501, 0xcf3e, 0xc506, 0x44f6, 0xcf3e, 0xc4f7, 0xc4ef, 0x287c, + 0x4816, 0xc8da, 0xc4ee, 0x4f42, 0xcf4c, 0x2617, 0x2690, 0xac1d, + 0xb674, 0x1ea7, 0xc523, 0x1ea7, 0xc522, 0x4a4c, 0x52cf, 0xd607, + 0x2b81, 0x2bcd, 0x2bd5, 0x2bd7, 0x2bdc, 0xabe7, 0xe6fb, 0x9fbd, + 0x2722, 0xc53c, 0x2212, 0x2283, 0x2290, 0x456b, 0xc575, 0x2722, + 0xc53a, 0xc54e, 0xc55d, 0x4559, 0xc571, 0xb6a2, 0x1ea9, 0x4552, + 0x455d, 0xc55e, 0xd015, 0x283a, 0xc54d, 0x283a, 0xc54c, 0xc53d, + 0xc560, 0x1ea9, 0x4546, 0x455d, 0xc55e, 0x4544, 0xc571, 0xa959, + 0x1ea9, 0x4542, 0x4546, 0x4552, 0xc55e, 0x1ea9, 0x4546, 0x4552, + 0xc55d, 0xc551, 0xa793, 0xbbd5, 0xc567, 0xc565, 0xc56a, 0xc568, + 0x453b, 0xc575, 0xaf02, 0x4544, 0xc559, 0x23e0, 0x4582, 0x4589, + 0xc58a, 0xc587, 0x453b, 0xc56b, 0xaf53, 0xc585, 0xa84d, 0x23e0, + 0x4573, 0x4589, 0xc58a, 0x457a, 0xc586, 0xc585, 0xc574, 0x23e0, + 0x4573, 0x4582, 0xc58a, 0x23e0, 0x4573, 0x4582, 0xc589, 0x458f, + 0xde08, 0x458e, 0xde08, 0xc664, 0xc642, 0xc627, 0xc658, 0xc60d, + 0xd0ac, 0xc667, 0xc632, 0xc621, 0xc60b, 0x46b0, 0xe764, 0xc5fe, + 0xc665, 0xc670, 0xc5d9, 0xc662, 0x24d1, 0x2516, 0x255e, 0xc602, + 0xc5c9, 0xc646, 0xc626, 0xc613, 0xc647, 0xd139, 0x45f3, 0xeebb, + 0x3dcb, 0x45f2, 0xeebb, 0xc661, 0xc5fa, 0xc5f9, 0xc5b4, 0x24d1, + 0x2516, 0x255e, 0xc5d6, 0xc649, 0xc62e, 0x3108, 0xc652, 0xc5af, + 0xc5a1, 0xc5ea, 0xa591, 0xc61e, 0xc63b, 0xc617, 0xc5ae, 0xc645, + 0xc5e9, 0xc59f, 0xc65f, 0xc671, 0xc606, 0xc5ad, 0xc63b, 0x4618, + 0xc63a, 0xc66e, 0xc66d, 0xc597, 0x2af6, 0xb194, 0xc624, 0xc5e8, + 0xc5eb, 0xc605, 0x3108, 0xc609, 0x4670, 0xd1c3, 0xc5a0, 0xc669, + 0xc62a, 0xc5f4, 0xc5d2, 0xc66c, 0xc596, 0xc5c7, 0xc5ac, 0xc65e, + 0xc672, 0xc663, 0xc63f, 0xc63e, 0xd1de, 0x45c8, 0x4655, 0xd1c3, + 0xc62b, 0xc66b, 0xc675, 0xc674, 0x23d1, 0x32e8, 0x34a5, 0x3cfc, + 0x3e8c, 0x3f51, 0x467c, 0x6166, 0x6197, 0xe1b1, 0xa0dc, 0x23d1, + 0xc67a, 0x388d, 0xc682, 0x388d, 0xc681, 0xdc8c, 0x2e30, 0x2f52, + 0xbb78, 0xc690, 0x2373, 0xa37d, 0xdccb, 0xc68b, 0xc69a, 0x21d2, + 0xc691, 0xc6a1, 0xc69e, 0x36a4, 0xb6ad, 0xb61f, 0x45b1, 0xe764, + 0xc6ba, 0x46b8, 0xc6b9, 0xef13, 0x46b2, 0xc6b9, 0x46b2, 0xc6b8, + 0xc6b1, 0xef13, 0xc6c8, 0x376f, 0xb86e, 0xc6cd, 0xc6c1, 0x4f3d, + 0x6262, 0xe4b5, 0xc897, 0xc6c7, 0xc6de, 0x2869, 0xee7d, 0x46e3, + 0xdb7c, 0x5462, 0xd4cb, 0xc6dc, 0xc6e4, 0xcc20, 0xc6d7, 0xc6cf, + 0xac3d, 0x46d1, 0xdb7c, 0xc6d8, 0xa362, 0x5361, 0xd62f, 0x1eff, + 0xa023, 0xc742, 0x23bf, 0xce23, 0xc798, 0x5996, 0xd9c6, 0xb14e, + 0xc71f, 0xc71e, 0xc726, 0xc725, 0xc72f, 0xc7d3, 0x472b, 0xc787, + 0xc760, 0x1e51, 0x1f17, 0xd846, 0xd457, 0xc75c, 0xc709, 0xa6f0, + 0xc75e, 0xc7bc, 0xc741, 0xc750, 0xc737, 0xc765, 0xc764, 0xd9a9, + 0x23e1, 0xa8e1, 0xc7c1, 0xc7b6, 0xc72f, 0xc79e, 0xcff3, 0xc70d, + 0xc792, 0xc7aa, 0xc7d2, 0xc7da, 0xc7a0, 0x1e86, 0xb6b8, 0xc7d9, + 0xc786, 0xc751, 0x36cc, 0x40a4, 0x4167, 0xc1f3, 0xc785, 0xd499, + 0xc7a2, 0xc72c, 0xc7b0, 0xc7a9, 0xcb36, 0x47e7, 0xda20, 0x9faf, + 0x47e4, 0xda20, 0xc7ef, 0xc7eb, 0x3917, 0x4887, 0xc8f8, 0xc8ef, + 0xc92c, 0x483f, 0x4926, 0x6271, 0x62db, 0xe45b, 0xc8ad, 0xc8bc, + 0xc8c7, 0xc88e, 0x287c, 0x450e, 0xc8da, 0xc868, 0xc86f, 0xc8b8, + 0xa38e, 0xc8aa, 0xc8d6, 0x40ae, 0x491f, 0xc92e, 0xc92a, 0xc931, + 0xc92b, 0x47ff, 0x4926, 0x6271, 0x62db, 0xe45b, 0xc90e, 0xc85c, + 0xb731, 0xc8a9, 0xc864, 0xc8fd, 0xc8d1, 0xc904, 0xc841, 0xc856, + 0xc817, 0xc912, 0x27c6, 0x48ba, 0xc8bb, 0xc81a, 0xc8e0, 0x6e78, + 0x6e7b, 0xee7c, 0x38ca, 0x38cb, 0x3ab1, 0xbac0, 0x3917, 0xc7f4, + 0xc919, 0xc815, 0xc3f7, 0x27fc, 0x2d0e, 0xad5c, 0x27e6, 0x3900, + 0xc6cc, 0xc8e7, 0xc8e3, 0x2ca9, 0x2d52, 0xad53, 0xe7a8, 0xc855, + 0xc827, 0xc800, 0xc459, 0x33bd, 0xde2b, 0x6e78, 0xee7c, 0xc81c, + 0x486e, 0xc8bb, 0x486e, 0xc8ba, 0xc801, 0xc920, 0xc812, 0xc859, + 0xe695, 0xa387, 0xc82c, 0x287c, 0x450e, 0xc816, 0xc875, 0xc89c, + 0xc89b, 0xc7f6, 0xc1d0, 0xc7f4, 0xeec4, 0xc857, 0xbda7, 0xc85a, + 0x6669, 0x667a, 0xe6aa, 0x2760, 0xa89c, 0xc840, 0xc86a, 0xc88d, + 0x40ae, 0x4832, 0xc92e, 0xc8c1, 0x47ff, 0x483f, 0x6271, 0x62db, + 0xe45b, 0xc83a, 0xc83e, 0xc7fe, 0x40ae, 0x4832, 0xc91f, 0xc83b, + 0xc93b, 0xc93a, 0xc9ae, 0xc9b4, 0xc9a9, 0xc9a1, 0xa996, 0xc995, + 0xc9d8, 0xc9b0, 0xc98e, 0xb346, 0xc9b1, 0xc98d, 0xc984, 0xca1f, + 0xc97f, 0xc9aa, 0xc978, 0xc96f, 0xc94e, 0xc943, 0xafa1, 0xc940, + 0xc985, 0xc93c, 0xc962, 0xc977, 0xc93f, 0xe6e2, 0xc9c3, 0xa3b6, + 0xc9bf, 0xca08, 0x527a, 0x52b8, 0x541f, 0x54fa, 0xd5dd, 0xcc7c, + 0xae74, 0x49cc, 0x4a50, 0x67a6, 0x67a7, 0xef9d, 0x49cb, 0x4a50, + 0xef9d, 0xca2e, 0xd018, 0x4a09, 0xccb3, 0xcc83, 0xa3ea, 0xe8eb, + 0xc955, 0xca4d, 0x4a31, 0xca6a, 0xca2d, 0xca62, 0xca60, 0x4a3e, + 0x4a3f, 0x55c1, 0xd5f3, 0xca0e, 0x4a5e, 0xca6d, 0xc9c6, 0x49d4, + 0xccb3, 0xca05, 0x4cba, 0xd5ad, 0x4a3a, 0xca49, 0xb8f1, 0xc980, + 0xca4c, 0xc9f8, 0xc9cd, 0x49f0, 0xca6a, 0xca3b, 0x4a4f, 0xca69, + 0x4a1a, 0xca49, 0xca32, 0x4a01, 0x4a3f, 0x55c1, 0xd5f3, 0x4a01, + 0x4a3e, 0x55c1, 0xd5f3, 0x4cd3, 0xdc37, 0xca57, 0x4c87, 0xcce0, + 0x4a1a, 0xca3a, 0x4526, 0x4a23, 0x52cf, 0xd607, 0xc9ef, 0x6834, + 0xe896, 0x4a33, 0xca69, 0x49cb, 0x49cc, 0xef9d, 0xca61, 0xca42, + 0x4a06, 0xca6d, 0xc9fe, 0xca51, 0xc9fd, 0xca70, 0x6839, 0x683a, + 0x683d, 0xe893, 0x4a33, 0xca4f, 0x49f0, 0xca31, 0xd3b7, 0x4a06, + 0xca5e, 0xca63, 0x4aae, 0xcac6, 0xab86, 0xe631, 0xab8a, 0xcaca, + 0xcab3, 0xcac5, 0xcab5, 0x4aaf, 0xcab0, 0x424e, 0x4255, 0x4a97, + 0xcabb, 0x424e, 0x4255, 0x4a93, 0xcabb, 0xcac4, 0xcaa9, 0xcaba, + 0xcac7, 0xca9d, 0xbd3c, 0xde30, 0x2be0, 0xcab6, 0x4a77, 0xcac6, + 0x4a91, 0xcab0, 0x4a91, 0xcaaf, 0xca8a, 0xca8e, 0x2be0, 0xcaad, + 0xcaa5, 0x424e, 0x4255, 0x4a93, 0xca97, 0x4076, 0xcac8, 0xca9c, + 0xca8d, 0x4a77, 0xcaae, 0xcaa6, 0x4076, 0xcac3, 0xca83, 0xa947, + 0x4aea, 0xdc4e, 0x9f2b, 0x6f8d, 0xef92, 0x1e26, 0x20a1, 0xae76, + 0x4af6, 0xcaf8, 0x9fdf, 0x5abc, 0xdc0a, 0x4ad6, 0xdc4e, 0x4ade, + 0xcaf8, 0x4ade, 0xcaf6, 0xcbea, 0xcbe4, 0x4b4d, 0xcbb0, 0x2173, + 0xa4b2, 0xcb46, 0xcb67, 0xcb8d, 0x218a, 0x218c, 0x3547, 0x4b56, + 0x4b5e, 0xcba3, 0x9f53, 0x4bc4, 0xd303, 0xc7e2, 0x424b, 0xcb8b, + 0x4bed, 0xcc60, 0xcc69, 0xcbb2, 0xcb14, 0xd9d4, 0x4b0b, 0xcbb0, + 0x3830, 0xba43, 0xcb7a, 0xcbc9, 0x3547, 0x4b27, 0x4b5e, 0xcba3, + 0xcc06, 0xcb82, 0xcbf3, 0xcbe9, 0xcc39, 0xcb8f, 0x3547, 0x4b27, + 0x4b56, 0xcba3, 0xcb15, 0xcbe0, 0xcc4c, 0xcb50, 0xcbd4, 0x4c3d, + 0x4c56, 0xcc64, 0xcbe0, 0xcc21, 0xcb59, 0xcbe6, 0x00f6, 0x1e2a, + 0xa00b, 0xcb3a, 0xcb1f, 0xcb5d, 0xae1a, 0xcc59, 0xa284, 0x3547, + 0x4b27, 0x4b56, 0xcb5e, 0x4c00, 0xd536, 0xcbcb, 0xcc5c, 0xcc6e, + 0xcc1e, 0xcc2b, 0xcbdb, 0x4b0b, 0xcb4d, 0xcb45, 0xd282, 0x4b35, + 0xd303, 0xd483, 0xcb51, 0x2327, 0xcba7, 0xad4c, 0xcc23, 0xcc0d, + 0xcb7c, 0xcc46, 0xcbac, 0x4b71, 0xcb7f, 0xcc12, 0xcb03, 0xcb86, + 0x4b5b, 0x4c01, 0xcc6d, 0xcafe, 0x4b3c, 0xcc60, 0xcc43, 0xcc5b, + 0xcc6c, 0xaf57, 0xcb5a, 0x4ba6, 0xd536, 0x4be9, 0xcc6d, 0x3caa, + 0xbeec, 0xcb58, 0xcbd3, 0x4c14, 0xd4d1, 0xcbe1, 0x4c11, 0xd4d1, + 0xcc6a, 0x3881, 0xba11, 0xcc2b, 0xcbaa, 0xc6d9, 0xcb80, 0xcbd1, + 0xa142, 0x4bab, 0xcc18, 0x35d7, 0xcc4f, 0xba90, 0xcb5c, 0xcb7e, + 0xae18, 0x4c52, 0xcc55, 0xcc5f, 0xcbee, 0xcbd7, 0xcb79, 0x35d7, + 0xcc31, 0xcc58, 0xcc40, 0x55ae, 0xd5ea, 0xcc40, 0x4b7e, 0xcc64, + 0x4c50, 0xd5e4, 0xcb93, 0xcbef, 0xcba8, 0xcc41, 0x4b3c, 0xcbed, + 0x4b7e, 0xcc56, 0xcb3e, 0xcc16, 0xcbf1, 0x4be9, 0xcc01, 0xcba9, + 0x2401, 0xefa5, 0xccf4, 0xe85e, 0xc9c8, 0xc9d5, 0x4a45, 0xcce0, + 0xccb9, 0xeea4, 0xeecf, 0x5083, 0xd085, 0xccf6, 0xccf2, 0xccb5, + 0x1ffc, 0xeb3b, 0xc1d0, 0x2986, 0x299d, 0x2a24, 0xccda, 0xccde, + 0x36f2, 0x6eaf, 0x6eb4, 0xeeb9, 0xcce7, 0x49d4, 0xca09, 0xcca4, + 0xcc8b, 0xca17, 0xccc9, 0xccdd, 0x6762, 0x6eaa, 0x6eab, 0x6eb5, + 0xeeba, 0xe931, 0xccbd, 0xe92c, 0x4a40, 0xdc37, 0xe93b, 0x2986, + 0x299d, 0x2a24, 0xcca7, 0xccc1, 0xccaa, 0x4a45, 0xcc87, 0xe94e, + 0xccae, 0x26e2, 0xa6e3, 0xcc9d, 0xcc74, 0xcc9c, 0x1e1d, 0x4cf9, + 0x4d72, 0xce9f, 0x4cf8, 0xce9f, 0xccfe, 0x1fc2, 0x4e18, 0x4e4b, + 0xce6b, 0x229f, 0xccff, 0x4cfa, 0xcea0, 0x229f, 0xccfc, 0xceaa, + 0xcea3, 0xcea6, 0xcea2, 0xcea1, 0xcea5, 0xcea8, 0xceab, 0xceb9, + 0xceb3, 0xcebd, 0xcebe, 0xceaf, 0xceb0, 0xcebc, 0xceb1, 0x4d8b, + 0xceae, 0x2e0b, 0xceb8, 0xcea7, 0xceb7, 0xcead, 0x4d4d, 0xceb4, + 0xceba, 0xcdb7, 0xcd2e, 0xcdca, 0x4da2, 0xcef8, 0x324e, 0xcd25, + 0x4e32, 0x4e8d, 0x4e9d, 0xcf27, 0xcec6, 0xcec2, 0xcec1, 0xcec5, + 0xcebb, 0xcecd, 0xcec0, 0xcecb, 0xced0, 0xcecc, 0xcec8, 0xaf26, + 0xcec4, 0xcd97, 0x4eca, 0xe77d, 0xae15, 0xcea9, 0x4d93, 0xcecf, + 0xcd1d, 0xced7, 0xcec1, 0xced3, 0x34a7, 0x4d76, 0xcedd, 0xce8a, + 0xcdea, 0x4e27, 0xcee6, 0x4ed4, 0xd8b4, 0xcede, 0xcedc, 0xceda, + 0x4dab, 0x4dda, 0x4ebf, 0xcf10, 0xd32f, 0xced9, 0xced2, 0xced6, + 0x4d82, 0xcedf, 0x1e1d, 0xccf8, 0xcedb, 0x4e6a, 0xced8, 0x34a7, + 0x4d55, 0xcedd, 0xce36, 0x4e6d, 0xd812, 0xcee2, 0xced1, 0x4d71, + 0xcedf, 0xcee1, 0xcee0, 0xcee8, 0xcee3, 0xcd18, 0xcee4, 0xcee5, + 0x3346, 0xb8b1, 0x4d4c, 0xcecf, 0xcd45, 0x4e7c, 0xcee7, 0x4e8c, + 0x4eed, 0xdce1, 0xcefc, 0xcf0d, 0x4dd1, 0xceff, 0x4d2c, 0xcef8, + 0xcefb, 0x4d64, 0x4dda, 0x4ebf, 0xcf10, 0xcef6, 0xcef4, 0xcef9, + 0xcefe, 0xceb2, 0xcf51, 0x4e43, 0xcef7, 0x23d5, 0xcf00, 0xaf69, + 0xcd23, 0xceb6, 0xcefa, 0xceee, 0xcefd, 0x4e5b, 0xcef0, 0xceeb, + 0xcef5, 0xcef2, 0xcf01, 0xcd27, 0xceef, 0xcde1, 0x303b, 0x3460, + 0x4deb, 0xce3d, 0xce41, 0x4da0, 0xceff, 0x4dd6, 0xceea, 0xcef1, + 0xce83, 0x4dd2, 0xceea, 0xcf03, 0xcf04, 0xcf02, 0x4d64, 0x4dab, + 0x4ebf, 0xcf10, 0xcef5, 0xcf09, 0xcf0e, 0xcf14, 0x4dcd, 0xcf17, + 0x4e01, 0xcf18, 0xd913, 0xcf0c, 0xcf16, 0xcf13, 0xcd5a, 0x303b, + 0x3460, 0x4dcf, 0xce3d, 0xcf05, 0xceac, 0xcf11, 0xcf08, 0xcec3, + 0xcf0f, 0xcf07, 0xd1f4, 0x4e15, 0xcf0a, 0x4de3, 0xcf18, 0x4e69, + 0xcef3, 0xd426, 0xcf19, 0xcf22, 0xcf12, 0xcec9, 0xcf23, 0x4dfc, + 0xcf0a, 0xcf1e, 0x4cfb, 0x4e4b, 0xce6b, 0xcf1a, 0xcf1c, 0xcf1f, + 0xcf1b, 0x23bf, 0xc70c, 0x4e31, 0xceb5, 0x4d5b, 0xcee6, 0xae4c, + 0xcf1d, 0xcf21, 0xcf29, 0x4e26, 0xceb5, 0x4d2f, 0x4e9d, 0xcf27, + 0xcea4, 0xcf26, 0x4d77, 0xe9bd, 0xcf15, 0xcf25, 0x303b, 0x3403, + 0x3460, 0x4dcf, 0xcdeb, 0xcee9, 0xcdd0, 0x4db3, 0xcef7, 0x4e70, + 0xcf2b, 0xcf2a, 0xce66, 0x4e8e, 0x4e96, 0xcea4, 0x4cfb, 0x4e18, + 0xce6b, 0x4e61, 0xcee3, 0xcf2f, 0xcec7, 0xcf2e, 0x1f1e, 0xa098, + 0xcffb, 0xcf2d, 0xcdbd, 0xced5, 0x4e4d, 0xcee3, 0xcf0b, 0xce82, + 0xce48, 0x4e04, 0xcef3, 0x4d75, 0xced8, 0x4cfb, 0x4e18, 0xce4b, + 0x4d78, 0x5327, 0xd812, 0x4f30, 0xe7c1, 0xcf33, 0x4e45, 0x4f2b, + 0xcf32, 0xcf34, 0xcece, 0x4d99, 0xcee7, 0xcf24, 0xcf31, 0xb9db, + 0xce64, 0xcdd5, 0xe8a3, 0xcf2c, 0x4e98, 0xcf35, 0x4d56, 0xcea9, + 0x4d9a, 0x4eed, 0xdce1, 0xcd2f, 0x4e4a, 0x4e96, 0xcea4, 0x4e92, + 0xcf20, 0x4e8f, 0xcf20, 0xcf28, 0xb24d, 0x4e4a, 0x4e8e, 0xcea4, + 0x4e89, 0xcf35, 0xcf06, 0x4d2f, 0x4e32, 0xcf27, 0x4cf8, 0xccf9, + 0xccfe, 0xcd06, 0xcd05, 0xcd02, 0x4e34, 0x4e4a, 0x4e8e, 0xce96, + 0xcd07, 0xcd04, 0xcd1a, 0xcd08, 0x4d4b, 0xce8a, 0xcd00, 0xcd09, + 0xcdef, 0xcd1c, 0xcd18, 0xcd14, 0xcd15, 0xcd17, 0xcdb1, 0xcd0d, + 0xcd1d, 0x4e26, 0xce31, 0xcdb8, 0xcd1b, 0xcd19, 0xcd0b, 0xcd21, + 0xcd35, 0xcd16, 0xcd10, 0xcd13, 0x4d64, 0x4dab, 0x4dda, 0xcf10, + 0xcd3a, 0x4d32, 0xcd4f, 0xcd31, 0xcdf4, 0xcd44, 0xcd33, 0xcd30, + 0xce54, 0xcd42, 0xce10, 0xcd46, 0xcd3c, 0xcd40, 0xcd39, 0xce79, + 0x4d4c, 0xcd93, 0xcd3f, 0xcd81, 0xcd68, 0xcd50, 0xcd5d, 0x4e5e, + 0xe076, 0xcd70, 0xcd4e, 0x4d75, 0xce6a, 0xcd66, 0xcd62, 0xcd73, + 0xcd61, 0x34a7, 0x4d55, 0xcd76, 0xcd5e, 0x4d71, 0xcd82, 0xcd86, + 0xcd83, 0xcd79, 0x4d89, 0x4e4d, 0xce61, 0xcd8c, 0xcd8f, 0x4d5b, + 0xce27, 0x4d99, 0xce7c, 0xcd88, 0xce3e, 0x4dd2, 0xcdd6, 0xcdbe, + 0x4d9a, 0xce8c, 0xcdba, 0xcdcb, 0xcdbd, 0xcdd4, 0xcdc4, 0x4e04, + 0xce69, 0xcdad, 0x4dbf, 0xcddc, 0xcdac, 0x4db3, 0xce43, 0x4d2c, + 0xcda2, 0xcdaf, 0xcdb9, 0xcda3, 0xcd9c, 0xcdbb, 0xcdb0, 0x4da0, + 0xcdd1, 0xcdb4, 0xcdc7, 0xcdd9, 0xcdd7, 0xcdd8, 0xcdec, 0xce9c, + 0xcdf9, 0xcdf2, 0xcddd, 0x4dfc, 0xce15, 0xce62, 0xcde6, 0xcd9e, + 0xcdde, 0xcdf6, 0x4d64, 0x4dab, 0x4dda, 0xcebf, 0xcdf1, 0xce0b, + 0xcde9, 0xcde0, 0xce37, 0xcde8, 0xcde1, 0x4de3, 0xce01, 0xce09, + 0xce1b, 0xce1f, 0xce1d, 0xce2b, 0xce17, 0xce1e, 0x4e8f, 0xce92, + 0xce2d, 0xce0a, 0xce11, 0xce7d, 0xce39, 0xce35, 0x4d2f, 0x4e32, + 0xce9d, 0xce93, 0xce2e, 0xce46, 0x4e45, 0xce70, 0xce88, 0xce5a, + 0xce55, 0xce52, 0x4e6e, 0xe7c1, 0xce7e, 0xce70, 0xce6f, 0xce73, + 0x4e89, 0xce98, 0x4f3b, 0x4f50, 0xe475, 0xa378, 0xc4e8, 0xc0b0, + 0x3b20, 0xcf3c, 0xcf36, 0x3b20, 0xcf3a, 0x46cb, 0x6262, 0xe4b5, + 0x44f6, 0xc501, 0x4516, 0xcf4c, 0xba3d, 0x275b, 0x28b0, 0x28b5, + 0x28dc, 0xcf4e, 0x4516, 0xcf42, 0x275b, 0x28b0, 0x28b5, 0x28dc, + 0xcf48, 0x4f36, 0xe475, 0x4db2, 0x4f52, 0xcf53, 0x4f51, 0xcf53, + 0x4f51, 0xcf52, 0x2570, 0x26c9, 0xcf85, 0x4f70, 0xcf78, 0xcf77, + 0x3683, 0xdfa0, 0x4f5a, 0xcf78, 0xcf86, 0x208c, 0x69e1, 0xea82, + 0xcf80, 0xcf62, 0x4f5a, 0xcf70, 0xcf76, 0x4f88, 0xd98a, 0x21aa, + 0xae42, 0xcf57, 0xcf74, 0x4f88, 0x5989, 0xd98a, 0x4f81, 0x4f87, + 0x5989, 0xd98a, 0xd288, 0xd288, 0xcf97, 0xcf91, 0xcf90, 0xcf8c, + 0xcfa5, 0xcfa8, 0xcfa4, 0xcfa3, 0xcf9f, 0xcfa1, 0x9e49, 0x217b, + 0xe90a, 0xcfb9, 0x4fb6, 0xd1bb, 0x4fb4, 0xd1bb, 0xcfae, 0x4fc5, + 0xcfe4, 0x4fc4, 0xcfe4, 0xcfe0, 0x9e60, 0xcff9, 0xcffd, 0xcfec, + 0xcfc6, 0x4fc4, 0xcfc5, 0xc3a9, 0xcfda, 0xcffa, 0xc796, 0xcfd8, + 0xcff1, 0x4e59, 0xe8dc, 0xcfd9, 0xc1ff, 0xb537, 0xd008, 0xd007, + 0xd00b, 0xd00a, 0xc54a, 0xc9d0, 0xb7b1, 0xe504, 0xd02e, 0xd5c9, + 0xd02c, 0x39c8, 0xe392, 0xd027, 0xd022, 0xbacc, 0xd073, 0xb065, + 0xd043, 0xdead, 0x504c, 0x5077, 0xdec4, 0xd076, 0xd03c, 0xd07e, + 0x5040, 0x5077, 0xdec4, 0xd079, 0x5068, 0xd06f, 0x2723, 0xa7a9, + 0xe5fb, 0x28fb, 0xaa7f, 0x5066, 0x506a, 0xd070, 0x5061, 0x506a, + 0xd070, 0x5054, 0xd06f, 0xd075, 0x5061, 0x5066, 0xd070, 0xd06f, + 0x2abf, 0xb127, 0xd06f, 0x5054, 0x5068, 0x506b, 0xd06e, 0x5061, + 0x5066, 0xd06a, 0xa8f0, 0xd038, 0x242c, 0xd07d, 0xd069, 0xd042, + 0x5040, 0x504c, 0xdec4, 0xd04d, 0x242c, 0xd074, 0xd04b, 0x4c9b, + 0xd085, 0x4c9b, 0xd083, 0xd088, 0xd087, 0xab8d, 0xd0af, 0x5178, + 0xd193, 0xd135, 0xd19a, 0xd0da, 0xc5a3, 0xeaaf, 0x508e, 0xd0bb, + 0xa3b7, 0x3bd3, 0xd8ac, 0xe91a, 0xd0af, 0xd14e, 0xd16b, 0xd139, + 0x5105, 0x5107, 0xd10b, 0x1f37, 0xa191, 0x51bb, 0xd1bd, 0xb3f9, + 0xd0a7, 0xa2dd, 0x585a, 0xeb0d, 0xb727, 0xd156, 0xd1da, 0x511b, + 0xde01, 0xd1d9, 0xd1a0, 0x5106, 0xd13a, 0x50c1, 0xd10b, 0x5103, + 0xd13a, 0xd0c1, 0xd109, 0xd108, 0x50c1, 0xd105, 0xd1be, 0x51d3, + 0x51df, 0xead2, 0xd1cd, 0x5133, 0xd166, 0xd1bf, 0xd1e0, 0xa43b, + 0x5173, 0xde0b, 0x50eb, 0xde01, 0xa507, 0x9fee, 0xd131, 0xd12b, + 0x2318, 0x5111, 0xd166, 0xd0a1, 0xd161, 0xd1c9, 0x45ee, 0xd0c0, + 0x5103, 0xd106, 0xd157, 0xa00e, 0x51c8, 0xd1d8, 0xe183, 0xd0be, + 0xd0e8, 0xd13e, 0xd195, 0xd1a3, 0xd136, 0x2318, 0x5111, 0xd133, + 0xd0bf, 0xef76, 0xe84b, 0x511a, 0xde0b, 0x50a0, 0xd193, 0xd1a9, + 0xd183, 0xea30, 0xeac8, 0xd190, 0xd17d, 0xd182, 0xd1cf, 0x50a0, + 0xd178, 0xd158, 0xd0a4, 0xd0f6, 0xd15f, 0xecd5, 0xd17b, 0xe94d, + 0x6ac4, 0xead3, 0x4fb4, 0x4fb6, 0x50c6, 0xd1bd, 0x50c6, 0xd1bb, + 0xd10d, 0xd113, 0xd1cb, 0x4655, 0xc670, 0x514a, 0xd1d8, 0xd138, + 0xd1c0, 0xd110, 0x5191, 0xead5, 0x510f, 0xd1df, 0x514a, 0xd1c8, + 0xd0ed, 0xd0ea, 0xd1e2, 0xc66f, 0x510f, 0xd1d3, 0xd114, 0xd1dc, + 0xa367, 0x9e34, 0xd1f0, 0xd1ed, 0xcdfb, 0x23f0, 0xa76e, 0xdf3f, + 0x9e0e, 0xa174, 0x1e3e, 0x3319, 0xb4e7, 0xb5e7, 0x3368, 0xd20e, + 0xd20d, 0xd213, 0xd210, 0x5217, 0x62ea, 0xe4fa, 0x5216, 0x62ea, + 0xe4fa, 0xe928, 0xd264, 0xd239, 0x523b, 0xd26b, 0xd266, 0xd259, + 0xb7c1, 0xd24a, 0xd229, 0x522e, 0xd26b, 0xd236, 0xd231, 0xba2f, + 0x3a79, 0xd26a, 0xd223, 0xd230, 0x3a79, 0xd263, 0x522e, 0xd23b, + 0xd271, 0x26cf, 0xd270, 0x5276, 0x5277, 0x5c53, 0xdc54, 0x5273, + 0x5277, 0x5c53, 0xdc54, 0x5273, 0x5276, 0x5c53, 0xdc54, 0xd279, + 0xd278, 0x49c7, 0x52b8, 0x541f, 0x54fa, 0xd5dd, 0xcbc0, 0x4f8a, + 0xcf8b, 0xd28c, 0xd28b, 0xa349, 0xd58c, 0xd56a, 0xd606, 0xd2b2, + 0xd2b1, 0x49c7, 0x527a, 0x541f, 0x54b7, 0x54fa, 0x5553, 0xd5dd, + 0xa20d, 0xd4ef, 0x1e42, 0xa208, 0xd466, 0xd5f6, 0xd3a7, 0xd407, + 0xd4bc, 0xd2e7, 0x26cc, 0x4526, 0x4a4c, 0x5607, 0xd613, 0xd351, + 0xd2e2, 0xd2e1, 0xd2ce, 0xa040, 0x55b2, 0xd60b, 0xd393, 0xd3f0, + 0x4b35, 0xcbc4, 0x2179, 0xd332, 0xd396, 0xd622, 0xd526, 0xa84b, + 0xc162, 0xd354, 0x4e6d, 0xd812, 0xcd65, 0xd438, 0x2179, 0xd30a, + 0xd34a, 0xd395, 0xd346, 0x1f9f, 0xd5a6, 0xd2d0, 0xd318, 0x2e84, + 0xd38a, 0xd598, 0xd3a2, 0xd558, 0xd4fd, 0xd434, 0xd54e, 0xd588, + 0x5415, 0xd5ba, 0x46ea, 0x5569, 0xd62f, 0x3804, 0xb9ae, 0xd477, + 0xbece, 0xc296, 0xc192, 0xd541, 0xd5ce, 0xd4c0, 0xd52d, 0xd552, + 0xd452, 0xd464, 0x546f, 0x55ac, 0xd5e5, 0xdc46, 0xb357, 0xd510, + 0x3d96, 0xd49e, 0x2e84, 0xd358, 0xd2fa, 0xd347, 0xd30e, 0xa50d, + 0xd35a, 0xd2cb, 0xd40a, 0xd4ee, 0xd494, 0xd435, 0xd3df, 0xd59f, + 0x4372, 0xca6b, 0xd555, 0xc469, 0x6d2c, 0x6daf, 0xee0e, 0x5493, + 0xd4f4, 0xd3be, 0xd3bd, 0xd458, 0xb79c, 0x235c, 0xd514, 0xd3b5, + 0xa807, 0x234e, 0x2d0b, 0xd550, 0xd2fd, 0xd506, 0x2eb5, 0x544a, + 0xd4ed, 0xd445, 0xd2cc, 0xd3b1, 0xd420, 0xd4f1, 0x5360, 0xd5ba, + 0xd600, 0xd63f, 0x49c7, 0x527a, 0x52b8, 0x54fa, 0xd5dd, 0xd40c, + 0x56cd, 0xd7a2, 0x25b6, 0xc1df, 0xce08, 0xd56d, 0xd5a9, 0x9e07, + 0x557f, 0x55fc, 0xd610, 0xd35d, 0xd3b4, 0xd330, 0xd55a, 0xd3f9, + 0xa3f6, 0x2eb5, 0x53f4, 0xd4ed, 0xd36d, 0xc740, 0xd3d1, 0xb939, + 0xd593, 0x46d6, 0xd4cb, 0xd36e, 0xd2c7, 0xd58a, 0xa85f, 0xb934, + 0xd36f, 0xd525, 0xd364, 0xd515, 0xcbc6, 0xd546, 0xd562, 0xd523, + 0xd51e, 0xb41c, 0x53bc, 0xd4f4, 0xd3b3, 0x31de, 0x3e95, 0x3fdb, + 0xc7c7, 0x3d96, 0xd385, 0xaf60, 0xd533, 0xd2b8, 0xd2cd, 0xd36a, + 0xae2d, 0x46d6, 0xd462, 0x4c11, 0xcc14, 0xd5cd, 0xd58a, 0xd63a, + 0xd577, 0xe3a3, 0xea40, 0x2eb5, 0x53f4, 0xd44a, 0xd3b2, 0xd2c1, + 0xd40d, 0x53bc, 0xd493, 0x49c7, 0x527a, 0x52b8, 0x541f, 0xd5dd, + 0xd35c, 0x298d, 0xa9f8, 0xd3f1, 0xd37b, 0xd84a, 0x235c, 0xd3d4, + 0xd482, 0xd48c, 0xd48b, 0xd471, 0xd311, 0xd36b, 0xd5bc, 0xd53b, + 0xd4a8, 0xeebb, 0x2328, 0xd5cf, 0x4ba6, 0xcc00, 0xd594, 0xd61e, + 0xd5fa, 0xd532, 0x55f9, 0xdb6a, 0xd368, 0xd487, 0x554b, 0xd602, + 0x554a, 0xd602, 0xd35e, 0x234e, 0xd3ef, 0xd36c, 0xd2b8, 0xd3b8, + 0xd35b, 0xd43c, 0xd489, 0xd361, 0xd29c, 0xd427, 0xd580, 0xd604, + 0x55f4, 0xd60a, 0xd4e3, 0x5431, 0x55fc, 0xd610, 0xd570, 0xd35f, + 0x546a, 0xd4df, 0xd297, 0xa9dc, 0xd460, 0xd537, 0x26ed, 0xa712, + 0xd359, 0xd3b6, 0x1f9f, 0xd350, 0xd428, 0x55b0, 0xd60d, 0x536f, + 0xd5e5, 0xca17, 0x4c54, 0xd5ea, 0xd5f7, 0x55ab, 0xd60d, 0x52f9, + 0xd60b, 0x5360, 0xd415, 0xd52f, 0x4a01, 0x4a3e, 0x4a3f, 0xd5f3, + 0x1e1b, 0x23e2, 0x3a37, 0xbb09, 0x201f, 0x2fa3, 0xd024, 0xd4dd, + 0xd369, 0x2328, 0xd535, 0xd61a, 0x49c7, 0x527a, 0x52b8, 0x541f, + 0xd4fa, 0x563d, 0xd646, 0xcc58, 0x536f, 0xd5ac, 0x4c54, 0xd5ae, + 0x4a01, 0x4a3e, 0x4a3f, 0xd5c1, 0x5574, 0xd60a, 0xd2c8, 0xd5af, + 0x553c, 0xdb6a, 0xd53a, 0x5431, 0x557f, 0xd610, 0xd41a, 0x554a, + 0xd54b, 0xd572, 0xd2a6, 0x4526, 0x4a4c, 0x52cf, 0xd613, 0x5574, + 0xd5f4, 0x52f9, 0xd5b2, 0x55ab, 0xd5b0, 0x6a65, 0xeaa5, 0x5431, + 0x557f, 0xd5fc, 0x52cf, 0xd607, 0xba97, 0xd5d3, 0xd539, 0xd30f, + 0xa170, 0x46ea, 0xd361, 0xd4e0, 0x55df, 0xd646, 0xd41d, 0xa914, + 0x55df, 0xd63d, 0x1e55, 0xd65d, 0xd65c, 0xb16e, 0xc307, 0x21e6, + 0xa904, 0xa47c, 0x565a, 0xd65b, 0x5657, 0xd65b, 0x5657, 0xd65a, + 0xd64f, 0x1e55, 0xd64e, 0xa3f7, 0xd666, 0xd665, 0x9e8f, 0x567a, + 0xd7f2, 0xd66f, 0xd7e3, 0xd66c, 0xd768, 0x2b83, 0xd6c7, 0xd66b, + 0xd771, 0xe6d6, 0xd766, 0xd806, 0xd755, 0xd7fb, 0xd79e, 0xd801, + 0x57a1, 0xd7c1, 0xd739, 0xd72f, 0x5745, 0x5836, 0xd83a, 0xd788, + 0xd6d4, 0xd814, 0xd6ba, 0xec8d, 0xd706, 0xd6d4, 0xd6a6, 0x2b83, + 0xd675, 0xd831, 0x5424, 0xd7a2, 0x5807, 0xd823, 0xd7f6, 0x5698, + 0x56b4, 0xd716, 0xef03, 0xd83b, 0xd7a7, 0xd7c4, 0xd6fa, 0xd7ef, + 0xd784, 0xd810, 0xd6f1, 0xd715, 0x5c9d, 0xdd1d, 0xd82d, 0xd6ac, + 0xd782, 0xd6fb, 0xd6d4, 0xd778, 0x574b, 0xd81f, 0xd68c, 0xd68b, + 0xeb4e, 0x5695, 0x5836, 0xd83a, 0x577f, 0xd805, 0xd7c8, 0xd7ec, + 0x5721, 0xd81f, 0xd80d, 0xd680, 0xc32c, 0xd815, 0xd67e, 0xd671, + 0xc33f, 0xd67b, 0xd717, 0xd7bb, 0xd811, 0x5747, 0xd805, 0xd7bf, + 0xd70b, 0xd6f3, 0xd696, 0xd78e, 0xd78d, 0xd7fb, 0x5827, 0xd839, + 0xd682, 0xd68a, 0x5424, 0xd6cd, 0x3594, 0xb59e, 0xd6ef, 0xd7ce, + 0xd77c, 0xd780, 0xd68a, 0xd6f0, 0xd7c7, 0xd7c6, 0xd748, 0xd7a8, + 0xd828, 0xd80e, 0xd66e, 0xd749, 0xd6f2, 0xd66b, 0xd6cf, 0xd821, + 0xd80f, 0x5681, 0xd798, 0xd683, 0x5747, 0xd77f, 0xd67f, 0x56ce, + 0xd823, 0xd74e, 0xd7d2, 0xd7f9, 0xd6f4, 0xd77e, 0x4d78, 0x4e6d, + 0xd327, 0xd69d, 0xd761, 0x5721, 0xd74b, 0xd7f8, 0xb0f7, 0x56ce, + 0xd807, 0x5799, 0xd839, 0xd7cf, 0xd702, 0xd6ca, 0x5695, 0x5745, + 0xd83a, 0x5799, 0xd827, 0x5695, 0x5745, 0xd836, 0xd6ee, 0x4383, + 0xdc9c, 0xd844, 0xd842, 0xe1c1, 0x1e51, 0x1f17, 0xc73e, 0x24af, + 0xa580, 0xd511, 0xb72f, 0x2563, 0x5858, 0xe29c, 0xa40c, 0xadf7, + 0x2563, 0x5854, 0xe29c, 0xd0e1, 0x236b, 0xd85e, 0x2675, 0x585f, + 0xe053, 0xa1b2, 0x236b, 0xd85b, 0x2675, 0x585c, 0xe053, 0xd864, + 0xd863, 0xd8dc, 0xe336, 0xd96f, 0xd89e, 0xa3ea, 0xd8b5, 0xd956, + 0x2acb, 0x2b1d, 0xd8ca, 0xd918, 0xae12, 0x596a, 0x67c8, 0xe7e4, + 0xd86e, 0x3bd3, 0xd0b2, 0xd972, 0xeef9, 0xd94f, 0x4d5d, 0xd8e4, + 0xd87d, 0xd8cc, 0xd8dd, 0xd960, 0xd90c, 0xd885, 0xd8b7, 0x58e1, + 0xe1cc, 0xd8e0, 0xd865, 0xd8c5, 0xd8d9, 0x58cf, 0xe1cc, 0xd933, + 0xd95d, 0x58b4, 0xd932, 0xd947, 0x5912, 0xd943, 0xb707, 0xd92b, + 0xd8f5, 0xd8f4, 0xa236, 0xa90d, 0xb0fc, 0xd8c8, 0xd90f, 0xd90e, + 0x58e6, 0xd943, 0xcde5, 0xd886, 0xd938, 0xd94c, 0xd8ed, 0xd8e4, + 0xd8e2, 0xd964, 0xd91b, 0x9eb5, 0x58e6, 0xd912, 0xd8e5, 0xd91d, + 0xb742, 0xd8af, 0xd974, 0xd884, 0xd8e3, 0xd8c6, 0xd934, 0xd89c, + 0xb446, 0xb4f7, 0xd86c, 0xd8ad, 0x5955, 0xd97d, 0xd974, 0x2364, + 0xa365, 0x290d, 0xafa9, 0xe738, 0xb838, 0x4f87, 0x4f88, 0xd98a, + 0x4f81, 0x4f87, 0x4f88, 0xd989, 0xd9c1, 0xaf01, 0xd9c3, 0xd9c4, + 0x599a, 0x59ba, 0xd9c9, 0x5994, 0xd9c5, 0x5993, 0xd9c5, 0x470e, + 0xd9c6, 0xd9c7, 0x5990, 0x59ba, 0xd9c9, 0xd9cb, 0xd9cd, 0xd9ce, + 0x59bd, 0xd9c8, 0xc779, 0x9eb2, 0xd9ca, 0xd9cf, 0xd9b7, 0xd9d0, + 0x59c0, 0xd9c2, 0xd9bc, 0x59b0, 0xd9d1, 0x358d, 0x5990, 0x599a, + 0xd9c9, 0xd9b6, 0x59a7, 0xd9c8, 0xd9cc, 0x59b3, 0xd9c2, 0xd98b, + 0x59b3, 0xd9c0, 0xd98e, 0xd98f, 0x5993, 0xd994, 0x470e, 0xd996, + 0xd998, 0x59a7, 0xd9bd, 0x5990, 0x599a, 0xd9ba, 0xd9ac, 0xd9a1, + 0xd9bf, 0xd9a5, 0xd9a6, 0xd9af, 0xd9b2, 0xd9b7, 0xcb4b, 0x59ef, + 0xd9f6, 0xb2b5, 0xd9f4, 0xd9e7, 0xd9f8, 0xd9e3, 0x59d7, 0xd9f6, + 0xd9de, 0x59d7, 0xd9ef, 0xd9e6, 0x59fd, 0xd9ff, 0x59f9, 0xd9ff, + 0x59f9, 0xd9fd, 0x5a01, 0xdba0, 0x5a00, 0xdba0, 0xdba2, 0xdba3, + 0xdba1, 0xdbaf, 0xdba7, 0xdba8, 0xdba6, 0xdbb1, 0xdbad, 0xdbaa, + 0xdbab, 0x3258, 0xdbac, 0xdbb0, 0xdabe, 0xdbb9, 0xdbb6, 0xdbbc, + 0x47e4, 0xc7e7, 0x241f, 0xa656, 0xbb23, 0xdbc0, 0xdbb7, 0xdbbb, + 0xdbbf, 0x9fe1, 0xdbbe, 0xdbb8, 0x5b6f, 0xdbd1, 0xdbc9, 0x24ec, + 0xdbc3, 0xdbca, 0xbce8, 0x5b49, 0xdbc1, 0xda6c, 0xdbc2, 0x2467, + 0xdbcb, 0x246a, 0xa492, 0xa46d, 0xdbb5, 0xdbc8, 0xdbd2, 0xdbcf, + 0xdbc4, 0xdbd0, 0xdbc7, 0xdbce, 0xdbc5, 0xdbcd, 0xdb8b, 0xa48f, + 0xdbe9, 0xdbe2, 0xdbe3, 0xdbd5, 0xabdf, 0xdbd7, 0xdbe7, 0x5a3d, + 0xdbdf, 0xdbe1, 0xdbe0, 0xdbd8, 0x5b6e, 0xdbdd, 0xdbe5, 0xdbe6, + 0xdbdc, 0xdbd9, 0xdbd6, 0xdbd4, 0xdbdb, 0xdbd3, 0xa938, 0xdb7d, + 0xdb04, 0xafd7, 0xdba4, 0xdbf3, 0xdbf6, 0xdbde, 0x3096, 0xb102, + 0x2500, 0xdbf1, 0xdbee, 0xdbed, 0xdbda, 0xdbeb, 0xdbec, 0xdbef, + 0xdbf0, 0xdbf5, 0xdbf2, 0x5aac, 0xdbf4, 0x5aaa, 0xdbf4, 0x5b80, + 0xdbfb, 0xa531, 0xdc01, 0xdbfe, 0xdc07, 0xdbfd, 0x4ae9, 0xdc0a, + 0xda1a, 0xdc03, 0xdc04, 0xdc06, 0xdc08, 0xdbff, 0xdbf7, 0x5aeb, + 0xdc0f, 0xdbe4, 0xdbf9, 0xdbfc, 0xdc05, 0xdbba, 0xdc02, 0xdc00, + 0xdc0d, 0xdc1e, 0xdc1d, 0x5afc, 0xdc16, 0x5b1a, 0xdc25, 0xdbe8, + 0x5b8d, 0xdc14, 0xdc1b, 0xdc10, 0xdb5c, 0x5acc, 0xdc0f, 0x242f, + 0x2518, 0x2553, 0x2554, 0x255f, 0xe5d9, 0xdc15, 0xdc18, 0xdbb3, + 0x3697, 0xdc19, 0xdc0c, 0x5bbd, 0xe8a8, 0xdbf8, 0xdc1a, 0x5ae0, + 0xdc16, 0xdbfa, 0xdc0b, 0xdc12, 0xdc13, 0xda8a, 0xdbcc, 0xdc0e, + 0xbb4c, 0xdc1c, 0xdc27, 0xdc11, 0xdc21, 0xdc24, 0xdc26, 0x5ae1, + 0xdc25, 0xdbb2, 0xdc22, 0x5b21, 0xdc23, 0x5b20, 0xdc23, 0xdc1f, + 0xa546, 0x5b81, 0xdc2a, 0xdc2c, 0x5b7e, 0xdc2b, 0xa5f9, 0xdbb4, + 0xdc28, 0x247c, 0xa611, 0xdc29, 0x24d7, 0xa629, 0x5a3c, 0xdbc1, + 0xdbb9, 0xdc32, 0xdba5, 0xa642, 0x5b5b, 0xdc2e, 0xdbc6, 0xdc2f, + 0xdc2d, 0x5b56, 0xdc2e, 0x5ae9, 0xdc31, 0xa66a, 0x553c, 0xd5f9, + 0x2661, 0xdc35, 0xbbc1, 0x5a71, 0xdbdd, 0x5a33, 0xdbd1, 0xdbae, + 0xa584, 0x5b93, 0xdba9, 0xdc34, 0xb2a4, 0xdbea, 0x46d1, 0xc6e3, + 0xda89, 0x5b2d, 0xdc2b, 0x5aad, 0xdbfb, 0x5b2b, 0xdc2a, 0x5b9a, + 0xdd5e, 0xdc09, 0x23d8, 0xa909, 0xda5f, 0x2bb4, 0xe1bc, 0x5ae4, + 0xdc14, 0x1ec7, 0x5b90, 0xe6e0, 0x5b8e, 0xe6e0, 0xdc17, 0x5b72, + 0xdba9, 0xdc30, 0xdc36, 0x5b83, 0xdd5e, 0xdc20, 0xdc33, 0x5a00, + 0xda01, 0xda08, 0xda02, 0xda03, 0xda8d, 0xdb4f, 0xda10, 0xda0c, + 0xda0e, 0x5b72, 0xdb93, 0xda15, 0xda16, 0x3258, 0xda17, 0xda13, + 0xdb70, 0xda0a, 0xda18, 0xda12, 0xdb1b, 0xdaf1, 0xdb33, 0xda4e, + 0xda1d, 0xda25, 0xda31, 0x5a1b, 0xdb4c, 0xdad6, 0xda29, 0xda1f, + 0x5af7, 0xe8a8, 0xda2d, 0xda2a, 0xda23, 0x5a3c, 0xdb49, 0xda41, + 0xda36, 0xda55, 0xda5b, 0xdb58, 0xda57, 0xda50, 0xda34, 0xda3a, + 0xda46, 0xdb05, 0xda5e, 0xda58, 0xda54, 0xda56, 0x5a33, 0xdb6f, + 0xda52, 0xda86, 0xda84, 0xda66, 0xda7f, 0xda69, 0xda70, 0xda7c, + 0xdaa0, 0xda85, 0xda75, 0x5a71, 0xdb6e, 0xda95, 0xda6c, 0xda6e, + 0xda6d, 0xda62, 0xda63, 0xdacd, 0xda72, 0xda73, 0xda6b, 0xdae2, + 0xda61, 0xdb78, 0xdaa1, 0xdaa3, 0xda9e, 0xda9a, 0x309e, 0xdaa4, + 0xdaa5, 0x2500, 0xda98, 0xdaa8, 0xda91, 0x5aaa, 0xdaac, 0xdaa6, + 0xda92, 0xdacb, 0xdaf8, 0xdacf, 0xdafe, 0x5aad, 0xdb80, 0xdad1, + 0xdab9, 0xdab2, 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0x56fd, 0xdd1d, 0xdd1e, 0x2458, 0x24e1, + 0xdd20, 0xdd1f, 0x321d, 0xdd22, 0xdd21, 0xdd2b, 0xdd27, 0xdd29, + 0xdd2a, 0xdd2f, 0xdd23, 0x2295, 0x5cea, 0xdd28, 0x2f10, 0x5cb3, + 0xdd30, 0xdd2e, 0xdd33, 0xdd40, 0x2f10, 0x5cae, 0xdd30, 0xdd35, + 0xdd2c, 0x9e70, 0xdd37, 0xdd36, 0xdd39, 0xdd34, 0xdd3b, 0xdd38, + 0xdd3a, 0xdd32, 0xdd42, 0xdd41, 0xdd3f, 0xdd45, 0xdd44, 0xdd3e, + 0x2379, 0xb064, 0xdd3c, 0xc68e, 0x5d13, 0xdd43, 0x5ce4, 0xdd31, + 0xdd48, 0xdd4a, 0x2bbe, 0xdcd4, 0x2bbe, 0xdcd3, 0xdd47, 0xdd4a, + 0xdd52, 0xdd49, 0x5d0a, 0xdd5e, 0xdd50, 0xdd4f, 0xdd54, 0x4d9a, + 0x4e8c, 0xdd53, 0x5d12, 0xdd24, 0x2356, 0xa8f2, 0x5cce, 0xdd31, + 0xdd4b, 0xdd55, 0x2295, 0x5cad, 0xdd28, 0xdd4d, 0xdd26, 0xdd4c, + 0xa046, 0x5d56, 0xe83c, 0xdd57, 0x5d4d, 0xef4e, 0xdd5a, 0xdd59, + 0xdd2d, 0xdd5b, 0xdd5c, 0x3557, 0xdd25, 0xdd3d, 0xdd58, 0xdd5f, + 0xdd60, 0x5cdb, 0xdd5e, 0x2050, 0x5d17, 0xdd5d, 0xdd61, 0xdd62, + 0xdd46, 0x5ce2, 0xdd24, 0x5ccd, 0xdd43, 0xdd51, 0xdd4e, 0x2050, + 0x5d0b, 0xdd5d, 0xdd63, 0xdd43, 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0x5daf, 0xde8d, 0xde4c, + 0xde92, 0xdff9, 0xddfa, 0xde29, 0xde10, 0xde82, 0xde7a, 0xde55, + 0xde9a, 0xdde5, 0xde8b, 0xac40, 0x50eb, 0xd11b, 0x458e, 0xc58f, + 0xde34, 0x511a, 0xd173, 0xde8a, 0xddf5, 0xde64, 0xddf4, 0xde64, + 0xc8b0, 0xde93, 0xde91, 0xcaac, 0xde0a, 0xddbb, 0xde4f, 0x5e79, + 0xdea2, 0xddc4, 0xde44, 0xdea1, 0xde63, 0xddf8, 0xdff9, 0xde52, + 0x5e28, 0xde2a, 0x5e8a, 0xde95, 0x5e4b, 0xdea2, 0x5dac, 0xddf7, + 0xdea5, 0xddf6, 0xde84, 0xde83, 0xa8b8, 0xddb8, 0x5e0c, 0x5e70, + 0xde95, 0x5dfb, 0xe6ae, 0x5daf, 0xddc3, 0xdeaa, 0xde2f, 0xddde, + 0xde2c, 0x5e70, 0xde8a, 0xdeaa, 0xddf9, 0xdea6, 0xde51, 0x5e4b, + 0xde79, 0xde7f, 0xde9c, 0x5e8f, 0xde99, 0xdeb3, 0xd03d, 0xdec0, + 0x1f53, 0x5ec6, 0x6ab5, 0xead4, 0xdeb2, 0xdeb1, 0xdeac, 0xdeaf, + 0x5040, 0x504c, 0xd077, 0x1f53, 0x5eb0, 0x6ab5, 0xead4, 0xdf66, + 0xdf67, 0xdf68, 0xa19b, 0xdf6a, 0xdf69, 0xdf6b, 0x3799, 0x5ef6, + 0xdf6d, 0xdf6f, 0x5f49, 0xdf6c, 0x5f5f, 0xdf70, 0xdf77, 0xdf78, + 0x5f29, 0xdf88, 0xdf71, 0x3799, 0x5edb, 0xdf6d, 0xdf74, 0xdf75, + 0xdf7a, 0xdf72, 0xdf76, 0x5f15, 0xdf7b, 0xdf7c, 0xdf5c, 0xdf83, + 0xdf82, 0xdf81, 0xdf80, 0xdf7d, 0xdf7e, 0x5f1b, 0xdf86, 0xdf36, + 0x5f19, 0xdf84, 0xb33d, 0x1fcc, 0xdf85, 0x5efd, 0xdf7b, 0x5f12, + 0xdf84, 0x5f0c, 0xdf86, 0x5f3a, 0xdf8e, 0xdf89, 0xdf8b, 0xdf8d, + 0xdf57, 0xdf8a, 0xdf87, 0x5ef0, 0xdf88, 0xdf6e, 0xdf8c, 0xdf6f, + 0xdf91, 0xdf8f, 0xdf0f, 0xdf93, 0x5f1c, 0xdf8e, 0xdf90, 0xdf92, + 0xdf97, 0xd206, 0x67b1, 0x67dc, 0xe7ec, 0xbbc2, 0x5f96, 0xe38b, + 0xdf95, 0xdf98, 0x5ee2, 0xdf6c, 0xdf99, 0xdf7f, 0xdf9a, 0xdf21, + 0xdf00, 0x5ee3, 0xdf70, 0xdf94, 0xdf79, 0xdf73, 0xdeca, 0xdecb, + 0xdecc, 0xded2, 0xded1, 0xded4, 0x5ee2, 0xdf49, 0x3799, 0x5edb, + 0xdef6, 0xdf2a, 0x5edf, 0xdf2d, 0x5ee3, 0xdf5f, 0xdef2, 0xdefb, + 0xdf64, 0xdef8, 0xdef9, 0xdefc, 0xdee4, 0xdeeb, 0xdf62, 0xdefa, + 0x5efd, 0xdf15, 0xdefe, 0xdf09, 0xdf0a, 0xdf4e, 0xdf08, 0xdf07, + 0xdf05, 0xdf03, 0x5f12, 0xdf19, 0xdf14, 0x5f0c, 0xdf1b, 0xdf26, + 0x5ef0, 0xdf29, 0xdf1d, 0xdf25, 0xdf1e, 0xdf2c, 0xdf1f, 0x5f1c, + 0xdf3a, 0xdf33, 0xdf3b, 0xdf2f, 0xdf3c, 0xdf38, 0xdf61, 0xdf45, + 0xdf44, 0xdf3e, 0xdf46, 0xdf4d, 0xdf54, 0x5f9e, 0x5fa4, 0xdfad, + 0x5f9d, 0x5fa4, 0xdfad, 0xe5e2, 0x3683, 0xcf6a, 0x2f01, 0x5fa9, + 0xdfaf, 0x5f9d, 0x5f9e, 0xdfad, 0xa29e, 0x2f01, 0xdfa8, 0x2f01, + 0xdfa7, 0x2f01, 0x5fa1, 0xdfaf, 0xdfae, 0x5f9d, 0x5f9e, 0xdfa4, + 0xdfab, 0x2f01, 0x5fa1, 0xdfa9, 0xa19c, 0xdfb6, 0xdfb5, 0x5fba, + 0x6089, 0xe08a, 0x5fb9, 0x6089, 0xe08a, 0xe07c, 0x6039, 0xe054, + 0xe077, 0xdfc3, 0xdfc2, 0xdfe4, 0xe04e, 0xe081, 0x231d, 0xae00, + 0xe04b, 0xe084, 0xe019, 0xe032, 0xe060, 0xe055, 0xe023, 0x5d7f, + 0x6045, 0xe072, 0xdfc6, 0xe008, 0xe087, 0xaef8, 0xaf80, 0xe003, + 0x2f84, 0x2f91, 0xe015, 0x26d8, 0x26de, 0x26ec, 0x2efb, 0x2efd, + 0xe025, 0x5de1, 0xde5f, 0x1e43, 0xaefc, 0xe069, 0xdfef, 0xdfe5, + 0xe078, 0xe05c, 0xe052, 0x6013, 0xe05e, 0x6012, 0xe05e, 0x2f84, + 0x2f91, 0xdff3, 0xdfd9, 0xdfde, 0x26d8, 0x26de, 0x26ec, 0x2efb, + 0x2efd, 0xdff4, 0xe090, 0xa954, 0x3e38, 0xe04a, 0xa468, 0xdfdb, + 0x5fbe, 0xe054, 0xe060, 0xe08f, 0xa06a, 0xe06f, 0x5fdf, 0xe072, + 0x1fa6, 0xa075, 0x3e38, 0xe030, 0xdfd0, 0xdfc7, 0xe00e, 0x2675, + 0x585c, 0xd85f, 0x5fbe, 0xe039, 0xdfdd, 0xe07a, 0xe065, 0xe00a, + 0x6012, 0xe013, 0x5fdc, 0xe03a, 0xbeaf, 0xe059, 0xe002, 0xe041, + 0x5fdf, 0xe045, 0xced5, 0xdfc1, 0xe009, 0xe057, 0xdfbd, 0xdfc8, + 0xdfd8, 0xdfe9, 0x5fb9, 0x5fba, 0xe08a, 0x5fb9, 0x5fba, 0xe089, + 0xe03b, 0xe026, 0xe61d, 0xe127, 0xe13a, 0xe0ab, 0xb751, 0xe0a6, + 0xe114, 0xe0f5, 0xe112, 0xe134, 0x23b8, 0x6130, 0xe6a3, 0xe0cc, + 0x3b1d, 0x6b30, 0xeb31, 0xe0bd, 0x60d2, 0xe0de, 0xe0df, 0xe136, + 0xe12d, 0x60ce, 0xe0de, 0xe106, 0x60ce, 0xe0d2, 0xe0cf, 0xe148, + 0xe116, 0xe0f6, 0xe0ae, 0xe0e8, 0x1e61, 0x6109, 0x610a, 0xe115, + 0xe132, 0xe0d3, 0x1e61, 0x60f7, 0x610a, 0xe115, 0x1e61, 0x60f7, + 0x6109, 0xe115, 0xe0b9, 0xe0ac, 0x1e61, 0x60f7, 0x6109, 0xe10a, + 0xe0e7, 0xe093, 0xe0d1, 0x23b8, 0x60bb, 0xe6a3, 0xe0f8, 0xe0ba, + 0xe0d0, 0xe146, 0xe09d, 0xe147, 0x2398, 0x28e5, 0xaedb, 0xe147, + 0xe137, 0x613c, 0xe142, 0xe0e6, 0x9e23, 0xe194, 0xe189, 0xb59f, + 0x6196, 0xe19e, 0xe18b, 0x467a, 0x6197, 0xe1b1, 0x616c, 0xe1bb, + 0xa5e0, 0x6167, 0xe1bb, 0x61a4, 0xe1ac, 0xe1c5, 0xe1c3, 0x61b8, + 0xe1c0, 0xd14c, 0xe195, 0xe154, 0xe91f, 0xe162, 0x24b8, 0xee79, + 0xe14b, 0xe187, 0x615d, 0xe19e, 0x467a, 0x6166, 0xe1b1, 0xb9bc, + 0x1e11, 0xeb57, 0x615d, 0xe196, 0x6171, 0xe1ac, 0x233b, 0xbbc9, + 0x6171, 0xe1a4, 0x467a, 0x6166, 0xe197, 0x617f, 0xe1c0, 0x6167, + 0xe16c, 0x2bb4, 0xdb8c, 0x617f, 0xe1b8, 0xd845, 0xe17e, 0xe17d, + 0x2bc0, 0xb3a1, 0x61ca, 0xe1cb, 0x61c8, 0xe1cb, 0x61c8, 0xe1ca, + 0x58cf, 0xd8e1, 0x27dc, 0xa8c4, 0xa398, 0x61d2, 0xe485, 0x61d1, + 0xe485, 0x61da, 0x61fb, 0xe486, 0xe487, 0xe48c, 0x2200, 0xa202, + 0xe48a, 0xe489, 0xe48b, 0x61d3, 0xe1fb, 0xe1e1, 0xe488, 0x1e71, + 0x9e82, 0xe1dc, 0x621f, 0xe493, 0xe490, 0xb263, 0xe48f, 0xe492, + 0xe2e9, 0x2251, 0x2263, 0x2271, 0x228d, 0x228e, 0x2292, 0x2294, + 0xe1fc, 0xe497, 0xe48d, 0xe495, 0xe48e, 0x61d3, 0x61da, 0xe486, + 0x2251, 0x2263, 0x2271, 0x228d, 0x228e, 0x2292, 0x2294, 0xe1f0, + 0xe4af, 0xe4ab, 0xe498, 0xe4ad, 0xe4a5, 0x625b, 0xe4c5, 0xe49a, + 0xe4a0, 0xe49d, 0x6264, 0xe4a9, 0xe4a4, 0xe4a3, 0xe491, 0xe49e, + 0xe4ae, 0x629e, 0xe4a7, 0xe1e3, 0xe49f, 0xe499, 0xe4ac, 0xe49b, + 0xe4aa, 0xe3ba, 0x4089, 0xe46a, 0x6438, 0xe4ce, 0x6268, 0xe4cc, + 0xe4c8, 0xe4b6, 0xe4c3, 0xe4b4, 0xe4b9, 0xe4cd, 0xe4b0, 0xe4b8, + 0xe4c0, 0xe4bf, 0xe4be, 0x6295, 0x62e8, 0x6421, 0x6435, 0xe4c1, + 0xe49c, 0xe4bb, 0xe4ca, 0xe4ca, 0xe4c9, 0x2228, 0xe4c7, 0xe4cb, + 0xe4c2, 0xe4b7, 0xe4b3, 0xe4c6, 0x6206, 0xe4c5, 0xe4ba, 0xe348, + 0x46cb, 0x4f3d, 0xe4b5, 0x620e, 0xe4a9, 0xe4b2, 0x622e, 0xe4cc, + 0xe4bc, 0xe4bd, 0x47ff, 0x483f, 0x4926, 0x62db, 0xe45b, 0x6373, + 0x6451, 0x6452, 0xe46c, 0xe4cf, 0xe4f0, 0xe4d2, 0xe4ec, 0xe4ea, + 0xe4f6, 0xe4f3, 0xe4dc, 0xe4da, 0xe4e3, 0xe4e8, 0x6244, 0x62e8, + 0x6421, 0xe435, 0xe4e2, 0xe4ed, 0x6443, 0xe4eb, 0x62bd, 0xe4e6, + 0x2563, 0x5854, 0xd858, 0xe21e, 0xe4d1, 0xe4f7, 0xe4f1, 0xe4df, + 0xe4f5, 0xe4e5, 0xe4d5, 0xe4ef, 0xe4d0, 0x6322, 0xe4b1, 0xe47e, + 0xe4de, 0xc10a, 0x62ed, 0xe510, 0x4107, 0xe500, 0xe508, 0xe511, + 0xe509, 0xe29b, 0xe4dd, 0xe512, 0xe50c, 0xe4a1, 0xe4e4, 0xe4d7, + 0xe50b, 0xe4fb, 0x47ff, 0x483f, 0x4926, 0x6271, 0xe45b, 0xe50a, + 0x646f, 0xe513, 0x6381, 0xe4d8, 0xe504, 0xe503, 0xe514, 0x6244, + 0x6295, 0x6421, 0x6435, 0xe507, 0x61ef, 0xe4d3, 0x5216, 0x5217, + 0xe4fa, 0x62b3, 0xe510, 0xe4d6, 0xe506, 0xe502, 0xe4fd, 0x6444, + 0xe4f8, 0xe50d, 0xe52f, 0xe4a2, 0xe51e, 0x2f55, 0xe332, 0xe516, + 0xe52b, 0xe529, 0x641a, 0xe4d4, 0xe525, 0xe515, 0xe51f, 0xe524, + 0x637f, 0xe531, 0xe4ee, 0xe51b, 0xe52c, 0xe52d, 0xe51c, 0x62ad, + 0xe4b1, 0xe526, 0xe51a, 0xe520, 0xe521, 0x40bc, 0x4149, 0xe34a, + 0xe522, 0xe519, 0x2f55, 0xe304, 0xe530, 0xd868, 0xe486, 0xe4fc, + 0xe3e8, 0xe51d, 0xe528, 0xe52a, 0xe494, 0xe534, 0x6260, 0xe533, + 0x40bc, 0x4149, 0xe32c, 0xe505, 0xe540, 0xe537, 0xe4e1, 0xe496, + 0x4145, 0xe53b, 0xe4ff, 0x6445, 0xe53d, 0xe538, 0xe532, 0xe518, + 0xe539, 0x63d3, 0xe52a, 0xe53e, 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0xe826, 0x6824, 0xe825, + 0xe83b, 0xe82e, 0x4a68, 0x6839, 0x683a, 0xe83d, 0xe837, 0x4a4e, + 0xe834, 0xe846, 0xe84c, 0xe852, 0xe84e, 0xe853, 0x684f, 0xe854, + 0xe84d, 0xe873, 0xe862, 0x685a, 0xe85b, 0xe859, 0xe865, 0xce87, + 0xe86b, 0xe86c, 0xe870, 0xe874, 0x1e30, 0x21e8, 0x21ec, 0x21ee, + 0x5af7, 0x5bbd, 0x68cc, 0xe8ce, 0xe8d0, 0x68b7, 0x68c6, 0x68c8, + 0xe8d1, 0xe8d2, 0xa3f0, 0xa22e, 0xe8d3, 0x68ae, 0x68c6, 0xe8c8, + 0xe8d4, 0xe8cf, 0xe8d6, 0xe8d5, 0xe8d7, 0x68c4, 0xe8d8, 0x68c3, + 0xe8d8, 0x68ae, 0x68b7, 0x68c7, 0x68c8, 0xe8d9, 0xe8c6, 0x68ae, + 0x68b7, 0x68c6, 0xe8da, 0x21e8, 0x21ec, 0x21ee, 0x68a8, 0xe8ce, + 0x1e30, 0x21e8, 0x21ec, 0x21ee, 0x68a8, 0xe8cc, 0xe8ba, 0xe8ad, + 0xe8ae, 0xe8af, 0xe8b6, 0xe8b8, 0xe8bc, 0xe8bb, 0xe8c0, 0x68c3, + 0xe8c4, 0xe8c6, 0xe8c8, 0xe8de, 0xcffb, 0xe8db, 0x25b0, 0x68e0, + 0xe963, 0x25b0, 0x68df, 0xe963, 0xe910, 0xe965, 0xe964, 0xe966, + 0xe957, 0xe968, 0xe96a, 0x49d7, 0xe96b, 0xe90a, 0xe96c, 0x68f2, + 0xe96e, 0x68f0, 0xe96d, 0xe8ef, 0x68ee, 0xe96e, 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0xe921, + 0xe928, 0xe937, 0x693d, 0xe94b, 0xe936, 0xe93f, 0xe95e, 0xe941, + 0xe943, 0xe93a, 0xe93e, 0xe948, 0xe949, 0xe945, 0xe94a, 0xe94c, + 0xe962, 0xe8f6, 0xe99f, 0xe99e, 0xea6c, 0xea6d, 0xa1af, 0x69c4, + 0xea6e, 0xea5d, 0xea70, 0xea6f, 0xea72, 0xce36, 0x6a62, 0xea74, + 0xea73, 0x69b1, 0xea6e, 0x6a5b, 0xea7f, 0x357a, 0x69c8, 0x6a45, + 0xea71, 0x357a, 0x69c6, 0x6a45, 0xea71, 0xea7b, 0xea7d, 0xea79, + 0xea75, 0xea7e, 0xea80, 0xea78, 0xea76, 0x69de, 0xea7c, 0x69dd, + 0xea7c, 0xea77, 0x208c, 0x4f75, 0xea82, 0xea88, 0xea87, 0xea73, + 0xea83, 0xea86, 0x6a2e, 0xea51, 0xea8e, 0xea8f, 0xea8b, 0xea8d, + 0xea93, 0xea92, 0xea91, 0xea90, 0x6a13, 0x6a57, 0xea8c, 0x6a37, + 0xea9a, 0x6a10, 0x6a57, 0xea8c, 0xea9b, 0xea97, 0xea99, 0xea52, + 0xea9e, 0xea98, 0x69f5, 0x6a51, 0xea9d, 0xd17e, 0xea7a, 0x6a12, + 0xea9a, 0xea9f, 0xea47, 0xeaa1, 0xd4e6, 0xea9c, 0xea96, 0xeaa0, + 0xeaa2, 0x357a, 0x69c6, 0x69c8, 0xea71, 0xea3a, 0xea85, 0xea95, + 0xea81, 0xeaa3, 0x69f5, 0x6a2e, 0xea9d, 0xea28, 0xea84, 0x6a10, + 0x6a13, 0xea8c, 0xb0ca, 0x69c5, 0xea7f, 0xe9b2, 0xeaa4, 0x69bf, + 0xea74, 0xeaa7, 0x560e, 0xeaa5, 0xeaa6, 0xbb22, 0xea8a, 0xea89, + 0xe9ac, 0xe9ad, 0x69b1, 0xe9c4, 0xe9b4, 0xe9b3, 0x357a, 0x69c6, + 0x69c8, 0xea45, 0xe9b9, 0x69c1, 0xe9ee, 0x69bf, 0xea62, 0xe9d4, + 0xe9db, 0xe9df, 0xe9d9, 0xe9d2, 0xea36, 0xe9d0, 0x69dd, 0xe9de, + 0xe9d1, 0xe9d5, 0x69c5, 0xea5b, 0xe9d8, 0xea4d, 0x208c, 0x4f75, + 0xe9e1, 0xe9f0, 0xea55, 0xea4a, 0xe9f1, 0xe9ed, 0xe9e2, 0xea6b, + 0xea6a, 0xea01, 0x6a10, 0x6a13, 0xea57, 0xea02, 0xe9f8, 0xe9ff, + 0xea0f, 0xea0e, 0xea0d, 0xea05, 0xea4c, 0xea42, 0xea19, 0x66b2, + 0xea2d, 0xea24, 0x6a12, 0xea37, 0xea16, 0xea41, 0x6a2e, 0xea51, + 0xea2b, 0xea38, 0xea43, 0xea3e, 0xea44, 0xea4f, 0xea5f, 0x560e, + 0xea65, 0xea66, 0xea64, 0xd0ae, 0x1f53, 0x5eb0, 0x5ec6, 0xead4, + 0xeca0, 0x51b8, 0xead3, 0xeacf, 0xd180, 0xead6, 0xead5, 0xeac5, + 0xd10f, 0x51b8, 0xeac4, 0x1f53, 0x5eb0, 0x5ec6, 0xeab5, 0x51cf, + 0xeacc, 0xeacb, 0x6871, 0x6885, 0xee15, 0xead9, 0xead8, 0x1eff, + 0xaf77, 0xeaf9, 0xeaef, 0x6b02, 0xeb22, 0x23d1, 0xeaee, 0xe83e, + 0x23d1, 0xeaea, 0xeae5, 0x1f5b, 0xaf7f, 0xeae4, 0xa243, 0x6ae9, + 0x6b13, 0xeb22, 0xb77e, 0xd0e1, 0x6b02, 0xeb22, 0xe87b, 0xeb23, + 0x6ae9, 0x6b02, 0xeb13, 0xeb1b, 0x3597, 0x65d8, 0x6b26, 0x6b2a, + 0xeb2d, 0x3597, 0x65d8, 0x6b25, 0x6b2a, 0xeb2d, 0x6599, 0xe5f9, + 0xa4c4, 0xe60b, 0x3597, 0x65d8, 0x6b25, 0x6b26, 0xeb2d, 0xe61a, + 0x3597, 0x65d8, 0x6b25, 0x6b26, 0xeb2a, 0xe604, 0x3b1d, 0x60c1, + 0xeb31, 0x3b1d, 0x60c1, 0xeb30, 0xeb39, 0xeb36, 0x1ffc, 0xcca5, + 0xac2c, 0xeb58, 0xeb4e, 0x573d, 0xeb49, 0x21f2, 0x2c32, 0x2c34, + 0x2c36, 0xac37, 0x1e11, 0xe19c, 0xeb47, 0xec7c, 0xec7d, 0xec7e, + 0xec6e, 0xebbb, 0xec80, 0xeeff, 0xec81, 0x6c78, 0xec88, 0xec24, + 0xec82, 0xec7f, 0xec84, 0xec85, 0xec86, 0x6bdb, 0xecb7, 0xec8c, + 0xec89, 0xec8f, 0xec87, 0xebf9, 0xec90, 0xec8d, 0xec8b, 0xec8a, + 0xec92, 0xec98, 0x6bd7, 0x6c76, 0xec9e, 0xec95, 0xec96, 0x6bb7, + 0xebf7, 0xec94, 0xec9b, 0xec91, 0x2c1f, 0x2c20, 0x5d7b, 0x6c7b, + 0xec9c, 0xec93, 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0xeb62, 0xeb77, 0xeb68, 0xeb6f, 0xeb74, + 0xeb7a, 0xeb81, 0xeb83, 0xeb8e, 0x6b72, 0xec78, 0xeb8b, 0xeb93, + 0xeb92, 0xeb8a, 0x56ab, 0xeb91, 0xec5f, 0xeb8d, 0xeb90, 0xebad, + 0xeb9a, 0xebb3, 0xebaa, 0xeb9e, 0xeba6, 0xec02, 0xeb9c, 0xec60, + 0xec6d, 0xebab, 0x2c1f, 0x2c20, 0x5d7b, 0x6bae, 0xec7b, 0xebba, + 0x6b9d, 0xec76, 0xec58, 0x6abe, 0xebc1, 0xec7a, 0xec31, 0xec39, + 0xebc9, 0xec23, 0xec37, 0xebc0, 0xebca, 0x6bc7, 0xec00, 0xebb6, + 0xebfd, 0xebd2, 0xebd6, 0xebea, 0xebd5, 0xebeb, 0xebe1, 0xebe4, + 0xebe7, 0xebdd, 0xebe2, 0xebf0, 0x6b89, 0xebdb, 0xebe8, 0xec3a, + 0xebf4, 0xebd4, 0xec5d, 0xec08, 0xec0f, 0xec68, 0xebf7, 0xec1b, + 0xec03, 0xec13, 0x6c10, 0xec77, 0x6c0c, 0xec0d, 0xec12, 0xec09, + 0xec01, 0xec42, 0xebff, 0xec20, 0x6c32, 0xef07, 0xec2d, 0xec28, + 0xec25, 0xec29, 0xec1f, 0xec1c, 0xec33, 0xec3e, 0x51a4, 0xec48, + 0x6c49, 0xef08, 0xec3b, 0xec35, 0xec45, 0xec3c, 0xec56, 0x6c53, + 0xec54, 0xec57, 0xec52, 0xec6f, 0xec64, 0xec67, 0xec63, 0x2c4c, + 0xee1f, 0x21eb, 0xecec, 0xee20, 0x66c1, 0xed08, 0xece7, 0xee24, + 0xa1e4, 0xee23, 0xee22, 0xe6c7, 0xee29, 0xee28, 0x66c1, 0xeceb, + 0x6d76, 0xee26, 0x6dd7, 0xee25, 0xee30, 0xee35, 0xee33, 0x6e1c, + 0xee32, 0xee2e, 0x6d44, 0xee31, 0xee2a, 0xee2f, 0xee2d, 0x53ba, + 0xedaf, 0xee38, 0xee39, 0xedc3, 0xee3b, 0xee3f, 0xedfa, 0xee3d, + 0xee3a, 0xee3c, 0xed1f, 0xee40, 0xee43, 0xee46, 0xee41, 0xedaa, + 0xee48, 0x6d5e, 0xee45, 0x6d5d, 0xee45, 0xee44, 0xee49, 0xee4c, + 0xee4f, 0xee50, 0xee4e, 0xe6d5, 0xee4a, 0x6d09, 0xee26, 0xee53, + 0x6da4, 0xee4d, 0x6dab, 0xee2b, 0xee51, 0xee52, 0x66de, 0x6dc4, + 0xee21, 0xee4b, 0xee59, 0xee55, 0xee57, 0xee56, 0xed7e, 0xee5b, + 0xee5c, 0xed59, 0x6d87, 0xee2b, 0xee27, 0x53ba, 0xed2c, 0xee5f, + 0x2bc9, 0x66ba, 0x674d, 0x674e, 0x674f, 0x6e16, 0xee64, 0xe6db, + 0xee60, 0xee61, 0xee58, 0xee63, 0xee5a, 0xee5a, 0xee62, 0xee5e, + 0xed33, 0x66de, 0x6d8f, 0xee21, 0xedcf, 0xedc9, 0xedc8, 0xee5d, + 0xedc6, 0xee67, 0xee65, 0x6d0e, 0xee25, 0xee37, 0xee68, 0xee36, + 0xee6a, 0xee54, 0xee69, 0xc1d5, 0xee6b, 0x6df4, 0xee47, 0x6df3, + 0xee47, 0xee6c, 0xee70, 0x6d3c, 0xee6d, 0xee34, 0xee0a, 0xee6f, + 0xedff, 0xee71, 0xd3ba, 0xee72, 0x6871, 0x6ad7, 0xee2c, 0x2bc9, + 0x66ba, 0x674d, 0x674e, 0x674f, 0x6db4, 0xee64, 0xee74, 0xee66, + 0x66da, 0xee73, 0xed1d, 0xee42, 0xee3e, 0x2c4c, 0xece5, 0xece9, + 0x66de, 0x6d8f, 0xedc4, 0xecf6, 0xecf4, 0xecf2, 0x6d0e, 0xedd7, + 0x6d09, 0xed76, 0xedac, 0xed07, 0xed06, 0xed23, 0x6d87, 0xedab, + 0xee15, 0xed28, 0xed1e, 0xed26, 0xed12, 0xed1f, 0xed1d, 0xed1b, + 0xedfd, 0xed15, 0xede5, 0xedd9, 0xed2f, 0xed30, 0xed42, 0xed34, + 0xed43, 0xed3f, 0xee1e, 0xed3b, 0xed50, 0xed53, 0xee1d, 0xed51, + 0xed60, 0x6d5d, 0xed5e, 0xed52, 0x6df3, 0xedf4, 0xed5c, 0xed61, + 0xed72, 0xed93, 0xed6a, 0xed7e, 0xed6f, 0xed6c, 0xed6e, 0xed89, + 0xed8a, 0xed77, 0xedeb, 0xed98, 0xeda1, 0xed9a, 0xedbb, 0xed96, + 0x6dbf, 0xedc0, 0xeda5, 0xeda9, 0xedca, 0xedc2, 0xedb2, 0xedb9, + 0xedba, 0xedc1, 0xedbc, 0x2bc9, 0x66ba, 0x674d, 0x674e, 0x674f, + 0x6db4, 0xee16, 0xedd6, 0xee1a, 0xedd3, 0xedda, 0xedef, 0xede6, + 0xedf2, 0xedf8, 0xedfa, 0xee07, 0xedf9, 0xee0c, 0xee0f, 0xee1b, + 0xee18, 0x2364, 0xa877, 0x4877, 0x48b1, 0xee7c, 0x24b8, 0xe18e, + 0xee7e, 0xc877, 0x4877, 0x48b1, 0xee78, 0x2869, 0xc6d0, 0xee7a, + 0xee85, 0xeea4, 0xee83, 0xee8f, 0xee87, 0x1e3d, 0xaa6f, 0xc350, + 0x4c97, 0xee84, 0xeea6, 0xeea5, 0x6eac, 0xeeb8, 0x4cc6, 0x6762, + 0x6eab, 0x6eb5, 0xeeba, 0x4cc6, 0x6762, 0x6eaa, 0x6eb5, 0xeeba, + 0x6ea9, 0xeeb8, 0xa305, 0x36f2, 0x4cac, 0x6eb4, 0xeeb9, 0x36f2, + 0x4cac, 0x6eaf, 0xeeb9, 0x4cc6, 0x6762, 0x6eaa, 0x6eab, 0xeeba, + 0x6ea9, 0xeeac, 0x36f2, 0x4cac, 0x6eaf, 0xeeb4, 0x4cc6, 0x6762, + 0x6eaa, 0x6eab, 0xeeb5, 0x45f2, 0x45f3, 0xd534, 0x1e48, 0x2c1b, + 0x2e85, 0xeebd, 0x1e48, 0x2c1b, 0x2e85, 0xeebc, 0xeec4, 0x48fa, + 0xeec3, 0xeecc, 0xeec9, 0xcc98, 0xeed2, 0xeed1, 0xeed9, 0xeed8, + 0xeef1, 0x294c, 0xc0b9, 0xeef6, 0xeeed, 0xa15a, 0xeef7, 0xeef2, + 0xeee4, 0xeedb, 0xeeea, 0xe709, 0xeee1, 0xeee9, 0xd8ae, 0xeefe, + 0xeefd, 0x6b6d, 0xef0b, 0xef0c, 0xd6d9, 0x6c32, 0xeccc, 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*/ + 5734, 5735, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, 5736, -1, -1, 5737, 5738, 5741, + -1, -1, 5742, -1, 5743, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 5744, -1, 5745, + -1, -1, -1, -1, 5746, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, 5747, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, 5750, 5751, -1, -1, 5752, 5753, + 5758, 5759, -1, 5760, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 5761, 5762, 5763, + -1, 5764, 5765, -1, 5766, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, 5767, -1, -1, -1, + 5768, -1, 5769, -1, -1, -1, 5770, 5773, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 5774, -1, 5775, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, 5778, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 5782, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 5784, 5785, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, 5786, 5787, -1, 5790, + -1, -1, -1, 5793, 5794, -1, 5795, 5798, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, 5799, 5800, -1, -1, 5801, -1, 5802, + 5803, 5805, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + 5807, -1, 5808, 5810, 5812, -1, -1, -1, + -1, 5813, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 5814, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + 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-1, -1, 9401, 9402, -1, + 9404, 9405, 9406, -1, 9407, 9408, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 9409, 9411, + -1, 9412, -1, 9413, -1, 9414, 9415, 9416, + 9417, 9418, -1, -1, 9420, -1, 9422, -1, + 9424, -1, -1, 9425, 9426, -1, -1, 9427, + 9428, 9429, 9430, -1, -1, 9431, 9432, 9433, + 9434, -1, -1, -1, 9435, 9440, 9441, 9442, + 9443, 9444, -1, 9445, -1, 9447, -1, -1, + -1, 9448, -1, -1, -1, 9449, -1, 9450, + -1, -1, 9451, 9452, -1, -1, 9454, -1, + 9455, -1, 9456, -1, 9459, -1, 9461, -1, + 9462, -1, -1, -1, 9464, 9465, -1, -1, + -1, 9466, -1, -1, 9471, -1, 9475, -1, + 9476, -1, 9477, 9478, -1, -1, -1, 9479, + 9480, -1, -1, 9481, -1, 9482, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 9483, -1, -1, + -1, 9484, -1, 9485, -1, 9486, 9490, -1, + 9491, -1, 9492, 9494, 9496, -1, 9499, -1, + 9500, -1, -1, 9501, -1, 9502, 9503, -1, + 9504, 9505, 9506, 9507, 9508, 9509, 9511, -1, + -1, 9512, 9513, 9514, -1, -1, -1, 9516, + -1, 9518, -1, 9519, 9520, 9521, -1, -1, + -1, 9522, -1, 9523, -1, 9524, -1, 9525, + -1, -1, 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10253, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10254, 10258, -1, + 10260, 10261, 10263, 10265, 10267, -1, -1, 10268, + -1, 10269, -1, 10270, 10272, 10276, 10277, -1, + 10279, -1, -1, 10280, -1, -1, -1, -1, + 10281, 10283, -1, -1, -1, 10285, 10286, 10287, + 10288, 10289, -1, -1, -1, 10290, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10291, 10294, -1, + 10295, -1, -1, -1, 10296, 10298, 10299, 10301, + -1, -1, -1, 10302, -1, 10304, 10305, -1, + 10312, 10313, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + 10316, -1, -1, 10320, -1, -1, -1, 10321, + 10322, -1, 10323, 10326, -1, 10328, -1, 10330, + -1, 10332, 10334, -1, 10338, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, 10340, -1, 10341, -1, 10342, 10344, + 10345, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10348, 10350, -1, + -1, 10351, -1, 10352, -1, 10353, -1, 10360, + 10361, -1, -1, 10364, -1, -1, -1, -1, + 10367, -1, 10368, 10371, -1, -1, 10373, 10374, + -1, 10381, 10384, -1, 10385, -1, 10386, 10388, + 10390, -1, 10392, 10399, -1, 10400, 10401, -1, + -1, 10402, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10404, + -1, -1, -1, 10406, -1, 10407, -1, 10408, + -1, 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-1, 10538, 10539, 10540, -1, 10541, + -1, 10542, 10543, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10544, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10545, 10547, + 10549, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10550, + -1, 10551, 10553, -1, -1, 10554, -1, -1, + -1, 10555, -1, -1, -1, 10556, 10557, -1, + -1, 10558, -1, 10560, -1, -1, 10561, -1, + 10562, 10564, -1, 10565, 10566, 10567, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, 10569, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, 10570, -1, -1, 10571, 10574, 10575, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, 10576, -1, 10578, 10579, + 10582, 10584, 10585, 10586, 10587, 10589, 10590, 10591, + -1, 10592, 10593, -1, -1, 10595, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, 10596, -1, -1, -1, 10597, + /* 0x9800 */ + -1, 10598, 10599, 10600, -1, 10601, 10602, 10603, + 10604, -1, 10605, -1, 10606, -1, 10607, 10608, + 10609, 10610, 10611, 10612, -1, -1, -1, 10613, + 10614, -1, 10615, -1, 10617, -1, -1, -1, + -1, 10618, -1, -1, 10619, 10621, 10623, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, 10624, 10626, 10627, -1, + 10629, -1, 10631, -1, 10632, -1, -1, 10634, + 10635, 10637, 10641, 10645, 10646, 10648, 10652, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10653, -1, + -1, -1, -1, 10654, 10655, 10656, 10657, 10658, + -1, -1, 10660, 10661, 10662, 10664, 10666, -1, + 10667, 10668, 10669, 10671, -1, -1, 10673, -1, + -1, -1, 10674, -1, -1, 10675, -1, 10676, + -1, -1, -1, 10677, 10678, -1, -1, 10679, + 10681, 10682, -1, 10685, 10686, 10687, 10688, 10689, + 10690, 10691, 10692, 10693, 10695, 10696, 10697, 10698, + 10699, 10700, 10701, 10702, 10703, 10704, 10706, 10707, + 10708, 10710, 10711, 10713, 10714, 10715, 10716, 10717, + 10718, 10720, 10721, 10722, 10726, -1, 10727, 10729, + 10730, 10731, 10732, 10733, 10734, 10736, 10737, 10738, + 10739, 10741, 10742, 10743, 10744, 10745, 10746, 10747, + 10748, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10756, 10757, 10761, + -1, 10762, -1, 10763, -1, -1, 10764, 10765, + 10768, -1, 10769, 10770, 10771, -1, -1, -1, + 10772, -1, -1, 10773, 10775, -1, 10777, 10782, + 10783, -1, -1, -1, 10787, -1, 10792, 10798, + 10799, 10800, 10801, 10802, 10803, 10804, 10805, 10806, + 10807, 10809, 10810, 10811, 10812, -1, 10813, 10814, + 10817, 10820, 10821, 10822, -1, 10823, -1, -1, + 10824, 10825, 10826, 10827, 10829, 10830, 10831, 10833, + 10835, -1, 10836, -1, 10838, -1, 10839, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, 10840, 10841, 10842, 10843, + /* 0x9900 */ + -1, -1, -1, 10844, 10845, 10846, -1, -1, + -1, 10848, 10851, -1, 10854, 10855, 10856, 10857, + 10858, 10859, 10860, 10862, -1, 10863, 10864, -1, + 10865, -1, 10867, 10868, 10869, -1, 10870, 10871, + 10872, 10874, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10875, + 10879, -1, -1, -1, 10881, -1, -1, -1, + -1, 10882, -1, 10883, 10884, 10885, 10887, 10888, + -1, 10889, 10890, 10891, 10892, 10893, 10894, 10895, + -1, 10896, -1, 10897, -1, 10898, -1, -1, + 10899, 10900, 10901, 10902, 10903, 10904, 10905, -1, + -1, 10906, 10907, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10908, + -1, 10909, -1, -1, 10910, -1, 10911, 10912, + -1, -1, 10915, 10916, 10919, 10920, 10922, 10923, + 10925, 10926, 10927, 10928, 10929, 10930, 10931, 10933, + 10934, 10935, 10936, 10937, 10938, 10939, 10940, 10941, + 10943, 10944, 10945, 10946, 10947, 10949, 10950, 10951, + 10952, 10954, 10956, 10957, 10958, 10959, 10960, 10961, + 10962, 10964, 10965, 10966, 10967, 10968, 10969, 10970, + 10971, 10972, 10973, 10974, 10975, 10976, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10977, 10978, 10979, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, 10980, 10981, 10982, -1, + -1, 10983, 10985, 10986, 10987, -1, -1, -1, + -1, 10988, -1, -1, -1, 10989, -1, 10990, + -1, 10992, -1, -1, 10993, 10995, 10997, -1, + 11001, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + 11005, 11006, 11007, -1, 11008, 11009, -1, -1, + 11010, 11011, -1, 11012, -1, 11013, 11015, 11017, + -1, 11018, 11021, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 11022, 11023, -1, + 11024, 11025, -1, -1, -1, 11026, -1, -1, + 11028, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 11029, + /* 0x9a00 */ + -1, 11030, 11031, -1, -1, 11032, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 11033, 11034, 11035, + 11036, -1, 11039, 11041, -1, -1, 11044, -1, + -1, 11045, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, 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11180, -1, -1, 11181, 11182, -1, -1, 11183, + -1, -1, 11184, 11185, 11187, 11191, 11193, 11194, + 11197, 11198, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, 11199, 11201, 11202, -1, -1, + -1, 11203, 11205, -1, -1, 11207, 11208, 11210, + -1, -1, -1, -1, 11211, -1, -1, -1, + -1, 11213, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + /* 0x9b00 */ + 11214, -1, 11215, -1, -1, -1, 11218, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 11219, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, 11220, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, 11222, 11223, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, 11224, 11227, -1, 11228, 11233, 11238, + 11240, 11241, 11242, 11247, -1, 11248, 11253, -1, + 11254, 11257, -1, -1, -1, -1, 11260, -1, + -1, 11261, -1, 11262, -1, -1, -1, -1, + 11264, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 11265, + -1, 11266, -1, -1, -1, -1, 11267, -1, + 11269, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 11274, + 11276, -1, 11277, 11278, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, 11279, 11280, -1, -1, 11281, -1, + 11282, -1, -1, -1, -1, 11283, -1, 11284, + -1, -1, 11285, 11287, 11288, -1, -1, 11289, + -1, -1, 11290, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, 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11996, 11997, 11998, 11999, 12000, 12002, 12003, 12004, + 12005, 12006, 12007, 12008, 12009, 12010, 12013, -1, + 12014, -1, 12015, -1, 12018, 12019, -1, -1, + -1, 12020, 12022, 12023, 12024, 12026, 12029, 12031, + -1, -1, 12033, -1, -1, 12036, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, +}; + diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5b1664125 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643.h @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CNS 11643-1992 + */ + +/* ISO-2022-CN and EUC-TW use CNS 11643-1992 planes 1 to 7. We also + * have a table for the older plane 15. We use a trick to keep the + * Unicode -> CNS 11643 table as small as possible (see cns11643_inv.h). + */ + +#include "cns11643_1.h" +#include "cns11643_2.h" +#include "cns11643_3.h" +#include "cns11643_4.h" +#include "cns11643_5.h" +#include "cns11643_6.h" +#include "cns11643_7.h" +#include "cns11643_15.h" +#include "cns11643_inv.h" + +/* Returns the plane number (1,...,7,15) in r[0], the two bytes in r[1],r[2]. */ +#define cns11643_wctomb cns11643_inv_wctomb diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_1.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_1.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..24abb5ccb --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_1.h @@ -0,0 +1,893 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CNS 11643-1992 plane 1 + */ + +static const unsigned short cns11643_1_2uni_page21[500] = { + /* 0x21 */ + 0x3000, 0xff0c, 0x3001, 0x3002, 0xff0e, 0x30fb, 0xff1b, 0xff1a, + 0xff1f, 0xff01, 0xfe30, 0x2026, 0x2025, 0xfe50, 0xfe51, 0xfe52, + 0x00b7, 0xfe54, 0xfe55, 0xfe56, 0xfe57, 0xfe31, 0x2014, 0xfe32, + 0x2013, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xff08, 0xff09, 0xfe35, + 0xfe36, 0xff5b, 0xff5d, 0xfe37, 0xfe38, 0x3014, 0x3015, 0xfe39, + 0xfe3a, 0x3010, 0x3011, 0xfe3b, 0xfe3c, 0x300a, 0x300b, 0xfe3d, + 0xfe3e, 0x3008, 0x3009, 0xfe3f, 0xfe40, 0x300c, 0x300d, 0xfe41, + 0xfe42, 0x300e, 0x300f, 0xfe43, 0xfe44, 0xfe59, 0xfe5a, 0xfe5b, + 0xfe5c, 0xfe5d, 0xfe5e, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x301d, + 0x301e, 0x2032, 0x2035, 0xff03, 0xff06, 0xff0a, 0x203b, 0x00a7, + 0x3003, 0x25cb, 0x25cf, 0x25b3, 0x25b2, 0x25ce, 0x2606, 0x2605, + 0x25c7, 0x25c6, 0x25a1, 0x25a0, 0x25bd, 0x25bc, + /* 0x22 */ + 0x32a3, 0x2105, 0x203e, 0xfffd, 0xff3f, 0xfffd, 0xfe49, 0xfe4a, + 0xfe4d, 0xfe4e, 0xfe4b, 0xfe4c, 0xfe5f, 0xfe60, 0xfe61, 0xff0b, + 0xff0d, 0x00d7, 0x00f7, 0x00b1, 0x221a, 0xff1c, 0xff1e, 0xff1d, + 0x2266, 0x2267, 0x2260, 0x221e, 0x2252, 0x2261, 0xfe62, 0xfe63, + 0xfe64, 0xfe66, 0xfe65, 0x223c, 0x2229, 0x222a, 0x22a5, 0x2220, + 0x221f, 0x22bf, 0x33d2, 0x33d1, 0x222b, 0x222e, 0x2235, 0x2234, + 0x2640, 0x2642, 0x2641, 0x2609, 0x2191, 0x2193, 0x2192, 0x2190, + 0x2196, 0x2197, 0x2199, 0x2198, 0x2016, 0xff5c, 0xff0f, 0xff3c, + 0x2215, 0xfe68, 0xff04, 0xffe5, 0x3012, 0xffe0, 0xffe1, 0xff05, + 0xff20, 0x2103, 0x2109, 0xfe69, 0xfe6a, 0xfe6b, 0x33d5, 0x339c, + 0x339d, 0x339e, 0x33ce, 0x33a1, 0x338e, 0x338f, 0x33c4, 0x00b0, + 0x5159, 0x515b, 0x515e, 0x515d, 0x5161, 0x5163, + /* 0x23 */ + 0x55e7, 0x74e9, 0x7cce, 0x2581, 0x2582, 0x2583, 0x2584, 0x2585, + 0x2586, 0x2587, 0x2588, 0x258f, 0x258e, 0x258d, 0x258c, 0x258b, + 0x258a, 0x2589, 0x253c, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x2524, 0x251c, 0x2594, + 0x2500, 0x2502, 0x2595, 0x250c, 0x2510, 0x2514, 0x2518, 0x256d, + 0x256e, 0x2570, 0x256f, 0x2550, 0x255e, 0x256a, 0x2561, 0x25e2, + 0x25e3, 0x25e5, 0x25e4, 0x2571, 0x2572, 0x2573, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0x24 */ + 0xff10, 0xff11, 0xff12, 0xff13, 0xff14, 0xff15, 0xff16, 0xff17, + 0xff18, 0xff19, 0x2160, 0x2161, 0x2162, 0x2163, 0x2164, 0x2165, + 0x2166, 0x2167, 0x2168, 0x2169, 0x3021, 0x3022, 0x3023, 0x3024, + 0x3025, 0x3026, 0x3027, 0x3028, 0x3029, 0xfffd, 0x5344, 0xfffd, + 0xff21, 0xff22, 0xff23, 0xff24, 0xff25, 0xff26, 0xff27, 0xff28, + 0xff29, 0xff2a, 0xff2b, 0xff2c, 0xff2d, 0xff2e, 0xff2f, 0xff30, + 0xff31, 0xff32, 0xff33, 0xff34, 0xff35, 0xff36, 0xff37, 0xff38, + 0xff39, 0xff3a, 0xff41, 0xff42, 0xff43, 0xff44, 0xff45, 0xff46, + 0xff47, 0xff48, 0xff49, 0xff4a, 0xff4b, 0xff4c, 0xff4d, 0xff4e, + 0xff4f, 0xff50, 0xff51, 0xff52, 0xff53, 0xff54, 0xff55, 0xff56, + 0xff57, 0xff58, 0xff59, 0xff5a, 0x0391, 0x0392, 0x0393, 0x0394, + 0x0395, 0x0396, 0x0397, 0x0398, 0x0399, 0x039a, + /* 0x25 */ + 0x039b, 0x039c, 0x039d, 0x039e, 0x039f, 0x03a0, 0x03a1, 0x03a3, + 0x03a4, 0x03a5, 0x03a6, 0x03a7, 0x03a8, 0x03a9, 0x03b1, 0x03b2, + 0x03b3, 0x03b4, 0x03b5, 0x03b6, 0x03b7, 0x03b8, 0x03b9, 0x03ba, + 0x03bb, 0x03bc, 0x03bd, 0x03be, 0x03bf, 0x03c0, 0x03c1, 0x03c3, + 0x03c4, 0x03c5, 0x03c6, 0x03c7, 0x03c8, 0x03c9, 0x3105, 0x3106, + 0x3107, 0x3108, 0x3109, 0x310a, 0x310b, 0x310c, 0x310d, 0x310e, + 0x310f, 0x3110, 0x3111, 0x3112, 0x3113, 0x3114, 0x3115, 0x3116, + 0x3117, 0x3118, 0x3119, 0x311a, 0x311b, 0x311c, 0x311d, 0x311e, + 0x311f, 0x3120, 0x3121, 0x3122, 0x3123, 0x3124, 0x3125, 0x3126, + 0x3127, 0x3128, 0x3129, 0x02d9, 0x02c9, 0x02ca, 0x02c7, 0x02cb, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0x26 */ + 0x2460, 0x2461, 0x2462, 0x2463, 0x2464, 0x2465, 0x2466, 0x2467, + 0x2468, 0x2469, 0x2474, 0x2475, 0x2476, 0x2477, 0x2478, 0x2479, + 0x247a, 0x247b, 0x247c, 0x247d, 0x2170, 0x2171, 0x2172, 0x2173, + 0x2174, 0x2175, 0x2176, 0x2177, 0x2178, 0x2179, +}; +static const unsigned short cns11643_1_2uni_page42[34] = { + /* 0x42 */ + 0x2400, 0x2401, 0x2402, 0x2403, 0x2404, 0x2405, 0x2406, 0x2407, + 0x2408, 0x2409, 0x240a, 0x240b, 0x240c, 0x240d, 0x240e, 0x240f, + 0x2410, 0x2411, 0x2412, 0x2413, 0x2414, 0x2415, 0x2416, 0x2417, + 0x2418, 0x2419, 0x241a, 0x241b, 0x241c, 0x241d, 0x241e, 0x241f, + 0x2421, 0x20ac, +}; +static const unsigned short cns11643_1_2uni_page44[5401] = { + /* 0x44 */ + 0x4e00, 0x4e59, 0x4e01, 0x4e03, 0x4e43, 0x4e5d, 0x4e86, 0x4e8c, + 0x4eba, 0x513f, 0x5165, 0x516b, 0x51e0, 0x5200, 0x5201, 0x529b, + 0x5315, 0x5341, 0x535c, 0x53c8, 0x4e09, 0x4e0b, 0x4e08, 0x4e0a, + 0x4e2b, 0x4e38, 0x51e1, 0x4e45, 0x4e48, 0x4e5f, 0x4e5e, 0x4e8e, + 0x4ea1, 0x5140, 0x5203, 0x52fa, 0x5343, 0x53c9, 0x53e3, 0x571f, + 0x58eb, 0x5915, 0x5927, 0x5973, 0x5b50, 0x5b51, 0x5b53, 0x5bf8, + 0x5c0f, 0x5c22, 0x5c38, 0x5c71, 0x5ddd, 0x5de5, 0x5df1, 0x5df2, + 0x5df3, 0x5dfe, 0x5e72, 0x5efe, 0x5f0b, 0x5f13, 0x624d, 0x4e11, + 0x4e10, 0x4e0d, 0x4e2d, 0x4e30, 0x4e39, 0x4e4b, 0x5c39, 0x4e88, + 0x4e91, 0x4e95, 0x4e92, 0x4e94, 0x4ea2, 0x4ec1, 0x4ec0, 0x4ec3, + 0x4ec6, 0x4ec7, 0x4ecd, 0x4eca, 0x4ecb, 0x4ec4, 0x5143, 0x5141, + 0x5167, 0x516d, 0x516e, 0x516c, 0x5197, 0x51f6, + /* 0x45 */ + 0x5206, 0x5207, 0x5208, 0x52fb, 0x52fe, 0x52ff, 0x5316, 0x5339, + 0x5348, 0x5347, 0x5345, 0x535e, 0x5384, 0x53cb, 0x53ca, 0x53cd, + 0x58ec, 0x5929, 0x592b, 0x592a, 0x592d, 0x5b54, 0x5c11, 0x5c24, + 0x5c3a, 0x5c6f, 0x5df4, 0x5e7b, 0x5eff, 0x5f14, 0x5f15, 0x5fc3, + 0x6208, 0x6236, 0x624b, 0x624e, 0x652f, 0x6587, 0x6597, 0x65a4, + 0x65b9, 0x65e5, 0x66f0, 0x6708, 0x6728, 0x6b20, 0x6b62, 0x6b79, + 0x6bcb, 0x6bd4, 0x6bdb, 0x6c0f, 0x6c34, 0x706b, 0x722a, 0x7236, + 0x723b, 0x7247, 0x7259, 0x725b, 0x72ac, 0x738b, 0x4e19, 0x4e16, + 0x4e15, 0x4e14, 0x4e18, 0x4e3b, 0x4e4d, 0x4e4f, 0x4e4e, 0x4ee5, + 0x4ed8, 0x4ed4, 0x4ed5, 0x4ed6, 0x4ed7, 0x4ee3, 0x4ee4, 0x4ed9, + 0x4ede, 0x5145, 0x5144, 0x5189, 0x518a, 0x51ac, 0x51f9, 0x51fa, + 0x51f8, 0x520a, 0x52a0, 0x529f, 0x5305, 0x5306, + /* 0x46 */ + 0x5317, 0x531d, 0x4edf, 0x534a, 0x5349, 0x5361, 0x5360, 0x536f, + 0x536e, 0x53bb, 0x53ef, 0x53e4, 0x53f3, 0x53ec, 0x53ee, 0x53e9, + 0x53e8, 0x53fc, 0x53f8, 0x53f5, 0x53eb, 0x53e6, 0x53ea, 0x53f2, + 0x53f1, 0x53f0, 0x53e5, 0x53ed, 0x53fb, 0x56db, 0x56da, 0x5916, + 0x592e, 0x5931, 0x5974, 0x5976, 0x5b55, 0x5b83, 0x5c3c, 0x5de8, + 0x5de7, 0x5de6, 0x5e02, 0x5e03, 0x5e73, 0x5e7c, 0x5f01, 0x5f18, + 0x5f17, 0x5fc5, 0x620a, 0x6253, 0x6254, 0x6252, 0x6251, 0x65a5, + 0x65e6, 0x672e, 0x672c, 0x672a, 0x672b, 0x672d, 0x6b63, 0x6bcd, + 0x6c11, 0x6c10, 0x6c38, 0x6c41, 0x6c40, 0x6c3e, 0x72af, 0x7384, + 0x7389, 0x74dc, 0x74e6, 0x7518, 0x751f, 0x7528, 0x7529, 0x7530, + 0x7531, 0x7532, 0x7533, 0x758b, 0x767d, 0x76ae, 0x76bf, 0x76ee, + 0x77db, 0x77e2, 0x77f3, 0x793a, 0x79be, 0x7a74, + /* 0x47 */ + 0x7acb, 0x4e1e, 0x4e1f, 0x4e52, 0x4e53, 0x4e69, 0x4e99, 0x4ea4, + 0x4ea6, 0x4ea5, 0x4eff, 0x4f09, 0x4f19, 0x4f0a, 0x4f15, 0x4f0d, + 0x4f10, 0x4f11, 0x4f0f, 0x4ef2, 0x4ef6, 0x4efb, 0x4ef0, 0x4ef3, + 0x4efd, 0x4f01, 0x4f0b, 0x5149, 0x5147, 0x5146, 0x5148, 0x5168, + 0x5171, 0x518d, 0x51b0, 0x5217, 0x5211, 0x5212, 0x520e, 0x5216, + 0x52a3, 0x5308, 0x5321, 0x5320, 0x5370, 0x5371, 0x5409, 0x540f, + 0x540c, 0x540a, 0x5410, 0x5401, 0x540b, 0x5404, 0x5411, 0x540d, + 0x5408, 0x5403, 0x540e, 0x5406, 0x5412, 0x56e0, 0x56de, 0x56dd, + 0x5733, 0x5730, 0x5728, 0x572d, 0x572c, 0x572f, 0x5729, 0x5919, + 0x591a, 0x5937, 0x5938, 0x5984, 0x5978, 0x5983, 0x597d, 0x5979, + 0x5982, 0x5981, 0x5b57, 0x5b58, 0x5b87, 0x5b88, 0x5b85, 0x5b89, + 0x5bfa, 0x5c16, 0x5c79, 0x5dde, 0x5e06, 0x5e76, + /* 0x48 */ + 0x5e74, 0x5f0f, 0x5f1b, 0x5fd9, 0x5fd6, 0x620e, 0x620c, 0x620d, + 0x6210, 0x6263, 0x625b, 0x6258, 0x6536, 0x65e9, 0x65e8, 0x65ec, + 0x65ed, 0x66f2, 0x66f3, 0x6709, 0x673d, 0x6734, 0x6731, 0x6735, + 0x6b21, 0x6b64, 0x6b7b, 0x6c16, 0x6c5d, 0x6c57, 0x6c59, 0x6c5f, + 0x6c60, 0x6c50, 0x6c55, 0x6c61, 0x6c5b, 0x6c4d, 0x6c4e, 0x7070, + 0x725f, 0x725d, 0x767e, 0x7af9, 0x7c73, 0x7cf8, 0x7f36, 0x7f8a, + 0x7fbd, 0x8001, 0x8003, 0x800c, 0x8012, 0x8033, 0x807f, 0x8089, + 0x808b, 0x808c, 0x81e3, 0x81ea, 0x81f3, 0x81fc, 0x820c, 0x821b, + 0x821f, 0x826e, 0x8272, 0x827e, 0x866b, 0x8840, 0x884c, 0x8863, + 0x897f, 0x9621, 0x4e32, 0x4ea8, 0x4f4d, 0x4f4f, 0x4f47, 0x4f57, + 0x4f5e, 0x4f34, 0x4f5b, 0x4f55, 0x4f30, 0x4f50, 0x4f51, 0x4f3d, + 0x4f3a, 0x4f38, 0x4f43, 0x4f54, 0x4f3c, 0x4f46, + /* 0x49 */ + 0x4f63, 0x4f5c, 0x4f60, 0x4f2f, 0x4f4e, 0x4f36, 0x4f59, 0x4f5d, + 0x4f48, 0x4f5a, 0x514c, 0x514b, 0x514d, 0x5175, 0x51b6, 0x51b7, + 0x5225, 0x5224, 0x5229, 0x522a, 0x5228, 0x52ab, 0x52a9, 0x52aa, + 0x52ac, 0x5323, 0x5373, 0x5375, 0x541d, 0x542d, 0x541e, 0x543e, + 0x5426, 0x544e, 0x5427, 0x5446, 0x5443, 0x5433, 0x5448, 0x5442, + 0x541b, 0x5429, 0x544a, 0x5439, 0x543b, 0x5438, 0x542e, 0x5435, + 0x5436, 0x5420, 0x543c, 0x5440, 0x5431, 0x542b, 0x541f, 0x542c, + 0x56ea, 0x56f0, 0x56e4, 0x56eb, 0x574a, 0x5751, 0x5740, 0x574d, + 0x5747, 0x574e, 0x573e, 0x5750, 0x574f, 0x573b, 0x58ef, 0x593e, + 0x599d, 0x5992, 0x59a8, 0x599e, 0x59a3, 0x5999, 0x5996, 0x598d, + 0x59a4, 0x5993, 0x598a, 0x59a5, 0x5b5d, 0x5b5c, 0x5b5a, 0x5b5b, + 0x5b8c, 0x5b8b, 0x5b8f, 0x5c2c, 0x5c40, 0x5c41, + /* 0x4a */ + 0x5c3f, 0x5c3e, 0x5c90, 0x5c91, 0x5c94, 0x5c8c, 0x5deb, 0x5e0c, + 0x5e8f, 0x5e87, 0x5e8a, 0x5ef7, 0x5f04, 0x5f1f, 0x5f64, 0x5f62, + 0x5f77, 0x5f79, 0x5fd8, 0x5fcc, 0x5fd7, 0x5fcd, 0x5ff1, 0x5feb, + 0x5ff8, 0x5fea, 0x6212, 0x6211, 0x6284, 0x6297, 0x6296, 0x6280, + 0x6276, 0x6289, 0x626d, 0x628a, 0x627c, 0x627e, 0x6279, 0x6273, + 0x6292, 0x626f, 0x6298, 0x626e, 0x6295, 0x6293, 0x6291, 0x6286, + 0x6539, 0x653b, 0x6538, 0x65f1, 0x66f4, 0x675f, 0x674e, 0x674f, + 0x6750, 0x6751, 0x675c, 0x6756, 0x675e, 0x6749, 0x6746, 0x6760, + 0x6753, 0x6757, 0x6b65, 0x6bcf, 0x6c42, 0x6c5e, 0x6c99, 0x6c81, + 0x6c88, 0x6c89, 0x6c85, 0x6c9b, 0x6c6a, 0x6c7a, 0x6c90, 0x6c70, + 0x6c8c, 0x6c68, 0x6c96, 0x6c92, 0x6c7d, 0x6c83, 0x6c72, 0x6c7e, + 0x6c74, 0x6c86, 0x6c76, 0x6c8d, 0x6c94, 0x6c98, + /* 0x4b */ + 0x6c82, 0x7076, 0x707c, 0x707d, 0x7078, 0x7262, 0x7261, 0x7260, + 0x72c4, 0x72c2, 0x7396, 0x752c, 0x752b, 0x7537, 0x7538, 0x7682, + 0x76ef, 0x77e3, 0x79c1, 0x79c0, 0x79bf, 0x7a76, 0x7cfb, 0x7f55, + 0x8096, 0x8093, 0x809d, 0x8098, 0x809b, 0x809a, 0x80b2, 0x826f, + 0x8292, 0x828b, 0x828d, 0x898b, 0x89d2, 0x8a00, 0x8c37, 0x8c46, + 0x8c55, 0x8c9d, 0x8d64, 0x8d70, 0x8db3, 0x8eab, 0x8eca, 0x8f9b, + 0x8fb0, 0x8fc2, 0x8fc6, 0x8fc5, 0x8fc4, 0x5de1, 0x9091, 0x90a2, + 0x90aa, 0x90a6, 0x90a3, 0x9149, 0x91c6, 0x91cc, 0x9632, 0x962e, + 0x9631, 0x962a, 0x962c, 0x4e26, 0x4e56, 0x4e73, 0x4e8b, 0x4e9b, + 0x4e9e, 0x4eab, 0x4eac, 0x4f6f, 0x4f9d, 0x4f8d, 0x4f73, 0x4f7f, + 0x4f6c, 0x4f9b, 0x4f8b, 0x4f86, 0x4f83, 0x4f70, 0x4f75, 0x4f88, + 0x4f69, 0x4f7b, 0x4f96, 0x4f7e, 0x4f8f, 0x4f91, + /* 0x4c */ + 0x4f7a, 0x5154, 0x5152, 0x5155, 0x5169, 0x5177, 0x5176, 0x5178, + 0x51bd, 0x51fd, 0x523b, 0x5238, 0x5237, 0x523a, 0x5230, 0x522e, + 0x5236, 0x5241, 0x52be, 0x52bb, 0x5352, 0x5354, 0x5353, 0x5351, + 0x5366, 0x5377, 0x5378, 0x5379, 0x53d6, 0x53d4, 0x53d7, 0x5473, + 0x5475, 0x5496, 0x5478, 0x5495, 0x5480, 0x547b, 0x5477, 0x5484, + 0x5492, 0x5486, 0x547c, 0x5490, 0x5471, 0x5476, 0x548c, 0x549a, + 0x5462, 0x5468, 0x548b, 0x547d, 0x548e, 0x56fa, 0x5783, 0x5777, + 0x576a, 0x5769, 0x5761, 0x5766, 0x5764, 0x577c, 0x591c, 0x5949, + 0x5947, 0x5948, 0x5944, 0x5954, 0x59be, 0x59bb, 0x59d4, 0x59b9, + 0x59ae, 0x59d1, 0x59c6, 0x59d0, 0x59cd, 0x59cb, 0x59d3, 0x59ca, + 0x59af, 0x59b3, 0x59d2, 0x59c5, 0x5b5f, 0x5b64, 0x5b63, 0x5b97, + 0x5b9a, 0x5b98, 0x5b9c, 0x5b99, 0x5b9b, 0x5c1a, + /* 0x4d */ + 0x5c48, 0x5c45, 0x5c46, 0x5cb7, 0x5ca1, 0x5cb8, 0x5ca9, 0x5cab, + 0x5cb1, 0x5cb3, 0x5e18, 0x5e1a, 0x5e16, 0x5e15, 0x5e1b, 0x5e11, + 0x5e78, 0x5e9a, 0x5e97, 0x5e9c, 0x5e95, 0x5e96, 0x5ef6, 0x5f26, + 0x5f27, 0x5f29, 0x5f80, 0x5f81, 0x5f7f, 0x5f7c, 0x5fdd, 0x5fe0, + 0x5ffd, 0x5ff5, 0x5fff, 0x600f, 0x6014, 0x602f, 0x6035, 0x6016, + 0x602a, 0x6015, 0x6021, 0x6027, 0x6029, 0x602b, 0x601b, 0x6216, + 0x6215, 0x623f, 0x623e, 0x6240, 0x627f, 0x62c9, 0x62cc, 0x62c4, + 0x62bf, 0x62c2, 0x62b9, 0x62d2, 0x62db, 0x62ab, 0x62d3, 0x62d4, + 0x62cb, 0x62c8, 0x62a8, 0x62bd, 0x62bc, 0x62d0, 0x62d9, 0x62c7, + 0x62cd, 0x62b5, 0x62da, 0x62b1, 0x62d8, 0x62d6, 0x62d7, 0x62c6, + 0x62ac, 0x62ce, 0x653e, 0x65a7, 0x65bc, 0x65fa, 0x6614, 0x6613, + 0x660c, 0x6606, 0x6602, 0x660e, 0x6600, 0x660f, + /* 0x4e */ + 0x6615, 0x660a, 0x6607, 0x670d, 0x670b, 0x676d, 0x678b, 0x6795, + 0x6771, 0x679c, 0x6773, 0x6777, 0x6787, 0x679d, 0x6797, 0x676f, + 0x6770, 0x677f, 0x6789, 0x677e, 0x6790, 0x6775, 0x679a, 0x6793, + 0x677c, 0x676a, 0x6772, 0x6b23, 0x6b66, 0x6b67, 0x6b7f, 0x6c13, + 0x6c1b, 0x6ce3, 0x6ce8, 0x6cf3, 0x6cb1, 0x6ccc, 0x6ce5, 0x6cb3, + 0x6cbd, 0x6cbe, 0x6cbc, 0x6ce2, 0x6cab, 0x6cd5, 0x6cd3, 0x6cb8, + 0x6cc4, 0x6cb9, 0x6cc1, 0x6cae, 0x6cd7, 0x6cc5, 0x6cf1, 0x6cbf, + 0x6cbb, 0x6ce1, 0x6cdb, 0x6cca, 0x6cac, 0x6cef, 0x6cdc, 0x6cd6, + 0x6ce0, 0x7095, 0x708e, 0x7092, 0x708a, 0x7099, 0x722c, 0x722d, + 0x7238, 0x7248, 0x7267, 0x7269, 0x72c0, 0x72ce, 0x72d9, 0x72d7, + 0x72d0, 0x73a9, 0x73a8, 0x739f, 0x73ab, 0x73a5, 0x753d, 0x759d, + 0x7599, 0x759a, 0x7684, 0x76c2, 0x76f2, 0x76f4, + /* 0x4f */ + 0x77e5, 0x77fd, 0x793e, 0x7940, 0x7941, 0x79c9, 0x79c8, 0x7a7a, + 0x7a79, 0x7afa, 0x7cfe, 0x7f54, 0x7f8c, 0x7f8b, 0x8005, 0x80ba, + 0x80a5, 0x80a2, 0x80b1, 0x80a1, 0x80ab, 0x80a9, 0x80b4, 0x80aa, + 0x80af, 0x81e5, 0x81fe, 0x820d, 0x82b3, 0x829d, 0x8299, 0x82ad, + 0x82bd, 0x829f, 0x82b9, 0x82b1, 0x82ac, 0x82a5, 0x82af, 0x82b8, + 0x82a3, 0x82b0, 0x82be, 0x82b7, 0x864e, 0x8671, 0x521d, 0x8868, + 0x8ecb, 0x8fce, 0x8fd4, 0x8fd1, 0x90b5, 0x90b8, 0x90b1, 0x90b6, + 0x91c7, 0x91d1, 0x9577, 0x9580, 0x961c, 0x9640, 0x963f, 0x963b, + 0x9644, 0x9642, 0x96b9, 0x96e8, 0x9752, 0x975e, 0x4e9f, 0x4ead, + 0x4eae, 0x4fe1, 0x4fb5, 0x4faf, 0x4fbf, 0x4fe0, 0x4fd1, 0x4fcf, + 0x4fdd, 0x4fc3, 0x4fb6, 0x4fd8, 0x4fdf, 0x4fca, 0x4fd7, 0x4fae, + 0x4fd0, 0x4fc4, 0x4fc2, 0x4fda, 0x4fce, 0x4fde, + /* 0x50 */ + 0x4fb7, 0x5157, 0x5192, 0x5191, 0x51a0, 0x524e, 0x5243, 0x524a, + 0x524d, 0x524c, 0x524b, 0x5247, 0x52c7, 0x52c9, 0x52c3, 0x52c1, + 0x530d, 0x5357, 0x537b, 0x539a, 0x53db, 0x54ac, 0x54c0, 0x54a8, + 0x54ce, 0x54c9, 0x54b8, 0x54a6, 0x54b3, 0x54c7, 0x54c2, 0x54bd, + 0x54aa, 0x54c1, 0x54c4, 0x54c8, 0x54af, 0x54ab, 0x54b1, 0x54bb, + 0x54a9, 0x54a7, 0x54bf, 0x56ff, 0x5782, 0x578b, 0x57a0, 0x57a3, + 0x57a2, 0x57ce, 0x57ae, 0x5793, 0x5955, 0x5951, 0x594f, 0x594e, + 0x5950, 0x59dc, 0x59d8, 0x59ff, 0x59e3, 0x59e8, 0x5a03, 0x59e5, + 0x59ea, 0x59da, 0x59e6, 0x5a01, 0x59fb, 0x5b69, 0x5ba3, 0x5ba6, + 0x5ba4, 0x5ba2, 0x5ba5, 0x5c01, 0x5c4e, 0x5c4f, 0x5c4d, 0x5c4b, + 0x5cd9, 0x5cd2, 0x5df7, 0x5e1d, 0x5e25, 0x5e1f, 0x5e7d, 0x5ea0, + 0x5ea6, 0x5efa, 0x5f08, 0x5f2d, 0x5f65, 0x5f88, + /* 0x51 */ + 0x5f85, 0x5f8a, 0x5f8b, 0x5f87, 0x5f8c, 0x5f89, 0x6012, 0x601d, + 0x6020, 0x6025, 0x600e, 0x6028, 0x604d, 0x6070, 0x6068, 0x6062, + 0x6046, 0x6043, 0x606c, 0x606b, 0x606a, 0x6064, 0x6241, 0x62dc, + 0x6316, 0x6309, 0x62fc, 0x62ed, 0x6301, 0x62ee, 0x62fd, 0x6307, + 0x62f1, 0x62f7, 0x62ef, 0x62ec, 0x62fe, 0x62f4, 0x6311, 0x6302, + 0x653f, 0x6545, 0x65ab, 0x65bd, 0x65e2, 0x6625, 0x662d, 0x6620, + 0x6627, 0x662f, 0x661f, 0x6628, 0x6631, 0x6624, 0x66f7, 0x67ff, + 0x67d3, 0x67f1, 0x67d4, 0x67d0, 0x67ec, 0x67b6, 0x67af, 0x67f5, + 0x67e9, 0x67ef, 0x67c4, 0x67d1, 0x67b4, 0x67da, 0x67e5, 0x67b8, + 0x67cf, 0x67de, 0x67f3, 0x67b0, 0x67d9, 0x67e2, 0x67dd, 0x67d2, + 0x6b6a, 0x6b83, 0x6b86, 0x6bb5, 0x6bd2, 0x6bd7, 0x6c1f, 0x6cc9, + 0x6d0b, 0x6d32, 0x6d2a, 0x6d41, 0x6d25, 0x6d0c, + /* 0x52 */ + 0x6d31, 0x6d1e, 0x6d17, 0x6d3b, 0x6d3d, 0x6d3e, 0x6d36, 0x6d1b, + 0x6cf5, 0x6d39, 0x6d27, 0x6d38, 0x6d29, 0x6d2e, 0x6d35, 0x6d0e, + 0x6d2b, 0x70ab, 0x70ba, 0x70b3, 0x70ac, 0x70af, 0x70ad, 0x70b8, + 0x70ae, 0x70a4, 0x7230, 0x7272, 0x726f, 0x7274, 0x72e9, 0x72e0, + 0x72e1, 0x73b7, 0x73ca, 0x73bb, 0x73b2, 0x73cd, 0x73c0, 0x73b3, + 0x751a, 0x752d, 0x754f, 0x754c, 0x754e, 0x754b, 0x75ab, 0x75a4, + 0x75a5, 0x75a2, 0x75a3, 0x7678, 0x7686, 0x7687, 0x7688, 0x76c8, + 0x76c6, 0x76c3, 0x76c5, 0x7701, 0x76f9, 0x76f8, 0x7709, 0x770b, + 0x76fe, 0x76fc, 0x7707, 0x77dc, 0x7802, 0x7814, 0x780c, 0x780d, + 0x7946, 0x7949, 0x7948, 0x7947, 0x79b9, 0x79ba, 0x79d1, 0x79d2, + 0x79cb, 0x7a7f, 0x7a81, 0x7aff, 0x7afd, 0x7c7d, 0x7d02, 0x7d05, + 0x7d00, 0x7d09, 0x7d07, 0x7d04, 0x7d06, 0x7f38, + /* 0x53 */ + 0x7f8e, 0x7fbf, 0x8010, 0x800d, 0x8011, 0x8036, 0x80d6, 0x80e5, + 0x80da, 0x80c3, 0x80c4, 0x80cc, 0x80e1, 0x80db, 0x80ce, 0x80de, + 0x80e4, 0x80dd, 0x81f4, 0x8222, 0x82e7, 0x8303, 0x8305, 0x82e3, + 0x82db, 0x82e6, 0x8304, 0x82e5, 0x8302, 0x8309, 0x82d2, 0x82d7, + 0x82f1, 0x8301, 0x82dc, 0x82d4, 0x82d1, 0x82de, 0x82d3, 0x82df, + 0x82ef, 0x8306, 0x8650, 0x8679, 0x867b, 0x867a, 0x884d, 0x886b, + 0x8981, 0x89d4, 0x8a08, 0x8a02, 0x8a03, 0x8c9e, 0x8ca0, 0x8d74, + 0x8d73, 0x8db4, 0x8ecd, 0x8ecc, 0x8ff0, 0x8fe6, 0x8fe2, 0x8fea, + 0x8fe5, 0x8fed, 0x8feb, 0x8fe4, 0x8fe8, 0x90ca, 0x90ce, 0x90c1, + 0x90c3, 0x914b, 0x914a, 0x91cd, 0x9582, 0x9650, 0x964b, 0x964c, + 0x964d, 0x9762, 0x9769, 0x97cb, 0x97ed, 0x97f3, 0x9801, 0x98a8, + 0x98db, 0x98df, 0x9996, 0x9999, 0x4e58, 0x4eb3, + /* 0x54 */ + 0x500c, 0x500d, 0x5023, 0x4fef, 0x5026, 0x5025, 0x4ff8, 0x5029, + 0x5016, 0x5006, 0x503c, 0x501f, 0x501a, 0x5012, 0x5011, 0x4ffa, + 0x5000, 0x5014, 0x5028, 0x4ff1, 0x5021, 0x500b, 0x5019, 0x5018, + 0x4ff3, 0x4fee, 0x502d, 0x502a, 0x4ffe, 0x502b, 0x5009, 0x517c, + 0x51a4, 0x51a5, 0x51a2, 0x51cd, 0x51cc, 0x51c6, 0x51cb, 0x5256, + 0x525c, 0x5254, 0x525b, 0x525d, 0x532a, 0x537f, 0x539f, 0x539d, + 0x53df, 0x54e8, 0x5510, 0x5501, 0x5537, 0x54fc, 0x54e5, 0x54f2, + 0x5506, 0x54fa, 0x5514, 0x54e9, 0x54ed, 0x54e1, 0x5509, 0x54ee, + 0x54ea, 0x54e6, 0x5527, 0x5507, 0x54fd, 0x550f, 0x5703, 0x5704, + 0x57c2, 0x57d4, 0x57cb, 0x57c3, 0x5809, 0x590f, 0x5957, 0x5958, + 0x595a, 0x5a11, 0x5a18, 0x5a1c, 0x5a1f, 0x5a1b, 0x5a13, 0x59ec, + 0x5a20, 0x5a23, 0x5a29, 0x5a25, 0x5a0c, 0x5a09, + /* 0x55 */ + 0x5b6b, 0x5c58, 0x5bb0, 0x5bb3, 0x5bb6, 0x5bb4, 0x5bae, 0x5bb5, + 0x5bb9, 0x5bb8, 0x5c04, 0x5c51, 0x5c55, 0x5c50, 0x5ced, 0x5cfd, + 0x5cfb, 0x5cea, 0x5ce8, 0x5cf0, 0x5cf6, 0x5d01, 0x5cf4, 0x5dee, + 0x5e2d, 0x5e2b, 0x5eab, 0x5ead, 0x5ea7, 0x5f31, 0x5f92, 0x5f91, + 0x5f90, 0x6059, 0x6063, 0x6065, 0x6050, 0x6055, 0x606d, 0x6069, + 0x606f, 0x6084, 0x609f, 0x609a, 0x608d, 0x6094, 0x608c, 0x6085, + 0x6096, 0x6247, 0x62f3, 0x6308, 0x62ff, 0x634e, 0x633e, 0x632f, + 0x6355, 0x6342, 0x6346, 0x634f, 0x6349, 0x633a, 0x6350, 0x633d, + 0x632a, 0x632b, 0x6328, 0x634d, 0x634c, 0x6548, 0x6549, 0x6599, + 0x65c1, 0x65c5, 0x6642, 0x6649, 0x664f, 0x6643, 0x6652, 0x664c, + 0x6645, 0x6641, 0x66f8, 0x6714, 0x6715, 0x6717, 0x6821, 0x6838, + 0x6848, 0x6846, 0x6853, 0x6839, 0x6842, 0x6854, + /* 0x56 */ + 0x6829, 0x68b3, 0x6817, 0x684c, 0x6851, 0x683d, 0x67f4, 0x6850, + 0x6840, 0x683c, 0x6843, 0x682a, 0x6845, 0x6813, 0x6818, 0x6841, + 0x6b8a, 0x6b89, 0x6bb7, 0x6c23, 0x6c27, 0x6c28, 0x6c26, 0x6c24, + 0x6cf0, 0x6d6a, 0x6d95, 0x6d88, 0x6d87, 0x6d66, 0x6d78, 0x6d77, + 0x6d59, 0x6d93, 0x6d6c, 0x6d89, 0x6d6e, 0x6d5a, 0x6d74, 0x6d69, + 0x6d8c, 0x6d8a, 0x6d79, 0x6d85, 0x6d65, 0x6d94, 0x70ca, 0x70d8, + 0x70e4, 0x70d9, 0x70c8, 0x70cf, 0x7239, 0x7279, 0x72fc, 0x72f9, + 0x72fd, 0x72f8, 0x72f7, 0x7386, 0x73ed, 0x7409, 0x73ee, 0x73e0, + 0x73ea, 0x73de, 0x7554, 0x755d, 0x755c, 0x755a, 0x7559, 0x75be, + 0x75c5, 0x75c7, 0x75b2, 0x75b3, 0x75bd, 0x75bc, 0x75b9, 0x75c2, + 0x75b8, 0x768b, 0x76b0, 0x76ca, 0x76cd, 0x76ce, 0x7729, 0x771f, + 0x7720, 0x7728, 0x77e9, 0x7830, 0x7827, 0x7838, + /* 0x57 */ + 0x781d, 0x7834, 0x7837, 0x7825, 0x782d, 0x7820, 0x781f, 0x7832, + 0x7955, 0x7950, 0x7960, 0x795f, 0x7956, 0x795e, 0x795d, 0x7957, + 0x795a, 0x79e4, 0x79e3, 0x79e7, 0x79df, 0x79e6, 0x79e9, 0x79d8, + 0x7a84, 0x7a88, 0x7ad9, 0x7b06, 0x7b11, 0x7c89, 0x7d21, 0x7d17, + 0x7d0b, 0x7d0a, 0x7d20, 0x7d22, 0x7d14, 0x7d10, 0x7d15, 0x7d1a, + 0x7d1c, 0x7d0d, 0x7d19, 0x7d1b, 0x7f3a, 0x7f5f, 0x7f94, 0x7fc5, + 0x7fc1, 0x8006, 0x8004, 0x8018, 0x8015, 0x8019, 0x8017, 0x803d, + 0x803f, 0x80f1, 0x8102, 0x80f0, 0x8105, 0x80ed, 0x80f4, 0x8106, + 0x80f8, 0x80f3, 0x8108, 0x80fd, 0x810a, 0x80fc, 0x80ef, 0x81ed, + 0x81ec, 0x8200, 0x8210, 0x822a, 0x822b, 0x8228, 0x822c, 0x82bb, + 0x832b, 0x8352, 0x8354, 0x834a, 0x8338, 0x8350, 0x8349, 0x8335, + 0x8334, 0x834f, 0x8332, 0x8339, 0x8336, 0x8317, + /* 0x58 */ + 0x8340, 0x8331, 0x8328, 0x8343, 0x8654, 0x868a, 0x86aa, 0x8693, + 0x86a4, 0x86a9, 0x868c, 0x86a3, 0x869c, 0x8870, 0x8877, 0x8881, + 0x8882, 0x887d, 0x8879, 0x8a18, 0x8a10, 0x8a0e, 0x8a0c, 0x8a15, + 0x8a0a, 0x8a17, 0x8a13, 0x8a16, 0x8a0f, 0x8a11, 0x8c48, 0x8c7a, + 0x8c79, 0x8ca1, 0x8ca2, 0x8d77, 0x8eac, 0x8ed2, 0x8ed4, 0x8ecf, + 0x8fb1, 0x9001, 0x9006, 0x8ff7, 0x9000, 0x8ffa, 0x8ff4, 0x9003, + 0x8ffd, 0x9005, 0x8ff8, 0x9095, 0x90e1, 0x90dd, 0x90e2, 0x9152, + 0x914d, 0x914c, 0x91d8, 0x91dd, 0x91d7, 0x91dc, 0x91d9, 0x9583, + 0x9662, 0x9663, 0x9661, 0x965b, 0x965d, 0x9664, 0x9658, 0x965e, + 0x96bb, 0x98e2, 0x99ac, 0x9aa8, 0x9ad8, 0x9b25, 0x9b32, 0x9b3c, + 0x4e7e, 0x507a, 0x507d, 0x505c, 0x5047, 0x5043, 0x504c, 0x505a, + 0x5049, 0x5065, 0x5076, 0x504e, 0x5055, 0x5075, + /* 0x59 */ + 0x5074, 0x5077, 0x504f, 0x500f, 0x506f, 0x506d, 0x515c, 0x5195, + 0x51f0, 0x526a, 0x526f, 0x52d2, 0x52d9, 0x52d8, 0x52d5, 0x5310, + 0x530f, 0x5319, 0x533f, 0x5340, 0x533e, 0x53c3, 0x66fc, 0x5546, + 0x556a, 0x5566, 0x5544, 0x555e, 0x5561, 0x5543, 0x554a, 0x5531, + 0x5556, 0x554f, 0x5555, 0x552f, 0x5564, 0x5538, 0x552e, 0x555c, + 0x552c, 0x5563, 0x5533, 0x5541, 0x5557, 0x5708, 0x570b, 0x5709, + 0x57df, 0x5805, 0x580a, 0x5806, 0x57e0, 0x57e4, 0x57fa, 0x5802, + 0x5835, 0x57f7, 0x57f9, 0x5920, 0x5962, 0x5a36, 0x5a41, 0x5a49, + 0x5a66, 0x5a6a, 0x5a40, 0x5a3c, 0x5a62, 0x5a5a, 0x5a46, 0x5a4a, + 0x5b70, 0x5bc7, 0x5bc5, 0x5bc4, 0x5bc2, 0x5bbf, 0x5bc6, 0x5c09, + 0x5c08, 0x5c07, 0x5c60, 0x5c5c, 0x5c5d, 0x5d07, 0x5d06, 0x5d0e, + 0x5d1b, 0x5d16, 0x5d22, 0x5d11, 0x5d29, 0x5d14, + /* 0x5a */ + 0x5d19, 0x5d24, 0x5d27, 0x5d17, 0x5de2, 0x5e38, 0x5e36, 0x5e33, + 0x5e37, 0x5eb7, 0x5eb8, 0x5eb6, 0x5eb5, 0x5ebe, 0x5f35, 0x5f37, + 0x5f57, 0x5f6c, 0x5f69, 0x5f6b, 0x5f97, 0x5f99, 0x5f9e, 0x5f98, + 0x5fa1, 0x5fa0, 0x5f9c, 0x607f, 0x60a3, 0x6089, 0x60a0, 0x60a8, + 0x60cb, 0x60b4, 0x60e6, 0x60bd, 0x60c5, 0x60bb, 0x60b5, 0x60dc, + 0x60bc, 0x60d8, 0x60d5, 0x60c6, 0x60df, 0x60b8, 0x60da, 0x60c7, + 0x621a, 0x621b, 0x6248, 0x63a0, 0x63a7, 0x6372, 0x6396, 0x63a2, + 0x63a5, 0x6377, 0x6367, 0x6398, 0x63aa, 0x6371, 0x63a9, 0x6389, + 0x6383, 0x639b, 0x636b, 0x63a8, 0x6384, 0x6388, 0x6399, 0x63a1, + 0x63ac, 0x6392, 0x638f, 0x6380, 0x637b, 0x6369, 0x6368, 0x637a, + 0x655d, 0x6556, 0x6551, 0x6559, 0x6557, 0x555f, 0x654f, 0x6558, + 0x6555, 0x6554, 0x659c, 0x659b, 0x65ac, 0x65cf, + /* 0x5b */ + 0x65cb, 0x65cc, 0x65ce, 0x665d, 0x665a, 0x6664, 0x6668, 0x6666, + 0x665e, 0x66f9, 0x52d7, 0x671b, 0x6881, 0x68af, 0x68a2, 0x6893, + 0x68b5, 0x687f, 0x6876, 0x68b1, 0x68a7, 0x6897, 0x68b0, 0x6883, + 0x68c4, 0x68ad, 0x6886, 0x6885, 0x6894, 0x689d, 0x68a8, 0x689f, + 0x68a1, 0x6882, 0x6b32, 0x6bba, 0x6beb, 0x6bec, 0x6c2b, 0x6d8e, + 0x6dbc, 0x6df3, 0x6dd9, 0x6db2, 0x6de1, 0x6dcc, 0x6de4, 0x6dfb, + 0x6dfa, 0x6e05, 0x6dc7, 0x6dcb, 0x6daf, 0x6dd1, 0x6dae, 0x6dde, + 0x6df9, 0x6db8, 0x6df7, 0x6df5, 0x6dc5, 0x6dd2, 0x6e1a, 0x6db5, + 0x6dda, 0x6deb, 0x6dd8, 0x6dea, 0x6df1, 0x6dee, 0x6de8, 0x6dc6, + 0x6dc4, 0x6daa, 0x6dec, 0x6dbf, 0x6de6, 0x70f9, 0x7109, 0x710a, + 0x70fd, 0x70ef, 0x723d, 0x727d, 0x7281, 0x731c, 0x731b, 0x7316, + 0x7313, 0x7319, 0x7387, 0x7405, 0x740a, 0x7403, + /* 0x5c */ + 0x7406, 0x73fe, 0x740d, 0x74e0, 0x74f6, 0x74f7, 0x751c, 0x7522, + 0x7565, 0x7566, 0x7562, 0x7570, 0x758f, 0x75d4, 0x75d5, 0x75b5, + 0x75ca, 0x75cd, 0x768e, 0x76d4, 0x76d2, 0x76db, 0x7737, 0x773e, + 0x773c, 0x7736, 0x7738, 0x773a, 0x786b, 0x7843, 0x784e, 0x7965, + 0x7968, 0x796d, 0x79fb, 0x7a92, 0x7a95, 0x7b20, 0x7b28, 0x7b1b, + 0x7b2c, 0x7b26, 0x7b19, 0x7b1e, 0x7b2e, 0x7c92, 0x7c97, 0x7c95, + 0x7d46, 0x7d43, 0x7d71, 0x7d2e, 0x7d39, 0x7d3c, 0x7d40, 0x7d30, + 0x7d33, 0x7d44, 0x7d2f, 0x7d42, 0x7d32, 0x7d31, 0x7f3d, 0x7f9e, + 0x7f9a, 0x7fcc, 0x7fce, 0x7fd2, 0x801c, 0x804a, 0x8046, 0x812f, + 0x8116, 0x8123, 0x812b, 0x8129, 0x8130, 0x8124, 0x8202, 0x8235, + 0x8237, 0x8236, 0x8239, 0x838e, 0x839e, 0x8398, 0x8378, 0x83a2, + 0x8396, 0x83bd, 0x83ab, 0x8392, 0x838a, 0x8393, + /* 0x5d */ + 0x8389, 0x83a0, 0x8377, 0x837b, 0x837c, 0x8386, 0x83a7, 0x8655, + 0x5f6a, 0x86c7, 0x86c0, 0x86b6, 0x86c4, 0x86b5, 0x86c6, 0x86cb, + 0x86b1, 0x86af, 0x86c9, 0x8853, 0x889e, 0x8888, 0x88ab, 0x8892, + 0x8896, 0x888d, 0x888b, 0x8993, 0x898f, 0x8a2a, 0x8a1d, 0x8a23, + 0x8a25, 0x8a31, 0x8a2d, 0x8a1f, 0x8a1b, 0x8a22, 0x8c49, 0x8c5a, + 0x8ca9, 0x8cac, 0x8cab, 0x8ca8, 0x8caa, 0x8ca7, 0x8d67, 0x8d66, + 0x8dbe, 0x8dba, 0x8edb, 0x8edf, 0x9019, 0x900d, 0x901a, 0x9017, + 0x9023, 0x901f, 0x901d, 0x9010, 0x9015, 0x901e, 0x9020, 0x900f, + 0x9022, 0x9016, 0x901b, 0x9014, 0x90e8, 0x90ed, 0x90fd, 0x9157, + 0x91ce, 0x91f5, 0x91e6, 0x91e3, 0x91e7, 0x91ed, 0x91e9, 0x9589, + 0x966a, 0x9675, 0x9673, 0x9678, 0x9670, 0x9674, 0x9676, 0x9677, + 0x966c, 0x96c0, 0x96ea, 0x96e9, 0x7ae0, 0x7adf, + /* 0x5e */ + 0x9802, 0x9803, 0x9b5a, 0x9ce5, 0x9e75, 0x9e7f, 0x9ea5, 0x9ebb, + 0x50a2, 0x508d, 0x5085, 0x5099, 0x5091, 0x5080, 0x5096, 0x5098, + 0x509a, 0x6700, 0x51f1, 0x5272, 0x5274, 0x5275, 0x5269, 0x52de, + 0x52dd, 0x52db, 0x535a, 0x53a5, 0x557b, 0x5580, 0x55a7, 0x557c, + 0x558a, 0x559d, 0x5598, 0x5582, 0x559c, 0x55aa, 0x5594, 0x5587, + 0x558b, 0x5583, 0x55b3, 0x55ae, 0x559f, 0x553e, 0x55b2, 0x559a, + 0x55bb, 0x55ac, 0x55b1, 0x557e, 0x5589, 0x55ab, 0x5599, 0x570d, + 0x582f, 0x582a, 0x5834, 0x5824, 0x5830, 0x5831, 0x5821, 0x581d, + 0x5820, 0x58f9, 0x58fa, 0x5960, 0x5a77, 0x5a9a, 0x5a7f, 0x5a92, + 0x5a9b, 0x5aa7, 0x5b73, 0x5b71, 0x5bd2, 0x5bcc, 0x5bd3, 0x5bd0, + 0x5c0a, 0x5c0b, 0x5c31, 0x5d4c, 0x5d50, 0x5d34, 0x5d47, 0x5dfd, + 0x5e45, 0x5e3d, 0x5e40, 0x5e43, 0x5e7e, 0x5eca, + /* 0x5f */ + 0x5ec1, 0x5ec2, 0x5ec4, 0x5f3c, 0x5f6d, 0x5fa9, 0x5faa, 0x5fa8, + 0x60d1, 0x60e1, 0x60b2, 0x60b6, 0x60e0, 0x611c, 0x6123, 0x60fa, + 0x6115, 0x60f0, 0x60fb, 0x60f4, 0x6168, 0x60f1, 0x610e, 0x60f6, + 0x6109, 0x6100, 0x6112, 0x621f, 0x6249, 0x63a3, 0x638c, 0x63cf, + 0x63c0, 0x63e9, 0x63c9, 0x63c6, 0x63cd, 0x63d2, 0x63e3, 0x63d0, + 0x63e1, 0x63d6, 0x63ed, 0x63ee, 0x6376, 0x63f4, 0x63ea, 0x63db, + 0x6452, 0x63da, 0x63f9, 0x655e, 0x6566, 0x6562, 0x6563, 0x6591, + 0x6590, 0x65af, 0x666e, 0x6670, 0x6674, 0x6676, 0x666f, 0x6691, + 0x667a, 0x667e, 0x6677, 0x66fe, 0x66ff, 0x671f, 0x671d, 0x68fa, + 0x68d5, 0x68e0, 0x68d8, 0x68d7, 0x6905, 0x68df, 0x68f5, 0x68ee, + 0x68e7, 0x68f9, 0x68d2, 0x68f2, 0x68e3, 0x68cb, 0x68cd, 0x690d, + 0x6912, 0x690e, 0x68c9, 0x68da, 0x696e, 0x68fb, + /* 0x60 */ + 0x6b3e, 0x6b3a, 0x6b3d, 0x6b98, 0x6b96, 0x6bbc, 0x6bef, 0x6c2e, + 0x6c2f, 0x6c2c, 0x6e2f, 0x6e38, 0x6e54, 0x6e21, 0x6e32, 0x6e67, + 0x6e4a, 0x6e20, 0x6e25, 0x6e23, 0x6e1b, 0x6e5b, 0x6e58, 0x6e24, + 0x6e56, 0x6e6e, 0x6e2d, 0x6e26, 0x6e6f, 0x6e34, 0x6e4d, 0x6e3a, + 0x6e2c, 0x6e43, 0x6e1d, 0x6e3e, 0x6ecb, 0x6e89, 0x6e19, 0x6e4e, + 0x6e63, 0x6e44, 0x6e72, 0x6e69, 0x6e5f, 0x7119, 0x711a, 0x7126, + 0x7130, 0x7121, 0x7136, 0x716e, 0x711c, 0x724c, 0x7284, 0x7280, + 0x7336, 0x7325, 0x7334, 0x7329, 0x743a, 0x742a, 0x7433, 0x7422, + 0x7425, 0x7435, 0x7436, 0x7434, 0x742f, 0x741b, 0x7426, 0x7428, + 0x7525, 0x7526, 0x756b, 0x756a, 0x75e2, 0x75db, 0x75e3, 0x75d9, + 0x75d8, 0x75de, 0x75e0, 0x767b, 0x767c, 0x7696, 0x7693, 0x76b4, + 0x76dc, 0x774f, 0x77ed, 0x785d, 0x786c, 0x786f, + /* 0x61 */ + 0x7a0d, 0x7a08, 0x7a0b, 0x7a05, 0x7a00, 0x7a98, 0x7a97, 0x7a96, + 0x7ae5, 0x7ae3, 0x7b49, 0x7b56, 0x7b46, 0x7b50, 0x7b52, 0x7b54, + 0x7b4d, 0x7b4b, 0x7b4f, 0x7b51, 0x7c9f, 0x7ca5, 0x7d5e, 0x7d50, + 0x7d68, 0x7d55, 0x7d2b, 0x7d6e, 0x7d72, 0x7d61, 0x7d66, 0x7d62, + 0x7d70, 0x7d73, 0x5584, 0x7fd4, 0x7fd5, 0x800b, 0x8052, 0x8085, + 0x8155, 0x8154, 0x814b, 0x8151, 0x814e, 0x8139, 0x8146, 0x813e, + 0x814c, 0x8153, 0x8174, 0x8212, 0x821c, 0x83e9, 0x8403, 0x83f8, + 0x840d, 0x83e0, 0x83c5, 0x840b, 0x83c1, 0x83ef, 0x83f1, 0x83f4, + 0x8457, 0x840a, 0x83f0, 0x840c, 0x83cc, 0x83fd, 0x83f2, 0x83ca, + 0x8438, 0x840e, 0x8404, 0x83dc, 0x8407, 0x83d4, 0x83df, 0x865b, + 0x86df, 0x86d9, 0x86ed, 0x86d4, 0x86db, 0x86e4, 0x86d0, 0x86de, + 0x8857, 0x88c1, 0x88c2, 0x88b1, 0x8983, 0x8996, + /* 0x62 */ + 0x8a3b, 0x8a60, 0x8a55, 0x8a5e, 0x8a3c, 0x8a41, 0x8a54, 0x8a5b, + 0x8a50, 0x8a46, 0x8a34, 0x8a3a, 0x8a36, 0x8a56, 0x8c61, 0x8c82, + 0x8caf, 0x8cbc, 0x8cb3, 0x8cbd, 0x8cc1, 0x8cbb, 0x8cc0, 0x8cb4, + 0x8cb7, 0x8cb6, 0x8cbf, 0x8cb8, 0x8d8a, 0x8d85, 0x8d81, 0x8dce, + 0x8ddd, 0x8dcb, 0x8dda, 0x8dd1, 0x8dcc, 0x8ddb, 0x8dc6, 0x8efb, + 0x8ef8, 0x8efc, 0x8f9c, 0x902e, 0x9035, 0x9031, 0x9038, 0x9032, + 0x9036, 0x9102, 0x90f5, 0x9109, 0x90fe, 0x9163, 0x9165, 0x91cf, + 0x9214, 0x9215, 0x9223, 0x9209, 0x921e, 0x920d, 0x9210, 0x9207, + 0x9211, 0x9594, 0x958f, 0x958b, 0x9591, 0x9593, 0x9592, 0x958e, + 0x968a, 0x968e, 0x968b, 0x967d, 0x9685, 0x9686, 0x968d, 0x9672, + 0x9684, 0x96c1, 0x96c5, 0x96c4, 0x96c6, 0x96c7, 0x96ef, 0x96f2, + 0x97cc, 0x9805, 0x9806, 0x9808, 0x98e7, 0x98ea, + /* 0x63 */ + 0x98ef, 0x98e9, 0x98f2, 0x98ed, 0x99ae, 0x99ad, 0x9ec3, 0x9ecd, + 0x9ed1, 0x4e82, 0x50ad, 0x50b5, 0x50b2, 0x50b3, 0x50c5, 0x50be, + 0x50ac, 0x50b7, 0x50bb, 0x50af, 0x50c7, 0x527f, 0x5277, 0x527d, + 0x52df, 0x52e6, 0x52e4, 0x52e2, 0x52e3, 0x532f, 0x55df, 0x55e8, + 0x55d3, 0x55e6, 0x55ce, 0x55dc, 0x55c7, 0x55d1, 0x55e3, 0x55e4, + 0x55ef, 0x55da, 0x55e1, 0x55c5, 0x55c6, 0x55e5, 0x55c9, 0x5712, + 0x5713, 0x585e, 0x5851, 0x5858, 0x5857, 0x585a, 0x5854, 0x586b, + 0x584c, 0x586d, 0x584a, 0x5862, 0x5852, 0x584b, 0x5967, 0x5ac1, + 0x5ac9, 0x5acc, 0x5abe, 0x5abd, 0x5abc, 0x5ab3, 0x5ac2, 0x5ab2, + 0x5d69, 0x5d6f, 0x5e4c, 0x5e79, 0x5ec9, 0x5ec8, 0x5f12, 0x5f59, + 0x5fac, 0x5fae, 0x611a, 0x610f, 0x6148, 0x611f, 0x60f3, 0x611b, + 0x60f9, 0x6101, 0x6108, 0x614e, 0x614c, 0x6144, + /* 0x64 */ + 0x614d, 0x613e, 0x6134, 0x6127, 0x610d, 0x6106, 0x6137, 0x6221, + 0x6222, 0x6413, 0x643e, 0x641e, 0x642a, 0x642d, 0x643d, 0x642c, + 0x640f, 0x641c, 0x6414, 0x640d, 0x6436, 0x6416, 0x6417, 0x6406, + 0x656c, 0x659f, 0x65b0, 0x6697, 0x6689, 0x6687, 0x6688, 0x6696, + 0x6684, 0x6698, 0x668d, 0x6703, 0x6994, 0x696d, 0x695a, 0x6977, + 0x6960, 0x6954, 0x6975, 0x6930, 0x6982, 0x694a, 0x6968, 0x696b, + 0x695e, 0x6953, 0x6979, 0x6986, 0x695d, 0x6963, 0x695b, 0x6b47, + 0x6b72, 0x6bc0, 0x6bbf, 0x6bd3, 0x6bfd, 0x6ea2, 0x6eaf, 0x6ed3, + 0x6eb6, 0x6ec2, 0x6e90, 0x6e9d, 0x6ec7, 0x6ec5, 0x6ea5, 0x6e98, + 0x6ebc, 0x6eba, 0x6eab, 0x6ed1, 0x6e96, 0x6e9c, 0x6ec4, 0x6ed4, + 0x6eaa, 0x6ea7, 0x6eb4, 0x714e, 0x7159, 0x7169, 0x7164, 0x7149, + 0x7167, 0x715c, 0x716c, 0x7166, 0x714c, 0x7165, + /* 0x65 */ + 0x715e, 0x7146, 0x7168, 0x7156, 0x723a, 0x7252, 0x7337, 0x7345, + 0x733f, 0x733e, 0x746f, 0x745a, 0x7455, 0x745f, 0x745e, 0x7441, + 0x743f, 0x7459, 0x745b, 0x745c, 0x7576, 0x7578, 0x7600, 0x75f0, + 0x7601, 0x75f2, 0x75f1, 0x75fa, 0x75ff, 0x75f4, 0x75f3, 0x76de, + 0x76df, 0x775b, 0x776b, 0x7766, 0x775e, 0x7763, 0x7779, 0x776a, + 0x776c, 0x775c, 0x7765, 0x7768, 0x7762, 0x77ee, 0x788e, 0x78b0, + 0x7897, 0x7898, 0x788c, 0x7889, 0x787c, 0x7891, 0x7893, 0x787f, + 0x797a, 0x797f, 0x7981, 0x842c, 0x79bd, 0x7a1c, 0x7a1a, 0x7a20, + 0x7a14, 0x7a1f, 0x7a1e, 0x7a9f, 0x7aa0, 0x7b77, 0x7bc0, 0x7b60, + 0x7b6e, 0x7b67, 0x7cb1, 0x7cb3, 0x7cb5, 0x7d93, 0x7d79, 0x7d91, + 0x7d81, 0x7d8f, 0x7d5b, 0x7f6e, 0x7f69, 0x7f6a, 0x7f72, 0x7fa9, + 0x7fa8, 0x7fa4, 0x8056, 0x8058, 0x8086, 0x8084, + /* 0x66 */ + 0x8171, 0x8170, 0x8178, 0x8165, 0x816e, 0x8173, 0x816b, 0x8179, + 0x817a, 0x8166, 0x8205, 0x8247, 0x8482, 0x8477, 0x843d, 0x8431, + 0x8475, 0x8466, 0x846b, 0x8449, 0x846c, 0x845b, 0x843c, 0x8435, + 0x8461, 0x8463, 0x8469, 0x846d, 0x8446, 0x865e, 0x865c, 0x865f, + 0x86f9, 0x8713, 0x8708, 0x8707, 0x8700, 0x86fe, 0x86fb, 0x8702, + 0x8703, 0x8706, 0x870a, 0x8859, 0x88df, 0x88d4, 0x88d9, 0x88dc, + 0x88d8, 0x88dd, 0x88e1, 0x88ca, 0x88d5, 0x88d2, 0x899c, 0x89e3, + 0x8a6b, 0x8a72, 0x8a73, 0x8a66, 0x8a69, 0x8a70, 0x8a87, 0x8a7c, + 0x8a63, 0x8aa0, 0x8a71, 0x8a85, 0x8a6d, 0x8a62, 0x8a6e, 0x8a6c, + 0x8a79, 0x8a7b, 0x8a3e, 0x8a68, 0x8c62, 0x8c8a, 0x8c89, 0x8cca, + 0x8cc7, 0x8cc8, 0x8cc4, 0x8cb2, 0x8cc3, 0x8cc2, 0x8cc5, 0x8de1, + 0x8ddf, 0x8de8, 0x8def, 0x8df3, 0x8dfa, 0x8dea, + /* 0x67 */ + 0x8de4, 0x8de6, 0x8eb2, 0x8f03, 0x8f09, 0x8efe, 0x8f0a, 0x8f9f, + 0x8fb2, 0x904b, 0x904a, 0x9053, 0x9042, 0x9054, 0x903c, 0x9055, + 0x9050, 0x9047, 0x904f, 0x904e, 0x904d, 0x9051, 0x903e, 0x9041, + 0x9112, 0x9117, 0x916c, 0x916a, 0x9169, 0x91c9, 0x9237, 0x9257, + 0x9238, 0x923d, 0x9240, 0x923e, 0x925b, 0x924b, 0x9264, 0x9251, + 0x9234, 0x9249, 0x924d, 0x9245, 0x9239, 0x923f, 0x925a, 0x9598, + 0x9698, 0x9694, 0x9695, 0x96cd, 0x96cb, 0x96c9, 0x96ca, 0x96f7, + 0x96fb, 0x96f9, 0x96f6, 0x9756, 0x9774, 0x9776, 0x9810, 0x9811, + 0x9813, 0x980a, 0x9812, 0x980c, 0x98fc, 0x98f4, 0x98fd, 0x98fe, + 0x99b3, 0x99b1, 0x99b4, 0x9ae1, 0x9ce9, 0x9e82, 0x9f0e, 0x9f13, + 0x9f20, 0x50e7, 0x50ee, 0x50e5, 0x50d6, 0x50ed, 0x50da, 0x50d5, + 0x50cf, 0x50d1, 0x50f1, 0x50ce, 0x50e9, 0x5162, + /* 0x68 */ + 0x51f3, 0x5283, 0x5282, 0x5331, 0x53ad, 0x55fe, 0x5600, 0x561b, + 0x5617, 0x55fd, 0x5614, 0x5606, 0x5609, 0x560d, 0x560e, 0x55f7, + 0x5616, 0x561f, 0x5608, 0x5610, 0x55f6, 0x5718, 0x5716, 0x5875, + 0x587e, 0x5883, 0x5893, 0x588a, 0x5879, 0x5885, 0x587d, 0x58fd, + 0x5925, 0x5922, 0x5924, 0x596a, 0x5969, 0x5ae1, 0x5ae6, 0x5ae9, + 0x5ad7, 0x5ad6, 0x5ad8, 0x5ae3, 0x5b75, 0x5bde, 0x5be7, 0x5be1, + 0x5be5, 0x5be6, 0x5be8, 0x5be2, 0x5be4, 0x5bdf, 0x5c0d, 0x5c62, + 0x5d84, 0x5d87, 0x5e5b, 0x5e63, 0x5e55, 0x5e57, 0x5e54, 0x5ed3, + 0x5ed6, 0x5f0a, 0x5f46, 0x5f70, 0x5fb9, 0x6147, 0x613f, 0x614b, + 0x6177, 0x6162, 0x6163, 0x615f, 0x615a, 0x6158, 0x6175, 0x622a, + 0x6487, 0x6458, 0x6454, 0x64a4, 0x6478, 0x645f, 0x647a, 0x6451, + 0x6467, 0x6434, 0x646d, 0x647b, 0x6572, 0x65a1, + /* 0x69 */ + 0x65d7, 0x65d6, 0x66a2, 0x66a8, 0x669d, 0x699c, 0x69a8, 0x6995, + 0x69c1, 0x69ae, 0x69d3, 0x69cb, 0x699b, 0x69b7, 0x69bb, 0x69ab, + 0x69b4, 0x69d0, 0x69cd, 0x69ad, 0x69cc, 0x69a6, 0x69c3, 0x69a3, + 0x6b49, 0x6b4c, 0x6c33, 0x6f33, 0x6f14, 0x6efe, 0x6f13, 0x6ef4, + 0x6f29, 0x6f3e, 0x6f20, 0x6f2c, 0x6f0f, 0x6f02, 0x6f22, 0x6eff, + 0x6eef, 0x6f06, 0x6f31, 0x6f38, 0x6f32, 0x6f23, 0x6f15, 0x6f2b, + 0x6f2f, 0x6f88, 0x6f2a, 0x6eec, 0x6f01, 0x6ef2, 0x6ecc, 0x6ef7, + 0x7194, 0x7199, 0x717d, 0x718a, 0x7184, 0x7192, 0x723e, 0x7292, + 0x7296, 0x7344, 0x7350, 0x7464, 0x7463, 0x746a, 0x7470, 0x746d, + 0x7504, 0x7591, 0x7627, 0x760d, 0x760b, 0x7609, 0x7613, 0x76e1, + 0x76e3, 0x7784, 0x777d, 0x777f, 0x7761, 0x78c1, 0x789f, 0x78a7, + 0x78b3, 0x78a9, 0x78a3, 0x798e, 0x798f, 0x798d, + /* 0x6a */ + 0x7a2e, 0x7a31, 0x7aaa, 0x7aa9, 0x7aed, 0x7aef, 0x7ba1, 0x7b95, + 0x7b8b, 0x7b75, 0x7b97, 0x7b9d, 0x7b94, 0x7b8f, 0x7bb8, 0x7b87, + 0x7b84, 0x7cb9, 0x7cbd, 0x7cbe, 0x7dbb, 0x7db0, 0x7d9c, 0x7dbd, + 0x7dbe, 0x7da0, 0x7dca, 0x7db4, 0x7db2, 0x7db1, 0x7dba, 0x7da2, + 0x7dbf, 0x7db5, 0x7db8, 0x7dad, 0x7dd2, 0x7dc7, 0x7dac, 0x7f70, + 0x7fe0, 0x7fe1, 0x7fdf, 0x805e, 0x805a, 0x8087, 0x8150, 0x8180, + 0x818f, 0x8188, 0x818a, 0x817f, 0x8182, 0x81e7, 0x81fa, 0x8207, + 0x8214, 0x821e, 0x824b, 0x84c9, 0x84bf, 0x84c6, 0x84c4, 0x8499, + 0x849e, 0x84b2, 0x849c, 0x84cb, 0x84b8, 0x84c0, 0x84d3, 0x8490, + 0x84bc, 0x84d1, 0x84ca, 0x873f, 0x871c, 0x873b, 0x8722, 0x8725, + 0x8734, 0x8718, 0x8755, 0x8737, 0x8729, 0x88f3, 0x8902, 0x88f4, + 0x88f9, 0x88f8, 0x88fd, 0x88e8, 0x891a, 0x88ef, + /* 0x6b */ + 0x8aa6, 0x8a8c, 0x8a9e, 0x8aa3, 0x8a8d, 0x8aa1, 0x8a93, 0x8aa4, + 0x8aaa, 0x8aa5, 0x8aa8, 0x8a98, 0x8a91, 0x8a9a, 0x8aa7, 0x8c6a, + 0x8c8d, 0x8c8c, 0x8cd3, 0x8cd1, 0x8cd2, 0x8d6b, 0x8d99, 0x8d95, + 0x8dfc, 0x8f14, 0x8f12, 0x8f15, 0x8f13, 0x8fa3, 0x9060, 0x9058, + 0x905c, 0x9063, 0x9059, 0x905e, 0x9062, 0x905d, 0x905b, 0x9119, + 0x9118, 0x911e, 0x9175, 0x9178, 0x9177, 0x9174, 0x9278, 0x92ac, + 0x9280, 0x9285, 0x9298, 0x9296, 0x927b, 0x9293, 0x929c, 0x92a8, + 0x927c, 0x9291, 0x95a1, 0x95a8, 0x95a9, 0x95a3, 0x95a5, 0x95a4, + 0x9699, 0x969c, 0x969b, 0x96cc, 0x96d2, 0x9700, 0x977c, 0x9785, + 0x97f6, 0x9817, 0x9818, 0x98af, 0x98b1, 0x9903, 0x9905, 0x990c, + 0x9909, 0x99c1, 0x9aaf, 0x9ab0, 0x9ae6, 0x9b41, 0x9b42, 0x9cf4, + 0x9cf6, 0x9cf3, 0x9ebc, 0x9f3b, 0x9f4a, 0x5104, + /* 0x6c */ + 0x5100, 0x50fb, 0x50f5, 0x50f9, 0x5102, 0x5108, 0x5109, 0x5105, + 0x51dc, 0x5287, 0x5288, 0x5289, 0x528d, 0x528a, 0x52f0, 0x53b2, + 0x562e, 0x563b, 0x5639, 0x5632, 0x563f, 0x5634, 0x5629, 0x5653, + 0x564e, 0x5657, 0x5674, 0x5636, 0x562f, 0x5630, 0x5880, 0x589f, + 0x589e, 0x58b3, 0x589c, 0x58ae, 0x58a9, 0x58a6, 0x596d, 0x5b09, + 0x5afb, 0x5b0b, 0x5af5, 0x5b0c, 0x5b08, 0x5bee, 0x5bec, 0x5be9, + 0x5beb, 0x5c64, 0x5c65, 0x5d9d, 0x5d94, 0x5e62, 0x5e5f, 0x5e61, + 0x5ee2, 0x5eda, 0x5edf, 0x5edd, 0x5ee3, 0x5ee0, 0x5f48, 0x5f71, + 0x5fb7, 0x5fb5, 0x6176, 0x6167, 0x616e, 0x615d, 0x6155, 0x6182, + 0x617c, 0x6170, 0x616b, 0x617e, 0x61a7, 0x6190, 0x61ab, 0x618e, + 0x61ac, 0x619a, 0x61a4, 0x6194, 0x61ae, 0x622e, 0x6469, 0x646f, + 0x6479, 0x649e, 0x64b2, 0x6488, 0x6490, 0x64b0, + /* 0x6d */ + 0x64a5, 0x6493, 0x6495, 0x64a9, 0x6492, 0x64ae, 0x64ad, 0x64ab, + 0x649a, 0x64ac, 0x6499, 0x64a2, 0x64b3, 0x6575, 0x6577, 0x6578, + 0x66ae, 0x66ab, 0x66b4, 0x66b1, 0x6a23, 0x6a1f, 0x69e8, 0x6a01, + 0x6a1e, 0x6a19, 0x69fd, 0x6a21, 0x6a13, 0x6a0a, 0x69f3, 0x6a02, + 0x6a05, 0x69ed, 0x6a11, 0x6b50, 0x6b4e, 0x6ba4, 0x6bc5, 0x6bc6, + 0x6f3f, 0x6f7c, 0x6f84, 0x6f51, 0x6f66, 0x6f54, 0x6f86, 0x6f6d, + 0x6f5b, 0x6f78, 0x6f6e, 0x6f8e, 0x6f7a, 0x6f70, 0x6f64, 0x6f97, + 0x6f58, 0x6ed5, 0x6f6f, 0x6f60, 0x6f5f, 0x719f, 0x71ac, 0x71b1, + 0x71a8, 0x7256, 0x729b, 0x734e, 0x7357, 0x7469, 0x748b, 0x7483, + 0x747e, 0x7480, 0x757f, 0x7620, 0x7629, 0x761f, 0x7624, 0x7626, + 0x7621, 0x7622, 0x769a, 0x76ba, 0x76e4, 0x778e, 0x7787, 0x778c, + 0x7791, 0x778b, 0x78cb, 0x78c5, 0x78ba, 0x78ca, + /* 0x6e */ + 0x78be, 0x78d5, 0x78bc, 0x78d0, 0x7a3f, 0x7a3c, 0x7a40, 0x7a3d, + 0x7a37, 0x7a3b, 0x7aaf, 0x7aae, 0x7bad, 0x7bb1, 0x7bc4, 0x7bb4, + 0x7bc6, 0x7bc7, 0x7bc1, 0x7ba0, 0x7bcc, 0x7cca, 0x7de0, 0x7df4, + 0x7def, 0x7dfb, 0x7dd8, 0x7dec, 0x7ddd, 0x7de8, 0x7de3, 0x7dda, + 0x7dde, 0x7de9, 0x7d9e, 0x7dd9, 0x7df2, 0x7df9, 0x7f75, 0x7f77, + 0x7faf, 0x7fe9, 0x8026, 0x819b, 0x819c, 0x819d, 0x81a0, 0x819a, + 0x8198, 0x8517, 0x853d, 0x851a, 0x84ee, 0x852c, 0x852d, 0x8513, + 0x8511, 0x8523, 0x8521, 0x8514, 0x84ec, 0x8525, 0x84ff, 0x8506, + 0x8782, 0x8774, 0x8776, 0x8760, 0x8766, 0x8778, 0x8768, 0x8759, + 0x8757, 0x874c, 0x8753, 0x885b, 0x885d, 0x8910, 0x8907, 0x8912, + 0x8913, 0x8915, 0x890a, 0x8abc, 0x8ad2, 0x8ac7, 0x8ac4, 0x8a95, + 0x8acb, 0x8af8, 0x8ab2, 0x8ac9, 0x8ac2, 0x8abf, + /* 0x6f */ + 0x8ab0, 0x8ad6, 0x8acd, 0x8ab6, 0x8ab9, 0x8adb, 0x8c4c, 0x8c4e, + 0x8c6c, 0x8ce0, 0x8cde, 0x8ce6, 0x8ce4, 0x8cec, 0x8ced, 0x8ce2, + 0x8ce3, 0x8cdc, 0x8cea, 0x8ce1, 0x8d6d, 0x8d9f, 0x8da3, 0x8e2b, + 0x8e10, 0x8e1d, 0x8e22, 0x8e0f, 0x8e29, 0x8e1f, 0x8e21, 0x8e1e, + 0x8eba, 0x8f1d, 0x8f1b, 0x8f1f, 0x8f29, 0x8f26, 0x8f2a, 0x8f1c, + 0x8f1e, 0x8f25, 0x9069, 0x906e, 0x9068, 0x906d, 0x9077, 0x9130, + 0x912d, 0x9127, 0x9131, 0x9187, 0x9189, 0x918b, 0x9183, 0x92c5, + 0x92bb, 0x92b7, 0x92ea, 0x92e4, 0x92c1, 0x92b3, 0x92bc, 0x92d2, + 0x92c7, 0x92f0, 0x92b2, 0x95ad, 0x95b1, 0x9704, 0x9706, 0x9707, + 0x9709, 0x9760, 0x978d, 0x978b, 0x978f, 0x9821, 0x982b, 0x981c, + 0x98b3, 0x990a, 0x9913, 0x9912, 0x9918, 0x99dd, 0x99d0, 0x99df, + 0x99db, 0x99d1, 0x99d5, 0x99d2, 0x99d9, 0x9ab7, + /* 0x70 */ + 0x9aee, 0x9aef, 0x9b27, 0x9b45, 0x9b44, 0x9b77, 0x9b6f, 0x9d06, + 0x9d09, 0x9d03, 0x9ea9, 0x9ebe, 0x9ece, 0x58a8, 0x9f52, 0x5112, + 0x5118, 0x5114, 0x5110, 0x5115, 0x5180, 0x51aa, 0x51dd, 0x5291, + 0x5293, 0x52f3, 0x5659, 0x566b, 0x5679, 0x5669, 0x5664, 0x5678, + 0x566a, 0x5668, 0x5665, 0x5671, 0x566f, 0x566c, 0x5662, 0x5676, + 0x58c1, 0x58be, 0x58c7, 0x58c5, 0x596e, 0x5b1d, 0x5b34, 0x5b78, + 0x5bf0, 0x5c0e, 0x5f4a, 0x61b2, 0x6191, 0x61a9, 0x618a, 0x61cd, + 0x61b6, 0x61be, 0x61ca, 0x61c8, 0x6230, 0x64c5, 0x64c1, 0x64cb, + 0x64bb, 0x64bc, 0x64da, 0x64c4, 0x64c7, 0x64c2, 0x64cd, 0x64bf, + 0x64d2, 0x64d4, 0x64be, 0x6574, 0x66c6, 0x66c9, 0x66b9, 0x66c4, + 0x66c7, 0x66b8, 0x6a3d, 0x6a38, 0x6a3a, 0x6a59, 0x6a6b, 0x6a58, + 0x6a39, 0x6a44, 0x6a62, 0x6a61, 0x6a4b, 0x6a47, + /* 0x71 */ + 0x6a35, 0x6a5f, 0x6a48, 0x6b59, 0x6b77, 0x6c05, 0x6fc2, 0x6fb1, + 0x6fa1, 0x6fc3, 0x6fa4, 0x6fc1, 0x6fa7, 0x6fb3, 0x6fc0, 0x6fb9, + 0x6fb6, 0x6fa6, 0x6fa0, 0x6fb4, 0x71be, 0x71c9, 0x71d0, 0x71d2, + 0x71c8, 0x71d5, 0x71b9, 0x71ce, 0x71d9, 0x71dc, 0x71c3, 0x71c4, + 0x7368, 0x749c, 0x74a3, 0x7498, 0x749f, 0x749e, 0x74e2, 0x750c, + 0x750d, 0x7634, 0x7638, 0x763a, 0x76e7, 0x76e5, 0x77a0, 0x779e, + 0x779f, 0x77a5, 0x78e8, 0x78da, 0x78ec, 0x78e7, 0x79a6, 0x7a4d, + 0x7a4e, 0x7a46, 0x7a4c, 0x7a4b, 0x7aba, 0x7bd9, 0x7c11, 0x7bc9, + 0x7be4, 0x7bdb, 0x7be1, 0x7be9, 0x7be6, 0x7cd5, 0x7cd6, 0x7e0a, + 0x7e11, 0x7e08, 0x7e1b, 0x7e23, 0x7e1e, 0x7e1d, 0x7e09, 0x7e10, + 0x7f79, 0x7fb2, 0x7ff0, 0x7ff1, 0x7fee, 0x8028, 0x81b3, 0x81a9, + 0x81a8, 0x81fb, 0x8208, 0x8258, 0x8259, 0x854a, + /* 0x72 */ + 0x8559, 0x8548, 0x8568, 0x8569, 0x8543, 0x8549, 0x856d, 0x856a, + 0x855e, 0x8783, 0x879f, 0x879e, 0x87a2, 0x878d, 0x8861, 0x892a, + 0x8932, 0x8925, 0x892b, 0x8921, 0x89aa, 0x89a6, 0x8ae6, 0x8afa, + 0x8aeb, 0x8af1, 0x8b00, 0x8adc, 0x8ae7, 0x8aee, 0x8afe, 0x8b01, + 0x8b02, 0x8af7, 0x8aed, 0x8af3, 0x8af6, 0x8afc, 0x8c6b, 0x8c6d, + 0x8c93, 0x8cf4, 0x8e44, 0x8e31, 0x8e34, 0x8e42, 0x8e39, 0x8e35, + 0x8f3b, 0x8f2f, 0x8f38, 0x8f33, 0x8fa8, 0x8fa6, 0x9075, 0x9074, + 0x9078, 0x9072, 0x907c, 0x907a, 0x9134, 0x9192, 0x9320, 0x9336, + 0x92f8, 0x9333, 0x932f, 0x9322, 0x92fc, 0x932b, 0x9304, 0x931a, + 0x9310, 0x9326, 0x9321, 0x9315, 0x932e, 0x9319, 0x95bb, 0x96a7, + 0x96a8, 0x96aa, 0x96d5, 0x970e, 0x9711, 0x9716, 0x970d, 0x9713, + 0x970f, 0x975b, 0x975c, 0x9766, 0x9798, 0x9830, + /* 0x73 */ + 0x9838, 0x983b, 0x9837, 0x982d, 0x9839, 0x9824, 0x9910, 0x9928, + 0x991e, 0x991b, 0x9921, 0x991a, 0x99ed, 0x99e2, 0x99f1, 0x9ab8, + 0x9abc, 0x9afb, 0x9aed, 0x9b28, 0x9b91, 0x9d15, 0x9d23, 0x9d26, + 0x9d28, 0x9d12, 0x9d1b, 0x9ed8, 0x9ed4, 0x9f8d, 0x9f9c, 0x512a, + 0x511f, 0x5121, 0x5132, 0x52f5, 0x568e, 0x5680, 0x5690, 0x5685, + 0x5687, 0x568f, 0x58d5, 0x58d3, 0x58d1, 0x58ce, 0x5b30, 0x5b2a, + 0x5b24, 0x5b7a, 0x5c37, 0x5c68, 0x5dbc, 0x5dba, 0x5dbd, 0x5db8, + 0x5e6b, 0x5f4c, 0x5fbd, 0x61c9, 0x61c2, 0x61c7, 0x61e6, 0x61cb, + 0x6232, 0x6234, 0x64ce, 0x64ca, 0x64d8, 0x64e0, 0x64f0, 0x64e6, + 0x64ec, 0x64f1, 0x64e2, 0x64ed, 0x6582, 0x6583, 0x66d9, 0x66d6, + 0x6a80, 0x6a94, 0x6a84, 0x6aa2, 0x6a9c, 0x6adb, 0x6aa3, 0x6a7e, + 0x6a97, 0x6a90, 0x6aa0, 0x6b5c, 0x6bae, 0x6bda, + /* 0x74 */ + 0x6c08, 0x6fd8, 0x6ff1, 0x6fdf, 0x6fe0, 0x6fdb, 0x6fe4, 0x6feb, + 0x6fef, 0x6f80, 0x6fec, 0x6fe1, 0x6fe9, 0x6fd5, 0x6fee, 0x6ff0, + 0x71e7, 0x71df, 0x71ee, 0x71e6, 0x71e5, 0x71ed, 0x71ec, 0x71f4, + 0x71e0, 0x7235, 0x7246, 0x7370, 0x7372, 0x74a9, 0x74b0, 0x74a6, + 0x74a8, 0x7646, 0x7642, 0x764c, 0x76ea, 0x77b3, 0x77aa, 0x77b0, + 0x77ac, 0x77a7, 0x77ad, 0x77ef, 0x78f7, 0x78fa, 0x78f4, 0x78ef, + 0x7901, 0x79a7, 0x79aa, 0x7a57, 0x7abf, 0x7c07, 0x7c0d, 0x7bfe, + 0x7bf7, 0x7c0c, 0x7be0, 0x7ce0, 0x7cdc, 0x7cde, 0x7ce2, 0x7cdf, + 0x7cd9, 0x7cdd, 0x7e2e, 0x7e3e, 0x7e46, 0x7e37, 0x7e32, 0x7e43, + 0x7e2b, 0x7e3d, 0x7e31, 0x7e45, 0x7e41, 0x7e34, 0x7e39, 0x7e48, + 0x7e35, 0x7e3f, 0x7e2f, 0x7f44, 0x7ff3, 0x7ffc, 0x8071, 0x8072, + 0x8070, 0x806f, 0x8073, 0x81c6, 0x81c3, 0x81ba, + /* 0x75 */ + 0x81c2, 0x81c0, 0x81bf, 0x81bd, 0x81c9, 0x81be, 0x81e8, 0x8209, + 0x8271, 0x85aa, 0x8584, 0x857e, 0x859c, 0x8591, 0x8594, 0x85af, + 0x859b, 0x8587, 0x85a8, 0x858a, 0x85a6, 0x8667, 0x87c0, 0x87d1, + 0x87b3, 0x87d2, 0x87c6, 0x87ab, 0x87bb, 0x87ba, 0x87c8, 0x87cb, + 0x893b, 0x8936, 0x8944, 0x8938, 0x893d, 0x89ac, 0x8b0e, 0x8b17, + 0x8b19, 0x8b1b, 0x8b0a, 0x8b20, 0x8b1d, 0x8b04, 0x8b10, 0x8c41, + 0x8c3f, 0x8c73, 0x8cfa, 0x8cfd, 0x8cfc, 0x8cf8, 0x8cfb, 0x8da8, + 0x8e49, 0x8e4b, 0x8e48, 0x8e4a, 0x8f44, 0x8f3e, 0x8f42, 0x8f45, + 0x8f3f, 0x907f, 0x907d, 0x9084, 0x9081, 0x9082, 0x9080, 0x9139, + 0x91a3, 0x919e, 0x919c, 0x934d, 0x9382, 0x9328, 0x9375, 0x934a, + 0x9365, 0x934b, 0x9318, 0x937e, 0x936c, 0x935b, 0x9370, 0x935a, + 0x9354, 0x95ca, 0x95cb, 0x95cc, 0x95c8, 0x95c6, + /* 0x76 */ + 0x96b1, 0x96b8, 0x96d6, 0x971c, 0x971e, 0x97a0, 0x97d3, 0x9846, + 0x98b6, 0x9935, 0x9a01, 0x99ff, 0x9bae, 0x9bab, 0x9baa, 0x9bad, + 0x9d3b, 0x9d3f, 0x9e8b, 0x9ecf, 0x9ede, 0x9edc, 0x9edd, 0x9edb, + 0x9f3e, 0x9f4b, 0x53e2, 0x5695, 0x56ae, 0x58d9, 0x58d8, 0x5b38, + 0x5f5e, 0x61e3, 0x6233, 0x64f4, 0x64f2, 0x64fe, 0x6506, 0x64fa, + 0x64fb, 0x64f7, 0x65b7, 0x66dc, 0x6726, 0x6ab3, 0x6aac, 0x6ac3, + 0x6abb, 0x6ab8, 0x6ac2, 0x6aae, 0x6aaf, 0x6b5f, 0x6b78, 0x6baf, + 0x7009, 0x700b, 0x6ffe, 0x7006, 0x6ffa, 0x7011, 0x700f, 0x71fb, + 0x71fc, 0x71fe, 0x71f8, 0x7377, 0x7375, 0x74a7, 0x74bf, 0x7515, + 0x7656, 0x7658, 0x7652, 0x77bd, 0x77bf, 0x77bb, 0x77bc, 0x790e, + 0x79ae, 0x7a61, 0x7a62, 0x7a60, 0x7ac4, 0x7ac5, 0x7c2b, 0x7c27, + 0x7c2a, 0x7c1e, 0x7c23, 0x7c21, 0x7ce7, 0x7e54, + /* 0x77 */ + 0x7e55, 0x7e5e, 0x7e5a, 0x7e61, 0x7e52, 0x7e59, 0x7f48, 0x7ff9, + 0x7ffb, 0x8077, 0x8076, 0x81cd, 0x81cf, 0x820a, 0x85cf, 0x85a9, + 0x85cd, 0x85d0, 0x85c9, 0x85b0, 0x85ba, 0x85b9, 0x87ef, 0x87ec, + 0x87f2, 0x87e0, 0x8986, 0x89b2, 0x89f4, 0x8b28, 0x8b39, 0x8b2c, + 0x8b2b, 0x8c50, 0x8d05, 0x8e59, 0x8e63, 0x8e66, 0x8e64, 0x8e5f, + 0x8e55, 0x8ec0, 0x8f49, 0x8f4d, 0x9087, 0x9083, 0x9088, 0x91ab, + 0x91ac, 0x91d0, 0x9394, 0x938a, 0x9396, 0x93a2, 0x93b3, 0x93ae, + 0x93ac, 0x93b0, 0x9398, 0x939a, 0x9397, 0x95d4, 0x95d6, 0x95d0, + 0x95d5, 0x96e2, 0x96dc, 0x96d9, 0x96db, 0x96de, 0x9724, 0x97a3, + 0x97a6, 0x97ad, 0x97f9, 0x984d, 0x984f, 0x984c, 0x984e, 0x9853, + 0x98ba, 0x993e, 0x993f, 0x993d, 0x992e, 0x99a5, 0x9a0e, 0x9ac1, + 0x9b03, 0x9b06, 0x9b4f, 0x9b4e, 0x9b4d, 0x9bca, + /* 0x78 */ + 0x9bc9, 0x9bfd, 0x9bc8, 0x9bc0, 0x9d51, 0x9d5d, 0x9d60, 0x9ee0, + 0x9f15, 0x9f2c, 0x5133, 0x56a5, 0x56a8, 0x58de, 0x58df, 0x58e2, + 0x5bf5, 0x9f90, 0x5eec, 0x61f2, 0x61f7, 0x61f6, 0x61f5, 0x6500, + 0x650f, 0x66e0, 0x66dd, 0x6ae5, 0x6add, 0x6ada, 0x6ad3, 0x701b, + 0x701f, 0x7028, 0x701a, 0x701d, 0x7015, 0x7018, 0x7206, 0x720d, + 0x7258, 0x72a2, 0x7378, 0x737a, 0x74bd, 0x74ca, 0x74e3, 0x7587, + 0x7586, 0x765f, 0x7661, 0x77c7, 0x7919, 0x79b1, 0x7a6b, 0x7a69, + 0x7c3e, 0x7c3f, 0x7c38, 0x7c3d, 0x7c37, 0x7c40, 0x7e6b, 0x7e6d, + 0x7e79, 0x7e69, 0x7e6a, 0x7e73, 0x7f85, 0x7fb6, 0x7fb9, 0x7fb8, + 0x81d8, 0x85e9, 0x85dd, 0x85ea, 0x85d5, 0x85e4, 0x85e5, 0x85f7, + 0x87fb, 0x8805, 0x880d, 0x87f9, 0x87fe, 0x8960, 0x895f, 0x8956, + 0x895e, 0x8b41, 0x8b5c, 0x8b58, 0x8b49, 0x8b5a, + /* 0x79 */ + 0x8b4e, 0x8b4f, 0x8b46, 0x8b59, 0x8d08, 0x8d0a, 0x8e7c, 0x8e72, + 0x8e87, 0x8e76, 0x8e6c, 0x8e7a, 0x8e74, 0x8f54, 0x8f4e, 0x8fad, + 0x908a, 0x908b, 0x91b1, 0x91ae, 0x93e1, 0x93d1, 0x93df, 0x93c3, + 0x93c8, 0x93dc, 0x93dd, 0x93d6, 0x93e2, 0x93cd, 0x93d8, 0x93e4, + 0x93d7, 0x93e8, 0x95dc, 0x96b4, 0x96e3, 0x972a, 0x9727, 0x9761, + 0x97dc, 0x97fb, 0x985e, 0x9858, 0x985b, 0x98bc, 0x9945, 0x9949, + 0x9a16, 0x9a19, 0x9b0d, 0x9be8, 0x9be7, 0x9bd6, 0x9bdb, 0x9d89, + 0x9d61, 0x9d72, 0x9d6a, 0x9d6c, 0x9e92, 0x9e97, 0x9e93, 0x9eb4, + 0x52f8, 0x56b7, 0x56b6, 0x56b4, 0x56bc, 0x58e4, 0x5b40, 0x5b43, + 0x5b7d, 0x5bf6, 0x5dc9, 0x61f8, 0x61fa, 0x6518, 0x6514, 0x6519, + 0x66e6, 0x6727, 0x6aec, 0x703e, 0x7030, 0x7032, 0x7210, 0x737b, + 0x74cf, 0x7662, 0x7665, 0x7926, 0x792a, 0x792c, + /* 0x7a */ + 0x792b, 0x7ac7, 0x7af6, 0x7c4c, 0x7c43, 0x7c4d, 0x7cef, 0x7cf0, + 0x8fae, 0x7e7d, 0x7e7c, 0x7e82, 0x7f4c, 0x8000, 0x81da, 0x8266, + 0x85fb, 0x85f9, 0x8611, 0x85fa, 0x8606, 0x860b, 0x8607, 0x860a, + 0x8814, 0x8815, 0x8964, 0x89ba, 0x89f8, 0x8b70, 0x8b6c, 0x8b66, + 0x8b6f, 0x8b5f, 0x8b6b, 0x8d0f, 0x8d0d, 0x8e89, 0x8e81, 0x8e85, + 0x8e82, 0x91b4, 0x91cb, 0x9418, 0x9403, 0x93fd, 0x95e1, 0x9730, + 0x98c4, 0x9952, 0x9951, 0x99a8, 0x9a2b, 0x9a30, 0x9a37, 0x9a35, + 0x9c13, 0x9c0d, 0x9e79, 0x9eb5, 0x9ee8, 0x9f2f, 0x9f5f, 0x9f63, + 0x9f61, 0x5137, 0x5138, 0x56c1, 0x56c0, 0x56c2, 0x5914, 0x5c6c, + 0x5dcd, 0x61fc, 0x61fe, 0x651d, 0x651c, 0x6595, 0x66e9, 0x6afb, + 0x6b04, 0x6afa, 0x6bb2, 0x704c, 0x721b, 0x72a7, 0x74d6, 0x74d4, + 0x7669, 0x77d3, 0x7c50, 0x7e8f, 0x7e8c, 0x7fbc, + /* 0x7b */ + 0x8617, 0x862d, 0x861a, 0x8823, 0x8822, 0x8821, 0x881f, 0x896a, + 0x896c, 0x89bd, 0x8b74, 0x8b77, 0x8b7d, 0x8d13, 0x8e8a, 0x8e8d, + 0x8e8b, 0x8f5f, 0x8faf, 0x91ba, 0x942e, 0x9433, 0x9435, 0x943a, + 0x9438, 0x9432, 0x942b, 0x95e2, 0x9738, 0x9739, 0x9732, 0x97ff, + 0x9867, 0x9865, 0x9957, 0x9a45, 0x9a43, 0x9a40, 0x9a3e, 0x9acf, + 0x9b54, 0x9b51, 0x9c2d, 0x9c25, 0x9daf, 0x9db4, 0x9dc2, 0x9db8, + 0x9e9d, 0x9eef, 0x9f19, 0x9f5c, 0x9f66, 0x9f67, 0x513c, 0x513b, + 0x56c8, 0x56ca, 0x56c9, 0x5b7f, 0x5dd4, 0x5dd2, 0x5f4e, 0x61ff, + 0x6524, 0x6b0a, 0x6b61, 0x7051, 0x7058, 0x7380, 0x74e4, 0x758a, + 0x766e, 0x766c, 0x79b3, 0x7c60, 0x7c5f, 0x807e, 0x807d, 0x81df, + 0x8972, 0x896f, 0x89fc, 0x8b80, 0x8d16, 0x8d17, 0x8e91, 0x8e93, + 0x8f61, 0x9148, 0x9444, 0x9451, 0x9452, 0x973d, + /* 0x7c */ + 0x973e, 0x97c3, 0x97c1, 0x986b, 0x9955, 0x9a55, 0x9a4d, 0x9ad2, + 0x9b1a, 0x9c49, 0x9c31, 0x9c3e, 0x9c3b, 0x9dd3, 0x9dd7, 0x9f34, + 0x9f6c, 0x9f6a, 0x9f94, 0x56cc, 0x5dd6, 0x6200, 0x6523, 0x652b, + 0x652a, 0x66ec, 0x6b10, 0x74da, 0x7aca, 0x7c64, 0x7c63, 0x7c65, + 0x7e93, 0x7e96, 0x7e94, 0x81e2, 0x8638, 0x863f, 0x8831, 0x8b8a, + 0x9090, 0x908f, 0x9463, 0x9460, 0x9464, 0x9768, 0x986f, 0x995c, + 0x9a5a, 0x9a5b, 0x9a57, 0x9ad3, 0x9ad4, 0x9ad1, 0x9c54, 0x9c57, + 0x9c56, 0x9de5, 0x9e9f, 0x9ef4, 0x56d1, 0x58e9, 0x652c, 0x705e, + 0x7671, 0x7672, 0x77d7, 0x7f50, 0x7f88, 0x8836, 0x8839, 0x8862, + 0x8b93, 0x8b92, 0x8b96, 0x8277, 0x8d1b, 0x91c0, 0x946a, 0x9742, + 0x9748, 0x9744, 0x97c6, 0x9870, 0x9a5f, 0x9b22, 0x9b58, 0x9c5f, + 0x9df9, 0x9dfa, 0x9e7c, 0x9e7d, 0x9f07, 0x9f77, + /* 0x7d */ + 0x9f72, 0x5ef3, 0x6b16, 0x7063, 0x7c6c, 0x7c6e, 0x883b, 0x89c0, + 0x8ea1, 0x91c1, 0x9472, 0x9470, 0x9871, 0x995e, 0x9ad6, 0x9b23, + 0x9ecc, 0x7064, 0x77da, 0x8b9a, 0x9477, 0x97c9, 0x9a62, 0x9a65, + 0x7e9c, 0x8b9c, 0x8eaa, 0x91c5, 0x947d, 0x947e, 0x947c, 0x9c77, + 0x9c78, 0x9ef7, 0x8c54, 0x947f, 0x9e1a, 0x7228, 0x9a6a, 0x9b31, + 0x9e1b, 0x9e1e, 0x7c72, +}; + +static int +cns11643_1_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 >= 0x21 && c1 <= 0x27) || (c1 == 0x42) || (c1 >= 0x44 && c1 <= 0x7d)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 < 0x7f) { + unsigned int i = 94 * (c1 - 0x21) + (c2 - 0x21); + unsigned short wc = 0xfffd; + if (i < 3102) { + if (i < 500) + wc = cns11643_1_2uni_page21[i]; + else if (i == 571) + wc = 0x4ea0; + else if (i == 578) + wc = 0x51ab; + else if (i == 583) + wc = 0x52f9; + } else if (i < 3290) { + if (i < 3136) + wc = cns11643_1_2uni_page42[i-3102]; + } else { + if (i < 8691) + wc = cns11643_1_2uni_page44[i-3290]; + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_15.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_15.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cfe0ba69b --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_15.h @@ -0,0 +1,1083 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CNS 11643-1992 plane 15 + */ + +static const unsigned short cns11643_15_2uni_page21[7169] = { + /* 0x21 */ + 0x5302, 0x538c, 0x53d4, 0x54a5, 0x5392, 0x5393, 0x53d8, 0x53d9, + 0x54a7, 0x592b, 0x592c, 0x592d, 0x5930, 0x592e, 0x59ab, 0x1a01, + 0x5c2d, 0x5c6d, 0xfa34, 0x5d0f, 0x52fd, 0x5e9d, 0x64a2, 0x68d4, + 0x6e56, 0x6ec3, 0x7314, 0x52fd, 0x9a1a, 0x530f, 0x5310, 0x539a, + 0x539b, 0x52fd, 0x54ac, 0x0036, 0x5397, 0x5846, 0x0e4f, 0x5876, + 0x5877, 0x58ae, 0x593a, 0x597d, 0x6ec5, 0x5ea8, 0x52fd, 0x1afa, + 0x6541, 0x6542, 0x68d8, 0x68d9, 0x69aa, 0x69ab, 0x6c42, 0x6c41, + 0x5099, 0x6ec6, 0x52fd, 0x7035, 0x7036, 0x7037, 0xfa83, 0xb64d, + 0x52fd, 0x74b5, 0x7617, 0x7782, 0x86b6, 0x2d49, 0x8f72, 0x985c, + 0x98a8, 0x45b7, 0x68e3, 0x0006, 0x52fd, 0x53e6, 0x5444, 0x5445, + 0x1729, 0x003e, 0x54c4, 0x54c5, 0x54c6, 0x54c7, 0x54c8, 0x54c9, + 0x54ca, 0x54d4, 0x587d, 0xb572, 0x58b2, 0x58b4, + /* 0x22 */ + 0x5982, 0x59c7, 0x59c8, 0x52fd, 0x5b3c, 0x5b3d, 0x5b3e, 0x5b3f, + 0xfa24, 0x5bd3, 0x5447, 0x1a4e, 0x5d3d, 0x5de2, 0x5eb8, 0x5eb9, + 0x5ec2, 0x5eba, 0x5ec6, 0x5ebb, 0x64ad, 0x654c, 0x654d, 0x52fd, + 0x69b2, 0x69b3, 0x69b4, 0x69b5, 0x6cc3, 0x6cc4, 0x6cc5, 0x6cc6, + 0x6cc7, 0x52fd, 0x6ece, 0x6f30, 0x7047, 0x7048, 0x2281, 0x735c, + 0x52fd, 0x735f, 0x7618, 0x7619, 0x767e, 0x2410, 0x78b0, 0x7d75, + 0x2568, 0x7d76, 0x8341, 0x8442, 0x52fd, 0x86bd, 0x2842, 0x2840, + 0x18ea, 0x8e1e, 0x8e1f, 0x8f87, 0x2d62, 0x8f78, 0x9488, 0x9489, + 0x948a, 0x9917, 0x9915, 0x52fd, 0x52fd, 0x3291, 0xa3e5, 0xa909, + 0xaa3b, 0xaa4f, 0x52fd, 0xb92e, 0xb92f, 0xbdff, 0xbdfd, 0xbdfe, + 0x45bb, 0x45bc, 0x52fd, 0x5323, 0x53ea, 0x542a, 0x5449, 0x544a, + 0x544b, 0x54df, 0x54e0, 0x54e1, 0x54e2, 0x58c1, + /* 0x23 */ + 0x54e3, 0x54e4, 0x54e5, 0x58c0, 0x54e6, 0x54f7, 0x52fd, 0x54e7, + 0x54e8, 0x54e9, 0x54ea, 0x54eb, 0x580e, 0x5880, 0x5881, 0x58ba, + 0x58bb, 0x58bc, 0x58bd, 0x593f, 0x5940, 0x5988, 0xfa1f, 0x5b46, + 0x52fd, 0x5b47, 0x5b48, 0x5c36, 0x5c72, 0x5c96, 0x5d47, 0x5de7, + 0x5e34, 0x5e35, 0x5e36, 0x5e37, 0x5ee3, 0x5ee4, 0x5ee5, 0x5eeb, + 0x0175, 0x5ee6, 0x5ee7, 0x5ee8, 0x52fd, 0x52fd, 0x64b9, 0x1de8, + 0x64ba, 0x1e5b, 0x6563, 0x6564, 0x52fd, 0x6565, 0x52fd, 0x6566, + 0x657c, 0x6567, 0xfa5a, 0x6859, 0x68e9, 0x68ea, 0x68eb, 0x68ec, + 0x68ed, 0x68ee, 0x68ef, 0x69bf, 0x69cb, 0x69c3, 0x69d5, 0x69c4, + 0x69c5, 0x69d3, 0x69c6, 0x69c7, 0x69c8, 0x69c9, 0x69ca, 0x6c4a, + 0x52fd, 0x6cd1, 0x6e61, 0x6f37, 0x52fd, 0x7064, 0x7066, 0x2299, + 0x7067, 0x7068, 0x7069, 0x2297, 0x7073, 0x706a, + /* 0x24 */ + 0x706b, 0x2862, 0x52fd, 0x7372, 0x043c, 0x74b9, 0x761c, 0x7636, + 0x76bc, 0x76be, 0x76bf, 0x76c0, 0x7787, 0x78dc, 0x78dd, 0x78f5, + 0x78de, 0x78df, 0xfa9e, 0x78e0, 0x78e1, 0x78e2, 0x7d2c, 0x7d2d, + 0x25a4, 0x7da9, 0x7d9c, 0x7d9d, 0x7d9e, 0x7d9f, 0x7da0, 0x7da1, + 0x7da2, 0x52fd, 0x7da3, 0x7da4, 0x7da7, 0x8342, 0x8393, 0x8451, + 0x52fd, 0x8452, 0x8444, 0x8453, 0x8622, 0x86c6, 0x86c7, 0x86c9, + 0xfadd, 0x86ca, 0x2866, 0x86c8, 0x8e24, 0x8e25, 0x8e26, 0x52fd, + 0x8e27, 0x8e28, 0x52fd, 0x8f58, 0xfafb, 0x8fa7, 0x8f88, 0x8f89, + 0x8fa5, 0x8fa8, 0x8fa9, 0x8faa, 0x8fab, 0x8fac, 0x8fad, 0x2da3, + 0x8f79, 0x52fd, 0x9494, 0x9495, 0x9496, 0x09a5, 0x52fd, 0x9497, + 0x307f, 0x9498, 0x984e, 0x984f, 0x9919, 0x52fd, 0x9a41, 0xfb2a, + 0x9bf7, 0x9f04, 0x9f19, 0x9f17, 0xa340, 0xa3ec, + /* 0x25 */ + 0xa71b, 0xa71c, 0x36f6, 0xa90e, 0xaa52, 0xadd8, 0xb126, 0xb574, + 0x52fd, 0xb575, 0xbcc6, 0xbe0b, 0xbe0c, 0xbe0d, 0xbe0e, 0xbe0f, + 0xbe10, 0x45c8, 0xd759, 0xd75a, 0xd983, 0xd984, 0xd985, 0x52fd, + 0x4af5, 0xe120, 0xe121, 0xe122, 0xe123, 0xe124, 0xe129, 0x53f4, + 0x52fd, 0x688f, 0x5451, 0x17ab, 0x5517, 0x5518, 0x555b, 0x5519, + 0x551a, 0x0053, 0x551b, 0x551c, 0x551d, 0x551e, 0x551f, 0x5520, + 0x5521, 0x578b, 0x5788, 0x222d, 0x5885, 0xb587, 0x58c7, 0x594c, + 0x594d, 0x59fc, 0x59fd, 0x59fe, 0x59ff, 0x52fd, 0x52fd, 0x5b56, + 0x5b57, 0x5b58, 0x5b59, 0x5bdc, 0x5bdd, 0x5c73, 0x5c9d, 0x5ca1, + 0x5c9e, 0x5c9f, 0x5ca0, 0x5ce6, 0x5d51, 0x5d52, 0x5e3d, 0x5f22, + 0x1b9c, 0x5f23, 0x5f24, 0x5f25, 0x5f26, 0x5f27, 0x5f28, 0x5f29, + 0x5f2a, 0x5f2b, 0x52fd, 0x5f40, 0x5f2c, 0x5f2d, + /* 0x26 */ + 0x5f2e, 0x5f2f, 0x5f30, 0x64d0, 0x65a8, 0x6594, 0x6595, 0x6596, + 0x6597, 0x6598, 0x659c, 0x659b, 0x52fd, 0x65a1, 0x65a0, 0x6599, + 0x659a, 0x65a7, 0x1e88, 0x6864, 0x52fd, 0x6900, 0x6901, 0x52fd, + 0x52fd, 0x69e5, 0x69e9, 0x69fb, 0x69fc, 0x69ea, 0x69eb, 0x69ec, + 0x69ed, 0x69ee, 0x69ef, 0x69fa, 0x69f0, 0x69f1, 0x69f2, 0x69f3, + 0x69f4, 0x6c52, 0x6c53, 0x6c54, 0x6c55, 0x6c58, 0x6c56, 0x52fd, + 0x6cdd, 0x6cde, 0x6ce3, 0x6cdf, 0x6ce0, 0x6e22, 0x6e23, 0x6e68, + 0x6edf, 0x00ac, 0x6f44, 0x7094, 0x7095, 0x7096, 0x7097, 0x7098, + 0x7099, 0xfa79, 0x709a, 0x709b, 0x709d, 0x709e, 0x709f, 0x70a0, + 0x72f3, 0x72f2, 0x731f, 0x7388, 0x748f, 0x7490, 0x52fd, 0x74fd, + 0x74fe, 0x74ff, 0x7500, 0x7501, 0x791a, 0x52fd, 0x78e3, 0x78e4, + 0x78e5, 0x78e6, 0x78e7, 0x78eb, 0x78e8, 0x78e9, + /* 0x27 */ + 0x78ea, 0x791d, 0x7ca4, 0x7ca3, 0x7dd4, 0x7dc6, 0x7dc7, 0x7dc8, + 0x7dc9, 0x7dca, 0x7dcb, 0x7dcc, 0x7dcd, 0x05de, 0x7dce, 0x25c3, + 0x81b8, 0x81b9, 0x81ba, 0x836e, 0x83db, 0x83dc, 0x8468, 0x8469, + 0x846a, 0x846b, 0x846c, 0x846d, 0x846e, 0x2719, 0x8624, 0x8625, + 0x52fd, 0x8700, 0x86e5, 0x86f9, 0x86e7, 0x86e8, 0x86e9, 0x86fe, + 0x86ea, 0x86eb, 0x86ec, 0x0749, 0x86ed, 0x28a1, 0x86ee, 0x28a6, + 0x86ef, 0x52fd, 0x8717, 0x86f0, 0x86f1, 0x8b94, 0x8c5b, 0x8c5c, + 0x8c5d, 0x8e2f, 0x0891, 0x8e30, 0x8e31, 0x8e32, 0x8e33, 0x8fcc, + 0x8fcd, 0x8fce, 0x8fae, 0x8faf, 0x8fb0, 0x08d3, 0x8fcf, 0x8fd0, + 0x8fd1, 0x8fd2, 0x8fd3, 0x52fd, 0x8fd4, 0x09a9, 0x94a6, 0x94a7, + 0x94a8, 0x94b0, 0x94a9, 0x94aa, 0x94ab, 0x94ac, 0x94ad, 0x97fb, + 0x97fc, 0x52fd, 0x992d, 0x992e, 0x9950, 0x992f, + /* 0x28 */ 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+ 0xd0c2, 0xd0c3, 0xd16e, 0xd237, 0xd257, 0xd238, 0xd239, 0xd23a, + 0xd23b, 0xd23c, 0xd23d, 0xd23e, 0xd227, 0xd23f, 0x52fd, 0x52fd, + 0xd3c0, 0xd3c1, 0x44be, 0xd567, 0x52fd, 0xd568, 0xd658, 0xd665, + 0xd659, 0xd65a, 0xd724, 0xd8cd, 0xd8ce, 0xd8cf, 0xd8d2, 0xda9f, + 0xda22, 0xdb7d, 0xdb7e, 0xdcff, 0xdd25, 0xdd00, 0xdd01, 0x483b, + 0xdd02, 0xdd03, 0xdd04, 0x5128, 0xdd05, 0xdd06, 0xdd07, 0xdd16, + 0xdd08, 0xdd17, 0xdd09, 0xdd0a, 0x4840, 0xdd0b, 0xdd0c, 0xdd29, + 0x483a, 0xdd0d, 0x52fd, 0xdd0e, 0xdd10, 0xdd11, 0xdd1d, 0xdd12, + 0xdd13, 0x52fd, 0xdd14, 0xdd15, 0xdf8d, 0xe054, 0xe055, 0xe056, + 0xe233, 0xe234, 0xe235, 0xe236, 0xe2fa, 0xe3e3, 0xe3e6, 0xe3ed, + 0xe3e7, 0xe3e8, 0xe3e9, 0xe3ea, 0xe3eb, 0xe527, 0xe520, 0xfbf8, + 0xe72a, 0xe7c9, 0x52fd, 0xe7ca, 0xe7cb, 0xe7d9, + /* 0x59 */ + 0xe7cc, 0xe7cd, 0xe7ce, 0x52fd, 0xe8e1, 0xea1b, 0xea1c, 0xea1d, + 0xea1e, 0xeb47, 0xebd1, 0xebc9, 0xedd0, 0xedd1, 0xee3f, 0xee40, + 0xee41, 0xfc09, 0xee42, 0xefc4, 0xf09b, 0xf092, 0xf093, 0x4c96, + 0xf094, 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0xec31, 0x52fd, 0xeddf, 0xee8b, + 0xee8c, 0x52fd, 0xee8d, 0xeffc, 0xeffd, 0xeffe, 0xefff, 0xf117, + 0xf12d, 0xf118, 0x4cf3, 0xf119, 0x52fd, 0xf112, 0xf11a, 0xf11b, + 0xf11c, 0x1669, 0x52fd, 0xf397, 0x16e5, 0xf398, 0xf399, 0x52fd, + 0xf6c4, 0x574f, 0x57cd, 0x5dc7, 0x641c, 0x641d, + /* 0x65 */ + 0x641e, 0x67e7, 0x67e9, 0x67ea, 0x67eb, 0x6c15, 0x6ff1, 0x6ff2, + 0x72b6, 0x78a0, 0x7c4a, 0x7d20, 0x8160, 0x8161, 0x8141, 0x8162, + 0x8603, 0x8604, 0x8ad9, 0x8ada, 0x8adb, 0x8adc, 0x8add, 0x52fd, + 0x8ade, 0x8adf, 0x8ae0, 0x8ae1, 0x8ae2, 0x0812, 0x8ae3, 0x52fd, + 0x8f31, 0x9405, 0x9406, 0x9407, 0x9772, 0x978a, 0x978b, 0x9788, + 0x52fd, 0x978c, 0x978d, 0x978e, 0x978f, 0x9790, 0x9842, 0x9843, + 0x52fd, 0x9dc1, 0x9dc2, 0x9dc3, 0x9dc4, 0xa3cb, 0xa622, 0x52fd, + 0x52fd, 0xa8c3, 0xa8c4, 0xa8c5, 0xa8c6, 0xaa1e, 0xaa25, 0xabf3, + 0xabf4, 0x52fd, 0xabf5, 0xad38, 0xad48, 0xadca, 0x3b4f, 0xb07a, + 0xb07b, 0xb255, 0xb256, 0xb4b1, 0xb4b2, 0xb4b3, 0x52fd, 0xb4b4, + 0xb4b5, 0xb7a4, 0xb900, 0xb901, 0xb902, 0xbbac, 0x52fd, 0xbcb3, + 0xc3b6, 0xc3b7, 0xc3b8, 0xc3b9, 0xc3ba, 0xc3bb, + /* 0x66 */ + 0xc3bc, 0xc3bd, 0xc3be, 0xc3bf, 0xc3c0, 0xc3c1, 0xc3c2, 0xc3c3, + 0xc3c4, 0xc3c5, 0xc3c6, 0xc3c7, 0xc7e3, 0xc7e4, 0xc7e5, 0xc7e6, + 0xc7e7, 0x52fd, 0xcab5, 0xcaa1, 0xcb95, 0xce3b, 0xce3c, 0xce3d, + 0xce3e, 0xcf14, 0xd120, 0xd121, 0xd122, 0xd123, 0xd124, 0xd296, + 0xd297, 0xd298, 0xd494, 0xd495, 0xd496, 0xd497, 0xd498, 0xd58f, + 0xd590, 0xd6bc, 0xd73b, 0xd93d, 0x52fd, 0xdbdf, 0xdc1e, 0xde23, + 0xde24, 0xde49, 0xde25, 0xde26, 0xde27, 0xde28, 0x4925, 0xde29, + 0xde2a, 0xde2e, 0xde2f, 0xde4e, 0xde30, 0xfbeb, 0xde31, 0xde32, + 0xde33, 0xde34, 0xde35, 0xde36, 0x52fd, 0xde37, 0xde50, 0xde38, + 0x52fd, 0xde39, 0xde3a, 0xde3b, 0xde3c, 0xde3d, 0xde3e, 0xe0b8, + 0xe0b9, 0xe262, 0xe263, 0xe341, 0xe46d, 0x52fd, 0xe652, 0xe637, + 0xe6db, 0xe83f, 0xe934, 0xeb5b, 0xec46, 0xec5a, + /* 0x67 */ + 0xec5b, 0xede1, 0xede2, 0xede3, 0xede4, 0xeea7, 0xeea8, 0xeea9, + 0xf00f, 0xf02b, 0xf156, 0xf157, 0xf158, 0xf15e, 0xf159, 0xf15a, + 0xf15b, 0xf15c, 0x52fd, 0xf168, 0x52fd, 0xf42c, 0xf3e2, 0xf3f3, + 0xf5d2, 0xf656, 0xf6ce, 0xf761, 0xf99b, 0xf9b4, 0x575c, 0xfa10, + 0x57d2, 0x5871, 0x5973, 0x5b2c, 0x5e94, 0x52fd, 0x643f, 0x6440, + 0x67f9, 0x67fa, 0x67fd, 0x67fb, 0x6c1c, 0x6c1d, 0x6dff, 0x6e00, + 0x6ff7, 0x9ffe, 0x52fd, 0x77b6, 0x7c54, 0x8177, 0x8179, 0x817a, + 0x817b, 0x8369, 0x8b02, 0x8b03, 0x8b04, 0x8b05, 0x8b06, 0x8b07, + 0x8b08, 0x8b09, 0x8b0a, 0x8b0b, 0x8b35, 0x52fd, 0x8f39, 0x941e, + 0x941f, 0x9420, 0x9421, 0x52fd, 0x9422, 0x9423, 0x9424, 0x942c, + 0x97b3, 0x97b5, 0x97b6, 0x97b7, 0x97b8, 0x9dd0, 0x9ffa, 0xa207, + 0xa2bd, 0xa3d7, 0xa3d2, 0xa8db, 0xa8d6, 0x575d, + /* 0x68 */ + 0xad43, 0xadcf, 0xb0a3, 0xb0a4, 0xb0a5, 0xb0a6, 0xb0a7, 0xb0a8, + 0xb0a9, 0xb25d, 0xb25e, 0xb4c9, 0xb4ca, 0xb4cb, 0xb4cc, 0xb906, + 0xb907, 0x52fd, 0xbbc5, 0xbbf5, 0xbcb4, 0xbcb8, 0xbcb5, 0xc3fd, + 0x1077, 0xc3fe, 0xc3ff, 0xc400, 0xc401, 0xc402, 0xc403, 0xc409, + 0xc404, 0xc405, 0xc406, 0xc407, 0xc811, 0xc812, 0xc813, 0xc814, + 0xc815, 0x4277, 0xcb98, 0xcb99, 0xd13c, 0xd12d, 0xd12e, 0x52fd, + 0xd4bb, 0xd4bc, 0x1378, 0xd73d, 0xd947, 0xd948, 0xd949, 0xd94a, + 0xdae1, 0xdae7, 0xdbeb, 0xdc20, 0xdc38, 0xde62, 0xde67, 0xde68, + 0xde69, 0xde6a, 0xde6b, 0xde6d, 0xde6e, 0xde6f, 0xde70, 0xde71, + 0xde72, 0xde8f, 0xde73, 0xde74, 0xde75, 0xde76, 0xde77, 0xe0c9, + 0xe0ca, 0x4ae6, 0xe0cb, 0xe0cc, 0xe0cd, 0xe351, 0x52fd, 0x52fd, + 0xe545, 0xe859, 0xe85a, 0xe85b, 0xe940, 0xeacf, + /* 0x69 */ + 0xeb5e, 0xec7b, 0xed93, 0xeebc, 0xf016, 0xf030, 0x52fd, 0xf18d, + 0xf18e, 0x4d2f, 0xf18f, 0xf190, 0xf191, 0xf192, 0xf193, 0xf194, + 0xf195, 0xf196, 0xf423, 0xf414, 0xf5db, 0xf70a, 0xf8ce, 0x5766, + 0x5768, 0x5767, 0x57d3, 0x6463, 0x6804, 0x699e, 0x6c26, 0x6c2a, + 0x7c6c, 0x7c64, 0x818f, 0x8190, 0x8334, 0x860e, 0x8b25, 0x8b26, + 0x8b27, 0x52fd, 0x8b28, 0x2c0c, 0x52fd, 0x8b29, 0x8b2a, 0x8b2b, + 0x8b2c, 0x8f3e, 0x9442, 0x9443, 0x9433, 0x97c1, 0x97c2, 0x97c3, + 0x9dd6, 0x9dd7, 0xa8e1, 0xa8e2, 0xaa2b, 0xadd1, 0xb0cc, 0xb0cd, + 0xb0ce, 0xb0cf, 0xb4de, 0xb4df, 0xb4e0, 0xb4e1, 0xbbf6, 0xc42c, + 0x52fd, 0xc454, 0xc42d, 0xc42e, 0xc841, 0xc842, 0xcac7, 0xcba0, + 0xcba1, 0xce70, 0xce71, 0xce72, 0x52fd, 0xd134, 0xd135, 0xd136, + 0xd2a6, 0xd4cc, 0x52fd, 0xd599, 0xdbf4, 0xde9b, + /* 0x6a */ + 0xde9e, 0xde9f, 0xdea0, 0xdea1, 0xdea2, 0xdea3, 0xdea4, 0xdea5, + 0xdea6, 0xdea7, 0xdea8, 0xe0db, 0xe0dc, 0xe0dd, 0xe0d7, 0xe0de, + 0xe0df, 0xe359, 0xe746, 0xe865, 0xe949, 0x52fd, 0xeadd, 0xec95, + 0xec96, 0xec97, 0xeed4, 0xeed6, 0xf026, 0x4d47, 0x1688, 0xf1c8, + 0xf1c5, 0xf1c6, 0xf1c7, 0xf451, 0xf452, 0xf453, 0xf454, 0xf455, + 0xf5de, 0x52fd, 0x576d, 0x57d5, 0x6472, 0x74ae, 0x760f, 0x7c6b, + 0x7c6d, 0x7c6e, 0x7c78, 0x8198, 0x8199, 0x819a, 0x8b44, 0x8b5c, + 0x8b45, 0x8e01, 0x9458, 0x9459, 0x945a, 0x52fd, 0x97d9, 0x97d6, + 0x9dda, 0x9ddf, 0x9ddb, 0xa003, 0xa8ef, 0x3836, 0xaa33, 0xadd2, + 0xb0e1, 0xb26f, 0xb564, 0xb90e, 0xc450, 0xc451, 0xc452, 0xc856, + 0xc857, 0xc858, 0x52fd, 0xce81, 0xce82, 0xcf1d, 0xcf1e, 0xd143, + 0xd2aa, 0xdbfd, 0x52fd, 0xdec6, 0xdec7, 0xded9, + /* 0x6b */ + 0xded7, 0x52fd, 0xdec8, 0xdec9, 0xdeca, 0xdecb, 0xdeda, 0x52fd, + 0xdecc, 0xdecd, 0xdece, 0xdecf, 0xded0, 0xded1, 0xdebc, 0xe0e1, + 0xe0e2, 0xe0e3, 0xe4a9, 0xe54e, 0xe877, 0x52fd, 0x52fd, 0xecac, + 0xecad, 0xedb6, 0xeee5, 0xf1f8, 0xf1ea, 0xf28d, 0xf1eb, 0xf495, + 0x576e, 0x57d8, 0x6483, 0x69a3, 0x6c30, 0x6e0f, 0x7c79, 0x7c7a, + 0x81a7, 0x81a8, 0x81a9, 0x81aa, 0x8619, 0x8b50, 0x8b51, 0x8b52, + 0x2c15, 0x8b68, 0x8b53, 0x8b54, 0x9be2, 0x9ddc, 0xac15, 0xac16, + 0xad4f, 0xb0f5, 0xb0f6, 0xb0f7, 0xb4f4, 0xb7cc, 0xb90f, 0xc466, + 0xc467, 0x52fd, 0xc468, 0xcba4, 0xce8b, 0xce8c, 0xd4fa, 0xdee6, + 0xdeed, 0xdeee, 0xdeef, 0xdef0, 0xdefe, 0xe0e7, 0xe0e8, 0xe4b3, + 0xe4e4, 0xe883, 0xedec, 0x52fd, 0xf216, 0x52fd, 0x52fd, 0xf217, + 0xf4c3, 0xf4ac, 0xf5ed, 0x52fd, 0x52fd, 0xf8b4, + /* 0x6c */ + 0x52fd, 0x648a, 0x648b, 0x6c34, 0x6e14, 0x72df, 0x77bb, 0x7c7f, + 0x7c81, 0x81ad, 0x81ae, 0x8b62, 0x8b6e, 0x52fd, 0x946e, 0x52fd, + 0x9a17, 0x9de6, 0x9f10, 0xac19, 0x52fd, 0xb910, 0xbdf2, 0xc476, + 0xc477, 0xce95, 0xce96, 0xdf00, 0xdf01, 0xdf31, 0xfbed, 0xdf1c, + 0xe36d, 0xeef4, 0xeef5, 0xf03d, 0xf232, 0xf233, 0xf5f4, 0x52fd, + 0x5773, 0x6c37, 0x52fd, 0x8b71, 0xb10f, 0x52fd, 0xb10e, 0xb911, + 0xc485, 0xdf14, 0xdf15, 0xdf16, 0xdf17, 0xdf18, 0xdf19, 0xdf1a, + 0xe4c3, 0xf242, 0xf243, 0xf244, 0xf248, 0xf4fb, 0x69a5, 0x6cb8, + 0x81b2, 0x833d, 0x8b72, 0x97e7, 0x97e8, 0xa659, 0xaa3a, 0xb114, + 0xb4ff, 0xbcc0, 0xc48d, 0x1084, 0xc48e, 0x52fd, 0xdf22, 0x52fd, + 0x52fd, 0xef04, 0xef29, 0xf251, 0xf266, 0xf50e, 0xfc13, 0x52fd, + 0x649b, 0x649c, 0x7616, 0x7c86, 0x7c87, 0x52fd, + /* 0x6d */ + 0xdf2c, 0xdf30, 0xdf28, 0xe95f, 0x52fd, 0x947e, 0xb119, 0xd50a, + 0xdf36, 0xe0fc, 0xf26d, 0xf26e, 0xf9c6, 0x1ab5, 0x8b7b, 0xb506, + 0xc89f, 0xf532, 0xd50d, 0x7c8b, 0xdf3b, 0x52fd, 0xf53d, 0xdf3c, + 0xdf3d, +}; + +static const ucs4_t cns11643_15_2uni_upages[253] = { + 0x03400, 0x03500, 0x03600, 0x03700, 0x03800, 0x03900, 0x03a00, 0x03b00, + 0x03c00, 0x03d00, 0x03e00, 0x03f00, 0x04000, 0x04100, 0x04300, 0x04400, + 0x04500, 0x04600, 0x04700, 0x04800, 0x04900, 0x04a00, 0x04c00, 0x04f00, + 0x05100, 0x05200, 0x05300, 0x05400, 0x05500, 0x05600, 0x05700, 0x05800, + 0x05a00, 0x05b00, 0x05c00, 0x05e00, 0x05f00, 0x06200, 0x06500, 0x06600, + 0x06700, 0x06800, 0x06900, 0x06a00, 0x06b00, 0x06c00, 0x06e00, 0x06f00, + 0x07000, 0x07100, 0x07300, 0x07400, 0x07500, 0x07600, 0x07700, 0x07800, + 0x07900, 0x07a00, 0x07b00, 0x07c00, 0x07d00, 0x07f00, 0x08200, 0x08300, + 0x08600, 0x08700, 0x08900, 0x08a00, 0x08e00, 0x08f00, 0x09000, 0x09200, + 0x09300, 0x09400, 0x09500, 0x09600, 0x09b00, 0x09c00, 0x09d00, 0x09e00, + 0x09f00, 0x0fa00, 0x0ff00, 0x20000, 0x20100, 0x20200, 0x20300, 0x20400, + 0x20500, 0x20600, 0x20700, 0x20800, 0x20900, 0x20a00, 0x20b00, 0x20c00, + 0x20d00, 0x20e00, 0x20f00, 0x21000, 0x21100, 0x21200, 0x21300, 0x21400, + 0x21500, 0x21600, 0x21700, 0x21800, 0x21900, 0x21a00, 0x21b00, 0x21c00, + 0x21d00, 0x21e00, 0x21f00, 0x22000, 0x22100, 0x22200, 0x22300, 0x22400, + 0x22500, 0x22600, 0x22700, 0x22800, 0x22900, 0x22a00, 0x22b00, 0x22c00, + 0x22d00, 0x22e00, 0x22f00, 0x23000, 0x23100, 0x23200, 0x23300, 0x23400, + 0x23500, 0x23600, 0x23700, 0x23800, 0x23900, 0x23a00, 0x23b00, 0x23c00, + 0x23d00, 0x23e00, 0x23f00, 0x24000, 0x24100, 0x24200, 0x24300, 0x24400, + 0x24500, 0x24600, 0x24700, 0x24800, 0x24900, 0x24a00, 0x24b00, 0x24c00, + 0x24d00, 0x24e00, 0x24f00, 0x25000, 0x25100, 0x25200, 0x25300, 0x25400, + 0x25500, 0x25600, 0x25700, 0x25800, 0x25900, 0x25a00, 0x25b00, 0x25c00, + 0x25d00, 0x25e00, 0x25f00, 0x26000, 0x26100, 0x26200, 0x26300, 0x26400, + 0x26500, 0x26600, 0x26700, 0x26800, 0x26900, 0x26a00, 0x26b00, 0x26c00, + 0x26d00, 0x26e00, 0x26f00, 0x27000, 0x27100, 0x27200, 0x27300, 0x27400, + 0x27500, 0x27600, 0x27700, 0x27800, 0x27900, 0x27a00, 0x27b00, 0x27c00, + 0x27d00, 0x27e00, 0x27f00, 0x28000, 0x28100, 0x28200, 0x28300, 0x28400, + 0x28500, 0x28600, 0x28700, 0x28800, 0x28900, 0x28a00, 0x28b00, 0x28c00, + 0x28d00, 0x28e00, 0x28f00, 0x29000, 0x29100, 0x29200, 0x29300, 0x29400, + 0x29500, 0x29600, 0x29700, 0x29800, 0x29900, 0x29a00, 0x29b00, 0x29c00, + 0x29d00, 0x29e00, 0x29f00, 0x2a000, 0x2a100, 0x2a200, 0x2a300, 0x2a400, + 0x2a500, 0x2a600, 0x2f800, 0x2f900, 0x2fa00, +}; + +static int +cns11643_15_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 >= 0x21 && c1 <= 0x6d)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 < 0x7f) { + unsigned int i = 94 * (c1 - 0x21) + (c2 - 0x21); + ucs4_t wc = 0xfffd; + unsigned short swc; + { + if (i < 7169) + swc = cns11643_15_2uni_page21[i], + wc = cns11643_15_2uni_upages[swc>>8] | (swc & 0xff); + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_2.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_2.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7a73c60fa --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_2.h @@ -0,0 +1,1112 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CNS 11643-1992 plane 2 + */ + +static const unsigned short cns11643_2_2uni_page21[7650] = { + /* 0x21 */ + 0x4e42, 0x4e5c, 0x51f5, 0x531a, 0x5382, 0x4e07, 0x4e0c, 0x4e47, + 0x4e8d, 0x56d7, 0x5c6e, 0x5f73, 0x4e0f, 0x5187, 0x4e0e, 0x4e2e, + 0x4e93, 0x4ec2, 0x4ec9, 0x4ec8, 0x5198, 0x52fc, 0x536c, 0x53b9, + 0x5720, 0x5903, 0x592c, 0x5c10, 0x5dff, 0x65e1, 0x6bb3, 0x6bcc, + 0x6c14, 0x723f, 0x4e31, 0x4e3c, 0x4ee8, 0x4edc, 0x4ee9, 0x4ee1, + 0x4edd, 0x4eda, 0x520c, 0x5209, 0x531c, 0x534c, 0x5722, 0x5723, + 0x5917, 0x592f, 0x5b81, 0x5b84, 0x5c12, 0x5c3b, 0x5c74, 0x5c73, + 0x5e04, 0x5e80, 0x5e82, 0x5fc9, 0x6209, 0x6250, 0x6c15, 0x6c36, + 0x6c43, 0x6c3f, 0x6c3b, 0x72ae, 0x72b0, 0x738a, 0x79b8, 0x808a, + 0x961e, 0x4f0e, 0x4f18, 0x4f2c, 0x4ef5, 0x4f14, 0x4ef1, 0x4f00, + 0x4ef7, 0x4f08, 0x4f1d, 0x4f02, 0x4f05, 0x4f22, 0x4f13, 0x4f04, + 0x4ef4, 0x4f12, 0x51b1, 0x5213, 0x5210, 0x52a6, + /* 0x22 */ + 0x5322, 0x531f, 0x534d, 0x538a, 0x5407, 0x56e1, 0x56df, 0x572e, + 0x572a, 0x5734, 0x593c, 0x5980, 0x597c, 0x5985, 0x597b, 0x597e, + 0x5977, 0x597f, 0x5b56, 0x5c15, 0x5c25, 0x5c7c, 0x5c7a, 0x5c7b, + 0x5c7e, 0x5ddf, 0x5e75, 0x5e84, 0x5f02, 0x5f1a, 0x5f74, 0x5fd5, + 0x5fd4, 0x5fcf, 0x625c, 0x625e, 0x6264, 0x6261, 0x6266, 0x6262, + 0x6259, 0x6260, 0x625a, 0x6265, 0x6537, 0x65ef, 0x65ee, 0x673e, + 0x6739, 0x6738, 0x673b, 0x673a, 0x673f, 0x673c, 0x6733, 0x6c18, + 0x6c46, 0x6c52, 0x6c5c, 0x6c4f, 0x6c4a, 0x6c54, 0x6c4b, 0x6c4c, + 0x7071, 0x725e, 0x72b4, 0x72b5, 0x738e, 0x752a, 0x767f, 0x7a75, + 0x7f51, 0x8278, 0x827c, 0x8280, 0x827d, 0x827f, 0x864d, 0x897e, + 0x9099, 0x9097, 0x9098, 0x909b, 0x9094, 0x9622, 0x9624, 0x9620, + 0x9623, 0x4f56, 0x4f3b, 0x4f62, 0x4f49, 0x4f53, + /* 0x23 */ + 0x4f64, 0x4f3e, 0x4f67, 0x4f52, 0x4f5f, 0x4f41, 0x4f58, 0x4f2d, + 0x4f33, 0x4f3f, 0x4f61, 0x518f, 0x51b9, 0x521c, 0x521e, 0x5221, + 0x52ad, 0x52ae, 0x5309, 0x5363, 0x5372, 0x538e, 0x538f, 0x5430, + 0x5437, 0x542a, 0x5454, 0x5445, 0x5419, 0x541c, 0x5425, 0x5418, + 0x543d, 0x544f, 0x5441, 0x5428, 0x5424, 0x5447, 0x56ee, 0x56e7, + 0x56e5, 0x5741, 0x5745, 0x574c, 0x5749, 0x574b, 0x5752, 0x5906, + 0x5940, 0x59a6, 0x5998, 0x59a0, 0x5997, 0x598e, 0x59a2, 0x5990, + 0x598f, 0x59a7, 0x59a1, 0x5b8e, 0x5b92, 0x5c28, 0x5c2a, 0x5c8d, + 0x5c8f, 0x5c88, 0x5c8b, 0x5c89, 0x5c92, 0x5c8a, 0x5c86, 0x5c93, + 0x5c95, 0x5de0, 0x5e0a, 0x5e0e, 0x5e8b, 0x5e89, 0x5e8c, 0x5e88, + 0x5e8d, 0x5f05, 0x5f1d, 0x5f78, 0x5f76, 0x5fd2, 0x5fd1, 0x5fd0, + 0x5fed, 0x5fe8, 0x5fee, 0x5ff3, 0x5fe1, 0x5fe4, + /* 0x24 */ + 0x5fe3, 0x5ffa, 0x5fef, 0x5ff7, 0x5ffb, 0x6000, 0x5ff4, 0x623a, + 0x6283, 0x628c, 0x628e, 0x628f, 0x6294, 0x6287, 0x6271, 0x627b, + 0x627a, 0x6270, 0x6281, 0x6288, 0x6277, 0x627d, 0x6272, 0x6274, + 0x65f0, 0x65f4, 0x65f3, 0x65f2, 0x65f5, 0x6745, 0x6747, 0x6759, + 0x6755, 0x674c, 0x6748, 0x675d, 0x674d, 0x675a, 0x674b, 0x6bd0, + 0x6c19, 0x6c1a, 0x6c78, 0x6c67, 0x6c6b, 0x6c84, 0x6c8b, 0x6c8f, + 0x6c71, 0x6c6f, 0x6c69, 0x6c9a, 0x6c6d, 0x6c87, 0x6c95, 0x6c9c, + 0x6c66, 0x6c73, 0x6c65, 0x6c7b, 0x6c8e, 0x7074, 0x707a, 0x7263, + 0x72bf, 0x72bd, 0x72c3, 0x72c6, 0x72c1, 0x72ba, 0x72c5, 0x7395, + 0x7397, 0x7393, 0x7394, 0x7392, 0x753a, 0x7539, 0x7594, 0x7595, + 0x7681, 0x793d, 0x8034, 0x8095, 0x8099, 0x8090, 0x8092, 0x809c, + 0x8290, 0x828f, 0x8285, 0x828e, 0x8291, 0x8293, + /* 0x25 */ + 0x828a, 0x8283, 0x8284, 0x8c78, 0x8fc9, 0x8fbf, 0x909f, 0x90a1, + 0x90a5, 0x909e, 0x90a7, 0x90a0, 0x9630, 0x9628, 0x962f, 0x962d, + 0x4e33, 0x4f98, 0x4f7c, 0x4f85, 0x4f7d, 0x4f80, 0x4f87, 0x4f76, + 0x4f74, 0x4f89, 0x4f84, 0x4f77, 0x4f4c, 0x4f97, 0x4f6a, 0x4f9a, + 0x4f79, 0x4f81, 0x4f78, 0x4f90, 0x4f9c, 0x4f94, 0x4f9e, 0x4f92, + 0x4f82, 0x4f95, 0x4f6b, 0x4f6e, 0x519e, 0x51bc, 0x51be, 0x5235, + 0x5232, 0x5233, 0x5246, 0x5231, 0x52bc, 0x530a, 0x530b, 0x533c, + 0x5392, 0x5394, 0x5487, 0x547f, 0x5481, 0x5491, 0x5482, 0x5488, + 0x546b, 0x547a, 0x547e, 0x5465, 0x546c, 0x5474, 0x5466, 0x548d, + 0x546f, 0x5461, 0x5460, 0x5498, 0x5463, 0x5467, 0x5464, 0x56f7, + 0x56f9, 0x576f, 0x5772, 0x576d, 0x576b, 0x5771, 0x5770, 0x5776, + 0x5780, 0x5775, 0x577b, 0x5773, 0x5774, 0x5762, + /* 0x26 */ + 0x5768, 0x577d, 0x590c, 0x5945, 0x59b5, 0x59ba, 0x59cf, 0x59ce, + 0x59b2, 0x59cc, 0x59c1, 0x59b6, 0x59bc, 0x59c3, 0x59d6, 0x59b1, + 0x59bd, 0x59c0, 0x59c8, 0x59b4, 0x59c7, 0x5b62, 0x5b65, 0x5b93, + 0x5b95, 0x5c44, 0x5c47, 0x5cae, 0x5ca4, 0x5ca0, 0x5cb5, 0x5caf, + 0x5ca8, 0x5cac, 0x5c9f, 0x5ca3, 0x5cad, 0x5ca2, 0x5caa, 0x5ca7, + 0x5c9d, 0x5ca5, 0x5cb6, 0x5cb0, 0x5ca6, 0x5e17, 0x5e14, 0x5e19, + 0x5f28, 0x5f22, 0x5f23, 0x5f24, 0x5f54, 0x5f82, 0x5f7e, 0x5f7d, + 0x5fde, 0x5fe5, 0x602d, 0x6026, 0x6019, 0x6032, 0x600b, 0x6034, + 0x600a, 0x6017, 0x6033, 0x601a, 0x601e, 0x602c, 0x6022, 0x600d, + 0x6010, 0x602e, 0x6013, 0x6011, 0x600c, 0x6009, 0x601c, 0x6214, + 0x623d, 0x62ad, 0x62b4, 0x62d1, 0x62be, 0x62aa, 0x62b6, 0x62ca, + 0x62ae, 0x62b3, 0x62af, 0x62bb, 0x62a9, 0x62b0, + /* 0x27 */ + 0x62b8, 0x653d, 0x65a8, 0x65bb, 0x6609, 0x65fc, 0x6604, 0x6612, + 0x6608, 0x65fb, 0x6603, 0x660b, 0x660d, 0x6605, 0x65fd, 0x6611, + 0x6610, 0x66f6, 0x670a, 0x6785, 0x676c, 0x678e, 0x6792, 0x6776, + 0x677b, 0x6798, 0x6786, 0x6784, 0x6774, 0x678d, 0x678c, 0x677a, + 0x679f, 0x6791, 0x6799, 0x6783, 0x677d, 0x6781, 0x6778, 0x6779, + 0x6794, 0x6b25, 0x6b80, 0x6b7e, 0x6bde, 0x6c1d, 0x6c93, 0x6cec, + 0x6ceb, 0x6cee, 0x6cd9, 0x6cb6, 0x6cd4, 0x6cad, 0x6ce7, 0x6cb7, + 0x6cd0, 0x6cc2, 0x6cba, 0x6cc3, 0x6cc6, 0x6ced, 0x6cf2, 0x6cd2, + 0x6cdd, 0x6cb4, 0x6c8a, 0x6c9d, 0x6c80, 0x6cde, 0x6cc0, 0x6d30, + 0x6ccd, 0x6cc7, 0x6cb0, 0x6cf9, 0x6ccf, 0x6ce9, 0x6cd1, 0x7094, + 0x7098, 0x7085, 0x7093, 0x7086, 0x7084, 0x7091, 0x7096, 0x7082, + 0x709a, 0x7083, 0x726a, 0x72d6, 0x72cb, 0x72d8, + /* 0x28 */ + 0x72c9, 0x72dc, 0x72d2, 0x72d4, 0x72da, 0x72cc, 0x72d1, 0x73a4, + 0x73a1, 0x73ad, 0x73a6, 0x73a2, 0x73a0, 0x73ac, 0x739d, 0x74dd, + 0x74e8, 0x753f, 0x7540, 0x753e, 0x758c, 0x7598, 0x76af, 0x76f3, + 0x76f1, 0x76f0, 0x76f5, 0x77f8, 0x77fc, 0x77f9, 0x77fb, 0x77fa, + 0x77f7, 0x7942, 0x793f, 0x79c5, 0x7a78, 0x7a7b, 0x7afb, 0x7c75, + 0x7cfd, 0x8035, 0x808f, 0x80ae, 0x80a3, 0x80b8, 0x80b5, 0x80ad, + 0x8220, 0x82a0, 0x82c0, 0x82ab, 0x829a, 0x8298, 0x829b, 0x82b5, + 0x82a7, 0x82ae, 0x82bc, 0x829e, 0x82ba, 0x82b4, 0x82a8, 0x82a1, + 0x82a9, 0x82c2, 0x82a4, 0x82c3, 0x82b6, 0x82a2, 0x8670, 0x866f, + 0x866d, 0x866e, 0x8c56, 0x8fd2, 0x8fcb, 0x8fd3, 0x8fcd, 0x8fd6, + 0x8fd5, 0x8fd7, 0x90b2, 0x90b4, 0x90af, 0x90b3, 0x90b0, 0x9639, + 0x963d, 0x963c, 0x963a, 0x9643, 0x4fcd, 0x4fc5, + /* 0x29 */ + 0x4fd3, 0x4fb2, 0x4fc9, 0x4fcb, 0x4fc1, 0x4fd4, 0x4fdc, 0x4fd9, + 0x4fbb, 0x4fb3, 0x4fdb, 0x4fc7, 0x4fd6, 0x4fba, 0x4fc0, 0x4fb9, + 0x4fec, 0x5244, 0x5249, 0x52c0, 0x52c2, 0x533d, 0x537c, 0x5397, + 0x5396, 0x5399, 0x5398, 0x54ba, 0x54a1, 0x54ad, 0x54a5, 0x54cf, + 0x54c3, 0x830d, 0x54b7, 0x54ae, 0x54d6, 0x54b6, 0x54c5, 0x54c6, + 0x54a0, 0x5470, 0x54bc, 0x54a2, 0x54be, 0x5472, 0x54de, 0x54b0, + 0x57b5, 0x579e, 0x579f, 0x57a4, 0x578c, 0x5797, 0x579d, 0x579b, + 0x5794, 0x5798, 0x578f, 0x5799, 0x57a5, 0x579a, 0x5795, 0x58f4, + 0x590d, 0x5953, 0x59e1, 0x59de, 0x59ee, 0x5a00, 0x59f1, 0x59dd, + 0x59fa, 0x59fd, 0x59fc, 0x59f6, 0x59e4, 0x59f2, 0x59f7, 0x59db, + 0x59e9, 0x59f3, 0x59f5, 0x59e0, 0x59fe, 0x59f4, 0x59ed, 0x5ba8, + 0x5c4c, 0x5cd0, 0x5cd8, 0x5ccc, 0x5cd7, 0x5ccb, + /* 0x2a */ + 0x5cdb, 0x5cde, 0x5cda, 0x5cc9, 0x5cc7, 0x5cca, 0x5cd6, 0x5cd3, + 0x5cd4, 0x5ccf, 0x5cc8, 0x5cc6, 0x5cce, 0x5cdf, 0x5cf8, 0x5df9, + 0x5e21, 0x5e22, 0x5e23, 0x5e20, 0x5e24, 0x5eb0, 0x5ea4, 0x5ea2, + 0x5e9b, 0x5ea3, 0x5ea5, 0x5f07, 0x5f2e, 0x5f56, 0x5f86, 0x6037, + 0x6039, 0x6054, 0x6072, 0x605e, 0x6045, 0x6053, 0x6047, 0x6049, + 0x605b, 0x604c, 0x6040, 0x6042, 0x605f, 0x6024, 0x6044, 0x6058, + 0x6066, 0x606e, 0x6242, 0x6243, 0x62cf, 0x630d, 0x630b, 0x62f5, + 0x630e, 0x6303, 0x62eb, 0x62f9, 0x630f, 0x630c, 0x62f8, 0x62f6, + 0x6300, 0x6313, 0x6314, 0x62fa, 0x6315, 0x62fb, 0x62f0, 0x6541, + 0x6543, 0x65aa, 0x65bf, 0x6636, 0x6621, 0x6632, 0x6635, 0x661c, + 0x6626, 0x6622, 0x6633, 0x662b, 0x663a, 0x661d, 0x6634, 0x6639, + 0x662e, 0x670f, 0x6710, 0x67c1, 0x67f2, 0x67c8, + /* 0x2b */ + 0x67ba, 0x67dc, 0x67bb, 0x67f8, 0x67d8, 0x67c0, 0x67b7, 0x67c5, + 0x67eb, 0x67e4, 0x67df, 0x67b5, 0x67cd, 0x67b3, 0x67f7, 0x67f6, + 0x67ee, 0x67e3, 0x67c2, 0x67b9, 0x67ce, 0x67e7, 0x67f0, 0x67b2, + 0x67fc, 0x67c6, 0x67ed, 0x67cc, 0x67ae, 0x67e6, 0x67db, 0x67fa, + 0x67c9, 0x67ca, 0x67c3, 0x67ea, 0x67cb, 0x6b28, 0x6b82, 0x6b84, + 0x6bb6, 0x6bd6, 0x6bd8, 0x6be0, 0x6c20, 0x6c21, 0x6d28, 0x6d34, + 0x6d2d, 0x6d1f, 0x6d3c, 0x6d3f, 0x6d12, 0x6d0a, 0x6cda, 0x6d33, + 0x6d04, 0x6d19, 0x6d3a, 0x6d1a, 0x6d11, 0x6d00, 0x6d1d, 0x6d42, + 0x6d01, 0x6d18, 0x6d37, 0x6d03, 0x6d0f, 0x6d40, 0x6d07, 0x6d20, + 0x6d2c, 0x6d08, 0x6d22, 0x6d09, 0x6d10, 0x70b7, 0x709f, 0x70be, + 0x70b1, 0x70b0, 0x70a1, 0x70b4, 0x70b5, 0x70a9, 0x7241, 0x7249, + 0x724a, 0x726c, 0x7270, 0x7273, 0x726e, 0x72ca, + /* 0x2c */ + 0x72e4, 0x72e8, 0x72eb, 0x72df, 0x72ea, 0x72e6, 0x72e3, 0x7385, + 0x73cc, 0x73c2, 0x73c8, 0x73c5, 0x73b9, 0x73b6, 0x73b5, 0x73b4, + 0x73eb, 0x73bf, 0x73c7, 0x73be, 0x73c3, 0x73c6, 0x73b8, 0x73cb, + 0x74ec, 0x74ee, 0x752e, 0x7547, 0x7548, 0x75a7, 0x75aa, 0x7679, + 0x76c4, 0x7708, 0x7703, 0x7704, 0x7705, 0x770a, 0x76f7, 0x76fb, + 0x76fa, 0x77e7, 0x77e8, 0x7806, 0x7811, 0x7812, 0x7805, 0x7810, + 0x780f, 0x780e, 0x7809, 0x7803, 0x7813, 0x794a, 0x794c, 0x794b, + 0x7945, 0x7944, 0x79d5, 0x79cd, 0x79cf, 0x79d6, 0x79ce, 0x7a80, + 0x7a7e, 0x7ad1, 0x7b00, 0x7b01, 0x7c7a, 0x7c78, 0x7c79, 0x7c7f, + 0x7c80, 0x7c81, 0x7d03, 0x7d08, 0x7d01, 0x7f58, 0x7f91, 0x7f8d, + 0x7fbe, 0x8007, 0x800e, 0x800f, 0x8014, 0x8037, 0x80d8, 0x80c7, + 0x80e0, 0x80d1, 0x80c8, 0x80c2, 0x80d0, 0x80c5, + /* 0x2d */ + 0x80e3, 0x80d9, 0x80dc, 0x80ca, 0x80d5, 0x80c9, 0x80cf, 0x80d7, + 0x80e6, 0x80cd, 0x81ff, 0x8221, 0x8294, 0x82d9, 0x82fe, 0x82f9, + 0x8307, 0x82e8, 0x8300, 0x82d5, 0x833a, 0x82eb, 0x82d6, 0x82f4, + 0x82ec, 0x82e1, 0x82f2, 0x82f5, 0x830c, 0x82fb, 0x82f6, 0x82f0, + 0x82ea, 0x82e4, 0x82e0, 0x82fa, 0x82f3, 0x82ed, 0x8677, 0x8674, + 0x867c, 0x8673, 0x8841, 0x884e, 0x8867, 0x886a, 0x8869, 0x89d3, + 0x8a04, 0x8a07, 0x8d72, 0x8fe3, 0x8fe1, 0x8fee, 0x8fe0, 0x90f1, + 0x90bd, 0x90bf, 0x90d5, 0x90c5, 0x90be, 0x90c7, 0x90cb, 0x90c8, + 0x91d4, 0x91d3, 0x9654, 0x964f, 0x9651, 0x9653, 0x964a, 0x964e, + 0x501e, 0x5005, 0x5007, 0x5013, 0x5022, 0x5030, 0x501b, 0x4ff5, + 0x4ff4, 0x5033, 0x5037, 0x502c, 0x4ff6, 0x4ff7, 0x5017, 0x501c, + 0x5020, 0x5027, 0x5035, 0x502f, 0x5031, 0x500e, + /* 0x2e */ + 0x515a, 0x5194, 0x5193, 0x51ca, 0x51c4, 0x51c5, 0x51c8, 0x51ce, + 0x5261, 0x525a, 0x5252, 0x525e, 0x525f, 0x5255, 0x5262, 0x52cd, + 0x530e, 0x539e, 0x5526, 0x54e2, 0x5517, 0x5512, 0x54e7, 0x54f3, + 0x54e4, 0x551a, 0x54ff, 0x5504, 0x5508, 0x54eb, 0x5511, 0x5505, + 0x54f1, 0x550a, 0x54fb, 0x54f7, 0x54f8, 0x54e0, 0x550e, 0x5503, + 0x550b, 0x5701, 0x5702, 0x57cc, 0x5832, 0x57d5, 0x57d2, 0x57ba, + 0x57c6, 0x57bd, 0x57bc, 0x57b8, 0x57b6, 0x57bf, 0x57c7, 0x57d0, + 0x57b9, 0x57c1, 0x590e, 0x594a, 0x5a19, 0x5a16, 0x5a2d, 0x5a2e, + 0x5a15, 0x5a0f, 0x5a17, 0x5a0a, 0x5a1e, 0x5a33, 0x5b6c, 0x5ba7, + 0x5bad, 0x5bac, 0x5c03, 0x5c56, 0x5c54, 0x5cec, 0x5cff, 0x5cee, + 0x5cf1, 0x5cf7, 0x5d00, 0x5cf9, 0x5e29, 0x5e28, 0x5ea8, 0x5eae, + 0x5eaa, 0x5eac, 0x5f33, 0x5f30, 0x5f67, 0x605d, + /* 0x2f */ + 0x605a, 0x6067, 0x6041, 0x60a2, 0x6088, 0x6080, 0x6092, 0x6081, + 0x609d, 0x6083, 0x6095, 0x609b, 0x6097, 0x6087, 0x609c, 0x608e, + 0x6219, 0x6246, 0x62f2, 0x6310, 0x6356, 0x632c, 0x6344, 0x6345, + 0x6336, 0x6343, 0x63e4, 0x6339, 0x634b, 0x634a, 0x633c, 0x6329, + 0x6341, 0x6334, 0x6358, 0x6354, 0x6359, 0x632d, 0x6347, 0x6333, + 0x635a, 0x6351, 0x6338, 0x6357, 0x6340, 0x6348, 0x654a, 0x6546, + 0x65c6, 0x65c3, 0x65c4, 0x65c2, 0x664a, 0x665f, 0x6647, 0x6651, + 0x6712, 0x6713, 0x681f, 0x681a, 0x6849, 0x6832, 0x6833, 0x683b, + 0x684b, 0x684f, 0x6816, 0x6831, 0x681c, 0x6835, 0x682b, 0x682d, + 0x682f, 0x684e, 0x6844, 0x6834, 0x681d, 0x6812, 0x6814, 0x6826, + 0x6828, 0x682e, 0x684d, 0x683a, 0x6825, 0x6820, 0x6b2c, 0x6b2f, + 0x6b2d, 0x6b31, 0x6b34, 0x6b6d, 0x8082, 0x6b88, + /* 0x30 */ + 0x6be6, 0x6be4, 0x6be8, 0x6be3, 0x6be2, 0x6be7, 0x6c25, 0x6d7a, + 0x6d63, 0x6d64, 0x6d76, 0x6d0d, 0x6d61, 0x6d92, 0x6d58, 0x6d62, + 0x6d6d, 0x6d6f, 0x6d91, 0x6d8d, 0x6def, 0x6d7f, 0x6d86, 0x6d5e, + 0x6d67, 0x6d60, 0x6d97, 0x6d70, 0x6d7c, 0x6d5f, 0x6d82, 0x6d98, + 0x6d2f, 0x6d68, 0x6d8b, 0x6d7e, 0x6d80, 0x6d84, 0x6d16, 0x6d83, + 0x6d7b, 0x6d7d, 0x6d75, 0x6d90, 0x70dc, 0x70d3, 0x70d1, 0x70dd, + 0x70cb, 0x7f39, 0x70e2, 0x70d7, 0x70d2, 0x70de, 0x70e0, 0x70d4, + 0x70cd, 0x70c5, 0x70c6, 0x70c7, 0x70da, 0x70ce, 0x70e1, 0x7242, + 0x7278, 0x7277, 0x7276, 0x7300, 0x72fa, 0x72f4, 0x72fe, 0x72f6, + 0x72f3, 0x72fb, 0x7301, 0x73d3, 0x73d9, 0x73e5, 0x73d6, 0x73bc, + 0x73e7, 0x73e3, 0x73e9, 0x73dc, 0x73d2, 0x73db, 0x73d4, 0x73dd, + 0x73da, 0x73d7, 0x73d8, 0x73e8, 0x74de, 0x74df, + /* 0x31 */ + 0x74f4, 0x74f5, 0x7521, 0x755b, 0x755f, 0x75b0, 0x75c1, 0x75bb, + 0x75c4, 0x75c0, 0x75bf, 0x75b6, 0x75ba, 0x768a, 0x76c9, 0x771d, + 0x771b, 0x7710, 0x7713, 0x7712, 0x7723, 0x7711, 0x7715, 0x7719, + 0x771a, 0x7722, 0x7727, 0x7823, 0x782c, 0x7822, 0x7835, 0x782f, + 0x7828, 0x782e, 0x782b, 0x7821, 0x7829, 0x7833, 0x782a, 0x7831, + 0x7954, 0x795b, 0x794f, 0x795c, 0x7953, 0x7952, 0x7951, 0x79eb, + 0x79ec, 0x79e0, 0x79ee, 0x79ed, 0x79ea, 0x79dc, 0x79de, 0x79dd, + 0x7a86, 0x7a89, 0x7a85, 0x7a8b, 0x7a8c, 0x7a8a, 0x7a87, 0x7ad8, + 0x7b10, 0x7b04, 0x7b13, 0x7b05, 0x7b0f, 0x7b08, 0x7b0a, 0x7b0e, + 0x7b09, 0x7b12, 0x7c84, 0x7c91, 0x7c8a, 0x7c8c, 0x7c88, 0x7c8d, + 0x7c85, 0x7d1e, 0x7d1d, 0x7d11, 0x7d0e, 0x7d18, 0x7d16, 0x7d13, + 0x7d1f, 0x7d12, 0x7d0f, 0x7d0c, 0x7f5c, 0x7f61, + /* 0x32 */ + 0x7f5e, 0x7f60, 0x7f5d, 0x7f5b, 0x7f96, 0x7f92, 0x7fc3, 0x7fc2, + 0x7fc0, 0x8016, 0x803e, 0x8039, 0x80fa, 0x80f2, 0x80f9, 0x80f5, + 0x8101, 0x80fb, 0x8100, 0x8201, 0x822f, 0x8225, 0x8333, 0x832d, + 0x8344, 0x8319, 0x8351, 0x8325, 0x8356, 0x833f, 0x8341, 0x8326, + 0x831c, 0x8322, 0x8342, 0x834e, 0x831b, 0x832a, 0x8308, 0x833c, + 0x834d, 0x8316, 0x8324, 0x8320, 0x8337, 0x832f, 0x8329, 0x8347, + 0x8345, 0x834c, 0x8353, 0x831e, 0x832c, 0x834b, 0x8327, 0x8348, + 0x8653, 0x8652, 0x86a2, 0x86a8, 0x8696, 0x868d, 0x8691, 0x869e, + 0x8687, 0x8697, 0x8686, 0x868b, 0x869a, 0x8685, 0x86a5, 0x8699, + 0x86a1, 0x86a7, 0x8695, 0x8698, 0x868e, 0x869d, 0x8690, 0x8694, + 0x8843, 0x8844, 0x886d, 0x8875, 0x8876, 0x8872, 0x8880, 0x8871, + 0x887f, 0x886f, 0x8883, 0x887e, 0x8874, 0x887c, + /* 0x33 */ + 0x8a12, 0x8c47, 0x8c57, 0x8c7b, 0x8ca4, 0x8ca3, 0x8d76, 0x8d78, + 0x8db5, 0x8db7, 0x8db6, 0x8ed1, 0x8ed3, 0x8ffe, 0x8ff5, 0x9002, + 0x8fff, 0x8ffb, 0x9004, 0x8ffc, 0x8ff6, 0x90d6, 0x90e0, 0x90d9, + 0x90da, 0x90e3, 0x90df, 0x90e5, 0x90d8, 0x90db, 0x90d7, 0x90dc, + 0x90e4, 0x9150, 0x914e, 0x914f, 0x91d5, 0x91e2, 0x91da, 0x965c, + 0x965f, 0x96bc, 0x98e3, 0x9adf, 0x9b2f, 0x4e7f, 0x5070, 0x506a, + 0x5061, 0x505e, 0x5060, 0x5053, 0x504b, 0x505d, 0x5072, 0x5048, + 0x504d, 0x5041, 0x505b, 0x504a, 0x5062, 0x5015, 0x5045, 0x505f, + 0x5069, 0x506b, 0x5063, 0x5064, 0x5046, 0x5040, 0x506e, 0x5073, + 0x5057, 0x5051, 0x51d0, 0x526b, 0x526d, 0x526c, 0x526e, 0x52d6, + 0x52d3, 0x532d, 0x539c, 0x5575, 0x5576, 0x553c, 0x554d, 0x5550, + 0x5534, 0x552a, 0x5551, 0x5562, 0x5536, 0x5535, + /* 0x34 */ + 0x5530, 0x5552, 0x5545, 0x550c, 0x5532, 0x5565, 0x554e, 0x5539, + 0x5548, 0x552d, 0x553b, 0x5540, 0x554b, 0x570a, 0x5707, 0x57fb, + 0x5814, 0x57e2, 0x57f6, 0x57dc, 0x57f4, 0x5800, 0x57ed, 0x57fd, + 0x5808, 0x57f8, 0x580b, 0x57f3, 0x57cf, 0x5807, 0x57ee, 0x57e3, + 0x57f2, 0x57e5, 0x57ec, 0x57e1, 0x580e, 0x57fc, 0x5810, 0x57e7, + 0x5801, 0x580c, 0x57f1, 0x57e9, 0x57f0, 0x580d, 0x5804, 0x595c, + 0x5a60, 0x5a58, 0x5a55, 0x5a67, 0x5a5e, 0x5a38, 0x5a35, 0x5a6d, + 0x5a50, 0x5a5f, 0x5a65, 0x5a6c, 0x5a53, 0x5a64, 0x5a57, 0x5a43, + 0x5a5d, 0x5a52, 0x5a44, 0x5a5b, 0x5a48, 0x5a8e, 0x5a3e, 0x5a4d, + 0x5a39, 0x5a4c, 0x5a70, 0x5a69, 0x5a47, 0x5a51, 0x5a56, 0x5a42, + 0x5a5c, 0x5b72, 0x5b6e, 0x5bc1, 0x5bc0, 0x5c59, 0x5d1e, 0x5d0b, + 0x5d1d, 0x5d1a, 0x5d20, 0x5d0c, 0x5d28, 0x5d0d, + /* 0x35 */ + 0x5d26, 0x5d25, 0x5d0f, 0x5d30, 0x5d12, 0x5d23, 0x5d1f, 0x5d2e, + 0x5e3e, 0x5e34, 0x5eb1, 0x5eb4, 0x5eb9, 0x5eb2, 0x5eb3, 0x5f36, + 0x5f38, 0x5f9b, 0x5f96, 0x5f9f, 0x608a, 0x6090, 0x6086, 0x60be, + 0x60b0, 0x60ba, 0x60d3, 0x60d4, 0x60cf, 0x60e4, 0x60d9, 0x60dd, + 0x60c8, 0x60b1, 0x60db, 0x60b7, 0x60ca, 0x60bf, 0x60c3, 0x60cd, + 0x60c0, 0x6332, 0x6365, 0x638a, 0x6382, 0x637d, 0x63bd, 0x639e, + 0x63ad, 0x639d, 0x6397, 0x63ab, 0x638e, 0x636f, 0x6387, 0x6390, + 0x636e, 0x63af, 0x6375, 0x639c, 0x636d, 0x63ae, 0x637c, 0x63a4, + 0x633b, 0x639f, 0x6378, 0x6385, 0x6381, 0x6391, 0x638d, 0x6370, + 0x6553, 0x65cd, 0x6665, 0x6661, 0x665b, 0x6659, 0x665c, 0x6662, + 0x6718, 0x6879, 0x6887, 0x6890, 0x689c, 0x686d, 0x686e, 0x68ae, + 0x68ab, 0x6956, 0x686f, 0x68a3, 0x68ac, 0x68a9, + /* 0x36 */ + 0x6875, 0x6874, 0x68b2, 0x688f, 0x6877, 0x6892, 0x687c, 0x686b, + 0x6872, 0x68aa, 0x6880, 0x6871, 0x687e, 0x689b, 0x6896, 0x688b, + 0x68a0, 0x6889, 0x68a4, 0x6878, 0x687b, 0x6891, 0x688c, 0x688a, + 0x687d, 0x6b36, 0x6b33, 0x6b37, 0x6b38, 0x6b91, 0x6b8f, 0x6b8d, + 0x6b8e, 0x6b8c, 0x6c2a, 0x6dc0, 0x6dab, 0x6db4, 0x6db3, 0x6e74, + 0x6dac, 0x6de9, 0x6de2, 0x6db7, 0x6df6, 0x6dd4, 0x6e00, 0x6dc8, + 0x6de0, 0x6ddf, 0x6dd6, 0x6dbe, 0x6de5, 0x6ddc, 0x6ddd, 0x6ddb, + 0x6df4, 0x6dca, 0x6dbd, 0x6ded, 0x6df0, 0x6dba, 0x6dd5, 0x6dc2, + 0x6dcf, 0x6dc9, 0x6dd0, 0x6df2, 0x6dd3, 0x6dfd, 0x6dd7, 0x6dcd, + 0x6de3, 0x6dbb, 0x70fa, 0x710d, 0x70f7, 0x7117, 0x70f4, 0x710c, + 0x70f0, 0x7104, 0x70f3, 0x7110, 0x70fc, 0x70ff, 0x7106, 0x7113, + 0x7100, 0x70f8, 0x70f6, 0x710b, 0x7102, 0x710e, + /* 0x37 */ + 0x727e, 0x727b, 0x727c, 0x727f, 0x731d, 0x7317, 0x7307, 0x7311, + 0x7318, 0x730a, 0x7308, 0x72ff, 0x730f, 0x731e, 0x7388, 0x73f6, + 0x73f8, 0x73f5, 0x7404, 0x7401, 0x73fd, 0x7407, 0x7400, 0x73fa, + 0x73fc, 0x73ff, 0x740c, 0x740b, 0x73f4, 0x7408, 0x7564, 0x7563, + 0x75ce, 0x75d2, 0x75cf, 0x75cb, 0x75cc, 0x75d1, 0x75d0, 0x768f, + 0x7689, 0x76d3, 0x7739, 0x772f, 0x772d, 0x7731, 0x7732, 0x7734, + 0x7733, 0x773d, 0x7725, 0x773b, 0x7735, 0x7848, 0x7852, 0x7849, + 0x784d, 0x784a, 0x784c, 0x7826, 0x7845, 0x7850, 0x7964, 0x7967, + 0x7969, 0x796a, 0x7963, 0x796b, 0x7961, 0x79bb, 0x79fa, 0x79f8, + 0x79f6, 0x79f7, 0x7a8f, 0x7a94, 0x7a90, 0x7b35, 0x7b3b, 0x7b34, + 0x7b25, 0x7b30, 0x7b22, 0x7b24, 0x7b33, 0x7b18, 0x7b2a, 0x7b1d, + 0x7b31, 0x7b2b, 0x7b2d, 0x7b2f, 0x7b32, 0x7b38, + /* 0x38 */ + 0x7b1a, 0x7b23, 0x7c94, 0x7c98, 0x7c96, 0x7ca3, 0x7d35, 0x7d3d, + 0x7d38, 0x7d36, 0x7d3a, 0x7d45, 0x7d2c, 0x7d29, 0x7d41, 0x7d47, + 0x7d3e, 0x7d3f, 0x7d4a, 0x7d3b, 0x7d28, 0x7f63, 0x7f95, 0x7f9c, + 0x7f9d, 0x7f9b, 0x7fca, 0x7fcb, 0x7fcd, 0x7fd0, 0x7fd1, 0x7fc7, + 0x7fcf, 0x7fc9, 0x801f, 0x801e, 0x801b, 0x8047, 0x8043, 0x8048, + 0x8118, 0x8125, 0x8119, 0x811b, 0x812d, 0x811f, 0x812c, 0x811e, + 0x8121, 0x8115, 0x8127, 0x811d, 0x8122, 0x8211, 0x8238, 0x8233, + 0x823a, 0x8234, 0x8232, 0x8274, 0x8390, 0x83a3, 0x83a8, 0x838d, + 0x837a, 0x8373, 0x83a4, 0x8374, 0x838f, 0x8381, 0x8395, 0x8399, + 0x8375, 0x8394, 0x83a9, 0x837d, 0x8383, 0x838c, 0x839d, 0x839b, + 0x83aa, 0x838b, 0x837e, 0x83a5, 0x83af, 0x8388, 0x8397, 0x83b0, + 0x837f, 0x83a6, 0x8387, 0x83ae, 0x8376, 0x8659, + /* 0x39 */ + 0x8656, 0x86bf, 0x86b7, 0x86c2, 0x86c1, 0x86c5, 0x86ba, 0x86b0, + 0x86c8, 0x86b9, 0x86b3, 0x86b8, 0x86cc, 0x86b4, 0x86bb, 0x86bc, + 0x86c3, 0x86bd, 0x86be, 0x8852, 0x8889, 0x8895, 0x88a8, 0x88a2, + 0x88aa, 0x889a, 0x8891, 0x88a1, 0x889f, 0x8898, 0x88a7, 0x8899, + 0x889b, 0x8897, 0x88a4, 0x88ac, 0x888c, 0x8893, 0x888e, 0x8982, + 0x89d6, 0x89d9, 0x89d5, 0x8a30, 0x8a27, 0x8a2c, 0x8a1e, 0x8c39, + 0x8c3b, 0x8c5c, 0x8c5d, 0x8c7d, 0x8ca5, 0x8d7d, 0x8d7b, 0x8d79, + 0x8dbc, 0x8dc2, 0x8db9, 0x8dbf, 0x8dc1, 0x8ed8, 0x8ede, 0x8edd, + 0x8edc, 0x8ed7, 0x8ee0, 0x8ee1, 0x9024, 0x900b, 0x9011, 0x901c, + 0x900c, 0x9021, 0x90ef, 0x90ea, 0x90f0, 0x90f4, 0x90f2, 0x90f3, + 0x90d4, 0x90eb, 0x90ec, 0x90e9, 0x9156, 0x9158, 0x915a, 0x9153, + 0x9155, 0x91ec, 0x91f4, 0x91f1, 0x91f3, 0x91f8, + /* 0x3a */ + 0x91e4, 0x91f9, 0x91ea, 0x91eb, 0x91f7, 0x91e8, 0x91ee, 0x957a, + 0x9586, 0x9588, 0x967c, 0x966d, 0x966b, 0x9671, 0x966f, 0x96bf, + 0x976a, 0x9804, 0x98e5, 0x9997, 0x509b, 0x5095, 0x5094, 0x509e, + 0x508b, 0x50a3, 0x5083, 0x508c, 0x508e, 0x509d, 0x5068, 0x509c, + 0x5092, 0x5082, 0x5087, 0x515f, 0x51d4, 0x5312, 0x5311, 0x53a4, + 0x53a7, 0x5591, 0x55a8, 0x55a5, 0x55ad, 0x5577, 0x5645, 0x55a2, + 0x5593, 0x5588, 0x558f, 0x55b5, 0x5581, 0x55a3, 0x5592, 0x55a4, + 0x557d, 0x558c, 0x55a6, 0x557f, 0x5595, 0x55a1, 0x558e, 0x570c, + 0x5829, 0x5837, 0x5819, 0x581e, 0x5827, 0x5823, 0x5828, 0x57f5, + 0x5848, 0x5825, 0x581c, 0x581b, 0x5833, 0x583f, 0x5836, 0x582e, + 0x5839, 0x5838, 0x582d, 0x582c, 0x583b, 0x5961, 0x5aaf, 0x5a94, + 0x5a9f, 0x5a7a, 0x5aa2, 0x5a9e, 0x5a78, 0x5aa6, + /* 0x3b */ + 0x5a7c, 0x5aa5, 0x5aac, 0x5a95, 0x5aae, 0x5a37, 0x5a84, 0x5a8a, + 0x5a97, 0x5a83, 0x5a8b, 0x5aa9, 0x5a7b, 0x5a7d, 0x5a8c, 0x5a9c, + 0x5a8f, 0x5a93, 0x5a9d, 0x5bea, 0x5bcd, 0x5bcb, 0x5bd4, 0x5bd1, + 0x5bca, 0x5bce, 0x5c0c, 0x5c30, 0x5d37, 0x5d43, 0x5d6b, 0x5d41, + 0x5d4b, 0x5d3f, 0x5d35, 0x5d51, 0x5d4e, 0x5d55, 0x5d33, 0x5d3a, + 0x5d52, 0x5d3d, 0x5d31, 0x5d59, 0x5d42, 0x5d39, 0x5d49, 0x5d38, + 0x5d3c, 0x5d32, 0x5d36, 0x5d40, 0x5d45, 0x5e44, 0x5e41, 0x5f58, + 0x5fa6, 0x5fa5, 0x5fab, 0x60c9, 0x60b9, 0x60cc, 0x60e2, 0x60ce, + 0x60c4, 0x6114, 0x60f2, 0x610a, 0x6116, 0x6105, 0x60f5, 0x6113, + 0x60f8, 0x60fc, 0x60fe, 0x60c1, 0x6103, 0x6118, 0x611d, 0x6110, + 0x60ff, 0x6104, 0x610b, 0x624a, 0x6394, 0x63b1, 0x63b0, 0x63ce, + 0x63e5, 0x63e8, 0x63ef, 0x63c3, 0x649d, 0x63f3, + /* 0x3c */ + 0x63ca, 0x63e0, 0x63f6, 0x63d5, 0x63f2, 0x63f5, 0x6461, 0x63df, + 0x63be, 0x63dd, 0x63dc, 0x63c4, 0x63d8, 0x63d3, 0x63c2, 0x63c7, + 0x63cc, 0x63cb, 0x63c8, 0x63f0, 0x63d7, 0x63d9, 0x6532, 0x6567, + 0x656a, 0x6564, 0x655c, 0x6568, 0x6565, 0x658c, 0x659d, 0x659e, + 0x65ae, 0x65d0, 0x65d2, 0x667c, 0x666c, 0x667b, 0x6680, 0x6671, + 0x6679, 0x666a, 0x6672, 0x6701, 0x690c, 0x68d3, 0x6904, 0x68dc, + 0x692a, 0x68ec, 0x68ea, 0x68f1, 0x690f, 0x68d6, 0x68f7, 0x68eb, + 0x68e4, 0x68f6, 0x6913, 0x6910, 0x68f3, 0x68e1, 0x6907, 0x68cc, + 0x6908, 0x6970, 0x68b4, 0x6911, 0x68ef, 0x68c6, 0x6914, 0x68f8, + 0x68d0, 0x68fd, 0x68fc, 0x68e8, 0x690b, 0x690a, 0x6917, 0x68ce, + 0x68c8, 0x68dd, 0x68de, 0x68e6, 0x68f4, 0x68d1, 0x6906, 0x68d4, + 0x68e9, 0x6915, 0x6925, 0x68c7, 0x6b39, 0x6b3b, + /* 0x3d */ + 0x6b3f, 0x6b3c, 0x6b94, 0x6b97, 0x6b99, 0x6b95, 0x6bbd, 0x6bf0, + 0x6bf2, 0x6bf3, 0x6c30, 0x6dfc, 0x6e46, 0x6e47, 0x6e1f, 0x6e49, + 0x6e88, 0x6e3c, 0x6e3d, 0x6e45, 0x6e62, 0x6e2b, 0x6e3f, 0x6e41, + 0x6e5d, 0x6e73, 0x6e1c, 0x6e33, 0x6e4b, 0x6e40, 0x6e51, 0x6e3b, + 0x6e03, 0x6e2e, 0x6e5e, 0x6e68, 0x6e5c, 0x6e61, 0x6e31, 0x6e28, + 0x6e60, 0x6e71, 0x6e6b, 0x6e39, 0x6e22, 0x6e30, 0x6e53, 0x6e65, + 0x6e27, 0x6e78, 0x6e64, 0x6e77, 0x6e55, 0x6e79, 0x6e52, 0x6e66, + 0x6e35, 0x6e36, 0x6e5a, 0x7120, 0x711e, 0x712f, 0x70fb, 0x712e, + 0x7131, 0x7123, 0x7125, 0x7122, 0x7132, 0x711f, 0x7128, 0x713a, + 0x711b, 0x724b, 0x725a, 0x7288, 0x7289, 0x7286, 0x7285, 0x728b, + 0x7312, 0x730b, 0x7330, 0x7322, 0x7331, 0x7333, 0x7327, 0x7332, + 0x732d, 0x7326, 0x7323, 0x7335, 0x730c, 0x742e, + /* 0x3e */ + 0x742c, 0x7430, 0x742b, 0x7416, 0x741a, 0x7421, 0x742d, 0x7431, + 0x7424, 0x7423, 0x741d, 0x7429, 0x7420, 0x7432, 0x74fb, 0x752f, + 0x756f, 0x756c, 0x75e7, 0x75da, 0x75e1, 0x75e6, 0x75dd, 0x75df, + 0x75e4, 0x75d7, 0x7695, 0x7692, 0x76da, 0x7746, 0x7747, 0x7744, + 0x774d, 0x7745, 0x774a, 0x774e, 0x774b, 0x774c, 0x77de, 0x77ec, + 0x7860, 0x7864, 0x7865, 0x785c, 0x786d, 0x7871, 0x786a, 0x786e, + 0x7870, 0x7869, 0x7868, 0x785e, 0x7862, 0x7974, 0x7973, 0x7972, + 0x7970, 0x7a02, 0x7a0a, 0x7a03, 0x7a0c, 0x7a04, 0x7a99, 0x7ae6, + 0x7ae4, 0x7b4a, 0x7b47, 0x7b44, 0x7b48, 0x7b4c, 0x7b4e, 0x7b40, + 0x7b58, 0x7b45, 0x7ca2, 0x7c9e, 0x7ca8, 0x7ca1, 0x7d58, 0x7d6f, + 0x7d63, 0x7d53, 0x7d56, 0x7d67, 0x7d6a, 0x7d4f, 0x7d6d, 0x7d5c, + 0x7d6b, 0x7d52, 0x7d54, 0x7d69, 0x7d51, 0x7d5f, + /* 0x3f */ + 0x7d4e, 0x7f3e, 0x7f3f, 0x7f65, 0x7f66, 0x7fa2, 0x7fa0, 0x7fa1, + 0x7fd7, 0x8051, 0x804f, 0x8050, 0x80fe, 0x80d4, 0x8143, 0x814a, + 0x8152, 0x814f, 0x8147, 0x813d, 0x814d, 0x813a, 0x81e6, 0x81ee, + 0x81f7, 0x81f8, 0x81f9, 0x8204, 0x823c, 0x823d, 0x823f, 0x8275, + 0x833b, 0x83cf, 0x83f9, 0x8423, 0x83c0, 0x83e8, 0x8412, 0x83e7, + 0x83e4, 0x83fc, 0x83f6, 0x8410, 0x83c6, 0x83c8, 0x83eb, 0x83e3, + 0x83bf, 0x8401, 0x83dd, 0x83e5, 0x83d8, 0x83ff, 0x83e1, 0x83cb, + 0x83ce, 0x83d6, 0x83f5, 0x83c9, 0x8409, 0x840f, 0x83de, 0x8411, + 0x8406, 0x83c2, 0x83f3, 0x83d5, 0x83fa, 0x83c7, 0x83d1, 0x83ea, + 0x8413, 0x839a, 0x83c3, 0x83ec, 0x83ee, 0x83c4, 0x83fb, 0x83d7, + 0x83e2, 0x841b, 0x83db, 0x83fe, 0x86d8, 0x86e2, 0x86e6, 0x86d3, + 0x86e3, 0x86da, 0x86ea, 0x86dd, 0x86eb, 0x86dc, + /* 0x40 */ + 0x86ec, 0x86e9, 0x86d7, 0x86e8, 0x86d1, 0x8848, 0x8856, 0x8855, + 0x88ba, 0x88d7, 0x88b9, 0x88b8, 0x88c0, 0x88be, 0x88b6, 0x88bc, + 0x88b7, 0x88bd, 0x88b2, 0x8901, 0x88c9, 0x8995, 0x8998, 0x8997, + 0x89dd, 0x89da, 0x89db, 0x8a4e, 0x8a4d, 0x8a39, 0x8a59, 0x8a40, + 0x8a57, 0x8a58, 0x8a44, 0x8a45, 0x8a52, 0x8a48, 0x8a51, 0x8a4a, + 0x8a4c, 0x8a4f, 0x8c5f, 0x8c81, 0x8c80, 0x8cba, 0x8cbe, 0x8cb0, + 0x8cb9, 0x8cb5, 0x8d84, 0x8d80, 0x8d89, 0x8dd8, 0x8dd3, 0x8dcd, + 0x8dc7, 0x8dd6, 0x8ddc, 0x8dcf, 0x8dd5, 0x8dd9, 0x8dc8, 0x8dd7, + 0x8dc5, 0x8eef, 0x8ef7, 0x8efa, 0x8ef9, 0x8ee6, 0x8eee, 0x8ee5, + 0x8ef5, 0x8ee7, 0x8ee8, 0x8ef6, 0x8eeb, 0x8ef1, 0x8eec, 0x8ef4, + 0x8ee9, 0x902d, 0x9034, 0x902f, 0x9106, 0x912c, 0x9104, 0x90ff, + 0x90fc, 0x9108, 0x90f9, 0x90fb, 0x9101, 0x9100, + /* 0x41 */ + 0x9107, 0x9105, 0x9103, 0x9161, 0x9164, 0x915f, 0x9162, 0x9160, + 0x9201, 0x920a, 0x9225, 0x9203, 0x921a, 0x9226, 0x920f, 0x920c, + 0x9200, 0x9212, 0x91ff, 0x91fd, 0x9206, 0x9204, 0x9227, 0x9202, + 0x921c, 0x9224, 0x9219, 0x9217, 0x9205, 0x9216, 0x957b, 0x958d, + 0x958c, 0x9590, 0x9687, 0x967e, 0x9688, 0x9689, 0x9683, 0x9680, + 0x96c2, 0x96c8, 0x96c3, 0x96f1, 0x96f0, 0x976c, 0x9770, 0x976e, + 0x9807, 0x98a9, 0x98eb, 0x9ce6, 0x9ef9, 0x4e83, 0x4e84, 0x4eb6, + 0x50bd, 0x50bf, 0x50c6, 0x50ae, 0x50c4, 0x50ca, 0x50b4, 0x50c8, + 0x50c2, 0x50b0, 0x50c1, 0x50ba, 0x50b1, 0x50cb, 0x50c9, 0x50b6, + 0x50b8, 0x51d7, 0x527a, 0x5278, 0x527b, 0x527c, 0x55c3, 0x55db, + 0x55cc, 0x55d0, 0x55cb, 0x55ca, 0x55dd, 0x55c0, 0x55d4, 0x55c4, + 0x55e9, 0x55bf, 0x55d2, 0x558d, 0x55cf, 0x55d5, + /* 0x42 */ + 0x55e2, 0x55d6, 0x55c8, 0x55f2, 0x55cd, 0x55d9, 0x55c2, 0x5714, + 0x5853, 0x5868, 0x5864, 0x584f, 0x584d, 0x5849, 0x586f, 0x5855, + 0x584e, 0x585d, 0x5859, 0x5865, 0x585b, 0x583d, 0x5863, 0x5871, + 0x58fc, 0x5ac7, 0x5ac4, 0x5acb, 0x5aba, 0x5ab8, 0x5ab1, 0x5ab5, + 0x5ab0, 0x5abf, 0x5ac8, 0x5abb, 0x5ac6, 0x5ab7, 0x5ac0, 0x5aca, + 0x5ab4, 0x5ab6, 0x5acd, 0x5ab9, 0x5a90, 0x5bd6, 0x5bd8, 0x5bd9, + 0x5c1f, 0x5c33, 0x5d71, 0x5d63, 0x5d4a, 0x5d65, 0x5d72, 0x5d6c, + 0x5d5e, 0x5d68, 0x5d67, 0x5d62, 0x5df0, 0x5e4f, 0x5e4e, 0x5e4a, + 0x5e4d, 0x5e4b, 0x5ec5, 0x5ecc, 0x5ec6, 0x5ecb, 0x5ec7, 0x5f40, + 0x5faf, 0x5fad, 0x60f7, 0x6149, 0x614a, 0x612b, 0x6145, 0x6136, + 0x6132, 0x612e, 0x6146, 0x612f, 0x614f, 0x6129, 0x6140, 0x6220, + 0x9168, 0x6223, 0x6225, 0x6224, 0x63c5, 0x63f1, + /* 0x43 */ + 0x63eb, 0x6410, 0x6412, 0x6409, 0x6420, 0x6424, 0x6433, 0x6443, + 0x641f, 0x6415, 0x6418, 0x6439, 0x6437, 0x6422, 0x6423, 0x640c, + 0x6426, 0x6430, 0x6428, 0x6441, 0x6435, 0x642f, 0x640a, 0x641a, + 0x6440, 0x6425, 0x6427, 0x640b, 0x63e7, 0x641b, 0x642e, 0x6421, + 0x640e, 0x656f, 0x6592, 0x65d3, 0x6686, 0x668c, 0x6695, 0x6690, + 0x668b, 0x668a, 0x6699, 0x6694, 0x6678, 0x6720, 0x6966, 0x695f, + 0x6938, 0x694e, 0x6962, 0x6971, 0x693f, 0x6945, 0x696a, 0x6939, + 0x6942, 0x6957, 0x6959, 0x697a, 0x6948, 0x6949, 0x6935, 0x696c, + 0x6933, 0x693d, 0x6965, 0x68f0, 0x6978, 0x6934, 0x6969, 0x6940, + 0x696f, 0x6944, 0x6976, 0x6958, 0x6941, 0x6974, 0x694c, 0x693b, + 0x694b, 0x6937, 0x695c, 0x694f, 0x6951, 0x6932, 0x6952, 0x692f, + 0x697b, 0x693c, 0x6b46, 0x6b45, 0x6b43, 0x6b42, + /* 0x44 */ + 0x6b48, 0x6b41, 0x6b9b, 0x6bfb, 0x6bfc, 0x6bf9, 0x6bf7, 0x6bf8, + 0x6e9b, 0x6ed6, 0x6ec8, 0x6e8f, 0x6ec0, 0x6e9f, 0x6e93, 0x6e94, + 0x6ea0, 0x6eb1, 0x6eb9, 0x6ec6, 0x6ed2, 0x6ebd, 0x6ec1, 0x6e9e, + 0x6ec9, 0x6eb7, 0x6eb0, 0x6ecd, 0x6ea6, 0x6ecf, 0x6eb2, 0x6ebe, + 0x6ec3, 0x6edc, 0x6ed8, 0x6e99, 0x6e92, 0x6e8e, 0x6e8d, 0x6ea4, + 0x6ea1, 0x6ebf, 0x6eb3, 0x6ed0, 0x6eca, 0x6e97, 0x6eae, 0x6ea3, + 0x7147, 0x7154, 0x7152, 0x7163, 0x7160, 0x7141, 0x715d, 0x7162, + 0x7172, 0x7178, 0x716a, 0x7161, 0x7142, 0x7158, 0x7143, 0x714b, + 0x7170, 0x715f, 0x7150, 0x7153, 0x7144, 0x714d, 0x715a, 0x724f, + 0x728d, 0x728c, 0x7291, 0x7290, 0x728e, 0x733c, 0x7342, 0x733b, + 0x733a, 0x7340, 0x734a, 0x7349, 0x7444, 0x744a, 0x744b, 0x7452, + 0x7451, 0x7457, 0x7440, 0x744f, 0x7450, 0x744e, + /* 0x45 */ + 0x7442, 0x7446, 0x744d, 0x7454, 0x74e1, 0x74ff, 0x74fe, 0x74fd, + 0x751d, 0x7579, 0x7577, 0x6983, 0x75ef, 0x760f, 0x7603, 0x75f7, + 0x75fe, 0x75fc, 0x75f9, 0x75f8, 0x7610, 0x75fb, 0x75f6, 0x75ed, + 0x75f5, 0x75fd, 0x7699, 0x76b5, 0x76dd, 0x7755, 0x775f, 0x7760, + 0x7752, 0x7756, 0x775a, 0x7769, 0x7767, 0x7754, 0x7759, 0x776d, + 0x77e0, 0x7887, 0x789a, 0x7894, 0x788f, 0x7884, 0x7895, 0x7885, + 0x7886, 0x78a1, 0x7883, 0x7879, 0x7899, 0x7880, 0x7896, 0x787b, + 0x797c, 0x7982, 0x797d, 0x7979, 0x7a11, 0x7a18, 0x7a19, 0x7a12, + 0x7a17, 0x7a15, 0x7a22, 0x7a13, 0x7a1b, 0x7a10, 0x7aa3, 0x7aa2, + 0x7a9e, 0x7aeb, 0x7b66, 0x7b64, 0x7b6d, 0x7b74, 0x7b69, 0x7b72, + 0x7b65, 0x7b73, 0x7b71, 0x7b70, 0x7b61, 0x7b78, 0x7b76, 0x7b63, + 0x7cb2, 0x7cb4, 0x7caf, 0x7d88, 0x7d86, 0x7d80, + /* 0x46 */ + 0x7d8d, 0x7d7f, 0x7d85, 0x7d7a, 0x7d8e, 0x7d7b, 0x7d83, 0x7d7c, + 0x7d8c, 0x7d94, 0x7d84, 0x7d7d, 0x7d92, 0x7f6d, 0x7f6b, 0x7f67, + 0x7f68, 0x7f6c, 0x7fa6, 0x7fa5, 0x7fa7, 0x7fdb, 0x7fdc, 0x8021, + 0x8164, 0x8160, 0x8177, 0x815c, 0x8169, 0x815b, 0x8162, 0x8172, + 0x6721, 0x815e, 0x8176, 0x8167, 0x816f, 0x8144, 0x8161, 0x821d, + 0x8249, 0x8244, 0x8240, 0x8242, 0x8245, 0x84f1, 0x843f, 0x8456, + 0x8476, 0x8479, 0x848f, 0x848d, 0x8465, 0x8451, 0x8440, 0x8486, + 0x8467, 0x8430, 0x844d, 0x847d, 0x845a, 0x8459, 0x8474, 0x8473, + 0x845d, 0x8507, 0x845e, 0x8437, 0x843a, 0x8434, 0x847a, 0x8443, + 0x8478, 0x8432, 0x8445, 0x8429, 0x83d9, 0x844b, 0x842f, 0x8442, + 0x842d, 0x845f, 0x8470, 0x8439, 0x844e, 0x844c, 0x8452, 0x846f, + 0x84c5, 0x848e, 0x843b, 0x8447, 0x8436, 0x8433, + /* 0x47 */ + 0x8468, 0x847e, 0x8444, 0x842b, 0x8460, 0x8454, 0x846e, 0x8450, + 0x870b, 0x8704, 0x86f7, 0x870c, 0x86fa, 0x86d6, 0x86f5, 0x874d, + 0x86f8, 0x870e, 0x8709, 0x8701, 0x86f6, 0x870d, 0x8705, 0x88d6, + 0x88cb, 0x88cd, 0x88ce, 0x88de, 0x88db, 0x88da, 0x88cc, 0x88d0, + 0x8985, 0x899b, 0x89df, 0x89e5, 0x89e4, 0x89e1, 0x89e0, 0x89e2, + 0x89dc, 0x89e6, 0x8a76, 0x8a86, 0x8a7f, 0x8a61, 0x8a3f, 0x8a77, + 0x8a82, 0x8a84, 0x8a75, 0x8a83, 0x8a81, 0x8a74, 0x8a7a, 0x8c3c, + 0x8c4b, 0x8c4a, 0x8c65, 0x8c64, 0x8c66, 0x8c86, 0x8c84, 0x8c85, + 0x8ccc, 0x8d68, 0x8d69, 0x8d91, 0x8d8c, 0x8d8e, 0x8d8f, 0x8d8d, + 0x8d93, 0x8d94, 0x8d90, 0x8d92, 0x8df0, 0x8de0, 0x8dec, 0x8df1, + 0x8dee, 0x8dd0, 0x8de9, 0x8de3, 0x8de2, 0x8de7, 0x8df2, 0x8deb, + 0x8df4, 0x8f06, 0x8eff, 0x8f01, 0x8f00, 0x8f05, + /* 0x48 */ + 0x8f07, 0x8f08, 0x8f02, 0x8f0b, 0x9052, 0x903f, 0x9044, 0x9049, + 0x903d, 0x9110, 0x910d, 0x910f, 0x9111, 0x9116, 0x9114, 0x910b, + 0x910e, 0x916e, 0x916f, 0x9248, 0x9252, 0x9230, 0x923a, 0x9266, + 0x9233, 0x9265, 0x925e, 0x9283, 0x922e, 0x924a, 0x9246, 0x926d, + 0x926c, 0x924f, 0x9260, 0x9267, 0x926f, 0x9236, 0x9261, 0x9270, + 0x9231, 0x9254, 0x9263, 0x9250, 0x9272, 0x924e, 0x9253, 0x924c, + 0x9256, 0x9232, 0x959f, 0x959c, 0x959e, 0x959b, 0x9692, 0x9693, + 0x9691, 0x9697, 0x96ce, 0x96fa, 0x96fd, 0x96f8, 0x96f5, 0x9773, + 0x9777, 0x9778, 0x9772, 0x980f, 0x980d, 0x980e, 0x98ac, 0x98f6, + 0x98f9, 0x99af, 0x99b2, 0x99b0, 0x99b5, 0x9aad, 0x9aab, 0x9b5b, + 0x9cea, 0x9ced, 0x9ce7, 0x9e80, 0x9efd, 0x50e6, 0x50d4, 0x50d7, + 0x50e8, 0x50f3, 0x50db, 0x50ea, 0x50dd, 0x50e4, + /* 0x49 */ + 0x50d3, 0x50ec, 0x50f0, 0x50ef, 0x50e3, 0x50e0, 0x51d8, 0x5280, + 0x5281, 0x52e9, 0x52eb, 0x5330, 0x53ac, 0x5627, 0x5615, 0x560c, + 0x5612, 0x55fc, 0x560f, 0x561c, 0x5601, 0x5613, 0x5602, 0x55fa, + 0x561d, 0x5604, 0x55ff, 0x55f9, 0x5889, 0x587c, 0x5890, 0x5898, + 0x5886, 0x5881, 0x587f, 0x5874, 0x588b, 0x587a, 0x5887, 0x5891, + 0x588e, 0x5876, 0x5882, 0x5888, 0x587b, 0x5894, 0x588f, 0x58fe, + 0x596b, 0x5adc, 0x5aee, 0x5ae5, 0x5ad5, 0x5aea, 0x5ada, 0x5aed, + 0x5aeb, 0x5af3, 0x5ae2, 0x5ae0, 0x5adb, 0x5aec, 0x5ade, 0x5add, + 0x5ad9, 0x5ae8, 0x5adf, 0x5b77, 0x5be0, 0x5be3, 0x5c63, 0x5d82, + 0x5d80, 0x5d7d, 0x5d86, 0x5d7a, 0x5d81, 0x5d77, 0x5d8a, 0x5d89, + 0x5d88, 0x5d7e, 0x5d7c, 0x5d8d, 0x5d79, 0x5d7f, 0x5e58, 0x5e59, + 0x5e53, 0x5ed8, 0x5ed1, 0x5ed7, 0x5ece, 0x5edc, + /* 0x4a */ + 0x5ed5, 0x5ed9, 0x5ed2, 0x5ed4, 0x5f44, 0x5f43, 0x5f6f, 0x5fb6, + 0x612c, 0x6128, 0x6141, 0x615e, 0x6171, 0x6173, 0x6152, 0x6153, + 0x6172, 0x616c, 0x6180, 0x6174, 0x6154, 0x617a, 0x615b, 0x6165, + 0x613b, 0x616a, 0x6161, 0x6156, 0x6229, 0x6227, 0x622b, 0x642b, + 0x644d, 0x645b, 0x645d, 0x6474, 0x6476, 0x6472, 0x6473, 0x647d, + 0x6475, 0x6466, 0x64a6, 0x644e, 0x6482, 0x645e, 0x645c, 0x644b, + 0x6453, 0x6460, 0x6450, 0x647f, 0x643f, 0x646c, 0x646b, 0x6459, + 0x6465, 0x6477, 0x6573, 0x65a0, 0x66a1, 0x66a0, 0x669f, 0x6705, + 0x6704, 0x6722, 0x69b1, 0x69b6, 0x69c9, 0x69a0, 0x69ce, 0x6996, + 0x69b0, 0x69ac, 0x69bc, 0x6991, 0x6999, 0x698e, 0x69a7, 0x698d, + 0x69a9, 0x69be, 0x69af, 0x69bf, 0x69c4, 0x69bd, 0x69a4, 0x69d4, + 0x69b9, 0x69ca, 0x699a, 0x69cf, 0x69b3, 0x6993, + /* 0x4b */ + 0x69aa, 0x69a1, 0x699e, 0x69d9, 0x6997, 0x6990, 0x69c2, 0x69b5, + 0x69a5, 0x69c6, 0x6b4a, 0x6b4d, 0x6b4b, 0x6b9e, 0x6b9f, 0x6ba0, + 0x6bc3, 0x6bc4, 0x6bfe, 0x6ece, 0x6ef5, 0x6ef1, 0x6f03, 0x6f25, + 0x6ef8, 0x6f37, 0x6efb, 0x6f2e, 0x6f09, 0x6f4e, 0x6f19, 0x6f1a, + 0x6f27, 0x6f18, 0x6f3b, 0x6f12, 0x6eed, 0x6f0a, 0x6f36, 0x6f73, + 0x6ef9, 0x6eee, 0x6f2d, 0x6f40, 0x6f30, 0x6f3c, 0x6f35, 0x6eeb, + 0x6f07, 0x6f0e, 0x6f43, 0x6f05, 0x6efd, 0x6ef6, 0x6f39, 0x6f1c, + 0x6efc, 0x6f3a, 0x6f1f, 0x6f0d, 0x6f1e, 0x6f08, 0x6f21, 0x7187, + 0x7190, 0x7189, 0x7180, 0x7185, 0x7182, 0x718f, 0x717b, 0x7186, + 0x7181, 0x7197, 0x7244, 0x7253, 0x7297, 0x7295, 0x7293, 0x7343, + 0x734d, 0x7351, 0x734c, 0x7462, 0x7473, 0x7471, 0x7475, 0x7472, + 0x7467, 0x746e, 0x7500, 0x7502, 0x7503, 0x757d, + /* 0x4c */ + 0x7590, 0x7616, 0x7608, 0x760c, 0x7615, 0x7611, 0x760a, 0x7614, + 0x76b8, 0x7781, 0x777c, 0x7785, 0x7782, 0x776e, 0x7780, 0x776f, + 0x777e, 0x7783, 0x78b2, 0x78aa, 0x78b4, 0x78ad, 0x78a8, 0x787e, + 0x78ab, 0x789e, 0x78a5, 0x78a0, 0x78ac, 0x78a2, 0x78a4, 0x7998, + 0x798a, 0x798b, 0x7996, 0x7995, 0x7994, 0x7993, 0x7997, 0x7988, + 0x7992, 0x7990, 0x7a2b, 0x7a4a, 0x7a30, 0x7a2f, 0x7a28, 0x7a26, + 0x7aa8, 0x7aab, 0x7aac, 0x7aee, 0x7b88, 0x7b9c, 0x7b8a, 0x7b91, + 0x7b90, 0x7b96, 0x7b8d, 0x7b8c, 0x7b9b, 0x7b8e, 0x7b85, 0x7b98, + 0x5284, 0x7b99, 0x7ba4, 0x7b82, 0x7cbb, 0x7cbf, 0x7cbc, 0x7cba, + 0x7da7, 0x7db7, 0x7dc2, 0x7da3, 0x7daa, 0x7dc1, 0x7dc0, 0x7dc5, + 0x7d9d, 0x7dce, 0x7dc4, 0x7dc6, 0x7dcb, 0x7dcc, 0x7daf, 0x7db9, + 0x7d96, 0x7dbc, 0x7d9f, 0x7da6, 0x7dae, 0x7da9, + /* 0x4d */ + 0x7da1, 0x7dc9, 0x7f73, 0x7fe2, 0x7fe3, 0x7fe5, 0x7fde, 0x8024, + 0x805d, 0x805c, 0x8189, 0x8186, 0x8183, 0x8187, 0x818d, 0x818c, + 0x818b, 0x8215, 0x8497, 0x84a4, 0x84a1, 0x849f, 0x84ba, 0x84ce, + 0x84c2, 0x84ac, 0x84ae, 0x84ab, 0x84b9, 0x84b4, 0x84c1, 0x84cd, + 0x84aa, 0x849a, 0x84b1, 0x84d0, 0x849d, 0x84a7, 0x84bb, 0x84a2, + 0x8494, 0x84c7, 0x84cc, 0x849b, 0x84a9, 0x84af, 0x84a8, 0x84d6, + 0x8498, 0x84b6, 0x84cf, 0x84a0, 0x84d7, 0x84d4, 0x84d2, 0x84db, + 0x84b0, 0x8491, 0x8661, 0x8733, 0x8723, 0x8728, 0x876b, 0x8740, + 0x872e, 0x871e, 0x8721, 0x8719, 0x871b, 0x8743, 0x872c, 0x8741, + 0x873e, 0x8746, 0x8720, 0x8732, 0x872a, 0x872d, 0x873c, 0x8712, + 0x873a, 0x8731, 0x8735, 0x8742, 0x8726, 0x8727, 0x8738, 0x8724, + 0x871a, 0x8730, 0x8711, 0x88f7, 0x88e7, 0x88f1, + /* 0x4e */ + 0x88f2, 0x88fa, 0x88fe, 0x88ee, 0x88fc, 0x88f6, 0x88fb, 0x88f0, + 0x88ec, 0x88eb, 0x899d, 0x89a1, 0x899f, 0x899e, 0x89e9, 0x89eb, + 0x89e8, 0x8aab, 0x8a99, 0x8a8b, 0x8a92, 0x8a8f, 0x8a96, 0x8c3d, + 0x8c68, 0x8c69, 0x8cd5, 0x8ccf, 0x8cd7, 0x8d96, 0x8e09, 0x8e02, + 0x8dff, 0x8e0d, 0x8dfd, 0x8e0a, 0x8e03, 0x8e07, 0x8e06, 0x8e05, + 0x8dfe, 0x8e00, 0x8e04, 0x8f10, 0x8f11, 0x8f0e, 0x8f0d, 0x9123, + 0x911c, 0x9120, 0x9122, 0x911f, 0x911d, 0x911a, 0x9124, 0x9121, + 0x911b, 0x917a, 0x9172, 0x9179, 0x9173, 0x92a5, 0x92a4, 0x9276, + 0x929b, 0x927a, 0x92a0, 0x9294, 0x92aa, 0x928d, 0x92a6, 0x929a, + 0x92ab, 0x9279, 0x9297, 0x927f, 0x92a3, 0x92ee, 0x928e, 0x9282, + 0x9295, 0x92a2, 0x927d, 0x9288, 0x92a1, 0x928a, 0x9286, 0x928c, + 0x9299, 0x92a7, 0x927e, 0x9287, 0x92a9, 0x929d, + /* 0x4f */ + 0x928b, 0x922d, 0x969e, 0x96a1, 0x96ff, 0x9758, 0x977d, 0x977a, + 0x977e, 0x9783, 0x9780, 0x9782, 0x977b, 0x9784, 0x9781, 0x977f, + 0x97ce, 0x97cd, 0x9816, 0x98ad, 0x98ae, 0x9902, 0x9900, 0x9907, + 0x999d, 0x999c, 0x99c3, 0x99b9, 0x99bb, 0x99ba, 0x99c2, 0x99bd, + 0x99c7, 0x9ab1, 0x9ae3, 0x9ae7, 0x9b3e, 0x9b3f, 0x9b60, 0x9b61, + 0x9b5f, 0x9cf1, 0x9cf2, 0x9cf5, 0x9ea7, 0x50ff, 0x5103, 0x5130, + 0x50f8, 0x5106, 0x5107, 0x50f6, 0x50fe, 0x510b, 0x510c, 0x50fd, + 0x510a, 0x528b, 0x528c, 0x52f1, 0x52ef, 0x5648, 0x5642, 0x564c, + 0x5635, 0x5641, 0x564a, 0x5649, 0x5646, 0x5658, 0x565a, 0x5640, + 0x5633, 0x563d, 0x562c, 0x563e, 0x5638, 0x562a, 0x563a, 0x571a, + 0x58ab, 0x589d, 0x58b1, 0x58a0, 0x58a3, 0x58af, 0x58ac, 0x58a5, + 0x58a1, 0x58ff, 0x5aff, 0x5af4, 0x5afd, 0x5af7, + /* 0x50 */ + 0x5af6, 0x5b03, 0x5af8, 0x5b02, 0x5af9, 0x5b01, 0x5b07, 0x5b05, + 0x5b0f, 0x5c67, 0x5d99, 0x5d97, 0x5d9f, 0x5d92, 0x5da2, 0x5d93, + 0x5d95, 0x5da0, 0x5d9c, 0x5da1, 0x5d9a, 0x5d9e, 0x5e69, 0x5e5d, + 0x5e60, 0x5e5c, 0x7df3, 0x5edb, 0x5ede, 0x5ee1, 0x5f49, 0x5fb2, + 0x618b, 0x6183, 0x6179, 0x61b1, 0x61b0, 0x61a2, 0x6189, 0x619b, + 0x6193, 0x61af, 0x61ad, 0x619f, 0x6192, 0x61aa, 0x61a1, 0x618d, + 0x6166, 0x61b3, 0x622d, 0x646e, 0x6470, 0x6496, 0x64a0, 0x6485, + 0x6497, 0x649c, 0x648f, 0x648b, 0x648a, 0x648c, 0x64a3, 0x649f, + 0x6468, 0x64b1, 0x6498, 0x6576, 0x657a, 0x6579, 0x657b, 0x65b2, + 0x65b3, 0x66b5, 0x66b0, 0x66a9, 0x66b2, 0x66b7, 0x66aa, 0x66af, + 0x6a00, 0x6a06, 0x6a17, 0x69e5, 0x69f8, 0x6a15, 0x69f1, 0x69e4, + 0x6a20, 0x69ff, 0x69ec, 0x69e2, 0x6a1b, 0x6a1d, + /* 0x51 */ + 0x69fe, 0x6a27, 0x69f2, 0x69ee, 0x6a14, 0x69f7, 0x69e7, 0x6a40, + 0x6a08, 0x69e6, 0x69fb, 0x6a0d, 0x69fc, 0x69eb, 0x6a09, 0x6a04, + 0x6a18, 0x6a25, 0x6a0f, 0x69f6, 0x6a26, 0x6a07, 0x69f4, 0x6a16, + 0x6b51, 0x6ba5, 0x6ba3, 0x6ba2, 0x6ba6, 0x6c01, 0x6c00, 0x6bff, + 0x6c02, 0x6f41, 0x6f26, 0x6f7e, 0x6f87, 0x6fc6, 0x6f92, 0x6f8d, + 0x6f89, 0x6f8c, 0x6f62, 0x6f4f, 0x6f85, 0x6f5a, 0x6f96, 0x6f76, + 0x6f6c, 0x6f82, 0x6f55, 0x6f72, 0x6f52, 0x6f50, 0x6f57, 0x6f94, + 0x6f93, 0x6f5d, 0x6f00, 0x6f61, 0x6f6b, 0x6f7d, 0x6f67, 0x6f90, + 0x6f53, 0x6f8b, 0x6f69, 0x6f7f, 0x6f95, 0x6f63, 0x6f77, 0x6f6a, + 0x6f7b, 0x71b2, 0x71af, 0x719b, 0x71b0, 0x71a0, 0x719a, 0x71a9, + 0x71b5, 0x719d, 0x71a5, 0x719e, 0x71a4, 0x71a1, 0x71aa, 0x719c, + 0x71a7, 0x71b3, 0x7298, 0x729a, 0x7358, 0x7352, + /* 0x52 */ + 0x735e, 0x735f, 0x7360, 0x735d, 0x735b, 0x7361, 0x735a, 0x7359, + 0x7362, 0x7487, 0x7489, 0x748a, 0x7486, 0x7481, 0x747d, 0x7485, + 0x7488, 0x747c, 0x7479, 0x7508, 0x7507, 0x757e, 0x7625, 0x761e, + 0x7619, 0x761d, 0x761c, 0x7623, 0x761a, 0x7628, 0x761b, 0x769c, + 0x769d, 0x769e, 0x769b, 0x778d, 0x778f, 0x7789, 0x7788, 0x78cd, + 0x78bb, 0x78cf, 0x78cc, 0x78d1, 0x78ce, 0x78d4, 0x78c8, 0x78c3, + 0x78c4, 0x78c9, 0x799a, 0x79a1, 0x79a0, 0x799c, 0x79a2, 0x799b, + 0x6b76, 0x7a39, 0x7ab2, 0x7ab4, 0x7ab3, 0x7bb7, 0x7bcb, 0x7bbe, + 0x7bac, 0x7bce, 0x7baf, 0x7bb9, 0x7bca, 0x7bb5, 0x7cc5, 0x7cc8, + 0x7ccc, 0x7ccb, 0x7df7, 0x7ddb, 0x7dea, 0x7de7, 0x7dd7, 0x7de1, + 0x7e03, 0x7dfa, 0x7de6, 0x7df6, 0x7df1, 0x7df0, 0x7dee, 0x7ddf, + 0x7f76, 0x7fac, 0x7fb0, 0x7fad, 0x7fed, 0x7feb, + /* 0x53 */ + 0x7fea, 0x7fec, 0x7fe6, 0x7fe8, 0x8064, 0x8067, 0x81a3, 0x819f, + 0x819e, 0x8195, 0x81a2, 0x8199, 0x8197, 0x8216, 0x824f, 0x8253, + 0x8252, 0x8250, 0x824e, 0x8251, 0x8524, 0x853b, 0x850f, 0x8500, + 0x8529, 0x850e, 0x8509, 0x850d, 0x851f, 0x850a, 0x8527, 0x851c, + 0x84fb, 0x852b, 0x84fa, 0x8508, 0x850c, 0x84f4, 0x852a, 0x84f2, + 0x8515, 0x84f7, 0x84eb, 0x84f3, 0x84fc, 0x8512, 0x84ea, 0x84e9, + 0x8516, 0x84fe, 0x8528, 0x851d, 0x852e, 0x8502, 0x84fd, 0x851e, + 0x84f6, 0x8531, 0x8526, 0x84e7, 0x84e8, 0x84f0, 0x84ef, 0x84f9, + 0x8518, 0x8520, 0x8530, 0x850b, 0x8519, 0x852f, 0x8662, 0x8756, + 0x8763, 0x8764, 0x8777, 0x87e1, 0x8773, 0x8758, 0x8754, 0x875b, + 0x8752, 0x8761, 0x875a, 0x8751, 0x875e, 0x876d, 0x876a, 0x8750, + 0x874e, 0x875f, 0x875d, 0x876f, 0x876c, 0x877a, + /* 0x54 */ + 0x876e, 0x875c, 0x8765, 0x874f, 0x877b, 0x8775, 0x8762, 0x8767, + 0x8769, 0x885a, 0x8905, 0x890c, 0x8914, 0x890b, 0x8917, 0x8918, + 0x8919, 0x8906, 0x8916, 0x8911, 0x890e, 0x8909, 0x89a2, 0x89a4, + 0x89a3, 0x89ed, 0x89f0, 0x89ec, 0x8acf, 0x8ac6, 0x8ab8, 0x8ad3, + 0x8ad1, 0x8ad4, 0x8ad5, 0x8abb, 0x8ad7, 0x8abe, 0x8ac0, 0x8ac5, + 0x8ad8, 0x8ac3, 0x8aba, 0x8abd, 0x8ad9, 0x8c3e, 0x8c4d, 0x8c8f, + 0x8ce5, 0x8cdf, 0x8cd9, 0x8ce8, 0x8cda, 0x8cdd, 0x8ce7, 0x8da0, + 0x8d9c, 0x8da1, 0x8d9b, 0x8e20, 0x8e23, 0x8e25, 0x8e24, 0x8e2e, + 0x8e15, 0x8e1b, 0x8e16, 0x8e11, 0x8e19, 0x8e26, 0x8e27, 0x8e14, + 0x8e12, 0x8e18, 0x8e13, 0x8e1c, 0x8e17, 0x8e1a, 0x8f2c, 0x8f24, + 0x8f18, 0x8f1a, 0x8f20, 0x8f23, 0x8f16, 0x8f17, 0x9073, 0x9070, + 0x906f, 0x9067, 0x906b, 0x912f, 0x912b, 0x9129, + /* 0x55 */ + 0x912a, 0x9132, 0x9126, 0x912e, 0x9185, 0x9186, 0x918a, 0x9181, + 0x9182, 0x9184, 0x9180, 0x92d0, 0x92c3, 0x92c4, 0x92c0, 0x92d9, + 0x92b6, 0x92cf, 0x92f1, 0x92df, 0x92d8, 0x92e9, 0x92d7, 0x92dd, + 0x92cc, 0x92ef, 0x92c2, 0x92e8, 0x92ca, 0x92c8, 0x92ce, 0x92e6, + 0x92cd, 0x92d5, 0x92c9, 0x92e0, 0x92de, 0x92e7, 0x92d1, 0x92d3, + 0x92b5, 0x92e1, 0x9325, 0x92c6, 0x92b4, 0x957c, 0x95ac, 0x95ab, + 0x95ae, 0x95b0, 0x96a4, 0x96a2, 0x96d3, 0x9705, 0x9708, 0x9702, + 0x975a, 0x978a, 0x978e, 0x9788, 0x97d0, 0x97cf, 0x981e, 0x981d, + 0x9826, 0x9829, 0x9828, 0x9820, 0x981b, 0x9827, 0x98b2, 0x9908, + 0x98fa, 0x9911, 0x9914, 0x9916, 0x9917, 0x9915, 0x99dc, 0x99cd, + 0x99cf, 0x99d3, 0x99d4, 0x99ce, 0x99c9, 0x99d6, 0x99d8, 0x99cb, + 0x99d7, 0x99cc, 0x9ab3, 0x9aec, 0x9aeb, 0x9af3, + /* 0x56 */ + 0x9af2, 0x9af1, 0x9b46, 0x9b43, 0x9b67, 0x9b74, 0x9b71, 0x9b66, + 0x9b76, 0x9b75, 0x9b70, 0x9b68, 0x9b64, 0x9b6c, 0x9cfc, 0x9cfa, + 0x9cfd, 0x9cff, 0x9cf7, 0x9d07, 0x9d00, 0x9cf9, 0x9cfb, 0x9d08, + 0x9d05, 0x9d04, 0x9e83, 0x9ed3, 0x9f0f, 0x9f10, 0x511c, 0x5113, + 0x5117, 0x511a, 0x5111, 0x51de, 0x5334, 0x53e1, 0x5670, 0x5660, + 0x566e, 0x5673, 0x5666, 0x5663, 0x566d, 0x5672, 0x565e, 0x5677, + 0x571c, 0x571b, 0x58c8, 0x58bd, 0x58c9, 0x58bf, 0x58ba, 0x58c2, + 0x58bc, 0x58c6, 0x5b17, 0x5b19, 0x5b1b, 0x5b21, 0x5b14, 0x5b13, + 0x5b10, 0x5b16, 0x5b28, 0x5b1a, 0x5b20, 0x5b1e, 0x5bef, 0x5dac, + 0x5db1, 0x5da9, 0x5da7, 0x5db5, 0x5db0, 0x5dae, 0x5daa, 0x5da8, + 0x5db2, 0x5dad, 0x5daf, 0x5db4, 0x5e67, 0x5e68, 0x5e66, 0x5e6f, + 0x5ee9, 0x5ee7, 0x5ee6, 0x5ee8, 0x5ee5, 0x5f4b, + /* 0x57 */ + 0x5fbc, 0x5fbb, 0x619d, 0x61a8, 0x6196, 0x61c5, 0x61b4, 0x61c6, + 0x61c1, 0x61cc, 0x61ba, 0x61bf, 0x61b8, 0x618c, 0x64d7, 0x64d6, + 0x64d0, 0x64cf, 0x64c9, 0x64bd, 0x6489, 0x64c3, 0x64db, 0x64f3, + 0x64d9, 0x6533, 0x657f, 0x657c, 0x65a2, 0x66c8, 0x66be, 0x66c0, + 0x66ca, 0x66cb, 0x66cf, 0x66bd, 0x66bb, 0x66ba, 0x66cc, 0x6723, + 0x6a34, 0x6a66, 0x6a49, 0x6a67, 0x6a32, 0x6a68, 0x6a3e, 0x6a5d, + 0x6a6d, 0x6a76, 0x6a5b, 0x6a51, 0x6a28, 0x6a5a, 0x6a3b, 0x6a3f, + 0x6a41, 0x6a6a, 0x6a64, 0x6a50, 0x6a4f, 0x6a54, 0x6a6f, 0x6a69, + 0x6a60, 0x6a3c, 0x6a5e, 0x6a56, 0x6a55, 0x6a4d, 0x6a4e, 0x6a46, + 0x6b55, 0x6b54, 0x6b56, 0x6ba7, 0x6baa, 0x6bab, 0x6bc8, 0x6bc7, + 0x6c04, 0x6c03, 0x6c06, 0x6fad, 0x6fcb, 0x6fa3, 0x6fc7, 0x6fbc, + 0x6fce, 0x6fc8, 0x6f5e, 0x6fc4, 0x6fbd, 0x6f9e, + /* 0x58 */ + 0x6fca, 0x6fa8, 0x7004, 0x6fa5, 0x6fae, 0x6fba, 0x6fac, 0x6faa, + 0x6fcf, 0x6fbf, 0x6fb8, 0x6fa2, 0x6fc9, 0x6fab, 0x6fcd, 0x6faf, + 0x6fb2, 0x6fb0, 0x71c5, 0x71c2, 0x71bf, 0x71b8, 0x71d6, 0x71c0, + 0x71c1, 0x71cb, 0x71d4, 0x71ca, 0x71c7, 0x71cf, 0x71bd, 0x71d8, + 0x71bc, 0x71c6, 0x71da, 0x71db, 0x729d, 0x729e, 0x7369, 0x7366, + 0x7367, 0x736c, 0x7365, 0x736b, 0x736a, 0x747f, 0x749a, 0x74a0, + 0x7494, 0x7492, 0x7495, 0x74a1, 0x750b, 0x7580, 0x762f, 0x762d, + 0x7631, 0x763d, 0x7633, 0x763c, 0x7635, 0x7632, 0x7630, 0x76bb, + 0x76e6, 0x779a, 0x779d, 0x77a1, 0x779c, 0x779b, 0x77a2, 0x77a3, + 0x7795, 0x7799, 0x7797, 0x78dd, 0x78e9, 0x78e5, 0x78ea, 0x78de, + 0x78e3, 0x78db, 0x78e1, 0x78e2, 0x78ed, 0x78df, 0x78e0, 0x79a4, + 0x7a44, 0x7a48, 0x7a47, 0x7ab6, 0x7ab8, 0x7ab5, + /* 0x59 */ + 0x7ab1, 0x7ab7, 0x7bde, 0x7be3, 0x7be7, 0x7bdd, 0x7bd5, 0x7be5, + 0x7bda, 0x7be8, 0x7bf9, 0x7bd4, 0x7bea, 0x7be2, 0x7bdc, 0x7beb, + 0x7bd8, 0x7bdf, 0x7cd2, 0x7cd4, 0x7cd7, 0x7cd0, 0x7cd1, 0x7e12, + 0x7e21, 0x7e17, 0x7e0c, 0x7e1f, 0x7e20, 0x7e13, 0x7e0e, 0x7e1c, + 0x7e15, 0x7e1a, 0x7e22, 0x7e0b, 0x7e0f, 0x7e16, 0x7e0d, 0x7e14, + 0x7e25, 0x7e24, 0x7f43, 0x7f7b, 0x7f7c, 0x7f7a, 0x7fb1, 0x7fef, + 0x802a, 0x8029, 0x806c, 0x81b1, 0x81a6, 0x81ae, 0x81b9, 0x81b5, + 0x81ab, 0x81b0, 0x81ac, 0x81b4, 0x81b2, 0x81b7, 0x81a7, 0x81f2, + 0x8255, 0x8256, 0x8257, 0x8556, 0x8545, 0x856b, 0x854d, 0x8553, + 0x8561, 0x8558, 0x8540, 0x8546, 0x8564, 0x8541, 0x8562, 0x8544, + 0x8551, 0x8547, 0x8563, 0x853e, 0x855b, 0x8571, 0x854e, 0x856e, + 0x8575, 0x8555, 0x8567, 0x8560, 0x858c, 0x8566, + /* 0x5a */ + 0x855d, 0x8554, 0x8565, 0x856c, 0x8663, 0x8665, 0x8664, 0x87a4, + 0x879b, 0x878f, 0x8797, 0x8793, 0x8792, 0x8788, 0x8781, 0x8796, + 0x8798, 0x8779, 0x8787, 0x87a3, 0x8785, 0x8790, 0x8791, 0x879d, + 0x8784, 0x8794, 0x879c, 0x879a, 0x8789, 0x891e, 0x8926, 0x8930, + 0x892d, 0x892e, 0x8927, 0x8931, 0x8922, 0x8929, 0x8923, 0x892f, + 0x892c, 0x891f, 0x89f1, 0x8ae0, 0x8ae2, 0x8af2, 0x8af4, 0x8af5, + 0x8add, 0x8b14, 0x8ae4, 0x8adf, 0x8af0, 0x8ac8, 0x8ade, 0x8ae1, + 0x8ae8, 0x8aff, 0x8aef, 0x8afb, 0x8c91, 0x8c92, 0x8c90, 0x8cf5, + 0x8cee, 0x8cf1, 0x8cf0, 0x8cf3, 0x8d6c, 0x8d6e, 0x8da5, 0x8da7, + 0x8e33, 0x8e3e, 0x8e38, 0x8e40, 0x8e45, 0x8e36, 0x8e3c, 0x8e3d, + 0x8e41, 0x8e30, 0x8e3f, 0x8ebd, 0x8f36, 0x8f2e, 0x8f35, 0x8f32, + 0x8f39, 0x8f37, 0x8f34, 0x9076, 0x9079, 0x907b, + /* 0x5b */ + 0x9086, 0x90fa, 0x9133, 0x9135, 0x9136, 0x9193, 0x9190, 0x9191, + 0x918d, 0x918f, 0x9327, 0x931e, 0x9308, 0x931f, 0x9306, 0x930f, + 0x937a, 0x9338, 0x933c, 0x931b, 0x9323, 0x9312, 0x9301, 0x9346, + 0x932d, 0x930e, 0x930d, 0x92cb, 0x931d, 0x92fa, 0x9313, 0x92f9, + 0x92f7, 0x9334, 0x9302, 0x9324, 0x92ff, 0x9329, 0x9339, 0x9335, + 0x932a, 0x9314, 0x930c, 0x930b, 0x92fe, 0x9309, 0x9300, 0x92fb, + 0x9316, 0x95bc, 0x95cd, 0x95be, 0x95b9, 0x95ba, 0x95b6, 0x95bf, + 0x95b5, 0x95bd, 0x96a9, 0x96d4, 0x970b, 0x9712, 0x9710, 0x9799, + 0x9797, 0x9794, 0x97f0, 0x97f8, 0x9835, 0x982f, 0x9832, 0x9924, + 0x991f, 0x9927, 0x9929, 0x999e, 0x99ee, 0x99ec, 0x99e5, 0x99e4, + 0x99f0, 0x99e3, 0x99ea, 0x99e9, 0x99e7, 0x9ab9, 0x9abf, 0x9ab4, + 0x9abb, 0x9af6, 0x9afa, 0x9af9, 0x9af7, 0x9b33, + /* 0x5c */ + 0x9b80, 0x9b85, 0x9b87, 0x9b7c, 0x9b7e, 0x9b7b, 0x9b82, 0x9b93, + 0x9b92, 0x9b90, 0x9b7a, 0x9b95, 0x9b7d, 0x9b88, 0x9d25, 0x9d17, + 0x9d20, 0x9d1e, 0x9d14, 0x9d29, 0x9d1d, 0x9d18, 0x9d22, 0x9d10, + 0x9d19, 0x9d1f, 0x9e88, 0x9e86, 0x9e87, 0x9eae, 0x9ead, 0x9ed5, + 0x9ed6, 0x9efa, 0x9f12, 0x9f3d, 0x5126, 0x5125, 0x5122, 0x5124, + 0x5120, 0x5129, 0x52f4, 0x5693, 0x568c, 0x568d, 0x5686, 0x5684, + 0x5683, 0x567e, 0x5682, 0x567f, 0x5681, 0x58d6, 0x58d4, 0x58cf, + 0x58d2, 0x5b2d, 0x5b25, 0x5b32, 0x5b23, 0x5b2c, 0x5b27, 0x5b26, + 0x5b2f, 0x5b2e, 0x5b7b, 0x5bf1, 0x5bf2, 0x5db7, 0x5e6c, 0x5e6a, + 0x5fbe, 0x61c3, 0x61b5, 0x61bc, 0x61e7, 0x61e0, 0x61e5, 0x61e4, + 0x61e8, 0x61de, 0x64ef, 0x64e9, 0x64e3, 0x64eb, 0x64e4, 0x64e8, + 0x6581, 0x6580, 0x65b6, 0x65da, 0x66d2, 0x6a8d, + /* 0x5d */ + 0x6a96, 0x6a81, 0x6aa5, 0x6a89, 0x6a9f, 0x6a9b, 0x6aa1, 0x6a9e, + 0x6a87, 0x6a93, 0x6a8e, 0x6a95, 0x6a83, 0x6aa8, 0x6aa4, 0x6a91, + 0x6a7f, 0x6aa6, 0x6a9a, 0x6a85, 0x6a8c, 0x6a92, 0x6b5b, 0x6bad, + 0x6c09, 0x6fcc, 0x6fa9, 0x6ff4, 0x6fd4, 0x6fe3, 0x6fdc, 0x6fed, + 0x6fe7, 0x6fe6, 0x6fde, 0x6ff2, 0x6fdd, 0x6fe2, 0x6fe8, 0x71e1, + 0x71f1, 0x71e8, 0x71f2, 0x71e4, 0x71f0, 0x71e2, 0x7373, 0x736e, + 0x736f, 0x7497, 0x74b2, 0x74ab, 0x7490, 0x74aa, 0x74ad, 0x74b1, + 0x74a5, 0x74af, 0x7510, 0x7511, 0x7512, 0x750f, 0x7584, 0x7643, + 0x7648, 0x7649, 0x7647, 0x76a4, 0x76e9, 0x77b5, 0x77ab, 0x77b2, + 0x77b7, 0x77b6, 0x77b4, 0x77b1, 0x77a8, 0x77f0, 0x78f3, 0x78fd, + 0x7902, 0x78fb, 0x78fc, 0x78ff, 0x78f2, 0x7905, 0x78f9, 0x78fe, + 0x7904, 0x79ab, 0x79a8, 0x7a5c, 0x7a5b, 0x7a56, + /* 0x5e */ + 0x7a58, 0x7a54, 0x7a5a, 0x7abe, 0x7ac0, 0x7ac1, 0x7c05, 0x7c0f, + 0x7bf2, 0x7c00, 0x7bff, 0x7bfb, 0x7c0e, 0x7bf4, 0x7c0b, 0x7bf3, + 0x7c02, 0x7c09, 0x7c03, 0x7c01, 0x7bf8, 0x7bfd, 0x7c06, 0x7bf0, + 0x7bf1, 0x7c10, 0x7c0a, 0x7ce8, 0x7e2d, 0x7e3c, 0x7e42, 0x7e33, + 0x9848, 0x7e38, 0x7e2a, 0x7e49, 0x7e40, 0x7e47, 0x7e29, 0x7e4c, + 0x7e30, 0x7e3b, 0x7e36, 0x7e44, 0x7e3a, 0x7f45, 0x7f7f, 0x7f7e, + 0x7f7d, 0x7ff4, 0x7ff2, 0x802c, 0x81bb, 0x81c4, 0x81cc, 0x81ca, + 0x81c5, 0x81c7, 0x81bc, 0x81e9, 0x825b, 0x825a, 0x825c, 0x8583, + 0x8580, 0x858f, 0x85a7, 0x8595, 0x85a0, 0x858b, 0x85a3, 0x857b, + 0x85a4, 0x859a, 0x859e, 0x8577, 0x857c, 0x8589, 0x85a1, 0x857a, + 0x8578, 0x8557, 0x858e, 0x8596, 0x8586, 0x858d, 0x8599, 0x859d, + 0x8581, 0x85a2, 0x8582, 0x8588, 0x8585, 0x8579, + /* 0x5f */ + 0x8576, 0x8598, 0x8590, 0x859f, 0x8668, 0x87be, 0x87aa, 0x87ad, + 0x87c5, 0x87b0, 0x87ac, 0x87b9, 0x87b5, 0x87bc, 0x87ae, 0x87c9, + 0x87c3, 0x87c2, 0x87cc, 0x87b7, 0x87af, 0x87c4, 0x87ca, 0x87b4, + 0x87b6, 0x87bf, 0x87b8, 0x87bd, 0x87de, 0x87b2, 0x8935, 0x8933, + 0x893c, 0x893e, 0x8941, 0x8952, 0x8937, 0x8942, 0x89ad, 0x89af, + 0x89ae, 0x89f2, 0x89f3, 0x8b1e, 0x8b18, 0x8b16, 0x8b11, 0x8b05, + 0x8b0b, 0x8b22, 0x8b0f, 0x8b12, 0x8b15, 0x8b07, 0x8b0d, 0x8b08, + 0x8b06, 0x8b1c, 0x8b13, 0x8b1a, 0x8c4f, 0x8c70, 0x8c72, 0x8c71, + 0x8c6f, 0x8c95, 0x8c94, 0x8cf9, 0x8d6f, 0x8e4e, 0x8e4d, 0x8e53, + 0x8e50, 0x8e4c, 0x8e47, 0x8f43, 0x8f40, 0x9085, 0x907e, 0x9138, + 0x919a, 0x91a2, 0x919b, 0x9199, 0x919f, 0x91a1, 0x919d, 0x91a0, + 0x93a1, 0x9383, 0x93af, 0x9364, 0x9356, 0x9347, + /* 0x60 */ + 0x937c, 0x9358, 0x935c, 0x9376, 0x9349, 0x9350, 0x9351, 0x9360, + 0x936d, 0x938f, 0x934c, 0x936a, 0x9379, 0x9357, 0x9355, 0x9352, + 0x934f, 0x9371, 0x9377, 0x937b, 0x9361, 0x935e, 0x9363, 0x9367, + 0x934e, 0x9359, 0x95c7, 0x95c0, 0x95c9, 0x95c3, 0x95c5, 0x95b7, + 0x96ae, 0x96b0, 0x96ac, 0x9720, 0x971f, 0x9718, 0x971d, 0x9719, + 0x979a, 0x97a1, 0x979c, 0x979e, 0x979d, 0x97d5, 0x97d4, 0x97f1, + 0x9841, 0x9844, 0x984a, 0x9849, 0x9845, 0x9843, 0x9925, 0x992b, + 0x992c, 0x992a, 0x9933, 0x9932, 0x992f, 0x992d, 0x9931, 0x9930, + 0x9998, 0x99a3, 0x99a1, 0x9a02, 0x99fa, 0x99f4, 0x99f7, 0x99f9, + 0x99f8, 0x99f6, 0x99fb, 0x99fd, 0x99fe, 0x99fc, 0x9a03, 0x9abe, + 0x9afe, 0x9afd, 0x9b01, 0x9afc, 0x9b48, 0x9b9a, 0x9ba8, 0x9b9e, + 0x9b9b, 0x9ba6, 0x9ba1, 0x9ba5, 0x9ba4, 0x9b86, + /* 0x61 */ + 0x9ba2, 0x9ba0, 0x9baf, 0x9d33, 0x9d41, 0x9d67, 0x9d36, 0x9d2e, + 0x9d2f, 0x9d31, 0x9d38, 0x9d30, 0x9d45, 0x9d42, 0x9d43, 0x9d3e, + 0x9d37, 0x9d40, 0x9d3d, 0x7ff5, 0x9d2d, 0x9e8a, 0x9e89, 0x9e8d, + 0x9eb0, 0x9ec8, 0x9eda, 0x9efb, 0x9eff, 0x9f24, 0x9f23, 0x9f22, + 0x9f54, 0x9fa0, 0x5131, 0x512d, 0x512e, 0x5698, 0x569c, 0x5697, + 0x569a, 0x569d, 0x5699, 0x5970, 0x5b3c, 0x5c69, 0x5c6a, 0x5dc0, + 0x5e6d, 0x5e6e, 0x61d8, 0x61df, 0x61ed, 0x61ee, 0x61f1, 0x61ea, + 0x61f0, 0x61eb, 0x61d6, 0x61e9, 0x64ff, 0x6504, 0x64fd, 0x64f8, + 0x6501, 0x6503, 0x64fc, 0x6594, 0x65db, 0x66da, 0x66db, 0x66d8, + 0x6ac5, 0x6ab9, 0x6abd, 0x6ae1, 0x6ac6, 0x6aba, 0x6ab6, 0x6ab7, + 0x6ac7, 0x6ab4, 0x6aad, 0x6b5e, 0x6bc9, 0x6c0b, 0x7007, 0x700c, + 0x700d, 0x7001, 0x7005, 0x7014, 0x700e, 0x6fff, + /* 0x62 */ + 0x7000, 0x6ffb, 0x7026, 0x6ffc, 0x6ff7, 0x700a, 0x7201, 0x71ff, + 0x71f9, 0x7203, 0x71fd, 0x7376, 0x74b8, 0x74c0, 0x74b5, 0x74c1, + 0x74be, 0x74b6, 0x74bb, 0x74c2, 0x7514, 0x7513, 0x765c, 0x7664, + 0x7659, 0x7650, 0x7653, 0x7657, 0x765a, 0x76a6, 0x76bd, 0x76ec, + 0x77c2, 0x77ba, 0x790c, 0x7913, 0x7914, 0x7909, 0x7910, 0x7912, + 0x7911, 0x79ad, 0x79ac, 0x7a5f, 0x7c1c, 0x7c29, 0x7c19, 0x7c20, + 0x7c1f, 0x7c2d, 0x7c1d, 0x7c26, 0x7c28, 0x7c22, 0x7c25, 0x7c30, + 0x7e5c, 0x7e50, 0x7e56, 0x7e63, 0x7e58, 0x7e62, 0x7e5f, 0x7e51, + 0x7e60, 0x7e57, 0x7e53, 0x7fb5, 0x7fb3, 0x7ff7, 0x7ff8, 0x8075, + 0x81d1, 0x81d2, 0x81d0, 0x825f, 0x825e, 0x85b4, 0x85c6, 0x85c0, + 0x85c3, 0x85c2, 0x85b3, 0x85b5, 0x85bd, 0x85c7, 0x85c4, 0x85bf, + 0x85cb, 0x85ce, 0x85c8, 0x85c5, 0x85b1, 0x85b6, + /* 0x63 */ + 0x85d2, 0x8624, 0x85b8, 0x85b7, 0x85be, 0x8669, 0x87e7, 0x87e6, + 0x87e2, 0x87db, 0x87eb, 0x87ea, 0x87e5, 0x87df, 0x87f3, 0x87e4, + 0x87d4, 0x87dc, 0x87d3, 0x87ed, 0x87d8, 0x87e3, 0x87d7, 0x87d9, + 0x8801, 0x87f4, 0x87e8, 0x87dd, 0x8953, 0x894b, 0x894f, 0x894c, + 0x8946, 0x8950, 0x8951, 0x8949, 0x8b2a, 0x8b27, 0x8b23, 0x8b33, + 0x8b30, 0x8b35, 0x8b47, 0x8b2f, 0x8b3c, 0x8b3e, 0x8b31, 0x8b25, + 0x8b37, 0x8b26, 0x8b36, 0x8b2e, 0x8b24, 0x8b3b, 0x8b3d, 0x8b3a, + 0x8c42, 0x8c75, 0x8c99, 0x8c98, 0x8c97, 0x8cfe, 0x8d04, 0x8d02, + 0x8d00, 0x8e5c, 0x8e62, 0x8e60, 0x8e57, 0x8e56, 0x8e5e, 0x8e65, + 0x8e67, 0x8e5b, 0x8e5a, 0x8e61, 0x8e5d, 0x8e69, 0x8e54, 0x8f46, + 0x8f47, 0x8f48, 0x8f4b, 0x9128, 0x913a, 0x913b, 0x913e, 0x91a8, + 0x91a5, 0x91a7, 0x91af, 0x91aa, 0x93b5, 0x938c, + /* 0x64 */ + 0x9392, 0x93b7, 0x939b, 0x939d, 0x9389, 0x93a7, 0x938e, 0x93aa, + 0x939e, 0x93a6, 0x9395, 0x9388, 0x9399, 0x939f, 0x9380, 0x938d, + 0x93b1, 0x9391, 0x93b2, 0x93a4, 0x93a8, 0x93b4, 0x93a3, 0x95d2, + 0x95d3, 0x95d1, 0x96b3, 0x96d7, 0x96da, 0x5dc2, 0x96df, 0x96d8, + 0x96dd, 0x9723, 0x9722, 0x9725, 0x97ac, 0x97ae, 0x97a8, 0x97ab, + 0x97a4, 0x97aa, 0x97a2, 0x97a5, 0x97d7, 0x97d9, 0x97d6, 0x97d8, + 0x97fa, 0x9850, 0x9851, 0x9852, 0x98b8, 0x9941, 0x993c, 0x993a, + 0x9a0f, 0x9a0b, 0x9a09, 0x9a0d, 0x9a04, 0x9a11, 0x9a0a, 0x9a05, + 0x9a07, 0x9a06, 0x9ac0, 0x9adc, 0x9b08, 0x9b04, 0x9b05, 0x9b29, + 0x9b35, 0x9b4a, 0x9b4c, 0x9b4b, 0x9bc7, 0x9bc6, 0x9bc3, 0x9bbf, + 0x9bc1, 0x9bb5, 0x9bb8, 0x9bd3, 0x9bb6, 0x9bc4, 0x9bb9, 0x9bbd, + 0x9d5c, 0x9d53, 0x9d4f, 0x9d4a, 0x9d5b, 0x9d4b, + /* 0x65 */ + 0x9d59, 0x9d56, 0x9d4c, 0x9d57, 0x9d52, 0x9d54, 0x9d5f, 0x9d58, + 0x9d5a, 0x9e8e, 0x9e8c, 0x9edf, 0x9f01, 0x9f00, 0x9f16, 0x9f25, + 0x9f2b, 0x9f2a, 0x9f29, 0x9f28, 0x9f4c, 0x9f55, 0x5134, 0x5135, + 0x5296, 0x52f7, 0x53b4, 0x56ab, 0x56ad, 0x56a6, 0x56a7, 0x56aa, + 0x56ac, 0x58da, 0x58dd, 0x58db, 0x5912, 0x5b3d, 0x5b3e, 0x5b3f, + 0x5dc3, 0x5e70, 0x5fbf, 0x61fb, 0x6507, 0x6510, 0x650d, 0x6509, + 0x650c, 0x650e, 0x6584, 0x65de, 0x65dd, 0x66de, 0x6ae7, 0x6ae0, + 0x6acc, 0x6ad1, 0x6ad9, 0x6acb, 0x6adf, 0x6adc, 0x6ad0, 0x6aeb, + 0x6acf, 0x6acd, 0x6ade, 0x6b60, 0x6bb0, 0x6c0c, 0x7019, 0x7027, + 0x7020, 0x7016, 0x702b, 0x7021, 0x7022, 0x7023, 0x7029, 0x7017, + 0x7024, 0x701c, 0x720c, 0x720a, 0x7207, 0x7202, 0x7205, 0x72a5, + 0x72a6, 0x72a4, 0x72a3, 0x72a1, 0x74cb, 0x74c5, + /* 0x66 */ + 0x74b7, 0x74c3, 0x7516, 0x7660, 0x77c9, 0x77ca, 0x77c4, 0x77f1, + 0x791d, 0x791b, 0x7921, 0x791c, 0x7917, 0x791e, 0x79b0, 0x7a67, + 0x7a68, 0x7c33, 0x7c3c, 0x7c39, 0x7c2c, 0x7c3b, 0x7cec, 0x7cea, + 0x7e76, 0x7e75, 0x7e78, 0x7e70, 0x7e77, 0x7e6f, 0x7e7a, 0x7e72, + 0x7e74, 0x7e68, 0x7f4b, 0x7f4a, 0x7f83, 0x7f86, 0x7fb7, 0x7ffd, + 0x7ffe, 0x8078, 0x81d7, 0x81d5, 0x820b, 0x8264, 0x8261, 0x8263, + 0x85eb, 0x85f1, 0x85ed, 0x85d9, 0x85e1, 0x85e8, 0x85da, 0x85d7, + 0x85ec, 0x85f2, 0x85f8, 0x85d8, 0x85df, 0x85e3, 0x85dc, 0x85d1, + 0x85f0, 0x85e6, 0x85ef, 0x85de, 0x85e2, 0x8800, 0x87fa, 0x8803, + 0x87f6, 0x87f7, 0x8809, 0x880c, 0x880b, 0x8806, 0x87fc, 0x8808, + 0x87ff, 0x880a, 0x8802, 0x8962, 0x895a, 0x895b, 0x8957, 0x8961, + 0x895c, 0x8958, 0x895d, 0x8959, 0x8988, 0x89b7, + /* 0x67 */ + 0x89b6, 0x89f6, 0x8b50, 0x8b48, 0x8b4a, 0x8b40, 0x8b53, 0x8b56, + 0x8b54, 0x8b4b, 0x8b55, 0x8b51, 0x8b42, 0x8b52, 0x8b57, 0x8c43, + 0x8c77, 0x8c76, 0x8c9a, 0x8d06, 0x8d07, 0x8d09, 0x8dac, 0x8daa, + 0x8dad, 0x8dab, 0x8e6d, 0x8e78, 0x8e73, 0x8e6a, 0x8e6f, 0x8e7b, + 0x8ec2, 0x8f52, 0x8f51, 0x8f4f, 0x8f50, 0x8f53, 0x8fb4, 0x9140, + 0x913f, 0x91b0, 0x91ad, 0x93de, 0x93c7, 0x93cf, 0x93c2, 0x93da, + 0x93d0, 0x93f9, 0x93ec, 0x93cc, 0x93d9, 0x93a9, 0x93e6, 0x93ca, + 0x93d4, 0x93ee, 0x93e3, 0x93d5, 0x93c4, 0x93ce, 0x93c0, 0x93d2, + 0x93a5, 0x93e7, 0x957d, 0x95da, 0x95db, 0x96e1, 0x9729, 0x972b, + 0x972c, 0x9728, 0x9726, 0x97b3, 0x97b7, 0x97b6, 0x97dd, 0x97de, + 0x97df, 0x985c, 0x9859, 0x985d, 0x9857, 0x98bf, 0x98bd, 0x98bb, + 0x98be, 0x9948, 0x9947, 0x9943, 0x99a6, 0x99a7, + /* 0x68 */ + 0x9a1a, 0x9a15, 0x9a25, 0x9a1d, 0x9a24, 0x9a1b, 0x9a22, 0x9a20, + 0x9a27, 0x9a23, 0x9a1e, 0x9a1c, 0x9a14, 0x9ac2, 0x9b0b, 0x9b0a, + 0x9b0e, 0x9b0c, 0x9b37, 0x9bea, 0x9beb, 0x9be0, 0x9bde, 0x9be4, + 0x9be6, 0x9be2, 0x9bf0, 0x9bd4, 0x9bd7, 0x9bec, 0x9bdc, 0x9bd9, + 0x9be5, 0x9bd5, 0x9be1, 0x9bda, 0x9d77, 0x9d81, 0x9d8a, 0x9d84, + 0x9d88, 0x9d71, 0x9d80, 0x9d78, 0x9d86, 0x9d8b, 0x9d8c, 0x9d7d, + 0x9d6b, 0x9d74, 0x9d75, 0x9d70, 0x9d69, 0x9d85, 0x9d73, 0x9d7b, + 0x9d82, 0x9d6f, 0x9d79, 0x9d7f, 0x9d87, 0x9d68, 0x9e94, 0x9e91, + 0x9ec0, 0x9efc, 0x9f2d, 0x9f40, 0x9f41, 0x9f4d, 0x9f56, 0x9f57, + 0x9f58, 0x5337, 0x56b2, 0x56b5, 0x56b3, 0x58e3, 0x5b45, 0x5dc6, + 0x5dc7, 0x5eee, 0x5eef, 0x5fc0, 0x5fc1, 0x61f9, 0x6517, 0x6516, + 0x6515, 0x6513, 0x65df, 0x66e8, 0x66e3, 0x66e4, + /* 0x69 */ + 0x6af3, 0x6af0, 0x6aea, 0x6ae8, 0x6af9, 0x6af1, 0x6aee, 0x6aef, + 0x703c, 0x7035, 0x702f, 0x7037, 0x7034, 0x7031, 0x7042, 0x7038, + 0x703f, 0x703a, 0x7039, 0x702a, 0x7040, 0x703b, 0x7033, 0x7041, + 0x7213, 0x7214, 0x72a8, 0x737d, 0x737c, 0x74ba, 0x76ab, 0x76aa, + 0x76be, 0x76ed, 0x77cc, 0x77ce, 0x77cf, 0x77cd, 0x77f2, 0x7925, + 0x7923, 0x7927, 0x7928, 0x7924, 0x7929, 0x79b2, 0x7a6e, 0x7a6c, + 0x7a6d, 0x7af7, 0x7c49, 0x7c48, 0x7c4a, 0x7c47, 0x7c45, 0x7cee, + 0x7e7b, 0x7e7e, 0x7e81, 0x7e80, 0x7fba, 0x7fff, 0x8079, 0x81db, + 0x81d9, 0x8268, 0x8269, 0x8622, 0x85ff, 0x8601, 0x85fe, 0x861b, + 0x8600, 0x85f6, 0x8604, 0x8609, 0x8605, 0x860c, 0x85fd, 0x8819, + 0x8810, 0x8811, 0x8817, 0x8813, 0x8816, 0x8963, 0x8966, 0x89b9, + 0x89f7, 0x8b60, 0x8b6a, 0x8b5d, 0x8b68, 0x8b63, + /* 0x6a */ + 0x8b65, 0x8b67, 0x8b6d, 0x8dae, 0x8e86, 0x8e88, 0x8e84, 0x8f59, + 0x8f56, 0x8f57, 0x8f55, 0x8f58, 0x8f5a, 0x908d, 0x9143, 0x9141, + 0x91b7, 0x91b5, 0x91b2, 0x91b3, 0x940b, 0x9413, 0x93fb, 0x9420, + 0x940f, 0x9414, 0x93fe, 0x9415, 0x9410, 0x9428, 0x9419, 0x940d, + 0x93f5, 0x9400, 0x93f7, 0x9407, 0x940e, 0x9416, 0x9412, 0x93fa, + 0x9409, 0x93f8, 0x943c, 0x940a, 0x93ff, 0x93fc, 0x940c, 0x93f6, + 0x9411, 0x9406, 0x95de, 0x95e0, 0x95df, 0x972e, 0x972f, 0x97b9, + 0x97bb, 0x97fd, 0x97fe, 0x9860, 0x9862, 0x9863, 0x985f, 0x98c1, + 0x98c2, 0x9950, 0x994e, 0x9959, 0x994c, 0x994b, 0x9953, 0x9a32, + 0x9a34, 0x9a31, 0x9a2c, 0x9a2a, 0x9a36, 0x9a29, 0x9a2e, 0x9a38, + 0x9a2d, 0x9ac7, 0x9aca, 0x9ac6, 0x9b10, 0x9b12, 0x9b11, 0x9c0b, + 0x9c08, 0x9bf7, 0x9c05, 0x9c12, 0x9bf8, 0x9c40, + /* 0x6b */ + 0x9c07, 0x9c0e, 0x9c06, 0x9c17, 0x9c14, 0x9c09, 0x9d9f, 0x9d99, + 0x9da4, 0x9d9d, 0x9d92, 0x9d98, 0x9d90, 0x9d9b, 0x9da0, 0x9d94, + 0x9d9c, 0x9daa, 0x9d97, 0x9da1, 0x9d9a, 0x9da2, 0x9da8, 0x9d9e, + 0x9da3, 0x9dbf, 0x9da9, 0x9d96, 0x9da6, 0x9da7, 0x9e99, 0x9e9b, + 0x9e9a, 0x9ee5, 0x9ee4, 0x9ee7, 0x9ee6, 0x9f30, 0x9f2e, 0x9f5b, + 0x9f60, 0x9f5e, 0x9f5d, 0x9f59, 0x9f91, 0x513a, 0x5139, 0x5298, + 0x5297, 0x56c3, 0x56bd, 0x56be, 0x5b48, 0x5b47, 0x5dcb, 0x5dcf, + 0x5ef1, 0x61fd, 0x651b, 0x6b02, 0x6afc, 0x6b03, 0x6af8, 0x6b00, + 0x7043, 0x7044, 0x704a, 0x7048, 0x7049, 0x7045, 0x7046, 0x721d, + 0x721a, 0x7219, 0x737e, 0x7517, 0x766a, 0x77d0, 0x792d, 0x7931, + 0x792f, 0x7c54, 0x7c53, 0x7cf2, 0x7e8a, 0x7e87, 0x7e88, 0x7e8b, + 0x7e86, 0x7e8d, 0x7f4d, 0x7fbb, 0x8030, 0x81dd, + /* 0x6c */ + 0x8618, 0x862a, 0x8626, 0x861f, 0x8623, 0x861c, 0x8619, 0x8627, + 0x862e, 0x8621, 0x8620, 0x8629, 0x861e, 0x8625, 0x8829, 0x881d, + 0x881b, 0x8820, 0x8824, 0x881c, 0x882b, 0x884a, 0x896d, 0x8969, + 0x896e, 0x896b, 0x89fa, 0x8b79, 0x8b78, 0x8b45, 0x8b7a, 0x8b7b, + 0x8d10, 0x8d14, 0x8daf, 0x8e8e, 0x8e8c, 0x8f5e, 0x8f5b, 0x8f5d, + 0x9146, 0x9144, 0x9145, 0x91b9, 0x943f, 0x943b, 0x9436, 0x9429, + 0x943d, 0x9430, 0x9439, 0x942a, 0x9437, 0x942c, 0x9440, 0x9431, + 0x95e5, 0x95e4, 0x95e3, 0x9735, 0x973a, 0x97bf, 0x97e1, 0x9864, + 0x98c9, 0x98c6, 0x98c0, 0x9958, 0x9956, 0x9a39, 0x9a3d, 0x9a46, + 0x9a44, 0x9a42, 0x9a41, 0x9a3a, 0x9a3f, 0x9acd, 0x9b15, 0x9b17, + 0x9b18, 0x9b16, 0x9b3a, 0x9b52, 0x9c2b, 0x9c1d, 0x9c1c, 0x9c2c, + 0x9c23, 0x9c28, 0x9c29, 0x9c24, 0x9c21, 0x9db7, + /* 0x6d */ + 0x9db6, 0x9dbc, 0x9dc1, 0x9dc7, 0x9dca, 0x9dcf, 0x9dbe, 0x9dc5, + 0x9dc3, 0x9dbb, 0x9db5, 0x9dce, 0x9db9, 0x9dba, 0x9dac, 0x9dc8, + 0x9db1, 0x9dad, 0x9dcc, 0x9db3, 0x9dcd, 0x9db2, 0x9e7a, 0x9e9c, + 0x9eeb, 0x9eee, 0x9eed, 0x9f1b, 0x9f18, 0x9f1a, 0x9f31, 0x9f4e, + 0x9f65, 0x9f64, 0x9f92, 0x4eb9, 0x56c6, 0x56c5, 0x56cb, 0x5971, + 0x5b4b, 0x5b4c, 0x5dd5, 0x5dd1, 0x5ef2, 0x6521, 0x6520, 0x6526, + 0x6522, 0x6b0b, 0x6b08, 0x6b09, 0x6c0d, 0x7055, 0x7056, 0x7057, + 0x7052, 0x721e, 0x721f, 0x72a9, 0x737f, 0x74d8, 0x74d5, 0x74d9, + 0x74d7, 0x766d, 0x76ad, 0x7935, 0x79b4, 0x7a70, 0x7a71, 0x7c57, + 0x7c5c, 0x7c59, 0x7c5b, 0x7c5a, 0x7cf4, 0x7cf1, 0x7e91, 0x7f4f, + 0x7f87, 0x81de, 0x826b, 0x8634, 0x8635, 0x8633, 0x862c, 0x8632, + 0x8636, 0x882c, 0x8828, 0x8826, 0x882a, 0x8825, + /* 0x6e */ + 0x8971, 0x89bf, 0x89be, 0x89fb, 0x8b7e, 0x8b84, 0x8b82, 0x8b86, + 0x8b85, 0x8b7f, 0x8d15, 0x8e95, 0x8e94, 0x8e9a, 0x8e92, 0x8e90, + 0x8e96, 0x8e97, 0x8f60, 0x8f62, 0x9147, 0x944c, 0x9450, 0x944a, + 0x944b, 0x944f, 0x9447, 0x9445, 0x9448, 0x9449, 0x9446, 0x973f, + 0x97e3, 0x986a, 0x9869, 0x98cb, 0x9954, 0x995b, 0x9a4e, 0x9a53, + 0x9a54, 0x9a4c, 0x9a4f, 0x9a48, 0x9a4a, 0x9a49, 0x9a52, 0x9a50, + 0x9ad0, 0x9b19, 0x9b2b, 0x9b3b, 0x9b56, 0x9b55, 0x9c46, 0x9c48, + 0x9c3f, 0x9c44, 0x9c39, 0x9c33, 0x9c41, 0x9c3c, 0x9c37, 0x9c34, + 0x9c32, 0x9c3d, 0x9c36, 0x9ddb, 0x9dd2, 0x9dde, 0x9dda, 0x9dcb, + 0x9dd0, 0x9ddc, 0x9dd1, 0x9ddf, 0x9de9, 0x9dd9, 0x9dd8, 0x9dd6, + 0x9df5, 0x9dd5, 0x9ddd, 0x9eb6, 0x9ef0, 0x9f35, 0x9f33, 0x9f32, + 0x9f42, 0x9f6b, 0x9f95, 0x9fa2, 0x513d, 0x5299, + /* 0x6f */ + 0x58e8, 0x58e7, 0x5972, 0x5b4d, 0x5dd8, 0x882f, 0x5f4f, 0x6201, + 0x6203, 0x6204, 0x6529, 0x6525, 0x6596, 0x66eb, 0x6b11, 0x6b12, + 0x6b0f, 0x6bca, 0x705b, 0x705a, 0x7222, 0x7382, 0x7381, 0x7383, + 0x7670, 0x77d4, 0x7c67, 0x7c66, 0x7e95, 0x826c, 0x863a, 0x8640, + 0x8639, 0x863c, 0x8631, 0x863b, 0x863e, 0x8830, 0x8832, 0x882e, + 0x8833, 0x8976, 0x8974, 0x8973, 0x89fe, 0x8b8c, 0x8b8e, 0x8b8b, + 0x8b88, 0x8c45, 0x8d19, 0x8e98, 0x8f64, 0x8f63, 0x91bc, 0x9462, + 0x9455, 0x945d, 0x9457, 0x945e, 0x97c4, 0x97c5, 0x9800, 0x9a56, + 0x9a59, 0x9b1e, 0x9b1f, 0x9b20, 0x9c52, 0x9c58, 0x9c50, 0x9c4a, + 0x9c4d, 0x9c4b, 0x9c55, 0x9c59, 0x9c4c, 0x9c4e, 0x9dfb, 0x9df7, + 0x9def, 0x9de3, 0x9deb, 0x9df8, 0x9de4, 0x9df6, 0x9de1, 0x9dee, + 0x9de6, 0x9df2, 0x9df0, 0x9de2, 0x9dec, 0x9df4, + /* 0x70 */ + 0x9df3, 0x9de8, 0x9ded, 0x9ec2, 0x9ed0, 0x9ef2, 0x9ef3, 0x9f06, + 0x9f1c, 0x9f38, 0x9f37, 0x9f36, 0x9f43, 0x9f4f, 0x9f71, 0x9f70, + 0x9f6e, 0x9f6f, 0x56d3, 0x56cd, 0x5b4e, 0x5c6d, 0x652d, 0x66ed, + 0x66ee, 0x6b13, 0x705f, 0x7061, 0x705d, 0x7060, 0x7223, 0x74db, + 0x74e5, 0x77d5, 0x7938, 0x79b7, 0x79b6, 0x7c6a, 0x7e97, 0x7f89, + 0x826d, 0x8643, 0x8838, 0x8837, 0x8835, 0x884b, 0x8b94, 0x8b95, + 0x8e9e, 0x8e9f, 0x8ea0, 0x8e9d, 0x91be, 0x91bd, 0x91c2, 0x946b, + 0x9468, 0x9469, 0x96e5, 0x9746, 0x9743, 0x9747, 0x97c7, 0x97e5, + 0x9a5e, 0x9ad5, 0x9b59, 0x9c63, 0x9c67, 0x9c66, 0x9c62, 0x9c5e, + 0x9c60, 0x9e02, 0x9dfe, 0x9e07, 0x9e03, 0x9e06, 0x9e05, 0x9e00, + 0x9e01, 0x9e09, 0x9dff, 0x9dfd, 0x9e04, 0x9ea0, 0x9f1e, 0x9f46, + 0x9f74, 0x9f75, 0x9f76, 0x56d4, 0x652e, 0x65b8, + /* 0x71 */ + 0x6b18, 0x6b19, 0x6b17, 0x6b1a, 0x7062, 0x7226, 0x72aa, 0x77d8, + 0x77d9, 0x7939, 0x7c69, 0x7c6b, 0x7cf6, 0x7e9a, 0x7e98, 0x7e9b, + 0x7e99, 0x81e0, 0x81e1, 0x8646, 0x8647, 0x8648, 0x8979, 0x897a, + 0x897c, 0x897b, 0x89ff, 0x8b98, 0x8b99, 0x8ea5, 0x8ea4, 0x8ea3, + 0x946e, 0x946d, 0x946f, 0x9471, 0x9473, 0x9749, 0x9872, 0x995f, + 0x9c68, 0x9c6e, 0x9c6d, 0x9e0b, 0x9e0d, 0x9e10, 0x9e0f, 0x9e12, + 0x9e11, 0x9ea1, 0x9ef5, 0x9f09, 0x9f47, 0x9f78, 0x9f7b, 0x9f7a, + 0x9f79, 0x571e, 0x7066, 0x7c6f, 0x883c, 0x8db2, 0x8ea6, 0x91c3, + 0x9474, 0x9478, 0x9476, 0x9475, 0x9a60, 0x9b2e, 0x9c74, 0x9c73, + 0x9c71, 0x9c75, 0x9e14, 0x9e13, 0x9ef6, 0x9f0a, 0x9fa4, 0x7068, + 0x7065, 0x7cf7, 0x866a, 0x883e, 0x883d, 0x883f, 0x8b9e, 0x8c9c, + 0x8ea9, 0x8ec9, 0x974b, 0x9873, 0x9874, 0x98cc, + /* 0x72 */ + 0x9961, 0x99ab, 0x9a64, 0x9a66, 0x9a67, 0x9b24, 0x9e15, 0x9e17, + 0x9f48, 0x6207, 0x6b1e, 0x7227, 0x864c, 0x8ea8, 0x9482, 0x9480, + 0x9481, 0x9a69, 0x9a68, 0x9e19, 0x864b, 0x8b9f, 0x9483, 0x9c79, + 0x9eb7, 0x7675, 0x9a6b, 0x9c7a, 0x9e1d, 0x7069, 0x706a, 0x7229, + 0x9ea4, 0x9f7e, 0x9f49, 0x9f98, +}; + +static int +cns11643_2_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 >= 0x21 && c1 <= 0x72)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 < 0x7f) { + unsigned int i = 94 * (c1 - 0x21) + (c2 - 0x21); + unsigned short wc = 0xfffd; + { + if (i < 7650) + wc = cns11643_2_2uni_page21[i]; + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_3.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_3.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e2630131b --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_3.h @@ -0,0 +1,974 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CNS 11643-1992 plane 3 + */ + +static const unsigned short cns11643_3_2uni_page21[6148] = { + /* 0x21 */ + 0x1a28, 0x1a36, 0x1a3f, 0x1a85, 0x1a05, 0x1a04, 0x1d82, 0x1d96, + 0x1f38, 0x1f69, 0x1fb6, 0x1a2a, 0x1a87, 0x1a49, 0x1de2, 0x1a46, + 0x1a8f, 0x1abc, 0x1abe, 0x1d66, 0x1de3, 0x1e04, 0x1e9c, 0x1f44, + 0x2502, 0x250a, 0x2780, 0x29db, 0x2a7a, 0x2a7f, 0x2af4, 0x2b50, + 0x2b51, 0x2b61, 0x621d, 0x6d0b, 0x1a63, 0x1a62, 0x1aa3, 0x1d85, + 0x1ac5, 0x1acf, 0x1ace, 0x1acc, 0x1d84, 0x1d86, 0x8517, 0x00c5, + 0x1de4, 0x1e05, 0x1e9e, 0x1e9d, 0x1efd, 0x1f00, 0x1f3a, 0x0139, + 0x1f46, 0x1f5d, 0x1f86, 0x1fb7, 0x0155, 0x1fcc, 0x015b, 0x1fce, + 0x2321, 0x03a2, 0x2a00, 0x2b0c, 0x2e37, 0x2e38, 0x3134, 0x3135, + 0x31e0, 0x0a26, 0x3f8d, 0x1a97, 0x1ae0, 0x0032, 0x6ea9, 0x1ae7, + 0x0033, 0x1ae6, 0x0034, 0x02a2, 0x0031, 0x00b0, 0x22d8, 0x1d8b, + 0x1d8c, 0x1d99, 0x1de5, 0x8550, 0x1e0b, 0x00dc, + /* 0x22 */ + 0x021e, 0x1f04, 0x1f03, 0x1f07, 0x852a, 0x1f1e, 0x1f5f, 0x1f6d, + 0x1f89, 0x1fba, 0x1fd0, 0x0165, 0x1ff6, 0x1ff7, 0x1ff9, 0x0164, + 0x1ff4, 0x021d, 0x0226, 0x2324, 0x2504, 0x2518, 0x2532, 0x2530, + 0x2534, 0x028e, 0x2575, 0x034a, 0x2782, 0x27f9, 0x2814, 0x038b, + 0x03a6, 0x03a4, 0x03a5, 0x03a7, 0x042f, 0x0432, 0x2a81, 0x2a83, + 0x2b0d, 0x2b52, 0x04d4, 0x2bca, 0x2bc7, 0x2e39, 0x05c5, 0x2e4f, + 0x31e7, 0x332f, 0x377a, 0x3839, 0x08ba, 0x08b9, 0x3837, 0x3844, + 0x3845, 0x3f8c, 0x4192, 0x4276, 0x5c93, 0x5c92, 0x14b3, 0x15ba, + 0x1a21, 0x1a20, 0x1a22, 0x1a68, 0x1a89, 0x1a98, 0x1af9, 0x1aef, + 0x003b, 0x003c, 0x1af8, 0x1b06, 0x1b03, 0x1afc, 0x1aee, 0x1b16, + 0x0039, 0x1b28, 0x1b1c, 0x1b07, 0x1b1a, 0x1afa, 0x1b17, 0x1d4a, + 0x00b2, 0x1d72, 0x8515, 0x1db4, 0x1db3, 0x1db2, + /* 0x23 */ + 0x00c7, 0x1de8, 0x002b, 0x1e14, 0x1e0f, 0x1e15, 0x1e18, 0x1ea8, + 0x852c, 0x1f4b, 0x1f4f, 0x013b, 0x1f50, 0x0144, 0x1f8b, 0x0142, + 0x1fbe, 0x015c, 0x1fd2, 0x2016, 0x1fff, 0x0167, 0x2000, 0x0166, + 0x2005, 0x2013, 0x2015, 0x853b, 0x021f, 0x22e3, 0x2335, 0x2336, + 0x2331, 0x2332, 0x24ee, 0x2505, 0x1a54, 0x028f, 0x2536, 0x0290, + 0x02a8, 0x02a4, 0x257a, 0x02a3, 0x2586, 0x033d, 0x034c, 0x2786, + 0x2b53, 0x2818, 0x038c, 0x283d, 0x2878, 0x03a8, 0x03ad, 0x03af, + 0x7746, 0x2880, 0x0429, 0x2a08, 0x0436, 0x0471, 0x0470, 0x046f, + 0x2af5, 0x2b0e, 0x04a9, 0x04aa, 0x04fb, 0x2bd3, 0x2bda, 0x04fc, + 0x2bdb, 0x05ae, 0x2e0f, 0x2e5d, 0x2e5f, 0x2e67, 0x2e57, 0x6b50, + 0x06c3, 0x31eb, 0x31ea, 0x0730, 0x3337, 0x0741, 0x3332, 0x3336, + 0x3722, 0x37ce, 0x088c, 0x3858, 0x3851, 0x3877, + /* 0x24 */ + 0x383c, 0x08bb, 0x385a, 0x7c86, 0x3853, 0x3c6f, 0x3c72, 0x3c6e, + 0x8535, 0x09a1, 0x3c73, 0x3eb1, 0x3eb2, 0x0aa8, 0x3f8f, 0x0aaa, + 0x0aab, 0x0c96, 0x453c, 0x0dc2, 0x4c8d, 0x4c8e, 0x1093, 0x4e7b, + 0x1094, 0x5971, 0x5bb9, 0x5c96, 0x5c9a, 0x15bb, 0x1a24, 0x1a71, + 0x851b, 0x1a9c, 0x1b45, 0x1b4a, 0x1b39, 0x1b37, 0x0043, 0x1b32, + 0x1b42, 0x0042, 0x1b44, 0x1b4b, 0x0044, 0x1b40, 0x1b35, 0x1b31, + 0x1d51, 0x850e, 0x1d50, 0x1d4e, 0x00b3, 0x00b7, 0x1d9d, 0x00c8, + 0x1db5, 0x1db8, 0x1dec, 0x1e23, 0x1e27, 0x1e26, 0x1e1f, 0x1e2b, + 0x1e20, 0x1eb4, 0x1eb3, 0x0118, 0x1f25, 0x1f3b, 0x1f74, 0x0147, + 0x0146, 0x0145, 0x016b, 0x0169, 0x204d, 0x0172, 0x0171, 0x203a, + 0x016c, 0x016f, 0x2044, 0x204c, 0x2023, 0x201a, 0x2032, 0x204b, + 0x2021, 0x0173, 0x2034, 0x2049, 0x2050, 0x2022, + /* 0x25 */ + 0x203f, 0x2051, 0x205a, 0x202f, 0x0176, 0x22e9, 0x22f2, 0x22f3, + 0x22ef, 0x22ed, 0x22ec, 0x22e6, 0x2348, 0x0227, 0x2344, 0x233f, + 0x233c, 0x2353, 0x2356, 0x0230, 0x235f, 0x2343, 0x2358, 0x2357, + 0x0229, 0x022a, 0x022f, 0x2346, 0x022c, 0x233d, 0x022d, 0x2342, + 0x2354, 0x2355, 0x24f1, 0x24f2, 0x24f0, 0x250b, 0x6aa6, 0x22f1, + 0x253d, 0x0293, 0x2594, 0x258c, 0x02ad, 0x259c, 0x02ac, 0x02ab, + 0x259f, 0x02a9, 0x259b, 0x02ae, 0x2589, 0x259a, 0x02aa, 0x3188, + 0x034e, 0x278d, 0x0350, 0x27fe, 0x27ff, 0x27fd, 0x282b, 0x03b2, + 0x2884, 0x288e, 0x289c, 0x03b5, 0x03b6, 0x2885, 0x29f5, 0x2a09, + 0x0439, 0x043b, 0x2a0b, 0x0472, 0x2a92, 0x2a90, 0x2b03, 0x04ac, + 0x2b1e, 0x2b63, 0x0508, 0x2be7, 0x2bfe, 0x2be6, 0x2bdc, 0x2bce, + 0x0503, 0x2bfc, 0x2bdf, 0x2bec, 0x2bf6, 0x79d7, + /* 0x26 */ + 0x2bf2, 0x2bf0, 0x2bf9, 0x050b, 0x2e13, 0x05af, 0x85b2, 0x2e3b, + 0x2e3c, 0x2e82, 0x05ce, 0x05cb, 0x05cc, 0x2e78, 0x2e8b, 0x05cd, + 0x2e9e, 0x2ea5, 0x2e9b, 0x2e9c, 0x2e99, 0x2e8d, 0x2e85, 0x2e9d, + 0x2e75, 0x0680, 0x06af, 0x06d3, 0x31f6, 0x06d5, 0x06d4, 0x06d7, + 0x32f5, 0x335b, 0x0742, 0x3354, 0x3352, 0x0744, 0x3358, 0x3344, + 0x334a, 0x3361, 0x08c6, 0x387f, 0x3891, 0x389e, 0x08c0, 0x386e, + 0x387c, 0x389f, 0x3875, 0x08be, 0x3856, 0x38a2, 0x3879, 0x08ca, + 0x38a1, 0x08c4, 0x38aa, 0x38a0, 0x08c2, 0x3c79, 0x3c77, 0x3c7e, + 0x09a4, 0x3c75, 0x3c7b, 0x3e64, 0x0a29, 0x3ebb, 0x3ebc, 0x3ec7, + 0x3eb9, 0x3ebe, 0x3eb6, 0x0a60, 0x0a5e, 0x3f98, 0x0aad, 0x0aae, + 0x0aac, 0x0b57, 0x4193, 0x4280, 0x0bdd, 0x4283, 0x42c0, 0x42c1, + 0x0c0e, 0x0c97, 0x43f4, 0x43f5, 0x0d27, 0x46cc, + /* 0x27 */ + 0x46cd, 0x48fa, 0x4c9f, 0x4c91, 0x4c97, 0x4c94, 0x1095, 0x4e86, + 0x4e8c, 0x868f, 0x4e95, 0x1098, 0x526c, 0x119d, 0x5bb5, 0x5bbe, + 0x5bc7, 0x148a, 0x5bc1, 0x5ca9, 0x5ca4, 0x14b5, 0x14b6, 0x14b7, + 0x5ca8, 0x6227, 0x6226, 0x622b, 0x6233, 0x6234, 0x6229, 0x1a3d, + 0x0028, 0x1a9d, 0x1b93, 0x1b8a, 0x004d, 0x0049, 0x1b6d, 0x1b8e, + 0x1ba0, 0x1ba2, 0x1ba1, 0x1b9f, 0x1ba3, 0x6f09, 0x1b72, 0x0051, + 0x1b8c, 0x1d56, 0x850f, 0x8511, 0x1d90, 0x00cb, 0x00ca, 0x00cc, + 0x1ded, 0x1dfe, 0x1e2f, 0x71ec, 0x1e3c, 0x1e34, 0x1e39, 0x1eb9, + 0x1eb5, 0x1ebf, 0x1f55, 0x013d, 0x1f76, 0x1f7a, 0x1f93, 0x0148, + 0x1fc1, 0x1fc2, 0x1fd5, 0x2085, 0x0178, 0x205f, 0x2093, 0x2089, + 0x2079, 0x6afe, 0x208f, 0x2069, 0x206d, 0x017a, 0x2094, 0x206a, + 0x208a, 0x0177, 0x22fd, 0x22fb, 0x22f8, 0x0221, + /* 0x28 */ + 0x22fc, 0x22f6, 0x2365, 0x2381, 0x2363, 0x2367, 0x0231, 0x236e, + 0x2378, 0x237f, 0x0233, 0x0234, 0x24f3, 0x254b, 0x254c, 0x02c1, + 0x02b0, 0x02b4, 0x25ad, 0x02b8, 0x25c4, 0x02bc, 0x25c2, 0x25b0, + 0x02bf, 0x02b5, 0x02b1, 0x02bd, 0x25bf, 0x02bb, 0x25c9, 0x25b8, + 0x25ac, 0x02b3, 0x02b6, 0x02ba, 0x25b7, 0x25d7, 0x02b7, 0x2760, + 0x0340, 0x2796, 0x279e, 0x2794, 0x279f, 0x279d, 0x0352, 0x2800, + 0x2819, 0x0390, 0x0391, 0x2849, 0x284a, 0x03be, 0x28bb, 0x28c1, + 0x03c0, 0x03c1, 0x03b9, 0x28b9, 0x289e, 0x28b4, 0x28ba, 0x29f6, + 0x2a13, 0x2a12, 0x2a77, 0x0479, 0x2a98, 0x047b, 0x2a99, 0x2a9d, + 0x2af8, 0x04a0, 0x2af9, 0x0029, 0x2b06, 0x2b21, 0x04ae, 0x2b25, + 0x2b55, 0x04cd, 0x04cb, 0x04d9, 0x2b84, 0x2b83, 0x2c30, 0x2c07, + 0x050c, 0x2c36, 0x0501, 0x0505, 0x0502, 0x2be9, + /* 0x29 */ + 0x2c3d, 0x2c08, 0x0513, 0x0511, 0x2eba, 0x2eb2, 0x05e4, 0x2eb7, + 0x2ee4, 0x2ea7, 0x05da, 0x05d5, 0x05d3, 0x2ed5, 0x2ee1, 0x2edd, + 0x2ea6, 0x2ec1, 0x2ec5, 0x2ec0, 0x2edf, 0x2ee0, 0x2ede, 0x05d6, + 0x3189, 0x06b4, 0x31a6, 0x31ba, 0x06d9, 0x31ff, 0x06d8, 0x3217, + 0x3218, 0x3201, 0x31fe, 0x0733, 0x330c, 0x0748, 0x336b, 0x3396, + 0x3382, 0x338a, 0x0747, 0x33a3, 0x074b, 0x33a2, 0x338f, 0x074a, + 0x33f9, 0x3380, 0x3726, 0x3727, 0x3768, 0x3769, 0x085a, 0x3781, + 0x37b4, 0x37d1, 0x088e, 0x08b4, 0x381c, 0x08cd, 0x08cc, 0x08cf, + 0x08cb, 0x08ce, 0x3897, 0x386c, 0x38df, 0x08d2, 0x38ea, 0x08d1, + 0x38e4, 0x38d8, 0x38b2, 0x38ce, 0x38c8, 0x09a6, 0x3c8b, 0x3c88, + 0x3c90, 0x3c8f, 0x09aa, 0x3c87, 0x3c89, 0x3c8d, 0x3c81, 0x09a8, + 0x3c8c, 0x0a13, 0x0a1a, 0x3e40, 0x0a1d, 0x0a1e, + /* 0x2a */ + 0x3e65, 0x3e66, 0x3e68, 0x0a65, 0x0a66, 0x3ecd, 0x3ed3, 0x3edb, + 0x0a64, 0x3ecf, 0x3fa7, 0x3fa3, 0x3f9e, 0x0ab0, 0x3faf, 0x0ab3, + 0x0ab5, 0x3faa, 0x3f9c, 0x0b19, 0x4142, 0x4144, 0x413b, 0x4141, + 0x783f, 0x419b, 0x419e, 0x0b75, 0x45c4, 0x45c3, 0x45c6, 0x0d2b, + 0x0d2c, 0x45c7, 0x0d2d, 0x45ca, 0x802e, 0x0dc3, 0x46cf, 0x4876, + 0x4874, 0x48ff, 0x48fc, 0x00ba, 0x0f50, 0x4b59, 0x4ca8, 0x0fd3, + 0x0fd0, 0x4cb0, 0x0fdc, 0x4cb3, 0x0fd2, 0x4ca4, 0x4cb6, 0x4ca7, + 0x4cac, 0x0fdb, 0x4ca6, 0x1f67, 0x4e0e, 0x4ec4, 0x4f3e, 0x4e9c, + 0x10a5, 0x109f, 0x109a, 0x109c, 0x10a2, 0x4eaa, 0x109b, 0x4ec9, + 0x10a3, 0x109d, 0x4ea6, 0x4eb2, 0x1188, 0x121a, 0x148d, 0x5bcc, + 0x5bd9, 0x5bca, 0x5bd8, 0x5bcf, 0x5cb7, 0x14b8, 0x5cad, 0x5cb9, + 0x6237, 0x15c3, 0x6241, 0x623e, 0x62b6, 0x6351, + /* 0x2b */ + 0x6363, 0x1a57, 0x1a79, 0x1ab2, 0x1ab0, 0x1aaf, 0x1ab1, 0x1bd2, + 0x1bd5, 0x005d, 0x1bbe, 0x1bb8, 0x1bb0, 0x1bb1, 0x1bc8, 0x005a, + 0x0057, 0x1bc6, 0x1bcc, 0x1be5, 0x1be3, 0x1bb4, 0x1d6a, 0x00b8, + 0x1d9f, 0x00c2, 0x1dc1, 0x00cf, 0x1dc2, 0x1dc3, 0x1e45, 0x1e48, + 0x00e7, 0x00e9, 0x1e4f, 0x1052, 0x00e8, 0x1ec5, 0x1eca, 0x1ec4, + 0x1f27, 0x1f58, 0x1f7d, 0x014a, 0x1fdd, 0x1fdc, 0x1fda, 0x1fd9, + 0x20b9, 0x0180, 0x20d0, 0x20b4, 0x20ca, 0x0187, 0x20a3, 0x20da, + 0x20a4, 0x0184, 0x20b2, 0x209e, 0x209f, 0x20b5, 0x0182, 0x0181, + 0x20cd, 0x0183, 0x20cc, 0x0222, 0x2300, 0x23ac, 0x2391, 0x238e, + 0x238d, 0x2392, 0x23a1, 0x2390, 0x23a6, 0x23a8, 0x023b, 0x239c, + 0x2396, 0x23a7, 0x023a, 0x0238, 0x0239, 0x0236, 0x24f5, 0x0285, + 0x2509, 0x2508, 0x0854, 0x2552, 0x029a, 0x02c4, + /* 0x2c */ + 0x25df, 0x02c5, 0x25eb, 0x25ef, 0x25f0, 0x25d5, 0x260d, 0x2604, + 0x25f9, 0x2602, 0x25f8, 0x25e2, 0x25d9, 0x25e7, 0x276a, 0x0354, + 0x0355, 0x27ab, 0x0356, 0x281b, 0x282f, 0x0396, 0x323c, 0x0395, + 0x0394, 0x03c4, 0x28d1, 0x28dc, 0x28e6, 0x28e1, 0x28cd, 0x857a, + 0x28e2, 0x28dd, 0x28e5, 0x29fb, 0x29fa, 0x2a1e, 0x0444, 0x2aa1, + 0x047d, 0x047e, 0x2afc, 0x2afb, 0x2b2f, 0x04b2, 0x04b6, 0x2b66, + 0x8599, 0x04dc, 0x04df, 0x2c5c, 0x0528, 0x2c4e, 0x2c51, 0x0519, + 0x0510, 0x2c23, 0x2c31, 0x2c7c, 0x2c52, 0x052c, 0x2c60, 0x2c4a, + 0x2c61, 0x051b, 0x2e18, 0x05c2, 0x05ef, 0x05e3, 0x05e5, 0x05ea, + 0x05e6, 0x05ee, 0x2f1f, 0x2f17, 0x2eea, 0x2f21, 0x2f04, 0x2f05, + 0x05e8, 0x3131, 0x3144, 0x3140, 0x0685, 0x3142, 0x31be, 0x06e0, + 0x3229, 0x321b, 0x06dd, 0x3223, 0x322c, 0x321a, + /* 0x2d */ + 0x3230, 0x323b, 0x321e, 0x3237, 0x3238, 0x06e1, 0x330e, 0x0751, + 0x0755, 0x33e8, 0x33d6, 0x0752, 0x33c7, 0x33bc, 0x3452, 0x33bf, + 0x33d5, 0x33fe, 0x4f63, 0x33fb, 0x85df, 0x33b1, 0x3401, 0x3405, + 0x3400, 0x33d7, 0x0c9e, 0x372a, 0x376b, 0x0852, 0x085e, 0x0860, + 0x085f, 0x37e1, 0x0892, 0x08d6, 0x3923, 0x38ff, 0x3914, 0x3905, + 0x3913, 0x3906, 0x3921, 0x08de, 0x3915, 0x38af, 0x38f4, 0x3902, + 0x3945, 0x85fe, 0x3926, 0x08d9, 0x3944, 0x08dd, 0x3924, 0x3ca5, + 0x09ac, 0x3ca3, 0x09b0, 0x3ca2, 0x3cbb, 0x3ca0, 0x3caa, 0x09af, + 0x09ae, 0x3ca8, 0x3cb6, 0x3cb2, 0x3ca7, 0x09ad, 0x09ab, 0x3cb9, + 0x3e2e, 0x0a16, 0x3e3c, 0x0a30, 0x3e6d, 0x0a33, 0x0a31, 0x3ee7, + 0x3eed, 0x0a6e, 0x3eec, 0x3ee5, 0x3ee2, 0x0ab1, 0x3fc4, 0x3fbd, + 0x3fcf, 0x3fc9, 0x3fc1, 0x3fd0, 0x0ab7, 0x3fce, + /* 0x2e */ + 0x40ed, 0x40eb, 0x0b1a, 0x40ef, 0x4149, 0x4150, 0x4146, 0x414a, + 0x0b59, 0x414d, 0x41a6, 0x0b7a, 0x0b78, 0x0b7b, 0x41a8, 0x0bde, + 0x0bec, 0x42c7, 0x42ff, 0x0c1e, 0x42fd, 0x43e6, 0x440a, 0x0c9b, + 0x4404, 0x440b, 0x4407, 0x0c9d, 0x4415, 0x4408, 0x0cfd, 0x45d3, + 0x45d4, 0x45d0, 0x45d7, 0x467c, 0x0d94, 0x0d93, 0x467d, 0x4683, + 0x4682, 0x0dc6, 0x46d4, 0x46d5, 0x46d3, 0x46d0, 0x46d2, 0x46fe, + 0x46fc, 0x4877, 0x487c, 0x487b, 0x0eb8, 0x866a, 0x0eb7, 0x0eb9, + 0x0f53, 0x7f33, 0x0f52, 0x0f51, 0x4b8f, 0x4cd3, 0x0fe3, 0x4ccb, + 0x4cd2, 0x0fe2, 0x4d09, 0x4ce2, 0x4cdf, 0x4cc6, 0x1063, 0x4e24, + 0x4ef7, 0x4ed8, 0x4edd, 0x10aa, 0x10a6, 0x4ef8, 0x4efc, 0x10a8, + 0x10a9, 0x4ee9, 0x10ab, 0x4eee, 0x10ac, 0x4ed0, 0x4f0e, 0x4ee2, + 0x4f0b, 0x4efd, 0x1d79, 0x5276, 0x119e, 0x5278, + /* 0x2f */ + 0x119f, 0x11a0, 0x5275, 0x527d, 0x120f, 0x5442, 0x5466, 0x121c, + 0x558c, 0x5605, 0x12ae, 0x5606, 0x12b0, 0x589f, 0x13d4, 0x5bf1, + 0x5be7, 0x5be9, 0x5bef, 0x5cc2, 0x5cbc, 0x14bb, 0x5cc6, 0x5cc0, + 0x14c1, 0x14c2, 0x5ccd, 0x5cc9, 0x14be, 0x5cc4, 0x14e5, 0x6181, + 0x15c6, 0x68ec, 0x1c32, 0x1bf9, 0x1c1d, 0x1bff, 0x1c04, 0x1bf0, + 0x1c03, 0x122e, 0x1c02, 0x1bfc, 0x1bf2, 0x1c24, 0x1c08, 0x1c36, + 0x1c2e, 0x0065, 0x1c10, 0x1c38, 0x1c39, 0x1bfd, 0x1c56, 0x1bfb, + 0x1da3, 0x1da6, 0x1da1, 0x00d1, 0x00d0, 0x1dc7, 0x1dc9, 0x1e60, + 0x1e64, 0x1e59, 0x1e65, 0x1e67, 0x1e57, 0x1e63, 0x00ee, 0x1e53, + 0x00ef, 0x1ecf, 0x011e, 0x1ece, 0x1ed0, 0x1ed1, 0x1ecc, 0x014b, + 0x014d, 0x0156, 0x210d, 0x20f4, 0x0192, 0x2113, 0x20ef, 0x20f5, + 0x20f9, 0x2102, 0x2100, 0x0193, 0x0190, 0x2118, + /* 0x30 */ + 0x20f0, 0x20f6, 0x8541, 0x0197, 0x2119, 0x0223, 0x2305, 0x23c9, + 0x023f, 0x23b7, 0x23cd, 0x0243, 0x0242, 0x0244, 0x23be, 0x23bb, + 0x0245, 0x23db, 0x23c8, 0x23c4, 0x23c5, 0x23d1, 0x23ca, 0x23c0, + 0x02d9, 0x02de, 0x2621, 0x262a, 0x02cf, 0x261d, 0x02cd, 0x260b, + 0x02dd, 0x02ce, 0x02d3, 0x02d6, 0x2622, 0x02dc, 0x02d1, 0x2624, + 0x02d0, 0x2614, 0x2631, 0x02d5, 0x262f, 0x261a, 0x2612, 0x02d4, + 0x02db, 0x2626, 0x762e, 0x0343, 0x27bc, 0x27bb, 0x27b7, 0x2805, + 0x2806, 0x2852, 0x2853, 0x03cd, 0x03d1, 0x28fa, 0x28eb, 0x03ca, + 0x28f3, 0x28f5, 0x28e9, 0x28ef, 0x03d4, 0x2a2a, 0x2a30, 0x2a2e, + 0x2a2c, 0x2a2f, 0x2aaf, 0x2aa9, 0x0486, 0x2afd, 0x2b32, 0x2b8e, + 0x2b93, 0x2b8f, 0x2c4f, 0x2c99, 0x0533, 0x2c7e, 0x0537, 0x2c74, + 0x2c4b, 0x2c73, 0x2c75, 0x052a, 0x051f, 0x2c56, + /* 0x31 */ + 0x2ca9, 0x2c8b, 0x2ca6, 0x0539, 0x2c93, 0x2cae, 0x2c9e, 0x2ca7, + 0x2e45, 0x05f2, 0x05f8, 0x2f2e, 0x05f7, 0x2f52, 0x2f30, 0x2f5b, + 0x05f4, 0x2f19, 0x2f1b, 0x05f1, 0x2f31, 0x2f5d, 0x2f37, 0x2f35, + 0x2f53, 0x05f5, 0x2f5c, 0x2f3f, 0x314b, 0x0687, 0x0f69, 0x318b, + 0x06b6, 0x319a, 0x3250, 0x3246, 0x324e, 0x3240, 0x06e9, 0x324b, + 0x3248, 0x06eb, 0x3260, 0x3244, 0x324d, 0x0734, 0x3437, 0x3424, + 0x0762, 0x075c, 0x341b, 0x3436, 0x0760, 0x342c, 0x3419, 0x3456, + 0x3447, 0x343e, 0x341e, 0x85e1, 0x3415, 0x3422, 0x3427, 0x3459, + 0x3458, 0x3455, 0x3430, 0x3423, 0x372e, 0x372b, 0x3730, 0x376c, + 0x0861, 0x378b, 0x087f, 0x37e9, 0x37ea, 0x37e5, 0x396b, 0x08e5, + 0x08e6, 0x3973, 0x3957, 0x08e9, 0x08f3, 0x395d, 0x3956, 0x398f, + 0x395b, 0x391c, 0x399a, 0x399b, 0x3999, 0x08ee, + /* 0x32 */ + 0x3981, 0x3971, 0x08ed, 0x08ec, 0x3972, 0x395c, 0x3996, 0x3cc4, + 0x3cdb, 0x3ccc, 0x3cd0, 0x3ce3, 0x3cdf, 0x09b3, 0x3cd6, 0x3cee, + 0x3cd5, 0x09b5, 0x0a27, 0x0a35, 0x0a36, 0x3e7a, 0x0a71, 0x3ef5, + 0x3f02, 0x0ab8, 0x0ac2, 0x3fe2, 0x3fec, 0x3fd5, 0x3ff9, 0x3fdf, + 0x3fe6, 0x0ac8, 0x0ac0, 0x0ac1, 0x0ac4, 0x3fe4, 0x3fe1, 0x40f3, + 0x0b1f, 0x0b1c, 0x0b1d, 0x0b4d, 0x4156, 0x4155, 0x4158, 0x4157, + 0x415e, 0x41c3, 0x0b87, 0x0b82, 0x41b4, 0x0b7d, 0x41b1, 0x0bdf, + 0x0c00, 0x42cb, 0x42cc, 0x432a, 0x0c20, 0x4316, 0x430f, 0x0c22, + 0x0c24, 0x433f, 0x432b, 0x430e, 0x4324, 0x0c21, 0x4321, 0x4318, + 0x43dd, 0x0ca4, 0x0ca5, 0x4424, 0x4436, 0x0d01, 0x4558, 0x4559, + 0x0d03, 0x4562, 0x45da, 0x45d9, 0x0d37, 0x45e1, 0x45e5, 0x45e8, + 0x45db, 0x0d38, 0x45e2, 0x45f0, 0x0d99, 0x0d98, + /* 0x33 */ + 0x0d97, 0x0dc9, 0x46da, 0x46dd, 0x0dc7, 0x46db, 0x46dc, 0x0dd9, + 0x0ddb, 0x470d, 0x470b, 0x4714, 0x488e, 0x4886, 0x0e7b, 0x4887, + 0x4883, 0x488b, 0x0e7c, 0x0ebd, 0x0ebc, 0x0ec3, 0x4924, 0x0ec1, + 0x0ebf, 0x0ec4, 0x4925, 0x4b62, 0x4b93, 0x4b99, 0x4b97, 0x0f7e, + 0x0f7f, 0x4bc4, 0x4bc6, 0x4c0a, 0x0fb4, 0x0fb3, 0x4c40, 0x4c3c, + 0x4c3b, 0x4cf6, 0x4cff, 0x4cee, 0x4d04, 0x4d03, 0x4d07, 0x8683, + 0x0fe6, 0x4cf7, 0x1059, 0x105a, 0x4e2d, 0x1064, 0x4e27, 0x4e29, + 0x4f1f, 0x4f57, 0x10b4, 0x10b9, 0x10b7, 0x10b5, 0x4f21, 0x10c1, + 0x10b1, 0x4f18, 0x4f58, 0x10b3, 0x10ba, 0x118c, 0x118b, 0x118d, + 0x5284, 0x529f, 0x529b, 0x5289, 0x52a6, 0x5292, 0x528f, 0x52a0, + 0x544f, 0x5478, 0x547a, 0x546e, 0x547b, 0x5484, 0x5473, 0x1278, + 0x1277, 0x560d, 0x560b, 0x5619, 0x12b2, 0x13d6, + /* 0x34 */ + 0x5ad0, 0x1445, 0x1492, 0x1495, 0x5bf9, 0x5c09, 0x5c08, 0x14c6, + 0x5cde, 0x5d51, 0x14e7, 0x14e8, 0x5ddb, 0x5ddf, 0x5dde, 0x5dd6, + 0x5de0, 0x6185, 0x6260, 0x6259, 0x15cb, 0x6256, 0x15cd, 0x15f1, + 0x62bd, 0x1722, 0x0021, 0x1c42, 0x1c59, 0x006f, 0x1c44, 0x1c66, + 0x1c52, 0x1c54, 0x1c71, 0x1c50, 0x1c7b, 0x1c7c, 0x1c58, 0x0070, + 0x0064, 0x1c79, 0x1c6c, 0x1c78, 0x1da8, 0x1dd1, 0x1dcf, 0x1e68, + 0x1e76, 0x1ed4, 0x012d, 0x1fa0, 0x1fc4, 0x0158, 0x2158, 0x214c, + 0x2168, 0x01a6, 0x2149, 0x01a4, 0x019f, 0x215d, 0x2129, 0x73ae, + 0x2154, 0x2153, 0x01a3, 0x215a, 0x01a0, 0x213a, 0x213f, 0x212b, + 0x23ea, 0x024a, 0x23ef, 0x0247, 0x0248, 0x23dd, 0x23fe, 0x8555, + 0x23de, 0x23e6, 0x0249, 0x23e8, 0x23ff, 0x2403, 0x24f7, 0x34a6, + 0x251f, 0x029e, 0x255b, 0x255d, 0x255e, 0x7537, + /* 0x35 */ + 0x02e8, 0x262b, 0x02ec, 0x263b, 0x02ed, 0x02e6, 0x2661, 0x263a, + 0x266e, 0x264b, 0x266b, 0x02eb, 0x02e7, 0x2645, 0x264e, 0x2668, + 0x263d, 0x2671, 0x263f, 0x266f, 0x2675, 0x02e9, 0x2673, 0x262c, + 0x2659, 0x2654, 0x264f, 0x2663, 0x035c, 0x035d, 0x27c8, 0x0360, + 0x27c3, 0x035b, 0x285b, 0x2861, 0x0399, 0x2921, 0x290a, 0x2909, + 0x03d8, 0x292c, 0x2908, 0x03da, 0x03dd, 0x292a, 0x2915, 0x03e0, + 0x2910, 0x2913, 0x03e5, 0x292f, 0x2918, 0x03d7, 0x29e3, 0x2a39, + 0x2a35, 0x2a3a, 0x2a32, 0x044e, 0x048c, 0x0488, 0x858d, 0x2abb, + 0x2aba, 0x2b34, 0x2b39, 0x04ce, 0x859c, 0x04e5, 0x04e6, 0x2c98, + 0x0532, 0x2cd0, 0x0540, 0x0547, 0x054c, 0x2cd7, 0x2caa, 0x0535, + 0x2ca1, 0x2ca4, 0x0530, 0x2cee, 0x0543, 0x2ce7, 0x054d, 0x2ce8, + 0x2cde, 0x05b7, 0x05f3, 0x2f7e, 0x2f8b, 0x0602, + /* 0x36 */ + 0x060b, 0x2f79, 0x2f86, 0x2f93, 0x0604, 0x2f73, 0x2f6a, 0x85ba, + 0x2f6c, 0x0608, 0x2f7f, 0x05fc, 0x2fb2, 0x2fba, 0x05ff, 0x0600, + 0x2f66, 0x2f74, 0x068b, 0x315a, 0x068d, 0x314e, 0x314d, 0x318d, + 0x318e, 0x31ad, 0x06ca, 0x31c7, 0x31ca, 0x06cb, 0x31c9, 0x85cb, + 0x31e3, 0x3257, 0x06f3, 0x3263, 0x3267, 0x331a, 0x3319, 0x3316, + 0x0736, 0x076a, 0x349e, 0x34b6, 0x3498, 0x3473, 0x076b, 0x349a, + 0x348e, 0x34b7, 0x34db, 0x34a5, 0x346c, 0x34c1, 0x3484, 0x0771, + 0x0768, 0x3495, 0x347a, 0x3499, 0x0772, 0x34b8, 0x34b9, 0x3470, + 0x082e, 0x3735, 0x0862, 0x3790, 0x37bb, 0x37ed, 0x0898, 0x08b5, + 0x08eb, 0x39c1, 0x39c3, 0x39ce, 0x08fb, 0x08f8, 0x39ad, 0x3a04, + 0x08f5, 0x39b9, 0x0908, 0x39e7, 0x8607, 0x3a08, 0x3a06, 0x090a, + 0x3a0a, 0x39b0, 0x0906, 0x39f8, 0x3a0c, 0x08fd, + /* 0x37 */ + 0x39b1, 0x08fa, 0x3a02, 0x3a07, 0x3a09, 0x3a01, 0x3a17, 0x39ff, + 0x3a12, 0x09ba, 0x09b9, 0x3d03, 0x3d07, 0x3d01, 0x3cf5, 0x3cf1, + 0x3d08, 0x3cf2, 0x3d0f, 0x09bb, 0x3cfe, 0x0a18, 0x0a40, 0x0a3d, + 0x3f1a, 0x3f10, 0x3f0e, 0x4002, 0x3ff3, 0x0acd, 0x0ac9, 0x3ffb, + 0x0acb, 0x0aca, 0x0ace, 0x411b, 0x4123, 0x4161, 0x4168, 0x0b5e, + 0x4167, 0x41d3, 0x0b91, 0x0b8c, 0x4290, 0x0be1, 0x0c02, 0x42d5, + 0x42d7, 0x42d6, 0x4330, 0x0c2b, 0x4326, 0x0c2a, 0x4340, 0x0a14, + 0x431e, 0x0cad, 0x0ca3, 0x0cab, 0x4447, 0x0caf, 0x444b, 0x4451, + 0x444f, 0x4442, 0x4446, 0x0d04, 0x456e, 0x456c, 0x45f2, 0x0d44, + 0x45f1, 0x45f5, 0x45f3, 0x45f9, 0x0d3d, 0x0d47, 0x0d9c, 0x469a, + 0x4693, 0x4691, 0x46e1, 0x0de0, 0x0de4, 0x4721, 0x471c, 0x4716, + 0x4717, 0x4736, 0x471f, 0x0e80, 0x4893, 0x4899, + /* 0x38 */ + 0x489a, 0x489c, 0x0eca, 0x4949, 0x0ed4, 0x4934, 0x4937, 0x0ed2, + 0x492d, 0x0ecb, 0x494c, 0x0ece, 0x0ed3, 0x4948, 0x0f44, 0x0f48, + 0x4b3b, 0x0f45, 0x0f81, 0x0f86, 0x0f85, 0x4c08, 0x4c1a, 0x0fa3, + 0x4c1d, 0x0fb5, 0x4c49, 0x4c45, 0x4c44, 0x489b, 0x0ffa, 0x0ff9, + 0x4d2a, 0x4d2e, 0x0ffb, 0x0ff2, 0x4d31, 0x0fef, 0x4d1a, 0x4d34, + 0x4d17, 0x105b, 0x1066, 0x10ce, 0x4f1d, 0x4f71, 0x4f84, 0x4f80, + 0x4f72, 0x4fa1, 0x01b4, 0x4f79, 0x4f91, 0x10c8, 0x4f9f, 0x4fad, + 0x10d1, 0x10c5, 0x4f23, 0x10d2, 0x4f85, 0x4f9c, 0x4fb7, 0x5258, + 0x525a, 0x118f, 0x5257, 0x52b2, 0x11a7, 0x52ae, 0x11a5, 0x11a4, + 0x1211, 0x5445, 0x549c, 0x5494, 0x54a3, 0x548f, 0x54a5, 0x54a9, + 0x54a6, 0x548a, 0x54a0, 0x5490, 0x5592, 0x5591, 0x5594, 0x12b5, + 0x5626, 0x5632, 0x5628, 0x12b4, 0x12bd, 0x561c, + /* 0x39 */ + 0x12bb, 0x562b, 0x5620, 0x12b9, 0x5629, 0x12c2, 0x12be, 0x12ba, + 0x5621, 0x583a, 0x06b7, 0x585b, 0x5858, 0x587c, 0x1358, 0x58a6, + 0x58ae, 0x58ad, 0x5965, 0x139b, 0x597e, 0x139c, 0x597c, 0x597f, + 0x597a, 0x59bd, 0x13da, 0x13de, 0x59c0, 0x59bb, 0x5aad, 0x5aaf, + 0x5ad6, 0x144d, 0x1446, 0x1447, 0x144b, 0x144c, 0x5ad9, 0x1448, + 0x1499, 0x5c12, 0x5c0e, 0x5c25, 0x149b, 0x5c13, 0x5cee, 0x14ce, + 0x5cab, 0x5cf7, 0x14eb, 0x5d59, 0x5d54, 0x5df2, 0x5df0, 0x5de5, + 0x5df6, 0x151c, 0x158c, 0x6187, 0x15d1, 0x625a, 0x15d6, 0x15d3, + 0x626e, 0x15d4, 0x15d0, 0x15d5, 0x6279, 0x160b, 0x64e1, 0x64e6, + 0x17c6, 0x6ac4, 0x6ad2, 0x1a80, 0x0024, 0x1a81, 0x1c8f, 0x1c97, + 0x1c88, 0x1c89, 0x0074, 0x007a, 0x1c81, 0x1d60, 0x7064, 0x00c3, + 0x2a42, 0x1dd3, 0x00d4, 0x00d5, 0x1dd2, 0x1dd6, + /* 0x3a */ + 0x1e73, 0x00fb, 0x1e70, 0x00f7, 0x0132, 0x8533, 0x1fa8, 0x1fa6, + 0x1fc5, 0x2197, 0x21de, 0x01ba, 0x01bf, 0x2196, 0x21b4, 0x01c7, + 0x2185, 0x01b7, 0x219b, 0x21a0, 0x01b9, 0x2159, 0x01c3, 0x2186, + 0x01bd, 0x01d0, 0x21af, 0x217a, 0x01c1, 0x01be, 0x01cd, 0x219e, + 0x01cb, 0x21a9, 0x230f, 0x230e, 0x241a, 0x024f, 0x241f, 0x0253, + 0x243c, 0x2418, 0x243e, 0x2426, 0x0255, 0x243a, 0x7464, 0x2422, + 0x0251, 0x24fb, 0x2563, 0x2564, 0x029f, 0x26a8, 0x26a3, 0x2682, + 0x2688, 0x26a1, 0x2685, 0x2698, 0x02fe, 0x2699, 0x02fb, 0x2689, + 0x2681, 0x2696, 0x2680, 0x02f1, 0x02f5, 0x2691, 0x02ef, 0x0304, + 0x0303, 0x02f4, 0x26cf, 0x02f3, 0x0302, 0x02f7, 0x02fa, 0x02fd, + 0x02ee, 0x2687, 0x26a0, 0x02f0, 0x2679, 0x02f2, 0x2686, 0x26ab, + 0x26aa, 0x26a4, 0x268d, 0x267e, 0x0344, 0x27d5, + /* 0x3b */ + 0x0362, 0x0377, 0x09c9, 0x281e, 0x285f, 0x285e, 0x2944, 0x293e, + 0x03e8, 0x2948, 0x291c, 0x03ef, 0x295b, 0x294d, 0x03e6, 0x03ed, + 0x2957, 0x03e7, 0x2953, 0x294f, 0x03eb, 0x293b, 0x2946, 0x042d, + 0x0455, 0x2a46, 0x2a47, 0x0453, 0x2a48, 0x2ac0, 0x2abd, 0x2abf, + 0x0490, 0x2b11, 0x04be, 0x2b3e, 0x2b3b, 0x04bd, 0x2b3a, 0x04cf, + 0x04d0, 0x04ec, 0x2ba7, 0x054b, 0x2cea, 0x0548, 0x2d07, 0x2d22, + 0x2d0c, 0x0555, 0x0551, 0x2cb3, 0x2cd6, 0x2cd2, 0x054e, 0x2ce3, + 0x2ce5, 0x2ce9, 0x056b, 0x055e, 0x2d11, 0x2cfd, 0x0560, 0x0567, + 0x2d1e, 0x2d20, 0x2d21, 0x2e1e, 0x05b8, 0x2fe2, 0x2fde, 0x2fe6, + 0x0614, 0x060f, 0x0607, 0x0613, 0x2ff8, 0x0617, 0x2ffe, 0x2fc1, + 0x2fbf, 0x2ff7, 0x2fd1, 0x315f, 0x3160, 0x3161, 0x069a, 0x06b8, + 0x31d1, 0x06f7, 0x06f8, 0x327d, 0x326b, 0x327f, + /* 0x3c */ + 0x06fd, 0x06f5, 0x3273, 0x3281, 0x326d, 0x3269, 0x06fa, 0x0738, + 0x331e, 0x34ed, 0x0787, 0x0780, 0x0788, 0x0779, 0x3503, 0x077c, + 0x34fe, 0x34e5, 0x351e, 0x3502, 0x0783, 0x0785, 0x3509, 0x34ca, + 0x3500, 0x85e5, 0x3501, 0x3518, 0x34e2, 0x34cf, 0x077b, 0x352e, + 0x34c5, 0x34ff, 0x0786, 0x351c, 0x34c3, 0x0834, 0x376f, 0x0855, + 0x376e, 0x0868, 0x37be, 0x089c, 0x37f4, 0x382d, 0x08fc, 0x39b6, + 0x3a75, 0x3a1e, 0x091a, 0x3a18, 0x0917, 0x3a48, 0x091b, 0x3a4f, + 0x0913, 0x3a42, 0x3a6a, 0x3a70, 0x39fe, 0x0905, 0x0907, 0x3a6d, + 0x091c, 0x3a7b, 0x3a7e, 0x3a59, 0x0911, 0x3a57, 0x0916, 0x3a80, + 0x3a50, 0x0915, 0x3a29, 0x3a76, 0x3a2a, 0x3a4c, 0x3d2a, 0x09cb, + 0x3d35, 0x3d2c, 0x3d37, 0x3d1d, 0x09c5, 0x09c2, 0x3d38, 0x09cd, + 0x3d34, 0x3d2b, 0x3d33, 0x3d27, 0x3d24, 0x09ca, + /* 0x3d */ + 0x3d2d, 0x3e32, 0x3e83, 0x3e82, 0x3e87, 0x3f06, 0x3f24, 0x3f38, + 0x3f2a, 0x3f2c, 0x3f2b, 0x0a83, 0x3f2f, 0x3f28, 0x4017, 0x0ad6, + 0x0ad5, 0x4019, 0x4038, 0x0ad1, 0x401f, 0x4014, 0x403c, 0x3ff7, + 0x401c, 0x4015, 0x4018, 0x4039, 0x40f9, 0x4124, 0x8634, 0x0b52, + 0x0b5f, 0x416e, 0x416d, 0x4171, 0x418e, 0x0b95, 0x41e5, 0x0b9d, + 0x0b98, 0x0b9e, 0x0b96, 0x4294, 0x42b3, 0x0c03, 0x42d9, 0x0c2f, + 0x4348, 0x4349, 0x4343, 0x0c31, 0x0c33, 0x4342, 0x43df, 0x0cb4, + 0x4463, 0x4476, 0x0cb0, 0x445f, 0x4466, 0x4566, 0x4571, 0x0d08, + 0x0d07, 0x4576, 0x4584, 0x4575, 0x45ff, 0x4607, 0x0d4e, 0x460e, + 0x4609, 0x0d50, 0x0d52, 0x0da1, 0x0da3, 0x0da5, 0x0dcc, 0x46e7, + 0x46e2, 0x4755, 0x0def, 0x0dea, 0x4743, 0x4757, 0x476c, 0x4742, + 0x4753, 0x0ded, 0x4741, 0x0e85, 0x0e84, 0x48a7, + /* 0x3e */ + 0x48a0, 0x48a6, 0x48a4, 0x4974, 0x0edb, 0x4959, 0x0ed9, 0x4960, + 0x4957, 0x496c, 0x497e, 0x4964, 0x0ed7, 0x495a, 0x495d, 0x0eda, + 0x0ede, 0x0ed8, 0x4976, 0x494d, 0x4975, 0x0ed5, 0x4bd3, 0x4bd6, + 0x0f9c, 0x0f9d, 0x4c60, 0x4c4e, 0x4d45, 0x4d3b, 0x0ffe, 0x4d48, + 0x4d42, 0x4d49, 0x4d40, 0x4d14, 0x4d41, 0x1007, 0x4def, 0x4df6, + 0x4e03, 0x106a, 0x4fed, 0x10e7, 0x4fda, 0x5018, 0x4fd2, 0x5008, + 0x10e2, 0x5000, 0x10df, 0x10e1, 0x10e5, 0x5017, 0x4f46, 0x5014, + 0x4fd3, 0x5005, 0x501f, 0x5002, 0x5016, 0x4fcd, 0x4fe6, 0x1191, + 0x525d, 0x52d5, 0x52e1, 0x11b4, 0x11b0, 0x11b5, 0x11ae, 0x52ee, + 0x5447, 0x5446, 0x122d, 0x122c, 0x54bb, 0x122b, 0x54bf, 0x54b4, + 0x1229, 0x54b5, 0x127f, 0x559a, 0x5643, 0x12c9, 0x12cb, 0x565a, + 0x12c5, 0x12c6, 0x12ca, 0x5635, 0x5638, 0x5642, + /* 0x3f */ + 0x5649, 0x565d, 0x564b, 0x563d, 0x12d2, 0x12d0, 0x132d, 0x1335, + 0x5860, 0x585e, 0x587f, 0x587e, 0x5883, 0x136c, 0x58b1, 0x5987, + 0x139d, 0x13a0, 0x5988, 0x5983, 0x13a2, 0x139f, 0x5986, 0x598b, + 0x5982, 0x59ca, 0x59d2, 0x13eb, 0x13e2, 0x59d4, 0x59c9, 0x5ab0, + 0x1436, 0x1432, 0x1450, 0x5af2, 0x5ae4, 0x5af3, 0x5aea, 0x144f, + 0x5afd, 0x1452, 0x5b9d, 0x5c2b, 0x5c2a, 0x149e, 0x5c28, 0x5c29, + 0x5c2c, 0x14a0, 0x149c, 0x5c3a, 0x5c30, 0x5c37, 0x5c3b, 0x14d1, + 0x5d0a, 0x14ef, 0x14f0, 0x14f1, 0x5dfe, 0x5e20, 0x151d, 0x5e0b, + 0x151f, 0x5e18, 0x5e22, 0x151e, 0x5e1b, 0x5e08, 0x1520, 0x5e0e, + 0x5e13, 0x158e, 0x1591, 0x6195, 0x83dd, 0x1590, 0x15d7, 0x628c, + 0x627b, 0x627f, 0x6281, 0x15d9, 0x6282, 0x15f4, 0x15f6, 0x0160, + 0x15f5, 0x15f3, 0x62ee, 0x62ed, 0x160c, 0x62ec, + /* 0x40 */ + 0x635f, 0x636f, 0x1651, 0x636d, 0x16a6, 0x16a7, 0x16a8, 0x1727, + 0x1724, 0x1725, 0x64f0, 0x172a, 0x1774, 0x17c7, 0x66a9, 0x17e7, + 0x17ed, 0x66e0, 0x1ab7, 0x002e, 0x007b, 0x1ccc, 0x1cbc, 0x007c, + 0x1caa, 0x1cb9, 0x007d, 0x1cab, 0x1cc3, 0x1ccd, 0x1d7e, 0x1e7e, + 0x1e79, 0x00fd, 0x8523, 0x1ee1, 0x1ee0, 0x1ee7, 0x1f80, 0x1fab, + 0x1faa, 0x1fa9, 0x1fe0, 0x21ea, 0x01da, 0x21d7, 0x01d6, 0x01db, + 0x21c1, 0x2315, 0x025b, 0x246c, 0x025c, 0x245c, 0x2450, 0x2461, + 0x246a, 0x2469, 0x2456, 0x2460, 0x2466, 0x245f, 0x2523, 0x2566, + 0x2568, 0x0306, 0x030b, 0x26ce, 0x030d, 0x26c5, 0x26c3, 0x030a, + 0x0313, 0x26d0, 0x0310, 0x0312, 0x0309, 0x0308, 0x0311, 0x030f, + 0x2774, 0x2776, 0x27dc, 0x27d7, 0x27da, 0x27db, 0x0367, 0x2820, + 0x296d, 0x2966, 0x03f6, 0x2964, 0x296e, 0x857e, + /* 0x41 */ + 0x2960, 0x2b42, 0x2b5a, 0x2b6e, 0x0564, 0x056c, 0x2d30, 0x2d3a, + 0x2d2a, 0x2d43, 0x2d19, 0x2d31, 0x056d, 0x2d3d, 0x057a, 0x0575, + 0x060d, 0x3008, 0x3032, 0x3038, 0x061e, 0x3031, 0x061b, 0x3019, + 0x062a, 0x3011, 0x061f, 0x0622, 0x3029, 0x301d, 0x0625, 0x0627, + 0x0629, 0x303c, 0x0624, 0x3046, 0x3047, 0x0628, 0x0626, 0x303a, + 0x3007, 0x0623, 0x316b, 0x069f, 0x3170, 0x316d, 0x06b1, 0x31e4, + 0x3293, 0x0703, 0x0707, 0x070c, 0x0706, 0x328f, 0x0704, 0x0709, + 0x3292, 0x0705, 0x328e, 0x0708, 0x3546, 0x0796, 0x079c, 0x079f, + 0x079b, 0x0798, 0x0799, 0x0794, 0x3531, 0x078d, 0x07a3, 0x353e, + 0x0793, 0x357c, 0x3543, 0x0792, 0x3573, 0x85e8, 0x3555, 0x078e, + 0x078c, 0x3585, 0x354d, 0x3550, 0x3547, 0x3567, 0x3536, 0x3564, + 0x3561, 0x079a, 0x357d, 0x3744, 0x3740, 0x3771, + /* 0x42 */ + 0x3773, 0x379c, 0x086a, 0x086d, 0x0884, 0x37c1, 0x08a0, 0x37fa, + 0x3831, 0x3832, 0x091d, 0x0926, 0x3ab8, 0x3aa8, 0x0933, 0x3a91, + 0x3abb, 0x0938, 0x3a9a, 0x0930, 0x0928, 0x3aa9, 0x0927, 0x092a, + 0x3ab5, 0x3a6c, 0x3ae8, 0x0931, 0x3add, 0x3ada, 0x3ae6, 0x3aac, + 0x0934, 0x092e, 0x093b, 0x3ad9, 0x3ae3, 0x3ae9, 0x3adb, 0x0929, + 0x3d6f, 0x09d2, 0x09d8, 0x3d48, 0x09cf, 0x3d4a, 0x3d6b, 0x09d9, + 0x3d4f, 0x3d57, 0x3d74, 0x09ce, 0x09d3, 0x09d0, 0x3d45, 0x3d51, + 0x3d6d, 0x07a1, 0x3e51, 0x3e50, 0x3e4e, 0x0a47, 0x3f41, 0x0a8b, + 0x3f2e, 0x3f46, 0x0ad4, 0x4027, 0x0ade, 0x4048, 0x4053, 0x403d, + 0x0adf, 0x405d, 0x4056, 0x0ad7, 0x401e, 0x4047, 0x4043, 0x4058, + 0x4049, 0x0ae1, 0x404c, 0x4045, 0x403e, 0x0b2f, 0x4101, 0x411e, + 0x0b62, 0x0b63, 0x417a, 0x41ee, 0x4202, 0x4297, + /* 0x43 */ + 0x4298, 0x0be2, 0x0c04, 0x0c43, 0x435d, 0x4364, 0x4353, 0x4358, + 0x4482, 0x4490, 0x448a, 0x0cbe, 0x447a, 0x447d, 0x0cba, 0x448b, + 0x4478, 0x0cbc, 0x864e, 0x448d, 0x4488, 0x4492, 0x4481, 0x457e, + 0x4583, 0x0d0d, 0x0d0e, 0x0d11, 0x4580, 0x0d0f, 0x0d12, 0x0d55, + 0x460f, 0x0d59, 0x0d5b, 0x461d, 0x0d57, 0x46a1, 0x46a4, 0x0dce, + 0x46e9, 0x46ea, 0x0dfe, 0x4762, 0x476b, 0x0dfc, 0x475e, 0x0df5, + 0x4779, 0x0df9, 0x0dfa, 0x476f, 0x4768, 0x0e88, 0x0e89, 0x48ae, + 0x0e8a, 0x0e87, 0x0e8b, 0x48b0, 0x0ee6, 0x4990, 0x0eed, 0x498a, + 0x0ee5, 0x498b, 0x4999, 0x4995, 0x0ee0, 0x4987, 0x4978, 0x4997, + 0x4989, 0x4998, 0x0ee1, 0x0f5b, 0x0f5c, 0x4ba3, 0x0f8f, 0x0f8b, + 0x0f8d, 0x4bdd, 0x4c57, 0x0fb9, 0x4d63, 0x4d6a, 0x4d6c, 0x100f, + 0x1019, 0x1013, 0x4d5d, 0x4d75, 0x1018, 0x4d5f, + /* 0x44 */ + 0x1016, 0x4d7d, 0x4d6d, 0x1053, 0x868d, 0x4e41, 0x504f, 0x5084, + 0x10f6, 0x507f, 0x10f5, 0x5048, 0x502a, 0x507b, 0x5072, 0x5064, + 0x502e, 0x505c, 0x5053, 0x10f7, 0x5041, 0x50c8, 0x10f0, 0x5062, + 0x5080, 0x503e, 0x5083, 0x5071, 0x10f9, 0x504a, 0x5055, 0x5058, + 0x1192, 0x1195, 0x1196, 0x52fc, 0x52fd, 0x5315, 0x11b9, 0x5316, + 0x52ff, 0x11bd, 0x11b8, 0x1212, 0x5458, 0x54cf, 0x54e0, 0x1280, + 0x1281, 0x129a, 0x1298, 0x55e7, 0x566a, 0x5680, 0x12d4, 0x566f, + 0x5665, 0x12da, 0x5678, 0x567d, 0x5688, 0x12d6, 0x12db, 0x5664, + 0x567e, 0x12dc, 0x5667, 0x5863, 0x5888, 0x1371, 0x58cd, 0x1372, + 0x58c9, 0x13a8, 0x59ed, 0x13f0, 0x86db, 0x13f1, 0x13fd, 0x1438, + 0x1437, 0x1439, 0x5ab1, 0x1455, 0x1453, 0x5b04, 0x5b9e, 0x5ba0, + 0x5c43, 0x5c46, 0x5c48, 0x5c45, 0x5c40, 0x5c4c, + /* 0x45 */ + 0x14d5, 0x14bd, 0x5d0c, 0x5d13, 0x5d15, 0x14f5, 0x5d6b, 0x5d67, + 0x5e5d, 0x5e55, 0x5e35, 0x1521, 0x5e59, 0x5e2f, 0x5e3c, 0x5e8f, + 0x5e5c, 0x5e6a, 0x5e62, 0x5e5f, 0x5e6b, 0x5e6e, 0x5e3b, 0x5e44, + 0x5e41, 0x619a, 0x1592, 0x6199, 0x15de, 0x15db, 0x15da, 0x628f, + 0x15df, 0x6296, 0x15f9, 0x15f8, 0x15fa, 0x62f4, 0x62fc, 0x160e, + 0x6355, 0x1643, 0x6379, 0x1656, 0x1653, 0x169e, 0x63ee, 0x63f5, + 0x16a9, 0x640b, 0x16fa, 0x64f3, 0x1731, 0x1730, 0x64f7, 0x64ff, + 0x64f5, 0x1732, 0x64ec, 0x64f1, 0x1729, 0x172e, 0x659a, 0x1776, + 0x66e2, 0x673d, 0x675d, 0x68e8, 0x18a5, 0x68eb, 0x68ef, 0x68ee, + 0x6a81, 0x6b14, 0x1cd0, 0x1cd9, 0x1cdc, 0x1cd8, 0x008c, 0x1ce1, + 0x1ceb, 0x008b, 0x0089, 0x1cf4, 0x1ce2, 0x1cde, 0x008d, 0x0086, + 0x00d7, 0x1df4, 0x0104, 0x0107, 0x0103, 0x1eed, + /* 0x46 */ + 0x1eea, 0x0122, 0x1f32, 0x0151, 0x1fae, 0x1fb0, 0x0161, 0x21fb, + 0x2203, 0x220b, 0x01e9, 0x2207, 0x01e5, 0x21f8, 0x01e4, 0x2228, + 0x221e, 0x01e3, 0x2218, 0x2211, 0x2251, 0x2205, 0x2317, 0x2492, + 0x0265, 0x248c, 0x0263, 0x2478, 0x2484, 0x2473, 0x24ad, 0x2497, + 0x2495, 0x2477, 0x2472, 0x2496, 0x248d, 0x2510, 0x028c, 0x256c, + 0x031a, 0x26e7, 0x0315, 0x26e4, 0x0320, 0x0321, 0x26ef, 0x2226, + 0x031c, 0x031b, 0x26f0, 0x297b, 0x03fe, 0x2983, 0x0404, 0x0401, + 0x298b, 0x298c, 0x0400, 0x2978, 0x2a52, 0x046d, 0x0493, 0x2ad0, + 0x2acf, 0x04a1, 0x2bb3, 0x2bb4, 0x0576, 0x0579, 0x0572, 0x2d7b, + 0x0583, 0x2d6f, 0x2d81, 0x2d3c, 0x2d42, 0x2d38, 0x2d33, 0x85a6, + 0x2d60, 0x2d69, 0x2d7d, 0x2d86, 0x2e2c, 0x2e28, 0x0638, 0x304c, + 0x0630, 0x3057, 0x307c, 0x0634, 0x063a, 0x3055, + /* 0x47 */ + 0x3062, 0x3071, 0x306a, 0x3056, 0x303b, 0x3081, 0x0635, 0x304f, + 0x307e, 0x3064, 0x063f, 0x0640, 0x0632, 0x0631, 0x0636, 0x3171, + 0x7aba, 0x070f, 0x32a5, 0x329a, 0x329c, 0x0710, 0x32a6, 0x070d, + 0x32a4, 0x358f, 0x35c5, 0x35c8, 0x3592, 0x35b2, 0x07a9, 0x07b4, + 0x07ac, 0x35e3, 0x35c0, 0x35d6, 0x35d1, 0x359f, 0x35a2, 0x35d2, + 0x07b8, 0x07ae, 0x7bf3, 0x35e1, 0x35d5, 0x359d, 0x07b3, 0x07ba, + 0x3598, 0x083f, 0x3774, 0x37a1, 0x093c, 0x3af0, 0x3af3, 0x0942, + 0x0940, 0x3b1b, 0x3b0c, 0x3b1d, 0x3b34, 0x3b28, 0x3b17, 0x093e, + 0x3b44, 0x3b42, 0x3b04, 0x3b11, 0x3afa, 0x3b4a, 0x3d91, 0x3d8e, + 0x09e1, 0x3d8b, 0x3d8d, 0x3d7f, 0x3d8c, 0x3d7e, 0x3d7c, 0x3d83, + 0x09e6, 0x3d88, 0x09e0, 0x0a15, 0x3e94, 0x0a93, 0x3f55, 0x3f53, + 0x3f4f, 0x3f54, 0x406c, 0x4065, 0x4066, 0x4061, + /* 0x48 */ + 0x406b, 0x4068, 0x4076, 0x0ae7, 0x4060, 0x7e0f, 0x4074, 0x4106, + 0x420e, 0x0bad, 0x4207, 0x0bae, 0x0be3, 0x42b9, 0x0bf5, 0x42b7, + 0x42e2, 0x0c06, 0x4374, 0x4377, 0x4376, 0x4375, 0x0c4f, 0x4378, + 0x4371, 0x0c54, 0x437a, 0x3d5b, 0x437b, 0x44a6, 0x44ae, 0x44b8, + 0x0ccb, 0x0ce3, 0x0cc9, 0x44b1, 0x44af, 0x0d13, 0x4589, 0x4587, + 0x0d15, 0x0d61, 0x4629, 0x0d66, 0x462a, 0x0d64, 0x462d, 0x462c, + 0x0d60, 0x4632, 0x0d63, 0x46ec, 0x46f0, 0x4781, 0x479e, 0x4783, + 0x0e0a, 0x4792, 0x0e04, 0x47a3, 0x479f, 0x4793, 0x0e07, 0x4786, + 0x48b8, 0x48b7, 0x0e8d, 0x0e8f, 0x0e90, 0x0e92, 0x0eec, 0x49c8, + 0x49b6, 0x866c, 0x49d1, 0x0ee7, 0x49a8, 0x49ab, 0x0ef2, 0x49b3, + 0x49cd, 0x0eee, 0x49cf, 0x49a4, 0x0eef, 0x0f4c, 0x4b41, 0x4b6f, + 0x4b71, 0x0f5e, 0x0f5f, 0x0f76, 0x0f74, 0x0f72, + /* 0x49 */ + 0x0f90, 0x4c23, 0x4c5b, 0x0fbe, 0x4c61, 0x4c5f, 0x4d81, 0x1026, + 0x1025, 0x4d84, 0x4e13, 0x1074, 0x4e4a, 0x4e4c, 0x10fd, 0x1105, + 0x1101, 0x50bd, 0x5095, 0x1109, 0x5092, 0x50c3, 0x110c, 0x5096, + 0x50a5, 0x50b5, 0x50b3, 0x50a3, 0x50e4, 0x50d8, 0x50d5, 0x110d, + 0x50b7, 0x50ad, 0x50da, 0x5093, 0x5336, 0x11c0, 0x11c5, 0x11c9, + 0x533d, 0x532b, 0x5347, 0x5339, 0x11d5, 0x5345, 0x531d, 0x1241, + 0x54ff, 0x54ea, 0x1233, 0x54f5, 0x123a, 0x5500, 0x54ed, 0x5503, + 0x54e9, 0x1240, 0x1242, 0x55ea, 0x12e8, 0x569b, 0x568e, 0x56a2, + 0x12e4, 0x569c, 0x5694, 0x5690, 0x56a9, 0x56ac, 0x12e7, 0x569f, + 0x12e6, 0x12e1, 0x569d, 0x1339, 0x5867, 0x135c, 0x1375, 0x58d0, + 0x58d6, 0x58d4, 0x5998, 0x599a, 0x5997, 0x13ae, 0x13b0, 0x13fa, + 0x5a0b, 0x5a08, 0x5a01, 0x5ab4, 0x5ab3, 0x145b, + /* 0x4a */ + 0x5ba1, 0x5ba2, 0x14a5, 0x5c5a, 0x14a2, 0x5c61, 0x5c5f, 0x14db, + 0x14da, 0x5d25, 0x5d7b, 0x5d76, 0x5d7c, 0x1524, 0x5e89, 0x5ef6, + 0x5eb1, 0x5ead, 0x5e92, 0x5e81, 0x5e84, 0x1526, 0x5eae, 0x5e90, + 0x5e9e, 0x1598, 0x1596, 0x159a, 0x61a2, 0x61a7, 0x1597, 0x15e1, + 0x15e0, 0x15e3, 0x15e2, 0x62a0, 0x629d, 0x629f, 0x62d0, 0x15fb, + 0x62d1, 0x1612, 0x1614, 0x6359, 0x1645, 0x6364, 0x165c, 0x165d, + 0x16b8, 0x6419, 0x16ba, 0x6414, 0x6415, 0x641a, 0x1703, 0x1735, + 0x1736, 0x1739, 0x6506, 0x172d, 0x64f8, 0x6501, 0x177a, 0x65be, + 0x65bc, 0x65b7, 0x65b6, 0x65c0, 0x1778, 0x65b8, 0x177b, 0x177c, + 0x177e, 0x65c4, 0x177d, 0x65bf, 0x17c9, 0x66da, 0x66e4, 0x66e9, + 0x66e8, 0x66ea, 0x66e5, 0x17f3, 0x6726, 0x181a, 0x1819, 0x6740, + 0x181f, 0x18a6, 0x18a7, 0x18a8, 0x18ab, 0x18a9, + /* 0x4b */ + 0x192e, 0x6abd, 0x195e, 0x0095, 0x0093, 0x0092, 0x1d0e, 0x0096, + 0x1cf7, 0x0097, 0x1cfc, 0x1d0d, 0x1d01, 0x1dda, 0x1dd9, 0x1ddb, + 0x1e86, 0x1e8e, 0x1eee, 0x1f33, 0x1fb1, 0x01f5, 0x2247, 0x222d, + 0x2254, 0x01ea, 0x224b, 0x2252, 0x2231, 0x2244, 0x2256, 0x2250, + 0x222b, 0x01f3, 0x224d, 0x2237, 0x224f, 0x24a2, 0x24b7, 0x0269, + 0x24b2, 0x026b, 0x24aa, 0x24b5, 0x24b0, 0x026c, 0x24b4, 0x24a4, + 0x24a7, 0x0268, 0x2526, 0x26fe, 0x0328, 0x2704, 0x0326, 0x26fc, + 0x0325, 0x2706, 0x270a, 0x26fa, 0x270d, 0x2700, 0x270e, 0x036b, + 0x040f, 0x0408, 0x2991, 0x040c, 0x298f, 0x2990, 0x2998, 0x29a4, + 0x299b, 0x29a3, 0x2996, 0x29e4, 0x2a5a, 0x0460, 0x0462, 0x2a5e, + 0x0498, 0x2bb8, 0x2d57, 0x2d5c, 0x2da6, 0x2d95, 0x2d88, 0x058a, + 0x2da3, 0x2d8f, 0x0584, 0x2d64, 0x057f, 0x2d59, + /* 0x4c */ + 0x2d78, 0x0582, 0x2d85, 0x2d87, 0x2d9e, 0x0596, 0x0589, 0x2d98, + 0x2d9c, 0x058d, 0x05bc, 0x2e2f, 0x3080, 0x309b, 0x308e, 0x308d, + 0x3094, 0x30c6, 0x0644, 0x30a8, 0x3083, 0x063c, 0x30b9, 0x3086, + 0x30b4, 0x30af, 0x3091, 0x064e, 0x30aa, 0x30a1, 0x30a7, 0x32b6, + 0x32b3, 0x0714, 0x32bc, 0x32ac, 0x0715, 0x32ad, 0x360e, 0x07ce, + 0x361c, 0x361a, 0x07e0, 0x07c2, 0x360b, 0x07bf, 0x35ef, 0x360c, + 0x35f0, 0x3622, 0x07c4, 0x35d8, 0x07cf, 0x3612, 0x35fa, 0x07c8, + 0x362a, 0x07cc, 0x3610, 0x07cd, 0x07c7, 0x3629, 0x35f9, 0x35ea, + 0x362c, 0x3624, 0x18b7, 0x35e9, 0x3752, 0x374f, 0x3753, 0x0843, + 0x08b6, 0x3b10, 0x3b65, 0x3b75, 0x0951, 0x094a, 0x094d, 0x0956, + 0x3bd0, 0x0953, 0x3b5c, 0x3b3d, 0x3b71, 0x0959, 0x3b91, 0x3b0b, + 0x3b79, 0x3b81, 0x3b8f, 0x094e, 0x3b59, 0x3b74, + /* 0x4d */ + 0x09ee, 0x3dae, 0x09ec, 0x3da3, 0x3dad, 0x09eb, 0x09ef, 0x3dab, + 0x3da6, 0x3da2, 0x09ed, 0x1ef2, 0x3e57, 0x3e55, 0x3e99, 0x3f4b, + 0x407a, 0x0af2, 0x0aef, 0x0af1, 0x408c, 0x4084, 0x0aed, 0x0af0, + 0x4082, 0x4093, 0x407b, 0x0aee, 0x4109, 0x181b, 0x0b50, 0x0b66, + 0x0284, 0x0bb8, 0x0bf6, 0x438a, 0x0c57, 0x4390, 0x0c5e, 0x44c6, + 0x44d3, 0x44c0, 0x44d2, 0x44c7, 0x44c2, 0x0d19, 0x459f, 0x459d, + 0x459e, 0x0d70, 0x4641, 0x0d6e, 0x4638, 0x463a, 0x4642, 0x0d72, + 0x0d76, 0x463e, 0x46b0, 0x47ae, 0x47b3, 0x0e12, 0x0e1f, 0x47bf, + 0x0e11, 0x0e16, 0x47cd, 0x0e19, 0x47b2, 0x0e24, 0x0e14, 0x0e25, + 0x0e95, 0x0e96, 0x0e93, 0x0e94, 0x48c4, 0x48cd, 0x48c2, 0x48c6, + 0x48c3, 0x48c9, 0x48c7, 0x0ea0, 0x49f8, 0x0efb, 0x49ed, 0x49e2, + 0x0efc, 0x0f00, 0x0ef8, 0x49dc, 0x4a02, 0x4a01, + /* 0x4e */ + 0x0ef9, 0x49d6, 0x0f04, 0x49e4, 0x49fe, 0x0f03, 0x4a00, 0x49fc, + 0x49fd, 0x0ef3, 0x49f5, 0x49ff, 0x0efa, 0x49eb, 0x49e5, 0x4b78, + 0x4bae, 0x4be7, 0x0fbf, 0x4c65, 0x4c6a, 0x4c66, 0x4c68, 0x4c6b, + 0x4d94, 0x4da1, 0x4d92, 0x4d96, 0x4d93, 0x1079, 0x1110, 0x5101, + 0x1114, 0x50f8, 0x110e, 0x50f5, 0x111a, 0x5104, 0x1119, 0x1121, + 0x1123, 0x111f, 0x511b, 0x5103, 0x5133, 0x5134, 0x50ed, 0x1125, + 0x112b, 0x5135, 0x1116, 0x5105, 0x1122, 0x111b, 0x11ce, 0x11cf, + 0x537d, 0x11cb, 0x11d1, 0x11cc, 0x5371, 0x1217, 0x545c, 0x54e6, + 0x550f, 0x551b, 0x1251, 0x55a9, 0x55a5, 0x55ee, 0x56b1, 0x12ed, + 0x56cc, 0x56ce, 0x12f4, 0x56b7, 0x12f1, 0x56b5, 0x56e9, 0x56b4, + 0x12f8, 0x56b3, 0x56c1, 0x56af, 0x56ca, 0x56d0, 0x132f, 0x135e, + 0x135d, 0x588e, 0x1376, 0x1377, 0x58e9, 0x58db, + /* 0x4f */ + 0x137e, 0x58eb, 0x59a4, 0x13b6, 0x59a2, 0x599d, 0x13b3, 0x13fc, + 0x1403, 0x1400, 0x5a2a, 0x5a28, 0x140a, 0x1402, 0x5ab8, 0x5ab6, + 0x5ab9, 0x5ab7, 0x5b22, 0x5b2b, 0x5b27, 0x5b19, 0x5ba4, 0x1487, + 0x5bb3, 0x14a6, 0x5c71, 0x5c6a, 0x14a9, 0x14de, 0x5d88, 0x5d8c, + 0x5ebf, 0x5eb8, 0x5ebe, 0x5edc, 0x5ee5, 0x152e, 0x152d, 0x5ed4, + 0x5ed6, 0x1530, 0x5eda, 0x5eed, 0x5ef3, 0x5edb, 0x152b, 0x5eb9, + 0x5ee2, 0x5eeb, 0x61af, 0x159e, 0x61b2, 0x61b3, 0x159f, 0x15e5, + 0x15e4, 0x62a3, 0x62a5, 0x15fd, 0x15fc, 0x1617, 0x1619, 0x630a, + 0x1618, 0x6387, 0x6389, 0x638c, 0x63ef, 0x642a, 0x6422, 0x16bf, + 0x641f, 0x173c, 0x6519, 0x176b, 0x65ca, 0x65da, 0x1783, 0x1781, + 0x1780, 0x65de, 0x65c8, 0x65e0, 0x17ca, 0x66b6, 0x66b5, 0x17ce, + 0x66f4, 0x17f6, 0x676b, 0x6769, 0x6772, 0x6763, + /* 0x50 */ + 0x1839, 0x690d, 0x18ae, 0x6901, 0x690c, 0x18b5, 0x68f8, 0x18b3, + 0x18b4, 0x68fe, 0x6902, 0x6a84, 0x1922, 0x6aab, 0x6aaa, 0x1d1d, + 0x1d16, 0x0099, 0x1d2b, 0x1d1e, 0x1d1b, 0x1e90, 0x1e94, 0x1f14, + 0x7289, 0x0202, 0x2267, 0x0201, 0x227b, 0x02a1, 0x225f, 0x2261, + 0x01fd, 0x0273, 0x0274, 0x0270, 0x0276, 0x0275, 0x0272, 0x24c3, + 0x24ca, 0x24bb, 0x24c0, 0x24c4, 0x2501, 0x271f, 0x2718, 0x2711, + 0x2715, 0x0329, 0x2712, 0x271c, 0x032a, 0x2722, 0x2779, 0x29a6, + 0x0416, 0x29b3, 0x29ab, 0x2aea, 0x0499, 0x2b5b, 0x04d3, 0x04f5, + 0x2db7, 0x2dce, 0x2db9, 0x2dbd, 0x2dcf, 0x2dc0, 0x2d99, 0x2d97, + 0x0594, 0x2dbb, 0x2dd0, 0x2dc4, 0x2e31, 0x0656, 0x30d3, 0x30c0, + 0x0659, 0x0658, 0x0655, 0x0652, 0x30dc, 0x30d1, 0x30c8, 0x0657, + 0x30d5, 0x32c3, 0x071b, 0x071c, 0x32bf, 0x32c5, + /* 0x51 */ + 0x0719, 0x32cd, 0x32c1, 0x3306, 0x073f, 0x3324, 0x3663, 0x3642, + 0x3652, 0x07db, 0x3643, 0x3633, 0x07e2, 0x366c, 0x3657, 0x07d7, + 0x364c, 0x366e, 0x07de, 0x07e5, 0x07e4, 0x07e6, 0x07d6, 0x3637, + 0x07df, 0x3671, 0x364a, 0x3636, 0x07dc, 0x3653, 0x07da, 0x3645, + 0x3670, 0x07d3, 0x07d0, 0x365c, 0x3758, 0x3757, 0x0886, 0x0887, + 0x08ad, 0x08b7, 0x0958, 0x096a, 0x3bbb, 0x0962, 0x0961, 0x3bbe, + 0x0969, 0x096c, 0x0965, 0x3bb5, 0x3bd3, 0x3b9f, 0x0966, 0x3bb7, + 0x3bf5, 0x3db7, 0x09f5, 0x3dbb, 0x09f4, 0x3dd1, 0x09f7, 0x3dba, + 0x09f8, 0x3db6, 0x3dcc, 0x09fb, 0x09fc, 0x3dd3, 0x409b, 0x0af5, + 0x0af8, 0x4096, 0x40a2, 0x409d, 0x410a, 0x410e, 0x0b3c, 0x4181, + 0x422c, 0x4237, 0x4236, 0x423b, 0x0bc5, 0x42a1, 0x0c62, 0x0c63, + 0x4398, 0x0c67, 0x4396, 0x0c66, 0x0cd9, 0x0cdb, + /* 0x52 */ + 0x44d6, 0x44eb, 0x0cd8, 0x44dc, 0x0d1b, 0x45a5, 0x45a9, 0x6434, + 0x4653, 0x4645, 0x0d79, 0x464f, 0x0d7d, 0x46bd, 0x46bb, 0x46f1, + 0x0e2c, 0x0e37, 0x47ec, 0x47ed, 0x0e30, 0x0e9a, 0x48d3, 0x1600, + 0x48e1, 0x0f05, 0x4a19, 0x0f07, 0x0f09, 0x0f0a, 0x4a27, 0x4a26, + 0x0f79, 0x0fc2, 0x4c6e, 0x4daf, 0x1038, 0x1037, 0x4dad, 0x1021, + 0x4daa, 0x4e18, 0x105e, 0x113d, 0x1137, 0x1140, 0x516f, 0x514c, + 0x111d, 0x5142, 0x1133, 0x515c, 0x5170, 0x515f, 0x1135, 0x515a, + 0x514b, 0x513f, 0x538a, 0x11d8, 0x538b, 0x53a1, 0x538e, 0x11dc, + 0x11de, 0x5399, 0x545e, 0x545f, 0x5524, 0x55a7, 0x56ea, 0x56fd, + 0x56f9, 0x56e3, 0x56e5, 0x12fa, 0x12fb, 0x56ec, 0x133d, 0x133b, + 0x133f, 0x135f, 0x58f2, 0x137f, 0x58ef, 0x1384, 0x59a6, 0x13bc, + 0x1414, 0x140f, 0x5a3b, 0x5a43, 0x140e, 0x5a32, + /* 0x53 */ + 0x5b31, 0x5b30, 0x1460, 0x5b2d, 0x5b3c, 0x5ba7, 0x5ba5, 0x14ab, + 0x14ac, 0x14aa, 0x5d37, 0x5d95, 0x5d8e, 0x1504, 0x5d96, 0x1508, + 0x5f45, 0x5f0a, 0x1533, 0x1534, 0x5efd, 0x5f17, 0x5f1c, 0x5f07, + 0x5f31, 0x5f32, 0x5f2c, 0x5f30, 0x5f03, 0x5f05, 0x15a2, 0x61c2, + 0x15a4, 0x61b8, 0x15a5, 0x61c1, 0x15a7, 0x15a6, 0x15e7, 0x62ab, + 0x62b7, 0x15ff, 0x15fe, 0x6315, 0x6314, 0x161d, 0x161c, 0x630c, + 0x6317, 0x1667, 0x6393, 0x1694, 0x63d2, 0x16c5, 0x16c8, 0x6436, + 0x6431, 0x6433, 0x643c, 0x642e, 0x643a, 0x16c9, 0x643d, 0x16c7, + 0x64b5, 0x6522, 0x6523, 0x6520, 0x651c, 0x651d, 0x176c, 0x65a0, + 0x178a, 0x65ef, 0x65e8, 0x65eb, 0x1788, 0x1787, 0x1786, 0x65e1, + 0x65e6, 0x17cf, 0x17d0, 0x66f8, 0x66f5, 0x181c, 0x1823, 0x6783, + 0x6794, 0x6784, 0x1849, 0x678b, 0x678f, 0x1843, + /* 0x54 */ + 0x678c, 0x1848, 0x6789, 0x1847, 0x678e, 0x1846, 0x183f, 0x1844, + 0x6924, 0x690f, 0x18be, 0x6913, 0x690a, 0x18c2, 0x18ba, 0x18bc, + 0x18c6, 0x692a, 0x691a, 0x18c8, 0x6927, 0x6916, 0x6921, 0x1923, + 0x6a85, 0x6aac, 0x6ac6, 0x6ac5, 0x6ad7, 0x6b53, 0x009d, 0x1d28, + 0x1d27, 0x1ddf, 0x0124, 0x1f35, 0x1fb3, 0x0207, 0x228a, 0x227d, + 0x2289, 0x0279, 0x24cd, 0x24d0, 0x0278, 0x272b, 0x2733, 0x2729, + 0x2735, 0x2731, 0x2737, 0x2836, 0x29be, 0x0419, 0x29b9, 0x041c, + 0x29bb, 0x0418, 0x2de2, 0x2ddb, 0x2ddd, 0x2ddc, 0x2dda, 0x85af, + 0x2dd9, 0x05bd, 0x065d, 0x30df, 0x065a, 0x065e, 0x30e1, 0x065c, + 0x30ee, 0x065b, 0x31b5, 0x32d4, 0x32d5, 0x0721, 0x32d0, 0x32d1, + 0x32ce, 0x32d7, 0x0720, 0x0732, 0x367d, 0x368a, 0x07f2, 0x36a7, + 0x07f5, 0x3699, 0x3682, 0x3688, 0x07ee, 0x07ec, + /* 0x55 */ + 0x3686, 0x07ea, 0x3698, 0x369d, 0x07ed, 0x07f3, 0x368f, 0x07f6, + 0x36aa, 0x0848, 0x375d, 0x0849, 0x380a, 0x0975, 0x3bd7, 0x3bd6, + 0x3be5, 0x096f, 0x097b, 0x0973, 0x3bd9, 0x3bda, 0x3bea, 0x0970, + 0x3bf6, 0x7d39, 0x0978, 0x3de3, 0x09fe, 0x3de9, 0x0a00, 0x3deb, + 0x3def, 0x3df3, 0x3dea, 0x0a01, 0x8621, 0x0a55, 0x0a56, 0x0a9d, + 0x3f71, 0x0af9, 0x40ae, 0x0aff, 0x40b3, 0x0afd, 0x40ac, 0x0b43, + 0x0b41, 0x4183, 0x4245, 0x424e, 0x4244, 0x42a3, 0x42a5, 0x43a6, + 0x43a4, 0x0c6f, 0x43a9, 0x43af, 0x0c8a, 0x0ce5, 0x0ce6, 0x44f0, + 0x44f8, 0x44f1, 0x0d7f, 0x4649, 0x0db5, 0x0db6, 0x0dbb, 0x46c2, + 0x46f2, 0x46f3, 0x47fa, 0x0e40, 0x47f6, 0x47fc, 0x4818, 0x4808, + 0x4812, 0x0e9d, 0x0e9c, 0x48db, 0x48da, 0x0f0f, 0x0f11, 0x0f0d, + 0x4a2c, 0x4a4d, 0x0f14, 0x0f13, 0x4b46, 0x4bf6, + /* 0x56 */ + 0x4c2b, 0x4c74, 0x4db8, 0x4dc8, 0x1082, 0x1083, 0x114d, 0x5192, + 0x5193, 0x114f, 0x517f, 0x51ab, 0x5197, 0x114c, 0x1151, 0x51ac, + 0x11ee, 0x11e8, 0x18cb, 0x53ce, 0x11eb, 0x53cd, 0x11e2, 0x11e6, + 0x53c1, 0x53b1, 0x53c7, 0x11ec, 0x5540, 0x1259, 0x553f, 0x5539, + 0x125d, 0x5543, 0x1257, 0x125b, 0x1256, 0x55ab, 0x12fe, 0x571f, + 0x5709, 0x570c, 0x1300, 0x1301, 0x5840, 0x1342, 0x5896, 0x1360, + 0x58f6, 0x58f7, 0x141d, 0x5a46, 0x5a4f, 0x143e, 0x1469, 0x1465, + 0x5b3d, 0x5b41, 0x5f66, 0x5f78, 0x5f5d, 0x5f69, 0x5f74, 0x5f7d, + 0x5f6e, 0x5f72, 0x5f73, 0x5f62, 0x5f48, 0x5f53, 0x5f5f, 0x5f68, + 0x1538, 0x5f7f, 0x5f6b, 0x15ae, 0x61c4, 0x15ad, 0x62af, 0x62ad, + 0x62b2, 0x1602, 0x161f, 0x631a, 0x631b, 0x1622, 0x1620, 0x86f5, + 0x166c, 0x639b, 0x639f, 0x1668, 0x166d, 0x166e, + /* 0x57 */ + 0x16a0, 0x16ce, 0x16d0, 0x16d1, 0x16cb, 0x6440, 0x16d2, 0x6447, + 0x16d3, 0x64b7, 0x1720, 0x174e, 0x174b, 0x1772, 0x1770, 0x65a2, + 0x1792, 0x178f, 0x6600, 0x65f3, 0x1790, 0x8437, 0x65f5, 0x17d9, + 0x17d5, 0x66bd, 0x6700, 0x6702, 0x17fa, 0x6734, 0x6749, 0x679f, + 0x184b, 0x67a3, 0x67cd, 0x6799, 0x679d, 0x18d0, 0x18ce, 0x6939, + 0x18cf, 0x6944, 0x18c4, 0x18cc, 0x6935, 0x18d2, 0x1935, 0x6aaf, + 0x0a03, 0x1d2f, 0x009e, 0x00af, 0x6b8e, 0x020c, 0x229f, 0x229b, + 0x229e, 0x2296, 0x2294, 0x22a0, 0x027c, 0x273b, 0x0330, 0x0331, + 0x273a, 0x29c1, 0x2b4d, 0x2b5d, 0x2df3, 0x05a1, 0x059e, 0x0668, + 0x0661, 0x30f6, 0x30e5, 0x30ea, 0x30e7, 0x3105, 0x0665, 0x30f9, + 0x0666, 0x066a, 0x06ab, 0x36ab, 0x36ed, 0x36b2, 0x36b0, 0x36b5, + 0x36be, 0x36c1, 0x36c8, 0x07f9, 0x36c0, 0x36bc, + /* 0x58 */ + 0x36b1, 0x36c4, 0x36bf, 0x0858, 0x088a, 0x3c08, 0x3c03, 0x3bfd, + 0x3c10, 0x3c02, 0x3c13, 0x0a04, 0x3dfa, 0x3e00, 0x40b9, 0x40bc, + 0x0b02, 0x425b, 0x4251, 0x424f, 0x42eb, 0x43b8, 0x0c79, 0x43b9, + 0x43c1, 0x43c0, 0x43be, 0x450b, 0x0ceb, 0x4507, 0x450a, 0x4508, + 0x0ce9, 0x450d, 0x4506, 0x4515, 0x45af, 0x0d20, 0x0d21, 0x0d81, + 0x46f5, 0x0e4d, 0x0e59, 0x482e, 0x0e58, 0x481b, 0x81d1, 0x481a, + 0x4824, 0x0ea5, 0x0ea9, 0x48e6, 0x48e3, 0x0f1a, 0x0f19, 0x4a5d, + 0x4a4f, 0x4a66, 0x4a5b, 0x4b47, 0x4bb4, 0x0f96, 0x0f98, 0x0f97, + 0x4bfa, 0x4c2e, 0x82df, 0x0fc8, 0x4dce, 0x1043, 0x1045, 0x4e19, + 0x1152, 0x1157, 0x51cc, 0x51b2, 0x1155, 0x51bb, 0x51c1, 0x1156, + 0x1158, 0x11f2, 0x53e9, 0x53ee, 0x53f0, 0x53d6, 0x540e, 0x53da, + 0x5548, 0x554a, 0x554e, 0x554d, 0x55b1, 0x55b0, + /* 0x59 */ + 0x55b3, 0x1307, 0x5738, 0x5732, 0x1308, 0x572d, 0x130a, 0x5734, + 0x0f1b, 0x5729, 0x5874, 0x1361, 0x1362, 0x5903, 0x13c2, 0x13c6, + 0x59a9, 0x5a58, 0x141e, 0x1425, 0x5abf, 0x5ac1, 0x5b4a, 0x5bac, + 0x14b0, 0x5c89, 0x5d3d, 0x5d3c, 0x5da9, 0x5fa0, 0x153d, 0x5f90, + 0x153e, 0x5f93, 0x5f8b, 0x5fad, 0x5fbb, 0x5fb8, 0x1546, 0x1545, + 0x5f9c, 0x61d8, 0x61d7, 0x1603, 0x1626, 0x1627, 0x635d, 0x63a9, + 0x63da, 0x1698, 0x16ad, 0x16d5, 0x16da, 0x6454, 0x16d9, 0x6455, + 0x644b, 0x16dd, 0x643f, 0x64b9, 0x1715, 0x1716, 0x1717, 0x1721, + 0x6538, 0x6536, 0x6540, 0x174c, 0x653b, 0x6539, 0x65a4, 0x1796, + 0x1798, 0x6608, 0x660c, 0x179b, 0x6610, 0x17ff, 0x6707, 0x1825, + 0x67d2, 0x184f, 0x67c2, 0x67bb, 0x67cc, 0x67cb, 0x1856, 0x1854, + 0x694d, 0x6963, 0x694e, 0x18d8, 0x6950, 0x6955, + /* 0x5a */ + 0x18d7, 0x695e, 0x1926, 0x6a90, 0x6ab2, 0x6ab1, 0x1938, 0x6aca, + 0x6b02, 0x6b27, 0x6b26, 0x198a, 0x22af, 0x24e0, 0x24dc, 0x0334, + 0x2739, 0x0335, 0x856a, 0x277c, 0x27f3, 0x8570, 0x03a1, 0x286b, + 0x29c4, 0x310b, 0x3108, 0x310a, 0x066c, 0x066d, 0x31dc, 0x0729, + 0x072a, 0x32e1, 0x32df, 0x36ce, 0x36d4, 0x36e3, 0x36d7, 0x36e2, + 0x0800, 0x0808, 0x0806, 0x0805, 0x36d8, 0x36d5, 0x36d2, 0x08b1, + 0x0988, 0x3c1e, 0x3c2c, 0x3c25, 0x3bf3, 0x3e04, 0x3e08, 0x3e15, + 0x0a09, 0x40c4, 0x40c9, 0x40c7, 0x40c8, 0x42a9, 0x43c6, 0x43c5, + 0x4518, 0x451a, 0x4520, 0x0d22, 0x4666, 0x4664, 0x466a, 0x0dd5, + 0x0e61, 0x0e5d, 0x0e62, 0x0e4f, 0x0e60, 0x4835, 0x4834, 0x0eaa, + 0x0f22, 0x4a6c, 0x0f21, 0x4a6e, 0x4a71, 0x1046, 0x4dd4, 0x4dd6, + 0x4e1a, 0x4e62, 0x4e65, 0x4e76, 0x51db, 0x51d6, + /* 0x5b */ + 0x1162, 0x51e7, 0x1160, 0x1164, 0x51f4, 0x86b6, 0x53fd, 0x53d5, + 0x5407, 0x11f6, 0x540f, 0x53f8, 0x86c1, 0x1219, 0x5587, 0x1291, + 0x55b5, 0x55f5, 0x130d, 0x573f, 0x5743, 0x574c, 0x1365, 0x590b, + 0x5a6b, 0x5a68, 0x5a70, 0x5a75, 0x5a77, 0x143f, 0x5ac3, 0x154b, + 0x5fe9, 0x5fea, 0x5fcb, 0x5fc5, 0x5fc6, 0x1548, 0x5fed, 0x5fd3, + 0x1552, 0x5fe5, 0x154a, 0x1551, 0x5fdb, 0x5feb, 0x5fe0, 0x5fc1, + 0x1550, 0x154c, 0x61dd, 0x15ee, 0x1604, 0x1606, 0x162d, 0x162e, + 0x162f, 0x167b, 0x1678, 0x1677, 0x63b2, 0x63b4, 0x63b1, 0x63b5, + 0x63f2, 0x16a2, 0x16a1, 0x16e3, 0x6456, 0x171a, 0x1719, 0x1757, + 0x6544, 0x179e, 0x6626, 0x661f, 0x6618, 0x6621, 0x6617, 0x17dd, + 0x6709, 0x1805, 0x1828, 0x67c5, 0x67df, 0x1860, 0x67e3, 0x1866, + 0x67e9, 0x67ee, 0x1867, 0x1868, 0x6966, 0x697a, + /* 0x5c */ + 0x18de, 0x696e, 0x6991, 0x6983, 0x6976, 0x697e, 0x696d, 0x18e1, + 0x6a95, 0x6ae3, 0x1969, 0x1977, 0x6b03, 0x6b04, 0x8719, 0x6b17, + 0x00a6, 0x1d36, 0x00a5, 0x1f36, 0x0214, 0x2742, 0x0336, 0x0338, + 0x2744, 0x2746, 0x277e, 0x29ca, 0x29c8, 0x29cc, 0x2af0, 0x0670, + 0x3185, 0x32e5, 0x32e7, 0x072b, 0x0811, 0x080a, 0x36f4, 0x080d, + 0x36e9, 0x0816, 0x0810, 0x0809, 0x080e, 0x087a, 0x3c3d, 0x098c, + 0x3c36, 0x0991, 0x3e16, 0x0a0a, 0x3e12, 0x3e0f, 0x3e17, 0x3e11, + 0x3e0b, 0x0a08, 0x0a0b, 0x40cd, 0x40d0, 0x40cc, 0x40ce, 0x40d1, + 0x0b07, 0x4189, 0x0cf2, 0x466f, 0x484b, 0x4844, 0x4855, 0x0eae, + 0x0f24, 0x0f26, 0x0f27, 0x4a7f, 0x5771, 0x0f99, 0x4c2f, 0x4c7a, + 0x4c7b, 0x4c7c, 0x115f, 0x116a, 0x1171, 0x51fc, 0x5210, 0x5202, + 0x116c, 0x116f, 0x51ee, 0x5203, 0x1168, 0x520d, + /* 0x5d */ + 0x5213, 0x5208, 0x520f, 0x5418, 0x5412, 0x1201, 0x1268, 0x5567, + 0x5565, 0x55bb, 0x5769, 0x5762, 0x1313, 0x576e, 0x1316, 0x5761, + 0x1318, 0x5764, 0x574d, 0x5851, 0x1389, 0x13c8, 0x5a83, 0x5ac6, + 0x1484, 0x601f, 0x1554, 0x6004, 0x6017, 0x6008, 0x6005, 0x1556, + 0x5ff3, 0x601e, 0x6002, 0x601a, 0x601b, 0x6027, 0x601c, 0x155a, + 0x62b5, 0x1605, 0x1607, 0x6333, 0x1631, 0x6334, 0x6331, 0x63b8, + 0x63ba, 0x16a3, 0x63fc, 0x16eb, 0x171c, 0x64c3, 0x175a, 0x654d, + 0x175b, 0x662f, 0x17a6, 0x17aa, 0x17a5, 0x66c9, 0x17e1, 0x66c8, + 0x66c4, 0x672a, 0x6738, 0x6750, 0x182a, 0x680a, 0x67fb, 0x6804, + 0x67fc, 0x67fe, 0x1872, 0x186f, 0x1873, 0x6802, 0x67f6, 0x681b, + 0x67f9, 0x6815, 0x6810, 0x67ff, 0x6800, 0x680c, 0x186b, 0x18e6, + 0x6995, 0x69a5, 0x18e9, 0x18ec, 0x18e8, 0x18f0, + /* 0x5e */ + 0x6a98, 0x6ac1, 0x198c, 0x6b5a, 0x1d64, 0x22bb, 0x0215, 0x24e6, + 0x2749, 0x27f7, 0x0371, 0x0426, 0x29d0, 0x04c6, 0x2bc2, 0x05a8, + 0x3111, 0x0673, 0x36ff, 0x36fe, 0x36fd, 0x0815, 0x3701, 0x0998, + 0x0997, 0x3c4b, 0x3c4d, 0x3c47, 0x40d3, 0x4268, 0x4267, 0x0bd7, + 0x0c80, 0x43d1, 0x4530, 0x4532, 0x452e, 0x0d88, 0x6b9d, 0x46c9, + 0x46c8, 0x0e69, 0x4856, 0x4851, 0x0e6b, 0x0f29, 0x0f28, 0x4a85, + 0x4a89, 0x4a8e, 0x4a84, 0x105f, 0x4e6a, 0x522b, 0x522f, 0x5228, + 0x1174, 0x5216, 0x5215, 0x521d, 0x541a, 0x1202, 0x126a, 0x1294, + 0x55bc, 0x5775, 0x577c, 0x138a, 0x5911, 0x5912, 0x5b5c, 0x5dbb, + 0x1564, 0x5ff4, 0x155e, 0x1561, 0x602d, 0x1565, 0x1566, 0x62e4, + 0x6337, 0x6336, 0x6367, 0x63be, 0x63bd, 0x63e2, 0x6468, 0x6466, + 0x64c8, 0x64ca, 0x64c7, 0x64dc, 0x175f, 0x654f, + /* 0x5f */ + 0x65a9, 0x663c, 0x17af, 0x663b, 0x66ce, 0x180d, 0x6714, 0x6753, + 0x187c, 0x682e, 0x187a, 0x681f, 0x1876, 0x1879, 0x187d, 0x1877, + 0x69b0, 0x69bd, 0x18f6, 0x18f1, 0x69ae, 0x69c4, 0x6a7b, 0x0c0b, + 0x1929, 0x6a9e, 0x196f, 0x6b05, 0x199a, 0x6b69, 0x6ba1, 0x22c7, + 0x231d, 0x274a, 0x29d3, 0x0469, 0x2b72, 0x2e02, 0x05ab, 0x2e35, + 0x3127, 0x311e, 0x311f, 0x072c, 0x072d, 0x3707, 0x3706, 0x0817, + 0x099a, 0x3c54, 0x3e1c, 0x3e20, 0x46f8, 0x0e6e, 0x485d, 0x4858, + 0x0f2c, 0x4a92, 0x4b4e, 0x0fca, 0x1178, 0x1206, 0x5427, 0x1207, + 0x5781, 0x5783, 0x1320, 0x5844, 0x1353, 0x13ce, 0x147a, 0x1479, + 0x6042, 0x604d, 0x6054, 0x604e, 0x156b, 0x6043, 0x1567, 0x156d, + 0x633c, 0x6340, 0x63c0, 0x1685, 0x16b0, 0x16f3, 0x1763, 0x655a, + 0x6651, 0x17b6, 0x66dd, 0x1882, 0x187f, 0x6838, + /* 0x60 */ + 0x1886, 0x6845, 0x683a, 0x1884, 0x6835, 0x18fc, 0x18fd, 0x18fa, + 0x6af1, 0x1987, 0x6b93, 0x1e9a, 0x021a, 0x0219, 0x5241, 0x29d7, + 0x0675, 0x3128, 0x081a, 0x081b, 0x0819, 0x3c53, 0x3c59, 0x099c, + 0x3e21, 0x0a10, 0x426f, 0x4537, 0x45b5, 0x4862, 0x485e, 0x48f5, + 0x117b, 0x117c, 0x523d, 0x1208, 0x542d, 0x5589, 0x578d, 0x5787, + 0x5790, 0x591a, 0x5a99, 0x1441, 0x14e3, 0x1572, 0x605f, 0x1573, + 0x1568, 0x6056, 0x6061, 0x605b, 0x605a, 0x605c, 0x6065, 0x1635, + 0x6341, 0x1688, 0x169d, 0x646e, 0x646c, 0x646d, 0x0e75, 0x65aa, + 0x665c, 0x6658, 0x66de, 0x188f, 0x684f, 0x6851, 0x188e, 0x6853, + 0x1905, 0x1904, 0x18ff, 0x69fc, 0x6b39, 0x199e, 0x1d3e, 0x0154, + 0x22d2, 0x0281, 0x274f, 0x3714, 0x0cfa, 0x4672, 0x4673, 0x0f32, + 0x1270, 0x126e, 0x5791, 0x86d6, 0x147c, 0x5dbf, + /* 0x61 */ + 0x1575, 0x606c, 0x1574, 0x1577, 0x62e6, 0x6345, 0x1637, 0x63c8, + 0x63e4, 0x655d, 0x17ba, 0x6721, 0x1811, 0x672c, 0x6757, 0x1892, + 0x1899, 0x685d, 0x6861, 0x6865, 0x6a08, 0x190a, 0x192a, 0x192b, + 0x1944, 0x1979, 0x6b45, 0x00aa, 0x0348, 0x2e05, 0x32ef, 0x371b, + 0x371d, 0x3e25, 0x3e24, 0x486d, 0x0eb4, 0x5242, 0x5249, 0x120d, + 0x5578, 0x558a, 0x5797, 0x1354, 0x589b, 0x591c, 0x1430, 0x5aa2, + 0x1609, 0x1638, 0x1636, 0x168b, 0x16f7, 0x1766, 0x17bd, 0x181e, + 0x686c, 0x1896, 0x686f, 0x190d, 0x6a0e, 0x1973, 0x6b08, 0x6b1d, + 0x6ba3, 0x033b, 0x033c, 0x2b60, 0x371c, 0x09a0, 0x0cfb, 0x6cfd, + 0x48f3, 0x1181, 0x579b, 0x5aa7, 0x5dc4, 0x1578, 0x607a, 0x168d, + 0x1773, 0x6661, 0x6663, 0x66d7, 0x6876, 0x19a6, 0x6ba5, 0x05ad, + 0x3c67, 0x0a11, 0x3eab, 0x524a, 0x557d, 0x579d, + /* 0x62 */ + 0x5853, 0x5b65, 0x607b, 0x1639, 0x64cd, 0x64dd, 0x17bf, 0x6730, + 0x6a16, 0x190f, 0x19a7, 0x19b5, 0x0bdc, 0x1431, 0x62e7, 0x6a18, + 0x6aa2, 0x19a8, 0x6b7c, 0x0d25, 0x4a9e, 0x6084, 0x17c1, 0x6a1c, + 0x0d90, 0x4871, 0x63ca, 0x1296, 0x147f, 0x1910, 0x6aa3, 0x160a, + 0x687b, 0x6b97, 0x1912, 0x163a, 0x6350, 0x163b, +}; +static const unsigned short cns11643_3_2uni_page64[292] = { + /* 0x64 */ + 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, + 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, + 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, + 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, + 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, 0x1b66, + 0x1b68, 0x1be7, 0x1c3f, 0x6cfd, 0x1ca6, 0x1d0f, 0x1e3e, 0x1f24, + 0x1f65, 0x1f9b, 0x1d7f, 0x20cb, 0x2173, 0x2171, 0x216b, 0x21f4, + 0x2222, 0x2220, 0x2292, 0x22ba, 0x2291, 0x22b0, 0x2359, 0x238a, + 0x240f, 0x2412, 0x2413, 0x2447, 0x249b, 0x2500, 0x254d, 0x26d1, + 0x26d3, 0x2767, 0x2857, 0x2877, 0x28d5, 0x2975, 0x298e, 0x29a5, + 0x29b6, 0x29bf, 0x2a65, 0x2acd, 0x2aed, 0x2b94, 0x2b9a, 0x2bba, + 0x2d25, 0x2d50, 0x2ea3, 0x2f60, 0x2f64, 0x2fb6, + /* 0x65 */ + 0x3003, 0x30b6, 0x311a, 0x4625, 0x2821, 0x32e2, 0x3302, 0x33a4, + 0x33ac, 0x3410, 0x3406, 0x345e, 0x345a, 0x352c, 0x3529, 0x362d, + 0x3677, 0x367a, 0x36ca, 0x36e6, 0x36f5, 0x370d, 0x370e, 0x37dc, + 0x37dd, 0x37f6, 0x381e, 0x3863, 0x39a5, 0x3a0f, 0x3a8a, 0x3a84, + 0x3a8b, 0x3a7c, 0x3b4c, 0x3b48, 0x3b49, 0x3b9d, 0x3b99, 0x3bf8, + 0x3c2e, 0x3c2d, 0x3c5c, 0x45cc, 0x3cbf, 0x3cea, 0x3ce5, 0x3d11, + 0x3d12, 0x3d3f, 0x3d39, 0x3d3b, 0x3d3d, 0x3d77, 0x3d75, 0x3d76, + 0x3d71, 0x3d96, 0x3d93, 0x3db4, 0x3ddd, 0x3dde, 0x3e0e, 0x2511, + 0x3e18, 0x3f47, 0x3f48, 0x3fef, 0x4012, 0x403b, 0x40a4, 0x408d, + 0x40b4, 0x4273, 0x4277, 0x42bc, 0x4419, 0x441b, 0x443d, 0x4453, + 0x4454, 0x4458, 0x44b7, 0x44d8, 0x44ee, 0x4522, 0x454d, 0x4586, + 0x4599, 0x45a3, 0x45bc, 0x46a7, 0x4737, 0x4759, + /* 0x66 */ + 0x47d0, 0x482f, 0x4832, 0x4842, 0x484e, 0x4868, 0x48a9, 0x48ed, + 0x49d0, 0x4a07, 0x49d3, 0x4a64, 0x4b40, 0x6cfd, 0x4c41, 0x4c63, + 0x4cbb, 0x3311, 0x3325, 0x4e48, 0x4f10, 0x4f62, 0x4f12, 0x5021, + 0x501e, 0x50e2, 0x50de, 0x50e1, 0x5173, 0x51d4, 0x51f5, 0x5237, + 0x5245, 0x5272, 0x534a, 0x53a9, 0x53a5, 0x53f5, 0x5434, 0x5450, + 0x5487, 0x5554, 0x5584, 0x5703, 0x5852, 0x58d8, 0x590c, 0x5918, + 0x59b0, 0x5abc, 0x5ad5, 0x5baa, 0x5c9c, 0x6cfd, 0x5d5c, 0x5e2b, + 0x5e21, 0x5e73, 0x5ef4, 0x5ef5, 0x5f3f, 0x5f42, 0x5f86, 0x5fbe, + 0x5fbc, 0x5fbd, 0x5ff1, 0x5ff2, 0x5fef, 0x6022, 0x6023, 0x6024, + 0x6067, 0x6066, 0x6197, 0x61ce, 0x61e7, 0x633b, 0x634d, 0x64e4, + 0x6542, 0x671d, 0x6798, 0x6cfd, 0x6949, 0x3049, 0x2a71, 0x2a85, + 0x2dd3, 0x650e, 0x4c02, 0x441e, 0x6cfd, 0x6cfd, + /* 0x67 */ + 0x2128, 0x2172, 0x21ba, 0x21f0, 0x21ee, 0x22b8, 0x22b9, 0x22c4, + 0x4c53, 0x5eb0, +}; + +static const ucs4_t cns11643_3_2uni_upages[136] = { + 0x03400, 0x03500, 0x03600, 0x03700, 0x03800, 0x03900, 0x03a00, 0x03b00, + 0x03c00, 0x03d00, 0x03e00, 0x03f00, 0x04000, 0x04100, 0x04200, 0x04300, + 0x04400, 0x04500, 0x04600, 0x04700, 0x04800, 0x04900, 0x04a00, 0x04b00, + 0x04c00, 0x04d00, 0x04e00, 0x04f00, 0x05000, 0x05100, 0x05200, 0x05300, + 0x05400, 0x05500, 0x05600, 0x05700, 0x05800, 0x05900, 0x05a00, 0x05b00, + 0x05c00, 0x05d00, 0x05e00, 0x05f00, 0x06000, 0x06100, 0x06200, 0x06300, + 0x06400, 0x06500, 0x06600, 0x06700, 0x06800, 0x06900, 0x06a00, 0x06b00, + 0x06c00, 0x06d00, 0x06e00, 0x06f00, 0x07000, 0x07100, 0x07200, 0x07300, + 0x07400, 0x07500, 0x07600, 0x07700, 0x07800, 0x07900, 0x07a00, 0x07b00, + 0x07c00, 0x07d00, 0x07e00, 0x07f00, 0x08000, 0x08100, 0x08200, 0x08300, + 0x08400, 0x08500, 0x08600, 0x08700, 0x08800, 0x08900, 0x08a00, 0x08b00, + 0x08c00, 0x08d00, 0x08e00, 0x08f00, 0x09000, 0x09100, 0x09200, 0x09300, + 0x09400, 0x09500, 0x09600, 0x09700, 0x09800, 0x09900, 0x09a00, 0x09b00, + 0x09c00, 0x09d00, 0x09e00, 0x09f00, 0x0ff00, 0x20000, 0x20100, 0x20200, + 0x20500, 0x20600, 0x20b00, 0x20d00, 0x21300, 0x21600, 0x21700, 0x21d00, + 0x22300, 0x22500, 0x23000, 0x23500, 0x23c00, 0x24000, 0x24a00, 0x25100, + 0x25900, 0x25c00, 0x26500, 0x28c00, 0x29900, 0x2f800, 0x2f900, 0x2fa00, +}; + +static int +cns11643_3_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 >= 0x21 && c1 <= 0x62) || (c1 >= 0x64 && c1 <= 0x67)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 < 0x7f) { + unsigned int i = 94 * (c1 - 0x21) + (c2 - 0x21); + ucs4_t wc = 0xfffd; + unsigned short swc; + if (i < 6298) { + if (i < 6148) + swc = cns11643_3_2uni_page21[i], + wc = cns11643_3_2uni_upages[swc>>8] | (swc & 0xff); + } else { + if (i < 6590) + swc = cns11643_3_2uni_page64[i-6298], + wc = cns11643_3_2uni_upages[swc>>8] | (swc & 0xff); + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_4.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_4.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e7259920b --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_4.h @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CNS 11643-1992 plane 4 + */ + +/* + * The table has been split into two parts. Each part's entries fit it 16 bits. + * But the combined table would need 17 bits per entry. + */ +#include "cns11643_4a.h" +#include "cns11643_4b.h" + +static int +cns11643_4_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 >= 0x21 && c1 <= 0x6e)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 < 0x7f) { + unsigned int i = 94 * (c1 - 0x21) + (c2 - 0x21); + ucs4_t wc = 0xfffd; + unsigned short swc; + { + if (i < 2914) + swc = cns11643_4a_2uni_page21[i], + wc = cns11643_4a_2uni_upages[swc>>8] | (swc & 0xff); + else if (i < 7298) + swc = cns11643_4b_2uni_page40[i-2914], + wc = cns11643_4b_2uni_upages[swc>>8] | (swc & 0xff); + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_4a.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_4a.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ee81576a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_4a.h @@ -0,0 +1,460 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CNS 11643-1992 plane 4 part a + */ + +static const unsigned short cns11643_4a_2uni_page21[2914] = { + /* 0x21 */ + 0x5a86, 0x1840, 0x1841, 0x185a, 0x75e8, 0x1802, 0x1829, 0x5b0e, + 0x6027, 0x1c02, 0x013e, 0x27dc, 0x5f3c, 0x6075, 0xd128, 0x1d42, + 0x1d6a, 0x2552, 0x6f3c, 0xd175, 0xd178, 0x29c4, 0x2c4c, 0x39ad, + 0x1812, 0x182f, 0x1896, 0x18d0, 0x1b42, 0x1b83, 0xd119, 0x60a5, + 0x60aa, 0x630f, 0x640e, 0x1d83, 0x1db8, 0x659c, 0x659b, 0x6a3c, + 0x2328, 0x71c2, 0x2623, 0x2801, 0x2900, 0x87b4, 0x08b8, 0x376c, + 0x392b, 0x1b88, 0x4879, 0x51b6, 0x1817, 0x5a65, 0x000c, 0x5bb2, + 0x0030, 0x18e2, 0x18db, 0x5e77, 0x5f42, 0x1bad, 0x6033, 0x1bf7, + 0x00da, 0x60af, 0x6236, 0x0113, 0x1d1b, 0x1d88, 0x1d87, 0x6522, + 0x1dcf, 0x1dfd, 0x0163, 0x1de7, 0x20dc, 0x69a3, 0x20d9, 0x2125, + 0x2127, 0x2333, 0x2613, 0x7225, 0x7224, 0x2675, 0x7652, 0x7789, + 0x7abf, 0x05c4, 0x05c3, 0x2ff1, 0x87b5, 0xa24c, + /* 0x22 */ + 0x4552, 0xc714, 0xc712, 0x0001, 0x5aa3, 0x5aa2, 0x1851, 0x186a, + 0x5bb6, 0x190c, 0x5bb5, 0x5bb4, 0x18fe, 0x191b, 0x5bc2, 0x5bb8, + 0x003a, 0x5e79, 0x00ab, 0x1b73, 0x5f08, 0x1b8e, 0x5f7a, 0x5fb6, + 0x60bd, 0x60b7, 0x60bc, 0x00dd, 0x60c4, 0x60c9, 0x1ca5, 0x0115, + 0x1ca7, 0x1ca4, 0x6330, 0x6383, 0x6385, 0x6412, 0x6434, 0x1dbd, + 0x64e4, 0x64de, 0x652a, 0x1e02, 0x65af, 0x65b4, 0x65b3, 0x65b1, + 0x212b, 0x231b, 0x2335, 0x6cde, 0x02a7, 0x02a5, 0x6db8, 0x6db0, + 0x02a6, 0x6fc2, 0x59fd, 0x2617, 0x037c, 0x722a, 0x2670, 0x267d, + 0x03a9, 0x75e9, 0x27e9, 0x7657, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x77b6, 0x77d7, + 0x77de, 0x04a8, 0x2919, 0x291c, 0x2975, 0x7ac2, 0x7bab, 0x04ff, + 0x29c8, 0x7e8f, 0x05c7, 0x05c6, 0x05c8, 0x7f6d, 0x82b5, 0x06d0, + 0x06d1, 0x87c0, 0x87bf, 0x0859, 0x8bb9, 0x8d1c, + /* 0x23 */ + 0x3412, 0x08bd, 0x8e80, 0x9184, 0x9185, 0x0a28, 0x39b3, 0x9524, + 0x0aa9, 0x3a90, 0x3c36, 0xaa4c, 0x0fcc, 0xb1f6, 0x4881, 0x51b8, + 0xc370, 0x14b4, 0xc375, 0xc717, 0x1823, 0x0016, 0x002c, 0x5bf1, + 0x192e, 0x5bda, 0x1b4f, 0x5fb9, 0x1bba, 0x00df, 0x00e0, 0x1c22, + 0x60ce, 0x60d2, 0x60d0, 0x0117, 0x6243, 0x1caf, 0x1cb0, 0x1cb1, + 0x624d, 0x6334, 0x012f, 0x63d9, 0x1d64, 0x6418, 0x1dd3, 0x6538, + 0x016a, 0x65d7, 0x0170, 0x016d, 0x65dc, 0x65cb, 0x65d6, 0x65d8, + 0x016e, 0x65d1, 0xd13e, 0xd13c, 0x65d2, 0x022b, 0x0228, 0x6a59, + 0x59fd, 0x233f, 0x6ce5, 0x6ce6, 0x0292, 0x6ce8, 0x238b, 0x6dbd, + 0x2391, 0x2395, 0x6dbe, 0x6f49, 0x033f, 0x6fcd, 0x258a, 0x034f, + 0x0374, 0x715e, 0x71d0, 0x037d, 0x7306, 0x03b7, 0x03a3, 0x03b0, + 0x03b1, 0x2687, 0x03ab, 0x737c, 0x7371, 0x75ef, + /* 0x24 */ + 0x043a, 0x0437, 0x280d, 0x0438, 0x0440, 0x778d, 0x77b7, 0x288e, + 0x049f, 0x7933, 0x797f, 0x297a, 0x7bf2, 0x0504, 0x0509, 0x0506, + 0x04fd, 0x050a, 0x0507, 0x7f2a, 0x7f8b, 0x05ca, 0x7f83, 0x7f8a, + 0x2c90, 0x05c9, 0x7f8e, 0x2c9a, 0x82b6, 0x2e3c, 0x2e3a, 0x067f, + 0x2e98, 0x84d8, 0x06d2, 0x8556, 0x87d2, 0x3065, 0xd1db, 0x0743, + 0x87c2, 0x8a87, 0x8a81, 0x8bc2, 0x8bbc, 0x8d23, 0x08c1, 0x8e93, + 0x08c5, 0x09a3, 0x918d, 0x918e, 0x0a2a, 0x0a5f, 0x953b, 0x954d, + 0x0a5d, 0x9534, 0x9531, 0x96f2, 0x96f0, 0x0b17, 0x9a15, 0x9b28, + 0x0b71, 0x0b72, 0x9c25, 0x9de7, 0x0c0f, 0x9de9, 0xa017, 0x40c2, + 0x0d91, 0xa96c, 0xa980, 0xaa4b, 0x0fb2, 0x0fcf, 0x0fce, 0x469e, + 0xafde, 0xaffb, 0x47eb, 0xb051, 0x4889, 0x1096, 0xb201, 0xb202, + 0x4896, 0xb205, 0x4887, 0xb203, 0x1097, 0xc151, + /* 0x25 */ + 0x51c0, 0x148b, 0x51c3, 0xc153, 0xc37a, 0xc378, 0xc376, 0xc379, + 0xc38f, 0xc37c, 0x5578, 0xc71b, 0xc71c, 0x5625, 0x8f92, 0x1875, + 0x1874, 0x5b2e, 0x5b2c, 0x002d, 0x5c0c, 0x1999, 0x5c0b, 0x0050, + 0x004b, 0x5c05, 0x004f, 0x004c, 0xd105, 0x1971, 0x1b53, 0x1bbf, + 0x5fc2, 0x5fc3, 0x1bc0, 0x6048, 0x1bee, 0x6046, 0x00e4, 0x00e3, + 0x60ea, 0x00e1, 0x60eb, 0x00e2, 0x60ee, 0x1c3d, 0x0119, 0x1cbd, + 0x1d0c, 0x62d8, 0x9a1e, 0x63df, 0x63de, 0x0141, 0x4537, 0x644f, + 0x1dc0, 0x015e, 0x660d, 0x6608, 0x0179, 0x6609, 0x1e6e, 0x1e83, + 0x6612, 0x6665, 0x1e5e, 0x1e5d, 0x217e, 0x2179, 0x6a89, 0x217a, + 0x216c, 0x6a84, 0x6a9e, 0x6a8b, 0x0232, 0x2187, 0x6c62, 0x231d, + 0x0294, 0x2346, 0x0297, 0x6cf9, 0x2343, 0x6cf7, 0x0296, 0x0298, + 0x6d06, 0x6ddd, 0x02b2, 0x6dd9, 0x6ddf, 0x6de2, + /* 0x26 */ + 0x02b9, 0x2561, 0x2566, 0x5af1, 0x2590, 0x0375, 0x037f, 0x037e, + 0x2629, 0x038f, 0x723f, 0x723e, 0x730b, 0x03bd, 0x26b2, 0x7383, + 0x03bb, 0x03bc, 0x7386, 0x26c0, 0x767c, 0x043d, 0x043e, 0x0474, + 0x77f7, 0x047a, 0x0476, 0x0478, 0x0475, 0x77fb, 0x793b, 0x04af, + 0x04b0, 0x04c7, 0x04cc, 0x7bf9, 0x7bca, 0x0516, 0x7bff, 0x0512, + 0x051d, 0x7c09, 0x7c03, 0x0515, 0x050f, 0x0514, 0x2a1f, 0x29e2, + 0x7c10, 0x7e9a, 0x7e9f, 0x05b0, 0x05bf, 0x05c0, 0x7f87, 0x05d2, + 0x05d9, 0x82b7, 0x067a, 0x8308, 0x82f9, 0x0681, 0x0682, 0x82f4, + 0x2f16, 0x2ef9, 0x06da, 0xad57, 0x3088, 0x87d6, 0x309b, 0xd1de, + 0x306e, 0x309e, 0x87d4, 0x0822, 0x081f, 0x8a90, 0x8a8d, 0x0821, + 0x3324, 0x8b60, 0x8bce, 0x8bcf, 0x085c, 0x337d, 0x8bd1, 0x087d, + 0x088d, 0x088f, 0x34e6, 0x8eca, 0x34cb, 0x08d0, + /* 0x27 */ + 0x8eb7, 0x08d8, 0x8eb2, 0x8ebb, 0x8eb9, 0x34b5, 0x09a7, 0x919e, + 0x3797, 0x91b2, 0x379b, 0x0a12, 0x936f, 0x93ac, 0x0a2f, 0x9423, + 0x396b, 0x0a2e, 0x0a2c, 0x0a5c, 0x956c, 0x39d5, 0x9532, 0x955e, + 0x0a62, 0x0a67, 0x0ab4, 0x96fb, 0x9929, 0x99bd, 0x9a1f, 0x3c43, + 0x7941, 0x9a1d, 0x3c9c, 0x9b31, 0x9b2f, 0x0bea, 0x9d43, 0x0bfb, + 0x9d41, 0x0c14, 0x9df5, 0x0c13, 0x0c12, 0x0c10, 0x0c11, 0x9df2, + 0x0c86, 0x3ee4, 0x0c98, 0xa01e, 0xa254, 0x0d2a, 0xa256, 0xa329, + 0xa327, 0xa328, 0x41ce, 0x0eb5, 0xa979, 0xa97e, 0xabb6, 0xabb7, + 0x4613, 0x0fd6, 0x0fd8, 0x46b7, 0x0fd9, 0x0fd4, 0x0fd7, 0xd281, + 0x46b9, 0x59fd, 0xad4d, 0x47e4, 0x47fd, 0x480f, 0x1060, 0xb109, + 0xb108, 0x109e, 0x10a1, 0xb21e, 0xb21a, 0xb223, 0xb215, 0xb219, + 0xb216, 0x48bf, 0x48ca, 0xb214, 0xb218, 0x48c1, + /* 0x28 */ + 0x10a0, 0xb51f, 0xb6dd, 0xb6df, 0xc169, 0x51d0, 0x59fd, 0xc16c, + 0x14b9, 0xc393, 0x52ae, 0xc395, 0xc394, 0xc391, 0xc397, 0xc730, + 0x15c1, 0x15c2, 0x5638, 0xd318, 0x001c, 0x5c31, 0x005e, 0x19bc, + 0x0059, 0x005c, 0x5c36, 0x005f, 0x19e9, 0x19bd, 0x19e2, 0x1b58, + 0x5fc9, 0x5fca, 0x00ce, 0x6118, 0x6112, 0x6119, 0x6110, 0x6116, + 0x1cc6, 0x625f, 0x1cc8, 0x62df, 0x6317, 0x1d28, 0x633c, 0x1d29, + 0x63ea, 0x63e9, 0x641c, 0x6458, 0x6464, 0x64f3, 0x015f, 0x6697, + 0x0185, 0x665a, 0x6659, 0x0186, 0x668e, 0x21b4, 0x6abc, 0x21a9, + 0x0287, 0x6d0d, 0x6cfc, 0x6d0c, 0x6e07, 0x6e0a, 0x02ca, 0x6e02, + 0x02c3, 0x6e26, 0x6e08, 0x6e1d, 0x02c2, 0x2568, 0x6f4e, 0x0341, + 0x6fed, 0x6fee, 0x6fef, 0x0380, 0x0381, 0x7250, 0x724c, 0x0393, + 0x0392, 0x724f, 0x03c5, 0x73d4, 0x59fd, 0x73b0, + /* 0x29 */ + 0x0446, 0x0441, 0x0445, 0x0442, 0x043f, 0x76a5, 0x7809, 0x0482, + 0x0481, 0x047f, 0x04a5, 0x292b, 0x04b3, 0x04b5, 0x79f3, 0x79d7, + 0x298d, 0x04da, 0x7adc, 0x04db, 0x050d, 0x2a18, 0x050e, 0x7c0b, + 0x051e, 0x0525, 0x0526, 0x051c, 0x0521, 0x2a57, 0x2a48, 0x0527, + 0x051a, 0x7c3a, 0x7c0d, 0x7c11, 0x2a38, 0x7c20, 0x7c01, 0x0524, + 0x7c37, 0xd1a3, 0x2a71, 0x7eaa, 0x05c1, 0x05e1, 0x7fe7, 0x7fe8, + 0x2d12, 0x05eb, 0x7ff5, 0x05e2, 0x05d7, 0x05e9, 0x8035, 0x7fe6, + 0x2d0a, 0x7ff8, 0x2d23, 0x7ff1, 0x0684, 0x8314, 0x8315, 0x8309, + 0x06b5, 0x06bc, 0x06dc, 0x06de, 0x06df, 0x857b, 0x2f2a, 0x857e, + 0x8766, 0x8767, 0x880a, 0x0754, 0x30e0, 0x30be, 0x0753, 0x0824, + 0x0825, 0x3329, 0x0828, 0x0827, 0x8a9c, 0x8b62, 0x8be1, 0x8bde, + 0x8bdf, 0x8be9, 0x088b, 0x8ee4, 0x8ef7, 0x08dc, + /* 0x2a */ + 0x3543, 0x8eea, 0x8ef6, 0x8f12, 0xd201, 0x37a6, 0x09b2, 0x37c0, + 0x91d9, 0x392f, 0x935f, 0x0a1b, 0x9373, 0x0a32, 0x3971, 0x943f, + 0x9578, 0x0a6b, 0x957d, 0x0a6c, 0x0a6d, 0x9712, 0x0ab9, 0x0aba, + 0x0b09, 0x0b0a, 0x992f, 0x3bea, 0x0b1b, 0x9930, 0x99db, 0x3c20, + 0x0b58, 0x9a29, 0x0b5a, 0xd236, 0x9b40, 0x0b77, 0x9b3d, 0x9b3e, + 0x0b79, 0x3ca9, 0x9b38, 0x3d85, 0x9c48, 0x0beb, 0x9cd0, 0x0bfd, + 0x0bfc, 0x3e06, 0x0c15, 0x0c18, 0x3df6, 0x0c16, 0x0c17, 0x0c19, + 0x3e00, 0x0c1b, 0x9e0e, 0x9e09, 0x3e02, 0x9e07, 0x0c87, 0x9f5f, + 0x9f60, 0x0c9c, 0xa02a, 0x0c9a, 0xa029, 0x0cff, 0x0cfe, 0xa14d, + 0x0d31, 0x0d2e, 0x0d30, 0x0d32, 0xa26c, 0x59fd, 0x0d2f, 0xa267, + 0x0d95, 0x0d96, 0xa339, 0xa334, 0xa459, 0x0dc5, 0x0e7a, 0xa923, + 0x0f42, 0xa982, 0x0f54, 0xa983, 0xa9a8, 0xaa55, + /* 0x2b */ + 0xaaf9, 0xaaf8, 0xaafc, 0xaafa, 0x4609, 0xd27a, 0x0f9f, 0x0fa0, + 0x0fa2, 0x0fe0, 0xad74, 0x0fe1, 0xad6b, 0xad71, 0x0fdf, 0xad76, + 0xb10e, 0x1062, 0x1061, 0xb110, 0xb10f, 0x10a7, 0xb238, 0xb239, + 0xb23a, 0x48da, 0xb237, 0xb23e, 0x490a, 0x1189, 0xb49c, 0xb52a, + 0xb53a, 0xb52b, 0xb528, 0xb6aa, 0xb70f, 0x121d, 0xb710, 0xb8e6, + 0x132a, 0xbd25, 0xbe8e, 0x13d3, 0x1442, 0x1443, 0xc18b, 0x1491, + 0xc18c, 0xc19a, 0x1490, 0x14bf, 0xc3b3, 0x14bc, 0xc3b2, 0x14c0, + 0x15c7, 0x15c5, 0x5655, 0xc744, 0x5652, 0x1835, 0x5b58, 0x5ca7, + 0x1a34, 0x1a01, 0x5c63, 0x1a0a, 0x0066, 0x5c6a, 0x5c65, 0x5c6b, + 0x00ad, 0x5eed, 0x5fd9, 0x613b, 0x6132, 0x1c58, 0x6135, 0x6131, + 0x613e, 0x6143, 0x6136, 0x626d, 0x011d, 0x62e4, 0x0131, 0x1d2b, + 0x63f4, 0x014c, 0x6469, 0x646b, 0x0195, 0x0191, + /* 0x2c */ + 0x0194, 0x66bf, 0x66c3, 0x66ae, 0x018f, 0x1eec, 0x66b1, 0x1f15, + 0x1efe, 0x66bb, 0x66af, 0x66b0, 0x1ee3, 0x1f16, 0x0240, 0x6aef, + 0x0241, 0x6aed, 0x21d3, 0x6af0, 0x6c93, 0x6d34, 0x6d2b, 0x2359, + 0x2427, 0x02d8, 0x02d2, 0x02da, 0x2428, 0x2410, 0x02d7, 0x240e, + 0x0342, 0x0357, 0x7004, 0x7003, 0x7002, 0x25af, 0x7005, 0x25ba, + 0x25b1, 0x7000, 0x7174, 0x0378, 0x0382, 0x0397, 0x7265, 0x7263, + 0x03c9, 0x73d7, 0x03c8, 0x03d6, 0x03cc, 0x73e8, 0x03d0, 0x73db, + 0x73d8, 0x03ce, 0x03c7, 0x26fc, 0x7409, 0x03cf, 0x03cb, 0x26f2, + 0x26fe, 0x73e5, 0x73e7, 0x27f8, 0x763f, 0x0447, 0x76c0, 0x0448, + 0x76b9, 0x76ba, 0x0483, 0x0485, 0x0484, 0x7820, 0x794f, 0x292c, + 0x04b8, 0x04bc, 0x7a91, 0x7a90, 0x7aee, 0x7af3, 0x7aec, 0x7af1, + 0x7aeb, 0x7af2, 0x7af4, 0x7aed, 0x7c41, 0x7c48, + /* 0x2d */ + 0x7c45, 0x0531, 0x0534, 0x0536, 0x2a82, 0x7c7f, 0x7c8b, 0x0523, + 0x7c3b, 0x7c4e, 0x053a, 0x2a91, 0x2a8f, 0x7c7c, 0x05b4, 0x05b5, + 0x05ed, 0x05ec, 0x05d8, 0x7ff0, 0x8036, 0x803f, 0x8043, 0x8031, + 0x8034, 0x8046, 0x05f6, 0x05e7, 0x802f, 0x82c3, 0x067c, 0x067b, + 0x8336, 0x0688, 0x2e47, 0x2e4c, 0x8321, 0xd1c8, 0x2e8a, 0x8473, + 0x06be, 0x84e6, 0x06e7, 0x06e5, 0x06ee, 0x30e1, 0x314a, 0x883f, + 0x0759, 0x075e, 0x886b, 0x075a, 0x313f, 0x0761, 0x0758, 0x075b, + 0x30bd, 0x8871, 0x075f, 0xd1e2, 0x082a, 0x082d, 0x8ab0, 0x0823, + 0x082b, 0x082c, 0x8bf3, 0x087e, 0xd1f5, 0x0893, 0x0899, 0x8d61, + 0x8d5f, 0x08b3, 0x08e7, 0x08ea, 0x8f28, 0x8f1e, 0x8f29, 0xd202, + 0x8eeb, 0x8f66, 0x09b4, 0x91f6, 0x37c9, 0x0a17, 0x9360, 0x9377, + 0x93bb, 0x0a21, 0x93bc, 0x0a38, 0x0a37, 0x0a74, + /* 0x2e */ + 0x0a73, 0x0a75, 0x95a2, 0x95b2, 0x959e, 0x0a76, 0x0a78, 0x973a, + 0x9738, 0x3aba, 0x0b0c, 0x0b20, 0x0b1e, 0x9a4d, 0x0b5b, 0x9a5e, + 0x0b5c, 0x9b17, 0x0b83, 0x3cc6, 0x0b80, 0x0b81, 0x0b7e, 0x0b88, + 0x0b85, 0x0b89, 0x0b7f, 0x0b8e, 0x9b64, 0x9b67, 0x0b84, 0x3cb7, + 0x3d8c, 0x9c59, 0x3d8d, 0x9cda, 0x0bee, 0x0bed, 0x0bfe, 0x9d51, + 0x0bff, 0x9d55, 0x9e3b, 0x9e34, 0x0c23, 0x9e37, 0x3e17, 0x9e31, + 0x3e1c, 0x0c1f, 0x9e3f, 0x9e59, 0x3e14, 0x9f61, 0x0c8f, 0x0c90, + 0xa058, 0xa062, 0xa050, 0x0ca0, 0xa051, 0x0ca6, 0x0c9f, 0xa046, + 0x0ca7, 0x0ca1, 0xa12d, 0x0d02, 0x0d36, 0xa348, 0xa351, 0xa34a, + 0xa34f, 0xa350, 0xa349, 0xa463, 0x0dc8, 0xa466, 0xa460, 0x0dd8, + 0x420c, 0x0ddd, 0x0ddc, 0xa4f1, 0x0dd7, 0xa507, 0x0dda, 0x0eba, + 0xa79b, 0xa7a3, 0xa79d, 0x0ebe, 0x0ec2, 0x0ebb, + /* 0x2f */ + 0x0ec0, 0xa7a9, 0xa7a7, 0xa7a4, 0x4423, 0xa7ba, 0x77c1, 0xa926, + 0x0f43, 0x0f55, 0xa994, 0xa993, 0x0f57, 0x0f68, 0x4598, 0x4590, + 0xab07, 0xab0d, 0xab02, 0xab0c, 0xab09, 0xab08, 0xab13, 0x0fa1, + 0xabd2, 0x463a, 0xac3e, 0xac3c, 0xad67, 0xad9e, 0x0fea, 0xadad, + 0x0fe7, 0xadd9, 0xad42, 0xada3, 0xada0, 0x0fe8, 0x0fe9, 0xad7c, + 0xb004, 0x1054, 0xb058, 0xb060, 0xb0c9, 0xb0c8, 0x4826, 0x1065, + 0xb11c, 0xb11a, 0x108a, 0xb274, 0x10b0, 0xb26e, 0xb26f, 0xb279, + 0x10bc, 0x492e, 0xb277, 0x4955, 0x491a, 0x10b8, 0x493d, 0xb27c, + 0x10b2, 0xb270, 0x4930, 0x10bd, 0xb27a, 0xb282, 0x118a, 0x4b51, + 0x11a1, 0xb544, 0x11a2, 0xb543, 0x4b88, 0xb545, 0x1215, 0xb725, + 0xb71f, 0x1220, 0x1273, 0xb8e8, 0x4d8e, 0x4d8d, 0xb909, 0xb9b7, + 0xb9b9, 0xba64, 0xba63, 0x4e09, 0x4e14, 0x12b1, + /* 0x30 */ + 0xba62, 0xba65, 0x132b, 0xbbac, 0x1345, 0xbd2a, 0x1397, 0x1398, + 0xbe96, 0x13d5, 0xbfc2, 0xd2de, 0x1493, 0x1496, 0x5207, 0x1494, + 0xc1aa, 0xc1b0, 0x14c7, 0x14c5, 0xc3d4, 0xc3cd, 0xc3d6, 0x14c4, + 0xc4f0, 0x5579, 0x5584, 0x15ce, 0x15ca, 0x15cc, 0x5657, 0x15c9, + 0x56ba, 0x59fd, 0xd04b, 0x5b62, 0x006e, 0x5cb7, 0x1a67, 0x5cac, + 0x5cab, 0x0071, 0x5cc1, 0x00bb, 0x00d3, 0x5fe8, 0x6169, 0x615d, + 0x615f, 0x00f3, 0x00ed, 0x00f5, 0x6164, 0x6162, 0x00f1, 0x00f2, + 0x00f6, 0x0120, 0x62f9, 0x0128, 0x62ee, 0x1d18, 0x1d2c, 0x1d59, + 0x63ab, 0x63ac, 0x63aa, 0x1d68, 0x1d7e, 0x6486, 0x647a, 0x1da1, + 0x6728, 0x01a1, 0x1f5b, 0x01aa, 0x01a9, 0x6731, 0x01b5, 0x01a5, + 0x01a8, 0x1f42, 0x01a7, 0x1f47, 0x672d, 0xd143, 0x1f3d, 0x672b, + 0x6732, 0x1f60, 0x21eb, 0x6b29, 0x6b26, 0x6b53, + /* 0x31 */ + 0x024d, 0x6b33, 0x6b34, 0x6c9d, 0x029c, 0x235f, 0x6d41, 0x02ea, + 0x02e5, 0x6e91, 0x6e69, 0x256f, 0x7022, 0x035e, 0x7034, 0xd16d, + 0x712e, 0x0386, 0x0384, 0x71f4, 0x265a, 0x7428, 0x03d9, 0x741c, + 0x03de, 0x7411, 0x7424, 0x7415, 0x03db, 0x7416, 0x7454, 0x7423, + 0x75ff, 0x0431, 0x76cf, 0x76d0, 0x044b, 0x76ce, 0x0449, 0x044a, + 0x044c, 0x77c7, 0x785c, 0x048a, 0x7836, 0x0489, 0x048b, 0x7843, + 0x04bb, 0x29a2, 0x299d, 0x04e4, 0x7b2a, 0x7b01, 0x29a3, 0x7b0b, + 0x7b0f, 0x053b, 0x052e, 0x053e, 0x0546, 0x0553, 0x7cdf, 0x0544, + 0x7cd2, 0x053f, 0x0542, 0x054f, 0x7ccd, 0x0552, 0x054a, 0x2ac2, + 0x7cdb, 0x055a, 0x2aa5, 0x0549, 0x7ccf, 0x2c1c, 0x7ec0, 0x2c1d, + 0x0603, 0x8081, 0x8082, 0x808a, 0x80a8, 0x808c, 0x2d95, 0x2d9a, + 0x0601, 0x0606, 0x05fb, 0x05f9, 0x808e, 0x0605, + /* 0x32 */ + 0x05fa, 0x808b, 0x2da6, 0x8096, 0x05fe, 0x80cc, 0x067d, 0x068c, + 0x834f, 0x834a, 0x2e50, 0x068e, 0x834b, 0x833d, 0x2e52, 0x8344, + 0x8349, 0x849e, 0x84f3, 0x2ec8, 0x84f5, 0x06f0, 0x06f2, 0x85b3, + 0x2f58, 0x06f1, 0x06e6, 0x85e5, 0x85b6, 0xd1d8, 0x3188, 0x8886, + 0x076f, 0x076d, 0x0769, 0x88b6, 0x8885, 0x076e, 0x88ab, 0x082f, + 0x0830, 0x0863, 0x8c0d, 0x8c8b, 0x8c8c, 0x33b8, 0x0880, 0x33b9, + 0x089a, 0x0894, 0x0896, 0x0895, 0x0897, 0x8d72, 0x08f4, 0x08fe, + 0x8f8f, 0x0901, 0x8f79, 0x0902, 0x8f77, 0x08f9, 0x8f90, 0x8f88, + 0x8f80, 0x8f9e, 0x08f6, 0x08f7, 0x8f82, 0x8f34, 0x8f89, 0x08ff, + 0x8f85, 0x8f7e, 0x8f7a, 0x8fa6, 0x360b, 0x8fb5, 0x91f4, 0x09bf, + 0x09bc, 0x3805, 0x9229, 0x9226, 0x922a, 0x09be, 0x09c0, 0x937e, + 0x0a3b, 0x0a39, 0x945b, 0x9461, 0x9460, 0x0a3c, + /* 0x33 */ + 0x959b, 0x3a14, 0x3a04, 0x95c3, 0x0a7d, 0x95cd, 0x0a7f, 0x0a7a, + 0x0a7c, 0x3a05, 0x0a7e, 0x3a15, 0x3a0d, 0x0a80, 0x0abf, 0x0ac3, + 0x9754, 0x9759, 0x0acc, 0x0b0e, 0x0b0d, 0x98f5, 0x0b26, 0x0b24, + 0x0b25, 0x0b23, 0x0b21, 0x0b29, 0x9a69, 0x9a65, 0x0b8f, 0x0b8d, + 0x9b7c, 0x0b8b, 0x0b92, 0x9b80, 0x0b90, 0x9c65, 0x0bef, 0x0bf0, + 0x9cdf, 0x9d60, 0x0c01, 0x9d5e, 0x0c2e, 0x0c2d, 0x3e2e, 0x0c28, + 0x0c29, 0x0c2c, 0x9e8f, 0x9e61, 0x9e5a, 0x3e41, 0x0c88, 0x9f67, + 0x0c92, 0x0c91, 0x3eea, 0x9fbb, 0x3f44, 0x0ca9, 0x0cac, 0x0cae, + 0x0caa, 0x0d06, 0x0d05, 0x0d4a, 0x0d3e, 0x0d3c, 0x0d3b, 0xa29b, + 0x0d42, 0x0d41, 0x0d43, 0xa2a9, 0x0d45, 0xa366, 0x0d9a, 0x0d9b, + 0x0d9f, 0x0d9e, 0xa472, 0xa476, 0xa514, 0x0dde, 0x0de2, 0x0de6, + 0xa50f, 0x4229, 0x0de3, 0x4227, 0x0ddf, 0xa641, + /* 0x34 */ + 0xa646, 0x439d, 0xa64b, 0xa643, 0x0e7e, 0x0ec9, 0x0ecc, 0xa7c6, + 0x0ed1, 0xa7c7, 0x0ed0, 0xa7ce, 0x0ecf, 0x0ec8, 0xa7c9, 0x0ecd, + 0xa7cb, 0xa7c5, 0x0f49, 0x0f47, 0x0f58, 0x0f6b, 0x0f6c, 0x0f6a, + 0xaa69, 0x0f80, 0x0f82, 0x0f84, 0x45c8, 0x0f83, 0xab1e, 0xabba, + 0x0fb6, 0xac52, 0xac51, 0xac53, 0xad9f, 0xaddb, 0x4726, 0x0ff1, + 0xade3, 0x0ff6, 0x0ff3, 0x0ff0, 0x471c, 0xadd7, 0xade9, 0x4728, + 0x0ff5, 0x0ff4, 0x0ff7, 0xadde, 0xaddc, 0xb03c, 0xd28b, 0x1055, + 0xb122, 0xb132, 0xb123, 0x108b, 0x10cb, 0x10c2, 0xb2d4, 0xb2c8, + 0xb2bc, 0x10ca, 0x10cc, 0xb2cd, 0x10c7, 0x10c9, 0x4970, 0xb2be, + 0x10c6, 0xb340, 0xb2d6, 0x10c3, 0x4982, 0xb2bd, 0x49ac, 0xb2ba, + 0x10c4, 0xb2c0, 0xd29b, 0xd29d, 0xb2c1, 0xb4a6, 0xb4a5, 0xb4a8, + 0x11a9, 0x4bad, 0x11a8, 0x11a6, 0xb55f, 0xb570, + /* 0x35 */ + 0xb56a, 0xb565, 0xb567, 0xb56f, 0xb587, 0x4bca, 0x4c51, 0xb73d, + 0xb743, 0x1222, 0xb740, 0x1226, 0x1224, 0x1225, 0x4c9d, 0x122a, + 0x1274, 0xb918, 0x1279, 0x4d90, 0x127a, 0xb919, 0xb9c1, 0x4dd8, + 0x4dd7, 0x1297, 0xb9bc, 0xb9c8, 0x4e2e, 0xba71, 0x12bc, 0xba6e, + 0x12b3, 0xba78, 0x12bf, 0x12b7, 0xd2cd, 0xba7a, 0xbbb1, 0xbbaf, + 0xbbb0, 0x1334, 0x1346, 0x1348, 0x4f59, 0xbca8, 0xbca6, 0x1356, + 0x1367, 0xbd48, 0xbd45, 0x1368, 0x1399, 0x139a, 0xbea0, 0xbea4, + 0x13d8, 0xbfd4, 0x13db, 0x13dc, 0x13dd, 0x13d7, 0xbfd2, 0xc022, + 0x1449, 0x144a, 0x50da, 0xc0b7, 0xc0cc, 0x5233, 0xc1e6, 0x5218, + 0x149a, 0xc1c8, 0x14cd, 0x14ca, 0xc3f4, 0x14cb, 0xc3ed, 0x14cf, + 0xc37e, 0xd2e3, 0x14cc, 0x14ea, 0x14ed, 0xc4f9, 0xc4fd, 0x14e9, + 0xc507, 0x151a, 0x53ef, 0x158d, 0x15d2, 0xc778, + /* 0x36 */ + 0xc77a, 0xc779, 0xc88a, 0x15f2, 0xc97b, 0xcad5, 0xcae9, 0x163d, + 0xcaeb, 0x163e, 0x16f8, 0x1723, 0x58d9, 0x18b4, 0x5b6c, 0x1aa0, + 0x1a90, 0x0075, 0x1a86, 0x1a84, 0x5cfa, 0x1a8a, 0x0076, 0x0073, + 0x1a9f, 0x1aa1, 0x5d18, 0x1a93, 0x00bd, 0x5ff6, 0x1bd5, 0x618a, + 0x6189, 0x00f9, 0x617f, 0x6188, 0x00fa, 0x6183, 0x6184, 0x6198, + 0x6163, 0x6187, 0x0121, 0xd127, 0x0129, 0x62f5, 0x6350, 0x0138, + 0x014e, 0x6487, 0x648a, 0x6565, 0x67b7, 0x67c1, 0x67c7, 0x01c8, + 0x01bc, 0x67c5, 0x67cb, 0x1f90, 0x67d1, 0x01bb, 0x01c2, 0x01c0, + 0x67b8, 0x67ca, 0x01ca, 0x67de, 0x01c9, 0x67ce, 0x01b8, 0x2110, + 0x2217, 0x6b68, 0x024e, 0x6b6b, 0x2244, 0x0250, 0x222b, 0x6b6a, + 0x2245, 0x6b66, 0x6b77, 0x6b96, 0x6b6e, 0xd156, 0x028a, 0x6d57, + 0x2365, 0x6d56, 0x6e9c, 0x6e9e, 0x02fc, 0x02f9, + /* 0x37 */ + 0x6ea1, 0x0363, 0x7042, 0x25cf, 0x7046, 0x703e, 0x7133, 0x0387, + 0x0388, 0x71fa, 0x039a, 0x7297, 0x729b, 0x72aa, 0x2756, 0x7473, + 0x747c, 0x03e9, 0x7486, 0x03ea, 0x2754, 0x0450, 0x76f3, 0x76f0, + 0x0456, 0x0452, 0x044f, 0x0454, 0x0451, 0x76ec, 0x78af, 0x048e, + 0x048f, 0x7864, 0x7868, 0x795a, 0x293d, 0x7b1f, 0x7b25, 0x04ed, + 0x04eb, 0x29a4, 0x7cc6, 0x7cd6, 0x7cc3, 0x0562, 0x7d2c, 0x055d, + 0x7d2e, 0x7d5e, 0x7d33, 0x0561, 0x0565, 0x055c, 0x7d2d, 0x7d46, + 0x055f, 0x7cc1, 0x7d3a, 0x7ecc, 0x809d, 0x8083, 0x80f6, 0x2dec, + 0x0616, 0x060a, 0x80f8, 0x060e, 0x0612, 0x80fe, 0x80f3, 0x0611, + 0x80eb, 0x80fa, 0x0610, 0x8107, 0x80fc, 0x0609, 0x2dfa, 0x0615, + 0x2dd4, 0x8372, 0x8373, 0x8374, 0x0691, 0x0695, 0x0693, 0x0692, + 0x068f, 0x835f, 0x8360, 0x84aa, 0x8534, 0x06f6, + /* 0x38 */ + 0x85b4, 0x06fb, 0x85f0, 0x2f75, 0x06f9, 0x860d, 0x85f3, 0x860f, + 0x301c, 0x077d, 0x88c9, 0x077a, 0x077f, 0x88c5, 0x0778, 0x88d7, + 0x88cc, 0x31d9, 0x88e7, 0x0770, 0x0782, 0x88c1, 0x0784, 0x88e8, + 0x0833, 0x8acb, 0x0832, 0x0836, 0x8ac8, 0x8b7a, 0x0856, 0x8b79, + 0x8b7e, 0x0867, 0x8c1b, 0x0865, 0x0864, 0x0866, 0x8c1f, 0x8c19, + 0x0881, 0x0882, 0x0883, 0x089e, 0x8d89, 0x33f1, 0x089d, 0x8d8b, + 0x090f, 0x0912, 0x9009, 0x8ffe, 0x9000, 0x0910, 0x0918, 0x900b, + 0x0914, 0x0919, 0x3637, 0x59fd, 0x904a, 0x367d, 0x3686, 0x09c8, + 0x09c4, 0x09c6, 0x9279, 0x09c7, 0x09c3, 0x926c, 0x9299, 0xd21b, + 0x9262, 0x9314, 0x0a19, 0x0a1c, 0x93c8, 0x93d7, 0x940c, 0x0a41, + 0x9470, 0x0a42, 0x0a43, 0x9471, 0x95df, 0x95e4, 0x0a82, 0x95e7, + 0x0a81, 0x0a94, 0x0a84, 0x9790, 0x0ad2, 0x0b0f, + /* 0x39 */ + 0x0b22, 0x994c, 0x0b27, 0x0b2a, 0x3bfa, 0x0b28, 0x994f, 0x0b60, + 0x9a7d, 0x9a7e, 0x9a7c, 0x3c72, 0x9a8d, 0x9b19, 0x0b9b, 0x0b9c, + 0x9bc0, 0x0b93, 0x0b94, 0x3cdc, 0x0ba0, 0x0b99, 0x9bb6, 0x0ba1, + 0x9ba8, 0x0bf1, 0x9ceb, 0x9ce7, 0x9d6f, 0x9ec7, 0x0c36, 0x9e9f, + 0x0c37, 0x0c3f, 0x0c3c, 0x9ec4, 0x0c34, 0x0c39, 0x0c3b, 0x0c35, + 0x0c30, 0x0c32, 0x0c38, 0x0c3e, 0x0c3a, 0x9e9b, 0x9e97, 0x9ec5, + 0x9f6b, 0x9fce, 0x0cb6, 0x3f67, 0xa0b1, 0xa0ae, 0xa0b0, 0x0cb3, + 0x0d09, 0x4077, 0xa23e, 0xa2b5, 0xa2ba, 0x0d4c, 0xa2b2, 0xa2b4, + 0x0d53, 0x0d4d, 0x0d51, 0x0d4f, 0x419b, 0xa377, 0x0da2, 0xa386, + 0xa37b, 0x0dcd, 0xa47e, 0xa52e, 0x0de7, 0xa52f, 0x0df0, 0xa537, + 0x0de9, 0x0dec, 0xa532, 0x0de8, 0x0dee, 0x0e02, 0xa536, 0xa539, + 0xa535, 0xa65c, 0x0e82, 0x0e83, 0x0e86, 0xa67b, + /* 0x3a */ + 0xa661, 0xa7ee, 0xa7eb, 0xa7ef, 0xa820, 0x442a, 0x4465, 0x0f4a, + 0xa930, 0x0f5a, 0x4564, 0xa9be, 0x0f6e, 0xaa67, 0xaa7c, 0x0f70, + 0x0f6f, 0xab24, 0x0f8a, 0x0f87, 0x0f88, 0xab29, 0xabef, 0x4620, + 0x0fb7, 0x0ffd, 0x4720, 0xae0d, 0x1005, 0x473c, 0x1008, 0x1003, + 0x1002, 0x1004, 0x0739, 0x1009, 0x0fff, 0xae64, 0x473f, 0xae15, + 0x0ffc, 0x1001, 0x100a, 0x47f0, 0x47f5, 0x106b, 0x106c, 0xb135, + 0xb136, 0xb134, 0xb137, 0xb347, 0xb32b, 0x10de, 0xb341, 0xb343, + 0x10db, 0xb342, 0x10dd, 0x10e3, 0xb332, 0x10e0, 0x10d9, 0x10d8, + 0x10e4, 0xb344, 0xb34a, 0x10da, 0x10ef, 0xd2a0, 0x4a15, 0x49be, + 0xb354, 0xb36e, 0xb352, 0x10d7, 0x11b3, 0x11bb, 0x4be5, 0x11b2, + 0x4bd2, 0x11ad, 0xb592, 0x11af, 0xd2b8, 0x4be0, 0xb5bf, 0x1216, + 0x1228, 0x1223, 0x4cb3, 0xb741, 0xb769, 0xb765, + /* 0x3b */ + 0x1275, 0x127e, 0x127c, 0xb922, 0xb91d, 0xb9d2, 0xb9da, 0xb9db, + 0x12ce, 0x12cd, 0x12cf, 0x4e53, 0xbaa4, 0xba9e, 0x4e37, 0x4e47, + 0x4e5c, 0xba9d, 0x12c4, 0x12cc, 0x12c8, 0x12c7, 0xbaad, 0xbaa6, + 0xbaa7, 0xbbb3, 0xbbe0, 0xbc35, 0xbc37, 0x135a, 0x136a, 0xbd4a, + 0x136b, 0x136d, 0x136f, 0xbe5e, 0x139e, 0xbec0, 0x13a4, 0x13a3, + 0x13e4, 0x13e8, 0x13e9, 0x13e0, 0x13e3, 0xbff9, 0x13ea, 0x13e1, + 0x13ed, 0x1434, 0x1435, 0x1451, 0x50f0, 0xc1f0, 0x149d, 0xc1f3, + 0xc21b, 0xc1f2, 0xc1fb, 0xc41c, 0xc413, 0x14d0, 0xc40f, 0x14ee, + 0xc516, 0xc511, 0xc512, 0x14f2, 0xc50e, 0x541d, 0x1588, 0xc667, + 0xc6f2, 0xc6da, 0x158f, 0xc6dc, 0x15d8, 0xc894, 0xc89b, 0xc892, + 0xc89a, 0xc988, 0xc986, 0x163f, 0xcaef, 0x1652, 0x576b, 0xcb5e, + 0x1650, 0xcc58, 0x16b1, 0xcc56, 0xcc54, 0x16f9, + /* 0x3c */ + 0xcd9b, 0xce96, 0xcea4, 0x1726, 0x1728, 0xce9a, 0xcf12, 0x0080, + 0x1ac0, 0x0081, 0x5d6b, 0x007e, 0x007f, 0x5d37, 0x5d3c, 0xd10a, + 0x5ef7, 0x00be, 0x5f66, 0x00d6, 0x61a9, 0x61ae, 0x61ad, 0x61c8, + 0x61a5, 0x61b0, 0x6295, 0x1ce5, 0x6325, 0x0134, 0x6499, 0x1daf, + 0x6574, 0x6570, 0x656f, 0x6841, 0x6854, 0x01d5, 0x01d8, 0x6840, + 0x6838, 0x01d4, 0x1fd8, 0x01d9, 0x6852, 0x683a, 0x6857, 0xd14a, + 0x6859, 0x2111, 0x2267, 0x6bb4, 0x6bc0, 0x025d, 0x2243, 0x025e, + 0x0259, 0x6b75, 0x025a, 0x02a0, 0x6d60, 0x6d47, 0x0305, 0x6ef0, + 0x0307, 0x6eef, 0x030e, 0x030c, 0x6eec, 0x6f83, 0x0345, 0x6f84, + 0x6f8f, 0x0364, 0x7061, 0x0365, 0x7069, 0x25dd, 0x0366, 0x7062, + 0x0389, 0x03ec, 0x03f1, 0x2770, 0x276a, 0x03f0, 0x03f8, 0x2774, + 0x275f, 0x74ae, 0x2761, 0x2773, 0x74b2, 0x03f2, + /* 0x3d */ + 0x03f4, 0x770b, 0x0458, 0x7710, 0x770d, 0x045a, 0x0459, 0x0457, + 0x045b, 0x2850, 0x787f, 0x7881, 0x04a6, 0x04c2, 0x04c1, 0x293f, + 0x7a0b, 0x7b4e, 0x04ef, 0x29b0, 0x7dea, 0x7d45, 0x0568, 0x2b35, + 0x2b2d, 0x0573, 0x056e, 0x0574, 0x2b02, 0x0566, 0x7d28, 0x7d5d, + 0x7edc, 0x05b9, 0x2c26, 0x7ed4, 0x060c, 0x8164, 0x8168, 0x0620, + 0x8162, 0x061d, 0x8161, 0x061c, 0x8166, 0x0621, 0x061a, 0x0619, + 0x80f2, 0x8169, 0x8167, 0x067e, 0x839a, 0x839b, 0x8385, 0x839c, + 0x069d, 0x83a4, 0x069e, 0x069c, 0x2e6e, 0x8399, 0x8386, 0x8390, + 0x8481, 0x84ae, 0x2eb1, 0x2ed4, 0x06cd, 0x8538, 0x070b, 0x070a, + 0x2f85, 0x893b, 0x078f, 0x3272, 0x0795, 0x0790, 0x0791, 0x894c, + 0x323a, 0x07b9, 0x8947, 0x8935, 0x0797, 0x079e, 0x8933, 0x078b, + 0x8982, 0x8940, 0x083b, 0x083a, 0x083c, 0x083d, + /* 0x3e */ + 0x0839, 0x083e, 0x086b, 0x086c, 0x8c36, 0x8d0e, 0x08a2, 0x08a1, + 0x089f, 0x8dad, 0x8daa, 0x9017, 0x092d, 0x9067, 0x0936, 0x092b, + 0x9072, 0x0937, 0xd20a, 0x9061, 0x90b0, 0x36ad, 0x0925, 0x092f, + 0x092c, 0x906e, 0x9064, 0x0932, 0x908c, 0x9066, 0x3695, 0x906b, + 0x905f, 0x9074, 0x9065, 0x92bb, 0x92be, 0x09d5, 0x92b9, 0x09d4, + 0x09d6, 0x92ef, 0x09d1, 0x3943, 0x93da, 0x0a46, 0x398f, 0x9490, + 0x95e9, 0x0a8c, 0x0a8a, 0x0a88, 0x9611, 0x960d, 0x95ed, 0x9621, + 0x0add, 0x9781, 0x97b1, 0x9901, 0x0b2d, 0x995e, 0x9962, 0x0b2e, + 0x0b2c, 0x0b2b, 0x0b30, 0x995b, 0x0b4e, 0x9a96, 0x9a93, 0x0b64, + 0x0b61, 0x9a92, 0x3c75, 0xd239, 0x0b70, 0x0ba6, 0x0ba4, 0x9bc4, + 0x9bc7, 0x9bc3, 0x0ba8, 0x0ba2, 0x9bc8, 0x0ba7, 0x3cec, 0x0ba5, + 0x9bca, 0x0ba9, 0x9bc5, 0x9bcf, 0x9bdc, 0x9c7c, + /* 0x3f */ + 0x9d01, 0x0c3d, 0x9ed3, 0x9edc, 0x0c44, 0x0c45, 0x0c46, 0x9ed4, + 0x3e57, 0x9ecc, 0x0c47, 0x0c48, 0x0c42, 0x9ed6, 0x9edb, 0x0c41, + 0x9ed5, 0x9fd9, 0x0c94, 0x9fdd, 0x9fdc, 0x9fe0, 0xa0cc, 0x0cc0, + 0x0cb8, 0x0cc1, 0x0cc2, 0x0cbb, 0x0cbd, 0x0cbf, 0x0cb9, 0x0cb7, + 0xa0d2, 0x0cc7, 0xa0d3, 0x0d0c, 0x0d0b, 0x407b, 0x0d10, 0xa18d, + 0x0d5d, 0x4121, 0x0d5a, 0x0d58, 0x0d56, 0xa2d8, 0x0d54, 0x4116, + 0xa2bc, 0x0da8, 0x0da7, 0x0dcf, 0x0dd0, 0xa48a, 0x41e8, 0xa48b, + 0xa48d, 0x0dd1, 0x0deb, 0xa553, 0x0dfb, 0x426a, 0xa559, 0x0dfd, + 0x0df8, 0x0df7, 0x0e00, 0xa556, 0xa557, 0x0df6, 0x425f, 0xa673, + 0xa81b, 0x0edf, 0xa821, 0xa816, 0xa818, 0x0ee2, 0x0ee4, 0xa844, + 0x4482, 0xa826, 0x0ee3, 0xa936, 0x0f59, 0x0f71, 0x0f8e, 0x0f8c, + 0xab3a, 0x0fa4, 0xabf4, 0x4655, 0x1014, 0xae62, +}; + +static const ucs4_t cns11643_4a_2uni_upages[212] = { + 0x03400, 0x03500, 0x03600, 0x03700, 0x03800, 0x03900, 0x03a00, 0x03b00, + 0x03c00, 0x03d00, 0x03e00, 0x03f00, 0x04000, 0x04100, 0x04200, 0x04300, + 0x04400, 0x04500, 0x04600, 0x04700, 0x04800, 0x04900, 0x04a00, 0x04b00, + 0x04e00, 0x04f00, 0x05000, 0x05100, 0x05200, 0x05300, 0x05400, 0x05500, + 0x05600, 0x05700, 0x05800, 0x05900, 0x05a00, 0x05b00, 0x05c00, 0x05d00, + 0x05e00, 0x05f00, 0x06000, 0x06100, 0x06200, 0x06300, 0x06500, 0x06600, + 0x06700, 0x06800, 0x06900, 0x06b00, 0x06c00, 0x06d00, 0x06e00, 0x07000, + 0x07100, 0x07200, 0x07300, 0x07400, 0x07500, 0x07600, 0x07700, 0x07800, + 0x07900, 0x07a00, 0x07b00, 0x07c00, 0x07d00, 0x07f00, 0x08000, 0x08100, + 0x08200, 0x08300, 0x08400, 0x08600, 0x08800, 0x08900, 0x08a00, 0x08c00, + 0x08e00, 0x08f00, 0x09000, 0x09100, 0x09200, 0x09500, 0x09600, 0x09700, + 0x09a00, 0x0ff00, 0x20000, 0x20100, 0x20200, 0x20300, 0x20400, 0x20500, + 0x20600, 0x20700, 0x20800, 0x20900, 0x20a00, 0x20b00, 0x20c00, 0x20d00, + 0x20e00, 0x21100, 0x21200, 0x21300, 0x21500, 0x21600, 0x21700, 0x21900, + 0x21a00, 0x21b00, 0x21c00, 0x21d00, 0x21e00, 0x21f00, 0x22000, 0x22100, + 0x22200, 0x22300, 0x22400, 0x22500, 0x22600, 0x22700, 0x22900, 0x22a00, + 0x22b00, 0x22c00, 0x22e00, 0x22f00, 0x23000, 0x23100, 0x23200, 0x23300, + 0x23400, 0x23500, 0x23800, 0x23900, 0x23a00, 0x23b00, 0x23c00, 0x23d00, + 0x23e00, 0x24100, 0x24200, 0x24500, 0x24600, 0x24700, 0x24800, 0x24900, + 0x24a00, 0x24b00, 0x24c00, 0x24d00, 0x24f00, 0x25000, 0x25100, 0x25300, + 0x25400, 0x25600, 0x25700, 0x25900, 0x25a00, 0x25b00, 0x25e00, 0x25f00, + 0x26000, 0x26200, 0x26300, 0x26400, 0x26500, 0x26600, 0x26700, 0x26800, + 0x26900, 0x26a00, 0x26b00, 0x26c00, 0x27100, 0x27200, 0x27500, 0x27600, + 0x27700, 0x27800, 0x27900, 0x27b00, 0x27c00, 0x27d00, 0x27e00, 0x27f00, + 0x28200, 0x28400, 0x28500, 0x28600, 0x28700, 0x28800, 0x28c00, 0x28e00, + 0x28f00, 0x29000, 0x29100, 0x29200, 0x29400, 0x29500, 0x29600, 0x29a00, + 0x29d00, 0x2f800, 0x2f900, 0x2fa00, +}; + diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_4b.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_4b.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a9823e1a --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_4b.h @@ -0,0 +1,668 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CNS 11643-1992 plane 4 part b + */ + +static const unsigned short cns11643_4b_2uni_page40[4384] = { + /* 0x40 */ + 0xb65b, 0xb66a, 0x1011, 0xb668, 0x101b, 0x1012, 0x100e, 0x1015, + 0x3f68, 0x1010, 0xb681, 0x1017, 0x4046, 0x4043, 0x1070, 0x10ed, + 0xbae7, 0x10ee, 0xbae6, 0xbad1, 0xbb11, 0x4181, 0xbad0, 0xbad9, + 0xbb0a, 0x10f4, 0xbada, 0xbadd, 0xbac8, 0xbae2, 0xbae9, 0xbacb, + 0x417c, 0xbacc, 0xbac1, 0x416a, 0xbade, 0x4188, 0x10f2, 0x10f8, + 0x10f3, 0xbb51, 0xbb12, 0x10fa, 0xbae0, 0xbb2b, 0xf6b4, 0xc0d8, + 0xc0d1, 0x4410, 0xc0d2, 0xc0cd, 0x441f, 0x11b6, 0x11b7, 0xc13d, + 0x440f, 0xc0ca, 0x11ba, 0xc0cb, 0x11bc, 0xc0d7, 0xc3f4, 0x123b, + 0x45d3, 0x122f, 0xc487, 0xc48b, 0xc483, 0x1237, 0x1299, 0xc7c5, + 0xc7d2, 0xc7c6, 0xc7d3, 0x12d9, 0x12d8, 0x12d7, 0xc7f0, 0xc7cd, + 0xc7cc, 0xc7dc, 0xc7d6, 0x1336, 0xc9e6, 0xca41, 0xca3f, 0x4987, + 0xcac5, 0xcac0, 0xcac6, 0xcabe, 0xcabf, 0x49c6, + /* 0x41 */ + 0x1370, 0xcb63, 0xccd3, 0xccda, 0xccd5, 0x13a5, 0x13a6, 0x13a9, + 0x13ee, 0x1454, 0xd0ee, 0x1457, 0xd0fc, 0xd214, 0x14a1, 0xd323, + 0xd322, 0xd330, 0xd4b5, 0x14d3, 0xd538, 0x14d4, 0xd53f, 0x14d7, + 0x4dcc, 0x4e6d, 0x4e70, 0x14f7, 0x14f6, 0x14f9, 0x14f8, 0x4f58, + 0x4f42, 0x4f68, 0x4f69, 0xd768, 0xd767, 0x4f43, 0xd765, 0x4f47, + 0x158a, 0xda75, 0xdaf7, 0xdaf3, 0xdaf6, 0x1594, 0xdb00, 0x1593, + 0xdaff, 0xdaf5, 0x529d, 0x15dd, 0x15dc, 0x15f7, 0x53cf, 0xde92, + 0xe006, 0x1642, 0xe007, 0xe06b, 0x1654, 0xe06c, 0x1655, 0xe193, + 0x168f, 0xe194, 0x54f4, 0x16b4, 0x16b3, 0xe262, 0xe263, 0x5509, + 0xe25f, 0xe264, 0xe25b, 0xe259, 0x16fb, 0x16fd, 0xe3a4, 0xe3ac, + 0x55ab, 0x16fc, 0xe4b5, 0x172c, 0x172f, 0xe4ae, 0x172b, 0xe4c5, + 0x1733, 0x1734, 0x55fb, 0xe63b, 0x57ac, 0x57ae, + /* 0x42 */ + 0x57aa, 0x17e8, 0xe8bf, 0xea2b, 0xea84, 0xea80, 0xeb4d, 0xeb4f, + 0x585c, 0xeb4c, 0xed92, 0x195d, 0x1ad2, 0x0085, 0x0088, 0x5fae, + 0x5f79, 0x008e, 0x0084, 0x5f71, 0x1adf, 0x5fb3, 0x0083, 0x5f2c, + 0x5f77, 0x612f, 0x63c3, 0x0102, 0x63cd, 0x0106, 0x0105, 0x63c9, + 0x00fe, 0x0101, 0x0100, 0x63ce, 0x64a5, 0x64a0, 0x64fe, 0x6559, + 0x669a, 0x01e7, 0x1e19, 0x68e4, 0x68d7, 0x68dc, 0x01e6, 0x68e7, + 0x01ed, 0x01e2, 0x01eb, 0x68e5, 0x01e8, 0x01ec, 0x1e0a, 0x0224, + 0x1f9a, 0x6e14, 0x0262, 0x6df1, 0x0261, 0x0260, 0x0264, 0x028b, + 0x6fb6, 0x706e, 0x706c, 0x7081, 0x7142, 0x0319, 0x0316, 0x0318, + 0x0322, 0x711a, 0x031d, 0x0317, 0x031e, 0x7127, 0x7125, 0x7117, + 0x711c, 0x713d, 0x7120, 0x0369, 0x036a, 0x7381, 0x036c, 0x037a, + 0x038a, 0x7509, 0x75c6, 0x75c4, 0x039c, 0x75c5, + /* 0x43 */ + 0x03fd, 0x03f9, 0x76ef, 0x03ff, 0x76df, 0x76de, 0x76ee, 0x76f5, + 0x76ec, 0x03fc, 0x76dd, 0x2385, 0x03fb, 0x0402, 0x045f, 0x2456, + 0x045e, 0x045d, 0x045c, 0x7822, 0x2451, 0x0492, 0x7997, 0x7995, + 0x0494, 0x0495, 0x04d1, 0x7ba9, 0x04f1, 0x7c53, 0x25b1, 0x7c56, + 0x7c55, 0x0577, 0x056f, 0x7de3, 0x7de2, 0x0587, 0x057d, 0x057c, + 0x057e, 0x0585, 0x058b, 0x0586, 0x0580, 0x5dfd, 0x7da9, 0x0578, + 0xf5ab, 0x7e33, 0x7e0a, 0x05ba, 0x8059, 0x0633, 0x81bc, 0x062d, + 0x81c4, 0x81c7, 0x81c6, 0x0637, 0x275a, 0x2763, 0x81b8, 0x81da, + 0x062e, 0x81b7, 0x81c0, 0x063d, 0x81cd, 0x06a0, 0x84bc, 0x84ab, + 0x06a3, 0x8586, 0x299b, 0x875a, 0x29a3, 0x070e, 0x299e, 0x8843, + 0x07b6, 0x89ac, 0x07ab, 0x07ad, 0x07a6, 0x89be, 0x2ab8, 0x07aa, + 0x2aba, 0x07b1, 0x89ab, 0x07a8, 0x07af, 0x07b0, + /* 0x44 */ + 0x07a7, 0x07b2, 0x079d, 0x07a5, 0x07b5, 0x743e, 0x2ac7, 0x2ad7, + 0x8cf9, 0x0841, 0x8cf3, 0x8cf7, 0x2c70, 0x8e45, 0x8e48, 0x0872, + 0x2c9d, 0x086f, 0x0871, 0x8e44, 0x0885, 0x8eaf, 0x8eb1, 0x08a4, + 0x08a5, 0x08a6, 0x8fcf, 0x08a8, 0x8fcb, 0x8fcd, 0x08a3, 0x9050, + 0x91ec, 0x921a, 0x2d16, 0x2d24, 0x91d8, 0x0943, 0x91d0, 0x91d1, + 0x093d, 0x0945, 0x917b, 0x91d2, 0x0944, 0x91d4, 0x91e7, 0x91df, + 0x91de, 0x2d45, 0x91d9, 0x91cf, 0x950d, 0x09e3, 0x2f79, 0x5dfd, + 0x09df, 0x09e4, 0x2f7a, 0x09e5, 0x9538, 0x3054, 0x0a22, 0x0a4a, + 0x98a9, 0x0a49, 0x0a44, 0x0a4b, 0x0a87, 0x0a89, 0x0a92, 0x0a91, + 0x0a90, 0x0a8e, 0x993e, 0x9946, 0x9aed, 0xf630, 0x0b12, 0x0b10, + 0x0b11, 0x9c6c, 0x0b32, 0x0b34, 0x0b37, 0x0b33, 0x0b36, 0x0b35, + 0x0b65, 0x9dac, 0x337c, 0x337b, 0x9ec9, 0x3412, + /* 0x45 */ + 0x0bb0, 0x9f12, 0x0baf, 0x0baa, 0x9efd, 0x9f01, 0x9f11, 0x0bab, + 0x9f89, 0x9f05, 0x9efe, 0x9f0b, 0x9f20, 0x9f04, 0xa088, 0x0bf3, + 0xa102, 0x0bf4, 0xa103, 0x34b6, 0x34e0, 0x0c08, 0x0c4e, 0x0c55, + 0x0c4b, 0xa229, 0xa23b, 0x0c4d, 0x3573, 0xa206, 0x0c52, 0x3572, + 0x0c4c, 0x3570, 0x0c50, 0x0c53, 0xa203, 0x0c51, 0xa378, 0xa379, + 0xa37d, 0x0c89, 0xa37f, 0x0c95, 0x0ccc, 0x0cc8, 0x0cce, 0xa432, + 0x0cca, 0xa400, 0x369d, 0xa422, 0x0ccd, 0xa5a9, 0x0d5c, 0x0d67, + 0x0d69, 0x0d65, 0x0d62, 0xa704, 0x3827, 0x3835, 0xf659, 0x0daa, + 0xa8b8, 0xa99b, 0x0dd2, 0x39a2, 0x0e03, 0x0e0c, 0xaa92, 0x0e09, + 0x0e06, 0x0e05, 0x3989, 0xaa8f, 0x0e0b, 0x0e08, 0xaa98, 0x39a5, + 0xaaae, 0x0e8e, 0xad9d, 0x3ab6, 0x0ee8, 0xaf49, 0xaf50, 0xaf46, + 0x0eea, 0xaf4e, 0x3ba5, 0x3bc3, 0xaf55, 0x0ee9, + /* 0x46 */ + 0x0eeb, 0xaf64, 0x0ef0, 0xb138, 0x0f4b, 0x3dab, 0x0f73, 0x0f75, + 0x0f92, 0x0f91, 0x0f93, 0x3e25, 0x0fa7, 0x0fa6, 0x0fa8, 0x0faa, + 0xb3fe, 0x0fa9, 0x3e59, 0x0fbb, 0x0fbc, 0x0fba, 0x0fbd, 0x1027, + 0x3f85, 0xb6a6, 0x1024, 0x101e, 0x101f, 0x101d, 0x1020, 0x1023, + 0x1029, 0x1022, 0xb69c, 0xb699, 0x101c, 0x3f8e, 0x1028, 0xb6b5, + 0xb6a3, 0xb6a0, 0xb6a7, 0xb69b, 0xb8df, 0xb8e1, 0x1071, 0x1073, + 0x1072, 0xb94d, 0x1102, 0xbbf3, 0xbb6f, 0xbb69, 0x10fe, 0x41be, + 0xbb6b, 0xbb78, 0xbb87, 0x1108, 0xbb85, 0xbb82, 0xbb90, 0x1107, + 0x1104, 0xbb80, 0xbb67, 0x1100, 0x10fc, 0xbb61, 0x1144, 0xbb93, + 0x10f1, 0xbbf2, 0xbb86, 0x41a6, 0x1106, 0xbfcd, 0xbfc4, 0x11c6, + 0x11c3, 0x11c1, 0x11c2, 0xc10f, 0x11c4, 0x11c7, 0xc10d, 0x11bf, + 0x11d2, 0xc173, 0x11ca, 0xf6ba, 0xc10a, 0x442f, + /* 0x47 */ + 0xc108, 0xc113, 0x1213, 0xc3f8, 0x1230, 0x123e, 0x1239, 0xc4ab, + 0xc4a8, 0x123c, 0x123f, 0xc4a5, 0x1234, 0x123d, 0xc4c3, 0xc4a4, + 0x1238, 0xc4d4, 0xc4ba, 0xc5f1, 0x46a0, 0x1282, 0xc63f, 0x1283, + 0xc6ea, 0x129b, 0xc7f7, 0x12e0, 0x12dd, 0xc7fa, 0xc7f5, 0x12de, + 0xc7fe, 0x12e3, 0x12e5, 0xc800, 0x4797, 0x12e2, 0xc802, 0xc7fb, + 0xc807, 0x12df, 0xc81a, 0x132e, 0xc9b8, 0x1337, 0x1338, 0xc9e9, + 0xc9eb, 0xca50, 0xca4f, 0x498b, 0xcb86, 0x0162, 0xcb8e, 0x1394, + 0x1393, 0x13ab, 0x13ad, 0xccf0, 0xccfb, 0x13f5, 0x13f7, 0xce42, + 0x13f6, 0x13f8, 0xce85, 0x13fb, 0x13f9, 0x1458, 0x145a, 0xd105, + 0x1459, 0x4c0f, 0x1485, 0x14a4, 0x14d8, 0x14d9, 0xd54b, 0x14dd, + 0x14c8, 0xd563, 0x14fa, 0x14fb, 0x4f75, 0x1527, 0x4f9f, 0x152a, + 0x1525, 0xd799, 0x1528, 0xda81, 0xdb17, 0xdb10, + /* 0x48 */ + 0xdb12, 0x52a6, 0x1595, 0x539a, 0xdcfa, 0xdcf3, 0xdcf2, 0xdcf5, + 0xdcf6, 0xddbb, 0xddc2, 0xdea7, 0x160f, 0x1611, 0xdea8, 0xdea3, + 0x1610, 0xdeaa, 0x1615, 0x1613, 0x5457, 0xdfdc, 0x1647, 0x1646, + 0xe00f, 0x1659, 0x165b, 0xe079, 0x165e, 0xe07f, 0xe085, 0x165a, + 0x1691, 0x1692, 0x1690, 0x1693, 0xe21b, 0x54f7, 0x16be, 0xe277, + 0xe276, 0xe298, 0x16bc, 0x16bb, 0x16b7, 0x16b9, 0xe27a, 0x1701, + 0x16fe, 0xe3bc, 0xe3ba, 0x1702, 0xe3b6, 0x16ff, 0x55b0, 0xe3b4, + 0x1700, 0xe4cf, 0x1737, 0x173a, 0x176f, 0x1777, 0x1779, 0x56c6, + 0xe67b, 0x17c8, 0xe81c, 0xe821, 0xe81d, 0xe8c0, 0x17f2, 0xe8ff, + 0x17f1, 0x17f0, 0x5862, 0xeb56, 0x1834, 0xeda1, 0xeda2, 0xeda6, + 0xf056, 0xf057, 0x192c, 0x192d, 0xf101, 0xf1ed, 0xf71c, 0xf3f2, + 0x1afa, 0x5fb8, 0x0091, 0x5fc0, 0x0094, 0x5fb7, + /* 0x49 */ + 0x5fe1, 0x00c4, 0x010a, 0x63e8, 0x1c85, 0x64b2, 0x0152, 0x66ae, + 0x0159, 0x026f, 0x697e, 0x01f2, 0x01f4, 0x1e43, 0x6976, 0x01f1, + 0x1e3c, 0x6996, 0x026a, 0x6e20, 0x6e21, 0x6e23, 0x6e29, 0x7077, + 0x7151, 0x0324, 0x7156, 0x0323, 0x7188, 0x7159, 0x7155, 0x0327, + 0x7297, 0x7298, 0x036d, 0x21ed, 0x036e, 0x036f, 0x73a1, 0x73a3, + 0x2235, 0x039f, 0x040a, 0x0406, 0x040e, 0x770a, 0x040d, 0x0405, + 0x773d, 0x770c, 0x040b, 0x0410, 0x042e, 0x783d, 0x7839, 0x79b0, + 0x79b2, 0x79ae, 0x0496, 0x0497, 0x04c4, 0x2547, 0x04c5, 0x7b20, + 0x04d2, 0x7c6e, 0x7c6d, 0x7c6a, 0x0581, 0x7e32, 0x058e, 0x0590, + 0x058f, 0x7e39, 0x0591, 0x0595, 0x0593, 0x7da3, 0x266d, 0x7e7f, + 0x7e35, 0x7e3d, 0x7ff4, 0x7ff5, 0x063b, 0x0648, 0x8248, 0x8228, + 0x0646, 0x0647, 0x8227, 0x8232, 0x822c, 0x064c, + /* 0x4a */ + 0x822e, 0x064a, 0x0650, 0x0643, 0x8223, 0x8231, 0xf5c5, 0x0649, + 0x06a6, 0x06a5, 0x06a4, 0x84c9, 0x8589, 0x06b9, 0x85bb, 0x06ce, + 0x06cf, 0x0713, 0x8897, 0x8893, 0x8a28, 0x07c6, 0x07c5, 0x07ca, + 0x07d9, 0x07c1, 0x8a18, 0x8a3b, 0x2af5, 0x8a27, 0x8a24, 0x8a1b, + 0x8a31, 0x07cb, 0x8a26, 0x8aa3, 0x8a3f, 0x8a22, 0x8a19, 0x2b03, + 0x8a41, 0x8a2b, 0x2b65, 0x0842, 0x8d0c, 0x2c75, 0x0874, 0x0873, + 0x8e4e, 0x8eb9, 0x8efa, 0x8fe9, 0x8fe8, 0x8fe4, 0x2d8a, 0x2d56, + 0x0952, 0x925f, 0x925d, 0x9252, 0x0950, 0x9274, 0x094b, 0x9246, + 0x094c, 0x096d, 0x92aa, 0x2d98, 0x924a, 0x9259, 0x924b, 0x094f, + 0x2d68, 0x09f0, 0x9550, 0x3034, 0x3045, 0x0a4d, 0x0a4c, 0x98d0, + 0x0a4f, 0x0a4e, 0x0a50, 0x98cc, 0x315c, 0x0a96, 0x3156, 0x9964, + 0x9965, 0x0a97, 0x0a95, 0x0a98, 0x995c, 0x9b15, + /* 0x4b */ + 0x0aec, 0x0aeb, 0x0b13, 0x0b14, 0x0b38, 0x0b3a, 0x0b39, 0x9c79, + 0x0b68, 0x0b67, 0x9dc5, 0x9db8, 0x9f2c, 0x0bbe, 0x0bbc, 0x9f37, + 0x9f35, 0x9f31, 0x0bbb, 0x9f2f, 0x0bba, 0x9f2b, 0x0bb9, 0x0bb7, + 0x9f2d, 0x9f2a, 0x0bc1, 0xa095, 0x0bf7, 0xa23e, 0x0c60, 0xa247, + 0xa245, 0x0c59, 0x0c5c, 0x0c5a, 0x0c58, 0xa252, 0x0c5b, 0xa270, + 0xa250, 0xa258, 0xa251, 0xa23d, 0x0c5d, 0xa241, 0xa20c, 0xa23c, + 0xa386, 0xa383, 0xa389, 0xa3f3, 0x0cd4, 0x0cd3, 0x36bf, 0x0cd2, + 0x36bd, 0xa42d, 0x0cd7, 0x0cd1, 0x36e4, 0x0cd5, 0xa5c5, 0xf655, + 0x0d6d, 0x0d6f, 0x3834, 0x0d75, 0x0d6c, 0x0d74, 0xa743, 0x0d73, + 0xa737, 0xa745, 0x3836, 0x0dac, 0xa8e5, 0xa9a6, 0xaadb, 0x0e10, + 0xaada, 0xaae6, 0x39ba, 0x39bc, 0x0e0f, 0x39c8, 0x0e23, 0x39c3, + 0x0e1d, 0x39b6, 0x0e0e, 0xaaf8, 0xaae9, 0x0e15, + /* 0x4c */ + 0x39c2, 0x0e13, 0xaae8, 0xaaf6, 0x0e1b, 0x39c5, 0x0e22, 0x0e26, + 0xaae7, 0x39bd, 0x39b0, 0x0e21, 0x0e1c, 0x0e17, 0xaad5, 0x0e1a, + 0x39bb, 0xadd3, 0xadc7, 0xadd1, 0x0e99, 0xadc3, 0x0e97, 0xaf80, + 0xaf98, 0x0efd, 0xaf84, 0x0ef6, 0x0efe, 0x0ef5, 0x0eff, 0x0ef7, + 0xaf97, 0xaf83, 0xaf81, 0x0f01, 0x3c04, 0xaf8c, 0xb142, 0xb2ab, + 0x0f77, 0xb2a3, 0xb2a6, 0xb35c, 0xb369, 0xb367, 0x0fab, 0xb48b, + 0xb4a8, 0x0fc0, 0xb6d8, 0x1031, 0x102e, 0xf689, 0xb6dc, 0x102c, + 0xb6e0, 0xb6e5, 0x1032, 0x102f, 0x102b, 0x102d, 0x1033, 0xb818, + 0xb819, 0x3ff1, 0x1057, 0x105c, 0x107b, 0xb95f, 0xb95e, 0x107a, + 0xbc02, 0x4222, 0x1113, 0x111e, 0x1117, 0x1120, 0x112a, 0x1111, + 0x1115, 0x110f, 0x1118, 0x4238, 0xbc12, 0xbc36, 0x112c, 0x4232, + 0xf6a8, 0x4210, 0xbc23, 0xbc03, 0x111c, 0xbc00, + /* 0x4d */ + 0x1129, 0xbc46, 0xbc61, 0x1112, 0x424f, 0x1197, 0xc184, 0x4472, + 0xc16b, 0xc162, 0xc156, 0xc16a, 0xc152, 0xc155, 0x11d4, 0x11d0, + 0x447c, 0xc161, 0xf6bb, 0xc158, 0xc177, 0x11d3, 0x1214, 0xc4d7, + 0x1246, 0x1245, 0xc4de, 0x1243, 0xc4df, 0x460d, 0x1244, 0x1248, + 0xc4d1, 0x1247, 0xc4e2, 0xc4e1, 0xc4dd, 0x4608, 0x1249, 0x1285, + 0xc64b, 0x1284, 0xc64e, 0x129d, 0xc6fc, 0x129e, 0x12a0, 0xc6fa, + 0x129c, 0xc6fb, 0x129f, 0xc6fe, 0x12f7, 0x12ea, 0xc831, 0x12ef, + 0x12e9, 0x12f3, 0x12f0, 0x12eb, 0xc838, 0x12ec, 0x12f2, 0x12f5, + 0x12ee, 0xc83a, 0xc9bb, 0x133a, 0x134b, 0xca59, 0x134a, 0x134c, + 0xcadb, 0xcadf, 0xcae2, 0x1379, 0x137b, 0x1378, 0xcb9e, 0xcba1, + 0x13b5, 0xcd10, 0x13b4, 0x13b7, 0x4a9e, 0x1409, 0x13fe, 0x1408, + 0x1407, 0xce76, 0xce7f, 0xce7d, 0x1406, 0x1404, + /* 0x4e */ + 0x1405, 0x13ff, 0x140b, 0xce82, 0xd057, 0x143b, 0x145d, 0x145c, + 0x145f, 0x145e, 0x4c28, 0xd12e, 0x4c21, 0x1483, 0xd38b, 0xd38d, + 0x14a7, 0x4d66, 0x4d6c, 0xd390, 0x14a8, 0xd4ec, 0xd56f, 0xd56b, + 0xd571, 0xd578, 0x4df6, 0x14e0, 0x14df, 0x14fe, 0x14fc, 0x14ff, + 0x14fd, 0xd7ad, 0x152c, 0x4fec, 0x4fba, 0x4fe3, 0x4fbd, 0x159d, + 0xdb2f, 0x52b4, 0xdd78, 0x1640, 0xdff8, 0xe019, 0x165f, 0xe09b, + 0xe094, 0xe097, 0xe099, 0xe1a6, 0xe1a4, 0xe1a7, 0x54d1, 0xe295, + 0x16c0, 0x5523, 0xe290, 0x16c1, 0x16c6, 0xe29b, 0xe3c4, 0x1704, + 0x1705, 0xe3c6, 0x560b, 0x173e, 0x173d, 0x1740, 0x173f, 0xe4e3, + 0x1742, 0xe4df, 0xe4dd, 0xe4e7, 0x1784, 0x1782, 0x177f, 0x1785, + 0xe82d, 0xe82c, 0x17cc, 0x57b2, 0x17cb, 0x17cd, 0xe834, 0xe838, + 0x57db, 0xe91d, 0x17f5, 0xe91a, 0xe91b, 0xe914, + /* 0x4f */ + 0x57f0, 0xe917, 0xea21, 0x1820, 0x1821, 0xeaaa, 0xeaa1, 0x1837, + 0x183e, 0x5873, 0x183d, 0x586e, 0xeb63, 0xeb79, 0xeb60, 0x5865, + 0xeb62, 0x183c, 0xeb61, 0x1838, 0x586a, 0xeb70, 0x586d, 0xeb6a, + 0x183b, 0xedc8, 0x18b0, 0xedc5, 0xedbe, 0xedc2, 0x18ad, 0x18b2, + 0x18b8, 0x5a0b, 0xedc7, 0x18af, 0xedb0, 0xedca, 0x191a, 0x5b76, + 0x1920, 0x1921, 0x1930, 0x5ba8, 0x192f, 0xf10d, 0xf107, 0xf196, + 0xf1ef, 0x195f, 0x1960, 0xf21e, 0xf21d, 0x5c11, 0xf390, 0x5feb, + 0x008a, 0x1b19, 0x009c, 0x5fee, 0x009a, 0x5fef, 0x5fec, 0x63fa, + 0x010c, 0x010b, 0x010d, 0x1c92, 0x6504, 0x69d3, 0x01fe, 0x69d1, + 0x69fa, 0x01ff, 0x01fb, 0x01fc, 0x0209, 0x69c8, 0x0200, 0x69d5, + 0x1e75, 0x69cd, 0x69d2, 0x69fb, 0x6c2a, 0x6e88, 0x6e61, 0x0271, + 0x6e63, 0x6e62, 0x206f, 0x5e57, 0x71c8, 0x7198, + /* 0x50 */ + 0x032b, 0x73c1, 0x773f, 0x7741, 0x0414, 0x0411, 0x0412, 0x7852, + 0x0463, 0x785e, 0x046e, 0x049a, 0x79c7, 0x049b, 0x7a70, 0x7b27, + 0x04c8, 0x7b71, 0x7bb0, 0x04f6, 0x7e42, 0x7e43, 0x26a5, 0x058c, + 0x0597, 0x05a2, 0x26a0, 0x7e57, 0x7e9d, 0x8289, 0x828d, 0x828b, + 0x8280, 0x8292, 0x828a, 0x82c8, 0x0654, 0x828f, 0x8293, 0x8291, + 0x06a8, 0x84f2, 0x84de, 0x06a9, 0x85c8, 0x28b4, 0x28d8, 0x29c2, + 0x0718, 0x0717, 0x071d, 0x87a7, 0x87a1, 0x0731, 0x8a8c, 0x8a7f, + 0x07d8, 0x07d5, 0x8a7b, 0x8a95, 0x8a99, 0x07e1, 0x8a8e, 0x07d4, + 0x8ada, 0x8a8a, 0x8a9c, 0x07e3, 0x8a7e, 0x0844, 0x0845, 0x8d1a, + 0x8e55, 0x0876, 0x0875, 0x8e60, 0x2ca8, 0x0888, 0x08aa, 0x8ffb, + 0x08ab, 0x08ac, 0x8ffd, 0x0957, 0x2d83, 0x0960, 0x095d, 0x096b, + 0x92d0, 0x0963, 0x0967, 0x92c5, 0x095e, 0x92d2, + /* 0x51 */ + 0x9311, 0x2dc5, 0x2fcd, 0x09f9, 0x09f3, 0x95ad, 0x95a4, 0x95a9, + 0x95b0, 0x959d, 0x09f6, 0x9798, 0x309c, 0x0a51, 0x0a53, 0x0a52, + 0x9992, 0x0a9b, 0x998a, 0x0a9c, 0x998d, 0x9996, 0x0af7, 0x3299, + 0x328f, 0x3291, 0x9b45, 0x9b4b, 0x9c0f, 0x9c16, 0x0b3b, 0x9c8a, + 0x0b3e, 0x0b3d, 0x9dc9, 0x0b69, 0x9dc8, 0x9dca, 0x9f64, 0x0bc3, + 0x0bc4, 0x0bc7, 0x9f5d, 0x9f63, 0x3439, 0x0bc6, 0x342e, 0x0bc8, + 0x9f88, 0xa03a, 0xa039, 0x349f, 0x34a0, 0x0be6, 0x0bf8, 0xa117, + 0xa193, 0x0c07, 0xa195, 0x0c64, 0x0c68, 0xa276, 0x3594, 0x0c65, + 0x35ae, 0xa280, 0xa27b, 0x0c69, 0xa248, 0xa2a8, 0xa288, 0xa38b, + 0xa38a, 0xa38c, 0xa3fc, 0x0cda, 0x0ce0, 0x36e6, 0xa458, 0x0cde, + 0xa451, 0xa455, 0xa453, 0x0d1c, 0x0d1d, 0x0d1a, 0xa5dc, 0x0d7b, + 0x0d7a, 0x0d7c, 0xa75c, 0x0d78, 0x0d77, 0xa765, + /* 0x52 */ + 0xf65a, 0x0db1, 0xa8ee, 0x0db2, 0x0db0, 0xa8f0, 0x38bc, 0xa8f2, + 0x0e36, 0xab35, 0x0e2e, 0xab22, 0x39d6, 0xab20, 0x0e34, 0xab2d, + 0xab28, 0xab26, 0xab3c, 0x0e2a, 0xab38, 0x0e33, 0x0e2d, 0x0e2f, + 0x0e31, 0x0e2b, 0x0e32, 0xab2a, 0x0e35, 0xab1a, 0xab30, 0xaae3, + 0xab19, 0xade9, 0xade7, 0x3acf, 0xafd6, 0xafc4, 0x0f08, 0xaf87, + 0x0f06, 0xafc7, 0xafd9, 0x3c18, 0xafdf, 0x0f4d, 0x0f61, 0xb20a, + 0xb201, 0xb2b1, 0x0f78, 0xb2c1, 0x0f94, 0x0f95, 0xb376, 0xb40d, + 0xb40e, 0x0fc1, 0x0fc3, 0x3e6d, 0xb707, 0x1039, 0xb709, 0xb716, + 0x103a, 0x103b, 0x1035, 0x1036, 0xb70e, 0x103c, 0x3f90, 0xb706, + 0xb81e, 0xb84a, 0x1058, 0x107c, 0x107d, 0x108d, 0x108c, 0xbca6, + 0xbc91, 0x113b, 0x113f, 0xbcb8, 0xbc96, 0x1132, 0x112d, 0xbcc5, + 0x112f, 0x1139, 0x112e, 0x113a, 0xbd0a, 0x1136, + /* 0x53 */ + 0x1131, 0x113e, 0x1138, 0x4252, 0x1134, 0xbcb2, 0x1141, 0xbcb7, + 0xbcb4, 0xbc89, 0xbc8d, 0x1130, 0xbc87, 0xbcc2, 0xbc9c, 0xbc92, + 0x1143, 0xbcca, 0x4250, 0xbc8a, 0xbfe0, 0x1198, 0xbfe6, 0xbfe5, + 0x44a0, 0xc1a5, 0xc1b3, 0x4486, 0x11da, 0x11d7, 0xc1b5, 0xc1af, + 0x4495, 0xc1b0, 0xc1cc, 0x448c, 0xc1a2, 0xc1be, 0xc1c6, 0xc1ac, + 0xc1ae, 0x1218, 0x4560, 0xf6c3, 0xc508, 0xc505, 0x1252, 0x4628, + 0xc4fe, 0x124e, 0x4620, 0xc500, 0x124f, 0x1250, 0xc664, 0xc668, + 0x46a8, 0x1286, 0x1287, 0x1289, 0xc66a, 0xc669, 0xc70d, 0xc712, + 0x12a2, 0x12a3, 0xc70f, 0x12a1, 0xc867, 0xc879, 0xc872, 0xc866, + 0xc87c, 0x12f9, 0x12fd, 0xc868, 0xc885, 0xc876, 0xc874, 0xc871, + 0xc864, 0x133e, 0x133c, 0xc9f8, 0x134d, 0xca6c, 0x134e, 0xcaeb, + 0x1381, 0x1383, 0x1382, 0xcbb8, 0x1380, 0x1388, + /* 0x54 */ + 0xcd2d, 0xcd2e, 0xcd28, 0xcd29, 0xcd31, 0x13b9, 0xcd2f, 0xcd2a, + 0x4b3a, 0xcea4, 0xceb7, 0xcebf, 0x1411, 0x140d, 0x1410, 0x1413, + 0xd063, 0x143c, 0x1462, 0x1463, 0xd167, 0xd3be, 0xf6e0, 0xd595, + 0xd59c, 0x1503, 0x1506, 0x1502, 0x1501, 0xd671, 0xd672, 0x1505, + 0xd66f, 0x4e94, 0x5011, 0xd7f1, 0x5037, 0x1536, 0xd7e8, 0x1535, + 0x5043, 0xf6ea, 0x15a1, 0x15a3, 0xdb49, 0xdb64, 0x15a0, 0xdb48, + 0x15ea, 0x53a6, 0x15e8, 0xdd2c, 0xdde1, 0xddef, 0xdec0, 0x1621, + 0x161b, 0xded7, 0xded4, 0x1649, 0x1648, 0xe0ad, 0x5495, 0x1662, + 0x1661, 0x1664, 0x1660, 0x1663, 0xe0ae, 0xe0ac, 0x5496, 0x1666, + 0x16ac, 0x16ab, 0xe227, 0xe2ae, 0x16c3, 0xe2b0, 0x16c4, 0x5525, + 0xe2c0, 0xe2c4, 0x1708, 0x1709, 0x170a, 0x1706, 0x1707, 0x1741, + 0xe507, 0x1745, 0xe4fd, 0x1743, 0x1744, 0x5626, + /* 0x55 */ + 0x5634, 0x1747, 0xf704, 0xe61b, 0xe61c, 0x1771, 0xe6b2, 0xe6b4, + 0xe6b7, 0xe6b1, 0xe6b3, 0xe6ae, 0x178b, 0x17d4, 0x17d3, 0x17d1, + 0x57ba, 0x17d2, 0xe83f, 0xe936, 0x17f7, 0x17f8, 0xe931, 0xe93b, + 0xe935, 0xe93a, 0xe937, 0xea22, 0xea36, 0xea32, 0x1822, 0xeac0, + 0x1845, 0x1841, 0x5881, 0x1840, 0x588a, 0xeb85, 0x587f, 0x1842, + 0xeb89, 0x18c1, 0x18c5, 0xede1, 0x18bb, 0x18b9, 0x18bd, 0x18c9, + 0xee0a, 0x5a11, 0xee09, 0x18bf, 0x18c7, 0xede8, 0x18c3, 0x1924, + 0x1931, 0x1933, 0xf118, 0x1932, 0x1934, 0x1952, 0x1961, 0x5bd9, + 0x197a, 0x1982, 0x5c3c, 0xf3c5, 0x1b23, 0x600d, 0x600c, 0x6021, + 0x1b2c, 0x6216, 0x640e, 0x010f, 0x1c95, 0x6417, 0x0123, 0x0125, + 0x6a48, 0x0206, 0x0208, 0x1e88, 0x6a55, 0x6a49, 0x6a4c, 0x1e8b, + 0x6a4f, 0x6a3d, 0x027a, 0x0277, 0x6e8a, 0x6ea8, + /* 0x56 */ + 0x708a, 0x032e, 0x71cb, 0x032f, 0x71d5, 0x78d4, 0x041b, 0x0413, + 0x775c, 0x7775, 0x0466, 0x7861, 0x0465, 0x7096, 0x04f7, 0x7c8a, + 0x7ed0, 0x26e1, 0x26d7, 0x7e49, 0x7ecf, 0x059c, 0x82d6, 0x827f, + 0x0653, 0x82d2, 0x82cf, 0x8506, 0x8509, 0x06ba, 0x28a3, 0x0722, + 0x29d3, 0x8b06, 0x8af1, 0x8b04, 0x2b8b, 0x8afa, 0x8af4, 0x07eb, + 0x07dd, 0x8af9, 0x07ef, 0x8a8b, 0x8b03, 0x0847, 0x0846, 0x8da2, + 0x0878, 0x2cac, 0x0889, 0x900c, 0x900b, 0x0968, 0x0976, 0x0974, + 0x0979, 0x9324, 0x097a, 0x0977, 0xf614, 0x0971, 0x9325, 0x0972, + 0x95f6, 0x09ff, 0x95fb, 0x0a05, 0x9732, 0x97fb, 0x0a54, 0x98f2, + 0x98f3, 0x0a9e, 0x0a9f, 0x3174, 0x999c, 0x9b72, 0x0afa, 0x9b74, + 0x0b44, 0x0b3f, 0x0b40, 0x9c86, 0x0b42, 0x9c8e, 0x9c90, 0x0b51, + 0x9ccd, 0x9cf7, 0x9dd6, 0x9f84, 0x9f95, 0x9f8a, + /* 0x57 */ + 0x3440, 0x0bca, 0x9f97, 0x3441, 0x0bce, 0x0bc9, 0xa0a0, 0xa0a1, + 0xa122, 0xa1a6, 0xa1a4, 0x0c09, 0x34e8, 0x0c6c, 0x0c6e, 0x0c70, + 0x0c6d, 0x0c6b, 0x0c71, 0x0c72, 0xa2af, 0xa2b0, 0xa2bd, 0x0c8c, + 0x0ce4, 0xa476, 0x0ce1, 0xa47b, 0xa479, 0x36f6, 0x0ce7, 0x3700, + 0x0ce2, 0x0d1f, 0xa5ee, 0xa5f1, 0x0d7e, 0xa794, 0x0d80, 0x3859, + 0x3855, 0xa791, 0x0db9, 0x0db7, 0x0db8, 0xa910, 0x0dba, 0x38f4, + 0xa9af, 0x0dd3, 0x0e3f, 0x3a04, 0x0e45, 0x0e41, 0x3a15, 0x0e42, + 0x0e43, 0x0e3b, 0x0e38, 0xab7b, 0xab77, 0x0e3a, 0x39f5, 0xab80, + 0xabc6, 0x0e3c, 0xab7c, 0xab90, 0x0e3e, 0xaba3, 0xab7d, 0xabbd, + 0x0e9e, 0x0e9f, 0x0ea1, 0xae13, 0x0e9b, 0x0f12, 0xb011, 0xb044, + 0xb00d, 0x0f18, 0x0f0c, 0xb214, 0x0f62, 0xb2b8, 0x0f7a, 0xb2b7, + 0xb383, 0x0fae, 0x0faf, 0xb414, 0x0fad, 0xb41c, + /* 0x58 */ + 0x0fc4, 0x0fc7, 0x0fc6, 0x0fc5, 0xb4d4, 0xb4d5, 0x3fc1, 0x1040, + 0xb743, 0xb742, 0x103f, 0x1041, 0xf68a, 0xb741, 0xb84e, 0x107f, + 0xb987, 0x1086, 0x1081, 0x1080, 0x108e, 0x114a, 0xbd39, 0x1147, + 0xbd8f, 0xbd2a, 0x114b, 0x1146, 0x114e, 0x427d, 0xbd2b, 0x42a5, + 0xbd50, 0x1148, 0xbd6e, 0x1145, 0xbd3b, 0xbd53, 0xbd5f, 0xbd2f, + 0xbd30, 0xbd38, 0xbd4c, 0xbff1, 0x11db, 0x11e7, 0x11e4, 0xc207, + 0xc216, 0x11e1, 0xc214, 0x11e9, 0xc1fb, 0x11e5, 0x11e0, 0x11e3, + 0xc1f8, 0xc210, 0xc21d, 0xc1ff, 0xc20b, 0xc204, 0x11ea, 0xc1fe, + 0xc3ff, 0x463a, 0x1254, 0x1258, 0x125c, 0xc523, 0x1255, 0x128b, + 0x128c, 0x12a6, 0x12a5, 0xc72a, 0xc8a0, 0xc898, 0xc89c, 0x12ff, + 0xc89e, 0xc8a6, 0xc8b5, 0xc8b0, 0x1330, 0x1340, 0x1341, 0xcaf9, + 0xcaf5, 0x1386, 0xcbd2, 0x13bf, 0x13bd, 0xcd50, + /* 0x59 */ + 0xcd4e, 0xcd4b, 0xcd52, 0xcd4d, 0x13be, 0x1419, 0xcee4, 0x141c, + 0xceda, 0x141b, 0x1417, 0x1418, 0x4b51, 0xcedf, 0xcee8, 0x143d, + 0x146a, 0x1466, 0xd170, 0xd172, 0x1467, 0xd177, 0x1468, 0x14ad, + 0x14ae, 0xd3e6, 0xd5aa, 0x14d6, 0x1509, 0xd68c, 0x4e98, 0xd689, + 0x150c, 0x150a, 0xd832, 0x153b, 0x153a, 0x5084, 0x5081, 0xd87a, + 0x506f, 0xda9e, 0xdaa0, 0xdb70, 0x15af, 0x15aa, 0x15ab, 0xdb6e, + 0xdb66, 0x15b1, 0xdb65, 0x15ac, 0x15ec, 0xdd7f, 0xdde0, 0x1601, + 0xddff, 0xdef6, 0xdef7, 0xdef5, 0x1623, 0xdefc, 0x1624, 0x161e, + 0xdef9, 0x164a, 0x1665, 0x166a, 0xe0ca, 0xe0c3, 0xe0c6, 0x1669, + 0xe1b8, 0xe1bd, 0x1695, 0xe1bc, 0xe205, 0xe2e0, 0xe2e9, 0x5542, + 0xe2df, 0xe2ec, 0x16cc, 0xe2e5, 0xe2de, 0xf700, 0x16cf, 0xe2f0, + 0xe2e3, 0x170f, 0xe3ec, 0x170e, 0x170b, 0x1710, + /* 0x5a */ + 0x170d, 0x170c, 0xe3f2, 0xe3ef, 0xe3e9, 0xe4fb, 0x1746, 0x1748, + 0x5637, 0x1749, 0xe537, 0xe6de, 0x1791, 0x178e, 0xe6da, 0x17d8, + 0x17d6, 0xe84b, 0x17da, 0xe849, 0x17d7, 0xe8d5, 0x57ff, 0x17f9, + 0xe952, 0xe947, 0x17fc, 0xe948, 0xeacc, 0xead0, 0x58a9, 0x184a, + 0x58a7, 0x184e, 0x58b3, 0x58ac, 0x58b0, 0xeb86, 0xeba7, 0xeba3, + 0x589c, 0xebb6, 0xebad, 0xee13, 0x5a3c, 0x5a1c, 0x5a3a, 0x18d3, + 0x18cd, 0x18d1, 0xee17, 0xee22, 0x5a32, 0x5a34, 0xee49, 0xee26, + 0xf70c, 0xee3c, 0xee28, 0xf0a8, 0x5bc7, 0xf1fb, 0x1962, 0xf232, + 0xf2d6, 0xf348, 0x1983, 0x5c3f, 0xf3c6, 0x1992, 0x009f, 0x00a0, + 0x6025, 0x6026, 0x6024, 0x6033, 0x6170, 0x0127, 0x6790, 0x020b, + 0x6a95, 0x6aa1, 0x6a92, 0x6a8f, 0x6a9f, 0x6a96, 0x6a98, 0x6a9d, + 0x6aa0, 0x028d, 0x7097, 0x71eb, 0x0370, 0x7787, + /* 0x5b */ + 0x24eb, 0x7b32, 0x059a, 0x059f, 0x059d, 0x7ed8, 0x7efb, 0x7f06, + 0x059b, 0x7ed1, 0x26d5, 0xf5b0, 0x0660, 0x0664, 0x0669, 0x0663, + 0x0667, 0x0662, 0x82f6, 0x8304, 0x82fe, 0x2802, 0x82ff, 0x82f7, + 0x8518, 0x06ac, 0x8514, 0x85cd, 0x8620, 0x87de, 0x0726, 0x0723, + 0x0725, 0x8b45, 0x8b53, 0x07f8, 0x8b4b, 0x8b55, 0x8b41, 0x07f7, + 0x07fb, 0x07fa, 0x8b5c, 0x8b54, 0x8e71, 0x8ed0, 0x08b0, 0x08af, + 0x9053, 0x9329, 0x937e, 0x097e, 0x9379, 0x097d, 0x0980, 0x9370, + 0x936a, 0x097f, 0x0986, 0x9385, 0x9364, 0x2e12, 0x9378, 0x0981, + 0x9632, 0x9627, 0x962f, 0x0a24, 0x0a58, 0x0a57, 0x0aa0, 0x99ba, + 0x0afe, 0x9b71, 0x9b8c, 0x0b15, 0x9c1a, 0x0b47, 0x0b46, 0x9c98, + 0x9de4, 0x0b6b, 0x0b6c, 0x3385, 0x3454, 0x9fc2, 0x0bcc, 0x9fba, + 0x3455, 0x9fc8, 0x0bcb, 0x34a7, 0x34a8, 0x0bf9, + /* 0x5c */ + 0xa1b9, 0xa1b8, 0xa1a5, 0xa2e2, 0x0c78, 0x0c7a, 0x0c75, 0xa2d9, + 0x0c76, 0x0c77, 0xa2ac, 0xa2dd, 0x0cea, 0x0cee, 0x0ced, 0xa49d, + 0x0cec, 0x370f, 0xa611, 0xa603, 0x0d84, 0x0d85, 0x0d83, 0xa7ee, + 0x0dbc, 0x0dbd, 0x0dd4, 0xaba4, 0xabd8, 0xabdd, 0xabde, 0x0e55, + 0xabe7, 0x0e50, 0x0e4c, 0x0e48, 0xabd4, 0x0e53, 0xabce, 0x0e57, + 0x0e54, 0x0e4e, 0x0e4a, 0x0e51, 0xabf1, 0xabd3, 0x0e49, 0x0e4b, + 0x0e63, 0xabca, 0xabe9, 0x0ea7, 0x0ea6, 0x0ea4, 0xae1a, 0xae41, + 0xf668, 0x3ae4, 0x3ae5, 0xb03d, 0xb040, 0x3c65, 0x3c4e, 0x0f17, + 0xb043, 0x0f16, 0xb03f, 0xb03c, 0x0f63, 0xb221, 0xb220, 0x3d82, + 0xb2c6, 0x0f7b, 0x0f7c, 0xb2d1, 0xb2ca, 0xb38e, 0xb391, 0x0fb0, + 0x3e2d, 0xb4e3, 0xb788, 0x1042, 0xb770, 0x1044, 0xb89d, 0xb99d, + 0xb991, 0xb998, 0xb999, 0x1088, 0x108f, 0x1153, + /* 0x5d */ + 0x115b, 0xbdbf, 0x1159, 0xbdae, 0xbdb1, 0xbdcc, 0xbe04, 0x42ca, + 0xbe16, 0xbdcd, 0x1154, 0x42bc, 0xbde0, 0xbdcb, 0xbdd4, 0xbdc9, + 0xbfff, 0x1199, 0xbffd, 0xc257, 0xc252, 0xc250, 0xc245, 0xc24d, + 0x11f1, 0xc253, 0x11ef, 0xc282, 0xc244, 0xc3ce, 0xc3cf, 0xc3d2, + 0xc402, 0xc54f, 0xc558, 0x1262, 0xc543, 0x1263, 0xc552, 0x1260, + 0x1261, 0x125f, 0xc549, 0xc553, 0xc54d, 0x128d, 0xc684, 0x128e, + 0xc683, 0xc732, 0xc8e2, 0x1309, 0xc8e4, 0xc8d3, 0x1305, 0xc8d5, + 0xc8dd, 0x1303, 0x1306, 0xc8ec, 0xc8e6, 0xc8d2, 0xc8fa, 0xc8da, + 0x1331, 0xca06, 0xca04, 0x134f, 0xca7b, 0xcb04, 0xcb02, 0x1366, + 0x49ff, 0x13c4, 0xcd60, 0x13c3, 0x13c1, 0x13c5, 0xcf07, 0xcf05, + 0xcf0c, 0x1421, 0xcf5a, 0x141f, 0x1422, 0xcf1a, 0x1427, 0x1420, + 0xd18a, 0x146d, 0x146c, 0x146b, 0x146f, 0x1470, + /* 0x5e */ + 0xd18c, 0xd409, 0xd6a6, 0x4ea6, 0xd6ac, 0xd6a9, 0x1542, 0xd88b, + 0x50b6, 0xd88c, 0x1544, 0x1540, 0xd888, 0xd889, 0x153f, 0xd893, + 0x50ab, 0x158b, 0xdb83, 0xdd4f, 0x1625, 0x1628, 0xdf20, 0x5421, + 0xe036, 0xe0e2, 0x1675, 0x1672, 0xe0ee, 0x166f, 0xe0e7, 0xe0e9, + 0x1676, 0x1671, 0x54a7, 0xe0df, 0x1697, 0xe1c7, 0x16d7, 0xe309, + 0x16d6, 0xe301, 0x16d8, 0x16dc, 0x16db, 0x16d4, 0x553e, 0x1713, + 0x1711, 0x1714, 0xe405, 0xe40c, 0xe578, 0xe55d, 0x1751, 0x1750, + 0x1753, 0x1754, 0x1752, 0xe55e, 0xe560, 0xe567, 0x176d, 0xf705, + 0xe6f4, 0x1795, 0x1799, 0xe6f1, 0x179a, 0xe6fa, 0x1793, 0x1797, + 0xe6f8, 0xe6f9, 0xe709, 0xe6fd, 0xe6f7, 0x17dc, 0xe859, 0x17fd, + 0xe960, 0xe968, 0x17fe, 0x1800, 0x1802, 0x1801, 0x1803, 0xe96a, + 0xea14, 0xea3e, 0xeae4, 0x1827, 0x1826, 0x1824, + /* 0x5f */ + 0x184c, 0x58bc, 0x1850, 0x1855, 0x1853, 0x58b7, 0x1852, 0xebd2, + 0x1857, 0x58be, 0x1858, 0x18d6, 0xee58, 0xee50, 0x18d4, 0xee5c, + 0x18da, 0x18d9, 0xcf19, 0x5a62, 0x18d5, 0x18e4, 0xf70e, 0x18dc, + 0x191b, 0x5b8f, 0x1937, 0x1936, 0x194b, 0x5bcb, 0x1966, 0x1976, + 0xf2df, 0x197e, 0x197d, 0x197f, 0x1984, 0x198b, 0xf3d9, 0x1994, + 0x00a1, 0x0111, 0x6566, 0x0210, 0x1ea9, 0x6ae1, 0x6aef, 0x6ae8, + 0x6c33, 0x2013, 0x71fe, 0x0332, 0x21f4, 0x73ef, 0x73ec, 0x75ec, + 0x779c, 0x0420, 0x7799, 0x7870, 0x786e, 0x049d, 0x7b41, 0x26ec, + 0x26ef, 0x7f02, 0x7f01, 0x05a5, 0x801b, 0x8323, 0x8325, 0x8324, + 0x8326, 0x8333, 0x832f, 0x858f, 0x8856, 0x0802, 0x07fe, 0x0801, + 0x2bd6, 0x0803, 0x07ff, 0x8b99, 0x0804, 0xf5ed, 0x084a, 0x8ed9, + 0x0987, 0x93b7, 0x0984, 0x93b6, 0x0985, 0x3009, + /* 0x60 */ + 0x9654, 0x9657, 0x967a, 0x0a59, 0x3179, 0x9b8e, 0x32c6, 0x9b90, + 0x9bb9, 0x0b04, 0x0b49, 0x0b48, 0x9def, 0x0b6d, 0x0bd2, 0x0bd3, + 0x9fe2, 0x0bd1, 0x9fd6, 0x9fd8, 0x9fda, 0x9fde, 0x0be7, 0x0c0a, + 0x35c3, 0xa308, 0xa304, 0xa30a, 0xa30b, 0xa302, 0x0cf0, 0xa4aa, + 0xa4c1, 0x371f, 0xa7d7, 0xa7d9, 0x3865, 0xa7de, 0xa7da, 0x0dbe, + 0x0dbf, 0xa92a, 0x38c6, 0x3a3a, 0xac31, 0x3a36, 0xac2b, 0xac2c, + 0xac29, 0xac2e, 0x0e5e, 0xac27, 0xac28, 0x0e5b, 0xac5f, 0xac30, + 0xac24, 0x3aeb, 0x0eab, 0xae3a, 0x0eac, 0xae39, 0xae40, 0xb080, + 0xb084, 0x0f1f, 0x0f1d, 0xb075, 0xb076, 0x0f1c, 0xb07c, 0x0f1e, + 0xb078, 0xb09b, 0xb07e, 0xb15a, 0x0f64, 0xb22c, 0x3d84, 0xb39c, + 0xb747, 0xb78a, 0x1048, 0x1047, 0xb827, 0xbe4a, 0x115e, 0x1161, + 0xbe27, 0x42e0, 0x42f3, 0xbe2e, 0xbe26, 0xc008, + /* 0x61 */ + 0x11f7, 0xc2bd, 0xc296, 0x11f4, 0x11f8, 0x451e, 0xc2be, 0xc28e, + 0xc574, 0x1264, 0xc580, 0x1292, 0x128f, 0x1290, 0x46b4, 0x1293, + 0x12a8, 0xc73c, 0xc73d, 0x12a9, 0xc73a, 0xc742, 0x46f9, 0xc924, + 0xc906, 0x4844, 0x130e, 0xc915, 0x130f, 0xc902, 0xc90c, 0x130b, + 0xc908, 0xc90a, 0xc905, 0xc91c, 0x1310, 0x1351, 0xca82, 0x1350, + 0xca86, 0x1363, 0xcc03, 0xcd7b, 0x13c7, 0xcd7a, 0x4b71, 0x1424, + 0x1426, 0x4b6e, 0xcf80, 0x4b79, 0xcf58, 0x4bc4, 0x1474, 0x1473, + 0x1472, 0xd1aa, 0xd1ab, 0xd236, 0xd24a, 0x14b1, 0x4d8c, 0xd5d6, + 0x150e, 0x1511, 0x1510, 0x150f, 0x1512, 0x1549, 0x50c9, 0x154f, + 0x154d, 0xd903, 0xd8cf, 0x1555, 0xdb9f, 0xdba2, 0xde2a, 0xde2f, + 0xdf44, 0xdf40, 0x162c, 0x162b, 0xe111, 0xe10f, 0x1679, 0xe10d, + 0xe107, 0xe103, 0x167a, 0x54b0, 0x1699, 0x169a, + /* 0x62 */ + 0xe235, 0x16ae, 0x16af, 0xe304, 0x16e4, 0x16e1, 0x16de, 0x16e6, + 0x16df, 0xe326, 0x16e7, 0x16e2, 0x16e0, 0xe31e, 0x16e5, 0x555a, + 0xe40e, 0x1718, 0xe41d, 0xe41e, 0xe41f, 0x1756, 0xe588, 0x5646, + 0xe58d, 0xe591, 0xe580, 0x176e, 0xe654, 0xe655, 0x179d, 0x17a0, + 0x179c, 0xe725, 0xe71a, 0x17a1, 0x17a2, 0x179f, 0x17df, 0x17de, + 0x57c3, 0x17ea, 0xe988, 0x1806, 0xe97a, 0x1804, 0x580f, 0xe980, + 0xeb1e, 0xebfc, 0xec25, 0x185f, 0x58f4, 0x58fa, 0x185c, 0xec0b, + 0x185e, 0xec06, 0xec04, 0x58dd, 0x1859, 0xebf9, 0xec00, 0x1864, + 0x185d, 0x1862, 0xec02, 0x1865, 0xec07, 0x58ed, 0x185b, 0x58ef, + 0xeeb5, 0x18dd, 0xee87, 0x18df, 0xee93, 0xf70f, 0x18e2, 0xeebe, + 0xf066, 0x1927, 0xf0c7, 0xf0cf, 0x5b96, 0x193a, 0x193c, 0xf13d, + 0x1939, 0xf13c, 0xf147, 0x193d, 0x193b, 0x5bb3, + /* 0x63 */ + 0x194c, 0xf1c3, 0x1968, 0x5be2, 0xf31b, 0x1980, 0x1985, 0xf3c9, + 0x1995, 0xf3dd, 0x1996, 0xf493, 0x5c8f, 0x603d, 0x00a4, 0x0112, + 0x1eb1, 0x0225, 0x6ee6, 0x2141, 0x0337, 0x73f7, 0x77b0, 0x77ae, + 0x5dfd, 0x0468, 0x0467, 0x049e, 0x7c9f, 0x7c9e, 0x7f30, 0x05aa, + 0x7f4f, 0x05a9, 0x05a4, 0x7f27, 0x7f51, 0x0671, 0x066f, 0x8351, + 0x8354, 0x8356, 0x8527, 0x06ad, 0x8524, 0x2bf6, 0x080c, 0x2bf2, + 0x080b, 0x8bec, 0x8bc4, 0x080f, 0x0879, 0x93f8, 0x93f6, 0x93f7, + 0x93ed, 0x098d, 0x098f, 0x93f4, 0x93ef, 0x098e, 0x0a0c, 0x967f, + 0x96a2, 0x967e, 0x0aa6, 0x99c5, 0x0aa3, 0x0aa4, 0x0aa5, 0x3388, + 0x0b6e, 0x9ff1, 0x9ff2, 0x0bfa, 0xa12f, 0x0c7c, 0x0c7e, 0x0c7b, + 0x0c7d, 0xa323, 0xa329, 0x0c8d, 0x0cf4, 0x0cf3, 0xa61b, 0xa7eb, + 0x0d89, 0xa7ea, 0xa933, 0x0dc0, 0xac63, 0x0e65, + /* 0x64 */ + 0xac92, 0xac65, 0x0ead, 0x0f25, 0xb0a0, 0xf670, 0xb15e, 0x0fc9, + 0xb7aa, 0x104a, 0xb7a9, 0x4067, 0x1089, 0xbe9c, 0x1166, 0x1170, + 0xbe92, 0x116d, 0x1169, 0x1167, 0xbe86, 0x1172, 0x430e, 0x116e, + 0xbe83, 0x119c, 0x11fc, 0x11fd, 0x1204, 0x11ff, 0xf6c2, 0x11fe, + 0x1200, 0xc2ce, 0x1266, 0x1269, 0xc593, 0x12aa, 0x12ab, 0x1317, + 0xc92e, 0xc927, 0xc928, 0x1315, 0x485e, 0x1312, 0x4a0e, 0xcc18, + 0xcc16, 0xcd8d, 0x13ca, 0xcd8e, 0x13c9, 0x13cb, 0xcd90, 0xcd8f, + 0xcf81, 0x1429, 0x1428, 0xcf8a, 0xcf8c, 0xd08d, 0x1440, 0x1475, + 0x1476, 0xd1b2, 0x1488, 0xd5d9, 0x4eb6, 0x1557, 0x5101, 0xd90d, + 0x155f, 0xd913, 0x511d, 0x1558, 0x155b, 0xd91b, 0x512f, 0xdbac, + 0x15b3, 0xdbb3, 0x15ef, 0xdf5e, 0x1630, 0xdf60, 0xdf68, 0xdf63, + 0xdf69, 0xdf67, 0x1641, 0x164b, 0xe128, 0x167d, + /* 0x65 */ + 0xe12e, 0xe130, 0x167c, 0xe126, 0xe131, 0xe141, 0x54e0, 0xe1da, + 0x54db, 0xf6fa, 0xe20b, 0x5561, 0xe334, 0xe333, 0x16e8, 0x16ea, + 0x16e9, 0xe339, 0xe33b, 0xe340, 0xe430, 0x171b, 0xe432, 0xe437, + 0x1755, 0x564a, 0x1759, 0x1758, 0xe581, 0xe59f, 0xe5a7, 0x17a4, + 0x17a3, 0xe744, 0xe747, 0xe748, 0xe73d, 0x5733, 0x17a7, 0xe749, + 0x17e0, 0xe880, 0xe9a0, 0xe99d, 0x1808, 0x180a, 0x1809, 0xe99c, + 0xea47, 0xeb07, 0x1871, 0x590f, 0x186c, 0xec49, 0x5911, 0xec44, + 0x5903, 0x5901, 0x186e, 0xecdf, 0x5916, 0xec4c, 0x5dfd, 0xec4f, + 0x18e0, 0x18ee, 0xeec1, 0x18eb, 0xeeb9, 0xeecb, 0xeecf, 0xeec4, + 0x5a93, 0x18ea, 0x18ef, 0x18e7, 0xeeca, 0xeec3, 0xf0d0, 0xf151, + 0x1948, 0x1949, 0xf1a8, 0xf1c7, 0xf1c6, 0x194d, 0xf1ca, 0xf202, + 0x1955, 0xf25d, 0xf25a, 0x196a, 0x196c, 0xf259, + /* 0x66 */ + 0x196b, 0xf2cc, 0xf31c, 0xf3cc, 0x1998, 0x1999, 0x1997, 0xf3e8, + 0xf3ec, 0xf3ea, 0xf4ad, 0xf4b0, 0x605f, 0x6058, 0x6057, 0x1d5b, + 0x6793, 0x0216, 0x6b3b, 0x1ebf, 0x6b34, 0x6ef2, 0x0339, 0x73fd, + 0x751d, 0x0425, 0x23ce, 0x7a04, 0x7b48, 0x7f58, 0x834f, 0x0674, + 0x836e, 0x8372, 0x06ae, 0x852e, 0x8bfc, 0x8bf4, 0x9036, 0x940e, + 0x0992, 0x0994, 0x9414, 0x0995, 0x9419, 0x0a0d, 0x96a6, 0x0a25, + 0x9bc9, 0x9bc0, 0x9bcc, 0x9c1b, 0x9caa, 0x9ca8, 0xa003, 0x0bd5, + 0x0bd6, 0x34ac, 0x0be8, 0xa135, 0x0c7f, 0x35d2, 0x0cf5, 0x0cf6, + 0x0cf7, 0xa4d9, 0x0d24, 0x0d8d, 0x0d8a, 0xa93f, 0xa93d, 0x0e6c, + 0x0e66, 0x0e6a, 0xac8b, 0x0e67, 0x0e6d, 0x0e68, 0x3a52, 0xac68, + 0xac8a, 0xae58, 0xae57, 0xb0ce, 0xb0bc, 0xb0c0, 0xb0c1, 0xb0bf, + 0xb0ab, 0xb15f, 0x0f65, 0xb3a6, 0x0f9a, 0xb429, + /* 0x67 */ + 0x0fb1, 0x104b, 0x104d, 0x104c, 0x104e, 0xb7b8, 0x1173, 0x1175, + 0xbedd, 0xbed6, 0xf6b1, 0xbed5, 0xbee7, 0xbed8, 0xc2ec, 0x1203, + 0xc300, 0xc307, 0xc2fd, 0xc2f1, 0xc2ff, 0xc5aa, 0xc5b0, 0xc948, + 0x131e, 0xc953, 0x4873, 0xc94d, 0x1319, 0x131c, 0x131a, 0x131d, + 0x4876, 0xc943, 0xc950, 0x1343, 0x1352, 0xca8c, 0xcc27, 0x1395, + 0xcd99, 0x13cc, 0xcfb1, 0x142b, 0xcfb0, 0xcfaa, 0xcfac, 0x142a, + 0x4bc7, 0x1477, 0xd1c8, 0xd1ca, 0xd442, 0xd5e0, 0xd6e7, 0xd6e8, + 0xd6e6, 0x1513, 0x1514, 0x5134, 0xd95b, 0xd956, 0x155d, 0xd95a, + 0x1560, 0x513e, 0x1562, 0xdab8, 0xdbc5, 0x15b2, 0x15f0, 0xde48, + 0xdf7d, 0xdf7c, 0xdf81, 0xdf82, 0xdf62, 0x164c, 0xe145, 0x1682, + 0x54bc, 0x1681, 0x169b, 0xe1e3, 0x16a4, 0x16ee, 0x16ec, 0xe350, + 0x16ed, 0xe34f, 0x16f0, 0x16ef, 0xe439, 0x171d, + /* 0x68 */ + 0xe43a, 0x1760, 0x175e, 0x175d, 0xe5c1, 0xe74e, 0xe76e, 0x17b1, + 0x17ab, 0x17ac, 0x17ad, 0xe771, 0x17ae, 0xe88c, 0xe889, 0x17e2, + 0xe8e5, 0xe9b3, 0xe9b6, 0xe9b4, 0xea4d, 0x5839, 0xeb13, 0xec78, + 0x592a, 0x187b, 0x5926, 0x1878, 0x1875, 0x5927, 0xec72, 0x18f2, + 0x18f4, 0x18f3, 0x5ac0, 0x5ac9, 0xf075, 0xf0da, 0xf0d7, 0x193f, + 0x193e, 0x1940, 0x194e, 0x1957, 0x1959, 0x1958, 0xf716, 0xf269, + 0xf267, 0x196e, 0xf266, 0xf26f, 0xf271, 0x5bec, 0xf2cf, 0xf323, + 0x1981, 0x1986, 0xf3a5, 0x198f, 0xf3fe, 0xf3fb, 0xf3fd, 0x5c68, + 0x199b, 0x19b1, 0x19b3, 0x6b6d, 0x033a, 0x7405, 0x7520, 0x0427, + 0x77c8, 0x77c9, 0x046a, 0x05ac, 0x8627, 0x0818, 0x8c1e, 0x8d36, + 0x084c, 0x943d, 0x0996, 0x99d7, 0x0b4a, 0x9cad, 0x9e00, 0x0c81, + 0xa33a, 0x0c83, 0x0cf9, 0x0cf8, 0xa626, 0x0d8e, + /* 0x69 */ + 0x0d8f, 0x0dc1, 0xacb7, 0xacb6, 0xacc0, 0x0e70, 0xac9b, 0x0e71, + 0xb0d8, 0x0f2a, 0x0f2d, 0x0f7d, 0x3e32, 0x3e31, 0xb7c0, 0x104f, + 0xb7bf, 0xb9bf, 0x1090, 0xbf20, 0xbed0, 0xbf0e, 0x1179, 0xbf1d, + 0xbf1e, 0xbf15, 0xbf14, 0xc31e, 0xc32c, 0x1205, 0xc5b9, 0xc5b8, + 0xc5b6, 0xc69e, 0xc69c, 0xc74d, 0x46fd, 0xc96e, 0xc960, 0x1321, + 0xc964, 0xc962, 0xb0e5, 0x1332, 0xcda3, 0x13cd, 0x13cf, 0xd1d2, + 0xd1d5, 0x4d8e, 0x1516, 0x1515, 0x15b5, 0x1608, 0xde55, 0x1632, + 0xdf93, 0x1633, 0x1634, 0x163c, 0xe156, 0x54c2, 0xe1e9, 0x169c, + 0xe245, 0x16f4, 0x16f2, 0xe47c, 0x1762, 0xe5d3, 0x1761, 0x1764, + 0x17b5, 0x574b, 0x17b4, 0xe78e, 0xe897, 0x17e3, 0xe89b, 0xe899, + 0x581c, 0x180e, 0xe9cf, 0x581b, 0xea59, 0x182c, 0x182b, 0xeb20, + 0xeb23, 0xeb2a, 0x1885, 0x1881, 0x187e, 0x1883, + /* 0x6a */ + 0x1880, 0xecb0, 0x5942, 0xef2f, 0x5ad4, 0x18fb, 0x18f7, 0xef32, + 0xef43, 0xef3f, 0xef39, 0x18f8, 0xef30, 0xf0dd, 0xf1da, 0xf1db, + 0x195a, 0xf284, 0xf27f, 0xf272, 0xf280, 0xf2ee, 0x1978, 0xf32a, + 0xf322, 0xf371, 0xf3cd, 0x199d, 0x199c, 0xf40f, 0xf418, 0x606a, + 0x00a9, 0x00bf, 0x1ed0, 0x1ecf, 0x740c, 0x23da, 0x7ca6, 0x0677, + 0x0676, 0x8537, 0x06bb, 0x29ea, 0x8ee2, 0x099b, 0x96bc, 0x0a0f, + 0x0a5b, 0x9bd5, 0x0b4c, 0x0b6f, 0x0bd9, 0xa012, 0x0c82, 0xa34b, + 0xa341, 0xa3a1, 0xa4ec, 0x0e74, 0x0e72, 0xacd4, 0xacd8, 0xacd9, + 0x0e73, 0xacda, 0xae6c, 0xae6d, 0x0eb1, 0x0f2e, 0xb0e7, 0xb0eb, + 0xb0ec, 0xb162, 0x0f4e, 0xb42b, 0xb50d, 0xb7cd, 0xb9c3, 0xbf3f, + 0xbf3c, 0xbf3e, 0xbf3d, 0xbf3a, 0xbf38, 0xc344, 0xc345, 0x120b, + 0xc348, 0xc350, 0x126c, 0x4889, 0xc978, 0xc979, + /* 0x6b */ + 0x138b, 0xcc3e, 0x13d0, 0x142d, 0xd454, 0x14e4, 0x1571, 0xd9b9, + 0x5158, 0x156f, 0xde5f, 0x1687, 0x16a5, 0xe372, 0xe375, 0x171e, + 0x1765, 0x17b9, 0x17b7, 0x17b8, 0x17e4, 0xe8a3, 0xe8a5, 0xe9dc, + 0xe9dd, 0xea5a, 0x188c, 0x1889, 0x188a, 0xecdb, 0xecdc, 0x188b, + 0xefab, 0xef84, 0xef76, 0x1901, 0x18fe, 0x5ae7, 0x1903, 0x1906, + 0xef83, 0x5aea, 0x5af1, 0xf07f, 0x191d, 0x1943, 0xf173, 0xf1ad, + 0xf1b0, 0x194f, 0xf20f, 0xf20c, 0x195b, 0x1970, 0xf379, 0x1988, + 0xf377, 0xf37a, 0x1989, 0x5c44, 0xf432, 0xf427, 0xf42a, 0xf42c, + 0x5c6d, 0xf428, 0xf429, 0xf438, 0x642f, 0x6b7b, 0x740d, 0x23d9, + 0x77d6, 0x77d5, 0x83a1, 0x8c4c, 0x099e, 0x099f, 0x0aa7, 0x0b4b, + 0x0bdb, 0x0bda, 0xa0c0, 0x35d6, 0x0c8e, 0x0e76, 0xacf4, 0x0f30, + 0x0f2f, 0xb0f0, 0x0f66, 0xb23f, 0x117e, 0xc35d, + /* 0x6c */ + 0xc372, 0xc362, 0x453a, 0xc366, 0x4675, 0x126f, 0xc988, 0x13d1, + 0x142f, 0xcfe8, 0xcfe4, 0x14b2, 0x1518, 0x1517, 0xd6ff, 0x1576, + 0xdfaf, 0xdfae, 0x164f, 0x1689, 0xe1f2, 0xe248, 0xe381, 0xe37e, + 0x16f5, 0x171f, 0xe452, 0xe5ef, 0x575d, 0x17e5, 0xe8ad, 0xe9e6, + 0x1810, 0xe9ed, 0x180f, 0xe9e9, 0xea61, 0xea60, 0xeb33, 0x182f, + 0x1830, 0x5964, 0xed0b, 0xed08, 0x1893, 0x1894, 0xed07, 0x1907, + 0x1909, 0x1908, 0xefca, 0x190b, 0xefc6, 0x5b0a, 0xf084, 0xf0eb, + 0xf17d, 0x1950, 0x1971, 0xf29b, 0xf2a2, 0xf2a1, 0xf2a0, 0xf29c, + 0x197b, 0x197c, 0xf380, 0x5c73, 0xf440, 0x19a1, 0xf439, 0xf43c, + 0x19a0, 0x19a2, 0x64ca, 0x021b, 0x6b89, 0x0282, 0x853c, 0x8d40, + 0x9463, 0x9469, 0x0be9, 0xa353, 0x0c84, 0x35e1, 0xa817, 0xa81a, + 0xad00, 0x0eb3, 0x0f34, 0x0f33, 0x1180, 0xc36f, + /* 0x6d */ + 0xc6ab, 0x12ad, 0xc991, 0x1344, 0x1355, 0xcdb1, 0x13d2, 0xcfef, + 0xdbf1, 0xdbf2, 0xdfb7, 0xdfb5, 0x168a, 0xe386, 0xe45a, 0x1767, + 0xe7c6, 0xe7cb, 0x17e6, 0xe8b2, 0x1813, 0xe9f3, 0x582d, 0xed27, + 0x1897, 0x5b0c, 0xefd5, 0xefd8, 0x190c, 0xefec, 0xf087, 0xf0f2, + 0x1946, 0x195c, 0x1974, 0x1972, 0xf2ad, 0xf2b0, 0xf2fd, 0x5c1f, + 0xf387, 0xf44a, 0x19a4, 0x19a3, 0xf44e, 0xf449, 0xf451, 0xf44d, + 0x19b4, 0x6072, 0x0136, 0x7416, 0x8c6d, 0x8d41, 0x08b2, 0x9471, + 0x9474, 0x0b16, 0x3a70, 0x0e77, 0xae7c, 0x117f, 0xbf8a, 0xc756, + 0x147d, 0x5179, 0xd9fa, 0x544a, 0x168c, 0xe45b, 0x1768, 0x17be, + 0x1815, 0xeff5, 0xeff0, 0xf0f3, 0xf17f, 0xf213, 0x1975, 0x19a5, + 0x7419, 0x7f85, 0x83b0, 0x9477, 0xa4ff, 0x0e78, 0x0f35, 0x3c9d, + 0x1182, 0xbf87, 0x1183, 0xbf8b, 0x1271, 0xc99e, + /* 0x6e */ + 0x147e, 0x168e, 0xe38f, 0x5660, 0x1769, 0xe639, 0xe7d4, 0xe8f1, + 0xea02, 0xea6b, 0xeb40, 0x189a, 0x189b, 0xf010, 0xf2be, 0xf2b9, + 0x1990, 0xf464, 0x5c9e, 0x9be9, 0xbf90, 0x1186, 0x1185, 0xc01c, + 0x120e, 0xc392, 0xc6ae, 0xc9a3, 0x1519, 0xdfc9, 0x17c0, 0xe7d8, + 0xeb44, 0xf024, 0x5bf8, 0x5c3a, 0x5c7d, 0xf470, 0xf4d3, 0x0c0d, + 0x1816, 0xf2c3, 0x19a9, 0x19aa, 0x0c85, 0xad21, 0xb9ca, 0xc39c, + 0xea73, 0xf186, 0xf3c1, 0xea09, 0x5c96, 0xf4d5, 0x17c2, 0x1831, + 0x1911, 0x19ab, 0x189c, 0xdfd4, +}; + +static const ucs4_t cns11643_4b_2uni_upages[248] = { + 0x03400, 0x03500, 0x03600, 0x03700, 0x03800, 0x03900, 0x03a00, 0x03b00, + 0x03c00, 0x03d00, 0x03e00, 0x03f00, 0x04000, 0x04100, 0x04200, 0x04300, + 0x04400, 0x04500, 0x04600, 0x04700, 0x04800, 0x04900, 0x04a00, 0x04b00, + 0x04c00, 0x04d00, 0x05000, 0x05100, 0x05200, 0x05300, 0x05600, 0x05800, + 0x05900, 0x05b00, 0x05c00, 0x05d00, 0x05e00, 0x05f00, 0x06100, 0x06400, + 0x06500, 0x06600, 0x06900, 0x06a00, 0x06b00, 0x06f00, 0x07000, 0x07100, + 0x07200, 0x07300, 0x07400, 0x07500, 0x07600, 0x07700, 0x07800, 0x07900, + 0x07a00, 0x07b00, 0x07c00, 0x07d00, 0x07e00, 0x07f00, 0x08000, 0x08100, + 0x08200, 0x08400, 0x08500, 0x08600, 0x08700, 0x08800, 0x08900, 0x08a00, + 0x08b00, 0x08c00, 0x08d00, 0x08e00, 0x08f00, 0x09000, 0x09100, 0x09200, + 0x09300, 0x09400, 0x09500, 0x09600, 0x09700, 0x09800, 0x09900, 0x09a00, + 0x09b00, 0x09c00, 0x09d00, 0x09e00, 0x09f00, 0x0ff00, 0x20000, 0x20300, + 0x20400, 0x20500, 0x20600, 0x20700, 0x20800, 0x20900, 0x20a00, 0x20b00, + 0x20e00, 0x20f00, 0x21000, 0x21100, 0x21200, 0x21300, 0x21400, 0x21500, + 0x21600, 0x21800, 0x21900, 0x21a00, 0x21b00, 0x21c00, 0x21e00, 0x21f00, + 0x22100, 0x22200, 0x22300, 0x22400, 0x22500, 0x22700, 0x22800, 0x22900, + 0x22a00, 0x22c00, 0x22d00, 0x22e00, 0x22f00, 0x23000, 0x23100, 0x23200, + 0x23300, 0x23500, 0x23600, 0x23700, 0x23800, 0x23900, 0x23a00, 0x23b00, + 0x23c00, 0x23e00, 0x23f00, 0x24000, 0x24100, 0x24300, 0x24400, 0x24500, + 0x24600, 0x24800, 0x24900, 0x24a00, 0x24b00, 0x24c00, 0x24d00, 0x24e00, + 0x24f00, 0x25000, 0x25200, 0x25300, 0x25500, 0x25600, 0x25700, 0x25800, + 0x25900, 0x25a00, 0x25b00, 0x25c00, 0x25d00, 0x25e00, 0x25f00, 0x26000, + 0x26100, 0x26200, 0x26300, 0x26400, 0x26500, 0x26600, 0x26700, 0x26800, + 0x26900, 0x26a00, 0x26c00, 0x26d00, 0x26e00, 0x26f00, 0x27000, 0x27100, + 0x27200, 0x27300, 0x27400, 0x27500, 0x27600, 0x27700, 0x27800, 0x27900, + 0x27a00, 0x27b00, 0x27c00, 0x27d00, 0x27e00, 0x27f00, 0x28000, 0x28100, + 0x28200, 0x28300, 0x28400, 0x28500, 0x28600, 0x28700, 0x28800, 0x28900, + 0x28a00, 0x28b00, 0x28c00, 0x28d00, 0x28e00, 0x28f00, 0x29000, 0x29100, + 0x29200, 0x29300, 0x29400, 0x29500, 0x29600, 0x29700, 0x29800, 0x29900, + 0x29a00, 0x29b00, 0x29c00, 0x29d00, 0x29e00, 0x29f00, 0x2a000, 0x2a100, + 0x2a200, 0x2a300, 0x2a400, 0x2a500, 0x2a600, 0x2f800, 0x2f900, 0x2fa00, +}; + diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_5.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_5.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f0e5ebea9 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_5.h @@ -0,0 +1,1278 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CNS 11643-1992 plane 5 + */ + +static const unsigned short cns11643_5_2uni_page21[8603] = { + /* 0x21 */ + 0x3bd1, 0x3bcb, 0x3bc9, 0x3c0c, 0x3b00, 0x3b87, 0x3c0d, 0x3c0f, + 0xe21d, 0x5e98, 0x3bd2, 0x3c11, 0x3b7e, 0x45d3, 0x5052, 0x57fe, + 0x60a9, 0x7442, 0x3b09, 0x3bd6, 0x3fdd, 0x3fdc, 0x4002, 0x4073, + 0x4176, 0x41a7, 0x41a8, 0x4333, 0x43cc, 0x450d, 0x452c, 0x461b, + 0x015a, 0x461d, 0x4699, 0x4d3e, 0x582d, 0x582f, 0x5e99, 0x6eb3, + 0x74b6, 0x761b, 0x7fef, 0x83e9, 0x3b14, 0x3b94, 0x3be1, 0x4006, + 0x404a, 0x4044, 0x4131, 0x417a, 0x41ad, 0x41ae, 0x41b1, 0x4338, + 0x4337, 0x447d, 0x447e, 0x452d, 0x4532, 0x4623, 0x4626, 0xe23a, + 0x46a0, 0x51a8, 0x543f, 0x54bc, 0x56c4, 0x583b, 0x5b19, 0x5b18, + 0x5cb3, 0x5eaa, 0x5fbe, 0x60ac, 0x6525, 0x6566, 0x656b, 0x7443, + 0x74b5, 0x75ec, 0x7776, 0x08bc, 0x8114, 0x50dc, 0x821c, 0x821d, + 0x9fd0, 0xa112, 0xa5f3, 0xc169, 0x15b9, 0xc911, + /* 0x22 */ + 0xc915, 0xc910, 0xc913, 0x3ba4, 0x3ba5, 0x3cd0, 0x3cba, 0x3ccb, + 0x407b, 0x4186, 0x41bb, 0x41ba, 0x41c3, 0x41b9, 0x41c0, 0x00de, + 0x4339, 0x433b, 0x4341, 0x43d1, 0x43cf, 0x43d2, 0x442e, 0x446e, + 0x448c, 0x4488, 0x4535, 0x0143, 0x453a, 0x453b, 0x4538, 0x4539, + 0x462e, 0x462c, 0x46c8, 0x46b5, 0x46ad, 0x46b0, 0x46ab, 0x4cb3, + 0x4ca9, 0x51bb, 0x51b9, 0x565a, 0x56cd, 0x572b, 0x5805, 0x03ac, + 0x03aa, 0x5851, 0x584b, 0x5aea, 0x5aed, 0x5b36, 0x5b62, 0x5b56, + 0x5b55, 0x5b64, 0x5b58, 0x1c07, 0x5cda, 0x5cd8, 0x5ead, 0x5eab, + 0x5fc0, 0x5fc3, 0x60b3, 0x60b7, 0x60ba, 0x1dcb, 0x04fe, 0x60c7, + 0x60b5, 0x648e, 0x6573, 0x656c, 0x6574, 0xe2b4, 0x6572, 0x6571, + 0x6582, 0x6570, 0x6c3f, 0x6eba, 0x6eb8, 0x74b7, 0x8223, 0x8221, + 0x822b, 0x8226, 0x8222, 0x8825, 0x8be4, 0x8f15, + /* 0x23 */ + 0x9fe4, 0xa133, 0xa12a, 0xa132, 0xa129, 0xa5fb, 0xb45b, 0xb45c, + 0xb728, 0xc16f, 0xc16d, 0xc16b, 0xc16e, 0xc916, 0x3b22, 0x3c16, + 0x3c48, 0x3cd8, 0x3d00, 0x0041, 0x3f80, 0x3fe4, 0x00b4, 0x3fe7, + 0x400c, 0x4053, 0x40b7, 0x45e8, 0x41d1, 0x41e5, 0x41d8, 0x41d6, + 0x41da, 0x41d9, 0x41d5, 0x41e6, 0x41d4, 0x41d3, 0x4344, 0x43d6, + 0x43d7, 0x4413, 0x3afd, 0x4470, 0x4492, 0x44db, 0x44da, 0x4541, + 0x4543, 0x4633, 0x46f6, 0x46d4, 0x46dd, 0x46d0, 0x4704, 0x46d9, + 0x46db, 0x4705, 0x46d3, 0x46e1, 0x4d80, 0x4d77, 0x4d81, 0x4d82, + 0x4d83, 0xe25c, 0x5061, 0x5060, 0x51d8, 0x51d6, 0x51d7, 0x8105, + 0x544d, 0x5448, 0x56d6, 0x56cf, 0x56d9, 0x56d8, 0x573d, 0x03b3, + 0x5854, 0x585b, 0x585c, 0x03b4, 0x5859, 0x5858, 0x585a, 0x5855, + 0x5856, 0x5882, 0x5af0, 0x5b1c, 0x5b6a, 0x5b69, + /* 0x24 */ + 0x5b71, 0x5b67, 0x5b6c, 0x5b6e, 0x5b79, 0x5c8b, 0x5cb8, 0x5ce7, + 0x5ce8, 0x5ce4, 0x5ce6, 0x5ce5, 0x5cf0, 0x5e83, 0x5eb7, 0x5ebb, + 0x5eb9, 0x5ec5, 0x5f53, 0x5fc4, 0x5fc6, 0x5fcb, 0x60c8, 0xe29f, + 0x60c9, 0x60db, 0x6494, 0x6595, 0x6588, 0x658d, 0x69ec, 0x69ee, + 0x69f1, 0x6c2e, 0x6c49, 0x6e5f, 0x6ed1, 0x6ecb, 0x7385, 0x081d, + 0x744a, 0x7447, 0x744b, 0x74bb, 0x74c4, 0x087c, 0x7602, 0x7782, + 0x7791, 0x778f, 0x7792, 0x7c8f, 0x7c91, 0x7cb4, 0x7c92, 0x7ff4, + 0x80aa, 0x8235, 0x8237, 0x823d, 0x823c, 0x822f, 0x8230, 0x83f8, + 0x83ef, 0x8626, 0x0b55, 0x8826, 0x8827, 0x8a41, 0x8ac6, 0x8ac7, + 0x8beb, 0x8be8, 0x8bea, 0x8f1a, 0x8f19, 0x0d26, 0x9423, 0x9424, + 0x9925, 0xa135, 0xa134, 0xa507, 0xad1d, 0xb2e1, 0xb6ab, 0xbf60, + 0xc177, 0xc17d, 0x15bc, 0xc91e, 0xc91a, 0xc91d, + /* 0x25 */ + 0x3b6b, 0x3c2d, 0x3c4c, 0x3d2a, 0x004a, 0x3d15, 0x3d2c, 0x3d06, + 0x3d08, 0x3d0a, 0x004e, 0x4056, 0x4084, 0x00c9, 0x40c6, 0x41f5, + 0x4209, 0x41f8, 0x41e8, 0x41fb, 0x41e9, 0x41f6, 0x1ab7, 0x1ab8, + 0x4352, 0x1ab6, 0x1aba, 0x4354, 0x4351, 0x4439, 0x443a, 0x4498, + 0x454e, 0x017b, 0x4736, 0x470c, 0x4710, 0x4732, 0x4711, 0x4718, + 0x471c, 0x471a, 0x4719, 0x470b, 0x470f, 0x471d, 0x4721, 0x4713, + 0x471b, 0x4715, 0x0220, 0x4cd1, 0x4cc8, 0x4d8d, 0x4db5, 0x0289, + 0x0295, 0x50f8, 0x51e0, 0x51e1, 0x02be, 0x51de, 0x51fe, 0x51dc, + 0x5201, 0x51fd, 0x5200, 0x54d7, 0x54d6, 0x54d9, 0x5665, 0x56d2, + 0x56dc, 0x56e1, 0x56de, 0x5742, 0x574b, 0x03c3, 0x588e, 0x5891, + 0x588b, 0x5890, 0x5888, 0x5889, 0x5884, 0x58aa, 0x5b8d, 0x5b8f, + 0x5b7d, 0x5b7f, 0x5b7b, 0x5b80, 0x5b7e, 0x5b83, + /* 0x26 */ + 0x5b81, 0x5b86, 0x5b8a, 0x5cbd, 0x5cbe, 0x0477, 0x5cf4, 0x5cf3, + 0x5d02, 0x5cf6, 0x5cf5, 0x5cf2, 0x5d04, 0x5e3d, 0x5ec6, 0x5f89, + 0x5fd4, 0x5fd6, 0x5fd2, 0x60fa, 0x6106, 0x610c, 0x610a, 0x610f, + 0x652f, 0x05d4, 0x65b7, 0x65be, 0x65bc, 0x65e2, 0x6a06, 0x69f7, + 0x6a07, 0x69f6, 0x7635, 0x6c5f, 0x6c65, 0x6c64, 0x6c61, 0x6c5a, + 0x6c5d, 0xe2d7, 0x6ed7, 0x6ed5, 0x6ede, 0x6ee1, 0x6ee0, 0x6ed9, + 0x074c, 0x6eda, 0x6edf, 0x6ef6, 0x6f03, 0x0820, 0x7393, 0x738b, + 0x7391, 0x7392, 0x738a, 0x7389, 0x738f, 0x7456, 0x7459, 0x74ca, + 0x74cc, 0x085b, 0x74d0, 0x74cd, 0x74d6, 0x74cb, 0x7583, 0x7582, + 0x7606, 0x762a, 0x762c, 0x762b, 0x7629, 0x77bd, 0x77b3, 0x77be, + 0x77c0, 0x77b5, 0x77b6, 0x7c9d, 0x7c9f, 0x8120, 0x0a2d, 0x811e, + 0x811c, 0x8132, 0x811f, 0x812b, 0x8121, 0x8126, + /* 0x27 */ + 0x8124, 0x811d, 0x8127, 0x825b, 0x8259, 0x8280, 0x8255, 0x8250, + 0x825a, 0x8256, 0x8263, 0x8252, 0x8258, 0x0a63, 0x8239, 0x83f9, + 0x8628, 0x0b18, 0x86bc, 0x86d6, 0x8705, 0x8720, 0x0b74, 0x8833, + 0x8a46, 0x8a42, 0x8a43, 0x8a47, 0x8acb, 0x8b42, 0x8b45, 0x8bfd, + 0x8bf4, 0x8bf9, 0x8bfa, 0x8e5e, 0x8f1d, 0x0d28, 0x9258, 0x9255, + 0x9557, 0x9558, 0x95d9, 0x95dc, 0x95db, 0x9927, 0x9a85, 0x9a87, + 0x9a8a, 0x9d8b, 0x9e4f, 0xa030, 0xa02f, 0xa168, 0xa149, 0x0fda, + 0xa148, 0xa13f, 0xa14b, 0xa15c, 0xa146, 0xa140, 0xa50d, 0xa61b, + 0xa61d, 0xa617, 0x10a4, 0xa622, 0xb0a7, 0xb108, 0xb306, 0xbf7d, + 0x148e, 0xbf63, 0xbf64, 0xbf7f, 0xbf6b, 0xbf7c, 0xbf68, 0xbf65, + 0xbf6a, 0xc198, 0xc199, 0xc1ae, 0xc92b, 0xc92d, 0xc931, 0xc92e, + 0xc92f, 0x3b6d, 0x3c31, 0x3d2d, 0x3d39, 0x3d38, + /* 0x28 */ + 0x005b, 0x3d3a, 0x3d35, 0x3d62, 0x3fea, 0x3feb, 0x4015, 0x40cc, + 0x40c8, 0x40cd, 0x40db, 0x40cb, 0x4211, 0x4226, 0x4362, 0x435e, + 0x4361, 0x4441, 0x443f, 0x4475, 0x7465, 0x4649, 0x44eb, 0x451a, + 0x4557, 0x476b, 0x47a9, 0x4754, 0x4762, 0x47aa, 0x4758, 0x4772, + 0x4763, 0x4773, 0x478b, 0x478c, 0x475c, 0x4751, 0x4716, 0x4760, + 0x4761, 0x475e, 0x475d, 0x4764, 0x4753, 0x475f, 0x475b, 0x476e, + 0x4755, 0x4752, 0x4768, 0x4cd2, 0x4cd6, 0x4cd3, 0x4db8, 0x4dbb, + 0x4deb, 0x4de8, 0x4db6, 0x4dea, 0x4de7, 0x4de9, 0x5091, 0x5110, + 0x510e, 0x510f, 0x520b, 0x5203, 0x522b, 0x5209, 0x5228, 0x522c, + 0x5225, 0x5227, 0x520f, 0x54e9, 0x54ec, 0x0353, 0x5627, 0x5673, + 0x56e2, 0x56e6, 0xe276, 0x5761, 0x5751, 0x5812, 0x580e, 0x58ad, + 0x58af, 0x58b1, 0x58d3, 0x5b94, 0x5b92, 0x5b90, + /* 0x29 */ + 0x5b9d, 0x5b93, 0x5b95, 0x5b98, 0x5b97, 0x0480, 0xe28a, 0x5d07, + 0x5d0b, 0x5d08, 0x5ed9, 0x5ed5, 0x5fd7, 0x5fdf, 0x04dd, 0x5fde, + 0x5fe3, 0x5fe2, 0x04de, 0x6147, 0x0522, 0x613d, 0x6138, 0x6544, + 0x653a, 0x65b8, 0x662a, 0x6600, 0x65f3, 0x65f2, 0x65eb, 0x65fa, + 0x65ed, 0x65ec, 0x65ff, 0x65fb, 0x1f06, 0x664e, 0x65ef, 0x65f7, + 0x6a10, 0x6a11, 0x6a0c, 0x6a0b, 0x6bdd, 0x6c30, 0x06db, 0x6c7a, + 0x6c77, 0x6e28, 0x6e27, 0x6e65, 0x6f0e, 0x6f0b, 0x6f41, 0x6f13, + 0x6f0f, 0x6f12, 0x6f30, 0x73a0, 0x73a3, 0x739e, 0x7397, 0x73a1, + 0x739d, 0x739b, 0x7463, 0x74e3, 0x74e4, 0x74e6, 0x74e7, 0x74dd, + 0x2185, 0x74ec, 0x74e5, 0x74f1, 0x763b, 0x7639, 0x763a, 0x763c, + 0x763d, 0x7647, 0x763f, 0x7644, 0x7748, 0x7749, 0x7760, 0x77e3, + 0x77e9, 0x77f0, 0x08da, 0x08db, 0x77f2, 0x77ed, + /* 0x2a */ + 0x77ec, 0x77e6, 0x7816, 0x08d7, 0x7cbc, 0x7cbe, 0x7cc0, 0x7ce0, + 0x8000, 0x8002, 0x7ffe, 0x805e, 0x80b3, 0x80b7, 0x813a, 0x8139, + 0x813e, 0x8138, 0x813d, 0x814f, 0x826e, 0x825f, 0x8281, 0x8282, + 0x8271, 0x827b, 0x8279, 0x8277, 0x8273, 0x826f, 0x8297, 0x827e, + 0x83fc, 0x8411, 0x8432, 0x8431, 0x8410, 0x85ec, 0x85eb, 0x862c, + 0x862d, 0x86da, 0x872e, 0x872c, 0x872a, 0x8733, 0x874b, 0x8818, + 0x8842, 0x883b, 0x883f, 0x8841, 0x8843, 0x883c, 0x8a4c, 0x8a4a, + 0x8a49, 0x8a56, 0x8acf, 0x8b47, 0x8b48, 0x8b46, 0x8c1b, 0x8c11, + 0x8c14, 0x8c1d, 0x8c17, 0x8c1e, 0x8c0b, 0x8c1c, 0x8c12, 0x8c16, + 0x8c0d, 0x8c15, 0x8c13, 0x8c18, 0x0c1a, 0x8eac, 0x8f44, 0x8f2c, + 0x8f45, 0x9266, 0x926e, 0x9265, 0x9268, 0x9284, 0x9438, 0x943b, + 0x943a, 0x943f, 0x95df, 0x95dd, 0x95de, 0x95e2, + /* 0x2b */ + 0x0dd6, 0x992c, 0x992f, 0x9a8f, 0x9a90, 0x9a8c, 0x9a93, 0x9d25, + 0x9d88, 0x9da7, 0x9ef7, 0x9fbb, 0xa038, 0xa039, 0xa037, 0xa114, + 0xa16e, 0xa17b, 0x0fde, 0xa16c, 0xa17f, 0xa178, 0xa17a, 0xa16f, + 0x0fe5, 0xa3fe, 0xa648, 0xa64b, 0xa641, 0xa649, 0xa63b, 0xad2d, + 0xb0e3, 0xb11a, 0xb10d, 0xb113, 0xb111, 0xb11c, 0x1272, 0xb3b5, + 0x12af, 0xb729, 0xb7a1, 0xb824, 0xbabb, 0xbda1, 0xbf83, 0xbf8d, + 0xbf87, 0xbf85, 0xbf8a, 0xbfa3, 0xbf89, 0xbf84, 0xbfa2, 0xc1b1, + 0xc1b0, 0xc1af, 0xc1b6, 0xc1c9, 0xc1ca, 0xc1c8, 0xc1b4, 0xc759, + 0xc7c9, 0xc941, 0xc94c, 0x15c4, 0xc945, 0xc95a, 0x3bb9, 0x3d94, + 0x3d6e, 0x3da2, 0x3d67, 0x0063, 0x3da3, 0x3d76, 0x3d6c, 0x3d64, + 0x3da5, 0x3d30, 0x3da6, 0x3d69, 0x3da4, 0x3f90, 0x405f, 0x4060, + 0x40da, 0x40d8, 0x40dd, 0x00ec, 0x4259, 0x425b, + /* 0x2c */ + 0x425a, 0x4239, 0x4234, 0x4244, 0x4233, 0x423c, 0x4258, 0x426a, + 0x436f, 0x4372, 0x4370, 0x4371, 0x436e, 0x43f0, 0x43eb, 0x4449, + 0x444c, 0x44f5, 0x4520, 0x456a, 0x4572, 0x464b, 0x465d, 0x4750, + 0x47f9, 0x47fa, 0x47fb, 0x4823, 0x47b7, 0x4822, 0x47b5, 0x47c4, + 0x47b4, 0x47ef, 0x0198, 0x47cd, 0x47f0, 0x47b8, 0x47cb, 0x47f1, + 0x47ba, 0x4803, 0x47f8, 0x47b6, 0x47bc, 0x47b3, 0x4821, 0x47f7, + 0x47c2, 0x47be, 0x47c9, 0x47bd, 0x47ce, 0x47b9, 0x47c7, 0x47ca, + 0x47cc, 0x4826, 0x4ce4, 0x4ce0, 0x4cf0, 0x4dec, 0x4e24, 0x4e18, + 0x4e2f, 0x4e25, 0x5028, 0x5022, 0x506a, 0x3c57, 0x5094, 0x5092, + 0x509c, 0x5122, 0x5130, 0x511d, 0x5123, 0x5235, 0x5233, 0x522f, + 0x524d, 0x5231, 0x525b, 0x525a, 0x5232, 0x525c, 0x5259, 0x525d, + 0x5469, 0x546d, 0x5d32, 0x0358, 0x550a, 0x5520, + /* 0x2d */ + 0x551f, 0x550d, 0x56e8, 0x56ec, 0x5777, 0x5770, 0x5771, 0x58f8, + 0x58d6, 0x58d9, 0x58de, 0x58d5, 0x58e1, 0x03d3, 0x58e2, 0x58dd, + 0x58e0, 0x590e, 0x5908, 0x58dc, 0x590a, 0x590c, 0x5bb4, 0x5bb1, + 0x5bb6, 0x5bbc, 0x5d1d, 0x5d24, 0x5d19, 0x5d1b, 0x5d22, 0x5d1a, + 0x5d1c, 0x5d21, 0x5ee6, 0x5ee4, 0x5ee7, 0x5eea, 0x04e2, 0xe29b, + 0x5ff0, 0x5ff5, 0x5fef, 0x6142, 0x616e, 0x613c, 0x6197, 0x618c, + 0x6181, 0x6171, 0x61ce, 0x61ba, 0x617a, 0x617e, 0x0554, 0x6172, + 0x61bb, 0x052f, 0x6173, 0x6182, 0x05b6, 0x64ba, 0x64b8, 0x654b, + 0x6548, 0x662b, 0x65f4, 0x662c, 0x6642, 0x6648, 0x6644, 0x6645, + 0x663c, 0x6637, 0x6633, 0x6641, 0x6632, 0x6687, 0x6a27, 0x6a23, + 0x6a2d, 0x6a1f, 0x6a2c, 0x6a28, 0x6b75, 0x6b74, 0x6be7, 0x6c32, + 0x6c31, 0x6c99, 0x6c96, 0x6c98, 0x6c9d, 0x6c92, + /* 0x2e */ + 0x6c94, 0x6c95, 0x6c97, 0xa1b9, 0x0735, 0x6f11, 0x6f3b, 0x6f79, + 0x6f42, 0x6f43, 0x075d, 0x6f78, 0x73ac, 0x0829, 0x73b1, 0x73b4, + 0x73b3, 0x73af, 0x73aa, 0x73b2, 0x7468, 0x74f2, 0x74fe, 0x74f8, + 0x74f9, 0x74ff, 0x74f5, 0x74f7, 0x74fd, 0x7500, 0x7588, 0x766e, + 0x765d, 0x7663, 0x7660, 0x7761, 0x7837, 0x7871, 0x7823, 0x7822, + 0x781f, 0x7825, 0x7cfd, 0x7d11, 0x7d23, 0x7cf0, 0x7cef, 0x800e, + 0x800c, 0x80ba, 0x0a1f, 0x8152, 0x8155, 0x8153, 0x8154, 0x8151, + 0x8158, 0x82b0, 0x829f, 0x0a72, 0x82a1, 0x829a, 0x82be, 0x82a0, + 0x8437, 0x0b0b, 0x85f1, 0x85f2, 0x8634, 0x8637, 0x8635, 0x5e8c, + 0x86df, 0x874c, 0x874e, 0x8764, 0x8763, 0x8736, 0x8858, 0x8868, + 0x885b, 0x885f, 0x8859, 0x8865, 0x8860, 0x885e, 0x8ad5, 0x8ad6, + 0x8b4e, 0x8b52, 0x8c35, 0x8c39, 0x8c58, 0x8c41, + /* 0x2f */ + 0x8c57, 0x8c38, 0x8c3d, 0x8c32, 0x8c44, 0xe344, 0x8e63, 0x8e62, + 0x8eb8, 0x8eb0, 0x8eb1, 0x8f4d, 0x8f63, 0x8f70, 0x8f4b, 0x8f4f, + 0x8f4e, 0x8f53, 0x8f47, 0x0ca2, 0x8f54, 0x8f52, 0x8f59, 0x8f7e, + 0x912b, 0x912e, 0x927f, 0x927e, 0x9281, 0x9283, 0x9447, 0x9454, + 0x944d, 0x944c, 0x944b, 0x9457, 0x9565, 0x9564, 0x9561, 0x9562, + 0x95f0, 0x95f3, 0x95f9, 0x95f4, 0x95f5, 0x95ef, 0x95f8, 0x95fc, + 0x95f7, 0x95fd, 0x9617, 0x9934, 0x9936, 0x9938, 0x9aaf, 0x9aae, + 0x9aac, 0x9aa2, 0x9d28, 0x69c2, 0x9d9c, 0x9db3, 0x9d90, 0x9f06, + 0x9f04, 0x9f0b, 0x9f05, 0xa040, 0xa04f, 0xa1ab, 0xa19d, 0xa1b8, + 0xa1b2, 0xa1d2, 0xa1cf, 0xa1a2, 0x0fec, 0xa1a5, 0xa1a9, 0xa1a7, + 0xa1d0, 0xa402, 0xa4cf, 0xa4d0, 0xa516, 0xa519, 0xa675, 0xa671, + 0xa691, 0xa672, 0xa68e, 0xa66d, 0xa688, 0xa673, + /* 0x30 */ + 0x10bb, 0xa681, 0xa676, 0xa67b, 0xa67f, 0xa690, 0xa678, 0xad4b, + 0xad48, 0xad5b, 0xad51, 0xad3d, 0xad40, 0xad46, 0xad4d, 0xad3b, + 0xad4a, 0xad41, 0xad3e, 0xad4e, 0xb0ac, 0xb0e6, 0xb0e9, 0xb129, + 0x1221, 0xb133, 0xb12e, 0xb11e, 0x121f, 0xe3c5, 0xb122, 0xb127, + 0xb2e7, 0xb30b, 0xb466, 0xb6ad, 0xb6ae, 0x3038, 0xb72b, 0xb72a, + 0xb82c, 0xb82d, 0x1391, 0x1396, 0xb98f, 0xb993, 0xbac6, 0xbac5, + 0xbd15, 0xbd13, 0xbdb1, 0xbda9, 0x31ce, 0xbfa8, 0xbfab, 0xbfbe, + 0xbfac, 0xbfa9, 0xbfa6, 0xbfc1, 0xc1cc, 0xc1d1, 0xc1d3, 0xc1e4, + 0xc1cb, 0xc1e1, 0xc1d2, 0xc1e3, 0xc1cf, 0xc1d0, 0xc1e5, 0xc20e, + 0xc7cc, 0xc7ca, 0xc7cb, 0xc95c, 0xc961, 0xc95d, 0xc959, 0xcb77, + 0xd184, 0x3b41, 0x3bfd, 0x3c1a, 0x3c63, 0x3db6, 0x3db2, 0x3de9, + 0x3de7, 0x3dd6, 0x3e30, 0x3dec, 0x3ddd, 0x3de8, + /* 0x31 */ + 0x3db0, 0x3db5, 0x3de1, 0x3f98, 0x3f99, 0x00bc, 0x4093, 0x40e5, + 0x00d8, 0x4260, 0x425e, 0x00f4, 0x437b, 0x43f1, 0x43f3, 0x457f, + 0xe238, 0x4657, 0x4658, 0x4839, 0x48a7, 0x4835, 0x4860, 0x4851, + 0x4862, 0x4842, 0x483c, 0x4843, 0x48ab, 0x48a9, 0x48b4, 0x4879, + 0x486a, 0x483b, 0x48aa, 0x4833, 0x4837, 0x4827, 0x48a8, 0x4870, + 0x482f, 0x4836, 0x48b5, 0x4830, 0x483a, 0x4838, 0x48b1, 0x48ac, + 0x482e, 0x4875, 0x48b0, 0x4cf7, 0x4d00, 0x4cf1, 0x4cf3, 0x4e60, + 0x4e61, 0x4e32, 0x4e2d, 0x4e4a, 0x4e2a, 0x5067, 0x50a2, 0x50a3, + 0x509e, 0x50a4, 0x5144, 0x5132, 0x529b, 0x5298, 0x5299, 0x529a, + 0x5266, 0x5262, 0x526b, 0x8062, 0x5267, 0x553b, 0x5523, 0x5529, + 0x567e, 0x56f3, 0x0385, 0x56f5, 0x0383, 0x5780, 0x577e, 0x577c, + 0x577f, 0x577d, 0x5781, 0x5925, 0x5929, 0x5917, + /* 0x32 */ + 0x5963, 0x5967, 0x5965, 0x592a, 0x5968, 0x5926, 0x5964, 0x591b, + 0x5962, 0x5969, 0x5afe, 0x5b44, 0x5b42, 0x5bb7, 0x5bd2, 0x5bd4, + 0x5bd7, 0x5bdc, 0x5bd1, 0x5bd5, 0x5bcd, 0x5bd8, 0x5c9a, 0x5d42, + 0x5d35, 0x5d58, 0x5d34, 0x5d3c, 0x5d3b, 0x5d3e, 0x5d3d, 0x5d5a, + 0x5d41, 0x5d38, 0x5d45, 0x5d33, 0x5e26, 0x04ba, 0x5ef7, 0x5eef, + 0x5ef0, 0x5eee, 0x5f9d, 0x6006, 0x6011, 0x6008, 0x6002, 0x600a, + 0x6007, 0x6191, 0x618e, 0x6185, 0x61e8, 0x6217, 0x61d4, 0x0569, + 0x61c4, 0x61d5, 0x0545, 0x61d8, 0x6180, 0x61de, 0x6242, 0x64c7, + 0x64bf, 0x668d, 0x6689, 0x6690, 0x669a, 0x66c8, 0x6692, 0x66a1, + 0x6684, 0x6a57, 0x6a47, 0x6a77, 0x6a3a, 0x6a50, 0x6a42, 0x6a43, + 0x6aa3, 0x6b77, 0x6cb2, 0x6ce2, 0x6cbd, 0x6e74, 0x6f82, 0x6fb8, + 0x076c, 0x6fba, 0x6fb9, 0x6fbb, 0x6f87, 0xe2e4, + /* 0x33 */ + 0x6f83, 0x6fb7, 0x3b43, 0x73ce, 0x73ba, 0x7473, 0x7509, 0x750a, + 0x750b, 0x7507, 0x7505, 0x750e, 0x7597, 0x7677, 0x767b, 0x767a, + 0x7674, 0x7679, 0x7886, 0x78f5, 0x78a5, 0x789d, 0x78be, 0x7896, + 0x78e1, 0x78a4, 0x78a1, 0x78f6, 0x0904, 0x788d, 0x788b, 0x7878, + 0x7898, 0x790a, 0x7d5d, 0x7d27, 0x7d5f, 0x80c0, 0x80c1, 0x816d, + 0x815e, 0x818a, 0x8162, 0x8164, 0x0a3a, 0x82c0, 0x82ca, 0x82d1, + 0x0a79, 0x82c7, 0x82ce, 0x2309, 0x82c5, 0x8436, 0x8457, 0x8477, + 0x85f6, 0x85f7, 0x8655, 0x8644, 0x863e, 0x8642, 0x8652, 0x86e1, + 0x8708, 0x8768, 0x8767, 0x0b5d, 0xe337, 0x887e, 0x8893, 0x8879, + 0x8881, 0x887d, 0x887b, 0x8894, 0x0b8a, 0x8a66, 0x8ad9, 0x8ae0, + 0xe33e, 0x8b5f, 0x8c5f, 0x8c5e, 0x8c68, 0x0c27, 0x8c88, 0x8c6a, + 0x8c6c, 0x8c66, 0x8c67, 0x8c89, 0x8c60, 0x8c85, + /* 0x34 */ + 0x3e2a, 0x8e68, 0x8eb9, 0x8eba, 0x8ebe, 0x8f6f, 0x8f80, 0x8f74, + 0x8f81, 0x8f7a, 0x8f9c, 0x8f73, 0x8f82, 0x8f7f, 0x8fa7, 0x8f79, + 0x8f78, 0x8f7d, 0x8fa8, 0x8f7c, 0x9168, 0x914e, 0x929e, 0x0d46, + 0x0d40, 0x9298, 0x0d3f, 0x9285, 0x929c, 0x92c5, 0x929a, 0x9468, + 0x9465, 0x9467, 0x9461, 0x9460, 0x0d9d, 0x0dcb, 0x957b, 0x0de1, + 0x9619, 0x960e, 0x9631, 0x9612, 0x9610, 0x9615, 0x963f, 0x961d, + 0x961e, 0x994d, 0x9948, 0x9945, 0x9942, 0x9949, 0x994a, 0x9947, + 0x0e7f, 0x994c, 0x9acd, 0x9ad5, 0x9ac4, 0x9aca, 0x9ac3, 0x0f46, + 0x9d29, 0x9db4, 0x9e6d, 0x9e66, 0x9e6a, 0x9f15, 0x9fd3, 0x9fec, + 0xa055, 0x101a, 0xa1d6, 0xa1d8, 0xa251, 0xa1e0, 0xa203, 0xa204, + 0xa1da, 0xa1ea, 0xa202, 0xa1d3, 0xa1e4, 0xa1e5, 0xa43b, 0xa466, + 0xa52c, 0xa521, 0xa526, 0xa5d4, 0xa5d5, 0xa5d9, + /* 0x35 */ + 0xa6d5, 0xa6eb, 0xa6c5, 0x10d3, 0xa727, 0xa6f0, 0xa6b9, 0xa718, + 0xa6ee, 0x10d0, 0xa6b7, 0xa6bb, 0xa6ef, 0xa6b8, 0xa6df, 0xa6da, + 0xa6e3, 0xa6c9, 0xa6ec, 0xaca4, 0x118e, 0xaca3, 0xad5e, 0xad61, + 0xad62, 0xad63, 0xad8e, 0xad69, 0xad6b, 0xad85, 0xad8d, 0xad64, + 0xad6d, 0xb14c, 0xb149, 0xb147, 0xb148, 0xb142, 0xb145, 0xb15b, + 0xb15d, 0xb146, 0xb313, 0xb31a, 0xb30e, 0xb30f, 0xb31b, 0xb312, + 0xb3c3, 0xb3be, 0xb3bd, 0xb479, 0xb47c, 0x12c3, 0x12b6, 0xb480, + 0xb475, 0xb49b, 0x2f2f, 0xb474, 0x12c0, 0x12b8, 0x5b41, 0x5f94, + 0xb730, 0xb7a7, 0xb7a5, 0xb7a4, 0xb83a, 0xb95b, 0xb99f, 0xb9a8, + 0xb9b3, 0xb9a1, 0xb9a7, 0xb9b2, 0xb99d, 0xb9a3, 0xb9a2, 0xbaef, + 0xbad9, 0x13d9, 0xbad5, 0xbadd, 0xbada, 0xbaee, 0xbad7, 0xbd1a, + 0xbd19, 0xbd18, 0xbdb3, 0xbdbf, 0xbdbb, 0xbdc0, + /* 0x36 */ + 0xbdb9, 0xbdb8, 0xbdd5, 0xbf11, 0xbf10, 0xbfc3, 0xbfc2, 0xbfe9, + 0xbfcd, 0xbfe5, 0xbfca, 0xbfc7, 0xbfe8, 0xc1f1, 0xc20c, 0xc1ef, + 0xc1ee, 0xc1f3, 0xc20d, 0xc1f6, 0xc1f0, 0x14ec, 0xc2f5, 0xc2f4, + 0xc2f8, 0xc2fe, 0xc411, 0xc422, 0xc442, 0xc75c, 0xc75a, 0xc75d, + 0xc7d1, 0xc7d0, 0xc975, 0xc97b, 0xca89, 0xcf4d, 0xd189, 0xd192, + 0xd18c, 0xd188, 0xd367, 0xd368, 0x3e21, 0x3df2, 0x3e09, 0x3df8, + 0x3df0, 0x3df3, 0x3df5, 0x3dfb, 0x3df7, 0x3def, 0x3e0b, 0x3fa2, + 0x40f5, 0x40f3, 0x40f4, 0x40f2, 0x4198, 0x4268, 0x4280, 0x4285, + 0x428e, 0x428f, 0x3df4, 0x4286, 0x42a4, 0x4386, 0x4389, 0x4387, + 0x4385, 0x1adc, 0x4388, 0x45ff, 0x4666, 0x01cc, 0x48c3, 0x01a2, + 0x48c4, 0x493b, 0x48e7, 0x48f8, 0x48fb, 0x01b6, 0x48be, 0x48c6, + 0x01c5, 0x01c6, 0x48fc, 0x48c0, 0x4933, 0x48c9, + /* 0x37 */ + 0x48fe, 0x48da, 0x48cc, 0x48bb, 0x48fd, 0x48df, 0x48cd, 0x48c2, + 0x48c8, 0x4932, 0x492d, 0x48d2, 0x4931, 0x48d3, 0x492e, 0x48cf, + 0x4cff, 0x4d09, 0x4cfc, 0x4e72, 0x4eaa, 0x4eab, 0x4ea7, 0x4e7b, + 0x4e76, 0x4ea8, 0x4eac, 0x0283, 0x1b21, 0x50aa, 0x4503, 0x50ac, + 0x50ad, 0x50ab, 0x5150, 0x5158, 0x52dd, 0x02f8, 0x52ae, 0x52a2, + 0x52ab, 0x52e3, 0x52af, 0x52e0, 0x52e4, 0x02f6, 0x52a7, 0x52aa, + 0x52e2, 0x52e1, 0x52df, 0x52ad, 0x52e5, 0x52d1, 0x52ac, 0x52d5, + 0x52a3, 0x529f, 0x5479, 0x5476, 0x5543, 0x553d, 0x5547, 0x5544, + 0x553f, 0x555b, 0x567f, 0x579a, 0x579c, 0x039b, 0x581e, 0x5988, + 0x596a, 0x5976, 0x5972, 0x5970, 0x597e, 0x596c, 0x596f, 0x5975, + 0x5977, 0x5978, 0x598a, 0x5979, 0x5994, 0x5b01, 0x5c05, 0x5bf1, + 0x5bee, 0x5bef, 0x5c04, 0x1c3f, 0x5bfa, 0x5c07, + /* 0x38 */ + 0x5bf4, 0x5bf5, 0x5c9c, 0x5d6d, 0x5d69, 0x5d66, 0x5d62, 0x5d46, + 0x048d, 0x5d65, 0x5d5d, 0x5d5e, 0x5d5f, 0x5e8e, 0x5f02, 0x5f06, + 0x5f04, 0x5f03, 0x5f62, 0x6027, 0x6021, 0x6020, 0x6024, 0x6029, + 0x6031, 0x6023, 0x6022, 0x61dc, 0x624d, 0x61e5, 0x61d3, 0x61ee, + 0x61e6, 0x0556, 0x6236, 0x6240, 0x633f, 0x623d, 0x6244, 0x055b, + 0x625f, 0x6229, 0x6249, 0x628a, 0x622a, 0x6287, 0x624c, 0x6231, + 0x6248, 0x622b, 0x623b, 0x6241, 0x61c9, 0x6234, 0x6253, 0x6235, + 0x6247, 0x6238, 0x64d1, 0x64d2, 0x6551, 0x6555, 0x6552, 0x6553, + 0x668f, 0x66f4, 0x6747, 0x670d, 0x671c, 0x66fb, 0x6719, 0x66f7, + 0x66f9, 0x66f5, 0x66e9, 0x670a, 0x66ee, 0x670b, 0x66fd, 0x6706, + 0x6702, 0x6716, 0x6718, 0x66f0, 0x69d4, 0x6a66, 0x6a6a, 0x6a75, + 0x6a76, 0x6a80, 0x6a6d, 0x0696, 0x6a69, 0x6a67, + /* 0x39 */ + 0x6a68, 0x6a5d, 0x6ba4, 0x6bfe, 0x6bfd, 0x6cec, 0x6ce9, 0x6d21, + 0x6ceb, 0x6ce7, 0x6cf2, 0x6d20, 0x6e7a, 0x702d, 0x702e, 0x6fca, + 0x702f, 0x6fc8, 0x077e, 0x6fcb, 0x6fc3, 0x6f84, 0x6fd2, 0x6fc6, + 0x0781, 0x6fcf, 0x6fd5, 0x6fd4, 0x6fdd, 0x702b, 0x70a3, 0x6fdb, + 0x702c, 0x7013, 0x0835, 0x73d1, 0x73cc, 0x73d5, 0x73c9, 0x73cf, + 0x73d2, 0x747b, 0x747c, 0x7523, 0x751d, 0x751c, 0x751e, 0x7522, + 0x7524, 0x7520, 0x7518, 0x7521, 0x7688, 0x768a, 0x7694, 0x768f, + 0x768e, 0x7690, 0x089b, 0x76a7, 0x7764, 0x0900, 0x7918, 0x7914, + 0x791d, 0x7905, 0x78ff, 0x791b, 0x791a, 0x7919, 0x7903, 0x790e, + 0x7947, 0x7904, 0x795a, 0x7907, 0x7920, 0x7d6a, 0x7d66, 0x7d7a, + 0x7d65, 0x7daf, 0x80cd, 0x80cf, 0x80d1, 0x80ce, 0x815f, 0x8177, + 0x8174, 0x8188, 0x8175, 0x8189, 0x8172, 0x82c6, + /* 0x3a */ + 0x82ea, 0x82e0, 0x8307, 0x82e6, 0x82e5, 0x82dd, 0x82e3, 0x82da, + 0x84ae, 0x847e, 0x847d, 0x847f, 0x0ad3, 0x84d9, 0x85fa, 0x85fb, + 0x864d, 0x8654, 0x8651, 0x8650, 0x8898, 0x8895, 0x889d, 0x88c1, + 0x889a, 0x889b, 0x0b9f, 0x889c, 0x88d7, 0x88a4, 0x8896, 0x88a0, + 0x8a31, 0x8ae9, 0x8b6e, 0x8c9a, 0x8ca5, 0x8c94, 0x8ca6, 0x8c99, + 0x8c8b, 0x8c98, 0x8c91, 0x8c8c, 0x8ca1, 0x8ca3, 0x8cc6, 0x8e6f, + 0x8e6d, 0x8e6a, 0x8e6c, 0x8e71, 0x8e6e, 0x8edf, 0x8fac, 0x8faa, + 0x0cb1, 0x8fb5, 0x8fad, 0x8fb2, 0x8fb3, 0x8fab, 0x8fb6, 0x8fc7, + 0x8fc6, 0x916c, 0x9170, 0x92b3, 0x0d4b, 0x948c, 0x9481, 0x9483, + 0x947d, 0x9485, 0x9490, 0x94a2, 0x948d, 0x948f, 0x947e, 0x948a, + 0x947f, 0x9476, 0x9487, 0x9478, 0x9580, 0x9582, 0x9581, 0x9583, + 0x965a, 0x9634, 0x962c, 0x962a, 0x9640, 0x962d, + /* 0x3b */ + 0x9633, 0x962b, 0x964b, 0x283f, 0x963c, 0x995a, 0x9977, 0x9960, + 0x9afa, 0x9af9, 0x9afc, 0x0ed6, 0x9af5, 0x9ae8, 0x9b09, 0x9ae7, + 0x9ae6, 0x9ae9, 0x9d32, 0x9d2c, 0x9dbd, 0x9dbc, 0x9e7a, 0x9e7e, + 0x9e79, 0x0f89, 0x9f23, 0x9f30, 0x9f28, 0x9fd4, 0xa5ce, 0x9ff1, + 0x9ff0, 0xa060, 0xa065, 0xa1a8, 0xa20a, 0xa21b, 0xa212, 0xa207, + 0xa24f, 0xa20e, 0xa252, 0xa216, 0x1000, 0xa253, 0xa254, 0xe384, + 0xa256, 0xa46d, 0xa472, 0xa52f, 0xa72a, 0x10dc, 0xa763, 0xa784, + 0xa7af, 0xa745, 0xa770, 0xa756, 0xa716, 0xa73d, 0xa738, 0xa76f, + 0xa777, 0xa72e, 0xa731, 0xa74c, 0xa75f, 0xa775, 0xa739, 0xa73a, + 0xa72c, 0xa72d, 0xa73f, 0xa72f, 0xa730, 0xa73e, 0x2ad0, 0x1190, + 0xacb2, 0xadb7, 0xad8f, 0x11b1, 0xad96, 0xad9e, 0xad97, 0xad95, + 0xada5, 0xad98, 0x2be7, 0xada3, 0xad9a, 0xadad, + /* 0x3c */ + 0xada6, 0xadb6, 0xad99, 0xadaf, 0xadac, 0x11aa, 0xad9f, 0xad94, + 0xb0eb, 0xb16f, 0xb16d, 0xb17e, 0xb16c, 0xb161, 0xb163, 0xb16b, + 0xb15e, 0xb13e, 0xb164, 0xb1ad, 0x127d, 0xb320, 0xb3d1, 0xb3d5, + 0xb4ae, 0xb4af, 0xb49f, 0xb4a8, 0xb4ca, 0xb6e1, 0xb739, 0xb738, + 0xb73b, 0xb7ad, 0xb7b5, 0xb7af, 0xb7b1, 0xb7ae, 0xb7b4, 0xb7b0, + 0xb84b, 0xb851, 0xb84c, 0x1369, 0xb860, 0xb9be, 0xb9b9, 0xb9b7, + 0xb9b6, 0x13a1, 0xb9bd, 0xb9b8, 0xb9c1, 0xbaf7, 0xbaf3, 0xbaf4, + 0xbafb, 0xbafd, 0xbaf5, 0x13e7, 0xbafa, 0xbb14, 0x13ec, 0xbaf2, + 0xbafc, 0xbb00, 0x13df, 0xbd2b, 0xbd29, 0xbd2e, 0x1433, 0xbdd7, + 0xbddb, 0xbdd9, 0xbdd8, 0xbde6, 0xbdd6, 0xbdd1, 0xbde7, 0xbdd0, + 0xbddc, 0xbfed, 0xc01a, 0xc019, 0xc016, 0xbfec, 0xbfef, 0xbfee, + 0xbff4, 0xc02f, 0xc230, 0xc219, 0xc218, 0xc211, + /* 0x3d */ + 0xc216, 0xc212, 0xc210, 0xc214, 0xc30c, 0xc30d, 0xc410, 0xc429, + 0xc428, 0xc765, 0xc766, 0xc7de, 0xc7df, 0xc7e0, 0xc7d9, 0xc7db, + 0xc7d8, 0xc7e3, 0xc7d7, 0xc9a6, 0xc9a7, 0xc9bf, 0xc9a8, 0xc99f, + 0xc9a1, 0xc9a2, 0xc9ad, 0xc9a3, 0xc9a0, 0xcb83, 0xcb85, 0xcb82, + 0xcb84, 0xccee, 0xcd5d, 0xce92, 0xcf55, 0xcf53, 0xe3fc, 0xcf51, + 0xcf52, 0xcf50, 0xd09d, 0xd187, 0xd197, 0xd19b, 0xd19d, 0xd369, + 0xd511, 0x17ee, 0xd77a, 0x1832, 0x6d44, 0x3bc6, 0x3e40, 0x3e2e, + 0x3e68, 0x3e2d, 0x3e34, 0x3e32, 0x3e69, 0x3e31, 0x3e6a, 0x3e3e, + 0x3e6f, 0x3e75, 0x3ff6, 0x4020, 0x4028, 0x4067, 0x40fb, 0x40fe, + 0x40fc, 0x40fd, 0x40ff, 0x40fa, 0x42ac, 0x42af, 0x42b1, 0x00fc, + 0x42bf, 0x42be, 0x42a7, 0x42aa, 0x4394, 0x4393, 0x4399, 0x012a, + 0x43fa, 0x4456, 0x4522, 0x4591, 0x4592, 0x4608, + /* 0x3e */ + 0x4606, 0x48d6, 0x4937, 0x494b, 0x49ce, 0x49d0, 0x4939, 0x4964, + 0x49cf, 0x4946, 0x4966, 0x4956, 0x4943, 0x494a, 0x4958, 0x4965, + 0x495a, 0x495b, 0x4955, 0x4950, 0x494c, 0x49cd, 0x4951, 0x4947, + 0x01d3, 0x4953, 0x4962, 0x49cc, 0x01d7, 0x497f, 0x494d, 0x4d0a, + 0x4d0c, 0x4d0f, 0x4ebb, 0x4eb9, 0x4eeb, 0x4eae, 0x4ec1, 0x4eea, + 0x4ebe, 0x4ebf, 0x4eba, 0x4eb7, 0x4eb3, 0x4ee9, 0x506e, 0x50af, + 0x50b3, 0x50b2, 0x5168, 0x5169, 0x516a, 0x52de, 0x52eb, 0x5311, + 0x52ed, 0x52e9, 0x52f7, 0x52f4, 0x52ea, 0x5312, 0x52e8, 0x5313, + 0x548e, 0x5486, 0x5563, 0x5565, 0x5699, 0x57c2, 0x57ae, 0x57b0, + 0x57ad, 0x59b4, 0x59d1, 0x59ad, 0x03f3, 0x59bd, 0x59b7, 0x59ab, + 0x59af, 0x59c1, 0x59b5, 0x5c0f, 0x5c0e, 0x5c1c, 0x5c13, 0x5c0a, + 0x5c1e, 0x5c14, 0x5c1a, 0x5ccb, 0x5d87, 0x5d93, + /* 0x3f */ + 0x0491, 0x5d84, 0x5d85, 0x5d92, 0x5d80, 0x5e2b, 0x5e63, 0x5f0a, + 0x04c0, 0x5f66, 0x6034, 0x6033, 0x604d, 0x6289, 0x6257, 0x1e17, + 0x624a, 0x0563, 0x6239, 0x623f, 0x6290, 0x628f, 0x62b2, 0x629f, + 0x6295, 0x62a1, 0x629c, 0x628e, 0x62a0, 0x62ae, 0x6296, 0x62ca, + 0x62ac, 0x0570, 0x62a6, 0x6297, 0x6293, 0x3eb6, 0x64d6, 0x64e0, + 0x64d8, 0x6556, 0x676e, 0x677e, 0x6774, 0x6777, 0x6780, 0x677a, + 0x676b, 0x675f, 0x6776, 0x67b0, 0x6763, 0x6a92, 0x6a82, 0x6a9d, + 0x6a94, 0x6a83, 0x6a8b, 0x6a84, 0x6b57, 0x6b84, 0x6bb5, 0x6c09, + 0x6ce6, 0x0702, 0x6d25, 0x6d51, 0x6e3e, 0xe2da, 0x6e85, 0x703f, + 0x7042, 0x7038, 0x703a, 0x704e, 0x7045, 0x7039, 0x7037, 0x7044, + 0xe2e7, 0x70a4, 0x703d, 0x7041, 0x73df, 0x73de, 0x73ca, 0x73e9, + 0x73e2, 0x73e0, 0x7489, 0x7487, 0x7532, 0x7533, + /* 0x40 */ + 0x75ac, 0x75f9, 0x760d, 0x76b9, 0x795e, 0x796a, 0x0935, 0x7981, + 0x7969, 0x79ac, 0x7980, 0x7975, 0x7971, 0x7976, 0x796f, 0x7db6, + 0x7e03, 0x7dbf, 0x7e01, 0x7db2, 0x7dc4, 0x80db, 0x80dc, 0x80d8, + 0xd172, 0x81b5, 0x81a8, 0x818f, 0x819e, 0x818e, 0x82de, 0x82e2, + 0x8320, 0x831d, 0x831a, 0x8319, 0x832b, 0x8318, 0x8310, 0x830e, + 0x8324, 0x831f, 0x8313, 0x8335, 0x8483, 0x0ae0, 0x84d7, 0x8602, + 0x8603, 0x865c, 0x865f, 0x86c7, 0x879a, 0x8797, 0x87a3, 0x88f7, + 0x88c6, 0x88cc, 0x88d6, 0x88cd, 0x88f9, 0x88d9, 0x88d8, 0x0b9a, + 0x88d1, 0x88ce, 0x88d5, 0x0ba3, 0x88d4, 0x88f8, 0x8a7a, 0x8a79, + 0x8a7f, 0x8af3, 0x8af5, 0x8af6, 0x8af4, 0x8af7, 0x0c05, 0x8b79, + 0x8c9c, 0x8cdf, 0x8cf5, 0x8cff, 0x8cd1, 0x8cda, 0x8ccf, 0x8ccd, + 0x8cde, 0x8cd8, 0x75ad, 0x8ce0, 0x8cfe, 0x8c9e, + /* 0x41 */ + 0x8e75, 0x8e73, 0x8e72, 0x8ed8, 0x8fd0, 0x8fd6, 0x8fd7, 0x8fca, + 0x8fcd, 0x918a, 0x9189, 0x918b, 0x92d3, 0x92da, 0x92ce, 0x92d2, + 0x0d5e, 0x92d4, 0x92d7, 0x92d5, 0x92fb, 0x92cd, 0x92fa, 0x92d6, + 0x0da6, 0x949b, 0x949e, 0x949d, 0x94a4, 0x949f, 0x94a5, 0x94a8, + 0x958f, 0x958c, 0x9595, 0x9660, 0x9655, 0x965c, 0x966f, 0x9651, + 0x9661, 0x96a7, 0x965e, 0x9662, 0x9654, 0x966e, 0x9652, 0x9658, + 0x966d, 0x965f, 0x966c, 0x9650, 0x965d, 0x968e, 0x9972, 0x9978, + 0x9975, 0x9976, 0x997c, 0x997e, 0x997d, 0x9b15, 0x9b14, 0x9b1d, + 0x9b1c, 0x9b23, 0x9b57, 0x9dc8, 0x0f5d, 0x9dc9, 0x9dc5, 0x9e87, + 0x9e8a, 0x9e94, 0x9f39, 0x9f40, 0x9f3e, 0x9f38, 0x9fd6, 0x0fb8, + 0xa077, 0xa078, 0xa07d, 0xa1dd, 0xa25e, 0xa277, 0xa2d4, 0xa266, + 0xa25f, 0xa273, 0xa272, 0xa297, 0xa25a, 0xa296, + /* 0x42 */ + 0xa25d, 0xa265, 0xa270, 0xa275, 0xa274, 0xa25c, 0xa260, 0x1034, + 0xa26d, 0xa441, 0xa53c, 0xa53e, 0x106f, 0xa549, 0xa6e4, 0xa80c, + 0xa815, 0xa80e, 0xa7d4, 0xa7c7, 0xa814, 0xa7db, 0xa85f, 0xa7ed, + 0xa809, 0xa7cf, 0xa7ff, 0xa81a, 0xa7f5, 0xa7ee, 0xa7e5, 0xa80d, + 0xa7df, 0xa7ec, 0xa7d7, 0xa82c, 0xa7cd, 0xa7e3, 0xa800, 0xa7eb, + 0xa7fd, 0xa80f, 0xa82d, 0xa850, 0xa7fe, 0xa7c4, 0xa7e1, 0xa7f9, + 0xacbb, 0xacbc, 0x1194, 0x1193, 0xacba, 0xadd0, 0xadd6, 0xadce, + 0xade1, 0xadd5, 0xadcf, 0xadd3, 0x2c14, 0xadd4, 0xb0b5, 0xb190, + 0xb1a1, 0xb181, 0xb185, 0xb16e, 0xb188, 0xb182, 0xb186, 0xb18f, + 0xb189, 0xb180, 0xb184, 0x2dd1, 0xb329, 0xb32b, 0xb32a, 0xb330, + 0xb3e2, 0xb3e3, 0xb3e1, 0xb4d5, 0xb4c4, 0xb4c9, 0xb4e0, 0xb4df, + 0xb4cb, 0xb4dd, 0xb4e8, 0xb4d4, 0xb51c, 0xb6b5, + /* 0x43 */ + 0xb6b6, 0xb6e5, 0xb745, 0xb749, 0xb740, 0xb746, 0xb744, 0xb74a, + 0xb7c9, 0xb7c4, 0xb7c2, 0xb868, 0x30cb, 0xb882, 0xb86b, 0xb867, + 0xb86c, 0xb86d, 0xb871, 0x1392, 0xb9d7, 0xb9d2, 0xb9d9, 0x13aa, + 0xb9bc, 0xb9dd, 0xb9d6, 0x13a7, 0xb9d8, 0xbb20, 0xbb16, 0xbb18, + 0xbb15, 0xbb19, 0xbb27, 0xbb50, 0xbb1d, 0xbb2c, 0xbb1c, 0xbb29, + 0xbb2b, 0xbb24, 0x13ef, 0xbb28, 0xbd39, 0xbdf2, 0xbdf0, 0x31ed, + 0xbded, 0xbdef, 0xbdea, 0xbe01, 0xbfbc, 0xc05c, 0xc05b, 0xc05a, + 0xc026, 0xc243, 0xc233, 0xc23a, 0xc237, 0xc236, 0xc23c, 0xc234, + 0xc24a, 0xc23b, 0xc235, 0xc23d, 0xc240, 0xc23e, 0xc217, 0xc326, + 0xc324, 0xc310, 0xc336, 0xc325, 0x1522, 0xc466, 0xc77f, 0xc77a, + 0xc7fb, 0xc7fd, 0xc7fc, 0xc7fa, 0xc9d6, 0xc9d2, 0xc9c8, 0xc9c2, + 0xc9c7, 0xc9cd, 0xc9c1, 0xc9c6, 0xc9cc, 0xcaa1, + /* 0x44 */ + 0xcb95, 0xcb94, 0xcb97, 0xcb96, 0xcb93, 0xcba1, 0xcd09, 0xcd08, + 0xcd67, 0xcd65, 0xcd62, 0xcd61, 0xce97, 0xcf01, 0xcf19, 0xcf18, + 0xcf5c, 0xcf67, 0xcf6c, 0x16b5, 0xe3fd, 0xcf66, 0xcf61, 0xcf6e, + 0xcf5d, 0xcf5a, 0xd0a2, 0xd0a9, 0xd0a5, 0xd0a6, 0xd0b2, 0xd0a3, + 0xd1ac, 0xd1aa, 0xd1af, 0xd1ab, 0xd1b1, 0xd1c6, 0xd1ad, 0xd1b9, + 0xd370, 0x1775, 0xd70c, 0xd781, 0xd783, 0xd77e, 0xd851, 0xda99, + 0xda94, 0xda95, 0xddfe, 0xdf18, 0x3c05, 0x3e72, 0x0082, 0x3e99, + 0x3fad, 0x4106, 0x42c2, 0x42cb, 0x42d5, 0x42d2, 0x42cc, 0x42d7, + 0x42c5, 0x42ca, 0x1aec, 0x43a2, 0x43a3, 0x43a1, 0x1ae8, 0x43a6, + 0x43a4, 0x43ff, 0x4400, 0x0135, 0x4506, 0x4525, 0x459f, 0x467f, + 0x49ea, 0x49eb, 0x49de, 0x4a18, 0x49e0, 0x49e8, 0x49df, 0x49f1, + 0x49ec, 0x4a1a, 0x49e6, 0x49e1, 0x4a5d, 0x3b77, + /* 0x45 */ + 0x4a1e, 0x01f0, 0x4a80, 0x4d17, 0x4f1d, 0x4ef7, 0x4eef, 0x4eee, + 0x4eed, 0x4ef5, 0x4f1e, 0x50bd, 0x92ff, 0x50be, 0x516d, 0x5176, + 0x534c, 0x5319, 0x5348, 0x531e, 0x534a, 0x5349, 0x5326, 0x5495, + 0x5585, 0x557e, 0x5597, 0x557d, 0x5642, 0x569e, 0x570c, 0x570b, + 0x570e, 0x57cf, 0x59d8, 0x59e0, 0x59e8, 0x59e9, 0x59e2, 0x59e1, + 0x59da, 0x59e3, 0x59d9, 0x59f0, 0x59e7, 0x59e4, 0x5c23, 0x5c31, + 0x5c33, 0x5c0c, 0xa4e0, 0x5c26, 0x5c24, 0x5c32, 0x5c27, 0x5c21, + 0x5c30, 0x5ca2, 0x5ccc, 0x5d96, 0xe28f, 0x5d98, 0x5d9c, 0x5d9b, + 0x5e6b, 0x5f12, 0x5f14, 0x605a, 0x6054, 0x6051, 0x605e, 0x6058, + 0x04f0, 0x6059, 0x629a, 0x62f2, 0x62ad, 0x6320, 0x62f1, 0x62f0, + 0x62f3, 0x62f4, 0x62e9, 0x62fe, 0x632e, 0x62e8, 0x62e7, 0x62ff, + 0x62f5, 0x64e5, 0x64e7, 0x64e6, 0x64e9, 0x6558, + /* 0x46 */ + 0x676c, 0x67d9, 0x063e, 0x67cb, 0x0639, 0x67be, 0x67b5, 0x67d1, + 0x67c2, 0x67b6, 0x67d3, 0xe2c2, 0x69da, 0x06a2, 0x6aae, 0x06a1, + 0x6aac, 0x6aa9, 0x6aba, 0x6aa7, 0x6ab3, 0x6abd, 0x6ab1, 0x6c0e, + 0x6c11, 0x6c0f, 0x6d52, 0x6d6a, 0x6d54, 0x6d55, 0x6d53, 0x6d57, + 0xe2d0, 0x6d5b, 0x6d58, 0x6d59, 0x073b, 0x70b8, 0x70b5, 0x70bf, + 0x70c1, 0x70bb, 0x07b7, 0x70c3, 0x70ad, 0x70a8, 0x70ae, 0x70aa, + 0x70d0, 0x70b1, 0x70bc, 0x70b7, 0x70b0, 0x70fa, 0x70fb, 0x70b9, + 0x7407, 0x73fc, 0x73ff, 0x73f2, 0x73f8, 0x73f4, 0x0857, 0x0870, + 0x75ae, 0x760f, 0x7610, 0xd5c1, 0x76c7, 0x76c6, 0x76ce, 0x08a7, + 0x76dc, 0x79d5, 0x79d3, 0x7a20, 0x79e2, 0x79f1, 0x79db, 0x79ea, + 0x79eb, 0x79e1, 0x79ff, 0x79d6, 0x79e0, 0x79d7, 0x79e5, 0x0954, + 0x7e1b, 0x7e10, 0x7e0f, 0x7e0e, 0x7e39, 0x7e0a, + /* 0x47 */ + 0x7e14, 0x7e0c, 0x8023, 0x805a, 0x80e2, 0x8193, 0x81b0, 0x81ab, + 0x81bd, 0x81b1, 0x818d, 0x81ad, 0x81aa, 0x81ac, 0x81bc, 0x81c9, + 0x8347, 0x8362, 0x8340, 0x8344, 0x833f, 0x8343, 0x833d, 0x8360, + 0x835f, 0x833a, 0x8342, 0x835e, 0x835d, 0x84bc, 0x84e0, 0x84ee, + 0x84eb, 0x850d, 0x8609, 0x860c, 0x8669, 0x8674, 0x8667, 0x0b31, + 0x2427, 0x87ad, 0x88ff, 0x8916, 0x8908, 0x8909, 0x8900, 0x88fc, + 0x8913, 0x8914, 0x890a, 0xd33e, 0x8929, 0x8917, 0x893b, 0x88fb, + 0x0bbf, 0x890e, 0x0be4, 0x8b08, 0x8d1b, 0x8d1a, 0x8d19, 0x8d02, + 0x0c4a, 0x8d17, 0x8d07, 0x8d13, 0x8d09, 0x8d0a, 0x8d12, 0x8daa, + 0x8d38, 0x8e7b, 0x8e7c, 0x8e7a, 0x8eea, 0x8eeb, 0x8eef, 0x8ef0, + 0x9009, 0x9002, 0x9001, 0x902b, 0x9007, 0x0ccf, 0x9028, 0x8ffb, + 0x902a, 0x8ffe, 0x9004, 0x9029, 0x900a, 0x268c, + /* 0x48 */ + 0x91c2, 0x2691, 0x91a6, 0x0d14, 0x6ac6, 0x5707, 0x930a, 0x92fd, + 0x9306, 0x930d, 0x9309, 0x930b, 0x9300, 0x9305, 0x933d, 0x94d5, + 0x94bf, 0x94ba, 0x94c7, 0x9598, 0x959a, 0x0e0d, 0x96a4, 0x969c, + 0x969d, 0x96a2, 0x9696, 0x9695, 0x96a5, 0x96aa, 0x96ad, 0x969a, + 0x96a3, 0x9697, 0x9690, 0x96af, 0x968d, 0x0e01, 0x96a8, 0x96ee, + 0x99a3, 0x9999, 0x99a1, 0x999c, 0x99a4, 0x99cb, 0x9b56, 0x9b48, + 0x9b59, 0x9b4a, 0x9b5c, 0x0ef1, 0x9b4f, 0x9b4d, 0x9b5d, 0x9d3a, + 0x9de3, 0x9de1, 0x9dde, 0x9e97, 0x9e9a, 0x9f48, 0x9f4a, 0x9f4c, + 0x9f4e, 0x9f4f, 0x9f4b, 0x9f4d, 0x9f47, 0x9f51, 0x9fda, 0x9ff9, + 0x9ffc, 0x9ffb, 0x9ffd, 0x9ff8, 0x9ffa, 0xa08a, 0xa08e, 0xa088, + 0xa089, 0xa08d, 0xa090, 0xe37e, 0xa21c, 0xa2ab, 0xa2a4, 0xa2a8, + 0xa2ad, 0xa29f, 0xa29a, 0xa2b0, 0xa2a5, 0xa2d5, + /* 0x49 */ + 0xa2a2, 0xa2b2, 0xa29d, 0xa2a1, 0xa415, 0xa442, 0xa473, 0xa484, + 0xa4dd, 0xa55c, 0xa54c, 0x1076, 0xa54b, 0xa767, 0xa8a8, 0xa87f, + 0xa88d, 0xa88b, 0xa8f7, 0xa8a9, 0xa8f4, 0xa89a, 0xa88c, 0xa895, + 0xa87e, 0xa877, 0x110a, 0x1103, 0xa871, 0xa8fd, 0xa888, 0xa899, + 0xa86d, 0xa8d4, 0xa891, 0xa87d, 0xa863, 0xa875, 0xa8f9, 0xa88e, + 0xa874, 0xa8d9, 0xa866, 0xa8fa, 0xa8f5, 0x2b60, 0xacc1, 0xacc9, + 0xae03, 0xae2c, 0xae34, 0xae17, 0xae09, 0xae04, 0xae06, 0xae1a, + 0xae0e, 0xae27, 0xae05, 0xae07, 0xae19, 0xae14, 0xae0c, 0xae1d, + 0xae22, 0xae23, 0xb0bb, 0xb0bc, 0xb0ba, 0xb1a9, 0xb1b5, 0xb1ac, + 0xb1aa, 0xb1af, 0xb1b7, 0x1235, 0x1236, 0xb33d, 0xb345, 0xb348, + 0xb33c, 0xb33e, 0xb3ec, 0xb3ed, 0xb3e9, 0xb50a, 0xb50b, 0xb4f8, + 0xb504, 0xb4f6, 0xb4f9, 0xb753, 0xb752, 0xb760, + /* 0x4a */ + 0xb763, 0xb7ce, 0xb7cd, 0xb7d0, 0xb7cc, 0xb887, 0xb88d, 0xb89d, + 0x1373, 0xb963, 0xb9f4, 0xb9f1, 0xb9ff, 0xb9f5, 0xb9fc, 0xb9f2, + 0xb9f6, 0x13b1, 0xb9fa, 0x13af, 0xbb2e, 0xbb45, 0xbb43, 0xbb51, + 0xbb4c, 0xbb73, 0xbb47, 0xbb4b, 0xbb4f, 0x13f4, 0xbb44, 0xbb4d, + 0xbb4e, 0xbb4a, 0xbb41, 0xbb52, 0xbb9f, 0xbb54, 0xbb59, 0xbba2, + 0xbd4b, 0xbd48, 0xbe0d, 0xbe1f, 0xbe08, 0xbe0e, 0xbe1d, 0xbe04, + 0xbf18, 0xbf1b, 0xc066, 0xc062, 0xc083, 0xc067, 0xc262, 0xc24f, + 0xc24e, 0xc267, 0xc253, 0xc24d, 0xc24c, 0xc268, 0xc251, 0x14dc, + 0xc258, 0xc25b, 0xc250, 0xc26a, 0xc339, 0xc338, 0xc482, 0xc484, + 0xc486, 0xc780, 0xc786, 0xc825, 0xc811, 0x1599, 0xc80e, 0xc815, + 0xc80f, 0xc818, 0xc80d, 0xc813, 0xc816, 0xc819, 0xca08, 0xc9f7, + 0xc9fb, 0xc9fc, 0xcab4, 0xcabe, 0xcac1, 0xcba6, + /* 0x4b */ + 0xcba5, 0xcba2, 0xcba4, 0xcd12, 0xcd0e, 0xcd7a, 0xcd78, 0xcd7d, + 0xcd7e, 0xcd81, 0xcd83, 0xcd80, 0xcd82, 0xce9b, 0xce99, 0xce9c, + 0xce9a, 0xcea1, 0xcf1a, 0xcf1c, 0xcf8a, 0xcf79, 0xcf73, 0xcf75, + 0xcf7c, 0xcf78, 0xcf60, 0xcf83, 0xcf70, 0x16b6, 0x16bd, 0xcf87, + 0xcf84, 0xcf7b, 0xcf7e, 0xcf74, 0xd0b9, 0xd0b8, 0xd0b7, 0xd0b5, + 0xd1cc, 0xd1ce, 0xd1d1, 0x3504, 0xd1cb, 0x359b, 0xd37e, 0xd37a, + 0xd377, 0xd38c, 0xd3e1, 0xd520, 0xd51e, 0xd5c2, 0xd60f, 0xd600, + 0x17f4, 0xd610, 0xd70d, 0xd70e, 0xd78e, 0xd78d, 0xd78a, 0xd78b, + 0xd78c, 0xd78f, 0xd857, 0x1835, 0xd855, 0xd85b, 0xdaac, 0xdaa7, + 0xdaa0, 0xda9e, 0x18aa, 0xdd8d, 0x191f, 0xde93, 0xde94, 0xde92, + 0x3c81, 0x3ed6, 0x3ec3, 0x3ee4, 0x3ee2, 0x3f09, 0x3ebf, 0x3ec8, + 0x3ec7, 0x3fb5, 0x3fb2, 0x410c, 0x410b, 0x410a, + /* 0x4c */ + 0x4105, 0x42d3, 0x42e6, 0x42e9, 0x42f0, 0x42ea, 0x42e7, 0x43b1, + 0x43b3, 0x43b4, 0x43b0, 0x445c, 0x445d, 0x445e, 0x44c0, 0x45af, + 0x0150, 0x4686, 0x4683, 0x4684, 0x4a5c, 0x4a70, 0x4a8c, 0x4a7b, + 0x4a66, 0x4a79, 0x4a63, 0x4ac5, 0x4a6b, 0x4a6d, 0x4a72, 0x4a69, + 0x4a75, 0x4a89, 0x4ac6, 0x4aa5, 0x3ee7, 0x4a6a, 0x4a97, 0x4f5a, + 0x4f5c, 0x4f59, 0x4f24, 0x4f25, 0x4f30, 0x4f58, 0x4f31, 0x5076, + 0x50c1, 0x5185, 0x517d, 0x5365, 0x5387, 0x5352, 0x5354, 0x538a, + 0x5350, 0x5386, 0x534f, 0x5368, 0x549d, 0x55a0, 0x55ba, 0x55bd, + 0x55b8, 0x56a6, 0x037b, 0x57de, 0x57d8, 0x57d1, 0x5a13, 0x0409, + 0x5a0e, 0x5a1b, 0x5a3a, 0x0407, 0x5a1c, 0x5a12, 0x5a16, 0x5a1a, + 0x4f48, 0x5c4b, 0x5c37, 0x5c36, 0x5c38, 0x5c3a, 0x5c49, 0x5c3c, + 0x5c4a, 0x5db1, 0x5dc2, 0x5db5, 0x5dc4, 0x5db6, + /* 0x4d */ + 0x5f1e, 0x5f1f, 0x5faf, 0x606b, 0x606f, 0x6292, 0x62e4, 0x632c, + 0x62ef, 0x1e84, 0x634f, 0x6352, 0x6350, 0x633a, 0x6337, 0x6347, + 0x6364, 0x6340, 0x633c, 0x6345, 0x6341, 0x64f3, 0x05bb, 0x67c1, + 0x67b4, 0x064b, 0x682a, 0x6822, 0x6829, 0x064d, 0x683e, 0x683c, + 0x6830, 0x6ac7, 0x6ad5, 0x6ad6, 0x6ad3, 0x6ace, 0x6ac8, 0x6b5c, + 0x6b5f, 0x6b62, 0x06c2, 0x6bbd, 0x6bbf, 0x6d5c, 0x6db6, 0x071a, + 0x6d9d, 0x6d7f, 0x0712, 0x6d94, 0x6d81, 0x6e47, 0x6e46, 0x073c, + 0x6e94, 0x7175, 0x711a, 0x712a, 0x7132, 0x7117, 0x7123, 0x7174, + 0x07c3, 0x7176, 0x712e, 0x7125, 0x7120, 0x7171, 0x7116, 0x7170, + 0x712c, 0x712f, 0x711f, 0x7164, 0x07c0, 0x7408, 0x7414, 0x740a, + 0x740b, 0x754f, 0x7559, 0x7554, 0x7551, 0x75b6, 0x76ec, 0x76ed, + 0x76ea, 0x79ee, 0x7a5a, 0x7a73, 0x7a65, 0x7a61, + /* 0x4e */ + 0x7a55, 0x7a6b, 0x7a64, 0x7a5b, 0x7a4c, 0x7a6f, 0x7a84, 0x7a70, + 0x7e5d, 0x7e57, 0x7e66, 0x7e53, 0x7e98, 0x7e97, 0x8028, 0x80eb, + 0x80ea, 0x80e8, 0x80ec, 0x80ef, 0x81d1, 0x81ca, 0x229f, 0x81cf, + 0x81cd, 0x81ce, 0x8370, 0x8367, 0x8373, 0x836d, 0x8376, 0x8379, + 0x836a, 0x838b, 0x8372, 0x8371, 0x836e, 0x837a, 0x8516, 0x8539, + 0x853b, 0x8610, 0x8696, 0x867b, 0x867c, 0x867d, 0x87be, 0x895c, + 0x8938, 0x8939, 0x892e, 0x8934, 0x8932, 0x895b, 0x8933, 0x893c, + 0x0be5, 0x8b0e, 0x8b0f, 0x8b10, 0x8b87, 0x8d5b, 0x8d53, 0x0c5f, + 0x8d5c, 0x8d3f, 0x8d59, 0x8d4a, 0x8d44, 0x8d4c, 0x8d40, 0x8d5f, + 0x8d5e, 0x8d4e, 0x8d54, 0x8d43, 0x8d87, 0x8e82, 0x8e85, 0x9031, + 0x9047, 0x902e, 0x902f, 0x9048, 0x9034, 0x0d18, 0x409f, 0x9332, + 0x9336, 0x9333, 0x9331, 0x9340, 0x9341, 0x94dd, + /* 0x4f */ + 0x94d2, 0x94d9, 0x0dad, 0x94df, 0x94db, 0x94d8, 0x94d3, 0x94de, + 0x94e0, 0x94d4, 0x94d7, 0x94da, 0x95a7, 0x96fe, 0x96dd, 0x9740, + 0x96e2, 0x0e1e, 0x96d6, 0x96de, 0x96ef, 0x0e27, 0x96eb, 0x96ea, + 0x96e4, 0x96d1, 0x0e18, 0x96ec, 0x96fa, 0x96d9, 0x96f3, 0x96e1, + 0x96dc, 0x96e5, 0x96df, 0x96d4, 0x0e20, 0x9705, 0x99d6, 0x99d5, + 0x99d0, 0x99c8, 0x99c4, 0x99c9, 0x99cd, 0x99d2, 0x99cc, 0x99ca, + 0x9ba0, 0x9b92, 0x0ef4, 0x0f02, 0x9b8b, 0x9ba1, 0x9b95, 0x9b88, + 0x9b86, 0x9b8d, 0x9b85, 0x9b91, 0x9b89, 0x9ba2, 0x9df0, 0x9df3, + 0x9df4, 0x9def, 0x9e06, 0x9ea2, 0x9f5e, 0x9f63, 0x9f60, 0x9f5b, + 0x9f7b, 0x9f58, 0x9f59, 0x9f5d, 0xa005, 0xa006, 0xa002, 0xa003, + 0xa004, 0xa0a2, 0xa0a7, 0xa0a6, 0xa0a4, 0xa0ac, 0xa0a9, 0xa2e7, + 0xa301, 0xa2df, 0xa2d9, 0xa2e3, 0xa30f, 0xa41a, + /* 0x50 */ + 0xa445, 0xa448, 0xa47b, 0xa485, 0xa486, 0xa4fe, 0xa4ff, 0xa564, + 0xa571, 0xa572, 0xa561, 0xa562, 0xa56c, 0xa560, 0xa55d, 0xa563, + 0xa567, 0xa901, 0xa92a, 0xa930, 0xa906, 0xa97d, 0xa922, 0xa9b9, + 0xa90a, 0xa910, 0xa88f, 0xa980, 0xa913, 0xa92e, 0xa918, 0xa917, + 0xa91a, 0xa914, 0xa947, 0xa963, 0xa938, 0x1124, 0xa97f, 0xa921, + 0xa937, 0xa931, 0xa91b, 0xa9a5, 0xaa6c, 0xacd3, 0xae88, 0xae6e, + 0xae5c, 0xae74, 0xae54, 0xae83, 0x2c70, 0xae65, 0xae60, 0xae70, + 0xae6f, 0xae6d, 0xae72, 0xae6c, 0xae76, 0xae75, 0xae59, 0xaec7, + 0xb0c1, 0xb0f9, 0xb1e3, 0xb1e7, 0xb1d6, 0xb1cf, 0xb1da, 0xb1e9, + 0xb1d2, 0xb355, 0xb34f, 0xb34d, 0xb351, 0xb356, 0xb3f9, 0xb3f8, + 0xb406, 0xb403, 0xb409, 0xb3f7, 0xb3f5, 0xb547, 0xb545, 0xb53e, + 0xb546, 0xb529, 0xb534, 0xb53f, 0xb544, 0xb535, + /* 0x51 */ + 0xb55a, 0xb52a, 0xb533, 0xb537, 0xb543, 0xb539, 0xb530, 0xb55d, + 0xb532, 0xb527, 0xb6bd, 0xb6ba, 0xb6bc, 0xb6f1, 0xb6f0, 0xb761, + 0xb75c, 0xb758, 0xb75d, 0xb7da, 0xb7d9, 0xb7dd, 0xb7dc, 0xb7de, + 0x137d, 0xb8a0, 0xb8a2, 0xba0f, 0xba13, 0xba12, 0xba11, 0xba14, + 0xba19, 0xba0e, 0xba17, 0xba21, 0xba20, 0xba16, 0xbb78, 0x3137, + 0xbb87, 0xbb79, 0xbb80, 0xbb77, 0xbb81, 0xbb46, 0xbb7a, 0xbb9c, + 0xbb83, 0xbb84, 0xbbad, 0xbb9d, 0xbb9e, 0xbd55, 0xbe36, 0xbe2b, + 0xbe27, 0xbe46, 0xbe2c, 0xbe45, 0xbe33, 0xbe2d, 0xbe34, 0xbe22, + 0x1464, 0xbf1f, 0xc0b3, 0xc08c, 0xc08f, 0xc0af, 0xc0ad, 0xc08e, + 0xc0ac, 0xc0b0, 0xc0b1, 0xc0ae, 0xc099, 0xc1eb, 0xc274, 0xc275, + 0xc28e, 0xc26d, 0xc270, 0xc28c, 0xc34f, 0xc351, 0xc358, 0xc34c, + 0xc34e, 0xc415, 0xc4be, 0xc4db, 0xc4b3, 0xc4ae, + /* 0x52 */ + 0xc787, 0xc78a, 0xc788, 0xc78b, 0xc78c, 0xc844, 0xc82d, 0xc82a, + 0xc831, 0xc82c, 0xc845, 0xc830, 0xc829, 0xc846, 0xc9f4, 0xca14, + 0xca10, 0xca0f, 0xca12, 0xca0b, 0xca0c, 0xca0a, 0xca13, 0xca0e, + 0xcad9, 0xcad0, 0x3403, 0xcbc1, 0xcbbf, 0xcbbd, 0xcbbc, 0xcbba, + 0xcbbb, 0xcbd1, 0xcbbe, 0xcbd0, 0xcbb9, 0xcd1a, 0xcd1c, 0xcd1b, + 0xcd91, 0xcd96, 0xcd9f, 0xcd9c, 0xcd9a, 0xcd9d, 0xcead, 0xcea5, + 0xceae, 0xcf03, 0xcf26, 0xcf20, 0xcf23, 0xcf24, 0xcf21, 0xcf28, + 0xcf25, 0xcf1e, 0xcf94, 0xcf93, 0xcf8f, 0xcf9a, 0xcfad, 0x16c2, + 0xd0ca, 0xd0c5, 0xd1bb, 0xd1e1, 0xd1ea, 0xd1e4, 0xd1ed, 0xd1e6, + 0xd1e0, 0xd1e8, 0xd1e5, 0xd31a, 0xd394, 0xd396, 0xd39e, 0xd395, + 0xd3a1, 0xd38e, 0xd39b, 0xd392, 0xd397, 0xd399, 0xd393, 0xd532, + 0xd52f, 0xd52e, 0xd533, 0xd61c, 0xd61e, 0xd611, + /* 0x53 */ + 0xd620, 0xd61f, 0xd619, 0xd616, 0xd7ac, 0xd7b9, 0xd7b3, 0xd7a6, + 0xd7a2, 0xd7a9, 0xd7a7, 0xd86c, 0xd86d, 0xd869, 0xd880, 0xd866, + 0xd865, 0xd871, 0xd86b, 0xdabd, 0xdac1, 0xdad3, 0xdab6, 0x18ac, + 0xdab9, 0xdad4, 0xdab7, 0xdadb, 0xdab8, 0xdac0, 0xdabc, 0xdad5, + 0xdabf, 0xdac3, 0xdac9, 0xdd58, 0xdd90, 0xdd95, 0xdd97, 0xde09, + 0xde08, 0xde06, 0xde05, 0xde10, 0xde97, 0xde95, 0xdeee, 0xdf1f, + 0xe41a, 0x564b, 0x3c8e, 0x3ee8, 0x3ef0, 0x3ef4, 0x3f06, 0x3eed, + 0x009b, 0x3ee9, 0x3f00, 0x3fb8, 0x406d, 0x4304, 0x4301, 0x4303, + 0x4302, 0x1af6, 0x0126, 0x4462, 0x45ba, 0x4613, 0x4ade, 0x4ad7, + 0x4ae4, 0x4ace, 0x4ae3, 0x4add, 0x4b3a, 0x4adb, 0x4ad6, 0x4ae0, + 0x4ad4, 0x4acb, 0x4ae1, 0x4ac9, 0x4adf, 0x4b3c, 0x4afc, 0x4acf, + 0x4f79, 0x4f76, 0x4f78, 0x5187, 0x539c, 0x53b1, + /* 0x54 */ + 0x53c1, 0x539a, 0x5392, 0x0daf, 0x53c2, 0x5396, 0x53c0, 0x5391, + 0x5395, 0x54a2, 0x55c3, 0x55c0, 0x55c2, 0x468a, 0x56b0, 0x5716, + 0x5a46, 0x5a4a, 0x5a3e, 0x5a45, 0x5a42, 0x0415, 0x5a5b, 0x5a44, + 0x5b04, 0x7b22, 0x5c55, 0x5c57, 0x5c51, 0x5c4e, 0x5c5a, 0x5dc6, + 0x5dc3, 0x049c, 0x5dc5, 0x5dcc, 0x5e71, 0x5f26, 0x5fb2, 0x607a, + 0x6084, 0x607b, 0x6374, 0x638c, 0x6351, 0x6348, 0x638d, 0x6392, + 0x6398, 0x6393, 0x63b0, 0x634e, 0x6396, 0x6397, 0x639c, 0x63ca, + 0x6833, 0x6883, 0x6884, 0x689a, 0x688c, 0x20cc, 0x6899, 0x69e0, + 0x6ae4, 0x6af8, 0x6aed, 0x6af3, 0x6af4, 0x6af5, 0x6afd, 0x6c19, + 0x6d9e, 0x6dc4, 0x6d9f, 0x6e9b, 0x6e9f, 0x6e9a, 0x71aa, 0x719d, + 0x7192, 0x71a2, 0x71af, 0x71eb, 0x71a0, 0x71a1, 0x7194, 0x7198, + 0x718f, 0x7187, 0x7184, 0x71a9, 0x717c, 0x7418, + /* 0x55 */ + 0x755f, 0x7562, 0x7561, 0x75c0, 0x7615, 0x76fc, 0x76f9, 0x7ac8, + 0x7ac9, 0x7ade, 0x7aca, 0x7ae2, 0x0964, 0x096e, 0x7b04, 0x7acc, + 0x7add, 0x7ae4, 0x7ad3, 0x7ac7, 0x7ac6, 0x095f, 0x7b37, 0x7ed8, + 0x7eee, 0x7eb2, 0x7ea3, 0x7eb3, 0x7eed, 0x7ef8, 0x8031, 0x805b, + 0x8066, 0x8069, 0x8096, 0x809b, 0x80f7, 0x80f3, 0x80f4, 0x80f5, + 0x81e2, 0x81e7, 0x81e5, 0x81e9, 0x81e6, 0x81e3, 0x8374, 0x837f, + 0x838f, 0x8390, 0x8397, 0x83a3, 0x838e, 0x8398, 0x838c, 0x8542, + 0x8544, 0x8569, 0x8543, 0x8568, 0x0af6, 0x868d, 0x8688, 0x868b, + 0x8689, 0x87cc, 0x881f, 0x8980, 0x895e, 0x8967, 0x8968, 0x8965, + 0x254a, 0x8974, 0x8969, 0x8961, 0x8962, 0x896c, 0x8993, 0x8986, + 0x8a9d, 0x8a9b, 0x8b1b, 0x8b16, 0x8b19, 0x8b14, 0x8b18, 0x8b15, + 0x8b99, 0x8b98, 0x8d5d, 0x8d89, 0x8d7a, 0x8d7d, + /* 0x56 */ + 0x8d4b, 0x0c73, 0x8d78, 0x8d7f, 0x8d77, 0x8d7e, 0x8d79, 0x8dab, + 0x8d7c, 0x8d74, 0x8d75, 0x8da7, 0x8e8d, 0x904e, 0x9066, 0x9061, + 0x904d, 0x904f, 0x0cdd, 0x9054, 0x907c, 0x91da, 0x91de, 0x91d8, + 0x91dd, 0x91df, 0x9366, 0x9362, 0x935f, 0x9364, 0x9363, 0x9360, + 0x9388, 0x936a, 0x9367, 0x9387, 0x933f, 0x936c, 0x936e, 0x93ad, + 0x94f1, 0x94f4, 0x94f6, 0x94f5, 0x94f8, 0x94fb, 0x94ec, 0x94ef, + 0x94ed, 0x27b9, 0x94f7, 0x94f9, 0x94fd, 0x95b1, 0x9736, 0x971b, + 0x9732, 0x9742, 0x974d, 0x971f, 0x9721, 0x971c, 0x9731, 0x972e, + 0x9747, 0x973b, 0x9741, 0x9718, 0x9739, 0x971d, 0x9727, 0x9723, + 0x28d7, 0x99ee, 0x99e8, 0x99e5, 0x99ef, 0x99e4, 0x99ec, 0x99f0, + 0x9bd7, 0x9bd8, 0x9bd4, 0x9bca, 0x9bd2, 0x9bcb, 0x9bd3, 0x9be6, + 0x9be2, 0x9d49, 0x9d48, 0x9dff, 0x9e09, 0x9eb0, + /* 0x57 */ + 0x9eaf, 0x9f7c, 0x9f78, 0x9f7a, 0x9f72, 0x9f79, 0x9f7e, 0xa00c, + 0xa00b, 0xa0cd, 0xa0be, 0xa0bc, 0xa0bf, 0xa0c0, 0xa0bd, 0xa338, + 0xa308, 0xa305, 0xa33b, 0xa310, 0xa30c, 0xa30d, 0xa304, 0xa33a, + 0xa313, 0xa337, 0xa339, 0xa41f, 0xa44b, 0xa4ee, 0xa575, 0xa578, + 0xa57c, 0xa574, 0xa576, 0xa5ea, 0xa5eb, 0xa8fb, 0xa919, 0xa9a7, + 0xa98c, 0xa9dc, 0xa998, 0xa9be, 0xa99e, 0xaa0f, 0xa99f, 0xa9dd, + 0xa993, 0xa9bb, 0xa9b6, 0xa990, 0xa9a1, 0xa9bd, 0xa9de, 0xa93a, + 0xaa22, 0xa997, 0xa994, 0xa9c3, 0xa98e, 0xa9a8, 0xa999, 0xa9ad, + 0xa99b, 0xa9a2, 0xaa21, 0xa9ac, 0xaa0e, 0xaa31, 0xace1, 0xacde, + 0xacdf, 0xacdc, 0xacdd, 0xacec, 0xace7, 0xae69, 0xaeb8, 0xaea1, + 0xaea8, 0xaeba, 0xaec2, 0xaea6, 0xaea4, 0xaea3, 0xaeab, 0xaebc, + 0xaeb7, 0xaebf, 0xaead, 0xaeb1, 0xaeca, 0xaec4, + /* 0x58 */ + 0xaeb9, 0xb0c8, 0xb0c6, 0xb0c7, 0xb20a, 0xb20d, 0xb1fb, 0xb203, + 0xb202, 0xb1fc, 0xb1f9, 0xb1f8, 0xb36e, 0xb363, 0xb362, 0xb361, + 0xb36b, 0x1288, 0xb36f, 0xb366, 0xb36c, 0xb40e, 0xb415, 0xb416, + 0xb410, 0xb417, 0xb411, 0xb56e, 0xb56c, 0xb587, 0xb583, 0xb563, + 0xb5dc, 0xb6c0, 0xb6f7, 0xb6fa, 0xb770, 0xb76a, 0xb768, 0xb769, + 0xb784, 0xb7ec, 0xb7e7, 0xb7ee, 0xb8ba, 0xb8b2, 0xb8b5, 0xb8cb, + 0x430b, 0xb8d0, 0xb96d, 0xb96c, 0x13bb, 0xba45, 0xba46, 0xba34, + 0xba2c, 0xba35, 0xba44, 0x13ba, 0xba76, 0xbbb1, 0xbbaa, 0xbba1, + 0xbbb2, 0x1412, 0xbba6, 0xbbb5, 0xbbb4, 0xbbb8, 0xbbaf, 0xbbb0, + 0xbba3, 0xbd62, 0xbd64, 0xbe56, 0xbe51, 0xbe4f, 0xbe68, 0xbe4c, + 0xbe50, 0x1461, 0xbe48, 0xbe4a, 0xbf21, 0xc0e3, 0xc0b9, 0xc0de, + 0xc0b7, 0xc0e1, 0xc0b6, 0xc0b5, 0xc0df, 0x14e1, + /* 0x59 */ + 0xc297, 0xc29a, 0xc29b, 0xc298, 0xc292, 0xc293, 0xc2d7, 0xc273, + 0xc36b, 0xc374, 0xc378, 0xc36d, 0xc418, 0xc4e9, 0xc4f5, 0xc4ea, + 0xc52e, 0xc4e7, 0xc4fe, 0xc4e5, 0xc536, 0xc4f0, 0xc4e6, 0xc52c, + 0xc789, 0xc795, 0xc793, 0xc84d, 0xc84a, 0xc84f, 0xc850, 0xc84b, + 0xca2a, 0xca2b, 0xca2f, 0xca2e, 0xca7c, 0xcaed, 0xcae2, 0xcbe0, + 0xcbdc, 0xcbda, 0xcbd6, 0xcbf4, 0xcbd9, 0xcbd5, 0xcd22, 0xcd21, + 0xcd24, 0xcd25, 0xcd26, 0xcd23, 0xcdaa, 0xcdaf, 0xcdb0, 0xcdab, + 0xceaf, 0xceb7, 0xceb5, 0xceb2, 0xceb3, 0xcf2b, 0xcfd8, 0xcfc2, + 0xcfaf, 0xcfbc, 0xcfb8, 0xcfbe, 0xcfb7, 0xcfb4, 0xcfbf, 0xcfb3, + 0xcfb1, 0xcfbb, 0xcfbd, 0xcfd6, 0xcfdd, 0xd0d8, 0xd0d3, 0xd0d5, + 0xd0e3, 0xd0e2, 0xd0d9, 0xd0de, 0xd0df, 0xd0da, 0xd0d4, 0xd1f3, + 0xd1e2, 0xd20d, 0xd201, 0xd205, 0xd21a, 0xd203, + /* 0x5a */ + 0xd21f, 0xd216, 0xd1fa, 0xd1fc, 0xd20a, 0x359f, 0xd3bc, 0xd3ca, + 0xd3b6, 0xd3c7, 0xd3bf, 0x1789, 0xd3b9, 0x178c, 0xd3b0, 0xd3b8, + 0xd3bd, 0xd391, 0xd3bb, 0xd3be, 0xd53e, 0xd53d, 0xd638, 0xd63d, + 0xd639, 0xd633, 0xd733, 0xd7bb, 0xd7c6, 0xd7c5, 0xd7c7, 0xd7cb, + 0xd7a8, 0xd7c8, 0xd7be, 0xd7c1, 0xd7bd, 0xd882, 0xd89e, 0xd881, + 0xd884, 0x368d, 0xd896, 0xd88e, 0xd888, 0xd887, 0xdae0, 0xdb0d, + 0xdadf, 0xdae4, 0xdae2, 0xdadd, 0xdaec, 0xdade, 0xdae7, 0xdaea, + 0xdae3, 0xdd5c, 0x3977, 0xdd5d, 0xdd9c, 0xde1d, 0xde9d, 0xde9e, + 0xde9b, 0xdeb5, 0xdeb9, 0xdeb6, 0xdef3, 0xdef2, 0xdef4, 0xdf26, + 0xdf27, 0xdf25, 0xe006, 0xe00b, 0xe03a, 0xe03c, 0x3f0a, 0x3f0b, + 0x3fbf, 0x3ffd, 0x4118, 0xccdf, 0x8e90, 0x419e, 0x42fc, 0x4310, + 0x430f, 0x430d, 0x43b9, 0x43b7, 0x43ba, 0x440a, + /* 0x5b */ + 0x4b41, 0x4b8b, 0x4b46, 0x4b53, 0x4be2, 0x4b3f, 0x4a7c, 0x4b4b, + 0x4b4e, 0x4b8a, 0x4b47, 0x4f93, 0xb8ce, 0x4f8c, 0x4faf, 0x4fc9, + 0x50c6, 0x50c8, 0x5191, 0x53cf, 0x53d4, 0x53ce, 0x55dd, 0x55d4, + 0x5a49, 0x5a63, 0x5a5d, 0x041a, 0x5a67, 0x5abb, 0x5a60, 0x5a80, + 0x5c5f, 0x5c60, 0x5dda, 0x5dd2, 0x5ddd, 0x608e, 0x6088, 0x606c, + 0x639e, 0x63c9, 0x63a4, 0x0598, 0x63d9, 0x63d2, 0x63da, 0x63dd, + 0x63ce, 0x63fc, 0x6514, 0x6560, 0x68d7, 0x68cb, 0x68cd, 0x68d5, + 0x69e7, 0x6b00, 0x6b0a, 0x6b0f, 0x6b02, 0x6b01, 0x6c1d, 0x6dca, + 0x6dcb, 0x6dcd, 0x6e4f, 0x6e9c, 0x7180, 0x720d, 0x7202, 0x07f1, + 0x7207, 0x71f7, 0x71f8, 0x71fd, 0x7224, 0x71fb, 0x7239, 0x723a, + 0x7422, 0x21a9, 0x756a, 0x756d, 0x7574, 0x770e, 0x7adf, 0x7b2b, + 0x7ae3, 0x7b26, 0x7b2a, 0x7b23, 0x7b35, 0x7b4a, + /* 0x5c */ + 0x7efd, 0x7f00, 0x7f1e, 0x7eff, 0x809e, 0x80fa, 0x81f1, 0x8395, + 0x83a8, 0x83a6, 0x856e, 0x8583, 0x856d, 0x868f, 0x0b6a, 0x87df, + 0x87d5, 0x87e0, 0x87d3, 0x87d8, 0x898c, 0x254b, 0x8994, 0x8996, + 0x8985, 0x898f, 0x89a9, 0x898e, 0x8990, 0x89b8, 0x89c3, 0x89bb, + 0x8aa5, 0x8aa2, 0x25a2, 0x8aa3, 0x8bb5, 0x8bac, 0x8ba8, 0x8dad, + 0x8db8, 0x8db4, 0x8dae, 0x8db6, 0x1085, 0x8dc1, 0x8dbf, 0x8e92, + 0x8f00, 0x8f01, 0x9075, 0x9072, 0x9078, 0x9070, 0x907e, 0x907d, + 0x907f, 0x91ef, 0x936d, 0x938e, 0x938f, 0x938a, 0x938d, 0x9395, + 0x938b, 0x938c, 0x93b0, 0x9393, 0x94fc, 0x9515, 0x950e, 0x9518, + 0x9511, 0x950d, 0x95bb, 0x95b3, 0x0e39, 0x97a1, 0x979a, 0x9784, + 0x97a0, 0x9786, 0x979d, 0x97aa, 0x9778, 0x978d, 0x978a, 0x97a6, + 0x977a, 0x9797, 0x9788, 0x978e, 0x0e3d, 0x0e44, + /* 0x5d */ + 0x9776, 0x9781, 0x9785, 0x9775, 0x97a8, 0x978f, 0x9791, 0x97a2, + 0x979c, 0x9789, 0x977f, 0x9796, 0x9779, 0x979f, 0x97a7, 0x0e46, + 0x9787, 0x979b, 0x97a5, 0x978b, 0x97c9, 0x99ff, 0x9a03, 0x9a00, + 0x9a02, 0x9a04, 0x9a05, 0x99e6, 0x9a1f, 0x9c14, 0x0f0e, 0x9c0c, + 0x9c0f, 0x9c19, 0x9c0b, 0x9c13, 0x9bd5, 0x0f10, 0x9c1c, 0x9d50, + 0x9d4e, 0x9e12, 0x9eb9, 0x9f85, 0x9f88, 0x9f90, 0xa013, 0xa0d0, + 0xa0d1, 0xa0d2, 0xa0d7, 0xa0d6, 0xa0e5, 0xa346, 0xa36b, 0xa345, + 0xa33f, 0xa33e, 0x103e, 0xa36a, 0xa368, 0xa34c, 0xa423, 0xa422, + 0xa497, 0xa491, 0x95b5, 0xa498, 0xa49c, 0xa589, 0x1084, 0xa58b, + 0xa58a, 0xa58d, 0xa58e, 0xa588, 0xaa4e, 0xaa44, 0xaa37, 0xaa75, + 0xaa54, 0xaa76, 0xaa34, 0xaa6b, 0xaa32, 0xaa57, 0xaa52, 0xaa45, + 0x1149, 0xa9b1, 0xaa4b, 0xaa47, 0xaa33, 0xaa40, + /* 0x5e */ + 0xaa3c, 0xaa43, 0xaa4f, 0xaa55, 0xaa41, 0xaab2, 0xaac0, 0xaf34, + 0xaef9, 0xaf19, 0xaf0d, 0xaefa, 0xaf1e, 0xaf1f, 0xaf0e, 0xaf40, + 0xaf08, 0x11df, 0xaf13, 0xaf4c, 0x11f0, 0xb0cc, 0xb0cb, 0xb224, + 0xb225, 0xb23d, 0xb220, 0xb227, 0xb226, 0xb21d, 0xb21e, 0xb232, + 0xb26c, 0xb259, 0x128a, 0xb37a, 0xb379, 0xb41b, 0xb42e, 0xb423, + 0xb420, 0xb41f, 0xb5b6, 0xb5b9, 0xb5a1, 0xb5a3, 0xb5a8, 0xb5af, + 0xb59a, 0xb599, 0xb5a2, 0xb59d, 0x1302, 0xb5ab, 0xb6c9, 0xb6fe, + 0xb700, 0xb6fc, 0xb707, 0xb775, 0xb772, 0xb773, 0xb774, 0xb7fa, + 0xb7fc, 0xb7f8, 0xb7f6, 0xb7fb, 0xb8cd, 0xb8d1, 0xb8cf, 0xb974, + 0xb972, 0xb973, 0xba54, 0xba51, 0x13c0, 0xba53, 0xba49, 0xba4c, + 0xba4a, 0xba4f, 0xba56, 0xbc00, 0xbbd5, 0xbbd7, 0xbbff, 0xbbd9, + 0xbbe3, 0xbbd3, 0x1415, 0xbbd8, 0xbbd4, 0xbbde, + /* 0x5f */ + 0xbd71, 0xbe74, 0xbe88, 0xbe7f, 0xbe6b, 0xbe87, 0xbe79, 0xbe78, + 0xbe89, 0xbe80, 0xbe76, 0xbf29, 0xbf28, 0xbf2f, 0xc0e5, 0xc104, + 0xc103, 0xc0f0, 0xc0e8, 0xc0ea, 0xc0f1, 0xc101, 0xc102, 0xc2a9, + 0xc2ab, 0xc2b7, 0xc2b6, 0x14e2, 0xc3a0, 0xc38e, 0xc386, 0xc387, + 0xc385, 0xc38b, 0xc388, 0xc390, 0xc41a, 0xc434, 0xc537, 0xc52f, + 0xc530, 0xc539, 0xc534, 0xc533, 0xc585, 0xc584, 0xc53a, 0xc79f, + 0xc869, 0xc86c, 0xc86a, 0xc867, 0xc86b, 0xca3f, 0xca40, 0xcb0b, + 0xcbd2, 0xcbf8, 0xcc01, 0xcbfa, 0xcc16, 0xe3f6, 0xcd2c, 0xcd2d, + 0xcd2f, 0xcd2e, 0xcdc1, 0xcdf5, 0xcdc4, 0xcdde, 0xcdcc, 0xcdd2, + 0xcdc2, 0xcdcd, 0xcdcf, 0xcddd, 0xcdc8, 0xceba, 0xcebe, 0xcebf, + 0xcf2e, 0xcf30, 0xcfe7, 0xcfee, 0xcfe8, 0xcfe6, 0xcfe2, 0xcfe4, + 0xcffb, 0xcffc, 0xcfea, 0xd0ed, 0xd0f6, 0xd0f3, + /* 0x60 */ + 0xd0f4, 0xd0f1, 0xd0f7, 0xd0f5, 0xd0ea, 0xd0eb, 0xd200, 0xd22c, + 0xd212, 0xd23d, 0xd233, 0x174d, 0xd230, 0xd240, 0xd231, 0xd257, + 0x174a, 0xd235, 0xd232, 0xd22d, 0xd236, 0xd238, 0xd262, 0xd25f, + 0xd28a, 0xd3d6, 0xd3d8, 0xd3dd, 0xd3e4, 0xd3e3, 0xd54d, 0xd5d7, + 0xd64a, 0xd64c, 0xd650, 0xd64b, 0xd64e, 0xd64f, 0xd739, 0xd7d2, + 0xd7cd, 0xd7d3, 0xd7e1, 0xd7ce, 0xd7d5, 0xd7dd, 0xd7d4, 0xd7cf, + 0xd8cb, 0xd8a6, 0xd8c2, 0xd8a5, 0xd8a9, 0xd8a2, 0xd8a4, 0xd8b0, + 0xd8cc, 0xd8af, 0xd8bf, 0xdb24, 0xdb1a, 0xdb14, 0xdb3a, 0xdb20, + 0xdb1b, 0xdb21, 0xdb25, 0xdb1e, 0xdb3f, 0xdb40, 0xdb18, 0xdb2c, + 0xdb15, 0xdb2d, 0xdb1f, 0xdb29, 0xdb4b, 0xddb3, 0xdda5, 0xdda7, + 0xddab, 0xdda6, 0xddaa, 0xde22, 0xde23, 0xdea1, 0xdea3, 0xdea0, + 0xdebd, 0xdeba, 0xdefa, 0xdef8, 0xdefc, 0xdef6, + /* 0x61 */ + 0xdf34, 0xdf43, 0x1963, 0xdfd4, 0xe00d, 0xe043, 0xe041, 0xe03d, + 0xe040, 0xe03e, 0xe03f, 0xe046, 0x1993, 0xe0d4, 0x3f35, 0x3f36, + 0x3f32, 0x3f3a, 0x3fc8, 0x4036, 0x411e, 0x411d, 0x411f, 0x431c, + 0x431d, 0x4320, 0x010e, 0x43c0, 0x4b9a, 0x4b93, 0x4bdd, 0x020a, + 0x4ba3, 0x4ba9, 0x4b9c, 0x4b9b, 0x020d, 0x4b97, 0x4fb1, 0x4fca, + 0x4fb3, 0x4fcd, 0x53ea, 0x53ee, 0x53ef, 0x55df, 0x5650, 0x56bb, + 0x5a88, 0x5a89, 0x5a8c, 0x5a85, 0x5a5e, 0x5a94, 0x5a95, 0x5c6b, + 0x5c6a, 0x5c69, 0x5de3, 0x5df1, 0x5f37, 0x5f33, 0x6091, 0x608f, + 0x6097, 0x63d4, 0x63de, 0x63d3, 0x63e0, 0x6443, 0x640b, 0x63ff, + 0x6404, 0x6407, 0x68f9, 0x68fa, 0x68fb, 0x68f8, 0x6b12, 0x6b10, + 0x6c1f, 0x6ddf, 0x6de3, 0x6e52, 0x6ea9, 0x7265, 0x7287, 0x7242, + 0x7252, 0x724c, 0x719f, 0x7201, 0x7248, 0x724f, + /* 0x62 */ + 0x727e, 0x724d, 0x7258, 0x7247, 0x725e, 0x7249, 0x724e, 0x725d, + 0x725a, 0x7286, 0x7251, 0x7429, 0x74a6, 0x74a7, 0x7570, 0x756f, + 0x75d3, 0x75d2, 0x7728, 0x771b, 0x771a, 0x771c, 0x7721, 0x7b32, + 0x7b66, 0x7b7d, 0x7b73, 0x7b7f, 0x7b65, 0x7b80, 0x7b61, 0x7b75, + 0x7b6e, 0x7b67, 0x7b71, 0x7b6c, 0x7b63, 0x7b62, 0x7b83, 0x7bb2, + 0x7b81, 0x7b6f, 0x7b6b, 0x7b82, 0x7b8a, 0x7f29, 0x7f30, 0x7f31, + 0x8097, 0x8100, 0x80ff, 0x83b6, 0x83b5, 0x83c3, 0x858d, 0x8618, + 0x869c, 0x869a, 0x8699, 0x89b7, 0x89c4, 0x89c6, 0x89c7, 0x89bc, + 0x89c0, 0x89c5, 0x89cd, 0x89c1, 0x89be, 0x8aa7, 0x8ab8, 0x8b23, + 0x0c74, 0x8de8, 0x8dde, 0x8de3, 0x8def, 0x8ddc, 0x8de4, 0x8de1, + 0x8de5, 0x8e95, 0x8e94, 0x8e93, 0x8e8e, 0x9098, 0x909c, 0x9099, + 0x90a0, 0x909e, 0x9204, 0x93d3, 0x93b4, 0x93bb, + /* 0x63 */ + 0x93b7, 0x93b8, 0x93bd, 0x93b6, 0x93b9, 0x93b5, 0x9522, 0x9521, + 0x95c3, 0x95bc, 0x97ff, 0x97e5, 0x97f7, 0x97d2, 0x9800, 0x97db, + 0x97f0, 0x97e2, 0x97cd, 0x0e56, 0x97e1, 0x97f2, 0x97dc, 0x97cc, + 0x97d6, 0x97f3, 0x97fa, 0x97f6, 0x97ec, 0x97ea, 0x97e3, 0x97d0, + 0x0e5a, 0x9795, 0x97d5, 0x97f4, 0x97cb, 0x97da, 0x97c8, 0x97df, + 0x97f5, 0x97cf, 0x97c7, 0x97d7, 0x9a24, 0x0ea3, 0x9a1c, 0x9a21, + 0x9a1e, 0x9a18, 0x9a1b, 0x0ea8, 0x9c46, 0x9c4b, 0x9c48, 0x9c47, + 0x9c67, 0x9c54, 0x9e15, 0x9e22, 0x9ec5, 0x9e29, 0x9ec7, 0x9f8d, + 0xa01b, 0xa020, 0xa0e2, 0xa0e7, 0xa0e8, 0xa0e1, 0xa372, 0xa37b, + 0xa374, 0xa371, 0xa379, 0xa375, 0xa390, 0xa377, 0xa37d, 0xa44f, + 0xa450, 0xa4a3, 0xa4a2, 0xa4f4, 0xa594, 0xa59a, 0xa59b, 0xa5a7, + 0xa597, 0xa595, 0xa592, 0xa59c, 0xa596, 0xaab6, + /* 0x64 */ + 0xaab8, 0xaab0, 0xab18, 0xaac5, 0xaab5, 0xaac2, 0xab06, 0xab19, + 0xaab9, 0xab15, 0xaad6, 0xaaac, 0x113c, 0xaac6, 0xaab3, 0xaac3, + 0xaaca, 0xaacf, 0xaabd, 0xaace, 0xab14, 0xaaba, 0xab1a, 0xaac1, + 0xaabb, 0x119b, 0x119a, 0xad01, 0xacfc, 0xaf5a, 0xaf54, 0xaf61, + 0xaf5c, 0xaf55, 0xaf4a, 0xaf4b, 0xaf51, 0xaf69, 0xaf6b, 0x2cf1, + 0xaf66, 0xaf58, 0xaf5d, 0xaf67, 0xaf56, 0xaf88, 0xaf64, 0xaf4e, + 0xb257, 0xb25a, 0xb251, 0xb24a, 0xb24b, 0x125e, 0xb247, 0xb26f, + 0xb26a, 0xb26b, 0xb246, 0xb26d, 0xb254, 0xb26e, 0xb24c, 0xb378, + 0xb386, 0xb382, 0x12a7, 0xb5e1, 0xb5e5, 0xb5db, 0xb5de, 0xb5d7, + 0xb703, 0xb77c, 0xb77e, 0xb805, 0xb807, 0xb8e6, 0xb8e1, 0xb8fb, + 0xb8e5, 0xb8e7, 0xb8df, 0xb8ff, 0xb976, 0xba63, 0xba66, 0xba65, + 0xba5e, 0xba64, 0xba6b, 0xba5f, 0xba67, 0xba68, + /* 0x65 */ + 0xbc08, 0xbc09, 0xbc17, 0xbc15, 0xbc1b, 0xbc0b, 0xbc28, 0xbc0e, + 0xbc18, 0xbc53, 0xbc45, 0xbc0d, 0xbc0a, 0xbc13, 0xbc4a, 0xbd79, + 0xbea1, 0xbe8d, 0xbea2, 0xbe90, 0x146e, 0xbf31, 0xbf30, 0xc11f, + 0xc119, 0xc10c, 0xc11e, 0xc11d, 0xc107, 0xc266, 0xc2c5, 0xc2ba, + 0xc2bd, 0xc2c2, 0xc2c3, 0xc2bf, 0x150d, 0xc3a1, 0xc3a2, 0xc3a8, + 0xc3a3, 0xc3aa, 0xc3af, 0xc3b9, 0xc437, 0xc58f, 0x1543, 0xc58e, + 0xc587, 0xc58a, 0xc592, 0xc597, 0xc59f, 0xc605, 0xc7a9, 0xc7a7, + 0xc88a, 0xc882, 0xc885, 0xc88b, 0xc889, 0xc881, 0xc880, 0xc887, + 0xc886, 0xca4d, 0xcb1c, 0xcb1f, 0xcc21, 0xcc1d, 0xcc22, 0xcbfe, + 0xcc1b, 0xcc3a, 0xcc37, 0xcc17, 0xcc38, 0xcc26, 0xcc18, 0xcd34, + 0xcd35, 0xcd32, 0x1673, 0xcde1, 0xcdfd, 0xcde3, 0xcde8, 0xcdf9, + 0xcdff, 0xcdfe, 0x1674, 0xcde0, 0xce00, 0x1670, + /* 0x66 */ + 0xcdec, 0xcde4, 0xcdef, 0xcdfa, 0xceca, 0xcf31, 0xcf32, 0xcf34, + 0xcf41, 0xd000, 0xd006, 0xd008, 0xd005, 0xd003, 0xd00b, 0xd002, + 0xd00a, 0xd0f0, 0xd113, 0xd10a, 0xd10f, 0xd111, 0xd108, 0xd10b, + 0xd112, 0xd10d, 0xd25b, 0xd263, 0xd261, 0xd268, 0xd25a, 0xd34e, + 0xd34d, 0xd350, 0xd3fc, 0xd412, 0xd3f5, 0xd41e, 0xd3f0, 0xd3f3, + 0xd3f2, 0xd401, 0xd3ef, 0xd3ee, 0xd416, 0xd3f6, 0xd3fb, 0xd41c, + 0x17db, 0xd55d, 0xd560, 0xd566, 0xd55f, 0xd561, 0xd55b, 0xd562, + 0xd557, 0xd669, 0xd66b, 0xd661, 0xd677, 0xd65f, 0xd663, 0xd662, + 0xd665, 0xd7ef, 0xd7e2, 0xd800, 0xd7e8, 0xd7f2, 0xd7e7, 0x1829, + 0xd7e5, 0xd8d5, 0xd8d0, 0xd8da, 0xd8d3, 0x1851, 0xd8d9, 0xd8cf, + 0xd8d6, 0xd8d8, 0xd8f5, 0xd8ce, 0xd8d7, 0xd8f4, 0xd8cd, 0xd901, + 0x36ba, 0xdb52, 0xdb55, 0xdb5a, 0xdb4d, 0xdb54, + /* 0x67 */ + 0xdb53, 0xdb5e, 0xdb67, 0xdb65, 0xdb4e, 0x18db, 0xdb4f, 0xdb61, + 0xdb6e, 0xdb51, 0xdb5b, 0xdd63, 0xddb7, 0xddb6, 0xddc3, 0xddbb, + 0xddb5, 0xde2e, 0xde30, 0xde33, 0xde31, 0xdea4, 0xdec1, 0xdebb, + 0xdebe, 0xdf00, 0xdeff, 0xdf40, 0x1965, 0xdf3f, 0xdf44, 0x1964, + 0x1967, 0xdfdb, 0xe00f, 0xe011, 0xe04e, 0xe04d, 0xe04b, 0xe04c, + 0xe095, 0x3f3b, 0x3f45, 0x3f44, 0x3f3e, 0x3f3c, 0x3f3f, 0x3fcc, + 0x3fce, 0x4122, 0x4123, 0x419f, 0x43c5, 0x43c4, 0x4be9, 0x4b99, + 0x0211, 0x4be6, 0x4be7, 0x4bf7, 0x4fd2, 0x0333, 0x53fd, 0x540c, + 0x540b, 0x57ed, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x5a9b, 0x5b0a, 0x5c6f, 0x5c75, + 0x5df2, 0x5df8, 0x5f3e, 0x6424, 0x640e, 0x6416, 0x6418, 0x6410, + 0x6431, 0x6444, 0x05a6, 0x6429, 0x642f, 0x644b, 0x6436, 0x05a3, + 0x6934, 0x6900, 0x692b, 0x6b20, 0x6b21, 0x6b1e, + /* 0x68 */ + 0x6b1d, 0x6df5, 0x6df2, 0x6df6, 0x7290, 0x729d, 0x729c, 0x7292, + 0x7294, 0x72d1, 0x7293, 0x72b7, 0x7297, 0x72b0, 0x729f, 0x72c9, + 0x742d, 0x742c, 0x7577, 0x772c, 0x7bc0, 0x7bb9, 0x7f53, 0x8040, + 0x8202, 0x81fb, 0x0aa1, 0x858b, 0x85ae, 0x85ab, 0x86a1, 0xddcd, + 0x87ea, 0x89dd, 0x89dc, 0x89d9, 0x8aab, 0x8aac, 0x8aad, 0x8ab2, + 0x8b2c, 0x8b2b, 0x8bc2, 0x8e00, 0x8e0d, 0x8e06, 0x8dff, 0x8e03, + 0x8e01, 0x8e10, 0x8e0f, 0x8e05, 0x8e98, 0x8e97, 0x8e96, 0x8e99, + 0x90ac, 0x90ab, 0x9212, 0x93d8, 0x93df, 0x93d6, 0x952d, 0x9532, + 0x983f, 0x982f, 0x9826, 0x983a, 0x9839, 0x0e5f, 0x983b, 0x9835, + 0x982a, 0x9821, 0x9838, 0x9837, 0x9834, 0x0e5c, 0x9822, 0x9836, + 0x9844, 0x9a45, 0x9a3b, 0x9a36, 0x9a42, 0x9c7a, 0x9c86, 0x9c8b, + 0x9c7f, 0x9c81, 0x9e2a, 0x9ed5, 0x9f9f, 0x9f9d, + /* 0x69 */ + 0xa026, 0xa0f4, 0xa0f5, 0xa315, 0xa38e, 0xa38f, 0xa426, 0xa4a7, + 0xa4af, 0xa5ad, 0xa5ac, 0xa5ab, 0xa5aa, 0xab2f, 0xab21, 0xab23, + 0xaba3, 0xab49, 0xab3a, 0xab48, 0xab2d, 0xab25, 0xab29, 0xab32, + 0xab34, 0xab24, 0xab2c, 0xab4b, 0xab3b, 0xab20, 0xab28, 0xaf98, + 0x11f5, 0xaf97, 0x2d04, 0xaf9d, 0xafa8, 0xb0d5, 0xb277, 0xb278, + 0xb272, 0xb273, 0xb302, 0xb43b, 0xb5fe, 0xb60b, 0xb5ff, 0xb607, + 0x1311, 0x130c, 0xb630, 0xb6cd, 0xb6cf, 0xb710, 0xb70a, 0xb783, + 0xb815, 0xb80e, 0xb80c, 0xb902, 0xb8fe, 0xb905, 0xb915, 0xb908, + 0xba7f, 0xba77, 0xba7c, 0xba82, 0xba7e, 0xba78, 0xba7d, 0xba79, + 0xba81, 0xbc4b, 0xbc63, 0xbc64, 0xbc56, 0xbc54, 0xbc4e, 0xbc10, + 0xbc4f, 0xbc57, 0xbc5e, 0xbc51, 0xbc6a, 0xbc69, 0xbead, 0xbea4, + 0xbeac, 0xbea9, 0xbeae, 0x3f4c, 0xc150, 0xc135, + /* 0x6a */ + 0xc132, 0xc2d8, 0xc2d1, 0xc2cf, 0xc2be, 0xc3d5, 0xc3c1, 0xc3c6, + 0xc3c3, 0xc3c2, 0xc3c0, 0xc3c5, 0xc3c7, 0xc3bf, 0xc3c4, 0xc3d4, + 0xc590, 0xc5d2, 0x154e, 0xc5d4, 0xc7af, 0xc7ae, 0xc7b2, 0xc7ad, + 0xc89c, 0xc8a0, 0xc8b6, 0xca3d, 0xca56, 0xca82, 0xcb28, 0xcb2b, + 0xcc3c, 0xcc3e, 0xcc3f, 0xcc42, 0xcc3d, 0xcc41, 0xcc3b, 0xcc49, + 0xcc43, 0xcd39, 0xcd38, 0xce22, 0xce08, 0xce0c, 0xce06, 0xce13, + 0xce04, 0xce20, 0xce1d, 0xce05, 0xce0a, 0xced6, 0xced7, 0xcf36, + 0xcf37, 0xd023, 0xd022, 0xd020, 0xd01a, 0xd01d, 0xd11c, 0xd120, + 0xd177, 0xd27f, 0xd28b, 0xd27d, 0xd299, 0xd284, 0xd289, 0xd285, + 0xd283, 0xd286, 0xd29e, 0xd353, 0xd417, 0x1794, 0xd419, 0xd420, + 0xd41f, 0xd423, 0xd418, 0xd421, 0xd429, 0xd424, 0xd426, 0xd55e, + 0xd56f, 0xd56e, 0xd574, 0xd572, 0xd573, 0xd67d, + /* 0x6b */ + 0xd67e, 0xd685, 0xd67f, 0xd684, 0xd744, 0xd7f5, 0xd7f8, 0xd803, + 0xd7f6, 0xd928, 0x1863, 0xd939, 0xd8fb, 0xd90e, 0xd8fd, 0xd91f, + 0x1861, 0xd903, 0x36d8, 0xd910, 0x185a, 0xd90d, 0xd927, 0xd941, + 0xdb72, 0xdb78, 0xdb80, 0x18e3, 0xdb85, 0xdb7b, 0x387c, 0xdb7d, + 0xdb91, 0xdb88, 0xdbaa, 0xdb8d, 0xdb89, 0xdb95, 0xdb9b, 0xdb8c, + 0xdb9e, 0xdb7c, 0xdb86, 0xdb84, 0xdd68, 0xddc5, 0xddc4, 0xddc9, + 0xddc6, 0xde42, 0xde45, 0xde41, 0xde44, 0xdea6, 0xdec2, 0xdf42, + 0xdf49, 0xdf48, 0xdf4a, 0xdf4c, 0xdf4b, 0xe017, 0xe018, 0xe015, + 0xe052, 0xe054, 0xe053, 0xe09a, 0xe09b, 0xe0dc, 0xe0e4, 0xe191, + 0x19af, 0xe1ba, 0x3f51, 0x3f5b, 0x3fcf, 0x6e05, 0x4c13, 0x4c15, + 0x4c14, 0x4c23, 0x0213, 0x4c11, 0x4c12, 0x0280, 0x4ff0, 0x519b, + 0x5412, 0x5416, 0x5417, 0x54b5, 0x57f4, 0x5ab1, + /* 0x6c */ + 0x5c79, 0x5dff, 0x5dfc, 0x5dfb, 0x5f3f, 0x5f44, 0x609d, 0x6432, + 0x644c, 0x642b, 0x645a, 0x651f, 0x6901, 0x692d, 0x6927, 0x6959, + 0x695a, 0x694d, 0x6958, 0x6b23, 0x6b25, 0x6b2b, 0x6dff, 0x6eae, + 0x72cb, 0x72ca, 0x72d0, 0x72ce, 0x72cc, 0x72d8, 0x72c6, 0x72d2, + 0x72cf, 0x72c8, 0x7617, 0x19b0, 0x7bc4, 0xcd40, 0x7be9, 0x7bf2, + 0x7bfc, 0x7bea, 0x7beb, 0x7bfd, 0x7f78, 0x7f77, 0x7f73, 0x7f9e, + 0x7f79, 0x80a2, 0x8103, 0x8204, 0x8205, 0x83ce, 0x85bf, 0x89f6, + 0x89f7, 0x8b31, 0x8b30, 0x8bc9, 0x8bc7, 0x8e1c, 0x8e28, 0x8e1a, + 0x8e1e, 0x8e1b, 0x8e1f, 0x90bf, 0x90bb, 0x90bc, 0x90c0, 0x921a, + 0x93ef, 0x93ec, 0x93e9, 0x93f0, 0x93fe, 0x9534, 0x986a, 0x9895, + 0x986c, 0x9872, 0x9867, 0x9860, 0x986b, 0x985e, 0x986f, 0x9866, + 0x2946, 0x9862, 0x985d, 0x985c, 0xe365, 0x9a50, + /* 0x6d */ + 0x9c9f, 0x0f23, 0x9c9e, 0x9ca6, 0x9e35, 0x9e38, 0x9e36, 0x9e3a, + 0x9edc, 0xa37c, 0xa3ab, 0x1049, 0xa3a8, 0xa3a7, 0xa42b, 0xa42c, + 0xa428, 0x442b, 0xa4a9, 0xa4aa, 0xa4ab, 0xa4f8, 0xa5b1, 0xa5f0, + 0xa5ef, 0xaba8, 0xab8b, 0xab94, 0xab9e, 0xab8f, 0xab88, 0xab7e, + 0xab81, 0xab30, 0xab9b, 0xab82, 0xab90, 0xab85, 0xab7f, 0xaba9, + 0xabde, 0xad0d, 0x11fa, 0xafcf, 0xafcb, 0xafd8, 0xafdd, 0xafd3, + 0xafd0, 0xafd5, 0xafd6, 0xb0d6, 0xb292, 0xb295, 0xe0cb, 0xb28d, + 0xb29b, 0xb29d, 0xb28f, 0xb29e, 0xb2a6, 0xb396, 0xb392, 0xb616, + 0xb62a, 0xb629, 0xb62c, 0xb715, 0xb712, 0xb711, 0xb713, 0xb788, + 0xb78b, 0xb78a, 0xb787, 0xb817, 0xb816, 0xb81a, 0xb919, 0xb917, + 0xba91, 0xba94, 0xbc8b, 0xbc90, 0xbc8f, 0xbc86, 0xbc83, 0xbc8e, + 0xbc87, 0xbca8, 0xbc85, 0xbca6, 0xbc82, 0xbca7, + /* 0x6e */ + 0xbeb9, 0xbeb7, 0xbeb4, 0xbeb6, 0xbeb3, 0xbec6, 0xc13c, 0xc140, + 0xc138, 0xc291, 0xc2a6, 0xc2da, 0xc3da, 0xc3d8, 0xc3d9, 0xc3db, + 0xc3d7, 0xc616, 0xc612, 0xc61f, 0x1559, 0xc614, 0xc61a, 0xc610, + 0xc7b3, 0xc8ae, 0xc8c1, 0xc8b0, 0xc8af, 0xc8b1, 0xc8ad, 0xc8b2, + 0xc8c4, 0xcb3c, 0xcb3f, 0xcc61, 0xcc66, 0xcd3c, 0xcd3b, 0xce2c, + 0x167e, 0xce2a, 0xce3e, 0xce2f, 0xce32, 0xce27, 0xce29, 0xce40, + 0xcedf, 0xcede, 0xcf3c, 0xcf3b, 0xcf3e, 0xd021, 0xd046, 0xd03c, + 0xd036, 0xd038, 0xd035, 0xd131, 0xd136, 0xd12d, 0xd133, 0xd12f, + 0xd12e, 0xd135, 0xd2ac, 0xd2a9, 0xd2a6, 0x17a8, 0xd44c, 0xd443, + 0xd441, 0xd44f, 0xd442, 0xd451, 0x17a9, 0xd440, 0xd450, 0xd445, + 0xd44a, 0xd44b, 0xd583, 0xd582, 0xd581, 0xd5e0, 0xd698, 0xd69f, + 0xd69b, 0xd69a, 0xd699, 0xd696, 0xd6ae, 0xd69e, + /* 0x6f */ + 0xd809, 0xd80d, 0xd94e, 0xd94a, 0xd94d, 0xd940, 0xd93e, 0xd948, + 0xd942, 0xd962, 0xd945, 0xd951, 0xdbc6, 0xdbd0, 0xdbc0, 0xdbb7, + 0xdbc2, 0xdbbc, 0xdbc5, 0xdbdc, 0xdbdb, 0xdbd2, 0xdbc7, 0xdbb6, + 0xdbc9, 0xdbcc, 0xdbd1, 0xdbcd, 0xdbda, 0xdbba, 0xdbd3, 0xdbce, + 0xdbf6, 0xdbbd, 0xdbdd, 0xdbc8, 0xdc0d, 0xdc35, 0xdd71, 0xdd6e, + 0xdd6f, 0xddd6, 0xde4c, 0xde4f, 0xde54, 0xde53, 0xdec9, 0xdec8, + 0xdf03, 0x1954, 0xdf04, 0x1956, 0xdf57, 0xdf52, 0xdf53, 0x196d, + 0xdf56, 0xdf5c, 0xdf55, 0xe064, 0xe05d, 0xe05e, 0xe0a2, 0xe0a3, + 0x198e, 0xe0e7, 0xe0e6, 0xe198, 0xe1ac, 0xe1af, 0xe1ae, 0x3f59, + 0x40a9, 0x432a, 0x43c7, 0x4c41, 0x4c37, 0x4c35, 0x4c33, 0x4c39, + 0x4c32, 0x4fff, 0x5001, 0x4ff8, 0x541b, 0x5419, 0x56bf, 0x5abc, + 0x5abe, 0x5abd, 0x5c7d, 0x5f46, 0x5f47, 0x60a4, + /* 0x70 */ + 0x6521, 0x6562, 0x6986, 0x0672, 0x6b2f, 0x6b31, 0x0814, 0x72f8, + 0x72f5, 0x72f9, 0x72f2, 0x72fa, 0x72f3, 0x7314, 0x72fd, 0x730f, + 0x730e, 0x7301, 0x7437, 0x7435, 0x7434, 0x7431, 0x757a, 0x757b, + 0x7737, 0x7c2b, 0x7bfb, 0x7c16, 0x7c13, 0x0993, 0x7c11, 0x7c0f, + 0x7c1b, 0x7c38, 0x7fa4, 0x8209, 0x8207, 0x820b, 0x83d3, 0x83d1, + 0x83d8, 0x861d, 0x86a9, 0x86d0, 0xad15, 0x8a02, 0x8a05, 0x8a01, + 0x8a00, 0x8e2e, 0x8e30, 0x8e2f, 0x8e31, 0x90d2, 0x90d3, 0x9402, + 0x9540, 0x9542, 0x953b, 0x95ce, 0x9898, 0x988f, 0x9894, 0x9891, + 0x0e6f, 0x98ba, 0x9890, 0x9886, 0x989a, 0x988c, 0x9893, 0x9887, + 0x9888, 0x9897, 0x988d, 0x989c, 0x98bd, 0x9a3c, 0x9a59, 0x0eb0, + 0x9cd1, 0x9cbb, 0x9cbe, 0x9d5d, 0x9ee2, 0xa105, 0xa3ba, 0x012e, + 0xa3f4, 0xa4b2, 0xa4f9, 0xa5b7, 0xa5b6, 0xab89, + /* 0x71 */ + 0xabf9, 0xabd9, 0xabe8, 0xabd4, 0xabdb, 0xabe2, 0xabdf, 0xabd1, + 0xabe9, 0xabea, 0xad13, 0xad11, 0xaffa, 0xaff8, 0xaff4, 0xaffb, + 0xb00e, 0xb002, 0xb00f, 0xb290, 0xb2ad, 0xb2a9, 0xb448, 0xb65a, + 0xb64f, 0xb64e, 0xb655, 0xb654, 0xb64a, 0xb6d5, 0xb718, 0xb78d, + 0xb81d, 0xb819, 0xb926, 0xb928, 0xb92b, 0xb97d, 0xbaa0, 0xba9a, + 0xba9b, 0xbcb5, 0xbcad, 0xbcb2, 0xbd94, 0xbec9, 0xc14e, 0xc14f, + 0xc144, 0xc152, 0xc3e9, 0xc439, 0x1569, 0x337e, 0xc8c7, 0xc8d3, + 0xc8c6, 0xc8c3, 0x15b4, 0xc8d2, 0xca66, 0xcc7f, 0xcc80, 0xcc84, + 0xcc85, 0xcce3, 0x164d, 0xcd41, 0xcd44, 0xcd43, 0xce4e, 0xce4f, + 0x1683, 0xce49, 0xce4a, 0xce4b, 0xce43, 0xcee0, 0xcee5, 0xcee1, + 0xcee6, 0xcee2, 0xcf0c, 0xcf40, 0xd049, 0xd04a, 0xd054, 0xd04c, + 0xd055, 0xd056, 0xd13b, 0xd13d, 0xd2a4, 0xd2a8, + /* 0x72 */ + 0xd2c3, 0xd2bf, 0xd2c8, 0xd2c2, 0xd2ca, 0xd2cc, 0xd2c9, 0xd2be, + 0xd2cd, 0xd2c7, 0xd2c5, 0xd35d, 0x17b0, 0xd46c, 0xd46b, 0xd470, + 0xd46d, 0xd46f, 0xd489, 0xd484, 0xd58d, 0xd58a, 0xd58e, 0xd591, + 0xd6b5, 0xd6b1, 0xd6af, 0xd6b9, 0xd6b7, 0xd6b0, 0x180c, 0xd717, + 0x1818, 0xd74f, 0xd819, 0xd810, 0xd818, 0xd811, 0xd81c, 0xd812, + 0xd976, 0xd971, 0x3720, 0xd97a, 0xd97f, 0x3722, 0xd973, 0xd9ab, + 0x371e, 0xd977, 0xd974, 0xd97e, 0xd99b, 0xd984, 0xd97c, 0xdc29, + 0xdc2b, 0xdc0e, 0xdc00, 0xdc0b, 0xdbfe, 0xdbfa, 0xdc17, 0xdbff, + 0xdc0c, 0xdc0f, 0x18f5, 0xdc02, 0xdc01, 0xdbfc, 0xdc49, 0xdc06, + 0xdc12, 0xdc13, 0xdd78, 0xde5b, 0xde62, 0xde5f, 0xde5d, 0xdeab, + 0xded5, 0xded4, 0xded3, 0xdf07, 0xdf6c, 0xdf70, 0xdf6e, 0xdf68, + 0xdf6d, 0xdf77, 0xdf6a, 0xdfce, 0xdfec, 0xe069, + /* 0x73 */ + 0xe068, 0xe0a6, 0xe0a9, 0xe0aa, 0xe100, 0xe10d, 0xe0f8, 0xe0fc, + 0xe10a, 0xe0f7, 0xe101, 0xe1b6, 0xe1bb, 0xe1b7, 0xe1b9, 0xe1ca, + 0x3f69, 0x4125, 0x4c59, 0x5007, 0x5009, 0x5422, 0x5607, 0x5604, + 0x6e0f, 0x57f8, 0x5ac7, 0x5ad1, 0x5c7e, 0x5e08, 0x5f4a, 0xe298, + 0x5fb9, 0x6988, 0x6991, 0x6984, 0x6973, 0x6989, 0x6985, 0x6b33, + 0x6e13, 0x731d, 0x731f, 0x731c, 0x7320, 0x731a, 0x731b, 0x7439, + 0x74af, 0x75e5, 0x773c, 0x7c37, 0x7c3a, 0x7fbb, 0x0a0e, 0x8210, + 0x820d, 0x86af, 0x8711, 0x0bd8, 0x8a0d, 0x8a0c, 0x8a0b, 0x8bd4, + 0x8e3d, 0x8e3e, 0x8e3b, 0x8e43, 0x8e40, 0x8e46, 0x8f11, 0x90dd, + 0x90df, 0x90ea, 0x924a, 0x9406, 0x98c1, 0x98b9, 0x98c6, 0x98b8, + 0x98bb, 0x98c8, 0x98c5, 0x98bf, 0x98c7, 0x98c4, 0x9a65, 0x9a67, + 0x9cd7, 0x9cdb, 0x9cd4, 0x9cd6, 0x9ee8, 0xa10a, + /* 0x74 */ + 0xa5bd, 0xa5be, 0xac1a, 0xac0d, 0xac0f, 0xac1b, 0xac10, 0xac11, + 0xac13, 0xad18, 0xb020, 0xb01f, 0xb023, 0xb01d, 0xb037, 0xb025, + 0xb024, 0xb02a, 0xb027, 0xb033, 0xb028, 0xb034, 0xb2ba, 0x2e70, + 0xb39d, 0xb44c, 0xb65c, 0xb66a, 0xb65d, 0xb665, 0xb663, 0xb65e, + 0xb719, 0xb797, 0xb93f, 0xb933, 0xb932, 0xbaa1, 0xbaa5, 0xbaa4, + 0xbaa2, 0xbcc1, 0x142c, 0xbcc7, 0xbcc4, 0xbcc6, 0xbcc5, 0xbcd4, + 0xbcca, 0xc153, 0xc3f1, 0xc421, 0x156e, 0xc6b7, 0xc692, 0xc8d4, + 0xca44, 0xcc98, 0xcc9b, 0xcc91, 0xcc95, 0xcc9a, 0xcc92, 0xce53, + 0xce57, 0x1686, 0xce5c, 0xce5d, 0xce64, 0xceea, 0xceed, 0xcf42, + 0xcf43, 0xd064, 0xd061, 0xd060, 0xd17d, 0xd2d4, 0xd2d5, 0xd2d9, + 0xd487, 0xd499, 0xd48c, 0xd48a, 0xd48f, 0x17b3, 0xd48b, 0xd482, + 0xd49b, 0x17eb, 0xd6c8, 0xd6c4, 0xd6cc, 0xd6c7, + /* 0x75 */ + 0xd6c3, 0xd6c6, 0xd6cb, 0xd6ca, 0xd6c9, 0xd6cd, 0xd753, 0xd821, + 0xd829, 0xd81d, 0xd824, 0xd828, 0x3743, 0xd9b1, 0xd9b2, 0xd9b5, + 0xd9d6, 0xd9af, 0xd9ca, 0xd9b8, 0xe412, 0xe411, 0xdc45, 0xdc47, + 0xdc34, 0xdc6e, 0xdc42, 0xdc31, 0xdc2e, 0xdc56, 0xdc38, 0xdc37, + 0xdc4b, 0xdc2d, 0xdc33, 0xdc36, 0x38e0, 0xdc48, 0xdddc, 0x1942, + 0xde66, 0xde6d, 0xde63, 0xde64, 0x1941, 0xde67, 0xded9, 0xdf0b, + 0xdf7e, 0xdf8b, 0xe026, 0xe02c, 0xe029, 0xe06f, 0xe06b, 0xe06d, + 0xe06e, 0xe11c, 0xe111, 0xe110, 0xe124, 0xe112, 0xe115, 0xe117, + 0x19ac, 0x3f6f, 0x40ab, 0x432e, 0x43c9, 0x4696, 0x4c85, 0x51a0, + 0x542b, 0x5e0d, 0x6b36, 0x3afd, 0x072f, 0x072e, 0x6eb1, 0x734a, + 0x7337, 0x733c, 0x7338, 0x733a, 0x733e, 0x7349, 0x084d, 0x087b, + 0x7580, 0x757f, 0x75e3, 0x773f, 0x7c52, 0x7c4e, + /* 0x76 */ + 0x7c4a, 0x7c4b, 0x7fd5, 0x85d8, 0x8620, 0x86b3, 0x86b1, 0x86b0, + 0x8a17, 0x8bd9, 0x8e49, 0x8f13, 0x90ed, 0x90eb, 0x90ee, 0x940a, + 0x940b, 0x954a, 0x98d5, 0x98d7, 0x98de, 0x98dc, 0x98ee, 0x9a70, + 0x0eb2, 0x9cd9, 0x9ed7, 0xa3cb, 0xa3c7, 0xa4fc, 0xac3b, 0xac39, + 0xac4b, 0xac43, 0xac40, 0xac46, 0xb04d, 0xb043, 0xb047, 0xb04b, + 0xb055, 0xb052, 0xb65f, 0x1322, 0xb67c, 0xb67b, 0xbaa8, 0xbaa9, + 0xbcde, 0xbcd7, 0xbcdd, 0xbcd6, 0xbcd8, 0xbd9b, 0xbee0, 0xbee8, + 0xbee6, 0xc3f8, 0xc3fb, 0xc6bb, 0x3259, 0xc6b8, 0x1570, 0xc7c1, + 0xc7c0, 0xcca4, 0xccab, 0xcd4d, 0xce65, 0xce67, 0xce6a, 0xce66, + 0xce69, 0xd073, 0xd080, 0xd06f, 0xd071, 0xd2e4, 0xd2e6, 0xd2e7, + 0xd4a0, 0xd4a4, 0xd5a2, 0xd5a7, 0xd5a4, 0xd6de, 0xd6db, 0xd758, + 0xd75c, 0xd82f, 0xd82e, 0xd9dd, 0xd9e4, 0xd9d8, + /* 0x77 */ + 0xd9e7, 0xd9da, 0xd975, 0x1895, 0xdc79, 0xdc80, 0xdc7f, 0xdc7c, + 0xdc75, 0xdc7b, 0xdc82, 0x1900, 0xdc89, 0xdc74, 0xdc7d, 0xdc7a, + 0xdc86, 0xdca8, 0xdc72, 0x1902, 0xdc8b, 0xdc91, 0xdcb3, 0xdc81, + 0xdd82, 0xdde1, 0xdde3, 0xdde2, 0xde76, 0xde74, 0xde72, 0xde75, + 0xdf0e, 0xdf0d, 0xdf94, 0xdf92, 0xdf93, 0xdf91, 0xdf8f, 0xdf95, + 0xdfd0, 0xdff7, 0xe076, 0xe0af, 0x199f, 0xe126, 0xe125, 0xe12d, + 0xe1a0, 0xe1c3, 0x3fd7, 0x45cc, 0x4c79, 0x4c7a, 0x5015, 0x5adb, + 0x5c85, 0x6470, 0x647b, 0x69a5, 0x699f, 0x6e17, 0x6eb2, 0x7339, + 0x7340, 0x734e, 0x743e, 0x75e8, 0x75e7, 0x7c66, 0x7c61, 0x7fda, + 0x8214, 0x83df, 0x8a18, 0x8b39, 0x8b3a, 0x9230, 0x9232, 0x940e, + 0x954c, 0x98e8, 0x98f1, 0x98eb, 0x98ec, 0x9a74, 0x9a73, 0x9cf1, + 0x9e42, 0x9e3e, 0x9e41, 0xa02c, 0xa3d2, 0xa4bb, + /* 0x78 */ + 0xac58, 0xac57, 0xac56, 0xac5a, 0x117d, 0xb061, 0xb068, 0xb065, + 0xb05f, 0xb064, 0xb05e, 0xb05b, 0xb067, 0xb2c3, 0xb3a2, 0xb453, + 0xb67d, 0xb720, 0xbaae, 0xbaaf, 0xbab0, 0xbce7, 0xbce6, 0xbce9, + 0xbef1, 0xbeeb, 0xbeea, 0xbee9, 0xc163, 0xc402, 0xc3fe, 0xc6de, + 0xc7c2, 0xc8e6, 0xca5d, 0xccad, 0xce75, 0xce72, 0xce77, 0x16f6, + 0xd151, 0xd2e8, 0xd2ed, 0xd2ee, 0xd4b9, 0xd4a1, 0xd4b6, 0xd5ae, + 0xd6e8, 0x1812, 0xd71e, 0xd831, 0xd832, 0x1891, 0xda0e, 0xda12, + 0xda09, 0xda05, 0x1890, 0xda03, 0xda1f, 0xda0d, 0xda0c, 0xda04, + 0xda0a, 0xdcc2, 0xdcbf, 0xdcc9, 0xdcb2, 0xdcc1, 0xdcaf, 0xdcb4, + 0xdcb0, 0xdcb6, 0xdcb7, 0xdcbb, 0xdcb1, 0xddf0, 0xde78, 0xde7a, + 0xde79, 0xdee4, 0xdee6, 0xdf9f, 0xdf9d, 0xdf98, 0xdf99, 0xdff9, + 0xe030, 0xe082, 0xe081, 0xe0b3, 0xe07f, 0xe13a, + /* 0x79 */ + 0xe13e, 0xe148, 0x4c86, 0x5436, 0x5613, 0x5722, 0x5add, 0x60a7, + 0x647d, 0x0679, 0x6e1c, 0x7365, 0x7360, 0x7367, 0x084e, 0x761a, + 0x85e3, 0x9234, 0x9418, 0x9552, 0x98fc, 0x9a79, 0x9a78, 0x9a76, + 0x9cfa, 0x9cf8, 0xa02d, 0xa3d6, 0xa4bd, 0xa4bf, 0xa4be, 0xac44, + 0xac70, 0xac62, 0xac6e, 0xb06e, 0xb07c, 0xb074, 0xb078, 0xb070, + 0xb079, 0xb071, 0xb2cc, 0xb3a7, 0xb3a6, 0xb693, 0xb721, 0xb79c, + 0xbd9d, 0xbef4, 0xbef3, 0xc8f0, 0xccb8, 0xccb6, 0xccbd, 0xce73, + 0xce82, 0xd087, 0xd156, 0xd159, 0xd2f6, 0xd4c9, 0xd4c5, 0xd4c7, + 0xd4ca, 0xd4c2, 0xd4c4, 0xd6f2, 0xd6f0, 0xd83b, 0xd83a, 0xda26, + 0xda28, 0xda34, 0xda2d, 0xdcd7, 0xdcd2, 0xdcd6, 0xdcdc, 0xdcd3, + 0xdcd1, 0xdd86, 0x191e, 0xddef, 0xddee, 0xdee8, 0xdfac, 0xdfa9, + 0xdfaa, 0xdfab, 0xdffb, 0xe033, 0xe088, 0xe0b6, + /* 0x7a */ + 0xe0b7, 0xe0d0, 0xe0cf, 0xe14f, 0xe159, 0xe14c, 0x5618, 0x5ae0, + 0x7369, 0x7c73, 0x7c72, 0x85e8, 0x90fb, 0x941c, 0x9909, 0x990a, + 0x9908, 0x9a7d, 0x9a7f, 0x9d67, 0xac7a, 0xac7b, 0xb2d1, 0xe3cb, + 0xb69d, 0xb79d, 0xbcfc, 0xbcfb, 0xbcfd, 0xbef5, 0xbef6, 0xc70f, + 0xc71d, 0xccc7, 0xccc1, 0xccbf, 0xcd54, 0xce7f, 0xcef5, 0xd08a, + 0xd08c, 0xd15c, 0xd365, 0xd4cf, 0xd4d0, 0xd5b8, 0xd6fa, 0xd766, + 0xda40, 0xda41, 0x3772, 0xdcf7, 0xdcf3, 0xdcef, 0xdcf4, 0xdced, + 0xdcf2, 0xdcf1, 0xdcf9, 0xdfb4, 0xdffc, 0xe0bc, 0xe15e, 0xe15b, + 0xe15f, 0xe15d, 0xe1cf, 0xe1ce, 0x543a, 0x5ae1, 0x5e15, 0x5e14, + 0x7c78, 0x7c79, 0x7fe6, 0x86b8, 0x8a22, 0x90fe, 0xa3db, 0xa506, + 0xa5c8, 0xac89, 0xb086, 0xb3ad, 0xb699, 0xb6d8, 0xb723, 0xb823, + 0xbab5, 0xbef9, 0xc407, 0xc71e, 0xc8fb, 0xca72, + /* 0x7b */ + 0xca73, 0xce87, 0xcf49, 0xd15d, 0xd2f8, 0xd703, 0xda4e, 0xda4d, + 0xda50, 0xda55, 0xdd09, 0xdd07, 0xdd0c, 0xdd03, 0xdd06, 0xdd0b, + 0xdd0a, 0xdd89, 0xdfbb, 0xdfff, 0xe036, 0xe08b, 0xe166, 0xe169, + 0xe167, 0xe1c2, 0xe1d2, 0x5ae2, 0x0428, 0x6488, 0x6e5b, 0x7376, + 0x7c7d, 0x80a6, 0x8e5a, 0x9917, 0xa3dc, 0xac8f, 0xb094, 0xb095, + 0xbab6, 0xbd04, 0xc2ee, 0xce8a, 0xcef9, 0xd707, 0xd71f, 0xd72a, + 0xd845, 0xda5c, 0xda5b, 0xda61, 0xda5d, 0xdd18, 0xdd1f, 0xde83, + 0xdf16, 0xdf14, 0xdfbf, 0xdfc0, 0xe173, 0xe1c0, 0x5017, 0x6489, + 0x941e, 0x941f, 0x9554, 0x9918, 0x9d05, 0xac95, 0xb098, 0xb09b, + 0xb459, 0xbd08, 0xbf01, 0xccce, 0xcefa, 0xd5be, 0xd847, 0xda6a, + 0xda69, 0xda68, 0xda67, 0xdd25, 0xdd28, 0xdfc4, 0xe037, 0xe08d, + 0xe08c, 0x1991, 0xe320, 0x9922, 0x9a82, 0xb2d9, + /* 0x7c */ + 0xc738, 0xcefb, 0xd4e1, 0xd772, 0xd848, 0xda6c, 0xda70, 0xdd31, + 0xdd30, 0xe179, 0x9923, 0xa3f8, 0xd774, 0xda73, 0xdd34, 0xde87, + 0xdeb2, 0xe0c2, 0xe17d, 0x5ae5, 0xce8c, 0xda77, 0xda75, 0xdd38, + 0xdd3a, 0xe183, 0xe181, 0x7c80, 0xac99, 0x1187, 0xcf4a, 0xd84a, + 0xdd3c, 0xe1c8, 0x9104, 0xb3af, 0xe189, 0xddfa, 0xd161, 0xdd3f, + 0xac93, 0xdfc9, 0xb2de, 0xce91, 0xe18e, 0xe18d, 0xac98, 0xa4c5, + 0xe1a5, +}; + +static const ucs4_t cns11643_5_2uni_upages[229] = { + 0x03400, 0x03500, 0x03600, 0x03700, 0x03800, 0x03900, 0x03a00, 0x03b00, + 0x03c00, 0x03d00, 0x03e00, 0x03f00, 0x04000, 0x04100, 0x04200, 0x04300, + 0x04400, 0x04500, 0x04600, 0x04700, 0x04800, 0x04900, 0x04a00, 0x04b00, + 0x04c00, 0x04d00, 0x05200, 0x05900, 0x05e00, 0x05f00, 0x06100, 0x06300, + 0x06400, 0x06b00, 0x07200, 0x07300, 0x07500, 0x07600, 0x07900, 0x07a00, + 0x07b00, 0x07c00, 0x08300, 0x08600, 0x08700, 0x08800, 0x08900, 0x08a00, + 0x08c00, 0x08e00, 0x09400, 0x09500, 0x09700, 0x09900, 0x09b00, 0x09c00, + 0x09d00, 0x09e00, 0x0ff00, 0x20000, 0x20100, 0x20200, 0x20300, 0x20400, + 0x20500, 0x20600, 0x20700, 0x20800, 0x20900, 0x20a00, 0x20b00, 0x20c00, + 0x20d00, 0x20e00, 0x20f00, 0x21000, 0x21100, 0x21200, 0x21300, 0x21400, + 0x21500, 0x21600, 0x21700, 0x21800, 0x21900, 0x21a00, 0x21b00, 0x21c00, + 0x21d00, 0x21e00, 0x21f00, 0x22000, 0x22100, 0x22200, 0x22300, 0x22400, + 0x22500, 0x22600, 0x22700, 0x22800, 0x22900, 0x22a00, 0x22b00, 0x22c00, + 0x22d00, 0x22e00, 0x22f00, 0x23000, 0x23100, 0x23200, 0x23300, 0x23400, + 0x23500, 0x23600, 0x23700, 0x23800, 0x23900, 0x23a00, 0x23b00, 0x23c00, + 0x23d00, 0x23e00, 0x23f00, 0x24000, 0x24100, 0x24200, 0x24300, 0x24400, + 0x24500, 0x24600, 0x24700, 0x24800, 0x24900, 0x24a00, 0x24b00, 0x24c00, + 0x24d00, 0x24e00, 0x24f00, 0x25000, 0x25100, 0x25200, 0x25300, 0x25400, + 0x25500, 0x25600, 0x25700, 0x25800, 0x25900, 0x25a00, 0x25b00, 0x25c00, + 0x25d00, 0x25e00, 0x25f00, 0x26000, 0x26100, 0x26200, 0x26300, 0x26400, + 0x26500, 0x26600, 0x26700, 0x26800, 0x26900, 0x26a00, 0x26b00, 0x26c00, + 0x26d00, 0x26e00, 0x26f00, 0x27000, 0x27100, 0x27200, 0x27300, 0x27400, + 0x27500, 0x27600, 0x27700, 0x27800, 0x27900, 0x27a00, 0x27b00, 0x27c00, + 0x27d00, 0x27e00, 0x27f00, 0x28000, 0x28100, 0x28200, 0x28300, 0x28400, + 0x28500, 0x28600, 0x28700, 0x28800, 0x28900, 0x28a00, 0x28b00, 0x28c00, + 0x28d00, 0x28e00, 0x28f00, 0x29000, 0x29100, 0x29200, 0x29300, 0x29400, + 0x29500, 0x29600, 0x29700, 0x29800, 0x29900, 0x29a00, 0x29b00, 0x29c00, + 0x29d00, 0x29e00, 0x29f00, 0x2a000, 0x2a100, 0x2a200, 0x2a300, 0x2a400, + 0x2a500, 0x2a600, 0x2f800, 0x2f900, 0x2fa00, +}; + +static int +cns11643_5_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 >= 0x21 && c1 <= 0x7c)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 < 0x7f) { + unsigned int i = 94 * (c1 - 0x21) + (c2 - 0x21); + ucs4_t wc = 0xfffd; + unsigned short swc; + { + if (i < 8603) + swc = cns11643_5_2uni_page21[i], + wc = cns11643_5_2uni_upages[swc>>8] | (swc & 0xff); + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_6.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_6.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..849398435 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_6.h @@ -0,0 +1,968 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CNS 11643-1992 plane 6 + */ + +static const unsigned short cns11643_6_2uni_page21[6388] = { + /* 0x21 */ + 0xc902, 0x3362, 0x0005, 0x3388, 0x33d0, 0x33cf, 0x341e, 0x341f, + 0x3420, 0x3c0e, 0x3c2c, 0x3361, 0x3304, 0x3305, 0x3303, 0x0004, + 0xc901, 0x337d, 0x338d, 0x34a3, 0x34a4, 0x37db, 0x3800, 0xc91e, + 0x39a3, 0x3b32, 0x013f, 0x3dd4, 0x3dd5, 0x4e23, 0x552c, 0x557a, + 0x3803, 0x3307, 0x3308, 0x338f, 0x339c, 0x33d5, 0x3412, 0x3413, + 0x3414, 0x3421, 0x34a8, 0x34a6, 0x3776, 0x3801, 0x383d, 0xc914, + 0x383e, 0x3929, 0x3977, 0x3978, 0x39a6, 0x39a9, 0x39ac, 0x3b34, + 0x3804, 0x3c7b, 0x3d10, 0x392f, 0x3dd7, 0x3e1c, 0x3e1f, 0x3e1a, + 0xc936, 0x3e1e, 0x3e9e, 0x3e9a, 0x43a0, 0x43a1, 0x47d2, 0x47d3, + 0x4bb9, 0x4d1d, 0x4d55, 0x4eff, 0x51e7, 0x042a, 0x5211, 0x5213, + 0x5212, 0x53af, 0x53b1, 0xc990, 0x552d, 0x557b, 0x559d, 0x559a, + 0x04a7, 0x559f, 0x55a0, 0x559c, 0x56bd, 0x04fa, + /* 0x22 */ + 0x57aa, 0x626c, 0x6291, 0x6d74, 0x756a, 0xca29, 0x8605, 0x8f6b, + 0x8f6a, 0x33e0, 0x3312, 0x0000, 0x337f, 0x33a0, 0x3399, 0x3395, + 0x339e, 0x33df, 0x33de, 0x34af, 0x34ad, 0x34b0, 0x37df, 0x3843, + 0x3841, 0x3848, 0x3875, 0xc91a, 0x3932, 0x397b, 0x3979, 0x39b3, + 0x00db, 0x3ea7, 0x39b2, 0x39b0, 0x39b4, 0xc929, 0x3bcd, 0x3bce, + 0xc92b, 0x3c10, 0x3c80, 0x3cd3, 0x3d30, 0x3398, 0x3d2f, 0x3d31, + 0x3dda, 0x3dd9, 0x3e27, 0x3e28, 0x3e21, 0x3e25, 0x3ea6, 0x3ea2, + 0x3ea1, 0x3ea4, 0xc939, 0x3eaa, 0x3ea5, 0x3ea3, 0x3364, 0x443f, + 0x4444, 0x471b, 0x4753, 0x4784, 0x4786, 0x47d5, 0xc960, 0x4b3e, + 0x4b40, 0x4dca, 0x4dc9, 0x4e26, 0x4f00, 0x4f31, 0x4f3c, 0x4f30, + 0x4f33, 0x4f32, 0x4f38, 0x5234, 0x5253, 0x5254, 0x53b4, 0x53b2, + 0x552f, 0x55a5, 0x55a7, 0x55a4, 0x55a8, 0x55a9, + /* 0x23 */ + 0x55a2, 0x55a3, 0x55a6, 0x5681, 0x5680, 0x57ad, 0x5c24, 0x5c65, + 0x5c68, 0x5c69, 0x633c, 0x633b, 0x655d, 0x6a44, 0x7182, 0x74f1, + 0x756b, 0x771b, 0x78eb, 0x7bba, 0x7bd3, 0x7d13, 0x8922, 0x97f4, + 0xab0f, 0xab10, 0x3807, 0xc10b, 0xc10a, 0x3319, 0x331a, 0x3318, + 0x3366, 0x3382, 0x33a8, 0x33e5, 0x33e7, 0x33e4, 0x3415, 0x3423, + 0x3424, 0x3443, 0x34c3, 0x34bc, 0x34bb, 0x0038, 0x34b7, 0x34b9, + 0x34cf, 0xc90d, 0x377a, 0x377b, 0x37e1, 0x37e0, 0x3809, 0x384d, + 0xc916, 0x384b, 0x3879, 0x38b1, 0x3936, 0x3935, 0x3937, 0x3938, + 0x397f, 0x3980, 0x3981, 0x9653, 0x397e, 0x39cd, 0x39bf, 0x39be, + 0x39c2, 0x39b8, 0x39c1, 0x2030, 0x3c31, 0x3c2f, 0x3c6f, 0x3c82, + 0x013a, 0x3c87, 0x3c86, 0x3c8d, 0x3c94, 0x3cd7, 0x3cd4, 0x3cd8, + 0x3d16, 0x3d14, 0x3d2e, 0x3d36, 0x3d37, 0x51ee, + /* 0x24 */ + 0x3de0, 0x3de5, 0x3ddf, 0x3e2b, 0x3e29, 0x3e2d, 0x3e2f, 0x3eb7, + 0x3ec9, 0x3ec1, 0x3eca, 0x3eb2, 0x3eac, 0x3eae, 0x43b2, 0x43a8, + 0x43b0, 0x43a7, 0xc951, 0x4452, 0x444a, 0x4756, 0x4755, 0x475f, + 0x475e, 0x4788, 0xc95d, 0x47dd, 0x47e2, 0x47e1, 0x47df, 0x47e0, + 0x48af, 0x48b1, 0x48ba, 0x4b45, 0x4b43, 0x4bbd, 0x4bc8, 0xc96c, + 0x4bbe, 0x4bbf, 0xc974, 0x4d59, 0x4e29, 0x4e2c, 0x4e2f, 0x4e2d, + 0x4e2e, 0x4f04, 0x4f02, 0x4f01, 0x4f40, 0x4f4a, 0x4f3f, 0x4f4f, + 0x4f41, 0x4f4e, 0x51eb, 0x51ec, 0x33ac, 0x525b, 0x5263, 0x525a, + 0x5259, 0x53dc, 0x53db, 0x53d9, 0x53e0, 0x53dd, 0x3320, 0x55b0, + 0x55b1, 0x55b2, 0x55b6, 0x5651, 0x5652, 0x5650, 0x5684, 0x04c9, + 0x5683, 0x57c3, 0x57b8, 0x57b9, 0x57b2, 0x5b90, 0x5c26, 0x5c29, + 0x5c6e, 0x6340, 0x633e, 0x6341, 0x655e, 0x65bb, + /* 0x25 */ + 0x65bc, 0x65b9, 0xc9ef, 0x6980, 0x084f, 0x6a45, 0x6aba, 0x6abd, + 0x6d56, 0x6d55, 0x6d75, 0x6d77, 0x6d81, 0xc9fa, 0x6d83, 0x6d8b, + 0x6d84, 0x7186, 0x7183, 0x718b, 0x756d, 0x7616, 0x7728, 0x78ea, + 0x7bd4, 0x7c03, 0x7d15, 0x7f3d, 0x7f3e, 0x8416, 0xca4c, 0x8606, + 0x874d, 0x8f22, 0x8f73, 0x8f6d, 0x8f6e, 0x91b1, 0x384e, 0x932d, + 0x0fcd, 0x95f9, 0x9652, 0x9800, 0x97fc, 0x97fa, 0x1092, 0x97f7, + 0x97f8, 0xca90, 0xcac4, 0xa627, 0xab11, 0x33ae, 0xad50, 0xad4f, + 0xad4d, 0xaf71, 0xcae2, 0xaf72, 0xb518, 0x3d44, 0x3321, 0x3367, + 0x33af, 0x33b0, 0x3329, 0x3417, 0x3422, 0xc903, 0x3325, 0x3428, + 0x34ff, 0x34d9, 0x34db, 0x34de, 0x34f2, 0x34fe, 0x34f4, 0x34dd, + 0x0045, 0xc904, 0x3501, 0x34dc, 0x377d, 0x3781, 0x377e, 0x377f, + 0x37e5, 0x380f, 0x00b5, 0x380a, 0x00b6, 0x380b, + /* 0x26 */ + 0x3851, 0x3852, 0x3850, 0x38b8, 0x393d, 0x393e, 0x393c, 0x3987, + 0x39d7, 0x39db, 0x39cf, 0x39e0, 0x3b4c, 0x3b42, 0x3bd4, 0x3c11, + 0x3c14, 0x3c15, 0x3c12, 0x3c33, 0x3c35, 0x0137, 0x3c71, 0x0130, + 0x3c91, 0x3c93, 0x3c95, 0x3cdc, 0x3d42, 0x3d40, 0x83a6, 0x3de6, + 0x448f, 0x3e32, 0xc937, 0x3e31, 0x3ef5, 0x3ecd, 0x3ede, 0x3ed5, + 0x3eda, 0x3eee, 0x3eec, 0x3ecf, 0x3ece, 0xc93d, 0x3ecc, 0x3ef3, + 0x43c1, 0x43c4, 0x43c6, 0x43b4, 0x43c3, 0x43b8, 0x43bb, 0x43b7, + 0x43bc, 0x43bf, 0x43c7, 0x43be, 0x4460, 0x445d, 0x4476, 0x446c, + 0x4475, 0x445b, 0x4471, 0x4473, 0x4461, 0x445a, 0x4462, 0x4472, + 0x445f, 0x4458, 0x471e, 0x4758, 0x478b, 0x478a, 0x47f4, 0x47f0, + 0x48d2, 0x48cd, 0x48ce, 0x48bc, 0x48d0, 0x4b46, 0x4b47, 0x033e, + 0x034d, 0x0351, 0x4bce, 0x4bcf, 0x4bcc, 0x4bcb, + /* 0x27 */ + 0xc972, 0x4d60, 0x4d5f, 0x4d5d, 0x4dd4, 0x4e3a, 0x4e38, 0x4e3c, + 0x4e36, 0x4f08, 0x4f7e, 0x4f5e, 0x4f6e, 0x4f53, 0x4f70, 0x4f57, + 0x4f5d, 0x4f63, 0x4f7a, 0x4f79, 0x4f93, 0xc981, 0x521d, 0x5268, + 0x5273, 0x5274, 0x5266, 0x526f, 0x5275, 0x527a, 0x5270, 0x526d, + 0x5265, 0x538a, 0x53ed, 0x53e9, 0x53e3, 0x53ef, 0x0473, 0x53ea, + 0x5531, 0xc991, 0x5538, 0x9820, 0x5535, 0x553a, 0x5581, 0x5580, + 0x55b8, 0x55c1, 0x55ba, 0x5688, 0x56cf, 0x56ca, 0x56c7, 0x56c5, + 0x56c8, 0x56d0, 0x56c9, 0x57bb, 0x57b6, 0x57bd, 0xc99d, 0x57b4, + 0x57c1, 0x57d1, 0x57d2, 0x57cc, 0x57d4, 0x57cb, 0x57ce, 0x57d5, + 0x57d8, 0x5b95, 0x5b93, 0x5b99, 0x5b96, 0x05be, 0x5c89, 0x5c94, + 0x5c91, 0x5c8f, 0x5c84, 0x5c97, 0x5c86, 0x5c85, 0x5c8c, 0x60f2, + 0x60ed, 0x60ef, 0x62d9, 0x6346, 0x6347, 0x634b, + /* 0x28 */ + 0x6350, 0x634a, 0x634e, 0x634c, 0x6348, 0x6563, 0x6561, 0x6562, + 0x6560, 0x65c3, 0x65c5, 0x65c1, 0x65d0, 0xc9dc, 0x6982, 0x081e, + 0x6986, 0x6984, 0x6a4c, 0x6a48, 0x6ab8, 0x6abf, 0x6ac1, 0x6ac6, + 0x6ac5, 0x6ac7, 0x6ac0, 0x6ac3, 0x6bed, 0x6c03, 0x6c22, 0x6c21, + 0x6d9f, 0x6d90, 0x6d9e, 0x08c8, 0x6da0, 0x6d94, 0x6d95, 0x6da1, + 0x08c3, 0x08c7, 0x719a, 0x7190, 0x74f2, 0x74f3, 0x756e, 0x75ab, + 0x75a9, 0x761a, 0x7618, 0x761b, 0x7760, 0x774c, 0x7742, 0x7733, + 0x773f, 0x773e, 0x7738, 0x7743, 0x7746, 0x7736, 0x78ee, 0x78f5, + 0x78f4, 0x0b56, 0x7c1b, 0x0140, 0x7d2b, 0x7d29, 0x7d2a, 0x7d2e, + 0x803f, 0x80e6, 0x83a7, 0x83a8, 0x8418, 0x8608, 0x8750, 0x8753, + 0x8a56, 0x8a55, 0x8f6f, 0x8f7f, 0x91b3, 0x933a, 0x9338, 0x9337, + 0x9336, 0x3854, 0xca80, 0x95dd, 0x95fc, 0x95fa, + /* 0x29 */ + 0x9633, 0x9804, 0x9807, 0x9808, 0x9806, 0x9809, 0xca91, 0xca93, + 0x9d1e, 0xcad2, 0xad0b, 0xad43, 0xad52, 0xad58, 0xad5e, 0xaf68, + 0xaf8d, 0xaf82, 0xaf7b, 0xb358, 0x15bd, 0xc900, 0x332c, 0x332e, + 0x480b, 0x332d, 0x3369, 0x33b2, 0x33b6, 0x33a9, 0x33ed, 0x3419, + 0x344f, 0x3516, 0x3503, 0x350e, 0x3504, 0x3507, 0x3510, 0x3527, + 0x3528, 0x350d, 0x3529, 0x350f, 0x3522, 0x3511, 0x3785, 0x3784, + 0x3783, 0x378a, 0x3786, 0x3810, 0x3858, 0x385a, 0x3a0c, 0x38c4, + 0x38c5, 0x3947, 0x3949, 0x394a, 0x394b, 0x53bb, 0x398d, 0x398b, + 0x3a07, 0x3a06, 0xc920, 0x39ef, 0x39f0, 0x39ed, 0x39f9, 0x3a02, + 0x39e7, 0x39f4, 0x39f7, 0x39f1, 0x3b53, 0x3b55, 0x011a, 0x3bda, + 0x3bd9, 0x012c, 0x3c38, 0x3c99, 0x3ca2, 0x3c9c, 0x3c9a, 0x3c9b, + 0x3ce5, 0x3ce3, 0x3ce1, 0x3ce0, 0x3ce2, 0x3ce4, + /* 0x2a */ + 0x32fd, 0x3ce8, 0xc92f, 0x3d13, 0x3d56, 0x3d4b, 0x3d4a, 0x3d4d, + 0x3d4c, 0x0149, 0x3dea, 0x3de9, 0x3deb, 0x3dec, 0x3e3a, 0x3e3c, + 0x3e39, 0x3e3b, 0x3f14, 0x3f0e, 0x3f35, 0x3f0a, 0x3f3f, 0x3f38, + 0x017c, 0x3f4e, 0x3f17, 0xc93f, 0x3f1e, 0x43b6, 0x43ce, 0x43ca, + 0x43cb, 0x43cc, 0x43c9, 0x44b4, 0x44ac, 0x4488, 0x4486, 0x448c, + 0x4493, 0x448a, 0x44a4, 0x4487, 0x44a5, 0x44a6, 0x4485, 0x44a3, + 0x448e, 0x471f, 0x4763, 0x478d, 0x47fa, 0x47fb, 0x4809, 0x47fe, + 0x47ff, 0x4802, 0x4804, 0x47fd, 0x4805, 0x48f9, 0x48f7, 0x48db, + 0x48da, 0x4b51, 0x4b50, 0x4b57, 0x4be2, 0x4bd8, 0x4bda, 0x4bdc, + 0x4d20, 0x4d1f, 0x4d69, 0x4ddd, 0x4e40, 0x4e41, 0x4e43, 0x4f0d, + 0x4f0c, 0x4f87, 0x4fa9, 0x4f92, 0x4f85, 0x03bf, 0x4f8c, 0x4fa2, + 0x4f8f, 0x4f8a, 0x03ba, 0x4f8d, 0x51f1, 0x5237, + /* 0x2b */ + 0x528b, 0x5287, 0x5282, 0x538e, 0x53bc, 0x53f8, 0x53fa, 0x53eb, + 0x53f9, 0x53fc, 0x5405, 0x551b, 0x551d, 0x551e, 0xc992, 0x553c, + 0x553e, 0x5584, 0x55c8, 0x55c9, 0x55d3, 0x55c7, 0x55d2, 0x5655, + 0xc996, 0x568c, 0x568a, 0x56d5, 0x56d3, 0x04d8, 0x56d8, 0x57d0, + 0x57ee, 0x57f1, 0x57fb, 0x57d3, 0x57ec, 0x57cd, 0x5815, 0x5826, + 0x580e, 0x5827, 0x582a, 0x5800, 0x5804, 0x5828, 0x5808, 0x5814, + 0x5b9b, 0x05b2, 0x5ba1, 0x5b9d, 0x5ba0, 0x5b9e, 0x5ba2, 0x5b9c, + 0x5c32, 0x5c34, 0x5c93, 0x5c96, 0x5c90, 0x5cb4, 0x5cb5, 0xc9b6, + 0x5cb6, 0x5cc2, 0xc9b5, 0x5cba, 0x5c92, 0x60fb, 0x6105, 0x60f3, + 0x60fe, 0x60fd, 0x755d, 0x60fa, 0x6243, 0x6295, 0x6294, 0x06c4, + 0x636f, 0x6373, 0x635c, 0x635b, 0x6366, 0x6374, 0x6363, 0x6367, + 0x6360, 0x6362, 0x6371, 0x6372, 0x635e, 0x6523, + /* 0x2c */ + 0x6526, 0x6564, 0xc9d6, 0x65f2, 0x6601, 0x65dd, 0x65dc, 0x65db, + 0x65f3, 0x65fd, 0x65d8, 0x65f8, 0x65fb, 0x6983, 0x698c, 0x698e, + 0x6a49, 0x6a54, 0x6a52, 0x6a4e, 0x6a58, 0x6a51, 0x6a55, 0x6a53, + 0x6a57, 0x6a50, 0x6a4f, 0x6a4d, 0x6ad2, 0x6ad3, 0x6ac9, 0x6ad4, + 0x6bef, 0xc9f8, 0x33b1, 0x6c05, 0x6c04, 0x6c2e, 0x6c2d, 0x6d45, + 0x6d5b, 0x6d5a, 0x6d59, 0x6d9d, 0x6d8e, 0x6dbc, 0x6ddd, 0x6dba, + 0xc9fd, 0x6dd8, 0x6dcb, 0x6dd9, 0x6dda, 0x6dc4, 0x6db8, 0x6dbf, + 0x6ddb, 0x6dc1, 0xc9fc, 0x6dc5, 0xca19, 0x71b1, 0x71af, 0xca18, + 0x74f7, 0x74f6, 0x74f8, 0x7550, 0x7551, 0x7571, 0x7570, 0x75b0, + 0x75af, 0x75ae, 0x75ad, 0x7625, 0x762c, 0x7622, 0x7633, 0x7634, + 0x0a2b, 0x773a, 0x7740, 0x7768, 0x0a61, 0x7764, 0x775c, 0x7757, + 0x7753, 0x774f, 0x7751, 0x7754, 0x7766, 0x23dd, + /* 0x2d */ + 0x0ab2, 0x790d, 0x7908, 0xca2b, 0x78fa, 0x7aea, 0x7b2a, 0x7bbb, + 0x7bd5, 0x7bd7, 0x4fa4, 0x33f0, 0x33b5, 0x7c06, 0x7c28, 0x7c22, + 0x7c21, 0x5656, 0x7c23, 0x43cd, 0x7d30, 0x7d34, 0x7fc9, 0x7fca, + 0x7fc8, 0xca3d, 0x8044, 0x80f3, 0xca41, 0x80f8, 0x80fc, 0x80f6, + 0x80fb, 0x80f7, 0x8100, 0x8102, 0xca40, 0xca4d, 0x8424, 0x860d, + 0x0d29, 0x8762, 0x8930, 0x892b, 0x892a, 0x0d92, 0x892d, 0x8ada, + 0x8c28, 0x8d86, 0x8f77, 0x8f7c, 0x9050, 0x904e, 0x90f2, 0x91b2, + 0x91ce, 0x91cf, 0x91e5, 0x6607, 0x9235, 0x9231, 0x9313, 0x932b, + 0x932c, 0x9345, 0x9360, 0x9341, 0x9358, 0x9347, 0x935b, 0x9350, + 0xca82, 0x935f, 0x934a, 0x9356, 0x9343, 0x9344, 0x9351, 0x95fd, + 0x9634, 0x9635, 0x9654, 0x9655, 0x970c, 0x970b, 0x970a, 0x97f9, + 0x9835, 0x9824, 0x9813, 0x981c, 0x9869, 0x9825, + /* 0x2e */ + 0x9821, 0xca95, 0xca96, 0xca98, 0x9d20, 0x9fa9, 0x9fa8, 0x9fde, + 0xa009, 0xa00a, 0xa00b, 0xa1e3, 0xa207, 0xa2b2, 0xa2b3, 0xa35d, + 0xa858, 0xa886, 0xa887, 0xa9b9, 0xa9b8, 0xad0c, 0xad44, 0xad66, + 0xad80, 0xad75, 0xad6d, 0xad7e, 0xad67, 0xad81, 0xad77, 0xafa8, + 0xafa2, 0xafa5, 0xaf9b, 0xb357, 0xb50f, 0xb532, 0xb52c, 0xb533, + 0xb8e7, 0x336e, 0x33b7, 0x33f6, 0x33f2, 0x33f3, 0x3817, 0x3430, + 0x3454, 0x3453, 0x3552, 0x353d, 0x353c, 0x3534, 0x3533, 0x3554, + 0x352f, 0x0058, 0x3555, 0x353f, 0x3537, 0x3556, 0x3561, 0x3558, + 0xc906, 0x353b, 0x3532, 0x352e, 0x353e, 0x333b, 0x378c, 0x378d, + 0x3813, 0x3816, 0x3812, 0x385b, 0x388a, 0x38d7, 0x38ce, 0x3950, + 0x3951, 0x394f, 0x398e, 0x398f, 0x39f2, 0xc921, 0x3a28, 0x3a1a, + 0x3a25, 0x3a1d, 0x3a14, 0x3a20, 0x3a1f, 0x3a1b, + /* 0x2f */ + 0x3a17, 0x3a15, 0x3a1c, 0x3a13, 0xc925, 0x3b60, 0x011c, 0x3b66, + 0x3be3, 0x3bde, 0x3be0, 0x3be1, 0x3c1a, 0x3c1b, 0x3c18, 0x3c1c, + 0x3c19, 0x3c42, 0x3c40, 0x3c3e, 0x3c44, 0x3c74, 0x3c43, 0xc92d, + 0x3cf2, 0x3d1b, 0x3d19, 0x3d1e, 0xc930, 0x3d5e, 0x3d66, 0x3d5d, + 0x3d5a, 0x3d5f, 0x3d60, 0x3d5b, 0x3d5c, 0x3d59, 0x3df0, 0x3df1, + 0x3e43, 0x3e40, 0x3e42, 0x3e41, 0x3e3f, 0x3f57, 0x3f69, 0x3f6f, + 0x3fab, 0x3f71, 0x3f93, 0x3f56, 0x3f90, 0x3f6d, 0x3f6c, 0x3f70, + 0x3f66, 0x3f67, 0x43d7, 0x43b5, 0x43db, 0x43d8, 0x43d5, 0x43d4, + 0x44ba, 0x44b7, 0x44be, 0x44b9, 0x0237, 0x44e0, 0x44dd, 0x44de, + 0x7918, 0x44d8, 0x44bd, 0x44db, 0x471d, 0x4725, 0x4921, 0x490c, + 0x4929, 0x492d, 0x491b, 0x490e, 0x491f, 0x4904, 0x491c, 0x4905, + 0x4906, 0x4920, 0x490d, 0x492a, 0x4923, 0x4911, + /* 0x30 */ + 0x4b5c, 0x4b66, 0x4b5b, 0x4b4f, 0x4b5e, 0x4b5d, 0x4bf1, 0x4bea, + 0x4bf4, 0x4beb, 0x4bf0, 0x4bfa, 0x4bfb, 0x4d28, 0x4d2c, 0x4d6b, + 0x4d2a, 0x4d6a, 0x4d6f, 0x4ddb, 0x4de0, 0x7fd1, 0x4de3, 0x4de5, + 0x4de7, 0x4e4d, 0x4e55, 0x4e54, 0x4e53, 0x4e52, 0x4e4e, 0x4e60, + 0x53c0, 0x4f0f, 0x4f11, 0x4f13, 0x4fc6, 0x4fb3, 0x4fc7, 0x4fd2, + 0x4fb8, 0x4fac, 0x4fae, 0x4fcf, 0x4fc5, 0xc97b, 0x4fcc, 0x4fab, + 0x4fc9, 0x4fb9, 0x51fb, 0x51f8, 0x51f7, 0x51f9, 0x5220, 0x523b, + 0x5239, 0x529e, 0x529a, 0x52aa, 0x52ab, 0x52af, 0x5296, 0x52a9, + 0x52a6, 0x5291, 0x0443, 0x52ae, 0x529f, 0x52ac, 0x52a0, 0x5392, + 0x5391, 0x53bf, 0x5417, 0x540a, 0x540c, 0x554a, 0x5546, 0x5534, + 0x5545, 0x5543, 0x5544, 0xc993, 0x5587, 0x5586, 0x558a, 0x55da, + 0x55d8, 0x04b4, 0x3818, 0x3434, 0x55d6, 0x55d4, + /* 0x31 */ + 0x5654, 0x5659, 0x565a, 0x5657, 0x04e0, 0x56dd, 0x56e9, 0x56e0, + 0x5805, 0x5812, 0x5813, 0x5807, 0x5816, 0x5823, 0x5802, 0xc9a1, + 0x584a, 0x5836, 0x5840, 0x5856, 0x5843, 0xc9a0, 0x584b, 0x5846, + 0x583e, 0x5849, 0x5ba7, 0x5bb6, 0x5ba6, 0x5ba8, 0x5bac, 0x5ba9, + 0x5bab, 0x5c38, 0x5c37, 0x5c39, 0x5c41, 0x5c3e, 0x5cc0, 0x5cbb, + 0x5cbf, 0x5cbd, 0x5cfe, 0x5d1e, 0x5cee, 0x5cfc, 0xc9b7, 0x5cf9, + 0x5d06, 0x5ce4, 0x5ce9, 0x5ce5, 0x5d03, 0x5cfd, 0x5d49, 0x60be, + 0x610a, 0x8626, 0x6118, 0x610d, 0x610f, 0x610e, 0x6120, 0x6271, + 0x6299, 0x62e2, 0x62df, 0x62de, 0x6378, 0x6379, 0x06e4, 0x637c, + 0x637d, 0x6384, 0x638b, 0x638a, 0xc9d2, 0x6389, 0x652c, 0x6529, + 0x656c, 0x2104, 0x6609, 0x6608, 0x660c, 0x660d, 0x6610, 0x0826, + 0x699f, 0x6998, 0x69a2, 0x699a, 0x6ad5, 0x6ae2, + /* 0x32 */ + 0x6af0, 0x6aea, 0x6aeb, 0x6aed, 0x6ae8, 0x6ae0, 0x6b85, 0x6b86, + 0x6bf0, 0x5046, 0x6c45, 0x6c38, 0x6c3e, 0x6c42, 0x6c40, 0x6d47, + 0x6d5c, 0x6d5e, 0x6db4, 0x6dc2, 0x6e14, 0x6de5, 0x6e15, 0x6e11, + 0xc9ff, 0x6dee, 0x6de7, 0x6df5, 0x6df4, 0x6de8, 0x6e01, 0x6def, + 0x6df1, 0xca00, 0x71db, 0x71bf, 0x71da, 0x71c7, 0x71dd, 0xca1a, + 0x71eb, 0x71e1, 0x71c1, 0x71bd, 0x7507, 0x74fd, 0x7501, 0x750a, + 0x7503, 0x7572, 0x7574, 0x7575, 0x75b2, 0x75b1, 0x75b4, 0x764c, + 0x7642, 0x7640, 0x7649, 0x763c, 0x764d, 0x764a, 0x763b, 0x7761, + 0x7774, 0xca26, 0x777f, 0x777a, 0x7788, 0x777c, 0x0a6f, 0x7770, + 0x790f, 0x7928, 0x7913, 0x792a, 0x7aed, 0x7aef, 0x7b2e, 0x7bc1, + 0x7bdd, 0x3e47, 0x7c2d, 0x7c2b, 0x7c35, 0x7c2f, 0x7c31, 0x7c34, + 0xca35, 0x7c30, 0x7d3a, 0x7d39, 0x7d37, 0x7d4b, + /* 0x33 */ + 0x7d54, 0x7d4d, 0x7d51, 0x7d47, 0x7f27, 0x7f50, 0x7f4d, 0x7f4e, + 0x7f54, 0x7fd2, 0x7fce, 0x804b, 0x8049, 0x8105, 0x810f, 0x8119, + 0xca43, 0x8106, 0x810c, 0x8129, 0x8104, 0x8108, 0x8125, 0x0c1c, + 0x8103, 0x8127, 0x8110, 0x810a, 0xca42, 0x985d, 0x83aa, 0x83ab, + 0x83a9, 0x8441, 0x843a, 0x843c, 0x842b, 0x8449, 0x8615, 0x0d00, + 0x8616, 0xca53, 0x8631, 0x6d4a, 0x873c, 0x877c, 0x876d, 0x876a, + 0x8763, 0x876b, 0x877b, 0x8764, 0x877a, 0x8769, 0x876f, 0x8937, + 0x8935, 0x893c, 0x8936, 0x893d, 0x893e, 0x8ae1, 0x8ae0, 0x8c2d, + 0x8c2b, 0x8d8d, 0x8d92, 0x0eb6, 0x8d8e, 0xca6b, 0x8d91, 0x8d96, + 0x8f7b, 0x8f78, 0x8f81, 0x8f96, 0x8fa3, 0x8f95, 0x8f97, 0x9054, + 0x9052, 0x90f5, 0x9100, 0x90fb, 0x90f4, 0x90f6, 0x91e8, 0x91ea, + 0x933e, 0x933d, 0x933b, 0x9380, 0x0fe4, 0x9388, + /* 0x34 */ + 0x9381, 0x9382, 0x93ce, 0x9383, 0x9377, 0x9379, 0x9373, 0x936d, + 0x9370, 0x938d, 0x9375, 0x938c, 0x936a, 0x9391, 0x9389, 0x938e, + 0x44dc, 0x95ff, 0x9659, 0x96c7, 0x9712, 0x9714, 0x9713, 0x97cb, + 0x9842, 0x10ad, 0x983d, 0x2aff, 0x9840, 0x9844, 0x9862, 0x9843, + 0x983f, 0x9845, 0x983c, 0xca97, 0x9846, 0x9847, 0xcab3, 0x9c9e, + 0x9c9d, 0x9d2c, 0x9d29, 0x9d2f, 0x9d2e, 0x9d30, 0x9fe1, 0x9fe2, + 0xa00e, 0xa019, 0xa012, 0xa2b4, 0xa5da, 0xa726, 0xa859, 0xa85a, + 0xa888, 0xa9c0, 0xa9ba, 0xaba0, 0xcadd, 0xaba2, 0xad86, 0x2fec, + 0xad9d, 0xad88, 0xad8f, 0xad8e, 0xad9b, 0xafc1, 0xafc3, 0xafc4, + 0xaf96, 0xafc7, 0xafc6, 0xafbf, 0x14c3, 0xb20f, 0xb555, 0xb542, + 0xb546, 0xb54b, 0xb543, 0xb553, 0xb548, 0xb549, 0xb54a, 0xb54e, + 0x7bde, 0x3991, 0xbb4b, 0xbd80, 0xbd81, 0xbd83, + /* 0x35 */ + 0x358a, 0xbd82, 0x5542, 0x3c22, 0x3370, 0x3371, 0x33bc, 0x4f18, + 0x33be, 0x33ba, 0x33f8, 0x3437, 0x3435, 0x3dfc, 0x3456, 0x3459, + 0x345e, 0x356d, 0x3591, 0x3592, 0x3568, 0x3566, 0x3573, 0x0067, + 0x3596, 0x358b, 0x358c, 0x3796, 0x37ee, 0x381c, 0x381a, 0x3819, + 0x381b, 0x385d, 0x385e, 0xc918, 0x38dc, 0x38e2, 0x3952, 0x3992, + 0x3a30, 0x3a52, 0x3a42, 0x3a41, 0x3a45, 0x3a37, 0x3a40, 0x3a3f, + 0x3a3d, 0x3a38, 0x3a3a, 0x3a49, 0x3b6b, 0x3b78, 0x3b79, 0xc926, + 0x3b6c, 0x3be9, 0x3be6, 0x3be5, 0x3bea, 0x3be7, 0x3be8, 0x3c1f, + 0x3c4b, 0x3c4a, 0x3c53, 0x3c76, 0x3ca3, 0x3ca4, 0x3cf6, 0x3cf3, + 0x3cf9, 0x3cf7, 0x3cfc, 0x3d1d, 0x3d6d, 0x3d71, 0x3d6c, 0x3d6e, + 0x3d70, 0x3d6f, 0x3d67, 0x3d68, 0x3dfa, 0x3df9, 0x3e4e, 0x19de, + 0x3e4d, 0x3e4f, 0x3e4a, 0x3e4c, 0x0196, 0xc942, + /* 0x36 */ + 0x3fee, 0x3fb2, 0x3fc0, 0x3fc1, 0x3ff4, 0x3fc8, 0x3fc5, 0x3fc6, + 0x3fad, 0x43e2, 0x43ea, 0x43e3, 0x43e1, 0x44f7, 0x4501, 0x4512, + 0x44f6, 0x44f1, 0x451f, 0x44ee, 0xc952, 0x44f3, 0x4515, 0x4516, + 0x4517, 0x44f8, 0x4519, 0x44f2, 0x44f4, 0x44f5, 0x4513, 0x4506, + 0x4726, 0x4724, 0x475a, 0x60c8, 0x4797, 0x4795, 0x479a, 0x481f, + 0x3dfb, 0x4829, 0x4820, 0xc962, 0xc963, 0x494c, 0x4930, 0x4938, + 0x493d, 0x4951, 0x494f, 0x494a, 0x4934, 0x4936, 0x1b30, 0x4b6a, + 0x4b68, 0x4c1c, 0x4c0e, 0x4c1e, 0x0359, 0x4c09, 0x4c08, 0x4c13, + 0x4c01, 0x4c0f, 0x4c14, 0x4c06, 0x4c07, 0x1cb2, 0xc973, 0x0376, + 0x4d79, 0x4dea, 0x4ded, 0x4de9, 0x4dee, 0x4e68, 0x4e64, 0x4e67, + 0x4e72, 0x4e62, 0x4e74, 0x4e79, 0x4f19, 0x4f17, 0x4f15, 0x4f16, + 0x4fe6, 0x8fa4, 0x4fee, 0x03d2, 0x4fdf, 0x4fe4, + /* 0x37 */ + 0x4fda, 0x4fea, 0x4fed, 0x4fe3, 0x4fe9, 0x51fd, 0x3957, 0x5221, + 0x52c6, 0x52b8, 0x52cb, 0xc985, 0x52bd, 0x52b5, 0x52bb, 0x52bf, + 0x52be, 0x52b2, 0x52c1, 0x52c2, 0x5399, 0x53c6, 0x542c, 0x542d, + 0x5425, 0x541e, 0x541f, 0x5423, 0x5550, 0x554e, 0x554d, 0x5552, + 0x55e9, 0x55ec, 0x55e8, 0x5658, 0x565c, 0x565b, 0x568f, 0x6a72, + 0x56f6, 0x5700, 0x56fc, 0x56f8, 0x56ea, 0x56fe, 0x56f7, 0x56fd, + 0x5870, 0x5862, 0x5844, 0x0520, 0x584d, 0x584c, 0x583f, 0x5866, + 0x5835, 0x0529, 0x5834, 0x588d, 0x5884, 0x0538, 0x5886, 0x5889, + 0x5887, 0x5883, 0x5875, 0x5879, 0x58af, 0x58b0, 0x5bb7, 0x5bbb, + 0x5bb9, 0x5c46, 0x5c47, 0x5c45, 0x5cea, 0x5cf6, 0x5d68, 0x5d39, + 0xc9b9, 0x5d3d, 0x5d3b, 0x5d4d, 0x5d30, 0x5d4a, 0x5d3e, 0x5d40, + 0x5d4c, 0x5d47, 0x5d38, 0x5d52, 0x5d3a, 0x5d53, + /* 0x38 */ + 0x60c4, 0x60c1, 0x611c, 0x611d, 0x612a, 0x611e, 0x612f, 0x6122, + 0x612e, 0x6125, 0x0689, 0x06b0, 0x624a, 0x624b, 0x6276, 0x06bf, + 0x62e8, 0x62ef, 0x62e9, 0x06c5, 0x62ea, 0xc9cc, 0x06ea, 0x639b, + 0x639e, 0x6393, 0x63a7, 0x639c, 0x63a0, 0x639a, 0x63ab, 0x63be, + 0x63a9, 0x652d, 0x656e, 0x6644, 0x663d, 0x663a, 0x6668, 0x663c, + 0x666a, 0xc9e0, 0x6638, 0x6665, 0x6639, 0x666d, 0x6636, 0xc9e3, + 0x663e, 0x667e, 0x6637, 0x6999, 0x69a9, 0x69ad, 0x69a7, 0x69a8, + 0x6a66, 0x6a69, 0x6a6d, 0x6a67, 0x6a6b, 0x6a6a, 0x6aee, 0x6b01, + 0x6b03, 0x6af4, 0x6afb, 0x0837, 0x6af6, 0x6afc, 0x6bf4, 0x6c08, + 0x6c0a, 0x6c09, 0x6c6d, 0x6c62, 0x6c41, 0x6c5e, 0x6c5c, 0x6df3, + 0x6e26, 0x08e4, 0x6e39, 0xca04, 0x6e6c, 0x6e2b, 0x6e2e, 0x6e3b, + 0x6e5e, 0x6efb, 0x6e27, 0x6e24, 0x6e69, 0x6e30, + /* 0x39 */ + 0xca05, 0x6e62, 0x6e38, 0x6e35, 0x6e2a, 0x6e2c, 0x6e68, 0x6e31, + 0x6e2f, 0x6e2d, 0x6e3a, 0x6e36, 0xca03, 0x6e21, 0x6e3c, 0x6e20, + 0x6e64, 0x6e3e, 0x08e8, 0x71f7, 0x7212, 0x71f1, 0x71f5, 0x7222, + 0x71f2, 0x71df, 0x7215, 0x7216, 0x757a, 0x7576, 0x75be, 0x0a20, + 0x75bd, 0x7609, 0x7608, 0x7657, 0x77a3, 0x77bf, 0x77b8, 0x77af, + 0x779c, 0x77a5, 0x7772, 0x7775, 0x779d, 0x7799, 0x77b9, 0x794e, + 0x7939, 0x793b, 0x7935, 0x793c, 0x7955, 0x7af0, 0x7af3, 0x7af4, + 0x7b3b, 0x7b3c, 0x7b3a, 0x7b36, 0x7c07, 0x3feb, 0x7c55, 0x7c50, + 0x7c4f, 0x7c52, 0x7c56, 0x33bd, 0x7c32, 0x7d63, 0x7d6b, 0x7d66, + 0x7d57, 0x7d5d, 0x0b86, 0x7d6d, 0x7d61, 0x7d69, 0x7d5a, 0x7d5c, + 0x7d62, 0x7f2a, 0x7f29, 0x7f58, 0x7f5a, 0x7fd7, 0x7fdb, 0x7fdc, + 0x7fdd, 0x7fd8, 0x8054, 0x805b, 0x805c, 0x8053, + /* 0x3a */ + 0x804f, 0x8056, 0x8050, 0x805a, 0x806b, 0x8136, 0x8153, 0x813a, + 0x813c, 0x813e, 0x8149, 0x8140, 0xca46, 0xca47, 0x8364, 0x8365, + 0x83b5, 0x83b6, 0x83b2, 0x8448, 0x844a, 0x8472, 0x8469, 0x845a, + 0x844c, 0x862c, 0x8630, 0x864b, 0x8649, 0x8642, 0x8644, 0x864a, + 0x864f, 0x8792, 0xca57, 0x8797, 0x8780, 0x8782, 0x8786, 0x8953, + 0x895e, 0x8952, 0x895b, 0x894e, 0x8a6d, 0x8a6e, 0x8afa, 0x8af6, + 0x8afb, 0x8c33, 0x8c3d, 0x8c37, 0x8c3e, 0x8c35, 0x8d9a, 0x8dab, + 0x8da6, 0x8db0, 0x8d99, 0x8da0, 0x8d9e, 0x8da8, 0x8da1, 0x8daa, + 0x8dad, 0x8dbb, 0x8d9c, 0x8da5, 0x33b3, 0x8f27, 0x8f8d, 0x8f8e, + 0x8f8f, 0x8f92, 0x0f56, 0x8f91, 0x8fad, 0x9057, 0x9058, 0x905e, + 0x905d, 0x905c, 0x905b, 0x0f67, 0x910a, 0x9103, 0x910e, 0x91b8, + 0x924d, 0x923f, 0x9247, 0x924b, 0x924a, 0x923d, + /* 0x3b */ + 0x2838, 0x9241, 0x924c, 0x2881, 0x9362, 0x9369, 0x9361, 0x0fd1, + 0x93aa, 0x93a6, 0x93ac, 0x93bd, 0x93bb, 0x93a4, 0x93ba, 0x939a, + 0x0feb, 0x93a1, 0x93c1, 0x95e0, 0x960a, 0x9603, 0x9606, 0x9639, + 0x963a, 0x9636, 0x965b, 0x965f, 0x965e, 0x9667, 0x9661, 0x9662, + 0x965d, 0x96ca, 0x96cc, 0x96ce, 0x9718, 0x971d, 0x971f, 0x9720, + 0x9717, 0x9715, 0x981f, 0x9827, 0x9826, 0x5010, 0x988b, 0x98ae, + 0x988a, 0xca99, 0x9892, 0x9889, 0x9887, 0x10b6, 0x988f, 0x9884, + 0x9883, 0x988c, 0x9893, 0x988d, 0x9898, 0x987d, 0x987e, 0x98d2, + 0x9880, 0x9899, 0x9cac, 0x9d50, 0x9d55, 0x9d42, 0x9d3f, 0x9d3c, + 0x11a3, 0x9d4c, 0x9d49, 0x9d57, 0x9d58, 0x9d4f, 0x9d5c, 0x9d47, + 0xcab7, 0x9fab, 0x1210, 0x9faf, 0x9fad, 0x9fe8, 0x9fe7, 0xa030, + 0xa026, 0xa02f, 0xa028, 0xa02b, 0xa01d, 0xa02d, + /* 0x3c */ + 0xa020, 0xa02a, 0xa02c, 0xa035, 0xa021, 0xa023, 0xa024, 0xa036, + 0xa037, 0xa1e9, 0xa2ba, 0xa2b8, 0xcacc, 0xa36d, 0xa36a, 0xa368, + 0xa369, 0xa36b, 0xa361, 0xa5dc, 0xa5db, 0xa62d, 0xa62c, 0xa6a2, + 0xa72b, 0xa732, 0xcad7, 0xa894, 0xa892, 0xa890, 0xa9c9, 0xa9c4, + 0xa9c1, 0xa9c3, 0xa9cd, 0xab14, 0xaba7, 0xabaf, 0xabaa, 0xad0d, + 0xad54, 0xad5b, 0xad61, 0xadae, 0xadb3, 0xadc0, 0xadc4, 0xadbf, + 0xadcb, 0xadad, 0xada7, 0xada4, 0xadbd, 0xadaf, 0xadb2, 0xada5, + 0xafe7, 0xafe0, 0xafce, 0xafde, 0xafd5, 0xafdf, 0xafd9, 0xb0f2, + 0xb223, 0xb240, 0x151b, 0xb23e, 0x1587, 0xb3cf, 0x3e54, 0xb55b, + 0xb558, 0xb562, 0xb55f, 0xb567, 0xb563, 0xb55e, 0xb560, 0xb685, + 0xb686, 0xb687, 0xb8e8, 0xb8e6, 0xbd71, 0xbd85, 0xcb02, 0xbd86, + 0xbe10, 0x3cf8, 0x33bf, 0x3e61, 0x33fe, 0x33fc, + /* 0x3d */ + 0x3439, 0x3461, 0x3460, 0x35e2, 0x35ea, 0x35e3, 0x35b4, 0x35ae, + 0x35be, 0x35b8, 0x35a8, 0x35aa, 0x35a9, 0x35b3, 0x35d5, 0x35ad, + 0x35b9, 0x35bb, 0x35b1, 0x35c2, 0xc908, 0x35eb, 0x35ba, 0x35d2, + 0x35d4, 0x37f1, 0x381d, 0xc912, 0x3862, 0x388c, 0x38e6, 0x38e7, + 0x395a, 0x3958, 0x3959, 0x3996, 0x3997, 0x3a61, 0x3a67, 0x3a71, + 0x3a65, 0x3a7d, 0x3a7e, 0x3b7d, 0x3b84, 0x3b7c, 0x3b7e, 0x3b7f, + 0x3b80, 0x3bef, 0x3bf4, 0x3c1e, 0x3c4e, 0x3cfb, 0x3cfa, 0x3cfd, + 0xc931, 0xc932, 0x3d79, 0x3d7c, 0x3d7d, 0x3d84, 0x3d7b, 0x3d78, + 0x0157, 0x3e5e, 0x3e5a, 0x3e5c, 0x3e59, 0x3e55, 0x3e63, 0x3e56, + 0x3e5f, 0x3e60, 0x3e5b, 0x404a, 0x4065, 0x40b3, 0x402c, 0x4077, + 0x403d, 0x4052, 0x4061, 0x402a, 0x403e, 0x4034, 0x4029, 0x40b2, + 0x40ad, 0x4040, 0x4053, 0xc944, 0x403f, 0x4041, + /* 0x3e */ + 0x4072, 0x43f6, 0x43f5, 0x43f4, 0x43f2, 0x43f9, 0x4527, 0x4554, + 0x4555, 0x452e, 0xc954, 0xc953, 0x452c, 0x4538, 0x4539, 0x4531, + 0x454f, 0x4573, 0x4530, 0x452b, 0x4551, 0x472c, 0x475b, 0x475c, + 0x4768, 0x476c, 0x476b, 0x4769, 0x479f, 0x4838, 0x483c, 0x483a, + 0x4835, 0x029d, 0x4839, 0x4836, 0x483b, 0x4960, 0x4961, 0x4963, + 0x4964, 0x4994, 0x4993, 0x495e, 0x4968, 0x496a, 0x4965, 0xc966, + 0x4990, 0x495f, 0x4972, 0xc965, 0x4c3c, 0x4c27, 0x4c24, 0x4c26, + 0x4c25, 0x035f, 0x4c28, 0x4c36, 0x4d31, 0x4d30, 0x4d34, 0x4d81, + 0x4d7d, 0x4d82, 0x4d80, 0x0379, 0x35d3, 0x4df2, 0x4e66, 0x4e8c, + 0x4e7b, 0x4e83, 0x0398, 0x4e8e, 0x4e7a, 0x4e92, 0x4e91, 0x4e82, + 0x4f1b, 0x4f1c, 0x5027, 0x5021, 0x03dc, 0x1d2b, 0x5043, 0x03df, + 0x5018, 0x507b, 0x501a, 0x504b, 0x504a, 0x504d, + /* 0x3f */ + 0x504f, 0x5019, 0x5035, 0x5013, 0x5052, 0x5014, 0x501e, 0x502c, + 0x5020, 0x5022, 0x5012, 0x501f, 0x5200, 0x5223, 0x5240, 0x5243, + 0x52e4, 0x52db, 0x52ea, 0x52dd, 0x52cc, 0x52d9, 0x52e8, 0x52f6, + 0x52e3, 0x52d3, 0x52da, 0x52d6, 0x52e7, 0x543a, 0x543f, 0x5440, + 0x5448, 0x5459, 0x5437, 0x5444, 0xc98c, 0xc98b, 0x5455, 0x5439, + 0x5554, 0x5555, 0x5556, 0x5557, 0x5558, 0x5559, 0x558d, 0x55f2, + 0x55f8, 0x55f5, 0x55f6, 0x55fc, 0x55fe, 0x55f1, 0x55fd, 0x565e, + 0x5696, 0x5697, 0x569c, 0x569b, 0x5695, 0xc99a, 0x571a, 0x5709, + 0x5704, 0x570e, 0x571c, 0x5718, 0x570d, 0x5710, 0x570c, 0x5703, + 0x587b, 0x58a6, 0x5877, 0x5888, 0x5874, 0x58da, 0x5876, 0x5878, + 0x588a, 0x588f, 0x587d, 0x5890, 0x58ed, 0x58d9, 0x58d0, 0x591a, + 0x58d7, 0x58e2, 0x58e1, 0x58c5, 0x58e0, 0x58ca, + /* 0x40 */ + 0x5925, 0x58cc, 0xc9b3, 0x5bc6, 0x5bc1, 0x5c4d, 0x5d4b, 0x5d64, + 0x5d95, 0x5d99, 0xc9bc, 0x5d94, 0x5da2, 0x5dae, 0x5d9e, 0x5da7, + 0x5d86, 0x05fd, 0x5da4, 0x5d91, 0x5d93, 0xc9bb, 0x5d88, 0x60cd, + 0x60ca, 0x613f, 0x6140, 0x6146, 0x6141, 0x6145, 0x6158, 0x613b, + 0x6148, 0x624e, 0x6252, 0x624f, 0x627b, 0x627a, 0x62a0, 0x629f, + 0x62fb, 0x62f7, 0x63b8, 0x63b9, 0x63bb, 0x63b7, 0x06f4, 0x63ba, + 0x06ef, 0x63da, 0x63b5, 0x63bf, 0x63bc, 0x63c0, 0xc9d3, 0xc9d9, + 0x6575, 0x6579, 0x6576, 0x6635, 0x6640, 0x66c0, 0x6681, 0x66ad, + 0x66af, 0x66ac, 0x668f, 0x66a8, 0x66aa, 0x66a9, 0x6688, 0x667f, + 0x6680, 0x66bc, 0x69ae, 0x69bb, 0x69bd, 0x0831, 0x6a78, 0x6a74, + 0x6b0c, 0x6b11, 0x6b08, 0x6b06, 0x6b10, 0x6b8f, 0x6b90, 0x6b8d, + 0x6b8e, 0x6b96, 0x6b95, 0x6c0b, 0x6c0c, 0x6c7c, + /* 0x41 */ + 0x6c73, 0x6c75, 0x6c76, 0x6c7d, 0x6c78, 0x6c71, 0x6d4b, 0x6d4e, + 0x6e33, 0x6e32, 0x0903, 0x6e91, 0x6ee7, 0x6ee9, 0x6ea2, 0x6e94, + 0x6e87, 0x6ea3, 0x6edd, 0x6e7b, 0x6e83, 0x6e81, 0x6edf, 0x6e7c, + 0x6ee4, 0x6ee2, 0x6e93, 0x6e7d, 0x6ebf, 0x6e9b, 0x6e8e, 0x6e9f, + 0x0909, 0x6e8c, 0x6e7f, 0x6e9c, 0x6e84, 0x6e42, 0x6ee6, 0x7251, + 0x724a, 0x7264, 0x7225, 0x722f, 0x722e, 0x722b, 0x7228, 0x7232, + 0x722d, 0x7231, 0x7239, 0x722c, 0x7261, 0x7511, 0x7510, 0x7512, + 0x7553, 0x7555, 0x757b, 0x7581, 0x757d, 0x757c, 0x75c2, 0x75c5, + 0xca22, 0x75c4, 0xca23, 0x766b, 0x7668, 0x0a3e, 0x765c, 0x765d, + 0x766a, 0xca24, 0x7c76, 0x7776, 0x0a77, 0x77c4, 0x77cb, 0x77c8, + 0x77d4, 0x77d5, 0x77c9, 0x77d7, 0x0a7b, 0x7978, 0x795a, 0x795b, + 0x795c, 0x7956, 0x7958, 0x7971, 0x96d4, 0x7b40, + /* 0x42 */ + 0xca33, 0x7b3f, 0x7b43, 0x7b41, 0x7be2, 0x7be0, 0x7be3, 0x7c66, + 0x7c73, 0x7c6c, 0x7c71, 0x7c6a, 0x7c6d, 0x7c6e, 0x7c6b, 0x7d8c, + 0x7d77, 0xca3a, 0x7d7f, 0x7d89, 0x7d7a, 0x7d85, 0x7d78, 0x7d8a, + 0x7d86, 0x7f2c, 0x7f67, 0x7f5b, 0x7fe5, 0x7fe1, 0x8061, 0x8069, + 0x806a, 0x8165, 0x816d, 0x8163, 0x8186, 0x815c, 0x8162, 0xca48, + 0x8179, 0x8169, 0x8170, 0x8176, 0x815d, 0x8187, 0x816e, 0x8171, + 0x817c, 0x8173, 0x815b, 0x816b, 0x83bf, 0x83c1, 0x83bd, 0x83c9, + 0x83bc, 0x83c2, 0x83c0, 0x8492, 0x84a9, 0x848f, 0x8476, 0x847b, + 0x8475, 0x84a4, 0x8664, 0x873d, 0x87af, 0x0d3a, 0xca58, 0x879d, + 0x8799, 0x87b1, 0x8963, 0x8962, 0x8964, 0x8969, 0x0da0, 0x8a75, + 0x8a73, 0x8a71, 0x8a74, 0x8b0c, 0x8b16, 0x0de5, 0x8b11, 0x8b1f, + 0x8b1a, 0x8b0d, 0x8b1b, 0x8b13, 0x8c4e, 0x8c55, + /* 0x43 */ + 0x8c50, 0x0e7d, 0x8dd2, 0x8dd3, 0x8dd1, 0x8df1, 0x8ddc, 0x8dc8, + 0x8dcc, 0x8dd0, 0x8dcf, 0x8ddf, 0x8f2b, 0x8f2e, 0x8f2d, 0x8f9d, + 0x8f9e, 0x8f9f, 0x8fa9, 0x8fa0, 0x8f98, 0x8fa1, 0x8fab, 0x8faf, + 0x906e, 0x905f, 0x905a, 0x0f6d, 0x9065, 0x9068, 0x9072, 0x9117, + 0x9116, 0x9118, 0x9119, 0x911a, 0x9122, 0x911b, 0x911c, 0x91be, + 0x91ee, 0x925a, 0x9250, 0x9258, 0x9254, 0x9257, 0x9256, 0x9315, + 0x939b, 0x9393, 0x9392, 0x9372, 0x9398, 0x9399, 0x93df, 0x0ff8, + 0x93d5, 0x2958, 0x93d4, 0x93f3, 0x93f4, 0x93e7, 0x93e1, 0x93e6, + 0x93eb, 0x93ec, 0x35db, 0x1050, 0x960d, 0x960c, 0x4d2f, 0x9668, + 0x9665, 0x966b, 0x9669, 0x96d1, 0x96d3, 0x9727, 0x9728, 0x1068, + 0x1067, 0x9724, 0x97d7, 0x98ca, 0x98c7, 0xca9e, 0x98d8, 0x98e1, + 0x98c6, 0x98f8, 0x98c3, 0x98f4, 0x9917, 0x98ea, + /* 0x44 */ + 0x98cb, 0x9886, 0x98c4, 0x98d9, 0x9919, 0x98c2, 0x98e2, 0x10cf, + 0x98de, 0x98ed, 0xca9c, 0x10cd, 0x991d, 0x98dd, 0x98db, 0x98e8, + 0x98e9, 0x98bf, 0x98e0, 0x98d1, 0x98dc, 0x98ce, 0x991e, 0x98cc, + 0x98f2, 0x98f3, 0xca9f, 0xcaa2, 0xcaa3, 0xcaa1, 0x9cab, 0x9caa, + 0x9ca7, 0x9ca9, 0x9d88, 0x9d75, 0x9d60, 0x9d6c, 0x9d73, 0x11ab, + 0x9d6e, 0x9d74, 0x9d76, 0x9d68, 0x9d77, 0x9d86, 0x9fea, 0xa051, + 0xa050, 0xa058, 0xa04d, 0xa04f, 0xa04e, 0xa05c, 0xa052, 0xa044, + 0xa04a, 0xa04b, 0xa1ea, 0xa210, 0xa211, 0xa2cd, 0xa2bf, 0xa2c4, + 0xa2d0, 0xa2ce, 0xa2c0, 0xa2c2, 0xa2cf, 0xa2c9, 0xa2bb, 0xa397, + 0xa392, 0xa36f, 0xa37e, 0xa39a, 0x12c1, 0xa386, 0xa373, 0x2d24, + 0xa377, 0xa38f, 0xa370, 0xa381, 0xa382, 0xa399, 0xa37d, 0xa37f, + 0xa37b, 0xa387, 0xa5b2, 0xa62f, 0xa634, 0xa62e, + /* 0x45 */ + 0xa632, 0x1347, 0xa6aa, 0x1357, 0xa6a9, 0xa738, 0xa736, 0xa737, + 0xa747, 0xa733, 0xa739, 0xa735, 0xa744, 0xa8a5, 0xa8a6, 0xa89e, + 0xa9e3, 0xa9df, 0xa9d3, 0xa9f1, 0xa9e4, 0xa9e0, 0xa9d6, 0x2ec3, + 0xa9e6, 0xa9d8, 0xa9de, 0xa9db, 0xa9dc, 0xab1b, 0xab1f, 0xab1d, + 0xab1c, 0xab1e, 0xab20, 0xab21, 0x144e, 0xabb6, 0xabbc, 0xabc6, + 0xabc7, 0xabba, 0xabbe, 0xabbd, 0xabb5, 0xabb4, 0xad0f, 0xad62, + 0xadeb, 0xadd9, 0xade4, 0xadd7, 0xadd8, 0xadd6, 0xadce, 0xaddd, + 0xade7, 0xadd2, 0xadc5, 0xadc9, 0xaddb, 0xaf92, 0xaf8a, 0xaf8b, + 0xaf89, 0xb008, 0xb003, 0xb006, 0xb005, 0xaff5, 0xb00b, 0xaffb, + 0xb0fc, 0xb101, 0xb102, 0xb0fa, 0xb108, 0xb0f7, 0xb100, 0xb0ff, + 0xb106, 0xb0f6, 0xb0fb, 0xb10a, 0xb225, 0xb243, 0xb244, 0xb364, + 0xb362, 0xb35e, 0xb35b, 0xb3d6, 0x3372, 0x33c2, + /* 0x46 */ + 0xb577, 0xb582, 0xb57c, 0xb57d, 0xb586, 0xb581, 0xb584, 0xb576, + 0xb583, 0xb57f, 0xb57e, 0xb688, 0xb68d, 0xb68b, 0xb691, 0xb68f, + 0xb77c, 0xb779, 0xb77a, 0xb8ea, 0xbb4c, 0xbc99, 0x35d1, 0xbd8b, + 0xbd8d, 0xbd8a, 0xbd8e, 0xbe11, 0x5456, 0xcb15, 0x3374, 0x33c3, + 0x33c4, 0x341b, 0x345f, 0x346a, 0x3469, 0x346b, 0x360c, 0x35f6, + 0x35ed, 0x3629, 0x35fe, 0x35f1, 0x3617, 0x35ff, 0x35ee, 0x35fd, + 0x361c, 0x35fc, 0x3600, 0x3620, 0x0077, 0x35f9, 0x3667, 0x3608, + 0x379e, 0x37f3, 0x3825, 0x3827, 0x381f, 0x3865, 0x3863, 0x3894, + 0x3897, 0x38f1, 0x395f, 0x3962, 0x18f2, 0x3960, 0xc922, 0x3a8c, + 0x3a82, 0x3a90, 0x3a8b, 0x3a8d, 0x3a81, 0x3a9d, 0x3b8e, 0x3b8f, + 0x3b92, 0x3c23, 0x3c52, 0xc92e, 0x3d00, 0x3d01, 0x3d02, 0x3d1f, + 0x3d8c, 0x3d89, 0x3d8b, 0x3d88, 0x3d8d, 0x3d8f, + /* 0x47 */ + 0x9085, 0x3e00, 0x3e05, 0x3e01, 0x3e68, 0x3e6e, 0x3e67, 0x3e75, + 0x1ab6, 0xc945, 0x40d7, 0xc946, 0x3348, 0x40d4, 0x40d8, 0xc947, + 0xc948, 0x40ba, 0xc949, 0x40db, 0x40bf, 0x4135, 0x40bc, 0x40d9, + 0x01c4, 0x40dd, 0x4100, 0x40d5, 0x4130, 0x40bd, 0x40dc, 0x43fd, + 0x43fe, 0x4407, 0x7517, 0x456f, 0x4569, 0x4570, 0x4567, 0x45a9, + 0x4595, 0x4590, 0x456c, 0x4597, 0x4571, 0x0252, 0x4574, 0x456d, + 0x458e, 0x472f, 0xc61b, 0x47a9, 0x484e, 0xc95f, 0x485a, 0x4848, + 0x4855, 0x484c, 0x4849, 0x484f, 0x484a, 0x49d6, 0x49a0, 0x49a9, + 0xc967, 0x499d, 0x49d4, 0x49a4, 0x49a8, 0x49a6, 0x49e6, 0x4b7d, + 0x4b77, 0x4b7a, 0x4c41, 0x4c49, 0x4c59, 0x4c45, 0x4c48, 0x4c40, + 0x4d8e, 0x4d95, 0x4d90, 0x4df7, 0x4df8, 0x4df6, 0x4dfb, 0x4e9e, + 0x4e9d, 0x4e99, 0xc977, 0x4ea3, 0x4ea9, 0x4e98, + /* 0x48 */ + 0x4ea0, 0x4e96, 0x4e94, 0x4e95, 0x4e9f, 0x4ea1, 0x4f21, 0x4f1d, + 0x4f1f, 0x506d, 0xc97c, 0x509a, 0x5092, 0x507a, 0x507d, 0x50a1, + 0x509d, 0x5099, 0x506b, 0x506e, 0xc97d, 0x5245, 0xc984, 0x52fb, + 0x52eb, 0x52f2, 0x52f9, 0xc986, 0x52f8, 0x52ed, 0x5301, 0x52f7, + 0x5306, 0x539b, 0x53ca, 0x046b, 0x1ec3, 0x546b, 0x546c, 0x5474, + 0x5467, 0x545b, 0x5460, 0x5476, 0x5463, 0x5461, 0x5528, 0x555b, + 0x555e, 0x5560, 0x555d, 0x555c, 0x55f4, 0x5600, 0x5608, 0x5607, + 0x5601, 0x5605, 0x5664, 0x5663, 0x569e, 0x56a0, 0x56a1, 0x569f, + 0x5726, 0x572d, 0x5728, 0x571d, 0x58ec, 0x58e3, 0x58eb, 0x5916, + 0x58c8, 0x931b, 0x58e9, 0x58e4, 0x5924, 0x58d1, 0x0541, 0x58dd, + 0x58c2, 0x58cb, 0x58c7, 0x58e7, 0x0550, 0x58ea, 0x594b, 0xc9a5, + 0x5960, 0x597d, 0x593e, 0xc9a4, 0x5952, 0x594e, + /* 0x49 */ + 0x593c, 0x5932, 0x5930, 0x5923, 0x5bca, 0x5bcb, 0x5bc9, 0x5bc8, + 0x5bcd, 0x5d98, 0x5da0, 0x5d9f, 0x5d9c, 0x5da3, 0x5d97, 0xc9be, + 0x5df1, 0x5e09, 0x5e03, 0x5dea, 0x5e45, 0x5ded, 0x5e05, 0x5e1a, + 0x5e15, 0x5e01, 0x5dec, 0x5e0e, 0x5e17, 0x5e42, 0x5e12, 0x5e10, + 0x5def, 0x5dff, 0x5e00, 0x5e0c, 0x5e0f, 0x5e04, 0x5e08, 0x5e14, + 0x5e43, 0xc9bd, 0x5e1b, 0x5e11, 0x5e13, 0x60cf, 0x60ce, 0x616f, + 0x616e, 0x617a, 0x6170, 0x6164, 0x615e, 0x616c, 0xc9c9, 0x615b, + 0x6161, 0x6165, 0x627f, 0x6280, 0x627c, 0x62a7, 0x62a6, 0x62a1, + 0x06c0, 0x62a8, 0x62a3, 0x62a2, 0x62ad, 0x62a5, 0x6301, 0x62ff, + 0x62fc, 0x6300, 0x6335, 0x63ee, 0x63ef, 0x63f6, 0x63e8, 0x63ea, + 0x63e3, 0x641f, 0x06fc, 0x63e4, 0x63fa, 0x63f1, 0x63fb, 0xc9d4, + 0x653d, 0x653c, 0x0079, 0x6578, 0x6577, 0x100b, + /* 0x4a */ + 0x66d1, 0x66c7, 0x66df, 0x66d0, 0x66e0, 0x66d6, 0x66d8, 0x6716, + 0x670e, 0x66d9, 0x670f, 0x6711, 0x66cd, 0x6689, 0x66ce, 0x6714, + 0x66da, 0x6712, 0x66d3, 0x66c2, 0x66e1, 0x66e9, 0x66ea, 0x66de, + 0x6715, 0x69d9, 0x69d6, 0x69cd, 0x69d0, 0x69d3, 0xc9f0, 0x6a82, + 0x6a85, 0x6a7f, 0x6a7d, 0x6a81, 0x6a83, 0x6a84, 0xada0, 0x6b28, + 0x6b0f, 0x6b17, 0x6b1a, 0x6b25, 0xc9f7, 0x6b9b, 0x6b99, 0x6c92, + 0x6c8c, 0x6c95, 0x6c8d, 0x6ca3, 0x6c93, 0x6c91, 0x6edb, 0x6e99, + 0x6e9a, 0x6f08, 0x6f4c, 0x6f0d, 0x6f01, 0x6f4e, 0x6f02, 0x6f4d, + 0x6f21, 0x6efc, 0xca09, 0x6e8a, 0xca08, 0x6e95, 0x6f11, 0x6f12, + 0x6f46, 0x6f1c, 0x6f49, 0x6f0c, 0x091e, 0x6f13, 0x6f16, 0x6efd, + 0x6f0f, 0x6f1f, 0x7230, 0x726e, 0x726b, 0x729b, 0x727b, 0x7263, + 0x7297, 0x726d, 0x729c, 0x7298, 0x726f, 0x7267, + /* 0x4b */ + 0x7269, 0x7515, 0x7563, 0x7586, 0x758a, 0x7587, 0x7588, 0x7585, + 0x7589, 0x75ca, 0x75c7, 0x75cb, 0x75cc, 0x75c9, 0x760d, 0x7683, + 0x7684, 0x7678, 0x7682, 0x7673, 0x7679, 0x768c, 0x77d0, 0x77cf, + 0x77d2, 0x77d9, 0x77cc, 0x77eb, 0x77fd, 0x77ec, 0x77e8, 0x77f8, + 0x77fa, 0xca27, 0x0a85, 0x77e1, 0x77fb, 0x78e7, 0xca2e, 0x79a5, + 0x7991, 0x79a6, 0x797c, 0x7992, 0x79a2, 0x79a0, 0x7afc, 0x7afe, + 0x7b57, 0x7b53, 0x7b58, 0x7be7, 0x7c8e, 0xca38, 0x7c83, 0x7c8b, + 0x7c84, 0x0b97, 0x7da2, 0x7db7, 0x7da9, 0x7da5, 0x7d9f, 0x7daa, + 0x7d97, 0x7da1, 0x7d9e, 0x7dab, 0x7d99, 0x7da3, 0x7f30, 0x7f32, + 0x7f2f, 0x7f70, 0x7f6c, 0x7f6f, 0x7fe8, 0x7fee, 0x7fea, 0x806d, + 0x8076, 0x8070, 0x8071, 0x806c, 0x81eb, 0x81b5, 0x8196, 0x8190, + 0x818d, 0xca49, 0x81a2, 0x81b0, 0x8192, 0x81a0, + /* 0x4c */ + 0x8193, 0x81c3, 0x818e, 0x81b6, 0x819d, 0x8195, 0x81b3, 0x81a4, + 0x8370, 0x83d4, 0x0c93, 0x83cf, 0x3470, 0x8494, 0x2561, 0x84c0, + 0x84b4, 0x84c1, 0x0cb2, 0x84bd, 0x84af, 0x8677, 0x8678, 0x866b, + 0x866d, 0x866e, 0x8672, 0x866f, 0x8671, 0x62ab, 0x868c, 0x873f, + 0x87b6, 0x87b7, 0x2606, 0x87bb, 0x87b8, 0x3a9c, 0x87b9, 0x2601, + 0x898b, 0x897a, 0x8984, 0x8988, 0x8991, 0x8979, 0x898e, 0x8980, + 0x8982, 0x897c, 0x0da4, 0x8a84, 0x8a7f, 0x0df2, 0x8b3b, 0x8b71, + 0x8b3d, 0x8b30, 0x0df1, 0x8b3e, 0x8b38, 0x8c5e, 0x8c64, 0x0e81, + 0x8c5d, 0x8c6d, 0x8c4f, 0x8c62, 0x8c5f, 0x8dec, 0x8df2, 0x8df4, + 0x8df7, 0x8df6, 0x8e07, 0x8ded, 0x8dea, 0x8df0, 0x8df8, 0x8df3, + 0x0edc, 0xca72, 0x8f31, 0x8f2f, 0x8fb6, 0x8fae, 0x8faa, 0x8fbf, + 0x8fcc, 0x8fc7, 0x9983, 0x9080, 0x907b, 0x907f, + /* 0x4d */ + 0x907d, 0x9083, 0xca78, 0x9146, 0x912d, 0x9125, 0x9126, 0x912c, + 0x9137, 0x9131, 0x9133, 0x9132, 0x9127, 0x912a, 0x912e, 0x912f, + 0x91c0, 0x9271, 0x9261, 0x9262, 0x9266, 0x9318, 0x93c5, 0x93c3, + 0x93c4, 0x93c2, 0x93ae, 0x9410, 0x9408, 0x941f, 0x943a, 0x943b, + 0x9436, 0x940c, 0x9406, 0x942a, 0x9457, 0x9450, 0x9420, 0xca85, + 0x942c, 0x9421, 0x940b, 0x9419, 0x9435, 0x9418, 0x940f, 0x9413, + 0x9455, 0x9439, 0x941a, 0x100c, 0x9417, 0x95e4, 0x95e9, 0x758b, + 0x9610, 0x9612, 0x963f, 0x966e, 0x7518, 0xca8c, 0x96d6, 0x96d5, + 0x96d7, 0x3e02, 0x106d, 0x9731, 0x9730, 0x973a, 0x9885, 0x986b, + 0x9948, 0x994b, 0x9937, 0x997b, 0x996c, 0x9985, 0x9965, 0x9936, + 0x9986, 0x9934, 0x9968, 0x995a, 0x9958, 0x9972, 0x996a, 0x98d3, + 0x993c, 0x9933, 0x993b, 0x994d, 0x994f, 0x997c, + /* 0x4e */ + 0x99b0, 0x995b, 0x9955, 0x9964, 0x996b, 0x9953, 0x10e6, 0x9957, + 0x995e, 0x996d, 0x9935, 0x9969, 0x9959, 0x9966, 0x9950, 0x9951, + 0x995c, 0x9a5d, 0x9987, 0x9978, 0x9949, 0x994e, 0x98f1, 0x9973, + 0x9988, 0x98cf, 0xcaa4, 0x9cb1, 0x9cb3, 0x9d9c, 0x9da4, 0x9d90, + 0x9db8, 0x9da0, 0x9d9d, 0x9da8, 0x9da9, 0xcab9, 0x9db1, 0x9d93, + 0x9d9b, 0x9da2, 0x9da1, 0x9db0, 0x9da7, 0x9fb3, 0x2b49, 0x9fb4, + 0x9ff1, 0x9fed, 0x9fec, 0xa068, 0xa075, 0xa06a, 0xa062, 0xa067, + 0xa060, 0xa077, 0xa05f, 0xa079, 0xa223, 0xa221, 0xa21c, 0x2c99, + 0xa21f, 0xa21e, 0xa2d6, 0xa2d3, 0xa2d9, 0xa2d7, 0xa2d4, 0xa2dc, + 0xa2d8, 0xa3a3, 0x12d1, 0xa3be, 0xa3a9, 0xa3a1, 0xa3a0, 0xa3ab, + 0xa3a2, 0xa3ba, 0xa3c2, 0xa39c, 0xa3bb, 0xa3aa, 0xa3ac, 0xa3a5, + 0xa3c1, 0x132c, 0xa5e2, 0xa636, 0xa63d, 0xa63a, + /* 0x4f */ + 0x5661, 0xa648, 0xa63c, 0xa6b7, 0xa6ac, 0xa6b3, 0xa6b6, 0xa6b2, + 0x136e, 0xa75d, 0xa749, 0xa74e, 0xa74f, 0xa74d, 0xa75c, 0xa85d, + 0xa8bb, 0xa8ce, 0xa8bf, 0xa8ba, 0xa8c3, 0x13e5, 0xaa06, 0xa9f8, + 0xa9fe, 0xaa13, 0xa9f6, 0x13e6, 0xab34, 0xab2d, 0xab2a, 0xab35, + 0xab2c, 0xabd4, 0xabda, 0xabd3, 0xabd2, 0xabce, 0xabcf, 0x149f, + 0xadfd, 0xae0b, 0xadfe, 0xadf8, 0xadf7, 0xae17, 0xadfa, 0xadf9, + 0xae00, 0xadf5, 0xadf1, 0xae03, 0xae05, 0xae1c, 0xafac, 0xaf9a, + 0xafad, 0xafa0, 0xb01b, 0xb025, 0xb024, 0xb026, 0xb027, 0xb028, + 0xb02a, 0xb01a, 0xb02e, 0xb015, 0xb115, 0xb114, 0xb117, 0xb118, + 0xb10f, 0xb113, 0xb10b, 0xb122, 0x457a, 0xb226, 0x301f, 0xb251, + 0xb24d, 0xb24e, 0xb24a, 0xb24b, 0xb24c, 0xb250, 0xb262, 0xb24f, + 0xb252, 0xb368, 0xb369, 0xb3e5, 0xb3f0, 0xb3e1, + /* 0x50 */ + 0xb3e2, 0xcaf2, 0xb5a5, 0xb5a9, 0xb5a4, 0xb5af, 0xb5ac, 0xb5ae, + 0xb5aa, 0xb695, 0xb699, 0xb693, 0xb69d, 0xb698, 0xb69c, 0xb697, + 0x160d, 0xb789, 0xb787, 0xb8d7, 0xb8ed, 0xb8f1, 0xb8f0, 0xb905, + 0xb903, 0xb904, 0xb95f, 0xbb57, 0xbc9c, 0xbca1, 0xbc9a, 0xbd8f, + 0xbd93, 0xbd9e, 0xbda3, 0xbd98, 0xbd99, 0xbd95, 0xbe6e, 0xbe6a, + 0xbff4, 0xbff7, 0xc179, 0xc38f, 0xc391, 0xc40b, 0xc802, 0x3384, + 0x3404, 0x3480, 0x362f, 0x363f, 0x363b, 0x3662, 0x3644, 0x3633, + 0x365f, 0x362b, 0xc909, 0x3639, 0x3636, 0x3648, 0x3635, 0x366c, + 0x3658, 0x363a, 0x37a8, 0x37f4, 0x3829, 0x389a, 0x3900, 0x3abb, + 0x3abd, 0x3ab7, 0x3ab2, 0x00f8, 0x3aa8, 0x3aab, 0x3aa6, 0x3abc, + 0x3b97, 0x3b96, 0x3bf8, 0x1913, 0x3c51, 0x0133, 0x3cb5, 0x3cb4, + 0x3cb6, 0x013c, 0x3cb7, 0x3d05, 0x3d23, 0x3d95, + /* 0x51 */ + 0x3d98, 0x014f, 0x3d94, 0x3d93, 0x3e07, 0x3e73, 0x3e71, 0x3e72, + 0x3e78, 0x415f, 0x416a, 0x4167, 0x416b, 0x4169, 0x418e, 0x4149, + 0x4180, 0x01dc, 0x4144, 0x418f, 0x4145, 0xc94c, 0x414f, 0x4163, + 0x4136, 0x4148, 0x415c, 0x4193, 0x4161, 0x4160, 0x414e, 0x415e, + 0x413f, 0x41a4, 0x1ae0, 0x4168, 0x440b, 0x4411, 0x440d, 0x440e, + 0x45c2, 0xc957, 0x45b0, 0x45c3, 0x45c8, 0x4565, 0x45d7, 0x45bd, + 0x45b8, 0x45b6, 0x45c7, 0x45bc, 0x45b1, 0x45af, 0xc95b, 0x4735, + 0x4730, 0x475d, 0x3e76, 0x476f, 0x47b0, 0xc95e, 0x47b4, 0x485c, + 0x485d, 0x4a08, 0x49ee, 0x4a0b, 0x49f2, 0x49fd, 0x49f1, 0x4a10, + 0xc968, 0x4a14, 0x4b8b, 0x4b8c, 0x4b85, 0x4c7a, 0x4c6c, 0x4c60, + 0x4c67, 0x4c66, 0x4c6a, 0x4c5f, 0x4c6d, 0x4c68, 0x4c64, 0x4d3a, + 0x4d3b, 0x4d39, 0x4e02, 0x4e04, 0x4e03, 0x4eb4, + /* 0x52 */ + 0x4eb3, 0x4ebb, 0x4eac, 0x4eb6, 0x4eb1, 0x4eaf, 0x4eb5, 0x4ebe, + 0x4eb2, 0x4f24, 0x50b6, 0x50b9, 0x50ac, 0x50b0, 0x50d7, 0x50bb, + 0x50fe, 0x50cb, 0xc97f, 0x03f5, 0x50b3, 0x50be, 0x50cd, 0x50bc, + 0x50ba, 0x50c7, 0x5316, 0x531b, 0x5317, 0x5315, 0x539f, 0xc98e, + 0x5482, 0x5483, 0x548e, 0x546a, 0x5489, 0x5494, 0x5486, 0x5490, + 0x5562, 0x5590, 0x560c, 0x560f, 0x04c3, 0x56a5, 0x56a7, 0x56a6, + 0x56a4, 0x5735, 0x5738, 0x5736, 0x5743, 0x5747, 0x5737, 0x5943, + 0x59a2, 0x5951, 0x5972, 0x596d, 0x592f, 0x5954, 0x596e, 0x5955, + 0x5937, 0x594f, 0x5950, 0x1f39, 0x599e, 0xc9a8, 0x59b3, 0x59a7, + 0x0571, 0x59f9, 0x5991, 0xc9a7, 0x59b6, 0x59dd, 0x5999, 0x5bdf, + 0x5bd5, 0x77f5, 0x5e28, 0x5e40, 0x5e71, 0x5e98, 0x5e95, 0x5e65, + 0x5e78, 0x5e7f, 0x5e60, 0x5e7c, 0x5e96, 0x5e6a, + /* 0x53 */ + 0x5e79, 0x5e73, 0x5e72, 0x5e7b, 0x5e70, 0x60d5, 0x60d7, 0x618f, + 0x6189, 0x619e, 0x6187, 0x61a0, 0x618d, 0x6188, 0x617f, 0x618c, + 0x6193, 0x6259, 0xbcb0, 0x62b1, 0x81f4, 0x62af, 0x62b2, 0x6308, + 0x630a, 0x6336, 0x6337, 0xc9cf, 0x0701, 0x6436, 0x6429, 0x644a, + 0x6426, 0x6428, 0x6424, 0x642a, 0x6448, 0x6544, 0x6584, 0x658c, + 0x66c4, 0x66dc, 0x6787, 0x6753, 0x677f, 0x6731, 0x6751, 0x674b, + 0x6752, 0x6780, 0x67a5, 0x6781, 0x6743, 0x6734, 0x6736, 0x6732, + 0x6748, 0x6749, 0x673c, 0x674d, 0x674a, 0xc9e6, 0x678a, 0x6746, + 0x673e, 0x6783, 0x6750, 0x67b4, 0x69f0, 0x69e4, 0x69e3, 0x69e5, + 0x69e6, 0x69e7, 0x69e1, 0x69ef, 0x69e8, 0x69dd, 0x6a03, 0x6a88, + 0x6b26, 0x6b16, 0x6b3b, 0x6b2f, 0x6b39, 0x6b34, 0xc9f4, 0x6b35, + 0x6b31, 0x6b38, 0x3e81, 0x6baa, 0x6ba3, 0x6ba4, + /* 0x54 */ + 0x6ba0, 0x6ba1, 0x6ba9, 0x6ba5, 0x6caf, 0x6cb1, 0x6cab, 0x6cae, + 0x6cb0, 0x6cb3, 0x6cac, 0x6ca9, 0x6cb2, 0x6ca8, 0x6cb4, 0x6cc2, + 0x6d4f, 0x6d66, 0x6f1e, 0x6f15, 0x6f10, 0x6f7f, 0x6f7e, 0x6f60, + 0x6fcc, 0x6fb2, 0x6f62, 0x6f8d, 0x6f8e, 0x6f77, 0x6f7c, 0x6f8f, + 0x6f5d, 0x6f6d, 0x6f63, 0x6faf, 0x6f90, 0x6f7d, 0x6f7a, 0x6f06, + 0xca0b, 0x6f68, 0x6fb4, 0x6f78, 0x6fb1, 0x22d7, 0xca0c, 0x0941, + 0x72e8, 0x72e9, 0x72c0, 0x09d7, 0x72ea, 0x72b7, 0x72ba, 0x72b5, + 0xca1d, 0x72b4, 0x72bc, 0x72c6, 0x72b8, 0x72bd, 0x72c2, 0x734d, + 0x72f0, 0x72c7, 0x72c1, 0x72c3, 0x72f1, 0x72ec, 0x09e2, 0x751c, + 0x7520, 0x7558, 0x7565, 0x7564, 0x758c, 0x758d, 0x75d9, 0x75e0, + 0x7610, 0x7694, 0x7692, 0x7696, 0x7695, 0x76bf, 0x76a0, 0x0a45, + 0x77f4, 0x77f6, 0x77dc, 0x243d, 0x7816, 0x7815, + /* 0x55 */ + 0x781c, 0x780f, 0x782c, 0x7814, 0x7825, 0x7817, 0x7812, 0x781e, + 0x7980, 0x79a8, 0x79af, 0x79d6, 0x79e2, 0x79b4, 0x79b3, 0x79b0, + 0x79b2, 0x79a1, 0x7b60, 0x7b66, 0x7b61, 0x7b4e, 0x7b5d, 0x7b63, + 0x7be6, 0x7bef, 0x7bec, 0x7c98, 0x7ca7, 0x7c94, 0x7c95, 0x7c91, + 0x7c9d, 0x7c99, 0x7c9b, 0x7c9c, 0x7d1d, 0x7d1c, 0x7dd0, 0x7de0, + 0x7dcb, 0x7ddb, 0x7dda, 0x7dc2, 0x7dd3, 0x7de5, 0x7f7d, 0x7f7b, + 0x7fff, 0x0bf2, 0x7ff9, 0x8077, 0x807c, 0x8078, 0x807b, 0x807a, + 0x81d2, 0x81cb, 0x81c9, 0x81ce, 0x81e4, 0x81ca, 0x81d0, 0x61a5, + 0x0c49, 0x81d9, 0x81ee, 0x81dd, 0x8200, 0x81e1, 0x83de, 0x83e2, + 0x83da, 0x84ce, 0xca4f, 0x84cf, 0x84da, 0x84d1, 0x84d4, 0x84ed, + 0x84cb, 0x84d5, 0x84f1, 0x869c, 0x8688, 0x8741, 0x87d0, 0x87f7, + 0x87cf, 0x87d1, 0x87db, 0x87de, 0x87f8, 0x87dc, + /* 0x56 */ + 0x87d9, 0x89a0, 0x89b2, 0x89a1, 0x89aa, 0x89a9, 0x0da9, 0x89a6, + 0x899c, 0x89b5, 0x89a7, 0x8a8e, 0x8a90, 0x8a91, 0x8b85, 0x8b5b, + 0x8b70, 0x8b64, 0x8b67, 0x8b63, 0x8b77, 0x8b68, 0x8b65, 0x8b6a, + 0x8b78, 0x8b66, 0x8c88, 0x8c9e, 0x8c74, 0x8c7a, 0x8c79, 0x8c8b, + 0x8c7f, 0x8e13, 0x8e1e, 0x8e17, 0x8e1a, 0x8e22, 0x8e43, 0x8e19, + 0x8e1f, 0x8e27, 0x8e12, 0x8e24, 0x8e25, 0x365e, 0x8f35, 0x8f34, + 0x8fd1, 0x8fc4, 0x8fca, 0x8fc6, 0x8fcb, 0x8fcd, 0x8fe2, 0x9089, + 0x908b, 0x9086, 0x9088, 0x908d, 0x913b, 0x913c, 0x913d, 0x91f5, + 0x9279, 0x9275, 0x9282, 0x927f, 0x9285, 0x9276, 0x927c, 0x927e, + 0x927b, 0x9280, 0x927a, 0x5748, 0x0fcb, 0x931d, 0x93f6, 0x93f7, + 0x93f9, 0x9463, 0x946c, 0x946e, 0x9414, 0x100d, 0x9467, 0x946f, + 0x9469, 0x9476, 0x9495, 0x9471, 0x9461, 0x9478, + /* 0x57 */ + 0x946b, 0x9485, 0x9484, 0x9614, 0x9676, 0x89b6, 0x9675, 0x9674, + 0x96e2, 0x973f, 0x9744, 0x973d, 0x9747, 0x9748, 0x97db, 0x97dc, + 0x97dd, 0x98e5, 0x98e6, 0x99c2, 0x9a2e, 0x9a1d, 0x99f8, 0x99f0, + 0x99f6, 0x99c5, 0x99c6, 0x99fc, 0x9a52, 0x9a2f, 0x9a10, 0x99f3, + 0x99d2, 0x99ea, 0x99dc, 0x9a1b, 0x99fb, 0x99c3, 0x9a16, 0x9a07, + 0x99c9, 0x99d8, 0x9a30, 0x9a13, 0x9a31, 0x99fa, 0x99f2, 0x9ae3, + 0x99d5, 0x9a01, 0x99f1, 0x9a1c, 0x99d6, 0x9a08, 0x9a0b, 0x9a17, + 0x9a20, 0x99ca, 0x9a32, 0x9a05, 0x99e4, 0x99ce, 0x9a33, 0x9a02, + 0x9a19, 0x9a1e, 0x99d3, 0x99f7, 0x99e8, 0x9a1f, 0x99f4, 0x9ad8, + 0x9cbf, 0x9cbe, 0x9cbd, 0x9ddc, 0x9ddd, 0x9dab, 0x9dc9, 0x9dc8, + 0x9ddf, 0x9dd9, 0x9ddb, 0x9dcc, 0x9de0, 0x9def, 0x9df3, 0x9dae, + 0x9e01, 0x9fb7, 0x9fb9, 0x9fb6, 0x9fb8, 0x9ff6, + /* 0x58 */ + 0x9ff3, 0x9ff5, 0x9ff2, 0xa091, 0xa09d, 0xa09b, 0xa092, 0xa08d, + 0xa09e, 0xa08c, 0x1231, 0xcac7, 0xa095, 0xcac6, 0xa08a, 0xa08e, + 0xa09c, 0xa1ef, 0xa22d, 0xa252, 0xa235, 0xa228, 0xa22e, 0xa2e5, + 0xa3ea, 0xa3f1, 0xa3eb, 0xa3d8, 0xa3d0, 0xa3f3, 0xa3db, 0xa3ce, + 0x12d5, 0xa3da, 0xa3d7, 0xa3e1, 0xa3f2, 0xa3c8, 0xa3d9, 0xa3de, + 0xa3d1, 0xa3e7, 0xa3cf, 0xa5b7, 0xa647, 0xa642, 0xa643, 0xcad3, + 0xa6c3, 0xa6c1, 0xa6c7, 0xa764, 0xa76a, 0xa766, 0xa750, 0xa76e, + 0xa765, 0x69ec, 0xa77f, 0xcad5, 0xa79a, 0xa769, 0xa772, 0xa76f, + 0xa77d, 0xa770, 0xa860, 0xa8c2, 0xa8e7, 0xa8d1, 0xa8eb, 0xa8d4, + 0xa8dc, 0xa8db, 0xaa37, 0xaa25, 0xaa1f, 0xaa1e, 0xaa21, 0xaa1b, + 0xaa17, 0xaa22, 0xaa2a, 0xaa1a, 0xaa2d, 0xaa23, 0xaa26, 0xaa36, + 0xa9ff, 0xab3a, 0xab40, 0xab42, 0xab38, 0xab3b, + /* 0x59 */ + 0xab3c, 0xab43, 0xabe8, 0x1456, 0xabf9, 0xabeb, 0xabf1, 0xabe9, + 0xabec, 0xad15, 0xad47, 0xad46, 0xad45, 0xae24, 0xae56, 0xae21, + 0xae27, 0xae4d, 0xae31, 0xae1e, 0xae2c, 0xae4f, 0xae2b, 0xae53, + 0xae51, 0xae54, 0xae29, 0xae50, 0xae1f, 0xae32, 0xae2a, 0xae1d, + 0xae28, 0xae2e, 0xae2d, 0xafbc, 0xafbb, 0xafbd, 0xcae4, 0xb047, + 0xb041, 0xcae5, 0xb049, 0x14f4, 0xb12e, 0xb127, 0xb26a, 0xb27b, + 0xb273, 0xb275, 0xb269, 0xb279, 0xb272, 0xb376, 0xb377, 0xb374, + 0xb373, 0xb402, 0xb3fe, 0xb401, 0xb3f9, 0xb3f4, 0xb5d3, 0xb5d5, + 0xb5d8, 0xb5c3, 0xb5ca, 0xb5d0, 0xb5cb, 0xb5ce, 0xb5c5, 0xb5e6, + 0xb5c4, 0xb5c0, 0xb5d4, 0xb5e8, 0xb676, 0xb6a2, 0xb6ae, 0xb6a8, + 0xb6a3, 0xb6a7, 0xb696, 0xb6a9, 0xb6a5, 0xb6af, 0xb6a4, 0xb6ab, + 0xb6aa, 0xb6a6, 0xb6a0, 0xb798, 0xb8db, 0xb8f6, + /* 0x5a */ + 0xb8f5, 0xb90c, 0xb90a, 0x3175, 0xb968, 0xb963, 0xb966, 0x1658, + 0xb964, 0xb96a, 0xb969, 0xba95, 0xbb02, 0xbb6a, 0xbb5e, 0xbb68, + 0xbb69, 0xbb65, 0xcafe, 0xbca7, 0xbcae, 0xbca8, 0xbcb3, 0xbd9c, + 0xbda9, 0xbdb6, 0xbdb3, 0xbdb2, 0xcb03, 0xbdb8, 0xbdc0, 0xbdbf, + 0xbdba, 0xbda8, 0xbe3c, 0xbe72, 0xbe71, 0xbe75, 0xbe73, 0xbf17, + 0xbf15, 0xbf16, 0xbf1b, 0xbffa, 0xbff9, 0xc12c, 0xc185, 0xc182, + 0xc17f, 0xc17d, 0xc188, 0x72f3, 0xc24e, 0xc250, 0xc393, 0xc397, + 0xc398, 0xc39b, 0xc39c, 0xc396, 0xc58b, 0xc5fd, 0xc5fc, 0xcb17, + 0x6a8b, 0x3408, 0x3407, 0x3673, 0x36a2, 0x36af, 0x3682, 0x367b, + 0x3674, 0x36b0, 0x3676, 0x36b9, 0x369e, 0x36b1, 0x36a1, 0x36b2, + 0x366e, 0xc90b, 0x0087, 0x3678, 0x367a, 0x3683, 0x369a, 0x37f8, + 0x3831, 0x3869, 0x3868, 0x389c, 0x3904, 0x3999, + /* 0x5b */ + 0x3ac7, 0x3ac6, 0x3adc, 0x3ac4, 0x3ad8, 0x3ad4, 0x3adf, 0x3ad1, + 0x3ad0, 0x3ad6, 0x3acf, 0x3bad, 0x3baf, 0x3ba7, 0x3bfd, 0x3c5b, + 0x3c5a, 0x3d07, 0x3d9d, 0x3d9b, 0x3dab, 0x3da4, 0x3d9c, 0x3d9e, + 0x3da5, 0x3daa, 0x3da6, 0x3e0e, 0x3e7e, 0x3e7c, 0x41ee, 0x41d5, + 0x41e9, 0x4142, 0x41e2, 0x4223, 0x41d9, 0x41d4, 0x41e3, 0x4215, + 0x41ef, 0x41f0, 0x41d6, 0x41dd, 0x41f6, 0x421c, 0x41d8, 0x41db, + 0x41da, 0x41ed, 0x4611, 0x4415, 0x4418, 0x441a, 0x441f, 0x4416, + 0xc94d, 0x4419, 0xc94b, 0x45f0, 0x4609, 0x461b, 0xa5e7, 0x45f6, + 0x45f4, 0x45b5, 0x4610, 0x45f2, 0x4615, 0x45f3, 0x45f8, 0x4739, + 0x473b, 0x4736, 0x460e, 0x4772, 0x4774, 0x47b9, 0x47b7, 0x47b8, + 0x4872, 0x486b, 0x4a1d, 0x4a37, 0x4a22, 0x4a43, 0x4a4d, 0x4a38, + 0x4a5b, 0x4a79, 0x4a1b, 0x49f3, 0x4b91, 0x4c7b, + /* 0x5c */ + 0x4c94, 0xc96f, 0x4c96, 0x4c7f, 0x4c8f, 0x4c84, 0x4c7c, 0x4c8e, + 0x4c90, 0x4c98, 0x4c83, 0x4c80, 0x4c93, 0x4c82, 0x32fd, 0x4d3d, + 0x4d41, 0x4da1, 0x4d9f, 0x4e0a, 0x4e0d, 0x4ec8, 0x4ec9, 0x4ec7, + 0x4ecd, 0x4f25, 0x50b1, 0x50dc, 0xc980, 0x50e5, 0x50f4, 0x50bf, + 0x50db, 0x50ea, 0x50f2, 0x03fa, 0x50f1, 0x50ed, 0x50e6, 0x5202, + 0xc982, 0x5325, 0x5318, 0x531f, 0x5320, 0x53cf, 0x549d, 0x5499, + 0x54a8, 0x5568, 0x5566, 0x5567, 0x5591, 0x5613, 0x5615, 0x561d, + 0x5616, 0x5619, 0x566b, 0x5668, 0x566a, 0x566d, 0x5669, 0x56aa, + 0x5757, 0x5752, 0x5750, 0x575f, 0x5767, 0x574f, 0x04f2, 0x575b, + 0x575c, 0x575d, 0x5a1f, 0x599d, 0x59b1, 0x59b0, 0x5994, 0x59c3, + 0x59af, 0x59a8, 0x59dc, 0x5998, 0x59c4, 0x59a4, 0x59ab, 0x59aa, + 0x59a5, 0x5a21, 0x59eb, 0x59e6, 0x59f7, 0x59f8, + /* 0x5d */ + 0x59fc, 0x59fa, 0x59e0, 0xc9aa, 0x59f6, 0xc9a9, 0x59e1, 0x5bec, + 0x5be2, 0x5be4, 0x5bf9, 0x5e6f, 0x6b4c, 0x5ebb, 0x5ee1, 0x5f00, + 0x5ed8, 0x062f, 0x5ed6, 0x5ee2, 0x5ec3, 0x5eb3, 0x5ed2, 0xc9c1, + 0x5ece, 0x5ed0, 0x5ed5, 0x5eb9, 0x5eba, 0x5ecf, 0x5ebd, 0x60db, + 0x61aa, 0x61ad, 0x61b8, 0x61b6, 0x61b5, 0x61af, 0x61b4, 0x61b7, + 0x61a8, 0x61b9, 0x61be, 0x6282, 0x62bc, 0x62b8, 0x62b6, 0x62b9, + 0x06c1, 0x6310, 0x6427, 0x6469, 0x6470, 0x6456, 0x646b, 0x647a, + 0x646c, 0x646d, 0xc9d5, 0x94c1, 0x658d, 0x6590, 0x67b6, 0x6810, + 0x6812, 0x67ba, 0x67bd, 0x6805, 0x67c2, 0x6807, 0x67f5, 0xc9e9, + 0x67af, 0x67f4, 0x67f7, 0x67f8, 0x6811, 0x69f6, 0x69f5, 0x69fb, + 0x6a01, 0x6a00, 0x6a02, 0x69fe, 0x69fa, 0x69fd, 0x0840, 0x6b37, + 0x6b49, 0x6b4b, 0x6b46, 0x6b47, 0x6bb3, 0x6bb2, + /* 0x5e */ + 0x6bb0, 0x6bb7, 0x6c11, 0x6ccc, 0x6cdf, 0x6cd3, 0x6cd5, 0x6cdb, + 0x6cc5, 0x6cc8, 0x6cc9, 0x6ce2, 0x6cca, 0x6cd1, 0x6cd2, 0x6cdd, + 0x6f6c, 0x6f73, 0x7021, 0x6ff0, 0x701f, 0x703b, 0x7022, 0x7023, + 0x6fe8, 0x6fdd, 0x093f, 0x701b, 0x6fed, 0xca0e, 0x6ff2, 0x0946, + 0x6fdc, 0x6fe9, 0x701d, 0x6fda, 0x6fe6, 0x7313, 0x7315, 0x7316, + 0x733c, 0x730b, 0x731c, 0x733a, 0x733d, 0x739a, 0x731d, 0x7309, + 0x7308, 0x733b, 0x7522, 0x7526, 0x7525, 0x7524, 0x369b, 0x758f, + 0x7590, 0x75e6, 0x75e3, 0x75e5, 0x7611, 0xca25, 0x76ae, 0x76be, + 0x76b4, 0x76b3, 0x76af, 0x7691, 0x76c2, 0x76b6, 0x76b2, 0x7857, + 0x783b, 0x7858, 0x7851, 0x7841, 0x7839, 0x0a8f, 0x7859, 0x7845, + 0x7861, 0x78e8, 0x79fa, 0x79ea, 0x79ef, 0x79f2, 0x79f0, 0x7b08, + 0x7b70, 0x7b6a, 0x7b73, 0x7b68, 0x7bc8, 0x7bf2, + /* 0x5f */ + 0x3e7b, 0x7cae, 0x7cab, 0x7cb5, 0x7caf, 0x7cb2, 0x7cb6, 0x7cb0, + 0x7d1e, 0x7e03, 0x7e06, 0x7e1f, 0x0bac, 0x7e0f, 0x7e02, 0x7e19, + 0x7e18, 0x7e22, 0x7e15, 0x7e07, 0x7e0d, 0x7e24, 0x7e0c, 0x7e1e, + 0x7f89, 0x7f8a, 0x800a, 0x800b, 0x8007, 0x8004, 0x8009, 0x8084, + 0x8083, 0x8218, 0x8214, 0x8205, 0x8216, 0x820e, 0x8211, 0x8208, + 0x820b, 0x8215, 0x8085, 0x8237, 0x822a, 0x820d, 0x820f, 0x837e, + 0x8376, 0x8377, 0x83ec, 0x84fc, 0x8508, 0x84ff, 0x8503, 0x8510, + 0x8505, 0x8506, 0x84fa, 0x86c7, 0x86c0, 0x86c3, 0x86a7, 0x86a8, + 0x86ab, 0x86c1, 0x86aa, 0x86c8, 0x8743, 0x8802, 0x880e, 0x8801, + 0x87fe, 0x8803, 0x0d68, 0x8822, 0x8821, 0x8807, 0x8808, 0x880c, + 0x89ca, 0x89bc, 0x89be, 0x89bd, 0xca5c, 0x89bb, 0x89b9, 0x0dab, + 0x89c5, 0x8a99, 0x8b6b, 0x8b93, 0x8b94, 0x8ba9, + /* 0x60 */ + 0x8ba0, 0x8ba6, 0xca61, 0x8bab, 0x8b9e, 0x8b9b, 0x8b91, 0x8b99, + 0x8cb6, 0x8cb8, 0x8c9a, 0x0e91, 0x8c98, 0x8c9b, 0x8cb3, 0x8ca2, + 0x54aa, 0x8ca0, 0x8c9f, 0x8e5b, 0x8e70, 0x8e54, 0x8e71, 0x8e65, + 0x8e51, 0x8e9d, 0x8e61, 0x8e5a, 0x8e74, 0x8e4c, 0x8e4b, 0x8e5e, + 0x8e58, 0x8e53, 0x8e52, 0x8f3b, 0x8f39, 0x8fd6, 0x8fe7, 0x8fd7, + 0x8fd8, 0x8fd9, 0x8fda, 0x8fdb, 0x8fdc, 0x8fe0, 0x8fe4, 0x8fdd, + 0x8ff5, 0x8ff1, 0x9098, 0x909d, 0x9099, 0x9150, 0x9149, 0x27e4, + 0x9162, 0x91d7, 0x9201, 0x91f7, 0xca7d, 0x928c, 0x929c, 0x2888, + 0x931f, 0x931e, 0x943d, 0x943f, 0x9411, 0x9459, 0x943e, 0x9458, + 0x9500, 0x949e, 0x94b6, 0x94aa, 0x94af, 0x94ac, 0x1030, 0x94c0, + 0x94a9, 0x3e10, 0x95ee, 0x9677, 0x9679, 0x967a, 0x967d, 0x967f, + 0x9683, 0x9678, 0x967e, 0x96e4, 0x96e6, 0x96e5, + /* 0x61 */ + 0x105d, 0x974e, 0x9759, 0x1075, 0xca8e, 0x974f, 0x974a, 0x97e3, + 0x97de, 0x97e2, 0x9974, 0x99ac, 0x9961, 0x9962, 0x9976, 0x997a, + 0x9979, 0x9960, 0x9a64, 0x9b81, 0x9adf, 0x9a84, 0x9a8a, 0x9a92, + 0x9a79, 0x9ade, 0x9a98, 0x9a6c, 0x9ae1, 0xcaa5, 0x9a7c, 0x9a72, + 0x9a81, 0x9ae0, 0x9a65, 0x10ff, 0x9a6a, 0x9a97, 0x9aaa, 0x9ad3, + 0x9aab, 0x9a6e, 0x9aac, 0x9a76, 0x9a7b, 0x9aad, 0xcaa6, 0x9a94, + 0x9ad7, 0x9a70, 0x9ad5, 0x9af1, 0x9a7a, 0x9a68, 0x9a96, 0x110b, + 0x9a73, 0x9aae, 0x9add, 0x9ada, 0x9aaf, 0x9ab0, 0x9adb, 0x9a62, + 0x9af8, 0x9cc2, 0x9cc7, 0x9cc8, 0x9cc5, 0x9cc3, 0x9cc6, 0x9dde, + 0x11c8, 0x9e11, 0x9e15, 0x9e28, 0x9e21, 0x9e2d, 0x9e51, 0x9e2b, + 0x9e16, 0x9e24, 0x9e35, 0x9e1f, 0x9e12, 0x9e10, 0x9e80, 0x9e3b, + 0x9e29, 0x9e2a, 0x9e1b, 0x9e18, 0x9e20, 0x9e3f, + /* 0x62 */ + 0x9e1c, 0x9e26, 0x9e0b, 0x9fbe, 0x9fc4, 0x9fbd, 0x9ffa, 0x9ffb, + 0xa0b1, 0xa0b2, 0xa0b0, 0xa0b9, 0xa0a6, 0xa0bd, 0xa0b6, 0xa0b8, + 0xa0b4, 0xa0b3, 0xa0a7, 0xa0ae, 0xa0bc, 0xa1f2, 0xa1f3, 0xa1f4, + 0xa23b, 0xa240, 0xa246, 0xa2f0, 0xa2ee, 0xa2e8, 0xa2f1, 0xa2eb, + 0xa2ef, 0xa3fc, 0xa420, 0xa409, 0xa406, 0xa403, 0xcacf, 0xa419, + 0xa424, 0xa41b, 0xa41d, 0xa3fd, 0xa41e, 0xa3f4, 0xa401, 0xa408, + 0xa405, 0xa423, 0xa3ff, 0xa5ea, 0xa64d, 0xa64e, 0xa656, 0xa657, + 0xa651, 0xa655, 0xa654, 0xa6cb, 0xa6d4, 0xa6d1, 0xa6cf, 0xa6d2, + 0xa6ca, 0xa6d6, 0xa78b, 0xa788, 0xa785, 0xa789, 0x4c9b, 0xa7bb, + 0xa78c, 0x1374, 0xa799, 0xa78a, 0xa8ec, 0xa8ef, 0xa8f9, 0xa909, + 0xa8f8, 0xa8f3, 0xa900, 0xa91d, 0x13ac, 0xa8fd, 0xaa48, 0xaa5c, + 0xaa55, 0xaa5e, 0xaa49, 0xaa63, 0xaa60, 0xaa53, + /* 0x63 */ + 0xaa62, 0xaa40, 0xab49, 0xab4a, 0xab4c, 0xab4d, 0xac0a, 0xac06, + 0xac2f, 0xac21, 0xac07, 0xac09, 0xac02, 0xac16, 0xac03, 0xac0b, + 0xac0f, 0xae60, 0xae68, 0xae5e, 0xae5d, 0xae63, 0xae5f, 0xae64, + 0xae78, 0xae61, 0xae69, 0xae65, 0xafda, 0xafe6, 0xafdb, 0xafdc, + 0xb039, 0xb057, 0xb055, 0xb065, 0xb061, 0xb054, 0xb145, 0xb141, + 0xb13e, 0xb137, 0xb212, 0xb213, 0xb22c, 0xb296, 0xcae9, 0xb29c, + 0xb29d, 0xb285, 0xcae8, 0xb29f, 0xb2a3, 0xb382, 0xb383, 0xcaee, + 0xb41d, 0xb414, 0xb41f, 0xb420, 0xb547, 0xb580, 0xb5c9, 0xb5f9, + 0xb606, 0xb5f0, 0xb5f8, 0xb5ef, 0xb5fd, 0xb5f1, 0xb5fe, 0xb6b8, + 0xb6c0, 0xb6c3, 0xb6b5, 0xb6b6, 0xb6c9, 0xcaf3, 0xb6bd, 0xb6ba, + 0xb6bf, 0xb6b3, 0xb6c6, 0xb6b2, 0xb6bc, 0xb6b7, 0xb6b9, 0xb6c8, + 0xb7b5, 0xb7b3, 0x1616, 0xb7ac, 0xb7a9, 0xb7ad, + /* 0x64 */ + 0xb911, 0xb90d, 0xb916, 0xb989, 0xb97c, 0xb98b, 0xb97b, 0xb988, + 0xb984, 0xba9d, 0xba98, 0xbb88, 0xbb86, 0xbb82, 0xbb8b, 0xcaff, + 0xbb71, 0xbb72, 0xbb81, 0xbb8c, 0xbb80, 0xbb89, 0xbcbb, 0xbcc1, + 0xbcbe, 0xcb01, 0xbcbd, 0xbdc1, 0xbdb4, 0xbdb7, 0xbdc8, 0x173b, + 0xbdd3, 0xbdd0, 0xbdb0, 0xbdca, 0xbdcd, 0xbe15, 0xbe19, 0xbe17, + 0xbe3f, 0xbe40, 0xbe44, 0xbe7c, 0xbe78, 0xbe79, 0xbe88, 0xcb06, + 0xbe89, 0xbe7d, 0xbf23, 0xbf24, 0xbf26, 0xbf22, 0xbf27, 0xbf1f, + 0xbfc9, 0xbfc3, 0xc00a, 0xc00b, 0xc004, 0x17ef, 0xc003, 0xc001, + 0xc009, 0xc10f, 0xc12e, 0xc12d, 0xc191, 0xc199, 0xc19e, 0xc190, + 0xc194, 0xc19d, 0xc198, 0xc19b, 0xc19c, 0xc19a, 0xc254, 0xc39d, + 0xc39f, 0xc3a3, 0xc3a4, 0xc3a5, 0xc602, 0xc717, 0xc71b, 0xc719, + 0xc7d1, 0x4737, +}; + +static const ucs4_t cns11643_6_2uni_upages[204] = { + 0x03400, 0x03500, 0x03600, 0x03700, 0x03800, 0x03900, 0x03a00, 0x03b00, + 0x03c00, 0x03d00, 0x03e00, 0x03f00, 0x04000, 0x04100, 0x04200, 0x04300, + 0x04400, 0x04500, 0x04600, 0x04700, 0x04800, 0x04900, 0x04a00, 0x04b00, + 0x05100, 0x05300, 0x05500, 0x05a00, 0x05b00, 0x05d00, 0x05e00, 0x06100, + 0x06500, 0x06800, 0x06e00, 0x07200, 0x07300, 0x07800, 0x07a00, 0x07f00, + 0x08000, 0x08100, 0x08200, 0x08800, 0x08900, 0x08a00, 0x08d00, 0x08f00, + 0x09200, 0x09700, 0x0ff00, 0x20000, 0x20100, 0x20200, 0x20300, 0x20400, + 0x20500, 0x20600, 0x20700, 0x20800, 0x20900, 0x20a00, 0x20b00, 0x20c00, + 0x20d00, 0x20e00, 0x20f00, 0x21100, 0x21200, 0x21300, 0x21400, 0x21500, + 0x21600, 0x21700, 0x21800, 0x21900, 0x21a00, 0x21b00, 0x21c00, 0x21d00, + 0x21e00, 0x21f00, 0x22000, 0x22100, 0x22200, 0x22300, 0x22400, 0x22500, + 0x22600, 0x22700, 0x22800, 0x22900, 0x22a00, 0x22b00, 0x22c00, 0x22d00, + 0x22e00, 0x22f00, 0x23000, 0x23100, 0x23200, 0x23300, 0x23400, 0x23500, + 0x23600, 0x23800, 0x23900, 0x23a00, 0x23b00, 0x23c00, 0x23d00, 0x23e00, + 0x23f00, 0x24100, 0x24200, 0x24300, 0x24400, 0x24500, 0x24600, 0x24700, + 0x24800, 0x24900, 0x24a00, 0x24b00, 0x24c00, 0x24d00, 0x24e00, 0x24f00, + 0x25000, 0x25100, 0x25200, 0x25300, 0x25400, 0x25500, 0x25600, 0x25700, + 0x25800, 0x25900, 0x25a00, 0x25b00, 0x25e00, 0x25f00, 0x26000, 0x26200, + 0x26300, 0x26400, 0x26500, 0x26600, 0x26700, 0x26800, 0x26900, 0x26a00, + 0x26b00, 0x26c00, 0x26d00, 0x26e00, 0x27100, 0x27200, 0x27300, 0x27500, + 0x27600, 0x27700, 0x27800, 0x27900, 0x27a00, 0x27b00, 0x27c00, 0x27d00, + 0x27e00, 0x27f00, 0x28000, 0x28200, 0x28300, 0x28400, 0x28500, 0x28600, + 0x28700, 0x28800, 0x28900, 0x28c00, 0x28d00, 0x28e00, 0x28f00, 0x29000, + 0x29100, 0x29200, 0x29300, 0x29400, 0x29500, 0x29600, 0x29800, 0x29a00, + 0x29b00, 0x29c00, 0x29d00, 0x29f00, 0x2a000, 0x2a200, 0x2a300, 0x2a400, + 0x2a500, 0x2f800, 0x2f900, 0x2fa00, +}; + +static int +cns11643_6_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 >= 0x21 && c1 <= 0x64)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 < 0x7f) { + unsigned int i = 94 * (c1 - 0x21) + (c2 - 0x21); + ucs4_t wc = 0xfffd; + unsigned short swc; + { + if (i < 6388) + swc = cns11643_6_2uni_page21[i], + wc = cns11643_6_2uni_upages[swc>>8] | (swc & 0xff); + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_7.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_7.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..44532bc4e --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_7.h @@ -0,0 +1,988 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CNS 11643-1992 plane 7 + */ + +static const unsigned short cns11643_7_2uni_page21[6539] = { + /* 0x21 */ + 0x2b55, 0x2c82, 0x2c89, 0x2c87, 0x2dbe, 0x2dbd, 0x2dca, 0x2dd4, + 0x2dbc, 0x2dc4, 0x2dc1, 0x2dc2, 0x2dd7, 0x2d70, 0x2dba, 0x2de3, + 0x2dbb, 0x2eb1, 0x2eb6, 0x2eb0, 0x2f6c, 0x300d, 0x3007, 0x31f1, + 0x31f5, 0x31ed, 0x31ef, 0x31eb, 0x31ec, 0x31ee, 0x3207, 0x33c4, + 0x3408, 0x34b3, 0x34ad, 0x34b0, 0x3511, 0x2c8a, 0x3683, 0x367a, + 0x3682, 0x3668, 0x3671, 0x36b0, 0x36af, 0x01f6, 0x366c, 0x366f, + 0x3662, 0x3665, 0x3681, 0x367f, 0x3664, 0x3673, 0x366e, 0x3667, + 0x3674, 0x367d, 0x3678, 0x3685, 0x36aa, 0x3688, 0x36a6, 0xc34e, + 0x368a, 0x3684, 0x1a55, 0x3924, 0x3922, 0x3923, 0x3a32, 0x3a5b, + 0x3a4f, 0x0267, 0x3a26, 0x3a3e, 0x3a42, 0x3a47, 0x3a22, 0x309b, + 0x3a4a, 0x3a1f, 0x3a49, 0x3a2b, 0x3a33, 0xc358, 0x3a2a, 0x3a28, + 0x3b3d, 0x3b3c, 0x3bbf, 0x3c79, 0x3c80, 0x3c7c, + /* 0x22 */ + 0x3c7a, 0x3c78, 0x3d82, 0x3d5c, 0x3d5a, 0x3d4b, 0x3d7c, 0x3d7f, + 0x3d1f, 0x3d89, 0x3d8b, 0x3d57, 0x3d7e, 0x3d7d, 0x3d53, 0x3f9f, + 0x3fbc, 0x3fa5, 0x3f86, 0x3fdc, 0x3fa4, 0x3fb6, 0x3fa2, 0x3fb4, + 0x4048, 0x4046, 0x40a7, 0x4114, 0x4112, 0x4111, 0x41e1, 0x41d0, + 0x4226, 0x4228, 0x4229, 0x432f, 0x430d, 0x4325, 0x4314, 0x433c, + 0x430b, 0x4311, 0x4330, 0x4318, 0x4319, 0x4336, 0x4317, 0x4310, + 0x4315, 0x4403, 0x4429, 0x444c, 0x453f, 0x453e, 0x4534, 0x4542, + 0x4535, 0x31f3, 0x45cd, 0x45d1, 0x45d2, 0x46ad, 0x46ba, 0x46c1, + 0x46bb, 0x46b4, 0x46bc, 0x476c, 0x4792, 0x4821, 0x4824, 0x5f19, + 0x48ad, 0x48ae, 0x48ab, 0x48ac, 0x4970, 0x4976, 0x4971, 0x4977, + 0x1c7f, 0x4aec, 0x4b1c, 0x4afb, 0x4aee, 0x4be2, 0x4afd, 0x4b1e, + 0x4b3b, 0x4b4a, 0xc3ae, 0x0592, 0x4b7d, 0x4b56, + /* 0x23 */ + 0x4b44, 0x4b4b, 0x4cfa, 0x4ce8, 0x4cf8, 0x4cff, 0x4cf7, 0x4cf6, + 0x4cfe, 0x4d07, 0x4d5d, 0x4ed4, 0xc3c3, 0x4ec8, 0x4ec5, 0xc3c0, + 0x4ec9, 0x4f4d, 0x4f20, 0x4f36, 0x4f35, 0x4f88, 0x4f25, 0x4f21, + 0x4f26, 0x0645, 0x4f3f, 0x4f3b, 0x4f24, 0x4f43, 0x4f4e, 0x4f4f, + 0x4f44, 0x4f40, 0x4f41, 0x4f39, 0x4f2b, 0x50dd, 0x50de, 0x51cd, + 0x51cb, 0x51db, 0x51d8, 0x51d9, 0x51d2, 0x51ca, 0x51d1, 0x51d4, + 0x51f9, 0x51d0, 0x525e, 0x525d, 0x528a, 0x5314, 0x5483, 0x5484, + 0x549b, 0x5482, 0x547d, 0x547c, 0x5499, 0x547e, 0x549a, 0x5495, + 0x547b, 0x5486, 0x5548, 0x5592, 0x56b2, 0x5742, 0x5772, 0x5715, + 0x5730, 0x5743, 0x575b, 0x571d, 0x5773, 0x572d, 0x07c9, 0x5721, + 0x571c, 0xc3ea, 0x5729, 0x571e, 0x5733, 0x5a10, 0x5a0e, 0xc3f1, + 0x5a0d, 0x5a11, 0x5a12, 0x5a17, 0x5a09, 0x5a0f, + /* 0x24 */ + 0x5a98, 0x5a94, 0x5a96, 0x5a99, 0x5a95, 0x5a97, 0x5b50, 0x5b52, + 0x5b4d, 0x5b57, 0x5b53, 0x5b56, 0x5bb8, 0x5c12, 0x5cf1, 0x5cf0, + 0x5cee, 0x5cef, 0x5ce5, 0x5ceb, 0x5ce7, 0x5cf2, 0x5ce6, 0x5cf7, + 0x5d09, 0x5d6b, 0x5d6a, 0x5e79, 0x5ecd, 0x5eef, 0x5ee4, 0x5ee3, + 0x5f6c, 0x5f67, 0x5f62, 0x5f58, 0x5f69, 0x5fab, 0x5f57, 0x5fad, + 0x5f54, 0x5fae, 0x5f76, 0x5f49, 0x5f45, 0x5f4f, 0xc40f, 0x5f50, + 0x5f7d, 0x5f44, 0x5f66, 0x5f48, 0x5fa3, 0x5f51, 0x5f53, 0xc410, + 0x5f60, 0x5f47, 0x5f5e, 0x5f85, 0x5fac, 0x5f6d, 0x5f75, 0x5fa8, + 0x0955, 0x5f43, 0x5f4e, 0x5f5c, 0x5f56, 0x5f6e, 0x5f63, 0x5f6a, + 0x6256, 0x6212, 0x625c, 0x6258, 0x6255, 0x627e, 0x62a8, 0x6211, + 0x6259, 0x625a, 0x6267, 0x6254, 0x625b, 0x62f0, 0x6429, 0x642c, + 0x642a, 0x6427, 0x6467, 0x6468, 0x6493, 0x6495, + /* 0x25 */ + 0x649a, 0x64ee, 0x64f1, 0x64ed, 0x64e9, 0x65cb, 0x65df, 0x65db, + 0x673c, 0x674e, 0x676c, 0x677b, 0x677c, 0x6783, 0x676b, 0x6766, + 0x6763, 0x67a0, 0x6785, 0x6768, 0x67a2, 0x68ec, 0x0ae8, 0x68e7, + 0x6910, 0x6918, 0x693a, 0x691a, 0x6938, 0x6941, 0x691b, 0x6914, + 0x691c, 0x691d, 0x6a12, 0x6a0d, 0x6a07, 0x6a7e, 0x6a7f, 0x34b9, + 0x6a80, 0x6a7a, 0x6af3, 0x6bb9, 0x6bbb, 0x6bba, 0x6bbd, 0x6bb7, + 0x6bbf, 0x6c21, 0x6d3a, 0x6d3d, 0x6d36, 0x6d49, 0x6d81, 0x0bb6, + 0x6d3f, 0x6d4d, 0x6d3e, 0x0bbd, 0x6d30, 0x6d4f, 0x6e37, 0x6e98, + 0x6e99, 0x6f11, 0x6f0d, 0x6f88, 0x6f8a, 0x701c, 0x7055, 0x7056, + 0x7062, 0x7057, 0x7042, 0x7010, 0x704d, 0x705a, 0x7066, 0x7046, + 0x4b7e, 0x704f, 0x80f9, 0x7187, 0x7184, 0x71f4, 0x71f5, 0x71f2, + 0x71f7, 0x7345, 0xc450, 0x7349, 0x7335, 0x72fd, + /* 0x26 */ + 0x7330, 0x7343, 0x7346, 0x0cd6, 0x7333, 0x74c6, 0xc456, 0x74d4, + 0x8dd8, 0x74e0, 0x36a7, 0x7544, 0x2d98, 0x7654, 0x763e, 0x7635, + 0x763a, 0x0d71, 0x7634, 0x7639, 0x7646, 0x765a, 0x765b, 0x763c, + 0x77dc, 0x77d6, 0x77d0, 0xc45e, 0x78ac, 0xc45d, 0x78a5, 0x79f4, + 0x7a24, 0x79e0, 0x79fd, 0x79f2, 0x79fc, 0x7a02, 0x79f1, 0x79ff, + 0x79d2, 0x79d8, 0x79d3, 0x79f9, 0xc463, 0x79ed, 0x79f7, 0x79f0, + 0x79d7, 0x7a09, 0x79f5, 0x7cc2, 0x7cc5, 0x7ccf, 0x0e98, 0x7cc1, + 0x7cc6, 0x7cd4, 0x7cce, 0x7e9b, 0x7e99, 0x7e8f, 0x7eb7, 0x7e82, + 0x7e93, 0x7eb4, 0x7ec1, 0x7e90, 0x7e9a, 0x7e94, 0x7e9c, 0x7eb5, + 0xc46f, 0xc46e, 0x7e9f, 0x7e8e, 0x7e9e, 0x803c, 0x8047, 0x8041, + 0x80eb, 0x80ec, 0x80ed, 0x80ee, 0x80df, 0x80f2, 0x810d, 0x810e, + 0x2c86, 0x81a9, 0x81a4, 0x81a5, 0x825f, 0x825a, + /* 0x27 */ + 0x8266, 0x8268, 0x826a, 0x8264, 0x8265, 0x82c1, 0x82d8, 0xc47b, + 0x82d9, 0x8309, 0x83aa, 0x83a3, 0x83b9, 0x77e2, 0x83a5, 0x83ab, + 0x8420, 0x8589, 0x858b, 0x85db, 0x85e4, 0x85ef, 0x85e2, 0x85e9, + 0x85f0, 0x85f3, 0x85dd, 0x861e, 0x871d, 0x8746, 0x877c, 0x8780, + 0x8781, 0x8782, 0x8787, 0x8788, 0x878a, 0x878c, 0x87e7, 0x87eb, + 0x87ea, 0x8868, 0x886b, 0x8869, 0x8866, 0x886a, 0x8865, 0x88e5, + 0x88e4, 0x88e6, 0x8918, 0x8a24, 0x8a48, 0x8a2f, 0x8a7e, 0x8989, + 0x8a1e, 0x8a49, 0x8a26, 0x8a09, 0x8a34, 0x8a2d, 0x8a4a, 0x8a15, + 0xc4a9, 0x8a33, 0x8a28, 0x8a27, 0x8a20, 0x8a2b, 0x8a29, 0x8a6a, + 0x8a0b, 0x8a0e, 0x8a1c, 0x89ff, 0xc4aa, 0x8a35, 0x8a11, 0x8a4b, + 0x8a4c, 0x8a1f, 0x8a0f, 0x8a39, 0x8a68, 0x8a1d, 0x8a08, 0x8a0c, + 0x8a0d, 0x8a62, 0x8aaf, 0x8a32, 0x8a2c, 0x8a64, + /* 0x28 */ + 0x8a04, 0x8a16, 0x8a4d, 0x8a07, 0x8aae, 0x8dd4, 0x8dd1, 0x8dd5, + 0x8dd0, 0x8f71, 0x8f5d, 0x8f5b, 0x8f7a, 0xc4bd, 0x8f7f, 0x8f79, + 0x8f67, 0x8f9e, 0x8f94, 0x8f64, 0x8f5e, 0x8f81, 0x8f5a, 0x8f57, + 0x8f7c, 0x8f98, 0x8f66, 0x8f7e, 0x8f82, 0x8f68, 0x8f5f, 0x8f63, + 0x8f97, 0x11cd, 0x8f53, 0x8f7b, 0x8f7d, 0x8f78, 0x9006, 0x91c0, + 0x91c2, 0x91c3, 0x92dc, 0x92e6, 0x92ec, 0x92f2, 0x92e8, 0x92eb, + 0x92ea, 0x92e5, 0x92e0, 0x92d0, 0x92d8, 0x92d5, 0x92d3, 0x92e4, + 0x92f3, 0x92db, 0x932f, 0x93f9, 0x945d, 0x945b, 0x944c, 0x9458, + 0x9460, 0x9453, 0x9450, 0x9507, 0x9508, 0x94f4, 0x94f6, 0x9504, + 0x94fd, 0x9505, 0x9628, 0x9656, 0x9642, 0x965c, 0x963d, 0x962f, + 0x962b, 0x9658, 0x9661, 0x962c, 0x9651, 0x9650, 0x963c, 0x9636, + 0x12f6, 0x9660, 0x965b, 0x962e, 0x9640, 0x965f, + /* 0x29 */ + 0x9626, 0x962d, 0x965e, 0x963b, 0x97ef, 0x97f3, 0x97ee, 0x97ed, + 0x985a, 0x9862, 0x985b, 0x985f, 0x985e, 0x9864, 0x98e0, 0x98e1, + 0x98e5, 0x99a5, 0x999b, 0x999f, 0x999c, 0x137a, 0x99aa, 0x99a4, + 0x99a3, 0x9a67, 0x9b26, 0x9b1a, 0x13b8, 0x9b1c, 0x9b15, 0x9b1b, + 0x9b18, 0x9b1e, 0x9b25, 0xc4dc, 0x9c7b, 0x9c75, 0x9c93, 0x9c8f, + 0x9c7c, 0x9c9b, 0x9c88, 0x9c91, 0x9c7e, 0x1401, 0x9c86, 0x9e5b, + 0x9e54, 0x9f35, 0x9f40, 0x9f37, 0x9f29, 0x9f26, 0x9f23, 0x9f30, + 0x9f20, 0x9f28, 0x9f32, 0x9f2a, 0x9f31, 0x9f24, 0x9f41, 0x9f42, + 0x9f43, 0x9f25, 0x9f38, 0xa01c, 0xa01d, 0xa01e, 0xa0f6, 0xa1a5, + 0xa189, 0xa19d, 0xa18a, 0xa187, 0xa1ab, 0xa186, 0xa19e, 0xa193, + 0xa1a1, 0xa188, 0xa1a3, 0xa19f, 0xa1a0, 0xa2ff, 0xa300, 0xa302, + 0xa2f8, 0xa2f7, 0xa301, 0xa387, 0xa389, 0xa376, + /* 0x2a */ + 0xa36e, 0xa377, 0xa382, 0xa385, 0xa383, 0xa384, 0xa457, 0xa44b, + 0xa456, 0xa45d, 0xa460, 0xa44d, 0xa455, 0xa454, 0xa453, 0xa450, + 0xa463, 0xa462, 0xa517, 0xa516, 0xa52d, 0xa5d9, 0xa5bf, 0x152f, + 0xa5b2, 0xa5ac, 0xa5b0, 0xa5cf, 0xa5b8, 0x1531, 0xa5d3, 0xa5b1, + 0xa5af, 0xa5ce, 0xa5b4, 0xa5b7, 0xa5d5, 0x159c, 0xa938, 0xa928, + 0xa93f, 0xa940, 0xa941, 0xa933, 0xa92b, 0xa92e, 0xab11, 0xab18, + 0xab17, 0xab19, 0xab16, 0x15e6, 0xab0d, 0xab26, 0xab79, 0xabd8, + 0xabf3, 0xabd7, 0xabcc, 0xabcf, 0xabcb, 0xabd1, 0xabce, 0xabd4, + 0xabd5, 0xabd3, 0xabd6, 0xabcd, 0xabda, 0xabd2, 0xabde, 0xaccc, + 0xacb8, 0xacb7, 0xacc2, 0xacc3, 0xadfa, 0xadf9, 0xae1f, 0xae1d, + 0x6282, 0xaea6, 0xae90, 0xae9e, 0xae98, 0xae93, 0xae92, 0xaea5, + 0xae95, 0xafa9, 0xafa8, 0xafaa, 0xafab, 0xafac, + /* 0x2b */ + 0xb01f, 0xb022, 0xb0aa, 0xb096, 0xb091, 0xb0ab, 0xb0a2, 0xb0a4, + 0xb09d, 0xb097, 0xb07d, 0xb09f, 0xb09c, 0xb099, 0xb0a6, 0xb092, + 0xb0a7, 0xb1c9, 0xb1c8, 0xb1c7, 0xb1cb, 0xb274, 0xb2c9, 0x1738, + 0xb2d2, 0xb2db, 0xb2eb, 0xb2e9, 0xb2ef, 0xb2ee, 0xb2f9, 0xb2de, + 0xb416, 0xb445, 0xb47f, 0xb498, 0xb49f, 0xb486, 0xb490, 0xb49a, + 0xb49d, 0xb48d, 0xb49c, 0xb4a0, 0xb4a7, 0xb48f, 0xb641, 0xb635, + 0xb637, 0xb630, 0xb63a, 0xb636, 0xc508, 0xb6ca, 0xb712, 0xb715, + 0xb722, 0xb713, 0xb718, 0xb721, 0xb810, 0xb820, 0xb82f, 0xb8a5, + 0xb8a3, 0xb8b6, 0xb8ab, 0xb968, 0xb967, 0xb96f, 0xb977, 0xb964, + 0xb978, 0x183a, 0xb976, 0xb96e, 0x18b1, 0xbbd0, 0xbbb3, 0xbbcb, + 0xbbd6, 0xbbb1, 0xbbb4, 0xbbd7, 0xbbc6, 0xbbba, 0xbbd1, 0xbbd2, + 0xbbb5, 0xbbc4, 0xbbcc, 0xbbbb, 0xbbb2, 0xbe5b, + /* 0x2c */ + 0xbe5a, 0xbe59, 0xbe99, 0xbe94, 0xbe96, 0xbe93, 0xbe91, 0xbe8f, + 0xbe98, 0xbf0c, 0xbf0a, 0xbf0e, 0xbf12, 0xbf11, 0xbf0b, 0xbf9a, + 0x1947, 0xbfb4, 0x1951, 0xc01c, 0xc020, 0xc021, 0xc0d3, 0xc0d2, + 0xc138, 0x2afd, 0x6bcf, 0x2c1d, 0x2c92, 0x2c8f, 0x2c8c, 0x2dea, + 0x2eb9, 0x2f6e, 0x2fa0, 0xaddd, 0x3012, 0x3017, 0x306d, 0x3205, + 0x31fb, 0x31fd, 0x3206, 0x3200, 0x31ff, 0x31fe, 0x32b6, 0x3305, + 0x3307, 0x34bc, 0x34bb, 0x358b, 0x3587, 0x97fb, 0x36e7, 0x36e6, + 0x36e2, 0xa1d3, 0x36d9, 0x36ca, 0x3712, 0x3710, 0x36dc, 0x36d0, + 0x368b, 0x3713, 0x4d10, 0x36da, 0xc34f, 0x36fd, 0x36e5, 0x36cc, + 0x3739, 0x36c7, 0x36d8, 0x3a60, 0x3a64, 0x3a86, 0x3a5e, 0x3a66, + 0x3a5f, 0x3a77, 0x3a82, 0x3a96, 0x3b3e, 0x3b79, 0x3b7a, 0x3c88, + 0x3c89, 0x3c8c, 0x62e0, 0x3c7b, 0x3c86, 0x3d94, + /* 0x2d */ + 0x3d97, 0x3db7, 0x3db5, 0x3db8, 0x3d93, 0x3db2, 0x3db4, 0x3d99, + 0x3dc3, 0x3d9d, 0x3d9b, 0x3da3, 0x0347, 0x3e9f, 0x3e9e, 0x3ea3, + 0x3ea0, 0x3ea1, 0x3fc5, 0x3fc6, 0x3fbe, 0x3fc4, 0x3fbf, 0x404c, + 0x404a, 0x40b1, 0x4115, 0x4117, 0x4110, 0x4118, 0x41e0, 0x41df, + 0x4227, 0x4343, 0x4348, 0x431d, 0x4350, 0x4358, 0x4347, 0x4354, + 0x4353, 0x4340, 0x4355, 0x0417, 0x435a, 0x4870, 0x455b, 0x454d, + 0x4556, 0x454f, 0xc387, 0x4559, 0xc388, 0x4554, 0x4553, 0x4550, + 0x46b3, 0x476e, 0x04a3, 0x476f, 0x4793, 0x4829, 0x4825, 0x4828, + 0x486f, 0x54b8, 0xc397, 0x48b3, 0x4979, 0x497e, 0x497c, 0x4983, + 0xc3ac, 0x4b00, 0x4b34, 0x4b65, 0x4b36, 0x4ba7, 0x4b59, 0x4b58, + 0x4b31, 0x4b62, 0x4b38, 0x4b73, 0x4b3e, 0x4b55, 0x4b54, 0x4b95, + 0xc3ad, 0x4ba5, 0x4b94, 0x4b9a, 0x4b9b, 0x4b99, + /* 0x2e */ + 0x4b9f, 0x4b53, 0x4d12, 0x4d0a, 0x4d09, 0x4d0c, 0x4d0b, 0x4d0e, + 0x4d0d, 0x4d08, 0x4f38, 0x4f3a, 0x4f37, 0x4f3d, 0x4f2d, 0x4f82, + 0x4f95, 0x4f87, 0x4f9d, 0x4fb5, 0x4f81, 0x4fc7, 0x4f9b, 0x4f98, + 0x4f94, 0x4f86, 0x4f90, 0x4f34, 0x4f8e, 0x4f85, 0x4fa6, 0x4f96, + 0x51ea, 0x51df, 0x54bd, 0x51f7, 0x51eb, 0x51e0, 0x51e8, 0x51e1, + 0x51e9, 0x51ee, 0x51e5, 0x51ec, 0x5263, 0x52c6, 0x52c2, 0x52c1, + 0x52c0, 0x52c3, 0x5318, 0x54ae, 0x54a3, 0x54c5, 0x54a0, 0x54b4, + 0x54a5, 0x071e, 0x54a4, 0x54a8, 0x54a6, 0x57a8, 0x578d, 0x5782, + 0x579e, 0x5789, 0x5783, 0x5791, 0x57a6, 0x579a, 0x5790, 0x5785, + 0x577d, 0xc3ec, 0x579b, 0x57a5, 0x57f0, 0x5796, 0x5788, 0x57d6, + 0x57d8, 0x5786, 0x57a4, 0x5797, 0x5a1c, 0x5a19, 0x5a9e, 0x5a9f, + 0x5a9d, 0x5a9c, 0x5b5d, 0x5b5e, 0x5b73, 0x5b63, + /* 0x2f */ + 0x5bbe, 0x5bc1, 0x5bbc, 0x5bbf, 0x5bbb, 0x5bbd, 0x5c13, 0x5c14, + 0x5cf8, 0x5cfa, 0x5d06, 0x5cfe, 0x5d51, 0x600b, 0x5ff1, 0x5fa9, + 0x5fd5, 0x5fdc, 0x5fcb, 0x5ff2, 0x605f, 0x5fdb, 0x5fd6, 0x5fd9, + 0x5fd1, 0x5fcf, 0x5fd8, 0x5fe0, 0x5fd4, 0x5ff3, 0x6005, 0x5fce, + 0x5ff4, 0xc412, 0x5fda, 0x600e, 0x6006, 0x5fd7, 0x5fcd, 0x6007, + 0x5fe1, 0x6008, 0x62be, 0x62ef, 0x62d9, 0x62da, 0x1fd7, 0x62a0, + 0x62df, 0x629e, 0x62bf, 0x62af, 0x62a7, 0x62aa, 0x62f4, 0x62ae, + 0x62b5, 0x62b8, 0x62db, 0x62c0, 0x62b7, 0x62a2, 0x62dd, 0x62a1, + 0x62a5, 0x62b4, 0x62a6, 0x62ab, 0x62ac, 0x629f, 0x62b1, 0x62fc, + 0x642e, 0x6430, 0x6499, 0x64f8, 0x64f6, 0x65f4, 0x65eb, 0x65e1, + 0x65e4, 0x6775, 0x6769, 0x0a9a, 0x6799, 0x679e, 0x6794, 0x6793, + 0x6791, 0x6919, 0x6917, 0x6949, 0x6947, 0x6948, + /* 0x30 */ + 0x6952, 0x6940, 0x6963, 0x6946, 0x695f, 0x6a0e, 0x6a85, 0x6a87, + 0x6acb, 0x6acc, 0x6ac9, 0x6bcb, 0x41e7, 0x6c20, 0x6d5f, 0x6d60, + 0x6d6a, 0x6d76, 0x6d73, 0x6d71, 0x6d66, 0x0bc2, 0x6d6b, 0x6d79, + 0x6d7b, 0x6e3c, 0x6e9e, 0x6e9c, 0x6f1c, 0x6f1e, 0x6f21, 0x6f96, + 0x6fa1, 0x6fb6, 0x6fa0, 0x6f94, 0x6f97, 0x7081, 0x7086, 0x70c0, + 0x708a, 0xc44b, 0x7085, 0x7095, 0x7049, 0x7082, 0x7084, 0x4b78, + 0x7090, 0x70b1, 0x71fe, 0x71fb, 0x7350, 0x7356, 0x735a, 0x734c, + 0x0cdc, 0x7357, 0x74e1, 0x74d9, 0x74db, 0x74f4, 0x7545, 0x7547, + 0x7674, 0x766b, 0x7668, 0x7669, 0x7679, 0xc45b, 0x7680, 0x7681, + 0x7661, 0x7670, 0x766f, 0x7673, 0x765d, 0x77fa, 0x0db3, 0x77f3, + 0x780a, 0x7817, 0xc45f, 0x78b0, 0x7a3e, 0x7a46, 0x7a4f, 0x7a44, + 0x7a69, 0x7a33, 0x7a2f, 0x7a4e, 0x7a3a, 0x7a2b, + /* 0x31 */ + 0x7aa9, 0x7a50, 0x7a45, 0x7a37, 0x7a25, 0x7a2c, 0x7a3f, 0x7a34, + 0x7a29, 0x7a1e, 0x7a3d, 0x7ced, 0xc466, 0x7cf3, 0x7cea, 0x7ceb, + 0x7ecc, 0x7ece, 0x7ed0, 0x7ee3, 0x7ee0, 0x7ed1, 0x7edc, 0x7edd, + 0x7ef0, 0x7edb, 0x7ee5, 0x7ef1, 0x7ec9, 0x7ee8, 0x7ee7, 0x7ec8, + 0x7ede, 0x7ecd, 0x7ec5, 0x7ec6, 0x7ee4, 0x7ec3, 0x80fb, 0x80fc, + 0x80fe, 0x8103, 0x8100, 0x80fd, 0x8105, 0x8113, 0x81a7, 0x81b4, + 0x8270, 0x8274, 0x8271, 0x8275, 0x827d, 0x8273, 0x82c4, 0x82c3, + 0x82de, 0x82dd, 0x8311, 0x830f, 0x8310, 0x83c3, 0x83c2, 0x83ca, + 0x83c1, 0x8423, 0x85b1, 0x8624, 0x8611, 0x8625, 0x860a, 0x861f, + 0x8620, 0x8614, 0x8628, 0x8603, 0x8612, 0x860b, 0x8617, 0x4d11, + 0x8749, 0x8789, 0x8790, 0x878f, 0x8796, 0x8795, 0x8793, 0x87ed, + 0x87f0, 0x62de, 0x8885, 0x8877, 0x887a, 0x8884, + /* 0x32 */ + 0x8879, 0x887d, 0x887b, 0x88ed, 0x88ec, 0x89f6, 0x899b, 0x8a9d, + 0x8b11, 0x8ac4, 0x8ac8, 0x8adf, 0x8abf, 0x8ab3, 0x8aba, 0x8b10, + 0x8b06, 0x8a88, 0x8a9a, 0x8ae0, 0x8acc, 0x8ab5, 0x8ae1, 0x8abc, + 0x8ac6, 0x8b0b, 0x8aa4, 0x8a95, 0x8aa3, 0x8ae2, 0x8acd, 0x8ae3, + 0x8aab, 0x8acb, 0x8a8f, 0xc4ab, 0x8aa9, 0x8b24, 0x8ae4, 0x8b12, + 0x8ae5, 0x8b67, 0x8aaa, 0x8aa0, 0x8ae6, 0x8ac1, 0x8ae7, 0x8b0d, + 0x8a86, 0x8ab0, 0x8a8b, 0x8ae8, 0x8ac9, 0x8b19, 0x8ac0, 0x8b0c, + 0x8ae9, 0x8aea, 0x8ded, 0x8de3, 0x8de4, 0x8de8, 0x8dd2, 0x8de2, + 0x2466, 0x8fcf, 0x8fd1, 0x8fc3, 0x8fc9, 0x8fea, 0x8fb4, 0x8fdc, + 0x8fbd, 0x8fe6, 0x8fc8, 0x8fec, 0x8fb2, 0x8fa9, 0x8fd3, 0x8fc0, + 0x8fe9, 0x8fd5, 0x11d9, 0x8fc5, 0x11dd, 0x8fcb, 0x8fd0, 0x8fd2, + 0x8fe4, 0x8fe8, 0x8fcd, 0x8fb6, 0x8faa, 0x8fd4, + /* 0x33 */ + 0xa049, 0x8fc1, 0x8fdd, 0x8fce, 0x91c9, 0x91ca, 0x92fd, 0x92d9, + 0x92ff, 0x9304, 0x92fa, 0x9306, 0x9315, 0x9311, 0x9307, 0x930b, + 0x93fc, 0x93fd, 0x946d, 0x9465, 0x9514, 0x9513, 0x950c, 0x950b, + 0x9518, 0x9522, 0x967d, 0x966f, 0x9675, 0x967b, 0x9680, 0x967f, + 0x9696, 0x966d, 0x966b, 0x9686, 0x9673, 0x9662, 0x9677, 0x9681, + 0x9669, 0x9682, 0x9697, 0x9684, 0x12fc, 0x9678, 0xc4d0, 0x967a, + 0x966a, 0x9665, 0x967e, 0x9694, 0x97c2, 0x97c1, 0x97f9, 0x9871, + 0x986b, 0x986d, 0x986f, 0x986e, 0x98f2, 0x98e8, 0x98ef, 0x98e9, + 0x98ea, 0x98ed, 0x98f3, 0x98e6, 0x99c9, 0x99b4, 0x99b3, 0x99b9, + 0x99ca, 0x99b1, 0x99b6, 0x99c7, 0x99c4, 0x99b7, 0x9a6f, 0x9b33, + 0x9b32, 0x9b1f, 0xc4d9, 0x9b2b, 0x9b30, 0x9b36, 0x9b42, 0x9b41, + 0xc4d8, 0x9ca5, 0x9cab, 0x9ca9, 0x9cb3, 0x9ca7, + /* 0x34 */ + 0x9ca0, 0x9cd2, 0x9ca8, 0x9cb6, 0x9cac, 0x9cae, 0x9ce6, 0x9e65, + 0x9f47, 0x9f63, 0x9f4d, 0x9f5f, 0x9f4b, 0x9f60, 0x9f49, 0x9f53, + 0xc4df, 0x263a, 0x9f57, 0x9f4e, 0x9f52, 0x9f54, 0xa020, 0xa022, + 0xa1c1, 0xa1d7, 0xa1d5, 0xa1c4, 0xa1d0, 0xa1bb, 0xa1e2, 0xa1cb, + 0xa1b8, 0xa1bf, 0xa1d8, 0xa1c0, 0xa1ba, 0xa1b4, 0xa1bc, 0xa1d4, + 0xa1ed, 0xa1c2, 0xa1d9, 0xa1cc, 0xa32f, 0xa323, 0xa396, 0xa38d, + 0xa39e, 0xa399, 0xa483, 0x1507, 0xa46a, 0xa469, 0xa475, 0xa46c, + 0xa480, 0xa46e, 0xa481, 0xa477, 0xa476, 0xa473, 0xa470, 0xa484, + 0xa519, 0xa5f2, 0x273d, 0xa5ec, 0xa5eb, 0xa5f6, 0xa5ef, 0xa5f4, + 0xa5ee, 0xa5f3, 0xa5ed, 0xa89b, 0xa898, 0xa894, 0x3a7a, 0xa89a, + 0xc4f0, 0xa94c, 0x15a8, 0xa957, 0xa951, 0xa962, 0xa952, 0xa95c, + 0xa953, 0xc4ef, 0xaa85, 0xab2d, 0xab3e, 0xab30, + /* 0x35 */ + 0xab7d, 0xabe6, 0xabf6, 0xabe4, 0xabe9, 0xabec, 0xabf2, 0xabe8, + 0xabe3, 0xabeb, 0xabf0, 0xabea, 0xabe7, 0xabfd, 0xabe5, 0xabee, + 0xabf5, 0xabf9, 0xabf1, 0xabf4, 0xc4f4, 0xac11, 0xacde, 0xacd8, + 0xacdd, 0xacdb, 0xacd3, 0xace1, 0xadde, 0xadfc, 0xae28, 0xaeb7, + 0xaeb8, 0xaec7, 0xaeb2, 0xaea9, 0xaeb9, 0xaebc, 0xaeb3, 0xaed1, + 0xafb0, 0xafb1, 0xafb6, 0xb004, 0xb02c, 0xb0c1, 0xb09e, 0xb0ba, + 0x16ca, 0xb0d1, 0xb0d3, 0xb0d4, 0xb0d5, 0xb0c5, 0xb0b6, 0xb0b2, + 0xb0b5, 0xb0c3, 0xb0b9, 0xb0c6, 0xb1d6, 0xb1e0, 0xb1db, 0xb1d7, + 0xb1dd, 0xb315, 0xb30c, 0xb30f, 0xb30e, 0xb2fe, 0xb304, 0xb30b, + 0xb302, 0xb2ff, 0xb308, 0xb310, 0xb317, 0xb313, 0xb306, 0xb309, + 0xb424, 0xb426, 0xb425, 0xb448, 0xb4b5, 0xb4d2, 0xb4d5, 0xb4c4, + 0xb4af, 0xb4ad, 0xb4c1, 0xb4c0, 0xb4cc, 0xb4cd, + /* 0x36 */ + 0xb4c3, 0xb4c8, 0xb4c5, 0xb4ba, 0xb4d0, 0xb4c2, 0xb4ce, 0x178d, + 0xb643, 0xb642, 0xb640, 0xb631, 0xb6cf, 0xb6ce, 0xb730, 0xb734, + 0xb732, 0xb743, 0xb73c, 0xb811, 0xb835, 0xb834, 0xb837, 0xb831, + 0xb8bf, 0xb8bc, 0xb8c2, 0xb8c9, 0xb983, 0xb98b, 0xb9a0, 0xb98d, + 0xb98c, 0xb99a, 0xb98a, 0xb991, 0xbbf1, 0xbc0f, 0xbc01, 0xbc07, + 0xbc0c, 0x18c0, 0xbbdc, 0xbbee, 0xbbf7, 0xbbf2, 0xbbf8, 0xbbeb, + 0x18ca, 0xbbe6, 0xbbed, 0xbbe9, 0xbc08, 0xbc00, 0xbbe5, 0xbbfc, + 0xbe61, 0xbe5e, 0xbe5f, 0x1925, 0xbe9b, 0xbf16, 0xbf15, 0xbf20, + 0xbf14, 0xbf1a, 0xbf17, 0xbf9c, 0x194a, 0xbff1, 0x1953, 0xbff0, + 0xc028, 0xc024, 0xc02a, 0xc02b, 0xc0d5, 0xc104, 0xc105, 0xc191, + 0xc192, 0xc2a6, 0x2c09, 0x2e22, 0x2e1a, 0x2e0e, 0x2e1b, 0x2e08, + 0x6fb3, 0xc31c, 0x309d, 0x3212, 0x321e, 0x32bb, + /* 0x37 */ + 0x32bf, 0x32bc, 0x3308, 0x3309, 0x3363, 0x33c8, 0x5828, 0x358e, + 0x358d, 0x3743, 0x374d, 0x376d, 0x3742, 0x3752, 0x3751, 0x3769, + 0x3750, 0x3756, 0x376c, 0x3744, 0x3745, 0x376b, 0x0205, 0x3768, + 0x3757, 0x392e, 0x3931, 0x392d, 0x3a8b, 0x3ab2, 0x3a8d, 0x3aa3, + 0x3aa4, 0x3a90, 0x3a89, 0x3a8e, 0x3a92, 0x3b7b, 0x3c90, 0x3c8f, + 0x3de9, 0x3dcd, 0x3dc5, 0x3dd0, 0x3dc9, 0x3dd1, 0x3dc7, 0x3dd2, + 0x3d5f, 0x3de1, 0x3dcc, 0x3dc6, 0x3de4, 0x3ea9, 0x3fd3, 0x3fda, + 0x3fd2, 0x3fdb, 0x404d, 0x404e, 0x411c, 0x41e8, 0x436c, 0x435f, + 0x4366, 0x4364, 0x4378, 0x4365, 0x436d, 0x4361, 0x437a, 0x4407, + 0x4566, 0x4568, 0x4562, 0x46d3, 0x46d4, 0x46d1, 0x46dc, 0x4773, + 0x4772, 0x482d, 0x482c, 0x482f, 0x4872, 0x48b4, 0x4989, 0x4bcd, + 0x4ba6, 0x4ba2, 0x4ba0, 0x4b46, 0x4ba1, 0x8657, + /* 0x38 */ + 0x4ba3, 0x4bb1, 0x4bdb, 0x4bf6, 0x4bdc, 0x4bd6, 0x4d13, 0x4f9c, + 0x4f97, 0x4fd8, 0x4fe4, 0x4fd4, 0x4fe5, 0x4fdb, 0x4fd0, 0x4fda, + 0x4fcc, 0x4fdc, 0x4fed, 0x4fd3, 0x4fd1, 0x4fce, 0x4fd9, 0x4fdd, + 0xc3c6, 0x50e6, 0x50e5, 0x50e9, 0x51ff, 0x51fe, 0x520e, 0x528c, + 0x52ca, 0x52cb, 0x531a, 0x54d7, 0x54cf, 0x54d0, 0x54c9, 0x54cc, + 0x54d3, 0x55a4, 0x55a3, 0x5781, 0x5826, 0x57f3, 0x5827, 0x57f2, + 0x57ff, 0x57f5, 0x57fc, 0x580e, 0x07f0, 0x57f6, 0x5800, 0x5823, + 0x5805, 0x5825, 0x5808, 0x5850, 0x5a25, 0x5a20, 0x5a23, 0x5a21, + 0x5aa1, 0x5b69, 0x5b6c, 0x5b68, 0x5b6b, 0x5bcc, 0x5bcd, 0x5d10, + 0x5d0d, 0x5d0a, 0x5d16, 0x5d14, 0x5d52, 0x6028, 0x602e, 0x602c, + 0x604d, 0x6049, 0x6031, 0x6030, 0x6033, 0x602d, 0x6036, 0x603e, + 0x602f, 0x6027, 0x6034, 0x604c, 0x62fe, 0x6312, + /* 0x39 */ + 0x631f, 0x6317, 0x62f5, 0x6315, 0x62f7, 0x0a02, 0x437d, 0x62fa, + 0x62f9, 0x634b, 0x649c, 0x649d, 0x0a23, 0x65f0, 0x65f6, 0x65ef, + 0x679d, 0x679a, 0x67a7, 0x67af, 0x67aa, 0x6964, 0x6986, 0x6975, + 0x6970, 0x6984, 0x696b, 0x6985, 0x696c, 0x6a17, 0x6a94, 0x6a93, + 0x6bd2, 0x6bd7, 0x6bd4, 0x6da6, 0x6da7, 0x6d9c, 0x6d8b, 0x6d8d, + 0x6d98, 0x6db9, 0x6d9b, 0x6d9d, 0x6d99, 0x6da8, 0x6d91, 0x6d87, + 0x6d9a, 0x6ea6, 0x6f1f, 0x6fa7, 0x6fb1, 0x6fb2, 0x6fb7, 0x70d0, + 0x70b3, 0x70b5, 0x70c4, 0x70c3, 0x70bc, 0x70b2, 0x70ba, 0x70bb, + 0x70c2, 0x70cd, 0x70be, 0x70b7, 0x718f, 0x7203, 0x7204, 0x7371, + 0x7377, 0x7374, 0x738b, 0x737a, 0xc451, 0x738c, 0x7373, 0x74ff, + 0x74fb, 0x74fd, 0x74f0, 0x74f3, 0x74fc, 0x74f2, 0x7692, 0x769e, + 0x76ae, 0x7696, 0x7814, 0x7812, 0x7813, 0x7816, + /* 0x3a */ + 0x780f, 0x78b6, 0x78bd, 0x7a8c, 0x7aae, 0x7aac, 0x7aab, 0x7a99, + 0x7a92, 0x7abb, 0x7a9e, 0x7a7e, 0x7aaf, 0x7abc, 0x7a98, 0x7d01, + 0x7d09, 0x7d06, 0xc467, 0x7d07, 0x7d08, 0x7ecf, 0x7f0e, 0x7f32, + 0x0f15, 0x7f12, 0x7f16, 0x7f17, 0x7f1b, 0x7f15, 0x7f31, 0x7f18, + 0x7f1a, 0x7f10, 0x7f0a, 0x7f09, 0x804f, 0xc473, 0x810f, 0x8110, + 0xc475, 0x8128, 0x8111, 0x8116, 0x8117, 0x8102, 0x81bb, 0x81ba, + 0x81c3, 0x81bc, 0x828a, 0x8284, 0x8286, 0x82e0, 0x8317, 0x8318, + 0x831e, 0x8315, 0x83d3, 0x83da, 0x83d9, 0x85e6, 0x85f4, 0x85e1, + 0x8669, 0x8640, 0x8658, 0x866c, 0x864d, 0x8721, 0x8799, 0x87f1, + 0x5f68, 0x8886, 0x8b5b, 0x8b5c, 0x8b77, 0x8b2c, 0xc4ad, 0x8b58, + 0x8b64, 0x8b61, 0x8b48, 0x8b97, 0x8b59, 0x8b29, 0x8b62, 0x8b2e, + 0x8b68, 0x8b90, 0x8b3a, 0x8b3d, 0x8b5e, 0x8b46, + /* 0x3b */ + 0x8b69, 0x8b65, 0x8b3e, 0x8b49, 0x8b56, 0x8be1, 0x8b78, 0x8b79, + 0x8b66, 0x8b4a, 0x8b35, 0x8b7a, 0x8b92, 0x8b60, 0x8b36, 0x8b51, + 0x8b42, 0x115d, 0x8b3f, 0x8b7b, 0x8b5d, 0x8b94, 0x8b6a, 0xc4b5, + 0x8df2, 0x8fbb, 0x901b, 0x901a, 0x9033, 0x9017, 0x900a, 0x9015, + 0x9012, 0x9001, 0x902d, 0x8ffd, 0x9023, 0x9005, 0x9011, 0x9000, + 0x901c, 0x9035, 0x902e, 0x9036, 0x34bf, 0x902f, 0x900c, 0x9009, + 0x9031, 0x8ffc, 0x900f, 0x9018, 0x9002, 0x9200, 0x931f, 0x9337, + 0x125a, 0x9338, 0x932b, 0x932e, 0x9321, 0x9330, 0x9329, 0x9331, + 0xc4c9, 0x9301, 0x932c, 0x9322, 0x93ff, 0x9477, 0x9467, 0x947f, + 0x947d, 0x947b, 0x947e, 0x951e, 0x951c, 0x9521, 0x9526, 0x9527, + 0x9529, 0x952c, 0x951d, 0x952b, 0x96bf, 0x96a4, 0x96aa, 0x96ae, + 0x969f, 0x96d0, 0x96b1, 0x96ad, 0x969b, 0x96b2, + /* 0x3c */ + 0x96a9, 0x96b3, 0x96b4, 0x96ba, 0x96a5, 0x96b7, 0x96ac, 0x96cb, + 0x96cf, 0x97c6, 0x9801, 0x97ff, 0x97fd, 0x9877, 0x9878, 0x9876, + 0x98f7, 0x99cc, 0x1385, 0x99d4, 0x99d7, 0x99d5, 0x99d6, 0x99d3, + 0x9b5d, 0x9b55, 0x9ce0, 0x9d48, 0x9cee, 0x9cdb, 0x9ce7, 0x9cd6, + 0x9ce5, 0x9ce1, 0x9cdd, 0x9ce2, 0x9e70, 0x9e66, 0x9e6f, 0x9e6e, + 0x9f81, 0x9f69, 0x9f6e, 0x9f6d, 0x9f6c, 0x9f84, 0x9f85, 0x9f71, + 0x9f73, 0x9f6a, 0x9f6f, 0x9f7b, 0xa16a, 0xa17c, 0xa17d, 0xa181, + 0xa1fa, 0xa205, 0xa1eb, 0xa1fb, 0xa1e9, 0xa1ef, 0xa1fc, 0xa1e7, + 0xc4e1, 0xa1ee, 0xa1fd, 0xa332, 0xa3a7, 0xa3b5, 0xa3b1, 0xa3b9, + 0xa3a8, 0xa3b3, 0xc4e6, 0xa48a, 0xa491, 0xa48d, 0xa499, 0x150b, + 0xa49a, 0xa49b, 0xa492, 0xa48f, 0xa4ab, 0x6bdb, 0x1539, 0xa675, + 0xa631, 0xa638, 0x1537, 0xa635, 0xa669, 0xa63b, + /* 0x3d */ + 0xa63d, 0xa66c, 0xa679, 0xa63c, 0xa63e, 0xa897, 0xa8a5, 0xa8a2, + 0xa89d, 0xa8a1, 0xa968, 0xa96f, 0xa96d, 0xa972, 0xa975, 0xa977, + 0xa979, 0xaab5, 0xaaea, 0xaaab, 0xab43, 0xab41, 0xab42, 0xac09, + 0xac08, 0xac06, 0xac01, 0xac03, 0xac00, 0xac04, 0xac0a, 0xac0e, + 0xac0d, 0xac07, 0xac0f, 0xac14, 0xac02, 0xac15, 0xac0c, 0xac10, + 0xac05, 0xacfd, 0xacff, 0xad04, 0xad00, 0xad09, 0xae2b, 0xc4f7, + 0xae31, 0xaedb, 0xaec5, 0xaed3, 0xaece, 0x166b, 0xaec9, 0xaebf, + 0xaecb, 0xaec0, 0xaed0, 0xaed4, 0xafc1, 0xafb9, 0xafbb, 0xafc3, + 0xafc9, 0xb007, 0xb02d, 0xb0f8, 0xb0e1, 0xb0fa, 0xb0ef, 0xb0fd, + 0x16cd, 0xb0eb, 0xb0f1, 0xb0ed, 0xb0fe, 0xb1f8, 0xb203, 0xb1ee, + 0xb1e8, 0xb201, 0xb2ec, 0xb322, 0xb314, 0xb334, 0xb32f, 0xb339, + 0xb341, 0xb33c, 0xb349, 0xb358, 0xb33a, 0xb342, + /* 0x3e */ + 0xb33f, 0xb422, 0xb423, 0xb44a, 0xb4dc, 0xb4d9, 0xb4db, 0xb4e2, + 0xc507, 0xb4df, 0xb4e0, 0xb4d7, 0xb64f, 0xb646, 0xb653, 0xb655, + 0xb64e, 0xb64a, 0xb64c, 0xb663, 0xb751, 0xb753, 0xb758, 0xb74d, + 0xb75a, 0xb749, 0xb75d, 0xb812, 0xb83c, 0xb8d1, 0xb8df, 0xb8d6, + 0xb8d8, 0xb8e0, 0xb8d9, 0xb9b1, 0xb9ac, 0xb9aa, 0xb9ee, 0xb9bd, + 0x184d, 0xb9c3, 0xb9a8, 0xb9ae, 0xb9ab, 0xbc1d, 0xbc27, 0xbc38, + 0xbc12, 0xbc48, 0xbc2b, 0xbc16, 0xbc19, 0xbc3d, 0xbc23, 0xbc2a, + 0xbe64, 0xbead, 0xbeac, 0xc514, 0xbeb1, 0xbeaf, 0xbf2c, 0xbf24, + 0xbf25, 0xbf28, 0xbff9, 0xbff7, 0xbffd, 0xbffe, 0xc039, 0xc033, + 0xc0d7, 0xc0d8, 0xc0e4, 0x3aa1, 0xc10e, 0xc13b, 0xc144, 0xc142, + 0xc194, 0xc193, 0xc1d5, 0xc2a7, 0x2e31, 0x2e23, 0x2e28, 0x2e27, + 0x2ec6, 0x2fa3, 0x3021, 0x321b, 0x0110, 0x32c1, + /* 0x3f */ + 0x32c3, 0x332a, 0x3369, 0x3427, 0x37b6, 0x37a7, 0x37a4, 0x37a6, + 0x3790, 0x379e, 0x3794, 0x37a8, 0x37a5, 0x37a2, 0x3791, 0x027b, + 0x3abc, 0x3abd, 0x3ab4, 0x3ab0, 0x3ae4, 0x3b45, 0x3b4b, 0x3b7e, + 0x3b7f, 0x3b7d, 0x3bc3, 0x3dfc, 0x3df7, 0x3df0, 0x3ded, 0x3df1, + 0x3df8, 0x3fe9, 0x41eb, 0x041d, 0x4390, 0x438d, 0x4386, 0x4391, + 0x438a, 0x4408, 0x4450, 0x46ea, 0x46e6, 0x46e2, 0x46e7, 0x46ed, + 0x46e1, 0x4834, 0x4876, 0x4875, 0x4873, 0x48b5, 0x4990, 0x4992, + 0x4be1, 0x4bdf, 0x4bd5, 0x4bf2, 0x4bfe, 0x4c13, 0x4c2e, 0x4d19, + 0x5008, 0x1df5, 0x5005, 0x5009, 0x5006, 0x5003, 0x4ffd, 0x4ffc, + 0x5002, 0x5042, 0x521a, 0x5211, 0x5215, 0x5216, 0x52cc, 0x52cf, + 0x52d0, 0x5322, 0x531e, 0x5321, 0x54e5, 0x0727, 0x5554, 0x54ef, + 0x5553, 0x5551, 0x55ad, 0x5867, 0x5868, 0x58a4, + /* 0x40 */ + 0x5877, 0x5889, 0x5844, 0x588b, 0x5879, 0x585b, 0x5843, 0x5857, + 0x584a, 0x587c, 0x5846, 0x587b, 0x5856, 0x5aa8, 0x5b76, 0x5b72, + 0x5bd6, 0x5bd8, 0x5bd1, 0x5d22, 0x5d20, 0x5d23, 0x5d1e, 0x5d6e, + 0x60a3, 0x6077, 0x60a6, 0x606d, 0x60a2, 0x607c, 0x6084, 0x6068, + 0x6074, 0x6086, 0x60a5, 0x607b, 0x607a, 0x6069, 0x6072, 0x6076, + 0x634a, 0x6337, 0x632a, 0x632d, 0x6346, 0x6328, 0x6326, 0x6342, + 0x632c, 0x6338, 0x632b, 0x6333, 0x6345, 0x6439, 0x65f9, 0x65fa, + 0x67b8, 0x67b7, 0x67bb, 0x67b9, 0x67b4, 0x696f, 0x6987, 0x698f, + 0x69a2, 0x69a3, 0xc431, 0x6a9b, 0x6a9d, 0x6ace, 0x0bcf, 0x6dbd, + 0x6dbf, 0x6d92, 0x0bcd, 0x6def, 0x6dc9, 0x6ea4, 0x6ea8, 0x6eaa, + 0x6f28, 0x6f24, 0x6f25, 0x6f26, 0x6fa9, 0x6fba, 0x6fbe, 0x6fbc, + 0x6fc0, 0x70f0, 0x70df, 0x70e0, 0x70ed, 0x70db, + /* 0x41 */ + 0x70fb, 0x70b9, 0x70da, 0x70eb, 0x70ec, 0x739a, 0x739f, 0x739b, + 0x7397, 0x73a1, 0x750f, 0x7505, 0x7548, 0x0d82, 0x76bc, 0x76ba, + 0x78bf, 0x7b01, 0x7ae8, 0x7aef, 0x7ae4, 0x7ae6, 0x7b02, 0x7aeb, + 0x7ae0, 0x7aed, 0x7ad9, 0xc464, 0x7b14, 0x7aee, 0x0e52, 0x7b13, + 0x7af9, 0x7af8, 0x7d25, 0xc469, 0x7d19, 0x7d20, 0x7d43, 0x7d3f, + 0x7f45, 0x7f4c, 0x7f49, 0x7f4f, 0x7f41, 0x7f3e, 0x7f4d, 0x7f52, + 0x7f4a, 0x7f4e, 0x7f73, 0x7f42, 0x7f51, 0x7f55, 0x7f50, 0x7f6c, + 0x2afd, 0x7f6a, 0x7f53, 0x7f68, 0x8055, 0x8056, 0x811c, 0x811d, + 0x2280, 0x811e, 0x8123, 0x811f, 0x81e1, 0x81cd, 0x81cb, 0x81cc, + 0x81c8, 0x81c9, 0x829b, 0x8294, 0x8292, 0x8296, 0x8293, 0x8295, + 0x828f, 0x831d, 0x8322, 0x8321, 0x83e9, 0x83ef, 0x83e0, 0x83e6, + 0x83e4, 0x8629, 0x862c, 0x8676, 0x8683, 0x8678, + /* 0x42 */ + 0x863c, 0x6343, 0x867a, 0x1051, 0x86f2, 0x879e, 0x879b, 0x879a, + 0x87f6, 0x87f5, 0x88a5, 0x8893, 0x88a4, 0x8a82, 0x8ac7, 0x8bb7, + 0x8c1d, 0x8be2, 0x8bd7, 0x8be3, 0x8be4, 0x8bbc, 0x8bd3, 0x115a, + 0x8b5a, 0x8bd2, 0x8b2d, 0xc4af, 0x8bc4, 0x8bd0, 0x8be5, 0x8c05, + 0x8c07, 0x8be6, 0x8c1b, 0x8be7, 0x8bd8, 0x8bbe, 0x8c17, 0x8bb4, + 0x8bd9, 0x8be8, 0x8bad, 0x8baf, 0x8bc8, 0x8be9, 0x8bea, 0x8dfe, + 0x8dfb, 0x8e00, 0x9072, 0x9070, 0x9046, 0x9059, 0x905e, 0x9048, + 0x904f, 0x9071, 0x9060, 0x905f, 0x906e, 0x9073, 0xc4c0, 0xc4bf, + 0x9047, 0x906d, 0x906f, 0x9081, 0x906c, 0x9078, 0x9083, 0x9049, + 0x9068, 0x9074, 0x9063, 0x906a, 0x8685, 0x9065, 0x9062, 0x90c8, + 0x91d0, 0x91d4, 0x91d1, 0x9203, 0x9342, 0x9363, 0x9356, 0x935b, + 0x9355, 0x9350, 0x932d, 0x9344, 0x9348, 0x9345, + /* 0x43 */ + 0x9382, 0x1265, 0x9362, 0x9485, 0x948d, 0x9536, 0x952f, 0x9531, + 0x9537, 0x96a7, 0x96d9, 0x96f0, 0x96f2, 0x96fd, 0x96e8, 0x96eb, + 0x96ee, 0x96e0, 0x96e9, 0x96ed, 0x96d6, 0x96f8, 0x96d4, 0x96df, + 0x96e7, 0x96d8, 0x96e3, 0x96ef, 0x970f, 0x97ca, 0x3b46, 0x9805, + 0x980c, 0x980d, 0x987f, 0x9880, 0x9881, 0x9901, 0x9903, 0x99f2, + 0x99e2, 0x99e3, 0x99de, 0x99e9, 0x99e8, 0x99e0, 0x9a01, 0x99f5, + 0x99e4, 0x2501, 0x9a77, 0x9b74, 0x9b6f, 0x9b62, 0x9b61, 0x9b6d, + 0x9b73, 0x9b6a, 0x9b69, 0x9d12, 0x9d2d, 0x9d14, 0x9d0f, 0x9d29, + 0x9d16, 0x9d03, 0x9d46, 0x9d5c, 0x9d11, 0x9d06, 0x9cdc, 0x9d2b, + 0x9d2a, 0x9d2c, 0x9d27, 0x9e7a, 0x9f9c, 0x9f99, 0x9f95, 0x9f8b, + 0x9f98, 0x9f96, 0xa032, 0xa1a4, 0xa1aa, 0xa21b, 0x14af, 0xa20d, + 0xa21c, 0xa20a, 0xa220, 0xa208, 0xa21a, 0xa213, + /* 0x44 */ + 0xa211, 0xa35d, 0xa35f, 0xa35e, 0xa360, 0xa3bb, 0xa3bc, 0xa3c1, + 0xa3c0, 0xa3c8, 0xa3ce, 0xa4a7, 0xa4b2, 0xa4b6, 0xa4a5, 0xa4ba, + 0xa4b5, 0xa4ad, 0xa4a4, 0xa4d3, 0xa4b0, 0xa4b1, 0xa51d, 0xa68d, + 0x1541, 0xa691, 0xa6b6, 0xa6b7, 0xa6bd, 0xa6bc, 0xa696, 0xa694, + 0xa6a0, 0xa8a8, 0xa8a6, 0xa984, 0xa996, 0xa988, 0xa99a, 0xaad1, + 0xaacf, 0xab50, 0xab51, 0xab4e, 0xab80, 0xab81, 0xac1b, 0xac17, + 0xac20, 0xac19, 0xac1a, 0xac21, 0xac1e, 0xac18, 0xac1d, 0x1629, + 0xad2d, 0xad24, 0xad27, 0xad2e, 0xad25, 0xad1c, 0xad19, 0x162a, + 0xad23, 0xad1f, 0xad1a, 0xad2b, 0xad1e, 0xade0, 0xae33, 0xaee6, + 0xaefc, 0xaee5, 0xaef8, 0xaef6, 0xaeea, 0xaef2, 0xaeed, 0xaeeb, + 0xaef0, 0xaef1, 0xafc6, 0xafc8, 0xafce, 0xafc5, 0x1696, 0xafcb, + 0xb113, 0xb114, 0xb107, 0xb10c, 0xb21a, 0x1712, + /* 0x45 */ + 0xb217, 0xb206, 0xb216, 0xb207, 0xb210, 0xb209, 0xb219, 0xb215, + 0xb36e, 0xb33b, 0xb33e, 0xb36c, 0xb365, 0xb364, 0xb359, 0xb37c, + 0xb370, 0xb379, 0xb42c, 0xb452, 0xb451, 0xb44c, 0xb500, 0xb510, + 0xb513, 0xb4ff, 0xb4fe, 0xb4ed, 0xb65a, 0xb658, 0xb65c, 0xb6da, + 0xb778, 0xb75e, 0xb767, 0xb764, 0xb813, 0xb823, 0xb841, 0xb83f, + 0xb840, 0xb8ed, 0xb8e3, 0xb8ea, 0xb8f0, 0xb8e6, 0xb8e9, 0xb8f1, + 0xb8ee, 0xb9d4, 0xb9d1, 0xb9dc, 0xb9ec, 0xbc69, 0xbc6d, 0xbc57, + 0xbc66, 0xbcf9, 0xbc4a, 0xbc60, 0xbc56, 0xbc59, 0xbc4c, 0xbc6a, + 0xbc62, 0xbc63, 0xbc70, 0xbc5f, 0xc50d, 0xbc64, 0xbc5d, 0xbc68, + 0xbc9f, 0xbeba, 0xbeb8, 0xbebc, 0xbeb9, 0xbeb4, 0xbf3b, 0xbf2d, + 0xbf38, 0xbf2f, 0xbf32, 0xc041, 0xc0cb, 0xc0de, 0xc0dd, 0xc0da, + 0xc0dc, 0xc110, 0xc14f, 0xc149, 0xc198, 0xc196, + /* 0x46 */ + 0xc197, 0xc1c7, 0x2c9c, 0xc1da, 0xc1d8, 0xc2a8, 0x2c0a, 0x2c9d, + 0x2ecb, 0x2f38, 0x2f39, 0x2fa6, 0x3223, 0x3222, 0x3221, 0x33ce, + 0x3592, 0x3591, 0x37ec, 0x37e0, 0x37ed, 0x3808, 0x37e5, 0x37ee, + 0x37e4, 0x37eb, 0x37e3, 0x37ea, 0x380a, 0xc359, 0x3ad1, 0x3ae3, + 0x3ad4, 0x3ad0, 0x3ad9, 0x027e, 0x1be1, 0x3ada, 0x3ad3, 0x3b4c, + 0x3b4d, 0x3b7c, 0x3b80, 0x3bcc, 0x3dff, 0x3e08, 0xc108, 0x3e01, + 0xc36b, 0x3e00, 0x3fed, 0x3ff3, 0x3fee, 0x3ff1, 0x3ff0, 0x3fde, + 0x4051, 0x4382, 0x43a9, 0x4398, 0x439d, 0x439a, 0x439e, 0x439f, + 0x43a6, 0x43a7, 0x4409, 0x442f, 0x4571, 0x456d, 0x4572, 0x46ef, + 0x46f0, 0x483b, 0x4839, 0x483c, 0x4838, 0x6afd, 0x483a, 0x4878, + 0x4879, 0x4877, 0x4998, 0x499c, 0x4999, 0x499a, 0x4c11, 0x4c0a, + 0x4bfd, 0x4c0f, 0x4c19, 0x4c03, 0x4c15, 0x4c0c, + /* 0x47 */ + 0x4c09, 0x4c12, 0x4c34, 0x4c2a, 0x4c08, 0x4c2d, 0x4c28, 0xc3b1, + 0x4c2c, 0x4c26, 0x4c33, 0x05a7, 0x4d1a, 0x4d1e, 0x5007, 0x502c, + 0x5032, 0x5028, 0x5031, 0x5029, 0x5030, 0x502a, 0x5044, 0x502e, + 0x52d1, 0x5324, 0x54f7, 0x54f4, 0x54f3, 0x54f8, 0x58b5, 0x5896, + 0x5898, 0x5895, 0x5891, 0x58b2, 0x589e, 0x5859, 0x58a3, 0x589a, + 0x589b, 0x0f20, 0x7f83, 0x5bda, 0x5bdf, 0x5c16, 0x5d1f, 0x5d2d, + 0x5d2e, 0x5d2b, 0x60b8, 0x60bb, 0x60bf, 0x60ba, 0x60d5, 0x60e3, + 0x60c1, 0x60be, 0x60bd, 0x60b4, 0x60c2, 0x60a1, 0x6087, 0x60d7, + 0x60ca, 0x60b5, 0x60da, 0x60d9, 0x60b3, 0x60d8, 0x6367, 0x6371, + 0x6362, 0x635c, 0x6368, 0x6352, 0x6356, 0x3809, 0x2e42, 0x64a0, + 0x6600, 0x65fe, 0x65ff, 0x67cb, 0xc428, 0x67ca, 0x67a9, 0x67c8, + 0x69b4, 0x69ac, 0x69aa, 0x69a9, 0x6b0e, 0x6be9, + /* 0x48 */ + 0x6bed, 0x6bf2, 0x6beb, 0x6bee, 0x6de8, 0x6ddb, 0x6dd7, 0x6de3, + 0x6de5, 0x6dee, 0x6dd5, 0x6eb3, 0x6f2d, 0x6fc1, 0x6fc3, 0x710c, + 0x710e, 0x7107, 0x7117, 0x7109, 0x7116, 0x719a, 0x719c, 0x73b4, + 0x73b7, 0x73b3, 0x3b4e, 0x7513, 0x7514, 0x76e6, 0x76dc, 0x76e8, + 0x76e5, 0x782e, 0x782c, 0x782b, 0x78cd, 0x7b3d, 0x7b32, 0x7b2d, + 0x7b45, 0x7b3e, 0x7b50, 0x7b25, 0x7b53, 0x7b23, 0x7d37, 0x7d38, + 0x7d47, 0x7d3d, 0x7d3e, 0x7d49, 0x7d4a, 0x7d1d, 0x21e9, 0x7fa5, + 0x7f8c, 0x7f8d, 0x7f89, 0x7f96, 0x7f85, 0x7f8f, 0x7f77, 0x7f8e, + 0x7f82, 0x7f8a, 0x7f88, 0x7f7b, 0x7f97, 0x7f7d, 0x7f79, 0x8059, + 0x8124, 0x812d, 0x812e, 0x812b, 0xc476, 0x81da, 0x81d8, 0x81d6, + 0x8287, 0x82a0, 0x8328, 0x8325, 0x831f, 0x83f3, 0x83f7, 0x83f6, + 0x862b, 0x865b, 0x8648, 0x23cb, 0x865c, 0x866d, + /* 0x49 */ + 0x869d, 0x8699, 0x868c, 0x8691, 0x869b, 0x869a, 0x869c, 0x8695, + 0x868d, 0x8696, 0x86a5, 0x872a, 0x87a1, 0x87a4, 0x87ad, 0x88a9, + 0x88ae, 0x88b0, 0x8c0d, 0x8b63, 0x8b71, 0x8c51, 0x8c54, 0x8c2a, + 0x8c44, 0x8c55, 0x8c99, 0x8c39, 0x8c3f, 0x8c3e, 0x8c4f, 0x8c4d, + 0x8c35, 0x8c40, 0x8c31, 0x8bd5, 0x8c2b, 0x8c33, 0x8c41, 0x8c56, + 0x8c4c, 0x8c46, 0x8c3c, 0x8c45, 0x8c43, 0x8c3d, 0x8c70, 0x8c57, + 0x8c38, 0x8c58, 0x1165, 0x8c37, 0x8e07, 0x8e06, 0x8e09, 0x90ab, + 0x9090, 0x9093, 0x90bc, 0x90a9, 0x909e, 0x90bf, 0x90aa, 0x9091, + 0x90a4, 0x909a, 0x90a7, 0x90a1, 0x909c, 0x90a2, 0x909b, 0x909f, + 0x9094, 0x908f, 0x8ef0, 0x9092, 0x9095, 0x90a5, 0x90a6, 0x9204, + 0x939c, 0x9379, 0x937a, 0x937e, 0x937b, 0x9371, 0x9381, 0x937f, + 0x937c, 0x937d, 0x9375, 0x9376, 0x948e, 0x948f, + /* 0x4a */ + 0x953e, 0x953f, 0x9540, 0x9541, 0x1304, 0x970d, 0x9717, 0x9710, + 0x970e, 0x96ea, 0x971d, 0x9703, 0x9722, 0x9704, 0x9700, 0x9720, + 0x9721, 0x9723, 0x9713, 0x9709, 0x9711, 0x97cb, 0x97ce, 0x97d0, + 0x97cc, 0x97d4, 0x3adb, 0x9809, 0x980b, 0x9885, 0x9906, 0x990d, + 0x1364, 0x9914, 0x990f, 0x9a09, 0x9a14, 0x9a0b, 0x99fc, 0x9a04, + 0x9a0a, 0x9a00, 0x99fd, 0x9a07, 0x9a06, 0x9a11, 0x9a79, 0x9a78, + 0x9b88, 0x9b80, 0x9b8b, 0x9d59, 0x9d61, 0x9d75, 0x1423, 0x9d55, + 0x9d5b, 0x9d5f, 0x9d52, 0x9d62, 0x9d72, 0x9d5d, 0x9d68, 0x9d71, + 0x9d65, 0x9d66, 0x9d67, 0x9d76, 0x9d4c, 0x9d60, 0x9d74, 0x9d50, + 0x9e8a, 0x9e81, 0x9e86, 0x9e7f, 0x9e80, 0x9fa5, 0x9fa7, 0x9fa8, + 0x9fa6, 0x9faf, 0x7f95, 0x9fb1, 0xa035, 0xa039, 0xa1c3, 0xa230, + 0xa22a, 0xa22b, 0xa22d, 0xa22e, 0xa22c, 0xa223, + /* 0x4b */ + 0xa221, 0xa222, 0xa36c, 0xa381, 0xa38f, 0xa380, 0xa3d0, 0xa3cd, + 0xa3d5, 0xa3d4, 0xa4d1, 0xa4be, 0xa4cb, 0xa4ce, 0xa4bd, 0xa4d0, + 0xa704, 0xa6d5, 0xa6d0, 0xa6d3, 0xa6fb, 0xa6d8, 0xa6d1, 0xa6fd, + 0xa6d9, 0xa6d6, 0xa6e6, 0xa6f9, 0xa9a1, 0xa99d, 0xa99e, 0x28d9, + 0xaaff, 0xab5f, 0xab57, 0xab60, 0xab59, 0xac2c, 0xac25, 0xac27, + 0xac30, 0xac24, 0xac26, 0xac2d, 0xac2e, 0xac29, 0xac31, 0xad45, + 0xad47, 0xad52, 0xad4a, 0xad50, 0xad46, 0xad4f, 0xad4e, 0xad53, + 0xaf21, 0xaf09, 0xaf1a, 0xaf1b, 0x7115, 0xaf10, 0xc4f9, 0xaf14, + 0xaf0e, 0xaf12, 0xaf0b, 0xafcf, 0xafd2, 0xafd0, 0xafd4, 0xafd3, + 0xafd1, 0x3518, 0xc4fb, 0xb009, 0xb11c, 0xb127, 0xb125, 0xb11b, + 0xb129, 0xb11f, 0xb130, 0xb124, 0xb128, 0xb119, 0xb12f, 0xb224, + 0xb221, 0xb225, 0xb226, 0xb227, 0xb276, 0xb366, + /* 0x4c */ + 0xb375, 0xb369, 0xb37e, 0xb38f, 0xb374, 0x8e10, 0xb3ad, 0xb42b, + 0xb42a, 0xb458, 0xb522, 0xb51d, 0xb52b, 0xb52c, 0xb52d, 0xb533, + 0xb51b, 0xb527, 0xb52a, 0xb528, 0xb53b, 0xb67e, 0xb671, 0xb679, + 0xb678, 0xb670, 0xb66d, 0xb67d, 0xb675, 0xb676, 0xb6de, 0xb766, + 0xb783, 0xb787, 0xb77b, 0xb789, 0xb786, 0xb782, 0xb77c, 0xb781, + 0xb843, 0xb845, 0xb8f7, 0xb8f9, 0xb8fa, 0xba05, 0xb9fe, 0xba0f, + 0xb9ff, 0xb9fa, 0xba09, 0xba20, 0xba0c, 0xba3c, 0xba22, 0xb9f8, + 0xba0a, 0xba08, 0xb9f7, 0xbc8e, 0xbc77, 0xbc8b, 0xbcb4, 0xbc8a, + 0xbc9a, 0xbc79, 0xbc83, 0xbc7f, 0xbca1, 0xbc8f, 0xbca3, 0xbc81, + 0xbc94, 0xbc7e, 0xbc82, 0xbc90, 0xbca5, 0xbcad, 0xbc9d, 0xbe67, + 0xbe69, 0xbecb, 0xbec8, 0xbed1, 0xbf40, 0xbf4b, 0xbf49, 0xbf46, + 0xbf3e, 0xbf43, 0xbf3f, 0xbfa5, 0xbfa7, 0xc04e, + /* 0x4d */ + 0xc04d, 0x499b, 0xc0e5, 0xc0e1, 0xc0e2, 0xc116, 0xc114, 0xc51b, + 0xc159, 0xc151, 0xc15f, 0xc14a, 0xc157, 0xc158, 0xc1ca, 0xc1db, + 0xc1de, 0xc1e0, 0xc1e1, 0xc1df, 0xc1e2, 0xc1e3, 0xc292, 0xc2bf, + 0xc2be, 0x2c0b, 0x2e52, 0x2e4e, 0x00b9, 0xc313, 0x2fa7, 0x3226, + 0x3227, 0x32c6, 0x330b, 0x336a, 0x3378, 0x381a, 0x3816, 0x3819, + 0x3817, 0x381b, 0x3818, 0x3820, 0x3937, 0x3aec, 0x3b81, 0xae3d, + 0x3e0f, 0x3ead, 0x3ffb, 0x4052, 0x43af, 0x43b7, 0x43b2, 0x4578, + 0x45ac, 0x4700, 0x46fe, 0x4702, 0x46fd, 0x4703, 0x4840, 0x4843, + 0x4842, 0x48b7, 0x49a2, 0x4c00, 0x4c35, 0x4c41, 0x4c05, 0x2e53, + 0x4c50, 0x4c4e, 0x4c53, 0x5053, 0x5050, 0x5057, 0x505f, 0x5055, + 0x50ea, 0x5226, 0xb430, 0x522a, 0x5228, 0x522c, 0x522d, 0x52d4, + 0x5507, 0x5558, 0x5559, 0x58c5, 0x58cd, 0x58c7, + /* 0x4e */ + 0x58e8, 0x084b, 0x5a32, 0xc297, 0x5bde, 0x5d32, 0x34c8, 0xc415, + 0x60f1, 0x60f0, 0x60ec, 0x6109, 0x60f9, 0x60f5, 0x60fe, 0x6374, + 0x6381, 0x637c, 0x6375, 0x6389, 0x6382, 0x6397, 0x6386, 0x637d, + 0x6393, 0x639c, 0x6376, 0x6380, 0x6445, 0x30a1, 0x6603, 0x67c9, + 0x67cd, 0x67d0, 0x69ad, 0x69c5, 0x6aa2, 0x6bec, 0x6bf6, 0x6bf3, + 0x6df3, 0x6dfa, 0x6df9, 0x6df5, 0x6df4, 0x6df8, 0x6eb6, 0x6eb4, + 0x6f32, 0x6fcd, 0x6fc8, 0x6fce, 0x6fca, 0x712a, 0x7121, 0x711d, + 0x73bd, 0x73be, 0x73c2, 0x0cf1, 0x73c9, 0x751f, 0x76f1, 0x76ed, + 0x76f2, 0x76e0, 0x76f7, 0x7830, 0x7837, 0x7831, 0x7836, 0x78c8, + 0x7b6d, 0x7b69, 0x7b7d, 0x7b61, 0x7b70, 0x7b71, 0x7b73, 0x7b76, + 0x7b75, 0x7b78, 0x7b79, 0x7b64, 0x7b6e, 0x7d51, 0x7d4f, 0x7d22, + 0x7faf, 0x7faa, 0x7fa3, 0x7f9d, 0x7f9c, 0x7fa1, + /* 0x4f */ + 0x7fb6, 0x7fac, 0x7fa2, 0x7fa7, 0x7fb0, 0x7fa9, 0x7fc3, 0x8131, + 0x8132, 0x8133, 0x8134, 0x8137, 0x813c, 0x81d9, 0x81dd, 0x81de, + 0x81df, 0x81e0, 0x82a5, 0x82aa, 0x82a2, 0x82a3, 0x8404, 0x8403, + 0x83fe, 0x8428, 0x86af, 0x86ad, 0x86a6, 0x87ac, 0x87a5, 0x87b0, + 0x87b1, 0x8801, 0x88b2, 0x88d2, 0x88f1, 0x8bd1, 0x8c47, 0x8cc9, + 0x8ca7, 0x8cc8, 0x8c95, 0x8c8e, 0x8c91, 0x8c7d, 0x8cee, 0x8c8d, + 0x8c8c, 0x8cb0, 0x8c96, 0x8c42, 0x8c7c, 0x8cb1, 0x8cb2, 0x8c84, + 0x8c9d, 0x8ca1, 0x8c98, 0x8cb3, 0x8c22, 0x8c7b, 0x8c8a, 0x8cce, + 0x8c80, 0x8c97, 0x8cb4, 0x8cb5, 0x8c9a, 0x8c9f, 0x8c93, 0x8e12, + 0x8e0b, 0x8e0e, 0x90a3, 0x90cc, 0x90dc, 0x90e1, 0x90de, 0x90d2, + 0x90db, 0x90d9, 0x90d7, 0x90d4, 0x90c9, 0x90eb, 0x90da, 0x90d1, + 0x9104, 0x90ca, 0x90e2, 0x91d7, 0x938c, 0x9399, + /* 0x50 */ + 0x93a2, 0x9396, 0x9394, 0x939f, 0x1267, 0x938e, 0x9403, 0x9494, + 0x9493, 0x9544, 0x972f, 0x9735, 0x972b, 0x9732, 0x972d, 0x9736, + 0x1314, 0x9731, 0x9712, 0x9733, 0x971f, 0x9734, 0x9740, 0x973f, + 0x9741, 0x97d3, 0x9889, 0x9918, 0x9910, 0x9a1a, 0x9a25, 0x9a1e, + 0x9b92, 0x9b95, 0x9b93, 0x9d84, 0x9d9a, 0x9d89, 0x9d8d, 0x9d88, + 0x9d91, 0x9d9b, 0x9d9c, 0xb148, 0x9e8e, 0x9e92, 0x9fc5, 0x9fc1, + 0x9fb8, 0x9fbe, 0x9fb5, 0x9fc7, 0xa03c, 0x1489, 0xa1ec, 0xa23f, + 0xa239, 0xa237, 0xa3a1, 0xa394, 0xa3a0, 0xa3de, 0xa3db, 0xa3df, + 0xa3dc, 0xa4d6, 0xa4dc, 0xa4dd, 0xa4e0, 0xa4e3, 0xa4e1, 0xa718, + 0xa719, 0xa753, 0xc4ec, 0xa744, 0xa70e, 0xa70f, 0xa747, 0xa717, + 0xa71d, 0xa711, 0xa8b4, 0xa8b6, 0xa9b7, 0xa9be, 0xa9c2, 0xa9b4, + 0xab31, 0xab15, 0xab83, 0xac3b, 0xac36, 0xac42, + /* 0x51 */ + 0xac50, 0xac40, 0xac34, 0xac38, 0xac3d, 0xac3e, 0xac35, 0xac3a, + 0xac46, 0xac37, 0xac39, 0xac45, 0xad77, 0xad5d, 0xad6a, 0xad76, + 0xad6b, 0xad6c, 0xad65, 0xad64, 0xad71, 0xad5f, 0xad72, 0xadfe, + 0xadff, 0xae3e, 0xaf2b, 0xaf36, 0xaf2d, 0xaf39, 0xaf3f, 0xaf3b, + 0xaf33, 0xaf42, 0xaf3a, 0xafd5, 0xafd8, 0xafd9, 0xb00d, 0xb00a, + 0xb039, 0xb03a, 0xb13d, 0xb145, 0xb13a, 0xb137, 0xb13e, 0xb142, + 0xb387, 0xb38c, 0xb382, 0xb36b, 0xb3a0, 0xb39a, 0xb390, 0xb38e, + 0xb3a1, 0xb3bd, 0xb3b2, 0xb3b5, 0xb3b7, 0xb3aa, 0xb3a2, 0xb3a5, + 0xb3ae, 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0x3831, 0x3854, 0x383a, 0x3838, + /* 0x53 */ + 0x3939, 0x3938, 0x3af4, 0x3af3, 0x3af6, 0x3afc, 0x3af5, 0x3af1, + 0x3c9c, 0x3e18, 0x3e1a, 0x3ffc, 0x3ffe, 0x4003, 0x4053, 0x422b, + 0x43c6, 0x43c1, 0x457b, 0x4706, 0x4849, 0x48b8, 0x49a3, 0x4c52, + 0x4c4d, 0x4c5f, 0x4c5e, 0x4c61, 0x4d23, 0x508c, 0x506f, 0x5075, + 0x5074, 0x5071, 0x5070, 0x506c, 0x5326, 0x5508, 0x1e07, 0x58f0, + 0x58ef, 0x58fb, 0x5910, 0x590c, 0x58f6, 0x58fe, 0x5b7c, 0x5be1, + 0x5d38, 0x5d6f, 0x6118, 0x6115, 0x611c, 0x6110, 0x6135, 0xc417, + 0x6117, 0x611d, 0x6126, 0x6128, 0x6129, 0x612a, 0x611a, 0xc416, + 0x4707, 0x63ab, 0x63ac, 0x63a1, 0x63ae, 0x63a3, 0x63a7, 0x6448, + 0x6504, 0x65fd, 0x0a5a, 0x6608, 0x67d2, 0x69c6, 0x69be, 0x6a1c, + 0x6aa6, 0x6aa7, 0x6aab, 0x6b00, 0x6bfb, 0x6bfc, 0x6bf9, 0x6c01, + 0x6e06, 0x6e04, 0xc43c, 0x6f34, 0x7136, 0x7132, + /* 0x54 */ + 0x7142, 0x712d, 0x7135, 0x73d8, 0x7523, 0x7520, 0x7701, 0x7700, + 0x7703, 0xc2bc, 0x783c, 0x7841, 0x7835, 0x78c9, 0x7b8e, 0x7b9e, + 0x7b99, 0x7bb4, 0x7baa, 0x7b9f, 0x7b96, 0x7b9d, 0x7bc3, 0x7b74, + 0x7bab, 0x0eaf, 0x7d63, 0x7d5b, 0x7d5a, 0x7fc5, 0x7fc4, 0x7fcf, + 0x7fc8, 0x7fa4, 0x7fbd, 0x7fd3, 0x8060, 0x813b, 0x81e3, 0x81e7, + 0x82a8, 0x82ac, 0x82a9, 0x832a, 0x8408, 0x8409, 0x86b9, 0x88c1, + 0x88c2, 0x88b8, 0x8ce1, 0x8ceb, 0x8ce5, 0x8cfa, 0x8ce4, 0x8d0b, + 0x8cd7, 0x8cef, 0x8ce0, 0x8cec, 0x8cfb, 0xc4b0, 0x8cd3, 0x8ce6, + 0x8cfc, 0x8ce3, 0x8ccf, 0x8cda, 0x8cdc, 0x8cd2, 0x8ca4, 0x116b, + 0x8e17, 0x8e16, 0x90f2, 0x90fc, 0x9118, 0x90f6, 0x90fe, 0x90f3, + 0x90f7, 0x9101, 0x90f9, 0x9106, 0x90f5, 0x9110, 0x90df, 0x9103, + 0x9108, 0x91d8, 0x9205, 0x9397, 0x93b3, 0x93ae, + /* 0x55 */ + 0x93af, 0x93a7, 0x93b1, 0x93a8, 0x93ac, 0x93ab, 0x9404, 0x949a, + 0x954a, 0x9742, 0x9758, 0x974b, 0x9745, 0x9749, 0x974c, 0x9759, + 0x9756, 0x131b, 0x9746, 0x9744, 0x975b, 0x9769, 0x988e, 0x988f, + 0x991e, 0x86bc, 0x9a2f, 0x9b9e, 0x9b9d, 0x9b9f, 0x9b9c, 0x9db4, + 0x9dae, 0x9dab, 0x9db3, 0x9daf, 0x9dc2, 0x9e93, 0x9e95, 0x9e96, + 0x9e97, 0x9fcf, 0x9fce, 0x9fcb, 0xa04b, 0xa246, 0xa243, 0xa245, + 0xa251, 0xa3ae, 0xa3af, 0xa3b0, 0xa3b8, 0xa3e2, 0xa3e3, 0xa3e6, + 0xa4ed, 0xa4ea, 0xa53a, 0xa759, 0xa784, 0xa75f, 0xa77c, 0xa75c, + 0xa758, 0xa755, 0xa75d, 0xa77e, 0xa780, 0xa783, 0xa757, 0x1563, + 0xa75e, 0xa8ba, 0xa9d5, 0xab58, 0xab68, 0xab67, 0xac4a, 0xac4c, + 0xac52, 0xac49, 0xac4e, 0xac47, 0xac4d, 0xac4b, 0xac4f, 0xad7e, + 0xad87, 0xad83, 0xad89, 0x69ca, 0xad86, 0xad88, + /* 0x56 */ + 0xae47, 0xae42, 0xae49, 0xae48, 0x1680, 0x1684, 0x167f, 0xaf44, + 0xaf51, 0xaf46, 0xaf47, 0xafe4, 0xb00f, 0xb03f, 0xb14b, 0xb157, + 0xb152, 0x16f1, 0xb151, 0xb158, 0xb15e, 0xb153, 0xb15d, 0xb14d, + 0xb23c, 0xb23f, 0xb246, 0xb23e, 0xb244, 0xb245, 0xb241, 0xb238, + 0xb242, 0xb243, 0xb27a, 0xb3a3, 0xb3ba, 0xb3c0, 0xb3c4, 0xb3c6, + 0xb3cb, 0xb461, 0xb57a, 0xb573, 0xb572, 0xb574, 0xb580, 0xb581, + 0x2947, 0xb695, 0xb68f, 0xb690, 0xb692, 0xb694, 0xb68b, 0xb6e6, + 0xb7b2, 0xb7b8, 0xb7bd, 0xb7be, 0xb7ce, 0xb7ba, 0xb816, 0xb826, + 0xb825, 0xb84c, 0xb850, 0xb84e, 0xb851, 0xb852, 0xb914, 0xb915, + 0xb91b, 0xba82, 0xba99, 0xba9a, 0xba7d, 0xba85, 0xba86, 0xba9c, + 0xba79, 0xba7b, 0xba80, 0xba83, 0xba81, 0xbd1e, 0xbd1b, 0xbd2a, + 0xbcfb, 0xbd05, 0xbd20, 0xbd11, 0xbd04, 0xbcfd, + /* 0x57 */ + 0xbd03, 0xbd10, 0xbd18, 0xbd0a, 0xbd4e, 0xbd09, 0xbd07, 0xbd1c, + 0x191c, 0xbe77, 0xbe76, 0xbed8, 0xbed9, 0xbf61, 0xbf5c, 0xbf5e, + 0xbf60, 0xbfaa, 0xbfd6, 0xbfd8, 0xc009, 0xc008, 0xc06b, 0xc065, + 0xc073, 0xc074, 0xc0ed, 0xc124, 0xc125, 0xc16a, 0xc1a7, 0xc1a8, + 0xc20b, 0xc1fa, 0xc1f9, 0xc1ff, 0xc204, 0xc1f6, 0xc205, 0xc299, + 0xc2ab, 0xc2bd, 0xc2b8, 0x00a8, 0x2e64, 0x2e5a, 0x2f72, 0x337a, + 0x3595, 0x385f, 0x3861, 0x385e, 0x385a, 0x385c, 0x385d, 0x386e, + 0x3857, 0x3858, 0x3b02, 0x3b0b, 0x3b08, 0x3b51, 0x3e25, 0x3e28, + 0x3e23, 0x3e21, 0x3e24, 0x3e29, 0x4006, 0x400a, 0x43ca, 0x43cc, + 0x43cb, 0x43cf, 0x457f, 0x457c, 0x45d6, 0x4709, 0x470b, 0x4776, + 0x487d, 0x49a5, 0x4c5b, 0x4c5c, 0x4c5d, 0x4c65, 0x506d, 0x5082, + 0x5083, 0x5087, 0x5095, 0x508a, 0x52d6, 0x5328, + /* 0x58 */ + 0x550d, 0x592e, 0xc3ee, 0x592d, 0x5921, 0x5919, 0x5a3b, 0x5a3c, + 0x5a3a, 0x5b7e, 0x5d3b, 0x6147, 0x6139, 0x6134, 0x6136, 0x6146, + 0x613b, 0x6141, 0x6145, 0x63c0, 0x63c4, 0x63ba, 0x63bd, 0x63be, + 0x64a3, 0x660c, 0x67d9, 0x69cd, 0x6aae, 0x6bff, 0x6c24, 0x6ebb, + 0x6ebc, 0x6f36, 0x6fd5, 0x6fd3, 0x6fd6, 0x713c, 0x713f, 0x73de, + 0x73e3, 0x7527, 0x7529, 0x0d8b, 0x7705, 0x7707, 0x770c, 0x78d0, + 0x7bbe, 0x7bbc, 0x7bd0, 0x7bc2, 0x7bb5, 0x7bc9, 0x7d66, 0x0f2b, + 0x7fd5, 0x7fe2, 0x7fdc, 0x7fe3, 0x7fda, 0x7fc2, 0x7fe8, 0x81e9, + 0x82af, 0x82ad, 0x82ae, 0x840b, 0x86c1, 0x87b6, 0x87b9, 0x88c0, + 0x8ca5, 0x8d28, 0x8d22, 0x8d29, 0x8d18, 0x8d1f, 0x8d1c, 0x8d12, + 0x8d2a, 0x117a, 0x8d21, 0x8d2b, 0x8d17, 0x8cf0, 0x8d16, 0x8d23, + 0x912b, 0x9126, 0x913d, 0x9122, 0x913a, 0x9131, + /* 0x59 */ + 0x9132, 0x9154, 0x9121, 0x9135, 0x1209, 0x912e, 0x9130, 0x912f, + 0x9136, 0x91da, 0x91d9, 0x93bb, 0x93bc, 0x93b7, 0x93c2, 0x93bd, + 0x93b2, 0x126d, 0x7144, 0x7bd1, 0x9752, 0x976b, 0x9767, 0x131f, + 0x9761, 0x976c, 0x9751, 0x9774, 0x9777, 0x976f, 0x976d, 0x9768, + 0xc4d1, 0x9784, 0x9890, 0x9892, 0x9893, 0x991f, 0x9a31, 0x9a38, + 0x9a39, 0x9a37, 0x9bab, 0x9dc3, 0x9dc8, 0x9dcb, 0x9dcf, 0x9e98, + 0x9fd4, 0x9fd3, 0x9fd8, 0x9fd9, 0x9fdd, 0x9fd1, 0x9fd6, 0xa03e, + 0xa258, 0xa257, 0xa255, 0xa3c4, 0xa3e4, 0xa4ee, 0xa4ef, 0xa4f3, + 0xa4f2, 0xa4f0, 0xa7ab, 0xa79a, 0xa7af, 0xa797, 0x156a, 0x156c, + 0xa7bf, 0xa794, 0xa793, 0xa8be, 0xa8bb, 0xa8bc, 0xa9d9, 0xab6c, + 0xac53, 0xac54, 0xac5b, 0xac58, 0xac56, 0xac57, 0xad9f, 0xad94, + 0xad96, 0xad97, 0xae4a, 0xae4b, 0xaf55, 0xaf5a, + /* 0x5a */ + 0xaf5e, 0xaf5f, 0xaf59, 0xaf5b, 0xaf58, 0xaf54, 0xafe8, 0xafeb, + 0xafec, 0xb013, 0xb166, 0xb16b, 0xb162, 0xb169, 0xb163, 0xb15f, + 0xb14e, 0xb248, 0xb24a, 0xb3e3, 0xb3db, 0xb3d8, 0xb3d6, 0xb586, + 0xb590, 0xb591, 0xb588, 0xb594, 0xb583, 0x17b2, 0xb59c, 0xb58d, + 0xb585, 0xb698, 0xb69a, 0xb69c, 0xb6e7, 0xb7c5, 0xb7d0, 0xb7d1, + 0xb819, 0xb827, 0x181d, 0xb854, 0xb92d, 0xb922, 0x182d, 0xb91f, + 0xbabd, 0xbaae, 0xbabb, 0xbaad, 0xbabc, 0xbab9, 0xbab4, 0xbacb, + 0xbab7, 0xbab3, 0xbaba, 0xbab6, 0xbacd, 0xbabe, 0xbac9, 0xc50b, + 0xbd5f, 0xbd3b, 0xbd61, 0xbd5c, 0xbd8a, 0xbd5a, 0xbd4d, 0xbd46, + 0xbd44, 0xbd3d, 0xbd40, 0xbd3c, 0xbd8c, 0xbd41, 0xbd4c, 0xbd3e, + 0xbd4a, 0xbe7c, 0xbe7a, 0xbf65, 0xbf6e, 0xbf69, 0xbf6a, 0xbf6f, + 0xbf6c, 0xbf70, 0xbf68, 0xbf6b, 0x1945, 0xbfac, + /* 0x5b */ + 0xbfde, 0xbfdd, 0xbfdc, 0x63c5, 0xc08c, 0xc083, 0xc082, 0xc088, + 0xc085, 0xc081, 0xc0f5, 0xc0ef, 0xc0f4, 0xc0f2, 0xc0f6, 0xc0f3, + 0xc0f0, 0xc0f1, 0xc12b, 0xc127, 0xc128, 0xc16c, 0xc1ae, 0xc20e, + 0xc21b, 0xc216, 0xc21f, 0xc222, 0xc220, 0xc221, 0xc214, 0xc213, + 0xc29d, 0xc29c, 0xc29e, 0xc29f, 0x2e6b, 0x32c8, 0x3878, 0x3876, + 0x3870, 0x3871, 0x3b0a, 0x3e2c, 0x4711, 0x487e, 0x4c57, 0x4c66, + 0x4c69, 0x4c67, 0x4c68, 0x4c71, 0x4c6f, 0xbfae, 0x508b, 0x5096, + 0x5235, 0x523a, 0x526b, 0x5516, 0x5943, 0x5946, 0x593f, 0x593b, + 0x593d, 0x5ab1, 0x5ab2, 0x5be4, 0x5d40, 0x615d, 0x6151, 0x614d, + 0x614c, 0x615b, 0x63d4, 0x63d2, 0x63ca, 0x63c8, 0x63d0, 0x63c9, + 0x6449, 0x64a4, 0x6612, 0x660f, 0x6611, 0x67db, 0x67dd, 0x67dc, + 0x69d4, 0x6a21, 0x6ab2, 0x6c04, 0x6c02, 0x6e11, + /* 0x5c */ + 0x6e16, 0x6e10, 0x6ebe, 0x8e1a, 0x714c, 0x714a, 0x73f2, 0x73f1, + 0x752a, 0x752c, 0x752f, 0x7531, 0x7711, 0x7712, 0x784b, 0x7bdb, + 0x7bd6, 0x7bdd, 0x7be2, 0x7be4, 0x7be0, 0x7bdf, 0x7be3, 0x7d6e, + 0x7d71, 0x7fe9, 0x7fea, 0x8063, 0x81eb, 0x81ea, 0x86bd, 0x86bb, + 0x86c6, 0x86cc, 0x86c8, 0x63cf, 0x86c9, 0x86ca, 0x86cf, 0x86d0, + 0x87ba, 0x87fb, 0x8803, 0x88c4, 0x8d49, 0x8d53, 0x8d36, 0x8d4a, + 0x8d41, 0x8d4e, 0x8d19, 0x8d4d, 0x8d45, 0x8d4c, 0x8d47, 0x8d48, + 0x8d4f, 0x8d37, 0x8d42, 0x914a, 0x9146, 0x120a, 0x9149, 0x914f, + 0x9151, 0x914c, 0x120c, 0x9206, 0x9551, 0x977a, 0x9783, 0x977e, + 0x977f, 0x9780, 0x6ab5, 0x9891, 0x9894, 0x9895, 0x9921, 0x9920, + 0x9a3d, 0x9a40, 0x9a46, 0x9a84, 0x9bac, 0x9bad, 0x142e, 0x9dda, + 0x9dd9, 0x9fe2, 0x9fe1, 0x9fe3, 0x9fe4, 0x9fde, + /* 0x5d */ + 0x9fdf, 0xa241, 0xa259, 0xa25c, 0xa25a, 0xa3e8, 0xa4f6, 0xa4fc, + 0xa4f7, 0xa4fa, 0xa4f9, 0xa7c4, 0xa7be, 0xa7d2, 0xa7bd, 0xa795, + 0xa7d4, 0xa9e4, 0xac61, 0xac62, 0xac63, 0xac64, 0xac60, 0xac5c, + 0xac5d, 0xac5e, 0xada5, 0xada6, 0xae4c, 0xaf68, 0xaf6e, 0xaf71, + 0xaf6b, 0xaf6f, 0xafee, 0xaff1, 0xaff0, 0xafef, 0xb015, 0xb014, + 0xab6e, 0xb047, 0xb17c, 0xb17a, 0xb174, 0xb176, 0xb16e, 0xb178, + 0xb16d, 0xb16c, 0xb24e, 0xb3d7, 0xb3ea, 0xb3e5, 0xb464, 0xb5b3, + 0xb5a3, 0xb5a5, 0xb5a7, 0xb5a2, 0xb59f, 0xb5a6, 0xb59e, 0xb5a8, + 0xb6a9, 0xb6a6, 0xb6aa, 0xb6ab, 0xb6a0, 0xb6a1, 0xb6a8, 0xb6e8, + 0xb6e9, 0xb6ea, 0xb7e4, 0xb7df, 0xb7e0, 0xb828, 0xb85d, 0xb85b, + 0xb856, 0xb857, 0xb85f, 0xb862, 0xbae1, 0xbae3, 0xbade, 0xbad9, + 0xbae8, 0xbaf2, 0xbaf6, 0xbae6, 0xbaf4, 0xbaf5, + /* 0x5e */ + 0xbae5, 0xbae2, 0x188d, 0xbd96, 0xbdaa, 0xbd97, 0xbd70, 0xbda1, + 0xbd9d, 0xbda9, 0xbd6f, 0xbd7e, 0xbd94, 0xbd9a, 0xbd73, 0xbd87, + 0xbd71, 0xbd77, 0xbd88, 0xbd8d, 0xbd85, 0xbd78, 0xbdad, 0xbe80, + 0xbe81, 0xbee5, 0xbee7, 0xbf7c, 0xbfaf, 0xbfe1, 0xc096, 0xc0a3, + 0xc090, 0xc0f8, 0xc12e, 0xc175, 0xc17e, 0xc17d, 0xc17b, 0xc178, + 0xc1b0, 0xc234, 0xc236, 0xc230, 0xc51d, 0xc22e, 0xc237, 0x34ce, + 0x3597, 0x3598, 0x387c, 0x387e, 0x387d, 0x387f, 0x3b0f, 0x3ca4, + 0x3e31, 0x3e2e, 0x3e2f, 0x3e32, 0x422c, 0x43d4, 0x43dc, 0x43d8, + 0x440e, 0x4583, 0x4584, 0x4712, 0x4c72, 0x4c7c, 0x4c7e, 0x50a6, + 0x50a0, 0x509e, 0x50a2, 0x532a, 0x5518, 0x594d, 0x5958, 0x595b, + 0x7714, 0xc3f2, 0x5be6, 0x6164, 0x6168, 0x6160, 0x6162, 0x63d7, + 0x644b, 0x67e0, 0x6a22, 0x6c05, 0x6e19, 0x6e1a, + /* 0x5f */ + 0x6ec3, 0x6fd8, 0x6fdc, 0x714f, 0x73f7, 0x73f4, 0x73f8, 0x7713, + 0x7850, 0x7bf0, 0x7be9, 0x7bef, 0x7bed, 0x7bea, 0x7bf8, 0x7c05, + 0x7bf2, 0x7d72, 0x0f31, 0x7ff9, 0x7ff3, 0x7ff6, 0x7ff2, 0x7ff7, + 0x8066, 0x8065, 0x8140, 0xc477, 0x86d1, 0x86d3, 0x8804, 0x8d59, + 0x8d60, 0x8d5b, 0x8d5d, 0x8d5e, 0x8d69, 0x8d5c, 0x8d61, 0x8d6a, + 0x8d5f, 0x914e, 0x915c, 0x9160, 0x9163, 0x91db, 0x93ca, 0x93c9, + 0x93c8, 0x94a5, 0x94a3, 0x978e, 0x9787, 0x9789, 0x9785, 0x9786, + 0x978f, 0x978a, 0x9790, 0x9898, 0x989b, 0x9a47, 0x9a49, 0x9a48, + 0x9de5, 0x9dea, 0x9ded, 0x9ff0, 0x9fef, 0x9ff2, 0x9fec, 0xa040, + 0xa260, 0xa25f, 0xa3eb, 0xa3ec, 0xa500, 0xa501, 0xa7e2, 0xa7df, + 0xa7e0, 0xa7e1, 0xa7e3, 0xa8c3, 0xa9eb, 0xa9ea, 0xab61, 0xab71, + 0xac6b, 0xac68, 0xac69, 0xac67, 0xadb0, 0xadb1, + /* 0x60 */ + 0xadb2, 0xae51, 0xaf74, 0xb17f, 0xb184, 0xb253, 0xb254, 0xb3f0, + 0xb3f4, 0xb3f1, 0xb437, 0xb5bf, 0x17bc, 0x17bb, 0xb5bd, 0xb5be, + 0xb5b7, 0xb5c0, 0xb5ba, 0xb5b8, 0xb5bc, 0xb5bb, 0xb6eb, 0xb7e7, + 0xb81d, 0xb81c, 0xb863, 0x484b, 0xb938, 0xb936, 0xb934, 0xb937, + 0xbb06, 0xbb1c, 0xbb02, 0xbb1d, 0xbb1e, 0xbae0, 0xbb11, 0xbb18, + 0xbb21, 0xbb20, 0xbb10, 0xbdbd, 0xbdae, 0xbdb5, 0xbdb8, 0xbdb9, + 0xbdbe, 0xbdc4, 0xbdbc, 0xbdba, 0xbe83, 0xbeea, 0xbeec, 0xbf7e, + 0xbf7b, 0xbfe5, 0xc0a7, 0xc09e, 0xc09a, 0xc12f, 0xc131, 0xc183, + 0xc1b5, 0xc246, 0xc241, 0xc243, 0xc23d, 0xc242, 0xc23b, 0xc247, + 0x336b, 0x33d0, 0x388e, 0x4011, 0xc371, 0xc389, 0x484c, 0x532b, + 0x594f, 0x595e, 0x5963, 0x596b, 0x5a3f, 0x5be9, 0x616d, 0x616b, + 0x616a, 0xbb2a, 0x63e0, 0x63dd, 0x63e1, 0x63de, + /* 0x61 */ + 0x63dc, 0x644d, 0x6616, 0x67e3, 0x69e5, 0x69e4, 0x6e1d, 0x754b, + 0xc2c1, 0x784e, 0x78d6, 0x7bfd, 0x7c07, 0x7bfe, 0x7c03, 0x7c0b, + 0x7bff, 0x7d7a, 0x7d77, 0x7ffb, 0x8143, 0x81ed, 0x87bc, 0x63df, + 0x8805, 0x88c6, 0x88c5, 0x8d74, 0x8d73, 0x8d72, 0x8d78, 0x9173, + 0x917a, 0x6e1c, 0x9176, 0x9175, 0x9177, 0x93cf, 0x93ce, 0x93cd, + 0x94a8, 0x9798, 0x9792, 0x9794, 0x989a, 0x9bb4, 0x9deb, 0x9df4, + 0x9df3, 0x9dee, 0x9df2, 0x9df0, 0xa264, 0xa805, 0xa7fb, 0xa7fc, + 0xa9f3, 0xac6c, 0xadba, 0xaf79, 0xaf7e, 0xaf78, 0xaff4, 0xb016, + 0xb257, 0xb5c8, 0xb5c3, 0xb5ce, 0xb6b3, 0xb6ed, 0xb6ee, 0xb7f1, + 0xb7f8, 0x1814, 0xb864, 0xb865, 0xbb35, 0xbb29, 0xbb2c, 0xbb31, + 0xbb2b, 0xbb2e, 0xbb25, 0xbdda, 0xbde0, 0xbdd4, 0xbde1, 0xbddd, + 0xbfe7, 0xc012, 0xc0ae, 0xc0af, 0xc186, 0xc185, + /* 0x62 */ + 0xc1d1, 0xc258, 0xc23f, 0xc252, 0xc24b, 0xc253, 0xc250, 0xc256, + 0xc257, 0xc2cd, 0xc2cb, 0x3231, 0x3230, 0x33d1, 0x021c, 0x3892, + 0x3890, 0x388f, 0x3893, 0x3891, 0x0372, 0x4713, 0x487f, 0x50ac, + 0x6170, 0x63e5, 0x6a23, 0x6a24, 0x6c08, 0x6c07, 0x6e1f, 0x6e20, + 0x6e21, 0x6fe1, 0x7154, 0x7157, 0x7155, 0x73fa, 0x7538, 0x8d86, + 0x7537, 0x7853, 0x7d7e, 0x7d7b, 0xc471, 0x7ffd, 0x7ffc, 0x8146, + 0x8732, 0x88c7, 0x8d71, 0x8d83, 0x8d6f, 0x8d7e, 0x8d7d, 0x8d81, + 0x8d7c, 0x918a, 0x917e, 0x9180, 0x917d, 0x917f, 0x9182, 0x93d4, + 0x93d0, 0x93d2, 0x9555, 0x979b, 0x979a, 0x9a4e, 0x9df1, 0x9ff8, + 0x9ffd, 0xa25e, 0xa266, 0xa505, 0xa80a, 0xa80b, 0xa80e, 0xa80d, + 0xa811, 0xa809, 0xa810, 0xa80c, 0xa812, 0xa8c4, 0xa9f7, 0xa9f8, + 0xab6a, 0xab6b, 0xadc0, 0xadc2, 0xaf85, 0xaf80, + /* 0x63 */ + 0xaf84, 0xaf81, 0xadc4, 0xb18b, 0xb18d, 0xb18e, 0xb6b7, 0xb6b9, + 0xb6ef, 0xb7fb, 0xb7ff, 0xb867, 0xb868, 0xb869, 0xb93f, 0xbb3c, + 0xbb4c, 0xbb3d, 0xbb3e, 0xbb3f, 0xbb3b, 0xbdff, 0x190e, 0xbdf6, + 0xbdee, 0xbdfc, 0xbdf8, 0xbe01, 0xbdfa, 0xbe88, 0xbf80, 0xc011, + 0xc0fe, 0xc100, 0xc135, 0x6f3c, 0xc1bd, 0xc1bb, 0xc25c, 0xc25a, + 0xc2d1, 0xc2d0, 0x340b, 0x5973, 0x3e39, 0x401a, 0x43e3, 0x4587, + 0x4777, 0x4778, 0x50b1, 0x596a, 0x5974, 0x5beb, 0x617b, 0x64a5, + 0x67e4, 0x6c0b, 0x6c0e, 0x6c0c, 0x7539, 0x7c10, 0x7c11, 0x7c16, + 0x7d81, 0x7d80, 0x7ffe, 0x8001, 0x8000, 0x8147, 0x81ef, 0x8d88, + 0x918b, 0x918d, 0x9187, 0x9185, 0x918f, 0x9184, 0x9188, 0x918e, + 0x918c, 0x93d7, 0x93d6, 0x979f, 0x4588, 0x9e03, 0x9ffe, 0xa3ef, + 0xa509, 0xa508, 0xa820, 0xa824, 0xa81f, 0xac70, + /* 0x64 */ + 0xae56, 0xaff7, 0xaff8, 0xaff6, 0xb190, 0xb25e, 0xb3f7, 0xb5d6, + 0xb5d5, 0xb6bb, 0xb6f0, 0xb801, 0xb86c, 0xb941, 0xb942, 0xbb4f, + 0xbb53, 0xbb58, 0xbe12, 0xbe04, 0xbe13, 0xbe05, 0xbe0d, 0xbf82, + 0xbf81, 0xc0b5, 0xc0ba, 0xc1be, 0xc265, 0xc263, 0xc26e, 0xc26a, + 0xc26c, 0xc2c4, 0x336c, 0x97a5, 0x4012, 0x484d, 0x551f, 0x5977, + 0x5978, 0x5d44, 0x617c, 0x63eb, 0x63ea, 0x63ec, 0x64a7, 0x6619, + 0x6e23, 0x2074, 0x7401, 0x7c1c, 0x8003, 0x8148, 0x86da, 0x8d91, + 0x8d92, 0x9196, 0x9197, 0x9191, 0x9193, 0x93d8, 0x93d5, 0x9557, + 0x9558, 0x97a2, 0x9e05, 0x9ffa, 0xa50c, 0xa50a, 0xa82e, 0xa829, + 0xa82f, 0xa8c5, 0xac72, 0xadc8, 0xae5a, 0xae59, 0xaf89, 0xaf88, + 0xb5db, 0xb5d9, 0xb5da, 0xb6bc, 0x17ec, 0xb806, 0xb805, 0xb86f, + 0xb86d, 0xb870, 0xbb60, 0xbb5e, 0xbb63, 0xbb5a, + /* 0x65 */ + 0xbb5f, 0xbe19, 0xbe1d, 0xbe1b, 0xbe22, 0xbe1c, 0xbe1e, 0xbef7, + 0xbf84, 0xc015, 0xc0b8, 0xc0c1, 0xc101, 0xc10a, 0xc1d2, 0xc275, + 0xc274, 0xc272, 0x34d0, 0x401b, 0x4410, 0x4779, 0x63ed, 0x6ab9, + 0x6e24, 0x6ec5, 0x7403, 0x814a, 0x86f7, 0x87c1, 0x87c2, 0x8d94, + 0x9199, 0x919a, 0x955a, 0x97a8, 0x9825, 0x989e, 0xa041, 0xa832, + 0xa833, 0xadcb, 0xadca, 0xadcc, 0xb193, 0xb5e0, 0xb871, 0xbb6b, + 0xbe2b, 0xbe29, 0xbe1a, 0xbe26, 0xbe27, 0xbe2a, 0xbef8, 0x6f3d, + 0xc276, 0x3b18, 0x597a, 0x617f, 0x0e79, 0x81f0, 0x8d9a, 0x8d96, + 0x919e, 0x919d, 0x91dc, 0x93da, 0x9e0b, 0xa002, 0xa042, 0xa267, + 0xaf8b, 0xb5e2, 0xbb71, 0xbe2f, 0xbe2e, 0xc0c6, 0xc18e, 0xc27b, + 0xc277, 0xc278, 0xc27c, 0x597c, 0x8007, 0x8d97, 0x97d9, 0xa50d, + 0xa50e, 0xb5e3, 0xb5e4, 0xb6f3, 0xb875, 0xbe37, + /* 0x66 */ + 0xbe35, 0xc18f, 0xc280, 0xc27f, 0xc2d4, 0x50b4, 0xbfec, 0xab75, + 0x6c10, 0x8069, 0x91a4, 0x93db, 0xadd1, 0xaf8d, 0xbb76, 0xbe39, + 0xc284, 0xc282, 0x34d2, 0x63ee, 0x6c11, 0x7d84, 0xab74, 0xaf8f, + 0xaf8e, 0xbe3b, 0x32cb, 0xc288, 0xc286, 0x555c, 0x71a4, 0xac75, + 0xc28b, 0x3b19, 0x989f, 0xb5e5, 0xbe40, 0x6c12, 0xbefb, 0xc28c, + 0x71a5, 0xb877, 0xb878, 0xc2d6, 0x93df, 0xadd2, 0x3b1a, 0x97a9, + 0xadd3, 0xc0ca, 0x87c4, 0x94b1, 0xb264, +}; + +static const ucs4_t cns11643_7_2uni_upages[198] = { + 0x03400, 0x03500, 0x03600, 0x03700, 0x03800, 0x03900, 0x03a00, 0x03b00, + 0x03c00, 0x03d00, 0x03e00, 0x03f00, 0x04000, 0x04100, 0x04200, 0x04300, + 0x04400, 0x04500, 0x04600, 0x04700, 0x04800, 0x04900, 0x04a00, 0x04b00, + 0x04c00, 0x04d00, 0x05600, 0x05800, 0x06100, 0x06400, 0x06700, 0x07100, + 0x07600, 0x07c00, 0x07f00, 0x08100, 0x08600, 0x08d00, 0x08f00, 0x09300, + 0x09500, 0x09a00, 0x0ff00, 0x20000, 0x20100, 0x20300, 0x20400, 0x20500, + 0x20600, 0x20700, 0x20800, 0x20900, 0x20a00, 0x20b00, 0x20f00, 0x21000, + 0x21100, 0x21200, 0x21400, 0x21500, 0x21600, 0x21800, 0x21900, 0x21a00, + 0x21b00, 0x21c00, 0x21d00, 0x21f00, 0x22000, 0x22100, 0x22200, 0x22300, + 0x22400, 0x22500, 0x22700, 0x22800, 0x22900, 0x22a00, 0x22c00, 0x22d00, + 0x22e00, 0x22f00, 0x23000, 0x23100, 0x23200, 0x23300, 0x23500, 0x23600, + 0x23700, 0x23800, 0x23900, 0x23a00, 0x23b00, 0x23c00, 0x23e00, 0x23f00, + 0x24000, 0x24100, 0x24300, 0x24400, 0x24500, 0x24600, 0x24700, 0x24800, + 0x24900, 0x24a00, 0x24b00, 0x24c00, 0x24d00, 0x24e00, 0x24f00, 0x25000, + 0x25200, 0x25300, 0x25400, 0x25500, 0x25600, 0x25700, 0x25800, 0x25900, + 0x25a00, 0x25b00, 0x25c00, 0x25d00, 0x25e00, 0x25f00, 0x26000, 0x26100, + 0x26200, 0x26300, 0x26400, 0x26500, 0x26600, 0x26700, 0x26800, 0x26900, + 0x26a00, 0x26d00, 0x26e00, 0x26f00, 0x27000, 0x27100, 0x27200, 0x27300, + 0x27400, 0x27500, 0x27600, 0x27700, 0x27800, 0x27900, 0x27a00, 0x27b00, + 0x27c00, 0x27d00, 0x27e00, 0x27f00, 0x28000, 0x28100, 0x28200, 0x28300, + 0x28400, 0x28500, 0x28600, 0x28700, 0x28800, 0x28900, 0x28a00, 0x28b00, + 0x28c00, 0x28d00, 0x28e00, 0x28f00, 0x29000, 0x29100, 0x29200, 0x29300, + 0x29400, 0x29500, 0x29600, 0x29700, 0x29800, 0x29900, 0x29a00, 0x29b00, + 0x29c00, 0x29d00, 0x29e00, 0x29f00, 0x2a000, 0x2a100, 0x2a200, 0x2a300, + 0x2a400, 0x2a500, 0x2a600, 0x2f800, 0x2f900, 0x2fa00, +}; + +static int +cns11643_7_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 >= 0x21 && c1 <= 0x66)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 < 0x7f) { + unsigned int i = 94 * (c1 - 0x21) + (c2 - 0x21); + ucs4_t wc = 0xfffd; + unsigned short swc; + { + if (i < 6539) + swc = cns11643_7_2uni_page21[i], + wc = cns11643_7_2uni_upages[swc>>8] | (swc & 0xff); + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_inv.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_inv.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3a7c379a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cns11643_inv.h @@ -0,0 +1,15412 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CNS 11643-1992 planes 1-7, CNS 11643-1986 plane 15 + */ + +static const unsigned char cns11643_inv_2charset[3*55442] = { + 0x1,0x21,0x70, 0x1,0x22,0x78, 0x1,0x22,0x34, 0x1,0x21,0x31, + 0x1,0x22,0x32, 0x1,0x22,0x33, 0x1,0x25,0x6f, 0x1,0x25,0x6d, + 0x1,0x25,0x6e, 0x1,0x25,0x70, 0x1,0x25,0x6c, 0x1,0x24,0x75, + 0x1,0x24,0x76, 0x1,0x24,0x77, 0x1,0x24,0x78, 0x1,0x24,0x79, + 0x1,0x24,0x7a, 0x1,0x24,0x7b, 0x1,0x24,0x7c, 0x1,0x24,0x7d, + 0x1,0x24,0x7e, 0x1,0x25,0x21, 0x1,0x25,0x22, 0x1,0x25,0x23, + 0x1,0x25,0x24, 0x1,0x25,0x25, 0x1,0x25,0x26, 0x1,0x25,0x27, + 0x1,0x25,0x28, 0x1,0x25,0x29, 0x1,0x25,0x2a, 0x1,0x25,0x2b, + 0x1,0x25,0x2c, 0x1,0x25,0x2d, 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0x4,0x30,0x57, 0x4,0x30,0x58, + 0x4,0x30,0x52, 0x5,0x31,0x2c, 0x4,0x30,0x54, 0x4,0x30,0x59, + 0x3,0x3a,0x24, 0x6,0x50,0x6c, 0x4,0x36,0x42, 0x4,0x36,0x45, + 0x3,0x3a,0x22, 0x5,0x3d,0x70, 0x3,0x40,0x42, 0x4,0x42,0x41, + 0x4,0x42,0x43, 0x4,0x42,0x42, 0x4,0x42,0x3c, 0x3,0x45,0x7d, + 0x3,0x45,0x7b, 0x4,0x42,0x3f, 0x4,0x42,0x3e, 0x3,0x45,0x7c, + 0x4,0x49,0x23, 0x4,0x4f,0x62, 0x4,0x4f,0x61, 0x4,0x4f,0x63, + 0x5,0x61,0x3b, 0x4,0x55,0x6c, 0x7,0x3e,0x7d, 0x4,0x5f,0x4a, + 0x4,0x63,0x30, 0x4,0x21,0x64, 0x4,0x22,0x40, 0x4,0x23,0x44, + 0x3,0x24,0x64, 0x4,0x25,0x4f, 0x6,0x29,0x6f, 0x6,0x2f,0x27, + 0x4,0x2b,0x75, 0x3,0x2f,0x6b, 0x4,0x30,0x5a, 0x4,0x36,0x4b, + 0x3,0x46,0x22, 0x4,0x55,0x6f, 0x3,0x54,0x43, 0x4,0x55,0x70, + 0x5,0x53,0x63, 0x4,0x5a,0x6e, 0x4,0x30,0x5c, 0x4,0x36,0x4d, + 0x5,0x3d,0x78, 0x6,0x29,0x72, 0x3,0x34,0x53, 0x5,0x70,0x78, + 0x4,0x23,0x4b, 0x6,0x26,0x38, 0x4,0x2b,0x77, 0x3,0x3a,0x25, + 0x6,0x50,0x76, 0x4,0x3c,0x3e, 0x5,0x44,0x6c, 0x4,0x6d,0x53, + 0x6,0x26,0x36, 0x4,0x36,0x50, 0x3,0x21,0x58, 0x6,0x23,0x71, + 0x3,0x23,0x2c, 0x6,0x50,0x7a, 0x3,0x27,0x64, 0x4,0x21,0x2b, + 0x6,0x21,0x3b, 0x6,0x28,0x64, 0x4,0x25,0x56, 0x3,0x23,0x30, + 0x5,0x22,0x3c, 0x3,0x23,0x2e, 0x3,0x24,0x6a, 0x3,0x24,0x69, + 0x3,0x24,0x68, 0x3,0x27,0x68, 0x6,0x2a,0x2a, 0x3,0x2b,0x4c, + 0x3,0x2f,0x70, 0x4,0x2b,0x7a, 0x3,0x2f,0x71, 0x4,0x36,0x51, + 0x6,0x51,0x22, 0x5,0x4c,0x31, 0x3,0x46,0x24, 0x4,0x49,0x27, + 0x3,0x60,0x70, 0x3,0x21,0x5d, 0x3,0x2f,0x72, 0x6,0x3d,0x61, + 0x3,0x34,0x56, 0x4,0x49,0x29, 0x5,0x21,0x41, 0x3,0x21,0x5f, + 0x3,0x23,0x32, 0x4,0x25,0x5a, 0x4,0x28,0x57, 0x3,0x3f,0x78, + 0x3,0x46,0x27, 0x4,0x47,0x56, 0x4,0x21,0x6b, 0x3,0x22,0x30, + 0x3,0x22,0x2c, 0x3,0x23,0x38, 0x3,0x23,0x36, 0x3,0x24,0x6c, + 0x4,0x23,0x51, 0x3,0x24,0x6b, 0x3,0x24,0x71, 0x4,0x23,0x54, + 0x4,0x23,0x59, 0x3,0x24,0x72, 0x4,0x23,0x53, 0x3,0x24,0x6f, + 0x3,0x24,0x6e, 0x3,0x24,0x7a, 0xf,0x23,0x49, 0x3,0x25,0x25, + 0x3,0x27,0x7a, 0x3,0x27,0x6d, 0x4,0x25,0x5d, 0x3,0x27,0x76, + 0x5,0x25,0x42, 0x6,0x2a,0x39, 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0x3,0x2b,0x23, 0x1,0x58,0x71, + 0x2,0x33,0x4e, 0x3,0x39,0x6c, 0x3,0x39,0x6e, 0x1,0x63,0x2a, + 0x2,0x41,0x56, 0x2,0x41,0x57, 0x3,0x21,0x24, 0x1,0x44,0x27, + 0x3,0x21,0x2d, 0x1,0x44,0x68, 0x3,0x22,0x65, 0x1,0x4b,0x67, + 0x1,0x44,0x28, 0x2,0x21,0x29, 0x1,0x44,0x40, 0x3,0x21,0x31, + 0x1,0x44,0x69, 0x1,0x44,0x6b, 0x2,0x21,0x31, 0x1,0x44,0x6c, + 0x1,0x44,0x6a, 0x4,0x21,0x3b, 0x3,0x21,0x6c, 0x3,0x22,0x66, + 0x1,0x47,0x27, 0x1,0x4b,0x68, 0x3,0x24,0x42, 0x3,0x27,0x42, + 0x1,0x4b,0x69, 0x1,0x4f,0x67, 0x1,0x27,0x28, 0x1,0x44,0x41, + 0x1,0x44,0x6d, 0x3,0x21,0x47, 0x1,0x47,0x28, 0x1,0x47,0x2a, + 0x1,0x47,0x29, 0x1,0x48,0x6c, 0x1,0x4b,0x6a, 0x1,0x4b,0x6b, + 0x1,0x4f,0x68, 0x1,0x4f,0x69, 0x3,0x2b,0x26, 0x3,0x2b,0x25, + 0x3,0x2b,0x27, 0x3,0x2b,0x24, 0x1,0x53,0x7e, 0x4,0x36,0x2e, + 0x2,0x41,0x58, 0x3,0x40,0x33, 0x2,0x6d,0x44, 0x1,0x44,0x29, + 0x3,0x21,0x32, 0x3,0x21,0x33, 0x1,0x44,0x6f, 0x1,0x44,0x6e, + 0x2,0x21,0x32, 0x1,0x44,0x70, 0x1,0x44,0x76, 0x3,0x21,0x49, + 0x1,0x44,0x71, 0x1,0x44,0x72, 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0x1,0x47,0x33, 0x1,0x47,0x31, + 0x1,0x47,0x32, 0x2,0x21,0x7a, 0x2,0x21,0x77, 0x2,0x21,0x6e, + 0x1,0x47,0x2f, 0x3,0x22,0x70, 0x3,0x22,0x77, 0x2,0x21,0x6b, + 0x1,0x47,0x2d, 0x3,0x22,0x75, 0x4,0x22,0x2e, 0x3,0x22,0x73, + 0x2,0x21,0x73, 0x2,0x21,0x76, 0x3,0x22,0x72, 0xf,0x21,0x71, + 0x2,0x21,0x6c, 0x2,0x23,0x28, 0x4,0x23,0x39, 0x1,0x49,0x24, + 0x1,0x48,0x75, 0x3,0x24,0x50, 0x3,0x24,0x48, 0x2,0x23,0x29, + 0x1,0x48,0x72, 0x3,0x24,0x4f, 0x1,0x49,0x26, 0x3,0x24,0x46, + 0x1,0x48,0x7a, 0x3,0x24,0x45, 0x1,0x48,0x79, 0x2,0x22,0x7b, + 0x1,0x48,0x7d, 0x1,0x48,0x78, 0x2,0x23,0x22, 0x2,0x23,0x2a, + 0x3,0x24,0x4e, 0x2,0x23,0x26, 0x3,0x24,0x49, 0x1,0x48,0x7b, + 0x3,0x24,0x4b, 0x3,0x24,0x43, 0x1,0x48,0x7e, 0x1,0x48,0x6f, + 0x1,0x49,0x29, 0x2,0x22,0x7d, 0x3,0x24,0x44, 0x3,0x24,0x4c, + 0x2,0x25,0x3d, 0x1,0x48,0x6d, 0x1,0x49,0x25, 0x1,0x48,0x6e, + 0x1,0x48,0x76, 0x1,0x48,0x77, 0x2,0x23,0x24, 0x2,0x22,0x7e, + 0x1,0x48,0x7c, 0x1,0x48,0x74, 0x2,0x22,0x7a, 0x1,0x48,0x70, + 0x2,0x23,0x27, 0x1,0x49,0x27, 0x1,0x49,0x2a, 0x1,0x48,0x73, + 0x1,0x49,0x22, 0x1,0x49,0x28, 0x1,0x48,0x71, 0x2,0x23,0x25, + 0x1,0x49,0x23, 0x2,0x23,0x2b, 0x2,0x22,0x7c, 0x1,0x49,0x21, + 0x2,0x23,0x21, 0x3,0x64,0x48, 0x2,0x23,0x23, 0x3,0x64,0x49, + 0x1,0x4b,0x79, 0x2,0x25,0x3f, 0x2,0x25,0x4b, 0x1,0x4b,0x71, + 0x3,0x27,0x47, 0x2,0x25,0x4c, 0x1,0x4b,0x6c, 0x1,0x4b,0x76, + 0x4,0x25,0x3e, 0x3,0x27,0x4f, 0x1,0x4b,0x6f, 0x2,0x25,0x39, + 0x1,0x4b,0x77, 0x2,0x25,0x38, 0x2,0x25,0x3c, 0x2,0x25,0x43, + 0x2,0x25,0x41, 0x1,0x4c,0x21, 0x1,0x4b,0x7a, 0x2,0x25,0x33, + 0x2,0x25,0x35, 0x1,0x4b,0x7c, 0x1,0x4b,0x70, 0x2,0x25,0x36, + 0x2,0x25,0x42, 0x2,0x25,0x49, 0x1,0x4b,0x75, 0x2,0x25,0x3b, + 0x2,0x25,0x34, 0x1,0x4b,0x74, 0x2,0x25,0x37, 0x1,0x4b,0x78, + 0x2,0x25,0x3a, 0x3,0x27,0x44, 0x1,0x4b,0x73, 0x3,0x27,0x51, + 0x1,0x4b,0x6e, 0x3,0x27,0x48, 0x1,0x4b,0x7d, 0x2,0x25,0x44, + 0x1,0x4b,0x7e, 0x2,0x25,0x48, 0x3,0x27,0x43, 0x2,0x25,0x46, + 0x2,0x25,0x4a, 0x1,0x4b,0x7b, 0x2,0x25,0x3e, 0x2,0x25,0x32, + 0x4,0x25,0x36, 0x2,0x25,0x40, 0x1,0x4b,0x72, 0x2,0x25,0x45, + 0x1,0x4b,0x6d, 0x2,0x25,0x47, 0x3,0x27,0x4c, 0x3,0x27,0x49, + 0x3,0x27,0x4b, 0x3,0x27,0x4a, 0x3,0x27,0x4d, 0xf,0x25,0x44, + 0x1,0x4f,0x78, 0x1,0x4f,0x6c, 0x3,0x2b,0x2d, 0x3,0x2b,0x2e, + 0x2,0x29,0x22, 0x2,0x29,0x2a, 0x3,0x2b,0x36, 0x1,0x4f,0x6b, + 0x1,0x4f,0x73, 0x1,0x50,0x21, 0x3,0x2b,0x2c, 0x2,0x29,0x30, + 0x2,0x29,0x2e, 0x2,0x29,0x29, 0x4,0x28,0x38, 0x4,0x28,0x3e, + 0x3,0x2b,0x2b, 0x1,0x4f,0x6d, 0x2,0x29,0x2f, 0x2,0x29,0x25, + 0x1,0x4f,0x7b, 0x1,0x4f,0x72, 0x1,0x4f,0x7a, 0x2,0x28,0x7e, + 0x3,0x2b,0x32, 0x2,0x29,0x2c, 0x3,0x2b,0x2f, 0x2,0x29,0x23, + 0x1,0x4f,0x76, 0x2,0x29,0x24, 0x3,0x2b,0x33, 0x2,0x28,0x7d, + 0x1,0x4f,0x7d, 0x1,0x4f,0x70, 0x1,0x4f,0x79, 0x1,0x4f,0x6f, + 0x3,0x2b,0x28, 0x2,0x29,0x21, 0x2,0x29,0x26, 0x3,0x2b,0x29, + 0x2,0x29,0x2d, 0x1,0x4f,0x77, 0x1,0x4f,0x74, 0x2,0x29,0x28, + 0x1,0x4f,0x7c, 0x2,0x29,0x2b, 0x2,0x29,0x27, 0x1,0x4f,0x71, + 0x1,0x4f,0x7e, 0x1,0x4f,0x75, 0x1,0x4f,0x6e, 0x1,0x4f,0x6a, + 0x4,0x28,0x3f, 0x3,0x2b,0x35, 0xf,0x29,0x2d, 0x3,0x2b,0x34, + 0x3,0x64,0x4a, 0x4,0x28,0x3d, 0x2,0x29,0x31, 0x1,0x54,0x3a, + 0x1,0x54,0x24, 0x3,0x2f,0x48, 0x1,0x54,0x34, 0x3,0x2f,0x4d, + 0x1,0x54,0x39, 0x2,0x2d,0x71, 0x2,0x2d,0x70, 0x2,0x2d,0x75, + 0x2,0x2d,0x76, 0x1,0x54,0x27, 0x3,0x2f,0x44, 0x1,0x54,0x30, + 0x3,0x2f,0x58, 0x3,0x2f,0x4c, 0x3,0x2f,0x56, 0x1,0x54,0x3d, + 0x3,0x2f,0x46, 0x1,0x54,0x31, 0x4,0x2b,0x62, 0x3,0x2f,0x4b, + 0x3,0x2f,0x49, 0x3,0x2f,0x47, 0x2,0x2d,0x6a, 0x1,0x54,0x2a, + 0x2,0x2d,0x6b, 0x3,0x2f,0x4f, 0x1,0x54,0x3f, 0x4,0x2b,0x64, + 0x1,0x54,0x36, 0x1,0x54,0x21, 0x1,0x54,0x22, 0x2,0x2d,0x7e, + 0x1,0x59,0x24, 0x3,0x2f,0x53, 0x1,0x54,0x2f, 0x1,0x54,0x2e, + 0x2,0x2d,0x6c, 0x1,0x54,0x32, 0x2,0x33,0x5e, 0x1,0x54,0x29, + 0x2,0x2d,0x77, 0x1,0x54,0x38, 0x1,0x54,0x37, 0x1,0x54,0x2d, + 0x2,0x2d,0x6f, 0x2,0x2d,0x78, 0x3,0x2f,0x45, 0x2,0x2d,0x69, + 0x1,0x54,0x2c, 0x2,0x2d,0x79, 0x1,0x54,0x35, 0x2,0x2d,0x6d, + 0x1,0x54,0x23, 0x3,0x2f,0x4e, 0x1,0x54,0x26, 0x1,0x54,0x25, + 0x2,0x2d,0x7a, 0x1,0x54,0x33, 0x1,0x54,0x28, 0x1,0x54,0x3c, + 0x1,0x54,0x3e, 0x2,0x2d,0x74, 0x1,0x54,0x3b, 0x3,0x2f,0x51, + 0x2,0x2d,0x7c, 0x2,0x2d,0x6e, 0x2,0x2d,0x7d, 0x3,0x2f,0x43, + 0x2,0x2d,0x72, 0x4,0x2b,0x61, 0x2,0x2d,0x7b, 0x3,0x2f,0x50, + 0x2,0x2d,0x73, 0x3,0x2f,0x54, 0x3,0x2f,0x55, 0x1,0x54,0x2b, + 0x3,0x64,0x4b, 0x2,0x33,0x66, 0x2,0x33,0x5a, 0x3,0x34,0x3c, + 0x1,0x58,0x76, 0x3,0x34,0x3f, 0x2,0x33,0x5f, 0x2,0x33,0x65, + 0x1,0x58,0x75, 0x2,0x33,0x58, 0x1,0x58,0x79, 0x2,0x33,0x5c, + 0x2,0x33,0x55, 0x1,0x58,0x77, 0x2,0x33,0x59, 0x1,0x58,0x7c, + 0x1,0x59,0x23, 0x3,0x34,0x44, 0x2,0x33,0x6a, 0x3,0x34,0x41, + 0x2,0x33,0x54, 0x3,0x34,0x42, 0x1,0x58,0x7d, 0x3,0x2f,0x57, + 0x2,0x33,0x69, 0x3,0x34,0x47, 0x3,0x34,0x3d, 0x1,0x58,0x78, + 0x2,0x33,0x5b, 0x1,0x58,0x74, 0x2,0x33,0x56, 0x2,0x33,0x52, + 0x2,0x33,0x60, 0x2,0x33,0x53, 0x2,0x33,0x51, 0x2,0x33,0x5d, + 0x2,0x33,0x63, 0x2,0x33,0x64, 0x1,0x58,0x7a, 0x3,0x34,0x40, + 0x4,0x30,0x47, 0x2,0x3a,0x3f, 0x2,0x33,0x61, 0x2,0x33,0x50, + 0x2,0x33,0x62, 0x3,0x34,0x4b, 0x1,0x59,0x26, 0x2,0x33,0x67, + 0x1,0x59,0x25, 0x2,0x33,0x4f, 0x3,0x34,0x43, 0x2,0x33,0x57, + 0x2,0x33,0x68, 0x1,0x59,0x21, 0x1,0x58,0x7e, 0x1,0x58,0x7b, + 0x1,0x59,0x22, 0x3,0x34,0x4c, 0x3,0x34,0x4a, 0x1,0x58,0x72, + 0x3,0x34,0x45, 0x3,0x34,0x46, 0x1,0x58,0x73, 0x1,0x5e,0x2e, + 0x3,0x39,0x75, 0x2,0x3a,0x42, 0x2,0x3a,0x3b, 0x4,0x36,0x34, + 0x1,0x5e,0x2b, 0x4,0x36,0x33, 0x2,0x3a,0x43, 0x3,0x39,0x71, + 0x3,0x39,0x72, 0x4,0x36,0x36, 0x2,0x3a,0x39, 0x2,0x3a,0x3c, + 0x1,0x5e,0x2a, 0x2,0x3a,0x3d, 0x3,0x39,0x6f, 0x4,0x36,0x31, + 0x1,0x5e,0x2d, 0x2,0x3a,0x41, 0x4,0x36,0x3c, 0x2,0x3a,0x37, + 0x2,0x3a,0x36, 0x1,0x5e,0x2f, 0x3,0x39,0x70, 0x1,0x5e,0x30, + 0x1,0x5e,0x2c, 0x1,0x5e,0x31, 0x2,0x3a,0x35, 0x2,0x3a,0x40, + 0x2,0x3a,0x3e, 0x2,0x3a,0x38, 0x4,0x36,0x39, 0x4,0x36,0x30, + 0x4,0x36,0x3a, 0x1,0x5e,0x29, 0x2,0x3a,0x3a, 0x3,0x64,0x4d, + 0x3,0x40,0x39, 0x3,0x40,0x3c, 0x1,0x63,0x31, 0x1,0x63,0x2b, + 0x2,0x41,0x5c, 0x1,0x63,0x34, 0x2,0x41,0x62, 0x2,0x41,0x65, + 0x1,0x63,0x2d, 0x1,0x63,0x2e, 0x2,0x41,0x5f, 0x1,0x63,0x2c, + 0x2,0x41,0x68, 0x1,0x63,0x32, 0x2,0x41,0x69, 0x3,0x40,0x3a, + 0x2,0x41,0x64, 0x1,0x63,0x33, 0x3,0x40,0x37, 0x2,0x41,0x59, + 0x1,0x63,0x30, 0x2,0x41,0x5a, 0x4,0x3c,0x29, 0x2,0x41,0x63, + 0x2,0x41,0x61, 0x3,0x40,0x3d, 0x2,0x41,0x5d, 0x1,0x63,0x2f, + 0x2,0x41,0x5b, 0x1,0x63,0x35, 0x2,0x41,0x60, 0x2,0x41,0x67, + 0x2,0x41,0x5e, 0x2,0x41,0x66, 0x3,0x40,0x36, 0x3,0x40,0x3e, + 0x1,0x67,0x7c, 0x1,0x67,0x79, 0x3,0x45,0x6b, 0x1,0x67,0x7a, + 0x4,0x42,0x2d, 0x2,0x49,0x21, 0x2,0x48,0x77, 0x1,0x67,0x78, + 0x1,0x67,0x75, 0x2,0x48,0x78, 0x3,0x45,0x6e, 0x3,0x45,0x6c, + 0x1,0x67,0x77, 0x2,0x48,0x7b, 0x3,0x45,0x6d, 0x2,0x48,0x7d, + 0x3,0x45,0x76, 0x4,0x42,0x35, 0x2,0x49,0x26, 0x3,0x45,0x70, + 0x3,0x45,0x75, 0x2,0x49,0x25, 0x2,0x48,0x7e, 0x1,0x67,0x74, + 0x2,0x48,0x76, 0x1,0x67,0x72, 0x2,0x48,0x79, 0x1,0x67,0x7d, + 0x2,0x48,0x7c, 0x3,0x45,0x71, 0x2,0x49,0x22, 0x1,0x67,0x76, + 0x1,0x67,0x73, 0x2,0x49,0x24, 0x2,0x49,0x23, 0x1,0x67,0x7b, + 0x2,0x48,0x7a, 0x3,0x45,0x74, 0x1,0x6c,0x23, 0x2,0x4f,0x54, + 0x3,0x4b,0x29, 0x2,0x4f,0x51, 0x1,0x6c,0x24, 0x4,0x48,0x79, + 0x1,0x6c,0x22, 0x3,0x4b,0x2b, 0x2,0x4f,0x58, 0x2,0x4f,0x55, + 0x2,0x4f,0x4e, 0x1,0x6c,0x21, 0x3,0x4b,0x2d, 0x1,0x6c,0x25, + 0x2,0x4f,0x4f, 0x1,0x6b,0x7e, 0x1,0x6c,0x28, 0x2,0x4f,0x52, + 0x2,0x4f,0x53, 0x1,0x6c,0x26, 0x1,0x6c,0x27, 0x2,0x4f,0x59, + 0x2,0x4f,0x56, 0x2,0x4f,0x57, 0x3,0x4b,0x2c, 0x3,0x4b,0x27, + 0x3,0x64,0x4e, 0x1,0x70,0x33, 0x2,0x56,0x43, 0x1,0x70,0x30, + 0x2,0x56,0x40, 0x1,0x70,0x32, 0x1,0x70,0x34, 0x3,0x50,0x31, + 0x2,0x56,0x41, 0x1,0x70,0x31, 0x4,0x4f,0x5a, 0x2,0x56,0x42, + 0x3,0x50,0x35, 0x2,0x56,0x3f, 0x3,0x50,0x30, 0x3,0x50,0x34, + 0x1,0x73,0x41, 0x2,0x5c,0x49, 0x1,0x73,0x42, 0x2,0x5c,0x47, + 0x4,0x55,0x65, 0x2,0x5c,0x48, 0x2,0x5c,0x46, 0x2,0x5c,0x45, + 0x3,0x54,0x41, 0x3,0x54,0x40, 0x2,0x5c,0x4a, 0x1,0x73,0x40, + 0x3,0x50,0x33, 0x4,0x55,0x69, 0x2,0x61,0x44, 0x2,0x61,0x45, + 0x3,0x57,0x52, 0x2,0x4f,0x50, 0x2,0x61,0x43, 0x1,0x73,0x43, + 0x1,0x78,0x2b, 0x2,0x65,0x37, 0x2,0x65,0x38, 0x3,0x5c,0x32, + 0x1,0x7a,0x62, 0x1,0x7a,0x63, 0x2,0x6b,0x4f, 0x2,0x6b,0x4e, + 0x1,0x7b,0x58, 0x1,0x7b,0x57, 0x2,0x6e,0x7d, 0x3,0x60,0x6f, + 0x1,0x44,0x2a, 0x1,0x44,0x42, 0x1,0x44,0x78, 0x4,0x21,0x3d, + 0x1,0x44,0x77, 0x1,0x45,0x73, 0x1,0x45,0x72, 0x1,0x47,0x3e, + 0x1,0x47,0x3d, 0x1,0x47,0x3f, 0x1,0x47,0x3c, 0x3,0x22,0x78, + 0x1,0x49,0x2c, 0x1,0x49,0x2b, 0x1,0x49,0x2d, 0x3,0x24,0x54, + 0x4,0x23,0x3b, 0x3,0x24,0x53, 0x3,0x24,0x51, 0x1,0x4c,0x23, + 0x4,0x25,0x3f, 0x1,0x4c,0x22, 0x1,0x4c,0x24, 0x3,0x27,0x52, + 0x1,0x50,0x22, 0x4,0x28,0x40, 0x1,0x22,0x79, 0x2,0x2e,0x21, + 0x1,0x22,0x7a, 0x1,0x59,0x27, 0x1,0x22,0x7c, 0x1,0x22,0x7b, + 0x2,0x3a,0x44, 0x3,0x39,0x76, 0x1,0x22,0x7d, 0x1,0x67,0x7e, + 0x1,0x22,0x7e, 0x3,0x5e,0x25, 0x1,0x44,0x2b, 0x3,0x21,0x34, + 0x1,0x44,0x79, 0x1,0x47,0x40, 0x1,0x4c,0x25, 0x3,0x2b,0x37, + 0x1,0x44,0x2c, 0x1,0x44,0x7c, 0x1,0x44,0x7a, 0x1,0x44,0x7b, + 0x1,0x47,0x41, 0x3,0x22,0x7a, 0x4,0x22,0x34, 0x1,0x49,0x2e, + 0x1,0x4c,0x27, 0x1,0x4c,0x26, 0x1,0x4c,0x28, 0x3,0x2e,0x7b, + 0x1,0x54,0x40, 0x3,0x40,0x3f, 0x3,0x64,0x53, 0x1,0x70,0x35, + 0x3,0x21,0x27, 0x4,0x21,0x3e, 0x3,0x21,0x4d, 0x3,0x21,0x48, + 0x3,0x21,0x4e, 0x2,0x21,0x2e, 0x4,0x21,0x52, 0x1,0x45,0x74, + 0x1,0x45,0x75, 0x3,0x21,0x78, 0x3,0x21,0x79, 0x1,0x47,0x42, + 0x4,0x22,0x36, 0x2,0x23,0x2c, 0x3,0x27,0x55, 0x1,0x50,0x24, + 0x1,0x50,0x23, 0x2,0x2e,0x23, 0x2,0x2e,0x22, 0x1,0x59,0x28, + 0x3,0x21,0x28, 0x1,0x44,0x7d, 0x2,0x21,0x35, 0x3,0x21,0x7a, + 0x3,0x24,0x57, 0x2,0x25,0x4d, 0x3,0x2b,0x39, 0x1,0x50,0x25, + 0x3,0x2f,0x5b, 0x1,0x54,0x43, 0x3,0x2f,0x59, 0x1,0x54,0x41, + 0x1,0x54,0x42, 0x3,0x2f,0x5a, 0x3,0x34,0x4d, 0xf,0x46,0x5c, + 0x1,0x70,0x36, 0x1,0x27,0x2f, 0x1,0x45,0x76, 0x4,0x21,0x5e, + 0x1,0x47,0x43, 0x2,0x21,0x7b, 0x3,0x22,0x7e, 0x3,0x22,0x7d, + 0x3,0x22,0x7c, 0x3,0x24,0x59, 0x1,0x49,0x2f, 0x1,0x49,0x30, + 0x3,0x24,0x5a, 0x2,0x23,0x2d, 0x4,0x23,0x3d, 0x2,0x25,0x4e, + 0x1,0x4c,0x29, 0x2,0x25,0x4f, 0x4,0x25,0x40, 0x4,0x25,0x43, + 0x3,0x2b,0x3b, 0x3,0x2b,0x3d, 0x3,0x2b,0x3e, 0x2,0x2e,0x25, + 0x2,0x2e,0x26, 0x1,0x54,0x46, 0x3,0x2f,0x5e, 0x2,0x2e,0x27, + 0x3,0x2f,0x5f, 0x2,0x2e,0x24, 0x1,0x54,0x47, 0x1,0x54,0x45, + 0x1,0x54,0x44, 0x2,0x2e,0x28, 0x3,0x34,0x4f, 0x2,0x33,0x6b, + 0x3,0x34,0x4e, 0x3,0x39,0x7d, 0x3,0x39,0x7a, 0x2,0x3a,0x45, + 0x4,0x36,0x3f, 0x3,0x39,0x7e, 0x2,0x41,0x6a, 0x2,0x49,0x27, + 0x3,0x4b,0x2f, 0x3,0x4b,0x2e, 0x3,0x4b,0x30, 0x1,0x6c,0x29, + 0x1,0x70,0x37, 0x2,0x56,0x44, 0x3,0x54,0x42, 0x1,0x44,0x2d, + 0x1,0x44,0x3b, 0x3,0x21,0x2f, 0x3,0x21,0x35, 0x3,0x21,0x51, + 0x3,0x21,0x7b, 0x3,0x23,0x22, 0xf,0x22,0x59, 0x3,0x24,0x5b, + 0x3,0x27,0x59, 0x4,0x25,0x45, 0x1,0x59,0x29, 0x1,0x5e,0x33, + 0x6,0x46,0x65, 0x1,0x68,0x21, 0x3,0x45,0x7a, 0x2,0x21,0x23, + 0x1,0x44,0x7e, 0x4,0x21,0x60, 0x1,0x45,0x79, 0x1,0x45,0x77, + 0x1,0x45,0x78, 0x1,0x4c,0x2a, 0x3,0x27,0x5a, 0x1,0x44,0x2e, + 0x1,0x44,0x2f, 0x4,0x21,0x2a, 0x1,0x44,0x43, 0x3,0x21,0x36, + 0x3,0x21,0x52, 0x1,0x45,0x21, 0x1,0x45,0x22, 0x1,0x45,0x23, + 0x2,0x21,0x4c, 0x1,0x45,0x7a, 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0x1,0x54,0x48, 0x3,0x2f,0x65, + 0x4,0x2b,0x6e, 0x3,0x2f,0x62, 0x2,0x2e,0x2a, 0x1,0x54,0x4b, + 0x1,0x54,0x49, 0x1,0x54,0x4c, 0x2,0x2e,0x2c, 0x2,0x2e,0x2d, + 0x3,0x2f,0x60, 0x2,0x2e,0x29, 0x2,0x2e,0x2f, 0x3,0x2f,0x66, + 0x3,0x2f,0x61, 0x3,0x2f,0x63, 0xf,0x2e,0x2d, 0x3,0x2f,0x64, + 0x3,0x34,0x50, 0x1,0x5e,0x37, 0x1,0x59,0x2a, 0x2,0x33,0x6c, + 0x2,0x33,0x6e, 0x2,0x33,0x6d, 0x2,0x33,0x6f, 0x1,0x59,0x2b, + 0x3,0x3a,0x23, 0x1,0x5e,0x34, 0x3,0x3a,0x21, 0x1,0x5e,0x35, + 0x1,0x5e,0x36, 0x3,0x34,0x51, 0x1,0x63,0x37, 0x2,0x41,0x6c, + 0x3,0x40,0x41, 0x2,0x41,0x6b, 0x2,0x41,0x6d, 0x2,0x41,0x6e, + 0x1,0x63,0x38, 0x3,0x40,0x40, 0x1,0x63,0x36, 0x2,0x49,0x28, + 0x2,0x49,0x29, 0x1,0x68,0x23, 0x1,0x68,0x22, 0x2,0x4c,0x61, + 0x4,0x49,0x25, 0x3,0x4b,0x31, 0x1,0x6c,0x2a, 0x1,0x6c,0x2b, + 0x1,0x6c,0x2c, 0x1,0x6c,0x2e, 0x2,0x4f,0x5a, 0x2,0x4f,0x5b, + 0x1,0x6c,0x2d, 0x3,0x4b,0x32, 0x3,0x50,0x36, 0x1,0x70,0x38, + 0x4,0x4f,0x64, 0x1,0x70,0x39, 0x3,0x50,0x37, 0x4,0x55,0x6d, + 0x2,0x65,0x39, 0x2,0x6b,0x51, 0x2,0x6b,0x50, 0x2,0x6e,0x7e, + 0x3,0x60,0x2c, 0x1,0x44,0x30, 0x3,0x21,0x37, 0x3,0x21,0x54, + 0x3,0x21,0x53, 0x1,0x45,0x7c, 0x1,0x45,0x7b, 0x1,0x47,0x49, + 0x4,0x22,0x42, 0x4,0x22,0x3f, 0x2,0x21,0x7e, 0x4,0x22,0x41, + 0x3,0x23,0x28, 0x1,0x49,0x37, 0x1,0x49,0x38, 0x1,0x49,0x36, + 0x1,0x49,0x39, 0x2,0x23,0x31, 0x2,0x23,0x32, 0x4,0x23,0x46, + 0x4,0x23,0x47, 0x4,0x23,0x48, 0x3,0x24,0x63, 0x3,0x24,0x62, + 0x3,0x27,0x61, 0x5,0x25,0x3a, 0x5,0x25,0x37, 0x5,0x25,0x38, + 0x3,0x27,0x60, 0x5,0x25,0x3b, 0x1,0x4c,0x34, 0x2,0x25,0x55, + 0x4,0x25,0x50, 0x1,0x4c,0x33, 0x3,0x27,0x62, 0x2,0x29,0x34, + 0x1,0x50,0x30, 0x2,0x29,0x35, 0x1,0x50,0x2f, 0x3,0x2b,0x48, + 0x3,0x2b,0x46, 0x4,0x28,0x49, 0x1,0x50,0x2d, 0x4,0x28,0x4b, + 0x1,0x50,0x2e, 0x3,0x2b,0x47, 0x3,0x2f,0x6f, 0x2,0x2e,0x30, + 0x3,0x2f,0x6c, 0x3,0x2f,0x6a, 0x3,0x2f,0x6d, 0x3,0x2f,0x6e, + 0x1,0x59,0x2c, 0x2,0x33,0x71, 0x3,0x34,0x52, 0x1,0x59,0x2f, + 0x2,0x33,0x70, 0x1,0x5b,0x2b, 0x1,0x59,0x2e, 0x1,0x59,0x2d, + 0x1,0x5e,0x3a, 0x5,0x36,0x6a, 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0x1,0x49,0x50, 0x1,0x49,0x51, + 0x2,0x23,0x39, 0x1,0x49,0x4e, 0x1,0x49,0x4c, 0x3,0x24,0x70, + 0x1,0x49,0x4d, 0x1,0x49,0x53, 0x2,0x23,0x41, 0x1,0x49,0x40, + 0x3,0x25,0x21, 0x1,0x49,0x54, 0x2,0x23,0x43, 0x1,0x49,0x48, + 0x1,0x49,0x45, 0x3,0x24,0x73, 0x2,0x23,0x3c, 0x1,0x49,0x44, + 0x2,0x23,0x46, 0x1,0x49,0x47, 0x3,0x24,0x7c, 0x1,0x49,0x4b, + 0x3,0x24,0x78, 0x3,0x24,0x74, 0x3,0x24,0x6d, 0x1,0x49,0x42, + 0x2,0x23,0x42, 0x3,0x24,0x7d, 0x3,0x25,0x22, 0x2,0x23,0x3b, + 0x3,0x25,0x23, 0x4,0x25,0x64, 0x4,0x25,0x63, 0x3,0x27,0x6e, + 0x2,0x25,0x6b, 0x2,0x25,0x6a, 0x1,0x4c,0x51, 0x2,0x25,0x6d, + 0x2,0x25,0x6f, 0x2,0x25,0x64, 0x2,0x25,0x67, 0x2,0x25,0x6e, + 0x1,0x4c,0x52, 0x3,0x27,0x74, 0x3,0x27,0x78, 0x2,0x25,0x61, + 0x2,0x25,0x65, 0x3,0x27,0x75, 0x4,0x25,0x5f, 0x2,0x25,0x69, + 0x2,0x29,0x4a, 0x1,0x4c,0x4d, 0x2,0x29,0x4e, 0x1,0x4c,0x40, + 0x2,0x25,0x66, 0x1,0x4c,0x41, 0x1,0x4c,0x4e, 0x1,0x4c,0x47, + 0x1,0x4c,0x43, 0x3,0x27,0x71, 0x2,0x25,0x62, 0x1,0x4c,0x46, + 0x1,0x4c,0x4b, 0x1,0x4c,0x54, 0x2,0x25,0x63, 0x2,0x25,0x5c, + 0x1,0x4c,0x45, 0x2,0x25,0x5d, 0x2,0x25,0x5f, 0x4,0x25,0x60, + 0x1,0x4c,0x48, 0x3,0x27,0x6c, 0x1,0x4c,0x4a, 0x2,0x25,0x5b, + 0x2,0x25,0x60, 0x3,0x27,0x70, 0x3,0x27,0x79, 0x1,0x4c,0x53, + 0x1,0x4c,0x4f, 0x2,0x25,0x68, 0x1,0x4c,0x55, 0x3,0x27,0x73, + 0x1,0x4c,0x4c, 0x2,0x25,0x5e, 0x1,0x4c,0x49, 0x3,0x27,0x6f, + 0x3,0x27,0x77, 0x1,0x4c,0x44, 0x1,0x4c,0x42, 0x2,0x25,0x6c, + 0x1,0x4c,0x50, 0xf,0x25,0x71, 0x3,0x2b,0x5c, 0x3,0x2b,0x5d, + 0x2,0x29,0x49, 0x2,0x29,0x3d, 0x2,0x29,0x4c, 0x3,0x2b,0x57, + 0x3,0x2b,0x59, 0x2,0x29,0x3f, 0x1,0x50,0x3c, 0x1,0x50,0x4a, + 0x1,0x50,0x38, 0x1,0x50,0x49, 0x1,0x50,0x41, 0x1,0x50,0x46, + 0x1,0x50,0x36, 0x2,0x29,0x3e, 0x2,0x29,0x44, 0x1,0x50,0x45, + 0x2,0x29,0x50, 0x1,0x50,0x47, 0x3,0x2b,0x5b, 0x1,0x50,0x3d, + 0x3,0x2b,0x54, 0x3,0x2b,0x5e, 0x2,0x29,0x46, 0x2,0x29,0x43, + 0x1,0x50,0x3b, 0x3,0x2b,0x51, 0x2,0x29,0x3c, 0x1,0x50,0x48, + 0x2,0x29,0x4b, 0x1,0x50,0x40, 0x2,0x29,0x4d, 0x1,0x50,0x4b, + 0x1,0x50,0x37, 0x1,0x50,0x42, 0x1,0x50,0x3f, 0x2,0x29,0x41, + 0x1,0x50,0x43, 0x2,0x29,0x47, 0x2,0x29,0x48, 0x1,0x50,0x3e, + 0x1,0x50,0x44, 0x1,0x50,0x3a, 0x3,0x2b,0x55, 0x3,0x64,0x54, + 0x3,0x2b,0x63, 0x3,0x2b,0x61, 0x1,0x50,0x39, 0x2,0x29,0x40, + 0x3,0x2b,0x53, 0x2,0x29,0x45, 0x3,0x2b,0x58, 0x2,0x29,0x4f, + 0x2,0x2e,0x46, 0x1,0x54,0x5e, 0x2,0x2e,0x34, 0x4,0x2c,0x2d, + 0x2,0x2e,0x39, 0x1,0x54,0x57, 0x1,0x54,0x62, 0x2,0x2e,0x37, + 0x1,0x54,0x52, 0x1,0x54,0x5c, 0x1,0x54,0x61, 0x2,0x2e,0x3e, + 0x4,0x2c,0x26, 0x1,0x54,0x5d, 0x1,0x54,0x60, 0x3,0x2f,0x77, + 0x3,0x30,0x21, 0x2,0x2e,0x41, 0x1,0x54,0x58, 0x2,0x2e,0x38, + 0x3,0x2f,0x74, 0x3,0x2f,0x78, 0x3,0x30,0x22, 0x2,0x2e,0x44, + 0x2,0x2e,0x45, 0x3,0x2f,0x79, 0x1,0x54,0x5a, 0x2,0x2e,0x43, + 0x1,0x54,0x56, 0x1,0x54,0x65, 0x4,0x2c,0x29, 0x2,0x2e,0x3b, + 0x3,0x2f,0x7b, 0x1,0x54,0x54, 0x3,0x2f,0x7a, 0x2,0x2e,0x48, + 0x2,0x2e,0x3c, 0x2,0x2e,0x40, 0x1,0x54,0x59, 0x1,0x54,0x64, + 0x2,0x2e,0x3d, 0x1,0x54,0x5f, 0x2,0x2e,0x42, 0x2,0x2e,0x49, + 0x2,0x34,0x24, 0x3,0x2f,0x73, 0x2,0x2e,0x47, 0x1,0x54,0x66, + 0x1,0x54,0x53, 0x2,0x2e,0x3f, 0x2,0x2e,0x36, 0x3,0x2f,0x76, + 0x1,0x54,0x5b, 0x4,0x2c,0x28, 0x4,0x2c,0x2e, 0x2,0x2e,0x35, + 0x3,0x2f,0x7e, 0x3,0x30,0x25, 0x2,0x2e,0x3a, 0xf,0x29,0x54, + 0xf,0x2e,0x42, 0xf,0x2e,0x4a, 0x2,0x2e,0x33, 0x1,0x54,0x63, + 0x3,0x67,0x21, 0x3,0x34,0x5f, 0x2,0x33,0x7a, 0x3,0x34,0x68, + 0x1,0x59,0x49, 0x2,0x34,0x2a, 0x1,0x59,0x47, 0x1,0x59,0x44, + 0x2,0x34,0x21, 0x1,0x59,0x40, 0x2,0x34,0x25, 0x1,0x59,0x4b, + 0x2,0x33,0x79, 0x2,0x33,0x7e, 0x2,0x33,0x7d, 0x1,0x54,0x55, + 0x1,0x59,0x46, 0x2,0x34,0x28, 0x3,0x34,0x66, 0x2,0x34,0x2b, + 0x2,0x33,0x76, 0x4,0x30,0x77, 0x1,0x5e,0x4e, 0x3,0x34,0x67, + 0x2,0x34,0x2c, 0x1,0x59,0x4c, 0x4,0x30,0x72, 0x1,0x59,0x3e, + 0x1,0x59,0x3b, 0x2,0x34,0x23, 0x1,0x59,0x38, 0x4,0x30,0x74, + 0x2,0x34,0x29, 0x3,0x34,0x5b, 0x1,0x59,0x3f, 0x2,0x34,0x2d, + 0x3,0x34,0x58, 0x2,0x33,0x77, 0x2,0x34,0x27, 0x1,0x59,0x42, + 0x2,0x33,0x78, 0x2,0x33,0x7b, 0x2,0x34,0x22, 0x3,0x34,0x62, + 0x3,0x34,0x61, 0x1,0x59,0x43, 0x1,0x59,0x41, 0x1,0x59,0x4d, + 0x3,0x34,0x57, 0x3,0x3a,0x36, 0x3,0x34,0x64, 0x4,0x30,0x6b, + 0x1,0x59,0x48, 0x3,0x34,0x5e, 0x1,0x59,0x3c, 0x1,0x5a,0x76, + 0x4,0x30,0x7a, 0x1,0x59,0x3d, 0x2,0x33,0x7c, 0x1,0x59,0x4a, + 0x1,0x59,0x45, 0x2,0x34,0x26, 0x1,0x59,0x3a, 0x3,0x34,0x59, + 0x1,0x59,0x39, 0x3,0x64,0x57, 0x3,0x64,0x56, 0x3,0x67,0x22, + 0x3,0x64,0x55, 0x2,0x33,0x74, 0x2,0x33,0x75, 0x2,0x3a,0x4e, + 0x3,0x3a,0x3c, 0x1,0x5e,0x3d, 0x1,0x5e,0x40, 0x2,0x3a,0x59, + 0x1,0x5e,0x54, 0x2,0x3a,0x5c, 0x1,0x5e,0x3e, 0x2,0x3a,0x55, + 0x1,0x5e,0x44, 0x1,0x5e,0x4a, 0x1,0x61,0x43, 0x3,0x3a,0x31, + 0x3,0x3a,0x38, 0x1,0x5e,0x48, 0x2,0x3a,0x52, 0x1,0x5e,0x55, + 0x1,0x5e,0x41, 0x1,0x5e,0x49, 0x2,0x3a,0x5a, 0x2,0x41,0x7c, + 0x2,0x3a,0x5f, 0x2,0x3a,0x53, 0x4,0x36,0x5c, 0x2,0x3a,0x4a, + 0x2,0x3a,0x57, 0x2,0x3a,0x51, 0x1,0x5e,0x47, 0x2,0x3a,0x5d, + 0x3,0x3a,0x2e, 0x3,0x3a,0x2a, 0x1,0x5e,0x43, 0x1,0x5e,0x57, + 0x1,0x5e,0x50, 0x3,0x3a,0x33, 0x1,0x5e,0x45, 0x1,0x5e,0x42, + 0x3,0x3a,0x40, 0x1,0x5e,0x4d, 0x3,0x3a,0x34, 0x2,0x3a,0x5e, + 0x2,0x3a,0x50, 0x2,0x3a,0x56, 0x2,0x3a,0x58, 0x2,0x3a,0x4c, + 0x2,0x3a,0x5b, 0x1,0x5e,0x3f, 0x2,0x3a,0x4b, 0x3,0x3a,0x42, + 0x1,0x5e,0x46, 0x1,0x5e,0x56, 0x1,0x5e,0x52, 0x2,0x3a,0x4d, + 0x1,0x5e,0x4c, 0x3,0x3a,0x3b, 0xf,0x39,0x71, 0x1,0x5e,0x53, + 0x1,0x5e,0x4f, 0x1,0x5e,0x4b, 0x3,0x3a,0x2f, 0x2,0x3a,0x54, + 0x6,0x47,0x29, 0x3,0x67,0x23, 0x1,0x5e,0x51, 0x2,0x41,0x7a, + 0x2,0x41,0x76, 0x3,0x40,0x51, 0x2,0x42,0x27, 0x2,0x41,0x6f, + 0x2,0x41,0x78, 0x1,0x63,0x4c, 0x1,0x63,0x4d, 0x1,0x63,0x45, + 0x2,0x42,0x23, 0x1,0x63,0x4f, 0x2,0x41,0x74, 0x2,0x41,0x73, + 0x2,0x41,0x71, 0x2,0x42,0x25, 0x1,0x63,0x43, 0x2,0x41,0x7d, + 0x2,0x41,0x72, 0x1,0x63,0x46, 0x2,0x41,0x7b, 0x1,0x63,0x41, + 0x2,0x41,0x77, 0x2,0x41,0x7e, 0x2,0x42,0x22, 0x3,0x40,0x4e, + 0x4,0x3c,0x4b, 0x2,0x42,0x26, 0x1,0x63,0x4a, 0x2,0x41,0x70, + 0x1,0x63,0x44, 0x2,0x41,0x75, 0x3,0x3a,0x2b, 0x1,0x63,0x3f, + 0x6,0x51,0x43, 0x1,0x63,0x4b, 0x2,0x42,0x21, 0x1,0x63,0x47, + 0x1,0x63,0x48, 0x1,0x63,0x4e, 0x1,0x63,0x42, 0x1,0x23,0x21, + 0x1,0x63,0x40, 0x2,0x41,0x79, 0x3,0x40,0x4c, 0x3,0x67,0x25, + 0x1,0x63,0x49, 0x3,0x67,0x24, 0xf,0x40,0x62, 0x2,0x42,0x24, + 0x3,0x64,0x58, 0x1,0x68,0x35, 0x1,0x68,0x30, 0x3,0x46,0x2e, + 0x2,0x49,0x3c, 0x2,0x49,0x38, 0x3,0x46,0x28, 0x2,0x49,0x32, + 0x1,0x68,0x2a, 0x1,0x68,0x26, 0x2,0x49,0x3b, 0x1,0x68,0x27, + 0x2,0x49,0x35, 0x2,0x49,0x37, 0x3,0x46,0x29, 0x2,0x49,0x3a, + 0x3,0x46,0x36, 0x1,0x68,0x2c, 0x3,0x46,0x2c, 0x1,0x68,0x33, + 0x1,0x68,0x2d, 0x4,0x42,0x57, 0x3,0x46,0x2a, 0x2,0x49,0x30, + 0x1,0x68,0x2e, 0x1,0x68,0x2f, 0x2,0x49,0x33, 0x1,0x68,0x34, + 0x3,0x46,0x34, 0x2,0x49,0x31, 0x2,0x49,0x36, 0x1,0x68,0x2b, + 0x2,0x49,0x2f, 0x1,0x68,0x31, 0x1,0x68,0x29, 0x3,0x46,0x33, + 0x4,0x42,0x4b, 0x1,0x68,0x28, 0x2,0x49,0x34, 0x2,0x49,0x39, + 0x3,0x46,0x31, 0x1,0x68,0x32, 0x3,0x64,0x5a, 0x3,0x64,0x59, + 0x3,0x46,0x50, 0x2,0x49,0x2e, 0x3,0x46,0x30, 0x1,0x6c,0x37, + 0x2,0x4f,0x6e, 0x3,0x4b,0x41, 0x2,0x4f,0x6b, 0x3,0x4b,0x38, + 0x1,0x6c,0x31, 0x1,0x6c,0x3d, 0x1,0x6c,0x3e, 0x3,0x4b,0x3d, + 0x1,0x6c,0x34, 0x2,0x4f,0x69, 0x1,0x6c,0x36, 0x2,0x4f,0x61, + 0x1,0x6c,0x3c, 0x3,0x4b,0x44, 0x2,0x4f,0x6d, 0x1,0x6c,0x33, + 0x2,0x4f,0x6f, 0x1,0x6c,0x32, 0x4,0x49,0x31, 0x2,0x4f,0x6a, + 0x2,0x4f,0x6c, 0x1,0x6c,0x35, 0x2,0x4f,0x68, 0x2,0x4f,0x62, + 0x2,0x4f,0x5f, 0x4,0x49,0x2e, 0x3,0x4b,0x3e, 0x2,0x3a,0x4f, + 0x2,0x4f,0x65, 0x3,0x4b,0x37, 0x2,0x4f,0x5e, 0x2,0x4f,0x64, + 0x2,0x4f,0x63, 0x3,0x4b,0x3b, 0x2,0x4f,0x60, 0x3,0x4b,0x43, + 0x1,0x6c,0x39, 0x3,0x4b,0x45, 0x3,0x4b,0x40, 0x3,0x46,0x35, + 0x3,0x4b,0x3c, 0x1,0x6c,0x38, 0x3,0x4b,0x39, 0x7,0x21,0x63, + 0x3,0x4b,0x3f, 0x1,0x6c,0x3a, 0x2,0x4f,0x66, 0x1,0x70,0x3b, + 0x2,0x4f,0x67, 0x2,0x56,0x4f, 0x3,0x50,0x3f, 0x2,0x56,0x48, + 0x3,0x50,0x40, 0x1,0x70,0x47, 0x2,0x56,0x4c, 0x1,0x70,0x3f, + 0x1,0x70,0x43, 0x2,0x56,0x4b, 0x3,0x50,0x3b, 0x1,0x70,0x42, + 0x1,0x70,0x3e, 0x1,0x70,0x41, 0x1,0x70,0x3c, 0x1,0x70,0x46, + 0x2,0x56,0x4d, 0x2,0x56,0x49, 0x1,0x70,0x45, 0x2,0x56,0x47, + 0x1,0x70,0x44, 0x2,0x56,0x4e, 0x2,0x56,0x4a, 0x1,0x6c,0x3b, + 0x4,0x4f,0x71, 0x1,0x70,0x48, 0x2,0x56,0x50, 0x1,0x70,0x40, + 0x1,0x70,0x3d, 0xf,0x53,0x5d, 0x3,0x50,0x3d, 0x3,0x54,0x48, + 0x2,0x5c,0x52, 0x2,0x5c,0x54, 0x1,0x73,0x46, 0x2,0x5c,0x55, + 0x2,0x5c,0x53, 0x2,0x5c,0x51, 0x2,0x5c,0x50, 0x1,0x73,0x48, + 0x2,0x5c,0x4f, 0x1,0x73,0x49, 0x4,0x55,0x74, 0x3,0x54,0x49, + 0x3,0x54,0x47, 0x4,0x55,0x78, 0x2,0x5c,0x4d, 0x2,0x5c,0x4e, + 0x1,0x73,0x45, 0x1,0x73,0x4a, 0x1,0x73,0x47, 0x3,0x64,0x5d, + 0x3,0x64,0x5b, 0x2,0x5c,0x4c, 0x3,0x57,0x5b, 0x1,0x76,0x3c, + 0x3,0x57,0x5a, 0x2,0x61,0x48, 0x2,0x61,0x46, 0x2,0x61,0x4b, + 0x2,0x61,0x49, 0x3,0x57,0x58, 0x2,0x61,0x47, 0x2,0x61,0x4a, + 0x3,0x57,0x59, 0x3,0x57,0x57, 0x3,0x57,0x5c, 0x1,0x78,0x2c, + 0x2,0x65,0x3e, 0x2,0x65,0x3f, 0x1,0x78,0x2d, 0x4,0x5f,0x4d, + 0x2,0x65,0x40, 0x2,0x65,0x3c, 0x2,0x65,0x41, 0x2,0x65,0x3d, + 0x1,0x76,0x3d, 0x3,0x5a,0x2d, 0x3,0x64,0x5e, 0x4,0x63,0x31, + 0x2,0x68,0x6b, 0x2,0x68,0x6d, 0x1,0x79,0x64, 0x2,0x68,0x6c, + 0x1,0x79,0x63, 0x1,0x79,0x62, 0x3,0x67,0x26, 0x3,0x67,0x27, + 0x3,0x64,0x5c, 0x3,0x5e,0x26, 0x1,0x79,0x65, 0x2,0x6b,0x53, + 0x2,0x6b,0x54, 0x4,0x66,0x34, 0x1,0x7a,0x65, 0x1,0x7a,0x64, + 0x1,0x7a,0x66, 0x2,0x6b,0x52, 0x3,0x67,0x28, 0x2,0x6d,0x46, + 0x2,0x6d,0x45, 0x3,0x5f,0x40, 0x1,0x7b,0x59, 0x1,0x7b,0x5b, + 0x1,0x7b,0x5a, 0x2,0x6d,0x47, 0x1,0x7c,0x34, 0x2,0x70,0x34, + 0x4,0x6a,0x44, 0x4,0x6a,0x43, 0x1,0x7c,0x5d, 0x3,0x60,0x71, + 0x2,0x70,0x33, 0x2,0x70,0x7c, 0x2,0x21,0x2a, 0x3,0x21,0x77, + 0x4,0x21,0x6f, 0x1,0x46,0x3f, 0x1,0x46,0x3e, 0x4,0x21,0x6d, + 0x1,0x47,0x60, 0x1,0x47,0x5f, 0x2,0x22,0x27, 0x1,0x47,0x5e, + 0x2,0x22,0x26, 0x3,0x23,0x3e, 0x1,0x49,0x5b, 0x2,0x23,0x49, + 0x3,0x25,0x2c, 0x2,0x23,0x48, 0xf,0x23,0x50, 0x3,0x25,0x26, + 0x1,0x49,0x59, 0x1,0x49,0x5c, 0x3,0x25,0x2b, 0x3,0x25,0x2a, + 0x2,0x23,0x47, 0x3,0x25,0x29, 0x1,0x49,0x5a, 0x3,0x25,0x48, + 0x3,0x25,0x27, 0x3,0x25,0x28, 0x3,0x28,0x22, 0x2,0x25,0x70, + 0x3,0x27,0x7d, 0x2,0x25,0x71, 0x1,0x4c,0x56, 0x3,0x27,0x7c, + 0x3,0x28,0x21, 0x3,0x27,0x7b, 0x1,0x50,0x4c, 0x3,0x2b,0x65, + 0x2,0x2e,0x4a, 0x2,0x2e,0x4b, 0x1,0x54,0x67, 0x1,0x54,0x68, + 0x3,0x30,0x27, 0x2,0x34,0x2f, 0x1,0x59,0x4e, 0x1,0x59,0x50, + 0x2,0x34,0x2e, 0x1,0x59,0x4f, 0x2,0x3a,0x60, 0x1,0x5e,0x58, + 0x3,0x3a,0x44, 0x3,0x3a,0x43, 0x4,0x36,0x68, 0x4,0x3c,0x52, + 0x1,0x63,0x50, 0x1,0x63,0x51, 0x2,0x42,0x28, 0x3,0x40,0x52, + 0x1,0x68,0x37, 0x3,0x46,0x37, 0x1,0x68,0x36, 0x2,0x4f,0x70, + 0x2,0x56,0x52, 0x2,0x56,0x51, 0x3,0x5f,0x41, 0x2,0x71,0x5a, + 0x1,0x44,0x48, 0x2,0x21,0x39, 0x3,0x21,0x61, 0x2,0x21,0x4f, + 0x2,0x21,0x50, 0x3,0x22,0x34, 0x4,0x21,0x70, 0x4,0x21,0x71, + 0x1,0x47,0x63, 0x1,0x47,0x67, 0x2,0x22,0x29, 0x4,0x22,0x51, + 0x1,0x47,0x65, 0x1,0x47,0x64, 0x2,0x22,0x28, 0x1,0x47,0x66, + 0x1,0x47,0x62, 0x3,0x23,0x41, 0x3,0x23,0x42, 0x1,0x47,0x61, + 0x2,0x22,0x2a, 0x3,0x23,0x3f, 0x3,0x23,0x40, 0x1,0x49,0x66, + 0x3,0x25,0x31, 0x3,0x25,0x3e, 0x1,0x49,0x63, 0x3,0x25,0x30, + 0x1,0x49,0x5f, 0x2,0x23,0x4a, 0x3,0x25,0x40, 0x3,0x25,0x36, + 0x3,0x25,0x2f, 0x2,0x23,0x4b, 0x3,0x25,0x3c, 0x1,0x49,0x61, + 0x3,0x25,0x2d, 0x2,0x23,0x4d, 0x1,0x49,0x5d, 0x2,0x23,0x4e, + 0x2,0x23,0x4c, 0x1,0x49,0x60, 0x1,0x49,0x62, 0x1,0x49,0x65, + 0x1,0x49,0x64, 0x1,0x49,0x5e, 0x2,0x23,0x4f, 0x3,0x25,0x32, + 0x3,0x25,0x41, 0x3,0x25,0x42, 0x3,0x25,0x33, 0x3,0x25,0x38, + 0x3,0x25,0x37, 0x3,0x64,0x5f, 0xf,0x23,0x52, 0x3,0x25,0x35, + 0x1,0x4c,0x5b, 0x2,0x25,0x7e, 0x3,0x28,0x25, 0x1,0x4c,0x5d, + 0x3,0x28,0x23, 0x1,0x4c,0x5c, 0x3,0x28,0x26, 0x2,0x26,0x21, + 0x1,0x4c,0x5a, 0x1,0x4c,0x59, 0x2,0x25,0x75, 0x4,0x25,0x69, + 0x2,0x25,0x74, 0x3,0x28,0x28, 0x2,0x25,0x72, 0x2,0x25,0x77, + 0x2,0x25,0x76, 0x2,0x25,0x73, 0x2,0x25,0x7c, 0x2,0x25,0x7d, + 0x2,0x25,0x7a, 0x2,0x25,0x78, 0x1,0x4c,0x58, 0x3,0x28,0x29, + 0x4,0x25,0x66, 0x4,0x25,0x68, 0x2,0x25,0x7b, 0x1,0x4c,0x5e, + 0x2,0x26,0x22, 0x4,0x25,0x65, 0x3,0x28,0x2a, 0x2,0x25,0x79, + 0x3,0x28,0x24, 0x1,0x50,0x4d, 0x1,0x4c,0x57, 0x4,0x25,0x6e, + 0xf,0x26,0x33, 0x3,0x64,0x60, 0x1,0x50,0x4e, 0x2,0x29,0x55, + 0x3,0x2b,0x69, 0x3,0x2b,0x68, 0x2,0x29,0x5b, 0x3,0x2b,0x6c, + 0x3,0x2b,0x67, 0x3,0x2b,0x6a, 0x1,0x50,0x54, 0x2,0x29,0x59, + 0x2,0x29,0x5f, 0x3,0x2b,0x71, 0x2,0x29,0x56, 0x2,0x29,0x5a, + 0x2,0x29,0x5c, 0x2,0x29,0x5e, 0x2,0x29,0x58, 0x3,0x2b,0x70, + 0x2,0x29,0x57, 0x2,0x29,0x52, 0x2,0x29,0x53, 0x1,0x50,0x4f, + 0x3,0x2b,0x6b, 0x1,0x50,0x51, 0x1,0x50,0x50, 0x2,0x29,0x54, + 0x2,0x29,0x5d, 0x3,0x2b,0x6d, 0x3,0x2b,0x72, 0x3,0x2b,0x6e, + 0x4,0x28,0x60, 0xf,0x29,0x6a, 0xf,0x29,0x71, 0x3,0x2b,0x66, + 0x1,0x50,0x53, 0x4,0x28,0x5e, 0x2,0x29,0x51, 0x2,0x2e,0x55, + 0x3,0x30,0x2a, 0x2,0x2e,0x54, 0x2,0x2e,0x59, 0x2,0x2e,0x50, + 0x3,0x30,0x30, 0x2,0x2e,0x53, 0x2,0x2e,0x52, 0x3,0x30,0x2f, + 0x2,0x2e,0x56, 0x3,0x30,0x38, 0x2,0x2e,0x5a, 0x1,0x54,0x69, + 0x1,0x54,0x6c, 0x3,0x30,0x34, 0x3,0x30,0x35, 0x2,0x2e,0x51, + 0x2,0x2e,0x57, 0x3,0x30,0x33, 0x3,0x30,0x28, 0x3,0x30,0x37, + 0x1,0x54,0x6b, 0x2,0x2e,0x4c, 0x3,0x30,0x2b, 0x1,0x50,0x52, + 0x2,0x34,0x3d, 0x2,0x2e,0x58, 0x3,0x30,0x36, 0x2,0x2e,0x4f, + 0x4,0x2c,0x33, 0x1,0x54,0x6a, 0x2,0x2e,0x4e, 0xf,0x2e,0x5c, + 0x3,0x30,0x32, 0x2,0x34,0x34, 0x3,0x34,0x6e, 0x3,0x34,0x71, + 0x1,0x59,0x51, 0x1,0x59,0x55, 0x2,0x34,0x44, 0x2,0x34,0x32, + 0x2,0x34,0x40, 0x1,0x59,0x56, 0x2,0x34,0x42, 0x3,0x34,0x72, + 0x2,0x34,0x48, 0x3,0x34,0x74, 0x2,0x34,0x4c, 0x3,0x34,0x69, + 0x4,0x30,0x7b, 0x2,0x34,0x43, 0x2,0x34,0x37, 0x2,0x34,0x3f, + 0x3,0x34,0x6b, 0x2,0x34,0x4d, 0x2,0x34,0x4b, 0x2,0x34,0x41, + 0x2,0x34,0x3c, 0x2,0x34,0x35, 0x2,0x3a,0x68, 0x2,0x34,0x33, + 0x1,0x59,0x5a, 0x2,0x34,0x3a, 0x1,0x59,0x5b, 0x1,0x59,0x57, + 0x2,0x34,0x30, 0x2,0x34,0x46, 0x2,0x34,0x38, 0x3,0x34,0x6f, + 0x3,0x34,0x75, 0x2,0x34,0x36, 0x2,0x34,0x49, 0x1,0x59,0x58, + 0x3,0x34,0x76, 0x2,0x34,0x4f, 0x1,0x59,0x52, 0x1,0x59,0x54, + 0x2,0x34,0x3e, 0x2,0x34,0x39, 0x1,0x54,0x6d, 0x1,0x59,0x53, + 0x2,0x34,0x3b, 0x2,0x34,0x4a, 0x2,0x34,0x4e, 0x2,0x34,0x45, + 0x3,0x64,0x61, 0x2,0x34,0x47, 0x3,0x64,0x62, 0x3,0x64,0x63, + 0x2,0x34,0x31, 0x4,0x36,0x69, 0x3,0x3a,0x4a, 0x2,0x3a,0x63, + 0x3,0x3a,0x45, 0x2,0x3a,0x6c, 0x2,0x3a,0x6b, 0x1,0x5e,0x60, + 0x2,0x3a,0x64, 0x3,0x3a,0x47, 0x1,0x5e,0x61, 0x1,0x5e,0x5f, + 0x3,0x3a,0x50, 0x2,0x3a,0x66, 0x1,0x5e,0x5c, 0x2,0x3a,0x6a, + 0x3,0x3a,0x4c, 0x2,0x3a,0x65, 0x2,0x3a,0x67, 0x2,0x3a,0x61, + 0x1,0x5e,0x5a, 0x4,0x36,0x6f, 0x2,0x3a,0x74, 0x2,0x3a,0x73, + 0x2,0x3a,0x70, 0x1,0x5e,0x59, 0x1,0x5e,0x5d, 0x1,0x5e,0x5e, + 0x2,0x2e,0x4d, 0x2,0x3a,0x6d, 0x1,0x5e,0x5b, 0x1,0x59,0x59, + 0x2,0x3a,0x6f, 0x2,0x3a,0x62, 0x2,0x3a,0x72, 0x2,0x3a,0x71, + 0x3,0x3a,0x4e, 0x2,0x3a,0x75, 0x3,0x3a,0x49, 0x2,0x42,0x36, + 0x3,0x3a,0x4b, 0x2,0x3a,0x6e, 0xf,0x39,0x7d, 0xf,0x39,0x7e, + 0x4,0x3c,0x57, 0x4,0x36,0x6d, 0x4,0x36,0x71, 0x3,0x64,0x64, + 0x2,0x3a,0x69, 0x2,0x42,0x2e, 0x1,0x63,0x5b, 0x1,0x63,0x5e, + 0x1,0x63,0x59, 0x2,0x42,0x2d, 0x2,0x42,0x31, 0x2,0x42,0x2c, + 0x3,0x40,0x57, 0x1,0x63,0x53, 0x1,0x63,0x5d, 0x2,0x42,0x29, + 0x1,0x63,0x57, 0x2,0x42,0x30, 0x3,0x40,0x5b, 0x1,0x63,0x55, + 0x1,0x63,0x54, 0x2,0x42,0x33, 0x1,0x63,0x56, 0x2,0x42,0x35, + 0x3,0x40,0x56, 0x2,0x42,0x32, 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0x2,0x4f,0x79, 0x3,0x4b,0x46, + 0x2,0x4f,0x75, 0x3,0x4b,0x50, 0x2,0x4f,0x78, 0x1,0x6c,0x46, + 0x3,0x4b,0x51, 0x1,0x70,0x2e, 0x1,0x6c,0x45, 0x3,0x4b,0x4b, + 0x2,0x4f,0x71, 0x2,0x4f,0x77, 0x3,0x46,0x3f, 0x1,0x6c,0x44, + 0x2,0x4f,0x76, 0x3,0x4b,0x4d, 0x2,0x4f,0x73, 0x3,0x4b,0x49, + 0x1,0x6c,0x42, 0x3,0x4b,0x4f, 0x3,0x4b,0x4c, 0x3,0x4b,0x47, + 0x2,0x56,0x57, 0x3,0x50,0x4a, 0x2,0x56,0x59, 0x2,0x56,0x54, + 0x1,0x70,0x4a, 0x2,0x56,0x56, 0x3,0x50,0x4b, 0x1,0x70,0x49, + 0x2,0x56,0x58, 0x3,0x50,0x48, 0x3,0x50,0x4c, 0x1,0x70,0x4c, + 0x2,0x56,0x5a, 0x1,0x70,0x4b, 0x2,0x56,0x53, 0x2,0x56,0x55, + 0x3,0x50,0x49, 0x3,0x54,0x4b, 0x1,0x73,0x4e, 0x2,0x5c,0x58, + 0x3,0x54,0x4c, 0x1,0x73,0x4d, 0x2,0x5c,0x59, 0x1,0x73,0x4c, + 0x2,0x5c,0x57, 0x1,0x73,0x4b, 0x2,0x5c,0x56, 0x1,0x76,0x3f, + 0x1,0x76,0x3e, 0x2,0x65,0x42, 0x2,0x65,0x44, 0x3,0x5a,0x2f, + 0x2,0x65,0x43, 0x1,0x78,0x2e, 0x1,0x78,0x2f, 0x3,0x5a,0x2e, + 0x7,0x46,0x45, 0x1,0x78,0x30, 0x2,0x68,0x6e, 0x1,0x79,0x66, + 0x3,0x5e,0x28, 0x2,0x6f,0x22, 0x2,0x6f,0x21, 0x1,0x7c,0x5e, + 0x1,0x44,0x49, 0x1,0x45,0x31, 0x3,0x23,0x43, 0x1,0x49,0x67, + 0x3,0x25,0x45, 0x3,0x25,0x43, 0x3,0x25,0x44, 0x3,0x28,0x2d, + 0x2,0x29,0x60, 0x3,0x2b,0x77, 0x3,0x34,0x77, 0x1,0x5e,0x62, + 0x1,0x5e,0x63, 0x3,0x3a,0x52, 0x2,0x42,0x39, 0x1,0x68,0x40, + 0x2,0x49,0x50, 0x2,0x4f,0x7a, 0x3,0x64,0x66, 0x3,0x50,0x4d, + 0x3,0x21,0x39, 0x2,0x21,0x3a, 0x3,0x22,0x35, 0x3,0x23,0x44, + 0x2,0x23,0x50, 0x3,0x2b,0x7a, 0x3,0x2b,0x79, 0x3,0x21,0x3a, + 0x3,0x25,0x46, 0x2,0x26,0x23, 0x2,0x29,0x61, 0x2,0x2e,0x5b, + 0x1,0x54,0x6e, 0x3,0x46,0x46, 0x3,0x65,0x60, 0x2,0x65,0x45, + 0x4,0x5f,0x52, 0x1,0x7a,0x67, 0x1,0x44,0x4a, 0x1,0x46,0x40, + 0x2,0x21,0x51, 0x3,0x22,0x36, 0x1,0x47,0x68, 0x1,0x47,0x69, + 0x4,0x22,0x52, 0x1,0x4c,0x5f, 0x4,0x25,0x70, 0x3,0x34,0x79, + 0x1,0x59,0x5c, 0x5,0x37,0x3d, 0x1,0x68,0x42, 0x3,0x40,0x5f, + 0x1,0x68,0x43, 0x1,0x68,0x41, 0x3,0x4b,0x53, 0x1,0x44,0x4b, + 0x4,0x21,0x49, 0x1,0x45,0x32, 0x1,0x45,0x34, 0x1,0x45,0x33, + 0x2,0x21,0x3b, 0x1,0x45,0x35, 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0x3,0x2c,0x29, 0x2,0x29,0x69, + 0x1,0x50,0x65, 0x2,0x29,0x6b, 0x2,0x29,0x6a, 0x2,0x29,0x75, + 0x1,0x50,0x5c, 0x2,0x29,0x66, 0x1,0x50,0x64, 0x3,0x2c,0x2a, + 0x1,0x50,0x5f, 0x3,0x2c,0x28, 0x1,0x54,0x7e, 0x2,0x2e,0x64, + 0x3,0x30,0x40, 0x1,0x54,0x7d, 0x3,0x2c,0x27, 0x4,0x2c,0x40, + 0x2,0x2e,0x62, 0x4,0x2c,0x3e, 0x1,0x54,0x72, 0x3,0x30,0x4f, + 0x1,0x54,0x77, 0x3,0x30,0x4a, 0x2,0x2e,0x61, 0x2,0x2e,0x5e, + 0x2,0x2e,0x63, 0x1,0x54,0x73, 0x2,0x2e,0x5d, 0x3,0x30,0x4e, + 0x1,0x54,0x76, 0x1,0x54,0x74, 0x3,0x30,0x3e, 0x2,0x2e,0x65, + 0x1,0x54,0x75, 0x1,0x54,0x79, 0x3,0x30,0x3b, 0x3,0x30,0x45, + 0x1,0x54,0x7a, 0x3,0x30,0x48, 0x1,0x54,0x7c, 0x3,0x30,0x52, + 0x4,0x2c,0x39, 0x4,0x2c,0x3d, 0x1,0x54,0x7b, 0x3,0x30,0x3c, + 0x3,0x35,0x22, 0x3,0x35,0x38, 0x2,0x2e,0x5f, 0x2,0x2e,0x60, + 0x3,0x30,0x4d, 0x6,0x36,0x57, 0x3,0x30,0x4b, 0x2,0x2e,0x66, + 0x2,0x34,0x57, 0x1,0x59,0x5e, 0x2,0x3b,0x26, 0x2,0x34,0x56, + 0x2,0x34,0x69, 0x3,0x35,0x28, 0x3,0x35,0x24, 0x1,0x59,0x64, + 0x3,0x35,0x31, 0x2,0x34,0x67, 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0x3,0x3a,0x61, 0x3,0x3a,0x58, + 0x2,0x3b,0x2a, 0x2,0x3b,0x27, 0x3,0x3a,0x5b, 0x3,0x3a,0x77, + 0x3,0x3a,0x72, 0x3,0x3a,0x59, 0x3,0x3a,0x60, 0x2,0x3b,0x28, + 0x2,0x3b,0x2b, 0x2,0x3b,0x2f, 0x3,0x3a,0x7b, 0x2,0x34,0x66, + 0x2,0x3b,0x31, 0x2,0x42,0x4d, 0x3,0x3a,0x66, 0x1,0x5e,0x68, + 0x2,0x3b,0x32, 0x2,0x3a,0x78, 0x2,0x3b,0x24, 0x3,0x3a,0x62, + 0x2,0x3b,0x29, 0x3,0x3a,0x5c, 0x3,0x3a,0x5e, 0x1,0x5e,0x66, + 0x1,0x5e,0x69, 0x2,0x3b,0x30, 0x2,0x3b,0x33, 0x2,0x3a,0x7c, + 0x2,0x3a,0x79, 0x3,0x3a,0x73, 0x3,0x3a,0x5a, 0x2,0x3a,0x7b, + 0x3,0x3a,0x57, 0x3,0x3a,0x7a, 0x2,0x3b,0x22, 0x2,0x3a,0x7e, + 0x1,0x5e,0x6a, 0x3,0x3a,0x56, 0x2,0x3b,0x2c, 0x3,0x3a,0x79, + 0x3,0x3a,0x78, 0x2,0x3b,0x23, 0x2,0x3b,0x25, 0x2,0x3a,0x77, + 0x2,0x42,0x41, 0x2,0x42,0x3f, 0x1,0x63,0x68, 0x1,0x63,0x66, + 0x2,0x42,0x49, 0x2,0x42,0x40, 0x2,0x42,0x4a, 0x2,0x42,0x46, + 0x2,0x42,0x3e, 0x2,0x42,0x4c, 0x2,0x42,0x3d, 0x2,0x42,0x44, + 0x1,0x63,0x65, 0x1,0x63,0x64, 0x1,0x63,0x63, 0x2,0x42,0x42, + 0x2,0x42,0x47, 0x1,0x63,0x60, 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0x2,0x6b,0x56, 0x2,0x6b,0x55, + 0x3,0x5e,0x29, 0x3,0x5f,0x42, 0x2,0x6d,0x49, 0x2,0x6d,0x4a, + 0x2,0x6f,0x24, 0x2,0x70,0x35, 0x3,0x60,0x73, 0x1,0x44,0x4d, + 0x1,0x44,0x4e, 0x4,0x21,0x32, 0x1,0x44,0x4f, 0x1,0x45,0x36, + 0x1,0x46,0x45, 0x2,0x22,0x33, 0x1,0x47,0x73, 0x1,0x47,0x74, + 0x1,0x49,0x77, 0x1,0x49,0x78, 0x1,0x49,0x76, 0x1,0x49,0x75, + 0x1,0x4c,0x75, 0x3,0x28,0x48, 0x4,0x26,0x22, 0x2,0x26,0x36, + 0x1,0x4c,0x77, 0x1,0x4c,0x76, 0x2,0x26,0x37, 0x4,0x26,0x23, + 0x3,0x64,0x6a, 0x4,0x28,0x6e, 0x1,0x50,0x66, 0x3,0x2c,0x2f, + 0x1,0x55,0x21, 0x2,0x2e,0x67, 0x2,0x34,0x73, 0x4,0x31,0x2c, + 0x1,0x59,0x69, 0x1,0x5e,0x6c, 0x2,0x34,0x72, 0x1,0x5e,0x6b, + 0x3,0x40,0x71, 0x1,0x68,0x4d, 0x3,0x40,0x72, 0x2,0x49,0x64, + 0x1,0x70,0x50, 0x3,0x50,0x57, 0x1,0x73,0x52, 0x2,0x5c,0x63, + 0x3,0x5a,0x34, 0x1,0x79,0x69, 0x3,0x5c,0x3b, 0x1,0x7b,0x5c, + 0x3,0x21,0x3b, 0x2,0x21,0x53, 0x3,0x22,0x3d, 0x1,0x46,0x46, + 0x2,0x21,0x54, 0x1,0x47,0x77, 0x3,0x23,0x50, 0x1,0x47,0x75, + 0x1,0x47,0x76, 0x1,0x47,0x78, 0x4,0x23,0x6f, 0x1,0x49,0x7a, + 0x1,0x49,0x79, 0x3,0x25,0x5a, 0x2,0x23,0x5c, 0x1,0x49,0x7b, + 0x4,0x26,0x25, 0x2,0x23,0x5d, 0x2,0x26,0x38, 0x3,0x28,0x4c, + 0x2,0x26,0x39, 0x3,0x28,0x4a, 0x1,0x4c,0x78, 0x1,0x4c,0x7a, + 0x1,0x4c,0x7c, 0x1,0x4c,0x79, 0x1,0x4c,0x7d, 0x1,0x4c,0x7b, + 0x3,0x28,0x4e, 0x3,0x28,0x4b, 0x3,0x28,0x4d, 0x1,0x50,0x6a, + 0x1,0x50,0x67, 0x1,0x50,0x69, 0x1,0x50,0x6b, 0x1,0x50,0x68, + 0x2,0x2e,0x68, 0x2,0x29,0x78, 0xf,0x2a,0x39, 0x3,0x2c,0x32, + 0x2,0x2e,0x6a, 0x2,0x2e,0x69, 0x1,0x55,0x27, 0x4,0x2c,0x46, + 0x1,0x55,0x23, 0x4,0x2c,0x49, 0x6,0x36,0x66, 0x1,0x55,0x24, + 0x1,0x55,0x26, 0x1,0x55,0x28, 0x1,0x55,0x25, 0x3,0x30,0x57, + 0x1,0x55,0x2a, 0x1,0x55,0x29, 0x4,0x2c,0x48, 0x3,0x30,0x56, + 0x3,0x30,0x55, 0xf,0x2e,0x7e, 0x1,0x59,0x6e, 0x2,0x34,0x75, + 0x2,0x34,0x74, 0x1,0x59,0x6d, 0x3,0x35,0x41, 0x1,0x59,0x6c, + 0x1,0x59,0x6b, 0x1,0x59,0x6f, 0x1,0x59,0x6a, 0x3,0x35,0x3f, + 0x2,0x3b,0x39, 0x2,0x3b,0x36, 0x1,0x5e,0x6e, 0x2,0x3b,0x35, + 0x2,0x3b,0x3a, 0x4,0x37,0x24, 0x1,0x5e,0x70, 0x2,0x3b,0x38, + 0x1,0x5e,0x6d, 0x1,0x5e,0x6f, 0x2,0x3b,0x37, 0x3,0x3a,0x7e, + 0x2,0x42,0x4e, 0x3,0x40,0x74, 0x2,0x42,0x4f, 0x2,0x42,0x50, + 0x3,0x40,0x75, 0x3,0x40,0x76, 0x3,0x40,0x73, 0x4,0x3c,0x6e, + 0x1,0x68,0x4e, 0x1,0x68,0x56, 0x2,0x49,0x65, 0x1,0x68,0x50, + 0x1,0x68,0x54, 0x2,0x49,0x66, 0x1,0x68,0x55, 0x1,0x68,0x51, + 0x1,0x68,0x52, 0x1,0x68,0x4f, 0x1,0x68,0x53, 0x1,0x6c,0x50, + 0x2,0x3b,0x34, 0x1,0x6c,0x51, 0x1,0x6c,0x4f, 0x4,0x49,0x44, + 0x1,0x6c,0x4e, 0x2,0x56,0x67, 0x1,0x70,0x51, 0x2,0x5c,0x64, + 0x2,0x5c,0x65, 0x3,0x5a,0x35, 0x4,0x5f,0x55, 0x1,0x78,0x31, + 0x1,0x79,0x6a, 0x3,0x5e,0x2a, 0x1,0x44,0x50, 0x3,0x22,0x3e, + 0x1,0x47,0x79, 0x3,0x25,0x5e, 0x3,0x25,0x5c, 0x3,0x25,0x5d, + 0x3,0x28,0x50, 0x1,0x50,0x6c, 0x2,0x2e,0x6b, 0x1,0x55,0x2b, + 0x3,0x30,0x58, 0x3,0x30,0x59, 0x1,0x59,0x72, 0x1,0x59,0x71, + 0x1,0x59,0x70, 0x1,0x5e,0x71, 0x1,0x5e,0x72, 0x2,0x3b,0x3b, + 0x1,0x68,0x57, 0x1,0x70,0x52, 0x1,0x44,0x51, 0x2,0x21,0x3c, + 0x1,0x45,0x37, 0x2,0x21,0x55, 0x4,0x21,0x73, 0x3,0x22,0x3f, + 0x2,0x22,0x34, 0x1,0x47,0x7a, 0x4,0x22,0x5c, 0x3,0x23,0x52, + 0x3,0x28,0x51, 0x1,0x4c,0x7e, 0x3,0x2c,0x34, 0x3,0x3b,0x24, + 0x2,0x42,0x51, 0x3,0x40,0x78, 0x3,0x65,0x25, 0x1,0x44,0x52, + 0x4,0x21,0x4b, 0x1,0x45,0x38, 0x2,0x22,0x35, 0x2,0x23,0x5e, + 0x4,0x26,0x29, 0x2,0x23,0x5f, 0x3,0x25,0x5f, 0x1,0x49,0x7c, + 0xf,0x25,0x54, 0x3,0x2c,0x35, 0x2,0x3b,0x3c, 0x1,0x5e,0x73, + 0x2,0x42,0x52, 0x4,0x49,0x49, 0x3,0x54,0x54, 0x1,0x73,0x53, + 0x1,0x44,0x53, 0x1,0x44,0x67, 0x1,0x45,0x39, 0x2,0x21,0x56, + 0x1,0x46,0x47, 0x3,0x23,0x54, 0x1,0x4a,0x22, 0x1,0x4a,0x21, + 0x1,0x49,0x7d, 0x1,0x49,0x7e, 0x2,0x26,0x3a, 0x1,0x4d,0x22, + 0x1,0x4d,0x23, 0x2,0x26,0x3b, 0x1,0x4d,0x21, 0x3,0x28,0x54, + 0x3,0x28,0x55, 0x1,0x50,0x70, 0x2,0x29,0x79, 0x1,0x50,0x6f, + 0x1,0x50,0x6d, 0x1,0x50,0x6e, 0x1,0x55,0x2e, 0x1,0x55,0x2c, + 0x3,0x30,0x5a, 0x3,0x30,0x5b, 0x2,0x2e,0x6d, 0x1,0x55,0x2d, + 0x2,0x2e,0x6c, 0x3,0x64,0x6b, 0x1,0x55,0x22, 0x2,0x34,0x76, + 0x4,0x31,0x35, 0x3,0x35,0x43, 0x1,0x59,0x74, 0x1,0x59,0x75, + 0x3,0x3b,0x26, 0x3,0x3b,0x25, 0x1,0x59,0x73, 0x3,0x35,0x44, + 0x1,0x68,0x58, 0x2,0x49,0x67, 0x1,0x6c,0x52, 0x1,0x6c,0x53, + 0x2,0x50,0x2a, 0x1,0x73,0x54, 0x2,0x61,0x4e, 0x2,0x61,0x4f, + 0x3,0x5a,0x38, 0x1,0x7a,0x68, 0x2,0x70,0x36, 0x2,0x21,0x2b, + 0x1,0x45,0x3a, 0x4,0x22,0x5f, 0x1,0x44,0x54, 0x2,0x21,0x58, + 0x2,0x21,0x57, 0x4,0x21,0x76, 0x3,0x64,0x6c, 0x3,0x23,0x55, + 0x1,0x47,0x7b, 0x2,0x22,0x37, 0x2,0x22,0x38, 0x2,0x22,0x36, + 0x4,0x22,0x60, 0x2,0x22,0x39, 0x3,0x23,0x5a, 0xf,0x22,0x47, + 0x3,0x25,0x61, 0x3,0x25,0x66, 0x2,0x23,0x67, 0x4,0x23,0x7a, + 0x2,0x23,0x62, 0x2,0x23,0x64, 0x2,0x23,0x66, 0x2,0x23,0x63, + 0x1,0x4a,0x26, 0x2,0x23,0x60, 0x3,0x25,0x62, 0x2,0x23,0x61, + 0x1,0x4a,0x23, 0x1,0x4a,0x24, 0x2,0x23,0x65, 0x2,0x23,0x68, + 0x1,0x4a,0x25, 0x2,0x23,0x69, 0xf,0x23,0x7c, 0xf,0x23,0x78, + 0x3,0x25,0x63, 0x2,0x26,0x49, 0x3,0x28,0x5d, 0x2,0x26,0x43, + 0x2,0x26,0x3e, 0x1,0x4d,0x25, 0x2,0x26,0x46, 0x2,0x26,0x44, + 0x2,0x26,0x3d, 0x2,0x26,0x4a, 0x2,0x26,0x4d, 0x2,0x26,0x48, + 0x2,0x26,0x41, 0x1,0x4d,0x27, 0x2,0x26,0x47, 0x1,0x4d,0x28, + 0x2,0x26,0x42, 0x2,0x26,0x45, 0x2,0x26,0x3c, 0x2,0x26,0x40, + 0x2,0x26,0x4c, 0x1,0x4d,0x29, 0x4,0x26,0x2f, 0x1,0x4d,0x2a, + 0x3,0x28,0x5e, 0x2,0x26,0x3f, 0x2,0x26,0x4b, 0x1,0x4d,0x24, + 0x1,0x4d,0x26, 0x3,0x28,0x5c, 0x3,0x28,0x5f, 0x3,0x28,0x57, + 0x4,0x26,0x34, 0x3,0x28,0x58, 0x2,0x2a,0x2c, 0x2,0x2a,0x25, + 0x2,0x2a,0x2b, 0x2,0x2a,0x24, 0x2,0x2a,0x26, 0x2,0x29,0x7e, + 0x2,0x29,0x7c, 0x3,0x2c,0x3f, 0x2,0x2a,0x2d, 0x2,0x2a,0x2a, + 0x2,0x29,0x7a, 0x3,0x2c,0x3b, 0x1,0x50,0x72, 0x2,0x2a,0x28, + 0x2,0x2a,0x29, 0x3,0x64,0x6d, 0x2,0x2a,0x27, 0x2,0x29,0x7d, + 0x2,0x29,0x7b, 0x1,0x50,0x71, 0x2,0x2a,0x23, 0x2,0x2a,0x21, + 0x3,0x2c,0x3c, 0x3,0x2c,0x42, 0x2,0x2a,0x22, 0x2,0x2a,0x2e, + 0x3,0x2c,0x3e, 0x3,0x2c,0x41, 0x3,0x2c,0x43, 0x3,0x2c,0x3d, + 0x1,0x55,0x33, 0x3,0x30,0x63, 0x1,0x55,0x32, 0x3,0x30,0x5f, + 0x2,0x2e,0x6e, 0x1,0x55,0x2f, 0x2,0x2e,0x70, 0x3,0x30,0x64, + 0x1,0x55,0x34, 0x2,0x2e,0x71, 0x4,0x2c,0x60, 0x3,0x30,0x61, + 0x1,0x55,0x37, 0x3,0x30,0x62, 0x1,0x55,0x35, 0x2,0x2e,0x72, + 0x2,0x2a,0x2f, 0x2,0x2e,0x74, 0x3,0x30,0x5e, 0x1,0x55,0x31, + 0x4,0x2c,0x5c, 0x1,0x55,0x30, 0x4,0x2c,0x61, 0x2,0x2e,0x6f, + 0x2,0x2e,0x73, 0x1,0x55,0x36, 0x1,0x59,0x77, 0x1,0x59,0x76, + 0x3,0x35,0x4b, 0x3,0x35,0x48, 0x3,0x35,0x47, 0x2,0x34,0x78, + 0x2,0x34,0x7c, 0x2,0x34,0x7e, 0x1,0x59,0x78, 0x2,0x35,0x23, + 0x3,0x35,0x51, 0x1,0x59,0x7c, 0x2,0x35,0x25, 0x3,0x35,0x52, + 0x1,0x59,0x7e, 0x3,0x35,0x4f, 0x1,0x59,0x7a, 0x1,0x5a,0x24, + 0x3,0x35,0x55, 0x1,0x5a,0x21, 0x2,0x34,0x7a, 0x1,0x59,0x79, + 0x3,0x3b,0x2b, 0x2,0x34,0x79, 0x2,0x34,0x77, 0x2,0x35,0x27, + 0x2,0x34,0x7b, 0x3,0x35,0x46, 0x1,0x59,0x7b, 0x2,0x35,0x26, + 0x1,0x5a,0x22, 0x2,0x35,0x22, 0x2,0x35,0x21, 0x1,0x5a,0x23, + 0x2,0x34,0x7d, 0x1,0x59,0x7d, 0x3,0x35,0x4e, 0x6,0x3e,0x76, + 0x3,0x35,0x4a, 0x2,0x35,0x28, 0x3,0x35,0x54, 0x2,0x35,0x24, + 0x2,0x3b,0x4b, 0x2,0x3b,0x52, 0x2,0x3b,0x47, 0x1,0x5e,0x76, + 0x2,0x3b,0x43, 0x2,0x3b,0x53, 0x2,0x3b,0x3d, 0x2,0x3b,0x50, + 0x2,0x3b,0x4e, 0x2,0x3b,0x48, 0x3,0x3b,0x36, 0x2,0x3b,0x51, + 0x2,0x3b,0x4a, 0x3,0x3b,0x28, 0x2,0x3b,0x42, 0x2,0x3b,0x54, + 0x2,0x3b,0x40, 0x2,0x3b,0x4d, 0x2,0x3b,0x3e, 0x3,0x3b,0x27, + 0x2,0x3b,0x55, 0x3,0x3b,0x37, 0x1,0x5e,0x77, 0x3,0x3b,0x2a, + 0x2,0x3b,0x4f, 0x2,0x42,0x55, 0x2,0x3b,0x41, 0x1,0x5e,0x74, + 0x3,0x3b,0x2e, 0x2,0x3b,0x45, 0x3,0x3b,0x34, 0x1,0x5e,0x75, + 0x2,0x3b,0x44, 0x2,0x3b,0x49, 0x3,0x3b,0x33, 0x4,0x37,0x35, + 0x2,0x3b,0x46, 0x4,0x37,0x2f, 0x3,0x3b,0x31, 0x2,0x3b,0x4c, + 0x3,0x3b,0x2d, 0x2,0x42,0x59, 0x4,0x3c,0x79, 0x3,0x41,0x21, + 0x4,0x3c,0x7b, 0x2,0x42,0x5c, 0x2,0x42,0x54, 0x3,0x40,0x7c, + 0x2,0x42,0x56, 0x3,0x40,0x7a, 0x2,0x42,0x5b, 0x2,0x42,0x5a, + 0x1,0x63,0x69, 0x4,0x3c,0x75, 0x2,0x3b,0x3f, 0x2,0x42,0x58, + 0x3,0x40,0x79, 0x3,0x40,0x7d, 0x1,0x63,0x6a, 0x4,0x3c,0x74, + 0x2,0x42,0x53, 0x2,0x42,0x57, 0x4,0x3c,0x7c, 0x4,0x3c,0x78, + 0x3,0x64,0x6e, 0x2,0x49,0x6e, 0x3,0x46,0x5c, 0x2,0x49,0x75, + 0x2,0x49,0x6c, 0x3,0x46,0x54, 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0x1,0x73,0x55, 0x1,0x73,0x57, + 0x3,0x54,0x55, 0x3,0x64,0x72, 0x2,0x61,0x50, 0x3,0x57,0x62, + 0x2,0x64,0x3e, 0x2,0x65,0x49, 0x3,0x5a,0x39, 0x2,0x68,0x70, + 0x2,0x68,0x71, 0x3,0x5c,0x3d, 0x1,0x79,0x6b, 0x3,0x5c,0x3c, + 0x2,0x6b,0x57, 0x3,0x5c,0x3e, 0x1,0x7a,0x69, 0x4,0x66,0x3b, + 0x2,0x6b,0x58, 0x3,0x5e,0x2d, 0x2,0x6d,0x4c, 0x1,0x7b,0x5e, + 0x3,0x5f,0x43, 0x1,0x7b,0x5d, 0x2,0x6d,0x4b, 0x1,0x7c,0x35, + 0x3,0x60,0x30, 0x2,0x6f,0x25, 0x4,0x6b,0x68, 0x4,0x6a,0x46, + 0x3,0x21,0x3c, 0x4,0x21,0x2c, 0x1,0x44,0x55, 0x1,0x47,0x7c, + 0x2,0x22,0x3a, 0x2,0x23,0x6a, 0x1,0x4b,0x56, 0x1,0x5a,0x25, + 0x3,0x35,0x57, 0x3,0x4b,0x6c, 0x1,0x44,0x56, 0x1,0x46,0x4a, + 0x1,0x46,0x49, 0x1,0x46,0x48, 0x4,0x22,0x63, 0x1,0x4a,0x27, + 0x1,0x55,0x38, 0x2,0x42,0x5d, 0x1,0x44,0x57, 0x1,0x44,0x58, + 0x1,0x44,0x59, 0x1,0x45,0x3b, 0x3,0x25,0x67, 0x3,0x28,0x60, + 0x1,0x50,0x73, 0x4,0x2c,0x64, 0x2,0x2a,0x30, 0x3,0x2c,0x45, + 0x3,0x2c,0x44, 0x1,0x5e,0x78, 0x1,0x44,0x5a, 0x2,0x21,0x3d, + 0x3,0x21,0x63, 0x4,0x21,0x4c, 0x1,0x46,0x4b, 0x1,0x46,0x4c, + 0x2,0x21,0x59, 0x1,0x47,0x7d, 0x5,0x22,0x5c, 0x3,0x23,0x5c, + 0x3,0x25,0x68, 0x2,0x23,0x6b, 0x3,0x25,0x6b, 0x1,0x4a,0x28, + 0x4,0x24,0x23, 0x2,0x23,0x6c, 0x1,0x4d,0x30, 0x3,0x28,0x62, + 0x3,0x28,0x61, 0x2,0x26,0x4f, 0x1,0x4d,0x2e, 0x1,0x4d,0x2d, + 0x2,0x26,0x4e, 0x1,0x4d,0x2b, 0x2,0x26,0x50, 0x1,0x4d,0x2c, + 0x1,0x4d,0x2f, 0x1,0x50,0x74, 0x3,0x2c,0x46, 0x1,0x50,0x76, + 0x2,0x2a,0x34, 0x2,0x2a,0x31, 0x2,0x2a,0x32, 0x2,0x2a,0x33, + 0x2,0x2a,0x35, 0x1,0x50,0x75, 0x2,0x2e,0x76, 0x2,0x2e,0x75, + 0x3,0x30,0x66, 0x1,0x55,0x3a, 0x3,0x30,0x69, 0x1,0x55,0x39, + 0x3,0x30,0x68, 0x3,0x30,0x6a, 0x3,0x30,0x67, 0x3,0x35,0x5b, + 0x1,0x5a,0x28, 0x2,0x35,0x2a, 0x3,0x35,0x59, 0x1,0x5a,0x27, + 0x1,0x5a,0x29, 0x1,0x5a,0x26, 0x3,0x35,0x58, 0x3,0x35,0x5a, + 0x1,0x5e,0x7a, 0x2,0x35,0x29, 0x5,0x37,0x7c, 0x1,0x5e,0x7b, + 0x2,0x3b,0x57, 0x3,0x39,0x79, 0x1,0x5e,0x7c, 0x2,0x3b,0x56, + 0x1,0x5e,0x79, 0x3,0x3b,0x3a, 0x3,0x3b,0x3b, 0x3,0x3b,0x3d, + 0x2,0x42,0x60, 0x2,0x42,0x62, 0x1,0x63,0x6b, 0x2,0x42,0x61, + 0x2,0x42,0x5f, 0x2,0x42,0x5e, 0x4,0x3d,0x2a, 0x4,0x43,0x35, + 0x3,0x46,0x5d, 0x2,0x49,0x79, 0x1,0x68,0x5f, 0x1,0x68,0x5d, + 0x4,0x43,0x30, 0x1,0x68,0x5e, 0x2,0x49,0x77, 0x2,0x49,0x78, + 0x3,0x4b,0x6d, 0x1,0x68,0x5b, 0x2,0x50,0x3a, 0x2,0x50,0x38, + 0x3,0x4b,0x70, 0x1,0x6c,0x57, 0x2,0x50,0x39, 0x1,0x6c,0x58, + 0x1,0x6c,0x56, 0x1,0x68,0x5c, 0xf,0x4e,0x5e, 0x3,0x64,0x73, + 0x2,0x56,0x77, 0x2,0x56,0x75, 0x2,0x56,0x76, 0x2,0x50,0x37, + 0x2,0x5c,0x68, 0x1,0x73,0x59, 0x2,0x5c,0x67, 0x2,0x61,0x51, + 0x2,0x61,0x52, 0x2,0x56,0x78, 0x2,0x65,0x4a, 0x3,0x66,0x77, + 0x1,0x44,0x5b, 0x1,0x46,0x4d, 0x1,0x48,0x21, 0x2,0x22,0x3b, + 0x1,0x47,0x7e, 0x3,0x28,0x63, 0x1,0x4d,0x31, 0x1,0x63,0x6c, + 0x3,0x21,0x3d, 0x1,0x45,0x3c, 0x1,0x46,0x4e, 0x1,0x50,0x77, + 0x1,0x5e,0x7d, 0x3,0x21,0x3e, 0x2,0x21,0x5a, 0x3,0x22,0x47, + 0x2,0x21,0x5b, 0x3,0x22,0x48, 0x2,0x22,0x3c, 0x3,0x66,0x78, + 0x1,0x4a,0x2a, 0x2,0x23,0x70, 0x2,0x23,0x6e, 0x1,0x4a,0x2b, + 0x2,0x23,0x6d, 0x2,0x23,0x6f, 0x2,0x23,0x71, 0x4,0x24,0x28, + 0x1,0x4a,0x29, 0x3,0x25,0x6e, 0x3,0x25,0x6d, 0x1,0x4d,0x35, + 0x1,0x4d,0x36, 0x1,0x4d,0x33, 0x3,0x28,0x65, 0x3,0x28,0x67, + 0x1,0x4d,0x32, 0x2,0x2a,0x39, 0x1,0x4d,0x34, 0x3,0x28,0x68, + 0x1,0x50,0x78, 0x3,0x2c,0x48, 0x2,0x2a,0x38, 0x2,0x2a,0x3a, + 0x2,0x2a,0x37, 0x2,0x2a,0x3b, 0x1,0x50,0x79, 0x1,0x55,0x3d, + 0x2,0x2e,0x77, 0x3,0x30,0x6c, 0x2,0x2e,0x79, 0x1,0x55,0x3b, + 0x2,0x2e,0x7a, 0x1,0x55,0x3c, 0x2,0x2e,0x78, 0x3,0x30,0x6b, + 0x2,0x2a,0x36, 0x2,0x35,0x2b, 0x2,0x35,0x2e, 0x2,0x35,0x2f, + 0x2,0x35,0x2c, 0x1,0x5a,0x2d, 0x1,0x5a,0x2c, 0x1,0x5a,0x2a, + 0x1,0x5a,0x2b, 0x2,0x35,0x2d, 0x3,0x35,0x61, 0x3,0x35,0x60, + 0x3,0x3b,0x3f, 0x1,0x5a,0x2e, 0x3,0x3b,0x40, 0x3,0x3b,0x3e, + 0x1,0x5f,0x21, 0x1,0x5f,0x22, 0x6,0x48,0x45, 0x1,0x5f,0x23, + 0x2,0x42,0x63, 0x2,0x42,0x65, 0x2,0x42,0x67, 0x1,0x63,0x6e, + 0x1,0x63,0x6d, 0x1,0x5e,0x7e, 0x2,0x42,0x66, 0x2,0x42,0x64, + 0x3,0x64,0x74, 0x2,0x49,0x7d, 0x3,0x46,0x61, 0x3,0x46,0x60, + 0x2,0x49,0x7b, 0x2,0x4a,0x23, 0x1,0x68,0x60, 0x2,0x4a,0x24, + 0x2,0x4a,0x21, 0x1,0x68,0x61, 0x2,0x49,0x7c, 0x2,0x49,0x7a, + 0x2,0x4a,0x22, 0x1,0x6c,0x5a, 0x2,0x50,0x3c, 0x2,0x49,0x7e, + 0x1,0x6c,0x5c, 0x2,0x50,0x3d, 0x1,0x6c,0x5b, 0x1,0x6c,0x5e, + 0x2,0x50,0x3e, 0x1,0x6c,0x59, 0x1,0x6c,0x5d, 0x2,0x56,0x7d, + 0x2,0x56,0x7b, 0x2,0x56,0x7a, 0x2,0x56,0x7c, 0x2,0x56,0x79, + 0x3,0x50,0x5c, 0x4,0x5b,0x21, 0x1,0x78,0x33, 0x3,0x64,0x75, + 0x2,0x68,0x72, 0x2,0x68,0x73, 0x3,0x5c,0x3f, 0x2,0x6b,0x59, + 0x2,0x6d,0x4d, 0x1,0x7d,0x22, 0x3,0x21,0x3f, 0x3,0x23,0x61, + 0x1,0x4d,0x37, 0x1,0x4a,0x2c, 0x3,0x28,0x69, 0x3,0x28,0x6b, + 0x1,0x50,0x7a, 0x3,0x2c,0x4c, 0x3,0x2c,0x4b, 0x3,0x30,0x6e, + 0x1,0x44,0x5c, 0x1,0x45,0x3d, 0x4,0x21,0x4d, 0x1,0x46,0x4f, + 0x2,0x22,0x3d, 0x3,0x25,0x6f, 0x1,0x4a,0x2d, 0x2,0x23,0x72, + 0x3,0x28,0x6d, 0x2,0x2a,0x3c, 0x1,0x50,0x7b, 0x1,0x68,0x62, + 0x1,0x44,0x5d, 0x3,0x21,0x64, 0x3,0x22,0x49, 0x3,0x23,0x62, + 0x1,0x48,0x22, 0xf,0x22,0x4e, 0x3,0x3b,0x42, 0x1,0x63,0x6f, + 0x1,0x44,0x5e, 0x1,0x45,0x3e, 0x1,0x45,0x3f, 0x1,0x46,0x51, + 0x1,0x46,0x50, 0x4,0x22,0x6b, 0x2,0x22,0x3e, 0x1,0x48,0x23, + 0x4,0x22,0x6c, 0x2,0x23,0x73, 0x3,0x25,0x71, 0x1,0x4a,0x2e, + 0x3,0x28,0x6e, 0x2,0x26,0x52, 0x2,0x26,0x53, 0x2,0x26,0x54, + 0x3,0x28,0x70, 0x1,0x4d,0x38, 0x1,0x4d,0x39, 0x2,0x26,0x51, + 0x1,0x4d,0x3a, 0x4,0x29,0x2c, 0x4,0x2c,0x70, 0x1,0x50,0x7c, + 0x2,0x2a,0x3d, 0x3,0x2c,0x4d, 0x2,0x2e,0x7c, 0x1,0x55,0x3e, + 0x3,0x30,0x6f, 0x2,0x2e,0x7b, 0x3,0x35,0x62, 0x1,0x5a,0x2f, + 0x2,0x35,0x30, 0x1,0x5a,0x30, 0x2,0x35,0x31, 0x3,0x35,0x63, + 0x3,0x3b,0x47, 0x3,0x3b,0x45, 0x1,0x5f,0x24, 0x4,0x37,0x45, + 0x3,0x3b,0x44, 0x4,0x3d,0x30, 0x2,0x42,0x68, 0xf,0x41,0x3f, + 0x3,0x41,0x22, 0x2,0x4a,0x26, 0x2,0x4a,0x25, 0x1,0x68,0x63, + 0x4,0x49,0x5e, 0x1,0x6c,0x5f, 0x2,0x50,0x3f, 0x1,0x70,0x53, + 0x2,0x56,0x7e, 0x1,0x73,0x5a, 0x3,0x57,0x63, 0x1,0x7b,0x5f, + 0x2,0x6f,0x27, 0x3,0x21,0x40, 0x3,0x21,0x41, 0x3,0x22,0x4a, + 0x3,0x23,0x51, 0x2,0x26,0x55, 0x3,0x28,0x71, 0x2,0x2a,0x3e, + 0x1,0x5a,0x31, 0x2,0x3b,0x58, 0x1,0x63,0x70, 0x3,0x41,0x23, + 0x3,0x50,0x5e, 0xf,0x54,0x43, 0x3,0x57,0x64, 0x1,0x76,0x41, + 0x3,0x61,0x64, 0x3,0x21,0x42, 0x1,0x4a,0x30, 0x3,0x25,0x72, + 0x1,0x4a,0x2f, 0x1,0x50,0x7d, 0x3,0x2c,0x50, 0x2,0x2e,0x7d, + 0x1,0x5a,0x33, 0x1,0x5d,0x29, 0x1,0x5a,0x34, 0x1,0x5a,0x32, + 0x1,0x5f,0x25, 0x3,0x41,0x24, 0x2,0x4a,0x27, 0x1,0x68,0x64, + 0x1,0x6c,0x60, 0x3,0x5f,0x45, 0x2,0x21,0x2c, 0x2,0x22,0x3f, + 0x4,0x22,0x6d, 0x2,0x23,0x75, 0x1,0x4a,0x31, 0x2,0x23,0x74, + 0x1,0x4a,0x32, 0x4,0x24,0x2c, 0x1,0x4d,0x3e, 0x2,0x26,0x58, + 0x2,0x26,0x57, 0x1,0x4d,0x3d, 0x1,0x4d,0x3b, 0x1,0x4d,0x3c, + 0x2,0x26,0x56, 0x3,0x28,0x76, 0x3,0x28,0x75, 0x1,0x51,0x21, + 0x2,0x2a,0x3f, 0x1,0x51,0x24, 0x1,0x50,0x7e, 0x1,0x51,0x26, + 0x1,0x51,0x22, 0x1,0x51,0x23, 0x1,0x51,0x25, 0x4,0x29,0x31, + 0x3,0x30,0x70, 0x3,0x30,0x72, 0x1,0x55,0x41, 0x1,0x55,0x40, + 0x1,0x55,0x3f, 0x3,0x30,0x71, 0x3,0x64,0x76, 0x2,0x35,0x33, + 0x1,0x5a,0x35, 0x1,0x5a,0x38, 0x1,0x5a,0x36, 0x3,0x64,0x77, + 0x2,0x35,0x32, 0x1,0x5a,0x3b, 0x4,0x31,0x53, 0x1,0x5a,0x37, + 0x2,0x35,0x34, 0x1,0x5a,0x3a, 0x1,0x5a,0x39, 0x4,0x31,0x52, + 0x4,0x31,0x57, 0x4,0x37,0x4a, 0x2,0x3b,0x5a, 0x2,0x3b,0x59, + 0x3,0x3b,0x4b, 0x1,0x5f,0x28, 0x1,0x5f,0x26, 0x1,0x5f,0x27, + 0x2,0x3b,0x5b, 0x1,0x63,0x71, 0x2,0x42,0x6a, 0x1,0x63,0x72, + 0x2,0x42,0x69, 0x4,0x3d,0x34, 0x4,0x43,0x3f, 0x2,0x50,0x40, + 0x3,0x46,0x63, 0x3,0x46,0x64, 0x1,0x6c,0x62, 0x2,0x4a,0x28, + 0x1,0x6c,0x61, 0x3,0x4b,0x72, 0x1,0x68,0x65, 0x3,0x64,0x78, + 0x2,0x57,0x22, 0x2,0x57,0x21, 0x1,0x73,0x5b, 0x2,0x5c,0x69, + 0x2,0x65,0x4b, 0x2,0x68,0x74, 0x2,0x68,0x75, 0x3,0x5e,0x2f, + 0x1,0x45,0x40, 0x4,0x21,0x36, 0x1,0x46,0x52, 0x3,0x22,0x4d, + 0x4,0x22,0x71, 0x2,0x21,0x5c, 0x3,0x22,0x4c, 0x5,0x22,0x66, + 0x1,0x4a,0x34, 0x1,0x4a,0x36, 0x3,0x25,0x78, 0x2,0x22,0x42, + 0x2,0x23,0x78, 0x2,0x23,0x77, 0x2,0x23,0x76, 0x3,0x23,0x66, + 0x2,0x22,0x41, 0x2,0x22,0x40, 0x1,0x48,0x25, 0x1,0x4a,0x35, + 0x1,0x4a,0x33, 0x1,0x48,0x24, 0x3,0x23,0x67, 0x3,0x23,0x69, + 0x3,0x25,0x77, 0x1,0x4d,0x3f, 0x2,0x26,0x59, 0x3,0x25,0x7b, + 0x1,0x4d,0x40, 0x2,0x23,0x7d, 0x4,0x26,0x50, 0x2,0x24,0x21, + 0x2,0x23,0x7e, 0x2,0x26,0x5a, 0x3,0x25,0x76, 0x3,0x25,0x74, + 0x2,0x23,0x7a, 0x3,0x28,0x7e, 0x1,0x4a,0x3a, 0x1,0x4a,0x38, + 0x3,0x25,0x7c, 0x2,0x23,0x79, 0x2,0x23,0x7b, 0x2,0x24,0x23, + 0x3,0x26,0x22, 0x1,0x4a,0x37, 0x3,0x26,0x21, 0x2,0x23,0x7c, + 0x2,0x24,0x27, 0x1,0x4d,0x42, 0x3,0x25,0x7d, 0x2,0x24,0x24, + 0x1,0x4a,0x39, 0x3,0x26,0x23, 0x2,0x24,0x22, 0x2,0x24,0x25, + 0x3,0x25,0x7a, 0x1,0x4d,0x41, 0x3,0x25,0x75, 0x1,0x4d,0x43, + 0x2,0x24,0x26, 0x3,0x28,0x78, 0x3,0x29,0x22, 0x2,0x26,0x6e, + 0x2,0x26,0x61, 0x2,0x26,0x5f, 0x2,0x26,0x6d, 0x2,0x26,0x68, + 0x1,0x51,0x2b, 0x1,0x4d,0x44, 0x2,0x26,0x69, 0x2,0x26,0x6c, + 0x1,0x51,0x27, 0x2,0x26,0x6b, 0x1,0x4d,0x45, 0x1,0x4d,0x4a, + 0x1,0x4d,0x48, 0x2,0x26,0x62, 0x4,0x29,0x36, 0x2,0x26,0x5d, + 0x2,0x26,0x64, 0x1,0x4d,0x4f, 0x2,0x26,0x6f, 0x1,0x51,0x28, + 0x2,0x26,0x65, 0x4,0x26,0x4f, 0x1,0x51,0x29, 0x1,0x4d,0x4b, + 0x2,0x26,0x67, 0x3,0x2c,0x5a, 0x2,0x2a,0x4e, 0x1,0x51,0x2a, + 0x2,0x26,0x5c, 0x1,0x4d,0x4c, 0x1,0x51,0x2c, 0x1,0x4d,0x4d, + 0x1,0x4d,0x49, 0x1,0x4d,0x4e, 0x2,0x26,0x66, 0x2,0x26,0x5b, + 0x2,0x26,0x6a, 0x1,0x4d,0x46, 0x3,0x28,0x77, 0x3,0x2c,0x5b, + 0x2,0x26,0x5e, 0x2,0x26,0x63, 0x2,0x26,0x60, 0x1,0x4d,0x47, + 0x3,0x28,0x7a, 0x2,0x2a,0x40, 0x4,0x29,0x45, 0x2,0x2a,0x41, + 0x3,0x29,0x21, 0x2,0x2a,0x4b, 0x2,0x2f,0x23, 0x2,0x2a,0x4c, + 0x1,0x51,0x32, 0x2,0x2a,0x4f, 0x2,0x2a,0x45, 0x1,0x51,0x31, + 0x2,0x2a,0x47, 0x4,0x29,0x3f, 0x2,0x2a,0x48, 0x3,0x2c,0x60, + 0x3,0x30,0x79, 0x2,0x2a,0x4a, 0x1,0x51,0x2d, 0x3,0x2c,0x56, + 0x3,0x30,0x73, 0x1,0x55,0x45, 0x3,0x2c,0x57, 0x3,0x2c,0x5d, + 0x2,0x2a,0x46, 0x2,0x2a,0x42, 0x1,0x55,0x46, 0x3,0x30,0x7e, + 0x4,0x29,0x3e, 0x2,0x2a,0x50, 0x1,0x55,0x42, 0x2,0x2f,0x21, + 0x2,0x2a,0x49, 0x3,0x2c,0x54, 0x2,0x2e,0x7e, 0x2,0x2a,0x44, + 0x2,0x2a,0x4d, 0x3,0x2c,0x5f, 0x3,0x2c,0x61, 0x1,0x51,0x30, + 0x1,0x55,0x43, 0x1,0x51,0x36, 0x1,0x55,0x44, 0x2,0x2a,0x51, + 0x2,0x2f,0x22, 0x1,0x51,0x2f, 0x1,0x55,0x48, 0x1,0x51,0x35, + 0x1,0x51,0x34, 0x1,0x51,0x33, 0x1,0x55,0x47, 0x2,0x2a,0x52, + 0x1,0x55,0x49, 0x1,0x51,0x2e, 0x4,0x29,0x4b, 0x2,0x2a,0x43, + 0x3,0x30,0x7a, 0x3,0x30,0x78, 0x3,0x30,0x7b, 0x3,0x2c,0x5c, + 0x3,0x30,0x76, 0x1,0x5a,0x3c, 0x2,0x2f,0x26, 0x2,0x2f,0x28, + 0x4,0x2d,0x25, 0x2,0x2f,0x2a, 0x1,0x55,0x4a, 0x1,0x55,0x50, + 0x2,0x35,0x37, 0x2,0x2f,0x2e, 0x2,0x2f,0x25, 0x1,0x5a,0x3e, + 0x2,0x35,0x35, 0x3,0x31,0x22, 0x1,0x55,0x4f, 0x1,0x55,0x4d, + 0x2,0x2f,0x30, 0x4,0x2d,0x2d, 0x2,0x35,0x36, 0x4,0x2d,0x2c, + 0x2,0x2f,0x27, 0x3,0x31,0x25, 0x1,0x55,0x4e, 0x2,0x2f,0x2b, + 0x1,0x55,0x51, 0x2,0x2f,0x2d, 0x3,0x35,0x68, 0x3,0x30,0x74, + 0x1,0x55,0x4c, 0x2,0x2f,0x2c, 0x2,0x2f,0x2f, 0x2,0x2f,0x29, + 0x3,0x31,0x27, 0x1,0x55,0x4b, 0x1,0x5a,0x3f, 0x3,0x35,0x71, + 0x2,0x2f,0x24, 0x1,0x5a,0x3d, 0x3,0x35,0x72, 0x4,0x31,0x6b, + 0x3,0x31,0x23, 0x3,0x31,0x28, 0x1,0x5a,0x40, 0x3,0x31,0x21, + 0x3,0x35,0x6f, 0x3,0x31,0x26, 0x2,0x35,0x39, 0x2,0x35,0x42, + 0x1,0x5f,0x2b, 0x3,0x3b,0x54, 0x1,0x5a,0x42, 0x1,0x5a,0x47, + 0x1,0x5f,0x2c, 0x2,0x35,0x44, 0x1,0x5a,0x4e, 0x2,0x3b,0x5d, + 0x2,0x35,0x3a, 0x1,0x5a,0x46, 0x1,0x5a,0x49, 0x1,0x5a,0x44, + 0x2,0x35,0x38, 0x2,0x35,0x46, 0x2,0x35,0x49, 0x2,0x3b,0x6c, + 0x4,0x31,0x68, 0x2,0x35,0x47, 0x2,0x3b,0x61, 0x1,0x5a,0x45, + 0x1,0x5a,0x4c, 0x1,0x5a,0x50, 0x2,0x35,0x41, 0x2,0x3b,0x5c, + 0x2,0x35,0x45, 0x1,0x5a,0x41, 0x2,0x3b,0x5e, 0x2,0x35,0x48, + 0x2,0x3b,0x60, 0x2,0x35,0x3d, 0x3,0x35,0x6a, 0x1,0x5f,0x29, + 0x3,0x3b,0x56, 0x2,0x35,0x3b, 0x2,0x35,0x3c, 0x1,0x5a,0x4b, + 0x3,0x3b,0x55, 0x3,0x35,0x6e, 0x1,0x5a,0x4a, 0x2,0x35,0x3f, + 0x1,0x5a,0x4f, 0x2,0x35,0x43, 0x1,0x5a,0x48, 0x2,0x35,0x40, + 0x3,0x35,0x79, 0x1,0x5a,0x4d, 0x1,0x5f,0x2d, 0x1,0x5f,0x2a, + 0x2,0x3b,0x5f, 0x3,0x3b,0x58, 0x2,0x35,0x3e, 0x3,0x3b,0x59, + 0x1,0x5a,0x43, 0x3,0x35,0x76, 0x3,0x35,0x78, 0x3,0x3b,0x5a, + 0x3,0x3b,0x4d, 0x3,0x35,0x74, 0x1,0x5f,0x32, 0x1,0x5f,0x36, + 0x2,0x3b,0x63, 0x1,0x63,0x77, 0x1,0x5f,0x34, 0x2,0x3b,0x67, + 0x1,0x5f,0x38, 0x2,0x42,0x6b, 0x2,0x3b,0x69, 0x1,0x63,0x79, + 0x1,0x5f,0x30, 0x1,0x5f,0x33, 0x2,0x3b,0x6a, 0x3,0x3b,0x5e, + 0x2,0x3b,0x6b, 0x2,0x3b,0x71, 0x1,0x5f,0x3a, 0x1,0x63,0x7a, + 0x4,0x3d,0x3d, 0x2,0x3b,0x6d, 0x2,0x3b,0x72, 0x2,0x3b,0x66, + 0x1,0x64,0x26, 0x3,0x3b,0x4f, 0x1,0x63,0x7b, 0x1,0x5f,0x39, + 0x2,0x3b,0x64, 0x2,0x3b,0x73, 0x3,0x3b,0x51, 0x1,0x64,0x25, + 0x1,0x5f,0x37, 0x1,0x63,0x74, 0x2,0x3b,0x70, 0x3,0x3b,0x5d, + 0x1,0x5f,0x3b, 0x2,0x3b,0x68, 0x2,0x3b,0x62, 0x1,0x5f,0x31, + 0x2,0x3b,0x65, 0x5,0x3f,0x30, 0x2,0x3b,0x6e, 0x3,0x41,0x2b, + 0x1,0x63,0x73, 0x1,0x63,0x78, 0x1,0x5f,0x2e, 0x2,0x3b,0x6f, + 0x3,0x3b,0x61, 0x1,0x63,0x76, 0x3,0x3b,0x62, 0x3,0x3b,0x63, + 0x3,0x3b,0x50, 0x1,0x5f,0x2f, 0x3,0x64,0x79, 0x1,0x64,0x24, + 0x2,0x4a,0x2a, 0x2,0x42,0x76, 0x3,0x41,0x29, 0x2,0x42,0x6e, + 0x2,0x4a,0x29, 0x4,0x3d,0x39, 0x2,0x42,0x72, 0x2,0x42,0x74, + 0x3,0x41,0x27, 0x3,0x41,0x2c, 0x2,0x42,0x71, 0x3,0x46,0x6f, + 0x1,0x64,0x23, 0x4,0x3d,0x38, 0x2,0x42,0x70, 0x1,0x64,0x27, + 0x3,0x46,0x6e, 0x6,0x52,0x64, 0x3,0x41,0x28, 0x2,0x4a,0x39, + 0x3,0x46,0x6c, 0x3,0x41,0x2e, 0x1,0x64,0x22, 0x1,0x68,0x67, + 0x2,0x42,0x77, 0x2,0x4a,0x2b, 0x3,0x46,0x6d, 0x3,0x41,0x2a, + 0x1,0x63,0x7e, 0x2,0x42,0x6f, 0x2,0x42,0x73, 0x1,0x68,0x66, + 0x1,0x63,0x75, 0x2,0x42,0x6c, 0x2,0x42,0x6d, 0x1,0x68,0x68, + 0x1,0x63,0x7d, 0x1,0x64,0x21, 0x1,0x63,0x7c, 0x2,0x42,0x75, + 0x3,0x64,0x7a, 0x2,0x4a,0x2f, 0x2,0x4a,0x30, 0x2,0x4a,0x35, + 0x1,0x6c,0x67, 0x2,0x4a,0x3c, 0x3,0x4b,0x73, 0x1,0x68,0x6e, + 0x3,0x4b,0x7e, 0x1,0x68,0x6d, 0x2,0x4a,0x37, 0x3,0x4b,0x74, + 0x1,0x6c,0x66, 0x2,0x4a,0x2c, 0x1,0x68,0x6c, 0x3,0x46,0x71, + 0x2,0x4a,0x3b, 0x1,0x68,0x6a, 0x1,0x68,0x6b, 0x3,0x4b,0x7c, + 0x2,0x4a,0x38, 0x2,0x50,0x51, 0x1,0x6c,0x64, 0x1,0x5f,0x35, + 0x3,0x46,0x72, 0x2,0x4a,0x3a, 0x1,0x6c,0x6b, 0x2,0x4a,0x32, + 0x4,0x49,0x6f, 0x1,0x6c,0x65, 0x3,0x46,0x6a, 0x1,0x6c,0x6a, + 0x2,0x4a,0x2d, 0x2,0x4a,0x31, 0x2,0x4a,0x2e, 0x2,0x4a,0x34, + 0x1,0x68,0x6f, 0x1,0x6c,0x63, 0x1,0x68,0x69, 0x3,0x4c,0x21, + 0x2,0x50,0x43, 0x2,0x4a,0x36, 0x3,0x46,0x68, 0x1,0x6c,0x69, + 0x3,0x46,0x73, 0x1,0x6c,0x6c, 0x7,0x22,0x71, 0x2,0x4a,0x33, + 0x3,0x46,0x6b, 0x1,0x6c,0x68, 0x2,0x50,0x42, 0x5,0x4d,0x2a, + 0x3,0x4c,0x23, 0x3,0x46,0x74, 0x3,0x4c,0x24, 0x3,0x4b,0x77, + 0x2,0x50,0x47, 0x1,0x70,0x57, 0x2,0x50,0x41, 0x2,0x57,0x2e, + 0x2,0x50,0x50, 0x1,0x6c,0x70, 0x3,0x4b,0x7a, 0x1,0x6c,0x6e, + 0x1,0x70,0x55, 0x2,0x50,0x4d, 0x2,0x50,0x49, 0x1,0x6c,0x74, + 0x3,0x4b,0x76, 0x2,0x57,0x25, 0x3,0x50,0x68, 0x3,0x4c,0x28, + 0x3,0x50,0x67, 0x1,0x6c,0x72, 0x2,0x50,0x48, 0x3,0x4c,0x29, + 0x2,0x57,0x23, 0x3,0x4c,0x25, 0x2,0x50,0x4c, 0x4,0x50,0x3b, + 0x2,0x50,0x4f, 0x2,0x50,0x46, 0x3,0x4b,0x79, 0x1,0x6c,0x73, + 0x4,0x50,0x37, 0x3,0x4b,0x75, 0x1,0x6c,0x6d, 0x2,0x57,0x24, + 0x1,0x70,0x56, 0x2,0x50,0x4e, 0x1,0x6c,0x6f, 0x1,0x6c,0x71, + 0x2,0x50,0x4b, 0x1,0x6c,0x75, 0x2,0x50,0x4a, 0x2,0x50,0x45, + 0x2,0x50,0x44, 0x1,0x70,0x54, 0x2,0x50,0x52, 0x2,0x57,0x27, + 0x2,0x5c,0x6b, 0x1,0x70,0x59, 0x3,0x50,0x61, 0x2,0x57,0x2d, + 0x3,0x50,0x63, 0x2,0x57,0x2b, 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0x1,0x7b,0x60, 0x1,0x7c,0x36, + 0x2,0x6f,0x28, 0x3,0x5f,0x46, 0x2,0x6f,0x29, 0x2,0x6f,0x2a, + 0x3,0x61,0x3e, 0x2,0x72,0x2a, 0x1,0x45,0x41, 0x2,0x21,0x5d, + 0x1,0x46,0x53, 0x1,0x48,0x27, 0x1,0x48,0x28, 0x1,0x48,0x26, + 0x3,0x23,0x6b, 0x1,0x48,0x29, 0x1,0x4a,0x3c, 0x1,0x4a,0x3b, + 0x3,0x26,0x25, 0x2,0x26,0x70, 0x1,0x4d,0x51, 0x1,0x4d,0x50, + 0x3,0x2c,0x63, 0x2,0x2f,0x31, 0x1,0x5a,0x51, 0x1,0x5a,0x52, + 0x4,0x31,0x6e, 0x4,0x31,0x70, 0x3,0x3b,0x64, 0x1,0x5f,0x3c, + 0x2,0x42,0x78, 0x1,0x64,0x28, 0x1,0x64,0x29, 0x2,0x42,0x7a, + 0x2,0x42,0x7c, 0x2,0x42,0x7b, 0x4,0x3d,0x43, 0x2,0x4a,0x3e, + 0x3,0x46,0x76, 0x2,0x4a,0x3d, 0x1,0x68,0x70, 0x2,0x4a,0x3f, + 0x3,0x46,0x75, 0x2,0x50,0x53, 0x1,0x6c,0x76, 0x3,0x4c,0x2c, + 0x1,0x70,0x5d, 0x3,0x50,0x6d, 0x1,0x73,0x61, 0x1,0x76,0x43, + 0x1,0x73,0x62, 0x3,0x5f,0x48, 0x1,0x45,0x42, 0x3,0x21,0x65, + 0x3,0x21,0x66, 0x3,0x22,0x4e, 0x2,0x24,0x28, 0x3,0x26,0x28, + 0x3,0x26,0x29, 0x2,0x26,0x71, 0x1,0x4d,0x53, 0x1,0x4d,0x52, + 0x1,0x4d,0x54, 0x1,0x51,0x37, 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0x1,0x4a,0x42, 0x1,0x4a,0x44, + 0x3,0x26,0x2f, 0x2,0x24,0x2a, 0x3,0x26,0x36, 0x2,0x24,0x2b, + 0x2,0x24,0x2c, 0x4,0x24,0x39, 0x1,0x4a,0x4f, 0x1,0x4a,0x49, + 0x1,0x4a,0x4e, 0x2,0x24,0x2d, 0x1,0x4a,0x4d, 0x1,0x4a,0x3f, + 0x1,0x4a,0x3e, 0x1,0x4a,0x4b, 0x3,0x26,0x35, 0x4,0x24,0x3c, + 0x3,0x26,0x33, 0x3,0x26,0x34, 0x3,0x26,0x38, 0x3,0x26,0x31, + 0x3,0x64,0x7b, 0xf,0x24,0x39, 0x3,0x26,0x32, 0x3,0x29,0x31, + 0x3,0x29,0x2a, 0x1,0x4d,0x63, 0x2,0x26,0x7d, 0x2,0x26,0x76, + 0x1,0x4d,0x5e, 0x1,0x4d,0x71, 0x2,0x26,0x72, 0x2,0x26,0x79, + 0x2,0x26,0x7b, 0x2,0x26,0x7e, 0x1,0x4d,0x6c, 0x3,0x29,0x26, + 0x2,0x26,0x7a, 0x2,0x26,0x73, 0x1,0x4d,0x6a, 0x2,0x26,0x77, + 0x3,0x29,0x28, 0x2,0x27,0x21, 0x1,0x4d,0x5b, 0x3,0x29,0x25, + 0x2,0x26,0x7c, 0x1,0x4d,0x65, 0x1,0x4d,0x64, 0x2,0x26,0x75, + 0x1,0x4d,0x59, 0x3,0x29,0x34, 0x3,0x29,0x32, 0x1,0x4d,0x5a, + 0xf,0x27,0x30, 0x1,0x4d,0x58, 0x3,0x29,0x33, 0x1,0x4d,0x70, + 0x1,0x4d,0x68, 0x1,0x4d,0x62, 0x1,0x4d,0x56, 0x2,0x26,0x78, + 0x1,0x4d,0x61, 0x1,0x4d,0x57, 0x1,0x4d,0x69, 0x1,0x4d,0x72, + 0x2,0x2a,0x55, 0x1,0x4d,0x66, 0x2,0x26,0x74, 0x1,0x4d,0x5c, + 0x1,0x4d,0x5f, 0x1,0x4d,0x60, 0x3,0x29,0x2e, 0x1,0x4d,0x6e, + 0x1,0x4d,0x6f, 0x1,0x4d,0x6d, 0x1,0x4d,0x67, 0x1,0x4d,0x6b, + 0x1,0x4d,0x5d, 0x1,0x51,0x38, 0x3,0x29,0x30, 0x3,0x29,0x37, + 0x3,0x29,0x35, 0x3,0x29,0x36, 0x3,0x29,0x2f, 0x3,0x29,0x29, + 0x3,0x2c,0x6d, 0x2,0x2a,0x5b, 0x1,0x51,0x44, 0x1,0x51,0x3c, + 0x1,0x51,0x3e, 0x1,0x51,0x43, 0x2,0x2a,0x67, 0x1,0x51,0x41, + 0x2,0x2f,0x33, 0x1,0x55,0x53, 0x1,0x51,0x46, 0x2,0x2a,0x58, + 0x2,0x2a,0x60, 0x1,0x51,0x42, 0x2,0x2a,0x5f, 0x2,0x2a,0x5c, + 0x2,0x2a,0x64, 0x2,0x2a,0x66, 0x1,0x51,0x3b, 0x1,0x51,0x3f, + 0x1,0x51,0x45, 0x1,0x55,0x55, 0x2,0x2a,0x61, 0x1,0x51,0x3d, + 0x1,0x51,0x48, 0x2,0x2a,0x5a, 0x3,0x2c,0x6f, 0x3,0x2c,0x70, + 0x5,0x29,0x45, 0x1,0x51,0x40, 0x1,0x55,0x54, 0x1,0x51,0x3a, + 0x4,0x29,0x59, 0x2,0x2a,0x57, 0x2,0x2a,0x5e, 0x2,0x2a,0x56, + 0x2,0x2a,0x59, 0x2,0x2a,0x5d, 0x2,0x2f,0x34, 0x1,0x51,0x47, + 0x4,0x29,0x51, 0x2,0x2a,0x62, 0x2,0x2a,0x63, 0x2,0x2a,0x65, + 0x1,0x51,0x39, 0x3,0x2c,0x6c, 0x3,0x31,0x32, 0x3,0x31,0x33, + 0x3,0x2c,0x6b, 0x3,0x2c,0x6e, 0x4,0x29,0x5b, 0x1,0x55,0x63, + 0x2,0x2f,0x40, 0x1,0x55,0x61, 0x1,0x55,0x62, 0x2,0x2f,0x36, + 0x2,0x2f,0x46, 0x3,0x31,0x2c, 0x1,0x55,0x58, 0x3,0x31,0x2f, + 0x3,0x31,0x35, 0x2,0x35,0x4a, 0x2,0x2f,0x48, 0x2,0x2f,0x42, + 0x3,0x31,0x38, 0x2,0x2f,0x39, 0x3,0x31,0x37, 0x2,0x2f,0x4b, + 0x2,0x2f,0x3c, 0x1,0x55,0x5e, 0x2,0x35,0x61, 0x2,0x2f,0x3f, + 0x1,0x55,0x60, 0x1,0x55,0x57, 0x3,0x31,0x3c, 0x2,0x2f,0x4d, + 0x2,0x2f,0x41, 0x1,0x55,0x5a, 0x2,0x2f,0x3a, 0x2,0x2f,0x37, + 0x2,0x2f,0x38, 0x1,0x55,0x5b, 0x2,0x2f,0x47, 0x2,0x2f,0x4e, + 0x1,0x55,0x5d, 0x2,0x2f,0x3e, 0x2,0x2f,0x3d, 0x1,0x55,0x65, + 0x1,0x55,0x64, 0x1,0x55,0x56, 0x1,0x55,0x5c, 0x1,0x55,0x5f, + 0x2,0x2f,0x4a, 0x3,0x31,0x2e, 0x3,0x31,0x39, 0x2,0x2f,0x44, + 0x1,0x55,0x59, 0x2,0x2f,0x35, 0x2,0x2f,0x4c, 0x2,0x2f,0x43, + 0x2,0x2f,0x45, 0x2,0x2f,0x49, 0x3,0x31,0x30, 0x3,0x31,0x3b, + 0x3,0x31,0x36, 0x3,0x64,0x7c, 0x3,0x64,0x7d, 0x2,0x35,0x4b, + 0x3,0x36,0x31, 0x1,0x5a,0x5b, 0x1,0x5a,0x6f, 0x1,0x5a,0x6e, + 0x3,0x36,0x27, 0x1,0x5a,0x63, 0x3,0x36,0x29, 0x2,0x35,0x5d, + 0x2,0x35,0x59, 0x2,0x35,0x56, 0x2,0x35,0x68, 0x1,0x5a,0x5e, + 0x1,0x5a,0x56, 0x3,0x36,0x26, 0x3,0x36,0x32, 0x2,0x35,0x5b, + 0x1,0x5f,0x4d, 0x1,0x5a,0x5a, 0x2,0x35,0x63, 0x3,0x36,0x22, + 0x1,0x5a,0x70, 0x1,0x5a,0x6d, 0x2,0x35,0x5f, 0x2,0x35,0x4e, + 0x3,0x35,0x7c, 0x3,0x36,0x2b, 0x1,0x5a,0x6c, 0x2,0x35,0x65, + 0x2,0x35,0x4d, 0x1,0x5a,0x61, 0x1,0x5a,0x65, 0x2,0x35,0x64, + 0x3,0x36,0x23, 0x2,0x35,0x57, 0x1,0x5a,0x66, 0x1,0x5a,0x60, + 0x2,0x35,0x4c, 0x3,0x35,0x7d, 0x1,0x5f,0x3f, 0x2,0x35,0x67, + 0x2,0x35,0x55, 0x1,0x5a,0x6b, 0x2,0x35,0x58, 0x2,0x35,0x66, + 0x1,0x5a,0x6a, 0x3,0x36,0x24, 0x2,0x3b,0x75, 0x4,0x31,0x77, + 0x1,0x5a,0x57, 0x2,0x35,0x53, 0x1,0x5a,0x5c, 0x1,0x5a,0x67, + 0x4,0x31,0x78, 0x1,0x5a,0x62, 0x2,0x35,0x5c, 0x2,0x35,0x52, + 0x2,0x35,0x50, 0x2,0x35,0x62, 0x1,0x5a,0x54, 0x1,0x5a,0x68, + 0x1,0x5a,0x58, 0x1,0x5f,0x3e, 0x2,0x35,0x60, 0x1,0x5a,0x59, + 0x4,0x32,0x23, 0x1,0x5a,0x55, 0x1,0x5a,0x64, 0x1,0x5a,0x5f, + 0x1,0x5a,0x5d, 0x2,0x35,0x54, 0x1,0x5a,0x69, 0x2,0x35,0x51, + 0x2,0x35,0x5e, 0x2,0x35,0x5a, 0x2,0x3b,0x77, 0x2,0x3b,0x76, + 0x3,0x36,0x2d, 0x3,0x64,0x7e, 0x3,0x36,0x2e, 0x2,0x35,0x4f, + 0x2,0x3c,0x29, 0x3,0x3b,0x71, 0x1,0x5f,0x41, 0x3,0x3b,0x70, + 0x2,0x3c,0x2f, 0x2,0x3b,0x7c, 0x2,0x3c,0x2c, 0x2,0x42,0x7d, + 0x1,0x5f,0x44, 0x2,0x3c,0x30, 0x2,0x3c,0x33, 0x1,0x5f,0x43, + 0x2,0x3c,0x21, 0x2,0x3c,0x32, 0x2,0x3c,0x31, 0x1,0x5f,0x45, + 0x2,0x3b,0x78, 0x1,0x5f,0x40, 0x1,0x5f,0x48, 0x3,0x3b,0x73, + 0x1,0x5f,0x46, 0x2,0x3c,0x2e, 0x4,0x37,0x71, 0x2,0x3c,0x24, + 0x1,0x5f,0x4a, 0x2,0x3c,0x35, 0x2,0x3c,0x2d, 0x2,0x3c,0x36, + 0x1,0x5f,0x52, 0x1,0x5f,0x50, 0x2,0x3c,0x2b, 0x2,0x3c,0x2a, + 0x3,0x3b,0x67, 0x2,0x3c,0x28, 0x2,0x3c,0x22, 0x1,0x5f,0x49, + 0x3,0x3b,0x66, 0x1,0x5f,0x47, 0x2,0x2f,0x3b, 0x2,0x3b,0x79, + 0x3,0x3b,0x68, 0x2,0x43,0x3d, 0x2,0x3b,0x7a, 0x1,0x5f,0x42, + 0x1,0x5f,0x4f, 0x2,0x43,0x21, 0x4,0x37,0x60, 0x1,0x5f,0x4b, + 0x1,0x5f,0x4c, 0x2,0x3b,0x7b, 0x2,0x3c,0x34, 0x2,0x42,0x7e, + 0x2,0x3c,0x25, 0x2,0x3b,0x7e, 0x1,0x5f,0x4e, 0x2,0x3c,0x26, + 0x2,0x3c,0x23, 0x3,0x3b,0x72, 0x3,0x3b,0x6d, 0x1,0x5f,0x53, + 0x4,0x37,0x6f, 0x3,0x3b,0x6f, 0x3,0x65,0x21, 0x1,0x64,0x38, + 0x3,0x41,0x49, 0x3,0x41,0x32, 0x2,0x43,0x24, 0x2,0x43,0x37, + 0x2,0x43,0x3c, 0x2,0x43,0x30, 0x1,0x64,0x34, 0x2,0x43,0x41, + 0x1,0x64,0x31, 0x2,0x43,0x22, 0x3,0x41,0x3a, 0x2,0x43,0x23, + 0x1,0x64,0x2a, 0x1,0x64,0x33, 0x2,0x43,0x2a, 0x1,0x64,0x36, + 0x1,0x64,0x37, 0x2,0x43,0x2b, 0x3,0x41,0x38, 0x2,0x43,0x38, + 0x2,0x43,0x3e, 0x1,0x64,0x32, 0x3,0x41,0x3e, 0x1,0x64,0x2c, + 0x2,0x43,0x29, 0x2,0x43,0x25, 0x2,0x43,0x40, 0x2,0x43,0x2e, + 0x2,0x43,0x2f, 0x2,0x43,0x26, 0x2,0x43,0x3a, 0x2,0x43,0x31, + 0x2,0x43,0x3b, 0x2,0x43,0x33, 0x3,0x41,0x3d, 0x1,0x64,0x2d, + 0x2,0x4a,0x40, 0x1,0x64,0x30, 0x1,0x64,0x2e, 0x2,0x43,0x3f, + 0x2,0x43,0x36, 0x2,0x43,0x32, 0x3,0x41,0x36, 0x3,0x41,0x33, + 0x2,0x43,0x27, 0x1,0x68,0x7a, 0x2,0x43,0x35, 0x1,0x64,0x35, + 0x2,0x43,0x2d, 0x3,0x41,0x34, 0x2,0x43,0x2c, 0x3,0x41,0x48, + 0x3,0x47,0x25, 0x3,0x41,0x42, 0x1,0x64,0x2f, 0x1,0x64,0x2b, + 0x2,0x4a,0x55, 0x2,0x43,0x39, 0x2,0x43,0x34, 0x2,0x43,0x28, + 0x3,0x41,0x44, 0x3,0x41,0x45, 0x3,0x66,0x76, 0x2,0x4a,0x50, + 0x3,0x46,0x78, 0x2,0x4a,0x41, 0x2,0x4a,0x4c, 0x3,0x47,0x28, + 0x2,0x4a,0x53, 0x1,0x68,0x78, 0x1,0x5f,0x51, 0x2,0x4a,0x51, + 0x1,0x68,0x73, 0x3,0x46,0x7e, 0x3,0x47,0x24, 0x3,0x46,0x7a, + 0x1,0x68,0x72, 0x2,0x4a,0x58, 0x4,0x43,0x5d, 0x2,0x4a,0x42, + 0x2,0x4a,0x4f, 0x2,0x4a,0x43, 0x2,0x4a,0x4e, 0x1,0x68,0x76, + 0x2,0x4a,0x52, 0x2,0x3c,0x27, 0x3,0x47,0x21, 0x4,0x43,0x5e, + 0x3,0x47,0x2a, 0x2,0x4a,0x59, 0x2,0x4a,0x4a, 0x1,0x68,0x79, + 0x2,0x50,0x61, 0x1,0x6c,0x77, 0x3,0x47,0x23, 0x2,0x4a,0x57, + 0x2,0x4a,0x56, 0x1,0x68,0x7b, 0x2,0x50,0x54, 0x1,0x6c,0x78, + 0x2,0x50,0x55, 0x3,0x47,0x22, 0x2,0x4a,0x46, 0x2,0x4a,0x47, + 0x2,0x4a,0x44, 0x2,0x4a,0x49, 0x2,0x4a,0x45, 0x2,0x4a,0x5a, + 0x1,0x68,0x75, 0x1,0x6c,0x79, 0x1,0x68,0x77, 0x1,0x68,0x7c, + 0x3,0x46,0x7b, 0x2,0x4a,0x48, 0x3,0x47,0x29, 0x2,0x4a,0x54, + 0x3,0x4c,0x2d, 0x3,0x47,0x26, 0x2,0x4a,0x4d, 0x3,0x4c,0x35, + 0x2,0x50,0x58, 0x3,0x4c,0x38, 0x1,0x68,0x71, 0x1,0x6c,0x7c, + 0x2,0x57,0x35, 0x2,0x50,0x5d, 0x2,0x50,0x5c, 0x2,0x50,0x5e, + 0x3,0x4c,0x30, 0x3,0x4c,0x2f, 0x2,0x50,0x5b, 0x1,0x6c,0x7d, + 0x3,0x4c,0x3b, 0x1,0x6d,0x25, 0x1,0x6d,0x22, 0x3,0x4c,0x31, + 0x1,0x6d,0x23, 0x2,0x50,0x56, 0x2,0x50,0x59, 0x2,0x50,0x63, + 0x1,0x6d,0x2b, 0x1,0x6d,0x29, 0x3,0x4c,0x2e, 0x2,0x50,0x5a, + 0x2,0x3b,0x7d, 0x1,0x6c,0x7a, 0x2,0x50,0x60, 0x2,0x50,0x57, + 0x3,0x4c,0x3e, 0x1,0x6d,0x2c, 0x2,0x50,0x5f, 0x1,0x68,0x74, + 0x1,0x6d,0x21, 0x2,0x4a,0x4b, 0x3,0x4c,0x3f, 0x3,0x4c,0x34, + 0x1,0x6d,0x24, 0x3,0x4c,0x3d, 0x1,0x6d,0x28, 0x1,0x6d,0x2a, + 0x1,0x6d,0x27, 0x1,0x6d,0x26, 0x3,0x4c,0x3a, 0x1,0x6c,0x7e, + 0x2,0x50,0x62, 0x1,0x6c,0x7b, 0x1,0x6d,0x2d, 0x3,0x4c,0x39, + 0x3,0x65,0x22, 0x3,0x4c,0x37, 0x1,0x70,0x61, 0x1,0x70,0x62, + 0x2,0x57,0x34, 0x1,0x70,0x6b, 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0x3,0x2c,0x76, 0x2,0x2a,0x69, + 0x3,0x2c,0x73, 0x1,0x51,0x4a, 0x2,0x2f,0x50, 0x4,0x2d,0x43, + 0x1,0x55,0x66, 0x1,0x55,0x67, 0x2,0x2f,0x4f, 0x3,0x31,0x3d, + 0x4,0x2d,0x44, 0x3,0x36,0x37, 0x3,0x36,0x36, 0x1,0x5a,0x77, + 0x4,0x32,0x2b, 0x1,0x5a,0x73, 0x4,0x32,0x2f, 0x2,0x35,0x69, + 0x1,0x5a,0x7a, 0x1,0x5a,0x79, 0x1,0x5a,0x72, 0x1,0x5a,0x75, + 0x1,0x5a,0x78, 0x1,0x5a,0x74, 0x3,0x36,0x34, 0x2,0x3c,0x3b, + 0x1,0x5a,0x71, 0x1,0x5f,0x54, 0x3,0x3b,0x74, 0x3,0x3b,0x75, + 0x3,0x3b,0x76, 0x1,0x5f,0x56, 0x1,0x5f,0x57, 0x2,0x3c,0x3a, + 0x2,0x3c,0x3d, 0x1,0x5f,0x55, 0x2,0x3c,0x38, 0x2,0x3c,0x3c, + 0x2,0x3c,0x39, 0x3,0x41,0x4b, 0x1,0x64,0x39, 0x3,0x41,0x4e, + 0x4,0x3d,0x5d, 0x2,0x43,0x42, 0x3,0x41,0x4d, 0x3,0x47,0x30, + 0x1,0x68,0x7d, 0x2,0x4a,0x5b, 0x1,0x70,0x6c, 0x1,0x6d,0x2e, + 0x2,0x50,0x64, 0x1,0x6d,0x2f, 0x1,0x6d,0x30, 0x2,0x50,0x66, + 0x2,0x50,0x65, 0x2,0x50,0x67, 0x2,0x57,0x3c, 0x2,0x57,0x3b, + 0x2,0x5c,0x7a, 0x2,0x5c,0x79, 0x1,0x73,0x6d, 0x1,0x73,0x6e, + 0x2,0x65,0x53, 0x3,0x5c,0x41, 0x1,0x45,0x46, 0x3,0x25,0x58, + 0x3,0x29,0x39, 0x4,0x2d,0x47, 0x3,0x31,0x40, 0x2,0x3c,0x3e, + 0x3,0x36,0x38, 0x3,0x36,0x39, 0x1,0x5f,0x59, 0x1,0x5f,0x58, + 0x2,0x43,0x43, 0x2,0x61,0x64, 0x1,0x7a,0x6e, 0x2,0x6f,0x2d, + 0x1,0x45,0x47, 0x4,0x24,0x41, 0x1,0x55,0x68, 0x3,0x31,0x42, + 0x1,0x5a,0x7c, 0x1,0x5a,0x7b, 0x2,0x3c,0x3f, 0x2,0x3c,0x40, + 0x1,0x64,0x3a, 0x2,0x4a,0x5c, 0x1,0x68,0x7e, 0x2,0x57,0x3d, + 0x4,0x56,0x3f, 0x1,0x45,0x48, 0x1,0x46,0x58, 0x3,0x29,0x3b, + 0x1,0x4d,0x74, 0x2,0x27,0x23, 0x2,0x2a,0x6a, 0x1,0x51,0x4b, + 0x1,0x5a,0x7d, 0x3,0x36,0x3a, 0x2,0x3c,0x41, 0x1,0x5f,0x5a, + 0x1,0x64,0x3b, 0x4,0x3d,0x63, 0x2,0x50,0x68, 0x2,0x50,0x69, + 0x4,0x50,0x4e, 0x3,0x54,0x6b, 0x2,0x5c,0x7b, 0x1,0x76,0x4b, + 0x2,0x70,0x7e, 0x1,0x45,0x49, 0x3,0x29,0x3c, 0x2,0x27,0x24, + 0x1,0x4d,0x75, 0x1,0x51,0x4c, 0x3,0x2c,0x77, 0x2,0x2a,0x6b, + 0x1,0x55,0x69, 0x2,0x2f,0x54, 0x2,0x2f,0x52, 0x2,0x2f,0x53, + 0x1,0x55,0x6a, 0x2,0x2f,0x51, 0x3,0x36,0x3c, 0x4,0x32,0x34, + 0x3,0x36,0x3f, 0x3,0x36,0x3d, 0x1,0x5b,0x21, 0x1,0x5b,0x22, + 0x2,0x35,0x6a, 0x1,0x5b,0x23, 0x1,0x5a,0x7e, 0x2,0x3c,0x42, + 0x3,0x3b,0x79, 0x2,0x3c,0x43, 0x2,0x43,0x44, 0x4,0x3d,0x64, + 0x1,0x69,0x22, 0x1,0x69,0x21, 0x4,0x50,0x4f, 0xf,0x54,0x64, + 0x2,0x5c,0x7c, 0x2,0x61,0x65, 0x3,0x5a,0x3f, 0x2,0x65,0x55, + 0x2,0x65,0x54, 0x2,0x68,0x7b, 0x3,0x21,0x69, 0x2,0x21,0x3e, + 0x1,0x51,0x4d, 0x3,0x36,0x41, 0x3,0x41,0x50, 0x1,0x45,0x4a, + 0x1,0x46,0x59, 0x3,0x22,0x51, 0x1,0x48,0x2f, 0x1,0x48,0x2e, + 0x3,0x23,0x73, 0x3,0x23,0x72, 0x1,0x48,0x30, 0x1,0x48,0x31, + 0x2,0x22,0x4f, 0x2,0x22,0x4e, 0x2,0x24,0x39, 0x1,0x4a,0x54, + 0x2,0x24,0x3c, 0x2,0x24,0x3b, 0x2,0x24,0x3a, 0x2,0x24,0x3d, + 0x3,0x26,0x3d, 0x4,0x26,0x62, 0x1,0x4d,0x76, 0x2,0x27,0x2a, + 0x2,0x27,0x26, 0x2,0x27,0x2f, 0x3,0x29,0x43, 0x3,0x29,0x3e, + 0x1,0x4d,0x7d, 0x3,0x29,0x42, 0x1,0x4d,0x7b, 0x2,0x27,0x2b, + 0x2,0x27,0x27, 0x2,0x27,0x2e, 0x1,0x4d,0x7a, 0x1,0x4e,0x23, + 0x2,0x27,0x29, 0x2,0x27,0x25, 0x1,0x4e,0x22, 0x2,0x27,0x2c, + 0x1,0x4d,0x79, 0x2,0x27,0x2d, 0x1,0x4d,0x7c, 0x1,0x4d,0x7e, + 0x2,0x27,0x31, 0x2,0x27,0x30, 0x2,0x27,0x28, 0x1,0x4d,0x78, + 0x1,0x4d,0x77, 0x1,0x4e,0x21, 0x4,0x26,0x61, 0x3,0x29,0x40, + 0x3,0x29,0x41, 0xf,0x27,0x3e, 0x3,0x2c,0x7e, 0x3,0x2c,0x7a, + 0x2,0x2a,0x70, 0x2,0x2a,0x76, 0x3,0x2d,0x23, 0x1,0x51,0x53, + 0x1,0x51,0x50, 0x2,0x2a,0x6d, 0x2,0x2a,0x72, 0x3,0x2c,0x7c, + 0x1,0x51,0x56, 0x1,0x51,0x4e, 0x2,0x2a,0x71, 0x1,0x51,0x51, + 0x1,0x51,0x54, 0x3,0x2c,0x79, 0x4,0x29,0x67, 0x2,0x2a,0x74, + 0x3,0x2c,0x7d, 0x1,0x51,0x4f, 0x2,0x2a,0x79, 0x1,0x51,0x52, + 0x3,0x2d,0x21, 0x1,0x51,0x55, 0x2,0x2a,0x6e, 0x2,0x2a,0x73, + 0x2,0x2a,0x77, 0x2,0x2a,0x6f, 0x2,0x2a,0x6c, 0x3,0x2d,0x24, + 0x3,0x2d,0x25, 0x2,0x2a,0x78, 0x2,0x2a,0x75, 0x3,0x2d,0x22, + 0x3,0x2c,0x37, 0x3,0x31,0x46, 0x1,0x55,0x72, 0x1,0x55,0x6b, + 0x1,0x55,0x6e, 0x3,0x31,0x4c, 0x1,0x55,0x71, 0x3,0x31,0x44, + 0x2,0x2f,0x57, 0x3,0x31,0x49, 0x1,0x55,0x6c, 0x2,0x2f,0x55, + 0x3,0x31,0x48, 0x1,0x55,0x70, 0x3,0x31,0x4d, 0x3,0x31,0x45, + 0x1,0x55,0x6d, 0x3,0x31,0x43, 0x2,0x2f,0x58, 0x1,0x55,0x6f, + 0x3,0x36,0x42, 0x4,0x32,0x39, 0x2,0x35,0x6e, 0x1,0x5b,0x25, + 0x2,0x35,0x6d, 0x2,0x35,0x6f, 0x1,0x5b,0x24, 0x1,0x5b,0x29, + 0x2,0x2f,0x56, 0x3,0x31,0x4b, 0x2,0x35,0x6c, 0x2,0x35,0x70, + 0x3,0x36,0x44, 0x1,0x5b,0x26, 0x2,0x35,0x6b, 0x1,0x5b,0x28, + 0x3,0x36,0x45, 0x1,0x5b,0x27, 0x3,0x3c,0x26, 0x2,0x3c,0x4a, + 0x3,0x3b,0x7d, 0x2,0x3c,0x45, 0x3,0x3c,0x25, 0x1,0x5f,0x5b, + 0x1,0x5f,0x5f, 0x1,0x5f,0x5c, 0x2,0x3c,0x48, 0x2,0x3c,0x4b, + 0x3,0x3c,0x23, 0x1,0x5f,0x5d, 0x4,0x38,0x24, 0x1,0x5f,0x5e, + 0x1,0x5f,0x63, 0x2,0x43,0x4d, 0x2,0x3c,0x49, 0x1,0x5f,0x61, + 0x2,0x3c,0x46, 0x2,0x3c,0x44, 0x3,0x3b,0x7c, 0x1,0x5f,0x62, + 0x3,0x3b,0x7e, 0x2,0x3c,0x47, 0x3,0x3c,0x24, 0x1,0x64,0x41, + 0x4,0x3d,0x69, 0x2,0x43,0x45, 0x1,0x64,0x3e, 0x1,0x64,0x3f, + 0x1,0x64,0x3d, 0x2,0x43,0x4a, 0x2,0x43,0x49, 0x2,0x43,0x46, + 0x1,0x64,0x43, 0x3,0x41,0x5b, 0x3,0x41,0x56, 0x2,0x43,0x48, + 0x1,0x5f,0x60, 0x3,0x41,0x59, 0x3,0x41,0x51, 0x2,0x43,0x4c, + 0x2,0x43,0x47, 0x1,0x64,0x40, 0x1,0x64,0x3c, 0x1,0x64,0x42, + 0x2,0x43,0x4b, 0x3,0x47,0x34, 0x4,0x43,0x6b, 0x3,0x47,0x35, + 0x1,0x69,0x25, 0x4,0x43,0x6f, 0x2,0x4a,0x5f, 0x2,0x4a,0x5e, + 0x2,0x4a,0x5d, 0x1,0x69,0x23, 0x4,0x43,0x6d, 0x3,0x47,0x39, + 0x3,0x47,0x33, 0x3,0x47,0x37, 0x1,0x69,0x24, 0x2,0x50,0x6c, + 0x2,0x50,0x6f, 0x1,0x6d,0x32, 0x3,0x4c,0x44, 0x3,0x4c,0x46, + 0x1,0x6d,0x31, 0x2,0x50,0x70, 0x2,0x50,0x6b, 0x1,0x6d,0x34, + 0x2,0x50,0x6d, 0x3,0x4c,0x41, 0x1,0x6d,0x33, 0x2,0x50,0x6a, + 0x3,0x4c,0x40, 0x2,0x50,0x6e, 0x1,0x70,0x72, 0x1,0x70,0x6f, + 0x2,0x57,0x46, 0x2,0x57,0x45, 0x3,0x4c,0x43, 0x2,0x57,0x44, + 0x2,0x57,0x3f, 0x3,0x50,0x7d, 0x2,0x57,0x40, 0x3,0x51,0x23, + 0x4,0x50,0x50, 0x3,0x50,0x7a, 0x1,0x70,0x70, 0x3,0x50,0x7e, + 0x1,0x70,0x6d, 0x1,0x70,0x71, 0x2,0x57,0x3e, 0x1,0x70,0x6e, + 0x2,0x57,0x41, 0x2,0x57,0x42, 0x2,0x57,0x47, 0x3,0x51,0x22, + 0x3,0x54,0x71, 0x2,0x57,0x43, 0x3,0x54,0x6f, 0x3,0x54,0x70, + 0x2,0x5c,0x7d, 0x4,0x56,0x41, 0x3,0x54,0x6c, 0x3,0x54,0x6d, + 0x1,0x73,0x70, 0x3,0x54,0x72, 0x2,0x61,0x68, 0x1,0x73,0x6f, + 0x2,0x61,0x66, 0x2,0x61,0x67, 0x1,0x76,0x4c, 0x1,0x78,0x3b, + 0x2,0x65,0x56, 0x3,0x5a,0x43, 0x1,0x78,0x3a, 0x3,0x5a,0x42, + 0x3,0x65,0x26, 0x2,0x68,0x7d, 0x2,0x68,0x7e, 0x3,0x5c,0x42, + 0x1,0x79,0x71, 0x3,0x5c,0x43, 0x2,0x68,0x7c, 0x1,0x7a,0x6f, + 0x4,0x6a,0x4c, 0x2,0x6f,0x2e, 0x1,0x7c,0x3a, 0x2,0x70,0x38, + 0x2,0x70,0x39, 0x3,0x61,0x3f, 0x1,0x45,0x4b, 0x4,0x21,0x7c, + 0x1,0x48,0x32, 0x1,0x48,0x33, 0x1,0x4a,0x55, 0x3,0x26,0x41, + 0x2,0x27,0x32, 0x1,0x51,0x57, 0x1,0x55,0x73, 0x1,0x5b,0x2a, + 0xf,0x32,0x73, 0x1,0x59,0x37, 0x1,0x5f,0x64, 0x1,0x5f,0x65, + 0x1,0x5e,0x32, 0x2,0x3c,0x4c, 0x3,0x65,0x27, 0x1,0x64,0x44, + 0x2,0x4a,0x61, 0x2,0x4a,0x60, 0x3,0x51,0x24, 0x7,0x53,0x47, + 0x1,0x45,0x4c, 0x1,0x48,0x34, 0x2,0x27,0x33, 0x1,0x4e,0x25, + 0x3,0x29,0x45, 0x1,0x4e,0x24, 0x3,0x2d,0x27, 0x2,0x2a,0x7a, + 0x2,0x2a,0x7b, 0x3,0x66,0x32, 0x2,0x2f,0x59, 0x2,0x2f,0x5a, + 0x1,0x55,0x74, 0x1,0x55,0x75, 0x3,0x36,0x48, 0x1,0x55,0x76, + 0x2,0x35,0x71, 0x3,0x36,0x47, 0x3,0x36,0x46, 0x1,0x5b,0x2c, + 0x4,0x38,0x29, 0x1,0x5f,0x67, 0x3,0x3c,0x29, 0x1,0x5f,0x66, + 0x2,0x43,0x4e, 0x2,0x46,0x41, 0x2,0x4a,0x62, 0x2,0x57,0x48, + 0x3,0x51,0x26, 0x3,0x66,0x33, 0x1,0x76,0x4d, 0x1,0x79,0x72, + 0x1,0x45,0x4d, 0x1,0x46,0x5c, 0x1,0x46,0x5d, 0x1,0x46,0x5b, + 0x1,0x46,0x5e, 0x1,0x46,0x5a, 0x3,0x22,0x52, 0x1,0x48,0x37, + 0x3,0x23,0x77, 0x2,0x22,0x57, 0x1,0x48,0x36, 0x1,0x48,0x38, + 0x3,0x23,0x78, 0x3,0x23,0x75, 0x2,0x22,0x52, 0x2,0x22,0x51, + 0x2,0x22,0x54, 0x2,0x22,0x53, 0x2,0x22,0x56, 0x1,0x48,0x35, + 0x2,0x22,0x50, 0x2,0x22,0x55, 0xf,0x22,0x58, 0xf,0x22,0x57, + 0x3,0x26,0x48, 0x2,0x24,0x3e, 0x1,0x4a,0x5f, 0x2,0x24,0x3f, + 0x2,0x24,0x43, 0x1,0x4a,0x5e, 0x3,0x26,0x49, 0x2,0x24,0x47, + 0x2,0x24,0x42, 0x2,0x24,0x45, 0x1,0x4a,0x57, 0x1,0x4a,0x58, + 0x1,0x4a,0x59, 0x1,0x4a,0x5a, 0x3,0x26,0x45, 0x1,0x4a,0x61, + 0x3,0x26,0x44, 0x2,0x24,0x41, 0x1,0x4a,0x5c, 0x1,0x4a,0x62, + 0x3,0x26,0x47, 0x2,0x24,0x40, 0x2,0x24,0x46, 0x3,0x26,0x42, + 0x1,0x4a,0x5b, 0x2,0x24,0x44, 0x1,0x4a,0x5d, 0x1,0x4a,0x56, + 0x1,0x4a,0x60, 0x3,0x26,0x4a, 0xf,0x24,0x22, 0x4,0x24,0x46, + 0xf,0x24,0x53, 0x1,0x4e,0x3a, 0x3,0x29,0x47, 0x2,0x27,0x35, + 0x1,0x4e,0x26, 0x4,0x26,0x69, 0x1,0x4e,0x30, 0x1,0x4e,0x31, + 0x1,0x4e,0x29, 0x1,0x4e,0x3b, 0x1,0x4e,0x2b, 0x2,0x27,0x3d, + 0x1,0x4e,0x36, 0x2,0x27,0x38, 0x1,0x4e,0x2c, 0x2,0x27,0x47, + 0x2,0x27,0x48, 0x2,0x27,0x40, 0x2,0x27,0x39, 0x1,0x4e,0x39, + 0x2,0x27,0x45, 0x1,0x4e,0x34, 0x1,0x4e,0x32, 0x3,0x29,0x52, + 0x2,0x27,0x46, 0x3,0x29,0x49, 0x2,0x27,0x44, 0x2,0x27,0x3c, + 0x2,0x27,0x34, 0x2,0x27,0x3b, 0x1,0x4e,0x2d, 0x4,0x26,0x65, + 0x1,0x4e,0x33, 0x3,0x29,0x4a, 0x1,0x4e,0x27, 0x2,0x27,0x3f, + 0x2,0x27,0x3e, 0x2,0x27,0x36, 0x3,0x29,0x4f, 0x1,0x4e,0x35, + 0x2,0x27,0x42, 0x2,0x27,0x37, 0x1,0x4e,0x38, 0x2,0x27,0x49, + 0x1,0x4e,0x28, 0x3,0x29,0x48, 0x1,0x4e,0x2f, 0x2,0x27,0x3a, + 0x2,0x27,0x43, 0x1,0x4e,0x37, 0x4,0x26,0x67, 0x1,0x4e,0x2a, + 0x1,0x4e,0x2e, 0x4,0x26,0x6a, 0x2,0x27,0x41, 0xf,0x27,0x4e, + 0x3,0x29,0x4e, 0x3,0x29,0x4c, 0x3,0x65,0x28, 0xf,0x27,0x50, + 0x3,0x65,0x29, 0x2,0x2b,0x3d, 0x1,0x51,0x5f, 0x1,0x51,0x6c, + 0x3,0x2d,0x36, 0x2,0x2b,0x38, 0x2,0x2b,0x2e, 0x1,0x51,0x65, + 0x2,0x2b,0x2c, 0x1,0x51,0x5e, 0x2,0x2b,0x27, 0x1,0x51,0x68, + 0x2,0x2b,0x34, 0x2,0x2b,0x21, 0x2,0x2b,0x23, 0x3,0x2d,0x2e, + 0x4,0x2d,0x59, 0x4,0x29,0x6e, 0x3,0x2d,0x30, 0x2,0x2b,0x26, + 0x2,0x2a,0x7c, 0x2,0x2b,0x33, 0x2,0x2b,0x43, 0x1,0x51,0x63, + 0x2,0x2b,0x28, 0x2,0x2b,0x3a, 0x3,0x2d,0x2d, 0x2,0x2a,0x7e, + 0x2,0x2b,0x41, 0x2,0x2b,0x42, 0x2,0x2b,0x45, 0x2,0x2b,0x3c, + 0x2,0x2b,0x2d, 0x2,0x2b,0x35, 0x1,0x51,0x69, 0x1,0x51,0x5c, + 0x1,0x51,0x64, 0x1,0x51,0x70, 0x1,0x51,0x59, 0x1,0x51,0x5b, + 0x3,0x2d,0x31, 0x3,0x2d,0x2b, 0x3,0x2d,0x3a, 0x2,0x2b,0x25, + 0x1,0x51,0x6d, 0x1,0x51,0x66, 0x2,0x2b,0x3f, 0x2,0x2b,0x22, + 0x1,0x51,0x6f, 0x1,0x51,0x6a, 0x2,0x2b,0x2b, 0x4,0x29,0x6d, + 0x4,0x2d,0x4e, 0x1,0x51,0x6e, 0x2,0x2b,0x32, 0x2,0x2b,0x2a, + 0x1,0x51,0x67, 0x2,0x2b,0x3e, 0x2,0x2b,0x36, 0x3,0x2d,0x2a, + 0x1,0x51,0x61, 0x2,0x2b,0x44, 0x2,0x2b,0x29, 0x1,0x51,0x5d, + 0x2,0x2b,0x3b, 0x2,0x2b,0x31, 0x1,0x51,0x62, 0x2,0x2b,0x37, + 0x1,0x51,0x5a, 0x2,0x2a,0x7d, 0x1,0x51,0x6b, 0x1,0x56,0x27, + 0x1,0x51,0x60, 0x2,0x2b,0x30, 0x2,0x2b,0x2f, 0x2,0x2b,0x24, + 0x3,0x29,0x51, 0x2,0x2b,0x40, 0x3,0x2d,0x34, 0x2,0x2b,0x39, + 0x3,0x2d,0x32, 0x1,0x51,0x58, 0x3,0x2d,0x39, 0x3,0x2d,0x37, + 0x6,0x31,0x72, 0x3,0x2d,0x38, 0x3,0x65,0x2b, 0x3,0x65,0x2a, + 0xf,0x2b,0x48, 0x2,0x2f,0x6e, 0x1,0x56,0x2e, 0x2,0x2f,0x6f, + 0x3,0x31,0x5d, 0x2,0x2f,0x63, 0x1,0x56,0x23, 0x1,0x56,0x2f, + 0x3,0x31,0x57, 0x2,0x2f,0x5c, 0x3,0x31,0x53, 0x2,0x2f,0x65, + 0x2,0x2f,0x6d, 0x3,0x31,0x5b, 0x2,0x2f,0x5b, 0x2,0x2f,0x76, + 0x1,0x55,0x77, 0x3,0x31,0x5e, 0x3,0x31,0x64, 0x3,0x31,0x50, + 0x2,0x2f,0x75, 0x2,0x2f,0x70, 0x3,0x31,0x5f, 0x2,0x2f,0x71, + 0x1,0x56,0x21, 0x1,0x56,0x2c, 0x2,0x2f,0x67, 0x3,0x31,0x56, + 0x2,0x2f,0x68, 0x2,0x2f,0x72, 0x2,0x2f,0x69, 0x3,0x31,0x63, + 0x2,0x2f,0x64, 0x2,0x2f,0x5e, 0x2,0x2f,0x5f, 0x2,0x2f,0x6c, + 0x2,0x2f,0x66, 0x3,0x31,0x54, 0x3,0x31,0x4f, 0x1,0x55,0x78, + 0x1,0x55,0x7c, 0x2,0x2f,0x74, 0x2,0x2f,0x60, 0x1,0x56,0x2a, + 0x1,0x56,0x26, 0x3,0x31,0x5a, 0x4,0x2d,0x55, 0x1,0x56,0x29, + 0x1,0x56,0x30, 0x1,0x55,0x7d, 0x1,0x56,0x2b, 0x2,0x2f,0x6b, + 0x1,0x56,0x2d, 0x1,0x55,0x7a, 0x3,0x31,0x59, 0x1,0x55,0x79, + 0x2,0x2f,0x5d, 0x4,0x2d,0x4f, 0x2,0x2f,0x61, 0x1,0x56,0x24, + 0x2,0x2f,0x73, 0x2,0x2f,0x6a, 0x2,0x2f,0x62, 0x1,0x56,0x28, + 0x1,0x56,0x25, 0x3,0x2d,0x2f, 0x1,0x55,0x7b, 0x1,0x55,0x7e, + 0x3,0x31,0x62, 0x3,0x31,0x58, 0xf,0x30,0x24, 0x3,0x31,0x61, + 0x3,0x31,0x60, 0x3,0x65,0x2d, 0x3,0x65,0x2c, 0x2,0x36,0x28, + 0x3,0x36,0x55, 0x2,0x35,0x76, 0x2,0x35,0x77, 0x2,0x35,0x7b, + 0x3,0x36,0x60, 0x2,0x36,0x2c, 0x2,0x36,0x29, 0x3,0x36,0x4e, + 0x2,0x36,0x22, 0x2,0x36,0x21, 0x1,0x5b,0x33, 0x2,0x36,0x25, + 0x2,0x36,0x34, 0x2,0x35,0x72, 0x3,0x36,0x5b, 0x2,0x36,0x35, + 0x2,0x36,0x27, 0x2,0x36,0x39, 0x2,0x36,0x2d, 0x1,0x5b,0x32, + 0x2,0x36,0x2b, 0x1,0x5b,0x2d, 0x1,0x5b,0x42, 0x1,0x5b,0x38, + 0x3,0x36,0x57, 0x1,0x5b,0x3c, 0x1,0x5b,0x3b, 0x2,0x35,0x73, + 0x4,0x32,0x3f, 0x2,0x36,0x32, 0x2,0x36,0x38, 0x2,0x36,0x30, + 0x2,0x36,0x37, 0x3,0x36,0x51, 0x2,0x36,0x24, 0x2,0x35,0x74, + 0x2,0x36,0x36, 0x2,0x36,0x26, 0x1,0x5b,0x30, 0x1,0x5b,0x3d, + 0x3,0x36,0x5a, 0x2,0x36,0x2f, 0x1,0x5b,0x36, 0x3,0x36,0x4d, + 0x3,0x36,0x5c, 0x3,0x36,0x50, 0x2,0x36,0x2e, 0x2,0x35,0x75, + 0x1,0x5b,0x3e, 0x3,0x36,0x4b, 0x1,0x5b,0x40, 0x2,0x36,0x31, + 0x1,0x5b,0x41, 0x1,0x5b,0x2f, 0x2,0x35,0x7c, 0x2,0x36,0x33, + 0x3,0x36,0x54, 0x3,0x34,0x78, 0x1,0x5b,0x35, 0x1,0x5b,0x3f, + 0x2,0x35,0x7e, 0x2,0x36,0x2a, 0x2,0x35,0x79, 0x2,0x35,0x7d, + 0x1,0x5b,0x3a, 0x2,0x35,0x78, 0x1,0x5b,0x2e, 0x1,0x5b,0x37, + 0x1,0x5b,0x34, 0x2,0x36,0x23, 0x1,0x56,0x22, 0x2,0x3c,0x63, + 0x1,0x5b,0x31, 0x3,0x36,0x4c, 0x3,0x36,0x52, 0x3,0x36,0x5e, + 0x3,0x36,0x5f, 0xf,0x35,0x57, 0x3,0x36,0x56, 0x3,0x3c,0x45, + 0x1,0x5b,0x39, 0x3,0x3c,0x41, 0x2,0x3c,0x66, 0x2,0x3c,0x7c, + 0x2,0x3c,0x71, 0x1,0x5f,0x7b, 0x3,0x3c,0x38, 0x1,0x5f,0x76, + 0x2,0x3c,0x60, 0x1,0x5f,0x77, 0x2,0x3c,0x70, 0x3,0x3c,0x3e, + 0x2,0x3c,0x69, 0x2,0x3c,0x76, 0x1,0x5f,0x73, 0x2,0x3c,0x4e, + 0x2,0x3c,0x78, 0x1,0x5f,0x69, 0x2,0x3c,0x56, 0x1,0x5f,0x6c, + 0x1,0x5f,0x6b, 0x4,0x38,0x32, 0x1,0x5f,0x7c, 0x3,0x36,0x53, + 0x2,0x3c,0x50, 0x2,0x3c,0x72, 0x2,0x3c,0x73, 0x1,0x5f,0x6e, + 0x1,0x5f,0x6a, 0x2,0x3c,0x5e, 0x3,0x3c,0x3d, 0x1,0x5f,0x75, + 0x2,0x3c,0x59, 0x3,0x3c,0x32, 0x2,0x3c,0x74, 0x1,0x5f,0x71, + 0x2,0x3c,0x6c, 0x2,0x3c,0x79, 0x2,0x3c,0x53, 0x2,0x3c,0x58, + 0x2,0x3c,0x52, 0x3,0x3c,0x2a, 0x1,0x5f,0x70, 0x2,0x3c,0x65, + 0x2,0x43,0x64, 0x2,0x3c,0x54, 0x1,0x5f,0x74, 0x2,0x3c,0x5d, + 0x2,0x3c,0x75, 0x1,0x5f,0x6f, 0x2,0x3c,0x5a, 0x2,0x3c,0x57, + 0x2,0x3c,0x68, 0x1,0x5f,0x72, 0x1,0x5f,0x68, 0x1,0x5f,0x7e, + 0x2,0x3c,0x6b, 0x2,0x3c,0x6a, 0x3,0x3c,0x31, 0x3,0x3c,0x42, + 0x3,0x3c,0x39, 0x3,0x3c,0x3b, 0x3,0x3c,0x34, 0x3,0x3c,0x2f, + 0x2,0x3c,0x4f, 0x1,0x5f,0x6d, 0x2,0x3c,0x77, 0x2,0x3c,0x5f, + 0x2,0x3c,0x61, 0x3,0x3c,0x37, 0x2,0x3c,0x6e, 0x2,0x3c,0x6d, + 0x2,0x3c,0x4d, 0x1,0x5f,0x78, 0x1,0x5f,0x7a, 0x2,0x3c,0x55, + 0x2,0x3c,0x5c, 0x2,0x3c,0x64, 0x1,0x5f,0x79, 0x2,0x3c,0x5b, + 0x2,0x3c,0x67, 0x2,0x3c,0x7a, 0xf,0x3b,0x70, 0x2,0x3c,0x6f, + 0x3,0x3c,0x3c, 0xf,0x3c,0x21, 0x3,0x3c,0x44, 0x3,0x3c,0x33, + 0x2,0x3c,0x7b, 0xf,0x3c,0x29, 0x3,0x65,0x2f, 0x2,0x3c,0x51, + 0xf,0x3b,0x6e, 0x3,0x65,0x2e, 0x3,0x3c,0x40, 0x2,0x43,0x78, + 0x1,0x64,0x4c, 0x3,0x41,0x65, 0x2,0x43,0x76, 0x2,0x43,0x61, + 0x2,0x43,0x66, 0x2,0x43,0x5f, 0x3,0x41,0x77, 0x2,0x43,0x72, + 0x2,0x43,0x51, 0x2,0x43,0x58, 0x4,0x3d,0x71, 0x2,0x43,0x70, + 0x2,0x43,0x7a, 0x2,0x43,0x62, 0x3,0x41,0x68, 0x2,0x43,0x55, + 0x2,0x43,0x68, 0x2,0x43,0x6d, 0x2,0x43,0x59, 0x3,0x41,0x6b, + 0x2,0x43,0x6a, 0x2,0x43,0x56, 0x3,0x41,0x5d, 0x3,0x41,0x75, + 0x2,0x43,0x5d, 0x2,0x43,0x5e, 0x1,0x64,0x4e, 0x2,0x43,0x71, + 0x2,0x43,0x6f, 0x3,0x41,0x73, 0x2,0x43,0x52, 0x2,0x43,0x74, + 0x3,0x41,0x74, 0x2,0x43,0x75, 0x2,0x43,0x77, 0x1,0x64,0x52, + 0x1,0x64,0x4a, 0x3,0x41,0x6f, 0x2,0x35,0x7a, 0x2,0x43,0x5a, + 0x2,0x43,0x6c, 0x2,0x43,0x5b, 0x1,0x64,0x47, 0x1,0x64,0x57, + 0x2,0x43,0x73, 0x1,0x64,0x55, 0x1,0x64,0x51, 0x2,0x43,0x50, + 0x1,0x64,0x49, 0x3,0x41,0x79, 0x2,0x43,0x53, 0x1,0x64,0x56, + 0x3,0x41,0x78, 0x2,0x43,0x63, 0x2,0x43,0x4f, 0x3,0x41,0x76, + 0x1,0x64,0x4f, 0x2,0x43,0x67, 0x2,0x43,0x57, 0x1,0x64,0x50, + 0x2,0x43,0x60, 0x1,0x64,0x46, 0x1,0x5f,0x7d, 0x2,0x43,0x69, + 0x2,0x3c,0x62, 0x2,0x43,0x54, 0x4,0x3d,0x6c, 0x3,0x41,0x6d, + 0x2,0x43,0x6e, 0x1,0x64,0x4b, 0x2,0x43,0x6b, 0x1,0x64,0x48, + 0x2,0x43,0x65, 0x1,0x64,0x53, 0x2,0x43,0x5c, 0x2,0x43,0x79, + 0x3,0x41,0x6a, 0x3,0x41,0x7b, 0xf,0x42,0x49, 0xf,0x42,0x47, + 0x1,0x64,0x4d, 0x2,0x45,0x2c, 0x3,0x41,0x72, 0x1,0x64,0x54, + 0xf,0x42,0x28, 0xf,0x42,0x3c, 0x2,0x4a,0x70, 0x2,0x4a,0x6e, + 0x3,0x47,0x3a, 0x2,0x4b,0x26, 0x2,0x4a,0x6c, 0x3,0x47,0x3d, + 0x2,0x4a,0x7e, 0x1,0x64,0x45, 0x1,0x69,0x28, 0x2,0x4a,0x68, + 0x2,0x4b,0x25, 0x3,0x47,0x51, 0x2,0x4a,0x6d, 0x2,0x4a,0x7b, + 0x1,0x69,0x2d, 0x1,0x69,0x26, 0x3,0x47,0x4e, 0x2,0x4b,0x23, + 0x3,0x47,0x46, 0x2,0x4a,0x66, 0x2,0x4b,0x22, 0x3,0x47,0x47, + 0x1,0x69,0x38, 0x2,0x4a,0x77, 0x2,0x4b,0x29, 0x1,0x69,0x36, + 0x2,0x4a,0x6f, 0x1,0x69,0x27, 0x2,0x4a,0x71, 0x2,0x4b,0x21, + 0x1,0x69,0x30, 0x2,0x4a,0x6a, 0x1,0x69,0x34, 0x1,0x69,0x2a, + 0x2,0x4a,0x73, 0x2,0x4a,0x69, 0x2,0x4a,0x63, 0x3,0x47,0x3e, + 0x2,0x4a,0x7d, 0x1,0x69,0x31, 0x2,0x4b,0x28, 0x2,0x4a,0x64, + 0x1,0x69,0x2e, 0x4,0x43,0x77, 0x2,0x4a,0x79, 0x4,0x43,0x79, + 0x1,0x69,0x2f, 0x2,0x4a,0x6b, 0x2,0x4a,0x76, 0x2,0x4a,0x72, + 0x2,0x4a,0x74, 0x3,0x47,0x43, 0x1,0x69,0x29, 0x2,0x4b,0x27, + 0x1,0x69,0x37, 0x2,0x4a,0x75, 0x3,0x47,0x3b, 0x2,0x4b,0x2a, + 0x4,0x44,0x27, 0x3,0x47,0x3c, 0x2,0x4a,0x65, 0x2,0x4a,0x7a, + 0x1,0x69,0x2c, 0x1,0x69,0x35, 0x1,0x69,0x33, 0x2,0x4a,0x67, + 0x2,0x4a,0x7c, 0x1,0x69,0x32, 0x3,0x47,0x45, 0x3,0x47,0x48, + 0x1,0x69,0x2b, 0x2,0x4a,0x78, 0x3,0x47,0x4d, 0x3,0x47,0x44, + 0x4,0x44,0x28, 0x3,0x4c,0x54, 0x2,0x4b,0x24, 0x3,0x47,0x4c, + 0x2,0x50,0x7c, 0x3,0x47,0x42, 0x2,0x50,0x78, 0x2,0x50,0x74, + 0x2,0x51,0x2a, 0x2,0x51,0x27, 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0x2,0x57,0x55, 0x3,0x4c,0x5e, + 0x3,0x4c,0x59, 0xf,0x4f,0x42, 0x3,0x4c,0x61, 0x3,0x65,0x30, + 0x2,0x57,0x4d, 0x3,0x51,0x2c, 0x2,0x57,0x49, 0x1,0x71,0x21, + 0x3,0x51,0x3c, 0x3,0x51,0x38, 0x1,0x70,0x74, 0x1,0x70,0x79, + 0x1,0x70,0x75, 0x2,0x57,0x57, 0x2,0x57,0x62, 0x1,0x70,0x73, + 0x2,0x57,0x4f, 0x2,0x57,0x58, 0x2,0x51,0x28, 0x2,0x57,0x59, + 0x3,0x51,0x28, 0x3,0x51,0x2b, 0x1,0x70,0x7a, 0x3,0x51,0x40, + 0x2,0x57,0x68, 0x1,0x70,0x7e, 0x1,0x71,0x23, 0x2,0x57,0x4b, + 0x3,0x51,0x3b, 0x1,0x70,0x7d, 0x3,0x51,0x31, 0x2,0x57,0x66, + 0x2,0x57,0x67, 0x2,0x57,0x5d, 0x2,0x57,0x5c, 0x2,0x57,0x54, + 0x3,0x51,0x29, 0x3,0x51,0x3e, 0x2,0x57,0x5e, 0x2,0x57,0x65, + 0x2,0x57,0x64, 0x3,0x51,0x2f, 0x1,0x70,0x78, 0x1,0x70,0x76, + 0x2,0x57,0x56, 0x2,0x57,0x53, 0x3,0x51,0x44, 0x2,0x57,0x50, + 0x2,0x57,0x63, 0x1,0x71,0x22, 0x2,0x57,0x61, 0x1,0x70,0x7c, + 0x1,0x70,0x7b, 0x3,0x51,0x27, 0x2,0x57,0x5b, 0x4,0x4a,0x4b, + 0x2,0x57,0x4a, 0x2,0x57,0x4c, 0x2,0x57,0x4e, 0x2,0x57,0x60, + 0x2,0x57,0x5a, 0x1,0x70,0x77, 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0x3,0x65,0x35, 0x4,0x63,0x4e, + 0x2,0x6b,0x5f, 0x2,0x69,0x25, 0x1,0x7a,0x72, 0x1,0x7a,0x70, + 0x2,0x6b,0x5d, 0x3,0x5e,0x35, 0x3,0x5e,0x34, 0x3,0x5e,0x33, + 0x2,0x6b,0x60, 0x3,0x5e,0x37, 0x2,0x6b,0x5c, 0x2,0x6b,0x5e, + 0x1,0x7a,0x71, 0x3,0x5f,0x4f, 0x3,0x5f,0x4e, 0x2,0x6d,0x53, + 0x2,0x6d,0x54, 0x1,0x7b,0x62, 0x2,0x6d,0x52, 0xf,0x69,0x4c, + 0x3,0x65,0x36, 0x3,0x65,0x37, 0x2,0x6f,0x31, 0x1,0x7c,0x3b, + 0x2,0x6f,0x2f, 0x2,0x6f,0x30, 0x2,0x70,0x3a, 0x3,0x60,0x74, + 0xf,0x6b,0x51, 0x1,0x7d,0x23, 0x2,0x71,0x23, 0x2,0x71,0x21, + 0x2,0x71,0x22, 0x2,0x71,0x24, 0x3,0x61,0x40, 0x3,0x61,0x65, + 0x3,0x61,0x41, 0x2,0x72,0x2b, 0x1,0x45,0x4e, 0x1,0x48,0x39, + 0x3,0x23,0x79, 0x1,0x4e,0x3c, 0x4,0x26,0x71, 0x2,0x27,0x4a, + 0x3,0x29,0x53, 0x3,0x29,0x54, 0x2,0x2b,0x46, 0x4,0x29,0x72, + 0x3,0x2d,0x3c, 0x3,0x31,0x66, 0x2,0x2f,0x77, 0x2,0x2f,0x79, + 0x3,0x31,0x65, 0x2,0x2f,0x78, 0x3,0x31,0x67, 0x2,0x2f,0x7a, + 0x1,0x5b,0x43, 0x2,0x36,0x3b, 0x2,0x2f,0x7b, 0x3,0x36,0x62, + 0x2,0x36,0x3a, 0x2,0x36,0x3c, 0x2,0x36,0x3d, 0x2,0x3c,0x7d, + 0x1,0x60,0x22, 0x2,0x3c,0x7e, 0x2,0x3d,0x22, 0x1,0x60,0x23, + 0x1,0x60,0x21, 0x2,0x3d,0x21, 0x3,0x41,0x7d, 0x2,0x44,0x22, + 0x2,0x43,0x7e, 0x2,0x43,0x7d, 0x3,0x41,0x7c, 0x2,0x43,0x7c, + 0x2,0x43,0x7b, 0x1,0x64,0x58, 0x2,0x44,0x21, 0x1,0x69,0x39, + 0x2,0x4b,0x2b, 0x2,0x4b,0x2d, 0x1,0x69,0x3a, 0x2,0x4b,0x2c, + 0x1,0x6d,0x45, 0x3,0x4c,0x66, 0x1,0x6d,0x44, 0x2,0x51,0x39, + 0x3,0x4c,0x65, 0x3,0x4c,0x67, 0x2,0x57,0x6a, 0x2,0x57,0x69, + 0x2,0x57,0x6b, 0x3,0x51,0x46, 0x3,0x51,0x45, 0x1,0x71,0x24, + 0xf,0x55,0x39, 0x2,0x5d,0x37, 0x1,0x73,0x7c, 0x3,0x55,0x2b, + 0x2,0x61,0x74, 0x1,0x76,0x56, 0x2,0x65,0x64, 0x1,0x7b,0x63, + 0x1,0x45,0x4f, 0x1,0x46,0x5f, 0x1,0x48,0x3a, 0x1,0x4a,0x63, + 0x1,0x4e,0x3d, 0x1,0x4e,0x3e, 0x3,0x29,0x55, 0x3,0x29,0x56, + 0x1,0x51,0x71, 0x3,0x2d,0x3d, 0x3,0x31,0x68, 0x2,0x2f,0x7c, + 0x3,0x3c,0x49, 0x3,0x3c,0x47, 0x4,0x44,0x2d, 0x3,0x41,0x7e, + 0x1,0x64,0x59, 0x3,0x42,0x21, 0x3,0x47,0x53, 0x4,0x4a,0x4e, + 0x2,0x52,0x59, 0x1,0x71,0x25, 0x1,0x76,0x57, 0x1,0x45,0x50, + 0x3,0x22,0x53, 0x1,0x48,0x3b, 0x4,0x26,0x76, 0x2,0x27,0x4c, + 0x1,0x4e,0x3f, 0x2,0x27,0x4b, 0x3,0x29,0x58, 0x2,0x2b,0x47, + 0x1,0x51,0x72, 0x2,0x2b,0x48, 0x5,0x29,0x69, 0x1,0x51,0x73, + 0x2,0x2f,0x7e, 0x1,0x56,0x32, 0x1,0x56,0x31, 0x3,0x31,0x6a, + 0x2,0x36,0x42, 0x2,0x36,0x40, 0x2,0x36,0x41, 0x2,0x36,0x3f, + 0x3,0x36,0x64, 0x2,0x36,0x3e, 0x2,0x3d,0x23, 0x2,0x3d,0x26, + 0x1,0x60,0x25, 0x2,0x3d,0x24, 0x1,0x60,0x24, 0x2,0x3d,0x25, + 0x2,0x44,0x23, 0x3,0x42,0x22, 0x4,0x44,0x31, 0x2,0x4b,0x2e, + 0x2,0x4b,0x2f, 0x2,0x4b,0x30, 0x3,0x47,0x54, 0x2,0x51,0x3c, + 0x2,0x51,0x3b, 0x1,0x6d,0x46, 0x2,0x51,0x3a, 0x2,0x51,0x3d, + 0x2,0x57,0x6c, 0x4,0x50,0x6d, 0x5,0x5b,0x72, 0x2,0x57,0x6d, + 0x2,0x57,0x6e, 0x4,0x56,0x52, 0x2,0x5d,0x38, 0x1,0x73,0x7d, + 0x1,0x76,0x58, 0x2,0x65,0x65, 0x1,0x7a,0x73, 0x2,0x21,0x3f, + 0x3,0x29,0x59, 0x1,0x51,0x74, 0x2,0x2b,0x49, 0x1,0x56,0x33, + 0x4,0x32,0x4e, 0x4,0x32,0x50, 0x1,0x5b,0x44, 0x3,0x36,0x65, + 0x1,0x60,0x26, 0x2,0x3d,0x27, 0x3,0x3c,0x4b, 0x1,0x64,0x5b, + 0x1,0x64,0x5a, 0x3,0x42,0x26, 0x2,0x4b,0x31, 0x2,0x4b,0x32, + 0x1,0x6d,0x47, 0x1,0x6d,0x48, 0x2,0x57,0x70, 0x2,0x57,0x6f, + 0x2,0x61,0x75, 0x2,0x6f,0x32, 0x1,0x45,0x51, 0x2,0x21,0x40, + 0x1,0x46,0x60, 0x3,0x23,0x7a, 0x1,0x4a,0x64, 0x2,0x24,0x48, + 0x3,0x29,0x5a, 0x1,0x51,0x75, 0x1,0x64,0x5c, 0x1,0x45,0x52, + 0x2,0x2b,0x4a, 0x1,0x51,0x76, 0x2,0x2b,0x4b, 0x1,0x73,0x7e, + 0x1,0x45,0x53, 0x3,0x65,0x38, 0x3,0x65,0x39, 0x2,0x27,0x4d, + 0x2,0x2b,0x4c, 0x3,0x2d,0x42, 0x2,0x30,0x25, 0x2,0x30,0x24, + 0x2,0x30,0x22, 0x3,0x31,0x6e, 0x2,0x30,0x21, 0x2,0x30,0x26, + 0x2,0x30,0x23, 0x3,0x31,0x6c, 0x3,0x31,0x6d, 0x1,0x5b,0x45, + 0x1,0x5b,0x46, 0x3,0x36,0x66, 0x1,0x60,0x27, 0x2,0x3d,0x28, + 0x4,0x38,0x4e, 0x2,0x3d,0x29, 0x2,0x3d,0x2a, 0x3,0x3c,0x4d, + 0xf,0x3c,0x3c, 0x3,0x65,0x3a, 0x2,0x44,0x27, 0x2,0x44,0x28, + 0x2,0x44,0x26, 0x3,0x42,0x28, 0x2,0x44,0x24, 0x2,0x44,0x25, + 0x1,0x64,0x5d, 0x2,0x4b,0x33, 0x2,0x51,0x40, 0x2,0x51,0x3f, + 0x2,0x51,0x3e, 0x2,0x51,0x41, 0x2,0x57,0x72, 0x2,0x57,0x71, + 0x1,0x71,0x26, 0x2,0x57,0x73, 0x1,0x74,0x21, 0x2,0x5d,0x39, + 0x3,0x55,0x2d, 0x2,0x61,0x76, 0x2,0x65,0x66, 0x2,0x6d,0x55, + 0x1,0x45,0x54, 0x1,0x46,0x62, 0x1,0x46,0x61, 0x4,0x23,0x21, + 0x1,0x4e,0x40, 0x2,0x21,0x41, 0x2,0x21,0x5f, 0x1,0x48,0x3c, + 0x2,0x22,0x58, 0x2,0x24,0x49, 0x2,0x24,0x4a, 0x1,0x4e,0x41, + 0x3,0x29,0x5d, 0x2,0x27,0x4e, 0x3,0x65,0x3b, 0x1,0x51,0x77, + 0x2,0x2b,0x4d, 0x2,0x2b,0x4e, 0x1,0x56,0x34, 0x1,0x56,0x38, + 0x2,0x30,0x27, 0x1,0x56,0x37, 0x1,0x56,0x35, 0x1,0x56,0x36, + 0x2,0x36,0x43, 0x1,0x5b,0x47, 0x1,0x60,0x2a, 0x3,0x3c,0x4e, + 0x1,0x60,0x28, 0x1,0x60,0x29, 0x2,0x3d,0x2b, 0x3,0x42,0x29, + 0x3,0x42,0x2a, 0x1,0x69,0x3b, 0x1,0x45,0x55, 0x2,0x21,0x60, + 0x3,0x22,0x57, 0x1,0x46,0x63, 0x3,0x22,0x54, 0x2,0x21,0x63, + 0x3,0x24,0x21, 0x1,0x46,0x66, 0x2,0x21,0x62, 0x1,0x46,0x65, + 0x1,0x46,0x64, 0x1,0x4a,0x65, 0x2,0x21,0x61, 0x3,0x22,0x58, + 0x3,0x22,0x59, 0x2,0x22,0x59, 0xf,0x21,0x66, 0x2,0x22,0x5d, + 0x2,0x22,0x5f, 0x2,0x22,0x60, 0x1,0x48,0x46, 0x1,0x48,0x47, + 0x2,0x22,0x5c, 0x1,0x48,0x42, 0x3,0x23,0x7d, 0x2,0x22,0x5a, + 0x3,0x24,0x25, 0x2,0x22,0x5e, 0x1,0x48,0x43, 0x3,0x26,0x55, + 0x1,0x48,0x3e, 0x3,0x23,0x7c, 0x1,0x48,0x3f, 0x3,0x24,0x23, + 0x1,0x48,0x45, 0x2,0x22,0x5b, 0x1,0x48,0x3d, 0x1,0x4a,0x66, + 0x1,0x48,0x40, 0x1,0x48,0x41, 0x1,0x48,0x44, 0xf,0x22,0x5d, + 0x3,0x65,0x3c, 0x2,0x24,0x5b, 0x2,0x24,0x59, 0x2,0x24,0x4c, + 0x1,0x4a,0x72, 0x2,0x24,0x53, 0x1,0x4a,0x6d, 0x2,0x24,0x4d, + 0x3,0x29,0x64, 0x2,0x24,0x55, 0x3,0x26,0x50, 0x2,0x24,0x52, + 0x1,0x4a,0x70, 0x2,0x24,0x51, 0x1,0x4a,0x77, 0x2,0x24,0x5a, + 0x1,0x4a,0x79, 0x3,0x26,0x53, 0x1,0x4a,0x7b, 0x3,0x23,0x7e, + 0x2,0x24,0x4b, 0x3,0x26,0x57, 0x1,0x4a,0x6e, 0x2,0x24,0x5c, + 0x3,0x26,0x51, 0x1,0x4a,0x75, 0x1,0x4a,0x78, 0x3,0x26,0x4c, + 0x2,0x27,0x65, 0x1,0x4a,0x68, 0x1,0x4b,0x21, 0x1,0x4a,0x76, + 0x2,0x24,0x4e, 0x1,0x4a,0x6b, 0x1,0x4a,0x7a, 0x2,0x24,0x56, + 0x1,0x4a,0x69, 0x1,0x4a,0x6a, 0x2,0x27,0x63, 0x2,0x24,0x4f, + 0x1,0x4a,0x71, 0x1,0x4a,0x7c, 0x2,0x24,0x5d, 0x2,0x24,0x50, + 0x1,0x4a,0x6f, 0x3,0x26,0x4d, 0x1,0x4a,0x74, 0x2,0x27,0x4f, + 0x1,0x4a,0x7d, 0x2,0x24,0x57, 0x1,0x4a,0x73, 0x3,0x29,0x63, + 0x1,0x4a,0x7e, 0x1,0x4a,0x67, 0x2,0x24,0x54, 0x1,0x4a,0x6c, + 0x2,0x24,0x58, 0x2,0x27,0x64, 0x3,0x26,0x4e, 0x3,0x26,0x52, + 0x3,0x26,0x5c, 0x3,0x26,0x59, 0x3,0x26,0x56, 0xf,0x24,0x68, + 0x3,0x26,0x5b, 0x1,0x4e,0x4d, 0x1,0x4e,0x5d, 0x2,0x27,0x56, + 0x1,0x4e,0x54, 0x3,0x2d,0x4e, 0x2,0x27,0x6b, 0x1,0x4e,0x45, + 0x3,0x29,0x6b, 0x1,0x4e,0x48, 0x2,0x27,0x62, 0x4,0x27,0x26, + 0x2,0x27,0x54, 0x2,0x27,0x58, 0x1,0x4e,0x50, 0x1,0x4e,0x52, + 0x2,0x27,0x5b, 0x1,0x4e,0x59, 0x1,0x4e,0x4b, 0x1,0x4e,0x49, + 0x1,0x4e,0x4a, 0x1,0x4e,0x58, 0x2,0x27,0x67, 0x1,0x4e,0x53, + 0x2,0x27,0x5a, 0x2,0x27,0x5c, 0x1,0x4e,0x51, 0x1,0x4e,0x56, + 0x2,0x27,0x5d, 0x2,0x27,0x6a, 0x3,0x29,0x6d, 0x1,0x51,0x78, + 0x1,0x4e,0x5c, 0x4,0x26,0x7d, 0x1,0x4e,0x46, 0x2,0x27,0x69, + 0x3,0x29,0x6c, 0x2,0x27,0x6d, 0x2,0x27,0x59, 0x2,0x27,0x6f, + 0x2,0x27,0x60, 0x1,0x4e,0x4f, 0x2,0x27,0x55, 0x1,0x4e,0x4e, + 0x1,0x4e,0x60, 0x1,0x4e,0x55, 0x3,0x29,0x6a, 0x2,0x27,0x53, + 0x2,0x2b,0x57, 0x1,0x4e,0x5b, 0x1,0x4e,0x5f, 0x2,0x27,0x61, + 0x2,0x27,0x66, 0x3,0x29,0x65, 0x1,0x4e,0x61, 0x1,0x4e,0x5a, + 0x1,0x4e,0x4c, 0x1,0x4e,0x42, 0x3,0x29,0x69, 0x1,0x4e,0x47, + 0x4,0x26,0x7b, 0x2,0x27,0x57, 0x1,0x4e,0x43, 0x2,0x27,0x6e, + 0x3,0x29,0x67, 0x2,0x27,0x51, 0x2,0x27,0x50, 0x2,0x27,0x5e, + 0x2,0x27,0x52, 0x1,0x4e,0x5e, 0x1,0x56,0x39, 0x1,0x4e,0x57, + 0x2,0x27,0x5f, 0x1,0x4e,0x44, 0x3,0x2d,0x4f, 0x1,0x52,0x29, + 0x2,0x27,0x6c, 0x3,0x2d,0x46, 0x2,0x2b,0x5e, 0x2,0x2b,0x61, + 0x3,0x2d,0x50, 0x2,0x2b,0x64, 0x2,0x2b,0x59, 0x3,0x2d,0x48, + 0x3,0x2d,0x4a, 0x2,0x2b,0x67, 0x2,0x2b,0x6a, 0x2,0x2b,0x6c, + 0x2,0x2b,0x56, 0x1,0x51,0x79, 0x1,0x51,0x7e, 0x2,0x30,0x2c, + 0x1,0x52,0x30, 0x2,0x2b,0x65, 0x2,0x2b,0x6d, 0x2,0x2b,0x5d, + 0x2,0x2b,0x55, 0x3,0x2d,0x49, 0x3,0x2d,0x47, 0x3,0x2d,0x4d, + 0x2,0x30,0x47, 0x1,0x52,0x23, 0x2,0x2b,0x62, 0x2,0x2b,0x5a, + 0x2,0x2b,0x5c, 0x1,0x52,0x28, 0x3,0x31,0x7a, 0x2,0x2b,0x5f, + 0x1,0x52,0x22, 0x2,0x2b,0x52, 0x2,0x2b,0x68, 0x3,0x2d,0x4b, + 0x2,0x2b,0x6b, 0x3,0x2d,0x45, 0x3,0x2d,0x57, 0x1,0x51,0x7d, + 0x3,0x2d,0x53, 0x1,0x52,0x2b, 0x2,0x2b,0x4f, 0x1,0x52,0x2d, + 0x1,0x51,0x7b, 0x1,0x52,0x31, 0x2,0x2b,0x69, 0x2,0x2b,0x51, + 0x1,0x52,0x2e, 0x2,0x30,0x41, 0x2,0x27,0x68, 0x1,0x52,0x21, + 0x1,0x51,0x7a, 0x2,0x2b,0x58, 0x2,0x2b,0x50, 0x1,0x52,0x2f, + 0x1,0x52,0x27, 0x2,0x2b,0x63, 0x1,0x52,0x2c, 0x1,0x52,0x2a, + 0x2,0x2b,0x5b, 0x1,0x52,0x24, 0x2,0x2b,0x53, 0x1,0x52,0x25, + 0x1,0x52,0x26, 0x2,0x2b,0x54, 0x2,0x2b,0x66, 0x1,0x51,0x7c, + 0x2,0x2b,0x60, 0x4,0x2a,0x21, 0x3,0x2d,0x55, 0x3,0x2d,0x51, + 0x3,0x31,0x77, 0x3,0x31,0x73, 0x2,0x30,0x2f, 0x1,0x56,0x41, + 0x1,0x56,0x46, 0x3,0x31,0x79, 0x3,0x32,0x26, 0x3,0x31,0x76, + 0x2,0x30,0x38, 0x2,0x30,0x3e, 0x2,0x30,0x3a, 0x2,0x30,0x2d, + 0x2,0x30,0x30, 0x2,0x30,0x29, 0x2,0x30,0x2a, 0x1,0x56,0x4d, + 0x1,0x56,0x3e, 0x2,0x30,0x39, 0x2,0x30,0x42, 0x1,0x56,0x48, + 0x1,0x56,0x3a, 0x3,0x31,0x6f, 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0x2,0x2b,0x6f, 0x3,0x2d,0x5e, + 0x2,0x2b,0x73, 0x3,0x2d,0x5c, 0x3,0x2d,0x5a, 0x1,0x52,0x3a, + 0x3,0x2d,0x58, 0x4,0x2a,0x26, 0x3,0x2d,0x65, 0x3,0x2d,0x62, + 0x2,0x2b,0x76, 0x3,0x2d,0x5f, 0x1,0x52,0x32, 0x1,0x52,0x35, + 0x1,0x52,0x37, 0x1,0x52,0x39, 0x1,0x52,0x36, 0x2,0x2b,0x72, + 0x2,0x2b,0x71, 0x3,0x2d,0x64, 0x1,0x52,0x34, 0x2,0x2b,0x74, + 0x2,0x2b,0x75, 0x3,0x2d,0x63, 0x2,0x2b,0x6e, 0x1,0x52,0x38, + 0x3,0x2d,0x68, 0x1,0x52,0x33, 0x3,0x2d,0x5d, 0x2,0x2b,0x70, + 0x3,0x65,0x4d, 0x4,0x2a,0x28, 0x3,0x32,0x28, 0x2,0x30,0x5a, + 0x2,0x30,0x5b, 0x2,0x30,0x5c, 0x1,0x56,0x53, 0x4,0x2d,0x75, + 0x1,0x56,0x4f, 0x2,0x30,0x51, 0x3,0x32,0x2a, 0x2,0x30,0x59, + 0x2,0x30,0x5e, 0x1,0x56,0x54, 0x3,0x32,0x2b, 0x2,0x30,0x4f, + 0x2,0x30,0x55, 0x2,0x30,0x4e, 0x2,0x30,0x58, 0x3,0x32,0x31, + 0x3,0x32,0x2f, 0x2,0x30,0x54, 0x1,0x56,0x50, 0x1,0x56,0x52, + 0x2,0x30,0x5d, 0x3,0x32,0x29, 0x2,0x30,0x4d, 0x2,0x30,0x50, + 0x2,0x30,0x56, 0x3,0x32,0x2d, 0x2,0x30,0x57, 0x2,0x30,0x5f, + 0x2,0x30,0x53, 0x3,0x32,0x2c, 0x1,0x56,0x51, 0x3,0x65,0x4f, + 0x3,0x65,0x4e, 0x3,0x32,0x30, 0x1,0x5b,0x72, 0x2,0x36,0x71, + 0x3,0x37,0x30, 0x3,0x37,0x32, 0x2,0x36,0x73, 0x2,0x36,0x6f, + 0x3,0x37,0x2f, 0x2,0x36,0x7b, 0x2,0x36,0x6d, 0x2,0x36,0x7a, + 0x1,0x5b,0x6e, 0x2,0x36,0x6b, 0x2,0x3d,0x5f, 0x2,0x36,0x75, + 0x1,0x5b,0x71, 0x3,0x37,0x35, 0x2,0x36,0x76, 0x2,0x36,0x79, + 0x3,0x37,0x2e, 0x2,0x36,0x7d, 0x3,0x37,0x2c, 0x2,0x36,0x72, + 0x4,0x32,0x72, 0x2,0x36,0x77, 0x3,0x37,0x2d, 0x3,0x37,0x31, + 0x1,0x5b,0x6f, 0x1,0x5b,0x70, 0x2,0x36,0x7c, 0x2,0x36,0x70, + 0x2,0x36,0x6c, 0x2,0x36,0x7e, 0x3,0x37,0x33, 0x2,0x36,0x74, + 0x3,0x65,0x50, 0x3,0x65,0x51, 0x2,0x36,0x78, 0x2,0x36,0x6e, + 0x1,0x60,0x4e, 0x1,0x60,0x4f, 0x2,0x3d,0x69, 0x1,0x60,0x55, + 0x3,0x3c,0x74, 0x2,0x3d,0x5d, 0x2,0x3d,0x66, 0x2,0x3d,0x5c, + 0x1,0x60,0x52, 0x2,0x3d,0x64, 0x2,0x3d,0x62, 0x3,0x3c,0x7d, + 0x2,0x3d,0x63, 0x1,0x60,0x50, 0x3,0x3c,0x7c, 0x2,0x3d,0x67, + 0xf,0x3c,0x7e, 0x3,0x3c,0x6f, 0x3,0x3c,0x7a, 0x3,0x3c,0x72, + 0x3,0x3d,0x21, 0x2,0x3d,0x60, 0x2,0x3d,0x5e, 0x1,0x60,0x51, + 0x2,0x3d,0x61, 0x2,0x3d,0x65, 0x3,0x3c,0x7b, 0x3,0x3c,0x79, + 0x3,0x3c,0x71, 0x1,0x60,0x53, 0x3,0x3c,0x73, 0x3,0x3c,0x77, + 0x3,0x65,0x53, 0x2,0x3d,0x68, 0x3,0x65,0x54, 0x3,0x65,0x55, + 0x3,0x65,0x52, 0x2,0x44,0x56, 0x2,0x44,0x5d, 0x2,0x44,0x5f, + 0x2,0x44,0x65, 0x3,0x42,0x57, 0x1,0x65,0x22, 0x2,0x44,0x51, + 0x3,0x42,0x4c, 0x1,0x64,0x78, 0x3,0x42,0x4e, 0x2,0x44,0x60, + 0x1,0x64,0x7d, 0x2,0x44,0x66, 0x1,0x64,0x74, 0x3,0x42,0x51, + 0x2,0x44,0x63, 0x3,0x42,0x58, 0x2,0x44,0x53, 0x2,0x44,0x64, + 0x2,0x44,0x52, 0x1,0x65,0x24, 0x3,0x42,0x52, 0x2,0x44,0x5e, + 0x1,0x64,0x75, 0x2,0x44,0x67, 0x3,0x48,0x3c, 0x1,0x64,0x7a, + 0x2,0x44,0x57, 0x1,0x65,0x21, 0x2,0x44,0x62, 0x2,0x44,0x55, + 0x2,0x44,0x5c, 0x2,0x44,0x58, 0x2,0x44,0x54, 0x1,0x64,0x77, + 0x1,0x64,0x7e, 0x1,0x64,0x7c, 0x1,0x64,0x79, 0x1,0x65,0x23, + 0x1,0x64,0x76, 0x2,0x44,0x5b, 0x3,0x42,0x4f, 0x1,0x64,0x7b, + 0x3,0x42,0x59, 0x1,0x60,0x54, 0x3,0x42,0x49, 0x2,0x44,0x61, + 0x3,0x65,0x59, 0x2,0x44,0x59, 0x3,0x42,0x53, 0x3,0x65,0x57, + 0x3,0x65,0x58, 0x3,0x65,0x56, 0x2,0x44,0x5a, 0x4,0x44,0x57, + 0x4,0x44,0x5b, 0x2,0x4b,0x67, 0x3,0x47,0x6f, 0x1,0x69,0x5b, + 0x3,0x47,0x6e, 0x3,0x47,0x6c, 0x2,0x4b,0x63, 0x2,0x4b,0x69, + 0x2,0x4b,0x65, 0x3,0x47,0x70, 0x1,0x69,0x5d, 0x2,0x4b,0x64, + 0x2,0x4b,0x68, 0x2,0x4b,0x60, 0x3,0x47,0x72, 0x2,0x4b,0x62, + 0x1,0x69,0x5c, 0x3,0x47,0x6a, 0x3,0x47,0x6d, 0x3,0x47,0x6b, + 0x3,0x47,0x68, 0x2,0x4b,0x66, 0x2,0x4b,0x61, 0x3,0x47,0x67, + 0x1,0x69,0x5e, 0x3,0x65,0x5b, 0x1,0x69,0x59, 0xf,0x49,0x4b, + 0x3,0x65,0x5a, 0x2,0x4b,0x6a, 0xf,0x49,0x5f, 0x1,0x69,0x5a, + 0x2,0x51,0x6f, 0x2,0x51,0x6c, 0x2,0x51,0x78, 0x2,0x51,0x72, + 0x2,0x51,0x74, 0x1,0x6d,0x5e, 0x2,0x51,0x6e, 0x2,0x51,0x76, + 0x3,0x4d,0x2a, 0x3,0x4d,0x24, 0x2,0x51,0x75, 0x2,0x51,0x73, + 0x3,0x4d,0x29, 0x2,0x51,0x79, 0x1,0x6d,0x61, 0x2,0x51,0x70, + 0x2,0x51,0x77, 0x3,0x4d,0x28, 0x1,0x6d,0x5f, 0x3,0x4d,0x25, + 0x3,0x4d,0x22, 0x2,0x51,0x6b, 0x2,0x51,0x6d, 0x1,0x6d,0x60, + 0x2,0x51,0x6a, 0x2,0x51,0x7a, 0x3,0x65,0x5c, 0x2,0x51,0x71, + 0x3,0x51,0x62, 0x3,0x51,0x5a, 0x2,0x58,0x36, 0x1,0x71,0x3b, + 0x3,0x51,0x60, 0x3,0x51,0x5c, 0x2,0x58,0x41, 0x2,0x58,0x3f, + 0x1,0x71,0x35, 0x2,0x58,0x35, 0x2,0x58,0x38, 0x2,0x58,0x39, + 0x2,0x58,0x34, 0x1,0x71,0x3f, 0x1,0x71,0x40, 0x2,0x58,0x33, + 0x2,0x58,0x42, 0x2,0x58,0x3d, 0x1,0x71,0x39, 0x1,0x71,0x36, + 0x2,0x58,0x3c, 0x2,0x58,0x3a, 0x3,0x51,0x63, 0x4,0x51,0x23, + 0x1,0x71,0x3c, 0x2,0x58,0x3e, 0x1,0x71,0x37, 0x3,0x51,0x5e, + 0x1,0x71,0x38, 0x3,0x51,0x66, 0x2,0x58,0x3b, 0x1,0x71,0x3a, + 0x2,0x58,0x37, 0x7,0x2f,0x4f, 0x2,0x58,0x40, 0x1,0x71,0x3d, + 0x2,0x58,0x43, 0x2,0x58,0x44, 0x1,0x71,0x3e, 0x3,0x65,0x5d, + 0x3,0x65,0x5e, 0x1,0x74,0x32, 0x1,0x74,0x39, 0x2,0x5d,0x48, + 0x2,0x5d,0x4e, 0x3,0x55,0x3c, 0x2,0x5d,0x4c, 0x1,0x74,0x35, + 0x1,0x74,0x34, 0x1,0x74,0x31, 0x2,0x5d,0x4a, 0x3,0x55,0x3e, + 0x3,0x55,0x43, 0x3,0x55,0x40, 0x1,0x74,0x37, 0x1,0x74,0x36, + 0x1,0x74,0x33, 0x3,0x55,0x41, 0x2,0x5d,0x4d, 0x2,0x5d,0x49, + 0x2,0x5d,0x4b, 0x3,0x55,0x42, 0x1,0x74,0x38, 0xf,0x5a,0x73, + 0x1,0x76,0x63, 0x2,0x62,0x29, 0x3,0x58,0x2d, 0x1,0x76,0x60, + 0x1,0x76,0x61, 0x2,0x62,0x2b, 0x1,0x76,0x62, 0x2,0x62,0x28, + 0x3,0x58,0x2e, 0x2,0x62,0x27, 0x2,0x65,0x76, 0x2,0x62,0x2a, + 0x3,0x5a,0x56, 0x2,0x65,0x77, 0x1,0x78,0x47, 0x2,0x65,0x75, + 0x3,0x5a,0x57, 0x4,0x5f,0x7e, 0x2,0x65,0x74, 0x3,0x5c,0x59, + 0x2,0x65,0x73, 0x1,0x78,0x48, 0x3,0x65,0x5f, 0x3,0x5c,0x56, + 0x1,0x79,0x77, 0x3,0x5c,0x58, 0x3,0x5c,0x55, 0x2,0x69,0x39, + 0x2,0x69,0x3a, 0x3,0x5a,0x58, 0x3,0x5c,0x53, 0x3,0x5c,0x57, + 0x3,0x65,0x61, 0x2,0x6b,0x6a, 0x2,0x6b,0x69, 0x1,0x7a,0x75, + 0x3,0x5f,0x53, 0x2,0x6b,0x68, 0x2,0x6d,0x5a, 0x2,0x6d,0x5b, + 0x3,0x5f,0x54, 0x3,0x60,0x39, 0x2,0x6f,0x35, 0x2,0x70,0x3f, + 0x3,0x61,0x43, 0x3,0x61,0x42, 0x2,0x71,0x26, 0x2,0x72,0x2c, + 0x1,0x7d,0x46, 0x2,0x72,0x40, 0x1,0x45,0x57, 0x4,0x21,0x51, + 0x1,0x4e,0x67, 0x1,0x4e,0x68, 0x3,0x2d,0x69, 0x4,0x2a,0x2a, + 0x1,0x52,0x3b, 0x3,0x3d,0x22, 0x4,0x4a,0x6c, 0x1,0x74,0x3a, + 0x1,0x45,0x58, 0x1,0x4e,0x69, 0x1,0x56,0x55, 0x1,0x65,0x25, + 0x1,0x45,0x59, 0x3,0x2d,0x6b, 0x1,0x5b,0x73, 0x1,0x69,0x5f, + 0x2,0x21,0x42, 0x3,0x29,0x7c, 0x2,0x2b,0x77, 0x2,0x30,0x60, + 0x4,0x3e,0x4c, 0x2,0x4b,0x6b, 0x4,0x4a,0x6d, 0x1,0x74,0x3b, + 0x1,0x45,0x5a, 0x1,0x4e,0x6a, 0x2,0x2b,0x78, 0x2,0x2b,0x79, + 0x2,0x3d,0x6a, 0x1,0x60,0x56, 0x3,0x42,0x5d, 0x2,0x44,0x68, + 0x3,0x42,0x5c, 0x3,0x42,0x5b, 0x1,0x65,0x26, 0x2,0x4b,0x6c, + 0x4,0x44,0x5e, 0x3,0x4d,0x2e, 0x1,0x6d,0x62, 0x3,0x4d,0x2d, + 0x1,0x78,0x49, 0x1,0x45,0x5b, 0x2,0x3d,0x6b, 0x1,0x45,0x5c, + 0x1,0x48,0x4a, 0x2,0x22,0x62, 0x1,0x48,0x49, 0x1,0x4b,0x28, + 0x1,0x4b,0x27, 0x1,0x4b,0x26, 0x2,0x24,0x60, 0x3,0x26,0x64, + 0x3,0x2a,0x21, 0x3,0x2a,0x22, 0x1,0x4e,0x6b, 0x3,0x2a,0x23, + 0x1,0x4e,0x6c, 0x2,0x27,0x7b, 0x4,0x27,0x31, 0x2,0x2b,0x7a, + 0x3,0x2d,0x6d, 0x2,0x2b,0x7d, 0x1,0x52,0x3d, 0x2,0x2b,0x7b, + 0x4,0x2a,0x2f, 0x1,0x52,0x3c, 0x2,0x2b,0x7c, 0x1,0x52,0x3e, + 0x2,0x30,0x63, 0x2,0x30,0x62, 0x2,0x30,0x61, 0x1,0x56,0x56, + 0x3,0x32,0x36, 0x2,0x37,0x22, 0x2,0x37,0x23, 0x1,0x5b,0x74, + 0x2,0x37,0x21, 0x2,0x37,0x24, 0x1,0x60,0x58, 0x1,0x5b,0x75, + 0x3,0x3d,0x24, 0x3,0x3d,0x23, 0x1,0x60,0x57, 0x2,0x3d,0x6f, + 0x2,0x3d,0x6e, 0x3,0x3d,0x25, 0x2,0x3d,0x6c, 0x2,0x3d,0x6d, + 0x2,0x3d,0x70, 0x2,0x44,0x6a, 0x2,0x44,0x69, 0x2,0x44,0x6d, + 0x4,0x3e,0x4f, 0x2,0x44,0x6c, 0x2,0x44,0x6b, 0x1,0x69,0x60, + 0x2,0x4b,0x6f, 0x3,0x47,0x75, 0x2,0x4b,0x6e, 0x1,0x69,0x61, + 0x2,0x4b,0x6d, 0x2,0x51,0x7b, 0x3,0x4d,0x2f, 0x2,0x51,0x7c, + 0x1,0x6d,0x63, 0x4,0x51,0x2d, 0x2,0x58,0x45, 0x2,0x58,0x46, + 0x5,0x4e,0x37, 0x2,0x65,0x7c, 0x1,0x78,0x4a, 0x2,0x65,0x7b, + 0x2,0x65,0x7a, 0x2,0x65,0x78, 0x2,0x65,0x79, 0x1,0x7a,0x76, + 0x2,0x69,0x3b, 0x2,0x6d,0x5c, 0x2,0x71,0x27, 0x3,0x61,0x7b, + 0x1,0x45,0x5d, 0x4,0x21,0x38, 0x2,0x21,0x64, 0x1,0x46,0x67, + 0x2,0x21,0x65, 0x3,0x24,0x2c, 0x3,0x24,0x2d, 0x4,0x23,0x27, + 0x2,0x22,0x63, 0x2,0x22,0x64, 0x3,0x26,0x6b, 0x3,0x26,0x69, + 0x2,0x24,0x66, 0x3,0x26,0x66, 0x3,0x26,0x67, 0x2,0x24,0x62, + 0x3,0x26,0x6a, 0x2,0x24,0x61, 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0x1,0x65,0x2f, 0x1,0x65,0x2e, + 0x3,0x48,0x25, 0x3,0x47,0x7e, 0x2,0x4b,0x74, 0x1,0x69,0x65, + 0x1,0x69,0x64, 0x3,0x47,0x7c, 0x3,0x47,0x7d, 0x2,0x4b,0x79, + 0x3,0x48,0x22, 0x1,0x6d,0x66, 0x1,0x69,0x66, 0x3,0x48,0x21, + 0x3,0x47,0x7b, 0x1,0x69,0x68, 0x2,0x4b,0x7a, 0x1,0x65,0x2b, + 0x1,0x69,0x67, 0x2,0x4b,0x76, 0x2,0x4b,0x78, 0x2,0x4b,0x75, + 0x3,0x48,0x27, 0x2,0x4b,0x77, 0x3,0x48,0x23, 0xf,0x49,0x76, + 0x2,0x52,0x33, 0x3,0x4d,0x31, 0x3,0x4d,0x3b, 0x2,0x52,0x32, + 0x2,0x52,0x2f, 0x1,0x6d,0x69, 0x2,0x58,0x4e, 0x1,0x6d,0x6a, + 0x2,0x52,0x2e, 0x3,0x4d,0x39, 0x1,0x6d,0x68, 0x3,0x4d,0x36, + 0x2,0x52,0x30, 0x2,0x52,0x2d, 0x2,0x52,0x2a, 0x2,0x52,0x31, + 0x2,0x52,0x2b, 0x2,0x52,0x2c, 0x1,0x6d,0x67, 0x3,0x4d,0x35, + 0x3,0x65,0x68, 0x4,0x51,0x39, 0x2,0x5d,0x55, 0x4,0x51,0x3a, + 0x2,0x58,0x52, 0x3,0x4d,0x3a, 0x2,0x58,0x51, 0x2,0x58,0x53, + 0x3,0x51,0x6a, 0x2,0x5d,0x52, 0x1,0x71,0x44, 0x4,0x51,0x38, + 0x2,0x58,0x4f, 0x3,0x51,0x67, 0x1,0x71,0x42, 0x3,0x51,0x6c, + 0x1,0x71,0x46, 0x1,0x71,0x45, 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0x2,0x45,0x25, 0x1,0x71,0x47, + 0x1,0x78,0x4f, 0x1,0x7b,0x67, 0x2,0x70,0x41, 0x1,0x46,0x6b, + 0x2,0x28,0x31, 0x1,0x23,0x22, 0x4,0x2a,0x3c, 0x3,0x2e,0x22, + 0x2,0x2c,0x39, 0x3,0x2e,0x21, 0x2,0x2c,0x3a, 0x3,0x2e,0x24, + 0x3,0x32,0x48, 0x2,0x31,0x21, 0x2,0x31,0x22, 0x1,0x5c,0x25, + 0x1,0x5c,0x26, 0xf,0x36,0x67, 0x3,0x3d,0x3d, 0x4,0x39,0x25, + 0x2,0x3e,0x2f, 0x2,0x45,0x28, 0x2,0x45,0x27, 0x2,0x45,0x26, + 0x2,0x4b,0x7b, 0x3,0x42,0x77, 0x2,0x4b,0x7c, 0x2,0x4b,0x7d, + 0x1,0x69,0x69, 0x3,0x48,0x28, 0x2,0x52,0x35, 0x2,0x52,0x34, + 0x3,0x4d,0x3d, 0x3,0x51,0x6d, 0x2,0x58,0x55, 0x1,0x71,0x48, + 0x1,0x71,0x49, 0x3,0x51,0x6e, 0x2,0x5d,0x5e, 0x2,0x5d,0x5b, + 0x2,0x5d,0x5c, 0x2,0x5d,0x5d, 0x2,0x62,0x36, 0x2,0x62,0x35, + 0x1,0x76,0x68, 0x2,0x66,0x23, 0x2,0x6b,0x6c, 0x1,0x46,0x6c, + 0x1,0x52,0x49, 0x3,0x37,0x44, 0x1,0x5c,0x27, 0x2,0x45,0x29, + 0x3,0x42,0x78, 0x1,0x46,0x6d, 0x4,0x2a,0x40, 0x2,0x31,0x23, + 0x1,0x5c,0x28, 0x3,0x37,0x45, 0x3,0x3d,0x3e, 0x1,0x60,0x69, + 0x1,0x60,0x6a, 0x5,0x47,0x49, 0x1,0x46,0x6e, 0x1,0x46,0x6f, + 0x2,0x22,0x66, 0x1,0x4b,0x2d, 0x1,0x4b,0x2c, 0x1,0x52,0x4a, + 0x2,0x2c,0x3b, 0x2,0x3e,0x30, 0x1,0x46,0x70, 0x1,0x46,0x71, + 0x1,0x46,0x72, 0x1,0x46,0x73, 0x4,0x23,0x2b, 0x1,0x4b,0x2e, + 0x1,0x4b,0x2f, 0x2,0x24,0x6e, 0x2,0x24,0x6d, 0x3,0x2a,0x37, + 0x1,0x4e,0x77, 0x2,0x28,0x34, 0x2,0x28,0x32, 0x2,0x28,0x33, + 0x3,0x2a,0x38, 0x3,0x2a,0x35, 0x4,0x27,0x40, 0x3,0x2a,0x36, + 0x3,0x2e,0x27, 0x2,0x2c,0x3c, 0x2,0x2c,0x3d, 0x3,0x2e,0x25, + 0x3,0x2e,0x28, 0x1,0x52,0x4e, 0x1,0x52,0x4c, 0x3,0x2e,0x2a, + 0x1,0x52,0x4d, 0x1,0x52,0x4b, 0x3,0x2e,0x26, 0xf,0x2b,0x7a, + 0xf,0x2c,0x4a, 0x1,0x56,0x63, 0x3,0x32,0x4e, 0x3,0x32,0x4d, + 0x3,0x32,0x50, 0x3,0x32,0x4f, 0x1,0x56,0x67, 0x1,0x56,0x66, + 0x2,0x31,0x24, 0x1,0x56,0x65, 0x1,0x56,0x64, 0x3,0x32,0x51, + 0x2,0x31,0x25, 0x3,0x37,0x46, 0x1,0x5c,0x2b, 0x2,0x37,0x40, + 0x2,0x37,0x3f, 0x1,0x5c,0x29, 0x1,0x5c,0x2a, 0x3,0x37,0x49, + 0x3,0x37,0x47, 0x1,0x60,0x6c, 0x1,0x60,0x6b, 0x2,0x3e,0x32, + 0x3,0x3d,0x43, 0x3,0x3d,0x42, 0x2,0x3e,0x31, 0x1,0x5c,0x2c, + 0x3,0x3d,0x44, 0x4,0x39,0x2c, 0x4,0x3e,0x6b, 0x1,0x65,0x35, + 0x2,0x45,0x2b, 0x1,0x65,0x36, 0x2,0x45,0x2a, 0x3,0x42,0x7b, + 0x4,0x44,0x7c, 0x4,0x44,0x7b, 0x2,0x4b,0x7e, 0x2,0x52,0x36, + 0x1,0x6d,0x6b, 0x2,0x58,0x56, 0x3,0x51,0x70, 0x3,0x55,0x52, + 0x2,0x5d,0x5f, 0x4,0x5b,0x74, 0x1,0x78,0x51, 0x1,0x78,0x50, + 0x4,0x63,0x68, 0x3,0x5c,0x62, 0x1,0x7b,0x68, 0x1,0x46,0x74, + 0x2,0x28,0x35, 0x3,0x3d,0x45, 0x1,0x5c,0x2d, 0x2,0x4c,0x21, + 0x1,0x69,0x6a, 0x3,0x22,0x5b, 0x3,0x26,0x73, 0x2,0x24,0x6f, + 0x2,0x24,0x70, 0x2,0x28,0x36, 0x1,0x4e,0x79, 0x1,0x4e,0x7a, + 0x3,0x2a,0x3a, 0x4,0x27,0x43, 0x1,0x4e,0x78, 0x3,0x2a,0x3b, + 0x1,0x52,0x52, 0x1,0x52,0x53, 0x1,0x52,0x50, 0x1,0x52,0x51, + 0x3,0x2e,0x2b, 0x2,0x2c,0x3e, 0x3,0x2e,0x2f, 0x4,0x2a,0x4a, + 0x2,0x2c,0x3f, 0x1,0x52,0x4f, 0x2,0x31,0x26, 0x3,0x32,0x57, + 0x1,0x56,0x6b, 0x1,0x56,0x6c, 0x3,0x32,0x55, 0x1,0x5c,0x30, + 0x2,0x31,0x2c, 0x4,0x2e,0x40, 0x1,0x56,0x71, 0x1,0x56,0x6f, + 0x2,0x31,0x2d, 0x2,0x31,0x28, 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0x2,0x45,0x2f, 0x3,0x48,0x2b, + 0x2,0x4c,0x23, 0x1,0x69,0x6e, 0x2,0x4c,0x27, 0x1,0x69,0x6d, + 0x2,0x4c,0x24, 0x1,0x69,0x6c, 0x3,0x48,0x29, 0x2,0x45,0x2e, + 0x2,0x45,0x35, 0x2,0x4c,0x26, 0x4,0x44,0x7e, 0x1,0x69,0x6f, + 0x2,0x4c,0x28, 0x2,0x4c,0x25, 0x2,0x4c,0x22, 0x2,0x52,0x39, + 0x2,0x52,0x3d, 0x2,0x52,0x3f, 0x2,0x52,0x3b, 0x2,0x52,0x3a, + 0x2,0x52,0x38, 0x1,0x6d,0x6e, 0x1,0x6d,0x6c, 0x1,0x6d,0x71, + 0x1,0x6d,0x72, 0x2,0x52,0x3c, 0x1,0x6d,0x6f, 0x2,0x52,0x37, + 0x1,0x6d,0x70, 0x1,0x69,0x6b, 0x2,0x52,0x3e, 0x1,0x6d,0x6d, + 0x3,0x51,0x71, 0x2,0x58,0x58, 0x4,0x51,0x4f, 0x2,0x58,0x57, + 0x2,0x58,0x5f, 0x2,0x58,0x59, 0x2,0x58,0x5e, 0x2,0x58,0x5b, + 0x1,0x71,0x4a, 0x2,0x58,0x5d, 0x3,0x51,0x73, 0x3,0x51,0x72, + 0x1,0x71,0x4b, 0x4,0x51,0x4d, 0x1,0x71,0x4c, 0x3,0x51,0x74, + 0x2,0x58,0x5c, 0x2,0x58,0x5a, 0x4,0x57,0x21, 0x4,0x57,0x24, + 0x1,0x74,0x43, 0x2,0x5d,0x60, 0x3,0x55,0x55, 0x3,0x55,0x53, + 0x1,0x74,0x42, 0x2,0x5d,0x63, 0x2,0x5d,0x61, 0x2,0x5d,0x62, + 0x5,0x55,0x69, 0x5,0x5c,0x36, 0x1,0x74,0x44, 0x3,0x55,0x54, + 0x3,0x58,0x34, 0x2,0x62,0x3a, 0x3,0x58,0x33, 0x1,0x76,0x6b, + 0x2,0x62,0x3b, 0x4,0x5b,0x75, 0x4,0x5b,0x79, 0x1,0x76,0x69, + 0x2,0x62,0x3c, 0x1,0x76,0x6a, 0x2,0x62,0x39, 0x2,0x62,0x3d, + 0x3,0x58,0x32, 0x2,0x62,0x37, 0x1,0x78,0x52, 0x2,0x66,0x24, + 0x1,0x78,0x53, 0x1,0x79,0x7a, 0x2,0x62,0x38, 0x1,0x79,0x7b, + 0x3,0x5e,0x3f, 0x3,0x5e,0x3e, 0x1,0x7a,0x79, 0x2,0x6b,0x6d, + 0x1,0x7b,0x6a, 0x2,0x6d,0x62, 0x1,0x7b,0x69, 0x3,0x60,0x3b, + 0x2,0x6f,0x39, 0x1,0x7c,0x61, 0x1,0x7c,0x62, 0x3,0x65,0x6a, + 0x7,0x64,0x52, 0x2,0x72,0x3a, 0x3,0x22,0x5c, 0x3,0x65,0x6b, + 0x1,0x52,0x54, 0x2,0x2c,0x40, 0x1,0x60,0x74, 0x1,0x60,0x75, + 0x1,0x46,0x75, 0x1,0x48,0x4b, 0x2,0x22,0x67, 0x3,0x26,0x74, + 0x2,0x24,0x71, 0x1,0x4b,0x30, 0x3,0x26,0x76, 0x1,0x4e,0x7b, + 0x4,0x2a,0x4c, 0x1,0x52,0x55, 0x1,0x52,0x56, 0x1,0x52,0x57, + 0x2,0x37,0x49, 0x2,0x31,0x2e, 0x1,0x56,0x72, 0x4,0x2e,0x41, + 0x4,0x2e,0x43, 0x1,0x5c,0x33, 0x2,0x37,0x48, 0x3,0x37,0x4d, + 0x2,0x3e,0x3c, 0x1,0x60,0x77, 0x3,0x3d,0x4c, 0x2,0x3e,0x3b, + 0x1,0x60,0x76, 0x3,0x42,0x7e, 0x3,0x43,0x21, 0x2,0x45,0x3b, + 0x1,0x6d,0x73, 0x2,0x52,0x43, 0x2,0x52,0x40, 0x2,0x52,0x41, + 0x2,0x52,0x42, 0x4,0x51,0x54, 0x4,0x51,0x55, 0x3,0x51,0x76, + 0x5,0x5c,0x43, 0x3,0x55,0x56, 0x2,0x5d,0x64, 0x3,0x55,0x57, + 0x2,0x62,0x3e, 0x4,0x5b,0x7c, 0x4,0x5b,0x7d, 0x3,0x5a,0x5e, + 0x2,0x69,0x40, 0x2,0x69,0x3f, 0x4,0x66,0x5a, 0x2,0x6d,0x63, + 0x1,0x46,0x76, 0x2,0x28,0x37, 0x1,0x56,0x73, 0x3,0x3d,0x4d, + 0x1,0x60,0x78, 0x2,0x45,0x3c, 0x4,0x45,0x34, 0x3,0x48,0x30, + 0x2,0x4c,0x29, 0x3,0x48,0x2e, 0x1,0x6d,0x74, 0x2,0x58,0x60, + 0x3,0x65,0x6c, 0x2,0x62,0x3f, 0x2,0x69,0x41, 0x1,0x46,0x77, + 0x3,0x26,0x77, 0x3,0x26,0x78, 0x1,0x4e,0x7c, 0x1,0x52,0x5a, + 0x2,0x2c,0x41, 0x1,0x52,0x5b, 0x1,0x52,0x59, 0x3,0x2e,0x32, + 0x1,0x52,0x58, 0x2,0x31,0x2f, 0x1,0x56,0x74, 0x3,0x32,0x5a, + 0x3,0x32,0x5b, 0x1,0x56,0x75, 0x1,0x56,0x76, 0x1,0x5c,0x35, + 0x2,0x37,0x4a, 0x1,0x5c,0x34, 0x3,0x37,0x50, 0x3,0x37,0x52, + 0x3,0x37,0x51, 0xf,0x37,0x23, 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0x1,0x4b,0x32, 0x4,0x27,0x52, + 0x1,0x4f,0x21, 0x3,0x2e,0x36, 0x2,0x2c,0x4a, 0x2,0x2c,0x4b, + 0x1,0x56,0x7b, 0x4,0x33,0x5b, 0x2,0x3e,0x48, 0x1,0x60,0x7b, + 0x1,0x65,0x4e, 0x1,0x74,0x4c, 0x2,0x5d,0x6e, 0x2,0x66,0x28, + 0x2,0x69,0x47, 0x1,0x46,0x7b, 0x3,0x26,0x7b, 0x3,0x26,0x7c, + 0xf,0x25,0x23, 0x2,0x28,0x41, 0x2,0x28,0x3c, 0x2,0x28,0x3e, + 0x2,0x28,0x40, 0x2,0x28,0x3f, 0x2,0x28,0x3d, 0x1,0x4f,0x22, + 0xf,0x28,0x34, 0x1,0x52,0x65, 0x2,0x2c,0x54, 0x3,0x2e,0x39, + 0x2,0x2c,0x4f, 0x2,0x2c,0x4c, 0x3,0x2e,0x3b, 0x3,0x2e,0x3e, + 0x2,0x2c,0x53, 0x3,0x2e,0x37, 0x3,0x2e,0x3a, 0x1,0x52,0x67, + 0x1,0x52,0x68, 0x2,0x2c,0x52, 0x2,0x2c,0x51, 0x2,0x2c,0x50, + 0x2,0x2c,0x4d, 0x2,0x2c,0x4e, 0x2,0x2c,0x55, 0x1,0x52,0x66, + 0x3,0x2e,0x3d, 0xf,0x2c,0x5c, 0x3,0x65,0x6d, 0x3,0x65,0x6e, + 0x1,0x57,0x21, 0x3,0x66,0x7c, 0x1,0x57,0x27, 0x1,0x57,0x26, + 0x2,0x31,0x44, 0x2,0x31,0x3e, 0x2,0x31,0x3c, 0x3,0x32,0x6c, + 0x1,0x57,0x24, 0x2,0x37,0x5c, 0x1,0x56,0x7d, 0x2,0x31,0x41, + 0x2,0x31,0x45, 0x2,0x31,0x47, 0x2,0x31,0x43, 0x2,0x31,0x3d, + 0x1,0x57,0x25, 0x2,0x31,0x42, 0x2,0x31,0x40, 0x1,0x56,0x7c, + 0x2,0x31,0x48, 0x1,0x57,0x28, 0x2,0x31,0x46, 0x1,0x57,0x22, + 0x2,0x31,0x3f, 0x3,0x32,0x6d, 0x1,0x57,0x23, 0x1,0x56,0x7e, + 0x3,0x65,0x6f, 0x3,0x37,0x62, 0x1,0x5c,0x3e, 0x4,0x33,0x5d, + 0x2,0x37,0x5d, 0x3,0x37,0x63, 0x3,0x37,0x5d, 0x2,0x37,0x56, + 0x2,0x37,0x58, 0x2,0x37,0x5a, 0x3,0x37,0x5f, 0x2,0x37,0x5b, + 0x2,0x37,0x59, 0x1,0x5c,0x3f, 0x3,0x37,0x61, 0x2,0x37,0x5e, + 0x3,0x37,0x60, 0x2,0x37,0x57, 0x3,0x65,0x70, 0x3,0x65,0x71, + 0x3,0x65,0x72, 0x2,0x3e,0x4c, 0x1,0x60,0x7c, 0x2,0x3e,0x54, + 0x3,0x3d,0x5c, 0x2,0x3e,0x49, 0x6,0x4c,0x2f, 0x2,0x3e,0x55, + 0x3,0x3d,0x59, 0x2,0x3e,0x4a, 0x2,0x3e,0x4b, 0x3,0x3d,0x5d, + 0x4,0x39,0x54, 0x2,0x3e,0x53, 0x2,0x3e,0x52, 0x2,0x3e,0x4f, + 0x1,0x5c,0x3d, 0x1,0x60,0x7d, 0x2,0x3e,0x4d, 0x2,0x3e,0x50, + 0x1,0x60,0x7e, 0x2,0x3e,0x51, 0x2,0x3e,0x4e, 0x3,0x3d,0x5a, + 0x3,0x43,0x31, 0x2,0x45,0x54, 0x3,0x43,0x2d, 0x2,0x45,0x58, + 0x1,0x65,0x55, 0x3,0x43,0x2e, 0x2,0x4c,0x38, 0x1,0x65,0x58, + 0x2,0x45,0x56, 0x3,0x43,0x37, 0x3,0x43,0x29, 0x2,0x45,0x53, + 0x2,0x45,0x4e, 0x2,0x45,0x50, 0x2,0x45,0x51, 0x2,0x45,0x4a, + 0x3,0x43,0x35, 0x1,0x65,0x54, 0x3,0x43,0x2b, 0x3,0x43,0x30, + 0x1,0x65,0x53, 0x3,0x43,0x34, 0x1,0x65,0x4f, 0x2,0x45,0x4d, + 0x3,0x43,0x2a, 0x1,0x65,0x56, 0x3,0x43,0x36, 0x1,0x65,0x57, + 0x2,0x45,0x4c, 0x2,0x45,0x4f, 0x2,0x45,0x57, 0x1,0x65,0x51, + 0x1,0x65,0x52, 0x2,0x45,0x55, 0x2,0x45,0x4b, 0xf,0x44,0x25, + 0x4,0x45,0x53, 0x2,0x4c,0x3a, 0x1,0x69,0x77, 0x2,0x4c,0x3c, + 0x2,0x45,0x52, 0x2,0x4c,0x3e, 0x1,0x69,0x7b, 0x2,0x4c,0x3f, + 0x2,0x4c,0x3b, 0x3,0x48,0x3e, 0x1,0x69,0x78, 0x2,0x4c,0x37, + 0x1,0x69,0x7a, 0x2,0x4c,0x34, 0x2,0x4c,0x39, 0x2,0x4c,0x3d, + 0x2,0x4c,0x36, 0x3,0x48,0x3f, 0x3,0x48,0x45, 0x1,0x65,0x50, + 0x3,0x48,0x44, 0x2,0x4c,0x33, 0x1,0x69,0x79, 0x2,0x4c,0x35, + 0x3,0x65,0x73, 0x3,0x48,0x40, 0xf,0x4a,0x3f, 0x1,0x6d,0x7d, + 0x2,0x52,0x49, 0x1,0x6e,0x23, 0x4,0x4b,0x59, 0x1,0x6e,0x21, + 0x4,0x4b,0x57, 0x3,0x4d,0x4a, 0x1,0x69,0x76, 0x3,0x4d,0x4d, + 0x2,0x52,0x50, 0x2,0x52,0x51, 0x1,0x6d,0x7c, 0x3,0x4d,0x48, + 0x3,0x4d,0x4c, 0x2,0x52,0x4f, 0x2,0x52,0x52, 0x1,0x6d,0x7e, + 0x1,0x6d,0x7b, 0x2,0x52,0x4b, 0x2,0x52,0x48, 0x2,0x52,0x4d, + 0x2,0x52,0x4a, 0x1,0x6e,0x24, 0x2,0x52,0x4c, 0x3,0x4d,0x4b, + 0x3,0x4d,0x49, 0x2,0x52,0x4e, 0x1,0x6e,0x22, 0x3,0x52,0x21, + 0x3,0x65,0x74, 0x1,0x71,0x54, 0x2,0x58,0x72, 0x3,0x52,0x24, + 0x2,0x58,0x6c, 0x2,0x58,0x70, 0x2,0x58,0x76, 0x2,0x58,0x77, + 0x2,0x58,0x73, 0x2,0x58,0x74, 0x2,0x58,0x71, 0x4,0x4b,0x5d, + 0x2,0x58,0x6e, 0x4,0x51,0x6e, 0x1,0x71,0x56, 0x1,0x71,0x53, + 0x2,0x58,0x6d, 0x2,0x58,0x6f, 0x3,0x52,0x22, 0x1,0x71,0x55, + 0x2,0x58,0x75, 0x3,0x65,0x75, 0x1,0x74,0x50, 0x3,0x55,0x60, + 0x3,0x55,0x62, 0x2,0x5d,0x75, 0x2,0x5d,0x6f, 0x1,0x74,0x4f, + 0x4,0x57,0x3e, 0x1,0x74,0x4d, 0x3,0x55,0x61, 0x2,0x5d,0x77, + 0x1,0x74,0x4e, 0x2,0x5d,0x72, 0x2,0x5d,0x73, 0x2,0x5d,0x70, + 0x2,0x5d,0x78, 0x2,0x5d,0x74, 0x4,0x57,0x40, 0x1,0x74,0x51, + 0x2,0x5d,0x71, 0x2,0x5d,0x79, 0x2,0x5d,0x76, 0x3,0x58,0x43, + 0x3,0x58,0x3e, 0x3,0x58,0x40, 0x2,0x62,0x46, 0x3,0x58,0x3f, + 0x3,0x58,0x3c, 0x2,0x62,0x43, 0x3,0x58,0x42, 0x1,0x76,0x70, + 0x4,0x5c,0x32, 0x2,0x62,0x47, 0x2,0x62,0x49, 0x2,0x62,0x48, + 0x2,0x62,0x44, 0x2,0x62,0x45, 0x3,0x58,0x44, 0x2,0x66,0x2d, + 0x3,0x5a,0x61, 0x1,0x78,0x55, 0x3,0x5a,0x62, 0x2,0x66,0x2a, + 0x2,0x66,0x2c, 0x2,0x66,0x29, 0x2,0x66,0x2e, 0x4,0x60,0x42, + 0x3,0x5a,0x63, 0x2,0x66,0x2b, 0x3,0x65,0x76, 0x2,0x69,0x49, + 0x2,0x69,0x4c, 0x2,0x69,0x48, 0x1,0x79,0x7c, 0x2,0x69,0x4a, + 0x2,0x69,0x4b, 0x2,0x69,0x4d, 0x1,0x79,0x7d, 0x1,0x7a,0x21, + 0x1,0x79,0x7e, 0x2,0x6b,0x6f, 0x3,0x5e,0x45, 0x2,0x6b,0x71, + 0x3,0x5e,0x43, 0x2,0x6b,0x70, 0x3,0x5e,0x44, 0x2,0x6d,0x64, + 0xf,0x6a,0x66, 0x3,0x60,0x3c, 0x2,0x70,0x43, 0x2,0x71,0x2a, + 0x1,0x46,0x7c, 0x3,0x24,0x33, 0x2,0x24,0x72, 0x1,0x4f,0x23, + 0x2,0x28,0x43, 0x1,0x4f,0x24, 0x1,0x4f,0x25, 0x2,0x28,0x42, + 0x2,0x2c,0x5a, 0x2,0x2c,0x59, 0x1,0x52,0x69, 0x1,0x52,0x6c, + 0x1,0x52,0x6b, 0x1,0x52,0x6a, 0x2,0x2c,0x56, 0x2,0x2c,0x58, + 0x2,0x2c,0x57, 0x3,0x65,0x77, 0x2,0x31,0x4b, 0x1,0x57,0x2a, + 0x2,0x31,0x4f, 0x2,0x31,0x4e, 0x2,0x31,0x4d, 0x2,0x31,0x49, + 0x1,0x57,0x29, 0x1,0x57,0x2d, 0x1,0x57,0x30, 0x3,0x32,0x6f, + 0x3,0x32,0x70, 0x1,0x57,0x31, 0x2,0x31,0x4a, 0x2,0x31,0x4c, + 0x1,0x57,0x2f, 0x1,0x57,0x2e, 0x1,0x57,0x2c, 0x1,0x57,0x2b, + 0x2,0x37,0x65, 0x3,0x32,0x72, 0x2,0x37,0x63, 0x2,0x37,0x5f, + 0x1,0x5c,0x40, 0x3,0x3d,0x5e, 0x2,0x37,0x60, 0x1,0x5c,0x41, + 0x2,0x37,0x61, 0x2,0x37,0x62, 0x2,0x37,0x64, 0x3,0x37,0x66, + 0x1,0x5c,0x42, 0x3,0x37,0x65, 0x2,0x3e,0x59, 0x3,0x3d,0x5f, + 0x2,0x3e,0x58, 0x2,0x3e,0x57, 0x2,0x3e,0x56, 0x3,0x3d,0x64, + 0x3,0x3d,0x62, 0x4,0x39,0x5a, 0x2,0x45,0x5c, 0x1,0x65,0x59, + 0x4,0x3f,0x46, 0x2,0x45,0x59, 0x2,0x45,0x5b, 0x3,0x43,0x38, + 0x1,0x65,0x5a, 0x3,0x43,0x3d, 0x1,0x65,0x5b, 0x2,0x45,0x5a, + 0x3,0x43,0x39, 0x3,0x3d,0x63, 0x3,0x65,0x78, 0x3,0x48,0x48, + 0x2,0x4c,0x48, 0x3,0x48,0x47, 0x2,0x4c,0x41, 0x2,0x4c,0x42, + 0x5,0x47,0x7e, 0x1,0x69,0x7e, 0x1,0x69,0x7c, 0x1,0x69,0x7d, + 0x2,0x4c,0x4a, 0x5,0x48,0x22, 0x2,0x4c,0x49, 0x2,0x4c,0x46, + 0x2,0x4c,0x45, 0x2,0x4c,0x44, 0x2,0x4c,0x43, 0x2,0x4c,0x47, + 0x2,0x4c,0x40, 0x3,0x65,0x79, 0x2,0x52,0x53, 0x2,0x52,0x58, + 0x2,0x52,0x56, 0x3,0x4d,0x50, 0x3,0x4d,0x51, 0x3,0x4d,0x4f, + 0x2,0x52,0x55, 0x2,0x52,0x54, 0x2,0x52,0x57, 0x3,0x65,0x7a, + 0x2,0x58,0x78, 0x3,0x52,0x26, 0x1,0x71,0x57, 0x1,0x74,0x52, + 0x2,0x5d,0x7b, 0x3,0x52,0x27, 0x1,0x74,0x53, 0x2,0x5d,0x7a, + 0x2,0x62,0x4b, 0x2,0x62,0x4a, 0x1,0x76,0x71, 0x3,0x58,0x45, + 0x2,0x66,0x2f, 0x1,0x78,0x56, 0x2,0x69,0x4e, 0x1,0x7b,0x6b, + 0x2,0x6d,0x65, 0x3,0x60,0x3d, 0x2,0x70,0x45, 0x2,0x70,0x44, + 0x2,0x21,0x67, 0x1,0x52,0x6d, 0x1,0x52,0x6e, 0x2,0x37,0x66, + 0x3,0x65,0x7b, 0x1,0x65,0x5d, 0x1,0x46,0x7d, 0x1,0x4b,0x35, + 0x1,0x4b,0x34, 0x1,0x4b,0x33, 0x4,0x24,0x68, 0x3,0x2a,0x3e, + 0x3,0x2a,0x3d, 0x2,0x28,0x44, 0x3,0x2a,0x3f, 0x3,0x2a,0x42, + 0x1,0x4f,0x27, 0x1,0x4f,0x26, 0x3,0x2a,0x44, 0x1,0x52,0x71, + 0x3,0x65,0x4c, 0x2,0x2c,0x5c, 0x2,0x2c,0x5f, 0x2,0x2c,0x5d, + 0x3,0x2e,0x42, 0x1,0x52,0x6f, 0x1,0x52,0x70, 0x3,0x2e,0x40, + 0x3,0x2e,0x41, 0x2,0x2c,0x5b, 0x2,0x2c,0x5e, 0x3,0x2e,0x43, + 0x1,0x57,0x38, 0x3,0x32,0x74, 0x3,0x32,0x73, 0x3,0x32,0x79, + 0x2,0x31,0x56, 0x2,0x31,0x58, 0x2,0x31,0x57, 0x1,0x57,0x35, + 0x2,0x31,0x52, 0x3,0x32,0x76, 0x3,0x32,0x7b, 0x1,0x57,0x33, + 0x1,0x57,0x32, 0x3,0x32,0x77, 0x1,0x57,0x36, 0x1,0x57,0x34, + 0x3,0x32,0x78, 0x1,0x57,0x37, 0x2,0x31,0x55, 0x2,0x31,0x50, + 0x2,0x31,0x51, 0x2,0x31,0x54, 0x2,0x31,0x53, 0x3,0x32,0x7c, + 0x3,0x37,0x69, 0x3,0x37,0x67, 0x3,0x37,0x6b, 0x3,0x37,0x6a, + 0x2,0x37,0x69, 0x2,0x37,0x6a, 0x2,0x37,0x68, 0x3,0x37,0x6c, + 0x2,0x37,0x67, 0x1,0x5c,0x43, 0xf,0x37,0x3f, 0x3,0x3d,0x65, + 0x1,0x61,0x25, 0x6,0x4c,0x48, 0x2,0x3e,0x5a, 0x2,0x3e,0x5c, + 0x2,0x3e,0x5e, 0x1,0x61,0x24, 0x6,0x4c,0x43, 0x3,0x3d,0x66, + 0x1,0x61,0x22, 0x3,0x3d,0x69, 0x2,0x3e,0x5b, 0x1,0x61,0x23, + 0x2,0x3e,0x5d, 0x1,0x61,0x21, 0x3,0x3d,0x68, 0x3,0x43,0x41, + 0x2,0x45,0x66, 0x2,0x45,0x5d, 0x2,0x45,0x60, 0x2,0x45,0x64, + 0x1,0x65,0x61, 0x2,0x45,0x62, 0x4,0x3f,0x50, 0x2,0x45,0x61, + 0x2,0x45,0x5e, 0x2,0x45,0x5f, 0x1,0x65,0x5f, 0x2,0x45,0x65, + 0x1,0x65,0x5e, 0x3,0x43,0x44, 0x1,0x65,0x63, 0x1,0x65,0x62, + 0x1,0x65,0x60, 0x4,0x3f,0x4a, 0x2,0x45,0x63, 0x3,0x65,0x24, + 0x2,0x4c,0x50, 0x4,0x45,0x5d, 0x2,0x4c,0x4f, 0x3,0x48,0x4b, + 0x3,0x48,0x4d, 0x2,0x4c,0x4b, 0x3,0x48,0x50, 0x3,0x48,0x4f, + 0x1,0x6a,0x21, 0x2,0x4c,0x4e, 0x2,0x4c,0x4d, 0x1,0x6a,0x22, + 0x3,0x48,0x52, 0xf,0x4a,0x64, 0x4,0x4b,0x63, 0x4,0x45,0x5e, + 0x4,0x4b,0x6b, 0x1,0x6e,0x29, 0x3,0x4d,0x55, 0x2,0x52,0x5a, + 0x3,0x4d,0x56, 0x1,0x6e,0x2a, 0x1,0x6e,0x26, 0x1,0x6e,0x28, + 0x3,0x4d,0x5a, 0x1,0x6e,0x25, 0x1,0x6e,0x27, 0x3,0x4d,0x53, + 0x3,0x4d,0x57, 0x2,0x58,0x79, 0x3,0x52,0x2a, 0x1,0x71,0x5a, + 0x2,0x58,0x7b, 0x2,0x58,0x7a, 0x3,0x55,0x64, 0x2,0x4c,0x4c, + 0x1,0x71,0x5c, 0x1,0x71,0x5b, 0x1,0x71,0x58, 0x1,0x71,0x59, + 0x3,0x52,0x2c, 0xf,0x5b,0x59, 0x3,0x52,0x29, 0x2,0x5e,0x22, + 0x4,0x57,0x49, 0x2,0x5d,0x7e, 0x1,0x74,0x54, 0x2,0x5e,0x21, + 0x4,0x57,0x48, 0x2,0x5e,0x23, 0x2,0x5d,0x7d, 0x2,0x5d,0x7c, + 0x2,0x62,0x4c, 0x1,0x76,0x74, 0x1,0x76,0x72, 0x1,0x76,0x73, + 0x3,0x5a,0x66, 0x4,0x60,0x45, 0x3,0x5a,0x65, 0x2,0x66,0x30, + 0x2,0x66,0x31, 0x1,0x78,0x58, 0x3,0x5a,0x67, 0x1,0x78,0x57, + 0x2,0x69,0x50, 0x2,0x69,0x51, 0x2,0x69,0x4f, 0x3,0x5c,0x64, + 0x2,0x6d,0x66, 0x2,0x6d,0x67, 0x3,0x60,0x76, 0x3,0x60,0x77, + 0x1,0x46,0x7e, 0x2,0x22,0x68, 0x1,0x4b,0x36, 0x2,0x28,0x45, + 0x1,0x4f,0x29, 0x1,0x4f,0x28, 0x2,0x28,0x46, 0x3,0x2e,0x44, + 0x3,0x2e,0x47, 0x2,0x2c,0x61, 0x1,0x52,0x72, 0x2,0x2c,0x60, + 0x1,0x52,0x73, 0x3,0x2e,0x49, 0x3,0x2e,0x48, 0x1,0x57,0x39, + 0x2,0x31,0x5b, 0x2,0x31,0x59, 0x2,0x31,0x5f, 0x1,0x57,0x3a, + 0x2,0x31,0x5a, 0x2,0x31,0x5e, 0x2,0x31,0x5c, 0x2,0x31,0x5d, + 0x2,0x37,0x6b, 0x2,0x37,0x6d, 0x3,0x37,0x72, 0x1,0x5c,0x44, + 0x3,0x37,0x71, 0x2,0x37,0x6c, 0x1,0x5c,0x45, 0x1,0x61,0x28, + 0x1,0x61,0x27, 0x1,0x61,0x26, 0x2,0x3e,0x5f, 0x3,0x37,0x70, + 0x4,0x39,0x65, 0x2,0x45,0x69, 0x1,0x65,0x64, 0x1,0x65,0x65, + 0x3,0x43,0x46, 0x2,0x45,0x68, 0x2,0x45,0x67, 0x3,0x43,0x47, + 0x3,0x65,0x7c, 0x2,0x4c,0x51, 0x1,0x6a,0x24, 0x1,0x6a,0x23, + 0x2,0x4c,0x52, 0x2,0x4c,0x53, 0x1,0x6e,0x2c, 0x1,0x6e,0x2b, + 0x3,0x4d,0x5b, 0x2,0x59,0x21, 0x2,0x52,0x5b, 0x2,0x52,0x5d, + 0x2,0x52,0x5c, 0x2,0x58,0x7e, 0x2,0x58,0x7c, 0x2,0x59,0x22, + 0x2,0x58,0x7d, 0x5,0x56,0x52, 0x1,0x71,0x5d, 0x3,0x52,0x2f, + 0x4,0x52,0x27, 0x3,0x52,0x2e, 0x2,0x5e,0x24, 0x1,0x74,0x55, + 0x2,0x5e,0x25, 0x2,0x5e,0x26, 0x3,0x55,0x68, 0x1,0x76,0x75, + 0x1,0x76,0x76, 0x4,0x60,0x4b, 0x1,0x7a,0x22, 0x3,0x5e,0x49, + 0x3,0x5e,0x48, 0x1,0x7c,0x3d, 0x1,0x47,0x21, 0x3,0x26,0x7e, + 0x3,0x27,0x21, 0x4,0x27,0x5b, 0x3,0x2a,0x47, 0x3,0x2e,0x4e, + 0x2,0x2c,0x62, 0x3,0x2e,0x4f, 0x3,0x2e,0x4d, 0x3,0x2e,0x4b, + 0x3,0x2e,0x4c, 0xf,0x2c,0x76, 0x2,0x31,0x60, 0x1,0x57,0x3b, + 0x3,0x33,0x23, 0x3,0x33,0x26, 0x3,0x33,0x27, 0x3,0x33,0x24, + 0x1,0x5d,0x7e, 0x1,0x5d,0x7d, 0x3,0x37,0x73, 0x3,0x3d,0x71, + 0x1,0x61,0x2a, 0x2,0x3e,0x61, 0x1,0x61,0x29, 0x2,0x3e,0x60, + 0x3,0x3d,0x70, 0x4,0x3f,0x57, 0x3,0x43,0x49, 0x3,0x43,0x4a, + 0x2,0x45,0x6a, 0x3,0x48,0x54, 0x1,0x6a,0x25, 0x2,0x4c,0x54, + 0x1,0x6a,0x26, 0x3,0x48,0x55, 0x3,0x52,0x30, 0x3,0x55,0x69, + 0x3,0x55,0x6a, 0x4,0x57,0x50, 0x3,0x58,0x49, 0x1,0x7a,0x23, + 0x2,0x69,0x52, 0x3,0x5f,0x55, 0x1,0x48,0x4c, 0x1,0x4f,0x2a, + 0x2,0x28,0x47, 0x3,0x2e,0x51, 0x1,0x52,0x75, 0x3,0x2e,0x50, + 0x1,0x52,0x74, 0x2,0x2c,0x63, 0x2,0x2c,0x64, 0x2,0x31,0x62, + 0x2,0x31,0x64, 0x1,0x57,0x3c, 0x2,0x31,0x66, 0x2,0x31,0x69, + 0x2,0x31,0x67, 0x3,0x33,0x2b, 0x4,0x2e,0x71, 0x3,0x33,0x2a, + 0x2,0x31,0x68, 0x2,0x31,0x65, 0x2,0x31,0x61, 0x1,0x57,0x3d, + 0x2,0x31,0x6a, 0x2,0x31,0x63, 0x3,0x33,0x2c, 0x3,0x37,0x78, + 0x3,0x37,0x79, 0x2,0x37,0x76, 0x1,0x5c,0x4b, 0x2,0x38,0x21, + 0x1,0x5c,0x48, 0x3,0x37,0x77, 0x2,0x37,0x78, 0x1,0x5c,0x4c, + 0x3,0x37,0x7b, 0x1,0x5c,0x46, 0x3,0x37,0x76, 0x2,0x37,0x73, + 0x2,0x38,0x22, 0x2,0x37,0x74, 0x2,0x37,0x71, 0x1,0x5c,0x4a, + 0x4,0x33,0x7c, 0x1,0x5c,0x47, 0x4,0x33,0x7a, 0x2,0x37,0x77, + 0x2,0x37,0x7a, 0x1,0x5c,0x49, 0x2,0x37,0x7b, 0x1,0x5c,0x4d, + 0x2,0x37,0x7c, 0x2,0x37,0x72, 0x2,0x37,0x79, 0x2,0x37,0x7d, + 0x2,0x37,0x75, 0x2,0x37,0x70, 0x2,0x37,0x6e, 0x3,0x37,0x7a, + 0x3,0x65,0x7d, 0x2,0x37,0x7e, 0xf,0x37,0x4d, 0x2,0x37,0x6f, + 0xf,0x36,0x7e, 0x5,0x3b,0x24, 0x2,0x3e,0x68, 0x3,0x3d,0x7b, + 0x3,0x3d,0x78, 0x3,0x3d,0x75, 0x2,0x3e,0x64, 0x2,0x3e,0x6a, + 0x1,0x61,0x2d, 0x2,0x3e,0x63, 0x2,0x3e,0x65, 0x1,0x61,0x2b, + 0x2,0x3e,0x62, 0x1,0x61,0x32, 0x2,0x3e,0x66, 0x1,0x61,0x31, + 0x2,0x3e,0x67, 0x1,0x61,0x33, 0x1,0x61,0x2e, 0x1,0x61,0x34, + 0x1,0x61,0x2f, 0x3,0x3d,0x79, 0x1,0x61,0x30, 0x3,0x3d,0x72, + 0x1,0x61,0x2c, 0x3,0x3d,0x76, 0x2,0x3e,0x69, 0x3,0x65,0x7e, + 0x3,0x43,0x4f, 0x4,0x3f,0x67, 0x1,0x65,0x68, 0x2,0x45,0x75, + 0x3,0x43,0x4c, 0x2,0x45,0x78, 0x2,0x45,0x6c, 0x2,0x45,0x71, + 0x2,0x45,0x6b, 0x1,0x65,0x6a, 0x3,0x43,0x55, 0x2,0x45,0x6f, + 0x4,0x3f,0x5e, 0x3,0x43,0x4d, 0x3,0x3d,0x77, 0x2,0x45,0x6d, + 0x1,0x65,0x69, 0x3,0x43,0x54, 0x2,0x45,0x74, 0x2,0x45,0x73, + 0x2,0x45,0x70, 0x2,0x45,0x72, 0x2,0x45,0x6e, 0x1,0x6a,0x2a, + 0x2,0x45,0x77, 0x1,0x65,0x66, 0x2,0x45,0x76, 0x3,0x43,0x51, + 0xf,0x44,0x45, 0x3,0x48,0x56, 0x2,0x4c,0x64, 0x3,0x48,0x58, + 0x1,0x6a,0x31, 0x2,0x4c,0x5f, 0x3,0x48,0x60, 0x1,0x6a,0x30, + 0x2,0x4c,0x55, 0x4,0x45,0x6b, 0x2,0x4c,0x57, 0x1,0x6a,0x29, + 0x2,0x4c,0x5c, 0x2,0x4c,0x5b, 0x2,0x4c,0x5e, 0x1,0x6a,0x2e, + 0x2,0x4c,0x59, 0x2,0x4c,0x58, 0x3,0x48,0x5a, 0x3,0x48,0x5e, + 0x1,0x6a,0x2d, 0x1,0x6a,0x28, 0x2,0x4c,0x5a, 0x1,0x6a,0x2b, + 0x2,0x4c,0x60, 0x2,0x4c,0x62, 0x2,0x4c,0x5d, 0x2,0x4c,0x56, + 0x1,0x6a,0x2c, 0x3,0x48,0x57, 0x3,0x48,0x5d, 0x1,0x6e,0x34, + 0x1,0x6a,0x27, 0x4,0x45,0x64, 0x3,0x48,0x5c, 0x2,0x4c,0x63, + 0x4,0x45,0x70, 0x2,0x52,0x61, 0x1,0x6e,0x2d, 0x3,0x4d,0x5c, + 0x2,0x52,0x63, 0x4,0x4c,0x2b, 0x1,0x6e,0x2e, 0x3,0x4d,0x65, + 0x3,0x4d,0x5d, 0x1,0x6e,0x30, 0x2,0x52,0x66, 0x4,0x4b,0x7a, + 0x2,0x52,0x5e, 0x1,0x6a,0x2f, 0x2,0x52,0x64, 0x4,0x4b,0x73, + 0x4,0x4c,0x31, 0x4,0x4b,0x74, 0x4,0x4c,0x2a, 0x2,0x52,0x60, + 0x3,0x4d,0x60, 0x1,0x65,0x67, 0x1,0x6e,0x33, 0x4,0x4c,0x21, + 0x4,0x4b,0x78, 0x1,0x6e,0x2f, 0x4,0x4c,0x26, 0x1,0x6e,0x31, + 0x1,0x6e,0x32, 0x4,0x4b,0x76, 0x1,0x71,0x60, 0x2,0x52,0x65, + 0x2,0x52,0x5f, 0x1,0x6e,0x35, 0x3,0x4d,0x63, 0x2,0x52,0x62, + 0x3,0x66,0x21, 0x2,0x59,0x2c, 0x2,0x59,0x27, 0x4,0x52,0x2d, + 0x5,0x56,0x69, 0x2,0x59,0x31, 0x1,0x71,0x5e, 0x2,0x59,0x29, + 0x1,0x71,0x62, 0x2,0x59,0x2f, 0x2,0x59,0x26, 0x2,0x59,0x23, + 0x2,0x59,0x32, 0x1,0x74,0x5b, 0x1,0x71,0x63, 0x2,0x59,0x2e, + 0x2,0x59,0x24, 0x1,0x71,0x61, 0x2,0x59,0x28, 0x1,0x71,0x65, + 0x2,0x59,0x25, 0x2,0x59,0x2a, 0x1,0x71,0x64, 0x2,0x59,0x2d, + 0x2,0x59,0x30, 0x3,0x52,0x33, 0x3,0x52,0x34, 0x2,0x5e,0x38, + 0x2,0x5e,0x39, 0x2,0x5e,0x29, 0x2,0x5e,0x30, 0x2,0x5e,0x2e, + 0x4,0x57,0x5f, 0x3,0x55,0x6d, 0x1,0x74,0x59, 0x2,0x5e,0x35, + 0x2,0x59,0x2b, 0x3,0x55,0x6b, 0x2,0x5e,0x2c, 0x3,0x55,0x6e, + 0x2,0x5e,0x36, 0x1,0x74,0x58, 0x2,0x5e,0x2b, 0x2,0x5e,0x2a, + 0x2,0x5e,0x34, 0x2,0x5e,0x31, 0x2,0x5e,0x33, 0x4,0x57,0x54, + 0x2,0x5e,0x27, 0x2,0x5e,0x37, 0x1,0x74,0x56, 0x3,0x55,0x70, + 0x2,0x5e,0x32, 0x2,0x5e,0x3b, 0x2,0x5e,0x2f, 0x1,0x74,0x5a, + 0x1,0x74,0x57, 0x2,0x5e,0x2d, 0x2,0x5e,0x28, 0x2,0x5e,0x3a, + 0x1,0x71,0x5f, 0x3,0x55,0x71, 0xf,0x5b,0x5f, 0x4,0x57,0x57, + 0x3,0x55,0x6f, 0x2,0x62,0x4f, 0x3,0x58,0x50, 0x3,0x58,0x4e, + 0x2,0x62,0x4d, 0x2,0x62,0x53, 0x1,0x76,0x7a, 0x2,0x62,0x51, + 0x2,0x62,0x50, 0x1,0x76,0x7c, 0x2,0x62,0x56, 0x1,0x76,0x7b, + 0x3,0x58,0x51, 0x2,0x62,0x57, 0x2,0x62,0x54, 0x1,0x76,0x78, + 0x2,0x62,0x55, 0x2,0x62,0x4e, 0x1,0x76,0x79, 0x1,0x76,0x77, + 0x2,0x66,0x35, 0x2,0x62,0x52, 0x3,0x58,0x4c, 0x3,0x66,0x22, + 0x2,0x62,0x58, 0x3,0x66,0x23, 0x2,0x66,0x32, 0x3,0x5a,0x6f, + 0x3,0x5a,0x6e, 0x4,0x60,0x4e, 0x1,0x78,0x5d, 0x1,0x78,0x5b, + 0x2,0x66,0x34, 0x4,0x60,0x4c, 0x2,0x66,0x36, 0x2,0x66,0x33, + 0x1,0x78,0x5c, 0x1,0x78,0x59, 0x1,0x78,0x5a, 0x1,0x78,0x5e, + 0x3,0x66,0x24, 0x1,0x7a,0x25, 0x3,0x5c,0x66, 0x2,0x69,0x57, + 0x5,0x6c,0x79, 0x2,0x69,0x56, 0x2,0x69,0x54, 0x2,0x69,0x53, + 0x2,0x69,0x55, 0x3,0x5c,0x65, 0x1,0x7a,0x24, 0x1,0x7a,0x26, + 0x3,0x66,0x25, 0xf,0x65,0x67, 0x1,0x7a,0x7b, 0x3,0x5e,0x4c, + 0x4,0x66,0x6f, 0x2,0x6b,0x73, 0x2,0x6b,0x72, 0x3,0x5c,0x67, + 0x3,0x5e,0x4b, 0x2,0x6d,0x68, 0x3,0x5f,0x58, 0x2,0x6d,0x6a, + 0x2,0x6d,0x6c, 0x2,0x6d,0x6b, 0x2,0x6d,0x69, 0x3,0x5f,0x57, + 0x3,0x60,0x3f, 0x1,0x7b,0x6d, 0x1,0x7b,0x6c, 0x3,0x60,0x3e, + 0x1,0x7c,0x3f, 0x1,0x7c,0x3e, 0x1,0x7c,0x40, 0x2,0x6f,0x3c, + 0x2,0x6f,0x3b, 0x3,0x66,0x26, 0x2,0x71,0x2b, 0x2,0x70,0x46, + 0x2,0x71,0x2c, 0x1,0x7d,0x25, 0x3,0x61,0x44, 0x1,0x7d,0x26, + 0x2,0x71,0x5c, 0x4,0x6d,0x5b, 0x3,0x62,0x3a, 0x1,0x7d,0x4b, + 0x1,0x48,0x4d, 0x3,0x2a,0x49, 0x2,0x28,0x48, 0x3,0x2a,0x48, + 0x3,0x2e,0x52, 0x2,0x2c,0x66, 0x2,0x2c,0x67, 0x2,0x2c,0x65, + 0x3,0x2e,0x54, 0x3,0x2e,0x53, 0x1,0x52,0x76, 0xf,0x2d,0x21, + 0x2,0x2c,0x68, 0x2,0x2c,0x69, 0x2,0x2c,0x6a, 0x3,0x33,0x31, + 0x2,0x31,0x6b, 0x2,0x31,0x71, 0x3,0x33,0x2e, 0x3,0x33,0x30, + 0x2,0x31,0x6f, 0x1,0x57,0x3e, 0x2,0x31,0x6d, 0x3,0x33,0x32, + 0x2,0x31,0x6e, 0x2,0x31,0x70, 0x3,0x33,0x2d, 0x2,0x31,0x6c, + 0x1,0x5c,0x4e, 0x3,0x37,0x7d, 0x2,0x38,0x23, 0x1,0x5c,0x50, + 0x2,0x38,0x25, 0x1,0x5c,0x4f, 0x2,0x38,0x24, 0x3,0x37,0x7e, + 0x3,0x38,0x21, 0x3,0x38,0x3e, 0x3,0x38,0x22, 0x4,0x34,0x22, + 0x2,0x3e,0x6c, 0x1,0x61,0x35, 0x3,0x3e,0x21, 0x2,0x3e,0x6e, + 0x2,0x3e,0x6b, 0x2,0x38,0x26, 0x3,0x3e,0x23, 0x1,0x61,0x36, + 0x3,0x3e,0x22, 0x3,0x3d,0x7e, 0x2,0x3e,0x6d, 0x3,0x66,0x27, + 0xf,0x3e,0x21, 0xf,0x3e,0x23, 0x3,0x43,0x58, 0x2,0x45,0x7b, + 0x3,0x43,0x5c, 0x1,0x65,0x6b, 0x2,0x45,0x79, 0x1,0x65,0x6c, + 0x2,0x45,0x7a, 0x1,0x65,0x6d, 0x4,0x45,0x74, 0x3,0x48,0x62, + 0x3,0x48,0x61, 0x1,0x6a,0x32, 0x2,0x4c,0x68, 0x2,0x4c,0x65, + 0x2,0x4c,0x67, 0x1,0x6a,0x33, 0x1,0x6a,0x34, 0x2,0x4c,0x66, + 0xf,0x4b,0x27, 0xf,0x4b,0x2b, 0x3,0x4d,0x6f, 0x3,0x4d,0x71, + 0x3,0x4d,0x6d, 0x2,0x52,0x67, 0x3,0x4d,0x70, 0x3,0x4d,0x73, + 0x2,0x52,0x68, 0x3,0x4d,0x72, 0x1,0x6e,0x36, 0x2,0x52,0x6a, + 0x2,0x52,0x69, 0x3,0x4d,0x6e, 0x1,0x23,0x23, 0x4,0x52,0x44, + 0x2,0x59,0x36, 0x2,0x59,0x37, 0x2,0x59,0x33, 0x3,0x52,0x37, + 0x2,0x59,0x34, 0x1,0x71,0x66, 0x1,0x71,0x67, 0x2,0x59,0x35, + 0x1,0x74,0x61, 0x3,0x55,0x75, 0x3,0x55,0x74, 0x1,0x74,0x5d, + 0x1,0x74,0x62, 0x1,0x74,0x5e, 0x1,0x74,0x60, 0x1,0x74,0x5c, + 0x3,0x52,0x39, 0x1,0x74,0x5f, 0x3,0x58,0x55, 0x4,0x5c,0x5a, + 0x4,0x5c,0x5b, 0x3,0x58,0x54, 0x1,0x76,0x7d, 0x2,0x5e,0x3c, + 0x7,0x48,0x57, 0x2,0x66,0x38, 0x4,0x60,0x5a, 0x2,0x66,0x37, + 0x3,0x66,0x28, 0x2,0x69,0x58, 0x1,0x7a,0x27, 0x1,0x7a,0x28, + 0x2,0x6d,0x6e, 0x2,0x6b,0x74, 0x3,0x61,0x69, 0x2,0x6d,0x6d, + 0x3,0x60,0x40, 0x2,0x71,0x2d, 0x2,0x71,0x72, 0x1,0x48,0x4e, + 0x3,0x27,0x22, 0x1,0x4b,0x37, 0x3,0x2a,0x4b, 0x2,0x28,0x49, + 0x1,0x4f,0x2b, 0x3,0x2a,0x4a, 0x1,0x52,0x79, 0x2,0x2c,0x6d, + 0x1,0x52,0x77, 0x2,0x2c,0x6b, 0x1,0x52,0x7c, 0x1,0x52,0x78, + 0x1,0x52,0x7d, 0x1,0x52,0x7b, 0x2,0x2c,0x6c, 0x1,0x52,0x7a, + 0x1,0x57,0x42, 0x1,0x57,0x41, 0x2,0x31,0x7c, 0x1,0x57,0x4a, + 0x2,0x31,0x75, 0x2,0x31,0x7b, 0x1,0x57,0x46, 0x2,0x31,0x74, + 0x2,0x31,0x7a, 0x2,0x31,0x78, 0x1,0x57,0x45, 0x1,0x57,0x47, + 0x2,0x31,0x77, 0x1,0x57,0x40, 0x2,0x31,0x76, 0x1,0x57,0x4b, + 0x1,0x57,0x48, 0x1,0x57,0x4c, 0x1,0x57,0x49, 0x2,0x31,0x73, + 0x2,0x31,0x72, 0x2,0x31,0x79, 0x1,0x57,0x43, 0x1,0x57,0x3f, + 0x1,0x57,0x44, 0x4,0x2f,0x25, 0x3,0x33,0x37, 0x3,0x33,0x3b, + 0x2,0x38,0x35, 0x2,0x38,0x2e, 0x4,0x3a,0x26, 0x1,0x61,0x3b, + 0x2,0x38,0x2d, 0x3,0x38,0x29, 0x1,0x5c,0x54, 0x1,0x5c,0x5b, + 0x1,0x5c,0x58, 0x1,0x5c,0x5e, 0x1,0x5c,0x5d, 0x1,0x5c,0x59, + 0x3,0x38,0x26, 0x2,0x38,0x27, 0x2,0x38,0x2a, 0x3,0x38,0x27, + 0x2,0x38,0x29, 0x1,0x5c,0x55, 0x2,0x38,0x2b, 0x2,0x38,0x34, + 0x1,0x5c,0x56, 0x2,0x38,0x28, 0x2,0x38,0x31, 0x2,0x38,0x32, + 0x1,0x5c,0x57, 0x2,0x38,0x2f, 0x1,0x5c,0x5c, 0x1,0x5c,0x52, + 0x1,0x5c,0x5a, 0x2,0x38,0x2c, 0x1,0x5c,0x51, 0x2,0x38,0x30, + 0x3,0x38,0x2e, 0x3,0x38,0x24, 0x2,0x38,0x33, 0xf,0x37,0x54, + 0x3,0x38,0x2b, 0x3,0x3e,0x34, 0x2,0x3f,0x21, 0x2,0x3e,0x76, + 0x1,0x61,0x38, 0x2,0x3e,0x7d, 0x2,0x3e,0x7a, 0x2,0x3e,0x72, + 0x2,0x3e,0x7b, 0x1,0x61,0x3a, 0x2,0x3e,0x73, 0x3,0x3e,0x29, + 0x2,0x3e,0x6f, 0x3,0x3e,0x26, 0x3,0x3e,0x2e, 0x1,0x65,0x73, + 0x2,0x3e,0x78, 0x3,0x3e,0x2f, 0x1,0x61,0x37, 0x2,0x3e,0x7e, + 0x3,0x3e,0x28, 0x1,0x61,0x3e, 0x1,0x61,0x40, 0x2,0x3e,0x71, + 0x3,0x3e,0x2c, 0x4,0x3a,0x27, 0x1,0x61,0x3f, 0x2,0x3e,0x74, + 0x1,0x61,0x39, 0x2,0x3e,0x7c, 0x2,0x3e,0x75, 0x2,0x3e,0x79, + 0x3,0x3e,0x2a, 0x2,0x3e,0x77, 0x1,0x61,0x3c, 0x2,0x3e,0x70, + 0x1,0x61,0x41, 0x1,0x5c,0x53, 0x1,0x61,0x3d, 0x1,0x61,0x42, + 0x3,0x3e,0x24, 0x3,0x3e,0x35, 0x3,0x3e,0x33, 0x3,0x43,0x67, + 0x1,0x65,0x6f, 0x2,0x46,0x24, 0x2,0x46,0x26, 0x2,0x46,0x28, + 0x2,0x46,0x2c, 0x3,0x3e,0x2b, 0x2,0x46,0x22, 0x2,0x45,0x7e, + 0x1,0x65,0x71, 0x4,0x3f,0x71, 0x2,0x46,0x27, 0x2,0x46,0x2b, + 0x2,0x46,0x23, 0x2,0x45,0x7d, 0x3,0x43,0x66, 0x2,0x45,0x7c, + 0x3,0x43,0x69, 0x3,0x43,0x60, 0x3,0x43,0x62, 0x2,0x46,0x29, + 0x2,0x46,0x21, 0x2,0x46,0x25, 0x1,0x65,0x72, 0x3,0x43,0x5e, + 0x1,0x65,0x70, 0x2,0x46,0x2d, 0x1,0x65,0x6e, 0x2,0x46,0x2a, + 0x3,0x43,0x64, 0x2,0x4c,0x79, 0x3,0x43,0x68, 0x3,0x43,0x6a, + 0x3,0x43,0x63, 0x1,0x6a,0x37, 0x2,0x4c,0x71, 0x1,0x6e,0x43, + 0x2,0x4c,0x7b, 0x1,0x6a,0x3a, 0x2,0x4d,0x21, 0x1,0x6a,0x40, + 0x2,0x4c,0x6c, 0x3,0x48,0x74, 0x4,0x45,0x7b, 0x2,0x4c,0x7c, + 0x2,0x4c,0x69, 0x3,0x48,0x6d, 0x2,0x4c,0x7e, 0x2,0x4c,0x6d, + 0x3,0x48,0x6e, 0x1,0x6a,0x47, 0x1,0x6a,0x44, 0x2,0x4c,0x7d, + 0x2,0x4c,0x77, 0x1,0x6a,0x36, 0x1,0x6a,0x3e, 0x1,0x6a,0x3d, + 0x3,0x48,0x70, 0x1,0x6a,0x3c, 0x1,0x6a,0x42, 0x3,0x48,0x69, + 0x2,0x4c,0x6a, 0x1,0x6a,0x43, 0x2,0x4c,0x78, 0x1,0x6a,0x3f, + 0x1,0x6a,0x35, 0x2,0x4c,0x7a, 0x1,0x6a,0x38, 0x1,0x6a,0x39, + 0x1,0x6a,0x41, 0x2,0x4c,0x6f, 0x2,0x4c,0x6e, 0x2,0x4c,0x6b, + 0x4,0x45,0x7c, 0x2,0x4c,0x73, 0x2,0x4c,0x70, 0x2,0x4c,0x74, + 0x1,0x6a,0x46, 0x3,0x48,0x68, 0x2,0x4d,0x22, 0x1,0x6a,0x3b, + 0x2,0x4c,0x75, 0x2,0x4c,0x76, 0x3,0x48,0x71, 0x2,0x4c,0x72, + 0x3,0x48,0x73, 0x3,0x66,0x29, 0x3,0x48,0x6b, 0x1,0x6a,0x45, + 0x3,0x66,0x2b, 0x3,0x4e,0x22, 0x2,0x52,0x6f, 0x1,0x6e,0x3b, + 0x1,0x6e,0x44, 0x1,0x6e,0x40, 0x2,0x52,0x6c, 0x3,0x4d,0x7c, + 0x1,0x6e,0x3d, 0x1,0x6e,0x41, 0x2,0x52,0x78, 0x1,0x6e,0x37, + 0x2,0x52,0x70, 0x3,0x4d,0x78, 0x1,0x6e,0x3f, 0x3,0x4e,0x24, + 0x3,0x4e,0x2f, 0x2,0x52,0x73, 0x2,0x52,0x6e, 0x1,0x6e,0x3e, + 0x1,0x6e,0x42, 0x2,0x52,0x6d, 0x3,0x4e,0x2e, 0x1,0x6e,0x3c, + 0x3,0x4d,0x77, 0x2,0x52,0x77, 0x1,0x6e,0x39, 0x2,0x52,0x76, + 0x2,0x52,0x75, 0x1,0x6e,0x45, 0x2,0x50,0x3b, 0x1,0x6e,0x38, + 0x3,0x4e,0x2b, 0x2,0x52,0x74, 0x2,0x52,0x6b, 0x3,0x4d,0x75, + 0x1,0x6e,0x46, 0x2,0x52,0x72, 0x1,0x6e,0x3a, 0x3,0x4e,0x28, + 0x3,0x4e,0x29, 0x3,0x4e,0x25, 0x3,0x4e,0x2c, 0x3,0x4e,0x27, + 0x3,0x4d,0x7e, 0x3,0x4d,0x7d, 0x2,0x52,0x71, 0x4,0x4c,0x45, + 0x3,0x66,0x2a, 0x1,0x71,0x6a, 0x1,0x71,0x6f, 0x1,0x71,0x68, + 0x2,0x59,0x44, 0x2,0x59,0x3b, 0x2,0x59,0x47, 0x2,0x59,0x3f, + 0x2,0x59,0x45, 0x1,0x71,0x70, 0x1,0x71,0x69, 0x2,0x59,0x38, + 0x2,0x59,0x3e, 0x2,0x59,0x48, 0x2,0x59,0x41, 0x2,0x59,0x46, + 0x2,0x59,0x3a, 0x4,0x52,0x4c, 0x3,0x52,0x3b, 0x2,0x59,0x42, + 0x1,0x71,0x6b, 0x2,0x59,0x40, 0x1,0x71,0x6e, 0x1,0x71,0x6d, + 0x2,0x59,0x3c, 0x2,0x59,0x3d, 0x2,0x59,0x39, 0x2,0x59,0x43, + 0x1,0x71,0x6c, 0x2,0x59,0x4a, 0x2,0x59,0x49, 0x3,0x52,0x40, + 0x3,0x52,0x3f, 0x2,0x5e,0x47, 0x2,0x5e,0x43, 0x1,0x74,0x69, + 0x3,0x55,0x79, 0x2,0x5e,0x3d, 0x1,0x74,0x63, 0x1,0x74,0x73, + 0x2,0x5e,0x49, 0x1,0x74,0x6b, 0x1,0x74,0x67, 0x2,0x5e,0x40, + 0x1,0x74,0x6e, 0x1,0x74,0x71, 0x2,0x5e,0x4b, 0x1,0x74,0x66, + 0x2,0x5e,0x42, 0x1,0x74,0x6f, 0x2,0x5e,0x4d, 0x2,0x5e,0x4a, + 0x2,0x5e,0x3e, 0x1,0x74,0x6a, 0x1,0x74,0x64, 0x1,0x74,0x72, + 0x2,0x5e,0x45, 0x1,0x74,0x6d, 0x2,0x5e,0x3f, 0x1,0x74,0x68, + 0x2,0x5e,0x4c, 0x1,0x74,0x6c, 0x1,0x74,0x65, 0x2,0x5e,0x46, + 0x1,0x74,0x70, 0x2,0x5e,0x44, 0x2,0x5e,0x48, 0x3,0x55,0x7a, + 0x4,0x5c,0x5f, 0x3,0x58,0x59, 0x2,0x62,0x5a, 0x2,0x62,0x60, + 0x1,0x77,0x25, 0x2,0x62,0x63, 0x1,0x76,0x7e, 0x1,0x77,0x21, + 0x2,0x62,0x5b, 0x2,0x62,0x62, 0x2,0x62,0x5d, 0x1,0x77,0x26, + 0x1,0x77,0x23, 0x3,0x58,0x5b, 0x2,0x62,0x59, 0x3,0x58,0x58, + 0x1,0x77,0x22, 0x2,0x62,0x5f, 0x2,0x62,0x61, 0x1,0x77,0x24, + 0x2,0x62,0x5e, 0x2,0x62,0x5c, 0x3,0x66,0x2c, 0x4,0x5c,0x5e, + 0x3,0x58,0x5a, 0x2,0x66,0x42, 0x1,0x78,0x62, 0x1,0x78,0x63, + 0x1,0x78,0x5f, 0x3,0x5a,0x72, 0x1,0x78,0x60, 0x3,0x5a,0x74, + 0x2,0x66,0x3e, 0x2,0x66,0x3c, 0x3,0x5a,0x75, 0x2,0x66,0x40, + 0x1,0x78,0x64, 0x2,0x66,0x41, 0x2,0x66,0x3a, 0x2,0x66,0x39, + 0x2,0x66,0x3d, 0x2,0x66,0x3b, 0x1,0x78,0x61, 0x2,0x66,0x3f, + 0x2,0x69,0x59, 0x1,0x7a,0x2b, 0x1,0x7a,0x2a, 0x2,0x69,0x5a, + 0x3,0x5c,0x6c, 0x2,0x69,0x5c, 0x2,0x69,0x5b, 0x1,0x7a,0x2c, + 0x3,0x5e,0x53, 0x3,0x5e,0x50, 0x2,0x6b,0x79, 0x2,0x6b,0x76, + 0x2,0x6b,0x77, 0x3,0x5e,0x51, 0x2,0x6b,0x75, 0x2,0x6b,0x78, + 0x1,0x7a,0x7d, 0x2,0x6b,0x7a, 0x3,0x5e,0x52, 0x1,0x7a,0x7c, + 0x2,0x6d,0x6f, 0x3,0x5f,0x5a, 0x1,0x7c,0x41, 0x1,0x7c,0x43, + 0x2,0x6f,0x3d, 0x1,0x7c,0x42, 0x2,0x70,0x47, 0x2,0x71,0x2f, + 0x2,0x71,0x31, 0x2,0x71,0x2e, 0x2,0x71,0x30, 0x1,0x7d,0x39, + 0x4,0x6d,0x78, 0x3,0x62,0x35, 0x1,0x48,0x4f, 0x4,0x25,0x57, + 0x1,0x52,0x7e, 0x2,0x30,0x52, 0x1,0x57,0x4d, 0x3,0x38,0x31, + 0xf,0x31,0x78, 0x1,0x5c,0x5f, 0x2,0x3f,0x22, 0x2,0x3f,0x23, + 0x3,0x66,0x2d, 0x3,0x48,0x77, 0x2,0x59,0x4b, 0x1,0x74,0x74, + 0x2,0x5e,0x4e, 0x3,0x55,0x7d, 0x3,0x58,0x5c, 0x1,0x77,0x27, + 0x2,0x66,0x44, 0x2,0x66,0x43, 0x1,0x7a,0x2d, 0x2,0x6b,0x7b, + 0x3,0x5f,0x5b, 0x2,0x6d,0x70, 0x1,0x7c,0x64, 0x2,0x22,0x69, + 0x4,0x22,0x21, 0x1,0x4f,0x2c, 0x1,0x4b,0x38, 0xf,0x28,0x4a, + 0x2,0x2c,0x6e, 0x3,0x2a,0x4e, 0x2,0x32,0x24, 0x2,0x31,0x7d, + 0x2,0x32,0x23, 0x2,0x32,0x21, 0x1,0x57,0x4e, 0x2,0x32,0x22, + 0x2,0x31,0x7e, 0x3,0x33,0x3c, 0x2,0x38,0x36, 0x4,0x3a,0x2b, + 0x2,0x3f,0x24, 0x2,0x3f,0x25, 0x2,0x46,0x30, 0x2,0x46,0x31, + 0x1,0x65,0x75, 0x1,0x65,0x76, 0x2,0x46,0x2f, 0x2,0x46,0x32, + 0x2,0x46,0x2e, 0x1,0x65,0x74, 0x3,0x48,0x78, 0x1,0x6a,0x48, + 0x3,0x48,0x79, 0x1,0x65,0x77, 0x2,0x4d,0x23, 0x1,0x6e,0x47, + 0x2,0x52,0x79, 0x1,0x6e,0x48, 0x3,0x4e,0x30, 0x1,0x71,0x71, + 0x2,0x59,0x4e, 0x2,0x59,0x4c, 0x2,0x59,0x4d, 0x2,0x5e,0x51, + 0x2,0x5e,0x50, 0x2,0x5e,0x4f, 0x7,0x41,0x61, 0x4,0x5c,0x68, + 0x2,0x66,0x45, 0x4,0x60,0x6f, 0x1,0x78,0x65, 0x2,0x66,0x46, + 0x2,0x6d,0x71, 0x1,0x7c,0x65, 0x2,0x70,0x48, 0x1,0x48,0x50, + 0x1,0x4f,0x2e, 0x1,0x4f,0x2d, 0x2,0x2c,0x70, 0x1,0x53,0x21, + 0x3,0x2e,0x5d, 0x4,0x2f,0x30, 0x2,0x2c,0x6f, 0x2,0x32,0x26, + 0x3,0x33,0x3d, 0x1,0x57,0x4f, 0x2,0x38,0x37, 0x2,0x32,0x25, + 0x3,0x33,0x3f, 0x4,0x2f,0x2f, 0x3,0x33,0x3e, 0x1,0x5c,0x61, + 0x2,0x38,0x3a, 0x2,0x38,0x38, 0x2,0x38,0x39, 0x1,0x5c,0x60, + 0x2,0x3f,0x27, 0x2,0x3f,0x28, 0x2,0x3f,0x26, 0x3,0x43,0x6e, + 0x1,0x65,0x7a, 0x2,0x46,0x34, 0x2,0x46,0x33, 0x2,0x46,0x35, + 0x1,0x65,0x79, 0x1,0x65,0x78, 0x4,0x46,0x26, 0x2,0x52,0x7a, + 0x2,0x52,0x7c, 0x3,0x4e,0x31, 0x1,0x6e,0x49, 0x2,0x52,0x7b, + 0x2,0x59,0x4f, 0x1,0x71,0x72, 0x2,0x62,0x65, 0x3,0x58,0x5d, + 0x2,0x62,0x64, 0x1,0x78,0x66, 0x2,0x66,0x47, 0x1,0x78,0x68, + 0x1,0x78,0x67, 0x2,0x69,0x5d, 0x2,0x6b,0x7c, 0x1,0x7a,0x7e, + 0x1,0x48,0x51, 0x2,0x2c,0x71, 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0x3,0x38,0x3c, 0x1,0x5c,0x67, + 0x2,0x38,0x46, 0x2,0x38,0x48, 0x3,0x38,0x3b, 0x1,0x5c,0x66, + 0x3,0x3e,0x3c, 0x2,0x3f,0x2b, 0x2,0x3f,0x2c, 0x2,0x3f,0x2a, + 0x1,0x61,0x47, 0x3,0x67,0x29, 0x4,0x3f,0x7c, 0x1,0x65,0x7b, + 0x3,0x43,0x73, 0x1,0x65,0x7c, 0x4,0x46,0x33, 0x1,0x6a,0x4d, + 0x3,0x49,0x23, 0x2,0x4d,0x2a, 0x2,0x4d,0x29, 0x1,0x6a,0x4c, + 0x3,0x49,0x26, 0x3,0x3e,0x3b, 0x3,0x49,0x25, 0x3,0x66,0x30, + 0x2,0x53,0x25, 0x3,0x4e,0x34, 0x3,0x4e,0x36, 0x2,0x53,0x26, + 0x3,0x4e,0x37, 0x3,0x4e,0x35, 0x3,0x4e,0x38, 0x2,0x59,0x53, + 0x4,0x52,0x5c, 0x3,0x52,0x43, 0x1,0x74,0x7a, 0x1,0x74,0x79, + 0x1,0x74,0x77, 0x1,0x74,0x78, 0x1,0x74,0x7b, 0x3,0x56,0x22, + 0x2,0x62,0x68, 0x1,0x77,0x2b, 0x1,0x77,0x2a, 0x2,0x66,0x4a, + 0x2,0x69,0x5f, 0x3,0x5c,0x70, 0x3,0x5c,0x71, 0x3,0x5c,0x72, + 0x1,0x7b,0x6f, 0x1,0x7b,0x6e, 0x1,0x48,0x57, 0x6,0x3b,0x24, + 0x2,0x2f,0x7d, 0x1,0x65,0x7e, 0x1,0x61,0x48, 0x1,0x65,0x7d, + 0x1,0x6a,0x4e, 0x6,0x60,0x60, 0x1,0x48,0x58, 0x2,0x21,0x68, + 0x1,0x48,0x59, 0x1,0x48,0x5a, 0x3,0x24,0x35, 0x3,0x24,0x36, + 0x2,0x28,0x4b, 0x2,0x24,0x76, 0x3,0x27,0x24, 0x2,0x24,0x77, + 0x1,0x4b,0x3a, 0x3,0x27,0x26, 0x2,0x24,0x74, 0x1,0x4b,0x39, + 0x3,0x27,0x25, 0x1,0x4b,0x3c, 0x2,0x24,0x75, 0x1,0x4b,0x3e, + 0x1,0x4b,0x3d, 0x2,0x24,0x78, 0x1,0x4b,0x3b, 0x4,0x24,0x70, + 0x3,0x27,0x23, 0x1,0x4f,0x34, 0x1,0x4f,0x32, 0x2,0x28,0x4d, + 0x3,0x2a,0x56, 0x1,0x4f,0x31, 0x3,0x2a,0x5b, 0x3,0x2a,0x58, + 0x3,0x2a,0x4f, 0x1,0x4f,0x36, 0x1,0x4f,0x38, 0x1,0x4f,0x35, + 0x3,0x2a,0x59, 0x2,0x28,0x50, 0x2,0x28,0x4c, 0x1,0x4f,0x39, + 0x3,0x2a,0x52, 0x1,0x4f,0x33, 0x1,0x4b,0x3f, 0x3,0x2a,0x54, + 0x1,0x4f,0x37, 0x2,0x28,0x4f, 0x3,0x2a,0x57, 0x4,0x27,0x64, + 0x2,0x28,0x4e, 0x4,0x27,0x69, 0x1,0x4f,0x30, 0x3,0x66,0x31, + 0x2,0x2c,0x7c, 0x1,0x53,0x2a, 0x1,0x53,0x2b, 0x2,0x2c,0x7e, + 0x3,0x2e,0x66, 0x2,0x2c,0x78, 0x2,0x2c,0x7b, 0x2,0x2d,0x26, + 0x2,0x2d,0x24, 0x3,0x2e,0x60, 0x1,0x53,0x2c, 0x2,0x2d,0x2a, + 0x1,0x53,0x2f, 0x2,0x2d,0x27, 0x2,0x2c,0x7d, 0x2,0x2c,0x7a, + 0x3,0x2e,0x61, 0x3,0x2e,0x5e, 0x2,0x3f,0x2e, 0x2,0x2d,0x25, + 0x1,0x53,0x27, 0x2,0x2d,0x28, 0x2,0x2c,0x77, 0x2,0x2d,0x22, + 0x1,0x53,0x29, 0x1,0x53,0x2e, 0x2,0x2d,0x23, 0x1,0x53,0x32, + 0x1,0x53,0x30, 0x3,0x2e,0x65, 0x2,0x2c,0x79, 0x1,0x53,0x2d, + 0x3,0x2e,0x64, 0x2,0x2d,0x21, 0x1,0x53,0x31, 0x1,0x53,0x28, + 0x2,0x2d,0x29, 0x1,0x57,0x5e, 0x3,0x33,0x4c, 0x1,0x57,0x67, + 0x1,0x57,0x5c, 0x1,0x57,0x5a, 0x2,0x32,0x2e, 0x1,0x57,0x62, + 0x1,0x57,0x5f, 0x2,0x32,0x30, 0x3,0x33,0x4a, 0x3,0x33,0x52, + 0x1,0x57,0x61, 0x2,0x32,0x2f, 0x2,0x32,0x2d, 0x2,0x32,0x32, + 0x1,0x57,0x66, 0x1,0x57,0x64, 0x2,0x3f,0x2d, 0x3,0x33,0x4b, + 0x2,0x32,0x33, 0x2,0x32,0x31, 0x1,0x57,0x5b, 0x3,0x33,0x4e, + 0x3,0x33,0x4d, 0x1,0x57,0x5d, 0x1,0x57,0x60, 0x3,0x33,0x4f, + 0x1,0x57,0x63, 0x3,0x2e,0x63, 0x1,0x57,0x65, 0x3,0x3e,0x44, + 0x2,0x38,0x52, 0x1,0x5c,0x69, 0x3,0x38,0x49, 0x2,0x38,0x49, + 0x2,0x38,0x4b, 0x3,0x38,0x47, 0x2,0x38,0x4c, 0x4,0x34,0x4d, + 0x2,0x38,0x54, 0x2,0x38,0x50, 0x2,0x38,0x4e, 0x4,0x3a,0x3b, + 0x2,0x38,0x51, 0x2,0x38,0x55, 0x1,0x5c,0x6a, 0x1,0x5c,0x6e, + 0x2,0x38,0x4a, 0x4,0x34,0x47, 0x2,0x38,0x53, 0x4,0x34,0x50, + 0x1,0x5c,0x6c, 0x3,0x38,0x41, 0x1,0x5c,0x6b, 0x2,0x38,0x4f, + 0x2,0x38,0x4d, 0x3,0x38,0x42, 0x1,0x5c,0x68, 0x1,0x5c,0x6d, + 0x3,0x38,0x45, 0x3,0x38,0x48, 0x1,0x61,0x4e, 0x2,0x3f,0x36, + 0x3,0x3e,0x3e, 0x4,0x3a,0x3e, 0x2,0x3f,0x34, 0x1,0x61,0x50, + 0x4,0x3a,0x47, 0x3,0x3e,0x43, 0x3,0x3e,0x45, 0x3,0x3e,0x41, + 0x2,0x3f,0x2f, 0x2,0x46,0x46, 0x3,0x3e,0x3d, 0x1,0x61,0x4f, + 0x2,0x3f,0x33, 0x3,0x3e,0x40, 0x3,0x3e,0x42, 0x2,0x3f,0x30, + 0x1,0x61,0x4b, 0x1,0x61,0x51, 0x2,0x3f,0x35, 0x1,0x61,0x4d, + 0x2,0x3f,0x32, 0x1,0x6a,0x4f, 0x1,0x61,0x4c, 0x2,0x3f,0x31, + 0x1,0x61,0x52, 0x1,0x61,0x4a, 0x1,0x61,0x49, 0x6,0x43,0x5a, + 0x2,0x46,0x3e, 0x2,0x46,0x3c, 0x3,0x43,0x7b, 0x2,0x46,0x42, + 0x3,0x43,0x7e, 0x2,0x46,0x3a, 0x2,0x46,0x47, 0x2,0x46,0x3f, + 0x3,0x43,0x75, 0x2,0x46,0x39, 0x1,0x66,0x24, 0x1,0x66,0x2a, + 0x2,0x46,0x44, 0x4,0x40,0x29, 0x2,0x46,0x3d, 0x3,0x43,0x76, + 0x1,0x66,0x27, 0x3,0x43,0x77, 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0x1,0x71,0x77, 0x2,0x59,0x5c, + 0x2,0x59,0x58, 0x2,0x59,0x5e, 0x3,0x56,0x23, 0x2,0x59,0x57, + 0x1,0x74,0x7e, 0x2,0x5e,0x55, 0x2,0x5e,0x5b, 0x1,0x75,0x24, + 0x1,0x75,0x26, 0x1,0x75,0x23, 0x1,0x75,0x22, 0x4,0x58,0x27, + 0x1,0x75,0x21, 0x1,0x74,0x7d, 0x2,0x5e,0x56, 0x2,0x5e,0x59, + 0x1,0x74,0x7c, 0x2,0x5e,0x5a, 0x3,0x56,0x24, 0x1,0x75,0x25, + 0x2,0x5e,0x58, 0x7,0x48,0x7c, 0x2,0x5e,0x57, 0x1,0x77,0x2c, + 0x3,0x58,0x65, 0x1,0x77,0x2d, 0x2,0x62,0x6b, 0x2,0x62,0x69, + 0x2,0x62,0x6a, 0x3,0x5a,0x77, 0x2,0x66,0x4c, 0x3,0x5a,0x78, + 0x2,0x66,0x4b, 0x1,0x78,0x69, 0x2,0x69,0x61, 0x1,0x7a,0x2f, + 0x2,0x69,0x60, 0x2,0x6b,0x7e, 0x2,0x6d,0x72, 0x1,0x7b,0x70, + 0x2,0x71,0x32, 0x2,0x71,0x33, 0x1,0x7c,0x44, 0x1,0x48,0x5b, + 0x4,0x27,0x6c, 0x1,0x4f,0x3a, 0x2,0x3f,0x37, 0x1,0x6a,0x56, + 0x1,0x75,0x27, 0x2,0x5e,0x5c, 0x1,0x48,0x5c, 0x4,0x24,0x73, + 0x1,0x57,0x69, 0x1,0x57,0x68, 0x2,0x3f,0x38, 0x3,0x3e,0x47, + 0x4,0x3a,0x4c, 0x4,0x4c,0x62, 0x2,0x59,0x60, 0x1,0x48,0x5d, + 0x1,0x53,0x33, 0x4,0x3a,0x4d, 0x3,0x3e,0x48, 0x2,0x3f,0x39, + 0x2,0x3f,0x3a, 0x2,0x3f,0x3b, 0x1,0x6a,0x57, 0x1,0x71,0x7a, + 0x1,0x48,0x5e, 0x4,0x27,0x6d, 0x1,0x4f,0x3b, 0x2,0x2d,0x2b, + 0x1,0x57,0x6a, 0x2,0x32,0x34, 0x1,0x5c,0x6f, 0x3,0x3e,0x49, + 0x2,0x3f,0x3c, 0x1,0x66,0x2b, 0x1,0x6a,0x58, 0x1,0x71,0x7b, + 0x1,0x75,0x28, 0x1,0x77,0x2e, 0x2,0x66,0x4d, 0x1,0x48,0x5f, + 0x1,0x4f,0x3c, 0x3,0x2a,0x5d, 0x4,0x27,0x6e, 0x1,0x57,0x6b, + 0x2,0x38,0x56, 0x1,0x61,0x54, 0x3,0x49,0x2b, 0x1,0x6a,0x59, + 0x2,0x4d,0x32, 0x2,0x53,0x2e, 0x3,0x52,0x4a, 0x3,0x58,0x68, + 0x3,0x5a,0x79, 0x1,0x48,0x60, 0x1,0x61,0x55, 0x2,0x46,0x48, + 0x1,0x6a,0x5a, 0x1,0x48,0x61, 0x2,0x28,0x51, 0x2,0x2d,0x2c, + 0x1,0x53,0x34, 0x3,0x2e,0x68, 0x2,0x32,0x36, 0x4,0x2f,0x4f, + 0x3,0x33,0x57, 0x1,0x57,0x6e, 0x3,0x33,0x58, 0x1,0x57,0x6c, + 0x1,0x57,0x6d, 0x1,0x57,0x6f, 0x3,0x33,0x55, 0x2,0x32,0x35, + 0x2,0x38,0x5b, 0x2,0x38,0x58, 0x2,0x38,0x5a, 0x1,0x5c,0x70, + 0x1,0x5c,0x72, 0x1,0x5c,0x71, 0x2,0x38,0x57, 0x1,0x5c,0x73, + 0x2,0x38,0x59, 0x2,0x3f,0x3d, 0x2,0x3f,0x3e, 0x2,0x3f,0x3f, + 0x2,0x46,0x4b, 0x3,0x44,0x26, 0x2,0x46,0x4c, 0x4,0x40,0x2e, + 0x2,0x46,0x4a, 0x2,0x46,0x4d, 0x4,0x40,0x2d, 0x1,0x66,0x2c, + 0x3,0x66,0x34, 0x2,0x46,0x49, 0x3,0x49,0x2d, 0x1,0x6a,0x5b, + 0x3,0x49,0x2e, 0x2,0x53,0x33, 0x2,0x53,0x2f, 0x2,0x53,0x32, + 0x2,0x53,0x34, 0x2,0x53,0x31, 0x2,0x53,0x30, 0x2,0x59,0x61, + 0x2,0x59,0x62, 0x2,0x59,0x63, 0x1,0x71,0x7c, 0x1,0x71,0x7d, + 0x2,0x5e,0x5e, 0x2,0x5e,0x5d, 0x2,0x5e,0x5f, 0x2,0x62,0x6d, + 0x2,0x62,0x6c, 0x2,0x66,0x4f, 0x3,0x5a,0x7a, 0x2,0x66,0x50, + 0x2,0x66,0x4e, 0x3,0x5a,0x7b, 0x1,0x7a,0x30, 0x4,0x64,0x2c, + 0x2,0x69,0x62, 0x2,0x69,0x63, 0x3,0x5e,0x55, 0x2,0x6d,0x73, + 0x2,0x6f,0x3e, 0x2,0x70,0x49, 0x1,0x48,0x62, 0x1,0x4b,0x40, + 0x1,0x75,0x29, 0x1,0x48,0x63, 0xf,0x32,0x32, 0x2,0x38,0x5c, + 0x2,0x3f,0x40, 0x3,0x5a,0x7c, 0x1,0x7c,0x6c, 0x2,0x22,0x6a, + 0x4,0x21,0x53, 0x3,0x24,0x38, 0x2,0x22,0x6b, 0x2,0x22,0x6d, + 0x1,0x48,0x64, 0x2,0x22,0x6e, 0x2,0x22,0x6c, 0x4,0x23,0x2f, + 0x2,0x25,0x22, 0x2,0x25,0x23, 0x2,0x24,0x7b, 0x3,0x27,0x28, + 0x4,0x24,0x7b, 0x4,0x24,0x75, 0x2,0x25,0x21, 0x1,0x4b,0x42, + 0x3,0x27,0x29, 0x1,0x4b,0x43, 0x2,0x24,0x7c, 0x2,0x24,0x7a, + 0x2,0x24,0x79, 0x2,0x24,0x7d, 0x1,0x4b,0x41, 0x2,0x24,0x7e, + 0x2,0x2d,0x2d, 0x3,0x27,0x2b, 0x4,0x24,0x79, 0x2,0x28,0x56, + 0x1,0x4f,0x3f, 0x2,0x28,0x55, 0x2,0x28,0x57, 0x3,0x2a,0x60, + 0x1,0x4f,0x3e, 0x2,0x28,0x5c, 0x1,0x4f,0x42, 0x2,0x28,0x52, + 0x2,0x28,0x60, 0x2,0x28,0x66, 0x1,0x4f,0x49, 0x2,0x28,0x63, + 0x1,0x4f,0x46, 0x3,0x2a,0x6b, 0x2,0x28,0x59, 0x2,0x28,0x5f, + 0x2,0x28,0x61, 0x3,0x2a,0x66, 0x2,0x28,0x54, 0x1,0x4f,0x45, + 0x1,0x4f,0x40, 0x2,0x28,0x5a, 0x1,0x4f,0x47, 0x1,0x4f,0x4a, + 0x1,0x4f,0x44, 0x3,0x2a,0x6c, 0x1,0x4f,0x3d, 0x2,0x28,0x5e, + 0x2,0x28,0x58, 0x2,0x28,0x65, 0x1,0x4f,0x4c, 0x1,0x4f,0x48, + 0x1,0x4f,0x43, 0x2,0x28,0x5d, 0x1,0x57,0x70, 0x2,0x28,0x5b, + 0x1,0x4f,0x41, 0x1,0x4f,0x4b, 0x4,0x27,0x7a, 0x2,0x28,0x53, + 0x4,0x27,0x7e, 0x2,0x28,0x62, 0x2,0x28,0x64, 0x3,0x2a,0x5e, + 0xf,0x28,0x63, 0x3,0x2a,0x68, 0x4,0x27,0x7b, 0x3,0x2e,0x76, + 0x1,0x53,0x45, 0x1,0x53,0x3f, 0x1,0x53,0x47, 0x1,0x53,0x44, + 0x2,0x2d,0x34, 0x2,0x2d,0x37, 0x1,0x53,0x40, 0x3,0x2e,0x6a, + 0x2,0x2d,0x2e, 0x4,0x2b,0x3a, 0x1,0x53,0x39, 0x1,0x53,0x43, + 0x3,0x2e,0x6b, 0x1,0x53,0x46, 0x1,0x53,0x48, 0x2,0x2d,0x43, + 0x2,0x2d,0x3a, 0x3,0x2e,0x78, 0x1,0x53,0x38, 0x2,0x2d,0x42, + 0x1,0x53,0x3c, 0x1,0x53,0x3a, 0x1,0x53,0x35, 0x2,0x2d,0x32, + 0x3,0x2e,0x72, 0x2,0x2d,0x41, 0x2,0x2d,0x36, 0x2,0x2d,0x39, + 0x2,0x2d,0x46, 0x3,0x2e,0x74, 0x1,0x53,0x49, 0x2,0x2d,0x40, + 0x1,0x53,0x41, 0x2,0x2d,0x3b, 0x2,0x2d,0x45, 0x2,0x2d,0x38, + 0x2,0x2d,0x3c, 0x2,0x2d,0x3f, 0x3,0x2e,0x69, 0x3,0x2e,0x6e, + 0x2,0x2d,0x30, 0x2,0x2d,0x44, 0x2,0x2d,0x3e, 0x3,0x2e,0x6f, + 0x3,0x2e,0x7a, 0x2,0x2d,0x2f, 0x6,0x34,0x3c, 0x2,0x2d,0x33, + 0x1,0x53,0x42, 0x1,0x53,0x3d, 0x1,0x53,0x36, 0x1,0x53,0x3b, + 0x1,0x53,0x37, 0x1,0x53,0x4a, 0x2,0x2d,0x31, 0x2,0x32,0x47, + 0x1,0x53,0x3e, 0x4,0x2b,0x3d, 0x3,0x2e,0x79, 0x2,0x2d,0x3d, + 0x2,0x29,0x42, 0x3,0x2e,0x77, 0x3,0x66,0x35, 0x3,0x66,0x37, + 0x2,0x32,0x4a, 0x1,0x57,0x7e, 0x3,0x33,0x62, 0x2,0x32,0x3a, + 0x4,0x2f,0x5d, 0x2,0x32,0x45, 0x2,0x32,0x41, 0x3,0x38,0x4d, + 0x2,0x32,0x54, 0x3,0x33,0x59, 0x2,0x32,0x4c, 0x3,0x33,0x5f, + 0x2,0x32,0x42, 0x3,0x38,0x5b, 0x2,0x32,0x4b, 0x2,0x32,0x3c, + 0x2,0x32,0x40, 0x2,0x32,0x57, 0x1,0x58,0x23, 0x2,0x32,0x4f, + 0x2,0x32,0x46, 0x1,0x57,0x71, 0x2,0x32,0x55, 0x2,0x32,0x38, + 0x4,0x2f,0x5a, 0x2,0x32,0x4e, 0x4,0x2f,0x63, 0x1,0x58,0x22, + 0x1,0x57,0x7b, 0x2,0x32,0x37, 0x1,0x57,0x79, 0x1,0x57,0x78, + 0x1,0x57,0x7d, 0x2,0x32,0x4d, 0x1,0x57,0x75, 0x1,0x57,0x7c, + 0x2,0x2d,0x35, 0x2,0x3f,0x41, 0x2,0x32,0x48, 0x4,0x2f,0x5f, + 0x3,0x2a,0x5f, 0x2,0x32,0x3e, 0x1,0x58,0x21, 0x2,0x32,0x3f, + 0x2,0x32,0x43, 0x1,0x58,0x24, 0x2,0x32,0x39, 0x2,0x32,0x51, + 0x3,0x3e,0x57, 0x2,0x32,0x50, 0x2,0x32,0x58, 0x1,0x57,0x77, + 0x1,0x57,0x74, 0x2,0x32,0x56, 0x2,0x32,0x52, 0x2,0x32,0x49, + 0x2,0x32,0x44, 0x1,0x57,0x7a, 0x1,0x57,0x76, 0x2,0x32,0x3b, + 0x1,0x57,0x72, 0x2,0x32,0x53, 0x1,0x57,0x73, 0x4,0x2f,0x5c, + 0x2,0x32,0x3d, 0x3,0x33,0x5a, 0x3,0x33,0x63, 0x3,0x66,0x36, + 0x3,0x2d,0x33, 0x4,0x34,0x67, 0x3,0x38,0x4e, 0x3,0x38,0x51, + 0x2,0x38,0x62, 0x2,0x38,0x64, 0x2,0x38,0x69, 0x2,0x38,0x7d, + 0x1,0x5d,0x23, 0x1,0x5c,0x77, 0x3,0x38,0x54, 0x2,0x38,0x61, + 0x1,0x5d,0x24, 0x1,0x5d,0x25, 0x2,0x38,0x6c, 0x2,0x38,0x73, + 0x2,0x38,0x79, 0x3,0x38,0x50, 0x2,0x38,0x66, 0x4,0x34,0x6d, + 0x2,0x38,0x6d, 0x3,0x38,0x4f, 0x3,0x38,0x5d, 0x1,0x5d,0x26, + 0x2,0x38,0x7b, 0x2,0x38,0x76, 0x1,0x5d,0x21, 0x1,0x5c,0x7d, + 0x2,0x38,0x72, 0x2,0x38,0x6e, 0x2,0x38,0x60, 0x1,0x5c,0x74, + 0x2,0x38,0x65, 0x2,0x38,0x5d, 0x3,0x38,0x55, 0x1,0x5c,0x7c, + 0x1,0x5c,0x7e, 0x2,0x38,0x6a, 0x2,0x38,0x67, 0x1,0x5c,0x79, + 0x2,0x38,0x77, 0x1,0x5c,0x76, 0x2,0x38,0x68, 0x2,0x3f,0x6a, + 0x2,0x38,0x70, 0x3,0x38,0x5e, 0x2,0x38,0x6f, 0x1,0x5c,0x75, + 0x3,0x38,0x57, 0x1,0x5d,0x22, 0x3,0x38,0x52, 0x1,0x5c,0x78, + 0x2,0x38,0x5e, 0x2,0x38,0x63, 0x2,0x38,0x74, 0x2,0x38,0x7a, + 0x1,0x5d,0x27, 0x2,0x38,0x5f, 0x2,0x38,0x6b, 0x2,0x38,0x71, + 0x1,0x5c,0x7b, 0x4,0x34,0x6f, 0x3,0x38,0x58, 0x2,0x38,0x7c, + 0x2,0x38,0x75, 0x2,0x38,0x78, 0x3,0x38,0x5f, 0xf,0x37,0x78, + 0x1,0x5c,0x7a, 0x4,0x3a,0x68, 0x2,0x3f,0x51, 0x2,0x3f,0x45, + 0x1,0x61,0x5d, 0x2,0x3f,0x62, 0x2,0x3f,0x6b, 0x2,0x3f,0x6e, + 0x1,0x61,0x5b, 0x2,0x3f,0x4d, 0x2,0x3f,0x66, 0x2,0x3f,0x4e, + 0x2,0x3f,0x5c, 0x1,0x61,0x68, 0x2,0x3f,0x58, 0x1,0x61,0x65, + 0x3,0x3e,0x5e, 0x2,0x3f,0x59, 0x2,0x3f,0x42, 0x5,0x3b,0x6f, + 0x2,0x3f,0x67, 0x3,0x3e,0x4f, 0x3,0x3e,0x59, 0x1,0x61,0x6e, + 0x2,0x3f,0x64, 0x2,0x3f,0x5a, 0x2,0x3f,0x70, 0x2,0x3f,0x55, + 0x2,0x46,0x6d, 0x3,0x3e,0x4d, 0x2,0x3f,0x73, 0x1,0x61,0x6c, + 0x2,0x3f,0x53, 0x2,0x3f,0x5f, 0x1,0x61,0x6f, 0x1,0x61,0x5a, + 0x2,0x3f,0x57, 0x2,0x3f,0x71, 0x2,0x3f,0x50, 0x2,0x3f,0x49, + 0x2,0x3f,0x54, 0x3,0x3e,0x5f, 0x2,0x3f,0x48, 0x2,0x3f,0x46, + 0x1,0x61,0x56, 0x2,0x3f,0x68, 0x2,0x3f,0x4f, 0x2,0x3f,0x6c, + 0x3,0x3e,0x4b, 0x2,0x3f,0x6d, 0x1,0x61,0x5e, 0x1,0x61,0x63, + 0x1,0x61,0x5f, 0x1,0x61,0x67, 0x2,0x3f,0x63, 0x1,0x61,0x60, + 0x2,0x3f,0x5b, 0x2,0x3f,0x4b, 0xf,0x3e,0x66, 0x1,0x61,0x58, + 0x2,0x3f,0x43, 0x2,0x3f,0x65, 0x2,0x3f,0x6f, 0x2,0x3f,0x4a, + 0x1,0x61,0x66, 0x2,0x3f,0x74, 0x2,0x3f,0x56, 0x3,0x3e,0x52, + 0x2,0x3f,0x52, 0x3,0x3e,0x5c, 0x1,0x61,0x57, 0x1,0x61,0x6b, + 0x3,0x3e,0x5a, 0x2,0x3f,0x61, 0x1,0x61,0x6d, 0x3,0x3e,0x50, + 0x2,0x3f,0x5d, 0x1,0x61,0x62, 0x1,0x61,0x5c, 0x1,0x61,0x64, + 0x1,0x61,0x59, 0x1,0x61,0x6a, 0x2,0x3f,0x5e, 0x2,0x3f,0x4c, + 0x2,0x3f,0x60, 0x2,0x3f,0x47, 0x2,0x3f,0x69, 0x3,0x3e,0x58, + 0x4,0x3a,0x67, 0x3,0x3e,0x5d, 0x3,0x3e,0x56, 0x3,0x3e,0x4e, + 0x2,0x3f,0x72, 0x3,0x66,0x39, 0x3,0x3e,0x5b, 0x3,0x66,0x38, + 0x2,0x3f,0x44, 0x2,0x46,0x6c, 0x3,0x44,0x2d, 0x2,0x47,0x24, + 0x1,0x65,0x5c, 0x2,0x46,0x71, 0x3,0x44,0x31, 0x2,0x46,0x6f, + 0x2,0x46,0x5a, 0x1,0x66,0x30, 0x2,0x46,0x6a, 0x2,0x46,0x7e, + 0x2,0x46,0x66, 0x1,0x66,0x38, 0x2,0x46,0x7d, 0x2,0x46,0x64, + 0x1,0x61,0x69, 0x2,0x46,0x74, 0x2,0x46,0x65, 0x2,0x46,0x7b, + 0x1,0x66,0x37, 0x1,0x66,0x2f, 0x3,0x44,0x3a, 0x2,0x46,0x4f, + 0x2,0x46,0x57, 0x3,0x44,0x35, 0x2,0x46,0x70, 0x2,0x46,0x68, + 0x2,0x47,0x23, 0x2,0x46,0x6b, 0x1,0x66,0x3d, 0x2,0x46,0x7c, + 0x3,0x44,0x2c, 0x1,0x66,0x34, 0x3,0x44,0x3e, 0x2,0x46,0x6e, + 0x2,0x46,0x76, 0x2,0x46,0x5b, 0x2,0x46,0x75, 0x3,0x44,0x27, + 0x2,0x47,0x28, 0x2,0x46,0x56, 0x2,0x46,0x77, 0x3,0x44,0x33, + 0x2,0x47,0x26, 0x3,0x44,0x3f, 0x2,0x46,0x50, 0x1,0x61,0x61, + 0x3,0x44,0x40, 0x2,0x46,0x5e, 0x2,0x46,0x5d, 0x1,0x66,0x36, + 0x3,0x44,0x32, 0x2,0x46,0x61, 0x2,0x46,0x63, 0x2,0x46,0x72, + 0x2,0x47,0x25, 0x1,0x66,0x39, 0x3,0x44,0x38, 0x1,0x66,0x3a, + 0x3,0x44,0x30, 0x2,0x46,0x55, 0x1,0x66,0x32, 0x2,0x46,0x59, + 0x2,0x47,0x21, 0x1,0x66,0x3b, 0x4,0x40,0x44, 0x1,0x66,0x33, + 0x1,0x66,0x35, 0x1,0x66,0x3c, 0x2,0x47,0x27, 0x2,0x46,0x78, + 0x2,0x46,0x73, 0x3,0x44,0x3c, 0x3,0x44,0x2f, 0x2,0x46,0x60, + 0x2,0x46,0x5f, 0x1,0x66,0x31, 0x2,0x46,0x51, 0x1,0x66,0x2e, + 0x2,0x46,0x69, 0x2,0x46,0x52, 0x2,0x46,0x67, 0x3,0x44,0x2e, + 0x4,0x40,0x41, 0x2,0x46,0x5c, 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0x3,0x56,0x29, 0x1,0x75,0x2f, + 0x2,0x5e,0x64, 0x2,0x5e,0x74, 0x3,0x56,0x2d, 0x2,0x5f,0x22, + 0x2,0x5e,0x77, 0x2,0x5e,0x6a, 0x1,0x75,0x31, 0x1,0x75,0x2d, + 0x2,0x5e,0x78, 0x2,0x5e,0x6b, 0x2,0x5f,0x24, 0x2,0x5e,0x65, + 0x2,0x5e,0x6f, 0x2,0x5e,0x7a, 0x2,0x5e,0x67, 0x2,0x5e,0x69, + 0x4,0x58,0x40, 0x1,0x75,0x35, 0x2,0x5e,0x63, 0x1,0x75,0x33, + 0x1,0x77,0x30, 0x1,0x75,0x2a, 0x3,0x56,0x2c, 0x3,0x56,0x30, + 0x1,0x75,0x30, 0x1,0x77,0x34, 0x2,0x62,0x7d, 0x3,0x58,0x6c, + 0x2,0x62,0x73, 0x2,0x62,0x6e, 0x2,0x62,0x74, 0x2,0x62,0x7e, + 0x2,0x63,0x24, 0x2,0x63,0x23, 0x1,0x77,0x36, 0x1,0x77,0x35, + 0x3,0x58,0x6e, 0x4,0x5d,0x2c, 0x2,0x62,0x75, 0x2,0x63,0x25, + 0x2,0x62,0x78, 0x2,0x62,0x70, 0x3,0x58,0x6f, 0x2,0x62,0x72, + 0x2,0x62,0x71, 0x2,0x62,0x77, 0x2,0x62,0x7c, 0x2,0x62,0x6f, + 0x2,0x62,0x76, 0x2,0x62,0x7b, 0x1,0x77,0x33, 0x4,0x5d,0x28, + 0x2,0x62,0x79, 0x3,0x58,0x6b, 0x1,0x77,0x31, 0x2,0x62,0x7a, + 0x1,0x77,0x2f, 0x1,0x77,0x32, 0x2,0x66,0x60, 0x2,0x63,0x21, + 0x3,0x66,0x3e, 0x1,0x78,0x6d, 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0x2,0x6c,0x21, 0x2,0x6c,0x27, + 0x1,0x7b,0x23, 0x2,0x69,0x68, 0x2,0x6c,0x26, 0x3,0x5e,0x5c, + 0x2,0x6c,0x2d, 0x2,0x6c,0x24, 0x2,0x6c,0x2b, 0x2,0x6c,0x2a, + 0x2,0x69,0x64, 0x2,0x6c,0x25, 0x2,0x63,0x22, 0x2,0x6c,0x2e, + 0x2,0x6c,0x23, 0x2,0x6c,0x28, 0x3,0x5e,0x58, 0x2,0x6c,0x2c, + 0x2,0x6c,0x22, 0x3,0x5e,0x56, 0x2,0x6d,0x77, 0x1,0x7b,0x22, + 0x2,0x6c,0x29, 0x3,0x5e,0x57, 0x2,0x6f,0x43, 0x2,0x6d,0x78, + 0x2,0x6d,0x76, 0x2,0x6d,0x74, 0x2,0x6d,0x75, 0x2,0x6d,0x79, + 0x3,0x66,0x40, 0x1,0x7c,0x45, 0x2,0x6f,0x41, 0x2,0x6f,0x3f, + 0x2,0x6f,0x44, 0x2,0x6f,0x42, 0x3,0x60,0x43, 0x2,0x6f,0x45, + 0x1,0x7c,0x46, 0x2,0x6f,0x40, 0x3,0x60,0x2f, 0x3,0x61,0x46, + 0x2,0x70,0x4a, 0x3,0x66,0x41, 0x2,0x71,0x34, 0x2,0x71,0x35, + 0x2,0x71,0x36, 0x3,0x61,0x47, 0x3,0x61,0x7c, 0x2,0x72,0x35, + 0x2,0x72,0x2d, 0x2,0x22,0x6f, 0x1,0x4f,0x4d, 0x1,0x53,0x4b, + 0x4,0x2f,0x68, 0x2,0x32,0x5a, 0x2,0x32,0x59, 0x1,0x58,0x25, + 0x1,0x5d,0x28, 0x2,0x39,0x21, 0x3,0x38,0x63, 0x3,0x38,0x60, + 0x2,0x38,0x7e, 0x3,0x38,0x61, 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0x3,0x49,0x4a, 0x2,0x4d,0x67, + 0x2,0x4d,0x6e, 0x2,0x4d,0x61, 0x4,0x46,0x7e, 0x2,0x4d,0x7a, + 0x2,0x4d,0x72, 0x2,0x4d,0x6c, 0x2,0x4d,0x5c, 0x1,0x6a,0x71, + 0x2,0x4d,0x73, 0x3,0x49,0x45, 0x1,0x6a,0x74, 0x2,0x4d,0x77, + 0x3,0x49,0x4c, 0x2,0x4d,0x71, 0x1,0x6a,0x6e, 0x2,0x4d,0x6f, + 0x3,0x49,0x49, 0x2,0x4d,0x69, 0x1,0x6a,0x6c, 0x2,0x4d,0x60, + 0x2,0x4d,0x68, 0x2,0x4d,0x74, 0x2,0x4d,0x66, 0xf,0x4c,0x33, + 0x3,0x49,0x4e, 0x2,0x4d,0x6a, 0x3,0x49,0x4b, 0x3,0x66,0x43, + 0x1,0x6e,0x6a, 0x2,0x47,0x30, 0x2,0x53,0x79, 0x2,0x54,0x24, + 0x2,0x53,0x78, 0x2,0x53,0x74, 0x2,0x53,0x71, 0x1,0x6e,0x6b, + 0x2,0x53,0x6f, 0x1,0x6a,0x73, 0x2,0x53,0x68, 0x1,0x6e,0x69, + 0x2,0x53,0x6e, 0x1,0x6e,0x68, 0x2,0x53,0x73, 0x2,0x53,0x70, + 0x2,0x54,0x22, 0x2,0x53,0x7b, 0x2,0x53,0x75, 0x2,0x53,0x7a, + 0x1,0x6e,0x64, 0x2,0x53,0x72, 0x2,0x54,0x27, 0x2,0x53,0x69, + 0x2,0x53,0x6a, 0x2,0x54,0x23, 0x1,0x6e,0x65, 0x2,0x54,0x28, + 0x1,0x6e,0x67, 0x2,0x54,0x29, 0x2,0x53,0x77, 0x2,0x4d,0x5f, + 0x2,0x53,0x7d, 0x2,0x53,0x76, 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0x2,0x66,0x69, 0x2,0x66,0x6a, + 0x3,0x5b,0x2c, 0x1,0x78,0x74, 0x2,0x66,0x67, 0x1,0x78,0x71, + 0x2,0x66,0x6f, 0x3,0x5b,0x27, 0x1,0x78,0x75, 0x2,0x66,0x71, + 0x2,0x66,0x66, 0x2,0x63,0x39, 0x2,0x66,0x73, 0x2,0x66,0x68, + 0x5,0x69,0x43, 0x1,0x78,0x72, 0x2,0x66,0x6e, 0x3,0x5b,0x29, + 0x2,0x66,0x70, 0x2,0x66,0x6b, 0x2,0x66,0x72, 0x2,0x66,0x6d, + 0x2,0x66,0x6c, 0x1,0x78,0x73, 0x3,0x58,0x77, 0x3,0x5b,0x2b, + 0x2,0x69,0x71, 0x2,0x69,0x72, 0x3,0x5d,0x25, 0x2,0x69,0x74, + 0x1,0x7a,0x39, 0x1,0x7a,0x3a, 0x2,0x69,0x75, 0x2,0x69,0x73, + 0x3,0x5d,0x24, 0x2,0x69,0x70, 0x3,0x5e,0x5d, 0x2,0x6c,0x31, + 0x2,0x6c,0x34, 0x2,0x6c,0x30, 0x4,0x61,0x26, 0x1,0x7b,0x27, + 0x2,0x6c,0x32, 0x1,0x7b,0x26, 0x1,0x7b,0x25, 0x1,0x7b,0x24, + 0x2,0x6c,0x33, 0x2,0x6d,0x7e, 0x2,0x6d,0x7c, 0x3,0x5f,0x5f, + 0x2,0x6d,0x7b, 0x2,0x6c,0x2f, 0x2,0x6d,0x7d, 0x2,0x6c,0x35, + 0x2,0x6d,0x7a, 0x3,0x60,0x45, 0x2,0x6f,0x48, 0x2,0x6f,0x26, + 0x2,0x6f,0x46, 0x1,0x7c,0x47, 0x2,0x6f,0x47, 0x2,0x6f,0x49, + 0x3,0x66,0x47, 0x2,0x70,0x4d, 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0x2,0x47,0x44, 0x2,0x47,0x4a, + 0x3,0x44,0x54, 0x2,0x4e,0x31, 0x2,0x4e,0x2f, 0x3,0x49,0x5c, + 0x2,0x4e,0x30, 0x2,0x54,0x3c, 0x2,0x54,0x3a, 0x3,0x4e,0x66, + 0x2,0x54,0x3b, 0x2,0x5a,0x4b, 0x2,0x5f,0x4a, 0x2,0x5f,0x4b, + 0x1,0x77,0x3d, 0x3,0x5b,0x32, 0x2,0x67,0x22, 0x2,0x69,0x79, + 0x1,0x7a,0x3d, 0x4,0x61,0x37, 0x2,0x6c,0x3b, 0x2,0x6e,0x24, + 0x1,0x7b,0x73, 0x4,0x69,0x45, 0x2,0x6f,0x4d, 0x2,0x71,0x3b, + 0x1,0x4b,0x46, 0x1,0x53,0x54, 0x1,0x53,0x55, 0x2,0x2d,0x51, + 0x3,0x2f,0x2a, 0x3,0x2f,0x2c, 0x2,0x2d,0x52, 0x1,0x53,0x53, + 0x4,0x2f,0x7c, 0x1,0x58,0x39, 0x3,0x33,0x7b, 0x1,0x58,0x37, + 0x3,0x33,0x7a, 0x1,0x58,0x36, 0x1,0x58,0x3d, 0x1,0x58,0x35, + 0x1,0x58,0x3e, 0x2,0x33,0x21, 0x1,0x58,0x3b, 0x4,0x2f,0x7d, + 0x1,0x58,0x38, 0x1,0x58,0x3c, 0x1,0x58,0x3a, 0x1,0x58,0x34, + 0x3,0x33,0x7c, 0x1,0x5d,0x45, 0x3,0x38,0x7e, 0x1,0x5d,0x3f, + 0x2,0x39,0x4f, 0x1,0x5d,0x44, 0x3,0x39,0x23, 0x3,0x39,0x29, + 0x1,0x5d,0x46, 0x1,0x5d,0x40, 0x6,0x44,0x70, 0x1,0x5d,0x41, + 0x3,0x38,0x79, 0x2,0x39,0x4d, 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0x3,0x44,0x55, 0x1,0x66,0x59, + 0x1,0x66,0x68, 0x1,0x66,0x65, 0x1,0x66,0x67, 0x3,0x44,0x58, + 0x1,0x66,0x5e, 0x1,0x66,0x63, 0x1,0x66,0x5a, 0x1,0x66,0x5b, + 0x2,0x47,0x56, 0x2,0x47,0x53, 0x2,0x47,0x4b, 0x2,0x47,0x50, + 0x3,0x44,0x5b, 0x1,0x66,0x69, 0x2,0x47,0x57, 0x1,0x66,0x6a, + 0x1,0x66,0x60, 0x3,0x44,0x5c, 0x3,0x44,0x61, 0x2,0x47,0x4d, + 0x3,0x44,0x56, 0x2,0x47,0x55, 0x2,0x47,0x51, 0x2,0x47,0x54, + 0x2,0x47,0x52, 0x1,0x66,0x64, 0x2,0x47,0x4c, 0x1,0x66,0x5f, + 0x3,0x44,0x5d, 0x2,0x4e,0x34, 0x1,0x6b,0x22, 0x1,0x6b,0x25, + 0x3,0x49,0x5f, 0x2,0x4e,0x36, 0x3,0x49,0x64, 0x1,0x6b,0x2d, + 0x2,0x4e,0x35, 0x1,0x6b,0x27, 0x3,0x49,0x63, 0x1,0x6e,0x78, + 0x2,0x4e,0x37, 0x4,0x47,0x45, 0x1,0x6b,0x2c, 0x2,0x4e,0x33, + 0x1,0x6b,0x2e, 0x3,0x49,0x5e, 0x3,0x49,0x62, 0x3,0x49,0x6b, + 0x1,0x6b,0x23, 0x3,0x49,0x68, 0x1,0x66,0x62, 0x1,0x6b,0x26, + 0x3,0x49,0x60, 0x1,0x6b,0x24, 0x1,0x6b,0x28, 0x1,0x6b,0x2a, + 0x1,0x6b,0x21, 0x1,0x6b,0x2f, 0x1,0x6b,0x2b, 0x3,0x49,0x65, + 0x1,0x6b,0x29, 0x2,0x4e,0x32, 0x3,0x49,0x66, 0xf,0x4c,0x41, + 0x3,0x4e,0x74, 0x1,0x6f,0x21, 0x3,0x4e,0x67, 0x1,0x6e,0x7b, + 0x3,0x4e,0x72, 0x3,0x4e,0x70, 0x3,0x4e,0x6e, 0x1,0x6f,0x24, + 0x3,0x4e,0x6c, 0x2,0x54,0x3f, 0x1,0x6f,0x25, 0x2,0x54,0x4b, + 0x2,0x54,0x44, 0x1,0x6e,0x74, 0x2,0x54,0x4c, 0x2,0x54,0x46, + 0x1,0x6e,0x7e, 0x2,0x54,0x47, 0x3,0x4e,0x73, 0x1,0x6e,0x7d, + 0x2,0x54,0x4a, 0x1,0x6e,0x77, 0x2,0x54,0x48, 0x2,0x54,0x3e, + 0x1,0x6e,0x76, 0x2,0x5a,0x56, 0x1,0x6e,0x7c, 0x3,0x4e,0x75, + 0x1,0x6e,0x79, 0x3,0x4e,0x69, 0x1,0x6f,0x23, 0x3,0x4e,0x6a, + 0x2,0x54,0x3d, 0x3,0x4e,0x76, 0x2,0x54,0x41, 0x1,0x6e,0x75, + 0x2,0x54,0x40, 0x2,0x54,0x42, 0x2,0x54,0x43, 0x1,0x6f,0x22, + 0x2,0x54,0x45, 0x2,0x54,0x49, 0x2,0x54,0x4d, 0x1,0x6f,0x26, + 0x1,0x72,0x3c, 0x2,0x5a,0x51, 0x2,0x5a,0x57, 0x2,0x5a,0x54, + 0x2,0x5a,0x4c, 0x2,0x5a,0x58, 0x2,0x5a,0x4d, 0x3,0x52,0x6a, + 0x2,0x5a,0x53, 0x3,0x52,0x6b, 0x1,0x72,0x37, 0x1,0x72,0x3d, + 0x2,0x5a,0x59, 0x3,0x4e,0x6f, 0x3,0x52,0x67, 0x1,0x72,0x39, + 0x3,0x52,0x6e, 0x1,0x72,0x43, 0x1,0x72,0x3e, 0x2,0x5a,0x5b, + 0x2,0x5a,0x55, 0x1,0x72,0x3a, 0x2,0x5a,0x4e, 0x1,0x72,0x44, + 0x2,0x5a,0x4f, 0x2,0x5a,0x50, 0x1,0x72,0x45, 0x1,0x72,0x42, + 0x1,0x6e,0x7a, 0x3,0x52,0x69, 0x1,0x72,0x38, 0x2,0x5a,0x5c, + 0x1,0x72,0x46, 0x3,0x52,0x68, 0x1,0x72,0x3f, 0x2,0x5a,0x5a, + 0x1,0x72,0x3b, 0x1,0x72,0x40, 0x1,0x72,0x41, 0x3,0x66,0x4c, + 0x1,0x75,0x4e, 0x2,0x5f,0x50, 0x2,0x5f,0x59, 0x2,0x5f,0x56, + 0x2,0x5f,0x58, 0x3,0x56,0x49, 0x1,0x75,0x4b, 0x2,0x5f,0x51, + 0x3,0x56,0x4a, 0x2,0x5f,0x57, 0x1,0x75,0x47, 0x2,0x5f,0x53, + 0x1,0x75,0x4f, 0x2,0x5f,0x4f, 0x2,0x5f,0x54, 0x2,0x5f,0x5b, + 0x2,0x5a,0x52, 0x2,0x5f,0x55, 0x2,0x5f,0x4e, 0x1,0x75,0x48, + 0x2,0x5f,0x4d, 0x1,0x75,0x49, 0x2,0x5f,0x5c, 0x1,0x75,0x4a, + 0x2,0x5f,0x5a, 0x1,0x75,0x4d, 0x2,0x5f,0x4c, 0x3,0x56,0x48, + 0x1,0x75,0x4c, 0x2,0x5f,0x52, 0x2,0x63,0x47, 0x2,0x63,0x55, + 0x2,0x63,0x50, 0x2,0x63,0x52, 0x2,0x63,0x46, 0x1,0x77,0x3e, + 0x3,0x59,0x2a, 0x2,0x63,0x45, 0x1,0x77,0x41, 0x1,0x77,0x40, + 0x3,0x59,0x26, 0x2,0x63,0x54, 0x2,0x63,0x4c, 0x2,0x63,0x49, + 0x2,0x63,0x4f, 0x3,0x59,0x24, 0x2,0x63,0x48, 0x3,0x59,0x28, + 0x2,0x63,0x4a, 0x2,0x63,0x53, 0x2,0x63,0x51, 0x3,0x59,0x23, + 0x1,0x77,0x3f, 0x2,0x63,0x58, 0x2,0x63,0x56, 0x2,0x63,0x4d, + 0x2,0x63,0x57, 0x2,0x63,0x4e, 0x3,0x5b,0x34, 0x2,0x67,0x26, + 0x1,0x78,0x7a, 0x2,0x67,0x2d, 0x3,0x5b,0x35, 0x4,0x61,0x3a, + 0x2,0x6c,0x3e, 0x1,0x79,0x23, 0x2,0x63,0x4b, 0x2,0x67,0x24, + 0x1,0x78,0x7d, 0x2,0x67,0x25, 0x2,0x67,0x2a, 0x3,0x5b,0x36, + 0x3,0x5d,0x33, 0x1,0x79,0x21, 0x1,0x79,0x22, 0x2,0x67,0x23, + 0x2,0x67,0x2c, 0x2,0x67,0x2e, 0x2,0x67,0x27, 0x2,0x67,0x29, + 0x2,0x67,0x2b, 0x2,0x67,0x28, 0x2,0x67,0x2f, 0x1,0x78,0x7c, + 0x1,0x79,0x24, 0x1,0x78,0x7e, 0x1,0x78,0x7b, 0x2,0x69,0x7c, + 0x4,0x64,0x4d, 0x1,0x7a,0x42, 0x2,0x69,0x7a, 0x3,0x5d,0x30, + 0x3,0x5d,0x2c, 0x2,0x69,0x7e, 0x3,0x5d,0x32, 0x2,0x6a,0x21, + 0x1,0x7a,0x40, 0x2,0x6a,0x22, 0x2,0x69,0x7d, 0x3,0x5d,0x2b, + 0x2,0x69,0x7b, 0x1,0x7a,0x43, 0x1,0x7a,0x3f, 0x2,0x6a,0x23, + 0x3,0x5d,0x2e, 0x1,0x7a,0x41, 0x1,0x7a,0x3e, 0x3,0x5c,0x6d, + 0x4,0x67,0x3b, 0x1,0x7b,0x2b, 0x3,0x5e,0x62, 0x4,0x67,0x41, + 0x1,0x7b,0x2c, 0x2,0x6c,0x3d, 0x2,0x6c,0x3c, 0x2,0x6c,0x3f, + 0x2,0x6c,0x40, 0x3,0x5e,0x63, 0x1,0x7b,0x2d, 0x2,0x6e,0x25, + 0x2,0x6e,0x2a, 0x1,0x7b,0x74, 0x3,0x5f,0x61, 0x2,0x6e,0x27, + 0x3,0x5f,0x62, 0x2,0x6e,0x26, 0x2,0x6e,0x29, 0x2,0x6e,0x28, + 0x3,0x60,0x48, 0x2,0x6f,0x51, 0x4,0x6a,0x7c, 0x1,0x7c,0x48, + 0x2,0x6f,0x50, 0x2,0x6f,0x4e, 0x3,0x60,0x47, 0x2,0x6f,0x4f, + 0x3,0x60,0x49, 0x3,0x60,0x7b, 0x1,0x7c,0x6a, 0x1,0x7c,0x69, + 0x2,0x70,0x4f, 0x2,0x70,0x50, 0x1,0x7c,0x6b, 0x3,0x61,0x4b, + 0x2,0x71,0x3c, 0x2,0x71,0x3d, 0x1,0x7d,0x34, 0x3,0x61,0x6b, + 0x1,0x7d,0x3a, 0x3,0x61,0x7e, 0x2,0x71,0x77, 0x2,0x72,0x36, + 0x1,0x4b,0x47, 0x5,0x30,0x46, 0x2,0x39,0x50, 0x3,0x39,0x2a, + 0x2,0x39,0x51, 0x2,0x47,0x58, 0x2,0x4e,0x38, 0x2,0x54,0x4e, + 0x1,0x75,0x51, 0x3,0x56,0x4d, 0x1,0x75,0x50, 0x2,0x63,0x59, + 0x2,0x67,0x30, 0x3,0x5f,0x64, 0x2,0x6f,0x52, 0x1,0x4b,0x48, + 0x2,0x33,0x22, 0x1,0x58,0x3f, 0x1,0x5d,0x47, 0x2,0x47,0x5a, + 0x2,0x47,0x59, 0x1,0x6f,0x27, 0x2,0x54,0x4f, 0x1,0x6f,0x28, + 0x2,0x5f,0x5d, 0x1,0x77,0x42, 0x3,0x5d,0x34, 0x3,0x66,0x4d, + 0x3,0x62,0x21, 0x1,0x7d,0x43, 0x1,0x4b,0x49, 0x2,0x28,0x6b, + 0x2,0x33,0x23, 0x3,0x39,0x2d, 0x4,0x35,0x4d, 0x1,0x5d,0x48, + 0x3,0x39,0x2c, 0x2,0x39,0x52, 0x2,0x39,0x53, 0x3,0x3f,0x2a, + 0x2,0x40,0x4b, 0x3,0x3f,0x29, 0x1,0x62,0x2f, 0x1,0x66,0x6d, + 0x3,0x44,0x64, 0x2,0x47,0x5c, 0x2,0x47,0x5b, 0x2,0x47,0x5d, + 0x3,0x49,0x6d, 0x2,0x4e,0x39, 0x2,0x4e,0x3a, 0x1,0x6b,0x30, + 0x1,0x72,0x47, 0x1,0x6f,0x29, 0x1,0x72,0x48, 0x2,0x5f,0x61, + 0x2,0x5f,0x5e, 0x2,0x5f,0x60, 0x2,0x5f,0x5f, 0x1,0x75,0x52, + 0x3,0x59,0x2b, 0x2,0x63,0x5a, 0x2,0x67,0x32, 0x2,0x67,0x31, + 0x2,0x25,0x24, 0x1,0x58,0x41, 0x1,0x58,0x40, 0x2,0x33,0x24, + 0x3,0x39,0x2e, 0x2,0x39,0x54, 0x3,0x3f,0x2c, 0x3,0x3f,0x2b, + 0x2,0x40,0x4d, 0x2,0x40,0x4c, 0x1,0x62,0x30, 0x3,0x3f,0x2d, + 0x2,0x47,0x5f, 0x2,0x47,0x60, 0x2,0x47,0x5e, 0x4,0x40,0x78, + 0x3,0x44,0x65, 0x1,0x66,0x6f, 0x1,0x66,0x6e, 0x4,0x47,0x54, + 0x1,0x6b,0x32, 0x1,0x6b,0x31, 0x3,0x4e,0x7a, 0x2,0x54,0x50, + 0x2,0x5a,0x5f, 0x2,0x5a,0x5d, 0x2,0x5a,0x5e, 0x1,0x72,0x49, + 0x2,0x5f,0x63, 0x2,0x5f,0x62, 0x3,0x56,0x4f, 0x2,0x63,0x5d, + 0x2,0x63,0x5c, 0x2,0x63,0x5b, 0x2,0x67,0x33, 0x3,0x61,0x4d, + 0x2,0x71,0x78, 0x1,0x4b,0x4a, 0x1,0x53,0x56, 0x3,0x2f,0x2e, + 0x1,0x53,0x57, 0x1,0x58,0x42, 0x1,0x58,0x43, 0x2,0x33,0x26, + 0x2,0x33,0x25, 0x2,0x39,0x55, 0x3,0x39,0x30, 0x1,0x5d,0x4e, + 0x1,0x5d,0x4c, 0x1,0x5d,0x49, 0x1,0x5d,0x4d, 0x1,0x5d,0x4b, + 0x1,0x5d,0x4a, 0x3,0x39,0x32, 0x3,0x39,0x31, 0x1,0x62,0x31, + 0x2,0x40,0x50, 0x3,0x3f,0x2f, 0x1,0x66,0x74, 0x1,0x62,0x33, + 0x1,0x62,0x38, 0x2,0x40,0x52, 0x1,0x62,0x3a, 0x1,0x62,0x39, + 0x1,0x62,0x3c, 0x2,0x40,0x51, 0x2,0x40,0x4e, 0x1,0x62,0x36, + 0x1,0x62,0x32, 0x1,0x62,0x34, 0x2,0x40,0x4f, 0x1,0x62,0x3b, + 0x1,0x62,0x37, 0x1,0x62,0x35, 0x1,0x66,0x76, 0x1,0x66,0x75, + 0x1,0x66,0x73, 0x1,0x66,0x77, 0x4,0x40,0x7e, 0x1,0x66,0x71, + 0x1,0x66,0x72, 0x3,0x44,0x69, 0x1,0x66,0x70, 0x5,0x43,0x2d, + 0x2,0x47,0x61, 0x3,0x44,0x67, 0x2,0x4e,0x3c, 0x3,0x49,0x70, + 0x1,0x6b,0x34, 0x1,0x6b,0x35, 0x1,0x6b,0x33, 0x3,0x49,0x72, + 0x2,0x4e,0x3b, 0x3,0x49,0x71, 0x2,0x4e,0x3d, 0x3,0x66,0x4e, + 0x2,0x54,0x53, 0x2,0x54,0x55, 0x3,0x4e,0x7e, 0x1,0x6f,0x32, + 0x2,0x54,0x56, 0x1,0x6f,0x2b, 0x2,0x54,0x52, 0x1,0x6f,0x2a, + 0x1,0x6f,0x34, 0x1,0x6f,0x30, 0x1,0x6f,0x31, 0x1,0x6f,0x2d, + 0x2,0x54,0x51, 0x1,0x6f,0x2c, 0x2,0x54,0x57, 0x2,0x54,0x54, + 0x3,0x4e,0x7d, 0x1,0x6f,0x33, 0x3,0x4f,0x22, 0x1,0x6f,0x2e, + 0x1,0x6f,0x2f, 0x2,0x5a,0x61, 0x3,0x52,0x75, 0x2,0x5a,0x63, + 0x2,0x5a,0x62, 0x3,0x52,0x73, 0x2,0x5a,0x64, 0x1,0x72,0x4a, + 0x2,0x5a,0x60, 0x3,0x56,0x51, 0x3,0x56,0x52, 0x1,0x75,0x56, + 0x2,0x5f,0x64, 0x1,0x75,0x53, 0x1,0x75,0x57, 0x1,0x75,0x55, + 0x1,0x75,0x54, 0x2,0x63,0x5e, 0x4,0x5d,0x69, 0x2,0x63,0x61, + 0x7,0x43,0x52, 0x2,0x63,0x60, 0x3,0x59,0x2e, 0x2,0x63,0x5f, + 0x1,0x77,0x43, 0x2,0x67,0x34, 0x2,0x67,0x35, 0x1,0x79,0x25, + 0x2,0x67,0x36, 0x1,0x79,0x26, 0x3,0x5b,0x38, 0x3,0x66,0x4f, + 0x1,0x7a,0x45, 0x4,0x64,0x4f, 0x1,0x7a,0x44, 0x2,0x6c,0x41, + 0x3,0x5e,0x65, 0x3,0x5e,0x66, 0x1,0x7b,0x2e, 0x2,0x6c,0x42, + 0x2,0x6e,0x2b, 0x1,0x7b,0x75, 0x1,0x7b,0x76, 0x3,0x66,0x50, + 0x2,0x6f,0x53, 0x3,0x60,0x4a, 0x1,0x7c,0x6d, 0x3,0x61,0x4e, + 0x1,0x4b,0x4b, 0x3,0x39,0x33, 0x1,0x5d,0x50, 0x1,0x5d,0x4f, + 0x2,0x47,0x62, 0x2,0x47,0x63, 0x1,0x6b,0x36, 0x2,0x5a,0x65, + 0x1,0x6f,0x35, 0x2,0x5a,0x66, 0x2,0x5f,0x65, 0x1,0x4b,0x4c, + 0x3,0x24,0x3a, 0x2,0x2d,0x53, 0x1,0x53,0x59, 0x1,0x53,0x58, + 0x2,0x33,0x27, 0x1,0x58,0x44, 0x2,0x33,0x28, 0x2,0x39,0x58, + 0x3,0x39,0x39, 0x2,0x39,0x57, 0x3,0x39,0x37, 0x2,0x39,0x56, + 0x3,0x39,0x35, 0x3,0x39,0x38, 0x2,0x40,0x54, 0x1,0x62,0x3f, + 0x3,0x3f,0x39, 0x3,0x3f,0x34, 0x2,0x40,0x53, 0x1,0x62,0x3e, + 0x3,0x3f,0x37, 0x3,0x3f,0x30, 0x3,0x3f,0x33, 0x2,0x40,0x55, + 0x1,0x62,0x3d, 0x3,0x3f,0x38, 0x2,0x47,0x65, 0x2,0x47,0x68, + 0x2,0x47,0x66, 0x2,0x47,0x67, 0x2,0x47,0x6b, 0x2,0x47,0x64, + 0x2,0x47,0x6c, 0x2,0x47,0x69, 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0x2,0x40,0x60, 0x2,0x40,0x56, + 0x2,0x40,0x5e, 0x1,0x62,0x43, 0x1,0x62,0x46, 0x2,0x40,0x5b, + 0x1,0x62,0x41, 0x1,0x66,0x79, 0x2,0x47,0x6e, 0x1,0x66,0x78, + 0x2,0x47,0x75, 0x2,0x47,0x74, 0x1,0x67,0x21, 0x1,0x67,0x22, + 0x2,0x47,0x76, 0x1,0x66,0x7a, 0x2,0x47,0x73, 0x1,0x66,0x7e, + 0x2,0x47,0x78, 0x2,0x47,0x6f, 0x3,0x44,0x6b, 0x2,0x47,0x71, + 0x1,0x66,0x7b, 0x2,0x47,0x6d, 0x2,0x47,0x70, 0x2,0x47,0x77, + 0x1,0x66,0x7c, 0x2,0x47,0x79, 0x1,0x66,0x7d, 0x1,0x6b,0x39, + 0x2,0x4e,0x43, 0x2,0x4e,0x49, 0x2,0x4e,0x41, 0x2,0x4e,0x4a, + 0x3,0x49,0x7b, 0x2,0x4e,0x40, 0x2,0x4e,0x45, 0x2,0x4e,0x4b, + 0x2,0x4e,0x48, 0x2,0x4e,0x47, 0x2,0x4e,0x46, 0x3,0x49,0x7a, + 0x2,0x4e,0x3f, 0x2,0x4e,0x44, 0x3,0x49,0x79, 0x2,0x4e,0x42, + 0x1,0x6f,0x3c, 0x1,0x6f,0x39, 0x2,0x54,0x64, 0x2,0x54,0x69, + 0x2,0x54,0x6b, 0x2,0x54,0x68, 0x2,0x54,0x61, 0x2,0x54,0x63, + 0x2,0x54,0x6d, 0x2,0x54,0x6a, 0x2,0x54,0x65, 0x2,0x54,0x6e, + 0x2,0x54,0x62, 0x2,0x54,0x6c, 0x1,0x6f,0x3a, 0x1,0x6f,0x40, + 0x1,0x6f,0x3e, 0x2,0x54,0x5c, 0x1,0x6f,0x3f, 0x1,0x6f,0x3b, + 0x2,0x54,0x5d, 0x2,0x54,0x5f, 0x2,0x54,0x5e, 0x2,0x54,0x66, + 0x2,0x54,0x67, 0x3,0x4f,0x2c, 0x1,0x6f,0x3d, 0x3,0x4f,0x2b, + 0x1,0x6f,0x38, 0x2,0x54,0x60, 0x2,0x5a,0x72, 0x1,0x72,0x4c, + 0x3,0x52,0x7e, 0x2,0x5a,0x69, 0x1,0x72,0x4d, 0x1,0x72,0x50, + 0x2,0x5a,0x6e, 0x5,0x51,0x48, 0x2,0x5a,0x6b, 0x1,0x72,0x4f, + 0x4,0x54,0x29, 0x3,0x52,0x7b, 0x2,0x5a,0x6f, 0x2,0x5a,0x70, + 0x2,0x5a,0x6a, 0x2,0x5a,0x73, 0x2,0x5a,0x6c, 0x2,0x5a,0x71, + 0x1,0x72,0x4e, 0x3,0x52,0x7c, 0x1,0x72,0x4b, 0x2,0x5a,0x6d, + 0x3,0x56,0x54, 0x2,0x5f,0x6b, 0x1,0x75,0x5b, 0x1,0x75,0x59, + 0x1,0x75,0x5c, 0x1,0x75,0x5a, 0x2,0x5f,0x6a, 0x2,0x5f,0x67, + 0x2,0x5f,0x66, 0x3,0x56,0x55, 0x2,0x5f,0x69, 0x4,0x59,0x2d, + 0x2,0x5f,0x68, 0x2,0x63,0x6f, 0x1,0x77,0x49, 0x2,0x63,0x66, + 0x2,0x63,0x65, 0x3,0x59,0x32, 0x1,0x77,0x44, 0x2,0x63,0x6b, + 0x2,0x63,0x6a, 0x2,0x63,0x62, 0x2,0x63,0x6d, 0x2,0x63,0x67, + 0x1,0x77,0x48, 0x2,0x63,0x64, 0x2,0x63,0x6c, 0x2,0x63,0x63, + 0x1,0x77,0x45, 0x1,0x77,0x47, 0x2,0x63,0x68, 0x1,0x77,0x46, + 0x2,0x63,0x69, 0x3,0x5b,0x3a, 0x2,0x63,0x6e, 0x2,0x67,0x3e, + 0x3,0x5b,0x39, 0x1,0x79,0x2b, 0x2,0x67,0x3b, 0x4,0x61,0x52, + 0x2,0x67,0x3f, 0x3,0x5b,0x3b, 0x4,0x61,0x4f, 0x1,0x79,0x28, + 0x2,0x67,0x3d, 0x1,0x79,0x2d, 0x3,0x5b,0x3c, 0x1,0x79,0x2a, + 0x3,0x5b,0x3d, 0x2,0x67,0x3c, 0x4,0x61,0x54, 0x1,0x79,0x2c, + 0x2,0x67,0x40, 0x1,0x79,0x27, 0x1,0x7a,0x47, 0x1,0x7a,0x49, + 0x3,0x5d,0x37, 0x2,0x6a,0x27, 0x1,0x7a,0x48, 0x2,0x6a,0x25, + 0x1,0x79,0x29, 0x2,0x6a,0x26, 0x1,0x7a,0x46, 0x1,0x7b,0x2f, + 0x1,0x7b,0x31, 0x2,0x6c,0x45, 0x1,0x7b,0x30, 0x2,0x6c,0x44, + 0x2,0x6e,0x30, 0x1,0x7b,0x77, 0x2,0x6e,0x2f, 0x1,0x7b,0x78, + 0x2,0x6e,0x2d, 0x2,0x6e,0x2c, 0x2,0x6e,0x31, 0x2,0x6e,0x32, + 0x2,0x6f,0x54, 0x3,0x60,0x4b, 0x2,0x6e,0x2e, 0x2,0x70,0x54, + 0x2,0x70,0x51, 0x2,0x70,0x52, 0x2,0x70,0x53, 0x1,0x7d,0x29, + 0x3,0x61,0x50, 0x2,0x71,0x40, 0x2,0x71,0x3f, 0x2,0x71,0x3e, + 0x2,0x71,0x5f, 0x3,0x61,0x6c, 0x2,0x72,0x2e, 0x2,0x71,0x79, + 0x1,0x7d,0x3b, 0x1,0x4b,0x4e, 0x1,0x58,0x45, 0x3,0x39,0x3f, + 0xf,0x38,0x6c, 0x3,0x39,0x40, 0x3,0x3f,0x40, 0x3,0x44,0x73, + 0x1,0x67,0x23, 0x3,0x49,0x7d, 0x3,0x49,0x7c, 0x3,0x4f,0x30, + 0x3,0x4f,0x32, 0x3,0x4f,0x2f, 0x3,0x4f,0x31, 0x1,0x6f,0x41, + 0x3,0x66,0x52, 0x2,0x5a,0x74, 0xf,0x58,0x33, 0x3,0x59,0x35, + 0x1,0x77,0x4a, 0x3,0x59,0x36, 0x2,0x67,0x41, 0x3,0x5b,0x3f, + 0x4,0x61,0x56, 0x3,0x5d,0x38, 0x4,0x67,0x51, 0x2,0x71,0x7a, + 0x1,0x4b,0x4f, 0x1,0x4f,0x51, 0x1,0x53,0x5c, 0x1,0x53,0x5b, + 0x5,0x30,0x55, 0x1,0x58,0x48, 0x3,0x34,0x21, 0x2,0x33,0x2c, + 0x1,0x58,0x46, 0x2,0x33,0x2d, 0x1,0x58,0x47, 0x3,0x66,0x53, + 0x3,0x39,0x41, 0x2,0x39,0x62, 0x2,0x39,0x5e, 0x3,0x39,0x47, + 0x4,0x35,0x63, 0x1,0x5d,0x53, 0x2,0x39,0x61, 0x2,0x39,0x60, + 0x2,0x39,0x5f, 0x1,0x5d,0x54, 0x2,0x39,0x63, 0x2,0x39,0x64, + 0x3,0x3f,0x45, 0x2,0x40,0x68, 0x2,0x40,0x66, 0x2,0x40,0x6a, + 0x2,0x40,0x6b, 0x2,0x40,0x71, 0x3,0x3f,0x47, 0x2,0x40,0x6d, + 0x2,0x40,0x6f, 0x5,0x43,0x50, 0x2,0x40,0x67, 0x2,0x40,0x62, + 0x4,0x3b,0x55, 0x2,0x40,0x6e, 0x3,0x3f,0x44, 0x3,0x3f,0x46, + 0x2,0x40,0x70, 0x2,0x40,0x69, 0x2,0x40,0x6c, 0x2,0x40,0x63, + 0x1,0x62,0x49, 0x2,0x40,0x65, 0x2,0x40,0x64, 0x1,0x62,0x48, + 0x1,0x62,0x4a, 0x3,0x3f,0x49, 0x1,0x67,0x26, 0x2,0x47,0x7b, + 0x2,0x47,0x7d, 0x2,0x47,0x7c, 0x2,0x48,0x23, 0x1,0x67,0x24, + 0x3,0x44,0x76, 0x2,0x47,0x7e, 0x2,0x47,0x7a, 0x2,0x48,0x21, + 0x2,0x48,0x22, 0x1,0x67,0x25, 0x1,0x67,0x27, 0x2,0x48,0x24, + 0x2,0x4e,0x4f, 0x2,0x4e,0x4e, 0x4,0x47,0x6a, 0x2,0x4e,0x4c, + 0x2,0x4e,0x4d, 0x1,0x6b,0x3b, 0x1,0x6b,0x3d, 0x1,0x6b,0x3a, + 0x1,0x6b,0x3c, 0x2,0x54,0x75, 0x2,0x54,0x76, 0x2,0x54,0x71, + 0x3,0x4f,0x36, 0x2,0x54,0x72, 0x1,0x6f,0x43, 0x1,0x6f,0x48, + 0x1,0x6f,0x42, 0x1,0x6f,0x49, 0x1,0x6f,0x44, 0x2,0x54,0x73, + 0x4,0x4e,0x2d, 0x3,0x4f,0x33, 0x2,0x54,0x74, 0x2,0x54,0x70, + 0x1,0x6f,0x4a, 0x1,0x6f,0x46, 0x3,0x4f,0x35, 0x4,0x4e,0x2b, + 0x1,0x6f,0x45, 0x1,0x6f,0x47, 0x3,0x4f,0x34, 0x2,0x54,0x6f, + 0x3,0x53,0x24, 0x2,0x5a,0x76, 0x1,0x72,0x52, 0x3,0x53,0x22, + 0x3,0x53,0x21, 0x2,0x5a,0x78, 0x1,0x72,0x54, 0x2,0x5a,0x7b, + 0x2,0x5a,0x77, 0x2,0x5a,0x75, 0x2,0x5a,0x7a, 0x1,0x72,0x53, + 0x2,0x5a,0x79, 0x7,0x34,0x32, 0x1,0x72,0x51, 0x3,0x53,0x25, + 0x3,0x56,0x59, 0x1,0x75,0x5e, 0x1,0x75,0x61, 0x2,0x5f,0x6d, + 0x3,0x56,0x5a, 0x1,0x75,0x5f, 0x2,0x5f,0x6c, 0x1,0x75,0x5d, + 0x1,0x75,0x60, 0x2,0x63,0x70, 0x2,0x63,0x71, 0x2,0x63,0x72, + 0x1,0x77,0x4b, 0x3,0x59,0x37, 0x2,0x63,0x73, 0x1,0x77,0x4c, + 0x1,0x79,0x2f, 0x2,0x67,0x44, 0x2,0x67,0x45, 0x2,0x67,0x43, + 0x2,0x67,0x42, 0x2,0x67,0x46, 0x1,0x79,0x2e, 0x2,0x6a,0x2b, + 0x2,0x6a,0x29, 0x2,0x6a,0x2a, 0x2,0x6a,0x2c, 0x2,0x6a,0x28, + 0x2,0x6a,0x2d, 0x2,0x6c,0x47, 0x3,0x5e,0x67, 0x2,0x6c,0x48, + 0x2,0x6c,0x46, 0x1,0x7b,0x32, 0x2,0x6e,0x33, 0x1,0x7b,0x79, + 0x2,0x6e,0x34, 0x2,0x6f,0x56, 0x2,0x6f,0x55, 0x3,0x62,0x22, + 0x1,0x4b,0x50, 0x1,0x62,0x4b, 0x3,0x3f,0x4b, 0x3,0x44,0x77, + 0x1,0x67,0x28, 0x3,0x44,0x78, 0x3,0x4a,0x21, 0x3,0x4a,0x22, + 0x1,0x6b,0x3e, 0x3,0x4f,0x37, 0x3,0x53,0x27, 0x1,0x72,0x56, + 0x3,0x53,0x26, 0x1,0x72,0x55, 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0x1,0x72,0x5c, 0x2,0x5a,0x7e, + 0x1,0x72,0x5b, 0x1,0x75,0x63, 0x2,0x5f,0x6f, 0x1,0x75,0x62, + 0x1,0x75,0x67, 0x1,0x75,0x65, 0x1,0x75,0x66, 0x1,0x77,0x4e, + 0x1,0x75,0x64, 0x2,0x5f,0x6e, 0x2,0x5b,0x21, 0x1,0x77,0x4d, + 0x1,0x77,0x4f, 0x3,0x59,0x3a, 0x1,0x79,0x31, 0x1,0x79,0x32, + 0x4,0x61,0x5f, 0x2,0x6a,0x2e, 0x4,0x69,0x52, 0x1,0x7c,0x4a, + 0x1,0x7c,0x49, 0x1,0x4b,0x57, 0x3,0x22,0x5e, 0x3,0x22,0x5d, + 0x2,0x22,0x75, 0x1,0x58,0x54, 0x3,0x24,0x3c, 0x2,0x22,0x72, + 0x2,0x22,0x73, 0x2,0x22,0x71, 0x3,0x24,0x3d, 0x2,0x22,0x74, + 0x3,0x66,0x55, 0x2,0x25,0x2a, 0x2,0x25,0x27, 0x2,0x25,0x2c, + 0x2,0x25,0x28, 0x1,0x4b,0x58, 0x1,0x4b,0x5b, 0x3,0x27,0x35, + 0x2,0x25,0x29, 0x1,0x4b,0x5a, 0x2,0x25,0x2b, 0x3,0x27,0x39, + 0x3,0x27,0x34, 0x1,0x4b,0x59, 0x3,0x39,0x51, 0x3,0x2a,0x77, + 0x4,0x28,0x2b, 0x2,0x28,0x75, 0x2,0x28,0x77, 0x1,0x4f,0x57, + 0x2,0x28,0x73, 0x2,0x28,0x76, 0x2,0x28,0x74, 0x1,0x4f,0x55, + 0x1,0x4f,0x58, 0x3,0x2a,0x75, 0x1,0x4f,0x56, 0x3,0x2a,0x78, + 0x3,0x2f,0x35, 0x2,0x2d,0x59, 0x2,0x2d,0x5d, 0x2,0x2d,0x5a, + 0x3,0x2f,0x38, 0x1,0x53,0x68, 0x3,0x2f,0x34, 0x1,0x53,0x69, + 0x3,0x2f,0x3e, 0x2,0x2d,0x5c, 0x3,0x2f,0x37, 0x2,0x2d,0x5e, + 0x2,0x2d,0x60, 0x3,0x2f,0x3c, 0x1,0x53,0x66, 0x2,0x2d,0x5f, + 0x4,0x41,0x39, 0x3,0x2f,0x3b, 0x1,0x53,0x67, 0xf,0x45,0x6d, + 0x2,0x39,0x71, 0x2,0x2d,0x5b, 0x2,0x33,0x36, 0x2,0x33,0x3f, + 0x2,0x33,0x3d, 0x2,0x33,0x38, 0x2,0x33,0x39, 0x2,0x33,0x3e, + 0x2,0x33,0x40, 0x1,0x58,0x56, 0x3,0x34,0x29, 0x2,0x33,0x3b, + 0x2,0x33,0x37, 0x1,0x58,0x55, 0x1,0x58,0x57, 0x2,0x33,0x3a, + 0x2,0x33,0x41, 0x2,0x33,0x3c, 0x1,0x5d,0x65, 0x2,0x39,0x74, + 0x2,0x39,0x6c, 0x2,0x39,0x72, 0x2,0x39,0x73, 0x1,0x5d,0x66, + 0x3,0x39,0x4f, 0x2,0x39,0x6b, 0x2,0x39,0x6d, 0x2,0x2d,0x58, + 0x2,0x39,0x6f, 0x2,0x39,0x70, 0x2,0x39,0x6e, 0x1,0x62,0x53, + 0x4,0x4e,0x3b, 0x3,0x39,0x52, 0x2,0x40,0x7b, 0x2,0x5b,0x22, + 0x2,0x40,0x7c, 0x2,0x40,0x79, 0x1,0x5d,0x67, 0x1,0x62,0x55, + 0x2,0x40,0x78, 0x2,0x40,0x7e, 0x2,0x40,0x7d, 0x1,0x62,0x52, + 0x2,0x41,0x23, 0x2,0x40,0x77, 0x2,0x41,0x22, 0x2,0x40,0x75, + 0x2,0x41,0x21, 0x2,0x40,0x7a, 0x1,0x62,0x54, 0x3,0x3f,0x59, + 0x2,0x48,0x30, 0x3,0x45,0x23, 0x2,0x48,0x2b, 0x2,0x48,0x31, + 0x2,0x48,0x2c, 0x2,0x48,0x2a, 0x2,0x48,0x2d, 0x1,0x67,0x39, + 0x3,0x45,0x24, 0x2,0x48,0x2f, 0x3,0x45,0x25, 0x2,0x48,0x2e, + 0x1,0x67,0x3a, 0x1,0x6b,0x49, 0x1,0x6b,0x48, 0x2,0x4e,0x56, + 0x2,0x4e,0x59, 0x2,0x4e,0x51, 0x2,0x4e,0x55, 0x1,0x6b,0x4a, + 0x2,0x4e,0x54, 0x2,0x4e,0x52, 0x2,0x4e,0x58, 0x2,0x4e,0x53, + 0x2,0x4e,0x50, 0x2,0x4e,0x57, 0x3,0x4a,0x2a, 0x2,0x55,0x23, + 0x1,0x6f,0x52, 0x2,0x63,0x74, 0x2,0x54,0x7e, 0x2,0x55,0x21, + 0x2,0x54,0x7d, 0x2,0x40,0x76, 0x1,0x6f,0x51, 0x2,0x55,0x24, + 0x2,0x54,0x7c, 0x1,0x6f,0x50, 0x1,0x6f,0x53, 0x2,0x55,0x22, + 0x2,0x5b,0x23, 0x1,0x72,0x5d, 0x2,0x5b,0x24, 0x2,0x5b,0x25, + 0x3,0x53,0x2b, 0x2,0x5f,0x70, 0x1,0x75,0x68, 0x2,0x63,0x75, + 0x2,0x63,0x76, 0x3,0x59,0x3c, 0x3,0x59,0x3b, 0x2,0x63,0x77, + 0x2,0x67,0x49, 0x2,0x67,0x48, 0x2,0x6a,0x30, 0x2,0x6a,0x2f, + 0x2,0x6c,0x4a, 0x2,0x6c,0x4b, 0x2,0x6c,0x49, 0x2,0x6e,0x35, + 0x1,0x7b,0x7a, 0x1,0x4b,0x5c, 0x1,0x53,0x6b, 0x1,0x53,0x6a, + 0x1,0x58,0x5a, 0x1,0x58,0x59, 0x2,0x33,0x43, 0x2,0x33,0x44, + 0x2,0x33,0x42, 0x3,0x34,0x2a, 0x1,0x58,0x58, 0x2,0x39,0x78, + 0x3,0x39,0x55, 0x2,0x39,0x79, 0x2,0x39,0x75, 0x1,0x5d,0x68, + 0x2,0x39,0x76, 0x3,0x39,0x54, 0x2,0x39,0x77, 0x3,0x66,0x57, + 0x2,0x41,0x26, 0x2,0x41,0x28, 0x2,0x41,0x24, 0x2,0x41,0x27, + 0x1,0x62,0x56, 0x2,0x41,0x25, 0x1,0x62,0x57, 0x3,0x45,0x28, + 0x2,0x42,0x79, 0x1,0x67,0x3d, 0x1,0x67,0x3c, 0x3,0x45,0x27, + 0x1,0x67,0x3b, 0x4,0x41,0x3a, 0x2,0x48,0x32, 0x2,0x48,0x33, + 0x4,0x41,0x3b, 0x2,0x4e,0x5b, 0x2,0x4e,0x5d, 0x1,0x6b,0x4e, + 0x1,0x6b,0x4b, 0x3,0x4a,0x2c, 0x1,0x6b,0x4d, 0x1,0x6b,0x4c, + 0x2,0x4e,0x5c, 0x2,0x4e,0x5a, 0x3,0x4a,0x2b, 0x3,0x4a,0x2d, + 0x2,0x55,0x2b, 0x2,0x55,0x28, 0x2,0x55,0x29, 0x1,0x6f,0x57, + 0x2,0x55,0x2a, 0x2,0x55,0x25, 0x2,0x55,0x26, 0x1,0x6f,0x54, + 0x3,0x4f,0x3f, 0x1,0x6f,0x55, 0x2,0x55,0x27, 0x1,0x6f,0x56, + 0x3,0x4f,0x40, 0x2,0x5b,0x29, 0x3,0x53,0x2d, 0x2,0x5b,0x2a, + 0x2,0x5b,0x27, 0x2,0x5b,0x28, 0x1,0x72,0x5e, 0x2,0x5b,0x26, + 0x4,0x54,0x42, 0x3,0x53,0x2c, 0x3,0x53,0x2f, 0x4,0x59,0x3f, + 0x2,0x5f,0x74, 0x2,0x5f,0x71, 0x2,0x5f,0x73, 0x1,0x75,0x6b, + 0x2,0x5f,0x77, 0x1,0x75,0x6a, 0x2,0x5f,0x75, 0x2,0x5f,0x78, + 0x2,0x5f,0x76, 0x2,0x5f,0x72, 0x1,0x75,0x69, 0x2,0x63,0x79, + 0x4,0x5e,0x24, 0x2,0x63,0x7a, 0x2,0x63,0x78, 0x3,0x59,0x3d, + 0x2,0x63,0x7c, 0x1,0x77,0x50, 0x1,0x77,0x51, 0x2,0x67,0x4b, + 0x1,0x79,0x34, 0x2,0x63,0x7b, 0x2,0x67,0x4a, 0x1,0x79,0x33, + 0x2,0x6a,0x33, 0x2,0x6a,0x34, 0x1,0x7a,0x4a, 0x2,0x6a,0x32, + 0x4,0x64,0x65, 0x2,0x6a,0x31, 0x2,0x6c,0x4c, 0x1,0x7b,0x34, + 0x3,0x5e,0x68, 0x2,0x6f,0x57, 0x2,0x70,0x56, 0x2,0x70,0x55, + 0x3,0x60,0x7e, 0x1,0x7c,0x6e, 0x1,0x7d,0x2a, 0x2,0x70,0x57, + 0x2,0x71,0x60, 0x3,0x61,0x6d, 0x1,0x7d,0x3c, 0x1,0x4b,0x5d, + 0x1,0x4f,0x59, 0x1,0x67,0x3e, 0x1,0x7a,0x4b, 0x1,0x4b,0x5e, + 0x1,0x53,0x6c, 0x1,0x5d,0x69, 0x1,0x62,0x58, 0x1,0x77,0x52, + 0x1,0x4f,0x5a, 0x2,0x2d,0x62, 0x2,0x2d,0x61, 0x2,0x33,0x45, + 0x3,0x34,0x30, 0x1,0x58,0x5d, 0x1,0x58,0x5b, 0x1,0x58,0x5f, + 0x2,0x33,0x47, 0x3,0x34,0x2d, 0x1,0x58,0x5e, 0x1,0x58,0x5c, + 0x3,0x34,0x2f, 0x3,0x34,0x2e, 0x3,0x34,0x31, 0x2,0x33,0x46, + 0x1,0x5d,0x6c, 0x2,0x3a,0x21, 0x3,0x39,0x58, 0x1,0x5d,0x6b, + 0x1,0x5d,0x6d, 0x2,0x3a,0x26, 0x1,0x5d,0x6f, 0x2,0x3a,0x23, + 0x2,0x3a,0x24, 0x2,0x39,0x7a, 0x1,0x5d,0x6e, 0x2,0x3a,0x27, + 0x4,0x35,0x7b, 0x3,0x39,0x57, 0x2,0x39,0x7c, 0x3,0x39,0x56, + 0x2,0x39,0x7d, 0x2,0x39,0x7b, 0x1,0x5d,0x6a, 0x3,0x39,0x59, + 0x2,0x3a,0x25, 0x2,0x39,0x7e, 0x2,0x3a,0x22, 0x2,0x41,0x34, + 0x3,0x3f,0x5d, 0x2,0x41,0x33, 0x2,0x41,0x31, 0x2,0x41,0x29, + 0x2,0x41,0x38, 0x2,0x41,0x2c, 0x2,0x41,0x36, 0x2,0x41,0x3d, + 0x2,0x41,0x35, 0x1,0x62,0x60, 0x3,0x3f,0x66, 0x1,0x62,0x5c, + 0x2,0x41,0x2a, 0x3,0x3f,0x60, 0x2,0x41,0x30, 0x1,0x62,0x5e, + 0x3,0x3f,0x68, 0x2,0x41,0x2f, 0x1,0x62,0x5f, 0x1,0x62,0x61, + 0x2,0x41,0x32, 0x3,0x3f,0x69, 0x1,0x62,0x59, 0x1,0x62,0x5a, + 0x2,0x41,0x3e, 0x2,0x41,0x3c, 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0x3,0x66,0x67, 0x3,0x66,0x68, + 0xf,0x66,0x57, 0x3,0x5d,0x46, 0x2,0x6a,0x3e, 0x2,0x6c,0x50, + 0x2,0x6c,0x54, 0x1,0x7b,0x3b, 0x2,0x6c,0x56, 0x3,0x5e,0x6d, + 0x1,0x7b,0x35, 0x4,0x64,0x6f, 0x2,0x6c,0x52, 0x2,0x6c,0x58, + 0x1,0x7b,0x3a, 0x1,0x7b,0x36, 0x4,0x67,0x5c, 0x1,0x7b,0x37, + 0x2,0x6c,0x4f, 0x2,0x6c,0x55, 0x1,0x7b,0x39, 0x2,0x6c,0x53, + 0x1,0x7b,0x38, 0x2,0x6c,0x4e, 0x2,0x6a,0x4b, 0x2,0x6c,0x51, + 0x4,0x67,0x62, 0x2,0x6c,0x4d, 0x2,0x6c,0x57, 0x3,0x5f,0x69, + 0x3,0x5f,0x6e, 0x1,0x7b,0x7b, 0x2,0x6e,0x3c, 0x2,0x6e,0x3f, + 0x2,0x6e,0x3b, 0x2,0x6e,0x3d, 0x2,0x6e,0x3e, 0x2,0x6e,0x38, + 0x2,0x6e,0x39, 0x2,0x6e,0x36, 0x3,0x5f,0x6a, 0x3,0x5f,0x6c, + 0x2,0x6e,0x3a, 0x2,0x6e,0x37, 0x1,0x7b,0x7c, 0x1,0x7b,0x7d, + 0x3,0x5f,0x6b, 0x2,0x6f,0x59, 0x3,0x60,0x52, 0x2,0x6f,0x5b, + 0x4,0x6b,0x29, 0x5,0x76,0x5d, 0x3,0x60,0x55, 0x3,0x60,0x54, + 0x3,0x60,0x56, 0x2,0x6f,0x5a, 0x2,0x6f,0x5c, 0x3,0x60,0x4f, + 0x1,0x7c,0x4c, 0x3,0x60,0x53, 0x2,0x6f,0x58, 0x1,0x7c,0x4b, + 0x1,0x7c,0x4d, 0x3,0x60,0x57, 0x3,0x66,0x6a, 0x3,0x66,0x69, + 0x2,0x70,0x59, 0x2,0x70,0x5a, 0x1,0x7c,0x6f, 0x2,0x70,0x58, + 0x3,0x61,0x22, 0x2,0x71,0x42, 0x2,0x71,0x41, 0x2,0x71,0x43, + 0x1,0x7d,0x2c, 0x2,0x71,0x44, 0x1,0x7d,0x2b, 0x2,0x71,0x45, + 0x2,0x71,0x61, 0x2,0x71,0x64, 0x2,0x71,0x63, 0x1,0x7d,0x35, + 0x2,0x71,0x62, 0x4,0x6d,0x62, 0x3,0x61,0x6f, 0x3,0x62,0x23, + 0x1,0x7d,0x3f, 0x1,0x7d,0x3d, 0x1,0x7d,0x3e, 0x1,0x7d,0x44, + 0x2,0x72,0x30, 0x2,0x72,0x31, 0x2,0x72,0x2f, 0x2,0x72,0x37, + 0x3,0x62,0x36, 0x1,0x4f,0x5b, 0x4,0x25,0x2b, 0x4,0x30,0x3a, + 0x2,0x3a,0x28, 0x2,0x41,0x3f, 0x2,0x55,0x4e, 0x2,0x67,0x63, + 0x5,0x71,0x56, 0x1,0x4f,0x5c, 0x3,0x2f,0x40, 0x1,0x53,0x6d, + 0x1,0x58,0x60, 0x4,0x30,0x3b, 0x3,0x34,0x32, 0x2,0x3a,0x29, + 0x3,0x39,0x5c, 0x2,0x3a,0x2a, 0x1,0x5d,0x70, 0x1,0x62,0x64, + 0x2,0x41,0x41, 0x2,0x41,0x40, 0x1,0x62,0x68, 0x1,0x62,0x63, + 0x2,0x41,0x42, 0x1,0x62,0x65, 0x1,0x62,0x67, 0x1,0x62,0x66, + 0x1,0x62,0x62, 0x3,0x3f,0x6c, 0xf,0x3f,0x7e, 0x3,0x66,0x6b, + 0x1,0x67,0x50, 0x3,0x45,0x3c, 0x3,0x45,0x3a, 0x2,0x48,0x56, + 0x2,0x48,0x54, 0x4,0x41,0x53, 0x2,0x48,0x55, 0x2,0x48,0x53, + 0xf,0x45,0x7b, 0x1,0x6b,0x5b, 0x3,0x4a,0x3d, 0x1,0x6b,0x5e, + 0x1,0x6b,0x60, 0x1,0x6b,0x5f, 0x4,0x48,0x22, 0x3,0x4a,0x3e, + 0x1,0x6b,0x5c, 0x1,0x6b,0x5d, 0x2,0x55,0x50, 0x2,0x55,0x4f, + 0x1,0x6f,0x64, 0x2,0x55,0x51, 0x3,0x4f,0x53, 0x2,0x55,0x52, + 0x1,0x6f,0x65, 0x3,0x4f,0x55, 0x3,0x4f,0x56, 0x4,0x4e,0x4a, + 0x2,0x5b,0x59, 0x2,0x5b,0x57, 0x2,0x60,0x40, 0x3,0x53,0x42, + 0x2,0x5b,0x55, 0x2,0x5b,0x56, 0x1,0x72,0x6f, 0x2,0x5b,0x52, + 0x2,0x5b,0x5a, 0x2,0x5b,0x54, 0x2,0x5b,0x58, 0x2,0x60,0x3c, + 0x3,0x53,0x44, 0x3,0x53,0x40, 0x2,0x60,0x3e, 0x3,0x56,0x6d, + 0x2,0x60,0x3f, 0x1,0x75,0x7e, 0x2,0x60,0x3b, 0x1,0x75,0x7d, + 0x2,0x60,0x3d, 0x1,0x75,0x7a, 0x1,0x75,0x7b, 0x1,0x75,0x7c, + 0x2,0x5b,0x53, 0x3,0x66,0x6c, 0x1,0x77,0x60, 0x2,0x64,0x3a, + 0x2,0x64,0x38, 0x2,0x64,0x39, 0x1,0x77,0x5e, 0x1,0x77,0x61, + 0x1,0x77,0x5f, 0x3,0x59,0x4b, 0x3,0x59,0x4a, 0x7,0x4b,0x40, + 0x2,0x67,0x64, 0x2,0x67,0x65, 0x1,0x79,0x43, 0x3,0x5b,0x53, + 0x2,0x6a,0x53, 0x2,0x6a,0x55, 0x2,0x6a,0x54, 0x1,0x7a,0x4f, + 0x1,0x7b,0x3c, 0x2,0x6c,0x5b, 0x2,0x6c,0x5a, 0x2,0x6c,0x59, + 0xf,0x68,0x72, 0x3,0x66,0x6d, 0xf,0x25,0x39, 0x1,0x4f,0x5d, + 0x3,0x21,0x43, 0x2,0x21,0x69, 0x2,0x22,0x78, 0x1,0x48,0x6a, + 0x2,0x22,0x76, 0x2,0x22,0x79, 0x2,0x22,0x77, 0x4,0x25,0x2e, + 0x3,0x27,0x3b, 0x3,0x27,0x3a, 0x2,0x25,0x2e, 0x3,0x27,0x3f, + 0x1,0x4b,0x62, 0x3,0x27,0x3c, 0x1,0x4b,0x63, 0x2,0x25,0x30, + 0x1,0x4b,0x60, 0x2,0x25,0x2f, 0x2,0x25,0x2d, 0x1,0x4b,0x61, + 0x1,0x4b,0x5f, 0x3,0x27,0x3d, 0x3,0x27,0x3e, 0x3,0x2a,0x79, + 0x4,0x28,0x33, 0x2,0x28,0x78, 0x2,0x28,0x7b, 0x1,0x4f,0x60, + 0x2,0x28,0x7a, 0x2,0x28,0x79, 0x3,0x2a,0x7c, 0x1,0x4f,0x5f, + 0x1,0x4f,0x5e, 0x3,0x2a,0x7b, 0x1,0x4f,0x62, 0x2,0x28,0x7c, + 0x1,0x4f,0x61, 0x2,0x2d,0x67, 0x1,0x53,0x6f, 0x1,0x53,0x70, + 0x1,0x53,0x71, 0x2,0x2d,0x68, 0x2,0x2d,0x64, 0x1,0x53,0x6e, + 0x2,0x2d,0x65, 0x4,0x2b,0x5d, 0x2,0x2d,0x66, 0x2,0x2d,0x63, + 0x4,0x2b,0x5b, 0x3,0x34,0x36, 0x4,0x30,0x3f, 0x1,0x58,0x67, + 0x3,0x34,0x34, 0x3,0x39,0x5e, 0x1,0x58,0x64, 0x2,0x33,0x48, + 0x1,0x58,0x65, 0x1,0x58,0x68, 0x2,0x33,0x49, 0x3,0x34,0x33, + 0x1,0x58,0x63, 0x1,0x58,0x61, 0x1,0x58,0x62, 0x1,0x58,0x66, + 0x1,0x5d,0x71, 0x2,0x3a,0x2d, 0x1,0x5d,0x79, 0x2,0x3a,0x2c, + 0x3,0x39,0x61, 0x2,0x3a,0x2f, 0x1,0x5d,0x75, 0x2,0x3a,0x2e, + 0x1,0x62,0x70, 0x1,0x5d,0x73, 0x1,0x5d,0x76, 0x1,0x5d,0x72, + 0x1,0x5d,0x77, 0x1,0x5d,0x78, 0x1,0x5d,0x74, 0x3,0x39,0x65, + 0x3,0x3f,0x71, 0x2,0x3a,0x2b, 0x1,0x62,0x6c, 0x2,0x41,0x44, + 0x3,0x3f,0x72, 0x2,0x41,0x48, 0x3,0x3f,0x73, 0x3,0x3f,0x75, + 0x2,0x41,0x47, 0x1,0x62,0x71, 0x1,0x62,0x6d, 0x1,0x62,0x6e, + 0x2,0x41,0x43, 0x2,0x41,0x45, 0x2,0x41,0x46, 0x1,0x62,0x69, + 0x1,0x62,0x6b, 0x3,0x3f,0x70, 0x1,0x62,0x6f, 0x1,0x62,0x6a, + 0x3,0x45,0x40, 0x2,0x48,0x59, 0x2,0x48,0x57, 0x2,0x48,0x58, + 0x1,0x67,0x52, 0x1,0x67,0x53, 0x3,0x45,0x42, 0x2,0x48,0x5a, + 0x1,0x67,0x51, 0x1,0x6b,0x61, 0x4,0x48,0x24, 0x1,0x6b,0x63, + 0x1,0x6b,0x62, 0x3,0x4a,0x45, 0x2,0x4f,0x23, 0x3,0x4a,0x46, + 0x3,0x4a,0x44, 0x2,0x4f,0x24, 0x2,0x55,0x54, 0x3,0x4f,0x5a, + 0x2,0x55,0x53, 0x3,0x4f,0x5b, 0x4,0x54,0x52, 0x1,0x72,0x70, + 0x1,0x72,0x71, 0x2,0x5b,0x5b, 0x1,0x72,0x72, 0x3,0x53,0x48, + 0x2,0x60,0x43, 0x3,0x56,0x70, 0x2,0x60,0x41, 0x3,0x56,0x6f, + 0x2,0x60,0x42, 0x1,0x76,0x21, 0x3,0x56,0x71, 0x2,0x64,0x3b, + 0x1,0x79,0x44, 0x3,0x5d,0x49, 0x3,0x2a,0x7d, 0x3,0x53,0x49, + 0x1,0x76,0x22, 0x1,0x4f,0x63, 0x4,0x30,0x41, 0x1,0x58,0x69, + 0x2,0x33,0x4a, 0x3,0x34,0x39, 0xf,0x32,0x6f, 0x2,0x3a,0x30, + 0x1,0x5d,0x7a, 0x1,0x62,0x72, 0x2,0x41,0x49, 0x2,0x41,0x4b, + 0x1,0x62,0x74, 0x1,0x62,0x73, 0x1,0x62,0x75, 0x1,0x62,0x76, + 0x2,0x41,0x4a, 0x1,0x67,0x56, 0x1,0x67,0x57, 0x1,0x67,0x55, + 0x1,0x6b,0x64, 0x1,0x67,0x54, 0x2,0x48,0x5b, 0x4,0x41,0x57, + 0x3,0x4a,0x47, 0x3,0x4a,0x49, 0x1,0x6b,0x65, 0x2,0x55,0x55, + 0x2,0x5b,0x5c, 0x1,0x72,0x73, 0x1,0x76,0x23, 0x2,0x64,0x3c, + 0x2,0x64,0x40, 0x1,0x77,0x64, 0x2,0x64,0x3d, 0x1,0x77,0x65, + 0x1,0x77,0x63, 0x2,0x64,0x41, 0x1,0x77,0x66, 0x2,0x64,0x3f, + 0x2,0x67,0x66, 0x1,0x77,0x62, 0x1,0x79,0x45, 0x3,0x5e,0x70, + 0x2,0x70,0x5b, 0x3,0x61,0x25, 0x3,0x62,0x2f, 0x1,0x4f,0x64, + 0x1,0x5d,0x7c, 0x1,0x5d,0x7b, 0xf,0x39,0x2a, 0x3,0x3f,0x7e, + 0x3,0x3f,0x7c, 0x3,0x3f,0x7b, 0x1,0x62,0x77, 0x2,0x41,0x4d, + 0x2,0x41,0x4c, 0x1,0x62,0x78, 0x3,0x45,0x46, 0x2,0x48,0x5f, + 0x1,0x67,0x5b, 0x1,0x67,0x58, 0x2,0x48,0x5e, 0x1,0x67,0x5a, + 0x2,0x48,0x5c, 0x1,0x67,0x59, 0x3,0x45,0x47, 0x2,0x48,0x5d, + 0x2,0x4f,0x25, 0x1,0x6b,0x66, 0x2,0x55,0x58, 0x5,0x52,0x3b, + 0x1,0x6f,0x66, 0x2,0x55,0x56, 0x1,0x6f,0x67, 0x1,0x6f,0x68, + 0x2,0x55,0x57, 0x1,0x6f,0x69, 0x3,0x4f,0x60, 0x2,0x5b,0x5d, + 0x3,0x53,0x50, 0x1,0x72,0x77, 0x1,0x72,0x74, 0x1,0x72,0x79, + 0x2,0x5b,0x5f, 0x1,0x72,0x75, 0x2,0x5b,0x5e, 0x1,0x72,0x78, + 0x3,0x53,0x4d, 0x3,0x53,0x4c, 0x1,0x72,0x76, 0x3,0x53,0x51, + 0x2,0x60,0x46, 0x2,0x60,0x48, 0x3,0x56,0x74, 0x3,0x56,0x75, + 0x1,0x76,0x24, 0x2,0x60,0x47, 0x1,0x76,0x25, 0x2,0x60,0x45, + 0x2,0x60,0x44, 0x4,0x5e,0x38, 0x2,0x64,0x43, 0x2,0x64,0x42, + 0x1,0x77,0x67, 0x2,0x64,0x44, 0x2,0x67,0x6b, 0x1,0x79,0x47, + 0x2,0x67,0x6a, 0x2,0x67,0x67, 0x1,0x79,0x46, 0x2,0x67,0x68, + 0x2,0x67,0x69, 0x2,0x6a,0x56, 0x2,0x6a,0x57, 0x1,0x7a,0x50, + 0x3,0x5d,0x4f, 0x1,0x7b,0x3f, 0x3,0x5d,0x4c, 0x3,0x5d,0x4e, + 0x2,0x6c,0x5c, 0x3,0x5e,0x72, 0x3,0x5e,0x71, 0x1,0x7b,0x3d, + 0x1,0x7b,0x3e, 0x2,0x6c,0x5d, 0x3,0x66,0x6e, 0x3,0x5f,0x71, + 0x1,0x7b,0x7e, 0x1,0x7c,0x21, 0x2,0x6e,0x40, 0x3,0x5f,0x72, + 0x3,0x60,0x59, 0x1,0x7c,0x70, 0x2,0x70,0x5d, 0x1,0x7c,0x72, + 0x3,0x61,0x26, 0x2,0x70,0x5c, 0x2,0x70,0x5e, 0x1,0x7c,0x71, + 0x2,0x71,0x46, 0x4,0x6d,0x64, 0x2,0x71,0x7b, 0x3,0x66,0x6f, + 0x3,0x62,0x45, 0x3,0x2a,0x7e, 0x1,0x4f,0x65, 0x3,0x45,0x49, + 0x1,0x67,0x5c, 0x4,0x48,0x35, 0x2,0x4f,0x26, 0x3,0x4a,0x4c, + 0x2,0x55,0x59, 0x1,0x72,0x7a, 0x1,0x72,0x7b, 0x3,0x59,0x4f, + 0x1,0x4f,0x66, 0x3,0x40,0x21, 0x1,0x6f,0x6a, 0x1,0x79,0x48, + 0x1,0x53,0x72, 0x3,0x2b,0x21, 0x3,0x4a,0x4e, 0x1,0x72,0x7c, + 0x3,0x5e,0x73, 0x1,0x7c,0x4e, 0x1,0x53,0x73, 0x2,0x3a,0x31, + 0x4,0x3b,0x77, 0x2,0x41,0x4e, 0x3,0x40,0x24, 0x2,0x41,0x50, + 0x3,0x40,0x22, 0x2,0x41,0x4f, 0x2,0x48,0x63, 0x2,0x48,0x60, + 0x1,0x67,0x5d, 0x6,0x5a,0x24, 0x1,0x67,0x5e, 0x2,0x48,0x61, + 0x2,0x48,0x62, 0x3,0x45,0x4b, 0x2,0x4f,0x28, 0x2,0x4f,0x2d, + 0x1,0x6b,0x67, 0x2,0x4f,0x27, 0x2,0x4f,0x29, 0x2,0x4f,0x30, + 0x2,0x4f,0x2b, 0x2,0x4f,0x2f, 0x2,0x4f,0x2c, 0x2,0x4f,0x2a, + 0x2,0x4f,0x2e, 0x1,0x6b,0x68, 0x3,0x4f,0x62, 0x2,0x55,0x5c, + 0x3,0x4f,0x63, 0x2,0x55,0x5a, 0x1,0x6f,0x6c, 0x3,0x4f,0x64, + 0x1,0x6f,0x6b, 0x2,0x55,0x5b, 0x1,0x6f,0x6d, 0x3,0x53,0x53, + 0x2,0x5b,0x62, 0x4,0x54,0x5f, 0x4,0x54,0x67, 0x2,0x5b,0x61, + 0x1,0x72,0x7d, 0x2,0x5b,0x60, 0x2,0x60,0x49, 0x3,0x56,0x7a, + 0x2,0x60,0x4b, 0x2,0x60,0x4d, 0x2,0x60,0x4c, 0x3,0x56,0x7b, + 0x1,0x76,0x26, 0x2,0x60,0x4a, 0x2,0x64,0x4b, 0x1,0x77,0x68, + 0x2,0x64,0x49, 0x2,0x64,0x4c, 0x1,0x77,0x69, 0x4,0x5e,0x43, + 0x2,0x64,0x47, 0x3,0x59,0x50, 0x2,0x64,0x4a, 0x2,0x64,0x48, + 0x2,0x64,0x45, 0x1,0x77,0x6a, 0x2,0x64,0x46, 0x4,0x61,0x7c, + 0x3,0x5b,0x5f, 0x3,0x5b,0x5d, 0x2,0x67,0x6c, 0x3,0x5b,0x5e, + 0x3,0x5b,0x60, 0x2,0x67,0x6e, 0x2,0x67,0x6d, 0x3,0x5d,0x50, + 0x2,0x6a,0x58, 0x3,0x5d,0x51, 0x2,0x6a,0x59, 0x4,0x67,0x71, + 0x3,0x5e,0x75, 0x3,0x5e,0x74, 0x2,0x6c,0x5e, 0x3,0x5f,0x73, + 0x1,0x7c,0x23, 0x4,0x69,0x5e, 0x1,0x7c,0x22, 0x2,0x6f,0x5d, + 0x2,0x6f,0x5e, 0x1,0x7c,0x73, 0x2,0x70,0x5f, 0x3,0x61,0x28, + 0x1,0x7d,0x36, 0x3,0x62,0x3b, 0x1,0x53,0x74, 0x1,0x62,0x79, + 0x2,0x4f,0x32, 0x2,0x4f,0x31, 0x2,0x55,0x5e, 0x2,0x55,0x5d, + 0x4,0x4e,0x57, 0x3,0x53,0x55, 0x1,0x76,0x27, 0x2,0x60,0x4f, + 0x2,0x60,0x4e, 0x2,0x64,0x4f, 0x2,0x64,0x4d, 0x2,0x64,0x50, + 0x2,0x64,0x4e, 0x3,0x59,0x51, 0x4,0x65,0x29, 0x1,0x79,0x49, + 0x2,0x67,0x6f, 0x2,0x67,0x70, 0x2,0x67,0x71, 0x4,0x65,0x27, + 0x2,0x6c,0x5f, 0x3,0x5e,0x76, 0x2,0x6e,0x41, 0x3,0x61,0x29, + 0x2,0x70,0x60, 0x1,0x53,0x75, 0x3,0x45,0x4f, 0x3,0x4f,0x65, + 0x2,0x5b,0x63, 0x2,0x60,0x50, 0x3,0x5b,0x61, 0x1,0x53,0x76, + 0x4,0x41,0x63, 0x3,0x45,0x50, 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0x1,0x73,0x23, 0x1,0x73,0x21, + 0x1,0x73,0x25, 0x3,0x53,0x5d, 0x1,0x73,0x22, 0x3,0x53,0x5b, + 0x3,0x53,0x5f, 0x4,0x5e,0x4f, 0x3,0x59,0x5b, 0x3,0x57,0x26, + 0x2,0x60,0x51, 0x4,0x59,0x70, 0x2,0x60,0x56, 0x2,0x60,0x52, + 0x2,0x60,0x55, 0x1,0x76,0x28, 0x3,0x57,0x28, 0x2,0x5e,0x41, + 0x2,0x60,0x54, 0x2,0x60,0x53, 0x3,0x59,0x59, 0x1,0x77,0x6e, + 0x1,0x77,0x6c, 0x1,0x77,0x6f, 0x1,0x77,0x6d, 0x2,0x64,0x52, + 0x2,0x64,0x53, 0x2,0x64,0x54, 0x1,0x77,0x70, 0x3,0x59,0x56, + 0x3,0x59,0x58, 0x3,0x5b,0x65, 0x2,0x67,0x75, 0x1,0x79,0x4c, + 0x2,0x67,0x73, 0x4,0x62,0x30, 0x1,0x79,0x4d, 0x2,0x67,0x72, + 0x2,0x67,0x74, 0x1,0x79,0x4b, 0x2,0x6a,0x5f, 0x2,0x6a,0x5c, + 0x4,0x65,0x2c, 0x2,0x6a,0x5d, 0x2,0x6a,0x5e, 0x2,0x6c,0x60, + 0x1,0x7b,0x42, 0x3,0x5e,0x78, 0x1,0x7b,0x41, 0x3,0x5e,0x77, + 0x2,0x6e,0x43, 0x2,0x6e,0x42, 0x1,0x7c,0x24, 0x3,0x60,0x5d, + 0x3,0x60,0x5e, 0x3,0x60,0x5c, 0x1,0x7c,0x4f, 0x1,0x7c,0x74, + 0x1,0x7d,0x2d, 0x2,0x71,0x47, 0x2,0x71,0x7c, 0x2,0x71,0x7d, + 0x1,0x53,0x78, 0x2,0x41,0x52, 0x4,0x41,0x71, 0x2,0x48,0x67, + 0x2,0x4f,0x34, 0x2,0x4f,0x35, 0x1,0x6b,0x6c, 0x4,0x48,0x57, + 0x1,0x6b,0x6d, 0x2,0x55,0x67, 0x1,0x6f,0x71, 0x3,0x53,0x61, + 0x1,0x76,0x29, 0x3,0x57,0x2a, 0x2,0x64,0x55, 0x3,0x59,0x5c, + 0x1,0x77,0x71, 0x2,0x67,0x78, 0x1,0x79,0x4e, 0x2,0x67,0x77, + 0x2,0x67,0x79, 0x2,0x67,0x76, 0x2,0x6c,0x63, 0x2,0x6a,0x60, + 0x2,0x6a,0x61, 0x3,0x5d,0x56, 0x1,0x7a,0x51, 0x2,0x6c,0x62, + 0x3,0x5e,0x7b, 0x3,0x5e,0x79, 0x2,0x6c,0x61, 0x3,0x5e,0x7a, + 0x2,0x6e,0x44, 0x2,0x71,0x7e, 0x3,0x62,0x25, 0x1,0x53,0x79, + 0x3,0x5e,0x7c, 0x3,0x62,0x26, 0x1,0x53,0x7a, 0x3,0x39,0x67, + 0x1,0x58,0x6a, 0x2,0x33,0x4b, 0x3,0x66,0x70, 0x2,0x3a,0x33, + 0x3,0x39,0x68, 0x1,0x62,0x7d, 0x1,0x63,0x22, 0x1,0x62,0x7e, + 0x2,0x41,0x53, 0x3,0x45,0x5b, 0x1,0x63,0x24, 0x1,0x63,0x21, + 0x3,0x40,0x2b, 0x3,0x45,0x5c, 0x1,0x63,0x23, 0x3,0x45,0x54, + 0x1,0x67,0x66, 0x3,0x45,0x59, 0x2,0x48,0x68, 0x3,0x45,0x57, + 0x3,0x4a,0x5d, 0x2,0x48,0x69, 0x2,0x55,0x69, 0x4,0x41,0x7b, + 0x1,0x67,0x65, 0x1,0x67,0x67, 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0x3,0x59,0x63, 0x2,0x64,0x56, + 0x3,0x66,0x71, 0x2,0x67,0x7c, 0x3,0x5b,0x69, 0x1,0x79,0x4f, + 0x4,0x62,0x38, 0x2,0x67,0x7b, 0x2,0x67,0x7a, 0x1,0x79,0x50, + 0x4,0x65,0x3a, 0x2,0x6a,0x66, 0x2,0x6a,0x65, 0x3,0x5d,0x58, + 0x2,0x6a,0x63, 0x3,0x5e,0x7e, 0x2,0x6a,0x62, 0x1,0x7a,0x53, + 0x1,0x7a,0x52, 0x2,0x6a,0x67, 0x2,0x6e,0x45, 0x1,0x7c,0x25, + 0x2,0x6c,0x65, 0x1,0x7b,0x43, 0x2,0x6c,0x64, 0x2,0x6a,0x64, + 0x3,0x5f,0x78, 0x2,0x6e,0x46, 0x1,0x7c,0x50, 0x3,0x61,0x2a, + 0x1,0x7d,0x2e, 0x2,0x71,0x48, 0x4,0x6e,0x24, 0x2,0x72,0x21, + 0x1,0x53,0x7b, 0x2,0x3a,0x34, 0x2,0x60,0x61, 0x1,0x53,0x7c, + 0x3,0x45,0x5f, 0x5,0x4b,0x4e, 0x2,0x4f,0x3a, 0x2,0x4f,0x39, + 0x2,0x5b,0x6c, 0x5,0x5a,0x26, 0x3,0x53,0x68, 0x2,0x60,0x63, + 0x3,0x57,0x30, 0x2,0x60,0x62, 0x3,0x59,0x67, 0x1,0x77,0x76, + 0x2,0x67,0x7d, 0x2,0x67,0x7e, 0x1,0x7a,0x54, 0x3,0x5f,0x21, + 0x3,0x60,0x60, 0x2,0x72,0x22, 0x1,0x58,0x6b, 0x1,0x63,0x26, + 0x1,0x63,0x25, 0x2,0x48,0x6a, 0x2,0x48,0x6c, 0x1,0x67,0x6a, + 0x2,0x48,0x6b, 0x1,0x67,0x69, 0x1,0x67,0x6b, 0x2,0x48,0x6d, + 0x3,0x4a,0x63, 0x3,0x4a,0x62, 0x3,0x4a,0x66, 0x2,0x4f,0x3c, + 0x2,0x4f,0x3e, 0x2,0x4f,0x3d, 0x3,0x4a,0x61, 0x2,0x4f,0x40, + 0x3,0x4a,0x60, 0x3,0x4a,0x6c, 0x3,0x4a,0x64, 0x1,0x6b,0x72, + 0x2,0x4f,0x3f, 0x2,0x4f,0x3b, 0x3,0x4a,0x6a, 0x4,0x48,0x60, + 0x2,0x4f,0x41, 0x3,0x4f,0x73, 0x2,0x55,0x75, 0x3,0x4f,0x6d, + 0x2,0x55,0x78, 0x2,0x55,0x7a, 0x2,0x55,0x70, 0x2,0x55,0x74, + 0x2,0x55,0x71, 0x1,0x6f,0x77, 0x1,0x6f,0x7a, 0x1,0x6f,0x7c, + 0x2,0x55,0x72, 0x2,0x55,0x73, 0x1,0x6f,0x7b, 0x2,0x55,0x76, + 0x2,0x55,0x79, 0x2,0x55,0x77, 0x1,0x6f,0x7d, 0x3,0x4f,0x6e, + 0x1,0x6f,0x79, 0x2,0x55,0x6f, 0x1,0x6f,0x76, 0x3,0x4f,0x72, + 0x1,0x6f,0x78, 0x3,0x4f,0x74, 0x3,0x53,0x70, 0x1,0x73,0x2e, + 0x2,0x5b,0x72, 0x2,0x5b,0x70, 0x2,0x5b,0x6f, 0x3,0x53,0x71, + 0x2,0x5b,0x75, 0x3,0x53,0x6b, 0x2,0x5b,0x74, 0x2,0x5b,0x73, + 0x3,0x53,0x6c, 0x2,0x5b,0x6e, 0x1,0x73,0x2d, 0x2,0x5b,0x6d, + 0x3,0x53,0x6a, 0x2,0x5b,0x71, 0x1,0x73,0x2f, 0x3,0x57,0x34, + 0x2,0x60,0x66, 0x3,0x57,0x37, 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0x3,0x4f,0x77, 0x3,0x4f,0x76, + 0x1,0x6f,0x7e, 0x1,0x73,0x30, 0x2,0x5b,0x76, 0x4,0x55,0x31, + 0x2,0x5b,0x79, 0x1,0x73,0x31, 0x3,0x57,0x3a, 0x2,0x60,0x70, + 0x2,0x5b,0x77, 0x2,0x64,0x63, 0x1,0x77,0x78, 0x2,0x68,0x2e, + 0x4,0x62,0x49, 0x3,0x5d,0x61, 0x2,0x6a,0x74, 0x2,0x6a,0x72, + 0x3,0x5d,0x60, 0x3,0x5d,0x5e, 0x2,0x6a,0x73, 0x2,0x6c,0x6e, + 0x3,0x5f,0x25, 0x1,0x7b,0x48, 0x2,0x6e,0x51, 0x1,0x7c,0x56, + 0x1,0x7c,0x28, 0x1,0x7c,0x54, 0x1,0x7c,0x55, 0x2,0x70,0x62, + 0x1,0x7d,0x2f, 0x3,0x61,0x74, 0x1,0x58,0x6d, 0x4,0x36,0x2d, + 0x3,0x4a,0x6e, 0x4,0x4e,0x79, 0x2,0x64,0x64, 0x3,0x5f,0x7b, + 0x3,0x60,0x63, 0x2,0x33,0x4c, 0x3,0x40,0x32, 0x1,0x67,0x6c, + 0x3,0x45,0x61, 0x2,0x4f,0x43, 0x3,0x4a,0x6f, 0x3,0x4a,0x73, + 0x1,0x6b,0x75, 0x2,0x4f,0x44, 0x3,0x4a,0x71, 0x3,0x4a,0x70, + 0x3,0x4a,0x72, 0x2,0x55,0x7d, 0x2,0x55,0x7c, 0x1,0x73,0x33, + 0x1,0x70,0x21, 0x1,0x70,0x22, 0x4,0x4f,0x21, 0x2,0x56,0x22, + 0x2,0x56,0x21, 0x2,0x55,0x7e, 0x3,0x4f,0x79, 0x3,0x53,0x75, + 0x2,0x5b,0x7a, 0x2,0x5b,0x7d, 0x3,0x53,0x74, 0x2,0x5b,0x7c, + 0x2,0x5b,0x7b, 0x1,0x73,0x32, 0x2,0x60,0x74, 0x2,0x60,0x72, + 0x2,0x60,0x71, 0x4,0x5a,0x37, 0x3,0x57,0x3b, 0x2,0x60,0x73, + 0x3,0x57,0x3c, 0x1,0x77,0x79, 0x2,0x64,0x66, 0x2,0x64,0x67, + 0x1,0x77,0x7a, 0x3,0x59,0x6f, 0x2,0x64,0x65, 0x3,0x5b,0x71, + 0x2,0x68,0x30, 0x2,0x68,0x2f, 0x2,0x68,0x32, 0x1,0x79,0x53, + 0x2,0x68,0x31, 0x4,0x62,0x4f, 0x2,0x6a,0x75, 0x2,0x6a,0x77, + 0x2,0x6a,0x76, 0x3,0x5f,0x27, 0x2,0x6c,0x6f, 0x2,0x6c,0x72, + 0x2,0x6c,0x70, 0x2,0x6c,0x71, 0x2,0x6e,0x52, 0x1,0x7c,0x29, + 0x4,0x69,0x74, 0x4,0x69,0x71, 0x3,0x66,0x72, 0x2,0x6f,0x62, + 0x2,0x6f,0x63, 0x2,0x6f,0x64, 0x3,0x61,0x2c, 0x1,0x7c,0x76, + 0x1,0x7d,0x30, 0x2,0x72,0x26, 0x1,0x58,0x6e, 0x3,0x4a,0x75, + 0x1,0x70,0x23, 0x1,0x73,0x34, 0x2,0x64,0x68, 0x3,0x5d,0x62, + 0x2,0x6e,0x53, 0x3,0x61,0x2e, 0x4,0x6d,0x37, 0x2,0x71,0x66, + 0x2,0x33,0x4d, 0x3,0x62,0x28, 0x1,0x7d,0x48, 0x1,0x58,0x6f, + 0x2,0x5b,0x7e, 0x3,0x57,0x3e, 0x2,0x64,0x69, 0x2,0x68,0x33, + 0x3,0x5d,0x63, 0x4,0x68,0x36, 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0x2,0x5c,0x2d, 0x2,0x5c,0x25, + 0x4,0x55,0x47, 0x2,0x5c,0x21, 0x4,0x55,0x43, 0x2,0x5c,0x27, + 0x3,0x53,0x78, 0x3,0x53,0x7a, 0x2,0x5c,0x22, 0x2,0x60,0x7e, + 0x2,0x5c,0x23, 0x2,0x5c,0x2e, 0x3,0x54,0x23, 0x4,0x55,0x45, + 0x3,0x53,0x7c, 0x3,0x54,0x21, 0x5,0x5a,0x4a, 0x3,0x54,0x25, + 0x3,0x53,0x7d, 0x2,0x5c,0x2a, 0x1,0x73,0x35, 0x2,0x5c,0x29, + 0x2,0x5c,0x28, 0x3,0x53,0x79, 0x2,0x5c,0x2c, 0xf,0x59,0x38, + 0x3,0x66,0x73, 0x3,0x57,0x44, 0x2,0x60,0x76, 0x2,0x60,0x79, + 0x4,0x5a,0x49, 0x3,0x57,0x45, 0x2,0x60,0x78, 0x3,0x57,0x40, + 0x2,0x61,0x22, 0x2,0x60,0x7b, 0x2,0x61,0x21, 0x3,0x57,0x42, + 0x2,0x60,0x7d, 0x2,0x60,0x7c, 0x2,0x60,0x7a, 0x4,0x5a,0x41, + 0x2,0x60,0x77, 0x4,0x5a,0x3f, 0x1,0x76,0x2f, 0x1,0x76,0x2e, + 0x4,0x5a,0x44, 0x1,0x76,0x30, 0x1,0x76,0x2d, 0x2,0x61,0x23, + 0x4,0x5a,0x45, 0xf,0x5d,0x76, 0x4,0x5a,0x43, 0x2,0x64,0x72, + 0x2,0x64,0x75, 0x4,0x5f,0x26, 0x2,0x64,0x73, 0x2,0x64,0x77, + 0x5,0x66,0x79, 0x3,0x59,0x74, 0x4,0x5f,0x22, 0x2,0x64,0x78, + 0x4,0x5f,0x2a, 0x2,0x64,0x70, 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0x7,0x54,0x2a, 0x7,0x57,0x4a, + 0x7,0x4d,0x39, 0x7,0x4d,0x38, 0x5,0x7b,0x5e, 0x7,0x61,0x29, + 0x5,0x7b,0x3a, 0x5,0x77,0x52, 0x7,0x64,0x42, 0xf,0x6d,0x2d, + 0x5,0x7c,0x42, 0xf,0x29,0x26, 0x5,0x73,0x30, 0x7,0x62,0x2b, + 0x7,0x62,0x2a, 0x5,0x7a,0x64, 0x5,0x7a,0x63, 0x7,0x63,0x4a, + 0x7,0x63,0x49, 0x5,0x7b,0x3b, 0x4,0x6e,0x47, 0x7,0x66,0x25, + 0x4,0x6e,0x56, 0x7,0x66,0x4c, 0x6,0x29,0x36, 0x6,0x21,0x31, + 0x6,0x21,0x21, 0x6,0x25,0x66, 0x6,0x25,0x72, 0x4,0x25,0x3d, + 0x6,0x2e,0x61, 0xf,0x2d,0x68, 0x6,0x3d,0x35, 0x6,0x50,0x5b, + 0x4,0x3c,0x30, 0x6,0x5a,0x72, 0xf,0x59,0x4d, 0x6,0x23,0x52, + 0x3,0x24,0x52, 0x3,0x27,0x53, 0xf,0x67,0x40, 0x3,0x27,0x54, + 0x6,0x3d,0x3c, 0x7,0x4d,0x3e, 0x6,0x21,0x50, 0x3,0x22,0x7b, + 0x6,0x23,0x59, 0x3,0x21,0x4f, 0x6,0x35,0x44, 0x4,0x21,0x3f, + 0x6,0x22,0x3c, 0x3,0x24,0x41, 0x7,0x36,0x7a, 0x5,0x21,0x29, + 0x6,0x21,0x38, 0xf,0x23,0x37, 0x6,0x29,0x63, 0x6,0x2e,0x76, + 0x6,0x46,0x67, 0x3,0x40,0x43, 0xf,0x22,0x29, 0x6,0x2f,0x25, + 0x6,0x35,0x58, 0x4,0x36,0x4c, 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0xf,0x47,0x46, 0x3,0x5a,0x33, + 0x7,0x46,0x51, 0x6,0x24,0x48, 0x4,0x31,0x30, 0xf,0x41,0x2b, + 0x6,0x5c,0x22, 0x3,0x5a,0x36, 0x7,0x60,0x6d, 0x6,0x27,0x21, + 0x6,0x36,0x67, 0x6,0x24,0x4b, 0x4,0x21,0x34, 0x5,0x28,0x73, + 0x6,0x47,0x7b, 0x4,0x21,0x35, 0xf,0x26,0x62, 0x3,0x2c,0x40, + 0x6,0x30,0x4e, 0x6,0x48,0x2b, 0x6,0x48,0x35, 0x3,0x40,0x7e, + 0x6,0x52,0x33, 0x6,0x5c,0x3d, 0x6,0x27,0x36, 0x6,0x5c,0x49, + 0xf,0x21,0x5f, 0x6,0x48,0x37, 0x6,0x37,0x2c, 0x6,0x48,0x3c, + 0x7,0x2d,0x53, 0x7,0x2d,0x55, 0x7,0x60,0x6e, 0x5,0x29,0x27, + 0x6,0x3f,0x46, 0x6,0x3f,0x45, 0x3,0x35,0x5f, 0x6,0x52,0x40, + 0x5,0x45,0x5d, 0x6,0x21,0x74, 0x6,0x27,0x4a, 0x6,0x2b,0x2f, + 0x6,0x30,0x74, 0xf,0x2a,0x5d, 0x6,0x2b,0x39, 0x7,0x2d,0x63, + 0x5,0x73,0x40, 0x3,0x2c,0x51, 0x6,0x3f,0x5e, 0x5,0x2d,0x48, + 0x3,0x35,0x65, 0x6,0x27,0x5f, 0xf,0x24,0x33, 0x5,0x24,0x38, + 0x6,0x31,0x36, 0x6,0x31,0x30, 0xf,0x2a,0x67, 0x4,0x29,0x4a, + 0x6,0x48,0x7c, 0x6,0x48,0x78, 0x3,0x46,0x70, 0x6,0x52,0x6c, + 0x6,0x52,0x66, 0x6,0x5d,0x26, 0x6,0x5d,0x24, 0x4,0x43,0x51, + 0x7,0x2d,0x69, 0x7,0x2d,0x79, 0x7,0x22,0x7b, 0x3,0x54,0x60, + 0x4,0x5b,0x2c, 0x7,0x47,0x28, 0x3,0x26,0x27, 0x6,0x40,0x23, + 0x5,0x22,0x6e, 0x6,0x2b,0x63, 0x6,0x2b,0x60, 0x6,0x31,0x4f, + 0xf,0x2b,0x2b, 0x6,0x37,0x71, 0x3,0x36,0x28, 0x6,0x40,0x36, + 0x6,0x40,0x2b, 0x6,0x49,0x4a, 0x6,0x49,0x30, 0xf,0x41,0x5f, + 0x7,0x23,0x30, 0x6,0x5d,0x38, 0x5,0x46,0x2c, 0x7,0x23,0x2d, + 0xf,0x4f,0x25, 0x4,0x4a,0x27, 0x7,0x38,0x39, 0xf,0x5e,0x70, + 0x4,0x2d,0x46, 0x6,0x49,0x57, 0xf,0x5a,0x36, 0x3,0x36,0x40, + 0x6,0x38,0x36, 0xf,0x41,0x72, 0x6,0x53,0x3c, 0x5,0x46,0x41, + 0xf,0x2b,0x38, 0x6,0x31,0x6d, 0x6,0x40,0x57, 0x6,0x49,0x78, + 0x6,0x5d,0x5b, 0x6,0x2c,0x23, 0x5,0x26,0x4a, 0x4,0x32,0x3e, + 0x6,0x40,0x58, 0x5,0x3f,0x66, 0x4,0x24,0x47, 0x6,0x28,0x2e, + 0xf,0x24,0x51, 0x4,0x26,0x68, 0x3,0x2d,0x35, 0x6,0x38,0x4a, + 0x3,0x31,0x5c, 0x4,0x2d,0x5c, 0x6,0x38,0x50, 0x5,0x32,0x7e, + 0x3,0x3c,0x3a, 0x6,0x53,0x5e, 0x5,0x3f,0x71, 0x3,0x41,0x6e, + 0x6,0x5d,0x68, 0x7,0x23,0x72, 0xf,0x54,0x74, 0x7,0x2e,0x6a, + 0x4,0x5f,0x76, 0x7,0x58,0x23, 0x6,0x25,0x23, 0x6,0x4a,0x3f, + 0x7,0x23,0x78, 0x7,0x5e,0x72, 0xf,0x48,0x79, 0x6,0x53,0x77, + 0x4,0x2d,0x65, 0xf,0x35,0x74, 0x6,0x4a,0x4d, 0x6,0x2c,0x42, + 0xf,0x48,0x7b, 0x6,0x25,0x2e, 0xf,0x24,0x5d, 0x6,0x2c,0x5b, + 0x6,0x2c,0x51, 0x3,0x2d,0x52, 0x6,0x32,0x39, 0x6,0x32,0x42, + 0x4,0x2a,0x25, 0x4,0x2d,0x70, 0x6,0x39,0x2d, 0x6,0x38,0x74, + 0x6,0x39,0x21, 0xf,0x30,0x5b, 0x3,0x36,0x75, 0x6,0x4a,0x65, + 0x6,0x4a,0x63, 0x4,0x3e,0x33, 0x6,0x54,0x49, 0x6,0x54,0x4f, + 0xf,0x42,0x74, 0x6,0x5e,0x3e, 0x7,0x24,0x4f, 0x7,0x24,0x58, + 0xf,0x4f,0x69, 0x7,0x2f,0x42, 0xf,0x55,0x56, 0x4,0x56,0x5d, + 0x7,0x4e,0x28, 0x7,0x53,0x60, 0x7,0x53,0x58, 0x6,0x2c,0x60, + 0x6,0x2c,0x5d, 0x6,0x32,0x48, 0x4,0x38,0x68, 0xf,0x43,0x2f, + 0x6,0x54,0x59, 0xf,0x50,0x3d, 0xf,0x55,0x58, 0x5,0x7b,0x7b, + 0x3,0x55,0x45, 0x6,0x41,0x61, 0x6,0x41,0x63, 0x6,0x41,0x6a, + 0x6,0x5e,0x5e, 0x6,0x32,0x62, 0x6,0x4b,0x42, 0x7,0x47,0x75, + 0x6,0x22,0x26, 0xf,0x24,0x78, 0x6,0x2d,0x24, 0xf,0x2c,0x39, + 0xf,0x31,0x28, 0x6,0x4b,0x47, 0xf,0x43,0x64, 0x4,0x44,0x6e, + 0x7,0x40,0x63, 0xf,0x63,0x24, 0x6,0x42,0x21, 0x3,0x3d,0x3f, + 0x6,0x32,0x79, 0x4,0x2a,0x44, 0x5,0x33,0x65, 0x6,0x4b,0x56, + 0x4,0x3e,0x6c, 0x6,0x42,0x32, 0xf,0x4a,0x2f, 0x7,0x53,0x7b, + 0x6,0x2d,0x3a, 0x5,0x33,0x71, 0xf,0x56,0x3c, 0x6,0x2d,0x45, + 0x6,0x2d,0x3d, 0x6,0x33,0x3d, 0x6,0x33,0x31, 0x5,0x2f,0x26, + 0xf,0x2c,0x57, 0x6,0x3a,0x2d, 0x6,0x3a,0x2e, 0x6,0x42,0x48, + 0x6,0x4b,0x7a, 0xf,0x50,0x5f, 0x7,0x30,0x4a, 0x6,0x25,0x3f, + 0x6,0x2d,0x46, 0x3,0x43,0x33, 0x6,0x55,0x6b, 0x7,0x25,0x7b, + 0x7,0x39,0x6d, 0xf,0x28,0x3c, 0x6,0x33,0x4a, 0xf,0x3d,0x60, + 0x4,0x4b,0x60, 0x7,0x26,0x27, 0x6,0x3a,0x43, 0x6,0x42,0x67, + 0x4,0x45,0x5f, 0x4,0x52,0x21, 0x7,0x30,0x66, 0x6,0x5f,0x75, + 0x7,0x26,0x3e, 0x7,0x26,0x3c, 0x7,0x30,0x73, 0xf,0x4a,0x7b, + 0x6,0x60,0x23, 0xf,0x51,0x23, 0x7,0x26,0x4d, 0x7,0x41,0x3c, + 0x5,0x6c,0x7d, 0x7,0x31,0x2d, 0x7,0x3a,0x33, 0x4,0x5c,0x59, + 0x7,0x41,0x44, 0x3,0x2e,0x56, 0x6,0x33,0x66, 0x3,0x48,0x6a, + 0xf,0x51,0x37, 0x7,0x26,0x6a, 0x7,0x26,0x69, 0x4,0x64,0x26, + 0x7,0x62,0x4d, 0x6,0x4c,0x72, 0x7,0x3a,0x46, 0xf,0x3e,0x32, + 0x7,0x3a,0x49, 0x7,0x48,0x6d, 0x7,0x5f,0x3c, 0x6,0x4d,0x23, + 0xf,0x57,0x27, 0x4,0x2b,0x26, 0x7,0x27,0x28, 0xf,0x57,0x28, + 0x6,0x60,0x5d, 0x5,0x48,0x74, 0xf,0x5c,0x2d, 0x6,0x28,0x7b, + 0x4,0x27,0x68, 0x6,0x2d,0x69, 0x3,0x33,0x50, 0x5,0x3b,0x50, + 0x6,0x4d,0x48, 0xf,0x44,0x68, 0xf,0x4b,0x57, 0xf,0x4b,0x56, + 0x4,0x4c,0x56, 0x4,0x58,0x2d, 0x4,0x34,0x57, 0x6,0x4d,0x5e, + 0x3,0x44,0x25, 0x6,0x61,0x25, 0x3,0x27,0x2a, 0x6,0x25,0x52, + 0x6,0x29,0x27, 0xf,0x28,0x5c, 0x6,0x29,0x28, 0x6,0x2e,0x22, + 0x6,0x2e,0x23, 0x6,0x34,0x44, 0x6,0x2e,0x24, 0x6,0x3b,0x52, + 0xf,0x32,0x3a, 0x4,0x34,0x73, 0x6,0x44,0x2b, 0x4,0x34,0x74, + 0x6,0x43,0x76, 0x6,0x44,0x3b, 0x4,0x3a,0x66, 0x6,0x44,0x3e, + 0x6,0x44,0x3c, 0x6,0x44,0x3d, 0x6,0x4e,0x3b, 0x6,0x61,0x3e, + 0x6,0x61,0x4f, 0xf,0x51,0x64, 0x4,0x4c,0x79, 0x7,0x27,0x61, + 0x7,0x27,0x6d, 0x7,0x32,0x44, 0xf,0x57,0x47, 0x7,0x3a,0x6f, + 0xf,0x60,0x5d, 0x7,0x42,0x3c, 0x7,0x54,0x5e, 0x4,0x67,0x2b, + 0x6,0x34,0x47, 0x4,0x40,0x4f, 0x7,0x3b,0x38, 0x3,0x5b,0x26, + 0x6,0x3b,0x71, 0x4,0x3a,0x75, 0x6,0x4e,0x46, 0x4,0x46,0x7c, + 0x4,0x4d,0x33, 0xf,0x52,0x24, 0x7,0x28,0x2e, 0xf,0x51,0x7d, + 0x7,0x42,0x60, 0x7,0x42,0x5f, 0x3,0x5b,0x2d, 0x4,0x64,0x3f, + 0x4,0x53,0x4c, 0x6,0x25,0x53, 0x5,0x30,0x3e, 0x6,0x58,0x2e, + 0x6,0x58,0x2c, 0xf,0x45,0x3d, 0x7,0x3b,0x61, 0xf,0x38,0x4a, + 0x5,0x7a,0x38, 0x6,0x3c,0x2d, 0x4,0x35,0x45, 0xf,0x3f,0x3b, + 0x6,0x62,0x47, 0x7,0x33,0x4f, 0x7,0x59,0x41, 0x6,0x29,0x2a, + 0x6,0x58,0x50, 0x6,0x58,0x5c, 0x3,0x60,0x7c, 0x6,0x3c,0x3b, + 0x7,0x33,0x79, 0x7,0x33,0x73, 0xf,0x3f,0x53, 0x3,0x44,0x6d, + 0x7,0x29,0x44, 0x6,0x34,0x5d, 0x4,0x30,0x2c, 0x7,0x34,0x31, + 0x4,0x54,0x37, 0x7,0x3c,0x61, 0x6,0x25,0x5b, 0x4,0x35,0x72, + 0x6,0x59,0x47, 0x6,0x59,0x4a, 0x7,0x3c,0x6b, 0xf,0x45,0x73, + 0x6,0x63,0x53, 0x6,0x63,0x4f, 0x4,0x54,0x4a, 0xf,0x66,0x5e, + 0x7,0x50,0x6b, 0xf,0x6c,0x3f, 0x6,0x63,0x58, 0x7,0x34,0x7a, + 0x7,0x34,0x71, 0xf,0x61,0x4a, 0x6,0x50,0x22, 0x6,0x63,0x6e, + 0x7,0x35,0x35, 0x3,0x56,0x78, 0x5,0x5f,0x5e, 0x7,0x3d,0x50, + 0xf,0x58,0x78, 0x7,0x4b,0x5f, 0x4,0x65,0x2a, 0x7,0x4b,0x6b, + 0x5,0x3d,0x47, 0x5,0x44,0x35, 0x6,0x5a,0x33, 0x6,0x64,0x30, + 0x4,0x59,0x76, 0x6,0x64,0x3a, 0x6,0x3c,0x77, 0x6,0x5a,0x3d, + 0x4,0x55,0x23, 0x4,0x5e,0x60, 0x6,0x64,0x50, 0x7,0x3e,0x29, + 0x7,0x2b,0x55, 0xf,0x59,0x32, 0x7,0x51,0x7a, 0x7,0x5a,0x60, + 0x4,0x5a,0x59, 0x7,0x45,0x65, 0x4,0x5f,0x37, 0x4,0x62,0x6e, + 0x7,0x52,0x45, 0x5,0x75,0x36, 0x5,0x75,0x35, 0xf,0x6c,0x77, + 0x7,0x3e,0x5c, 0x6,0x46,0x3e, 0x4,0x68,0x4f, 0x6,0x5a,0x60, + 0x4,0x28,0x34, 0x3,0x5c,0x2f, 0x5,0x53,0x51, 0x7,0x4d,0x28, + 0x4,0x48,0x77, 0x7,0x5e,0x4d, +}; + +static const Summary16 cns11643_inv_uni2indx_page00[16] = { + /* 0x0000 */ + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0080 }, { 1, 0x0083 }, + { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0080 }, { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0080 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cns11643_inv_uni2indx_page02[29] = { + /* 0x0200 */ + { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0000 }, + { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0000 }, + { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0000 }, + { 6, 0x0e80 }, { 10, 0x0200 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x0300 */ + { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, + { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, + { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0xfffe }, { 26, 0x03fb }, { 35, 0xfffe }, + { 50, 0x03fb }, +}; +static const Summary16 cns11643_inv_uni2indx_page20[44] = { + /* 0x2000 */ + { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x3358 }, { 66, 0x0060 }, { 68, 0x4824 }, + { 72, 0x0000 }, { 72, 0x0000 }, { 72, 0x0000 }, { 72, 0x0000 }, + { 72, 0x0000 }, { 72, 0x0000 }, { 72, 0x1000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, + { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2100 */ + { 73, 0x0228 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, + { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x03ff }, { 86, 0x03ff }, + { 96, 0x0000 }, { 96, 0x03cf }, { 104, 0x0000 }, { 104, 0x0000 }, + { 104, 0x0000 }, { 104, 0x0000 }, { 104, 0x0000 }, { 104, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2200 */ + { 104, 0x0000 }, { 104, 0xc420 }, { 108, 0x4e01 }, { 113, 0x1030 }, + { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0004 }, { 117, 0x00c3 }, { 121, 0x0000 }, + { 121, 0x0000 }, { 121, 0x0000 }, { 121, 0x0020 }, { 122, 0x8000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cns11643_inv_uni2indx_page24[37] = { + /* 0x2400 */ + { 123, 0xffff }, { 139, 0xffff }, { 155, 0x0002 }, { 156, 0x0000 }, + { 156, 0x0000 }, { 156, 0x0000 }, { 156, 0x03ff }, { 166, 0x3ff0 }, + { 176, 0x0000 }, { 176, 0x0000 }, { 176, 0x0000 }, { 176, 0x0000 }, + { 176, 0x0000 }, { 176, 0x0000 }, { 176, 0x0000 }, { 176, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2500 */ + { 176, 0x1005 }, { 179, 0x1111 }, { 183, 0x1010 }, { 185, 0x1010 }, + { 187, 0x0000 }, { 187, 0x4001 }, { 189, 0xe402 }, { 194, 0x000f }, + { 198, 0xfffe }, { 213, 0x0030 }, { 215, 0x0003 }, { 217, 0x300c }, + { 221, 0xc8c0 }, { 226, 0x0000 }, { 226, 0x003c }, { 230, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2600 */ + { 230, 0x0260 }, { 233, 0x0000 }, { 233, 0x0000 }, { 233, 0x0000 }, + { 233, 0x0007 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cns11643_inv_uni2indx_page30[1787] = { + /* 0x3000 */ + { 236, 0xff0f }, { 248, 0x6037 }, { 255, 0x03fe }, { 264, 0x0000 }, + { 264, 0x0000 }, { 264, 0x0000 }, { 264, 0x0000 }, { 264, 0x0000 }, + { 264, 0x0000 }, { 264, 0x0000 }, { 264, 0x0000 }, { 264, 0x0000 }, + { 264, 0x0000 }, { 264, 0x0000 }, { 264, 0x0000 }, { 264, 0x0800 }, + /* 0x3100 */ + { 265, 0xffe0 }, { 276, 0xffff }, { 292, 0x03ff }, { 302, 0x0000 }, + { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, + { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, + { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3200 */ + { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, + { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, + { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0008 }, { 303, 0x0000 }, + { 303, 0x0000 }, { 303, 0x0000 }, { 303, 0x0000 }, { 303, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3300 */ + { 303, 0x0000 }, { 303, 0x0000 }, { 303, 0x0000 }, { 303, 0x0000 }, + { 303, 0x0000 }, { 303, 0x0000 }, { 303, 0x0000 }, { 303, 0x0000 }, + { 303, 0xc000 }, { 305, 0x7000 }, { 308, 0x0002 }, { 309, 0x0000 }, + { 309, 0x4010 }, { 311, 0x0026 }, { 314, 0x0000 }, { 314, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3400 */ + { 314, 0x1073 }, { 320, 0x1040 }, { 322, 0x7b12 }, { 330, 0x5f5f }, + { 342, 0xfe3e }, { 354, 0xff8b }, { 366, 0xc0f8 }, { 373, 0xfefb }, + { 387, 0x7fff }, { 402, 0xfefe }, { 416, 0xbff3 }, { 429, 0xfffd }, + { 444, 0xdfbc }, { 456, 0xfdfb }, { 470, 0xf39f }, { 482, 0x7ffe }, + /* 0x3500 */ + { 496, 0xfcff }, { 510, 0x77af }, { 522, 0xf7ff }, { 537, 0xffff }, + { 553, 0xffff }, { 569, 0xdff7 }, { 583, 0xfeff }, { 598, 0x1fef }, + { 610, 0x81ff }, { 620, 0x81ff }, { 630, 0x0fff }, { 642, 0xfff0 }, + { 654, 0x3fff }, { 668, 0x1ff9 }, { 679, 0x3ffc }, { 691, 0xf87f }, + /* 0x3600 */ + { 703, 0x3fe7 }, { 715, 0xfe7b }, { 728, 0xbfff }, { 743, 0x8fdf }, + { 755, 0xefbf }, { 769, 0x7e2f }, { 780, 0xffbf }, { 795, 0x5fff }, + { 809, 0xfebf }, { 823, 0xf5fd }, { 836, 0x7fff }, { 851, 0xffff }, + { 867, 0xe63e }, { 877, 0x7fff }, { 892, 0xffe6 }, { 905, 0x7fff }, + /* 0x3700 */ + { 920, 0xfffe }, { 935, 0x7fef }, { 949, 0xdfff }, { 964, 0xffff }, + { 980, 0xf5bf }, { 993, 0xfbff }, { 1008, 0xfefd }, { 1022, 0xfff7 }, + { 1037, 0x9fff }, { 1051, 0x9fff }, { 1065, 0xbffe }, { 1079, 0xfeff }, + { 1094, 0xffbb }, { 1108, 0xffdf }, { 1123, 0xbfe5 }, { 1135, 0xff7f }, + /* 0x3800 */ + { 1150, 0xfff7 }, { 1165, 0x3fff }, { 1179, 0xe7e7 }, { 1191, 0xfff6 }, + { 1205, 0xdfff }, { 1220, 0xffff }, { 1236, 0xefed }, { 1249, 0xffff }, + { 1265, 0xff7f }, { 1280, 0xffff }, { 1296, 0xd7eb }, { 1308, 0x7d7d }, + { 1320, 0xfbff }, { 1335, 0xff1f }, { 1348, 0xb87d }, { 1358, 0xfce7 }, + /* 0x3900 */ + { 1370, 0xfffe }, { 1385, 0xfeff }, { 1400, 0xd7ff }, { 1414, 0xcfff }, + { 1428, 0xffff }, { 1444, 0xfc7f }, { 1457, 0xfbff }, { 1472, 0xf7ff }, + { 1487, 0xfeff }, { 1502, 0xfdff }, { 1517, 0xffff }, { 1533, 0xfff5 }, + { 1547, 0x7fff }, { 1562, 0x47fc }, { 1572, 0xfffe }, { 1587, 0xfffe }, + /* 0x3a00 */ + { 1602, 0xffff }, { 1618, 0xfeff }, { 1633, 0xe7ff }, { 1647, 0xffff }, + { 1663, 0x7ff9 }, { 1676, 0x7ffd }, { 1690, 0xbfff }, { 1705, 0xfeff }, + { 1720, 0xfbb7 }, { 1733, 0xf46e }, { 1743, 0xfb7f }, { 1757, 0xdff3 }, + { 1770, 0xec3f }, { 1781, 0xffbf }, { 1796, 0xdef3 }, { 1808, 0x3fff }, + /* 0x3b00 */ + { 1822, 0xfffe }, { 1837, 0x7fbd }, { 1850, 0xfeef }, { 1864, 0x9b7f }, + { 1876, 0x1f9e }, { 1886, 0xff3e }, { 1899, 0xff07 }, { 1910, 0xff07 }, + { 1921, 0xf9ff }, { 1935, 0xffff }, { 1951, 0xfffa }, { 1965, 0x97ff }, + { 1978, 0xffff }, { 1994, 0xfff9 }, { 2008, 0xfc7f }, { 2021, 0xcfff }, + /* 0x3c00 */ + { 2035, 0xffff }, { 2051, 0xeff7 }, { 2065, 0xffff }, { 2081, 0xfeff }, + { 2096, 0xffff }, { 2112, 0xdff4 }, { 2124, 0xbdff }, { 2138, 0xff7f }, + { 2153, 0xffff }, { 2169, 0xfffe }, { 2184, 0xbdff }, { 2198, 0x7fff }, + { 2213, 0xfdff }, { 2228, 0xffcf }, { 2242, 0x7ff0 }, { 2253, 0xfff8 }, + /* 0x3d00 */ + { 2266, 0xc7ff }, { 2279, 0x7fff }, { 2294, 0xffe3 }, { 2307, 0xf9ff }, + { 2321, 0xfc7f }, { 2334, 0xe3ff }, { 2347, 0xffff }, { 2363, 0xefff }, + { 2378, 0xf1f3 }, { 2389, 0xddfe }, { 2402, 0xfffb }, { 2417, 0xde3d }, + { 2428, 0xefff }, { 2443, 0x8fff }, { 2456, 0xf97f }, { 2469, 0xdbf9 }, + /* 0x3e00 */ + { 2481, 0xff3f }, { 2495, 0xffff }, { 2511, 0xffff }, { 2527, 0x7fef }, + { 2541, 0xfeff }, { 2556, 0xffff }, { 2572, 0xf8ff }, { 2585, 0xfffe }, + { 2600, 0xdfbf }, { 2614, 0xfdff }, { 2629, 0x7ffb }, { 2643, 0xa7bf }, + { 2655, 0x7f9f }, { 2668, 0xe6fe }, { 2680, 0xf98f }, { 2691, 0xffe7 }, + /* 0x3f00 */ + { 2705, 0xfef6 }, { 2718, 0xffff }, { 2734, 0xffff }, { 2750, 0xffff }, + { 2766, 0x7fdf }, { 2780, 0xffef }, { 2795, 0xffff }, { 2811, 0xefb7 }, + { 2824, 0xffff }, { 2840, 0xffff }, { 2856, 0xffff }, { 2872, 0xffc1 }, + { 2883, 0xfffe }, { 2898, 0xffee }, { 2912, 0xfffe }, { 2927, 0xffff }, + /* 0x4000 */ + { 2943, 0xefff }, { 2958, 0xdfff }, { 2973, 0xff9f }, { 2987, 0xffff }, + { 3003, 0xfffe }, { 3018, 0xffbf }, { 3033, 0xfbfd }, { 3047, 0xffff }, + { 3063, 0xf7ff }, { 3078, 0xffff }, { 3094, 0xfeff }, { 3109, 0xffdf }, + { 3124, 0xff87 }, { 3136, 0x7ffe }, { 3150, 0x7eff }, { 3164, 0xefff }, + /* 0x4100 */ + { 3179, 0xfbff }, { 3194, 0xbf3f }, { 3207, 0xfff7 }, { 3222, 0xfdcf }, + { 3235, 0xfdff }, { 3250, 0x7fff }, { 3265, 0xf3ff }, { 3279, 0xffff }, + { 3295, 0xef3f }, { 3308, 0xffff }, { 3324, 0xbfff }, { 3339, 0xffef }, + { 3354, 0xfbef }, { 3368, 0xffff }, { 3384, 0xffff }, { 3400, 0x7fe7 }, + /* 0x4200 */ + { 3413, 0xffff }, { 3429, 0xffff }, { 3445, 0xfcff }, { 3459, 0xffff }, + { 3475, 0xff7f }, { 3490, 0xffff }, { 3506, 0xffef }, { 3521, 0xffff }, + { 3537, 0xefff }, { 3552, 0xffff }, { 3568, 0xfffb }, { 3583, 0xffff }, + { 3599, 0xff1f }, { 3612, 0xdfff }, { 3627, 0xffff }, { 3643, 0xffff }, + /* 0x4300 */ + { 3659, 0xf7ff }, { 3674, 0xffff }, { 3690, 0xffff }, { 3706, 0x003f }, + { 3712, 0xfffc }, { 3726, 0xffff }, { 3742, 0xfffe }, { 3757, 0xffff }, + { 3773, 0xffff }, { 3789, 0xb7ff }, { 3803, 0xefdf }, { 3817, 0xffff }, + { 3833, 0xffff }, { 3849, 0xdfff }, { 3864, 0x9fff }, { 3878, 0xffff }, + /* 0x4400 */ + { 3894, 0xffbf }, { 3909, 0xffff }, { 3925, 0xfbff }, { 3940, 0xffff }, + { 3956, 0xffff }, { 3972, 0xffbf }, { 3987, 0xbdff }, { 4001, 0xbe7f }, + { 4014, 0xff7f }, { 4029, 0xfdfd }, { 4043, 0x3fff }, { 4057, 0x3fff }, + { 4071, 0xfffe }, { 4086, 0xff8f }, { 4099, 0xe4ff }, { 4111, 0xf7ff }, + /* 0x4500 */ + { 4126, 0xffff }, { 4142, 0xffff }, { 4158, 0xffff }, { 4174, 0xffff }, + { 4190, 0xfffb }, { 4205, 0xfffe }, { 4220, 0xfff7 }, { 4235, 0xffbf }, + { 4250, 0xffff }, { 4266, 0xffff }, { 4282, 0xefff }, { 4297, 0xbfff }, + { 4312, 0xffff }, { 4328, 0xffbf }, { 4343, 0xdfff }, { 4358, 0xf7f7 }, + /* 0x4600 */ + { 4372, 0xffff }, { 4388, 0xb7ff }, { 4402, 0xffff }, { 4418, 0xfffb }, + { 4433, 0xc3ff }, { 4445, 0xfff7 }, { 4460, 0xf7ff }, { 4475, 0xf7bf }, + { 4489, 0xffff }, { 4505, 0xffdf }, { 4520, 0xefef }, { 4534, 0xffff }, + { 4550, 0xffff }, { 4566, 0xfff7 }, { 4581, 0xffff }, { 4597, 0xffff }, + /* 0x4700 */ + { 4613, 0xffff }, { 4629, 0xffff }, { 4645, 0xfc07 }, { 4654, 0xfff7 }, + { 4669, 0xffff }, { 4685, 0xf5ff }, { 4699, 0xffff }, { 4715, 0xefff }, + { 4730, 0x0fff }, { 4742, 0xfffe }, { 4757, 0xffff }, { 4773, 0xfffb }, + { 4788, 0xffff }, { 4804, 0xffff }, { 4820, 0xffff }, { 4836, 0xfffb }, + /* 0x4800 */ + { 4851, 0xefff }, { 4866, 0xffbf }, { 4881, 0xffff }, { 4897, 0xfbff }, + { 4912, 0xffff }, { 4928, 0xffff }, { 4944, 0xffff }, { 4960, 0xf7fd }, + { 4974, 0x7ff8 }, { 4986, 0xfe7f }, { 5000, 0xfff7 }, { 5015, 0xfbff }, + { 5030, 0xfdff }, { 5045, 0xfffb }, { 5060, 0xffbf }, { 5075, 0xfff7 }, + /* 0x4900 */ + { 5090, 0xfffe }, { 5105, 0xffff }, { 5121, 0xfdf7 }, { 5135, 0xfffb }, + { 5150, 0xff7f }, { 5165, 0xefff }, { 5180, 0xffff }, { 5196, 0x01ff }, + { 5205, 0xff80 }, { 5214, 0xf7ff }, { 5229, 0xfdff }, { 5244, 0x3e3e }, + { 5254, 0x7efe }, { 5267, 0xffff }, { 5283, 0xd5ff }, { 5296, 0xffff }, + /* 0x4a00 */ + { 5312, 0xffff }, { 5328, 0xfbff }, { 5343, 0xffff }, { 5359, 0xffff }, + { 5375, 0xbfef }, { 5389, 0xffff }, { 5405, 0xffff }, { 5421, 0xffff }, + { 5437, 0xffff }, { 5453, 0x7fff }, { 5468, 0xfbff }, { 5483, 0xffff }, + { 5499, 0xffff }, { 5515, 0xffff }, { 5531, 0xffff }, { 5547, 0xffff }, + /* 0x4b00 */ + { 5563, 0xffff }, { 5579, 0xffff }, { 5595, 0xffff }, { 5611, 0xffff }, + { 5627, 0x7fff }, { 5642, 0xefff }, { 5657, 0xfbff }, { 5672, 0xffff }, + { 5688, 0xffff }, { 5704, 0xffff }, { 5720, 0xffff }, { 5736, 0xffff }, + { 5752, 0xffc7 }, { 5765, 0xffff }, { 5781, 0xfdff }, { 5796, 0xf7ff }, + /* 0x4c00 */ + { 5811, 0xff7f }, { 5826, 0xffff }, { 5842, 0xbfff }, { 5857, 0xffb7 }, + { 5871, 0xffff }, { 5887, 0xffff }, { 5903, 0xfbff }, { 5918, 0xffef }, + { 5933, 0xff7f }, { 5948, 0x1eff }, { 5960, 0xffe0 }, { 5971, 0xffbf }, + { 5986, 0xffff }, { 6002, 0xffff }, { 6018, 0xffff }, { 6034, 0xfdff }, + /* 0x4d00 */ + { 6049, 0xffff }, { 6065, 0xfc07 }, { 6074, 0xfeff }, { 6089, 0xffff }, + { 6105, 0xffff }, { 6121, 0xffff }, { 6137, 0xffff }, { 6153, 0xffff }, + { 6169, 0xffff }, { 6185, 0xffff }, { 6201, 0x9fff }, { 6215, 0x003b }, + { 6220, 0x0000 }, { 6220, 0x0000 }, { 6220, 0x0000 }, { 6220, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4e00 */ + { 6220, 0xffbf }, { 6235, 0xc3f7 }, { 6246, 0xef5f }, { 6259, 0xbb6f }, + { 6271, 0xebef }, { 6284, 0xf7de }, { 6297, 0x070c }, { 6302, 0xc23a }, + { 6309, 0xfbff }, { 6324, 0xfbfe }, { 6338, 0xf97f }, { 6351, 0x56df }, + { 6362, 0xffff }, { 6378, 0xfff1 }, { 6391, 0xc3ff }, { 6403, 0xffff }, + /* 0x4f00 */ + { 6419, 0xffff }, { 6435, 0x3fff }, { 6449, 0xf304 }, { 6456, 0xffff }, + { 6472, 0xffff }, { 6488, 0xffff }, { 6504, 0xffdf }, { 6519, 0xffff }, + { 6535, 0xffff }, { 6551, 0xffff }, { 6567, 0xc80f }, { 6574, 0xffff }, + { 6590, 0xffff }, { 6606, 0xffff }, { 6622, 0xd2bf }, { 6633, 0xffff }, + /* 0x5000 */ + { 6649, 0xffff }, { 6665, 0xffff }, { 6681, 0xffff }, { 6697, 0x93ff }, + { 6709, 0xffff }, { 6725, 0xffff }, { 6741, 0xffff }, { 6757, 0x3fff }, + { 6771, 0xffff }, { 6787, 0xffff }, { 6803, 0xfc4f }, { 6814, 0xffff }, + { 6830, 0xffff }, { 6846, 0xffff }, { 6862, 0xffff }, { 6878, 0xfffb }, + /* 0x5100 */ + { 6893, 0xffff }, { 6909, 0xffff }, { 6925, 0xffff }, { 6941, 0xffff }, + { 6957, 0xffff }, { 6973, 0xffff }, { 6989, 0x7fff }, { 7004, 0xd3ee }, + { 7015, 0xfffd }, { 7030, 0xe3ff }, { 7043, 0x3f7f }, { 7056, 0xf7ff }, + { 7071, 0xffff }, { 7087, 0xffff }, { 7103, 0x753f }, { 7114, 0x67ff }, + /* 0x5200 */ + { 7127, 0xdfff }, { 7142, 0xf1ff }, { 7155, 0xcfff }, { 7169, 0x7fff }, + { 7184, 0xfffa }, { 7198, 0xfffc }, { 7212, 0xffff }, { 7228, 0xfffd }, + { 7243, 0x7fff }, { 7258, 0xffff }, { 7274, 0xfff9 }, { 7288, 0xfffb }, + { 7303, 0xf7ff }, { 7318, 0xfbff }, { 7333, 0xffff }, { 7349, 0xffff }, + /* 0x5300 */ + { 7365, 0xfffb }, { 7380, 0xffff }, { 7396, 0xbfbf }, { 7410, 0xffff }, + { 7426, 0xffff }, { 7442, 0xffbf }, { 7457, 0xf7fb }, { 7471, 0xffff }, + { 7487, 0xcfdd }, { 7499, 0xffdc }, { 7512, 0xfff3 }, { 7526, 0x6fff }, + { 7540, 0xff3f }, { 7554, 0xfefd }, { 7568, 0xffff }, { 7584, 0xbfff }, + /* 0x5400 */ + { 7599, 0xffff }, { 7615, 0xff6f }, { 7629, 0xffff }, { 7645, 0xffff }, + { 7661, 0xffff }, { 7677, 0xe413 }, { 7684, 0xffff }, { 7700, 0xffff }, + { 7716, 0xffff }, { 7732, 0xd57f }, { 7744, 0xffff }, { 7760, 0xffff }, + { 7776, 0xffff }, { 7792, 0x4441 }, { 7796, 0xffff }, { 7812, 0xffff }, + /* 0x5500 */ + { 7828, 0xffff }, { 7844, 0x0fff }, { 7856, 0xffc3 }, { 7868, 0xffff }, + { 7884, 0xffff }, { 7900, 0xffff }, { 7916, 0x0d7f }, { 7926, 0xfcee }, + { 7938, 0xffff }, { 7954, 0xffff }, { 7970, 0xffff }, { 7986, 0x8c7f }, + { 7996, 0xffff }, { 8012, 0xffff }, { 8028, 0xc7ff }, { 8041, 0xffd7 }, + /* 0x5600 */ + { 8055, 0xffff }, { 8071, 0xfbff }, { 8086, 0xffc5 }, { 8098, 0xffff }, + { 8114, 0xffff }, { 8130, 0xc7ff }, { 8143, 0xffff }, { 8159, 0xefff }, + { 8174, 0xffff }, { 8190, 0xffff }, { 8206, 0xffe1 }, { 8218, 0xffff }, + { 8234, 0xbfff }, { 8249, 0xff9f }, { 8263, 0xfffb }, { 8278, 0xbfcf }, + /* 0x5700 */ + { 8291, 0xffbf }, { 8306, 0xfdff }, { 8321, 0xffbf }, { 8336, 0xf87f }, + { 8348, 0xffff }, { 8364, 0x8bff }, { 8376, 0xfffe }, { 8391, 0xffff }, + { 8407, 0xfd8f }, { 8419, 0xffff }, { 8435, 0x5fff }, { 8449, 0xfff0 }, + { 8461, 0xffff }, { 8477, 0xf8bf }, { 8489, 0xffff }, { 8505, 0xffff }, + /* 0x5800 */ + { 8521, 0xffff }, { 8537, 0xff9d }, { 8550, 0xffff }, { 8566, 0xffff }, + { 8582, 0xffbd }, { 8596, 0xffff }, { 8612, 0xbfff }, { 8627, 0xfffe }, + { 8642, 0xffff }, { 8658, 0xfdff }, { 8673, 0xffff }, { 8689, 0xfcbf }, + { 8702, 0xe7ff }, { 8716, 0xff7f }, { 8731, 0xdbdf }, { 8744, 0xfebf }, + /* 0x5900 */ + { 8758, 0xff7f }, { 8773, 0xbfff }, { 8788, 0xffff }, { 8804, 0xf1ff }, + { 8817, 0xfff9 }, { 8831, 0xffbf }, { 8846, 0xffff }, { 8862, 0xffff }, + { 8878, 0xfe7f }, { 8892, 0xffff }, { 8908, 0xf1ff }, { 8921, 0xffff }, + { 8937, 0xffff }, { 8953, 0xffff }, { 8969, 0xffff }, { 8985, 0xffff }, + /* 0x5a00 */ + { 9001, 0xfe1f }, { 9013, 0xffff }, { 9029, 0xffff }, { 9045, 0xffeb }, + { 9059, 0xffff }, { 9075, 0xffff }, { 9091, 0xffff }, { 9107, 0xffaf }, + { 9121, 0xffff }, { 9137, 0xffff }, { 9153, 0xdfff }, { 9168, 0xffff }, + { 9184, 0xffff }, { 9200, 0xffeb }, { 9214, 0xffff }, { 9230, 0xfff9 }, + /* 0x5b00 */ + { 9244, 0xffff }, { 9260, 0xffff }, { 9276, 0xffff }, { 9292, 0xffbf }, + { 9307, 0xffff }, { 9323, 0xbdff }, { 9337, 0xdfff }, { 9352, 0xffff }, + { 9368, 0xffff }, { 9384, 0xfffd }, { 9399, 0xfbfc }, { 9412, 0xdfff }, + { 9427, 0xfdff }, { 9442, 0xffff }, { 9458, 0xffff }, { 9474, 0xe7ff }, + /* 0x5c00 */ + { 9488, 0xfffb }, { 9503, 0xcfff }, { 9517, 0xbf3f }, { 9530, 0xffeb }, + { 9544, 0xfff3 }, { 9558, 0xffff }, { 9574, 0xffbf }, { 9589, 0x7fbb }, + { 9602, 0xfff3 }, { 9616, 0xf2bf }, { 9628, 0xffff }, { 9644, 0x0fff }, + { 9656, 0xffc3 }, { 9668, 0xffff }, { 9684, 0xff66 }, { 9696, 0xffff }, + /* 0x5d00 */ + { 9712, 0xffc3 }, { 9724, 0xffff }, { 9740, 0xdfff }, { 9755, 0xffff }, + { 9771, 0xffff }, { 9787, 0xcaff }, { 9799, 0xffff }, { 9815, 0xffbf }, + { 9830, 0xffff }, { 9846, 0xffff }, { 9862, 0xffff }, { 9878, 0xffff }, + { 9894, 0xffdf }, { 9909, 0xffff }, { 9925, 0x4bff }, { 9937, 0xefff }, + /* 0x5e00 */ + { 9952, 0x7fdf }, { 9966, 0xeffe }, { 9980, 0xff3f }, { 9994, 0xe7fd }, + { 10007, 0xfdff }, { 10022, 0xffff }, { 10038, 0xffff }, { 10054, 0xffff }, + { 10070, 0xffbf }, { 10085, 0x3fe5 }, { 10096, 0xffff }, { 10112, 0xefff }, + { 10127, 0xffff }, { 10143, 0xffff }, { 10159, 0xffef }, { 10174, 0xffff }, + /* 0x5f00 */ + { 10190, 0xfdff }, { 10205, 0xffbf }, { 10220, 0xfbfe }, { 10234, 0xffff }, + { 10250, 0xffdf }, { 10265, 0x7fff }, { 10280, 0xfeff }, { 10295, 0xf7ff }, + { 10310, 0xffff }, { 10326, 0xffdf }, { 10341, 0xffff }, { 10357, 0xffff }, + { 10373, 0xffbf }, { 10388, 0xffff }, { 10404, 0xffff }, { 10420, 0xffff }, + /* 0x6000 */ + { 10436, 0xff81 }, { 10446, 0xffff }, { 10462, 0xffff }, { 10478, 0x23ff }, + { 10489, 0xffff }, { 10505, 0xffff }, { 10521, 0xffff }, { 10537, 0xd03f }, + { 10546, 0xffff }, { 10562, 0xffff }, { 10578, 0x47ff }, { 10590, 0xffff }, + { 10606, 0xffff }, { 10622, 0xffff }, { 10638, 0x47ff }, { 10650, 0xffff }, + /* 0x6100 */ + { 10666, 0xffff }, { 10682, 0xffff }, { 10698, 0xffaf }, { 10712, 0xffff }, + { 10728, 0xffff }, { 10744, 0xfffd }, { 10759, 0xffff }, { 10775, 0xffff }, + { 10791, 0xffff }, { 10807, 0xffff }, { 10823, 0xffff }, { 10839, 0xffff }, + { 10855, 0xffff }, { 10871, 0xffe9 }, { 10884, 0xffff }, { 10900, 0xffef }, + /* 0x6200 */ + { 10915, 0xf7bf }, { 10929, 0xff7f }, { 10944, 0xffff }, { 10960, 0xffff }, + { 10976, 0xffef }, { 10991, 0xff9f }, { 11005, 0xe1ff }, { 11017, 0xffff }, + { 11033, 0xffff }, { 11049, 0x7fff }, { 11064, 0xfff8 }, { 11077, 0xffff }, + { 11093, 0xffff }, { 11109, 0xffff }, { 11125, 0xfc13 }, { 11134, 0xffff }, + /* 0x6300 */ + { 11150, 0xffff }, { 11166, 0x8aff }, { 11177, 0xff0a }, { 11187, 0xffff }, + { 11203, 0xffff }, { 11219, 0x3fff }, { 11233, 0xfff1 }, { 11246, 0xffff }, + { 11262, 0xffff }, { 11278, 0xffff }, { 11294, 0xffff }, { 11310, 0xe447 }, + { 11318, 0xffff }, { 11334, 0xffff }, { 11350, 0xffff }, { 11366, 0x47ff }, + /* 0x6400 */ + { 11378, 0xffc8 }, { 11389, 0xffff }, { 11405, 0xffff }, { 11421, 0xffff }, + { 11437, 0xfacb }, { 11448, 0xffff }, { 11464, 0xffff }, { 11480, 0xffff }, + { 11496, 0xffef }, { 11511, 0xffff }, { 11527, 0xffff }, { 11543, 0xfa5f }, + { 11555, 0xffff }, { 11571, 0x9fff }, { 11585, 0xffff }, { 11601, 0xffff }, + /* 0x6500 */ + { 11617, 0xffff }, { 11633, 0xfffb }, { 11648, 0xffff }, { 11664, 0xffff }, + { 11680, 0xffff }, { 11696, 0xf7ff }, { 11711, 0xfdff }, { 11726, 0x9fff }, + { 11740, 0x7fbf }, { 11754, 0xfff7 }, { 11769, 0xfdff }, { 11784, 0xffff }, + { 11800, 0xfffe }, { 11815, 0xffdf }, { 11830, 0xffff }, { 11846, 0xfe7f }, + /* 0x6600 */ + { 11860, 0xffff }, { 11876, 0xffff }, { 11892, 0xffff }, { 11908, 0x1fff }, + { 11921, 0xffff }, { 11937, 0xff87 }, { 11949, 0xffff }, { 11965, 0xffff }, + { 11981, 0xfff3 }, { 11995, 0xffff }, { 12011, 0xff7f }, { 12026, 0xffff }, + { 12042, 0xffff }, { 12058, 0xffff }, { 12074, 0xffff }, { 12090, 0xd7ff }, + /* 0x6700 */ + { 12104, 0xffff }, { 12120, 0xffff }, { 12136, 0xfdff }, { 12151, 0xfffe }, + { 12166, 0xfff5 }, { 12180, 0xffff }, { 12196, 0xfc67 }, { 12207, 0xffff }, + { 12223, 0xffff }, { 12239, 0xffff }, { 12255, 0xd05e }, { 12263, 0xffff }, + { 12279, 0xffff }, { 12295, 0xffff }, { 12311, 0xffff }, { 12327, 0xdfff }, + /* 0x6800 */ + { 12342, 0x0073 }, { 12347, 0xffff }, { 12363, 0xffff }, { 12379, 0xffff }, + { 12395, 0xffff }, { 12411, 0x47ff }, { 12423, 0xf800 }, { 12428, 0xffff }, + { 12444, 0xdfff }, { 12459, 0xffff }, { 12475, 0xffff }, { 12491, 0x23ff }, + { 12502, 0xfffa }, { 12516, 0xffff }, { 12532, 0xffff }, { 12548, 0xffff }, + /* 0x6900 */ + { 12564, 0xffff }, { 12580, 0x59ff }, { 12592, 0xdea0 }, { 12600, 0xffff }, + { 12616, 0xffff }, { 12632, 0xffff }, { 12648, 0xffff }, { 12664, 0xbfff }, + { 12679, 0xf46d }, { 12689, 0xffff }, { 12705, 0xffff }, { 12721, 0xffff }, + { 12737, 0xffff }, { 12753, 0x03ff }, { 12763, 0xfffe }, { 12778, 0xffff }, + /* 0x6a00 */ + { 12794, 0xffff }, { 12810, 0xffff }, { 12826, 0x3fff }, { 12840, 0xfffc }, + { 12854, 0xffff }, { 12870, 0xffff }, { 12886, 0xffff }, { 12902, 0xe5c7 }, + { 12912, 0xffff }, { 12928, 0xffff }, { 12944, 0xfdff }, { 12959, 0xffff }, + { 12975, 0xfdff }, { 12990, 0xffff }, { 13006, 0xffef }, { 13021, 0xff7f }, + /* 0x6b00 */ + { 13036, 0xffdf }, { 13051, 0x7fff }, { 13066, 0xffff }, { 13082, 0xffff }, + { 13098, 0xffff }, { 13114, 0xffff }, { 13130, 0xffff }, { 13146, 0xefff }, + { 13161, 0xff7f }, { 13176, 0xfbf3 }, { 13189, 0xffff }, { 13205, 0xfffd }, + { 13220, 0xfffb }, { 13235, 0x7ddf }, { 13248, 0xbfff }, { 13263, 0xffff }, + /* 0x6c00 */ + { 13279, 0xbf7f }, { 13293, 0xff7f }, { 13308, 0xfdfb }, { 13322, 0xdbdf }, + { 13335, 0xfe7f }, { 13349, 0xffff }, { 13365, 0xffef }, { 13380, 0xffff }, + { 13396, 0xffff }, { 13412, 0xffff }, { 13428, 0xfc0f }, { 13438, 0xffff }, + { 13454, 0xffff }, { 13470, 0xffff }, { 13486, 0xffff }, { 13502, 0x823f }, + /* 0x6d00 */ + { 13510, 0xffff }, { 13526, 0xffff }, { 13542, 0xffff }, { 13558, 0xffff }, + { 13574, 0x003f }, { 13580, 0xffc0 }, { 13590, 0xffff }, { 13606, 0xffff }, + { 13622, 0xffff }, { 13638, 0x0fff }, { 13650, 0xfc20 }, { 13657, 0xffff }, + { 13673, 0xffff }, { 13689, 0xffff }, { 13705, 0xffff }, { 13721, 0xffff }, + /* 0x6e00 */ + { 13737, 0x9fff }, { 13751, 0xffa4 }, { 13762, 0xffff }, { 13778, 0xffff }, + { 13794, 0xffff }, { 13810, 0xffff }, { 13826, 0xffff }, { 13842, 0x7fff }, + { 13857, 0xef55 }, { 13868, 0xffff }, { 13884, 0xffff }, { 13900, 0xffff }, + { 13916, 0xffff }, { 13932, 0x3fff }, { 13946, 0xfb48 }, { 13955, 0xffff }, + /* 0x6f00 */ + { 13971, 0xffff }, { 13987, 0xffff }, { 14003, 0xffff }, { 14019, 0xffff }, + { 14035, 0xd77f }, { 14048, 0xffff }, { 14064, 0xffff }, { 14080, 0xffff }, + { 14096, 0xffff }, { 14112, 0xe7ff }, { 14126, 0xffff }, { 14142, 0xffff }, + { 14158, 0xffff }, { 14174, 0xfff9 }, { 14188, 0xffff }, { 14204, 0xfdff }, + /* 0x7000 */ + { 14219, 0xffff }, { 14235, 0xffff }, { 14251, 0xffff }, { 14267, 0xffff }, + { 14283, 0x3fff }, { 14297, 0xfffe }, { 14312, 0xdfff }, { 14327, 0xffff }, + { 14343, 0xfffe }, { 14358, 0x8fff }, { 14371, 0xffff }, { 14387, 0xcfff }, + { 14401, 0xfff1 }, { 14414, 0xffff }, { 14430, 0xc43f }, { 14439, 0xffff }, + /* 0x7100 */ + { 14455, 0xffff }, { 14471, 0xfe8f }, { 14483, 0xffff }, { 14499, 0xafff }, + { 14513, 0xfffe }, { 14528, 0xffdf }, { 14543, 0xffff }, { 14559, 0xfff7 }, + { 14574, 0xffff }, { 14590, 0xffff }, { 14606, 0xffff }, { 14622, 0xffff }, + { 14638, 0xffff }, { 14654, 0xffff }, { 14670, 0xffff }, { 14686, 0xff3f }, + /* 0x7200 */ + { 14700, 0xffff }, { 14716, 0xffff }, { 14732, 0xffff }, { 14748, 0xff75 }, + { 14761, 0xdfff }, { 14776, 0xefff }, { 14791, 0xffff }, { 14807, 0xffdf }, + { 14822, 0xfbff }, { 14837, 0xffff }, { 14853, 0xfffe }, { 14868, 0xfe7f }, + { 14882, 0xfeff }, { 14897, 0xbfff }, { 14912, 0x3fff }, { 14926, 0xfff8 }, + /* 0x7300 */ + { 14939, 0xfff7 }, { 14954, 0x7fff }, { 14969, 0xfffc }, { 14983, 0xfdff }, + { 14998, 0xffff }, { 15014, 0xffff }, { 15030, 0xdfe7 }, { 15043, 0xffff }, + { 15059, 0xffff }, { 15075, 0xf1ff }, { 15088, 0xbfff }, { 15103, 0xfffc }, + { 15117, 0xffff }, { 15133, 0xfffd }, { 15148, 0xffff }, { 15164, 0xfff8 }, + /* 0x7400 */ + { 15177, 0x3fff }, { 15191, 0xfffc }, { 15205, 0xffff }, { 15221, 0xff7f }, + { 15236, 0xffff }, { 15252, 0xffff }, { 15268, 0xffff }, { 15284, 0xff7f }, + { 15299, 0xbfff }, { 15314, 0xffff }, { 15330, 0xffff }, { 15346, 0xffff }, + { 15362, 0xffff }, { 15378, 0xfffb }, { 15393, 0xff7f }, { 15408, 0xeff8 }, + /* 0x7500 */ + { 15420, 0xffdf }, { 15435, 0xfdff }, { 15450, 0xffff }, { 15466, 0xefcf }, + { 15479, 0xffdf }, { 15494, 0xfffb }, { 15509, 0xfdfe }, { 15523, 0xffe7 }, + { 15537, 0xdffb }, { 15551, 0x7f3f }, { 15564, 0x0ffc }, { 15574, 0xffff }, + { 15590, 0xfcff }, { 15604, 0xffbf }, { 15619, 0xf0ff }, { 15631, 0xffff }, + /* 0x7600 */ + { 15647, 0xff8f }, { 15660, 0xfe7f }, { 15674, 0xf3ff }, { 15688, 0x3fff }, + { 15702, 0xdfff }, { 15717, 0x9fff }, { 15731, 0xf7b7 }, { 15744, 0xfbff }, + { 15759, 0xffff }, { 15775, 0xfffd }, { 15790, 0xffff }, { 15806, 0xfff9 }, + { 15820, 0x7fff }, { 15835, 0xfffc }, { 15849, 0xffff }, { 15865, 0xffff }, + /* 0x7700 */ + { 15881, 0xcfff }, { 15895, 0xffff }, { 15911, 0xefff }, { 15926, 0xffff }, + { 15942, 0xffff }, { 15958, 0xfffc }, { 15972, 0xffff }, { 15988, 0xffff }, + { 16004, 0xffbf }, { 16019, 0xfff3 }, { 16033, 0xffff }, { 16049, 0xffff }, + { 16065, 0xf6ff }, { 16079, 0xffff }, { 16095, 0xf7ff }, { 16110, 0x7fff }, + /* 0x7800 */ + { 16125, 0xfffc }, { 16139, 0xeb3f }, { 16151, 0xffff }, { 16167, 0x21ff }, + { 16177, 0xfffc }, { 16191, 0xf11f }, { 16201, 0xffff }, { 16217, 0xff43 }, + { 16228, 0xffff }, { 16244, 0xf7ff }, { 16259, 0xffff }, { 16275, 0xff9f }, + { 16289, 0xffff }, { 16305, 0xfd7f }, { 16319, 0xffff }, { 16335, 0xffdf }, + /* 0x7900 */ + { 16350, 0xfff7 }, { 16365, 0xffbf }, { 16380, 0xffff }, { 16396, 0xf7e7 }, + { 16409, 0xbff7 }, { 16423, 0xffff }, { 16439, 0x7fff }, { 16454, 0xfeff }, + { 16469, 0xffdf }, { 16484, 0xffff }, { 16500, 0xffff }, { 16516, 0xffff }, + { 16532, 0xffff }, { 16548, 0xffff }, { 16564, 0x7fff }, { 16579, 0x9fef }, + /* 0x7a00 */ + { 16592, 0xffff }, { 16608, 0xffff }, { 16624, 0xffe7 }, { 16638, 0xffff }, + { 16654, 0xfff7 }, { 16669, 0x9ff9 }, { 16681, 0xfff7 }, { 16696, 0xff7f }, + { 16711, 0x9fff }, { 16725, 0xcfff }, { 16739, 0xdf9f }, { 16752, 0xffff }, + { 16768, 0xfff7 }, { 16783, 0xbfbf }, { 16797, 0xffff }, { 16813, 0xffff }, + /* 0x7b00 */ + { 16829, 0xff73 }, { 16842, 0xffdf }, { 16857, 0xffff }, { 16873, 0xabff }, + { 16886, 0xffff }, { 16902, 0xc3ff }, { 16914, 0xffff }, { 16930, 0x0bff }, + { 16941, 0xfffe }, { 16956, 0xfbff }, { 16971, 0xf03f }, { 16981, 0xffff }, + { 16997, 0x7fff }, { 17012, 0xfff1 }, { 17025, 0x3fff }, { 17039, 0xffff }, + /* 0x7c00 */ + { 17055, 0xffff }, { 17071, 0xff37 }, { 17084, 0xffff }, { 17100, 0xfffd }, + { 17115, 0xfffd }, { 17130, 0xffff }, { 17146, 0xfffd }, { 17161, 0xffff }, + { 17177, 0x7ffb }, { 17191, 0xfffe }, { 17206, 0xdbff }, { 17220, 0xffff }, + { 17236, 0xffff }, { 17252, 0xfeff }, { 17267, 0xffff }, { 17283, 0xfdff }, + /* 0x7d00 */ + { 17298, 0xffff }, { 17314, 0xffff }, { 17330, 0xff3f }, { 17344, 0xffff }, + { 17360, 0xffff }, { 17376, 0xffff }, { 17392, 0xffff }, { 17408, 0xff7f }, + { 17423, 0xffff }, { 17439, 0xf3ff }, { 17453, 0xffff }, { 17469, 0xffff }, + { 17485, 0xffff }, { 17501, 0xffcf }, { 17515, 0xffff }, { 17531, 0xffff }, + /* 0x7e00 */ + { 17547, 0xff9f }, { 17561, 0xffff }, { 17577, 0xfeff }, { 17592, 0xffff }, + { 17608, 0xf3ff }, { 17622, 0xffff }, { 17638, 0xff7f }, { 17653, 0xffff }, + { 17669, 0xfff7 }, { 17684, 0x7ffe }, { 17698, 0x0000 }, { 17698, 0x0000 }, + { 17698, 0x0000 }, { 17698, 0x0000 }, { 17698, 0x0000 }, { 17698, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7f00 */ + { 17698, 0x0000 }, { 17698, 0x0000 }, { 17698, 0x0000 }, { 17698, 0xffc0 }, + { 17708, 0xfdfb }, { 17722, 0xfbb7 }, { 17735, 0xffff }, { 17751, 0xffef }, + { 17766, 0xfffd }, { 17781, 0x7fff }, { 17796, 0xfbff }, { 17811, 0xffff }, + { 17827, 0xffff }, { 17843, 0xf8ff }, { 17856, 0xffff }, { 17872, 0xffff }, + /* 0x8000 */ + { 17888, 0xffff }, { 17904, 0xffff }, { 17920, 0xff7b }, { 17934, 0xffff }, + { 17950, 0xc7fb }, { 17962, 0xffef }, { 17977, 0xfdfb }, { 17991, 0xffff }, + { 18007, 0xfff6 }, { 18021, 0xffff }, { 18037, 0xfffe }, { 18052, 0x0fff }, + { 18064, 0xfffc }, { 18078, 0xffff }, { 18094, 0xe07f }, { 18104, 0xffff }, + /* 0x8100 */ + { 18120, 0x07ff }, { 18131, 0xfff0 }, { 18143, 0xffff }, { 18159, 0xfe13 }, + { 18169, 0xffff }, { 18185, 0xf93f }, { 18197, 0xffff }, { 18213, 0xa7ff }, + { 18226, 0xffff }, { 18242, 0xfffd }, { 18257, 0xffcf }, { 18271, 0xffbf }, + { 18286, 0xffff }, { 18302, 0xeff7 }, { 18316, 0xffff }, { 18332, 0xffff }, + /* 0x8200 */ + { 18348, 0xffbf }, { 18363, 0xff7f }, { 18378, 0xbff7 }, { 18392, 0xb7fc }, + { 18404, 0xdfff }, { 18419, 0xdfef }, { 18433, 0xfffe }, { 18448, 0xfbfe }, + { 18462, 0xfefb }, { 18476, 0xff7f }, { 18491, 0xffff }, { 18507, 0xffff }, + { 18523, 0x063f }, { 18531, 0xffff }, { 18547, 0xffff }, { 18563, 0xffff }, + /* 0x8300 */ + { 18579, 0x7fff }, { 18594, 0xffc5 }, { 18606, 0xffff }, { 18622, 0xffff }, + { 18638, 0xffff }, { 18654, 0x01ff }, { 18663, 0x000c }, { 18665, 0xffff }, + { 18681, 0xffff }, { 18697, 0xffff }, { 18713, 0xffff }, { 18729, 0xe281 }, + { 18735, 0xffff }, { 18751, 0xffff }, { 18767, 0xffff }, { 18783, 0xffff }, + /* 0x8400 */ + { 18799, 0xffff }, { 18815, 0xc9ff }, { 18827, 0xfe0a }, { 18836, 0xffff }, + { 18852, 0xffff }, { 18868, 0xffff }, { 18884, 0xffff }, { 18900, 0xffff }, + { 18916, 0xe15f }, { 18926, 0xffff }, { 18942, 0xffff }, { 18958, 0xffff }, + { 18974, 0xffff }, { 18990, 0x4dff }, { 19002, 0xff96 }, { 19014, 0xffff }, + /* 0x8500 */ + { 19030, 0xffff }, { 19046, 0xffff }, { 19062, 0xffff }, { 19078, 0xe93f }, + { 19089, 0xffff }, { 19105, 0xffff }, { 19121, 0xffff }, { 19137, 0xffeb }, + { 19151, 0xffff }, { 19167, 0xffff }, { 19183, 0x9fff }, { 19197, 0xffff }, + { 19213, 0xffff }, { 19229, 0xfff7 }, { 19244, 0xffff }, { 19260, 0xffff }, + /* 0x8600 */ + { 19276, 0xffff }, { 19292, 0xffeb }, { 19306, 0xffff }, { 19322, 0xfffe }, + { 19337, 0x7fef }, { 19351, 0xffff }, { 19367, 0xffff }, { 19383, 0x7fff }, + { 19398, 0xfff0 }, { 19410, 0xffff }, { 19426, 0xe7ff }, { 19440, 0xffff }, + { 19456, 0x9fff }, { 19470, 0xffff }, { 19486, 0x7fff }, { 19501, 0xffe0 }, + /* 0x8700 */ + { 19512, 0xffff }, { 19528, 0xff7f }, { 19543, 0xffff }, { 19559, 0xffff }, + { 19575, 0xf4ff }, { 19588, 0xffff }, { 19604, 0xffff }, { 19620, 0x3fff }, + { 19634, 0xfffe }, { 19649, 0xffff }, { 19665, 0xfe3f }, { 19678, 0xffff }, + { 19694, 0x7fff }, { 19709, 0xfffe }, { 19724, 0xffff }, { 19740, 0xffff }, + /* 0x8800 */ + { 19756, 0xffff }, { 19772, 0xffff }, { 19788, 0xffff }, { 19804, 0xffff }, + { 19820, 0xffff }, { 19836, 0xffef }, { 19851, 0xefcf }, { 19864, 0xffff }, + { 19880, 0xff9f }, { 19894, 0xffff }, { 19910, 0x1fff }, { 19923, 0xfffe }, + { 19938, 0xfe07 }, { 19948, 0xffff }, { 19964, 0xffc3 }, { 19976, 0xffff }, + /* 0x8900 */ + { 19992, 0xffef }, { 20007, 0xcfff }, { 20021, 0xffff }, { 20037, 0xffef }, + { 20052, 0xff5f }, { 20066, 0xffdf }, { 20081, 0xfeff }, { 20096, 0xffff }, + { 20112, 0xfffe }, { 20127, 0xffff }, { 20143, 0xffff }, { 20159, 0xffff }, + { 20175, 0x0001 }, { 20176, 0xbffc }, { 20189, 0x7fff }, { 20204, 0xffff }, + /* 0x8a00 */ + { 20220, 0xfffd }, { 20235, 0xfbff }, { 20250, 0xffff }, { 20266, 0xfff7 }, + { 20281, 0xffff }, { 20297, 0x7fff }, { 20312, 0xffff }, { 20328, 0xffff }, + { 20344, 0xf9ff }, { 20358, 0xffff }, { 20374, 0xbfff }, { 20389, 0xffff }, + { 20405, 0xffff }, { 20421, 0xfbff }, { 20436, 0xffff }, { 20452, 0xffff }, + /* 0x8b00 */ + { 20468, 0xffff }, { 20484, 0xffff }, { 20500, 0xfffd }, { 20515, 0xffff }, + { 20531, 0xffff }, { 20547, 0xf7ff }, { 20562, 0xffff }, { 20578, 0xfffb }, + { 20593, 0x7fff }, { 20608, 0xffff }, { 20624, 0x0000 }, { 20624, 0x0000 }, + { 20624, 0x0000 }, { 20624, 0x0000 }, { 20624, 0x0000 }, { 20624, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8c00 */ + { 20624, 0x0000 }, { 20624, 0x0000 }, { 20624, 0x0000 }, { 20624, 0xff80 }, + { 20633, 0xffff }, { 20649, 0xffff }, { 20665, 0xbfff }, { 20680, 0xffff }, + { 20696, 0xffff }, { 20712, 0xffff }, { 20728, 0xffff }, { 20744, 0xffff }, + { 20760, 0xbfff }, { 20775, 0xffff }, { 20791, 0xffff }, { 20807, 0xffff }, + /* 0x8d00 */ + { 20823, 0xffff }, { 20839, 0x1fff }, { 20852, 0x0000 }, { 20852, 0x0000 }, + { 20852, 0x0000 }, { 20852, 0x0000 }, { 20852, 0xfbf0 }, { 20863, 0xffdf }, + { 20878, 0xffff }, { 20894, 0xffff }, { 20910, 0xffff }, { 20926, 0xfefd }, + { 20940, 0xffef }, { 20955, 0xbfff }, { 20970, 0xffdf }, { 20985, 0xf41f }, + /* 0x8e00 */ + { 20995, 0xafff }, { 21009, 0xffff }, { 21025, 0x4fff }, { 21038, 0xffff }, + { 21054, 0xffff }, { 21070, 0xfffb }, { 21085, 0xffff }, { 21101, 0x1fff }, + { 21114, 0x7ffe }, { 21128, 0xe7ff }, { 21142, 0xffff }, { 21158, 0xf7df }, + { 21172, 0xfedf }, { 21186, 0xffff }, { 21202, 0xfff3 }, { 21216, 0xffff }, + /* 0x8f00 */ + { 21232, 0xefff }, { 21247, 0xffff }, { 21263, 0xffff }, { 21279, 0xffff }, + { 21295, 0xefff }, { 21310, 0xffff }, { 21326, 0x003f }, { 21332, 0x0000 }, + { 21332, 0x0000 }, { 21332, 0xf800 }, { 21337, 0xf5ff }, { 21351, 0xdbff }, + { 21365, 0xffff }, { 21381, 0x93ff }, { 21393, 0xffff }, { 21409, 0xfff3 }, + /* 0x9000 */ + { 21423, 0xfbff }, { 21438, 0xffff }, { 21454, 0xff3f }, { 21468, 0xfdff }, + { 21483, 0xffff }, { 21499, 0xff3f }, { 21513, 0xffdf }, { 21528, 0xffff }, + { 21544, 0xffff }, { 21560, 0xdfff }, { 21575, 0xefff }, { 21590, 0xf3ff }, + { 21604, 0x7fff }, { 21619, 0xfff4 }, { 21632, 0xff3f }, { 21646, 0xfeff }, + /* 0x9100 */ + { 21661, 0xffff }, { 21677, 0xffff }, { 21693, 0xffff }, { 21709, 0xffff }, + { 21725, 0xfffb }, { 21740, 0x97ff }, { 21753, 0xffbf }, { 21768, 0x1ffd }, + { 21780, 0xffff }, { 21796, 0xff7f }, { 21811, 0xffef }, { 21826, 0xfeff }, + { 21841, 0xfaff }, { 21855, 0xfffb }, { 21870, 0xfffd }, { 21885, 0xe3ff }, + /* 0x9200 */ + { 21898, 0xffff }, { 21914, 0xffff }, { 21930, 0xe8ff }, { 21942, 0xffff }, + { 21958, 0xffff }, { 21974, 0xffff }, { 21990, 0xffff }, { 22006, 0xfffd }, + { 22021, 0xffff }, { 22037, 0xffff }, { 22053, 0xffff }, { 22069, 0xffff }, + { 22085, 0xffff }, { 22101, 0xffff }, { 22117, 0xffff }, { 22133, 0xffff }, + /* 0x9300 */ + { 22149, 0xffff }, { 22165, 0xffff }, { 22181, 0xffff }, { 22197, 0xbfff }, + { 22212, 0xffed }, { 22226, 0xffff }, { 22242, 0xffff }, { 22258, 0xffff }, + { 22274, 0xffff }, { 22290, 0xffff }, { 22306, 0xffff }, { 22322, 0xfbff }, + { 22337, 0xffff }, { 22353, 0xffff }, { 22369, 0xffff }, { 22385, 0xfffe }, + /* 0x9400 */ + { 22400, 0xffff }, { 22416, 0xffff }, { 22432, 0xffbd }, { 22446, 0xffff }, + { 22462, 0xfffd }, { 22477, 0xfff7 }, { 22492, 0xffff }, { 22508, 0xffff }, + { 22524, 0x001f }, { 22529, 0x0000 }, { 22529, 0x0000 }, { 22529, 0x0000 }, + { 22529, 0x0000 }, { 22529, 0x0000 }, { 22529, 0x0000 }, { 22529, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9500 */ + { 22529, 0x0000 }, { 22529, 0x0000 }, { 22529, 0x0000 }, { 22529, 0x0000 }, + { 22529, 0x0000 }, { 22529, 0x0000 }, { 22529, 0x0000 }, { 22529, 0x7f80 }, + { 22537, 0xfbff }, { 22552, 0xffff }, { 22568, 0xfbff }, { 22583, 0xffff }, + { 22599, 0x7fff }, { 22614, 0xffff }, { 22630, 0x00ff }, { 22638, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x9600 */ + { 22639, 0x0000 }, { 22639, 0x7000 }, { 22642, 0xffff }, { 22658, 0xff9f }, + { 22672, 0xfc1f }, { 22683, 0xffff }, { 22699, 0xfc1f }, { 22710, 0xfbff }, + { 22725, 0xffff }, { 22741, 0xfffe }, { 22756, 0xffff }, { 22772, 0xffff }, + { 22788, 0xffff }, { 22804, 0xffff }, { 22820, 0xfffe }, { 22835, 0xbff7 }, + /* 0x9700 */ + { 22849, 0xfffd }, { 22864, 0xffff }, { 22880, 0xdfff }, { 22895, 0xffff }, + { 22911, 0x2fff }, { 22924, 0xffe7 }, { 22938, 0xffdf }, { 22953, 0xfffd }, + { 22968, 0xffbf }, { 22983, 0xfff8 }, { 22996, 0x7fff }, { 23011, 0xffff }, + { 23027, 0xffff }, { 23043, 0xffff }, { 23059, 0xe03f }, { 23068, 0xffff }, + /* 0x9800 */ + { 23084, 0xffff }, { 23100, 0xffff }, { 23116, 0xefff }, { 23131, 0xffff }, + { 23147, 0xffff }, { 23163, 0xffff }, { 23179, 0xffff }, { 23195, 0x001f }, + { 23200, 0x0000 }, { 23200, 0x0000 }, { 23200, 0xfb00 }, { 23207, 0xffef }, + { 23222, 0x3fdf }, { 23235, 0xb800 }, { 23239, 0xbefe }, { 23252, 0xffff }, + /* 0x9900 */ + { 23268, 0x5fff }, { 23282, 0xffff }, { 23298, 0xffff }, { 23314, 0xffff }, + { 23330, 0xffff }, { 23346, 0xffff }, { 23362, 0x0003 }, { 23364, 0x0000 }, + { 23364, 0x0000 }, { 23364, 0xffc0 }, { 23374, 0xffff }, { 23390, 0xffff }, + { 23406, 0xffdf }, { 23421, 0xffff }, { 23437, 0xffff }, { 23453, 0xfffb }, + /* 0x9a00 */ + { 23468, 0xffff }, { 23484, 0xfff3 }, { 23498, 0xfeff }, { 23513, 0xffff }, + { 23529, 0xffff }, { 23545, 0xffff }, { 23561, 0x0fff }, { 23573, 0x0000 }, + { 23573, 0x0000 }, { 23573, 0x0000 }, { 23573, 0xff00 }, { 23581, 0xffff }, + { 23597, 0xe7df }, { 23610, 0xffff }, { 23626, 0xffff }, { 23642, 0xffff }, + /* 0x9b00 */ + { 23658, 0xffff }, { 23674, 0xfff7 }, { 23689, 0xffff }, { 23705, 0xffbf }, + { 23720, 0xff7f }, { 23735, 0xbfff }, { 23750, 0xffff }, { 23766, 0xfeff }, + { 23781, 0xffff }, { 23797, 0xff7f }, { 23812, 0xffff }, { 23828, 0xffeb }, + { 23842, 0xbfff }, { 23857, 0xfffc }, { 23871, 0xffff }, { 23887, 0xffd9 }, + /* 0x9c00 */ + { 23900, 0xffff }, { 23916, 0xf8ff }, { 23929, 0xffff }, { 23945, 0xfffe }, + { 23960, 0xffff }, { 23976, 0xe3ff }, { 23989, 0xf1ff }, { 24002, 0x0ffe }, + { 24013, 0x0000 }, { 24013, 0x0000 }, { 24013, 0x0000 }, { 24013, 0x0000 }, + { 24013, 0x0000 }, { 24013, 0x0000 }, { 24013, 0xffe0 }, { 24024, 0xfffe }, + /* 0x9d00 */ + { 24039, 0xbfff }, { 24054, 0xffff }, { 24070, 0xe7ff }, { 24084, 0xffff }, + { 24100, 0xfebf }, { 24114, 0xffff }, { 24130, 0xffdf }, { 24145, 0xffff }, + { 24161, 0x1fff }, { 24174, 0xffff }, { 24190, 0xf7ff }, { 24205, 0xffff }, + { 24221, 0xffbf }, { 24236, 0xffff }, { 24252, 0xffff }, { 24268, 0xffff }, + /* 0x9e00 */ + { 24284, 0xffff }, { 24300, 0x7fff }, { 24315, 0x0000 }, { 24315, 0x0000 }, + { 24315, 0x0000 }, { 24315, 0x0000 }, { 24315, 0x0000 }, { 24315, 0xbee0 }, + { 24324, 0xffff }, { 24340, 0xffff }, { 24356, 0xffff }, { 24372, 0xf8ff }, + { 24385, 0xfdff }, { 24400, 0xffff }, { 24416, 0xf9fd }, { 24429, 0xffff }, + /* 0x9f00 */ + { 24445, 0xc7ff }, { 24458, 0xffff }, { 24474, 0xfffd }, { 24489, 0xffff }, + { 24505, 0xffff }, { 24521, 0xfffd }, { 24536, 0xfffb }, { 24551, 0x7fff }, + { 24566, 0xe000 }, { 24569, 0x73ff }, { 24582, 0x003f }, +}; +static const Summary16 cns11643_inv_uni2indx_pagefa[3] = { + /* 0xfa00 */ + { 24588, 0x0000 }, { 24588, 0x0000 }, { 24588, 0x0100 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cns11643_inv_uni2indx_pagefe[31] = { + /* 0xfe00 */ + { 24589, 0x0000 }, { 24589, 0x0000 }, { 24589, 0x0000 }, { 24589, 0xffe7 }, + { 24603, 0x7e1f }, { 24614, 0xfef7 }, { 24628, 0x0f7f }, { 24639, 0x0000 }, + { 24639, 0x0000 }, { 24639, 0x0000 }, { 24639, 0x0000 }, { 24639, 0x0000 }, + { 24639, 0x0000 }, { 24639, 0x0000 }, { 24639, 0x0000 }, { 24639, 0x0000 }, + /* 0xff00 */ + { 24639, 0xff7a }, { 24652, 0xffff }, { 24668, 0xffff }, { 24684, 0x97ff }, + { 24697, 0xfffe }, { 24712, 0x3fff }, { 24726, 0x0000 }, { 24726, 0x0000 }, + { 24726, 0x0000 }, { 24726, 0x0000 }, { 24726, 0x0000 }, { 24726, 0x0000 }, + { 24726, 0x0000 }, { 24726, 0x0000 }, { 24726, 0x0023 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cns11643_inv_uni2indx_page200[2670] = { + /* 0x20000 */ + { 24729, 0x8bbd }, { 24739, 0x0715 }, { 24745, 0x722f }, { 24754, 0x0860 }, + { 24757, 0x39ca }, { 24765, 0x08ec }, { 24771, 0xeaf6 }, { 24782, 0xe0d7 }, + { 24791, 0xb1fc }, { 24801, 0x5fbc }, { 24812, 0xd33d }, { 24822, 0xf6ff }, + { 24836, 0x8a5c }, { 24843, 0xc377 }, { 24853, 0x24f3 }, { 24861, 0x795f }, + /* 0x20100 */ + { 24872, 0xfff4 }, { 24885, 0xeefe }, { 24898, 0x751f }, { 24908, 0x03b7 }, + { 24916, 0x9fb9 }, { 24927, 0xe3fa }, { 24938, 0xfebf }, { 24952, 0x4071 }, + { 24957, 0xd6ff }, { 24970, 0x3004 }, { 24973, 0xb3f8 }, { 24983, 0x1ff5 }, + { 24994, 0x8ffc }, { 25005, 0xff11 }, { 25015, 0x0fff }, { 25027, 0xc096 }, + /* 0x20200 */ + { 25033, 0xfffb }, { 25048, 0xffe3 }, { 25061, 0xf787 }, { 25072, 0xffff }, + { 25088, 0xfff0 }, { 25100, 0x0977 }, { 25108, 0x7ffe }, { 25122, 0xffce }, + { 25135, 0x1dff }, { 25147, 0x4056 }, { 25152, 0x7ffd }, { 25166, 0x4fff }, + { 25179, 0xfffe }, { 25194, 0x287f }, { 25203, 0xffae }, { 25216, 0xffff }, + /* 0x20300 */ + { 25232, 0xfb81 }, { 25241, 0x119f }, { 25249, 0xfe03 }, { 25258, 0xdeff }, + { 25272, 0xff11 }, { 25282, 0xc17f }, { 25292, 0xdf84 }, { 25301, 0x0fff }, + { 25313, 0xfffc }, { 25327, 0x4fff }, { 25340, 0xd08e }, { 25347, 0xffcf }, + { 25361, 0xf59f }, { 25373, 0x04d7 }, { 25380, 0xff9e }, { 25393, 0x0dd1 }, + /* 0x20400 */ + { 25400, 0x7f41 }, { 25409, 0x8de4 }, { 25417, 0xcdfe }, { 25429, 0xfc6f }, + { 25441, 0xf037 }, { 25450, 0xbf8e }, { 25461, 0xefd0 }, { 25471, 0xeecc }, + { 25481, 0x3d7b }, { 25492, 0xcff9 }, { 25504, 0x2f1f }, { 25514, 0xbf7f }, + { 25528, 0xfb5c }, { 25539, 0xb9ac }, { 25548, 0xecb3 }, { 25558, 0x21db }, + /* 0x20500 */ + { 25566, 0xdfdf }, { 25580, 0xbfed }, { 25593, 0x8fa7 }, { 25603, 0x73fa }, + { 25614, 0x6d5e }, { 25624, 0xed5f }, { 25636, 0xf3fd }, { 25649, 0x2eef }, + { 25660, 0xb433 }, { 25668, 0xd6ff }, { 25681, 0x4acf }, { 25690, 0x3fd6 }, + { 25701, 0x7fff }, { 25716, 0x7fbe }, { 25729, 0xf5e6 }, { 25740, 0xfcfe }, + /* 0x20600 */ + { 25753, 0x7ff1 }, { 25765, 0xf9de }, { 25777, 0xfabf }, { 25790, 0xf5ef }, + { 25803, 0xbfc1 }, { 25813, 0xbf8f }, { 25825, 0xef87 }, { 25836, 0xefef }, + { 25850, 0xe9c7 }, { 25860, 0xefc6 }, { 25871, 0xffea }, { 25884, 0xff9f }, + { 25898, 0xe39f }, { 25909, 0x0fff }, { 25921, 0xffe1 }, { 25933, 0xfbf7 }, + /* 0x20700 */ + { 25947, 0x12c4 }, { 25952, 0xbfff }, { 25967, 0x016f }, { 25974, 0xffff }, + { 25990, 0x3f3f }, { 26002, 0xef06 }, { 26011, 0xe7bf }, { 26024, 0xe002 }, + { 26028, 0xffff }, { 26044, 0x311f }, { 26052, 0xfff0 }, { 26064, 0xf88f }, + { 26074, 0xfffe }, { 26089, 0x9fff }, { 26103, 0xffc0 }, { 26113, 0xfc2b }, + /* 0x20800 */ + { 26123, 0xe9ff }, { 26136, 0xf88d }, { 26145, 0xdccf }, { 26156, 0xfbdf }, + { 26170, 0x31de }, { 26179, 0xc3fe }, { 26190, 0xff47 }, { 26202, 0xfb37 }, + { 26214, 0xcff7 }, { 26227, 0x03fc }, { 26235, 0xa1ff }, { 26246, 0x9fdf }, + { 26259, 0xfffb }, { 26274, 0xf7de }, { 26287, 0xcfff }, { 26301, 0xffbb }, + /* 0x20900 */ + { 26315, 0xcfbb }, { 26327, 0xdfbf }, { 26341, 0xfd3f }, { 26354, 0xd77b }, + { 26366, 0xde3f }, { 26378, 0x7e4f }, { 26389, 0xfe6e }, { 26401, 0x6dff }, + { 26414, 0x31ed }, { 26423, 0xff7e }, { 26437, 0x3c7f }, { 26448, 0x70f3 }, + { 26457, 0xc517 }, { 26465, 0xdf9b }, { 26477, 0xff7f }, { 26492, 0x3ffc }, + /* 0x20a00 */ + { 26504, 0xebef }, { 26517, 0xff5d }, { 26530, 0xf0ad }, { 26539, 0x2ff7 }, + { 26551, 0xfc9f }, { 26563, 0xffc6 }, { 26575, 0xffdd }, { 26589, 0xff1f }, + { 26602, 0xffd0 }, { 26613, 0xff7e }, { 26627, 0xec75 }, { 26637, 0xfe29 }, + { 26647, 0x5387 }, { 26655, 0xc6bd }, { 26665, 0x1ff5 }, { 26676, 0x9e1b }, + /* 0x20b00 */ + { 26685, 0xc5f7 }, { 26696, 0xfd8b }, { 26707, 0xffee }, { 26721, 0xbffe }, + { 26735, 0xfebf }, { 26749, 0xffff }, { 26765, 0xffeb }, { 26779, 0xd97f }, + { 26791, 0xeffe }, { 26805, 0x7fff }, { 26820, 0xfdff }, { 26835, 0x0fbf }, + { 26846, 0xff46 }, { 26857, 0x7fff }, { 26872, 0x59fa }, { 26882, 0x0068 }, + /* 0x20c00 */ + { 26885, 0xff30 }, { 26895, 0x7fff }, { 26910, 0xfffe }, { 26925, 0x8165 }, + { 26931, 0x4001 }, { 26933, 0xffff }, { 26949, 0xfbff }, { 26964, 0xfe2f }, + { 26976, 0xdbff }, { 26990, 0x0089 }, { 26993, 0xee00 }, { 26999, 0xffff }, + { 27015, 0x7fff }, { 27030, 0xf800 }, { 27035, 0xcfff }, { 27049, 0x8f93 }, + /* 0x20d00 */ + { 27058, 0x0008 }, { 27059, 0x0000 }, { 27059, 0xffce }, { 27072, 0xffff }, + { 27088, 0x040f }, { 27093, 0xfffe }, { 27108, 0x0427 }, { 27113, 0x02a5 }, + { 27118, 0x0000 }, { 27118, 0x0000 }, { 27118, 0x7f80 }, { 27126, 0xfdbf }, + { 27140, 0xffff }, { 27156, 0xfffe }, { 27171, 0xff80 }, { 27180, 0x79ff }, + /* 0x20e00 */ + { 27193, 0x3011 }, { 27197, 0x2040 }, { 27199, 0x6000 }, { 27201, 0x8fef }, + { 27213, 0xffff }, { 27229, 0xdfff }, { 27244, 0x4fff }, { 27257, 0x8000 }, + { 27258, 0xffff }, { 27274, 0x0008 }, { 27275, 0x0014 }, { 27277, 0x0000 }, + { 27277, 0xf000 }, { 27281, 0xfff3 }, { 27295, 0xffff }, { 27311, 0xc043 }, + /* 0x20f00 */ + { 27316, 0xffff }, { 27332, 0x557f }, { 27343, 0x020c }, { 27346, 0x0000 }, + { 27346, 0x0000 }, { 27346, 0x3000 }, { 27348, 0xfffd }, { 27363, 0xff7f }, + { 27378, 0x1f7f }, { 27390, 0xffc0 }, { 27400, 0x84e3 }, { 27407, 0x0001 }, + { 27408, 0xffe0 }, { 27419, 0xffff }, { 27435, 0x40ff }, { 27444, 0xfc00 }, + /* 0x21000 */ + { 27450, 0xffff }, { 27466, 0x000d }, { 27469, 0x0000 }, { 27469, 0xbe00 }, + { 27475, 0xfbfe }, { 27489, 0x80ef }, { 27497, 0x3b3f }, { 27508, 0x0000 }, + { 27508, 0x8c00 }, { 27511, 0xffff }, { 27527, 0x13ff }, { 27538, 0x7fc0 }, + { 27547, 0x0000 }, { 27547, 0xa000 }, { 27549, 0xffff }, { 27565, 0x0084 }, + /* 0x21100 */ + { 27567, 0x077c }, { 27575, 0x7ffe }, { 27589, 0x0009 }, { 27591, 0x8ffe }, + { 27603, 0x0003 }, { 27605, 0xf790 }, { 27614, 0x600a }, { 27618, 0xff47 }, + { 27630, 0xce68 }, { 27638, 0x180f }, { 27644, 0x238f }, { 27652, 0xdffd }, + { 27666, 0x7fda }, { 27678, 0x09ff }, { 27688, 0x041f }, { 27694, 0xf2ff }, + /* 0x21200 */ + { 27707, 0xfe9d }, { 27719, 0xbff2 }, { 27731, 0x743c }, { 27739, 0xd38a }, + { 27747, 0x3416 }, { 27753, 0xaf04 }, { 27760, 0x10ff }, { 27769, 0x10ee }, + { 27776, 0xffff }, { 27792, 0x5ff8 }, { 27803, 0x11fb }, { 27812, 0x7ff0 }, + { 27823, 0xfff0 }, { 27835, 0x797f }, { 27847, 0xff89 }, { 27858, 0x01ff }, + /* 0x21300 */ + { 27867, 0xffc2 }, { 27878, 0x97ed }, { 27889, 0xfef0 }, { 27900, 0xfbdf }, + { 27914, 0x87ff }, { 27926, 0x003a }, { 27930, 0xfff3 }, { 27944, 0xfcff }, + { 27958, 0x40ff }, { 27967, 0x04e1 }, { 27972, 0xdf80 }, { 27980, 0xfffb }, + { 27995, 0xffaf }, { 28009, 0x00bf }, { 28016, 0xee00 }, { 28022, 0x81ff }, + /* 0x21400 */ + { 28032, 0x47ff }, { 28044, 0xe83b }, { 28053, 0x2f7f }, { 28065, 0x5fff }, + { 28079, 0x8784 }, { 28085, 0xdf16 }, { 28095, 0x395f }, { 28105, 0x07c0 }, + { 28110, 0x7fc4 }, { 28120, 0xfe4d }, { 28131, 0x811b }, { 28137, 0x3fbf }, + { 28150, 0x3600 }, { 28154, 0x0ebf }, { 28164, 0x1ed8 }, { 28172, 0xbf7f }, + /* 0x21500 */ + { 28186, 0x8f96 }, { 28195, 0xefa0 }, { 28204, 0xb1f7 }, { 28215, 0x7ee1 }, + { 28225, 0x7c60 }, { 28232, 0xff6e }, { 28245, 0xdfdf }, { 28259, 0xffde }, + { 28273, 0xad53 }, { 28282, 0xf7be }, { 28295, 0xfe3c }, { 28306, 0xe3dd }, + { 28317, 0x114a }, { 28322, 0xf33c }, { 28332, 0xff6f }, { 28346, 0xff91 }, + /* 0x21600 */ + { 28357, 0xfa77 }, { 28369, 0xa7f5 }, { 28380, 0x0a7d }, { 28388, 0xbffd }, + { 28402, 0xf792 }, { 28412, 0x35e1 }, { 28420, 0xff05 }, { 28430, 0xffc7 }, + { 28443, 0x9fe3 }, { 28454, 0x59c3 }, { 28462, 0x8d39 }, { 28470, 0xff3f }, + { 28484, 0x6ff8 }, { 28495, 0xffed }, { 28509, 0xfe27 }, { 28520, 0x7e9f }, + /* 0x21700 */ + { 28532, 0xffff }, { 28548, 0xbbfe }, { 28561, 0xffeb }, { 28575, 0xe17f }, + { 28586, 0xb4ff }, { 28598, 0xff82 }, { 28608, 0x0fff }, { 28620, 0xffe4 }, + { 28632, 0x5fff }, { 28646, 0xff1b }, { 28658, 0xffdf }, { 28673, 0xffc1 }, + { 28684, 0x47ff }, { 28696, 0xfe72 }, { 28707, 0xffff }, { 28723, 0xe09f }, + /* 0x21800 */ + { 28732, 0x493f }, { 28741, 0xfebf }, { 28755, 0xf8f5 }, { 28766, 0x21ff }, + { 28776, 0xbf2c }, { 28786, 0xbeff }, { 28800, 0xff21 }, { 28810, 0xf2ff }, + { 28823, 0x2ffc }, { 28834, 0x3ffe }, { 28847, 0x7ff8 }, { 28859, 0xc1b6 }, + { 28867, 0xfbef }, { 28881, 0xfc37 }, { 28892, 0xee12 }, { 28900, 0xf5bf }, + /* 0x21900 */ + { 28913, 0xb9c7 }, { 28923, 0x3fe4 }, { 28933, 0xdf7e }, { 28946, 0xd6d7 }, + { 28957, 0xe7ef }, { 28970, 0x79ff }, { 28983, 0xff4e }, { 28995, 0x6ec7 }, + { 29005, 0xdaf8 }, { 29015, 0xe5ae }, { 29025, 0xa23f }, { 29034, 0xf321 }, + { 29042, 0xf9fc }, { 29054, 0xf7c2 }, { 29064, 0xfe0d }, { 29074, 0x0df3 }, + /* 0x21a00 */ + { 29083, 0xe7ff }, { 29097, 0xd01b }, { 29104, 0xfffd }, { 29119, 0xf853 }, + { 29128, 0xc3ff }, { 29140, 0xca3f }, { 29150, 0xf7ff }, { 29165, 0xfc1f }, + { 29176, 0xcf7f }, { 29189, 0x8dd9 }, { 29198, 0x7fbf }, { 29212, 0xf5d0 }, + { 29221, 0x7fff }, { 29236, 0xfdfc }, { 29249, 0xf60d }, { 29258, 0xf88f }, + /* 0x21b00 */ + { 29268, 0xb4f9 }, { 29278, 0xaf5e }, { 29289, 0xd78d }, { 29299, 0xee1b }, + { 29309, 0x7d66 }, { 29319, 0xe66f }, { 29330, 0x8f23 }, { 29338, 0xe238 }, + { 29345, 0xc00f }, { 29351, 0xe221 }, { 29357, 0x00c2 }, { 29360, 0x8813 }, + { 29365, 0xe67c }, { 29375, 0xfb55 }, { 29386, 0xf7ef }, { 29400, 0x1dfc }, + /* 0x21c00 */ + { 29410, 0x7e9c }, { 29420, 0x33f7 }, { 29431, 0xfe7d }, { 29444, 0xf5c1 }, + { 29453, 0xf81f }, { 29463, 0x2fbf }, { 29475, 0x7dff }, { 29489, 0xfe97 }, + { 29501, 0x5fff }, { 29515, 0xfffe }, { 29530, 0xf7cb }, { 29542, 0x4f7f }, + { 29554, 0xa7f4 }, { 29564, 0xc1fb }, { 29574, 0x39c3 }, { 29582, 0xc196 }, + /* 0x21d00 */ + { 29589, 0xf977 }, { 29601, 0xfbee }, { 29614, 0xbbfa }, { 29626, 0x99ef }, + { 29637, 0xcdc3 }, { 29646, 0x7ffa }, { 29659, 0x4fd8 }, { 29668, 0x560b }, + { 29675, 0xfffc }, { 29689, 0xefff }, { 29704, 0xfe15 }, { 29714, 0xfb0b }, + { 29724, 0x92ff }, { 29735, 0xffff }, { 29751, 0xe7ff }, { 29765, 0x81ff }, + /* 0x21e00 */ + { 29775, 0x5704 }, { 29781, 0xdfff }, { 29796, 0x17ff }, { 29808, 0xff60 }, + { 29818, 0xac4f }, { 29827, 0x0014 }, { 29829, 0xffbc }, { 29842, 0x7fed }, + { 29855, 0xfd40 }, { 29863, 0x2614 }, { 29868, 0xf812 }, { 29875, 0xfeff }, + { 29890, 0x28ff }, { 29900, 0xffa2 }, { 29911, 0xf7ff }, { 29926, 0x43f7 }, + /* 0x21f00 */ + { 29936, 0x7c00 }, { 29941, 0x3fff }, { 29955, 0x87e0 }, { 29962, 0xf441 }, + { 29969, 0x77ff }, { 29983, 0xfd39 }, { 29994, 0xf0fb }, { 30005, 0x2521 }, + { 30010, 0x7fe5 }, { 30022, 0xff33 }, { 30034, 0xc2dc }, { 30042, 0x78c7 }, + { 30051, 0x9fc2 }, { 30060, 0xb972 }, { 30069, 0xffaf }, { 30083, 0xeb8f }, + /* 0x22000 */ + { 30094, 0x47ff }, { 30106, 0xb31f }, { 30116, 0x821f }, { 30123, 0x8ad0 }, + { 30129, 0x11ff }, { 30139, 0x9ffd }, { 30152, 0xf7fc }, { 30165, 0xfe3f }, + { 30178, 0xadcf }, { 30189, 0xe5ff }, { 30202, 0xde6f }, { 30214, 0xfff6 }, + { 30228, 0xf85f }, { 30239, 0xffff }, { 30255, 0xfd9b }, { 30267, 0x6fff }, + /* 0x22100 */ + { 30281, 0xfdf2 }, { 30293, 0xddf9 }, { 30305, 0x08ff }, { 30314, 0xf7ff }, + { 30329, 0xee04 }, { 30336, 0xceff }, { 30349, 0xef4f }, { 30361, 0xfb67 }, + { 30373, 0xefb8 }, { 30384, 0x9e0f }, { 30393, 0xd014 }, { 30398, 0xfbfe }, + { 30412, 0xfcc3 }, { 30422, 0x7fd7 }, { 30435, 0xaff9 }, { 30447, 0xfffd }, + /* 0x22200 */ + { 30462, 0xffb7 }, { 30476, 0xfe87 }, { 30487, 0x313f }, { 30496, 0xfffc }, + { 30510, 0xfd7f }, { 30524, 0xff61 }, { 30535, 0xffff }, { 30551, 0x9057 }, + { 30558, 0x5eff }, { 30571, 0xfbfd }, { 30585, 0xf57f }, { 30598, 0x1fff }, + { 30611, 0xf0fe }, { 30622, 0x35ff }, { 30634, 0xacfe }, { 30645, 0xf9e7 }, + /* 0x22300 */ + { 30657, 0xabdd }, { 30668, 0x7bfe }, { 30681, 0xbfed }, { 30694, 0xfd7a }, + { 30706, 0xe47e }, { 30716, 0xfff5 }, { 30730, 0xd9dd }, { 30741, 0xcfcf }, + { 30753, 0x74db }, { 30763, 0xb70f }, { 30773, 0x2ffd }, { 30785, 0xdfc7 }, + { 30797, 0x03e3 }, { 30804, 0x07fc }, { 30813, 0xdfd0 }, { 30823, 0x7fff }, + /* 0x22400 */ + { 30838, 0xbdff }, { 30852, 0xe37c }, { 30862, 0xb3ff }, { 30875, 0xdfbd }, + { 30888, 0x3fdf }, { 30901, 0x5fff }, { 30915, 0xaf5e }, { 30926, 0xe3ef }, + { 30938, 0x979f }, { 30949, 0xfff3 }, { 30963, 0xfff7 }, { 30978, 0xebfd }, + { 30991, 0x8ffd }, { 31003, 0xf1fd }, { 31015, 0xfe2d }, { 31026, 0x77ff }, + /* 0x22500 */ + { 31040, 0xffdf }, { 31055, 0xf503 }, { 31063, 0x2fff }, { 31076, 0xf9fb }, + { 31089, 0xe189 }, { 31096, 0xffff }, { 31112, 0xfc9f }, { 31124, 0x5edb }, + { 31135, 0xe71e }, { 31145, 0xff8f }, { 31158, 0x3efd }, { 31170, 0x2ffd }, + { 31182, 0x7f8a }, { 31192, 0xf9bf }, { 31205, 0x5fff }, { 31219, 0x8e26 }, + /* 0x22600 */ + { 31226, 0xffff }, { 31242, 0x647f }, { 31252, 0x8dc9 }, { 31260, 0xfdff }, + { 31275, 0x7fff }, { 31290, 0xffc0 }, { 31300, 0x414f }, { 31307, 0xffff }, + { 31323, 0xffff }, { 31339, 0xfe83 }, { 31349, 0x807f }, { 31357, 0x0c01 }, + { 31360, 0xfffe }, { 31375, 0xffff }, { 31391, 0x7fff }, { 31406, 0xff81 }, + /* 0x22700 */ + { 31416, 0xffff }, { 31432, 0x8ccf }, { 31441, 0xffb8 }, { 31453, 0xffff }, + { 31469, 0xffff }, { 31485, 0xe0bf }, { 31495, 0x67ff }, { 31508, 0x2004 }, + { 31510, 0xf682 }, { 31518, 0xf7ff }, { 31533, 0xffff }, { 31549, 0xffcf }, + { 31563, 0x0c1f }, { 31570, 0x3000 }, { 31572, 0xdfdf }, { 31586, 0xffff }, + /* 0x22800 */ + { 31602, 0xfc01 }, { 31609, 0xd7ff }, { 31623, 0x5003 }, { 31627, 0xfffe }, + { 31642, 0xcfff }, { 31656, 0x43ff }, { 31667, 0xfff6 }, { 31681, 0xe118 }, + { 31687, 0xb000 }, { 31690, 0xfffe }, { 31705, 0x40ff }, { 31714, 0x00ff }, + { 31722, 0xfe02 }, { 31730, 0xff7f }, { 31745, 0xff07 }, { 31756, 0xf8c5 }, + /* 0x22900 */ + { 31765, 0xdfff }, { 31780, 0x03ef }, { 31789, 0xfff0 }, { 31801, 0x7c7f }, + { 31813, 0xfc1a }, { 31822, 0xfd9f }, { 31835, 0xfbf2 }, { 31847, 0xff07 }, + { 31858, 0xcbe2 }, { 31867, 0xfe79 }, { 31879, 0xdfdf }, { 31893, 0x8fc0 }, + { 31900, 0x7fcf }, { 31913, 0x997e }, { 31923, 0x1ff5 }, { 31934, 0xe7f8 }, + /* 0x22a00 */ + { 31945, 0x7ff0 }, { 31956, 0xce3f }, { 31967, 0xb67b }, { 31978, 0x7f94 }, + { 31988, 0x69f2 }, { 31997, 0x236e }, { 32005, 0x7b65 }, { 32015, 0x007f }, + { 32022, 0xfffc }, { 32036, 0xf0ff }, { 32048, 0x029f }, { 32055, 0xfdf0 }, + { 32066, 0x7fc5 }, { 32077, 0x0010 }, { 32078, 0xfff4 }, { 32091, 0xffff }, + /* 0x22b00 */ + { 32107, 0xffc9 }, { 32119, 0x4fff }, { 32132, 0x9c04 }, { 32137, 0xffff }, + { 32153, 0x7fff }, { 32168, 0xfffc }, { 32182, 0x055f }, { 32190, 0x0000 }, + { 32190, 0xffde }, { 32204, 0xf7ff }, { 32219, 0xc19f }, { 32228, 0xffff }, + { 32244, 0x115f }, { 32252, 0x0000 }, { 32252, 0xfe08 }, { 32260, 0xffff }, + /* 0x22c00 */ + { 32276, 0xffff }, { 32292, 0x1fff }, { 32305, 0xff00 }, { 32313, 0x7fff }, + { 32328, 0x20ad }, { 32334, 0x8000 }, { 32335, 0xdfff }, { 32350, 0xdfdf }, + { 32364, 0xffff }, { 32380, 0x0167 }, { 32386, 0x0002 }, { 32387, 0x7ff9 }, + { 32400, 0xebff }, { 32414, 0x077f }, { 32424, 0xfffe }, { 32439, 0x5fff }, + /* 0x22d00 */ + { 32453, 0x0003 }, { 32455, 0x0000 }, { 32455, 0x7fff }, { 32470, 0xffff }, + { 32486, 0xe51b }, { 32495, 0xffff }, { 32511, 0x0009 }, { 32513, 0x8000 }, + { 32514, 0xffff }, { 32530, 0x3fff }, { 32544, 0xffc0 }, { 32554, 0x0023 }, + { 32557, 0xfb80 }, { 32565, 0x3fff }, { 32579, 0x2ff0 }, { 32588, 0xffc0 }, + /* 0x22e00 */ + { 32598, 0xc3ff }, { 32610, 0x037f }, { 32619, 0xfff8 }, { 32632, 0xff9f }, + { 32646, 0xa817 }, { 32653, 0x87fb }, { 32664, 0xf007 }, { 32671, 0x0ebf }, + { 32681, 0x9ffc }, { 32693, 0xc763 }, { 32702, 0x77e7 }, { 32714, 0x47f7 }, + { 32725, 0xe51e }, { 32734, 0x6cf3 }, { 32744, 0xf6e3 }, { 32755, 0x6ede }, + /* 0x22f00 */ + { 32766, 0xffe0 }, { 32777, 0xf133 }, { 32786, 0xf5af }, { 32798, 0xac40 }, + { 32803, 0x8fff }, { 32816, 0xe9bf }, { 32828, 0xf7f3 }, { 32841, 0x84fd }, + { 32850, 0xbbfd }, { 32863, 0xfe1d }, { 32874, 0xffb9 }, { 32887, 0x77fa }, + { 32899, 0x6fc0 }, { 32907, 0xcbff }, { 32920, 0x7f3b }, { 32932, 0xe3fc }, + /* 0x23000 */ + { 32943, 0xde47 }, { 32953, 0x6577 }, { 32963, 0xfdff }, { 32978, 0x34fa }, + { 32987, 0xddce }, { 32998, 0xf7a7 }, { 33010, 0x5abf }, { 33021, 0xbdfa }, + { 33033, 0x9677 }, { 33043, 0xca3a }, { 33051, 0xedff }, { 33065, 0xbf66 }, + { 33076, 0xbd4f }, { 33087, 0xfb5b }, { 33099, 0xffc6 }, { 33111, 0xfba8 }, + /* 0x23100 */ + { 33121, 0xdf17 }, { 33132, 0xe793 }, { 33142, 0x4dd7 }, { 33152, 0xdbf7 }, + { 33165, 0x5fd7 }, { 33177, 0xfc4f }, { 33188, 0xffff }, { 33204, 0x7f9e }, + { 33216, 0x0e7a }, { 33224, 0x7ffc }, { 33237, 0x0bc9 }, { 33244, 0xfffc }, + { 33258, 0xf841 }, { 33265, 0x043f }, { 33272, 0xdffc }, { 33285, 0xfc4f }, + /* 0x23200 */ + { 33296, 0xa19f }, { 33305, 0x8000 }, { 33306, 0x47f3 }, { 33316, 0x7fe0 }, + { 33326, 0x051f }, { 33333, 0x1ffe }, { 33345, 0x3ff8 }, { 33356, 0xfc01 }, + { 33363, 0x805e }, { 33369, 0xee73 }, { 33380, 0xc1fb }, { 33390, 0x255f }, + { 33399, 0xbf30 }, { 33408, 0xc1f9 }, { 33417, 0xfc28 }, { 33425, 0x85fc }, + /* 0x23300 */ + { 33434, 0xe1b8 }, { 33442, 0x93c8 }, { 33449, 0xbffc }, { 33462, 0x798f }, + { 33472, 0x91d8 }, { 33479, 0xfb5e }, { 33491, 0x58ff }, { 33502, 0x17f8 }, + { 33511, 0x3e36 }, { 33520, 0x9f9d }, { 33531, 0x723b }, { 33540, 0xbf7e }, + { 33553, 0x0fef }, { 33564, 0xfff7 }, { 33579, 0xffa3 }, { 33591, 0x6b4f }, + /* 0x23400 */ + { 33601, 0xff8b }, { 33613, 0xff8f }, { 33626, 0x07ff }, { 33637, 0xffe1 }, + { 33649, 0x801f }, { 33655, 0xfffe }, { 33670, 0xed3f }, { 33682, 0xe306 }, + { 33689, 0x83ff }, { 33700, 0xffff }, { 33716, 0xbfff }, { 33731, 0x9fc0 }, + { 33739, 0xffff }, { 33755, 0xffff }, { 33771, 0xff83 }, { 33782, 0xffff }, + /* 0x23500 */ + { 33798, 0xffff }, { 33814, 0x007e }, { 33820, 0xf800 }, { 33825, 0xfffe }, + { 33840, 0x7fff }, { 33855, 0xfa0f }, { 33865, 0xffff }, { 33881, 0x9fff }, + { 33895, 0x048f }, { 33901, 0x0029 }, { 33904, 0xff78 }, { 33916, 0xfff7 }, + { 33931, 0x000e }, { 33934, 0xfff1 }, { 33947, 0xffff }, { 33963, 0x0db9 }, + /* 0x23600 */ + { 33971, 0xe8a1 }, { 33978, 0xfff7 }, { 33993, 0xffff }, { 34009, 0x880f }, + { 34015, 0xfffe }, { 34030, 0x0a7f }, { 34039, 0x0010 }, { 34040, 0xf87f }, + { 34052, 0xffff }, { 34068, 0xfff7 }, { 34083, 0x877f }, { 34094, 0xffff }, + { 34110, 0xffff }, { 34126, 0x8543 }, { 34132, 0x5800 }, { 34135, 0xbfff }, + /* 0x23700 */ + { 34150, 0xe1ff }, { 34162, 0xffff }, { 34178, 0x91f8 }, { 34186, 0x9600 }, + { 34190, 0xfffe }, { 34205, 0x7fff }, { 34220, 0xffa0 }, { 34230, 0x5aff }, + { 34242, 0x1ac2 }, { 34248, 0xffff }, { 34264, 0xfff8 }, { 34277, 0x98e5 }, + { 34285, 0xfff4 }, { 34298, 0xff07 }, { 34309, 0x910f }, { 34316, 0x7f7d }, + /* 0x23800 */ + { 34329, 0xdffe }, { 34343, 0xfe11 }, { 34352, 0x7fe3 }, { 34364, 0xffa0 }, + { 34374, 0xf679 }, { 34385, 0x591f }, { 34394, 0x6fad }, { 34405, 0x1dde }, + { 34415, 0xfeff }, { 34430, 0xff9f }, { 34444, 0xf7cf }, { 34457, 0xac3f }, + { 34467, 0xff7f }, { 34482, 0xe3ef }, { 34494, 0x9bff }, { 34507, 0xffff }, + /* 0x23900 */ + { 34523, 0xffbf }, { 34538, 0x77b7 }, { 34550, 0x723f }, { 34560, 0xdef6 }, + { 34572, 0xffbf }, { 34587, 0x3bff }, { 34600, 0x2fed }, { 34611, 0xff3c }, + { 34623, 0x0fbe }, { 34633, 0xf7f0 }, { 34644, 0x81f6 }, { 34652, 0xbfe6 }, + { 34664, 0xfeff }, { 34679, 0xe07f }, { 34689, 0xffff }, { 34705, 0xfbff }, + /* 0x23a00 */ + { 34720, 0xffeb }, { 34734, 0xffc7 }, { 34747, 0x837f }, { 34757, 0x2bfe }, + { 34768, 0xfbf8 }, { 34780, 0xe3ff }, { 34793, 0xbf3f }, { 34806, 0xdcdf }, + { 34818, 0xf96d }, { 34829, 0x9aff }, { 34841, 0xf6fb }, { 34854, 0xfbef }, + { 34868, 0x30e3 }, { 34875, 0xc74f }, { 34885, 0xbbfe }, { 34898, 0xf711 }, + /* 0x23b00 */ + { 34907, 0xff7f }, { 34922, 0xdcff }, { 34935, 0xfffe }, { 34950, 0xff2f }, + { 34963, 0xfeb7 }, { 34976, 0xf43f }, { 34987, 0x7fef }, { 35001, 0xfffe }, + { 35016, 0xff07 }, { 35027, 0xffbf }, { 35042, 0xff98 }, { 35053, 0x3e1f }, + { 35063, 0xffe4 }, { 35075, 0xbbee }, { 35087, 0xfff4 }, { 35100, 0xff87 }, + /* 0x23c00 */ + { 35112, 0x7e47 }, { 35122, 0xdc5f }, { 35133, 0x7d1f }, { 35144, 0xdbc6 }, + { 35154, 0xdfb1 }, { 35165, 0xdf7f }, { 35179, 0xcc7b }, { 35189, 0x03f4 }, + { 35196, 0xcbdf }, { 35208, 0xe03f }, { 35217, 0xffa3 }, { 35229, 0xfffd }, + { 35244, 0xfc37 }, { 35255, 0x2fff }, { 35268, 0xfff8 }, { 35281, 0x00ff }, + /* 0x23d00 */ + { 35289, 0xfffe }, { 35304, 0xe077 }, { 35313, 0xffff }, { 35329, 0x5fff }, + { 35343, 0xfffc }, { 35357, 0x7fff }, { 35372, 0x1354 }, { 35378, 0xff8a }, + { 35389, 0xffff }, { 35405, 0xff7f }, { 35420, 0x007e }, { 35426, 0xc020 }, + { 35429, 0xffff }, { 35445, 0xafff }, { 35459, 0x02d6 }, { 35465, 0xf860 }, + /* 0x23e00 */ + { 35472, 0xffff }, { 35488, 0xffff }, { 35504, 0x0003 }, { 35506, 0xfffc }, + { 35520, 0x76df }, { 35532, 0xec00 }, { 35537, 0xffff }, { 35553, 0xfffe }, + { 35568, 0xf003 }, { 35574, 0xffff }, { 35590, 0x97ff }, { 35603, 0x8057 }, + { 35609, 0xb400 }, { 35613, 0xffff }, { 35629, 0xffff }, { 35645, 0x8007 }, + /* 0x23f00 */ + { 35649, 0xffff }, { 35665, 0xafff }, { 35679, 0x000f }, { 35683, 0x8820 }, + { 35686, 0xdff8 }, { 35698, 0xffff }, { 35714, 0xffff }, { 35730, 0x2079 }, + { 35736, 0xfff0 }, { 35748, 0xffff }, { 35764, 0x7f0f }, { 35775, 0x0081 }, + { 35777, 0xffe2 }, { 35789, 0xffff }, { 35805, 0x001f }, { 35810, 0xfffe }, + /* 0x24000 */ + { 35825, 0x49f3 }, { 35834, 0x8002 }, { 35836, 0xffff }, { 35852, 0xc2ff }, + { 35863, 0x37ff }, { 35876, 0xf481 }, { 35883, 0xfffe }, { 35898, 0xffff }, + { 35914, 0xc4ff }, { 35925, 0xffff }, { 35941, 0x806e }, { 35947, 0xefff }, + { 35962, 0xfc17 }, { 35972, 0x07bf }, { 35982, 0xbe08 }, { 35989, 0x7bf7 }, + /* 0x24100 */ + { 36002, 0xc2e0 }, { 36008, 0xfffb }, { 36023, 0x1f5f }, { 36034, 0x2ff8 }, + { 36044, 0x7cee }, { 36055, 0x2f06 }, { 36062, 0x6f5f }, { 36074, 0xfb9f }, + { 36087, 0xef7d }, { 36100, 0xe5f7 }, { 36112, 0xbfc0 }, { 36121, 0xf017 }, + { 36129, 0xff83 }, { 36140, 0xafff }, { 36154, 0x8807 }, { 36159, 0xe0ff }, + /* 0x24200 */ + { 36170, 0xffff }, { 36186, 0x0967 }, { 36193, 0xffec }, { 36206, 0xfe07 }, + { 36216, 0x07ff }, { 36227, 0xa202 }, { 36231, 0xfefe }, { 36245, 0xfe00 }, + { 36252, 0xffff }, { 36268, 0x1bff }, { 36280, 0x8020 }, { 36282, 0xfff4 }, + { 36295, 0xf8df }, { 36307, 0xffff }, { 36323, 0x97ff }, { 36336, 0x040b }, + /* 0x24300 */ + { 36340, 0xff8a }, { 36351, 0xf87f }, { 36363, 0xffff }, { 36379, 0x3f7f }, + { 36392, 0xe100 }, { 36396, 0x3ff9 }, { 36408, 0xffc4 }, { 36419, 0xdfff }, + { 36434, 0x1034 }, { 36438, 0xe5c0 }, { 36445, 0xffff }, { 36461, 0xc1bf }, + { 36471, 0xffff }, { 36487, 0xefbf }, { 36501, 0xe201 }, { 36506, 0xfff1 }, + /* 0x24400 */ + { 36519, 0xfff1 }, { 36532, 0xc0a7 }, { 36539, 0xbfc4 }, { 36549, 0xff8f }, + { 36562, 0xcc6f }, { 36572, 0xf0dd }, { 36582, 0x0185 }, { 36586, 0xf7ff }, + { 36601, 0xff47 }, { 36613, 0x5089 }, { 36618, 0x58de }, { 36627, 0x7de8 }, + { 36637, 0x873f }, { 36647, 0xf6f5 }, { 36659, 0xfde3 }, { 36671, 0x79de }, + /* 0x24500 */ + { 36682, 0xd4ff }, { 36694, 0x11bf }, { 36703, 0x57fd }, { 36715, 0x033f }, + { 36723, 0xeb2d }, { 36733, 0xffeb }, { 36747, 0xefff }, { 36762, 0x7eff }, + { 36776, 0xffee }, { 36790, 0x7ffb }, { 36804, 0xfffd }, { 36819, 0x7c9f }, + { 36830, 0xffb7 }, { 36844, 0x1f82 }, { 36851, 0xffef }, { 36866, 0xbdfa }, + /* 0x24600 */ + { 36878, 0xf339 }, { 36888, 0xfff3 }, { 36902, 0xf8ff }, { 36915, 0xff1d }, + { 36927, 0xb61d }, { 36936, 0xf9bf }, { 36949, 0x2dd7 }, { 36959, 0x0fbf }, + { 36970, 0xff1c }, { 36981, 0x437f }, { 36991, 0xff01 }, { 37000, 0xff7f }, + { 37015, 0xff04 }, { 37024, 0x8823 }, { 37029, 0x8afe }, { 37039, 0xee5f }, + /* 0x24700 */ + { 37051, 0xbbbd }, { 37063, 0x3ed7 }, { 37074, 0x895e }, { 37082, 0xffff }, + { 37098, 0xb04f }, { 37106, 0xdfff }, { 37121, 0xd17b }, { 37131, 0xffff }, + { 37147, 0x8177 }, { 37155, 0xfe80 }, { 37163, 0xb02f }, { 37171, 0xc305 }, + { 37177, 0xfffb }, { 37192, 0xf6b7 }, { 37204, 0x3fff }, { 37218, 0x2d7c }, + /* 0x24800 */ + { 37227, 0xe480 }, { 37232, 0xf7ff }, { 37247, 0x1bf3 }, { 37257, 0xfe20 }, + { 37265, 0x60ff }, { 37275, 0xf383 }, { 37284, 0x7fff }, { 37299, 0xbe7f }, + { 37312, 0xfe28 }, { 37321, 0x77ff }, { 37335, 0x87cf }, { 37345, 0x0fff }, + { 37357, 0x6f2b }, { 37367, 0xbb8f }, { 37378, 0xcfdd }, { 37390, 0x1fb5 }, + /* 0x24900 */ + { 37400, 0xf97c }, { 37411, 0xfd0f }, { 37422, 0x9d3f }, { 37433, 0x1fe6 }, + { 37443, 0xfff8 }, { 37456, 0x1ff0 }, { 37465, 0x3ff0 }, { 37475, 0xfbf2 }, + { 37487, 0x002b }, { 37491, 0xffff }, { 37507, 0xf977 }, { 37519, 0xf01f }, + { 37528, 0xffff }, { 37544, 0xc2df }, { 37554, 0xfcfd }, { 37567, 0xfc05 }, + /* 0x24a00 */ + { 37575, 0xbfff }, { 37590, 0x3ff9 }, { 37602, 0xf800 }, { 37607, 0x7f3f }, + { 37620, 0x0bff }, { 37631, 0xfffc }, { 37645, 0xfff8 }, { 37658, 0xf837 }, + { 37668, 0xf8ff }, { 37681, 0xff81 }, { 37691, 0x7f7d }, { 37704, 0xf7f0 }, + { 37715, 0x377f }, { 37727, 0x9df1 }, { 37737, 0xff78 }, { 37749, 0x7dff }, + /* 0x24b00 */ + { 37763, 0xfb9e }, { 37775, 0x3fc7 }, { 37786, 0xf75f }, { 37799, 0xdef1 }, + { 37810, 0xf07f }, { 37821, 0xf9bf }, { 37834, 0x17ef }, { 37845, 0xfe19 }, + { 37855, 0xefe1 }, { 37866, 0x3f59 }, { 37876, 0xefc6 }, { 37887, 0x3f2f }, + { 37898, 0x7b8b }, { 37908, 0xeff9 }, { 37921, 0xdcdf }, { 37933, 0x729c }, + /* 0x24c00 */ + { 37941, 0x65f9 }, { 37951, 0xeaa3 }, { 37960, 0xff3f }, { 37974, 0xff7f }, + { 37989, 0xf801 }, { 37995, 0xc7e5 }, { 38005, 0xfff8 }, { 38018, 0x704b }, + { 38025, 0xe9f8 }, { 38035, 0x3fff }, { 38049, 0xf88b }, { 38058, 0xefe7 }, + { 38071, 0xbf21 }, { 38080, 0x8dfc }, { 38090, 0xfe13 }, { 38100, 0xde4c }, + /* 0x24d00 */ + { 38109, 0x59bf }, { 38120, 0xf3ef }, { 38133, 0xcff3 }, { 38145, 0xff9f }, + { 38159, 0x398f }, { 38168, 0xff92 }, { 38179, 0x2fff }, { 38192, 0xff80 }, + { 38201, 0x1e7f }, { 38212, 0xfff8 }, { 38225, 0x3f3f }, { 38237, 0x00c0 }, + { 38239, 0xffff }, { 38255, 0x7ffb }, { 38269, 0x0021 }, { 38271, 0xfb80 }, + /* 0x24e00 */ + { 38279, 0xffff }, { 38295, 0xe3fe }, { 38307, 0xfe15 }, { 38317, 0xffff }, + { 38333, 0xa27c }, { 38341, 0xf800 }, { 38346, 0x9fff }, { 38360, 0x0a5b }, + { 38367, 0xfff3 }, { 38381, 0x3fff }, { 38395, 0x03c2 }, { 38400, 0xff80 }, + { 38409, 0x23ff }, { 38420, 0x7fe0 }, { 38430, 0xc12e }, { 38437, 0x07fe }, + /* 0x24f00 */ + { 38447, 0x38ff }, { 38458, 0xb7c7 }, { 38469, 0xbfbf }, { 38483, 0x7687 }, + { 38492, 0x77ce }, { 38503, 0xef57 }, { 38515, 0x97f3 }, { 38526, 0xbe81 }, + { 38534, 0xff08 }, { 38543, 0x7b20 }, { 38550, 0x3dff }, { 38563, 0x795c }, + { 38572, 0xcfe9 }, { 38583, 0xbfe7 }, { 38596, 0x5fa7 }, { 38607, 0x86fc }, + /* 0x25000 */ + { 38616, 0xefde }, { 38629, 0xdff3 }, { 38642, 0xb97e }, { 38653, 0xb677 }, + { 38664, 0xdbff }, { 38678, 0xdf7f }, { 38692, 0xfffb }, { 38707, 0x9fdb }, + { 38719, 0xf5f9 }, { 38731, 0xdffb }, { 38745, 0x73f3 }, { 38756, 0xd7ee }, + { 38768, 0x6fbf }, { 38781, 0x13fc }, { 38790, 0x1ff2 }, { 38800, 0x3ffc }, + /* 0x25100 */ + { 38812, 0xfffd }, { 38827, 0x7bff }, { 38841, 0x02b8 }, { 38846, 0xfffe }, + { 38861, 0x7e13 }, { 38870, 0xff88 }, { 38880, 0x7fef }, { 38894, 0x324f }, + { 38902, 0xfbe0 }, { 38912, 0xffff }, { 38928, 0x1c7f }, { 38938, 0x0069 }, + { 38942, 0xfef8 }, { 38954, 0xff7f }, { 38969, 0x4f13 }, { 38977, 0xc030 }, + /* 0x25200 */ + { 38981, 0xffed }, { 38995, 0x1fff }, { 39008, 0x07fc }, { 39017, 0xf980 }, + { 39024, 0xffff }, { 39040, 0xffff }, { 39056, 0x007c }, { 39061, 0xfff1 }, + { 39074, 0x47f7 }, { 39085, 0x0021 }, { 39087, 0xfd80 }, { 39095, 0xffff }, + { 39111, 0x271f }, { 39120, 0xfe01 }, { 39128, 0xbf3f }, { 39141, 0x8801 }, + /* 0x25300 */ + { 39144, 0xffff }, { 39160, 0xfcf1 }, { 39171, 0xe70e }, { 39180, 0xfc67 }, + { 39191, 0x9e5f }, { 39202, 0xc6b8 }, { 39210, 0xffbf }, { 39225, 0xffef }, + { 39240, 0xfefd }, { 39254, 0x17fd }, { 39265, 0x1ff2 }, { 39275, 0xff7f }, + { 39290, 0xc207 }, { 39296, 0xf792 }, { 39306, 0x9c07 }, { 39313, 0x78ff }, + /* 0x25400 */ + { 39325, 0x001b }, { 39329, 0x7fea }, { 39341, 0x1e3f }, { 39351, 0x35fe }, + { 39362, 0xfff3 }, { 39376, 0x7f9f }, { 39389, 0xd20c }, { 39395, 0xff7d }, + { 39409, 0xbfd7 }, { 39422, 0x5054 }, { 39427, 0xff90 }, { 39437, 0x3e7f }, + { 39449, 0xfcc3 }, { 39459, 0xfcff }, { 39473, 0x20ff }, { 39482, 0xfc02 }, + /* 0x25500 */ + { 39489, 0x07ff }, { 39500, 0xfffd }, { 39515, 0xff0d }, { 39526, 0x07ff }, + { 39537, 0xfbe8 }, { 39548, 0xc5fb }, { 39559, 0x3fe3 }, { 39570, 0xffff }, + { 39586, 0x9ffc }, { 39598, 0xff80 }, { 39607, 0xdc7f }, { 39619, 0xfa9b }, + { 39630, 0x027f }, { 39638, 0xeb4c }, { 39647, 0xfc0e }, { 39656, 0xcd96 }, + /* 0x25600 */ + { 39665, 0x637a }, { 39674, 0x7e60 }, { 39682, 0x7850 }, { 39688, 0xff03 }, + { 39698, 0xfe14 }, { 39707, 0x3ff0 }, { 39717, 0xf910 }, { 39724, 0x1f87 }, + { 39733, 0xff08 }, { 39742, 0x17ff }, { 39754, 0x0fc0 }, { 39760, 0x03ff }, + { 39770, 0xfdef }, { 39784, 0xff10 }, { 39793, 0xc01f }, { 39800, 0xbfbf }, + /* 0x25700 */ + { 39814, 0x9fbe }, { 39826, 0xccbe }, { 39836, 0x9ee9 }, { 39846, 0xff9f }, + { 39860, 0xbdba }, { 39871, 0x7d7d }, { 39883, 0xfffc }, { 39897, 0xde78 }, + { 39907, 0x037f }, { 39916, 0xff84 }, { 39926, 0x8207 }, { 39931, 0xfffe }, + { 39946, 0xe0a0 }, { 39951, 0x5fff }, { 39965, 0x03fc }, { 39973, 0xed80 }, + /* 0x25800 */ + { 39980, 0xffff }, { 39996, 0x01ff }, { 40005, 0x0006 }, { 40007, 0xf6fe }, + { 40020, 0x1feb }, { 40031, 0xbc10 }, { 40037, 0xffff }, { 40053, 0x0279 }, + { 40059, 0xfd83 }, { 40069, 0x7f7e }, { 40082, 0x6080 }, { 40085, 0xbff3 }, + { 40098, 0x003f }, { 40104, 0xd7c8 }, { 40113, 0xffe1 }, { 40125, 0x40bf }, + /* 0x25900 */ + { 40133, 0x5cef }, { 40144, 0xd7fe }, { 40157, 0x6f9c }, { 40167, 0xfff3 }, + { 40181, 0xff8e }, { 40193, 0x4f9f }, { 40204, 0x7fff }, { 40219, 0xffc0 }, + { 40229, 0xfdff }, { 40244, 0xf80b }, { 40252, 0xe7f7 }, { 40265, 0xff67 }, + { 40278, 0x84e0 }, { 40283, 0xfffd }, { 40298, 0xf025 }, { 40305, 0xbfff }, + /* 0x25a00 */ + { 40320, 0xe40f }, { 40328, 0x05ff }, { 40338, 0x7c0e }, { 40346, 0xb9ff }, + { 40359, 0xdd0f }, { 40369, 0x1bfd }, { 40380, 0x7fff }, { 40395, 0xdb7e }, + { 40407, 0xffdf }, { 40422, 0x8f3f }, { 40433, 0xf7f3 }, { 40446, 0xf86f }, + { 40457, 0xe708 }, { 40464, 0xff47 }, { 40476, 0xe1e7 }, { 40486, 0xfffb }, + /* 0x25b00 */ + { 40501, 0xf0bf }, { 40512, 0xeeff }, { 40526, 0xfc7e }, { 40538, 0xfbff }, + { 40553, 0x0fff }, { 40565, 0xffff }, { 40581, 0xfdff }, { 40596, 0xff83 }, + { 40607, 0xf03f }, { 40617, 0x7fff }, { 40632, 0xeffd }, { 40646, 0xffe0 }, + { 40657, 0x0047 }, { 40661, 0xffff }, { 40677, 0xffff }, { 40693, 0xf7ff }, + /* 0x25c00 */ + { 40708, 0xfa64 }, { 40717, 0xffff }, { 40733, 0xffff }, { 40749, 0xffff }, + { 40765, 0xf0f7 }, { 40776, 0xffff }, { 40792, 0x025f }, { 40799, 0xffe8 }, + { 40811, 0xfff3 }, { 40825, 0xffe7 }, { 40839, 0xdfff }, { 40854, 0x3fff }, + { 40868, 0xffc1 }, { 40879, 0xffff }, { 40895, 0xffff }, { 40911, 0x87ff }, + /* 0x25d00 */ + { 40923, 0xffff }, { 40939, 0xe018 }, { 40944, 0xffff }, { 40960, 0xeff7 }, + { 40974, 0x7ff0 }, { 40985, 0xf009 }, { 40991, 0xffff }, { 41007, 0x2f7f }, + { 41019, 0xfdc0 }, { 41028, 0xffff }, { 41044, 0x0ff8 }, { 41053, 0xfff0 }, + { 41065, 0xf3ff }, { 41079, 0xfff3 }, { 41093, 0xff1f }, { 41106, 0xf1f7 }, + /* 0x25e00 */ + { 41118, 0xcfa9 }, { 41128, 0x13d3 }, { 41136, 0xbbee }, { 41148, 0x7ffb }, + { 41162, 0xffee }, { 41176, 0xf467 }, { 41186, 0x29d7 }, { 41195, 0xfffc }, + { 41209, 0x0bf0 }, { 41216, 0xff80 }, { 41225, 0xff9f }, { 41239, 0x115f }, + { 41247, 0xfffe }, { 41262, 0x1e7f }, { 41273, 0xfff0 }, { 41285, 0x800f }, + /* 0x25f00 */ + { 41290, 0xf3ff }, { 41304, 0xff0f }, { 41316, 0x01f7 }, { 41324, 0xffe0 }, + { 41335, 0x8eef }, { 41346, 0x6fe3 }, { 41357, 0xf0e8 }, { 41365, 0xffdf }, + { 41380, 0xf7f7 }, { 41394, 0x7e5f }, { 41406, 0xffff }, { 41422, 0x0dfd }, + { 41432, 0xfff8 }, { 41445, 0x93ef }, { 41456, 0xffc2 }, { 41467, 0xf7ff }, + /* 0x26000 */ + { 41482, 0x02ff }, { 41491, 0xfffc }, { 41505, 0xf0ff }, { 41517, 0x00ff }, + { 41525, 0xff58 }, { 41536, 0x7fff }, { 41551, 0xfff2 }, { 41564, 0x0013 }, + { 41567, 0xfbff }, { 41582, 0xffbf }, { 41597, 0xffc7 }, { 41610, 0x00b3 }, + { 41615, 0xfffa }, { 41629, 0xfbff }, { 41644, 0x01fd }, { 41652, 0x07ff }, + /* 0x26100 */ + { 41663, 0xfe00 }, { 41670, 0x1fff }, { 41683, 0x7ffc }, { 41696, 0xf006 }, + { 41702, 0xffff }, { 41718, 0xe03f }, { 41727, 0x15bf }, { 41737, 0xffe8 }, + { 41749, 0xff7f }, { 41764, 0xf8ff }, { 41777, 0x9eff }, { 41790, 0xf87f }, + { 41802, 0xdf3f }, { 41815, 0xdffa }, { 41828, 0x1faf }, { 41839, 0xffdf }, + /* 0x26200 */ + { 41854, 0x00eb }, { 41860, 0x0000 }, { 41860, 0xfbec }, { 41872, 0xdf7f }, + { 41886, 0xdbb7 }, { 41898, 0xeeef }, { 41911, 0xfefd }, { 41925, 0xdbbc }, + { 41936, 0xeb8f }, { 41947, 0xf3ff }, { 41961, 0xef9f }, { 41974, 0xf078 }, + { 41982, 0x3ff4 }, { 41993, 0xffc7 }, { 42006, 0xf99f }, { 42018, 0xfbbf }, + /* 0x26300 */ + { 42032, 0xe66f }, { 42043, 0xfaff }, { 42057, 0x7f1f }, { 42069, 0xddfe }, + { 42082, 0xfdcf }, { 42095, 0xfdf7 }, { 42109, 0xf7e6 }, { 42121, 0xfe05 }, + { 42130, 0x2fe9 }, { 42140, 0x27f0 }, { 42148, 0x8afc }, { 42157, 0x9f9b }, + { 42168, 0xffea }, { 42181, 0xf7e3 }, { 42193, 0xaf8f }, { 42204, 0x7ff5 }, + /* 0x26400 */ + { 42217, 0x7ffd }, { 42231, 0x5ffb }, { 42244, 0xf7fc }, { 42257, 0x7fef }, + { 42271, 0xffd1 }, { 42283, 0xff3f }, { 42297, 0x1fff }, { 42310, 0xff7f }, + { 42325, 0xfdf8 }, { 42337, 0xbe7f }, { 42350, 0xf77d }, { 42363, 0x7dce }, + { 42374, 0xd01b }, { 42381, 0x67df }, { 42393, 0xff71 }, { 42405, 0x7fb3 }, + /* 0x26500 */ + { 42417, 0xfa7f }, { 42430, 0xfdbf }, { 42444, 0xbf7f }, { 42458, 0xf3af }, + { 42470, 0xfdbf }, { 42484, 0x7dff }, { 42498, 0xffe7 }, { 42512, 0xffe6 }, + { 42525, 0x7f3d }, { 42537, 0x1fff }, { 42550, 0x9ffc }, { 42562, 0xf27f }, + { 42574, 0x27ff }, { 42586, 0x87ff }, { 42598, 0x9fff }, { 42612, 0x43fe }, + /* 0x26600 */ + { 42622, 0xefff }, { 42637, 0xe93f }, { 42648, 0xff0d }, { 42659, 0xedfc }, + { 42671, 0x2fff }, { 42684, 0x99ff }, { 42696, 0xff87 }, { 42708, 0x9fff }, + { 42722, 0x73ff }, { 42735, 0xff1e }, { 42747, 0x7fff }, { 42762, 0x2ffc }, + { 42773, 0xc03e }, { 42780, 0xfffd }, { 42795, 0x7efb }, { 42808, 0x02d8 }, + /* 0x26700 */ + { 42813, 0xfddc }, { 42825, 0x9fff }, { 42839, 0x17ff }, { 42851, 0xee68 }, + { 42860, 0x8002 }, { 42862, 0xffff }, { 42878, 0xffff }, { 42894, 0xfdff }, + { 42909, 0x0ab3 }, { 42916, 0xfee0 }, { 42926, 0xbfff }, { 42941, 0x3fe7 }, + { 42953, 0x0003 }, { 42955, 0xbb30 }, { 42963, 0xbeff }, { 42977, 0x0019 }, + /* 0x26800 */ + { 42980, 0xffff }, { 42996, 0xd6ff }, { 43009, 0x1b31 }, { 43016, 0xdf80 }, + { 43024, 0xf1ef }, { 43036, 0x19bf }, { 43046, 0x3f00 }, { 43052, 0xfff7 }, + { 43067, 0xf52f }, { 43078, 0x3ff3 }, { 43090, 0xbff0 }, { 43101, 0xbf00 }, + { 43108, 0xbfe3 }, { 43120, 0xfc4f }, { 43131, 0x7a13 }, { 43139, 0xfffe }, + /* 0x26900 */ + { 43154, 0xf47d }, { 43165, 0xef75 }, { 43177, 0x1ffe }, { 43189, 0x9efc }, + { 43200, 0xdff6 }, { 43213, 0xebbf }, { 43226, 0x6be7 }, { 43237, 0xfffc }, + { 43251, 0xd7ff }, { 43265, 0xffeb }, { 43279, 0xfebf }, { 43293, 0xff7f }, + { 43308, 0xd7f7 }, { 43321, 0xa4fb }, { 43331, 0x6dff }, { 43344, 0xdb7b }, + /* 0x26a00 */ + { 43356, 0xfffb }, { 43371, 0xb7fd }, { 43384, 0xf5df }, { 43397, 0xf4f7 }, + { 43409, 0xff98 }, { 43420, 0xf318 }, { 43428, 0x1fff }, { 43441, 0x7ff6 }, + { 43454, 0x6ff0 }, { 43464, 0x3ffe }, { 43477, 0xfeb0 }, { 43487, 0xe1c7 }, + { 43496, 0xddff }, { 43510, 0x7eb7 }, { 43522, 0xbffd }, { 43536, 0xffdf }, + /* 0x26b00 */ + { 43551, 0xfbff }, { 43566, 0xfff9 }, { 43580, 0xfeff }, { 43595, 0xffbf }, + { 43610, 0x0bff }, { 43621, 0x3ff0 }, { 43631, 0xfb04 }, { 43639, 0xffff }, + { 43655, 0xffff }, { 43671, 0xff0f }, { 43683, 0xffff }, { 43699, 0xffa8 }, + { 43710, 0xffff }, { 43726, 0xff7e }, { 43740, 0xff7f }, { 43755, 0xff1f }, + /* 0x26c00 */ + { 43768, 0xffff }, { 43784, 0x6bff }, { 43797, 0xfc82 }, { 43805, 0xffff }, + { 43821, 0xffbf }, { 43836, 0xdfff }, { 43851, 0xffff }, { 43867, 0x1ffd }, + { 43879, 0xfff8 }, { 43892, 0xffff }, { 43908, 0x97ff }, { 43921, 0x20c1 }, + { 43925, 0xffff }, { 43941, 0xffff }, { 43957, 0x7fff }, { 43972, 0xffff }, + /* 0x26d00 */ + { 43988, 0xffa7 }, { 44001, 0xffff }, { 44017, 0xf801 }, { 44023, 0xffff }, + { 44039, 0x7fff }, { 44054, 0xe007 }, { 44060, 0xfffe }, { 44075, 0xffff }, + { 44091, 0xfff7 }, { 44106, 0x0fff }, { 44118, 0xff00 }, { 44126, 0xffff }, + { 44142, 0xffff }, { 44158, 0xefbf }, { 44172, 0x040b }, { 44176, 0xbfff }, + /* 0x26e00 */ + { 44191, 0xffdf }, { 44206, 0xffff }, { 44222, 0xffdf }, { 44237, 0x07ff }, + { 44248, 0xffc0 }, { 44258, 0xffff }, { 44274, 0x451e }, { 44281, 0xe084 }, + { 44286, 0xffd7 }, { 44300, 0xffff }, { 44316, 0xffff }, { 44332, 0xffff }, + { 44348, 0x3fff }, { 44362, 0xff00 }, { 44370, 0xffff }, { 44386, 0xffff }, + /* 0x26f00 */ + { 44402, 0xfcff }, { 44416, 0x0227 }, { 44421, 0xfe16 }, { 44431, 0xffff }, + { 44447, 0xdfff }, { 44462, 0xffff }, { 44478, 0x5fff }, { 44492, 0xffe2 }, + { 44504, 0xffff }, { 44520, 0x8895 }, { 44526, 0xf482 }, { 44533, 0xffff }, + { 44549, 0xff7f }, { 44564, 0x03ff }, { 44574, 0xffff }, { 44590, 0xfe3f }, + /* 0x27000 */ + { 44603, 0x20f7 }, { 44611, 0x2ff0 }, { 44620, 0xffff }, { 44636, 0xffbf }, + { 44651, 0xbfff }, { 44666, 0xfff2 }, { 44679, 0xffff }, { 44695, 0xf801 }, + { 44701, 0xff7f }, { 44716, 0xffff }, { 44732, 0x03ba }, { 44739, 0xffff }, + { 44755, 0xc3ff }, { 44767, 0xffff }, { 44783, 0xdfff }, { 44798, 0xfe01 }, + /* 0x27100 */ + { 44806, 0xeaff }, { 44819, 0xffff }, { 44835, 0x7f0f }, { 44846, 0xffc0 }, + { 44856, 0xffff }, { 44872, 0xffdf }, { 44887, 0xc7c7 }, { 44897, 0x7ddf }, + { 44910, 0xefea }, { 44922, 0x7fff }, { 44937, 0x1ff9 }, { 44948, 0xfc7e }, + { 44960, 0x2ffe }, { 44972, 0xf1bf }, { 44984, 0x3fff }, { 44998, 0xf83e }, + /* 0x27200 */ + { 45008, 0x6bcb }, { 45018, 0xf5ef }, { 45031, 0xffb9 }, { 45044, 0xfff1 }, + { 45057, 0xffff }, { 45073, 0xd9e3 }, { 45083, 0xffff }, { 45099, 0xf8f9 }, + { 45110, 0xe1ef }, { 45121, 0xffff }, { 45137, 0xfbff }, { 45152, 0x9fc3 }, + { 45162, 0xff00 }, { 45170, 0xfbff }, { 45185, 0xff83 }, { 45196, 0x0009 }, + /* 0x27300 */ + { 45198, 0xfffa }, { 45212, 0xbfff }, { 45227, 0x3fdf }, { 45240, 0xaff0 }, + { 45250, 0x0000 }, { 45250, 0xfffe }, { 45265, 0xffff }, { 45281, 0xffff }, + { 45297, 0xff1f }, { 45310, 0xc59f }, { 45320, 0xff7e }, { 45334, 0xffff }, + { 45350, 0xffff }, { 45366, 0xf03f }, { 45376, 0x175f }, { 45386, 0xff00 }, + /* 0x27400 */ + { 45394, 0xfff7 }, { 45409, 0xffff }, { 45425, 0xeff8 }, { 45437, 0x007a }, + { 45442, 0xfff1 }, { 45455, 0xf7ff }, { 45470, 0xffff }, { 45486, 0xff1f }, + { 45499, 0xc15e }, { 45507, 0xfdff }, { 45522, 0x0ffe }, { 45533, 0xfffc }, + { 45547, 0xdf00 }, { 45554, 0xffff }, { 45570, 0x18fe }, { 45579, 0xfffe }, + /* 0x27500 */ + { 45594, 0xc1df }, { 45604, 0xe13f }, { 45614, 0xddff }, { 45628, 0x24ff }, + { 45638, 0xfffe }, { 45653, 0xf9f7 }, { 45666, 0xc1ff }, { 45677, 0xf7ff }, + { 45692, 0xfdf5 }, { 45705, 0xfffe }, { 45720, 0xbf90 }, { 45729, 0x7ffc }, + { 45742, 0xffdf }, { 45757, 0xfff7 }, { 45772, 0xffee }, { 45786, 0x8ffe }, + /* 0x27600 */ + { 45798, 0xef7f }, { 45812, 0xf64f }, { 45823, 0xffff }, { 45839, 0x7cf9 }, + { 45850, 0xffff }, { 45866, 0xff07 }, { 45877, 0xffbf }, { 45892, 0xc2ac }, + { 45899, 0xffff }, { 45915, 0x7fe7 }, { 45928, 0xfffa }, { 45942, 0xf7ff }, + { 45957, 0xe009 }, { 45962, 0xffff }, { 45978, 0x1fff }, { 45991, 0xff0f }, + /* 0x27700 */ + { 46003, 0x2dff }, { 46015, 0xe026 }, { 46021, 0xfaff }, { 46035, 0xe187 }, + { 46043, 0xbfff }, { 46058, 0x0fff }, { 46070, 0xfc0c }, { 46078, 0xffff }, + { 46094, 0xf1c7 }, { 46104, 0xfafd }, { 46117, 0xffc6 }, { 46129, 0x3fef }, + { 46142, 0xf78c }, { 46152, 0xcff7 }, { 46165, 0xefca }, { 46176, 0xff9e }, + /* 0x27800 */ + { 46189, 0xdadf }, { 46201, 0xffef }, { 46216, 0x6f0f }, { 46226, 0xf82f }, + { 46236, 0xf979 }, { 46247, 0x29ef }, { 46257, 0xffff }, { 46273, 0xef8e }, + { 46284, 0xe77f }, { 46297, 0x777c }, { 46308, 0xe9ff }, { 46321, 0xffbe }, + { 46335, 0xe3ff }, { 46348, 0x5fff }, { 46362, 0xff2e }, { 46374, 0x7ff3 }, + /* 0x27900 */ + { 46387, 0xfbf8 }, { 46399, 0xf9ff }, { 46413, 0xdecf }, { 46425, 0xfcc6 }, + { 46435, 0x3517 }, { 46443, 0x3fea }, { 46454, 0xef7e }, { 46467, 0xffbb }, + { 46481, 0xbfc7 }, { 46493, 0xfe84 }, { 46502, 0xffff }, { 46518, 0x4cff }, + { 46529, 0xff76 }, { 46542, 0xffff }, { 46558, 0x0df3 }, { 46567, 0xffff }, + /* 0x27a00 */ + { 46583, 0x8fff }, { 46596, 0x7e7f }, { 46609, 0xffd9 }, { 46622, 0xffff }, + { 46638, 0xfefd }, { 46652, 0xff43 }, { 46663, 0xffff }, { 46679, 0xfffe }, + { 46694, 0xffff }, { 46710, 0xffd7 }, { 46724, 0xffff }, { 46740, 0x86ff }, + { 46751, 0x89ff }, { 46762, 0xfffd }, { 46777, 0xffff }, { 46793, 0xe565 }, + /* 0x27b00 */ + { 46802, 0xfffd }, { 46817, 0xbeef }, { 46830, 0xffbf }, { 46845, 0xf87f }, + { 46857, 0xff7f }, { 46872, 0xff7f }, { 46887, 0xffbf }, { 46902, 0xff97 }, + { 46915, 0xdfff }, { 46930, 0xef7f }, { 46944, 0xfb2c }, { 46954, 0x3def }, + { 46966, 0xfe47 }, { 46977, 0x9f39 }, { 46987, 0xeeef }, { 47000, 0xff9b }, + /* 0x27c00 */ + { 47013, 0x3efb }, { 47025, 0x637f }, { 47036, 0xffab }, { 47049, 0xfff5 }, + { 47063, 0xe7ff }, { 47077, 0xffff }, { 47093, 0xff3f }, { 47107, 0xd9ff }, + { 47120, 0xffff }, { 47136, 0xfdbf }, { 47150, 0xf7ff }, { 47165, 0xc2ff }, + { 47176, 0xffff }, { 47192, 0xfedf }, { 47206, 0xffe7 }, { 47220, 0x5fee }, + /* 0x27d00 */ + { 47232, 0xf0fe }, { 47243, 0xe7f1 }, { 47254, 0x3d7b }, { 47265, 0xffef }, + { 47280, 0xffb7 }, { 47294, 0x37e3 }, { 47304, 0xfff9 }, { 47318, 0xe7f7 }, + { 47331, 0x7fec }, { 47343, 0xff8f }, { 47356, 0x05ff }, { 47366, 0xdfff }, + { 47381, 0xfe9f }, { 47394, 0xd6ff }, { 47407, 0xfbff }, { 47422, 0xf825 }, + /* 0x27e00 */ + { 47430, 0xffff }, { 47446, 0x47f2 }, { 47455, 0xe9ff }, { 47468, 0xf3fe }, + { 47481, 0x43c9 }, { 47488, 0x7f00 }, { 47495, 0xf09b }, { 47504, 0x23fc }, + { 47513, 0xffd0 }, { 47524, 0xefdd }, { 47537, 0xffff }, { 47553, 0xffec }, + { 47566, 0xdfff }, { 47581, 0xbffe }, { 47595, 0xd8ff }, { 47607, 0xbf7f }, + /* 0x27f00 */ + { 47621, 0xc2ff }, { 47632, 0xffff }, { 47648, 0xffef }, { 47663, 0xffff }, + { 47679, 0xfe76 }, { 47691, 0xffff }, { 47707, 0xbfff }, { 47722, 0xffd8 }, + { 47734, 0xe93f }, { 47745, 0xffff }, { 47761, 0xff7f }, { 47776, 0x1f73 }, + { 47786, 0x227f }, { 47795, 0xfffc }, { 47809, 0xc05d }, { 47816, 0xfffe }, + /* 0x28000 */ + { 47831, 0x0249 }, { 47835, 0xfff8 }, { 47848, 0x7fff }, { 47863, 0x00c2 }, + { 47866, 0xffff }, { 47882, 0x5e3f }, { 47893, 0x000d }, { 47896, 0xffe8 }, + { 47908, 0xf9ff }, { 47922, 0xf80a }, { 47929, 0xffff }, { 47945, 0x81ff }, + { 47955, 0x0003 }, { 47957, 0xfffc }, { 47971, 0x51ff }, { 47982, 0x8008 }, + /* 0x28100 */ + { 47984, 0xffe9 }, { 47997, 0x0fff }, { 48009, 0x3ffe }, { 48022, 0x0000 }, + { 48022, 0xdd60 }, { 48030, 0xffff }, { 48046, 0x07ff }, { 48057, 0x0076 }, + { 48062, 0xffff }, { 48078, 0x1df3 }, { 48088, 0xfdc0 }, { 48097, 0x183f }, + { 48105, 0x9dfe }, { 48117, 0x67d0 }, { 48125, 0xeff0 }, { 48136, 0x3c1f }, + /* 0x28200 */ + { 48145, 0xad38 }, { 48153, 0xff3b }, { 48166, 0xfe17 }, { 48177, 0xff37 }, + { 48190, 0xff0d }, { 48201, 0x0bb1 }, { 48208, 0xc1fc }, { 48217, 0x9e0f }, + { 48226, 0xe45b }, { 48235, 0x2bfd }, { 48246, 0x9e9f }, { 48257, 0xfffe }, + { 48272, 0xd0d1 }, { 48279, 0x1fff }, { 48292, 0xffc0 }, { 48302, 0x1277 }, + /* 0x28300 */ + { 48310, 0xeffe }, { 48324, 0xbe40 }, { 48331, 0xffff }, { 48347, 0x79ff }, + { 48360, 0xffef }, { 48375, 0x87df }, { 48386, 0xffa9 }, { 48398, 0x8bdf }, + { 48409, 0x3fbf }, { 48422, 0x136f }, { 48431, 0xfff6 }, { 48445, 0x53ff }, + { 48457, 0xcfe2 }, { 48467, 0xe37e }, { 48478, 0x9f5f }, { 48490, 0x677f }, + /* 0x28400 */ + { 48502, 0xb806 }, { 48508, 0xffb3 }, { 48521, 0xbf17 }, { 48532, 0x7a67 }, + { 48542, 0xafff }, { 48556, 0x4f1f }, { 48566, 0xbfff }, { 48581, 0xf0bf }, + { 48592, 0xfffb }, { 48607, 0x2cf8 }, { 48615, 0xfffd }, { 48630, 0xf00d }, + { 48637, 0x6fbf }, { 48650, 0x2bfc }, { 48660, 0xfff0 }, { 48672, 0xefff }, + /* 0x28500 */ + { 48687, 0xc829 }, { 48693, 0xfeff }, { 48708, 0xffde }, { 48722, 0x0007 }, + { 48725, 0xaffe }, { 48738, 0xfc5b }, { 48749, 0xc7ff }, { 48762, 0x317f }, + { 48772, 0xffca }, { 48784, 0xe3f9 }, { 48795, 0xfc3b }, { 48806, 0xdffb }, + { 48820, 0xf81f }, { 48830, 0xc3bd }, { 48840, 0xffee }, { 48854, 0x3fc3 }, + /* 0x28600 */ + { 48864, 0xf7bf }, { 48878, 0xfe0b }, { 48888, 0x7fcf }, { 48901, 0xb3e5 }, + { 48911, 0xc7ff }, { 48924, 0xd7bf }, { 48937, 0xebd9 }, { 48948, 0x7fe7 }, + { 48961, 0xaefc }, { 48972, 0xfffe }, { 48987, 0xfd25 }, { 48997, 0xbe7f }, + { 49010, 0xffda }, { 49023, 0xde7f }, { 49036, 0xfffb }, { 49051, 0xf9fb }, + /* 0x28700 */ + { 49064, 0xfd6f }, { 49077, 0x9fff }, { 49091, 0xe5ff }, { 49104, 0xfffd }, + { 49119, 0xfe9b }, { 49131, 0xe9bb }, { 49142, 0xfdef }, { 49156, 0xe1fb }, + { 49167, 0xf2bf }, { 49179, 0xdffe }, { 49193, 0xcfc3 }, { 49203, 0xffeb }, + { 49217, 0xe13f }, { 49227, 0xdff3 }, { 49240, 0xd9df }, { 49252, 0xfff7 }, + /* 0x28800 */ + { 49267, 0xfde7 }, { 49280, 0x79ff }, { 49293, 0x40f4 }, { 49299, 0x7fc0 }, + { 49308, 0xf826 }, { 49316, 0x3dfb }, { 49328, 0xfe0d }, { 49338, 0x61ff }, + { 49349, 0xfffb }, { 49364, 0x0e77 }, { 49373, 0xbfff }, { 49388, 0xe66f }, + { 49399, 0x48ff }, { 49409, 0xbffb }, { 49423, 0xefcb }, { 49435, 0xffdf }, + /* 0x28900 */ + { 49450, 0xf7a7 }, { 49462, 0x6fef }, { 49475, 0x376f }, { 49486, 0xc7d0 }, + { 49494, 0xfe1d }, { 49505, 0x03ff }, { 49515, 0xe7f4 }, { 49526, 0x4a6f }, + { 49535, 0xfc74 }, { 49545, 0xf25f }, { 49556, 0xfd09 }, { 49565, 0xc19f }, + { 49574, 0xfffe }, { 49589, 0x1a68 }, { 49595, 0xfff2 }, { 49608, 0xe07f }, + /* 0x28a00 */ + { 49618, 0x7fff }, { 49633, 0x20ff }, { 49642, 0xd220 }, { 49647, 0x7fff }, + { 49662, 0xf000 }, { 49666, 0xf9ff }, { 49680, 0x121f }, { 49687, 0x1620 }, + { 49691, 0xfffe }, { 49706, 0x80df }, { 49714, 0xffff }, { 49730, 0x30c1 }, + { 49735, 0xd840 }, { 49740, 0x037f }, { 49749, 0xffc0 }, { 49759, 0x2bff }, + /* 0x28b00 */ + { 49771, 0xf038 }, { 49778, 0xafdf }, { 49791, 0xc7f8 }, { 49801, 0x7fff }, + { 49816, 0x4290 }, { 49820, 0xffe9 }, { 49833, 0xef84 }, { 49842, 0x50ff }, + { 49852, 0x8019 }, { 49856, 0xccbc }, { 49865, 0x89ff }, { 49876, 0xfb80 }, + { 49884, 0xffd0 }, { 49895, 0xc697 }, { 49904, 0xe04f }, { 49912, 0x5c01 }, + /* 0x28c00 */ + { 49917, 0xfe23 }, { 49927, 0xf7f7 }, { 49941, 0xd315 }, { 49949, 0x394f }, + { 49958, 0x0000 }, { 49958, 0xff80 }, { 49967, 0x0bf4 }, { 49975, 0x86f8 }, + { 49983, 0x3fcf }, { 49995, 0xedb8 }, { 50005, 0xe3e7 }, { 50016, 0x5d5c }, + { 50025, 0xde3f }, { 50037, 0xffeb }, { 50051, 0x3faf }, { 50063, 0xfffd }, + /* 0x28d00 */ + { 50078, 0xe037 }, { 50086, 0xa3ff }, { 50098, 0xff21 }, { 50108, 0x81eb }, + { 50116, 0xbff3 }, { 50129, 0x10ff }, { 50138, 0xfff4 }, { 50151, 0x02ad }, + { 50157, 0xffff }, { 50173, 0xf444 }, { 50180, 0xf0ff }, { 50192, 0x43df }, + { 50202, 0x3efe }, { 50214, 0xfabc }, { 50225, 0x0dde }, { 50234, 0x198f }, + /* 0x28e00 */ + { 50242, 0x8000 }, { 50243, 0x7dff }, { 50257, 0xfa1f }, { 50268, 0x012f }, + { 50274, 0xdffe }, { 50288, 0xff2b }, { 50300, 0xe08f }, { 50308, 0xffef }, + { 50323, 0xfc7f }, { 50336, 0x800f }, { 50341, 0xffff }, { 50357, 0x8032 }, + { 50361, 0xffff }, { 50377, 0xfd7f }, { 50391, 0x8543 }, { 50397, 0xffff }, + /* 0x28f00 */ + { 50413, 0xfd7f }, { 50427, 0xfbff }, { 50442, 0xfc41 }, { 50450, 0xe07b }, + { 50459, 0xf0ff }, { 50471, 0xb3ff }, { 50484, 0x5def }, { 50496, 0xbf7e }, + { 50509, 0xafef }, { 50522, 0x3ffe }, { 50535, 0xcfff }, { 50549, 0xfffc }, + { 50563, 0xfb7f }, { 50577, 0x47ff }, { 50589, 0xffff }, { 50605, 0xe67f }, + /* 0x29000 */ + { 50617, 0xffff }, { 50633, 0xffbf }, { 50648, 0xfff3 }, { 50662, 0xfff3 }, + { 50676, 0xffe7 }, { 50690, 0xfbff }, { 50705, 0x3b9f }, { 50716, 0x7fe5 }, + { 50728, 0x37fc }, { 50739, 0x1dfc }, { 50749, 0x77fe }, { 50762, 0xffac }, + { 50774, 0x17ef }, { 50785, 0x7fff }, { 50800, 0xafcb }, { 50811, 0xf7f0 }, + /* 0x29100 */ + { 50822, 0x221b }, { 50828, 0xffc0 }, { 50838, 0x6aff }, { 50850, 0xff80 }, + { 50859, 0xceff }, { 50872, 0xe00d }, { 50878, 0x3fff }, { 50892, 0xf0c6 }, + { 50900, 0x03ff }, { 50910, 0x8dfe }, { 50921, 0xea70 }, { 50929, 0xa5ef }, + { 50940, 0x5f9f }, { 50952, 0xffbe }, { 50966, 0xffdb }, { 50980, 0xd7ef }, + /* 0x29200 */ + { 50993, 0xf7f8 }, { 51005, 0xbe4e }, { 51015, 0xf9ff }, { 51029, 0x7b7f }, + { 51042, 0x7fbf }, { 51056, 0xee52 }, { 51065, 0x5ffe }, { 51078, 0xff00 }, + { 51086, 0x0b3f }, { 51095, 0xffff }, { 51111, 0xfe60 }, { 51120, 0x938d }, + { 51128, 0xffff }, { 51144, 0xe83f }, { 51154, 0xffff }, { 51170, 0xf77f }, + /* 0x29300 */ + { 51184, 0xfff9 }, { 51198, 0x2cff }, { 51209, 0xffc7 }, { 51222, 0xcecf }, + { 51233, 0xceff }, { 51246, 0xfffe }, { 51261, 0xcff0 }, { 51271, 0xc3be }, + { 51281, 0xffb7 }, { 51295, 0x7fbe }, { 51308, 0xfff2 }, { 51321, 0xffef }, + { 51336, 0xcfeb }, { 51348, 0xcfff }, { 51362, 0xff7f }, { 51377, 0x0ff7 }, + /* 0x29400 */ + { 51388, 0xbebe }, { 51400, 0xdff8 }, { 51412, 0x7dff }, { 51426, 0xdef7 }, + { 51439, 0x3fef }, { 51452, 0xffff }, { 51468, 0x5fff }, { 51482, 0x7fff }, + { 51497, 0x9fff }, { 51511, 0xffff }, { 51527, 0xecd7 }, { 51538, 0xffff }, + { 51554, 0x7f7f }, { 51568, 0xe37a }, { 51578, 0xffff }, { 51594, 0x7dff }, + /* 0x29500 */ + { 51608, 0xffff }, { 51624, 0xfe19 }, { 51634, 0xb3ff }, { 51647, 0xfff9 }, + { 51661, 0xff65 }, { 51673, 0xefff }, { 51688, 0xfa7f }, { 51701, 0xd5fe }, + { 51713, 0xfcdb }, { 51725, 0xbe09 }, { 51733, 0x53fe }, { 51744, 0x7ffd }, + { 51758, 0x3ff2 }, { 51769, 0xeff8 }, { 51781, 0xff0f }, { 51793, 0x0dff }, + /* 0x29600 */ + { 51804, 0xffea }, { 51817, 0xf6ff }, { 51831, 0xe0ff }, { 51842, 0xffff }, + { 51858, 0x477f }, { 51869, 0xfede }, { 51882, 0x0012 }, { 51884, 0x34d6 }, + { 51892, 0xffff }, { 51908, 0x7fec }, { 51920, 0xff19 }, { 51931, 0xafff }, + { 51945, 0xff63 }, { 51957, 0xe8cf }, { 51967, 0xffff }, { 51983, 0xfe0a }, + /* 0x29700 */ + { 51992, 0xffff }, { 52008, 0xfcfd }, { 52021, 0xb004 }, { 52025, 0xffff }, + { 52041, 0x0267 }, { 52047, 0xef80 }, { 52055, 0x5bff }, { 52068, 0xf337 }, + { 52079, 0xffff }, { 52095, 0xc6c3 }, { 52103, 0x7fff }, { 52118, 0xf4a4 }, + { 52126, 0xbfff }, { 52141, 0x2bf8 }, { 52150, 0xe5f8 }, { 52160, 0x01d3 }, + /* 0x29800 */ + { 52166, 0x0000 }, { 52166, 0x1ee3 }, { 52175, 0x1c7c }, { 52183, 0xde85 }, + { 52192, 0x77f7 }, { 52205, 0x6d3f }, { 52216, 0x67b2 }, { 52225, 0xffaf }, + { 52239, 0xf35e }, { 52250, 0xffff }, { 52266, 0xe0eb }, { 52275, 0xffff }, + { 52291, 0x77bf }, { 52304, 0xffe7 }, { 52318, 0xe19f }, { 52328, 0xffff }, + /* 0x29900 */ + { 52344, 0x82d3 }, { 52351, 0xffcd }, { 52364, 0x7fff }, { 52379, 0xe88b }, + { 52387, 0xffff }, { 52403, 0x5ddf }, { 52415, 0xf814 }, { 52422, 0x0c1f }, + { 52429, 0xffff }, { 52445, 0xdaf3 }, { 52456, 0x31ff }, { 52467, 0xffc8 }, + { 52478, 0xcffd }, { 52491, 0x0f71 }, { 52499, 0x003f }, { 52505, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x29a00 */ + { 52505, 0x0000 }, { 52505, 0xf8e6 }, { 52515, 0xf0df }, { 52526, 0xe5ff }, + { 52539, 0xfe4f }, { 52551, 0xffa8 }, { 52562, 0xe04f }, { 52570, 0x637f }, + { 52581, 0xfe7f }, { 52595, 0x1fbf }, { 52607, 0x6fff }, { 52621, 0xdbcc }, + { 52631, 0xde7f }, { 52644, 0xf7a3 }, { 52655, 0xffff }, { 52671, 0xb69b }, + /* 0x29b00 */ + { 52681, 0x8e1b }, { 52689, 0xffff }, { 52705, 0x03c7 }, { 52712, 0xbfff }, + { 52727, 0xff8f }, { 52740, 0xe5ef }, { 52752, 0x6fff }, { 52766, 0xff80 }, + { 52775, 0x3bff }, { 52788, 0xffc0 }, { 52798, 0xc3cf }, { 52808, 0x77ff }, + { 52822, 0xfff8 }, { 52835, 0xf853 }, { 52844, 0x23f1 }, { 52852, 0x8d3f }, + /* 0x29c00 */ + { 52862, 0xfefe }, { 52876, 0xf2ff }, { 52889, 0xffff }, { 52905, 0xd2fe }, + { 52916, 0xffbb }, { 52930, 0xbfdf }, { 52944, 0xbbff }, { 52958, 0xe7bf }, + { 52971, 0xfdff }, { 52986, 0x7ff3 }, { 52999, 0xdfee }, { 53012, 0xfa49 }, + { 53021, 0xfbf7 }, { 53035, 0xbf7f }, { 53049, 0xf7ff }, { 53064, 0xf7e7 }, + /* 0x29d00 */ + { 53077, 0xefc9 }, { 53088, 0xfb7f }, { 53102, 0xef5f }, { 53115, 0xaddf }, + { 53127, 0xfdb7 }, { 53140, 0x0bfb }, { 53150, 0xffff }, { 53166, 0x13fb }, + { 53176, 0x7fff }, { 53191, 0x4c7e }, { 53200, 0xfffd }, { 53215, 0xbfc3 }, + { 53226, 0xf80c }, { 53233, 0xf7ff }, { 53248, 0x507f }, { 53257, 0xffb0 }, + /* 0x29e00 */ + { 53268, 0xffff }, { 53284, 0x9f85 }, { 53293, 0x21a5 }, { 53299, 0xd600 }, + { 53304, 0xffff }, { 53320, 0x5fc7 }, { 53331, 0x0104 }, { 53333, 0xfffe }, + { 53348, 0xe07f }, { 53358, 0x1e7f }, { 53369, 0xe800 }, { 53373, 0x7fff }, + { 53388, 0x2fe0 }, { 53396, 0xff40 }, { 53405, 0x0dff }, { 53416, 0x0174 }, + /* 0x29f00 */ + { 53421, 0x7ffc }, { 53434, 0xf1c7 }, { 53444, 0x7fe3 }, { 53456, 0xf83e }, + { 53466, 0xf11f }, { 53476, 0xfd2b }, { 53487, 0x7fcb }, { 53499, 0x00eb }, + { 53505, 0xa201 }, { 53509, 0xfbff }, { 53524, 0x1eff }, { 53536, 0xffff }, + { 53552, 0x9fff }, { 53566, 0xf8ff }, { 53579, 0x7fff }, { 53594, 0x11fe }, + /* 0x2a000 */ + { 53603, 0xbf83 }, { 53613, 0xeffe }, { 53627, 0x3fff }, { 53641, 0xb5ff }, + { 53654, 0xff01 }, { 53663, 0xffff }, { 53679, 0x7fff }, { 53694, 0xfb85 }, + { 53704, 0xffff }, { 53720, 0xefbb }, { 53733, 0x242a }, { 53738, 0xfff0 }, + { 53750, 0xffff }, { 53766, 0x3dff }, { 53779, 0x86d5 }, { 53787, 0xfe48 }, + /* 0x2a100 */ + { 53796, 0xfeff }, { 53811, 0x599f }, { 53821, 0xfe09 }, { 53830, 0xfbff }, + { 53845, 0x7fff }, { 53860, 0x947e }, { 53869, 0xc002 }, { 53872, 0xffff }, + { 53888, 0x3fff }, { 53902, 0x24f2 }, { 53909, 0xff02 }, { 53918, 0xffff }, + { 53934, 0x065e }, { 53941, 0x35fe }, { 53952, 0xf003 }, { 53958, 0x9fff }, + /* 0x2a200 */ + { 53972, 0x7efa }, { 53984, 0xff0d }, { 53995, 0xcff4 }, { 54006, 0xbfb7 }, + { 54019, 0x0001 }, { 54020, 0xffc0 }, { 54030, 0xe3db }, { 54041, 0x95ef }, + { 54052, 0xfbdf }, { 54066, 0x5bfb }, { 54078, 0xbde3 }, { 54089, 0xfffe }, + { 54104, 0xebf8 }, { 54115, 0x7ff7 }, { 54129, 0xfcae }, { 54140, 0xfd9d }, + /* 0x2a300 */ + { 54152, 0x7fee }, { 54165, 0x3df7 }, { 54177, 0xf17d }, { 54188, 0xf91f }, + { 54199, 0xfaff }, { 54213, 0xfd7f }, { 54227, 0xffff }, { 54243, 0xff7d }, + { 54257, 0xe0df }, { 54267, 0xfcfd }, { 54280, 0xfdff }, { 54295, 0x6e7d }, + { 54306, 0x7fde }, { 54319, 0x7f7a }, { 54331, 0xf1f2 }, { 54341, 0xffdf }, + /* 0x2a400 */ + { 54356, 0xff9d }, { 54369, 0xfbfe }, { 54383, 0x0df3 }, { 54392, 0x831c }, + { 54398, 0x7f1f }, { 54410, 0x7ffc }, { 54423, 0xffea }, { 54436, 0xc09f }, + { 54444, 0x993f }, { 54454, 0xff7f }, { 54469, 0xfe8f }, { 54481, 0xcf31 }, + { 54490, 0xde5b }, { 54501, 0xfdff }, { 54516, 0xf3b6 }, { 54527, 0xfbff }, + /* 0x2a500 */ + { 54542, 0xed77 }, { 54554, 0x39f7 }, { 54565, 0xdffc }, { 54578, 0xfdeb }, + { 54591, 0xff5f }, { 54605, 0xff9e }, { 54618, 0xff92 }, { 54629, 0xefe2 }, + { 54640, 0xf9ef }, { 54653, 0x0dff }, { 54664, 0xc7fe }, { 54676, 0x78f9 }, + { 54686, 0xfef6 }, { 54699, 0xff37 }, { 54712, 0xbfff }, { 54727, 0xffe4 }, + /* 0x2a600 */ + { 54739, 0xec33 }, { 54748, 0x99ff }, { 54760, 0x77f7 }, { 54773, 0xffd5 }, + { 54786, 0xffcf }, { 54800, 0xffcf }, { 54814, 0x56f8 }, { 54823, 0xbbfd }, + { 54836, 0x7b5f }, { 54848, 0xfbee }, { 54861, 0xf9e1 }, { 54871, 0xfffb }, + { 54886, 0xef5f }, { 54899, 0x007f }, +}; +static const Summary16 cns11643_inv_uni2indx_page2f8[34] = { + /* 0x2f800 */ + { 54906, 0xffff }, { 54922, 0xffff }, { 54938, 0xffff }, { 54954, 0xffff }, + { 54970, 0xfffe }, { 54985, 0xffff }, { 55001, 0xffff }, { 55017, 0xffff }, + { 55033, 0xffff }, { 55049, 0xffef }, { 55064, 0xffff }, { 55080, 0xffff }, + { 55096, 0xdfff }, { 55111, 0xffff }, { 55127, 0xffff }, { 55143, 0xffff }, + /* 0x2f900 */ + { 55159, 0xffff }, { 55175, 0xffff }, { 55191, 0xffff }, { 55207, 0xffff }, + { 55223, 0xffff }, { 55239, 0xffff }, { 55255, 0xffff }, { 55271, 0xffff }, + { 55287, 0xffff }, { 55303, 0xffef }, { 55318, 0xffff }, { 55334, 0xfffb }, + { 55349, 0xffff }, { 55365, 0xffef }, { 55380, 0xffff }, { 55396, 0xffff }, + /* 0x2fa00 */ + { 55412, 0xffff }, { 55428, 0x3fff }, +}; + +static int +cns11643_inv_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + const Summary16 *summary = NULL; + if (wc >= 0x0000 && wc < 0x0100) + summary = &cns11643_inv_uni2indx_page00[(wc>>4)]; + else if (wc >= 0x0200 && wc < 0x03d0) + summary = &cns11643_inv_uni2indx_page02[(wc>>4)-0x020]; + else if (wc >= 0x2000 && wc < 0x22c0) + summary = &cns11643_inv_uni2indx_page20[(wc>>4)-0x200]; + else if (wc >= 0x2400 && wc < 0x2650) + summary = &cns11643_inv_uni2indx_page24[(wc>>4)-0x240]; + else if (wc >= 0x3000 && wc < 0x9fb0) + summary = &cns11643_inv_uni2indx_page30[(wc>>4)-0x300]; + else if (wc >= 0xfa00 && wc < 0xfa30) + summary = &cns11643_inv_uni2indx_pagefa[(wc>>4)-0xfa0]; + else if (wc >= 0xfe00 && wc < 0xfff0) + summary = &cns11643_inv_uni2indx_pagefe[(wc>>4)-0xfe0]; + else if (wc >= 0x20000 && wc < 0x2a6e0) + summary = &cns11643_inv_uni2indx_page200[(wc>>4)-0x2000]; + else if (wc >= 0x2f800 && wc < 0x2fa20) + summary = &cns11643_inv_uni2indx_page2f8[(wc>>4)-0x2f80]; + if (summary) { + unsigned short used = summary->used; + unsigned int i = wc & 0x0f; + if (used & ((unsigned short) 1 << i)) { + /* Keep in `used' only the bits 0..i-1. */ + used &= ((unsigned short) 1 << i) - 1; + /* Add `summary->indx' and the number of bits set in `used'. */ + used = (used & 0x5555) + ((used & 0xaaaa) >> 1); + used = (used & 0x3333) + ((used & 0xcccc) >> 2); + used = (used & 0x0f0f) + ((used & 0xf0f0) >> 4); + used = (used & 0x00ff) + (used >> 8); + used += summary->indx; + r[0] = cns11643_inv_2charset[3*used]; + r[1] = cns11643_inv_2charset[3*used+1]; + r[2] = cns11643_inv_2charset[3*used+2]; + return 3; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/config.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/config.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..598b8a46a --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/config.h @@ -0,0 +1,926 @@ +/* config.h.in. Generated from configure.ac by autoheader. */ + +/* Define to the number of bits in type 'ptrdiff_t'. */ +#undef BITSIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T + +/* Define to the number of bits in type 'sig_atomic_t'. */ +#undef BITSIZEOF_SIG_ATOMIC_T + +/* Define to the number of bits in type 'size_t'. */ +#undef BITSIZEOF_SIZE_T + +/* Define to the number of bits in type 'wchar_t'. */ +#undef BITSIZEOF_WCHAR_T + +/* Define to the number of bits in type 'wint_t'. */ +#undef BITSIZEOF_WINT_T + +/* Define to one of `_getb67', `GETB67', `getb67' for Cray-2 and Cray-YMP + systems. This function is required for `alloca.c' support on those systems. + */ +#undef CRAY_STACKSEG_END + +/* Define to 1 if using `alloca.c'. */ +#undef C_ALLOCA + +/* Define to 1 if // is a file system root distinct from /. */ +#undef DOUBLE_SLASH_IS_DISTINCT_ROOT + +///* Define as good substitute value for EILSEQ. */ +//#undef EILSEQ + +/* Define to 1 to enable a few rarely used encodings. */ +#undef ENABLE_EXTRA + +/* Define to 1 if translation of program messages to the user's native + language is requested. */ +#undef ENABLE_NLS + +/* Define to 1 if the package shall run at any location in the file system. */ +#undef ENABLE_RELOCATABLE + +/* Define to 1 if realpath() can malloc memory, always gives an absolute path, + and handles trailing slash correctly. */ +#undef FUNC_REALPATH_WORKS + +/* Define to a C preprocessor expression that evaluates to 1 or 0, depending + whether the gnulib module canonicalize-lgpl shall be considered present. */ +#undef GNULIB_CANONICALIZE_LGPL + +/* Define to a C preprocessor expression that evaluates to 1 or 0, depending + whether the gnulib module sigpipe shall be considered present. */ +#undef GNULIB_SIGPIPE + +/* Define to a C preprocessor expression that evaluates to 1 or 0, depending + whether the gnulib module strerror shall be considered present. */ +#undef GNULIB_STRERROR + +/* Define to 1 when the gnulib module canonicalize_file_name should be tested. + */ +#undef GNULIB_TEST_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME + +/* Define to 1 when the gnulib module environ should be tested. */ +#undef GNULIB_TEST_ENVIRON + +/* Define to 1 when the gnulib module lstat should be tested. */ +#undef GNULIB_TEST_LSTAT + +/* Define to 1 when the gnulib module read should be tested. */ +#undef GNULIB_TEST_READ + +/* Define to 1 when the gnulib module readlink should be tested. */ +#undef GNULIB_TEST_READLINK + +/* Define to 1 when the gnulib module realpath should be tested. */ +#undef GNULIB_TEST_REALPATH + +/* Define to 1 when the gnulib module sigprocmask should be tested. */ +#undef GNULIB_TEST_SIGPROCMASK + +/* Define to 1 when the gnulib module stat should be tested. */ +#undef GNULIB_TEST_STAT + +/* Define to 1 when the gnulib module strerror should be tested. */ +#undef GNULIB_TEST_STRERROR + +/* Define to 1 if you have `alloca', as a function or macro. */ +#undef HAVE_ALLOCA + +/* Define to 1 if you have and it should be used (not on Ultrix). + */ +#undef HAVE_ALLOCA_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `canonicalize_file_name' function. */ +#undef HAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME + +/* Define to 1 if you have the MacOS X function CFLocaleCopyCurrent in the + CoreFoundation framework. */ +#undef HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT + +/* Define to 1 if you have the MacOS X function CFPreferencesCopyAppValue in + the CoreFoundation framework. */ +#undef HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE + +/* Define if the GNU dcgettext() function is already present or preinstalled. + */ +#undef HAVE_DCGETTEXT + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `clearerr_unlocked', and to 0 if + you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_CLEARERR_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `feof_unlocked', and to 0 if you + don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_FEOF_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `ferror_unlocked', and to 0 if + you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_FERROR_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `fflush_unlocked', and to 0 if + you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_FFLUSH_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `fgets_unlocked', and to 0 if + you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_FGETS_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `fputc_unlocked', and to 0 if + you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_FPUTC_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `fputs_unlocked', and to 0 if + you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_FPUTS_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `fread_unlocked', and to 0 if + you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_FREAD_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `fwrite_unlocked', and to 0 if + you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_FWRITE_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `getchar_unlocked', and to 0 if + you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_GETCHAR_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `getc_unlocked', and to 0 if you + don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_GETC_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `program_invocation_name', and + to 0 if you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_PROGRAM_INVOCATION_NAME + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `program_invocation_short_name', + and to 0 if you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_PROGRAM_INVOCATION_SHORT_NAME + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `putchar_unlocked', and to 0 if + you don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_PUTCHAR_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `putc_unlocked', and to 0 if you + don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_PUTC_UNLOCKED + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `setenv', and to 0 if you don't. + */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_SETENV + +/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `strerror_r', and to 0 if you + don't. */ +#undef HAVE_DECL_STRERROR_R + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_DLFCN_H + +/* Define if you have the declaration of environ. */ +#undef HAVE_ENVIRON_DECL + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `getcwd' function. */ +#undef HAVE_GETCWD + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `getc_unlocked' function. */ +#undef HAVE_GETC_UNLOCKED + +/* Define if the GNU gettext() function is already present or preinstalled. */ +#undef HAVE_GETTEXT + +/* Define if you have the iconv() function and it works. */ +#undef HAVE_ICONV + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_INTTYPES_H + +/* Define if you have and nl_langinfo(CODESET). */ +#undef HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET + +/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `long long int'. */ +#undef HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `lstat' function. */ +#undef HAVE_LSTAT + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_MACH_O_DYLD_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `mbrtowc' function. */ +#undef HAVE_MBRTOWC + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `mbsinit' function. */ +#undef HAVE_MBSINIT + +/* Define to 1 if declares mbstate_t. */ +#undef HAVE_MBSTATE_T + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `memmove' function. */ +#undef HAVE_MEMMOVE + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_MEMORY_H + +/* Define to 1 if atoll is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_ATOLL + +/* Define to 1 if canonicalize_file_name is declared even after undefining + macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME + +/* Define to 1 if chown is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_CHOWN + +/* Define to 1 if dprintf is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_DPRINTF + +/* Define to 1 if dup2 is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_DUP2 + +/* Define to 1 if dup3 is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_DUP3 + +/* Define to 1 if endusershell is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_ENDUSERSHELL + +/* Define to 1 if environ is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_ENVIRON + +/* Define to 1 if euidaccess is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_EUIDACCESS + +/* Define to 1 if faccessat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FACCESSAT + +/* Define to 1 if fchdir is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FCHDIR + +/* Define to 1 if fchmodat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FCHMODAT + +/* Define to 1 if fchownat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FCHOWNAT + +/* Define to 1 if fcntl is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FCNTL + +/* Define to 1 if ffsl is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FFSL + +/* Define to 1 if ffsll is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FFSLL + +/* Define to 1 if fpurge is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FPURGE + +/* Define to 1 if fseeko is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FSEEKO + +/* Define to 1 if fstatat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FSTATAT + +/* Define to 1 if fsync is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FSYNC + +/* Define to 1 if ftello is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FTELLO + +/* Define to 1 if ftruncate is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FTRUNCATE + +/* Define to 1 if futimens is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_FUTIMENS + +/* Define to 1 if getcwd is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETCWD + +/* Define to 1 if getdelim is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETDELIM + +/* Define to 1 if getdomainname is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETDOMAINNAME + +/* Define to 1 if getdtablesize is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETDTABLESIZE + +/* Define to 1 if getgroups is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETGROUPS + +/* Define to 1 if gethostname is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETHOSTNAME + +/* Define to 1 if getline is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETLINE + +/* Define to 1 if getloadavg is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETLOADAVG + +/* Define to 1 if getlogin is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETLOGIN + +/* Define to 1 if getlogin_r is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETLOGIN_R + +/* Define to 1 if getpagesize is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETPAGESIZE + +/* Define to 1 if getsubopt is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETSUBOPT + +/* Define to 1 if getusershell is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GETUSERSHELL + +/* Define to 1 if grantpt is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GRANTPT + +/* Define to 1 if group_member is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_GROUP_MEMBER + +/* Define to 1 if initstat_r is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_INITSTAT_R + +/* Define to 1 if lchmod is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_LCHMOD + +/* Define to 1 if lchown is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_LCHOWN + +/* Define to 1 if link is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_LINK + +/* Define to 1 if linkat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_LINKAT + +/* Define to 1 if lseek is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_LSEEK + +/* Define to 1 if lstat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_LSTAT + +/* Define to 1 if memmem is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MEMMEM + +/* Define to 1 if mempcpy is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MEMPCPY + +/* Define to 1 if memrchr is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MEMRCHR + +/* Define to 1 if mkdirat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MKDIRAT + +/* Define to 1 if mkdtemp is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MKDTEMP + +/* Define to 1 if mkfifo is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MKFIFO + +/* Define to 1 if mkfifoat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MKFIFOAT + +/* Define to 1 if mknod is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MKNOD + +/* Define to 1 if mknodat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MKNODAT + +/* Define to 1 if mkostemp is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MKOSTEMP + +/* Define to 1 if mkostemps is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MKOSTEMPS + +/* Define to 1 if mkstemp is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MKSTEMP + +/* Define to 1 if mkstemps is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_MKSTEMPS + +/* Define to 1 if openat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_OPENAT + +/* Define to 1 if pipe is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_PIPE + +/* Define to 1 if pipe2 is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_PIPE2 + +/* Define to 1 if popen is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_POPEN + +/* Define to 1 if pread is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_PREAD + +/* Define to 1 if pthread_sigmask is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_PTHREAD_SIGMASK + +/* Define to 1 if ptsname is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_PTSNAME + +/* Define to 1 if pwrite is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_PWRITE + +/* Define to 1 if random_r is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_RANDOM_R + +/* Define to 1 if rawmemchr is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_RAWMEMCHR + +/* Define to 1 if readlink is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_READLINK + +/* Define to 1 if readlinkat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_READLINKAT + +/* Define to 1 if realpath is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_REALPATH + +/* Define to 1 if renameat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_RENAMEAT + +/* Define to 1 if rmdir is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_RMDIR + +/* Define to 1 if rpmatch is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_RPMATCH + +/* Define to 1 if setenv is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SETENV + +/* Define to 1 if setstate_r is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SETSTATE_R + +/* Define to 1 if setusershell is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SETUSERSHELL + +/* Define to 1 if sigaction is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SIGACTION + +/* Define to 1 if sigaddset is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SIGADDSET + +/* Define to 1 if sigdelset is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SIGDELSET + +/* Define to 1 if sigemptyset is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SIGEMPTYSET + +/* Define to 1 if sigfillset is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SIGFILLSET + +/* Define to 1 if sigismember is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SIGISMEMBER + +/* Define to 1 if sigpending is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SIGPENDING + +/* Define to 1 if sigprocmask is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SIGPROCMASK + +/* Define to 1 if sleep is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SLEEP + +/* Define to 1 if snprintf is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SNPRINTF + +/* Define to 1 if srandom_r is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SRANDOM_R + +/* Define to 1 if stat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STAT + +/* Define to 1 if stpcpy is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STPCPY + +/* Define to 1 if stpncpy is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STPNCPY + +/* Define to 1 if strcasestr is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRCASESTR + +/* Define to 1 if strchrnul is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRCHRNUL + +/* Define to 1 if strdup is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRDUP + +/* Define to 1 if strerror_r is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRERROR_R + +/* Define to 1 if strncat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRNCAT + +/* Define to 1 if strndup is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRNDUP + +/* Define to 1 if strnlen is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRNLEN + +/* Define to 1 if strpbrk is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRPBRK + +/* Define to 1 if strsep is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRSEP + +/* Define to 1 if strsignal is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRSIGNAL + +/* Define to 1 if strtod is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRTOD + +/* Define to 1 if strtok_r is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRTOK_R + +/* Define to 1 if strtoll is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRTOLL + +/* Define to 1 if strtoull is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRTOULL + +/* Define to 1 if strverscmp is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_STRVERSCMP + +/* Define to 1 if symlink is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SYMLINK + +/* Define to 1 if symlinkat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_SYMLINKAT + +/* Define to 1 if tmpfile is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_TMPFILE + +/* Define to 1 if ttyname_r is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_TTYNAME_R + +/* Define to 1 if unlink is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_UNLINK + +/* Define to 1 if unlinkat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_UNLINKAT + +/* Define to 1 if unlockpt is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_UNLOCKPT + +/* Define to 1 if unsetenv is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_UNSETENV + +/* Define to 1 if usleep is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_USLEEP + +/* Define to 1 if utimensat is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_UTIMENSAT + +/* Define to 1 if vdprintf is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_VDPRINTF + +/* Define to 1 if vsnprintf is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL_VSNPRINTF + +/* Define to 1 if _Exit is declared even after undefining macros. */ +#undef HAVE_RAW_DECL__EXIT + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `readlink' function. */ +#undef HAVE_READLINK + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `readlinkat' function. */ +#undef HAVE_READLINKAT + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `realpath' function. */ +#undef HAVE_REALPATH + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SEARCH_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `setenv' function. */ +#undef HAVE_SETENV + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `setlocale' function. */ +#undef HAVE_SETLOCALE + +/* Define to 1 if 'sig_atomic_t' is a signed integer type. */ +#undef HAVE_SIGNED_SIG_ATOMIC_T + +/* Define to 1 if 'wchar_t' is a signed integer type. */ +#undef HAVE_SIGNED_WCHAR_T + +/* Define to 1 if 'wint_t' is a signed integer type. */ +#undef HAVE_SIGNED_WINT_T + +/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `sigset_t'. */ +#undef HAVE_SIGSET_T + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_STDINT_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_STDLIB_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `strerror_r' function. */ +#undef HAVE_STRERROR_R + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_STRINGS_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_STRING_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_BITYPES_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_INTTYPES_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `tsearch' function. */ +#undef HAVE_TSEARCH + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_UNISTD_H + +/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `unsigned long long int'. */ +#undef HAVE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG_INT + +/* Define to 1 or 0, depending whether the compiler supports simple visibility + declarations. */ +#undef HAVE_VISIBILITY + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_WCHAR_H + +/* Define if you have the 'wchar_t' type. */ +#undef HAVE_WCHAR_T + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `wcrtomb' function. */ +#undef HAVE_WCRTOMB + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_WINSOCK2_H + +/* Define to 1 if O_NOATIME works. */ +#undef HAVE_WORKING_O_NOATIME + +/* Define to 1 if O_NOFOLLOW works. */ +#undef HAVE_WORKING_O_NOFOLLOW + +/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `_Bool'. */ +#undef HAVE__BOOL + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `_NSGetExecutablePath' function. */ +#undef HAVE__NSGETEXECUTABLEPATH + +/* Define as const if the declaration of iconv() needs const. */ +#undef ICONV_CONST + +/* Define to the value of ${prefix}, as a string. */ +#undef INSTALLPREFIX + +/* Define to 1 if `lstat' dereferences a symlink specified with a trailing + slash. */ +#undef LSTAT_FOLLOWS_SLASHED_SYMLINK + +/* Define to the sub-directory in which libtool stores uninstalled libraries. + */ +#undef LT_OBJDIR + +/* If malloc(0) is != NULL, define this to 1. Otherwise define this to 0. */ +#undef MALLOC_0_IS_NONNULL + +/* Define to 1 if your C compiler doesn't accept -c and -o together. */ +#undef NO_MINUS_C_MINUS_O + +/* Name of package */ +#undef PACKAGE + +/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */ +#undef PACKAGE_BUGREPORT + +/* Define to the full name of this package. */ +#undef PACKAGE_NAME + +/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */ +#undef PACKAGE_STRING + +/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */ +#undef PACKAGE_TARNAME + +/* Define to the home page for this package. */ +#undef PACKAGE_URL + +/* Define to the version of this package. */ +#undef PACKAGE_VERSION + +/* Define to l, ll, u, ul, ull, etc., as suitable for constants of type + 'ptrdiff_t'. */ +#undef PTRDIFF_T_SUFFIX + +/* Define to 1 if readlink fails to recognize a trailing slash. */ +#undef READLINK_TRAILING_SLASH_BUG + +/* Define to 1 if stat needs help when passed a directory name with a trailing + slash */ +#undef REPLACE_FUNC_STAT_DIR + +/* Define to 1 if stat needs help when passed a file name with a trailing + slash */ +#undef REPLACE_FUNC_STAT_FILE + +/* Define to 1 if strerror(0) does not return a message implying success. */ +#undef REPLACE_STRERROR_0 + +/* Define to l, ll, u, ul, ull, etc., as suitable for constants of type + 'sig_atomic_t'. */ +#undef SIG_ATOMIC_T_SUFFIX + +/* Define to l, ll, u, ul, ull, etc., as suitable for constants of type + 'size_t'. */ +#undef SIZE_T_SUFFIX + +/* If using the C implementation of alloca, define if you know the + direction of stack growth for your system; otherwise it will be + automatically deduced at runtime. + STACK_DIRECTION > 0 => grows toward higher addresses + STACK_DIRECTION < 0 => grows toward lower addresses + STACK_DIRECTION = 0 => direction of growth unknown */ +#undef STACK_DIRECTION + +/* Define to 1 if the `S_IS*' macros in do not work properly. */ +#undef STAT_MACROS_BROKEN + +/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */ +#undef STDC_HEADERS + +/* Define to 1 if strerror_r returns char *. */ +#undef STRERROR_R_CHAR_P + +/* Define to the prefix of C symbols at the assembler and linker level, either + an underscore or empty. */ +#undef USER_LABEL_PREFIX + +/* Define to 1 if you want getc etc. to use unlocked I/O if available. + Unlocked I/O can improve performance in unithreaded apps, but it is not + safe for multithreaded apps. */ +#undef USE_UNLOCKED_IO + +/* Version number of package */ +#undef VERSION + +/* Define to l, ll, u, ul, ull, etc., as suitable for constants of type + 'wchar_t'. */ +#undef WCHAR_T_SUFFIX + +/* Define to l, ll, u, ul, ull, etc., as suitable for constants of type + 'wint_t'. */ +#undef WINT_T_SUFFIX + +/* Define if the machine's byte ordering is little endian. */ +#undef WORDS_LITTLEENDIAN + +/* Define to 1 if on MINIX. */ +#undef _MINIX + +/* The _Noreturn keyword of draft C1X. */ +#ifndef _Noreturn +# if (3 <= __GNUC__ || (__GNUC__ == 2 && 8 <= __GNUC_MINOR__) \ + || 0x5110 <= __SUNPRO_C) +# define _Noreturn __attribute__ ((__noreturn__)) +# elif 1200 <= _MSC_VER +# define _Noreturn __declspec (noreturn) +# else +# define _Noreturn +# endif +#endif + + +/* Define to 2 if the system does not provide POSIX.1 features except with + this defined. */ +#undef _POSIX_1_SOURCE + +/* Define to 1 if you need to in order for `stat' and other things to work. */ +#undef _POSIX_SOURCE + +/* Define to 500 only on HP-UX. */ +#undef _XOPEN_SOURCE + +/* Enable extensions on AIX 3, Interix. */ +#ifndef _ALL_SOURCE +# undef _ALL_SOURCE +#endif +/* Enable general extensions on MacOS X. */ +#ifndef _DARWIN_C_SOURCE +# undef _DARWIN_C_SOURCE +#endif +/* Enable GNU extensions on systems that have them. */ +#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE +# undef _GNU_SOURCE +#endif +/* Enable threading extensions on Solaris. */ +#ifndef _POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS +# undef _POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS +#endif +/* Enable extensions on HP NonStop. */ +#ifndef _TANDEM_SOURCE +# undef _TANDEM_SOURCE +#endif +/* Enable general extensions on Solaris. */ +#ifndef __EXTENSIONS__ +# undef __EXTENSIONS__ +#endif + + +/* Define to `int' if doesn't define. */ +#undef gid_t + +/* Define to `__inline__' or `__inline' if that's what the C compiler + calls it, or to nothing if 'inline' is not supported under any name. */ +#ifndef __cplusplus +#undef inline +#endif + +/* Work around a bug in Apple GCC 4.0.1 build 5465: In C99 mode, it supports + the ISO C 99 semantics of 'extern inline' (unlike the GNU C semantics of + earlier versions), but does not display it by setting __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__. + __APPLE__ && __MACH__ test for MacOS X. + __APPLE_CC__ tests for the Apple compiler and its version. + __STDC_VERSION__ tests for the C99 mode. */ +#if defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__ && __APPLE_CC__ >= 5465 && !defined __cplusplus && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L && !defined __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ +# define __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ 1 +#endif + +/* Define to a type if does not define. */ +#undef mbstate_t + +/* Define to the type of st_nlink in struct stat, or a supertype. */ +#undef nlink_t + +/* Define to the equivalent of the C99 'restrict' keyword, or to + nothing if this is not supported. Do not define if restrict is + supported directly. */ +#undef restrict +/* Work around a bug in Sun C++: it does not support _Restrict or + __restrict__, even though the corresponding Sun C compiler ends up with + "#define restrict _Restrict" or "#define restrict __restrict__" in the + previous line. Perhaps some future version of Sun C++ will work with + restrict; if so, hopefully it defines __RESTRICT like Sun C does. */ +#if defined __SUNPRO_CC && !defined __RESTRICT +# define _Restrict +# define __restrict__ +#endif + +/* Define to `unsigned int' if does not define. */ +#undef size_t + +/* Define as a signed type of the same size as size_t. */ +#undef ssize_t + +/* Define to `int' if doesn't define. */ +#undef uid_t + +/* Define as a marker that can be attached to declarations that might not + be used. This helps to reduce warnings, such as from + GCC -Wunused-parameter. */ +#if __GNUC__ >= 3 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7) +# define _GL_UNUSED __attribute__ ((__unused__)) +#else +# define _GL_UNUSED +#endif +/* The name _UNUSED_PARAMETER_ is an earlier spelling, although the name + is a misnomer outside of parameter lists. */ +#define _UNUSED_PARAMETER_ _GL_UNUSED + +/* The __pure__ attribute was added in gcc 2.96. */ +#if __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 96) +# define _GL_ATTRIBUTE_PURE __attribute__ ((__pure__)) +#else +# define _GL_ATTRIBUTE_PURE /* empty */ +#endif + +/* The __const__ attribute was added in gcc 2.95. */ +#if __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 95) +# define _GL_ATTRIBUTE_CONST __attribute__ ((__const__)) +#else +# define _GL_ATTRIBUTE_CONST /* empty */ +#endif + + + +/* On Windows, variables that may be in a DLL must be marked specially. */ +#if defined _MSC_VER && defined _DLL +# define DLL_VARIABLE __declspec (dllimport) +#else +# define DLL_VARIABLE +#endif + diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/converters.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/converters.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..18c5f9966 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/converters.h @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002, 2004-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* This file defines all the converters. */ + + +/* Our own notion of wide character, as UCS-4, according to ISO-10646-1. */ +typedef unsigned int ucs4_t; + +/* State used by a conversion. 0 denotes the initial state. */ +typedef unsigned int state_t; + +/* iconv_t is an opaque type. This is the real iconv_t type. */ +typedef struct conv_struct * conv_t; + +/* + * Data type for conversion multibyte -> unicode + */ +struct mbtowc_funcs { + int (*xxx_mbtowc) (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, unsigned char const *s, int n); + /* + * int xxx_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, unsigned char const *s, int n) + * converts the byte sequence starting at s to a wide character. Up to n bytes + * are available at s. n is >= 1. + * Result is number of bytes consumed (if a wide character was read), + * or -1 if invalid, or -2 if n too small, or -2-(number of bytes consumed) + * if only a shift sequence was read. + */ + int (*xxx_flushwc) (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc); + /* + * int xxx_flushwc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc) + * returns to the initial state and stores the pending wide character, if any. + * Result is 1 (if a wide character was read) or 0 if none was pending. + */ +}; + +/* Return code if invalid input after a shift sequence of n bytes was read. + (xxx_mbtowc) */ +#define RET_SHIFT_ILSEQ(n) (-1-2*(n)) +/* Return code if invalid. (xxx_mbtowc) */ +#define RET_ILSEQ RET_SHIFT_ILSEQ(0) +/* Return code if only a shift sequence of n bytes was read. (xxx_mbtowc) */ +#define RET_TOOFEW(n) (-2-2*(n)) +/* Retrieve the n from the encoded RET_... value. */ +#define DECODE_SHIFT_ILSEQ(r) ((unsigned int)(RET_SHIFT_ILSEQ(0) - (r)) / 2) +#define DECODE_TOOFEW(r) ((unsigned int)(RET_TOOFEW(0) - (r)) / 2) + +/* + * Data type for conversion unicode -> multibyte + */ +struct wctomb_funcs { + int (*xxx_wctomb) (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n); + /* + * int xxx_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) + * converts the wide character wc to the character set xxx, and stores the + * result beginning at r. Up to n bytes may be written at r. n is >= 1. + * Result is number of bytes written, or -1 if invalid, or -2 if n too small. + */ + int (*xxx_reset) (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, int n); + /* + * int xxx_reset (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, int n) + * stores a shift sequences returning to the initial state beginning at r. + * Up to n bytes may be written at r. n is >= 0. + * Result is number of bytes written, or -2 if n too small. + */ +}; + +/* Return code if invalid. (xxx_wctomb) */ +#define RET_ILUNI -1 +/* Return code if output buffer is too small. (xxx_wctomb, xxx_reset) */ +#define RET_TOOSMALL -2 + +/* + * Contents of a conversion descriptor. + */ +struct conv_struct { + struct loop_funcs lfuncs; + /* Input (conversion multibyte -> unicode) */ + int iindex; + struct mbtowc_funcs ifuncs; + state_t istate; + /* Output (conversion unicode -> multibyte) */ + int oindex; + struct wctomb_funcs ofuncs; + int oflags; + state_t ostate; + /* Operation flags */ + int transliterate; + int discard_ilseq; + #ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG + struct iconv_fallbacks fallbacks; + struct iconv_hooks hooks; + #endif +}; + +/* + * Include all the converters. + */ + +#include "ascii.h" + +/* General multi-byte encodings */ +#include "utf8.h" +#include "ucs2.h" +#include "ucs2be.h" +#include "ucs2le.h" +#include "ucs4.h" +#include "ucs4be.h" +#include "ucs4le.h" +#include "utf16.h" +#include "utf16be.h" +#include "utf16le.h" +#include "utf32.h" +#include "utf32be.h" +#include "utf32le.h" +#include "utf7.h" +#include "ucs2internal.h" +#include "ucs2swapped.h" +#include "ucs4internal.h" +#include "ucs4swapped.h" +#include "c99.h" +#include "java.h" + +/* 8-bit encodings */ +#include "iso8859_1.h" +#include "iso8859_2.h" +#include "iso8859_3.h" +#include "iso8859_4.h" +#include "iso8859_5.h" +#include "iso8859_6.h" +#include "iso8859_7.h" +#include "iso8859_8.h" +#include "iso8859_9.h" +#include "iso8859_10.h" +#include "iso8859_11.h" +#include "iso8859_13.h" +#include "iso8859_14.h" +#include "iso8859_15.h" +#include "iso8859_16.h" +#include "koi8_r.h" +#include "koi8_u.h" +#include "koi8_ru.h" +#include "cp1250.h" +#include "cp1251.h" +#include "cp1252.h" +#include "cp1253.h" +#include "cp1254.h" +#include "cp1255.h" +#include "cp1256.h" +#include "cp1257.h" +#include "cp1258.h" +#include "cp850.h" +#include "cp862.h" +#include "cp866.h" +#include "cp1131.h" +#include "mac_roman.h" +#include "mac_centraleurope.h" +#include "mac_iceland.h" +#include "mac_croatian.h" +#include "mac_romania.h" +#include "mac_cyrillic.h" +#include "mac_ukraine.h" +#include "mac_greek.h" +#include "mac_turkish.h" +#include "mac_hebrew.h" +#include "mac_arabic.h" +#include "mac_thai.h" +#include "hp_roman8.h" +#include "nextstep.h" +#include "armscii_8.h" +#include "georgian_academy.h" +#include "georgian_ps.h" +#include "koi8_t.h" +#include "pt154.h" +#include "rk1048.h" +#include "mulelao.h" +#include "cp1133.h" +#include "tis620.h" +#include "cp874.h" +#include "viscii.h" +#include "tcvn.h" + +/* CJK character sets [CCS = coded character set] [CJKV.INF chapter 3] */ + +typedef struct { + unsigned short indx; /* index into big table */ + unsigned short used; /* bitmask of used entries */ +} Summary16; + +#include "iso646_jp.h" +#include "jisx0201.h" +#include "jisx0208.h" +#include "jisx0212.h" + +#include "iso646_cn.h" +#include "gb2312.h" +#include "isoir165.h" +/*#include "gb12345.h"*/ +#include "gbk.h" +#include "cns11643.h" +#include "big5.h" + +#include "ksc5601.h" +#include "johab_hangul.h" + +/* CJK encodings [CES = character encoding scheme] [CJKV.INF chapter 4] */ + +#include "euc_jp.h" +#include "sjis.h" +#include "cp932.h" +#include "iso2022_jp.h" +#include "iso2022_jp1.h" +#include "iso2022_jp2.h" + +#include "euc_cn.h" +#include "ces_gbk.h" +#include "cp936.h" +#include "gb18030.h" +#include "iso2022_cn.h" +#include "iso2022_cnext.h" +#include "hz.h" +#include "euc_tw.h" +#include "ces_big5.h" +#include "cp950.h" +#include "big5hkscs1999.h" +#include "big5hkscs2001.h" +#include "big5hkscs2004.h" +#include "big5hkscs2008.h" + +#include "euc_kr.h" +#include "cp949.h" +#include "johab.h" +#include "iso2022_kr.h" + +/* Encodings used by system dependent locales. */ + +#ifdef USE_AIX +#include "cp856.h" +#include "cp922.h" +#include "cp943.h" +#include "cp1046.h" +#include "cp1124.h" +#include "cp1129.h" +#include "cp1161.h" +#include "cp1162.h" +#include "cp1163.h" +#endif + +#ifdef USE_OSF1 +#include "dec_kanji.h" +#include "dec_hanyu.h" +#endif + +#ifdef USE_DOS +#include "cp437.h" +#include "cp737.h" +#include "cp775.h" +#include "cp852.h" +#include "cp853.h" +#include "cp855.h" +#include "cp857.h" +#include "cp858.h" +#include "cp860.h" +#include "cp861.h" +#include "cp863.h" +#include "cp864.h" +#include "cp865.h" +#include "cp869.h" +#include "cp1125.h" +#endif + +#ifdef USE_EXTRA +#include "euc_jisx0213.h" +#include "shift_jisx0213.h" +#include "iso2022_jp3.h" +#include "big5_2003.h" +#include "tds565.h" +#include "atarist.h" +#include "riscos1.h" +#endif + diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1046.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1046.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b6716b73d --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1046.h @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP1046 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp1046_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0xfe88, 0x00d7, 0x00f7, 0xf8f6, 0xf8f5, 0xf8f4, 0xf8f7, 0xfe71, + 0x0088, 0x25a0, 0x2502, 0x2500, 0x2510, 0x250c, 0x2514, 0x2518, + /* 0x90 */ + 0xfe79, 0xfe7b, 0xfe7d, 0xfe7f, 0xfe77, 0xfe8a, 0xfef0, 0xfef3, + 0xfef2, 0xfece, 0xfecf, 0xfed0, 0xfef6, 0xfef8, 0xfefa, 0xfefc, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0xf8fa, 0xf8f9, 0xf8f8, 0x00a4, 0xf8fb, 0xfe8b, 0xfe91, + 0xfe97, 0xfe9b, 0xfe9f, 0xfea3, 0x060c, 0x00ad, 0xfea7, 0xfeb3, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x0660, 0x0661, 0x0662, 0x0663, 0x0664, 0x0665, 0x0666, 0x0667, + 0x0668, 0x0669, 0xfeb7, 0x061b, 0xfebb, 0xfebf, 0xfeca, 0x061f, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0xfecb, 0x0621, 0x0622, 0x0623, 0x0624, 0x0625, 0x0626, 0x0627, + 0x0628, 0x0629, 0x062a, 0x062b, 0x062c, 0x062d, 0x062e, 0x062f, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0630, 0x0631, 0x0632, 0x0633, 0x0634, 0x0635, 0x0636, 0x0637, + 0xfec7, 0x0639, 0x063a, 0xfecc, 0xfe82, 0xfe84, 0xfe8e, 0xfed3, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0640, 0x0641, 0x0642, 0x0643, 0x0644, 0x0645, 0x0646, 0x0647, + 0x0648, 0x0649, 0x064a, 0x064b, 0x064c, 0x064d, 0x064e, 0x064f, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0650, 0x0651, 0x0652, 0xfed7, 0xfedb, 0xfedf, 0xf8fc, 0xfef5, + 0xfef7, 0xfef9, 0xfefb, 0xfee3, 0xfee7, 0xfeec, 0xfee9, 0xfffd, +}; + +static int +cp1046_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = cp1046_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char cp1046_page00[112] = { + 0x88, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x81, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x82, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1046_page06[104] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xac, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbf, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0xd9, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1046_page25[32] = { + 0x8b, 0x00, 0x8a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x8c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x8f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1046_pagef8[16] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x84, 0x83, 0x86, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0xa3, 0xa2, 0xa1, 0xa5, 0xf6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1046_pagefe[144] = { + 0x00, 0x87, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x94, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x90, 0x00, 0x91, 0x00, 0x92, 0x00, 0x93, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x80, 0x00, 0x95, 0xa6, 0x00, 0x00, 0xde, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0xa7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa8, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xab, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xae, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xba, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbd, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd8, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xbe, 0xc0, 0xdb, 0x00, 0x99, 0x9a, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x9b, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf3, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf5, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x96, 0x00, 0x98, 0x97, 0x00, 0xf7, 0x9c, 0xf8, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x9d, 0xf9, 0x9e, 0xfa, 0x9f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; + +static int +cp1046_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x0088 && wc < 0x00f8) + c = cp1046_page00[wc-0x0088]; + else if (wc >= 0x0608 && wc < 0x0670) + c = cp1046_page06[wc-0x0608]; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x2520) + c = cp1046_page25[wc-0x2500]; + else if (wc == 0x25a0) + c = 0x89; + else if (wc >= 0xf8f0 && wc < 0xf900) + c = cp1046_pagef8[wc-0xf8f0]; + else if (wc >= 0xfe70 && wc < 0xff00) + c = cp1046_pagefe[wc-0xfe70]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1124.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1124.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8b97a7e85 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1124.h @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP1124 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp1124_2uni[96] = { + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x0401, 0x0402, 0x0490, 0x0404, 0x0405, 0x0406, 0x0407, + 0x0408, 0x0409, 0x040a, 0x040b, 0x040c, 0x00ad, 0x040e, 0x040f, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0412, 0x0413, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0416, 0x0417, + 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041a, 0x041b, 0x041c, 0x041d, 0x041e, 0x041f, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0424, 0x0425, 0x0426, 0x0427, + 0x0428, 0x0429, 0x042a, 0x042b, 0x042c, 0x042d, 0x042e, 0x042f, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0432, 0x0433, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0436, 0x0437, + 0x0438, 0x0439, 0x043a, 0x043b, 0x043c, 0x043d, 0x043e, 0x043f, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0444, 0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, + 0x0448, 0x0449, 0x044a, 0x044b, 0x044c, 0x044d, 0x044e, 0x044f, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x2116, 0x0451, 0x0452, 0x0491, 0x0454, 0x0455, 0x0456, 0x0457, + 0x0458, 0x0459, 0x045a, 0x045b, 0x045c, 0x00a7, 0x045e, 0x045f, +}; + +static int +cp1124_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0xa0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp1124_2uni[c-0xa0]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char cp1124_page00[16] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfd, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1124_page04[152] = { + 0x00, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0x00, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0x00, 0xae, 0xaf, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0x00, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0x00, 0xfe, 0xff, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xa3, 0xf3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; + +static int +cp1124_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x00a0) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00b0) + c = cp1124_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0400 && wc < 0x0498) + c = cp1124_page04[wc-0x0400]; + else if (wc == 0x2116) + c = 0xf0; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1125.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1125.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..802f0742d --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1125.h @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP1125 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp1125_2uni[80] = { + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, + 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255d, 0x255c, 0x255b, 0x2510, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2500, 0x253c, 0x255e, 0x255f, + 0x255a, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256c, 0x2567, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256b, + 0x256a, 0x2518, 0x250c, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258c, 0x2590, 0x2580, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0444, 0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, + 0x0448, 0x0449, 0x044a, 0x044b, 0x044c, 0x044d, 0x044e, 0x044f, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0401, 0x0451, 0x0490, 0x0491, 0x0404, 0x0454, 0x0406, 0x0456, + 0x0407, 0x0457, 0x00b7, 0x221a, 0x2116, 0x00a4, 0x25a0, 0x00a0, +}; + +static int +cp1125_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else if (c < 0xb0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c + 0x0390; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp1125_2uni[c-0xb0]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char cp1125_page00[24] = { + 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfa, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1125_page04[152] = { + 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf4, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xf8, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0xf1, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf5, 0x00, 0xf7, 0xf9, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xf2, 0xf3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1125_page25[168] = { + 0xc4, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xcd, 0xba, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xc9, 0xb8, 0xb7, 0xbb, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xd4, 0xd3, 0xc8, 0xbe, 0xbd, 0xbc, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xcc, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb9, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xcb, 0xcf, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0xd0, 0xca, 0xd8, 0xd7, 0xce, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xde, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ +}; + +static int +cp1125_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00b8) + c = cp1125_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0400 && wc < 0x0498) + c = cp1125_page04[wc-0x0400]; + else if (wc == 0x2116) + c = 0xfc; + else if (wc == 0x221a) + c = 0xfb; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = cp1125_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1129.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1129.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b7cff859 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1129.h @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP1129 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp1129_2uni[96] = { + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x00a1, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00a4, 0x00a5, 0x00a6, 0x00a7, + 0x0153, 0x00a9, 0x00aa, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x00ad, 0x00ae, 0x00af, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00b0, 0x00b1, 0x00b2, 0x00b3, 0x0178, 0x00b5, 0x00b6, 0x00b7, + 0x0152, 0x00b9, 0x00ba, 0x00bb, 0x00bc, 0x00bd, 0x00be, 0x00bf, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x00c0, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0x0102, 0x00c4, 0x00c5, 0x00c6, 0x00c7, + 0x00c8, 0x00c9, 0x00ca, 0x00cb, 0x0300, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x00cf, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0110, 0x00d1, 0x0309, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, 0x01a0, 0x00d6, 0x00d7, + 0x00d8, 0x00d9, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00dc, 0x01af, 0x0303, 0x00df, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x00e0, 0x00e1, 0x00e2, 0x0103, 0x00e4, 0x00e5, 0x00e6, 0x00e7, + 0x00e8, 0x00e9, 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x0301, 0x00ed, 0x00ee, 0x00ef, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0111, 0x00f1, 0x0323, 0x00f3, 0x00f4, 0x01a1, 0x00f6, 0x00f7, + 0x00f8, 0x00f9, 0x00fa, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, 0x01b0, 0x20ab, 0x00ff, +}; + +static int +cp1129_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0xa0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp1129_2uni[c-0xa0]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char cp1129_page00[272] = { + 0x00, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0x00, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0x00, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0x00, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0xd1, 0x00, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0x00, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdf, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0x00, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0x00, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0xf1, 0x00, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x0100 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0xe3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xd0, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xb8, 0xa8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xd5, 0xf5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdd, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1129_page03[40] = { + 0xcc, 0xec, 0x00, 0xde, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0xd2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; + +static int +cp1129_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x00a8) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a8 && wc < 0x01b8) + c = cp1129_page00[wc-0x00a8]; + else if (wc >= 0x0300 && wc < 0x0328) + c = cp1129_page03[wc-0x0300]; + else if (wc == 0x20ab) + c = 0xfe; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1131.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1131.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..15f4ed2ac --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1131.h @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP1131 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp1131_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0412, 0x0413, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0416, 0x0417, + 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041a, 0x041b, 0x041c, 0x041d, 0x041e, 0x041f, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0424, 0x0425, 0x0426, 0x0427, + 0x0428, 0x0429, 0x042a, 0x042b, 0x042c, 0x042d, 0x042e, 0x042f, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0432, 0x0433, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0436, 0x0437, + 0x0438, 0x0439, 0x043a, 0x043b, 0x043c, 0x043d, 0x043e, 0x043f, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, + 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255d, 0x255c, 0x255b, 0x2510, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2500, 0x253c, 0x255e, 0x255f, + 0x255a, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256c, 0x2567, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256b, + 0x256a, 0x2518, 0x250c, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258c, 0x2590, 0x2580, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0444, 0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, + 0x0448, 0x0449, 0x044a, 0x044b, 0x044c, 0x044d, 0x044e, 0x044f, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0401, 0x0451, 0x0404, 0x0454, 0x0407, 0x0457, 0x040e, 0x045e, + 0x0406, 0x0456, 0x00b7, 0x00a4, 0x0490, 0x0491, 0x2219, 0x00a0, +}; + +static int +cp1131_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp1131_2uni[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char cp1131_page00[24] = { + 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfa, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1131_page04[152] = { + 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf2, 0x00, 0xf8, 0xf4, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0xf1, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf3, 0x00, 0xf9, 0xf5, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf7, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xfc, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1131_page25[152] = { + 0xc4, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xcd, 0xba, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xc9, 0xb8, 0xb7, 0xbb, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xd4, 0xd3, 0xc8, 0xbe, 0xbd, 0xbc, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xcc, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb9, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xcb, 0xcf, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0xd0, 0xca, 0xd8, 0xd7, 0xce, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xde, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; + +static int +cp1131_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00b8) + c = cp1131_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0400 && wc < 0x0498) + c = cp1131_page04[wc-0x0400]; + else if (wc == 0x2219) + c = 0xfe; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x2598) + c = cp1131_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1133.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1133.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a16d93f1a --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1133.h @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * IBM-CP1133 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp1133_2uni_1[64] = { + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x0e81, 0x0e82, 0x0e84, 0x0e87, 0x0e88, 0x0eaa, 0x0e8a, + 0x0e8d, 0x0e94, 0x0e95, 0x0e96, 0x0e97, 0x0e99, 0x0e9a, 0x0e9b, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x0e9c, 0x0e9d, 0x0e9e, 0x0e9f, 0x0ea1, 0x0ea2, 0x0ea3, 0x0ea5, + 0x0ea7, 0x0eab, 0x0ead, 0x0eae, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x0eaf, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0eb0, 0x0eb2, 0x0eb3, 0x0eb4, 0x0eb5, 0x0eb6, 0x0eb7, 0x0eb8, + 0x0eb9, 0x0ebc, 0x0eb1, 0x0ebb, 0x0ebd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0ec0, 0x0ec1, 0x0ec2, 0x0ec3, 0x0ec4, 0x0ec8, 0x0ec9, 0x0eca, + 0x0ecb, 0x0ecc, 0x0ecd, 0x0ec6, 0xfffd, 0x0edc, 0x0edd, 0x20ad, +}; +static const unsigned short cp1133_2uni_2[16] = { + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0ed0, 0x0ed1, 0x0ed2, 0x0ed3, 0x0ed4, 0x0ed5, 0x0ed6, 0x0ed7, + 0x0ed8, 0x0ed9, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x00a2, 0x00ac, 0x00a6, 0xfffd, +}; + +static int +cp1133_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0xa0) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else if (c < 0xe0) { + unsigned short wc = cp1133_2uni_1[c-0xa0]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + else if (c < 0xf0) { + } + else { + unsigned short wc = cp1133_2uni_2[c-0xf0]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char cp1133_page00[16] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1133_page0e[96] = { + 0x00, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0x00, 0xa3, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa4, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xa5, 0x00, 0xa7, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa8, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0x00, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0x00, 0xb7, 0x00, 0xb8, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xa6, 0xb9, 0x00, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbf, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xc0, 0xca, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xc7, 0xc8, 0x00, 0xcb, 0xc9, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0x00, 0xdb, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdd, 0xde, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; + +static int +cp1133_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x00a0) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00b0) + c = cp1133_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0e80 && wc < 0x0ee0) + c = cp1133_page0e[wc-0x0e80]; + else if (wc == 0x20ad) + c = 0xdf; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1161.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1161.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b6349c67c --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1161.h @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP1161 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp1161_2uni[96] = { + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x0e48, 0x0e01, 0x0e02, 0x0e03, 0x0e04, 0x0e05, 0x0e06, 0x0e07, + 0x0e08, 0x0e09, 0x0e0a, 0x0e0b, 0x0e0c, 0x0e0d, 0x0e0e, 0x0e0f, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x0e10, 0x0e11, 0x0e12, 0x0e13, 0x0e14, 0x0e15, 0x0e16, 0x0e17, + 0x0e18, 0x0e19, 0x0e1a, 0x0e1b, 0x0e1c, 0x0e1d, 0x0e1e, 0x0e1f, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0e20, 0x0e21, 0x0e22, 0x0e23, 0x0e24, 0x0e25, 0x0e26, 0x0e27, + 0x0e28, 0x0e29, 0x0e2a, 0x0e2b, 0x0e2c, 0x0e2d, 0x0e2e, 0x0e2f, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0e30, 0x0e31, 0x0e32, 0x0e33, 0x0e34, 0x0e35, 0x0e36, 0x0e37, + 0x0e38, 0x0e39, 0x0e3a, 0x0e49, 0x0e4a, 0x0e4b, 0x20ac, 0x0e3f, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0e40, 0x0e41, 0x0e42, 0x0e43, 0x0e44, 0x0e45, 0x0e46, 0x0e47, + 0x0e48, 0x0e49, 0x0e4a, 0x0e4b, 0x0e4c, 0x0e4d, 0x0e4e, 0x0e4f, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0e50, 0x0e51, 0x0e52, 0x0e53, 0x0e54, 0x0e55, 0x0e56, 0x0e57, + 0x0e58, 0x0e59, 0x0e5a, 0x0e5b, 0x00a2, 0x00ac, 0x00a6, 0x00a0, +}; + +static int +cp1161_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else if (c < 0xa0) { + } + else { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp1161_2uni[c-0xa0]; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char cp1161_page00[16] = { + 0xff, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ +}; + +static int +cp1161_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00b0) + c = cp1161_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0e48 && wc < 0x0e4c) + c = wc-0x0d60; + else if (wc >= 0x0e00 && wc < 0x0e60) + c = cp874_page0e[wc-0x0e00]; + else if (wc == 0x20ac) + c = 0xde; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1162.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1162.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6c7fa82ae --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1162.h @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP1162 + */ + +static int +cp1162_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = cp874_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + if (c < 0xa0) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +cp1162_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x0080 && wc < 0x00a0 && cp874_2uni[wc-0x0080] == 0xfffd) + c = wc; + else if (wc == 0x00a0) + c = 0xa0; + else if (wc >= 0x0e00 && wc < 0x0e60) + c = cp874_page0e[wc-0x0e00]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2028) + c = cp874_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc == 0x20ac) + c = 0x80; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1163.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1163.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ca5d0b07d --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1163.h @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP1163 + */ + +static int +cp1163_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0xa0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else if (c == 0xa4) + *pwc = 0x20ac; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp1129_2uni[c-0xa0]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char cp1163_page20[8] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe, 0xa4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ +}; + +static int +cp1163_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x00a0 || (wc < 0x00a8 && wc != 0x00a4) || wc == 0x00d0) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a8 && wc < 0x01b8) + c = cp1129_page00[wc-0x00a8]; + else if (wc >= 0x0300 && wc < 0x0328) + c = cp1129_page03[wc-0x0300]; + else if (wc == 0x203e) + c = 0xaf; + else if (wc >= 0x20a8 && wc < 0x20b0) + c = cp1163_page20[wc-0x20a8]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1250.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1250.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b89300fec --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1250.h @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP1250 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp1250_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x20ac, 0xfffd, 0x201a, 0xfffd, 0x201e, 0x2026, 0x2020, 0x2021, + 0xfffd, 0x2030, 0x0160, 0x2039, 0x015a, 0x0164, 0x017d, 0x0179, + /* 0x90 */ + 0xfffd, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014, + 0xfffd, 0x2122, 0x0161, 0x203a, 0x015b, 0x0165, 0x017e, 0x017a, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x02c7, 0x02d8, 0x0141, 0x00a4, 0x0104, 0x00a6, 0x00a7, + 0x00a8, 0x00a9, 0x015e, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x00ad, 0x00ae, 0x017b, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00b0, 0x00b1, 0x02db, 0x0142, 0x00b4, 0x00b5, 0x00b6, 0x00b7, + 0x00b8, 0x0105, 0x015f, 0x00bb, 0x013d, 0x02dd, 0x013e, 0x017c, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0154, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0x0102, 0x00c4, 0x0139, 0x0106, 0x00c7, + 0x010c, 0x00c9, 0x0118, 0x00cb, 0x011a, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x010e, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0110, 0x0143, 0x0147, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, 0x0150, 0x00d6, 0x00d7, + 0x0158, 0x016e, 0x00da, 0x0170, 0x00dc, 0x00dd, 0x0162, 0x00df, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0155, 0x00e1, 0x00e2, 0x0103, 0x00e4, 0x013a, 0x0107, 0x00e7, + 0x010d, 0x00e9, 0x0119, 0x00eb, 0x011b, 0x00ed, 0x00ee, 0x010f, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0111, 0x0144, 0x0148, 0x00f3, 0x00f4, 0x0151, 0x00f6, 0x00f7, + 0x0159, 0x016f, 0x00fa, 0x0171, 0x00fc, 0x00fd, 0x0163, 0x02d9, +}; + +static int +cp1250_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = cp1250_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char cp1250_page00[224] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa4, 0x00, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0x00, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xb8, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0x00, 0xc4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc7, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, 0xcb, 0x00, 0xcd, 0xce, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0x00, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0x00, 0xdf, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0x00, 0xe4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe7, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0xe9, 0x00, 0xeb, 0x00, 0xed, 0xee, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xfa, 0x00, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x0100 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0xe3, 0xa5, 0xb9, 0xc6, 0xe6, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc8, 0xe8, 0xcf, 0xef, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xd0, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xca, 0xea, 0xcc, 0xec, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0xc5, 0xe5, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbc, 0xbe, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0xa3, 0xb3, 0xd1, 0xf1, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd2, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xd5, 0xf5, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xd8, 0xf8, 0x8c, 0x9c, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0xba, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x8a, 0x9a, 0xde, 0xfe, 0x8d, 0x9d, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd9, 0xf9, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0xdb, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x8f, 0x9f, 0xaf, 0xbf, 0x8e, 0x9e, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1250_page02[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa1, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xa2, 0xff, 0x00, 0xb2, 0x00, 0xbd, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1250_page20[48] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x96, 0x97, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x91, 0x92, 0x82, 0x00, 0x93, 0x94, 0x84, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x86, 0x87, 0x95, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x89, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x8b, 0x9b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ +}; + +static int +cp1250_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0180) + c = cp1250_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x02c0 && wc < 0x02e0) + c = cp1250_page02[wc-0x02c0]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2040) + c = cp1250_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc == 0x20ac) + c = 0x80; + else if (wc == 0x2122) + c = 0x99; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1251.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1251.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0fa540db4 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1251.h @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP1251 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp1251_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x0402, 0x0403, 0x201a, 0x0453, 0x201e, 0x2026, 0x2020, 0x2021, + 0x20ac, 0x2030, 0x0409, 0x2039, 0x040a, 0x040c, 0x040b, 0x040f, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x0452, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014, + 0xfffd, 0x2122, 0x0459, 0x203a, 0x045a, 0x045c, 0x045b, 0x045f, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x040e, 0x045e, 0x0408, 0x00a4, 0x0490, 0x00a6, 0x00a7, + 0x0401, 0x00a9, 0x0404, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x00ad, 0x00ae, 0x0407, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00b0, 0x00b1, 0x0406, 0x0456, 0x0491, 0x00b5, 0x00b6, 0x00b7, + 0x0451, 0x2116, 0x0454, 0x00bb, 0x0458, 0x0405, 0x0455, 0x0457, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0412, 0x0413, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0416, 0x0417, + 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041a, 0x041b, 0x041c, 0x041d, 0x041e, 0x041f, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0424, 0x0425, 0x0426, 0x0427, + 0x0428, 0x0429, 0x042a, 0x042b, 0x042c, 0x042d, 0x042e, 0x042f, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0432, 0x0433, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0436, 0x0437, + 0x0438, 0x0439, 0x043a, 0x043b, 0x043c, 0x043d, 0x043e, 0x043f, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0444, 0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, + 0x0448, 0x0449, 0x044a, 0x044b, 0x044c, 0x044d, 0x044e, 0x044f, +}; + +static int +cp1251_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = cp1251_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char cp1251_page00[32] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa4, 0x00, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xa9, 0x00, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1251_page04[152] = { + 0x00, 0xa8, 0x80, 0x81, 0xaa, 0xbd, 0xb2, 0xaf, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0xa3, 0x8a, 0x8c, 0x8e, 0x8d, 0x00, 0xa1, 0x8f, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0xb8, 0x90, 0x83, 0xba, 0xbe, 0xb3, 0xbf, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xbc, 0x9a, 0x9c, 0x9e, 0x9d, 0x00, 0xa2, 0x9f, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xa5, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1251_page20[48] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x96, 0x97, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x91, 0x92, 0x82, 0x00, 0x93, 0x94, 0x84, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x86, 0x87, 0x95, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x89, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x8b, 0x9b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ +}; + +static int +cp1251_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00c0) + c = cp1251_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0400 && wc < 0x0498) + c = cp1251_page04[wc-0x0400]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2040) + c = cp1251_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc == 0x20ac) + c = 0x88; + else if (wc == 0x2116) + c = 0xb9; + else if (wc == 0x2122) + c = 0x99; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1252.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1252.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..15644423a --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1252.h @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP1252 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp1252_2uni[32] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x20ac, 0xfffd, 0x201a, 0x0192, 0x201e, 0x2026, 0x2020, 0x2021, + 0x02c6, 0x2030, 0x0160, 0x2039, 0x0152, 0xfffd, 0x017d, 0xfffd, + /* 0x90 */ + 0xfffd, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014, + 0x02dc, 0x2122, 0x0161, 0x203a, 0x0153, 0xfffd, 0x017e, 0x0178, +}; + +static int +cp1252_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80 || c >= 0xa0) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = cp1252_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char cp1252_page01[72] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x8c, 0x9c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x8a, 0x9a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x9f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8e, 0x9e, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1252_page02[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x88, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x98, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1252_page20[48] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x96, 0x97, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x91, 0x92, 0x82, 0x00, 0x93, 0x94, 0x84, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x86, 0x87, 0x95, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x89, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x8b, 0x9b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ +}; + +static int +cp1252_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = wc; + else if (wc >= 0x0150 && wc < 0x0198) + c = cp1252_page01[wc-0x0150]; + else if (wc >= 0x02c0 && wc < 0x02e0) + c = cp1252_page02[wc-0x02c0]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2040) + c = cp1252_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc == 0x20ac) + c = 0x80; + else if (wc == 0x2122) + c = 0x99; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1253.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1253.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..020f0d6e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1253.h @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP1253 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp1253_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x20ac, 0xfffd, 0x201a, 0x0192, 0x201e, 0x2026, 0x2020, 0x2021, + 0xfffd, 0x2030, 0xfffd, 0x2039, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0x90 */ + 0xfffd, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014, + 0xfffd, 0x2122, 0xfffd, 0x203a, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x0385, 0x0386, 0x00a3, 0x00a4, 0x00a5, 0x00a6, 0x00a7, + 0x00a8, 0x00a9, 0xfffd, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x00ad, 0x00ae, 0x2015, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00b0, 0x00b1, 0x00b2, 0x00b3, 0x0384, 0x00b5, 0x00b6, 0x00b7, + 0x0388, 0x0389, 0x038a, 0x00bb, 0x038c, 0x00bd, 0x038e, 0x038f, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0390, 0x0391, 0x0392, 0x0393, 0x0394, 0x0395, 0x0396, 0x0397, + 0x0398, 0x0399, 0x039a, 0x039b, 0x039c, 0x039d, 0x039e, 0x039f, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x03a0, 0x03a1, 0xfffd, 0x03a3, 0x03a4, 0x03a5, 0x03a6, 0x03a7, + 0x03a8, 0x03a9, 0x03aa, 0x03ab, 0x03ac, 0x03ad, 0x03ae, 0x03af, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x03b0, 0x03b1, 0x03b2, 0x03b3, 0x03b4, 0x03b5, 0x03b6, 0x03b7, + 0x03b8, 0x03b9, 0x03ba, 0x03bb, 0x03bc, 0x03bd, 0x03be, 0x03bf, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x03c0, 0x03c1, 0x03c2, 0x03c3, 0x03c4, 0x03c5, 0x03c6, 0x03c7, + 0x03c8, 0x03c9, 0x03ca, 0x03cb, 0x03cc, 0x03cd, 0x03ce, 0xfffd, +}; + +static int +cp1253_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = cp1253_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char cp1253_page00[32] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0x00, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0x00, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, 0x00, 0xbd, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1253_page03[80] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0x00, 0xbc, 0x00, 0xbe, 0xbf, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0x00, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1253_page20[48] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x96, 0x97, 0xaf, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x91, 0x92, 0x82, 0x00, 0x93, 0x94, 0x84, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x86, 0x87, 0x95, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x89, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x8b, 0x9b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ +}; + +static int +cp1253_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00c0) + c = cp1253_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc == 0x0192) + c = 0x83; + else if (wc >= 0x0380 && wc < 0x03d0) + c = cp1253_page03[wc-0x0380]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2040) + c = cp1253_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc == 0x20ac) + c = 0x80; + else if (wc == 0x2122) + c = 0x99; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1254.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1254.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..845a01b89 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1254.h @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP1254 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp1254_2uni_1[32] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x20ac, 0xfffd, 0x201a, 0x0192, 0x201e, 0x2026, 0x2020, 0x2021, + 0x02c6, 0x2030, 0x0160, 0x2039, 0x0152, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0x90 */ + 0xfffd, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014, + 0x02dc, 0x2122, 0x0161, 0x203a, 0x0153, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x0178, +}; +static const unsigned short cp1254_2uni_2[16] = { + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x011e, 0x00d1, 0x00d2, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, 0x00d5, 0x00d6, 0x00d7, + 0x00d8, 0x00d9, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00dc, 0x0130, 0x015e, 0x00df, +}; +static const unsigned short cp1254_2uni_3[16] = { + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x011f, 0x00f1, 0x00f2, 0x00f3, 0x00f4, 0x00f5, 0x00f6, 0x00f7, + 0x00f8, 0x00f9, 0x00fa, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, 0x0131, 0x015f, 0x00ff, +}; + +static int +cp1254_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else if (c < 0xa0) { + unsigned short wc = cp1254_2uni_1[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + else if (c < 0xd0) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else if (c < 0xe0) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp1254_2uni_2[c-0xd0]; + return 1; + } + else if (c < 0xf0) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp1254_2uni_3[c-0xf0]; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char cp1254_page00[48] = { + 0x00, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdf, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1254_page01[128] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd0, 0xf0, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xdd, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x8c, 0x9c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xde, 0xfe, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x8a, 0x9a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x9f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1254_page02[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x88, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x98, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1254_page20[48] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x96, 0x97, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x91, 0x92, 0x82, 0x00, 0x93, 0x94, 0x84, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x86, 0x87, 0x95, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x89, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x8b, 0x9b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ +}; + +static int +cp1254_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00d0) + c = wc; + else if (wc >= 0x00d0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = cp1254_page00[wc-0x00d0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0118 && wc < 0x0198) + c = cp1254_page01[wc-0x0118]; + else if (wc >= 0x02c0 && wc < 0x02e0) + c = cp1254_page02[wc-0x02c0]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2040) + c = cp1254_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc == 0x20ac) + c = 0x80; + else if (wc == 0x2122) + c = 0x99; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1255.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1255.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e7761aeb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1255.h @@ -0,0 +1,380 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP1255 + */ + +#include "flushwc.h" + +/* Combining characters used in Hebrew encoding CP1255. */ + +/* Relevant combining characters: + 0x05b4, 0x05b7, 0x05b8, 0x05b9, 0x05bc, 0x05bf, 0x05c1, 0x05c2. */ + +/* Composition tables for each of the relevant combining characters. */ +static const struct { unsigned short base; unsigned short composed; } cp1255_comp_table_data[] = { +#define cp1255_comp_table05b4_idx 0 +#define cp1255_comp_table05b4_len 1 + { 0x05D9, 0xFB1D }, +#define cp1255_comp_table05b7_idx (cp1255_comp_table05b4_idx+cp1255_comp_table05b4_len) +#define cp1255_comp_table05b7_len 2 + { 0x05D0, 0xFB2E }, + { 0x05F2, 0xFB1F }, +#define cp1255_comp_table05b8_idx (cp1255_comp_table05b7_idx+cp1255_comp_table05b7_len) +#define cp1255_comp_table05b8_len 1 + { 0x05D0, 0xFB2F }, +#define cp1255_comp_table05b9_idx (cp1255_comp_table05b8_idx+cp1255_comp_table05b8_len) +#define cp1255_comp_table05b9_len 1 + { 0x05D5, 0xFB4B }, +#define cp1255_comp_table05bc_idx (cp1255_comp_table05b9_idx+cp1255_comp_table05b9_len) +#define cp1255_comp_table05bc_len 24 + { 0x05D0, 0xFB30 }, + { 0x05D1, 0xFB31 }, + { 0x05D2, 0xFB32 }, + { 0x05D3, 0xFB33 }, + { 0x05D4, 0xFB34 }, + { 0x05D5, 0xFB35 }, + { 0x05D6, 0xFB36 }, + { 0x05D8, 0xFB38 }, + { 0x05D9, 0xFB39 }, + { 0x05DA, 0xFB3A }, + { 0x05DB, 0xFB3B }, + { 0x05DC, 0xFB3C }, + { 0x05DE, 0xFB3E }, + { 0x05E0, 0xFB40 }, + { 0x05E1, 0xFB41 }, + { 0x05E3, 0xFB43 }, + { 0x05E4, 0xFB44 }, + { 0x05E6, 0xFB46 }, + { 0x05E7, 0xFB47 }, + { 0x05E8, 0xFB48 }, + { 0x05E9, 0xFB49 }, + { 0x05EA, 0xFB4A }, + { 0xFB2A, 0xFB2C }, + { 0xFB2B, 0xFB2D }, +#define cp1255_comp_table05bf_idx (cp1255_comp_table05bc_idx+cp1255_comp_table05bc_len) +#define cp1255_comp_table05bf_len 3 + { 0x05D1, 0xFB4C }, + { 0x05DB, 0xFB4D }, + { 0x05E4, 0xFB4E }, +#define cp1255_comp_table05c1_idx (cp1255_comp_table05bf_idx+cp1255_comp_table05bf_len) +#define cp1255_comp_table05c1_len 2 + { 0x05E9, 0xFB2A }, + { 0xFB49, 0xFB2C }, +#define cp1255_comp_table05c2_idx (cp1255_comp_table05c1_idx+cp1255_comp_table05c1_len) +#define cp1255_comp_table05c2_len 2 + { 0x05E9, 0xFB2B }, + { 0xFB49, 0xFB2D }, +}; +static const struct { unsigned int len; unsigned int idx; } cp1255_comp_table[] = { + { cp1255_comp_table05b4_len, cp1255_comp_table05b4_idx }, + { cp1255_comp_table05b7_len, cp1255_comp_table05b7_idx }, + { cp1255_comp_table05b8_len, cp1255_comp_table05b8_idx }, + { cp1255_comp_table05b9_len, cp1255_comp_table05b9_idx }, + { cp1255_comp_table05bc_len, cp1255_comp_table05bc_idx }, + { cp1255_comp_table05bf_len, cp1255_comp_table05bf_idx }, + { cp1255_comp_table05c1_len, cp1255_comp_table05c1_idx }, + { cp1255_comp_table05c2_len, cp1255_comp_table05c2_idx }, +}; + +/* Decomposition table for the relevant Unicode characters. */ +struct cp1255_decomp { unsigned short composed; unsigned short base; int comb1 : 8; signed int comb2 : 8; }; +static const struct cp1255_decomp cp1255_decomp_table[] = { + { 0xFB1D, 0x05D9, 0, -1 }, + { 0xFB1F, 0x05F2, 1, -1 }, + { 0xFB2A, 0x05E9, 6, -1 }, + { 0xFB2B, 0x05E9, 7, -1 }, + { 0xFB2C, 0x05E9, 4, 6 }, + { 0xFB2D, 0x05E9, 4, 7 }, + { 0xFB2E, 0x05D0, 1, -1 }, + { 0xFB2F, 0x05D0, 2, -1 }, + { 0xFB30, 0x05D0, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB31, 0x05D1, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB32, 0x05D2, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB33, 0x05D3, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB34, 0x05D4, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB35, 0x05D5, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB36, 0x05D6, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB38, 0x05D8, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB39, 0x05D9, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB3A, 0x05DA, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB3B, 0x05DB, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB3C, 0x05DC, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB3E, 0x05DE, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB40, 0x05E0, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB41, 0x05E1, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB43, 0x05E3, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB44, 0x05E4, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB46, 0x05E6, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB47, 0x05E7, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB48, 0x05E8, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB49, 0x05E9, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB4A, 0x05EA, 4, -1 }, + { 0xFB4B, 0x05D5, 3, -1 }, + { 0xFB4C, 0x05D1, 5, -1 }, + { 0xFB4D, 0x05DB, 5, -1 }, + { 0xFB4E, 0x05E4, 5, -1 }, +}; + +static const unsigned char cp1255_comb_table[] = { + 0xc4, 0xc7, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xcc, 0xcf, 0xd1, 0xd2, +}; + +static const unsigned short cp1255_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x20ac, 0xfffd, 0x201a, 0x0192, 0x201e, 0x2026, 0x2020, 0x2021, + 0x02c6, 0x2030, 0xfffd, 0x2039, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0x90 */ + 0xfffd, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014, + 0x02dc, 0x2122, 0xfffd, 0x203a, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x00a1, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x20aa, 0x00a5, 0x00a6, 0x00a7, + 0x00a8, 0x00a9, 0x00d7, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x00ad, 0x00ae, 0x00af, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00b0, 0x00b1, 0x00b2, 0x00b3, 0x00b4, 0x00b5, 0x00b6, 0x00b7, + 0x00b8, 0x00b9, 0x00f7, 0x00bb, 0x00bc, 0x00bd, 0x00be, 0x00bf, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x05b0, 0x05b1, 0x05b2, 0x05b3, 0x05b4, 0x05b5, 0x05b6, 0x05b7, + 0x05b8, 0x05b9, 0xfffd, 0x05bb, 0x05bc, 0x05bd, 0x05be, 0x05bf, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x05c0, 0x05c1, 0x05c2, 0x05c3, 0x05f0, 0x05f1, 0x05f2, 0x05f3, + 0x05f4, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x05d0, 0x05d1, 0x05d2, 0x05d3, 0x05d4, 0x05d5, 0x05d6, 0x05d7, + 0x05d8, 0x05d9, 0x05da, 0x05db, 0x05dc, 0x05dd, 0x05de, 0x05df, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x05e0, 0x05e1, 0x05e2, 0x05e3, 0x05e4, 0x05e5, 0x05e6, 0x05e7, + 0x05e8, 0x05e9, 0x05ea, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x200e, 0x200f, 0xfffd, +}; + +/* In the CP1255 to Unicode direction, the state contains a buffered + character, or 0 if none. */ + +static int +cp1255_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + unsigned short wc; + unsigned short last_wc; + if (c < 0x80) { + wc = c; + } else { + wc = cp1255_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc == 0xfffd) + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + last_wc = conv->istate; + if (last_wc) { + if (wc >= 0x05b0 && wc < 0x05c5) { + /* See whether last_wc and wc can be combined. */ + unsigned int k; + unsigned int i1, i2; + switch (wc) { + case 0x05b4: k = 0; break; + case 0x05b7: k = 1; break; + case 0x05b8: k = 2; break; + case 0x05b9: k = 3; break; + case 0x05bc: k = 4; break; + case 0x05bf: k = 5; break; + case 0x05c1: k = 6; break; + case 0x05c2: k = 7; break; + default: goto not_combining; + } + i1 = cp1255_comp_table[k].idx; + i2 = i1 + cp1255_comp_table[k].len-1; + if (last_wc >= cp1255_comp_table_data[i1].base + && last_wc <= cp1255_comp_table_data[i2].base) { + unsigned int i; + for (;;) { + i = (i1+i2)>>1; + if (last_wc == cp1255_comp_table_data[i].base) + break; + if (last_wc < cp1255_comp_table_data[i].base) { + if (i1 == i) + goto not_combining; + i2 = i; + } else { + if (i1 != i) + i1 = i; + else { + i = i2; + if (last_wc == cp1255_comp_table_data[i].base) + break; + goto not_combining; + } + } + } + last_wc = cp1255_comp_table_data[i].composed; + if (last_wc == 0xfb2a || last_wc == 0xfb2b || last_wc == 0xfb49) { + /* Buffer the combined character. */ + conv->istate = last_wc; + return RET_TOOFEW(1); + } else { + /* Output the combined character. */ + conv->istate = 0; + *pwc = (ucs4_t) last_wc; + return 1; + } + } + } + not_combining: + /* Output the buffered character. */ + conv->istate = 0; + *pwc = (ucs4_t) last_wc; + return 0; /* Don't advance the input pointer. */ + } + if ((wc >= 0x05d0 && wc <= 0x05ea && ((0x07db5f7f >> (wc - 0x05d0)) & 1)) + || wc == 0x05f2) { + /* wc is a possible match in cp1255_comp_table_data. Buffer it. */ + conv->istate = wc; + return RET_TOOFEW(1); + } else { + /* Output wc immediately. */ + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } +} + +#define cp1255_flushwc normal_flushwc + +static const unsigned char cp1255_page00[88] = { + 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0x00, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0x00, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0x00, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xba, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1255_page02[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x88, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x98, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1255_page05[72] = { + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0x00, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1255_page20[56] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfd, 0xfe, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x96, 0x97, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x91, 0x92, 0x82, 0x00, 0x93, 0x94, 0x84, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x86, 0x87, 0x95, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x89, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x8b, 0x9b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ +}; + +static int +cp1255_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00f8) + c = cp1255_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc == 0x0192) + c = 0x83; + else if (wc >= 0x02c0 && wc < 0x02e0) + c = cp1255_page02[wc-0x02c0]; + else if (wc >= 0x05b0 && wc < 0x05f8) + c = cp1255_page05[wc-0x05b0]; + else if (wc >= 0x2008 && wc < 0x2040) + c = cp1255_page20[wc-0x2008]; + else if (wc == 0x20aa) + c = 0xa4; + else if (wc == 0x20ac) + c = 0x80; + else if (wc == 0x2122) + c = 0x99; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + /* Try canonical decomposition. */ + { + /* Binary search through cp1255_decomp_table. */ + unsigned int i1 = 0; + unsigned int i2 = sizeof(cp1255_decomp_table)/sizeof(cp1255_decomp_table[0])-1; + if (wc >= cp1255_decomp_table[i1].composed + && wc <= cp1255_decomp_table[i2].composed) { + unsigned int i; + for (;;) { + /* Here i2 - i1 > 0. */ + i = (i1+i2)>>1; + if (wc == cp1255_decomp_table[i].composed) + break; + if (wc < cp1255_decomp_table[i].composed) { + if (i1 == i) + return RET_ILUNI; + /* Here i1 < i < i2. */ + i2 = i; + } else { + /* Here i1 <= i < i2. */ + if (i1 != i) + i1 = i; + else { + /* Here i2 - i1 = 1. */ + i = i2; + if (wc == cp1255_decomp_table[i].composed) + break; + else + return RET_ILUNI; + } + } + } + /* Found a canonical decomposition. */ + wc = cp1255_decomp_table[i].base; + /* wc is one of 0x05d0..0x05d6, 0x05d8..0x05dc, 0x05de, 0x05e0..0x05e1, + 0x05e3..0x05e4, 0x05e6..0x05ea, 0x05f2. */ + c = cp1255_page05[wc-0x05b0]; + if (cp1255_decomp_table[i].comb2 < 0) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = c; + r[1] = cp1255_comb_table[cp1255_decomp_table[i].comb1]; + return 2; + } else { + if (n < 3) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = c; + r[1] = cp1255_comb_table[cp1255_decomp_table[i].comb1]; + r[2] = cp1255_comb_table[cp1255_decomp_table[i].comb2]; + return 3; + } + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1256.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1256.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3804e8f4b --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1256.h @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP1256 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp1256_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x20ac, 0x067e, 0x201a, 0x0192, 0x201e, 0x2026, 0x2020, 0x2021, + 0x02c6, 0x2030, 0x0679, 0x2039, 0x0152, 0x0686, 0x0698, 0x0688, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x06af, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014, + 0x06a9, 0x2122, 0x0691, 0x203a, 0x0153, 0x200c, 0x200d, 0x06ba, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x060c, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00a4, 0x00a5, 0x00a6, 0x00a7, + 0x00a8, 0x00a9, 0x06be, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x00ad, 0x00ae, 0x00af, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00b0, 0x00b1, 0x00b2, 0x00b3, 0x00b4, 0x00b5, 0x00b6, 0x00b7, + 0x00b8, 0x00b9, 0x061b, 0x00bb, 0x00bc, 0x00bd, 0x00be, 0x061f, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x06c1, 0x0621, 0x0622, 0x0623, 0x0624, 0x0625, 0x0626, 0x0627, + 0x0628, 0x0629, 0x062a, 0x062b, 0x062c, 0x062d, 0x062e, 0x062f, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0630, 0x0631, 0x0632, 0x0633, 0x0634, 0x0635, 0x0636, 0x00d7, + 0x0637, 0x0638, 0x0639, 0x063a, 0x0640, 0x0641, 0x0642, 0x0643, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x00e0, 0x0644, 0x00e2, 0x0645, 0x0646, 0x0647, 0x0648, 0x00e7, + 0x00e8, 0x00e9, 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x0649, 0x064a, 0x00ee, 0x00ef, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x064b, 0x064c, 0x064d, 0x064e, 0x00f4, 0x064f, 0x0650, 0x00f7, + 0x0651, 0x00f9, 0x0652, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, 0x200e, 0x200f, 0x06d2, +}; + +static int +cp1256_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp1256_2uni[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char cp1256_page00[96] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0x00, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0x00, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd7, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0xe0, 0x00, 0xe2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe7, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0x00, 0x00, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf7, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x00, 0xf9, 0x00, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1256_page01[72] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x8c, 0x9c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1256_page06[208] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xba, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbf, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd8, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe1, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xe6, 0xec, 0xed, 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf5, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xf6, 0xf8, 0xfa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x8a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x81, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8d, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x8f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x9a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x8e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x98, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x90, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x9f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1256_page20[56] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0xfd, 0xfe, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x96, 0x97, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x91, 0x92, 0x82, 0x00, 0x93, 0x94, 0x84, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x86, 0x87, 0x95, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x89, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x8b, 0x9b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ +}; + +static int +cp1256_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = cp1256_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0150 && wc < 0x0198) + c = cp1256_page01[wc-0x0150]; + else if (wc == 0x02c6) + c = 0x88; + else if (wc >= 0x0608 && wc < 0x06d8) + c = cp1256_page06[wc-0x0608]; + else if (wc >= 0x2008 && wc < 0x2040) + c = cp1256_page20[wc-0x2008]; + else if (wc == 0x20ac) + c = 0x80; + else if (wc == 0x2122) + c = 0x99; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1257.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1257.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0d8518e4e --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1257.h @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP1257 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp1257_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x20ac, 0xfffd, 0x201a, 0xfffd, 0x201e, 0x2026, 0x2020, 0x2021, + 0xfffd, 0x2030, 0xfffd, 0x2039, 0xfffd, 0x00a8, 0x02c7, 0x00b8, + /* 0x90 */ + 0xfffd, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014, + 0xfffd, 0x2122, 0xfffd, 0x203a, 0xfffd, 0x00af, 0x02db, 0xfffd, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0xfffd, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00a4, 0xfffd, 0x00a6, 0x00a7, + 0x00d8, 0x00a9, 0x0156, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x00ad, 0x00ae, 0x00c6, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00b0, 0x00b1, 0x00b2, 0x00b3, 0x00b4, 0x00b5, 0x00b6, 0x00b7, + 0x00f8, 0x00b9, 0x0157, 0x00bb, 0x00bc, 0x00bd, 0x00be, 0x00e6, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0104, 0x012e, 0x0100, 0x0106, 0x00c4, 0x00c5, 0x0118, 0x0112, + 0x010c, 0x00c9, 0x0179, 0x0116, 0x0122, 0x0136, 0x012a, 0x013b, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0160, 0x0143, 0x0145, 0x00d3, 0x014c, 0x00d5, 0x00d6, 0x00d7, + 0x0172, 0x0141, 0x015a, 0x016a, 0x00dc, 0x017b, 0x017d, 0x00df, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0105, 0x012f, 0x0101, 0x0107, 0x00e4, 0x00e5, 0x0119, 0x0113, + 0x010d, 0x00e9, 0x017a, 0x0117, 0x0123, 0x0137, 0x012b, 0x013c, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0161, 0x0144, 0x0146, 0x00f3, 0x014d, 0x00f5, 0x00f6, 0x00f7, + 0x0173, 0x0142, 0x015b, 0x016b, 0x00fc, 0x017c, 0x017e, 0x02d9, +}; + +static int +cp1257_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = cp1257_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char cp1257_page00[224] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0x00, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x8d, 0xa9, 0x00, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0x9d, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x8f, 0xb9, 0x00, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xaf, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd3, 0x00, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xa8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdf, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xbf, 0x00, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0xe9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf3, 0x00, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0xb8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x0100 */ + 0xc2, 0xe2, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0xc3, 0xe3, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc8, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc7, 0xe7, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcb, 0xeb, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xc6, 0xe6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xec, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xce, 0xee, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0xe1, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcd, 0xed, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcf, 0xef, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0xd9, 0xf9, 0xd1, 0xf1, 0xd2, 0xf2, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd4, 0xf4, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0xba, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0xfa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xd0, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xdb, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xd8, 0xf8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0xca, 0xea, 0xdd, 0xfd, 0xde, 0xfe, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1257_page02[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8e, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x9e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1257_page20[48] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x96, 0x97, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x91, 0x92, 0x82, 0x00, 0x93, 0x94, 0x84, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x86, 0x87, 0x95, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x89, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x8b, 0x9b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ +}; + +static int +cp1257_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0180) + c = cp1257_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x02c0 && wc < 0x02e0) + c = cp1257_page02[wc-0x02c0]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2040) + c = cp1257_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc == 0x20ac) + c = 0x80; + else if (wc == 0x2122) + c = 0x99; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1258.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1258.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..578340483 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp1258.h @@ -0,0 +1,288 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP1258 + */ + +#include "flushwc.h" +#include "vietcomb.h" + +static const unsigned char cp1258_comb_table[] = { + 0xcc, 0xec, 0xde, 0xd2, 0xf2, +}; + +/* The possible bases in viet_comp_table_data: + 0x0041..0x0045, 0x0047..0x0049, 0x004B..0x0050, 0x0052..0x0057, + 0x0059..0x005A, 0x0061..0x0065, 0x0067..0x0069, 0x006B..0x0070, + 0x0072..0x0077, 0x0079..0x007A, 0x00A5, 0x00A8, 0x00C2, 0x00C5..0x00C7, + 0x00CA, 0x00CF, 0x00D3..0x00D4, 0x00D6, 0x00D8, 0x00DA, 0x00DC, 0x00E2, + 0x00E5..0x00E7, 0x00EA, 0x00EF, 0x00F3..0x00F4, 0x00F6, 0x00F8, 0x00FA, + 0x00FC, 0x0102..0x0103, 0x01A0..0x01A1, 0x01AF..0x01B0. */ +static const unsigned int cp1258_comp_bases[] = { + 0x06fdfbbe, 0x06fdfbbe, 0x00000000, 0x00000120, 0x155884e4, 0x155884e4, + 0x0000000c, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00018003 +}; + +static const unsigned short cp1258_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x20ac, 0xfffd, 0x201a, 0x0192, 0x201e, 0x2026, 0x2020, 0x2021, + 0x02c6, 0x2030, 0xfffd, 0x2039, 0x0152, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0x90 */ + 0xfffd, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014, + 0x02dc, 0x2122, 0xfffd, 0x203a, 0x0153, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x0178, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x00a1, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00a4, 0x00a5, 0x00a6, 0x00a7, + 0x00a8, 0x00a9, 0x00aa, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x00ad, 0x00ae, 0x00af, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00b0, 0x00b1, 0x00b2, 0x00b3, 0x00b4, 0x00b5, 0x00b6, 0x00b7, + 0x00b8, 0x00b9, 0x00ba, 0x00bb, 0x00bc, 0x00bd, 0x00be, 0x00bf, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x00c0, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0x0102, 0x00c4, 0x00c5, 0x00c6, 0x00c7, + 0x00c8, 0x00c9, 0x00ca, 0x00cb, 0x0300, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x00cf, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0110, 0x00d1, 0x0309, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, 0x01a0, 0x00d6, 0x00d7, + 0x00d8, 0x00d9, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00dc, 0x01af, 0x0303, 0x00df, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x00e0, 0x00e1, 0x00e2, 0x0103, 0x00e4, 0x00e5, 0x00e6, 0x00e7, + 0x00e8, 0x00e9, 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x0301, 0x00ed, 0x00ee, 0x00ef, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0111, 0x00f1, 0x0323, 0x00f3, 0x00f4, 0x01a1, 0x00f6, 0x00f7, + 0x00f8, 0x00f9, 0x00fa, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, 0x01b0, 0x20ab, 0x00ff, +}; + +/* In the CP1258 to Unicode direction, the state contains a buffered + character, or 0 if none. */ + +static int +cp1258_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + unsigned short wc; + unsigned short last_wc; + if (c < 0x80) { + wc = c; + } else { + wc = cp1258_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc == 0xfffd) + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + last_wc = conv->istate; + if (last_wc) { + if (wc >= 0x0300 && wc < 0x0340) { + /* See whether last_wc and wc can be combined. */ + unsigned int k; + unsigned int i1, i2; + switch (wc) { + case 0x0300: k = 0; break; + case 0x0301: k = 1; break; + case 0x0303: k = 2; break; + case 0x0309: k = 3; break; + case 0x0323: k = 4; break; + default: abort(); + } + i1 = viet_comp_table[k].idx; + i2 = i1 + viet_comp_table[k].len-1; + if (last_wc >= viet_comp_table_data[i1].base + && last_wc <= viet_comp_table_data[i2].base) { + unsigned int i; + for (;;) { + i = (i1+i2)>>1; + if (last_wc == viet_comp_table_data[i].base) + break; + if (last_wc < viet_comp_table_data[i].base) { + if (i1 == i) + goto not_combining; + i2 = i; + } else { + if (i1 != i) + i1 = i; + else { + i = i2; + if (last_wc == viet_comp_table_data[i].base) + break; + goto not_combining; + } + } + } + last_wc = viet_comp_table_data[i].composed; + /* Output the combined character. */ + conv->istate = 0; + *pwc = (ucs4_t) last_wc; + return 1; + } + } + not_combining: + /* Output the buffered character. */ + conv->istate = 0; + *pwc = (ucs4_t) last_wc; + return 0; /* Don't advance the input pointer. */ + } + if (wc >= 0x0041 && wc <= 0x01b0 + && ((cp1258_comp_bases[(wc - 0x0040) >> 5] >> (wc & 0x1f)) & 1)) { + /* wc is a possible match in viet_comp_table_data. Buffer it. */ + conv->istate = wc; + return RET_TOOFEW(1); + } else { + /* Output wc immediately. */ + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } +} + +#define cp1258_flushwc normal_flushwc + +static const unsigned char cp1258_page00[88] = { + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0x00, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0x00, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0xd1, 0x00, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0x00, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdf, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0x00, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0x00, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0xf1, 0x00, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x0100 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0xe3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xd0, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1258_page01[104] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x8c, 0x9c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x9f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xd5, 0xf5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdd, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1258_page02[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x88, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x98, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1258_page03[40] = { + 0xcc, 0xec, 0x00, 0xde, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0xd2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp1258_page20[48] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x96, 0x97, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x91, 0x92, 0x82, 0x00, 0x93, 0x94, 0x84, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x86, 0x87, 0x95, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x89, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x8b, 0x9b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ +}; + +static int +cp1258_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00c0) + c = wc; + else if (wc >= 0x00c0 && wc < 0x0118) + c = cp1258_page00[wc-0x00c0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0150 && wc < 0x01b8) + c = cp1258_page01[wc-0x0150]; + else if (wc >= 0x02c0 && wc < 0x02e0) + c = cp1258_page02[wc-0x02c0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0300 && wc < 0x0328) + c = cp1258_page03[wc-0x0300]; + else if (wc >= 0x0340 && wc < 0x0342) /* deprecated Vietnamese tone marks */ + c = cp1258_page03[wc-0x0340]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2040) + c = cp1258_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc == 0x20ab) + c = 0xfe; + else if (wc == 0x20ac) + c = 0x80; + else if (wc == 0x2122) + c = 0x99; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + /* Try canonical decomposition. */ + { + /* Binary search through viet_decomp_table. */ + unsigned int i1 = 0; + unsigned int i2 = sizeof(viet_decomp_table)/sizeof(viet_decomp_table[0])-1; + if (wc >= viet_decomp_table[i1].composed + && wc <= viet_decomp_table[i2].composed) { + unsigned int i; + for (;;) { + /* Here i2 - i1 > 0. */ + i = (i1+i2)>>1; + if (wc == viet_decomp_table[i].composed) + break; + if (wc < viet_decomp_table[i].composed) { + if (i1 == i) + return RET_ILUNI; + /* Here i1 < i < i2. */ + i2 = i; + } else { + /* Here i1 <= i < i2. */ + if (i1 != i) + i1 = i; + else { + /* Here i2 - i1 = 1. */ + i = i2; + if (wc == viet_decomp_table[i].composed) + break; + else + return RET_ILUNI; + } + } + } + /* Found a canonical decomposition. */ + wc = viet_decomp_table[i].base; + /* wc is one of 0x0020, 0x0041..0x005a, 0x0061..0x007a, 0x00a5, 0x00a8, + 0x00c2, 0x00c5..0x00c7, 0x00ca, 0x00cf, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, 0x00d6, + 0x00d8, 0x00da, 0x00dc, 0x00e2, 0x00e5..0x00e7, 0x00ea, 0x00ef, + 0x00f3, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x00f8, 0x00fc, 0x0102, 0x0103, 0x01a0, + 0x01a1, 0x01af, 0x01b0. */ + if (wc < 0x0100) + c = wc; + else if (wc < 0x0118) + c = cp1258_page00[wc-0x00c0]; + else + c = cp1258_page01[wc-0x0150]; + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = c; + r[1] = cp1258_comb_table[viet_decomp_table[i].comb1]; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp437.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp437.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a3c8e685b --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp437.h @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP437 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp437_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00c7, 0x00fc, 0x00e9, 0x00e2, 0x00e4, 0x00e0, 0x00e5, 0x00e7, + 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00e8, 0x00ef, 0x00ee, 0x00ec, 0x00c4, 0x00c5, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00c9, 0x00e6, 0x00c6, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x00f2, 0x00fb, 0x00f9, + 0x00ff, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00a5, 0x20a7, 0x0192, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00e1, 0x00ed, 0x00f3, 0x00fa, 0x00f1, 0x00d1, 0x00aa, 0x00ba, + 0x00bf, 0x2310, 0x00ac, 0x00bd, 0x00bc, 0x00a1, 0x00ab, 0x00bb, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, + 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255d, 0x255c, 0x255b, 0x2510, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2500, 0x253c, 0x255e, 0x255f, + 0x255a, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256c, 0x2567, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256b, + 0x256a, 0x2518, 0x250c, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258c, 0x2590, 0x2580, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x03b1, 0x00df, 0x0393, 0x03c0, 0x03a3, 0x03c3, 0x00b5, 0x03c4, + 0x03a6, 0x0398, 0x03a9, 0x03b4, 0x221e, 0x03c6, 0x03b5, 0x2229, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x2261, 0x00b1, 0x2265, 0x2264, 0x2320, 0x2321, 0x00f7, 0x2248, + 0x00b0, 0x2219, 0x00b7, 0x221a, 0x207f, 0x00b2, 0x25a0, 0x00a0, +}; + +static int +cp437_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp437_2uni[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char cp437_page00[96] = { + 0xff, 0xad, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x00, 0x9d, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xa6, 0xae, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xf8, 0xf1, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe6, 0x00, 0xfa, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xa7, 0xaf, 0xac, 0xab, 0x00, 0xa8, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8e, 0x8f, 0x92, 0x80, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0xa5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x99, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9a, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe1, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x85, 0xa0, 0x83, 0x00, 0x84, 0x86, 0x91, 0x87, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x8a, 0x82, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8d, 0xa1, 0x8c, 0x8b, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0xa4, 0x95, 0xa2, 0x93, 0x00, 0x94, 0xf6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x00, 0x97, 0xa3, 0x96, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x98, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp437_page03[56] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0xe9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe8, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xea, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xeb, 0xee, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xe3, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe5, 0xe7, 0x00, 0xed, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp437_page22[80] = { + 0x00, 0xf9, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xec, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0xef, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xf7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp437_page23[24] = { + 0xa9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xf4, 0xf5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp437_page25[168] = { + 0xc4, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xcd, 0xba, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xc9, 0xb8, 0xb7, 0xbb, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xd4, 0xd3, 0xc8, 0xbe, 0xbd, 0xbc, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xcc, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb9, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xcb, 0xcf, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0xd0, 0xca, 0xd8, 0xd7, 0xce, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xde, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ +}; + +static int +cp437_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = cp437_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc == 0x0192) + c = 0x9f; + else if (wc >= 0x0390 && wc < 0x03c8) + c = cp437_page03[wc-0x0390]; + else if (wc == 0x207f) + c = 0xfc; + else if (wc == 0x20a7) + c = 0x9e; + else if (wc >= 0x2218 && wc < 0x2268) + c = cp437_page22[wc-0x2218]; + else if (wc >= 0x2310 && wc < 0x2328) + c = cp437_page23[wc-0x2310]; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = cp437_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp737.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp737.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..955e458d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp737.h @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP737 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp737_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x0391, 0x0392, 0x0393, 0x0394, 0x0395, 0x0396, 0x0397, 0x0398, + 0x0399, 0x039a, 0x039b, 0x039c, 0x039d, 0x039e, 0x039f, 0x03a0, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x03a1, 0x03a3, 0x03a4, 0x03a5, 0x03a6, 0x03a7, 0x03a8, 0x03a9, + 0x03b1, 0x03b2, 0x03b3, 0x03b4, 0x03b5, 0x03b6, 0x03b7, 0x03b8, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x03b9, 0x03ba, 0x03bb, 0x03bc, 0x03bd, 0x03be, 0x03bf, 0x03c0, + 0x03c1, 0x03c3, 0x03c2, 0x03c4, 0x03c5, 0x03c6, 0x03c7, 0x03c8, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, + 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255d, 0x255c, 0x255b, 0x2510, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2500, 0x253c, 0x255e, 0x255f, + 0x255a, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256c, 0x2567, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256b, + 0x256a, 0x2518, 0x250c, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258c, 0x2590, 0x2580, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x03c9, 0x03ac, 0x03ad, 0x03ae, 0x03ca, 0x03af, 0x03cc, 0x03cd, + 0x03cb, 0x03ce, 0x0386, 0x0388, 0x0389, 0x038a, 0x038c, 0x038e, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x038f, 0x00b1, 0x2265, 0x2264, 0x03aa, 0x03ab, 0x00f7, 0x2248, + 0x00b0, 0x2219, 0x00b7, 0x221a, 0x207f, 0x00b2, 0x25a0, 0x00a0, +}; + +static int +cp737_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp737_2uni[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char cp737_page00[24] = { + 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xf8, 0xf1, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfa, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp737_page03[80] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xea, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0x00, 0xee, 0x00, 0xef, 0xf0, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x87, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0x8f, 0x90, 0x00, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x96, 0x97, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe5, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xaa, 0xa9, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xaf, 0xe0, 0xe4, 0xe8, 0xe6, 0xe7, 0xe9, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp737_page22[80] = { + 0x00, 0xf9, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xf7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp737_page25[168] = { + 0xc4, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xcd, 0xba, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xc9, 0xb8, 0xb7, 0xbb, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xd4, 0xd3, 0xc8, 0xbe, 0xbd, 0xbc, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xcc, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb9, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xcb, 0xcf, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0xd0, 0xca, 0xd8, 0xd7, 0xce, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xde, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ +}; + +static int +cp737_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00b8) + c = cp737_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc == 0x00f7) + c = 0xf6; + else if (wc >= 0x0380 && wc < 0x03d0) + c = cp737_page03[wc-0x0380]; + else if (wc == 0x207f) + c = 0xfc; + else if (wc >= 0x2218 && wc < 0x2268) + c = cp737_page22[wc-0x2218]; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = cp737_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp775.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp775.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b9a5a5c4e --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp775.h @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP775 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp775_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x0106, 0x00fc, 0x00e9, 0x0101, 0x00e4, 0x0123, 0x00e5, 0x0107, + 0x0142, 0x0113, 0x0156, 0x0157, 0x012b, 0x0179, 0x00c4, 0x00c5, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00c9, 0x00e6, 0x00c6, 0x014d, 0x00f6, 0x0122, 0x00a2, 0x015a, + 0x015b, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x00f8, 0x00a3, 0x00d8, 0x00d7, 0x00a4, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x0100, 0x012a, 0x00f3, 0x017b, 0x017c, 0x017a, 0x201d, 0x00a6, + 0x00a9, 0x00ae, 0x00ac, 0x00bd, 0x00bc, 0x0141, 0x00ab, 0x00bb, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x0104, 0x010c, 0x0118, + 0x0116, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255d, 0x012e, 0x0160, 0x2510, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2500, 0x253c, 0x0172, 0x016a, + 0x255a, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256c, 0x017d, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0105, 0x010d, 0x0119, 0x0117, 0x012f, 0x0161, 0x0173, 0x016b, + 0x017e, 0x2518, 0x250c, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258c, 0x2590, 0x2580, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x00d3, 0x00df, 0x014c, 0x0143, 0x00f5, 0x00d5, 0x00b5, 0x0144, + 0x0136, 0x0137, 0x013b, 0x013c, 0x0146, 0x0112, 0x0145, 0x2019, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x00ad, 0x00b1, 0x201c, 0x00be, 0x00b6, 0x00a7, 0x00f7, 0x201e, + 0x00b0, 0x2219, 0x00b7, 0x00b9, 0x00b3, 0x00b2, 0x25a0, 0x00a0, +}; + +static int +cp775_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp775_2uni[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char cp775_page00[224] = { + 0xff, 0x00, 0x96, 0x9c, 0x9f, 0x00, 0xa7, 0xf5, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xa8, 0x00, 0xae, 0xaa, 0xf0, 0xa9, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xf8, 0xf1, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0x00, 0xe6, 0xf4, 0xfa, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0xfb, 0x00, 0xaf, 0xac, 0xab, 0xf3, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8e, 0x8f, 0x92, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0xe5, 0x99, 0x9e, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x9d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9a, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe1, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x84, 0x86, 0x91, 0x00, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0x82, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa2, 0x00, 0xe4, 0x94, 0xf6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x9b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x0100 */ + 0xa0, 0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb5, 0xd0, 0x80, 0x87, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb6, 0xd1, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xed, 0x89, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb8, 0xd3, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xb7, 0xd2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x95, 0x85, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xa1, 0x8c, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbd, 0xd4, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe8, 0xe9, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xea, 0xeb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0xad, 0x88, 0xe3, 0xe7, 0xee, 0xec, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe2, 0x93, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8a, 0x8b, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x97, 0x98, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xbe, 0xd5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc7, 0xd7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc6, 0xd6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x8d, 0xa5, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xcf, 0xd8, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp775_page20[8] = { + 0x00, 0xef, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf2, 0xa6, 0xf7, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp775_page25[168] = { + 0xc4, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xcd, 0xba, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc8, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbc, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xcc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcb, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0xca, 0x00, 0x00, 0xce, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xde, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ +}; + +static int +cp775_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0180) + c = cp775_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x2018 && wc < 0x2020) + c = cp775_page20[wc-0x2018]; + else if (wc == 0x2219) + c = 0xf9; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = cp775_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp850.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp850.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..25acfee14 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp850.h @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP850 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp850_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00c7, 0x00fc, 0x00e9, 0x00e2, 0x00e4, 0x00e0, 0x00e5, 0x00e7, + 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00e8, 0x00ef, 0x00ee, 0x00ec, 0x00c4, 0x00c5, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00c9, 0x00e6, 0x00c6, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x00f2, 0x00fb, 0x00f9, + 0x00ff, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x00f8, 0x00a3, 0x00d8, 0x00d7, 0x0192, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00e1, 0x00ed, 0x00f3, 0x00fa, 0x00f1, 0x00d1, 0x00aa, 0x00ba, + 0x00bf, 0x00ae, 0x00ac, 0x00bd, 0x00bc, 0x00a1, 0x00ab, 0x00bb, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0x00c0, + 0x00a9, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255d, 0x00a2, 0x00a5, 0x2510, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2500, 0x253c, 0x00e3, 0x00c3, + 0x255a, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256c, 0x00a4, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x00f0, 0x00d0, 0x00ca, 0x00cb, 0x00c8, 0x0131, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, + 0x00cf, 0x2518, 0x250c, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x00a6, 0x00cc, 0x2580, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x00d3, 0x00df, 0x00d4, 0x00d2, 0x00f5, 0x00d5, 0x00b5, 0x00fe, + 0x00de, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00d9, 0x00fd, 0x00dd, 0x00af, 0x00b4, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x00ad, 0x00b1, 0x2017, 0x00be, 0x00b6, 0x00a7, 0x00f7, 0x00b8, + 0x00b0, 0x00a8, 0x00b7, 0x00b9, 0x00b3, 0x00b2, 0x25a0, 0x00a0, +}; + +static int +cp850_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp850_2uni[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char cp850_page00[96] = { + 0xff, 0xad, 0xbd, 0x9c, 0xcf, 0xbe, 0xdd, 0xf5, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xf9, 0xb8, 0xa6, 0xae, 0xaa, 0xf0, 0xa9, 0xee, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xf8, 0xf1, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xef, 0xe6, 0xf4, 0xfa, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xf7, 0xfb, 0xa7, 0xaf, 0xac, 0xab, 0xf3, 0xa8, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xb7, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xc7, 0x8e, 0x8f, 0x92, 0x80, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xd4, 0x90, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xde, 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0xd1, 0xa5, 0xe3, 0xe0, 0xe2, 0xe5, 0x99, 0x9e, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x9d, 0xeb, 0xe9, 0xea, 0x9a, 0xed, 0xe8, 0xe1, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x85, 0xa0, 0x83, 0xc6, 0x84, 0x86, 0x91, 0x87, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x8a, 0x82, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8d, 0xa1, 0x8c, 0x8b, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0xd0, 0xa4, 0x95, 0xa2, 0x93, 0xe4, 0x94, 0xf6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x9b, 0x97, 0xa3, 0x96, 0x81, 0xec, 0xe7, 0x98, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp850_page25[168] = { + 0xc4, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xcd, 0xba, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc8, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbc, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xcc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcb, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0xca, 0x00, 0x00, 0xce, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ +}; + +static int +cp850_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = cp850_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc == 0x0131) + c = 0xd5; + else if (wc == 0x0192) + c = 0x9f; + else if (wc == 0x2017) + c = 0xf2; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = cp850_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp852.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp852.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fac7a63f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp852.h @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP852 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp852_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00c7, 0x00fc, 0x00e9, 0x00e2, 0x00e4, 0x016f, 0x0107, 0x00e7, + 0x0142, 0x00eb, 0x0150, 0x0151, 0x00ee, 0x0179, 0x00c4, 0x0106, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00c9, 0x0139, 0x013a, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x013d, 0x013e, 0x015a, + 0x015b, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x0164, 0x0165, 0x0141, 0x00d7, 0x010d, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00e1, 0x00ed, 0x00f3, 0x00fa, 0x0104, 0x0105, 0x017d, 0x017e, + 0x0118, 0x0119, 0x00ac, 0x017a, 0x010c, 0x015f, 0x00ab, 0x00bb, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0x011a, + 0x015e, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255d, 0x017b, 0x017c, 0x2510, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2500, 0x253c, 0x0102, 0x0103, + 0x255a, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256c, 0x00a4, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0111, 0x0110, 0x010e, 0x00cb, 0x010f, 0x0147, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, + 0x011b, 0x2518, 0x250c, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x0162, 0x016e, 0x2580, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x00d3, 0x00df, 0x00d4, 0x0143, 0x0144, 0x0148, 0x0160, 0x0161, + 0x0154, 0x00da, 0x0155, 0x0170, 0x00fd, 0x00dd, 0x0163, 0x00b4, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x00ad, 0x02dd, 0x02db, 0x02c7, 0x02d8, 0x00a7, 0x00f7, 0x00b8, + 0x00b0, 0x00a8, 0x02d9, 0x0171, 0x0158, 0x0159, 0x25a0, 0x00a0, +}; + +static int +cp852_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp852_2uni[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char cp852_page00[224] = { + 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcf, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf5, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xf9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xae, 0xaa, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xf8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xef, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xf7, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0x00, 0x8e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x90, 0x00, 0xd3, 0x00, 0xd6, 0xd7, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0, 0xe2, 0x00, 0x99, 0x9e, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xe9, 0x00, 0x9a, 0xed, 0x00, 0xe1, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0xa0, 0x83, 0x00, 0x84, 0x00, 0x00, 0x87, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0x82, 0x00, 0x89, 0x00, 0xa1, 0x8c, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa2, 0x93, 0x00, 0x94, 0xf6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xa3, 0x00, 0x81, 0xec, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x0100 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0x8f, 0x86, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xac, 0x9f, 0xd2, 0xd4, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xd1, 0xd0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xb7, 0xd8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x91, 0x92, 0x00, 0x00, 0x95, 0x96, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x9d, 0x88, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd5, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xe5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe8, 0xea, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xfc, 0xfd, 0x97, 0x98, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb8, 0xad, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xe6, 0xe7, 0xdd, 0xee, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xde, 0x85, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0xeb, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x8d, 0xab, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp852_page02[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf3, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xf4, 0xfa, 0x00, 0xf2, 0x00, 0xf1, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp852_page25[168] = { + 0xc4, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xcd, 0xba, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc8, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbc, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xcc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcb, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0xca, 0x00, 0x00, 0xce, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ +}; + +static int +cp852_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0180) + c = cp852_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x02c0 && wc < 0x02e0) + c = cp852_page02[wc-0x02c0]; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = cp852_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp853.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp853.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fe82ae981 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp853.h @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP853 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp853_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00c7, 0x00fc, 0x00e9, 0x00e2, 0x00e4, 0x00e0, 0x0109, 0x00e7, + 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00e8, 0x00ef, 0x00ee, 0x00ec, 0x00c4, 0x0108, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00c9, 0x010b, 0x010a, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x00f2, 0x00fb, 0x00f9, + 0x0130, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x011d, 0x00a3, 0x011c, 0x00d7, 0x0135, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00e1, 0x00ed, 0x00f3, 0x00fa, 0x00f1, 0x00d1, 0x011e, 0x011f, + 0x0124, 0x0125, 0xfffd, 0x00bd, 0x0134, 0x015f, 0x00ab, 0x00bb, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0x00c0, + 0x015e, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255d, 0x017b, 0x017c, 0x2510, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2500, 0x253c, 0x015c, 0x015d, + 0x255a, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256c, 0x00a4, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x00ca, 0x00cb, 0x00c8, 0x0131, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, + 0x00cf, 0x2518, 0x250c, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0xfffd, 0x00cc, 0x2580, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x00d3, 0x00df, 0x00d4, 0x00d2, 0x0120, 0x0121, 0x00b5, 0x0126, + 0x0127, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00d9, 0x016c, 0x016d, 0xfffd, 0x00b4, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x00ad, 0xfffd, 0x2113, 0x0149, 0x02d8, 0x00a7, 0x00f7, 0x00b8, + 0x00b0, 0x00a8, 0x02d9, 0xfffd, 0x00b3, 0x00b2, 0x25a0, 0x00a0, +}; + +static int +cp853_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = cp853_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char cp853_page00[96] = { + 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9c, 0xcf, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf5, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xf9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xae, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xf8, 0x00, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xef, 0xe6, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xf7, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaf, 0x00, 0xab, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xb7, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0x00, 0x8e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xd4, 0x90, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xde, 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0xa5, 0xe3, 0xe0, 0xe2, 0x00, 0x99, 0x9e, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0xeb, 0xe9, 0xea, 0x9a, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe1, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x85, 0xa0, 0x83, 0x00, 0x84, 0x00, 0x00, 0x87, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x8a, 0x82, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8d, 0xa1, 0x8c, 0x8b, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0xa4, 0x95, 0xa2, 0x93, 0x00, 0x94, 0xf6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x00, 0x97, 0xa3, 0x96, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp853_page01[120] = { + 0x8f, 0x86, 0x92, 0x91, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9d, 0x9b, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xe4, 0xe5, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xe7, 0xe8, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x98, 0xd5, 0x00, 0x00, 0xac, 0x9f, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0xf3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xb8, 0xad, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xec, 0xed, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp853_page02[8] = { + 0xf4, 0xfa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp853_page25[168] = { + 0xc4, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xcd, 0xba, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc8, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbc, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xcc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcb, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0xca, 0x00, 0x00, 0xce, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ +}; + +static int +cp853_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = cp853_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0108 && wc < 0x0180) + c = cp853_page01[wc-0x0108]; + else if (wc >= 0x02d8 && wc < 0x02e0) + c = cp853_page02[wc-0x02d8]; + else if (wc == 0x2113) + c = 0xf2; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = cp853_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp855.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp855.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ddb8bf17d --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp855.h @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP855 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp855_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x0452, 0x0402, 0x0453, 0x0403, 0x0451, 0x0401, 0x0454, 0x0404, + 0x0455, 0x0405, 0x0456, 0x0406, 0x0457, 0x0407, 0x0458, 0x0408, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x0459, 0x0409, 0x045a, 0x040a, 0x045b, 0x040b, 0x045c, 0x040c, + 0x045e, 0x040e, 0x045f, 0x040f, 0x044e, 0x042e, 0x044a, 0x042a, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x0430, 0x0410, 0x0431, 0x0411, 0x0446, 0x0426, 0x0434, 0x0414, + 0x0435, 0x0415, 0x0444, 0x0424, 0x0433, 0x0413, 0x00ab, 0x00bb, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x0445, 0x0425, 0x0438, + 0x0418, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255d, 0x0439, 0x0419, 0x2510, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2500, 0x253c, 0x043a, 0x041a, + 0x255a, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256c, 0x00a4, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x043b, 0x041b, 0x043c, 0x041c, 0x043d, 0x041d, 0x043e, 0x041e, + 0x043f, 0x2518, 0x250c, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x041f, 0x044f, 0x2580, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x042f, 0x0440, 0x0420, 0x0441, 0x0421, 0x0442, 0x0422, 0x0443, + 0x0423, 0x0436, 0x0416, 0x0432, 0x0412, 0x044c, 0x042c, 0x2116, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x00ad, 0x044b, 0x042b, 0x0437, 0x0417, 0x0448, 0x0428, 0x044d, + 0x042d, 0x0449, 0x0429, 0x0447, 0x0427, 0x00a7, 0x25a0, 0x00a0, +}; + +static int +cp855_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp855_2uni[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char cp855_page00[32] = { + 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcf, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfd, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xae, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp855_page04[96] = { + 0x00, 0x85, 0x81, 0x83, 0x87, 0x89, 0x8b, 0x8d, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x8f, 0x91, 0x93, 0x95, 0x97, 0x00, 0x99, 0x9b, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xa1, 0xa3, 0xec, 0xad, 0xa7, 0xa9, 0xea, 0xf4, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xb8, 0xbe, 0xc7, 0xd1, 0xd3, 0xd5, 0xd7, 0xdd, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xe2, 0xe4, 0xe6, 0xe8, 0xab, 0xb6, 0xa5, 0xfc, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0xf6, 0xfa, 0x9f, 0xf2, 0xee, 0xf8, 0x9d, 0xe0, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xa0, 0xa2, 0xeb, 0xac, 0xa6, 0xa8, 0xe9, 0xf3, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xb7, 0xbd, 0xc6, 0xd0, 0xd2, 0xd4, 0xd6, 0xd8, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xe1, 0xe3, 0xe5, 0xe7, 0xaa, 0xb5, 0xa4, 0xfb, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xf5, 0xf9, 0x9e, 0xf1, 0xed, 0xf7, 0x9c, 0xde, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x84, 0x80, 0x82, 0x86, 0x88, 0x8a, 0x8c, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x8e, 0x90, 0x92, 0x94, 0x96, 0x00, 0x98, 0x9a, /* 0x58-0x5f */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp855_page25[168] = { + 0xc4, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xcd, 0xba, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc8, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbc, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xcc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcb, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0xca, 0x00, 0x00, 0xce, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ +}; + +static int +cp855_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00c0) + c = cp855_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0400 && wc < 0x0460) + c = cp855_page04[wc-0x0400]; + else if (wc == 0x2116) + c = 0xef; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = cp855_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp856.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp856.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..30ba80b33 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp856.h @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP856 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp856_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x05d0, 0x05d1, 0x05d2, 0x05d3, 0x05d4, 0x05d5, 0x05d6, 0x05d7, + 0x05d8, 0x05d9, 0x05da, 0x05db, 0x05dc, 0x05dd, 0x05de, 0x05df, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x05e0, 0x05e1, 0x05e2, 0x05e3, 0x05e4, 0x05e5, 0x05e6, 0x05e7, + 0x05e8, 0x05e9, 0x05ea, 0xfffd, 0x00a3, 0xfffd, 0x00d7, 0xfffd, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0x00ae, 0x00ac, 0x00bd, 0x00bc, 0xfffd, 0x00ab, 0x00bb, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0x00a9, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255d, 0x00a2, 0x00a5, 0x2510, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2500, 0x253c, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0x255a, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256c, 0x00a4, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0x2518, 0x250c, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x00a6, 0xfffd, 0x2580, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x00b5, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x00af, 0x00b4, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x00ad, 0x00b1, 0x2017, 0x00be, 0x00b6, 0x00a7, 0x00f7, 0x00b8, + 0x00b0, 0x00a8, 0x00b7, 0x00b9, 0x00b3, 0x00b2, 0x25a0, 0x00a0, +}; + +static int +cp856_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = cp856_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char cp856_page00[88] = { + 0xff, 0x00, 0xbd, 0x9c, 0xcf, 0xbe, 0xdd, 0xf5, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xf9, 0xb8, 0x00, 0xae, 0xaa, 0xf0, 0xa9, 0xee, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xf8, 0xf1, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xef, 0xe6, 0xf4, 0xfa, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xf7, 0xfb, 0x00, 0xaf, 0xac, 0xab, 0xf3, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9e, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp856_page05[32] = { + 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp856_page25[168] = { + 0xc4, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xcd, 0xba, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc8, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbc, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xcc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcb, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0xca, 0x00, 0x00, 0xce, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ +}; + +static int +cp856_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00f8) + c = cp856_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x05d0 && wc < 0x05f0) + c = cp856_page05[wc-0x05d0]; + else if (wc == 0x2017) + c = 0xf2; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = cp856_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp857.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp857.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..09de722d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp857.h @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP857 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp857_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00c7, 0x00fc, 0x00e9, 0x00e2, 0x00e4, 0x00e0, 0x00e5, 0x00e7, + 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00e8, 0x00ef, 0x00ee, 0x0131, 0x00c4, 0x00c5, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00c9, 0x00e6, 0x00c6, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x00f2, 0x00fb, 0x00f9, + 0x0130, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x00f8, 0x00a3, 0x00d8, 0x015e, 0x015f, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00e1, 0x00ed, 0x00f3, 0x00fa, 0x00f1, 0x00d1, 0x011e, 0x011f, + 0x00bf, 0x00ae, 0x00ac, 0x00bd, 0x00bc, 0x00a1, 0x00ab, 0x00bb, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0x00c0, + 0x00a9, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255d, 0x00a2, 0x00a5, 0x2510, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2500, 0x253c, 0x00e3, 0x00c3, + 0x255a, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256c, 0x00a4, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x00ba, 0x00aa, 0x00ca, 0x00cb, 0x00c8, 0xfffd, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, + 0x00cf, 0x2518, 0x250c, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x00a6, 0x00cc, 0x2580, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x00d3, 0x00df, 0x00d4, 0x00d2, 0x00f5, 0x00d5, 0x00b5, 0xfffd, + 0x00d7, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00d9, 0x00ec, 0x00ff, 0x00af, 0x00b4, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x00ad, 0x00b1, 0xfffd, 0x00be, 0x00b6, 0x00a7, 0x00f7, 0x00b8, + 0x00b0, 0x00a8, 0x00b7, 0x00b9, 0x00b3, 0x00b2, 0x25a0, 0x00a0, +}; + +static int +cp857_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = cp857_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char cp857_page00[96] = { + 0xff, 0xad, 0xbd, 0x9c, 0xcf, 0xbe, 0xdd, 0xf5, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xf9, 0xb8, 0xd1, 0xae, 0xaa, 0xf0, 0xa9, 0xee, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xf8, 0xf1, 0xfd, 0xfc, 0xef, 0xe6, 0xf4, 0xfa, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xf7, 0xfb, 0xd0, 0xaf, 0xac, 0xab, 0xf3, 0xa8, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xb7, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xc7, 0x8e, 0x8f, 0x92, 0x80, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xd4, 0x90, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xde, 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0xa5, 0xe3, 0xe0, 0xe2, 0xe5, 0x99, 0xe8, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x9d, 0xeb, 0xe9, 0xea, 0x9a, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe1, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x85, 0xa0, 0x83, 0xc6, 0x84, 0x86, 0x91, 0x87, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x8a, 0x82, 0x88, 0x89, 0xec, 0xa1, 0x8c, 0x8b, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0xa4, 0x95, 0xa2, 0x93, 0xe4, 0x94, 0xf6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x9b, 0x97, 0xa3, 0x96, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0xed, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp857_page01[72] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x98, 0x8d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9e, 0x9f, /* 0x58-0x5f */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp857_page25[168] = { + 0xc4, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xcd, 0xba, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc8, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbc, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xcc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcb, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0xca, 0x00, 0x00, 0xce, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ +}; + +static int +cp857_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = cp857_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0118 && wc < 0x0160) + c = cp857_page01[wc-0x0118]; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = cp857_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp858.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp858.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dd26d0a27 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp858.h @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP858 + */ + +static int +cp858_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else if (c == 0xd5) + *pwc = 0x20ac; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp850_2uni[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static int +cp858_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = cp850_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc == 0x0192) + c = 0x9f; + else if (wc == 0x2017) + c = 0xf2; + else if (wc == 0x20ac) + c = 0xd5; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = cp850_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp860.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp860.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2cca2f12f --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp860.h @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP860 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp860_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00c7, 0x00fc, 0x00e9, 0x00e2, 0x00e3, 0x00e0, 0x00c1, 0x00e7, + 0x00ea, 0x00ca, 0x00e8, 0x00cd, 0x00d4, 0x00ec, 0x00c3, 0x00c2, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00c9, 0x00c0, 0x00c8, 0x00f4, 0x00f5, 0x00f2, 0x00da, 0x00f9, + 0x00cc, 0x00d5, 0x00dc, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00d9, 0x20a7, 0x00d3, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00e1, 0x00ed, 0x00f3, 0x00fa, 0x00f1, 0x00d1, 0x00aa, 0x00ba, + 0x00bf, 0x00d2, 0x00ac, 0x00bd, 0x00bc, 0x00a1, 0x00ab, 0x00bb, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, + 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255d, 0x255c, 0x255b, 0x2510, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2500, 0x253c, 0x255e, 0x255f, + 0x255a, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256c, 0x2567, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256b, + 0x256a, 0x2518, 0x250c, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258c, 0x2590, 0x2580, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x03b1, 0x00df, 0x0393, 0x03c0, 0x03a3, 0x03c3, 0x00b5, 0x03c4, + 0x03a6, 0x0398, 0x03a9, 0x03b4, 0x221e, 0x03c6, 0x03b5, 0x2229, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x2261, 0x00b1, 0x2265, 0x2264, 0x2320, 0x2321, 0x00f7, 0x2248, + 0x00b0, 0x2219, 0x00b7, 0x221a, 0x207f, 0x00b2, 0x25a0, 0x00a0, +}; + +static int +cp860_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp860_2uni[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char cp860_page00[96] = { + 0xff, 0xad, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xa6, 0xae, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xf8, 0xf1, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe6, 0x00, 0xfa, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xa7, 0xaf, 0xac, 0xab, 0x00, 0xa8, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x91, 0x86, 0x8f, 0x8e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x92, 0x90, 0x89, 0x00, 0x98, 0x8b, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0xa5, 0xa9, 0x9f, 0x8c, 0x99, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x9d, 0x96, 0x00, 0x9a, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe1, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x85, 0xa0, 0x83, 0x84, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x87, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x8a, 0x82, 0x88, 0x00, 0x8d, 0xa1, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0xa4, 0x95, 0xa2, 0x93, 0x94, 0x00, 0xf6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x00, 0x97, 0xa3, 0x00, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp860_page03[56] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0xe9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe8, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xea, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xeb, 0xee, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xe3, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe5, 0xe7, 0x00, 0xed, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp860_page22[80] = { + 0x00, 0xf9, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xec, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0xef, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xf7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp860_page25[168] = { + 0xc4, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xcd, 0xba, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xc9, 0xb8, 0xb7, 0xbb, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xd4, 0xd3, 0xc8, 0xbe, 0xbd, 0xbc, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xcc, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb9, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xcb, 0xcf, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0xd0, 0xca, 0xd8, 0xd7, 0xce, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xde, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ +}; + +static int +cp860_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = cp860_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0390 && wc < 0x03c8) + c = cp860_page03[wc-0x0390]; + else if (wc == 0x207f) + c = 0xfc; + else if (wc == 0x20a7) + c = 0x9e; + else if (wc >= 0x2218 && wc < 0x2268) + c = cp860_page22[wc-0x2218]; + else if (wc >= 0x2320 && wc < 0x2322) + c = wc-0x222c; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = cp860_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp861.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp861.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..07bcf5f2d --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp861.h @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP861 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp861_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00c7, 0x00fc, 0x00e9, 0x00e2, 0x00e4, 0x00e0, 0x00e5, 0x00e7, + 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00e8, 0x00d0, 0x00f0, 0x00de, 0x00c4, 0x00c5, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00c9, 0x00e6, 0x00c6, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x00fe, 0x00fb, 0x00dd, + 0x00fd, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x00f8, 0x00a3, 0x00d8, 0x20a7, 0x0192, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00e1, 0x00ed, 0x00f3, 0x00fa, 0x00c1, 0x00cd, 0x00d3, 0x00da, + 0x00bf, 0x2310, 0x00ac, 0x00bd, 0x00bc, 0x00a1, 0x00ab, 0x00bb, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, + 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255d, 0x255c, 0x255b, 0x2510, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2500, 0x253c, 0x255e, 0x255f, + 0x255a, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256c, 0x2567, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256b, + 0x256a, 0x2518, 0x250c, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258c, 0x2590, 0x2580, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x03b1, 0x00df, 0x0393, 0x03c0, 0x03a3, 0x03c3, 0x00b5, 0x03c4, + 0x03a6, 0x0398, 0x03a9, 0x03b4, 0x221e, 0x03c6, 0x03b5, 0x2229, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x2261, 0x00b1, 0x2265, 0x2264, 0x2320, 0x2321, 0x00f7, 0x2248, + 0x00b0, 0x2219, 0x00b7, 0x221a, 0x207f, 0x00b2, 0x25a0, 0x00a0, +}; + +static int +cp861_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp861_2uni[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char cp861_page00[96] = { + 0xff, 0xad, 0x00, 0x9c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xae, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xf8, 0xf1, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe6, 0x00, 0xfa, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaf, 0xac, 0xab, 0x00, 0xa8, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0xa4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8e, 0x8f, 0x92, 0x80, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa5, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x8b, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x99, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x9d, 0x00, 0xa7, 0x00, 0x9a, 0x97, 0x8d, 0xe1, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x85, 0xa0, 0x83, 0x00, 0x84, 0x86, 0x91, 0x87, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x8a, 0x82, 0x88, 0x89, 0x00, 0xa1, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x8c, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa2, 0x93, 0x00, 0x94, 0xf6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x9b, 0x00, 0xa3, 0x96, 0x81, 0x98, 0x95, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp861_page03[56] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0xe9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe8, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xea, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xeb, 0xee, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xe3, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe5, 0xe7, 0x00, 0xed, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp861_page22[80] = { + 0x00, 0xf9, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xec, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0xef, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xf7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp861_page23[24] = { + 0xa9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xf4, 0xf5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp861_page25[168] = { + 0xc4, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xcd, 0xba, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xc9, 0xb8, 0xb7, 0xbb, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xd4, 0xd3, 0xc8, 0xbe, 0xbd, 0xbc, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xcc, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb9, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xcb, 0xcf, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0xd0, 0xca, 0xd8, 0xd7, 0xce, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xde, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ +}; + +static int +cp861_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = cp861_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc == 0x0192) + c = 0x9f; + else if (wc >= 0x0390 && wc < 0x03c8) + c = cp861_page03[wc-0x0390]; + else if (wc == 0x207f) + c = 0xfc; + else if (wc == 0x20a7) + c = 0x9e; + else if (wc >= 0x2218 && wc < 0x2268) + c = cp861_page22[wc-0x2218]; + else if (wc >= 0x2310 && wc < 0x2328) + c = cp861_page23[wc-0x2310]; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = cp861_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp862.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp862.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..623fc4d5f --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp862.h @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP862 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp862_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x05d0, 0x05d1, 0x05d2, 0x05d3, 0x05d4, 0x05d5, 0x05d6, 0x05d7, + 0x05d8, 0x05d9, 0x05da, 0x05db, 0x05dc, 0x05dd, 0x05de, 0x05df, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x05e0, 0x05e1, 0x05e2, 0x05e3, 0x05e4, 0x05e5, 0x05e6, 0x05e7, + 0x05e8, 0x05e9, 0x05ea, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00a5, 0x20a7, 0x0192, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00e1, 0x00ed, 0x00f3, 0x00fa, 0x00f1, 0x00d1, 0x00aa, 0x00ba, + 0x00bf, 0x2310, 0x00ac, 0x00bd, 0x00bc, 0x00a1, 0x00ab, 0x00bb, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, + 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255d, 0x255c, 0x255b, 0x2510, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2500, 0x253c, 0x255e, 0x255f, + 0x255a, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256c, 0x2567, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256b, + 0x256a, 0x2518, 0x250c, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258c, 0x2590, 0x2580, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x03b1, 0x00df, 0x0393, 0x03c0, 0x03a3, 0x03c3, 0x00b5, 0x03c4, + 0x03a6, 0x0398, 0x03a9, 0x03b4, 0x221e, 0x03c6, 0x03b5, 0x2229, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x2261, 0x00b1, 0x2265, 0x2264, 0x2320, 0x2321, 0x00f7, 0x2248, + 0x00b0, 0x2219, 0x00b7, 0x221a, 0x207f, 0x00b2, 0x25a0, 0x00a0, +}; + +static int +cp862_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp862_2uni[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char cp862_page00[96] = { + 0xff, 0xad, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x00, 0x9d, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xa6, 0xae, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xf8, 0xf1, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe6, 0x00, 0xfa, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xa7, 0xaf, 0xac, 0xab, 0x00, 0xa8, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0xa5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe1, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa1, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0xa4, 0x00, 0xa2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xa3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp862_page03[56] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0xe9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe8, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xea, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xeb, 0xee, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xe3, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe5, 0xe7, 0x00, 0xed, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp862_page22[80] = { + 0x00, 0xf9, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xec, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0xef, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xf7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp862_page25[168] = { + 0xc4, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xcd, 0xba, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xc9, 0xb8, 0xb7, 0xbb, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xd4, 0xd3, 0xc8, 0xbe, 0xbd, 0xbc, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xcc, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb9, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xcb, 0xcf, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0xd0, 0xca, 0xd8, 0xd7, 0xce, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xde, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ +}; + +static int +cp862_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = cp862_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc == 0x0192) + c = 0x9f; + else if (wc >= 0x0390 && wc < 0x03c8) + c = cp862_page03[wc-0x0390]; + else if (wc >= 0x05d0 && wc < 0x05eb) + c = wc-0x0550; + else if (wc == 0x207f) + c = 0xfc; + else if (wc == 0x20a7) + c = 0x9e; + else if (wc >= 0x2218 && wc < 0x2268) + c = cp862_page22[wc-0x2218]; + else if (wc == 0x2310) + c = 0xa9; + else if (wc >= 0x2320 && wc < 0x2322) + c = wc-0x222c; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = cp862_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp863.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp863.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5890ad423 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp863.h @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP863 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp863_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00c7, 0x00fc, 0x00e9, 0x00e2, 0x00c2, 0x00e0, 0x00b6, 0x00e7, + 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00e8, 0x00ef, 0x00ee, 0x2017, 0x00c0, 0x00a7, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00c9, 0x00c8, 0x00ca, 0x00f4, 0x00cb, 0x00cf, 0x00fb, 0x00f9, + 0x00a4, 0x00d4, 0x00dc, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00d9, 0x00db, 0x0192, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a6, 0x00b4, 0x00f3, 0x00fa, 0x00a8, 0x00b8, 0x00b3, 0x00af, + 0x00ce, 0x2310, 0x00ac, 0x00bd, 0x00bc, 0x00be, 0x00ab, 0x00bb, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, + 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255d, 0x255c, 0x255b, 0x2510, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2500, 0x253c, 0x255e, 0x255f, + 0x255a, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256c, 0x2567, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256b, + 0x256a, 0x2518, 0x250c, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258c, 0x2590, 0x2580, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x03b1, 0x00df, 0x0393, 0x03c0, 0x03a3, 0x03c3, 0x00b5, 0x03c4, + 0x03a6, 0x0398, 0x03a9, 0x03b4, 0x221e, 0x03c6, 0x03b5, 0x2229, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x2261, 0x00b1, 0x2265, 0x2264, 0x2320, 0x2321, 0x00f7, 0x2248, + 0x00b0, 0x2219, 0x00b7, 0x221a, 0x207f, 0x00b2, 0x25a0, 0x00a0, +}; + +static int +cp863_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp863_2uni[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char cp863_page00[96] = { + 0xff, 0x00, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x98, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x8f, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xa4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xae, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa7, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xf8, 0xf1, 0xfd, 0xa6, 0xa1, 0xe6, 0x86, 0xfa, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xa5, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaf, 0xac, 0xab, 0xad, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x8e, 0x00, 0x84, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x91, 0x90, 0x92, 0x94, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa8, 0x95, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x99, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x9d, 0x00, 0x9e, 0x9a, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe1, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x85, 0x00, 0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x87, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x8a, 0x82, 0x88, 0x89, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8c, 0x8b, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa2, 0x93, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x00, 0x97, 0xa3, 0x96, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp863_page03[56] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0xe9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe8, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xea, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xeb, 0xee, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xe3, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe5, 0xe7, 0x00, 0xed, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp863_page22[80] = { + 0x00, 0xf9, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xec, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0xef, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xf7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp863_page23[24] = { + 0xa9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xf4, 0xf5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp863_page25[168] = { + 0xc4, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xcd, 0xba, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xc9, 0xb8, 0xb7, 0xbb, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xd4, 0xd3, 0xc8, 0xbe, 0xbd, 0xbc, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xcc, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb9, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xcb, 0xcf, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0xd0, 0xca, 0xd8, 0xd7, 0xce, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xde, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ +}; + +static int +cp863_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = cp863_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc == 0x0192) + c = 0x9f; + else if (wc >= 0x0390 && wc < 0x03c8) + c = cp863_page03[wc-0x0390]; + else if (wc == 0x2017) + c = 0x8d; + else if (wc == 0x207f) + c = 0xfc; + else if (wc >= 0x2218 && wc < 0x2268) + c = cp863_page22[wc-0x2218]; + else if (wc >= 0x2310 && wc < 0x2328) + c = cp863_page23[wc-0x2310]; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = cp863_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp864.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp864.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a1d8c4a23 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp864.h @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP864 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp864_2uni_1[16] = { + /* 0x20 */ + 0x0020, 0x0021, 0x0022, 0x0023, 0x0024, 0x066a, 0x0026, 0x0027, + 0x0028, 0x0029, 0x002a, 0x002b, 0x002c, 0x002d, 0x002e, 0x002f, +}; +static const unsigned short cp864_2uni_2[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00b0, 0x00b7, 0x2219, 0x221a, 0x2592, 0x2500, 0x2502, 0x253c, + 0x2524, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2534, 0x2510, 0x250c, 0x2514, 0x2518, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x03b2, 0x221e, 0x03c6, 0x00b1, 0x00bd, 0x00bc, 0x2248, 0x00ab, + 0x00bb, 0xfef7, 0xfef8, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfefb, 0xfefc, 0xfffd, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x00ad, 0xfe82, 0x00a3, 0x00a4, 0xfe84, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfe8e, 0xfe8f, 0xfe95, 0xfe99, 0x060c, 0xfe9d, 0xfea1, 0xfea5, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x0660, 0x0661, 0x0662, 0x0663, 0x0664, 0x0665, 0x0666, 0x0667, + 0x0668, 0x0669, 0xfed1, 0x061b, 0xfeb1, 0xfeb5, 0xfeb9, 0x061f, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x00a2, 0xfe80, 0xfe81, 0xfe83, 0xfe85, 0xfeca, 0xfe8b, 0xfe8d, + 0xfe91, 0xfe93, 0xfe97, 0xfe9b, 0xfe9f, 0xfea3, 0xfea7, 0xfea9, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0xfeab, 0xfead, 0xfeaf, 0xfeb3, 0xfeb7, 0xfebb, 0xfebf, 0xfec1, + 0xfec5, 0xfecb, 0xfecf, 0x00a6, 0x00ac, 0x00f7, 0x00d7, 0xfec9, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0640, 0xfed3, 0xfed7, 0xfedb, 0xfedf, 0xfee3, 0xfee7, 0xfeeb, + 0xfeed, 0xfeef, 0xfef3, 0xfebd, 0xfecc, 0xfece, 0xfecd, 0xfee1, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0xfe7d, 0x0651, 0xfee5, 0xfee9, 0xfeec, 0xfef0, 0xfef2, 0xfed0, + 0xfed5, 0xfef5, 0xfef6, 0xfedd, 0xfed9, 0xfef1, 0x25a0, 0xfffd, +}; + +static int +cp864_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x20) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else if (c < 0x30) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp864_2uni_1[c-0x20]; + return 1; + } + else if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = cp864_2uni_2[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char cp864_page00[8] = { + 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x00, 0x26, 0x27, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp864_page00_1[88] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0xc0, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0x00, 0xdb, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x97, 0xdc, 0xa1, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x80, 0x93, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x81, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x98, 0x95, 0x94, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xde, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdd, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp864_page06[104] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xac, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbf, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0xf1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp864_page22[56] = { + 0x00, 0x82, 0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x91, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x96, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp864_page25[64] = { + 0x85, 0x00, 0x86, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x8c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x8f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x88, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x89, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x87, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp864_pagefe[136] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xa2, 0xc3, 0xa5, 0xc4, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc6, 0x00, 0xc7, 0xa8, 0xa9, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0xc8, 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xca, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0xab, 0x00, 0xcb, 0x00, 0xad, 0x00, 0xcc, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0x00, 0xae, 0x00, 0xcd, 0x00, 0xaf, 0x00, 0xce, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xcf, 0x00, 0xd0, 0x00, 0xd1, 0x00, 0xd2, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0xbc, 0x00, 0xd3, 0x00, 0xbd, 0x00, 0xd4, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0xbe, 0x00, 0xd5, 0x00, 0xeb, 0x00, 0xd6, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0xd7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd8, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0xdf, 0xc5, 0xd9, 0xec, 0xee, 0xed, 0xda, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0xf7, 0xba, 0x00, 0xe1, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x00, 0xe2, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0xfc, 0x00, 0xe3, 0x00, 0xfb, 0x00, 0xe4, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0xef, 0x00, 0xe5, 0x00, 0xf2, 0x00, 0xe6, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0xf3, 0x00, 0xe7, 0xf4, 0xe8, 0x00, 0xe9, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0xf5, 0xfd, 0xf6, 0xea, 0x00, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0x99, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x9a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; + +static int +cp864_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0020) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x0020 && wc < 0x0028) + c = cp864_page00[wc-0x0020]; + else if (wc >= 0x0028 && wc < 0x0080) + c = wc; + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00f8) + c = cp864_page00_1[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc == 0x03b2) + c = 0x90; + else if (wc == 0x03c6) + c = 0x92; + else if (wc >= 0x0608 && wc < 0x0670) + c = cp864_page06[wc-0x0608]; + else if (wc >= 0x2218 && wc < 0x2250) + c = cp864_page22[wc-0x2218]; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x2540) + c = cp864_page25[wc-0x2500]; + else if (wc == 0x2592) + c = 0x84; + else if (wc == 0x25a0) + c = 0xfe; + else if (wc >= 0xfe78 && wc < 0xff00) + c = cp864_pagefe[wc-0xfe78]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp865.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp865.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3944916d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp865.h @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP865 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp865_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00c7, 0x00fc, 0x00e9, 0x00e2, 0x00e4, 0x00e0, 0x00e5, 0x00e7, + 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00e8, 0x00ef, 0x00ee, 0x00ec, 0x00c4, 0x00c5, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00c9, 0x00e6, 0x00c6, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x00f2, 0x00fb, 0x00f9, + 0x00ff, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x00f8, 0x00a3, 0x00d8, 0x20a7, 0x0192, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00e1, 0x00ed, 0x00f3, 0x00fa, 0x00f1, 0x00d1, 0x00aa, 0x00ba, + 0x00bf, 0x2310, 0x00ac, 0x00bd, 0x00bc, 0x00a1, 0x00ab, 0x00a4, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, + 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255d, 0x255c, 0x255b, 0x2510, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2500, 0x253c, 0x255e, 0x255f, + 0x255a, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256c, 0x2567, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256b, + 0x256a, 0x2518, 0x250c, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258c, 0x2590, 0x2580, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x03b1, 0x00df, 0x0393, 0x03c0, 0x03a3, 0x03c3, 0x00b5, 0x03c4, + 0x03a6, 0x0398, 0x03a9, 0x03b4, 0x221e, 0x03c6, 0x03b5, 0x2229, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x2261, 0x00b1, 0x2265, 0x2264, 0x2320, 0x2321, 0x00f7, 0x2248, + 0x00b0, 0x2219, 0x00b7, 0x221a, 0x207f, 0x00b2, 0x25a0, 0x00a0, +}; + +static int +cp865_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp865_2uni[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char cp865_page00[96] = { + 0xff, 0xad, 0x00, 0x9c, 0xaf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xa6, 0xae, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xf8, 0xf1, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe6, 0x00, 0xfa, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xa7, 0x00, 0xac, 0xab, 0x00, 0xa8, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8e, 0x8f, 0x92, 0x80, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0xa5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x99, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x9d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9a, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe1, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x85, 0xa0, 0x83, 0x00, 0x84, 0x86, 0x91, 0x87, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x8a, 0x82, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8d, 0xa1, 0x8c, 0x8b, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0xa4, 0x95, 0xa2, 0x93, 0x00, 0x94, 0xf6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x9b, 0x97, 0xa3, 0x96, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x98, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp865_page03[56] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0xe9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe8, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xea, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xeb, 0xee, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xe3, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe5, 0xe7, 0x00, 0xed, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp865_page22[80] = { + 0x00, 0xf9, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xec, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0xef, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xf7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp865_page23[24] = { + 0xa9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xf4, 0xf5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp865_page25[168] = { + 0xc4, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xcd, 0xba, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xc9, 0xb8, 0xb7, 0xbb, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xd4, 0xd3, 0xc8, 0xbe, 0xbd, 0xbc, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xcc, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb9, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xcb, 0xcf, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0xd0, 0xca, 0xd8, 0xd7, 0xce, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xde, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ +}; + +static int +cp865_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = cp865_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc == 0x0192) + c = 0x9f; + else if (wc >= 0x0390 && wc < 0x03c8) + c = cp865_page03[wc-0x0390]; + else if (wc == 0x207f) + c = 0xfc; + else if (wc == 0x20a7) + c = 0x9e; + else if (wc >= 0x2218 && wc < 0x2268) + c = cp865_page22[wc-0x2218]; + else if (wc >= 0x2310 && wc < 0x2328) + c = cp865_page23[wc-0x2310]; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = cp865_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp866.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp866.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0aaa2169f --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp866.h @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP866 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp866_2uni[80] = { + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, + 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255d, 0x255c, 0x255b, 0x2510, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2500, 0x253c, 0x255e, 0x255f, + 0x255a, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256c, 0x2567, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256b, + 0x256a, 0x2518, 0x250c, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258c, 0x2590, 0x2580, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0444, 0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, + 0x0448, 0x0449, 0x044a, 0x044b, 0x044c, 0x044d, 0x044e, 0x044f, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0401, 0x0451, 0x0404, 0x0454, 0x0407, 0x0457, 0x040e, 0x045e, + 0x00b0, 0x2219, 0x00b7, 0x221a, 0x2116, 0x00a4, 0x25a0, 0x00a0, +}; + +static int +cp866_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else if (c < 0xb0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c + 0x0390; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp866_2uni[c-0xb0]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char cp866_page00[24] = { + 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xf8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfa, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp866_page04[96] = { + 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf4, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0xf1, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf3, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf5, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf7, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp866_page22[8] = { + 0x00, 0xf9, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp866_page25[168] = { + 0xc4, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xcd, 0xba, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xc9, 0xb8, 0xb7, 0xbb, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xd4, 0xd3, 0xc8, 0xbe, 0xbd, 0xbc, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xcc, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb9, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xcb, 0xcf, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0xd0, 0xca, 0xd8, 0xd7, 0xce, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xde, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ +}; + +static int +cp866_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00b8) + c = cp866_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0400 && wc < 0x0460) + c = cp866_page04[wc-0x0400]; + else if (wc == 0x2116) + c = 0xfc; + else if (wc >= 0x2218 && wc < 0x2220) + c = cp866_page22[wc-0x2218]; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = cp866_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp869.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp869.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8e839d2cf --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp869.h @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP869 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp869_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x0386, 0xfffd, + 0x00b7, 0x00ac, 0x00a6, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x0388, 0x2015, 0x0389, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x038a, 0x03aa, 0x038c, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x038e, 0x03ab, 0x00a9, + 0x038f, 0x00b2, 0x00b3, 0x03ac, 0x00a3, 0x03ad, 0x03ae, 0x03af, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x03ca, 0x0390, 0x03cc, 0x03cd, 0x0391, 0x0392, 0x0393, 0x0394, + 0x0395, 0x0396, 0x0397, 0x00bd, 0x0398, 0x0399, 0x00ab, 0x00bb, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x039a, 0x039b, 0x039c, + 0x039d, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255d, 0x039e, 0x039f, 0x2510, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2500, 0x253c, 0x03a0, 0x03a1, + 0x255a, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256c, 0x03a3, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x03a4, 0x03a5, 0x03a6, 0x03a7, 0x03a8, 0x03a9, 0x03b1, 0x03b2, + 0x03b3, 0x2518, 0x250c, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x03b4, 0x03b5, 0x2580, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x03b6, 0x03b7, 0x03b8, 0x03b9, 0x03ba, 0x03bb, 0x03bc, 0x03bd, + 0x03be, 0x03bf, 0x03c0, 0x03c1, 0x03c3, 0x03c2, 0x03c4, 0x0384, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x00ad, 0x00b1, 0x03c5, 0x03c6, 0x03c7, 0x00a7, 0x03c8, 0x0385, + 0x00b0, 0x00a8, 0x03c9, 0x03cb, 0x03b0, 0x03ce, 0x25a0, 0x00a0, +}; + +static int +cp869_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = cp869_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char cp869_page00[32] = { + 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8a, 0xf5, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xf9, 0x97, 0x00, 0xae, 0x89, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xf8, 0xf1, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x88, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaf, 0x00, 0xab, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp869_page03[80] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xef, 0xf7, 0x86, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x8d, 0x8f, 0x90, 0x00, 0x92, 0x00, 0x95, 0x98, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xa1, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0xac, 0xad, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb8, 0xbd, 0xbe, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xc6, 0xc7, 0x00, 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xd4, 0xd5, 0x91, 0x96, 0x9b, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xfc, 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xe0, 0xe1, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, 0xe8, 0xe9, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xea, 0xeb, 0xed, 0xec, 0xee, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xf6, 0xfa, 0xa0, 0xfb, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xfd, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp869_page20[16] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8e, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp869_page25[168] = { + 0xc4, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xcd, 0xba, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc8, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbc, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xcc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcb, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0xca, 0x00, 0x00, 0xce, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ +}; + +static int +cp869_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00c0) + c = cp869_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0380 && wc < 0x03d0) + c = cp869_page03[wc-0x0380]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2020) + c = cp869_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = cp869_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp874.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp874.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6374dd7d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp874.h @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP874 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp874_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x20ac, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x2026, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0x90 */ + 0xfffd, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x0e01, 0x0e02, 0x0e03, 0x0e04, 0x0e05, 0x0e06, 0x0e07, + 0x0e08, 0x0e09, 0x0e0a, 0x0e0b, 0x0e0c, 0x0e0d, 0x0e0e, 0x0e0f, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x0e10, 0x0e11, 0x0e12, 0x0e13, 0x0e14, 0x0e15, 0x0e16, 0x0e17, + 0x0e18, 0x0e19, 0x0e1a, 0x0e1b, 0x0e1c, 0x0e1d, 0x0e1e, 0x0e1f, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0e20, 0x0e21, 0x0e22, 0x0e23, 0x0e24, 0x0e25, 0x0e26, 0x0e27, + 0x0e28, 0x0e29, 0x0e2a, 0x0e2b, 0x0e2c, 0x0e2d, 0x0e2e, 0x0e2f, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0e30, 0x0e31, 0x0e32, 0x0e33, 0x0e34, 0x0e35, 0x0e36, 0x0e37, + 0x0e38, 0x0e39, 0x0e3a, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x0e3f, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0e40, 0x0e41, 0x0e42, 0x0e43, 0x0e44, 0x0e45, 0x0e46, 0x0e47, + 0x0e48, 0x0e49, 0x0e4a, 0x0e4b, 0x0e4c, 0x0e4d, 0x0e4e, 0x0e4f, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0e50, 0x0e51, 0x0e52, 0x0e53, 0x0e54, 0x0e55, 0x0e56, 0x0e57, + 0x0e58, 0x0e59, 0x0e5a, 0x0e5b, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, +}; + +static int +cp874_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = cp874_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char cp874_page0e[96] = { + 0x00, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdf, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp874_page20[24] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x96, 0x97, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x91, 0x92, 0x00, 0x00, 0x93, 0x94, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x95, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; + +static int +cp874_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc == 0x00a0) + c = 0xa0; + else if (wc >= 0x0e00 && wc < 0x0e60) + c = cp874_page0e[wc-0x0e00]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2028) + c = cp874_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc == 0x20ac) + c = 0x80; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp922.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp922.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ca661b386 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp922.h @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP922 + */ + +static const unsigned short cp922_2uni_1[16] = { + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x00a1, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00a4, 0x00a5, 0x00a6, 0x00a7, + 0x00a8, 0x00a9, 0x00aa, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x00ad, 0x00ae, 0x203e, +}; +static const unsigned short cp922_2uni_2[16] = { + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0160, 0x00d1, 0x00d2, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, 0x00d5, 0x00d6, 0x00d7, + 0x00d8, 0x00d9, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00dc, 0x00dd, 0x017d, 0x00df, +}; +static const unsigned short cp922_2uni_3[16] = { + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0161, 0x00f1, 0x00f2, 0x00f3, 0x00f4, 0x00f5, 0x00f6, 0x00f7, + 0x00f8, 0x00f9, 0x00fa, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, 0x00fd, 0x017e, 0x00ff, +}; + +static int +cp922_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0xa0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else if (c < 0xb0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp922_2uni_1[c-0xa0]; + else if (c < 0xd0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else if (c < 0xe0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp922_2uni_2[c-0xd0]; + else if (c < 0xf0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) cp922_2uni_3[c-0xf0]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char cp922_page00[88] = { + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0x00, 0xdf, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0x00, 0xff, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char cp922_page01[32] = { + 0xd0, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xde, 0xfe, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ +}; + +static int +cp922_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x00a8) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a8 && wc < 0x0100) + c = cp922_page00[wc-0x00a8]; + else if (wc >= 0x0160 && wc < 0x0180) + c = cp922_page01[wc-0x0160]; + else if (wc == 0x203e) + c = 0xaf; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp932.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp932.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6534cd029 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp932.h @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP932 + */ + +/* + * Microsoft CP932 is a slightly extended version of SHIFT_JIS. + * The differences between the EASTASIA/JIS/SHIFTJIS.TXT and the + * VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP932.TXT tables found on ftp.unicode.org are + * as follows: + * + * 1. CP932 uses ASCII, not JISX0201 Roman. + * + * 2. Some characters in the JISX0208 range are defined differently: + * + * code SHIFTJIS.TXT CP932.TXT + * 0x815F 0x005C # REVERSE SOLIDUS 0xFF3C # FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS + * 0x8160 0x301C # WAVE DASH 0xFF5E # FULLWIDTH TILDE + * 0x8161 0x2016 # DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE 0x2225 # PARALLEL TO + * 0x817C 0x2212 # MINUS SIGN 0xFF0D # FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS + * 0x8191 0x00A2 # CENT SIGN 0xFFE0 # FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN + * 0x8192 0x00A3 # POUND SIGN 0xFFE1 # FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN + * 0x81CA 0x00AC # NOT SIGN 0xFFE2 # FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN + * + * We don't implement the latter 6 of these changes, only the first one. + * SHIFTJIS.TXT makes more sense. However, as a compromise with user + * expectation, we implement the middle 5 of these changes in the + * Unicode to CP932 direction. We don't implement the last one at all, + * because it would collide with the mapping of 0xFA54. + * + * 3. A few new rows. See cp932ext.h. + * + * Many variants of CP932 (in GNU libc, JDK, OSF/1, Windows-2000, ICU) also + * add: + * + * 4. Private area mappings: + * + * code Unicode + * 0x{F0..F9}{40..7E,80..FC} U+E000..U+E757 + * + * We add them too because, although there are backward compatibility problems + * when a character from a private area is moved to an official Unicode code + * point, they are useful for some people in practice. + */ + +#include "cp932ext.h" + +/* + Conversion between SJIS codes (s1,s2) and JISX0208 codes (c1,c2): + Example. (s1,s2) = 0x8140, (c1,c2) = 0x2121. + 0x81 <= s1 <= 0x9F || 0xE0 <= s1 <= 0xEA, + 0x40 <= s2 <= 0x7E || 0x80 <= s2 <= 0xFC, + 0x21 <= c1 <= 0x74, 0x21 <= c2 <= 0x7E. + Invariant: + 94*2*(s1 < 0xE0 ? s1-0x81 : s1-0xC1) + (s2 < 0x80 ? s2-0x40 : s2-0x41) + = 94*(c1-0x21)+(c2-0x21) + Conversion (s1,s2) -> (c1,c2): + t1 := (s1 < 0xE0 ? s1-0x81 : s1-0xC1) + t2 := (s2 < 0x80 ? s2-0x40 : s2-0x41) + c1 := 2*t1 + (t2 < 0x5E ? 0 : 1) + 0x21 + c2 := (t2 < 0x5E ? t2 : t2-0x5E) + 0x21 + Conversion (c1,c2) -> (s1,s2): + t1 := (c1 - 0x21) >> 1 + t2 := ((c1 - 0x21) & 1) * 0x5E + (c2 - 0x21) + s1 := (t1 < 0x1F ? t1+0x81 : t1+0xC1) + s2 := (t2 < 0x3F ? t2+0x40 : t2+0x41) + */ + +static int +cp932_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + return ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + else if (c >= 0xa1 && c <= 0xdf) + return jisx0201_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + else { + unsigned char s1, s2; + s1 = c; + if ((s1 >= 0x81 && s1 <= 0x9f && s1 != 0x87) || (s1 >= 0xe0 && s1 <= 0xea)) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + s2 = s[1]; + if ((s2 >= 0x40 && s2 <= 0x7e) || (s2 >= 0x80 && s2 <= 0xfc)) { + unsigned char t1 = (s1 < 0xe0 ? s1-0x81 : s1-0xc1); + unsigned char t2 = (s2 < 0x80 ? s2-0x40 : s2-0x41); + unsigned char buf[2]; + buf[0] = 2*t1 + (t2 < 0x5e ? 0 : 1) + 0x21; + buf[1] = (t2 < 0x5e ? t2 : t2-0x5e) + 0x21; + return jisx0208_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); + } + } else if ((s1 == 0x87) || (s1 >= 0xed && s1 <= 0xee) || (s1 >= 0xfa)) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + return cp932ext_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + } else if (s1 >= 0xf0 && s1 <= 0xf9) { + /* User-defined range. See + * Ken Lunde's "CJKV Information Processing", table 4-66, p. 206. */ + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + s2 = s[1]; + if ((s2 >= 0x40 && s2 <= 0x7e) || (s2 >= 0x80 && s2 <= 0xfc)) { + *pwc = 0xe000 + 188*(s1 - 0xf0) + (s2 < 0x80 ? s2-0x40 : s2-0x41); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } +} + +static int +cp932_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Try ASCII. */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + unsigned char c; + if (ret != 1) abort(); + c = buf[0]; + if (c < 0x80) { + r[0] = c; + return 1; + } + } + + /* Try JIS X 0201-1976 Katakana. */ + ret = jisx0201_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + unsigned char c; + if (ret != 1) abort(); + c = buf[0]; + if (c >= 0xa1 && c <= 0xdf) { + r[0] = c; + return 1; + } + } + + /* Try JIS X 0208-1990. */ + ret = jisx0208_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + unsigned char c1, c2; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + c1 = buf[0]; + c2 = buf[1]; + if ((c1 >= 0x21 && c1 <= 0x74) && (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 <= 0x7e)) { + unsigned char t1 = (c1 - 0x21) >> 1; + unsigned char t2 = (((c1 - 0x21) & 1) ? 0x5e : 0) + (c2 - 0x21); + r[0] = (t1 < 0x1f ? t1+0x81 : t1+0xc1); + r[1] = (t2 < 0x3f ? t2+0x40 : t2+0x41); + return 2; + } + } + + /* Try CP932 extensions. */ + ret = cp932ext_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + return 2; + } + + /* User-defined range. See + * Ken Lunde's "CJKV Information Processing", table 4-66, p. 206. */ + if (wc >= 0xe000 && wc < 0xe758) { + unsigned char c1, c2; + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + c1 = (unsigned int) (wc - 0xe000) / 188; + c2 = (unsigned int) (wc - 0xe000) % 188; + r[0] = c1+0xf0; + r[1] = (c2 < 0x3f ? c2+0x40 : c2+0x41); + return 2; + } + + /* Irreversible mappings. */ + if (wc == 0xff5e) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = 0x81; + r[1] = 0x60; + return 2; + } + if (wc == 0x2225) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = 0x81; + r[1] = 0x61; + return 2; + } + if (wc == 0xff0d) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = 0x81; + r[1] = 0x7c; + return 2; + } + if (wc == 0xffe0) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = 0x81; + r[1] = 0x91; + return 2; + } + if (wc == 0xffe1) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = 0x81; + r[1] = 0x92; + return 2; + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp932ext.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp932ext.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6f94c9a5c --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp932ext.h @@ -0,0 +1,709 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP932 extensions + */ + +static const unsigned short cp932ext_2uni_page87[92] = { + /* 0x87 */ + 0x2460, 0x2461, 0x2462, 0x2463, 0x2464, 0x2465, 0x2466, 0x2467, + 0x2468, 0x2469, 0x246a, 0x246b, 0x246c, 0x246d, 0x246e, 0x246f, + 0x2470, 0x2471, 0x2472, 0x2473, 0x2160, 0x2161, 0x2162, 0x2163, + 0x2164, 0x2165, 0x2166, 0x2167, 0x2168, 0x2169, 0xfffd, 0x3349, + 0x3314, 0x3322, 0x334d, 0x3318, 0x3327, 0x3303, 0x3336, 0x3351, + 0x3357, 0x330d, 0x3326, 0x3323, 0x332b, 0x334a, 0x333b, 0x339c, + 0x339d, 0x339e, 0x338e, 0x338f, 0x33c4, 0x33a1, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x337b, 0x301d, + 0x301f, 0x2116, 0x33cd, 0x2121, 0x32a4, 0x32a5, 0x32a6, 0x32a7, + 0x32a8, 0x3231, 0x3232, 0x3239, 0x337e, 0x337d, 0x337c, 0x2252, + 0x2261, 0x222b, 0x222e, 0x2211, 0x221a, 0x22a5, 0x2220, 0x221f, + 0x22bf, 0x2235, 0x2229, 0x222a, +}; +static const unsigned short cp932ext_2uni_pageed[376] = { + /* 0xed */ + 0x7e8a, 0x891c, 0x9348, 0x9288, 0x84dc, 0x4fc9, 0x70bb, 0x6631, + 0x68c8, 0x92f9, 0x66fb, 0x5f45, 0x4e28, 0x4ee1, 0x4efc, 0x4f00, + 0x4f03, 0x4f39, 0x4f56, 0x4f92, 0x4f8a, 0x4f9a, 0x4f94, 0x4fcd, + 0x5040, 0x5022, 0x4fff, 0x501e, 0x5046, 0x5070, 0x5042, 0x5094, + 0x50f4, 0x50d8, 0x514a, 0x5164, 0x519d, 0x51be, 0x51ec, 0x5215, + 0x529c, 0x52a6, 0x52c0, 0x52db, 0x5300, 0x5307, 0x5324, 0x5372, + 0x5393, 0x53b2, 0x53dd, 0xfa0e, 0x549c, 0x548a, 0x54a9, 0x54ff, + 0x5586, 0x5759, 0x5765, 0x57ac, 0x57c8, 0x57c7, 0xfa0f, 0xfa10, + 0x589e, 0x58b2, 0x590b, 0x5953, 0x595b, 0x595d, 0x5963, 0x59a4, + 0x59ba, 0x5b56, 0x5bc0, 0x752f, 0x5bd8, 0x5bec, 0x5c1e, 0x5ca6, + 0x5cba, 0x5cf5, 0x5d27, 0x5d53, 0xfa11, 0x5d42, 0x5d6d, 0x5db8, + 0x5db9, 0x5dd0, 0x5f21, 0x5f34, 0x5f67, 0x5fb7, 0x5fde, 0x605d, + 0x6085, 0x608a, 0x60de, 0x60d5, 0x6120, 0x60f2, 0x6111, 0x6137, + 0x6130, 0x6198, 0x6213, 0x62a6, 0x63f5, 0x6460, 0x649d, 0x64ce, + 0x654e, 0x6600, 0x6615, 0x663b, 0x6609, 0x662e, 0x661e, 0x6624, + 0x6665, 0x6657, 0x6659, 0xfa12, 0x6673, 0x6699, 0x66a0, 0x66b2, + 0x66bf, 0x66fa, 0x670e, 0xf929, 0x6766, 0x67bb, 0x6852, 0x67c0, + 0x6801, 0x6844, 0x68cf, 0xfa13, 0x6968, 0xfa14, 0x6998, 0x69e2, + 0x6a30, 0x6a6b, 0x6a46, 0x6a73, 0x6a7e, 0x6ae2, 0x6ae4, 0x6bd6, + 0x6c3f, 0x6c5c, 0x6c86, 0x6c6f, 0x6cda, 0x6d04, 0x6d87, 0x6d6f, + 0x6d96, 0x6dac, 0x6dcf, 0x6df8, 0x6df2, 0x6dfc, 0x6e39, 0x6e5c, + 0x6e27, 0x6e3c, 0x6ebf, 0x6f88, 0x6fb5, 0x6ff5, 0x7005, 0x7007, + 0x7028, 0x7085, 0x70ab, 0x710f, 0x7104, 0x715c, 0x7146, 0x7147, + 0xfa15, 0x71c1, 0x71fe, 0x72b1, + /* 0xee */ + 0x72be, 0x7324, 0xfa16, 0x7377, 0x73bd, 0x73c9, 0x73d6, 0x73e3, + 0x73d2, 0x7407, 0x73f5, 0x7426, 0x742a, 0x7429, 0x742e, 0x7462, + 0x7489, 0x749f, 0x7501, 0x756f, 0x7682, 0x769c, 0x769e, 0x769b, + 0x76a6, 0xfa17, 0x7746, 0x52af, 0x7821, 0x784e, 0x7864, 0x787a, + 0x7930, 0xfa18, 0xfa19, 0xfa1a, 0x7994, 0xfa1b, 0x799b, 0x7ad1, + 0x7ae7, 0xfa1c, 0x7aeb, 0x7b9e, 0xfa1d, 0x7d48, 0x7d5c, 0x7db7, + 0x7da0, 0x7dd6, 0x7e52, 0x7f47, 0x7fa1, 0xfa1e, 0x8301, 0x8362, + 0x837f, 0x83c7, 0x83f6, 0x8448, 0x84b4, 0x8553, 0x8559, 0x856b, + 0xfa1f, 0x85b0, 0xfa20, 0xfa21, 0x8807, 0x88f5, 0x8a12, 0x8a37, + 0x8a79, 0x8aa7, 0x8abe, 0x8adf, 0xfa22, 0x8af6, 0x8b53, 0x8b7f, + 0x8cf0, 0x8cf4, 0x8d12, 0x8d76, 0xfa23, 0x8ecf, 0xfa24, 0xfa25, + 0x9067, 0x90de, 0xfa26, 0x9115, 0x9127, 0x91da, 0x91d7, 0x91de, + 0x91ed, 0x91ee, 0x91e4, 0x91e5, 0x9206, 0x9210, 0x920a, 0x923a, + 0x9240, 0x923c, 0x924e, 0x9259, 0x9251, 0x9239, 0x9267, 0x92a7, + 0x9277, 0x9278, 0x92e7, 0x92d7, 0x92d9, 0x92d0, 0xfa27, 0x92d5, + 0x92e0, 0x92d3, 0x9325, 0x9321, 0x92fb, 0xfa28, 0x931e, 0x92ff, + 0x931d, 0x9302, 0x9370, 0x9357, 0x93a4, 0x93c6, 0x93de, 0x93f8, + 0x9431, 0x9445, 0x9448, 0x9592, 0xf9dc, 0xfa29, 0x969d, 0x96af, + 0x9733, 0x973b, 0x9743, 0x974d, 0x974f, 0x9751, 0x9755, 0x9857, + 0x9865, 0xfa2a, 0xfa2b, 0x9927, 0xfa2c, 0x999e, 0x9a4e, 0x9ad9, + 0x9adc, 0x9b75, 0x9b72, 0x9b8f, 0x9bb1, 0x9bbb, 0x9c00, 0x9d70, + 0x9d6b, 0xfa2d, 0x9e19, 0x9ed1, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x2170, 0x2171, + 0x2172, 0x2173, 0x2174, 0x2175, 0x2176, 0x2177, 0x2178, 0x2179, + 0xffe2, 0xffe4, 0xff07, 0xff02, +}; +static const unsigned short cp932ext_2uni_pagefa[388] = { + /* 0xfa */ + 0x2170, 0x2171, 0x2172, 0x2173, 0x2174, 0x2175, 0x2176, 0x2177, + 0x2178, 0x2179, 0x2160, 0x2161, 0x2162, 0x2163, 0x2164, 0x2165, + 0x2166, 0x2167, 0x2168, 0x2169, 0xffe2, 0xffe4, 0xff07, 0xff02, + 0x3231, 0x2116, 0x2121, 0x2235, 0x7e8a, 0x891c, 0x9348, 0x9288, + 0x84dc, 0x4fc9, 0x70bb, 0x6631, 0x68c8, 0x92f9, 0x66fb, 0x5f45, + 0x4e28, 0x4ee1, 0x4efc, 0x4f00, 0x4f03, 0x4f39, 0x4f56, 0x4f92, + 0x4f8a, 0x4f9a, 0x4f94, 0x4fcd, 0x5040, 0x5022, 0x4fff, 0x501e, + 0x5046, 0x5070, 0x5042, 0x5094, 0x50f4, 0x50d8, 0x514a, 0x5164, + 0x519d, 0x51be, 0x51ec, 0x5215, 0x529c, 0x52a6, 0x52c0, 0x52db, + 0x5300, 0x5307, 0x5324, 0x5372, 0x5393, 0x53b2, 0x53dd, 0xfa0e, + 0x549c, 0x548a, 0x54a9, 0x54ff, 0x5586, 0x5759, 0x5765, 0x57ac, + 0x57c8, 0x57c7, 0xfa0f, 0xfa10, 0x589e, 0x58b2, 0x590b, 0x5953, + 0x595b, 0x595d, 0x5963, 0x59a4, 0x59ba, 0x5b56, 0x5bc0, 0x752f, + 0x5bd8, 0x5bec, 0x5c1e, 0x5ca6, 0x5cba, 0x5cf5, 0x5d27, 0x5d53, + 0xfa11, 0x5d42, 0x5d6d, 0x5db8, 0x5db9, 0x5dd0, 0x5f21, 0x5f34, + 0x5f67, 0x5fb7, 0x5fde, 0x605d, 0x6085, 0x608a, 0x60de, 0x60d5, + 0x6120, 0x60f2, 0x6111, 0x6137, 0x6130, 0x6198, 0x6213, 0x62a6, + 0x63f5, 0x6460, 0x649d, 0x64ce, 0x654e, 0x6600, 0x6615, 0x663b, + 0x6609, 0x662e, 0x661e, 0x6624, 0x6665, 0x6657, 0x6659, 0xfa12, + 0x6673, 0x6699, 0x66a0, 0x66b2, 0x66bf, 0x66fa, 0x670e, 0xf929, + 0x6766, 0x67bb, 0x6852, 0x67c0, 0x6801, 0x6844, 0x68cf, 0xfa13, + 0x6968, 0xfa14, 0x6998, 0x69e2, 0x6a30, 0x6a6b, 0x6a46, 0x6a73, + 0x6a7e, 0x6ae2, 0x6ae4, 0x6bd6, 0x6c3f, 0x6c5c, 0x6c86, 0x6c6f, + 0x6cda, 0x6d04, 0x6d87, 0x6d6f, + /* 0xfb */ + 0x6d96, 0x6dac, 0x6dcf, 0x6df8, 0x6df2, 0x6dfc, 0x6e39, 0x6e5c, + 0x6e27, 0x6e3c, 0x6ebf, 0x6f88, 0x6fb5, 0x6ff5, 0x7005, 0x7007, + 0x7028, 0x7085, 0x70ab, 0x710f, 0x7104, 0x715c, 0x7146, 0x7147, + 0xfa15, 0x71c1, 0x71fe, 0x72b1, 0x72be, 0x7324, 0xfa16, 0x7377, + 0x73bd, 0x73c9, 0x73d6, 0x73e3, 0x73d2, 0x7407, 0x73f5, 0x7426, + 0x742a, 0x7429, 0x742e, 0x7462, 0x7489, 0x749f, 0x7501, 0x756f, + 0x7682, 0x769c, 0x769e, 0x769b, 0x76a6, 0xfa17, 0x7746, 0x52af, + 0x7821, 0x784e, 0x7864, 0x787a, 0x7930, 0xfa18, 0xfa19, 0xfa1a, + 0x7994, 0xfa1b, 0x799b, 0x7ad1, 0x7ae7, 0xfa1c, 0x7aeb, 0x7b9e, + 0xfa1d, 0x7d48, 0x7d5c, 0x7db7, 0x7da0, 0x7dd6, 0x7e52, 0x7f47, + 0x7fa1, 0xfa1e, 0x8301, 0x8362, 0x837f, 0x83c7, 0x83f6, 0x8448, + 0x84b4, 0x8553, 0x8559, 0x856b, 0xfa1f, 0x85b0, 0xfa20, 0xfa21, + 0x8807, 0x88f5, 0x8a12, 0x8a37, 0x8a79, 0x8aa7, 0x8abe, 0x8adf, + 0xfa22, 0x8af6, 0x8b53, 0x8b7f, 0x8cf0, 0x8cf4, 0x8d12, 0x8d76, + 0xfa23, 0x8ecf, 0xfa24, 0xfa25, 0x9067, 0x90de, 0xfa26, 0x9115, + 0x9127, 0x91da, 0x91d7, 0x91de, 0x91ed, 0x91ee, 0x91e4, 0x91e5, + 0x9206, 0x9210, 0x920a, 0x923a, 0x9240, 0x923c, 0x924e, 0x9259, + 0x9251, 0x9239, 0x9267, 0x92a7, 0x9277, 0x9278, 0x92e7, 0x92d7, + 0x92d9, 0x92d0, 0xfa27, 0x92d5, 0x92e0, 0x92d3, 0x9325, 0x9321, + 0x92fb, 0xfa28, 0x931e, 0x92ff, 0x931d, 0x9302, 0x9370, 0x9357, + 0x93a4, 0x93c6, 0x93de, 0x93f8, 0x9431, 0x9445, 0x9448, 0x9592, + 0xf9dc, 0xfa29, 0x969d, 0x96af, 0x9733, 0x973b, 0x9743, 0x974d, + 0x974f, 0x9751, 0x9755, 0x9857, 0x9865, 0xfa2a, 0xfa2b, 0x9927, + 0xfa2c, 0x999e, 0x9a4e, 0x9ad9, + /* 0xfc */ + 0x9adc, 0x9b75, 0x9b72, 0x9b8f, 0x9bb1, 0x9bbb, 0x9c00, 0x9d70, + 0x9d6b, 0xfa2d, 0x9e19, 0x9ed1, +}; + +static int +cp932ext_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 == 0x87) || (c1 >= 0xed && c1 <= 0xee) || (c1 >= 0xfa && c1 <= 0xfc)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 < 0x7f) || (c2 >= 0x80 && c2 < 0xfd)) { + unsigned int i = 188 * (c1 - (c1 >= 0xe0 ? 0xc1 : 0x81)) + (c2 - (c2 >= 0x80 ? 0x41 : 0x40)); + unsigned short wc = 0xfffd; + if (i < 8272) { + if (i < 1220) + wc = cp932ext_2uni_page87[i-1128]; + } else if (i < 10716) { + if (i < 8648) + wc = cp932ext_2uni_pageed[i-8272]; + } else { + if (i < 11104) + wc = cp932ext_2uni_pagefa[i-10716]; + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned short cp932ext_2charset[457] = { + 0xfa59, 0xfa5a, 0xfa4a, 0xfa4b, 0xfa4c, 0xfa4d, 0xfa4e, 0xfa4f, + 0xfa50, 0xfa51, 0xfa52, 0xfa53, 0xfa40, 0xfa41, 0xfa42, 0xfa43, + 0xfa44, 0xfa45, 0xfa46, 0xfa47, 0xfa48, 0xfa49, 0x8794, 0x8795, + 0x8798, 0x8797, 0x879b, 0x879c, 0x8792, 0x8793, 0xfa5b, 0x8790, + 0x8791, 0x8796, 0x8799, 0x8740, 0x8741, 0x8742, 0x8743, 0x8744, + 0x8745, 0x8746, 0x8747, 0x8748, 0x8749, 0x874a, 0x874b, 0x874c, + 0x874d, 0x874e, 0x874f, 0x8750, 0x8751, 0x8752, 0x8753, 0x8780, + 0x8781, 0xfa58, 0x878b, 0x878c, 0x8785, 0x8786, 0x8787, 0x8788, + 0x8789, 0x8765, 0x8769, 0x8760, 0x8763, 0x8761, 0x876b, 0x876a, + 0x8764, 0x876c, 0x8766, 0x876e, 0x875f, 0x876d, 0x8762, 0x8767, + 0x8768, 0x877e, 0x878f, 0x878e, 0x878d, 0x8772, 0x8773, 0x876f, + 0x8770, 0x8771, 0x8775, 0x8774, 0x8783, 0xfa68, 0xfa69, 0xfa6a, + 0xfa6b, 0xfa6c, 0xfa6d, 0xfa6e, 0xfa70, 0xfa6f, 0xfa72, 0xfa71, + 0xfa61, 0xfa73, 0xfa76, 0xfa77, 0xfa75, 0xfa74, 0xfa7a, 0xfa78, + 0xfa79, 0xfa7b, 0xfa7d, 0xfa7c, 0xfa7e, 0xfa80, 0xfa81, 0xfa82, + 0xfa83, 0xfa84, 0xfa85, 0xfa86, 0xfb77, 0xfa87, 0xfa88, 0xfa89, + 0xfa8a, 0xfa8b, 0xfa8c, 0xfa8d, 0xfa8e, 0xfa8f, 0xfa92, 0xfa91, + 0xfa93, 0xfa94, 0xfa95, 0xfa96, 0xfa97, 0xfa98, 0xfa9a, 0xfa99, + 0xfa9d, 0xfa9e, 0xfa9f, 0xfaa0, 0xfaa1, 0xfaa2, 0xfaa3, 0xfaa4, + 0xfaa5, 0xfaa6, 0xfaa7, 0xfaa9, 0xfaaa, 0xfaab, 0xfaac, 0xfaad, + 0xfaae, 0xfaaf, 0xfab2, 0xfab0, 0xfab3, 0xfab4, 0xfab5, 0xfab6, + 0xfab7, 0xfab8, 0xfa67, 0xfab9, 0xfaba, 0xfabb, 0xfabc, 0xfabd, + 0xfabe, 0xfac0, 0xfabf, 0xfac2, 0xfac3, 0xfac1, 0xfac5, 0xfac4, + 0xfac6, 0xfac7, 0xfac8, 0xfac9, 0xfaca, 0xfacb, 0xfacc, 0xfacd, + 0xface, 0xfad1, 0xfacf, 0xfad3, 0xfad4, 0xfad2, 0xfa63, 0xfad0, + 0xfad6, 0xfad7, 0xfad5, 0xfad9, 0xfada, 0xfadb, 0xfadc, 0xfadd, + 0xfade, 0xfa66, 0xfadf, 0xfae1, 0xfae2, 0xfae4, 0xfae5, 0xfae6, + 0xfae3, 0xfa64, 0xfae7, 0xfae9, 0xfaeb, 0xfaec, 0xfaed, 0xfaef, + 0xfaee, 0xfaf0, 0xfaf1, 0xfaf2, 0xfaf3, 0xfaf4, 0xfaf5, 0xfaf6, + 0xfaf8, 0xfaf7, 0xfaf9, 0xfafa, 0xfafc, 0xfafb, 0xfb40, 0xfb41, + 0xfb42, 0xfb44, 0xfb43, 0xfb45, 0xfb48, 0xfb46, 0xfb49, 0xfb47, + 0xfb4a, 0xfb4b, 0xfb4c, 0xfb4d, 0xfb4e, 0xfb4f, 0xfb50, 0xfb51, + 0xfb52, 0xfa62, 0xfb54, 0xfb53, 0xfb56, 0xfb57, 0xfb55, 0xfb59, + 0xfb5a, 0xfb5b, 0xfb5c, 0xfb5d, 0xfb5f, 0xfb60, 0xfb61, 0xfb64, + 0xfb62, 0xfb63, 0xfb66, 0xfb65, 0xfb67, 0xfb69, 0xfb68, 0xfb6a, + 0xfb6b, 0xfb6c, 0xfb6d, 0xfb6e, 0xfaa8, 0xfb6f, 0xfb70, 0xfb73, + 0xfb71, 0xfb72, 0xfb74, 0xfb76, 0xfb78, 0xfb79, 0xfb7a, 0xfb7b, + 0xfb7c, 0xfb81, 0xfb83, 0xfb84, 0xfb85, 0xfb87, 0xfb88, 0xfb8a, + 0xfb8b, 0xfb8d, 0xfb8c, 0xfb8e, 0xfb8f, 0xfa5c, 0xfb90, 0xfb91, + 0xfb93, 0xfb94, 0xfb95, 0xfb96, 0xfb97, 0xfb98, 0xfb99, 0xfa60, + 0xfb9a, 0xfb9b, 0xfb9c, 0xfb9e, 0xfba1, 0xfba2, 0xfa5d, 0xfba3, + 0xfba4, 0xfba5, 0xfba6, 0xfba7, 0xfba8, 0xfbaa, 0xfbab, 0xfbac, + 0xfbad, 0xfbae, 0xfbaf, 0xfbb0, 0xfbb2, 0xfbb5, 0xfbb6, 0xfbb8, + 0xfbb9, 0xfbbb, 0xfbba, 0xfbbc, 0xfbbf, 0xfbc0, 0xfbbd, 0xfbbe, + 0xfbc1, 0xfbc3, 0xfbc2, 0xfbca, 0xfbc4, 0xfbc6, 0xfbc5, 0xfbc7, + 0xfbc9, 0xfbc8, 0xfbcb, 0xfbcd, 0xfbce, 0xfa5f, 0xfbcc, 0xfbd2, + 0xfbd6, 0xfbd4, 0xfbd0, 0xfbd1, 0xfbd5, 0xfbcf, 0xfa65, 0xfbd9, + 0xfbdc, 0xfbde, 0xfbdd, 0xfbdb, 0xfbd8, 0xfbd7, 0xfa5e, 0xfbe0, + 0xfbdf, 0xfbe1, 0xfbe2, 0xfbe3, 0xfbe4, 0xfbe5, 0xfbe6, 0xfbe7, + 0xfbe8, 0xfbeb, 0xfbec, 0xfbed, 0xfbee, 0xfbef, 0xfbf0, 0xfbf1, + 0xfbf2, 0xfbf3, 0xfbf4, 0xfbf5, 0xfbf8, 0xfbfa, 0xfbfb, 0xfbfc, + 0xfc40, 0xfc42, 0xfc41, 0xfc43, 0xfc44, 0xfc45, 0xfc46, 0xfc48, + 0xfc47, 0xfc4a, 0xfc4b, 0xfae0, 0xfbe9, 0xfa90, 0xfa9b, 0xfa9c, + 0xfab1, 0xfad8, 0xfae8, 0xfaea, 0xfb58, 0xfb5e, 0xfb75, 0xfb7d, + 0xfb7e, 0xfb80, 0xfb82, 0xfb86, 0xfb89, 0xfb92, 0xfb9d, 0xfb9f, + 0xfba0, 0xfba9, 0xfbb1, 0xfbb3, 0xfbb4, 0xfbb7, 0xfbd3, 0xfbda, + 0xfbea, 0xfbf6, 0xfbf7, 0xfbf9, 0xfc49, 0xfa57, 0xfa56, 0xfa54, + 0xfa55, +}; + +static const Summary16 cp932ext_uni2indx_page21[28] = { + /* 0x2100 */ + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0040 }, { 1, 0x0002 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, + { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x03ff }, { 12, 0x03ff }, + { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, + { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2200 */ + { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x8402 }, { 25, 0x4e01 }, { 30, 0x0020 }, + { 31, 0x0000 }, { 31, 0x0004 }, { 32, 0x0002 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, + { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0020 }, { 34, 0x8000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cp932ext_uni2indx_page24[8] = { + /* 0x2400 */ + { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, + { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0xffff }, { 51, 0x000f }, +}; +static const Summary16 cp932ext_uni2indx_page30[2] = { + /* 0x3000 */ + { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0xa000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cp932ext_uni2indx_page32[29] = { + /* 0x3200 */ + { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0206 }, + { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x0000 }, + { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x01f0 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, + { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3300 */ + { 65, 0x2008 }, { 67, 0x0110 }, { 69, 0x08cc }, { 74, 0x0840 }, + { 76, 0x2600 }, { 79, 0x0082 }, { 81, 0x0000 }, { 81, 0x7800 }, + { 85, 0xc000 }, { 87, 0x7000 }, { 90, 0x0002 }, { 91, 0x0000 }, + { 91, 0x2010 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cp932ext_uni2indx_page4e[121] = { + /* 0x4e00 */ + { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0100 }, { 94, 0x0000 }, + { 94, 0x0000 }, { 94, 0x0000 }, { 94, 0x0000 }, { 94, 0x0000 }, + { 94, 0x0000 }, { 94, 0x0000 }, { 94, 0x0000 }, { 94, 0x0000 }, + { 94, 0x0000 }, { 94, 0x0000 }, { 94, 0x0002 }, { 95, 0x1000 }, + /* 0x4f00 */ + { 96, 0x0009 }, { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x0200 }, + { 99, 0x0000 }, { 99, 0x0040 }, { 100, 0x0000 }, { 100, 0x0000 }, + { 100, 0x0400 }, { 101, 0x0414 }, { 104, 0x0000 }, { 104, 0x0000 }, + { 104, 0x2200 }, { 106, 0x0000 }, { 106, 0x0000 }, { 106, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x5000 */ + { 107, 0x0000 }, { 107, 0x4000 }, { 108, 0x0004 }, { 109, 0x0000 }, + { 109, 0x0045 }, { 112, 0x0000 }, { 112, 0x0000 }, { 112, 0x0001 }, + { 113, 0x0000 }, { 113, 0x0010 }, { 114, 0x0000 }, { 114, 0x0000 }, + { 114, 0x0000 }, { 114, 0x0100 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0010 }, + /* 0x5100 */ + { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0000 }, + { 116, 0x0400 }, { 117, 0x0000 }, { 117, 0x0010 }, { 118, 0x0000 }, + { 118, 0x0000 }, { 118, 0x2000 }, { 119, 0x0000 }, { 119, 0x4000 }, + { 120, 0x0000 }, { 120, 0x0000 }, { 120, 0x1000 }, { 121, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5200 */ + { 121, 0x0000 }, { 121, 0x0020 }, { 122, 0x0000 }, { 122, 0x0000 }, + { 122, 0x0000 }, { 122, 0x0000 }, { 122, 0x0000 }, { 122, 0x0000 }, + { 122, 0x0000 }, { 122, 0x1000 }, { 123, 0x8040 }, { 125, 0x0000 }, + { 125, 0x0001 }, { 126, 0x0800 }, { 127, 0x0000 }, { 127, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5300 */ + { 127, 0x0081 }, { 129, 0x0000 }, { 129, 0x0010 }, { 130, 0x0000 }, + { 130, 0x0000 }, { 130, 0x0000 }, { 130, 0x0000 }, { 130, 0x0004 }, + { 131, 0x0000 }, { 131, 0x0008 }, { 132, 0x0000 }, { 132, 0x0004 }, + { 133, 0x0000 }, { 133, 0x2000 }, { 134, 0x0000 }, { 134, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5400 */ + { 134, 0x0000 }, { 134, 0x0000 }, { 134, 0x0000 }, { 134, 0x0000 }, + { 134, 0x0000 }, { 134, 0x0000 }, { 134, 0x0000 }, { 134, 0x0000 }, + { 134, 0x0400 }, { 135, 0x1000 }, { 136, 0x0200 }, { 137, 0x0000 }, + { 137, 0x0000 }, { 137, 0x0000 }, { 137, 0x0000 }, { 137, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x5500 */ + { 138, 0x0000 }, { 138, 0x0000 }, { 138, 0x0000 }, { 138, 0x0000 }, + { 138, 0x0000 }, { 138, 0x0000 }, { 138, 0x0000 }, { 138, 0x0000 }, + { 138, 0x0040 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cp932ext_uni2indx_page57[44] = { + /* 0x5700 */ + { 139, 0x0000 }, { 139, 0x0000 }, { 139, 0x0000 }, { 139, 0x0000 }, + { 139, 0x0000 }, { 139, 0x0200 }, { 140, 0x0020 }, { 141, 0x0000 }, + { 141, 0x0000 }, { 141, 0x0000 }, { 141, 0x1000 }, { 142, 0x0000 }, + { 142, 0x0180 }, { 144, 0x0000 }, { 144, 0x0000 }, { 144, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5800 */ + { 144, 0x0000 }, { 144, 0x0000 }, { 144, 0x0000 }, { 144, 0x0000 }, + { 144, 0x0000 }, { 144, 0x0000 }, { 144, 0x0000 }, { 144, 0x0000 }, + { 144, 0x0000 }, { 144, 0x4000 }, { 145, 0x0000 }, { 145, 0x0004 }, + { 146, 0x0000 }, { 146, 0x0000 }, { 146, 0x0000 }, { 146, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5900 */ + { 146, 0x0800 }, { 147, 0x0000 }, { 147, 0x0000 }, { 147, 0x0000 }, + { 147, 0x0000 }, { 147, 0x2808 }, { 150, 0x0008 }, { 151, 0x0000 }, + { 151, 0x0000 }, { 151, 0x0000 }, { 151, 0x0010 }, { 152, 0x0400 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cp932ext_uni2indx_page5b[46] = { + /* 0x5b00 */ + { 153, 0x0000 }, { 153, 0x0000 }, { 153, 0x0000 }, { 153, 0x0000 }, + { 153, 0x0000 }, { 153, 0x0040 }, { 154, 0x0000 }, { 154, 0x0000 }, + { 154, 0x0000 }, { 154, 0x0000 }, { 154, 0x0000 }, { 154, 0x0000 }, + { 154, 0x0001 }, { 155, 0x0100 }, { 156, 0x1000 }, { 157, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5c00 */ + { 157, 0x0000 }, { 157, 0x4000 }, { 158, 0x0000 }, { 158, 0x0000 }, + { 158, 0x0000 }, { 158, 0x0000 }, { 158, 0x0000 }, { 158, 0x0000 }, + { 158, 0x0000 }, { 158, 0x0000 }, { 158, 0x0040 }, { 159, 0x0400 }, + { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x5d00 */ + { 161, 0x0000 }, { 161, 0x0000 }, { 161, 0x0080 }, { 162, 0x0000 }, + { 162, 0x0004 }, { 163, 0x0008 }, { 164, 0x2000 }, { 165, 0x0000 }, + { 165, 0x0000 }, { 165, 0x0000 }, { 165, 0x0000 }, { 165, 0x0300 }, + { 167, 0x0000 }, { 167, 0x0001 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cp932ext_uni2indx_page5f[458] = { + /* 0x5f00 */ + { 168, 0x0000 }, { 168, 0x0000 }, { 168, 0x0002 }, { 169, 0x0010 }, + { 170, 0x0020 }, { 171, 0x0000 }, { 171, 0x0080 }, { 172, 0x0000 }, + { 172, 0x0000 }, { 172, 0x0000 }, { 172, 0x0000 }, { 172, 0x0080 }, + { 173, 0x0000 }, { 173, 0x4000 }, { 174, 0x0000 }, { 174, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6000 */ + { 174, 0x0000 }, { 174, 0x0000 }, { 174, 0x0000 }, { 174, 0x0000 }, + { 174, 0x0000 }, { 174, 0x2000 }, { 175, 0x0000 }, { 175, 0x0000 }, + { 175, 0x0420 }, { 177, 0x0000 }, { 177, 0x0000 }, { 177, 0x0000 }, + { 177, 0x0000 }, { 177, 0x4020 }, { 179, 0x0000 }, { 179, 0x0004 }, + /* 0x6100 */ + { 180, 0x0000 }, { 180, 0x0002 }, { 181, 0x0001 }, { 182, 0x0081 }, + { 184, 0x0000 }, { 184, 0x0000 }, { 184, 0x0000 }, { 184, 0x0000 }, + { 184, 0x0000 }, { 184, 0x0100 }, { 185, 0x0000 }, { 185, 0x0000 }, + { 185, 0x0000 }, { 185, 0x0000 }, { 185, 0x0000 }, { 185, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6200 */ + { 185, 0x0000 }, { 185, 0x0008 }, { 186, 0x0000 }, { 186, 0x0000 }, + { 186, 0x0000 }, { 186, 0x0000 }, { 186, 0x0000 }, { 186, 0x0000 }, + { 186, 0x0000 }, { 186, 0x0000 }, { 186, 0x0040 }, { 187, 0x0000 }, + { 187, 0x0000 }, { 187, 0x0000 }, { 187, 0x0000 }, { 187, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6300 */ + { 187, 0x0000 }, { 187, 0x0000 }, { 187, 0x0000 }, { 187, 0x0000 }, + { 187, 0x0000 }, { 187, 0x0000 }, { 187, 0x0000 }, { 187, 0x0000 }, + { 187, 0x0000 }, { 187, 0x0000 }, { 187, 0x0000 }, { 187, 0x0000 }, + { 187, 0x0000 }, { 187, 0x0000 }, { 187, 0x0000 }, { 187, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x6400 */ + { 188, 0x0000 }, { 188, 0x0000 }, { 188, 0x0000 }, { 188, 0x0000 }, + { 188, 0x0000 }, { 188, 0x0000 }, { 188, 0x0001 }, { 189, 0x0000 }, + { 189, 0x0000 }, { 189, 0x2000 }, { 190, 0x0000 }, { 190, 0x0000 }, + { 190, 0x4000 }, { 191, 0x0000 }, { 191, 0x0000 }, { 191, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6500 */ + { 191, 0x0000 }, { 191, 0x0000 }, { 191, 0x0000 }, { 191, 0x0000 }, + { 191, 0x4000 }, { 192, 0x0000 }, { 192, 0x0000 }, { 192, 0x0000 }, + { 192, 0x0000 }, { 192, 0x0000 }, { 192, 0x0000 }, { 192, 0x0000 }, + { 192, 0x0000 }, { 192, 0x0000 }, { 192, 0x0000 }, { 192, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6600 */ + { 192, 0x0201 }, { 194, 0x4020 }, { 196, 0x4010 }, { 198, 0x0802 }, + { 200, 0x0000 }, { 200, 0x0280 }, { 202, 0x0020 }, { 203, 0x0008 }, + { 204, 0x0000 }, { 204, 0x0200 }, { 205, 0x0001 }, { 206, 0x8004 }, + { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0c00 }, + /* 0x6700 */ + { 210, 0x4000 }, { 211, 0x0000 }, { 211, 0x0000 }, { 211, 0x0000 }, + { 211, 0x0000 }, { 211, 0x0000 }, { 211, 0x0040 }, { 212, 0x0000 }, + { 212, 0x0000 }, { 212, 0x0000 }, { 212, 0x0000 }, { 212, 0x0800 }, + { 213, 0x0001 }, { 214, 0x0000 }, { 214, 0x0000 }, { 214, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6800 */ + { 214, 0x0002 }, { 215, 0x0000 }, { 215, 0x0000 }, { 215, 0x0000 }, + { 215, 0x0010 }, { 216, 0x0004 }, { 217, 0x0000 }, { 217, 0x0000 }, + { 217, 0x0000 }, { 217, 0x0000 }, { 217, 0x0000 }, { 217, 0x0000 }, + { 217, 0x8100 }, { 219, 0x0000 }, { 219, 0x0000 }, { 219, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6900 */ + { 219, 0x0000 }, { 219, 0x0000 }, { 219, 0x0000 }, { 219, 0x0000 }, + { 219, 0x0000 }, { 219, 0x0000 }, { 219, 0x0100 }, { 220, 0x0000 }, + { 220, 0x0000 }, { 220, 0x0100 }, { 221, 0x0000 }, { 221, 0x0000 }, + { 221, 0x0000 }, { 221, 0x0000 }, { 221, 0x0004 }, { 222, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6a00 */ + { 222, 0x0000 }, { 222, 0x0000 }, { 222, 0x0000 }, { 222, 0x0001 }, + { 223, 0x0040 }, { 224, 0x0000 }, { 224, 0x0800 }, { 225, 0x4008 }, + { 227, 0x0000 }, { 227, 0x0000 }, { 227, 0x0000 }, { 227, 0x0000 }, + { 227, 0x0000 }, { 227, 0x0000 }, { 227, 0x0014 }, { 229, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6b00 */ + { 229, 0x0000 }, { 229, 0x0000 }, { 229, 0x0000 }, { 229, 0x0000 }, + { 229, 0x0000 }, { 229, 0x0000 }, { 229, 0x0000 }, { 229, 0x0000 }, + { 229, 0x0000 }, { 229, 0x0000 }, { 229, 0x0000 }, { 229, 0x0000 }, + { 229, 0x0000 }, { 229, 0x0040 }, { 230, 0x0000 }, { 230, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6c00 */ + { 230, 0x0000 }, { 230, 0x0000 }, { 230, 0x0000 }, { 230, 0x8000 }, + { 231, 0x0000 }, { 231, 0x1000 }, { 232, 0x8000 }, { 233, 0x0000 }, + { 233, 0x0040 }, { 234, 0x0000 }, { 234, 0x0000 }, { 234, 0x0000 }, + { 234, 0x0000 }, { 234, 0x0400 }, { 235, 0x0000 }, { 235, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6d00 */ + { 235, 0x0010 }, { 236, 0x0000 }, { 236, 0x0000 }, { 236, 0x0000 }, + { 236, 0x0000 }, { 236, 0x0000 }, { 236, 0x8000 }, { 237, 0x0000 }, + { 237, 0x0080 }, { 238, 0x0040 }, { 239, 0x1000 }, { 240, 0x0000 }, + { 240, 0x8000 }, { 241, 0x0000 }, { 241, 0x0000 }, { 241, 0x1104 }, + /* 0x6e00 */ + { 244, 0x0000 }, { 244, 0x0000 }, { 244, 0x0080 }, { 245, 0x1200 }, + { 247, 0x0000 }, { 247, 0x1000 }, { 248, 0x0000 }, { 248, 0x0000 }, + { 248, 0x0000 }, { 248, 0x0000 }, { 248, 0x0000 }, { 248, 0x8000 }, + { 249, 0x0000 }, { 249, 0x0000 }, { 249, 0x0000 }, { 249, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6f00 */ + { 249, 0x0000 }, { 249, 0x0000 }, { 249, 0x0000 }, { 249, 0x0000 }, + { 249, 0x0000 }, { 249, 0x0000 }, { 249, 0x0000 }, { 249, 0x0000 }, + { 249, 0x0100 }, { 250, 0x0000 }, { 250, 0x0000 }, { 250, 0x0020 }, + { 251, 0x0000 }, { 251, 0x0000 }, { 251, 0x0000 }, { 251, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x7000 */ + { 252, 0x00a0 }, { 254, 0x0000 }, { 254, 0x0100 }, { 255, 0x0000 }, + { 255, 0x0000 }, { 255, 0x0000 }, { 255, 0x0000 }, { 255, 0x0000 }, + { 255, 0x0020 }, { 256, 0x0000 }, { 256, 0x0800 }, { 257, 0x0800 }, + { 258, 0x0000 }, { 258, 0x0000 }, { 258, 0x0000 }, { 258, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7100 */ + { 258, 0x8010 }, { 260, 0x0000 }, { 260, 0x0000 }, { 260, 0x0000 }, + { 260, 0x00c0 }, { 262, 0x1000 }, { 263, 0x0000 }, { 263, 0x0000 }, + { 263, 0x0000 }, { 263, 0x0000 }, { 263, 0x0000 }, { 263, 0x0000 }, + { 263, 0x0002 }, { 264, 0x0000 }, { 264, 0x0000 }, { 264, 0x4000 }, + /* 0x7200 */ + { 265, 0x0000 }, { 265, 0x0000 }, { 265, 0x0000 }, { 265, 0x0000 }, + { 265, 0x0000 }, { 265, 0x0000 }, { 265, 0x0000 }, { 265, 0x0000 }, + { 265, 0x0000 }, { 265, 0x0000 }, { 265, 0x0000 }, { 265, 0x4002 }, + { 267, 0x0000 }, { 267, 0x0000 }, { 267, 0x0000 }, { 267, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7300 */ + { 267, 0x0000 }, { 267, 0x0000 }, { 267, 0x0010 }, { 268, 0x0000 }, + { 268, 0x0000 }, { 268, 0x0000 }, { 268, 0x0000 }, { 268, 0x0080 }, + { 269, 0x0000 }, { 269, 0x0000 }, { 269, 0x0000 }, { 269, 0x2000 }, + { 270, 0x0200 }, { 271, 0x0044 }, { 273, 0x0008 }, { 274, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x7400 */ + { 275, 0x0080 }, { 276, 0x0000 }, { 276, 0x4640 }, { 280, 0x0000 }, + { 280, 0x0000 }, { 280, 0x0000 }, { 280, 0x0004 }, { 281, 0x0000 }, + { 281, 0x0200 }, { 282, 0x8000 }, { 283, 0x0000 }, { 283, 0x0000 }, + { 283, 0x0000 }, { 283, 0x0000 }, { 283, 0x0000 }, { 283, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7500 */ + { 283, 0x0002 }, { 284, 0x0000 }, { 284, 0x8000 }, { 285, 0x0000 }, + { 285, 0x0000 }, { 285, 0x0000 }, { 285, 0x8000 }, { 286, 0x0000 }, + { 286, 0x0000 }, { 286, 0x0000 }, { 286, 0x0000 }, { 286, 0x0000 }, + { 286, 0x0000 }, { 286, 0x0000 }, { 286, 0x0000 }, { 286, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7600 */ + { 286, 0x0000 }, { 286, 0x0000 }, { 286, 0x0000 }, { 286, 0x0000 }, + { 286, 0x0000 }, { 286, 0x0000 }, { 286, 0x0000 }, { 286, 0x0000 }, + { 286, 0x0004 }, { 287, 0x5800 }, { 290, 0x0040 }, { 291, 0x0000 }, + { 291, 0x0000 }, { 291, 0x0000 }, { 291, 0x0000 }, { 291, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7700 */ + { 291, 0x0000 }, { 291, 0x0000 }, { 291, 0x0000 }, { 291, 0x0000 }, + { 291, 0x0040 }, { 292, 0x0000 }, { 292, 0x0000 }, { 292, 0x0000 }, + { 292, 0x0000 }, { 292, 0x0000 }, { 292, 0x0000 }, { 292, 0x0000 }, + { 292, 0x0000 }, { 292, 0x0000 }, { 292, 0x0000 }, { 292, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7800 */ + { 292, 0x0000 }, { 292, 0x0000 }, { 292, 0x0002 }, { 293, 0x0000 }, + { 293, 0x4000 }, { 294, 0x0000 }, { 294, 0x0010 }, { 295, 0x0400 }, + { 296, 0x0000 }, { 296, 0x0000 }, { 296, 0x0000 }, { 296, 0x0000 }, + { 296, 0x0000 }, { 296, 0x0000 }, { 296, 0x0000 }, { 296, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7900 */ + { 296, 0x0000 }, { 296, 0x0000 }, { 296, 0x0000 }, { 296, 0x0001 }, + { 297, 0x0000 }, { 297, 0x0000 }, { 297, 0x0000 }, { 297, 0x0000 }, + { 297, 0x0000 }, { 297, 0x0810 }, { 299, 0x0000 }, { 299, 0x0000 }, + { 299, 0x0000 }, { 299, 0x0000 }, { 299, 0x0000 }, { 299, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7a00 */ + { 299, 0x0000 }, { 299, 0x0000 }, { 299, 0x0000 }, { 299, 0x0000 }, + { 299, 0x0000 }, { 299, 0x0000 }, { 299, 0x0000 }, { 299, 0x0000 }, + { 299, 0x0000 }, { 299, 0x0000 }, { 299, 0x0000 }, { 299, 0x0000 }, + { 299, 0x0000 }, { 299, 0x0002 }, { 300, 0x0880 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7b00 */ + { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, + { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, + { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x4000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cp932ext_uni2indx_page7d[43] = { + /* 0x7d00 */ + { 303, 0x0000 }, { 303, 0x0000 }, { 303, 0x0000 }, { 303, 0x0000 }, + { 303, 0x0100 }, { 304, 0x1000 }, { 305, 0x0000 }, { 305, 0x0000 }, + { 305, 0x0000 }, { 305, 0x0000 }, { 305, 0x0001 }, { 306, 0x0080 }, + { 307, 0x0000 }, { 307, 0x0040 }, { 308, 0x0000 }, { 308, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7e00 */ + { 308, 0x0000 }, { 308, 0x0000 }, { 308, 0x0000 }, { 308, 0x0000 }, + { 308, 0x0000 }, { 308, 0x0004 }, { 309, 0x0000 }, { 309, 0x0000 }, + { 309, 0x0400 }, { 310, 0x0000 }, { 310, 0x0000 }, { 310, 0x0000 }, + { 310, 0x0000 }, { 310, 0x0000 }, { 310, 0x0000 }, { 310, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7f00 */ + { 310, 0x0000 }, { 310, 0x0000 }, { 310, 0x0000 }, { 310, 0x0000 }, + { 310, 0x0080 }, { 311, 0x0000 }, { 311, 0x0000 }, { 311, 0x0000 }, + { 311, 0x0000 }, { 311, 0x0000 }, { 311, 0x0002 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cp932ext_uni2indx_page83[44] = { + /* 0x8300 */ + { 312, 0x0002 }, { 313, 0x0000 }, { 313, 0x0000 }, { 313, 0x0000 }, + { 313, 0x0000 }, { 313, 0x0000 }, { 313, 0x0004 }, { 314, 0x8000 }, + { 315, 0x0000 }, { 315, 0x0000 }, { 315, 0x0000 }, { 315, 0x0000 }, + { 315, 0x0080 }, { 316, 0x0000 }, { 316, 0x0000 }, { 316, 0x0040 }, + /* 0x8400 */ + { 317, 0x0000 }, { 317, 0x0000 }, { 317, 0x0000 }, { 317, 0x0000 }, + { 317, 0x0100 }, { 318, 0x0000 }, { 318, 0x0000 }, { 318, 0x0000 }, + { 318, 0x0000 }, { 318, 0x0000 }, { 318, 0x0000 }, { 318, 0x0010 }, + { 319, 0x0000 }, { 319, 0x1000 }, { 320, 0x0000 }, { 320, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8500 */ + { 320, 0x0000 }, { 320, 0x0000 }, { 320, 0x0000 }, { 320, 0x0000 }, + { 320, 0x0000 }, { 320, 0x0208 }, { 322, 0x0800 }, { 323, 0x0000 }, + { 323, 0x0000 }, { 323, 0x0000 }, { 323, 0x0000 }, { 323, 0x0001 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cp932ext_uni2indx_page88[109] = { + /* 0x8800 */ + { 324, 0x0080 }, { 325, 0x0000 }, { 325, 0x0000 }, { 325, 0x0000 }, + { 325, 0x0000 }, { 325, 0x0000 }, { 325, 0x0000 }, { 325, 0x0000 }, + { 325, 0x0000 }, { 325, 0x0000 }, { 325, 0x0000 }, { 325, 0x0000 }, + { 325, 0x0000 }, { 325, 0x0000 }, { 325, 0x0000 }, { 325, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x8900 */ + { 326, 0x0000 }, { 326, 0x1000 }, { 327, 0x0000 }, { 327, 0x0000 }, + { 327, 0x0000 }, { 327, 0x0000 }, { 327, 0x0000 }, { 327, 0x0000 }, + { 327, 0x0000 }, { 327, 0x0000 }, { 327, 0x0000 }, { 327, 0x0000 }, + { 327, 0x0000 }, { 327, 0x0000 }, { 327, 0x0000 }, { 327, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8a00 */ + { 327, 0x0000 }, { 327, 0x0004 }, { 328, 0x0000 }, { 328, 0x0080 }, + { 329, 0x0000 }, { 329, 0x0000 }, { 329, 0x0000 }, { 329, 0x0200 }, + { 330, 0x0000 }, { 330, 0x0000 }, { 330, 0x0080 }, { 331, 0x4000 }, + { 332, 0x0000 }, { 332, 0x8000 }, { 333, 0x0000 }, { 333, 0x0040 }, + /* 0x8b00 */ + { 334, 0x0000 }, { 334, 0x0000 }, { 334, 0x0000 }, { 334, 0x0000 }, + { 334, 0x0000 }, { 334, 0x0008 }, { 335, 0x0000 }, { 335, 0x8000 }, + { 336, 0x0000 }, { 336, 0x0000 }, { 336, 0x0000 }, { 336, 0x0000 }, + { 336, 0x0000 }, { 336, 0x0000 }, { 336, 0x0000 }, { 336, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8c00 */ + { 336, 0x0000 }, { 336, 0x0000 }, { 336, 0x0000 }, { 336, 0x0000 }, + { 336, 0x0000 }, { 336, 0x0000 }, { 336, 0x0000 }, { 336, 0x0000 }, + { 336, 0x0000 }, { 336, 0x0000 }, { 336, 0x0000 }, { 336, 0x0000 }, + { 336, 0x0000 }, { 336, 0x0000 }, { 336, 0x0000 }, { 336, 0x0011 }, + /* 0x8d00 */ + { 338, 0x0000 }, { 338, 0x0004 }, { 339, 0x0000 }, { 339, 0x0000 }, + { 339, 0x0000 }, { 339, 0x0000 }, { 339, 0x0000 }, { 339, 0x0040 }, + { 340, 0x0000 }, { 340, 0x0000 }, { 340, 0x0000 }, { 340, 0x0000 }, + { 340, 0x0000 }, { 340, 0x0000 }, { 340, 0x0000 }, { 340, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8e00 */ + { 340, 0x0000 }, { 340, 0x0000 }, { 340, 0x0000 }, { 340, 0x0000 }, + { 340, 0x0000 }, { 340, 0x0000 }, { 340, 0x0000 }, { 340, 0x0000 }, + { 340, 0x0000 }, { 340, 0x0000 }, { 340, 0x0000 }, { 340, 0x0000 }, + { 340, 0x8000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cp932ext_uni2indx_page90[238] = { + /* 0x9000 */ + { 341, 0x0000 }, { 341, 0x0000 }, { 341, 0x0000 }, { 341, 0x0000 }, + { 341, 0x0000 }, { 341, 0x0000 }, { 341, 0x0080 }, { 342, 0x0000 }, + { 342, 0x0000 }, { 342, 0x0000 }, { 342, 0x0000 }, { 342, 0x0000 }, + { 342, 0x0000 }, { 342, 0x4000 }, { 343, 0x0000 }, { 343, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9100 */ + { 343, 0x0000 }, { 343, 0x0020 }, { 344, 0x0080 }, { 345, 0x0000 }, + { 345, 0x0000 }, { 345, 0x0000 }, { 345, 0x0000 }, { 345, 0x0000 }, + { 345, 0x0000 }, { 345, 0x0000 }, { 345, 0x0000 }, { 345, 0x0000 }, + { 345, 0x0000 }, { 345, 0x4480 }, { 348, 0x6030 }, { 352, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9200 */ + { 352, 0x0440 }, { 354, 0x0001 }, { 355, 0x0000 }, { 355, 0x1600 }, + { 358, 0x4001 }, { 360, 0x0202 }, { 362, 0x0080 }, { 363, 0x0180 }, + { 365, 0x0100 }, { 366, 0x0000 }, { 366, 0x0080 }, { 367, 0x0000 }, + { 367, 0x0000 }, { 367, 0x02a9 }, { 372, 0x0081 }, { 374, 0x8a00 }, + /* 0x9300 */ + { 377, 0x0004 }, { 378, 0x6000 }, { 380, 0x0022 }, { 382, 0x0000 }, + { 382, 0x0100 }, { 383, 0x0080 }, { 384, 0x0000 }, { 384, 0x0001 }, + { 385, 0x0000 }, { 385, 0x0000 }, { 385, 0x0010 }, { 386, 0x0000 }, + { 386, 0x0040 }, { 387, 0x4000 }, { 388, 0x0000 }, { 388, 0x0100 }, + /* 0x9400 */ + { 389, 0x0000 }, { 389, 0x0000 }, { 389, 0x0000 }, { 389, 0x0002 }, + { 390, 0x0120 }, { 392, 0x0000 }, { 392, 0x0000 }, { 392, 0x0000 }, + { 392, 0x0000 }, { 392, 0x0000 }, { 392, 0x0000 }, { 392, 0x0000 }, + { 392, 0x0000 }, { 392, 0x0000 }, { 392, 0x0000 }, { 392, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9500 */ + { 392, 0x0000 }, { 392, 0x0000 }, { 392, 0x0000 }, { 392, 0x0000 }, + { 392, 0x0000 }, { 392, 0x0000 }, { 392, 0x0000 }, { 392, 0x0000 }, + { 392, 0x0000 }, { 392, 0x0004 }, { 393, 0x0000 }, { 393, 0x0000 }, + { 393, 0x0000 }, { 393, 0x0000 }, { 393, 0x0000 }, { 393, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9600 */ + { 393, 0x0000 }, { 393, 0x0000 }, { 393, 0x0000 }, { 393, 0x0000 }, + { 393, 0x0000 }, { 393, 0x0000 }, { 393, 0x0000 }, { 393, 0x0000 }, + { 393, 0x0000 }, { 393, 0x2000 }, { 394, 0x8000 }, { 395, 0x0000 }, + { 395, 0x0000 }, { 395, 0x0000 }, { 395, 0x0000 }, { 395, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9700 */ + { 395, 0x0000 }, { 395, 0x0000 }, { 395, 0x0000 }, { 395, 0x0808 }, + { 397, 0xa008 }, { 400, 0x0022 }, { 402, 0x0000 }, { 402, 0x0000 }, + { 402, 0x0000 }, { 402, 0x0000 }, { 402, 0x0000 }, { 402, 0x0000 }, + { 402, 0x0000 }, { 402, 0x0000 }, { 402, 0x0000 }, { 402, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9800 */ + { 402, 0x0000 }, { 402, 0x0000 }, { 402, 0x0000 }, { 402, 0x0000 }, + { 402, 0x0000 }, { 402, 0x0080 }, { 403, 0x0020 }, { 404, 0x0000 }, + { 404, 0x0000 }, { 404, 0x0000 }, { 404, 0x0000 }, { 404, 0x0000 }, + { 404, 0x0000 }, { 404, 0x0000 }, { 404, 0x0000 }, { 404, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9900 */ + { 404, 0x0000 }, { 404, 0x0000 }, { 404, 0x0080 }, { 405, 0x0000 }, + { 405, 0x0000 }, { 405, 0x0000 }, { 405, 0x0000 }, { 405, 0x0000 }, + { 405, 0x0000 }, { 405, 0x4000 }, { 406, 0x0000 }, { 406, 0x0000 }, + { 406, 0x0000 }, { 406, 0x0000 }, { 406, 0x0000 }, { 406, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9a00 */ + { 406, 0x0000 }, { 406, 0x0000 }, { 406, 0x0000 }, { 406, 0x0000 }, + { 406, 0x4000 }, { 407, 0x0000 }, { 407, 0x0000 }, { 407, 0x0000 }, + { 407, 0x0000 }, { 407, 0x0000 }, { 407, 0x0000 }, { 407, 0x0000 }, + { 407, 0x0000 }, { 407, 0x1200 }, { 409, 0x0000 }, { 409, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9b00 */ + { 409, 0x0000 }, { 409, 0x0000 }, { 409, 0x0000 }, { 409, 0x0000 }, + { 409, 0x0000 }, { 409, 0x0000 }, { 409, 0x0000 }, { 409, 0x0024 }, + { 411, 0x8000 }, { 412, 0x0000 }, { 412, 0x0000 }, { 412, 0x0802 }, + { 414, 0x0000 }, { 414, 0x0000 }, { 414, 0x0000 }, { 414, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9c00 */ + { 414, 0x0001 }, { 415, 0x0000 }, { 415, 0x0000 }, { 415, 0x0000 }, + { 415, 0x0000 }, { 415, 0x0000 }, { 415, 0x0000 }, { 415, 0x0000 }, + { 415, 0x0000 }, { 415, 0x0000 }, { 415, 0x0000 }, { 415, 0x0000 }, + { 415, 0x0000 }, { 415, 0x0000 }, { 415, 0x0000 }, { 415, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9d00 */ + { 415, 0x0000 }, { 415, 0x0000 }, { 415, 0x0000 }, { 415, 0x0000 }, + { 415, 0x0000 }, { 415, 0x0000 }, { 415, 0x0800 }, { 416, 0x0001 }, + { 417, 0x0000 }, { 417, 0x0000 }, { 417, 0x0000 }, { 417, 0x0000 }, + { 417, 0x0000 }, { 417, 0x0000 }, { 417, 0x0000 }, { 417, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9e00 */ + { 417, 0x0000 }, { 417, 0x0200 }, { 418, 0x0000 }, { 418, 0x0000 }, + { 418, 0x0000 }, { 418, 0x0000 }, { 418, 0x0000 }, { 418, 0x0000 }, + { 418, 0x0000 }, { 418, 0x0000 }, { 418, 0x0000 }, { 418, 0x0000 }, + { 418, 0x0000 }, { 418, 0x0002 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cp932ext_uni2indx_pagef9[19] = { + /* 0xf900 */ + { 419, 0x0000 }, { 419, 0x0000 }, { 419, 0x0200 }, { 420, 0x0000 }, + { 420, 0x0000 }, { 420, 0x0000 }, { 420, 0x0000 }, { 420, 0x0000 }, + { 420, 0x0000 }, { 420, 0x0000 }, { 420, 0x0000 }, { 420, 0x0000 }, + { 420, 0x0000 }, { 420, 0x1000 }, { 421, 0x0000 }, { 421, 0x0000 }, + /* 0xfa00 */ + { 421, 0xc000 }, { 423, 0xffff }, { 439, 0x3fff }, +}; +static const Summary16 cp932ext_uni2indx_pageff[15] = { + /* 0xff00 */ + { 453, 0x0084 }, { 455, 0x0000 }, { 455, 0x0000 }, { 455, 0x0000 }, + { 455, 0x0000 }, { 455, 0x0000 }, { 455, 0x0000 }, { 455, 0x0000 }, + { 455, 0x0000 }, { 455, 0x0000 }, { 455, 0x0000 }, { 455, 0x0000 }, + { 455, 0x0000 }, { 455, 0x0000 }, { 455, 0x0014 }, +}; + +static int +cp932ext_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + const Summary16 *summary = NULL; + if (wc >= 0x2100 && wc < 0x22c0) + summary = &cp932ext_uni2indx_page21[(wc>>4)-0x210]; + else if (wc >= 0x2400 && wc < 0x2480) + summary = &cp932ext_uni2indx_page24[(wc>>4)-0x240]; + else if (wc >= 0x3000 && wc < 0x3020) + summary = &cp932ext_uni2indx_page30[(wc>>4)-0x300]; + else if (wc >= 0x3200 && wc < 0x33d0) + summary = &cp932ext_uni2indx_page32[(wc>>4)-0x320]; + else if (wc >= 0x4e00 && wc < 0x5590) + summary = &cp932ext_uni2indx_page4e[(wc>>4)-0x4e0]; + else if (wc >= 0x5700 && wc < 0x59c0) + summary = &cp932ext_uni2indx_page57[(wc>>4)-0x570]; + else if (wc >= 0x5b00 && wc < 0x5de0) + summary = &cp932ext_uni2indx_page5b[(wc>>4)-0x5b0]; + else if (wc >= 0x5f00 && wc < 0x7ba0) + summary = &cp932ext_uni2indx_page5f[(wc>>4)-0x5f0]; + else if (wc >= 0x7d00 && wc < 0x7fb0) + summary = &cp932ext_uni2indx_page7d[(wc>>4)-0x7d0]; + else if (wc >= 0x8300 && wc < 0x85c0) + summary = &cp932ext_uni2indx_page83[(wc>>4)-0x830]; + else if (wc >= 0x8800 && wc < 0x8ed0) + summary = &cp932ext_uni2indx_page88[(wc>>4)-0x880]; + else if (wc >= 0x9000 && wc < 0x9ee0) + summary = &cp932ext_uni2indx_page90[(wc>>4)-0x900]; + else if (wc >= 0xf900 && wc < 0xfa30) + summary = &cp932ext_uni2indx_pagef9[(wc>>4)-0xf90]; + else if (wc >= 0xff00 && wc < 0xfff0) + summary = &cp932ext_uni2indx_pageff[(wc>>4)-0xff0]; + if (summary) { + unsigned short used = summary->used; + unsigned int i = wc & 0x0f; + if (used & ((unsigned short) 1 << i)) { + unsigned short c; + /* Keep in `used' only the bits 0..i-1. */ + used &= ((unsigned short) 1 << i) - 1; + /* Add `summary->indx' and the number of bits set in `used'. */ + used = (used & 0x5555) + ((used & 0xaaaa) >> 1); + used = (used & 0x3333) + ((used & 0xcccc) >> 2); + used = (used & 0x0f0f) + ((used & 0xf0f0) >> 4); + used = (used & 0x00ff) + (used >> 8); + c = cp932ext_2charset[summary->indx + used]; + r[0] = (c >> 8); r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp936.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp936.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..06e510cae --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp936.h @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP936 + */ + +/* + * The IANA has CP936 as an alias of GBK. But GBK is an official Chinese + * specification, whereas CP936 is de-facto maintained by Microsoft. And, + * of course, Microsoft modified CP936 since 1999. + * + * The differences from GBK are: + * + * 1. A single character: + * + * code CP936.TXT + * 0x80 0x20AC # EURO SIGN + * + * Some variants of CP936 (in JDK, Windows-2000, ICU) also add: + * + * 2. Private area mappings: + * + * code Unicode + * 0x{A1..A2}{40..7E,80..A0} U+E4C6..U+E585 + * 0x{AA..AF,F8..FE}{A1..FE} U+E000..U+E4C5 + * + * We add them too because, although there are backward compatibility problems + * when a character from a private area is moved to an official Unicode code + * point, they are useful for some people in practice. + */ + +static int +cp936_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + /* Try GBK first. */ + { + int ret = ces_gbk_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + } + /* Then handle the additional mappings. */ + { + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c == 0x80) { + *pwc = 0x20ac; + return 1; + } + /* User-defined characters */ + if (c >= 0xa1 && c <= 0xa2) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 < 0x7f) || (c2 >= 0x80 && c2 < 0xa1)) { + *pwc = 0xe4c6 + 96 * (c - 0xa1) + (c2 - (c2 >= 0x80 ? 0x41 : 0x40)); + return 2; + } + } + } else if ((c >= 0xaa && c < 0xb0) || (c >= 0xf8 && c < 0xff)) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff) { + *pwc = 0xe000 + 94 * (c - (c >= 0xf8 ? 0xf2 : 0xaa)) + (c2 - 0xa1); + return 2; + } + } + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +cp936_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + /* Try GBK first. */ + { + int ret = ces_gbk_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) + return ret; + } + /* Then handle the additional mappings. */ + if (wc >= 0xe000 && wc < 0xe586) { + /* User-defined characters */ + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + if (wc < 0xe4c6) { + unsigned int i = wc - 0xe000; + unsigned int c1 = i / 94; + unsigned int c2 = i % 94; + r[0] = c1 + (c1 < 6 ? 0xaa : 0xf2); + r[1] = c2 + 0xa1; + return 2; + } else { + unsigned int i = wc - 0xe4c6; + unsigned int c1 = i / 96; + unsigned int c2 = i % 96; + r[0] = c1 + 0xa1; + r[1] = c2 + (c2 < 0x3f ? 0x40 : 0x41); + return 2; + } + } else if (wc == 0x20ac) { + r[0] = 0x80; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp936ext.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp936ext.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..db1817b70 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp936ext.h @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP936 extensions + */ + +static const unsigned short cp936ext_2uni_pagea6[181-159] = { + /* 0xa6 */ + 0xfe35, + 0xfe36, 0xfe39, 0xfe3a, 0xfe3f, 0xfe40, 0xfe3d, 0xfe3e, 0xfe41, + 0xfe42, 0xfe43, 0xfe44, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfe3b, 0xfe3c, 0xfe37, + 0xfe38, 0xfe31, 0xfffd, 0xfe33, 0xfe34, +}; +static const unsigned short cp936ext_2uni_pagea8[128-122] = { + /* 0xa8 */ + 0x0251, 0xfffd, 0x0144, 0x0148, 0xfffd, 0x0261, +}; + +static int +cp936ext_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 == 0xa6) || (c1 == 0xa8)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 < 0x7f) || (c2 >= 0x80 && c2 < 0xff)) { + unsigned int i = 190 * (c1 - 0x81) + (c2 - (c2 >= 0x80 ? 0x41 : 0x40)); + unsigned short wc = 0xfffd; + if (i < 7410) { + if (i >= 7189 && i < 7211) + wc = cp936ext_2uni_pagea6[i-7189]; + } else { + if (i >= 7532 && i < 7538) + wc = cp936ext_2uni_pagea8[i-7532]; + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned short cp936ext_page01[16] = { + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xa8bd, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x40-0x47*/ + 0xa8be, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x48-0x4f*/ +}; +static const unsigned short cp936ext_page02[24] = { + 0x0000, 0xa8bb, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x50-0x57*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x58-0x5f*/ + 0x0000, 0xa8c0, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x60-0x67*/ +}; +static const unsigned short cp936ext_pagefe[24] = { + 0x0000, 0xa6f2, 0x0000, 0xa6f4, 0xa6f5, 0xa6e0, 0xa6e1, 0xa6f0, /*0x30-0x37*/ + 0xa6f1, 0xa6e2, 0xa6e3, 0xa6ee, 0xa6ef, 0xa6e6, 0xa6e7, 0xa6e4, /*0x38-0x3f*/ + 0xa6e5, 0xa6e8, 0xa6e9, 0xa6ea, 0xa6eb, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x40-0x47*/ +}; + +static int +cp936ext_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned short c = 0; + if (wc >= 0x0140 && wc < 0x0150) + c = cp936ext_page01[wc-0x0140]; + else if (wc >= 0x0250 && wc < 0x0268) + c = cp936ext_page02[wc-0x0250]; + else if (wc >= 0xfe30 && wc < 0xfe48) + c = cp936ext_pagefe[wc-0xfe30]; + if (c != 0) { + r[0] = (c >> 8); r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp943.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp943.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dbaebe97e --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp943.h @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * IBM CP943 + */ + +/* This is essentially CP932, with many mappings missing in the AIX conversion + table. We just pretend it were the same as CP932. */ + +#define cp943_mbtowc cp932_mbtowc +#define cp943_wctomb cp932_wctomb diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp949.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp949.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..665e7243a --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp949.h @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP949 is EUC-KR, extended with UHC (Unified Hangul Code). + * + * Some variants of CP949 (in JDK, Windows-2000, ICU) also add: + * + * 2. Private area mappings: + * + * code Unicode + * 0xC9{A1..FE} U+E000..U+E05D + * 0xFE{A1..FE} U+E05E..U+E0BB + * + * We add them too because, although there are backward compatibility problems + * when a character from a private area is moved to an official Unicode code + * point, they are useful for some people in practice. + */ + +#include "uhc_1.h" +#include "uhc_2.h" + +static int +cp949_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + if (c < 0x80) + return ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + /* UHC part 1 */ + if (c >= 0x81 && c <= 0xa0) + return uhc_1_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + if (c >= 0xa1 && c < 0xff) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 < 0xa1) + /* UHC part 2 */ + return uhc_2_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + else if (c2 < 0xff && !(c == 0xa2 && c2 == 0xe8)) { + /* Code set 1 (KS C 5601-1992, now KS X 1001:1998) */ + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + buf[0] = c-0x80; buf[1] = c2-0x80; + ret = ksc5601_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + /* User-defined characters */ + if (c == 0xc9) { + *pwc = 0xe000 + (c2 - 0xa1); + return 2; + } + if (c == 0xfe) { + *pwc = 0xe05e + (c2 - 0xa1); + return 2; + } + } + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +cp949_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) + return ret; + + /* Code set 1 (KS C 5601-1992, now KS X 1001:1998) */ + if (wc != 0x327e) { + ret = ksc5601_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = buf[0]+0x80; + r[1] = buf[1]+0x80; + return 2; + } + } + + /* UHC */ + if (wc >= 0xac00 && wc < 0xd7a4) { + if (wc < 0xc8a5) + return uhc_1_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + else + return uhc_2_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + } + + /* User-defined characters */ + if (wc >= 0xe000 && wc < 0xe0bc) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (wc < 0xe05e) { + r[0] = 0xc9; + r[1] = wc - 0xe000 + 0xa1; + } else { + r[0] = 0xfe; + r[1] = wc - 0xe05e + 0xa1; + } + return 2; + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp950.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp950.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..28ca19945 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp950.h @@ -0,0 +1,284 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP950 + */ + +/* + * Microsoft CP950 is a slightly extended and slightly modified version of + * BIG5. The differences between the EASTASIA/OTHER/BIG5.TXT and + * VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP950.TXT tables found on ftp.unicode.org are + * as follows: + * + * 1. Some characters in the BIG5 range are defined differently: + * + * code BIG5.TXT CP950.TXT + * 0xA145 0x2022 # BULLET 0x2027 # HYPHENATION POINT + * 0xA14E 0xFF64 # HALFWIDTH IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA + * 0xFE51 # SMALL IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA + * 0xA15A --- 0x2574 # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT LEFT + * 0xA1C2 0x203E # OVERLINE 0x00AF # MACRON + * 0xA1C3 --- 0xFFE3 # FULLWIDTH MACRON + * 0xA1C5 --- 0x02CD # MODIFIER LETTER LOW MACRON + * 0xA1E3 0x223C # TILDE OPERATOR 0xFF5E # FULLWIDTH TILDE + * 0xA1F2 0x2641 # EARTH 0x2295 # CIRCLED PLUS + * 0xA1F3 0x2609 # SUN 0x2299 # CIRCLED DOT OPERATOR + * 0xA1FE --- 0xFF0F # FULLWIDTH SOLIDUS + * 0xA240 --- 0xFF3C # FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS + * 0xA241 0xFF0F # FULLWIDTH SOLIDUS 0x2215 # DIVISION SLASH + * 0xA242 0xFF3C # FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS + * 0xFE68 # SMALL REVERSE SOLIDUS + * 0xA244 0x00A5 # YEN SIGN 0xFFE5 # FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN + * 0xA246 0x00A2 # CENT SIGN 0xFFE0 # FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN + * 0xA247 0x00A3 # POUND SIGN 0xFFE1 # FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN + * 0xA2CC --- 0x5341 + * 0xA2CE --- 0x5345 + * + * 2. A small new row. See cp950ext.h. + * + * 3. CP950.TXT is lacking the range 0xC6A1..0xC7FC (Hiragana, Katakana, + * Cyrillic, circled digits, parenthesized digits). + * + * We implement this omission, because said range is marked "uncertain" + * in the unicode.org BIG5 table. + * + * The table found on Microsoft's website furthermore adds: + * + * 4. A single character: + * + * code CP950.TXT + * 0xA3E1 0x20AC # EURO SIGN + * + * Many variants of BIG5 or CP950 (in JDK, Solaris, OSF/1, Windows-2000, ICU, + * as well as our BIG5-2003 converter) also add: + * + * 5. Private area mappings: + * + * code Unicode + * 0x{81..8D}{40..7E,A1..FE} U+EEB8..U+F6B0 + * 0x{8E..A0}{40..7E,A1..FE} U+E311..U+EEB7 + * 0x{FA..FE}{40..7E,A1..FE} U+E000..U+E310 + * + * We add them too because, although there are backward compatibility problems + * when a character from a private area is moved to an official Unicode code + * point, they are useful for some people in practice. + */ + +static const unsigned short cp950_2uni_pagea1[314] = { + /* 0xa1 */ + 0x3000, 0xff0c, 0x3001, 0x3002, 0xff0e, 0x2027, 0xff1b, 0xff1a, + 0xff1f, 0xff01, 0xfe30, 0x2026, 0x2025, 0xfe50, 0xfe51, 0xfe52, + 0x00b7, 0xfe54, 0xfe55, 0xfe56, 0xfe57, 0xff5c, 0x2013, 0xfe31, + 0x2014, 0xfe33, 0x2574, 0xfe34, 0xfe4f, 0xff08, 0xff09, 0xfe35, + 0xfe36, 0xff5b, 0xff5d, 0xfe37, 0xfe38, 0x3014, 0x3015, 0xfe39, + 0xfe3a, 0x3010, 0x3011, 0xfe3b, 0xfe3c, 0x300a, 0x300b, 0xfe3d, + 0xfe3e, 0x3008, 0x3009, 0xfe3f, 0xfe40, 0x300c, 0x300d, 0xfe41, + 0xfe42, 0x300e, 0x300f, 0xfe43, 0xfe44, 0xfe59, 0xfe5a, 0xfe5b, + 0xfe5c, 0xfe5d, 0xfe5e, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x301d, + 0x301e, 0x2035, 0x2032, 0xff03, 0xff06, 0xff0a, 0x203b, 0x00a7, + 0x3003, 0x25cb, 0x25cf, 0x25b3, 0x25b2, 0x25ce, 0x2606, 0x2605, + 0x25c7, 0x25c6, 0x25a1, 0x25a0, 0x25bd, 0x25bc, 0x32a3, 0x2105, + 0x00af, 0xffe3, 0xff3f, 0x02cd, 0xfe49, 0xfe4a, 0xfe4d, 0xfe4e, + 0xfe4b, 0xfe4c, 0xfe5f, 0xfe60, 0xfe61, 0xff0b, 0xff0d, 0x00d7, + 0x00f7, 0x00b1, 0x221a, 0xff1c, 0xff1e, 0xff1d, 0x2266, 0x2267, + 0x2260, 0x221e, 0x2252, 0x2261, 0xfe62, 0xfe63, 0xfe64, 0xfe65, + 0xfe66, 0xff5e, 0x2229, 0x222a, 0x22a5, 0x2220, 0x221f, 0x22bf, + 0x33d2, 0x33d1, 0x222b, 0x222e, 0x2235, 0x2234, 0x2640, 0x2642, + 0x2295, 0x2299, 0x2191, 0x2193, 0x2190, 0x2192, 0x2196, 0x2197, + 0x2199, 0x2198, 0x2225, 0x2223, 0xff0f, + /* 0xa2 */ + 0xff3c, 0x2215, 0xfe68, 0xff04, 0xffe5, 0x3012, 0xffe0, 0xffe1, + 0xff05, 0xff20, 0x2103, 0x2109, 0xfe69, 0xfe6a, 0xfe6b, 0x33d5, + 0x339c, 0x339d, 0x339e, 0x33ce, 0x33a1, 0x338e, 0x338f, 0x33c4, + 0x00b0, 0x5159, 0x515b, 0x515e, 0x515d, 0x5161, 0x5163, 0x55e7, + 0x74e9, 0x7cce, 0x2581, 0x2582, 0x2583, 0x2584, 0x2585, 0x2586, + 0x2587, 0x2588, 0x258f, 0x258e, 0x258d, 0x258c, 0x258b, 0x258a, + 0x2589, 0x253c, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x2524, 0x251c, 0x2594, 0x2500, + 0x2502, 0x2595, 0x250c, 0x2510, 0x2514, 0x2518, 0x256d, 0x256e, + 0x2570, 0x256f, 0x2550, 0x255e, 0x256a, 0x2561, 0x25e2, 0x25e3, + 0x25e5, 0x25e4, 0x2571, 0x2572, 0x2573, 0xff10, 0xff11, 0xff12, + 0xff13, 0xff14, 0xff15, 0xff16, 0xff17, 0xff18, 0xff19, 0x2160, + 0x2161, 0x2162, 0x2163, 0x2164, 0x2165, 0x2166, 0x2167, 0x2168, + 0x2169, 0x3021, 0x3022, 0x3023, 0x3024, 0x3025, 0x3026, 0x3027, + 0x3028, 0x3029, 0x5341, 0x5344, 0x5345, 0xff21, 0xff22, 0xff23, + 0xff24, 0xff25, 0xff26, 0xff27, 0xff28, 0xff29, 0xff2a, 0xff2b, + 0xff2c, 0xff2d, 0xff2e, 0xff2f, 0xff30, 0xff31, 0xff32, 0xff33, + 0xff34, 0xff35, 0xff36, 0xff37, 0xff38, 0xff39, 0xff3a, 0xff41, + 0xff42, 0xff43, 0xff44, 0xff45, 0xff46, 0xff47, 0xff48, 0xff49, + 0xff4a, 0xff4b, 0xff4c, 0xff4d, 0xff4e, 0xff4f, 0xff50, 0xff51, + 0xff52, 0xff53, 0xff54, 0xff55, 0xff56, +}; + +#include "cp950ext.h" + +static int +cp950_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + if (c < 0x80) + return ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + /* Code set 1 (BIG5 extended) */ + if (c >= 0x81 && c < 0xff) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 < 0x7f) || (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff)) { + if (c >= 0xa1) { + if (c < 0xa3) { + unsigned int i = 157 * (c - 0xa1) + (c2 - (c2 >= 0xa1 ? 0x62 : 0x40)); + unsigned short wc = cp950_2uni_pagea1[i]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 2; + } + } + if (!((c == 0xc6 && c2 >= 0xa1) || c == 0xc7)) { + int ret = big5_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + } + if (c == 0xa3 && c2 == 0xe1) { + *pwc = 0x20ac; + return 2; + } + if (c >= 0xfa) { + /* User-defined characters */ + *pwc = 0xe000 + 157 * (c - 0xfa) + (c2 - (c2 >= 0xa1 ? 0x62 : 0x40)); + return 2; + } + } else { + /* 0x81 <= c < 0xa1. */ + /* User-defined characters */ + *pwc = (c >= 0x8e ? 0xdb18 : 0xeeb8) + 157 * (c - 0x81) + + (c2 - (c2 >= 0xa1 ? 0x62 : 0x40)); + return 2; + } + } + } + if (c == 0xf9) { + int ret = cp950ext_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +cp950_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) + return ret; + + /* Code set 1 (BIG5 extended) */ + switch (wc >> 8) { + case 0x00: + if (wc == 0x00af) { buf[0] = 0xa1; buf[1] = 0xc2; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x00a2 || wc == 0x00a3 || wc == 0x00a4) + return RET_ILUNI; + break; + case 0x02: + if (wc == 0x02cd) { buf[0] = 0xa1; buf[1] = 0xc5; ret = 2; break; } + break; + case 0x20: + if (wc == 0x2027) { buf[0] = 0xa1; buf[1] = 0x45; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x20ac) { buf[0] = 0xa3; buf[1] = 0xe1; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2022 || wc == 0x203e) + return RET_ILUNI; + break; + case 0x22: + if (wc == 0x2215) { buf[0] = 0xa2; buf[1] = 0x41; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2295) { buf[0] = 0xa1; buf[1] = 0xf2; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x2299) { buf[0] = 0xa1; buf[1] = 0xf3; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0x223c) + return RET_ILUNI; + break; + case 0x25: + if (wc == 0x2574) { buf[0] = 0xa1; buf[1] = 0x5a; ret = 2; break; } + break; + case 0x26: + if (wc == 0x2609 || wc == 0x2641) + return RET_ILUNI; + break; + case 0xe0: case 0xe1: case 0xe2: case 0xe3: case 0xe4: case 0xe5: + case 0xe6: case 0xe7: case 0xe8: case 0xe9: case 0xea: case 0xeb: + case 0xec: case 0xed: case 0xee: case 0xef: case 0xf0: case 0xf1: + case 0xf2: case 0xf3: case 0xf4: case 0xf5: case 0xf6: + { + /* User-defined characters */ + unsigned int i = wc - 0xe000; + if (i < 5809) { + unsigned int c1 = i / 157; + unsigned int c2 = i % 157; + buf[0] = c1 + (c1 < 5 ? 0xfa : c1 < 24 ? 0x89 : 0x69); + buf[1] = c2 + (c2 < 0x3f ? 0x40 : 0x62); + ret = 2; + break; + } + } + break; + case 0xfe: + if (wc == 0xfe51) { buf[0] = 0xa1; buf[1] = 0x4e; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0xfe68) { buf[0] = 0xa2; buf[1] = 0x42; ret = 2; break; } + break; + case 0xff: + if (wc == 0xff0f) { buf[0] = 0xa1; buf[1] = 0xfe; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0xff3c) { buf[0] = 0xa2; buf[1] = 0x40; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0xff5e) { buf[0] = 0xa1; buf[1] = 0xe3; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0xffe0) { buf[0] = 0xa2; buf[1] = 0x46; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0xffe1) { buf[0] = 0xa2; buf[1] = 0x47; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0xffe3) { buf[0] = 0xa1; buf[1] = 0xc3; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0xffe5) { buf[0] = 0xa2; buf[1] = 0x44; ret = 2; break; } + if (wc == 0xff64) + return RET_ILUNI; + break; + } + if (ret == RET_ILUNI) + ret = big5_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (!((buf[0] == 0xc6 && buf[1] >= 0xa1) || buf[0] == 0xc7)) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + return 2; + } + } + ret = cp950ext_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + return 2; + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp950ext.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp950ext.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2a18d8054 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/cp950ext.h @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * CP950 extensions + */ + +static const unsigned short cp950ext_2uni_pagef9[157-116] = { + /* 0xf9 */ + 0x7881, 0x92b9, 0x88cf, 0x58bb, + 0x6052, 0x7ca7, 0x5afa, 0x2554, 0x2566, 0x2557, 0x2560, 0x256c, + 0x2563, 0x255a, 0x2569, 0x255d, 0x2552, 0x2564, 0x2555, 0x255e, + 0x256a, 0x2561, 0x2558, 0x2567, 0x255b, 0x2553, 0x2565, 0x2556, + 0x255f, 0x256b, 0x2562, 0x2559, 0x2568, 0x255c, 0x2551, 0x2550, + 0x256d, 0x256e, 0x2570, 0x256f, 0x2593, +}; + +static int +cp950ext_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 == 0xf9)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 < 0x7f) || (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff)) { + unsigned int i = 157 * (c1 - 0xa1) + (c2 - (c2 >= 0xa1 ? 0x62 : 0x40)); + unsigned short wc = 0xfffd; + { + if (i >= 13932 && i < 13973) + wc = cp950ext_2uni_pagef9[i-13932]; + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned short cp950ext_2charset[41] = { + 0xf9f9, 0xf9f8, 0xf9e6, 0xf9ef, 0xf9dd, 0xf9e8, 0xf9f1, 0xf9df, + 0xf9ec, 0xf9f5, 0xf9e3, 0xf9ee, 0xf9f7, 0xf9e5, 0xf9e9, 0xf9f2, + 0xf9e0, 0xf9eb, 0xf9f4, 0xf9e2, 0xf9e7, 0xf9f0, 0xf9de, 0xf9ed, + 0xf9f6, 0xf9e4, 0xf9ea, 0xf9f3, 0xf9e1, 0xf9fa, 0xf9fb, 0xf9fd, + 0xf9fc, 0xf9fe, 0xf9d9, 0xf9dc, 0xf9da, 0xf9d6, 0xf9db, 0xf9d8, + 0xf9d7, +}; + +static const Summary16 cp950ext_uni2indx_page25[10] = { + /* 0x2500 */ + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0xffff }, { 16, 0xffff }, { 32, 0x0001 }, + { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0008 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cp950ext_uni2indx_page58[12] = { + /* 0x5800 */ + { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, + { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, + { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0800 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cp950ext_uni2indx_page5a[16] = { + /* 0x5a00 */ + { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, + { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, + { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, + { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0400 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cp950ext_uni2indx_page60[6] = { + /* 0x6000 */ + { 36, 0x0000 }, { 36, 0x0000 }, { 36, 0x0000 }, { 36, 0x0000 }, + { 36, 0x0000 }, { 36, 0x0004 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cp950ext_uni2indx_page78[9] = { + /* 0x7800 */ + { 37, 0x0000 }, { 37, 0x0000 }, { 37, 0x0000 }, { 37, 0x0000 }, + { 37, 0x0000 }, { 37, 0x0000 }, { 37, 0x0000 }, { 37, 0x0000 }, + { 37, 0x0002 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cp950ext_uni2indx_page7c[11] = { + /* 0x7c00 */ + { 38, 0x0000 }, { 38, 0x0000 }, { 38, 0x0000 }, { 38, 0x0000 }, + { 38, 0x0000 }, { 38, 0x0000 }, { 38, 0x0000 }, { 38, 0x0000 }, + { 38, 0x0000 }, { 38, 0x0000 }, { 38, 0x0080 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cp950ext_uni2indx_page88[13] = { + /* 0x8800 */ + { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, + { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, + { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, + { 39, 0x8000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 cp950ext_uni2indx_page92[12] = { + /* 0x9200 */ + { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, + { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, + { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0200 }, +}; + +static int +cp950ext_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + const Summary16 *summary = NULL; + if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a0) + summary = &cp950ext_uni2indx_page25[(wc>>4)-0x250]; + else if (wc >= 0x5800 && wc < 0x58c0) + summary = &cp950ext_uni2indx_page58[(wc>>4)-0x580]; + else if (wc >= 0x5a00 && wc < 0x5b00) + summary = &cp950ext_uni2indx_page5a[(wc>>4)-0x5a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x6000 && wc < 0x6060) + summary = &cp950ext_uni2indx_page60[(wc>>4)-0x600]; + else if (wc >= 0x7800 && wc < 0x7890) + summary = &cp950ext_uni2indx_page78[(wc>>4)-0x780]; + else if (wc >= 0x7c00 && wc < 0x7cb0) + summary = &cp950ext_uni2indx_page7c[(wc>>4)-0x7c0]; + else if (wc >= 0x8800 && wc < 0x88d0) + summary = &cp950ext_uni2indx_page88[(wc>>4)-0x880]; + else if (wc >= 0x9200 && wc < 0x92c0) + summary = &cp950ext_uni2indx_page92[(wc>>4)-0x920]; + if (summary) { + unsigned short used = summary->used; + unsigned int i = wc & 0x0f; + if (used & ((unsigned short) 1 << i)) { + unsigned short c; + /* Keep in `used' only the bits 0..i-1. */ + used &= ((unsigned short) 1 << i) - 1; + /* Add `summary->indx' and the number of bits set in `used'. */ + used = (used & 0x5555) + ((used & 0xaaaa) >> 1); + used = (used & 0x3333) + ((used & 0xcccc) >> 2); + used = (used & 0x0f0f) + ((used & 0xf0f0) >> 4); + used = (used & 0x00ff) + (used >> 8); + c = cp950ext_2charset[summary->indx + used]; + r[0] = (c >> 8); r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/dec_hanyu.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/dec_hanyu.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..065fd5d51 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/dec_hanyu.h @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2001, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * DEC-HANYU + */ + +static int +dec_hanyu_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + if (c < 0x80) + return ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + /* Code set 1 (CNS 11643-1992 Plane 1), + Code set 2 (CNS 11643-1992 Plane 2), + Code set 3 (CNS 11643-1992 Plane 3) */ + if (c >= 0xa1 && c < 0xff) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c == 0xc2 && c2 == 0xcb) { + if (n < 4) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + if (s[2] >= 0xa1 && s[2] < 0xff && s[3] >= 0xa1 && s[3] < 0xff) { + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + buf[0] = s[2]-0x80; buf[1] = s[3]-0x80; + ret = cns11643_3_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + return 4; + } + } + } else if (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff) { + if (c != 0xc2 || c2 < 0xc2) { + unsigned char buf[2]; + buf[0] = c-0x80; buf[1] = c2-0x80; + return cns11643_1_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); + } + } else if (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 < 0x7f) { + unsigned char buf[2]; + buf[0] = c-0x80; buf[1] = c2; + return cns11643_2_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); + } + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +dec_hanyu_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char buf[3]; + int ret; + + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) + return ret; + + ret = cns11643_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,3); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 3) abort(); + + /* Code set 1 (CNS 11643-1992 Plane 1) */ + if (buf[0] == 1 && (buf[1] != 0x42 || buf[2] < 0x42)) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = buf[1]+0x80; + r[1] = buf[2]+0x80; + return 2; + } + + /* Code set 2 (CNS 11643-1992 Plane 2) */ + if (buf[0] == 2) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = buf[1]+0x80; + r[1] = buf[2]; + return 2; + } + + /* Code set 3 (CNS 11643-1992 Plane 3) */ + if (buf[0] == 3) { + if (n < 4) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = 0xc2; + r[1] = 0xcb; + r[2] = buf[1]+0x80; + r[3] = buf[2]+0x80; + return 4; + } + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/dec_kanji.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/dec_kanji.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0a056fb87 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/dec_kanji.h @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * DEC-KANJI + */ + +static int +dec_kanji_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + /* Code set 0 (ASCII or JIS X 0201-1976 Roman) */ + if (c < 0x80) + return ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + /* Code set 1 (JIS X 0208) */ + if (c >= 0xa1 && c < 0xf5) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff) { + unsigned char buf[2]; + buf[0] = c-0x80; buf[1] = c2-0x80; + return jisx0208_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); + } + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +dec_kanji_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Code set 0 (ASCII or JIS X 0201-1976 Roman) */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) + return ret; + + /* Code set 1 (JIS X 0208) */ + ret = jisx0208_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = buf[0]+0x80; + r[1] = buf[1]+0x80; + return 2; + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/encodings.def b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/encodings.def new file mode 100644 index 000000000..017434351 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/encodings.def @@ -0,0 +1,1030 @@ +/* Copyright (C) 1999-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + + The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ + +/* The list of all system independent user-visible encodings. */ + +/* By convention, an encoding named FOOBAR or FOO_BAR or FOO-BAR is defined + in a file named "foobar.h" through the functions foobar_mbtowc and + foobar_wctomb (and possibly foobar_reset). */ + +/* DEFENCODING(( name, alias1, ..., ), + xxx, + { xxx_mbtowc, xxx_flushwc }, + { xxx_wctomb, xxx_reset }) + defines an encoding with the given name and aliases. (There is no + difference between a name and an alias. By convention, the name is chosen + as the preferred MIME name or the standard name.) + All names and aliases must be in ASCII. Case is not significant, but + for the "cs*" aliases mixed case is preferred, otherwise UPPERCASE is + preferred. For all names and aliases, note where it comes from. + xxx is the name as used in the C code (lowercase). + */ + + +DEFENCODING(( "US-ASCII", /* IANA */ + "ASCII", /* IANA, JDK 1.1 */ + "ISO646-US", /* IANA */ + "ISO_646.IRV:1991", /* IANA */ + "ISO-IR-6", /* IANA */ + "ANSI_X3.4-1968", /* IANA */ + "ANSI_X3.4-1986", /* IANA */ + "CP367", /* IANA */ + "IBM367", /* IANA */ + "US", /* IANA */ + "csASCII", /* IANA */ + /*"ISO646.1991-IRV", X11R6.4 */ + ), + ascii, + { ascii_mbtowc, NULL }, { ascii_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_SOLARIS_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "646", /* Solaris */ + ascii) +#endif + +/* General multi-byte encodings */ + +DEFENCODING(( "UTF-8", /* IANA, RFC 2279 */ + /*"UTF8", JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP65001", Windows */ + ), + utf8, + { utf8_mbtowc, NULL }, { utf8_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_HPUX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "UTF8", /* HP-UX */ + utf8) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "UCS-2", /* glibc */ + "ISO-10646-UCS-2", /* IANA */ + "csUnicode", /* IANA */ + ), + ucs2, + { ucs2_mbtowc, NULL }, { ucs2_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "UCS-2BE", /* glibc */ + "UNICODEBIG", /* glibc */ + "UNICODE-1-1", /* IANA */ + "csUnicode11", /* IANA */ + /*"CP1201", Windows */ + ), + ucs2be, + { ucs2be_mbtowc, NULL }, { ucs2be_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "UCS-2LE", /* glibc */ + "UNICODELITTLE", /* glibc */ + /*"CP1200", Windows */ + ), + ucs2le, + { ucs2le_mbtowc, NULL }, { ucs2le_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "UCS-4", /* glibc */ + "ISO-10646-UCS-4", /* IANA */ + "csUCS4", /* IANA */ + ), + ucs4, + { ucs4_mbtowc, NULL }, { ucs4_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "UCS-4BE", /* glibc */ + /*"CP12001", Windows */ + ), + ucs4be, + { ucs4be_mbtowc, NULL }, { ucs4be_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "UCS-4LE", /* glibc */ + /*"CP12000", Windows */ + ), + ucs4le, + { ucs4le_mbtowc, NULL }, { ucs4le_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "UTF-16", /* IANA, RFC 2781 */ + ), + utf16, + { utf16_mbtowc, NULL }, { utf16_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "UTF-16BE", /* IANA, RFC 2781 */ + ), + utf16be, + { utf16be_mbtowc, NULL }, { utf16be_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "UTF-16LE", /* IANA, RFC 2781 */ + ), + utf16le, + { utf16le_mbtowc, NULL }, { utf16le_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "UTF-32", /* IANA, Unicode 3.1 */ + ), + utf32, + { utf32_mbtowc, NULL }, { utf32_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "UTF-32BE", /* IANA, Unicode 3.1 */ + ), + utf32be, + { utf32be_mbtowc, NULL }, { utf32be_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "UTF-32LE", /* IANA, Unicode 3.1 */ + ), + utf32le, + { utf32le_mbtowc, NULL }, { utf32le_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "UTF-7", /* IANA, RFC 2152 */ + "UNICODE-1-1-UTF-7", /* IANA, RFC 1642 */ + "csUnicode11UTF7", /* IANA */ + /*"CP65000", Windows */ + ), + utf7, + { utf7_mbtowc, NULL }, { utf7_wctomb, utf7_reset }) + +DEFENCODING(( "UCS-2-INTERNAL", /* libiconv */ + ), + ucs2internal, + { ucs2internal_mbtowc, NULL }, { ucs2internal_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "UCS-2-SWAPPED", /* libiconv */ + ), + ucs2swapped, + { ucs2swapped_mbtowc, NULL }, { ucs2swapped_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "UCS-4-INTERNAL", /* libiconv */ + ), + ucs4internal, + { ucs4internal_mbtowc, NULL },{ ucs4internal_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "UCS-4-SWAPPED", /* libiconv */ + ), + ucs4swapped, + { ucs4swapped_mbtowc, NULL }, { ucs4swapped_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "C99", + ), + c99, + { c99_mbtowc, NULL }, { c99_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "JAVA", + ), + java, + { java_mbtowc, NULL }, { java_wctomb, NULL }) + +/* Standard 8-bit encodings */ + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-8859-1", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-1", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-1:1987", /* IANA */ + "ISO-IR-100", /* IANA */ + "CP819", /* IANA */ + "IBM819", /* IANA */ + "LATIN1", /* IANA */ + "L1", /* IANA */ + "csISOLatin1", /* IANA */ + "ISO8859-1", /* X11R6.4, glibc, FreeBSD, AIX, IRIX, OSF/1, Solaris */ + /*"ISO8859_1", JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP28591", Windows */ + ), + iso8859_1, + { iso8859_1_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso8859_1_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_HPUX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "ISO88591", /* HP-UX */ + iso8859_1) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-8859-2", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-2", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-2:1987", /* IANA */ + "ISO-IR-101", /* IANA */ + "LATIN2", /* IANA */ + "L2", /* IANA */ + "csISOLatin2", /* IANA */ + "ISO8859-2", /* X11R6.4, glibc, FreeBSD, AIX, IRIX, OSF/1, Solaris */ + /*"ISO8859_2", JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP28592", Windows */ + ), + iso8859_2, + { iso8859_2_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso8859_2_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_HPUX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "ISO88592", /* HP-UX */ + iso8859_2) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-8859-3", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-3", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-3:1988", /* IANA */ + "ISO-IR-109", /* IANA */ + "LATIN3", /* IANA */ + "L3", /* IANA */ + "csISOLatin3", /* IANA */ + "ISO8859-3", /* X11R6.4, glibc, FreeBSD, Solaris */ + /*"ISO8859_3", JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP28593", Windows */ + ), + iso8859_3, + { iso8859_3_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso8859_3_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-8859-4", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-4", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-4:1988", /* IANA */ + "ISO-IR-110", /* IANA */ + "LATIN4", /* IANA */ + "L4", /* IANA */ + "csISOLatin4", /* IANA */ + "ISO8859-4", /* X11R6.4, glibc, FreeBSD, OSF/1, Solaris */ + /*"ISO8859_4", JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP28594", Windows */ + ), + iso8859_4, + { iso8859_4_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso8859_4_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-8859-5", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-5", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-5:1988", /* IANA */ + "ISO-IR-144", /* IANA */ + "CYRILLIC", /* IANA */ + "csISOLatinCyrillic", /* IANA */ + "ISO8859-5", /* X11R6.4, glibc, FreeBSD, AIX, IRIX, OSF/1, Solaris */ + /*"ISO8859_5", JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP28595", Windows */ + ), + iso8859_5, + { iso8859_5_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso8859_5_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_HPUX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "ISO88595", /* HP-UX */ + iso8859_5) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-8859-6", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-6", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-6:1987", /* IANA */ + "ISO-IR-127", /* IANA */ + "ECMA-114", /* IANA */ + "ASMO-708", /* IANA */ + "ARABIC", /* IANA */ + "csISOLatinArabic", /* IANA */ + "ISO8859-6", /* X11R6.4, glibc, FreeBSD, AIX, Solaris */ + /*"ISO8859_6", JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP28596", Windows */ + ), + iso8859_6, + { iso8859_6_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso8859_6_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_HPUX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "ISO88596", /* HP-UX */ + iso8859_6) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-8859-7", /* IANA, RFC 1947 */ + "ISO_8859-7", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-7:1987", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-7:2003", + "ISO-IR-126", /* IANA */ + "ECMA-118", /* IANA */ + "ELOT_928", /* IANA */ + "GREEK8", /* IANA */ + "GREEK", /* IANA */ + "csISOLatinGreek", /* IANA */ + "ISO8859-7", /* X11R6.4, glibc, FreeBSD, AIX, IRIX, OSF/1, Solaris */ + /*"ISO8859_7", JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP28597", Windows */ + ), + iso8859_7, + { iso8859_7_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso8859_7_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_HPUX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "ISO88597", /* HP-UX */ + iso8859_7) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-8859-8", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-8", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-8:1988", /* IANA */ + "ISO-IR-138", /* IANA */ + "HEBREW", /* IANA */ + "csISOLatinHebrew", /* IANA */ + "ISO8859-8", /* X11R6.4, glibc, FreeBSD, AIX, OSF/1, Solaris */ + /*"ISO8859_8", JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP28598", Windows */ + /*"CP38598", Windows */ + ), + iso8859_8, + { iso8859_8_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso8859_8_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_HPUX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "ISO88598", /* HP-UX */ + iso8859_8) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-8859-9", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-9", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-9:1989", /* IANA */ + "ISO-IR-148", /* IANA */ + "LATIN5", /* IANA */ + "L5", /* IANA */ + "csISOLatin5", /* IANA */ + "ISO8859-9", /* X11R6.4, glibc, FreeBSD, AIX, IRIX, OSF/1, Solaris */ + /*"ISO8859_9", JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP28599", Windows */ + ), + iso8859_9, + { iso8859_9_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso8859_9_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_HPUX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "ISO88599", /* HP-UX */ + iso8859_9) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-8859-10", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-10", + "ISO_8859-10:1992", /* IANA */ + "ISO-IR-157", /* IANA */ + "LATIN6", /* IANA */ + "L6", /* IANA */ + "csISOLatin6", /* IANA */ + "ISO8859-10", /* X11R6.4, glibc, FreeBSD */ + ), + iso8859_10, + { iso8859_10_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso8859_10_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-8859-11", /* glibc */ + "ISO_8859-11", + "ISO8859-11", /* X11R6.7, glibc */ + ), + iso8859_11, + { iso8859_11_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso8859_11_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-8859-13", /* IANA, glibc */ + "ISO_8859-13", + "ISO-IR-179", /* glibc */ + "LATIN7", /* glibc */ + "L7", /* glibc */ + "ISO8859-13", /* glibc, FreeBSD */ + ), + iso8859_13, + { iso8859_13_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso8859_13_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_AIX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "IBM-921", /* AIX */ + iso8859_13) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-8859-14", /* IANA, glibc */ + "ISO_8859-14", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-14:1998", /* IANA, glibc */ + "ISO-IR-199", /* IANA */ + "LATIN8", /* IANA, glibc */ + "L8", /* IANA, glibc */ + "ISO-CELTIC", /* IANA */ + "ISO8859-14", /* glibc, FreeBSD */ + ), + iso8859_14, + { iso8859_14_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso8859_14_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-8859-15", /* IANA, glibc */ + "ISO_8859-15", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-15:1998", /* glibc */ + "ISO-IR-203", + "LATIN-9", /* IANA */ + "ISO8859-15", /* glibc, FreeBSD, AIX, OSF/1, Solaris */ + /*"CP28605", Windows */ + ), + iso8859_15, + { iso8859_15_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso8859_15_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_HPUX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "ISO885915", /* HP-UX */ + iso8859_15) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-8859-16", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-16", /* IANA */ + "ISO_8859-16:2001", /* IANA */ + "ISO-IR-226", /* IANA */ + "LATIN10", /* IANA */ + "L10", /* IANA */ + "ISO8859-16", /* glibc, FreeBSD */ + ), + iso8859_16, + { iso8859_16_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso8859_16_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "KOI8-R", /* IANA, RFC 1489, X11R6.4, JDK 1.1 */ + "csKOI8R", /* IANA */ + /*"CP20866", Windows */ + ), + koi8_r, + { koi8_r_mbtowc, NULL }, { koi8_r_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "KOI8-U", /* IANA, RFC 2319 */ + ), + koi8_u, + { koi8_u_mbtowc, NULL }, { koi8_u_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "KOI8-RU", + ), + koi8_ru, + { koi8_ru_mbtowc, NULL }, { koi8_ru_wctomb, NULL }) + +/* Windows 8-bit encodings */ + +DEFENCODING(( "CP1250", /* JDK 1.1 */ + "WINDOWS-1250", /* IANA */ + "MS-EE", + ), + cp1250, + { cp1250_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp1250_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP1251", /* JDK 1.1 */ + "WINDOWS-1251", /* IANA */ + "MS-CYRL", + ), + cp1251, + { cp1251_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp1251_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_SOLARIS_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "ANSI-1251", /* Solaris */ + cp1251) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "CP1252", /* JDK 1.1 */ + "WINDOWS-1252", /* IANA */ + "MS-ANSI", + ), + cp1252, + { cp1252_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp1252_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_AIX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "IBM-1252", /* AIX */ + cp1252) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "CP1253", /* JDK 1.1 */ + "WINDOWS-1253", /* IANA */ + "MS-GREEK", + ), + cp1253, + { cp1253_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp1253_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP1254", /* JDK 1.1 */ + "WINDOWS-1254", /* IANA */ + "MS-TURK", + ), + cp1254, + { cp1254_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp1254_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP1255", /* JDK 1.1 */ + "WINDOWS-1255", /* IANA */ + "MS-HEBR", + ), + cp1255, + { cp1255_mbtowc, cp1255_flushwc }, { cp1255_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP1256", /* JDK 1.1 */ + "WINDOWS-1256", /* IANA */ + "MS-ARAB", + ), + cp1256, + { cp1256_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp1256_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP1257", /* JDK 1.1 */ + "WINDOWS-1257", /* IANA */ + "WINBALTRIM", + ), + cp1257, + { cp1257_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp1257_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP1258", /* JDK 1.1 */ + "WINDOWS-1258", /* IANA */ + ), + cp1258, + { cp1258_mbtowc, cp1258_flushwc }, { cp1258_wctomb, NULL }) + +/* DOS 8-bit encodings */ + +DEFENCODING(( "CP850", /* IANA, JDK 1.1 */ + "IBM850", /* IANA */ + "850", /* IANA */ + "csPC850Multilingual", /* IANA */ + ), + cp850, + { cp850_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp850_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_AIX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "IBM-850", /* AIX */ + cp850) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "CP862", /* IANA, JDK 1.1 */ + "IBM862", /* IANA */ + "862", /* IANA */ + "csPC862LatinHebrew", /* IANA */ + ), + cp862, + { cp862_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp862_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP866", /* IANA, JDK 1.1 */ + "IBM866", /* IANA */ + "866", /* IANA */ + "csIBM866", /* IANA */ + ), + cp866, + { cp866_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp866_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP1131", /* FreeBSD, MacOS X */ + ), + cp1131, + { cp1131_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp1131_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_AIX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "IBM-1131", /* AIX */ + cp1131) +#endif + +/* Macintosh 8-bit encodings */ + +DEFENCODING(( "MacRoman", /* JDK 1.1 */ + /* This is the best table for MACINTOSH. The ones */ + /* in glibc and FreeBSD-iconv are bad quality. */ + "MACINTOSH", /* IANA */ + "MAC", /* IANA */ + "csMacintosh", /* IANA */ + /*"CP10000", Windows */ + ), + mac_roman, + { mac_roman_mbtowc, NULL }, { mac_roman_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "MacCentralEurope", /* JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP10029", Windows */ + ), + mac_centraleurope, + { mac_centraleurope_mbtowc, NULL }, { mac_centraleurope_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "MacIceland", /* JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP10079", Windows */ + ), + mac_iceland, + { mac_iceland_mbtowc, NULL }, { mac_iceland_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "MacCroatian", /* JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP10082", Windows */ + ), + mac_croatian, + { mac_croatian_mbtowc, NULL }, { mac_croatian_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "MacRomania", /* JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP10010", Windows */ + ), + mac_romania, + { mac_romania_mbtowc, NULL }, { mac_romania_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "MacCyrillic", /* JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP10007", Windows */ + ), + mac_cyrillic, + { mac_cyrillic_mbtowc, NULL }, { mac_cyrillic_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "MacUkraine", /* JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP10017", Windows */ + ), + mac_ukraine, + { mac_ukraine_mbtowc, NULL }, { mac_ukraine_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "MacGreek", /* JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP10006", Windows */ + ), + mac_greek, + { mac_greek_mbtowc, NULL }, { mac_greek_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "MacTurkish", /* JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP10081", Windows */ + ), + mac_turkish, + { mac_turkish_mbtowc, NULL }, { mac_turkish_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "MacHebrew", /* JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP10005", Windows */ + ), + mac_hebrew, + { mac_hebrew_mbtowc, NULL }, { mac_hebrew_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "MacArabic", /* JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP10004", Windows */ + ), + mac_arabic, + { mac_arabic_mbtowc, NULL }, { mac_arabic_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "MacThai", /* JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP10021", Windows */ + ), + mac_thai, + { mac_thai_mbtowc, NULL }, { mac_thai_wctomb, NULL }) + +/* Other platform specific 8-bit encodings */ + +DEFENCODING(( "HP-ROMAN8", /* IANA, X11R6.4 */ + "ROMAN8", /* IANA */ + "R8", /* IANA */ + "csHPRoman8", /* IANA */ + ), + hp_roman8, + { hp_roman8_mbtowc, NULL }, { hp_roman8_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "NEXTSTEP", + ), + nextstep, + { nextstep_mbtowc, NULL }, { nextstep_wctomb, NULL }) + +/* Regional 8-bit encodings used for a single language */ + +DEFENCODING(( "ARMSCII-8", + ), + armscii_8, + { armscii_8_mbtowc, NULL }, { armscii_8_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "GEORGIAN-ACADEMY", + ), + georgian_academy, + { georgian_academy_mbtowc, NULL }, { georgian_academy_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "GEORGIAN-PS", + ), + georgian_ps, + { georgian_ps_mbtowc, NULL }, { georgian_ps_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "KOI8-T", + ), + koi8_t, + { koi8_t_mbtowc, NULL }, { koi8_t_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "PT154", /* IANA, glibc */ + "PTCP154", /* IANA */ + "CP154", /* IANA */ + "CYRILLIC-ASIAN", /* IANA */ + "csPTCP154", /* IANA */ + ), + pt154, + { pt154_mbtowc, NULL }, { pt154_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "RK1048", /* IANA, glibc */ + "STRK1048-2002", /* IANA */ + "KZ-1048", /* IANA */ + "csKZ1048", /* IANA */ + ), + rk1048, + { rk1048_mbtowc, NULL }, { rk1048_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "MULELAO-1", + ), + mulelao, + { mulelao_mbtowc, NULL }, { mulelao_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP1133", + "IBM-CP1133", + ), + cp1133, + { cp1133_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp1133_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "TIS-620", /* IANA */ + "TIS620", /* glibc, HP-UX */ + "TIS620-0", /* glibc */ + "TIS620.2529-1", /* glibc */ + "TIS620.2533-0", /* glibc */ + "TIS620.2533-1", + "ISO-IR-166", /* glibc */ + ), + tis620, + { tis620_mbtowc, NULL }, { tis620_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_OSF1_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "TACTIS", /* OSF/1 */ + tis620) +#endif +#ifdef USE_SOLARIS_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "TIS620.2533", /* Solaris */ + tis620) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "CP874", /* JDK 1.1 */ + "WINDOWS-874", + ), + cp874, + { cp874_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp874_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "VISCII", /* IANA, RFC 1456 */ + "VISCII1.1-1", + "csVISCII", /* IANA */ + ), + viscii, + { viscii_mbtowc, NULL }, { viscii_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "TCVN", + "TCVN-5712", + "TCVN5712-1", + "TCVN5712-1:1993", + ), + tcvn, + { tcvn_mbtowc, tcvn_flushwc }, { tcvn_wctomb, NULL }) + +/* CJK character sets (not documented) */ + +DEFENCODING(( "JIS_C6220-1969-RO", /* IANA */ + "ISO646-JP", /* IANA */ + "ISO-IR-14", /* IANA */ + "JP", /* IANA */ + "csISO14JISC6220ro", /* IANA */ + ), + iso646_jp, + { iso646_jp_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso646_jp_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "JIS_X0201", /* IANA */ + "JISX0201-1976", + "X0201", /* IANA */ + "csHalfWidthKatakana", /* IANA */ + /*"JISX0201.1976-0", X11R6.4 */ + /*"JIS0201", JDK 1.1 */ + ), + jisx0201, + { jisx0201_mbtowc, NULL }, { jisx0201_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "JIS_X0208", + "JIS_X0208-1983", /* IANA */ + "JIS_X0208-1990", + "JIS0208", + "X0208", /* IANA */ + "ISO-IR-87", /* IANA */ + "JIS_C6226-1983", /* IANA */ + "csISO87JISX0208", /* IANA */ + /*"JISX0208.1983-0", X11R6.4 */ + /*"JISX0208.1990-0", X11R6.4 */ + /*"JIS0208", JDK 1.1 */ + ), + jisx0208, + { jisx0208_mbtowc, NULL }, { jisx0208_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "JIS_X0212", + "JIS_X0212.1990-0", + "JIS_X0212-1990", /* IANA */ + "X0212", /* IANA */ + "ISO-IR-159", /* IANA */ + "csISO159JISX02121990", /* IANA */ + /*"JISX0212.1990-0", X11R6.4 */ + /*"JIS0212", JDK 1.1 */ + ), + jisx0212, + { jisx0212_mbtowc, NULL }, { jisx0212_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "GB_1988-80", /* IANA */ + "ISO646-CN", /* IANA */ + "ISO-IR-57", /* IANA */ + "CN", /* IANA */ + "csISO57GB1988", /* IANA */ + ), + iso646_cn, + { iso646_cn_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso646_cn_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "GB_2312-80", /* IANA */ + "ISO-IR-58", /* IANA */ + "csISO58GB231280", /* IANA */ + "CHINESE", /* IANA */ + /*"GB2312.1980-0", X11R6.4 */ + ), + gb2312, + { gb2312_mbtowc, NULL }, { gb2312_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-IR-165", + "CN-GB-ISOIR165", /* RFC 1922 */ + ), + isoir165, + { isoir165_mbtowc, NULL }, { isoir165_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "KSC_5601", /* IANA */ + "KS_C_5601-1987", /* IANA */ + "KS_C_5601-1989", /* IANA */ + "ISO-IR-149", /* IANA */ + "csKSC56011987", /* IANA */ + "KOREAN", /* IANA */ + /*"KSC5601.1987-0", X11R6.4 */ + /*"KSX1001:1992", Ken Lunde */ + ), + ksc5601, + { ksc5601_mbtowc, NULL }, { ksc5601_wctomb, NULL }) + +/* CJK encodings */ + +DEFENCODING(( "EUC-JP", /* IANA */ + "EUCJP", /* glibc, HP-UX, IRIX, OSF/1, Solaris */ + "Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese", /* IANA */ + "csEUCPkdFmtJapanese", /* IANA */ + /*"EUC_JP", JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP51932", Windows */ + ), + euc_jp, + { euc_jp_mbtowc, NULL }, { euc_jp_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_AIX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "IBM-EUCJP", /* AIX */ + euc_jp) +#endif +#ifdef USE_OSF1_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "SDECKANJI", /* OSF/1 */ + euc_jp) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "SHIFT_JIS", /* IANA */ + "SHIFT-JIS", /* glibc */ + "SJIS", /* JDK 1.1, HP-UX, OSF/1 */ + "MS_KANJI", /* IANA */ + "csShiftJIS", /* IANA */ + ), + sjis, + { sjis_mbtowc, NULL }, { sjis_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_SOLARIS_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "PCK", /* Solaris */ + sjis) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "CP932", /* glibc */ + ), + cp932, + { cp932_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp932_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_AIX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "IBM-932", /* AIX */ + cp932) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-2022-JP", /* IANA, RFC 1468 */ + "csISO2022JP", /* IANA */ + /*"ISO2022JP", JDK 1.1 */ + ), + iso2022_jp, + { iso2022_jp_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso2022_jp_wctomb, iso2022_jp_reset }) + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-2022-JP-1", /* RFC 2237 */ + ), + iso2022_jp1, + { iso2022_jp1_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso2022_jp1_wctomb, iso2022_jp1_reset }) + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-2022-JP-2", /* IANA, RFC 1554 */ + "csISO2022JP2", /* IANA */ + ), + iso2022_jp2, + { iso2022_jp2_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso2022_jp2_wctomb, iso2022_jp2_reset }) + +DEFENCODING(( "EUC-CN", /* glibc */ + "EUCCN", /* glibc, IRIX */ + "GB2312", /* IANA */ + "CN-GB", /* RFC 1922 */ + "csGB2312", /* IANA */ + /*"EUC_CN", JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP51936", Windows */ + ), + euc_cn, + { euc_cn_mbtowc, NULL }, { euc_cn_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_AIX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "IBM-EUCCN", /* AIX */ + euc_cn) +#endif +#ifdef USE_HPUX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "HP15CN", /* HP-UX */ + euc_cn) +#endif +#ifdef USE_OSF1_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "DECHANZI", /* OSF/1 */ + euc_cn) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "GBK", /* IANA, JDK 1.1 */ + ), + ces_gbk, + { ces_gbk_mbtowc, NULL }, { ces_gbk_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP936", /* IANA */ + "MS936", /* IANA */ + "WINDOWS-936", /* IANA */ + ), + cp936, + { cp936_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp936_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "GB18030", /* IANA, glibc */ + /*"CP54936", Windows */ + ), + gb18030, + { gb18030_mbtowc, NULL }, { gb18030_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-2022-CN", /* IANA, RFC 1922 */ + "csISO2022CN", + /*"ISO2022CN", JDK 1.1 */ + ), + iso2022_cn, + { iso2022_cn_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso2022_cn_wctomb, iso2022_cn_reset }) + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-2022-CN-EXT", /* IANA, RFC 1922 */ + ), + iso2022_cn_ext, + { iso2022_cn_ext_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso2022_cn_ext_wctomb, iso2022_cn_ext_reset }) + +DEFENCODING(( "HZ", /* RFC 1843 */ + "HZ-GB-2312", /* IANA, RFC 1842 */ + ), + hz, + { hz_mbtowc, NULL }, { hz_wctomb, hz_reset }) + +DEFENCODING(( "EUC-TW", /* glibc */ + "EUCTW", /* glibc, HP-UX, IRIX, OSF/1 */ + "csEUCTW", + /*"EUC_TW", JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP51950", Windows */ + ), + euc_tw, + { euc_tw_mbtowc, NULL }, { euc_tw_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_AIX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "IBM-EUCTW", /* AIX */ + euc_tw) +#endif +#ifdef USE_SOLARIS_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "CNS11643", /* Solaris */ + euc_tw) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "BIG5", /* IANA, JDK 1.1 */ + "BIG-5", /* glibc */ + "BIG-FIVE", /* glibc */ + "BIGFIVE", /* glibc */ + "CN-BIG5", /* RFC 1922 */ + "csBig5", /* IANA */ + ), + ces_big5, + { ces_big5_mbtowc, NULL }, { ces_big5_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP950", /* JDK 1.1 */ + ), + cp950, + { cp950_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp950_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "BIG5-HKSCS:1999", + ), + big5hkscs1999, + { big5hkscs1999_mbtowc, big5hkscs1999_flushwc }, { big5hkscs1999_wctomb, big5hkscs1999_reset }) + +DEFENCODING(( "BIG5-HKSCS:2001", + ), + big5hkscs2001, + { big5hkscs2001_mbtowc, big5hkscs2001_flushwc }, { big5hkscs2001_wctomb, big5hkscs2001_reset }) + +DEFENCODING(( "BIG5-HKSCS:2004", + ), + big5hkscs2004, + { big5hkscs2004_mbtowc, big5hkscs2004_flushwc }, { big5hkscs2004_wctomb, big5hkscs2004_reset }) + +DEFENCODING(( "BIG5-HKSCS", /* IANA */ + "BIG5HKSCS", /* glibc */ + "BIG5-HKSCS:2008", + ), + big5hkscs2008, + { big5hkscs2008_mbtowc, big5hkscs2008_flushwc }, { big5hkscs2008_wctomb, big5hkscs2008_reset }) + +DEFENCODING(( "EUC-KR", /* IANA, RFC 1557 */ + "EUCKR", /* glibc, HP-UX, IRIX, OSF/1 */ + "csEUCKR", /* IANA */ + /*"EUC_KR", JDK 1.1 */ + /*"CP51949", Windows */ + ), + euc_kr, + { euc_kr_mbtowc, NULL }, { euc_kr_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_AIX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "IBM-EUCKR", /* AIX */ + euc_kr) +#endif +#ifdef USE_OSF1_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "DECKOREAN", /* OSF/1 */ + euc_kr) +#endif +#ifdef USE_SOLARIS_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "5601", /* Solaris */ + euc_kr) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "CP949", /* JDK 1.1 */ + "UHC", /* glibc */ + ), + cp949, + { cp949_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp949_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_OSF1_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "KSC5601", /* OSF/1 */ + cp949) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "JOHAB", /* glibc */ + "CP1361", /* glibc */ + ), + johab, + { johab_mbtowc, NULL }, { johab_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_SOLARIS_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "KO_KR.JOHAP92", /* Solaris */ + johab) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-2022-KR", /* IANA, RFC 1557 */ + "csISO2022KR", /* IANA */ + /*"ISO2022KR", JDK 1.1 */ + ), + iso2022_kr, + { iso2022_kr_mbtowc, NULL }, { iso2022_kr_wctomb, iso2022_kr_reset }) + diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/encodings_aix.def b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/encodings_aix.def new file mode 100644 index 000000000..259452eb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/encodings_aix.def @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +/* Copyright (C) 2000-2002, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + + The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ + +/* Encodings used by system dependent locales on AIX. */ + +DEFENCODING(( "CP856", + ), + cp856, + { cp856_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp856_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_AIX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "IBM-856", /* AIX */ + cp856) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "CP922", + ), + cp922, + { cp922_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp922_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_AIX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "IBM-922", /* AIX */ + cp922) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "CP943", + ), + cp943, + { cp943_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp943_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_AIX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "IBM-943", /* AIX */ + cp943) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "CP1046", + ), + cp1046, + { cp1046_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp1046_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_AIX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "IBM-1046", /* AIX */ + cp1046) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "CP1124", + ), + cp1124, + { cp1124_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp1124_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_AIX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "IBM-1124", /* AIX */ + cp1124) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "CP1129", + ), + cp1129, + { cp1129_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp1129_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_AIX_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "IBM-1129", /* AIX */ + cp1129) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "CP1161", + "IBM1161", /* glibc */ + "IBM-1161", /* glibc */ + "csIBM1161", /* glibc */ + ), + cp1161, + { cp1161_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp1161_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP1162", + "IBM1162", /* glibc */ + "IBM-1162", /* glibc */ + "csIBM1162", /* glibc */ + ), + cp1162, + { cp1162_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp1162_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP1163", + "IBM1163", /* glibc */ + "IBM-1163", /* glibc */ + "csIBM1163", /* glibc */ + ), + cp1163, + { cp1163_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp1163_wctomb, NULL }) diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/encodings_dos.def b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/encodings_dos.def new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c9d30c8c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/encodings_dos.def @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +/* Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + + The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ + +/* Encodings used by system dependent locales on MSDOS. */ + +DEFENCODING(( "CP437", /* IANA, JDK 1.1 */ + "IBM437", /* IANA */ + "437", /* IANA */ + "csPC8CodePage437", /* IANA */ + ), + cp437, + { cp437_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp437_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP737", /* JDK 1.1 */ + ), + cp737, + { cp737_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp737_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP775", /* IANA, JDK 1.1 */ + "IBM775", /* IANA */ + "csPC775Baltic", /* IANA */ + ), + cp775, + { cp775_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp775_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP852", /* IANA, JDK 1.1 */ + "IBM852", /* IANA */ + "852", /* IANA */ + "csPCp852", /* IANA */ + ), + cp852, + { cp852_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp852_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP853", + ), + cp853, + { cp853_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp853_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP855", /* IANA, JDK 1.1 */ + "IBM855", /* IANA */ + "855", /* IANA */ + "csIBM855", /* IANA */ + ), + cp855, + { cp855_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp855_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP857", /* IANA, JDK 1.1 */ + "IBM857", /* IANA */ + "857", /* IANA */ + "csIBM857", /* IANA */ + ), + cp857, + { cp857_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp857_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP858", /* JDK 1.1.7 */ + ), + cp858, + { cp858_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp858_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP860", /* IANA, JDK 1.1 */ + "IBM860", /* IANA */ + "860", /* IANA */ + "csIBM860", /* IANA */ + ), + cp860, + { cp860_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp860_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP861", /* IANA, JDK 1.1 */ + "IBM861", /* IANA */ + "861", /* IANA */ + "CP-IS", /* IANA */ + "csIBM861", /* IANA */ + ), + cp861, + { cp861_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp861_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP863", /* IANA, JDK 1.1 */ + "IBM863", /* IANA */ + "863", /* IANA */ + "csIBM863", /* IANA */ + ), + cp863, + { cp863_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp863_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP864", /* IANA, JDK 1.1 */ + "IBM864", /* IANA */ + "csIBM864", /* IANA */ + ), + cp864, + { cp864_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp864_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP865", /* IANA, JDK 1.1 */ + "IBM865", /* IANA */ + "865", /* IANA */ + "csIBM865", /* IANA */ + ), + cp865, + { cp865_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp865_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP869", /* IANA, JDK 1.1 */ + "IBM869", /* IANA */ + "869", /* IANA */ + "CP-GR", /* IANA */ + "csIBM869", /* IANA */ + ), + cp869, + { cp869_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp869_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "CP1125", /* ICU */ + ), + cp1125, + { cp1125_mbtowc, NULL }, { cp1125_wctomb, NULL }) diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/encodings_extra.def b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/encodings_extra.def new file mode 100644 index 000000000..614422b68 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/encodings_extra.def @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +/* Copyright (C) 2002, 2005, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + + The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ + +DEFENCODING(( "EUC-JISX0213", + "EUC-JIS-2004", /* x0213.org */ + ), + euc_jisx0213, + { euc_jisx0213_mbtowc, euc_jisx0213_flushwc }, { euc_jisx0213_wctomb, euc_jisx0213_reset }) + +DEFENCODING(( "SHIFT_JISX0213", + "SHIFT_JIS-2004", /* x0213.org */ + ), + shift_jisx0213, + { shift_jisx0213_mbtowc, shift_jisx0213_flushwc }, { shift_jisx0213_wctomb, shift_jisx0213_reset }) + +DEFENCODING(( "ISO-2022-JP-3", + "ISO-2022-JP-2004", /* x0213.org */ + ), + iso2022_jp3, + { iso2022_jp3_mbtowc, iso2022_jp3_flushwc }, { iso2022_jp3_wctomb, iso2022_jp3_reset }) + +DEFENCODING(( "BIG5-2003", + ), + big5_2003, + { big5_2003_mbtowc, NULL }, { big5_2003_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "TDS565", + "ISO-IR-230", + ), + tds565, + { tds565_mbtowc, NULL }, { tds565_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "ATARIST", + "ATARI", + ), + atarist, + { atarist_mbtowc, NULL }, { atarist_wctomb, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "RISCOS-LATIN1", + ), + riscos1, + { riscos1_mbtowc, NULL }, { riscos1_wctomb, NULL }) diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/encodings_local.def b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/encodings_local.def new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4e793e5bd --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/encodings_local.def @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +/* Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + + The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ + +/* Names for locale dependent encodings. */ + +DEFENCODING(( "CHAR", + ), + local_char, + { NULL, NULL }, { NULL, NULL }) + +DEFENCODING(( "WCHAR_T", /* glibc */ + ), + local_wchar_t, + { NULL, NULL }, { NULL, NULL }) diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/encodings_osf1.def b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/encodings_osf1.def new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7912854bb --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/encodings_osf1.def @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +/* Copyright (C) 2001, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + + The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ + +/* Encodings used by system dependent locales on OSF/1 a.k.a. Tru64. */ + +DEFENCODING(( "DEC-KANJI", + ), + dec_kanji, + { dec_kanji_mbtowc, NULL }, { dec_kanji_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_OSF1_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "DECKANJI", /* OSF/1 */ + dec_kanji) +#endif + +DEFENCODING(( "DEC-HANYU", + ), + dec_hanyu, + { dec_hanyu_mbtowc, NULL }, { dec_hanyu_wctomb, NULL }) +#ifdef USE_OSF1_ALIASES +DEFALIAS( "DECHANYU", /* OSF/1 */ + dec_hanyu) +#endif diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/euc_cn.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/euc_cn.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a25417a98 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/euc_cn.h @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * EUC-CN + */ + +static int +euc_cn_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + /* Code set 0 (ASCII or GB 1988-89) */ + if (c < 0x80) + return ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + /* Code set 1 (GB 2312-1980) */ + if (c >= 0xa1 && c < 0xff) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff) { + unsigned char buf[2]; + buf[0] = c-0x80; buf[1] = c2-0x80; + return gb2312_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); + } else + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +euc_cn_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Code set 0 (ASCII or GB 1988-89) */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) + return ret; + + /* Code set 1 (GB 2312-1980) */ + ret = gb2312_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = buf[0]+0x80; + r[1] = buf[1]+0x80; + return 2; + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/euc_jisx0213.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/euc_jisx0213.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4d417ca12 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/euc_jisx0213.h @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * EUC-JISX0213 + */ + +/* The structure of EUC-JISX0213 is as follows: + + 0x00..0x7F: ASCII + + 0x8E{A1..FE}: JISX0201 Katakana, with prefix 0x8E, offset by +0x80. + + 0x8F{A1..FE}{A1..FE}: JISX0213 plane 2, with prefix 0x8F, offset by +0x8080. + + 0x{A1..FE}{A1..FE}: JISX0213 plane 1, offset by +0x8080. + + Note that some JISX0213 characters are not contained in Unicode 3.2 + and are therefore best represented as sequences of Unicode characters. +*/ + +#include "jisx0213.h" +#include "flushwc.h" + +static int +euc_jisx0213_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + ucs4_t last_wc = conv->istate; + if (last_wc) { + /* Output the buffered character. */ + conv->istate = 0; + *pwc = last_wc; + return 0; /* Don't advance the input pointer. */ + } else { + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + /* Plain ASCII character. */ + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } else { + if ((c >= 0xa1 && c <= 0xfe) || c == 0x8e || c == 0x8f) { + /* Two or three byte character. */ + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 <= 0xfe) { + if (c == 0x8e) { + /* Half-width katakana. */ + if (c2 <= 0xdf) { + *pwc = c2 + 0xfec0; + return 2; + } + } else { + ucs4_t wc; + if (c == 0x8f) { + /* JISX 0213 plane 2. */ + if (n >= 3) { + unsigned char c3 = s[2]; + wc = jisx0213_to_ucs4(0x200-0x80+c2,c3^0x80); + } else + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } else { + /* JISX 0213 plane 1. */ + wc = jisx0213_to_ucs4(0x100-0x80+c,c2^0x80); + } + if (wc) { + if (wc < 0x80) { + /* It's a combining character. */ + ucs4_t wc1 = jisx0213_to_ucs_combining[wc - 1][0]; + ucs4_t wc2 = jisx0213_to_ucs_combining[wc - 1][1]; + /* We cannot output two Unicode characters at once. So, + output the first character and buffer the second one. */ + *pwc = wc1; + conv->istate = wc2; + } else + *pwc = wc; + return (c == 0x8f ? 3 : 2); + } + } + } + } else + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + } +} + +#define euc_jisx0213_flushwc normal_flushwc + +/* Composition tables for each of the relevant combining characters. */ +static const struct { unsigned short base; unsigned short composed; } euc_jisx0213_comp_table_data[] = { +#define euc_jisx0213_comp_table02e5_idx 0 +#define euc_jisx0213_comp_table02e5_len 1 + { 0xabe4, 0xabe5 }, /* 0x12B65 = 0x12B64 U+02E5 */ +#define euc_jisx0213_comp_table02e9_idx (euc_jisx0213_comp_table02e5_idx+euc_jisx0213_comp_table02e5_len) +#define euc_jisx0213_comp_table02e9_len 1 + { 0xabe0, 0xabe6 }, /* 0x12B66 = 0x12B60 U+02E9 */ +#define euc_jisx0213_comp_table0300_idx (euc_jisx0213_comp_table02e9_idx+euc_jisx0213_comp_table02e9_len) +#define euc_jisx0213_comp_table0300_len 5 + { 0xa9dc, 0xabc4 }, /* 0x12B44 = 0x1295C U+0300 */ + { 0xabb8, 0xabc8 }, /* 0x12B48 = 0x12B38 U+0300 */ + { 0xabb7, 0xabca }, /* 0x12B4A = 0x12B37 U+0300 */ + { 0xabb0, 0xabcc }, /* 0x12B4C = 0x12B30 U+0300 */ + { 0xabc3, 0xabce }, /* 0x12B4E = 0x12B43 U+0300 */ +#define euc_jisx0213_comp_table0301_idx (euc_jisx0213_comp_table0300_idx+euc_jisx0213_comp_table0300_len) +#define euc_jisx0213_comp_table0301_len 4 + { 0xabb8, 0xabc9 }, /* 0x12B49 = 0x12B38 U+0301 */ + { 0xabb7, 0xabcb }, /* 0x12B4B = 0x12B37 U+0301 */ + { 0xabb0, 0xabcd }, /* 0x12B4D = 0x12B30 U+0301 */ + { 0xabc3, 0xabcf }, /* 0x12B4F = 0x12B43 U+0301 */ +#define euc_jisx0213_comp_table309a_idx (euc_jisx0213_comp_table0301_idx+euc_jisx0213_comp_table0301_len) +#define euc_jisx0213_comp_table309a_len 14 + { 0xa4ab, 0xa4f7 }, /* 0x12477 = 0x1242B U+309A */ + { 0xa4ad, 0xa4f8 }, /* 0x12478 = 0x1242D U+309A */ + { 0xa4af, 0xa4f9 }, /* 0x12479 = 0x1242F U+309A */ + { 0xa4b1, 0xa4fa }, /* 0x1247A = 0x12431 U+309A */ + { 0xa4b3, 0xa4fb }, /* 0x1247B = 0x12433 U+309A */ + { 0xa5ab, 0xa5f7 }, /* 0x12577 = 0x1252B U+309A */ + { 0xa5ad, 0xa5f8 }, /* 0x12578 = 0x1252D U+309A */ + { 0xa5af, 0xa5f9 }, /* 0x12579 = 0x1252F U+309A */ + { 0xa5b1, 0xa5fa }, /* 0x1257A = 0x12531 U+309A */ + { 0xa5b3, 0xa5fb }, /* 0x1257B = 0x12533 U+309A */ + { 0xa5bb, 0xa5fc }, /* 0x1257C = 0x1253B U+309A */ + { 0xa5c4, 0xa5fd }, /* 0x1257D = 0x12544 U+309A */ + { 0xa5c8, 0xa5fe }, /* 0x1257E = 0x12548 U+309A */ + { 0xa6f5, 0xa6f8 }, /* 0x12678 = 0x12675 U+309A */ +}; + +static int +euc_jisx0213_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + int count = 0; + unsigned short lasttwo = conv->ostate; + + if (lasttwo) { + /* Attempt to combine the last character with this one. */ + unsigned int idx; + unsigned int len; + + if (wc == 0x02e5) + idx = euc_jisx0213_comp_table02e5_idx, + len = euc_jisx0213_comp_table02e5_len; + else if (wc == 0x02e9) + idx = euc_jisx0213_comp_table02e9_idx, + len = euc_jisx0213_comp_table02e9_len; + else if (wc == 0x0300) + idx = euc_jisx0213_comp_table0300_idx, + len = euc_jisx0213_comp_table0300_len; + else if (wc == 0x0301) + idx = euc_jisx0213_comp_table0301_idx, + len = euc_jisx0213_comp_table0301_len; + else if (wc == 0x309a) + idx = euc_jisx0213_comp_table309a_idx, + len = euc_jisx0213_comp_table309a_len; + else + goto not_combining; + + do + if (euc_jisx0213_comp_table_data[idx].base == lasttwo) + break; + while (++idx, --len > 0); + + if (len > 0) { + /* Output the combined character. */ + if (n >= 2) { + lasttwo = euc_jisx0213_comp_table_data[idx].composed; + r[0] = (lasttwo >> 8) & 0xff; + r[1] = lasttwo & 0xff; + conv->ostate = 0; + return 2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + + not_combining: + /* Output the buffered character. */ + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = (lasttwo >> 8) & 0xff; + r[1] = lasttwo & 0xff; + r += 2; + count = 2; + } + + if (wc < 0x80) { + /* Plain ASCII character. */ + if (n > count) { + r[0] = (unsigned char) wc; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+1; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } else if (wc >= 0xff61 && wc <= 0xff9f) { + /* Half-width katakana. */ + if (n >= count+2) { + r[0] = 0x8e; + r[1] = wc - 0xfec0; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } else { + unsigned short jch = ucs4_to_jisx0213(wc); + if (jch != 0) { + if (jch & 0x0080) { + /* A possible match in comp_table_data. We have to buffer it. */ + /* We know it's a JISX 0213 plane 1 character. */ + if (jch & 0x8000) abort(); + conv->ostate = jch | 0x8080; + return count+0; + } + if (jch & 0x8000) { + /* JISX 0213 plane 2. */ + if (n >= count+3) { + r[0] = 0x8f; + r[1] = (jch >> 8) | 0x80; + r[2] = (jch & 0xff) | 0x80; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+3; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } else { + /* JISX 0213 plane 1. */ + if (n >= count+2) { + r[0] = (jch >> 8) | 0x80; + r[1] = (jch & 0xff) | 0x80; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } +} + +static int +euc_jisx0213_reset (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, int n) +{ + state_t lasttwo = conv->ostate; + + if (lasttwo) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = (lasttwo >> 8) & 0xff; + r[1] = lasttwo & 0xff; + /* conv->ostate = 0; will be done by the caller */ + return 2; + } else + return 0; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/euc_jp.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/euc_jp.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..84fa2e7eb --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/euc_jp.h @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * EUC-JP + */ + +static int +euc_jp_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + /* Code set 0 (ASCII or JIS X 0201-1976 Roman) */ + if (c < 0x80) + return ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + /* Code set 1 (JIS X 0208) */ + if (c >= 0xa1 && c < 0xff) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + if (c < 0xf5) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff) { + unsigned char buf[2]; + buf[0] = c-0x80; buf[1] = c2-0x80; + return jisx0208_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); + } else + return RET_ILSEQ; + } else { + /* User-defined range. See + * Ken Lunde's "CJKV Information Processing", table 4-66, p. 206. */ + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff) { + *pwc = 0xe000 + 94*(c-0xf5) + (c2-0xa1); + return 2; + } else + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + } + /* Code set 2 (half-width katakana) */ + if (c == 0x8e) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xe0) { + int ret = jisx0201_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s+1,n-1); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + return RET_ILSEQ; + if (ret != 1) abort(); + return 2; + } else + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + } + /* Code set 3 (JIS X 0212-1990) */ + if (c == 0x8f) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff) { + if (n < 3) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + if (c2 < 0xf5) { + unsigned char c3 = s[2]; + if (c3 >= 0xa1 && c3 < 0xff) { + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + buf[0] = c2-0x80; buf[1] = c3-0x80; + ret = jisx0212_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + return RET_ILSEQ; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + return 3; + } else + return RET_ILSEQ; + } else { + /* User-defined range. See + * Ken Lunde's "CJKV Information Processing", table 4-66, p. 206. */ + unsigned char c3 = s[2]; + if (c3 >= 0xa1 && c3 < 0xff) { + *pwc = 0xe3ac + 94*(c2-0xf5) + (c3-0xa1); + return 3; + } else + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + } else + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +euc_jp_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Code set 0 (ASCII or JIS X 0201-1976 Roman) */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) + return ret; + + /* Code set 1 (JIS X 0208) */ + ret = jisx0208_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = buf[0]+0x80; + r[1] = buf[1]+0x80; + return 2; + } + + /* Code set 2 (half-width katakana) */ + ret = jisx0201_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI && buf[0] >= 0x80) { + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = 0x8e; + r[1] = buf[0]; + return 2; + } + + /* Code set 3 (JIS X 0212-1990) */ + ret = jisx0212_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n < 3) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = 0x8f; + r[1] = buf[0]+0x80; + r[2] = buf[1]+0x80; + return 3; + } + + /* Extra compatibility with Shift_JIS. */ + if (wc == 0x00a5) { + r[0] = 0x5c; + return 1; + } + if (wc == 0x203e) { + r[0] = 0x7e; + return 1; + } + + /* User-defined range. See + * Ken Lunde's "CJKV Information Processing", table 4-66, p. 206. */ + if (wc >= 0xe000 && wc < 0xe758) { + if (wc < 0xe3ac) { + unsigned char c1, c2; + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + c1 = (unsigned int) (wc - 0xe000) / 94; + c2 = (unsigned int) (wc - 0xe000) % 94; + r[0] = c1+0xf5; + r[1] = c2+0xa1; + return 2; + } else { + unsigned char c1, c2; + if (n < 3) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + c1 = (unsigned int) (wc - 0xe3ac) / 94; + c2 = (unsigned int) (wc - 0xe3ac) % 94; + r[0] = 0x8f; + r[1] = c1+0xf5; + r[2] = c2+0xa1; + return 3; + } + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/euc_kr.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/euc_kr.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8b3dd0528 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/euc_kr.h @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * EUC-KR + */ + +/* Specification: RFC 1557 */ + +static int +euc_kr_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + /* Code set 0 (ASCII or KS C 5636-1993) */ + if (c < 0x80) + return ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + /* Code set 1 (KS C 5601-1992, now KS X 1001:2002) */ + if (c >= 0xa1 && c < 0xff) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff) { + unsigned char buf[2]; + buf[0] = c-0x80; buf[1] = c2-0x80; + return ksc5601_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); + } else + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +euc_kr_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Code set 0 (ASCII or KS C 5636-1993) */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) + return ret; + + /* Code set 1 (KS C 5601-1992, now KS X 1001:2002) */ + ret = ksc5601_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = buf[0]+0x80; + r[1] = buf[1]+0x80; + return 2; + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/euc_tw.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/euc_tw.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f7bdc8b7c --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/euc_tw.h @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * EUC-TW + */ + +static int +euc_tw_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + if (c < 0x80) + return ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + /* Code set 1 (CNS 11643-1992 Plane 1) */ + if (c >= 0xa1 && c < 0xff) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff) { + unsigned char buf[2]; + buf[0] = c-0x80; buf[1] = c2-0x80; + return cns11643_1_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); + } else + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + } + /* Code set 2 (CNS 11643-1992 Planes 1-16) */ + if (c == 0x8e) { + if (n < 4) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 <= 0xb0) { + unsigned char c3 = s[2]; + unsigned char c4 = s[3]; + if (c3 >= 0xa1 && c3 < 0xff && c4 >= 0xa1 && c4 < 0xff) { + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + buf[0] = c3-0x80; buf[1] = c4-0x80; + switch (c2-0xa0) { + case 1: ret = cns11643_1_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); break; + case 2: ret = cns11643_2_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); break; + case 3: ret = cns11643_3_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); break; + case 4: ret = cns11643_4_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); break; + case 5: ret = cns11643_5_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); break; + case 6: ret = cns11643_6_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); break; + case 7: ret = cns11643_7_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); break; + case 15: ret = cns11643_15_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); break; + default: return RET_ILSEQ; + } + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + return RET_ILSEQ; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + return 4; + } + } + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +euc_tw_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char buf[3]; + int ret; + + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) + return ret; + + ret = cns11643_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,3); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 3) abort(); + + /* Code set 1 (CNS 11643-1992 Plane 1) */ + if (buf[0] == 1) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = buf[1]+0x80; + r[1] = buf[2]+0x80; + return 2; + } + + /* Code set 2 (CNS 11643-1992 Planes 1-16) */ + if (n < 4) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = 0x8e; + r[1] = buf[0]+0xa0; + r[2] = buf[1]+0x80; + r[3] = buf[2]+0x80; + return 4; + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/flags.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/flags.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e91934abd --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/flags.h @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +/* Generated automatically by genflags. */ + +/* Set if the encoding can encode + the acute and grave accents U+00B4 and U+0060. */ +#define HAVE_ACCENTS 1 + +/* Set if the encoding can encode + the single quotation marks U+2018 and U+2019. */ +#define HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS 2 + +/* Set if the encoding can encode + the double-width Hangul letters (Jamo) U+3131 to U+3163. */ +#define HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO 4 + +#define ei_ascii_oflags (0) +#define ei_utf8_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_ucs2_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_ucs2be_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_ucs2le_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_ucs4_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_ucs4be_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_ucs4le_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_utf16_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_utf16be_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_utf16le_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_utf32_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_utf32be_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_utf32le_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_utf7_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_ucs2internal_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_ucs2swapped_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_ucs4internal_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_ucs4swapped_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_c99_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_java_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_iso8859_1_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS) +#define ei_iso8859_2_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS) +#define ei_iso8859_3_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS) +#define ei_iso8859_4_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS) +#define ei_iso8859_5_oflags (0) +#define ei_iso8859_6_oflags (0) +#define ei_iso8859_7_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_iso8859_8_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS) +#define ei_iso8859_9_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS) +#define ei_iso8859_10_oflags (0) +#define ei_iso8859_11_oflags (0) +#define ei_iso8859_13_oflags (0) +#define ei_iso8859_14_oflags (0) +#define ei_iso8859_15_oflags (0) +#define ei_iso8859_16_oflags (0) +#define ei_koi8_r_oflags (0) +#define ei_koi8_u_oflags (0) +#define ei_koi8_ru_oflags (0) +#define ei_cp1250_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_cp1251_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_cp1252_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_cp1253_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_cp1254_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_cp1255_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_cp1256_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_cp1257_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_cp1258_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_cp850_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS) +#define ei_cp862_oflags (0) +#define ei_cp866_oflags (0) +#define ei_cp1131_oflags (0) +#define ei_mac_roman_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_mac_centraleurope_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_mac_iceland_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_mac_croatian_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_mac_romania_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_mac_cyrillic_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_mac_ukraine_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_mac_greek_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_mac_turkish_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_mac_hebrew_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_mac_arabic_oflags (0) +#define ei_mac_thai_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_hp_roman8_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS) +#define ei_nextstep_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS) +#define ei_armscii_8_oflags (0) +#define ei_georgian_academy_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_georgian_ps_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_koi8_t_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_pt154_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_rk1048_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_mulelao_oflags (0) +#define ei_cp1133_oflags (0) +#define ei_tis620_oflags (0) +#define ei_cp874_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_viscii_oflags (0) +#define ei_tcvn_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS) +#define ei_iso646_jp_oflags (0) +#define ei_jisx0201_oflags (0) +#define ei_jisx0208_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_jisx0212_oflags (0) +#define ei_iso646_cn_oflags (0) +#define ei_gb2312_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_isoir165_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_ksc5601_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_euc_jp_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_sjis_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_cp932_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_iso2022_jp_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_iso2022_jp1_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_iso2022_jp2_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_euc_cn_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_ces_gbk_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_cp936_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_gb18030_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_iso2022_cn_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_iso2022_cn_ext_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_hz_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_euc_tw_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_ces_big5_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_cp950_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_big5hkscs1999_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_big5hkscs2001_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_big5hkscs2004_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_big5hkscs2008_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_euc_kr_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_cp949_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_johab_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_iso2022_kr_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS | HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) +#define ei_cp856_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS) +#define ei_cp922_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS) +#define ei_cp943_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_cp1046_oflags (0) +#define ei_cp1124_oflags (0) +#define ei_cp1129_oflags (0) +#define ei_cp1161_oflags (0) +#define ei_cp1162_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_cp1163_oflags (0) +#define ei_dec_kanji_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_dec_hanyu_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_cp437_oflags (0) +#define ei_cp737_oflags (0) +#define ei_cp775_oflags (0) +#define ei_cp852_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS) +#define ei_cp853_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS) +#define ei_cp855_oflags (0) +#define ei_cp857_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS) +#define ei_cp858_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS) +#define ei_cp860_oflags (0) +#define ei_cp861_oflags (0) +#define ei_cp863_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS) +#define ei_cp864_oflags (0) +#define ei_cp865_oflags (0) +#define ei_cp869_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_cp1125_oflags (0) +#define ei_euc_jisx0213_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_shift_jisx0213_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_iso2022_jp3_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_big5_2003_oflags (HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) +#define ei_tds565_oflags (0) +#define ei_atarist_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS) +#define ei_riscos1_oflags (HAVE_ACCENTS | HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS) diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/flushwc.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/flushwc.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..da25212ef --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/flushwc.h @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +#ifndef _FLUSHWC_H +#define _FLUSHWC_H + +static int +normal_flushwc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc) +{ + ucs4_t last_wc = conv->istate; + if (last_wc) { + /* Output the buffered character. */ + conv->istate = 0; + *pwc = (ucs4_t) last_wc; + return 1; + } else + return 0; +} + +#endif /* _FLUSHWC_H */ diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gb12345.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gb12345.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b7e062e3e --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gb12345.h @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * GB/T 12345-1990 + */ + +/* + * GB/T 12345-1990 is a traditional chinese counterpart of GB 2312-1986. + * According to the unicode.org tables: + * 2146 characters have been changed to their traditional counterpart, + * 103 characters have been added, no characters have been removed. + * Therefore we use an auxiliary table, which contains only the changes. + */ + +#include "gb12345ext.h" + +static int +gb12345_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + int ret; + + /* The gb12345ext table overrides some entries in the gb2312 table. */ + /* Try the GB12345 extensions -> Unicode table. */ + ret = gb12345ext_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + /* Try the GB2312 -> Unicode table. */ + ret = gb2312_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + return ret; +} + +static int +gb12345_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + int ret; + + /* The gb12345ext table overrides some entries in the gb2312 table. */ + /* Try the Unicode -> GB12345 extensions table. */ + ret = gb12345ext_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) + return ret; + /* Try the Unicode -> GB2312 table, and check that the resulting GB2312 + byte sequence is not overridden by the GB12345 extensions table. */ + ret = gb2312_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + if (ret == 2 && gb12345ext_mbtowc(conv,&wc,r,2) == 2) + return RET_ILUNI; + else + return ret; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gb12345ext.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gb12345ext.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b461ec87d --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gb12345ext.h @@ -0,0 +1,1796 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * GB/T 12345.1990-0 extensions + */ + +static const unsigned short gb12345ext_2uni_page21[12] = { + /* 0x21 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x2225, +}; +static const unsigned short gb12345ext_2uni_page26[85] = { + /* 0x26 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfe35, + 0xfe36, 0xfe39, 0xfe3a, 0xfe3f, 0xfe40, 0xfe3d, 0xfe3e, 0xfe41, + 0xfe42, 0xfe43, 0xfe44, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfe3b, 0xfe3c, 0xfe37, + 0xfe38, 0xfe31, 0xfffd, 0xfe33, 0xfe34, +}; +static const unsigned short gb12345ext_2uni_page28[32] = { + /* 0x28 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x0251, 0x1e3f, 0x0144, 0x0148, 0x01f9, 0x0261, +}; +static const unsigned short gb12345ext_2uni_page30[6871] = { + /* 0x30 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x769a, + 0xfffd, 0x85f9, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x7919, 0x611b, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0x9aaf, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 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0x9370, 0x9384, 0x93e4, 0x93d8, 0x9428, + 0x9387, 0x93cc, 0x9398, 0x93b8, 0x93bf, 0x93a6, 0x93b0, 0x93b5, + 0x944c, 0x93e2, 0x93dc, 0x93dd, 0x93cd, 0x93de, 0x93c3, 0x93c7, + 0x93d1, 0x9414, 0x941d, 0x93f7, 0x9465, 0x9413, 0x946d, 0x9420, + 0x9479, 0x93f9, 0x9419, 0x944a, 0x9432, 0x943f, 0x9454, 0x9463, + 0x937e, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0x70 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x7a61, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x9ce9, 0x9cf6, + 0x9d07, 0x9d06, 0x9d23, 0x9d87, 0x9e15, 0x9d1d, 0x9d1f, 0x9de5, + 0x9d2f, 0x9dd9, 0x9d30, 0x9d42, 0x9e1e, 0x9d53, 0x9e1d, 0x9d60, + 0x9d52, 0x9df3, 0x9d5c, 0x9d61, 0x9d93, 0x9d6a, 0x9d6f, 0x9d89, + 0x9d98, 0x9d9a, 0x9dc0, 0x9da5, 0x9da9, 0x9dc2, 0x9dbc, 0x9e1a, + 0x9dd3, 0x9dda, 0x9def, 0x9de6, 0x9df2, 0x9df8, 0x9e0c, 0x9dfa, + 0x9e1b, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x7664, 0x7658, 0xfffd, 0x7667, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0x7602, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x7646, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x7647, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x7649, 0xfffd, + 0x761e, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x763b, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0x71 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x766d, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x766e, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x7669, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0x7672, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x7ac7, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x7ab6, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0x8960, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x8933, 0xfffd, 0x895d, 0x8947, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0x8938, 0xfffd, 0x8964, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x76b8, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x802e, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x802c, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x8079, 0xfffd, + 0x8075, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x9807, 0x980e, 0x980f, + /* 0x72 */ + 0x9821, 0x981c, 0x6f41, 0x9826, 0x9837, 0x984e, 0x9853, 0x9873, + 0x9862, 0x9859, 0x9865, 0x986c, 0x9870, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0x87e3, 0x8806, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0x8706, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x8823, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0x87f6, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x86fa, 0x87ef, 0xfffd, 0x8784, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x8810, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x87c8, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x8811, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x87bb, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x87ce, 0xfffd, + /* 0x73 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x7f4c, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x7be4, 0xfffd, 0x7b67, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x7c69, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0x7bf3, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x7c00, 0x7bcb, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0x7c5c, 0xfffd, 0x7c1e, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x7c2b, 0xfffd, + 0x7c23, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x7c6a, 0xfffd, + /* 0x74 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x7c5f, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x8264, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x826b, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0x88ca, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x7fa5, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x7cf2, 0x7cf6, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x7cdd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0x7e36, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x9ea9, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x8db2, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0x75 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x91c5, 0x91c3, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0x9e7a, 0x8e89, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x8e4c, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x8e92, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x8e7a, 0x8e55, 0xfffd, + 0x8e9a, 0x8e8b, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0x8e93, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x8e91, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x8ea1, 0x8e63, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x8eaa, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0x8ea6, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x89f4, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0x76 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x89f6, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x975a, 0xfffd, 0x9742, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x973d, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x9744, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x9f54, 0x9f5f, 0x9f59, 0x9f60, 0x9f5c, 0x9f66, + 0x9f6c, 0x9f6a, 0x9f77, 0x9efd, 0x9eff, 0x9f09, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x8b8e, 0xfffd, 0x947e, 0xfffd, + 0x93e8, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x9b77, 0x9b74, + 0x9b81, 0x9b83, 0x9b8e, 0x9c78, 0x7a4c, 0x9b92, 0x9c5f, 0x9b90, + 0x9bad, 0x9b9a, 0x9baa, 0x9b9e, 0x9c6d, 0x9bab, 0x9b9d, 0x9c58, + 0x9bc1, 0x9c7a, 0x9c31, 0x9c39, 0x9c23, 0x9c37, 0x9bc0, 0x9bca, + 0x9bc7, 0x9bfd, 0x9bd6, 0x9bea, 0x9beb, 0x9be1, 0x9be4, 0x9be7, + 0x9bdd, 0x9be2, 0x9bf0, 0x9bdb, 0x9bf4, 0x9bd4, 0x9c5d, 0x9c08, + 0x9c10, 0x9c0d, 0x9c12, 0x9c09, 0x9bff, 0x9c20, + /* 0x77 */ + 0x9c32, 0x9c2d, 0x9c28, 0x9c25, 0x9c29, 0x9c33, 0x9c3e, 0x9c48, + 0x9c3b, 0x9c35, 0x9c45, 0x9c56, 0x9c54, 0x9c52, 0x9c67, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0x97c3, 0x97bd, 0xfffd, 0x97c9, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x9dbb, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x9acf, 0xfffd, 0x9ad6, 0x9ad5, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0x9b58, 0x9b4e, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x9957, 0x995c, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x9b22, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0x4e48, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0x9ef7, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x9ef2, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0x78 */ + 0x896c, 0x95c6, 0x9336, 0x5f46, 0x8514, 0x7e94, 0x5382, 0x51b2, + 0x4e11, 0x9f63, 0x5679, 0x515a, 0x6dc0, 0x9f15, 0x6597, 0x5641, + 0x9aee, 0x8303, 0x4e30, 0x8907, 0x5e72, 0x7a40, 0x98b3, 0x5e7f, + 0x95a4, 0x9b0d, 0x5212, 0x8ff4, 0x5f59, 0x7a6b, 0x98e2, 0x51e0, + 0x50a2, 0x4ef7, 0x8350, 0x8591, 0x5118, 0x636e, 0x6372, 0x524b, + 0x5938, 0x774f, 0x8721, 0x814a, 0x7e8d, 0x91cc, 0x66c6, 0x5e18, + 0x77ad, 0x9e75, 0x56c9, 0x9ef4, 0x6fdb, 0x61de, 0x77c7, 0x7030, + 0x9eb5, 0x884a, 0x95e2, 0x82f9, 0x51ed, 0x6251, 0x4ec6, 0x6734, + 0x97c6, 0x7c64, 0x7e34, 0x97a6, 0x9eaf, 0x786e, 0x820d, 0x672f, + 0x677e, 0x56cc, 0x53f0, 0x98b1, 0x6aaf, 0x7f4e, 0x6d82, 0x7cf0, + 0x4e07, 0x4fc2, 0x7e6b, 0x9e79, 0x56ae, 0x9b1a, 0x846f, 0x53f6, + 0x90c1, 0x79a6, 0x7c72, 0x613f, 0x4e91, 0x9ad2, + /* 0x79 */ + 0x75c7, 0x96bb, 0x53ea, 0x7dfb, 0x88fd, 0x79cd, 0x7843, 0x7b51, + 0x51c6, +}; + +static int +gb12345ext_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 == 0x21) || (c1 == 0x26) || (c1 == 0x28) || (c1 >= 0x30 && c1 <= 0x79)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 < 0x7f) { + unsigned int i = 94 * (c1 - 0x21) + (c2 - 0x21); + unsigned short wc = 0xfffd; + if (i < 470) { + if (i < 12) + wc = gb12345ext_2uni_page21[i]; + } else if (i < 658) { + if (i < 555) + wc = gb12345ext_2uni_page26[i-470]; + } else if (i < 1410) { + if (i < 690) + wc = gb12345ext_2uni_page28[i-658]; + } else { + if (i < 8281) + wc = gb12345ext_2uni_page30[i-1410]; + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned short gb12345ext_2charset[2252] = { + 0x283d, 0x283e, 0x283f, 0x283b, 0x2840, 0x283c, 0x212c, 0x7871, + 0x7829, 0x7833, 0x7761, 0x4252, 0x787d, 0x5147, 0x785f, 0x7842, + 0x6245, 0x4034, 0x4258, 0x7872, 0x4f40, 0x5876, 0x4129, 0x3256, + 0x3876, 0x4347, 0x4257, 0x4e30, 0x3260, 0x556c, 0x5877, 0x4921, + 0x3138, 0x7841, 0x5336, 0x342b, 0x5871, 0x552e, 0x494b, 0x4763, + 0x594d, 0x3d76, 0x595d, 0x4748, 0x464d, 0x4e31, 0x3d44, 0x5947, + 0x3c5b, 0x5247, 0x592f, 0x525a, 0x3f6b, 0x3c73, 0x594f, 0x5931, + 0x592d, 0x7845, 0x3325, 0x5345, 0x3422, 0x5933, 0x5950, 0x594e, + 0x5932, 0x3679, 0x782c, 0x413d, 0x7828, 0x7929, 0x3633, 0x7840, + 0x785d, 0x3f2d, 0x783b, 0x5859, 0x5472, 0x7848, 0x3855, 0x3950, + 0x585c, 0x3434, 0x3b2e, 0x3e67, 0x4175, 0x3974, 0x585b, 0x3d23, + 0x3c41, 0x3e22, 0x362f, 0x4e71, 0x512b, 0x4a24, 0x404d, 0x4a46, + 0x5b3d, 0x4078, 0x4830, 0x5850, 0x3b63, 0x5851, 0x4778, 0x502d, + 0x7827, 0x5847, 0x325e, 0x5161, 0x4077, 0x5849, 0x324e, 0x3454, + 0x7923, 0x786b, 0x7878, 0x6161, 0x5f43, 0x5431, 0x5f42, 0x4e4a, + 0x4674, 0x5146, 0x4925, 0x4747, 0x3525, 0x5334, 0x473a, 0x5844, + 0x4270, 0x4e58, 0x5f6f, 0x5f59, 0x4c3e, 0x6036, 0x453b, 0x5f75, + 0x3322, 0x5f69, 0x3b29, 0x5f6b, 0x5025, 0x5f34, 0x5f58, 0x5f3c, + 0x7830, 0x5f50, 0x5f55, 0x5f66, 0x5f5c, 0x6048, 0x5f60, 0x4567, + 0x3656, 0x782b, 0x5f4c, 0x4f45, 0x5f62, 0x6060, 0x4476, 0x5f3f, + 0x417c, 0x7875, 0x6037, 0x514f, 0x6053, 0x5f79, 0x603f, 0x4f79, + 0x5966, 0x5f3d, 0x7853, 0x786a, 0x5676, 0x6070, 0x397a, 0x4e27, + 0x5430, 0x5432, 0x4d3c, 0x4d45, 0x5b6b, 0x5634, 0x3c61, 0x5b51, + 0x5b71, 0x5b76, 0x5222, 0x3128, 0x3321, 0x3f69, 0x5c63, 0x5b6e, + 0x5b75, 0x4d3f, 0x4e6b, 0x5b77, 0x333e, 0x4735, 0x3566, 0x5739, + 0x3669, 0x3758, 0x473d, 0x3f51, 0x4c33, 0x5139, 0x405d, 0x5b5b, + 0x5b64, 0x3b35, 0x4222, 0x5b62, 0x5b5e, 0x3053, 0x5733, 0x3a78, + 0x4a59, 0x434e, 0x7849, 0x3c50, 0x5e46, 0x3661, 0x3d31, 0x375c, + 0x5731, 0x4226, 0x383e, 0x662b, 0x6634, 0x4268, 0x657d, 0x657c, + 0x6635, 0x6623, 0x662c, 0x663f, 0x3d3f, 0x664d, 0x6648, 0x6649, + 0x5324, 0x4974, 0x662e, 0x4b6f, 0x5127, 0x424f, 0x475e, 0x4a35, + 0x447e, 0x4973, 0x5034, 0x3f6d, 0x3368, 0x3126, 0x3d2b, 0x5728, + 0x5130, 0x3654, 0x353c, 0x5e4f, 0x4245, 0x3263, 0x6570, 0x4a74, + 0x3854, 0x612d, 0x353a, 0x4f3f, 0x6141, 0x385a, 0x6134, 0x6130, + 0x6150, 0x5538, 0x612b, 0x6140, 0x613d, 0x613b, 0x6149, 0x416b, + 0x536c, 0x3f79, 0x424d, 0x615b, 0x5b4f, 0x7850, 0x4b27, 0x4a26, + 0x554a, 0x3478, 0x5621, 0x6078, 0x607e, 0x607d, 0x5644, 0x3152, + 0x306f, 0x607c, 0x7835, 0x3849, 0x3c38, 0x7838, 0x3f62, 0x436d, + 0x3327, 0x6250, 0x374f, 0x3963, 0x422e, 0x4c7c, 0x6572, 0x5545, + 0x7824, 0x352f, 0x4356, 0x4d64, 0x783d, 0x3a73, 0x3e36, 0x3453, + 0x6162, 0x3834, 0x3339, 0x626a, 0x4346, 0x3671, 0x4455, 0x6322, + 0x627c, 0x302e, 0x632b, 0x626b, 0x627d, 0x6269, 0x787c, 0x4c2c, + 0x3252, 0x3251, 0x627a, 0x395f, 0x6d28, 0x6266, 0x4b4b, 0x4247, + 0x6325, 0x476c, 0x5347, 0x3139, 0x412f, 0x463e, 0x6334, 0x352c, + 0x375f, 0x4375, 0x6264, 0x4f5c, 0x5264, 0x3f52, 0x5326, 0x6278, + 0x7856, 0x6d21, 0x6d2f, 0x627b, 0x334d, 0x4041, 0x3b33, 0x507c, + 0x6263, 0x3e65, 0x4965, 0x4135, 0x6d30, 0x6a27, 0x6a28, 0x553d, + 0x4f37, 0x785e, 0x502e, 0x4961, 0x5e51, 0x7846, 0x7847, 0x4928, + 0x4255, 0x3c70, 0x516f, 0x3b53, 0x4b70, 0x3537, 0x4740, 0x5e62, + 0x5e68, 0x4227, 0x563f, 0x3f59, 0x5e52, 0x3274, 0x404c, 0x4453, + 0x5e58, 0x3527, 0x3226, 0x3827, 0x464b, 0x5e6c, 0x4c22, 0x4e4e, + 0x3c71, 0x5335, 0x4230, 0x5471, 0x3b77, 0x3532, 0x3523, 0x3e5d, + 0x3c37, 0x4462, 0x3177, 0x4521, 0x3869, 0x5640, 0x4029, 0x5f22, + 0x305a, 0x4b53, 0x5f23, 0x4845, 0x5e73, 0x446c, 0x4223, 0x4039, + 0x5e7c, 0x3273, 0x5f25, 0x4963, 0x545c, 0x424e, 0x4c2f, 0x3d41, + 0x403f, 0x305c, 0x3550, 0x4a7d, 0x4132, 0x3150, 0x6c35, 0x782f, + 0x5536, 0x364f, 0x4a31, 0x5667, 0x544e, 0x6a4d, 0x3329, 0x545d, + 0x6a4a, 0x784f, 0x6a3c, 0x4f7e, 0x6a53, 0x3f75, 0x4939, 0x4a69, + 0x3b61, 0x6b4a, 0x7868, 0x7860, 0x362b, 0x7869, 0x6845, 0x4c75, + 0x6849, 0x6847, 0x5466, 0x3630, 0x553b, 0x6862, 0x516e, 0x3763, + 0x6865, 0x5235, 0x3c2b, 0x683f, 0x4859, 0x6867, 0x3939, 0x4739, + 0x687d, 0x3d30, 0x572e, 0x4056, 0x6848, 0x4225, 0x316a, 0x4a60, + 0x5179, 0x4653, 0x4a77, 0x686b, 0x6863, 0x4745, 0x3b7a, 0x4d56, + 0x685f, 0x3535, 0x686d, 0x3c6c, 0x6949, 0x786d, 0x6944, 0x447b, + 0x3c77, 0x3971, 0x6956, 0x6935, 0x684e, 0x687c, 0x695a, 0x685d, + 0x6946, 0x6853, 0x6840, 0x6934, 0x6850, 0x6937, 0x5323, 0x4038, + 0x4828, 0x6921, 0x686f, 0x692d, 0x6879, 0x4755, 0x4537, 0x6c23, + 0x3b36, 0x4b6a, 0x407a, 0x3969, 0x3250, 0x6966, 0x6964, 0x6969, + 0x6967, 0x696b, 0x3c5f, 0x4931, 0x3f47, 0x4539, 0x6b27, 0x5531, + 0x6b2a, 0x4678, 0x4762, 0x6b32, 0x6424, 0x786f, 0x637e, 0x782d, + 0x4259, 0x5428, 0x6435, 0x4733, 0x4e50, 0x3262, 0x3b6b, 0x6425, + 0x4c40, 0x573c, 0x3935, 0x3257, 0x4370, 0x3553, 0x5c7e, 0x3b26, + 0x564d, 0x4978, 0x4231, 0x6430, 0x427a, 0x5366, 0x453d, 0x3a3a, + 0x4130, 0x5755, 0x5547, 0x3d25, 0x3d2c, 0x7223, 0x4643, 0x3d60, + 0x636d, 0x4873, 0x6431, 0x4023, 0x6464, 0x6436, 0x492c, 0x3d3d, + 0x4054, 0x3d27, 0x6445, 0x5473, 0x6d34, 0x642b, 0x356d, 0x5747, + 0x4528, 0x4a2a, 0x4522, 0x7855, 0x3c43, 0x4c4e, 0x4044, 0x4e2b, + 0x3175, 0x3d26, 0x6378, 0x424b, 0x645e, 0x6442, 0x503a, 0x6449, + 0x642f, 0x3174, 0x6372, 0x4124, 0x646c, 0x646b, 0x6371, 0x647e, + 0x7858, 0x6472, 0x403d, 0x6363, 0x645c, 0x4877, 0x406c, 0x4c32, + 0x6530, 0x4d65, 0x4250, 0x6459, 0x4e5a, 0x4c7e, 0x4e5e, 0x4136, + 0x6c3f, 0x5c64, 0x3733, 0x6c3e, 0x532b, 0x6c41, 0x4848, 0x3363, + 0x6c47, 0x3546, 0x4955, 0x4c4c, 0x6c4b, 0x532a, 0x3253, 0x5672, + 0x3b62, 0x3d7d, 0x6c62, 0x4b38, 0x422f, 0x4043, 0x4e2a, 0x522f, + 0x367b, 0x6b39, 0x4723, 0x5c7d, 0x363f, 0x4e7e, 0x5734, 0x4f41, + 0x3137, 0x534c, 0x6178, 0x616f, 0x537c, 0x4a28, 0x3640, 0x6176, + 0x617d, 0x447c, 0x3b71, 0x4154, 0x616e, 0x4a5e, 0x4c21, 0x4f57, + 0x6228, 0x6224, 0x4f56, 0x6775, 0x6762, 0x4b76, 0x5328, 0x426a, + 0x6776, 0x6761, 0x6828, 0x3b37, 0x6774, 0x476d, 0x6767, 0x682c, + 0x6836, 0x6a31, 0x327a, 0x4436, 0x314f, 0x3b2d, 0x3531, 0x336b, + 0x7921, 0x3e37, 0x7069, 0x3768, 0x5171, 0x7079, 0x342f, 0x4531, + 0x707c, 0x4146, 0x706c, 0x706f, 0x7077, 0x705d, 0x3171, 0x5177, + 0x705c, 0x5622, 0x705f, 0x712e, 0x5122, 0x7128, 0x712b, 0x5338, + 0x4c31, 0x7132, 0x3722, 0x3028, 0x7164, 0x5665, 0x5535, 0x3e21, + 0x3c60, 0x454c, 0x422c, 0x784a, 0x6d79, 0x6d6e, 0x4277, 0x7851, + 0x6d7a, 0x7857, 0x5675, 0x3d43, 0x7927, 0x6d4c, 0x6d3a, 0x7866, + 0x5162, 0x4b36, 0x6d38, 0x6d3f, 0x4837, 0x426b, 0x5729, 0x6d57, + 0x6d53, 0x6d36, 0x6d4d, 0x3421, 0x302d, 0x3f73, 0x6d42, 0x4079, + 0x372f, 0x6d43, 0x3b76, 0x6c75, 0x787a, 0x6c78, 0x4071, 0x6c72, + 0x353b, 0x7926, 0x5656, 0x3346, 0x7836, 0x7655, 0x3b7d, 0x5331, + 0x7023, 0x3b60, 0x4e48, 0x783e, 0x4e51, 0x4d5d, 0x476e, 0x7140, + 0x3f7a, 0x345c, 0x474f, 0x713c, 0x546e, 0x4754, 0x4a7a, 0x3e3a, + 0x314a, 0x7928, 0x7348, 0x3c63, 0x3d5a, 0x3736, 0x567e, 0x7366, + 0x7346, 0x4938, 0x7359, 0x7365, 0x4228, 0x736c, 0x3c72, 0x7371, + 0x736f, 0x4729, 0x4131, 0x403a, 0x336f, 0x736a, 0x7425, 0x417d, + 0x7862, 0x7356, 0x737d, 0x4069, 0x4261, 0x787b, 0x7456, 0x3760, + 0x4138, 0x7870, 0x744f, 0x5961, 0x7450, 0x6679, 0x3e40, 0x3c4d, + 0x667b, 0x543c, 0x3a6c, 0x667a, 0x667c, 0x667d, 0x4852, 0x4e46, + 0x4449, 0x4526, 0x6723, 0x343f, 0x6722, 0x4934, 0x563d, 0x3c36, + 0x3757, 0x6721, 0x3744, 0x4f38, 0x6726, 0x6725, 0x4970, 0x495c, + 0x6724, 0x6728, 0x672a, 0x6729, 0x5655, 0x5769, 0x306d, 0x672c, + 0x3d61, 0x672b, 0x3d4a, 0x4267, 0x5124, 0x3878, 0x485e, 0x4d33, + 0x4b3f, 0x672d, 0x3e78, 0x3e6e, 0x3073, 0x672f, 0x672e, 0x6730, + 0x5065, 0x4b67, 0x3e2d, 0x575b, 0x6736, 0x3371, 0x6739, 0x4f5f, + 0x6737, 0x4e2c, 0x673a, 0x3859, 0x4d78, 0x3141, 0x573a, 0x425a, + 0x6738, 0x6732, 0x5540, 0x3442, 0x6731, 0x4360, 0x6735, 0x673b, + 0x3d74, 0x6733, 0x424c, 0x5077, 0x6734, 0x673d, 0x3c6a, 0x673c, + 0x3c29, 0x3650, 0x355e, 0x6745, 0x5435, 0x6741, 0x3160, 0x3b3a, + 0x4365, 0x4e33, 0x6743, 0x673f, 0x4137, 0x6742, 0x673e, 0x7924, + 0x5d53, 0x6746, 0x674b, 0x6744, 0x6727, 0x674c, 0x383f, 0x6747, + 0x6749, 0x6748, 0x4f58, 0x4c50, 0x376c, 0x674a, 0x4b75, 0x575d, + 0x6750, 0x7863, 0x674f, 0x746a, 0x4246, 0x674e, 0x575c, 0x3c28, + 0x6752, 0x6751, 0x6755, 0x562f, 0x4949, 0x6754, 0x4846, 0x6740, + 0x497e, 0x3b66, 0x7873, 0x3c6b, 0x6756, 0x6759, 0x6758, 0x3d49, + 0x526f, 0x3c4c, 0x674d, 0x6757, 0x6753, 0x667e, 0x5078, 0x784d, + 0x3278, 0x5327, 0x7826, 0x4f4b, 0x675a, 0x4042, 0x733f, 0x786e, + 0x3723, 0x3055, 0x425e, 0x6e3c, 0x6e3f, 0x7447, 0x5265, 0x4f30, + 0x474c, 0x716f, 0x716c, 0x4a25, 0x4e45, 0x412a, 0x344f, 0x4979, + 0x4b4a, 0x7179, 0x4474, 0x5630, 0x7177, 0x4c7d, 0x417b, 0x4b60, + 0x5032, 0x6b56, 0x554d, 0x784c, 0x4976, 0x6b4b, 0x6b61, 0x4454, + 0x5657, 0x3326, 0x3774, 0x3d3a, 0x4465, 0x3528, 0x6b5a, 0x4527, + 0x4133, 0x466a, 0x6b77, 0x4030, 0x6b4d, 0x5460, 0x5975, 0x4159, + 0x4c28, 0x536b, 0x504b, 0x3e59, 0x3e49, 0x7867, 0x3255, 0x742f, + 0x3d22, 0x7435, 0x3c68, 0x515e, 0x5b3b, 0x5c51, 0x785c, 0x7832, + 0x7843, 0x572f, 0x3e25, 0x3c54, 0x5c48, 0x3b2a, 0x5c49, 0x4033, + 0x4d72, 0x5d2b, 0x5236, 0x5d26, 0x5d27, 0x4e2d, 0x7877, 0x3b67, + 0x5d3b, 0x5d2a, 0x3254, 0x5d25, 0x3847, 0x412b, 0x5c4a, 0x5c6a, + 0x7825, 0x5d64, 0x3d2f, 0x5c60, 0x5271, 0x5d21, 0x5d5b, 0x5c71, + 0x5d24, 0x5c3f, 0x5d35, 0x5c69, 0x5d5e, 0x3534, 0x4e5f, 0x4f74, + 0x5d77, 0x5c76, 0x3c3b, 0x5c3c, 0x7844, 0x473e, 0x5d32, 0x3c76, + 0x4878, 0x5c79, 0x4036, 0x5d23, 0x5255, 0x5229, 0x5e34, 0x544c, + 0x5c42, 0x302a, 0x5d7e, 0x5e2d, 0x422b, 0x4b55, 0x463b, 0x5e3a, + 0x5d7c, 0x5c57, 0x403c, 0x5d71, 0x425c, 0x3426, 0x4232, 0x3a45, + 0x3f77, 0x724c, 0x7239, 0x784b, 0x4a34, 0x4f3a, 0x4e4f, 0x724f, + 0x426c, 0x5329, 0x7277, 0x555d, 0x7265, 0x727d, 0x7231, 0x3275, + 0x724d, 0x3366, 0x7249, 0x524f, 0x532c, 0x7232, 0x7253, 0x726e, + 0x402f, 0x7243, 0x3946, 0x324f, 0x4279, 0x565a, 0x785a, 0x4a75, + 0x4e40, 0x3365, 0x563b, 0x7441, 0x406f, 0x3239, 0x5730, 0x7925, + 0x7834, 0x3f63, 0x714d, 0x715a, 0x5974, 0x7150, 0x3040, 0x714f, + 0x7149, 0x715c, 0x4d60, 0x7821, 0x3344, 0x4f2e, 0x3c7b, 0x3966, + 0x4359, 0x4a53, 0x6a68, 0x6a6a, 0x6a6c, 0x4757, 0x6a69, 0x6a6d, + 0x6a6e, 0x6a6f, 0x3e75, 0x4040, 0x6a6b, 0x395b, 0x757c, 0x7623, + 0x3425, 0x5a25, 0x3629, 0x383c, 0x3c46, 0x5136, 0x5a27, 0x4c56, + 0x5a26, 0x5135, 0x5a28, 0x467d, 0x3c47, 0x366f, 0x5148, 0x4b4f, + 0x3e77, 0x5a2b, 0x3743, 0x4968, 0x506d, 0x4b5f, 0x5a2d, 0x556f, + 0x5a2c, 0x5a2e, 0x5a2a, 0x5529, 0x5a31, 0x5a2f, 0x4640, 0x5a30, + 0x5767, 0x344a, 0x5a3c, 0x512f, 0x5268, 0x4a54, 0x4a2b, 0x326f, + 0x5a38, 0x396e, 0x5a39, 0x5a35, 0x3b30, 0x3843, 0x4f6a, 0x5a37, + 0x5a36, 0x5a34, 0x5a33, 0x566f, 0x5a32, 0x3f64, 0x484f, 0x5a3f, + 0x5a40, 0x352e, 0x5355, 0x5a3d, 0x536f, 0x334f, 0x3d6b, 0x4e5c, + 0x4e73, 0x5a3e, 0x4b50, 0x3b65, 0x4b35, 0x4b2d, 0x3f4e, 0x5a47, + 0x374c, 0x526a, 0x3577, 0x5a46, 0x573b, 0x4c38, 0x5a43, 0x476b, + 0x5a3a, 0x5a41, 0x5a42, 0x4142, 0x425b, 0x5a45, 0x5a44, 0x357d, + 0x5a52, 0x5a3b, 0x5a4c, 0x5a50, 0x5033, 0x5a49, 0x5a4d, 0x5a51, + 0x3b64, 0x5a4f, 0x5a48, 0x376d, 0x566e, 0x5168, 0x5a4e, 0x4535, + 0x4431, 0x5a4b, 0x4e3d, 0x4c5c, 0x565f, 0x3b51, 0x4355, 0x5a57, + 0x5a4a, 0x5a55, 0x3079, 0x472b, 0x5a56, 0x3d32, 0x503b, 0x5225, + 0x5a53, 0x5a58, 0x437d, 0x5a59, 0x5a29, 0x3d77, 0x4321, 0x5624, + 0x5a5c, 0x3c25, 0x5a5a, 0x4a36, 0x5a5b, 0x4c37, 0x4657, 0x5a5e, + 0x526b, 0x5269, 0x4734, 0x3b24, 0x537e, 0x3641, 0x3164, 0x7645, + 0x3277, 0x4843, 0x403e, 0x5a5f, 0x5a54, 0x5a5d, 0x4671, 0x3761, + 0x3134, 0x556a, 0x383a, 0x3246, 0x3931, 0x4636, 0x3b75, 0x3737, + 0x4c30, 0x3961, 0x5470, 0x567c, 0x6a5b, 0x6a5f, 0x3721, 0x3973, + 0x3161, 0x4272, 0x347b, 0x6a5c, 0x3751, 0x4c79, 0x6a5d, 0x4333, + 0x3a58, 0x6a5a, 0x4238, 0x415e, 0x3b5f, 0x6a60, 0x574a, 0x3c56, + 0x5474, 0x6a62, 0x495e, 0x3176, 0x6a64, 0x6a63, 0x344d, 0x494d, + 0x4562, 0x6259, 0x4f4d, 0x4274, 0x3c7a, 0x3833, 0x6a66, 0x564a, + 0x6a65, 0x554b, 0x3644, 0x4035, 0x572c, 0x6a67, 0x393a, 0x487c, + 0x5853, 0x6a5e, 0x5738, 0x5479, 0x545e, 0x584d, 0x4944, 0x532e, + 0x6a61, 0x4a6a, 0x3853, 0x545f, 0x384f, 0x5554, 0x4777, 0x7475, + 0x3c79, 0x533b, 0x7544, 0x754f, 0x7567, 0x754e, 0x753b, 0x336c, + 0x7552, 0x543e, 0x755c, 0x7548, 0x7559, 0x7551, 0x7566, 0x345a, + 0x7572, 0x756f, 0x477b, 0x3335, 0x547e, 0x396c, 0x3e7c, 0x5079, + 0x696d, 0x696e, 0x486d, 0x6975, 0x6974, 0x696f, 0x5661, 0x6972, + 0x6977, 0x6970, 0x6973, 0x6978, 0x3d4f, 0x697b, 0x697a, 0x5458, + 0x6979, 0x697c, 0x3828, 0x4761, 0x413e, 0x6a22, 0x3b54, 0x697e, + 0x6a21, 0x3975, 0x697d, 0x3132, 0x4256, 0x3c2d, 0x6a23, 0x4a64, + 0x3778, 0x5537, 0x535f, 0x6c31, 0x4f3d, 0x542f, 0x6a24, 0x572a, + 0x555e, 0x3d4e, 0x6a25, 0x3a64, 0x604e, 0x6976, 0x6971, 0x306c, + 0x3447, 0x3168, 0x3167, 0x4529, 0x783c, 0x6549, 0x5562, 0x412c, + 0x3d78, 0x544b, 0x397d, 0x346f, 0x4e25, 0x5137, 0x355d, 0x5436, + 0x4a4a, 0x3359, 0x4728, 0x5121, 0x5245, 0x4149, 0x4275, 0x3b39, + 0x6547, 0x315f, 0x425f, 0x654e, 0x7879, 0x5b23, 0x534a, 0x5b29, + 0x4f67, 0x575e, 0x5a79, 0x5447, 0x354b, 0x5623, 0x415a, 0x3526, + 0x5a7e, 0x5b26, 0x5a77, 0x5b2a, 0x544d, 0x3373, 0x523d, 0x3d34, + 0x4470, 0x5046, 0x7527, 0x7526, 0x4a4d, 0x784e, 0x6e44, 0x6e45, + 0x6e46, 0x6e49, 0x6e48, 0x3624, 0x6e47, 0x556b, 0x3576, 0x6e4c, + 0x6e4b, 0x3730, 0x6e4e, 0x6e4a, 0x6e4f, 0x4725, 0x6e59, 0x6e55, + 0x6e57, 0x6e50, 0x4446, 0x365b, 0x3933, 0x6e54, 0x6e53, 0x332e, + 0x4525, 0x3e7b, 0x3846, 0x6e58, 0x6e51, 0x6e56, 0x6e6a, 0x6e66, + 0x6e5d, 0x4165, 0x6e5c, 0x6e60, 0x6e6b, 0x6e5a, 0x6e5f, 0x534b, + 0x6e64, 0x3c58, 0x6e52, 0x6e68, 0x6e67, 0x6e69, 0x322c, 0x6e5e, + 0x472f, 0x432d, 0x4726, 0x6e61, 0x3227, 0x6e5b, 0x6e62, 0x6e63, + 0x3d42, 0x6e6f, 0x3875, 0x6e7e, 0x5278, 0x6f25, 0x4d2d, 0x4f33, + 0x6e7d, 0x6e79, 0x437a, 0x6f22, 0x4f4e, 0x6e6e, 0x6f28, 0x523f, + 0x6e77, 0x6f27, 0x6e7b, 0x6e70, 0x6f24, 0x6e6d, 0x6e76, 0x4f7a, + 0x5062, 0x4c60, 0x6f31, 0x4241, 0x6f36, 0x503f, 0x3135, 0x6e7a, + 0x6e72, 0x3766, 0x6f32, 0x6f37, 0x6e74, 0x337a, 0x6f2d, 0x6f38, + 0x6f30, 0x464c, 0x4871, 0x6e71, 0x6f2f, 0x6f2e, 0x6f2b, 0x6f33, + 0x3e62, 0x3856, 0x6f3e, 0x6f3a, 0x6f42, 0x6f43, 0x5736, 0x6f39, + 0x6f3f, 0x3438, 0x6f45, 0x6f23, 0x6f3c, 0x6f44, 0x3627, 0x472e, + 0x3d75, 0x432a, 0x4e7d, 0x6f40, 0x346d, 0x423c, 0x434c, 0x7823, + 0x6f2a, 0x6f3d, 0x4f47, 0x6f41, 0x6e4d, 0x6f47, 0x3978, 0x3646, + 0x6f49, 0x5521, 0x364d, 0x6f4a, 0x6f46, 0x6f3b, 0x4742, 0x6f4c, + 0x3c7c, 0x6f48, 0x5560, 0x6f71, 0x433e, 0x6f4d, 0x6f51, 0x3077, + 0x4b78, 0x6f53, 0x4e59, 0x5d76, 0x6f56, 0x6e78, 0x6f21, 0x6f4b, + 0x3864, 0x5572, 0x6f57, 0x4478, 0x6f58, 0x6f54, 0x6f55, 0x6f5f, + 0x6f60, 0x4134, 0x6f52, 0x6f5d, 0x6f61, 0x6f2c, 0x6f4f, 0x6f5b, + 0x6f5c, 0x6f5e, 0x3279, 0x3e35, 0x6f5a, 0x6f4e, 0x7649, 0x6e7c, + 0x6f64, 0x6f6a, 0x6e73, 0x6f26, 0x414d, 0x6f29, 0x6f66, 0x6f62, + 0x5653, 0x6f6b, 0x6f63, 0x6f68, 0x6f34, 0x6f35, 0x6f50, 0x412d, + 0x6f6d, 0x4058, 0x4c7a, 0x6e6c, 0x6e75, 0x6f6e, 0x567d, 0x6f6c, + 0x6f59, 0x3c78, 0x6f6f, 0x6e65, 0x6f70, 0x6f65, 0x6f67, 0x543f, + 0x4f62, 0x4477, 0x6f69, 0x4260, 0x576a, 0x7647, 0x5464, 0x3324, + 0x4345, 0x6345, 0x4941, 0x6346, 0x3155, 0x3f2a, 0x634a, 0x6348, + 0x4872, 0x4f50, 0x3c64, 0x6349, 0x5522, 0x3a52, 0x3873, 0x7839, + 0x3727, 0x396b, 0x4376, 0x634d, 0x634f, 0x634c, 0x5444, 0x6351, + 0x514b, 0x5156, 0x6355, 0x6354, 0x6350, 0x6353, 0x6356, 0x7822, + 0x6347, 0x402b, 0x6357, 0x403b, 0x6359, 0x6358, 0x635a, 0x3433, + 0x3958, 0x635b, 0x327b, 0x785b, 0x634b, 0x5a6a, 0x4942, 0x5573, + 0x5275, 0x3342, 0x423d, 0x5174, 0x3653, 0x3d57, 0x5449, 0x3c4a, + 0x4b66, 0x4f55, 0x527e, 0x4224, 0x4125, 0x7922, 0x4b64, 0x4b2b, + 0x337b, 0x5453, 0x406b, 0x4451, 0x5446, 0x3567, 0x4e6d, 0x762b, + 0x7628, 0x7630, 0x4169, 0x7626, 0x584c, 0x392e, 0x7864, 0x7733, + 0x7732, 0x7861, 0x7735, 0x4e24, 0x484d, 0x3a2b, 0x6838, 0x683a, + 0x6839, 0x4f6c, 0x5233, 0x3625, 0x476a, 0x4f6e, 0x4b33, 0x717c, + 0x506b, 0x676f, 0x4b4c, 0x717d, 0x717e, 0x5424, 0x4d67, 0x3064, + 0x3659, 0x4644, 0x416c, 0x7222, 0x7221, 0x5243, 0x7224, 0x4d37, + 0x3c55, 0x7225, 0x3e31, 0x4635, 0x4d47, 0x3f45, 0x4c62, 0x366e, + 0x7226, 0x7227, 0x5155, 0x5438, 0x722a, 0x355f, 0x4060, 0x7229, + 0x722b, 0x394b, 0x327c, 0x722c, 0x4f54, 0x722d, 0x422d, 0x7228, + 0x4827, 0x3767, 0x6c29, 0x6c2a, 0x786c, 0x7837, 0x6c2b, 0x6c2c, + 0x462e, 0x6c2d, 0x6c2e, 0x3749, 0x623b, 0x783f, 0x623d, 0x623f, + 0x6240, 0x6241, 0x3739, 0x527b, 0x6242, 0x4b47, 0x3125, 0x4a4e, + 0x3d48, 0x317d, 0x6243, 0x5178, 0x367c, 0x6244, 0x4459, 0x3676, + 0x5360, 0x6246, 0x3d24, 0x4f5a, 0x395d, 0x623c, 0x6247, 0x623e, + 0x4173, 0x6248, 0x6249, 0x4278, 0x624a, 0x624b, 0x624c, 0x4021, + 0x624d, 0x3c22, 0x4844, 0x774f, 0x7750, 0x3276, 0x624e, 0x426d, + 0x5426, 0x376b, 0x4d54, 0x335b, 0x5131, 0x3235, 0x5724, 0x6665, + 0x3e54, 0x6660, 0x3c5d, 0x6666, 0x6662, 0x4a3b, 0x4d55, 0x6661, + 0x426e, 0x6669, 0x3a27, 0x4266, 0x3f25, 0x3352, 0x666d, 0x666c, + 0x466f, 0x666b, 0x6670, 0x462d, 0x6539, 0x666f, 0x6672, 0x4c5a, + 0x6663, 0x4927, 0x6673, 0x4262, 0x5d6b, 0x6671, 0x666e, 0x6674, + 0x6675, 0x477d, 0x6668, 0x6667, 0x6676, 0x3d3e, 0x5169, 0x3e2a, + 0x6664, 0x5668, 0x423f, 0x6678, 0x6677, 0x666a, 0x3039, 0x7743, + 0x787e, 0x4c65, 0x7746, 0x7745, 0x7831, 0x4b49, 0x783a, 0x7876, + 0x775e, 0x3637, 0x4456, 0x6352, 0x634e, 0x5374, 0x774b, 0x774a, + 0x5363, 0x4233, 0x7650, 0x764f, 0x7651, 0x7652, 0x7653, 0x7658, + 0x312b, 0x7656, 0x765a, 0x765f, 0x765c, 0x765b, 0x765e, 0x7659, + 0x4f4a, 0x7667, 0x7661, 0x7669, 0x4070, 0x7668, 0x7676, 0x766b, + 0x7674, 0x7671, 0x766e, 0x7672, 0x766f, 0x7670, 0x3e28, 0x766c, + 0x766d, 0x7673, 0x7675, 0x766a, 0x767d, 0x7678, 0x767c, 0x767a, + 0x7679, 0x767b, 0x487a, 0x767e, 0x7665, 0x7724, 0x7723, 0x7725, + 0x7722, 0x7663, 0x7721, 0x7726, 0x772a, 0x7666, 0x7664, 0x7729, + 0x7727, 0x772b, 0x7728, 0x316e, 0x772e, 0x772d, 0x772c, 0x415b, + 0x7660, 0x7677, 0x7657, 0x772f, 0x765d, 0x7654, 0x7662, 0x4471, + 0x702f, 0x596c, 0x376f, 0x4379, 0x7030, 0x7032, 0x7031, 0x513b, + 0x4d52, 0x5427, 0x7036, 0x7037, 0x7033, 0x516c, 0x513c, 0x7039, + 0x703b, 0x3a68, 0x386b, 0x703c, 0x3e69, 0x7041, 0x703e, 0x7043, + 0x366c, 0x7040, 0x7044, 0x7046, 0x4574, 0x7047, 0x4835, 0x7034, + 0x7048, 0x7045, 0x7049, 0x704a, 0x704c, 0x704d, 0x5d3a, 0x3a57, + 0x773d, 0x704f, 0x704b, 0x704e, 0x3c26, 0x7051, 0x4538, 0x703a, + 0x7052, 0x7038, 0x7054, 0x7053, 0x7055, 0x7042, 0x7056, 0x5325, + 0x7058, 0x7057, 0x7035, 0x7050, 0x7059, 0x703f, 0x703d, 0x7852, + 0x7874, 0x753a, 0x3c6f, 0x514e, 0x4076, 0x4273, 0x746f, 0x7865, + 0x7859, 0x4334, 0x5964, 0x3563, 0x3533, 0x7775, 0x7854, 0x7772, + 0x763c, 0x763d, 0x763e, 0x782e, 0x466b, 0x552b, 0x6c34, 0x335d, + 0x7633, 0x7635, 0x7637, 0x7634, 0x7636, 0x4164, 0x782a, 0x7638, + 0x763a, 0x7639, 0x4823, 0x763b, 0x417a, 0x4553, 0x3928, 0x6d68, + 0x396a, 0x2672, 0x2674, 0x2675, 0x2660, 0x2661, 0x2670, 0x2671, + 0x2662, 0x2663, 0x266e, 0x266f, 0x2666, 0x2667, 0x2664, 0x2665, + 0x2668, 0x2669, 0x266a, 0x266b, +}; + +static const Summary16 gb12345ext_uni2indx_page01[23] = { + /* 0x0100 */ + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0110 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, + { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, + { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0200 }, + /* 0x0200 */ + { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, + { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0002 }, { 4, 0x0002 }, +}; +static const Summary16 gb12345ext_uni2indx_page1e[4] = { + /* 0x1e00 */ + { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x8000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 gb12345ext_uni2indx_page22[3] = { + /* 0x2200 */ + { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0020 }, +}; +static const Summary16 gb12345ext_uni2indx_page4e[1306] = { + /* 0x4e00 */ + { 7, 0x0080 }, { 8, 0x0002 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0001 }, + { 10, 0x0100 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, + { 11, 0x0004 }, { 12, 0x4002 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, + { 14, 0x0040 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0080 }, + /* 0x4f00 */ + { 16, 0x0000 }, { 16, 0x0000 }, { 16, 0x0000 }, { 16, 0x0000 }, + { 16, 0x0000 }, { 16, 0x0200 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, + { 17, 0x0040 }, { 18, 0x0040 }, { 19, 0x0000 }, { 19, 0x0000 }, + { 19, 0x0004 }, { 20, 0x0000 }, { 20, 0x0001 }, { 21, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5000 */ + { 21, 0x0a41 }, { 25, 0x0002 }, { 26, 0x0800 }, { 27, 0x0000 }, + { 27, 0x0200 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0030 }, + { 30, 0x0000 }, { 30, 0x0340 }, { 33, 0x2004 }, { 35, 0x40b8 }, + { 40, 0x0224 }, { 43, 0x4022 }, { 46, 0x0120 }, { 48, 0x0200 }, + /* 0x5100 */ + { 49, 0x0315 }, { 54, 0x8131 }, { 59, 0x0400 }, { 60, 0x1c84 }, + { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0404 }, { 67, 0x0200 }, { 68, 0x0000 }, + { 68, 0x0000 }, { 68, 0x0000 }, { 68, 0x0000 }, { 68, 0x0004 }, + { 69, 0x2040 }, { 71, 0x0000 }, { 71, 0x2001 }, { 73, 0x0002 }, + /* 0x5200 */ + { 74, 0x0000 }, { 74, 0x0004 }, { 75, 0x0000 }, { 75, 0x0000 }, + { 75, 0x0890 }, { 78, 0x0800 }, { 79, 0x4000 }, { 80, 0x0030 }, + { 82, 0x3688 }, { 88, 0x0002 }, { 89, 0x0000 }, { 89, 0x0000 }, + { 89, 0x0002 }, { 90, 0x6a20 }, { 95, 0x0004 }, { 96, 0x0122 }, + /* 0x5300 */ + { 99, 0x0000 }, { 99, 0x0000 }, { 99, 0xa000 }, { 101, 0x0002 }, + { 102, 0x0001 }, { 103, 0x0010 }, { 104, 0x0000 }, { 104, 0x0000 }, + { 104, 0x0004 }, { 105, 0x0200 }, { 106, 0x2001 }, { 108, 0x0014 }, + { 110, 0x0008 }, { 111, 0x0000 }, { 111, 0x0404 }, { 113, 0x0041 }, + /* 0x5400 */ + { 115, 0x4000 }, { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0000 }, + { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0000 }, + { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x1000 }, + { 117, 0x0000 }, { 117, 0x0000 }, { 117, 0x0002 }, { 118, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5500 */ + { 118, 0x0010 }, { 119, 0x0000 }, { 119, 0x0000 }, { 119, 0x0000 }, + { 119, 0x8000 }, { 120, 0x4008 }, { 122, 0x0000 }, { 122, 0x0000 }, + { 122, 0x0000 }, { 122, 0x0000 }, { 122, 0x5400 }, { 125, 0x0004 }, + { 126, 0x40c0 }, { 129, 0x0400 }, { 130, 0x0200 }, { 131, 0x0040 }, + /* 0x5600 */ + { 132, 0x2040 }, { 134, 0x10d0 }, { 138, 0xc200 }, { 141, 0x0121 }, + { 144, 0x0002 }, { 145, 0x2000 }, { 146, 0x8061 }, { 150, 0x0314 }, + { 154, 0x1081 }, { 157, 0x0220 }, { 159, 0x4140 }, { 162, 0x0058 }, + { 165, 0x1327 }, { 172, 0x0002 }, { 173, 0x0000 }, { 173, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5700 */ + { 173, 0x2880 }, { 176, 0x014c }, { 180, 0x0000 }, { 180, 0x0000 }, + { 180, 0x0000 }, { 180, 0x0000 }, { 180, 0x0000 }, { 180, 0x0000 }, + { 180, 0x0000 }, { 180, 0x0000 }, { 180, 0x0000 }, { 180, 0x0000 }, + { 180, 0x0000 }, { 180, 0x0000 }, { 180, 0x0002 }, { 181, 0x0080 }, + /* 0x5800 */ + { 182, 0x0420 }, { 184, 0x2040 }, { 186, 0x8000 }, { 187, 0x0012 }, + { 189, 0x8c00 }, { 192, 0x0084 }, { 194, 0x0014 }, { 196, 0x0220 }, + { 198, 0x0400 }, { 199, 0x1000 }, { 200, 0x4000 }, { 201, 0x4808 }, + { 204, 0x0080 }, { 205, 0xc708 }, { 211, 0x8205 }, { 215, 0x2400 }, + /* 0x5900 */ + { 217, 0x0000 }, { 217, 0x0000 }, { 217, 0x0004 }, { 218, 0x4100 }, + { 220, 0x0000 }, { 220, 0x0000 }, { 220, 0x5600 }, { 224, 0x0000 }, + { 224, 0x0000 }, { 224, 0x2000 }, { 225, 0x0000 }, { 225, 0x0000 }, + { 225, 0x0000 }, { 225, 0x0000 }, { 225, 0x0000 }, { 225, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5a00 */ + { 225, 0x0000 }, { 225, 0x0000 }, { 225, 0x0000 }, { 225, 0x0000 }, + { 225, 0x0002 }, { 226, 0x0000 }, { 226, 0x2040 }, { 228, 0x0000 }, + { 228, 0x0000 }, { 228, 0x0000 }, { 228, 0x0080 }, { 229, 0x2000 }, + { 230, 0x0000 }, { 230, 0x0080 }, { 231, 0x0000 }, { 231, 0x0820 }, + /* 0x5b00 */ + { 233, 0x1901 }, { 237, 0x0200 }, { 238, 0x0402 }, { 240, 0x0101 }, + { 242, 0x1000 }, { 243, 0x0000 }, { 243, 0x0800 }, { 244, 0x8100 }, + { 246, 0x0000 }, { 246, 0x0000 }, { 246, 0x0000 }, { 246, 0x0000 }, + { 246, 0x0000 }, { 246, 0x0000 }, { 246, 0x1ac4 }, { 252, 0x0060 }, + /* 0x5c00 */ + { 254, 0x6980 }, { 259, 0x0000 }, { 259, 0x0000 }, { 259, 0x0080 }, + { 260, 0x0000 }, { 260, 0x0000 }, { 260, 0x1114 }, { 264, 0x0000 }, + { 264, 0x0000 }, { 264, 0x0000 }, { 264, 0x0002 }, { 265, 0x0000 }, + { 265, 0x0000 }, { 265, 0x0000 }, { 265, 0x0000 }, { 265, 0x2050 }, + /* 0x5d00 */ + { 268, 0x2000 }, { 269, 0x0080 }, { 270, 0x1000 }, { 271, 0x0000 }, + { 271, 0x0000 }, { 271, 0x0001 }, { 272, 0x0000 }, { 272, 0x0000 }, + { 272, 0x0092 }, { 275, 0x0080 }, { 276, 0x0081 }, { 278, 0x1500 }, + { 281, 0x0800 }, { 282, 0x0014 }, { 284, 0x0000 }, { 284, 0x0001 }, + /* 0x5e00 */ + { 285, 0x0000 }, { 285, 0x0100 }, { 286, 0x0820 }, { 288, 0x0048 }, + { 290, 0x0009 }, { 292, 0x8180 }, { 295, 0x1808 }, { 298, 0xc204 }, + { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0000 }, { 302, 0x0800 }, { 303, 0x0000 }, + { 303, 0x0000 }, { 303, 0x8000 }, { 304, 0x100f }, { 309, 0x0008 }, + /* 0x5f00 */ + { 310, 0x0000 }, { 310, 0x0000 }, { 310, 0x0000 }, { 310, 0x0028 }, + { 312, 0x5140 }, { 316, 0x0200 }, { 317, 0x0000 }, { 317, 0x0000 }, + { 317, 0x1000 }, { 318, 0x4002 }, { 320, 0x0201 }, { 322, 0x0200 }, + { 323, 0x0000 }, { 323, 0x0000 }, { 323, 0x0000 }, { 323, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6000 */ + { 323, 0x0000 }, { 323, 0x0000 }, { 323, 0x0000 }, { 323, 0x0000 }, + { 323, 0x0000 }, { 323, 0x0000 }, { 323, 0x0000 }, { 323, 0x0000 }, + { 323, 0x0000 }, { 323, 0x0000 }, { 323, 0x0000 }, { 323, 0x0060 }, + { 325, 0x0000 }, { 325, 0x0000 }, { 325, 0x0002 }, { 326, 0x0806 }, + /* 0x6100 */ + { 329, 0x0000 }, { 329, 0x1800 }, { 331, 0x0000 }, { 331, 0xc090 }, + { 335, 0x0800 }, { 336, 0x8500 }, { 339, 0x4c18 }, { 344, 0x0048 }, + { 346, 0x0404 }, { 348, 0x0407 }, { 352, 0x4810 }, { 355, 0x0044 }, + { 357, 0x1280 }, { 360, 0xc000 }, { 362, 0x0108 }, { 364, 0x55c4 }, + /* 0x6200 */ + { 371, 0x0081 }, { 373, 0x0010 }, { 374, 0x0080 }, { 375, 0x0005 }, + { 377, 0x0000 }, { 377, 0x0002 }, { 378, 0x0000 }, { 378, 0x0000 }, + { 378, 0x0000 }, { 378, 0x0000 }, { 378, 0x0000 }, { 378, 0x0000 }, + { 378, 0x0000 }, { 378, 0x0000 }, { 378, 0x0000 }, { 378, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6300 */ + { 378, 0x0000 }, { 378, 0x0000 }, { 378, 0x0000 }, { 378, 0x4000 }, + { 379, 0x0000 }, { 379, 0x0000 }, { 379, 0x4900 }, { 382, 0x0004 }, + { 383, 0x0018 }, { 385, 0x0000 }, { 385, 0x0000 }, { 385, 0x0000 }, + { 385, 0x0001 }, { 386, 0x0400 }, { 387, 0x4000 }, { 388, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6400 */ + { 388, 0x2000 }, { 389, 0x0080 }, { 390, 0x0000 }, { 390, 0x0040 }, + { 391, 0x0000 }, { 391, 0x9002 }, { 394, 0x8000 }, { 395, 0x0848 }, + { 398, 0x0100 }, { 399, 0x8008 }, { 401, 0x0828 }, { 404, 0xc80c }, + { 409, 0x0c92 }, { 414, 0x0410 }, { 416, 0x9001 }, { 419, 0x5c97 }, + /* 0x6500 */ + { 428, 0x8050 }, { 431, 0x2a50 }, { 436, 0x141c }, { 441, 0x0000 }, + { 441, 0x0000 }, { 441, 0x0080 }, { 442, 0x0000 }, { 442, 0x0120 }, + { 444, 0x000c }, { 446, 0x00a0 }, { 448, 0x1000 }, { 449, 0x0080 }, + { 450, 0x0000 }, { 450, 0x0000 }, { 450, 0x0000 }, { 450, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6600 */ + { 450, 0x0000 }, { 450, 0x0000 }, { 450, 0x0000 }, { 450, 0x0000 }, + { 450, 0x0004 }, { 451, 0x2000 }, { 452, 0x0000 }, { 452, 0x0000 }, + { 452, 0x0300 }, { 454, 0x0000 }, { 454, 0x0804 }, { 456, 0x0000 }, + { 456, 0x02d0 }, { 460, 0x0040 }, { 461, 0x1001 }, { 463, 0x0100 }, + /* 0x6700 */ + { 464, 0x0008 }, { 465, 0x0000 }, { 465, 0x8080 }, { 467, 0x0010 }, + { 468, 0x0000 }, { 468, 0x0000 }, { 468, 0x0000 }, { 468, 0x4002 }, + { 470, 0x0000 }, { 470, 0x0000 }, { 470, 0x0000 }, { 470, 0x0000 }, + { 470, 0x0000 }, { 470, 0x0000 }, { 470, 0x0000 }, { 470, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6800 */ + { 470, 0x0000 }, { 470, 0x0000 }, { 470, 0x0000 }, { 470, 0x0000 }, + { 470, 0x0000 }, { 470, 0x0000 }, { 470, 0x0000 }, { 470, 0x0000 }, + { 470, 0x0000 }, { 470, 0xa100 }, { 473, 0x0000 }, { 473, 0x0000 }, + { 473, 0x0000 }, { 473, 0x80c0 }, { 476, 0x0080 }, { 477, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6900 */ + { 477, 0x8000 }, { 478, 0x0000 }, { 478, 0x0000 }, { 478, 0x0000 }, + { 478, 0x0400 }, { 479, 0x0008 }, { 480, 0x2100 }, { 482, 0x0020 }, + { 483, 0x0000 }, { 483, 0x0000 }, { 483, 0x4400 }, { 485, 0x8000 }, + { 486, 0x2800 }, { 488, 0x0000 }, { 488, 0x0080 }, { 489, 0x0008 }, + /* 0x6a00 */ + { 490, 0x0026 }, { 493, 0x4208 }, { 496, 0x0008 }, { 497, 0x0700 }, + { 500, 0x0900 }, { 502, 0x8000 }, { 503, 0x0004 }, { 504, 0x0000 }, + { 504, 0x0200 }, { 505, 0x1010 }, { 507, 0x800c }, { 510, 0x0908 }, + { 513, 0x0008 }, { 514, 0xec08 }, { 520, 0x1580 }, { 524, 0x0908 }, + /* 0x6b00 */ + { 527, 0x8410 }, { 530, 0x4044 }, { 533, 0x0000 }, { 533, 0x2000 }, + { 534, 0x0000 }, { 534, 0x8001 }, { 536, 0x0002 }, { 537, 0x0184 }, + { 540, 0x0000 }, { 540, 0x4100 }, { 542, 0xc810 }, { 546, 0x0c04 }, + { 549, 0x0040 }, { 550, 0x0000 }, { 550, 0x0000 }, { 550, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x6c00 */ + { 551, 0x1100 }, { 553, 0x0000 }, { 553, 0x1808 }, { 556, 0x0000 }, + { 556, 0x0000 }, { 556, 0x0000 }, { 556, 0x0000 }, { 556, 0x0000 }, + { 556, 0x0000 }, { 556, 0x0000 }, { 556, 0x0000 }, { 556, 0x0000 }, + { 556, 0x0000 }, { 556, 0x0000 }, { 556, 0x0000 }, { 556, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6d00 */ + { 556, 0x0000 }, { 556, 0x0000 }, { 556, 0x0000 }, { 556, 0x0000 }, + { 556, 0x0000 }, { 556, 0x0000 }, { 556, 0x0000 }, { 556, 0x0200 }, + { 557, 0x0084 }, { 559, 0x0000 }, { 559, 0x0000 }, { 559, 0x0000 }, + { 559, 0x0001 }, { 560, 0x0000 }, { 560, 0x0400 }, { 561, 0x0460 }, + /* 0x6e00 */ + { 564, 0x0000 }, { 564, 0x0000 }, { 564, 0x1040 }, { 566, 0x4000 }, + { 567, 0x0000 }, { 567, 0x4000 }, { 568, 0x8000 }, { 569, 0x0000 }, + { 569, 0x0000 }, { 569, 0x2040 }, { 571, 0x0000 }, { 571, 0x0000 }, + { 571, 0x5030 }, { 575, 0x0000 }, { 575, 0x9000 }, { 577, 0x8184 }, + /* 0x6f00 */ + { 581, 0x0002 }, { 582, 0x0400 }, { 583, 0x100c }, { 586, 0x8104 }, + { 589, 0x0002 }, { 590, 0x0212 }, { 593, 0x8010 }, { 595, 0x8081 }, + { 598, 0x00c1 }, { 601, 0x0080 }, { 602, 0x4211 }, { 606, 0x0002 }, + { 607, 0x000a }, { 609, 0x8920 }, { 613, 0x0810 }, { 615, 0x5403 }, + /* 0x7000 */ + { 620, 0x8a60 }, { 625, 0xa120 }, { 629, 0x0181 }, { 632, 0x4005 }, + { 635, 0x0018 }, { 637, 0x2122 }, { 641, 0x0098 }, { 644, 0x0000 }, + { 644, 0x0000 }, { 644, 0x0000 }, { 644, 0x0000 }, { 644, 0x0000 }, + { 644, 0x8000 }, { 645, 0x0000 }, { 645, 0x0000 }, { 645, 0x0010 }, + /* 0x7100 */ + { 646, 0x0000 }, { 646, 0x0000 }, { 646, 0x0002 }, { 647, 0x0000 }, + { 647, 0x0200 }, { 648, 0x0004 }, { 649, 0x1204 }, { 652, 0x0000 }, + { 652, 0x0000 }, { 652, 0x0084 }, { 654, 0x0000 }, { 654, 0x4002 }, + { 656, 0x0102 }, { 658, 0x9204 }, { 662, 0x2040 }, { 664, 0x5010 }, + /* 0x7200 */ + { 667, 0x2000 }, { 668, 0x0801 }, { 670, 0x0000 }, { 670, 0x4404 }, + { 673, 0x0000 }, { 673, 0x0100 }, { 674, 0x0000 }, { 674, 0x2000 }, + { 675, 0x0000 }, { 675, 0x0040 }, { 676, 0x0084 }, { 678, 0x0000 }, + { 678, 0x0001 }, { 679, 0x0000 }, { 679, 0x0000 }, { 679, 0x2200 }, + /* 0x7300 */ + { 681, 0x0000 }, { 681, 0x0000 }, { 681, 0x0000 }, { 681, 0x0840 }, + { 683, 0x0032 }, { 686, 0x0000 }, { 686, 0x0d00 }, { 689, 0x1da5 }, + { 697, 0x0001 }, { 698, 0x0000 }, { 698, 0x0000 }, { 698, 0x0000 }, + { 698, 0x0000 }, { 698, 0x0000 }, { 698, 0x0000 }, { 698, 0x4000 }, + /* 0x7400 */ + { 699, 0x0000 }, { 699, 0x0000 }, { 699, 0x0000 }, { 699, 0x8000 }, + { 700, 0x0800 }, { 701, 0x0000 }, { 701, 0x0608 }, { 704, 0x0000 }, + { 704, 0x0200 }, { 705, 0x0000 }, { 705, 0x0048 }, { 707, 0x2001 }, + { 709, 0x8400 }, { 711, 0x0410 }, { 713, 0x0000 }, { 713, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7500 */ + { 713, 0x1000 }, { 714, 0x0000 }, { 714, 0x0008 }, { 715, 0x0000 }, + { 715, 0x0000 }, { 715, 0x2000 }, { 716, 0x0804 }, { 718, 0x0040 }, + { 719, 0x0080 }, { 720, 0x0000 }, { 720, 0x0000 }, { 720, 0x0000 }, + { 720, 0x0080 }, { 721, 0x0200 }, { 722, 0x0000 }, { 722, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7600 */ + { 722, 0x2804 }, { 725, 0x4000 }, { 726, 0x0082 }, { 728, 0x0800 }, + { 729, 0x02c4 }, { 733, 0x8100 }, { 735, 0x72b4 }, { 743, 0x1007 }, + { 747, 0x0000 }, { 747, 0x0400 }, { 748, 0x0000 }, { 748, 0x0500 }, + { 750, 0x0000 }, { 750, 0x4000 }, { 751, 0x009a }, { 755, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7700 */ + { 755, 0x0000 }, { 755, 0x0000 }, { 755, 0x0000 }, { 755, 0x0000 }, + { 755, 0x8000 }, { 756, 0x4000 }, { 757, 0x0000 }, { 757, 0x0000 }, + { 757, 0x0000 }, { 757, 0x4100 }, { 759, 0x2000 }, { 760, 0x1000 }, + { 761, 0x0080 }, { 762, 0x0400 }, { 763, 0x8000 }, { 764, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7800 */ + { 764, 0x0000 }, { 764, 0x0000 }, { 764, 0x0000 }, { 764, 0x0000 }, + { 764, 0x0008 }, { 765, 0x0000 }, { 765, 0xc110 }, { 769, 0x0000 }, + { 769, 0x0000 }, { 769, 0x0000 }, { 769, 0x2200 }, { 771, 0x1500 }, + { 774, 0x0000 }, { 774, 0x0400 }, { 775, 0x8088 }, { 778, 0x2000 }, + /* 0x7900 */ + { 779, 0x4000 }, { 780, 0x0200 }, { 781, 0x1c40 }, { 785, 0x0002 }, + { 786, 0x0000 }, { 786, 0x0000 }, { 786, 0x0000 }, { 786, 0x0000 }, + { 786, 0x6000 }, { 788, 0x0000 }, { 788, 0x4440 }, { 791, 0x0003 }, + { 793, 0x2000 }, { 794, 0x0000 }, { 794, 0x0000 }, { 794, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7a00 */ + { 794, 0x0000 }, { 794, 0x0000 }, { 794, 0x4000 }, { 795, 0x0002 }, + { 796, 0x7001 }, { 800, 0x0000 }, { 800, 0x0a06 }, { 804, 0x0000 }, + { 804, 0x0000 }, { 804, 0x0000 }, { 804, 0x4600 }, { 807, 0x0440 }, + { 809, 0x05b0 }, { 814, 0x0000 }, { 814, 0x0400 }, { 815, 0x0040 }, + /* 0x7b00 */ + { 816, 0x0000 }, { 816, 0x0000 }, { 816, 0x0000 }, { 816, 0x0000 }, + { 816, 0x0040 }, { 817, 0x0002 }, { 818, 0x0080 }, { 819, 0x0000 }, + { 819, 0x0800 }, { 820, 0x0000 }, { 820, 0x0000 }, { 820, 0x0000 }, + { 820, 0x0a11 }, { 824, 0x0000 }, { 824, 0x0210 }, { 826, 0x0008 }, + /* 0x7c00 */ + { 827, 0x2001 }, { 829, 0x4000 }, { 830, 0x080a }, { 833, 0x6000 }, + { 835, 0x1008 }, { 837, 0x9000 }, { 839, 0x5611 }, { 845, 0x0004 }, + { 846, 0x0000 }, { 846, 0x0000 }, { 846, 0x0000 }, { 846, 0x0000 }, + { 846, 0x0000 }, { 846, 0x6000 }, { 848, 0x0080 }, { 849, 0x4255 }, + /* 0x7d00 */ + { 855, 0x2bf5 }, { 865, 0x1eb9 }, { 874, 0x0002 }, { 875, 0x960f }, + { 883, 0x4055 }, { 888, 0x6001 }, { 891, 0x0146 }, { 895, 0x024e }, + { 900, 0x834a }, { 906, 0x5008 }, { 909, 0x380c }, { 914, 0xef1f }, + { 926, 0x0c90 }, { 930, 0x6396 }, { 938, 0x934b }, { 946, 0x0a56 }, + /* 0x7e00 */ + { 952, 0x0f00 }, { 956, 0xe803 }, { 962, 0x6888 }, { 967, 0x62f6 }, + { 976, 0x0060 }, { 978, 0x4434 }, { 983, 0xee04 }, { 990, 0x7209 }, + { 996, 0xb500 }, { 1001, 0x1158 }, { 1006, 0x0000 }, { 1006, 0x0000 }, + { 1006, 0x0000 }, { 1006, 0x0000 }, { 1006, 0x0000 }, { 1006, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7f00 */ + { 1006, 0x0000 }, { 1006, 0x0000 }, { 1006, 0x0000 }, { 1006, 0x0000 }, + { 1006, 0x5000 }, { 1008, 0x0000 }, { 1008, 0x0000 }, { 1008, 0x0081 }, + { 1010, 0x0160 }, { 1013, 0x0000 }, { 1013, 0x0220 }, { 1015, 0x0000 }, + { 1015, 0x0000 }, { 1015, 0x0004 }, { 1016, 0x0000 }, { 1016, 0x0200 }, + /* 0x8000 */ + { 1017, 0x0000 }, { 1017, 0x0000 }, { 1017, 0x5000 }, { 1019, 0x0000 }, + { 1019, 0x0000 }, { 1019, 0x4040 }, { 1021, 0x8000 }, { 1022, 0x62ed }, + { 1031, 0x0020 }, { 1032, 0x0000 }, { 1032, 0x0000 }, { 1032, 0x0000 }, + { 1032, 0x0000 }, { 1032, 0x0000 }, { 1032, 0x0000 }, { 1032, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8100 */ + { 1032, 0x0020 }, { 1033, 0x0800 }, { 1034, 0x0000 }, { 1034, 0x0200 }, + { 1035, 0x4400 }, { 1037, 0x0040 }, { 1038, 0x0842 }, { 1041, 0x0100 }, + { 1042, 0x0000 }, { 1042, 0x0400 }, { 1043, 0x0201 }, { 1045, 0xe000 }, + { 1048, 0xa200 }, { 1051, 0x8500 }, { 1054, 0x0101 }, { 1056, 0x0400 }, + /* 0x8200 */ + { 1057, 0x2780 }, { 1062, 0x0000 }, { 1062, 0x0000 }, { 1062, 0x0000 }, + { 1062, 0x0000 }, { 1062, 0x0200 }, { 1063, 0x0850 }, { 1066, 0x0082 }, + { 1068, 0x0000 }, { 1068, 0x0000 }, { 1068, 0x0000 }, { 1068, 0x0800 }, + { 1069, 0x0000 }, { 1069, 0x0000 }, { 1069, 0x0080 }, { 1070, 0x0200 }, + /* 0x8300 */ + { 1071, 0x0008 }, { 1072, 0x0000 }, { 1072, 0x0000 }, { 1072, 0x0000 }, + { 1072, 0x0000 }, { 1072, 0x0001 }, { 1073, 0x0000 }, { 1073, 0x0000 }, + { 1073, 0x0400 }, { 1074, 0x0040 }, { 1075, 0x0084 }, { 1077, 0x0000 }, + { 1077, 0x0000 }, { 1077, 0x0000 }, { 1077, 0x8000 }, { 1078, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8400 */ + { 1078, 0x0480 }, { 1080, 0x0000 }, { 1080, 0x1000 }, { 1081, 0x0020 }, + { 1082, 0x0200 }, { 1083, 0x0004 }, { 1084, 0x8050 }, { 1087, 0x0080 }, + { 1088, 0x0000 }, { 1088, 0x0018 }, { 1090, 0x0000 }, { 1090, 0x1000 }, + { 1091, 0x0801 }, { 1093, 0x0000 }, { 1093, 0xc000 }, { 1095, 0x2000 }, + /* 0x8500 */ + { 1096, 0x0000 }, { 1096, 0x4010 }, { 1098, 0x2048 }, { 1101, 0x0000 }, + { 1101, 0x4042 }, { 1104, 0x012c }, { 1108, 0x2604 }, { 1112, 0x0080 }, + { 1113, 0x1500 }, { 1116, 0x8012 }, { 1119, 0x0240 }, { 1121, 0x0400 }, + { 1122, 0x6000 }, { 1124, 0x2000 }, { 1125, 0x0420 }, { 1127, 0x0650 }, + /* 0x8600 */ + { 1131, 0x08d0 }, { 1135, 0x4400 }, { 1137, 0x2004 }, { 1139, 0x8400 }, + { 1141, 0x0000 }, { 1141, 0x9020 }, { 1144, 0x0080 }, { 1145, 0x0000 }, + { 1145, 0x0000 }, { 1145, 0x0000 }, { 1145, 0x0000 }, { 1145, 0x0000 }, + { 1145, 0x0000 }, { 1145, 0x0000 }, { 1145, 0x0000 }, { 1145, 0x0400 }, + /* 0x8700 */ + { 1146, 0x0040 }, { 1147, 0x0000 }, { 1147, 0x0002 }, { 1148, 0x0000 }, + { 1148, 0x0000 }, { 1148, 0x0020 }, { 1149, 0x0040 }, { 1150, 0x0100 }, + { 1151, 0x0010 }, { 1152, 0x4000 }, { 1153, 0x0004 }, { 1154, 0x0800 }, + { 1155, 0x4110 }, { 1158, 0x0000 }, { 1158, 0x9008 }, { 1161, 0x0844 }, + /* 0x8800 */ + { 1164, 0x0060 }, { 1166, 0x8003 }, { 1169, 0x0008 }, { 1170, 0x0842 }, + { 1173, 0x0440 }, { 1175, 0x2808 }, { 1178, 0x0000 }, { 1178, 0x0200 }, + { 1179, 0x0000 }, { 1179, 0x0000 }, { 1179, 0x0000 }, { 1179, 0x0000 }, + { 1179, 0x8400 }, { 1181, 0x3000 }, { 1183, 0x0000 }, { 1183, 0x2000 }, + /* 0x8900 */ + { 1184, 0x0080 }, { 1185, 0x0000 }, { 1185, 0x0000 }, { 1185, 0x090c }, + { 1189, 0x0080 }, { 1190, 0x2040 }, { 1192, 0x9411 }, { 1197, 0x0004 }, + { 1198, 0x8800 }, { 1200, 0x0148 }, { 1203, 0x9442 }, { 1208, 0xa484 }, + { 1213, 0x0001 }, { 1214, 0x0000 }, { 1214, 0x0000 }, { 1214, 0x0150 }, + /* 0x8a00 */ + { 1217, 0x550e }, { 1224, 0xa969 }, { 1232, 0x2428 }, { 1236, 0x0452 }, + { 1240, 0x4042 }, { 1243, 0x4935 }, { 1250, 0x7a4e }, { 1259, 0x902f }, + { 1266, 0x20f0 }, { 1271, 0x4526 }, { 1277, 0x117b }, { 1285, 0x9245 }, + { 1291, 0xaa94 }, { 1298, 0x58c6 }, { 1305, 0x68d4 }, { 1312, 0x55ca }, + /* 0x8b00 */ + { 1320, 0x4437 }, { 1327, 0x2ed1 }, { 1335, 0x3902 }, { 1340, 0x4208 }, + { 1343, 0xc200 }, { 1346, 0x1740 }, { 1351, 0x8800 }, { 1353, 0x2091 }, + { 1357, 0x4401 }, { 1360, 0x506c }, { 1366, 0x0000 }, { 1366, 0x0000 }, + { 1366, 0x0000 }, { 1366, 0x0000 }, { 1366, 0x0000 }, { 1366, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8c00 */ + { 1366, 0x0000 }, { 1366, 0x0000 }, { 1366, 0x0000 }, { 1366, 0x0000 }, + { 1366, 0x0100 }, { 1367, 0x0001 }, { 1368, 0x0000 }, { 1368, 0x0000 }, + { 1368, 0x0000 }, { 1368, 0x6000 }, { 1370, 0x9f87 }, { 1380, 0xbddd }, + { 1392, 0x05bf }, { 1401, 0x542e }, { 1408, 0x3cdf }, { 1419, 0x7c10 }, + /* 0x8d00 */ + { 1425, 0xad30 }, { 1432, 0x1841 }, { 1436, 0x0000 }, { 1436, 0x0000 }, + { 1436, 0x0000 }, { 1436, 0x0000 }, { 1436, 0x0000 }, { 1436, 0x0000 }, + { 1436, 0x0000 }, { 1436, 0x0220 }, { 1438, 0x0100 }, { 1439, 0x0004 }, + { 1440, 0x0000 }, { 1440, 0x0000 }, { 1440, 0x0000 }, { 1440, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8e00 */ + { 1440, 0x0000 }, { 1440, 0x0001 }, { 1441, 0x0000 }, { 1441, 0x0010 }, + { 1442, 0x1000 }, { 1443, 0x0020 }, { 1444, 0x0008 }, { 1445, 0x0400 }, + { 1446, 0x2e00 }, { 1450, 0x040e }, { 1454, 0x0462 }, { 1458, 0x0000 }, + { 1458, 0x3c01 }, { 1463, 0x8814 }, { 1467, 0x0810 }, { 1469, 0x5f04 }, + /* 0x8f00 */ + { 1476, 0x06a8 }, { 1481, 0xf834 }, { 1489, 0x8660 }, { 1494, 0xc908 }, + { 1499, 0x6274 }, { 1506, 0x8010 }, { 1508, 0x0016 }, { 1511, 0x0000 }, + { 1511, 0x0000 }, { 1511, 0x0000 }, { 1511, 0xe040 }, { 1515, 0x0004 }, + { 1516, 0x0000 }, { 1516, 0x0000 }, { 1516, 0x0000 }, { 1516, 0x0010 }, + /* 0x9000 */ + { 1517, 0x0000 }, { 1517, 0x0220 }, { 1519, 0x0008 }, { 1520, 0x0004 }, + { 1521, 0x4800 }, { 1523, 0x5030 }, { 1527, 0x0201 }, { 1529, 0x1584 }, + { 1534, 0x8492 }, { 1539, 0x0001 }, { 1540, 0x0000 }, { 1540, 0x0000 }, + { 1540, 0x0002 }, { 1541, 0x8000 }, { 1542, 0x0000 }, { 1542, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x9100 */ + { 1543, 0x0240 }, { 1545, 0x0054 }, { 1548, 0x2080 }, { 1550, 0x0455 }, + { 1555, 0x0100 }, { 1556, 0x0000 }, { 1556, 0x0000 }, { 1556, 0x0000 }, + { 1556, 0x0000 }, { 1556, 0x1040 }, { 1558, 0x1800 }, { 1560, 0x0000 }, + { 1560, 0x182b }, { 1566, 0x23bc }, { 1574, 0x0298 }, { 1578, 0x06a0 }, + /* 0x9200 */ + { 1582, 0x6313 }, { 1589, 0x4033 }, { 1594, 0x40e8 }, { 1599, 0xe799 }, + { 1609, 0x2321 }, { 1614, 0x4ca2 }, { 1620, 0x3044 }, { 1624, 0x8d00 }, + { 1628, 0x0029 }, { 1631, 0x154a }, { 1637, 0x1f69 }, { 1646, 0x1a82 }, + { 1651, 0x90aa }, { 1657, 0xa004 }, { 1660, 0xe578 }, { 1669, 0x1143 }, + /* 0x9300 */ + { 1674, 0x01c2 }, { 1678, 0x8f25 }, { 1686, 0xc945 }, { 1693, 0x014c }, + { 1697, 0x28cb }, { 1704, 0x0910 }, { 1707, 0x1230 }, { 1711, 0x4461 }, + { 1716, 0x0494 }, { 1720, 0x0140 }, { 1722, 0x56cc }, { 1730, 0x8129 }, + { 1735, 0x3188 }, { 1740, 0xf182 }, { 1747, 0x0116 }, { 1751, 0x02a0 }, + /* 0x9400 */ + { 1754, 0x0808 }, { 1756, 0x231d }, { 1763, 0x41c1 }, { 1768, 0x852c }, + { 1774, 0x1410 }, { 1777, 0x0014 }, { 1779, 0x2029 }, { 1783, 0xf285 }, + { 1791, 0x0000 }, { 1791, 0x0000 }, { 1791, 0x0000 }, { 1791, 0x0000 }, + { 1791, 0x0000 }, { 1791, 0x0000 }, { 1791, 0x0000 }, { 1791, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9500 */ + { 1791, 0x0000 }, { 1791, 0x0000 }, { 1791, 0x0000 }, { 1791, 0x0000 }, + { 1791, 0x0000 }, { 1791, 0x0000 }, { 1791, 0x0000 }, { 1791, 0x0080 }, + { 1792, 0xda4d }, { 1801, 0x011a }, { 1805, 0x3b3a }, { 1814, 0xfa44 }, + { 1822, 0x1d48 }, { 1828, 0x5071 }, { 1834, 0x0026 }, { 1837, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9600 */ + { 1837, 0x0000 }, { 1837, 0x0000 }, { 1837, 0x0000 }, { 1837, 0x0000 }, + { 1837, 0x0000 }, { 1837, 0x2100 }, { 1839, 0x0008 }, { 1840, 0x2109 }, + { 1844, 0x4400 }, { 1846, 0x0820 }, { 1848, 0x0500 }, { 1850, 0x0912 }, + { 1854, 0x0000 }, { 1854, 0x1a40 }, { 1858, 0x000c }, { 1860, 0x0804 }, + /* 0x9700 */ + { 1862, 0x0000 }, { 1862, 0x0000 }, { 1862, 0x0080 }, { 1863, 0x2000 }, + { 1864, 0x0114 }, { 1867, 0x0400 }, { 1868, 0x0100 }, { 1869, 0x0000 }, + { 1869, 0x8000 }, { 1870, 0x0000 }, { 1870, 0x0040 }, { 1871, 0x2000 }, + { 1872, 0x1a48 }, { 1877, 0x5208 }, { 1881, 0x0000 }, { 1881, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x9800 */ + { 1882, 0xd5ee }, { 1893, 0x118f }, { 1900, 0x2052 }, { 1904, 0x2981 }, + { 1909, 0x7040 }, { 1913, 0x4b18 }, { 1919, 0x98a4 }, { 1925, 0x001b }, + { 1929, 0x0000 }, { 1929, 0x0000 }, { 1929, 0xc100 }, { 1932, 0x104a }, + { 1936, 0x0150 }, { 1939, 0x0800 }, { 1940, 0xae05 }, { 1947, 0x7014 }, + /* 0x9900 */ + { 1952, 0x1628 }, { 1957, 0x490e }, { 1963, 0x0102 }, { 1965, 0xd088 }, + { 1970, 0x1f28 }, { 1977, 0x5086 }, { 1982, 0x0004 }, { 1983, 0x0000 }, + { 1983, 0x0000 }, { 1983, 0x0000 }, { 1983, 0x7000 }, { 1986, 0x001a }, + { 1989, 0x0002 }, { 1990, 0xab37 }, { 2000, 0x2006 }, { 2003, 0x8002 }, + /* 0x9a00 */ + { 2005, 0xe022 }, { 2010, 0x0240 }, { 2012, 0x6800 }, { 2015, 0x41c1 }, + { 2020, 0xa43f }, { 2029, 0x8ca0 }, { 2034, 0x0434 }, { 2038, 0x0000 }, + { 2038, 0x0000 }, { 2038, 0x0000 }, { 2038, 0x8000 }, { 2039, 0x0000 }, + { 2039, 0x8000 }, { 2040, 0x0074 }, { 2044, 0x4000 }, { 2045, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9b00 */ + { 2045, 0x2040 }, { 2047, 0x0400 }, { 2048, 0x42a4 }, { 2053, 0x0002 }, + { 2054, 0x4000 }, { 2055, 0x0500 }, { 2057, 0x8000 }, { 2058, 0x0090 }, + { 2060, 0x400a }, { 2063, 0x6407 }, { 2069, 0x6c00 }, { 2073, 0x0000 }, + { 2073, 0x0683 }, { 2078, 0x2850 }, { 2082, 0x0d96 }, { 2089, 0xa011 }, + /* 0x9c00 */ + { 2093, 0x2300 }, { 2096, 0x000d }, { 2099, 0x2329 }, { 2105, 0x4aae }, + { 2113, 0x0320 }, { 2116, 0xa1d4 }, { 2123, 0x2080 }, { 2125, 0x0500 }, + { 2127, 0x0000 }, { 2127, 0x0000 }, { 2127, 0x0000 }, { 2127, 0x0000 }, + { 2127, 0x0000 }, { 2127, 0x0000 }, { 2127, 0x1220 }, { 2130, 0x0058 }, + /* 0x9d00 */ + { 2133, 0x02c0 }, { 2136, 0xa820 }, { 2140, 0x8148 }, { 2144, 0x8801 }, + { 2147, 0x0004 }, { 2148, 0x300e }, { 2153, 0x9403 }, { 2158, 0x0004 }, + { 2159, 0x0280 }, { 2161, 0x0508 }, { 2164, 0x8220 }, { 2167, 0x1810 }, + { 2170, 0x0015 }, { 2173, 0x0688 }, { 2177, 0x8060 }, { 2180, 0x070c }, + /* 0x9e00 */ + { 2185, 0x1000 }, { 2186, 0x6c20 }, { 2191, 0x0000 }, { 2191, 0x0000 }, + { 2191, 0x0000 }, { 2191, 0x0000 }, { 2191, 0x0000 }, { 2191, 0x3620 }, + { 2196, 0x0000 }, { 2196, 0x0080 }, { 2197, 0x8220 }, { 2200, 0x2020 }, + { 2202, 0x1000 }, { 2203, 0x4000 }, { 2204, 0x0100 }, { 2205, 0xa094 }, + /* 0x9f00 */ + { 2210, 0x0200 }, { 2211, 0x0020 }, { 2212, 0x0000 }, { 2212, 0x0000 }, + { 2212, 0x8c00 }, { 2215, 0x9214 }, { 2220, 0x144b }, { 2226, 0x0084 }, + { 2228, 0x2000 }, { 2229, 0x1031 }, +}; +static const Summary16 gb12345ext_uni2indx_pagefe[5] = { + /* 0xfe00 */ + { 2233, 0x0000 }, { 2233, 0x0000 }, { 2233, 0x0000 }, { 2233, 0xfffa }, + { 2247, 0x001f }, +}; + +static int +gb12345ext_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + const Summary16 *summary = NULL; + if (wc >= 0x0100 && wc < 0x0270) + summary = &gb12345ext_uni2indx_page01[(wc>>4)-0x010]; + else if (wc >= 0x1e00 && wc < 0x1e40) + summary = &gb12345ext_uni2indx_page1e[(wc>>4)-0x1e0]; + else if (wc >= 0x2200 && wc < 0x2230) + summary = &gb12345ext_uni2indx_page22[(wc>>4)-0x220]; + else if (wc >= 0x4e00 && wc < 0x9fa0) + summary = &gb12345ext_uni2indx_page4e[(wc>>4)-0x4e0]; + else if (wc >= 0xfe00 && wc < 0xfe50) + summary = &gb12345ext_uni2indx_pagefe[(wc>>4)-0xfe0]; + if (summary) { + unsigned short used = summary->used; + unsigned int i = wc & 0x0f; + if (used & ((unsigned short) 1 << i)) { + unsigned short c; + /* Keep in `used' only the bits 0..i-1. */ + used &= ((unsigned short) 1 << i) - 1; + /* Add `summary->indx' and the number of bits set in `used'. */ + used = (used & 0x5555) + ((used & 0xaaaa) >> 1); + used = (used & 0x3333) + ((used & 0xcccc) >> 2); + used = (used & 0x0f0f) + ((used & 0xf0f0) >> 4); + used = (used & 0x00ff) + (used >> 8); + c = gb12345ext_2charset[summary->indx + used]; + r[0] = (c >> 8); r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gb18030.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gb18030.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e9502e1bd --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gb18030.h @@ -0,0 +1,382 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * GB18030 + */ + +/* + * GB18030, as specified in the GB18030 standard, is an extension of GBK. + * + * In what follows, page numbers refer to the GB18030 standard (second + * printing). + * + * + * It consists of the following parts: + * + * One-byte range: + * ASCII p. 2 0x{00..7F} + * + * Two-byte range: + * GBK part 1 p. 10..12 0x{A1..A9}{A1..FE} + * GBK part 2 p. 13..36 0x{B0..F7}{A1..FE} + * GBK part 3 p. 37..52 0x{81..A0}{40..7E,80..FE} + * GBK part 4 p. 53..81 0x{AA..FE}{40..7E,80..A0} + * GBK part 5 p. 82 0x{A8..A9}{40..7E,80..A0} + * UDA part 1 p. 83..84 0x{AA..AF}{A1..FE} U+E000..U+E233 + * UDA part 2 p. 85..87 0x{F8..FE}{A1..FE} U+E234..U+E4C5 + * UDA part 3 p. 88..90 0x{A1..A7}{40..7E,80..A0} U+E4C6..U+E765 + * + * Four-byte range: + * BMP rest p. 94..283 0x{81..84}{30..39}{81..FE}{30..39} + * rest of U+0080..U+FFFF + * Planes 1-16 p. 5 0x{90..FE}{30..39}{81..FE}{30..39} + * U+10000..U+10FFFF + * + * To GBK part 1 were added: + * 1. 0xA2E3, 0xA8BF. + * 2. Characters mapped to the Unicode PUA + * 0xA2AB..0xA2B0 U+E766..U+E76B + * 0xA2E4 U+E76D + * 0xA2EF..0xA2F0 U+E76E..U+E76F + * 0xA2FD..0xA2FE U+E770..U+E771 + * 0xA4F4..0xA4FE U+E772..U+E77C + * 0xA5F7..0xA5FE U+E77D..U+E784 + * 0xA6B9..0xA6C0 U+E785..U+E78C + * 0xA6D9..0xA6DF [glyphs here!!] U+E78D..U+E793 + * 0xA6EC..0xA6ED [glyphs here!!] U+E794..U+E795 + * 0xA6F3 [glyphs here!!] U+E796 + * 0xA6F6..0xA6FE U+E797..U+E79F + * 0xA7C2..0xA7D0 U+E7A0..U+E7AE + * 0xA7F2..0xA7FE U+E7AF..U+E7BB + * 0xA8BC [glyphs here!!] U+E7C7 + * 0xA8C1..0xA8C4 U+E7C9..U+E7CC + * 0xA8EA..0xA8FE U+E7CD..U+E7E1 + * 0xA9A1..0xA9A3 U+E7FE..U+E800 + * 0xA9F0..0xA9FE U+E801..U+E80F + * + * To GBK part 2 were added: + * 3. Characters mapped to the Unicode PUA + * 0xD7FA..0xD7FE U+E810..0xE814 + * + * To GBK part 3 nothing was added. + * + * To GBK part 4 were added: + * 4. 0xFE{50,54..58,5A..60,62..65,68..6B,6E..75,77..7D,80..8F,92..9F}. + * 5. Characters mapped to the Unicode PUA + * 0xFE51..0xFE53 [glyphs here!!] U+E816..U+E818 + * 0xFE59 [glyphs here!!] U+E81E + * 0xFE61 [glyphs here!!] U+E826 + * 0xFE66..0xFE67 [glyphs here!!] U+E82B..U+E82C + * 0xFE6C..0xFE6D [glyphs here!!] U+E831..U+E832 + * 0xFE76 [glyphs here!!] U+E83B + * 0xFE7E [glyphs here!!] U+E843 + * 0xFE90..0xFE91 [glyphs here!!] U+E854..U+E855 + * 0xFEA0 [glyphs here!!] U+E864 + * + * To GBK part 5 were added: + * 6. 0xA98A..0xA995. + * 7. Characters mapped to the Unicode PUA + * 0xA896..0xA8A0 U+E7BC..U+E7C6 + * 0xA958 U+E7E2 + * 0xA95B U+E7E3 + * 0xA95D..0xA95F U+E7E4..U+E7E6 + * 0xA997..0xA9A0 U+E7F4..U+E7FD + * + * UDA part 1 contains the user-defined characters, mapped to the Unicode PUA + * U+E000..U+E233 in ascending order. + * + * UDA part 2 contains the user-defined characters, mapped to the Unicode PUA + * U+E234..U+E4C5 in ascending order. + * + * UDA part 3 contains the user-defined characters, mapped to the Unicode PUA + * U+E4C6..U+E765 in ascending order. + * + * The four-byte range 0x{81..84}{30..39}{81..FE}{30..39} + * contains the rest of the Unicode BMP in ascending order. + * Start: 0x81308130 = 0x0080 + * End: 0x8431A439 = 0xFFFF + * + * The four-byte range 0x{90..E3}{30..39}{81..FE}{30..39} + * contains the remaining 16 Unicode planes in Unicode order. + * Start: 0x90308130 = 0x010000 + * End: 0xE3329A35 = 0x10FFFF + * + * + * Unassigned Unicode characters are mapped. For example, + * U+173F = 0x8134BF35 (p. 120) + * U+2EFF = 0x81398B31 (p. 148) + * U+FFFE = 0x8431A438 (p. 283) + * + * + * The Unicode PUA (U+E000..U+F8FF) is mapped as follows: + * p. 83..84 0x{AA..AF}{A1..FE} U+E000..U+E233 + * p. 85..87 0x{F8..FE}{A1..FE} U+E234..U+E4C5 + * p. 88..90 0x{A1..A7}{40..7E,80..A0} U+E4C6..U+E765 + * p. 10 0xA2AB..0xA2B0 U+E766..U+E76B + * p. 255 0x8336C739 U+E76C + * p. 10 0xA2E4 U+E76D + * p. 10 0xA2EF..0xA2F0 U+E76E..U+E76F + * p. 10 0xA2FD..0xA2FE U+E770..U+E771 + * p. 11 0xA4F4..0xA4FE U+E772..U+E77C + * p. 11 0xA5F7..0xA5FE U+E77D..U+E784 + * p. 11 0xA6B9..0xA6C0 U+E785..U+E78C + * p. 11 0xA6D9..0xA6DF [glyphs here!!] U+E78D..U+E793 + * p. 11 0xA6EC..0xA6ED [glyphs here!!] U+E794..U+E795 + * p. 11 0xA6F3 [glyphs here!!] U+E796 + * p. 11 0xA6F6..0xA6FE U+E797..U+E79F + * p. 12 0xA7C2..0xA7D0 U+E7A0..U+E7AE + * p. 12 0xA7F2..0xA7FE U+E7AF..U+E7BB + * p. 82 0xA896..0xA8A0 U+E7BC..U+E7C6 + * p. 12 0xA8BC [glyphs here!!] U+E7C7 + * p. 255 0x8336C830 U+E7C8 + * p. 12 0xA8C1..0xA8C4 U+E7C9..U+E7CC + * p. 12 0xA8EA..0xA8FE U+E7CD..U+E7E1 + * p. 82 0xA958 U+E7E2 + * p. 82 0xA95B U+E7E3 + * p. 82 0xA95D..0xA95F U+E7E4..U+E7E6 + * p. 255 0x8336C831..0x8336C933 U+E7E7..U+E7F3 + * p. 82 0xA997..0xA9A0 U+E7F4..U+E7FD + * p. 12 0xA9A1..0xA9A3 U+E7FE..U+E800 + * p. 12 0xA9F0..0xA9FE U+E801..U+E80F + * p. 26 0xD7FA..0xD7FE U+E810..0xE814 + * p. 255 0x8336C934 U+E815 + * p. 81 0xFE51..0xFE53 [glyphs here!!] U+E816..U+E818 + * p. 255 0x8336C935..0x8336C939 U+E819..U+E81D + * p. 81 0xFE59 [glyphs here!!] U+E81E + * p. 255 0x8336CA30..0x8336CA36 U+E81F..U+E825 + * p. 81 0xFE61 [glyphs here!!] U+E826 + * p. 255 0x8336CA37..0x8336CB30 U+E827..U+E82A + * p. 81 0xFE66..0xFE67 [glyphs here!!] U+E82B..U+E82C + * p. 255 0x8336CB31..0x8336CB34 U+E82D..U+E830 + * p. 81 0xFE6C..0xFE6D [glyphs here!!] U+E831..U+E832 + * p. 255 0x8336CB35..0x8336CC32 U+E833..U+E83A + * p. 81 0xFE76 [glyphs here!!] U+E83B + * p. 255 0x8336CC33..0x8336CC39 U+E83C..U+E842 + * p. 81 0xFE7E [glyphs here!!] U+E843 + * p. 255 0x8336CD30..0x8336CE35 U+E844..U+E853 + * p. 81 0xFE90..0xFE91 [glyphs here!!] U+E854..U+E855 + * p. 255 0x8336CE36..0x8336CF39 U+E856..U+E863 + * p. 81 0xFEA0 [glyphs here!!] U+E864 + * p. 255..276 0x8336D030..0x84308130 U+E865..U+F8FF + * + * + * The Unicode surrogate area (U+D800..U+DFFF) is not mapped. (p. 255) + * + */ + +#include "gb18030ext.h" +#include "gb18030uni.h" + +static int +gb18030_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + int ret; + + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + if (*s < 0x80) + return ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + + /* Code set 1 (GBK extended) */ + ret = gbk_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + + ret = gb18030ext_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + + /* Code set 2 (remainder of Unicode U+0000..U+FFFF), including + User-defined characters, two-byte part of range U+E766..U+E864 */ + ret = gb18030uni_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + /* User-defined characters range U+E000..U+E765 */ + { + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 >= 0xaa && c1 <= 0xaf) || (c1 >= 0xf8 && c1 <= 0xfe)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 <= 0xfe) { + *pwc = 0xe000 + 94 * (c1 >= 0xf8 ? c1 - 0xf2 : c1 - 0xaa) + (c2 - 0xa1); + return 2; + } + } else + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } else if (c1 >= 0xa1 && c1 <= 0xa7) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0x40 && c2 <= 0xa1 && c2 != 0x7f) { + *pwc = 0xe4c6 + 96 * (c1 - 0xa1) + c2 - (c2 >= 0x80 ? 0x41 : 0x40); + return 2; + } + } else + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + } + + /* Code set 3 (Unicode U+10000..U+10FFFF) */ + { + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if (c1 >= 0x90 && c1 <= 0xe3) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0x30 && c2 <= 0x39) { + if (n >= 3) { + unsigned char c3 = s[2]; + if (c3 >= 0x81 && c3 <= 0xfe) { + if (n >= 4) { + unsigned char c4 = s[3]; + if (c4 >= 0x30 && c4 <= 0x39) { + unsigned int i = (((c1 - 0x90) * 10 + (c2 - 0x30)) * 126 + (c3 - 0x81)) * 10 + (c4 - 0x30); + if (i >= 0 && i < 0x100000) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) (0x10000 + i); + return 4; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } +} + +static const unsigned short gb18030_pua2charset[32*3] = { +/* Unicode range GB18030 range */ + 0xe766, 0xe76b, 0xa2ab, /*.. 0xa2b0, */ + 0xe76d, 0xe76d, 0xa2e4, + 0xe76e, 0xe76f, 0xa2ef, /*.. 0xa2f0, */ + 0xe770, 0xe771, 0xa2fd, /*.. 0xa2fe, */ + 0xe772, 0xe77c, 0xa4f4, /*.. 0xa4fe, */ + 0xe77d, 0xe784, 0xa5f7, /*.. 0xa5fe, */ + 0xe785, 0xe78c, 0xa6b9, /*.. 0xa6c0, */ + 0xe78d, 0xe793, 0xa6d9, /*.. 0xa6df, */ + 0xe794, 0xe795, 0xa6ec, /*.. 0xa6ed, */ + 0xe796, 0xe796, 0xa6f3, + 0xe797, 0xe79f, 0xa6f6, /*.. 0xa6fe, */ + 0xe7a0, 0xe7ae, 0xa7c2, /*.. 0xa7d0, */ + 0xe7af, 0xe7bb, 0xa7f2, /*.. 0xa7fe, */ + 0xe7bc, 0xe7c6, 0xa896, /*.. 0xa8a0, */ + 0xe7c7, 0xe7c7, 0xa8bc, + 0xe7c9, 0xe7cc, 0xa8c1, /*.. 0xa8c4, */ + 0xe7cd, 0xe7e1, 0xa8ea, /*.. 0xa8fe, */ + 0xe7e2, 0xe7e2, 0xa958, + 0xe7e3, 0xe7e3, 0xa95b, + 0xe7e4, 0xe7e6, 0xa95d, /*.. 0xa95f, */ + 0xe7f4, 0xe800, 0xa997, /*.. 0xa9a3, */ + 0xe801, 0xe80f, 0xa9f0, /*.. 0xa9fe, */ + 0xe810, 0xe814, 0xd7fa, /*.. 0xd7fe, */ + 0xe816, 0xe818, 0xfe51, /*.. 0xfe53, */ + 0xe81e, 0xe81e, 0xfe59, + 0xe826, 0xe826, 0xfe61, + 0xe82b, 0xe82c, 0xfe66, /*.. 0xfe67, */ + 0xe831, 0xe832, 0xfe6c, /*.. 0xfe6d, */ + 0xe83b, 0xe83b, 0xfe76, + 0xe843, 0xe843, 0xfe7e, + 0xe854, 0xe855, 0xfe90, /*.. 0xfe91, */ + 0xe864, 0xe864, 0xfea0, +}; + +static int +gb18030_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + int ret; + + /* Code set 0 (ASCII) */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) + return ret; + + /* Code set 1 (GBK extended) */ + ret = gbk_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) + return ret; + + ret = gb18030ext_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) + return ret; + + /* Code set 2 (remainder of Unicode U+0000..U+FFFF) */ + if (wc >= 0xe000 && wc <= 0xe864) { + if (n >= 2) { + if (wc < 0xe766) { + /* User-defined characters range U+E000..U+E765 */ + if (wc < 0xe4c6) { + unsigned int i = wc - 0xe000; + r[1] = (i % 94) + 0xa1; i = i / 94; + r[0] = (i < 6 ? i + 0xaa : i + 0xf2); + return 2; + } else { + unsigned int i = wc - 0xe4c6; + r[0] = (i / 96) + 0xa1; i = i % 96; + r[1] = i + (i >= 0x3f ? 0x41 : 0x40); + return 2; + } + } else { + /* User-defined characters, two-byte part of range U+E766..U+E864 */ + unsigned int k1 = 0; + unsigned int k2 = 32; + /* Invariant: We know that if wc occurs in Unicode interval in + gb18030_pua2charset, it does so at a k with k1 <= k < k2. */ + while (k1 < k2) { + unsigned int k = (k1 + k2) / 2; + if (wc < gb18030_pua2charset[k*3+0]) + k2 = k; + else if (wc > gb18030_pua2charset[k*3+1]) + k1 = k + 1; + else { + unsigned short c = + gb18030_pua2charset[k*3+2] + (wc - gb18030_pua2charset[k*3+0]); + r[0] = (c >> 8); + r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } + } + } + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + ret = gb18030uni_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) + return ret; + + /* Code set 3 (Unicode U+10000..U+10FFFF) */ + if (n >= 4) { + if (wc >= 0x10000 && wc < 0x110000) { + unsigned int i = wc - 0x10000; + r[3] = (i % 10) + 0x30; i = i / 10; + r[2] = (i % 126) + 0x81; i = i / 126; + r[1] = (i % 10) + 0x30; i = i / 10; + r[0] = i + 0x90; + return 4; + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gb18030ext.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gb18030ext.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5e59419bc --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gb18030ext.h @@ -0,0 +1,328 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2005, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * GB18030 two-byte extension + */ + +static const unsigned short gb18030ext_2uni_pagea9[13] = { + /* 0xa9 */ + 0x303e, 0x2ff0, 0x2ff1, 0x2ff2, 0x2ff3, 0x2ff4, 0x2ff5, 0x2ff6, + 0x2ff7, 0x2ff8, 0x2ff9, 0x2ffa, 0x2ffb, +}; +static const unsigned int gb18030ext_2uni_pagefe[96] = { + /* 0xfe */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0x2e81, 0x20087, 0x20089, 0x200cc, 0x2e84, 0x3473, 0x3447, 0x2e88, + 0x2e8b, 0x9fb4, 0x359e, 0x361a, 0x360e, 0x2e8c, 0x2e97, 0x396e, + 0x3918, 0x9fb5, 0x39cf, 0x39df, 0x3a73, 0x39d0, 0x9fb6, 0x9fb7, + 0x3b4e, 0x3c6e, 0x3ce0, 0x2ea7, 0x215d7, 0x9fb8, 0x2eaa, 0x4056, + 0x415f, 0x2eae, 0x4337, 0x2eb3, 0x2eb6, 0x2eb7, 0x2298f, 0x43b1, + 0x43ac, 0x2ebb, 0x43dd, 0x44d6, 0x4661, 0x464c, 0x9fb9, 0x4723, + 0x4729, 0x477c, 0x478d, 0x2eca, 0x4947, 0x497a, 0x497d, 0x4982, + 0x4983, 0x4985, 0x4986, 0x499f, 0x499b, 0x49b7, 0x49b6, 0x9fba, + 0x241fe, 0x4ca3, 0x4c9f, 0x4ca0, 0x4ca1, 0x4c77, 0x4ca2, 0x4d13, + 0x4d14, 0x4d15, 0x4d16, 0x4d17, 0x4d18, 0x4d19, 0x4dae, 0x9fbb, +}; + +static int +gb18030ext_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 == 0xa2) || (c1 >= 0xa4 && c1 <= 0xa9) || (c1 == 0xd7) || (c1 == 0xfe)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 < 0x7f) || (c2 >= 0x80 && c2 < 0xff)) { + unsigned int i = 190 * (c1 - 0x81) + (c2 - (c2 >= 0x80 ? 0x41 : 0x40)); + unsigned int wc = 0xfffd; + switch (c1) { + case 0xa2: + if (i >= 6376 && i <= 6381) /* 0xA2AB..0xA2B0 */ + wc = 0xe766 + (i - 6376); + else if (i == 6432) /* 0xA2E3 */ + wc = 0x20ac; + else if (i == 6433) /* 0xA2E4 */ + wc = 0xe76d; + else if (i >= 6444 && i <= 6445) /* 0xA2EF..0xA2F0 */ + wc = 0xe76e + (i - 6444); + else if (i >= 6458 && i <= 6459) /* 0xA2FD..0xA2FE */ + wc = 0xe770 + (i - 6458); + break; + case 0xa4: + if (i >= 6829 && i <= 6839) /* 0xA4F4..0xA4FE */ + wc = 0xe772 + (i - 6829); + break; + case 0xa5: + if (i >= 7022 && i <= 7029) /* 0xA5F7..0xA5FE */ + wc = 0xe77d + (i - 7022); + break; + case 0xa6: + if (i >= 7150 && i <= 7157) /* 0xA6B9..0xA6C0 */ + wc = 0xe785 + (i - 7150); + else if (i >= 7183 && i <= 7184) /* 0xA6DA..0xA6DB */ + wc = 0xfe12 - (i - 7183); + else if (i >= 7182 && i <= 7190) /* 0xA6D9..0xA6DF */ + wc = 0xfe10 + (i - 7182); + else if (i >= 7201 && i <= 7202) /* 0xA6EC..0xA6ED */ + wc = 0xfe17 + (i - 7201); + else if (i == 7208) /* 0xA6F3 */ + wc = 0xfe19; + else if (i >= 7211 && i <= 7219) /* 0xA6F6..0xA6FE */ + wc = 0xe797 + (i - 7211); + break; + case 0xa7: + if (i >= 7349 && i <= 7363) /* 0xA7C2..0xA7D0 */ + wc = 0xe7a0 + (i - 7349); + else if (i >= 7397 && i <= 7409) /* 0xA7F2..0xA7FE */ + wc = 0xe7af + (i - 7397); + break; + case 0xa8: + if (i >= 7495 && i <= 7505) /* 0xA896..0xA8A0 */ + wc = 0xe7bc + (i - 7495); + else if (i == 7533) /* 0xA8BC */ + wc = 0x1e3f; + else if (i == 7536) /* 0xA8BF */ + wc = 0x01f9; + else if (i >= 7538 && i <= 7541) /* 0xA8C1..0xA8C4 */ + wc = 0xe7c9 + (i - 7538); + else if (i >= 7579 && i <= 7599) /* 0xA8EA..0xA8FE */ + wc = 0xe7cd + (i - 7579); + break; + case 0xa9: + if (i == 7624) /* 0xA958 */ + wc = 0xe7e2; + else if (i == 7627) /* 0xA95B */ + wc = 0xe7e3; + else if (i >= 7629 && i <= 7631) /* 0xA95D..0xA95F */ + wc = 0xe7e4 + (i - 7629); + else if (i >= 7672 && i < 7685) /* 0xA989..0xA995 */ + wc = gb18030ext_2uni_pagea9[i-7672]; + else if (i >= 7686 && i <= 7698) /* 0xA997..0xA9A3 */ + wc = 0xe7f4 + (i - 7686); + else if (i >= 7775 && i <= 7789) /* 0xA9F0..0xA9FE */ + wc = 0xe801 + (i - 7775); + break; + case 0xd7: + if (i >= 16525 && i <= 16529) /* 0xD7FA..0xD7FE */ + wc = 0xe810 + (i - 16525); + break; + case 0xfe: + if (i < 23846) + wc = gb18030ext_2uni_pagefe[i-23750]; + break; + default: + break; + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned short gb18030ext_page2e[80] = { + 0x0000, 0xfe50, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe54, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x80-0x87*/ + 0xfe57, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe58, 0xfe5d, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x88-0x8f*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe5e, /*0x90-0x97*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x98-0x9f*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe6b, /*0xa0-0xa7*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe6e, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe71, 0x0000, /*0xa8-0xaf*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe73, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe74, 0xfe75, /*0xb0-0xb7*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe79, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0xb8-0xbf*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0xc0-0xc7*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe84, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0xc8-0xcf*/ +}; +static const unsigned short gb18030ext_page2f[16] = { + 0xa98a, 0xa98b, 0xa98c, 0xa98d, 0xa98e, 0xa98f, 0xa990, 0xa991, /*0xf0-0xf7*/ + 0xa992, 0xa993, 0xa994, 0xa995, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0xf8-0xff*/ +}; +static const unsigned short gb18030ext_page34[56] = { + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe56, /*0x40-0x47*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x48-0x4f*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x50-0x57*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x58-0x5f*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x60-0x67*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x68-0x6f*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe55, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x70-0x77*/ +}; +static const unsigned short gb18030ext_page36[24] = { + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe5c, 0x0000, /*0x08-0x0f*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x10-0x17*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe5b, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x18-0x1f*/ +}; +static const unsigned short gb18030ext_page39[24] = { + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe62, /*0xc8-0xcf*/ + 0xfe65, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0xd0-0xd7*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe63, /*0xd8-0xdf*/ +}; +static const unsigned short gb18030ext_page43[56] = { + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe78, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0xa8-0xaf*/ + 0x0000, 0xfe77, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0xb0-0xb7*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0xb8-0xbf*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0xc0-0xc7*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0xc8-0xcf*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0xd0-0xd7*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe7a, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0xd8-0xdf*/ +}; +static const unsigned short gb18030ext_page46[32] = { + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe7d, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x48-0x4f*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x50-0x57*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x58-0x5f*/ + 0x0000, 0xfe7c, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x60-0x67*/ +}; +static const unsigned short gb18030ext_page47_1[16] = { + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe80, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x20-0x27*/ + 0x0000, 0xfe81, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x28-0x2f*/ +}; +static const unsigned short gb18030ext_page47_2[24] = { + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe82, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x78-0x7f*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x80-0x87*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe83, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x88-0x8f*/ +}; +static const unsigned short gb18030ext_page49[120] = { + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe85, /*0x40-0x47*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x48-0x4f*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x50-0x57*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x58-0x5f*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x60-0x67*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x68-0x6f*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x70-0x77*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe86, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe87, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x78-0x7f*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe88, 0xfe89, 0x0000, 0xfe8a, 0xfe8b, 0x0000, /*0x80-0x87*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x88-0x8f*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x90-0x97*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe8d, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe8c, /*0x98-0x9f*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0xa0-0xa7*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0xa8-0xaf*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe8f, 0xfe8e, /*0xb0-0xb7*/ +}; +static const unsigned short gb18030ext_page4c[56] = { + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe96, /*0x70-0x77*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x78-0x7f*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x80-0x87*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x88-0x8f*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x90-0x97*/ + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe93, /*0x98-0x9f*/ + 0xfe94, 0xfe95, 0xfe97, 0xfe92, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0xa0-0xa7*/ +}; +static const unsigned short gb18030ext_page4d[16] = { + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe98, 0xfe99, 0xfe9a, 0xfe9b, 0xfe9c, /*0x10-0x17*/ + 0xfe9d, 0xfe9e, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x18-0x1f*/ +}; +static const unsigned short gb18030ext_page9f[16] = { + 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xfe59, 0xfe61, 0xfe66, 0xfe67, /*0xb0-0xb7*/ + 0xfe6d, 0xfe7e, 0xfe90, 0xfea0, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0xb8-0xbf*/ +}; +static const unsigned short gb18030ext_pagefe[16] = { + 0xa6d9, 0xa6db, 0xa6da, 0xa6dc, 0xa6dd, 0xa6de, 0xa6df, 0xa6ec, /*0x10-0x17*/ + 0xa6ed, 0xa6f3, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, /*0x18-0x1f*/ +}; + +static int +gb18030ext_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned short c = 0; + if (wc == 0x01f9) + c = 0xa8bf; + else if (wc == 0x1e3f) + c = 0xa8bc; + else if (wc == 0x20ac) + c = 0xa2e3; + else if (wc >= 0x2e80 && wc < 0x2ed0) + c = gb18030ext_page2e[wc-0x2e80]; + else if (wc >= 0x2ff0 && wc < 0x3000) + c = gb18030ext_page2f[wc-0x2ff0]; + else if (wc == 0x303e) + c = 0xa989; + else if (wc >= 0x3440 && wc < 0x3478) + c = gb18030ext_page34[wc-0x3440]; + else if (wc == 0x359e) + c = 0xfe5a; + else if (wc >= 0x3608 && wc < 0x3620) + c = gb18030ext_page36[wc-0x3608]; + else if (wc == 0x3918) + c = 0xfe60; + else if (wc == 0x396e) + c = 0xfe5f; + else if (wc >= 0x39c8 && wc < 0x39e0) + c = gb18030ext_page39[wc-0x39c8]; + else if (wc == 0x3a73) + c = 0xfe64; + else if (wc == 0x3b4e) + c = 0xfe68; + else if (wc == 0x3c6e) + c = 0xfe69; + else if (wc == 0x3ce0) + c = 0xfe6a; + else if (wc == 0x4056) + c = 0xfe6f; + else if (wc == 0x415f) + c = 0xfe70; + else if (wc == 0x4337) + c = 0xfe72; + else if (wc >= 0x43a8 && wc < 0x43e0) + c = gb18030ext_page43[wc-0x43a8]; + else if (wc == 0x44d6) + c = 0xfe7b; + else if (wc >= 0x4648 && wc < 0x4668) + c = gb18030ext_page46[wc-0x4648]; + else if (wc >= 0x4720 && wc < 0x4730) + c = gb18030ext_page47_1[wc-0x4720]; + else if (wc >= 0x4778 && wc < 0x4790) + c = gb18030ext_page47_2[wc-0x4778]; + else if (wc >= 0x4940 && wc < 0x49b8) + c = gb18030ext_page49[wc-0x4940]; + else if (wc >= 0x4c70 && wc < 0x4ca8) + c = gb18030ext_page4c[wc-0x4c70]; + else if (wc >= 0x4d10 && wc < 0x4d20) + c = gb18030ext_page4d[wc-0x4d10]; + else if (wc == 0x4dae) + c = 0xfe9f; + else if (wc >= 0x9fb4 && wc < 0x9fbc) + c = gb18030ext_page9f[wc-0x9fb0]; + else if (wc >= 0xfe10 && wc < 0xfe1a) + c = gb18030ext_pagefe[wc-0xfe10]; + else if (wc == 0x20087) + c = 0xfe51; + else if (wc == 0x20089) + c = 0xfe52; + else if (wc == 0x200cc) + c = 0xfe53; + else if (wc == 0x215d7) + c = 0xfe6c; + else if (wc == 0x2298f) + c = 0xfe76; + else if (wc == 0x241fe) + c = 0xfe91; + if (c != 0) { + r[0] = (c >> 8); r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gb18030uni.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gb18030uni.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bea31e513 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gb18030uni.h @@ -0,0 +1,249 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * GB18030 four-byte extension + */ + +static const unsigned short gb18030uni_charset2uni_ranges[412] = { + 0x0000, 0x0023, 0x0024, 0x0025, 0x0026, 0x002c, 0x002d, 0x0031, + 0x0032, 0x0050, 0x0051, 0x0058, 0x0059, 0x005e, 0x005f, 0x005f, + 0x0060, 0x0063, 0x0064, 0x0066, 0x0067, 0x0067, 0x0068, 0x0068, + 0x0069, 0x006c, 0x006d, 0x007d, 0x007e, 0x0084, 0x0085, 0x0093, + 0x0094, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x00ae, 0x00af, 0x00b2, 0x00b3, 0x00cf, + 0x00d0, 0x0131, 0x0132, 0x0132, 0x0133, 0x0133, 0x0134, 0x0134, + 0x0135, 0x0135, 0x0136, 0x0136, 0x0137, 0x0137, 0x0138, 0x0138, + 0x0139, 0x0154, 0x0155, 0x01ab, 0x01ac, 0x01ba, 0x01bb, 0x021f, + 0x0220, 0x0220, 0x0221, 0x022d, 0x022e, 0x02e4, 0x02e5, 0x02e5, + 0x02e6, 0x02ec, 0x02ed, 0x02ed, 0x02ee, 0x0324, 0x0325, 0x0332, + 0x0333, 0x0333, 0x0334, 0x1ef1, 0x1ef2, 0x1ef3, 0x1ef4, 0x1ef4, + 0x1ef5, 0x1ef6, 0x1ef7, 0x1efd, 0x1efe, 0x1f06, 0x1f07, 0x1f07, + 0x1f08, 0x1f08, 0x1f09, 0x1f0d, 0x1f0e, 0x1f7d, 0x1f7e, 0x1fd3, + 0x1fd4, 0x1fd4, 0x1fd5, 0x1fd7, 0x1fd8, 0x1fe3, 0x1fe4, 0x1fed, + 0x1fee, 0x202b, 0x202c, 0x202f, 0x2030, 0x2045, 0x2046, 0x2047, + 0x2048, 0x20b5, 0x20b6, 0x20bb, 0x20bc, 0x20bc, 0x20bd, 0x20bf, + 0x20c0, 0x20c3, 0x20c4, 0x20c5, 0x20c6, 0x20c7, 0x20c8, 0x20c8, + 0x20c9, 0x20c9, 0x20ca, 0x20cb, 0x20cc, 0x20d0, 0x20d1, 0x20d5, + 0x20d6, 0x20df, 0x20e0, 0x20e2, 0x20e3, 0x20e7, 0x20e8, 0x20f4, + 0x20f5, 0x20f6, 0x20f7, 0x20fc, 0x20fd, 0x2121, 0x2122, 0x2124, + 0x2125, 0x212f, 0x2130, 0x2148, 0x2149, 0x219a, 0x219b, 0x22e7, + 0x22e8, 0x22f1, 0x22f2, 0x2355, 0x2356, 0x2359, 0x235a, 0x2366, + 0x2367, 0x2369, 0x236a, 0x2373, 0x2374, 0x2383, 0x2384, 0x238b, + 0x238c, 0x2393, 0x2394, 0x2396, 0x2397, 0x2398, 0x2399, 0x23aa, + 0x23ab, 0x23c9, 0x23ca, 0x23cb, 0x23cc, 0x2401, 0x2402, 0x2402, + 0x2403, 0x2c40, 0x2c41, 0x2c42, 0x2c43, 0x2c45, 0x2c46, 0x2c47, + 0x2c48, 0x2c51, 0x2c52, 0x2c60, 0x2c61, 0x2c62, 0x2c63, 0x2c65, + 0x2c66, 0x2c69, 0x2c6a, 0x2c6b, 0x2c6c, 0x2c6e, 0x2c6f, 0x2c7c, + 0x2c7d, 0x2da1, 0x2da2, 0x2da5, 0x2da6, 0x2da6, 0x2da7, 0x2dab, + 0x2dac, 0x2dad, 0x2dae, 0x2dc1, 0x2dc2, 0x2dc3, 0x2dc4, 0x2dca, + 0x2dcb, 0x2dcc, 0x2dcd, 0x2dd1, 0x2dd2, 0x2dd7, 0x2dd8, 0x2ecd, + 0x2ece, 0x2ed4, 0x2ed5, 0x2f45, 0x2f46, 0x302f, 0x3030, 0x303b, + 0x303c, 0x303d, 0x303e, 0x305f, 0x3060, 0x3068, 0x3069, 0x306a, + 0x306b, 0x306c, 0x306d, 0x30dd, 0x30de, 0x3108, 0x3109, 0x3232, + 0x3233, 0x32a1, 0x32a2, 0x32ac, 0x32ad, 0x35a9, 0x35aa, 0x35fe, + 0x35ff, 0x365e, 0x365f, 0x366c, 0x366d, 0x36ff, 0x3700, 0x37d9, + 0x37da, 0x38f8, 0x38f9, 0x3969, 0x396a, 0x3cde, 0x3cdf, 0x3de6, + 0x3de7, 0x3fbd, 0x3fbe, 0x4031, 0x4032, 0x4035, 0x4036, 0x4060, + 0x4061, 0x4158, 0x4159, 0x42cd, 0x42ce, 0x42e1, 0x42e2, 0x43a2, + 0x43a3, 0x43a7, 0x43a8, 0x43f9, 0x43fa, 0x4409, 0x440a, 0x45c2, + 0x45c3, 0x45f4, 0x45f5, 0x45f6, 0x45f7, 0x45fa, 0x45fb, 0x45fb, + 0x45fc, 0x460f, 0x4610, 0x4612, 0x4613, 0x4628, 0x4629, 0x48e7, + 0x48e8, 0x490e, 0x490f, 0x497d, 0x497e, 0x4a11, 0x4a12, 0x4a62, + 0x4a63, 0x82bc, + 0x82bd, 0x82bd, 0x82be, 0x82be, 0x82bf, 0x82cb, + 0x82cc, 0x82cc, 0x82cd, 0x82d1, 0x82d2, 0x82d8, 0x82d9, 0x82dc, + 0x82dd, 0x82e0, 0x82e1, 0x82e8, 0x82e9, 0x82ef, 0x82f0, 0x82ff, + 0x8300, 0x830d, + 0x830e, 0x93d4, 0x93d5, 0x9420, 0x9421, 0x943b, + 0x943c, 0x948c, 0x948d, 0x9495, 0x9496, 0x94af, 0x94b0, 0x94b0, + 0x94b1, 0x94b1, 0x94b2, 0x94b4, 0x94b5, 0x94ba, 0x94bb, 0x94bb, + 0x94bc, 0x94bd, 0x94be, 0x98c3, 0x98c4, 0x98c4, 0x98c5, 0x98c8, + 0x98c9, 0x98c9, 0x98ca, 0x98ca, 0x98cb, 0x98cb, 0x98cc, 0x9960, + 0x9961, 0x99e1, 0x99e2, 0x99fb +}; + +static const unsigned short gb18030uni_uni2charset_ranges[412] = { + 0x0080, 0x00a3, 0x00a5, 0x00a6, 0x00a9, 0x00af, 0x00b2, 0x00b6, + 0x00b8, 0x00d6, 0x00d8, 0x00df, 0x00e2, 0x00e7, 0x00eb, 0x00eb, + 0x00ee, 0x00f1, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x00f8, 0x00f8, 0x00fb, 0x00fb, + 0x00fd, 0x0100, 0x0102, 0x0112, 0x0114, 0x011a, 0x011c, 0x012a, + 0x012c, 0x0143, 0x0145, 0x0147, 0x0149, 0x014c, 0x014e, 0x016a, + 0x016c, 0x01cd, 0x01cf, 0x01cf, 0x01d1, 0x01d1, 0x01d3, 0x01d3, + 0x01d5, 0x01d5, 0x01d7, 0x01d7, 0x01d9, 0x01d9, 0x01db, 0x01db, + 0x01dd, 0x01f8, 0x01fa, 0x0250, 0x0252, 0x0260, 0x0262, 0x02c6, + 0x02c8, 0x02c8, 0x02cc, 0x02d8, 0x02da, 0x0390, 0x03a2, 0x03a2, + 0x03aa, 0x03b0, 0x03c2, 0x03c2, 0x03ca, 0x0400, 0x0402, 0x040f, + 0x0450, 0x0450, 0x0452, 0x200f, 0x2011, 0x2012, 0x2017, 0x2017, + 0x201a, 0x201b, 0x201e, 0x2024, 0x2027, 0x202f, 0x2031, 0x2031, + 0x2034, 0x2034, 0x2036, 0x203a, 0x203c, 0x20ab, 0x20ad, 0x2102, + 0x2104, 0x2104, 0x2106, 0x2108, 0x210a, 0x2115, 0x2117, 0x2120, + 0x2122, 0x215f, 0x216c, 0x216f, 0x217a, 0x218f, 0x2194, 0x2195, + 0x219a, 0x2207, 0x2209, 0x220e, 0x2210, 0x2210, 0x2212, 0x2214, + 0x2216, 0x2219, 0x221b, 0x221c, 0x2221, 0x2222, 0x2224, 0x2224, + 0x2226, 0x2226, 0x222c, 0x222d, 0x222f, 0x2233, 0x2238, 0x223c, + 0x223e, 0x2247, 0x2249, 0x224b, 0x224d, 0x2251, 0x2253, 0x225f, + 0x2262, 0x2263, 0x2268, 0x226d, 0x2270, 0x2294, 0x2296, 0x2298, + 0x229a, 0x22a4, 0x22a6, 0x22be, 0x22c0, 0x2311, 0x2313, 0x245f, + 0x246a, 0x2473, 0x249c, 0x24ff, 0x254c, 0x254f, 0x2574, 0x2580, + 0x2590, 0x2592, 0x2596, 0x259f, 0x25a2, 0x25b1, 0x25b4, 0x25bb, + 0x25be, 0x25c5, 0x25c8, 0x25ca, 0x25cc, 0x25cd, 0x25d0, 0x25e1, + 0x25e6, 0x2604, 0x2607, 0x2608, 0x260a, 0x263f, 0x2641, 0x2641, + 0x2643, 0x2e80, 0x2e82, 0x2e83, 0x2e85, 0x2e87, 0x2e89, 0x2e8a, + 0x2e8d, 0x2e96, 0x2e98, 0x2ea6, 0x2ea8, 0x2ea9, 0x2eab, 0x2ead, + 0x2eaf, 0x2eb2, 0x2eb4, 0x2eb5, 0x2eb8, 0x2eba, 0x2ebc, 0x2ec9, + 0x2ecb, 0x2fef, 0x2ffc, 0x2fff, 0x3004, 0x3004, 0x3018, 0x301c, + 0x301f, 0x3020, 0x302a, 0x303d, 0x303f, 0x3040, 0x3094, 0x309a, + 0x309f, 0x30a0, 0x30f7, 0x30fb, 0x30ff, 0x3104, 0x312a, 0x321f, + 0x322a, 0x3230, 0x3232, 0x32a2, 0x32a4, 0x338d, 0x3390, 0x339b, + 0x339f, 0x33a0, 0x33a2, 0x33c3, 0x33c5, 0x33cd, 0x33cf, 0x33d0, + 0x33d3, 0x33d4, 0x33d6, 0x3446, 0x3448, 0x3472, 0x3474, 0x359d, + 0x359f, 0x360d, 0x360f, 0x3619, 0x361b, 0x3917, 0x3919, 0x396d, + 0x396f, 0x39ce, 0x39d1, 0x39de, 0x39e0, 0x3a72, 0x3a74, 0x3b4d, + 0x3b4f, 0x3c6d, 0x3c6f, 0x3cdf, 0x3ce1, 0x4055, 0x4057, 0x415e, + 0x4160, 0x4336, 0x4338, 0x43ab, 0x43ad, 0x43b0, 0x43b2, 0x43dc, + 0x43de, 0x44d5, 0x44d7, 0x464b, 0x464d, 0x4660, 0x4662, 0x4722, + 0x4724, 0x4728, 0x472a, 0x477b, 0x477d, 0x478c, 0x478e, 0x4946, + 0x4948, 0x4979, 0x497b, 0x497c, 0x497e, 0x4981, 0x4984, 0x4984, + 0x4987, 0x499a, 0x499c, 0x499e, 0x49a0, 0x49b5, 0x49b8, 0x4c76, + 0x4c78, 0x4c9e, 0x4ca4, 0x4d12, 0x4d1a, 0x4dad, 0x4daf, 0x4dff, + 0x9fa6, 0xd7ff, + 0xe76c, 0xe76c, 0xe7c8, 0xe7c8, 0xe7e7, 0xe7f3, + 0xe815, 0xe815, 0xe819, 0xe81d, 0xe81f, 0xe825, 0xe827, 0xe82a, + 0xe82d, 0xe830, 0xe833, 0xe83a, 0xe83c, 0xe842, 0xe844, 0xe853, + 0xe856, 0xe863, + 0xe865, 0xf92b, 0xf92d, 0xf978, 0xf97a, 0xf994, + 0xf996, 0xf9e6, 0xf9e8, 0xf9f0, 0xf9f2, 0xfa0b, 0xfa10, 0xfa10, + 0xfa12, 0xfa12, 0xfa15, 0xfa17, 0xfa19, 0xfa1e, 0xfa22, 0xfa22, + 0xfa25, 0xfa26, 0xfa2a, 0xfe2f, 0xfe32, 0xfe32, 0xfe45, 0xfe48, + 0xfe53, 0xfe53, 0xfe58, 0xfe58, 0xfe67, 0xfe67, 0xfe6c, 0xff00, + 0xff5f, 0xffdf, 0xffe6, 0xffff +}; + +static const unsigned short gb18030uni_ranges[206] = { + 128, 129, 131, 133, 134, 135, 137, 140, + 142, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, + 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, + 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, + 168, 171, 172, 189, 196, 213, 220, 221, + 285, 286, 287, 291, 293, 295, 297, 298, + 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, + 308, 320, 330, 334, 338, 339, 340, 341, + 342, 343, 347, 348, 349, 354, 355, 359, + 360, 361, 362, 363, 365, 369, 371, 372, + 373, 374, 375, 376, 386, 426, 502, 538, + 553, 556, 558, 560, 562, 564, 565, 567, + 571, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, + 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 588, 589, + 590, 602, 606, 625, 627, 636, 637, 720, + 724, 810, 813, 850, 860, 861, 862, 864, + 867, 868, 869, 870, 872, 873, 874, 875, + 876, 877, 878, 879, 880, 882, 883, 884, + 885, 886, 887, 888, 889, 890, 891, 892, + 893, 894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 900, + 901, 902, 903, 905, 907, 908, 909, 911, + 912, 917, 924, 925, 21827, + 25775, 25866, 25896, + 25929, 25932, 25933, 25934, 25936, 25938, 25939, 25940, + 25942, + 25943, 25944, 25945, 25946, 25947, 25948, 25952, + 25953, 25955, 25956, 25959, 25961, 25964, 25966, 25984, + 25994, 25998, 26012, 26016, 26110, 26116 +}; + +static int +gb18030uni_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if (c1 >= 0x81 && c1 <= 0x84) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0x30 && c2 <= 0x39) { + if (n >= 3) { + unsigned char c3 = s[2]; + if (c3 >= 0x81 && c3 <= 0xfe) { + if (n >= 4) { + unsigned char c4 = s[3]; + if (c4 >= 0x30 && c4 <= 0x39) { + unsigned int i = (((c1 - 0x81) * 10 + (c2 - 0x30)) * 126 + (c3 - 0x81)) * 10 + (c4 - 0x30); + if (i >= 0 && i <= 39419) { + unsigned int k1 = 0; + unsigned int k2 = 205; + while (k1 < k2) { + unsigned int k = (k1 + k2) / 2; + if (i <= gb18030uni_charset2uni_ranges[2*k+1]) + k2 = k; + else if (i >= gb18030uni_charset2uni_ranges[2*k+2]) + k1 = k + 1; + else + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + { + unsigned int diff = gb18030uni_ranges[k1]; + *pwc = (ucs4_t) (i + diff); + return 4; + } + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +gb18030uni_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 4) { + unsigned int i = wc; + if (i >= 0x0080 && i <= 0xffff) { + unsigned int k1 = 0; + unsigned int k2 = 205; + while (k1 < k2) { + unsigned int k = (k1 + k2) / 2; + if (i <= gb18030uni_uni2charset_ranges[2*k+1]) + k2 = k; + else if (i >= gb18030uni_uni2charset_ranges[2*k+2]) + k1 = k + 1; + else + return RET_ILUNI; + } + { + unsigned int diff = gb18030uni_ranges[k1]; + i -= diff; + r[3] = (i % 10) + 0x30; i = i / 10; + r[2] = (i % 126) + 0x81; i = i / 126; + r[1] = (i % 10) + 0x30; i = i / 10; + r[0] = i + 0x81; + return 4; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gb2312.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gb2312.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..831a56912 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gb2312.h @@ -0,0 +1,2571 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * GB2312.1980-0 + */ + +static const unsigned short gb2312_2uni_page21[831] = { + /* 0x21 */ + 0x3000, 0x3001, 0x3002, 0x30fb, 0x02c9, 0x02c7, 0x00a8, 0x3003, + 0x3005, 0x2015, 0xff5e, 0x2016, 0x2026, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, + 0x201d, 0x3014, 0x3015, 0x3008, 0x3009, 0x300a, 0x300b, 0x300c, + 0x300d, 0x300e, 0x300f, 0x3016, 0x3017, 0x3010, 0x3011, 0x00b1, + 0x00d7, 0x00f7, 0x2236, 0x2227, 0x2228, 0x2211, 0x220f, 0x222a, + 0x2229, 0x2208, 0x2237, 0x221a, 0x22a5, 0x2225, 0x2220, 0x2312, + 0x2299, 0x222b, 0x222e, 0x2261, 0x224c, 0x2248, 0x223d, 0x221d, + 0x2260, 0x226e, 0x226f, 0x2264, 0x2265, 0x221e, 0x2235, 0x2234, + 0x2642, 0x2640, 0x00b0, 0x2032, 0x2033, 0x2103, 0xff04, 0x00a4, + 0xffe0, 0xffe1, 0x2030, 0x00a7, 0x2116, 0x2606, 0x2605, 0x25cb, + 0x25cf, 0x25ce, 0x25c7, 0x25c6, 0x25a1, 0x25a0, 0x25b3, 0x25b2, + 0x203b, 0x2192, 0x2190, 0x2191, 0x2193, 0x3013, + /* 0x22 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0x2488, 0x2489, 0x248a, 0x248b, 0x248c, 0x248d, 0x248e, 0x248f, + 0x2490, 0x2491, 0x2492, 0x2493, 0x2494, 0x2495, 0x2496, 0x2497, + 0x2498, 0x2499, 0x249a, 0x249b, 0x2474, 0x2475, 0x2476, 0x2477, + 0x2478, 0x2479, 0x247a, 0x247b, 0x247c, 0x247d, 0x247e, 0x247f, + 0x2480, 0x2481, 0x2482, 0x2483, 0x2484, 0x2485, 0x2486, 0x2487, + 0x2460, 0x2461, 0x2462, 0x2463, 0x2464, 0x2465, 0x2466, 0x2467, + 0x2468, 0x2469, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x3220, 0x3221, 0x3222, 0x3223, + 0x3224, 0x3225, 0x3226, 0x3227, 0x3228, 0x3229, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0x2160, 0x2161, 0x2162, 0x2163, 0x2164, 0x2165, 0x2166, 0x2167, + 0x2168, 0x2169, 0x216a, 0x216b, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0x23 */ + 0xff01, 0xff02, 0xff03, 0xffe5, 0xff05, 0xff06, 0xff07, 0xff08, + 0xff09, 0xff0a, 0xff0b, 0xff0c, 0xff0d, 0xff0e, 0xff0f, 0xff10, + 0xff11, 0xff12, 0xff13, 0xff14, 0xff15, 0xff16, 0xff17, 0xff18, + 0xff19, 0xff1a, 0xff1b, 0xff1c, 0xff1d, 0xff1e, 0xff1f, 0xff20, + 0xff21, 0xff22, 0xff23, 0xff24, 0xff25, 0xff26, 0xff27, 0xff28, + 0xff29, 0xff2a, 0xff2b, 0xff2c, 0xff2d, 0xff2e, 0xff2f, 0xff30, + 0xff31, 0xff32, 0xff33, 0xff34, 0xff35, 0xff36, 0xff37, 0xff38, + 0xff39, 0xff3a, 0xff3b, 0xff3c, 0xff3d, 0xff3e, 0xff3f, 0xff40, + 0xff41, 0xff42, 0xff43, 0xff44, 0xff45, 0xff46, 0xff47, 0xff48, + 0xff49, 0xff4a, 0xff4b, 0xff4c, 0xff4d, 0xff4e, 0xff4f, 0xff50, + 0xff51, 0xff52, 0xff53, 0xff54, 0xff55, 0xff56, 0xff57, 0xff58, + 0xff59, 0xff5a, 0xff5b, 0xff5c, 0xff5d, 0xffe3, + /* 0x24 */ + 0x3041, 0x3042, 0x3043, 0x3044, 0x3045, 0x3046, 0x3047, 0x3048, + 0x3049, 0x304a, 0x304b, 0x304c, 0x304d, 0x304e, 0x304f, 0x3050, + 0x3051, 0x3052, 0x3053, 0x3054, 0x3055, 0x3056, 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0x74f7, 0x8bcd, 0x6b64, 0x523a, 0x8d50, 0x6b21, 0x806a, 0x8471, + 0x56f1, 0x5306, 0x4ece, 0x4e1b, 0x51d1, 0x7c97, 0x918b, 0x7c07, + 0x4fc3, 0x8e7f, 0x7be1, 0x7a9c, 0x6467, 0x5d14, 0x50ac, 0x8106, + 0x7601, 0x7cb9, 0x6dec, 0x7fe0, 0x6751, 0x5b58, 0x5bf8, 0x78cb, + 0x64ae, 0x6413, 0x63aa, 0x632b, 0x9519, 0x642d, 0x8fbe, 0x7b54, + 0x7629, 0x6253, 0x5927, 0x5446, 0x6b79, 0x50a3, 0x6234, 0x5e26, + 0x6b86, 0x4ee3, 0x8d37, 0x888b, 0x5f85, 0x902e, + /* 0x35 */ + 0x6020, 0x803d, 0x62c5, 0x4e39, 0x5355, 0x90f8, 0x63b8, 0x80c6, + 0x65e6, 0x6c2e, 0x4f46, 0x60ee, 0x6de1, 0x8bde, 0x5f39, 0x86cb, + 0x5f53, 0x6321, 0x515a, 0x8361, 0x6863, 0x5200, 0x6363, 0x8e48, + 0x5012, 0x5c9b, 0x7977, 0x5bfc, 0x5230, 0x7a3b, 0x60bc, 0x9053, + 0x76d7, 0x5fb7, 0x5f97, 0x7684, 0x8e6c, 0x706f, 0x767b, 0x7b49, + 0x77aa, 0x51f3, 0x9093, 0x5824, 0x4f4e, 0x6ef4, 0x8fea, 0x654c, + 0x7b1b, 0x72c4, 0x6da4, 0x7fdf, 0x5ae1, 0x62b5, 0x5e95, 0x5730, + 0x8482, 0x7b2c, 0x5e1d, 0x5f1f, 0x9012, 0x7f14, 0x98a0, 0x6382, + 0x6ec7, 0x7898, 0x70b9, 0x5178, 0x975b, 0x57ab, 0x7535, 0x4f43, + 0x7538, 0x5e97, 0x60e6, 0x5960, 0x6dc0, 0x6bbf, 0x7889, 0x53fc, + 0x96d5, 0x51cb, 0x5201, 0x6389, 0x540a, 0x9493, 0x8c03, 0x8dcc, + 0x7239, 0x789f, 0x8776, 0x8fed, 0x8c0d, 0x53e0, + /* 0x36 */ + 0x4e01, 0x76ef, 0x53ee, 0x9489, 0x9876, 0x9f0e, 0x952d, 0x5b9a, + 0x8ba2, 0x4e22, 0x4e1c, 0x51ac, 0x8463, 0x61c2, 0x52a8, 0x680b, + 0x4f97, 0x606b, 0x51bb, 0x6d1e, 0x515c, 0x6296, 0x6597, 0x9661, + 0x8c46, 0x9017, 0x75d8, 0x90fd, 0x7763, 0x6bd2, 0x728a, 0x72ec, + 0x8bfb, 0x5835, 0x7779, 0x8d4c, 0x675c, 0x9540, 0x809a, 0x5ea6, + 0x6e21, 0x5992, 0x7aef, 0x77ed, 0x953b, 0x6bb5, 0x65ad, 0x7f0e, + 0x5806, 0x5151, 0x961f, 0x5bf9, 0x58a9, 0x5428, 0x8e72, 0x6566, + 0x987f, 0x56e4, 0x949d, 0x76fe, 0x9041, 0x6387, 0x54c6, 0x591a, + 0x593a, 0x579b, 0x8eb2, 0x6735, 0x8dfa, 0x8235, 0x5241, 0x60f0, + 0x5815, 0x86fe, 0x5ce8, 0x9e45, 0x4fc4, 0x989d, 0x8bb9, 0x5a25, + 0x6076, 0x5384, 0x627c, 0x904f, 0x9102, 0x997f, 0x6069, 0x800c, + 0x513f, 0x8033, 0x5c14, 0x9975, 0x6d31, 0x4e8c, + /* 0x37 */ + 0x8d30, 0x53d1, 0x7f5a, 0x7b4f, 0x4f10, 0x4e4f, 0x9600, 0x6cd5, + 0x73d0, 0x85e9, 0x5e06, 0x756a, 0x7ffb, 0x6a0a, 0x77fe, 0x9492, + 0x7e41, 0x51e1, 0x70e6, 0x53cd, 0x8fd4, 0x8303, 0x8d29, 0x72af, + 0x996d, 0x6cdb, 0x574a, 0x82b3, 0x65b9, 0x80aa, 0x623f, 0x9632, + 0x59a8, 0x4eff, 0x8bbf, 0x7eba, 0x653e, 0x83f2, 0x975e, 0x5561, + 0x98de, 0x80a5, 0x532a, 0x8bfd, 0x5420, 0x80ba, 0x5e9f, 0x6cb8, + 0x8d39, 0x82ac, 0x915a, 0x5429, 0x6c1b, 0x5206, 0x7eb7, 0x575f, + 0x711a, 0x6c7e, 0x7c89, 0x594b, 0x4efd, 0x5fff, 0x6124, 0x7caa, + 0x4e30, 0x5c01, 0x67ab, 0x8702, 0x5cf0, 0x950b, 0x98ce, 0x75af, + 0x70fd, 0x9022, 0x51af, 0x7f1d, 0x8bbd, 0x5949, 0x51e4, 0x4f5b, + 0x5426, 0x592b, 0x6577, 0x80a4, 0x5b75, 0x6276, 0x62c2, 0x8f90, + 0x5e45, 0x6c1f, 0x7b26, 0x4f0f, 0x4fd8, 0x670d, + /* 0x38 */ + 0x6d6e, 0x6daa, 0x798f, 0x88b1, 0x5f17, 0x752b, 0x629a, 0x8f85, + 0x4fef, 0x91dc, 0x65a7, 0x812f, 0x8151, 0x5e9c, 0x8150, 0x8d74, + 0x526f, 0x8986, 0x8d4b, 0x590d, 0x5085, 0x4ed8, 0x961c, 0x7236, + 0x8179, 0x8d1f, 0x5bcc, 0x8ba3, 0x9644, 0x5987, 0x7f1a, 0x5490, + 0x5676, 0x560e, 0x8be5, 0x6539, 0x6982, 0x9499, 0x76d6, 0x6e89, + 0x5e72, 0x7518, 0x6746, 0x67d1, 0x7aff, 0x809d, 0x8d76, 0x611f, + 0x79c6, 0x6562, 0x8d63, 0x5188, 0x521a, 0x94a2, 0x7f38, 0x809b, + 0x7eb2, 0x5c97, 0x6e2f, 0x6760, 0x7bd9, 0x768b, 0x9ad8, 0x818f, + 0x7f94, 0x7cd5, 0x641e, 0x9550, 0x7a3f, 0x544a, 0x54e5, 0x6b4c, + 0x6401, 0x6208, 0x9e3d, 0x80f3, 0x7599, 0x5272, 0x9769, 0x845b, + 0x683c, 0x86e4, 0x9601, 0x9694, 0x94ec, 0x4e2a, 0x5404, 0x7ed9, + 0x6839, 0x8ddf, 0x8015, 0x66f4, 0x5e9a, 0x7fb9, + /* 0x39 */ + 0x57c2, 0x803f, 0x6897, 0x5de5, 0x653b, 0x529f, 0x606d, 0x9f9a, + 0x4f9b, 0x8eac, 0x516c, 0x5bab, 0x5f13, 0x5de9, 0x6c5e, 0x62f1, + 0x8d21, 0x5171, 0x94a9, 0x52fe, 0x6c9f, 0x82df, 0x72d7, 0x57a2, + 0x6784, 0x8d2d, 0x591f, 0x8f9c, 0x83c7, 0x5495, 0x7b8d, 0x4f30, + 0x6cbd, 0x5b64, 0x59d1, 0x9f13, 0x53e4, 0x86ca, 0x9aa8, 0x8c37, + 0x80a1, 0x6545, 0x987e, 0x56fa, 0x96c7, 0x522e, 0x74dc, 0x5250, + 0x5be1, 0x6302, 0x8902, 0x4e56, 0x62d0, 0x602a, 0x68fa, 0x5173, + 0x5b98, 0x51a0, 0x89c2, 0x7ba1, 0x9986, 0x7f50, 0x60ef, 0x704c, + 0x8d2f, 0x5149, 0x5e7f, 0x901b, 0x7470, 0x89c4, 0x572d, 0x7845, + 0x5f52, 0x9f9f, 0x95fa, 0x8f68, 0x9b3c, 0x8be1, 0x7678, 0x6842, + 0x67dc, 0x8dea, 0x8d35, 0x523d, 0x8f8a, 0x6eda, 0x68cd, 0x9505, + 0x90ed, 0x56fd, 0x679c, 0x88f9, 0x8fc7, 0x54c8, + /* 0x3a */ + 0x9ab8, 0x5b69, 0x6d77, 0x6c26, 0x4ea5, 0x5bb3, 0x9a87, 0x9163, + 0x61a8, 0x90af, 0x97e9, 0x542b, 0x6db5, 0x5bd2, 0x51fd, 0x558a, + 0x7f55, 0x7ff0, 0x64bc, 0x634d, 0x65f1, 0x61be, 0x608d, 0x710a, + 0x6c57, 0x6c49, 0x592f, 0x676d, 0x822a, 0x58d5, 0x568e, 0x8c6a, + 0x6beb, 0x90dd, 0x597d, 0x8017, 0x53f7, 0x6d69, 0x5475, 0x559d, + 0x8377, 0x83cf, 0x6838, 0x79be, 0x548c, 0x4f55, 0x5408, 0x76d2, + 0x8c89, 0x9602, 0x6cb3, 0x6db8, 0x8d6b, 0x8910, 0x9e64, 0x8d3a, + 0x563f, 0x9ed1, 0x75d5, 0x5f88, 0x72e0, 0x6068, 0x54fc, 0x4ea8, + 0x6a2a, 0x8861, 0x6052, 0x8f70, 0x54c4, 0x70d8, 0x8679, 0x9e3f, + 0x6d2a, 0x5b8f, 0x5f18, 0x7ea2, 0x5589, 0x4faf, 0x7334, 0x543c, + 0x539a, 0x5019, 0x540e, 0x547c, 0x4e4e, 0x5ffd, 0x745a, 0x58f6, + 0x846b, 0x80e1, 0x8774, 0x72d0, 0x7cca, 0x6e56, + /* 0x3b */ + 0x5f27, 0x864e, 0x552c, 0x62a4, 0x4e92, 0x6caa, 0x6237, 0x82b1, + 0x54d7, 0x534e, 0x733e, 0x6ed1, 0x753b, 0x5212, 0x5316, 0x8bdd, + 0x69d0, 0x5f8a, 0x6000, 0x6dee, 0x574f, 0x6b22, 0x73af, 0x6853, + 0x8fd8, 0x7f13, 0x6362, 0x60a3, 0x5524, 0x75ea, 0x8c62, 0x7115, + 0x6da3, 0x5ba6, 0x5e7b, 0x8352, 0x614c, 0x9ec4, 0x78fa, 0x8757, + 0x7c27, 0x7687, 0x51f0, 0x60f6, 0x714c, 0x6643, 0x5e4c, 0x604d, + 0x8c0e, 0x7070, 0x6325, 0x8f89, 0x5fbd, 0x6062, 0x86d4, 0x56de, + 0x6bc1, 0x6094, 0x6167, 0x5349, 0x60e0, 0x6666, 0x8d3f, 0x79fd, + 0x4f1a, 0x70e9, 0x6c47, 0x8bb3, 0x8bf2, 0x7ed8, 0x8364, 0x660f, + 0x5a5a, 0x9b42, 0x6d51, 0x6df7, 0x8c41, 0x6d3b, 0x4f19, 0x706b, + 0x83b7, 0x6216, 0x60d1, 0x970d, 0x8d27, 0x7978, 0x51fb, 0x573e, + 0x57fa, 0x673a, 0x7578, 0x7a3d, 0x79ef, 0x7b95, + /* 0x3c */ + 0x808c, 0x9965, 0x8ff9, 0x6fc0, 0x8ba5, 0x9e21, 0x59ec, 0x7ee9, + 0x7f09, 0x5409, 0x6781, 0x68d8, 0x8f91, 0x7c4d, 0x96c6, 0x53ca, + 0x6025, 0x75be, 0x6c72, 0x5373, 0x5ac9, 0x7ea7, 0x6324, 0x51e0, + 0x810a, 0x5df1, 0x84df, 0x6280, 0x5180, 0x5b63, 0x4f0e, 0x796d, + 0x5242, 0x60b8, 0x6d4e, 0x5bc4, 0x5bc2, 0x8ba1, 0x8bb0, 0x65e2, + 0x5fcc, 0x9645, 0x5993, 0x7ee7, 0x7eaa, 0x5609, 0x67b7, 0x5939, + 0x4f73, 0x5bb6, 0x52a0, 0x835a, 0x988a, 0x8d3e, 0x7532, 0x94be, + 0x5047, 0x7a3c, 0x4ef7, 0x67b6, 0x9a7e, 0x5ac1, 0x6b7c, 0x76d1, + 0x575a, 0x5c16, 0x7b3a, 0x95f4, 0x714e, 0x517c, 0x80a9, 0x8270, + 0x5978, 0x7f04, 0x8327, 0x68c0, 0x67ec, 0x78b1, 0x7877, 0x62e3, + 0x6361, 0x7b80, 0x4fed, 0x526a, 0x51cf, 0x8350, 0x69db, 0x9274, + 0x8df5, 0x8d31, 0x89c1, 0x952e, 0x7bad, 0x4ef6, + /* 0x3d */ + 0x5065, 0x8230, 0x5251, 0x996f, 0x6e10, 0x6e85, 0x6da7, 0x5efa, + 0x50f5, 0x59dc, 0x5c06, 0x6d46, 0x6c5f, 0x7586, 0x848b, 0x6868, + 0x5956, 0x8bb2, 0x5320, 0x9171, 0x964d, 0x8549, 0x6912, 0x7901, + 0x7126, 0x80f6, 0x4ea4, 0x90ca, 0x6d47, 0x9a84, 0x5a07, 0x56bc, + 0x6405, 0x94f0, 0x77eb, 0x4fa5, 0x811a, 0x72e1, 0x89d2, 0x997a, + 0x7f34, 0x7ede, 0x527f, 0x6559, 0x9175, 0x8f7f, 0x8f83, 0x53eb, + 0x7a96, 0x63ed, 0x63a5, 0x7686, 0x79f8, 0x8857, 0x9636, 0x622a, + 0x52ab, 0x8282, 0x6854, 0x6770, 0x6377, 0x776b, 0x7aed, 0x6d01, + 0x7ed3, 0x89e3, 0x59d0, 0x6212, 0x85c9, 0x82a5, 0x754c, 0x501f, + 0x4ecb, 0x75a5, 0x8beb, 0x5c4a, 0x5dfe, 0x7b4b, 0x65a4, 0x91d1, + 0x4eca, 0x6d25, 0x895f, 0x7d27, 0x9526, 0x4ec5, 0x8c28, 0x8fdb, + 0x9773, 0x664b, 0x7981, 0x8fd1, 0x70ec, 0x6d78, + /* 0x3e */ + 0x5c3d, 0x52b2, 0x8346, 0x5162, 0x830e, 0x775b, 0x6676, 0x9cb8, + 0x4eac, 0x60ca, 0x7cbe, 0x7cb3, 0x7ecf, 0x4e95, 0x8b66, 0x666f, + 0x9888, 0x9759, 0x5883, 0x656c, 0x955c, 0x5f84, 0x75c9, 0x9756, + 0x7adf, 0x7ade, 0x51c0, 0x70af, 0x7a98, 0x63ea, 0x7a76, 0x7ea0, + 0x7396, 0x97ed, 0x4e45, 0x7078, 0x4e5d, 0x9152, 0x53a9, 0x6551, + 0x65e7, 0x81fc, 0x8205, 0x548e, 0x5c31, 0x759a, 0x97a0, 0x62d8, + 0x72d9, 0x75bd, 0x5c45, 0x9a79, 0x83ca, 0x5c40, 0x5480, 0x77e9, + 0x4e3e, 0x6cae, 0x805a, 0x62d2, 0x636e, 0x5de8, 0x5177, 0x8ddd, + 0x8e1e, 0x952f, 0x4ff1, 0x53e5, 0x60e7, 0x70ac, 0x5267, 0x6350, + 0x9e43, 0x5a1f, 0x5026, 0x7737, 0x5377, 0x7ee2, 0x6485, 0x652b, + 0x6289, 0x6398, 0x5014, 0x7235, 0x89c9, 0x51b3, 0x8bc0, 0x7edd, + 0x5747, 0x83cc, 0x94a7, 0x519b, 0x541b, 0x5cfb, + /* 0x3f */ + 0x4fca, 0x7ae3, 0x6d5a, 0x90e1, 0x9a8f, 0x5580, 0x5496, 0x5361, + 0x54af, 0x5f00, 0x63e9, 0x6977, 0x51ef, 0x6168, 0x520a, 0x582a, + 0x52d8, 0x574e, 0x780d, 0x770b, 0x5eb7, 0x6177, 0x7ce0, 0x625b, + 0x6297, 0x4ea2, 0x7095, 0x8003, 0x62f7, 0x70e4, 0x9760, 0x5777, + 0x82db, 0x67ef, 0x68f5, 0x78d5, 0x9897, 0x79d1, 0x58f3, 0x54b3, + 0x53ef, 0x6e34, 0x514b, 0x523b, 0x5ba2, 0x8bfe, 0x80af, 0x5543, + 0x57a6, 0x6073, 0x5751, 0x542d, 0x7a7a, 0x6050, 0x5b54, 0x63a7, + 0x62a0, 0x53e3, 0x6263, 0x5bc7, 0x67af, 0x54ed, 0x7a9f, 0x82e6, + 0x9177, 0x5e93, 0x88e4, 0x5938, 0x57ae, 0x630e, 0x8de8, 0x80ef, + 0x5757, 0x7b77, 0x4fa9, 0x5feb, 0x5bbd, 0x6b3e, 0x5321, 0x7b50, + 0x72c2, 0x6846, 0x77ff, 0x7736, 0x65f7, 0x51b5, 0x4e8f, 0x76d4, + 0x5cbf, 0x7aa5, 0x8475, 0x594e, 0x9b41, 0x5080, + /* 0x40 */ + 0x9988, 0x6127, 0x6e83, 0x5764, 0x6606, 0x6346, 0x56f0, 0x62ec, + 0x6269, 0x5ed3, 0x9614, 0x5783, 0x62c9, 0x5587, 0x8721, 0x814a, + 0x8fa3, 0x5566, 0x83b1, 0x6765, 0x8d56, 0x84dd, 0x5a6a, 0x680f, + 0x62e6, 0x7bee, 0x9611, 0x5170, 0x6f9c, 0x8c30, 0x63fd, 0x89c8, + 0x61d2, 0x7f06, 0x70c2, 0x6ee5, 0x7405, 0x6994, 0x72fc, 0x5eca, + 0x90ce, 0x6717, 0x6d6a, 0x635e, 0x52b3, 0x7262, 0x8001, 0x4f6c, + 0x59e5, 0x916a, 0x70d9, 0x6d9d, 0x52d2, 0x4e50, 0x96f7, 0x956d, + 0x857e, 0x78ca, 0x7d2f, 0x5121, 0x5792, 0x64c2, 0x808b, 0x7c7b, + 0x6cea, 0x68f1, 0x695e, 0x51b7, 0x5398, 0x68a8, 0x7281, 0x9ece, + 0x7bf1, 0x72f8, 0x79bb, 0x6f13, 0x7406, 0x674e, 0x91cc, 0x9ca4, + 0x793c, 0x8389, 0x8354, 0x540f, 0x6817, 0x4e3d, 0x5389, 0x52b1, + 0x783e, 0x5386, 0x5229, 0x5088, 0x4f8b, 0x4fd0, + /* 0x41 */ + 0x75e2, 0x7acb, 0x7c92, 0x6ca5, 0x96b6, 0x529b, 0x7483, 0x54e9, + 0x4fe9, 0x8054, 0x83b2, 0x8fde, 0x9570, 0x5ec9, 0x601c, 0x6d9f, + 0x5e18, 0x655b, 0x8138, 0x94fe, 0x604b, 0x70bc, 0x7ec3, 0x7cae, + 0x51c9, 0x6881, 0x7cb1, 0x826f, 0x4e24, 0x8f86, 0x91cf, 0x667e, + 0x4eae, 0x8c05, 0x64a9, 0x804a, 0x50da, 0x7597, 0x71ce, 0x5be5, + 0x8fbd, 0x6f66, 0x4e86, 0x6482, 0x9563, 0x5ed6, 0x6599, 0x5217, + 0x88c2, 0x70c8, 0x52a3, 0x730e, 0x7433, 0x6797, 0x78f7, 0x9716, + 0x4e34, 0x90bb, 0x9cde, 0x6dcb, 0x51db, 0x8d41, 0x541d, 0x62ce, + 0x73b2, 0x83f1, 0x96f6, 0x9f84, 0x94c3, 0x4f36, 0x7f9a, 0x51cc, + 0x7075, 0x9675, 0x5cad, 0x9886, 0x53e6, 0x4ee4, 0x6e9c, 0x7409, + 0x69b4, 0x786b, 0x998f, 0x7559, 0x5218, 0x7624, 0x6d41, 0x67f3, + 0x516d, 0x9f99, 0x804b, 0x5499, 0x7b3c, 0x7abf, + /* 0x42 */ + 0x9686, 0x5784, 0x62e2, 0x9647, 0x697c, 0x5a04, 0x6402, 0x7bd3, + 0x6f0f, 0x964b, 0x82a6, 0x5362, 0x9885, 0x5e90, 0x7089, 0x63b3, + 0x5364, 0x864f, 0x9c81, 0x9e93, 0x788c, 0x9732, 0x8def, 0x8d42, + 0x9e7f, 0x6f5e, 0x7984, 0x5f55, 0x9646, 0x622e, 0x9a74, 0x5415, + 0x94dd, 0x4fa3, 0x65c5, 0x5c65, 0x5c61, 0x7f15, 0x8651, 0x6c2f, + 0x5f8b, 0x7387, 0x6ee4, 0x7eff, 0x5ce6, 0x631b, 0x5b6a, 0x6ee6, + 0x5375, 0x4e71, 0x63a0, 0x7565, 0x62a1, 0x8f6e, 0x4f26, 0x4ed1, + 0x6ca6, 0x7eb6, 0x8bba, 0x841d, 0x87ba, 0x7f57, 0x903b, 0x9523, + 0x7ba9, 0x9aa1, 0x88f8, 0x843d, 0x6d1b, 0x9a86, 0x7edc, 0x5988, + 0x9ebb, 0x739b, 0x7801, 0x8682, 0x9a6c, 0x9a82, 0x561b, 0x5417, + 0x57cb, 0x4e70, 0x9ea6, 0x5356, 0x8fc8, 0x8109, 0x7792, 0x9992, + 0x86ee, 0x6ee1, 0x8513, 0x66fc, 0x6162, 0x6f2b, + /* 0x43 */ + 0x8c29, 0x8292, 0x832b, 0x76f2, 0x6c13, 0x5fd9, 0x83bd, 0x732b, + 0x8305, 0x951a, 0x6bdb, 0x77db, 0x94c6, 0x536f, 0x8302, 0x5192, + 0x5e3d, 0x8c8c, 0x8d38, 0x4e48, 0x73ab, 0x679a, 0x6885, 0x9176, + 0x9709, 0x7164, 0x6ca1, 0x7709, 0x5a92, 0x9541, 0x6bcf, 0x7f8e, + 0x6627, 0x5bd0, 0x59b9, 0x5a9a, 0x95e8, 0x95f7, 0x4eec, 0x840c, + 0x8499, 0x6aac, 0x76df, 0x9530, 0x731b, 0x68a6, 0x5b5f, 0x772f, + 0x919a, 0x9761, 0x7cdc, 0x8ff7, 0x8c1c, 0x5f25, 0x7c73, 0x79d8, + 0x89c5, 0x6ccc, 0x871c, 0x5bc6, 0x5e42, 0x68c9, 0x7720, 0x7ef5, + 0x5195, 0x514d, 0x52c9, 0x5a29, 0x7f05, 0x9762, 0x82d7, 0x63cf, + 0x7784, 0x85d0, 0x79d2, 0x6e3a, 0x5e99, 0x5999, 0x8511, 0x706d, + 0x6c11, 0x62bf, 0x76bf, 0x654f, 0x60af, 0x95fd, 0x660e, 0x879f, + 0x9e23, 0x94ed, 0x540d, 0x547d, 0x8c2c, 0x6478, + /* 0x44 */ + 0x6479, 0x8611, 0x6a21, 0x819c, 0x78e8, 0x6469, 0x9b54, 0x62b9, + 0x672b, 0x83ab, 0x58a8, 0x9ed8, 0x6cab, 0x6f20, 0x5bde, 0x964c, + 0x8c0b, 0x725f, 0x67d0, 0x62c7, 0x7261, 0x4ea9, 0x59c6, 0x6bcd, + 0x5893, 0x66ae, 0x5e55, 0x52df, 0x6155, 0x6728, 0x76ee, 0x7766, + 0x7267, 0x7a46, 0x62ff, 0x54ea, 0x5450, 0x94a0, 0x90a3, 0x5a1c, + 0x7eb3, 0x6c16, 0x4e43, 0x5976, 0x8010, 0x5948, 0x5357, 0x7537, + 0x96be, 0x56ca, 0x6320, 0x8111, 0x607c, 0x95f9, 0x6dd6, 0x5462, + 0x9981, 0x5185, 0x5ae9, 0x80fd, 0x59ae, 0x9713, 0x502a, 0x6ce5, + 0x5c3c, 0x62df, 0x4f60, 0x533f, 0x817b, 0x9006, 0x6eba, 0x852b, + 0x62c8, 0x5e74, 0x78be, 0x64b5, 0x637b, 0x5ff5, 0x5a18, 0x917f, + 0x9e1f, 0x5c3f, 0x634f, 0x8042, 0x5b7d, 0x556e, 0x954a, 0x954d, + 0x6d85, 0x60a8, 0x67e0, 0x72de, 0x51dd, 0x5b81, + /* 0x45 */ + 0x62e7, 0x6cde, 0x725b, 0x626d, 0x94ae, 0x7ebd, 0x8113, 0x6d53, + 0x519c, 0x5f04, 0x5974, 0x52aa, 0x6012, 0x5973, 0x6696, 0x8650, + 0x759f, 0x632a, 0x61e6, 0x7cef, 0x8bfa, 0x54e6, 0x6b27, 0x9e25, + 0x6bb4, 0x85d5, 0x5455, 0x5076, 0x6ca4, 0x556a, 0x8db4, 0x722c, + 0x5e15, 0x6015, 0x7436, 0x62cd, 0x6392, 0x724c, 0x5f98, 0x6e43, + 0x6d3e, 0x6500, 0x6f58, 0x76d8, 0x78d0, 0x76fc, 0x7554, 0x5224, + 0x53db, 0x4e53, 0x5e9e, 0x65c1, 0x802a, 0x80d6, 0x629b, 0x5486, + 0x5228, 0x70ae, 0x888d, 0x8dd1, 0x6ce1, 0x5478, 0x80da, 0x57f9, + 0x88f4, 0x8d54, 0x966a, 0x914d, 0x4f69, 0x6c9b, 0x55b7, 0x76c6, + 0x7830, 0x62a8, 0x70f9, 0x6f8e, 0x5f6d, 0x84ec, 0x68da, 0x787c, + 0x7bf7, 0x81a8, 0x670b, 0x9e4f, 0x6367, 0x78b0, 0x576f, 0x7812, + 0x9739, 0x6279, 0x62ab, 0x5288, 0x7435, 0x6bd7, + /* 0x46 */ + 0x5564, 0x813e, 0x75b2, 0x76ae, 0x5339, 0x75de, 0x50fb, 0x5c41, + 0x8b6c, 0x7bc7, 0x504f, 0x7247, 0x9a97, 0x98d8, 0x6f02, 0x74e2, + 0x7968, 0x6487, 0x77a5, 0x62fc, 0x9891, 0x8d2b, 0x54c1, 0x8058, + 0x4e52, 0x576a, 0x82f9, 0x840d, 0x5e73, 0x51ed, 0x74f6, 0x8bc4, + 0x5c4f, 0x5761, 0x6cfc, 0x9887, 0x5a46, 0x7834, 0x9b44, 0x8feb, + 0x7c95, 0x5256, 0x6251, 0x94fa, 0x4ec6, 0x8386, 0x8461, 0x83e9, + 0x84b2, 0x57d4, 0x6734, 0x5703, 0x666e, 0x6d66, 0x8c31, 0x66dd, + 0x7011, 0x671f, 0x6b3a, 0x6816, 0x621a, 0x59bb, 0x4e03, 0x51c4, + 0x6f06, 0x67d2, 0x6c8f, 0x5176, 0x68cb, 0x5947, 0x6b67, 0x7566, + 0x5d0e, 0x8110, 0x9f50, 0x65d7, 0x7948, 0x7941, 0x9a91, 0x8d77, + 0x5c82, 0x4e5e, 0x4f01, 0x542f, 0x5951, 0x780c, 0x5668, 0x6c14, + 0x8fc4, 0x5f03, 0x6c7d, 0x6ce3, 0x8bab, 0x6390, + /* 0x47 */ + 0x6070, 0x6d3d, 0x7275, 0x6266, 0x948e, 0x94c5, 0x5343, 0x8fc1, + 0x7b7e, 0x4edf, 0x8c26, 0x4e7e, 0x9ed4, 0x94b1, 0x94b3, 0x524d, + 0x6f5c, 0x9063, 0x6d45, 0x8c34, 0x5811, 0x5d4c, 0x6b20, 0x6b49, + 0x67aa, 0x545b, 0x8154, 0x7f8c, 0x5899, 0x8537, 0x5f3a, 0x62a2, + 0x6a47, 0x9539, 0x6572, 0x6084, 0x6865, 0x77a7, 0x4e54, 0x4fa8, + 0x5de7, 0x9798, 0x64ac, 0x7fd8, 0x5ced, 0x4fcf, 0x7a8d, 0x5207, + 0x8304, 0x4e14, 0x602f, 0x7a83, 0x94a6, 0x4fb5, 0x4eb2, 0x79e6, + 0x7434, 0x52e4, 0x82b9, 0x64d2, 0x79bd, 0x5bdd, 0x6c81, 0x9752, + 0x8f7b, 0x6c22, 0x503e, 0x537f, 0x6e05, 0x64ce, 0x6674, 0x6c30, + 0x60c5, 0x9877, 0x8bf7, 0x5e86, 0x743c, 0x7a77, 0x79cb, 0x4e18, + 0x90b1, 0x7403, 0x6c42, 0x56da, 0x914b, 0x6cc5, 0x8d8b, 0x533a, + 0x86c6, 0x66f2, 0x8eaf, 0x5c48, 0x9a71, 0x6e20, + /* 0x48 */ + 0x53d6, 0x5a36, 0x9f8b, 0x8da3, 0x53bb, 0x5708, 0x98a7, 0x6743, + 0x919b, 0x6cc9, 0x5168, 0x75ca, 0x62f3, 0x72ac, 0x5238, 0x529d, + 0x7f3a, 0x7094, 0x7638, 0x5374, 0x9e4a, 0x69b7, 0x786e, 0x96c0, + 0x88d9, 0x7fa4, 0x7136, 0x71c3, 0x5189, 0x67d3, 0x74e4, 0x58e4, + 0x6518, 0x56b7, 0x8ba9, 0x9976, 0x6270, 0x7ed5, 0x60f9, 0x70ed, + 0x58ec, 0x4ec1, 0x4eba, 0x5fcd, 0x97e7, 0x4efb, 0x8ba4, 0x5203, + 0x598a, 0x7eab, 0x6254, 0x4ecd, 0x65e5, 0x620e, 0x8338, 0x84c9, + 0x8363, 0x878d, 0x7194, 0x6eb6, 0x5bb9, 0x7ed2, 0x5197, 0x63c9, + 0x67d4, 0x8089, 0x8339, 0x8815, 0x5112, 0x5b7a, 0x5982, 0x8fb1, + 0x4e73, 0x6c5d, 0x5165, 0x8925, 0x8f6f, 0x962e, 0x854a, 0x745e, + 0x9510, 0x95f0, 0x6da6, 0x82e5, 0x5f31, 0x6492, 0x6d12, 0x8428, + 0x816e, 0x9cc3, 0x585e, 0x8d5b, 0x4e09, 0x53c1, + /* 0x49 */ + 0x4f1e, 0x6563, 0x6851, 0x55d3, 0x4e27, 0x6414, 0x9a9a, 0x626b, + 0x5ac2, 0x745f, 0x8272, 0x6da9, 0x68ee, 0x50e7, 0x838e, 0x7802, + 0x6740, 0x5239, 0x6c99, 0x7eb1, 0x50bb, 0x5565, 0x715e, 0x7b5b, + 0x6652, 0x73ca, 0x82eb, 0x6749, 0x5c71, 0x5220, 0x717d, 0x886b, + 0x95ea, 0x9655, 0x64c5, 0x8d61, 0x81b3, 0x5584, 0x6c55, 0x6247, + 0x7f2e, 0x5892, 0x4f24, 0x5546, 0x8d4f, 0x664c, 0x4e0a, 0x5c1a, + 0x88f3, 0x68a2, 0x634e, 0x7a0d, 0x70e7, 0x828d, 0x52fa, 0x97f6, + 0x5c11, 0x54e8, 0x90b5, 0x7ecd, 0x5962, 0x8d4a, 0x86c7, 0x820c, + 0x820d, 0x8d66, 0x6444, 0x5c04, 0x6151, 0x6d89, 0x793e, 0x8bbe, + 0x7837, 0x7533, 0x547b, 0x4f38, 0x8eab, 0x6df1, 0x5a20, 0x7ec5, + 0x795e, 0x6c88, 0x5ba1, 0x5a76, 0x751a, 0x80be, 0x614e, 0x6e17, + 0x58f0, 0x751f, 0x7525, 0x7272, 0x5347, 0x7ef3, + /* 0x4a */ + 0x7701, 0x76db, 0x5269, 0x80dc, 0x5723, 0x5e08, 0x5931, 0x72ee, + 0x65bd, 0x6e7f, 0x8bd7, 0x5c38, 0x8671, 0x5341, 0x77f3, 0x62fe, + 0x65f6, 0x4ec0, 0x98df, 0x8680, 0x5b9e, 0x8bc6, 0x53f2, 0x77e2, + 0x4f7f, 0x5c4e, 0x9a76, 0x59cb, 0x5f0f, 0x793a, 0x58eb, 0x4e16, + 0x67ff, 0x4e8b, 0x62ed, 0x8a93, 0x901d, 0x52bf, 0x662f, 0x55dc, + 0x566c, 0x9002, 0x4ed5, 0x4f8d, 0x91ca, 0x9970, 0x6c0f, 0x5e02, + 0x6043, 0x5ba4, 0x89c6, 0x8bd5, 0x6536, 0x624b, 0x9996, 0x5b88, + 0x5bff, 0x6388, 0x552e, 0x53d7, 0x7626, 0x517d, 0x852c, 0x67a2, + 0x68b3, 0x6b8a, 0x6292, 0x8f93, 0x53d4, 0x8212, 0x6dd1, 0x758f, + 0x4e66, 0x8d4e, 0x5b70, 0x719f, 0x85af, 0x6691, 0x66d9, 0x7f72, + 0x8700, 0x9ecd, 0x9f20, 0x5c5e, 0x672f, 0x8ff0, 0x6811, 0x675f, + 0x620d, 0x7ad6, 0x5885, 0x5eb6, 0x6570, 0x6f31, + /* 0x4b */ + 0x6055, 0x5237, 0x800d, 0x6454, 0x8870, 0x7529, 0x5e05, 0x6813, + 0x62f4, 0x971c, 0x53cc, 0x723d, 0x8c01, 0x6c34, 0x7761, 0x7a0e, + 0x542e, 0x77ac, 0x987a, 0x821c, 0x8bf4, 0x7855, 0x6714, 0x70c1, + 0x65af, 0x6495, 0x5636, 0x601d, 0x79c1, 0x53f8, 0x4e1d, 0x6b7b, + 0x8086, 0x5bfa, 0x55e3, 0x56db, 0x4f3a, 0x4f3c, 0x9972, 0x5df3, + 0x677e, 0x8038, 0x6002, 0x9882, 0x9001, 0x5b8b, 0x8bbc, 0x8bf5, + 0x641c, 0x8258, 0x64de, 0x55fd, 0x82cf, 0x9165, 0x4fd7, 0x7d20, + 0x901f, 0x7c9f, 0x50f3, 0x5851, 0x6eaf, 0x5bbf, 0x8bc9, 0x8083, + 0x9178, 0x849c, 0x7b97, 0x867d, 0x968b, 0x968f, 0x7ee5, 0x9ad3, + 0x788e, 0x5c81, 0x7a57, 0x9042, 0x96a7, 0x795f, 0x5b59, 0x635f, + 0x7b0b, 0x84d1, 0x68ad, 0x5506, 0x7f29, 0x7410, 0x7d22, 0x9501, + 0x6240, 0x584c, 0x4ed6, 0x5b83, 0x5979, 0x5854, + /* 0x4c */ + 0x736d, 0x631e, 0x8e4b, 0x8e0f, 0x80ce, 0x82d4, 0x62ac, 0x53f0, + 0x6cf0, 0x915e, 0x592a, 0x6001, 0x6c70, 0x574d, 0x644a, 0x8d2a, + 0x762b, 0x6ee9, 0x575b, 0x6a80, 0x75f0, 0x6f6d, 0x8c2d, 0x8c08, + 0x5766, 0x6bef, 0x8892, 0x78b3, 0x63a2, 0x53f9, 0x70ad, 0x6c64, + 0x5858, 0x642a, 0x5802, 0x68e0, 0x819b, 0x5510, 0x7cd6, 0x5018, + 0x8eba, 0x6dcc, 0x8d9f, 0x70eb, 0x638f, 0x6d9b, 0x6ed4, 0x7ee6, + 0x8404, 0x6843, 0x9003, 0x6dd8, 0x9676, 0x8ba8, 0x5957, 0x7279, + 0x85e4, 0x817e, 0x75bc, 0x8a8a, 0x68af, 0x5254, 0x8e22, 0x9511, + 0x63d0, 0x9898, 0x8e44, 0x557c, 0x4f53, 0x66ff, 0x568f, 0x60d5, + 0x6d95, 0x5243, 0x5c49, 0x5929, 0x6dfb, 0x586b, 0x7530, 0x751c, + 0x606c, 0x8214, 0x8146, 0x6311, 0x6761, 0x8fe2, 0x773a, 0x8df3, + 0x8d34, 0x94c1, 0x5e16, 0x5385, 0x542c, 0x70c3, + /* 0x4d */ + 0x6c40, 0x5ef7, 0x505c, 0x4ead, 0x5ead, 0x633a, 0x8247, 0x901a, + 0x6850, 0x916e, 0x77b3, 0x540c, 0x94dc, 0x5f64, 0x7ae5, 0x6876, + 0x6345, 0x7b52, 0x7edf, 0x75db, 0x5077, 0x6295, 0x5934, 0x900f, + 0x51f8, 0x79c3, 0x7a81, 0x56fe, 0x5f92, 0x9014, 0x6d82, 0x5c60, + 0x571f, 0x5410, 0x5154, 0x6e4d, 0x56e2, 0x63a8, 0x9893, 0x817f, + 0x8715, 0x892a, 0x9000, 0x541e, 0x5c6f, 0x81c0, 0x62d6, 0x6258, + 0x8131, 0x9e35, 0x9640, 0x9a6e, 0x9a7c, 0x692d, 0x59a5, 0x62d3, + 0x553e, 0x6316, 0x54c7, 0x86d9, 0x6d3c, 0x5a03, 0x74e6, 0x889c, + 0x6b6a, 0x5916, 0x8c4c, 0x5f2f, 0x6e7e, 0x73a9, 0x987d, 0x4e38, + 0x70f7, 0x5b8c, 0x7897, 0x633d, 0x665a, 0x7696, 0x60cb, 0x5b9b, + 0x5a49, 0x4e07, 0x8155, 0x6c6a, 0x738b, 0x4ea1, 0x6789, 0x7f51, + 0x5f80, 0x65fa, 0x671b, 0x5fd8, 0x5984, 0x5a01, + /* 0x4e */ + 0x5dcd, 0x5fae, 0x5371, 0x97e6, 0x8fdd, 0x6845, 0x56f4, 0x552f, + 0x60df, 0x4e3a, 0x6f4d, 0x7ef4, 0x82c7, 0x840e, 0x59d4, 0x4f1f, + 0x4f2a, 0x5c3e, 0x7eac, 0x672a, 0x851a, 0x5473, 0x754f, 0x80c3, + 0x5582, 0x9b4f, 0x4f4d, 0x6e2d, 0x8c13, 0x5c09, 0x6170, 0x536b, + 0x761f, 0x6e29, 0x868a, 0x6587, 0x95fb, 0x7eb9, 0x543b, 0x7a33, + 0x7d0a, 0x95ee, 0x55e1, 0x7fc1, 0x74ee, 0x631d, 0x8717, 0x6da1, + 0x7a9d, 0x6211, 0x65a1, 0x5367, 0x63e1, 0x6c83, 0x5deb, 0x545c, + 0x94a8, 0x4e4c, 0x6c61, 0x8bec, 0x5c4b, 0x65e0, 0x829c, 0x68a7, + 0x543e, 0x5434, 0x6bcb, 0x6b66, 0x4e94, 0x6342, 0x5348, 0x821e, + 0x4f0d, 0x4fae, 0x575e, 0x620a, 0x96fe, 0x6664, 0x7269, 0x52ff, + 0x52a1, 0x609f, 0x8bef, 0x6614, 0x7199, 0x6790, 0x897f, 0x7852, + 0x77fd, 0x6670, 0x563b, 0x5438, 0x9521, 0x727a, + /* 0x4f */ + 0x7a00, 0x606f, 0x5e0c, 0x6089, 0x819d, 0x5915, 0x60dc, 0x7184, + 0x70ef, 0x6eaa, 0x6c50, 0x7280, 0x6a84, 0x88ad, 0x5e2d, 0x4e60, + 0x5ab3, 0x559c, 0x94e3, 0x6d17, 0x7cfb, 0x9699, 0x620f, 0x7ec6, + 0x778e, 0x867e, 0x5323, 0x971e, 0x8f96, 0x6687, 0x5ce1, 0x4fa0, + 0x72ed, 0x4e0b, 0x53a6, 0x590f, 0x5413, 0x6380, 0x9528, 0x5148, + 0x4ed9, 0x9c9c, 0x7ea4, 0x54b8, 0x8d24, 0x8854, 0x8237, 0x95f2, + 0x6d8e, 0x5f26, 0x5acc, 0x663e, 0x9669, 0x73b0, 0x732e, 0x53bf, + 0x817a, 0x9985, 0x7fa1, 0x5baa, 0x9677, 0x9650, 0x7ebf, 0x76f8, + 0x53a2, 0x9576, 0x9999, 0x7bb1, 0x8944, 0x6e58, 0x4e61, 0x7fd4, + 0x7965, 0x8be6, 0x60f3, 0x54cd, 0x4eab, 0x9879, 0x5df7, 0x6a61, + 0x50cf, 0x5411, 0x8c61, 0x8427, 0x785d, 0x9704, 0x524a, 0x54ee, + 0x56a3, 0x9500, 0x6d88, 0x5bb5, 0x6dc6, 0x6653, + /* 0x50 */ + 0x5c0f, 0x5b5d, 0x6821, 0x8096, 0x5578, 0x7b11, 0x6548, 0x6954, + 0x4e9b, 0x6b47, 0x874e, 0x978b, 0x534f, 0x631f, 0x643a, 0x90aa, + 0x659c, 0x80c1, 0x8c10, 0x5199, 0x68b0, 0x5378, 0x87f9, 0x61c8, + 0x6cc4, 0x6cfb, 0x8c22, 0x5c51, 0x85aa, 0x82af, 0x950c, 0x6b23, + 0x8f9b, 0x65b0, 0x5ffb, 0x5fc3, 0x4fe1, 0x8845, 0x661f, 0x8165, + 0x7329, 0x60fa, 0x5174, 0x5211, 0x578b, 0x5f62, 0x90a2, 0x884c, + 0x9192, 0x5e78, 0x674f, 0x6027, 0x59d3, 0x5144, 0x51f6, 0x80f8, + 0x5308, 0x6c79, 0x96c4, 0x718a, 0x4f11, 0x4fee, 0x7f9e, 0x673d, + 0x55c5, 0x9508, 0x79c0, 0x8896, 0x7ee3, 0x589f, 0x620c, 0x9700, + 0x865a, 0x5618, 0x987b, 0x5f90, 0x8bb8, 0x84c4, 0x9157, 0x53d9, + 0x65ed, 0x5e8f, 0x755c, 0x6064, 0x7d6e, 0x5a7f, 0x7eea, 0x7eed, + 0x8f69, 0x55a7, 0x5ba3, 0x60ac, 0x65cb, 0x7384, + /* 0x51 */ + 0x9009, 0x7663, 0x7729, 0x7eda, 0x9774, 0x859b, 0x5b66, 0x7a74, + 0x96ea, 0x8840, 0x52cb, 0x718f, 0x5faa, 0x65ec, 0x8be2, 0x5bfb, + 0x9a6f, 0x5de1, 0x6b89, 0x6c5b, 0x8bad, 0x8baf, 0x900a, 0x8fc5, + 0x538b, 0x62bc, 0x9e26, 0x9e2d, 0x5440, 0x4e2b, 0x82bd, 0x7259, + 0x869c, 0x5d16, 0x8859, 0x6daf, 0x96c5, 0x54d1, 0x4e9a, 0x8bb6, + 0x7109, 0x54bd, 0x9609, 0x70df, 0x6df9, 0x76d0, 0x4e25, 0x7814, + 0x8712, 0x5ca9, 0x5ef6, 0x8a00, 0x989c, 0x960e, 0x708e, 0x6cbf, + 0x5944, 0x63a9, 0x773c, 0x884d, 0x6f14, 0x8273, 0x5830, 0x71d5, + 0x538c, 0x781a, 0x96c1, 0x5501, 0x5f66, 0x7130, 0x5bb4, 0x8c1a, + 0x9a8c, 0x6b83, 0x592e, 0x9e2f, 0x79e7, 0x6768, 0x626c, 0x4f6f, + 0x75a1, 0x7f8a, 0x6d0b, 0x9633, 0x6c27, 0x4ef0, 0x75d2, 0x517b, + 0x6837, 0x6f3e, 0x9080, 0x8170, 0x5996, 0x7476, + /* 0x52 */ + 0x6447, 0x5c27, 0x9065, 0x7a91, 0x8c23, 0x59da, 0x54ac, 0x8200, + 0x836f, 0x8981, 0x8000, 0x6930, 0x564e, 0x8036, 0x7237, 0x91ce, + 0x51b6, 0x4e5f, 0x9875, 0x6396, 0x4e1a, 0x53f6, 0x66f3, 0x814b, + 0x591c, 0x6db2, 0x4e00, 0x58f9, 0x533b, 0x63d6, 0x94f1, 0x4f9d, + 0x4f0a, 0x8863, 0x9890, 0x5937, 0x9057, 0x79fb, 0x4eea, 0x80f0, + 0x7591, 0x6c82, 0x5b9c, 0x59e8, 0x5f5d, 0x6905, 0x8681, 0x501a, + 0x5df2, 0x4e59, 0x77e3, 0x4ee5, 0x827a, 0x6291, 0x6613, 0x9091, + 0x5c79, 0x4ebf, 0x5f79, 0x81c6, 0x9038, 0x8084, 0x75ab, 0x4ea6, + 0x88d4, 0x610f, 0x6bc5, 0x5fc6, 0x4e49, 0x76ca, 0x6ea2, 0x8be3, + 0x8bae, 0x8c0a, 0x8bd1, 0x5f02, 0x7ffc, 0x7fcc, 0x7ece, 0x8335, + 0x836b, 0x56e0, 0x6bb7, 0x97f3, 0x9634, 0x59fb, 0x541f, 0x94f6, + 0x6deb, 0x5bc5, 0x996e, 0x5c39, 0x5f15, 0x9690, + /* 0x53 */ + 0x5370, 0x82f1, 0x6a31, 0x5a74, 0x9e70, 0x5e94, 0x7f28, 0x83b9, + 0x8424, 0x8425, 0x8367, 0x8747, 0x8fce, 0x8d62, 0x76c8, 0x5f71, + 0x9896, 0x786c, 0x6620, 0x54df, 0x62e5, 0x4f63, 0x81c3, 0x75c8, + 0x5eb8, 0x96cd, 0x8e0a, 0x86f9, 0x548f, 0x6cf3, 0x6d8c, 0x6c38, + 0x607f, 0x52c7, 0x7528, 0x5e7d, 0x4f18, 0x60a0, 0x5fe7, 0x5c24, + 0x7531, 0x90ae, 0x94c0, 0x72b9, 0x6cb9, 0x6e38, 0x9149, 0x6709, + 0x53cb, 0x53f3, 0x4f51, 0x91c9, 0x8bf1, 0x53c8, 0x5e7c, 0x8fc2, + 0x6de4, 0x4e8e, 0x76c2, 0x6986, 0x865e, 0x611a, 0x8206, 0x4f59, + 0x4fde, 0x903e, 0x9c7c, 0x6109, 0x6e1d, 0x6e14, 0x9685, 0x4e88, + 0x5a31, 0x96e8, 0x4e0e, 0x5c7f, 0x79b9, 0x5b87, 0x8bed, 0x7fbd, + 0x7389, 0x57df, 0x828b, 0x90c1, 0x5401, 0x9047, 0x55bb, 0x5cea, + 0x5fa1, 0x6108, 0x6b32, 0x72f1, 0x80b2, 0x8a89, + /* 0x54 */ + 0x6d74, 0x5bd3, 0x88d5, 0x9884, 0x8c6b, 0x9a6d, 0x9e33, 0x6e0a, + 0x51a4, 0x5143, 0x57a3, 0x8881, 0x539f, 0x63f4, 0x8f95, 0x56ed, + 0x5458, 0x5706, 0x733f, 0x6e90, 0x7f18, 0x8fdc, 0x82d1, 0x613f, + 0x6028, 0x9662, 0x66f0, 0x7ea6, 0x8d8a, 0x8dc3, 0x94a5, 0x5cb3, + 0x7ca4, 0x6708, 0x60a6, 0x9605, 0x8018, 0x4e91, 0x90e7, 0x5300, + 0x9668, 0x5141, 0x8fd0, 0x8574, 0x915d, 0x6655, 0x97f5, 0x5b55, + 0x531d, 0x7838, 0x6742, 0x683d, 0x54c9, 0x707e, 0x5bb0, 0x8f7d, + 0x518d, 0x5728, 0x54b1, 0x6512, 0x6682, 0x8d5e, 0x8d43, 0x810f, + 0x846c, 0x906d, 0x7cdf, 0x51ff, 0x85fb, 0x67a3, 0x65e9, 0x6fa1, + 0x86a4, 0x8e81, 0x566a, 0x9020, 0x7682, 0x7076, 0x71e5, 0x8d23, + 0x62e9, 0x5219, 0x6cfd, 0x8d3c, 0x600e, 0x589e, 0x618e, 0x66fe, + 0x8d60, 0x624e, 0x55b3, 0x6e23, 0x672d, 0x8f67, + /* 0x55 */ + 0x94e1, 0x95f8, 0x7728, 0x6805, 0x69a8, 0x548b, 0x4e4d, 0x70b8, + 0x8bc8, 0x6458, 0x658b, 0x5b85, 0x7a84, 0x503a, 0x5be8, 0x77bb, + 0x6be1, 0x8a79, 0x7c98, 0x6cbe, 0x76cf, 0x65a9, 0x8f97, 0x5d2d, + 0x5c55, 0x8638, 0x6808, 0x5360, 0x6218, 0x7ad9, 0x6e5b, 0x7efd, + 0x6a1f, 0x7ae0, 0x5f70, 0x6f33, 0x5f20, 0x638c, 0x6da8, 0x6756, + 0x4e08, 0x5e10, 0x8d26, 0x4ed7, 0x80c0, 0x7634, 0x969c, 0x62db, + 0x662d, 0x627e, 0x6cbc, 0x8d75, 0x7167, 0x7f69, 0x5146, 0x8087, + 0x53ec, 0x906e, 0x6298, 0x54f2, 0x86f0, 0x8f99, 0x8005, 0x9517, + 0x8517, 0x8fd9, 0x6d59, 0x73cd, 0x659f, 0x771f, 0x7504, 0x7827, + 0x81fb, 0x8d1e, 0x9488, 0x4fa6, 0x6795, 0x75b9, 0x8bca, 0x9707, + 0x632f, 0x9547, 0x9635, 0x84b8, 0x6323, 0x7741, 0x5f81, 0x72f0, + 0x4e89, 0x6014, 0x6574, 0x62ef, 0x6b63, 0x653f, + /* 0x56 */ + 0x5e27, 0x75c7, 0x90d1, 0x8bc1, 0x829d, 0x679d, 0x652f, 0x5431, + 0x8718, 0x77e5, 0x80a2, 0x8102, 0x6c41, 0x4e4b, 0x7ec7, 0x804c, + 0x76f4, 0x690d, 0x6b96, 0x6267, 0x503c, 0x4f84, 0x5740, 0x6307, + 0x6b62, 0x8dbe, 0x53ea, 0x65e8, 0x7eb8, 0x5fd7, 0x631a, 0x63b7, + 0x81f3, 0x81f4, 0x7f6e, 0x5e1c, 0x5cd9, 0x5236, 0x667a, 0x79e9, + 0x7a1a, 0x8d28, 0x7099, 0x75d4, 0x6ede, 0x6cbb, 0x7a92, 0x4e2d, + 0x76c5, 0x5fe0, 0x949f, 0x8877, 0x7ec8, 0x79cd, 0x80bf, 0x91cd, + 0x4ef2, 0x4f17, 0x821f, 0x5468, 0x5dde, 0x6d32, 0x8bcc, 0x7ca5, + 0x8f74, 0x8098, 0x5e1a, 0x5492, 0x76b1, 0x5b99, 0x663c, 0x9aa4, + 0x73e0, 0x682a, 0x86db, 0x6731, 0x732a, 0x8bf8, 0x8bdb, 0x9010, + 0x7af9, 0x70db, 0x716e, 0x62c4, 0x77a9, 0x5631, 0x4e3b, 0x8457, + 0x67f1, 0x52a9, 0x86c0, 0x8d2e, 0x94f8, 0x7b51, + /* 0x57 */ + 0x4f4f, 0x6ce8, 0x795d, 0x9a7b, 0x6293, 0x722a, 0x62fd, 0x4e13, + 0x7816, 0x8f6c, 0x64b0, 0x8d5a, 0x7bc6, 0x6869, 0x5e84, 0x88c5, + 0x5986, 0x649e, 0x58ee, 0x72b6, 0x690e, 0x9525, 0x8ffd, 0x8d58, + 0x5760, 0x7f00, 0x8c06, 0x51c6, 0x6349, 0x62d9, 0x5353, 0x684c, + 0x7422, 0x8301, 0x914c, 0x5544, 0x7740, 0x707c, 0x6d4a, 0x5179, + 0x54a8, 0x8d44, 0x59ff, 0x6ecb, 0x6dc4, 0x5b5c, 0x7d2b, 0x4ed4, + 0x7c7d, 0x6ed3, 0x5b50, 0x81ea, 0x6e0d, 0x5b57, 0x9b03, 0x68d5, + 0x8e2a, 0x5b97, 0x7efc, 0x603b, 0x7eb5, 0x90b9, 0x8d70, 0x594f, + 0x63cd, 0x79df, 0x8db3, 0x5352, 0x65cf, 0x7956, 0x8bc5, 0x963b, + 0x7ec4, 0x94bb, 0x7e82, 0x5634, 0x9189, 0x6700, 0x7f6a, 0x5c0a, + 0x9075, 0x6628, 0x5de6, 0x4f50, 0x67de, 0x505a, 0x4f5c, 0x5750, + 0x5ea7, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0x58 */ + 0x4e8d, 0x4e0c, 0x5140, 0x4e10, 0x5eff, 0x5345, 0x4e15, 0x4e98, + 0x4e1e, 0x9b32, 0x5b6c, 0x5669, 0x4e28, 0x79ba, 0x4e3f, 0x5315, + 0x4e47, 0x592d, 0x723b, 0x536e, 0x6c10, 0x56df, 0x80e4, 0x9997, + 0x6bd3, 0x777e, 0x9f17, 0x4e36, 0x4e9f, 0x9f10, 0x4e5c, 0x4e69, + 0x4e93, 0x8288, 0x5b5b, 0x556c, 0x560f, 0x4ec4, 0x538d, 0x539d, + 0x53a3, 0x53a5, 0x53ae, 0x9765, 0x8d5d, 0x531a, 0x53f5, 0x5326, + 0x532e, 0x533e, 0x8d5c, 0x5366, 0x5363, 0x5202, 0x5208, 0x520e, + 0x522d, 0x5233, 0x523f, 0x5240, 0x524c, 0x525e, 0x5261, 0x525c, + 0x84af, 0x527d, 0x5282, 0x5281, 0x5290, 0x5293, 0x5182, 0x7f54, + 0x4ebb, 0x4ec3, 0x4ec9, 0x4ec2, 0x4ee8, 0x4ee1, 0x4eeb, 0x4ede, + 0x4f1b, 0x4ef3, 0x4f22, 0x4f64, 0x4ef5, 0x4f25, 0x4f27, 0x4f09, + 0x4f2b, 0x4f5e, 0x4f67, 0x6538, 0x4f5a, 0x4f5d, + /* 0x59 */ + 0x4f5f, 0x4f57, 0x4f32, 0x4f3d, 0x4f76, 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0x835e, 0x832f, 0x834f, 0x8347, 0x8343, 0x835f, 0x8340, 0x8317, + 0x8360, 0x832d, 0x833a, 0x8333, 0x8366, 0x8365, + /* 0x5d */ + 0x8368, 0x831b, 0x8369, 0x836c, 0x836a, 0x836d, 0x836e, 0x83b0, + 0x8378, 0x83b3, 0x83b4, 0x83a0, 0x83aa, 0x8393, 0x839c, 0x8385, + 0x837c, 0x83b6, 0x83a9, 0x837d, 0x83b8, 0x837b, 0x8398, 0x839e, + 0x83a8, 0x83ba, 0x83bc, 0x83c1, 0x8401, 0x83e5, 0x83d8, 0x5807, + 0x8418, 0x840b, 0x83dd, 0x83fd, 0x83d6, 0x841c, 0x8438, 0x8411, + 0x8406, 0x83d4, 0x83df, 0x840f, 0x8403, 0x83f8, 0x83f9, 0x83ea, + 0x83c5, 0x83c0, 0x8426, 0x83f0, 0x83e1, 0x845c, 0x8451, 0x845a, + 0x8459, 0x8473, 0x8487, 0x8488, 0x847a, 0x8489, 0x8478, 0x843c, + 0x8446, 0x8469, 0x8476, 0x848c, 0x848e, 0x8431, 0x846d, 0x84c1, + 0x84cd, 0x84d0, 0x84e6, 0x84bd, 0x84d3, 0x84ca, 0x84bf, 0x84ba, + 0x84e0, 0x84a1, 0x84b9, 0x84b4, 0x8497, 0x84e5, 0x84e3, 0x850c, + 0x750d, 0x8538, 0x84f0, 0x8539, 0x851f, 0x853a, + /* 0x5e */ + 0x8556, 0x853b, 0x84ff, 0x84fc, 0x8559, 0x8548, 0x8568, 0x8564, + 0x855e, 0x857a, 0x77a2, 0x8543, 0x8572, 0x857b, 0x85a4, 0x85a8, + 0x8587, 0x858f, 0x8579, 0x85ae, 0x859c, 0x8585, 0x85b9, 0x85b7, + 0x85b0, 0x85d3, 0x85c1, 0x85dc, 0x85ff, 0x8627, 0x8605, 0x8629, + 0x8616, 0x863c, 0x5efe, 0x5f08, 0x593c, 0x5941, 0x8037, 0x5955, + 0x595a, 0x5958, 0x530f, 0x5c22, 0x5c25, 0x5c2c, 0x5c34, 0x624c, + 0x626a, 0x629f, 0x62bb, 0x62ca, 0x62da, 0x62d7, 0x62ee, 0x6322, + 0x62f6, 0x6339, 0x634b, 0x6343, 0x63ad, 0x63f6, 0x6371, 0x637a, + 0x638e, 0x63b4, 0x636d, 0x63ac, 0x638a, 0x6369, 0x63ae, 0x63bc, + 0x63f2, 0x63f8, 0x63e0, 0x63ff, 0x63c4, 0x63de, 0x63ce, 0x6452, + 0x63c6, 0x63be, 0x6445, 0x6441, 0x640b, 0x641b, 0x6420, 0x640c, + 0x6426, 0x6421, 0x645e, 0x6484, 0x646d, 0x6496, + /* 0x5f */ + 0x647a, 0x64b7, 0x64b8, 0x6499, 0x64ba, 0x64c0, 0x64d0, 0x64d7, + 0x64e4, 0x64e2, 0x6509, 0x6525, 0x652e, 0x5f0b, 0x5fd2, 0x7519, + 0x5f11, 0x535f, 0x53f1, 0x53fd, 0x53e9, 0x53e8, 0x53fb, 0x5412, + 0x5416, 0x5406, 0x544b, 0x5452, 0x5453, 0x5454, 0x5456, 0x5443, + 0x5421, 0x5457, 0x5459, 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0x72ef, 0x72e9, 0x72f2, + 0x72f4, 0x72f7, 0x7301, 0x72f3, 0x7303, 0x72fa, + /* 0x62 */ + 0x72fb, 0x7317, 0x7313, 0x7321, 0x730a, 0x731e, 0x731d, 0x7315, + 0x7322, 0x7339, 0x7325, 0x732c, 0x7338, 0x7331, 0x7350, 0x734d, + 0x7357, 0x7360, 0x736c, 0x736f, 0x737e, 0x821b, 0x5925, 0x98e7, + 0x5924, 0x5902, 0x9963, 0x9967, 0x9968, 0x9969, 0x996a, 0x996b, + 0x996c, 0x9974, 0x9977, 0x997d, 0x9980, 0x9984, 0x9987, 0x998a, + 0x998d, 0x9990, 0x9991, 0x9993, 0x9994, 0x9995, 0x5e80, 0x5e91, + 0x5e8b, 0x5e96, 0x5ea5, 0x5ea0, 0x5eb9, 0x5eb5, 0x5ebe, 0x5eb3, + 0x8d53, 0x5ed2, 0x5ed1, 0x5edb, 0x5ee8, 0x5eea, 0x81ba, 0x5fc4, + 0x5fc9, 0x5fd6, 0x5fcf, 0x6003, 0x5fee, 0x6004, 0x5fe1, 0x5fe4, + 0x5ffe, 0x6005, 0x6006, 0x5fea, 0x5fed, 0x5ff8, 0x6019, 0x6035, + 0x6026, 0x601b, 0x600f, 0x600d, 0x6029, 0x602b, 0x600a, 0x603f, + 0x6021, 0x6078, 0x6079, 0x607b, 0x607a, 0x6042, + /* 0x63 */ + 0x606a, 0x607d, 0x6096, 0x609a, 0x60ad, 0x609d, 0x6083, 0x6092, + 0x608c, 0x609b, 0x60ec, 0x60bb, 0x60b1, 0x60dd, 0x60d8, 0x60c6, + 0x60da, 0x60b4, 0x6120, 0x6126, 0x6115, 0x6123, 0x60f4, 0x6100, + 0x610e, 0x612b, 0x614a, 0x6175, 0x61ac, 0x6194, 0x61a7, 0x61b7, + 0x61d4, 0x61f5, 0x5fdd, 0x96b3, 0x95e9, 0x95eb, 0x95f1, 0x95f3, + 0x95f5, 0x95f6, 0x95fc, 0x95fe, 0x9603, 0x9604, 0x9606, 0x9608, + 0x960a, 0x960b, 0x960c, 0x960d, 0x960f, 0x9612, 0x9615, 0x9616, + 0x9617, 0x9619, 0x961a, 0x4e2c, 0x723f, 0x6215, 0x6c35, 0x6c54, + 0x6c5c, 0x6c4a, 0x6ca3, 0x6c85, 0x6c90, 0x6c94, 0x6c8c, 0x6c68, + 0x6c69, 0x6c74, 0x6c76, 0x6c86, 0x6ca9, 0x6cd0, 0x6cd4, 0x6cad, + 0x6cf7, 0x6cf8, 0x6cf1, 0x6cd7, 0x6cb2, 0x6ce0, 0x6cd6, 0x6cfa, + 0x6ceb, 0x6cee, 0x6cb1, 0x6cd3, 0x6cef, 0x6cfe, + /* 0x64 */ + 0x6d39, 0x6d27, 0x6d0c, 0x6d43, 0x6d48, 0x6d07, 0x6d04, 0x6d19, + 0x6d0e, 0x6d2b, 0x6d4d, 0x6d2e, 0x6d35, 0x6d1a, 0x6d4f, 0x6d52, + 0x6d54, 0x6d33, 0x6d91, 0x6d6f, 0x6d9e, 0x6da0, 0x6d5e, 0x6d93, + 0x6d94, 0x6d5c, 0x6d60, 0x6d7c, 0x6d63, 0x6e1a, 0x6dc7, 0x6dc5, + 0x6dde, 0x6e0e, 0x6dbf, 0x6de0, 0x6e11, 0x6de6, 0x6ddd, 0x6dd9, + 0x6e16, 0x6dab, 0x6e0c, 0x6dae, 0x6e2b, 0x6e6e, 0x6e4e, 0x6e6b, + 0x6eb2, 0x6e5f, 0x6e86, 0x6e53, 0x6e54, 0x6e32, 0x6e25, 0x6e44, + 0x6edf, 0x6eb1, 0x6e98, 0x6ee0, 0x6f2d, 0x6ee2, 0x6ea5, 0x6ea7, + 0x6ebd, 0x6ebb, 0x6eb7, 0x6ed7, 0x6eb4, 0x6ecf, 0x6e8f, 0x6ec2, + 0x6e9f, 0x6f62, 0x6f46, 0x6f47, 0x6f24, 0x6f15, 0x6ef9, 0x6f2f, + 0x6f36, 0x6f4b, 0x6f74, 0x6f2a, 0x6f09, 0x6f29, 0x6f89, 0x6f8d, + 0x6f8c, 0x6f78, 0x6f72, 0x6f7c, 0x6f7a, 0x6fd1, + /* 0x65 */ + 0x6fc9, 0x6fa7, 0x6fb9, 0x6fb6, 0x6fc2, 0x6fe1, 0x6fee, 0x6fde, + 0x6fe0, 0x6fef, 0x701a, 0x7023, 0x701b, 0x7039, 0x7035, 0x704f, + 0x705e, 0x5b80, 0x5b84, 0x5b95, 0x5b93, 0x5ba5, 0x5bb8, 0x752f, + 0x9a9e, 0x6434, 0x5be4, 0x5bee, 0x8930, 0x5bf0, 0x8e47, 0x8b07, + 0x8fb6, 0x8fd3, 0x8fd5, 0x8fe5, 0x8fee, 0x8fe4, 0x8fe9, 0x8fe6, + 0x8ff3, 0x8fe8, 0x9005, 0x9004, 0x900b, 0x9026, 0x9011, 0x900d, + 0x9016, 0x9021, 0x9035, 0x9036, 0x902d, 0x902f, 0x9044, 0x9051, + 0x9052, 0x9050, 0x9068, 0x9058, 0x9062, 0x905b, 0x66b9, 0x9074, + 0x907d, 0x9082, 0x9088, 0x9083, 0x908b, 0x5f50, 0x5f57, 0x5f56, + 0x5f58, 0x5c3b, 0x54ab, 0x5c50, 0x5c59, 0x5b71, 0x5c63, 0x5c66, + 0x7fbc, 0x5f2a, 0x5f29, 0x5f2d, 0x8274, 0x5f3c, 0x9b3b, 0x5c6e, + 0x5981, 0x5983, 0x598d, 0x59a9, 0x59aa, 0x59a3, + /* 0x66 */ + 0x5997, 0x59ca, 0x59ab, 0x599e, 0x59a4, 0x59d2, 0x59b2, 0x59af, + 0x59d7, 0x59be, 0x5a05, 0x5a06, 0x59dd, 0x5a08, 0x59e3, 0x59d8, + 0x59f9, 0x5a0c, 0x5a09, 0x5a32, 0x5a34, 0x5a11, 0x5a23, 0x5a13, + 0x5a40, 0x5a67, 0x5a4a, 0x5a55, 0x5a3c, 0x5a62, 0x5a75, 0x80ec, + 0x5aaa, 0x5a9b, 0x5a77, 0x5a7a, 0x5abe, 0x5aeb, 0x5ab2, 0x5ad2, + 0x5ad4, 0x5ab8, 0x5ae0, 0x5ae3, 0x5af1, 0x5ad6, 0x5ae6, 0x5ad8, + 0x5adc, 0x5b09, 0x5b17, 0x5b16, 0x5b32, 0x5b37, 0x5b40, 0x5c15, + 0x5c1c, 0x5b5a, 0x5b65, 0x5b73, 0x5b51, 0x5b53, 0x5b62, 0x9a75, + 0x9a77, 0x9a78, 0x9a7a, 0x9a7f, 0x9a7d, 0x9a80, 0x9a81, 0x9a85, + 0x9a88, 0x9a8a, 0x9a90, 0x9a92, 0x9a93, 0x9a96, 0x9a98, 0x9a9b, + 0x9a9c, 0x9a9d, 0x9a9f, 0x9aa0, 0x9aa2, 0x9aa3, 0x9aa5, 0x9aa7, + 0x7e9f, 0x7ea1, 0x7ea3, 0x7ea5, 0x7ea8, 0x7ea9, + /* 0x67 */ + 0x7ead, 0x7eb0, 0x7ebe, 0x7ec0, 0x7ec1, 0x7ec2, 0x7ec9, 0x7ecb, + 0x7ecc, 0x7ed0, 0x7ed4, 0x7ed7, 0x7edb, 0x7ee0, 0x7ee1, 0x7ee8, + 0x7eeb, 0x7eee, 0x7eef, 0x7ef1, 0x7ef2, 0x7f0d, 0x7ef6, 0x7efa, + 0x7efb, 0x7efe, 0x7f01, 0x7f02, 0x7f03, 0x7f07, 0x7f08, 0x7f0b, + 0x7f0c, 0x7f0f, 0x7f11, 0x7f12, 0x7f17, 0x7f19, 0x7f1c, 0x7f1b, + 0x7f1f, 0x7f21, 0x7f22, 0x7f23, 0x7f24, 0x7f25, 0x7f26, 0x7f27, + 0x7f2a, 0x7f2b, 0x7f2c, 0x7f2d, 0x7f2f, 0x7f30, 0x7f31, 0x7f32, + 0x7f33, 0x7f35, 0x5e7a, 0x757f, 0x5ddb, 0x753e, 0x9095, 0x738e, + 0x7391, 0x73ae, 0x73a2, 0x739f, 0x73cf, 0x73c2, 0x73d1, 0x73b7, + 0x73b3, 0x73c0, 0x73c9, 0x73c8, 0x73e5, 0x73d9, 0x987c, 0x740a, + 0x73e9, 0x73e7, 0x73de, 0x73ba, 0x73f2, 0x740f, 0x742a, 0x745b, + 0x7426, 0x7425, 0x7428, 0x7430, 0x742e, 0x742c, + /* 0x68 */ + 0x741b, 0x741a, 0x7441, 0x745c, 0x7457, 0x7455, 0x7459, 0x7477, + 0x746d, 0x747e, 0x749c, 0x748e, 0x7480, 0x7481, 0x7487, 0x748b, + 0x749e, 0x74a8, 0x74a9, 0x7490, 0x74a7, 0x74d2, 0x74ba, 0x97ea, + 0x97eb, 0x97ec, 0x674c, 0x6753, 0x675e, 0x6748, 0x6769, 0x67a5, + 0x6787, 0x676a, 0x6773, 0x6798, 0x67a7, 0x6775, 0x67a8, 0x679e, + 0x67ad, 0x678b, 0x6777, 0x677c, 0x67f0, 0x6809, 0x67d8, 0x680a, + 0x67e9, 0x67b0, 0x680c, 0x67d9, 0x67b5, 0x67da, 0x67b3, 0x67dd, + 0x6800, 0x67c3, 0x67b8, 0x67e2, 0x680e, 0x67c1, 0x67fd, 0x6832, + 0x6833, 0x6860, 0x6861, 0x684e, 0x6862, 0x6844, 0x6864, 0x6883, + 0x681d, 0x6855, 0x6866, 0x6841, 0x6867, 0x6840, 0x683e, 0x684a, + 0x6849, 0x6829, 0x68b5, 0x688f, 0x6874, 0x6877, 0x6893, 0x686b, + 0x68c2, 0x696e, 0x68fc, 0x691f, 0x6920, 0x68f9, + /* 0x69 */ + 0x6924, 0x68f0, 0x690b, 0x6901, 0x6957, 0x68e3, 0x6910, 0x6971, + 0x6939, 0x6960, 0x6942, 0x695d, 0x6984, 0x696b, 0x6980, 0x6998, + 0x6978, 0x6934, 0x69cc, 0x6987, 0x6988, 0x69ce, 0x6989, 0x6966, + 0x6963, 0x6979, 0x699b, 0x69a7, 0x69bb, 0x69ab, 0x69ad, 0x69d4, + 0x69b1, 0x69c1, 0x69ca, 0x69df, 0x6995, 0x69e0, 0x698d, 0x69ff, + 0x6a2f, 0x69ed, 0x6a17, 0x6a18, 0x6a65, 0x69f2, 0x6a44, 0x6a3e, + 0x6aa0, 0x6a50, 0x6a5b, 0x6a35, 0x6a8e, 0x6a79, 0x6a3d, 0x6a28, + 0x6a58, 0x6a7c, 0x6a91, 0x6a90, 0x6aa9, 0x6a97, 0x6aab, 0x7337, + 0x7352, 0x6b81, 0x6b82, 0x6b87, 0x6b84, 0x6b92, 0x6b93, 0x6b8d, + 0x6b9a, 0x6b9b, 0x6ba1, 0x6baa, 0x8f6b, 0x8f6d, 0x8f71, 0x8f72, + 0x8f73, 0x8f75, 0x8f76, 0x8f78, 0x8f77, 0x8f79, 0x8f7a, 0x8f7c, + 0x8f7e, 0x8f81, 0x8f82, 0x8f84, 0x8f87, 0x8f8b, + /* 0x6a */ + 0x8f8d, 0x8f8e, 0x8f8f, 0x8f98, 0x8f9a, 0x8ece, 0x620b, 0x6217, + 0x621b, 0x621f, 0x6222, 0x6221, 0x6225, 0x6224, 0x622c, 0x81e7, + 0x74ef, 0x74f4, 0x74ff, 0x750f, 0x7511, 0x7513, 0x6534, 0x65ee, + 0x65ef, 0x65f0, 0x660a, 0x6619, 0x6772, 0x6603, 0x6615, 0x6600, + 0x7085, 0x66f7, 0x661d, 0x6634, 0x6631, 0x6636, 0x6635, 0x8006, + 0x665f, 0x6654, 0x6641, 0x664f, 0x6656, 0x6661, 0x6657, 0x6677, + 0x6684, 0x668c, 0x66a7, 0x669d, 0x66be, 0x66db, 0x66dc, 0x66e6, + 0x66e9, 0x8d32, 0x8d33, 0x8d36, 0x8d3b, 0x8d3d, 0x8d40, 0x8d45, + 0x8d46, 0x8d48, 0x8d49, 0x8d47, 0x8d4d, 0x8d55, 0x8d59, 0x89c7, + 0x89ca, 0x89cb, 0x89cc, 0x89ce, 0x89cf, 0x89d0, 0x89d1, 0x726e, + 0x729f, 0x725d, 0x7266, 0x726f, 0x727e, 0x727f, 0x7284, 0x728b, + 0x728d, 0x728f, 0x7292, 0x6308, 0x6332, 0x63b0, + /* 0x6b */ + 0x643f, 0x64d8, 0x8004, 0x6bea, 0x6bf3, 0x6bfd, 0x6bf5, 0x6bf9, + 0x6c05, 0x6c07, 0x6c06, 0x6c0d, 0x6c15, 0x6c18, 0x6c19, 0x6c1a, + 0x6c21, 0x6c29, 0x6c24, 0x6c2a, 0x6c32, 0x6535, 0x6555, 0x656b, + 0x724d, 0x7252, 0x7256, 0x7230, 0x8662, 0x5216, 0x809f, 0x809c, + 0x8093, 0x80bc, 0x670a, 0x80bd, 0x80b1, 0x80ab, 0x80ad, 0x80b4, + 0x80b7, 0x80e7, 0x80e8, 0x80e9, 0x80ea, 0x80db, 0x80c2, 0x80c4, + 0x80d9, 0x80cd, 0x80d7, 0x6710, 0x80dd, 0x80eb, 0x80f1, 0x80f4, + 0x80ed, 0x810d, 0x810e, 0x80f2, 0x80fc, 0x6715, 0x8112, 0x8c5a, + 0x8136, 0x811e, 0x812c, 0x8118, 0x8132, 0x8148, 0x814c, 0x8153, + 0x8174, 0x8159, 0x815a, 0x8171, 0x8160, 0x8169, 0x817c, 0x817d, + 0x816d, 0x8167, 0x584d, 0x5ab5, 0x8188, 0x8182, 0x8191, 0x6ed5, + 0x81a3, 0x81aa, 0x81cc, 0x6726, 0x81ca, 0x81bb, + /* 0x6c */ + 0x81c1, 0x81a6, 0x6b24, 0x6b37, 0x6b39, 0x6b43, 0x6b46, 0x6b59, + 0x98d1, 0x98d2, 0x98d3, 0x98d5, 0x98d9, 0x98da, 0x6bb3, 0x5f40, + 0x6bc2, 0x89f3, 0x6590, 0x9f51, 0x6593, 0x65bc, 0x65c6, 0x65c4, + 0x65c3, 0x65cc, 0x65ce, 0x65d2, 0x65d6, 0x7080, 0x709c, 0x7096, + 0x709d, 0x70bb, 0x70c0, 0x70b7, 0x70ab, 0x70b1, 0x70e8, 0x70ca, + 0x7110, 0x7113, 0x7116, 0x712f, 0x7131, 0x7173, 0x715c, 0x7168, + 0x7145, 0x7172, 0x714a, 0x7178, 0x717a, 0x7198, 0x71b3, 0x71b5, + 0x71a8, 0x71a0, 0x71e0, 0x71d4, 0x71e7, 0x71f9, 0x721d, 0x7228, + 0x706c, 0x7118, 0x7166, 0x71b9, 0x623e, 0x623d, 0x6243, 0x6248, + 0x6249, 0x793b, 0x7940, 0x7946, 0x7949, 0x795b, 0x795c, 0x7953, + 0x795a, 0x7962, 0x7957, 0x7960, 0x796f, 0x7967, 0x797a, 0x7985, + 0x798a, 0x799a, 0x79a7, 0x79b3, 0x5fd1, 0x5fd0, + /* 0x6d */ + 0x603c, 0x605d, 0x605a, 0x6067, 0x6041, 0x6059, 0x6063, 0x60ab, + 0x6106, 0x610d, 0x615d, 0x61a9, 0x619d, 0x61cb, 0x61d1, 0x6206, + 0x8080, 0x807f, 0x6c93, 0x6cf6, 0x6dfc, 0x77f6, 0x77f8, 0x7800, + 0x7809, 0x7817, 0x7818, 0x7811, 0x65ab, 0x782d, 0x781c, 0x781d, + 0x7839, 0x783a, 0x783b, 0x781f, 0x783c, 0x7825, 0x782c, 0x7823, + 0x7829, 0x784e, 0x786d, 0x7856, 0x7857, 0x7826, 0x7850, 0x7847, + 0x784c, 0x786a, 0x789b, 0x7893, 0x789a, 0x7887, 0x789c, 0x78a1, + 0x78a3, 0x78b2, 0x78b9, 0x78a5, 0x78d4, 0x78d9, 0x78c9, 0x78ec, + 0x78f2, 0x7905, 0x78f4, 0x7913, 0x7924, 0x791e, 0x7934, 0x9f9b, + 0x9ef9, 0x9efb, 0x9efc, 0x76f1, 0x7704, 0x770d, 0x76f9, 0x7707, + 0x7708, 0x771a, 0x7722, 0x7719, 0x772d, 0x7726, 0x7735, 0x7738, + 0x7750, 0x7751, 0x7747, 0x7743, 0x775a, 0x7768, + /* 0x6e */ + 0x7762, 0x7765, 0x777f, 0x778d, 0x777d, 0x7780, 0x778c, 0x7791, + 0x779f, 0x77a0, 0x77b0, 0x77b5, 0x77bd, 0x753a, 0x7540, 0x754e, + 0x754b, 0x7548, 0x755b, 0x7572, 0x7579, 0x7583, 0x7f58, 0x7f61, + 0x7f5f, 0x8a48, 0x7f68, 0x7f74, 0x7f71, 0x7f79, 0x7f81, 0x7f7e, + 0x76cd, 0x76e5, 0x8832, 0x9485, 0x9486, 0x9487, 0x948b, 0x948a, + 0x948c, 0x948d, 0x948f, 0x9490, 0x9494, 0x9497, 0x9495, 0x949a, + 0x949b, 0x949c, 0x94a3, 0x94a4, 0x94ab, 0x94aa, 0x94ad, 0x94ac, + 0x94af, 0x94b0, 0x94b2, 0x94b4, 0x94b6, 0x94b7, 0x94b8, 0x94b9, + 0x94ba, 0x94bc, 0x94bd, 0x94bf, 0x94c4, 0x94c8, 0x94c9, 0x94ca, + 0x94cb, 0x94cc, 0x94cd, 0x94ce, 0x94d0, 0x94d1, 0x94d2, 0x94d5, + 0x94d6, 0x94d7, 0x94d9, 0x94d8, 0x94db, 0x94de, 0x94df, 0x94e0, + 0x94e2, 0x94e4, 0x94e5, 0x94e7, 0x94e8, 0x94ea, + /* 0x6f */ + 0x94e9, 0x94eb, 0x94ee, 0x94ef, 0x94f3, 0x94f4, 0x94f5, 0x94f7, + 0x94f9, 0x94fc, 0x94fd, 0x94ff, 0x9503, 0x9502, 0x9506, 0x9507, + 0x9509, 0x950a, 0x950d, 0x950e, 0x950f, 0x9512, 0x9513, 0x9514, + 0x9515, 0x9516, 0x9518, 0x951b, 0x951d, 0x951e, 0x951f, 0x9522, + 0x952a, 0x952b, 0x9529, 0x952c, 0x9531, 0x9532, 0x9534, 0x9536, + 0x9537, 0x9538, 0x953c, 0x953e, 0x953f, 0x9542, 0x9535, 0x9544, + 0x9545, 0x9546, 0x9549, 0x954c, 0x954e, 0x954f, 0x9552, 0x9553, + 0x9554, 0x9556, 0x9557, 0x9558, 0x9559, 0x955b, 0x955e, 0x955f, + 0x955d, 0x9561, 0x9562, 0x9564, 0x9565, 0x9566, 0x9567, 0x9568, + 0x9569, 0x956a, 0x956b, 0x956c, 0x956f, 0x9571, 0x9572, 0x9573, + 0x953a, 0x77e7, 0x77ec, 0x96c9, 0x79d5, 0x79ed, 0x79e3, 0x79eb, + 0x7a06, 0x5d47, 0x7a03, 0x7a02, 0x7a1e, 0x7a14, + /* 0x70 */ + 0x7a39, 0x7a37, 0x7a51, 0x9ecf, 0x99a5, 0x7a70, 0x7688, 0x768e, + 0x7693, 0x7699, 0x76a4, 0x74de, 0x74e0, 0x752c, 0x9e20, 0x9e22, + 0x9e28, 0x9e29, 0x9e2a, 0x9e2b, 0x9e2c, 0x9e32, 0x9e31, 0x9e36, + 0x9e38, 0x9e37, 0x9e39, 0x9e3a, 0x9e3e, 0x9e41, 0x9e42, 0x9e44, + 0x9e46, 0x9e47, 0x9e48, 0x9e49, 0x9e4b, 0x9e4c, 0x9e4e, 0x9e51, + 0x9e55, 0x9e57, 0x9e5a, 0x9e5b, 0x9e5c, 0x9e5e, 0x9e63, 0x9e66, + 0x9e67, 0x9e68, 0x9e69, 0x9e6a, 0x9e6b, 0x9e6c, 0x9e71, 0x9e6d, + 0x9e73, 0x7592, 0x7594, 0x7596, 0x75a0, 0x759d, 0x75ac, 0x75a3, + 0x75b3, 0x75b4, 0x75b8, 0x75c4, 0x75b1, 0x75b0, 0x75c3, 0x75c2, + 0x75d6, 0x75cd, 0x75e3, 0x75e8, 0x75e6, 0x75e4, 0x75eb, 0x75e7, + 0x7603, 0x75f1, 0x75fc, 0x75ff, 0x7610, 0x7600, 0x7605, 0x760c, + 0x7617, 0x760a, 0x7625, 0x7618, 0x7615, 0x7619, + /* 0x71 */ + 0x761b, 0x763c, 0x7622, 0x7620, 0x7640, 0x762d, 0x7630, 0x763f, + 0x7635, 0x7643, 0x763e, 0x7633, 0x764d, 0x765e, 0x7654, 0x765c, + 0x7656, 0x766b, 0x766f, 0x7fca, 0x7ae6, 0x7a78, 0x7a79, 0x7a80, + 0x7a86, 0x7a88, 0x7a95, 0x7aa6, 0x7aa0, 0x7aac, 0x7aa8, 0x7aad, + 0x7ab3, 0x8864, 0x8869, 0x8872, 0x887d, 0x887f, 0x8882, 0x88a2, + 0x88c6, 0x88b7, 0x88bc, 0x88c9, 0x88e2, 0x88ce, 0x88e3, 0x88e5, + 0x88f1, 0x891a, 0x88fc, 0x88e8, 0x88fe, 0x88f0, 0x8921, 0x8919, + 0x8913, 0x891b, 0x890a, 0x8934, 0x892b, 0x8936, 0x8941, 0x8966, + 0x897b, 0x758b, 0x80e5, 0x76b2, 0x76b4, 0x77dc, 0x8012, 0x8014, + 0x8016, 0x801c, 0x8020, 0x8022, 0x8025, 0x8026, 0x8027, 0x8029, + 0x8028, 0x8031, 0x800b, 0x8035, 0x8043, 0x8046, 0x804d, 0x8052, + 0x8069, 0x8071, 0x8983, 0x9878, 0x9880, 0x9883, + /* 0x72 */ + 0x9889, 0x988c, 0x988d, 0x988f, 0x9894, 0x989a, 0x989b, 0x989e, + 0x989f, 0x98a1, 0x98a2, 0x98a5, 0x98a6, 0x864d, 0x8654, 0x866c, + 0x866e, 0x867f, 0x867a, 0x867c, 0x867b, 0x86a8, 0x868d, 0x868b, + 0x86ac, 0x869d, 0x86a7, 0x86a3, 0x86aa, 0x8693, 0x86a9, 0x86b6, + 0x86c4, 0x86b5, 0x86ce, 0x86b0, 0x86ba, 0x86b1, 0x86af, 0x86c9, + 0x86cf, 0x86b4, 0x86e9, 0x86f1, 0x86f2, 0x86ed, 0x86f3, 0x86d0, + 0x8713, 0x86de, 0x86f4, 0x86df, 0x86d8, 0x86d1, 0x8703, 0x8707, + 0x86f8, 0x8708, 0x870a, 0x870d, 0x8709, 0x8723, 0x873b, 0x871e, + 0x8725, 0x872e, 0x871a, 0x873e, 0x8748, 0x8734, 0x8731, 0x8729, + 0x8737, 0x873f, 0x8782, 0x8722, 0x877d, 0x877e, 0x877b, 0x8760, + 0x8770, 0x874c, 0x876e, 0x878b, 0x8753, 0x8763, 0x877c, 0x8764, + 0x8759, 0x8765, 0x8793, 0x87af, 0x87a8, 0x87d2, + /* 0x73 */ + 0x87c6, 0x8788, 0x8785, 0x87ad, 0x8797, 0x8783, 0x87ab, 0x87e5, + 0x87ac, 0x87b5, 0x87b3, 0x87cb, 0x87d3, 0x87bd, 0x87d1, 0x87c0, + 0x87ca, 0x87db, 0x87ea, 0x87e0, 0x87ee, 0x8816, 0x8813, 0x87fe, + 0x880a, 0x881b, 0x8821, 0x8839, 0x883c, 0x7f36, 0x7f42, 0x7f44, + 0x7f45, 0x8210, 0x7afa, 0x7afd, 0x7b08, 0x7b03, 0x7b04, 0x7b15, + 0x7b0a, 0x7b2b, 0x7b0f, 0x7b47, 0x7b38, 0x7b2a, 0x7b19, 0x7b2e, + 0x7b31, 0x7b20, 0x7b25, 0x7b24, 0x7b33, 0x7b3e, 0x7b1e, 0x7b58, + 0x7b5a, 0x7b45, 0x7b75, 0x7b4c, 0x7b5d, 0x7b60, 0x7b6e, 0x7b7b, + 0x7b62, 0x7b72, 0x7b71, 0x7b90, 0x7ba6, 0x7ba7, 0x7bb8, 0x7bac, + 0x7b9d, 0x7ba8, 0x7b85, 0x7baa, 0x7b9c, 0x7ba2, 0x7bab, 0x7bb4, + 0x7bd1, 0x7bc1, 0x7bcc, 0x7bdd, 0x7bda, 0x7be5, 0x7be6, 0x7bea, + 0x7c0c, 0x7bfe, 0x7bfc, 0x7c0f, 0x7c16, 0x7c0b, + /* 0x74 */ + 0x7c1f, 0x7c2a, 0x7c26, 0x7c38, 0x7c41, 0x7c40, 0x81fe, 0x8201, + 0x8202, 0x8204, 0x81ec, 0x8844, 0x8221, 0x8222, 0x8223, 0x822d, + 0x822f, 0x8228, 0x822b, 0x8238, 0x823b, 0x8233, 0x8234, 0x823e, + 0x8244, 0x8249, 0x824b, 0x824f, 0x825a, 0x825f, 0x8268, 0x887e, + 0x8885, 0x8888, 0x88d8, 0x88df, 0x895e, 0x7f9d, 0x7f9f, 0x7fa7, + 0x7faf, 0x7fb0, 0x7fb2, 0x7c7c, 0x6549, 0x7c91, 0x7c9d, 0x7c9c, + 0x7c9e, 0x7ca2, 0x7cb2, 0x7cbc, 0x7cbd, 0x7cc1, 0x7cc7, 0x7ccc, + 0x7ccd, 0x7cc8, 0x7cc5, 0x7cd7, 0x7ce8, 0x826e, 0x66a8, 0x7fbf, + 0x7fce, 0x7fd5, 0x7fe5, 0x7fe1, 0x7fe6, 0x7fe9, 0x7fee, 0x7ff3, + 0x7cf8, 0x7d77, 0x7da6, 0x7dae, 0x7e47, 0x7e9b, 0x9eb8, 0x9eb4, + 0x8d73, 0x8d84, 0x8d94, 0x8d91, 0x8db1, 0x8d67, 0x8d6d, 0x8c47, + 0x8c49, 0x914a, 0x9150, 0x914e, 0x914f, 0x9164, + /* 0x75 */ + 0x9162, 0x9161, 0x9170, 0x9169, 0x916f, 0x917d, 0x917e, 0x9172, + 0x9174, 0x9179, 0x918c, 0x9185, 0x9190, 0x918d, 0x9191, 0x91a2, + 0x91a3, 0x91aa, 0x91ad, 0x91ae, 0x91af, 0x91b5, 0x91b4, 0x91ba, + 0x8c55, 0x9e7e, 0x8db8, 0x8deb, 0x8e05, 0x8e59, 0x8e69, 0x8db5, + 0x8dbf, 0x8dbc, 0x8dba, 0x8dc4, 0x8dd6, 0x8dd7, 0x8dda, 0x8dde, + 0x8dce, 0x8dcf, 0x8ddb, 0x8dc6, 0x8dec, 0x8df7, 0x8df8, 0x8de3, + 0x8df9, 0x8dfb, 0x8de4, 0x8e09, 0x8dfd, 0x8e14, 0x8e1d, 0x8e1f, + 0x8e2c, 0x8e2e, 0x8e23, 0x8e2f, 0x8e3a, 0x8e40, 0x8e39, 0x8e35, + 0x8e3d, 0x8e31, 0x8e49, 0x8e41, 0x8e42, 0x8e51, 0x8e52, 0x8e4a, + 0x8e70, 0x8e76, 0x8e7c, 0x8e6f, 0x8e74, 0x8e85, 0x8e8f, 0x8e94, + 0x8e90, 0x8e9c, 0x8e9e, 0x8c78, 0x8c82, 0x8c8a, 0x8c85, 0x8c98, + 0x8c94, 0x659b, 0x89d6, 0x89de, 0x89da, 0x89dc, + /* 0x76 */ + 0x89e5, 0x89eb, 0x89ef, 0x8a3e, 0x8b26, 0x9753, 0x96e9, 0x96f3, + 0x96ef, 0x9706, 0x9701, 0x9708, 0x970f, 0x970e, 0x972a, 0x972d, + 0x9730, 0x973e, 0x9f80, 0x9f83, 0x9f85, 0x9f86, 0x9f87, 0x9f88, + 0x9f89, 0x9f8a, 0x9f8c, 0x9efe, 0x9f0b, 0x9f0d, 0x96b9, 0x96bc, + 0x96bd, 0x96ce, 0x96d2, 0x77bf, 0x96e0, 0x928e, 0x92ae, 0x92c8, + 0x933e, 0x936a, 0x93ca, 0x938f, 0x943e, 0x946b, 0x9c7f, 0x9c82, + 0x9c85, 0x9c86, 0x9c87, 0x9c88, 0x7a23, 0x9c8b, 0x9c8e, 0x9c90, + 0x9c91, 0x9c92, 0x9c94, 0x9c95, 0x9c9a, 0x9c9b, 0x9c9e, 0x9c9f, + 0x9ca0, 0x9ca1, 0x9ca2, 0x9ca3, 0x9ca5, 0x9ca6, 0x9ca7, 0x9ca8, + 0x9ca9, 0x9cab, 0x9cad, 0x9cae, 0x9cb0, 0x9cb1, 0x9cb2, 0x9cb3, + 0x9cb4, 0x9cb5, 0x9cb6, 0x9cb7, 0x9cba, 0x9cbb, 0x9cbc, 0x9cbd, + 0x9cc4, 0x9cc5, 0x9cc6, 0x9cc7, 0x9cca, 0x9ccb, + /* 0x77 */ + 0x9ccc, 0x9ccd, 0x9cce, 0x9ccf, 0x9cd0, 0x9cd3, 0x9cd4, 0x9cd5, + 0x9cd7, 0x9cd8, 0x9cd9, 0x9cdc, 0x9cdd, 0x9cdf, 0x9ce2, 0x977c, + 0x9785, 0x9791, 0x9792, 0x9794, 0x97af, 0x97ab, 0x97a3, 0x97b2, + 0x97b4, 0x9ab1, 0x9ab0, 0x9ab7, 0x9e58, 0x9ab6, 0x9aba, 0x9abc, + 0x9ac1, 0x9ac0, 0x9ac5, 0x9ac2, 0x9acb, 0x9acc, 0x9ad1, 0x9b45, + 0x9b43, 0x9b47, 0x9b49, 0x9b48, 0x9b4d, 0x9b51, 0x98e8, 0x990d, + 0x992e, 0x9955, 0x9954, 0x9adf, 0x9ae1, 0x9ae6, 0x9aef, 0x9aeb, + 0x9afb, 0x9aed, 0x9af9, 0x9b08, 0x9b0f, 0x9b13, 0x9b1f, 0x9b23, + 0x9ebd, 0x9ebe, 0x7e3b, 0x9e82, 0x9e87, 0x9e88, 0x9e8b, 0x9e92, + 0x93d6, 0x9e9d, 0x9e9f, 0x9edb, 0x9edc, 0x9edd, 0x9ee0, 0x9edf, + 0x9ee2, 0x9ee9, 0x9ee7, 0x9ee5, 0x9eea, 0x9eef, 0x9f22, 0x9f2c, + 0x9f2f, 0x9f39, 0x9f37, 0x9f3d, 0x9f3e, 0x9f44, +}; + +static int +gb2312_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 >= 0x21 && c1 <= 0x29) || (c1 >= 0x30 && c1 <= 0x77)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 < 0x7f) { + unsigned int i = 94 * (c1 - 0x21) + (c2 - 0x21); + unsigned short wc = 0xfffd; + if (i < 1410) { + if (i < 831) + wc = gb2312_2uni_page21[i]; + } else { + if (i < 8178) + wc = gb2312_2uni_page30[i-1410]; + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned short gb2312_2charset[7445] = { + 0x2168, 0x216c, 0x2127, 0x2163, 0x2140, 0x2141, 0x2824, 0x2822, + 0x2828, 0x2826, 0x283a, 0x282c, 0x282a, 0x2830, 0x282e, 0x2142, + 0x2834, 0x2832, 0x2839, 0x2821, 0x2825, 0x2827, 0x2829, 0x282d, + 0x2831, 0x2823, 0x282b, 0x282f, 0x2833, 0x2835, 0x2836, 0x2837, + 0x2838, 0x2126, 0x2125, 0x2621, 0x2622, 0x2623, 0x2624, 0x2625, + 0x2626, 0x2627, 0x2628, 0x2629, 0x262a, 0x262b, 0x262c, 0x262d, + 0x262e, 0x262f, 0x2630, 0x2631, 0x2632, 0x2633, 0x2634, 0x2635, + 0x2636, 0x2637, 0x2638, 0x2641, 0x2642, 0x2643, 0x2644, 0x2645, + 0x2646, 0x2647, 0x2648, 0x2649, 0x264a, 0x264b, 0x264c, 0x264d, + 0x264e, 0x264f, 0x2650, 0x2651, 0x2652, 0x2653, 0x2654, 0x2655, + 0x2656, 0x2657, 0x2658, 0x2727, 0x2721, 0x2722, 0x2723, 0x2724, + 0x2725, 0x2726, 0x2728, 0x2729, 0x272a, 0x272b, 0x272c, 0x272d, + 0x272e, 0x272f, 0x2730, 0x2731, 0x2732, 0x2733, 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0x3178, 0x4664, 0x3e5f, + 0x3564, 0x5748, 0x5178, 0x3c66, 0x4a5e, 0x3c3d, 0x5966, 0x5867, + 0x445a, 0x3854, 0x483d, 0x3261, 0x5459, 0x4330, 0x4361, 0x5a22, + 0x485f, 0x5034, 0x3e7c, 0x4529, 0x395a, 0x5a23, 0x5429, 0x5a24, + 0x597b, 0x362c, 0x376b, 0x3179, 0x597c, 0x3365, 0x3e76, 0x3f76, + 0x5231, 0x4064, 0x3633, 0x597e, 0x597d, 0x3e3b, 0x4660, 0x573c, + 0x5a21, 0x4139, 0x3572, 0x4168, 0x3c75, 0x3455, 0x415d, 0x447d, + 0x3c38, 0x3732, 0x376f, 0x596c, 0x463e, 0x3f2d, 0x3b4b, 0x354a, + 0x5b49, 0x5057, 0x4d39, 0x303c, 0x3376, 0x3b77, 0x5b4a, 0x3a2f, + 0x5464, 0x3536, 0x3573, 0x5856, 0x4850, 0x3756, 0x4750, 0x5857, + 0x3f2f, 0x5b3b, 0x5858, 0x504c, 0x3b2e, 0x6b3e, 0x4150, 0x4175, + 0x5472, 0x3855, 0x3434, 0x3375, 0x493e, 0x4550, 0x4559, 0x407b, + 0x3170, 0x5859, 0x394e, 0x353d, 0x585a, 0x5646, 0x4b22, 0x482f, + 0x4932, 0x344c, 0x3f4c, 0x3974, 0x585b, 0x585c, 0x3667, 0x3c41, + 0x4c6a, 0x4f77, 0x585d, 0x4730, 0x3950, 0x3d23, 0x4c5e, 0x464a, + 0x5860, 0x585e, 0x585f, 0x307e, 0x3e67, 0x4a23, 0x3c74, 0x3831, + 0x386e, 0x5862, 0x3d4b, 0x5864, 0x5863, 0x457c, 0x5865, 0x5866, + 0x4126, 0x4830, 0x306c, 0x3926, 0x3c53, 0x4e71, 0x5b3d, 0x4153, + 0x362f, 0x567a, 0x452c, 0x3d59, 0x5b3e, 0x5b3f, 0x4078, 0x3e22, + 0x404d, 0x5b40, 0x4a46, 0x322a, 0x5342, 0x4363, 0x512b, 0x5b42, + 0x4055, 0x5b43, 0x3f31, 0x443c, 0x475a, 0x5b44, 0x5968, 0x4957, + 0x3934, 0x4e70, 0x5448, 0x307c, 0x3452, 0x5059, 0x5969, 0x5e4b, + 0x596b, 0x5830, 0x3b2f, 0x3131, 0x3357, 0x584e, 0x5451, 0x3d33, + 0x3f6f, 0x4f3b, 0x5850, 0x374b, 0x5851, 0x4625, 0x4778, 0x523d, + 0x5852, 0x4464, 0x4a2e, 0x4727, 0x5826, 0x497d, 0x4e67, 0x3b5c, + 0x306b, 0x3b2a, 0x502d, 0x3130, 0x5764, 0x573f, 0x3525, 0x4274, + 0x444f, 0x3229, 0x3237, 0x3165, 0x5f32, 0x553c, 0x3f28, 0x422c, + 0x5855, 0x4231, 0x5854, 0x4e54, 0x5a60, 0x4e40, 0x5834, 0x432e, + 0x5321, 0x4e23, 0x3c34, 0x4834, 0x4251, 0x3e6d, 0x5036, 0x5a61, + 0x4764, 0x3327, 0x3672, 0x4c7c, 0x407a, 0x4077, 0x5139, 0x5161, + 0x5847, 0x325e, 0x4065, 0x3a71, 0x5848, 0x542d, 0x4f61, 0x5849, + 0x584a, 0x4f43, 0x3378, 0x3e47, 0x584b, 0x5b4c, 0x4825, 0x4f58, + 0x487e, 0x324e, 0x5356, 0x3266, 0x3c30, 0x5351, 0x4b2b, 0x3734, + 0x3722, 0x4a65, 0x4821, 0x4a5c, 0x3164, 0x5070, 0x4551, 0x5b45, + 0x357e, 0x3f5a, 0x3945, 0x3e64, 0x416d, 0x5f36, 0x5f35, 0x563b, + 0x3d50, 0x5559, 0x3048, 0x3623, 0x3f49, 0x4c28, 0x5f33, 0x4a37, + 0x5352, 0x584f, 0x5236, 0x3a45, 0x4b3e, 0x4c3e, 0x5f37, 0x3570, + 0x5f34, 0x5375, 0x3354, 0x3877, 0x5f3a, 0x3a4f, 0x3c2a, 0x3575, + 0x4d2c, 0x437b, 0x3a73, 0x4074, 0x4d42, 0x4f72, 0x5f38, 0x4f45, + 0x4240, 0x5f39, 0x4270, 0x3e7d, 0x415f, 0x4d4c, 0x5277, 0x374d, + 0x5f41, 0x5f44, 0x3771, 0x3049, 0x3656, 0x3754, 0x3a2c, 0x4c7d, + 0x3f54, 0x4b31, 0x4674, 0x5628, 0x5f45, 0x4e62, 0x3333, 0x4e7c, + 0x3435, 0x4e47, 0x3a70, 0x4e61, 0x513d, 0x5f40, 0x3474, 0x334a, + 0x3866, 0x5f3b, 0x4445, 0x5f3c, 0x5f3d, 0x5f3e, 0x453b, 0x5f3f, + 0x5f42, 0x5431, 0x5f43, 0x473a, 0x4e58, 0x4458, 0x5f4a, 0x5f4f, + 0x565c, 0x5f49, 0x5f5a, 0x4e36, 0x3a47, 0x5f4e, 0x5f48, 0x455e, + 0x496b, 0x3a74, 0x437c, 0x3e57, 0x5f46, 0x5f4d, 0x4558, 0x5526, + 0x3a4d, 0x3e4c, 0x533d, 0x3840, 0x5664, 0x5f47, 0x393e, 0x3f27, + 0x417c, 0x5f4b, 0x5f4c, 0x5f50, 0x5f5b, 0x5f65, 0x5f57, 0x5f56, + 0x5749, 0x5f63, 0x5f64, 0x656b, 0x5227, 0x5f52, 0x3f29, 0x545b, + 0x3f48, 0x5f54, 0x4f4c, 0x5f5d, 0x514a, 0x5f5e, 0x3027, 0x4637, + 0x5f53, 0x3a65, 0x365f, 0x4d5b, 0x397e, 0x5455, 0x5f5f, 0x4f6c, + 0x3025, 0x5f67, 0x5f51, 0x5146, 0x5f55, 0x5f58, 0x5f59, 0x5f5c, + 0x3b29, 0x5f60, 0x5f61, 0x5f62, 0x5f66, 0x5f68, 0x5334, 0x3867, + 0x4536, 0x5f6a, 0x495a, 0x4128, 0x4444, 0x3f5e, 0x4f78, 0x555c, + 0x5f6e, 0x3238, 0x3a5f, 0x5f6c, 0x5b41, 0x5164, 0x4b74, 0x343d, + 0x3026, 0x5f71, 0x4c46, 0x5f72, 0x5f6d, 0x5f69, 0x5f6b, 0x5f6f, + 0x5f70, 0x3b3d, 0x5f73, 0x5f74, 0x3b23, 0x4a5b, 0x4e28, 0x6027, + 0x332a, 0x6026, 0x6021, 0x5f7e, 0x4d59, 0x5f7c, 0x5f7a, 0x3f50, + 0x5744, 0x494c, 0x5f78, 0x3021, 0x5f7d, 0x5f7b, 0x6022, 0x6028, + 0x3748, 0x4621, 0x4936, 0x4032, 0x5f75, 0x453e, 0x5844, 0x5f79, + 0x4476, 0x6023, 0x6024, 0x6025, 0x5025, 0x6034, 0x4c64, 0x6031, + 0x3f26, 0x602f, 0x4e39, 0x602b, 0x4946, 0x402e, 0x602e, 0x3a6d, + 0x3a30, 0x6029, 0x5f76, 0x6033, 0x6038, 0x342d, 0x6039, 0x4f32, + 0x3a48, 0x6030, 0x507a, 0x602c, 0x547b, 0x5f77, 0x4567, 0x602d, + 0x5377, 0x6036, 0x6037, 0x6044, 0x5061, 0x603c, 0x6049, 0x604a, + 0x603e, 0x602a, 0x4924, 0x6041, 0x6032, 0x4a48, 0x6043, 0x6035, + 0x4e4b, 0x4b43, 0x604d, 0x6046, 0x6042, 0x604b, 0x603a, 0x603f, + 0x6040, 0x6045, 0x6047, 0x6048, 0x604c, 0x603b, 0x4b54, 0x6055, + 0x6056, 0x6052, 0x6050, 0x3c4e, 0x6051, 0x3842, 0x5845, 0x506a, + 0x426f, 0x604f, 0x603d, 0x6054, 0x6053, 0x6057, 0x605c, 0x6058, + 0x5676, 0x3330, 0x576c, 0x4b3b, 0x605a, 0x4e7b, 0x3a59, 0x6061, + 0x605d, 0x522d, 0x6062, 0x605b, 0x6059, 0x605f, 0x6060, 0x605e, + 0x6064, 0x4677, 0x582c, 0x546b, 0x6066, 0x4a49, 0x6065, 0x3841, + 0x6067, 0x6068, 0x6069, 0x6063, 0x3a3f, 0x4c67, 0x606a, 0x4f79, + 0x606b, 0x4842, 0x3d40, 0x4452, 0x606c, 0x606d, 0x4774, 0x4b44, + 0x606e, 0x3b58, 0x5836, 0x5272, 0x606f, 0x4d45, 0x365a, 0x6071, + 0x5430, 0x4027, 0x3451, 0x4e27, 0x6070, 0x6072, 0x394c, 0x397a, + 0x4d3c, 0x6073, 0x4654, 0x6074, 0x5432, 0x4826, 0x6076, 0x6075, + 0x6077, 0x4d41, 0x4a25, 0x545a, 0x5b57, 0x5b59, 0x5b58, 0x3967, + 0x5b5c, 0x5b5d, 0x3558, 0x5b5a, 0x5b5b, 0x3321, 0x5b5f, 0x3b78, + 0x5637, 0x5b60, 0x3e79, 0x373b, 0x5b50, 0x4c2e, 0x3f32, 0x3b35, + 0x5778, 0x3f53, 0x3f69, 0x3c61, 0x4c33, 0x5b5e, 0x3053, 0x4e6b, + 0x3758, 0x5739, 0x4642, 0x4024, 0x4c39, 0x5b67, 0x5b61, 0x463a, + 0x5b63, 0x5b68, 0x4577, 0x5b6a, 0x5b69, 0x3f40, 0x5b66, 0x5b65, + 0x3439, 0x402c, 0x4222, 0x5b62, 0x5b64, 0x504d, 0x5b6d, 0x405d, + 0x5b72, 0x3662, 0x5b73, 0x5b52, 0x3938, 0x542b, 0x5b6c, 0x3f51, + 0x5b70, 0x5b51, 0x3566, 0x5b6b, 0x3f65, 0x5b6e, 0x5b71, 0x5b79, + 0x3921, 0x3023, 0x4271, 0x3347, 0x5b6f, 0x5b78, 0x4652, 0x5b74, + 0x5b75, 0x5b77, 0x5b76, 0x5b7e, 0x5372, 0x323a, 0x5b7d, 0x5c24, + 0x5b7b, 0x5b7a, 0x5b7c, 0x4560, 0x3b79, 0x5c23, 0x5c25, 0x4c43, + 0x3651, 0x5d40, 0x5c21, 0x5c22, 0x4735, 0x3669, 0x5c27, 0x5c26, + 0x5c29, 0x3124, 0x354c, 0x3f30, 0x515f, 0x3642, 0x5c28, 0x4b7a, + 0x6b73, 0x4b5c, 0x4b7e, 0x4c41, 0x487b, 0x5c2a, 0x4c6e, 0x5c2b, + 0x5b53, 0x5c2f, 0x5c2c, 0x3e33, 0x4a7b, 0x5c2d, 0x494a, 0x4439, + 0x473d, 0x5c2e, 0x5476, 0x5066, 0x442b, 0x3655, 0x5b54, 0x315a, + 0x5b55, 0x5b56, 0x3a3e, 0x4840, 0x4a3f, 0x4849, 0x5733, 0x4979, + 0x3f47, 0x3a78, 0x523c, 0x623a, 0x3426, 0x3138, 0x3834, 0x4f44, + 0x5967, 0x4f26, 0x4d62, 0x596d, 0x3660, 0x5239, 0x393b, 0x6239, + 0x6237, 0x3473, 0x4c6c, 0x4c2b, 0x3772, 0x5832, 0x516b, 0x3a3b, + 0x4a27, 0x4d37, 0x5244, 0x3f64, 0x3c50, 0x3661, 0x5e45, 0x5e46, + 0x5b3c, 0x5159, 0x4666, 0x444e, 0x376e, 0x375c, 0x3f7c, 0x5760, + 0x4675, 0x313c, 0x5e48, 0x3d31, 0x4c57, 0x5e4a, 0x5e49, 0x356c, + 0x495d, 0x3042, 0x452e, 0x452b, 0x444c, 0x3c69, 0x4b7d, 0x3a43, + 0x6579, 0x4867, 0x657a, 0x4d7d, 0x5731, 0x383e, 0x4268, 0x4851, + 0x657b, 0x364a, 0x3c4b, 0x517d, 0x6621, 0x436e, 0x6624, 0x657e, + 0x6625, 0x4d57, 0x3741, 0x657c, 0x657d, 0x6623, 0x445d, 0x6628, + 0x6627, 0x4343, 0x465e, 0x662a, 0x4437, 0x6622, 0x4a3c, 0x3d63, + 0x3943, 0x6626, 0x5055, 0x4e2f, 0x6629, 0x6630, 0x5226, 0x3d2a, + 0x662d, 0x662f, 0x4051, 0x524c, 0x3c27, 0x6631, 0x5276, 0x574b, + 0x4d7e, 0x4d5e, 0x4226, 0x662b, 0x662c, 0x3d3f, 0x662e, 0x6633, + 0x6632, 0x6636, 0x6638, 0x446f, 0x4448, 0x3e6a, 0x496f, 0x6637, + 0x3670, 0x4364, 0x5369, 0x6634, 0x6635, 0x4822, 0x663d, 0x6639, + 0x4645, 0x4d71, 0x663b, 0x663c, 0x3b69, 0x663e, 0x663a, 0x4037, + 0x5324, 0x663f, 0x4974, 0x6643, 0x6644, 0x5076, 0x433d, 0x4344, + 0x6642, 0x6641, 0x6647, 0x4f31, 0x6b74, 0x664a, 0x6645, 0x3c5e, + 0x4929, 0x3c35, 0x4f53, 0x6648, 0x6649, 0x664e, 0x6650, 0x6651, + 0x664b, 0x3555, 0x664c, 0x664f, 0x445b, 0x6646, 0x664d, 0x6652, + 0x6654, 0x6653, 0x6655, 0x5978, 0x6656, 0x6657, 0x5753, 0x665d, + 0x665e, 0x3f57, 0x5450, 0x5756, 0x3466, 0x4b6f, 0x665a, 0x5843, + 0x574e, 0x5022, 0x434f, 0x665f, 0x3c3e, 0x3942, 0x665b, 0x5127, + 0x3a22, 0x424f, 0x582b, 0x4a6b, 0x656e, 0x665c, 0x3775, 0x4866, + 0x4475, 0x6532, 0x447e, 0x4b7c, 0x6533, 0x552c, 0x536e, 0x4a58, + 0x3032, 0x4b4e, 0x4d6a, 0x3a6a, 0x6535, 0x6534, 0x575a, 0x3959, + 0x5666, 0x3628, 0x4d70, 0x524b, 0x3126, 0x4a35, 0x3368, 0x4973, + 0x3f4d, 0x507b, 0x4a52, 0x6536, 0x3b42, 0x4f5c, 0x392c, 0x5457, + 0x3a26, 0x5167, 0x4f7c, 0x3c52, 0x6537, 0x485d, 0x3f6d, 0x3176, + 0x4b5e, 0x3c45, 0x3c44, 0x527a, 0x435c, 0x3f5c, 0x383b, 0x4342, + 0x3a2e, 0x5422, 0x475e, 0x442f, 0x326c, 0x3951, 0x653b, 0x4148, + 0x552f, 0x653c, 0x653e, 0x3467, 0x3654, 0x4b42, 0x5130, 0x353c, + 0x4a59, 0x3762, 0x4964, 0x3d2b, 0x4e3e, 0x5770, 0x5021, 0x4959, + 0x367b, 0x6658, 0x3c62, 0x333e, 0x4950, 0x6659, 0x3322, 0x5e4c, + 0x5348, 0x5e4d, 0x5222, 0x5e4e, 0x3e4d, 0x5e4f, 0x4a2c, 0x527c, + 0x335f, 0x656a, 0x4461, 0x3e21, 0x4e32, 0x4472, 0x3e56, 0x4628, + 0x3263, 0x3e53, 0x477c, 0x4c6b, 0x3d6c, 0x4e5d, 0x4a3a, 0x4641, + 0x656c, 0x503c, 0x5539, 0x656d, 0x4a74, 0x4d40, 0x4245, 0x656f, + 0x4244, 0x6570, 0x6578, 0x4d4d, 0x493d, 0x5259, 0x6128, 0x536c, + 0x4b6a, 0x4671, 0x612c, 0x6127, 0x6129, 0x612a, 0x612f, 0x326d, + 0x612b, 0x385a, 0x612d, 0x612e, 0x6130, 0x353a, 0x6131, 0x6133, + 0x6138, 0x5152, 0x6136, 0x6135, 0x416b, 0x6137, 0x5440, 0x6132, + 0x613a, 0x3036, 0x6134, 0x3f79, 0x6139, 0x613b, 0x613e, 0x613c, + 0x5645, 0x4f3f, 0x613d, 0x613f, 0x424d, 0x366b, 0x5378, 0x474d, + 0x3765, 0x3e7e, 0x6140, 0x6141, 0x6147, 0x3367, 0x4669, 0x345e, + 0x5142, 0x6148, 0x6146, 0x6145, 0x6143, 0x6142, 0x3140, 0x5538, + 0x6144, 0x614b, 0x614c, 0x614a, 0x6f7a, 0x6153, 0x6152, 0x4736, + 0x6149, 0x614e, 0x6150, 0x6154, 0x6151, 0x614d, 0x614f, 0x6155, + 0x6156, 0x6157, 0x6158, 0x615a, 0x615b, 0x4e21, 0x675d, 0x3428, + 0x565d, 0x5132, 0x3332, 0x3924, 0x5773, 0x4749, 0x3e5e, 0x392e, + 0x4e57, 0x326e, 0x5b4f, 0x3c3a, 0x5251, 0x4b48, 0x304d, 0x4f6f, + 0x5963, 0x3d6d, 0x3152, 0x4a50, 0x323c, 0x4b27, 0x372b, 0x4a26, + 0x4f23, 0x6078, 0x554a, 0x607b, 0x607a, 0x4541, 0x4c7b, 0x4131, + 0x6079, 0x5663, 0x322f, 0x5644, 0x355b, 0x3478, 0x5621, 0x4f2f, + 0x306f, 0x607c, 0x6121, 0x3323, 0x607d, 0x607e, 0x4331, 0x435d, + 0x6122, 0x3779, 0x3b4f, 0x6123, 0x443b, 0x6124, 0x6125, 0x6126, + 0x3431, 0x3849, 0x463d, 0x446a, 0x3222, 0x5052, 0x675b, 0x3b43, + 0x5357, 0x5344, 0x3963, 0x624f, 0x572f, 0x476c, 0x3153, 0x3432, + 0x6251, 0x5072, 0x422e, 0x6250, 0x3f62, 0x5326, 0x3557, 0x6252, + 0x356a, 0x436d, 0x387d, 0x382e, 0x4553, 0x374f, 0x6254, 0x6253, + 0x3648, 0x5779, 0x4d25, 0x6258, 0x6256, 0x4a7c, 0x3f35, 0x5339, + 0x6255, 0x6257, 0x412e, 0x4048, 0x625b, 0x625a, 0x402a, 0x414e, + 0x625c, 0x625d, 0x625e, 0x5b48, 0x5153, 0x4d22, 0x3d28, 0x5e43, + 0x5825, 0x3f2a, 0x5b4d, 0x526c, 0x467a, 0x452a, 0x5e44, 0x3157, + 0x5f2e, 0x4a3d, 0x5f31, 0x392d, 0x527d, 0x3825, 0x3a6b, 0x335a, + 0x355c, 0x5545, 0x4356, 0x4f52, 0x3b21, 0x6573, 0x6572, 0x6574, + 0x4d64, 0x4875, 0x352f, 0x473f, 0x6576, 0x6c30, 0x6566, 0x3969, + 0x3531, 0x423c, 0x6568, 0x6567, 0x6569, 0x524d, 0x616a, 0x504e, + 0x4d2e, 0x5165, 0x324a, 0x316b, 0x3172, 0x456d, 0x5543, 0x5330, + 0x615c, 0x615d, 0x525b, 0x3339, 0x314b, 0x4d79, 0x5577, 0x615e, + 0x3e36, 0x347d, 0x615f, 0x3a5c, 0x6160, 0x3b32, 0x4249, 0x6161, + 0x506c, 0x4d3d, 0x6162, 0x3543, 0x4547, 0x6163, 0x6164, 0x5379, + 0x6165, 0x512d, 0x6166, 0x4e22, 0x6167, 0x3542, 0x6168, 0x3b55, + 0x5044, 0x6260, 0x3158, 0x5264, 0x6261, 0x3c49, 0x484c, 0x6263, + 0x6c7e, 0x6c7d, 0x5f2f, 0x6262, 0x563e, 0x4d7c, 0x4326, 0x6343, + 0x5652, 0x6267, 0x6268, 0x5347, 0x626c, 0x3f6c, 0x626d, 0x6265, + 0x3340, 0x446e, 0x626e, 0x5043, 0x3a76, 0x6269, 0x375e, 0x3b33, + 0x4c2c, 0x4b4b, 0x6264, 0x6266, 0x626a, 0x626b, 0x6277, 0x6274, + 0x5475, 0x6273, 0x452d, 0x557a, 0x4542, 0x3240, 0x626f, 0x6272, + 0x412f, 0x4b3c, 0x3521, 0x6279, 0x3c31, 0x6271, 0x5054, 0x5439, + 0x6275, 0x3956, 0x6276, 0x4753, 0x6270, 0x575c, 0x6d21, 0x6278, + 0x6d25, 0x627e, 0x4a51, 0x4135, 0x3b50, 0x3f56, 0x3a63, 0x4b21, + 0x6d26, 0x6d23, 0x6d22, 0x3b56, 0x6d27, 0x5074, 0x6d24, 0x3a5e, + 0x3677, 0x6321, 0x3632, 0x4c71, 0x3927, 0x4f22, 0x4721, 0x3f52, + 0x3671, 0x627a, 0x627b, 0x627d, 0x627c, 0x4455, 0x6322, 0x5341, + 0x6327, 0x4744, 0x4f24, 0x6329, 0x3a37, 0x6328, 0x3b5a, 0x6323, + 0x6324, 0x632a, 0x6326, 0x4e72, 0x5346, 0x3b3c, 0x5443, 0x447a, + 0x6d28, 0x507c, 0x6325, 0x4375, 0x632d, 0x312f, 0x6332, 0x3c42, + 0x632c, 0x353f, 0x4769, 0x6330, 0x3e2a, 0x4d6f, 0x3b73, 0x4c68, + 0x632f, 0x6331, 0x4f27, 0x632e, 0x4e29, 0x3b5d, 0x356b, 0x3e65, + 0x3252, 0x334d, 0x3139, 0x632b, 0x3251, 0x352c, 0x395f, 0x3668, + 0x4f6b, 0x6337, 0x3b4c, 0x4847, 0x504a, 0x6338, 0x336e, 0x6d29, + 0x537a, 0x5364, 0x6d2a, 0x6339, 0x5262, 0x6335, 0x535e, 0x3850, + 0x6333, 0x6336, 0x375f, 0x6334, 0x4022, 0x633a, 0x5438, 0x3448, + 0x633b, 0x3b45, 0x4977, 0x4965, 0x443d, 0x6d2b, 0x427d, 0x3b5b, + 0x3f2e, 0x4e3f, 0x633c, 0x3f36, 0x316f, 0x5477, 0x633e, 0x6d2d, + 0x633f, 0x3a29, 0x6d2c, 0x633d, 0x6340, 0x3a36, 0x362e, 0x5038, + 0x3043, 0x6d2e, 0x6d2f, 0x4041, 0x6341, 0x4533, 0x6342, 0x5c32, + 0x6d30, 0x386a, 0x4e6c, 0x6a27, 0x5067, 0x4a79, 0x4856, 0x4f37, + 0x3349, 0x4e52, 0x3d64, 0x635e, 0x3b72, 0x6a28, 0x553d, 0x465d, + 0x6a29, 0x6a2a, 0x6a2c, 0x6a2b, 0x6a2e, 0x6a2d, 0x3d58, 0x6a2f, + 0x423e, 0x3441, 0x3477, 0x3b27, 0x6c66, 0x6c65, 0x373f, 0x4b79, + 0x3162, 0x6c67, 0x4948, 0x6c68, 0x6c69, 0x4a56, 0x5e50, 0x3245, + 0x547a, 0x464b, 0x3047, 0x3472, 0x4853, 0x4d50, 0x3f38, 0x3f5b, + 0x4724, 0x5634, 0x4029, 0x5e51, 0x4928, 0x516f, 0x4524, 0x3067, + 0x3336, 0x4845, 0x3062, 0x3776, 0x457a, 0x3673, 0x5552, 0x3350, + 0x3c3c, 0x332d, 0x3e71, 0x3051, 0x5256, 0x4a63, 0x5725, 0x4d36, + 0x3636, 0x3f39, 0x555b, 0x3827, 0x4557, 0x5e52, 0x3f59, 0x4255, + 0x4740, 0x3b24, 0x3128, 0x456a, 0x457b, 0x4c27, 0x3127, 0x3556, + 0x4428, 0x5e53, 0x513a, 0x3369, 0x4372, 0x3777, 0x5674, 0x3523, + 0x3270, 0x4434, 0x4469, 0x402d, 0x5e54, 0x3068, 0x4544, 0x4160, + 0x3955, 0x3e5c, 0x4d58, 0x304e, 0x4d4f, 0x5e56, 0x3e50, 0x573e, + 0x5e55, 0x5550, 0x305d, 0x4462, 0x4223, 0x3c70, 0x5335, 0x4039, + 0x4521, 0x3226, 0x5471, 0x4028, 0x4a43, 0x5e57, 0x557c, 0x3930, + 0x482d, 0x4b29, 0x5e59, 0x3f3d, 0x4634, 0x5727, 0x4a30, 0x4443, + 0x3356, 0x3952, 0x5638, 0x6a7c, 0x3034, 0x3f66, 0x4c74, 0x4d5a, + 0x563f, 0x424e, 0x4e4e, 0x4c22, 0x502e, 0x4453, 0x3532, 0x5e58, + 0x5575, 0x3c37, 0x3b53, 0x3024, 0x4532, 0x346c, 0x5571, 0x6a7d, + 0x5e5a, 0x4d26, 0x4d6c, 0x4e66, 0x5e5c, 0x4d31, 0x4026, 0x573d, + 0x5e5b, 0x3046, 0x3a34, 0x4953, 0x4473, 0x3e68, 0x3236, 0x404c, + 0x4b70, 0x3c71, 0x3b3b, 0x3537, 0x4575, 0x5e66, 0x5e63, 0x3e5d, + 0x5e5f, 0x3437, 0x3d5d, 0x5e60, 0x446d, 0x4f46, 0x3560, 0x365e, + 0x4a5a, 0x3574, 0x5e65, 0x5546, 0x5e61, 0x4c4d, 0x467e, 0x4545, + 0x5234, 0x3e72, 0x4253, 0x4c3d, 0x3338, 0x3d53, 0x3f58, 0x4d46, + 0x515a, 0x346b, 0x5e64, 0x5e5d, 0x5e67, 0x6a7e, 0x4230, 0x5e62, + 0x5640, 0x3527, 0x3274, 0x5e68, 0x5e72, 0x5e6d, 0x5e71, 0x4860, + 0x5761, 0x5e6f, 0x4368, 0x4c61, 0x3265, 0x523e, 0x5e6e, 0x5e6b, + 0x4e55, 0x3427, 0x3f2b, 0x3e3e, 0x3d52, 0x5e69, 0x542e, 0x5e5e, + 0x5e6a, 0x403f, 0x5e6c, 0x3273, 0x3869, 0x4227, 0x3d41, 0x5e75, + 0x5e78, 0x322b, 0x3424, 0x346a, 0x4926, 0x5e76, 0x4b51, 0x3863, + 0x5e77, 0x5e7a, 0x5e79, 0x4c42, 0x3061, 0x346e, 0x653a, 0x502f, + 0x326b, 0x6b21, 0x5e74, 0x4963, 0x5e73, 0x305a, 0x5221, 0x3177, + 0x4c2f, 0x5e70, 0x4b24, 0x552a, 0x5e7b, 0x345d, 0x4426, 0x5e7d, + 0x437e, 0x4421, 0x5f21, 0x414c, 0x5e7c, 0x3e6f, 0x4632, 0x3345, + 0x4876, 0x4b3a, 0x5e7e, 0x5f24, 0x5732, 0x3337, 0x4143, 0x474b, + 0x3225, 0x3469, 0x572b, 0x446c, 0x5f22, 0x5f23, 0x5f25, 0x3a33, + 0x5f26, 0x405e, 0x4943, 0x3259, 0x4766, 0x5f27, 0x475c, 0x5f28, + 0x6b22, 0x4b53, 0x5f2a, 0x5f29, 0x3241, 0x454a, 0x5f2b, 0x545c, + 0x4841, 0x5f2c, 0x3e70, 0x5f2d, 0x5627, 0x6a37, 0x6b36, 0x4a55, + 0x587c, 0x3844, 0x3925, 0x3745, 0x557e, 0x394a, 0x5027, 0x744d, + 0x3550, 0x4374, 0x3e48, 0x6b37, 0x303d, 0x3d4c, 0x4132, 0x3156, + 0x3328, 0x3852, 0x4922, 0x3658, 0x6b38, 0x3e34, 0x4a7d, 0x4743, + 0x557b, 0x3773, 0x4e44, 0x552b, 0x3173, 0x6c33, 0x305f, 0x6c35, + 0x3637, 0x414f, 0x757a, 0x5031, 0x5565, 0x4e53, 0x3d6f, 0x3362, + 0x382b, 0x5536, 0x6d3d, 0x364f, 0x4b39, 0x5042, 0x373d, 0x6c36, + 0x4a29, 0x4554, 0x6c39, 0x6c38, 0x4243, 0x6c37, 0x507d, 0x6c3a, + 0x6c3b, 0x5765, 0x6c3c, 0x6c3d, 0x466c, 0x4e5e, 0x3c48, 0x4855, + 0x3529, 0x3e49, 0x563c, 0x5467, 0x512e, 0x5071, 0x6a38, 0x6a39, + 0x6a3a, 0x3a35, 0x4a31, 0x3f75, 0x4d7a, 0x6a40, 0x303a, 0x6a3e, + 0x4025, 0x6a3b, 0x327d, 0x4377, 0x3b68, 0x5257, 0x4e74, 0x6a3f, + 0x6a3c, 0x6a43, 0x5047, 0x5333, 0x343a, 0x4341, 0x5772, 0x5551, + 0x4a47, 0x6a45, 0x6a44, 0x6a47, 0x6a46, 0x5667, 0x4f54, 0x6a4b, + 0x3b4e, 0x3d7a, 0x494e, 0x6a4c, 0x4939, 0x4f7e, 0x6a4a, 0x544e, + 0x6a4d, 0x6a4f, 0x4d6d, 0x6a49, 0x6a4e, 0x4e6e, 0x3b5e, 0x333f, + 0x4655, 0x3e30, 0x4e7a, 0x4767, 0x3e27, 0x6a50, 0x5647, 0x4140, + 0x545d, 0x6a51, 0x4f3e, 0x6a52, 0x4a6e, 0x452f, 0x3035, 0x6a54, + 0x6a53, 0x745f, 0x443a, 0x3129, 0x655f, 0x6a55, 0x4a6f, 0x6a56, + 0x6a57, 0x4658, 0x6a58, 0x6a59, 0x543b, 0x477a, 0x5237, 0x387c, + 0x6a42, 0x325c, 0x427c, 0x5478, 0x4c66, 0x576e, 0x5442, 0x5350, + 0x6b43, 0x4573, 0x377e, 0x6b54, 0x4b37, 0x6b5e, 0x404a, 0x4d7b, + 0x332f, 0x465a, 0x6b7c, 0x443e, 0x4e34, 0x4429, 0x313e, 0x547d, + 0x4a75, 0x566c, 0x4653, 0x3664, 0x3b7a, 0x5060, 0x4931, 0x5453, + 0x4828, 0x384b, 0x683e, 0x493c, 0x683b, 0x406e, 0x5053, 0x3244, + 0x3465, 0x683c, 0x5548, 0x3645, 0x683d, 0x4a78, 0x385c, 0x4c75, + 0x4034, 0x516e, 0x683f, 0x6842, 0x3a3c, 0x312d, 0x3d5c, 0x6a3d, + 0x6843, 0x6846, 0x684b, 0x684c, 0x4b49, 0x3065, 0x3c2b, 0x3939, + 0x6841, 0x4d77, 0x684a, 0x4e76, 0x556d, 0x4156, 0x6844, 0x4336, + 0x397b, 0x5626, 0x6848, 0x4a60, 0x5466, 0x6840, 0x6845, 0x6847, + 0x4739, 0x3763, 0x6849, 0x3f5d, 0x6852, 0x6857, 0x6855, 0x3c5c, + 0x3c4f, 0x685b, 0x685e, 0x685a, 0x317a, 0x3058, 0x4433, 0x384c, + 0x4662, 0x483e, 0x4861, 0x684f, 0x6854, 0x6856, 0x3971, 0x6858, + 0x5775, 0x447b, 0x685c, 0x3269, 0x6851, 0x3c6d, 0x3f42, 0x684d, + 0x5679, 0x4178, 0x3271, 0x685f, 0x4a41, 0x6859, 0x5524, 0x316a, + 0x553b, 0x684e, 0x6850, 0x3630, 0x6853, 0x685d, 0x4038, 0x4a77, + 0x4b28, 0x465c, 0x4075, 0x6869, 0x5023, 0x6872, 0x566a, 0x6860, + 0x6861, 0x5179, 0x3a4b, 0x3879, 0x3871, 0x5454, 0x686f, 0x686e, + 0x686c, 0x3970, 0x4c52, 0x6866, 0x4e26, 0x3f72, 0x3038, 0x6871, + 0x6870, 0x5740, 0x6864, 0x4d29, 0x4923, 0x3b38, 0x3d5b, 0x686a, + 0x6862, 0x6863, 0x6865, 0x3535, 0x6867, 0x4745, 0x686b, 0x686d, + 0x3d30, 0x572e, 0x6878, 0x6875, 0x4d30, 0x6876, 0x413a, 0x6868, + 0x4337, 0x3070, 0x6874, 0x6877, 0x3923, 0x4952, 0x434e, 0x4e60, + 0x4066, 0x4b73, 0x4c5d, 0x5035, 0x4a61, 0x6873, 0x3c6c, 0x6879, + 0x435e, 0x4665, 0x3977, 0x3074, 0x5758, 0x3c2c, 0x456f, 0x4c44, + 0x6926, 0x492d, 0x6922, 0x4062, 0x3f43, 0x687e, 0x3957, 0x687b, + 0x6924, 0x524e, 0x6923, 0x5632, 0x5735, 0x6927, 0x3d37, 0x687c, + 0x687d, 0x6921, 0x4d56, 0x522c, 0x6932, 0x6929, 0x342a, 0x343b, + 0x692b, 0x5028, 0x6925, 0x337e, 0x692c, 0x4063, 0x692a, 0x6939, + 0x6938, 0x692e, 0x687a, 0x6928, 0x3f2c, 0x6931, 0x693a, 0x4225, + 0x692f, 0x3845, 0x692d, 0x535c, 0x6934, 0x6935, 0x6937, 0x6947, + 0x4046, 0x6945, 0x6930, 0x693b, 0x3071, 0x693c, 0x5525, 0x693e, + 0x693f, 0x6941, 0x4171, 0x4836, 0x693d, 0x6942, 0x6943, 0x6933, + 0x6936, 0x3b31, 0x6940, 0x3c77, 0x6944, 0x6946, 0x694a, 0x694e, + 0x325b, 0x6948, 0x372e, 0x694b, 0x694c, 0x5541, 0x4423, 0x6958, + 0x3a61, 0x6949, 0x5323, 0x6954, 0x6957, 0x6950, 0x694f, 0x4741, + 0x6952, 0x6959, 0x3348, 0x6953, 0x4f70, 0x694d, 0x3377, 0x6956, + 0x695a, 0x4c34, 0x4f2d, 0x6955, 0x695c, 0x695b, 0x695e, 0x6951, + 0x695d, 0x695f, 0x434a, 0x4737, 0x344e, 0x3b36, 0x5040, 0x6c23, + 0x4537, 0x537b, 0x6c24, 0x6c25, 0x465b, 0x3f6e, 0x6c26, 0x6c27, + 0x502a, 0x4738, 0x3868, 0x6c28, 0x5639, 0x557d, 0x344b, 0x323d, + 0x4e64, 0x4667, 0x4d61, 0x3475, 0x4b40, 0x3c5f, 0x6962, 0x6963, + 0x516a, 0x6965, 0x3479, 0x6964, 0x5133, 0x4a62, 0x3250, 0x6968, + 0x6966, 0x6967, 0x5633, 0x6969, 0x696a, 0x696b, 0x696c, 0x6c2f, + 0x4539, 0x364e, 0x5273, 0x356e, 0x3b59, 0x6c31, 0x5263, 0x4e63, + 0x4438, 0x433f, 0x363e, 0x5839, 0x3148, 0x314f, 0x3151, 0x457e, + 0x3150, 0x432b, 0x5531, 0x6b24, 0x3a41, 0x4c3a, 0x6b25, 0x6b27, + 0x6b28, 0x6b26, 0x6b29, 0x6b2b, 0x6b2a, 0x6b2c, 0x4a4f, 0x5835, + 0x4371, 0x4325, 0x4678, 0x6b2d, 0x444a, 0x6b2e, 0x6b2f, 0x6b30, + 0x3755, 0x377a, 0x6b31, 0x4762, 0x6b33, 0x3a24, 0x5175, 0x3031, + 0x6b32, 0x6b34, 0x352a, 0x4248, 0x4768, 0x6b35, 0x4b2e, 0x635f, + 0x5340, 0x595b, 0x4d21, 0x562d, 0x4773, 0x5960, 0x3b63, 0x3a3a, + 0x6362, 0x4f2b, 0x6360, 0x4947, 0x3a39, 0x5134, 0x6361, 0x486a, + 0x392f, 0x3d2d, 0x3358, 0x4e5b, 0x4c40, 0x6368, 0x6369, 0x4d74, + 0x4c2d, 0x3c33, 0x636a, 0x636b, 0x505a, 0x467b, 0x375a, 0x475f, + 0x524a, 0x4e56, 0x6364, 0x636c, 0x4972, 0x3341, 0x6367, 0x4663, + 0x6365, 0x6d33, 0x6366, 0x4933, 0x4566, 0x3935, 0x433b, 0x6363, + 0x453d, 0x4124, 0x4259, 0x3257, 0x636d, 0x3b26, 0x442d, 0x6370, + 0x3e5a, 0x637b, 0x6375, 0x3a53, 0x3750, 0x534d, 0x564e, 0x5553, + 0x3941, 0x5534, 0x5158, 0x5039, 0x4776, 0x482a, 0x3234, 0x435a, + 0x636e, 0x637c, 0x636f, 0x3728, 0x6377, 0x6374, 0x373a, 0x4522, + 0x6376, 0x455d, 0x3228, 0x467c, 0x4460, 0x5722, 0x4061, 0x6379, + 0x637a, 0x637d, 0x4c29, 0x6373, 0x533e, 0x3143, 0x6d34, 0x6371, + 0x6372, 0x6378, 0x503a, 0x4643, 0x5473, 0x637e, 0x3d60, 0x6427, + 0x6426, 0x5173, 0x6423, 0x6429, 0x4877, 0x4f34, 0x6428, 0x642e, + 0x4265, 0x3634, 0x3d72, 0x6422, 0x3a69, 0x642a, 0x642c, 0x367d, + 0x565e, 0x6432, 0x642d, 0x6421, 0x3b6e, 0x4d5d, 0x4722, 0x4549, + 0x4177, 0x6424, 0x4733, 0x3d2c, 0x3d3d, 0x6425, 0x5747, 0x3262, + 0x642b, 0x3c43, 0x642f, 0x3b6b, 0x6430, 0x4528, 0x6431, 0x5563, + 0x3f23, 0x643a, 0x6437, 0x643b, 0x643d, 0x4656, 0x3a46, 0x404b, + 0x3821, 0x6434, 0x5421, 0x3a23, 0x3d7e, 0x643c, 0x4d3f, 0x4479, + 0x4f7b, 0x4966, 0x533f, 0x4f51, 0x6433, 0x6438, 0x6439, 0x4c69, + 0x4c4e, 0x4054, 0x6435, 0x4130, 0x6436, 0x4e50, 0x3b41, 0x3553, + 0x4873, 0x3d27, 0x5547, 0x492c, 0x3822, 0x644a, 0x644c, 0x5144, + 0x523a, 0x3a2d, 0x3a54, 0x6443, 0x356d, 0x574d, 0x6440, 0x4f7d, + 0x643f, 0x415c, 0x4c4a, 0x4a67, 0x4457, 0x4c54, 0x6448, 0x6447, + 0x6441, 0x6444, 0x352d, 0x5359, 0x6446, 0x5279, 0x3463, 0x3b34, + 0x496e, 0x343e, 0x3b6c, 0x514d, 0x4c6d, 0x6d35, 0x4765, 0x5428, + 0x644b, 0x5755, 0x6442, 0x3d25, 0x6445, 0x5366, 0x6449, 0x4978, + 0x643e, 0x5365, 0x477e, 0x3649, 0x547c, 0x3233, 0x6457, 0x4e42, + 0x644d, 0x4e3c, 0x385b, 0x6456, 0x3f4a, 0x534e, 0x436c, 0x4548, + 0x6458, 0x4d44, 0x644f, 0x6454, 0x6455, 0x3a7e, 0x4f66, 0x553f, + 0x6452, 0x6450, 0x644e, 0x4d65, 0x4a2a, 0x4023, 0x3d26, 0x6453, + 0x3848, 0x6467, 0x5434, 0x645b, 0x416f, 0x6469, 0x5267, 0x645f, + 0x6460, 0x4f2a, 0x4b5d, 0x645a, 0x6451, 0x6465, 0x485c, 0x6463, + 0x4467, 0x6462, 0x6461, 0x337c, 0x6468, 0x3561, 0x574c, 0x6466, + 0x3b2c, 0x5752, 0x4c4f, 0x6b78, 0x6464, 0x3976, 0x564d, 0x6459, + 0x645c, 0x427a, 0x645e, 0x424b, 0x4044, 0x4250, 0x3175, 0x4c32, + 0x354e, 0x646f, 0x462f, 0x4661, 0x6475, 0x4229, 0x406c, 0x515d, + 0x646e, 0x442e, 0x646d, 0x6476, 0x6474, 0x427e, 0x645d, 0x6470, + 0x4a7e, 0x5544, 0x6471, 0x517a, 0x646b, 0x646c, 0x6472, 0x4e2b, + 0x454b, 0x4731, 0x423a, 0x646a, 0x414a, 0x4c36, 0x3331, 0x647b, + 0x6473, 0x647a, 0x647d, 0x647c, 0x334e, 0x333a, 0x6477, 0x6479, + 0x6478, 0x456c, 0x403d, 0x5468, 0x6522, 0x3044, 0x6524, 0x6523, + 0x3c24, 0x6525, 0x6521, 0x647e, 0x3174, 0x6528, 0x6529, 0x6526, + 0x6527, 0x652a, 0x4659, 0x652b, 0x652d, 0x652c, 0x652f, 0x652e, + 0x3960, 0x6530, 0x6531, 0x3b70, 0x6c61, 0x4370, 0x3546, 0x3b52, + 0x4169, 0x546e, 0x3e44, 0x5746, 0x5456, 0x3253, 0x6c3e, 0x6a41, + 0x422f, 0x3436, 0x5157, 0x3334, 0x4832, 0x3f3b, 0x6c40, 0x564b, + 0x6c3f, 0x6c41, 0x6c45, 0x3e66, 0x4c3f, 0x455a, 0x3e3c, 0x6c46, + 0x317e, 0x6c44, 0x5528, 0x3563, 0x6c42, 0x4136, 0x3363, 0x6c43, + 0x4b38, 0x4043, 0x4c7e, 0x4152, 0x6c48, 0x3a66, 0x4053, 0x5672, + 0x514c, 0x3f3e, 0x3733, 0x4955, 0x6c47, 0x3b62, 0x4c4c, 0x3d7d, + 0x4848, 0x4f29, 0x4d69, 0x456b, 0x3769, 0x5149, 0x3a38, 0x6c49, + 0x6c4a, 0x3b40, 0x6c4b, 0x6c62, 0x313a, 0x3759, 0x3d39, 0x6c4c, + 0x5166, 0x6c4d, 0x483b, 0x6c51, 0x6c53, 0x3b4d, 0x3c65, 0x6c4f, + 0x4937, 0x433a, 0x6c63, 0x5555, 0x6c50, 0x5673, 0x6c52, 0x6c4e, + 0x6c54, 0x6c55, 0x493f, 0x4f28, 0x505c, 0x512c, 0x485b, 0x6c56, + 0x4e75, 0x4a6c, 0x6c5a, 0x6c59, 0x303e, 0x6c57, 0x6c58, 0x6c64, + 0x483c, 0x4147, 0x6c5c, 0x5160, 0x6c5b, 0x546f, 0x6c5d, 0x5b46, + 0x6c5e, 0x312c, 0x6c5f, 0x6c60, 0x5726, 0x4540, 0x6b3c, 0x302e, + 0x3e74, 0x3838, 0x522f, 0x3056, 0x3579, 0x5833, 0x4b2c, 0x635d, + 0x462c, 0x3066, 0x4546, 0x6b39, 0x6b3a, 0x6b3b, 0x5140, 0x4523, + 0x6a72, 0x4432, 0x4435, 0x404e, 0x6a73, 0x4441, 0x4e6f, 0x6a70, + 0x6a74, 0x497c, 0x4723, 0x4c58, 0x4e7e, 0x6a75, 0x6a76, 0x4f2c, + 0x4067, 0x6a77, 0x363f, 0x6a78, 0x6a79, 0x6a7a, 0x6a7b, 0x6a71, + 0x482e, 0x616b, 0x3738, 0x616c, 0x616d, 0x5734, 0x616e, 0x616f, + 0x534c, 0x6171, 0x3f71, 0x6170, 0x3552, 0x3137, 0x6173, 0x6172, + 0x3a7c, 0x6174, 0x3937, 0x3e51, 0x447c, 0x3a5d, 0x3d46, 0x6175, + 0x6177, 0x3640, 0x4f41, 0x4a28, 0x6176, 0x5578, 0x537c, 0x6178, + 0x617c, 0x6179, 0x617a, 0x406a, 0x617e, 0x6221, 0x4047, 0x617b, + 0x617d, 0x6225, 0x4154, 0x6223, 0x6228, 0x327e, 0x6222, 0x434d, + 0x3242, 0x6227, 0x6226, 0x6224, 0x6229, 0x622b, 0x5049, 0x566d, + 0x4328, 0x622c, 0x4f57, 0x622e, 0x3a6f, 0x6960, 0x622d, 0x622a, + 0x3b2b, 0x5433, 0x6230, 0x622f, 0x6961, 0x6231, 0x6232, 0x6233, + 0x4c21, 0x6234, 0x6235, 0x507e, 0x424a, 0x5371, 0x4d75, 0x6760, + 0x6761, 0x3e41, 0x426a, 0x6764, 0x6763, 0x4d66, 0x4335, 0x6762, + 0x3b37, 0x4f56, 0x4161, 0x6769, 0x6768, 0x6774, 0x3223, 0x676a, + 0x6766, 0x676c, 0x676b, 0x493a, 0x5564, 0x6765, 0x3729, 0x6767, + 0x676e, 0x6773, 0x5669, 0x676d, 0x6772, 0x6771, 0x3060, 0x6775, + 0x4772, 0x4045, 0x406d, 0x4170, 0x6770, 0x6776, 0x4b76, 0x6822, + 0x6821, 0x5741, 0x677a, 0x6779, 0x677b, 0x6777, 0x677e, 0x677d, + 0x677c, 0x4155, 0x4759, 0x457d, 0x4543, 0x476d, 0x6823, 0x6826, + 0x6825, 0x6827, 0x3a77, 0x6778, 0x6824, 0x4870, 0x492a, 0x6829, + 0x3965, 0x517e, 0x6828, 0x682a, 0x682d, 0x682e, 0x4127, 0x682f, + 0x6830, 0x682c, 0x6834, 0x682b, 0x6831, 0x6835, 0x6832, 0x6833, + 0x6837, 0x6836, 0x394f, 0x702c, 0x702d, 0x4630, 0x306a, 0x483f, + 0x4d5f, 0x4e4d, 0x6a31, 0x6a32, 0x463f, 0x3449, 0x6a33, 0x5567, + 0x5d79, 0x6a34, 0x6a35, 0x6a36, 0x384a, 0x5f30, 0x4975, 0x4c70, + 0x497a, 0x497b, 0x5343, 0x4b26, 0x3826, 0x702e, 0x3142, 0x6538, + 0x4c6f, 0x5349, 0x3c57, 0x496a, 0x3567, 0x4450, 0x3569, 0x6e2e, + 0x3b2d, 0x675e, 0x6e2f, 0x3329, 0x6e32, 0x6e31, 0x3d67, 0x6e30, + 0x4e37, 0x454f, 0x4174, 0x5b4e, 0x6e33, 0x5073, 0x4254, 0x4668, + 0x372c, 0x6e34, 0x336b, 0x3b7b, 0x6e35, 0x675c, 0x6e36, 0x3d2e, + 0x7162, 0x4a68, 0x5249, 0x705a, 0x705b, 0x705c, 0x4146, 0x386d, + 0x3e4e, 0x705e, 0x4531, 0x705d, 0x5171, 0x7060, 0x304c, 0x3d6a, + 0x525f, 0x705f, 0x342f, 0x3768, 0x7066, 0x7065, 0x4623, 0x7061, + 0x7062, 0x3443, 0x7063, 0x556e, 0x4c5b, 0x3e52, 0x3c32, 0x7068, + 0x7067, 0x7064, 0x3221, 0x5622, 0x5338, 0x3e37, 0x482c, 0x706a, + 0x5177, 0x564c, 0x3a5b, 0x7069, 0x363b, 0x4d34, 0x4626, 0x4121, + 0x706b, 0x706e, 0x706d, 0x7070, 0x706c, 0x3b3e, 0x706f, 0x4c35, + 0x7072, 0x3355, 0x3154, 0x7073, 0x7074, 0x7076, 0x3461, 0x7071, + 0x7077, 0x707a, 0x7078, 0x7075, 0x707d, 0x7079, 0x707c, 0x707e, + 0x7121, 0x4e41, 0x7124, 0x7123, 0x4176, 0x707b, 0x4a5d, 0x3471, + 0x3171, 0x4c31, 0x7126, 0x7127, 0x712c, 0x554e, 0x7129, 0x4833, + 0x7122, 0x712b, 0x7128, 0x7125, 0x712a, 0x3029, 0x712d, 0x712f, + 0x7131, 0x7130, 0x712e, 0x5122, 0x7132, 0x7133, 0x396f, 0x3547, + 0x3057, 0x3059, 0x546d, 0x3544, 0x3d54, 0x3b4a, 0x7027, 0x385e, + 0x7028, 0x3028, 0x7029, 0x4d6e, 0x702a, 0x702b, 0x4624, 0x5665, + 0x7164, 0x7165, 0x4373, 0x535b, 0x5651, 0x4568, 0x532f, 0x5266, + 0x6e41, 0x303b, 0x5535, 0x514e, 0x3c60, 0x3a50, 0x3f78, 0x3847, + 0x3541, 0x454c, 0x4a22, 0x434b, 0x6e42, 0x443f, 0x3622, 0x6d6c, + 0x4324, 0x5631, 0x4f60, 0x6d6f, 0x454e, 0x365c, 0x4a21, 0x6d6d, + 0x6d70, 0x6d71, 0x433c, 0x3f34, 0x6d6e, 0x6d74, 0x6d72, 0x5566, + 0x435f, 0x6d73, 0x6d76, 0x5523, 0x5123, 0x6d75, 0x4350, 0x6d77, + 0x3f74, 0x3e6c, 0x6d78, 0x4c77, 0x515b, 0x5745, 0x5576, 0x6d7c, + 0x6d7b, 0x6d79, 0x6d7a, 0x6d7d, 0x3e26, 0x4b2f, 0x6e21, 0x363d, + 0x6e22, 0x4440, 0x6d7e, 0x3d5e, 0x3247, 0x3643, 0x6e25, 0x583a, + 0x6e23, 0x6e26, 0x4369, 0x3372, 0x6e27, 0x6e24, 0x4f39, 0x6e28, + 0x4277, 0x6e29, 0x6e2a, 0x5e2b, 0x4633, 0x4746, 0x5675, 0x3549, + 0x4b32, 0x6e2b, 0x4d2b, 0x6e2c, 0x5530, 0x6e2d, 0x7644, 0x5b47, + 0x3423, 0x432c, 0x7166, 0x4a38, 0x5253, 0x562a, 0x6f72, 0x3e58, + 0x3d43, 0x6f73, 0x364c, 0x302b, 0x4a2f, 0x6d36, 0x6d37, 0x4e79, + 0x372f, 0x3f73, 0x6d38, 0x426b, 0x4930, 0x6d39, 0x4676, 0x3f33, + 0x6d3c, 0x4578, 0x5150, 0x5729, 0x6d3a, 0x6d3b, 0x5162, 0x6d3f, + 0x6d40, 0x6d44, 0x6d48, 0x6d46, 0x6d4e, 0x5568, 0x6d49, 0x6d47, + 0x6d3e, 0x4569, 0x4646, 0x4969, 0x5452, 0x6d41, 0x6d42, 0x6d43, + 0x6d45, 0x4079, 0x3421, 0x3968, 0x6d50, 0x6d51, 0x6d4a, 0x6d4f, + 0x4e78, 0x4b36, 0x6d4c, 0x6d4d, 0x4f75, 0x6d52, 0x4172, 0x5332, + 0x6d4b, 0x4837, 0x3c6f, 0x4570, 0x6d56, 0x356f, 0x4235, 0x302d, + 0x4b69, 0x312e, 0x6d54, 0x4d6b, 0x3562, 0x6d55, 0x6d53, 0x6d57, + 0x357a, 0x6d58, 0x6d59, 0x6d5c, 0x314c, 0x4576, 0x3c6e, 0x6d5a, + 0x4c3c, 0x326a, 0x6d5b, 0x446b, 0x3445, 0x3075, 0x6d5f, 0x405a, + 0x3468, 0x454d, 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0x737b, 0x737a, 0x3458, 0x737e, + 0x7379, 0x737c, 0x737d, 0x7421, 0x7423, 0x3b49, 0x7422, 0x7424, + 0x323e, 0x7426, 0x7425, 0x3c2e, 0x4357, 0x5961, 0x4060, 0x744c, + 0x5751, 0x375b, 0x744e, 0x4123, 0x4649, 0x3456, 0x5533, 0x7450, + 0x744f, 0x7451, 0x4b5a, 0x7452, 0x5441, 0x5660, 0x3760, 0x4138, + 0x413b, 0x7453, 0x3e2c, 0x3462, 0x7454, 0x7455, 0x3e2b, 0x7456, + 0x745b, 0x7457, 0x745a, 0x3a7d, 0x7458, 0x7459, 0x3862, 0x4c47, + 0x745c, 0x325a, 0x4353, 0x5463, 0x3f37, 0x745d, 0x4534, 0x7469, + 0x4f35, 0x4e49, 0x4b58, 0x4b77, 0x3d74, 0x574f, 0x405b, 0x5075, + 0x746a, 0x746b, 0x746c, 0x7763, 0x3731, 0x746d, 0x576b, 0x746e, + 0x6679, 0x3e40, 0x667a, 0x3a6c, 0x667b, 0x4f4b, 0x667c, 0x543c, + 0x3c36, 0x667d, 0x667e, 0x3c4d, 0x4852, 0x4e33, 0x6721, 0x343f, + 0x6722, 0x4934, 0x3859, 0x4449, 0x575d, 0x425a, 0x3757, 0x563d, + 0x4e46, 0x3744, 0x4526, 0x6723, 0x4f5f, 0x6724, 0x6725, 0x6726, + 0x4137, 0x5769, 0x4970, 0x4f38, 0x562f, 0x5655, 0x6727, 0x306d, + 0x6728, 0x6729, 0x495c, 0x526f, 0x3e2d, 0x672a, 0x3073, 0x485e, + 0x3d61, 0x672b, 0x4846, 0x672c, 0x3b66, 0x3878, 0x5124, 0x672d, + 0x4267, 0x3e78, 0x3d4a, 0x4d33, 0x672e, 0x672f, 0x3e6e, 0x5065, + 0x4b67, 0x4c50, 0x3c4c, 0x6730, 0x3c28, 0x5077, 0x6731, 0x5078, + 0x6732, 0x6733, 0x3442, 0x6734, 0x6735, 0x497e, 0x4e2c, 0x4360, + 0x6737, 0x3141, 0x3371, 0x6738, 0x6739, 0x575b, 0x5540, 0x673a, + 0x424c, 0x573a, 0x673b, 0x673c, 0x673d, 0x3c6a, 0x4365, 0x4042, + 0x673e, 0x673f, 0x3c29, 0x6740, 0x6741, 0x6736, 0x3650, 0x6742, + 0x6743, 0x6744, 0x3b3a, 0x355e, 0x4246, 0x3160, 0x6745, 0x5435, + 0x6746, 0x383f, 0x6748, 0x6747, 0x376c, 0x6749, 0x3278, 0x674a, + 0x674b, 0x674c, 0x674d, 0x674e, 0x674f, 0x6750, 0x5327, 0x4b75, + 0x6751, 0x6752, 0x6753, 0x6754, 0x4949, 0x6755, 0x6756, 0x6757, + 0x6758, 0x6759, 0x3d49, 0x675a, 0x733e, 0x3857, 0x4831, 0x733f, + 0x7340, 0x7341, 0x395e, 0x4d78, 0x5868, 0x3a31, 0x425e, 0x6e37, + 0x3723, 0x6e39, 0x6e38, 0x3055, 0x6e3b, 0x5556, 0x576f, 0x5643, + 0x6e3d, 0x4a70, 0x6e3c, 0x6e3e, 0x6e40, 0x6e3f, 0x5172, 0x473c, + 0x4340, 0x3861, 0x4167, 0x7446, 0x505f, 0x7447, 0x4f5b, 0x483a, + 0x7448, 0x7449, 0x744a, 0x744b, 0x597a, 0x387e, 0x6571, 0x5370, + 0x7460, 0x4e4c, 0x3361, 0x7134, 0x526e, 0x7461, 0x4f68, 0x7462, + 0x474c, 0x3554, 0x3464, 0x7464, 0x7463, 0x7465, 0x7466, 0x7467, + 0x3a32, 0x303f, 0x7468, 0x372d, 0x526d, 0x522b, 0x404f, 0x3f3c, + 0x6b23, 0x555f, 0x6a48, 0x7173, 0x3678, 0x4b23, 0x444d, 0x7167, + 0x7168, 0x387b, 0x7169, 0x3a44, 0x5445, 0x3052, 0x716a, 0x716b, + 0x716c, 0x716d, 0x716e, 0x716f, 0x7171, 0x7170, 0x4555, 0x7172, + 0x367a, 0x7174, 0x522e, 0x5e47, 0x4b4a, 0x335c, 0x3522, 0x3922, + 0x4474, 0x7175, 0x7176, 0x4144, 0x417b, 0x5630, 0x7177, 0x7178, + 0x412a, 0x4638, 0x3e5b, 0x7179, 0x344f, 0x717a, 0x6d32, 0x6d31, + 0x4b60, 0x525e, 0x4b41, 0x5558, 0x4862, 0x405f, 0x3c21, 0x6b41, + 0x5024, 0x5662, 0x3647, 0x3858, 0x6b40, 0x384e, 0x6b3f, 0x3326, + 0x3949, 0x562b, 0x3774, 0x374a, 0x3c67, 0x373e, 0x6b46, 0x6b47, + 0x3039, 0x3f4f, 0x6b45, 0x537d, 0x6b48, 0x6b49, 0x374e, 0x6b42, + 0x6b44, 0x4976, 0x5657, 0x554d, 0x5032, 0x6b4f, 0x4e38, 0x6b50, + 0x3528, 0x3133, 0x6b52, 0x4c25, 0x4556, 0x6b53, 0x6b51, 0x455f, + 0x6b4e, 0x4a24, 0x6b55, 0x307b, 0x3a7a, 0x5837, 0x7163, 0x6b4a, + 0x6b4b, 0x6b4c, 0x6b4d, 0x6b56, 0x6640, 0x6b59, 0x3f68, 0x5248, + 0x6b57, 0x6b5c, 0x386c, 0x6b58, 0x3d3a, 0x5058, 0x3037, 0x6b5d, + 0x445c, 0x562c, 0x3460, 0x4276, 0x3c39, 0x6b5a, 0x6b5b, 0x5460, + 0x466a, 0x4454, 0x6b5f, 0x4527, 0x5975, 0x3231, 0x6b64, 0x3d45, + 0x6b62, 0x6b63, 0x382c, 0x4d51, 0x6b65, 0x6b61, 0x4133, 0x4622, + 0x4c73, 0x6b66, 0x4030, 0x5238, 0x6b67, 0x382f, 0x382d, 0x6b68, + 0x473b, 0x4d73, 0x6b6a, 0x6b6b, 0x6b6d, 0x5048, 0x6b72, 0x6b6e, + 0x6b71, 0x4879, 0x517c, 0x6b6c, 0x6b69, 0x3839, 0x4f59, 0x4465, + 0x6b6f, 0x6b70, 0x4c5a, 0x4d48, 0x3072, 0x6b76, 0x6b75, 0x3232, + 0x3860, 0x6b77, 0x316c, 0x4c45, 0x4424, 0x4f25, 0x6b79, 0x6c22, + 0x4572, 0x6b7a, 0x4945, 0x625f, 0x6b7e, 0x4d4e, 0x6c21, 0x315b, + 0x5337, 0x525c, 0x6b7d, 0x6b7b, 0x333c, 0x6a30, 0x5754, 0x742b, + 0x3374, 0x5641, 0x5642, 0x5569, 0x3e4a, 0x7427, 0x5228, 0x7428, + 0x7429, 0x742a, 0x3e4b, 0x535f, 0x4960, 0x4961, 0x7342, 0x4a66, + 0x4c72, 0x6236, 0x4b34, 0x4e68, 0x565b, 0x742d, 0x742e, 0x742f, + 0x7432, 0x3a3d, 0x7433, 0x3063, 0x7430, 0x7431, 0x3d22, 0x3255, + 0x7436, 0x7437, 0x3666, 0x3230, 0x4f4f, 0x7434, 0x342c, 0x7435, + 0x7438, 0x7439, 0x4d27, 0x743a, 0x743b, 0x743c, 0x4b52, 0x743d, + 0x743e, 0x743f, 0x745e, 0x413c, 0x3c68, 0x492b, 0x515e, 0x6575, + 0x5c33, 0x5255, 0x5c34, 0x302c, 0x5c35, 0x3d5a, 0x5c39, 0x5842, + 0x5c37, 0x5373, 0x4956, 0x5c3a, 0x5c36, 0x5c3b, 0x4322, 0x5c3c, + 0x5c45, 0x5c3d, 0x4e5f, 0x5625, 0x5c4f, 0x5c4d, 0x5c52, 0x3d66, + 0x422b, 0x5c38, 0x5c4b, 0x5c4e, 0x5c3e, 0x3752, 0x3045, 0x5c47, + 0x503e, 0x5c41, 0x3b28, 0x373c, 0x5c4c, 0x5c46, 0x5c3f, 0x475b, + 0x513f, 0x5c40, 0x5c4a, 0x5c50, 0x4e2d, 0x5c42, 0x5c43, 0x5c48, + 0x5c49, 0x3254, 0x5c51, 0x4b55, 0x5437, 0x5c5b, 0x5c5f, 0x4c26, + 0x5c66, 0x4367, 0x5c5c, 0x3f41, 0x5c59, 0x307a, 0x3936, 0x5c65, + 0x5c53, 0x5c44, 0x5c56, 0x4874, 0x3f60, 0x493b, 0x313d, 0x5322, + 0x5c5a, 0x5c55, 0x463b, 0x5c5e, 0x5742, 0x432f, 0x3736, 0x4751, + 0x4329, 0x5c62, 0x5c58, 0x5c6b, 0x5c54, 0x5c5d, 0x3e25, 0x5c57, + 0x5c60, 0x5c63, 0x5c64, 0x5c78, 0x5c61, 0x5d22, 0x5c67, 0x3c6b, + 0x3444, 0x4323, 0x3267, 0x5c7a, 0x5c72, 0x5c6f, 0x5c7c, 0x5c6e, + 0x5270, 0x3268, 0x4857, 0x4863, 0x5c7b, 0x5c6d, 0x5c77, 0x5c75, + 0x3e23, 0x5c74, 0x325d, 0x5c73, 0x3c76, 0x5c68, 0x3b44, 0x4073, + 0x3c54, 0x5c69, 0x5c6a, 0x5c71, 0x5c76, 0x5c79, 0x3534, 0x4859, + 0x3b67, 0x5c7e, 0x5c7d, 0x532b, 0x5d21, 0x5d23, 0x5d25, 0x5271, + 0x5d24, 0x5d26, 0x5d27, 0x5229, 0x3a49, 0x5d29, 0x5d36, 0x5d31, + 0x5d34, 0x5d30, 0x464e, 0x4072, 0x492f, 0x5c6c, 0x5d2e, 0x5d37, + 0x5c70, 0x5d2f, 0x5d38, 0x5d2c, 0x5d39, 0x5d33, 0x5d2d, 0x442a, + 0x5d28, 0x4033, 0x412b, 0x5d2a, 0x5d2b, 0x5d32, 0x3b71, 0x5d35, + 0x5328, 0x5d3a, 0x5d3b, 0x4327, 0x5d52, 0x5d3c, 0x5d51, 0x393d, + 0x3e55, 0x3e7a, 0x3a4a, 0x5d4a, 0x5d45, 0x5d3f, 0x324b, 0x5d43, + 0x5d4b, 0x3224, 0x5d55, 0x5d3e, 0x4650, 0x5d50, 0x5d54, 0x4162, + 0x3746, 0x5d4e, 0x5d4f, 0x5d44, 0x5d3d, 0x5d4d, 0x4c51, 0x5d49, + 0x5d42, 0x4348, 0x463c, 0x4e2e, 0x5d4c, 0x5d48, 0x5d41, 0x5d46, + 0x425c, 0x5329, 0x532a, 0x5d53, 0x4f74, 0x4878, 0x5d66, 0x5d47, + 0x5d60, 0x4264, 0x5d61, 0x5d57, 0x5678, 0x5d59, 0x5d58, 0x3870, + 0x5d56, 0x464f, 0x362d, 0x5d62, 0x3a79, 0x5461, 0x5d67, 0x3450, + 0x5d5a, 0x3f7b, 0x5d63, 0x5d5f, 0x5d5d, 0x3559, 0x5d5b, 0x5d5c, + 0x5d5e, 0x3d2f, 0x5d64, 0x5d65, 0x5d75, 0x4349, 0x4b62, 0x5d72, + 0x5861, 0x4651, 0x5d74, 0x5574, 0x5d73, 0x5d70, 0x5d6c, 0x5d6f, + 0x5d68, 0x506e, 0x4858, 0x5d6e, 0x5d69, 0x5d6a, 0x4b72, 0x5d6d, + 0x314d, 0x4036, 0x3c3b, 0x5d71, 0x5d77, 0x5d76, 0x5d6b, 0x456e, + 0x5d7b, 0x5e24, 0x5e23, 0x5d78, 0x436f, 0x427b, 0x5561, 0x4e35, + 0x5d7d, 0x324c, 0x4468, 0x4a5f, 0x473e, 0x5d7a, 0x5d7c, 0x5d7e, + 0x5e22, 0x302a, 0x314e, 0x5e2c, 0x5e26, 0x3d36, 0x486f, 0x5e21, + 0x5e25, 0x5e29, 0x5e28, 0x5e27, 0x5e2d, 0x544c, 0x5e33, 0x5e2a, + 0x5e2e, 0x4059, 0x3121, 0x5e36, 0x5e31, 0x5e32, 0x5126, 0x5e35, + 0x5e2f, 0x5e30, 0x503d, 0x5e34, 0x4a6d, 0x5e39, 0x5e38, 0x5e37, + 0x5e3b, 0x3d65, 0x3258, 0x436a, 0x5e3a, 0x453a, 0x5e3c, 0x4c59, + 0x372a, 0x5465, 0x5e3d, 0x5e3f, 0x4422, 0x5e41, 0x5e3e, 0x5e40, + 0x553a, 0x5e42, 0x722e, 0x3b22, 0x4232, 0x4530, 0x4247, 0x722f, + 0x5069, 0x535d, 0x6b3d, 0x3366, 0x7230, 0x7231, 0x4a2d, 0x3a67, + 0x7233, 0x7235, 0x7234, 0x4b64, 0x4f3a, 0x7232, 0x4a34, 0x524f, + 0x426c, 0x4e43, 0x7238, 0x3076, 0x7237, 0x723e, 0x324f, 0x5141, + 0x723a, 0x723c, 0x5469, 0x723b, 0x7236, 0x723f, 0x723d, 0x7239, + 0x7247, 0x7244, 0x7246, 0x724a, 0x7242, 0x7240, 0x7245, 0x567b, + 0x7241, 0x4779, 0x495f, 0x7248, 0x3946, 0x3530, 0x7243, 0x7249, + 0x7250, 0x7256, 0x3b57, 0x7255, 0x4d5c, 0x566b, 0x7252, 0x7254, + 0x3872, 0x724b, 0x724e, 0x4279, 0x555d, 0x724c, 0x724d, 0x724f, + 0x7253, 0x7259, 0x533c, 0x366a, 0x4a71, 0x3764, 0x7257, 0x7258, + 0x725a, 0x725d, 0x725b, 0x725c, 0x5151, 0x7251, 0x4d49, 0x4e4f, + 0x5629, 0x7263, 0x435b, 0x7260, 0x402f, 0x726c, 0x725e, 0x7261, + 0x7268, 0x7262, 0x7267, 0x7266, 0x7269, 0x725f, 0x7264, 0x726a, + 0x532c, 0x7265, 0x3275, 0x7272, 0x502b, 0x7275, 0x3b48, 0x7279, + 0x7270, 0x7276, 0x7278, 0x727a, 0x7273, 0x7271, 0x3a7b, 0x357b, + 0x726f, 0x7277, 0x726d, 0x726e, 0x726b, 0x7326, 0x7323, 0x7322, + 0x7274, 0x485a, 0x727b, 0x7325, 0x4378, 0x727d, 0x7327, 0x7329, + 0x7324, 0x727c, 0x732b, 0x732a, 0x425d, 0x732e, 0x7330, 0x7321, + 0x7331, 0x732c, 0x732f, 0x727e, 0x732d, 0x7332, 0x7334, 0x7328, + 0x7333, 0x7335, 0x5037, 0x7338, 0x5979, 0x7339, 0x7337, 0x4864, + 0x7336, 0x733a, 0x733b, 0x3440, 0x6e43, 0x733c, 0x733d, 0x512a, + 0x742c, 0x5046, 0x5050, 0x515c, 0x4f4e, 0x3d56, 0x5143, 0x3a62, + 0x6169, 0x5242, 0x7142, 0x3239, 0x316d, 0x7143, 0x4940, 0x3344, + 0x5972, 0x4b25, 0x7144, 0x5654, 0x7145, 0x7440, 0x7146, 0x542c, + 0x7147, 0x3040, 0x7441, 0x7442, 0x347c, 0x455b, 0x4c3b, 0x5064, + 0x4d60, 0x7148, 0x5973, 0x313b, 0x4f2e, 0x3824, 0x714a, 0x714b, + 0x3243, 0x4151, 0x5730, 0x7149, 0x714c, 0x714e, 0x5976, 0x5261, + 0x5423, 0x7443, 0x4839, 0x7444, 0x714d, 0x714f, 0x3f63, 0x7150, + 0x7154, 0x7156, 0x7151, 0x4951, 0x4561, 0x4263, 0x397c, 0x7153, + 0x7155, 0x3953, 0x715b, 0x3a56, 0x307d, 0x7159, 0x7158, 0x7152, + 0x715a, 0x7157, 0x486c, 0x4d4a, 0x715d, 0x653d, 0x715c, 0x715e, + 0x715f, 0x4f65, 0x7445, 0x3d73, 0x7160, 0x7161, 0x4e77, 0x522a, + 0x717b, 0x3832, 0x3c7b, 0x395b, 0x3966, 0x4359, 0x4a53, 0x6a68, + 0x4040, 0x3e75, 0x6a69, 0x6a6a, 0x6a6b, 0x6a6c, 0x6a6d, 0x6a6e, + 0x6a6f, 0x3d47, 0x757b, 0x757d, 0x757e, 0x757c, 0x3d62, 0x7621, + 0x3425, 0x7622, 0x7623, 0x6c32, 0x5154, 0x596a, 0x7624, 0x6e3a, + 0x5532, 0x537e, 0x4c5c, 0x4a44, 0x6540, 0x7625, 0x3e2f, 0x4629, + 0x5a25, 0x3c46, 0x3629, 0x383c, 0x484f, 0x3c25, 0x5a26, 0x5a27, + 0x4c56, 0x4843, 0x5a28, 0x467d, 0x5135, 0x5269, 0x5136, 0x3c47, + 0x3d32, 0x3b64, 0x5a29, 0x5a2a, 0x5148, 0x5a2b, 0x506d, 0x366f, + 0x425b, 0x4b4f, 0x376d, 0x4968, 0x3743, 0x3e77, 0x5624, 0x5a2c, + 0x5a2d, 0x4640, 0x5767, 0x4a36, 0x5529, 0x4b5f, 0x556f, 0x5a2e, + 0x565f, 0x344a, 0x5a30, 0x5a2f, 0x526b, 0x5a31, 0x5a32, 0x5a33, + 0x4a54, 0x5a34, 0x4a2b, 0x5a35, 0x5a36, 0x334f, 0x566f, 0x5a37, + 0x3b30, 0x352e, 0x5a38, 0x5a39, 0x396e, 0x512f, 0x5268, 0x5a3a, + 0x3843, 0x4f6a, 0x326f, 0x5a3b, 0x5a3c, 0x3d6b, 0x4e5c, 0x536f, + 0x5a3d, 0x4e73, 0x5a3e, 0x5355, 0x3b65, 0x5a3f, 0x4b35, 0x4b50, + 0x5a40, 0x476b, 0x566e, 0x5a41, 0x4535, 0x3641, 0x5a42, 0x374c, + 0x3f4e, 0x5a43, 0x5a44, 0x4b2d, 0x5a45, 0x3577, 0x5a46, 0x4142, + 0x573b, 0x5a47, 0x4c38, 0x526a, 0x4431, 0x5a48, 0x357d, 0x3b51, + 0x5a49, 0x5033, 0x5a4a, 0x5a4b, 0x4e3d, 0x5a4c, 0x5a4d, 0x5a4e, + 0x3277, 0x5a51, 0x5a4f, 0x5168, 0x5a50, 0x4355, 0x5a52, 0x5a53, + 0x5a54, 0x5a55, 0x503b, 0x5225, 0x3079, 0x5a56, 0x472b, 0x5a57, + 0x3d77, 0x4321, 0x5a58, 0x5a59, 0x437d, 0x4c37, 0x5a5a, 0x5a5b, + 0x403e, 0x4657, 0x5a5c, 0x5a5d, 0x4734, 0x5a5e, 0x5a5f, 0x3948, + 0x3b6d, 0x3639, 0x7478, 0x7479, 0x4d63, 0x7539, 0x6b60, 0x4f73, + 0x3b3f, 0x3a40, 0x5425, 0x6159, 0x7574, 0x312a, 0x3272, 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0x366c, 0x7041, 0x7042, 0x7043, 0x7044, 0x4835, 0x7045, + 0x7046, 0x7047, 0x4574, 0x7048, 0x7049, 0x704a, 0x773d, 0x704b, + 0x704c, 0x704d, 0x704e, 0x704f, 0x3a57, 0x7050, 0x7051, 0x7052, + 0x7053, 0x7054, 0x7055, 0x7056, 0x7058, 0x5325, 0x7057, 0x7059, + 0x753a, 0x4239, 0x7764, 0x7765, 0x7766, 0x7767, 0x7768, 0x4234, + 0x776a, 0x776b, 0x4273, 0x7470, 0x746f, 0x4269, 0x7761, 0x7762, + 0x3b46, 0x5964, 0x4a72, 0x4068, 0x7024, 0x3a5a, 0x472d, 0x442c, + 0x776c, 0x776d, 0x776e, 0x7770, 0x776f, 0x7771, 0x7774, 0x7773, + 0x7772, 0x7775, 0x7776, 0x6d69, 0x6d6a, 0x6d6b, 0x763c, 0x763d, + 0x763e, 0x3626, 0x583e, 0x3944, 0x583b, 0x5c31, 0x4a73, 0x7777, + 0x7778, 0x7779, 0x777b, 0x777a, 0x3147, 0x777c, 0x777d, 0x777e, + 0x466b, 0x6c34, 0x335d, 0x7633, 0x7634, 0x4164, 0x7635, 0x7636, + 0x7637, 0x7638, 0x7639, 0x763a, 0x4823, 0x763b, 0x417a, 0x3928, + 0x6d68, 0x396a, 0x595f, 0x2321, 0x2322, 0x2323, 0x2167, 0x2325, + 0x2326, 0x2327, 0x2328, 0x2329, 0x232a, 0x232b, 0x232c, 0x232d, + 0x232e, 0x232f, 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0x168c }, + /* 0x0100 */ + { 19, 0x0002 }, { 20, 0x0808 }, { 22, 0x0800 }, { 23, 0x0000 }, + { 23, 0x2000 }, { 24, 0x0000 }, { 24, 0x0800 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, + { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, + { 25, 0x4000 }, { 26, 0x1555 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x0200 */ + { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, + { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, + { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, + { 33, 0x0280 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x0300 */ + { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, + { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, + { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0xfffe }, { 50, 0x03fb }, { 59, 0xfffe }, + { 74, 0x03fb }, { 83, 0x0000 }, { 83, 0x0000 }, { 83, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x0400 */ + { 83, 0x0002 }, { 84, 0xffff }, { 100, 0xffff }, { 116, 0xffff }, + { 132, 0xffff }, { 148, 0x0002 }, +}; +static const Summary16 gb2312_uni2indx_page20[101] = { + /* 0x2000 */ + { 149, 0x0000 }, { 149, 0x3360 }, { 155, 0x0040 }, { 156, 0x080d }, + { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0000 }, + { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0000 }, + { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2100 */ + { 160, 0x0008 }, { 161, 0x0040 }, { 162, 0x0000 }, { 162, 0x0000 }, + { 162, 0x0000 }, { 162, 0x0000 }, { 162, 0x0fff }, { 174, 0x0000 }, + { 174, 0x0000 }, { 174, 0x000f }, { 178, 0x0000 }, { 178, 0x0000 }, + { 178, 0x0000 }, { 178, 0x0000 }, { 178, 0x0000 }, { 178, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2200 */ + { 178, 0x8100 }, { 180, 0x6402 }, { 184, 0x4fa1 }, { 192, 0x20f0 }, + { 197, 0x1100 }, { 199, 0x0000 }, { 199, 0xc033 }, { 205, 0x0000 }, + { 205, 0x0000 }, { 205, 0x0200 }, { 206, 0x0020 }, { 207, 0x0000 }, + { 207, 0x0000 }, { 207, 0x0000 }, { 207, 0x0000 }, { 207, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2300 */ + { 207, 0x0000 }, { 207, 0x0004 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, + { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, + { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, + { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2400 */ + { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, + { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x03ff }, { 218, 0xfff0 }, + { 230, 0xffff }, { 246, 0x0fff }, { 258, 0x0000 }, { 258, 0x0000 }, + { 258, 0x0000 }, { 258, 0x0000 }, { 258, 0x0000 }, { 258, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2500 */ + { 258, 0xffff }, { 274, 0xffff }, { 290, 0xffff }, { 306, 0xffff }, + { 322, 0x0fff }, { 334, 0x0000 }, { 334, 0x0000 }, { 334, 0x0000 }, + { 334, 0x0000 }, { 334, 0x0000 }, { 334, 0x0003 }, { 336, 0x000c }, + { 338, 0xc8c0 }, { 343, 0x0000 }, { 343, 0x0000 }, { 343, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2600 */ + { 343, 0x0060 }, { 345, 0x0000 }, { 345, 0x0000 }, { 345, 0x0000 }, + { 345, 0x0005 }, +}; +static const Summary16 gb2312_uni2indx_page30[35] = { + /* 0x3000 */ + { 347, 0xff2f }, { 360, 0x00fb }, { 367, 0x0000 }, { 367, 0x0000 }, + { 367, 0xfffe }, { 382, 0xffff }, { 398, 0xffff }, { 414, 0xffff }, + { 430, 0xffff }, { 446, 0x000f }, { 450, 0xfffe }, { 465, 0xffff }, + { 481, 0xffff }, { 497, 0xffff }, { 513, 0xffff }, { 529, 0x087f }, + /* 0x3100 */ + { 537, 0xffe0 }, { 548, 0xffff }, { 564, 0x03ff }, { 574, 0x0000 }, + { 574, 0x0000 }, { 574, 0x0000 }, { 574, 0x0000 }, { 574, 0x0000 }, + { 574, 0x0000 }, { 574, 0x0000 }, { 574, 0x0000 }, { 574, 0x0000 }, + { 574, 0x0000 }, { 574, 0x0000 }, { 574, 0x0000 }, { 574, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3200 */ + { 574, 0x0000 }, { 574, 0x0000 }, { 574, 0x03ff }, +}; +static const Summary16 gb2312_uni2indx_page4e[1263] = { + /* 0x4e00 */ + { 584, 0x7f8b }, { 595, 0x7f7b }, { 608, 0x3db4 }, { 617, 0xef55 }, + { 628, 0xfba8 }, { 638, 0xf35d }, { 649, 0x0243 }, { 653, 0x400b }, + { 657, 0xfb40 }, { 665, 0x8d3e }, { 674, 0x7bf7 }, { 687, 0x8c2c }, + { 693, 0x6eff }, { 706, 0xe3fa }, { 717, 0x1d3a }, { 725, 0xa8ed }, + /* 0x4f00 */ + { 734, 0xe602 }, { 740, 0xcf83 }, { 749, 0x8cf5 }, { 758, 0x3555 }, + { 766, 0xe048 }, { 771, 0xffab }, { 784, 0x92b9 }, { 792, 0xd859 }, + { 800, 0xab18 }, { 807, 0x2892 }, { 812, 0xd7e9 }, { 823, 0x8020 }, + { 825, 0xc438 }, { 831, 0xf583 }, { 840, 0xe74a }, { 849, 0x450a }, + /* 0x5000 */ + { 854, 0xb000 }, { 857, 0x9714 }, { 864, 0x7762 }, { 873, 0x5400 }, + { 876, 0xd188 }, { 882, 0x1420 }, { 885, 0x1020 }, { 887, 0xc8c0 }, + { 892, 0x2121 }, { 896, 0x0000 }, { 896, 0x13a8 }, { 902, 0x0c04 }, + { 905, 0x8000 }, { 906, 0x0440 }, { 908, 0x70c0 }, { 913, 0x0828 }, + /* 0x5100 */ + { 916, 0x08c0 }, { 919, 0x0004 }, { 920, 0x0002 }, { 921, 0x8000 }, + { 922, 0x2b7b }, { 932, 0x1472 }, { 938, 0x7924 }, { 945, 0x3bfb }, + { 957, 0x3327 }, { 965, 0x1ae4 }, { 972, 0x9835 }, { 979, 0x38ef }, + { 989, 0x9ad1 }, { 997, 0x2802 }, { 1000, 0xa813 }, { 1006, 0xbf69 }, + /* 0x5200 */ + { 1017, 0x65cf }, { 1027, 0x2fc6 }, { 1036, 0x6b11 }, { 1043, 0xafc9 }, + { 1053, 0x340f }, { 1060, 0x5053 }, { 1066, 0x86a2 }, { 1072, 0xa004 }, + { 1075, 0x0106 }, { 1078, 0xe809 }, { 1084, 0x3f0f }, { 1094, 0xc00e }, + { 1099, 0x0a88 }, { 1103, 0x8145 }, { 1108, 0x0010 }, { 1109, 0xc601 }, + /* 0x5300 */ + { 1114, 0xa161 }, { 1120, 0x26e1 }, { 1127, 0x444b }, { 1133, 0xce00 }, + { 1138, 0xc7aa }, { 1147, 0xd4ee }, { 1157, 0xcadf }, { 1168, 0x85bb }, + { 1177, 0x3a74 }, { 1185, 0xa520 }, { 1190, 0x436c }, { 1197, 0x8840 }, + { 1200, 0x3f06 }, { 1208, 0x8bd2 }, { 1216, 0xff79 }, { 1229, 0x3bef }, + /* 0x5400 */ + { 1241, 0xf75a }, { 1252, 0xe8ef }, { 1263, 0xfbcb }, { 1275, 0x5b36 }, + { 1284, 0x0d49 }, { 1290, 0x1bfd }, { 1301, 0x0154 }, { 1305, 0x39ee }, + { 1315, 0xd855 }, { 1323, 0x2e75 }, { 1332, 0xbfd8 }, { 1343, 0xa91a }, + { 1350, 0xf3d7 }, { 1362, 0xf6bf }, { 1375, 0x67e0 }, { 1383, 0xb40c }, + /* 0x5500 */ + { 1389, 0x82c2 }, { 1394, 0x0813 }, { 1398, 0xd49d }, { 1407, 0xd08b }, + { 1414, 0x065a }, { 1420, 0x1061 }, { 1424, 0x74f2 }, { 1433, 0x59e0 }, + { 1440, 0x8f9f }, { 1451, 0xb312 }, { 1458, 0x0080 }, { 1459, 0x6aaa }, + { 1467, 0x3230 }, { 1472, 0xb05e }, { 1480, 0x9d7a }, { 1490, 0x60ac }, + /* 0x5600 */ + { 1496, 0xd303 }, { 1503, 0xc900 }, { 1507, 0x3098 }, { 1512, 0x8a56 }, + { 1519, 0x7000 }, { 1522, 0x1390 }, { 1527, 0x1f14 }, { 1534, 0x1842 }, + { 1538, 0xc060 }, { 1542, 0x0008 }, { 1543, 0x8008 }, { 1545, 0x1080 }, + { 1547, 0x0400 }, { 1548, 0xec90 }, { 1555, 0x2817 }, { 1561, 0xe633 }, + /* 0x5700 */ + { 1570, 0x0758 }, { 1576, 0x9000 }, { 1578, 0xf708 }, { 1586, 0x4e09 }, + { 1592, 0xf485 }, { 1600, 0xfc83 }, { 1609, 0xaf53 }, { 1619, 0x18c8 }, + { 1624, 0x187c }, { 1631, 0x080c }, { 1634, 0x6adf }, { 1645, 0x0114 }, + { 1648, 0xc80c }, { 1653, 0xa734 }, { 1661, 0xa011 }, { 1665, 0x2710 }, + /* 0x5800 */ + { 1670, 0x28c5 }, { 1676, 0x4222 }, { 1680, 0x0413 }, { 1684, 0x0021 }, + { 1686, 0x3010 }, { 1689, 0x4112 }, { 1693, 0x1820 }, { 1696, 0x4000 }, + { 1697, 0x022b }, { 1702, 0xc60c }, { 1708, 0x0300 }, { 1710, 0x1000 }, + { 1711, 0x0022 }, { 1713, 0x0022 }, { 1715, 0x5810 }, { 1719, 0x0249 }, + /* 0x5900 */ + { 1723, 0xa094 }, { 1728, 0x9670 }, { 1735, 0xeeb0 }, { 1744, 0x1792 }, + { 1751, 0xcb96 }, { 1760, 0x05f2 }, { 1767, 0x0025 }, { 1770, 0x2358 }, + { 1776, 0x25de }, { 1785, 0x42cc }, { 1791, 0xcf38 }, { 1800, 0x4a04 }, + { 1804, 0x0c40 }, { 1807, 0x359f }, { 1817, 0x1128 }, { 1821, 0x8a00 }, + /* 0x5a00 */ + { 1824, 0x13fa }, { 1833, 0x910a }, { 1838, 0x0229 }, { 1842, 0x1056 }, + { 1847, 0x0641 }, { 1851, 0x0420 }, { 1853, 0x0484 }, { 1856, 0x84f0 }, + { 1862, 0x0000 }, { 1862, 0x0c04 }, { 1865, 0x0400 }, { 1866, 0x412c }, + { 1871, 0x1206 }, { 1875, 0x1154 }, { 1880, 0x0a4b }, { 1886, 0x0002 }, + /* 0x5b00 */ + { 1887, 0x0200 }, { 1888, 0x00c0 }, { 1890, 0x0000 }, { 1890, 0x0094 }, + { 1893, 0x0001 }, { 1894, 0xbfbb }, { 1907, 0x167c }, { 1915, 0x242b }, + { 1921, 0x9bbb }, { 1932, 0x7fa8 }, { 1942, 0x0c7f }, { 1951, 0xe379 }, + { 1961, 0x10f4 }, { 1967, 0xe00d }, { 1973, 0x4132 }, { 1978, 0x9f01 }, + /* 0x5c00 */ + { 1985, 0x8652 }, { 1991, 0x3572 }, { 1999, 0x10b4 }, { 2004, 0xff12 }, + { 2014, 0xcf27 }, { 2024, 0x4223 }, { 2029, 0xc06b }, { 2036, 0x8602 }, + { 2040, 0x3106 }, { 2045, 0x1fd3 }, { 2055, 0x3a0c }, { 2061, 0xa1aa }, + { 2068, 0x0812 }, { 2071, 0x0204 }, { 2073, 0x2572 }, { 2080, 0x0801 }, + /* 0x5d00 */ + { 2082, 0x40cc }, { 2087, 0x4850 }, { 2091, 0x62d0 }, { 2097, 0x6010 }, + { 2100, 0x1c80 }, { 2104, 0x2900 }, { 2107, 0x9a00 }, { 2111, 0x0010 }, + { 2112, 0x0004 }, { 2113, 0x2200 }, { 2115, 0x0000 }, { 2115, 0x0080 }, + { 2116, 0x2020 }, { 2118, 0x6800 }, { 2121, 0xcbe6 }, { 2131, 0x609e }, + /* 0x5e00 */ + { 2138, 0x916e }, { 2146, 0x3f73 }, { 2157, 0x60c0 }, { 2161, 0x3982 }, + { 2167, 0x1034 }, { 2171, 0x4830 }, { 2175, 0x0006 }, { 2177, 0xbd5c }, + { 2187, 0x8cd1 }, { 2194, 0xd6fb }, { 2206, 0x20e1 }, { 2211, 0x43e8 }, + { 2218, 0x0600 }, { 2220, 0x084e }, { 2225, 0x0500 }, { 2227, 0xc4d0 }, + /* 0x5f00 */ + { 2233, 0x8d1f }, { 2242, 0x89aa }, { 2249, 0xa6e1 }, { 2257, 0x1602 }, + { 2261, 0x0001 }, { 2262, 0x21ed }, { 2270, 0x3656 }, { 2278, 0x1a8b }, + { 2285, 0x1fb7 }, { 2296, 0x13a5 }, { 2303, 0x6502 }, { 2308, 0x30a0 }, + { 2312, 0xb278 }, { 2320, 0x23c7 }, { 2328, 0x6c93 }, { 2336, 0xe922 }, + /* 0x6000 */ + { 2343, 0xe47f }, { 2354, 0x3a74 }, { 2362, 0x8fe3 }, { 2372, 0x9820 }, + { 2376, 0x280e }, { 2381, 0x2625 }, { 2387, 0xbf9c }, { 2398, 0xbf49 }, + { 2408, 0x3218 }, { 2413, 0xac54 }, { 2420, 0xb949 }, { 2428, 0x1916 }, + { 2434, 0x0c60 }, { 2438, 0xb522 }, { 2445, 0xfbc1 }, { 2455, 0x0659 }, + /* 0x6100 */ + { 2461, 0xe343 }, { 2469, 0x8420 }, { 2472, 0x08d9 }, { 2478, 0x8000 }, + { 2479, 0x5500 }, { 2483, 0x2022 }, { 2486, 0x0184 }, { 2489, 0x00a1 }, + { 2492, 0x4800 }, { 2494, 0x2010 }, { 2496, 0x1380 }, { 2500, 0x4080 }, + { 2502, 0x0d04 }, { 2506, 0x0016 }, { 2509, 0x0040 }, { 2510, 0x8020 }, + /* 0x6200 */ + { 2512, 0xfd40 }, { 2520, 0x8de7 }, { 2530, 0x5436 }, { 2537, 0xe098 }, + { 2543, 0x7b8b }, { 2553, 0x091e }, { 2559, 0xfec8 }, { 2569, 0xd249 }, + { 2576, 0x0611 }, { 2580, 0x8dee }, { 2590, 0x1937 }, { 2598, 0xba22 }, + { 2605, 0x77f4 }, { 2616, 0x9fdd }, { 2628, 0xf3ec }, { 2639, 0xf0da }, + /* 0x6300 */ + { 2648, 0x4386 }, { 2654, 0xec42 }, { 2661, 0x8d3f }, { 2671, 0x2604 }, + { 2675, 0xfa6c }, { 2685, 0xc021 }, { 2689, 0x628e }, { 2696, 0x0cc2 }, + { 2701, 0xd785 }, { 2710, 0x0145 }, { 2714, 0x77ad }, { 2725, 0x5599 }, + { 2733, 0xe250 }, { 2739, 0x4045 }, { 2743, 0x260b }, { 2749, 0xa154 }, + /* 0x6400 */ + { 2755, 0x9827 }, { 2762, 0x5819 }, { 2768, 0x3443 }, { 2774, 0xa410 }, + { 2778, 0x05f2 }, { 2785, 0x4114 }, { 2789, 0x2280 }, { 2792, 0x0700 }, + { 2795, 0x00b4 }, { 2799, 0x4266 }, { 2805, 0x7210 }, { 2810, 0x15a1 }, + { 2816, 0x6025 }, { 2821, 0x4185 }, { 2826, 0x0054 }, { 2829, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6500 */ + { 2829, 0x0201 }, { 2831, 0x0104 }, { 2833, 0xc820 }, { 2837, 0xcb70 }, + { 2845, 0x9320 }, { 2850, 0x6a62 }, { 2857, 0x184c }, { 2862, 0x0095 }, + { 2866, 0x1880 }, { 2869, 0x9a8b }, { 2877, 0xaab2 }, { 2885, 0x3201 }, + { 2889, 0xd87a }, { 2898, 0x00c4 }, { 2901, 0xf3e5 }, { 2912, 0x04c3 }, + /* 0x6600 */ + { 2917, 0xd44d }, { 2925, 0xa238 }, { 2931, 0xa1a1 }, { 2937, 0x5072 }, + { 2943, 0x980a }, { 2948, 0x84fc }, { 2956, 0xc152 }, { 2962, 0x44d1 }, + { 2968, 0x1094 }, { 2972, 0x20c2 }, { 2976, 0x4180 }, { 2979, 0x4210 }, + { 2982, 0x0000 }, { 2982, 0x3a00 }, { 2986, 0x0240 }, { 2988, 0xd29d }, + /* 0x6700 */ + { 2997, 0x2f01 }, { 3003, 0xa8b1 }, { 3010, 0xbd40 }, { 3017, 0x2432 }, + { 3022, 0xd34d }, { 3031, 0xd04b }, { 3038, 0xa723 }, { 3046, 0xd0ad }, + { 3054, 0x0a92 }, { 3059, 0x75a1 }, { 3067, 0xadac }, { 3076, 0x01e9 }, + { 3082, 0x801a }, { 3086, 0x771f }, { 3097, 0x9225 }, { 3103, 0xa01b }, + /* 0x6800 */ + { 3109, 0xdfa1 }, { 3119, 0x20ca }, { 3124, 0x0602 }, { 3127, 0x738c }, + { 3135, 0x577f }, { 3147, 0x003b }, { 3152, 0x0bff }, { 3163, 0x00d0 }, + { 3166, 0x806a }, { 3171, 0x0088 }, { 3173, 0xa1c4 }, { 3179, 0x0029 }, + { 3182, 0x2a05 }, { 3187, 0x0524 }, { 3191, 0x4009 }, { 3194, 0x1623 }, + /* 0x6900 */ + { 3200, 0x6822 }, { 3205, 0x8005 }, { 3208, 0x2011 }, { 3211, 0xa211 }, + { 3216, 0x0004 }, { 3217, 0x6490 }, { 3222, 0x4849 }, { 3227, 0x1382 }, + { 3232, 0x23d5 }, { 3240, 0x1930 }, { 3245, 0x2980 }, { 3249, 0x0892 }, + { 3253, 0x5402 }, { 3257, 0x8811 }, { 3261, 0x2001 }, { 3263, 0xa004 }, + /* 0x6a00 */ + { 3266, 0x0400 }, { 3267, 0x8180 }, { 3270, 0x8502 }, { 3274, 0x6022 }, + { 3278, 0x0090 }, { 3280, 0x0b01 }, { 3284, 0x0022 }, { 3286, 0x1202 }, + { 3289, 0x4011 }, { 3292, 0x0083 }, { 3295, 0x1a01 }, { 3299, 0x0000 }, + { 3299, 0x0000 }, { 3299, 0x0000 }, { 3299, 0x0000 }, { 3299, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6b00 */ + { 3299, 0x0000 }, { 3299, 0x0000 }, { 3299, 0x009f }, { 3305, 0x4684 }, + { 3310, 0x12c8 }, { 3315, 0x0200 }, { 3316, 0x04fc }, { 3323, 0x1a00 }, + { 3326, 0x2ede }, { 3336, 0x0c4c }, { 3341, 0x0402 }, { 3343, 0x80b8 }, + { 3348, 0xa826 }, { 3354, 0x0afc }, { 3362, 0x8c02 }, { 3366, 0x2228 }, + /* 0x6c00 */ + { 3370, 0xa0e0 }, { 3375, 0x8f7b }, { 3386, 0xc7d6 }, { 3396, 0x2135 }, + { 3402, 0x06c7 }, { 3409, 0xf8b1 }, { 3418, 0x0713 }, { 3424, 0x6255 }, + { 3431, 0x936e }, { 3440, 0x8a19 }, { 3446, 0x6efa }, { 3457, 0xfb0e }, + { 3467, 0x1630 }, { 3472, 0x48f9 }, { 3480, 0xcd2f }, { 3490, 0x7deb }, + /* 0x6d00 */ + { 3502, 0x5892 }, { 3508, 0x4e84 }, { 3514, 0x4ca0 }, { 3519, 0x7a2e }, + { 3528, 0xedea }, { 3539, 0x561e }, { 3547, 0xc649 }, { 3554, 0x1190 }, + { 3558, 0x5324 }, { 3564, 0xe83a }, { 3572, 0xcfdb }, { 3584, 0x8124 }, + { 3588, 0x18f1 }, { 3595, 0x6342 }, { 3601, 0x5853 }, { 3608, 0x1a8a }, + /* 0x6e00 */ + { 3614, 0x7420 }, { 3619, 0x24d3 }, { 3626, 0xaa3b }, { 3635, 0x0514 }, + { 3639, 0x6018 }, { 3643, 0x8958 }, { 3649, 0x4800 }, { 3651, 0xc000 }, + { 3653, 0x8268 }, { 3658, 0x9101 }, { 3662, 0x84a4 }, { 3667, 0x2cd6 }, + { 3675, 0x8886 }, { 3680, 0xc4ba }, { 3688, 0x0377 }, { 3696, 0x0210 }, + /* 0x6f00 */ + { 3698, 0x8244 }, { 3702, 0x0038 }, { 3705, 0xae11 }, { 3712, 0x404a }, + { 3716, 0x28c0 }, { 3720, 0x5100 }, { 3723, 0x6044 }, { 3727, 0x1514 }, + { 3732, 0x7310 }, { 3738, 0x1000 }, { 3739, 0x0082 }, { 3741, 0x0248 }, + { 3744, 0x0205 }, { 3747, 0x4006 }, { 3750, 0xc003 }, { 3754, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7000 */ + { 3754, 0x0000 }, { 3754, 0x0c02 }, { 3757, 0x0008 }, { 3758, 0x0220 }, + { 3760, 0x9000 }, { 3762, 0x4000 }, { 3763, 0xb800 }, { 3767, 0xd161 }, + { 3774, 0x4621 }, { 3779, 0x3274 }, { 3786, 0xf800 }, { 3791, 0x3b8a }, + { 3799, 0x050f }, { 3805, 0x8b00 }, { 3809, 0xbbd0 }, { 3818, 0x2280 }, + /* 0x7100 */ + { 3821, 0x0600 }, { 3823, 0x0769 }, { 3830, 0x8040 }, { 3832, 0x0043 }, + { 3835, 0x5420 }, { 3839, 0x5000 }, { 3841, 0x41d0 }, { 3846, 0x250c }, + { 3851, 0x8410 }, { 3854, 0x8310 }, { 3858, 0x1101 }, { 3861, 0x0228 }, + { 3864, 0x4008 }, { 3866, 0x0030 }, { 3868, 0x40a1 }, { 3872, 0x0200 }, + /* 0x7200 */ + { 3873, 0x0040 }, { 3874, 0x2000 }, { 3875, 0x1500 }, { 3878, 0xabe3 }, + { 3888, 0x3180 }, { 3892, 0xaa44 }, { 3898, 0xc2c6 }, { 3905, 0xc624 }, + { 3911, 0xac13 }, { 3918, 0x8004 }, { 3920, 0xb000 }, { 3923, 0x03d1 }, + { 3929, 0x611e }, { 3936, 0x4285 }, { 3941, 0xf303 }, { 3949, 0x1d9f }, + /* 0x7300 */ + { 3959, 0x440a }, { 3963, 0x78e8 }, { 3971, 0x5e26 }, { 3979, 0xc392 }, + { 3986, 0x2000 }, { 3987, 0x0085 }, { 3990, 0xb001 }, { 3994, 0x4000 }, + { 3995, 0x4a90 }, { 4000, 0x8842 }, { 4004, 0xca04 }, { 4009, 0x0c8d }, + { 4015, 0xa705 }, { 4022, 0x4203 }, { 4026, 0x22a1 }, { 4031, 0x0004 }, + /* 0x7400 */ + { 4032, 0x8668 }, { 4038, 0x0c01 }, { 4041, 0x5564 }, { 4048, 0x1079 }, + { 4054, 0x0002 }, { 4055, 0xdea0 }, { 4063, 0x2000 }, { 4064, 0x40c1 }, + { 4068, 0x488b }, { 4074, 0x5001 }, { 4077, 0x0380 }, { 4080, 0x0400 }, + { 4081, 0x0000 }, { 4081, 0x5004 }, { 4084, 0xc05d }, { 4091, 0x80d0 }, + /* 0x7500 */ + { 4095, 0xa010 }, { 4098, 0x970a }, { 4105, 0xbb20 }, { 4112, 0x4daf }, + { 4122, 0xd921 }, { 4129, 0x1e10 }, { 4134, 0x0460 }, { 4137, 0x8314 }, + { 4142, 0x8848 }, { 4146, 0xa6d6 }, { 4155, 0xd83b }, { 4164, 0x733f }, + { 4175, 0x27bc }, { 4184, 0x4974 }, { 4191, 0x0ddc }, { 4199, 0x9213 }, + /* 0x7600 */ + { 4205, 0x142b }, { 4211, 0x8ba1 }, { 4218, 0x2e75 }, { 4227, 0xd139 }, + { 4235, 0x3009 }, { 4239, 0x5050 }, { 4243, 0x8808 }, { 4246, 0x6900 }, + { 4250, 0x49d4 }, { 4257, 0x024a }, { 4261, 0x4010 }, { 4263, 0x8016 }, + { 4267, 0xe564 }, { 4275, 0x89d7 }, { 4284, 0xc020 }, { 4287, 0x5316 }, + /* 0x7700 */ + { 4294, 0x2b92 }, { 4301, 0x8600 }, { 4304, 0xa345 }, { 4311, 0x15e0 }, + { 4317, 0x008b }, { 4321, 0x0c03 }, { 4325, 0x196e }, { 4333, 0xe200 }, + { 4337, 0x7031 }, { 4343, 0x8006 }, { 4346, 0x16a5 }, { 4353, 0xa829 }, + { 4359, 0x2000 }, { 4360, 0x1880 }, { 4363, 0x7aac }, { 4372, 0xe148 }, + /* 0x7800 */ + { 4378, 0x3207 }, { 4384, 0xb5d6 }, { 4394, 0x32e8 }, { 4401, 0x5f91 }, + { 4410, 0x50a1 }, { 4415, 0x20e5 }, { 4421, 0x7c00 }, { 4426, 0x1080 }, + { 4428, 0x7280 }, { 4433, 0x9d8a }, { 4441, 0x00aa }, { 4445, 0x421f }, + { 4452, 0x0e22 }, { 4457, 0x0231 }, { 4461, 0x1100 }, { 4463, 0x0494 }, + /* 0x7900 */ + { 4467, 0x0022 }, { 4469, 0x4008 }, { 4471, 0x0010 }, { 4472, 0x5c10 }, + { 4477, 0x0343 }, { 4482, 0xfcc8 }, { 4491, 0xa1a5 }, { 4498, 0x0580 }, + { 4501, 0x8433 }, { 4507, 0x0400 }, { 4508, 0x0080 }, { 4509, 0x6e08 }, + { 4515, 0x2a4b }, { 4522, 0x8126 }, { 4527, 0xaad8 }, { 4535, 0x2901 }, + /* 0x7a00 */ + { 4539, 0x684d }, { 4546, 0x4490 }, { 4550, 0x0009 }, { 4552, 0xba88 }, + { 4559, 0x0040 }, { 4560, 0x0082 }, { 4562, 0x0000 }, { 4562, 0x87d1 }, + { 4570, 0x215b }, { 4577, 0xb1e6 }, { 4586, 0x3161 }, { 4592, 0x8008 }, + { 4594, 0x0800 }, { 4595, 0xc240 }, { 4599, 0xa069 }, { 4605, 0xa600 }, + /* 0x7b00 */ + { 4609, 0x8d58 }, { 4616, 0x4a32 }, { 4622, 0x5d71 }, { 4631, 0x550a }, + { 4637, 0x9aa0 }, { 4643, 0x2d57 }, { 4652, 0x4005 }, { 4655, 0x4aa6 }, + { 4662, 0x2021 }, { 4665, 0x30b1 }, { 4671, 0x3fc6 }, { 4681, 0x0112 }, + { 4684, 0x10c2 }, { 4688, 0x260a }, { 4693, 0x4462 }, { 4698, 0x5082 }, + /* 0x7c00 */ + { 4702, 0x9880 }, { 4706, 0x8040 }, { 4708, 0x04c0 }, { 4711, 0x8100 }, + { 4713, 0x2003 }, { 4716, 0x0000 }, { 4716, 0x0000 }, { 4716, 0x3818 }, + { 4721, 0x0200 }, { 4722, 0xf1a6 }, { 4731, 0x4434 }, { 4736, 0x720e }, + { 4743, 0x35a2 }, { 4750, 0x92e0 }, { 4756, 0x8101 }, { 4759, 0x0900 }, + /* 0x7d00 */ + { 4761, 0x0400 }, { 4762, 0x0000 }, { 4762, 0x8885 }, { 4767, 0x0000 }, + { 4767, 0x0000 }, { 4767, 0x0000 }, { 4767, 0x4000 }, { 4768, 0x0080 }, + { 4769, 0x0000 }, { 4769, 0x0000 }, { 4769, 0x4040 }, { 4771, 0x0000 }, + { 4771, 0x0000 }, { 4771, 0x0000 }, { 4771, 0x0000 }, { 4771, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7e00 */ + { 4771, 0x0000 }, { 4771, 0x0000 }, { 4771, 0x0000 }, { 4771, 0x0800 }, + { 4772, 0x0082 }, { 4774, 0x0000 }, { 4774, 0x0000 }, { 4774, 0x0000 }, + { 4774, 0x0004 }, { 4775, 0x8800 }, { 4777, 0xbfff }, { 4792, 0xe7ef }, + { 4805, 0xffff }, { 4821, 0xffbf }, { 4836, 0xefef }, { 4850, 0xfdff }, + /* 0x7f00 */ + { 4865, 0xfbff }, { 4880, 0xbffe }, { 4894, 0xffff }, { 4910, 0x057f }, + { 4919, 0x0034 }, { 4922, 0x85b3 }, { 4930, 0x4706 }, { 4936, 0x4216 }, + { 4941, 0x5402 }, { 4945, 0xe410 }, { 4950, 0x8092 }, { 4954, 0xb305 }, + { 4961, 0x5422 }, { 4966, 0x8130 }, { 4970, 0x4263 }, { 4976, 0x180b }, + /* 0x8000 */ + { 4981, 0x387b }, { 4990, 0x13f5 }, { 4999, 0x07e5 }, { 5007, 0xa9ea }, + { 5016, 0x3c4c }, { 5023, 0x0514 }, { 5027, 0x0600 }, { 5029, 0x8002 }, + { 5031, 0x1ad9 }, { 5039, 0xbd48 }, { 5047, 0xee37 }, { 5058, 0xf496 }, + { 5067, 0x705f }, { 5076, 0x7ec0 }, { 5084, 0xbfb2 }, { 5095, 0x355f }, + /* 0x8100 */ + { 5105, 0xe644 }, { 5112, 0x455f }, { 5121, 0x9000 }, { 5123, 0x4146 }, + { 5128, 0x1d40 }, { 5133, 0x063b }, { 5140, 0x62a1 }, { 5146, 0xfe13 }, + { 5156, 0x8505 }, { 5161, 0x3902 }, { 5166, 0x0548 }, { 5170, 0x0c08 }, + { 5173, 0x144f }, { 5180, 0x0000 }, { 5180, 0x3488 }, { 5185, 0x5818 }, + /* 0x8200 */ + { 5190, 0x3077 }, { 5198, 0xd815 }, { 5205, 0xbd0e }, { 5214, 0x4bfb }, + { 5225, 0x8a90 }, { 5230, 0x8500 }, { 5233, 0xc100 }, { 5236, 0xe61d }, + { 5245, 0xed14 }, { 5253, 0xb386 }, { 5261, 0xff72 }, { 5273, 0x639b }, + { 5282, 0xfd92 }, { 5292, 0xd9be }, { 5303, 0x887b }, { 5311, 0x0a92 }, + /* 0x8300 */ + { 5316, 0xd3fe }, { 5328, 0x1cb2 }, { 5335, 0xb980 }, { 5341, 0x177a }, + { 5350, 0x82c9 }, { 5356, 0xdc17 }, { 5365, 0xfffb }, { 5380, 0x3980 }, + { 5385, 0x4260 }, { 5389, 0x590c }, { 5395, 0x0f01 }, { 5400, 0x37df }, + { 5412, 0x94a3 }, { 5419, 0xb150 }, { 5425, 0x0623 }, { 5430, 0x2307 }, + /* 0x8400 */ + { 5436, 0xf85a }, { 5445, 0x3102 }, { 5449, 0x01f0 }, { 5454, 0x3102 }, + { 5458, 0x0040 }, { 5459, 0x1e82 }, { 5465, 0x3a0a }, { 5471, 0x056a }, + { 5477, 0x5b84 }, { 5484, 0x1280 }, { 5487, 0x8002 }, { 5489, 0xa714 }, + { 5496, 0x2612 }, { 5501, 0xa04b }, { 5507, 0x1069 }, { 5512, 0x9001 }, + /* 0x8500 */ + { 5515, 0x1000 }, { 5516, 0x848a }, { 5521, 0x1802 }, { 5524, 0x3f80 }, + { 5531, 0x0708 }, { 5535, 0x4240 }, { 5538, 0x0110 }, { 5540, 0x4e14 }, + { 5546, 0x80b0 }, { 5550, 0x1800 }, { 5552, 0xc510 }, { 5557, 0x0281 }, + { 5560, 0x8202 }, { 5563, 0x1029 }, { 5567, 0x0210 }, { 5569, 0x8800 }, + /* 0x8600 */ + { 5571, 0x0020 }, { 5572, 0x0042 }, { 5574, 0x0280 }, { 5576, 0x1100 }, + { 5578, 0xe000 }, { 5581, 0x4413 }, { 5586, 0x5804 }, { 5590, 0xfe02 }, + { 5598, 0x3c07 }, { 5605, 0x3028 }, { 5609, 0x9798 }, { 5617, 0x0473 }, + { 5623, 0xced1 }, { 5632, 0xcb13 }, { 5640, 0x6210 }, { 5644, 0x431f }, + /* 0x8700 */ + { 5652, 0x278d }, { 5660, 0x55ac }, { 5668, 0x422e }, { 5674, 0xc892 }, + { 5680, 0x5380 }, { 5685, 0x0288 }, { 5688, 0x4039 }, { 5693, 0x7851 }, + { 5700, 0x292c }, { 5706, 0x8088 }, { 5709, 0xb900 }, { 5714, 0x2428 }, + { 5718, 0x0c41 }, { 5722, 0x080e }, { 5726, 0x4421 }, { 5730, 0x4200 }, + /* 0x8800 */ + { 5732, 0x0408 }, { 5734, 0x0868 }, { 5738, 0x0006 }, { 5740, 0x1204 }, + { 5743, 0x3031 }, { 5748, 0x0290 }, { 5751, 0x5b3e }, { 5761, 0xe085 }, + { 5767, 0x2936 }, { 5774, 0x1044 }, { 5777, 0x2814 }, { 5781, 0x1082 }, + { 5784, 0x4266 }, { 5790, 0x8334 }, { 5796, 0x013c }, { 5801, 0x531b }, + /* 0x8900 */ + { 5809, 0x0404 }, { 5811, 0x0e0d }, { 5817, 0x0c22 }, { 5821, 0x0051 }, + { 5824, 0x0012 }, { 5826, 0xc000 }, { 5828, 0x0040 }, { 5829, 0x8800 }, + { 5831, 0x004a }, { 5834, 0x0000 }, { 5834, 0x0000 }, { 5834, 0x0000 }, + { 5834, 0xdff6 }, { 5847, 0x5447 }, { 5854, 0x8868 }, { 5859, 0x0008 }, + /* 0x8a00 */ + { 5860, 0x0081 }, { 5862, 0x0000 }, { 5862, 0x0000 }, { 5862, 0x4000 }, + { 5863, 0x0100 }, { 5864, 0x0000 }, { 5864, 0x0000 }, { 5864, 0x0200 }, + { 5865, 0x0600 }, { 5867, 0x0008 }, { 5868, 0x0000 }, { 5868, 0x0000 }, + { 5868, 0x0000 }, { 5868, 0x0000 }, { 5868, 0x0000 }, { 5868, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8b00 */ + { 5868, 0x0080 }, { 5869, 0x0000 }, { 5869, 0x0040 }, { 5870, 0x0000 }, + { 5870, 0x0000 }, { 5870, 0x0000 }, { 5870, 0x1040 }, { 5872, 0x0000 }, + { 5872, 0x0000 }, { 5872, 0x0000 }, { 5872, 0xefff }, { 5887, 0xf7fd }, + { 5901, 0xff7f }, { 5916, 0xfffe }, { 5931, 0xfbff }, { 5946, 0xffff }, + /* 0x8c00 */ + { 5962, 0xfdff }, { 5977, 0xbfff }, { 5992, 0xffff }, { 6008, 0x00ff }, + { 6016, 0x12c2 }, { 6021, 0x0420 }, { 6023, 0x0c06 }, { 6027, 0x0708 }, + { 6031, 0x1624 }, { 6036, 0x0110 }, { 6038, 0x0000 }, { 6038, 0x0000 }, + { 6038, 0x0000 }, { 6038, 0x0000 }, { 6038, 0x0000 }, { 6038, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8d00 */ + { 6038, 0x0000 }, { 6038, 0xe000 }, { 6041, 0xfffe }, { 6056, 0xffff }, + { 6072, 0xffff }, { 6088, 0x7f79 }, { 6100, 0x28df }, { 6109, 0x00f9 }, + { 6115, 0x0c32 }, { 6120, 0x8012 }, { 6123, 0x0008 }, { 6124, 0xd53a }, + { 6133, 0xd858 }, { 6140, 0xecc2 }, { 6148, 0x9d18 }, { 6155, 0x2fa8 }, + /* 0x8e00 */ + { 6163, 0x9620 }, { 6168, 0xe010 }, { 6172, 0xd60c }, { 6179, 0x2622 }, + { 6184, 0x0f97 }, { 6193, 0x0206 }, { 6196, 0xb240 }, { 6201, 0x9055 }, + { 6207, 0x80a2 }, { 6211, 0x5011 }, { 6215, 0x9800 }, { 6218, 0x0404 }, + { 6220, 0x4000 }, { 6221, 0x0000 }, { 6221, 0x0000 }, { 6221, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8f00 */ + { 6221, 0x0000 }, { 6221, 0x0000 }, { 6221, 0x0000 }, { 6221, 0x0000 }, + { 6221, 0x0000 }, { 6221, 0x0000 }, { 6221, 0xfbc0 }, { 6230, 0xffff }, + { 6246, 0xeffe }, { 6260, 0xdffb }, { 6274, 0x0b08 }, { 6278, 0x6243 }, + { 6284, 0x41b6 }, { 6291, 0xfb3b }, { 6303, 0x6f74 }, { 6313, 0x2389 }, + /* 0x9000 */ + { 6319, 0xae7f }, { 6331, 0xecd7 }, { 6342, 0xe047 }, { 6349, 0x5960 }, + { 6355, 0xa096 }, { 6361, 0x098f }, { 6368, 0x612c }, { 6374, 0xa030 }, + { 6378, 0x090d }, { 6383, 0x2aaa }, { 6390, 0xd44e }, { 6398, 0x4f7b }, + { 6409, 0xc4b2 }, { 6416, 0x388b }, { 6423, 0xa9c6 }, { 6431, 0x6110 }, + /* 0x9100 */ + { 6435, 0x0014 }, { 6437, 0x4200 }, { 6439, 0x800c }, { 6442, 0x0202 }, + { 6444, 0xfe48 }, { 6453, 0x6485 }, { 6459, 0xd63e }, { 6469, 0xe3f7 }, + { 6481, 0x3aa0 }, { 6487, 0x0c07 }, { 6492, 0xe40c }, { 6498, 0x0430 }, + { 6501, 0xf680 }, { 6508, 0x1002 }, { 6510, 0x0000 }, { 6510, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9200 */ + { 6510, 0x0000 }, { 6510, 0x0000 }, { 6510, 0x0000 }, { 6510, 0x0000 }, + { 6510, 0x0000 }, { 6510, 0x0000 }, { 6510, 0x0000 }, { 6510, 0x0010 }, + { 6511, 0x4000 }, { 6512, 0x0000 }, { 6512, 0x4000 }, { 6513, 0x0000 }, + { 6513, 0x0100 }, { 6514, 0x0000 }, { 6514, 0x0000 }, { 6514, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9300 */ + { 6514, 0x0000 }, { 6514, 0x0000 }, { 6514, 0x0000 }, { 6514, 0x4000 }, + { 6515, 0x0000 }, { 6515, 0x0000 }, { 6515, 0x0400 }, { 6516, 0x0000 }, + { 6516, 0x8000 }, { 6517, 0x0000 }, { 6517, 0x0000 }, { 6517, 0x0000 }, + { 6517, 0x0400 }, { 6518, 0x0040 }, { 6519, 0x0000 }, { 6519, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9400 */ + { 6519, 0x0000 }, { 6519, 0x0000 }, { 6519, 0x0000 }, { 6519, 0x4000 }, + { 6520, 0x0000 }, { 6520, 0x0000 }, { 6520, 0x0800 }, { 6521, 0x0000 }, + { 6521, 0xffe0 }, { 6532, 0xfebd }, { 6545, 0xffff }, { 6561, 0xffff }, + { 6577, 0x7f7f }, { 6591, 0xfbe7 }, { 6604, 0xffbf }, { 6619, 0xf7ff }, + /* 0x9500 */ + { 6634, 0xffff }, { 6650, 0xefff }, { 6665, 0xff7e }, { 6679, 0xdff7 }, + { 6693, 0xf6f7 }, { 6706, 0xfbdf }, { 6720, 0xbffe }, { 6734, 0x804f }, + { 6740, 0x0000 }, { 6740, 0x0000 }, { 6740, 0x0000 }, { 6740, 0x0000 }, + { 6740, 0x0000 }, { 6740, 0x0000 }, { 6740, 0xef00 }, { 6747, 0x7fff }, + /* 0x9600 */ + { 6762, 0xff7f }, { 6777, 0xb6f7 }, { 6789, 0x4406 }, { 6793, 0xb87e }, + { 6803, 0x3bf5 }, { 6814, 0x8831 }, { 6819, 0x1796 }, { 6827, 0x00f4 }, + { 6832, 0xa960 }, { 6838, 0x1391 }, { 6844, 0x0080 }, { 6845, 0x7249 }, + { 6852, 0xf2f3 }, { 6863, 0x0024 }, { 6865, 0x8701 }, { 6870, 0x42c8 }, + /* 0x9700 */ + { 6875, 0xe3d3 }, { 6885, 0x5048 }, { 6889, 0x2400 }, { 6891, 0x4305 }, + { 6896, 0x0000 }, { 6896, 0x4a4c }, { 6902, 0x0227 }, { 6907, 0x1058 }, + { 6911, 0x2820 }, { 6914, 0x0116 }, { 6918, 0xa809 }, { 6923, 0x0014 }, + { 6925, 0x0000 }, { 6925, 0x0000 }, { 6925, 0x3ec0 }, { 6932, 0x0068 }, + /* 0x9800 */ + { 6935, 0x0000 }, { 6935, 0x0000 }, { 6935, 0x0000 }, { 6935, 0x0000 }, + { 6935, 0x0000 }, { 6935, 0x0000 }, { 6935, 0x0000 }, { 6935, 0xffe0 }, + { 6946, 0xb7ff }, { 6960, 0xfddb }, { 6973, 0x00f7 }, { 6980, 0x0000 }, + { 6980, 0x4000 }, { 6981, 0xc72e }, { 6990, 0x0180 }, { 6992, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9900 */ + { 6992, 0x2000 }, { 6993, 0x0001 }, { 6994, 0x4000 }, { 6995, 0x0000 }, + { 6995, 0x0000 }, { 6995, 0x0030 }, { 6997, 0xffa8 }, { 7008, 0xb4f7 }, + { 7019, 0xadf3 }, { 7030, 0x03ff }, { 7040, 0x0120 }, { 7042, 0x0000 }, + { 7042, 0x0000 }, { 7042, 0x0000 }, { 7042, 0x0000 }, { 7042, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9a00 */ + { 7042, 0x0000 }, { 7042, 0x0000 }, { 7042, 0x0000 }, { 7042, 0x0000 }, + { 7042, 0x0000 }, { 7042, 0x0000 }, { 7042, 0xf000 }, { 7046, 0xfffb }, + { 7061, 0x9df7 }, { 7073, 0xfdcf }, { 7086, 0x01bf }, { 7094, 0x15c3 }, + { 7101, 0x1827 }, { 7107, 0x810a }, { 7111, 0xa842 }, { 7116, 0x0a00 }, + /* 0x9b00 */ + { 7118, 0x8108 }, { 7121, 0x8008 }, { 7123, 0x8008 }, { 7125, 0x1804 }, + { 7128, 0xa3be }, { 7138, 0x0012 }, { 7140, 0x0000 }, { 7140, 0x0000 }, + { 7140, 0x0000 }, { 7140, 0x0000 }, { 7140, 0x0000 }, { 7140, 0x0000 }, + { 7140, 0x0000 }, { 7140, 0x0000 }, { 7140, 0x0000 }, { 7140, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9c00 */ + { 7140, 0x0000 }, { 7140, 0x0000 }, { 7140, 0x0000 }, { 7140, 0x0000 }, + { 7140, 0x0000 }, { 7140, 0x0000 }, { 7140, 0x0000 }, { 7140, 0x9000 }, + { 7142, 0x69e6 }, { 7151, 0xdc37 }, { 7161, 0x6bff }, { 7174, 0x3dff }, + { 7187, 0xfcf8 }, { 7198, 0xf3f9 }, { 7210, 0x0004 }, +}; +static const Summary16 gb2312_uni2indx_page9e[27] = { + /* 0x9e00 */ + { 7211, 0x0000 }, { 7211, 0x8000 }, { 7212, 0xbf6f }, { 7225, 0xe7ee }, + { 7237, 0xdffe }, { 7251, 0x5da2 }, { 7259, 0x3fd8 }, { 7269, 0xc00b }, + { 7274, 0x0984 }, { 7278, 0xa00c }, { 7282, 0x0040 }, { 7283, 0x6910 }, + { 7288, 0xe210 }, { 7293, 0xb912 }, { 7300, 0x86a5 }, { 7307, 0x5a00 }, + /* 0x9f00 */ + { 7311, 0x6800 }, { 7314, 0x0289 }, { 7318, 0x9005 }, { 7322, 0x6a80 }, + { 7327, 0x0010 }, { 7328, 0x0003 }, { 7330, 0x0000 }, { 7330, 0x8000 }, + { 7331, 0x1ff9 }, { 7342, 0x8e00 }, { 7346, 0x0001 }, +}; +static const Summary16 gb2312_uni2indx_pageff[15] = { + /* 0xff00 */ + { 7347, 0xfffe }, { 7362, 0xffff }, { 7378, 0xffff }, { 7394, 0xffff }, + { 7410, 0xffff }, { 7426, 0x7fff }, { 7441, 0x0000 }, { 7441, 0x0000 }, + { 7441, 0x0000 }, { 7441, 0x0000 }, { 7441, 0x0000 }, { 7441, 0x0000 }, + { 7441, 0x0000 }, { 7441, 0x0000 }, { 7441, 0x002b }, +}; + +static int +gb2312_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + const Summary16 *summary = NULL; + if (wc >= 0x0000 && wc < 0x0460) + summary = &gb2312_uni2indx_page00[(wc>>4)]; + else if (wc >= 0x2000 && wc < 0x2650) + summary = &gb2312_uni2indx_page20[(wc>>4)-0x200]; + else if (wc >= 0x3000 && wc < 0x3230) + summary = &gb2312_uni2indx_page30[(wc>>4)-0x300]; + else if (wc >= 0x4e00 && wc < 0x9cf0) + summary = &gb2312_uni2indx_page4e[(wc>>4)-0x4e0]; + else if (wc >= 0x9e00 && wc < 0x9fb0) + summary = &gb2312_uni2indx_page9e[(wc>>4)-0x9e0]; + else if (wc >= 0xff00 && wc < 0xfff0) + summary = &gb2312_uni2indx_pageff[(wc>>4)-0xff0]; + if (summary) { + unsigned short used = summary->used; + unsigned int i = wc & 0x0f; + if (used & ((unsigned short) 1 << i)) { + unsigned short c; + /* Keep in `used' only the bits 0..i-1. */ + used &= ((unsigned short) 1 << i) - 1; + /* Add `summary->indx' and the number of bits set in `used'. */ + used = (used & 0x5555) + ((used & 0xaaaa) >> 1); + used = (used & 0x3333) + ((used & 0xcccc) >> 2); + used = (used & 0x0f0f) + ((used & 0xf0f0) >> 4); + used = (used & 0x00ff) + (used >> 8); + c = gb2312_2charset[summary->indx + used]; + r[0] = (c >> 8); r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gbk.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gbk.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b6ff52628 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gbk.h @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2005, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * GBK + */ + +/* + * GBK, as described in Ken Lunde's book, is an extension of GB 2312-1980 + * (shifted by adding 0x8080 to the range 0xA1A1..0xFEFE, as used in EUC-CN). + * It adds the following ranges: + * + * (part of GBK/1) 0xA2A1-0xA2AA Small Roman numerals + * GBK/3 0x{81-A0}{40-7E,80-FE} 6080 new characters, all in Unicode + * GBK/4 0x{AA-FE}{40-7E,80-A0} 8160 new characters, 8080 in Unicode + * GBK/5 0x{A8-A9}{40-7E,80-A0} 166 new characters, 153 in Unicode + * + * Furthermore, all four tables I have looked at + * - the CP936 table by Microsoft, found on ftp.unicode.org in 1999, + * - the GBK table by Sun, investigated on a Solaris 2.7 machine, + * - the GBK tables by CWEX, found in the Big5+ package, + * - the GB18030 standard (second printing), + * agree in the following extensions. (Ken Lunde must have overlooked these + * differences between GB2312 and GBK. Also, the CWEX tables have additional + * differences.) + * + * 1. Some characters in the GB2312 range are defined differently: + * + * code GB2312 GBK + * 0xA1A4 0x30FB # KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT 0x00B7 # MIDDLE DOT + * 0xA1AA 0x2015 # HORIZONTAL BAR 0x2014 # EM DASH + * + * 2. 19 characters added in the range 0xA6E0-0xA6F5. + * + * 3. 4 characters added in the range 0xA8BB-0xA8C0. + * + * CP936 as of 1999 was identical to GBK. However, since 1999, Microsoft has + * added new mappings to CP936... + */ + +#include "gbkext1.h" +#include "gbkext2.h" +#include "gbkext_inv.h" +#include "cp936ext.h" + +static int +gbk_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + + if (c >= 0x81 && c < 0xff) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + if (c >= 0xa1 && c <= 0xf7) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c == 0xa1) { + if (c2 == 0xa4) { + *pwc = 0x00b7; + return 2; + } + if (c2 == 0xaa) { + *pwc = 0x2014; + return 2; + } + } + if (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff) { + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + buf[0] = c-0x80; buf[1] = c2-0x80; + ret = gb2312_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + buf[0] = c; buf[1] = c2; + ret = cp936ext_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + } + } + if (c >= 0x81 && c <= 0xa0) + return gbkext1_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + if (c >= 0xa8 && c <= 0xfe) + return gbkext2_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + if (c == 0xa2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 <= 0xaa) { + *pwc = 0x2170+(c2-0xa1); + return 2; + } + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +gbk_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + if (wc != 0x30fb && wc != 0x2015) { + ret = gb2312_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = buf[0]+0x80; + r[1] = buf[1]+0x80; + return 2; + } + } + ret = gbkext_inv_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + return 2; + } + if (wc >= 0x2170 && wc <= 0x2179) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = 0xa2; + r[1] = 0xa1 + (wc-0x2170); + return 2; + } + ret = cp936ext_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + return 2; + } + if (wc == 0x00b7) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = 0xa1; + r[1] = 0xa4; + return 2; + } + if (wc == 0x2014) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = 0xa1; + r[1] = 0xaa; + return 2; + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gbkext1.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gbkext1.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d244c7695 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gbkext1.h @@ -0,0 +1,853 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * GBK/3 extensions + */ + +static const unsigned short gbkext1_2uni_page81[6080] = { + /* 0x81 */ + 0x4e02, 0x4e04, 0x4e05, 0x4e06, 0x4e0f, 0x4e12, 0x4e17, 0x4e1f, + 0x4e20, 0x4e21, 0x4e23, 0x4e26, 0x4e29, 0x4e2e, 0x4e2f, 0x4e31, + 0x4e33, 0x4e35, 0x4e37, 0x4e3c, 0x4e40, 0x4e41, 0x4e42, 0x4e44, + 0x4e46, 0x4e4a, 0x4e51, 0x4e55, 0x4e57, 0x4e5a, 0x4e5b, 0x4e62, + 0x4e63, 0x4e64, 0x4e65, 0x4e67, 0x4e68, 0x4e6a, 0x4e6b, 0x4e6c, + 0x4e6d, 0x4e6e, 0x4e6f, 0x4e72, 0x4e74, 0x4e75, 0x4e76, 0x4e77, + 0x4e78, 0x4e79, 0x4e7a, 0x4e7b, 0x4e7c, 0x4e7d, 0x4e7f, 0x4e80, + 0x4e81, 0x4e82, 0x4e83, 0x4e84, 0x4e85, 0x4e87, 0x4e8a, 0x4e90, + 0x4e96, 0x4e97, 0x4e99, 0x4e9c, 0x4e9d, 0x4e9e, 0x4ea3, 0x4eaa, + 0x4eaf, 0x4eb0, 0x4eb1, 0x4eb4, 0x4eb6, 0x4eb7, 0x4eb8, 0x4eb9, + 0x4ebc, 0x4ebd, 0x4ebe, 0x4ec8, 0x4ecc, 0x4ecf, 0x4ed0, 0x4ed2, + 0x4eda, 0x4edb, 0x4edc, 0x4ee0, 0x4ee2, 0x4ee6, 0x4ee7, 0x4ee9, + 0x4eed, 0x4eee, 0x4eef, 0x4ef1, 0x4ef4, 0x4ef8, 0x4ef9, 0x4efa, + 0x4efc, 0x4efe, 0x4f00, 0x4f02, 0x4f03, 0x4f04, 0x4f05, 0x4f06, + 0x4f07, 0x4f08, 0x4f0b, 0x4f0c, 0x4f12, 0x4f13, 0x4f14, 0x4f15, + 0x4f16, 0x4f1c, 0x4f1d, 0x4f21, 0x4f23, 0x4f28, 0x4f29, 0x4f2c, + 0x4f2d, 0x4f2e, 0x4f31, 0x4f33, 0x4f35, 0x4f37, 0x4f39, 0x4f3b, + 0x4f3e, 0x4f3f, 0x4f40, 0x4f41, 0x4f42, 0x4f44, 0x4f45, 0x4f47, + 0x4f48, 0x4f49, 0x4f4a, 0x4f4b, 0x4f4c, 0x4f52, 0x4f54, 0x4f56, + 0x4f61, 0x4f62, 0x4f66, 0x4f68, 0x4f6a, 0x4f6b, 0x4f6d, 0x4f6e, + 0x4f71, 0x4f72, 0x4f75, 0x4f77, 0x4f78, 0x4f79, 0x4f7a, 0x4f7d, + 0x4f80, 0x4f81, 0x4f82, 0x4f85, 0x4f86, 0x4f87, 0x4f8a, 0x4f8c, + 0x4f8e, 0x4f90, 0x4f92, 0x4f93, 0x4f95, 0x4f96, 0x4f98, 0x4f99, + 0x4f9a, 0x4f9c, 0x4f9e, 0x4f9f, 0x4fa1, 0x4fa2, + /* 0x82 */ + 0x4fa4, 0x4fab, 0x4fad, 0x4fb0, 0x4fb1, 0x4fb2, 0x4fb3, 0x4fb4, + 0x4fb6, 0x4fb7, 0x4fb8, 0x4fb9, 0x4fba, 0x4fbb, 0x4fbc, 0x4fbd, + 0x4fbe, 0x4fc0, 0x4fc1, 0x4fc2, 0x4fc6, 0x4fc7, 0x4fc8, 0x4fc9, + 0x4fcb, 0x4fcc, 0x4fcd, 0x4fd2, 0x4fd3, 0x4fd4, 0x4fd5, 0x4fd6, + 0x4fd9, 0x4fdb, 0x4fe0, 0x4fe2, 0x4fe4, 0x4fe5, 0x4fe7, 0x4feb, + 0x4fec, 0x4ff0, 0x4ff2, 0x4ff4, 0x4ff5, 0x4ff6, 0x4ff7, 0x4ff9, + 0x4ffb, 0x4ffc, 0x4ffd, 0x4fff, 0x5000, 0x5001, 0x5002, 0x5003, + 0x5004, 0x5005, 0x5006, 0x5007, 0x5008, 0x5009, 0x500a, 0x500b, + 0x500e, 0x5010, 0x5011, 0x5013, 0x5015, 0x5016, 0x5017, 0x501b, + 0x501d, 0x501e, 0x5020, 0x5022, 0x5023, 0x5024, 0x5027, 0x502b, + 0x502f, 0x5030, 0x5031, 0x5032, 0x5033, 0x5034, 0x5035, 0x5036, + 0x5037, 0x5038, 0x5039, 0x503b, 0x503d, 0x503f, 0x5040, 0x5041, + 0x5042, 0x5044, 0x5045, 0x5046, 0x5049, 0x504a, 0x504b, 0x504d, + 0x5050, 0x5051, 0x5052, 0x5053, 0x5054, 0x5056, 0x5057, 0x5058, + 0x5059, 0x505b, 0x505d, 0x505e, 0x505f, 0x5060, 0x5061, 0x5062, + 0x5063, 0x5064, 0x5066, 0x5067, 0x5068, 0x5069, 0x506a, 0x506b, + 0x506d, 0x506e, 0x506f, 0x5070, 0x5071, 0x5072, 0x5073, 0x5074, + 0x5075, 0x5078, 0x5079, 0x507a, 0x507c, 0x507d, 0x5081, 0x5082, + 0x5083, 0x5084, 0x5086, 0x5087, 0x5089, 0x508a, 0x508b, 0x508c, + 0x508e, 0x508f, 0x5090, 0x5091, 0x5092, 0x5093, 0x5094, 0x5095, + 0x5096, 0x5097, 0x5098, 0x5099, 0x509a, 0x509b, 0x509c, 0x509d, + 0x509e, 0x509f, 0x50a0, 0x50a1, 0x50a2, 0x50a4, 0x50a6, 0x50aa, + 0x50ab, 0x50ad, 0x50ae, 0x50af, 0x50b0, 0x50b1, 0x50b3, 0x50b4, + 0x50b5, 0x50b6, 0x50b7, 0x50b8, 0x50b9, 0x50bc, + /* 0x83 */ + 0x50bd, 0x50be, 0x50bf, 0x50c0, 0x50c1, 0x50c2, 0x50c3, 0x50c4, + 0x50c5, 0x50c6, 0x50c7, 0x50c8, 0x50c9, 0x50ca, 0x50cb, 0x50cc, + 0x50cd, 0x50ce, 0x50d0, 0x50d1, 0x50d2, 0x50d3, 0x50d4, 0x50d5, + 0x50d7, 0x50d8, 0x50d9, 0x50db, 0x50dc, 0x50dd, 0x50de, 0x50df, + 0x50e0, 0x50e1, 0x50e2, 0x50e3, 0x50e4, 0x50e5, 0x50e8, 0x50e9, + 0x50ea, 0x50eb, 0x50ef, 0x50f0, 0x50f1, 0x50f2, 0x50f4, 0x50f6, + 0x50f7, 0x50f8, 0x50f9, 0x50fa, 0x50fc, 0x50fd, 0x50fe, 0x50ff, + 0x5100, 0x5101, 0x5102, 0x5103, 0x5104, 0x5105, 0x5108, 0x5109, + 0x510a, 0x510c, 0x510d, 0x510e, 0x510f, 0x5110, 0x5111, 0x5113, + 0x5114, 0x5115, 0x5116, 0x5117, 0x5118, 0x5119, 0x511a, 0x511b, + 0x511c, 0x511d, 0x511e, 0x511f, 0x5120, 0x5122, 0x5123, 0x5124, + 0x5125, 0x5126, 0x5127, 0x5128, 0x5129, 0x512a, 0x512b, 0x512c, + 0x512d, 0x512e, 0x512f, 0x5130, 0x5131, 0x5132, 0x5133, 0x5134, + 0x5135, 0x5136, 0x5137, 0x5138, 0x5139, 0x513a, 0x513b, 0x513c, + 0x513d, 0x513e, 0x5142, 0x5147, 0x514a, 0x514c, 0x514e, 0x514f, + 0x5150, 0x5152, 0x5153, 0x5157, 0x5158, 0x5159, 0x515b, 0x515d, + 0x515e, 0x515f, 0x5160, 0x5161, 0x5163, 0x5164, 0x5166, 0x5167, + 0x5169, 0x516a, 0x516f, 0x5172, 0x517a, 0x517e, 0x517f, 0x5183, + 0x5184, 0x5186, 0x5187, 0x518a, 0x518b, 0x518e, 0x518f, 0x5190, + 0x5191, 0x5193, 0x5194, 0x5198, 0x519a, 0x519d, 0x519e, 0x519f, + 0x51a1, 0x51a3, 0x51a6, 0x51a7, 0x51a8, 0x51a9, 0x51aa, 0x51ad, + 0x51ae, 0x51b4, 0x51b8, 0x51b9, 0x51ba, 0x51be, 0x51bf, 0x51c1, + 0x51c2, 0x51c3, 0x51c5, 0x51c8, 0x51ca, 0x51cd, 0x51ce, 0x51d0, + 0x51d2, 0x51d3, 0x51d4, 0x51d5, 0x51d6, 0x51d7, + /* 0x84 */ + 0x51d8, 0x51d9, 0x51da, 0x51dc, 0x51de, 0x51df, 0x51e2, 0x51e3, + 0x51e5, 0x51e6, 0x51e7, 0x51e8, 0x51e9, 0x51ea, 0x51ec, 0x51ee, + 0x51f1, 0x51f2, 0x51f4, 0x51f7, 0x51fe, 0x5204, 0x5205, 0x5209, + 0x520b, 0x520c, 0x520f, 0x5210, 0x5213, 0x5214, 0x5215, 0x521c, + 0x521e, 0x521f, 0x5221, 0x5222, 0x5223, 0x5225, 0x5226, 0x5227, + 0x522a, 0x522c, 0x522f, 0x5231, 0x5232, 0x5234, 0x5235, 0x523c, + 0x523e, 0x5244, 0x5245, 0x5246, 0x5247, 0x5248, 0x5249, 0x524b, + 0x524e, 0x524f, 0x5252, 0x5253, 0x5255, 0x5257, 0x5258, 0x5259, + 0x525a, 0x525b, 0x525d, 0x525f, 0x5260, 0x5262, 0x5263, 0x5264, + 0x5266, 0x5268, 0x526b, 0x526c, 0x526d, 0x526e, 0x5270, 0x5271, + 0x5273, 0x5274, 0x5275, 0x5276, 0x5277, 0x5278, 0x5279, 0x527a, + 0x527b, 0x527c, 0x527e, 0x5280, 0x5283, 0x5284, 0x5285, 0x5286, + 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0x5e48, 0x5e49, 0x5e4a, 0x5e4b, 0x5e4d, 0x5e4e, 0x5e4f, 0x5e50, + 0x5e51, 0x5e52, 0x5e53, 0x5e56, 0x5e57, 0x5e58, 0x5e59, 0x5e5a, + 0x5e5c, 0x5e5d, 0x5e5f, 0x5e60, 0x5e63, 0x5e64, 0x5e65, 0x5e66, + 0x5e67, 0x5e68, 0x5e69, 0x5e6a, 0x5e6b, 0x5e6c, 0x5e6d, 0x5e6e, + 0x5e6f, 0x5e70, 0x5e71, 0x5e75, 0x5e77, 0x5e79, 0x5e7e, 0x5e81, + 0x5e82, 0x5e83, 0x5e85, 0x5e88, 0x5e89, 0x5e8c, 0x5e8d, 0x5e8e, + 0x5e92, 0x5e98, 0x5e9b, 0x5e9d, 0x5ea1, 0x5ea2, 0x5ea3, 0x5ea4, + 0x5ea8, 0x5ea9, 0x5eaa, 0x5eab, 0x5eac, 0x5eae, 0x5eaf, 0x5eb0, + 0x5eb1, 0x5eb2, 0x5eb4, 0x5eba, 0x5ebb, 0x5ebc, 0x5ebd, 0x5ebf, + 0x5ec0, 0x5ec1, 0x5ec2, 0x5ec3, 0x5ec4, 0x5ec5, + /* 0x8f */ + 0x5ec6, 0x5ec7, 0x5ec8, 0x5ecb, 0x5ecc, 0x5ecd, 0x5ece, 0x5ecf, + 0x5ed0, 0x5ed4, 0x5ed5, 0x5ed7, 0x5ed8, 0x5ed9, 0x5eda, 0x5edc, + 0x5edd, 0x5ede, 0x5edf, 0x5ee0, 0x5ee1, 0x5ee2, 0x5ee3, 0x5ee4, + 0x5ee5, 0x5ee6, 0x5ee7, 0x5ee9, 0x5eeb, 0x5eec, 0x5eed, 0x5eee, + 0x5eef, 0x5ef0, 0x5ef1, 0x5ef2, 0x5ef3, 0x5ef5, 0x5ef8, 0x5ef9, + 0x5efb, 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0x6c9d, 0x6c9e, 0x6ca0, 0x6ca2, + 0x6ca8, 0x6cac, 0x6caf, 0x6cb0, 0x6cb4, 0x6cb5, 0x6cb6, 0x6cb7, + 0x6cba, 0x6cc0, 0x6cc1, 0x6cc2, 0x6cc3, 0x6cc6, 0x6cc7, 0x6cc8, + 0x6ccb, 0x6ccd, 0x6cce, 0x6ccf, 0x6cd1, 0x6cd2, 0x6cd8, 0x6cd9, + 0x6cda, 0x6cdc, 0x6cdd, 0x6cdf, 0x6ce4, 0x6ce6, 0x6ce7, 0x6ce9, + 0x6cec, 0x6ced, 0x6cf2, 0x6cf4, 0x6cf9, 0x6cff, 0x6d00, 0x6d02, + 0x6d03, 0x6d05, 0x6d06, 0x6d08, 0x6d09, 0x6d0a, 0x6d0d, 0x6d0f, + 0x6d10, 0x6d11, 0x6d13, 0x6d14, 0x6d15, 0x6d16, 0x6d18, 0x6d1c, + 0x6d1d, 0x6d1f, 0x6d20, 0x6d21, 0x6d22, 0x6d23, 0x6d24, 0x6d26, + 0x6d28, 0x6d29, 0x6d2c, 0x6d2d, 0x6d2f, 0x6d30, 0x6d34, 0x6d36, + 0x6d37, 0x6d38, 0x6d3a, 0x6d3f, 0x6d40, 0x6d42, 0x6d44, 0x6d49, + 0x6d4c, 0x6d50, 0x6d55, 0x6d56, 0x6d57, 0x6d58, 0x6d5b, 0x6d5d, + 0x6d5f, 0x6d61, 0x6d62, 0x6d64, 0x6d65, 0x6d67, 0x6d68, 0x6d6b, + 0x6d6c, 0x6d6d, 0x6d70, 0x6d71, 0x6d72, 0x6d73, 0x6d75, 0x6d76, + 0x6d79, 0x6d7a, 0x6d7b, 0x6d7d, 0x6d7e, 0x6d7f, 0x6d80, 0x6d81, + 0x6d83, 0x6d84, 0x6d86, 0x6d87, 0x6d8a, 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-0,0 +1,1174 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * GBK/4 and GBK/5 extensions + */ + +static const unsigned short gbkext2_2uni_pagea8[8272] = { + /* 0xa8 */ + 0x02ca, 0x02cb, 0x02d9, 0x2013, 0x2015, 0x2025, 0x2035, 0x2105, + 0x2109, 0x2196, 0x2197, 0x2198, 0x2199, 0x2215, 0x221f, 0x2223, + 0x2252, 0x2266, 0x2267, 0x22bf, 0x2550, 0x2551, 0x2552, 0x2553, + 0x2554, 0x2555, 0x2556, 0x2557, 0x2558, 0x2559, 0x255a, 0x255b, + 0x255c, 0x255d, 0x255e, 0x255f, 0x2560, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2563, + 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2566, 0x2567, 0x2568, 0x2569, 0x256a, 0x256b, + 0x256c, 0x256d, 0x256e, 0x256f, 0x2570, 0x2571, 0x2572, 0x2573, + 0x2581, 0x2582, 0x2583, 0x2584, 0x2585, 0x2586, 0x2587, 0x2588, + 0x2589, 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0x9d51, 0x9d52, + 0x9d53, 0x9d54, 0x9d55, 0x9d56, 0x9d57, 0x9d58, 0x9d59, 0x9d5a, + 0x9d5b, 0x9d5c, 0x9d5d, 0x9d5e, 0x9d5f, 0x9d60, 0x9d61, 0x9d62, + 0x9d63, 0x9d64, 0x9d65, 0x9d66, 0x9d67, 0x9d68, 0x9d69, 0x9d6a, + 0x9d6b, 0x9d6c, 0x9d6d, 0x9d6e, 0x9d6f, 0x9d70, 0x9d71, 0x9d72, + 0x9d73, 0x9d74, 0x9d75, 0x9d76, 0x9d77, 0x9d78, 0x9d79, 0x9d7a, + 0x9d7b, 0x9d7c, 0x9d7d, 0x9d7e, 0x9d7f, 0x9d80, 0x9d81, 0x9d82, + 0x9d83, 0x9d84, 0x9d85, 0x9d86, 0x9d87, 0x9d88, 0x9d89, 0x9d8a, + 0x9d8b, 0x9d8c, 0x9d8d, 0x9d8e, 0x9d8f, 0x9d90, 0x9d91, 0x9d92, + 0x9d93, 0x9d94, 0x9d95, 0x9d96, 0x9d97, 0x9d98, 0x9d99, 0x9d9a, + 0x9d9b, 0x9d9c, 0x9d9d, 0x9d9e, 0x9d9f, 0x9da0, 0x9da1, 0x9da2, + /* 0xfa */ + 0x9da3, 0x9da4, 0x9da5, 0x9da6, 0x9da7, 0x9da8, 0x9da9, 0x9daa, + 0x9dab, 0x9dac, 0x9dad, 0x9dae, 0x9daf, 0x9db0, 0x9db1, 0x9db2, + 0x9db3, 0x9db4, 0x9db5, 0x9db6, 0x9db7, 0x9db8, 0x9db9, 0x9dba, + 0x9dbb, 0x9dbc, 0x9dbd, 0x9dbe, 0x9dbf, 0x9dc0, 0x9dc1, 0x9dc2, + 0x9dc3, 0x9dc4, 0x9dc5, 0x9dc6, 0x9dc7, 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0xfa20, 0xfa21, 0xfa23, 0xfa24, 0xfa27, 0xfa28, 0xfa29, +}; + +static int +gbkext2_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 >= 0xa8 && c1 <= 0xfe)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 < 0x7f) || (c2 >= 0x80 && c2 < 0xa1)) { + unsigned int i = 96 * (c1 - 0x81) + (c2 - (c2 >= 0x80 ? 0x41 : 0x40)); + unsigned short wc = 0xfffd; + { + if (i < 12016) + wc = gbkext2_2uni_pagea8[i-3744]; + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gbkext_inv.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gbkext_inv.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..45f57d9b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/gbkext_inv.h @@ -0,0 +1,2343 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * GBK extensions + */ + +static const unsigned short gbkext_inv_2charset[14313] = { + 0xa840, 0xa841, 0xa842, 0xa95c, 0xa843, 0xa844, 0xa845, 0xa846, + 0xa847, 0xa848, 0xa959, 0xa849, 0xa84a, 0xa84b, 0xa84c, 0xa84d, + 0xa84e, 0xa84f, 0xa850, 0xa851, 0xa852, 0xa892, 0xa853, 0xa854, + 0xa855, 0xa856, 0xa857, 0xa858, 0xa859, 0xa85a, 0xa85b, 0xa85c, + 0xa85d, 0xa85e, 0xa85f, 0xa860, 0xa861, 0xa862, 0xa863, 0xa864, + 0xa865, 0xa866, 0xa867, 0xa868, 0xa869, 0xa86a, 0xa86b, 0xa86c, + 0xa86d, 0xa86e, 0xa86f, 0xa870, 0xa871, 0xa872, 0xa873, 0xa874, + 0xa875, 0xa876, 0xa877, 0xa878, 0xa879, 0xa87a, 0xa87b, 0xa87c, + 0xa87d, 0xa87e, 0xa880, 0xa881, 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0x0c00 }, { 2, 0x0200 }, +}; +static const Summary16 gbkext_inv_uni2indx_page20[44] = { + /* 0x2000 */ + { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0029 }, { 6, 0x0020 }, { 7, 0x0020 }, + { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, + { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, + { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2100 */ + { 8, 0x0220 }, { 10, 0x0000 }, { 10, 0x0002 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, + { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, + { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x03c0 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, + { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2200 */ + { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x8020 }, { 17, 0x0008 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, + { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0004 }, { 19, 0x00c0 }, { 21, 0x0000 }, + { 21, 0x0000 }, { 21, 0x0020 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x8000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 gbkext_inv_uni2indx_page25[17] = { + /* 0x2500 */ + { 23, 0x0000 }, { 23, 0x0000 }, { 23, 0x0000 }, { 23, 0x0000 }, + { 23, 0x0000 }, { 23, 0xffff }, { 39, 0xffff }, { 55, 0x000f }, + { 59, 0xfffe }, { 74, 0x0038 }, { 77, 0x0000 }, { 77, 0x3000 }, + { 79, 0x0000 }, { 79, 0x0000 }, { 79, 0x003c }, { 83, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2600 */ + { 83, 0x0200 }, +}; +static const Summary16 gbkext_inv_uni2indx_page30[16] = { + /* 0x3000 */ + { 84, 0x00c0 }, { 86, 0x6004 }, { 89, 0x03fe }, { 98, 0x0000 }, + { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x0000 }, + { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x7800 }, { 102, 0x0000 }, { 102, 0x0000 }, + { 102, 0x0000 }, { 102, 0x0000 }, { 102, 0x0000 }, { 102, 0x7000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 gbkext_inv_uni2indx_page32[30] = { + /* 0x3200 */ + { 105, 0x0000 }, { 105, 0x0000 }, { 105, 0x0000 }, { 105, 0x0002 }, + { 106, 0x0000 }, { 106, 0x0000 }, { 106, 0x0000 }, { 106, 0x0000 }, + { 106, 0x0000 }, { 106, 0x0000 }, { 106, 0x0008 }, { 107, 0x0000 }, + { 107, 0x0000 }, { 107, 0x0000 }, { 107, 0x0000 }, { 107, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3300 */ + { 107, 0x0000 }, { 107, 0x0000 }, { 107, 0x0000 }, { 107, 0x0000 }, + { 107, 0x0000 }, { 107, 0x0000 }, { 107, 0x0000 }, { 107, 0x0000 }, + { 107, 0xc000 }, { 109, 0x7000 }, { 112, 0x0002 }, { 113, 0x0000 }, + { 113, 0x4010 }, { 115, 0x0026 }, +}; +static const Summary16 gbkext_inv_uni2indx_page4e[1307] = { + /* 0x4e00 */ + { 118, 0x8074 }, { 123, 0x8084 }, { 126, 0xc24b }, { 133, 0x10aa }, + { 138, 0x0457 }, { 144, 0x0ca2 }, { 149, 0xfdbc }, { 161, 0xbff4 }, + { 173, 0x04bf }, { 181, 0x72c1 }, { 188, 0x8408 }, { 191, 0x73d3 }, + { 201, 0x9100 }, { 204, 0x1c05 }, { 209, 0xe2c5 }, { 217, 0x5712 }, + /* 0x4f00 */ + { 224, 0x19fd }, { 234, 0x307c }, { 241, 0x730a }, { 248, 0xcaaa }, + { 256, 0x1fb7 }, { 267, 0x0054 }, { 270, 0x6d46 }, { 278, 0x27a6 }, + { 286, 0x54e7 }, { 295, 0xd76d }, { 306, 0x2816 }, { 311, 0x7fdf }, + { 325, 0x3bc7 }, { 335, 0x0a7c }, { 342, 0x18b5 }, { 349, 0xbaf5 }, + /* 0x5000 */ + { 360, 0x4fff }, { 373, 0x68eb }, { 382, 0x889d }, { 389, 0xabff }, + { 402, 0x2e77 }, { 412, 0xebdf }, { 425, 0xefdf }, { 439, 0x373f }, + { 450, 0xdede }, { 462, 0xffff }, { 478, 0xec57 }, { 488, 0xf3fb }, + { 501, 0x7fff }, { 516, 0xfbbf }, { 530, 0x8f3f }, { 541, 0xf7d7 }, + /* 0x5100 */ + { 554, 0xf73f }, { 567, 0xfffb }, { 582, 0xfffd }, { 597, 0x7fff }, + { 612, 0xd484 }, { 618, 0xeb8d }, { 628, 0x86db }, { 637, 0xc404 }, + { 641, 0xccd8 }, { 649, 0xe51b }, { 658, 0x67ca }, { 667, 0xc710 }, + { 673, 0x652e }, { 681, 0xd7fd }, { 694, 0x57ec }, { 704, 0x4096 }, + /* 0x5200 */ + { 709, 0x9a30 }, { 715, 0xd039 }, { 722, 0x94ee }, { 731, 0x5036 }, + { 737, 0xcbf0 }, { 746, 0xafac }, { 756, 0x795d }, { 766, 0x5ffb }, + { 779, 0xfef9 }, { 792, 0x17f6 }, { 802, 0xc0f0 }, { 808, 0x3ff1 }, + { 819, 0xf577 }, { 831, 0x7eba }, { 842, 0xffef }, { 857, 0x39fe }, + /* 0x5300 */ + { 868, 0x5e9e }, { 878, 0xd91e }, { 887, 0xbbb4 }, { 897, 0x31ff }, + { 908, 0x3855 }, { 915, 0x2b11 }, { 921, 0x3520 }, { 926, 0x7a44 }, + { 933, 0xc58b }, { 941, 0x5adf }, { 952, 0xbc93 }, { 961, 0x77bf }, + { 974, 0xc0f9 }, { 982, 0x742d }, { 990, 0x0086 }, { 993, 0xc410 }, + /* 0x5400 */ + { 997, 0x08a5 }, { 1002, 0x1710 }, { 1007, 0x0434 }, { 1011, 0xa4c9 }, + { 1018, 0xf2b6 }, { 1028, 0xe402 }, { 1033, 0xfeab }, { 1045, 0xc611 }, + { 1051, 0x27aa }, { 1059, 0xd18a }, { 1066, 0x4027 }, { 1071, 0x56e5 }, + { 1080, 0x0c28 }, { 1084, 0x0940 }, { 1087, 0x981f }, { 1095, 0x4bf3 }, + /* 0x5500 */ + { 1105, 0x7d3d }, { 1116, 0xf7ec }, { 1128, 0x2b62 }, { 1135, 0x2f74 }, + { 1144, 0xf9a5 }, { 1154, 0xef9e }, { 1166, 0x8b0d }, { 1173, 0xa61f }, + { 1182, 0x7060 }, { 1187, 0x4ced }, { 1196, 0xff7f }, { 1211, 0x9555 }, + { 1219, 0xcdcf }, { 1230, 0x4fa1 }, { 1238, 0x6285 }, { 1244, 0x9f53 }, + /* 0x5600 */ + { 1254, 0x2cfc }, { 1263, 0x36ff }, { 1275, 0xcf67 }, { 1286, 0x75a9 }, + { 1295, 0x8fff }, { 1308, 0xec6f }, { 1319, 0xe0eb }, { 1328, 0xe7bd }, + { 1340, 0x3f9f }, { 1352, 0xfff7 }, { 1367, 0x7ff7 }, { 1381, 0xef7f }, + { 1395, 0xfbff }, { 1410, 0x136f }, { 1419, 0xd7e8 }, { 1429, 0x19cc }, + /* 0x5700 */ + { 1436, 0xf8a7 }, { 1446, 0x6fff }, { 1460, 0x08f7 }, { 1468, 0xb1f6 }, + { 1478, 0x0b7a }, { 1486, 0x037c }, { 1493, 0x50ac }, { 1499, 0xe737 }, + { 1510, 0xe783 }, { 1519, 0xf7f3 }, { 1532, 0x9520 }, { 1537, 0xfeeb }, + { 1550, 0x37f3 }, { 1561, 0x58cb }, { 1569, 0x5fee }, { 1581, 0xd8ef }, + /* 0x5800 */ + { 1592, 0xd73a }, { 1602, 0xbddd }, { 1614, 0xfbec }, { 1626, 0xffde }, + { 1640, 0xcfef }, { 1653, 0xbeed }, { 1665, 0xe7df }, { 1678, 0xbfff }, + { 1693, 0xfdd4 }, { 1704, 0x39f3 }, { 1714, 0xfcff }, { 1728, 0xefff }, + { 1743, 0xffdd }, { 1757, 0xffdd }, { 1771, 0xa7ef }, { 1783, 0xfdb6 }, + /* 0x5900 */ + { 1795, 0x5f6b }, { 1806, 0x698f }, { 1815, 0x114f }, { 1822, 0xe86d }, + { 1831, 0x3469 }, { 1838, 0xfa0d }, { 1847, 0xffda }, { 1860, 0xdca7 }, + { 1870, 0xda21 }, { 1877, 0xbd33 }, { 1887, 0x30c7 }, { 1894, 0xb5fb }, + { 1906, 0xf3bf }, { 1919, 0xca60 }, { 1925, 0xeed7 }, { 1937, 0x75ff }, + /* 0x5a00 */ + { 1950, 0xec05 }, { 1957, 0x6ef5 }, { 1968, 0xfdd6 }, { 1980, 0xefa9 }, + { 1991, 0xf9be }, { 2003, 0xfbdf }, { 2017, 0xfb7b }, { 2030, 0x7b0f }, + { 2040, 0xffff }, { 2056, 0xf3fb }, { 2069, 0xfbff }, { 2084, 0xbed3 }, + { 2095, 0xedf9 }, { 2107, 0xeeab }, { 2118, 0xf5b4 }, { 2128, 0xfffd }, + /* 0x5b00 */ + { 2143, 0xfdff }, { 2158, 0xff3f }, { 2172, 0xffff }, { 2188, 0xff6b }, + { 2201, 0xfffe }, { 2216, 0x4044 }, { 2219, 0xe983 }, { 2227, 0xdbd4 }, + { 2237, 0x6444 }, { 2242, 0x8057 }, { 2248, 0xf380 }, { 2255, 0x1c86 }, + { 2261, 0xef0b }, { 2271, 0x1ff2 }, { 2281, 0xbecd }, { 2292, 0x60fe }, + /* 0x5c00 */ + { 2301, 0x79ad }, { 2311, 0xca8d }, { 2319, 0xef4b }, { 2330, 0x00ed }, + { 2336, 0x30d8 }, { 2342, 0xbddc }, { 2353, 0x3f94 }, { 2362, 0x79fd }, + { 2374, 0xcef9 }, { 2385, 0xe02c }, { 2391, 0xc5f3 }, { 2401, 0x5e55 }, + { 2410, 0xf7ed }, { 2423, 0xfdfb }, { 2437, 0xda8d }, { 2446, 0xf7fe }, + /* 0x5d00 */ + { 2460, 0xbf33 }, { 2471, 0xb7af }, { 2483, 0x9d2f }, { 2493, 0x9fef }, + { 2506, 0xe37f }, { 2518, 0xd6ff }, { 2531, 0x65ff }, { 2543, 0xffef }, + { 2558, 0xfffb }, { 2573, 0xddff }, { 2587, 0xffff }, { 2603, 0xff7f }, + { 2618, 0xdfdf }, { 2632, 0x97ff }, { 2645, 0x3419 }, { 2651, 0x9f61 }, + /* 0x5e00 */ + { 2660, 0x6e91 }, { 2668, 0xc08c }, { 2673, 0x9f3f }, { 2685, 0xc67d }, + { 2695, 0xefcb }, { 2707, 0xb7cf }, { 2719, 0xfff9 }, { 2733, 0x42a3 }, + { 2739, 0x732e }, { 2748, 0x2904 }, { 2752, 0xdf1e }, { 2763, 0xbc17 }, + { 2772, 0xf9ff }, { 2786, 0xf7b1 }, { 2797, 0xfaff }, { 2811, 0x3b2f }, + /* 0x5f00 */ + { 2821, 0x72e0 }, { 2828, 0x7655 }, { 2837, 0x591e }, { 2845, 0xe9fd }, + { 2857, 0xfffe }, { 2872, 0xde12 }, { 2880, 0xc9a9 }, { 2888, 0xe574 }, + { 2897, 0xe048 }, { 2902, 0xec5a }, { 2911, 0x9afd }, { 2922, 0xcf5f }, + { 2934, 0x4d87 }, { 2942, 0xdc38 }, { 2950, 0x936c }, { 2958, 0x16dd }, + /* 0x6000 */ + { 2967, 0x1b80 }, { 2972, 0xc58b }, { 2980, 0x701c }, { 2986, 0x67df }, + { 2998, 0xd7f1 }, { 3009, 0xd9da }, { 3019, 0x4063 }, { 3024, 0x40b6 }, + { 3030, 0xcde7 }, { 3041, 0x53ab }, { 3050, 0x46b6 }, { 3058, 0xe6e9 }, + { 3068, 0xf39f }, { 3080, 0x4add }, { 3089, 0x043e }, { 3095, 0xf9a6 }, + /* 0x6100 */ + { 3105, 0x1cbc }, { 3113, 0x7bdf }, { 3126, 0xf726 }, { 3136, 0x7fff }, + { 3151, 0xaaff }, { 3163, 0xdfdd }, { 3176, 0xfe7b }, { 3189, 0xff5e }, + { 3202, 0xb7ff }, { 3216, 0xdfef }, { 3230, 0xec7f }, { 3242, 0xbf7f }, + { 3256, 0xf2fb }, { 3268, 0xffe9 }, { 3281, 0xffbf }, { 3296, 0x7fdf }, + /* 0x6200 */ + { 3310, 0x02bf }, { 3318, 0x7218 }, { 3324, 0xabc9 }, { 3333, 0x1f67 }, + { 3343, 0x8474 }, { 3349, 0xf6e1 }, { 3359, 0x0137 }, { 3365, 0x2db6 }, + { 3374, 0xf9ee }, { 3386, 0x7211 }, { 3392, 0xe6c8 }, { 3400, 0x45dd }, + { 3409, 0x880b }, { 3414, 0x6022 }, { 3418, 0x0c13 }, { 3423, 0x0f25 }, + /* 0x6300 */ + { 3430, 0xbc79 }, { 3440, 0x13bd }, { 3449, 0x72c0 }, { 3455, 0xd9fb }, + { 3467, 0x0593 }, { 3473, 0x3fde }, { 3485, 0x9d71 }, { 3494, 0xf33d }, + { 3505, 0x287a }, { 3512, 0xfeba }, { 3524, 0x8852 }, { 3529, 0xaa66 }, + { 3537, 0x1daf }, { 3547, 0xbfba }, { 3559, 0xd9f4 }, { 3569, 0x5eab }, + /* 0x6400 */ + { 3579, 0x67d8 }, { 3588, 0xa7e6 }, { 3598, 0xcbbc }, { 3608, 0x5bef }, + { 3620, 0xfa0d }, { 3629, 0xbeeb }, { 3641, 0xdd7f }, { 3654, 0xf8ff }, + { 3667, 0xff4b }, { 3679, 0xbd99 }, { 3689, 0x8def }, { 3700, 0xea5e }, + { 3710, 0x9fda }, { 3721, 0xbe7a }, { 3732, 0xffab }, { 3745, 0xffff }, + /* 0x6500 */ + { 3761, 0xfdfe }, { 3775, 0xfefb }, { 3789, 0x37df }, { 3801, 0x348f }, + { 3809, 0x6cdf }, { 3820, 0x959d }, { 3829, 0xe7b3 }, { 3840, 0xff6a }, + { 3852, 0xe77f }, { 3865, 0x6574 }, { 3873, 0x554d }, { 3881, 0xcdfe }, + { 3893, 0x2785 }, { 3900, 0xff3b }, { 3913, 0x0c1a }, { 3918, 0xfb3c }, + /* 0x6600 */ + { 3929, 0x2bb2 }, { 3937, 0x5dc7 }, { 3947, 0x5e5e }, { 3957, 0xaf8d }, + { 3967, 0x67f5 }, { 3978, 0x7b03 }, { 3986, 0x3ead }, { 3996, 0xbb2e }, + { 4006, 0xef6b }, { 4018, 0xdf3d }, { 4030, 0xbe7f }, { 4043, 0xbdef }, + { 4056, 0xffff }, { 4072, 0xc5ff }, { 4084, 0xfdbf }, { 4098, 0x2d62 }, + /* 0x6700 */ + { 4105, 0xd0fe }, { 4115, 0x574e }, { 4124, 0x42bf }, { 4133, 0xdbcd }, + { 4144, 0x2cb2 }, { 4151, 0x2fb4 }, { 4160, 0x58dc }, { 4168, 0x2f52 }, + { 4176, 0xf56d }, { 4187, 0x8a5e }, { 4195, 0x5253 }, { 4202, 0xfe16 }, + { 4212, 0x7fe5 }, { 4224, 0x88e0 }, { 4229, 0x6dda }, { 4239, 0x5fe4 }, + /* 0x6800 */ + { 4249, 0x205e }, { 4255, 0xdf35 }, { 4266, 0xf9fd }, { 4279, 0x8c73 }, + { 4287, 0xa880 }, { 4291, 0xffc4 }, { 4302, 0xf400 }, { 4307, 0xff2f }, + { 4320, 0x7f95 }, { 4331, 0xff77 }, { 4345, 0x5e3b }, { 4355, 0xffd6 }, + { 4368, 0xd5fa }, { 4379, 0xfadb }, { 4391, 0xbff6 }, { 4404, 0xe9dc }, + /* 0x6900 */ + { 4414, 0x97dd }, { 4425, 0x7ffa }, { 4438, 0xdfee }, { 4451, 0x5dee }, + { 4462, 0xfffb }, { 4477, 0x9b6f }, { 4488, 0xb7b6 }, { 4499, 0xec7d }, + { 4510, 0xdc2a }, { 4518, 0xe6cf }, { 4529, 0xd67f }, { 4541, 0xf76d }, + { 4553, 0xabfd }, { 4565, 0x77ee }, { 4577, 0xdffe }, { 4591, 0x5ffb }, + /* 0x6a00 */ + { 4604, 0xfbff }, { 4619, 0x7e7f }, { 4632, 0x7afd }, { 4644, 0x9fdd }, + { 4656, 0xff6f }, { 4670, 0xf4fe }, { 4682, 0xffdd }, { 4696, 0xedfd }, + { 4709, 0xbfee }, { 4722, 0xff7c }, { 4735, 0xe5fe }, { 4747, 0xffff }, + { 4763, 0xffff }, { 4779, 0xffff }, { 4795, 0xffff }, { 4811, 0xffff }, + /* 0x6b00 */ + { 4827, 0xffff }, { 4843, 0xffff }, { 4859, 0xff60 }, { 4869, 0xb97b }, + { 4880, 0xed37 }, { 4891, 0xfdff }, { 4906, 0xfb03 }, { 4915, 0xe5ff }, + { 4928, 0xd121 }, { 4934, 0xf3b3 }, { 4945, 0xfbfd }, { 4959, 0x7f47 }, + { 4970, 0x57d9 }, { 4980, 0xf503 }, { 4988, 0x73fd }, { 5000, 0xddd7 }, + /* 0x6c00 */ + { 5012, 0x5f1f }, { 5023, 0x7084 }, { 5028, 0x3829 }, { 5034, 0xdeca }, + { 5044, 0xf938 }, { 5053, 0x074e }, { 5060, 0xf8ec }, { 5070, 0x9daa }, + { 5079, 0x6c91 }, { 5086, 0x75e6 }, { 5096, 0x9105 }, { 5101, 0x04f1 }, + { 5107, 0xe9cf }, { 5118, 0xb706 }, { 5126, 0x32d0 }, { 5132, 0x8214 }, + /* 0x6d00 */ + { 5136, 0xa76d }, { 5146, 0xb17b }, { 5156, 0xb35f }, { 5167, 0x85d1 }, + { 5174, 0x1215 }, { 5179, 0xa9e1 }, { 5187, 0x39b6 }, { 5196, 0xee6f }, + { 5208, 0xacdb }, { 5218, 0x17c5 }, { 5226, 0x3024 }, { 5230, 0x7edb }, + { 5242, 0xe70e }, { 5251, 0x9cbd }, { 5261, 0xa7ac }, { 5270, 0xe575 }, + /* 0x6e00 */ + { 5280, 0x8bdf }, { 5291, 0xdb2c }, { 5300, 0x55c4 }, { 5307, 0xfaeb }, + { 5319, 0x9fe7 }, { 5331, 0x76a7 }, { 5341, 0xb7ff }, { 5355, 0x3fff }, + { 5369, 0x7d97 }, { 5380, 0x6efe }, { 5392, 0x7b5b }, { 5403, 0xd329 }, + { 5411, 0x7779 }, { 5422, 0x3b45 }, { 5430, 0xfc88 }, { 5438, 0xfdef }, + /* 0x6f00 */ + { 5452, 0x7dbb }, { 5464, 0xffc7 }, { 5477, 0x51ee }, { 5486, 0xbfb5 }, + { 5498, 0xd73f }, { 5510, 0xaeff }, { 5523, 0x9fbb }, { 5535, 0xeaeb }, + { 5546, 0x8cef }, { 5556, 0xefff }, { 5571, 0xff7d }, { 5585, 0xfdb7 }, + { 5598, 0xfdfa }, { 5611, 0xbff9 }, { 5624, 0x3ffc }, { 5636, 0xffff }, + /* 0x7000 */ + { 5652, 0xffff }, { 5668, 0xf3fd }, { 5681, 0xfff7 }, { 5696, 0xfddf }, + { 5710, 0x6fff }, { 5724, 0xbfff }, { 5739, 0x47ff }, { 5751, 0x2e9e }, + { 5760, 0xb9de }, { 5771, 0xcd8b }, { 5780, 0x07ff }, { 5791, 0xc475 }, + { 5799, 0xfaf0 }, { 5809, 0x74ff }, { 5821, 0x442f }, { 5828, 0xdd7f }, + /* 0x7100 */ + { 5841, 0xf9ff }, { 5855, 0xf896 }, { 5864, 0x7fbf }, { 5878, 0xffbc }, + { 5891, 0xabdf }, { 5903, 0xafff }, { 5917, 0xbe2f }, { 5928, 0xdaf3 }, + { 5939, 0x7bef }, { 5952, 0x7cef }, { 5964, 0xeefe }, { 5977, 0xfdd7 }, + { 5990, 0xbff7 }, { 6004, 0xffcf }, { 6018, 0xbf5e }, { 6030, 0xfdff }, + /* 0x7200 */ + { 6045, 0xffbf }, { 6060, 0xdfff }, { 6075, 0xeaff }, { 6088, 0x541c }, + { 6094, 0xce7f }, { 6106, 0x55bb }, { 6116, 0x3d39 }, { 6125, 0x39db }, + { 6135, 0x53ec }, { 6144, 0x7ffb }, { 6158, 0x4fff }, { 6171, 0xfc2e }, + { 6181, 0x9ee1 }, { 6190, 0xbd7a }, { 6201, 0x0cfc }, { 6209, 0xe260 }, + /* 0x7300 */ + { 6215, 0xbbf5 }, { 6227, 0x8717 }, { 6235, 0xa1d9 }, { 6243, 0x3c6d }, + { 6252, 0xdfff }, { 6267, 0xff7a }, { 6280, 0x4ffe }, { 6292, 0xbfff }, + { 6307, 0xb56f }, { 6318, 0x77bd }, { 6330, 0x35fb }, { 6341, 0xf372 }, + { 6351, 0x58fa }, { 6360, 0xbdfc }, { 6372, 0xdd5e }, { 6383, 0xfffb }, + /* 0x7400 */ + { 6398, 0x7997 }, { 6408, 0xf3fe }, { 6421, 0xaa9b }, { 6430, 0xef86 }, + { 6440, 0xfffd }, { 6455, 0x215f }, { 6463, 0xdfff }, { 6478, 0xbf3e }, + { 6490, 0xb774 }, { 6500, 0xaffe }, { 6513, 0xfc7f }, { 6526, 0xfbff }, + { 6541, 0xffff }, { 6557, 0xaffb }, { 6570, 0x3fa2 }, { 6579, 0x7f2f }, + /* 0x7500 */ + { 6591, 0x5fef }, { 6604, 0x68f5 }, { 6613, 0x44df }, { 6622, 0xb250 }, + { 6628, 0x26de }, { 6637, 0xe1ef }, { 6648, 0xfb9f }, { 6661, 0x7ceb }, + { 6672, 0x77b7 }, { 6684, 0x5929 }, { 6691, 0x27c4 }, { 6698, 0x8cc0 }, + { 6703, 0xd843 }, { 6710, 0xb68b }, { 6719, 0xf223 }, { 6727, 0x6dec }, + /* 0x7600 */ + { 6737, 0xebd4 }, { 6747, 0x745e }, { 6756, 0xd18a }, { 6763, 0x2ec6 }, + { 6771, 0xcff6 }, { 6783, 0xafaf }, { 6795, 0x77f7 }, { 6808, 0x96ff }, + { 6820, 0xb62b }, { 6829, 0xfdb5 }, { 6841, 0xbfef }, { 6855, 0x7fe9 }, + { 6867, 0x1a9b }, { 6875, 0x7628 }, { 6882, 0x3fdf }, { 6895, 0xace9 }, + /* 0x7700 */ + { 6904, 0xd46d }, { 6913, 0x79ff }, { 6926, 0x5cba }, { 6935, 0xea1f }, + { 6945, 0xff74 }, { 6957, 0xf3fc }, { 6969, 0xe691 }, { 6977, 0x1dff }, + { 6989, 0x8fce }, { 6999, 0x7ff9 }, { 7012, 0xe95a }, { 7021, 0x57d6 }, + { 7031, 0xdfff }, { 7046, 0xe77f }, { 7059, 0x8553 }, { 7066, 0x1eb7 }, + /* 0x7800 */ + { 7076, 0xcdf8 }, { 7086, 0x4a29 }, { 7092, 0xcd17 }, { 7101, 0xa06e }, + { 7108, 0xaf5e }, { 7119, 0xdf1a }, { 7129, 0x83ff }, { 7140, 0xef7f }, + { 7154, 0x8d7f }, { 7165, 0x6275 }, { 7173, 0xff55 }, { 7185, 0xbde0 }, + { 7194, 0xf1dd }, { 7205, 0xfdce }, { 7217, 0xeeff }, { 7231, 0xfb6b }, + /* 0x7900 */ + { 7243, 0xffdd }, { 7257, 0xbff7 }, { 7271, 0xffef }, { 7286, 0xa3ef }, + { 7297, 0xfcbc }, { 7308, 0x0337 }, { 7315, 0x5e5a }, { 7324, 0xfa7f }, + { 7337, 0x7bcc }, { 7347, 0xfbff }, { 7362, 0xff7f }, { 7377, 0x91f7 }, + { 7387, 0xd5b4 }, { 7396, 0x7ed9 }, { 7407, 0x5527 }, { 7415, 0xd6fe }, + /* 0x7a00 */ + { 7427, 0x97b2 }, { 7436, 0xbb6f }, { 7448, 0xfff6 }, { 7462, 0x4577 }, + { 7471, 0xffbf }, { 7486, 0xff7d }, { 7500, 0xffff }, { 7516, 0x782e }, + { 7524, 0xdea4 }, { 7533, 0x4e19 }, { 7540, 0xce9e }, { 7550, 0x7ff7 }, + { 7564, 0xf7ff }, { 7579, 0x3dbf }, { 7591, 0x5f96 }, { 7601, 0x59ff }, + /* 0x7b00 */ + { 7613, 0x72a7 }, { 7622, 0xb5cd }, { 7632, 0xa28e }, { 7639, 0xaaf5 }, + { 7649, 0x655f }, { 7659, 0xd2a8 }, { 7666, 0xbffa }, { 7679, 0xb559 }, + { 7688, 0xdfde }, { 7701, 0xcf4e }, { 7711, 0xc039 }, { 7717, 0xfeed }, + { 7730, 0xef3d }, { 7742, 0xd9f5 }, { 7753, 0xbb9d }, { 7764, 0xaf7d }, + /* 0x7c00 */ + { 7776, 0x677f }, { 7788, 0x7fbf }, { 7802, 0xfb3f }, { 7815, 0x7eff }, + { 7829, 0xdffc }, { 7842, 0xffff }, { 7858, 0xffff }, { 7874, 0xc7e7 }, + { 7885, 0xfdff }, { 7900, 0x0e59 }, { 7907, 0xbbcb }, { 7918, 0x8df1 }, + { 7927, 0xca5d }, { 7936, 0x6d1f }, { 7946, 0x7efe }, { 7959, 0xf6ff }, + /* 0x7d00 */ + { 7973, 0xfbff }, { 7988, 0xffff }, { 8004, 0x777a }, { 8015, 0xffff }, + { 8031, 0xffff }, { 8047, 0xffff }, { 8063, 0xbfff }, { 8078, 0xff7f }, + { 8093, 0xffff }, { 8109, 0xffff }, { 8125, 0xbfbf }, { 8139, 0xffff }, + { 8155, 0xffff }, { 8171, 0xffff }, { 8187, 0xffff }, { 8203, 0xffff }, + /* 0x7e00 */ + { 8219, 0xffff }, { 8235, 0xffff }, { 8251, 0xffff }, { 8267, 0xf7ff }, + { 8282, 0xff7d }, { 8296, 0xffff }, { 8312, 0xffff }, { 8328, 0xffff }, + { 8344, 0xfffb }, { 8359, 0x77ff }, { 8373, 0x4000 }, { 8374, 0x1810 }, + { 8377, 0x0000 }, { 8377, 0x0040 }, { 8378, 0x1010 }, { 8380, 0x0200 }, + /* 0x7f00 */ + { 8381, 0x0400 }, { 8382, 0x4001 }, { 8384, 0x0000 }, { 8384, 0xfa80 }, + { 8391, 0xffcb }, { 8404, 0x7a4c }, { 8412, 0xb8f9 }, { 8422, 0xbde9 }, + { 8433, 0xabfd }, { 8445, 0x1bef }, { 8456, 0x7f6d }, { 8468, 0x4cfa }, + { 8477, 0xabdd }, { 8488, 0x7ecf }, { 8500, 0xbd9c }, { 8510, 0xe7f4 }, + /* 0x8000 */ + { 8521, 0xc784 }, { 8528, 0xec0a }, { 8535, 0xf81a }, { 8543, 0x5615 }, + { 8550, 0xc3b3 }, { 8559, 0xfaeb }, { 8571, 0xf9ff }, { 8585, 0x7ffd }, + { 8599, 0xe526 }, { 8607, 0x42b7 }, { 8615, 0x11c8 }, { 8620, 0x0b69 }, + { 8627, 0x8fa0 }, { 8634, 0x813f }, { 8642, 0x404d }, { 8647, 0xcaa0 }, + /* 0x8100 */ + { 8653, 0x19bb }, { 8662, 0xbaa0 }, { 8669, 0x6fff }, { 8683, 0xbeb9 }, + { 8694, 0xe2bf }, { 8705, 0xf9c4 }, { 8714, 0x9d5e }, { 8724, 0x01ec }, + { 8730, 0x7afa }, { 8741, 0xc6fd }, { 8752, 0xfab7 }, { 8764, 0xf3f7 }, + { 8777, 0xebb0 }, { 8786, 0xffff }, { 8802, 0xcb77 }, { 8813, 0xa7e7 }, + /* 0x8200 */ + { 8824, 0xcf88 }, { 8832, 0x27ea }, { 8841, 0x42f1 }, { 8848, 0xb404 }, + { 8853, 0x756f }, { 8864, 0x7aff }, { 8877, 0x3eff }, { 8890, 0x19e2 }, + { 8897, 0x12eb }, { 8905, 0x4c79 }, { 8913, 0x008d }, { 8917, 0x9c64 }, + { 8924, 0x026d }, { 8930, 0x2641 }, { 8935, 0x7784 }, { 8943, 0xf56d }, + /* 0x8300 */ + { 8954, 0x2c01 }, { 8958, 0xe34d }, { 8967, 0x467f }, { 8977, 0xe885 }, + { 8984, 0x7d36 }, { 8994, 0x23e8 }, { 9001, 0x0004 }, { 9002, 0xc67f }, + { 9013, 0xbd9f }, { 9025, 0xa6f3 }, { 9035, 0xf0fe }, { 9046, 0xc820 }, + { 9050, 0x6b5c }, { 9059, 0x4eaf }, { 9069, 0xf9dc }, { 9080, 0xdcf8 }, + /* 0x8400 */ + { 9090, 0x07a5 }, { 9097, 0xcefd }, { 9109, 0xfe0f }, { 9120, 0xcefd }, + { 9132, 0xffbf }, { 9147, 0xe17d }, { 9157, 0xc5f5 }, { 9167, 0xfa95 }, + { 9177, 0xa47b }, { 9186, 0xed7f }, { 9199, 0x7ffd }, { 9213, 0x58eb }, + { 9222, 0xd9ed }, { 9233, 0x5fb4 }, { 9243, 0xef96 }, { 9254, 0x6ffe }, + /* 0x8500 */ + { 9267, 0xefff }, { 9282, 0x7b75 }, { 9293, 0xe7fd }, { 9306, 0xc07f }, + { 9315, 0xf8f7 }, { 9327, 0xbdbf }, { 9340, 0xfeef }, { 9354, 0xb1eb }, + { 9364, 0x7f4f }, { 9376, 0xe7ff }, { 9390, 0x3aef }, { 9401, 0xfd7e }, + { 9414, 0x7dfd }, { 9427, 0xefd6 }, { 9439, 0xfdef }, { 9453, 0x77ff }, + /* 0x8600 */ + { 9467, 0xffdf }, { 9482, 0xffbd }, { 9496, 0xfd7f }, { 9510, 0xeeff }, + { 9524, 0x1fff }, { 9537, 0xbbec }, { 9548, 0xa7fb }, { 9560, 0x01fd }, + { 9568, 0xc3f8 }, { 9577, 0xcfd7 }, { 9589, 0x6867 }, { 9597, 0xfb8c }, + { 9607, 0x312e }, { 9614, 0x34ec }, { 9622, 0x9def }, { 9634, 0xbce0 }, + /* 0x8700 */ + { 9642, 0xd872 }, { 9650, 0xaa53 }, { 9658, 0xbdd1 }, { 9668, 0x376d }, + { 9678, 0xac7f }, { 9689, 0xfd77 }, { 9702, 0xbfc6 }, { 9713, 0x87ae }, + { 9722, 0xd6d3 }, { 9732, 0x7f77 }, { 9745, 0x46ff }, { 9756, 0xdbd7 }, + { 9768, 0xf3be }, { 9780, 0xf7f1 }, { 9792, 0xbbde }, { 9804, 0xbdff }, + /* 0x8800 */ + { 9818, 0xfbf7 }, { 9832, 0xf797 }, { 9844, 0xfff9 }, { 9858, 0xedfb }, + { 9871, 0xcfce }, { 9882, 0xfd6f }, { 9895, 0xa4c1 }, { 9901, 0x1f7a }, + { 9911, 0xd6c9 }, { 9920, 0xefbb }, { 9933, 0xd7eb }, { 9945, 0xef7d }, + { 9958, 0xbd99 }, { 9968, 0x7ccb }, { 9978, 0xfec3 }, { 9989, 0xace4 }, + /* 0x8900 */ + { 9997, 0xfbfb }, { 10011, 0xf1f2 }, { 10021, 0xf3dd }, { 10033, 0xffae }, + { 10046, 0xffed }, { 10060, 0x3fff }, { 10074, 0xffbf }, { 10089, 0x77ff }, + { 10103, 0xffb5 }, { 10116, 0xffff }, { 10132, 0xffff }, { 10148, 0xffff }, + { 10164, 0x2009 }, { 10167, 0xabb8 }, { 10176, 0x7797 }, { 10187, 0xfff7 }, + /* 0x8a00 */ + { 10202, 0xff7e }, { 10216, 0xffff }, { 10232, 0xffff }, { 10248, 0xbfff }, + { 10263, 0xfeff }, { 10278, 0xffff }, { 10294, 0xffff }, { 10310, 0xfdff }, + { 10325, 0xf9ff }, { 10339, 0xfff7 }, { 10354, 0xffff }, { 10370, 0xffff }, + { 10386, 0xffff }, { 10402, 0xffff }, { 10418, 0xffff }, { 10434, 0xffff }, + /* 0x8b00 */ + { 10450, 0xff7f }, { 10465, 0xffff }, { 10481, 0xffbf }, { 10496, 0xffff }, + { 10512, 0xffff }, { 10528, 0xffff }, { 10544, 0xefbf }, { 10558, 0xffff }, + { 10574, 0xffff }, { 10590, 0xffff }, { 10606, 0x1000 }, { 10607, 0x0802 }, + { 10609, 0x0080 }, { 10610, 0x0001 }, { 10611, 0x0400 }, { 10612, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8c00 */ + { 10612, 0x0200 }, { 10613, 0x4000 }, { 10614, 0x0000 }, { 10614, 0xff00 }, + { 10622, 0xed3d }, { 10633, 0xfbdf }, { 10647, 0xf3f9 }, { 10659, 0xf8f7 }, + { 10671, 0xe9db }, { 10682, 0xfeef }, { 10696, 0xffff }, { 10712, 0xffff }, + { 10728, 0xffff }, { 10744, 0xffff }, { 10760, 0xffff }, { 10776, 0xffff }, + /* 0x8d00 */ + { 10792, 0xffff }, { 10808, 0x1fff }, { 10821, 0x0001 }, { 10822, 0x0000 }, + { 10822, 0x0000 }, { 10822, 0x8086 }, { 10826, 0xd720 }, { 10833, 0xff06 }, + { 10843, 0xf3cd }, { 10854, 0x7fed }, { 10867, 0xfff7 }, { 10882, 0x2ac5 }, + { 10889, 0x27a7 }, { 10898, 0x133d }, { 10906, 0x62e7 }, { 10915, 0xd057 }, + /* 0x8e00 */ + { 10923, 0x69df }, { 10934, 0x1fef }, { 10946, 0x29f3 }, { 10955, 0xd9dd }, + { 10966, 0xf068 }, { 10973, 0xfdf9 }, { 10986, 0x4dbf }, { 10997, 0x6faa }, + { 11007, 0x7f5d }, { 11019, 0xafee }, { 11031, 0x67ff }, { 11044, 0xfbfb }, + { 11058, 0xbfff }, { 11073, 0xffff }, { 11089, 0xffff }, { 11105, 0xffff }, + /* 0x8f00 */ + { 11121, 0xffff }, { 11137, 0xffff }, { 11153, 0xffff }, { 11169, 0xffff }, + { 11185, 0xffff }, { 11201, 0xffff }, { 11217, 0x043f }, { 11224, 0x0000 }, + { 11224, 0x1001 }, { 11226, 0x2004 }, { 11228, 0xf4f7 }, { 11240, 0x9dbc }, + { 11250, 0xbe49 }, { 11259, 0x04c4 }, { 11263, 0x908b }, { 11269, 0xdc76 }, + /* 0x9000 */ + { 11279, 0x5180 }, { 11283, 0x1328 }, { 11288, 0x1fb8 }, { 11297, 0xa69f }, + { 11307, 0x5f69 }, { 11317, 0xf670 }, { 11326, 0x9ed3 }, { 11336, 0x5fcf }, + { 11348, 0xf6f2 }, { 11359, 0xd555 }, { 11368, 0x2bb1 }, { 11376, 0xb084 }, + { 11381, 0x3b4d }, { 11390, 0xc774 }, { 11399, 0x5639 }, { 11407, 0x9eef }, + /* 0x9100 */ + { 11419, 0xffeb }, { 11433, 0xbdff }, { 11447, 0x7ff3 }, { 11460, 0xfdfd }, + { 11474, 0x01b7 }, { 11481, 0x9b7a }, { 11491, 0x29c1 }, { 11497, 0x1c08 }, + { 11501, 0xc55f }, { 11511, 0xf3f8 }, { 11522, 0x1bf3 }, { 11532, 0xfbcf }, + { 11545, 0x097f }, { 11554, 0xeffd }, { 11568, 0xffff }, { 11584, 0xffff }, + /* 0x9200 */ + { 11600, 0xffff }, { 11616, 0xffff }, { 11632, 0xffff }, { 11648, 0xffff }, + { 11664, 0xffff }, { 11680, 0xffff }, { 11696, 0xffff }, { 11712, 0xffef }, + { 11727, 0xbfff }, { 11742, 0xffff }, { 11758, 0xbfff }, { 11773, 0xffff }, + { 11789, 0xfeff }, { 11804, 0xffff }, { 11820, 0xffff }, { 11836, 0xffff }, + /* 0x9300 */ + { 11852, 0xffff }, { 11868, 0xffff }, { 11884, 0xffff }, { 11900, 0xbfff }, + { 11915, 0xffff }, { 11931, 0xffff }, { 11947, 0xfbff }, { 11962, 0xffff }, + { 11978, 0x7fff }, { 11993, 0xffff }, { 12009, 0xffff }, { 12025, 0xffff }, + { 12041, 0xfbff }, { 12056, 0xffbf }, { 12071, 0xffff }, { 12087, 0xffff }, + /* 0x9400 */ + { 12103, 0xffff }, { 12119, 0xffff }, { 12135, 0xffff }, { 12151, 0xbfff }, + { 12166, 0xffff }, { 12182, 0xffff }, { 12198, 0xf7ff }, { 12213, 0xffff }, + { 12229, 0x001f }, { 12234, 0x0142 }, { 12237, 0x0000 }, { 12237, 0x0000 }, + { 12237, 0x8080 }, { 12239, 0x0418 }, { 12242, 0x0040 }, { 12243, 0x0800 }, + /* 0x9500 */ + { 12244, 0x0000 }, { 12244, 0x1000 }, { 12245, 0x0081 }, { 12247, 0x2008 }, + { 12249, 0x0908 }, { 12252, 0x0420 }, { 12254, 0x4001 }, { 12256, 0x7fb0 }, + { 12266, 0xffff }, { 12282, 0xffff }, { 12298, 0xffff }, { 12314, 0xffff }, + { 12330, 0xffff }, { 12346, 0xffff }, { 12362, 0x10ff }, { 12371, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x9600 */ + { 12372, 0x0080 }, { 12373, 0x4908 }, { 12377, 0xbbf9 }, { 12389, 0x4781 }, + { 12395, 0xc40a }, { 12400, 0x77ce }, { 12411, 0xe869 }, { 12419, 0xff0b }, + { 12430, 0x569f }, { 12440, 0xec6e }, { 12450, 0xff7f }, { 12465, 0x8db6 }, + { 12474, 0x0d0c }, { 12479, 0xffdb }, { 12493, 0x78fe }, { 12504, 0xbd37 }, + /* 0x9700 */ + { 12515, 0x1c2c }, { 12521, 0xafb7 }, { 12533, 0xdbff }, { 12547, 0xbcfa }, + { 12558, 0xffff }, { 12574, 0xb5b3 }, { 12584, 0xfdd8 }, { 12595, 0xefa7 }, + { 12607, 0xd7df }, { 12620, 0xfee9 }, { 12632, 0x57f6 }, { 12643, 0xffeb }, + { 12657, 0xffff }, { 12673, 0xffff }, { 12689, 0xc13f }, { 12698, 0xff97 }, + /* 0x9800 */ + { 12711, 0xffff }, { 12727, 0xffff }, { 12743, 0xffff }, { 12759, 0xffff }, + { 12775, 0xffff }, { 12791, 0xffff }, { 12807, 0xffff }, { 12823, 0x001f }, + { 12828, 0x4800 }, { 12830, 0x0224 }, { 12833, 0xff08 }, { 12842, 0xffff }, + { 12858, 0xbfff }, { 12873, 0x38d1 }, { 12880, 0xfe7f }, { 12894, 0xffff }, + /* 0x9900 */ + { 12910, 0xdfff }, { 12925, 0xfffe }, { 12940, 0xbfff }, { 12955, 0xffff }, + { 12971, 0xffff }, { 12987, 0xffcf }, { 13001, 0x0057 }, { 13006, 0x4b08 }, + { 13011, 0x520c }, { 13016, 0xfc00 }, { 13022, 0xfedf }, { 13036, 0xffff }, + { 13052, 0xffff }, { 13068, 0xffff }, { 13084, 0xffff }, { 13100, 0xffff }, + /* 0x9a00 */ + { 13116, 0xffff }, { 13132, 0xffff }, { 13148, 0xffff }, { 13164, 0xffff }, + { 13180, 0xffff }, { 13196, 0xffff }, { 13212, 0x0fff }, { 13224, 0x0004 }, + { 13225, 0x6208 }, { 13229, 0x0230 }, { 13232, 0xfe40 }, { 13240, 0xea3c }, + { 13249, 0xe7d8 }, { 13259, 0x7ef5 }, { 13271, 0x57bd }, { 13282, 0xf5ff }, + /* 0x9b00 */ + { 13296, 0x7ef7 }, { 13309, 0x7ff7 }, { 13323, 0x7ff7 }, { 13337, 0xe7fb }, + { 13350, 0x5c41 }, { 13356, 0xffed }, { 13370, 0xffff }, { 13386, 0xffff }, + { 13402, 0xffff }, { 13418, 0xffff }, { 13434, 0xffff }, { 13450, 0xffff }, + { 13466, 0xffff }, { 13482, 0xffff }, { 13498, 0xffff }, { 13514, 0xffff }, + /* 0x9c00 */ + { 13530, 0xffff }, { 13546, 0xffff }, { 13562, 0xffff }, { 13578, 0xffff }, + { 13594, 0xffff }, { 13610, 0xffff }, { 13626, 0xffff }, { 13642, 0x6fff }, + { 13656, 0x9619 }, { 13663, 0x23c8 }, { 13669, 0x9400 }, { 13672, 0xc200 }, + { 13675, 0x0307 }, { 13680, 0x0c06 }, { 13684, 0xfffb }, { 13699, 0xffff }, + /* 0x9d00 */ + { 13715, 0xffff }, { 13731, 0xffff }, { 13747, 0xffff }, { 13763, 0xffff }, + { 13779, 0xffff }, { 13795, 0xffff }, { 13811, 0xffff }, { 13827, 0xffff }, + { 13843, 0xffff }, { 13859, 0xffff }, { 13875, 0xffff }, { 13891, 0xffff }, + { 13907, 0xffff }, { 13923, 0xffff }, { 13939, 0xffff }, { 13955, 0xffff }, + /* 0x9e00 */ + { 13971, 0xffff }, { 13987, 0x7fff }, { 14002, 0x4090 }, { 14005, 0x1811 }, + { 14009, 0x2001 }, { 14011, 0xa25d }, { 14019, 0xc027 }, { 14025, 0x3ff4 }, + { 14036, 0xf67b }, { 14048, 0x5ff3 }, { 14060, 0xffbf }, { 14075, 0x96ef }, + { 14086, 0x1def }, { 14097, 0x46ed }, { 14106, 0x795a }, { 14115, 0xa5ff }, + /* 0x9f00 */ + { 14127, 0x97ff }, { 14140, 0xfd76 }, { 14152, 0x6ffa }, { 14164, 0x957f }, + { 14175, 0xffef }, { 14190, 0xfffc }, { 14204, 0xffff }, { 14220, 0x7fff }, + { 14235, 0xe006 }, { 14240, 0x71ff }, { 14252, 0x003e }, +}; +static const Summary16 gbkext_inv_uni2indx_pagef9[19] = { + /* 0xf900 */ + { 14257, 0x0000 }, { 14257, 0x0000 }, { 14257, 0x1000 }, { 14258, 0x0000 }, + { 14258, 0x0000 }, { 14258, 0x0000 }, { 14258, 0x0000 }, { 14258, 0x0200 }, + { 14259, 0x0000 }, { 14259, 0x0020 }, { 14260, 0x0000 }, { 14260, 0x0000 }, + { 14260, 0x0000 }, { 14260, 0x0000 }, { 14260, 0x0080 }, { 14261, 0x0002 }, + /* 0xfa00 */ + { 14262, 0xf000 }, { 14266, 0x811a }, { 14271, 0x039b }, +}; +static const Summary16 gbkext_inv_uni2indx_pagefe[31] = { + /* 0xfe00 */ + { 14278, 0x0000 }, { 14278, 0x0000 }, { 14278, 0x0000 }, { 14278, 0x0001 }, + { 14279, 0xfe00 }, { 14286, 0xfef7 }, { 14300, 0x0f7f }, { 14311, 0x0000 }, + { 14311, 0x0000 }, { 14311, 0x0000 }, { 14311, 0x0000 }, { 14311, 0x0000 }, + { 14311, 0x0000 }, { 14311, 0x0000 }, { 14311, 0x0000 }, { 14311, 0x0000 }, + /* 0xff00 */ + { 14311, 0x0000 }, { 14311, 0x0000 }, { 14311, 0x0000 }, { 14311, 0x0000 }, + { 14311, 0x0000 }, { 14311, 0x0000 }, { 14311, 0x0000 }, { 14311, 0x0000 }, + { 14311, 0x0000 }, { 14311, 0x0000 }, { 14311, 0x0000 }, { 14311, 0x0000 }, + { 14311, 0x0000 }, { 14311, 0x0000 }, { 14311, 0x0014 }, +}; + +static int +gbkext_inv_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + const Summary16 *summary = NULL; + if (wc >= 0x0200 && wc < 0x02e0) + summary = &gbkext_inv_uni2indx_page02[(wc>>4)-0x020]; + else if (wc >= 0x2000 && wc < 0x22c0) + summary = &gbkext_inv_uni2indx_page20[(wc>>4)-0x200]; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x2610) + summary = &gbkext_inv_uni2indx_page25[(wc>>4)-0x250]; + else if (wc >= 0x3000 && wc < 0x3100) + summary = &gbkext_inv_uni2indx_page30[(wc>>4)-0x300]; + else if (wc >= 0x3200 && wc < 0x33e0) + summary = &gbkext_inv_uni2indx_page32[(wc>>4)-0x320]; + else if (wc >= 0x4e00 && wc < 0x9fb0) + summary = &gbkext_inv_uni2indx_page4e[(wc>>4)-0x4e0]; + else if (wc >= 0xf900 && wc < 0xfa30) + summary = &gbkext_inv_uni2indx_pagef9[(wc>>4)-0xf90]; + else if (wc >= 0xfe00 && wc < 0xfff0) + summary = &gbkext_inv_uni2indx_pagefe[(wc>>4)-0xfe0]; + if (summary) { + unsigned short used = summary->used; + unsigned int i = wc & 0x0f; + if (used & ((unsigned short) 1 << i)) { + unsigned short c; + /* Keep in `used' only the bits 0..i-1. */ + used &= ((unsigned short) 1 << i) - 1; + /* Add `summary->indx' and the number of bits set in `used'. */ + used = (used & 0x5555) + ((used & 0xaaaa) >> 1); + used = (used & 0x3333) + ((used & 0xcccc) >> 2); + used = (used & 0x0f0f) + ((used & 0xf0f0) >> 4); + used = (used & 0x00ff) + (used >> 8); + c = gbkext_inv_2charset[summary->indx + used]; + r[0] = (c >> 8); r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/georgian_academy.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/georgian_academy.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ddbe57806 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/georgian_academy.h @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * GEORGIAN-ACADEMY + */ + +static const unsigned short georgian_academy_2uni[32] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x0080, 0x0081, 0x201a, 0x0192, 0x201e, 0x2026, 0x2020, 0x2021, + 0x02c6, 0x2030, 0x0160, 0x2039, 0x0152, 0x008d, 0x008e, 0x008f, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x0090, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014, + 0x02dc, 0x2122, 0x0161, 0x203a, 0x0153, 0x009d, 0x009e, 0x0178, +}; + +static int +georgian_academy_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c >= 0x80 && c < 0xa0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) georgian_academy_2uni[c-0x80]; + else if (c >= 0xc0 && c < 0xe7) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c + 0x1010; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char georgian_academy_page00[32] = { + 0x80, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ +}; +static const unsigned char georgian_academy_page01[72] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x8c, 0x9c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x8a, 0x9a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x9f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; +static const unsigned char georgian_academy_page02[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x88, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x98, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; +static const unsigned char georgian_academy_page20[48] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x96, 0x97, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x91, 0x92, 0x82, 0x00, 0x93, 0x94, 0x84, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x86, 0x87, 0x95, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x89, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x8b, 0x9b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ +}; + +static int +georgian_academy_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x0080 && wc < 0x00a0) + c = georgian_academy_page00[wc-0x0080]; + else if ((wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00c0) || (wc >= 0x00e7 && wc < 0x0100)) + c = wc; + else if (wc >= 0x0150 && wc < 0x0198) + c = georgian_academy_page01[wc-0x0150]; + else if (wc >= 0x02c0 && wc < 0x02e0) + c = georgian_academy_page02[wc-0x02c0]; + else if (wc >= 0x10d0 && wc < 0x10f7) + c = wc-0x1010; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2040) + c = georgian_academy_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc == 0x2122) + c = 0x99; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/georgian_ps.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/georgian_ps.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e23dbae1c --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/georgian_ps.h @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * GEORGIAN-PS + */ + +static const unsigned short georgian_ps_2uni_1[32] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x0080, 0x0081, 0x201a, 0x0192, 0x201e, 0x2026, 0x2020, 0x2021, + 0x02c6, 0x2030, 0x0160, 0x2039, 0x0152, 0x008d, 0x008e, 0x008f, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x0090, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014, + 0x02dc, 0x2122, 0x0161, 0x203a, 0x0153, 0x009d, 0x009e, 0x0178, +}; +static const unsigned short georgian_ps_2uni_2[39] = { + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x10d0, 0x10d1, 0x10d2, 0x10d3, 0x10d4, 0x10d5, 0x10d6, 0x10f1, + 0x10d7, 0x10d8, 0x10d9, 0x10da, 0x10db, 0x10dc, 0x10f2, 0x10dd, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x10de, 0x10df, 0x10e0, 0x10e1, 0x10e2, 0x10f3, 0x10e3, 0x10e4, + 0x10e5, 0x10e6, 0x10e7, 0x10e8, 0x10e9, 0x10ea, 0x10eb, 0x10ec, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x10ed, 0x10ee, 0x10f4, 0x10ef, 0x10f0, 0x10f5, +}; + +static int +georgian_ps_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c >= 0x80 && c < 0xa0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) georgian_ps_2uni_1[c-0x80]; + else if (c >= 0xc0 && c < 0xe6) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) georgian_ps_2uni_2[c-0xc0]; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char georgian_ps_page00[32] = { + 0x80, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ +}; +static const unsigned char georgian_ps_page01[72] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x8c, 0x9c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x8a, 0x9a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x9f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; +static const unsigned char georgian_ps_page02[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x88, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x98, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; +static const unsigned char georgian_ps_page10[40] = { + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc8, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xd1, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe3, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0xe4, 0xc7, 0xce, 0xd5, 0xe2, 0xe5, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char georgian_ps_page20[48] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x96, 0x97, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x91, 0x92, 0x82, 0x00, 0x93, 0x94, 0x84, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x86, 0x87, 0x95, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x89, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x8b, 0x9b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ +}; + +static int +georgian_ps_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x0080 && wc < 0x00a0) + c = georgian_ps_page00[wc-0x0080]; + else if ((wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00c0) || (wc >= 0x00e6 && wc < 0x0100)) + c = wc; + else if (wc >= 0x0150 && wc < 0x0198) + c = georgian_ps_page01[wc-0x0150]; + else if (wc >= 0x02c0 && wc < 0x02e0) + c = georgian_ps_page02[wc-0x02c0]; + else if (wc >= 0x10d0 && wc < 0x10f8) + c = georgian_ps_page10[wc-0x10d0]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2040) + c = georgian_ps_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc == 0x2122) + c = 0x99; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/hkscs1999.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/hkscs1999.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..373276339 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/hkscs1999.h @@ -0,0 +1,3005 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * HKSCS:1999 + */ + +static const unsigned short hkscs1999_2uni_page88[627] = { + /* 0x88 */ + 0x06c0, 0x06c1, 0x06c2, 0x06c3, 0x06c4, 0x720c, 0x06c5, 0x71d1, + 0x71cd, 0x06c6, 0x06c7, 0x71cb, 0x8c68, 0x06c8, 0x71ca, 0x06c9, + 0x06ca, 0x06cb, 0x06cc, 0x720e, 0x06cd, 0x06ce, 0x0080, 0x0041, + 0x010d, 0x0040, 0x0092, 0x0049, 0x009a, 0x0048, 0x00cc, 0x0053, + 0x0111, 0x0052, 0x70fd, 0x02be, 0x70fd, 0x02c0, 0x004a, 0x0081, + 0x0061, 0x010e, 0x0060, 0x0151, 0x0093, 0x0069, 0x009b, 0x0068, + 0x00ab, 0x006d, 0x0110, 0x006c, 0x00cd, 0x0073, 0x0112, 0x0072, + 0x00eb, 0x007a, 0x0114, 0x0079, 0x0116, 0x0118, 0x011a, 0x011c, + 0x007c, 0x70fd, 0x02bf, 0x70fd, 0x02c1, 0x006a, 0x0161, 0x041a, + 0x041b, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, + 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, + 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, + 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, + 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, + 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, + 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, + 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, + 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, + 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, + 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, + /* 0x89 */ + 0xf029, 0x8005, 0x70fd, 0x374a, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x207d, 0x40dd, + 0x6dce, 0x62df, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0xd275, 0x36d1, 0x215a, 0x2168, + 0x21e8, 0x2396, 0x23b4, 0x23dc, 0x2424, 0x24e1, 0x24e8, 0x257b, + 0x258e, 0x2611, 0x2618, 0x2922, 0x2b30, 0x2b44, 0x2b47, 0x2b72, + 0x2b74, 0x2da6, 0x2dde, 0x2ddf, 0x2eda, 0x30c6, 0x327b, 0x37c9, + 0x3a3e, 0x3a44, 0x3aa5, 0x3f8e, 0x42bc, 0x4735, 0x50a4, 0x50ac, + 0x50ba, 0x50c7, 0x50cf, 0x50df, 0x5106, 0x5137, 0x547a, 0x54cf, + 0x556f, 0x5b46, 0x5d3e, 0x5d62, 0x60a6, 0x60a7, 0x60ae, 0x4611, + 0x4efc, 0x4fcd, 0x3b86, 0x4cc9, 0x2467, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, + 0x70fd, 0x628c, 0x4ab8, 0x625e, 0x52bc, 0x70fd, 0x5e4b, 0x52f6, + 0x78e7, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x529f, 0x6f47, 0x1f8d, 0x6e49, 0x6e8c, + 0x1efe, 0xebb6, 0xcd4e, 0x6e8a, 0xee73, 0x0901, 0x70fd, 0x409a, + 0x543e, 0x4719, 0x70fd, 0x1c11, 0x6b6c, 0x6b8f, 0x7019, 0x4b87, + 0xdcac, 0x8a8a, 0x7650, 0x9526, 0x2064, 0x20c1, 0x20c0, 0x20c7, + 0x20ff, 0x212b, 0x2177, 0x078c, 0x21fd, 0x1148, 0x2243, 0x22c8, + 0x07bd, 0x07d3, 0x07e5, 0x23c6, 0x2b45, 0x241b, 0x243c, 0x2445, + 0x20c9, 0x24b9, 0x24d0, 0x2567, 0x0907, 0x25e9, 0x0891, 0x25f0, + 0x0893, 0x2602, 0x2663, 0x08ad, 0x08b2, 0x09c1, 0x26d3, 0x26e3, + 0x26f4, 0x26f9, 0x2710, 0x272f, 0x2758, 0x2763, 0x2768, 0x08d8, + 0x277f, 0x08e5, 0x08ff, 0x2817, 0x0905, + /* 0x8a */ + 0xd784, 0x2765, 0x70fd, 0x7b02, 0x7bd5, 0xb42b, 0x27d0, 0x96c6, + 0x0d2c, 0x7401, 0x5f86, 0xb138, 0xe665, 0x1353, 0xd97e, 0x497a, + 0x9638, 0x0d74, 0x1ad5, 0xda1d, 0xc7b2, 0xb16a, 0x371d, 0x7c3c, + 0x7e74, 0x7b95, 0x7fb4, 0x36cd, 0x5fbe, 0x7d56, 0x7acb, 0x7e24, + 0x96a9, 0xdad6, 0xaa13, 0x70fd, 0x7c06, 0xe9cd, 0xd9a9, 0x1af4, + 0xb227, 0x96c2, 0x6bb2, 0x0da7, 0xe6f4, 0x12ed, 0x0846, 0xb587, + 0xe754, 0xd3c8, 0x9744, 0x6dee, 0x6915, 0x70fd, 0x16d9, 0xbfe5, + 0x36f4, 0x2723, 0x974c, 0x95ca, 0x7f37, 0x0d3b, 0x7f2f, 0xc49a, + 0xc4d6, 0xd4a0, 0x372a, 0xb392, 0x7b03, 0x5fa8, 0x8de1, 0xe14c, + 0x7731, 0x70fd, 0x1b0b, 0x7269, 0x12fa, 0x2ab3, 0x978d, 0x70fd, + 0xaac8, 0x75bc, 0xbfd7, 0x7e0c, 0x7c56, 0x27b9, 0x13bb, 0x16ba, + 0x70fd, 0x1d74, 0x94e6, 0x7f5d, 0x53aa, 0x69f5, 0x7c5c, 0x35b9, + 0x0d3e, 0x9275, 0x5f00, 0x28e1, 0x36bc, 0x1143, 0x70fd, 0xf101, + 0x7cc9, 0x950f, 0x96c9, 0x70fd, 0x7f88, 0xa142, 0x0cd2, 0x0d46, + 0xdb1b, 0x08b8, 0xbdc9, 0x8d07, 0x2892, 0x7df1, 0x96b2, 0xe720, + 0x07fc, 0x3e7d, 0xb1bb, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0xd0f4, 0x988b, 0x8e48, + 0xf15b, 0xe24d, 0x7d3a, 0x7af4, 0xc5dc, 0x5193, 0x7f8f, 0x9303, + 0x9439, 0x093b, 0xb4a3, 0x7d4c, 0x7e4d, 0x7d6a, 0x1293, 0x7df0, + 0x7c07, 0x800f, 0x7d0c, 0x70fd, 0x7d6b, 0x7a69, 0x7c08, 0x7f80, + 0x7ffd, 0x12f9, 0x9196, 0x3672, 0x7e6d, + /* 0x8b */ + 0x9d34, 0xd1b9, 0x95ce, 0x7c3e, 0x7c3f, 0x9651, 0x9655, 0x0d58, + 0x7d58, 0x7f87, 0x7dee, 0xf132, 0xc890, 0xe252, 0xe2d9, 0xe24a, + 0x66aa, 0x270c, 0x54c4, 0x27f9, 0x70fd, 0xec83, 0x6d26, 0x6bb6, + 0xd29e, 0x97ee, 0x4340, 0x536d, 0x52ec, 0x2e5c, 0xc3b2, 0x5334, + 0x0ad7, 0x259f, 0xd97d, 0x62b6, 0x7dba, 0x7ccf, 0x7d37, 0x7dbb, + 0x091d, 0xb16b, 0x0949, 0x7b96, 0x28ef, 0x92b5, 0x7f89, 0x7cd0, + 0x7d38, 0x7f38, 0x8008, 0xda87, 0x8315, 0x7d39, 0xb1d0, 0x97a4, + 0x2c94, 0x7edd, 0x7ede, 0x7fb5, 0x7fb6, 0x29dc, 0x7cd1, 0xd214, + 0xdb4d, 0x7e75, 0x7d3b, 0xb47e, 0x0a43, 0x7e76, 0x8040, 0xb598, + 0xefbd, 0xae5a, 0x867a, 0xa6b7, 0xdafc, 0x2ad9, 0x24a8, 0x095a, + 0xb8bd, 0x4db2, 0x2da8, 0x1b00, 0x1dec, 0x6fa7, 0x1ce7, 0x6d1f, + 0x6c8d, 0xbb74, 0x9abd, 0x283b, 0x0932, 0x28c9, 0x2068, 0x2b42, + 0x8901, 0xf238, 0x6851, 0x7186, 0x209b, 0x20fb, 0x087e, 0x2e63, + 0x3191, 0x3204, 0x0c3a, 0x348c, 0x3775, 0x3dba, 0x3e75, 0x3e7a, + 0x426c, 0x442b, 0x206c, 0x44ad, 0xad69, 0x5152, 0x4b3b, 0x4ef9, + 0x5153, 0xc12a, 0x0801, 0x70fd, 0xc1cb, 0x5202, 0x5280, 0xc412, + 0xc711, 0x259d, 0x59e4, 0x5b41, 0xd3b2, 0x5d20, 0x5e5d, 0x6585, + 0x6678, 0x667f, 0x66e8, 0xe30f, 0x68e6, 0x6975, 0x69ce, 0x69de, + 0x6a63, 0xe790, 0x6d7c, 0x6e9f, 0x6f44, 0x3daf, 0x7047, 0x2077, + 0x7187, 0x671d, 0x3477, 0x65a2, +}; +static const unsigned short hkscs1999_2uni_page8d[3140] = { + /* 0x8d */ + 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, + 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, + 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, + 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, + 0x2f7e, 0x2f88, 0x2f96, 0x10fc, 0x0b4f, 0x2fe4, 0x2ff9, 0x0b60, + 0x0b78, 0x3082, 0x30fd, 0x3165, 0x31c3, 0x0c48, 0x0c54, 0x0c7f, + 0x0c8d, 0x3317, 0x337d, 0x2f25, 0x0cc9, 0x33f7, 0x33f9, 0x340f, + 0x0cf8, 0x346c, 0x34d0, 0x3525, 0x3558, 0x0d38, 0x28f1, 0x0d43, + 0x3622, 0x363b, 0x3647, 0x369a, 0x0d8b, 0x3700, 0x2f55, 0x2861, + 0x701f, 0x0dd7, 0x37c6, 0x0dfd, 0x383f, 0x3893, 0x0e32, 0x38d2, + 0x0e62, 0x3956, 0x0e82, 0x39e4, 0x3a40, 0x0e98, 0x3a8a, 0x3ac4, + 0x0eb2, 0x0eb1, 0x0ebb, 0x3b49, 0x3b83, 0x445c, 0x3ba4, 0x3bdf, + 0x3bc5, 0x0efc, 0x3c16, 0x0f1d, 0x3ca5, 0x3cb4, 0x3cb1, 0x3cc2, + 0x0f2c, 0x3cd9, 0x0f32, 0x3ceb, 0x3cf5, 0x3d14, 0x3d36, 0x3dc1, + 0x3e01, 0x3e2a, 0x3eb5, 0x3eea, 0x0fcb, 0x3f42, 0x3f46, 0x3f66, + 0x3fc1, 0x0fef, 0x3fe4, 0x3ff1, 0x4015, 0x4018, 0x4029, 0x4086, + 0xdfc0, 0x40bb, 0x40e2, 0x40da, 0x6fff, 0x40e8, 0x40e9, 0x4124, + 0x4134, 0x1046, 0xa481, 0x4181, 0x41be, 0x106a, 0x1075, 0x43b7, + 0x2ed9, 0x108a, 0x422c, 0x1091, 0x4250, 0x4254, 0x426f, 0x427f, + 0x4289, 0x73e5, 0x16c1, 0x0931, 0x7d98, + /* 0x8e */ + 0xa417, 0x29fe, 0xcc13, 0x433e, 0xb920, 0x098e, 0x3be2, 0xe1e9, + 0x2db4, 0x4c49, 0xb9a1, 0xe659, 0x4c65, 0x4c7d, 0xba6c, 0x4cbb, + 0x4cb0, 0x4cc2, 0x4cc3, 0x43d1, 0xc30d, 0x14ca, 0x4cda, 0x4cdd, + 0x4cea, 0x14ef, 0x26f2, 0xbc01, 0x4d0b, 0x4d55, 0x4d29, 0xb5ce, + 0xbcfe, 0x4da2, 0x4d6f, 0x559c, 0xbbb4, 0xc9bf, 0x4dd0, 0x5621, + 0x4d92, 0x70fd, 0xbd20, 0x10ad, 0xbc65, 0x5692, 0x4dfa, 0x70fd, + 0x4e35, 0xbcc1, 0x4e44, 0x4e83, 0xad02, 0x4ea6, 0x38bd, 0xaab8, + 0x4ec9, 0x4ec7, 0x4ee6, 0x4e74, 0x4ef3, 0x4ef5, 0x70fd, 0x5067, + 0x181d, 0xcb84, 0x4f5d, 0xcc16, 0x468d, 0x4f89, 0x4fab, 0x4335, + 0x4fb3, 0x70fd, 0xa597, 0xbf69, 0x4fe4, 0x1013, 0x4ff5, 0x8639, + 0x4fe5, 0xdbed, 0x70fd, 0xc021, 0xc05a, 0x506e, 0x5092, 0x162b, + 0x656c, 0x5027, 0x5140, 0x5141, 0x5147, 0x4b36, 0xc150, 0x6ae1, + 0x5197, 0xc1d1, 0x51a3, 0x84a1, 0x7168, 0x185c, 0xa066, 0x1803, + 0xdbba, 0x51fa, 0xc309, 0x70fd, 0x5208, 0x521d, 0x70fd, 0x522f, + 0xedc7, 0xca03, 0x523b, 0x523c, 0x5261, 0x9214, 0x1c89, 0xc426, + 0xa363, 0xc4a8, 0x3965, 0x52a7, 0xe048, 0x5307, 0x531a, 0x2af0, + 0x91f6, 0x3ebf, 0xc318, 0xb2f8, 0x3727, 0x834a, 0x5418, 0x869e, + 0x3c93, 0xaee5, 0xaf15, 0x177a, 0x5429, 0x7a0d, 0xc812, 0xa2fe, + 0x2239, 0x83bd, 0x56e2, 0x5562, 0xc84a, 0xae27, 0x9e30, 0x85b3, + 0xa378, 0x54aa, 0x3b5b, 0xf2d4, 0x14db, + /* 0x8f */ + 0x574b, 0x54d0, 0x551a, 0x7cd6, 0x85f4, 0x0a01, 0x9afd, 0x9e5a, + 0x547b, 0x54e2, 0x5518, 0xa3cb, 0xcae3, 0xc845, 0xc8d7, 0x9ece, + 0x10bf, 0x551d, 0x282c, 0x5585, 0x180b, 0xcae5, 0x55ac, 0x70fd, + 0x55d3, 0x07be, 0xcc14, 0x3c97, 0x575a, 0x07d6, 0xcb82, 0x98ef, + 0x5658, 0xbbe4, 0x5671, 0x10d3, 0x17e4, 0x3ce7, 0x564a, 0xa275, + 0x4b58, 0x70fd, 0xc8d6, 0xcbb7, 0xcb83, 0x56de, 0x70fd, 0x5591, + 0x17a0, 0x5693, 0x56e4, 0xbc91, 0x1540, 0xbcc0, 0x1843, 0x5734, + 0x2d32, 0xcbd9, 0x1827, 0x5773, 0x1816, 0x39ff, 0x57d6, 0xdde5, + 0xddfb, 0x5781, 0xcdc8, 0x57c2, 0x8402, 0xce0d, 0xf2f2, 0x186a, + 0x57e8, 0x0988, 0x86e2, 0x2637, 0xcfda, 0x583e, 0x58f1, 0xee38, + 0x596e, 0x9627, 0x5931, 0x595a, 0x598f, 0x28a1, 0x582c, 0x3a96, + 0x190f, 0x59c5, 0x59c6, 0xd160, 0xa339, 0xd164, 0x59de, 0x5a1c, + 0x195b, 0x5a34, 0x5a35, 0x3601, 0x5a45, 0x4977, 0xd24f, 0x5b07, + 0x5b0a, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x5b27, 0x5b3c, 0xe025, 0x5b67, 0xd424, + 0xd5bd, 0x5c1c, 0x4993, 0x62fe, 0x5c10, 0xd559, 0x4ce9, 0xd63a, + 0xa4cf, 0x1a13, 0xd638, 0x437c, 0x5c8c, 0x5c9f, 0xb630, 0xb6e5, + 0x5cbf, 0x5ccc, 0x5ccd, 0x5c29, 0xaefa, 0x5d10, 0x5d1b, 0x5c2f, + 0x851f, 0x1915, 0x59cf, 0x5ddb, 0xd754, 0xd78f, 0xf314, 0x0a65, + 0xd753, 0x5e16, 0xd798, 0xd7bd, 0x5e52, 0x5e43, 0x8750, 0x5e1b, + 0x425c, 0x5e51, 0xb089, 0x11d0, 0x70fd, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x5ee9, 0xd8c2, 0x7ed4, 0xae0a, 0x0ebc, 0xda7c, 0xce4c, 0x4ce7, + 0x5fed, 0x5ff6, 0x6003, 0x63d4, 0x6059, 0x606d, 0xdbe5, 0xdc52, + 0x60e5, 0x6403, 0xef9f, 0x7950, 0x60f3, 0x1c2a, 0xdfde, 0xdd3d, + 0xa33b, 0x3138, 0x9be2, 0x6139, 0xed94, 0xde3c, 0xdd01, 0x8ee5, + 0x0cc0, 0xcc17, 0x6177, 0xdd3c, 0xd5be, 0x61a1, 0xdd6c, 0xddcb, + 0x61e8, 0xde93, 0x6204, 0xde66, 0x61ee, 0x70fd, 0x6267, 0x0e30, + 0x62a9, 0x62c4, 0x4eac, 0xdf33, 0x8b09, 0x630e, 0x3edf, 0x6341, + 0x6362, 0xb739, 0x70fd, 0xe0c6, 0xa25b, 0xe10c, 0xb75b, 0x7bf1, + 0x642c, 0x646b, 0xe0e1, 0xe1eb, 0x428f, 0x2d03, 0xe0e2, 0xe0e5, + 0x1c65, 0x6344, 0xe1ec, 0xe239, 0xe1ff, 0x6473, 0x655b, 0x5ffc, + 0x6685, 0x66a6, 0x6526, 0x66a0, 0x41f6, 0x15b9, 0x917a, 0xde58, + 0x813c, 0xa3ae, 0x1cdf, 0x3e5c, 0x677b, 0x6796, 0x146c, 0x67a3, + 0xcc15, 0x341a, 0x67b6, 0x4af5, 0xe0e0, 0x67bd, 0x260c, 0x1ca1, + 0xc9f8, 0x7334, 0xc290, 0xe46f, 0xe4a5, 0xaf51, 0x8755, 0x9c8a, + 0x6831, 0x5802, 0x6836, 0x1d0f, 0x183d, 0x1885, 0xaf69, 0x4275, + 0x2d81, 0x681b, 0x70fd, 0xe595, 0x6857, 0x2d8a, 0xe5ab, 0x685f, + 0x6525, 0x2310, 0x9a37, 0x9a3c, 0x6889, 0x689f, 0x68b1, 0x68be, + 0x68c0, 0x68d2, 0x68e0, 0xb66c, 0x68ee, 0x461c, 0xe5f3, 0x70fd, + 0x68f5, 0xe5dd, 0xd47a, 0x1d91, 0x6934, 0x6933, 0x694b, 0x6966, + 0x0e4e, 0xceb5, 0x1051, 0x76b0, 0xa69c, + /* 0x91 */ + 0xb886, 0x69ca, 0x69b7, 0x69c8, 0x69c7, 0x1dbf, 0xca67, 0x8513, + 0x27f0, 0x69e1, 0x69e6, 0x69ec, 0x6478, 0x6a39, 0xaea9, 0x1e32, + 0xe7d7, 0xe885, 0x6af5, 0x6b0c, 0x6b3b, 0x6b10, 0x6b58, 0xb8a5, + 0x0a04, 0xe471, 0xea55, 0x6be0, 0x6be2, 0xea05, 0x6bf4, 0x1ece, + 0x6c14, 0x6c2d, 0xddc0, 0x2274, 0x6c34, 0xc768, 0x0c03, 0x99fd, + 0x6c50, 0x6c40, 0xeafe, 0x2c85, 0x86a3, 0x6c8e, 0xa78b, 0x6d02, + 0x6cff, 0x6d0c, 0xec28, 0x6e54, 0xed37, 0xeed2, 0xeeeb, 0xee21, + 0xee63, 0xef1f, 0x6dfe, 0x6e03, 0xee74, 0x6e8e, 0x3ac8, 0x6e44, + 0x8d9b, 0xeed3, 0xef60, 0x877b, 0xef73, 0x6db9, 0xedf9, 0xefb4, + 0x6f10, 0x6f15, 0x6f1e, 0x6f22, 0x1ff4, 0x6f2a, 0x6f2f, 0xa8a4, + 0x6f41, 0x0ea0, 0x0d25, 0x101d, 0x2172, 0x0afe, 0xe22b, 0x6f82, + 0x6f88, 0x1e56, 0x6524, 0xcae2, 0x6f97, 0x70fd, 0x6fb9, 0x28df, + 0x28ca, 0x6fc5, 0x6ab8, 0xe44b, 0x68f2, 0x567f, 0x6fe2, 0x6fe9, + 0x4cdc, 0x700e, 0x4416, 0x1e7e, 0xadf5, 0xae3b, 0x4377, 0xae78, + 0xa888, 0xaed1, 0x459e, 0xe1da, 0x873a, 0x4b9f, 0xdf7e, 0xe336, + 0x6469, 0x64f3, 0xe044, 0x63ec, 0x6481, 0x64cb, 0xdf6c, 0xa9f9, + 0x4417, 0x11eb, 0x4972, 0x4c43, 0x42d0, 0xa9b3, 0xa938, 0x437e, + 0x862f, 0x42a3, 0x86fe, 0x9e99, 0x11c7, 0x86c5, 0xb62f, 0x8638, + 0x0a62, 0x853b, 0x8679, 0x0a21, 0x85b4, 0x8711, 0xbecb, 0x0a63, + 0x8500, 0x299b, 0xaea5, 0x82be, 0x8168, + /* 0x92 */ + 0x8286, 0x8376, 0x5703, 0x9fa6, 0x70fd, 0x5655, 0xae14, 0xcea5, + 0xa3b1, 0xb6dc, 0xa43b, 0xcd92, 0x17f4, 0x9fee, 0xe91d, 0xcc66, + 0x3a39, 0x0a73, 0x0f55, 0x10e7, 0x2aac, 0x8762, 0x3a50, 0x1357, + 0xa03f, 0xa621, 0xa5cb, 0xa64f, 0xc961, 0x270b, 0x28de, 0xc471, + 0x28d2, 0x7e9f, 0x7a68, 0x7ccd, 0x64c6, 0xe113, 0x649c, 0x2138, + 0x236b, 0x0b59, 0xa976, 0x20fc, 0x7525, 0x743f, 0x218b, 0x21ca, + 0xb7d1, 0x2ca8, 0x726b, 0x748b, 0x0cd9, 0x73ca, 0x74d4, 0x0775, + 0x2169, 0x7380, 0xe3b3, 0x7335, 0x5c5a, 0x72cc, 0x20d8, 0x230d, + 0x234d, 0x21e2, 0x2143, 0xae8e, 0xa3ca, 0x2182, 0x226e, 0x22ac, + 0x22c1, 0x220c, 0x2225, 0x2298, 0x233c, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, + 0x70fd, 0x4076, 0x9e95, 0xa3b9, 0xa3ff, 0x3fb2, 0x86c4, 0xa3c9, + 0x23e8, 0x2403, 0x7660, 0x17dd, 0x7563, 0x7552, 0x7551, 0x5eba, + 0xe09c, 0x770e, 0x2499, 0x24e4, 0x77f3, 0x2521, 0x70fd, 0x197a, + 0x438c, 0xa8cc, 0x7ae0, 0xae2c, 0x7fa4, 0x3c11, 0x7cdd, 0x70fd, + 0x11de, 0x4699, 0x4614, 0x4656, 0x4598, 0x1e4e, 0xaf3c, 0xa5cd, + 0x2610, 0x08c4, 0x440f, 0xa609, 0x27f4, 0x7405, 0x270d, 0x7a86, + 0x295d, 0x635d, 0x67f4, 0x6466, 0x2a1d, 0x29cd, 0x29bf, 0x097e, + 0x2b0b, 0x2cd9, 0xe046, 0x853a, 0x85af, 0x8550, 0x2c6c, 0x2bf8, + 0x638f, 0x2cbe, 0x2d0f, 0x2c52, 0xba06, 0x8833, 0x86a1, 0xa7d5, + 0x0a35, 0x3f45, 0x4643, 0x2c61, 0xbe03, + /* 0x93 */ + 0x2cc1, 0xe1d7, 0x74d3, 0x64e0, 0x468c, 0x81c3, 0x4305, 0x1c72, + 0x6508, 0xdffb, 0x64bd, 0x0ae0, 0x2e5e, 0x2ede, 0x309e, 0x3088, + 0x87d6, 0x87bc, 0xa1ee, 0x310d, 0x2d8f, 0x8743, 0x8744, 0x0a41, + 0x86e0, 0x0a1d, 0x853e, 0x0a13, 0x532a, 0xe047, 0x8a7a, 0x9db2, + 0xdfa8, 0x314c, 0x314e, 0x8767, 0x85eb, 0x2cab, 0x857b, 0x2d84, + 0x57d4, 0xd17d, 0x59e0, 0x32be, 0x9360, 0x912b, 0x321b, 0x11b8, + 0x90ef, 0x90fe, 0xe448, 0xccb3, 0x3400, 0x713e, 0x7146, 0x911b, + 0x33d9, 0x33d8, 0x32b5, 0x969b, 0x9707, 0xabd4, 0xe50d, 0x36b1, + 0xab65, 0x95aa, 0x0d69, 0x9562, 0x9d90, 0xe86a, 0x9878, 0x3577, + 0xf09b, 0x36f6, 0x3571, 0x3611, 0xae63, 0x9767, 0x34e4, 0x96a1, + 0x367b, 0x37ab, 0x3bb2, 0x0f34, 0x9a0e, 0x9c2d, 0xae09, 0x9c2b, + 0x274d, 0x9c60, 0x8719, 0xe5ff, 0x390e, 0x9c09, 0x9b33, 0x0e20, + 0x1490, 0xb704, 0xe122, 0xb70f, 0x853c, 0xb6db, 0xb625, 0x4aee, + 0x9a83, 0x866a, 0x9bb4, 0x07a4, 0x9b8f, 0x9b02, 0xa809, 0x38ce, + 0xca64, 0x38ab, 0x1e53, 0x3870, 0xd370, 0x8aab, 0x38a3, 0x9c52, + 0x9c61, 0x385e, 0xb972, 0x0c11, 0xa13a, 0xa0bc, 0x0ed9, 0xa0a2, + 0x9d3e, 0x46d0, 0x0ed6, 0x39cf, 0xab2a, 0x3af6, 0x3a5e, 0x0f04, + 0x3cfe, 0x0ba3, 0xa0d5, 0xa9c7, 0x3c73, 0x3c92, 0x3d09, 0x3d45, + 0x8752, 0x3751, 0x3ad8, 0x3c8c, 0x0f17, 0x3cba, 0x3d97, 0xa500, + 0xa25a, 0x64a0, 0x63f2, 0xe1ea, 0xe0cb, + /* 0x94 */ + 0x6389, 0xd8de, 0xdfdc, 0x6567, 0x3fe5, 0x410b, 0xae6c, 0x70fd, + 0xa4bf, 0x108f, 0x4004, 0xa57c, 0x2c7d, 0x400a, 0x2a87, 0x3f64, + 0x4a42, 0x433b, 0xa85a, 0xa7b6, 0x42f1, 0x4450, 0x4487, 0x4494, + 0xac4f, 0xac25, 0x23b9, 0xaf24, 0x766b, 0x467a, 0xa438, 0x9f5f, + 0xaeca, 0xad97, 0xbf21, 0x1206, 0x11b1, 0xaf5f, 0xe223, 0xa475, + 0x32e7, 0x11f3, 0x46cc, 0x463c, 0x6487, 0x4637, 0x179f, 0xcb2a, + 0x1851, 0x4783, 0x1263, 0xb099, 0xb0c6, 0x1258, 0x4755, 0x4873, + 0xf0c6, 0x0e59, 0x4668, 0xe0cc, 0xae2b, 0xae0e, 0x0e3b, 0x10cd, + 0xaece, 0x11ff, 0xae45, 0xad73, 0x62fa, 0x2972, 0x6442, 0xe0e3, + 0x86a4, 0x231f, 0xb4e1, 0xb4a7, 0x4978, 0x9bb2, 0x490e, 0x490f, + 0x497b, 0xab97, 0xa081, 0x0d9e, 0xad70, 0x4638, 0x469b, 0x11bf, + 0xaf3a, 0xaf47, 0x13c8, 0xaf16, 0xc0ae, 0x6407, 0xb701, 0x4a1e, + 0x4a8d, 0x4a88, 0x4ad2, 0x45d0, 0x4b59, 0xd281, 0xb863, 0x140e, + 0x70fd, 0x5696, 0x4ba5, 0x3c6d, 0xa43a, 0x4c3a, 0x4bf4, 0x146e, + 0x8526, 0x1432, 0x6335, 0x4bf1, 0x7c0c, 0xae0c, 0x7359, 0xa33a, + 0x85ae, 0x08d7, 0x27ab, 0x08b0, 0x09ea, 0x7294, 0x7acd, 0x4ce2, + 0x2c99, 0x91f5, 0xbaef, 0xbadc, 0x2c4d, 0x731b, 0x4af0, 0x2c6a, + 0xbbc6, 0x4cfe, 0x14f9, 0x4e5d, 0x4e6d, 0x1511, 0xbbb3, 0xbe3c, + 0xbe26, 0x4ecd, 0xae79, 0x85f0, 0x4e8e, 0x4e7c, 0x4eae, 0x3cf2, + 0x4fdc, 0x5007, 0x4fd3, 0x514e, 0xc121, + /* 0x95 */ + 0xc05c, 0xd648, 0x4f97, 0xbe02, 0x156a, 0xc8b5, 0x7856, 0x3a16, + 0x714e, 0x9ecf, 0x2a04, 0xc292, 0xc278, 0xade2, 0x51dd, 0x4d27, + 0x77ac, 0xbb29, 0xbd43, 0x4d0c, 0xbd8e, 0x6ae6, 0x5805, 0x6b63, + 0x3c5c, 0x9d7f, 0x0d22, 0xae77, 0xc3ed, 0x6b1f, 0xc3e0, 0x5680, + 0xce67, 0xca11, 0x17ea, 0x5337, 0x1702, 0x52c6, 0x5309, 0x5342, + 0xc574, 0x69c3, 0xc802, 0x5462, 0x5465, 0xc811, 0x5653, 0xcae7, + 0x57d0, 0xcf1b, 0x2cc6, 0x147f, 0x8680, 0x2d6b, 0x86e1, 0x2d24, + 0x8718, 0x5860, 0xf2fc, 0xa30f, 0x59ad, 0xd022, 0x2c42, 0x59ee, + 0x2185, 0x5a07, 0x5a3f, 0x5a66, 0x5ae5, 0x5acd, 0xb803, 0x5ad4, + 0xd2c5, 0xd2c4, 0xe1f5, 0xe1d9, 0xe19c, 0xdff9, 0x11ad, 0x56a3, + 0x19f5, 0x19cf, 0x0b32, 0x5bbd, 0x5b9c, 0xe608, 0x318d, 0x632b, + 0xa7c4, 0x3814, 0x4329, 0x42c4, 0x8685, 0x6ded, 0x5ddf, 0x5e29, + 0xd7dc, 0x2bda, 0x49c3, 0x2c30, 0x166e, 0x0a14, 0x5f6a, 0x5fe7, + 0xb009, 0x6070, 0x608a, 0x15f4, 0x3e98, 0x41bb, 0x8ee1, 0x1b9b, + 0x4179, 0x408b, 0x861a, 0x6ce9, 0x09f5, 0xadaf, 0x61fb, 0x70fd, + 0x27b1, 0x1c06, 0x62bb, 0x6504, 0xe04b, 0x1362, 0xe0fc, 0x6527, + 0xe21d, 0xe23b, 0x56e5, 0x5bab, 0x6699, 0x66a7, 0x6697, 0x6696, + 0xe2b4, 0x4645, 0x11c2, 0xad7f, 0xaec2, 0xa92a, 0x11e7, 0x9ba5, + 0x678f, 0xe3e7, 0xe366, 0xe365, 0x11cc, 0xae6d, 0xaef8, 0xa52e, + 0x4612, 0x466b, 0x11fc, 0x6841, 0xe470, + /* 0x96 */ + 0x3a87, 0x1d1d, 0xe453, 0xb91f, 0x70fd, 0x6468, 0xdf89, 0xe226, + 0xe12f, 0xc23e, 0x63ba, 0x2d51, 0x5ce9, 0x1c3c, 0x45f9, 0xa75b, + 0x689b, 0x6871, 0x6a38, 0x7de6, 0x3001, 0xe1c5, 0xaf32, 0x691f, + 0xe65a, 0x63f6, 0xe6d7, 0x62e5, 0x17c0, 0xe150, 0xaee7, 0xe164, + 0x69dc, 0xe045, 0x1200, 0x632a, 0x1c25, 0x5614, 0x6a3b, 0x6a4d, + 0xd606, 0x10fd, 0x6a9b, 0x1e2f, 0x6aaa, 0x6b5c, 0xe165, 0xb988, + 0x3ccf, 0x6b21, 0x2d3e, 0x6b2f, 0xe871, 0x1e50, 0xe8c8, 0x6abc, + 0x1e7d, 0x1e57, 0x647d, 0x2ab2, 0x81c2, 0x2a62, 0xae38, 0x83a8, + 0x4a44, 0x921f, 0xa338, 0x3b05, 0x107d, 0x6558, 0x0c67, 0x3390, + 0x9281, 0x946b, 0x3347, 0x6d4f, 0x6d53, 0x6d7b, 0x6d35, 0x6d10, + 0x6c7f, 0x6ccf, 0xebed, 0x6c9f, 0xef35, 0xee3e, 0x6da1, 0x1f6e, + 0xa644, 0x6e98, 0x1f70, 0x6d8c, 0xeef4, 0xee2d, 0xee33, 0xe8af, + 0x6e25, 0x56bd, 0xcb52, 0xcd1f, 0xc8c2, 0x57bc, 0x1833, 0xcae4, + 0xcbc4, 0xcb30, 0x5620, 0x57ae, 0xcb40, 0xa0d7, 0xbfa4, 0x4be2, + 0x9e9c, 0x9f40, 0x1c2d, 0xae5e, 0x1062, 0x64db, 0x63be, 0x6448, + 0x737f, 0x4ab9, 0x6377, 0x654d, 0x2224, 0x0780, 0x61a4, 0xb6dd, + 0x4a3d, 0x4a54, 0x4ab6, 0x4a4b, 0x8597, 0x9b49, 0xadc1, 0x09da, + 0x21b2, 0x41da, 0x41d9, 0x70fd, 0x421e, 0x2654, 0xa6f5, 0x29fb, + 0x2b33, 0x29ca, 0x6d96, 0x2a17, 0x4334, 0x07ef, 0xa6ec, 0x43eb, + 0xc980, 0xb2d7, 0x70fd, 0x85f5, 0xe049, + /* 0x97 */ + 0x334c, 0x2d0e, 0x2c4b, 0x15bc, 0xa9c8, 0x0a6c, 0x1e3b, 0xdffc, + 0x64bb, 0x64b8, 0x8716, 0x7ddd, 0x5672, 0xca00, 0x82d3, 0xa83a, + 0x9626, 0xa901, 0x2bd4, 0xa337, 0xc501, 0x4fa8, 0xc05b, 0xbfe4, + 0xae39, 0xae0b, 0xdffa, 0x63e5, 0x45e2, 0x11e9, 0x46b4, 0xe163, + 0x86df, 0x11e1, 0xaf33, 0x3d18, 0x45f3, 0x45fb, 0x11d6, 0xaebe, + 0xaf14, 0x8619, 0xaee6, 0x7467, 0x82e4, 0xae65, 0x4648, 0xad96, + 0x42a5, 0xadf6, 0x6384, 0x45e6, 0x645f, 0x75be, 0x6431, 0xe0ce, + 0xe016, 0x6486, 0xe1e7, 0xb755, 0x1c35, 0xe082, 0x436b, 0xadc3, + 0x7bbf, 0x28e4, 0x769a, 0x7aab, 0x7b78, 0x2742, 0x4bc4, 0x863a, + 0x4ffe, 0x8502, 0xaed0, 0x8692, 0x182e, 0x6501, 0x0a4a, 0xe0c0, + 0xae2d, 0x2bf0, 0x86ff, 0x86c3, 0xd084, 0x2ce1, 0x0a22, 0xa2db, + 0x09f0, 0x635f, 0x2cb9, 0xe081, 0x86a2, 0x6474, 0x0fcd, 0x79b4, + 0x1d56, 0x0cca, 0x2334, 0x1069, 0x104c, 0x825c, 0x4375, 0x15fb, + 0xda98, 0x400f, 0xe4a4, 0x17eb, 0x3f97, 0xd80f, 0x4267, 0x3eef, + 0x0fd6, 0xa52d, 0xa3ad, 0x4002, 0x410c, 0x106f, 0x74b5, 0x4751, + 0x09fc, 0x0808, 0x1980, 0x11da, 0x1b71, 0x2c04, 0x636e, 0x1c3e, + 0x6081, 0xe21c, 0xc900, 0x2a52, 0x2a08, 0x0a16, 0x8312, 0x42fe, + 0xa8a2, 0xaef1, 0x9963, 0x8170, 0x8f3d, 0x3af9, 0x3ba7, 0x8258, + 0x9de5, 0xd6b4, 0x9fdf, 0xe083, 0xa0d6, 0x9d3a, 0xb05f, 0x3c5a, + 0x9fad, 0xc9f7, 0x563e, 0x17df, 0x17ce, + /* 0x98 */ + 0xca66, 0xca91, 0xc9c2, 0xcd1e, 0x4117, 0xce49, 0x553d, 0x857a, + 0x55ed, 0xc9c0, 0xcd93, 0x861b, 0x2bc9, 0x2cc2, 0x85f3, 0x2ca1, + 0x2cb1, 0x8745, 0xa73c, 0x0a6d, 0x2c2f, 0x857c, 0x0a07, 0x438e, + 0x6490, 0x38da, 0xa7e5, 0x2cae, 0x2c6b, 0xa7d3, 0x3c6b, 0xa439, + 0xd276, 0xa99b, 0xa80a, 0x431d, 0xa799, 0xdfe1, 0x21f0, 0xca68, + 0x2f02, 0xaa0e, 0xd80d, 0xa8fd, 0x3c4c, 0xa796, 0x81c4, 0x42a6, + 0x4333, 0xa929, 0x10a5, 0x3f1f, 0xf1e5, 0xaecf, 0x5065, 0x2c2b, + 0x2f6f, 0x10f3, 0x319c, 0xaedd, 0x861f, 0x4fa4, 0x5626, 0x26c5, + 0xa1fa, 0x9c80, 0x72d4, 0x29be, 0x7815, 0x7699, 0x12e5, 0x8c1e, + 0xefb6, 0x4203, 0xe51b, 0x2fb0, 0x458f, 0x4ed3, 0xe059, 0xe5e0, + 0x2208, 0x51e7, 0x44cd, 0x4510, 0xd5f4, 0x4538, 0x4539, 0xb876, + 0x4541, 0x4548, 0x11a9, 0xd618, 0x61ac, 0x43f5, 0xad72, 0x45e1, + 0x53f6, 0x11ca, 0x490c, 0x11d1, 0x3ee2, 0x293d, 0x4619, 0x461e, + 0x461f, 0x11e2, 0x11f0, 0x11f4, 0x11fa, 0x46d3, 0x120e, 0x1253, + 0x4742, 0x476d, 0x4772, 0x478d, 0x127c, 0x47c8, 0x47dc, 0x12c0, + 0x484d, 0x12d7, 0x4874, 0x12dc, 0x487a, 0xb29c, 0x4388, 0x2863, + 0x5b00, 0x2aa9, 0x131d, 0x4943, 0x1339, 0x39a1, 0x1345, 0x091b, + 0x4998, 0x136a, 0x136f, 0x2e9e, 0x49be, 0x49cb, 0x2b32, 0x4a18, + 0x42b9, 0x4a1c, 0x13a8, 0x4a39, 0x4a47, 0x4a51, 0x4a66, 0x5648, + 0xb6b5, 0x4b33, 0x3a43, 0x4b32, 0x1403, + /* 0x99 */ + 0x1409, 0x4b91, 0x4b99, 0x60fb, 0x4c06, 0x60fc, 0x1467, 0x4c91, + 0x14b2, 0x4cbc, 0x5479, 0x14c4, 0x4ccf, 0x4cdb, 0x14cf, 0x2061, + 0x4d62, 0x4d6c, 0x4d7b, 0x4e12, 0x4e1b, 0x1560, 0x157a, 0x4e7b, + 0x4e9c, 0x158c, 0x4eb8, 0x1594, 0x4eed, 0x60d3, 0x42c0, 0x7b8f, + 0x4fcf, 0x4fd4, 0x4fd0, 0x4ffd, 0x51ae, 0x51b4, 0x449f, 0x1697, + 0x5220, 0x5225, 0x4d39, 0x522e, 0x5231, 0x5254, 0x10cc, 0x29f4, + 0x42a0, 0x52b7, 0x52e9, 0x16ed, 0x530c, 0x452a, 0x530e, 0x5312, + 0x4760, 0x5314, 0x1701, 0x0e79, 0x5356, 0x5359, 0x535a, 0x1713, + 0x2a7a, 0x537c, 0x5384, 0x1725, 0x5393, 0x172d, 0x53a5, 0x2a2f, + 0x53c1, 0x53e4, 0x5454, 0x178f, 0x54a6, 0x5476, 0x54ca, 0x54d8, + 0x54ff, 0x17b0, 0x5557, 0x6769, 0x3bca, 0x5605, 0x42f5, 0x5664, + 0x3323, 0x5688, 0x1804, 0x56be, 0x56e1, 0x56f8, 0x5710, 0x5738, + 0x5752, 0x183b, 0x576f, 0x5770, 0x57a0, 0x1877, 0x5832, 0x5852, + 0x5872, 0x58af, 0x6745, 0x590b, 0x1906, 0x1917, 0x5a2e, 0x5a7f, + 0x5aa4, 0x5ac7, 0x5b11, 0xd467, 0x5ba9, 0x5bb8, 0x5c14, 0x5c34, + 0x5d91, 0x5e14, 0x5e32, 0x5e5c, 0x1a98, 0x2a9f, 0x5f03, 0x1aed, + 0x212e, 0x5f7a, 0x2818, 0x2994, 0x5fb1, 0x2835, 0x5ff0, 0x1b37, + 0x600e, 0x6022, 0x6024, 0x602d, 0x6032, 0x60f7, 0x6101, 0x610a, + 0x610c, 0x6173, 0x6ac4, 0x1bad, 0x69e0, 0x6313, 0x1c1e, 0x6328, + 0x6358, 0x636b, 0x63b1, 0x63ae, 0x63bf, + /* 0x9a */ + 0x63e3, 0x63eb, 0x63f3, 0x63f4, 0x63fd, 0x6443, 0x6484, 0x64ad, + 0x1c45, 0x1c51, 0x6f3f, 0x6517, 0x2541, 0x651d, 0x652d, 0x653e, + 0x1c6a, 0x6554, 0x6579, 0x662d, 0x66a2, 0x1ca7, 0x66f4, 0x6733, + 0x1ce5, 0x39e0, 0x1d24, 0x6840, 0x1d35, 0x68b2, 0x68c2, 0x2894, + 0x1da4, 0x3328, 0x69b9, 0x1dd9, 0x69f1, 0x2a84, 0x6a0e, 0x6a19, + 0x23f4, 0x6a1c, 0x6a37, 0x6a42, 0x6a5d, 0x6a62, 0x1e30, 0x6ac5, + 0x1e5d, 0x6b3c, 0x6c0f, 0x4c83, 0x6c69, 0x6c81, 0x6cdd, 0x6cf1, + 0x6cf4, 0x1f2d, 0x6d20, 0x0aaf, 0x8902, 0x6dc9, 0x6d3a, 0x6f7e, + 0x2890, 0x6e13, 0x6e3d, 0x6e40, 0x6e7c, 0x65f6, 0x60f6, 0x6efb, + 0x6f2c, 0x6f31, 0x6f3d, 0x6f46, 0x65dc, 0x6f62, 0x6f71, 0x6f78, + 0x4cc8, 0x6fc4, 0x7194, 0x7377, 0x7460, 0x3b5a, 0x65c3, 0x2bec, + 0x7597, 0x2a80, 0x65c1, 0x0af9, 0x7655, 0x7695, 0x76f6, 0x84fa, + 0x2997, 0x4373, 0x79c2, 0x79cd, 0x7a7f, 0x26aa, 0xf1fb, 0x7a8b, + 0x26de, 0x7abb, 0x7afb, 0x7b13, 0x7b25, 0x7b3c, 0x3327, 0x7b4d, + 0x28ba, 0x7b75, 0x7b9d, 0x7bad, 0x7c2f, 0x7c72, 0x7c88, 0x3b95, + 0x6d2f, 0x5925, 0x7cc4, 0x7cce, 0x7d97, 0x7e50, 0x7ded, 0x7d33, + 0x2e60, 0x7e7c, 0x304b, 0x7f1c, 0x7f0f, 0x7f36, 0x395e, 0x7f3b, + 0x7f48, 0x7f56, 0x0987, 0x7f7f, 0x7f93, 0x7fef, 0x7ffb, 0x25a4, + 0x56ad, 0x81a3, 0x8235, 0x81f6, 0x5d01, 0x83f7, 0x8459, 0x8603, + 0x8607, 0x20b8, 0x42bb, 0x866d, 0x87aa, + /* 0x9b */ + 0x886d, 0x8885, 0x896a, 0x89b0, 0x89ec, 0x8b48, 0x3503, 0x8b55, + 0x8b95, 0x4398, 0x3a95, 0x8c85, 0x3c29, 0x0a08, 0x8ebc, 0x8f57, + 0x8f7a, 0x922a, 0x9371, 0x944f, 0x54fd, 0x9467, 0x9493, 0x9515, + 0x5b25, 0x9528, 0x60e0, 0x954e, 0x68b8, 0x957f, 0x6947, 0x6bbd, + 0x964c, 0x70fd, 0x9688, 0x96b7, 0xbbe8, 0x9708, 0x9712, 0x97b7, + 0x9795, 0x9842, 0x9934, 0x994c, 0x99b3, 0x99e6, 0x9c9f, 0x9d1e, + 0x31f1, 0x3888, 0x38ff, 0xd579, 0x9e67, 0x9ef3, 0x70fd, 0xae3a, + 0x70fd, 0x9f1a, 0xa016, 0x70fd, 0x7406, 0x2af5, 0x394e, 0x3b58, + 0xa1a7, 0xd1d7, 0xbf22, 0xa391, 0xa3f9, 0xd17e, 0x8cda, 0x1bd0, + 0x1d78, 0xa659, 0xe09a, 0xa82e, 0xa84d, 0xa57b, 0xa874, 0xa8d6, + 0xaec5, 0x764a, 0x2412, 0x7691, 0x2bdf, 0x8b28, 0x0efe, 0xa2bf, + 0xa944, 0xaa16, 0x29c8, 0xab74, 0x0cdb, 0xac2f, 0xdda8, 0xe949, + 0x0aa2, 0x8e03, 0x5cde, 0xe14e, 0x70fd, 0xacd2, 0xad7b, 0xae95, + 0x4409, 0xaf40, 0x7b38, 0x2ba5, 0xb225, 0xb2c6, 0x7779, 0x601a, + 0xb36c, 0x24cf, 0x297f, 0x4371, 0xb559, 0xb619, 0xa48a, 0xaf27, + 0x27fc, 0xb646, 0xb66e, 0xc892, 0x70fd, 0x07b3, 0xb6bf, 0xd1b2, + 0xb6de, 0x1a18, 0xb6e2, 0xb6e6, 0xb907, 0xadbf, 0xb95d, 0x22a6, + 0x083b, 0x9d0c, 0x70fd, 0xb9c3, 0x1a7c, 0xdf48, 0xbaee, 0xbb89, + 0xbc06, 0x8a50, 0x29e1, 0x4351, 0x70fd, 0xc002, 0xd6d2, 0x6196, + 0xc0b2, 0xb2da, 0x5ce2, 0xc282, 0xc2ca, + /* 0x9c */ + 0x2f9b, 0xc937, 0x70fd, 0xc304, 0x875c, 0x5c6a, 0xae76, 0xc308, + 0xa52f, 0xc352, 0x1e80, 0xc3ff, 0xc475, 0x921b, 0x6565, 0xb921, + 0x33d5, 0x2c67, 0xf28d, 0x70fd, 0x28f9, 0xaa61, 0xc4bc, 0x20aa, + 0xadb4, 0x6756, 0x3fcf, 0xc9fd, 0x0958, 0x5af7, 0xc559, 0xc62e, + 0xc291, 0xc61e, 0x70fd, 0xc687, 0x4d42, 0xe480, 0x7911, 0xc6e6, + 0x70fd, 0xc6f9, 0x4c45, 0x70fd, 0xc7ba, 0x6b26, 0xc7ed, 0x099f, + 0xc2e9, 0x7121, 0x4b83, 0xc7f4, 0xc89b, 0x2f6c, 0x9e19, 0x70fd, + 0xc8dd, 0x19d0, 0xc9e4, 0x473b, 0x59e5, 0xcaee, 0x2af6, 0x0a5c, + 0x90cd, 0xcd8b, 0xcecd, 0x0f94, 0xcf40, 0xcf45, 0x6381, 0x8dba, + 0xcf4b, 0x6430, 0xcfa6, 0xae50, 0x3e79, 0x659f, 0xd050, 0x7db8, + 0x59a7, 0x5a75, 0x9426, 0xdcb3, 0x85f1, 0x40b8, 0xaeaa, 0x8660, + 0x0ce4, 0x09f9, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x183f, 0x38f6, 0xeaad, 0xe824, + 0x5ac3, 0xd30c, 0xd358, 0x2916, 0x13df, 0x844a, 0x0ce1, 0xa02f, + 0xd9a8, 0x8285, 0x43ad, 0x5566, 0xd4dd, 0xe568, 0x70fd, 0x1f77, + 0xcdef, 0xdfab, 0xd4fd, 0xd50a, 0xd60b, 0xd766, 0xa6ba, 0x4d43, + 0x4b7e, 0xd8c9, 0x41b5, 0xefdf, 0x3c43, 0xdb98, 0x25e2, 0xcb47, + 0x64bf, 0x3a76, 0x685d, 0xda2f, 0xd8e3, 0xc775, 0x82ad, 0x9baf, + 0xd908, 0x2fc5, 0xe230, 0xd943, 0x2955, 0x6923, 0xdf49, 0x2feb, + 0xae08, 0x37fe, 0x3c15, 0x2612, 0xaf25, 0xa4c1, 0x0f51, 0x3976, + 0xd950, 0xd9b4, 0xd9ee, 0x8c21, 0xda0f, + /* 0x9d */ + 0xda49, 0xda6f, 0xda9a, 0xdb86, 0xdbaf, 0xdc0a, 0x090a, 0xdca8, + 0xde2a, 0x1bfa, 0x3626, 0xdf56, 0x4a08, 0x6355, 0xdfb8, 0x16f2, + 0xdfe7, 0x16df, 0xdfe8, 0xe146, 0xe1d4, 0x2c38, 0xe209, 0x70fd, + 0xe405, 0xe4ac, 0x70fd, 0xe4d0, 0xe4fc, 0x10f7, 0xe51e, 0xaf4a, + 0x6110, 0x448f, 0x28cb, 0xe667, 0xe6e9, 0xe6b0, 0xe6b8, 0xe732, + 0xe851, 0xe8c9, 0xe8ea, 0xe943, 0xe9a8, 0xea0e, 0xeb1a, 0xeb5b, + 0x509f, 0xecb8, 0xece3, 0x1f64, 0x6647, 0xef93, 0x43a2, 0xefff, + 0x2011, 0x6152, 0xf0cb, 0x201c, 0x7b5c, 0x60fe, 0x2801, 0x60fa, + 0x8ff0, 0x60f9, 0xaf13, 0x1809, 0x507f, 0x4156, 0x3cf1, 0x212a, + 0x0824, 0xe12c, 0xd39d, 0x0a7a, 0x5fc0, 0x8635, 0xd8e4, 0xe16c, + 0xe199, 0xd53e, 0xc46f, 0x10eb, 0xd1d5, 0xa277, 0xb7b5, 0xba16, + 0x20da, 0xbe01, 0xc118, 0x28ff, 0x7d2d, 0x5f4e, 0x2dad, 0xa3c8, + 0xb05e, 0x361e, 0x70fd, 0x8636, 0x86bb, 0x3770, 0x286d, 0xbc4a, + 0x265a, 0xb5d1, 0x10c6, 0xeb58, 0x1f3d, 0x2862, 0x285e, 0x5149, + 0xbe58, 0x2bb5, 0xa2c0, 0x58f0, 0x205c, 0x7eaa, 0x7c09, 0x9fba, + 0x5317, 0x6dde, 0x5e58, 0x483b, 0x6d45, 0x484e, 0x49b9, 0x6445, + 0x2672, 0x5348, 0x54f7, 0x2865, 0x5332, 0x5618, 0x52bd, 0x282a, + 0x4b62, 0x2883, 0x2656, 0x7d5d, 0x090e, 0x2845, 0x2831, 0x3931, + 0xdb62, 0x096d, 0x4734, 0x2830, 0x27fa, 0x26d7, 0x27b2, 0x7b01, + 0x7b56, 0x3110, 0xb448, 0x7d36, 0x9662, + /* 0x9e */ + 0x7d62, 0x6f2b, 0x4f5a, 0x281e, 0x7f35, 0x34dd, 0x686d, 0x26d4, + 0x5e0d, 0x43f6, 0x6276, 0x363c, 0x35f9, 0x363e, 0x27a9, 0x9583, + 0x6d72, 0x98b3, 0x23da, 0x081f, 0x7c67, 0x23e7, 0x268d, 0x275e, + 0x2753, 0x4866, 0x5f6d, 0xc64a, 0x47b1, 0x52b6, 0x5984, 0x5906, + 0x5a47, 0x53b6, 0x561c, 0x7f81, 0x17ec, 0x4504, 0xac06, 0x2dd0, + 0x550b, 0xc653, 0x28bb, 0x91f4, 0xd72f, 0xa6e3, 0xd773, 0xcc10, + 0xcf76, 0x6270, 0x8099, 0x6308, 0xa2bc, 0xf1a9, 0x7d6c, 0x7db9, + 0x4466, 0x89e2, 0x1a4e, 0xb302, 0xd8b9, 0x7eab, 0x13fa, 0x6d5d, + 0x375f, 0x97a0, 0x1bf3, 0xaca0, 0xeb3c, 0x7eac, 0x7cca, 0x70fd, + 0xd123, 0x7ead, 0x70fd, 0xbf88, 0x8047, 0x43a3, 0x508e, 0x6dd0, + 0x205a, 0x2044, 0x08b7, 0x2d4d, 0x3ef2, 0x25a7, 0x09ec, 0x0d1c, + 0x25bd, 0x09e5, 0xab18, 0x2ada, 0xafae, 0x542d, 0x268b, 0x29ea, + 0xbad5, 0x78b9, 0x70fd, 0x0d92, 0x8fa5, 0x4574, 0xec6c, 0x1fc9, + 0x6ced, 0xa2be, 0xecf0, 0x1f1b, 0xb2e9, 0xe69e, 0xed5e, 0x565c, + 0xa336, 0xcf72, 0xc573, 0xa020, 0x356e, 0x4f25, 0xa437, 0xa3ac, + 0x0d6a, 0x6148, 0x250c, 0x1174, 0x09ba, 0x18e9, 0x754e, 0x4840, + 0x2d30, 0x7d76, 0x4a7a, 0xd86e, 0x2ae7, 0x13bf, 0x28bc, 0x6c8b, + 0x2fb4, 0x4854, 0xf074, 0x6f05, 0x1fa1, 0x70fd, 0x0b3b, 0x3359, + 0x9a5a, 0xa932, 0x70fd, 0x289d, 0x8169, 0x29e7, 0xade3, 0xebc6, + 0x2474, 0xcdee, 0x08ed, 0x70fd, 0x6dfc, + /* 0x9f */ + 0x4e56, 0x6c39, 0x2a1e, 0x85ac, 0x2e93, 0x3713, 0xe650, 0xc1b5, + 0xcea4, 0x586d, 0x7be8, 0xca62, 0xaf62, 0x7c31, 0x70fd, 0x243e, + 0x8b8f, 0x2fce, 0x6803, 0x8a91, 0x6f01, 0x618c, 0x4d1f, 0x6c02, + 0x2f11, 0x4da3, 0x34a8, 0x3575, 0x6bff, 0x4dcf, 0x6c2a, 0x4e7e, + 0x70fd, 0x4e42, 0x4e86, 0x6d15, 0x4dfc, 0x6c09, 0x70fd, 0x6d1b, + 0xadbe, 0x6fda, 0x27b3, 0x2e03, 0x223d, 0x6f18, 0x2232, 0x24a0, + 0x1106, 0x2511, 0x29a7, 0x2296, 0x2bf7, 0x3052, 0x68c8, 0x6e2b, + 0x609c, 0x26a9, 0x68b4, 0x6a40, 0x68ba, 0x256c, 0x3370, 0x3b6c, + 0x261a, 0x6d0a, 0x6d82, 0x1efb, 0x6741, 0x3bc0, 0x22e6, 0x4746, + 0x85ad, 0x6ada, 0x24b3, 0x70fd, 0x6259, 0x6781, 0x625c, 0x70fd, + 0x6251, 0xe397, 0x35bf, 0xca63, 0x3d0a, 0x2851, 0x628e, 0x477a, + 0x34c5, 0x74bc, 0x454f, 0x4e70, 0xbc21, 0xa2bd, 0x70fd, 0xad99, + 0x48d6, 0x6c9d, 0x206a, 0x7b94, 0x55be, 0x59c2, 0x70fd, 0x2e8a, + 0x3c00, 0x70fd, 0x29ba, 0x245f, 0x3035, 0x210e, 0x3e71, 0x72b2, + 0x2179, 0x26dc, 0x271a, 0x24da, 0x5ec2, 0x093e, 0x70fd, 0x0933, + 0x70fd, 0x3d92, 0x627c, 0x7025, 0x6c97, 0x692e, 0x69b4, 0x6bba, + 0x6f28, 0x6f04, 0x437a, 0x4d14, 0x70fd, 0x3e3a, 0x5998, 0x5178, + 0x70fd, 0x2860, 0xf14a, 0x5fb7, 0x6fd3, 0x70fd, 0x5f14, 0x5f8f, + 0x6e9c, 0x5f41, 0x34c2, 0xdbfd, 0x5f68, 0x5fb5, 0x4cd3, 0xaef7, + 0x4c3e, 0x4ad8, 0x3f2a, 0x5be7, 0x4807, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0xe05a, 0x6fa6, 0x3f0e, 0x5956, 0x47c3, 0xefb2, 0x4a53, 0xf200, + 0x5e4c, 0x44e2, 0x4571, 0x5cad, 0x4502, 0x46f1, 0x5e2b, 0xaf3b, + 0x57ef, 0x31fa, 0x5a20, 0x17b7, 0x70fd, 0x867b, 0xcb45, 0x70fd, + 0x5bfe, 0x905b, 0x70fd, 0x333d, 0x4867, 0x6bd7, 0x6dc4, 0x646e, + 0x6c8f, 0x5975, 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0x3eae, 0x428b, 0x2982, 0x09f1, 0xc9be, 0x2a26, + 0x82d6, 0x2a43, 0x8314, 0xa8a3, 0x2a66, 0xaff5, 0x2a9c, 0x2aea, + 0x08a1, 0x2b20, 0x2b1c, 0x80fc, 0x2b3b, 0x2e3f, 0x2983, 0xee90, + 0xa7b8, 0x64d3, 0x08e1, 0x2b5f, 0x3ae6, 0x0a03, 0x4059, 0x847e, + 0x2c64, 0x2793, 0x84d2, 0x5705, 0x2c09, 0x7c0e, 0xc9c1, 0xca6a, + 0x861c, 0x2c19, 0x863b, 0x85f2, 0xcae6, 0x3fb1, 0x8668, 0x8515, + 0x2c39, 0xcb85, 0x2ceb, 0x2ca3, 0x0a26, 0xae29, 0x70fd, 0x0a48, + 0x2cd6, 0x4665, 0x2d13, 0xcce1, 0x9094, 0x1085, 0x8751, 0x0a72, + 0x84f8, 0x30c3, 0x2510, 0x2db6, 0x37c8, 0x2dbc, 0xd50e, 0x1304, + 0x1b5d, 0x72c4, 0x2e15, 0x33a0, 0x8874, 0xba8c, 0x7625, 0x2e33, + 0x2ddd, 0x1fd0, 0x2e45, 0x88c4, 0x2e53, 0x45ce, 0x2e54, 0x89e5, + 0xc868, 0x2e89, 0x1bdd, 0x2ec5, 0x2f29, 0x2f2f, 0x2fcb, 0x8ab9, + 0x8af7, 0x2f50, 0x2f58, 0x2f86, 0x8b24, 0x2efa, 0x3017, 0x54fc, + 0x0b6d, 0xad81, 0x8c89, 0x8db3, 0x5487, 0x0b76, 0x0f02, 0x306e, + 0x3cca, 0x70fd, 0x30ba, 0xa9fc, 0x7b93, 0x25e6, 0x20f7, 0x70fd, + 0x25e8, 0x85b1, 0x3049, 0x3134, 0xdcc2, + /* 0xfc */ + 0x3139, 0x313b, 0x0be0, 0x313c, 0x3a7e, 0x651b, 0x314d, 0x7281, + 0xf254, 0x0e1e, 0x1bae, 0x81fa, 0x317a, 0xc648, 0x8f50, 0x70fd, + 0x8fb1, 0x31a3, 0x68bd, 0xcbae, 0x31b2, 0x6440, 0xe036, 0x31e7, + 0x2ff6, 0x105f, 0xb510, 0x8bea, 0xce38, 0x9168, 0x62d6, 0x735e, + 0xe029, 0x3271, 0x38c5, 0x86b7, 0x0ca3, 0x10c7, 0x0979, 0x29d0, + 0x92b4, 0x4b71, 0x1140, 0x32de, 0x70fd, 0x32f3, 0xae02, 0xae0f, + 0xd553, 0x46a4, 0x2321, 0x2ce0, 0x33a4, 0x5624, 0x3382, 0xf266, + 0xcc12, 0x33c1, 0x2434, 0x76d6, 0x33c7, 0x2dea, 0xa4f7, 0x935f, + 0x3413, 0xe19d, 0xe8dd, 0x3410, 0x0c72, 0x9480, 0x93c1, 0x3263, + 0x339c, 0x375e, 0x35cb, 0x7218, 0x3505, 0x85b0, 0x3515, 0x980d, + 0x35ac, 0xae5f, 0x0d57, 0x3678, 0x3638, 0x824e, 0x863c, 0x70fd, + 0x418a, 0x9836, 0x6914, 0xa5cc, 0xb89d, 0x3721, 0x3725, 0x657b, + 0x0da6, 0x367a, 0x0d97, 0x378d, 0x4116, 0xaea8, 0xaea3, 0x37c5, + 0x37ad, 0x379f, 0x99fe, 0x37f5, 0xadc0, 0x1df7, 0x3811, 0x13d8, + 0x8669, 0x3820, 0x3823, 0x321f, 0x9d40, 0x3858, 0x9b77, 0x9b78, + 0x3884, 0x9b24, 0x9b25, 0x388b, 0x7d35, 0x38a7, 0xb4a6, 0x38b3, + 0x70fd, 0x8afd, 0x9bb1, 0xddb4, 0x9b48, 0xb5d3, 0x49c5, 0x93f7, + 0x6aa4, 0x3942, 0xa8dc, 0xaea1, 0x0e6b, 0x3c3a, 0xa0c2, 0x70fd, + 0x39a7, 0x39a2, 0xa70d, 0xe4ad, 0x3a17, 0x17e9, 0x3a62, 0x4050, + 0x633c, 0x3a41, 0x9d26, 0xcae0, 0x3a9d, + /* 0xfd */ + 0x9daf, 0x3c21, 0x3c4b, 0xe0df, 0x3bb3, 0x3b03, 0x9ecd, 0x3b41, + 0x3b40, 0x1032, 0x0d41, 0x9f3c, 0x0ec0, 0x39ec, 0x3ba1, 0xe04a, + 0x15fc, 0x3b76, 0x3bd8, 0x0ee1, 0x7489, 0x5563, 0x22d0, 0x3c39, + 0x9f59, 0x8d6a, 0x3c85, 0xa003, 0x3cdd, 0x0f33, 0x39f1, 0x3d08, + 0xe55c, 0x0f4d, 0x3d5d, 0x7863, 0x331e, 0x3d75, 0x3db4, 0x92cd, + 0x40b5, 0xa1db, 0x7475, 0x8798, 0x0a80, 0x2661, 0xa21a, 0x3e21, + 0xa43c, 0x3e1c, 0x3e77, 0x8fcb, 0xad71, 0xc891, 0x3e9a, 0x5426, + 0x3eb9, 0xa33c, 0x17c5, 0xa33d, 0xa6e4, 0xad8c, 0xad80, 0xa289, + 0x0a25, 0x0feb, 0x7bf2, 0x6c83, 0x9b79, 0x8fd1, 0x518f, 0x3a77, + 0xca65, 0xcae1, 0xcb2b, 0x3fd6, 0x3f9c, 0x407c, 0x4104, 0xadff, + 0xa5c5, 0xcbb2, 0x5733, 0xccb4, 0x2407, 0x70fd, 0x70fd, 0x562e, + 0xe121, 0x70fd, 0xa3af, 0x4653, 0xa4c2, 0x4bcc, 0x404f, 0x2cd1, + 0x99cb, 0x41f8, 0x0a4d, 0x419d, 0xa3b0, 0x40fa, 0x8357, 0xa57d, + 0x1855, 0x64f0, 0x4144, 0x415c, 0x104e, 0x4174, 0xe530, 0x103b, + 0x419f, 0xa684, 0x41d3, 0xa5d1, 0xa695, 0xa579, 0xa530, 0xa4f4, + 0xa67f, 0x241f, 0xa696, 0xa697, 0xa680, 0xc0dd, 0x424b, 0x427e, + 0x42a7, 0x4281, 0x42cc, 0x42d5, 0x42d6, 0x42df, 0x1404, 0x10e8, + 0x43b4, 0x4396, 0xa7b7, 0x432b, 0x4345, 0x2cc8, 0x434a, 0x70fd, + 0x2edc, 0xa8a5, 0x434f, 0x6462, 0xa801, 0x432c, 0xa99a, 0xaea7, + 0xaea2, 0x43ba, 0xe1e8, 0x42bd, 0x440e, + /* 0xfe */ + 0x6542, 0x4415, 0x2b51, 0x6543, 0x4424, 0x6441, 0xb785, 0x442e, + 0x4440, 0xadf4, 0x3afd, 0x4455, 0x4457, 0x1155, 0x99c4, 0x3a4d, + 0x413d, 0x4482, 0x70fd, 0x452b, 0xace3, 0xdeeb, 0x1bed, 0xdec4, + 0x4528, 0x452e, 0x45cf, 0x45aa, 0x7afa, 0xc7ee, 0x45c9, 0x4649, + 0xa722, 0x8527, 0xaea4, 0x3863, 0x0a05, 0xae37, 0xae0d, 0xae7b, + 0x45f7, 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0x2f840, 0x2f880, 0x2f8c0, 0x2f980, 0x2f9c0, +}; + +static int +hkscs1999_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 >= 0x88 && c1 <= 0x8b) || (c1 >= 0x8d && c1 <= 0xa0) || (c1 >= 0xc6 && c1 <= 0xc8) || (c1 >= 0xf9 && c1 <= 0xfe)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 < 0x7f) || (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff)) { + unsigned int i = 157 * (c1 - 0x80) + (c2 - (c2 >= 0xa1 ? 0x62 : 0x40)); + ucs4_t wc = 0xfffd; + unsigned short swc; + if (i < 2041) { + if (i < 1883) + swc = hkscs1999_2uni_page88[i-1256], + wc = hkscs1999_2uni_upages[swc>>6] | (swc & 0x3f); + } else if (i < 10990) { + if (i < 5181) + swc = hkscs1999_2uni_page8d[i-2041], + wc = hkscs1999_2uni_upages[swc>>6] | (swc & 0x3f); + } else if (i < 18997) { + if (i < 11461) + swc = hkscs1999_2uni_pagec6[i-10990], + wc = hkscs1999_2uni_upages[swc>>6] | (swc & 0x3f); + } else { + if (i < 19939) + swc = hkscs1999_2uni_pagef9[i-18997], + wc = hkscs1999_2uni_upages[swc>>6] | (swc & 0x3f); + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned short hkscs1999_2charset[4698] = { + 0xc6d8, 0x8859, 0x8857, 0x885d, 0x885b, 0x8866, 0x8861, 0x885f, + 0x886a, 0x8868, 0x886f, 0x886d, 0x88a7, 0x8873, 0x8871, 0x8877, + 0x8875, 0xc8fb, 0x887b, 0x8879, 0x88a2, 0x8856, 0x8867, 0x885a, + 0x886c, 0x885c, 0x886e, 0x8870, 0xc8fc, 0x885e, 0x8874, 0xc8fa, + 0x8878, 0x8858, 0x8869, 0x8872, 0x8860, 0x8876, 0x887a, 0x887c, + 0x887d, 0x887e, 0x88a1, 0xc8f6, 0x886b, 0xc8f8, 0xc8f7, 0x88a8, + 0xc8fe, 0xc8f9, 0xc8f5, 0xc8fd, 0xc6d9, 0xc7f9, 0xc7f3, 0xc7f4, + 0xc7f5, 0xc7f6, 0xc7f7, 0xc7f8, 0xc7fa, 0xc7fb, 0xc7fc, 0xc7fd, + 0xc7fe, 0xc840, 0xc841, 0xc842, 0xc843, 0xc844, 0xc845, 0xc846, + 0xc847, 0xc848, 0xc849, 0xc84a, 0xc84b, 0xc84c, 0xc84d, 0xc84e, + 0xc84f, 0xc850, 0xc851, 0xc852, 0xc853, 0xc854, 0xc855, 0xc856, + 0xc857, 0xc858, 0xc859, 0xc85a, 0xc85c, 0xc85d, 0xc85e, 0xc85f, + 0xc860, 0xc861, 0xc862, 0xc863, 0xc864, 0xc865, 0xc866, 0xc867, + 0xc868, 0xc869, 0xc86a, 0xc86b, 0xc86c, 0xc86d, 0xc86e, 0xc86f, + 0xc870, 0xc871, 0xc872, 0xc873, 0xc874, 0xc875, 0xc85b, 0x8863, + 0x88a4, 0x8865, 0x88a6, 0xc8d2, 0xc8d3, 0xc6b5, 0xc6b6, 0xc6b7, + 0xc6b8, 0xc6b9, 0xc6ba, 0xc6bb, 0xc6bc, 0xc6bd, 0xc6be, 0xc877, + 0xc878, 0xc876, 0x88a9, 0x88aa, 0xc6a1, 0xc6a2, 0xc6a3, 0xc6a4, + 0xc6a5, 0xc6a6, 0xc6a7, 0xc6a8, 0xc6a9, 0xc6aa, 0xc6ab, 0xc6ac, + 0xc6ad, 0xc6ae, 0xc6af, 0xc6b0, 0xc6b1, 0xc6b2, 0xc6b3, 0xc6b4, + 0xf9f9, 0xf9f8, 0xf9e6, 0xf9ef, 0xf9dd, 0xf9e8, 0xf9f1, 0xf9df, + 0xf9ec, 0xf9f5, 0xf9e3, 0xf9ee, 0xf9f7, 0xf9e5, 0xf9e9, 0xf9f2, + 0xf9e0, 0xf9eb, 0xf9f4, 0xf9e2, 0xf9e7, 0xf9f0, 0xf9de, 0xf9ed, + 0xf9f6, 0xf9e4, 0xf9ea, 0xf9f3, 0xf9e1, 0xf9fa, 0xf9fb, 0xf9fd, + 0xf9fc, 0xc6e6, 0xc8d6, 0xc8d7, 0xc8d8, 0xc8d9, 0xc8da, 0xc8db, + 0xc8dc, 0xc8dd, 0xc8de, 0xc8df, 0xc8e0, 0xc8e1, 0xc8e2, 0xc8e3, + 0xc8e4, 0xc8e5, 0xc8e6, 0xc8e7, 0xc8e8, 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0x8da6, 0x9ec5, 0xfcc4, 0xa078, 0x94b5, 0xfcc2, 0x8a6b, 0x8dab, + 0xfae8, 0x8dad, 0xfc49, 0x93c1, 0x906f, 0x8db0, 0x947e, 0x90fa, + 0x9479, 0x8db2, 0xfcee, 0x997b, 0x8db4, 0x8db7, 0x91b3, 0x8dbb, + 0x8dba, 0x8dbc, 0x9044, 0xfd4c, 0x93e4, 0x93e0, 0xfd53, 0x8dc3, + 0x9bb8, 0xfbf0, 0x93e9, 0x93f6, 0x8dc5, 0x8dca, 0x8dcc, 0xfd5d, + 0x93b5, 0xfd61, 0x9cf8, 0x9252, 0xa0e8, 0x9ca5, 0x8dd6, 0x97c0, + 0xa0de, 0x97d2, 0xfaa5, 0xfda3, 0x8ddb, 0x8eaf, 0x91b5, 0xfd49, + 0xfdd1, 0x8deb, 0x97c6, 0xfdce, 0x90fc, 0xfc59, 0x96d6, 0x97c5, + 0x8def, 0x97d7, 0x8df0, 0x96a6, 0xfbbf, 0x8df3, 0x9449, 0x8df5, + 0x9872, 0x8e6b, 0xfafd, 0x8f50, 0x9dcc, 0xfc65, 0x996e, 0x94a1, + 0x8f63, 0xa0da, 0x9253, 0xfde9, 0x9db5, 0x9879, 0x9d5d, 0x8d63, + 0x9669, 0x9f70, 0xfc6a, 0x8ac7, 0x89d7, 0xfe4d, 0x9edd, 0xfefb, + 0x98bc, 0xfacc, 0x95b0, 0x9464, 0x936f, 0x94b9, 0x95ec, 0x91ee, + 0x98c3, 0x95f6, 0x8ffd, 0x98c5, 0x9766, 0xfe6e, 0x97dd, 0x92d2, + 0x9761, 0x98cb, 0x95f0, 0x975d, 0x91e3, 0x98cc, 0x9469, 0x98cd, + 0x98ce, 0x95fc, 0x94a3, 0x9662, 0xfeb6, 0x9463, 0x98d0, 0x98d1, + 0x9475, 0xfae0, 0x9472, 0x98d6, 0x8af0, 0x98d9, 0x98db, 0x98dd, + 0x98a8, 0x8a6d, 0x8afb, 0x8aae, 0xfbc9, 0x98e4, 0x98e6, 0x98e8, + 0x8a4d, 0x9257, 0x95df, 0xa0ac, 0x98eb, 0x98ec, 0x98f4, 0x8ab8, + 0x9ee7, 0x94bc, 0xfcd1, 0x9cc6, 0x9e7e, 0x98fe, 0xfde8, 0x9940, + 0x94c9, 0x94d3, 0x9946, 0x90c0, 0x94d1, 0x9573, 0x93c2, 0x9948, + 0x994b, 0x8e55, 0x994e, 0x8efe, 0x8e59, 0x94ec, 0x94ef, 0x8f74, + 0x9955, 0x9544, 0x9956, 0x9959, 0x995b, 0xfa45, 0x90b7, 0x9743, + 0x95cd, 0x97c9, 0xfd50, 0x8eb9, 0x95c6, 0x9967, 0x8ab9, 0x8dfc, + 0x8a76, 0x9d51, 0x9973, 0x9d4f, 0x997a, 0x9564, 0x99a1, 0x99a5, + 0x99a7, 0x8eed, 0x99ad, 0xc87e, 0x946e, 0x8f70, 0xfad0, 0x99b3, + 0xa053, 0x965c, 0xfd7a, 0x97fe, 0x92bd, 0x97fd, 0x8f64, 0xfcf7, + 0x9562, 0x97cd, 0x9e64, 0x924c, 0x8ec9, 0x99bc, 0x9da5, 0x8f54, + 0x8f7c, 0x8ea2, 0x8f7a, 0x97ae, 0x96c8, 0x99c3, 0x90d6, 0x9cbe, + 0x8f76, 0x9470, 0xfb4b, 0xfdca, 0x8ec7, 0xa0f9, 0x8fa9, 0x99c7, + 0x90d7, 0x9edf, 0x99ce, 0x8fba, 0x8feb, 0x99cf, 0x8fc2, 0x92c9, + 0x97dc, 0x95b3, 0x9c79, 0x95b2, 0x8fdb, 0x9be3, 0x9e7a, 0x9bee, + 0x99de, 0xfafa, 0x8a52, 0x99e1, 0x8a67, 0x8bb5, 0x8aac, 0x99e9, + 0xfbca, 0x97de, 0x95d1, 0x99f5, 0xfc4a, 0x9ba9, 0xfbdc, 0xfe56, + 0x9ea4, 0x9d49, 0x95db, 0x89c5, 0x99f8, 0x9664, 0x9055, 0x96d4, + 0x977c, 0x964d, 0x97e1, 0x9a48, 0x9a49, 0xfe7d, 0x90aa, 0x9a50, + 0x9347, 0x8ed8, 0x90c9, 0x9a55, 0x90bc, 0x9a58, 0x8bb8, 0x90d5, + 0x9641, 0x9a5a, 0x9a5c, 0x97c2, 0x8abb, 0x9baa, 0x90f5, 0x9a60, + 0x9145, 0x9a63, 0x8bb6, 0xfccf, 0x966b, 0x9a6e, 0x914f, 0x9746, + 0xa0e6, 0x92d7, 0x9675, 0x93d4, 0x91bb, 0x9679, 0x9a70, 0x9678, + 0x91cd, 0x9c4a, 0xa06f, 0xa06a, 0x915f, 0x9fa5, 0x89ba, 0x9ecd, + 0x9a79, 0x9dce, 0x9d73, 0x96b9, 0x96bc, 0x9cd1, 0x89b7, 0x9eee, + 0xfb43, 0x9ec9, 0xfbd3, 0x91ae, 0x9d78, 0x9d7b, 0x9eb3, 0x9eb2, + 0x9dd6, 0x994f, 0x89ce, 0x8bc0, 0x9fc4, 0x8bd4, 0xc6bf, 0x8bf9, + 0x8946, 0xc6c0, 0xfae5, 0xc87b, 0x8bc6, 0x9c57, 0x9afb, 0x89d0, + 0x89cf, 0xc6c1, 0x89d1, 0x89e2, 0x927e, 0x9dba, 0xc6c2, 0xfbf8, + 0x8bc7, 0x926b, 0x89d2, 0x9fcf, 0x9da9, 0x89d3, 0x99e2, 0x9267, + 0x92a4, 0x894e, 0x894f, 0x9278, 0x91b6, 0x89d4, 0x9fd2, 0x92a7, + 0x95a2, 0x926e, 0x96ea, 0x926f, 0x92a3, 0x8950, 0xfa57, 0x9866, + 0x89d6, 0x98b2, 0x92ab, 0x96de, 0x92ac, 0x9f6e, 0x8ef2, 0x9f6c, + 0x89d8, 0xfa59, 0x92a8, 0x9163, 0x9f73, 0x92ad, 0x9be9, 0x92a9, + 0x92aa, 0x89d9, 0xfd56, 0x9fa8, 0x92a1, 0x90e3, 0xa0a6, 0x94ab, + 0xfc72, 0x97c4, 0x92ae, 0xfa67, 0x92a2, 0xfa69, 0x9268, 0x8951, + 0xfa6f, 0xfa71, 0x8952, 0x945a, 0xc6c3, 0x89dd, 0xc8a2, 0xc6c4, + 0x9e52, 0x8953, 0x9e55, 0x92ba, 0xc6c5, 0xfa7d, 0xfaa8, 0x9a68, + 0xfa47, 0xfa7e, 0x92bb, 0xfdb6, 0xfaa2, 0xfaa3, 0xfaa4, 0x9bb4, + 0xfaa6, 0x89df, 0xfddb, 0xfaa9, 0x8954, 0xfaab, 0xfc7a, 0x89e0, + 0x9f4f, 0xc87d, 0x89e1, 0xfab0, 0x9fcd, 0xa0e7, 0xfab1, 0x89a6, + 0x9efa, 0xfab2, 0xfab4, 0x92c4, 0x9f6f, 0x8bb0, 0x9fac, 0x89e3, + 0x9bd3, 0x89e4, 0xfab5, 0x9fd5, 0x8955, 0x92c5, 0x8956, 0xfab3, + 0xfab6, 0xfab7, 0x9edc, 0xfbc4, 0x9f71, 0xfaba, 0x92c7, 0xc6c6, + 0x9a4c, 0x89e5, 0x9f7d, 0xa0a9, 0xfac4, 0xc6c7, 0x8957, 0xfaaa, + 0x8958, 0x8be3, 0x8b61, 0x9af1, 0x9eb7, 0xc6c8, 0xfad1, 0xfad2, + 0x9eba, 0xfad4, 0xfad9, 0xfadb, 0x9ce0, 0xfbf7, 0xfbfa, 0x89e7, + 0xa07a, 0xfadc, 0xfadd, 0x89e9, 0xc6c9, 0xfae2, 0x89eb, 0xfae3, + 0x90c8, 0x92da, 0x8959, 0x9cf5, 0x895a, 0xfae7, 0x9fa2, 0xfaea, + 0xfaed, 0x8fad, 0xfb59, 0xfaef, 0x96ef, 0x9dec, 0x9dca, 0xfd6d, + 0x89ec, 0xfb44, 0x9de2, 0x9ec0, 0x9e56, 0x9f79, 0x9ac7, 0xfaf4, + 0x98a1, 0xfaf8, 0x89f0, 0x9e47, 0x9df7, 0x9fd3, 0x9aca, 0x89f1, + 0xfaf9, 0x8e5a, 0x89f2, 0x89f3, 0x925d, 0x8b51, 0x92e0, 0x89f4, + 0x9fd4, 0x8a79, 0x89f5, 0x97a7, 0x93ba, 0x9e58, 0x89f6, 0x9e57, + 0x89f7, 0x8a41, 0x89f8, 0xfaf1, 0x89fa, 0xfb42, 0xfabf, 0xfba3, + 0xfaf7, 0x9e4e, 0x94dc, 0x95da, 0x9df8, 0x9f6a, 0x8ab7, 0xfb46, + 0x8a46, 0xfb47, 0x9148, 0x92de, 0x8b53, 0x9df6, 0x9bda, 0x9d7e, + 0x89fd, 0x99e4, 0x9e43, 0x9de9, 0x8f52, 0x9df5, 0x9df0, 0x99e7, + 0x8bbd, 0x9def, 0x9fb7, 0x9dd0, 0x9feb, 0x8da9, 0x9dcf, 0x98e1, + 0x9de5, 0x9dc8, 0xfb4f, 0x9deb, 0xfb54, 0xfb55, 0x9aa2, 0x8ad6, + 0x9a5f, 0x9ef5, 0x8fb7, 0x9ad2, 0x9e6a, 0x9ee8, 0x8bbf, 0x91c2, + 0x9d62, 0x9260, 0x925e, 0x91c1, 0x8ac5, 0x97a3, 0x8b6c, 0x8d7e, + 0x9c54, 0x9dbd, 0x9cc5, 0x895b, 0xfb5c, 0xfb5b, 0xfb57, 0x98c7, + 0xfb5a, 0x9cee, 0x92e2, 0x94a7, 0x9bd4, 0xfb64, 0xfb76, 0xfb60, + 0x99e5, 0x9ac2, 0x91fb, 0xa073, 0x9f72, 0x9fcc, 0x98a5, 0x92e8, + 0x9bbc, 0x96f3, 0x92e7, 0xfc67, 0x8b7d, 0x9bf4, 0x9ef7, 0x9ec1, + 0x996f, 0x96f1, 0x8e41, 0x954a, 0x97e6, 0x96f5, 0x92e6, 0x9f42, + 0xfb67, 0x99a9, 0xfae6, 0xfb69, 0x97e5, 0x967d, 0xfb6c, 0x99a2, + 0x9abb, 0x9a65, 0x944e, 0xfb6e, 0x99df, 0x98e3, 0x9254, 0x967b, + 0x8aaf, 0x8baf, 0x9ebd, 0x9ee6, 0xfb6f, 0x8ee1, 0x9b7d, 0x9c7e, + 0xf9d9, 0x92ea, 0xfb72, 0xfb71, 0x895c, 0x98f0, 0x96f2, 0xfb74, + 0x8bc1, 0x895d, 0x89de, 0x895e, 0xc6ca, 0xfe42, 0xfb7b, 0x895f, + 0x8960, 0x9bcd, 0x9dd3, 0x984c, 0x9752, 0x95c3, 0x9bb6, 0x9ab9, + 0x97b3, 0x9f74, 0x92f1, 0x97df, 0xfba6, 0xfbab, 0x9877, 0x9854, + 0x95c5, 0x9d55, 0xfbb2, 0x957e, 0x9742, 0x94e6, 0x92f5, 0x92fd, + 0xfba2, 0x9c51, 0x94e9, 0x985c, 0x92f0, 0x944c, 0x916b, 0x8b78, + 0x94e2, 0x984f, 0xfbb5, 0x9271, 0x9365, 0x985b, 0x9850, 0x97bc, + 0x92f3, 0x9340, 0x984d, 0x9572, 0xfdef, 0xfdc1, 0xfbba, 0x92eb, + 0xfc73, 0x97b7, 0xfbb4, 0x90a7, 0x9741, 0x92f4, 0xfbbc, 0x9577, + 0x9ee2, 0x8f78, 0xf9dc, 0x9672, 0x9eb5, 0x964b, 0xa0fa, 0x9575, + 0x90da, 0x9367, 0xfea4, 0x90df, 0x9354, 0x8961, 0x8bb4, 0x9dc0, + 0x8e48, 0xfbc5, 0xfbc7, 0xc6cb, 0xfa79, 0x9e67, 0xfbd2, 0x8962, + 0x8963, 0xfc7d, 0x9f6b, 0xfbcc, 0xfeae, 0xfbd1, 0xfb75, 0xfbd4, + 0xfbd6, 0xfbd8, 0x8b5d, 0x934c, 0x9ae2, 0x8bc9, 0xfbdb, 0x9fc9, + 0x9f44, 0x98ed, 0xfbdd, 0x8df2, 0x8964, 0xfdf2, 0x934d, 0xfbe7, + 0xa0f2, 0x9868, 0x9f58, 0x8d73, 0xfbde, 0xfbdf, 0xfbe3, 0x8da8, + 0xfbe4, 0x9c75, 0x9878, 0x8d60, 0xfbe5, 0x8d61, 0x8d62, 0xa0a1, + 0x9c40, 0x98ad, 0x9eea, 0x9ceb, 0xfbe0, 0x9f51, 0x8d65, 0x9cf1, + 0xfc58, 0x8d66, 0x9654, 0xfbe8, 0xc6cc, 0x9fce, 0xfbfc, 0x9ae4, + 0x9f75, 0xfbf1, 0x8d69, 0x934f, 0x934e, 0xfbf4, 0xc6ce, 0xfbc3, + 0x8965, 0x8d6a, 0x9353, 0x9dfb, 0xfbfd, 0x9059, 0xfc40, 0xfc41, + 0xfc43, 0x9361, 0xfc46, 0x9362, 0x8d6b, 0xfc4c, 0x95b8, 0xc6d0, + 0x8bca, 0x987a, 0xc6d1, 0xfc51, 0xfc54, 0xfaaf, 0x8d6c, 0xfa61, + 0xfc57, 0x9b70, 0xa051, 0x8bcb, 0x936e, 0xfcd5, 0xfca9, 0xfc61, + 0x8966, 0xfacb, 0xf9da, 0x937a, 0xa0e0, 0x936b, 0xfc6b, 0xa0dc, + 0x9468, 0xfc6d, 0x8d71, 0xfd64, 0x99ba, 0x9ad0, 0x9a61, 0xa0e5, + 0xa05b, 0x96ac, 0x9740, 0x9ef1, 0x9f7e, 0x8d72, 0xfc76, 0x96a9, + 0xa06e, 0xfcaa, 0xfbcd, 0xfc74, 0xa074, 0xa071, 0xfc79, 0xfc7c, + 0x9c50, 0x9379, 0x9378, 0xa0dd, 0x8d75, 0x8d76, 0x9374, 0x8d77, + 0xfca5, 0xfca2, 0x90c3, 0xa079, 0x8d79, 0x8bfc, 0xa076, 0x8bcd, + 0x9f5a, 0x9ff4, 0x9fba, 0x8d7a, 0x9e45, 0x93b0, 0xa075, 0x9b46, + 0xfcae, 0xfcb0, 0xfa51, 0x8d7b, 0x8d7c, 0x9ed6, 0x93ac, 0x9f5b, + 0x93a9, 0xa07c, 0xfcb2, 0x8ac1, 0x9fb4, 0xfcac, 0x9e4c, 0x8fc5, + 0x93ad, 0x9dc3, 0x8da2, 0x9d4a, 0xfcb6, 0x8da3, 0x9e4b, 0x9e4d, + 0x8da4, 0x8afd, 0xfcb5, 0xfcc3, 0x93b2, 0x8da5, 0x93a1, 0x8ac6, + 0x8a5b, 0x894d, 0xfed4, 0x8a78, 0x93ab, 0x8da7, 0x9f45, 0x8a56, + 0xfcbf, 0xfcc0, 0x8ee6, 0x8aa4, 0x8943, 0x93f3, 0xfcab, 0x9ea2, + 0x9dc7, 0xc6d2, 0x8bce, 0xfcc5, 0xfccb, 0x93b3, 0xfcca, 0xfcc9, + 0x8dac, 0xfbc6, 0x8967, 0xfccd, 0x9cf3, 0xfcd0, 0x95bb, 0xfcd3, + 0xfcd4, 0x8dae, 0xfcd7, 0x93db, 0xfe63, 0x93d5, 0xfcda, 0x9b71, + 0xfcdd, 0x8daf, 0xfaf2, 0x93d8, 0xfcdf, 0x93d3, 0xfce1, 0x8e76, + 0xfc62, 0x93d1, 0x8db1, 0x9859, 0xfb52, 0xfb53, 0xfb4d, 0x9cbf, + 0x9b72, 0xfb50, 0x93be, 0x9df1, 0xfceb, 0xa0bb, 0x9b7e, 0x8db3, + 0x9ae8, 0x8edc, 0x9cf9, 0xfa50, 0x98e7, 0xfcf3, 0xfcf2, 0x93e5, + 0x9a59, 0x8db5, 0xfd4d, 0xfd5e, 0x8f7d, 0x9547, 0xfcf6, 0x9250, + 0x8968, 0x8db6, 0xfcfb, 0xa07d, 0x98fc, 0x8969, 0xfe4f, 0x9256, + 0xfac9, 0x93e8, 0xfcf8, 0x9ce3, 0xfda9, 0xfc44, 0x9640, 0x8db8, + 0x9b4a, 0x8fb9, 0xfcfe, 0x896a, 0x8db9, 0x917e, 0x93f4, 0xfb7c, + 0x93e7, 0x97ef, 0xfe4a, 0xfd45, 0x96a5, 0xfee0, 0xfd48, 0xfd47, + 0xfef2, 0xfe6a, 0x8dbd, 0x9ba1, 0x9ab7, 0x8efc, 0x9fa1, 0xfd51, + 0xfaad, 0x8dbe, 0x89a4, 0x9ad9, 0xfd4e, 0x8dc0, 0x97f0, 0x93b4, + 0xfd44, 0x9fa7, 0x8dc2, 0x99b6, 0xfd52, 0x8dc1, 0x8e46, 0xa0d1, + 0x9fca, 0x92cf, 0x9cf4, 0x8dc4, 0xfd41, 0x9b4c, 0xfd57, 0xfcef, + 0x9cde, 0xfd42, 0x986c, 0x97f9, 0x9558, 0x985e, 0xfe7b, 0x94cd, + 0x93ee, 0xfd5a, 0x93f5, 0x93ef, 0x8eea, 0x8f5b, 0x8dc6, 0x8dc8, + 0x8dc7, 0x93f7, 0x8dc9, 0xfbf2, 0x9670, 0x8dcb, 0xfd5c, 0x8f65, + 0x8dcd, 0x9da8, 0x94f9, 0x8dce, 0x93ea, 0xfd5f, 0x93f0, 0x9fb6, + 0x8dcf, 0x9763, 0x8dd0, 0x93f1, 0xfd62, 0xfd65, 0x9fdb, 0x93f8, + 0x8bf7, 0xfd66, 0x8bcf, 0x8dd1, 0x8dd2, 0xfd71, 0xfd6f, 0x8dd3, + 0x9fe7, 0x90bd, 0x9fd0, 0x8bd0, 0xfd72, 0x9cae, 0x8bd1, 0x8adb, + 0xfae4, 0x95ce, 0xfd76, 0xfb62, 0x8dd4, 0xfd78, 0x8ee3, 0x9076, + 0x98c6, 0x8dd5, 0x97d1, 0x9eb6, 0xfac7, 0xa042, 0x9873, 0x9ffc, + 0x8dd7, 0x92fb, 0x8dd8, 0x944f, 0x8dd9, 0x896b, 0x97ce, 0xfaf3, + 0xfdae, 0xfbaf, 0x92b7, 0x8dda, 0x9c5a, 0xfdad, 0x8ddc, 0x9444, + 0x8ddd, 0xa0d6, 0x97d5, 0x944a, 0x944d, 0x97cb, 0x8dde, 0x8ddf, + 0x8de0, 0xfef9, 0xfdc0, 0xfcf9, 0xfb7e, 0x92b3, 0xfdaf, 0x8de1, + 0x95d3, 0x89c1, 0xfd68, 0x9cb7, 0x8de3, 0xfac0, 0x8de5, 0xfa64, + 0x8947, 0x8de4, 0x8de7, 0x8de8, 0xfdc7, 0xfdb0, 0x9445, 0x97d6, + 0xfcc6, 0x9844, 0x8de9, 0x8dea, 0xfe50, 0xfdcc, 0x9da7, 0xfdcd, + 0xfdcf, 0x95d2, 0x8ded, 0xfcba, 0xfdc5, 0xfdd2, 0x9cdc, 0x95cf, + 0x8dee, 0xfdd4, 0x96ec, 0x96eb, 0x90b6, 0xfdc3, 0x98ab, 0x96ee, + 0x8df4, 0xfde0, 0x8df6, 0x8df7, 0x8ffa, 0x97d0, 0x8bd2, 0x8df8, + 0x90d9, 0xfaf0, 0xfde1, 0x8df9, 0xfde3, 0x8dfa, 0xfb63, 0x90a6, + 0x9970, 0x91eb, 0x9770, 0x986f, 0xfde2, 0x98f2, 0x9afc, 0x896c, + 0xfdfd, 0x995e, 0x95bd, 0xfde4, 0x91e6, 0xfde5, 0xfde6, 0xfde7, + 0x9454, 0x99b8, 0x97e9, 0x9346, 0x9863, 0x95bc, 0xfded, 0xfdf7, + 0x9870, 0x96f6, 0x8ea9, 0x9451, 0x8e43, 0x8b5a, 0xfdee, 0xfdf0, + 0xfdf4, 0x9bf5, 0x977e, 0x9bd5, 0x9ac3, 0x97c8, 0xa0db, 0x91d0, + 0x9fe4, 0x8fdd, 0x91e9, 0x98e0, 0x92ca, 0x9857, 0xfdeb, 0x9b49, + 0x9d76, 0x9eaf, 0x9ccc, 0xfdea, 0x8df1, 0xfdfb, 0x8e53, 0xfacf, + 0x96f9, 0x98bf, 0x9e49, 0x9bca, 0xfdfe, 0x92dc, 0xfe41, 0x91cc, + 0x91e2, 0xfe44, 0x8bd3, 0xfe47, 0xfe48, 0x9455, 0xfe4b, 0xfe4c, + 0x8dbf, 0x9e78, 0xfe51, 0x9456, 0x9d61, 0x9457, 0x9966, 0x8bd5, + 0xa069, 0x98b4, 0xa049, 0xa04c, 0x9e65, 0x98b5, 0xfe58, 0x9975, + 0xfe53, 0xa065, 0xfe59, 0x98b7, 0x98b8, 0x98ba, 0x98bb, 0x9fbc, + 0xa04a, 0x9ec7, 0x98ae, 0x92d6, 0xfae1, 0x91d4, 0xfade, 0xfe5b, + 0xfe5e, 0xfbd7, 0xfe5a, 0x94c5, 0xfaca, 0x98c1, 0x975c, 0xfe74, + 0x9773, 0xfa46, 0x9764, 0xfe68, 0x964e, 0x9765, 0x89a1, 0x95fa, + 0x92d4, 0xfe69, 0xfb45, 0x98c8, 0x90ef, 0x98c9, 0x98ca, 0x946d, + 0x94b7, 0xfe6c, 0x946b, 0x92fc, 0x95eb, 0xfe73, 0x976e, 0xfe5f, + 0xfdbd, 0x92d5, 0xfeb9, 0xfe71, 0xfbbb, 0x947a, 0x95fb, 0xfe77, + 0xfe79, 0xfe75, 0x945d, 0xfe7c, 0x9344, 0x8ea6, 0x92d3, 0x94b8, + 0xfc71, 0x975e, 0xfea7, 0x946a, 0x93e3, 0x98cf, 0xa0d9, 0xa0bf, + 0xa04d, 0xa0b8, 0xa0ce, 0xa0b7, 0xfea9, 0x89c3, 0xfeab, 0x9df4, + 0x896d, 0x9c7b, 0x98d2, 0x9fa9, 0xfeb2, 0xfeb1, 0x97d9, 0xa0c4, + 0x9476, 0x9978, 0xfeb3, 0x98d3, 0xfeb4, 0x98d4, 0x9fb9, 0x9471, + 0x98d5, 0xfeb8, 0xc6d4, 0xfeba, 0x9e5c, 0xfebb, 0xa044, 0x98d7, + 0x98d8, 0xfebc, 0x9ffe, 0xfebd, 0x9ddd, 0x9ee1, 0x98da, 0x9ddf, + 0xfebf, 0xfebe, 0x9eeb, 0x9e59, 0xa05c, 0xfec0, 0x9477, 0x98dc, + 0xfec1, 0x98de, 0xfec3, 0xfec8, 0xfec9, 0xfeca, 0xfecb, 0x9fc2, + 0x98c4, 0x94b0, 0x94b1, 0xfed1, 0xa0c1, 0xfed2, 0xa0cd, 0xfed3, + 0x98e5, 0xfed6, 0x91e4, 0x8fc7, 0x94ae, 0x8a4f, 0x94b2, 0x8fd4, + 0x98ea, 0xfed8, 0x9de0, 0x98ee, 0x95c4, 0xfce8, 0x98ef, 0xfad8, + 0xfedc, 0xa0ae, 0x9d4c, 0x98f1, 0x98f3, 0x94c1, 0x98f5, 0xfa4f, + 0x96e2, 0x9450, 0x96a2, 0x98f6, 0x96e5, 0x98f7, 0xa046, 0x96e3, + 0x98f8, 0x9ee4, 0xf9d6, 0x94c3, 0x94c2, 0xfee1, 0xfee9, 0x96e4, + 0x89ac, 0x96db, 0xfee2, 0x94c4, 0xfee3, 0xfee7, 0x9ffb, 0x93c9, + 0x94e8, 0xfb56, 0x90c5, 0xa0a8, 0xfee5, 0x98fd, 0x98fb, 0xfee8, + 0x8ebf, 0x8bd8, 0xfef7, 0x8f68, 0x94c6, 0x9dea, 0xfc69, 0x9cda, + 0xfef3, 0x9c72, 0xfef0, 0x89c9, 0x9941, 0x9942, 0xfef5, 0x91d7, + 0x94cc, 0xfef8, 0x97a8, 0xfefc, 0xfdbf, 0xfefe, 0x96d1, 0x94d5, + 0x94d0, 0x9944, 0xa0b3, 0x94cf, 0x9ffa, 0x91e5, 0x9c6a, 0x8e49, + 0x8e4c, 0x8e4d, 0x9a73, 0x9947, 0x8e50, 0x8e4f, 0x9949, 0x8e51, + 0x8e52, 0x9ab2, 0x89a5, 0x994c, 0x9ff8, 0x8e56, 0x994d, 0x91ca, + 0x8e57, 0x94e1, 0x9047, 0x8fd8, 0x8e58, 0x94eb, 0x8e5c, 0x9553, + 0x9fe5, 0x9f56, 0x954f, 0x8e5e, 0x996a, 0x9c64, 0x9cd9, 0x8e5d, + 0x9950, 0x9951, 0x8e62, 0x9952, 0x8e68, 0x8e61, 0x9f59, 0x8bb3, + 0x9f5d, 0x8e66, 0x8e6e, 0x9f64, 0x9953, 0xfab8, 0x9954, 0x8e70, + 0x9f61, 0x8e72, 0xa06b, 0x9f40, 0x94ed, 0x94ee, 0x9fbd, 0x8e7b, + 0x9957, 0x94f7, 0x9f5f, 0x8e73, 0x9f62, 0x94f6, 0x9958, 0x8e75, + 0xf9db, 0x9072, 0x94f8, 0x995a, 0xa0b0, 0x8e79, 0x8e78, 0x94f3, + 0x98af, 0xa0b2, 0x8e7a, 0x995c, 0x8e7c, 0x8e7d, 0x8bd9, 0x89a2, + 0x9ed7, 0xa0b6, 0x9e42, 0x8ea4, 0x8ea7, 0x9542, 0x987d, 0x9755, + 0x8ea8, 0x8eaa, 0x89a3, 0x9960, 0x9962, 0x94fc, 0x9961, 0x94fa, + 0x8eae, 0x8eb2, 0x8eb0, 0x9963, 0x97aa, 0x94fb, 0x8ebb, 0x9876, + 0x8ea1, 0x8eb7, 0x9da6, 0x9eb0, 0x8eb8, 0x9d70, 0x896e, 0x896f, + 0x8970, 0x8971, 0x8972, 0x8973, 0x8974, 0x8975, 0x8ebc, 0x8ebd, + 0x8ebe, 0x9dd1, 0x94fd, 0x8bd7, 0x8bda, 0xa0e2, 0x9fe9, 0xfda8, + 0x8ae7, 0x8ec2, 0x8ec4, 0x9964, 0x9965, 0x954e, 0x98b3, 0x8ecb, + 0x8bdf, 0x8ece, 0x8ecf, 0x9968, 0x9969, 0x996b, 0x8ed1, 0x996c, + 0x8ed4, 0x8ed5, 0x996d, 0xa0be, 0x8ed6, 0xa0bc, 0xa0b5, 0xa0b4, + 0x8be0, 0x89b5, 0x8edd, 0x9e5d, 0x9971, 0x89ae, 0x9de8, 0x9565, + 0x9972, 0x8b5c, 0x89b1, 0xa0c0, 0x8edf, 0x9566, 0x9974, 0x9976, + 0x9977, 0x9979, 0x9dda, 0x8ee0, 0x935c, 0x9de6, 0x8b5f, 0x9563, + 0x9567, 0x9de3, 0x997c, 0x997d, 0x997e, 0x8b5b, 0x99a3, 0x99a4, + 0x99a6, 0x99a8, 0x8abe, 0x9e61, 0x99aa, 0xa0c8, 0x99ab, 0xfec4, + 0x98c2, 0x8ee8, 0xa0ba, 0xfd77, 0x8eee, 0x9ebf, 0x89c2, 0x99ac, + 0x956b, 0x956c, 0x99af, 0x994a, 0x8976, 0x8f48, 0xfbee, 0x99ae, + 0x8efb, 0x8b52, 0x99b0, 0x8977, 0x8f41, 0x99b1, 0x8f49, 0xfa4d, + 0x9de4, 0xfbe9, 0x9b54, 0x99b2, 0x9e68, 0x8f4a, 0x8f42, 0x8f51, + 0x9846, 0x99b4, 0x8ef5, 0xfd55, 0x9ccd, 0x8978, 0x8f53, 0x8f6f, + 0x8e63, 0x8f56, 0xfe76, 0x9fc6, 0xfaac, 0x8f58, 0x9848, 0x99b7, + 0x9665, 0xfa6c, 0x9de7, 0x9e62, 0x96cc, 0x8e67, 0xfc75, 0x987e, + 0xfdb9, 0x97fc, 0x98f9, 0x8f66, 0x956e, 0x9245, 0x8f60, 0x9ed1, + 0xfecd, 0x99b9, 0x8f62, 0x974c, 0x91c7, 0x955f, 0x99bb, 0x8e6d, + 0x8f71, 0x94cb, 0x95b1, 0x9af2, 0x96c3, 0x99bd, 0xa0cf, 0x8f6d, + 0x99be, 0x8ef4, 0x8f72, 0x95e4, 0x99bf, 0x9242, 0xfba5, 0x99c0, + 0xfdb4, 0x8f77, 0x99c1, 0xfab9, 0x8f40, 0xfa44, 0x99c2, 0x8f5c, + 0x99c4, 0x99c5, 0x8f7b, 0x8fa3, 0x99c6, 0x96cd, 0x96c7, 0x8fa5, + 0xfabb, 0x9570, 0x9368, 0x8f7e, 0x8faa, 0xa050, 0x90d3, 0x9556, + 0x8fb8, 0x99c8, 0x8faf, 0x99c9, 0x9579, 0x9f49, 0x99ca, 0x99cb, + 0x9dd5, 0x8fb0, 0xfa7a, 0x9e5f, 0x99cd, 0xa0c9, 0x9adb, 0xa0c6, + 0x8fb4, 0xa0d7, 0xa0c7, 0xa043, 0x8fb5, 0x8fb2, 0xa061, 0x9e5e, + 0x8fb6, 0x9fe8, 0x9cb2, 0x957c, 0x9fc7, 0x8fbb, 0x8fbc, 0x8fec, + 0x8fc0, 0x936a, 0x8be4, 0x9c7c, 0x95a1, 0xfeec, 0x95a3, 0x8fc1, + 0xa052, 0x99d0, 0x8fc3, 0x8fc4, 0x95a4, 0x8fc6, 0x9e60, 0xf9d8, + 0x95a5, 0x9cb3, 0x99d1, 0xfef1, 0x99d2, 0x9cc2, 0x99d3, 0x95a7, + 0x95a9, 0x95a6, 0x9c5d, 0x98e2, 0x8fc9, 0xa0c2, 0x8fca, 0x99d4, + 0xa0b9, 0x9b58, 0x8fcd, 0xa0d4, 0x8fce, 0x8be5, 0x8979, 0x8fd0, + 0x95b6, 0x99d6, 0x95e5, 0x99d7, 0x95b5, 0xa0ca, 0x9ffd, 0xa058, + 0x8fd6, 0x99d8, 0x8fd3, 0x8fe5, 0x8fe9, 0x99d9, 0x927c, 0x9c45, + 0x8fde, 0x8fdf, 0xa04b, 0x8fe2, 0xa0cc, 0x8fe3, 0x8fe4, 0x9bc4, + 0x9bfc, 0x964c, 0x9af6, 0x8fe7, 0x8fe8, 0x8be7, 0x897a, 0x897b, + 0x99da, 0x8fed, 0x95c0, 0xa0cb, 0x9e48, 0x99db, 0x8ff3, 0x8ff9, + 0x95c1, 0xa04e, 0x99dc, 0xa064, 0x8ff7, 0x89b0, 0xa048, 0x8ffb, + 0x8ff6, 0x9ddc, 0x99dd, 0x8be8, 0x92c1, 0x9fd6, 0xa0d2, 0x9040, + 0x8ac4, 0x99e0, 0x9ff0, 0x9ff3, 0x9dbf, 0x9ff6, 0x95c8, 0x9e5a, + 0x99e3, 0x8a4a, 0x9ff1, 0x8aa7, 0x99e6, 0x9ff7, 0x9fed, 0x8a5c, + 0x9dae, 0x95c9, 0x9048, 0x99e8, 0x9049, 0x90b1, 0x904a, 0x99ea, + 0x9bd1, 0x99eb, 0x99ec, 0x99ed, 0x99ee, 0x904c, 0x904d, 0x95cb, + 0x97e2, 0x95cc, 0x9f78, 0x897c, 0x897d, 0x897e, 0x995d, 0x9b5a, + 0x9050, 0x9054, 0xc6d6, 0x9aa8, 0x99ef, 0xfeeb, 0x9da3, 0x9da1, + 0x9943, 0x9945, 0x9d7d, 0x99f0, 0x99f1, 0x99f2, 0x9d60, 0xa0a3, + 0x905b, 0x9edb, 0x9d79, 0x99f3, 0x9062, 0x9f55, 0x9bf9, 0x9065, + 0x96e0, 0x98be, 0x9068, 0x906c, 0x95d8, 0x906a, 0x9fb2, 0x9fae, + 0x9fb0, 0x89ad, 0x906e, 0x9e71, 0x9e4a, 0x9fdc, 0x89ab, 0x9fb8, + 0x9070, 0x8b63, 0x95dc, 0x9071, 0xfc5e, 0x8949, 0x965b, 0x94a6, + 0x8fd5, 0x9e73, 0x9075, 0x99f7, 0x99f9, 0x9663, 0x95b9, 0x94d4, + 0xfcfa, 0x9077, 0x90ab, 0x9d4d, 0x99fa, 0x92e3, 0x97bb, 0x9078, + 0x99fb, 0x97e0, 0x96dc, 0x9ca8, 0x9772, 0x9440, 0x92f2, 0x99fd, + 0x99fc, 0xf9d7, 0x964a, 0x96d8, 0x99fe, 0x904b, 0xfa41, 0x9a40, + 0x975b, 0x9a41, 0x91dd, 0x93fc, 0x9a42, 0x9a43, 0x9659, 0x9a44, + 0x9051, 0x94bf, 0x90a2, 0x9cab, 0x9776, 0xfc55, 0xfe45, 0x94a8, + 0x9a45, 0xfa4b, 0x9de1, 0x96d9, 0x9774, 0xfdf5, 0x92e5, 0x9645, + 0x91da, 0x90a3, 0xa05f, 0x90af, 0x97bf, 0x914c, 0x967a, 0x91de, + 0x9a46, 0xfeb0, 0x9779, 0x946c, 0x9858, 0x9266, 0x93fb, 0x9a47, + 0x9749, 0x9748, 0x934a, 0x9ce2, 0x9264, 0x91df, 0xfb79, 0x96d7, + 0x9343, 0xfdcb, 0xfe7a, 0x91db, 0x97af, 0x95dd, 0x9348, 0x9a4b, + 0xfc45, 0x9a4d, 0x91bc, 0x90e2, 0x90b4, 0x95e1, 0x9a4e, 0x9a4f, + 0xfe40, 0xfe43, 0x96dd, 0x9a51, 0x96a7, 0x90b0, 0x9c4e, 0x9443, + 0x8eba, 0x9a52, 0xfcc1, 0x8be9, 0x9caf, 0x8bfd, 0x9abc, 0x9ab8, + 0x9aae, 0x9aa7, 0x9a53, 0x9d74, 0x8bea, 0x8beb, 0x90b2, 0x95e9, + 0x95e8, 0x95e6, 0x90b5, 0x9a54, 0x90b3, 0x95e7, 0x8b50, 0x8bec, + 0x9a56, 0x8bfb, 0x9a57, 0xa0aa, 0x9fa6, 0x99cc, 0x9c59, 0x99b5, + 0x90be, 0x9faf, 0x95f2, 0x90bf, 0x90c1, 0xfee4, 0x90c4, 0x90c7, + 0x92e4, 0x9f52, 0x90db, 0xa066, 0x90d2, 0x90d4, 0x9a5b, 0x95fd, + 0x8bc4, 0x90de, 0x9ce4, 0x90e1, 0x9e46, 0x9651, 0xfb58, 0x90e6, + 0x9650, 0x90e7, 0x90e8, 0x9a5d, 0x9f7a, 0x9b5c, 0x9f7c, 0xfc52, + 0x90e9, 0x90ea, 0x9a5e, 0x9f76, 0x90eb, 0x90ec, 0x8bee, 0x90ee, + 0x91c6, 0x90f2, 0xfcbc, 0x8a74, 0x9657, 0x9cef, 0x9fdf, 0x90f7, + 0x90f6, 0x9b5e, 0x90f8, 0x90f9, 0xfa6a, 0x8bef, 0x9fe0, 0x9142, + 0x9a62, 0x9569, 0x9144, 0x9143, 0x9141, 0x8bf0, 0x9660, 0x8bf1, + 0x99f6, 0x9149, 0x914a, 0x914b, 0x9a64, 0x8abf, 0x9a66, 0x9a67, + 0x9a69, 0x9a6a, 0x9652, 0x914d, 0x9666, 0x9f7b, 0x9a6b, 0xa06c, + 0x9667, 0x9a6c, 0x9a6d, 0x8bf2, 0x966a, 0xfcea, 0x966c, 0x91c4, + 0x9677, 0x99f4, 0x9a6f, 0x9fab, 0x8ec1, 0x9555, 0x9152, 0x9153, + 0x9155, 0x955d, 0x9671, 0x9c6d, 0x9673, 0x9154, 0x9a71, 0x9156, + 0x966d, 0x9557, 0x89c6, 0x89c7, 0x8a6a, 0x8b57, 0x9fe1, 0x9b5f, + 0xa05d, 0x915b, 0x915c, 0x915e, 0x9f5c, 0x9f57, 0x9f65, 0x9a72, + 0x9160, 0x9f5e, 0x9161, 0x9164, 0x9f41, 0x9169, 0x9168, 0x9a74, + 0x96b2, 0x9a75, 0xfda5, 0x9ee9, 0x8bba, 0x916d, 0xa060, 0x9fde, + 0x9fc3, 0x96b5, 0xa067, 0x96b3, 0x9a76, 0x95d5, 0x9eca, 0x9a77, + 0x9a78, 0x9170, 0x916f, 0x9fa3, 0x9171, 0x96b1, 0x9f63, 0x9f67, + 0x8bb9, 0x9a7a, 0x8b56, 0x9ada, 0x96b0, 0x9a7e, 0x9dde, 0x96ad, + 0x96ae, 0x9ea1, 0x9e50, 0x96af, 0x8bf4, 0x9fa4, 0x96bd, 0x96f4, + 0x96b8, 0xfaa1, 0x91a7, 0xa05e, 0x9a7d, 0x8948, 0x9eb1, 0x9ddb, + 0x95bf, 0x8a73, 0x9efe, 0x917a, 0x917b, 0x9aa3, 0x96c2, 0x9f77, + 0x9aa4, 0x9aa5, 0x91a1, 0x89b8, 0x9173, 0x9aa6, 0x89bd, 0x89b9, + 0x917d, 0x96bb, 0x9ff2, 0x8bf5, 0x9aa9, 0x9f54, 0x9fe3, 0x9eed, + 0x91aa, 0x91ab, 0xa070, 0x9f6d, 0x91ac, 0x91ad, 0xa0fd, 0x9fe2, + 0x91af, 0x9e41, 0x9aaa, 0x91b0, 0x9aab, 0x9aac, 0x9a4a, 0x91b2, + 0x8bf6, 0x9aad, 0x89b6, 0x9aaf, 0x9ab0, 0x9ab1, 0x9aa1, 0x91b9, + 0x91ba, 0x91be, 0xa041, 0x8bb7, 0x91c0, 0x9ab3, 0x91c3, 0xa0fc, + 0x9fee, 0x9f69, 0x91c8, 0x91c9, 0x8de6, 0x91cb, 0x89c8, 0x8daa, + 0x9fdd, 0xc8a1, 0xc8a3, 0x8bf8, 0xc8d0, 0xc8cf, 0xc6e4, 0xc6e5, + 0xc8cd, 0xc8ce, 0xf9fe, 0x9c71, 0x9375, 0x9376, 0x9548, 0x8ec6, + 0x8bc5, 0x8bfa, 0xc87c, 0x9ab4, 0x884e, 0x884b, 0xc87a, 0x8848, + 0x8847, 0xa0f6, 0x8845, 0x8853, 0xfcad, 0x8aad, 0x9272, 0xfc47, + 0x94df, 0x9fd1, 0xfbcb, 0x927d, 0x98a4, 0x94e7, 0x90cb, 0x927b, + 0x94d8, 0xfc5f, 0xfa54, 0x9ab5, 0x96da, 0x9279, 0xfa74, 0x9275, + 0x8dfb, 0x8a49, 0x92df, 0x9b7c, 0xfa63, 0xfa60, 0x926d, 0xfa62, + 0x9ab6, 0x976b, 0xfd6a, 0xfd54, 0x9273, 0x97d8, 0x9fbb, 0x9342, + 0x9276, 0xfa65, 0x926c, 0xfa6e, 0x9ee0, 0x92c0, 0x92bf, 0x92be, + 0x9aba, 0x8ab3, 0x9775, 0xfa40, 0xfa76, 0xfbd0, 0xfa7b, 0xfe6d, + 0x9bb3, 0x89cc, 0x9abe, 0xfa42, 0x92bc, 0x945c, 0x9bb5, 0x9abf, + 0x98a7, 0x97a4, 0x90fd, 0xfc7b, 0x9ac0, 0x92c3, 0x8aaa, 0x9bd0, + 0x9550, 0x92c6, 0x98a6, 0x9546, 0xfd63, 0xfac2, 0x9ec3, 0x89b2, + 0x9c66, 0x9053, 0x97c1, 0x9ac4, 0x9ac5, 0x8eef, 0xfae9, 0x9262, + 0x8af7, 0x9ac6, 0x92e1, 0x9ac9, 0xfac6, 0x97a5, 0x9acb, 0xfa72, + 0x8a5e, 0x94e0, 0x92cc, 0x8ae5, 0xfe5c, 0x9acc, 0x9df9, 0x8a43, + 0x8aa6, 0x9acd, 0x9ace, 0xfaee, 0x9bcc, 0x9acf, 0x9ad1, 0x9dfa, + 0x9d7c, 0x9ad3, 0x97a6, 0x995f, 0xfbf6, 0x9fc5, 0x8a59, 0x8b6b, + 0x9ad4, 0x9ad5, 0x97a2, 0x8a44, 0x9f4a, 0x90a1, 0xfda4, 0x8a64, + 0x8af2, 0x8af8, 0x9dd8, 0x94d6, 0xfafe, 0xfba7, 0x9ad6, 0x9f4d, + 0xfaf6, 0x8a57, 0x8b43, 0x8b44, 0x8ab6, 0x8ac0, 0x9e54, 0x9ad7, + 0x9ad8, 0x9adc, 0x8aca, 0x9ea8, 0x9263, 0x9add, 0x8b65, 0x8b6f, + 0x8b7e, 0x8f43, 0x92d0, 0x8af4, 0x9dbe, 0x9ae1, 0xfcde, 0x9dfd, + 0x8b66, 0x8b70, 0x8b75, 0x8ae4, 0x8ba4, 0x8aed, 0x8a5d, 0x8b48, + 0x9ded, 0x9e40, 0x8aef, 0x8af6, 0x9e76, 0x9ee3, 0x9ade, 0x8dfe, + 0xfafc, 0x9cb1, 0x9e77, 0x8b64, 0x8b67, 0x974b, 0x9653, 0x9ae0, + 0x8b4a, 0x8af1, 0x8ad7, 0xa0ab, 0x8ab5, 0x8a5f, 0x8aee, 0x9adf, + 0x8afe, 0x8a58, 0x8ba3, 0x8ba7, 0x9ae3, 0x9261, 0x9dd7, 0x9e7d, + 0x9ea7, 0x9eab, 0x9042, 0x8b79, 0x8b7a, 0x9ae6, 0x9ae5, 0x8a7e, + 0x9e44, 0x9ae7, 0x8a7c, 0x8b71, 0x9ae9, 0x9aea, 0x9aeb, 0x8abd, + 0xfb4e, 0x9aed, 0x8af9, 0x9e63, 0x8b49, 0x8ace, 0x8b6e, 0x8ae8, + 0x9aee, 0x92ce, 0x8a5a, 0x8b7b, 0x8b7c, 0x9aef, 0x9af0, 0x8afa, + 0x8941, 0x8b72, 0x8af3, 0x8ba8, 0x9eae, 0x9e72, 0xfb73, 0xfb5f, + 0x90ba, 0x91fe, 0x9ef6, 0x97ed, 0x9af3, 0xa0ee, 0x967c, 0x9345, + 0x986e, 0xfa56, 0x9af5, 0xfc4b, 0x9af4, 0xfede, 0xfcb7, 0x97f1, + 0x97c7, 0x9ccb, 0x9240, 0x9ce8, 0x91fd, 0x974e, 0xfb68, 0x976c, + 0x97e8, 0xfb6a, 0x8b74, 0x8ee7, 0xfdc8, 0x9241, 0x96a1, 0x8ef3, + 0x9af7, 0x8fa6, 0xfad6, 0x9cc7, 0xfad7, 0x9af8, 0xfba1, 0x8ec5, + 0xfba4, 0xfbc2, 0x9ac1, 0x91fa, 0xfedb, 0x97ab, 0x9147, 0xfbb1, + 0x8fea, 0x94d2, 0xfe61, 0xface, 0x92ed, 0x91f3, 0x93c6, 0x935a, + 0xfafb, 0x92ef, 0xfac8, 0x9847, 0x9366, 0x9855, 0x96e6, 0x9f43, + 0x9faa, 0x94da, 0x92ee, 0xfcaf, 0xfbfb, 0x8ef9, 0x91f6, 0x9364, + 0x94f5, 0x9cb6, 0xfbad, 0x984e, 0x8f44, 0x96fd, 0x9af9, 0x9afa, + 0x9769, 0x95d4, 0x984b, 0xfbaa, 0x987c, 0x91ea, 0x9daf, 0x9dc5, + 0x91f1, 0x8eb1, 0x97a9, 0xfbac, 0xfcb8, 0x9cb9, 0xfbb0, 0xfcd2, + 0x93cb, 0x9afd, 0x91f4, 0x8bac, 0xa055, 0x9574, 0x95be, 0x97ad, + 0x8ee9, 0x92f8, 0x97be, 0x916c, 0x94aa, 0xfc63, 0x9dc6, 0x97b5, + 0x92b8, 0x91ef, 0xfea6, 0x9760, 0x9358, 0x9576, 0x8fac, 0x91ec, + 0x97b4, 0x91f7, 0x974a, 0xfb49, 0x9578, 0x93bc, 0x91d6, 0x9355, + 0x9356, 0x9851, 0x8ff8, 0xfbc0, 0x93f2, 0x90d0, 0x9c44, 0x9255, + 0x9363, 0x91a5, 0xa0ed, 0xfd6b, 0x9afe, 0x9351, 0xfa78, 0xfea8, + 0x9350, 0xfa4c, 0x92f7, 0x9b40, 0xfbce, 0x9b41, 0xfead, 0xfbd5, + 0x8bc2, 0x9a7c, 0x9b42, 0x9b43, 0x9e79, 0xfbd9, 0x9b44, 0xa0a7, + 0x9bf3, 0x935e, 0x89cb, 0x9f53, 0x93d7, 0xfbe1, 0xfed0, 0xfbe2, + 0xfce3, 0x9074, 0xfbe6, 0x9bb7, 0x9b45, 0x9b47, 0x9f50, 0x9b48, + 0xfc5b, 0x98a9, 0x9cfd, 0x884c, 0x9b4b, 0xfbec, 0x9ba8, 0x8ad5, + 0xfa73, 0xfd59, 0x91a2, 0xfbed, 0x9ca9, 0x8aa8, 0x9bc3, 0x8ae1, + 0x9b4e, 0x95d0, 0x905f, 0x97ee, 0xfc4e, 0x9b4f, 0x9b50, 0x9ec6, + 0xfc50, 0xfd73, 0xfda7, 0x9da2, 0xfa58, 0xfa5e, 0xa059, 0xfa75, + 0xfbbe, 0x9ca2, 0x9370, 0x9371, 0x9377, 0xfeef, 0x936d, 0xfc5d, + 0x90b8, 0x8afc, 0xfb41, 0x9e6b, 0x94e3, 0x8ee2, 0x8ed7, 0x9c4d, + 0x96a3, 0x9b51, 0x8ac3, 0x96aa, 0xfc68, 0x8b6d, 0xfd67, 0x8ae9, + 0xfca1, 0x936c, 0x9b52, 0xfe70, 0xfca8, 0xfce9, 0x9cb4, 0x8aea, + 0x9b53, 0x9b55, 0x96ab, 0xfca7, 0x9b56, 0x8abc, 0x8acb, 0x9b57, + 0x89cd, 0x9b59, 0x9b5b, 0x93a5, 0x9b5d, 0x9e4f, 0x93a3, 0x8a7b, + 0x8b42, 0x9750, 0x8fb3, 0x8a50, 0x9b60, 0x8b45, 0x8b46, 0x9dfe, + 0x9b62, 0x937b, 0x93b1, 0x8a60, 0x8ad8, 0x9b63, 0x8a69, 0x8a47, + 0x8acc, 0x937c, 0x9b65, 0x9b66, 0x8a72, 0x8a7a, 0x93af, 0x8ab0, + 0x9b68, 0x9ea3, 0xfaec, 0x8b77, 0x9b67, 0x8b59, 0xfcb1, 0xfcbb, + 0x9b69, 0x93a8, 0x8ae0, 0x9e51, 0x8f5f, 0x9b6a, 0x9b6b, 0x97ec, + 0x9b6c, 0xfe4e, 0xfdc2, 0x9b6d, 0x9167, 0xfccc, 0x93b6, 0x90e4, + 0x90e5, 0x9ef2, 0x93ca, 0x8bbc, 0x8f46, 0x93cf, 0xfcdb, 0xfcdc, + 0x93c0, 0xfce6, 0x96e7, 0xfcd8, 0xfcd9, 0xfda6, 0x93ce, 0x95f1, + 0x9ce9, 0xfce4, 0x94af, 0xfa77, 0x93cc, 0x905a, 0x93bf, 0xfb51, + 0x93b9, 0xfed7, 0x93b7, 0x93d9, 0x93bb, 0x93da, 0x98a3, 0x90d1, + 0x9b6e, 0xfa70, 0x9beb, 0x9b6f, 0xfcfc, 0x8b40, 0xa07b, 0x97f7, + 0x93e2, 0xfcd6, 0x9559, 0x93a6, 0xfd40, 0x935f, 0x97f2, 0x9c76, + 0x8ef8, 0x8f47, 0x9b74, 0x92b4, 0x91ed, 0x96d2, 0xfd46, 0x8f4f, + 0x9549, 0x9b75, 0xfa5c, 0x9b79, 0xfd4b, 0x96d3, 0xfd58, 0x945f, + 0xa0f5, 0x9243, 0x97fa, 0x9dd9, 0x97f4, 0x924d, 0xfd5b, 0x9b7a, + 0x9ed5, 0xfaae, 0x9cc9, 0x9258, 0x8ec8, 0x94b4, 0x93e1, 0x93df, + 0xfcf0, 0x93ec, 0x97f6, 0x96cf, 0x93de, 0x8acf, 0x9ba2, 0xfd69, + 0x9352, 0x98a2, 0xfd6e, 0xfa7c, 0x93fa, 0x907c, 0x8f67, 0x9db7, + 0xa0e9, 0xfa4e, 0xfda1, 0x9e74, 0x9fbf, 0x9ecb, 0x9bb9, 0x9dd4, + 0x97b9, 0x8ef1, 0x957b, 0x9ed2, 0x9753, 0x96a4, 0x8fbe, 0x94d9, + 0x9058, 0xfd79, 0xfd7b, 0x8eda, 0x8efa, 0x9ba5, 0x9ed9, 0x97d4, + 0x90bb, 0xfdbc, 0xfdc6, 0x9248, 0x92b5, 0x9dc1, 0x92b9, 0x92a6, + 0x8f4b, 0x9ba6, 0x92b6, 0x8e40, 0x9ed8, 0x945e, 0x985f, 0x94ce, + 0x924a, 0xfd70, 0x9467, 0x8dec, 0x9bd8, 0x9448, 0xfac1, 0x9cf7, + 0xfdbe, 0x8fda, 0xfdd9, 0xfc7e, 0x93f9, 0xfa43, 0xfaeb, 0xfac3, + 0x97d3, 0x95f9, 0x9c48, 0xfdd8, 0xa0d8, 0xfdd7, 0xfb4a, 0x9baf, + 0x944b, 0xfdc9, 0x8eac, 0xfdb2, 0x925a, 0xfcbd, 0x92d9, 0xfdd5, + 0x92dd, 0x9259, 0x96ba, 0x925b, 0x9bab, 0xfdda, 0xfdde, 0xfdd3, + 0xfdd6, 0xfddc, 0xfddd, 0x90fe, 0xfea1, 0x8bad, 0x9cd8, 0x9e6d, + 0xfd7c, 0xfb61, 0x96f8, 0x96f0, 0xfcf4, 0xfe60, 0x9852, 0x964f, + 0x916e, 0x986d, 0x9864, 0x9453, 0xfdec, 0xfb78, 0x95ba, 0x985d, + 0x92f9, 0x985a, 0xfdf6, 0x93d0, 0x9862, 0x9bad, 0x974f, 0x9bae, + 0x9452, 0x9bb0, 0x91d2, 0x97ea, 0xfb6b, 0x91b1, 0xfdf3, 0x92cb, + 0x9bb1, 0xfcec, 0x986b, 0x9751, 0x9871, 0x95ef, 0x9ef3, 0x91e8, + 0x9bba, 0xfb4c, 0x926a, 0xfdf8, 0x9861, 0x91e7, 0x93ed, 0x9744, + 0x91e1, 0xfbf5, 0x9869, 0x8a62, 0x9bbb, 0x9c55, 0x8e77, 0x8ab2, + 0x9ebc, 0x93e6, 0x93a2, 0x9bbd, 0x94b3, 0x937d, 0x9e66, 0x9459, + 0x9bbf, 0x9458, 0x9ea5, 0x9bc7, 0xfe54, 0x8e74, 0x8bd6, 0x94b6, + 0xfd74, 0x98c0, 0x94a5, 0x9bc8, 0x95ed, 0xfd7e, 0xfbeb, 0xfd7d, + 0x976f, 0x9461, 0x9fc1, 0x95d7, 0xfa52, 0x9c58, 0x9f68, 0x9be7, + 0xfcce, 0x96e8, 0xfa49, 0x97a1, 0x954d, 0x9ef8, 0xfe49, 0x91ce, + 0x9771, 0xfdb1, 0xfc6e, 0x9cf2, 0x93b8, 0x9043, 0x9759, 0x94d7, + 0xfe66, 0x947d, 0xfc6f, 0x9246, 0xfa6d, 0x8ef7, 0xfbb7, 0x947c, + 0x92cd, 0x97b2, 0xfe65, 0x967e, 0x9758, 0x9b77, 0x91cf, 0x94a4, + 0x9cad, 0x8bab, 0x96d5, 0xfcb3, 0x93ae, 0x976d, 0x9446, 0x95f7, + 0x9c46, 0x955b, 0x91d1, 0x94f4, 0xfe67, 0x92a5, 0xfedf, 0x9bc9, + 0xfced, 0xfdfa, 0xfcc8, 0xfe62, 0x91fc, 0xfe6b, 0xfdf9, 0xfcc7, + 0x914e, 0x9cb8, 0x9767, 0x95ee, 0x9bb2, 0x9460, 0x94a2, 0x9875, + 0x97ac, 0x91d3, 0x987b, 0x8eeb, 0x976a, 0x965e, 0x97eb, 0x9ff9, + 0x95f8, 0xfea2, 0x8fe6, 0xfe7e, 0x9da4, 0x9768, 0x8eec, 0x94bd, + 0x945b, 0x9cf6, 0xfaa7, 0x9bd9, 0xfa5d, 0x9656, 0x9762, 0x94ba, + 0xa04f, 0x92d8, 0x9bcb, 0x94bb, 0x9d5f, 0x90cf, 0x9465, 0x9f4c, + 0x90d8, 0x9ebe, 0xfb6d, 0x95ca, 0x9dc2, 0x97f8, 0x8ffc, 0x9473, + 0x9474, 0xfeb7, 0x8a4b, 0x8a55, 0x8b69, 0x8adc, 0x8b76, 0x9bce, + 0x8a68, 0xa0f8, 0x98df, 0xfeb5, 0x9bcf, 0x96fb, 0x9bfb, 0x9ece, + 0x8ee5, 0x9e7b, 0x9bd2, 0x8aa5, 0xfece, 0x8a45, 0x9dfc, 0xfecf, + 0x8ba5, 0x8aec, 0xfce0, 0x94ad, 0xfed5, 0x94ac, 0xfc5a, 0x9bd6, + 0x8a6f, 0x8ba9, 0x8e5f, 0x9dcb, 0xfce7, 0x9bd7, 0x93c8, 0x91f0, + 0x8fe0, 0x9bdb, 0x90ed, 0x9bdc, 0xa0ec, 0x98fa, 0x9be0, 0x93c7, + 0x9249, 0x96e1, 0x9be2, 0x9be4, 0x8fe1, 0x9be5, 0x94c0, 0x93c3, + 0x93c5, 0x9079, 0x977b, 0x907e, 0xfee6, 0xfe46, 0x9db8, 0x9270, + 0x95a8, 0x94c8, 0x98b9, 0x9140, 0xfcbe, 0x9157, 0x8bb2, 0xfadf, + 0x9be6, 0x9643, 0x8e44, 0x9c4f, 0xfef4, 0x9be8, 0x93dc, 0x966f, + 0x8e4a, 0x9bed, 0x92f6, 0x9db9, 0x8e4e, 0xfbcf, 0x9ec2, 0x94e5, + 0x9bf0, 0x94e4, 0x9551, 0x8bbb, 0x9bf1, 0x94f0, 0x8e64, 0x94ea, + 0x8f61, 0x9b64, 0x8e5b, 0x9bf2, 0x9fbe, 0x9dc9, 0x8e6c, 0x8f73, + 0x8f75, 0x8e71, 0x8e60, 0x8e6a, 0x9552, 0x9554, 0x8ad4, 0x9dbb, + 0x9543, 0x92fe, 0x94f2, 0x94f1, 0xa0ea, 0x9dd2, 0xa0b1, 0x91f8, + 0x9462, 0x9ba4, 0x8ead, 0x9ead, 0x96d0, 0xfeee, 0x8ab4, 0x9757, + 0x8a77, 0x9bf7, 0x8eb5, 0xa06d, 0x8eb6, 0x9756, 0x9540, 0xa0f3, + 0x94be, 0x9bfa, 0xfddf, 0x9dbc, 0x94fe, 0x8bdb, 0xa0fe, 0x8ec0, + 0x9f47, 0x8bde, 0xa0fb, 0x8ec3, 0x9649, 0xfec2, 0x954c, 0x9bfd, + 0x90cc, 0x9c60, 0x954b, 0x9bfe, 0x9c70, 0x9c43, 0x9c47, 0x8ecc, + 0x8e54, 0x8ee4, 0x9c49, 0x8b5e, 0x955e, 0x955c, 0x9c4b, 0x8be1, + 0x8ed9, 0x9db4, 0x925f, 0x9c4c, 0x8aa1, 0x8edb, 0x9c56, 0x8aa2, + 0x9754, 0x9c5e, 0x9ed4, 0x9568, 0xa0c3, 0x8ae6, 0xa0f7, 0x9c61, + 0x9c5f, 0xfc4d, 0x9e5b, 0x9e69, 0x9c63, 0xfec7, 0xfec6, 0x9c67, + 0x9c69, 0x8be2, 0x9165, 0x9ce7, 0x8a54, 0x9c6c, 0x9c6e, 0xfe5d, + 0x9c73, 0x956a, 0x956d, 0x8ef0, 0x8f4d, 0x8ef6, 0xfabc, 0xfbda, + 0x8b4c, 0xfd75, 0x9bdd, 0xfaf5, 0x9c74, 0x9545, 0x96c6, 0x8f6a, + 0x8f4e, 0x9c78, 0xfa55, 0x97e4, 0x9c41, 0x925c, 0x96fa, 0xfb66, + 0x8e65, 0x9849, 0xfba8, 0x9842, 0x9c7a, 0x97fb, 0x90ca, 0x9c5b, + 0x974d, 0x8ed3, 0x9561, 0x9f4b, 0x9fb5, 0x93d2, 0xfdaa, 0x9840, + 0x9146, 0x9867, 0xfa5a, 0xfba9, 0x9841, 0xfcfd, 0xfdab, 0x91bd, + 0x8f4c, 0x96c9, 0x8f55, 0xfbae, 0x956f, 0x9c7d, 0xa0f0, 0x946f, + 0xfdac, 0x96cb, 0x96ce, 0xa056, 0x9ce1, 0x96c4, 0x8f5e, 0x8f6c, + 0x8ea3, 0xfbb3, 0xfc53, 0xfdb3, 0x8f6b, 0x96ca, 0x8f79, 0x9e6f, + 0xa0c5, 0xfc78, 0x8e42, 0x8f5a, 0x90c2, 0x8ea5, 0x9061, 0x924f, + 0x9373, 0xfdb5, 0xfecc, 0xfbbd, 0x9843, 0x96c5, 0x89bc, 0x9ca3, + 0x924b, 0x984a, 0x8fa4, 0xa0f1, 0x9efb, 0x9cd2, 0x8fa7, 0xfc5c, + 0x9845, 0x9046, 0xfefa, 0x9560, 0x9f48, 0x9247, 0x90fb, 0x9ca4, + 0x9571, 0x9ca6, 0x9ca7, 0x9caa, 0x9ed3, 0x9e70, 0x9cac, 0x8fae, + 0x957d, 0x9cb0, 0x97b6, 0xa0bd, 0x8adf, 0x9eaa, 0x8fbd, 0x8fbf, + 0x9369, 0x9ba7, 0xc8a4, 0xfeea, 0x9be1, 0x8b41, 0x9db6, 0xa0eb, + 0x9ba3, 0x8ba1, 0x8fc8, 0x894c, 0x9860, 0x94c7, 0x8b58, 0x95ab, + 0x95aa, 0x9cc3, 0x9cc4, 0x93d6, 0x9dac, 0x8be6, 0x8a71, 0x8fd1, + 0x99d5, 0x90f4, 0x8aa3, 0x9cce, 0x9cd4, 0x9cd5, 0xfbc8, 0x9db3, + 0xfc70, 0x8fd7, 0x9b73, 0xfa5b, 0x8fd2, 0x9064, 0x98b6, 0x9668, + 0x9cd6, 0x98bd, 0x8fdc, 0xfef6, 0x8fd9, 0x9541, 0x97f3, 0x9bf8, + 0x9e6c, 0x8ff2, 0x8fee, 0x9cd7, 0x9e6e, 0x8a40, 0x8fef, 0x8ff4, + 0x8ff5, 0x95c2, 0x986a, 0x97cf, 0x9ee5, 0x9e7c, 0x9041, 0x9cdb, + 0x9441, 0x9ce6, 0x9db0, 0x9cea, 0x9ced, 0x9cfa, 0x8b62, 0x8a4e, + 0x9cca, 0x8a66, 0x9cfb, 0x9cfc, 0x9cfe, 0x8a53, 0x9ce5, 0x9d40, + 0x9d41, 0x9045, 0x8b73, 0x97ca, 0x9d42, 0x8a61, 0x8bae, 0x8ad2, + 0x8ba2, 0x9df2, 0x9d43, 0x9cdf, 0x9d44, 0x8eca, 0x904e, 0x8eb3, + 0x9ff5, 0x9d45, 0x904f, 0x9d47, 0x89ca, 0x9cb5, 0xfbfe, 0x905e, + 0x9063, 0x9057, 0x9066, 0x9bc0, 0xfce5, 0x9162, 0x9067, 0x8fa1, + 0x8fa2, 0x9d48, 0xfad3, 0x905d, 0x90b9, 0x906b, 0x9069, 0xfe57, + 0xfe55, 0x9073, 0x9bef, 0x9cf0, 0x9d4b, 0xfed9, 0xfeda, 0x91e0, + 0x91d8, 0x9646, 0x9360, 0xfa53, 0x9cd3, 0x9d4e, 0xfb40, 0x8de2, + 0x9442, 0x9056, 0x9865, 0xfa4a, 0x9d50, 0x9d52, 0x95af, 0x975a, + 0x9349, 0x9747, 0xa0f4, 0x9778, 0x8fcf, 0xfc60, 0xfc56, 0x91dc, + 0x9661, 0x92ec, 0x935d, 0x8ede, 0x96fe, 0xfd4f, 0x95de, 0x98b0, + 0xa040, 0x97bd, 0x977d, 0x97f5, 0x9bac, 0xfada, 0x92c2, 0x97b1, + 0x907b, 0x93fe, 0x947b, 0x9777, 0xfabe, 0xfd43, 0x90c6, 0x90a4, + 0x90a8, 0x94a9, 0x90a9, 0x95e0, 0x907d, 0x9265, 0xfdba, 0x93c4, + 0xfeed, 0x9dab, 0xa0e3, 0x9648, 0x9d53, 0x8aa9, 0x9bc5, 0x965d, + 0x975f, 0x965f, 0x966e, 0xfb5d, 0x9db1, 0xfea3, 0x9db2, 0x95ae, + 0xfca3, 0xa0a2, 0x9655, 0x9d54, 0x9341, 0x95ad, 0x91d5, 0x977a, + 0xfdfc, 0x8e47, 0x93fd, 0x90a5, 0x90ac, 0x95ac, 0x90ae, 0xfea5, + 0x9d56, 0x97e3, 0x95e2, 0x9466, 0x9647, 0x91b8, 0x9cec, 0x90ad, + 0x95e3, 0x8b4f, 0x8ae3, 0x8b4d, 0x95ea, 0x8b4e, 0x8bed, 0x91d9, + 0xa0a4, 0x95f5, 0x95f4, 0x9fb3, 0xfeaf, 0xfe72, 0x927a, 0xfeac, + 0x95f3, 0x9d58, 0x9372, 0x91c5, 0x9642, 0x90cd, 0x95fe, 0x9159, + 0x9c65, 0x97cc, 0x90ce, 0x9d59, 0xfcf5, 0xfefd, 0x9d5b, 0x9d5c, + 0x937e, 0x98ac, 0x9d5e, 0xfdd0, 0xfd60, 0x9ccf, 0x90dd, 0x90e0, + 0x90f3, 0x98b1, 0x90f0, 0x93bd, 0x95b7, 0x9f46, 0x8e4b, 0x9658, + 0x8a4c, 0x9d63, 0x9ecf, 0x9d65, 0x9d66, 0x965a, 0x9d64, 0x8a6c, + 0x8ad9, 0x9d67, 0x8a70, 0x8bf3, 0x9150, 0x9cc1, 0x9d68, 0x93a7, + 0x9674, 0xa0ef, 0x9151, 0x96c1, 0x9676, 0x9d69, 0xfca4, 0x9d6a, + 0x924e, 0x9d6b, 0x9bc1, 0x9d6c, 0x8a65, 0x915d, 0x9d6d, 0x915a, + 0x9cc0, 0x916a, 0x9d6e, 0x9ea6, 0x9dcd, 0x9d6f, 0x89bb, 0x9ef9, + 0x96b4, 0x9172, 0x9ec8, 0x8b55, 0x9d71, 0x9d72, 0x9ecc, 0x9174, + 0x9ed0, 0x905c, 0x8ed2, 0x91a8, 0x9177, 0x96bf, 0x96c0, 0x8fb1, + 0x96b7, 0x9178, 0x89be, 0x917c, 0xfb77, 0x9175, 0x91a3, 0x9176, + 0x96be, 0x9179, 0x96b6, 0x91a4, 0x91a6, 0x9d75, 0x9052, 0xa045, + 0x91a9, 0x98aa, 0x8baa, 0x9cdd, 0x9d77, 0x8940, 0x9eec, 0x93aa, + 0x9478, 0x9d7a, 0x8ac9, 0x8b4b, 0x9fec, 0x8ae2, 0x9e75, 0x9874, + 0x9ac8, 0xa047, 0x8bc3, 0xfc48, 0xfc77, 0x9c52, 0x8efd, 0x8fa8, + 0x957a, 0x8ff0, +}; + +static const Summary16 hkscs1999_uni2indx_page00[45] = { + /* 0x0000 */ + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0100 }, { 1, 0x0000 }, + { 1, 0x0703 }, { 6, 0x000c }, { 8, 0x3703 }, { 15, 0x170c }, + /* 0x0100 */ + { 21, 0x0003 }, { 23, 0x0c0c }, { 27, 0x0800 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, + { 28, 0x3800 }, { 31, 0x0008 }, { 32, 0x0800 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, + { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, + { 33, 0x6000 }, { 35, 0x1557 }, { 43, 0x0000 }, { 43, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x0200 */ + { 43, 0x0000 }, { 43, 0x0000 }, { 43, 0x0000 }, { 43, 0x0000 }, + { 43, 0x0000 }, { 43, 0x0813 }, { 47, 0x0402 }, { 49, 0x0020 }, + { 50, 0x0408 }, { 52, 0x0000 }, { 52, 0x0000 }, { 52, 0x0000 }, + { 52, 0x0040 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs1999_uni2indx_page04[6] = { + /* 0x0400 */ + { 53, 0x0002 }, { 54, 0xffff }, { 70, 0xffff }, { 86, 0xffff }, + { 102, 0xffff }, { 118, 0x0002 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs1999_uni2indx_page1e[13] = { + /* 0x1e00 */ + { 119, 0x0000 }, { 119, 0x0000 }, { 119, 0x0000 }, { 119, 0x0000 }, + { 119, 0x0000 }, { 119, 0x0000 }, { 119, 0x0000 }, { 119, 0x0000 }, + { 119, 0x0000 }, { 119, 0x0000 }, { 119, 0x0000 }, { 119, 0xc000 }, + { 121, 0x0003 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs1999_uni2indx_page21[15] = { + /* 0x2100 */ + { 123, 0x0000 }, { 123, 0x0040 }, { 124, 0x0002 }, { 125, 0x0000 }, + { 125, 0x0000 }, { 125, 0x0000 }, { 125, 0x0000 }, { 125, 0x03ff }, + { 135, 0x0000 }, { 135, 0x0000 }, { 135, 0x0000 }, { 135, 0x0300 }, + { 137, 0x0000 }, { 137, 0x0000 }, { 137, 0x0080 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs1999_uni2indx_page23[40] = { + /* 0x2300 */ + { 138, 0x0000 }, { 138, 0x0000 }, { 138, 0x0000 }, { 138, 0x0000 }, + { 138, 0x0000 }, { 138, 0x0000 }, { 138, 0x0000 }, { 138, 0x0000 }, + { 138, 0x0000 }, { 138, 0x0000 }, { 138, 0x0000 }, { 138, 0x0000 }, + { 138, 0x0000 }, { 138, 0x0c00 }, { 140, 0x0000 }, { 140, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2400 */ + { 140, 0x0000 }, { 140, 0x0000 }, { 140, 0x0000 }, { 140, 0x0000 }, + { 140, 0x0000 }, { 140, 0x0000 }, { 140, 0x03ff }, { 150, 0x3ff0 }, + { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0000 }, + { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2500 */ + { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0x0000 }, + { 160, 0x0000 }, { 160, 0xffff }, { 176, 0xffff }, { 192, 0x0001 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs1999_uni2indx_page27[4] = { + /* 0x2700 */ + { 193, 0x0000 }, { 193, 0x0000 }, { 193, 0x0000 }, { 193, 0x2000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs1999_uni2indx_page2e[68] = { + /* 0x2e00 */ + { 194, 0x0000 }, { 194, 0x0000 }, { 194, 0x0000 }, { 194, 0x0000 }, + { 194, 0x0000 }, { 194, 0x0000 }, { 194, 0x0000 }, { 194, 0x0000 }, + { 194, 0x35d1 }, { 202, 0x3020 }, { 205, 0x54a0 }, { 210, 0x5040 }, + { 213, 0xb440 }, { 218, 0x40c0 }, { 221, 0x0008 }, { 222, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2f00 */ + { 222, 0x0000 }, { 222, 0x0000 }, { 222, 0x0000 }, { 222, 0x0008 }, + { 223, 0x0000 }, { 223, 0x0000 }, { 223, 0x0000 }, { 223, 0x0000 }, + { 223, 0x0000 }, { 223, 0x0000 }, { 223, 0x0000 }, { 223, 0x0000 }, + { 223, 0x0000 }, { 223, 0x0000 }, { 223, 0x0000 }, { 223, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3000 */ + { 223, 0x00e0 }, { 226, 0x0000 }, { 226, 0x0000 }, { 226, 0x0000 }, + { 226, 0xfffe }, { 241, 0xffff }, { 257, 0xffff }, { 273, 0xffff }, + { 289, 0xffff }, { 305, 0x780f }, { 313, 0xfffe }, { 328, 0xffff }, + { 344, 0xffff }, { 360, 0xffff }, { 376, 0xffff }, { 392, 0x707f }, + /* 0x3100 */ + { 402, 0x0000 }, { 402, 0x0000 }, { 402, 0x0000 }, { 402, 0x0000 }, + { 402, 0x0000 }, { 402, 0x0000 }, { 402, 0x0000 }, { 402, 0x0000 }, + { 402, 0x0000 }, { 402, 0x0000 }, { 402, 0x0000 }, { 402, 0x0000 }, + { 402, 0xffff }, { 418, 0x0000 }, { 418, 0x0000 }, { 418, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3200 */ + { 418, 0x0000 }, { 418, 0x0000 }, { 418, 0x0000 }, { 418, 0x0002 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs1999_uni2indx_page34[1724] = { + /* 0x3400 */ + { 419, 0x0000 }, { 419, 0x0000 }, { 419, 0x0000 }, { 419, 0x0020 }, + { 420, 0x1001 }, { 422, 0x0000 }, { 422, 0x0010 }, { 423, 0x6408 }, + { 427, 0x0000 }, { 427, 0x0048 }, { 429, 0x8020 }, { 431, 0x1000 }, + { 432, 0x0102 }, { 434, 0x8000 }, { 435, 0x0010 }, { 436, 0x0800 }, + /* 0x3500 */ + { 437, 0x0040 }, { 438, 0x0000 }, { 438, 0x0000 }, { 438, 0x4000 }, + { 439, 0x0000 }, { 439, 0x000a }, { 441, 0x2002 }, { 443, 0x0185 }, + { 447, 0x0010 }, { 448, 0x0180 }, { 450, 0x2022 }, { 453, 0x8000 }, + { 454, 0x44a2 }, { 459, 0x2844 }, { 463, 0x0000 }, { 463, 0x480e }, + /* 0x3600 */ + { 468, 0x0200 }, { 469, 0x0500 }, { 471, 0x2008 }, { 473, 0x4220 }, + { 476, 0x4380 }, { 480, 0x8000 }, { 481, 0x0000 }, { 481, 0x0400 }, + { 482, 0x0002 }, { 483, 0x0400 }, { 484, 0x1420 }, { 487, 0x1223 }, + { 492, 0x01ba }, { 498, 0x2058 }, { 502, 0x0066 }, { 506, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x3700 */ + { 507, 0x250a }, { 512, 0x1000 }, { 513, 0x302c }, { 518, 0x040d }, + { 522, 0x0009 }, { 524, 0x0000 }, { 524, 0x8004 }, { 526, 0x0000 }, + { 526, 0x0000 }, { 526, 0x0080 }, { 527, 0x0001 }, { 528, 0x4200 }, + { 530, 0x0000 }, { 530, 0x0000 }, { 530, 0x0000 }, { 530, 0x0904 }, + /* 0x3800 */ + { 533, 0x8000 }, { 534, 0x0200 }, { 535, 0x2001 }, { 537, 0x0140 }, + { 539, 0x0000 }, { 539, 0x0000 }, { 539, 0x0008 }, { 540, 0x0000 }, + { 540, 0x0000 }, { 540, 0x0000 }, { 540, 0x0001 }, { 541, 0x0000 }, + { 541, 0x1008 }, { 543, 0x0002 }, { 544, 0x0000 }, { 544, 0x0400 }, + /* 0x3900 */ + { 545, 0x0100 }, { 546, 0x0010 }, { 547, 0x0080 }, { 548, 0x8004 }, + { 550, 0x2000 }, { 551, 0x0000 }, { 551, 0x0008 }, { 552, 0x0000 }, + { 552, 0x0601 }, { 555, 0x0a04 }, { 558, 0x0012 }, { 560, 0x0100 }, + { 561, 0x0000 }, { 561, 0x1000 }, { 562, 0x1024 }, { 565, 0x4900 }, + /* 0x3a00 */ + { 568, 0x004a }, { 571, 0x0180 }, { 573, 0x0600 }, { 575, 0x0010 }, + { 576, 0x0800 }, { 577, 0x5084 }, { 581, 0x00c0 }, { 583, 0x0000 }, + { 583, 0x0000 }, { 583, 0x0080 }, { 584, 0x0800 }, { 585, 0x2000 }, + { 586, 0x0000 }, { 586, 0x4000 }, { 587, 0x0001 }, { 588, 0x0805 }, + /* 0x3b00 */ + { 591, 0x4000 }, { 592, 0x0200 }, { 593, 0x0804 }, { 595, 0x0200 }, + { 596, 0x0004 }, { 597, 0x0100 }, { 598, 0x0001 }, { 599, 0x1806 }, + { 603, 0x0001 }, { 604, 0x0240 }, { 606, 0x0002 }, { 607, 0x5000 }, + { 609, 0x0014 }, { 611, 0x2080 }, { 613, 0x1000 }, { 614, 0x001c }, + /* 0x3c00 */ + { 617, 0x2000 }, { 618, 0x0122 }, { 621, 0x0000 }, { 621, 0x0000 }, + { 621, 0x0000 }, { 621, 0x0010 }, { 622, 0x0000 }, { 622, 0x0000 }, + { 622, 0x0000 }, { 622, 0x0000 }, { 622, 0x0000 }, { 622, 0x0000 }, + { 622, 0x2800 }, { 624, 0x1042 }, { 627, 0x8800 }, { 629, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3d00 */ + { 629, 0x0000 }, { 629, 0x2008 }, { 631, 0x0000 }, { 631, 0x0804 }, + { 633, 0x5040 }, { 636, 0x8002 }, { 638, 0x8604 }, { 642, 0x2020 }, + { 644, 0x8420 }, { 647, 0x0002 }, { 648, 0x2020 }, { 650, 0x8010 }, + { 652, 0x30c0 }, { 656, 0x0808 }, { 658, 0x0980 }, { 661, 0x3088 }, + /* 0x3e00 */ + { 665, 0x0040 }, { 666, 0x0000 }, { 666, 0x0000 }, { 666, 0x0000 }, + { 666, 0x0109 }, { 669, 0x0020 }, { 670, 0x0000 }, { 670, 0x0010 }, + { 671, 0x0000 }, { 671, 0x0000 }, { 671, 0x2700 }, { 675, 0x8102 }, + { 678, 0x1484 }, { 682, 0x44c3 }, { 688, 0x0a86 }, { 693, 0x9419 }, + /* 0x3f00 */ + { 699, 0x4051 }, { 703, 0x0000 }, { 703, 0x0000 }, { 703, 0x0000 }, + { 703, 0x0000 }, { 703, 0x0308 }, { 706, 0x0008 }, { 707, 0x1000 }, + { 708, 0x0000 }, { 708, 0x0008 }, { 709, 0x0000 }, { 709, 0x0000 }, + { 709, 0x0001 }, { 710, 0x1080 }, { 712, 0x2020 }, { 714, 0x0600 }, + /* 0x4000 */ + { 716, 0x0010 }, { 717, 0x2000 }, { 718, 0x0000 }, { 718, 0x0200 }, + { 719, 0x0020 }, { 720, 0x0088 }, { 722, 0x8424 }, { 726, 0x0000 }, + { 726, 0x0000 }, { 726, 0x0000 }, { 726, 0x0100 }, { 727, 0x8800 }, + { 729, 0x0100 }, { 730, 0x8100 }, { 732, 0x0000 }, { 732, 0x0400 }, + /* 0x4100 */ + { 733, 0x4218 }, { 737, 0x0000 }, { 737, 0x0000 }, { 737, 0x0004 }, + { 738, 0x0000 }, { 738, 0x0000 }, { 738, 0x5080 }, { 741, 0x8000 }, + { 742, 0x0000 }, { 742, 0x0001 }, { 743, 0x0000 }, { 743, 0x0004 }, + { 744, 0x8410 }, { 747, 0x0800 }, { 748, 0x8000 }, { 749, 0x0200 }, + /* 0x4200 */ + { 750, 0x0000 }, { 750, 0x0002 }, { 751, 0x0000 }, { 751, 0x0000 }, + { 751, 0x0001 }, { 752, 0x0000 }, { 752, 0x0401 }, { 754, 0x0400 }, + { 755, 0x1000 }, { 756, 0x0010 }, { 757, 0x0000 }, { 757, 0x1220 }, + { 760, 0x0000 }, { 760, 0x0000 }, { 760, 0x0000 }, { 760, 0x1810 }, + /* 0x4300 */ + { 763, 0x0000 }, { 763, 0x0000 }, { 763, 0x0800 }, { 764, 0x0000 }, + { 764, 0x0000 }, { 764, 0x0000 }, { 764, 0x4000 }, { 765, 0x0000 }, + { 765, 0x0000 }, { 765, 0x0080 }, { 766, 0x0000 }, { 766, 0x0400 }, + { 767, 0x0002 }, { 768, 0x8200 }, { 770, 0x2000 }, { 771, 0x0004 }, + /* 0x4400 */ + { 772, 0x0006 }, { 774, 0x0008 }, { 775, 0x2020 }, { 777, 0x0000 }, + { 777, 0x0000 }, { 777, 0x0000 }, { 777, 0x0000 }, { 777, 0x0400 }, + { 778, 0x8000 }, { 779, 0x8002 }, { 781, 0x0005 }, { 783, 0x0081 }, + { 785, 0x4021 }, { 788, 0xa000 }, { 790, 0x1e10 }, { 795, 0x0010 }, + /* 0x4500 */ + { 796, 0x0a18 }, { 800, 0x2040 }, { 802, 0x4080 }, { 804, 0xa808 }, + { 808, 0x0008 }, { 809, 0x1026 }, { 813, 0x0404 }, { 815, 0x0080 }, + { 816, 0x0020 }, { 817, 0x0000 }, { 817, 0x0000 }, { 817, 0x0000 }, + { 817, 0x0000 }, { 817, 0x0000 }, { 817, 0x0200 }, { 818, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4600 */ + { 818, 0x8040 }, { 820, 0x00a0 }, { 822, 0x0000 }, { 822, 0x0000 }, + { 822, 0x0000 }, { 822, 0x0800 }, { 823, 0x0000 }, { 823, 0x0400 }, + { 824, 0x0001 }, { 825, 0x0000 }, { 825, 0x0000 }, { 825, 0x0000 }, + { 825, 0x8000 }, { 826, 0x0001 }, { 827, 0x0000 }, { 827, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x4700 */ + { 828, 0x0000 }, { 828, 0x0108 }, { 830, 0x0000 }, { 830, 0x0000 }, + { 830, 0x4000 }, { 831, 0x0000 }, { 831, 0x0000 }, { 831, 0x1000 }, + { 832, 0x0000 }, { 832, 0x0100 }, { 833, 0x0040 }, { 834, 0x0000 }, + { 834, 0x0000 }, { 834, 0x0020 }, { 835, 0x2000 }, { 836, 0x0010 }, + /* 0x4800 */ + { 837, 0x0801 }, { 839, 0x0000 }, { 839, 0x0000 }, { 839, 0x0080 }, + { 840, 0x0000 }, { 840, 0x2000 }, { 841, 0x0000 }, { 841, 0x0002 }, + { 842, 0x0000 }, { 842, 0x0800 }, { 843, 0x6000 }, { 845, 0x0000 }, + { 845, 0x0000 }, { 845, 0x2001 }, { 847, 0x2000 }, { 848, 0x0408 }, + /* 0x4900 */ + { 850, 0x0040 }, { 851, 0x4002 }, { 853, 0x2420 }, { 856, 0x5020 }, + { 859, 0x0020 }, { 860, 0x000a }, { 862, 0x0420 }, { 864, 0x0004 }, + { 865, 0x0200 }, { 866, 0x0000 }, { 866, 0x0082 }, { 868, 0x0000 }, + { 868, 0x0000 }, { 868, 0x8000 }, { 869, 0x00a0 }, { 871, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4a00 */ + { 871, 0x8000 }, { 872, 0x2000 }, { 873, 0x0010 }, { 874, 0x0020 }, + { 875, 0x0000 }, { 875, 0x0000 }, { 875, 0x0000 }, { 875, 0x0000 }, + { 875, 0x0000 }, { 875, 0x0040 }, { 876, 0x0000 }, { 876, 0x0110 }, + { 878, 0x0000 }, { 878, 0x0002 }, { 879, 0x0010 }, { 880, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x4b00 */ + { 881, 0x0000 }, { 881, 0x0200 }, { 882, 0x1000 }, { 883, 0x0080 }, + { 884, 0x0000 }, { 884, 0x0000 }, { 884, 0x8000 }, { 885, 0x4805 }, + { 889, 0x4000 }, { 890, 0x20c9 }, { 895, 0x0000 }, { 895, 0x6000 }, + { 897, 0x0001 }, { 898, 0x0000 }, { 898, 0x0000 }, { 898, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4c00 */ + { 898, 0x4090 }, { 901, 0x0000 }, { 901, 0x0000 }, { 901, 0x4800 }, + { 903, 0x0000 }, { 903, 0x0800 }, { 904, 0x2000 }, { 905, 0x2000 }, + { 906, 0x0000 }, { 906, 0x0000 }, { 906, 0x4010 }, { 908, 0x0081 }, + { 910, 0x2000 }, { 911, 0x0000 }, { 911, 0x2002 }, { 913, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4d00 */ + { 913, 0x0200 }, { 914, 0x0001 }, { 915, 0x0000 }, { 915, 0x0010 }, + { 916, 0x0000 }, { 916, 0x0000 }, { 916, 0x0000 }, { 916, 0x0000 }, + { 916, 0x0000 }, { 916, 0x1002 }, { 918, 0x0000 }, { 918, 0x0000 }, + { 918, 0x0000 }, { 918, 0x0000 }, { 918, 0x0000 }, { 918, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4e00 */ + { 918, 0x0010 }, { 919, 0x1400 }, { 921, 0x1512 }, { 926, 0xa0c0 }, + { 930, 0x0200 }, { 931, 0x0c00 }, { 933, 0x0400 }, { 934, 0x0100 }, + { 935, 0x02a3 }, { 940, 0x0500 }, { 942, 0x0001 }, { 943, 0x9880 }, + { 947, 0x4000 }, { 948, 0x0000 }, { 948, 0x4c00 }, { 951, 0x0100 }, + /* 0x4f00 */ + { 952, 0x0008 }, { 953, 0x0400 }, { 954, 0x0300 }, { 956, 0x0284 }, + { 959, 0x0824 }, { 962, 0x0000 }, { 962, 0x0000 }, { 962, 0x0004 }, + { 963, 0x0400 }, { 964, 0x0000 }, { 964, 0x0904 }, { 967, 0x2001 }, + { 969, 0x1100 }, { 971, 0x0000 }, { 971, 0x0030 }, { 973, 0x2204 }, + /* 0x5000 */ + { 976, 0x0108 }, { 978, 0x0000 }, { 978, 0x4000 }, { 979, 0x0010 }, + { 980, 0x0000 }, { 980, 0x0140 }, { 982, 0x1040 }, { 984, 0x0000 }, + { 984, 0x0102 }, { 986, 0x0001 }, { 987, 0x0040 }, { 988, 0x0000 }, + { 988, 0x2000 }, { 989, 0x8201 }, { 992, 0x0002 }, { 993, 0x1010 }, + /* 0x5100 */ + { 995, 0x6002 }, { 998, 0x0000 }, { 998, 0x0800 }, { 999, 0x0000 }, + { 999, 0x0000 }, { 999, 0x0040 }, { 1000, 0x0401 }, { 1002, 0x0210 }, + { 1004, 0x0144 }, { 1007, 0x1440 }, { 1010, 0x0980 }, { 1013, 0x013c }, + { 1018, 0x8288 }, { 1022, 0x880e }, { 1027, 0x2014 }, { 1030, 0x5010 }, + /* 0x5200 */ + { 1033, 0x0824 }, { 1036, 0x8000 }, { 1037, 0x00c1 }, { 1040, 0x1010 }, + { 1042, 0x0000 }, { 1042, 0x0280 }, { 1044, 0x0101 }, { 1046, 0x0208 }, + { 1048, 0x8000 }, { 1049, 0x0411 }, { 1052, 0x0112 }, { 1055, 0x0220 }, + { 1057, 0x1020 }, { 1059, 0x0003 }, { 1061, 0x0003 }, { 1063, 0x0200 }, + /* 0x5300 */ + { 1064, 0x0002 }, { 1065, 0x0000 }, { 1065, 0x1080 }, { 1067, 0x090c }, + { 1071, 0x4004 }, { 1073, 0xa000 }, { 1075, 0x2290 }, { 1079, 0x6010 }, + { 1082, 0x0000 }, { 1082, 0x0008 }, { 1083, 0x4f45 }, { 1091, 0x0041 }, + { 1093, 0x1026 }, { 1097, 0x0707 }, { 1103, 0x0001 }, { 1104, 0x40c0 }, + /* 0x5400 */ + { 1107, 0x0000 }, { 1107, 0x0458 }, { 1111, 0x800a }, { 1114, 0x0004 }, + { 1115, 0x2800 }, { 1117, 0x0000 }, { 1117, 0x2600 }, { 1120, 0x0000 }, + { 1120, 0x8020 }, { 1122, 0x5098 }, { 1127, 0x0018 }, { 1129, 0x0214 }, + { 1132, 0x3800 }, { 1135, 0x0401 }, { 1137, 0x8008 }, { 1139, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5500 */ + { 1139, 0x2004 }, { 1141, 0x4108 }, { 1144, 0x0928 }, { 1148, 0x8000 }, + { 1149, 0x0280 }, { 1151, 0x2008 }, { 1153, 0x0a00 }, { 1155, 0x020e }, + { 1159, 0x0040 }, { 1160, 0x0001 }, { 1161, 0x0200 }, { 1162, 0x1611 }, + { 1167, 0x0002 }, { 1168, 0x4180 }, { 1171, 0x1400 }, { 1173, 0x0823 }, + /* 0x5600 */ + { 1177, 0x0020 }, { 1178, 0x4002 }, { 1180, 0x202f }, { 1186, 0x0080 }, + { 1187, 0xa008 }, { 1190, 0x2015 }, { 1194, 0x0002 }, { 1195, 0x1c00 }, + { 1198, 0x0e00 }, { 1201, 0xc004 }, { 1204, 0x8012 }, { 1207, 0x8202 }, + { 1210, 0x0000 }, { 1210, 0x0040 }, { 1211, 0xa004 }, { 1214, 0x2002 }, + /* 0x5700 */ + { 1216, 0x0001 }, { 1217, 0x2020 }, { 1219, 0x0000 }, { 1219, 0x8004 }, + { 1221, 0x004c }, { 1224, 0x8890 }, { 1228, 0x0080 }, { 1229, 0xc400 }, + { 1232, 0x2500 }, { 1235, 0x1001 }, { 1237, 0x0482 }, { 1240, 0x4810 }, + { 1243, 0x0110 }, { 1245, 0x6080 }, { 1248, 0x8040 }, { 1250, 0x4000 }, + /* 0x5800 */ + { 1251, 0x0008 }, { 1252, 0x0004 }, { 1253, 0x0044 }, { 1255, 0x0400 }, + { 1256, 0x0091 }, { 1259, 0x9000 }, { 1261, 0x1200 }, { 1263, 0x000c }, + { 1265, 0x0000 }, { 1265, 0x0600 }, { 1267, 0x0480 }, { 1269, 0x0861 }, + { 1273, 0x0800 }, { 1274, 0x1000 }, { 1275, 0x0001 }, { 1276, 0x080d }, + /* 0x5900 */ + { 1280, 0x04b4 }, { 1285, 0x8002 }, { 1287, 0x0000 }, { 1287, 0x0014 }, + { 1289, 0x0000 }, { 1289, 0x0000 }, { 1289, 0x0020 }, { 1290, 0x0020 }, + { 1291, 0x0200 }, { 1292, 0x8410 }, { 1295, 0x1000 }, { 1296, 0x0181 }, + { 1299, 0x0210 }, { 1301, 0x0200 }, { 1302, 0x8800 }, { 1304, 0x0301 }, + /* 0x5a00 */ + { 1307, 0x2804 }, { 1310, 0x0004 }, { 1311, 0x1c92 }, { 1317, 0x2000 }, + { 1318, 0x0020 }, { 1319, 0x0210 }, { 1321, 0x490a }, { 1326, 0x4202 }, + { 1329, 0x0146 }, { 1333, 0x0242 }, { 1336, 0x0803 }, { 1339, 0x0000 }, + { 1339, 0xc008 }, { 1342, 0x0008 }, { 1343, 0x0010 }, { 1344, 0x4405 }, + /* 0x5b00 */ + { 1348, 0x2000 }, { 1349, 0x8002 }, { 1351, 0x0800 }, { 1352, 0x0000 }, + { 1352, 0x8452 }, { 1357, 0x0000 }, { 1357, 0x2140 }, { 1360, 0x1050 }, + { 1363, 0x0005 }, { 1365, 0xe001 }, { 1369, 0x0400 }, { 1370, 0x0000 }, + { 1370, 0x0008 }, { 1371, 0x00a0 }, { 1373, 0x0000 }, { 1373, 0x8008 }, + /* 0x5c00 */ + { 1375, 0x0020 }, { 1376, 0x5018 }, { 1380, 0x0009 }, { 1382, 0x0000 }, + { 1382, 0x0600 }, { 1384, 0x4008 }, { 1386, 0x0000 }, { 1386, 0x0000 }, + { 1386, 0x0020 }, { 1387, 0x5600 }, { 1391, 0x0000 }, { 1391, 0x0400 }, + { 1392, 0x0006 }, { 1394, 0x0002 }, { 1395, 0x8220 }, { 1398, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5d00 */ + { 1398, 0x0000 }, { 1398, 0x0121 }, { 1401, 0x9000 }, { 1403, 0x4000 }, + { 1404, 0x0140 }, { 1406, 0x08c0 }, { 1409, 0x0000 }, { 1409, 0x0011 }, + { 1411, 0x4820 }, { 1414, 0x0000 }, { 1414, 0x0810 }, { 1416, 0x0240 }, + { 1418, 0x0002 }, { 1419, 0x0880 }, { 1421, 0x0000 }, { 1421, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x5e00 */ + { 1422, 0x0a00 }, { 1424, 0x0004 }, { 1425, 0x4000 }, { 1426, 0x0000 }, + { 1426, 0x0104 }, { 1428, 0x4000 }, { 1429, 0x0000 }, { 1429, 0x8400 }, + { 1431, 0x0048 }, { 1433, 0x0000 }, { 1433, 0x0000 }, { 1433, 0x2000 }, + { 1434, 0x2000 }, { 1435, 0x0001 }, { 1436, 0x0000 }, { 1436, 0x1b10 }, + /* 0x5f00 */ + { 1441, 0x7000 }, { 1444, 0x0000 }, { 1444, 0x0020 }, { 1445, 0x0400 }, + { 1446, 0x2000 }, { 1447, 0x1003 }, { 1450, 0x000a }, { 1452, 0x0804 }, + { 1454, 0x0008 }, { 1455, 0x0000 }, { 1455, 0x0090 }, { 1457, 0x0402 }, + { 1459, 0x0010 }, { 1460, 0x8800 }, { 1462, 0x0000 }, { 1462, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6000 */ + { 1462, 0x0000 }, { 1462, 0x0000 }, { 1462, 0x0008 }, { 1463, 0x0802 }, + { 1465, 0x0400 }, { 1466, 0x0004 }, { 1467, 0x0000 }, { 1467, 0x40a0 }, + { 1470, 0x0000 }, { 1470, 0x4000 }, { 1471, 0x0090 }, { 1473, 0x0008 }, + { 1474, 0x0000 }, { 1474, 0x4080 }, { 1476, 0x0388 }, { 1480, 0x2000 }, + /* 0x6100 */ + { 1481, 0x1080 }, { 1483, 0x0200 }, { 1484, 0x0000 }, { 1484, 0x2001 }, + { 1486, 0x0004 }, { 1487, 0x1201 }, { 1490, 0x8011 }, { 1493, 0x2000 }, + { 1494, 0x0082 }, { 1496, 0x1320 }, { 1500, 0x0000 }, { 1500, 0x0280 }, + { 1502, 0x8001 }, { 1504, 0x0409 }, { 1507, 0x0004 }, { 1508, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6200 */ + { 1508, 0x0000 }, { 1508, 0x0000 }, { 1508, 0x1000 }, { 1509, 0x0280 }, + { 1511, 0x1000 }, { 1512, 0x0000 }, { 1512, 0x0100 }, { 1513, 0x0000 }, + { 1513, 0x0024 }, { 1515, 0x2001 }, { 1517, 0x0050 }, { 1519, 0x0000 }, + { 1519, 0x0028 }, { 1521, 0x8020 }, { 1523, 0x0020 }, { 1524, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6300 */ + { 1524, 0x0000 }, { 1524, 0x0100 }, { 1525, 0x4000 }, { 1526, 0x00a2 }, + { 1529, 0x0000 }, { 1529, 0x0000 }, { 1529, 0x1010 }, { 1531, 0x8200 }, + { 1533, 0x0800 }, { 1534, 0x0000 }, { 1534, 0x0000 }, { 1534, 0x0200 }, + { 1535, 0x0002 }, { 1536, 0x4002 }, { 1538, 0x0044 }, { 1540, 0x5900 }, + /* 0x6400 */ + { 1544, 0x0080 }, { 1545, 0x0000 }, { 1545, 0x0000 }, { 1545, 0x0d04 }, + { 1549, 0x0000 }, { 1549, 0x0400 }, { 1550, 0x0000 }, { 1550, 0x1002 }, + { 1552, 0x2000 }, { 1553, 0x0002 }, { 1554, 0x8000 }, { 1555, 0x0050 }, + { 1557, 0x0001 }, { 1558, 0x2008 }, { 1560, 0x04a2 }, { 1564, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6500 */ + { 1564, 0x0400 }, { 1565, 0xc002 }, { 1568, 0x0000 }, { 1568, 0x0031 }, + { 1571, 0x2000 }, { 1572, 0x8000 }, { 1573, 0x2800 }, { 1575, 0x0000 }, + { 1575, 0x0360 }, { 1579, 0x0000 }, { 1579, 0x0000 }, { 1579, 0x4020 }, + { 1581, 0x0000 }, { 1581, 0x0012 }, { 1583, 0x0009 }, { 1585, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x6600 */ + { 1586, 0x0000 }, { 1586, 0x4100 }, { 1588, 0x0008 }, { 1589, 0x0001 }, + { 1590, 0x0910 }, { 1593, 0x0088 }, { 1595, 0x0888 }, { 1598, 0x2008 }, + { 1600, 0x4020 }, { 1602, 0x0404 }, { 1604, 0x2010 }, { 1606, 0x8048 }, + { 1609, 0x6000 }, { 1611, 0x0000 }, { 1611, 0x0000 }, { 1611, 0x0002 }, + /* 0x6700 */ + { 1612, 0x5004 }, { 1615, 0x4040 }, { 1617, 0x0020 }, { 1618, 0x0040 }, + { 1619, 0x0010 }, { 1620, 0x0000 }, { 1620, 0x0086 }, { 1623, 0x0000 }, + { 1623, 0x8000 }, { 1624, 0x0000 }, { 1624, 0x1011 }, { 1627, 0x8002 }, + { 1629, 0x0000 }, { 1629, 0x00c0 }, { 1631, 0x0000 }, { 1631, 0x4200 }, + /* 0x6800 */ + { 1633, 0x201f }, { 1639, 0x4801 }, { 1642, 0x0004 }, { 1643, 0x40c0 }, + { 1646, 0x0480 }, { 1648, 0x2060 }, { 1651, 0x0020 }, { 1652, 0x0000 }, + { 1652, 0x0110 }, { 1654, 0x0100 }, { 1655, 0x0040 }, { 1656, 0x2240 }, + { 1659, 0x0428 }, { 1662, 0x0000 }, { 1662, 0x0000 }, { 1662, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6900 */ + { 1662, 0x020f }, { 1667, 0x0d00 }, { 1670, 0x1000 }, { 1671, 0x4040 }, + { 1673, 0x0048 }, { 1675, 0x0020 }, { 1676, 0x0092 }, { 1679, 0x000c }, + { 1681, 0x0421 }, { 1684, 0x8100 }, { 1686, 0x0004 }, { 1687, 0x0004 }, + { 1688, 0x0001 }, { 1689, 0x0062 }, { 1692, 0x0202 }, { 1694, 0x0600 }, + /* 0x6a00 */ + { 1696, 0x1808 }, { 1699, 0x1400 }, { 1701, 0x3800 }, { 1704, 0x0008 }, + { 1705, 0x1020 }, { 1707, 0x008c }, { 1710, 0x0020 }, { 1711, 0x0412 }, + { 1714, 0x8404 }, { 1717, 0x2200 }, { 1719, 0x0880 }, { 1721, 0x4026 }, + { 1725, 0x0700 }, { 1728, 0x0110 }, { 1730, 0x0000 }, { 1730, 0x0040 }, + /* 0x6b00 */ + { 1731, 0x0020 }, { 1732, 0x2000 }, { 1733, 0x0000 }, { 1733, 0x0020 }, + { 1734, 0x0000 }, { 1734, 0x0084 }, { 1736, 0x8000 }, { 1737, 0x0410 }, + { 1739, 0x0002 }, { 1740, 0x0000 }, { 1740, 0x0000 }, { 1740, 0x0000 }, + { 1740, 0x0002 }, { 1741, 0x1000 }, { 1742, 0x0402 }, { 1744, 0x0400 }, + /* 0x6c00 */ + { 1745, 0x0000 }, { 1745, 0x1000 }, { 1746, 0x0000 }, { 1746, 0x26a2 }, + { 1752, 0x0200 }, { 1753, 0x0500 }, { 1755, 0x4000 }, { 1756, 0x8220 }, + { 1759, 0x0000 }, { 1759, 0x8000 }, { 1760, 0x8404 }, { 1763, 0x0004 }, + { 1764, 0x4800 }, { 1766, 0x8000 }, { 1767, 0x0400 }, { 1768, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6d00 */ + { 1768, 0x0064 }, { 1771, 0x0000 }, { 1771, 0x0050 }, { 1773, 0x0000 }, + { 1773, 0x4000 }, { 1774, 0x1880 }, { 1777, 0x0000 }, { 1777, 0x0006 }, + { 1779, 0x8002 }, { 1781, 0x0040 }, { 1782, 0x0030 }, { 1784, 0x0202 }, + { 1786, 0x0000 }, { 1786, 0x0000 }, { 1786, 0x0000 }, { 1786, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6e00 */ + { 1786, 0x8414 }, { 1790, 0x0120 }, { 1792, 0x0600 }, { 1794, 0x0000 }, + { 1794, 0x8000 }, { 1795, 0x0201 }, { 1797, 0x0000 }, { 1797, 0x1040 }, + { 1799, 0x0840 }, { 1801, 0x0400 }, { 1802, 0x0000 }, { 1802, 0x0920 }, + { 1805, 0x0000 }, { 1805, 0x2e00 }, { 1809, 0x0304 }, { 1812, 0x0400 }, + /* 0x6f00 */ + { 1813, 0x1810 }, { 1816, 0x00c0 }, { 1818, 0x0010 }, { 1819, 0x2010 }, + { 1821, 0x0010 }, { 1822, 0x1040 }, { 1824, 0x0000 }, { 1824, 0x0210 }, + { 1826, 0x0402 }, { 1828, 0xa000 }, { 1830, 0x0000 }, { 1830, 0x4820 }, + { 1833, 0x0000 }, { 1833, 0x0608 }, { 1836, 0x0000 }, { 1836, 0x0140 }, + /* 0x7000 */ + { 1838, 0x0008 }, { 1839, 0x4000 }, { 1840, 0x1000 }, { 1841, 0x0000 }, + { 1841, 0x0800 }, { 1842, 0x1011 }, { 1845, 0x9080 }, { 1848, 0xc220 }, + { 1852, 0x8a02 }, { 1856, 0x0000 }, { 1856, 0x00e9 }, { 1861, 0x3a00 }, + { 1865, 0x1011 }, { 1868, 0x8061 }, { 1872, 0x0000 }, { 1872, 0x4022 }, + /* 0x7100 */ + { 1875, 0x0020 }, { 1876, 0x2000 }, { 1877, 0x1a00 }, { 1880, 0x4838 }, + { 1885, 0x8421 }, { 1889, 0x0002 }, { 1890, 0x0800 }, { 1891, 0x54ea }, + { 1899, 0x5100 }, { 1902, 0x0140 }, { 1904, 0x200c }, { 1907, 0x0490 }, + { 1910, 0x0000 }, { 1910, 0x2002 }, { 1912, 0x0800 }, { 1913, 0x0060 }, + /* 0x7200 */ + { 1915, 0xc200 }, { 1918, 0x00e0 }, { 1921, 0x4810 }, { 1924, 0x0000 }, + { 1924, 0x0001 }, { 1925, 0x10a1 }, { 1929, 0x0040 }, { 1930, 0x0000 }, + { 1930, 0x8084 }, { 1933, 0x8010 }, { 1935, 0x2000 }, { 1936, 0x0004 }, + { 1937, 0x2000 }, { 1938, 0x0000 }, { 1938, 0x0004 }, { 1939, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7300 */ + { 1939, 0x0014 }, { 1941, 0x0001 }, { 1942, 0x5d00 }, { 1947, 0x0300 }, + { 1949, 0x8102 }, { 1952, 0x0000 }, { 1952, 0x0000 }, { 1952, 0x0012 }, + { 1954, 0x8000 }, { 1955, 0x5100 }, { 1958, 0x0480 }, { 1960, 0x0000 }, + { 1960, 0xc200 }, { 1963, 0x0021 }, { 1965, 0x8056 }, { 1970, 0x0a88 }, + /* 0x7400 */ + { 1974, 0x0000 }, { 1974, 0xd2b6 }, { 1983, 0x0000 }, { 1983, 0x1380 }, + { 1987, 0x03a8 }, { 1992, 0x2048 }, { 1995, 0x1921 }, { 2000, 0x0450 }, + { 2003, 0x3004 }, { 2006, 0x0a00 }, { 2008, 0x0010 }, { 2009, 0x0010 }, + { 2010, 0x1100 }, { 2012, 0x0009 }, { 2014, 0x0080 }, { 2015, 0x0107 }, + /* 0x7500 */ + { 2019, 0x4020 }, { 2021, 0x4200 }, { 2023, 0x0000 }, { 2023, 0x0830 }, + { 2026, 0x2444 }, { 2030, 0x002a }, { 2033, 0x6081 }, { 2037, 0x0404 }, + { 2039, 0x6008 }, { 2042, 0x4004 }, { 2044, 0x0000 }, { 2044, 0x0012 }, + { 2046, 0x0108 }, { 2048, 0x1000 }, { 2049, 0x0000 }, { 2049, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7600 */ + { 2049, 0x0084 }, { 2051, 0x0000 }, { 2051, 0x1000 }, { 2052, 0x0800 }, + { 2053, 0xe001 }, { 2057, 0x0012 }, { 2059, 0x80c0 }, { 2062, 0x0458 }, + { 2066, 0x0000 }, { 2066, 0x0001 }, { 2067, 0x0022 }, { 2069, 0x0080 }, + { 2070, 0x1000 }, { 2071, 0x0040 }, { 2072, 0x0000 }, { 2072, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7700 */ + { 2072, 0xd000 }, { 2075, 0x4000 }, { 2076, 0x0850 }, { 2079, 0x0000 }, + { 2079, 0x0009 }, { 2081, 0x0100 }, { 2082, 0x0000 }, { 2082, 0x0d84 }, + { 2087, 0x0000 }, { 2087, 0x0108 }, { 2089, 0x8000 }, { 2090, 0x4200 }, + { 2092, 0x0828 }, { 2095, 0x0000 }, { 2095, 0x0040 }, { 2096, 0x4010 }, + /* 0x7800 */ + { 2098, 0x0100 }, { 2099, 0x5100 }, { 2102, 0x0000 }, { 2102, 0x3200 }, + { 2105, 0x0894 }, { 2109, 0x001a }, { 2112, 0x0040 }, { 2113, 0x0400 }, + { 2114, 0x2102 }, { 2117, 0x0000 }, { 2117, 0x8000 }, { 2118, 0x0342 }, + { 2122, 0x0080 }, { 2123, 0x018c }, { 2127, 0x4000 }, { 2128, 0x0023 }, + /* 0x7900 */ + { 2131, 0x0040 }, { 2132, 0x0000 }, { 2132, 0x4000 }, { 2133, 0x185c }, + { 2139, 0x0000 }, { 2139, 0x0300 }, { 2141, 0x0004 }, { 2142, 0x4002 }, + { 2144, 0x00c9 }, { 2148, 0xa202 }, { 2152, 0x0220 }, { 2154, 0x0000 }, + { 2154, 0x1050 }, { 2157, 0x0010 }, { 2158, 0x0004 }, { 2159, 0x0012 }, + /* 0x7a00 */ + { 2161, 0x0040 }, { 2162, 0x0000 }, { 2162, 0x2000 }, { 2163, 0x4400 }, + { 2165, 0x0228 }, { 2168, 0x0000 }, { 2168, 0x0020 }, { 2169, 0x2000 }, + { 2170, 0x0008 }, { 2171, 0x0002 }, { 2172, 0x0000 }, { 2172, 0x1801 }, + { 2175, 0x830c }, { 2180, 0x3c08 }, { 2185, 0x0684 }, { 2189, 0x4000 }, + /* 0x7b00 */ + { 2190, 0x1800 }, { 2192, 0x8010 }, { 2194, 0x0280 }, { 2196, 0x0200 }, + { 2197, 0x000c }, { 2199, 0x0020 }, { 2200, 0x9004 }, { 2203, 0x0800 }, + { 2204, 0x0000 }, { 2204, 0x0004 }, { 2205, 0x000c }, { 2207, 0x0004 }, + { 2208, 0x8000 }, { 2209, 0x0001 }, { 2210, 0x0000 }, { 2210, 0x1400 }, + /* 0x7c00 */ + { 2212, 0x0000 }, { 2212, 0x0824 }, { 2215, 0x0000 }, { 2215, 0x0020 }, + { 2216, 0x0014 }, { 2218, 0x2042 }, { 2221, 0x2000 }, { 2222, 0x5811 }, + { 2227, 0x4048 }, { 2230, 0x1000 }, { 2231, 0x50c0 }, { 2235, 0x0100 }, + { 2236, 0x2284 }, { 2240, 0x0408 }, { 2242, 0x2040 }, { 2244, 0x1228 }, + /* 0x7d00 */ + { 2248, 0x0000 }, { 2248, 0x0000 }, { 2248, 0x0020 }, { 2249, 0x0000 }, + { 2249, 0x2000 }, { 2250, 0x2400 }, { 2252, 0x0000 }, { 2252, 0x0000 }, + { 2252, 0x0200 }, { 2253, 0x0080 }, { 2254, 0x0910 }, { 2257, 0x0008 }, + { 2258, 0xa000 }, { 2260, 0x1019 }, { 2264, 0x0030 }, { 2266, 0x6020 }, + /* 0x7e00 */ + { 2269, 0x0080 }, { 2270, 0x0000 }, { 2270, 0x0080 }, { 2271, 0x0000 }, + { 2271, 0x0000 }, { 2271, 0x0000 }, { 2271, 0x40a0 }, { 2274, 0x8000 }, + { 2275, 0x4000 }, { 2276, 0x8004 }, { 2278, 0x1010 }, { 2280, 0x0400 }, + { 2281, 0x8080 }, { 2283, 0x8000 }, { 2284, 0x0000 }, { 2284, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7f00 */ + { 2284, 0x0040 }, { 2285, 0x0000 }, { 2285, 0x0000 }, { 2285, 0x0080 }, + { 2286, 0x4283 }, { 2291, 0x000c }, { 2293, 0x0000 }, { 2293, 0x0102 }, + { 2295, 0x8000 }, { 2296, 0x0088 }, { 2298, 0x4008 }, { 2300, 0x0010 }, + { 2301, 0x0000 }, { 2301, 0x2000 }, { 2302, 0x0080 }, { 2303, 0x0400 }, + /* 0x8000 */ + { 2304, 0x0104 }, { 2306, 0x2000 }, { 2307, 0xc021 }, { 2311, 0x1802 }, + { 2314, 0x0000 }, { 2314, 0x0810 }, { 2316, 0x004e }, { 2320, 0x0000 }, + { 2320, 0x0001 }, { 2321, 0x8000 }, { 2322, 0x0080 }, { 2323, 0x30c0 }, + { 2327, 0x0040 }, { 2328, 0x0000 }, { 2328, 0x1200 }, { 2330, 0x0040 }, + /* 0x8100 */ + { 2331, 0x5288 }, { 2336, 0x0494 }, { 2340, 0x0400 }, { 2341, 0x0094 }, + { 2344, 0x0104 }, { 2346, 0x0640 }, { 2349, 0x2000 }, { 2350, 0x1000 }, + { 2351, 0x0010 }, { 2352, 0x0008 }, { 2353, 0x0420 }, { 2355, 0x0040 }, + { 2356, 0x0102 }, { 2358, 0x0000 }, { 2358, 0x8010 }, { 2360, 0x0040 }, + /* 0x8200 */ + { 2361, 0x0000 }, { 2361, 0x0500 }, { 2363, 0x2240 }, { 2366, 0x4000 }, + { 2367, 0x0000 }, { 2367, 0x0010 }, { 2368, 0x0024 }, { 2370, 0x0e40 }, + { 2374, 0x0080 }, { 2375, 0x0000 }, { 2375, 0x0440 }, { 2377, 0x0000 }, + { 2377, 0x8410 }, { 2380, 0x0101 }, { 2382, 0x4004 }, { 2384, 0xb080 }, + /* 0x8300 */ + { 2388, 0x0800 }, { 2389, 0x2500 }, { 2392, 0x0000 }, { 2392, 0x2000 }, + { 2393, 0x0000 }, { 2393, 0x0080 }, { 2394, 0x804c }, { 2398, 0x0000 }, + { 2398, 0x0020 }, { 2399, 0x1002 }, { 2401, 0x1000 }, { 2402, 0x4200 }, + { 2404, 0x2000 }, { 2405, 0x0008 }, { 2406, 0x2000 }, { 2407, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8400 */ + { 2407, 0x0020 }, { 2408, 0x1150 }, { 2412, 0x4053 }, { 2417, 0x4000 }, + { 2418, 0x0500 }, { 2420, 0x1128 }, { 2424, 0x0014 }, { 2426, 0x8006 }, + { 2429, 0x0101 }, { 2431, 0x004c }, { 2434, 0x2008 }, { 2436, 0x6000 }, + { 2438, 0x0000 }, { 2438, 0x4400 }, { 2440, 0x0036 }, { 2444, 0x0100 }, + /* 0x8500 */ + { 2445, 0x0028 }, { 2447, 0x0001 }, { 2448, 0x0000 }, { 2448, 0x0118 }, + { 2451, 0x1804 }, { 2454, 0x0404 }, { 2456, 0x8000 }, { 2457, 0x0009 }, + { 2459, 0x0000 }, { 2459, 0x0000 }, { 2459, 0x0000 }, { 2459, 0x0000 }, + { 2459, 0x0002 }, { 2460, 0x0000 }, { 2460, 0x4001 }, { 2462, 0x1000 }, + /* 0x8600 */ + { 2463, 0x2004 }, { 2465, 0x0051 }, { 2468, 0x8100 }, { 2470, 0x0000 }, + { 2470, 0x0024 }, { 2472, 0x0000 }, { 2472, 0x1000 }, { 2473, 0x4004 }, + { 2475, 0x0000 }, { 2475, 0x0004 }, { 2476, 0x2001 }, { 2478, 0x0004 }, + { 2479, 0x0000 }, { 2479, 0x0000 }, { 2479, 0x8000 }, { 2480, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8700 */ + { 2480, 0x0000 }, { 2480, 0x0000 }, { 2480, 0x0000 }, { 2480, 0x0000 }, + { 2480, 0x0000 }, { 2480, 0x0000 }, { 2480, 0x0000 }, { 2480, 0x2003 }, + { 2483, 0x1840 }, { 2486, 0x0000 }, { 2486, 0x0220 }, { 2488, 0x0002 }, + { 2489, 0x4002 }, { 2491, 0x0440 }, { 2493, 0x4000 }, { 2494, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x8800 */ + { 2495, 0x8010 }, { 2497, 0x0100 }, { 2498, 0x2080 }, { 2500, 0x0000 }, + { 2500, 0x8064 }, { 2504, 0x4000 }, { 2505, 0x4031 }, { 2509, 0x0000 }, + { 2509, 0x0090 }, { 2511, 0x1000 }, { 2512, 0x4001 }, { 2514, 0x8030 }, + { 2517, 0x80a0 }, { 2520, 0x0000 }, { 2520, 0x0040 }, { 2521, 0x8020 }, + /* 0x8900 */ + { 2523, 0x0001 }, { 2524, 0x0000 }, { 2524, 0x0010 }, { 2525, 0x0000 }, + { 2525, 0x2088 }, { 2528, 0x0010 }, { 2529, 0x0020 }, { 2530, 0x0080 }, + { 2531, 0x0681 }, { 2535, 0x0012 }, { 2537, 0x02a0 }, { 2540, 0x1000 }, + { 2541, 0x0042 }, { 2543, 0x0000 }, { 2543, 0x0080 }, { 2544, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8a00 */ + { 2544, 0x0000 }, { 2544, 0x1000 }, { 2545, 0x0a00 }, { 2547, 0x2100 }, + { 2549, 0x0200 }, { 2550, 0x0000 }, { 2550, 0x0080 }, { 2551, 0x4000 }, + { 2552, 0x0000 }, { 2552, 0x1011 }, { 2555, 0x8200 }, { 2557, 0x0010 }, + { 2558, 0x0000 }, { 2558, 0x0400 }, { 2559, 0x0400 }, { 2560, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8b00 */ + { 2560, 0x1000 }, { 2561, 0x8000 }, { 2562, 0x2000 }, { 2563, 0x8000 }, + { 2564, 0x3008 }, { 2567, 0x4000 }, { 2568, 0x0204 }, { 2570, 0x0000 }, + { 2570, 0x0002 }, { 2571, 0x0801 }, { 2573, 0x0001 }, { 2574, 0x4000 }, + { 2575, 0x0000 }, { 2575, 0x0000 }, { 2575, 0x0004 }, { 2576, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8c00 */ + { 2576, 0x0000 }, { 2576, 0x0000 }, { 2576, 0x0000 }, { 2576, 0x0000 }, + { 2576, 0x0000 }, { 2576, 0x0002 }, { 2577, 0x0000 }, { 2577, 0x0000 }, + { 2577, 0x0000 }, { 2577, 0x8800 }, { 2579, 0x2000 }, { 2580, 0x0000 }, + { 2580, 0x2000 }, { 2581, 0x0850 }, { 2584, 0x0a00 }, { 2586, 0x0084 }, + /* 0x8d00 */ + { 2588, 0x1808 }, { 2591, 0x3106 }, { 2596, 0x0000 }, { 2596, 0x0000 }, + { 2596, 0x0000 }, { 2596, 0x0000 }, { 2596, 0x0000 }, { 2596, 0x0400 }, + { 2597, 0x0004 }, { 2598, 0x0000 }, { 2598, 0x0240 }, { 2600, 0x0000 }, + { 2600, 0x0009 }, { 2602, 0x0010 }, { 2603, 0x0000 }, { 2603, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8e00 */ + { 2603, 0x4002 }, { 2605, 0x0000 }, { 2605, 0x2500 }, { 2608, 0x0400 }, + { 2609, 0x8040 }, { 2611, 0x0000 }, { 2611, 0x0100 }, { 2612, 0x40a2 }, + { 2616, 0x0001 }, { 2617, 0x0000 }, { 2617, 0x2080 }, { 2619, 0x1041 }, + { 2622, 0x4008 }, { 2624, 0x0400 }, { 2625, 0x2014 }, { 2628, 0x0004 }, + /* 0x8f00 */ + { 2629, 0x0000 }, { 2629, 0x0200 }, { 2630, 0x2000 }, { 2631, 0x0001 }, + { 2632, 0x0402 }, { 2634, 0x1000 }, { 2635, 0x40c0 }, { 2638, 0x0000 }, + { 2638, 0x0000 }, { 2638, 0x0008 }, { 2639, 0x0021 }, { 2641, 0x5fe8 }, + { 2651, 0x1402 }, { 2654, 0x0401 }, { 2656, 0x0000 }, { 2656, 0x0200 }, + /* 0x9000 */ + { 2657, 0x0100 }, { 2658, 0x0004 }, { 2659, 0x0000 }, { 2659, 0x0088 }, + { 2661, 0x1000 }, { 2662, 0x0040 }, { 2663, 0x1012 }, { 2666, 0x0000 }, + { 2666, 0x0000 }, { 2666, 0x0000 }, { 2666, 0x4100 }, { 2668, 0x0800 }, + { 2669, 0x0010 }, { 2670, 0x0000 }, { 2670, 0x0000 }, { 2670, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9100 */ + { 2670, 0x0000 }, { 2670, 0x0000 }, { 2670, 0x0000 }, { 2670, 0x0000 }, + { 2670, 0x0000 }, { 2670, 0x5202 }, { 2674, 0x0080 }, { 2675, 0x1041 }, + { 2678, 0x5000 }, { 2680, 0x0000 }, { 2680, 0x0200 }, { 2681, 0x0840 }, + { 2683, 0x0010 }, { 2684, 0x8040 }, { 2686, 0x0020 }, { 2687, 0x4400 }, + /* 0x9200 */ + { 2689, 0x4100 }, { 2691, 0x0008 }, { 2692, 0x0d00 }, { 2695, 0x1020 }, + { 2697, 0x0012 }, { 2699, 0xa120 }, { 2703, 0x4804 }, { 2706, 0x0080 }, + { 2707, 0x8212 }, { 2711, 0x0000 }, { 2711, 0x4000 }, { 2712, 0xc602 }, + { 2717, 0x0000 }, { 2717, 0x0810 }, { 2719, 0x1828 }, { 2723, 0x205c }, + /* 0x9300 */ + { 2728, 0x0088 }, { 2730, 0x0000 }, { 2730, 0x1000 }, { 2731, 0x0003 }, + { 2733, 0x013f }, { 2740, 0x8000 }, { 2741, 0x4b44 }, { 2747, 0x2118 }, + { 2751, 0x00f2 }, { 2756, 0x1001 }, { 2758, 0x2001 }, { 2760, 0xa900 }, + { 2764, 0x0840 }, { 2766, 0x0808 }, { 2768, 0x0001 }, { 2769, 0x000b }, + /* 0x9400 */ + { 2772, 0x0112 }, { 2775, 0x2880 }, { 2778, 0x20f0 }, { 2783, 0x4000 }, + { 2784, 0x200c }, { 2787, 0x0910 }, { 2790, 0x10a0 }, { 2793, 0x0a00 }, + { 2795, 0x0020 }, { 2796, 0x8000 }, { 2797, 0x0004 }, { 2798, 0x0000 }, + { 2798, 0x000a }, { 2800, 0x1000 }, { 2801, 0x0000 }, { 2801, 0x0040 }, + /* 0x9500 */ + { 2802, 0x0000 }, { 2802, 0x0000 }, { 2802, 0x2000 }, { 2803, 0x0000 }, + { 2803, 0x0080 }, { 2804, 0x0000 }, { 2804, 0x0000 }, { 2804, 0x8100 }, + { 2806, 0x0020 }, { 2807, 0x02c0 }, { 2810, 0x04c5 }, { 2815, 0x0000 }, + { 2815, 0x0000 }, { 2815, 0x0000 }, { 2815, 0x0100 }, { 2816, 0x0010 }, + /* 0x9600 */ + { 2817, 0x0000 }, { 2817, 0x2000 }, { 2818, 0x0000 }, { 2818, 0x0108 }, + { 2820, 0x0022 }, { 2822, 0x0040 }, { 2823, 0x0200 }, { 2824, 0x0800 }, + { 2825, 0x8002 }, { 2827, 0x0040 }, { 2828, 0x0028 }, { 2830, 0x2040 }, + { 2832, 0x0000 }, { 2832, 0x0000 }, { 2832, 0x0000 }, { 2832, 0x0010 }, + /* 0x9700 */ + { 2833, 0x0008 }, { 2834, 0x0800 }, { 2835, 0x0002 }, { 2836, 0x0042 }, + { 2838, 0x0003 }, { 2840, 0xa082 }, { 2844, 0x2000 }, { 2845, 0x0002 }, + { 2846, 0x0280 }, { 2848, 0x8800 }, { 2850, 0x0000 }, { 2850, 0x6516 }, + { 2857, 0x0105 }, { 2860, 0x0004 }, { 2861, 0x4041 }, { 2864, 0x0024 }, + /* 0x9800 */ + { 2866, 0x0000 }, { 2866, 0x8030 }, { 2869, 0x4008 }, { 2871, 0x0018 }, + { 2873, 0x0880 }, { 2875, 0x0000 }, { 2875, 0x1040 }, { 2877, 0x0020 }, + { 2878, 0x0000 }, { 2878, 0x0000 }, { 2878, 0x0000 }, { 2878, 0x0290 }, + { 2881, 0x4588 }, { 2886, 0x5000 }, { 2888, 0x1043 }, { 2892, 0x0022 }, + /* 0x9900 */ + { 2894, 0x4000 }, { 2895, 0x1200 }, { 2897, 0x0000 }, { 2897, 0x0b80 }, + { 2901, 0x2405 }, { 2905, 0x2000 }, { 2906, 0x000c }, { 2908, 0x0000 }, + { 2908, 0x0000 }, { 2908, 0x0800 }, { 2909, 0x0410 }, { 2911, 0x1100 }, + { 2913, 0x0030 }, { 2915, 0x0400 }, { 2916, 0x0042 }, { 2918, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x9a00 */ + { 2919, 0x1000 }, { 2920, 0x8001 }, { 2922, 0x8042 }, { 2925, 0x1800 }, + { 2927, 0x0000 }, { 2927, 0x1100 }, { 2929, 0x1008 }, { 2931, 0x0000 }, + { 2931, 0x8000 }, { 2932, 0x0000 }, { 2932, 0x0000 }, { 2932, 0x2444 }, + { 2936, 0x0000 }, { 2936, 0x0080 }, { 2937, 0x0005 }, { 2939, 0x8010 }, + /* 0x9b00 */ + { 2941, 0x8204 }, { 2944, 0x0010 }, { 2945, 0x2400 }, { 2947, 0x0210 }, + { 2949, 0x0001 }, { 2950, 0x0001 }, { 2951, 0x0200 }, { 2952, 0x8000 }, + { 2953, 0xe80a }, { 2959, 0xa080 }, { 2962, 0x0000 }, { 2962, 0x0001 }, + { 2963, 0x8000 }, { 2964, 0x2000 }, { 2965, 0x2200 }, { 2967, 0x8012 }, + /* 0x9c00 */ + { 2970, 0x1404 }, { 2973, 0x8821 }, { 2977, 0x8041 }, { 2980, 0x0420 }, + { 2982, 0x8020 }, { 2984, 0x2008 }, { 2986, 0x0000 }, { 2986, 0x1804 }, + { 2989, 0x0000 }, { 2989, 0x0000 }, { 2989, 0x0000 }, { 2989, 0x0000 }, + { 2989, 0x0000 }, { 2989, 0x0000 }, { 2989, 0x0000 }, { 2989, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9d00 */ + { 2989, 0x1004 }, { 2991, 0x0040 }, { 2992, 0x0002 }, { 2993, 0x0210 }, + { 2995, 0x4210 }, { 2998, 0x4001 }, { 3000, 0x6000 }, { 3002, 0x5000 }, + { 3004, 0x0008 }, { 3005, 0x0008 }, { 3006, 0x0820 }, { 3008, 0x2000 }, + { 3009, 0x0211 }, { 3012, 0x0010 }, { 3013, 0x0000 }, { 3013, 0x1000 }, + /* 0x9e00 */ + { 3014, 0x5400 }, { 3017, 0x9100 }, { 3020, 0x0000 }, { 3020, 0x0000 }, + { 3020, 0x0000 }, { 3020, 0x0000 }, { 3020, 0x0000 }, { 3020, 0x0800 }, + { 3021, 0x0032 }, { 3024, 0x4161 }, { 3029, 0x9d44 }, { 3036, 0xa002 }, + { 3039, 0x00d2 }, { 3043, 0x0000 }, { 3043, 0x0004 }, { 3044, 0x4102 }, + /* 0x9f00 */ + { 3047, 0x0104 }, { 3049, 0x0080 }, { 3050, 0x00c0 }, { 3052, 0x0200 }, + { 3053, 0x0030 }, { 3055, 0x0409 }, { 3058, 0x0204 }, { 3060, 0x8000 }, + { 3061, 0x4000 }, { 3062, 0x8200 }, { 3064, 0x0020 }, { 3065, 0x0003 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs1999_uni2indx_pagef9[1] = { + /* 0xf900 */ + { 3067, 0x0080 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs1999_uni2indx_pageff[15] = { + /* 0xff00 */ + { 3068, 0x0084 }, { 3070, 0x0000 }, { 3070, 0x0000 }, { 3070, 0x2800 }, + { 3072, 0x0000 }, { 3072, 0x0000 }, { 3072, 0x0000 }, { 3072, 0x0000 }, + { 3072, 0x0000 }, { 3072, 0x0000 }, { 3072, 0x0000 }, { 3072, 0x0000 }, + { 3072, 0x0000 }, { 3072, 0x0000 }, { 3072, 0x2014 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs1999_uni2indx_page200[2335] = { + /* 0x20000 */ + { 3075, 0x0000 }, { 3075, 0x0000 }, { 3075, 0x0002 }, { 3076, 0x4000 }, + { 3077, 0x4040 }, { 3079, 0x0000 }, { 3079, 0x0100 }, { 3080, 0x0000 }, + { 3080, 0x04c0 }, { 3083, 0x0010 }, { 3084, 0x0000 }, { 3084, 0x0000 }, + { 3084, 0x3c00 }, { 3088, 0x0002 }, { 3089, 0x4000 }, { 3090, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20100 */ + { 3090, 0x5000 }, { 3092, 0x0100 }, { 3093, 0x0000 }, { 3093, 0x0000 }, + { 3093, 0x0000 }, { 3093, 0x0000 }, { 3093, 0x0000 }, { 3093, 0x0000 }, + { 3093, 0x0000 }, { 3093, 0x0000 }, { 3093, 0x0a00 }, { 3095, 0x0000 }, + { 3095, 0x0002 }, { 3096, 0x0010 }, { 3097, 0x0000 }, { 3097, 0x0004 }, + /* 0x20200 */ + { 3098, 0x1010 }, { 3100, 0x0010 }, { 3101, 0x0000 }, { 3101, 0x0000 }, + { 3101, 0x0000 }, { 3101, 0x0800 }, { 3102, 0x0000 }, { 3102, 0x0030 }, + { 3104, 0x0000 }, { 3104, 0x4200 }, { 3106, 0x0001 }, { 3107, 0x8080 }, + { 3109, 0x0001 }, { 3110, 0x0000 }, { 3110, 0x0020 }, { 3111, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20300 */ + { 3111, 0x0400 }, { 3112, 0x0000 }, { 3112, 0x0020 }, { 3113, 0x0000 }, + { 3113, 0x00e2 }, { 3117, 0x0000 }, { 3117, 0x0000 }, { 3117, 0xc000 }, + { 3119, 0x0001 }, { 3120, 0x0000 }, { 3120, 0x0081 }, { 3122, 0x0020 }, + { 3123, 0x0a00 }, { 3125, 0x0000 }, { 3125, 0x0000 }, { 3125, 0x1020 }, + /* 0x20400 */ + { 3127, 0x0000 }, { 3127, 0x8018 }, { 3130, 0x0000 }, { 3130, 0x0000 }, + { 3130, 0x0000 }, { 3130, 0x0000 }, { 3130, 0x0020 }, { 3131, 0x0000 }, + { 3131, 0x4080 }, { 3133, 0x0006 }, { 3135, 0x0008 }, { 3136, 0x0000 }, + { 3136, 0x0000 }, { 3136, 0x0080 }, { 3137, 0x0000 }, { 3137, 0x5000 }, + /* 0x20500 */ + { 3139, 0x0000 }, { 3139, 0x0000 }, { 3139, 0x0000 }, { 3139, 0x0000 }, + { 3139, 0x0080 }, { 3140, 0x0000 }, { 3140, 0x0000 }, { 3140, 0x0000 }, + { 3140, 0x4000 }, { 3141, 0x0000 }, { 3141, 0x0020 }, { 3142, 0x0008 }, + { 3143, 0x0408 }, { 3145, 0x8021 }, { 3148, 0x0801 }, { 3150, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20600 */ + { 3150, 0x0000 }, { 3150, 0x0622 }, { 3154, 0x0000 }, { 3154, 0x0001 }, + { 3155, 0x0000 }, { 3155, 0x0040 }, { 3156, 0x0000 }, { 3156, 0x0040 }, + { 3157, 0x0000 }, { 3157, 0x0000 }, { 3157, 0x0000 }, { 3157, 0x0000 }, + { 3157, 0x0000 }, { 3157, 0x0000 }, { 3157, 0x0000 }, { 3157, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20700 */ + { 3157, 0x4000 }, { 3158, 0x0000 }, { 3158, 0x0000 }, { 3158, 0x0002 }, + { 3159, 0x0000 }, { 3159, 0x0000 }, { 3159, 0x0000 }, { 3159, 0x0200 }, + { 3160, 0x0000 }, { 3160, 0x0000 }, { 3160, 0x0000 }, { 3160, 0x0000 }, + { 3160, 0x0000 }, { 3160, 0x0000 }, { 3160, 0x0000 }, { 3160, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20800 */ + { 3160, 0x0000 }, { 3160, 0x0000 }, { 3160, 0x1000 }, { 3161, 0x0000 }, + { 3161, 0x0000 }, { 3161, 0x0000 }, { 3161, 0x0000 }, { 3161, 0x0008 }, + { 3162, 0x0000 }, { 3162, 0x0000 }, { 3162, 0x0000 }, { 3162, 0x0000 }, + { 3162, 0x0000 }, { 3162, 0x0020 }, { 3163, 0x0000 }, { 3163, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20900 */ + { 3163, 0x0000 }, { 3163, 0x0040 }, { 3164, 0x0008 }, { 3165, 0x0000 }, + { 3165, 0x0000 }, { 3165, 0x0010 }, { 3166, 0x0000 }, { 3166, 0x0200 }, + { 3167, 0x0000 }, { 3167, 0x0000 }, { 3167, 0x0000 }, { 3167, 0x0000 }, + { 3167, 0x0000 }, { 3167, 0x0000 }, { 3167, 0x0080 }, { 3168, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20a00 */ + { 3168, 0x0000 }, { 3168, 0x0002 }, { 3169, 0x0000 }, { 3169, 0x0000 }, + { 3169, 0x0000 }, { 3169, 0x0001 }, { 3170, 0x0000 }, { 3170, 0x0000 }, + { 3170, 0x0000 }, { 3170, 0x0000 }, { 3170, 0x0000 }, { 3170, 0x0010 }, + { 3171, 0x2004 }, { 3173, 0x0000 }, { 3173, 0x0000 }, { 3173, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20b00 */ + { 3173, 0x2000 }, { 3174, 0x0000 }, { 3174, 0x0000 }, { 3174, 0x0000 }, + { 3174, 0x0000 }, { 3174, 0x0000 }, { 3174, 0x0000 }, { 3174, 0x0000 }, + { 3174, 0x8000 }, { 3175, 0x0000 }, { 3175, 0x0300 }, { 3177, 0x8000 }, + { 3178, 0x0840 }, { 3180, 0x0000 }, { 3180, 0x0804 }, { 3182, 0x8800 }, + /* 0x20c00 */ + { 3184, 0x2800 }, { 3186, 0x0000 }, { 3186, 0x0001 }, { 3187, 0x0c10 }, + { 3190, 0x000e }, { 3193, 0x0008 }, { 3194, 0x0020 }, { 3195, 0x1180 }, + { 3198, 0x2000 }, { 3199, 0x1040 }, { 3201, 0x0000 }, { 3201, 0x0120 }, + { 3203, 0x8000 }, { 3204, 0x2078 }, { 3209, 0x2000 }, { 3210, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x20d00 */ + { 3211, 0x0000 }, { 3211, 0x0020 }, { 3212, 0x0100 }, { 3213, 0x0006 }, + { 3215, 0x73c0 }, { 3222, 0x0000 }, { 3222, 0x8000 }, { 3223, 0xd012 }, + { 3228, 0x0000 }, { 3228, 0x1040 }, { 3230, 0x0080 }, { 3231, 0x0004 }, + { 3232, 0x0100 }, { 3233, 0x0000 }, { 3233, 0x0000 }, { 3233, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20e00 */ + { 3233, 0xe610 }, { 3239, 0x2043 }, { 3243, 0x0000 }, { 3243, 0x0000 }, + { 3243, 0x1000 }, { 3244, 0x0000 }, { 3244, 0x2000 }, { 3245, 0x0fe8 }, + { 3253, 0x1000 }, { 3254, 0x2140 }, { 3257, 0x1c04 }, { 3261, 0x0040 }, + { 3262, 0x0000 }, { 3262, 0x2180 }, { 3265, 0x0000 }, { 3265, 0x0f00 }, + /* 0x20f00 */ + { 3269, 0x0000 }, { 3269, 0x2000 }, { 3270, 0x6040 }, { 3273, 0x0803 }, + { 3276, 0x1000 }, { 3277, 0x0000 }, { 3277, 0x0010 }, { 3278, 0x0000 }, + { 3278, 0x2000 }, { 3279, 0x0001 }, { 3280, 0x2000 }, { 3281, 0x1070 }, + { 3285, 0x0000 }, { 3285, 0x8000 }, { 3286, 0x3c00 }, { 3290, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x21000 */ + { 3290, 0x0000 }, { 3290, 0x6010 }, { 3293, 0x0000 }, { 3293, 0x0000 }, + { 3293, 0x8000 }, { 3294, 0x1000 }, { 3295, 0x8000 }, { 3296, 0x09e0 }, + { 3301, 0x0100 }, { 3302, 0x2040 }, { 3304, 0x0000 }, { 3304, 0x8010 }, + { 3306, 0x8383 }, { 3312, 0x0008 }, { 3313, 0x0010 }, { 3314, 0x0070 }, + /* 0x21100 */ + { 3317, 0x0000 }, { 3317, 0x0000 }, { 3317, 0x8000 }, { 3318, 0x2800 }, + { 3320, 0x8120 }, { 3323, 0x0000 }, { 3323, 0x0000 }, { 3323, 0x0000 }, + { 3323, 0x0081 }, { 3325, 0x0000 }, { 3325, 0x0000 }, { 3325, 0x0000 }, + { 3325, 0x0000 }, { 3325, 0x0200 }, { 3326, 0x0000 }, { 3326, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x21200 */ + { 3326, 0x0000 }, { 3326, 0x0000 }, { 3326, 0x0000 }, { 3326, 0x1000 }, + { 3327, 0x8000 }, { 3328, 0x0000 }, { 3328, 0x0000 }, { 3328, 0x1000 }, + { 3329, 0x0000 }, { 3329, 0x0000 }, { 3329, 0x0300 }, { 3331, 0x0001 }, + { 3332, 0x0000 }, { 3332, 0x0000 }, { 3332, 0x0008 }, { 3333, 0x4000 }, + /* 0x21300 */ + { 3334, 0x003c }, { 3338, 0x0000 }, { 3338, 0x0000 }, { 3338, 0x0440 }, + { 3340, 0x0000 }, { 3340, 0x0000 }, { 3340, 0x0000 }, { 3340, 0x0060 }, + { 3342, 0x4000 }, { 3343, 0x1100 }, { 3345, 0x0000 }, { 3345, 0x0000 }, + { 3345, 0x0060 }, { 3347, 0x0000 }, { 3347, 0x2000 }, { 3348, 0x4000 }, + /* 0x21400 */ + { 3349, 0x0000 }, { 3349, 0x0048 }, { 3351, 0x0010 }, { 3352, 0x0000 }, + { 3352, 0x0000 }, { 3352, 0x0034 }, { 3355, 0x0000 }, { 3355, 0x0000 }, + { 3355, 0x0400 }, { 3356, 0x0080 }, { 3357, 0x0000 }, { 3357, 0x0040 }, + { 3358, 0x0000 }, { 3358, 0x0000 }, { 3358, 0x0100 }, { 3359, 0x2000 }, + /* 0x21500 */ + { 3360, 0x0000 }, { 3360, 0x0000 }, { 3360, 0x0000 }, { 3360, 0x0000 }, + { 3360, 0x0000 }, { 3360, 0x0000 }, { 3360, 0x0000 }, { 3360, 0x0080 }, + { 3361, 0x0004 }, { 3362, 0x0040 }, { 3363, 0x0000 }, { 3363, 0x0000 }, + { 3363, 0x0000 }, { 3363, 0x0000 }, { 3363, 0x0000 }, { 3363, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x21600 */ + { 3363, 0x0400 }, { 3364, 0x0208 }, { 3366, 0x0000 }, { 3366, 0x4000 }, + { 3367, 0x0000 }, { 3367, 0x0000 }, { 3367, 0x0002 }, { 3368, 0x0000 }, + { 3368, 0x0000 }, { 3368, 0x0004 }, { 3369, 0x0000 }, { 3369, 0x0500 }, + { 3371, 0x0007 }, { 3374, 0x8028 }, { 3377, 0x01c0 }, { 3380, 0x5c00 }, + /* 0x21700 */ + { 3384, 0x2000 }, { 3385, 0x0001 }, { 3386, 0x0040 }, { 3387, 0x1c00 }, + { 3390, 0x0000 }, { 3390, 0x0080 }, { 3391, 0xf000 }, { 3395, 0x001b }, + { 3399, 0x0000 }, { 3399, 0x0000 }, { 3399, 0x0800 }, { 3400, 0x003f }, + { 3406, 0x0088 }, { 3408, 0x9e00 }, { 3413, 0x8000 }, { 3414, 0x1f60 }, + /* 0x21800 */ + { 3421, 0x0000 }, { 3421, 0x0000 }, { 3421, 0x2701 }, { 3426, 0x0e00 }, + { 3429, 0x0021 }, { 3431, 0x4004 }, { 3433, 0x001e }, { 3437, 0x0880 }, + { 3439, 0x0038 }, { 3442, 0xc000 }, { 3444, 0x0007 }, { 3447, 0xc000 }, + { 3449, 0x0000 }, { 3449, 0x03c2 }, { 3454, 0x0000 }, { 3454, 0x0400 }, + /* 0x21900 */ + { 3455, 0x0038 }, { 3458, 0x1027 }, { 3463, 0x0084 }, { 3465, 0x0800 }, + { 3466, 0x0010 }, { 3467, 0x0100 }, { 3468, 0x0400 }, { 3469, 0x1000 }, + { 3470, 0x0108 }, { 3472, 0x0040 }, { 3473, 0x0000 }, { 3473, 0x0000 }, + { 3473, 0x0000 }, { 3473, 0x0800 }, { 3474, 0x0000 }, { 3474, 0x0008 }, + /* 0x21a00 */ + { 3475, 0x0000 }, { 3475, 0x0000 }, { 3475, 0x2000 }, { 3476, 0x0010 }, + { 3477, 0x0820 }, { 3479, 0x0000 }, { 3479, 0x0000 }, { 3479, 0x0000 }, + { 3479, 0x0000 }, { 3479, 0x0000 }, { 3479, 0x0000 }, { 3479, 0x0000 }, + { 3479, 0x0000 }, { 3479, 0x0000 }, { 3479, 0x0000 }, { 3479, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x21b00 */ + { 3479, 0x0000 }, { 3479, 0x0000 }, { 3479, 0x0000 }, { 3479, 0x0000 }, + { 3479, 0x0010 }, { 3480, 0x0000 }, { 3480, 0x0000 }, { 3480, 0x0000 }, + { 3480, 0x0000 }, { 3480, 0x0000 }, { 3480, 0x0000 }, { 3480, 0x0000 }, + { 3480, 0x0006 }, { 3482, 0x0000 }, { 3482, 0x0000 }, { 3482, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x21c00 */ + { 3482, 0x0000 }, { 3482, 0x0000 }, { 3482, 0x0400 }, { 3483, 0x0000 }, + { 3483, 0x0000 }, { 3483, 0x0000 }, { 3483, 0x0000 }, { 3483, 0x0001 }, + { 3484, 0x0000 }, { 3484, 0x0000 }, { 3484, 0x1024 }, { 3487, 0x0000 }, + { 3487, 0x0000 }, { 3487, 0x0000 }, { 3487, 0x0000 }, { 3487, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x21d00 */ + { 3487, 0x0000 }, { 3487, 0x0000 }, { 3487, 0x0000 }, { 3487, 0x0000 }, + { 3487, 0x0040 }, { 3488, 0x0000 }, { 3488, 0x0000 }, { 3488, 0x0000 }, + { 3488, 0x0000 }, { 3488, 0x0001 }, { 3489, 0x0000 }, { 3489, 0x0400 }, + { 3490, 0x0400 }, { 3491, 0x0002 }, { 3492, 0x0800 }, { 3493, 0x0200 }, + /* 0x21e00 */ + { 3494, 0x0000 }, { 3494, 0x1000 }, { 3495, 0x0000 }, { 3495, 0x2080 }, + { 3497, 0x0000 }, { 3497, 0x0000 }, { 3497, 0x0000 }, { 3497, 0x0000 }, + { 3497, 0x0200 }, { 3498, 0x0000 }, { 3498, 0x0110 }, { 3500, 0x0000 }, + { 3500, 0x0100 }, { 3501, 0x0020 }, { 3502, 0x0000 }, { 3502, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x21f00 */ + { 3502, 0x8000 }, { 3503, 0x0020 }, { 3504, 0x0000 }, { 3504, 0x0000 }, + { 3504, 0x0000 }, { 3504, 0x0000 }, { 3504, 0x0400 }, { 3505, 0x0000 }, + { 3505, 0x0000 }, { 3505, 0x4000 }, { 3506, 0x0002 }, { 3507, 0x0000 }, + { 3507, 0x0000 }, { 3507, 0x0000 }, { 3507, 0x0100 }, { 3508, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x22000 */ + { 3508, 0x0000 }, { 3508, 0x0000 }, { 3508, 0x0000 }, { 3508, 0x0000 }, + { 3508, 0x0220 }, { 3510, 0x0000 }, { 3510, 0x0000 }, { 3510, 0x0000 }, + { 3510, 0x0000 }, { 3510, 0x0400 }, { 3511, 0x0000 }, { 3511, 0x0000 }, + { 3511, 0x0080 }, { 3512, 0x0000 }, { 3512, 0x0000 }, { 3512, 0x1000 }, + /* 0x22100 */ + { 3513, 0x0000 }, { 3513, 0x0000 }, { 3513, 0x0400 }, { 3514, 0x0000 }, + { 3514, 0x0000 }, { 3514, 0x0800 }, { 3515, 0x0000 }, { 3515, 0x0408 }, + { 3517, 0x0000 }, { 3517, 0x0000 }, { 3517, 0x0002 }, { 3518, 0x0000 }, + { 3518, 0x0008 }, { 3519, 0x0000 }, { 3519, 0x0000 }, { 3519, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x22200 */ + { 3519, 0x0100 }, { 3520, 0x0000 }, { 3520, 0x0000 }, { 3520, 0x0000 }, + { 3520, 0x0000 }, { 3520, 0x0000 }, { 3520, 0x0000 }, { 3520, 0x1000 }, + { 3521, 0x0000 }, { 3521, 0x0000 }, { 3521, 0x0000 }, { 3521, 0x0000 }, + { 3521, 0x0000 }, { 3521, 0x0000 }, { 3521, 0x0000 }, { 3521, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x22300 */ + { 3521, 0x0000 }, { 3521, 0x0000 }, { 3521, 0x0022 }, { 3523, 0x0000 }, + { 3523, 0x0000 }, { 3523, 0x0000 }, { 3523, 0x0000 }, { 3523, 0x0000 }, + { 3523, 0x0000 }, { 3523, 0x0000 }, { 3523, 0x0000 }, { 3523, 0x2000 }, + { 3524, 0x0000 }, { 3524, 0x0081 }, { 3526, 0x0000 }, { 3526, 0x0400 }, + /* 0x22400 */ + { 3527, 0x0000 }, { 3527, 0x0000 }, { 3527, 0x0000 }, { 3527, 0x0000 }, + { 3527, 0x0000 }, { 3527, 0x0000 }, { 3527, 0x0020 }, { 3528, 0x0002 }, + { 3529, 0x0800 }, { 3530, 0x0002 }, { 3531, 0x0000 }, { 3531, 0x0001 }, + { 3532, 0x0000 }, { 3532, 0x0000 }, { 3532, 0x2000 }, { 3533, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x22500 */ + { 3533, 0x0000 }, { 3533, 0x0808 }, { 3535, 0x0000 }, { 3535, 0x0001 }, + { 3536, 0x0000 }, { 3536, 0x0010 }, { 3537, 0x0000 }, { 3537, 0x0000 }, + { 3537, 0x2000 }, { 3538, 0x0000 }, { 3538, 0x8000 }, { 3539, 0x4000 }, + { 3540, 0x0000 }, { 3540, 0x0000 }, { 3540, 0x0000 }, { 3540, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x22600 */ + { 3540, 0x0000 }, { 3540, 0x1800 }, { 3542, 0x0800 }, { 3543, 0x0000 }, + { 3543, 0x0000 }, { 3543, 0x0000 }, { 3543, 0x0100 }, { 3544, 0x0400 }, + { 3545, 0x0000 }, { 3545, 0x0140 }, { 3547, 0x0000 }, { 3547, 0x0000 }, + { 3547, 0x0000 }, { 3547, 0x0000 }, { 3547, 0x0000 }, { 3547, 0x0070 }, + /* 0x22700 */ + { 3550, 0x0000 }, { 3550, 0x8810 }, { 3553, 0x0400 }, { 3554, 0x0000 }, + { 3554, 0x0000 }, { 3554, 0x0000 }, { 3554, 0x0000 }, { 3554, 0x0020 }, + { 3555, 0x0002 }, { 3556, 0x0000 }, { 3556, 0x0000 }, { 3556, 0x0030 }, + { 3558, 0x2000 }, { 3559, 0x0000 }, { 3559, 0x0000 }, { 3559, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x22800 */ + { 3559, 0x0008 }, { 3560, 0x0000 }, { 3560, 0x0000 }, { 3560, 0x0000 }, + { 3560, 0x0000 }, { 3560, 0x8000 }, { 3561, 0x0001 }, { 3562, 0x0002 }, + { 3563, 0x0000 }, { 3563, 0x0000 }, { 3563, 0x2000 }, { 3564, 0x0000 }, + { 3564, 0x0002 }, { 3565, 0x0000 }, { 3565, 0x0000 }, { 3565, 0x0080 }, + /* 0x22900 */ + { 3566, 0x0000 }, { 3566, 0x0000 }, { 3566, 0x0040 }, { 3567, 0x0200 }, + { 3568, 0x8000 }, { 3569, 0x0000 }, { 3569, 0x0880 }, { 3571, 0x0000 }, + { 3571, 0x0001 }, { 3572, 0x0008 }, { 3573, 0x0000 }, { 3573, 0x0000 }, + { 3573, 0x0000 }, { 3573, 0x0000 }, { 3573, 0x0000 }, { 3573, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x22a00 */ + { 3573, 0x0000 }, { 3573, 0x0000 }, { 3573, 0x0000 }, { 3573, 0x0000 }, + { 3573, 0x0000 }, { 3573, 0x0000 }, { 3573, 0x0040 }, { 3574, 0x0000 }, + { 3574, 0x0000 }, { 3574, 0x0000 }, { 3574, 0x0000 }, { 3574, 0x0000 }, + { 3574, 0x8000 }, { 3575, 0x0020 }, { 3576, 0x0140 }, { 3578, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x22b00 */ + { 3578, 0x4000 }, { 3579, 0x0000 }, { 3579, 0x0004 }, { 3580, 0x8000 }, + { 3581, 0x0008 }, { 3582, 0x0000 }, { 3582, 0x0400 }, { 3583, 0x0000 }, + { 3583, 0x0000 }, { 3583, 0x0000 }, { 3583, 0x0000 }, { 3583, 0x0000 }, + { 3583, 0x4400 }, { 3585, 0x0000 }, { 3585, 0x0000 }, { 3585, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x22c00 */ + { 3585, 0x0000 }, { 3585, 0x0000 }, { 3585, 0x00c0 }, { 3587, 0x0100 }, + { 3588, 0x1000 }, { 3589, 0x0022 }, { 3591, 0x0004 }, { 3592, 0x0000 }, + { 3592, 0x0100 }, { 3593, 0x0800 }, { 3594, 0x0202 }, { 3596, 0x0084 }, + { 3598, 0x0244 }, { 3601, 0x0000 }, { 3601, 0x0000 }, { 3601, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x22d00 */ + { 3601, 0x0180 }, { 3603, 0x0004 }, { 3604, 0x0000 }, { 3604, 0x0000 }, + { 3604, 0x1010 }, { 3606, 0x0000 }, { 3606, 0x0080 }, { 3607, 0x0000 }, + { 3607, 0x2000 }, { 3608, 0x0020 }, { 3609, 0x0019 }, { 3612, 0x0080 }, + { 3613, 0x0000 }, { 3613, 0x0000 }, { 3613, 0x4000 }, { 3614, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x22e00 */ + { 3614, 0x2000 }, { 3615, 0x0000 }, { 3615, 0x0000 }, { 3615, 0x0040 }, + { 3616, 0x0004 }, { 3617, 0x0000 }, { 3617, 0x0000 }, { 3617, 0x0100 }, + { 3618, 0x0800 }, { 3619, 0x0000 }, { 3619, 0x0000 }, { 3619, 0x0008 }, + { 3620, 0x0000 }, { 3620, 0x0000 }, { 3620, 0x8000 }, { 3621, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x22f00 */ + { 3621, 0x0000 }, { 3621, 0x0000 }, { 3621, 0x0000 }, { 3621, 0x0000 }, + { 3621, 0x0000 }, { 3621, 0x0000 }, { 3621, 0x0000 }, { 3621, 0x0010 }, + { 3622, 0x0000 }, { 3622, 0x0000 }, { 3622, 0x0000 }, { 3622, 0x0000 }, + { 3622, 0x1000 }, { 3623, 0x0000 }, { 3623, 0x0008 }, { 3624, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23000 */ + { 3624, 0x0000 }, { 3624, 0x0000 }, { 3624, 0x0000 }, { 3624, 0x0008 }, + { 3625, 0x0810 }, { 3627, 0x0000 }, { 3627, 0x0040 }, { 3628, 0x6000 }, + { 3630, 0x4000 }, { 3631, 0x0000 }, { 3631, 0x0000 }, { 3631, 0x1080 }, + { 3633, 0x0000 }, { 3633, 0x0400 }, { 3634, 0x0000 }, { 3634, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23100 */ + { 3634, 0x0008 }, { 3635, 0x0000 }, { 3635, 0x0000 }, { 3635, 0x2000 }, + { 3636, 0x0000 }, { 3636, 0x0000 }, { 3636, 0x0000 }, { 3636, 0x2000 }, + { 3637, 0x0004 }, { 3638, 0x0000 }, { 3638, 0x0030 }, { 3640, 0x0008 }, + { 3641, 0x0300 }, { 3643, 0x0000 }, { 3643, 0x0000 }, { 3643, 0x0380 }, + /* 0x23200 */ + { 3646, 0x8000 }, { 3647, 0x0000 }, { 3647, 0x8020 }, { 3649, 0x001e }, + { 3653, 0x0000 }, { 3653, 0x0000 }, { 3653, 0x0004 }, { 3654, 0x0000 }, + { 3654, 0x0600 }, { 3656, 0x0000 }, { 3656, 0x3800 }, { 3659, 0x0000 }, + { 3659, 0x0000 }, { 3659, 0x0004 }, { 3660, 0x0003 }, { 3662, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23300 */ + { 3662, 0x0401 }, { 3664, 0x8000 }, { 3665, 0x0000 }, { 3665, 0x0000 }, + { 3665, 0x0000 }, { 3665, 0x0000 }, { 3665, 0x0000 }, { 3665, 0x0000 }, + { 3665, 0x0000 }, { 3665, 0x0000 }, { 3665, 0x0000 }, { 3665, 0x0010 }, + { 3666, 0x1000 }, { 3667, 0x4000 }, { 3668, 0x0040 }, { 3669, 0x4430 }, + /* 0x23400 */ + { 3673, 0x0001 }, { 3674, 0x0000 }, { 3674, 0x0000 }, { 3674, 0x8000 }, + { 3675, 0x0000 }, { 3675, 0x0001 }, { 3676, 0x8000 }, { 3677, 0x0004 }, + { 3678, 0x0000 }, { 3678, 0x0000 }, { 3678, 0x0000 }, { 3678, 0x0000 }, + { 3678, 0x0000 }, { 3678, 0x0000 }, { 3678, 0x0020 }, { 3679, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23500 */ + { 3679, 0x0000 }, { 3679, 0x0200 }, { 3680, 0x0000 }, { 3680, 0x0001 }, + { 3681, 0x0000 }, { 3681, 0x0400 }, { 3682, 0x0080 }, { 3683, 0x0000 }, + { 3683, 0x0000 }, { 3683, 0x1220 }, { 3686, 0x0000 }, { 3686, 0x0000 }, + { 3686, 0xe000 }, { 3689, 0x0000 }, { 3689, 0x0000 }, { 3689, 0x0008 }, + /* 0x23600 */ + { 3690, 0x0001 }, { 3691, 0x0400 }, { 3692, 0x0000 }, { 3692, 0x1000 }, + { 3693, 0x0001 }, { 3694, 0x8200 }, { 3696, 0x0000 }, { 3696, 0x0080 }, + { 3697, 0x0000 }, { 3697, 0x0000 }, { 3697, 0x2040 }, { 3699, 0x0400 }, + { 3700, 0x0000 }, { 3700, 0x8000 }, { 3701, 0x4000 }, { 3702, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23700 */ + { 3702, 0x0008 }, { 3703, 0x0040 }, { 3704, 0xa001 }, { 3707, 0x8000 }, + { 3708, 0x0000 }, { 3708, 0x0000 }, { 3708, 0x0040 }, { 3709, 0x0000 }, + { 3709, 0x0002 }, { 3710, 0x0000 }, { 3710, 0x0004 }, { 3711, 0x1000 }, + { 3712, 0x0004 }, { 3713, 0x00e0 }, { 3716, 0x0000 }, { 3716, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23800 */ + { 3716, 0x0000 }, { 3716, 0x0000 }, { 3716, 0x0000 }, { 3716, 0x0400 }, + { 3717, 0x0000 }, { 3717, 0x0000 }, { 3717, 0x0000 }, { 3717, 0x0000 }, + { 3717, 0x0000 }, { 3717, 0x0000 }, { 3717, 0x0000 }, { 3717, 0x0000 }, + { 3717, 0x0000 }, { 3717, 0x0000 }, { 3717, 0x0000 }, { 3717, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23900 */ + { 3717, 0x0000 }, { 3717, 0x0000 }, { 3717, 0x0000 }, { 3717, 0x0000 }, + { 3717, 0x0000 }, { 3717, 0x0000 }, { 3717, 0x0000 }, { 3717, 0x0000 }, + { 3717, 0x0000 }, { 3717, 0x0000 }, { 3717, 0x0000 }, { 3717, 0x0000 }, + { 3717, 0x0004 }, { 3718, 0x0000 }, { 3718, 0x0000 }, { 3718, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23a00 */ + { 3718, 0x0000 }, { 3718, 0x0000 }, { 3718, 0x0000 }, { 3718, 0x0000 }, + { 3718, 0x0000 }, { 3718, 0x0000 }, { 3718, 0x0000 }, { 3718, 0x0000 }, + { 3718, 0x0000 }, { 3718, 0x0000 }, { 3718, 0x0080 }, { 3719, 0x0000 }, + { 3719, 0x0000 }, { 3719, 0x0800 }, { 3720, 0x4000 }, { 3721, 0x0400 }, + /* 0x23b00 */ + { 3722, 0x0000 }, { 3722, 0x0000 }, { 3722, 0x0000 }, { 3722, 0x0000 }, + { 3722, 0x0000 }, { 3722, 0x0400 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, + { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, + { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23c00 */ + { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, + { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, + { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0x0e00 }, { 3726, 0x0000 }, { 3726, 0x00a0 }, + { 3728, 0x0380 }, { 3731, 0x0000 }, { 3731, 0x0000 }, { 3731, 0xf000 }, + /* 0x23d00 */ + { 3735, 0x0000 }, { 3735, 0x0000 }, { 3735, 0x0000 }, { 3735, 0x0000 }, + { 3735, 0x0001 }, { 3736, 0x0800 }, { 3737, 0x0000 }, { 3737, 0x4000 }, + { 3738, 0x8000 }, { 3739, 0x0000 }, { 3739, 0x0000 }, { 3739, 0x3fc0 }, + { 3747, 0x0000 }, { 3747, 0x0000 }, { 3747, 0x0008 }, { 3748, 0x0100 }, + /* 0x23e00 */ + { 3749, 0x0000 }, { 3749, 0x0002 }, { 3750, 0xf000 }, { 3754, 0x0203 }, + { 3757, 0x0000 }, { 3757, 0x0000 }, { 3757, 0x0000 }, { 3757, 0x0000 }, + { 3757, 0x0f00 }, { 3761, 0x0000 }, { 3761, 0x0000 }, { 3761, 0x8200 }, + { 3763, 0x0000 }, { 3763, 0x0080 }, { 3764, 0x0000 }, { 3764, 0x1f80 }, + /* 0x23f00 */ + { 3770, 0x0000 }, { 3770, 0x0000 }, { 3770, 0x0000 }, { 3770, 0x0020 }, + { 3771, 0x0402 }, { 3773, 0x0000 }, { 3773, 0x0000 }, { 3773, 0x8000 }, + { 3774, 0x8007 }, { 3778, 0x0000 }, { 3778, 0x0000 }, { 3778, 0x0090 }, + { 3780, 0x0021 }, { 3782, 0x0000 }, { 3782, 0xf800 }, { 3787, 0x0001 }, + /* 0x24000 */ + { 3788, 0x0000 }, { 3788, 0x0002 }, { 3789, 0x0000 }, { 3789, 0x3e00 }, + { 3794, 0x0000 }, { 3794, 0x0080 }, { 3795, 0x0000 }, { 3795, 0x0000 }, + { 3795, 0x3820 }, { 3799, 0x0002 }, { 3800, 0x0000 }, { 3800, 0x0000 }, + { 3800, 0x0200 }, { 3801, 0x0000 }, { 3801, 0x0002 }, { 3802, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x24100 */ + { 3802, 0x8010 }, { 3804, 0x0200 }, { 3805, 0x0000 }, { 3805, 0x8000 }, + { 3806, 0x0011 }, { 3808, 0x90e0 }, { 3813, 0x0000 }, { 3813, 0x0480 }, + { 3815, 0x0000 }, { 3815, 0x0000 }, { 3815, 0x1038 }, { 3819, 0x0020 }, + { 3820, 0x2000 }, { 3821, 0x0000 }, { 3821, 0x0004 }, { 3822, 0x1000 }, + /* 0x24200 */ + { 3823, 0x0000 }, { 3823, 0x0800 }, { 3824, 0x0000 }, { 3824, 0x0000 }, + { 3824, 0x0800 }, { 3825, 0x0240 }, { 3827, 0x0000 }, { 3827, 0x01c0 }, + { 3830, 0x0010 }, { 3831, 0x0028 }, { 3833, 0x0020 }, { 3834, 0x0000 }, + { 3834, 0x0602 }, { 3837, 0x0000 }, { 3837, 0x4000 }, { 3838, 0x0400 }, + /* 0x24300 */ + { 3839, 0x2000 }, { 3840, 0x0400 }, { 3841, 0x0000 }, { 3841, 0x0010 }, + { 3842, 0x0100 }, { 3843, 0x0000 }, { 3843, 0x003c }, { 3847, 0x0000 }, + { 3847, 0x1000 }, { 3848, 0x1040 }, { 3850, 0x0000 }, { 3850, 0x2000 }, + { 3851, 0x0002 }, { 3852, 0x0000 }, { 3852, 0x0600 }, { 3854, 0x0104 }, + /* 0x24400 */ + { 3856, 0x0010 }, { 3857, 0x0000 }, { 3857, 0x0000 }, { 3857, 0x0060 }, + { 3859, 0x0000 }, { 3859, 0x0c00 }, { 3861, 0x0000 }, { 3861, 0x0008 }, + { 3862, 0x0180 }, { 3864, 0x0000 }, { 3864, 0x0000 }, { 3864, 0x1200 }, + { 3866, 0x4000 }, { 3867, 0x0048 }, { 3869, 0x0000 }, { 3869, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x24500 */ + { 3869, 0x0000 }, { 3869, 0x0000 }, { 3869, 0x0002 }, { 3870, 0x0000 }, + { 3870, 0x0000 }, { 3870, 0x0000 }, { 3870, 0x0000 }, { 3870, 0x0100 }, + { 3871, 0x0000 }, { 3871, 0x0000 }, { 3871, 0x0000 }, { 3871, 0x0000 }, + { 3871, 0x0100 }, { 3872, 0x0000 }, { 3872, 0x0000 }, { 3872, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x24600 */ + { 3872, 0x0000 }, { 3872, 0x0100 }, { 3873, 0x0400 }, { 3874, 0x0000 }, + { 3874, 0x0000 }, { 3874, 0x0000 }, { 3874, 0x0020 }, { 3875, 0x0010 }, + { 3876, 0x0000 }, { 3876, 0x0080 }, { 3877, 0x0000 }, { 3877, 0x0000 }, + { 3877, 0x0000 }, { 3877, 0x0010 }, { 3878, 0x0000 }, { 3878, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x24700 */ + { 3878, 0x0040 }, { 3879, 0x0000 }, { 3879, 0x8020 }, { 3881, 0x0000 }, + { 3881, 0x0000 }, { 3881, 0x0000 }, { 3881, 0x0000 }, { 3881, 0x0000 }, + { 3881, 0x8000 }, { 3882, 0x0000 }, { 3882, 0x0000 }, { 3882, 0x0000 }, + { 3882, 0x0000 }, { 3882, 0x0000 }, { 3882, 0x0001 }, { 3883, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x24800 */ + { 3883, 0x0000 }, { 3883, 0x0004 }, { 3884, 0x0008 }, { 3885, 0x0000 }, + { 3885, 0x0000 }, { 3885, 0x0000 }, { 3885, 0x0000 }, { 3885, 0x0000 }, + { 3885, 0x0004 }, { 3886, 0x0000 }, { 3886, 0x0000 }, { 3886, 0x0000 }, + { 3886, 0x0000 }, { 3886, 0x0000 }, { 3886, 0x0200 }, { 3887, 0x880f }, + /* 0x24900 */ + { 3893, 0x1003 }, { 3896, 0x02c0 }, { 3899, 0x8000 }, { 3900, 0xc018 }, + { 3904, 0x000f }, { 3908, 0x0000 }, { 3908, 0x000c }, { 3910, 0x8070 }, + { 3914, 0xff04 }, { 3923, 0x0010 }, { 3924, 0x3a90 }, { 3930, 0x0f80 }, + { 3935, 0x0020 }, { 3936, 0xc401 }, { 3940, 0x3028 }, { 3944, 0x0bc0 }, + /* 0x24a00 */ + { 3949, 0x4000 }, { 3950, 0x0024 }, { 3952, 0x07fe }, { 3962, 0x4000 }, + { 3963, 0xc424 }, { 3968, 0x2003 }, { 3971, 0x00e0 }, { 3974, 0x0782 }, + { 3979, 0x1000 }, { 3980, 0x0078 }, { 3984, 0x00f0 }, { 3988, 0x1c0e }, + { 3994, 0x0481 }, { 3997, 0x8002 }, { 3999, 0x0204 }, { 4001, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x24b00 */ + { 4001, 0x0000 }, { 4001, 0x0000 }, { 4001, 0x0000 }, { 4001, 0x0000 }, + { 4001, 0x0000 }, { 4001, 0x0000 }, { 4001, 0x4000 }, { 4002, 0x0000 }, + { 4002, 0x0000 }, { 4002, 0x0000 }, { 4002, 0x0000 }, { 4002, 0x0000 }, + { 4002, 0x0000 }, { 4002, 0x0000 }, { 4002, 0x0000 }, { 4002, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x24c00 */ + { 4003, 0x0200 }, { 4004, 0x0000 }, { 4004, 0x0000 }, { 4004, 0x0000 }, + { 4004, 0x0000 }, { 4004, 0x0000 }, { 4004, 0x0000 }, { 4004, 0x0000 }, + { 4004, 0x0000 }, { 4004, 0xc000 }, { 4006, 0x0000 }, { 4006, 0x0000 }, + { 4006, 0x0200 }, { 4007, 0x0200 }, { 4008, 0x0000 }, { 4008, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x24d00 */ + { 4008, 0x0040 }, { 4009, 0x0008 }, { 4010, 0x0000 }, { 4010, 0x0000 }, + { 4010, 0x0000 }, { 4010, 0x0000 }, { 4010, 0x0000 }, { 4010, 0x0000 }, + { 4010, 0x0000 }, { 4010, 0x0000 }, { 4010, 0x0000 }, { 4010, 0x0100 }, + { 4011, 0x0000 }, { 4011, 0x0000 }, { 4011, 0x0c00 }, { 4013, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x24e00 */ + { 4013, 0x0000 }, { 4013, 0x0000 }, { 4013, 0x0000 }, { 4013, 0x0800 }, + { 4014, 0x0000 }, { 4014, 0x0001 }, { 4015, 0x0000 }, { 4015, 0x0000 }, + { 4015, 0x0000 }, { 4015, 0x0000 }, { 4015, 0x00a0 }, { 4017, 0x0000 }, + { 4017, 0x0000 }, { 4017, 0x0000 }, { 4017, 0x0000 }, { 4017, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x24f00 */ + { 4017, 0x4000 }, { 4018, 0x0000 }, { 4018, 0x0000 }, { 4018, 0x0000 }, + { 4018, 0x0000 }, { 4018, 0x1000 }, { 4019, 0x0000 }, { 4019, 0x0000 }, + { 4019, 0x0044 }, { 4021, 0x0480 }, { 4023, 0x0200 }, { 4024, 0x0100 }, + { 4025, 0x0004 }, { 4026, 0x0000 }, { 4026, 0x0000 }, { 4026, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25000 */ + { 4026, 0x0000 }, { 4026, 0x0000 }, { 4026, 0x1000 }, { 4027, 0x0000 }, + { 4027, 0x0000 }, { 4027, 0x0004 }, { 4028, 0x0000 }, { 4028, 0x0000 }, + { 4028, 0x0000 }, { 4028, 0x2000 }, { 4029, 0x0000 }, { 4029, 0x0000 }, + { 4029, 0x0000 }, { 4029, 0x0000 }, { 4029, 0x0000 }, { 4029, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25100 */ + { 4029, 0x0000 }, { 4029, 0x0000 }, { 4029, 0x0800 }, { 4030, 0x0000 }, + { 4030, 0x0100 }, { 4031, 0x0000 }, { 4031, 0x0000 }, { 4031, 0x6000 }, + { 4033, 0x0000 }, { 4033, 0x0000 }, { 4033, 0x0000 }, { 4033, 0x0000 }, + { 4033, 0x0000 }, { 4033, 0x0000 }, { 4033, 0x00c8 }, { 4036, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25200 */ + { 4036, 0x0000 }, { 4036, 0x0000 }, { 4036, 0x0003 }, { 4038, 0x0000 }, + { 4038, 0x0000 }, { 4038, 0x0001 }, { 4039, 0x0000 }, { 4039, 0x0000 }, + { 4039, 0x0000 }, { 4039, 0x0200 }, { 4040, 0x0000 }, { 4040, 0x0000 }, + { 4040, 0x0080 }, { 4041, 0x0100 }, { 4042, 0x0000 }, { 4042, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25300 */ + { 4042, 0x4000 }, { 4043, 0x000a }, { 4045, 0x0000 }, { 4045, 0x0000 }, + { 4045, 0x0000 }, { 4045, 0x0000 }, { 4045, 0x0000 }, { 4045, 0x0000 }, + { 4045, 0x0000 }, { 4045, 0x0000 }, { 4045, 0x0000 }, { 4045, 0x0000 }, + { 4045, 0x0000 }, { 4045, 0x0000 }, { 4045, 0x0000 }, { 4045, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25400 */ + { 4045, 0x0000 }, { 4045, 0x0200 }, { 4046, 0x8020 }, { 4048, 0x0001 }, + { 4049, 0x0040 }, { 4050, 0x0000 }, { 4050, 0x5000 }, { 4052, 0x0000 }, + { 4052, 0x0000 }, { 4052, 0x0000 }, { 4052, 0x0000 }, { 4052, 0x0000 }, + { 4052, 0x0000 }, { 4052, 0x0000 }, { 4052, 0x0000 }, { 4052, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25500 */ + { 4052, 0x0000 }, { 4052, 0x0000 }, { 4052, 0x0000 }, { 4052, 0x8022 }, + { 4055, 0x0000 }, { 4055, 0x7800 }, { 4059, 0x0064 }, { 4062, 0x0000 }, + { 4062, 0x8012 }, { 4065, 0x0000 }, { 4065, 0x0000 }, { 4065, 0x0200 }, + { 4066, 0x0000 }, { 4066, 0x0820 }, { 4068, 0x0001 }, { 4069, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25600 */ + { 4069, 0x0020 }, { 4070, 0x0000 }, { 4070, 0x0000 }, { 4070, 0x0020 }, + { 4071, 0x0000 }, { 4071, 0x0002 }, { 4072, 0x0000 }, { 4072, 0x0000 }, + { 4072, 0x0008 }, { 4073, 0x0000 }, { 4073, 0x0000 }, { 4073, 0x0000 }, + { 4073, 0x0000 }, { 4073, 0x0000 }, { 4073, 0x0008 }, { 4074, 0x0040 }, + /* 0x25700 */ + { 4075, 0x0040 }, { 4076, 0x2000 }, { 4077, 0x0020 }, { 4078, 0x2000 }, + { 4079, 0x0000 }, { 4079, 0x0000 }, { 4079, 0x0000 }, { 4079, 0x0004 }, + { 4080, 0x0000 }, { 4080, 0x0000 }, { 4080, 0x0000 }, { 4080, 0x0000 }, + { 4080, 0x0080 }, { 4081, 0x8000 }, { 4082, 0x0003 }, { 4084, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25800 */ + { 4084, 0x0000 }, { 4084, 0x0000 }, { 4084, 0x0000 }, { 4084, 0x0000 }, + { 4084, 0x0000 }, { 4084, 0x2080 }, { 4086, 0x0000 }, { 4086, 0x0004 }, + { 4087, 0x0000 }, { 4087, 0x0000 }, { 4087, 0x0000 }, { 4087, 0x0000 }, + { 4087, 0x0100 }, { 4088, 0x0000 }, { 4088, 0x0002 }, { 4089, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25900 */ + { 4089, 0x0008 }, { 4090, 0x0000 }, { 4090, 0x0000 }, { 4090, 0x0000 }, + { 4090, 0x0040 }, { 4091, 0x0040 }, { 4092, 0x0000 }, { 4092, 0x0000 }, + { 4092, 0x0000 }, { 4092, 0x0000 }, { 4092, 0x1000 }, { 4093, 0x0000 }, + { 4093, 0x1000 }, { 4094, 0x0000 }, { 4094, 0x0000 }, { 4094, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25a00 */ + { 4094, 0x0000 }, { 4094, 0x0000 }, { 4094, 0x0000 }, { 4094, 0x0000 }, + { 4094, 0x0000 }, { 4094, 0x0000 }, { 4094, 0x0000 }, { 4094, 0x0000 }, + { 4094, 0x0000 }, { 4094, 0x1020 }, { 4096, 0xc000 }, { 4098, 0x0000 }, + { 4098, 0x0000 }, { 4098, 0x0000 }, { 4098, 0x0200 }, { 4099, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25b00 */ + { 4099, 0x0000 }, { 4099, 0x0000 }, { 4099, 0x0000 }, { 4099, 0x0000 }, + { 4099, 0x0000 }, { 4099, 0x0000 }, { 4099, 0x0000 }, { 4099, 0x0010 }, + { 4100, 0x0200 }, { 4101, 0x0000 }, { 4101, 0x0000 }, { 4101, 0x0018 }, + { 4103, 0x0040 }, { 4104, 0x0000 }, { 4104, 0x0110 }, { 4106, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25c00 */ + { 4106, 0x0042 }, { 4108, 0x0000 }, { 4108, 0x0002 }, { 4109, 0x0000 }, + { 4109, 0x0400 }, { 4110, 0x0000 }, { 4110, 0x0020 }, { 4111, 0x0000 }, + { 4111, 0x0000 }, { 4111, 0x0002 }, { 4112, 0x0000 }, { 4112, 0x0000 }, + { 4112, 0x0003 }, { 4114, 0x0000 }, { 4114, 0x0000 }, { 4114, 0x4000 }, + /* 0x25d00 */ + { 4115, 0x0000 }, { 4115, 0x0000 }, { 4115, 0x0001 }, { 4116, 0x0000 }, + { 4116, 0x0008 }, { 4117, 0x0000 }, { 4117, 0x0000 }, { 4117, 0x0000 }, + { 4117, 0x0000 }, { 4117, 0x0000 }, { 4117, 0x0000 }, { 4117, 0x0000 }, + { 4117, 0x0000 }, { 4117, 0x0000 }, { 4117, 0x0000 }, { 4117, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25e00 */ + { 4117, 0x4000 }, { 4118, 0x0000 }, { 4118, 0x0000 }, { 4118, 0x0000 }, + { 4118, 0x0200 }, { 4119, 0x0000 }, { 4119, 0x0000 }, { 4119, 0x0000 }, + { 4119, 0x000e }, { 4122, 0x0000 }, { 4122, 0x0040 }, { 4123, 0x1000 }, + { 4124, 0x0000 }, { 4124, 0x0180 }, { 4126, 0x0000 }, { 4126, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25f00 */ + { 4126, 0x0000 }, { 4126, 0x0400 }, { 4127, 0x0000 }, { 4127, 0x0000 }, + { 4127, 0x0800 }, { 4128, 0x0000 }, { 4128, 0x0000 }, { 4128, 0x0000 }, + { 4128, 0x0000 }, { 4128, 0x0000 }, { 4128, 0x0000 }, { 4128, 0x0000 }, + { 4128, 0x0000 }, { 4128, 0x0000 }, { 4128, 0x0006 }, { 4130, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26000 */ + { 4130, 0x0000 }, { 4130, 0x0000 }, { 4130, 0x0200 }, { 4131, 0x0000 }, + { 4131, 0x0100 }, { 4132, 0x0000 }, { 4132, 0x0010 }, { 4133, 0x0000 }, + { 4133, 0x0008 }, { 4134, 0x0080 }, { 4135, 0x0030 }, { 4137, 0x0000 }, + { 4137, 0x0000 }, { 4137, 0x0000 }, { 4137, 0x0000 }, { 4137, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26100 */ + { 4137, 0x0004 }, { 4138, 0x0000 }, { 4138, 0x0002 }, { 4139, 0x0000 }, + { 4139, 0x0000 }, { 4139, 0x1e00 }, { 4143, 0x0000 }, { 4143, 0x0000 }, + { 4143, 0x0000 }, { 4143, 0x0000 }, { 4143, 0x6000 }, { 4145, 0x0004 }, + { 4146, 0x0000 }, { 4146, 0x2000 }, { 4147, 0x0000 }, { 4147, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26200 */ + { 4147, 0x0000 }, { 4147, 0x0000 }, { 4147, 0x0000 }, { 4147, 0x0000 }, + { 4147, 0x0000 }, { 4147, 0x0100 }, { 4148, 0x0c02 }, { 4151, 0x0000 }, + { 4151, 0x0000 }, { 4151, 0x0000 }, { 4151, 0x0000 }, { 4151, 0x0000 }, + { 4151, 0x0000 }, { 4151, 0x0001 }, { 4152, 0x0000 }, { 4152, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26300 */ + { 4152, 0x0000 }, { 4152, 0x0000 }, { 4152, 0x0000 }, { 4152, 0x0020 }, + { 4153, 0x1800 }, { 4155, 0x0002 }, { 4156, 0x0000 }, { 4156, 0x0000 }, + { 4156, 0x0000 }, { 4156, 0x0000 }, { 4156, 0x0000 }, { 4156, 0x4000 }, + { 4157, 0x0000 }, { 4157, 0x0000 }, { 4157, 0x0000 }, { 4157, 0x0120 }, + /* 0x26400 */ + { 4159, 0x0004 }, { 4160, 0x0007 }, { 4163, 0x0000 }, { 4163, 0x0000 }, + { 4163, 0x0400 }, { 4164, 0x0000 }, { 4164, 0x0200 }, { 4165, 0x0000 }, + { 4165, 0x2310 }, { 4169, 0x0100 }, { 4170, 0x0000 }, { 4170, 0x0000 }, + { 4170, 0x0000 }, { 4170, 0x0000 }, { 4170, 0x0000 }, { 4170, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26500 */ + { 4170, 0x0000 }, { 4170, 0x0004 }, { 4171, 0x0000 }, { 4171, 0x0000 }, + { 4171, 0x0000 }, { 4171, 0x0000 }, { 4171, 0x0000 }, { 4171, 0x0004 }, + { 4172, 0x0000 }, { 4172, 0x0000 }, { 4172, 0x2001 }, { 4174, 0x8000 }, + { 4175, 0x0000 }, { 4175, 0x0000 }, { 4175, 0x0000 }, { 4175, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26600 */ + { 4175, 0x0000 }, { 4175, 0x0004 }, { 4176, 0x0040 }, { 4177, 0x0000 }, + { 4177, 0x0000 }, { 4177, 0x0000 }, { 4177, 0x0000 }, { 4177, 0x0000 }, + { 4177, 0x0000 }, { 4177, 0x0000 }, { 4177, 0x8000 }, { 4178, 0x0022 }, + { 4180, 0x0000 }, { 4180, 0x0400 }, { 4181, 0x0100 }, { 4182, 0x1000 }, + /* 0x26700 */ + { 4183, 0x0000 }, { 4183, 0x0040 }, { 4184, 0x0000 }, { 4184, 0x0000 }, + { 4184, 0x0002 }, { 4185, 0x0000 }, { 4185, 0x0000 }, { 4185, 0x0000 }, + { 4185, 0x0000 }, { 4185, 0x0200 }, { 4186, 0x0000 }, { 4186, 0x0018 }, + { 4188, 0x1000 }, { 4189, 0x0000 }, { 4189, 0x0000 }, { 4189, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26800 */ + { 4189, 0x0000 }, { 4189, 0x1000 }, { 4190, 0x0000 }, { 4190, 0x0000 }, + { 4190, 0x0040 }, { 4191, 0x4000 }, { 4192, 0x4000 }, { 4193, 0x0000 }, + { 4193, 0x0500 }, { 4195, 0x0008 }, { 4196, 0x0000 }, { 4196, 0x0000 }, + { 4196, 0x0080 }, { 4197, 0x0000 }, { 4197, 0x0000 }, { 4197, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26900 */ + { 4197, 0x4000 }, { 4198, 0x0002 }, { 4199, 0x0040 }, { 4200, 0x0200 }, + { 4201, 0x0000 }, { 4201, 0x0002 }, { 4202, 0x0000 }, { 4202, 0x0000 }, + { 4202, 0x0000 }, { 4202, 0x0000 }, { 4202, 0x0100 }, { 4203, 0x0020 }, + { 4204, 0x0000 }, { 4204, 0x0000 }, { 4204, 0x0000 }, { 4204, 0x0404 }, + /* 0x26a00 */ + { 4206, 0x0000 }, { 4206, 0x0000 }, { 4206, 0x6000 }, { 4208, 0x0010 }, + { 4209, 0x0004 }, { 4210, 0x0006 }, { 4212, 0x0000 }, { 4212, 0x0000 }, + { 4212, 0x0000 }, { 4212, 0x0000 }, { 4212, 0x0000 }, { 4212, 0x0000 }, + { 4212, 0x0000 }, { 4212, 0x0000 }, { 4212, 0x0000 }, { 4212, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26b00 */ + { 4212, 0x0420 }, { 4214, 0x0008 }, { 4215, 0x0100 }, { 4216, 0x0000 }, + { 4216, 0x0000 }, { 4216, 0x080f }, { 4221, 0x0000 }, { 4221, 0x0020 }, + { 4222, 0x0004 }, { 4223, 0x20c0 }, { 4226, 0x0000 }, { 4226, 0x0008 }, + { 4227, 0x0001 }, { 4228, 0x0000 }, { 4228, 0x0000 }, { 4228, 0x0080 }, + /* 0x26c00 */ + { 4229, 0x0000 }, { 4229, 0x0000 }, { 4229, 0x0002 }, { 4230, 0x0000 }, + { 4230, 0x0001 }, { 4231, 0x0000 }, { 4231, 0x0000 }, { 4231, 0xc000 }, + { 4233, 0x0007 }, { 4236, 0x0000 }, { 4236, 0x0010 }, { 4237, 0x2180 }, + { 4240, 0x0009 }, { 4242, 0x0002 }, { 4243, 0x0000 }, { 4243, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26d00 */ + { 4243, 0x0000 }, { 4243, 0x0000 }, { 4243, 0x07fc }, { 4252, 0x0000 }, + { 4252, 0x0000 }, { 4252, 0x0002 }, { 4253, 0x0000 }, { 4253, 0x0000 }, + { 4253, 0x0000 }, { 4253, 0x0000 }, { 4253, 0x40ff }, { 4262, 0x0000 }, + { 4262, 0x0000 }, { 4262, 0x1000 }, { 4263, 0x0c00 }, { 4265, 0x0001 }, + /* 0x26e00 */ + { 4266, 0x00a1 }, { 4269, 0x0004 }, { 4270, 0x0000 }, { 4270, 0x0000 }, + { 4270, 0x003c }, { 4274, 0x0000 }, { 4274, 0x4000 }, { 4275, 0x0084 }, + { 4277, 0x0010 }, { 4278, 0x0200 }, { 4279, 0x0000 }, { 4279, 0x0000 }, + { 4279, 0x0000 }, { 4279, 0x00ff }, { 4287, 0x0000 }, { 4287, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26f00 */ + { 4287, 0x0000 }, { 4287, 0x0000 }, { 4287, 0x0040 }, { 4288, 0x0000 }, + { 4288, 0x0000 }, { 4288, 0x0000 }, { 4288, 0x0000 }, { 4288, 0x0018 }, + { 4290, 0x0000 }, { 4290, 0x8000 }, { 4291, 0x0002 }, { 4292, 0x0000 }, + { 4292, 0x0000 }, { 4292, 0xc000 }, { 4294, 0x0000 }, { 4294, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27000 */ + { 4294, 0x4000 }, { 4295, 0x0000 }, { 4295, 0x0000 }, { 4295, 0x0000 }, + { 4295, 0x0800 }, { 4296, 0x000c }, { 4298, 0x0000 }, { 4298, 0x0000 }, + { 4298, 0x0100 }, { 4299, 0x0000 }, { 4299, 0xe000 }, { 4302, 0x0000 }, + { 4302, 0x2000 }, { 4303, 0x0000 }, { 4303, 0x0000 }, { 4303, 0x0100 }, + /* 0x27100 */ + { 4304, 0x1200 }, { 4306, 0x0000 }, { 4306, 0x00c0 }, { 4308, 0x0000 }, + { 4308, 0x0000 }, { 4308, 0x0000 }, { 4308, 0x0030 }, { 4310, 0x0020 }, + { 4311, 0x0000 }, { 4311, 0x0000 }, { 4311, 0x0000 }, { 4311, 0x0000 }, + { 4311, 0x2000 }, { 4312, 0x0000 }, { 4312, 0x0000 }, { 4312, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27200 */ + { 4312, 0x0000 }, { 4312, 0x0800 }, { 4313, 0x0000 }, { 4313, 0x0000 }, + { 4313, 0x0000 }, { 4313, 0x0000 }, { 4313, 0x0000 }, { 4313, 0x0000 }, + { 4313, 0x0821 }, { 4316, 0x0000 }, { 4316, 0x0000 }, { 4316, 0x0044 }, + { 4318, 0x0000 }, { 4318, 0x0000 }, { 4318, 0x0040 }, { 4319, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27300 */ + { 4319, 0x0000 }, { 4319, 0x0000 }, { 4319, 0x0000 }, { 4319, 0x0000 }, + { 4319, 0x0000 }, { 4319, 0x0000 }, { 4319, 0x0000 }, { 4319, 0x0000 }, + { 4319, 0x0000 }, { 4319, 0x0400 }, { 4320, 0x0000 }, { 4320, 0x0000 }, + { 4320, 0x0000 }, { 4320, 0x0000 }, { 4320, 0x0000 }, { 4320, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27400 */ + { 4320, 0x0000 }, { 4320, 0x0000 }, { 4320, 0x0004 }, { 4321, 0x0000 }, + { 4321, 0x0000 }, { 4321, 0x0001 }, { 4322, 0x0000 }, { 4322, 0x0000 }, + { 4322, 0x0050 }, { 4324, 0x0000 }, { 4324, 0x0000 }, { 4324, 0x0000 }, + { 4324, 0x0000 }, { 4324, 0x0000 }, { 4324, 0x0000 }, { 4324, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27500 */ + { 4324, 0x0000 }, { 4324, 0x0000 }, { 4324, 0x0000 }, { 4324, 0x0000 }, + { 4324, 0x0000 }, { 4324, 0x0000 }, { 4324, 0x0000 }, { 4324, 0x0010 }, + { 4325, 0x0000 }, { 4325, 0x0000 }, { 4325, 0x0008 }, { 4326, 0x0000 }, + { 4326, 0x0000 }, { 4326, 0x0000 }, { 4326, 0x0011 }, { 4328, 0x6000 }, + /* 0x27600 */ + { 4330, 0x1080 }, { 4332, 0x0000 }, { 4332, 0x0000 }, { 4332, 0x0204 }, + { 4334, 0x0000 }, { 4334, 0x00e0 }, { 4337, 0x0000 }, { 4337, 0x0000 }, + { 4337, 0x0000 }, { 4337, 0x0010 }, { 4338, 0x0000 }, { 4338, 0x0000 }, + { 4338, 0x0000 }, { 4338, 0x0000 }, { 4338, 0x0000 }, { 4338, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27700 */ + { 4338, 0x8000 }, { 4339, 0x0000 }, { 4339, 0x0000 }, { 4339, 0x0060 }, + { 4341, 0x0002 }, { 4342, 0x4000 }, { 4343, 0x0000 }, { 4343, 0x0000 }, + { 4343, 0x0030 }, { 4345, 0x0000 }, { 4345, 0x0000 }, { 4345, 0x0000 }, + { 4345, 0x1000 }, { 4346, 0x0000 }, { 4346, 0x0000 }, { 4346, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27800 */ + { 4346, 0x0000 }, { 4346, 0x0000 }, { 4346, 0x0000 }, { 4346, 0x0000 }, + { 4346, 0x0000 }, { 4346, 0x0100 }, { 4347, 0x0000 }, { 4347, 0x0001 }, + { 4348, 0x0000 }, { 4348, 0x2000 }, { 4349, 0x0000 }, { 4349, 0x0004 }, + { 4350, 0x0100 }, { 4351, 0x0000 }, { 4351, 0x0000 }, { 4351, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27900 */ + { 4351, 0x0000 }, { 4351, 0x0000 }, { 4351, 0x0010 }, { 4352, 0x0000 }, + { 4352, 0x0000 }, { 4352, 0x0000 }, { 4352, 0x0080 }, { 4353, 0x0400 }, + { 4354, 0x0000 }, { 4354, 0x0000 }, { 4354, 0x0001 }, { 4355, 0x0000 }, + { 4355, 0x0000 }, { 4355, 0x2000 }, { 4356, 0x0000 }, { 4356, 0x2000 }, + /* 0x27a00 */ + { 4357, 0x4400 }, { 4359, 0x0000 }, { 4359, 0x0000 }, { 4359, 0x4000 }, + { 4360, 0x0000 }, { 4360, 0x0208 }, { 4362, 0x0000 }, { 4362, 0x0200 }, + { 4363, 0x0010 }, { 4364, 0x0000 }, { 4364, 0x0000 }, { 4364, 0x6000 }, + { 4366, 0x0000 }, { 4366, 0x0000 }, { 4366, 0x0000 }, { 4366, 0x0010 }, + /* 0x27b00 */ + { 4367, 0x0840 }, { 4369, 0x0100 }, { 4370, 0x0000 }, { 4370, 0x0700 }, + { 4373, 0x0100 }, { 4374, 0x0000 }, { 4374, 0x0000 }, { 4374, 0x0000 }, + { 4374, 0x0000 }, { 4374, 0x0000 }, { 4374, 0x0000 }, { 4374, 0x0000 }, + { 4374, 0x0000 }, { 4374, 0x0000 }, { 4374, 0x0000 }, { 4374, 0x0010 }, + /* 0x27c00 */ + { 4375, 0x0000 }, { 4375, 0x0004 }, { 4376, 0x0000 }, { 4376, 0x0000 }, + { 4376, 0x0000 }, { 4376, 0x0000 }, { 4376, 0x0000 }, { 4376, 0x0000 }, + { 4376, 0x0000 }, { 4376, 0x0000 }, { 4376, 0x0000 }, { 4376, 0x0000 }, + { 4376, 0x0000 }, { 4376, 0x0000 }, { 4376, 0x0000 }, { 4376, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27d00 */ + { 4376, 0x0000 }, { 4376, 0x0000 }, { 4376, 0x8000 }, { 4377, 0x0000 }, + { 4377, 0x0000 }, { 4377, 0x0018 }, { 4379, 0x0040 }, { 4380, 0x0008 }, + { 4381, 0x8010 }, { 4383, 0x0100 }, { 4384, 0x0000 }, { 4384, 0x2000 }, + { 4385, 0x0000 }, { 4385, 0x1000 }, { 4386, 0x0000 }, { 4386, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27e00 */ + { 4386, 0x0000 }, { 4386, 0x0000 }, { 4386, 0x0000 }, { 4386, 0x0000 }, + { 4386, 0xa000 }, { 4388, 0x0000 }, { 4388, 0x0000 }, { 4388, 0x0000 }, + { 4388, 0x0000 }, { 4388, 0x0000 }, { 4388, 0x0000 }, { 4388, 0x0000 }, + { 4388, 0x0000 }, { 4388, 0x0000 }, { 4388, 0x0000 }, { 4388, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27f00 */ + { 4388, 0x0000 }, { 4388, 0x0000 }, { 4388, 0x4000 }, { 4389, 0x0000 }, + { 4389, 0x0000 }, { 4389, 0x0000 }, { 4389, 0x0000 }, { 4389, 0x0000 }, + { 4389, 0x0000 }, { 4389, 0x0000 }, { 4389, 0x0000 }, { 4389, 0x0000 }, + { 4389, 0x0000 }, { 4389, 0x0000 }, { 4389, 0x0000 }, { 4389, 0x0200 }, + /* 0x28000 */ + { 4390, 0x0204 }, { 4392, 0x4000 }, { 4393, 0x0018 }, { 4395, 0x0000 }, + { 4395, 0x0100 }, { 4396, 0x0000 }, { 4396, 0x0000 }, { 4396, 0x0000 }, + { 4396, 0x0008 }, { 4397, 0x0001 }, { 4398, 0x0000 }, { 4398, 0x6000 }, + { 4400, 0x0000 }, { 4400, 0x0000 }, { 4400, 0x0300 }, { 4402, 0x0010 }, + /* 0x28100 */ + { 4403, 0x0000 }, { 4403, 0x0000 }, { 4403, 0x4000 }, { 4404, 0x0000 }, + { 4404, 0x8000 }, { 4405, 0x2000 }, { 4406, 0x8000 }, { 4407, 0x0000 }, + { 4407, 0x0200 }, { 4408, 0x0000 }, { 4408, 0x8000 }, { 4409, 0x1000 }, + { 4410, 0x0000 }, { 4410, 0x0000 }, { 4410, 0x0000 }, { 4410, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28200 */ + { 4410, 0x0080 }, { 4411, 0x0500 }, { 4413, 0x0000 }, { 4413, 0x0000 }, + { 4413, 0x0000 }, { 4413, 0x0040 }, { 4414, 0x0000 }, { 4414, 0x1000 }, + { 4415, 0x0000 }, { 4415, 0x0800 }, { 4416, 0x0000 }, { 4416, 0x0000 }, + { 4416, 0x2000 }, { 4417, 0x0000 }, { 4417, 0x0004 }, { 4418, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28300 */ + { 4418, 0x0040 }, { 4419, 0x0100 }, { 4420, 0x8000 }, { 4421, 0x0400 }, + { 4422, 0x0000 }, { 4422, 0x0000 }, { 4422, 0x2020 }, { 4424, 0x2000 }, + { 4425, 0x0400 }, { 4426, 0x0000 }, { 4426, 0x0000 }, { 4426, 0x0000 }, + { 4426, 0x0000 }, { 4426, 0x0000 }, { 4426, 0x0000 }, { 4426, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28400 */ + { 4426, 0x0000 }, { 4426, 0x0004 }, { 4427, 0x0000 }, { 4427, 0x0000 }, + { 4427, 0x0000 }, { 4427, 0x0000 }, { 4427, 0x1100 }, { 4429, 0x0008 }, + { 4430, 0x0004 }, { 4431, 0x0000 }, { 4431, 0x0000 }, { 4431, 0x0000 }, + { 4431, 0x0000 }, { 4431, 0x0000 }, { 4431, 0x0000 }, { 4431, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28500 */ + { 4431, 0x0002 }, { 4432, 0x0000 }, { 4432, 0x0000 }, { 4432, 0x3000 }, + { 4434, 0x0000 }, { 4434, 0x0000 }, { 4434, 0x1000 }, { 4435, 0x0000 }, + { 4435, 0x0000 }, { 4435, 0x0000 }, { 4435, 0x0000 }, { 4435, 0x0000 }, + { 4435, 0x0000 }, { 4435, 0x0000 }, { 4435, 0x0100 }, { 4436, 0x0010 }, + /* 0x28600 */ + { 4437, 0x0801 }, { 4439, 0x0000 }, { 4439, 0x0020 }, { 4440, 0x0800 }, + { 4441, 0x0000 }, { 4441, 0x0000 }, { 4441, 0x0000 }, { 4441, 0x0000 }, + { 4441, 0x0000 }, { 4441, 0x0000 }, { 4441, 0x0c00 }, { 4443, 0x1000 }, + { 4444, 0x0000 }, { 4444, 0x0100 }, { 4445, 0x0040 }, { 4446, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28700 */ + { 4446, 0x0000 }, { 4446, 0x0008 }, { 4447, 0x0000 }, { 4447, 0x0000 }, + { 4447, 0x0000 }, { 4447, 0x0000 }, { 4447, 0x0000 }, { 4447, 0x0000 }, + { 4447, 0x0000 }, { 4447, 0x0000 }, { 4447, 0x0000 }, { 4447, 0x0000 }, + { 4447, 0x0000 }, { 4447, 0x0000 }, { 4447, 0x0000 }, { 4447, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28800 */ + { 4447, 0x0010 }, { 4448, 0x0000 }, { 4448, 0x0800 }, { 4449, 0x0000 }, + { 4449, 0x0000 }, { 4449, 0x0000 }, { 4449, 0x0000 }, { 4449, 0x0000 }, + { 4449, 0x0000 }, { 4449, 0x0000 }, { 4449, 0x0000 }, { 4449, 0x0000 }, + { 4449, 0x0000 }, { 4449, 0x0000 }, { 4449, 0x0000 }, { 4449, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28900 */ + { 4449, 0x0000 }, { 4449, 0x0000 }, { 4449, 0x0000 }, { 4449, 0x0008 }, + { 4450, 0x0300 }, { 4452, 0x0040 }, { 4453, 0x1110 }, { 4456, 0x4000 }, + { 4457, 0x0200 }, { 4458, 0x0000 }, { 4458, 0x0d00 }, { 4461, 0x1100 }, + { 4463, 0x0001 }, { 4464, 0x5000 }, { 4466, 0x0192 }, { 4470, 0x1e00 }, + /* 0x28a00 */ + { 4474, 0x8000 }, { 4475, 0x0040 }, { 4476, 0x0220 }, { 4478, 0x0040 }, + { 4479, 0x0ff0 }, { 4487, 0x0600 }, { 4489, 0x0000 }, { 4489, 0x0000 }, + { 4489, 0x000e }, { 4492, 0x1c00 }, { 4495, 0x0000 }, { 4495, 0x0000 }, + { 4495, 0x5841 }, { 4500, 0xc000 }, { 4502, 0x002f }, { 4507, 0x1000 }, + /* 0x28b00 */ + { 4508, 0x1000 }, { 4509, 0x0008 }, { 4510, 0xb806 }, { 4516, 0x0000 }, + { 4516, 0x5040 }, { 4519, 0x0001 }, { 4520, 0x1078 }, { 4525, 0x0000 }, + { 4525, 0x8000 }, { 4526, 0x3200 }, { 4529, 0x0000 }, { 4529, 0x0000 }, + { 4529, 0x0024 }, { 4531, 0x0690 }, { 4535, 0x1f80 }, { 4541, 0x8020 }, + /* 0x28c00 */ + { 4543, 0x0208 }, { 4545, 0x3000 }, { 4547, 0x0848 }, { 4550, 0x0a01 }, + { 4553, 0x0000 }, { 4553, 0x0000 }, { 4553, 0x0000 }, { 4553, 0x0000 }, + { 4553, 0x0000 }, { 4553, 0x0000 }, { 4553, 0x0000 }, { 4553, 0x0000 }, + { 4553, 0x2400 }, { 4555, 0x0004 }, { 4556, 0x0000 }, { 4556, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28d00 */ + { 4556, 0x0000 }, { 4556, 0x0000 }, { 4556, 0x0000 }, { 4556, 0x0010 }, + { 4557, 0x0000 }, { 4557, 0x0000 }, { 4557, 0x0000 }, { 4557, 0x0000 }, + { 4557, 0x0000 }, { 4557, 0x0200 }, { 4558, 0x0000 }, { 4558, 0x0000 }, + { 4558, 0x0000 }, { 4558, 0x0000 }, { 4558, 0x0000 }, { 4558, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28e00 */ + { 4558, 0x8000 }, { 4559, 0x0000 }, { 4559, 0x0000 }, { 4559, 0x0240 }, + { 4561, 0x0000 }, { 4561, 0x0000 }, { 4561, 0x0060 }, { 4563, 0x0000 }, + { 4563, 0x0000 }, { 4563, 0x0080 }, { 4564, 0x1000 }, { 4565, 0x000c }, + { 4567, 0x0000 }, { 4567, 0x0200 }, { 4568, 0x0080 }, { 4569, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28f00 */ + { 4569, 0x0000 }, { 4569, 0x0000 }, { 4569, 0x0000 }, { 4569, 0x0000 }, + { 4569, 0x0000 }, { 4569, 0x0000 }, { 4569, 0x0000 }, { 4569, 0x0000 }, + { 4569, 0x0000 }, { 4569, 0x0000 }, { 4569, 0x0000 }, { 4569, 0x0000 }, + { 4569, 0x0020 }, { 4570, 0x0000 }, { 4570, 0x0000 }, { 4570, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x29000 */ + { 4570, 0x0000 }, { 4570, 0x0000 }, { 4570, 0x0000 }, { 4570, 0x0000 }, + { 4570, 0x0000 }, { 4570, 0x0000 }, { 4570, 0x0000 }, { 4570, 0x0000 }, + { 4570, 0x0900 }, { 4572, 0x0008 }, { 4573, 0x8000 }, { 4574, 0x0003 }, + { 4576, 0x0001 }, { 4577, 0x0000 }, { 4577, 0x3030 }, { 4581, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x29100 */ + { 4581, 0x2000 }, { 4582, 0x0001 }, { 4583, 0x0000 }, { 4583, 0x1000 }, + { 4584, 0x2000 }, { 4585, 0x4800 }, { 4587, 0x0000 }, { 4587, 0x0001 }, + { 4588, 0x0000 }, { 4588, 0x1000 }, { 4589, 0x0100 }, { 4590, 0x0000 }, + { 4590, 0x0000 }, { 4590, 0x0020 }, { 4591, 0x0800 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs1999_uni2indx_page294[32] = { + /* 0x29400 */ + { 4592, 0x0000 }, { 4592, 0x2000 }, { 4593, 0x0001 }, { 4594, 0x8008 }, + { 4596, 0x0100 }, { 4597, 0x0000 }, { 4597, 0x0000 }, { 4597, 0x0000 }, + { 4597, 0x0000 }, { 4597, 0x0000 }, { 4597, 0x0000 }, { 4597, 0x0000 }, + { 4597, 0x0000 }, { 4597, 0x0601 }, { 4600, 0x00a0 }, { 4602, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x29500 */ + { 4602, 0x0000 }, { 4602, 0x0000 }, { 4602, 0x0000 }, { 4602, 0x0000 }, + { 4602, 0x0000 }, { 4602, 0x0000 }, { 4602, 0x0000 }, { 4602, 0x0000 }, + { 4602, 0x0000 }, { 4602, 0x4000 }, { 4603, 0x0000 }, { 4603, 0x0101 }, + { 4605, 0x0000 }, { 4605, 0x0080 }, { 4606, 0x0200 }, { 4607, 0x0010 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs1999_uni2indx_page297[251] = { + /* 0x29700 */ + { 4608, 0x0000 }, { 4608, 0x0000 }, { 4608, 0x0001 }, { 4609, 0x0004 }, + { 4610, 0x0000 }, { 4610, 0x0000 }, { 4610, 0x0000 }, { 4610, 0x0000 }, + { 4610, 0x0000 }, { 4610, 0x0000 }, { 4610, 0x0000 }, { 4610, 0x0000 }, + { 4610, 0x0000 }, { 4610, 0x0010 }, { 4611, 0x0000 }, { 4611, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x29800 */ + { 4611, 0x0000 }, { 4611, 0x0001 }, { 4612, 0x0000 }, { 4612, 0x0000 }, + { 4612, 0x0000 }, { 4612, 0x0080 }, { 4613, 0x0000 }, { 4613, 0x0000 }, + { 4613, 0x0000 }, { 4613, 0x0000 }, { 4613, 0x0010 }, { 4614, 0x0000 }, + { 4614, 0x0000 }, { 4614, 0x0002 }, { 4615, 0x0400 }, { 4616, 0x0002 }, + /* 0x29900 */ + { 4617, 0x0028 }, { 4619, 0x0000 }, { 4619, 0x8000 }, { 4620, 0x0000 }, + { 4620, 0x0300 }, { 4622, 0x2000 }, { 4623, 0x0400 }, { 4624, 0x0000 }, + { 4624, 0x0000 }, { 4624, 0x2000 }, { 4625, 0x0000 }, { 4625, 0x0000 }, + { 4625, 0x0208 }, { 4627, 0x0000 }, { 4627, 0x0000 }, { 4627, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x29a00 */ + { 4627, 0x0000 }, { 4627, 0x0000 }, { 4627, 0x0100 }, { 4628, 0x0000 }, + { 4628, 0x2000 }, { 4629, 0x0000 }, { 4629, 0x0000 }, { 4629, 0x0000 }, + { 4629, 0x0000 }, { 4629, 0x0000 }, { 4629, 0x0000 }, { 4629, 0x0000 }, + { 4629, 0x0000 }, { 4629, 0x0000 }, { 4629, 0x0000 }, { 4629, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x29b00 */ + { 4629, 0x4020 }, { 4631, 0x0000 }, { 4631, 0x0000 }, { 4631, 0x0000 }, + { 4631, 0x0000 }, { 4631, 0x0000 }, { 4631, 0x0000 }, { 4631, 0x0000 }, + { 4631, 0x0000 }, { 4631, 0x0000 }, { 4631, 0x0000 }, { 4631, 0x0000 }, + { 4631, 0x0000 }, { 4631, 0x0020 }, { 4632, 0x0000 }, { 4632, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x29c00 */ + { 4632, 0x0000 }, { 4632, 0x0000 }, { 4632, 0x0000 }, { 4632, 0x0000 }, + { 4632, 0x0000 }, { 4632, 0x0000 }, { 4632, 0x0000 }, { 4632, 0x0000 }, + { 4632, 0x0000 }, { 4632, 0x0000 }, { 4632, 0x2000 }, { 4633, 0x0000 }, + { 4633, 0x0000 }, { 4633, 0x0000 }, { 4633, 0x0000 }, { 4633, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x29d00 */ + { 4633, 0x0000 }, { 4633, 0x0000 }, { 4633, 0x0000 }, { 4633, 0x4000 }, + { 4634, 0x0000 }, { 4634, 0x0400 }, { 4635, 0x0000 }, { 4635, 0x1000 }, + { 4636, 0x0000 }, { 4636, 0x0900 }, { 4638, 0x0000 }, { 4638, 0x0000 }, + { 4638, 0x0000 }, { 4638, 0x0000 }, { 4638, 0x0000 }, { 4638, 0x0040 }, + /* 0x29e00 */ + { 4639, 0x0040 }, { 4640, 0x0000 }, { 4640, 0x2000 }, { 4641, 0x0000 }, + { 4641, 0x0000 }, { 4641, 0x0000 }, { 4641, 0x0100 }, { 4642, 0x0000 }, + { 4642, 0x0000 }, { 4642, 0x0000 }, { 4642, 0x1000 }, { 4643, 0x0000 }, + { 4643, 0x0008 }, { 4644, 0x0000 }, { 4644, 0x0000 }, { 4644, 0x0100 }, + /* 0x29f00 */ + { 4645, 0x0000 }, { 4645, 0x0000 }, { 4645, 0x0008 }, { 4646, 0x0001 }, + { 4647, 0x0000 }, { 4647, 0x0000 }, { 4647, 0x0000 }, { 4647, 0x0000 }, + { 4647, 0x0000 }, { 4647, 0x0000 }, { 4647, 0x0000 }, { 4647, 0x0080 }, + { 4648, 0x0000 }, { 4648, 0x4000 }, { 4649, 0x0000 }, { 4649, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2a000 */ + { 4649, 0x0000 }, { 4649, 0x0010 }, { 4650, 0x0000 }, { 4650, 0x0000 }, + { 4650, 0x0000 }, { 4650, 0x0000 }, { 4650, 0x0000 }, { 4650, 0x0000 }, + { 4650, 0x0080 }, { 4651, 0x0000 }, { 4651, 0x0000 }, { 4651, 0x0200 }, + { 4652, 0x0000 }, { 4652, 0x0000 }, { 4652, 0x2002 }, { 4654, 0x4108 }, + /* 0x2a100 */ + { 4657, 0x0000 }, { 4657, 0x0000 }, { 4657, 0x0008 }, { 4658, 0x0018 }, + { 4660, 0x0000 }, { 4660, 0x0001 }, { 4661, 0x0000 }, { 4661, 0x0000 }, + { 4661, 0x0000 }, { 4661, 0x000c }, { 4663, 0x0800 }, { 4664, 0x0010 }, + { 4665, 0x0000 }, { 4665, 0x8000 }, { 4666, 0x0000 }, { 4666, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x2a200 */ + { 4667, 0x0000 }, { 4667, 0x0000 }, { 4667, 0x0001 }, { 4668, 0x0008 }, + { 4669, 0x0000 }, { 4669, 0x0000 }, { 4669, 0x0000 }, { 4669, 0x0000 }, + { 4669, 0x0000 }, { 4669, 0x8008 }, { 4671, 0x0000 }, { 4671, 0x2054 }, + { 4675, 0x0000 }, { 4675, 0x8000 }, { 4676, 0x0000 }, { 4676, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x2a300 */ + { 4677, 0x0000 }, { 4677, 0x0000 }, { 4677, 0x0000 }, { 4677, 0x0000 }, + { 4677, 0x0000 }, { 4677, 0x0000 }, { 4677, 0x0000 }, { 4677, 0x0000 }, + { 4677, 0x0000 }, { 4677, 0x0000 }, { 4677, 0x0200 }, { 4678, 0x0000 }, + { 4678, 0x0000 }, { 4678, 0x0000 }, { 4678, 0x0000 }, { 4678, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2a400 */ + { 4678, 0x0000 }, { 4678, 0x0000 }, { 4678, 0x0000 }, { 4678, 0x0010 }, + { 4679, 0x0000 }, { 4679, 0x0800 }, { 4680, 0x0000 }, { 4680, 0x0000 }, + { 4680, 0x0000 }, { 4680, 0x0000 }, { 4680, 0x0000 }, { 4680, 0x0000 }, + { 4680, 0x0000 }, { 4680, 0x0000 }, { 4680, 0x0000 }, { 4680, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2a500 */ + { 4680, 0x0000 }, { 4680, 0x0000 }, { 4680, 0x0000 }, { 4680, 0x0000 }, + { 4680, 0x0000 }, { 4680, 0x0000 }, { 4680, 0x0000 }, { 4680, 0x0000 }, + { 4680, 0x0000 }, { 4680, 0x0000 }, { 4680, 0x0000 }, { 4680, 0x0000 }, + { 4680, 0x0840 }, { 4682, 0x0000 }, { 4682, 0x0000 }, { 4682, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2a600 */ + { 4682, 0x0002 }, { 4683, 0x0000 }, { 4683, 0x0000 }, { 4683, 0x0004 }, + { 4684, 0x0400 }, { 4685, 0x0800 }, { 4686, 0x0000 }, { 4686, 0x0000 }, + { 4686, 0x0000 }, { 4686, 0x0000 }, { 4686, 0x0200 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs1999_uni2indx_page2f8[30] = { + /* 0x2f800 */ + { 4687, 0x0000 }, { 4687, 0x0000 }, { 4687, 0x0020 }, { 4688, 0x0800 }, + { 4689, 0x0001 }, { 4690, 0x0000 }, { 4690, 0x0000 }, { 4690, 0x0100 }, + { 4691, 0x0000 }, { 4691, 0x0010 }, { 4692, 0x0040 }, { 4693, 0x0000 }, + { 4693, 0x2000 }, { 4694, 0x0000 }, { 4694, 0x0000 }, { 4694, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2f900 */ + { 4694, 0x0000 }, { 4694, 0x0000 }, { 4694, 0x0000 }, { 4694, 0x0000 }, + { 4694, 0x0000 }, { 4694, 0x0000 }, { 4694, 0x0000 }, { 4694, 0x0000 }, + { 4694, 0x0000 }, { 4694, 0x0010 }, { 4695, 0x0000 }, { 4695, 0x1004 }, + { 4697, 0x0000 }, { 4697, 0x0010 }, +}; + +static int +hkscs1999_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + const Summary16 *summary = NULL; + if (wc >= 0x0000 && wc < 0x02d0) + summary = &hkscs1999_uni2indx_page00[(wc>>4)]; + else if (wc >= 0x0400 && wc < 0x0460) + summary = &hkscs1999_uni2indx_page04[(wc>>4)-0x040]; + else if (wc >= 0x1e00 && wc < 0x1ed0) + summary = &hkscs1999_uni2indx_page1e[(wc>>4)-0x1e0]; + else if (wc >= 0x2100 && wc < 0x21f0) + summary = &hkscs1999_uni2indx_page21[(wc>>4)-0x210]; + else if (wc >= 0x2300 && wc < 0x2580) + summary = &hkscs1999_uni2indx_page23[(wc>>4)-0x230]; + else if (wc >= 0x2700 && wc < 0x2740) + summary = &hkscs1999_uni2indx_page27[(wc>>4)-0x270]; + else if (wc >= 0x2e00 && wc < 0x3240) + summary = &hkscs1999_uni2indx_page2e[(wc>>4)-0x2e0]; + else if (wc >= 0x3400 && wc < 0x9fc0) + summary = &hkscs1999_uni2indx_page34[(wc>>4)-0x340]; + else if (wc >= 0xf900 && wc < 0xf910) + summary = &hkscs1999_uni2indx_pagef9[(wc>>4)-0xf90]; + else if (wc >= 0xff00 && wc < 0xfff0) + summary = &hkscs1999_uni2indx_pageff[(wc>>4)-0xff0]; + else if (wc >= 0x20000 && wc < 0x291f0) + summary = &hkscs1999_uni2indx_page200[(wc>>4)-0x2000]; + else if (wc >= 0x29400 && wc < 0x29600) + summary = &hkscs1999_uni2indx_page294[(wc>>4)-0x2940]; + else if (wc >= 0x29700 && wc < 0x2a6b0) + summary = &hkscs1999_uni2indx_page297[(wc>>4)-0x2970]; + else if (wc >= 0x2f800 && wc < 0x2f9e0) + summary = &hkscs1999_uni2indx_page2f8[(wc>>4)-0x2f80]; + if (summary) { + unsigned short used = summary->used; + unsigned int i = wc & 0x0f; + if (used & ((unsigned short) 1 << i)) { + unsigned short c; + /* Keep in `used' only the bits 0..i-1. */ + used &= ((unsigned short) 1 << i) - 1; + /* Add `summary->indx' and the number of bits set in `used'. */ + used = (used & 0x5555) + ((used & 0xaaaa) >> 1); + used = (used & 0x3333) + ((used & 0xcccc) >> 2); + used = (used & 0x0f0f) + ((used & 0xf0f0) >> 4); + used = (used & 0x00ff) + (used >> 8); + c = hkscs1999_2charset[summary->indx + used]; + r[0] = (c >> 8); r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/hkscs2001.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/hkscs2001.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..66642cf9c --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/hkscs2001.h @@ -0,0 +1,683 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * HKSCS:2001 + */ + +static const unsigned short hkscs2001_2uni_page8c[123] = { + /* 0x8c */ + 0x0a3b, 0x1cfe, 0x5273, 0x37a6, 0x02c9, 0x2d8f, 0x414e, 0x1d77, + 0x12f5, 0x0620, 0x45cd, 0x0059, 0x4830, 0x1622, 0x4f32, 0x30a7, + 0x31f6, 0x1e91, 0x1819, 0x20ba, 0x3e81, 0x5307, 0x018b, 0x3a80, + 0x0610, 0x24e4, 0x2102, 0x0bae, 0x4d0f, 0x0409, 0x1a63, 0x54ba, + 0x0523, 0x2c0f, 0x38fd, 0x252a, 0x5147, 0x4fea, 0x3455, 0x1d4d, + 0x0c24, 0x3c7e, 0x33f4, 0x22d9, 0x4ee3, 0x37a7, 0x23dd, 0x08a3, + 0x09f0, 0x0abc, 0x082f, 0x0917, 0x37a8, 0x0d34, 0x288b, 0x0f92, + 0x0fd0, 0x3bb6, 0x1492, 0x1499, 0x15c2, 0x3d12, 0x178b, 0x3ff9, + 0x1919, 0x1a43, 0x4063, 0x1bff, 0x38fd, 0x1f00, 0x4205, 0x208c, + 0x03db, 0x4413, 0x1115, 0x21b9, 0x2e83, 0x47a4, 0x4695, 0x2593, + 0x26ec, 0x27c3, 0x296c, 0x2af8, 0x2b97, 0x37a9, 0x2d90, 0x37aa, + 0x2fb9, 0x37ab, 0x30cf, 0x2b5f, 0x36e0, 0x3221, 0x37ac, 0x50b9, + 0x393f, 0x0471, 0x05a2, 0x101a, 0x38fd, 0x38fd, 0x38fd, 0x3568, + 0x186b, 0x0576, 0x0e3d, 0x38fd, 0x2bd6, 0x437b, 0x2abf, 0x4c0d, + 0x0781, 0x4a74, 0x137b, 0x4915, 0x4bbe, 0x37ad, 0x37ae, 0x1196, + 0x37af, 0x38fd, 0x295b, +}; + +static const ucs4_t hkscs2001_2uni_upages[85] = { + 0x03500, 0x03c00, 0x03d00, 0x03e00, 0x04000, 0x04200, 0x04b00, 0x04c00, + 0x04e00, 0x04f00, 0x05000, 0x05100, 0x05300, 0x05400, 0x05700, 0x05800, + 0x05a00, 0x05b00, 0x05c00, 0x05d00, 0x05e00, 0x05f00, 0x06100, 0x06500, + 0x06700, 0x06900, 0x06a00, 0x06c00, 0x06d00, 0x07000, 0x07100, 0x07200, + 0x07300, 0x07400, 0x07600, 0x07700, 0x07800, 0x07a00, 0x07b00, 0x07c00, + 0x07d00, 0x07e00, 0x08200, 0x08500, 0x08600, 0x08800, 0x08b00, 0x08e00, + 0x08f00, 0x09100, 0x09200, 0x09300, 0x09700, 0x09800, 0x09900, 0x09f00, + 0x0ff00, 0x21400, 0x21900, 0x21d00, 0x22000, 0x22700, 0x23200, 0x23300, + 0x23c00, 0x24100, 0x24500, 0x24900, 0x24a00, 0x25100, 0x25600, 0x25c00, + 0x25d00, 0x26b00, 0x26d00, 0x26f00, 0x27100, 0x28700, 0x28900, 0x28a00, + 0x28d00, 0x29900, 0x29c00, 0x2a100, 0x2a200, +}; + +static int +hkscs2001_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 == 0x8c)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 < 0x7f) || (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff)) { + unsigned int i = 157 * (c1 - 0x80) + (c2 - (c2 >= 0xa1 ? 0x62 : 0x40)); + ucs4_t wc = 0xfffd; + unsigned short swc; + { + if (i < 2007) + swc = hkscs2001_2uni_page8c[i-1884], + wc = hkscs2001_2uni_upages[swc>>8] | (swc & 0xff); + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned short hkscs2001_2charset[116] = { + 0x8c4b, 0x8c56, 0x8c44, 0x8caa, 0x8c5d, 0x8cc3, 0x8c60, 0x8ccb, + 0x8cc4, 0x8c58, 0x8c49, 0x8cd2, 0x8c72, 0x8c6f, 0x8c73, 0x8c70, + 0x8c40, 0x8c71, 0x8c5b, 0x8c68, 0x8c75, 0x8ccc, 0x8c77, 0x8c78, + 0x8cc5, 0x8cac, 0x8cd9, 0x8c48, 0x8cd4, 0x8c7a, 0x8c7b, 0x8c7c, + 0x8c4d, 0x8c7e, 0x8c52, 0x8cca, 0x8ca2, 0x8ca3, 0x8c5e, 0x8ca5, + 0x8c41, 0x8c67, 0x8c47, 0x8c51, 0x8ca7, 0x8ca9, 0x8c53, 0x8c5a, + 0x8cad, 0x8c6b, 0x8c6e, 0x8c59, 0x8c63, 0x8cb1, 0x8cb2, 0x8cb3, + 0x8c76, 0x8cdc, 0x8cb4, 0x8cd0, 0x8cb5, 0x8cbd, 0x8cb6, 0x8cce, + 0x8c61, 0x8c45, 0x8cb8, 0x8cae, 0x8cba, 0x8c4f, 0x8cbc, 0x8c50, + 0x8cbf, 0x8c6a, 0x8c66, 0x8cc9, 0x8cbe, 0x8c43, 0x8c6d, 0x8c74, + 0x8cb7, 0x8cb9, 0x8cbb, 0x8cc0, 0x8cd7, 0x8cd8, 0x8cda, 0x8cc2, + 0x8c57, 0x8c79, 0x8c69, 0x8c7d, 0x8c54, 0x8ca1, 0x8ca4, 0x8c46, + 0x8ca8, 0x8ccf, 0x8cab, 0x8c4a, 0x8cb0, 0x8caf, 0x8c4c, 0x8cd5, + 0x8cd3, 0x8cd6, 0x8cd1, 0x8c5c, 0x8c6c, 0x8c4e, 0x8c65, 0x8cc1, + 0x8c64, 0x8c42, 0x8c55, 0x8c5f, +}; + +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page35[6] = { + /* 0x3500 */ + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0200 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page3c[46] = { + /* 0x3c00 */ + { 1, 0x0000 }, { 1, 0x0000 }, { 1, 0x0000 }, { 1, 0x0000 }, + { 1, 0x0000 }, { 1, 0x0000 }, { 1, 0x0000 }, { 1, 0x0000 }, + { 1, 0x0800 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, + { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3d00 */ + { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, + { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, + { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, + { 2, 0x0200 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3e00 */ + { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, + { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, + { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, + { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0800 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page40[8] = { + /* 0x4000 */ + { 4, 0x0200 }, { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0000 }, + { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0002 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page42[11] = { + /* 0x4200 */ + { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0008 }, { 7, 0x0000 }, + { 7, 0x0000 }, { 7, 0x0000 }, { 7, 0x0000 }, { 7, 0x0040 }, + { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0004 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page4b[25] = { + /* 0x4b00 */ + { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0001 }, { 10, 0x0001 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, + { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, + { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, + { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4c00 */ + { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, + { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, + { 11, 0x0002 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page4e[59] = { + /* 0x4e00 */ + { 12, 0x0000 }, { 12, 0x0000 }, { 12, 0x8000 }, { 13, 0x0000 }, + { 13, 0x0000 }, { 13, 0x0000 }, { 13, 0x0000 }, { 13, 0x0000 }, + { 13, 0x0000 }, { 13, 0x0000 }, { 13, 0x0008 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, + { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4f00 */ + { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0080 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, + { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, + { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, + { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0001 }, + /* 0x5000 */ + { 16, 0x0000 }, { 16, 0x0000 }, { 16, 0x0000 }, { 16, 0x0800 }, + { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, + { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x1000 }, + { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5100 */ + { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, + { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, + { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x4000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page53[20] = { + /* 0x5300 */ + { 19, 0x0000 }, { 19, 0x0000 }, { 19, 0x0010 }, { 20, 0x0000 }, + { 20, 0x0000 }, { 20, 0x0000 }, { 20, 0x0000 }, { 20, 0x0000 }, + { 20, 0x0000 }, { 20, 0x0000 }, { 20, 0x0000 }, { 20, 0x0000 }, + { 20, 0x0000 }, { 20, 0x0000 }, { 20, 0x0000 }, { 20, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5400 */ + { 20, 0x0000 }, { 20, 0x0000 }, { 20, 0x0000 }, { 20, 0x0010 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page57[30] = { + /* 0x5700 */ + { 21, 0x0000 }, { 21, 0x0000 }, { 21, 0x0000 }, { 21, 0x2000 }, + { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, + { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, + { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5800 */ + { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, + { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, + { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0004 }, { 23, 0x0000 }, { 23, 0x0000 }, + { 23, 0x0000 }, { 23, 0x0001 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page5a[93] = { + /* 0x5a00 */ + { 24, 0x0000 }, { 24, 0x0400 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, + { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, + { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, + { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5b00 */ + { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0020 }, { 26, 0x0000 }, { 26, 0x0000 }, + { 26, 0x0000 }, { 26, 0x0000 }, { 26, 0x0000 }, { 26, 0x0000 }, + { 26, 0x0000 }, { 26, 0x0040 }, { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x0000 }, + { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5c00 */ + { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x0000 }, + { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x0000 }, + { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x0000 }, + { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x5d00 */ + { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, + { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0800 }, + { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0000 }, + { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5e00 */ + { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0000 }, + { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0000 }, + { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0204 }, { 31, 0x0000 }, { 31, 0x0000 }, + { 31, 0x0000 }, { 31, 0x0000 }, { 31, 0x0000 }, { 31, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5f00 */ + { 31, 0x0000 }, { 31, 0x0000 }, { 31, 0x0000 }, { 31, 0x0000 }, + { 31, 0x0000 }, { 31, 0x0000 }, { 31, 0x0000 }, { 31, 0x0000 }, + { 31, 0x0000 }, { 31, 0x0000 }, { 31, 0x0000 }, { 31, 0x0000 }, + { 31, 0x0004 }, +}; 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+static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page6c[32] = { + /* 0x6c00 */ + { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, + { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, + { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, + { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x6d00 */ + { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, + { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, + { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, + { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x4000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page70[76] = { + /* 0x7000 */ + { 41, 0x0000 }, { 41, 0x0000 }, { 41, 0x0000 }, { 41, 0x0000 }, + { 41, 0x2000 }, { 42, 0x0000 }, { 42, 0x0000 }, { 42, 0x0080 }, + { 43, 0x0000 }, { 43, 0x0000 }, { 43, 0x0000 }, { 43, 0x0000 }, + { 43, 0x0000 }, { 43, 0x0000 }, { 43, 0x0000 }, { 43, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7100 */ + { 43, 0x0000 }, { 43, 0x0000 }, { 43, 0x0000 }, { 43, 0x0000 }, + { 43, 0x0000 }, { 43, 0x0000 }, { 43, 0x0000 }, { 43, 0x0000 }, + { 43, 0x0000 }, { 43, 0x0002 }, { 44, 0x0000 }, { 44, 0x0000 }, + { 44, 0x0000 }, { 44, 0x0000 }, { 44, 0x0000 }, { 44, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7200 */ + { 44, 0x0001 }, { 45, 0x0000 }, { 45, 0x0000 }, { 45, 0x0000 }, + { 45, 0x0000 }, { 45, 0x0000 }, { 45, 0x0000 }, { 45, 0x0000 }, + { 45, 0x0000 }, { 45, 0x0000 }, { 45, 0x0000 }, { 45, 0x0000 }, + { 45, 0x0000 }, { 45, 0x0000 }, { 45, 0x0000 }, { 45, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7300 */ + { 45, 0x0000 }, { 45, 0x0000 }, { 45, 0x0000 }, { 45, 0x0000 }, + { 45, 0x0000 }, { 45, 0x0000 }, { 45, 0x0000 }, { 45, 0x0000 }, + { 45, 0x1000 }, { 46, 0x0000 }, { 46, 0x0000 }, { 46, 0x0400 }, + { 47, 0x0000 }, { 47, 0x0000 }, { 47, 0x0000 }, { 47, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7400 */ + { 47, 0x0004 }, { 48, 0x0000 }, { 48, 0x0000 }, { 48, 0x0000 }, + { 48, 0x0000 }, { 48, 0x0000 }, { 48, 0x0000 }, { 48, 0x0000 }, + { 48, 0x0000 }, { 48, 0x0000 }, { 48, 0x0000 }, { 48, 0x0200 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page76[47] = { + /* 0x7600 */ + { 49, 0x0000 }, { 49, 0x0000 }, { 49, 0x0000 }, { 49, 0x0000 }, + { 49, 0x0000 }, { 49, 0x0000 }, { 49, 0x0000 }, { 49, 0x0000 }, + { 49, 0x0000 }, { 49, 0x0000 }, { 49, 0x0000 }, { 49, 0x0000 }, + { 49, 0x0000 }, { 49, 0x0200 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7700 */ + { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, + { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, + { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, + { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x2000 }, { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7800 */ + { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0000 }, + { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0000 }, + { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0000 }, + { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0010 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page7a[71] = { + /* 0x7a00 */ + { 52, 0x0000 }, { 52, 0x0000 }, { 52, 0x0400 }, { 53, 0x0000 }, + { 53, 0x0000 }, { 53, 0x0000 }, { 53, 0x0000 }, { 53, 0x0000 }, + { 53, 0x0000 }, { 53, 0x0008 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, + { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7b00 */ + { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, + { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, + { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, + { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x1000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7c00 */ + { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, + { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, + { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, + { 55, 0x0008 }, { 56, 0x0000 }, { 56, 0x0000 }, { 56, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7d00 */ + { 56, 0x0000 }, { 56, 0x0000 }, { 56, 0x0000 }, { 56, 0x0000 }, + { 56, 0x0000 }, { 56, 0x0000 }, { 56, 0x0000 }, { 56, 0x0000 }, + { 56, 0x0800 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, + { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7e00 */ + { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, + { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0800 }, { 58, 0x1000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page82[16] = { + /* 0x8200 */ + { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, + { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, + { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x8000 }, + { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x0100 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page85[17] = { + /* 0x8500 */ + { 61, 0x0000 }, { 61, 0x0000 }, { 61, 0x0000 }, { 61, 0x0000 }, + { 61, 0x0000 }, { 61, 0x8000 }, { 62, 0x0000 }, { 62, 0x0000 }, + { 62, 0x0000 }, { 62, 0x0080 }, { 63, 0x0000 }, { 63, 0x0000 }, + { 63, 0x0000 }, { 63, 0x0040 }, { 64, 0x0000 }, { 64, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8600 */ + { 64, 0x8000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page88[10] = { + /* 0x8800 */ + { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, + { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, + { 65, 0x8000 }, { 66, 0x0001 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page8b[9] = { + /* 0x8b00 */ + { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0000 }, + { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0000 }, + { 67, 0x0008 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page8e[29] = { + /* 0x8e00 */ + { 68, 0x0000 }, { 68, 0x0000 }, { 68, 0x0000 }, { 68, 0x0000 }, + { 68, 0x0000 }, { 68, 0x0000 }, { 68, 0x0000 }, { 68, 0x0000 }, + { 68, 0x0000 }, { 68, 0x0000 }, { 68, 0x0000 }, { 68, 0x0200 }, + { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8f00 */ + { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, + { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, + { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0080 }, { 70, 0x0000 }, + { 70, 0x8000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page91[48] = { + /* 0x9100 */ + { 71, 0x0000 }, { 71, 0x0000 }, { 71, 0x0000 }, { 71, 0x0000 }, + { 71, 0x0000 }, { 71, 0x0000 }, { 71, 0x0000 }, { 71, 0x0000 }, + { 71, 0x0000 }, { 71, 0x0000 }, { 71, 0x0000 }, { 71, 0x0000 }, + { 71, 0x0000 }, { 71, 0x0000 }, { 71, 0x0000 }, { 71, 0x0040 }, + /* 0x9200 */ + { 72, 0x0000 }, { 72, 0x0000 }, { 72, 0x0002 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, + { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, + { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, + { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9300 */ + { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, + { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, + { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, + { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0010 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page97[47] = { + /* 0x9700 */ + { 74, 0x0000 }, { 74, 0x0000 }, { 74, 0x0000 }, { 74, 0x0000 }, + { 74, 0x0000 }, { 74, 0x0020 }, { 75, 0x0000 }, { 75, 0x0000 }, + { 75, 0x0000 }, { 75, 0x0000 }, { 75, 0x0000 }, { 75, 0x0000 }, + { 75, 0x0000 }, { 75, 0x0000 }, { 75, 0x0000 }, { 75, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9800 */ + { 75, 0x0000 }, { 75, 0x0000 }, { 75, 0x0000 }, { 75, 0x0000 }, + { 75, 0x0000 }, { 75, 0x0000 }, { 75, 0x0100 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, + { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, + { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9900 */ + { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, + { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, + { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, + { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0001 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page9f[11] = { + /* 0x9f00 */ + { 77, 0x0000 }, { 77, 0x0000 }, { 77, 0x0000 }, { 77, 0x0000 }, + { 77, 0x0000 }, { 77, 0x0000 }, { 77, 0x0000 }, { 77, 0x0000 }, + { 77, 0x0000 }, { 77, 0x0000 }, { 77, 0xffc0 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page214[4] = { + /* 0x21400 */ + { 87, 0x0000 }, { 87, 0x0000 }, { 87, 0x0000 }, { 87, 0x8000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page219[9] = { + /* 0x21900 */ + { 88, 0x0000 }, { 88, 0x0000 }, { 88, 0x0000 }, { 88, 0x0000 }, + { 88, 0x0000 }, { 88, 0x0000 }, { 88, 0x0000 }, { 88, 0x0000 }, + { 88, 0x0001 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page21d[12] = { + /* 0x21d00 */ + { 89, 0x0000 }, { 89, 0x0000 }, { 89, 0x0000 }, { 89, 0x0000 }, + { 89, 0x0000 }, { 89, 0x0000 }, { 89, 0x0000 }, { 89, 0x0000 }, + { 89, 0x0000 }, { 89, 0x0000 }, { 89, 0x0000 }, { 89, 0x0040 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page220[8] = { + /* 0x22000 */ + { 90, 0x0000 }, { 90, 0x0000 }, { 90, 0x0000 }, { 90, 0x0000 }, + { 90, 0x0000 }, { 90, 0x0000 }, { 90, 0x0000 }, { 90, 0x4000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page227[2] = { + /* 0x22700 */ + { 91, 0x0000 }, { 91, 0x0004 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page232[32] = { + /* 0x23200 */ + { 92, 0x0000 }, { 92, 0x0000 }, { 92, 0x0000 }, { 92, 0x0000 }, + { 92, 0x0000 }, { 92, 0x0000 }, { 92, 0x0000 }, { 92, 0x0000 }, + { 92, 0x0002 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, + { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23300 */ + { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, + { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, + { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, + { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0200 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page23c[7] = { + /* 0x23c00 */ + { 94, 0x0000 }, { 94, 0x0000 }, { 94, 0x0000 }, { 94, 0x0000 }, + { 94, 0x0000 }, { 94, 0x0000 }, { 94, 0x0008 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page241[5] = { + /* 0x24100 */ + { 95, 0x0000 }, { 95, 0x0000 }, { 95, 0x0000 }, { 95, 0x0000 }, + { 95, 0x4000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page245[1] = { + /* 0x24500 */ + { 96, 0x0020 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page249[18] = { + /* 0x24900 */ + { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, + { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0800 }, + { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x0000 }, + { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x24a00 */ + { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x0008 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page251[13] = { + /* 0x25100 */ + { 99, 0x0000 }, { 99, 0x0000 }, { 99, 0x0000 }, { 99, 0x0000 }, + { 99, 0x0000 }, { 99, 0x0000 }, { 99, 0x0000 }, { 99, 0x0000 }, + { 99, 0x0000 }, { 99, 0x0000 }, { 99, 0x0000 }, { 99, 0x0000 }, + { 99, 0x2000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page256[10] = { + /* 0x25600 */ + { 100, 0x0000 }, { 100, 0x0000 }, { 100, 0x0000 }, { 100, 0x0000 }, + { 100, 0x0000 }, { 100, 0x0000 }, { 100, 0x0000 }, { 100, 0x0000 }, + { 100, 0x0000 }, { 100, 0x0020 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page25c[20] = { + /* 0x25c00 */ + { 101, 0x0000 }, { 101, 0x0000 }, { 101, 0x0000 }, { 101, 0x0000 }, + { 101, 0x0000 }, { 101, 0x0000 }, { 101, 0x0000 }, { 101, 0x0000 }, + { 101, 0x0000 }, { 101, 0x0000 }, { 101, 0x0010 }, { 102, 0x0000 }, + { 102, 0x0000 }, { 102, 0x0000 }, { 102, 0x0000 }, { 102, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25d00 */ + { 102, 0x0000 }, { 102, 0x0000 }, { 102, 0x0000 }, { 102, 0x0001 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page26b[2] = { + /* 0x26b00 */ + { 103, 0x0000 }, { 103, 0x0020 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page26d[8] = { + /* 0x26d00 */ + { 104, 0x0000 }, { 104, 0x0000 }, { 104, 0x0000 }, { 104, 0x0000 }, + { 104, 0x0000 }, { 104, 0x0000 }, { 104, 0x0000 }, { 104, 0x0010 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page26f[12] = { + /* 0x26f00 */ + { 105, 0x0000 }, { 105, 0x0000 }, { 105, 0x0000 }, { 105, 0x0000 }, + { 105, 0x0000 }, { 105, 0x0000 }, { 105, 0x0000 }, { 105, 0x0000 }, + { 105, 0x0000 }, { 105, 0x0000 }, { 105, 0x0000 }, { 105, 0x4000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page271[1] = { + /* 0x27100 */ + { 106, 0x2000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page287[1] = { + /* 0x28700 */ + { 107, 0x8000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page289[31] = { + /* 0x28900 */ + { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0000 }, + { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0000 }, + { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0000 }, + { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0008 }, { 109, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28a00 */ + { 109, 0x0000 }, { 109, 0x0000 }, { 109, 0x0000 }, { 109, 0x0004 }, + { 110, 0x0000 }, { 110, 0x0000 }, { 110, 0x0000 }, { 110, 0x0000 }, + { 110, 0x0000 }, { 110, 0x0000 }, { 110, 0x0000 }, { 110, 0x0000 }, + { 110, 0x0000 }, { 110, 0x0000 }, { 110, 0x0400 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page28d[12] = { + /* 0x28d00 */ + { 111, 0x0000 }, { 111, 0x0000 }, { 111, 0x0000 }, { 111, 0x0000 }, + { 111, 0x0000 }, { 111, 0x0000 }, { 111, 0x0000 }, { 111, 0x0000 }, + { 111, 0x0000 }, { 111, 0x0000 }, { 111, 0x0000 }, { 111, 0x0200 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page299[5] = { + /* 0x29900 */ + { 112, 0x0000 }, { 112, 0x0000 }, { 112, 0x0000 }, { 112, 0x0000 }, + { 112, 0x0080 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page29c[8] = { + /* 0x29c00 */ + { 113, 0x0000 }, { 113, 0x0000 }, { 113, 0x0000 }, { 113, 0x0000 }, + { 113, 0x0000 }, { 113, 0x0000 }, { 113, 0x0000 }, { 113, 0x0008 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2001_uni2indx_page2a1[28] = { + /* 0x2a100 */ + { 114, 0x0080 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, + { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, + { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, + { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2a200 */ + { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, + { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, + { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0400 }, +}; + +static int +hkscs2001_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + const Summary16 *summary = NULL; + if (wc < 0x9f00) { + if (wc < 0x6900) { + if (wc >= 0x3500 && wc < 0x3560) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page35[(wc>>4)-0x350]; + else if (wc >= 0x3c00 && wc < 0x3ee0) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page3c[(wc>>4)-0x3c0]; + else if (wc >= 0x4000 && wc < 0x4080) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page40[(wc>>4)-0x400]; + else if (wc >= 0x4200 && wc < 0x42b0) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page42[(wc>>4)-0x420]; + else if (wc >= 0x4b00 && wc < 0x4c90) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page4b[(wc>>4)-0x4b0]; + else if (wc >= 0x4e00 && wc < 0x51b0) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page4e[(wc>>4)-0x4e0]; + else if (wc >= 0x5300 && wc < 0x5440) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page53[(wc>>4)-0x530]; + else if (wc >= 0x5700 && wc < 0x58e0) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page57[(wc>>4)-0x570]; + else if (wc >= 0x5a00 && wc < 0x5fd0) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page5a[(wc>>4)-0x5a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x6100 && wc < 0x6130) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page61[(wc>>4)-0x610]; + else if (wc >= 0x6500 && wc < 0x6590) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page65[(wc>>4)-0x650]; + else if (wc >= 0x6700 && wc < 0x6770) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page67[(wc>>4)-0x670]; + } else { + if (wc >= 0x6900 && wc < 0x6a70) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page69[(wc>>4)-0x690]; + else if (wc >= 0x6c00 && wc < 0x6e00) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page6c[(wc>>4)-0x6c0]; + else if (wc >= 0x7000 && wc < 0x74c0) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page70[(wc>>4)-0x700]; + else if (wc >= 0x7600 && wc < 0x78f0) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page76[(wc>>4)-0x760]; + else if (wc >= 0x7a00 && wc < 0x7e70) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page7a[(wc>>4)-0x7a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x8200 && wc < 0x8300) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page82[(wc>>4)-0x820]; + else if (wc >= 0x8500 && wc < 0x8610) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page85[(wc>>4)-0x850]; + else if (wc >= 0x8800 && wc < 0x88a0) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page88[(wc>>4)-0x880]; + else if (wc >= 0x8b00 && wc < 0x8b90) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page8b[(wc>>4)-0x8b0]; + else if (wc >= 0x8e00 && wc < 0x8fd0) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page8e[(wc>>4)-0x8e0]; + else if (wc >= 0x9100 && wc < 0x9400) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page91[(wc>>4)-0x910]; + else if (wc >= 0x9700 && wc < 0x99f0) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page97[(wc>>4)-0x970]; + } + } else { + if (wc < 0x25600) { + if (wc >= 0x9f00 && wc < 0x9fb0) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page9f[(wc>>4)-0x9f0]; + else if (wc >= 0x21400 && wc < 0x21440) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page214[(wc>>4)-0x2140]; + else if (wc >= 0x21900 && wc < 0x21990) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page219[(wc>>4)-0x2190]; + else if (wc >= 0x21d00 && wc < 0x21dc0) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page21d[(wc>>4)-0x21d0]; + else if (wc >= 0x22000 && wc < 0x22080) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page220[(wc>>4)-0x2200]; + else if (wc >= 0x22700 && wc < 0x22720) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page227[(wc>>4)-0x2270]; + else if (wc >= 0x23200 && wc < 0x23400) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page232[(wc>>4)-0x2320]; + else if (wc >= 0x23c00 && wc < 0x23c70) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page23c[(wc>>4)-0x23c0]; + else if (wc >= 0x24100 && wc < 0x24150) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page241[(wc>>4)-0x2410]; + else if (wc >= 0x24500 && wc < 0x24510) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page245[(wc>>4)-0x2450]; + else if (wc >= 0x24900 && wc < 0x24a20) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page249[(wc>>4)-0x2490]; + else if (wc >= 0x25100 && wc < 0x251d0) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page251[(wc>>4)-0x2510]; + } else { + if (wc >= 0x25600 && wc < 0x256a0) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page256[(wc>>4)-0x2560]; + else if (wc >= 0x25c00 && wc < 0x25d40) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page25c[(wc>>4)-0x25c0]; + else if (wc >= 0x26b00 && wc < 0x26b20) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page26b[(wc>>4)-0x26b0]; + else if (wc >= 0x26d00 && wc < 0x26d80) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page26d[(wc>>4)-0x26d0]; + else if (wc >= 0x26f00 && wc < 0x26fc0) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page26f[(wc>>4)-0x26f0]; + else if (wc >= 0x27100 && wc < 0x27110) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page271[(wc>>4)-0x2710]; + else if (wc >= 0x28700 && wc < 0x28710) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page287[(wc>>4)-0x2870]; + else if (wc >= 0x28900 && wc < 0x28af0) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page289[(wc>>4)-0x2890]; + else if (wc >= 0x28d00 && wc < 0x28dc0) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page28d[(wc>>4)-0x28d0]; + else if (wc >= 0x29900 && wc < 0x29950) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page299[(wc>>4)-0x2990]; + else if (wc >= 0x29c00 && wc < 0x29c80) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page29c[(wc>>4)-0x29c0]; + else if (wc >= 0x2a100 && wc < 0x2a2c0) + summary = &hkscs2001_uni2indx_page2a1[(wc>>4)-0x2a10]; + } + } + if (summary) { + unsigned short used = summary->used; + unsigned int i = wc & 0x0f; + if (used & ((unsigned short) 1 << i)) { + unsigned short c; + /* Keep in `used' only the bits 0..i-1. */ + used &= ((unsigned short) 1 << i) - 1; + /* Add `summary->indx' and the number of bits set in `used'. */ + used = (used & 0x5555) + ((used & 0xaaaa) >> 1); + used = (used & 0x3333) + ((used & 0xcccc) >> 2); + used = (used & 0x0f0f) + ((used & 0xf0f0) >> 4); + used = (used & 0x00ff) + (used >> 8); + c = hkscs2001_2charset[summary->indx + used]; + r[0] = (c >> 8); r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/hkscs2004.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/hkscs2004.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d5ab99748 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/hkscs2004.h @@ -0,0 +1,679 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * HKSCS:2004 + */ + +static const unsigned short hkscs2004_2uni_page87[58] = { + /* 0x87 */ + 0x0af0, 0x1032, 0x0d03, 0x0ca6, 0x0c78, 0x4167, 0x1177, 0x0cb3, + 0x44b1, 0x10e2, 0x44c5, 0x0595, 0x0e36, 0x0e44, 0x1047, 0x1040, + 0x39bf, 0x3417, 0x4252, 0x3f8b, 0x40d2, 0x1057, 0x4d51, 0x0e4f, + 0x0cda, 0x1085, 0x446c, 0x1107, 0x0fa4, 0x0da1, 0x3d23, 0x1e25, + 0x3c54, 0x2d63, 0x3606, 0x3761, 0x1a4d, 0x13fb, 0x28fd, 0x2195, + 0x141d, 0x47b9, 0x06f4, 0x2534, 0x43ef, 0x16db, 0x2e5e, 0x15a4, + 0x0125, 0x4bb0, 0x15d1, 0x16b7, 0x17fc, 0x1b6e, 0x2393, 0x4a45, + 0x1f61, 0x1f9d, +}; +static const unsigned short hkscs2004_2uni_page8c[189] = { + /* 0x8c */ + 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, + 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, + 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, + 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, + 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x2b6f, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, + 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, + 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, + 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, + 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, + 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, + 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, + 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, + 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, + 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, + 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, 0x28fd, + 0x28fd, 0x1ae7, 0x28fd, 0x1c57, 0x20ca, 0x0688, 0x0bc3, 0x3256, + 0x3196, 0x0a9a, 0x0c36, 0x28fd, 0x17d5, 0x351a, 0x24f9, 0x1778, + 0x0612, 0x3351, 0x1878, 0x27b2, 0x1d57, 0x0c58, 0x38ec, 0x2f23, + 0x1077, 0x0478, 0x004a, 0x29a4, 0x3e41, 0x24cc, 0x12b4, 0x2a39, + 0x14bf, 0x226c, 0x2656, 0x49fa, 0x193b, + /* 0x8d */ + 0x2c9f, 0x28fd, 0x30c1, 0x466d, 0x0902, 0x0dbb, 0x4879, 0x0707, + 0x27b3, 0x4cb5, 0x08f8, 0x02d6, 0x0df7, 0x3e46, 0x097c, 0x45b2, + 0x42ff, 0x0c6d, 0x03d4, 0x3b9a, 0x0c61, 0x0c1b, 0x1189, 0x107b, + 0x1176, 0x0cea, 0x07c8, 0x3a0f, 0x0161, 0x0bde, 0x0bbd, 0x09ed, +}; + +static const ucs4_t hkscs2004_2uni_upages[78] = { + 0x03400, 0x03600, 0x03700, 0x03800, 0x03900, 0x03b00, 0x03d00, 0x03f00, + 0x04000, 0x04100, 0x04300, 0x04400, 0x04500, 0x04600, 0x04700, 0x04a00, + 0x04c00, 0x04d00, 0x04f00, 0x05600, 0x05900, 0x05a00, 0x05b00, 0x05c00, + 0x05d00, 0x05f00, 0x06600, 0x06700, 0x06e00, 0x07100, 0x07200, 0x07400, + 0x07900, 0x07d00, 0x08100, 0x08500, 0x08a00, 0x09700, 0x09800, 0x09f00, + 0x0ff00, 0x20100, 0x20200, 0x20a00, 0x20b00, 0x21a00, 0x21d00, 0x21e00, + 0x22100, 0x22700, 0x23200, 0x23500, 0x23600, 0x23b00, 0x23e00, 0x23f00, + 0x24000, 0x24200, 0x24b00, 0x25400, 0x25a00, 0x26b00, 0x26c00, 0x26e00, + 0x27000, 0x27200, 0x27300, 0x27b00, 0x27c00, 0x28600, 0x28900, 0x28b00, + 0x29000, 0x29800, 0x29900, 0x29e00, 0x2a100, 0x2a300, +}; + +static int +hkscs2004_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 == 0x87) || (c1 >= 0x8c && c1 <= 0x8d)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 < 0x7f) || (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff)) { + unsigned int i = 157 * (c1 - 0x80) + (c2 - (c2 >= 0xa1 ? 0x62 : 0x40)); + ucs4_t wc = 0xfffd; + unsigned short swc; + if (i < 1884) { + if (i < 1157) + swc = hkscs2004_2uni_page87[i-1099], + wc = hkscs2004_2uni_upages[swc>>8] | (swc & 0xff); + } else { + if (i < 2073) + swc = hkscs2004_2uni_page8c[i-1884], + wc = hkscs2004_2uni_upages[swc>>8] | (swc & 0xff); + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned short hkscs2004_2charset[123] = { + 0x8cf4, 0x8770, 0x8d5c, 0x8d4b, 0x8d52, 0x8cf3, 0x874b, 0x8cea, + 0x8cdf, 0x876a, 0x8d47, 0x8d5a, 0x8d4a, 0x8d44, 0x8d4e, 0x8d5f, + 0x8ce3, 0x8740, 0x8d5e, 0x8ce0, 0x8d5d, 0x8d55, 0x8ce4, 0x8cef, + 0x8d54, 0x8d51, 0x8744, 0x8743, 0x8747, 0x8758, 0x8d59, 0x8742, + 0x875d, 0x8d45, 0x8d4c, 0x874c, 0x874d, 0x8757, 0x875c, 0x8741, + 0x874f, 0x874e, 0x8755, 0x8cf2, 0x8d57, 0x8759, 0x8749, 0x875b, + 0x8d58, 0x8746, 0x8d56, 0x8cf8, 0x8765, 0x8768, 0x8cfa, 0x876f, + 0x8772, 0x8773, 0x876d, 0x8ce9, 0x8ce6, 0x8774, 0x8cec, 0x8cfe, + 0x8764, 0x8cdb, 0x8775, 0x8cdd, 0x8cee, 0x875f, 0x8778, 0x8779, + 0x8cde, 0x8767, 0x8cfb, 0x8776, 0x8cf7, 0x8ce8, 0x876b, 0x8cfc, + 0x8ced, 0x8d48, 0x8cf5, 0x8cf9, 0x8c62, 0x8d40, 0x8761, 0x876e, + 0x8cf1, 0x8d42, 0x8ce2, 0x8ce1, 0x8ceb, 0x8751, 0x8ce7, 0x8762, + 0x8763, 0x8cf0, 0x8750, 0x8d5b, 0x8d53, 0x8760, 0x875e, 0x8cf6, + 0x8d4d, 0x8753, 0x8754, 0x8745, 0x8752, 0x8d50, 0x876c, 0x875a, + 0x8748, 0x874a, 0x8d4f, 0x8d43, 0x8769, 0x8d46, 0x8cfd, 0x8777, + 0x8771, 0x8d49, 0x8756, +}; + +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page34[5] = { + /* 0x3400 */ + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0400 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page36[56] = { + /* 0x3600 */ + { 1, 0x0000 }, { 1, 0x0000 }, { 1, 0x0020 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, + { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0002 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, + { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, + { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3700 */ + { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, + { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, + { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, + { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0040 }, { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3800 */ + { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0000 }, + { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0000 }, + { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0000 }, + { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0010 }, { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3900 */ + { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0000 }, + { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0100 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page3b[10] = { + /* 0x3b00 */ + { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0000 }, + { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0000 }, + { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0020 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page3d[16] = { + /* 0x3d00 */ + { 7, 0x0000 }, { 7, 0x0004 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, + { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, + { 8, 0x0100 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, + { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0010 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page3f[47] = { + /* 0x3f00 */ + { 10, 0x0080 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, + { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, + { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, + { 11, 0x0100 }, { 12, 0x0000 }, { 12, 0x0000 }, { 12, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4000 */ + { 12, 0x0000 }, { 12, 0x0000 }, { 12, 0x0000 }, { 12, 0x0000 }, + { 12, 0x0000 }, { 12, 0x0000 }, { 12, 0x0000 }, { 12, 0x0000 }, + { 12, 0x0000 }, { 12, 0x0000 }, { 12, 0x0000 }, { 12, 0x0000 }, + { 12, 0x0000 }, { 12, 0x0000 }, { 12, 0x0000 }, { 12, 0x0100 }, + /* 0x4100 */ + { 13, 0x0004 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, + { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x1000 }, + { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, + { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x2000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page43[69] = { + /* 0x4300 */ + { 16, 0x0000 }, { 16, 0x0000 }, { 16, 0x0000 }, { 16, 0x0000 }, + { 16, 0x0000 }, { 16, 0x0000 }, { 16, 0x0000 }, { 16, 0x0000 }, + { 16, 0x0000 }, { 16, 0x0400 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, + { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0001 }, + /* 0x4400 */ + { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, + { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, + { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x2000 }, + { 19, 0x0008 }, { 20, 0x4000 }, { 21, 0x0000 }, { 21, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4500 */ + { 21, 0x0000 }, { 21, 0x0800 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0040 }, + { 23, 0x0000 }, { 23, 0x0100 }, { 24, 0x2002 }, { 26, 0x0100 }, + { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x0040 }, { 28, 0x0008 }, + { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0400 }, { 30, 0x0400 }, { 31, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4600 */ + { 31, 0x0008 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, + { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, + { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0002 }, { 33, 0x0800 }, + { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0080 }, + /* 0x4700 */ + { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0040 }, + { 36, 0x8010 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page4a[11] = { + /* 0x4a00 */ + { 38, 0x0000 }, { 38, 0x0000 }, { 38, 0x0000 }, { 38, 0x0000 }, + { 38, 0x0000 }, { 38, 0x0000 }, { 38, 0x0000 }, { 38, 0x0000 }, + { 38, 0x0000 }, { 38, 0x0000 }, { 38, 0x0010 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page4c[25] = { + /* 0x4c00 */ + { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0004 }, + { 40, 0x0081 }, { 42, 0x0080 }, { 43, 0x0000 }, { 43, 0x0880 }, + { 45, 0x0020 }, { 46, 0x0000 }, { 46, 0x0000 }, { 46, 0x0000 }, + { 46, 0x0000 }, { 46, 0x0000 }, { 46, 0x0004 }, { 47, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4d00 */ + { 47, 0x0080 }, { 48, 0x0000 }, { 48, 0x0000 }, { 48, 0x0000 }, + { 48, 0x0000 }, { 48, 0x0000 }, { 48, 0x0000 }, { 48, 0x00c0 }, + { 50, 0x0200 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page4f[12] = { + /* 0x4f00 */ + { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0000 }, + { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0000 }, + { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0000 }, { 51, 0x0010 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page56[16] = { + /* 0x5600 */ + { 52, 0x0000 }, { 52, 0x0000 }, { 52, 0x0000 }, { 52, 0x0000 }, + { 52, 0x0000 }, { 52, 0x0000 }, { 52, 0x0000 }, { 52, 0x0000 }, + { 52, 0x0000 }, { 52, 0x0000 }, { 52, 0x0000 }, { 52, 0x0000 }, + { 52, 0x0000 }, { 52, 0x0000 }, { 52, 0x0000 }, { 52, 0x0800 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page59[72] = { + /* 0x5900 */ + { 53, 0x0000 }, { 53, 0x2000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, + { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, + { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x8000 }, + { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5a00 */ + { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, + { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, + { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0010 }, { 56, 0x0000 }, + { 56, 0x0000 }, { 56, 0x0002 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5b00 */ + { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, + { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, + { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0080 }, + { 58, 0x0000 }, { 58, 0x0800 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5c00 */ + { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, + { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0100 }, + { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x0000 }, + { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x0020 }, { 61, 0x0000 }, { 61, 0x1000 }, + /* 0x5d00 */ + { 62, 0x0000 }, { 62, 0x0000 }, { 62, 0x0000 }, { 62, 0x0000 }, + { 62, 0x0000 }, { 62, 0x0000 }, { 62, 0x0000 }, { 62, 0x0100 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page5f[4] = { + /* 0x5f00 */ + { 63, 0x0000 }, { 63, 0x0000 }, { 63, 0x0000 }, { 63, 0x0800 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page66[23] = { + /* 0x6600 */ + { 64, 0x0000 }, { 64, 0x0000 }, { 64, 0x0000 }, { 64, 0x0000 }, + { 64, 0x2000 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, + { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, + { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0080 }, { 66, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6700 */ + { 66, 0x0000 }, { 66, 0x0000 }, { 66, 0x0000 }, { 66, 0x0000 }, + { 66, 0x0000 }, { 66, 0x0000 }, { 66, 0x4000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page6e[6] = { + /* 0x6e00 */ + { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0000 }, + { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0080 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page71[19] = { + /* 0x7100 */ + { 68, 0x0000 }, { 68, 0x0000 }, { 68, 0x0000 }, { 68, 0x0000 }, + { 68, 0x0000 }, { 68, 0x0080 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, + { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, + { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7200 */ + { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0020 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page74[10] = { + /* 0x7400 */ + { 70, 0x0000 }, { 70, 0x0000 }, { 70, 0x0000 }, { 70, 0x0000 }, + { 70, 0x0000 }, { 70, 0x0000 }, { 70, 0x0002 }, { 71, 0x0000 }, + { 71, 0x0000 }, { 71, 0x2000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page79[13] = { + /* 0x7900 */ + { 72, 0x0000 }, { 72, 0x0000 }, { 72, 0x0000 }, { 72, 0x0000 }, + { 72, 0x0000 }, { 72, 0x0000 }, { 72, 0x0000 }, { 72, 0x0000 }, + { 72, 0x0000 }, { 72, 0x0000 }, { 72, 0x0000 }, { 72, 0x0000 }, + { 72, 0x0400 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page7d[10] = { + /* 0x7d00 */ + { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, + { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0000 }, + { 73, 0x0000 }, { 73, 0x0020 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page81[7] = { + /* 0x8100 */ + { 74, 0x0000 }, { 74, 0x0000 }, { 74, 0x0000 }, { 74, 0x0000 }, + { 74, 0x0000 }, { 74, 0x0000 }, { 74, 0x1000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page85[10] = { + /* 0x8500 */ + { 75, 0x0000 }, { 75, 0x0000 }, { 75, 0x0000 }, { 75, 0x0000 }, + { 75, 0x0000 }, { 75, 0x0000 }, { 75, 0x0000 }, { 75, 0x0000 }, + { 75, 0x0000 }, { 75, 0x0008 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page8a[16] = { + /* 0x8a00 */ + { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, + { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, + { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, { 76, 0x0000 }, + { 76, 0x1000 }, { 77, 0x0000 }, { 77, 0x0000 }, { 77, 0x0200 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page97[22] = { + /* 0x9700 */ + { 78, 0x0000 }, { 78, 0x0000 }, { 78, 0x0000 }, { 78, 0x0010 }, + { 79, 0x0000 }, { 79, 0x0000 }, { 79, 0x0000 }, { 79, 0x0000 }, + { 79, 0x0000 }, { 79, 0x0000 }, { 79, 0x0000 }, { 79, 0x0000 }, + { 79, 0x0000 }, { 79, 0x0000 }, { 79, 0x0000 }, { 79, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9800 */ + { 79, 0x0000 }, { 79, 0x0000 }, { 79, 0x0000 }, { 79, 0x0000 }, + { 79, 0x0000 }, { 79, 0x0040 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page9f[12] = { + /* 0x9f00 */ + { 80, 0x0000 }, { 80, 0x0000 }, { 80, 0x0000 }, { 80, 0x0000 }, + { 80, 0x0000 }, { 80, 0x0000 }, { 80, 0x0000 }, { 80, 0x0000 }, + { 80, 0x0000 }, { 80, 0x0000 }, { 80, 0x0000 }, { 80, 0x000c }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page201[20] = { + /* 0x20100 */ + { 82, 0x0000 }, { 82, 0x0000 }, { 82, 0x0000 }, { 82, 0x0000 }, + { 82, 0x0000 }, { 82, 0x0000 }, { 82, 0x0000 }, { 82, 0x0000 }, + { 82, 0x0000 }, { 82, 0x0000 }, { 82, 0x0010 }, { 83, 0x0000 }, + { 83, 0x0000 }, { 83, 0x0000 }, { 83, 0x0000 }, { 83, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20200 */ + { 83, 0x0000 }, { 83, 0x0000 }, { 83, 0x0000 }, { 83, 0x0200 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page20a[26] = { + /* 0x20a00 */ + { 84, 0x0000 }, { 84, 0x0000 }, { 84, 0x0000 }, { 84, 0x0000 }, + { 84, 0x0000 }, { 84, 0x0000 }, { 84, 0x8000 }, { 85, 0x0000 }, + { 85, 0x0000 }, { 85, 0x0000 }, { 85, 0x0000 }, { 85, 0x0000 }, + { 85, 0x0000 }, { 85, 0x0000 }, { 85, 0x0000 }, { 85, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20b00 */ + { 85, 0x0000 }, { 85, 0x0000 }, { 85, 0x0000 }, { 85, 0x0000 }, + { 85, 0x0000 }, { 85, 0x0000 }, { 85, 0x0000 }, { 85, 0x0000 }, + { 85, 0x0000 }, { 85, 0x8000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page21a[7] = { + /* 0x21a00 */ + { 86, 0x0000 }, { 86, 0x0000 }, { 86, 0x0000 }, { 86, 0x0000 }, + { 86, 0x0000 }, { 86, 0x0000 }, { 86, 0x0008 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page21d[19] = { + /* 0x21d00 */ + { 87, 0x0000 }, { 87, 0x0000 }, { 87, 0x0000 }, { 87, 0x0000 }, + { 87, 0x0000 }, { 87, 0x4000 }, { 88, 0x0000 }, { 88, 0x0000 }, + { 88, 0x0000 }, { 88, 0x0000 }, { 88, 0x0000 }, { 88, 0x0000 }, + { 88, 0x0000 }, { 88, 0x0000 }, { 88, 0x0000 }, { 88, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x21e00 */ + { 88, 0x0000 }, { 88, 0x0000 }, { 88, 0x0008 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page221[13] = { + /* 0x22100 */ + { 89, 0x0000 }, { 89, 0x0000 }, { 89, 0x0000 }, { 89, 0x0000 }, + { 89, 0x0000 }, { 89, 0x0000 }, { 89, 0x0000 }, { 89, 0x0000 }, + { 89, 0x0000 }, { 89, 0x0000 }, { 89, 0x0000 }, { 89, 0x0000 }, + { 89, 0x0002 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page227[10] = { + /* 0x22700 */ + { 90, 0x0000 }, { 90, 0x0000 }, { 90, 0x0000 }, { 90, 0x0000 }, + { 90, 0x0000 }, { 90, 0x0000 }, { 90, 0x0000 }, { 90, 0x0000 }, + { 90, 0x0000 }, { 90, 0x0040 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page232[6] = { + /* 0x23200 */ + { 91, 0x0000 }, { 91, 0x0000 }, { 91, 0x0000 }, { 91, 0x0000 }, + { 91, 0x0000 }, { 91, 0x0040 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page235[18] = { + /* 0x23500 */ + { 92, 0x0000 }, { 92, 0x0000 }, { 92, 0x0000 }, { 92, 0x0000 }, + { 92, 0x0000 }, { 92, 0x0002 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, + { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, + { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23600 */ + { 93, 0x0000 }, { 93, 0x0080 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page23b[2] = { + /* 0x23b00 */ + { 94, 0x0000 }, { 94, 0x0400 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page23e[47] = { + /* 0x23e00 */ + { 95, 0x0040 }, { 96, 0x0000 }, { 96, 0x0000 }, { 96, 0x0000 }, + { 96, 0x0000 }, { 96, 0x0000 }, { 96, 0x0000 }, { 96, 0x0000 }, + { 96, 0x0000 }, { 96, 0x0000 }, { 96, 0x0000 }, { 96, 0x0000 }, + { 96, 0x0000 }, { 96, 0x0000 }, { 96, 0x0000 }, { 96, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23f00 */ + { 96, 0x0000 }, { 96, 0x0000 }, { 96, 0x0000 }, { 96, 0x0000 }, + { 96, 0x0000 }, { 96, 0x0000 }, { 96, 0x0002 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, + { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, + { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x24000 */ + { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, + { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, + { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, + { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x0000 }, { 97, 0x1000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page242[12] = { + /* 0x24200 */ + { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x0000 }, + { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x0000 }, + { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x0000 }, { 98, 0x8000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page24b[1] = { + /* 0x24b00 */ + { 99, 0x8000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page254[10] = { + /* 0x25400 */ + { 100, 0x0000 }, { 100, 0x0000 }, { 100, 0x0000 }, { 100, 0x0000 }, + { 100, 0x0000 }, { 100, 0x0000 }, { 100, 0x0000 }, { 100, 0x0000 }, + { 100, 0x0000 }, { 100, 0x0400 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page25a[6] = { + /* 0x25a00 */ + { 101, 0x0000 }, { 101, 0x0000 }, { 101, 0x0000 }, { 101, 0x0000 }, + { 101, 0x0000 }, { 101, 0x0010 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page26b[21] = { + /* 0x26b00 */ + { 102, 0x0000 }, { 102, 0x0000 }, { 102, 0x0008 }, { 103, 0x0000 }, + { 103, 0x0000 }, { 103, 0x0000 }, { 103, 0x0000 }, { 103, 0x0000 }, + { 103, 0x0000 }, { 103, 0x0000 }, { 103, 0x0000 }, { 103, 0x0000 }, + { 103, 0x0000 }, { 103, 0x0000 }, { 103, 0x0000 }, { 103, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26c00 */ + { 103, 0x0000 }, { 103, 0x0000 }, { 103, 0x0000 }, { 103, 0x0000 }, + { 103, 0x0042 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page26e[9] = { + /* 0x26e00 */ + { 105, 0x0000 }, { 105, 0x0000 }, { 105, 0x0000 }, { 105, 0x0000 }, + { 105, 0x0000 }, { 105, 0x0000 }, { 105, 0x0000 }, { 105, 0x0000 }, + { 105, 0x0800 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page270[14] = { + /* 0x27000 */ + { 106, 0x0000 }, { 106, 0x0000 }, { 106, 0x0000 }, { 106, 0x0000 }, + { 106, 0x0000 }, { 106, 0x0000 }, { 106, 0x0000 }, { 106, 0x0000 }, + { 106, 0x0000 }, { 106, 0x0000 }, { 106, 0x0000 }, { 106, 0x0000 }, + { 106, 0x0000 }, { 106, 0x0004 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page272[32] = { + /* 0x27200 */ + { 107, 0x0000 }, { 107, 0x0000 }, { 107, 0x0000 }, { 107, 0x0000 }, + { 107, 0x0000 }, { 107, 0x0000 }, { 107, 0x0080 }, { 108, 0x0000 }, + { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0000 }, + { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27300 */ + { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0000 }, + { 108, 0x0000 }, { 108, 0x0004 }, { 109, 0x0000 }, { 109, 0x0000 }, + { 109, 0x0000 }, { 109, 0x0000 }, { 109, 0x0000 }, { 109, 0x0000 }, + { 109, 0x0000 }, { 109, 0x0000 }, { 109, 0x0000 }, { 109, 0x8000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page27b[29] = { + /* 0x27b00 */ + { 110, 0x0000 }, { 110, 0x0000 }, { 110, 0x0000 }, { 110, 0x0000 }, + { 110, 0x0000 }, { 110, 0x0000 }, { 110, 0x0000 }, { 110, 0x0000 }, + { 110, 0x0000 }, { 110, 0x0000 }, { 110, 0x0000 }, { 110, 0x0000 }, + { 110, 0x0000 }, { 110, 0x0000 }, { 110, 0x8000 }, { 111, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27c00 */ + { 111, 0x0000 }, { 111, 0x0000 }, { 111, 0x0000 }, { 111, 0x0000 }, + { 111, 0x0000 }, { 111, 0x0000 }, { 111, 0x1000 }, { 112, 0x0000 }, + { 112, 0x0000 }, { 112, 0x0000 }, { 112, 0x0000 }, { 112, 0x0002 }, + { 113, 0x0020 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page286[12] = { + /* 0x28600 */ + { 114, 0x0000 }, { 114, 0x0000 }, { 114, 0x0000 }, { 114, 0x0000 }, + { 114, 0x0000 }, { 114, 0x0000 }, { 114, 0x0000 }, { 114, 0x0000 }, + { 114, 0x0000 }, { 114, 0x0000 }, { 114, 0x0000 }, { 114, 0x0004 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page289[7] = { + /* 0x28900 */ + { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, + { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x0000 }, { 115, 0x2000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page28b[12] = { + /* 0x28b00 */ + { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0000 }, + { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0000 }, + { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0200 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page290[8] = { + /* 0x29000 */ + { 117, 0x0000 }, { 117, 0x0000 }, { 117, 0x0000 }, { 117, 0x0000 }, + { 117, 0x0000 }, { 117, 0x0000 }, { 117, 0x0000 }, { 117, 0x0200 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page298[21] = { + /* 0x29800 */ + { 118, 0x0000 }, { 118, 0x0000 }, { 118, 0x0000 }, { 118, 0x0000 }, + { 118, 0x0000 }, { 118, 0x0000 }, { 118, 0x0000 }, { 118, 0x0000 }, + { 118, 0x0000 }, { 118, 0x0000 }, { 118, 0x0000 }, { 118, 0x0000 }, + { 118, 0x0000 }, { 118, 0x0000 }, { 118, 0x0000 }, { 118, 0x0400 }, + /* 0x29900 */ + { 119, 0x0000 }, { 119, 0x0000 }, { 119, 0x0000 }, { 119, 0x0000 }, + { 119, 0x0020 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page29e[12] = { + /* 0x29e00 */ + { 120, 0x0000 }, { 120, 0x0000 }, { 120, 0x0000 }, { 120, 0x0000 }, + { 120, 0x0000 }, { 120, 0x0000 }, { 120, 0x0000 }, { 120, 0x0000 }, + { 120, 0x0000 }, { 120, 0x0000 }, { 120, 0x0000 }, { 120, 0x0001 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page2a1[12] = { + /* 0x2a100 */ + { 121, 0x0000 }, { 121, 0x0000 }, { 121, 0x0000 }, { 121, 0x0000 }, + { 121, 0x0000 }, { 121, 0x0000 }, { 121, 0x0000 }, { 121, 0x0000 }, + { 121, 0x0000 }, { 121, 0x0000 }, { 121, 0x0000 }, { 121, 0x0020 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2004_uni2indx_page2a3[6] = { + /* 0x2a300 */ + { 122, 0x0000 }, { 122, 0x0000 }, { 122, 0x0000 }, { 122, 0x0000 }, + { 122, 0x0000 }, { 122, 0x0002 }, +}; + +static int +hkscs2004_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + const Summary16 *summary = NULL; + if (wc < 0x21a00) { + if (wc < 0x6e00) { + if (wc >= 0x3400 && wc < 0x3450) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page34[(wc>>4)-0x340]; + else if (wc >= 0x3600 && wc < 0x3980) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page36[(wc>>4)-0x360]; + else if (wc >= 0x3b00 && wc < 0x3ba0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page3b[(wc>>4)-0x3b0]; + else if (wc >= 0x3d00 && wc < 0x3e00) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page3d[(wc>>4)-0x3d0]; + else if (wc >= 0x3f00 && wc < 0x41f0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page3f[(wc>>4)-0x3f0]; + else if (wc >= 0x4300 && wc < 0x4750) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page43[(wc>>4)-0x430]; + else if (wc >= 0x4a00 && wc < 0x4ab0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page4a[(wc>>4)-0x4a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x4c00 && wc < 0x4d90) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page4c[(wc>>4)-0x4c0]; + else if (wc >= 0x4f00 && wc < 0x4fc0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page4f[(wc>>4)-0x4f0]; + else if (wc >= 0x5600 && wc < 0x5700) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page56[(wc>>4)-0x560]; + else if (wc >= 0x5900 && wc < 0x5d80) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page59[(wc>>4)-0x590]; + else if (wc >= 0x5f00 && wc < 0x5f40) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page5f[(wc>>4)-0x5f0]; + else if (wc >= 0x6600 && wc < 0x6770) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page66[(wc>>4)-0x660]; + } else { + if (wc >= 0x6e00 && wc < 0x6e60) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page6e[(wc>>4)-0x6e0]; + else if (wc >= 0x7100 && wc < 0x7230) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page71[(wc>>4)-0x710]; + else if (wc >= 0x7400 && wc < 0x74a0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page74[(wc>>4)-0x740]; + else if (wc >= 0x7900 && wc < 0x79d0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page79[(wc>>4)-0x790]; + else if (wc >= 0x7d00 && wc < 0x7da0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page7d[(wc>>4)-0x7d0]; + else if (wc >= 0x8100 && wc < 0x8170) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page81[(wc>>4)-0x810]; + else if (wc >= 0x8500 && wc < 0x85a0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page85[(wc>>4)-0x850]; + else if (wc >= 0x8a00 && wc < 0x8b00) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page8a[(wc>>4)-0x8a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x9700 && wc < 0x9860) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page97[(wc>>4)-0x970]; + else if (wc >= 0x9f00 && wc < 0x9fc0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page9f[(wc>>4)-0x9f0]; + else if (wc >= 0x20100 && wc < 0x20240) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page201[(wc>>4)-0x2010]; + else if (wc >= 0x20a00 && wc < 0x20ba0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page20a[(wc>>4)-0x20a0]; + } + } else { + if (wc < 0x26b00) { + if (wc >= 0x21a00 && wc < 0x21a70) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page21a[(wc>>4)-0x21a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x21d00 && wc < 0x21e30) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page21d[(wc>>4)-0x21d0]; + else if (wc >= 0x22100 && wc < 0x221d0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page221[(wc>>4)-0x2210]; + else if (wc >= 0x22700 && wc < 0x227a0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page227[(wc>>4)-0x2270]; + else if (wc >= 0x23200 && wc < 0x23260) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page232[(wc>>4)-0x2320]; + else if (wc >= 0x23500 && wc < 0x23620) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page235[(wc>>4)-0x2350]; + else if (wc >= 0x23b00 && wc < 0x23b20) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page23b[(wc>>4)-0x23b0]; + else if (wc >= 0x23e00 && wc < 0x240f0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page23e[(wc>>4)-0x23e0]; + else if (wc >= 0x24200 && wc < 0x242c0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page242[(wc>>4)-0x2420]; + else if (wc >= 0x24b00 && wc < 0x24b10) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page24b[(wc>>4)-0x24b0]; + else if (wc >= 0x25400 && wc < 0x254a0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page254[(wc>>4)-0x2540]; + else if (wc >= 0x25a00 && wc < 0x25a60) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page25a[(wc>>4)-0x25a0]; + } else { + if (wc >= 0x26b00 && wc < 0x26c50) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page26b[(wc>>4)-0x26b0]; + else if (wc >= 0x26e00 && wc < 0x26e90) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page26e[(wc>>4)-0x26e0]; + else if (wc >= 0x27000 && wc < 0x270e0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page270[(wc>>4)-0x2700]; + else if (wc >= 0x27200 && wc < 0x27400) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page272[(wc>>4)-0x2720]; + else if (wc >= 0x27b00 && wc < 0x27cd0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page27b[(wc>>4)-0x27b0]; + else if (wc >= 0x28600 && wc < 0x286c0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page286[(wc>>4)-0x2860]; + else if (wc >= 0x28900 && wc < 0x28970) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page289[(wc>>4)-0x2890]; + else if (wc >= 0x28b00 && wc < 0x28bc0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page28b[(wc>>4)-0x28b0]; + else if (wc >= 0x29000 && wc < 0x29080) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page290[(wc>>4)-0x2900]; + else if (wc >= 0x29800 && wc < 0x29950) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page298[(wc>>4)-0x2980]; + else if (wc >= 0x29e00 && wc < 0x29ec0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page29e[(wc>>4)-0x29e0]; + else if (wc >= 0x2a100 && wc < 0x2a1c0) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page2a1[(wc>>4)-0x2a10]; + else if (wc >= 0x2a300 && wc < 0x2a360) + summary = &hkscs2004_uni2indx_page2a3[(wc>>4)-0x2a30]; + } + } + if (summary) { + unsigned short used = summary->used; + unsigned int i = wc & 0x0f; + if (used & ((unsigned short) 1 << i)) { + unsigned short c; + /* Keep in `used' only the bits 0..i-1. */ + used &= ((unsigned short) 1 << i) - 1; + /* Add `summary->indx' and the number of bits set in `used'. */ + used = (used & 0x5555) + ((used & 0xaaaa) >> 1); + used = (used & 0x3333) + ((used & 0xcccc) >> 2); + used = (used & 0x0f0f) + ((used & 0xf0f0) >> 4); + used = (used & 0x00ff) + (used >> 8); + c = hkscs2004_2charset[summary->indx + used]; + r[0] = (c >> 8); r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/hkscs2008.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/hkscs2008.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ee6235c0d --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/hkscs2008.h @@ -0,0 +1,467 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * HKSCS:2008 + */ + +static const unsigned short hkscs2008_2uni_page87[126] = { + /* 0x87 */ + 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, + 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, + 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, + 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, + 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, + 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, + 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x22fd, + 0x22fd, 0x22fd, 0x0175, 0x2453, 0x299e, 0x2d21, 0x03ec, 0x2bde, + 0x02f5, 0x16fc, 0x2197, 0x2a61, 0x300d, 0x26ea, 0x238a, 0x275e, + 0x060a, 0x1884, 0x2196, 0x1f2f, 0x0930, 0x1a13, 0x0d96, 0x204a, + 0x1e18, 0x15d0, 0x1632, 0x0f60, 0x1129, 0x1b9d, 0x144c, 0x17c5, + 0x1082, 0x162c, 0x0a4f, 0x1d46, 0x00e6, 0x13c4, 0x2cb9, 0x14c6, + 0x21c7, 0x0cb3, 0x092f, 0x0b4c, 0x0531, 0x298e, 0x0d18, 0x1672, + 0x2f65, 0x1c8f, 0x08ae, 0x2e88, 0x0581, 0x2c99, 0x17ae, 0x25bc, + 0x21c8, 0x25c1, 0x25c9, 0x25cc, 0x21c9, 0x1904, 0x28bb, 0x04b4, + 0x21ca, 0x07e1, 0x31ff, 0x0ec1, 0x126e, 0x21cb, +}; + +static const ucs4_t hkscs2008_2uni_upages[50] = { + 0x03400, 0x03800, 0x03a00, 0x03e00, 0x04000, 0x04100, 0x04300, 0x04400, + 0x04600, 0x04900, 0x05200, 0x05400, 0x05700, 0x05800, 0x06200, 0x06600, + 0x06700, 0x06a00, 0x07000, 0x07300, 0x07400, 0x07900, 0x07a00, 0x07b00, + 0x08400, 0x08500, 0x08600, 0x08800, 0x08b00, 0x09000, 0x09200, 0x09400, + 0x09700, 0x09f00, 0x0ff00, 0x20a00, 0x21d00, 0x22400, 0x23100, 0x23200, + 0x23500, 0x23600, 0x24100, 0x25800, 0x25d00, 0x26000, 0x26e00, 0x27b00, + 0x28900, 0x2ad00, +}; + +static int +hkscs2008_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 == 0x87)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 < 0x7f) || (c2 >= 0xa1 && c2 < 0xff)) { + unsigned int i = 157 * (c1 - 0x80) + (c2 - (c2 >= 0xa1 ? 0x62 : 0x40)); + ucs4_t wc = 0xfffd; + unsigned short swc; + { + if (i < 1225) + swc = hkscs2008_2uni_page87[i-1099], + wc = hkscs2008_2uni_upages[swc>>8] | (swc & 0xff); + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned short hkscs2008_2charset[68] = { + 0x87be, 0x877a, 0x87a2, 0x877e, 0x87d9, 0x87c6, 0x87ce, 0x87aa, + 0x87db, 0x87cc, 0x87c4, 0x87ae, 0x87bc, 0x87c5, 0x87c3, 0x87c8, + 0x87b0, 0x87dd, 0x87b5, 0x87ba, 0x87b6, 0x87de, 0x87bf, 0x87b8, + 0x87c1, 0x87b3, 0x87bb, 0x87b4, 0x87c9, 0x87a3, 0x87d0, 0x87b9, + 0x87ab, 0x87d7, 0x87af, 0x87b7, 0x87cb, 0x87bd, 0x87b2, 0x87ad, + 0x87b1, 0x87ac, 0x87a4, 0x87c2, 0x87d2, 0x87d6, 0x87da, 0x87df, + 0x87a8, 0x877b, 0x87d1, 0x87d3, 0x87d4, 0x87d5, 0x87a7, 0x87a9, + 0x87d8, 0x87c7, 0x877c, 0x87a5, 0x87a1, 0x87cf, 0x87c0, 0x877d, + 0x87cd, 0x87ca, 0x87a6, 0x87dc, +}; + +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page34[15] = { + /* 0x3400 */ + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0040 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page38[8] = { + /* 0x3800 */ + { 1, 0x0000 }, { 1, 0x0000 }, { 1, 0x0000 }, { 1, 0x0000 }, + { 1, 0x0000 }, { 1, 0x0000 }, { 1, 0x0000 }, { 1, 0x0020 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page3a[16] = { + /* 0x3a00 */ + { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, + { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, + { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, + { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0000 }, { 2, 0x0020 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page3e[15] = { + /* 0x3e00 */ + { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, + { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, + { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, + { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x0000 }, { 3, 0x1000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page40[25] = { + /* 0x4000 */ + { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0000 }, + { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0000 }, + { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0000 }, { 4, 0x0010 }, + { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4100 */ + { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0000 }, { 5, 0x0002 }, + { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0000 }, { 6, 0x0000 }, + { 6, 0x0002 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page43[31] = { + /* 0x4300 */ + { 7, 0x0400 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, + { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, + { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, + { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4400 */ + { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, + { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, + { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, + { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0000 }, { 8, 0x0002 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page46[11] = { + /* 0x4600 */ + { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, + { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, + { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x4000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page49[4] = { + /* 0x4900 */ + { 10, 0x0000 }, { 10, 0x0000 }, { 10, 0x8000 }, { 11, 0x0001 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page52[5] = { + /* 0x5200 */ + { 12, 0x0000 }, { 12, 0x0000 }, { 12, 0x0000 }, { 12, 0x0000 }, + { 12, 0x8000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page54[5] = { + /* 0x5400 */ + { 13, 0x0000 }, { 13, 0x0000 }, { 13, 0x0000 }, { 13, 0x0000 }, + { 13, 0x1000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page57[26] = { + /* 0x5700 */ + { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, + { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, + { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0000 }, { 14, 0x0008 }, + { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5800 */ + { 15, 0x0000 }, { 15, 0x0100 }, { 16, 0x0000 }, { 16, 0x0000 }, + { 16, 0x0000 }, { 16, 0x0000 }, { 16, 0x0000 }, { 16, 0x0000 }, + { 16, 0x0000 }, { 16, 0x0040 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page62[13] = { + /* 0x6200 */ + { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, + { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, + { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, + { 17, 0x0002 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page66[25] = { + /* 0x6600 */ + { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, + { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0000 }, { 18, 0x0001 }, { 19, 0x0000 }, + { 19, 0x0000 }, { 19, 0x0000 }, { 19, 0x0000 }, { 19, 0x0000 }, + { 19, 0x0000 }, { 19, 0x0000 }, { 19, 0x0000 }, { 19, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6700 */ + { 19, 0x0000 }, { 19, 0x0000 }, { 19, 0x0000 }, { 19, 0x0000 }, + { 19, 0x0000 }, { 19, 0x0000 }, { 19, 0x0000 }, { 19, 0x0000 }, + { 19, 0x0004 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page6a[3] = { + /* 0x6a00 */ + { 20, 0x0000 }, { 20, 0x0000 }, { 20, 0x0200 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page70[7] = { + /* 0x7000 */ + { 21, 0x0000 }, { 21, 0x0000 }, { 21, 0x0000 }, { 21, 0x0000 }, + { 21, 0x0000 }, { 21, 0x0000 }, { 21, 0x4000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page73[29] = { + /* 0x7300 */ + { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, + { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, + { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, { 22, 0x0000 }, + { 22, 0x0010 }, { 23, 0x0000 }, { 23, 0x0000 }, { 23, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7400 */ + { 23, 0x0000 }, { 23, 0x0000 }, { 23, 0x0000 }, { 23, 0x0000 }, + { 23, 0x1000 }, { 24, 0x0000 }, { 24, 0x0000 }, { 24, 0x0000 }, + { 24, 0x0000 }, { 24, 0x0000 }, { 24, 0x0000 }, { 24, 0x0000 }, + { 24, 0x0040 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page79[45] = { + /* 0x7900 */ + { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, + { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, + { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, + { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0001 }, { 26, 0x0000 }, { 26, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7a00 */ + { 26, 0x0000 }, { 26, 0x0000 }, { 26, 0x1000 }, { 27, 0x0004 }, + { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0004 }, + { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0000 }, + { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x1000 }, + /* 0x7b00 */ + { 30, 0x0000 }, { 30, 0x0000 }, { 30, 0x0000 }, { 30, 0x0000 }, + { 30, 0x0000 }, { 30, 0x0000 }, { 30, 0x0000 }, { 30, 0x0000 }, + { 30, 0x0000 }, { 30, 0x0000 }, { 30, 0x4000 }, { 31, 0x0000 }, + { 31, 0x0020 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page84[34] = { + /* 0x8400 */ + { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, + { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, + { 32, 0x0010 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, + { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, { 33, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8500 */ + { 33, 0x0010 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, + { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, + { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, + { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8600 */ + { 34, 0x0000 }, { 34, 0x0008 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page88[10] = { + /* 0x8800 */ + { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, + { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x0000 }, + { 35, 0x0000 }, { 35, 0x2000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page8b[9] = { + /* 0x8b00 */ + { 36, 0x0000 }, { 36, 0x0000 }, { 36, 0x0000 }, { 36, 0x0000 }, + { 36, 0x0000 }, { 36, 0x0000 }, { 36, 0x0000 }, { 36, 0x0000 }, + { 36, 0x8000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page90[5] = { + /* 0x9000 */ + { 37, 0x0000 }, { 37, 0x0000 }, { 37, 0x0000 }, { 37, 0x0000 }, + { 37, 0x0040 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page92[2] = { + /* 0x9200 */ + { 38, 0x0000 }, { 38, 0x0100 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page94[3] = { + /* 0x9400 */ + { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x0000 }, { 39, 0x8000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page97[5] = { + /* 0x9700 */ + { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, { 40, 0x0000 }, + { 40, 0x0400 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page9f[13] = { + /* 0x9f00 */ + { 41, 0x0000 }, { 41, 0x0000 }, { 41, 0x0000 }, { 41, 0x0000 }, + { 41, 0x0000 }, { 41, 0x0000 }, { 41, 0x0000 }, { 41, 0x0000 }, + { 41, 0x0000 }, { 41, 0x00c0 }, { 43, 0x0000 }, { 43, 0x0000 }, + { 43, 0x0f80 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page20a[9] = { + /* 0x20a00 */ + { 48, 0x0000 }, { 48, 0x0000 }, { 48, 0x0000 }, { 48, 0x0000 }, + { 48, 0x0000 }, { 48, 0x0000 }, { 48, 0x0000 }, { 48, 0x0000 }, + { 48, 0x0400 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page21d[6] = { + /* 0x21d00 */ + { 49, 0x0000 }, { 49, 0x0000 }, { 49, 0x0000 }, { 49, 0x0000 }, + { 49, 0x0000 }, { 49, 0x0008 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page224[13] = { + /* 0x22400 */ + { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, + { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, + { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x1000 }, + { 51, 0x1202 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page231[22] = { + /* 0x23100 */ + { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, + { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, + { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, + { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0000 }, { 54, 0x0400 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23200 */ + { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x0000 }, + { 55, 0x0000 }, { 55, 0x4000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page235[26] = { + /* 0x23500 */ + { 56, 0x0000 }, { 56, 0x0000 }, { 56, 0x0000 }, { 56, 0x0000 }, + { 56, 0x0000 }, { 56, 0x0000 }, { 56, 0x0000 }, { 56, 0x0000 }, + { 56, 0x0000 }, { 56, 0x0000 }, { 56, 0x0000 }, { 56, 0x0800 }, + { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23600 */ + { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, + { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, + { 57, 0x4000 }, { 58, 0x4000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page241[7] = { + /* 0x24100 */ + { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, + { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0002 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page258[14] = { + /* 0x25800 */ + { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x0000 }, + { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x0000 }, + { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x0000 }, + { 60, 0x0000 }, { 60, 0x4000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page25d[12] = { + /* 0x25d00 */ + { 61, 0x0000 }, { 61, 0x0000 }, { 61, 0x0000 }, { 61, 0x0000 }, + { 61, 0x0000 }, { 61, 0x0000 }, { 61, 0x0000 }, { 61, 0x0000 }, + { 61, 0x0000 }, { 61, 0x0200 }, { 62, 0x0000 }, { 62, 0x0200 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page260[3] = { + /* 0x26000 */ + { 63, 0x0000 }, { 63, 0x0000 }, { 63, 0x0002 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page26e[9] = { + /* 0x26e00 */ + { 64, 0x0000 }, { 64, 0x0000 }, { 64, 0x0000 }, { 64, 0x0000 }, + { 64, 0x0000 }, { 64, 0x0000 }, { 64, 0x0000 }, { 64, 0x0000 }, + { 64, 0x0100 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page27b[7] = { + /* 0x27b00 */ + { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, + { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0000 }, { 65, 0x0020 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page289[1] = { + /* 0x28900 */ + { 66, 0x2000 }, +}; +static const Summary16 hkscs2008_uni2indx_page2ad[16] = { + /* 0x2ad00 */ + { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0000 }, + { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0000 }, + { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0000 }, + { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x0000 }, { 67, 0x8000 }, +}; + +static int +hkscs2008_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + const Summary16 *summary = NULL; + if (wc >= 0x3400 && wc < 0x34f0) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page34[(wc>>4)-0x340]; + else if (wc >= 0x3800 && wc < 0x3880) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page38[(wc>>4)-0x380]; + else if (wc >= 0x3a00 && wc < 0x3b00) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page3a[(wc>>4)-0x3a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x3e00 && wc < 0x3ef0) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page3e[(wc>>4)-0x3e0]; + else if (wc >= 0x4000 && wc < 0x4190) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page40[(wc>>4)-0x400]; + else if (wc >= 0x4300 && wc < 0x44f0) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page43[(wc>>4)-0x430]; + else if (wc >= 0x4600 && wc < 0x46b0) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page46[(wc>>4)-0x460]; + else if (wc >= 0x4900 && wc < 0x4940) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page49[(wc>>4)-0x490]; + else if (wc >= 0x5200 && wc < 0x5250) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page52[(wc>>4)-0x520]; + else if (wc >= 0x5400 && wc < 0x5450) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page54[(wc>>4)-0x540]; + else if (wc >= 0x5700 && wc < 0x58a0) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page57[(wc>>4)-0x570]; + else if (wc >= 0x6200 && wc < 0x62d0) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page62[(wc>>4)-0x620]; + else if (wc >= 0x6600 && wc < 0x6790) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page66[(wc>>4)-0x660]; + else if (wc >= 0x6a00 && wc < 0x6a30) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page6a[(wc>>4)-0x6a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x7000 && wc < 0x7070) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page70[(wc>>4)-0x700]; + else if (wc >= 0x7300 && wc < 0x74d0) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page73[(wc>>4)-0x730]; + else if (wc >= 0x7900 && wc < 0x7bd0) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page79[(wc>>4)-0x790]; + else if (wc >= 0x8400 && wc < 0x8620) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page84[(wc>>4)-0x840]; + else if (wc >= 0x8800 && wc < 0x88a0) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page88[(wc>>4)-0x880]; + else if (wc >= 0x8b00 && wc < 0x8b90) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page8b[(wc>>4)-0x8b0]; + else if (wc >= 0x9000 && wc < 0x9050) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page90[(wc>>4)-0x900]; + else if (wc >= 0x9200 && wc < 0x9220) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page92[(wc>>4)-0x920]; + else if (wc >= 0x9400 && wc < 0x9430) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page94[(wc>>4)-0x940]; + else if (wc >= 0x9700 && wc < 0x9750) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page97[(wc>>4)-0x970]; + else if (wc >= 0x9f00 && wc < 0x9fd0) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page9f[(wc>>4)-0x9f0]; + else if (wc >= 0x20a00 && wc < 0x20a90) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page20a[(wc>>4)-0x20a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x21d00 && wc < 0x21d60) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page21d[(wc>>4)-0x21d0]; + else if (wc >= 0x22400 && wc < 0x224d0) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page224[(wc>>4)-0x2240]; + else if (wc >= 0x23100 && wc < 0x23260) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page231[(wc>>4)-0x2310]; + else if (wc >= 0x23500 && wc < 0x236a0) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page235[(wc>>4)-0x2350]; + else if (wc >= 0x24100 && wc < 0x24170) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page241[(wc>>4)-0x2410]; + else if (wc >= 0x25800 && wc < 0x258e0) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page258[(wc>>4)-0x2580]; + else if (wc >= 0x25d00 && wc < 0x25dc0) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page25d[(wc>>4)-0x25d0]; + else if (wc >= 0x26000 && wc < 0x26030) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page260[(wc>>4)-0x2600]; + else if (wc >= 0x26e00 && wc < 0x26e90) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page26e[(wc>>4)-0x26e0]; + else if (wc >= 0x27b00 && wc < 0x27b70) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page27b[(wc>>4)-0x27b0]; + else if (wc >= 0x28900 && wc < 0x28910) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page289[(wc>>4)-0x2890]; + else if (wc >= 0x2ad00 && wc < 0x2ae00) + summary = &hkscs2008_uni2indx_page2ad[(wc>>4)-0x2ad0]; + if (summary) { + unsigned short used = summary->used; + unsigned int i = wc & 0x0f; + if (used & ((unsigned short) 1 << i)) { + unsigned short c; + /* Keep in `used' only the bits 0..i-1. */ + used &= ((unsigned short) 1 << i) - 1; + /* Add `summary->indx' and the number of bits set in `used'. */ + used = (used & 0x5555) + ((used & 0xaaaa) >> 1); + used = (used & 0x3333) + ((used & 0xcccc) >> 2); + used = (used & 0x0f0f) + ((used & 0xf0f0) >> 4); + used = (used & 0x00ff) + (used >> 8); + c = hkscs2008_2charset[summary->indx + used]; + r[0] = (c >> 8); r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/hp_roman8.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/hp_roman8.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..da776ed08 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/hp_roman8.h @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * HP-ROMAN8 + */ + +static const unsigned short hp_roman8_2uni[96] = { + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x00c0, 0x00c2, 0x00c8, 0x00ca, 0x00cb, 0x00ce, 0x00cf, + 0x00b4, 0x02cb, 0x02c6, 0x00a8, 0x02dc, 0x00d9, 0x00db, 0x20a4, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00af, 0x00dd, 0x00fd, 0x00b0, 0x00c7, 0x00e7, 0x00d1, 0x00f1, + 0x00a1, 0x00bf, 0x00a4, 0x00a3, 0x00a5, 0x00a7, 0x0192, 0x00a2, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x00e2, 0x00ea, 0x00f4, 0x00fb, 0x00e1, 0x00e9, 0x00f3, 0x00fa, + 0x00e0, 0x00e8, 0x00f2, 0x00f9, 0x00e4, 0x00eb, 0x00f6, 0x00fc, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x00c5, 0x00ee, 0x00d8, 0x00c6, 0x00e5, 0x00ed, 0x00f8, 0x00e6, + 0x00c4, 0x00ec, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x00c9, 0x00ef, 0x00df, 0x00d4, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x00c1, 0x00c3, 0x00e3, 0x00d0, 0x00f0, 0x00cd, 0x00cc, 0x00d3, + 0x00d2, 0x00d5, 0x00f5, 0x0160, 0x0161, 0x00da, 0x0178, 0x00ff, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x00de, 0x00fe, 0x00b7, 0x00b5, 0x00b6, 0x00be, 0x2014, 0x00bc, + 0x00bd, 0x00aa, 0x00ba, 0x00ab, 0x25a0, 0x00bb, 0x00b1, 0xfffd, +}; + +static int +hp_roman8_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0xa0) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = hp_roman8_2uni[c-0xa0]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char hp_roman8_page00[96] = { + 0xa0, 0xb8, 0xbf, 0xbb, 0xba, 0xbc, 0x00, 0xbd, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xab, 0x00, 0xf9, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb0, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb3, 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa8, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf2, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xfa, 0xfd, 0xf7, 0xf8, 0xf5, 0xb9, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xa1, 0xe0, 0xa2, 0xe1, 0xd8, 0xd0, 0xd3, 0xb4, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xa3, 0xdc, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xe6, 0xe5, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0xe3, 0xb6, 0xe8, 0xe7, 0xdf, 0xe9, 0xda, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xd2, 0xad, 0xed, 0xae, 0xdb, 0xb1, 0xf0, 0xde, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0xc8, 0xc4, 0xc0, 0xe2, 0xcc, 0xd4, 0xd7, 0xb5, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xc9, 0xc5, 0xc1, 0xcd, 0xd9, 0xd5, 0xd1, 0xdd, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0xe4, 0xb7, 0xca, 0xc6, 0xc2, 0xea, 0xce, 0x00, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0xd6, 0xcb, 0xc7, 0xc3, 0xcf, 0xb2, 0xf1, 0xef, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char hp_roman8_page01[56] = { + 0xeb, 0xec, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0xee, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xbe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; +static const unsigned char hp_roman8_page02[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xac, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; + +static int +hp_roman8_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x00a0) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = hp_roman8_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0160 && wc < 0x0198) + c = hp_roman8_page01[wc-0x0160]; + else if (wc >= 0x02c0 && wc < 0x02e0) + c = hp_roman8_page02[wc-0x02c0]; + else if (wc == 0x2014) + c = 0xf6; + else if (wc == 0x20a4) + c = 0xaf; + else if (wc == 0x25a0) + c = 0xfc; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/hz.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/hz.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..db0b4b11d --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/hz.h @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * HZ + */ + +/* Specification: RFC 1842, RFC 1843 */ + +/* + * The state is 1 in GB mode, 0 in ASCII mode. + */ + +static int +hz_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->istate; + unsigned int count = 0; + unsigned char c; + for (;;) { + c = *s; + if (c == '~') { + if (n < count+2) + goto none; + c = s[1]; + if (state == 0) { + if (c == '~') { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) '~'; + conv->istate = state; + return count+2; + } + if (c == '{') { + state = 1; + s += 2; count += 2; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (c == '\n') { + s += 2; count += 2; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + } else { + if (c == '}') { + state = 0; + s += 2; count += 2; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + } + goto ilseq; + } + break; + } + if (state == 0) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + conv->istate = state; + return count+1; + } else { + int ret; + if (n < count+2) + goto none; + ret = gb2312_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + conv->istate = state; + return count+2; + } + +none: + conv->istate = state; + return RET_TOOFEW(count); + +ilseq: + conv->istate = state; + return RET_SHIFT_ILSEQ(count); +} + +static int +hz_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->ostate; + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Code set 0 (ASCII or GB 1988-89) */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80) { + int count = (state ? 3 : 1); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state) { + r[0] = '~'; + r[1] = '}'; + r += 2; + state = 0; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + /* Code set 1 (GB 2312-1980) */ + ret = gb2312_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80 && buf[1] < 0x80) { + int count = (state ? 2 : 4); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (!state) { + r[0] = '~'; + r[1] = '{'; + r += 2; + state = 1; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} + +static int +hz_reset (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->ostate; + if (state) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = '~'; + r[1] = '}'; + /* conv->ostate = 0; will be done by the caller */ + return 2; + } else + return 0; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iconv.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iconv.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e0b1136d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iconv.h @@ -0,0 +1,260 @@ +/* Copyright (C) 1999-2003, 2005-2006, 2008-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + + The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ + +/* When installed, this file is called "iconv.h". */ + +#ifndef _LIBICONV_H +#define _LIBICONV_H + +#define _LIBICONV_VERSION 0x010E /* version number: (major<<8) + minor */ + +//#if @HAVE_VISIBILITY@ && BUILDING_LIBICONV +//#define LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED __attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) +//#else +//#define LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED +//#endif +//extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED @DLL_VARIABLE@ int _libiconv_version; /* Likewise */ +#if BUILDING_LIBICONV +#define LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED __declspec(dllexport) +#elif USING_STATIC_LIBICONV +#define LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED +#else +#define LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED __declspec(dllimport) +#endif +extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED int _libiconv_version; /* Likewise */ +/* We would like to #include any system header file which could define + iconv_t, 1. in order to eliminate the risk that the user gets compilation + errors because some other system header file includes /usr/include/iconv.h + which defines iconv_t or declares iconv after this file, 2. when compiling + for LIBICONV_PLUG, we need the proper iconv_t type in order to produce + binary compatible code. + But gcc's #include_next is not portable. Thus, once libiconv's iconv.h + has been installed in /usr/local/include, there is no way any more to + include the original /usr/include/iconv.h. We simply have to get away + without it. + Ad 1. The risk that a system header file does + #include "iconv.h" or #include_next "iconv.h" + is small. They all do #include . + Ad 2. The iconv_t type is a pointer type in all cases I have seen. (It + has to be a scalar type because (iconv_t)(-1) is a possible return value + from iconv_open().) */ + +/* Define iconv_t ourselves. */ +#undef iconv_t +#define iconv_t libiconv_t +typedef void* iconv_t; + +/* Get size_t declaration. + Get wchar_t declaration if it exists. */ +#include + +/* Get errno declaration and values. */ +#include +/* Some systems, like SunOS 4, don't have EILSEQ. Some systems, like BSD/OS, + have EILSEQ in a different header. On these systems, define EILSEQ + ourselves. */ +#ifndef EILSEQ +#define EILSEQ @EILSEQ@ +#endif + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + + +/* Allocates descriptor for code conversion from encoding ‘fromcode’ to + encoding ‘tocode’. */ +#ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG +#define iconv_open libiconv_open +#endif +extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED iconv_t iconv_open (const char* tocode, const char* fromcode); + +/* Converts, using conversion descriptor ‘cd’, at most ‘*inbytesleft’ bytes + starting at ‘*inbuf’, writing at most ‘*outbytesleft’ bytes starting at + ‘*outbuf’. + Decrements ‘*inbytesleft’ and increments ‘*inbuf’ by the same amount. + Decrements ‘*outbytesleft’ and increments ‘*outbuf’ by the same amount. */ +#ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG +#define iconv libiconv +#endif +//extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED size_t iconv (iconv_t cd, @ICONV_CONST@ char* * inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char* * outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft); +extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED size_t iconv (iconv_t cd, const char* * inbuf, + size_t *inbytesleft, char* * outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft); +/* Frees resources allocated for conversion descriptor ‘cd’. */ +#ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG +#define iconv_close libiconv_close +#endif +extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED int iconv_close (iconv_t cd); + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + + +#ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG + +/* Nonstandard extensions. */ + +//#if @USE_MBSTATE_T@ +//#if @BROKEN_WCHAR_H@ +#if USE_MBSTATE_T +#if BROKEN_WCHAR_H +/* Tru64 with Desktop Toolkit C has a bug: must be included before + . + BSD/OS 4.0.1 has a bug: , and must be + included before . */ +#include +#include +#include +#endif +#include +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* A type that holds all memory needed by a conversion descriptor. + A pointer to such an object can be used as an iconv_t. */ +typedef struct { + void* dummy1[28]; +//#if @USE_MBSTATE_T@ +#if USE_MBSTATE_T + mbstate_t dummy2; +#endif +} iconv_allocation_t; + +/* Allocates descriptor for code conversion from encoding ‘fromcode’ to + encoding ‘tocode’ into preallocated memory. Returns an error indicator + (0 or -1 with errno set). */ +#define iconv_open_into libiconv_open_into +extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED int iconv_open_into (const char* tocode, const char* fromcode, + iconv_allocation_t* resultp); + +/* Control of attributes. */ +#define iconvctl libiconvctl +extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED int iconvctl (iconv_t cd, int request, void* argument); + +/* Hook performed after every successful conversion of a Unicode character. */ +typedef void (*iconv_unicode_char_hook) (unsigned int uc, void* data); +/* Hook performed after every successful conversion of a wide character. */ +typedef void (*iconv_wide_char_hook) (wchar_t wc, void* data); +/* Set of hooks. */ +struct iconv_hooks { + iconv_unicode_char_hook uc_hook; + iconv_wide_char_hook wc_hook; + void* data; +}; + +/* Fallback function. Invoked when a small number of bytes could not be + converted to a Unicode character. This function should process all + bytes from inbuf and may produce replacement Unicode characters by calling + the write_replacement callback repeatedly. */ +typedef void (*iconv_unicode_mb_to_uc_fallback) + (const char* inbuf, size_t inbufsize, + void (*write_replacement) (const unsigned int *buf, size_t buflen, + void* callback_arg), + void* callback_arg, + void* data); +/* Fallback function. Invoked when a Unicode character could not be converted + to the target encoding. This function should process the character and + may produce replacement bytes (in the target encoding) by calling the + write_replacement callback repeatedly. */ +typedef void (*iconv_unicode_uc_to_mb_fallback) + (unsigned int code, + void (*write_replacement) (const char *buf, size_t buflen, + void* callback_arg), + void* callback_arg, + void* data); +//#if @HAVE_WCHAR_T@ +#if HAVE_WCHAR_T +/* Fallback function. Invoked when a number of bytes could not be converted to + a wide character. This function should process all bytes from inbuf and may + produce replacement wide characters by calling the write_replacement + callback repeatedly. */ +typedef void (*iconv_wchar_mb_to_wc_fallback) + (const char* inbuf, size_t inbufsize, + void (*write_replacement) (const wchar_t *buf, size_t buflen, + void* callback_arg), + void* callback_arg, + void* data); +/* Fallback function. Invoked when a wide character could not be converted to + the target encoding. This function should process the character and may + produce replacement bytes (in the target encoding) by calling the + write_replacement callback repeatedly. */ +typedef void (*iconv_wchar_wc_to_mb_fallback) + (wchar_t code, + void (*write_replacement) (const char *buf, size_t buflen, + void* callback_arg), + void* callback_arg, + void* data); +#else +/* If the wchar_t type does not exist, these two fallback functions are never + invoked. Their argument list therefore does not matter. */ +typedef void (*iconv_wchar_mb_to_wc_fallback) (); +typedef void (*iconv_wchar_wc_to_mb_fallback) (); +#endif +/* Set of fallbacks. */ +struct iconv_fallbacks { + iconv_unicode_mb_to_uc_fallback mb_to_uc_fallback; + iconv_unicode_uc_to_mb_fallback uc_to_mb_fallback; + iconv_wchar_mb_to_wc_fallback mb_to_wc_fallback; + iconv_wchar_wc_to_mb_fallback wc_to_mb_fallback; + void* data; +}; + +/* Requests for iconvctl. */ +#define ICONV_TRIVIALP 0 /* int *argument */ +#define ICONV_GET_TRANSLITERATE 1 /* int *argument */ +#define ICONV_SET_TRANSLITERATE 2 /* const int *argument */ +#define ICONV_GET_DISCARD_ILSEQ 3 /* int *argument */ +#define ICONV_SET_DISCARD_ILSEQ 4 /* const int *argument */ +#define ICONV_SET_HOOKS 5 /* const struct iconv_hooks *argument */ +#define ICONV_SET_FALLBACKS 6 /* const struct iconv_fallbacks *argument */ + +/* Listing of locale independent encodings. */ +#define iconvlist libiconvlist +extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED void iconvlist (int (*do_one) (unsigned int namescount, + const char * const * names, + void* data), + void* data); + +/* Canonicalize an encoding name. + The result is either a canonical encoding name, or name itself. */ +extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED const char * iconv_canonicalize (const char * name); + +/* Support for relocatable packages. */ + +/* Sets the original and the current installation prefix of the package. + Relocation simply replaces a pathname starting with the original prefix + by the corresponding pathname with the current prefix instead. Both + prefixes should be directory names without trailing slash (i.e. use "" + instead of "/"). */ +extern LIBICONV_DLL_EXPORTED void libiconv_set_relocation_prefix (const char *orig_prefix, + const char *curr_prefix); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif + + +#endif /* _LIBICONV_H */ diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iconv_open1.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iconv_open1.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..acee5a4a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iconv_open1.h @@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2008, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* Part 1 of iconv_open. + Input: const char* tocode, const char* fromcode. + Output: + unsigned int from_index; + int from_wchar; + unsigned int to_index; + int to_wchar; + int transliterate; + int discard_ilseq; + Jumps to 'invalid' in case of errror. + */ +{ + char buf[MAX_WORD_LENGTH+10+1]; + const char* cp; + char* bp; + const struct alias * ap; + unsigned int count; + + transliterate = 0; + discard_ilseq = 0; + + /* Before calling aliases_lookup, convert the input string to upper case, + * and check whether it's entirely ASCII (we call gperf with option "-7" + * to achieve a smaller table) and non-empty. If it's not entirely ASCII, + * or if it's too long, it is not a valid encoding name. + */ + for (to_wchar = 0;;) { + /* Search tocode in the table. */ + for (cp = tocode, bp = buf, count = MAX_WORD_LENGTH+10+1; ; cp++, bp++) { + unsigned char c = * (unsigned char *) cp; + if (c >= 0x80) + goto invalid; + if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') + c -= 'a'-'A'; + *bp = c; + if (c == '\0') + break; + if (--count == 0) + goto invalid; + } + for (;;) { + if (bp-buf >= 10 && memcmp(bp-10,"//TRANSLIT",10)==0) { + bp -= 10; + *bp = '\0'; + transliterate = 1; + continue; + } + if (bp-buf >= 8 && memcmp(bp-8,"//IGNORE",8)==0) { + bp -= 8; + *bp = '\0'; + discard_ilseq = 1; + continue; + } + break; + } + if (buf[0] == '\0') { + tocode = locale_charset(); + /* Avoid an endless loop that could occur when using an older version + of localcharset.c. */ + if (tocode[0] == '\0') + goto invalid; + continue; + } + ap = aliases_lookup(buf,bp-buf); + if (ap == NULL) { + ap = aliases2_lookup(buf); + if (ap == NULL) + goto invalid; + } + if (ap->encoding_index == ei_local_char) { + tocode = locale_charset(); + /* Avoid an endless loop that could occur when using an older version + of localcharset.c. */ + if (tocode[0] == '\0') + goto invalid; + continue; + } + if (ap->encoding_index == ei_local_wchar_t) { + /* On systems which define __STDC_ISO_10646__, wchar_t is Unicode. + This is also the case on native Woe32 systems and Cygwin >= 1.7, where + we know that it is UTF-16. */ +#if ((defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && !defined __CYGWIN__) || (defined __CYGWIN__ && CYGWIN_VERSION_DLL_MAJOR >= 1007) + if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 4) { + to_index = ei_ucs4internal; + break; + } + if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2) { +# if WORDS_LITTLEENDIAN + to_index = ei_utf16le; +# else + to_index = ei_utf16be; +# endif + break; + } +#elif __STDC_ISO_10646__ + if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 4) { + to_index = ei_ucs4internal; + break; + } + if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2) { + to_index = ei_ucs2internal; + break; + } + if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 1) { + to_index = ei_iso8859_1; + break; + } +#endif +#if HAVE_MBRTOWC + to_wchar = 1; + tocode = locale_charset(); + continue; +#endif + goto invalid; + } + to_index = ap->encoding_index; + break; + } + for (from_wchar = 0;;) { + /* Search fromcode in the table. */ + for (cp = fromcode, bp = buf, count = MAX_WORD_LENGTH+10+1; ; cp++, bp++) { + unsigned char c = * (unsigned char *) cp; + if (c >= 0x80) + goto invalid; + if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') + c -= 'a'-'A'; + *bp = c; + if (c == '\0') + break; + if (--count == 0) + goto invalid; + } + for (;;) { + if (bp-buf >= 10 && memcmp(bp-10,"//TRANSLIT",10)==0) { + bp -= 10; + *bp = '\0'; + continue; + } + if (bp-buf >= 8 && memcmp(bp-8,"//IGNORE",8)==0) { + bp -= 8; + *bp = '\0'; + continue; + } + break; + } + if (buf[0] == '\0') { + fromcode = locale_charset(); + /* Avoid an endless loop that could occur when using an older version + of localcharset.c. */ + if (fromcode[0] == '\0') + goto invalid; + continue; + } + ap = aliases_lookup(buf,bp-buf); + if (ap == NULL) { + ap = aliases2_lookup(buf); + if (ap == NULL) + goto invalid; + } + if (ap->encoding_index == ei_local_char) { + fromcode = locale_charset(); + /* Avoid an endless loop that could occur when using an older version + of localcharset.c. */ + if (fromcode[0] == '\0') + goto invalid; + continue; + } + if (ap->encoding_index == ei_local_wchar_t) { + /* On systems which define __STDC_ISO_10646__, wchar_t is Unicode. + This is also the case on native Woe32 systems and Cygwin >= 1.7, where + we know that it is UTF-16. */ +#if ((defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && !defined __CYGWIN__) || (defined __CYGWIN__ && CYGWIN_VERSION_DLL_MAJOR >= 1007) + if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 4) { + from_index = ei_ucs4internal; + break; + } + if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2) { +# if WORDS_LITTLEENDIAN + from_index = ei_utf16le; +# else + from_index = ei_utf16be; +# endif + break; + } +#elif __STDC_ISO_10646__ + if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 4) { + from_index = ei_ucs4internal; + break; + } + if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2) { + from_index = ei_ucs2internal; + break; + } + if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 1) { + from_index = ei_iso8859_1; + break; + } +#endif +#if HAVE_WCRTOMB + from_wchar = 1; + fromcode = locale_charset(); + continue; +#endif + goto invalid; + } + from_index = ap->encoding_index; + break; + } +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iconv_open2.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iconv_open2.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6d6296f05 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iconv_open2.h @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* Part 2 of iconv_open. + Input: + struct conv_struct * cd; + unsigned int from_index; + int from_wchar; + unsigned int to_index; + int to_wchar; + int transliterate; + int discard_ilseq; + Output: none. + Side effects: Fills cd. + */ + + cd->iindex = from_index; + cd->ifuncs = all_encodings[from_index].ifuncs; + cd->oindex = to_index; + cd->ofuncs = all_encodings[to_index].ofuncs; + cd->oflags = all_encodings[to_index].oflags; + /* Initialize the loop functions. */ +#if HAVE_MBRTOWC + if (to_wchar) { +#if HAVE_WCRTOMB + if (from_wchar) { + cd->lfuncs.loop_convert = wchar_id_loop_convert; + cd->lfuncs.loop_reset = wchar_id_loop_reset; + } else +#endif + { + cd->lfuncs.loop_convert = wchar_to_loop_convert; + cd->lfuncs.loop_reset = wchar_to_loop_reset; + } + } else +#endif + { +#if HAVE_WCRTOMB + if (from_wchar) { + cd->lfuncs.loop_convert = wchar_from_loop_convert; + cd->lfuncs.loop_reset = wchar_from_loop_reset; + } else +#endif + { + cd->lfuncs.loop_convert = unicode_loop_convert; + cd->lfuncs.loop_reset = unicode_loop_reset; + } + } + /* Initialize the states. */ + memset(&cd->istate,'\0',sizeof(state_t)); + memset(&cd->ostate,'\0',sizeof(state_t)); + /* Initialize the operation flags. */ + cd->transliterate = transliterate; + cd->discard_ilseq = discard_ilseq; + #ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG + cd->fallbacks.mb_to_uc_fallback = NULL; + cd->fallbacks.uc_to_mb_fallback = NULL; + cd->fallbacks.mb_to_wc_fallback = NULL; + cd->fallbacks.wc_to_mb_fallback = NULL; + cd->fallbacks.data = NULL; + cd->hooks.uc_hook = NULL; + cd->hooks.wc_hook = NULL; + cd->hooks.data = NULL; + #endif + /* Initialize additional fields. */ + if (from_wchar != to_wchar) { + struct wchar_conv_struct * wcd = (struct wchar_conv_struct *) cd; +#if HAVE_WCRTOMB || HAVE_MBRTOWC + memset(&wcd->state,'\0',sizeof(mbstate_t)); +#endif + } + /* Done. */ diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_cn.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_cn.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d7e3e393a --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_cn.h @@ -0,0 +1,324 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-2022-CN + */ + +/* Specification: RFC 1922 */ + +#define ESC 0x1b +#define SO 0x0e +#define SI 0x0f + +/* + * The state is composed of one of the following values + */ +#define STATE_ASCII 0 +#define STATE_TWOBYTE 1 +/* + * and one of the following values, << 8 + */ +#define STATE2_NONE 0 +#define STATE2_DESIGNATED_GB2312 1 +#define STATE2_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_1 2 +/* + * and one of the following values, << 16 + */ +#define STATE3_NONE 0 +#define STATE3_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_2 1 + +#define SPLIT_STATE \ + unsigned int state1 = state & 0xff, state2 = (state >> 8) & 0xff, state3 = state >> 16 +#define COMBINE_STATE \ + state = (state3 << 16) | (state2 << 8) | state1 + +static int +iso2022_cn_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->istate; + SPLIT_STATE; + int count = 0; + unsigned char c; + for (;;) { + c = *s; + if (c == ESC) { + if (n < count+4) + goto none; + if (s[1] == '$') { + if (s[2] == ')') { + if (s[3] == 'A') { + state2 = STATE2_DESIGNATED_GB2312; + s += 4; count += 4; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (s[3] == 'G') { + state2 = STATE2_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_1; + s += 4; count += 4; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + } + if (s[2] == '*') { + if (s[3] == 'H') { + state3 = STATE3_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_2; + s += 4; count += 4; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + } + } + if (s[1] == 'N') { + switch (state3) { + case STATE3_NONE: + goto ilseq; + case STATE3_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_2: + if (s[2] < 0x80 && s[3] < 0x80) { + int ret = cns11643_2_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s+2,2); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+4; + } else + goto ilseq; + default: abort(); + } + } + goto ilseq; + } + if (c == SO) { + if (state2 != STATE2_DESIGNATED_GB2312 && state2 != STATE2_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_1) + goto ilseq; + state1 = STATE_TWOBYTE; + s++; count++; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (c == SI) { + state1 = STATE_ASCII; + s++; count++; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + break; + } + switch (state1) { + case STATE_ASCII: + if (c < 0x80) { + int ret = ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,1); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (*pwc == 0x000a || *pwc == 0x000d) { + state2 = STATE2_NONE; state3 = STATE3_NONE; + } + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+1; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE_TWOBYTE: + if (n < count+2) + goto none; + if (s[0] < 0x80 && s[1] < 0x80) { + int ret; + switch (state2) { + case STATE2_NONE: + goto ilseq; + case STATE2_DESIGNATED_GB2312: + ret = gb2312_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); break; + case STATE2_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_1: + ret = cns11643_1_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); break; + default: abort(); + } + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+2; + } else + goto ilseq; + default: abort(); + } + +none: + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return RET_TOOFEW(count); + +ilseq: + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return RET_SHIFT_ILSEQ(count); +} + +static int +iso2022_cn_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->ostate; + SPLIT_STATE; + unsigned char buf[3]; + int ret; + + /* There is no need to handle Unicode 3.1 tag characters and to look for + "zh-CN" or "zh-TW" tags, because GB2312 and CNS11643 are disjoint. */ + + /* Try ASCII. */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80) { + int count = (state1 == STATE_ASCII ? 1 : 2); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state1 != STATE_ASCII) { + r[0] = SI; + r += 1; + state1 = STATE_ASCII; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + if (wc == 0x000a || wc == 0x000d) { + state2 = STATE2_NONE; state3 = STATE3_NONE; + } + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + /* Try GB 2312-1980. */ + ret = gb2312_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80 && buf[1] < 0x80) { + int count = (state2 == STATE2_DESIGNATED_GB2312 ? 0 : 4) + (state1 == STATE_TWOBYTE ? 0 : 1) + 2; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state2 != STATE2_DESIGNATED_GB2312) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = ')'; + r[3] = 'A'; + r += 4; + state2 = STATE2_DESIGNATED_GB2312; + } + if (state1 != STATE_TWOBYTE) { + r[0] = SO; + r += 1; + state1 = STATE_TWOBYTE; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + ret = cns11643_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,3); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 3) abort(); + + /* Try CNS 11643-1992 Plane 1. */ + if (buf[0] == 1 && buf[1] < 0x80 && buf[2] < 0x80) { + int count = (state2 == STATE2_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_1 ? 0 : 4) + (state1 == STATE_TWOBYTE ? 0 : 1) + 2; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state2 != STATE2_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_1) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = ')'; + r[3] = 'G'; + r += 4; + state2 = STATE2_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_1; + } + if (state1 != STATE_TWOBYTE) { + r[0] = SO; + r += 1; + state1 = STATE_TWOBYTE; + } + r[0] = buf[1]; + r[1] = buf[2]; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + + /* Try CNS 11643-1992 Plane 2. */ + if (buf[0] == 2 && buf[1] < 0x80 && buf[2] < 0x80) { + int count = (state3 == STATE3_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_2 ? 0 : 4) + 4; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state3 != STATE3_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_2) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = '*'; + r[3] = 'H'; + r += 4; + state3 = STATE3_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_2; + } + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = 'N'; + r[2] = buf[1]; + r[3] = buf[2]; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} + +static int +iso2022_cn_reset (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->ostate; + SPLIT_STATE; + (void)state2; + (void)state3; + if (state1 != STATE_ASCII) { + if (n < 1) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = SI; + /* conv->ostate = 0; will be done by the caller */ + return 1; + } else + return 0; +} + +#undef COMBINE_STATE +#undef SPLIT_STATE +#undef STATE3_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_2 +#undef STATE3_NONE +#undef STATE2_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_1 +#undef STATE2_DESIGNATED_GB2312 +#undef STATE2_NONE +#undef STATE_TWOBYTE +#undef STATE_ASCII diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_cnext.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_cnext.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f8488709d --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_cnext.h @@ -0,0 +1,590 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-2022-CN-EXT + */ + +/* Specification: RFC 1922 */ + +#define ESC 0x1b +#define SO 0x0e +#define SI 0x0f + +/* + * The state is composed of one of the following values + */ +#define STATE_ASCII 0 +#define STATE_TWOBYTE 1 +/* + * and one of the following values, << 8 + */ +#define STATE2_NONE 0 +#define STATE2_DESIGNATED_GB2312 1 +#define STATE2_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_1 2 +#define STATE2_DESIGNATED_ISO_IR_165 3 +/* + * and one of the following values, << 16 + */ +#define STATE3_NONE 0 +#define STATE3_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_2 1 +/* + * and one of the following values, << 24 + */ +#define STATE4_NONE 0 +#define STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_3 1 +#define STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_4 2 +#define STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_5 3 +#define STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_6 4 +#define STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_7 5 + +#define SPLIT_STATE \ + unsigned int state1 = state & 0xff, state2 = (state >> 8) & 0xff, state3 = (state >> 16) & 0xff, state4 = state >> 24 +#define COMBINE_STATE \ + state = (state4 << 24) | (state3 << 16) | (state2 << 8) | state1 + +static int +iso2022_cn_ext_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->istate; + SPLIT_STATE; + int count = 0; + unsigned char c; + for (;;) { + c = *s; + if (c == ESC) { + if (n < count+4) + goto none; + if (s[1] == '$') { + if (s[2] == ')') { + if (s[3] == 'A') { + state2 = STATE2_DESIGNATED_GB2312; + s += 4; count += 4; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (s[3] == 'G') { + state2 = STATE2_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_1; + s += 4; count += 4; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (s[3] == 'E') { + state2 = STATE2_DESIGNATED_ISO_IR_165; + s += 4; count += 4; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + } + if (s[2] == '*') { + if (s[3] == 'H') { + state3 = STATE3_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_2; + s += 4; count += 4; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + } + if (s[2] == '+') { + if (s[3] == 'I') { + state4 = STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_3; + s += 4; count += 4; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (s[3] == 'J') { + state4 = STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_4; + s += 4; count += 4; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (s[3] == 'K') { + state4 = STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_5; + s += 4; count += 4; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (s[3] == 'L') { + state4 = STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_6; + s += 4; count += 4; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (s[3] == 'M') { + state4 = STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_7; + s += 4; count += 4; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + } + } + if (s[1] == 'N') { + switch (state3) { + case STATE3_NONE: + goto ilseq; + case STATE3_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_2: + if (s[2] < 0x80 && s[3] < 0x80) { + int ret = cns11643_2_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s+2,2); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+4; + } else + goto ilseq; + default: abort(); + } + } + if (s[1] == 'O') { + switch (state4) { + case STATE4_NONE: + goto ilseq; + case STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_3: + if (s[2] < 0x80 && s[3] < 0x80) { + int ret = cns11643_3_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s+2,2); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+4; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_4: + if (s[2] < 0x80 && s[3] < 0x80) { + int ret = cns11643_4_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s+2,2); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+4; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_5: + if (s[2] < 0x80 && s[3] < 0x80) { + int ret = cns11643_5_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s+2,2); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+4; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_6: + if (s[2] < 0x80 && s[3] < 0x80) { + int ret = cns11643_6_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s+2,2); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+4; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_7: + if (s[2] < 0x80 && s[3] < 0x80) { + int ret = cns11643_7_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s+2,2); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+4; + } else + goto ilseq; + default: abort(); + } + } + goto ilseq; + } + if (c == SO) { + if (state2 != STATE2_DESIGNATED_GB2312 && state2 != STATE2_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_1 && state2 != STATE2_DESIGNATED_ISO_IR_165) + goto ilseq; + state1 = STATE_TWOBYTE; + s++; count++; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (c == SI) { + state1 = STATE_ASCII; + s++; count++; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + break; + } + switch (state1) { + case STATE_ASCII: + if (c < 0x80) { + int ret = ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,1); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (*pwc == 0x000a || *pwc == 0x000d) { + state2 = STATE2_NONE; state3 = STATE3_NONE; state4 = STATE3_NONE; + } + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+1; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE_TWOBYTE: + if (n < count+2) + goto none; + if (s[0] < 0x80 && s[1] < 0x80) { + int ret; + switch (state2) { + case STATE2_NONE: + goto ilseq; + case STATE2_DESIGNATED_GB2312: + ret = gb2312_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); break; + case STATE2_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_1: + ret = cns11643_1_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); break; + case STATE2_DESIGNATED_ISO_IR_165: + ret = isoir165_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); break; + default: abort(); + } + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+2; + } else + goto ilseq; + default: abort(); + } + +none: + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return RET_TOOFEW(count); + +ilseq: + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return RET_SHIFT_ILSEQ(count); +} + +static int +iso2022_cn_ext_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->ostate; + SPLIT_STATE; + unsigned char buf[3]; + int ret; + + /* There is no need to handle Unicode 3.1 tag characters and to look for + "zh-CN" or "zh-TW" tags, because GB2312 and CNS11643 are disjoint. */ + + /* Try ASCII. */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80) { + int count = (state1 == STATE_ASCII ? 1 : 2); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state1 != STATE_ASCII) { + r[0] = SI; + r += 1; + state1 = STATE_ASCII; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + if (wc == 0x000a || wc == 0x000d) { + state2 = STATE2_NONE; state3 = STATE3_NONE; state4 = STATE3_NONE; + } + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + /* Try GB 2312-1980. */ + ret = gb2312_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80 && buf[1] < 0x80) { + int count = (state2 == STATE2_DESIGNATED_GB2312 ? 0 : 4) + (state1 == STATE_TWOBYTE ? 0 : 1) + 2; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state2 != STATE2_DESIGNATED_GB2312) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = ')'; + r[3] = 'A'; + r += 4; + state2 = STATE2_DESIGNATED_GB2312; + } + if (state1 != STATE_TWOBYTE) { + r[0] = SO; + r += 1; + state1 = STATE_TWOBYTE; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + ret = cns11643_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,3); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 3) abort(); + + /* Try CNS 11643-1992 Plane 1. */ + if (buf[0] == 1 && buf[1] < 0x80 && buf[2] < 0x80) { + int count = (state2 == STATE2_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_1 ? 0 : 4) + (state1 == STATE_TWOBYTE ? 0 : 1) + 2; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state2 != STATE2_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_1) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = ')'; + r[3] = 'G'; + r += 4; + state2 = STATE2_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_1; + } + if (state1 != STATE_TWOBYTE) { + r[0] = SO; + r += 1; + state1 = STATE_TWOBYTE; + } + r[0] = buf[1]; + r[1] = buf[2]; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + + /* Try CNS 11643-1992 Plane 2. */ + if (buf[0] == 2 && buf[1] < 0x80 && buf[2] < 0x80) { + int count = (state3 == STATE3_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_2 ? 0 : 4) + 4; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state3 != STATE3_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_2) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = '*'; + r[3] = 'H'; + r += 4; + state3 = STATE3_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_2; + } + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = 'N'; + r[2] = buf[1]; + r[3] = buf[2]; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + + /* Try CNS 11643-1992 Plane 3. */ + if (buf[0] == 3 && buf[1] < 0x80 && buf[2] < 0x80) { + int count = (state4 == STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_3 ? 0 : 4) + 4; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state4 != STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_3) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = '+'; + r[3] = 'I'; + r += 4; + state4 = STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_3; + } + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = 'O'; + r[2] = buf[1]; + r[3] = buf[2]; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + + /* Try CNS 11643-1992 Plane 4. */ + if (buf[0] == 4 && buf[1] < 0x80 && buf[2] < 0x80) { + int count = (state4 == STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_4 ? 0 : 4) + 4; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state4 != STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_4) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = '+'; + r[3] = 'J'; + r += 4; + state4 = STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_4; + } + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = 'O'; + r[2] = buf[1]; + r[3] = buf[2]; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + + /* Try CNS 11643-1992 Plane 5. */ + if (buf[0] == 5 && buf[1] < 0x80 && buf[2] < 0x80) { + int count = (state4 == STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_5 ? 0 : 4) + 4; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state4 != STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_5) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = '+'; + r[3] = 'K'; + r += 4; + state4 = STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_5; + } + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = 'O'; + r[2] = buf[1]; + r[3] = buf[2]; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + + /* Try CNS 11643-1992 Plane 6. */ + if (buf[0] == 6 && buf[1] < 0x80 && buf[2] < 0x80) { + int count = (state4 == STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_6 ? 0 : 4) + 4; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state4 != STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_6) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = '+'; + r[3] = 'L'; + r += 4; + state4 = STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_6; + } + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = 'O'; + r[2] = buf[1]; + r[3] = buf[2]; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + + /* Try CNS 11643-1992 Plane 7. */ + if (buf[0] == 7 && buf[1] < 0x80 && buf[2] < 0x80) { + int count = (state4 == STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_7 ? 0 : 4) + 4; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state4 != STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_7) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = '+'; + r[3] = 'M'; + r += 4; + state4 = STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_7; + } + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = 'O'; + r[2] = buf[1]; + r[3] = buf[2]; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + + } + + /* Try ISO-IR-165. */ + ret = isoir165_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80 && buf[1] < 0x80) { + int count = (state2 == STATE2_DESIGNATED_ISO_IR_165 ? 0 : 4) + (state1 == STATE_TWOBYTE ? 0 : 1) + 2; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state2 != STATE2_DESIGNATED_ISO_IR_165) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = ')'; + r[3] = 'E'; + r += 4; + state2 = STATE2_DESIGNATED_ISO_IR_165; + } + if (state1 != STATE_TWOBYTE) { + r[0] = SO; + r += 1; + state1 = STATE_TWOBYTE; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} + +static int +iso2022_cn_ext_reset (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->ostate; + SPLIT_STATE; + (void)state2; + (void)state3; + (void)state4; + if (state1 != STATE_ASCII) { + if (n < 1) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = SI; + /* conv->ostate = 0; will be done by the caller */ + return 1; + } else + return 0; +} + +#undef COMBINE_STATE +#undef SPLIT_STATE +#undef STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_7 +#undef STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_6 +#undef STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_5 +#undef STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_4 +#undef STATE4_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_3 +#undef STATE4_NONE +#undef STATE3_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_2 +#undef STATE3_NONE +#undef STATE2_DESIGNATED_ISO_IR_165 +#undef STATE2_DESIGNATED_CNS11643_1 +#undef STATE2_DESIGNATED_GB2312 +#undef STATE2_NONE +#undef STATE_TWOBYTE +#undef STATE_ASCII diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_jp.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_jp.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1c8abec1b --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_jp.h @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-2022-JP + */ + +/* Specification: RFC 1468 */ + +#define ESC 0x1b + +/* + * The state can be one of the following values. + */ +#define STATE_ASCII 0 +#define STATE_JISX0201ROMAN 1 +#define STATE_JISX0208 2 + +static int +iso2022_jp_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->istate; + int count = 0; + unsigned char c; + for (;;) { + c = *s; + if (c == ESC) { + if (n < count+3) + goto none; + if (s[1] == '(') { + if (s[2] == 'B') { + state = STATE_ASCII; + s += 3; count += 3; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (s[2] == 'J') { + state = STATE_JISX0201ROMAN; + s += 3; count += 3; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + goto ilseq; + } + if (s[1] == '$') { + if (s[2] == '@' || s[2] == 'B') { + /* We don't distinguish JIS X 0208-1978 and JIS X 0208-1983. */ + state = STATE_JISX0208; + s += 3; count += 3; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + goto ilseq; + } + goto ilseq; + } + break; + } + switch (state) { + case STATE_ASCII: + if (c < 0x80) { + int ret = ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,1); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 1) abort(); + conv->istate = state; + return count+1; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE_JISX0201ROMAN: + if (c < 0x80) { + int ret = jisx0201_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,1); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 1) abort(); + conv->istate = state; + return count+1; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE_JISX0208: + if (n < count+2) + goto none; + if (s[0] < 0x80 && s[1] < 0x80) { + int ret = jisx0208_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + conv->istate = state; + return count+2; + } else + goto ilseq; + default: abort(); + } + +none: + conv->istate = state; + return RET_TOOFEW(count); + +ilseq: + conv->istate = state; + return RET_SHIFT_ILSEQ(count); +} + +static int +iso2022_jp_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->ostate; + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Try ASCII. */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80) { + int count = (state == STATE_ASCII ? 1 : 4); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state != STATE_ASCII) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '('; + r[2] = 'B'; + r += 3; + state = STATE_ASCII; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + /* Try JIS X 0201-1976 Roman. */ + ret = jisx0201_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80) { + int count = (state == STATE_JISX0201ROMAN ? 1 : 4); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state != STATE_JISX0201ROMAN) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '('; + r[2] = 'J'; + r += 3; + state = STATE_JISX0201ROMAN; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + /* Try JIS X 0208-1990 in place of JIS X 0208-1978 and JIS X 0208-1983. */ + ret = jisx0208_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80 && buf[1] < 0x80) { + int count = (state == STATE_JISX0208 ? 2 : 5); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state != STATE_JISX0208) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = 'B'; + r += 3; + state = STATE_JISX0208; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} + +static int +iso2022_jp_reset (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->ostate; + if (state != STATE_ASCII) { + if (n < 3) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '('; + r[2] = 'B'; + /* conv->ostate = 0; will be done by the caller */ + return 3; + } else + return 0; +} + +#undef STATE_JISX0208 +#undef STATE_JISX0201ROMAN +#undef STATE_ASCII diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_jp1.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_jp1.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c3094740f --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_jp1.h @@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-2022-JP-1 + */ + +/* Specification: RFC 2237 */ + +#define ESC 0x1b + +/* + * The state can be one of the following values. + */ +#define STATE_ASCII 0 +#define STATE_JISX0201ROMAN 1 +#define STATE_JISX0208 2 +#define STATE_JISX0212 3 + +static int +iso2022_jp1_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->istate; + int count = 0; + unsigned char c; + for (;;) { + c = *s; + if (c == ESC) { + if (n < count+3) + goto none; + if (s[1] == '(') { + if (s[2] == 'B') { + state = STATE_ASCII; + s += 3; count += 3; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (s[2] == 'J') { + state = STATE_JISX0201ROMAN; + s += 3; count += 3; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + goto ilseq; + } + if (s[1] == '$') { + if (s[2] == '@' || s[2] == 'B') { + /* We don't distinguish JIS X 0208-1978 and JIS X 0208-1983. */ + state = STATE_JISX0208; + s += 3; count += 3; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (s[2] == '(') { + if (n < count+4) + goto none; + if (s[3] == 'D') { + state = STATE_JISX0212; + s += 4; count += 4; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + } + goto ilseq; + } + goto ilseq; + } + break; + } + switch (state) { + case STATE_ASCII: + if (c < 0x80) { + int ret = ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,1); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 1) abort(); + conv->istate = state; + return count+1; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE_JISX0201ROMAN: + if (c < 0x80) { + int ret = jisx0201_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,1); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 1) abort(); + conv->istate = state; + return count+1; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE_JISX0208: + if (n < count+2) + goto none; + if (s[0] < 0x80 && s[1] < 0x80) { + int ret = jisx0208_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + conv->istate = state; + return count+2; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE_JISX0212: + if (n < count+2) + goto none; + if (s[0] < 0x80 && s[1] < 0x80) { + int ret = jisx0212_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + conv->istate = state; + return count+2; + } else + goto ilseq; + default: abort(); + } + +none: + conv->istate = state; + return RET_TOOFEW(count); + +ilseq: + conv->istate = state; + return RET_SHIFT_ILSEQ(count); +} + +static int +iso2022_jp1_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->ostate; + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Try ASCII. */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80) { + int count = (state == STATE_ASCII ? 1 : 4); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state != STATE_ASCII) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '('; + r[2] = 'B'; + r += 3; + state = STATE_ASCII; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + /* Try JIS X 0201-1976 Roman. */ + ret = jisx0201_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80) { + int count = (state == STATE_JISX0201ROMAN ? 1 : 4); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state != STATE_JISX0201ROMAN) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '('; + r[2] = 'J'; + r += 3; + state = STATE_JISX0201ROMAN; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + /* Try JIS X 0208-1990 in place of JIS X 0208-1978 and JIS X 0208-1983. */ + ret = jisx0208_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80 && buf[1] < 0x80) { + int count = (state == STATE_JISX0208 ? 2 : 5); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state != STATE_JISX0208) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = 'B'; + r += 3; + state = STATE_JISX0208; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + /* Try JIS X 0212-1990. */ + ret = jisx0212_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80 && buf[1] < 0x80) { + int count = (state == STATE_JISX0212 ? 2 : 6); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state != STATE_JISX0212) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = '('; + r[3] = 'D'; + r += 4; + state = STATE_JISX0212; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} + +static int +iso2022_jp1_reset (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->ostate; + if (state != STATE_ASCII) { + if (n < 3) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '('; + r[2] = 'B'; + /* conv->ostate = 0; will be done by the caller */ + return 3; + } else + return 0; +} + +#undef STATE_JISX0212 +#undef STATE_JISX0208 +#undef STATE_JISX0201ROMAN +#undef STATE_ASCII diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_jp2.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_jp2.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5e3ca4155 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_jp2.h @@ -0,0 +1,693 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-2022-JP-2 + */ + +/* Specification: RFC 1554 */ +/* ESC '(' 'I' for JISX0201 Katakana is an extension not found in RFC 1554 or + CJK.INF, but implemented in glibc-2.1 and qt-2.0. */ + +#define ESC 0x1b + +/* + * The state is composed of one of the following values + */ +#define STATE_ASCII 0 +#define STATE_JISX0201ROMAN 1 +#define STATE_JISX0201KATAKANA 2 +#define STATE_JISX0208 3 +#define STATE_JISX0212 4 +#define STATE_GB2312 5 +#define STATE_KSC5601 6 +/* + * and one of the following values, << 8 + */ +#define STATE_G2_NONE 0 +#define STATE_G2_ISO8859_1 1 +#define STATE_G2_ISO8859_7 2 + +#define SPLIT_STATE \ + unsigned int state1 = state & 0xff, state2 = state >> 8 +#define COMBINE_STATE \ + state = (state2 << 8) | state1 + +static int +iso2022_jp2_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->istate; + SPLIT_STATE; + int count = 0; + unsigned char c; + for (;;) { + c = *s; + if (c == ESC) { + if (n < count+3) + goto none; + if (s[1] == '(') { + if (s[2] == 'B') { + state1 = STATE_ASCII; + s += 3; count += 3; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (s[2] == 'J') { + state1 = STATE_JISX0201ROMAN; + s += 3; count += 3; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (s[2] == 'I') { + state1 = STATE_JISX0201KATAKANA; + s += 3; count += 3; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + goto ilseq; + } + if (s[1] == '$') { + if (s[2] == '@' || s[2] == 'B') { + /* We don't distinguish JIS X 0208-1978 and JIS X 0208-1983. */ + state1 = STATE_JISX0208; + s += 3; count += 3; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (s[2] == 'A') { + state1 = STATE_GB2312; + s += 3; count += 3; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (s[2] == '(') { + if (n < count+4) + goto none; + if (s[3] == 'D') { + state1 = STATE_JISX0212; + s += 4; count += 4; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (s[3] == 'C') { + state1 = STATE_KSC5601; + s += 4; count += 4; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + goto ilseq; + } + goto ilseq; + } + if (s[1] == '.') { + if (n < count+3) + goto none; + if (s[2] == 'A') { + state2 = STATE_G2_ISO8859_1; + s += 3; count += 3; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (s[2] == 'F') { + state2 = STATE_G2_ISO8859_7; + s += 3; count += 3; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + goto ilseq; + } + if (s[1] == 'N') { + switch (state2) { + case STATE_G2_NONE: + goto ilseq; + case STATE_G2_ISO8859_1: + if (s[2] < 0x80) { + unsigned char buf = s[2]+0x80; + int ret = iso8859_1_mbtowc(conv,pwc,&buf,1); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 1) abort(); + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+3; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE_G2_ISO8859_7: + if (s[2] < 0x80) { + unsigned char buf = s[2]+0x80; + int ret = iso8859_7_mbtowc(conv,pwc,&buf,1); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 1) abort(); + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+3; + } else + goto ilseq; + default: abort(); + } + } + goto ilseq; + } + break; + } + switch (state1) { + case STATE_ASCII: + if (c < 0x80) { + int ret = ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,1); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (*pwc == 0x000a || *pwc == 0x000d) + state2 = STATE_G2_NONE; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+1; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE_JISX0201ROMAN: + if (c < 0x80) { + int ret = jisx0201_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,1); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (*pwc == 0x000a || *pwc == 0x000d) + state2 = STATE_G2_NONE; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+1; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE_JISX0201KATAKANA: + if (c < 0x80) { + unsigned char buf = c+0x80; + int ret = jisx0201_mbtowc(conv,pwc,&buf,1); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 1) abort(); + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+1; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE_JISX0208: + if (n < count+2) + goto none; + if (s[0] < 0x80 && s[1] < 0x80) { + int ret = jisx0208_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+2; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE_JISX0212: + if (n < count+2) + goto none; + if (s[0] < 0x80 && s[1] < 0x80) { + int ret = jisx0212_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+2; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE_GB2312: + if (n < count+2) + goto none; + if (s[0] < 0x80 && s[1] < 0x80) { + int ret = gb2312_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+2; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE_KSC5601: + if (n < count+2) + goto none; + if (s[0] < 0x80 && s[1] < 0x80) { + int ret = ksc5601_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+2; + } else + goto ilseq; + default: abort(); + } + +none: + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return RET_TOOFEW(count); + +ilseq: + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return RET_SHIFT_ILSEQ(count); +} + +#undef COMBINE_STATE +#undef SPLIT_STATE + +/* + * The state can also contain one of the following values, << 16. + * Values >= STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE are temporary tag parsing states. + */ +#define STATE_TAG_NONE 0 +#define STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE 4 +#define STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_j 5 +#define STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_ja 1 +#define STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_k 6 +#define STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_ko 2 +#define STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_z 7 +#define STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_zh 3 + +#define SPLIT_STATE \ + unsigned int state1 = state & 0xff, state2 = (state >> 8) & 0xff, state3 = state >> 16 +#define COMBINE_STATE \ + state = (state3 << 16) | (state2 << 8) | state1 + +static int +iso2022_jp2_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->ostate; + SPLIT_STATE; + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + /* This defines the conversion preferences depending on the current + langauge tag. */ + enum conversion { none = 0, european, japanese, chinese, korean, other }; + static const unsigned int conversion_lists[STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE] = { + /* STATE_TAG_NONE */ + japanese + (european << 3) + (chinese << 6) + (korean << 9) + (other << 12), + /* STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_ja */ + japanese + (european << 3) + (chinese << 6) + (korean << 9) + (other << 12), + /* STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_ko */ + korean + (european << 3) + (japanese << 6) + (chinese << 9) + (other << 12), + /* STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_zh */ + chinese + (european << 3) + (japanese << 6) + (korean << 9) + (other << 12) + }; + unsigned int conversion_list; + + /* Handle Unicode tag characters (range U+E0000..U+E007F). */ + if ((wc >> 7) == (0xe0000 >> 7)) { + char c = wc & 0x7f; + if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') + c += 'a'-'A'; + switch (c) { + case 0x01: + state3 = STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return 0; + case 'j': + if (state3 == STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE) { + state3 = STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_j; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return 0; + } + break; + case 'a': + if (state3 == STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_j) { + state3 = STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_ja; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return 0; + } + break; + case 'k': + if (state3 == STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE) { + state3 = STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_k; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return 0; + } + break; + case 'o': + if (state3 == STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_k) { + state3 = STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_ko; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return 0; + } + break; + case 'z': + if (state3 == STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE) { + state3 = STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_z; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return 0; + } + break; + case 'h': + if (state3 == STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_z) { + state3 = STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_zh; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return 0; + } + break; + case 0x7f: + state3 = STATE_TAG_NONE; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return 0; + default: + break; + } + /* Other tag characters reset the tag parsing state or are ignored. */ + if (state3 >= STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE) + state3 = STATE_TAG_NONE; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return 0; + } + if (state3 >= STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE) + state3 = STATE_TAG_NONE; + + /* Try ASCII. */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80) { + int count = (state1 == STATE_ASCII ? 1 : 4); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state1 != STATE_ASCII) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '('; + r[2] = 'B'; + r += 3; + state1 = STATE_ASCII; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + if (wc == 0x000a || wc == 0x000d) + state2 = STATE_G2_NONE; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + conversion_list = conversion_lists[state3]; + + do { + switch (conversion_list & ((1 << 3) - 1)) { + + case european: + + /* Try ISO-8859-1. */ + ret = iso8859_1_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (buf[0] >= 0x80) { + int count = (state2 == STATE_G2_ISO8859_1 ? 3 : 6); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state2 != STATE_G2_ISO8859_1) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '.'; + r[2] = 'A'; + r += 3; + state2 = STATE_G2_ISO8859_1; + } + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = 'N'; + r[2] = buf[0]-0x80; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + /* Try ISO-8859-7. */ + ret = iso8859_7_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (buf[0] >= 0x80) { + int count = (state2 == STATE_G2_ISO8859_7 ? 3 : 6); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state2 != STATE_G2_ISO8859_7) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '.'; + r[2] = 'F'; + r += 3; + state2 = STATE_G2_ISO8859_7; + } + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = 'N'; + r[2] = buf[0]-0x80; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + break; + + case japanese: + + /* Try JIS X 0201-1976 Roman. */ + ret = jisx0201_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80) { + int count = (state1 == STATE_JISX0201ROMAN ? 1 : 4); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state1 != STATE_JISX0201ROMAN) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '('; + r[2] = 'J'; + r += 3; + state1 = STATE_JISX0201ROMAN; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + if (wc == 0x000a || wc == 0x000d) + state2 = STATE_G2_NONE; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + /* Try JIS X 0208-1990 in place of JIS X 0208-1978 and + JIS X 0208-1983. */ + ret = jisx0208_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80 && buf[1] < 0x80) { + int count = (state1 == STATE_JISX0208 ? 2 : 5); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state1 != STATE_JISX0208) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = 'B'; + r += 3; + state1 = STATE_JISX0208; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + /* Try JIS X 0212-1990. */ + ret = jisx0212_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80 && buf[1] < 0x80) { + int count = (state1 == STATE_JISX0212 ? 2 : 6); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state1 != STATE_JISX0212) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = '('; + r[3] = 'D'; + r += 4; + state1 = STATE_JISX0212; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + break; + + case chinese: + + /* Try GB 2312-1980. */ + ret = gb2312_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80 && buf[1] < 0x80) { + int count = (state1 == STATE_GB2312 ? 2 : 5); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state1 != STATE_GB2312) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = 'A'; + r += 3; + state1 = STATE_GB2312; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + break; + + case korean: + + /* Try KS C 5601-1992. */ + ret = ksc5601_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80 && buf[1] < 0x80) { + int count = (state1 == STATE_KSC5601 ? 2 : 6); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state1 != STATE_KSC5601) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = '('; + r[3] = 'C'; + r += 4; + state1 = STATE_KSC5601; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + break; + + case other: + + /* Try JIS X 0201-1976 Kana. This is not officially part of + ISO-2022-JP-2, according to RFC 1554. Therefore we try this + only after all other attempts. */ + ret = jisx0201_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (buf[0] >= 0x80) { + int count = (state1 == STATE_JISX0201KATAKANA ? 1 : 4); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state1 != STATE_JISX0201KATAKANA) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '('; + r[2] = 'I'; + r += 3; + state1 = STATE_JISX0201KATAKANA; + } + r[0] = buf[0]-0x80; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + break; + + default: + abort(); + } + + conversion_list = conversion_list >> 3; + } while (conversion_list != 0); + + return RET_ILUNI; +} + +static int +iso2022_jp2_reset (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->ostate; + SPLIT_STATE; + (void)state2; + (void)state3; + if (state1 != STATE_ASCII) { + if (n < 3) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '('; + r[2] = 'B'; + /* conv->ostate = 0; will be done by the caller */ + return 3; + } else + return 0; +} + +#undef COMBINE_STATE +#undef SPLIT_STATE +#undef STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_zh +#undef STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_z +#undef STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_ko +#undef STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_k +#undef STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_ja +#undef STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE_j +#undef STATE_TAG_LANGUAGE +#undef STATE_TAG_NONE +#undef STATE_G2_ISO8859_7 +#undef STATE_G2_ISO8859_1 +#undef STATE_G2_NONE +#undef STATE_KSC5601 +#undef STATE_GB2312 +#undef STATE_JISX0212 +#undef STATE_JISX0208 +#undef STATE_JISX0201KATAKANA +#undef STATE_JISX0201ROMAN +#undef STATE_ASCII diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_jp3.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_jp3.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..58cea1bb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_jp3.h @@ -0,0 +1,538 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2004, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-2022-JP-3 + */ + +#include "jisx0213.h" + +#define ESC 0x1b + +/* + * The state is composed of one of the following values + */ +#define STATE_ASCII 0 /* Esc ( B */ +#define STATE_JISX0201ROMAN 1 /* Esc ( J */ +#define STATE_JISX0201KATAKANA 2 /* Esc ( I */ +#define STATE_JISX0208 3 /* Esc $ @ or Esc $ B */ +#define STATE_JISX02131 4 /* Esc $ ( O or Esc $ ( Q*/ +#define STATE_JISX02132 5 /* Esc $ ( P */ + +/* + * In the ISO-2022-JP-3 to UCS-4 direction, the state also holds the last + * character to be output, shifted by 3 bits. + */ + +static int +iso2022_jp3_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + ucs4_t last_wc = conv->istate >> 3; + if (last_wc) { + /* Output the buffered character. */ + conv->istate &= 7; + *pwc = last_wc; + return 0; /* Don't advance the input pointer. */ + } else { + state_t state = conv->istate; + int count = 0; + unsigned char c; + for (;;) { + c = *s; + if (c == ESC) { + if (n < count+3) + goto none; + if (s[1] == '(') { + if (s[2] == 'B') { + state = STATE_ASCII; + s += 3; count += 3; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (s[2] == 'J') { + state = STATE_JISX0201ROMAN; + s += 3; count += 3; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (s[2] == 'I') { + state = STATE_JISX0201KATAKANA; + s += 3; count += 3; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + goto ilseq; + } + if (s[1] == '$') { + if (s[2] == '@' || s[2] == 'B') { + /* We don't distinguish JIS X 0208-1978 and JIS X 0208-1983. */ + state = STATE_JISX0208; + s += 3; count += 3; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (s[2] == '(') { + if (n < count+4) + goto none; + if (s[3] == 'O' || s[3] == 'Q') { + state = STATE_JISX02131; + s += 4; count += 4; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (s[3] == 'P') { + state = STATE_JISX02132; + s += 4; count += 4; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + } + goto ilseq; + } + goto ilseq; + } + break; + } + switch (state) { + case STATE_ASCII: + if (c < 0x80) { + int ret = ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,1); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 1) abort(); + conv->istate = state; + return count+1; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE_JISX0201ROMAN: + if (c < 0x80) { + int ret = jisx0201_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,1); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 1) abort(); + conv->istate = state; + return count+1; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE_JISX0201KATAKANA: + if (c < 0x80) { + unsigned char buf = c+0x80; + int ret = jisx0201_mbtowc(conv,pwc,&buf,1); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 1) abort(); + conv->istate = state; + return count+1; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE_JISX0208: + if (n < count+2) + goto none; + if (s[0] < 0x80 && s[1] < 0x80) { + int ret = jisx0208_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + conv->istate = state; + return count+2; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE_JISX02131: + case STATE_JISX02132: + if (n < count+2) + goto none; + if (s[0] < 0x80 && s[1] < 0x80) { + ucs4_t wc = jisx0213_to_ucs4(((state-STATE_JISX02131+1)<<8)+s[0],s[1]); + if (wc) { + if (wc < 0x80) { + /* It's a combining character. */ + ucs4_t wc1 = jisx0213_to_ucs_combining[wc - 1][0]; + ucs4_t wc2 = jisx0213_to_ucs_combining[wc - 1][1]; + /* We cannot output two Unicode characters at once. So, + output the first character and buffer the second one. */ + *pwc = wc1; + conv->istate = (wc2 << 3) | state; + } else { + *pwc = wc; + conv->istate = state; + } + return count+2; + } + } + goto ilseq; + default: abort(); + } + none: + conv->istate = state; + return RET_TOOFEW(count); + + ilseq: + conv->istate = state; + return RET_SHIFT_ILSEQ(count); + } +} + +static int +iso2022_jp3_flushwc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc) +{ + ucs4_t last_wc = conv->istate >> 3; + if (last_wc) { + /* Output the buffered character. */ + conv->istate &= 7; + *pwc = last_wc; + return 1; + } else + return 0; +} + +/* + * In the UCS-4 to ISO-2022-JP-3 direction, the state also holds the last two + * bytes to be output, shifted by 3 bits, and the STATE_xxxxx value that was + * effective before this buffered character, shifted by 19 bits. + */ + +/* Composition tables for each of the relevant combining characters. */ +static const struct { unsigned short base; unsigned short composed; } iso2022_jp3_comp_table_data[] = { +#define iso2022_jp3_comp_table02e5_idx 0 +#define iso2022_jp3_comp_table02e5_len 1 + { 0x2b64, 0x2b65 }, /* 0x12B65 = 0x12B64 U+02E5 */ +#define iso2022_jp3_comp_table02e9_idx (iso2022_jp3_comp_table02e5_idx+iso2022_jp3_comp_table02e5_len) +#define iso2022_jp3_comp_table02e9_len 1 + { 0x2b60, 0x2b66 }, /* 0x12B66 = 0x12B60 U+02E9 */ +#define iso2022_jp3_comp_table0300_idx (iso2022_jp3_comp_table02e9_idx+iso2022_jp3_comp_table02e9_len) +#define iso2022_jp3_comp_table0300_len 5 + { 0x295c, 0x2b44 }, /* 0x12B44 = 0x1295C U+0300 */ + { 0x2b38, 0x2b48 }, /* 0x12B48 = 0x12B38 U+0300 */ + { 0x2b37, 0x2b4a }, /* 0x12B4A = 0x12B37 U+0300 */ + { 0x2b30, 0x2b4c }, /* 0x12B4C = 0x12B30 U+0300 */ + { 0x2b43, 0x2b4e }, /* 0x12B4E = 0x12B43 U+0300 */ +#define iso2022_jp3_comp_table0301_idx (iso2022_jp3_comp_table0300_idx+iso2022_jp3_comp_table0300_len) +#define iso2022_jp3_comp_table0301_len 4 + { 0x2b38, 0x2b49 }, /* 0x12B49 = 0x12B38 U+0301 */ + { 0x2b37, 0x2b4b }, /* 0x12B4B = 0x12B37 U+0301 */ + { 0x2b30, 0x2b4d }, /* 0x12B4D = 0x12B30 U+0301 */ + { 0x2b43, 0x2b4f }, /* 0x12B4F = 0x12B43 U+0301 */ +#define iso2022_jp3_comp_table309a_idx (iso2022_jp3_comp_table0301_idx+iso2022_jp3_comp_table0301_len) +#define iso2022_jp3_comp_table309a_len 14 + { 0x242b, 0x2477 }, /* 0x12477 = 0x1242B U+309A */ + { 0x242d, 0x2478 }, /* 0x12478 = 0x1242D U+309A */ + { 0x242f, 0x2479 }, /* 0x12479 = 0x1242F U+309A */ + { 0x2431, 0x247a }, /* 0x1247A = 0x12431 U+309A */ + { 0x2433, 0x247b }, /* 0x1247B = 0x12433 U+309A */ + { 0x252b, 0x2577 }, /* 0x12577 = 0x1252B U+309A */ + { 0x252d, 0x2578 }, /* 0x12578 = 0x1252D U+309A */ + { 0x252f, 0x2579 }, /* 0x12579 = 0x1252F U+309A */ + { 0x2531, 0x257a }, /* 0x1257A = 0x12531 U+309A */ + { 0x2533, 0x257b }, /* 0x1257B = 0x12533 U+309A */ + { 0x253b, 0x257c }, /* 0x1257C = 0x1253B U+309A */ + { 0x2544, 0x257d }, /* 0x1257D = 0x12544 U+309A */ + { 0x2548, 0x257e }, /* 0x1257E = 0x12548 U+309A */ + { 0x2675, 0x2678 }, /* 0x12678 = 0x12675 U+309A */ +}; + +#define SPLIT_STATE \ + unsigned short lasttwo = state >> 3; state_t prevstate = state >> 19; state &= 7 +#define COMBINE_STATE \ + state |= (prevstate << 19) | (lasttwo << 3) +#define COMBINE_STATE_NO_LASTTWO \ + /* assume lasttwo == 0, then prevstate is ignored */ + +static int +iso2022_jp3_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + int count = 0; + unsigned char buf[2]; + unsigned short jch; + int ret; + state_t state = conv->ostate; + SPLIT_STATE; + + if (lasttwo) { + /* Attempt to combine the last character with this one. */ + unsigned int idx; + unsigned int len; + + if (wc == 0x02e5) + idx = iso2022_jp3_comp_table02e5_idx, + len = iso2022_jp3_comp_table02e5_len; + else if (wc == 0x02e9) + idx = iso2022_jp3_comp_table02e9_idx, + len = iso2022_jp3_comp_table02e9_len; + else if (wc == 0x0300) + idx = iso2022_jp3_comp_table0300_idx, + len = iso2022_jp3_comp_table0300_len; + else if (wc == 0x0301) + idx = iso2022_jp3_comp_table0301_idx, + len = iso2022_jp3_comp_table0301_len; + else if (wc == 0x309a) + idx = iso2022_jp3_comp_table309a_idx, + len = iso2022_jp3_comp_table309a_len; + else + goto not_combining; + + do + if (iso2022_jp3_comp_table_data[idx].base == lasttwo) + break; + while (++idx, --len > 0); + + if (len > 0) { + /* Output the combined character. */ + /* We know the combined character is in JISX0213 plane 1, but + the buffered character may have been in JISX0208 or in + JISX0213 plane 1. */ + count = (state != STATE_JISX02131 ? 4 : 0) + 2; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state != STATE_JISX02131) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = '('; + r[3] = 'Q'; + r += 4; + state = STATE_JISX02131; + } + lasttwo = iso2022_jp3_comp_table_data[idx].composed; + r[0] = (lasttwo >> 8) & 0xff; + r[1] = lasttwo & 0xff; + COMBINE_STATE_NO_LASTTWO; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + + not_combining: + /* Output the buffered character. */ + /* We know it is in JISX0208 or in JISX0213 plane 1. */ + count = (prevstate != state ? 3 : 0) + 2; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (prevstate != state) { + if (state != STATE_JISX0208) abort(); + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = 'B'; + r += 3; + } + r[0] = (lasttwo >> 8) & 0xff; + r[1] = lasttwo & 0xff; + r += 2; + } + + /* Try ASCII. */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80) { + count += (state == STATE_ASCII ? 1 : 4); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state != STATE_ASCII) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '('; + r[2] = 'B'; + r += 3; + state = STATE_ASCII; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + COMBINE_STATE_NO_LASTTWO; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + /* Try JIS X 0201-1976 Roman. */ + ret = jisx0201_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80) { + count += (state == STATE_JISX0201ROMAN ? 1 : 4); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state != STATE_JISX0201ROMAN) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '('; + r[2] = 'J'; + r += 3; + state = STATE_JISX0201ROMAN; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + COMBINE_STATE_NO_LASTTWO; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + jch = ucs4_to_jisx0213(wc); + + /* Try JIS X 0208-1990 in place of JIS X 0208-1978 and JIS X 0208-1983. */ + ret = jisx0208_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80 && buf[1] < 0x80) { + if (jch & 0x0080) { + /* A possible match in comp_table_data. Buffer it. */ + prevstate = state; + lasttwo = jch & 0x7f7f; + state = STATE_JISX0208; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } else { + count += (state == STATE_JISX0208 ? 2 : 5); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state != STATE_JISX0208) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = 'B'; + r += 3; + state = STATE_JISX0208; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + COMBINE_STATE_NO_LASTTWO; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + } + + /* Try JISX 0213 plane 1 and JISX 0213 plane 2. */ + if (jch != 0) { + if (jch & 0x8000) { + /* JISX 0213 plane 2. */ + if (state != STATE_JISX02132) { + count += 4; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = '('; + r[3] = 'P'; + r += 4; + state = STATE_JISX02132; + } + } else { + /* JISX 0213 plane 1. */ + if (state != STATE_JISX02131) { + count += 4; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = '('; + r[3] = 'Q'; + r += 4; + state = STATE_JISX02131; + } + } + if (jch & 0x0080) { + /* A possible match in comp_table_data. We have to buffer it. */ + /* We know it's a JISX 0213 plane 1 character. */ + if (jch & 0x8000) abort(); + prevstate = state; + lasttwo = jch & 0x7f7f; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + count += 2; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = (jch >> 8) & 0x7f; + r[1] = jch & 0x7f; + COMBINE_STATE_NO_LASTTWO; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + + /* Try JIS X 0201-1976 Katakana. This is not officially part of + ISO-2022-JP-3. Therefore we try it after all other attempts. */ + ret = jisx0201_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (buf[0] >= 0x80) { + count += (state == STATE_JISX0201KATAKANA ? 1 : 4); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state != STATE_JISX0201KATAKANA) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '('; + r[2] = 'I'; + r += 3; + state = STATE_JISX0201KATAKANA; + } + r[0] = buf[0]-0x80; + COMBINE_STATE_NO_LASTTWO; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} + +static int +iso2022_jp3_reset (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->ostate; + SPLIT_STATE; + { + int count = + (lasttwo ? (prevstate != state ? 3 : 0) + 2 : 0) + + (state != STATE_ASCII ? 3 : 0); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (lasttwo) { + if (prevstate != state) { + if (state != STATE_JISX0208) abort(); + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = 'B'; + r += 3; + } + r[0] = (lasttwo >> 8) & 0xff; + r[1] = lasttwo & 0xff; + r += 2; + } + if (state != STATE_ASCII) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '('; + r[2] = 'B'; + } + /* conv->ostate = 0; will be done by the caller */ + return count; + } +} + +#undef COMBINE_STATE_NO_LASTTWO +#undef COMBINE_STATE +#undef SPLIT_STATE +#undef STATE_JISX02132 +#undef STATE_JISX02131 +#undef STATE_JISX0208 +#undef STATE_JISX0201KATAKANA +#undef STATE_JISX0201ROMAN +#undef STATE_ASCII diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_kr.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_kr.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8045d4e5e --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso2022_kr.h @@ -0,0 +1,222 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-2022-KR + */ + +/* Specification: RFC 1557 */ + +/* Note: CJK.INF says the SO designator needs to appear only once at the + beginning of a text, but to decrease the risk of ambiguities, when + producing ISO-2022-KR, we repeat the designator in every line containing + SO characters. RFC 1557 does not mandate this. */ + +#define ESC 0x1b +#define SO 0x0e +#define SI 0x0f + +/* + * The state is composed of one of the following values + */ +#define STATE_ASCII 0 +#define STATE_TWOBYTE 1 +/* + * and one of the following values, << 8 + */ +#define STATE2_NONE 0 +#define STATE2_DESIGNATED_KSC5601 1 + +#define SPLIT_STATE \ + unsigned int state1 = state & 0xff, state2 = state >> 8 +#define COMBINE_STATE \ + state = (state2 << 8) | state1 + +static int +iso2022_kr_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->istate; + SPLIT_STATE; + int count = 0; + unsigned char c; + for (;;) { + c = *s; + if (c == ESC) { + if (n < count+4) + goto none; + if (s[1] == '$') { + if (s[2] == ')') { + if (s[3] == 'C') { + state2 = STATE2_DESIGNATED_KSC5601; + s += 4; count += 4; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + } + } + goto ilseq; + } + if (c == SO) { + if (state2 != STATE2_DESIGNATED_KSC5601) + goto ilseq; + state1 = STATE_TWOBYTE; + s++; count++; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + if (c == SI) { + state1 = STATE_ASCII; + s++; count++; + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + continue; + } + break; + } + switch (state1) { + case STATE_ASCII: + if (c < 0x80) { + int ret = ascii_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,1); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 1) abort(); +#if 0 /* Accept ISO-2022-KR according to CJK.INF. */ + if (*pwc == 0x000a || *pwc == 0x000d) + state2 = STATE2_NONE; +#endif + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+1; + } else + goto ilseq; + case STATE_TWOBYTE: + if (n < count+2) + goto none; + if (state2 != STATE2_DESIGNATED_KSC5601) abort(); + if (s[0] < 0x80 && s[1] < 0x80) { + int ret = ksc5601_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,2); + if (ret == RET_ILSEQ) + goto ilseq; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return count+2; + } else + goto ilseq; + default: abort(); + } + +none: + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return RET_TOOFEW(count); + +ilseq: + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->istate = state; + return RET_SHIFT_ILSEQ(count); +} + +static int +iso2022_kr_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->ostate; + SPLIT_STATE; + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Try ASCII. */ + ret = ascii_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80) { + int count = (state1 == STATE_ASCII ? 1 : 2); + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state1 != STATE_ASCII) { + r[0] = SI; + r += 1; + state1 = STATE_ASCII; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + if (wc == 0x000a || wc == 0x000d) + state2 = STATE2_NONE; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + /* Try KS C 5601-1992. */ + ret = ksc5601_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (buf[0] < 0x80 && buf[1] < 0x80) { + int count = (state2 == STATE2_DESIGNATED_KSC5601 ? 0 : 4) + (state1 == STATE_TWOBYTE ? 0 : 1) + 2; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if (state2 != STATE2_DESIGNATED_KSC5601) { + r[0] = ESC; + r[1] = '$'; + r[2] = ')'; + r[3] = 'C'; + r += 4; + state2 = STATE2_DESIGNATED_KSC5601; + } + if (state1 != STATE_TWOBYTE) { + r[0] = SO; + r += 1; + state1 = STATE_TWOBYTE; + } + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + COMBINE_STATE; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} + +static int +iso2022_kr_reset (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->ostate; + SPLIT_STATE; + (void)state2; + if (state1 != STATE_ASCII) { + if (n < 1) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = SI; + /* conv->ostate = 0; will be done by the caller */ + return 1; + } else + return 0; +} + +#undef COMBINE_STATE +#undef SPLIT_STATE +#undef STATE2_DESIGNATED_KSC5601 +#undef STATE2_NONE +#undef STATE_TWOBYTE +#undef STATE_ASCII diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso646_cn.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso646_cn.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a571ce713 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso646_cn.h @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO646-CN + * also known as GB_1988-80 + */ + +static int +iso646_cn_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + if (c == 0x24) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) 0x00a5; + else if (c == 0x7e) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) 0x203e; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +iso646_cn_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (wc < 0x0080 && !(wc == 0x0024 || wc == 0x007e)) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + if (wc == 0x00a5) { + *r = 0x24; + return 1; + } + if (wc == 0x203e) { + *r = 0x7e; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso646_jp.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso646_jp.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7cc3abd04 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso646_jp.h @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO646-JP + * also known as JIS_C6220-1969-RO + */ + +/* This is the lower half of JIS_X0201. */ + +static int +iso646_jp_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + if (c == 0x5c) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) 0x00a5; + else if (c == 0x7e) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) 0x203e; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +iso646_jp_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (wc < 0x0080 && !(wc == 0x005c || wc == 0x007e)) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + if (wc == 0x00a5) { + *r = 0x5c; + return 1; + } + if (wc == 0x203e) { + *r = 0x7e; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_1.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_1.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..53469164b --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_1.h @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-8859-1 + */ + +static int +iso8859_1_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; +} + +static int +iso8859_1_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (wc < 0x0100) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_10.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_10.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..49b3f6ad3 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_10.h @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-8859-10 + */ + +static const unsigned short iso8859_10_2uni[96] = { + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x0104, 0x0112, 0x0122, 0x012a, 0x0128, 0x0136, 0x00a7, + 0x013b, 0x0110, 0x0160, 0x0166, 0x017d, 0x00ad, 0x016a, 0x014a, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00b0, 0x0105, 0x0113, 0x0123, 0x012b, 0x0129, 0x0137, 0x00b7, + 0x013c, 0x0111, 0x0161, 0x0167, 0x017e, 0x2015, 0x016b, 0x014b, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0100, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0x00c3, 0x00c4, 0x00c5, 0x00c6, 0x012e, + 0x010c, 0x00c9, 0x0118, 0x00cb, 0x0116, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x00cf, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x00d0, 0x0145, 0x014c, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, 0x00d5, 0x00d6, 0x0168, + 0x00d8, 0x0172, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00dc, 0x00dd, 0x00de, 0x00df, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0101, 0x00e1, 0x00e2, 0x00e3, 0x00e4, 0x00e5, 0x00e6, 0x012f, + 0x010d, 0x00e9, 0x0119, 0x00eb, 0x0117, 0x00ed, 0x00ee, 0x00ef, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x00f0, 0x0146, 0x014d, 0x00f3, 0x00f4, 0x00f5, 0x00f6, 0x0169, + 0x00f8, 0x0173, 0x00fa, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, 0x00fd, 0x00fe, 0x0138, +}; + +static int +iso8859_10_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0xa0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) iso8859_10_2uni[c-0xa0]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char iso8859_10_page00[224] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, 0xcb, 0x00, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0xd0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xd8, 0x00, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0x00, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0xe9, 0x00, 0xeb, 0x00, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0x00, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0xf8, 0x00, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x0100 */ + 0xc0, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa1, 0xb1, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc8, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xa9, 0xb9, 0xa2, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xec, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xca, 0xea, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xa3, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0xa5, 0xb5, 0xa4, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc7, 0xe7, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa6, 0xb6, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa8, 0xb8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd1, 0xf1, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xaf, 0xbf, 0xd2, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xaa, 0xba, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xab, 0xbb, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0xd7, 0xf7, 0xae, 0xbe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xd9, 0xf9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xac, 0xbc, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ +}; + +static int +iso8859_10_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x00a0) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0180) + c = iso8859_10_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc == 0x2015) + c = 0xbd; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_11.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_11.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ef8b1a66c --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_11.h @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-8859-11 + */ + +static int +iso8859_11_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0xa1) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else if (c <= 0xfb && !(c >= 0xdb && c <= 0xde)) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) (c + 0x0d60); + return 1; + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +iso8859_11_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (wc < 0x00a1) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x0e01 && wc <= 0x0e5b && !(wc >= 0x0e3b && wc <= 0x0e3e)) { + *r = wc-0x0d60; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_13.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_13.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2fadc7b8b --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_13.h @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-8859-13 + */ + +static const unsigned short iso8859_13_2uni[96] = { + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x201d, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00a4, 0x201e, 0x00a6, 0x00a7, + 0x00d8, 0x00a9, 0x0156, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x00ad, 0x00ae, 0x00c6, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00b0, 0x00b1, 0x00b2, 0x00b3, 0x201c, 0x00b5, 0x00b6, 0x00b7, + 0x00f8, 0x00b9, 0x0157, 0x00bb, 0x00bc, 0x00bd, 0x00be, 0x00e6, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0104, 0x012e, 0x0100, 0x0106, 0x00c4, 0x00c5, 0x0118, 0x0112, + 0x010c, 0x00c9, 0x0179, 0x0116, 0x0122, 0x0136, 0x012a, 0x013b, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0160, 0x0143, 0x0145, 0x00d3, 0x014c, 0x00d5, 0x00d6, 0x00d7, + 0x0172, 0x0141, 0x015a, 0x016a, 0x00dc, 0x017b, 0x017d, 0x00df, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0105, 0x012f, 0x0101, 0x0107, 0x00e4, 0x00e5, 0x0119, 0x0113, + 0x010d, 0x00e9, 0x017a, 0x0117, 0x0123, 0x0137, 0x012b, 0x013c, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0161, 0x0144, 0x0146, 0x00f3, 0x014d, 0x00f5, 0x00f6, 0x00f7, + 0x0173, 0x0142, 0x015b, 0x016b, 0x00fc, 0x017c, 0x017e, 0x2019, +}; + +static int +iso8859_13_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0xa0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) iso8859_13_2uni[c-0xa0]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char iso8859_13_page00[224] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0x00, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xa9, 0x00, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0x00, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0xb9, 0x00, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xaf, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd3, 0x00, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xa8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdf, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xbf, 0x00, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0xe9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf3, 0x00, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0xb8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x0100 */ + 0xc2, 0xe2, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0xc3, 0xe3, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc8, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc7, 0xe7, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcb, 0xeb, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xc6, 0xe6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xec, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xce, 0xee, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0xe1, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcd, 0xed, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcf, 0xef, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0xd9, 0xf9, 0xd1, 0xf1, 0xd2, 0xf2, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd4, 0xf4, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0xba, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0xfa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xd0, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xdb, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xd8, 0xf8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0xca, 0xea, 0xdd, 0xfd, 0xde, 0xfe, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ +}; +static const unsigned char iso8859_13_page20[8] = { + 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0xa1, 0xa5, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ +}; + +static int +iso8859_13_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x00a0) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0180) + c = iso8859_13_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x2018 && wc < 0x2020) + c = iso8859_13_page20[wc-0x2018]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_14.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_14.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..01c9cdd95 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_14.h @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-8859-14 + */ + +static const unsigned short iso8859_14_2uni[96] = { + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x1e02, 0x1e03, 0x00a3, 0x010a, 0x010b, 0x1e0a, 0x00a7, + 0x1e80, 0x00a9, 0x1e82, 0x1e0b, 0x1ef2, 0x00ad, 0x00ae, 0x0178, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x1e1e, 0x1e1f, 0x0120, 0x0121, 0x1e40, 0x1e41, 0x00b6, 0x1e56, + 0x1e81, 0x1e57, 0x1e83, 0x1e60, 0x1ef3, 0x1e84, 0x1e85, 0x1e61, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x00c0, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0x00c3, 0x00c4, 0x00c5, 0x00c6, 0x00c7, + 0x00c8, 0x00c9, 0x00ca, 0x00cb, 0x00cc, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x00cf, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0174, 0x00d1, 0x00d2, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, 0x00d5, 0x00d6, 0x1e6a, + 0x00d8, 0x00d9, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00dc, 0x00dd, 0x0176, 0x00df, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x00e0, 0x00e1, 0x00e2, 0x00e3, 0x00e4, 0x00e5, 0x00e6, 0x00e7, + 0x00e8, 0x00e9, 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00ec, 0x00ed, 0x00ee, 0x00ef, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0175, 0x00f1, 0x00f2, 0x00f3, 0x00f4, 0x00f5, 0x00f6, 0x1e6b, + 0x00f8, 0x00f9, 0x00fa, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, 0x00fd, 0x0177, 0x00ff, +}; + +static int +iso8859_14_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c >= 0xa0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) iso8859_14_2uni[c-0xa0]; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char iso8859_14_page00[96] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xa9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xad, 0xae, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb6, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0x00, 0xdf, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0x00, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0x00, 0xff, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char iso8859_14_page01_0[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xb2, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char iso8859_14_page01_1[16] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd0, 0xf0, 0xde, 0xfe, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0xaf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ +}; +static const unsigned char iso8859_14_page1e_0[136] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xa6, 0xab, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb0, 0xb1, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xb4, 0xb5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb7, 0xb9, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xbb, 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xd7, 0xf7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0xa8, 0xb8, 0xaa, 0xba, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ +}; +static const unsigned char iso8859_14_page1e_1[8] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0xac, 0xbc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ +}; + +static int +iso8859_14_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x00a0) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = iso8859_14_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0108 && wc < 0x0128) + c = iso8859_14_page01_0[wc-0x0108]; + else if (wc >= 0x0170 && wc < 0x0180) + c = iso8859_14_page01_1[wc-0x0170]; + else if (wc >= 0x1e00 && wc < 0x1e88) + c = iso8859_14_page1e_0[wc-0x1e00]; + else if (wc >= 0x1ef0 && wc < 0x1ef8) + c = iso8859_14_page1e_1[wc-0x1ef0]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_15.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_15.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..24de90d7d --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_15.h @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-8859-15 + */ + +static const unsigned short iso8859_15_2uni[32] = { + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x00a1, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x20ac, 0x00a5, 0x0160, 0x00a7, + 0x0161, 0x00a9, 0x00aa, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x00ad, 0x00ae, 0x00af, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00b0, 0x00b1, 0x00b2, 0x00b3, 0x017d, 0x00b5, 0x00b6, 0x00b7, + 0x017e, 0x00b9, 0x00ba, 0x00bb, 0x0152, 0x0153, 0x0178, 0x00bf, +}; + +static int +iso8859_15_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c >= 0xa0 && c < 0xc0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) iso8859_15_2uni[c-0xa0]; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char iso8859_15_page00[32] = { + 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0x00, 0xa5, 0x00, 0xa7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0x00, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbf, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ +}; +static const unsigned char iso8859_15_page01[48] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xa6, 0xa8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0xbe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0xb8, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ +}; + +static int +iso8859_15_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x00a0) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00c0) + c = iso8859_15_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x00c0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = wc; + else if (wc >= 0x0150 && wc < 0x0180) + c = iso8859_15_page01[wc-0x0150]; + else if (wc == 0x20ac) + c = 0xa4; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_16.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_16.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..200471840 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_16.h @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-8859-16 + */ + +static const unsigned short iso8859_16_2uni[96] = { + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x0104, 0x0105, 0x0141, 0x20ac, 0x201e, 0x0160, 0x00a7, + 0x0161, 0x00a9, 0x0218, 0x00ab, 0x0179, 0x00ad, 0x017a, 0x017b, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00b0, 0x00b1, 0x010c, 0x0142, 0x017d, 0x201d, 0x00b6, 0x00b7, + 0x017e, 0x010d, 0x0219, 0x00bb, 0x0152, 0x0153, 0x0178, 0x017c, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x00c0, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0x0102, 0x00c4, 0x0106, 0x00c6, 0x00c7, + 0x00c8, 0x00c9, 0x00ca, 0x00cb, 0x00cc, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x00cf, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0110, 0x0143, 0x00d2, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, 0x0150, 0x00d6, 0x015a, + 0x0170, 0x00d9, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00dc, 0x0118, 0x021a, 0x00df, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x00e0, 0x00e1, 0x00e2, 0x0103, 0x00e4, 0x0107, 0x00e6, 0x00e7, + 0x00e8, 0x00e9, 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00ec, 0x00ed, 0x00ee, 0x00ef, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0111, 0x0144, 0x00f2, 0x00f3, 0x00f4, 0x0151, 0x00f6, 0x015b, + 0x0171, 0x00f9, 0x00fa, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, 0x0119, 0x021b, 0x00ff, +}; + +static int +iso8859_16_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0xa0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) iso8859_16_2uni[c-0xa0]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char iso8859_16_page00[224] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xa9, 0x00, 0xab, 0x00, 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0x00, 0xc4, 0x00, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0x00, 0xd6, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdf, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0x00, 0xe4, 0x00, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0x00, 0xf6, 0x00, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x00, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x0100 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0xe3, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xc5, 0xe5, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb2, 0xb9, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xd0, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xdd, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0xa3, 0xb3, 0xd1, 0xf1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xd5, 0xf5, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xd7, 0xf7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xa6, 0xa8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0xd8, 0xf8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0xbe, 0xac, 0xae, 0xaf, 0xbf, 0xb4, 0xb8, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ +}; +static const unsigned char iso8859_16_page02[8] = { + 0xaa, 0xba, 0xde, 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ +}; +static const unsigned char iso8859_16_page20[8] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb5, 0xa5, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ +}; + +static int +iso8859_16_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x00a0) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0180) + c = iso8859_16_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0218 && wc < 0x0220) + c = iso8859_16_page02[wc-0x0218]; + else if (wc >= 0x2018 && wc < 0x2020) + c = iso8859_16_page20[wc-0x2018]; + else if (wc == 0x20ac) + c = 0xa4; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_2.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_2.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ad4d4aa5 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_2.h @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-8859-2 + */ + +static const unsigned short iso8859_2_2uni[96] = { + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x0104, 0x02d8, 0x0141, 0x00a4, 0x013d, 0x015a, 0x00a7, + 0x00a8, 0x0160, 0x015e, 0x0164, 0x0179, 0x00ad, 0x017d, 0x017b, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00b0, 0x0105, 0x02db, 0x0142, 0x00b4, 0x013e, 0x015b, 0x02c7, + 0x00b8, 0x0161, 0x015f, 0x0165, 0x017a, 0x02dd, 0x017e, 0x017c, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0154, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0x0102, 0x00c4, 0x0139, 0x0106, 0x00c7, + 0x010c, 0x00c9, 0x0118, 0x00cb, 0x011a, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x010e, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0110, 0x0143, 0x0147, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, 0x0150, 0x00d6, 0x00d7, + 0x0158, 0x016e, 0x00da, 0x0170, 0x00dc, 0x00dd, 0x0162, 0x00df, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0155, 0x00e1, 0x00e2, 0x0103, 0x00e4, 0x013a, 0x0107, 0x00e7, + 0x010d, 0x00e9, 0x0119, 0x00eb, 0x011b, 0x00ed, 0x00ee, 0x010f, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0111, 0x0144, 0x0148, 0x00f3, 0x00f4, 0x0151, 0x00f6, 0x00f7, + 0x0159, 0x016f, 0x00fa, 0x0171, 0x00fc, 0x00fd, 0x0163, 0x02d9, +}; + +static int +iso8859_2_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0xa0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) iso8859_2_2uni[c-0xa0]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char iso8859_2_page00[224] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xa8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xb8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0x00, 0xc4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc7, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, 0xcb, 0x00, 0xcd, 0xce, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0x00, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0x00, 0xdf, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0x00, 0xe4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe7, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0xe9, 0x00, 0xeb, 0x00, 0xed, 0xee, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xfa, 0x00, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x0100 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0xe3, 0xa1, 0xb1, 0xc6, 0xe6, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc8, 0xe8, 0xcf, 0xef, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xd0, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xca, 0xea, 0xcc, 0xec, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0xc5, 0xe5, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa5, 0xb5, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0xa3, 0xb3, 0xd1, 0xf1, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd2, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xd5, 0xf5, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xd8, 0xf8, 0xa6, 0xb6, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0xba, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xa9, 0xb9, 0xde, 0xfe, 0xab, 0xbb, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd9, 0xf9, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0xdb, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0xac, 0xbc, 0xaf, 0xbf, 0xae, 0xbe, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ +}; +static const unsigned char iso8859_2_page02[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb7, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xa2, 0xff, 0x00, 0xb2, 0x00, 0xbd, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; + +static int +iso8859_2_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x00a0) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0180) + c = iso8859_2_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x02c0 && wc < 0x02e0) + c = iso8859_2_page02[wc-0x02c0]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_3.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_3.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..308e0b0d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_3.h @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-8859-3 + */ + +static const unsigned short iso8859_3_2uni[96] = { + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x0126, 0x02d8, 0x00a3, 0x00a4, 0xfffd, 0x0124, 0x00a7, + 0x00a8, 0x0130, 0x015e, 0x011e, 0x0134, 0x00ad, 0xfffd, 0x017b, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00b0, 0x0127, 0x00b2, 0x00b3, 0x00b4, 0x00b5, 0x0125, 0x00b7, + 0x00b8, 0x0131, 0x015f, 0x011f, 0x0135, 0x00bd, 0xfffd, 0x017c, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x00c0, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0xfffd, 0x00c4, 0x010a, 0x0108, 0x00c7, + 0x00c8, 0x00c9, 0x00ca, 0x00cb, 0x00cc, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x00cf, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0xfffd, 0x00d1, 0x00d2, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, 0x0120, 0x00d6, 0x00d7, + 0x011c, 0x00d9, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00dc, 0x016c, 0x015c, 0x00df, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x00e0, 0x00e1, 0x00e2, 0xfffd, 0x00e4, 0x010b, 0x0109, 0x00e7, + 0x00e8, 0x00e9, 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00ec, 0x00ed, 0x00ee, 0x00ef, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0xfffd, 0x00f1, 0x00f2, 0x00f3, 0x00f4, 0x0121, 0x00f6, 0x00f7, + 0x011d, 0x00f9, 0x00fa, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, 0x016d, 0x015d, 0x02d9, +}; + +static int +iso8859_3_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0xa0) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = iso8859_3_2uni[c-0xa0]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char iso8859_3_page00[96] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xa8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb0, 0x00, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0x00, 0xb7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xb8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbd, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0x00, 0xc4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc7, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0x00, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdf, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0x00, 0xe4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe7, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x00, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char iso8859_3_page01[120] = { + 0xc6, 0xe6, 0xc5, 0xe5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd8, 0xf8, 0xab, 0xbb, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xd5, 0xf5, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa6, 0xb6, 0xa1, 0xb1, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xa9, 0xb9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xac, 0xbc, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xde, 0xfe, 0xaa, 0xba, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdd, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaf, 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ +}; +static const unsigned char iso8859_3_page02[8] = { + 0xa2, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; + +static int +iso8859_3_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x00a0) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = iso8859_3_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0108 && wc < 0x0180) + c = iso8859_3_page01[wc-0x0108]; + else if (wc >= 0x02d8 && wc < 0x02e0) + c = iso8859_3_page02[wc-0x02d8]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_4.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_4.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..51e177865 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_4.h @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-8859-4 + */ + +static const unsigned short iso8859_4_2uni[96] = { + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x0104, 0x0138, 0x0156, 0x00a4, 0x0128, 0x013b, 0x00a7, + 0x00a8, 0x0160, 0x0112, 0x0122, 0x0166, 0x00ad, 0x017d, 0x00af, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00b0, 0x0105, 0x02db, 0x0157, 0x00b4, 0x0129, 0x013c, 0x02c7, + 0x00b8, 0x0161, 0x0113, 0x0123, 0x0167, 0x014a, 0x017e, 0x014b, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0100, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0x00c3, 0x00c4, 0x00c5, 0x00c6, 0x012e, + 0x010c, 0x00c9, 0x0118, 0x00cb, 0x0116, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x012a, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0110, 0x0145, 0x014c, 0x0136, 0x00d4, 0x00d5, 0x00d6, 0x00d7, + 0x00d8, 0x0172, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00dc, 0x0168, 0x016a, 0x00df, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0101, 0x00e1, 0x00e2, 0x00e3, 0x00e4, 0x00e5, 0x00e6, 0x012f, + 0x010d, 0x00e9, 0x0119, 0x00eb, 0x0117, 0x00ed, 0x00ee, 0x012b, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0111, 0x0146, 0x014d, 0x0137, 0x00f4, 0x00f5, 0x00f6, 0x00f7, + 0x00f8, 0x0173, 0x00fa, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, 0x0169, 0x016b, 0x02d9, +}; + +static int +iso8859_4_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0xa0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) iso8859_4_2uni[c-0xa0]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char iso8859_4_page00[224] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xa8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xad, 0x00, 0xaf, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xb8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, 0xcb, 0x00, 0xcd, 0xce, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xd8, 0x00, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdf, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0x00, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0xe9, 0x00, 0xeb, 0x00, 0xed, 0xee, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0xf8, 0x00, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x0100 */ + 0xc0, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa1, 0xb1, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc8, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xd0, 0xf0, 0xaa, 0xba, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xec, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xca, 0xea, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xab, 0xbb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0xa5, 0xb5, 0xcf, 0xef, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc7, 0xe7, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd3, 0xf3, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xa2, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa6, 0xb6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd1, 0xf1, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xbd, 0xbf, 0xd2, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa3, 0xb3, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xa9, 0xb9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xac, 0xbc, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0xdd, 0xfd, 0xde, 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xd9, 0xf9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xae, 0xbe, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ +}; +static const unsigned char iso8859_4_page02[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb7, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; + +static int +iso8859_4_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x00a0) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0180) + c = iso8859_4_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x02c0 && wc < 0x02e0) + c = iso8859_4_page02[wc-0x02c0]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_5.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_5.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6b836055a --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_5.h @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-8859-5 + */ + +static const unsigned short iso8859_5_2uni[96] = { + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x0401, 0x0402, 0x0403, 0x0404, 0x0405, 0x0406, 0x0407, + 0x0408, 0x0409, 0x040a, 0x040b, 0x040c, 0x00ad, 0x040e, 0x040f, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0412, 0x0413, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0416, 0x0417, + 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041a, 0x041b, 0x041c, 0x041d, 0x041e, 0x041f, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0424, 0x0425, 0x0426, 0x0427, + 0x0428, 0x0429, 0x042a, 0x042b, 0x042c, 0x042d, 0x042e, 0x042f, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0432, 0x0433, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0436, 0x0437, + 0x0438, 0x0439, 0x043a, 0x043b, 0x043c, 0x043d, 0x043e, 0x043f, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0444, 0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, + 0x0448, 0x0449, 0x044a, 0x044b, 0x044c, 0x044d, 0x044e, 0x044f, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x2116, 0x0451, 0x0452, 0x0453, 0x0454, 0x0455, 0x0456, 0x0457, + 0x0458, 0x0459, 0x045a, 0x045b, 0x045c, 0x00a7, 0x045e, 0x045f, +}; + +static int +iso8859_5_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0xa0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) iso8859_5_2uni[c-0xa0]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char iso8859_5_page00[16] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfd, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ +}; +static const unsigned char iso8859_5_page04[96] = { + 0x00, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0x00, 0xae, 0xaf, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0x00, 0xfe, 0xff, /* 0x58-0x5f */ +}; + +static int +iso8859_5_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x00a0) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00b0) + c = iso8859_5_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0400 && wc < 0x0460) + c = iso8859_5_page04[wc-0x0400]; + else if (wc == 0x2116) + c = 0xf0; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_6.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_6.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8d3119940 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_6.h @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-8859-6 + */ + +static const unsigned short iso8859_6_2uni[96] = { + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x00a4, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x060c, 0x00ad, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x061b, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x061f, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0xfffd, 0x0621, 0x0622, 0x0623, 0x0624, 0x0625, 0x0626, 0x0627, + 0x0628, 0x0629, 0x062a, 0x062b, 0x062c, 0x062d, 0x062e, 0x062f, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0630, 0x0631, 0x0632, 0x0633, 0x0634, 0x0635, 0x0636, 0x0637, + 0x0638, 0x0639, 0x063a, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0640, 0x0641, 0x0642, 0x0643, 0x0644, 0x0645, 0x0646, 0x0647, + 0x0648, 0x0649, 0x064a, 0x064b, 0x064c, 0x064d, 0x064e, 0x064f, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0650, 0x0651, 0x0652, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, +}; + +static int +iso8859_6_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0xa0) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = iso8859_6_2uni[c-0xa0]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char iso8859_6_page00[16] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ +}; +static const unsigned char iso8859_6_page06[80] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xac, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbf, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ +}; + +static int +iso8859_6_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x00a0) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00b0) + c = iso8859_6_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0608 && wc < 0x0658) + c = iso8859_6_page06[wc-0x0608]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_7.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_7.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0825ef5cd --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_7.h @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-8859-7 + */ + +static const unsigned short iso8859_7_2uni[96] = { + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x00a3, 0x20ac, 0x20af, 0x00a6, 0x00a7, + 0x00a8, 0x00a9, 0x037a, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x00ad, 0xfffd, 0x2015, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00b0, 0x00b1, 0x00b2, 0x00b3, 0x0384, 0x0385, 0x0386, 0x00b7, + 0x0388, 0x0389, 0x038a, 0x00bb, 0x038c, 0x00bd, 0x038e, 0x038f, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0390, 0x0391, 0x0392, 0x0393, 0x0394, 0x0395, 0x0396, 0x0397, + 0x0398, 0x0399, 0x039a, 0x039b, 0x039c, 0x039d, 0x039e, 0x039f, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x03a0, 0x03a1, 0xfffd, 0x03a3, 0x03a4, 0x03a5, 0x03a6, 0x03a7, + 0x03a8, 0x03a9, 0x03aa, 0x03ab, 0x03ac, 0x03ad, 0x03ae, 0x03af, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x03b0, 0x03b1, 0x03b2, 0x03b3, 0x03b4, 0x03b5, 0x03b6, 0x03b7, + 0x03b8, 0x03b9, 0x03ba, 0x03bb, 0x03bc, 0x03bd, 0x03be, 0x03bf, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x03c0, 0x03c1, 0x03c2, 0x03c3, 0x03c4, 0x03c5, 0x03c6, 0x03c7, + 0x03c8, 0x03c9, 0x03ca, 0x03cb, 0x03cc, 0x03cd, 0x03ce, 0xfffd, +}; + +static int +iso8859_7_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0xa0) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = iso8859_7_2uni[c-0xa0]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char iso8859_7_page00[32] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa3, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0x00, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, 0x00, 0xbd, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ +}; +static const unsigned char iso8859_7_page03[88] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0x00, 0xbc, 0x00, 0xbe, 0xbf, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0x00, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ +}; +static const unsigned char iso8859_7_page20[16] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaf, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xa1, 0xa2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ +}; + +static int +iso8859_7_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x00a0) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00c0) + c = iso8859_7_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0378 && wc < 0x03d0) + c = iso8859_7_page03[wc-0x0378]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2020) + c = iso8859_7_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc == 0x20ac) + c = 0xa4; + else if (wc == 0x20af) + c = 0xa5; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_8.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_8.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6184846ea --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_8.h @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-8859-8 + */ + +static const unsigned short iso8859_8_2uni[96] = { + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0xfffd, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00a4, 0x00a5, 0x00a6, 0x00a7, + 0x00a8, 0x00a9, 0x00d7, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x00ad, 0x00ae, 0x00af, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00b0, 0x00b1, 0x00b2, 0x00b3, 0x00b4, 0x00b5, 0x00b6, 0x00b7, + 0x00b8, 0x00b9, 0x00f7, 0x00bb, 0x00bc, 0x00bd, 0x00be, 0xfffd, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x2017, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x05d0, 0x05d1, 0x05d2, 0x05d3, 0x05d4, 0x05d5, 0x05d6, 0x05d7, + 0x05d8, 0x05d9, 0x05da, 0x05db, 0x05dc, 0x05dd, 0x05de, 0x05df, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x05e0, 0x05e1, 0x05e2, 0x05e3, 0x05e4, 0x05e5, 0x05e6, 0x05e7, + 0x05e8, 0x05e9, 0x05ea, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x200e, 0x200f, 0xfffd, +}; + +static int +iso8859_8_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c >= 0xa0) { + unsigned short wc = iso8859_8_2uni[c-0xa0]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + else { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char iso8859_8_page00[88] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0x00, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0x00, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xba, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char iso8859_8_page05[32] = { + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ +}; +static const unsigned char iso8859_8_page20[16] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfd, 0xfe, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdf, /* 0x10-0x17 */ +}; + +static int +iso8859_8_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x00a0) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00f8) + c = iso8859_8_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x05d0 && wc < 0x05f0) + c = iso8859_8_page05[wc-0x05d0]; + else if (wc >= 0x2008 && wc < 0x2018) + c = iso8859_8_page20[wc-0x2008]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_9.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_9.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7dbd37d23 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/iso8859_9.h @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-8859-9 + */ + +static const unsigned short iso8859_9_2uni[48] = { + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x011e, 0x00d1, 0x00d2, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, 0x00d5, 0x00d6, 0x00d7, + 0x00d8, 0x00d9, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00dc, 0x0130, 0x015e, 0x00df, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x00e0, 0x00e1, 0x00e2, 0x00e3, 0x00e4, 0x00e5, 0x00e6, 0x00e7, + 0x00e8, 0x00e9, 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00ec, 0x00ed, 0x00ee, 0x00ef, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x011f, 0x00f1, 0x00f2, 0x00f3, 0x00f4, 0x00f5, 0x00f6, 0x00f7, + 0x00f8, 0x00f9, 0x00fa, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, 0x0131, 0x015f, 0x00ff, +}; + +static int +iso8859_9_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c >= 0xd0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) iso8859_9_2uni[c-0xd0]; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char iso8859_9_page00[48] = { + 0x00, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdf, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char iso8859_9_page01[72] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd0, 0xf0, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xdd, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xde, 0xfe, /* 0x58-0x5f */ +}; + +static int +iso8859_9_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x00d0) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00d0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = iso8859_9_page00[wc-0x00d0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0118 && wc < 0x0160) + c = iso8859_9_page01[wc-0x0118]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/isoir165.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/isoir165.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4d6e9ffa0 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/isoir165.h @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-IR-165 + */ + +/* + * ISO-IR-165 is an extension of GB 2312, consisting of: + * 1. GB 6345.1-86 corrections: + * Two corrections to GB 2312, at 0x2367 and 0x6F71. + * 2. GB 6345.1-86 additions: + * - 6 new full-width pinyin characters in row 0x28. + * - ISO646-CN in row 0x2A. + * - 32 half-width pinyin characters in row 0x2B. + * 3. GB 8565.2-88 additions: + * - 50 characters in row 0x2D. + * - 92 characters in row 0x2E. + * - 93 characters in row 0x2F. + * - 470 characters in rows 0x7A-0x7E. + * 4. ISO-IR-165 additions: + * - 22 characters in row 0x26. + * - 94 characters in row 0x2C. + * - 44 new characters in row 0x2D. + * - 1 new character in row 0x2F. + * + * The conversion table was created from the following sources: + * Ad 1. The 0x2367 correction is already integrated in the unicode.org + * GB2312.TXT table. The 0x6F71 mapping is the same in the unicode.org + * GB2312.TXT and UNIHAN.TXT table and in Koichi Yasuoka's Uni2GB table, + * so we assume it's correct. + * The unicode.org UNIHAN.TXT table about GB 8565 is not usable: it has + * extraneous code points at rows 0x28, 0x2C, 0x2D. Note also that it does + * not list the 69 non-hanzi in row 0x2F. Moreover, it has the characters + * 0x2F7A-0x2F7D shifted down by one to 0x2F79-0x2F7C. + * Therefore we take the GB8565 and ISO-IR-165 data from Koichi Yasuoka's + * Uni2GB table. + * Ad 1. Yasuoka maps 0x2367 to U+0261 (small script g) and 0x2840 to U+FF47 + * (full-width small normal g). While coherent with ISO-IR's 165.pdf, + * this disagrees with Ken Lunde's book: He says that ISO-IR-165 + * includes the GB6345 correction, i.e. maps 0x2367 to U+FF47 or U+0067 + * and _not_ to U+0261 (small script g). + * To overcome the confusion, we just map both 0x2367 and 0x2840 to + * U+FF47. + * Ad 2. Row 0x28: Add a mapping from 0x283F to U+01F9. + * Row 0x2A: Mapping is well-known, also present in Koichi Yasuoka's + * table. + * Row 0x2B: Typed in by hand from appendix E in Ken Lunde's book. + * When converting from Unicode to ISO-IR-165, prefer the half-width + * range 0x2B{21..40} to the full-width range 0x28{21..40}. + * Ad 3. Rows 0x2D, 0x2E: Both Koichi Yasuoka's Uni2GB table and the UNIHAN.TXT + * data for GB 8565 agree here. + * Row 0x2F: Taken from Koichi Yasuoka's Uni2GB table. + * Rows 0x7A-0x7E: Koichi Yasuoka's Uni2GB table and the UNIHAN.TXT + * data for GB 8565 agree here mostly. Differences: + * 0x7C38 -> U+6F26 or U+527A ? We choose U+6F26. + * 0x7C5A -> U+7A40 or U+6996 ? We choose U+6996. + * Ad 4. Row 0x26: Mapping unknown. + * Rows 0x2C, 0x2D: Both Koichi Yasuoka's Uni2GB table and the UNIHAN.TXT + * data for GB 8565 (!) agree here. + * Row 0x2F: Taken from Koichi Yasuoka's Uni2GB table. + */ + +#include "isoir165ext.h" + +static int +isoir165_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + int ret; + + /* Map full-width pinyin (row 0x28) like half-width pinyin (row 0x2B). */ + if (s[0] == 0x28) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 <= 0x40) { + unsigned char buf[2]; + buf[0] = 0x2b; + buf[1] = c2; + ret = isoir165ext_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + } + } + } + /* Try the GB2312 -> Unicode table. */ + ret = gb2312_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + if (ret != RET_ILSEQ) + return ret; + /* Row 0x2A is GB_1988-80. */ + if (s[0] == 0x2a) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 < 0x7f) { + int ret = iso646_cn_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s+1,1); + if (ret != 1) abort(); + return 2; + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + /* Try the ISO-IR-165 extensions -> Unicode table. */ + ret = isoir165ext_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + return ret; +} + +static int +isoir165_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Try the Unicode -> GB2312 table. */ + ret = gb2312_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (!(buf[0] == 0x28 && buf[1] >= 0x21 && buf[1] <= 0x40)) { + if (n >= 2) { + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + return 2; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + } + /* Row 0x2A is GB_1988-80. */ + ret = iso646_cn_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 1) abort(); + if (buf[0] >= 0x21 && buf[0] < 0x7f) { + if (n >= 2) { + r[0] = 0x2a; + r[1] = buf[0]; + return 2; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + } + /* Try the Unicode -> ISO-IR-165 extensions table. */ + ret = isoir165ext_wctomb(conv,r,wc,n); + return ret; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/isoir165ext.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/isoir165ext.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0bc811ac3 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/isoir165ext.h @@ -0,0 +1,800 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * ISO-IR-165 extensions + */ + +static const unsigned short isoir165ext_2uni_page2b[470] = { + /* 0x2b */ + 0x1fb1, 0x03ac, 0x1fb0, 0x1f70, 0x0113, 0x00e9, 0x011b, 0x00e8, + 0x012b, 0x00ed, 0x01d0, 0x00ec, 0x014d, 0x00f3, 0x01d2, 0x00f2, + 0x016b, 0x00fa, 0x01d4, 0x00f9, 0x01d6, 0x01d8, 0x01da, 0x01dc, + 0x00fc, 0x00ea, 0x03b1, 0x1e3f, 0x0144, 0x0148, 0x01f9, 0xff47, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0x2c */ + 0x53be, 0x4eb8, 0x4f3e, 0x501e, 0x50c7, 0x9118, 0x6c98, 0x6cdc, + 0x6cc3, 0x6e5d, 0x6ea6, 0x6eeb, 0x6fa5, 0x6165, 0x5ea4, 0x9618, + 0x5848, 0x8453, 0x7cf5, 0x5f07, 0x6294, 0x647d, 0x725a, 0x5574, + 0x55a4, 0x5640, 0x5684, 0x5d1f, 0x72c9, 0x998c, 0x59de, 0x59fd, + 0x5a5e, 0x7ebb, 0x7ee4, 0x7ef9, 0x9a99, 0x71cf, 0x6245, 0x624a, + 0x797c, 0x739a, 0x742b, 0x7488, 0x74aa, 0x74d8, 0x6767, 0x6ab5, + 0x71ca, 0x6ba3, 0x8f80, 0x8f92, 0x8d5f, 0x9b36, 0x72a8, 0x87a3, + 0x8152, 0x6b38, 0x98d0, 0x8897, 0x88af, 0x8955, 0x770a, 0x94da, + 0x955a, 0x9560, 0x9e24, 0x9e40, 0x9e50, 0x9e5d, 0x9e60, 0x870e, + 0x7b5c, 0x7fd9, 0x7fef, 0x7e44, 0x8e45, 0x8e36, 0x8e62, 0x8e5c, + 0x9778, 0x9b46, 0x9f2b, 0x9f41, 0x7526, 0x4e26, 0x8bac, 0x8129, + 0x5091, 0x50cd, 0x52b9, 0x89d4, 0x5557, 0x94c7, + /* 0x2d */ + 0x9496, 0x9498, 0x94cf, 0x94d3, 0x94d4, 0x94e6, 0x9533, 0x951c, + 0x9520, 0x9527, 0x953d, 0x9543, 0x956e, 0x9574, 0x9c80, 0x9c84, + 0x9c8a, 0x9c93, 0x9c96, 0x9c97, 0x9c98, 0x9c99, 0x9cbf, 0x9cc0, + 0x9cc1, 0x9cd2, 0x9cdb, 0x9ce0, 0x9ce3, 0x9770, 0x977a, 0x97a1, + 0x97ae, 0x97a8, 0x9964, 0x9966, 0x9978, 0x9979, 0x997b, 0x997e, + 0x9982, 0x9983, 0x998e, 0x9b10, 0x9b18, 0x65a2, 0x9e80, 0x911c, + 0x9e91, 0x9f12, 0x52f3, 0x6c96, 0x6d44, 0x6e1b, 0x6e67, 0x6f82, + 0x6fec, 0x60ae, 0x5ec8, 0x8ffa, 0x577f, 0x5586, 0x849e, 0x8460, + 0x5c05, 0x5e0b, 0x5d11, 0x5d19, 0x5dd6, 0x59b3, 0x5aae, 0x9a94, + 0x658f, 0x709e, 0x7551, 0x71ff, 0x691d, 0x6a11, 0x68bf, 0x6607, + 0x668e, 0x6673, 0x6c25, 0x7652, 0x778b, 0x76ea, 0x9895, 0x8780, + 0x882d, 0x7b87, 0x7c50, 0x8ead, 0x9575, 0x65c2, + /* 0x2e */ + 0x5390, 0x79b8, 0x4f15, 0x4f21, 0x4f3b, 0x4fa2, 0x50a4, 0x5092, + 0x530a, 0x51c3, 0x51a8, 0x8d20, 0x5787, 0x579a, 0x5795, 0x57eb, + 0x585d, 0x585a, 0x5871, 0x5895, 0x5c30, 0x5f0c, 0x5f0d, 0x5f0e, + 0x5c72, 0x5cc7, 0x5fac, 0x5f68, 0x5f5f, 0x5a12, 0x5a65, 0x5a84, + 0x5ac4, 0x7394, 0x73ea, 0x73ee, 0x7437, 0x7415, 0x7454, 0x6799, + 0x686c, 0x68f8, 0x69fe, 0x72e2, 0x6667, 0x8d52, 0x89c3, 0x89cd, + 0x6427, 0x6477, 0x6c1d, 0x813f, 0x6b54, 0x98d6, 0x707a, 0x70f1, + 0x7120, 0x6153, 0x6c87, 0x6dad, 0x6e81, 0x6eb5, 0x6f94, 0x6f9b, + 0x793d, 0x794e, 0x7806, 0x7859, 0x7894, 0x78dc, 0x7903, 0x7a16, + 0x7a5e, 0x75e0, 0x7adc, 0x7676, 0x9892, 0x7bf2, 0x7c30, 0x7c5d, + 0x9c9d, 0x7cac, 0x8278, 0x83d1, 0x84ea, 0x7fc0, 0x7f1e, 0x8e21, + 0x8e53, 0x9754, 0x9f0c, 0x94fb, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0x2f */ + 0x32c0, 0x32c1, 0x32c2, 0x32c3, 0x32c4, 0x32c5, 0x32c6, 0x32c7, + 0x32c8, 0x32c9, 0x32ca, 0x32cb, 0x33e0, 0x33e1, 0x33e2, 0x33e3, + 0x33e4, 0x33e5, 0x33e6, 0x33e7, 0x33e8, 0x33e9, 0x33ea, 0x33eb, + 0x33ec, 0x33ed, 0x33ee, 0x33ef, 0x33f0, 0x33f1, 0x33f2, 0x33f3, + 0x33f4, 0x33f5, 0x33f6, 0x33f7, 0x33f8, 0x33f9, 0x33fa, 0x33fb, + 0x33fc, 0x33fd, 0x33fe, 0x3358, 0x3359, 0x335a, 0x335b, 0x335c, + 0x335d, 0x335e, 0x335f, 0x3360, 0x3361, 0x3362, 0x3363, 0x3364, + 0x3365, 0x3366, 0x3367, 0x3368, 0x3369, 0x336a, 0x336b, 0x336c, + 0x336d, 0x336e, 0x336f, 0x3370, 0x3037, 0x90a8, 0x965e, 0x5842, + 0x5803, 0x6c3e, 0x6d29, 0x6ee7, 0x8534, 0x84c6, 0x633c, 0x5d05, + 0x7f10, 0x7eec, 0x7287, 0x712e, 0x8218, 0x8216, 0x756c, 0x75f3, + 0x9b25, 0x8980, 0x7ca6, 0x4e85, 0x5570, 0x91c6, +}; +static const unsigned short isoir165ext_2uni_page7a[470] = { + /* 0x7a */ + 0x4e0f, 0x673f, 0x4e42, 0x752a, 0x592c, 0x9ee1, 0x8652, 0x531c, + 0x5187, 0x518f, 0x50f0, 0x4f0b, 0x4f23, 0x4f03, 0x4f61, 0x4f7a, + 0x4f6b, 0x4feb, 0x4ff5, 0x5034, 0x5022, 0x4ff6, 0x5072, 0x4eb6, + 0x51ae, 0x5910, 0x6bda, 0x522c, 0x5232, 0x4fb4, 0x5298, 0x52bb, + 0x52bc, 0x52cd, 0x52da, 0x52f7, 0x53c6, 0x53c7, 0x5770, 0x576c, + 0x57b1, 0x579f, 0x579e, 0x57be, 0x57cc, 0x580e, 0x580c, 0x57f5, + 0x5809, 0x583c, 0x5843, 0x5845, 0x5846, 0x583d, 0x5853, 0x5888, + 0x5884, 0x58f8, 0x56ad, 0x5940, 0x5953, 0x596d, 0x5c2a, 0x54a5, + 0x551d, 0x5536, 0x556f, 0x554d, 0x569a, 0x569c, 0x56f7, 0x5710, + 0x5719, 0x5e17, 0x5e21, 0x5e28, 0x5e6a, 0x5c74, 0x5c7c, 0x5ca8, + 0x5c9e, 0x5cc3, 0x5cd3, 0x5ce3, 0x5ce7, 0x5cff, 0x5d04, 0x5d00, + 0x5d1a, 0x5d0c, 0x5d4e, 0x5d5a, 0x5d85, 0x5d93, + /* 0x7b */ + 0x5d92, 0x5dc2, 0x5dc9, 0x8852, 0x5faf, 0x5906, 0x65a8, 0x7241, + 0x7242, 0x5ebc, 0x5ecb, 0x95ec, 0x95ff, 0x8a1a, 0x9607, 0x9613, + 0x961b, 0x5bac, 0x5ba7, 0x5c5d, 0x5f22, 0x59ee, 0x5a7c, 0x5a96, + 0x5a73, 0x5a9e, 0x5aad, 0x5ada, 0x5aea, 0x5b1b, 0x5b56, 0x9a72, + 0x9a83, 0x9a89, 0x9a8d, 0x9a8e, 0x9a95, 0x9aa6, 0x7395, 0x7399, + 0x73a0, 0x73b1, 0x73a5, 0x73a6, 0x73d6, 0x73f0, 0x73fd, 0x73e3, + 0x7424, 0x740e, 0x7407, 0x73f6, 0x73fa, 0x7432, 0x742f, 0x7444, + 0x7442, 0x7471, 0x7478, 0x7462, 0x7486, 0x749f, 0x74a0, 0x7498, + 0x74b2, 0x97e8, 0x6745, 0x679f, 0x677b, 0x67c8, 0x67ee, 0x684b, + 0x68a0, 0x6812, 0x681f, 0x686a, 0x68bc, 0x68fb, 0x686f, 0x68b1, + 0x68c1, 0x68eb, 0x6913, 0x68d1, 0x6911, 0x68d3, 0x68ec, 0x692b, + 0x68e8, 0x69be, 0x6969, 0x6940, 0x696f, 0x695f, + /* 0x7c */ + 0x6962, 0x6935, 0x6959, 0x69bc, 0x69c5, 0x69da, 0x69dc, 0x6a0b, + 0x69e5, 0x6a66, 0x6a96, 0x6ab4, 0x72dd, 0x5cf1, 0x7314, 0x733a, + 0x6b95, 0x5f67, 0x80fe, 0x74fb, 0x7503, 0x655c, 0x6569, 0x6f26, + 0x65f8, 0x65fb, 0x6609, 0x663d, 0x6662, 0x665e, 0x666c, 0x668d, + 0x668b, 0x8d51, 0x8d57, 0x7263, 0x7277, 0x63b1, 0x6261, 0x6260, + 0x6283, 0x62e4, 0x62c3, 0x631c, 0x6326, 0x63af, 0x63fe, 0x6422, + 0x6412, 0x64ed, 0x6713, 0x6718, 0x8158, 0x81d1, 0x98cf, 0x98d4, + 0x98d7, 0x6996, 0x7098, 0x70dc, 0x70fa, 0x710c, 0x711c, 0x71cb, + 0x721f, 0x70dd, 0x659d, 0x6246, 0x6017, 0x60c7, 0x60d3, 0x60b0, + 0x60d9, 0x6114, 0x6c3f, 0x6c67, 0x6c84, 0x6c9a, 0x6c6d, 0x6ca8, + 0x6cc6, 0x6cb5, 0x6d49, 0x6d38, 0x6d11, 0x6d3a, 0x6d28, 0x6d50, + 0x6d34, 0x6d55, 0x6d61, 0x6da2, 0x6d65, 0x6d5b, + /* 0x7d */ + 0x6d64, 0x6db4, 0x6e9a, 0x6e5c, 0x6e72, 0x6ea0, 0x6e87, 0x6e8e, + 0x6ec9, 0x6ec3, 0x6f37, 0x6ed8, 0x6eea, 0x6f56, 0x6f75, 0x6f5f, + 0x6fb4, 0x6fbc, 0x7014, 0x700d, 0x700c, 0x703c, 0x7943, 0x7947, + 0x794a, 0x7950, 0x7972, 0x7998, 0x79a0, 0x79a4, 0x77fc, 0x77fb, + 0x7822, 0x7820, 0x7841, 0x785a, 0x7875, 0x78b6, 0x78e1, 0x7933, + 0x8a5f, 0x76fb, 0x771b, 0x772c, 0x7786, 0x77ab, 0x77ad, 0x7564, + 0x756f, 0x6983, 0x7f7d, 0x76dd, 0x76e6, 0x76ec, 0x7521, 0x79fe, + 0x7a44, 0x767f, 0x769e, 0x9e27, 0x9e2e, 0x9e30, 0x9e34, 0x9e4d, + 0x9e52, 0x9e53, 0x9e54, 0x9e56, 0x9e59, 0x9e61, 0x9e62, 0x9e65, + 0x9e6f, 0x9e74, 0x75a2, 0x7604, 0x7608, 0x761d, 0x7ad1, 0x7a85, + 0x7a8e, 0x7aa3, 0x7ab8, 0x7abe, 0x77de, 0x8030, 0x988b, 0x988e, + 0x9899, 0x98a3, 0x8683, 0x8705, 0x8758, 0x87cf, + /* 0x7e */ + 0x87e2, 0x880b, 0x80d4, 0x7f4d, 0x7b4a, 0x7b4e, 0x7b7f, 0x7b93, + 0x7bef, 0x7c09, 0x7bf0, 0x7c15, 0x7c03, 0x7c20, 0x823a, 0x8886, + 0x88aa, 0x88c0, 0x88c8, 0x8926, 0x8976, 0x7f91, 0x8283, 0x82bc, + 0x82a7, 0x8313, 0x82fe, 0x8300, 0x835d, 0x8345, 0x8344, 0x831d, + 0x83a6, 0x8399, 0x83fe, 0x841a, 0x83fc, 0x8429, 0x8439, 0x84a8, + 0x84cf, 0x849f, 0x84c2, 0x84f7, 0x8570, 0x85b3, 0x85a2, 0x96d8, + 0x85b8, 0x85e0, 0x7fda, 0x7eae, 0x7eb4, 0x7ebc, 0x7ed6, 0x7f0a, + 0x5b43, 0x8d6a, 0x5245, 0x8c68, 0x8c6e, 0x8c6d, 0x8e16, 0x8e26, + 0x8e27, 0x8e50, 0x9098, 0x90a0, 0x90bd, 0x90c8, 0x90c3, 0x90da, + 0x90ff, 0x911a, 0x910c, 0x9120, 0x9142, 0x8fb5, 0x90e4, 0x8c86, + 0x89f1, 0x8bb1, 0x8bbb, 0x8bc7, 0x8bea, 0x8c09, 0x8c1e, 0x9702, + 0x68d0, 0x7306, 0x9f81, 0x9f82, 0x92c6, 0x9491, +}; + +static int +isoir165ext_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 >= 0x2b && c1 <= 0x2f) || (c1 >= 0x7a && c1 <= 0x7e)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 < 0x7f) { + unsigned int i = 94 * (c1 - 0x21) + (c2 - 0x21); + unsigned short wc = 0xfffd; + if (i < 8366) { + if (i < 1410) + wc = isoir165ext_2uni_page2b[i-940]; + } else { + if (i < 8836) + wc = isoir165ext_2uni_page7a[i-8366]; + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned short isoir165ext_2charset[876] = { + 0x2b28, 0x2b26, 0x2b3a, 0x2b2c, 0x2b2a, 0x2b30, 0x2b2e, 0x2b34, + 0x2b32, 0x2b39, 0x2b25, 0x2b27, 0x2b29, 0x2b3d, 0x2b3e, 0x2b2d, + 0x2b31, 0x2b2b, 0x2b2f, 0x2b33, 0x2b35, 0x2b36, 0x2b37, 0x2b38, + 0x2b3f, 0x2b22, 0x2b3b, 0x2b3c, 0x2b24, 0x2b23, 0x2b21, 0x2f65, + 0x2f21, 0x2f22, 0x2f23, 0x2f24, 0x2f25, 0x2f26, 0x2f27, 0x2f28, + 0x2f29, 0x2f2a, 0x2f2b, 0x2f2c, 0x2f4c, 0x2f4d, 0x2f4e, 0x2f4f, + 0x2f50, 0x2f51, 0x2f52, 0x2f53, 0x2f54, 0x2f55, 0x2f56, 0x2f57, + 0x2f58, 0x2f59, 0x2f5a, 0x2f5b, 0x2f5c, 0x2f5d, 0x2f5e, 0x2f5f, + 0x2f60, 0x2f61, 0x2f62, 0x2f63, 0x2f64, 0x2f2d, 0x2f2e, 0x2f2f, + 0x2f30, 0x2f31, 0x2f32, 0x2f33, 0x2f34, 0x2f35, 0x2f36, 0x2f37, + 0x2f38, 0x2f39, 0x2f3a, 0x2f3b, 0x2f3c, 0x2f3d, 0x2f3e, 0x2f3f, + 0x2f40, 0x2f41, 0x2f42, 0x2f43, 0x2f44, 0x2f45, 0x2f46, 0x2f47, + 0x2f48, 0x2f49, 0x2f4a, 0x2f4b, 0x7a21, 0x2c76, 0x7a23, 0x2f7c, + 0x7a38, 0x2c22, 0x7a2e, 0x7a2c, 0x2e23, 0x2e24, 0x7a2d, 0x2e25, + 0x2c23, 0x7a2f, 0x7a31, 0x7a30, 0x2e26, 0x7a3e, 0x7a32, 0x7a33, + 0x7a36, 0x2c24, 0x7a35, 0x7a34, 0x7a37, 0x2c79, 0x2e28, 0x2e27, + 0x2c25, 0x2c7a, 0x7a2b, 0x7a29, 0x7a2a, 0x2e2b, 0x7a39, 0x2e2a, + 0x7a3c, 0x7a3d, 0x7e5b, 0x7a3f, 0x2c7b, 0x7a40, 0x7a41, 0x7a42, + 0x7a43, 0x2d53, 0x7a44, 0x2e29, 0x7a28, 0x2e21, 0x2c21, 0x7a45, + 0x7a46, 0x7a60, 0x7a61, 0x7a62, 0x7a64, 0x2c7d, 0x7a63, 0x2f7d, + 0x2c38, 0x2d5e, 0x2c39, 0x2c3a, 0x2c3b, 0x7a65, 0x7a66, 0x7a5b, + 0x7a67, 0x7a68, 0x7a69, 0x7a48, 0x7a47, 0x2d5d, 0x2e2d, 0x2e2f, + 0x2e2e, 0x7a4b, 0x7a4a, 0x7a49, 0x7a4c, 0x7a4d, 0x2e30, 0x7a50, + 0x2f69, 0x7a51, 0x7a4f, 0x7a4e, 0x7a52, 0x7a56, 0x2f68, 0x7a53, + 0x7a54, 0x7a55, 0x2c31, 0x7a57, 0x2e32, 0x2e31, 0x2e33, 0x7a59, + 0x7a58, 0x2e34, 0x7a5a, 0x7b26, 0x7a3a, 0x7a25, 0x7a5c, 0x7a5d, + 0x7a5e, 0x2d66, 0x2c3f, 0x7b36, 0x2c40, 0x2e3e, 0x2c41, 0x2e3f, + 0x7b39, 0x7b37, 0x2e40, 0x7b38, 0x7b3a, 0x7b3b, 0x2d67, 0x2e41, + 0x7b3c, 0x7b3d, 0x7b3e, 0x7e59, 0x7b3f, 0x7b33, 0x7b32, 0x2d61, + 0x7a5f, 0x2e35, 0x7b34, 0x2e39, 0x7a6e, 0x7a6f, 0x7a71, 0x7a70, + 0x7a72, 0x2e3a, 0x7a73, 0x7a74, 0x7a75, 0x7c2e, 0x7a76, 0x7a78, + 0x7a77, 0x2f70, 0x7a7a, 0x2d63, 0x2d64, 0x7a79, 0x2c3c, 0x7a7b, + 0x7a7c, 0x7a7d, 0x7b21, 0x7a7e, 0x7b22, 0x7b23, 0x2d65, 0x2d62, + 0x7a6a, 0x7a6b, 0x7a6c, 0x7a6d, 0x2c2f, 0x7b2a, 0x2d5b, 0x7b2b, + 0x2c34, 0x2e36, 0x2e37, 0x2e38, 0x7b35, 0x2e3d, 0x7c32, 0x2e3c, + 0x2e3b, 0x7b25, 0x7c65, 0x2d5a, 0x7c68, 0x7c66, 0x7c67, 0x7c69, + 0x7c6a, 0x2e5a, 0x2c2e, 0x2c47, 0x7c64, 0x2c48, 0x7c48, 0x7c47, + 0x7c49, 0x2c35, 0x7c4b, 0x7c4a, 0x7c4c, 0x7c4d, 0x2f6f, 0x7c4e, + 0x7c46, 0x7c4f, 0x7c51, 0x7c50, 0x2e51, 0x2e52, 0x2c36, 0x7c52, + 0x7c36, 0x7c37, 0x2d69, 0x7c63, 0x2d4e, 0x7b27, 0x2d7e, 0x7c39, + 0x7c3a, 0x2d70, 0x7c3b, 0x7c3c, 0x7c3e, 0x7c3d, 0x2e4d, 0x7c3f, + 0x2d72, 0x7c41, 0x7c40, 0x2d71, 0x7c53, 0x7c54, 0x7a22, 0x7b63, + 0x2c4f, 0x7b65, 0x2e48, 0x7b64, 0x7b66, 0x7b67, 0x7b6a, 0x7b6b, + 0x7b68, 0x7b6c, 0x2e49, 0x7b6f, 0x7b69, 0x7b70, 0x7b6d, 0x2d6f, + 0x7b71, 0x7e79, 0x7b74, 0x7b76, 0x7b79, 0x7b72, 0x7b77, 0x2e4a, + 0x7b6e, 0x7b75, 0x7b73, 0x2d6d, 0x7b78, 0x7c22, 0x7b7c, 0x7c23, + 0x7b7e, 0x7c21, 0x7b7b, 0x7b7d, 0x7d52, 0x7c5a, 0x7c24, 0x7b7a, + 0x7c25, 0x7c26, 0x7c27, 0x7c29, 0x2e4b, 0x7c28, 0x2d6e, 0x7c2a, + 0x7c2b, 0x7c2c, 0x2c50, 0x2c5a, 0x2e55, 0x7c31, 0x2c52, 0x7a3b, + 0x2e53, 0x2d73, 0x2f6a, 0x7c6b, 0x7c6c, 0x7c6f, 0x7c6d, 0x2e5b, + 0x2d54, 0x2c27, 0x7c6e, 0x7c70, 0x7c72, 0x2c29, 0x7c71, 0x2c28, + 0x7c75, 0x7c77, 0x2f6b, 0x7c79, 0x7c74, 0x7c76, 0x2d55, 0x7c73, + 0x7c78, 0x7c7a, 0x7c7e, 0x7c7b, 0x7d21, 0x7c7d, 0x7c7c, 0x2e5c, + 0x7d22, 0x2d56, 0x7d24, 0x2c2a, 0x2d57, 0x7d25, 0x2e5d, 0x7d27, + 0x7d28, 0x7d23, 0x7d26, 0x2c2b, 0x2e5e, 0x7d2a, 0x7d29, 0x7d2c, + 0x2f6c, 0x7d2d, 0x2c2c, 0x7c38, 0x7d2b, 0x7d2e, 0x7d30, 0x7d2f, + 0x2d58, 0x2e5f, 0x2e60, 0x2c2d, 0x7d31, 0x7d32, 0x2d59, 0x7d35, + 0x7d34, 0x7d33, 0x7d36, 0x2e57, 0x7c5b, 0x2d6a, 0x7c5c, 0x7c62, + 0x2e58, 0x7c5d, 0x7c5e, 0x7c5f, 0x2e59, 0x2f74, 0x2c51, 0x7c60, + 0x2c46, 0x2d6c, 0x7c61, 0x7b28, 0x7b29, 0x2c37, 0x7c44, 0x7c45, + 0x2f73, 0x2c57, 0x2c3d, 0x7c2d, 0x2e4c, 0x7e7a, 0x7c2f, 0x7c30, + 0x2e42, 0x7b47, 0x7b48, 0x2c4a, 0x7b49, 0x7b4b, 0x7b4c, 0x7b4a, + 0x7b4d, 0x7b50, 0x2e43, 0x2e44, 0x7b4e, 0x7b54, 0x7b55, 0x7b4f, + 0x7b53, 0x7b52, 0x2e46, 0x7b51, 0x2c4b, 0x7b57, 0x7b56, 0x2e45, + 0x7b59, 0x7b58, 0x2e47, 0x7b5c, 0x7b5a, 0x7b5b, 0x7b5d, 0x2c4c, + 0x7b60, 0x7b5e, 0x7b5f, 0x2c4d, 0x7b61, 0x2c4e, 0x7c34, 0x7c35, + 0x7d57, 0x2c75, 0x7a24, 0x2d6b, 0x7d50, 0x2f77, 0x7d51, 0x7d6b, + 0x2e6a, 0x2f78, 0x7d6c, 0x7d6d, 0x7d6e, 0x2d74, 0x2e6c, 0x7d5a, + 0x7d5b, 0x7d54, 0x7d55, 0x2d76, 0x7d56, 0x7d4a, 0x2c5f, 0x7d4b, + 0x7d4c, 0x7d4d, 0x2d75, 0x7d4e, 0x7d4f, 0x7d75, 0x7d40, 0x7d3f, + 0x2e63, 0x7d42, 0x7d41, 0x7d43, 0x2e64, 0x7d44, 0x7d45, 0x2e65, + 0x7d46, 0x2e66, 0x7d47, 0x2e67, 0x7d48, 0x2e61, 0x7d37, 0x7d38, + 0x7d39, 0x2e62, 0x7d3a, 0x7d3b, 0x2c49, 0x7d3c, 0x7d3d, 0x7d3e, + 0x2e22, 0x7d58, 0x2e68, 0x7d59, 0x2e69, 0x7d70, 0x7d71, 0x7d72, + 0x7d73, 0x7d74, 0x7d6f, 0x2e6b, 0x7e25, 0x7e26, 0x2c69, 0x7e27, + 0x2d7a, 0x7e28, 0x7e29, 0x7e2b, 0x2e6e, 0x7e2d, 0x7e2a, 0x7e2c, + 0x7e2e, 0x2e6f, 0x2d7b, 0x2e70, 0x2f7b, 0x2e72, 0x2c33, 0x2c6c, + 0x7e54, 0x7e55, 0x2c42, 0x7e56, 0x7e57, 0x2c43, 0x2f72, 0x2c44, + 0x7e58, 0x2f71, 0x2e77, 0x7e24, 0x7d53, 0x7e36, 0x2e76, 0x2c6a, + 0x7e53, 0x2c6b, 0x7d76, 0x7e23, 0x7c33, 0x2c78, 0x2e54, 0x2c59, + 0x7c55, 0x7c56, 0x2f76, 0x2f75, 0x7e2f, 0x2e73, 0x7e37, 0x7e39, + 0x7e38, 0x7e3b, 0x7e3c, 0x7e3a, 0x7e40, 0x7e3f, 0x7e3e, 0x7e3d, + 0x7e42, 0x7e41, 0x2e74, 0x7e45, 0x7e43, 0x7e44, 0x7e46, 0x7e47, + 0x2c32, 0x2d60, 0x2d5f, 0x7e4a, 0x7e48, 0x7e4b, 0x2f6e, 0x7e49, + 0x2e75, 0x7e4c, 0x2f6d, 0x7e4d, 0x7e4f, 0x7e4e, 0x7e51, 0x7e52, + 0x7a27, 0x7d7b, 0x7d7c, 0x2c68, 0x7d7d, 0x2d78, 0x2c58, 0x7d7e, + 0x7e21, 0x7e22, 0x2d79, 0x7b24, 0x7e30, 0x2c5c, 0x7e31, 0x2c5d, + 0x7e32, 0x7e33, 0x7e34, 0x2c5e, 0x7e35, 0x2f7a, 0x2e4f, 0x2e50, + 0x2c7c, 0x7e71, 0x7b2e, 0x7d49, 0x2c77, 0x7e72, 0x7e73, 0x7e74, + 0x7e75, 0x7e76, 0x7e77, 0x7e5c, 0x7e5e, 0x7e5d, 0x7e70, 0x2e2c, + 0x7c42, 0x2e4e, 0x7c43, 0x2c55, 0x7e5a, 0x7e5f, 0x2e78, 0x7e60, + 0x7e61, 0x2c6e, 0x2c6d, 0x7e62, 0x2e79, 0x2c70, 0x2c6f, 0x2d7c, + 0x2c53, 0x2c54, 0x7e6e, 0x2d5c, 0x7e63, 0x7e64, 0x2f66, 0x7e65, + 0x7e67, 0x7e66, 0x7e68, 0x7e6f, 0x7e69, 0x7e6b, 0x2c26, 0x7e6a, + 0x2d50, 0x7e6c, 0x7e6d, 0x2f7e, 0x7e7d, 0x7e7e, 0x2d21, 0x2d22, + 0x2c7e, 0x2d23, 0x2d24, 0x2d25, 0x2c60, 0x2d26, 0x2e7c, 0x2d28, + 0x2d29, 0x2d2a, 0x2d27, 0x2d2b, 0x2d2c, 0x2c61, 0x2c62, 0x2d2d, + 0x2d2e, 0x2d7d, 0x7b2c, 0x7b2d, 0x7b2f, 0x7b30, 0x2c30, 0x7b31, + 0x2f67, 0x7e50, 0x7e78, 0x2e7a, 0x2d3e, 0x2c71, 0x2d3f, 0x2d40, + 0x2d42, 0x2d41, 0x7b62, 0x7d77, 0x7d78, 0x2e6d, 0x2d77, 0x7d79, + 0x7d7a, 0x7c57, 0x2c5b, 0x7c58, 0x2e56, 0x7c59, 0x2d43, 0x2d44, + 0x2d45, 0x2d46, 0x2d47, 0x2d48, 0x2d49, 0x2d4a, 0x2c3e, 0x2d4b, + 0x7b40, 0x7b41, 0x7b42, 0x7b43, 0x7b44, 0x2d68, 0x7b45, 0x2c45, + 0x7b46, 0x2d4c, 0x2d4d, 0x2f79, 0x2c56, 0x2c72, 0x2d2f, 0x2d30, + 0x2d31, 0x2d32, 0x2d33, 0x2d34, 0x2d35, 0x2d36, 0x2e71, 0x2d37, + 0x2d38, 0x2d39, 0x2d3a, 0x2d3b, 0x2d3c, 0x2d3d, 0x2c63, 0x7d5c, + 0x7d5d, 0x7d5e, 0x7d5f, 0x2c64, 0x7d60, 0x2c65, 0x7d61, 0x7d62, + 0x7d63, 0x7d64, 0x7d65, 0x2c66, 0x2c67, 0x7d66, 0x7d67, 0x7d68, + 0x7d69, 0x7d6a, 0x2d4f, 0x2d51, 0x7a26, 0x2e7b, 0x2d52, 0x2c73, + 0x2c74, 0x7e7b, 0x7e7c, 0x2b40, +}; + +static const Summary16 isoir165ext_uni2indx_page00[32] = { + /* 0x0000 */ + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x3700 }, { 5, 0x160c }, + /* 0x0100 */ + { 10, 0x0000 }, { 10, 0x0808 }, { 12, 0x0800 }, { 13, 0x0000 }, + { 13, 0x2110 }, { 16, 0x0000 }, { 16, 0x0800 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, + { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x0000 }, + { 17, 0x0000 }, { 17, 0x1555 }, { 24, 0x0000 }, { 24, 0x0200 }, +}; +static const Summary16 isoir165ext_uni2indx_page03[12] = { + /* 0x0300 */ + { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, + { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, + { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x0000 }, { 25, 0x1000 }, { 26, 0x0002 }, +}; +static const Summary16 isoir165ext_uni2indx_page1e[28] = { + /* 0x1e00 */ + { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x0000 }, { 27, 0x8000 }, + { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, + { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, + { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x1f00 */ + { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, + { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0000 }, { 28, 0x0001 }, + { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0000 }, { 29, 0x0003 }, +}; +static const Summary16 isoir165ext_uni2indx_page30[4] = { + /* 0x3000 */ + { 31, 0x0000 }, { 31, 0x0000 }, { 31, 0x0000 }, { 31, 0x0080 }, +}; +static const Summary16 isoir165ext_uni2indx_page32[32] = { + /* 0x3200 */ + { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, + { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, + { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0000 }, + { 32, 0x0fff }, { 44, 0x0000 }, { 44, 0x0000 }, { 44, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3300 */ + { 44, 0x0000 }, { 44, 0x0000 }, { 44, 0x0000 }, { 44, 0x0000 }, + { 44, 0x0000 }, { 44, 0xff00 }, { 52, 0xffff }, { 68, 0x0001 }, + { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, + { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0x0000 }, { 69, 0xffff }, { 85, 0x7fff }, +}; +static const Summary16 isoir165ext_uni2indx_page4e[752] = { + /* 0x4e00 */ + { 100, 0x8000 }, { 101, 0x0000 }, { 101, 0x0040 }, { 102, 0x0000 }, + { 102, 0x0004 }, { 103, 0x0000 }, { 103, 0x0000 }, { 103, 0x0000 }, + { 103, 0x0020 }, { 104, 0x0000 }, { 104, 0x0000 }, { 104, 0x0140 }, + { 106, 0x0000 }, { 106, 0x0000 }, { 106, 0x0000 }, { 106, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4f00 */ + { 106, 0x0808 }, { 108, 0x0020 }, { 109, 0x000a }, { 111, 0x4800 }, + { 113, 0x0000 }, { 113, 0x0000 }, { 113, 0x0802 }, { 115, 0x0400 }, + { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0000 }, { 116, 0x0004 }, { 117, 0x0010 }, + { 118, 0x0000 }, { 118, 0x0000 }, { 118, 0x0800 }, { 119, 0x0060 }, + /* 0x5000 */ + { 121, 0x0000 }, { 121, 0x4000 }, { 122, 0x0004 }, { 123, 0x0010 }, + { 124, 0x0000 }, { 124, 0x0000 }, { 124, 0x0000 }, { 124, 0x0004 }, + { 125, 0x0000 }, { 125, 0x0006 }, { 127, 0x0010 }, { 128, 0x0000 }, + { 128, 0x2080 }, { 130, 0x0000 }, { 130, 0x0000 }, { 130, 0x0001 }, + /* 0x5100 */ + { 131, 0x0000 }, { 131, 0x0000 }, { 131, 0x0000 }, { 131, 0x0000 }, + { 131, 0x0000 }, { 131, 0x0000 }, { 131, 0x0000 }, { 131, 0x0000 }, + { 131, 0x8080 }, { 133, 0x0000 }, { 133, 0x4100 }, { 135, 0x0000 }, + { 135, 0x0008 }, { 136, 0x0000 }, { 136, 0x0000 }, { 136, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5200 */ + { 136, 0x0000 }, { 136, 0x0000 }, { 136, 0x1000 }, { 137, 0x0004 }, + { 138, 0x0020 }, { 139, 0x0000 }, { 139, 0x0000 }, { 139, 0x0000 }, + { 139, 0x0000 }, { 139, 0x0100 }, { 140, 0x0000 }, { 140, 0x1a00 }, + { 143, 0x2000 }, { 144, 0x0400 }, { 145, 0x0000 }, { 145, 0x0088 }, + /* 0x5300 */ + { 147, 0x0400 }, { 148, 0x1000 }, { 149, 0x0000 }, { 149, 0x0000 }, + { 149, 0x0000 }, { 149, 0x0000 }, { 149, 0x0000 }, { 149, 0x0000 }, + { 149, 0x0000 }, { 149, 0x0001 }, { 150, 0x0000 }, { 150, 0x4000 }, + { 151, 0x00c0 }, { 153, 0x0000 }, { 153, 0x0000 }, { 153, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5400 */ + { 153, 0x0000 }, { 153, 0x0000 }, { 153, 0x0000 }, { 153, 0x0000 }, + { 153, 0x0000 }, { 153, 0x0000 }, { 153, 0x0000 }, { 153, 0x0000 }, + { 153, 0x0000 }, { 153, 0x0000 }, { 153, 0x0020 }, { 154, 0x0000 }, + { 154, 0x0000 }, { 154, 0x0000 }, { 154, 0x0000 }, { 154, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5500 */ + { 154, 0x0000 }, { 154, 0x2000 }, { 155, 0x0000 }, { 155, 0x0040 }, + { 156, 0x2000 }, { 157, 0x0080 }, { 158, 0x8000 }, { 159, 0x0011 }, + { 161, 0x0040 }, { 162, 0x0000 }, { 162, 0x0010 }, { 163, 0x0000 }, + { 163, 0x0000 }, { 163, 0x0000 }, { 163, 0x0000 }, { 163, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5600 */ + { 163, 0x0000 }, { 163, 0x0000 }, { 163, 0x0000 }, { 163, 0x0000 }, + { 163, 0x0001 }, { 164, 0x0000 }, { 164, 0x0000 }, { 164, 0x0000 }, + { 164, 0x0010 }, { 165, 0x1400 }, { 167, 0x2000 }, { 168, 0x0000 }, + { 168, 0x0000 }, { 168, 0x0000 }, { 168, 0x0000 }, { 168, 0x0080 }, + /* 0x5700 */ + { 169, 0x0000 }, { 169, 0x0201 }, { 171, 0x0000 }, { 171, 0x0000 }, + { 171, 0x0000 }, { 171, 0x0000 }, { 171, 0x1000 }, { 172, 0x8001 }, + { 174, 0x0080 }, { 175, 0xc420 }, { 179, 0x0000 }, { 179, 0x4002 }, + { 181, 0x1000 }, { 182, 0x0000 }, { 182, 0x0800 }, { 183, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x5800 */ + { 184, 0x5208 }, { 188, 0x0000 }, { 188, 0x0000 }, { 188, 0x3000 }, + { 190, 0x016c }, { 195, 0x2408 }, { 198, 0x0000 }, { 198, 0x0002 }, + { 199, 0x0110 }, { 201, 0x0020 }, { 202, 0x0000 }, { 202, 0x0000 }, + { 202, 0x0000 }, { 202, 0x0000 }, { 202, 0x0000 }, { 202, 0x0100 }, + /* 0x5900 */ + { 203, 0x0040 }, { 204, 0x0001 }, { 205, 0x1000 }, { 206, 0x0000 }, + { 206, 0x0001 }, { 207, 0x0008 }, { 208, 0x2000 }, { 209, 0x0000 }, + { 209, 0x0000 }, { 209, 0x0000 }, { 209, 0x0000 }, { 209, 0x0008 }, + { 210, 0x0000 }, { 210, 0x4000 }, { 211, 0x4000 }, { 212, 0x2000 }, + /* 0x5a00 */ + { 213, 0x0000 }, { 213, 0x0004 }, { 214, 0x0000 }, { 214, 0x0000 }, + { 214, 0x0000 }, { 214, 0x4000 }, { 215, 0x0020 }, { 216, 0x1008 }, + { 218, 0x0010 }, { 219, 0x4040 }, { 221, 0x6000 }, { 223, 0x0000 }, + { 223, 0x0010 }, { 224, 0x0400 }, { 225, 0x0400 }, { 226, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5b00 */ + { 226, 0x0000 }, { 226, 0x0800 }, { 227, 0x0000 }, { 227, 0x0000 }, + { 227, 0x0008 }, { 228, 0x0040 }, { 229, 0x0000 }, { 229, 0x0000 }, + { 229, 0x0000 }, { 229, 0x0000 }, { 229, 0x1080 }, { 231, 0x0000 }, + { 231, 0x0000 }, { 231, 0x0000 }, { 231, 0x0000 }, { 231, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5c00 */ + { 231, 0x0020 }, { 232, 0x0000 }, { 232, 0x0400 }, { 233, 0x0001 }, + { 234, 0x0000 }, { 234, 0x2000 }, { 235, 0x0000 }, { 235, 0x1014 }, + { 238, 0x0000 }, { 238, 0x4000 }, { 239, 0x0100 }, { 240, 0x0000 }, + { 240, 0x0088 }, { 242, 0x0008 }, { 243, 0x0088 }, { 245, 0x8002 }, + /* 0x5d00 */ + { 247, 0x1031 }, { 251, 0x8602 }, { 255, 0x0000 }, { 255, 0x0000 }, + { 255, 0x4000 }, { 256, 0x0400 }, { 257, 0x0000 }, { 257, 0x0000 }, + { 257, 0x0020 }, { 258, 0x000c }, { 260, 0x0000 }, { 260, 0x0000 }, + { 260, 0x0204 }, { 262, 0x0040 }, { 263, 0x0000 }, { 263, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5e00 */ + { 263, 0x0800 }, { 264, 0x0080 }, { 265, 0x0102 }, { 267, 0x0000 }, + { 267, 0x0000 }, { 267, 0x0000 }, { 267, 0x0400 }, { 268, 0x0000 }, + { 268, 0x0000 }, { 268, 0x0000 }, { 268, 0x0010 }, { 269, 0x1000 }, + { 270, 0x0900 }, { 272, 0x0000 }, { 272, 0x0000 }, { 272, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5f00 */ + { 272, 0x7080 }, { 276, 0x0000 }, { 276, 0x0004 }, { 277, 0x0000 }, + { 277, 0x0000 }, { 277, 0x8000 }, { 278, 0x0180 }, { 280, 0x0000 }, + { 280, 0x0000 }, { 280, 0x0000 }, { 280, 0x9000 }, { 282, 0x0000 }, + { 282, 0x0000 }, { 282, 0x0000 }, { 282, 0x0000 }, { 282, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6000 */ + { 282, 0x0000 }, { 282, 0x0080 }, { 283, 0x0000 }, { 283, 0x0000 }, + { 283, 0x0000 }, { 283, 0x0000 }, { 283, 0x0000 }, { 283, 0x0000 }, + { 283, 0x0000 }, { 283, 0x0000 }, { 283, 0x4000 }, { 284, 0x0001 }, + { 285, 0x0080 }, { 286, 0x0208 }, { 288, 0x0000 }, { 288, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6100 */ + { 288, 0x0000 }, { 288, 0x0010 }, { 289, 0x0000 }, { 289, 0x0000 }, + { 289, 0x0000 }, { 289, 0x0008 }, { 290, 0x0020 }, { 291, 0x0000 }, + { 291, 0x0000 }, { 291, 0x0000 }, { 291, 0x0000 }, { 291, 0x0000 }, + { 291, 0x0000 }, { 291, 0x0000 }, { 291, 0x0000 }, { 291, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6200 */ + { 291, 0x0000 }, { 291, 0x0000 }, { 291, 0x0000 }, { 291, 0x0000 }, + { 291, 0x0460 }, { 294, 0x0000 }, { 294, 0x0003 }, { 296, 0x0000 }, + { 296, 0x0008 }, { 297, 0x0010 }, { 298, 0x0000 }, { 298, 0x0000 }, + { 298, 0x0008 }, { 299, 0x0000 }, { 299, 0x0010 }, { 300, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6300 */ + { 300, 0x0000 }, { 300, 0x1000 }, { 301, 0x0040 }, { 302, 0x1000 }, + { 303, 0x0000 }, { 303, 0x0000 }, { 303, 0x0000 }, { 303, 0x0000 }, + { 303, 0x0000 }, { 303, 0x0000 }, { 303, 0x8000 }, { 304, 0x0002 }, + { 305, 0x0000 }, { 305, 0x0000 }, { 305, 0x0000 }, { 305, 0x4000 }, + /* 0x6400 */ + { 306, 0x0000 }, { 306, 0x0004 }, { 307, 0x0084 }, { 309, 0x0000 }, + { 309, 0x0000 }, { 309, 0x0000 }, { 309, 0x0000 }, { 309, 0x2080 }, + { 311, 0x0000 }, { 311, 0x0000 }, { 311, 0x0000 }, { 311, 0x0000 }, + { 311, 0x0000 }, { 311, 0x0000 }, { 311, 0x2000 }, { 312, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6500 */ + { 312, 0x0000 }, { 312, 0x0000 }, { 312, 0x0000 }, { 312, 0x0000 }, + { 312, 0x0000 }, { 312, 0x1000 }, { 313, 0x0200 }, { 314, 0x0000 }, + { 314, 0x8000 }, { 315, 0x2000 }, { 316, 0x0104 }, { 318, 0x0000 }, + { 318, 0x0004 }, { 319, 0x0000 }, { 319, 0x0000 }, { 319, 0x0900 }, + /* 0x6600 */ + { 321, 0x0280 }, { 323, 0x0000 }, { 323, 0x0000 }, { 323, 0x2000 }, + { 324, 0x0000 }, { 324, 0x4000 }, { 325, 0x1084 }, { 328, 0x0008 }, + { 329, 0x6800 }, { 332, 0x0000 }, { 332, 0x0000 }, { 332, 0x0000 }, + { 332, 0x0000 }, { 332, 0x0000 }, { 332, 0x0000 }, { 332, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6700 */ + { 332, 0x0000 }, { 332, 0x0108 }, { 334, 0x0000 }, { 334, 0x8000 }, + { 335, 0x0020 }, { 336, 0x0000 }, { 336, 0x0080 }, { 337, 0x0800 }, + { 338, 0x0000 }, { 338, 0x8200 }, { 340, 0x0000 }, { 340, 0x0000 }, + { 340, 0x0100 }, { 341, 0x0000 }, { 341, 0x4000 }, { 342, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6800 */ + { 342, 0x0000 }, { 342, 0x8004 }, { 344, 0x0000 }, { 344, 0x0000 }, + { 344, 0x0800 }, { 345, 0x0000 }, { 345, 0x9400 }, { 348, 0x0000 }, + { 348, 0x0000 }, { 348, 0x0000 }, { 348, 0x0001 }, { 349, 0x9002 }, + { 352, 0x0002 }, { 353, 0x000b }, { 356, 0x1900 }, { 359, 0x0900 }, + /* 0x6900 */ + { 361, 0x0000 }, { 361, 0x200a }, { 364, 0x0800 }, { 365, 0x0020 }, + { 366, 0x0001 }, { 367, 0x8200 }, { 369, 0x8204 }, { 372, 0x0000 }, + { 372, 0x0008 }, { 373, 0x0040 }, { 374, 0x0000 }, { 374, 0x5000 }, + { 376, 0x0020 }, { 377, 0x1400 }, { 379, 0x0020 }, { 380, 0x4000 }, + /* 0x6a00 */ + { 381, 0x0800 }, { 382, 0x0002 }, { 383, 0x0000 }, { 383, 0x0000 }, + { 383, 0x0000 }, { 383, 0x0000 }, { 383, 0x0040 }, { 384, 0x0000 }, + { 384, 0x0000 }, { 384, 0x0040 }, { 385, 0x0000 }, { 385, 0x0030 }, + { 387, 0x0000 }, { 387, 0x0000 }, { 387, 0x0000 }, { 387, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6b00 */ + { 387, 0x0000 }, { 387, 0x0000 }, { 387, 0x0000 }, { 387, 0x0100 }, + { 388, 0x0000 }, { 388, 0x0010 }, { 389, 0x0000 }, { 389, 0x0000 }, + { 389, 0x0000 }, { 389, 0x0020 }, { 390, 0x0008 }, { 391, 0x0000 }, + { 391, 0x0000 }, { 391, 0x0400 }, { 392, 0x0000 }, { 392, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6c00 */ + { 392, 0x0000 }, { 392, 0x2000 }, { 393, 0x0020 }, { 394, 0xc000 }, + { 396, 0x0000 }, { 396, 0x0000 }, { 396, 0x2080 }, { 398, 0x0000 }, + { 398, 0x0090 }, { 400, 0x0540 }, { 403, 0x0100 }, { 404, 0x0020 }, + { 405, 0x0048 }, { 407, 0x1000 }, { 408, 0x0000 }, { 408, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6d00 */ + { 408, 0x0000 }, { 408, 0x0002 }, { 409, 0x0300 }, { 411, 0x0510 }, + { 414, 0x0210 }, { 416, 0x0821 }, { 419, 0x0032 }, { 422, 0x0000 }, + { 422, 0x0000 }, { 422, 0x0000 }, { 422, 0x2004 }, { 424, 0x0010 }, + { 425, 0x0000 }, { 425, 0x0000 }, { 425, 0x0000 }, { 425, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6e00 */ + { 425, 0x0000 }, { 425, 0x0800 }, { 426, 0x0000 }, { 426, 0x0000 }, + { 426, 0x0000 }, { 426, 0x3000 }, { 428, 0x0080 }, { 429, 0x0004 }, + { 430, 0x4082 }, { 433, 0x0400 }, { 434, 0x0041 }, { 436, 0x0020 }, + { 437, 0x0208 }, { 439, 0x0100 }, { 440, 0x0c80 }, { 443, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6f00 */ + { 443, 0x0000 }, { 443, 0x0000 }, { 443, 0x0040 }, { 444, 0x0080 }, + { 445, 0x0000 }, { 445, 0x8040 }, { 447, 0x0000 }, { 447, 0x0020 }, + { 448, 0x0004 }, { 449, 0x0810 }, { 451, 0x0020 }, { 452, 0x1010 }, + { 454, 0x0000 }, { 454, 0x0000 }, { 454, 0x1000 }, { 455, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7000 */ + { 455, 0x3000 }, { 457, 0x0010 }, { 458, 0x0000 }, { 458, 0x1000 }, + { 459, 0x0000 }, { 459, 0x0000 }, { 459, 0x0000 }, { 459, 0x0400 }, + { 460, 0x0000 }, { 460, 0x4100 }, { 462, 0x0000 }, { 462, 0x0000 }, + { 462, 0x0000 }, { 462, 0x3000 }, { 464, 0x0000 }, { 464, 0x0402 }, + /* 0x7100 */ + { 466, 0x1000 }, { 467, 0x1000 }, { 468, 0x4001 }, { 470, 0x0000 }, + { 470, 0x0000 }, { 470, 0x0000 }, { 470, 0x0000 }, { 470, 0x0000 }, + { 470, 0x0000 }, { 470, 0x0000 }, { 470, 0x0000 }, { 470, 0x0000 }, + { 470, 0x8c00 }, { 473, 0x0000 }, { 473, 0x0000 }, { 473, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x7200 */ + { 474, 0x0000 }, { 474, 0x8000 }, { 475, 0x0000 }, { 475, 0x0000 }, + { 475, 0x0006 }, { 477, 0x0400 }, { 478, 0x0008 }, { 479, 0x0080 }, + { 480, 0x0080 }, { 481, 0x0000 }, { 481, 0x0100 }, { 482, 0x0000 }, + { 482, 0x0200 }, { 483, 0x2000 }, { 484, 0x0004 }, { 485, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7300 */ + { 485, 0x0040 }, { 486, 0x0010 }, { 487, 0x0000 }, { 487, 0x0400 }, + { 488, 0x0000 }, { 488, 0x0000 }, { 488, 0x0000 }, { 488, 0x0000 }, + { 488, 0x0000 }, { 488, 0x0630 }, { 492, 0x0061 }, { 495, 0x0002 }, + { 496, 0x0000 }, { 496, 0x0040 }, { 497, 0x4408 }, { 500, 0x2441 }, + /* 0x7400 */ + { 504, 0x4080 }, { 506, 0x0020 }, { 507, 0x8810 }, { 510, 0x0084 }, + { 512, 0x0014 }, { 514, 0x0010 }, { 515, 0x0004 }, { 516, 0x0102 }, + { 518, 0x0140 }, { 520, 0x8100 }, { 522, 0x0401 }, { 524, 0x0004 }, + { 525, 0x0000 }, { 525, 0x0100 }, { 526, 0x0000 }, { 526, 0x0800 }, + /* 0x7500 */ + { 527, 0x0008 }, { 528, 0x0000 }, { 528, 0x0442 }, { 531, 0x0000 }, + { 531, 0x0000 }, { 531, 0x0002 }, { 532, 0x9010 }, { 535, 0x0000 }, + { 535, 0x0000 }, { 535, 0x0000 }, { 535, 0x0004 }, { 536, 0x0000 }, + { 536, 0x0000 }, { 536, 0x0000 }, { 536, 0x0001 }, { 537, 0x0008 }, + /* 0x7600 */ + { 538, 0x0110 }, { 540, 0x2000 }, { 541, 0x0000 }, { 541, 0x0000 }, + { 541, 0x0000 }, { 541, 0x0004 }, { 542, 0x0000 }, { 542, 0x8040 }, + { 544, 0x0000 }, { 544, 0x4000 }, { 545, 0x0000 }, { 545, 0x0000 }, + { 545, 0x0000 }, { 545, 0x2000 }, { 546, 0x1440 }, { 549, 0x0800 }, + /* 0x7700 */ + { 550, 0x0400 }, { 551, 0x0800 }, { 552, 0x1000 }, { 553, 0x0000 }, + { 553, 0x0000 }, { 553, 0x0000 }, { 553, 0x0000 }, { 553, 0x0000 }, + { 553, 0x0840 }, { 555, 0x0000 }, { 555, 0x2800 }, { 557, 0x0000 }, + { 557, 0x0000 }, { 557, 0x4000 }, { 558, 0x0000 }, { 558, 0x1800 }, + /* 0x7800 */ + { 560, 0x0040 }, { 561, 0x0000 }, { 561, 0x0005 }, { 563, 0x0000 }, + { 563, 0x0002 }, { 564, 0x0600 }, { 566, 0x0000 }, { 566, 0x0020 }, + { 567, 0x0000 }, { 567, 0x0010 }, { 568, 0x0000 }, { 568, 0x0040 }, + { 569, 0x0000 }, { 569, 0x1000 }, { 570, 0x0002 }, { 571, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7900 */ + { 571, 0x0008 }, { 572, 0x0000 }, { 572, 0x0000 }, { 572, 0x2008 }, + { 574, 0x4488 }, { 578, 0x0001 }, { 579, 0x0000 }, { 579, 0x1004 }, + { 581, 0x0000 }, { 581, 0x0100 }, { 582, 0x0011 }, { 584, 0x0100 }, + { 585, 0x0000 }, { 585, 0x0000 }, { 585, 0x0000 }, { 585, 0x4000 }, + /* 0x7a00 */ + { 586, 0x0000 }, { 586, 0x0040 }, { 587, 0x0000 }, { 587, 0x0000 }, + { 587, 0x0010 }, { 588, 0x4000 }, { 589, 0x0000 }, { 589, 0x0000 }, + { 589, 0x4020 }, { 591, 0x0000 }, { 591, 0x0008 }, { 592, 0x4100 }, + { 594, 0x0000 }, { 594, 0x1002 }, { 596, 0x0000 }, { 596, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7b00 */ + { 596, 0x0000 }, { 596, 0x0000 }, { 596, 0x0000 }, { 596, 0x0000 }, + { 596, 0x4400 }, { 598, 0x1000 }, { 599, 0x0000 }, { 599, 0x8000 }, + { 600, 0x0080 }, { 601, 0x0008 }, { 602, 0x0000 }, { 602, 0x0000 }, + { 602, 0x0000 }, { 602, 0x0000 }, { 602, 0x8000 }, { 603, 0x0005 }, + /* 0x7c00 */ + { 605, 0x0208 }, { 607, 0x0020 }, { 608, 0x0001 }, { 609, 0x0001 }, + { 610, 0x0000 }, { 610, 0x2001 }, { 612, 0x0000 }, { 612, 0x0000 }, + { 612, 0x0000 }, { 612, 0x0000 }, { 612, 0x1040 }, { 614, 0x0000 }, + { 614, 0x0000 }, { 614, 0x0000 }, { 614, 0x0000 }, { 614, 0x0020 }, +}; +static const Summary16 isoir165ext_uni2indx_page7e[333] = { + /* 0x7e00 */ + { 615, 0x0000 }, { 615, 0x0000 }, { 615, 0x0000 }, { 615, 0x0000 }, + { 615, 0x0010 }, { 616, 0x0000 }, { 616, 0x0000 }, { 616, 0x0000 }, + { 616, 0x0000 }, { 616, 0x0000 }, { 616, 0x4000 }, { 617, 0x1810 }, + { 620, 0x0000 }, { 620, 0x0040 }, { 621, 0x1010 }, { 623, 0x0200 }, + /* 0x7f00 */ + { 624, 0x0400 }, { 625, 0x4001 }, { 627, 0x0000 }, { 627, 0x0000 }, + { 627, 0x2000 }, { 628, 0x0000 }, { 628, 0x0000 }, { 628, 0x2000 }, + { 629, 0x0000 }, { 629, 0x0002 }, { 630, 0x0000 }, { 630, 0x0000 }, + { 630, 0x0001 }, { 631, 0x0600 }, { 633, 0x8000 }, { 634, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8000 */ + { 634, 0x0000 }, { 634, 0x0000 }, { 634, 0x0000 }, { 634, 0x0001 }, + { 635, 0x0000 }, { 635, 0x0000 }, { 635, 0x0000 }, { 635, 0x0000 }, + { 635, 0x0000 }, { 635, 0x0000 }, { 635, 0x0000 }, { 635, 0x0000 }, + { 635, 0x0000 }, { 635, 0x0010 }, { 636, 0x0000 }, { 636, 0x4000 }, + /* 0x8100 */ + { 637, 0x0000 }, { 637, 0x0000 }, { 637, 0x0200 }, { 638, 0x8000 }, + { 639, 0x0000 }, { 639, 0x0104 }, { 641, 0x0000 }, { 641, 0x0000 }, + { 641, 0x0000 }, { 641, 0x0000 }, { 641, 0x0000 }, { 641, 0x0000 }, + { 641, 0x0000 }, { 641, 0x0002 }, { 642, 0x0000 }, { 642, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8200 */ + { 642, 0x0000 }, { 642, 0x0140 }, { 644, 0x0000 }, { 644, 0x0400 }, + { 645, 0x0000 }, { 645, 0x0000 }, { 645, 0x0000 }, { 645, 0x0100 }, + { 646, 0x0008 }, { 647, 0x0000 }, { 647, 0x0080 }, { 648, 0x1000 }, + { 649, 0x0000 }, { 649, 0x0000 }, { 649, 0x0000 }, { 649, 0x4000 }, + /* 0x8300 */ + { 650, 0x0001 }, { 651, 0x2008 }, { 653, 0x0000 }, { 653, 0x0000 }, + { 653, 0x0030 }, { 655, 0x2000 }, { 656, 0x0000 }, { 656, 0x0000 }, + { 656, 0x0000 }, { 656, 0x0200 }, { 657, 0x0040 }, { 658, 0x0000 }, + { 658, 0x0000 }, { 658, 0x0002 }, { 659, 0x0000 }, { 659, 0x5000 }, + /* 0x8400 */ + { 661, 0x0000 }, { 661, 0x0400 }, { 662, 0x0200 }, { 663, 0x0200 }, + { 664, 0x0000 }, { 664, 0x0008 }, { 665, 0x0001 }, { 666, 0x0000 }, + { 666, 0x0000 }, { 666, 0xc000 }, { 668, 0x0100 }, { 669, 0x0000 }, + { 669, 0x8044 }, { 672, 0x0000 }, { 672, 0x0400 }, { 673, 0x0080 }, + /* 0x8500 */ + { 674, 0x0000 }, { 674, 0x0000 }, { 674, 0x0000 }, { 674, 0x0010 }, + { 675, 0x0000 }, { 675, 0x0000 }, { 675, 0x0000 }, { 675, 0x0001 }, + { 676, 0x0000 }, { 676, 0x0000 }, { 676, 0x0004 }, { 677, 0x0108 }, + { 679, 0x0000 }, { 679, 0x0000 }, { 679, 0x0001 }, { 680, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8600 */ + { 680, 0x0000 }, { 680, 0x0000 }, { 680, 0x0000 }, { 680, 0x0000 }, + { 680, 0x0000 }, { 680, 0x0004 }, { 681, 0x0000 }, { 681, 0x0000 }, + { 681, 0x0008 }, { 682, 0x0000 }, { 682, 0x0000 }, { 682, 0x0000 }, + { 682, 0x0000 }, { 682, 0x0000 }, { 682, 0x0000 }, { 682, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8700 */ + { 682, 0x4020 }, { 684, 0x0000 }, { 684, 0x0000 }, { 684, 0x0000 }, + { 684, 0x0000 }, { 684, 0x0100 }, { 685, 0x0000 }, { 685, 0x0000 }, + { 685, 0x0001 }, { 686, 0x0000 }, { 686, 0x0008 }, { 687, 0x0000 }, + { 687, 0x8000 }, { 688, 0x0000 }, { 688, 0x0004 }, { 689, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8800 */ + { 689, 0x0800 }, { 690, 0x0000 }, { 690, 0x2000 }, { 691, 0x0000 }, + { 691, 0x0000 }, { 691, 0x0004 }, { 692, 0x0000 }, { 692, 0x0000 }, + { 692, 0x0040 }, { 693, 0x0080 }, { 694, 0x8400 }, { 696, 0x0000 }, + { 696, 0x0101 }, { 698, 0x0000 }, { 698, 0x0000 }, { 698, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8900 */ + { 698, 0x0000 }, { 698, 0x0000 }, { 698, 0x0040 }, { 699, 0x0000 }, + { 699, 0x0000 }, { 699, 0x0020 }, { 700, 0x0000 }, { 700, 0x0040 }, + { 701, 0x0001 }, { 702, 0x0000 }, { 702, 0x0000 }, { 702, 0x0000 }, + { 702, 0x2008 }, { 704, 0x0010 }, { 705, 0x0000 }, { 705, 0x0002 }, + /* 0x8a00 */ + { 706, 0x0000 }, { 706, 0x0400 }, { 707, 0x0000 }, { 707, 0x0000 }, + { 707, 0x0000 }, { 707, 0x8000 }, { 708, 0x0000 }, { 708, 0x0000 }, + { 708, 0x0000 }, { 708, 0x0000 }, { 708, 0x0000 }, { 708, 0x0000 }, + { 708, 0x0000 }, { 708, 0x0000 }, { 708, 0x0000 }, { 708, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8b00 */ + { 708, 0x0000 }, { 708, 0x0000 }, { 708, 0x0000 }, { 708, 0x0000 }, + { 708, 0x0000 }, { 708, 0x0000 }, { 708, 0x0000 }, { 708, 0x0000 }, + { 708, 0x0000 }, { 708, 0x0000 }, { 708, 0x1000 }, { 709, 0x0802 }, + { 711, 0x0080 }, { 712, 0x0000 }, { 712, 0x0400 }, { 713, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8c00 */ + { 713, 0x0200 }, { 714, 0x4000 }, { 715, 0x0000 }, { 715, 0x0000 }, + { 715, 0x0000 }, { 715, 0x0000 }, { 715, 0x6100 }, { 718, 0x0000 }, + { 718, 0x0040 }, { 719, 0x0000 }, { 719, 0x0000 }, { 719, 0x0000 }, + { 719, 0x0000 }, { 719, 0x0000 }, { 719, 0x0000 }, { 719, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8d00 */ + { 719, 0x0000 }, { 719, 0x0000 }, { 719, 0x0001 }, { 720, 0x0000 }, + { 720, 0x0000 }, { 720, 0x8086 }, { 724, 0x0400 }, { 725, 0x0000 }, + { 725, 0x0000 }, { 725, 0x0000 }, { 725, 0x0000 }, { 725, 0x0000 }, + { 725, 0x0000 }, { 725, 0x0000 }, { 725, 0x0000 }, { 725, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8e00 */ + { 725, 0x0000 }, { 725, 0x0040 }, { 726, 0x00c2 }, { 729, 0x0040 }, + { 730, 0x0020 }, { 731, 0x1009 }, { 734, 0x0004 }, { 735, 0x0000 }, + { 735, 0x0000 }, { 735, 0x0000 }, { 735, 0x2000 }, { 736, 0x0000 }, + { 736, 0x0000 }, { 736, 0x0000 }, { 736, 0x0000 }, { 736, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8f00 */ + { 736, 0x0000 }, { 736, 0x0000 }, { 736, 0x0000 }, { 736, 0x0000 }, + { 736, 0x0000 }, { 736, 0x0000 }, { 736, 0x0000 }, { 736, 0x0000 }, + { 736, 0x0001 }, { 737, 0x0004 }, { 738, 0x0000 }, { 738, 0x0020 }, + { 739, 0x0000 }, { 739, 0x0000 }, { 739, 0x0000 }, { 739, 0x0400 }, + /* 0x9000 */ + { 740, 0x0000 }, { 740, 0x0000 }, { 740, 0x0000 }, { 740, 0x0000 }, + { 740, 0x0000 }, { 740, 0x0000 }, { 740, 0x0000 }, { 740, 0x0000 }, + { 740, 0x0000 }, { 740, 0x0100 }, { 741, 0x0101 }, { 743, 0x2000 }, + { 744, 0x0108 }, { 746, 0x0400 }, { 747, 0x0010 }, { 748, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x9100 */ + { 749, 0x1000 }, { 750, 0x1500 }, { 753, 0x0001 }, { 754, 0x0000 }, + { 754, 0x0004 }, { 755, 0x0000 }, { 755, 0x0000 }, { 755, 0x0000 }, + { 755, 0x0000 }, { 755, 0x0000 }, { 755, 0x0000 }, { 755, 0x0000 }, + { 755, 0x0040 }, { 756, 0x0000 }, { 756, 0x0000 }, { 756, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9200 */ + { 756, 0x0000 }, { 756, 0x0000 }, { 756, 0x0000 }, { 756, 0x0000 }, + { 756, 0x0000 }, { 756, 0x0000 }, { 756, 0x0000 }, { 756, 0x0000 }, + { 756, 0x0000 }, { 756, 0x0000 }, { 756, 0x0000 }, { 756, 0x0000 }, + { 756, 0x0040 }, +}; +static const Summary16 isoir165ext_uni2indx_page94[143] = { + /* 0x9400 */ + { 757, 0x0000 }, { 757, 0x0000 }, { 757, 0x0000 }, { 757, 0x0000 }, + { 757, 0x0000 }, { 757, 0x0000 }, { 757, 0x0000 }, { 757, 0x0000 }, + { 757, 0x0000 }, { 757, 0x0142 }, { 760, 0x0000 }, { 760, 0x0000 }, + { 760, 0x8080 }, { 762, 0x0418 }, { 765, 0x0040 }, { 766, 0x0800 }, + /* 0x9500 */ + { 767, 0x0000 }, { 767, 0x1000 }, { 768, 0x0081 }, { 770, 0x2008 }, + { 772, 0x0008 }, { 773, 0x0400 }, { 774, 0x4001 }, { 776, 0x0030 }, + { 778, 0x0000 }, { 778, 0x0000 }, { 778, 0x0000 }, { 778, 0x0000 }, + { 778, 0x0000 }, { 778, 0x0000 }, { 778, 0x1000 }, { 779, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x9600 */ + { 780, 0x0080 }, { 781, 0x0908 }, { 784, 0x0000 }, { 784, 0x0000 }, + { 784, 0x0000 }, { 784, 0x4000 }, { 785, 0x0000 }, { 785, 0x0000 }, + { 785, 0x0000 }, { 785, 0x0000 }, { 785, 0x0000 }, { 785, 0x0000 }, + { 785, 0x0000 }, { 785, 0x0100 }, { 786, 0x0000 }, { 786, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9700 */ + { 786, 0x0004 }, { 787, 0x0000 }, { 787, 0x0000 }, { 787, 0x0000 }, + { 787, 0x0000 }, { 787, 0x0010 }, { 788, 0x0000 }, { 788, 0x0501 }, + { 791, 0x0000 }, { 791, 0x0000 }, { 791, 0x4102 }, { 794, 0x0000 }, + { 794, 0x0000 }, { 794, 0x0000 }, { 794, 0x0100 }, { 795, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9800 */ + { 795, 0x0000 }, { 795, 0x0000 }, { 795, 0x0000 }, { 795, 0x0000 }, + { 795, 0x0000 }, { 795, 0x0000 }, { 795, 0x0000 }, { 795, 0x0000 }, + { 795, 0x4800 }, { 797, 0x0224 }, { 800, 0x0008 }, { 801, 0x0000 }, + { 801, 0x8000 }, { 802, 0x00d1 }, { 806, 0x0000 }, { 806, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9900 */ + { 806, 0x0000 }, { 806, 0x0000 }, { 806, 0x0000 }, { 806, 0x0000 }, + { 806, 0x0000 }, { 806, 0x0000 }, { 806, 0x0050 }, { 808, 0x4b00 }, + { 812, 0x500c }, { 816, 0x0000 }, { 816, 0x0000 }, { 816, 0x0000 }, + { 816, 0x0000 }, { 816, 0x0000 }, { 816, 0x0000 }, { 816, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9a00 */ + { 816, 0x0000 }, { 816, 0x0000 }, { 816, 0x0000 }, { 816, 0x0000 }, + { 816, 0x0000 }, { 816, 0x0000 }, { 816, 0x0000 }, { 816, 0x0004 }, + { 817, 0x6208 }, { 821, 0x0230 }, { 824, 0x0040 }, { 825, 0x0000 }, + { 825, 0x0000 }, { 825, 0x0000 }, { 825, 0x0000 }, { 825, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9b00 */ + { 825, 0x0000 }, { 825, 0x0101 }, { 827, 0x0020 }, { 828, 0x0040 }, + { 829, 0x0040 }, { 830, 0x0000 }, { 830, 0x0000 }, { 830, 0x0000 }, + { 830, 0x0000 }, { 830, 0x0000 }, { 830, 0x0000 }, { 830, 0x0000 }, + { 830, 0x0000 }, { 830, 0x0000 }, { 830, 0x0000 }, { 830, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9c00 */ + { 830, 0x0000 }, { 830, 0x0000 }, { 830, 0x0000 }, { 830, 0x0000 }, + { 830, 0x0000 }, { 830, 0x0000 }, { 830, 0x0000 }, { 830, 0x0000 }, + { 830, 0x0411 }, { 833, 0x23c8 }, { 839, 0x0000 }, { 839, 0x8000 }, + { 840, 0x0003 }, { 842, 0x0804 }, { 844, 0x0009 }, +}; +static const Summary16 isoir165ext_uni2indx_page9e[25] = { + /* 0x9e00 */ + { 846, 0x0000 }, { 846, 0x0000 }, { 846, 0x4090 }, { 849, 0x0011 }, + { 851, 0x2001 }, { 853, 0x225d }, { 860, 0x8027 }, { 865, 0x0010 }, + { 866, 0x0001 }, { 867, 0x0002 }, { 868, 0x0000 }, { 868, 0x0000 }, + { 868, 0x0000 }, { 868, 0x0000 }, { 868, 0x0002 }, { 869, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9f00 */ + { 869, 0x1000 }, { 870, 0x0004 }, { 871, 0x0800 }, { 872, 0x0000 }, + { 872, 0x0002 }, { 873, 0x0000 }, { 873, 0x0000 }, { 873, 0x0000 }, + { 873, 0x0006 }, +}; +static const Summary16 isoir165ext_uni2indx_pageff[5] = { + /* 0xff00 */ + { 875, 0x0000 }, { 875, 0x0000 }, { 875, 0x0000 }, { 875, 0x0000 }, + { 875, 0x0080 }, +}; + +static int +isoir165ext_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + const Summary16 *summary = NULL; + if (wc >= 0x0000 && wc < 0x0200) + summary = &isoir165ext_uni2indx_page00[(wc>>4)]; + else if (wc >= 0x0300 && wc < 0x03c0) + summary = &isoir165ext_uni2indx_page03[(wc>>4)-0x030]; + else if (wc >= 0x1e00 && wc < 0x1fc0) + summary = &isoir165ext_uni2indx_page1e[(wc>>4)-0x1e0]; + else if (wc >= 0x3000 && wc < 0x3040) + summary = &isoir165ext_uni2indx_page30[(wc>>4)-0x300]; + else if (wc >= 0x3200 && wc < 0x3400) + summary = &isoir165ext_uni2indx_page32[(wc>>4)-0x320]; + else if (wc >= 0x4e00 && wc < 0x7d00) + summary = &isoir165ext_uni2indx_page4e[(wc>>4)-0x4e0]; + else if (wc >= 0x7e00 && wc < 0x92d0) + summary = &isoir165ext_uni2indx_page7e[(wc>>4)-0x7e0]; + else if (wc >= 0x9400 && wc < 0x9cf0) + summary = &isoir165ext_uni2indx_page94[(wc>>4)-0x940]; + else if (wc >= 0x9e00 && wc < 0x9f90) + summary = &isoir165ext_uni2indx_page9e[(wc>>4)-0x9e0]; + else if (wc >= 0xff00 && wc < 0xff50) + summary = &isoir165ext_uni2indx_pageff[(wc>>4)-0xff0]; + if (summary) { + unsigned short used = summary->used; + unsigned int i = wc & 0x0f; + if (used & ((unsigned short) 1 << i)) { + unsigned short c; + /* Keep in `used' only the bits 0..i-1. */ + used &= ((unsigned short) 1 << i) - 1; + /* Add `summary->indx' and the number of bits set in `used'. */ + used = (used & 0x5555) + ((used & 0xaaaa) >> 1); + used = (used & 0x3333) + ((used & 0xcccc) >> 2); + used = (used & 0x0f0f) + ((used & 0xf0f0) >> 4); + used = (used & 0x00ff) + (used >> 8); + c = isoir165ext_2charset[summary->indx + used]; + r[0] = (c >> 8); r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/java.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/java.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4d4485f54 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/java.h @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * JAVA + * This is ISO 8859-1 with \uXXXX escape sequences, denoting Unicode BMP + * characters. Consecutive pairs of \uXXXX escape sequences in the surrogate + * range, as in UTF-16, denote Unicode characters outside the BMP. + */ + +static int +java_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c; + ucs4_t wc, wc2; + int i; + + c = s[0]; + if (c != '\\') { + *pwc = c; + return 1; + } + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + if (s[1] != 'u') + goto simply_backslash; + wc = 0; + for (i = 2; i < 6; i++) { + if (n <= i) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + c = s[i]; + if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') + c -= '0'; + else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') + c -= 'A'-10; + else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') + c -= 'a'-10; + else + goto simply_backslash; + wc |= (ucs4_t) c << (4 * (5-i)); + } + if (!(wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xe000)) { + *pwc = wc; + return 6; + } + if (wc >= 0xdc00) + goto simply_backslash; + if (n < 7) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + if (s[6] != '\\') + goto simply_backslash; + if (n < 8) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + if (s[7] != 'u') + goto simply_backslash; + wc2 = 0; + for (i = 8; i < 12; i++) { + if (n <= i) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + c = s[i]; + if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') + c -= '0'; + else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') + c -= 'A'-10; + else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') + c -= 'a'-10; + else + goto simply_backslash; + wc2 |= (ucs4_t) c << (4 * (11-i)); + } + if (!(wc2 >= 0xdc00 && wc2 < 0xe000)) + goto simply_backslash; + *pwc = 0x10000 + ((wc - 0xd800) << 10) + (wc2 - 0xdc00); + return 12; +simply_backslash: + *pwc = '\\'; + return 1; +} + +static int +java_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (wc < 0x80) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } else if (wc < 0x10000) { + if (n >= 6) { + unsigned int i; + r[0] = '\\'; + r[1] = 'u'; + i = (wc >> 12) & 0x0f; r[2] = (i < 10 ? '0'+i : 'a'-10+i); + i = (wc >> 8) & 0x0f; r[3] = (i < 10 ? '0'+i : 'a'-10+i); + i = (wc >> 4) & 0x0f; r[4] = (i < 10 ? '0'+i : 'a'-10+i); + i = wc & 0x0f; r[5] = (i < 10 ? '0'+i : 'a'-10+i); + return 6; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } else if (wc < 0x110000) { + if (n >= 12) { + ucs4_t wc1 = 0xd800 + ((wc - 0x10000) >> 10); + ucs4_t wc2 = 0xdc00 + ((wc - 0x10000) & 0x3ff); + unsigned int i; + r[0] = '\\'; + r[1] = 'u'; + i = (wc1 >> 12) & 0x0f; r[2] = (i < 10 ? '0'+i : 'a'-10+i); + i = (wc1 >> 8) & 0x0f; r[3] = (i < 10 ? '0'+i : 'a'-10+i); + i = (wc1 >> 4) & 0x0f; r[4] = (i < 10 ? '0'+i : 'a'-10+i); + i = wc1 & 0x0f; r[5] = (i < 10 ? '0'+i : 'a'-10+i); + r[6] = '\\'; + r[7] = 'u'; + i = (wc2 >> 12) & 0x0f; r[8] = (i < 10 ? '0'+i : 'a'-10+i); + i = (wc2 >> 8) & 0x0f; r[9] = (i < 10 ? '0'+i : 'a'-10+i); + i = (wc2 >> 4) & 0x0f; r[10] = (i < 10 ? '0'+i : 'a'-10+i); + i = wc2 & 0x0f; r[11] = (i < 10 ? '0'+i : 'a'-10+i); + return 12; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/jisx0201.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/jisx0201.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d58c1d595 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/jisx0201.h @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * JISX0201.1976-0 + */ + +static int +jisx0201_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + if (c == 0x5c) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) 0x00a5; + else if (c == 0x7e) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) 0x203e; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } else { + if (c >= 0xa1 && c < 0xe0) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c + 0xfec0; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +jisx0201_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (wc < 0x0080 && !(wc == 0x005c || wc == 0x007e)) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + if (wc == 0x00a5) { + *r = 0x5c; + return 1; + } + if (wc == 0x203e) { + *r = 0x7e; + return 1; + } + if (wc >= 0xff61 && wc < 0xffa0) { + *r = wc - 0xfec0; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/jisx0208.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/jisx0208.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..755b8ba6a --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/jisx0208.h @@ -0,0 +1,2415 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * JISX0208.1990-0 + */ + +static const unsigned short jisx0208_2uni_page21[690] = { + /* 0x21 */ + 0x3000, 0x3001, 0x3002, 0xff0c, 0xff0e, 0x30fb, 0xff1a, 0xff1b, + 0xff1f, 0xff01, 0x309b, 0x309c, 0x00b4, 0xff40, 0x00a8, 0xff3e, + 0xffe3, 0xff3f, 0x30fd, 0x30fe, 0x309d, 0x309e, 0x3003, 0x4edd, + 0x3005, 0x3006, 0x3007, 0x30fc, 0x2015, 0x2010, 0xff0f, 0xff3c, + 0x301c, 0x2016, 0xff5c, 0x2026, 0x2025, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, + 0x201d, 0xff08, 0xff09, 0x3014, 0x3015, 0xff3b, 0xff3d, 0xff5b, + 0xff5d, 0x3008, 0x3009, 0x300a, 0x300b, 0x300c, 0x300d, 0x300e, + 0x300f, 0x3010, 0x3011, 0xff0b, 0x2212, 0x00b1, 0x00d7, 0x00f7, + 0xff1d, 0x2260, 0xff1c, 0xff1e, 0x2266, 0x2267, 0x221e, 0x2234, + 0x2642, 0x2640, 0x00b0, 0x2032, 0x2033, 0x2103, 0xffe5, 0xff04, + 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0xff05, 0xff03, 0xff06, 0xff0a, 0xff20, 0x00a7, + 0x2606, 0x2605, 0x25cb, 0x25cf, 0x25ce, 0x25c7, + /* 0x22 */ + 0x25c6, 0x25a1, 0x25a0, 0x25b3, 0x25b2, 0x25bd, 0x25bc, 0x203b, + 0x3012, 0x2192, 0x2190, 0x2191, 0x2193, 0x3013, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0x2208, 0x220b, 0x2286, 0x2287, 0x2282, 0x2283, 0x222a, + 0x2229, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0x2227, 0x2228, 0x00ac, 0x21d2, 0x21d4, 0x2200, 0x2203, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x2220, 0x22a5, 0x2312, 0x2202, 0x2207, + 0x2261, 0x2252, 0x226a, 0x226b, 0x221a, 0x223d, 0x221d, 0x2235, + 0x222b, 0x222c, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0x212b, 0x2030, 0x266f, 0x266d, 0x266a, 0x2020, 0x2021, + 0x00b6, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x25ef, + /* 0x23 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xff10, + 0xff11, 0xff12, 0xff13, 0xff14, 0xff15, 0xff16, 0xff17, 0xff18, + 0xff19, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xff21, 0xff22, 0xff23, 0xff24, 0xff25, 0xff26, 0xff27, 0xff28, + 0xff29, 0xff2a, 0xff2b, 0xff2c, 0xff2d, 0xff2e, 0xff2f, 0xff30, + 0xff31, 0xff32, 0xff33, 0xff34, 0xff35, 0xff36, 0xff37, 0xff38, + 0xff39, 0xff3a, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xff41, 0xff42, 0xff43, 0xff44, 0xff45, 0xff46, 0xff47, 0xff48, + 0xff49, 0xff4a, 0xff4b, 0xff4c, 0xff4d, 0xff4e, 0xff4f, 0xff50, + 0xff51, 0xff52, 0xff53, 0xff54, 0xff55, 0xff56, 0xff57, 0xff58, + 0xff59, 0xff5a, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0x24 */ + 0x3041, 0x3042, 0x3043, 0x3044, 0x3045, 0x3046, 0x3047, 0x3048, + 0x3049, 0x304a, 0x304b, 0x304c, 0x304d, 0x304e, 0x304f, 0x3050, + 0x3051, 0x3052, 0x3053, 0x3054, 0x3055, 0x3056, 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0x250c, 0x2510, 0x2518, 0x2514, 0x251c, 0x252c, + 0x2524, 0x2534, 0x253c, 0x2501, 0x2503, 0x250f, 0x2513, 0x251b, + 0x2517, 0x2523, 0x2533, 0x252b, 0x253b, 0x254b, 0x2520, 0x252f, + 0x2528, 0x2537, 0x253f, 0x251d, 0x2530, 0x2525, 0x2538, 0x2542, +}; +static const unsigned short jisx0208_2uni_page30[6398] = { + /* 0x30 */ + 0x4e9c, 0x5516, 0x5a03, 0x963f, 0x54c0, 0x611b, 0x6328, 0x59f6, + 0x9022, 0x8475, 0x831c, 0x7a50, 0x60aa, 0x63e1, 0x6e25, 0x65ed, + 0x8466, 0x82a6, 0x9bf5, 0x6893, 0x5727, 0x65a1, 0x6271, 0x5b9b, + 0x59d0, 0x867b, 0x98f4, 0x7d62, 0x7dbe, 0x9b8e, 0x6216, 0x7c9f, + 0x88b7, 0x5b89, 0x5eb5, 0x6309, 0x6697, 0x6848, 0x95c7, 0x978d, + 0x674f, 0x4ee5, 0x4f0a, 0x4f4d, 0x4f9d, 0x5049, 0x56f2, 0x5937, + 0x59d4, 0x5a01, 0x5c09, 0x60df, 0x610f, 0x6170, 0x6613, 0x6905, + 0x70ba, 0x754f, 0x7570, 0x79fb, 0x7dad, 0x7def, 0x80c3, 0x840e, + 0x8863, 0x8b02, 0x9055, 0x907a, 0x533b, 0x4e95, 0x4ea5, 0x57df, + 0x80b2, 0x90c1, 0x78ef, 0x4e00, 0x58f1, 0x6ea2, 0x9038, 0x7a32, + 0x8328, 0x828b, 0x9c2f, 0x5141, 0x5370, 0x54bd, 0x54e1, 0x56e0, + 0x59fb, 0x5f15, 0x98f2, 0x6deb, 0x80e4, 0x852d, + /* 0x31 */ + 0x9662, 0x9670, 0x96a0, 0x97fb, 0x540b, 0x53f3, 0x5b87, 0x70cf, + 0x7fbd, 0x8fc2, 0x96e8, 0x536f, 0x9d5c, 0x7aba, 0x4e11, 0x7893, + 0x81fc, 0x6e26, 0x5618, 0x5504, 0x6b1d, 0x851a, 0x9c3b, 0x59e5, + 0x53a9, 0x6d66, 0x74dc, 0x958f, 0x5642, 0x4e91, 0x904b, 0x96f2, + 0x834f, 0x990c, 0x53e1, 0x55b6, 0x5b30, 0x5f71, 0x6620, 0x66f3, + 0x6804, 0x6c38, 0x6cf3, 0x6d29, 0x745b, 0x76c8, 0x7a4e, 0x9834, + 0x82f1, 0x885b, 0x8a60, 0x92ed, 0x6db2, 0x75ab, 0x76ca, 0x99c5, + 0x60a6, 0x8b01, 0x8d8a, 0x95b2, 0x698e, 0x53ad, 0x5186, 0x5712, + 0x5830, 0x5944, 0x5bb4, 0x5ef6, 0x6028, 0x63a9, 0x63f4, 0x6cbf, + 0x6f14, 0x708e, 0x7114, 0x7159, 0x71d5, 0x733f, 0x7e01, 0x8276, + 0x82d1, 0x8597, 0x9060, 0x925b, 0x9d1b, 0x5869, 0x65bc, 0x6c5a, + 0x7525, 0x51f9, 0x592e, 0x5965, 0x5f80, 0x5fdc, + /* 0x32 */ + 0x62bc, 0x65fa, 0x6a2a, 0x6b27, 0x6bb4, 0x738b, 0x7fc1, 0x8956, + 0x9d2c, 0x9d0e, 0x9ec4, 0x5ca1, 0x6c96, 0x837b, 0x5104, 0x5c4b, + 0x61b6, 0x81c6, 0x6876, 0x7261, 0x4e59, 0x4ffa, 0x5378, 0x6069, + 0x6e29, 0x7a4f, 0x97f3, 0x4e0b, 0x5316, 0x4eee, 0x4f55, 0x4f3d, + 0x4fa1, 0x4f73, 0x52a0, 0x53ef, 0x5609, 0x590f, 0x5ac1, 0x5bb6, + 0x5be1, 0x79d1, 0x6687, 0x679c, 0x67b6, 0x6b4c, 0x6cb3, 0x706b, + 0x73c2, 0x798d, 0x79be, 0x7a3c, 0x7b87, 0x82b1, 0x82db, 0x8304, + 0x8377, 0x83ef, 0x83d3, 0x8766, 0x8ab2, 0x5629, 0x8ca8, 0x8fe6, + 0x904e, 0x971e, 0x868a, 0x4fc4, 0x5ce8, 0x6211, 0x7259, 0x753b, + 0x81e5, 0x82bd, 0x86fe, 0x8cc0, 0x96c5, 0x9913, 0x99d5, 0x4ecb, + 0x4f1a, 0x89e3, 0x56de, 0x584a, 0x58ca, 0x5efb, 0x5feb, 0x602a, + 0x6094, 0x6062, 0x61d0, 0x6212, 0x62d0, 0x6539, + /* 0x33 */ + 0x9b41, 0x6666, 0x68b0, 0x6d77, 0x7070, 0x754c, 0x7686, 0x7d75, + 0x82a5, 0x87f9, 0x958b, 0x968e, 0x8c9d, 0x51f1, 0x52be, 0x5916, + 0x54b3, 0x5bb3, 0x5d16, 0x6168, 0x6982, 0x6daf, 0x788d, 0x84cb, + 0x8857, 0x8a72, 0x93a7, 0x9ab8, 0x6d6c, 0x99a8, 0x86d9, 0x57a3, + 0x67ff, 0x86ce, 0x920e, 0x5283, 0x5687, 0x5404, 0x5ed3, 0x62e1, + 0x64b9, 0x683c, 0x6838, 0x6bbb, 0x7372, 0x78ba, 0x7a6b, 0x899a, + 0x89d2, 0x8d6b, 0x8f03, 0x90ed, 0x95a3, 0x9694, 0x9769, 0x5b66, + 0x5cb3, 0x697d, 0x984d, 0x984e, 0x639b, 0x7b20, 0x6a2b, 0x6a7f, + 0x68b6, 0x9c0d, 0x6f5f, 0x5272, 0x559d, 0x6070, 0x62ec, 0x6d3b, + 0x6e07, 0x6ed1, 0x845b, 0x8910, 0x8f44, 0x4e14, 0x9c39, 0x53f6, + 0x691b, 0x6a3a, 0x9784, 0x682a, 0x515c, 0x7ac3, 0x84b2, 0x91dc, + 0x938c, 0x565b, 0x9d28, 0x6822, 0x8305, 0x8431, + /* 0x34 */ + 0x7ca5, 0x5208, 0x82c5, 0x74e6, 0x4e7e, 0x4f83, 0x51a0, 0x5bd2, + 0x520a, 0x52d8, 0x52e7, 0x5dfb, 0x559a, 0x582a, 0x59e6, 0x5b8c, + 0x5b98, 0x5bdb, 0x5e72, 0x5e79, 0x60a3, 0x611f, 0x6163, 0x61be, + 0x63db, 0x6562, 0x67d1, 0x6853, 0x68fa, 0x6b3e, 0x6b53, 0x6c57, + 0x6f22, 0x6f97, 0x6f45, 0x74b0, 0x7518, 0x76e3, 0x770b, 0x7aff, + 0x7ba1, 0x7c21, 0x7de9, 0x7f36, 0x7ff0, 0x809d, 0x8266, 0x839e, + 0x89b3, 0x8acc, 0x8cab, 0x9084, 0x9451, 0x9593, 0x9591, 0x95a2, + 0x9665, 0x97d3, 0x9928, 0x8218, 0x4e38, 0x542b, 0x5cb8, 0x5dcc, + 0x73a9, 0x764c, 0x773c, 0x5ca9, 0x7feb, 0x8d0b, 0x96c1, 0x9811, + 0x9854, 0x9858, 0x4f01, 0x4f0e, 0x5371, 0x559c, 0x5668, 0x57fa, + 0x5947, 0x5b09, 0x5bc4, 0x5c90, 0x5e0c, 0x5e7e, 0x5fcc, 0x63ee, + 0x673a, 0x65d7, 0x65e2, 0x671f, 0x68cb, 0x68c4, + /* 0x35 */ + 0x6a5f, 0x5e30, 0x6bc5, 0x6c17, 0x6c7d, 0x757f, 0x7948, 0x5b63, + 0x7a00, 0x7d00, 0x5fbd, 0x898f, 0x8a18, 0x8cb4, 0x8d77, 0x8ecc, + 0x8f1d, 0x98e2, 0x9a0e, 0x9b3c, 0x4e80, 0x507d, 0x5100, 0x5993, + 0x5b9c, 0x622f, 0x6280, 0x64ec, 0x6b3a, 0x72a0, 0x7591, 0x7947, + 0x7fa9, 0x87fb, 0x8abc, 0x8b70, 0x63ac, 0x83ca, 0x97a0, 0x5409, + 0x5403, 0x55ab, 0x6854, 0x6a58, 0x8a70, 0x7827, 0x6775, 0x9ecd, + 0x5374, 0x5ba2, 0x811a, 0x8650, 0x9006, 0x4e18, 0x4e45, 0x4ec7, + 0x4f11, 0x53ca, 0x5438, 0x5bae, 0x5f13, 0x6025, 0x6551, 0x673d, + 0x6c42, 0x6c72, 0x6ce3, 0x7078, 0x7403, 0x7a76, 0x7aae, 0x7b08, + 0x7d1a, 0x7cfe, 0x7d66, 0x65e7, 0x725b, 0x53bb, 0x5c45, 0x5de8, + 0x62d2, 0x62e0, 0x6319, 0x6e20, 0x865a, 0x8a31, 0x8ddd, 0x92f8, + 0x6f01, 0x79a6, 0x9b5a, 0x4ea8, 0x4eab, 0x4eac, + /* 0x36 */ + 0x4f9b, 0x4fa0, 0x50d1, 0x5147, 0x7af6, 0x5171, 0x51f6, 0x5354, + 0x5321, 0x537f, 0x53eb, 0x55ac, 0x5883, 0x5ce1, 0x5f37, 0x5f4a, + 0x602f, 0x6050, 0x606d, 0x631f, 0x6559, 0x6a4b, 0x6cc1, 0x72c2, + 0x72ed, 0x77ef, 0x80f8, 0x8105, 0x8208, 0x854e, 0x90f7, 0x93e1, + 0x97ff, 0x9957, 0x9a5a, 0x4ef0, 0x51dd, 0x5c2d, 0x6681, 0x696d, + 0x5c40, 0x66f2, 0x6975, 0x7389, 0x6850, 0x7c81, 0x50c5, 0x52e4, + 0x5747, 0x5dfe, 0x9326, 0x65a4, 0x6b23, 0x6b3d, 0x7434, 0x7981, + 0x79bd, 0x7b4b, 0x7dca, 0x82b9, 0x83cc, 0x887f, 0x895f, 0x8b39, + 0x8fd1, 0x91d1, 0x541f, 0x9280, 0x4e5d, 0x5036, 0x53e5, 0x533a, + 0x72d7, 0x7396, 0x77e9, 0x82e6, 0x8eaf, 0x99c6, 0x99c8, 0x99d2, + 0x5177, 0x611a, 0x865e, 0x55b0, 0x7a7a, 0x5076, 0x5bd3, 0x9047, + 0x9685, 0x4e32, 0x6adb, 0x91e7, 0x5c51, 0x5c48, + /* 0x37 */ + 0x6398, 0x7a9f, 0x6c93, 0x9774, 0x8f61, 0x7aaa, 0x718a, 0x9688, + 0x7c82, 0x6817, 0x7e70, 0x6851, 0x936c, 0x52f2, 0x541b, 0x85ab, + 0x8a13, 0x7fa4, 0x8ecd, 0x90e1, 0x5366, 0x8888, 0x7941, 0x4fc2, + 0x50be, 0x5211, 0x5144, 0x5553, 0x572d, 0x73ea, 0x578b, 0x5951, + 0x5f62, 0x5f84, 0x6075, 0x6176, 0x6167, 0x61a9, 0x63b2, 0x643a, + 0x656c, 0x666f, 0x6842, 0x6e13, 0x7566, 0x7a3d, 0x7cfb, 0x7d4c, + 0x7d99, 0x7e4b, 0x7f6b, 0x830e, 0x834a, 0x86cd, 0x8a08, 0x8a63, + 0x8b66, 0x8efd, 0x981a, 0x9d8f, 0x82b8, 0x8fce, 0x9be8, 0x5287, + 0x621f, 0x6483, 0x6fc0, 0x9699, 0x6841, 0x5091, 0x6b20, 0x6c7a, + 0x6f54, 0x7a74, 0x7d50, 0x8840, 0x8a23, 0x6708, 0x4ef6, 0x5039, + 0x5026, 0x5065, 0x517c, 0x5238, 0x5263, 0x55a7, 0x570f, 0x5805, + 0x5acc, 0x5efa, 0x61b2, 0x61f8, 0x62f3, 0x6372, + /* 0x38 */ + 0x691c, 0x6a29, 0x727d, 0x72ac, 0x732e, 0x7814, 0x786f, 0x7d79, + 0x770c, 0x80a9, 0x898b, 0x8b19, 0x8ce2, 0x8ed2, 0x9063, 0x9375, + 0x967a, 0x9855, 0x9a13, 0x9e78, 0x5143, 0x539f, 0x53b3, 0x5e7b, + 0x5f26, 0x6e1b, 0x6e90, 0x7384, 0x73fe, 0x7d43, 0x8237, 0x8a00, + 0x8afa, 0x9650, 0x4e4e, 0x500b, 0x53e4, 0x547c, 0x56fa, 0x59d1, + 0x5b64, 0x5df1, 0x5eab, 0x5f27, 0x6238, 0x6545, 0x67af, 0x6e56, + 0x72d0, 0x7cca, 0x88b4, 0x80a1, 0x80e1, 0x83f0, 0x864e, 0x8a87, + 0x8de8, 0x9237, 0x96c7, 0x9867, 0x9f13, 0x4e94, 0x4e92, 0x4f0d, + 0x5348, 0x5449, 0x543e, 0x5a2f, 0x5f8c, 0x5fa1, 0x609f, 0x68a7, + 0x6a8e, 0x745a, 0x7881, 0x8a9e, 0x8aa4, 0x8b77, 0x9190, 0x4e5e, + 0x9bc9, 0x4ea4, 0x4f7c, 0x4faf, 0x5019, 0x5016, 0x5149, 0x516c, + 0x529f, 0x52b9, 0x52fe, 0x539a, 0x53e3, 0x5411, + /* 0x39 */ + 0x540e, 0x5589, 0x5751, 0x57a2, 0x597d, 0x5b54, 0x5b5d, 0x5b8f, + 0x5de5, 0x5de7, 0x5df7, 0x5e78, 0x5e83, 0x5e9a, 0x5eb7, 0x5f18, + 0x6052, 0x614c, 0x6297, 0x62d8, 0x63a7, 0x653b, 0x6602, 0x6643, + 0x66f4, 0x676d, 0x6821, 0x6897, 0x69cb, 0x6c5f, 0x6d2a, 0x6d69, + 0x6e2f, 0x6e9d, 0x7532, 0x7687, 0x786c, 0x7a3f, 0x7ce0, 0x7d05, + 0x7d18, 0x7d5e, 0x7db1, 0x8015, 0x8003, 0x80af, 0x80b1, 0x8154, + 0x818f, 0x822a, 0x8352, 0x884c, 0x8861, 0x8b1b, 0x8ca2, 0x8cfc, + 0x90ca, 0x9175, 0x9271, 0x783f, 0x92fc, 0x95a4, 0x964d, 0x9805, + 0x9999, 0x9ad8, 0x9d3b, 0x525b, 0x52ab, 0x53f7, 0x5408, 0x58d5, + 0x62f7, 0x6fe0, 0x8c6a, 0x8f5f, 0x9eb9, 0x514b, 0x523b, 0x544a, + 0x56fd, 0x7a40, 0x9177, 0x9d60, 0x9ed2, 0x7344, 0x6f09, 0x8170, + 0x7511, 0x5ffd, 0x60da, 0x9aa8, 0x72db, 0x8fbc, + /* 0x3a */ + 0x6b64, 0x9803, 0x4eca, 0x56f0, 0x5764, 0x58be, 0x5a5a, 0x6068, + 0x61c7, 0x660f, 0x6606, 0x6839, 0x68b1, 0x6df7, 0x75d5, 0x7d3a, + 0x826e, 0x9b42, 0x4e9b, 0x4f50, 0x53c9, 0x5506, 0x5d6f, 0x5de6, + 0x5dee, 0x67fb, 0x6c99, 0x7473, 0x7802, 0x8a50, 0x9396, 0x88df, + 0x5750, 0x5ea7, 0x632b, 0x50b5, 0x50ac, 0x518d, 0x6700, 0x54c9, + 0x585e, 0x59bb, 0x5bb0, 0x5f69, 0x624d, 0x63a1, 0x683d, 0x6b73, + 0x6e08, 0x707d, 0x91c7, 0x7280, 0x7815, 0x7826, 0x796d, 0x658e, + 0x7d30, 0x83dc, 0x88c1, 0x8f09, 0x969b, 0x5264, 0x5728, 0x6750, + 0x7f6a, 0x8ca1, 0x51b4, 0x5742, 0x962a, 0x583a, 0x698a, 0x80b4, + 0x54b2, 0x5d0e, 0x57fc, 0x7895, 0x9dfa, 0x4f5c, 0x524a, 0x548b, + 0x643e, 0x6628, 0x6714, 0x67f5, 0x7a84, 0x7b56, 0x7d22, 0x932f, + 0x685c, 0x9bad, 0x7b39, 0x5319, 0x518a, 0x5237, + /* 0x3b */ + 0x5bdf, 0x62f6, 0x64ae, 0x64e6, 0x672d, 0x6bba, 0x85a9, 0x96d1, + 0x7690, 0x9bd6, 0x634c, 0x9306, 0x9bab, 0x76bf, 0x6652, 0x4e09, + 0x5098, 0x53c2, 0x5c71, 0x60e8, 0x6492, 0x6563, 0x685f, 0x71e6, + 0x73ca, 0x7523, 0x7b97, 0x7e82, 0x8695, 0x8b83, 0x8cdb, 0x9178, + 0x9910, 0x65ac, 0x66ab, 0x6b8b, 0x4ed5, 0x4ed4, 0x4f3a, 0x4f7f, + 0x523a, 0x53f8, 0x53f2, 0x55e3, 0x56db, 0x58eb, 0x59cb, 0x59c9, + 0x59ff, 0x5b50, 0x5c4d, 0x5e02, 0x5e2b, 0x5fd7, 0x601d, 0x6307, + 0x652f, 0x5b5c, 0x65af, 0x65bd, 0x65e8, 0x679d, 0x6b62, 0x6b7b, + 0x6c0f, 0x7345, 0x7949, 0x79c1, 0x7cf8, 0x7d19, 0x7d2b, 0x80a2, + 0x8102, 0x81f3, 0x8996, 0x8a5e, 0x8a69, 0x8a66, 0x8a8c, 0x8aee, + 0x8cc7, 0x8cdc, 0x96cc, 0x98fc, 0x6b6f, 0x4e8b, 0x4f3c, 0x4f8d, + 0x5150, 0x5b57, 0x5bfa, 0x6148, 0x6301, 0x6642, + /* 0x3c */ + 0x6b21, 0x6ecb, 0x6cbb, 0x723e, 0x74bd, 0x75d4, 0x78c1, 0x793a, + 0x800c, 0x8033, 0x81ea, 0x8494, 0x8f9e, 0x6c50, 0x9e7f, 0x5f0f, + 0x8b58, 0x9d2b, 0x7afa, 0x8ef8, 0x5b8d, 0x96eb, 0x4e03, 0x53f1, + 0x57f7, 0x5931, 0x5ac9, 0x5ba4, 0x6089, 0x6e7f, 0x6f06, 0x75be, + 0x8cea, 0x5b9f, 0x8500, 0x7be0, 0x5072, 0x67f4, 0x829d, 0x5c61, + 0x854a, 0x7e1e, 0x820e, 0x5199, 0x5c04, 0x6368, 0x8d66, 0x659c, + 0x716e, 0x793e, 0x7d17, 0x8005, 0x8b1d, 0x8eca, 0x906e, 0x86c7, + 0x90aa, 0x501f, 0x52fa, 0x5c3a, 0x6753, 0x707c, 0x7235, 0x914c, + 0x91c8, 0x932b, 0x82e5, 0x5bc2, 0x5f31, 0x60f9, 0x4e3b, 0x53d6, + 0x5b88, 0x624b, 0x6731, 0x6b8a, 0x72e9, 0x73e0, 0x7a2e, 0x816b, + 0x8da3, 0x9152, 0x9996, 0x5112, 0x53d7, 0x546a, 0x5bff, 0x6388, + 0x6a39, 0x7dac, 0x9700, 0x56da, 0x53ce, 0x5468, + /* 0x3d */ + 0x5b97, 0x5c31, 0x5dde, 0x4fee, 0x6101, 0x62fe, 0x6d32, 0x79c0, + 0x79cb, 0x7d42, 0x7e4d, 0x7fd2, 0x81ed, 0x821f, 0x8490, 0x8846, + 0x8972, 0x8b90, 0x8e74, 0x8f2f, 0x9031, 0x914b, 0x916c, 0x96c6, + 0x919c, 0x4ec0, 0x4f4f, 0x5145, 0x5341, 0x5f93, 0x620e, 0x67d4, + 0x6c41, 0x6e0b, 0x7363, 0x7e26, 0x91cd, 0x9283, 0x53d4, 0x5919, + 0x5bbf, 0x6dd1, 0x795d, 0x7e2e, 0x7c9b, 0x587e, 0x719f, 0x51fa, + 0x8853, 0x8ff0, 0x4fca, 0x5cfb, 0x6625, 0x77ac, 0x7ae3, 0x821c, + 0x99ff, 0x51c6, 0x5faa, 0x65ec, 0x696f, 0x6b89, 0x6df3, 0x6e96, + 0x6f64, 0x76fe, 0x7d14, 0x5de1, 0x9075, 0x9187, 0x9806, 0x51e6, + 0x521d, 0x6240, 0x6691, 0x66d9, 0x6e1a, 0x5eb6, 0x7dd2, 0x7f72, + 0x66f8, 0x85af, 0x85f7, 0x8af8, 0x52a9, 0x53d9, 0x5973, 0x5e8f, + 0x5f90, 0x6055, 0x92e4, 0x9664, 0x50b7, 0x511f, + /* 0x3e */ + 0x52dd, 0x5320, 0x5347, 0x53ec, 0x54e8, 0x5546, 0x5531, 0x5617, + 0x5968, 0x59be, 0x5a3c, 0x5bb5, 0x5c06, 0x5c0f, 0x5c11, 0x5c1a, + 0x5e84, 0x5e8a, 0x5ee0, 0x5f70, 0x627f, 0x6284, 0x62db, 0x638c, + 0x6377, 0x6607, 0x660c, 0x662d, 0x6676, 0x677e, 0x68a2, 0x6a1f, + 0x6a35, 0x6cbc, 0x6d88, 0x6e09, 0x6e58, 0x713c, 0x7126, 0x7167, + 0x75c7, 0x7701, 0x785d, 0x7901, 0x7965, 0x79f0, 0x7ae0, 0x7b11, + 0x7ca7, 0x7d39, 0x8096, 0x83d6, 0x848b, 0x8549, 0x885d, 0x88f3, + 0x8a1f, 0x8a3c, 0x8a54, 0x8a73, 0x8c61, 0x8cde, 0x91a4, 0x9266, + 0x937e, 0x9418, 0x969c, 0x9798, 0x4e0a, 0x4e08, 0x4e1e, 0x4e57, + 0x5197, 0x5270, 0x57ce, 0x5834, 0x58cc, 0x5b22, 0x5e38, 0x60c5, + 0x64fe, 0x6761, 0x6756, 0x6d44, 0x72b6, 0x7573, 0x7a63, 0x84b8, + 0x8b72, 0x91b8, 0x9320, 0x5631, 0x57f4, 0x98fe, + /* 0x3f */ + 0x62ed, 0x690d, 0x6b96, 0x71ed, 0x7e54, 0x8077, 0x8272, 0x89e6, + 0x98df, 0x8755, 0x8fb1, 0x5c3b, 0x4f38, 0x4fe1, 0x4fb5, 0x5507, + 0x5a20, 0x5bdd, 0x5be9, 0x5fc3, 0x614e, 0x632f, 0x65b0, 0x664b, + 0x68ee, 0x699b, 0x6d78, 0x6df1, 0x7533, 0x75b9, 0x771f, 0x795e, + 0x79e6, 0x7d33, 0x81e3, 0x82af, 0x85aa, 0x89aa, 0x8a3a, 0x8eab, + 0x8f9b, 0x9032, 0x91dd, 0x9707, 0x4eba, 0x4ec1, 0x5203, 0x5875, + 0x58ec, 0x5c0b, 0x751a, 0x5c3d, 0x814e, 0x8a0a, 0x8fc5, 0x9663, + 0x976d, 0x7b25, 0x8acf, 0x9808, 0x9162, 0x56f3, 0x53a8, 0x9017, + 0x5439, 0x5782, 0x5e25, 0x63a8, 0x6c34, 0x708a, 0x7761, 0x7c8b, + 0x7fe0, 0x8870, 0x9042, 0x9154, 0x9310, 0x9318, 0x968f, 0x745e, + 0x9ac4, 0x5d07, 0x5d69, 0x6570, 0x67a2, 0x8da8, 0x96db, 0x636e, + 0x6749, 0x6919, 0x83c5, 0x9817, 0x96c0, 0x88fe, + /* 0x40 */ + 0x6f84, 0x647a, 0x5bf8, 0x4e16, 0x702c, 0x755d, 0x662f, 0x51c4, + 0x5236, 0x52e2, 0x59d3, 0x5f81, 0x6027, 0x6210, 0x653f, 0x6574, + 0x661f, 0x6674, 0x68f2, 0x6816, 0x6b63, 0x6e05, 0x7272, 0x751f, + 0x76db, 0x7cbe, 0x8056, 0x58f0, 0x88fd, 0x897f, 0x8aa0, 0x8a93, + 0x8acb, 0x901d, 0x9192, 0x9752, 0x9759, 0x6589, 0x7a0e, 0x8106, + 0x96bb, 0x5e2d, 0x60dc, 0x621a, 0x65a5, 0x6614, 0x6790, 0x77f3, + 0x7a4d, 0x7c4d, 0x7e3e, 0x810a, 0x8cac, 0x8d64, 0x8de1, 0x8e5f, + 0x78a9, 0x5207, 0x62d9, 0x63a5, 0x6442, 0x6298, 0x8a2d, 0x7a83, + 0x7bc0, 0x8aac, 0x96ea, 0x7d76, 0x820c, 0x8749, 0x4ed9, 0x5148, + 0x5343, 0x5360, 0x5ba3, 0x5c02, 0x5c16, 0x5ddd, 0x6226, 0x6247, + 0x64b0, 0x6813, 0x6834, 0x6cc9, 0x6d45, 0x6d17, 0x67d3, 0x6f5c, + 0x714e, 0x717d, 0x65cb, 0x7a7f, 0x7bad, 0x7dda, + /* 0x41 */ + 0x7e4a, 0x7fa8, 0x817a, 0x821b, 0x8239, 0x85a6, 0x8a6e, 0x8cce, + 0x8df5, 0x9078, 0x9077, 0x92ad, 0x9291, 0x9583, 0x9bae, 0x524d, + 0x5584, 0x6f38, 0x7136, 0x5168, 0x7985, 0x7e55, 0x81b3, 0x7cce, + 0x564c, 0x5851, 0x5ca8, 0x63aa, 0x66fe, 0x66fd, 0x695a, 0x72d9, + 0x758f, 0x758e, 0x790e, 0x7956, 0x79df, 0x7c97, 0x7d20, 0x7d44, + 0x8607, 0x8a34, 0x963b, 0x9061, 0x9f20, 0x50e7, 0x5275, 0x53cc, + 0x53e2, 0x5009, 0x55aa, 0x58ee, 0x594f, 0x723d, 0x5b8b, 0x5c64, + 0x531d, 0x60e3, 0x60f3, 0x635c, 0x6383, 0x633f, 0x63bb, 0x64cd, + 0x65e9, 0x66f9, 0x5de3, 0x69cd, 0x69fd, 0x6f15, 0x71e5, 0x4e89, + 0x75e9, 0x76f8, 0x7a93, 0x7cdf, 0x7dcf, 0x7d9c, 0x8061, 0x8349, + 0x8358, 0x846c, 0x84bc, 0x85fb, 0x88c5, 0x8d70, 0x9001, 0x906d, + 0x9397, 0x971c, 0x9a12, 0x50cf, 0x5897, 0x618e, + /* 0x42 */ + 0x81d3, 0x8535, 0x8d08, 0x9020, 0x4fc3, 0x5074, 0x5247, 0x5373, + 0x606f, 0x6349, 0x675f, 0x6e2c, 0x8db3, 0x901f, 0x4fd7, 0x5c5e, + 0x8cca, 0x65cf, 0x7d9a, 0x5352, 0x8896, 0x5176, 0x63c3, 0x5b58, + 0x5b6b, 0x5c0a, 0x640d, 0x6751, 0x905c, 0x4ed6, 0x591a, 0x592a, + 0x6c70, 0x8a51, 0x553e, 0x5815, 0x59a5, 0x60f0, 0x6253, 0x67c1, + 0x8235, 0x6955, 0x9640, 0x99c4, 0x9a28, 0x4f53, 0x5806, 0x5bfe, + 0x8010, 0x5cb1, 0x5e2f, 0x5f85, 0x6020, 0x614b, 0x6234, 0x66ff, + 0x6cf0, 0x6ede, 0x80ce, 0x817f, 0x82d4, 0x888b, 0x8cb8, 0x9000, + 0x902e, 0x968a, 0x9edb, 0x9bdb, 0x4ee3, 0x53f0, 0x5927, 0x7b2c, + 0x918d, 0x984c, 0x9df9, 0x6edd, 0x7027, 0x5353, 0x5544, 0x5b85, + 0x6258, 0x629e, 0x62d3, 0x6ca2, 0x6fef, 0x7422, 0x8a17, 0x9438, + 0x6fc1, 0x8afe, 0x8338, 0x51e7, 0x86f8, 0x53ea, + /* 0x43 */ + 0x53e9, 0x4f46, 0x9054, 0x8fb0, 0x596a, 0x8131, 0x5dfd, 0x7aea, + 0x8fbf, 0x68da, 0x8c37, 0x72f8, 0x9c48, 0x6a3d, 0x8ab0, 0x4e39, + 0x5358, 0x5606, 0x5766, 0x62c5, 0x63a2, 0x65e6, 0x6b4e, 0x6de1, + 0x6e5b, 0x70ad, 0x77ed, 0x7aef, 0x7baa, 0x7dbb, 0x803d, 0x80c6, + 0x86cb, 0x8a95, 0x935b, 0x56e3, 0x58c7, 0x5f3e, 0x65ad, 0x6696, + 0x6a80, 0x6bb5, 0x7537, 0x8ac7, 0x5024, 0x77e5, 0x5730, 0x5f1b, + 0x6065, 0x667a, 0x6c60, 0x75f4, 0x7a1a, 0x7f6e, 0x81f4, 0x8718, + 0x9045, 0x99b3, 0x7bc9, 0x755c, 0x7af9, 0x7b51, 0x84c4, 0x9010, + 0x79e9, 0x7a92, 0x8336, 0x5ae1, 0x7740, 0x4e2d, 0x4ef2, 0x5b99, + 0x5fe0, 0x62bd, 0x663c, 0x67f1, 0x6ce8, 0x866b, 0x8877, 0x8a3b, + 0x914e, 0x92f3, 0x99d0, 0x6a17, 0x7026, 0x732a, 0x82e7, 0x8457, + 0x8caf, 0x4e01, 0x5146, 0x51cb, 0x558b, 0x5bf5, + /* 0x44 */ + 0x5e16, 0x5e33, 0x5e81, 0x5f14, 0x5f35, 0x5f6b, 0x5fb4, 0x61f2, + 0x6311, 0x66a2, 0x671d, 0x6f6e, 0x7252, 0x753a, 0x773a, 0x8074, + 0x8139, 0x8178, 0x8776, 0x8abf, 0x8adc, 0x8d85, 0x8df3, 0x929a, + 0x9577, 0x9802, 0x9ce5, 0x52c5, 0x6357, 0x76f4, 0x6715, 0x6c88, + 0x73cd, 0x8cc3, 0x93ae, 0x9673, 0x6d25, 0x589c, 0x690e, 0x69cc, + 0x8ffd, 0x939a, 0x75db, 0x901a, 0x585a, 0x6802, 0x63b4, 0x69fb, + 0x4f43, 0x6f2c, 0x67d8, 0x8fbb, 0x8526, 0x7db4, 0x9354, 0x693f, + 0x6f70, 0x576a, 0x58f7, 0x5b2c, 0x7d2c, 0x722a, 0x540a, 0x91e3, + 0x9db4, 0x4ead, 0x4f4e, 0x505c, 0x5075, 0x5243, 0x8c9e, 0x5448, + 0x5824, 0x5b9a, 0x5e1d, 0x5e95, 0x5ead, 0x5ef7, 0x5f1f, 0x608c, + 0x62b5, 0x633a, 0x63d0, 0x68af, 0x6c40, 0x7887, 0x798e, 0x7a0b, + 0x7de0, 0x8247, 0x8a02, 0x8ae6, 0x8e44, 0x9013, + /* 0x45 */ + 0x90b8, 0x912d, 0x91d8, 0x9f0e, 0x6ce5, 0x6458, 0x64e2, 0x6575, + 0x6ef4, 0x7684, 0x7b1b, 0x9069, 0x93d1, 0x6eba, 0x54f2, 0x5fb9, + 0x64a4, 0x8f4d, 0x8fed, 0x9244, 0x5178, 0x586b, 0x5929, 0x5c55, + 0x5e97, 0x6dfb, 0x7e8f, 0x751c, 0x8cbc, 0x8ee2, 0x985b, 0x70b9, + 0x4f1d, 0x6bbf, 0x6fb1, 0x7530, 0x96fb, 0x514e, 0x5410, 0x5835, + 0x5857, 0x59ac, 0x5c60, 0x5f92, 0x6597, 0x675c, 0x6e21, 0x767b, + 0x83df, 0x8ced, 0x9014, 0x90fd, 0x934d, 0x7825, 0x783a, 0x52aa, + 0x5ea6, 0x571f, 0x5974, 0x6012, 0x5012, 0x515a, 0x51ac, 0x51cd, + 0x5200, 0x5510, 0x5854, 0x5858, 0x5957, 0x5b95, 0x5cf6, 0x5d8b, + 0x60bc, 0x6295, 0x642d, 0x6771, 0x6843, 0x68bc, 0x68df, 0x76d7, + 0x6dd8, 0x6e6f, 0x6d9b, 0x706f, 0x71c8, 0x5f53, 0x75d8, 0x7977, + 0x7b49, 0x7b54, 0x7b52, 0x7cd6, 0x7d71, 0x5230, + /* 0x46 */ + 0x8463, 0x8569, 0x85e4, 0x8a0e, 0x8b04, 0x8c46, 0x8e0f, 0x9003, + 0x900f, 0x9419, 0x9676, 0x982d, 0x9a30, 0x95d8, 0x50cd, 0x52d5, + 0x540c, 0x5802, 0x5c0e, 0x61a7, 0x649e, 0x6d1e, 0x77b3, 0x7ae5, + 0x80f4, 0x8404, 0x9053, 0x9285, 0x5ce0, 0x9d07, 0x533f, 0x5f97, + 0x5fb3, 0x6d9c, 0x7279, 0x7763, 0x79bf, 0x7be4, 0x6bd2, 0x72ec, + 0x8aad, 0x6803, 0x6a61, 0x51f8, 0x7a81, 0x6934, 0x5c4a, 0x9cf6, + 0x82eb, 0x5bc5, 0x9149, 0x701e, 0x5678, 0x5c6f, 0x60c7, 0x6566, + 0x6c8c, 0x8c5a, 0x9041, 0x9813, 0x5451, 0x66c7, 0x920d, 0x5948, + 0x90a3, 0x5185, 0x4e4d, 0x51ea, 0x8599, 0x8b0e, 0x7058, 0x637a, + 0x934b, 0x6962, 0x99b4, 0x7e04, 0x7577, 0x5357, 0x6960, 0x8edf, + 0x96e3, 0x6c5d, 0x4e8c, 0x5c3c, 0x5f10, 0x8fe9, 0x5302, 0x8cd1, + 0x8089, 0x8679, 0x5eff, 0x65e5, 0x4e73, 0x5165, + /* 0x47 */ + 0x5982, 0x5c3f, 0x97ee, 0x4efb, 0x598a, 0x5fcd, 0x8a8d, 0x6fe1, + 0x79b0, 0x7962, 0x5be7, 0x8471, 0x732b, 0x71b1, 0x5e74, 0x5ff5, + 0x637b, 0x649a, 0x71c3, 0x7c98, 0x4e43, 0x5efc, 0x4e4b, 0x57dc, + 0x56a2, 0x60a9, 0x6fc3, 0x7d0d, 0x80fd, 0x8133, 0x81bf, 0x8fb2, + 0x8997, 0x86a4, 0x5df4, 0x628a, 0x64ad, 0x8987, 0x6777, 0x6ce2, + 0x6d3e, 0x7436, 0x7834, 0x5a46, 0x7f75, 0x82ad, 0x99ac, 0x4ff3, + 0x5ec3, 0x62dd, 0x6392, 0x6557, 0x676f, 0x76c3, 0x724c, 0x80cc, + 0x80ba, 0x8f29, 0x914d, 0x500d, 0x57f9, 0x5a92, 0x6885, 0x6973, + 0x7164, 0x72fd, 0x8cb7, 0x58f2, 0x8ce0, 0x966a, 0x9019, 0x877f, + 0x79e4, 0x77e7, 0x8429, 0x4f2f, 0x5265, 0x535a, 0x62cd, 0x67cf, + 0x6cca, 0x767d, 0x7b94, 0x7c95, 0x8236, 0x8584, 0x8feb, 0x66dd, + 0x6f20, 0x7206, 0x7e1b, 0x83ab, 0x99c1, 0x9ea6, + /* 0x48 */ + 0x51fd, 0x7bb1, 0x7872, 0x7bb8, 0x8087, 0x7b48, 0x6ae8, 0x5e61, + 0x808c, 0x7551, 0x7560, 0x516b, 0x9262, 0x6e8c, 0x767a, 0x9197, + 0x9aea, 0x4f10, 0x7f70, 0x629c, 0x7b4f, 0x95a5, 0x9ce9, 0x567a, + 0x5859, 0x86e4, 0x96bc, 0x4f34, 0x5224, 0x534a, 0x53cd, 0x53db, + 0x5e06, 0x642c, 0x6591, 0x677f, 0x6c3e, 0x6c4e, 0x7248, 0x72af, + 0x73ed, 0x7554, 0x7e41, 0x822c, 0x85e9, 0x8ca9, 0x7bc4, 0x91c6, + 0x7169, 0x9812, 0x98ef, 0x633d, 0x6669, 0x756a, 0x76e4, 0x78d0, + 0x8543, 0x86ee, 0x532a, 0x5351, 0x5426, 0x5983, 0x5e87, 0x5f7c, + 0x60b2, 0x6249, 0x6279, 0x62ab, 0x6590, 0x6bd4, 0x6ccc, 0x75b2, + 0x76ae, 0x7891, 0x79d8, 0x7dcb, 0x7f77, 0x80a5, 0x88ab, 0x8ab9, + 0x8cbb, 0x907f, 0x975e, 0x98db, 0x6a0b, 0x7c38, 0x5099, 0x5c3e, + 0x5fae, 0x6787, 0x6bd8, 0x7435, 0x7709, 0x7f8e, + /* 0x49 */ + 0x9f3b, 0x67ca, 0x7a17, 0x5339, 0x758b, 0x9aed, 0x5f66, 0x819d, + 0x83f1, 0x8098, 0x5f3c, 0x5fc5, 0x7562, 0x7b46, 0x903c, 0x6867, + 0x59eb, 0x5a9b, 0x7d10, 0x767e, 0x8b2c, 0x4ff5, 0x5f6a, 0x6a19, + 0x6c37, 0x6f02, 0x74e2, 0x7968, 0x8868, 0x8a55, 0x8c79, 0x5edf, + 0x63cf, 0x75c5, 0x79d2, 0x82d7, 0x9328, 0x92f2, 0x849c, 0x86ed, + 0x9c2d, 0x54c1, 0x5f6c, 0x658c, 0x6d5c, 0x7015, 0x8ca7, 0x8cd3, + 0x983b, 0x654f, 0x74f6, 0x4e0d, 0x4ed8, 0x57e0, 0x592b, 0x5a66, + 0x5bcc, 0x51a8, 0x5e03, 0x5e9c, 0x6016, 0x6276, 0x6577, 0x65a7, + 0x666e, 0x6d6e, 0x7236, 0x7b26, 0x8150, 0x819a, 0x8299, 0x8b5c, + 0x8ca0, 0x8ce6, 0x8d74, 0x961c, 0x9644, 0x4fae, 0x64ab, 0x6b66, + 0x821e, 0x8461, 0x856a, 0x90e8, 0x5c01, 0x6953, 0x98a8, 0x847a, + 0x8557, 0x4f0f, 0x526f, 0x5fa9, 0x5e45, 0x670d, + /* 0x4a */ + 0x798f, 0x8179, 0x8907, 0x8986, 0x6df5, 0x5f17, 0x6255, 0x6cb8, + 0x4ecf, 0x7269, 0x9b92, 0x5206, 0x543b, 0x5674, 0x58b3, 0x61a4, + 0x626e, 0x711a, 0x596e, 0x7c89, 0x7cde, 0x7d1b, 0x96f0, 0x6587, + 0x805e, 0x4e19, 0x4f75, 0x5175, 0x5840, 0x5e63, 0x5e73, 0x5f0a, + 0x67c4, 0x4e26, 0x853d, 0x9589, 0x965b, 0x7c73, 0x9801, 0x50fb, + 0x58c1, 0x7656, 0x78a7, 0x5225, 0x77a5, 0x8511, 0x7b86, 0x504f, + 0x5909, 0x7247, 0x7bc7, 0x7de8, 0x8fba, 0x8fd4, 0x904d, 0x4fbf, + 0x52c9, 0x5a29, 0x5f01, 0x97ad, 0x4fdd, 0x8217, 0x92ea, 0x5703, + 0x6355, 0x6b69, 0x752b, 0x88dc, 0x8f14, 0x7a42, 0x52df, 0x5893, + 0x6155, 0x620a, 0x66ae, 0x6bcd, 0x7c3f, 0x83e9, 0x5023, 0x4ff8, + 0x5305, 0x5446, 0x5831, 0x5949, 0x5b9d, 0x5cf0, 0x5cef, 0x5d29, + 0x5e96, 0x62b1, 0x6367, 0x653e, 0x65b9, 0x670b, + /* 0x4b */ + 0x6cd5, 0x6ce1, 0x70f9, 0x7832, 0x7e2b, 0x80de, 0x82b3, 0x840c, + 0x84ec, 0x8702, 0x8912, 0x8a2a, 0x8c4a, 0x90a6, 0x92d2, 0x98fd, + 0x9cf3, 0x9d6c, 0x4e4f, 0x4ea1, 0x508d, 0x5256, 0x574a, 0x59a8, + 0x5e3d, 0x5fd8, 0x5fd9, 0x623f, 0x66b4, 0x671b, 0x67d0, 0x68d2, + 0x5192, 0x7d21, 0x80aa, 0x81a8, 0x8b00, 0x8c8c, 0x8cbf, 0x927e, + 0x9632, 0x5420, 0x982c, 0x5317, 0x50d5, 0x535c, 0x58a8, 0x64b2, + 0x6734, 0x7267, 0x7766, 0x7a46, 0x91e6, 0x52c3, 0x6ca1, 0x6b86, + 0x5800, 0x5e4c, 0x5954, 0x672c, 0x7ffb, 0x51e1, 0x76c6, 0x6469, + 0x78e8, 0x9b54, 0x9ebb, 0x57cb, 0x59b9, 0x6627, 0x679a, 0x6bce, + 0x54e9, 0x69d9, 0x5e55, 0x819c, 0x6795, 0x9baa, 0x67fe, 0x9c52, + 0x685d, 0x4ea6, 0x4fe3, 0x53c8, 0x62b9, 0x672b, 0x6cab, 0x8fc4, + 0x4fad, 0x7e6d, 0x9ebf, 0x4e07, 0x6162, 0x6e80, + /* 0x4c */ + 0x6f2b, 0x8513, 0x5473, 0x672a, 0x9b45, 0x5df3, 0x7b95, 0x5cac, + 0x5bc6, 0x871c, 0x6e4a, 0x84d1, 0x7a14, 0x8108, 0x5999, 0x7c8d, + 0x6c11, 0x7720, 0x52d9, 0x5922, 0x7121, 0x725f, 0x77db, 0x9727, + 0x9d61, 0x690b, 0x5a7f, 0x5a18, 0x51a5, 0x540d, 0x547d, 0x660e, + 0x76df, 0x8ff7, 0x9298, 0x9cf4, 0x59ea, 0x725d, 0x6ec5, 0x514d, + 0x68c9, 0x7dbf, 0x7dec, 0x9762, 0x9eba, 0x6478, 0x6a21, 0x8302, + 0x5984, 0x5b5f, 0x6bdb, 0x731b, 0x76f2, 0x7db2, 0x8017, 0x8499, + 0x5132, 0x6728, 0x9ed9, 0x76ee, 0x6762, 0x52ff, 0x9905, 0x5c24, + 0x623b, 0x7c7e, 0x8cb0, 0x554f, 0x60b6, 0x7d0b, 0x9580, 0x5301, + 0x4e5f, 0x51b6, 0x591c, 0x723a, 0x8036, 0x91ce, 0x5f25, 0x77e2, + 0x5384, 0x5f79, 0x7d04, 0x85ac, 0x8a33, 0x8e8d, 0x9756, 0x67f3, + 0x85ae, 0x9453, 0x6109, 0x6108, 0x6cb9, 0x7652, + /* 0x4d */ + 0x8aed, 0x8f38, 0x552f, 0x4f51, 0x512a, 0x52c7, 0x53cb, 0x5ba5, + 0x5e7d, 0x60a0, 0x6182, 0x63d6, 0x6709, 0x67da, 0x6e67, 0x6d8c, + 0x7336, 0x7337, 0x7531, 0x7950, 0x88d5, 0x8a98, 0x904a, 0x9091, + 0x90f5, 0x96c4, 0x878d, 0x5915, 0x4e88, 0x4f59, 0x4e0e, 0x8a89, + 0x8f3f, 0x9810, 0x50ad, 0x5e7c, 0x5996, 0x5bb9, 0x5eb8, 0x63da, + 0x63fa, 0x64c1, 0x66dc, 0x694a, 0x69d8, 0x6d0b, 0x6eb6, 0x7194, + 0x7528, 0x7aaf, 0x7f8a, 0x8000, 0x8449, 0x84c9, 0x8981, 0x8b21, + 0x8e0a, 0x9065, 0x967d, 0x990a, 0x617e, 0x6291, 0x6b32, 0x6c83, + 0x6d74, 0x7fcc, 0x7ffc, 0x6dc0, 0x7f85, 0x87ba, 0x88f8, 0x6765, + 0x83b1, 0x983c, 0x96f7, 0x6d1b, 0x7d61, 0x843d, 0x916a, 0x4e71, + 0x5375, 0x5d50, 0x6b04, 0x6feb, 0x85cd, 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0x5b36, 0x5b3e, 0x5b43, + 0x5b45, 0x5b40, 0x5b51, 0x5b55, 0x5b5a, 0x5b5b, 0x5b65, 0x5b69, + 0x5b70, 0x5b73, 0x5b75, 0x5b78, 0x6588, 0x5b7a, 0x5b80, 0x5b83, + 0x5ba6, 0x5bb8, 0x5bc3, 0x5bc7, 0x5bc9, 0x5bd4, 0x5bd0, 0x5be4, + 0x5be6, 0x5be2, 0x5bde, 0x5be5, 0x5beb, 0x5bf0, 0x5bf6, 0x5bf3, + 0x5c05, 0x5c07, 0x5c08, 0x5c0d, 0x5c13, 0x5c20, 0x5c22, 0x5c28, + 0x5c38, 0x5c39, 0x5c41, 0x5c46, 0x5c4e, 0x5c53, + /* 0x56 */ + 0x5c50, 0x5c4f, 0x5b71, 0x5c6c, 0x5c6e, 0x4e62, 0x5c76, 0x5c79, + 0x5c8c, 0x5c91, 0x5c94, 0x599b, 0x5cab, 0x5cbb, 0x5cb6, 0x5cbc, + 0x5cb7, 0x5cc5, 0x5cbe, 0x5cc7, 0x5cd9, 0x5ce9, 0x5cfd, 0x5cfa, + 0x5ced, 0x5d8c, 0x5cea, 0x5d0b, 0x5d15, 0x5d17, 0x5d5c, 0x5d1f, + 0x5d1b, 0x5d11, 0x5d14, 0x5d22, 0x5d1a, 0x5d19, 0x5d18, 0x5d4c, + 0x5d52, 0x5d4e, 0x5d4b, 0x5d6c, 0x5d73, 0x5d76, 0x5d87, 0x5d84, + 0x5d82, 0x5da2, 0x5d9d, 0x5dac, 0x5dae, 0x5dbd, 0x5d90, 0x5db7, + 0x5dbc, 0x5dc9, 0x5dcd, 0x5dd3, 0x5dd2, 0x5dd6, 0x5ddb, 0x5deb, + 0x5df2, 0x5df5, 0x5e0b, 0x5e1a, 0x5e19, 0x5e11, 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+ 0x6084, 0x609b, 0x6096, 0x6097, 0x6092, 0x60a7, 0x608b, 0x60e1, + 0x60b8, 0x60e0, 0x60d3, 0x60b4, 0x5ff0, 0x60bd, 0x60c6, 0x60b5, + 0x60d8, 0x614d, 0x6115, 0x6106, 0x60f6, 0x60f7, 0x6100, 0x60f4, + 0x60fa, 0x6103, 0x6121, 0x60fb, 0x60f1, 0x610d, 0x610e, 0x6147, + 0x613e, 0x6128, 0x6127, 0x614a, 0x613f, 0x613c, 0x612c, 0x6134, + 0x613d, 0x6142, 0x6144, 0x6173, 0x6177, 0x6158, 0x6159, 0x615a, + 0x616b, 0x6174, 0x616f, 0x6165, 0x6171, 0x615f, 0x615d, 0x6153, + 0x6175, 0x6199, 0x6196, 0x6187, 0x61ac, 0x6194, 0x619a, 0x618a, + 0x6191, 0x61ab, 0x61ae, 0x61cc, 0x61ca, 0x61c9, 0x61f7, 0x61c8, + 0x61c3, 0x61c6, 0x61ba, 0x61cb, 0x7f79, 0x61cd, 0x61e6, 0x61e3, + 0x61f6, 0x61fa, 0x61f4, 0x61ff, 0x61fd, 0x61fc, 0x61fe, 0x6200, + 0x6208, 0x6209, 0x620d, 0x620c, 0x6214, 0x621b, + /* 0x59 */ + 0x621e, 0x6221, 0x622a, 0x622e, 0x6230, 0x6232, 0x6233, 0x6241, + 0x624e, 0x625e, 0x6263, 0x625b, 0x6260, 0x6268, 0x627c, 0x6282, + 0x6289, 0x627e, 0x6292, 0x6293, 0x6296, 0x62d4, 0x6283, 0x6294, + 0x62d7, 0x62d1, 0x62bb, 0x62cf, 0x62ff, 0x62c6, 0x64d4, 0x62c8, + 0x62dc, 0x62cc, 0x62ca, 0x62c2, 0x62c7, 0x629b, 0x62c9, 0x630c, + 0x62ee, 0x62f1, 0x6327, 0x6302, 0x6308, 0x62ef, 0x62f5, 0x6350, + 0x633e, 0x634d, 0x641c, 0x634f, 0x6396, 0x638e, 0x6380, 0x63ab, + 0x6376, 0x63a3, 0x638f, 0x6389, 0x639f, 0x63b5, 0x636b, 0x6369, + 0x63be, 0x63e9, 0x63c0, 0x63c6, 0x63e3, 0x63c9, 0x63d2, 0x63f6, + 0x63c4, 0x6416, 0x6434, 0x6406, 0x6413, 0x6426, 0x6436, 0x651d, + 0x6417, 0x6428, 0x640f, 0x6467, 0x646f, 0x6476, 0x644e, 0x652a, + 0x6495, 0x6493, 0x64a5, 0x64a9, 0x6488, 0x64bc, + /* 0x5a */ + 0x64da, 0x64d2, 0x64c5, 0x64c7, 0x64bb, 0x64d8, 0x64c2, 0x64f1, + 0x64e7, 0x8209, 0x64e0, 0x64e1, 0x62ac, 0x64e3, 0x64ef, 0x652c, + 0x64f6, 0x64f4, 0x64f2, 0x64fa, 0x6500, 0x64fd, 0x6518, 0x651c, + 0x6505, 0x6524, 0x6523, 0x652b, 0x6534, 0x6535, 0x6537, 0x6536, + 0x6538, 0x754b, 0x6548, 0x6556, 0x6555, 0x654d, 0x6558, 0x655e, + 0x655d, 0x6572, 0x6578, 0x6582, 0x6583, 0x8b8a, 0x659b, 0x659f, + 0x65ab, 0x65b7, 0x65c3, 0x65c6, 0x65c1, 0x65c4, 0x65cc, 0x65d2, + 0x65db, 0x65d9, 0x65e0, 0x65e1, 0x65f1, 0x6772, 0x660a, 0x6603, + 0x65fb, 0x6773, 0x6635, 0x6636, 0x6634, 0x661c, 0x664f, 0x6644, + 0x6649, 0x6641, 0x665e, 0x665d, 0x6664, 0x6667, 0x6668, 0x665f, + 0x6662, 0x6670, 0x6683, 0x6688, 0x668e, 0x6689, 0x6684, 0x6698, + 0x669d, 0x66c1, 0x66b9, 0x66c9, 0x66be, 0x66bc, + /* 0x5b */ + 0x66c4, 0x66b8, 0x66d6, 0x66da, 0x66e0, 0x663f, 0x66e6, 0x66e9, + 0x66f0, 0x66f5, 0x66f7, 0x670f, 0x6716, 0x671e, 0x6726, 0x6727, + 0x9738, 0x672e, 0x673f, 0x6736, 0x6741, 0x6738, 0x6737, 0x6746, + 0x675e, 0x6760, 0x6759, 0x6763, 0x6764, 0x6789, 0x6770, 0x67a9, + 0x677c, 0x676a, 0x678c, 0x678b, 0x67a6, 0x67a1, 0x6785, 0x67b7, + 0x67ef, 0x67b4, 0x67ec, 0x67b3, 0x67e9, 0x67b8, 0x67e4, 0x67de, + 0x67dd, 0x67e2, 0x67ee, 0x67b9, 0x67ce, 0x67c6, 0x67e7, 0x6a9c, + 0x681e, 0x6846, 0x6829, 0x6840, 0x684d, 0x6832, 0x684e, 0x68b3, + 0x682b, 0x6859, 0x6863, 0x6877, 0x687f, 0x689f, 0x688f, 0x68ad, + 0x6894, 0x689d, 0x689b, 0x6883, 0x6aae, 0x68b9, 0x6874, 0x68b5, + 0x68a0, 0x68ba, 0x690f, 0x688d, 0x687e, 0x6901, 0x68ca, 0x6908, + 0x68d8, 0x6922, 0x6926, 0x68e1, 0x690c, 0x68cd, + /* 0x5c */ + 0x68d4, 0x68e7, 0x68d5, 0x6936, 0x6912, 0x6904, 0x68d7, 0x68e3, + 0x6925, 0x68f9, 0x68e0, 0x68ef, 0x6928, 0x692a, 0x691a, 0x6923, + 0x6921, 0x68c6, 0x6979, 0x6977, 0x695c, 0x6978, 0x696b, 0x6954, + 0x697e, 0x696e, 0x6939, 0x6974, 0x693d, 0x6959, 0x6930, 0x6961, + 0x695e, 0x695d, 0x6981, 0x696a, 0x69b2, 0x69ae, 0x69d0, 0x69bf, + 0x69c1, 0x69d3, 0x69be, 0x69ce, 0x5be8, 0x69ca, 0x69dd, 0x69bb, + 0x69c3, 0x69a7, 0x6a2e, 0x6991, 0x69a0, 0x699c, 0x6995, 0x69b4, + 0x69de, 0x69e8, 0x6a02, 0x6a1b, 0x69ff, 0x6b0a, 0x69f9, 0x69f2, + 0x69e7, 0x6a05, 0x69b1, 0x6a1e, 0x69ed, 0x6a14, 0x69eb, 0x6a0a, + 0x6a12, 0x6ac1, 0x6a23, 0x6a13, 0x6a44, 0x6a0c, 0x6a72, 0x6a36, + 0x6a78, 0x6a47, 0x6a62, 0x6a59, 0x6a66, 0x6a48, 0x6a38, 0x6a22, + 0x6a90, 0x6a8d, 0x6aa0, 0x6a84, 0x6aa2, 0x6aa3, + /* 0x5d */ + 0x6a97, 0x8617, 0x6abb, 0x6ac3, 0x6ac2, 0x6ab8, 0x6ab3, 0x6aac, + 0x6ade, 0x6ad1, 0x6adf, 0x6aaa, 0x6ada, 0x6aea, 0x6afb, 0x6b05, + 0x8616, 0x6afa, 0x6b12, 0x6b16, 0x9b31, 0x6b1f, 0x6b38, 0x6b37, + 0x76dc, 0x6b39, 0x98ee, 0x6b47, 0x6b43, 0x6b49, 0x6b50, 0x6b59, + 0x6b54, 0x6b5b, 0x6b5f, 0x6b61, 0x6b78, 0x6b79, 0x6b7f, 0x6b80, + 0x6b84, 0x6b83, 0x6b8d, 0x6b98, 0x6b95, 0x6b9e, 0x6ba4, 0x6baa, + 0x6bab, 0x6baf, 0x6bb2, 0x6bb1, 0x6bb3, 0x6bb7, 0x6bbc, 0x6bc6, + 0x6bcb, 0x6bd3, 0x6bdf, 0x6bec, 0x6beb, 0x6bf3, 0x6bef, 0x9ebe, + 0x6c08, 0x6c13, 0x6c14, 0x6c1b, 0x6c24, 0x6c23, 0x6c5e, 0x6c55, + 0x6c62, 0x6c6a, 0x6c82, 0x6c8d, 0x6c9a, 0x6c81, 0x6c9b, 0x6c7e, + 0x6c68, 0x6c73, 0x6c92, 0x6c90, 0x6cc4, 0x6cf1, 0x6cd3, 0x6cbd, + 0x6cd7, 0x6cc5, 0x6cdd, 0x6cae, 0x6cb1, 0x6cbe, + /* 0x5e */ + 0x6cba, 0x6cdb, 0x6cef, 0x6cd9, 0x6cea, 0x6d1f, 0x884d, 0x6d36, + 0x6d2b, 0x6d3d, 0x6d38, 0x6d19, 0x6d35, 0x6d33, 0x6d12, 0x6d0c, + 0x6d63, 0x6d93, 0x6d64, 0x6d5a, 0x6d79, 0x6d59, 0x6d8e, 0x6d95, + 0x6fe4, 0x6d85, 0x6df9, 0x6e15, 0x6e0a, 0x6db5, 0x6dc7, 0x6de6, + 0x6db8, 0x6dc6, 0x6dec, 0x6dde, 0x6dcc, 0x6de8, 0x6dd2, 0x6dc5, + 0x6dfa, 0x6dd9, 0x6de4, 0x6dd5, 0x6dea, 0x6dee, 0x6e2d, 0x6e6e, + 0x6e2e, 0x6e19, 0x6e72, 0x6e5f, 0x6e3e, 0x6e23, 0x6e6b, 0x6e2b, + 0x6e76, 0x6e4d, 0x6e1f, 0x6e43, 0x6e3a, 0x6e4e, 0x6e24, 0x6eff, + 0x6e1d, 0x6e38, 0x6e82, 0x6eaa, 0x6e98, 0x6ec9, 0x6eb7, 0x6ed3, + 0x6ebd, 0x6eaf, 0x6ec4, 0x6eb2, 0x6ed4, 0x6ed5, 0x6e8f, 0x6ea5, + 0x6ec2, 0x6e9f, 0x6f41, 0x6f11, 0x704c, 0x6eec, 0x6ef8, 0x6efe, + 0x6f3f, 0x6ef2, 0x6f31, 0x6eef, 0x6f32, 0x6ecc, + /* 0x5f */ + 0x6f3e, 0x6f13, 0x6ef7, 0x6f86, 0x6f7a, 0x6f78, 0x6f81, 0x6f80, + 0x6f6f, 0x6f5b, 0x6ff3, 0x6f6d, 0x6f82, 0x6f7c, 0x6f58, 0x6f8e, + 0x6f91, 0x6fc2, 0x6f66, 0x6fb3, 0x6fa3, 0x6fa1, 0x6fa4, 0x6fb9, + 0x6fc6, 0x6faa, 0x6fdf, 0x6fd5, 0x6fec, 0x6fd4, 0x6fd8, 0x6ff1, + 0x6fee, 0x6fdb, 0x7009, 0x700b, 0x6ffa, 0x7011, 0x7001, 0x700f, + 0x6ffe, 0x701b, 0x701a, 0x6f74, 0x701d, 0x7018, 0x701f, 0x7030, + 0x703e, 0x7032, 0x7051, 0x7063, 0x7099, 0x7092, 0x70af, 0x70f1, + 0x70ac, 0x70b8, 0x70b3, 0x70ae, 0x70df, 0x70cb, 0x70dd, 0x70d9, + 0x7109, 0x70fd, 0x711c, 0x7119, 0x7165, 0x7155, 0x7188, 0x7166, + 0x7162, 0x714c, 0x7156, 0x716c, 0x718f, 0x71fb, 0x7184, 0x7195, + 0x71a8, 0x71ac, 0x71d7, 0x71b9, 0x71be, 0x71d2, 0x71c9, 0x71d4, + 0x71ce, 0x71e0, 0x71ec, 0x71e7, 0x71f5, 0x71fc, + /* 0x60 */ + 0x71f9, 0x71ff, 0x720d, 0x7210, 0x721b, 0x7228, 0x722d, 0x722c, + 0x7230, 0x7232, 0x723b, 0x723c, 0x723f, 0x7240, 0x7246, 0x724b, + 0x7258, 0x7274, 0x727e, 0x7282, 0x7281, 0x7287, 0x7292, 0x7296, + 0x72a2, 0x72a7, 0x72b9, 0x72b2, 0x72c3, 0x72c6, 0x72c4, 0x72ce, + 0x72d2, 0x72e2, 0x72e0, 0x72e1, 0x72f9, 0x72f7, 0x500f, 0x7317, + 0x730a, 0x731c, 0x7316, 0x731d, 0x7334, 0x732f, 0x7329, 0x7325, + 0x733e, 0x734e, 0x734f, 0x9ed8, 0x7357, 0x736a, 0x7368, 0x7370, + 0x7378, 0x7375, 0x737b, 0x737a, 0x73c8, 0x73b3, 0x73ce, 0x73bb, + 0x73c0, 0x73e5, 0x73ee, 0x73de, 0x74a2, 0x7405, 0x746f, 0x7425, + 0x73f8, 0x7432, 0x743a, 0x7455, 0x743f, 0x745f, 0x7459, 0x7441, + 0x745c, 0x7469, 0x7470, 0x7463, 0x746a, 0x7476, 0x747e, 0x748b, + 0x749e, 0x74a7, 0x74ca, 0x74cf, 0x74d4, 0x73f1, + /* 0x61 */ + 0x74e0, 0x74e3, 0x74e7, 0x74e9, 0x74ee, 0x74f2, 0x74f0, 0x74f1, + 0x74f8, 0x74f7, 0x7504, 0x7503, 0x7505, 0x750c, 0x750e, 0x750d, + 0x7515, 0x7513, 0x751e, 0x7526, 0x752c, 0x753c, 0x7544, 0x754d, + 0x754a, 0x7549, 0x755b, 0x7546, 0x755a, 0x7569, 0x7564, 0x7567, + 0x756b, 0x756d, 0x7578, 0x7576, 0x7586, 0x7587, 0x7574, 0x758a, + 0x7589, 0x7582, 0x7594, 0x759a, 0x759d, 0x75a5, 0x75a3, 0x75c2, + 0x75b3, 0x75c3, 0x75b5, 0x75bd, 0x75b8, 0x75bc, 0x75b1, 0x75cd, + 0x75ca, 0x75d2, 0x75d9, 0x75e3, 0x75de, 0x75fe, 0x75ff, 0x75fc, + 0x7601, 0x75f0, 0x75fa, 0x75f2, 0x75f3, 0x760b, 0x760d, 0x7609, + 0x761f, 0x7627, 0x7620, 0x7621, 0x7622, 0x7624, 0x7634, 0x7630, + 0x763b, 0x7647, 0x7648, 0x7646, 0x765c, 0x7658, 0x7661, 0x7662, + 0x7668, 0x7669, 0x766a, 0x7667, 0x766c, 0x7670, + /* 0x62 */ + 0x7672, 0x7676, 0x7678, 0x767c, 0x7680, 0x7683, 0x7688, 0x768b, + 0x768e, 0x7696, 0x7693, 0x7699, 0x769a, 0x76b0, 0x76b4, 0x76b8, + 0x76b9, 0x76ba, 0x76c2, 0x76cd, 0x76d6, 0x76d2, 0x76de, 0x76e1, + 0x76e5, 0x76e7, 0x76ea, 0x862f, 0x76fb, 0x7708, 0x7707, 0x7704, + 0x7729, 0x7724, 0x771e, 0x7725, 0x7726, 0x771b, 0x7737, 0x7738, + 0x7747, 0x775a, 0x7768, 0x776b, 0x775b, 0x7765, 0x777f, 0x777e, + 0x7779, 0x778e, 0x778b, 0x7791, 0x77a0, 0x779e, 0x77b0, 0x77b6, + 0x77b9, 0x77bf, 0x77bc, 0x77bd, 0x77bb, 0x77c7, 0x77cd, 0x77d7, + 0x77da, 0x77dc, 0x77e3, 0x77ee, 0x77fc, 0x780c, 0x7812, 0x7926, + 0x7820, 0x792a, 0x7845, 0x788e, 0x7874, 0x7886, 0x787c, 0x789a, + 0x788c, 0x78a3, 0x78b5, 0x78aa, 0x78af, 0x78d1, 0x78c6, 0x78cb, + 0x78d4, 0x78be, 0x78bc, 0x78c5, 0x78ca, 0x78ec, + /* 0x63 */ + 0x78e7, 0x78da, 0x78fd, 0x78f4, 0x7907, 0x7912, 0x7911, 0x7919, + 0x792c, 0x792b, 0x7940, 0x7960, 0x7957, 0x795f, 0x795a, 0x7955, + 0x7953, 0x797a, 0x797f, 0x798a, 0x799d, 0x79a7, 0x9f4b, 0x79aa, + 0x79ae, 0x79b3, 0x79b9, 0x79ba, 0x79c9, 0x79d5, 0x79e7, 0x79ec, + 0x79e1, 0x79e3, 0x7a08, 0x7a0d, 0x7a18, 0x7a19, 0x7a20, 0x7a1f, + 0x7980, 0x7a31, 0x7a3b, 0x7a3e, 0x7a37, 0x7a43, 0x7a57, 0x7a49, + 0x7a61, 0x7a62, 0x7a69, 0x9f9d, 0x7a70, 0x7a79, 0x7a7d, 0x7a88, + 0x7a97, 0x7a95, 0x7a98, 0x7a96, 0x7aa9, 0x7ac8, 0x7ab0, 0x7ab6, + 0x7ac5, 0x7ac4, 0x7abf, 0x9083, 0x7ac7, 0x7aca, 0x7acd, 0x7acf, + 0x7ad5, 0x7ad3, 0x7ad9, 0x7ada, 0x7add, 0x7ae1, 0x7ae2, 0x7ae6, + 0x7aed, 0x7af0, 0x7b02, 0x7b0f, 0x7b0a, 0x7b06, 0x7b33, 0x7b18, + 0x7b19, 0x7b1e, 0x7b35, 0x7b28, 0x7b36, 0x7b50, + /* 0x64 */ + 0x7b7a, 0x7b04, 0x7b4d, 0x7b0b, 0x7b4c, 0x7b45, 0x7b75, 0x7b65, + 0x7b74, 0x7b67, 0x7b70, 0x7b71, 0x7b6c, 0x7b6e, 0x7b9d, 0x7b98, + 0x7b9f, 0x7b8d, 0x7b9c, 0x7b9a, 0x7b8b, 0x7b92, 0x7b8f, 0x7b5d, + 0x7b99, 0x7bcb, 0x7bc1, 0x7bcc, 0x7bcf, 0x7bb4, 0x7bc6, 0x7bdd, + 0x7be9, 0x7c11, 0x7c14, 0x7be6, 0x7be5, 0x7c60, 0x7c00, 0x7c07, + 0x7c13, 0x7bf3, 0x7bf7, 0x7c17, 0x7c0d, 0x7bf6, 0x7c23, 0x7c27, + 0x7c2a, 0x7c1f, 0x7c37, 0x7c2b, 0x7c3d, 0x7c4c, 0x7c43, 0x7c54, + 0x7c4f, 0x7c40, 0x7c50, 0x7c58, 0x7c5f, 0x7c64, 0x7c56, 0x7c65, + 0x7c6c, 0x7c75, 0x7c83, 0x7c90, 0x7ca4, 0x7cad, 0x7ca2, 0x7cab, + 0x7ca1, 0x7ca8, 0x7cb3, 0x7cb2, 0x7cb1, 0x7cae, 0x7cb9, 0x7cbd, + 0x7cc0, 0x7cc5, 0x7cc2, 0x7cd8, 0x7cd2, 0x7cdc, 0x7ce2, 0x9b3b, + 0x7cef, 0x7cf2, 0x7cf4, 0x7cf6, 0x7cfa, 0x7d06, + /* 0x65 */ + 0x7d02, 0x7d1c, 0x7d15, 0x7d0a, 0x7d45, 0x7d4b, 0x7d2e, 0x7d32, + 0x7d3f, 0x7d35, 0x7d46, 0x7d73, 0x7d56, 0x7d4e, 0x7d72, 0x7d68, + 0x7d6e, 0x7d4f, 0x7d63, 0x7d93, 0x7d89, 0x7d5b, 0x7d8f, 0x7d7d, + 0x7d9b, 0x7dba, 0x7dae, 0x7da3, 0x7db5, 0x7dc7, 0x7dbd, 0x7dab, + 0x7e3d, 0x7da2, 0x7daf, 0x7ddc, 0x7db8, 0x7d9f, 0x7db0, 0x7dd8, + 0x7ddd, 0x7de4, 0x7dde, 0x7dfb, 0x7df2, 0x7de1, 0x7e05, 0x7e0a, + 0x7e23, 0x7e21, 0x7e12, 0x7e31, 0x7e1f, 0x7e09, 0x7e0b, 0x7e22, + 0x7e46, 0x7e66, 0x7e3b, 0x7e35, 0x7e39, 0x7e43, 0x7e37, 0x7e32, + 0x7e3a, 0x7e67, 0x7e5d, 0x7e56, 0x7e5e, 0x7e59, 0x7e5a, 0x7e79, + 0x7e6a, 0x7e69, 0x7e7c, 0x7e7b, 0x7e83, 0x7dd5, 0x7e7d, 0x8fae, + 0x7e7f, 0x7e88, 0x7e89, 0x7e8c, 0x7e92, 0x7e90, 0x7e93, 0x7e94, + 0x7e96, 0x7e8e, 0x7e9b, 0x7e9c, 0x7f38, 0x7f3a, + /* 0x66 */ + 0x7f45, 0x7f4c, 0x7f4d, 0x7f4e, 0x7f50, 0x7f51, 0x7f55, 0x7f54, + 0x7f58, 0x7f5f, 0x7f60, 0x7f68, 0x7f69, 0x7f67, 0x7f78, 0x7f82, + 0x7f86, 0x7f83, 0x7f88, 0x7f87, 0x7f8c, 0x7f94, 0x7f9e, 0x7f9d, + 0x7f9a, 0x7fa3, 0x7faf, 0x7fb2, 0x7fb9, 0x7fae, 0x7fb6, 0x7fb8, + 0x8b71, 0x7fc5, 0x7fc6, 0x7fca, 0x7fd5, 0x7fd4, 0x7fe1, 0x7fe6, + 0x7fe9, 0x7ff3, 0x7ff9, 0x98dc, 0x8006, 0x8004, 0x800b, 0x8012, + 0x8018, 0x8019, 0x801c, 0x8021, 0x8028, 0x803f, 0x803b, 0x804a, + 0x8046, 0x8052, 0x8058, 0x805a, 0x805f, 0x8062, 0x8068, 0x8073, + 0x8072, 0x8070, 0x8076, 0x8079, 0x807d, 0x807f, 0x8084, 0x8086, + 0x8085, 0x809b, 0x8093, 0x809a, 0x80ad, 0x5190, 0x80ac, 0x80db, + 0x80e5, 0x80d9, 0x80dd, 0x80c4, 0x80da, 0x80d6, 0x8109, 0x80ef, + 0x80f1, 0x811b, 0x8129, 0x8123, 0x812f, 0x814b, + /* 0x67 */ + 0x968b, 0x8146, 0x813e, 0x8153, 0x8151, 0x80fc, 0x8171, 0x816e, + 0x8165, 0x8166, 0x8174, 0x8183, 0x8188, 0x818a, 0x8180, 0x8182, + 0x81a0, 0x8195, 0x81a4, 0x81a3, 0x815f, 0x8193, 0x81a9, 0x81b0, + 0x81b5, 0x81be, 0x81b8, 0x81bd, 0x81c0, 0x81c2, 0x81ba, 0x81c9, + 0x81cd, 0x81d1, 0x81d9, 0x81d8, 0x81c8, 0x81da, 0x81df, 0x81e0, + 0x81e7, 0x81fa, 0x81fb, 0x81fe, 0x8201, 0x8202, 0x8205, 0x8207, + 0x820a, 0x820d, 0x8210, 0x8216, 0x8229, 0x822b, 0x8238, 0x8233, + 0x8240, 0x8259, 0x8258, 0x825d, 0x825a, 0x825f, 0x8264, 0x8262, + 0x8268, 0x826a, 0x826b, 0x822e, 0x8271, 0x8277, 0x8278, 0x827e, + 0x828d, 0x8292, 0x82ab, 0x829f, 0x82bb, 0x82ac, 0x82e1, 0x82e3, + 0x82df, 0x82d2, 0x82f4, 0x82f3, 0x82fa, 0x8393, 0x8303, 0x82fb, + 0x82f9, 0x82de, 0x8306, 0x82dc, 0x8309, 0x82d9, + /* 0x68 */ + 0x8335, 0x8334, 0x8316, 0x8332, 0x8331, 0x8340, 0x8339, 0x8350, + 0x8345, 0x832f, 0x832b, 0x8317, 0x8318, 0x8385, 0x839a, 0x83aa, + 0x839f, 0x83a2, 0x8396, 0x8323, 0x838e, 0x8387, 0x838a, 0x837c, + 0x83b5, 0x8373, 0x8375, 0x83a0, 0x8389, 0x83a8, 0x83f4, 0x8413, + 0x83eb, 0x83ce, 0x83fd, 0x8403, 0x83d8, 0x840b, 0x83c1, 0x83f7, + 0x8407, 0x83e0, 0x83f2, 0x840d, 0x8422, 0x8420, 0x83bd, 0x8438, + 0x8506, 0x83fb, 0x846d, 0x842a, 0x843c, 0x855a, 0x8484, 0x8477, + 0x846b, 0x84ad, 0x846e, 0x8482, 0x8469, 0x8446, 0x842c, 0x846f, + 0x8479, 0x8435, 0x84ca, 0x8462, 0x84b9, 0x84bf, 0x849f, 0x84d9, + 0x84cd, 0x84bb, 0x84da, 0x84d0, 0x84c1, 0x84c6, 0x84d6, 0x84a1, + 0x8521, 0x84ff, 0x84f4, 0x8517, 0x8518, 0x852c, 0x851f, 0x8515, + 0x8514, 0x84fc, 0x8540, 0x8563, 0x8558, 0x8548, + /* 0x69 */ + 0x8541, 0x8602, 0x854b, 0x8555, 0x8580, 0x85a4, 0x8588, 0x8591, + 0x858a, 0x85a8, 0x856d, 0x8594, 0x859b, 0x85ea, 0x8587, 0x859c, + 0x8577, 0x857e, 0x8590, 0x85c9, 0x85ba, 0x85cf, 0x85b9, 0x85d0, + 0x85d5, 0x85dd, 0x85e5, 0x85dc, 0x85f9, 0x860a, 0x8613, 0x860b, + 0x85fe, 0x85fa, 0x8606, 0x8622, 0x861a, 0x8630, 0x863f, 0x864d, + 0x4e55, 0x8654, 0x865f, 0x8667, 0x8671, 0x8693, 0x86a3, 0x86a9, + 0x86aa, 0x868b, 0x868c, 0x86b6, 0x86af, 0x86c4, 0x86c6, 0x86b0, + 0x86c9, 0x8823, 0x86ab, 0x86d4, 0x86de, 0x86e9, 0x86ec, 0x86df, + 0x86db, 0x86ef, 0x8712, 0x8706, 0x8708, 0x8700, 0x8703, 0x86fb, + 0x8711, 0x8709, 0x870d, 0x86f9, 0x870a, 0x8734, 0x873f, 0x8737, + 0x873b, 0x8725, 0x8729, 0x871a, 0x8760, 0x875f, 0x8778, 0x874c, + 0x874e, 0x8774, 0x8757, 0x8768, 0x876e, 0x8759, + /* 0x6a */ + 0x8753, 0x8763, 0x876a, 0x8805, 0x87a2, 0x879f, 0x8782, 0x87af, + 0x87cb, 0x87bd, 0x87c0, 0x87d0, 0x96d6, 0x87ab, 0x87c4, 0x87b3, + 0x87c7, 0x87c6, 0x87bb, 0x87ef, 0x87f2, 0x87e0, 0x880f, 0x880d, + 0x87fe, 0x87f6, 0x87f7, 0x880e, 0x87d2, 0x8811, 0x8816, 0x8815, + 0x8822, 0x8821, 0x8831, 0x8836, 0x8839, 0x8827, 0x883b, 0x8844, + 0x8842, 0x8852, 0x8859, 0x885e, 0x8862, 0x886b, 0x8881, 0x887e, + 0x889e, 0x8875, 0x887d, 0x88b5, 0x8872, 0x8882, 0x8897, 0x8892, + 0x88ae, 0x8899, 0x88a2, 0x888d, 0x88a4, 0x88b0, 0x88bf, 0x88b1, + 0x88c3, 0x88c4, 0x88d4, 0x88d8, 0x88d9, 0x88dd, 0x88f9, 0x8902, + 0x88fc, 0x88f4, 0x88e8, 0x88f2, 0x8904, 0x890c, 0x890a, 0x8913, + 0x8943, 0x891e, 0x8925, 0x892a, 0x892b, 0x8941, 0x8944, 0x893b, + 0x8936, 0x8938, 0x894c, 0x891d, 0x8960, 0x895e, + /* 0x6b */ + 0x8966, 0x8964, 0x896d, 0x896a, 0x896f, 0x8974, 0x8977, 0x897e, + 0x8983, 0x8988, 0x898a, 0x8993, 0x8998, 0x89a1, 0x89a9, 0x89a6, + 0x89ac, 0x89af, 0x89b2, 0x89ba, 0x89bd, 0x89bf, 0x89c0, 0x89da, + 0x89dc, 0x89dd, 0x89e7, 0x89f4, 0x89f8, 0x8a03, 0x8a16, 0x8a10, + 0x8a0c, 0x8a1b, 0x8a1d, 0x8a25, 0x8a36, 0x8a41, 0x8a5b, 0x8a52, + 0x8a46, 0x8a48, 0x8a7c, 0x8a6d, 0x8a6c, 0x8a62, 0x8a85, 0x8a82, + 0x8a84, 0x8aa8, 0x8aa1, 0x8a91, 0x8aa5, 0x8aa6, 0x8a9a, 0x8aa3, + 0x8ac4, 0x8acd, 0x8ac2, 0x8ada, 0x8aeb, 0x8af3, 0x8ae7, 0x8ae4, + 0x8af1, 0x8b14, 0x8ae0, 0x8ae2, 0x8af7, 0x8ade, 0x8adb, 0x8b0c, + 0x8b07, 0x8b1a, 0x8ae1, 0x8b16, 0x8b10, 0x8b17, 0x8b20, 0x8b33, + 0x97ab, 0x8b26, 0x8b2b, 0x8b3e, 0x8b28, 0x8b41, 0x8b4c, 0x8b4f, + 0x8b4e, 0x8b49, 0x8b56, 0x8b5b, 0x8b5a, 0x8b6b, + /* 0x6c */ + 0x8b5f, 0x8b6c, 0x8b6f, 0x8b74, 0x8b7d, 0x8b80, 0x8b8c, 0x8b8e, + 0x8b92, 0x8b93, 0x8b96, 0x8b99, 0x8b9a, 0x8c3a, 0x8c41, 0x8c3f, + 0x8c48, 0x8c4c, 0x8c4e, 0x8c50, 0x8c55, 0x8c62, 0x8c6c, 0x8c78, + 0x8c7a, 0x8c82, 0x8c89, 0x8c85, 0x8c8a, 0x8c8d, 0x8c8e, 0x8c94, + 0x8c7c, 0x8c98, 0x621d, 0x8cad, 0x8caa, 0x8cbd, 0x8cb2, 0x8cb3, + 0x8cae, 0x8cb6, 0x8cc8, 0x8cc1, 0x8ce4, 0x8ce3, 0x8cda, 0x8cfd, + 0x8cfa, 0x8cfb, 0x8d04, 0x8d05, 0x8d0a, 0x8d07, 0x8d0f, 0x8d0d, + 0x8d10, 0x9f4e, 0x8d13, 0x8ccd, 0x8d14, 0x8d16, 0x8d67, 0x8d6d, + 0x8d71, 0x8d73, 0x8d81, 0x8d99, 0x8dc2, 0x8dbe, 0x8dba, 0x8dcf, + 0x8dda, 0x8dd6, 0x8dcc, 0x8ddb, 0x8dcb, 0x8dea, 0x8deb, 0x8ddf, + 0x8de3, 0x8dfc, 0x8e08, 0x8e09, 0x8dff, 0x8e1d, 0x8e1e, 0x8e10, + 0x8e1f, 0x8e42, 0x8e35, 0x8e30, 0x8e34, 0x8e4a, + /* 0x6d */ + 0x8e47, 0x8e49, 0x8e4c, 0x8e50, 0x8e48, 0x8e59, 0x8e64, 0x8e60, + 0x8e2a, 0x8e63, 0x8e55, 0x8e76, 0x8e72, 0x8e7c, 0x8e81, 0x8e87, + 0x8e85, 0x8e84, 0x8e8b, 0x8e8a, 0x8e93, 0x8e91, 0x8e94, 0x8e99, + 0x8eaa, 0x8ea1, 0x8eac, 0x8eb0, 0x8ec6, 0x8eb1, 0x8ebe, 0x8ec5, + 0x8ec8, 0x8ecb, 0x8edb, 0x8ee3, 0x8efc, 0x8efb, 0x8eeb, 0x8efe, + 0x8f0a, 0x8f05, 0x8f15, 0x8f12, 0x8f19, 0x8f13, 0x8f1c, 0x8f1f, + 0x8f1b, 0x8f0c, 0x8f26, 0x8f33, 0x8f3b, 0x8f39, 0x8f45, 0x8f42, + 0x8f3e, 0x8f4c, 0x8f49, 0x8f46, 0x8f4e, 0x8f57, 0x8f5c, 0x8f62, + 0x8f63, 0x8f64, 0x8f9c, 0x8f9f, 0x8fa3, 0x8fad, 0x8faf, 0x8fb7, + 0x8fda, 0x8fe5, 0x8fe2, 0x8fea, 0x8fef, 0x9087, 0x8ff4, 0x9005, + 0x8ff9, 0x8ffa, 0x9011, 0x9015, 0x9021, 0x900d, 0x901e, 0x9016, + 0x900b, 0x9027, 0x9036, 0x9035, 0x9039, 0x8ff8, + /* 0x6e */ + 0x904f, 0x9050, 0x9051, 0x9052, 0x900e, 0x9049, 0x903e, 0x9056, + 0x9058, 0x905e, 0x9068, 0x906f, 0x9076, 0x96a8, 0x9072, 0x9082, + 0x907d, 0x9081, 0x9080, 0x908a, 0x9089, 0x908f, 0x90a8, 0x90af, + 0x90b1, 0x90b5, 0x90e2, 0x90e4, 0x6248, 0x90db, 0x9102, 0x9112, + 0x9119, 0x9132, 0x9130, 0x914a, 0x9156, 0x9158, 0x9163, 0x9165, + 0x9169, 0x9173, 0x9172, 0x918b, 0x9189, 0x9182, 0x91a2, 0x91ab, + 0x91af, 0x91aa, 0x91b5, 0x91b4, 0x91ba, 0x91c0, 0x91c1, 0x91c9, + 0x91cb, 0x91d0, 0x91d6, 0x91df, 0x91e1, 0x91db, 0x91fc, 0x91f5, + 0x91f6, 0x921e, 0x91ff, 0x9214, 0x922c, 0x9215, 0x9211, 0x925e, + 0x9257, 0x9245, 0x9249, 0x9264, 0x9248, 0x9295, 0x923f, 0x924b, + 0x9250, 0x929c, 0x9296, 0x9293, 0x929b, 0x925a, 0x92cf, 0x92b9, + 0x92b7, 0x92e9, 0x930f, 0x92fa, 0x9344, 0x932e, + /* 0x6f */ + 0x9319, 0x9322, 0x931a, 0x9323, 0x933a, 0x9335, 0x933b, 0x935c, + 0x9360, 0x937c, 0x936e, 0x9356, 0x93b0, 0x93ac, 0x93ad, 0x9394, + 0x93b9, 0x93d6, 0x93d7, 0x93e8, 0x93e5, 0x93d8, 0x93c3, 0x93dd, + 0x93d0, 0x93c8, 0x93e4, 0x941a, 0x9414, 0x9413, 0x9403, 0x9407, + 0x9410, 0x9436, 0x942b, 0x9435, 0x9421, 0x943a, 0x9441, 0x9452, + 0x9444, 0x945b, 0x9460, 0x9462, 0x945e, 0x946a, 0x9229, 0x9470, + 0x9475, 0x9477, 0x947d, 0x945a, 0x947c, 0x947e, 0x9481, 0x947f, + 0x9582, 0x9587, 0x958a, 0x9594, 0x9596, 0x9598, 0x9599, 0x95a0, + 0x95a8, 0x95a7, 0x95ad, 0x95bc, 0x95bb, 0x95b9, 0x95be, 0x95ca, + 0x6ff6, 0x95c3, 0x95cd, 0x95cc, 0x95d5, 0x95d4, 0x95d6, 0x95dc, + 0x95e1, 0x95e5, 0x95e2, 0x9621, 0x9628, 0x962e, 0x962f, 0x9642, + 0x964c, 0x964f, 0x964b, 0x9677, 0x965c, 0x965e, + /* 0x70 */ + 0x965d, 0x965f, 0x9666, 0x9672, 0x966c, 0x968d, 0x9698, 0x9695, + 0x9697, 0x96aa, 0x96a7, 0x96b1, 0x96b2, 0x96b0, 0x96b4, 0x96b6, + 0x96b8, 0x96b9, 0x96ce, 0x96cb, 0x96c9, 0x96cd, 0x894d, 0x96dc, + 0x970d, 0x96d5, 0x96f9, 0x9704, 0x9706, 0x9708, 0x9713, 0x970e, + 0x9711, 0x970f, 0x9716, 0x9719, 0x9724, 0x972a, 0x9730, 0x9739, + 0x973d, 0x973e, 0x9744, 0x9746, 0x9748, 0x9742, 0x9749, 0x975c, + 0x9760, 0x9764, 0x9766, 0x9768, 0x52d2, 0x976b, 0x9771, 0x9779, + 0x9785, 0x977c, 0x9781, 0x977a, 0x9786, 0x978b, 0x978f, 0x9790, + 0x979c, 0x97a8, 0x97a6, 0x97a3, 0x97b3, 0x97b4, 0x97c3, 0x97c6, + 0x97c8, 0x97cb, 0x97dc, 0x97ed, 0x9f4f, 0x97f2, 0x7adf, 0x97f6, + 0x97f5, 0x980f, 0x980c, 0x9838, 0x9824, 0x9821, 0x9837, 0x983d, + 0x9846, 0x984f, 0x984b, 0x986b, 0x986f, 0x9870, + /* 0x71 */ + 0x9871, 0x9874, 0x9873, 0x98aa, 0x98af, 0x98b1, 0x98b6, 0x98c4, + 0x98c3, 0x98c6, 0x98e9, 0x98eb, 0x9903, 0x9909, 0x9912, 0x9914, + 0x9918, 0x9921, 0x991d, 0x991e, 0x9924, 0x9920, 0x992c, 0x992e, + 0x993d, 0x993e, 0x9942, 0x9949, 0x9945, 0x9950, 0x994b, 0x9951, + 0x9952, 0x994c, 0x9955, 0x9997, 0x9998, 0x99a5, 0x99ad, 0x99ae, + 0x99bc, 0x99df, 0x99db, 0x99dd, 0x99d8, 0x99d1, 0x99ed, 0x99ee, + 0x99f1, 0x99f2, 0x99fb, 0x99f8, 0x9a01, 0x9a0f, 0x9a05, 0x99e2, + 0x9a19, 0x9a2b, 0x9a37, 0x9a45, 0x9a42, 0x9a40, 0x9a43, 0x9a3e, + 0x9a55, 0x9a4d, 0x9a5b, 0x9a57, 0x9a5f, 0x9a62, 0x9a65, 0x9a64, + 0x9a69, 0x9a6b, 0x9a6a, 0x9aad, 0x9ab0, 0x9abc, 0x9ac0, 0x9acf, + 0x9ad1, 0x9ad3, 0x9ad4, 0x9ade, 0x9adf, 0x9ae2, 0x9ae3, 0x9ae6, + 0x9aef, 0x9aeb, 0x9aee, 0x9af4, 0x9af1, 0x9af7, + /* 0x72 */ + 0x9afb, 0x9b06, 0x9b18, 0x9b1a, 0x9b1f, 0x9b22, 0x9b23, 0x9b25, + 0x9b27, 0x9b28, 0x9b29, 0x9b2a, 0x9b2e, 0x9b2f, 0x9b32, 0x9b44, + 0x9b43, 0x9b4f, 0x9b4d, 0x9b4e, 0x9b51, 0x9b58, 0x9b74, 0x9b93, + 0x9b83, 0x9b91, 0x9b96, 0x9b97, 0x9b9f, 0x9ba0, 0x9ba8, 0x9bb4, + 0x9bc0, 0x9bca, 0x9bb9, 0x9bc6, 0x9bcf, 0x9bd1, 0x9bd2, 0x9be3, + 0x9be2, 0x9be4, 0x9bd4, 0x9be1, 0x9c3a, 0x9bf2, 0x9bf1, 0x9bf0, + 0x9c15, 0x9c14, 0x9c09, 0x9c13, 0x9c0c, 0x9c06, 0x9c08, 0x9c12, + 0x9c0a, 0x9c04, 0x9c2e, 0x9c1b, 0x9c25, 0x9c24, 0x9c21, 0x9c30, + 0x9c47, 0x9c32, 0x9c46, 0x9c3e, 0x9c5a, 0x9c60, 0x9c67, 0x9c76, + 0x9c78, 0x9ce7, 0x9cec, 0x9cf0, 0x9d09, 0x9d08, 0x9ceb, 0x9d03, + 0x9d06, 0x9d2a, 0x9d26, 0x9daf, 0x9d23, 0x9d1f, 0x9d44, 0x9d15, + 0x9d12, 0x9d41, 0x9d3f, 0x9d3e, 0x9d46, 0x9d48, + /* 0x73 */ + 0x9d5d, 0x9d5e, 0x9d64, 0x9d51, 0x9d50, 0x9d59, 0x9d72, 0x9d89, + 0x9d87, 0x9dab, 0x9d6f, 0x9d7a, 0x9d9a, 0x9da4, 0x9da9, 0x9db2, + 0x9dc4, 0x9dc1, 0x9dbb, 0x9db8, 0x9dba, 0x9dc6, 0x9dcf, 0x9dc2, + 0x9dd9, 0x9dd3, 0x9df8, 0x9de6, 0x9ded, 0x9def, 0x9dfd, 0x9e1a, + 0x9e1b, 0x9e1e, 0x9e75, 0x9e79, 0x9e7d, 0x9e81, 0x9e88, 0x9e8b, + 0x9e8c, 0x9e92, 0x9e95, 0x9e91, 0x9e9d, 0x9ea5, 0x9ea9, 0x9eb8, + 0x9eaa, 0x9ead, 0x9761, 0x9ecc, 0x9ece, 0x9ecf, 0x9ed0, 0x9ed4, + 0x9edc, 0x9ede, 0x9edd, 0x9ee0, 0x9ee5, 0x9ee8, 0x9eef, 0x9ef4, + 0x9ef6, 0x9ef7, 0x9ef9, 0x9efb, 0x9efc, 0x9efd, 0x9f07, 0x9f08, + 0x76b7, 0x9f15, 0x9f21, 0x9f2c, 0x9f3e, 0x9f4a, 0x9f52, 0x9f54, + 0x9f63, 0x9f5f, 0x9f60, 0x9f61, 0x9f66, 0x9f67, 0x9f6c, 0x9f6a, + 0x9f77, 0x9f72, 0x9f76, 0x9f95, 0x9f9c, 0x9fa0, + /* 0x74 */ + 0x582f, 0x69c7, 0x9059, 0x7464, 0x51dc, 0x7199, +}; + +static int +jisx0208_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 >= 0x21 && c1 <= 0x28) || (c1 >= 0x30 && c1 <= 0x74)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 < 0x7f) { + unsigned int i = 94 * (c1 - 0x21) + (c2 - 0x21); + unsigned short wc = 0xfffd; + if (i < 1410) { + if (i < 690) + wc = jisx0208_2uni_page21[i]; + } else { + if (i < 7808) + wc = jisx0208_2uni_page30[i-1410]; + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned short jisx0208_2charset[6879] = { + 0x2171, 0x2172, 0x2178, 0x212f, 0x224c, 0x216b, 0x215e, 0x212d, + 0x2279, 0x215f, 0x2160, 0x2621, 0x2622, 0x2623, 0x2624, 0x2625, + 0x2626, 0x2627, 0x2628, 0x2629, 0x262a, 0x262b, 0x262c, 0x262d, + 0x262e, 0x262f, 0x2630, 0x2631, 0x2632, 0x2633, 0x2634, 0x2635, + 0x2636, 0x2637, 0x2638, 0x2641, 0x2642, 0x2643, 0x2644, 0x2645, + 0x2646, 0x2647, 0x2648, 0x2649, 0x264a, 0x264b, 0x264c, 0x264d, + 0x264e, 0x264f, 0x2650, 0x2651, 0x2652, 0x2653, 0x2654, 0x2655, + 0x2656, 0x2657, 0x2658, 0x2727, 0x2721, 0x2722, 0x2723, 0x2724, + 0x2725, 0x2726, 0x2728, 0x2729, 0x272a, 0x272b, 0x272c, 0x272d, + 0x272e, 0x272f, 0x2730, 0x2731, 0x2732, 0x2733, 0x2734, 0x2735, + 0x2736, 0x2737, 0x2738, 0x2739, 0x273a, 0x273b, 0x273c, 0x273d, + 0x273e, 0x273f, 0x2740, 0x2741, 0x2751, 0x2752, 0x2753, 0x2754, + 0x2755, 0x2756, 0x2758, 0x2759, 0x275a, 0x275b, 0x275c, 0x275d, + 0x275e, 0x275f, 0x2760, 0x2761, 0x2762, 0x2763, 0x2764, 0x2765, + 0x2766, 0x2767, 0x2768, 0x2769, 0x276a, 0x276b, 0x276c, 0x276d, + 0x276e, 0x276f, 0x2770, 0x2771, 0x2757, 0x213e, 0x213d, 0x2142, + 0x2146, 0x2147, 0x2148, 0x2149, 0x2277, 0x2278, 0x2145, 0x2144, + 0x2273, 0x216c, 0x216d, 0x2228, 0x216e, 0x2272, 0x222b, 0x222c, + 0x222a, 0x222d, 0x224d, 0x224e, 0x224f, 0x225f, 0x2250, 0x2260, + 0x223a, 0x223b, 0x215d, 0x2265, 0x2267, 0x2167, 0x225c, 0x224a, + 0x224b, 0x2241, 0x2240, 0x2269, 0x226a, 0x2168, 0x2268, 0x2266, + 0x2262, 0x2162, 0x2261, 0x2165, 0x2166, 0x2263, 0x2264, 0x223e, + 0x223f, 0x223c, 0x223d, 0x225d, 0x225e, 0x2821, 0x282c, 0x2822, + 0x282d, 0x2823, 0x282e, 0x2824, 0x282f, 0x2826, 0x2831, 0x2825, + 0x2830, 0x2827, 0x283c, 0x2837, 0x2832, 0x2829, 0x283e, 0x2839, + 0x2834, 0x2828, 0x2838, 0x283d, 0x2833, 0x282a, 0x283a, 0x283f, + 0x2835, 0x282b, 0x283b, 0x2840, 0x2836, 0x2223, 0x2222, 0x2225, + 0x2224, 0x2227, 0x2226, 0x2221, 0x217e, 0x217b, 0x217d, 0x217c, + 0x227e, 0x217a, 0x2179, 0x216a, 0x2169, 0x2276, 0x2275, 0x2274, + 0x2121, 0x2122, 0x2123, 0x2137, 0x2139, 0x213a, 0x213b, 0x2152, + 0x2153, 0x2154, 0x2155, 0x2156, 0x2157, 0x2158, 0x2159, 0x215a, + 0x215b, 0x2229, 0x222e, 0x214c, 0x214d, 0x2141, 0x2421, 0x2422, + 0x2423, 0x2424, 0x2425, 0x2426, 0x2427, 0x2428, 0x2429, 0x242a, + 0x242b, 0x242c, 0x242d, 0x242e, 0x242f, 0x2430, 0x2431, 0x2432, + 0x2433, 0x2434, 0x2435, 0x2436, 0x2437, 0x2438, 0x2439, 0x243a, + 0x243b, 0x243c, 0x243d, 0x243e, 0x243f, 0x2440, 0x2441, 0x2442, + 0x2443, 0x2444, 0x2445, 0x2446, 0x2447, 0x2448, 0x2449, 0x244a, + 0x244b, 0x244c, 0x244d, 0x244e, 0x244f, 0x2450, 0x2451, 0x2452, + 0x2453, 0x2454, 0x2455, 0x2456, 0x2457, 0x2458, 0x2459, 0x245a, + 0x245b, 0x245c, 0x245d, 0x245e, 0x245f, 0x2460, 0x2461, 0x2462, + 0x2463, 0x2464, 0x2465, 0x2466, 0x2467, 0x2468, 0x2469, 0x246a, + 0x246b, 0x246c, 0x246d, 0x246e, 0x246f, 0x2470, 0x2471, 0x2472, + 0x2473, 0x212b, 0x212c, 0x2135, 0x2136, 0x2521, 0x2522, 0x2523, + 0x2524, 0x2525, 0x2526, 0x2527, 0x2528, 0x2529, 0x252a, 0x252b, + 0x252c, 0x252d, 0x252e, 0x252f, 0x2530, 0x2531, 0x2532, 0x2533, + 0x2534, 0x2535, 0x2536, 0x2537, 0x2538, 0x2539, 0x253a, 0x253b, + 0x253c, 0x253d, 0x253e, 0x253f, 0x2540, 0x2541, 0x2542, 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0x342e, + 0x7421, 0x3161, 0x4a73, 0x3e6c, 0x4548, 0x3a66, 0x544e, 0x4a3d, + 0x4e5d, 0x3274, 0x544a, 0x413a, 0x544d, 0x4563, 0x4549, 0x4564, + 0x4839, 0x444d, 0x3a49, 0x5449, 0x3176, 0x4536, 0x544b, 0x5447, + 0x3f50, 0x544f, 0x3d4e, 0x362d, 0x5450, 0x4a68, 0x417d, 0x4446, + 0x5452, 0x4b4f, 0x5453, 0x5458, 0x4a2f, 0x5457, 0x5451, 0x5454, + 0x5456, 0x3a26, 0x4a49, 0x5459, 0x4345, 0x3275, 0x3e6d, 0x545b, + 0x545a, 0x3968, 0x545c, 0x545e, 0x545d, 0x5460, 0x5455, 0x5462, + 0x5461, 0x545f, 0x3b4e, 0x3f51, 0x4154, 0x5463, 0x403c, 0x306d, + 0x4764, 0x445b, 0x5465, 0x5464, 0x5466, 0x5467, 0x5468, 0x5469, + 0x4a51, 0x546a, 0x3246, 0x546b, 0x4d3c, 0x3330, 0x5249, 0x3d48, + 0x423f, 0x546c, 0x4c6b, 0x4c34, 0x546e, 0x4267, 0x4537, 0x4240, + 0x4957, 0x546f, 0x5470, 0x317b, 0x3c3a, 0x5471, 0x3050, 0x5472, + 0x5473, 0x3162, 0x3471, 0x4660, 0x4a74, 0x5477, 0x4155, 0x5476, + 0x3740, 0x4b5b, 0x5475, 0x4565, 0x5479, 0x5478, 0x547b, 0x547a, + 0x317c, 0x547c, 0x3e29, 0x547e, 0x4325, 0x547d, 0x4a33, 0x3d77, + 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0x3231, 0x586b, + 0x3438, 0x5869, 0x586a, 0x3a29, 0x5868, 0x5866, 0x5865, 0x586c, + 0x5864, 0x586e, 0x327b, 0x5870, 0x586f, 0x4428, 0x5873, 0x5871, + 0x5867, 0x377c, 0x5872, 0x5876, 0x5875, 0x5877, 0x5874, 0x5878, + 0x5879, 0x587a, 0x4a6a, 0x587c, 0x587b, 0x3d3f, 0x402e, 0x3266, + 0x327c, 0x587d, 0x303f, 0x404c, 0x587e, 0x6c43, 0x5921, 0x3761, + 0x5922, 0x406f, 0x5923, 0x5924, 0x353a, 0x5925, 0x5926, 0x5927, + 0x4257, 0x384d, 0x4c61, 0x4b3c, 0x3d6a, 0x5928, 0x4070, 0x6e3d, + 0x4862, 0x3c6a, 0x3a4d, 0x5929, 0x4247, 0x4a27, 0x4271, 0x592c, + 0x592a, 0x592d, 0x592b, 0x592e, 0x4a31, 0x3037, 0x495e, 0x4863, + 0x592f, 0x5932, 0x3e35, 0x353b, 0x5930, 0x5937, 0x3e36, 0x5931, + 0x4744, 0x4d5e, 0x5933, 0x5934, 0x5938, 0x456a, 0x5935, 0x3933, + 0x405e, 0x5946, 0x4834, 0x4272, 0x4864, 0x5a2d, 0x4a7a, 0x4471, + 0x4b75, 0x593b, 0x3221, 0x436a, 0x5944, 0x4334, 0x593e, 0x5945, + 0x5940, 0x5947, 0x5943, 0x5942, 0x476f, 0x593c, 0x327d, 0x593a, + 0x3571, 0x4273, 0x5936, 0x5939, 0x3934, 0x405b, 0x3e37, 0x5941, + 0x4752, 0x3572, 0x3348, 0x3367, 0x3f21, 0x5949, 0x594e, 0x594a, + 0x377d, 0x594f, 0x3b22, 0x3969, 0x3d26, 0x593d, 0x3b7d, 0x594c, + 0x3b58, 0x594d, 0x3044, 0x5948, 0x4429, 0x3573, 0x3634, 0x594b, + 0x3027, 0x3a43, 0x3f36, 0x4472, 0x4854, 0x5951, 0x415e, 0x422a, + 0x3b2b, 0x5952, 0x5954, 0x5950, 0x4a61, 0x443d, 0x415c, 0x4a7b, + 0x3c4e, 0x5960, 0x595f, 0x3f78, 0x377e, 0x5959, 0x3e39, 0x4668, + 0x4731, 0x5957, 0x415d, 0x3c78, 0x595c, 0x3e38, 0x5956, 0x595b, + 0x4753, 0x5955, 0x3721, 0x335d, 0x595d, 0x4e2b, 0x3a4e, 0x4335, + 0x595a, 0x405c, 0x3935, 0x3f64, 0x3166, 0x413c, 0x5958, 0x3545, + 0x3747, 0x444f, 0x595e, 0x415f, 0x5961, 0x5963, 0x4237, 0x5969, + 0x5964, 0x5966, 0x4941, 0x4473, 0x5967, 0x4d2c, 0x4d48, 0x3439, + 0x302e, 0x5965, 0x5962, 0x3478, 0x3167, 0x5968, 0x4d49, 0x596c, + 0x423b, 0x5973, 0x596d, 0x596a, 0x5971, 0x5953, 0x596e, 0x5972, + 0x4842, 0x456b, 0x596b, 0x596f, 0x3748, 0x3a71, 0x405d, 0x5977, + 0x4526, 0x5974, 0x4b60, 0x5975, 0x5976, 0x4c4e, 0x4022, 0x3762, + 0x597d, 0x3b35, 0x597a, 0x5979, 0x4732, 0x4635, 0x4531, 0x597b, + 0x597c, 0x496f, 0x4745, 0x3b23, 0x4071, 0x4b50, 0x3349, 0x5a25, + 0x597e, 0x4d4a, 0x5a27, 0x5a23, 0x5a24, 0x4160, 0x5a22, 0x593f, + 0x5a26, 0x5a21, 0x5a2b, 0x5a2c, 0x4527, 0x5a2e, 0x3b24, 0x5a29, + 0x353c, 0x5a2f, 0x5a28, 0x5a33, 0x5a32, 0x5a31, 0x5a34, 0x5a36, + 0x3e71, 0x5a35, 0x5a39, 0x5a37, 0x5a38, 0x5970, 0x5a3b, 0x5a3a, + 0x5978, 0x5a3c, 0x5a30, 0x3b59, 0x5a3d, 0x5a3e, 0x5a40, 0x5a3f, + 0x5a41, 0x327e, 0x3936, 0x4a7c, 0x402f, 0x384e, 0x5a43, 0x5a46, + 0x4952, 0x355f, 0x5a45, 0x5a44, 0x4754, 0x5a47, 0x3635, 0x5a49, + 0x5a48, 0x343a, 0x3b36, 0x4658, 0x3749, 0x3f74, 0x5a4a, 0x4030, + 0x4528, 0x495f, 0x5a4b, 0x5a4c, 0x5a4d, 0x4a38, 0x555d, 0x4046, + 0x494c, 0x3a58, 0x4865, 0x4843, 0x454d, 0x4e41, 0x5a4f, 0x3c50, + 0x5a50, 0x3036, 0x3654, 0x404d, 0x4960, 0x5a51, 0x3b42, 0x4347, + 0x3b5b, 0x3f37, 0x5a52, 0x4a7d, 0x3177, 0x3b5c, 0x5a55, 0x5a53, + 0x5a56, 0x4e39, 0x5a54, 0x407b, 0x5a57, 0x4232, 0x5a58, 0x347a, + 0x5a5a, 0x5a59, 0x5a5b, 0x5a5c, 0x347b, 0x467c, 0x4336, 0x356c, + 0x3b5d, 0x4161, 0x3d5c, 0x3030, 0x5a5d, 0x3222, 0x5a61, 0x3937, + 0x5a60, 0x3a2b, 0x3e3a, 0x5a5f, 0x3e3b, 0x4c40, 0x3a2a, 0x3057, + 0x404e, 0x5a66, 0x4031, 0x3147, 0x3d55, 0x4b66, 0x3a72, 0x3e3c, + 0x4027, 0x5a65, 0x5a63, 0x5a64, 0x436b, 0x5b26, 0x5a6a, 0x3b7e, + 0x3938, 0x5a68, 0x5a69, 0x3f38, 0x5a67, 0x3b2f, 0x5a6c, 0x5a6b, + 0x5a70, 0x5a71, 0x5a6d, 0x3322, 0x5a6e, 0x5a6f, 0x4855, 0x4961, + 0x374a, 0x5a72, 0x4032, 0x3e3d, 0x4352, 0x3647, 0x5a73, 0x5a77, + 0x324b, 0x5a74, 0x5a76, 0x5a75, 0x3d6b, 0x4348, 0x3045, 0x5a78, + 0x5a79, 0x442a, 0x4e71, 0x3b43, 0x4a6b, 0x4b3d, 0x5b22, 0x5a7b, + 0x5a7e, 0x5a7d, 0x5a7a, 0x5b21, 0x465e, 0x5a7c, 0x5b23, 0x3d6c, + 0x5b24, 0x4d4b, 0x4778, 0x5b25, 0x5b27, 0x5b28, 0x5b29, 0x364a, + 0x3148, 0x3939, 0x5b2a, 0x5b2b, 0x3d71, 0x4162, 0x5258, 0x413e, + 0x413d, 0x4258, 0x3a47, 0x5072, 0x376e, 0x4d2d, 0x4a7e, 0x497e, + 0x5b2c, 0x3a73, 0x443f, 0x5b2d, 0x4f2f, 0x4b3e, 0x442b, 0x5b2e, + 0x347c, 0x5b2f, 0x5b30, 0x4c5a, 0x4c24, 0x4b76, 0x4b5c, 0x3b25, + 0x5b32, 0x3c6b, 0x4b51, 0x5b34, 0x5b37, 0x5b36, 0x3479, 0x3560, + 0x5b33, 0x5b35, 0x5b38, 0x3f79, 0x4d7b, 0x3049, 0x3a60, 0x423c, + 0x3c5d, 0x3e73, 0x5b3b, 0x454e, 0x5b39, 0x422b, 0x5b3a, 0x3e72, + 0x4c5d, 0x5b3c, 0x5b3d, 0x4d68, 0x5b42, 0x393a, 0x4755, 0x5b3f, + 0x456c, 0x5a5e, 0x5a62, 0x354f, 0x4747, 0x5b41, 0x3e3e, 0x4844, + 0x5b47, 0x487a, 0x5b3e, 0x5b44, 0x5b43, 0x404f, 0x4b6d, 0x4e53, + 0x4b67, 0x324c, 0x3b5e, 0x4f48, 0x5b46, 0x3f75, 0x5b45, 0x5b40, + 0x384f, 0x5b4c, 0x5b4a, 0x324d, 0x5b48, 0x5b4e, 0x5b54, 0x4248, + 0x4a41, 0x5b56, 0x4922, 0x5b55, 0x4770, 0x4b3f, 0x343b, 0x4077, + 0x3d40, 0x4453, 0x4d2e, 0x5b51, 0x5b50, 0x5b52, 0x5b4f, 0x5b57, + 0x5b4d, 0x5b4b, 0x5b53, 0x5b49, 0x436c, 0x4c78, 0x3c46, 0x3a74, + 0x3a3a, 0x4b6f, 0x3341, 0x444e, 0x464a, 0x3149, 0x4072, 0x4034, + 0x372a, 0x5b59, 0x393b, 0x337c, 0x5b5b, 0x3374, 0x5b61, 0x5b5e, + 0x4073, 0x334b, 0x3a2c, 0x334a, 0x3a4f, 0x5b5c, 0x3765, 0x374b, + 0x456d, 0x5b5a, 0x3046, 0x5b5d, 0x5b5f, 0x364d, 0x372c, 0x343c, + 0x354b, 0x5b62, 0x3a79, 0x4b71, 0x3b37, 0x5b63, 0x4930, 0x5b6f, + 0x3233, 0x5b64, 0x5b75, 0x5b65, 0x4e42, 0x5b6c, 0x475f, 0x5b74, + 0x5b67, 0x3034, 0x5b69, 0x393c, 0x5b6b, 0x5b6a, 0x5b66, 0x5b71, + 0x3e3f, 0x546d, 0x3868, 0x4d7c, 0x5b68, 0x4474, 0x3323, 0x3a2d, + 0x5b60, 0x5b70, 0x3361, 0x5b6e, 0x5b72, 0x456e, 0x347e, 0x5c32, + 0x4c49, 0x5b77, 0x347d, 0x5b7e, 0x4b40, 0x5c21, 0x5c23, 0x5c27, + 0x5b79, 0x432a, 0x456f, 0x5c2b, 0x5b7c, 0x5c28, 0x5c22, 0x3f39, + 0x5c2c, 0x4033, 0x5c2a, 0x343d, 0x4f50, 0x5b76, 0x5c26, 0x3058, + 0x5b78, 0x4c3a, 0x5b7d, 0x3f22, 0x4447, 0x5b73, 0x5c25, 0x3f7a, + 0x5c2f, 0x3371, 0x3821, 0x5c31, 0x5b7a, 0x5c30, 0x5c29, 0x5b7b, + 0x5c2d, 0x5c2e, 0x5c3f, 0x464e, 0x5c24, 0x5c3b, 0x5c3d, 0x4458, + 0x4d4c, 0x4976, 0x5c38, 0x424a, 0x5c3e, 0x413f, 0x5c35, 0x5c42, + 0x5c41, 0x466f, 0x5c40, 0x466a, 0x5c44, 0x5c37, 0x3648, 0x5c3a, + 0x3d5d, 0x4760, 0x5c3c, 0x364b, 0x5c34, 0x5c36, 0x5c33, 0x4f30, + 0x335a, 0x5c39, 0x5c43, 0x3335, 0x3a67, 0x315d, 0x5c54, 0x4f31, + 0x5c57, 0x3f3a, 0x5c56, 0x5c55, 0x5c52, 0x5c46, 0x5c63, 0x5c45, + 0x5c58, 0x5c50, 0x5c4b, 0x5c48, 0x5c49, 0x5c51, 0x7422, 0x5c4e, + 0x393d, 0x4448, 0x4164, 0x5c4c, 0x5c47, 0x5c4a, 0x4d4d, 0x4b6a, + 0x5c4f, 0x5c59, 0x5c61, 0x5c5a, 0x5c67, 0x5c65, 0x5c60, 0x5c5f, + 0x4450, 0x4165, 0x5c5d, 0x5c5b, 0x5c62, 0x5c68, 0x4875, 0x5c6e, + 0x5c69, 0x5c6c, 0x5c66, 0x4374, 0x4938, 0x5c5c, 0x5c64, 0x3e40, + 0x4c4f, 0x5c78, 0x5c6b, 0x3822, 0x3223, 0x335f, 0x5c53, 0x3e41, + 0x5c70, 0x5c77, 0x3c79, 0x3372, 0x432e, 0x5c6d, 0x5c72, 0x5c76, + 0x3636, 0x354c, 0x5c74, 0x3521, 0x464b, 0x5c73, 0x5c75, 0x5c6f, + 0x5c71, 0x3360, 0x4349, 0x5c7c, 0x5c7a, 0x3869, 0x5c79, 0x5d21, + 0x5b58, 0x5c7b, 0x5c7d, 0x5c7e, 0x5d2c, 0x5d28, 0x5b6d, 0x5d27, + 0x5d26, 0x5d23, 0x5c6a, 0x5d25, 0x5d24, 0x5d2a, 0x4f26, 0x5d2d, + 0x367b, 0x5d29, 0x5d2b, 0x4827, 0x5d2e, 0x5d32, 0x5d2f, 0x4d73, + 0x5d30, 0x5c5e, 0x5d33, 0x5d34, 0x3135, 0x5d36, 0x3767, 0x3c21, + 0x3655, 0x3224, 0x4d5f, 0x5d38, 0x5d37, 0x5d3a, 0x353d, 0x3656, + 0x343e, 0x5d3d, 0x5d3c, 0x5d3e, 0x324e, 0x4337, 0x5d3f, 0x343f, + 0x5d41, 0x5d40, 0x5d42, 0x5d43, 0x5d44, 0x3b5f, 0x4035, 0x3a21, + 0x4970, 0x4a62, 0x4f44, 0x3b75, 0x3a50, 0x4e72, 0x5d45, 0x5d46, + 0x3b60, 0x5d47, 0x5d48, 0x5d4a, 0x5d49, 0x4b58, 0x3d5e, 0x3c6c, + 0x3b44, 0x5d4b, 0x5d4d, 0x3f23, 0x5d4c, 0x5d4e, 0x5d4f, 0x5d50, + 0x5d51, 0x5d52, 0x5d54, 0x5d53, 0x5d55, 0x3225, 0x434a, 0x5d56, + 0x3b26, 0x334c, 0x5d57, 0x4542, 0x544c, 0x3523, 0x5d58, 0x5d59, + 0x4a6c, 0x4b68, 0x4647, 0x5d5a, 0x4866, 0x487b, 0x4c53, 0x5d5b, + 0x5d5d, 0x5d5c, 0x5d5f, 0x5d5e, 0x5d61, 0x3b61, 0x4c31, 0x5d62, + 0x5d63, 0x3524, 0x5d64, 0x5d66, 0x5d65, 0x3f65, 0x4939, 0x314a, + 0x4845, 0x4475, 0x3d41, 0x3561, 0x4846, 0x3c2e, 0x5d68, 0x3440, + 0x3178, 0x4672, 0x5d67, 0x393e, 0x4353, 0x5d69, 0x5d71, 0x5d6a, + 0x4241, 0x3562, 0x5d72, 0x3768, 0x3525, 0x5d70, 0x5d6e, 0x5d6b, + 0x4d60, 0x4440, 0x4659, 0x5d6c, 0x5d74, 0x5d73, 0x3723, 0x322d, + 0x3a3b, 0x5d6d, 0x5d6f, 0x4b57, 0x4274, 0x4b77, 0x5d7c, 0x5d7d, + 0x324f, 0x4a28, 0x4c7d, 0x5e21, 0x3c23, 0x3e42, 0x5d78, 0x5d7e, + 0x3168, 0x3637, 0x5d75, 0x5d7a, 0x4074, 0x4771, 0x4867, 0x5d77, + 0x4b21, 0x5d79, 0x5e24, 0x5e22, 0x5d7b, 0x4b22, 0x4748, 0x3563, + 0x4525, 0x436d, 0x5e25, 0x5e23, 0x4259, 0x5d76, 0x314b, 0x4d4e, + 0x5e30, 0x5e2f, 0x4076, 0x5e2c, 0x4d6c, 0x4636, 0x5e26, 0x4445, + 0x314c, 0x393f, 0x5e29, 0x3d27, 0x5e2e, 0x5e2d, 0x5e28, 0x5e2b, + 0x3368, 0x5e2a, 0x4749, 0x4e2e, 0x3e74, 0x4075, 0x5e36, 0x5e34, + 0x494d, 0x5e31, 0x5e33, 0x313a, 0x3940, 0x4f32, 0x333d, 0x4962, + 0x4d61, 0x3324, 0x3f3b, 0x5e35, 0x5e3a, 0x3e43, 0x4d30, 0x5e37, + 0x5e32, 0x5e38, 0x4e5e, 0x4573, 0x4642, 0x3336, 0x3155, 0x5e3e, + 0x5e41, 0x4e43, 0x4d64, 0x5e48, 0x5e42, 0x5e3f, 0x4e54, 0x5e45, + 0x3d4a, 0x5e47, 0x5e4c, 0x4571, 0x5e4a, 0x5e44, 0x4338, 0x5e4b, + 0x5e40, 0x5e46, 0x5e4d, 0x307c, 0x5e43, 0x5e4e, 0x3f3c, 0x3d5f, + 0x4a25, 0x3a2e, 0x5e3b, 0x5e49, 0x453a, 0x4036, 0x3369, 0x3a51, + 0x3e44, 0x5e3d, 0x3d42, 0x374c, 0x5e3c, 0x5e52, 0x3d6d, 0x383a, + 0x5e61, 0x5e5b, 0x3574, 0x454f, 0x5e56, 0x5e5f, 0x302f, 0x3132, + 0x3239, 0x5e58, 0x422c, 0x5e4f, 0x5e51, 0x3941, 0x5e62, 0x5e5d, + 0x5e55, 0x5e5c, 0x4c2b, 0x5e5a, 0x5e5e, 0x3850, 0x3e45, 0x4339, + 0x5e54, 0x4d2f, 0x5e57, 0x5e50, 0x4572, 0x5e53, 0x5e59, 0x4f51, + 0x3c3e, 0x4b7e, 0x5e63, 0x482e, 0x5e6f, 0x383b, 0x3d60, 0x5e65, + 0x4e2f, 0x3942, 0x5e72, 0x306e, 0x5e70, 0x5e64, 0x5e6a, 0x5e6c, + 0x4d4f, 0x5e67, 0x452e, 0x5e69, 0x5e71, 0x5e6b, 0x4c47, 0x5e66, + 0x3c22, 0x5e7e, 0x336a, 0x5e68, 0x5e6d, 0x5e6e, 0x426c, 0x425a, + 0x5e76, 0x5e7c, 0x5e7a, 0x4529, 0x5f23, 0x5e77, 0x5e78, 0x5e60, + 0x3579, 0x493a, 0x3c3f, 0x3977, 0x4f33, 0x5e74, 0x5f22, 0x3169, + 0x4166, 0x4779, 0x3441, 0x4e7a, 0x4c21, 0x4452, 0x5e7b, 0x5e7d, + 0x4132, 0x5f21, 0x5e79, 0x5e73, 0x3443, 0x3769, 0x5f2f, 0x5f2a, + 0x4078, 0x3363, 0x3d61, 0x5f33, 0x5f2c, 0x442c, 0x5f29, 0x4459, + 0x5f4c, 0x5f26, 0x5f25, 0x5f2e, 0x5f28, 0x5f27, 0x5f2d, 0x4021, + 0x5f24, 0x5f30, 0x5f31, 0x3442, 0x5f36, 0x5f35, 0x5f37, 0x5f3a, + 0x4543, 0x5f34, 0x5f38, 0x3763, 0x4279, 0x5f32, 0x473b, 0x5f39, + 0x5f3e, 0x5f3c, 0x5f3f, 0x5f42, 0x5f3b, 0x396a, 0x4728, 0x5e39, + 0x4d74, 0x5f3d, 0x5f41, 0x4275, 0x5f40, 0x5f2b, 0x6f69, 0x5f45, + 0x5f49, 0x5f47, 0x5f43, 0x5f44, 0x5f48, 0x5f46, 0x494e, 0x5f4e, + 0x5f4b, 0x5f4a, 0x5f4d, 0x4654, 0x5f4f, 0x4375, 0x426d, 0x4025, + 0x5f50, 0x5f52, 0x5f51, 0x5e75, 0x5f53, 0x4667, 0x5f54, 0x3250, + 0x4574, 0x3325, 0x3564, 0x3c5e, 0x3a52, 0x4f27, 0x3f66, 0x316a, + 0x5f56, 0x5f55, 0x5f59, 0x433a, 0x5f5c, 0x5f57, 0x5f5b, 0x5f5a, + 0x4540, 0x3059, 0x4e75, 0x5f5e, 0x3128, 0x5f60, 0x5f5f, 0x5f5d, + 0x5f58, 0x4b23, 0x5f62, 0x5f61, 0x316b, 0x5f64, 0x4a32, 0x5f63, + 0x4c35, 0x3e47, 0x4133, 0x3e46, 0x4e7b, 0x5f6a, 0x4079, 0x5f66, + 0x5f6b, 0x316c, 0x5f69, 0x4761, 0x5f65, 0x5f68, 0x3e48, 0x4851, + 0x5f6c, 0x3c51, 0x407a, 0x5f6f, 0x5f67, 0x3727, 0x5f6d, 0x4d50, + 0x5f70, 0x7426, 0x3d4f, 0x5f71, 0x5f72, 0x472e, 0x5f74, 0x5f75, + 0x4733, 0x4575, 0x5f77, 0x5f79, 0x4e55, 0x5f76, 0x5f78, 0x316d, + 0x5f73, 0x535b, 0x5f7a, 0x4167, 0x3b38, 0x5f7c, 0x5f7b, 0x3f24, + 0x5259, 0x5f7d, 0x6021, 0x5f6e, 0x5f7e, 0x6022, 0x477a, 0x6023, + 0x6024, 0x6025, 0x6026, 0x445e, 0x6028, 0x6027, 0x6029, 0x602a, + 0x3c5f, 0x4963, 0x4c6c, 0x602b, 0x602c, 0x4156, 0x3c24, 0x602d, + 0x602e, 0x602f, 0x4a52, 0x4847, 0x6030, 0x4757, 0x442d, 0x6031, + 0x3267, 0x356d, 0x4c46, 0x4c36, 0x3234, 0x4f34, 0x4b52, 0x4a2a, + 0x4037, 0x6032, 0x4643, 0x3823, 0x6033, 0x3a54, 0x6035, 0x6034, + 0x6036, 0x6037, 0x6038, 0x353e, 0x6039, 0x603a, 0x3824, 0x4848, + 0x603c, 0x3e75, 0x603b, 0x3638, 0x603d, 0x603f, 0x603e, 0x6040, + 0x3851, 0x6041, 0x3669, 0x4140, 0x397d, 0x6043, 0x6044, 0x6042, + 0x3c6d, 0x4648, 0x3639, 0x6046, 0x432c, 0x6045, 0x4f35, 0x4762, + 0x6049, 0x604b, 0x6048, 0x4c54, 0x604a, 0x604c, 0x4e44, 0x6050, + 0x604f, 0x4376, 0x472d, 0x3825, 0x604e, 0x604d, 0x4d31, 0x4d32, + 0x6051, 0x316e, 0x3976, 0x3b62, 0x6052, 0x6053, 0x6055, 0x3d43, + 0x6057, 0x6056, 0x6058, 0x334d, 0x605a, 0x6059, 0x605c, 0x605b, + 0x383c, 0x4e28, 0x364c, 0x3226, 0x366a, 0x3461, 0x4e68, 0x605e, + 0x6060, 0x6061, 0x3251, 0x605d, 0x3b39, 0x4441, 0x605f, 0x6064, + 0x3c6e, 0x6062, 0x373e, 0x4849, 0x6063, 0x607e, 0x6069, 0x383d, + 0x3565, 0x6066, 0x4d7d, 0x4e30, 0x4276, 0x6068, 0x606a, 0x4e56, + 0x3657, 0x487c, 0x474a, 0x606b, 0x606d, 0x6070, 0x606c, 0x606f, + 0x386a, 0x314d, 0x6071, 0x3f70, 0x606e, 0x4e5c, 0x6074, 0x7424, + 0x6072, 0x6075, 0x6067, 0x6073, 0x3a3c, 0x6076, 0x6077, 0x4d7e, + 0x6078, 0x6079, 0x6065, 0x607a, 0x3444, 0x3c25, 0x607b, 0x607c, + 0x607d, 0x313b, 0x6121, 0x493b, 0x6122, 0x3424, 0x6123, 0x6124, + 0x6125, 0x6127, 0x6128, 0x6126, 0x4953, 0x612a, 0x6129, 0x612c, + 0x612b, 0x612d, 0x612e, 0x6130, 0x612f, 0x3979, 0x6132, 0x6131, + 0x3445, 0x3f53, 0x453c, 0x6133, 0x4038, 0x3b3a, 0x3179, 0x6134, + 0x4d51, 0x4a63, 0x6135, 0x4544, 0x4d33, 0x3943, 0x3f3d, 0x434b, + 0x5234, 0x442e, 0x3268, 0x6136, 0x6137, 0x613c, 0x613a, 0x6139, + 0x5a42, 0x3326, 0x6138, 0x305a, 0x482a, 0x484a, 0x4e31, 0x613d, + 0x613b, 0x435c, 0x4026, 0x482b, 0x492d, 0x613f, 0x4e2c, 0x374d, + 0x6140, 0x613e, 0x4856, 0x6141, 0x6142, 0x305b, 0x3e76, 0x6147, + 0x6144, 0x466d, 0x6143, 0x3526, 0x614a, 0x6145, 0x6146, 0x6149, + 0x6148, 0x4925, 0x4142, 0x4141, 0x353f, 0x614b, 0x614c, 0x614d, + 0x614f, 0x614e, 0x3156, 0x6157, 0x4868, 0x6151, 0x6153, 0x6155, + 0x3f3e, 0x6156, 0x6154, 0x3c40, 0x6150, 0x6152, 0x4942, 0x3e49, + 0x6159, 0x6158, 0x615a, 0x3c26, 0x3a2f, 0x4577, 0x615b, 0x444b, + 0x615d, 0x4e21, 0x615c, 0x4169, 0x6162, 0x6164, 0x6165, 0x4354, + 0x6163, 0x6160, 0x615e, 0x615f, 0x6161, 0x6168, 0x6166, 0x6167, + 0x6169, 0x616b, 0x616c, 0x616d, 0x616e, 0x616a, 0x6170, 0x616f, + 0x6171, 0x4e45, 0x6174, 0x6172, 0x6173, 0x3462, 0x4c7e, 0x4a4a, + 0x6176, 0x6175, 0x6177, 0x6178, 0x617c, 0x6179, 0x617a, 0x617b, + 0x617d, 0x617e, 0x6221, 0x6222, 0x6223, 0x482f, 0x4550, 0x6224, + 0x4772, 0x4934, 0x6225, 0x6226, 0x452a, 0x3327, 0x3944, 0x6227, + 0x6228, 0x6229, 0x3b29, 0x622b, 0x622a, 0x622c, 0x622d, 0x4869, + 0x622e, 0x622f, 0x7369, 0x6230, 0x6231, 0x6232, 0x3b2e, 0x6233, + 0x4756, 0x4b5f, 0x314e, 0x3157, 0x6234, 0x6236, 0x6235, 0x4570, + 0x4039, 0x5d39, 0x6237, 0x4c41, 0x6238, 0x3446, 0x4857, 0x6239, + 0x623a, 0x623b, 0x4c5c, 0x4c55, 0x443e, 0x416a, 0x623d, 0x3d62, + 0x3e4a, 0x6240, 0x623f, 0x623e, 0x487d, 0x3447, 0x3829, 0x6246, + 0x6243, 0x3f3f, 0x4c32, 0x6242, 0x6244, 0x6245, 0x6241, 0x6247, + 0x6248, 0x442f, 0x3463, 0x4365, 0x6249, 0x624a, 0x624d, 0x3f67, + 0x4644, 0x624e, 0x4b53, 0x624b, 0x624c, 0x6251, 0x6250, 0x624f, + 0x6253, 0x6252, 0x6254, 0x6256, 0x6255, 0x4a4d, 0x3d56, 0x4e46, + 0x6257, 0x4637, 0x6258, 0x6259, 0x625d, 0x625b, 0x625c, 0x625a, + 0x625e, 0x625f, 0x6260, 0x6261, 0x4c37, 0x6262, 0x4c70, 0x6263, + 0x434e, 0x476a, 0x366b, 0x433b, 0x6264, 0x363a, 0x4050, 0x6265, + 0x3a3d, 0x6266, 0x6267, 0x3826, 0x3a55, 0x6269, 0x4556, 0x3a56, + 0x354e, 0x4b24, 0x474b, 0x4557, 0x395c, 0x626b, 0x3e4b, 0x4e32, + 0x3945, 0x3827, 0x4823, 0x626d, 0x626f, 0x386b, 0x626e, 0x4476, + 0x6271, 0x3337, 0x626c, 0x486a, 0x3130, 0x3a6c, 0x4f52, 0x6270, + 0x6272, 0x4a4b, 0x4059, 0x6274, 0x6275, 0x6273, 0x334e, 0x627b, + 0x627a, 0x3c27, 0x627c, 0x6277, 0x627d, 0x6278, 0x4858, 0x6276, + 0x6279, 0x6322, 0x6321, 0x4b61, 0x627e, 0x306b, 0x6324, 0x6323, + 0x3e4c, 0x6325, 0x4143, 0x6327, 0x6326, 0x6328, 0x6268, 0x626a, + 0x632a, 0x6329, 0x3c28, 0x4e69, 0x3c52, 0x632b, 0x3737, 0x3540, + 0x3527, 0x3b63, 0x4d34, 0x6331, 0x6330, 0x4144, 0x632d, 0x632f, + 0x3d4b, 0x3f40, 0x632e, 0x632c, 0x472a, 0x3e4d, 0x493c, 0x3a57, + 0x4578, 0x6332, 0x6333, 0x6349, 0x3658, 0x4f3d, 0x4135, 0x6334, + 0x3252, 0x4477, 0x4a21, 0x6335, 0x357a, 0x6336, 0x6338, 0x6339, + 0x4729, 0x633a, 0x633b, 0x633c, 0x3659, 0x3253, 0x4645, 0x3d28, + 0x3b64, 0x633d, 0x3d29, 0x324a, 0x4943, 0x633e, 0x486b, 0x4145, + 0x6341, 0x6342, 0x4769, 0x3f41, 0x633f, 0x4361, 0x6340, 0x3e4e, + 0x305c, 0x3529, 0x6343, 0x4478, 0x6344, 0x4047, 0x4c2d, 0x4923, + 0x6345, 0x6346, 0x4355, 0x4e47, 0x6348, 0x6347, 0x3c6f, 0x634a, + 0x3070, 0x634d, 0x634b, 0x3254, 0x374e, 0x634c, 0x3946, 0x3972, + 0x4a66, 0x634e, 0x4b54, 0x6350, 0x4051, 0x314f, 0x323a, 0x302c, + 0x634f, 0x6351, 0x6352, 0x3e77, 0x6353, 0x334f, 0x6355, 0x376a, + 0x3566, 0x6356, 0x3675, 0x6357, 0x407c, 0x464d, 0x4060, 0x3a75, + 0x6358, 0x4362, 0x416b, 0x635a, 0x635c, 0x6359, 0x635b, 0x3722, + 0x635d, 0x3726, 0x3567, 0x4d52, 0x635f, 0x6360, 0x312e, 0x6363, + 0x3376, 0x6362, 0x6361, 0x6365, 0x635e, 0x6366, 0x4e29, 0x6367, + 0x6368, 0x5474, 0x636a, 0x6369, 0x636b, 0x636c, 0x4e35, 0x636d, + 0x706f, 0x3e4f, 0x636e, 0x636f, 0x3d57, 0x4638, 0x6370, 0x4328, + 0x6371, 0x433c, 0x6372, 0x3625, 0x513f, 0x435d, 0x3c33, 0x3448, + 0x6373, 0x6422, 0x6376, 0x3568, 0x6375, 0x6424, 0x6374, 0x3e50, + 0x6378, 0x6379, 0x452b, 0x637a, 0x335e, 0x3f5a, 0x4964, 0x637c, + 0x4268, 0x6377, 0x637b, 0x637d, 0x3a7b, 0x6426, 0x492e, 0x4826, + 0x4579, 0x365a, 0x6425, 0x6423, 0x4835, 0x637e, 0x435e, 0x457b, + 0x457a, 0x3a76, 0x6438, 0x6428, 0x642a, 0x642d, 0x642e, 0x642b, + 0x642c, 0x6429, 0x6427, 0x6421, 0x4a4f, 0x3255, 0x6435, 0x6432, + 0x6437, 0x6436, 0x4773, 0x4c27, 0x3b3b, 0x6430, 0x6439, 0x6434, + 0x6433, 0x642f, 0x6431, 0x3449, 0x433d, 0x407d, 0x4822, 0x643e, + 0x4824, 0x4061, 0x643b, 0x484f, 0x643f, 0x4a53, 0x435b, 0x643a, + 0x643c, 0x643d, 0x6440, 0x3c44, 0x4646, 0x6445, 0x6444, 0x6441, + 0x4f36, 0x644a, 0x644e, 0x644b, 0x6447, 0x6448, 0x644d, 0x6442, + 0x5255, 0x6449, 0x6443, 0x644c, 0x6452, 0x344a, 0x644f, 0x6450, + 0x6451, 0x6454, 0x6453, 0x4876, 0x6455, 0x4e7c, 0x4a6d, 0x645a, + 0x6457, 0x6456, 0x4052, 0x6459, 0x645b, 0x6458, 0x645f, 0x645c, + 0x645d, 0x6446, 0x645e, 0x6460, 0x6461, 0x4a46, 0x6462, 0x4c62, + 0x364e, 0x3729, 0x6463, 0x4a34, 0x3f68, 0x4c30, 0x6464, 0x4e33, + 0x4774, 0x4146, 0x4734, 0x3d4d, 0x3040, 0x6469, 0x6467, 0x6465, + 0x3421, 0x3e51, 0x646a, 0x6468, 0x6466, 0x646e, 0x646d, 0x646c, + 0x646b, 0x646f, 0x6470, 0x403a, 0x6471, 0x6473, 0x6472, 0x3852, + 0x4138, 0x6475, 0x457c, 0x6474, 0x6476, 0x4a35, 0x416c, 0x3947, + 0x6477, 0x4e48, 0x6479, 0x647a, 0x647b, 0x647c, 0x3b65, 0x647d, + 0x374f, 0x356a, 0x352a, 0x6521, 0x4c73, 0x3948, 0x647e, 0x6524, + 0x4c66, 0x473c, 0x4933, 0x3d63, 0x6523, 0x3c53, 0x3949, 0x3b66, + 0x3569, 0x4a36, 0x6522, 0x4147, 0x4b42, 0x3a77, 0x3b67, 0x445d, + 0x6527, 0x4e5f, 0x3a59, 0x6528, 0x3f42, 0x652a, 0x3e52, 0x3a30, + 0x6529, 0x3d2a, 0x383e, 0x4148, 0x6525, 0x652b, 0x6526, 0x3750, + 0x652e, 0x6532, 0x376b, 0x652d, 0x6536, 0x394a, 0x4d6d, 0x303c, + 0x6533, 0x356b, 0x6530, 0x6531, 0x457d, 0x652f, 0x652c, 0x3328, + 0x4064, 0x3828, 0x6538, 0x6535, 0x6537, 0x6534, 0x3751, 0x4233, + 0x6539, 0x416e, 0x6546, 0x6542, 0x653c, 0x6540, 0x3c7a, 0x305d, + 0x653b, 0x6543, 0x6547, 0x394b, 0x4c56, 0x4456, 0x653d, 0x6545, + 0x653a, 0x433e, 0x653f, 0x303d, 0x4c4a, 0x653e, 0x365b, 0x486c, + 0x416d, 0x4e50, 0x3d6f, 0x656e, 0x6548, 0x407e, 0x6544, 0x6549, + 0x654b, 0x4479, 0x654e, 0x654a, 0x4a54, 0x344b, 0x4c4b, 0x305e, + 0x654d, 0x4e7d, 0x654c, 0x316f, 0x466c, 0x654f, 0x6556, 0x6550, + 0x6557, 0x6553, 0x477b, 0x3c4a, 0x6555, 0x6552, 0x6558, 0x6551, + 0x3d44, 0x4b25, 0x3d4c, 0x6554, 0x6560, 0x655c, 0x655f, 0x655d, + 0x6561, 0x655b, 0x6541, 0x4053, 0x484b, 0x655e, 0x6559, 0x4121, + 0x3752, 0x3d2b, 0x3f25, 0x4136, 0x6564, 0x6566, 0x6567, 0x6563, + 0x6565, 0x655a, 0x6562, 0x656a, 0x6569, 0x4b7a, 0x372b, 0x6568, + 0x656c, 0x656b, 0x656f, 0x6571, 0x3b3c, 0x656d, 0x6572, 0x6573, + 0x6574, 0x657a, 0x453b, 0x6576, 0x6575, 0x6577, 0x6578, 0x6579, + 0x657b, 0x657c, 0x344c, 0x657d, 0x657e, 0x6621, 0x6622, 0x6623, + 0x6624, 0x6625, 0x6626, 0x6628, 0x6627, 0x6629, 0x662a, 0x662b, + 0x662e, 0x662c, 0x662d, 0x3a61, 0x3753, 0x4356, 0x4833, 0x3d70, + 0x474d, 0x486d, 0x662f, 0x586d, 0x6630, 0x6632, 0x4d65, 0x6631, + 0x6634, 0x6633, 0x4d53, 0x6635, 0x487e, 0x6636, 0x6639, 0x6638, + 0x6637, 0x663a, 0x3732, 0x4122, 0x3541, 0x663e, 0x663b, 0x663c, + 0x663f, 0x6640, 0x663d, 0x3129, 0x3227, 0x6642, 0x6643, 0x6644, + 0x4d62, 0x3d2c, 0x6646, 0x6645, 0x3f69, 0x6647, 0x6648, 0x6649, + 0x3465, 0x344d, 0x664a, 0x664b, 0x4b5d, 0x4d63, 0x4d54, 0x4f37, + 0x394d, 0x664e, 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0x672f, 0x6730, 0x672c, 0x672d, 0x672e, + 0x3951, 0x6736, 0x6732, 0x4966, 0x4b6c, 0x4928, 0x6731, 0x6734, + 0x6733, 0x4b44, 0x6737, 0x6738, 0x4137, 0x6739, 0x673b, 0x673f, + 0x673c, 0x673a, 0x473f, 0x673d, 0x673e, 0x3232, 0x6745, 0x6740, + 0x6741, 0x6742, 0x4221, 0x6744, 0x6743, 0x6746, 0x6747, 0x6748, + 0x3f43, 0x3269, 0x6749, 0x4e57, 0x3c2b, 0x3d2d, 0x3b6a, 0x4357, + 0x674a, 0x674b, 0x3131, 0x674c, 0x674d, 0x674e, 0x674f, 0x6750, + 0x363d, 0x5a2a, 0x6751, 0x4065, 0x6752, 0x3c4b, 0x6753, 0x5030, + 0x6754, 0x4a5e, 0x345c, 0x4124, 0x3d58, 0x4971, 0x3d2e, 0x6755, + 0x3952, 0x6756, 0x484c, 0x6764, 0x6758, 0x4249, 0x4775, 0x383f, + 0x6757, 0x4125, 0x6759, 0x447a, 0x675b, 0x675a, 0x675d, 0x675c, + 0x675e, 0x6760, 0x675f, 0x344f, 0x6761, 0x6762, 0x6763, 0x3a31, + 0x4e49, 0x6765, 0x3f27, 0x3170, 0x6766, 0x6767, 0x6768, 0x3072, + 0x6769, 0x676a, 0x4967, 0x3c47, 0x676c, 0x3329, 0x3032, 0x676b, + 0x676e, 0x474e, 0x3f44, 0x3256, 0x4b27, 0x375d, 0x365c, 0x676d, + 0x326a, 0x3423, 0x3171, 0x6772, 0x4e6a, 0x425d, 0x4944, 0x677e, + 0x3257, 0x677c, 0x677a, 0x6771, 0x676f, 0x6770, 0x3c63, 0x366c, + 0x4377, 0x4651, 0x3151, 0x6774, 0x6773, 0x6779, 0x6775, 0x6778, + 0x4c50, 0x6777, 0x3258, 0x337d, 0x677b, 0x677d, 0x3754, 0x6823, + 0x682c, 0x682d, 0x302b, 0x6834, 0x3071, 0x682b, 0x682a, 0x6825, + 0x6824, 0x6822, 0x6821, 0x4363, 0x427b, 0x6827, 0x6826, 0x6829, + 0x4170, 0x3755, 0x3141, 0x6828, 0x3953, 0x4171, 0x683a, 0x683b, + 0x3259, 0x322e, 0x6838, 0x682e, 0x6836, 0x683d, 0x6837, 0x6835, + 0x6776, 0x6833, 0x682f, 0x3450, 0x6831, 0x683c, 0x6832, 0x683e, + 0x6830, 0x477c, 0x4d69, 0x6839, 0x684f, 0x6847, 0x3f7b, 0x3546, + 0x365d, 0x6842, 0x325b, 0x3e54, 0x6845, 0x3a5a, 0x4551, 0x684a, + 0x4a6e, 0x6841, 0x325a, 0x3856, 0x4929, 0x684b, 0x683f, 0x6848, + 0x6852, 0x6843, 0x6844, 0x463a, 0x6849, 0x6846, 0x4b28, 0x684c, + 0x3060, 0x6840, 0x684e, 0x684d, 0x476b, 0x6854, 0x685f, 0x337e, + 0x6862, 0x6850, 0x6855, 0x4d6e, 0x685e, 0x4d55, 0x4e2a, 0x4378, + 0x336b, 0x4972, 0x6864, 0x4621, 0x3031, 0x685d, 0x6859, 0x4172, + 0x6853, 0x685b, 0x6860, 0x472c, 0x302a, 0x6858, 0x6861, 0x4978, + 0x685c, 0x6857, 0x3e55, 0x3d2f, 0x3c2c, 0x4c58, 0x4947, 0x6867, + 0x6870, 0x685a, 0x3377, 0x3e78, 0x6865, 0x686a, 0x4173, 0x6866, + 0x686d, 0x435f, 0x686e, 0x4d56, 0x6863, 0x3338, 0x6869, 0x686c, + 0x4c2c, 0x686f, 0x6868, 0x686b, 0x4b29, 0x4f21, 0x6873, 0x687a, + 0x6872, 0x3c43, 0x6851, 0x4a4e, 0x4c22, 0x6879, 0x6878, 0x6874, + 0x6875, 0x3136, 0x6877, 0x6871, 0x4455, 0x6876, 0x307e, 0x4222, + 0x4a43, 0x687b, 0x6921, 0x4859, 0x687e, 0x3e56, 0x3c49, 0x6923, + 0x363e, 0x6924, 0x4979, 0x687d, 0x6856, 0x687c, 0x4f4f, 0x4622, + 0x4973, 0x692b, 0x6931, 0x6932, 0x6925, 0x4776, 0x692f, 0x6927, + 0x6929, 0x6933, 0x6928, 0x692c, 0x3172, 0x4665, 0x692d, 0x6930, + 0x6926, 0x4126, 0x692a, 0x3b27, 0x3f45, 0x3730, 0x4c74, 0x4c79, + 0x3d72, 0x6937, 0x6935, 0x4f4e, 0x6934, 0x4d75, 0x6936, 0x6938, + 0x6939, 0x693c, 0x693a, 0x4623, 0x693b, 0x484d, 0x692e, 0x3d73, + 0x693d, 0x6942, 0x4174, 0x6941, 0x6922, 0x6943, 0x4149, 0x693e, + 0x6940, 0x693f, 0x5d31, 0x5d22, 0x6945, 0x6944, 0x4d76, 0x623c, + 0x6946, 0x6947, 0x6948, 0x3857, 0x3554, 0x694a, 0x515d, 0x3575, + 0x4e3a, 0x3673, 0x694b, 0x694c, 0x436e, 0x694d, 0x467a, 0x303a, + 0x3263, 0x6952, 0x6953, 0x694e, 0x3b3d, 0x694f, 0x4742, 0x6950, + 0x6951, 0x695b, 0x6955, 0x6958, 0x6954, 0x6956, 0x6957, 0x3c58, + 0x6959, 0x4341, 0x3756, 0x3342, 0x695c, 0x333f, 0x6961, 0x695d, + 0x6960, 0x483a, 0x695e, 0x695f, 0x4948, 0x485a, 0x6962, 0x427d, + 0x696c, 0x6968, 0x326b, 0x6966, 0x4b2a, 0x6967, 0x6964, 0x6965, + 0x696a, 0x696d, 0x696b, 0x6969, 0x6963, 0x4358, 0x6974, 0x4c2a, + 0x6972, 0x6973, 0x696e, 0x6970, 0x6971, 0x696f, 0x4066, 0x4f39, + 0x6978, 0x6979, 0x6a21, 0x3f2a, 0x697b, 0x697e, 0x6976, 0x6975, + 0x6a22, 0x325c, 0x697c, 0x6a23, 0x697d, 0x697a, 0x4433, 0x6977, + 0x4768, 0x6a27, 0x4d3b, 0x6a26, 0x6a25, 0x6a2e, 0x6a28, 0x6a30, + 0x4d66, 0x6a33, 0x6a2a, 0x6a2b, 0x6a2f, 0x6a32, 0x6a31, 0x6a29, + 0x6a2c, 0x6a3d, 0x6a36, 0x6a34, 0x6a35, 0x6a3a, 0x6a3b, 0x332a, + 0x3542, 0x6a39, 0x6a24, 0x6a38, 0x6a3c, 0x6a37, 0x6a3e, 0x6a40, + 0x6a3f, 0x6a42, 0x6a41, 0x695a, 0x6a46, 0x6a43, 0x6a44, 0x6a45, + 0x6a47, 0x376c, 0x6a49, 0x6a48, 0x3d30, 0x3954, 0x5e27, 0x6a4a, + 0x3d51, 0x3339, 0x6a4b, 0x3152, 0x3e57, 0x6a4c, 0x3955, 0x6a4d, + 0x3061, 0x493d, 0x6a4e, 0x3f6a, 0x6a55, 0x6a52, 0x436f, 0x6a53, + 0x6a50, 0x365e, 0x6a4f, 0x6a56, 0x3736, 0x425e, 0x6a5c, 0x6a58, + 0x4235, 0x6a57, 0x6a5a, 0x6a51, 0x6a5b, 0x6a5d, 0x486f, 0x6a59, + 0x6a5e, 0x6a60, 0x3853, 0x6a54, 0x3041, 0x6a5f, 0x3a5b, 0x4e76, + 0x6a61, 0x6a62, 0x4175, 0x4e22, 0x6a63, 0x4d35, 0x6a64, 0x6a65, + 0x4a64, 0x6a66, 0x3a40, 0x4e23, 0x6a6b, 0x6a6c, 0x3e58, 0x6a6a, + 0x4d67, 0x6a67, 0x6a69, 0x403d, 0x3f7e, 0x6a68, 0x6a6d, 0x4a23, + 0x6a6f, 0x6a6e, 0x336c, 0x4b2b, 0x6a70, 0x6a7c, 0x6a72, 0x6a73, + 0x6a74, 0x6a75, 0x6a79, 0x6a7a, 0x6a78, 0x6a76, 0x6a71, 0x6a77, + 0x6a7b, 0x7037, 0x3228, 0x6a7e, 0x365f, 0x6a7d, 0x6b22, 0x6b21, + 0x6b24, 0x6b23, 0x6b25, 0x3d31, 0x6b26, 0x6b27, 0x6b28, 0x403e, + 0x4d57, 0x6b29, 0x4a24, 0x4746, 0x6b2a, 0x6b2b, 0x382b, 0x352c, + 0x6b2c, 0x3b6b, 0x4741, 0x6b2d, 0x3350, 0x6b2e, 0x6b30, 0x4d77, + 0x6b2f, 0x3f46, 0x6b31, 0x6b32, 0x6b33, 0x3451, 0x6b34, 0x6b35, + 0x6b36, 0x6b37, 0x3351, 0x6b38, 0x6b39, 0x6b3a, 0x3272, 0x3f28, + 0x6b3b, 0x6b3c, 0x6b3d, 0x3840, 0x447b, 0x6b3e, 0x3757, 0x3f56, + 0x6b41, 0x4624, 0x6b40, 0x3731, 0x6b3f, 0x4277, 0x352d, 0x6b42, + 0x6b43, 0x3e59, 0x376d, 0x6b44, 0x4b2c, 0x405f, 0x3576, 0x4c75, + 0x414a, 0x6b45, 0x3f47, 0x4370, 0x3e5a, 0x6b46, 0x6b49, 0x6b4a, + 0x3a3e, 0x4242, 0x6b48, 0x3e5b, 0x493e, 0x6b47, 0x3b6c, 0x3153, + 0x6b4e, 0x3758, 0x3b6e, 0x3b6d, 0x4f4d, 0x6b4d, 0x6b4c, 0x4127, + 0x354d, 0x4f43, 0x333a, 0x3e5c, 0x6b4b, 0x6b50, 0x6b51, 0x6b4f, + 0x3858, 0x4d40, 0x3b6f, 0x4727, 0x6b54, 0x4040, 0x4342, 0x4d36, + 0x6b57, 0x386c, 0x403f, 0x6b53, 0x6b58, 0x386d, 0x6b55, 0x6b56, + 0x6b52, 0x4062, 0x4649, 0x432f, 0x325d, 0x4870, 0x3543, 0x4434, + 0x6b5b, 0x6b59, 0x434c, 0x4041, 0x3452, 0x6b5a, 0x3f5b, 0x4e4a, + 0x4f40, 0x6b5c, 0x6b67, 0x4435, 0x6b66, 0x6b63, 0x6b6b, 0x6b64, + 0x6b60, 0x447c, 0x6b5f, 0x6b5d, 0x4d21, 0x3b70, 0x6b61, 0x6b5e, + 0x6b65, 0x3d74, 0x3841, 0x427a, 0x4b45, 0x315a, 0x3062, 0x4625, + 0x6b69, 0x6b68, 0x4666, 0x6b6d, 0x6b62, 0x6b6c, 0x6b6e, 0x382c, + 0x6b6a, 0x3956, 0x3c55, 0x6b6f, 0x4d58, 0x6b72, 0x6b75, 0x6b73, + 0x4935, 0x6b70, 0x3660, 0x6b74, 0x6b76, 0x6b7a, 0x6b77, 0x6b79, + 0x6b78, 0x6b7b, 0x3c31, 0x6b7d, 0x6b7c, 0x4968, 0x6c21, 0x3759, + 0x6b7e, 0x6c22, 0x6c23, 0x3544, 0x6641, 0x3e79, 0x6c24, 0x386e, + 0x6c25, 0x6c26, 0x3b3e, 0x5a4e, 0x6c27, 0x6c28, 0x3d32, 0x6c29, + 0x6c2a, 0x6c2b, 0x6c2c, 0x6c2d, 0x432b, 0x6c2e, 0x6c30, 0x6c2f, + 0x4626, 0x6c31, 0x4b2d, 0x6c32, 0x6c33, 0x6c34, 0x6c35, 0x465a, + 0x3e5d, 0x6c36, 0x396b, 0x502e, 0x6c37, 0x6c38, 0x493f, 0x6c39, + 0x6c41, 0x6c3a, 0x6c3c, 0x6c3b, 0x6c3d, 0x4b46, 0x6c3e, 0x6c3f, + 0x6c40, 0x6c42, 0x332d, 0x4467, 0x4969, 0x3a62, 0x3957, 0x494f, + 0x325f, 0x484e, 0x6c45, 0x3453, 0x4055, 0x6c44, 0x6c49, 0x4379, + 0x4c63, 0x6c47, 0x6c48, 0x352e, 0x6c4a, 0x4763, 0x425f, 0x4871, + 0x453d, 0x6c46, 0x4b47, 0x326c, 0x6c4c, 0x4f28, 0x4442, 0x4f45, + 0x3b71, 0x6c4b, 0x4231, 0x6c5c, 0x4128, 0x4678, 0x4950, 0x6c4f, + 0x3b3f, 0x3b72, 0x3e5e, 0x4765, 0x382d, 0x6c4e, 0x6c4d, 0x496a, + 0x3c41, 0x4552, 0x6c51, 0x6c52, 0x3958, 0x6c50, 0x6c53, 0x6c54, + 0x6c56, 0x4223, 0x6c55, 0x3466, 0x6c58, 0x6c57, 0x6c59, 0x6c5b, + 0x6c5d, 0x6c5e, 0x4056, 0x3c4f, 0x6c5f, 0x3352, 0x6c60, 0x4176, + 0x6c61, 0x6c62, 0x496b, 0x352f, 0x6c63, 0x4436, 0x315b, 0x6c64, + 0x3c71, 0x3f76, 0x422d, 0x6c67, 0x6c66, 0x6c65, 0x6c6d, 0x6c6b, + 0x6c68, 0x6c6a, 0x6c69, 0x6c6c, 0x3577, 0x6c70, 0x4057, 0x6c71, + 0x3859, 0x6c6e, 0x6c6f, 0x4f29, 0x4437, 0x4129, 0x6c72, 0x6c75, + 0x6c73, 0x6c74, 0x4d59, 0x4627, 0x6c78, 0x6c76, 0x6c77, 0x6c79, + 0x6d29, 0x6c7c, 0x6c7d, 0x6c7b, 0x6c7a, 0x447d, 0x6d21, 0x6d25, + 0x6d22, 0x6c7e, 0x6d23, 0x6d24, 0x6d2b, 0x6d26, 0x4058, 0x6d28, + 0x6d2a, 0x6d27, 0x6d2d, 0x3d33, 0x6d2c, 0x6d2e, 0x6d2f, 0x6d32, + 0x6d31, 0x6d30, 0x6d34, 0x6d33, 0x4c76, 0x6d36, 0x6d35, 0x6d37, + 0x6d38, 0x6d3a, 0x6d39, 0x3f48, 0x6d3b, 0x366d, 0x6d3c, 0x6d3e, + 0x6d3f, 0x6d40, 0x6d3d, 0x6d41, 0x3c56, 0x6d42, 0x3530, 0x3733, + 0x382e, 0x6d43, 0x4670, 0x453e, 0x6d44, 0x6d47, 0x3c34, 0x6d46, + 0x6d45, 0x375a, 0x6d48, 0x3353, 0x6d4a, 0x3a5c, 0x6d49, 0x6d52, + 0x6d4c, 0x6d4e, 0x4a65, 0x6d4b, 0x6d4d, 0x6d51, 0x6d4f, 0x3531, + 0x6d50, 0x6d53, 0x475a, 0x4e58, 0x3d34, 0x6d54, 0x4d22, 0x6d56, + 0x6d55, 0x6d59, 0x4d41, 0x6d58, 0x336d, 0x6d57, 0x6d5c, 0x6d5b, + 0x6d5a, 0x4532, 0x6d5d, 0x6d5e, 0x6d5f, 0x396c, 0x3725, 0x6d60, + 0x6d61, 0x6d62, 0x3f49, 0x6d63, 0x3c2d, 0x6d64, 0x6d65, 0x5221, + 0x517e, 0x6d66, 0x6570, 0x6d67, 0x4324, 0x3f2b, 0x4740, 0x6d68, + 0x4a55, 0x4454, 0x397e, 0x4329, 0x312a, 0x4b78, 0x3f57, 0x375e, + 0x3661, 0x4a56, 0x6d69, 0x6d6b, 0x6d6a, 0x3260, 0x4676, 0x6d6c, + 0x4777, 0x4533, 0x6d6d, 0x3d52, 0x6d6f, 0x4c42, 0x6d7e, 0x6d71, + 0x6d72, 0x4449, 0x4260, 0x4177, 0x4628, 0x6d70, 0x3555, 0x6d79, + 0x6d76, 0x6e25, 0x4629, 0x4360, 0x6d73, 0x447e, 0x4553, 0x6d74, + 0x6d78, 0x3f60, 0x4767, 0x444c, 0x4042, 0x6d77, 0x422e, 0x4224, + 0x6d75, 0x3029, 0x4f22, 0x6d7a, 0x4261, 0x3d35, 0x3f4a, 0x6d7c, + 0x6d7b, 0x306f, 0x6d7d, 0x492f, 0x6e27, 0x465b, 0x3f6b, 0x4359, + 0x3678, 0x6e26, 0x4d37, 0x313f, 0x4a57, 0x3261, 0x6e21, 0x6e22, + 0x6e23, 0x6e24, 0x463b, 0x4323, 0x3063, 0x6e28, 0x6e29, 0x7423, + 0x423d, 0x6e2a, 0x3173, 0x414c, 0x382f, 0x4d5a, 0x6e2b, 0x452c, + 0x4178, 0x3c57, 0x6e2c, 0x6e2f, 0x3d65, 0x6e2d, 0x412b, 0x412a, + 0x3064, 0x4e4b, 0x6e31, 0x4872, 0x6e33, 0x6e32, 0x6e30, 0x6364, + 0x3454, 0x6d6e, 0x6e35, 0x6e34, 0x6e36, 0x4d38, 0x4661, 0x4b2e, + 0x6e37, 0x3c59, 0x6e38, 0x6e39, 0x6e3a, 0x4521, 0x306a, 0x3959, + 0x4f3a, 0x6e3e, 0x3734, 0x6e3b, 0x6e3c, 0x4974, 0x3354, 0x4d39, + 0x363f, 0x4554, 0x6e3f, 0x6e40, 0x6e41, 0x4522, 0x6e43, 0x6e42, + 0x4653, 0x6e44, 0x3d36, 0x3c60, 0x475b, 0x4371, 0x3c72, 0x3f6c, + 0x6e45, 0x6e46, 0x3f5d, 0x6e47, 0x6e48, 0x6e49, 0x4d6f, 0x3d37, + 0x6e4b, 0x6e4a, 0x395a, 0x3973, 0x3b40, 0x6e4e, 0x3d66, 0x6e4d, + 0x6e4c, 0x4269, 0x386f, 0x4043, 0x4830, 0x3d39, 0x6e4f, 0x3e5f, + 0x6e52, 0x6e50, 0x6e51, 0x6e54, 0x6e53, 0x3e7a, 0x6e55, 0x6e56, + 0x6e57, 0x4850, 0x3a53, 0x3c61, 0x6e58, 0x6e59, 0x4e24, 0x3d45, + 0x4c6e, 0x4e4c, 0x6e5a, 0x3662, 0x6e5b, 0x4523, 0x6e5e, 0x3378, + 0x3f4b, 0x6e5c, 0x6e5d, 0x4460, 0x4b55, 0x367c, 0x6e60, 0x6e61, + 0x6e5f, 0x6e63, 0x465f, 0x3343, 0x6e67, 0x6e64, 0x6e66, 0x6e62, + 0x6f4f, 0x6e65, 0x4e6b, 0x385a, 0x6e6f, 0x4534, 0x6e6a, 0x6e6d, + 0x6e6b, 0x6e70, 0x6e71, 0x6e69, 0x6e76, 0x3174, 0x6e68, 0x482d, + 0x6e6c, 0x3e60, 0x395b, 0x4b48, 0x3664, 0x3d46, 0x463c, 0x412d, + 0x6e74, 0x6e6e, 0x6e73, 0x4c43, 0x4438, 0x6e75, 0x6e72, 0x412c, + 0x6e79, 0x6e78, 0x6e77, 0x4b2f, 0x3d7b, 0x6e7a, 0x4a5f, 0x3154, + 0x4946, 0x4372, 0x3578, 0x6e7c, 0x395d, 0x3b2c, 0x6e7b, 0x3f6d, + 0x3f6e, 0x6f21, 0x6f23, 0x3e7b, 0x6f22, 0x6f24, 0x3653, 0x4945, + 0x3c62, 0x4f23, 0x6e7e, 0x3a78, 0x4f3f, 0x6f26, 0x6f25, 0x6f27, + 0x6e7d, 0x4669, 0x4555, 0x4457, 0x6f2c, 0x4343, 0x6f28, 0x6f29, + 0x372d, 0x6f2b, 0x3830, 0x6f2a, 0x3e61, 0x3379, 0x6f30, 0x3a3f, + 0x4179, 0x444a, 0x333b, 0x6f2e, 0x6f2f, 0x4443, 0x6f2d, 0x6f31, + 0x6f37, 0x6f3a, 0x6f39, 0x452d, 0x6f32, 0x6f33, 0x6f36, 0x6f38, + 0x3640, 0x6f3b, 0x6f35, 0x6f34, 0x6f3f, 0x6f40, 0x6f41, 0x6f3e, + 0x6f3d, 0x3e62, 0x462a, 0x6f3c, 0x6f45, 0x6f43, 0x6f44, 0x6f42, + 0x4278, 0x6f46, 0x6f47, 0x6f49, 0x3455, 0x6f48, 0x4c7a, 0x6f54, + 0x6f4a, 0x6f4d, 0x6f4b, 0x6f4c, 0x6f4e, 0x6f50, 0x6f51, 0x6f52, + 0x6f55, 0x6f53, 0x6f56, 0x6f58, 0x6f57, 0x4439, 0x4c67, 0x6f59, + 0x412e, 0x6f5a, 0x4a44, 0x6f5b, 0x332b, 0x313c, 0x3457, 0x3456, + 0x6f5c, 0x6f5d, 0x6f5e, 0x6f5f, 0x6f60, 0x3458, 0x3355, 0x395e, + 0x4836, 0x6f62, 0x6f61, 0x6f63, 0x315c, 0x6f66, 0x6f65, 0x6f64, + 0x6f67, 0x6f6a, 0x3047, 0x6f68, 0x6f6c, 0x6f6b, 0x6f6e, 0x6f6d, + 0x6f6f, 0x462e, 0x6f70, 0x6f71, 0x6f73, 0x6f72, 0x496c, 0x6f74, + 0x6f75, 0x3a65, 0x6f76, 0x6f77, 0x4b49, 0x414b, 0x3024, 0x424b, + 0x6f78, 0x496d, 0x6f7b, 0x6f79, 0x395f, 0x6f7a, 0x3842, 0x4a45, + 0x6f7d, 0x7021, 0x6f7e, 0x7022, 0x3121, 0x3f58, 0x3d7c, 0x3459, + 0x7023, 0x4766, 0x7025, 0x3122, 0x7024, 0x4444, 0x4e4d, 0x462b, + 0x6f7c, 0x4e26, 0x3831, 0x4d5b, 0x3679, 0x4e34, 0x3728, 0x4262, + 0x6721, 0x7026, 0x332c, 0x3f6f, 0x3356, 0x7028, 0x7029, 0x7027, + 0x3764, 0x3a5d, 0x3e63, 0x3123, 0x4e59, 0x702b, 0x6e2e, 0x702a, + 0x702e, 0x702c, 0x702d, 0x702f, 0x7030, 0x4e6c, 0x7031, 0x7032, + 0x4049, 0x483b, 0x3f7d, 0x3467, 0x4d3a, 0x326d, 0x3d38, 0x385b, + 0x7035, 0x7034, 0x3b73, 0x7036, 0x7033, 0x3b28, 0x703a, 0x6a2d, + 0x5256, 0x3f77, 0x7038, 0x4e25, 0x4671, 0x312b, 0x4063, 0x3c36, + 0x4a37, 0x3140, 0x4e6d, 0x4d6b, 0x703b, 0x4545, 0x3c7b, 0x703c, + 0x703d, 0x3f4c, 0x703e, 0x4e6e, 0x7039, 0x7040, 0x7042, 0x7041, + 0x703f, 0x7043, 0x7044, 0x417a, 0x3262, 0x7045, 0x4c38, 0x7046, + 0x7047, 0x4f2a, 0x5b31, 0x7048, 0x7049, 0x704a, 0x704e, 0x704b, + 0x704c, 0x704d, 0x704f, 0x4044, 0x4c77, 0x4045, 0x7050, 0x4873, + 0x7051, 0x7353, 0x4c4c, 0x7052, 0x7053, 0x7054, 0x3357, 0x7056, + 0x3f59, 0x7057, 0x3724, 0x7058, 0x705c, 0x705a, 0x705b, 0x3373, + 0x7059, 0x705d, 0x705e, 0x3048, 0x705f, 0x7060, 0x3e64, 0x7061, + 0x3547, 0x7064, 0x7063, 0x7062, 0x6b71, 0x4a5c, 0x7065, 0x7066, + 0x7067, 0x7068, 0x7069, 0x706a, 0x345a, 0x706b, 0x706c, 0x4723, + 0x706e, 0x323b, 0x7071, 0x7070, 0x3124, 0x3641, 0x4a47, 0x443a, + 0x3a22, 0x3960, 0x3d67, 0x3f5c, 0x7073, 0x7072, 0x4d42, 0x3468, + 0x4852, 0x465c, 0x3f7c, 0x4e4e, 0x375b, 0x7076, 0x7075, 0x4b4b, + 0x462c, 0x3150, 0x7077, 0x7074, 0x4951, 0x4d6a, 0x7078, 0x7079, + 0x707b, 0x426a, 0x335b, 0x335c, 0x707a, 0x3469, 0x3832, 0x346a, + 0x453f, 0x4e60, 0x385c, 0x707c, 0x707d, 0x707e, 0x7121, 0x7123, + 0x7122, 0x4977, 0x7124, 0x7125, 0x7126, 0x7127, 0x7129, 0x7128, + 0x712a, 0x4874, 0x664c, 0x3f29, 0x3532, 0x712b, 0x712c, 0x522c, + 0x5d3b, 0x4853, 0x307b, 0x303b, 0x3b74, 0x4b30, 0x3e7e, 0x712d, + 0x4c5f, 0x712e, 0x4d5c, 0x3142, 0x3b41, 0x712f, 0x326e, 0x7130, + 0x7131, 0x7133, 0x7134, 0x7136, 0x7132, 0x7135, 0x345b, 0x7137, + 0x7138, 0x7139, 0x713a, 0x713b, 0x713d, 0x713c, 0x713f, 0x7142, + 0x713e, 0x7140, 0x7141, 0x7143, 0x3642, 0x3c73, 0x7144, 0x7145, + 0x3961, 0x7146, 0x333e, 0x474f, 0x7147, 0x7148, 0x435a, 0x466b, + 0x7149, 0x477d, 0x424c, 0x3158, 0x366e, 0x366f, 0x4373, 0x714e, + 0x3670, 0x326f, 0x714d, 0x714b, 0x714c, 0x714a, 0x7158, 0x714f, + 0x7150, 0x7151, 0x7152, 0x7154, 0x7153, 0x3d59, 0x7155, 0x7157, + 0x3533, 0x7156, 0x417b, 0x3833, 0x7159, 0x424d, 0x715a, 0x462d, + 0x715b, 0x7160, 0x715e, 0x715d, 0x715f, 0x715c, 0x7162, 0x7161, + 0x7164, 0x3643, 0x7163, 0x7165, 0x7166, 0x7168, 0x7167, 0x7169, + 0x716b, 0x716a, 0x397c, 0x716c, 0x716d, 0x333c, 0x716e, 0x716f, + 0x3f71, 0x7170, 0x7171, 0x7172, 0x7173, 0x3962, 0x7174, 0x7175, + 0x7176, 0x7177, 0x7178, 0x4831, 0x717a, 0x4926, 0x717b, 0x7179, + 0x717d, 0x717c, 0x717e, 0x7221, 0x7222, 0x7223, 0x7224, 0x7225, + 0x7226, 0x7227, 0x7228, 0x7229, 0x722a, 0x722b, 0x722c, 0x722d, + 0x722e, 0x5d35, 0x722f, 0x6478, 0x3534, 0x3321, 0x3a32, 0x7231, + 0x7230, 0x4c25, 0x7233, 0x7234, 0x7232, 0x7235, 0x4b62, 0x7236, + 0x357b, 0x4f25, 0x7237, 0x7239, 0x303e, 0x723a, 0x4a2b, 0x7238, + 0x723b, 0x723c, 0x723d, 0x723e, 0x723f, 0x4b6e, 0x3b2d, 0x3a7a, + 0x412f, 0x7240, 0x7243, 0x7241, 0x7244, 0x3871, 0x7242, 0x7245, + 0x7246, 0x7247, 0x724b, 0x3b2a, 0x4264, 0x724c, 0x7249, 0x7248, + 0x724a, 0x375f, 0x7250, 0x724f, 0x724e, 0x3033, 0x725a, 0x7256, + 0x7257, 0x7253, 0x7259, 0x7255, 0x3362, 0x4f4c, 0x7258, 0x7254, + 0x7252, 0x7251, 0x725c, 0x725f, 0x725e, 0x725d, 0x4949, 0x725b, + 0x3073, 0x7260, 0x7262, 0x336f, 0x724d, 0x3137, 0x7264, 0x7263, + 0x7261, 0x432d, 0x4b70, 0x4e5a, 0x7265, 0x7266, 0x7267, 0x7268, + 0x7269, 0x443b, 0x726a, 0x4837, 0x726f, 0x726b, 0x726c, 0x4b31, + 0x4c44, 0x4650, 0x7270, 0x7271, 0x463e, 0x726e, 0x726d, 0x322a, + 0x7279, 0x7278, 0x3175, 0x7276, 0x7275, 0x7273, 0x337b, 0x7272, + 0x3c32, 0x3229, 0x3963, 0x727c, 0x727b, 0x727a, 0x7277, 0x727d, + 0x727e, 0x7325, 0x7324, 0x7326, 0x312d, 0x7321, 0x7322, 0x3974, + 0x4c39, 0x7323, 0x4b32, 0x732b, 0x7327, 0x732c, 0x7329, 0x7328, + 0x375c, 0x732d, 0x732e, 0x732f, 0x732a, 0x7274, 0x7330, 0x4461, + 0x7334, 0x7335, 0x7333, 0x7332, 0x7338, 0x7331, 0x7336, 0x7337, + 0x733a, 0x7339, 0x733c, 0x733d, 0x733e, 0x4f49, 0x733b, 0x426b, + 0x3a6d, 0x733f, 0x7340, 0x7341, 0x7342, 0x7343, 0x3834, 0x7344, + 0x7345, 0x3c2f, 0x7346, 0x7347, 0x7348, 0x7349, 0x734c, 0x734a, + 0x4f3c, 0x734b, 0x4e6f, 0x734d, 0x4e5b, 0x734e, 0x477e, 0x734f, + 0x7351, 0x7352, 0x7350, 0x396d, 0x4c4d, 0x4b63, 0x5677, 0x5d60, + 0x4b7b, 0x322b, 0x7354, 0x3550, 0x7355, 0x7356, 0x7357, 0x3975, + 0x7358, 0x6054, 0x4c5b, 0x4263, 0x7359, 0x735b, 0x735a, 0x735c, + 0x735d, 0x735e, 0x735f, 0x7360, 0x7361, 0x7362, 0x7363, 0x7364, + 0x7365, 0x7366, 0x7367, 0x7368, 0x4524, 0x385d, 0x736a, 0x414d, + 0x736b, 0x736c, 0x4921, 0x736d, 0x736e, 0x6337, 0x6c5a, 0x706d, + 0x736f, 0x7370, 0x7372, 0x7373, 0x7374, 0x4e70, 0x7371, 0x7375, + 0x7376, 0x7378, 0x7377, 0x737a, 0x737b, 0x7379, 0x4e36, 0x737c, + 0x737d, 0x6354, 0x737e, 0x212a, 0x2174, 0x2170, 0x2173, 0x2175, + 0x214a, 0x214b, 0x2176, 0x215c, 0x2124, 0x2125, 0x213f, 0x2330, + 0x2331, 0x2332, 0x2333, 0x2334, 0x2335, 0x2336, 0x2337, 0x2338, + 0x2339, 0x2127, 0x2128, 0x2163, 0x2161, 0x2164, 0x2129, 0x2177, + 0x2341, 0x2342, 0x2343, 0x2344, 0x2345, 0x2346, 0x2347, 0x2348, + 0x2349, 0x234a, 0x234b, 0x234c, 0x234d, 0x234e, 0x234f, 0x2350, + 0x2351, 0x2352, 0x2353, 0x2354, 0x2355, 0x2356, 0x2357, 0x2358, + 0x2359, 0x235a, 0x214e, 0x2140, 0x214f, 0x2130, 0x2132, 0x212e, + 0x2361, 0x2362, 0x2363, 0x2364, 0x2365, 0x2366, 0x2367, 0x2368, + 0x2369, 0x236a, 0x236b, 0x236c, 0x236d, 0x236e, 0x236f, 0x2370, + 0x2371, 0x2372, 0x2373, 0x2374, 0x2375, 0x2376, 0x2377, 0x2378, + 0x2379, 0x237a, 0x2150, 0x2143, 0x2151, 0x2131, 0x216f, +}; + +static const Summary16 jisx0208_uni2indx_page00[16] = { + /* 0x0000 */ + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x118c }, { 5, 0x0053 }, + { 9, 0x0000 }, { 9, 0x0080 }, { 10, 0x0000 }, { 10, 0x0080 }, +}; +static const Summary16 jisx0208_uni2indx_page03[22] = { + /* 0x0300 */ + { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, + { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0x0000 }, + { 11, 0x0000 }, { 11, 0xfffe }, { 26, 0x03fb }, { 35, 0xfffe }, + { 50, 0x03fb }, { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, { 59, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x0400 */ + { 59, 0x0002 }, { 60, 0xffff }, { 76, 0xffff }, { 92, 0xffff }, + { 108, 0xffff }, { 124, 0x0002 }, +}; +static const Summary16 jisx0208_uni2indx_page20[50] = { + /* 0x2000 */ + { 125, 0x0000 }, { 125, 0x3361 }, { 132, 0x0063 }, { 136, 0x080d }, + { 140, 0x0000 }, { 140, 0x0000 }, { 140, 0x0000 }, { 140, 0x0000 }, + { 140, 0x0000 }, { 140, 0x0000 }, { 140, 0x0000 }, { 140, 0x0000 }, + { 140, 0x0000 }, { 140, 0x0000 }, { 140, 0x0000 }, { 140, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2100 */ + { 140, 0x0008 }, { 141, 0x0000 }, { 141, 0x0800 }, { 142, 0x0000 }, + { 142, 0x0000 }, { 142, 0x0000 }, { 142, 0x0000 }, { 142, 0x0000 }, + { 142, 0x0000 }, { 142, 0x000f }, { 146, 0x0000 }, { 146, 0x0000 }, + { 146, 0x0000 }, { 146, 0x0014 }, { 148, 0x0000 }, { 148, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2200 */ + { 148, 0x098d }, { 154, 0x6404 }, { 158, 0x1f81 }, { 165, 0x2030 }, + { 168, 0x0000 }, { 168, 0x0004 }, { 169, 0x0cc3 }, { 175, 0x0000 }, + { 175, 0x00cc }, { 179, 0x0000 }, { 179, 0x0020 }, { 180, 0x0000 }, + { 180, 0x0000 }, { 180, 0x0000 }, { 180, 0x0000 }, { 180, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2300 */ + { 180, 0x0000 }, { 180, 0x0004 }, +}; +static const Summary16 jisx0208_uni2indx_page25[23] = { + /* 0x2500 */ + { 181, 0x900f }, { 187, 0x3999 }, { 195, 0x9939 }, { 203, 0x9999 }, + { 211, 0x0804 }, { 213, 0x0000 }, { 213, 0x0000 }, { 213, 0x0000 }, + { 213, 0x0000 }, { 213, 0x0000 }, { 213, 0x0003 }, { 215, 0x300c }, + { 219, 0xc8c0 }, { 224, 0x0000 }, { 224, 0x8000 }, { 225, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2600 */ + { 225, 0x0060 }, { 227, 0x0000 }, { 227, 0x0000 }, { 227, 0x0000 }, + { 227, 0x0005 }, { 229, 0x0000 }, { 229, 0xa400 }, +}; +static const Summary16 jisx0208_uni2indx_page30[16] = { + /* 0x3000 */ + { 232, 0xffef }, { 247, 0x103f }, { 254, 0x0000 }, { 254, 0x0000 }, + { 254, 0xfffe }, { 269, 0xffff }, { 285, 0xffff }, { 301, 0xffff }, + { 317, 0xffff }, { 333, 0x780f }, { 341, 0xfffe }, { 356, 0xffff }, + { 372, 0xffff }, { 388, 0xffff }, { 404, 0xffff }, { 420, 0x787f }, +}; +static const Summary16 jisx0208_uni2indx_page4e[1307] = { + /* 0x4e00 */ + { 431, 0x6f8b }, { 441, 0x43f3 }, { 450, 0x2442 }, { 454, 0x9b46 }, + { 462, 0xe82c }, { 469, 0xe3e0 }, { 477, 0x0004 }, { 478, 0x400a }, + { 481, 0x5f65 }, { 491, 0xdb36 }, { 501, 0x7977 }, { 512, 0x0449 }, + { 516, 0xecd7 }, { 527, 0xe3f0 }, { 536, 0x6038 }, { 541, 0x08c5 }, + /* 0x4f00 */ + { 546, 0xe602 }, { 552, 0x3403 }, { 557, 0x8000 }, { 558, 0x3551 }, + { 565, 0xe0c8 }, { 571, 0x7eab }, { 582, 0x8200 }, { 584, 0x9869 }, + { 591, 0xa948 }, { 597, 0x2942 }, { 602, 0xe803 }, { 608, 0x8060 }, + { 611, 0x441c }, { 616, 0xad93 }, { 625, 0xc03a }, { 631, 0x4568 }, + /* 0x5000 */ + { 637, 0xaa60 }, { 643, 0x8656 }, { 650, 0x3f7a }, { 661, 0x0240 }, + { 663, 0x8388 }, { 668, 0x1461 }, { 673, 0x1020 }, { 675, 0x2174 }, + { 681, 0x2021 }, { 684, 0x0702 }, { 688, 0x3000 }, { 690, 0x40bc }, + { 696, 0xa624 }, { 702, 0x4462 }, { 707, 0x60a8 }, { 712, 0x0a20 }, + /* 0x5100 */ + { 715, 0x0217 }, { 720, 0x8574 }, { 727, 0x0402 }, { 729, 0x9c84 }, + { 735, 0x7bfb }, { 748, 0x1415 }, { 753, 0x7f24 }, { 762, 0x11e2 }, + { 768, 0xb665 }, { 777, 0x02ef }, { 785, 0x1f75 }, { 795, 0x20ff }, + { 804, 0x3a70 }, { 811, 0x3840 }, { 815, 0x26c3 }, { 822, 0x6763 }, + /* 0x5200 */ + { 831, 0x4dd9 }, { 840, 0x2092 }, { 844, 0x46b0 }, { 850, 0x0fc9 }, + { 858, 0xbc98 }, { 866, 0x4850 }, { 870, 0x8638 }, { 876, 0xa03f }, + { 884, 0x2388 }, { 889, 0x8816 }, { 894, 0x3e09 }, { 901, 0x5232 }, + { 907, 0x22aa }, { 913, 0xe3a4 }, { 921, 0x00dd }, { 927, 0xc72c }, + /* 0x5300 */ + { 935, 0xa166 }, { 942, 0x26e1 }, { 949, 0x840b }, { 954, 0x8f0a }, + { 961, 0x27eb }, { 971, 0x559e }, { 980, 0xc241 }, { 985, 0x89bb }, + { 994, 0x0014 }, { 996, 0x8540 }, { 1000, 0x6361 }, { 1007, 0x0849 }, + { 1011, 0x7f0c }, { 1020, 0x8ad0 }, { 1026, 0xff3e }, { 1039, 0x05cf }, + /* 0x5400 */ + { 1047, 0xff1a }, { 1058, 0xa803 }, { 1063, 0x7a41 }, { 1070, 0x7b40 }, + { 1077, 0x4745 }, { 1084, 0x8002 }, { 1086, 0x0500 }, { 1088, 0x38eb }, + { 1097, 0xd851 }, { 1104, 0x0005 }, { 1106, 0x9934 }, { 1113, 0x710c }, + { 1119, 0x0397 }, { 1126, 0x0100 }, { 1127, 0x6366 }, { 1135, 0x2404 }, + /* 0x5500 */ + { 1138, 0x80d0 }, { 1142, 0x0051 }, { 1145, 0xc000 }, { 1147, 0x430a }, + { 1152, 0x9071 }, { 1158, 0x30c8 }, { 1163, 0x0008 }, { 1164, 0x5800 }, + { 1167, 0x0e99 }, { 1174, 0xf700 }, { 1181, 0x5f80 }, { 1188, 0x0041 }, + { 1190, 0x00b0 }, { 1193, 0x9410 }, { 1197, 0x0018 }, { 1199, 0x6280 }, + /* 0x5600 */ + { 1203, 0x0240 }, { 1205, 0x09d0 }, { 1210, 0x8200 }, { 1212, 0x0156 }, + { 1217, 0x5004 }, { 1220, 0x0801 }, { 1222, 0x1d10 }, { 1227, 0x0510 }, + { 1230, 0x84c1 }, { 1235, 0x0010 }, { 1236, 0x4025 }, { 1240, 0x1050 }, + { 1243, 0x410f }, { 1249, 0x4d8a }, { 1256, 0x4009 }, { 1259, 0xa60d }, + /* 0x5700 */ + { 1266, 0xab19 }, { 1274, 0x914c }, { 1280, 0x21c0 }, { 1284, 0x0981 }, + { 1288, 0xc485 }, { 1294, 0x0003 }, { 1296, 0x0652 }, { 1301, 0x8000 }, + { 1302, 0x0b04 }, { 1306, 0x0008 }, { 1307, 0x041d }, { 1312, 0x0009 }, + { 1314, 0x4849 }, { 1319, 0x905c }, { 1325, 0x0009 }, { 1327, 0x1690 }, + /* 0x5800 */ + { 1332, 0x0c65 }, { 1338, 0x2220 }, { 1341, 0x8412 }, { 1345, 0x2433 }, + { 1351, 0x0c03 }, { 1355, 0x4796 }, { 1363, 0x0a04 }, { 1366, 0x4225 }, + { 1371, 0x0028 }, { 1373, 0x9088 }, { 1377, 0x4900 }, { 1380, 0x4f08 }, + { 1386, 0x14a2 }, { 1391, 0xd3aa }, { 1400, 0xd830 }, { 1406, 0x3e87 }, + /* 0x5900 */ + { 1415, 0x8604 }, { 1419, 0x1f61 }, { 1427, 0x7ea4 }, { 1436, 0x4186 }, + { 1441, 0xc390 }, { 1447, 0x05b3 }, { 1454, 0x57a5 }, { 1463, 0x2118 }, + { 1467, 0x241e }, { 1473, 0x2a48 }, { 1478, 0x1128 }, { 1482, 0x4a04 }, + { 1486, 0x0a40 }, { 1489, 0x161b }, { 1496, 0x0d60 }, { 1501, 0x8840 }, + /* 0x5a00 */ + { 1504, 0x020a }, { 1507, 0x9502 }, { 1512, 0x8221 }, { 1516, 0x1060 }, + { 1519, 0x0243 }, { 1523, 0x0400 }, { 1524, 0x1444 }, { 1528, 0x8000 }, + { 1529, 0x0000 }, { 1529, 0x0c04 }, { 1532, 0x0000 }, { 1532, 0x7000 }, + { 1535, 0x1a06 }, { 1540, 0x00c1 }, { 1543, 0x024a }, { 1547, 0x0c00 }, + /* 0x5b00 */ + { 1549, 0x1a00 }, { 1552, 0x0040 }, { 1553, 0x1404 }, { 1556, 0x4045 }, + { 1560, 0x0029 }, { 1563, 0xbdb3 }, { 1574, 0x0a78 }, { 1580, 0x052b }, + { 1586, 0xbba9 }, { 1596, 0xbfa0 }, { 1605, 0x407c }, { 1611, 0x8379 }, + { 1619, 0x12fc }, { 1627, 0xe81d }, { 1635, 0x4bf6 }, { 1645, 0xc569 }, + /* 0x5c00 */ + { 1653, 0xeff6 }, { 1666, 0x044a }, { 1670, 0x2115 }, { 1675, 0xff02 }, + { 1684, 0xed63 }, { 1694, 0x402b }, { 1699, 0xd033 }, { 1706, 0x0242 }, + { 1709, 0x1000 }, { 1710, 0x0013 }, { 1713, 0x1b02 }, { 1718, 0x59ca }, + { 1726, 0x00a0 }, { 1728, 0x0200 }, { 1729, 0xa703 }, { 1736, 0x2c41 }, + /* 0x5d00 */ + { 1741, 0x4880 }, { 1744, 0x8ff2 }, { 1754, 0x0204 }, { 1756, 0x0000 }, + { 1756, 0x5800 }, { 1759, 0x1005 }, { 1762, 0x9200 }, { 1765, 0x0048 }, + { 1767, 0x1894 }, { 1772, 0x2001 }, { 1774, 0x5004 }, { 1777, 0x3480 }, + { 1781, 0x3200 }, { 1784, 0x684c }, { 1790, 0x49ea }, { 1798, 0x68be }, + /* 0x5e00 */ + { 1807, 0x184c }, { 1812, 0x2e42 }, { 1818, 0xa820 }, { 1822, 0x21c9 }, + { 1828, 0x50b9 }, { 1835, 0x80b0 }, { 1839, 0x001e }, { 1843, 0xff7c }, + { 1856, 0x849a }, { 1862, 0x14e0 }, { 1867, 0x28c1 }, { 1872, 0x01e0 }, + { 1876, 0x870e }, { 1883, 0xac49 }, { 1890, 0x130f }, { 1897, 0xdddb }, + /* 0x5f00 */ + { 1909, 0xbe1a }, { 1918, 0x89fb }, { 1928, 0xa2e0 }, { 1934, 0x51a2 }, + { 1940, 0x5502 }, { 1945, 0x32ca }, { 1952, 0x3e46 }, { 1960, 0x928b }, + { 1967, 0x1dbf }, { 1978, 0x438f }, { 1986, 0x6703 }, { 1993, 0x3218 }, + { 1998, 0x3028 }, { 2002, 0x33c0 }, { 2008, 0x0811 }, { 2011, 0xa923 }, + /* 0x6000 */ + { 2018, 0xc000 }, { 2020, 0x3a65 }, { 2028, 0x8fe3 }, { 2038, 0x0402 }, + { 2040, 0x2c4e }, { 2047, 0x8625 }, { 2053, 0xbf3d }, { 2065, 0x00a1 }, + { 2068, 0x3a1a }, { 2075, 0x8cd4 }, { 2082, 0x06c9 }, { 2088, 0x317c }, + { 2096, 0x00e0 }, { 2099, 0x950a }, { 2105, 0x018b }, { 2110, 0x0edb }, + /* 0x6100 */ + { 2119, 0xe34b }, { 2128, 0x8c20 }, { 2132, 0x1182 }, { 2136, 0xf010 }, + { 2141, 0x7d94 }, { 2150, 0xa728 }, { 2157, 0xc9ac }, { 2165, 0x40fb }, + { 2173, 0x4484 }, { 2177, 0x0653 }, { 2183, 0x5a90 }, { 2189, 0x4444 }, + { 2193, 0x3fc8 }, { 2202, 0x0001 }, { 2203, 0x0048 }, { 2205, 0xf5d4 }, + /* 0x6200 */ + { 2215, 0x7701 }, { 2222, 0xec57 }, { 2232, 0xc442 }, { 2237, 0x891d }, + { 2244, 0x6b83 }, { 2252, 0x4928 }, { 2257, 0x4109 }, { 2261, 0xd242 }, + { 2267, 0x061d }, { 2273, 0x59fe }, { 2284, 0x1800 }, { 2286, 0x3a22 }, + { 2292, 0xb7e4 }, { 2302, 0x3b9f }, { 2313, 0xf003 }, { 2319, 0xc0ea }, + /* 0x6300 */ + { 2326, 0x1386 }, { 2332, 0x8202 }, { 2335, 0x8980 }, { 2339, 0xe400 }, + { 2343, 0xb200 }, { 2347, 0x10a1 }, { 2351, 0x4b80 }, { 2356, 0x0cc4 }, + { 2361, 0xd309 }, { 2368, 0x8944 }, { 2373, 0x1faf }, { 2384, 0x4834 }, + { 2389, 0x8259 }, { 2395, 0x0c45 }, { 2400, 0x420a }, { 2404, 0x0450 }, + /* 0x6400 */ + { 2407, 0xa040 }, { 2410, 0x10c8 }, { 2414, 0x3140 }, { 2418, 0x4450 }, + { 2422, 0x4004 }, { 2424, 0x0100 }, { 2425, 0x8280 }, { 2428, 0x0540 }, + { 2431, 0x0108 }, { 2433, 0x442c }, { 2438, 0x6a30 }, { 2444, 0x1a05 }, + { 2449, 0x20a6 }, { 2454, 0x0514 }, { 2458, 0x90cf }, { 2466, 0x6456 }, + /* 0x6500 */ + { 2473, 0x0021 }, { 2475, 0x3100 }, { 2478, 0x9c18 }, { 2484, 0xcbf0 }, + { 2493, 0xa120 }, { 2497, 0x63e2 }, { 2505, 0x104c }, { 2509, 0x01b5 }, + { 2515, 0x538c }, { 2522, 0x9a83 }, { 2529, 0xb8b2 }, { 2537, 0x3281 }, + { 2542, 0x987a }, { 2550, 0x0a84 }, { 2554, 0x33e7 }, { 2564, 0x0c02 }, + /* 0x6600 */ + { 2567, 0xd4cc }, { 2575, 0x9018 }, { 2579, 0xa1a1 }, { 2585, 0x9070 }, + { 2590, 0x8a1e }, { 2597, 0xe004 }, { 2601, 0xc3d4 }, { 2609, 0x0451 }, + { 2613, 0x439a }, { 2620, 0x21c2 }, { 2625, 0x4844 }, { 2629, 0x5310 }, + { 2634, 0x0292 }, { 2638, 0x3640 }, { 2643, 0x0241 }, { 2646, 0xf3bd }, + /* 0x6700 */ + { 2658, 0xab09 }, { 2665, 0xe8f0 }, { 2673, 0x7dc0 }, { 2681, 0xa5d2 }, + { 2689, 0xc242 }, { 2694, 0xd24b }, { 2702, 0xa43f }, { 2711, 0xd0af }, + { 2720, 0x1aa0 }, { 2725, 0x34a1 }, { 2731, 0x8247 }, { 2737, 0x03d8 }, + { 2743, 0xc452 }, { 2749, 0x651b }, { 2757, 0xd294 }, { 2764, 0xc83a }, + /* 0x6800 */ + { 2771, 0x001c }, { 2774, 0x40c8 }, { 2778, 0x0e06 }, { 2783, 0x3314 }, + { 2789, 0x614f }, { 2797, 0xb21b }, { 2805, 0x0088 }, { 2807, 0xc0d0 }, + { 2812, 0xa02a }, { 2817, 0xa898 }, { 2823, 0xa1c5 }, { 2830, 0x166b }, + { 2838, 0x2e50 }, { 2844, 0x85b4 }, { 2851, 0xc08b }, { 2857, 0x0604 }, + /* 0x6900 */ + { 2860, 0xf933 }, { 2870, 0x1e04 }, { 2875, 0x056e }, { 2882, 0xa251 }, + { 2888, 0x0400 }, { 2889, 0x7638 }, { 2897, 0xec07 }, { 2905, 0x73b8 }, + { 2914, 0x4406 }, { 2918, 0x1832 }, { 2923, 0x4081 }, { 2926, 0xc816 }, + { 2932, 0x7c8a }, { 2940, 0x6309 }, { 2946, 0x2980 }, { 2950, 0xaa04 }, + /* 0x6a00 */ + { 2955, 0x1c24 }, { 2960, 0xca9c }, { 2968, 0x4e0e }, { 2975, 0x2760 }, + { 2981, 0x0990 }, { 2985, 0x8300 }, { 2988, 0x0046 }, { 2991, 0x8104 }, + { 2994, 0x6011 }, { 2998, 0x1081 }, { 3001, 0x540d }, { 3007, 0x0908 }, + { 3010, 0x000e }, { 3013, 0xcc0a }, { 3019, 0x0500 }, { 3021, 0x0c00 }, + /* 0x6b00 */ + { 3023, 0x0430 }, { 3026, 0xa044 }, { 3030, 0x008b }, { 3034, 0x6784 }, + { 3041, 0x5288 }, { 3046, 0x8a19 }, { 3052, 0x865e }, { 3060, 0x8b18 }, + { 3066, 0x2e59 }, { 3074, 0x4160 }, { 3078, 0x8c10 }, { 3082, 0x9cbe }, + { 3092, 0x6861 }, { 3098, 0x891c }, { 3104, 0x9800 }, { 3107, 0x0008 }, + /* 0x6c00 */ + { 3108, 0x8100 }, { 3110, 0x089a }, { 3115, 0x0018 }, { 3117, 0x4190 }, + { 3121, 0x4007 }, { 3125, 0xe4a1 }, { 3132, 0x0505 }, { 3136, 0x640d }, + { 3142, 0x310e }, { 3148, 0x0e4d }, { 3155, 0x4806 }, { 3159, 0xff0a }, + { 3169, 0x1632 }, { 3175, 0x2aa8 }, { 3181, 0x852e }, { 3188, 0x000b }, + /* 0x6d00 */ + { 3191, 0x1800 }, { 3193, 0xca84 }, { 3199, 0x0e20 }, { 3203, 0x696c }, + { 3211, 0x0032 }, { 3214, 0x1600 }, { 3217, 0x5658 }, { 3224, 0x0390 }, + { 3228, 0x5120 }, { 3232, 0x1a28 }, { 3237, 0x8000 }, { 3238, 0x1124 }, + { 3242, 0x18e1 }, { 3248, 0x4326 }, { 3254, 0x5d52 }, { 3262, 0x0eaa }, + /* 0x6e00 */ + { 3269, 0x0fa0 }, { 3275, 0xae28 }, { 3282, 0xfa7b }, { 3294, 0x4500 }, + { 3297, 0x6408 }, { 3301, 0x8940 }, { 3305, 0xc880 }, { 3309, 0xc044 }, + { 3313, 0x9005 }, { 3317, 0xb141 }, { 3323, 0x8424 }, { 3327, 0x24c4 }, + { 3332, 0x1a34 }, { 3338, 0x603a }, { 3344, 0x9000 }, { 3346, 0xc194 }, + /* 0x6f00 */ + { 3352, 0x8246 }, { 3357, 0x003a }, { 3361, 0x180d }, { 3366, 0xc106 }, + { 3371, 0x0022 }, { 3373, 0x9910 }, { 3378, 0xe050 }, { 3383, 0x1511 }, + { 3388, 0x4057 }, { 3394, 0x0082 }, { 3396, 0x041a }, { 3400, 0x020a }, + { 3403, 0x004f }, { 3408, 0x8930 }, { 3413, 0xd813 }, { 3420, 0x444a }, + /* 0x7000 */ + { 3425, 0x8a02 }, { 3429, 0xed22 }, { 3437, 0x10c0 }, { 3440, 0x4005 }, + { 3443, 0x1000 }, { 3444, 0x0102 }, { 3446, 0x8808 }, { 3449, 0x3101 }, + { 3453, 0x4600 }, { 3456, 0x0204 }, { 3458, 0xf000 }, { 3462, 0x0708 }, + { 3466, 0x8900 }, { 3469, 0xa200 }, { 3472, 0x0000 }, { 3472, 0x2202 }, + /* 0x7100 */ + { 3475, 0x0200 }, { 3476, 0x1610 }, { 3480, 0x0042 }, { 3482, 0x1040 }, + { 3484, 0x5200 }, { 3487, 0x0260 }, { 3490, 0x52f4 }, { 3498, 0x2000 }, + { 3499, 0x8510 }, { 3503, 0x8230 }, { 3507, 0x1100 }, { 3509, 0x4202 }, + { 3512, 0x4308 }, { 3516, 0x80b5 }, { 3522, 0x70e1 }, { 3529, 0x9a20 }, + /* 0x7200 */ + { 3534, 0x2040 }, { 3536, 0x0801 }, { 3538, 0x3500 }, { 3542, 0xfc65 }, + { 3552, 0x19c1 }, { 3558, 0xab04 }, { 3564, 0x0286 }, { 3568, 0x6214 }, + { 3573, 0x0087 }, { 3577, 0x0044 }, { 3579, 0x9085 }, { 3584, 0x0244 }, + { 3587, 0x405c }, { 3592, 0x0a85 }, { 3597, 0x3207 }, { 3603, 0x3380 }, + /* 0x7300 */ + { 3608, 0x0400 }, { 3609, 0xb8c0 }, { 3615, 0xce20 }, { 3621, 0xc0d0 }, + { 3626, 0xc030 }, { 3630, 0x0080 }, { 3631, 0x0508 }, { 3634, 0x0d25 }, + { 3640, 0x0a90 }, { 3644, 0x0040 }, { 3645, 0x0200 }, { 3646, 0x080c }, + { 3649, 0x6505 }, { 3655, 0x4000 }, { 3656, 0x6421 }, { 3661, 0x4102 }, + /* 0x7400 */ + { 3664, 0x0268 }, { 3668, 0x0000 }, { 3668, 0x0024 }, { 3670, 0x847c }, + { 3677, 0x0002 }, { 3678, 0xde20 }, { 3685, 0x8619 }, { 3691, 0x4049 }, + { 3695, 0x0808 }, { 3697, 0x4000 }, { 3698, 0x0084 }, { 3700, 0x2001 }, + { 3702, 0x8400 }, { 3704, 0x1010 }, { 3706, 0x42cd }, { 3713, 0x01c7 }, + /* 0x7500 */ + { 3719, 0x7038 }, { 3725, 0xd52a }, { 3733, 0x1968 }, { 3739, 0x1d8f }, + { 3748, 0xbe50 }, { 3756, 0x3e12 }, { 3763, 0x2ef5 }, { 3773, 0x81d9 }, + { 3780, 0xcec4 }, { 3788, 0x2412 }, { 3792, 0x0828 }, { 3795, 0x732e }, + { 3804, 0x24ac }, { 3810, 0x4b34 }, { 3817, 0x020c }, { 3820, 0xd41d }, + /* 0x7600 */ + { 3828, 0x2a02 }, { 3832, 0x8000 }, { 3833, 0x0097 }, { 3838, 0x0811 }, + { 3841, 0x11c4 }, { 3846, 0x1144 }, { 3850, 0x1786 }, { 3857, 0x7d45 }, + { 3866, 0x49d9 }, { 3874, 0x0649 }, { 3879, 0x4000 }, { 3880, 0x8791 }, + { 3887, 0x254c }, { 3893, 0xd8c4 }, { 3900, 0x44ba }, { 3907, 0x4914 }, + /* 0x7700 */ + { 3912, 0x1b92 }, { 3919, 0xc800 }, { 3922, 0x0271 }, { 3927, 0x1580 }, + { 3931, 0x0081 }, { 3933, 0x0c00 }, { 3935, 0x096a }, { 3941, 0xc200 }, + { 3944, 0x4800 }, { 3946, 0x4002 }, { 3948, 0x3021 }, { 3952, 0xba49 }, + { 3960, 0x2080 }, { 3962, 0x1c80 }, { 3966, 0xe2ac }, { 3974, 0x1008 }, + /* 0x7800 */ + { 3976, 0x1004 }, { 3978, 0x0034 }, { 3981, 0x00e1 }, { 3985, 0x8414 }, + { 3989, 0x0020 }, { 3990, 0x2000 }, { 3991, 0x9800 }, { 3994, 0x1014 }, + { 3997, 0x70c2 }, { 4003, 0x04aa }, { 4008, 0x8688 }, { 4013, 0x5420 }, + { 4017, 0x0c62 }, { 4022, 0x0413 }, { 4026, 0x9180 }, { 4030, 0x2010 }, + /* 0x7900 */ + { 4032, 0x4082 }, { 4035, 0x0206 }, { 4038, 0x1c40 }, { 4042, 0x5400 }, + { 4045, 0x0383 }, { 4050, 0xe4e9 }, { 4059, 0x2125 }, { 4064, 0x8480 }, + { 4067, 0xe433 }, { 4075, 0x2000 }, { 4076, 0x44c0 }, { 4080, 0xe609 }, + { 4087, 0x0a03 }, { 4091, 0x8126 }, { 4096, 0x12da }, { 4103, 0x0801 }, + /* 0x7a00 */ + { 4105, 0x6901 }, { 4110, 0x9790 }, { 4117, 0x4001 }, { 4119, 0xf886 }, + { 4127, 0xe24d }, { 4135, 0x0081 }, { 4137, 0x0a0e }, { 4142, 0xa651 }, + { 4149, 0x011a }, { 4153, 0x81ec }, { 4160, 0xc600 }, { 4164, 0x8441 }, + { 4168, 0xadb8 }, { 4177, 0xb62c }, { 4185, 0xa46f }, { 4194, 0x8741 }, + /* 0x7b00 */ + { 4200, 0x8d54 }, { 4207, 0x4b02 }, { 4212, 0x1161 }, { 4217, 0x0268 }, + { 4221, 0xbb60 }, { 4229, 0x2057 }, { 4235, 0x50a0 }, { 4239, 0x0433 }, + { 4244, 0xa8c0 }, { 4249, 0xb7b4 }, { 4259, 0x2402 }, { 4262, 0x0112 }, + { 4265, 0x9ad3 }, { 4274, 0x2000 }, { 4275, 0x2271 }, { 4281, 0x00c8 }, + /* 0x7c00 */ + { 4284, 0x2081 }, { 4287, 0x809e }, { 4293, 0x0c8a }, { 4298, 0xe180 }, + { 4303, 0xb009 }, { 4308, 0x8151 }, { 4313, 0x1031 }, { 4317, 0x4028 }, + { 4320, 0x2a0e }, { 4326, 0x89a5 }, { 4333, 0x69b6 }, { 4342, 0x620e }, + { 4348, 0x4425 }, { 4353, 0xd144 }, { 4359, 0x8085 }, { 4363, 0x4d54 }, + /* 0x7d00 */ + { 4370, 0x2c75 }, { 4378, 0x1fb1 }, { 4387, 0xd807 }, { 4394, 0x862d }, + { 4401, 0xd87c }, { 4410, 0x4841 }, { 4414, 0x414e }, { 4420, 0x226e }, + { 4427, 0x8200 }, { 4429, 0x9e08 }, { 4435, 0xf80c }, { 4442, 0xed37 }, + { 4453, 0x8c80 }, { 4457, 0x7526 }, { 4465, 0x9313 }, { 4472, 0x0814 }, + /* 0x7e00 */ + { 4475, 0x0e32 }, { 4481, 0xc804 }, { 4485, 0x484e }, { 4491, 0x6ea6 }, + { 4500, 0x2c4a }, { 4506, 0x6670 }, { 4513, 0x26c0 }, { 4518, 0xba01 }, + { 4524, 0xd30c }, { 4531, 0x185d }, { 4538, 0x0000 }, { 4538, 0x0000 }, + { 4538, 0x0000 }, { 4538, 0x0000 }, { 4538, 0x0000 }, { 4538, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7f00 */ + { 4538, 0x0000 }, { 4538, 0x0000 }, { 4538, 0x0000 }, { 4538, 0x0540 }, + { 4541, 0x7020 }, { 4545, 0x8133 }, { 4551, 0x4f81 }, { 4558, 0x03a5 }, + { 4564, 0x55ec }, { 4573, 0x6410 }, { 4577, 0xc318 }, { 4583, 0x2344 }, + { 4588, 0x1462 }, { 4593, 0x0034 }, { 4596, 0x0a43 }, { 4601, 0x1a09 }, + /* 0x8000 */ + { 4606, 0x187b }, { 4614, 0x13a5 }, { 4621, 0x0102 }, { 4623, 0xa848 }, + { 4628, 0x0440 }, { 4630, 0xc544 }, { 4636, 0x8106 }, { 4640, 0xe2dd }, + { 4650, 0x1af0 }, { 4657, 0x2d48 }, { 4663, 0xb626 }, { 4671, 0x0416 }, + { 4675, 0x5058 }, { 4680, 0x6e40 }, { 4686, 0x8032 }, { 4690, 0x3112 }, + /* 0x8100 */ + { 4695, 0x07e4 }, { 4702, 0x0c00 }, { 4704, 0x8208 }, { 4707, 0x420a }, + { 4711, 0x4840 }, { 4714, 0x803b }, { 4720, 0x4860 }, { 4724, 0x8713 }, + { 4731, 0x850d }, { 4737, 0x3428 }, { 4742, 0x0319 }, { 4747, 0xe529 }, + { 4755, 0x2345 }, { 4761, 0x870a }, { 4767, 0x25a9 }, { 4774, 0x5c18 }, + /* 0x8200 */ + { 4780, 0x77a6 }, { 4790, 0xd9c5 }, { 4799, 0x5e00 }, { 4804, 0x03e8 }, + { 4810, 0x0081 }, { 4812, 0xa700 }, { 4817, 0xcd54 }, { 4825, 0x41c6 }, + { 4831, 0x2800 }, { 4833, 0xa204 }, { 4837, 0xb860 }, { 4843, 0x2b0a }, + { 4849, 0x0020 }, { 4850, 0xda9e }, { 4860, 0x08ea }, { 4866, 0x0e1a }, + /* 0x8300 */ + { 4872, 0x427c }, { 4879, 0x11c0 }, { 4883, 0x8908 }, { 4887, 0x0376 }, + { 4894, 0x8621 }, { 4899, 0x0105 }, { 4902, 0x0000 }, { 4902, 0x18a8 }, + { 4907, 0x46a0 }, { 4912, 0xc448 }, { 4917, 0x0d05 }, { 4922, 0x2022 }, + { 4925, 0x5422 }, { 4930, 0x9148 }, { 4935, 0x8a01 }, { 4939, 0x2897 }, + /* 0x8400 */ + { 4946, 0x7898 }, { 4953, 0x0008 }, { 4954, 0x1605 }, { 4959, 0x3122 }, + { 4964, 0x4240 }, { 4967, 0x0880 }, { 4969, 0xfa4e }, { 4979, 0x06a2 }, + { 4984, 0x0814 }, { 4987, 0x9211 }, { 4992, 0x2002 }, { 4994, 0x9b04 }, + { 5000, 0x2e52 }, { 5007, 0x0643 }, { 5012, 0x5000 }, { 5014, 0x9010 }, + /* 0x8500 */ + { 5017, 0x0041 }, { 5019, 0x85ba }, { 5027, 0x3042 }, { 5031, 0x2020 }, + { 5033, 0x4f0b }, { 5041, 0x05a0 }, { 5045, 0x2708 }, { 5050, 0x4080 }, + { 5052, 0x0591 }, { 5057, 0x1a93 }, { 5064, 0xdf50 }, { 5073, 0x0600 }, + { 5075, 0xa202 }, { 5079, 0x3021 }, { 5083, 0x0630 }, { 5087, 0x4e80 }, + /* 0x8600 */ + { 5092, 0x0cc4 }, { 5097, 0x04c8 }, { 5101, 0xa004 }, { 5104, 0x8001 }, + { 5106, 0x6000 }, { 5108, 0xd431 }, { 5115, 0x0880 }, { 5117, 0x0a02 }, + { 5120, 0x1c00 }, { 5123, 0x0028 }, { 5125, 0x8e18 }, { 5131, 0x0041 }, + { 5133, 0x6ad0 }, { 5140, 0xca10 }, { 5145, 0xf210 }, { 5151, 0x4b00 }, + /* 0x8700 */ + { 5155, 0x274d }, { 5163, 0x1506 }, { 5168, 0x0220 }, { 5170, 0x8890 }, + { 5174, 0x5a00 }, { 5178, 0x82a8 }, { 5183, 0x4549 }, { 5189, 0x8150 }, + { 5193, 0x2004 }, { 5195, 0x8000 }, { 5196, 0x8804 }, { 5199, 0x2c08 }, + { 5203, 0x08d1 }, { 5208, 0x0005 }, { 5210, 0x8001 }, { 5212, 0x4ac4 }, + /* 0x8800 */ + { 5218, 0xe020 }, { 5222, 0x0062 }, { 5225, 0x008e }, { 5229, 0x0a42 }, + { 5233, 0x3055 }, { 5239, 0x6a8c }, { 5246, 0x090e }, { 5251, 0xe0a5 }, + { 5258, 0x2906 }, { 5263, 0x42c4 }, { 5268, 0x4814 }, { 5272, 0x80b3 }, + { 5278, 0x803e }, { 5284, 0xb330 }, { 5291, 0x0102 }, { 5293, 0x731c }, + /* 0x8900 */ + { 5301, 0x1494 }, { 5306, 0x600d }, { 5311, 0x0c20 }, { 5314, 0x0940 }, + { 5317, 0x301a }, { 5322, 0xc040 }, { 5325, 0xa451 }, { 5331, 0xc094 }, + { 5336, 0x8dca }, { 5344, 0x05c8 }, { 5349, 0x96c2 }, { 5356, 0xa40c }, + { 5361, 0x0001 }, { 5362, 0x3404 }, { 5366, 0x00c8 }, { 5369, 0x0110 }, + /* 0x8a00 */ + { 5371, 0x550d }, { 5378, 0xa9c9 }, { 5386, 0x2428 }, { 5390, 0x1c5a }, + { 5397, 0x0142 }, { 5400, 0x4837 }, { 5407, 0x7a4d }, { 5416, 0x100f }, + { 5421, 0x32b4 }, { 5428, 0x452a }, { 5434, 0x317b }, { 5443, 0x9205 }, + { 5448, 0xb894 }, { 5455, 0x5c44 }, { 5461, 0x68d7 }, { 5470, 0x458a }, + /* 0x8b00 */ + { 5476, 0x5097 }, { 5483, 0x2ed1 }, { 5491, 0x1943 }, { 5497, 0x4208 }, + { 5500, 0xd202 }, { 5505, 0x9d40 }, { 5511, 0x9840 }, { 5515, 0x2097 }, + { 5521, 0x5409 }, { 5526, 0x064d }, { 5532, 0x0000 }, { 5532, 0x0000 }, + { 5532, 0x0000 }, { 5532, 0x0000 }, { 5532, 0x0000 }, { 5532, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8c00 */ + { 5532, 0x0000 }, { 5532, 0x0000 }, { 5532, 0x0000 }, { 5532, 0x8480 }, + { 5535, 0x5542 }, { 5541, 0x0421 }, { 5544, 0x1c06 }, { 5549, 0x1700 }, + { 5553, 0x7624 }, { 5560, 0x6110 }, { 5564, 0xff87 }, { 5576, 0xb9dd }, + { 5587, 0x659f }, { 5597, 0x5c0a }, { 5603, 0x245d }, { 5610, 0x3c00 }, + /* 0x8d00 */ + { 5614, 0xadb0 }, { 5622, 0x0059 }, { 5626, 0x0000 }, { 5626, 0x0000 }, + { 5626, 0x0000 }, { 5626, 0x0000 }, { 5626, 0x28d0 }, { 5631, 0x009b }, + { 5636, 0x0422 }, { 5639, 0x0200 }, { 5640, 0x0108 }, { 5642, 0x4408 }, + { 5645, 0x9804 }, { 5649, 0xac40 }, { 5654, 0x8d0a }, { 5660, 0x9028 }, + /* 0x8e00 */ + { 5664, 0x8700 }, { 5668, 0xe001 }, { 5672, 0x0400 }, { 5673, 0x0031 }, + { 5676, 0x1794 }, { 5683, 0x8221 }, { 5687, 0x0019 }, { 5690, 0x1054 }, + { 5694, 0x2cb2 }, { 5701, 0x021a }, { 5705, 0x9c02 }, { 5710, 0x4003 }, + { 5713, 0x3d60 }, { 5720, 0x8804 }, { 5723, 0x080c }, { 5726, 0x7900 }, + /* 0x8f00 */ + { 5731, 0x1628 }, { 5736, 0xba3c }, { 5745, 0x8640 }, { 5749, 0xcb08 }, + { 5755, 0x7274 }, { 5763, 0x9080 }, { 5766, 0x001e }, { 5770, 0x0000 }, + { 5770, 0x0000 }, { 5770, 0xd800 }, { 5774, 0xe188 }, { 5780, 0x9c87 }, + { 5788, 0x4034 }, { 5792, 0x0412 }, { 5795, 0xae64 }, { 5803, 0x2791 }, + /* 0x9000 */ + { 5810, 0xe86b }, { 5819, 0xe6fb }, { 5831, 0x408f }, { 5837, 0x5366 }, + { 5845, 0xeea6 }, { 5855, 0x537f }, { 5866, 0xe32b }, { 5875, 0xb5e4 }, + { 5884, 0x869f }, { 5893, 0x0002 }, { 5894, 0x8548 }, { 5899, 0x0122 }, + { 5902, 0x4402 }, { 5905, 0x0800 }, { 5906, 0x2116 }, { 5911, 0x20a0 }, + /* 0x9100 */ + { 5914, 0x0004 }, { 5915, 0x0204 }, { 5917, 0x2000 }, { 5918, 0x0005 }, + { 5920, 0x7e00 }, { 5926, 0x0154 }, { 5930, 0x162c }, { 5936, 0x01ac }, + { 5941, 0x2a84 }, { 5946, 0x1085 }, { 5950, 0x8c14 }, { 5955, 0x0530 }, + { 5959, 0xfbc3 }, { 5970, 0xb943 }, { 5978, 0x00ca }, { 5982, 0x9060 }, + /* 0x9200 */ + { 5986, 0x6000 }, { 5988, 0x4032 }, { 5992, 0x1200 }, { 5994, 0x8090 }, + { 5997, 0x0b30 }, { 6002, 0x4c81 }, { 6007, 0x0054 }, { 6010, 0x4002 }, + { 6012, 0x0029 }, { 6015, 0x1d6a }, { 6023, 0x2000 }, { 6024, 0x0280 }, + { 6026, 0x8000 }, { 6027, 0x0004 }, { 6028, 0x2610 }, { 6032, 0x150c }, + /* 0x9300 */ + { 6037, 0x8040 }, { 6039, 0x0701 }, { 6043, 0xd94d }, { 6052, 0x0c24 }, + { 6056, 0x2810 }, { 6059, 0x1850 }, { 6063, 0x5001 }, { 6066, 0x5020 }, + { 6069, 0x1000 }, { 6070, 0x04d0 }, { 6074, 0x7080 }, { 6078, 0x0201 }, + { 6080, 0x0108 }, { 6082, 0x21c3 }, { 6088, 0x0132 }, { 6092, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9400 */ + { 6092, 0x0088 }, { 6094, 0x0719 }, { 6100, 0x0802 }, { 6102, 0x0560 }, + { 6106, 0x0012 }, { 6108, 0x4c0e }, { 6114, 0x0405 }, { 6117, 0xf0a1 }, + { 6124, 0x0002 }, { 6125, 0x0000 }, { 6125, 0x0000 }, { 6125, 0x0000 }, + { 6125, 0x0000 }, { 6125, 0x0000 }, { 6125, 0x0000 }, { 6125, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9500 */ + { 6125, 0x0000 }, { 6125, 0x0000 }, { 6125, 0x0000 }, { 6125, 0x0000 }, + { 6125, 0x0000 }, { 6125, 0x0000 }, { 6125, 0x0000 }, { 6125, 0x0080 }, + { 6126, 0x8e8d }, { 6134, 0x035a }, { 6140, 0x21bd }, { 6148, 0x5a04 }, + { 6153, 0x3488 }, { 6158, 0x1170 }, { 6163, 0x0026 }, { 6166, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9600 */ + { 6166, 0x0000 }, { 6166, 0x1000 }, { 6167, 0xc502 }, { 6172, 0x8804 }, + { 6175, 0xb815 }, { 6182, 0xf801 }, { 6188, 0x147c }, { 6195, 0x25ed }, + { 6204, 0xed60 }, { 6212, 0x1bb0 }, { 6219, 0x0589 }, { 6224, 0x1bd7 }, + { 6234, 0x7af3 }, { 6245, 0x1a62 }, { 6251, 0x0d0c }, { 6256, 0x0ac5 }, + /* 0x9700 */ + { 6262, 0xe5d1 }, { 6271, 0x524a }, { 6277, 0x0490 }, { 6280, 0x6305 }, + { 6286, 0x0354 }, { 6291, 0x5244 }, { 6296, 0x2b57 }, { 6305, 0x1612 }, + { 6310, 0xa872 }, { 6317, 0x1101 }, { 6320, 0x2949 }, { 6326, 0x0018 }, + { 6328, 0x0948 }, { 6332, 0x1008 }, { 6334, 0x6000 }, { 6336, 0x886c }, + /* 0x9800 */ + { 6342, 0x916e }, { 6350, 0x058f }, { 6357, 0x3012 }, { 6361, 0x3990 }, + { 6367, 0xf840 }, { 6373, 0x4930 }, { 6378, 0x8880 }, { 6381, 0x001b }, + { 6385, 0x0000 }, { 6385, 0x0000 }, { 6385, 0x8500 }, { 6388, 0x0042 }, + { 6390, 0x0058 }, { 6393, 0x9800 }, { 6396, 0xea04 }, { 6402, 0x7014 }, + /* 0x9900 */ + { 6407, 0x1628 }, { 6412, 0x611d }, { 6419, 0x5113 }, { 6425, 0x6000 }, + { 6427, 0x1a24 }, { 6432, 0x00a7 }, { 6437, 0x0000 }, { 6437, 0x0000 }, + { 6437, 0x0000 }, { 6437, 0x03c0 }, { 6441, 0x7120 }, { 6446, 0x1018 }, + { 6449, 0x0172 }, { 6454, 0xa927 }, { 6462, 0x6004 }, { 6465, 0x8906 }, + /* 0x9a00 */ + { 6470, 0xc022 }, { 6474, 0x020c }, { 6477, 0x0900 }, { 6479, 0x4081 }, + { 6482, 0x202d }, { 6487, 0x8ca0 }, { 6492, 0x0e34 }, { 6498, 0x0000 }, + { 6498, 0x0000 }, { 6498, 0x0000 }, { 6498, 0x2100 }, { 6500, 0x1101 }, + { 6503, 0x8011 }, { 6506, 0xc11a }, { 6512, 0xec4c }, { 6520, 0x0892 }, + /* 0x9b00 */ + { 6524, 0x0040 }, { 6525, 0x8500 }, { 6528, 0xc7ac }, { 6537, 0x1806 }, + { 6541, 0xe03e }, { 6549, 0x0512 }, { 6553, 0x8000 }, { 6554, 0x0010 }, + { 6555, 0x4008 }, { 6557, 0x80ce }, { 6563, 0x6d01 }, { 6569, 0x0210 }, + { 6571, 0x8641 }, { 6576, 0x0856 }, { 6581, 0x011e }, { 6586, 0x0027 }, + /* 0x9c00 */ + { 6590, 0x3750 }, { 6597, 0x083d }, { 6603, 0xe032 }, { 6609, 0x4e05 }, + { 6615, 0x01c0 }, { 6618, 0x0484 }, { 6621, 0x0081 }, { 6623, 0x0140 }, + { 6625, 0x0000 }, { 6625, 0x0000 }, { 6625, 0x0000 }, { 6625, 0x0000 }, + { 6625, 0x0000 }, { 6625, 0x0000 }, { 6625, 0x1aa0 }, { 6630, 0x0059 }, + /* 0x9d00 */ + { 6634, 0x43c8 }, { 6640, 0x8824 }, { 6644, 0x1d48 }, { 6650, 0xc800 }, + { 6653, 0x0152 }, { 6657, 0x7203 }, { 6663, 0x9013 }, { 6668, 0x0404 }, + { 6670, 0x8280 }, { 6673, 0x0400 }, { 6674, 0x8a10 }, { 6678, 0x0d14 }, + { 6683, 0x8056 }, { 6688, 0x0208 }, { 6690, 0xa040 }, { 6693, 0x2704 }, + /* 0x9e00 */ + { 6698, 0x0000 }, { 6698, 0x4c00 }, { 6701, 0x0000 }, { 6701, 0x0000 }, + { 6701, 0x0000 }, { 6701, 0x0000 }, { 6701, 0x0000 }, { 6701, 0xa320 }, + { 6706, 0x1902 }, { 6710, 0xa0ae }, { 6717, 0x2660 }, { 6722, 0xdf00 }, + { 6729, 0xf010 }, { 6734, 0x7b15 }, { 6743, 0x8121 }, { 6747, 0x3ad0 }, + /* 0x9f00 */ + { 6754, 0x4180 }, { 6757, 0x0028 }, { 6759, 0x1003 }, { 6762, 0x4800 }, + { 6764, 0xcc00 }, { 6768, 0x8014 }, { 6771, 0x14cf }, { 6779, 0x00c4 }, + { 6782, 0x2000 }, { 6783, 0x3020 }, { 6786, 0x0001 }, +}; +static const Summary16 jisx0208_uni2indx_pageff[15] = { + /* 0xff00 */ + { 6787, 0xdf7a }, { 6799, 0xffff }, { 6815, 0xffff }, { 6831, 0xffff }, + { 6847, 0xffff }, { 6863, 0x3fff }, { 6877, 0x0000 }, { 6877, 0x0000 }, + { 6877, 0x0000 }, { 6877, 0x0000 }, { 6877, 0x0000 }, { 6877, 0x0000 }, + { 6877, 0x0000 }, { 6877, 0x0000 }, { 6877, 0x0028 }, +}; + +static int +jisx0208_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + const Summary16 *summary = NULL; + if (wc >= 0x0000 && wc < 0x0100) + summary = &jisx0208_uni2indx_page00[(wc>>4)]; + else if (wc >= 0x0300 && wc < 0x0460) + summary = &jisx0208_uni2indx_page03[(wc>>4)-0x030]; + else if (wc >= 0x2000 && wc < 0x2320) + summary = &jisx0208_uni2indx_page20[(wc>>4)-0x200]; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x2670) + summary = &jisx0208_uni2indx_page25[(wc>>4)-0x250]; + else if (wc >= 0x3000 && wc < 0x3100) + summary = &jisx0208_uni2indx_page30[(wc>>4)-0x300]; + else if (wc >= 0x4e00 && wc < 0x9fb0) + summary = &jisx0208_uni2indx_page4e[(wc>>4)-0x4e0]; + else if (wc >= 0xff00 && wc < 0xfff0) + summary = &jisx0208_uni2indx_pageff[(wc>>4)-0xff0]; + if (summary) { + unsigned short used = summary->used; + unsigned int i = wc & 0x0f; + if (used & ((unsigned short) 1 << i)) { + unsigned short c; + /* Keep in `used' only the bits 0..i-1. */ + used &= ((unsigned short) 1 << i) - 1; + /* Add `summary->indx' and the number of bits set in `used'. */ + used = (used & 0x5555) + ((used & 0xaaaa) >> 1); + used = (used & 0x3333) + ((used & 0xcccc) >> 2); + used = (used & 0x0f0f) + ((used & 0xf0f0) >> 4); + used = (used & 0x00ff) + (used >> 8); + c = jisx0208_2charset[summary->indx + used]; + r[0] = (c >> 8); r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/jisx0212.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/jisx0212.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..371dbb152 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/jisx0212.h @@ -0,0 +1,2189 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * JISX0212.1990-0 + */ + +static const unsigned short jisx0212_2uni_page22[81] = { + /* 0x22 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x02d8, 0x02c7, + 0x00b8, 0x02d9, 0x02dd, 0x00af, 0x02db, 0x02da, 0xff5e, 0x0384, + 0x0385, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0x00a1, 0x00a6, 0x00bf, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 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0x5e80, 0x5e8b, 0x5e8e, 0x5ea2, 0x5ea4, 0x5ea5, 0x5ea8, + 0x5eaa, 0x5eac, 0x5eb1, 0x5eb3, 0x5ebd, 0x5ebe, 0x5ebf, 0x5ec6, + 0x5ecc, 0x5ecb, 0x5ece, 0x5ed1, 0x5ed2, 0x5ed4, 0x5ed5, 0x5edc, + 0x5ede, 0x5ee5, 0x5eeb, 0x5f02, 0x5f06, 0x5f07, 0x5f08, 0x5f0e, + 0x5f19, 0x5f1c, 0x5f1d, 0x5f21, 0x5f22, 0x5f23, 0x5f24, 0x5f28, + 0x5f2b, 0x5f2c, 0x5f2e, 0x5f30, 0x5f34, 0x5f36, 0x5f3b, 0x5f3d, + 0x5f3f, 0x5f40, 0x5f44, 0x5f45, 0x5f47, 0x5f4d, 0x5f50, 0x5f54, + 0x5f58, 0x5f5b, 0x5f60, 0x5f63, 0x5f64, 0x5f67, + /* 0x3d */ + 0x5f6f, 0x5f72, 0x5f74, 0x5f75, 0x5f78, 0x5f7a, 0x5f7d, 0x5f7e, + 0x5f89, 0x5f8d, 0x5f8f, 0x5f96, 0x5f9c, 0x5f9d, 0x5fa2, 0x5fa7, + 0x5fab, 0x5fa4, 0x5fac, 0x5faf, 0x5fb0, 0x5fb1, 0x5fb8, 0x5fc4, + 0x5fc7, 0x5fc8, 0x5fc9, 0x5fcb, 0x5fd0, 0x5fd1, 0x5fd2, 0x5fd3, + 0x5fd4, 0x5fde, 0x5fe1, 0x5fe2, 0x5fe8, 0x5fe9, 0x5fea, 0x5fec, + 0x5fed, 0x5fee, 0x5fef, 0x5ff2, 0x5ff3, 0x5ff6, 0x5ffa, 0x5ffc, + 0x6007, 0x600a, 0x600d, 0x6013, 0x6014, 0x6017, 0x6018, 0x601a, + 0x601f, 0x6024, 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0x653a, 0x653c, + 0x653d, 0x6543, 0x6547, 0x6549, 0x6550, 0x6552, 0x6554, 0x655f, + 0x6560, 0x6567, 0x656b, 0x657a, 0x657d, 0x6581, 0x6585, 0x658a, + 0x6592, 0x6595, 0x6598, 0x659d, 0x65a0, 0x65a3, 0x65a6, 0x65ae, + 0x65b2, 0x65b3, 0x65b4, 0x65bf, 0x65c2, 0x65c8, 0x65c9, 0x65ce, + 0x65d0, 0x65d4, 0x65d6, 0x65d8, 0x65df, 0x65f0, 0x65f2, 0x65f4, + 0x65f5, 0x65f9, 0x65fe, 0x65ff, 0x6600, 0x6604, 0x6608, 0x6609, + 0x660d, 0x6611, 0x6612, 0x6615, 0x6616, 0x661d, + /* 0x42 */ + 0x661e, 0x6621, 0x6622, 0x6623, 0x6624, 0x6626, 0x6629, 0x662a, + 0x662b, 0x662c, 0x662e, 0x6630, 0x6631, 0x6633, 0x6639, 0x6637, + 0x6640, 0x6645, 0x6646, 0x664a, 0x664c, 0x6651, 0x664e, 0x6657, + 0x6658, 0x6659, 0x665b, 0x665c, 0x6660, 0x6661, 0x66fb, 0x666a, + 0x666b, 0x666c, 0x667e, 0x6673, 0x6675, 0x667f, 0x6677, 0x6678, + 0x6679, 0x667b, 0x6680, 0x667c, 0x668b, 0x668c, 0x668d, 0x6690, + 0x6692, 0x6699, 0x669a, 0x669b, 0x669c, 0x669f, 0x66a0, 0x66a4, + 0x66ad, 0x66b1, 0x66b2, 0x66b5, 0x66bb, 0x66bf, 0x66c0, 0x66c2, + 0x66c3, 0x66c8, 0x66cc, 0x66ce, 0x66cf, 0x66d4, 0x66db, 0x66df, + 0x66e8, 0x66eb, 0x66ec, 0x66ee, 0x66fa, 0x6705, 0x6707, 0x670e, + 0x6713, 0x6719, 0x671c, 0x6720, 0x6722, 0x6733, 0x673e, 0x6745, + 0x6747, 0x6748, 0x674c, 0x6754, 0x6755, 0x675d, + /* 0x43 */ + 0x6766, 0x676c, 0x676e, 0x6774, 0x6776, 0x677b, 0x6781, 0x6784, + 0x678e, 0x678f, 0x6791, 0x6793, 0x6796, 0x6798, 0x6799, 0x679b, + 0x67b0, 0x67b1, 0x67b2, 0x67b5, 0x67bb, 0x67bc, 0x67bd, 0x67f9, + 0x67c0, 0x67c2, 0x67c3, 0x67c5, 0x67c8, 0x67c9, 0x67d2, 0x67d7, + 0x67d9, 0x67dc, 0x67e1, 0x67e6, 0x67f0, 0x67f2, 0x67f6, 0x67f7, + 0x6852, 0x6814, 0x6819, 0x681d, 0x681f, 0x6828, 0x6827, 0x682c, + 0x682d, 0x682f, 0x6830, 0x6831, 0x6833, 0x683b, 0x683f, 0x6844, + 0x6845, 0x684a, 0x684c, 0x6855, 0x6857, 0x6858, 0x685b, 0x686b, + 0x686e, 0x686f, 0x6870, 0x6871, 0x6872, 0x6875, 0x6879, 0x687a, + 0x687b, 0x687c, 0x6882, 0x6884, 0x6886, 0x6888, 0x6896, 0x6898, + 0x689a, 0x689c, 0x68a1, 0x68a3, 0x68a5, 0x68a9, 0x68aa, 0x68ae, + 0x68b2, 0x68bb, 0x68c5, 0x68c8, 0x68cc, 0x68cf, + /* 0x44 */ + 0x68d0, 0x68d1, 0x68d3, 0x68d6, 0x68d9, 0x68dc, 0x68dd, 0x68e5, + 0x68e8, 0x68ea, 0x68eb, 0x68ec, 0x68ed, 0x68f0, 0x68f1, 0x68f5, + 0x68f6, 0x68fb, 0x68fc, 0x68fd, 0x6906, 0x6909, 0x690a, 0x6910, + 0x6911, 0x6913, 0x6916, 0x6917, 0x6931, 0x6933, 0x6935, 0x6938, + 0x693b, 0x6942, 0x6945, 0x6949, 0x694e, 0x6957, 0x695b, 0x6963, + 0x6964, 0x6965, 0x6966, 0x6968, 0x6969, 0x696c, 0x6970, 0x6971, + 0x6972, 0x697a, 0x697b, 0x697f, 0x6980, 0x698d, 0x6992, 0x6996, + 0x6998, 0x69a1, 0x69a5, 0x69a6, 0x69a8, 0x69ab, 0x69ad, 0x69af, + 0x69b7, 0x69b8, 0x69ba, 0x69bc, 0x69c5, 0x69c8, 0x69d1, 0x69d6, + 0x69d7, 0x69e2, 0x69e5, 0x69ee, 0x69ef, 0x69f1, 0x69f3, 0x69f5, + 0x69fe, 0x6a00, 0x6a01, 0x6a03, 0x6a0f, 0x6a11, 0x6a15, 0x6a1a, + 0x6a1d, 0x6a20, 0x6a24, 0x6a28, 0x6a30, 0x6a32, + /* 0x45 */ + 0x6a34, 0x6a37, 0x6a3b, 0x6a3e, 0x6a3f, 0x6a45, 0x6a46, 0x6a49, + 0x6a4a, 0x6a4e, 0x6a50, 0x6a51, 0x6a52, 0x6a55, 0x6a56, 0x6a5b, + 0x6a64, 0x6a67, 0x6a6a, 0x6a71, 0x6a73, 0x6a7e, 0x6a81, 0x6a83, + 0x6a86, 0x6a87, 0x6a89, 0x6a8b, 0x6a91, 0x6a9b, 0x6a9d, 0x6a9e, + 0x6a9f, 0x6aa5, 0x6aab, 0x6aaf, 0x6ab0, 0x6ab1, 0x6ab4, 0x6abd, + 0x6abe, 0x6abf, 0x6ac6, 0x6ac9, 0x6ac8, 0x6acc, 0x6ad0, 0x6ad4, + 0x6ad5, 0x6ad6, 0x6adc, 0x6add, 0x6ae4, 0x6ae7, 0x6aec, 0x6af0, + 0x6af1, 0x6af2, 0x6afc, 0x6afd, 0x6b02, 0x6b03, 0x6b06, 0x6b07, + 0x6b09, 0x6b0f, 0x6b10, 0x6b11, 0x6b17, 0x6b1b, 0x6b1e, 0x6b24, + 0x6b28, 0x6b2b, 0x6b2c, 0x6b2f, 0x6b35, 0x6b36, 0x6b3b, 0x6b3f, + 0x6b46, 0x6b4a, 0x6b4d, 0x6b52, 0x6b56, 0x6b58, 0x6b5d, 0x6b60, + 0x6b67, 0x6b6b, 0x6b6e, 0x6b70, 0x6b75, 0x6b7d, + /* 0x46 */ + 0x6b7e, 0x6b82, 0x6b85, 0x6b97, 0x6b9b, 0x6b9f, 0x6ba0, 0x6ba2, + 0x6ba3, 0x6ba8, 0x6ba9, 0x6bac, 0x6bad, 0x6bae, 0x6bb0, 0x6bb8, + 0x6bb9, 0x6bbd, 0x6bbe, 0x6bc3, 0x6bc4, 0x6bc9, 0x6bcc, 0x6bd6, + 0x6bda, 0x6be1, 0x6be3, 0x6be6, 0x6be7, 0x6bee, 0x6bf1, 0x6bf7, + 0x6bf9, 0x6bff, 0x6c02, 0x6c04, 0x6c05, 0x6c09, 0x6c0d, 0x6c0e, + 0x6c10, 0x6c12, 0x6c19, 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0x9777, 0x9778, 0x977b, 0x977d, + 0x977f, 0x9780, 0x9789, 0x9795, 0x9796, 0x9797, 0x9799, 0x979a, + 0x979e, 0x979f, 0x97a2, 0x97ac, 0x97ae, 0x97b1, 0x97b2, 0x97b5, + 0x97b6, 0x97b8, 0x97b9, 0x97ba, 0x97bc, 0x97be, 0x97bf, 0x97c1, + 0x97c4, 0x97c5, 0x97c7, 0x97c9, 0x97ca, 0x97cc, 0x97cd, 0x97ce, + 0x97d0, 0x97d1, 0x97d4, 0x97d7, 0x97d8, 0x97d9, 0x97dd, 0x97de, + 0x97e0, 0x97db, 0x97e1, 0x97e4, 0x97ef, 0x97f1, 0x97f4, 0x97f7, + 0x97f8, 0x97fa, 0x9807, 0x980a, 0x9819, 0x980d, 0x980e, 0x9814, + 0x9816, 0x981c, 0x981e, 0x9820, 0x9823, 0x9826, + /* 0x68 */ + 0x982b, 0x982e, 0x982f, 0x9830, 0x9832, 0x9833, 0x9835, 0x9825, + 0x983e, 0x9844, 0x9847, 0x984a, 0x9851, 0x9852, 0x9853, 0x9856, + 0x9857, 0x9859, 0x985a, 0x9862, 0x9863, 0x9865, 0x9866, 0x986a, + 0x986c, 0x98ab, 0x98ad, 0x98ae, 0x98b0, 0x98b4, 0x98b7, 0x98b8, + 0x98ba, 0x98bb, 0x98bf, 0x98c2, 0x98c5, 0x98c8, 0x98cc, 0x98e1, + 0x98e3, 0x98e5, 0x98e6, 0x98e7, 0x98ea, 0x98f3, 0x98f6, 0x9902, + 0x9907, 0x9908, 0x9911, 0x9915, 0x9916, 0x9917, 0x991a, 0x991b, + 0x991c, 0x991f, 0x9922, 0x9926, 0x9927, 0x992b, 0x9931, 0x9932, + 0x9933, 0x9934, 0x9935, 0x9939, 0x993a, 0x993b, 0x993c, 0x9940, + 0x9941, 0x9946, 0x9947, 0x9948, 0x994d, 0x994e, 0x9954, 0x9958, + 0x9959, 0x995b, 0x995c, 0x995e, 0x995f, 0x9960, 0x999b, 0x999d, + 0x999f, 0x99a6, 0x99b0, 0x99b1, 0x99b2, 0x99b5, + /* 0x69 */ + 0x99b9, 0x99ba, 0x99bd, 0x99bf, 0x99c3, 0x99c9, 0x99d3, 0x99d4, + 0x99d9, 0x99da, 0x99dc, 0x99de, 0x99e7, 0x99ea, 0x99eb, 0x99ec, + 0x99f0, 0x99f4, 0x99f5, 0x99f9, 0x99fd, 0x99fe, 0x9a02, 0x9a03, + 0x9a04, 0x9a0b, 0x9a0c, 0x9a10, 0x9a11, 0x9a16, 0x9a1e, 0x9a20, + 0x9a22, 0x9a23, 0x9a24, 0x9a27, 0x9a2d, 0x9a2e, 0x9a33, 0x9a35, + 0x9a36, 0x9a38, 0x9a47, 0x9a41, 0x9a44, 0x9a4a, 0x9a4b, 0x9a4c, + 0x9a4e, 0x9a51, 0x9a54, 0x9a56, 0x9a5d, 0x9aaa, 0x9aac, 0x9aae, + 0x9aaf, 0x9ab2, 0x9ab4, 0x9ab5, 0x9ab6, 0x9ab9, 0x9abb, 0x9abe, + 0x9abf, 0x9ac1, 0x9ac3, 0x9ac6, 0x9ac8, 0x9ace, 0x9ad0, 0x9ad2, + 0x9ad5, 0x9ad6, 0x9ad7, 0x9adb, 0x9adc, 0x9ae0, 0x9ae4, 0x9ae5, + 0x9ae7, 0x9ae9, 0x9aec, 0x9af2, 0x9af3, 0x9af5, 0x9af9, 0x9afa, + 0x9afd, 0x9aff, 0x9b00, 0x9b01, 0x9b02, 0x9b03, + /* 0x6a */ + 0x9b04, 0x9b05, 0x9b08, 0x9b09, 0x9b0b, 0x9b0c, 0x9b0d, 0x9b0e, + 0x9b10, 0x9b12, 0x9b16, 0x9b19, 0x9b1b, 0x9b1c, 0x9b20, 0x9b26, + 0x9b2b, 0x9b2d, 0x9b33, 0x9b34, 0x9b35, 0x9b37, 0x9b39, 0x9b3a, + 0x9b3d, 0x9b48, 0x9b4b, 0x9b4c, 0x9b55, 0x9b56, 0x9b57, 0x9b5b, + 0x9b5e, 0x9b61, 0x9b63, 0x9b65, 0x9b66, 0x9b68, 0x9b6a, 0x9b6b, + 0x9b6c, 0x9b6d, 0x9b6e, 0x9b73, 0x9b75, 0x9b77, 0x9b78, 0x9b79, + 0x9b7f, 0x9b80, 0x9b84, 0x9b85, 0x9b86, 0x9b87, 0x9b89, 0x9b8a, + 0x9b8b, 0x9b8d, 0x9b8f, 0x9b90, 0x9b94, 0x9b9a, 0x9b9d, 0x9b9e, + 0x9ba6, 0x9ba7, 0x9ba9, 0x9bac, 0x9bb0, 0x9bb1, 0x9bb2, 0x9bb7, + 0x9bb8, 0x9bbb, 0x9bbc, 0x9bbe, 0x9bbf, 0x9bc1, 0x9bc7, 0x9bc8, + 0x9bce, 0x9bd0, 0x9bd7, 0x9bd8, 0x9bdd, 0x9bdf, 0x9be5, 0x9be7, + 0x9bea, 0x9beb, 0x9bef, 0x9bf3, 0x9bf7, 0x9bf8, + /* 0x6b */ + 0x9bf9, 0x9bfa, 0x9bfd, 0x9bff, 0x9c00, 0x9c02, 0x9c0b, 0x9c0f, + 0x9c11, 0x9c16, 0x9c18, 0x9c19, 0x9c1a, 0x9c1c, 0x9c1e, 0x9c22, + 0x9c23, 0x9c26, 0x9c27, 0x9c28, 0x9c29, 0x9c2a, 0x9c31, 0x9c35, + 0x9c36, 0x9c37, 0x9c3d, 0x9c41, 0x9c43, 0x9c44, 0x9c45, 0x9c49, + 0x9c4a, 0x9c4e, 0x9c4f, 0x9c50, 0x9c53, 0x9c54, 0x9c56, 0x9c58, + 0x9c5b, 0x9c5d, 0x9c5e, 0x9c5f, 0x9c63, 0x9c69, 0x9c6a, 0x9c5c, + 0x9c6b, 0x9c68, 0x9c6e, 0x9c70, 0x9c72, 0x9c75, 0x9c77, 0x9c7b, + 0x9ce6, 0x9cf2, 0x9cf7, 0x9cf9, 0x9d0b, 0x9d02, 0x9d11, 0x9d17, + 0x9d18, 0x9d1c, 0x9d1d, 0x9d1e, 0x9d2f, 0x9d30, 0x9d32, 0x9d33, + 0x9d34, 0x9d3a, 0x9d3c, 0x9d45, 0x9d3d, 0x9d42, 0x9d43, 0x9d47, + 0x9d4a, 0x9d53, 0x9d54, 0x9d5f, 0x9d63, 0x9d62, 0x9d65, 0x9d69, + 0x9d6a, 0x9d6b, 0x9d70, 0x9d76, 0x9d77, 0x9d7b, + /* 0x6c */ + 0x9d7c, 0x9d7e, 0x9d83, 0x9d84, 0x9d86, 0x9d8a, 0x9d8d, 0x9d8e, + 0x9d92, 0x9d93, 0x9d95, 0x9d96, 0x9d97, 0x9d98, 0x9da1, 0x9daa, + 0x9dac, 0x9dae, 0x9db1, 0x9db5, 0x9db9, 0x9dbc, 0x9dbf, 0x9dc3, + 0x9dc7, 0x9dc9, 0x9dca, 0x9dd4, 0x9dd5, 0x9dd6, 0x9dd7, 0x9dda, + 0x9dde, 0x9ddf, 0x9de0, 0x9de5, 0x9de7, 0x9de9, 0x9deb, 0x9dee, + 0x9df0, 0x9df3, 0x9df4, 0x9dfe, 0x9e0a, 0x9e02, 0x9e07, 0x9e0e, + 0x9e10, 0x9e11, 0x9e12, 0x9e15, 0x9e16, 0x9e19, 0x9e1c, 0x9e1d, + 0x9e7a, 0x9e7b, 0x9e7c, 0x9e80, 0x9e82, 0x9e83, 0x9e84, 0x9e85, + 0x9e87, 0x9e8e, 0x9e8f, 0x9e96, 0x9e98, 0x9e9b, 0x9e9e, 0x9ea4, + 0x9ea8, 0x9eac, 0x9eae, 0x9eaf, 0x9eb0, 0x9eb3, 0x9eb4, 0x9eb5, + 0x9ec6, 0x9ec8, 0x9ecb, 0x9ed5, 0x9edf, 0x9ee4, 0x9ee7, 0x9eec, + 0x9eed, 0x9eee, 0x9ef0, 0x9ef1, 0x9ef2, 0x9ef5, + /* 0x6d */ + 0x9ef8, 0x9eff, 0x9f02, 0x9f03, 0x9f09, 0x9f0f, 0x9f10, 0x9f11, + 0x9f12, 0x9f14, 0x9f16, 0x9f17, 0x9f19, 0x9f1a, 0x9f1b, 0x9f1f, + 0x9f22, 0x9f26, 0x9f2a, 0x9f2b, 0x9f2f, 0x9f31, 0x9f32, 0x9f34, + 0x9f37, 0x9f39, 0x9f3a, 0x9f3c, 0x9f3d, 0x9f3f, 0x9f41, 0x9f43, + 0x9f44, 0x9f45, 0x9f46, 0x9f47, 0x9f53, 0x9f55, 0x9f56, 0x9f57, + 0x9f58, 0x9f5a, 0x9f5d, 0x9f5e, 0x9f68, 0x9f69, 0x9f6d, 0x9f6e, + 0x9f6f, 0x9f70, 0x9f71, 0x9f73, 0x9f75, 0x9f7a, 0x9f7d, 0x9f8f, + 0x9f90, 0x9f91, 0x9f92, 0x9f94, 0x9f96, 0x9f97, 0x9f9e, 0x9fa1, + 0x9fa2, 0x9fa3, 0x9fa5, +}; + +static int +jisx0212_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 == 0x22) || (c1 >= 0x26 && c1 <= 0x27) || (c1 >= 0x29 && c1 <= 0x2b) || (c1 >= 0x30 && c1 <= 0x6d)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 < 0x7f) { + unsigned int i = 94 * (c1 - 0x21) + (c2 - 0x21); + unsigned short wc = 0xfffd; + if (i < 470) { + if (i < 175) + wc = jisx0212_2uni_page22[i-94]; + } else if (i < 752) { + if (i < 658) + wc = jisx0212_2uni_page26[i-470]; + } else if (i < 1410) { + if (i < 1027) + wc = jisx0212_2uni_page29[i-752]; + } else { + if (i < 7211) + wc = jisx0212_2uni_page30[i-1410]; + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned short jisx0212_2charset[6067] = { + 0x2242, 0x2270, 0x2243, 0x226d, 0x226c, 0x226e, 0x2234, 0x2231, + 0x226b, 0x2244, 0x2a22, 0x2a21, 0x2a24, 0x2a2a, 0x2a23, 0x2a29, + 0x2921, 0x2a2e, 0x2a32, 0x2a31, 0x2a34, 0x2a33, 0x2a40, 0x2a3f, + 0x2a42, 0x2a41, 0x2a50, 0x2a52, 0x2a51, 0x2a54, 0x2a58, 0x2a53, + 0x292c, 0x2a63, 0x2a62, 0x2a65, 0x2a64, 0x2a72, 0x2930, 0x294e, + 0x2b22, 0x2b21, 0x2b24, 0x2b2a, 0x2b23, 0x2b29, 0x2941, 0x2b2e, + 0x2b32, 0x2b31, 0x2b34, 0x2b33, 0x2b40, 0x2b3f, 0x2b42, 0x2b41, + 0x2943, 0x2b50, 0x2b52, 0x2b51, 0x2b54, 0x2b58, 0x2b53, 0x294c, + 0x2b63, 0x2b62, 0x2b65, 0x2b64, 0x2b72, 0x2950, 0x2b73, 0x2a27, + 0x2b27, 0x2a25, 0x2b25, 0x2a28, 0x2b28, 0x2a2b, 0x2b2b, 0x2a2c, + 0x2b2c, 0x2a2f, 0x2b2f, 0x2a2d, 0x2b2d, 0x2a30, 0x2b30, 0x2922, + 0x2942, 0x2a37, 0x2b37, 0x2a36, 0x2b36, 0x2a38, 0x2b38, 0x2a35, + 0x2b35, 0x2a3a, 0x2b3a, 0x2a3b, 0x2b3b, 0x2a3d, 0x2b3d, 0x2a3c, + 0x2a3e, 0x2b3e, 0x2924, 0x2944, 0x2a47, 0x2b47, 0x2a45, 0x2b45, + 0x2a46, 0x2b46, 0x2a44, 0x2945, 0x2926, 0x2946, 0x2a48, 0x2b48, + 0x2a49, 0x2b49, 0x2947, 0x2a4a, 0x2b4a, 0x2a4c, 0x2b4c, 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0x6c3f, + 0x6c40, 0x6c41, 0x6c42, 0x6c43, 0x6c44, 0x6c45, 0x6c46, 0x6c47, + 0x6c48, 0x6c49, 0x6c4a, 0x6c4b, 0x6c4c, 0x6c4e, 0x6c4f, 0x6c4d, + 0x6c50, 0x6c51, 0x6c52, 0x6c53, 0x6c54, 0x6c55, 0x6c56, 0x6c57, + 0x6c58, 0x6c59, 0x6c5a, 0x6c5b, 0x6c5c, 0x6c5d, 0x6c5e, 0x6c5f, + 0x6c60, 0x6c61, 0x6c62, 0x6c63, 0x6c64, 0x6c65, 0x6c66, 0x6c67, + 0x6c68, 0x6c69, 0x6c6a, 0x6c6b, 0x6c6c, 0x6c6d, 0x6c6e, 0x6c6f, + 0x6c70, 0x6c71, 0x6c72, 0x6c73, 0x6c74, 0x6c75, 0x6c76, 0x6c77, + 0x6c78, 0x6c79, 0x6c7a, 0x6c7b, 0x6c7c, 0x6c7d, 0x6c7e, 0x6d21, + 0x6d22, 0x6d23, 0x6d24, 0x6d25, 0x6d26, 0x6d27, 0x6d28, 0x6d29, + 0x6d2a, 0x6d2b, 0x6d2c, 0x6d2d, 0x6d2e, 0x6d2f, 0x6d30, 0x6d31, + 0x6d32, 0x6d33, 0x6d34, 0x6d35, 0x6d36, 0x6d37, 0x6d38, 0x6d39, + 0x6d3a, 0x6d3b, 0x6d3c, 0x6d3d, 0x6d3e, 0x6d3f, 0x6d40, 0x6d41, + 0x6d42, 0x6d43, 0x6d44, 0x6d45, 0x6d46, 0x6d47, 0x6d48, 0x6d49, + 0x6d4a, 0x6d4b, 0x6d4c, 0x6d4d, 0x6d4e, 0x6d4f, 0x6d50, 0x6d51, + 0x6d52, 0x6d53, 0x6d54, 0x6d55, 0x6d56, 0x6d57, 0x6d58, 0x6d59, + 0x6d5a, 0x6d5b, 0x6d5c, 0x6d5d, 0x6d5e, 0x6d5f, 0x6d60, 0x6d61, + 0x6d62, 0x6d63, 0x2237, +}; + +static const Summary16 jisx0212_uni2indx_page00[70] = { + /* 0x0000 */ + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0xc652 }, { 7, 0x8500 }, + { 10, 0xffff }, { 26, 0xff7e }, { 40, 0xffff }, { 56, 0xff7f }, + /* 0x0100 */ + { 71, 0xffff }, { 87, 0xffcf }, { 101, 0xcff7 }, { 114, 0xffff }, + { 130, 0x3fff }, { 144, 0xffff }, { 160, 0xffff }, { 176, 0x7fff }, + { 191, 0x0000 }, { 191, 0x0000 }, { 191, 0x0000 }, { 191, 0x0000 }, + { 191, 0xe000 }, { 194, 0x1fff }, { 207, 0x0000 }, { 207, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x0200 */ + { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, + { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, + { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, { 208, 0x0000 }, + { 208, 0x0080 }, { 209, 0x2f00 }, { 214, 0x0000 }, { 214, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x0300 */ + { 214, 0x0000 }, { 214, 0x0000 }, { 214, 0x0000 }, { 214, 0x0000 }, + { 214, 0x0000 }, { 214, 0x0000 }, { 214, 0x0000 }, { 214, 0x0000 }, + { 214, 0xd770 }, { 223, 0x0001 }, { 224, 0xfc00 }, { 230, 0x0001 }, + { 231, 0x7c04 }, { 237, 0x0000 }, { 237, 0x0000 }, { 237, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x0400 */ + { 237, 0xdffc }, { 250, 0x0000 }, { 250, 0x0000 }, { 250, 0x0000 }, + { 250, 0x0000 }, { 250, 0xdffc }, +}; +static const Summary16 jisx0212_uni2indx_page21[3] = { + /* 0x2100 */ + { 263, 0x0000 }, { 263, 0x0040 }, { 264, 0x0004 }, +}; +static const Summary16 jisx0212_uni2indx_page4e[1307] = { + /* 0x4e00 */ + { 265, 0x1034 }, { 269, 0x8004 }, { 271, 0xc918 }, { 277, 0x0021 }, + { 279, 0x0093 }, { 283, 0x1402 }, { 286, 0x0308 }, { 289, 0x8230 }, + { 293, 0x2000 }, { 294, 0x20c0 }, { 297, 0x8000 }, { 298, 0x0200 }, + { 299, 0x0008 }, { 300, 0x0c01 }, { 303, 0x8107 }, { 308, 0xe02a }, + /* 0x4f00 */ + { 314, 0x190d }, { 320, 0x02e4 }, { 325, 0x4000 }, { 326, 0x4aaa }, + { 333, 0x1b05 }, { 339, 0x8154 }, { 344, 0x5409 }, { 349, 0x6782 }, + { 356, 0x5636 }, { 364, 0xc69d }, { 373, 0x0000 }, { 373, 0x7a84 }, + { 380, 0xbb63 }, { 390, 0x1004 }, { 392, 0x0005 }, { 394, 0xb005 }, + /* 0x5000 */ + { 399, 0x5493 }, { 406, 0x7989 }, { 414, 0x4084 }, { 417, 0x082d }, + { 422, 0x5467 }, { 430, 0x828e }, { 436, 0x24cd }, { 443, 0x0003 }, + { 445, 0xc45a }, { 452, 0xd85d }, { 461, 0x8407 }, { 466, 0x2601 }, + { 470, 0x5099 }, { 476, 0xb119 }, { 483, 0x8354 }, { 489, 0x4446 }, + /* 0x5100 */ + { 494, 0x79c8 }, { 502, 0x7a81 }, { 509, 0xb188 }, { 515, 0x033a }, + { 521, 0x8404 }, { 524, 0x81a8 }, { 529, 0x0050 }, { 531, 0x4000 }, + { 532, 0x4818 }, { 536, 0x2100 }, { 538, 0x200a }, { 541, 0xd500 }, + { 546, 0x8104 }, { 549, 0x412e }, { 555, 0x4024 }, { 558, 0x009c }, + /* 0x5200 */ + { 562, 0x0026 }, { 565, 0x016c }, { 570, 0x0104 }, { 572, 0x1026 }, + { 576, 0x0220 }, { 578, 0x95a0 }, { 584, 0x4043 }, { 588, 0x0380 }, + { 591, 0x1425 }, { 596, 0x15e8 }, { 603, 0x80f0 }, { 608, 0x2dc1 }, + { 615, 0x9151 }, { 621, 0x1852 }, { 626, 0x1722 }, { 632, 0x00d3 }, + /* 0x5300 */ + { 637, 0x1c09 }, { 642, 0xd90a }, { 649, 0x3ba0 }, { 656, 0x7025 }, + { 662, 0x1804 }, { 665, 0x0a00 }, { 667, 0x302a }, { 672, 0x4204 }, + { 675, 0x4188 }, { 679, 0x2218 }, { 683, 0x8c12 }, { 688, 0x25b4 }, + { 695, 0x8021 }, { 698, 0x642c }, { 704, 0x00c1 }, { 707, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x5400 */ + { 708, 0x0004 }, { 709, 0x0408 }, { 711, 0x8582 }, { 716, 0x0032 }, + { 719, 0xa098 }, { 724, 0x4000 }, { 725, 0x6ad4 }, { 733, 0x8010 }, + { 735, 0x232a }, { 741, 0x9062 }, { 746, 0x66c2 }, { 753, 0x8e82 }, + { 759, 0x6440 }, { 763, 0x0000 }, { 763, 0x9401 }, { 767, 0xd040 }, + /* 0x5500 */ + { 771, 0x7323 }, { 779, 0x0020 }, { 780, 0x0c00 }, { 782, 0x3864 }, + { 788, 0x2682 }, { 793, 0x4d03 }, { 799, 0x0053 }, { 803, 0x8000 }, + { 804, 0xc146 }, { 810, 0x009e }, { 815, 0x2018 }, { 818, 0x8004 }, + { 820, 0x5a4a }, { 827, 0x498e }, { 834, 0x0204 }, { 836, 0x8040 }, + /* 0x5600 */ + { 838, 0xe520 }, { 844, 0x0207 }, { 848, 0x1000 }, { 849, 0xbaa9 }, + { 858, 0xaa5b }, { 867, 0x4010 }, { 869, 0xa24f }, { 877, 0x0026 }, + { 880, 0x1930 }, { 885, 0xe620 }, { 891, 0x3bc0 }, { 898, 0x408a }, + { 902, 0xbe20 }, { 909, 0xb201 }, { 914, 0x29f2 }, { 922, 0x00c2 }, + /* 0x5700 */ + { 925, 0x1486 }, { 930, 0x2c22 }, { 935, 0xd63d }, { 945, 0xe018 }, + { 950, 0x3060 }, { 954, 0x0004 }, { 955, 0xe9a4 }, { 963, 0x5ebb }, + { 974, 0x100a }, { 977, 0xf6b0 }, { 986, 0x1382 }, { 991, 0x2100 }, + { 993, 0x9180 }, { 997, 0x6020 }, { 1000, 0x22d2 }, { 1006, 0xe161 }, + /* 0x5800 */ + { 1013, 0x3318 }, { 1019, 0xc800 }, { 1022, 0x20c1 }, { 1026, 0x8204 }, + { 1029, 0xb200 }, { 1033, 0x8021 }, { 1036, 0x0192 }, { 1040, 0x9100 }, + { 1043, 0xb783 }, { 1052, 0x2051 }, { 1056, 0x0247 }, { 1061, 0x1006 }, + { 1064, 0x6114 }, { 1069, 0x2455 }, { 1075, 0x0206 }, { 1078, 0x0008 }, + /* 0x5900 */ + { 1079, 0x1860 }, { 1083, 0x201c }, { 1087, 0x811a }, { 1092, 0x8069 }, + { 1097, 0x0048 }, { 1099, 0xea0c }, { 1106, 0xa80a }, { 1111, 0x1a64 }, + { 1117, 0x5800 }, { 1120, 0x80a4 }, { 1124, 0xe090 }, { 1129, 0x1489 }, + { 1134, 0x251a }, { 1140, 0xe004 }, { 1144, 0xc098 }, { 1149, 0x0096 }, + /* 0x5a00 */ + { 1153, 0x7011 }, { 1158, 0x400c }, { 1161, 0x2598 }, { 1167, 0x0001 }, + { 1168, 0x11b0 }, { 1173, 0x4021 }, { 1176, 0x20a8 }, { 1180, 0x4c80 }, + { 1184, 0x0800 }, { 1185, 0xd249 }, { 1192, 0x1085 }, { 1196, 0x8d2e }, + { 1204, 0x8150 }, { 1208, 0x1400 }, { 1210, 0x4421 }, { 1214, 0x2060 }, + /* 0x5b00 */ + { 1217, 0x0103 }, { 1220, 0x2a80 }, { 1224, 0x2022 }, { 1227, 0x0110 }, + { 1229, 0x1802 }, { 1232, 0x4044 }, { 1235, 0xc100 }, { 1238, 0xf000 }, + { 1242, 0x4452 }, { 1247, 0x005b }, { 1252, 0xb300 }, { 1257, 0x1486 }, + { 1262, 0xa003 }, { 1266, 0x07c0 }, { 1271, 0x8001 }, { 1273, 0x2012 }, + /* 0x5c00 */ + { 1276, 0x1000 }, { 1277, 0xc080 }, { 1280, 0x5a48 }, { 1286, 0x0065 }, + { 1290, 0x0000 }, { 1290, 0x1600 }, { 1293, 0x238c }, { 1299, 0x3c31 }, + { 1306, 0x8580 }, { 1310, 0xa004 }, { 1313, 0x044d }, { 1318, 0x0434 }, + { 1322, 0x0a00 }, { 1324, 0x2084 }, { 1327, 0x4000 }, { 1328, 0x0016 }, + /* 0x5d00 */ + { 1331, 0x2042 }, { 1334, 0x0004 }, { 1335, 0x08d8 }, { 1340, 0xa212 }, + { 1345, 0x054c }, { 1350, 0x8222 }, { 1354, 0x2417 }, { 1360, 0xc601 }, + { 1365, 0x050a }, { 1369, 0x8a3c }, { 1376, 0x0881 }, { 1379, 0x0315 }, + { 1384, 0x4888 }, { 1388, 0x0301 }, { 1391, 0x0211 }, { 1394, 0x0300 }, + /* 0x5e00 */ + { 1396, 0x2081 }, { 1399, 0x8134 }, { 1404, 0x4101 }, { 1407, 0x4024 }, + { 1410, 0x0a00 }, { 1412, 0x5943 }, { 1419, 0x7d00 }, { 1425, 0x0001 }, + { 1426, 0x4801 }, { 1429, 0x0000 }, { 1429, 0x1534 }, { 1435, 0xe00a }, + { 1440, 0x5840 }, { 1444, 0x5036 }, { 1450, 0x0820 }, { 1452, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5f00 */ + { 1452, 0x41c4 }, { 1457, 0x3200 }, { 1460, 0x591e }, { 1468, 0xa851 }, + { 1474, 0x20b1 }, { 1479, 0x0911 }, { 1483, 0x8099 }, { 1488, 0x6534 }, + { 1495, 0xa200 }, { 1498, 0x3040 }, { 1501, 0x9894 }, { 1507, 0x0103 }, + { 1510, 0x0b90 }, { 1515, 0x401f }, { 1521, 0xf706 }, { 1530, 0x144c }, + /* 0x6000 */ + { 1535, 0x2480 }, { 1538, 0x8598 }, { 1544, 0x2010 }, { 1546, 0x0028 }, + { 1548, 0x1381 }, { 1553, 0x20d2 }, { 1558, 0x0082 }, { 1560, 0xc002 }, + { 1563, 0x4544 }, { 1568, 0x612a }, { 1574, 0x0134 }, { 1578, 0x4883 }, + { 1583, 0xcf14 }, { 1591, 0x6a30 }, { 1597, 0x0024 }, { 1599, 0x3124 }, + /* 0x6100 */ + { 1604, 0x1484 }, { 1608, 0x52df }, { 1618, 0x0c04 }, { 1621, 0x02e3 }, + { 1627, 0x0262 }, { 1631, 0x4000 }, { 1632, 0x1001 }, { 1634, 0x9904 }, + { 1639, 0x281b }, { 1645, 0xb18c }, { 1652, 0x2521 }, { 1657, 0x1300 }, + { 1660, 0xc007 }, { 1665, 0xf020 }, { 1670, 0xb2a6 }, { 1678, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6200 */ + { 1678, 0x009a }, { 1682, 0x1028 }, { 1685, 0x0a8d }, { 1691, 0x2200 }, + { 1693, 0x105c }, { 1698, 0x1457 }, { 1705, 0xa010 }, { 1708, 0x2408 }, + { 1711, 0xe000 }, { 1714, 0x0001 }, { 1715, 0x0140 }, { 1717, 0xc4c8 }, + { 1723, 0x4010 }, { 1725, 0x0460 }, { 1728, 0x0400 }, { 1729, 0x3014 }, + /* 0x6300 */ + { 1733, 0x2c18 }, { 1738, 0x0149 }, { 1742, 0x2600 }, { 1745, 0x1260 }, + { 1749, 0x4c5e }, { 1757, 0x091c }, { 1762, 0x3060 }, { 1766, 0xb132 }, + { 1773, 0x0494 }, { 1777, 0x4631 }, { 1783, 0xe050 }, { 1788, 0x2000 }, + { 1789, 0x4122 }, { 1793, 0x103a }, { 1798, 0x1421 }, { 1802, 0x032c }, + /* 0x6400 */ + { 1807, 0x0600 }, { 1809, 0x4115 }, { 1814, 0x8635 }, { 1821, 0xa021 }, + { 1825, 0x8800 }, { 1827, 0xbc1e }, { 1836, 0x200b }, { 1840, 0x2818 }, + { 1844, 0x80a0 }, { 1847, 0xab03 }, { 1854, 0x114a }, { 1859, 0xe008 }, + { 1863, 0x5e10 }, { 1869, 0x00a3 }, { 1873, 0x2630 }, { 1878, 0x88a1 }, + /* 0x6500 */ + { 1883, 0x8712 }, { 1889, 0xca58 }, { 1896, 0x4244 }, { 1900, 0x3402 }, + { 1904, 0x0288 }, { 1907, 0x8015 }, { 1911, 0x0881 }, { 1914, 0x2400 }, + { 1916, 0x0422 }, { 1919, 0x2124 }, { 1923, 0x4049 }, { 1927, 0x801c }, + { 1931, 0x4304 }, { 1935, 0x8151 }, { 1940, 0x0000 }, { 1940, 0xc235 }, + /* 0x6600 */ + { 1947, 0x2311 }, { 1952, 0x6066 }, { 1958, 0x5e5e }, { 1968, 0x028b }, + { 1973, 0x5461 }, { 1979, 0x1b82 }, { 1985, 0x1c03 }, { 1990, 0xdba8 }, + { 1999, 0x3801 }, { 2003, 0x9e05 }, { 2010, 0x2011 }, { 2013, 0x8826 }, + { 2018, 0xd10d }, { 2025, 0x8810 }, { 2028, 0x5900 }, { 2032, 0x0c00 }, + /* 0x6700 */ + { 2034, 0x40a0 }, { 2037, 0x1208 }, { 2040, 0x0005 }, { 2042, 0x4008 }, + { 2044, 0x11a0 }, { 2048, 0x2030 }, { 2051, 0x5040 }, { 2054, 0x0850 }, + { 2057, 0xc012 }, { 2061, 0x0b4a }, { 2067, 0x0000 }, { 2067, 0x3827 }, + { 2074, 0x032d }, { 2080, 0x1284 }, { 2084, 0x0042 }, { 2086, 0x02c5 }, + /* 0x6800 */ + { 2091, 0x0000 }, { 2091, 0xa210 }, { 2095, 0xb180 }, { 2100, 0x880b }, + { 2105, 0x1430 }, { 2109, 0x09a4 }, { 2114, 0xc800 }, { 2117, 0x1e27 }, + { 2125, 0x0154 }, { 2129, 0x1540 }, { 2133, 0x462a }, { 2139, 0x0804 }, + { 2141, 0x9120 }, { 2145, 0x324b }, { 2152, 0x3d20 }, { 2158, 0x3863 }, + /* 0x6900 */ + { 2165, 0x0640 }, { 2168, 0x00cb }, { 2173, 0x0000 }, { 2173, 0x092a }, + { 2178, 0x4224 }, { 2182, 0x0880 }, { 2184, 0x1378 }, { 2191, 0x8c07 }, + { 2197, 0x2001 }, { 2199, 0x0144 }, { 2202, 0xa962 }, { 2209, 0x1580 }, + { 2213, 0x0120 }, { 2215, 0x00c2 }, { 2218, 0xc024 }, { 2222, 0x402a }, + /* 0x6a00 */ + { 2226, 0x800b }, { 2230, 0x2422 }, { 2234, 0x0111 }, { 2237, 0xc895 }, + { 2244, 0x4660 }, { 2249, 0x0867 }, { 2255, 0x0490 }, { 2258, 0x400a }, + { 2261, 0x0aca }, { 2267, 0xe802 }, { 2272, 0x8820 }, { 2275, 0xe013 }, + { 2281, 0x1340 }, { 2285, 0x3071 }, { 2291, 0x1090 }, { 2294, 0x3007 }, + /* 0x6b00 */ + { 2299, 0x82cc }, { 2305, 0x4883 }, { 2310, 0x9910 }, { 2315, 0x8860 }, + { 2319, 0x2440 }, { 2322, 0x2144 }, { 2326, 0x4881 }, { 2330, 0x6021 }, + { 2334, 0x0024 }, { 2336, 0x8880 }, { 2339, 0x730d }, { 2347, 0x6301 }, + { 2352, 0x1218 }, { 2356, 0x0440 }, { 2358, 0x40ca }, { 2363, 0x8282 }, + /* 0x6c00 */ + { 2367, 0x6234 }, { 2373, 0x8205 }, { 2377, 0x51c0 }, { 2382, 0x8c68 }, + { 2388, 0xac00 }, { 2392, 0x1a14 }, { 2397, 0xa880 }, { 2401, 0x0b50 }, + { 2406, 0x02e0 }, { 2410, 0x91b0 }, { 2416, 0x0000 }, { 2416, 0x0015 }, + { 2419, 0xa044 }, { 2423, 0x1457 }, { 2430, 0x5a81 }, { 2436, 0x0014 }, + /* 0x6d00 */ + { 2438, 0xc490 }, { 2443, 0x040a }, { 2446, 0xc1c0 }, { 2451, 0x9202 }, + { 2455, 0x0000 }, { 2455, 0xc080 }, { 2458, 0x80a2 }, { 2462, 0x1001 }, + { 2464, 0x0084 }, { 2466, 0x01d6 }, { 2472, 0x1400 }, { 2474, 0xa290 }, + { 2479, 0xc510 }, { 2484, 0xa840 }, { 2488, 0x8225 }, { 2493, 0x1051 }, + /* 0x6e00 */ + { 2497, 0x0011 }, { 2499, 0x4000 }, { 2500, 0x0084 }, { 2502, 0x1a44 }, + { 2507, 0x8b30 }, { 2513, 0x709e }, { 2521, 0x010c }, { 2524, 0x2808 }, + { 2527, 0x2000 }, { 2528, 0x0208 }, { 2530, 0x6081 }, { 2534, 0x880a }, + { 2538, 0xe58b }, { 2547, 0x0000 }, { 2547, 0x6800 }, { 2550, 0x2a00 }, + /* 0x6f00 */ + { 2553, 0x3510 }, { 2558, 0x0d40 }, { 2562, 0xa640 }, { 2567, 0x1849 }, + { 2572, 0x8000 }, { 2573, 0x668e }, { 2581, 0x1106 }, { 2585, 0x6000 }, + { 2587, 0x3988 }, { 2593, 0x845d }, { 2600, 0xc1e1 }, { 2607, 0x1061 }, + { 2611, 0x05a0 }, { 2615, 0x4400 }, { 2617, 0x0300 }, { 2619, 0x3221 }, + /* 0x7000 */ + { 2624, 0x20e1 }, { 2629, 0x0080 }, { 2630, 0x8009 }, { 2633, 0x1290 }, + { 2637, 0x4f18 }, { 2644, 0x6030 }, { 2648, 0x5030 }, { 2652, 0x4060 }, + { 2655, 0x0062 }, { 2658, 0x09f0 }, { 2664, 0x0810 }, { 2666, 0x0093 }, + { 2670, 0x0400 }, { 2671, 0x117a }, { 2678, 0x0010 }, { 2679, 0x0400 }, + /* 0x7100 */ + { 2680, 0x98f8 }, { 2688, 0x4000 }, { 2689, 0xa801 }, { 2693, 0x0103 }, + { 2696, 0x0ce2 }, { 2702, 0x5485 }, { 2708, 0x0101 }, { 2710, 0x0200 }, + { 2711, 0x10a1 }, { 2715, 0x0c04 }, { 2718, 0x8005 }, { 2721, 0x840d }, + { 2726, 0x1813 }, { 2731, 0x1648 }, { 2736, 0x0000 }, { 2736, 0x4100 }, + /* 0x7200 */ + { 2738, 0x0381 }, { 2742, 0xa488 }, { 2747, 0x8810 }, { 2750, 0x0310 }, + { 2753, 0xc02e }, { 2759, 0x5469 }, { 2766, 0xc909 }, { 2772, 0x9982 }, + { 2778, 0x6210 }, { 2782, 0x0808 }, { 2784, 0x6100 }, { 2787, 0x4012 }, + { 2790, 0x1282 }, { 2794, 0x8160 }, { 2798, 0x0020 }, { 2799, 0x4c18 }, + /* 0x7300 */ + { 2804, 0x28b4 }, { 2810, 0x430c }, { 2815, 0x1194 }, { 2820, 0x2c26 }, + { 2826, 0x2008 }, { 2828, 0xe145 }, { 2835, 0xdac1 }, { 2843, 0x1282 }, + { 2847, 0x406b }, { 2853, 0xd1a9 }, { 2861, 0x2c65 }, { 2868, 0xb2a0 }, + { 2874, 0x9a60 }, { 2880, 0x224c }, { 2885, 0x02ca }, { 2890, 0xaeb0 }, + /* 0x7400 */ + { 2898, 0x0493 }, { 2903, 0x0c02 }, { 2906, 0xff50 }, { 2916, 0x0203 }, + { 2919, 0x28d9 }, { 2926, 0x2086 }, { 2930, 0x69c4 }, { 2937, 0x0006 }, + { 2939, 0x82e3 }, { 2946, 0x9707 }, { 2954, 0xcf4b }, { 2964, 0x8a26 }, + { 2970, 0x1300 }, { 2973, 0xcd09 }, { 2980, 0x8d10 }, { 2985, 0x9c10 }, + /* 0x7500 */ + { 2990, 0x0040 }, { 2991, 0x00c4 }, { 2994, 0x8693 }, { 3001, 0xe240 }, + { 3006, 0x4189 }, { 3011, 0xc085 }, { 3016, 0x8002 }, { 3018, 0x7e02 }, + { 3025, 0x0022 }, { 3027, 0x122d }, { 3033, 0x0014 }, { 3035, 0x8410 }, + { 3038, 0xd053 }, { 3045, 0x9080 }, { 3048, 0xd093 }, { 3055, 0x0202 }, + /* 0x7600 */ + { 3057, 0x959d }, { 3066, 0x7a6c }, { 3075, 0x2268 }, { 3080, 0x172c }, + { 3087, 0x0e3b }, { 3095, 0x8220 }, { 3098, 0xe030 }, { 3103, 0x0012 }, + { 3105, 0x3022 }, { 3109, 0xb820 }, { 3114, 0x25fd }, { 3124, 0x2000 }, + { 3125, 0x5a22 }, { 3131, 0x0210 }, { 3133, 0x1141 }, { 3137, 0x1243 }, + /* 0x7700 */ + { 3142, 0x4441 }, { 3146, 0x16b4 }, { 3153, 0xe104 }, { 3158, 0x6270 }, + { 3164, 0xe464 }, { 3171, 0xd0c4 }, { 3177, 0x1495 }, { 3183, 0x241d }, + { 3189, 0x3011 }, { 3193, 0x8470 }, { 3198, 0xc484 }, { 3203, 0x4022 }, + { 3206, 0x0208 }, { 3208, 0xc226 }, { 3214, 0x1451 }, { 3219, 0x0913 }, + /* 0x7800 */ + { 3224, 0x6260 }, { 3229, 0x2002 }, { 3231, 0x600e }, { 3236, 0x00a1 }, + { 3239, 0x5198 }, { 3245, 0x5004 }, { 3248, 0x451b }, { 3255, 0x4400 }, + { 3257, 0x8400 }, { 3259, 0xe110 }, { 3264, 0x3112 }, { 3269, 0xa80f }, + { 3276, 0x5380 }, { 3281, 0x886c }, { 3287, 0x0453 }, { 3292, 0x8ccc }, + /* 0x7900 */ + { 3299, 0x1041 }, { 3302, 0xd401 }, { 3307, 0x22a1 }, { 3312, 0xa832 }, + { 3318, 0x8c70 }, { 3324, 0x1912 }, { 3329, 0x0a80 }, { 3332, 0x5a04 }, + { 3337, 0x1800 }, { 3339, 0x197a }, { 3347, 0x8b02 }, { 3352, 0x0912 }, + { 3356, 0x8594 }, { 3362, 0x6450 }, { 3367, 0x2c25 }, { 3373, 0x1102 }, + /* 0x7a00 */ + { 3376, 0x168c }, { 3382, 0x4822 }, { 3386, 0xa882 }, { 3391, 0x0731 }, + { 3397, 0x11b0 }, { 3402, 0xb260 }, { 3408, 0x24a1 }, { 3413, 0x4120 }, + { 3416, 0x0c65 }, { 3422, 0x4013 }, { 3426, 0x1009 }, { 3429, 0x1a28 }, + { 3434, 0x5240 }, { 3438, 0x0802 }, { 3440, 0x1b00 }, { 3444, 0x6812 }, + /* 0x7b00 */ + { 3449, 0x0080 }, { 3450, 0x8010 }, { 3452, 0xee88 }, { 3460, 0xa013 }, + { 3465, 0x4083 }, { 3469, 0x0020 }, { 3470, 0xa651 }, { 3477, 0x008c }, + { 3480, 0x4210 }, { 3483, 0x4843 }, { 3488, 0x9021 }, { 3492, 0x3c65 }, + { 3500, 0x0524 }, { 3504, 0x0ed0 }, { 3510, 0x0500 }, { 3512, 0x5734 }, + /* 0x7c00 */ + { 3520, 0xda5e }, { 3530, 0x0a00 }, { 3532, 0x1161 }, { 3537, 0x065a }, + { 3543, 0x0440 }, { 3545, 0x7e2e }, { 3555, 0x628a }, { 3561, 0x3205 }, + { 3566, 0x80c0 }, { 3569, 0x4010 }, { 3571, 0x0041 }, { 3573, 0x9cc1 }, + { 3580, 0xa390 }, { 3586, 0x26b8 }, { 3593, 0x0a40 }, { 3596, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x7d00 */ + { 3597, 0x8388 }, { 3602, 0x604e }, { 3608, 0x2448 }, { 3612, 0x7002 }, + { 3616, 0x2183 }, { 3621, 0x368a }, { 3628, 0x04a0 }, { 3631, 0x8d01 }, + { 3636, 0x396e }, { 3645, 0x60c2 }, { 3650, 0x04c0 }, { 3653, 0x02c8 }, + { 3657, 0x707c }, { 3665, 0x0280 }, { 3667, 0x2c64 }, { 3673, 0x0662 }, + /* 0x7e00 */ + { 3678, 0x0101 }, { 3680, 0x30a3 }, { 3686, 0xb181 }, { 3692, 0x8048 }, + { 3695, 0x40b0 }, { 3699, 0x8105 }, { 3703, 0xc826 }, { 3709, 0x4108 }, + { 3712, 0x24c2 }, { 3717, 0x6522 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, + { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7f00 */ + { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0x0000 }, { 3723, 0xf800 }, + { 3728, 0x8098 }, { 3732, 0x380c }, { 3737, 0x207a }, { 3743, 0xe002 }, + { 3747, 0xa801 }, { 3751, 0x10c3 }, { 3756, 0x2446 }, { 3761, 0x9010 }, + { 3764, 0xc109 }, { 3769, 0x8800 }, { 3771, 0xd128 }, { 3777, 0xe404 }, + /* 0x8000 */ + { 3782, 0xe580 }, { 3788, 0xe05a }, { 3795, 0x5051 }, { 3800, 0x56b1 }, + { 3808, 0x0011 }, { 3810, 0x0000 }, { 3810, 0x2051 }, { 3814, 0x0022 }, + { 3816, 0x4102 }, { 3819, 0x5000 }, { 3821, 0x08c0 }, { 3824, 0x0300 }, + { 3826, 0xa100 }, { 3829, 0x01b4 }, { 3834, 0x6001 }, { 3837, 0x464d }, + /* 0x8100 */ + { 3844, 0x0808 }, { 3846, 0x51c0 }, { 3851, 0x1091 }, { 3855, 0x1421 }, + { 3859, 0x14a0 }, { 3863, 0x0084 }, { 3865, 0xa383 }, { 3872, 0x0080 }, + { 3873, 0x4872 }, { 3879, 0x4941 }, { 3884, 0x4004 }, { 3886, 0x0814 }, + { 3889, 0xcc28 }, { 3895, 0x68a0 }, { 3900, 0x1812 }, { 3904, 0xa367 }, + /* 0x8200 */ + { 3913, 0x8009 }, { 3916, 0x2618 }, { 3921, 0x0106 }, { 3924, 0x0414 }, + { 3927, 0xc878 }, { 3934, 0x1042 }, { 3937, 0x2089 }, { 3941, 0xa810 }, + { 3945, 0x469b }, { 3953, 0x0d52 }, { 3959, 0x479b }, { 3968, 0xd495 }, + { 3976, 0x0040 }, { 3977, 0x0421 }, { 3980, 0xa515 }, { 3987, 0x60c0 }, + /* 0x8300 */ + { 3991, 0x0d83 }, { 3997, 0xe800 }, { 4001, 0x7006 }, { 4006, 0x3489 }, + { 4012, 0x609c }, { 4018, 0x00fa }, { 4024, 0x0000 }, { 4024, 0xa101 }, + { 4028, 0x2055 }, { 4033, 0x3b34 }, { 4041, 0x32c0 }, { 4046, 0xc000 }, + { 4048, 0x8281 }, { 4052, 0x2013 }, { 4056, 0x0500 }, { 4058, 0x1340 }, + /* 0x8400 */ + { 4062, 0x8442 }, { 4066, 0x0222 }, { 4069, 0x8000 }, { 4070, 0x0200 }, + { 4071, 0xa5a0 }, { 4077, 0x1746 }, { 4084, 0x04b1 }, { 4089, 0x3159 }, + { 4096, 0x0022 }, { 4098, 0x402c }, { 4102, 0x8740 }, { 4107, 0x6412 }, + { 4112, 0x9185 }, { 4118, 0x1008 }, { 4120, 0x8480 }, { 4123, 0x2c87 }, + /* 0x8500 */ + { 4130, 0x508c }, { 4135, 0x5001 }, { 4138, 0x8cbc }, { 4146, 0x805c }, + { 4151, 0x8040 }, { 4153, 0xf24f }, { 4163, 0x8817 }, { 4169, 0xae00 }, + { 4174, 0x9a62 }, { 4181, 0xa108 }, { 4185, 0x20a5 }, { 4190, 0xf1d0 }, + { 4198, 0x4c84 }, { 4203, 0x8500 }, { 4206, 0x2141 }, { 4210, 0x9048 }, + /* 0x8600 */ + { 4214, 0x6031 }, { 4219, 0x4b07 }, { 4226, 0x0282 }, { 4229, 0x3540 }, + { 4234, 0x0047 }, { 4238, 0x23cc }, { 4245, 0x921f }, { 4253, 0x04e0 }, + { 4257, 0x2100 }, { 4259, 0x1542 }, { 4264, 0x21c2 }, { 4269, 0x83ba }, + { 4277, 0x002b }, { 4281, 0x14a6 }, { 4287, 0x00a9 }, { 4291, 0x3400 }, + /* 0x8700 */ + { 4294, 0xc8b0 }, { 4300, 0xc219 }, { 4306, 0xc10a }, { 4311, 0x7606 }, + { 4318, 0x2029 }, { 4322, 0x2100 }, { 4324, 0x8032 }, { 4328, 0x0806 }, + { 4331, 0x1bf8 }, { 4340, 0x43a9 }, { 4347, 0x7089 }, { 4353, 0xc022 }, + { 4357, 0x4702 }, { 4362, 0x9660 }, { 4368, 0x2c1c }, { 4374, 0x850a }, + /* 0x8800 */ + { 4379, 0x0e4a }, { 4385, 0xdf1d }, { 4396, 0x6100 }, { 4399, 0x1425 }, + { 4404, 0x4f2a }, { 4412, 0x9562 }, { 4419, 0x0211 }, { 4422, 0x0a02 }, + { 4425, 0x0001 }, { 4426, 0x9d00 }, { 4431, 0x0501 }, { 4434, 0x6400 }, + { 4437, 0x7c01 }, { 4443, 0x480e }, { 4448, 0x8080 }, { 4450, 0x00a3 }, + /* 0x8900 */ + { 4454, 0xe042 }, { 4459, 0x1760 }, { 4465, 0x01c1 }, { 4469, 0x4627 }, + { 4476, 0x8265 }, { 4482, 0x1c84 }, { 4487, 0x480e }, { 4492, 0x3c29 }, + { 4499, 0x2200 }, { 4501, 0x9831 }, { 4507, 0x0021 }, { 4509, 0x10f1 }, + { 4515, 0x0000 }, { 4515, 0x01f0 }, { 4520, 0x2a20 }, { 4524, 0xa24a }, + /* 0x8a00 */ + { 4530, 0x80b0 }, { 4534, 0x4036 }, { 4539, 0x9855 }, { 4546, 0x60a0 }, + { 4550, 0x62a9 }, { 4557, 0x31c8 }, { 4563, 0x00a2 }, { 4566, 0xcee0 }, + { 4574, 0x8849 }, { 4579, 0x82c5 }, { 4585, 0xc280 }, { 4589, 0x48c8 }, + { 4594, 0x0748 }, { 4599, 0xa0ba }, { 4606, 0x1000 }, { 4607, 0x9071 }, + /* 0x8b00 */ + { 4613, 0x0c60 }, { 4617, 0xd002 }, { 4621, 0x2000 }, { 4622, 0x1081 }, + { 4625, 0x217c }, { 4632, 0x421c }, { 4637, 0x2008 }, { 4639, 0x5340 }, + { 4644, 0xa832 }, { 4650, 0xd030 }, { 4655, 0x0000 }, { 4655, 0x0000 }, + { 4655, 0x0000 }, { 4655, 0x0000 }, { 4655, 0x0000 }, { 4655, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8c00 */ + { 4655, 0x0000 }, { 4655, 0x0000 }, { 4655, 0x0000 }, { 4655, 0x6300 }, + { 4659, 0x8aa0 }, { 4664, 0x2b9a }, { 4672, 0x2358 }, { 4678, 0x4868 }, + { 4683, 0x08c0 }, { 4686, 0x1a0d }, { 4692, 0x0010 }, { 4693, 0x0600 }, + { 4695, 0x8a60 }, { 4700, 0x2260 }, { 4704, 0x9102 }, { 4708, 0xc1a5 }, + /* 0x8d00 */ + { 4715, 0x020a }, { 4718, 0x0884 }, { 4721, 0x0000 }, { 4721, 0x0000 }, + { 4721, 0x0000 }, { 4721, 0x0000 }, { 4721, 0x5220 }, { 4725, 0x8000 }, + { 4726, 0x2114 }, { 4730, 0xc023 }, { 4735, 0x9841 }, { 4740, 0x1aa4 }, + { 4746, 0x45e1 }, { 4753, 0x02b2 }, { 4758, 0x10b0 }, { 4762, 0x2017 }, + /* 0x8e00 */ + { 4767, 0x0872 }, { 4772, 0x0052 }, { 4775, 0x00cf }, { 4781, 0x23ca }, + { 4788, 0xe803 }, { 4794, 0x7810 }, { 4799, 0xb206 }, { 4805, 0x0e03 }, + { 4810, 0x020c }, { 4813, 0x6c25 }, { 4820, 0x6284 }, { 4825, 0x0c28 }, + { 4829, 0x809b }, { 4835, 0x1012 }, { 4838, 0x6100 }, { 4841, 0x0683 }, + /* 0x8f00 */ + { 4846, 0x8185 }, { 4851, 0x41c1 }, { 4856, 0x71ab }, { 4865, 0x04f0 }, + { 4870, 0x808b }, { 4875, 0x613e }, { 4883, 0x0020 }, { 4884, 0x0000 }, + { 4884, 0x0000 }, { 4884, 0x2000 }, { 4885, 0x0073 }, { 4890, 0x4160 }, + { 4894, 0x2c43 }, { 4900, 0x002d }, { 4904, 0x4119 }, { 4909, 0x4862 }, + /* 0x9000 */ + { 4914, 0x1114 }, { 4918, 0x0900 }, { 4920, 0xb700 }, { 4926, 0x8098 }, + { 4930, 0x1018 }, { 4933, 0x2800 }, { 4935, 0x10c4 }, { 4939, 0x0211 }, + { 4942, 0x5920 }, { 4947, 0x0ba1 }, { 4953, 0x0027 }, { 4957, 0x605d }, + { 4964, 0x11b8 }, { 4970, 0xb3a4 }, { 4978, 0x8820 }, { 4981, 0xc051 }, + /* 0x9100 */ + { 4986, 0x2171 }, { 4992, 0x55d1 }, { 5000, 0xc2ad }, { 5008, 0x36d2 }, + { 5016, 0x8188 }, { 5020, 0x0e88 }, { 5025, 0x2092 }, { 5029, 0x0e10 }, + { 5033, 0x446a }, { 5039, 0x413a }, { 5045, 0x7142 }, { 5051, 0xb84f }, + { 5060, 0x002c }, { 5063, 0x4698 }, { 5069, 0xf630 }, { 5077, 0x2a83 }, + /* 0x9200 */ + { 5083, 0x16f3 }, { 5092, 0x314d }, { 5099, 0xc178 }, { 5106, 0x5769 }, + { 5115, 0xe4cd }, { 5124, 0x3302 }, { 5129, 0xc3a3 }, { 5137, 0xbbe1 }, + { 5147, 0x6700 }, { 5152, 0x8284 }, { 5156, 0x89b1 }, { 5163, 0xbd44 }, + { 5171, 0x79ef }, { 5183, 0xb3a9 }, { 5192, 0x51ab }, { 5200, 0x8a01 }, + /* 0x9300 */ + { 5204, 0x2105 }, { 5208, 0xf032 }, { 5215, 0x06b2 }, { 5221, 0x00d8 }, + { 5225, 0x0380 }, { 5228, 0x45a7 }, { 5236, 0xa6b0 }, { 5243, 0xa45b }, + { 5251, 0xad07 }, { 5259, 0x4924 }, { 5264, 0x0b5a }, { 5271, 0x0470 }, + { 5275, 0x3ef2 }, { 5285, 0xd208 }, { 5290, 0x00c4 }, { 5293, 0x2f80 }, + /* 0x9400 */ + { 5299, 0xe316 }, { 5307, 0x80e0 }, { 5311, 0xc000 }, { 5313, 0xa81e }, + { 5320, 0x1528 }, { 5325, 0x9220 }, { 5329, 0xe90a }, { 5336, 0x0006 }, + { 5338, 0x0018 }, { 5340, 0x0000 }, { 5340, 0x0000 }, { 5340, 0x0000 }, + { 5340, 0x0000 }, { 5340, 0x0000 }, { 5340, 0x0000 }, { 5340, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9500 */ + { 5340, 0x0000 }, { 5340, 0x0000 }, { 5340, 0x0000 }, { 5340, 0x0000 }, + { 5340, 0x0000 }, { 5340, 0x0000 }, { 5340, 0x0000 }, { 5340, 0x4300 }, + { 5343, 0x7110 }, { 5348, 0xe000 }, { 5351, 0x1a42 }, { 5356, 0xa450 }, + { 5361, 0x0b40 }, { 5365, 0xe60f }, { 5374, 0x0051 }, { 5377, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9600 */ + { 5377, 0x0000 }, { 5377, 0x6000 }, { 5379, 0x1074 }, { 5384, 0x378a }, + { 5392, 0x0002 }, { 5393, 0x01d4 }, { 5398, 0x4002 }, { 5400, 0xd810 }, + { 5405, 0x021e }, { 5410, 0xa442 }, { 5415, 0xc270 }, { 5421, 0x0408 }, + { 5423, 0x0400 }, { 5424, 0xe504 }, { 5430, 0x8200 }, { 5432, 0x0402 }, + /* 0x9700 */ + { 5434, 0x022c }, { 5438, 0x2c00 }, { 5441, 0x010e }, { 5445, 0x000a }, + { 5447, 0xc40a }, { 5452, 0x0da0 }, { 5457, 0x4488 }, { 5461, 0xa9c8 }, + { 5468, 0x0201 }, { 5470, 0xc6e0 }, { 5477, 0x5004 }, { 5480, 0xd766 }, + { 5490, 0x76b2 }, { 5499, 0x6b93 }, { 5508, 0x8013 }, { 5512, 0x0592 }, + /* 0x9800 */ + { 5517, 0x6480 }, { 5521, 0x5250 }, { 5526, 0xc869 }, { 5533, 0x402d }, + { 5538, 0x0490 }, { 5541, 0x06ce }, { 5548, 0x146c }, { 5554, 0x0000 }, + { 5554, 0x0000 }, { 5554, 0x0000 }, { 5554, 0x6800 }, { 5557, 0x8d91 }, + { 5564, 0x1124 }, { 5568, 0x0000 }, { 5568, 0x04ea }, { 5574, 0x0048 }, + /* 0x9900 */ + { 5576, 0x0184 }, { 5579, 0x9ce2 }, { 5587, 0x08c4 }, { 5591, 0x1e3e }, + { 5600, 0x61c3 }, { 5607, 0xdb10 }, { 5614, 0x0001 }, { 5615, 0x0000 }, + { 5615, 0x0000 }, { 5615, 0xa800 }, { 5618, 0x0040 }, { 5619, 0xa627 }, + { 5627, 0x0208 }, { 5629, 0x5618 }, { 5635, 0x1c80 }, { 5639, 0x6231 }, + /* 0x9a00 */ + { 5645, 0x181c }, { 5650, 0x4043 }, { 5654, 0x609d }, { 5661, 0x0168 }, + { 5665, 0x5c92 }, { 5672, 0x2052 }, { 5676, 0x0000 }, { 5676, 0x0000 }, + { 5676, 0x0000 }, { 5676, 0x0000 }, { 5676, 0xd400 }, { 5680, 0xca74 }, + { 5688, 0x414a }, { 5693, 0x18e5 }, { 5700, 0x12b1 }, { 5706, 0xa62c }, + /* 0x9b00 */ + { 5713, 0x7b3f }, { 5725, 0x1a45 }, { 5731, 0x2841 }, { 5735, 0x26b8 }, + { 5742, 0x1900 }, { 5745, 0x48e0 }, { 5750, 0x7d6a }, { 5760, 0x83a8 }, + { 5766, 0xaef1 }, { 5776, 0x6411 }, { 5781, 0x12c0 }, { 5785, 0xd987 }, + { 5794, 0x4182 }, { 5798, 0xa181 }, { 5803, 0x8ca0 }, { 5808, 0xa788 }, + /* 0x9c00 */ + { 5815, 0x8805 }, { 5819, 0x5742 }, { 5826, 0x07cc }, { 5833, 0x20e2 }, + { 5838, 0xc63a }, { 5846, 0xf959 }, { 5856, 0x4f08 }, { 5862, 0x08a5 }, + { 5867, 0x0000 }, { 5867, 0x0000 }, { 5867, 0x0000 }, { 5867, 0x0000 }, + { 5867, 0x0000 }, { 5867, 0x0000 }, { 5867, 0x0040 }, { 5868, 0x0284 }, + /* 0x9d00 */ + { 5871, 0x0804 }, { 5873, 0x7182 }, { 5879, 0x8000 }, { 5880, 0x341d }, + { 5887, 0x04ac }, { 5892, 0x8018 }, { 5895, 0x0e2c }, { 5901, 0x58c1 }, + { 5907, 0x6458 }, { 5913, 0x01ec }, { 5919, 0x5402 }, { 5923, 0x9222 }, + { 5928, 0x0688 }, { 5932, 0xc4f0 }, { 5939, 0x4aa1 }, { 5945, 0x4019 }, + /* 0x9e00 */ + { 5949, 0x4484 }, { 5953, 0x3267 }, { 5961, 0x0000 }, { 5961, 0x0000 }, + { 5961, 0x0000 }, { 5961, 0x0000 }, { 5961, 0x0000 }, { 5961, 0x1c00 }, + { 5964, 0xc0bd }, { 5972, 0x4940 }, { 5976, 0xd110 }, { 5981, 0x0039 }, + { 5985, 0x0940 }, { 5988, 0x8020 }, { 5990, 0x7090 }, { 5995, 0x8127 }, + /* 0x9f00 */ + { 6001, 0x820c }, { 6005, 0x8ed7 }, { 6015, 0x8c44 }, { 6020, 0xb696 }, + { 6029, 0x00fa }, { 6035, 0x65e8 }, { 6043, 0xe300 }, { 6048, 0x242b }, + { 6054, 0x8000 }, { 6055, 0x40d7 }, { 6062, 0x002e }, +}; +static const Summary16 jisx0212_uni2indx_pageff[6] = { + /* 0xff00 */ + { 6066, 0x0000 }, { 6066, 0x0000 }, { 6066, 0x0000 }, { 6066, 0x0000 }, + { 6066, 0x0000 }, { 6066, 0x4000 }, +}; + +static int +jisx0212_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + const Summary16 *summary = NULL; + if (wc >= 0x0000 && wc < 0x0460) + summary = &jisx0212_uni2indx_page00[(wc>>4)]; + else if (wc >= 0x2100 && wc < 0x2130) + summary = &jisx0212_uni2indx_page21[(wc>>4)-0x210]; + else if (wc >= 0x4e00 && wc < 0x9fb0) + summary = &jisx0212_uni2indx_page4e[(wc>>4)-0x4e0]; + else if (wc >= 0xff00 && wc < 0xff60) + summary = &jisx0212_uni2indx_pageff[(wc>>4)-0xff0]; + if (summary) { + unsigned short used = summary->used; + unsigned int i = wc & 0x0f; + if (used & ((unsigned short) 1 << i)) { + unsigned short c; + /* Keep in `used' only the bits 0..i-1. */ + used &= ((unsigned short) 1 << i) - 1; + /* Add `summary->indx' and the number of bits set in `used'. */ + used = (used & 0x5555) + ((used & 0xaaaa) >> 1); + used = (used & 0x3333) + ((used & 0xcccc) >> 2); + used = (used & 0x0f0f) + ((used & 0xf0f0) >> 4); + used = (used & 0x00ff) + (used >> 8); + c = jisx0212_2charset[summary->indx + used]; + r[0] = (c >> 8); r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/jisx0213.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/jisx0213.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..98468c464 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/jisx0213.h @@ -0,0 +1,5924 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * JISX0213:2000 + */ + +#ifndef _JISX0213_H +#define _JISX0213_H + +/* JISX0213 plane 1 (= ISO-IR-233) characters are in the range + 0x{21..7E}{21..7E}. + JISX0213 plane 2 (= ISO-IR-229) characters are in the range + 0x{21,23..25,28,2C..2F,6E..7E}{21..7E}. + Together this makes 120 rows of 94 characters. +*/ + +static const unsigned short jisx0213_to_ucs_combining[][2] = { + { 0x304b, 0x309a }, + { 0x304d, 0x309a }, + { 0x304f, 0x309a }, + { 0x3051, 0x309a }, + { 0x3053, 0x309a }, + { 0x30ab, 0x309a }, + { 0x30ad, 0x309a }, + { 0x30af, 0x309a }, + { 0x30b1, 0x309a }, + { 0x30b3, 0x309a }, + { 0x30bb, 0x309a }, + { 0x30c4, 0x309a }, + { 0x30c8, 0x309a }, + { 0x31f7, 0x309a }, + { 0x00e6, 0x0300 }, + { 0x0254, 0x0300 }, + { 0x0254, 0x0301 }, + { 0x028c, 0x0300 }, + { 0x028c, 0x0301 }, + { 0x0259, 0x0300 }, + { 0x0259, 0x0301 }, + { 0x025a, 0x0300 }, + { 0x025a, 0x0301 }, + { 0x02e9, 0x02e5 }, + { 0x02e5, 0x02e9 }, +}; + +static const unsigned short jisx0213_to_ucs_main[120 * 94] = { + /* 0x12121..0x1217E */ + 0x1000, 0x1001, 0x1002, 0x830c, 0x830e, 0x10fb, 0x831a, 0x831b, + 0x831f, 0x8301, 0x109b, 0x109c, 0x00b4, 0x8340, 0x00a8, 0x833e, + 0x83e3, 0x833f, 0x10fd, 0x10fe, 0x109d, 0x109e, 0x1003, 0x2edd, + 0x1005, 0x1006, 0x1007, 0x10fc, 0x0714, 0x0710, 0x830f, 0x833c, + 0x101c, 0x0716, 0x835c, 0x0726, 0x0725, 0x0718, 0x0719, 0x071c, + 0x071d, 0x8308, 0x8309, 0x1014, 0x1015, 0x833b, 0x833d, 0x835b, + 0x835d, 0x1008, 0x1009, 0x100a, 0x100b, 0x100c, 0x100d, 0x100e, + 0x100f, 0x1010, 0x1011, 0x830b, 0x0912, 0x00b1, 0x00d7, 0x00f7, + 0x831d, 0x0960, 0x831c, 0x831e, 0x0966, 0x0967, 0x091e, 0x0934, + 0x0d42, 0x0d40, 0x00b0, 0x0732, 0x0733, 0x0803, 0x83e5, 0x8304, + 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x8305, 0x8303, 0x8306, 0x830a, 0x8320, 0x00a7, + 0x0d06, 0x0d05, 0x0ccb, 0x0ccf, 0x0cce, 0x0cc7, + /* 0x12221..0x1227E */ + 0x0cc6, 0x0ca1, 0x0ca0, 0x0cb3, 0x0cb2, 0x0cbd, 0x0cbc, 0x073b, + 0x1012, 0x0892, 0x0890, 0x0891, 0x0893, 0x1013, 0x8307, 0x8302, + 0x830d, 0x835e, 0x1033, 0x1034, 0x1035, 0x103b, 0x103c, 0x10ff, + 0x109f, 0x0908, 0x090b, 0x0986, 0x0987, 0x0982, 0x0983, 0x092a, + 0x0929, 0x0984, 0x0985, 0x098a, 0x098b, 0x0909, 0x0905, 0x0a05, + 0x0a06, 0x0927, 0x0928, 0x00ac, 0x08d2, 0x08d4, 0x0900, 0x0903, + 0x0995, 0x0996, 0x0997, 0x0925, 0x0926, 0x835f, 0x8360, 0x1018, + 0x1019, 0x1016, 0x1017, 0x0920, 0x09a5, 0x0a12, 0x0902, 0x0907, + 0x0961, 0x0952, 0x096a, 0x096b, 0x091a, 0x093d, 0x091d, 0x0935, + 0x092b, 0x092c, 0x0962, 0x0943, 0x0945, 0x0948, 0x0976, 0x0977, + 0x0894, 0x082b, 0x0730, 0x0d6f, 0x0d6d, 0x0d6a, 0x0720, 0x0721, + 0x00b6, 0x0d6e, 0x0d6b, 0x0d6c, 0x0d69, 0x0cef, + /* 0x12321..0x1237E */ + 0x0cb7, 0x0cb6, 0x0cc1, 0x0cc0, 0x0897, 0x0898, 0x0896, 0x0899, + 0x08c4, 0x08e8, 0x08e6, 0x08e7, 0x08e9, 0x0f34, 0x0f35, 0x8310, + 0x8311, 0x8312, 0x8313, 0x8314, 0x8315, 0x8316, 0x8317, 0x8318, + 0x8319, 0x0fbf, 0x0cc9, 0x103d, 0x8246, 0x8245, 0x0ce6, 0x0722, + 0x8321, 0x8322, 0x8323, 0x8324, 0x8325, 0x8326, 0x8327, 0x8328, + 0x8329, 0x832a, 0x832b, 0x832c, 0x832d, 0x832e, 0x832f, 0x8330, + 0x8331, 0x8332, 0x8333, 0x8334, 0x8335, 0x8336, 0x8337, 0x8338, + 0x8339, 0x833a, 0x0913, 0x0835, 0x080f, 0x13cb, 0x0813, 0x0827, + 0x8341, 0x8342, 0x8343, 0x8344, 0x8345, 0x8346, 0x8347, 0x8348, + 0x8349, 0x834a, 0x834b, 0x834c, 0x834d, 0x834e, 0x834f, 0x8350, + 0x8351, 0x8352, 0x8353, 0x8354, 0x8355, 0x8356, 0x8357, 0x8358, + 0x8359, 0x835a, 0x10a0, 0x0713, 0x0ffa, 0x0ffb, + /* 0x12421..0x1247E */ + 0x1041, 0x1042, 0x1043, 0x1044, 0x1045, 0x1046, 0x1047, 0x1048, + 0x1049, 0x104a, 0x104b, 0x104c, 0x104d, 0x104e, 0x104f, 0x1050, + 0x1051, 0x1052, 0x1053, 0x1054, 0x1055, 0x1056, 0x1057, 0x1058, + 0x1059, 0x105a, 0x105b, 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0x2fe0, 0x3001, 0x3002, 0x300e, 0x3018, 0x3027, 0x302e, + 0x3040, 0x303b, 0x3041, 0x3094, 0x30cc, 0x30f2, 0x30d0, 0x30e6, + 0x8131, 0x3106, 0x3103, 0x310b, 0x311e, 0x3135, 0x314a, 0x8132, + 0x3155, 0x3157, 0x14b5, 0x319d, 0x31c3, 0x31ca, 0x31de, 0x31e2, + 0x31ee, 0x3201, 0x14db, 0x3213, 0x3215, 0x3249, 0x3257, 0x3261, + 0x3293, 0x32c8, 0x8133, 0x32cc, 0x32d0, 0x32d6, 0x32db, 0x8134, + 0x32f0, 0x32fb, 0x3300, 0x3307, 0x331c, 0x8135, 0x3361, 0x3363, + 0x337d, 0x3393, 0x339d, 0x33b2, 0x3412, 0x3427, 0x344d, 0x349c, + 0x346b, 0x3474, 0x347f, 0x3488, 0x3496, 0x34a1, + /* 0x12F21..0x12F7E */ + 0x34a9, 0x34c6, 0x34ff, 0x350e, 0x352b, 0x3535, 0x3550, 0x355e, + 0x3581, 0x3586, 0x358e, 0x8136, 0x35ad, 0x35ce, 0x8137, 0x3608, + 0x360e, 0x363b, 0x3649, 0x3676, 0x3666, 0x8138, 0x366f, 0x3671, + 0x3672, 0x3699, 0x369e, 0x36a9, 0x36ac, 0x36b3, 0x36c9, 0x36ca, + 0x370a, 0x923d, 0x3721, 0x372f, 0x3733, 0x3734, 0x3770, 0x3777, + 0x377c, 0x379c, 0x810f, 0x931b, 0x37b8, 0x37c7, 0x37c8, 0x37cf, + 0x37e4, 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0x70c1, 0x58ef, 0x2e00, 0x38f1, 0x4ea2, 0x7038, 0x5a32, + 0x6328, 0x628b, 0x7c2f, 0x3141, 0x3370, 0x34bd, 0x34e1, 0x36e0, + 0x39fb, 0x3f15, 0x78f2, 0x4deb, 0x60e4, 0x652d, + /* 0x13121..0x1317E */ + 0x7662, 0x7670, 0x76a0, 0x77fb, 0x340b, 0x33f3, 0x3b87, 0x50cf, + 0x5fbd, 0x6fc2, 0x76e8, 0x336f, 0x7d5c, 0x5aba, 0x2e11, 0x5893, + 0x61fc, 0x4e26, 0x3618, 0x3504, 0x4b1d, 0x651a, 0x7c3b, 0x39e5, + 0x33a9, 0x4d66, 0x54dc, 0x758f, 0x3642, 0x2e91, 0x704b, 0x76f2, + 0x634f, 0x790c, 0x33e1, 0x35b6, 0x3b30, 0x3f71, 0x4620, 0x46f3, + 0x4804, 0x4c38, 0x4cf3, 0x4d29, 0x545b, 0x56c8, 0x5a4e, 0x7834, + 0x62f1, 0x685b, 0x6a60, 0x72ed, 0x4db2, 0x55ab, 0x56ca, 0x79c5, + 0x40a6, 0x6b01, 0x6d8a, 0x75b2, 0x498e, 0x33ad, 0x3186, 0x3712, + 0x3830, 0x3944, 0x3bb4, 0x3ef6, 0x4028, 0x43a9, 0x43f4, 0x4cbf, + 0x4f14, 0x508e, 0x5114, 0x5159, 0x51d5, 0x533f, 0x5e01, 0x6276, + 0x62d1, 0x6597, 0x7060, 0x725b, 0x7d1b, 0x3869, 0x45bc, 0x4c5a, + 0x5525, 0x31f9, 0x392e, 0x3965, 0x3f80, 0x3fdc, + /* 0x13221..0x1327E */ + 0x42bc, 0x45fa, 0x4a2a, 0x4b27, 0x4bb4, 0x538b, 0x5fc1, 0x6956, + 0x7d2c, 0x7d0e, 0x7ec4, 0x3ca1, 0x4c96, 0x637b, 0x3104, 0x3c4b, + 0x41b6, 0x61c6, 0x4876, 0x5261, 0x2e59, 0x2ffa, 0x3378, 0x4069, + 0x4e29, 0x5a4f, 0x77f3, 0x2e0b, 0x3316, 0x2eee, 0x2f55, 0x2f3d, + 0x2fa1, 0x2f73, 0x32a0, 0x33ef, 0x3609, 0x390f, 0x3ac1, 0x3bb6, + 0x3be1, 0x59d1, 0x4687, 0x479c, 0x47b6, 0x4b4c, 0x4cb3, 0x506b, + 0x53c2, 0x598d, 0x59be, 0x5a3c, 0x5b87, 0x62b1, 0x62db, 0x6304, + 0x6377, 0x63ef, 0x63d3, 0x6766, 0x6ab2, 0x3629, 0x6ca8, 0x6fe6, + 0x704e, 0x771e, 0x668a, 0x2fc4, 0x3ce8, 0x4211, 0x5259, 0x553b, + 0x61e5, 0x62bd, 0x66fe, 0x6cc0, 0x76c5, 0x7913, 0x79d5, 0x2ecb, + 0x2f1a, 0x69e3, 0x36de, 0x384a, 0x38ca, 0x3efb, 0x3feb, 0x402a, + 0x4094, 0x4062, 0x41d0, 0x4212, 0x42d0, 0x4539, + /* 0x13321..0x1337E */ + 0x7b41, 0x4666, 0x48b0, 0x4d77, 0x5070, 0x554c, 0x5686, 0x5d75, + 0x62a5, 0x67f9, 0x758b, 0x768e, 0x6c9d, 0x31f1, 0x32be, 0x3916, + 0x34b3, 0x3bb3, 0x3d16, 0x4168, 0x4982, 0x4daf, 0x588d, 0x64cb, + 0x6857, 0x6a72, 0x73a7, 0x7ab8, 0x4d6c, 0x79a8, 0x66d9, 0x37a3, + 0x47ff, 0x66ce, 0x720e, 0x3283, 0x3687, 0x3404, 0x3ed3, 0x42e1, + 0x44b9, 0x483c, 0x4838, 0x4bbb, 0x5372, 0x58ba, 0x5a6b, 0x699a, + 0x69d2, 0x6d6b, 0x6f03, 0x70ed, 0x75a3, 0x7694, 0x7769, 0x3b66, + 0x3cb3, 0x497d, 0x784d, 0x784e, 0x439b, 0x5b20, 0x4a2b, 0x4a7f, + 0x48b6, 0x7c0d, 0x4f5f, 0x3272, 0x359d, 0x4070, 0x42ec, 0x4d3b, + 0x4e07, 0x4ed1, 0x645b, 0x6910, 0x6f44, 0x2e14, 0x7c39, 0x33f6, + 0x491b, 0x4a3a, 0x7784, 0x482a, 0x315c, 0x5ac3, 0x64b2, 0x71dc, + 0x738c, 0x365b, 0x7d28, 0x4822, 0x6305, 0x6431, + /* 0x13421..0x1347E */ + 0x5ca5, 0x3208, 0x62c5, 0x54e6, 0x2e7e, 0x2f83, 0x31a0, 0x3bd2, + 0x320a, 0x32d8, 0x32e7, 0x3dfb, 0x359a, 0x382a, 0x39e6, 0x3b8c, + 0x3b98, 0x3bdb, 0x3e72, 0x3e79, 0x40a3, 0x411f, 0x4163, 0x41be, + 0x43db, 0x4562, 0x47d1, 0x4853, 0x48fa, 0x4b3e, 0x4b53, 0x4c57, + 0x4f22, 0x4f97, 0x4f45, 0x54b0, 0x5518, 0x56e3, 0x570b, 0x5aff, + 0x5ba1, 0x5c21, 0x5de9, 0x5f36, 0x5ff0, 0x609d, 0x6266, 0x639e, + 0x69b3, 0x6acc, 0x6cab, 0x7084, 0x7451, 0x7593, 0x7591, 0x75a2, + 0x7665, 0x77d3, 0x7928, 0x6218, 0x2e38, 0x342b, 0x3cb8, 0x3dcc, + 0x53a9, 0x564c, 0x573c, 0x3ca9, 0x5feb, 0x6d0b, 0x76c1, 0x7811, + 0x7854, 0x7858, 0x2f01, 0x2f0e, 0x3371, 0x359c, 0x3668, 0x37fa, + 0x3947, 0x3b09, 0x3bc4, 0x3c90, 0x3e0c, 0x3e7e, 0x3fcc, 0x43ee, + 0x473a, 0x45d7, 0x45e2, 0x471f, 0x48cb, 0x48c4, + /* 0x13521..0x1357E */ + 0x4a5f, 0x3e30, 0x4bc5, 0x4c17, 0x4c7d, 0x557f, 0x5948, 0x3b63, + 0x5a00, 0x5d00, 0x3fbd, 0x698f, 0x6a18, 0x6cb4, 0x6d77, 0x6ecc, + 0x6f1d, 0x78e2, 0x7a0e, 0x7b3c, 0x2e80, 0x307d, 0x3100, 0x3993, + 0x3b9c, 0x422f, 0x4280, 0x44ec, 0x4b3a, 0x52a0, 0x5591, 0x5947, + 0x5fa9, 0x67fb, 0x6abc, 0x6b70, 0x43ac, 0x63ca, 0x77a0, 0x3409, + 0x3403, 0x35ab, 0x4854, 0x4a58, 0x6a70, 0x5827, 0x4775, 0x7ecd, + 0x3374, 0x3ba2, 0x611a, 0x6650, 0x7006, 0x2e18, 0x2e45, 0x2ec7, + 0x2f11, 0x33ca, 0x3438, 0x3bae, 0x3f13, 0x4025, 0x4551, 0x473d, + 0x4c42, 0x4c72, 0x4ce3, 0x5078, 0x5403, 0x5a76, 0x5aae, 0x5b08, + 0x5d1a, 0x5cfe, 0x5d66, 0x45e7, 0x525b, 0x33bb, 0x3c45, 0x3de8, + 0x42d2, 0x42e0, 0x4319, 0x4e20, 0x665a, 0x6a31, 0x6ddd, 0x72f8, + 0x4f01, 0x59a6, 0x7b5a, 0x2ea8, 0x2eab, 0x2eac, + /* 0x13621..0x1367E */ + 0x2f9b, 0x2fa0, 0x30d1, 0x3147, 0x5af6, 0x3171, 0x31f6, 0x3354, + 0x3321, 0x337f, 0x33eb, 0x35ac, 0x3883, 0x3ce1, 0x3f37, 0x3f4a, + 0x402f, 0x4050, 0x406d, 0x431f, 0x4559, 0x4a4b, 0x4cc1, 0x52c2, + 0x52ed, 0x57ef, 0x60f8, 0x6105, 0x6208, 0x654e, 0x70f7, 0x73e1, + 0x77ff, 0x7957, 0x7a5a, 0x2ef0, 0x31dd, 0x3c2d, 0x4681, 0x496d, + 0x3c40, 0x46f2, 0x4975, 0x5389, 0x4850, 0x5c81, 0x30c5, 0x32e4, + 0x3747, 0x3dfe, 0x7326, 0x45a4, 0x4b23, 0x4b3d, 0x5434, 0x5981, + 0x59bd, 0x5b4b, 0x5dca, 0x62b9, 0x63cc, 0x687f, 0x695f, 0x6b39, + 0x6fd1, 0x71d1, 0x341f, 0x7280, 0x2e5d, 0x3036, 0x33e5, 0x333a, + 0x52d7, 0x5396, 0x57e9, 0x62e6, 0x6eaf, 0x79c6, 0x79c8, 0x79d2, + 0x3177, 0x411a, 0x665e, 0x35b0, 0x5a7a, 0x3076, 0x3bd3, 0x7047, + 0x7685, 0x2e32, 0x4adb, 0x71e7, 0x3c51, 0x3c48, + /* 0x13721..0x1377E */ + 0x4398, 0x5a9f, 0x4c93, 0x7774, 0x6f61, 0x5aaa, 0x518a, 0x7688, + 0x5c82, 0x4817, 0x5e70, 0x4851, 0x736c, 0x32f2, 0x341b, 0x65ab, + 0x6a13, 0x5fa4, 0x6ecd, 0x70e1, 0x3366, 0x6888, 0x5941, 0x2fc2, + 0x30be, 0x3211, 0x3144, 0x3553, 0x372d, 0x53ea, 0x378b, 0x3951, + 0x3f62, 0x3f84, 0x4075, 0x4176, 0x4167, 0x41a9, 0x43b2, 0x443a, + 0x456c, 0x466f, 0x4842, 0x4e13, 0x5566, 0x5a3d, 0x5cfb, 0x5d4c, + 0x5d99, 0x5e4b, 0x5f6b, 0x630e, 0x634a, 0x66cd, 0x6a08, 0x6a63, + 0x6b66, 0x6efd, 0x781a, 0x7d8f, 0x62b8, 0x6fce, 0x7be8, 0x3287, + 0x421f, 0x4483, 0x4fc0, 0x7699, 0x4841, 0x3091, 0x4b20, 0x4c7a, + 0x4f54, 0x5a74, 0x5d50, 0x6840, 0x6a23, 0x4708, 0x2ef6, 0x3039, + 0x3026, 0x3065, 0x317c, 0x3238, 0x3263, 0x35a7, 0x370f, 0x3805, + 0x3acc, 0x3efa, 0x41b2, 0x41f8, 0x42f3, 0x4372, + /* 0x13821..0x1387E */ + 0x491c, 0x4a29, 0x527d, 0x52ac, 0x532e, 0x5814, 0x586f, 0x5d79, + 0x570c, 0x60a9, 0x698b, 0x6b19, 0x6ce2, 0x6ed2, 0x7063, 0x7375, + 0x767a, 0x7855, 0x7a13, 0x7e78, 0x3143, 0x339f, 0x33b3, 0x3e7b, + 0x3f26, 0x4e1b, 0x4e90, 0x5384, 0x53fe, 0x5d43, 0x6237, 0x6a00, + 0x6afa, 0x7650, 0x2e4e, 0x300b, 0x33e4, 0x347c, 0x36fa, 0x39d1, + 0x3b64, 0x3df1, 0x3eab, 0x3f27, 0x4238, 0x4545, 0x47af, 0x4e56, + 0x52d0, 0x5cca, 0x68b4, 0x60a1, 0x60e1, 0x63f0, 0x664e, 0x6a87, + 0x6de8, 0x7237, 0x76c7, 0x7867, 0x7f13, 0x2e94, 0x2e92, 0x2f0d, + 0x3348, 0x3449, 0x343e, 0x3a2f, 0x3f8c, 0x3fa1, 0x409f, 0x48a7, + 0x4a8e, 0x545a, 0x5881, 0x6a9e, 0x6aa4, 0x6b77, 0x7190, 0x2e5e, + 0x7bc9, 0x2ea4, 0x2f7c, 0x2faf, 0x3019, 0x3016, 0x3149, 0x316c, + 0x329f, 0x32b9, 0x32fe, 0x339a, 0x33e3, 0x3411, + /* 0x13921..0x1397E */ + 0x340e, 0x3589, 0x3751, 0x37a2, 0x397d, 0x3b54, 0x3b5d, 0x3b8f, + 0x3de5, 0x3de7, 0x3df7, 0x3e78, 0x3e83, 0x3e9a, 0x3eb7, 0x3f18, + 0x4052, 0x414c, 0x4297, 0x42d8, 0x43a7, 0x453b, 0x4602, 0x4643, + 0x46f4, 0x476d, 0x4821, 0x4897, 0x49cb, 0x4c5f, 0x4d2a, 0x4d69, + 0x4e2f, 0x4e9d, 0x5532, 0x5687, 0x586c, 0x5a3f, 0x5ce0, 0x5d05, + 0x5d18, 0x5d5e, 0x5db1, 0x6015, 0x6003, 0x60af, 0x60b1, 0x6154, + 0x618f, 0x622a, 0x6352, 0x684c, 0x6861, 0x6b1b, 0x6ca2, 0x6cfc, + 0x70ca, 0x7175, 0x7271, 0x583f, 0x72fc, 0x75a4, 0x764d, 0x7805, + 0x7999, 0x7ad8, 0x7d3b, 0x325b, 0x32ab, 0x33f7, 0x3408, 0x38d5, + 0x42f7, 0x4fe0, 0x6c6a, 0x6f5f, 0x7eb9, 0x314b, 0x323b, 0x344a, + 0x36fd, 0x5a40, 0x7177, 0x7d60, 0x7ed2, 0x5344, 0x4f09, 0x6170, + 0x5511, 0x3ffd, 0x40da, 0x7aa8, 0x52db, 0x6fbc, + /* 0x13A21..0x13A7E */ + 0x4b64, 0x7803, 0x2eca, 0x36f0, 0x3764, 0x38be, 0x3a5a, 0x4068, + 0x41c7, 0x460f, 0x4606, 0x4839, 0x48b1, 0x4df7, 0x55d5, 0x5d3a, + 0x626e, 0x7b42, 0x2e9b, 0x2f50, 0x33c9, 0x3506, 0x3d6f, 0x3de6, + 0x3dee, 0x47fb, 0x4c99, 0x5473, 0x5802, 0x6a50, 0x7396, 0x68df, + 0x3750, 0x3ea7, 0x432b, 0x30b5, 0x30ac, 0x318d, 0x4700, 0x34c9, + 0x385e, 0x39bb, 0x3bb0, 0x3f69, 0x424d, 0x43a1, 0x483d, 0x4b73, + 0x4e08, 0x507d, 0x71c7, 0x5280, 0x5815, 0x5826, 0x596d, 0x458e, + 0x5d30, 0x63dc, 0x68c1, 0x6f09, 0x769b, 0x3264, 0x3728, 0x4750, + 0x5f6a, 0x6ca1, 0x31b4, 0x3742, 0x762a, 0x383a, 0x498a, 0x60b4, + 0x34b2, 0x3d0e, 0x37fc, 0x5895, 0x7dfa, 0x2f5c, 0x324a, 0x348b, + 0x443e, 0x4628, 0x4714, 0x47f5, 0x5a84, 0x5b56, 0x5d22, 0x732f, + 0x485c, 0x7bad, 0x5b39, 0x3319, 0x318a, 0x3237, + /* 0x13B21..0x13B7E */ + 0x3bdf, 0x42f6, 0x44ae, 0x44e6, 0x472d, 0x4bba, 0x65a9, 0x76d1, + 0x5690, 0x7bd6, 0x434c, 0x7306, 0x7bab, 0x56bf, 0x4652, 0x2e09, + 0x3098, 0x33c2, 0x3c71, 0x40e8, 0x4492, 0x4563, 0x485f, 0x51e6, + 0x53ca, 0x5523, 0x5b97, 0x5e82, 0x6695, 0x6b83, 0x6cdb, 0x7178, + 0x7910, 0x45ac, 0x46ab, 0x4b8b, 0x2ed5, 0x2ed4, 0x2f3a, 0x2f7f, + 0x323a, 0x33f8, 0x33f2, 0x35e3, 0x36db, 0x38eb, 0x39cb, 0x39c9, + 0x39ff, 0x3b50, 0x3c4d, 0x3e02, 0x3e2b, 0x3fd7, 0x401d, 0x4307, + 0x452f, 0x3b5c, 0x45af, 0x45bd, 0x45e8, 0x479d, 0x4b62, 0x4b7b, + 0x4c0f, 0x5345, 0x5949, 0x59c1, 0x5cf8, 0x5d19, 0x5d2b, 0x60a2, + 0x6102, 0x61f3, 0x6996, 0x6a5e, 0x6a69, 0x6a66, 0x6a8c, 0x6aee, + 0x6cc7, 0x6cdc, 0x76cc, 0x78fc, 0x4b6f, 0x2e8b, 0x2f3c, 0x2f8d, + 0x3150, 0x3b57, 0x3bfa, 0x4148, 0x4301, 0x4642, + /* 0x13C21..0x13C7E */ + 0x4b21, 0x4ecb, 0x4cbb, 0x523e, 0x54bd, 0x55d4, 0x58c1, 0x593a, + 0x600c, 0x6033, 0x61ea, 0x6494, 0x6f9e, 0x4c50, 0x7e7f, 0x3f0f, + 0x6b58, 0x7d2b, 0x5afa, 0x6ef8, 0x3b8d, 0x76eb, 0x2e03, 0x33f1, + 0x37f7, 0x3931, 0x3ac9, 0x3ba4, 0x4089, 0x4e7f, 0x4f06, 0x55be, + 0x6cea, 0x3b9f, 0x6500, 0x5be0, 0x3072, 0x47f4, 0x629d, 0x3c61, + 0x654a, 0x5e1e, 0x620e, 0x3199, 0x3c04, 0x4368, 0x6d66, 0x459c, + 0x516e, 0x593e, 0x5d17, 0x6005, 0x6b1d, 0x6eca, 0x706e, 0x66c7, + 0x70aa, 0x301f, 0x32fa, 0x3c3a, 0x4753, 0x507c, 0x5235, 0x714c, + 0x71c8, 0x732b, 0x62e5, 0x3bc2, 0x3f31, 0x40f9, 0x2e3b, 0x33d6, + 0x3b88, 0x424b, 0x4731, 0x4b8a, 0x52e9, 0x53e0, 0x5a2e, 0x616b, + 0x6da3, 0x7152, 0x7996, 0x3112, 0x33d7, 0x346a, 0x3bff, 0x4388, + 0x4a39, 0x5dac, 0x7700, 0x36da, 0x33ce, 0x3468, + /* 0x13D21..0x13D7E */ + 0x3b97, 0x3c31, 0x3dde, 0x2fee, 0x4101, 0x42fe, 0x4d32, 0x59c0, + 0x59cb, 0x5d42, 0x5e4d, 0x5fd2, 0x61ed, 0x621f, 0x6490, 0x6846, + 0x6972, 0x6b90, 0x6e74, 0x6f2f, 0x7031, 0x714b, 0x716c, 0x76c6, + 0x719c, 0x2ec0, 0x2f4f, 0x3145, 0x3341, 0x3f93, 0x420e, 0x47d4, + 0x4c41, 0x4e0b, 0x5363, 0x5e26, 0x71cd, 0x7283, 0x33d4, 0x3919, + 0x3bbf, 0x4dd1, 0x595d, 0x5e2e, 0x5c9b, 0x387e, 0x519f, 0x31fa, + 0x6853, 0x6ff0, 0x2fca, 0x3cfb, 0x4625, 0x57ac, 0x5ae3, 0x621c, + 0x79ff, 0x31c6, 0x3faa, 0x45ec, 0x496f, 0x4b89, 0x4df3, 0x4e96, + 0x4f64, 0x56fe, 0x5d14, 0x3de1, 0x7075, 0x7187, 0x7806, 0x31e6, + 0x321d, 0x4240, 0x4691, 0x46d9, 0x4e1a, 0x3eb6, 0x5dd2, 0x5f72, + 0x46f8, 0x65af, 0x65f7, 0x6af8, 0x32a9, 0x33d9, 0x3973, 0x3e8f, + 0x3f90, 0x4055, 0x72e4, 0x7664, 0x30b7, 0x311f, + /* 0x13E21..0x13E7E */ + 0x32dd, 0x3320, 0x3347, 0x33ec, 0x34e8, 0x3546, 0x3531, 0x3617, + 0x3968, 0x39be, 0x3a3c, 0x3bb5, 0x3c06, 0x3c0f, 0x3c11, 0x3c1a, + 0x3e84, 0x3e8a, 0x3ee0, 0x3f70, 0x427f, 0x4284, 0x42db, 0x438c, + 0x4377, 0x4607, 0x460c, 0x462d, 0x4676, 0x477e, 0x48a2, 0x4a1f, + 0x4a35, 0x4cbc, 0x4d88, 0x4e09, 0x4e58, 0x513c, 0x5126, 0x5167, + 0x55c7, 0x5701, 0x585d, 0x5901, 0x5965, 0x59f0, 0x5ae0, 0x5b11, + 0x5ca7, 0x5d39, 0x6096, 0x63d6, 0x648b, 0x6549, 0x685d, 0x68f3, + 0x6a1f, 0x6a3c, 0x6a54, 0x6a73, 0x6c61, 0x6cde, 0x71a4, 0x7266, + 0x737e, 0x7418, 0x769c, 0x7798, 0x2e0a, 0x2e08, 0x2e1e, 0x2e57, + 0x3197, 0x3270, 0x37ce, 0x3834, 0x38cc, 0x3b22, 0x3e38, 0x40c5, + 0x44fe, 0x4761, 0x4756, 0x4d44, 0x52b6, 0x5573, 0x5a63, 0x64b8, + 0x6b72, 0x71b8, 0x7320, 0x3631, 0x37f4, 0x78fe, + /* 0x13F21..0x13F7E */ + 0x42ed, 0x490d, 0x4b96, 0x51ed, 0x5e54, 0x6077, 0x6272, 0x69e6, + 0x78df, 0x6755, 0x6fb1, 0x3c3b, 0x2f38, 0x2fe1, 0x2fb5, 0x3507, + 0x3a20, 0x3bdd, 0x3be9, 0x3fc3, 0x414e, 0x432f, 0x45b0, 0x464b, + 0x48ee, 0x499b, 0x4d78, 0x4df1, 0x5533, 0x55b9, 0x571f, 0x595e, + 0x59e6, 0x5d33, 0x61e3, 0x62af, 0x65aa, 0x69aa, 0x6a3a, 0x6eab, + 0x6f9b, 0x7032, 0x71dd, 0x7707, 0x2eba, 0x2ec1, 0x3203, 0x3875, + 0x38ec, 0x3c0b, 0x551a, 0x3c3d, 0x614e, 0x6a0a, 0x6fc5, 0x7663, + 0x776d, 0x5b25, 0x6acf, 0x7808, 0x7162, 0x36f3, 0x33a8, 0x7017, + 0x3439, 0x3782, 0x3e25, 0x43a8, 0x4c34, 0x508a, 0x5761, 0x5c8b, + 0x5fe0, 0x6870, 0x7042, 0x7154, 0x7310, 0x7318, 0x768f, 0x545e, + 0x7ac4, 0x3d07, 0x3d69, 0x4570, 0x47a2, 0x6da8, 0x76db, 0x436e, + 0x4749, 0x4919, 0x63c5, 0x7817, 0x76c0, 0x68fe, + /* 0x14021..0x1407E */ + 0x4f84, 0x447a, 0x3bf8, 0x2e16, 0x502c, 0x555d, 0x462f, 0x31c4, + 0x3236, 0x32e2, 0x39d3, 0x3f81, 0x4027, 0x4210, 0x453f, 0x4574, + 0x461f, 0x4674, 0x48f2, 0x4816, 0x4b63, 0x4e05, 0x5272, 0x551f, + 0x56db, 0x5cbe, 0x6056, 0x38f0, 0x68fd, 0x697f, 0x6aa0, 0x6a93, + 0x6acb, 0x701d, 0x7192, 0x7752, 0x7759, 0x4589, 0x5a0e, 0x6106, + 0x76bb, 0x3e2d, 0x40dc, 0x421a, 0x45a5, 0x4614, 0x4790, 0x57f3, + 0x5a4d, 0x5c4d, 0x5e3e, 0x610a, 0x6cac, 0x6d64, 0x6de1, 0x6e5f, + 0x58a9, 0x3207, 0x42d9, 0x43a5, 0x4442, 0x4298, 0x6a2d, 0x5a83, + 0x5bc0, 0x6aac, 0x76ea, 0x5d76, 0x620c, 0x6749, 0x2ed9, 0x3148, + 0x3343, 0x3360, 0x3ba3, 0x3c02, 0x3c16, 0x3ddd, 0x4226, 0x4247, + 0x44b0, 0x4813, 0x4834, 0x4cc9, 0x4d45, 0x4d17, 0x47d3, 0x4f5c, + 0x514e, 0x517d, 0x45cb, 0x5a7f, 0x5bad, 0x5dda, + /* 0x14121..0x1417E */ + 0x5e4a, 0x5fa8, 0x617a, 0x621b, 0x6239, 0x65a6, 0x6a6e, 0x6cce, + 0x6df5, 0x7078, 0x7077, 0x72ad, 0x7291, 0x7583, 0x7bae, 0x324d, + 0x3584, 0x4f38, 0x5136, 0x3168, 0x5985, 0x5e55, 0x61b3, 0x5cce, + 0x364c, 0x3851, 0x3ca8, 0x43aa, 0x46fe, 0x46fd, 0x495a, 0x52d9, + 0x558f, 0x558e, 0x590e, 0x5956, 0x59df, 0x5c97, 0x5d20, 0x5d44, + 0x6607, 0x6a34, 0x763b, 0x7061, 0x7f20, 0x30e7, 0x3275, 0x33cc, + 0x33e2, 0x3009, 0x35aa, 0x38ee, 0x394f, 0x523d, 0x3b8b, 0x3c64, + 0x331d, 0x40e3, 0x40f3, 0x435c, 0x4383, 0x433f, 0x43bb, 0x44cd, + 0x45e9, 0x46f9, 0x3de3, 0x49cd, 0x49fd, 0x4f15, 0x51e5, 0x2e89, + 0x55e9, 0x56f8, 0x5a93, 0x5cdf, 0x5dcf, 0x5d9c, 0x6061, 0x6349, + 0x6358, 0x646c, 0x64bc, 0x65fb, 0x68c5, 0x6d70, 0x7001, 0x706d, + 0x7397, 0x771c, 0x7a12, 0x30cf, 0x3897, 0x418e, + /* 0x14221..0x1427E */ + 0x61d3, 0x6535, 0x6d08, 0x7020, 0x2fc3, 0x3074, 0x3247, 0x3373, + 0x406f, 0x4349, 0x475f, 0x4e2c, 0x6db3, 0x701f, 0x2fd7, 0x3c5e, + 0x6cca, 0x45cf, 0x5d9a, 0x3352, 0x6896, 0x3176, 0x43c3, 0x3b58, + 0x3b6b, 0x3c0a, 0x440d, 0x4751, 0x705c, 0x2ed6, 0x391a, 0x392a, + 0x4c70, 0x6a51, 0x353e, 0x3815, 0x39a5, 0x40f0, 0x4253, 0x47c1, + 0x6235, 0x4955, 0x7640, 0x79c4, 0x7a28, 0x2f53, 0x3806, 0x3bfe, + 0x6010, 0x3cb1, 0x3e2f, 0x3f85, 0x4020, 0x414b, 0x4234, 0x46ff, + 0x4cf0, 0x4ede, 0x60ce, 0x617f, 0x62d4, 0x688b, 0x6cb8, 0x7000, + 0x702e, 0x768a, 0x7edb, 0x7bdb, 0x2ee3, 0x33f0, 0x3927, 0x5b2c, + 0x718d, 0x784c, 0x7df9, 0x4edd, 0x5027, 0x3353, 0x3544, 0x3b85, + 0x4258, 0x429e, 0x42d3, 0x4ca2, 0x4fef, 0x5422, 0x6a17, 0x7438, + 0x4fc1, 0x6afe, 0x6338, 0x31e7, 0x66f8, 0x33ea, + /* 0x14321..0x1437E */ + 0x33e9, 0x2f46, 0x7054, 0x6fb0, 0x396a, 0x6131, 0x3dfd, 0x5aea, + 0x6fbf, 0x48da, 0x6c37, 0x52f8, 0x7c48, 0x4a3d, 0x6ab0, 0x2e39, + 0x3358, 0x3606, 0x3766, 0x42c5, 0x43a2, 0x45e6, 0x4b4e, 0x4de1, + 0x4e5b, 0x50ad, 0x57ed, 0x5aef, 0x5baa, 0x5dbb, 0x603d, 0x60c6, + 0x66cb, 0x6a95, 0x735b, 0x36e3, 0x38c7, 0x3f3e, 0x45ad, 0x4696, + 0x4a80, 0x4bb5, 0x5537, 0x6ac7, 0x3024, 0x57e5, 0x3730, 0x3f1b, + 0x4065, 0x467a, 0x4c60, 0x55f4, 0x5a1a, 0x5f6e, 0x61f4, 0x6718, + 0x7045, 0x79b3, 0x5bc9, 0x555c, 0x5af9, 0x5b51, 0x64c4, 0x7010, + 0x59e9, 0x5a92, 0x6336, 0x3ae1, 0x5740, 0x2e2d, 0x2ef2, 0x3b99, + 0x3fe0, 0x42bd, 0x463c, 0x47f1, 0x4ce8, 0x666b, 0x6877, 0x6a3b, + 0x714e, 0x72f3, 0x79d0, 0x4a17, 0x5026, 0x532a, 0x62e7, 0x6457, + 0x6caf, 0x2e01, 0x3146, 0x31cb, 0x358b, 0x3bf5, + /* 0x14421..0x1447E */ + 0x3e16, 0x3e33, 0x3e81, 0x3f14, 0x3f35, 0x3f6b, 0x3fb4, 0x41f2, + 0x4311, 0x46a2, 0x471d, 0x4f6e, 0x5252, 0x553a, 0x573a, 0x6074, + 0x6139, 0x6178, 0x6776, 0x6abf, 0x6adc, 0x6d85, 0x6df3, 0x729a, + 0x7577, 0x7802, 0x7ce5, 0x32c5, 0x4357, 0x56f4, 0x4715, 0x4c88, + 0x53cd, 0x6cc3, 0x73ae, 0x7673, 0x4d25, 0x389c, 0x490e, 0x49cc, + 0x6ffd, 0x739a, 0x55db, 0x701a, 0x385a, 0x4802, 0x43b4, 0x49fb, + 0x2f43, 0x4f2c, 0x47d8, 0x6fbb, 0x6526, 0x5db4, 0x7354, 0x493f, + 0x4f70, 0x376a, 0x38f7, 0x3b2c, 0x5d2c, 0x522a, 0x340a, 0x71e3, + 0x7db4, 0x2ead, 0x2f4e, 0x305c, 0x3075, 0x3243, 0x6c9e, 0x3448, + 0x3824, 0x3b9a, 0x3e1d, 0x3e95, 0x3ead, 0x3ef7, 0x3f1f, 0x408c, + 0x42b5, 0x433a, 0x43d0, 0x48af, 0x4c40, 0x5887, 0x598e, 0x5a0b, + 0x5de0, 0x6247, 0x6a02, 0x6ae6, 0x6e44, 0x7013, + /* 0x14521..0x1457E */ + 0x70b8, 0x712d, 0x71d8, 0x7f0e, 0x4ce5, 0x4458, 0x44e2, 0x4575, + 0x4ef4, 0x5684, 0x5b1b, 0x7069, 0x73d1, 0x4eba, 0x34f2, 0x3fb9, + 0x44a4, 0x6f4d, 0x6fed, 0x7244, 0x3178, 0x386b, 0x3929, 0x3c55, + 0x3e97, 0x4dfb, 0x5e8f, 0x551c, 0x6cbc, 0x6ee2, 0x785b, 0x50b9, + 0x2f1d, 0x4bbf, 0x4fb1, 0x5530, 0x76fb, 0x314e, 0x3410, 0x3835, + 0x3857, 0x39ac, 0x3c60, 0x3f92, 0x4597, 0x475c, 0x4e21, 0x567b, + 0x63df, 0x6ced, 0x7014, 0x70fd, 0x734d, 0x5825, 0x583a, 0x32aa, + 0x3ea6, 0x371f, 0x3974, 0x4012, 0x3012, 0x315a, 0x31ac, 0x31cd, + 0x3200, 0x3510, 0x3854, 0x3858, 0x3957, 0x3b95, 0x3cf6, 0x3d8b, + 0x40bc, 0x4295, 0x442d, 0x4771, 0x4843, 0x48bc, 0x48df, 0x56d7, + 0x4dd8, 0x4e6f, 0x4d9b, 0x506f, 0x51c8, 0x3f53, 0x55d8, 0x5977, + 0x5b49, 0x5b54, 0x5b52, 0x5cd6, 0x5d71, 0x3230, + /* 0x14621..0x1467E */ + 0x6463, 0x6569, 0x65e4, 0x6a0e, 0x6b04, 0x6c46, 0x6e0f, 0x7003, + 0x700f, 0x7419, 0x7676, 0x782d, 0x7a30, 0x75d8, 0x30cd, 0x32d5, + 0x340c, 0x3802, 0x3c0e, 0x41a7, 0x449e, 0x4d1e, 0x57b3, 0x5ae5, + 0x60f4, 0x6404, 0x7053, 0x7285, 0x3ce0, 0x7d07, 0x333f, 0x3f97, + 0x3fb3, 0x4d9c, 0x5279, 0x5763, 0x59bf, 0x5be4, 0x4bd2, 0x52ec, + 0x6aad, 0x4803, 0x4a61, 0x31f8, 0x5a81, 0x4934, 0x3c4a, 0x7cf6, + 0x62eb, 0x3bc5, 0x7149, 0x501e, 0x3678, 0x3c6f, 0x40c7, 0x4566, + 0x4c8c, 0x6c5a, 0x7041, 0x7813, 0x3451, 0x46c7, 0x720d, 0x3948, + 0x70a3, 0x3185, 0x2e4d, 0x31ea, 0x6599, 0x6b0e, 0x5058, 0x437a, + 0x734b, 0x4962, 0x79b4, 0x5e04, 0x5577, 0x3357, 0x4960, 0x6edf, + 0x76e3, 0x4c5d, 0x2e8c, 0x3c3c, 0x3f10, 0x6fe9, 0x3302, 0x6cd1, + 0x6089, 0x6679, 0x3eff, 0x45e5, 0x2e73, 0x3165, + /* 0x14721..0x1477E */ + 0x3982, 0x3c3f, 0x77ee, 0x2efb, 0x398a, 0x3fcd, 0x6a8d, 0x4fe1, + 0x59b0, 0x5962, 0x3be7, 0x6471, 0x532b, 0x51b1, 0x3e74, 0x3ff5, + 0x437b, 0x449a, 0x51c3, 0x5c98, 0x2e43, 0x3efc, 0x2e4b, 0x37dc, + 0x36a2, 0x40a9, 0x4fc3, 0x5d0d, 0x60fd, 0x6133, 0x61bf, 0x6fb2, + 0x6997, 0x66a4, 0x3df4, 0x428a, 0x44ad, 0x6987, 0x4777, 0x4ce2, + 0x4d3e, 0x5436, 0x5834, 0x3a46, 0x5f75, 0x62ad, 0x79ac, 0x2ff3, + 0x3ec3, 0x42dd, 0x4392, 0x4557, 0x476f, 0x56c3, 0x524c, 0x60cc, + 0x60ba, 0x6f29, 0x714d, 0x300d, 0x37f9, 0x3a92, 0x4885, 0x4973, + 0x5164, 0x52fd, 0x6cb7, 0x38f2, 0x6ce0, 0x766a, 0x7019, 0x677f, + 0x59e4, 0x57e7, 0x6429, 0x2f2f, 0x3265, 0x335a, 0x42cd, 0x47cf, + 0x4cca, 0x567d, 0x5b94, 0x5c95, 0x6236, 0x6584, 0x6feb, 0x46dd, + 0x4f20, 0x5206, 0x5e1b, 0x63ab, 0x79c1, 0x7ea6, + /* 0x14821..0x1487E */ + 0x31fd, 0x5bb1, 0x5872, 0x5bb8, 0x6087, 0x5b48, 0x4ae8, 0x3e61, + 0x608c, 0x5551, 0x5560, 0x316b, 0x7262, 0x4e8c, 0x567a, 0x7197, + 0x7aea, 0x2f10, 0x5f70, 0x429c, 0x5b4f, 0x75a5, 0x7ce9, 0x367a, + 0x3859, 0x66e4, 0x76bc, 0x2f34, 0x3224, 0x334a, 0x33cd, 0x33db, + 0x3e06, 0x442c, 0x4591, 0x477f, 0x4c3e, 0x4c4e, 0x5248, 0x52af, + 0x53ed, 0x5554, 0x5e41, 0x622c, 0x65e9, 0x6ca9, 0x5bc4, 0x71c6, + 0x5169, 0x7812, 0x78ef, 0x433d, 0x4669, 0x556a, 0x56e4, 0x58d0, + 0x6543, 0x66ee, 0x332a, 0x3351, 0x3426, 0x3983, 0x3e87, 0x3f7c, + 0x40b2, 0x4249, 0x4279, 0x42ab, 0x4590, 0x4bd4, 0x4ccc, 0x55b2, + 0x56ae, 0x5891, 0x59d8, 0x5dcb, 0x5f77, 0x60a5, 0x68ab, 0x6ab9, + 0x6cbb, 0x707f, 0x775e, 0x78db, 0x4a0b, 0x5c38, 0x3099, 0x3c3e, + 0x3fae, 0x4787, 0x4bd8, 0x5435, 0x5709, 0x5f8e, + /* 0x14921..0x1497E */ + 0x7f3b, 0x47ca, 0x5a17, 0x3339, 0x558b, 0x7aed, 0x3f66, 0x619d, + 0x63f1, 0x6098, 0x3f3c, 0x3fc5, 0x5562, 0x5b46, 0x703c, 0x4867, + 0x39eb, 0x3a9b, 0x5d10, 0x567e, 0x6b2c, 0x2ff5, 0x3f6a, 0x4a19, + 0x4c37, 0x4f02, 0x54e2, 0x5968, 0x6868, 0x6a55, 0x6c79, 0x3edf, + 0x43cf, 0x55c5, 0x59d2, 0x62d7, 0x7328, 0x72f2, 0x649c, 0x66ed, + 0x7c2d, 0x34c1, 0x3f6c, 0x458c, 0x4d5c, 0x5015, 0x6ca7, 0x6cd3, + 0x783b, 0x454f, 0x54f6, 0x2e0d, 0x2ed8, 0x37e0, 0x392b, 0x3a66, + 0x3bcc, 0x31a8, 0x3e03, 0x3e9c, 0x4016, 0x4276, 0x4577, 0x45a7, + 0x466e, 0x4d6e, 0x5236, 0x5b26, 0x6150, 0x619a, 0x6299, 0x6b5c, + 0x6ca0, 0x6ce6, 0x6d74, 0x761c, 0x7644, 0x2fae, 0x44ab, 0x4b66, + 0x621e, 0x6461, 0x656a, 0x70e8, 0x3c01, 0x4953, 0x78a8, 0x647a, + 0x6557, 0x2f0f, 0x326f, 0x3fa9, 0x3e45, 0x470d, + /* 0x14A21..0x14A7E */ + 0x598f, 0x6179, 0x6907, 0x6986, 0x4df5, 0x3f17, 0x4255, 0x4cb8, + 0x2ecf, 0x5269, 0x7b92, 0x3206, 0x343b, 0x3674, 0x38b3, 0x41a4, + 0x426e, 0x511a, 0x396e, 0x5c89, 0x5cde, 0x5d1b, 0x76f0, 0x4587, + 0x605e, 0x2e19, 0x2f75, 0x3175, 0x3840, 0x3e63, 0x3e73, 0x3f0a, + 0x47c4, 0x2e26, 0x653d, 0x7589, 0x765b, 0x5c73, 0x7801, 0x30fb, + 0x38c1, 0x5656, 0x58a7, 0x3225, 0x57a5, 0x6511, 0x5b86, 0x304f, + 0x3909, 0x5247, 0x5bc7, 0x5de8, 0x6fba, 0x6fd4, 0x704d, 0x2fbf, + 0x32c9, 0x3a29, 0x3f01, 0x77ad, 0x2fdd, 0x6217, 0x72ea, 0x3703, + 0x4355, 0x4b69, 0x552b, 0x68dc, 0x6f14, 0x5a42, 0x32df, 0x3893, + 0x4155, 0x420a, 0x46ae, 0x4bcd, 0x5c3f, 0x63e9, 0x3023, 0x2ff8, + 0x3305, 0x3446, 0x3831, 0x3949, 0x3b9d, 0x3cf0, 0x3cef, 0x3d29, + 0x3e96, 0x42b1, 0x4367, 0x453e, 0x45b9, 0x470b, + /* 0x14B21..0x14B7E */ + 0x4cd5, 0x4ce1, 0x50f9, 0x5832, 0x5e2b, 0x60de, 0x62b3, 0x640c, + 0x64ec, 0x6702, 0x6912, 0x6a2a, 0x6c4a, 0x70a6, 0x72d2, 0x78fd, + 0x7cf3, 0x7d6c, 0x2e4f, 0x2ea1, 0x308d, 0x3256, 0x374a, 0x39a8, + 0x3e3d, 0x3fd8, 0x3fd9, 0x423f, 0x46b4, 0x471b, 0x47d0, 0x48d2, + 0x3192, 0x5d21, 0x60aa, 0x61a8, 0x6b00, 0x6c8c, 0x6cbf, 0x727e, + 0x7632, 0x3420, 0x782c, 0x3317, 0x30d5, 0x335c, 0x38a8, 0x44b2, + 0x4734, 0x5267, 0x5766, 0x5a46, 0x71e6, 0x32c3, 0x4ca1, 0x4b86, + 0x3800, 0x3e4c, 0x3954, 0x472c, 0x5ffb, 0x31e1, 0x56c6, 0x4469, + 0x58e8, 0x7b54, 0x7ebb, 0x37cb, 0x39b9, 0x4627, 0x479a, 0x4bce, + 0x34e9, 0x49d9, 0x3e55, 0x619c, 0x4795, 0x7baa, 0x47fe, 0x7c52, + 0x485d, 0x2ea6, 0x2fe3, 0x33c8, 0x42b9, 0x472b, 0x4cab, 0x6fc4, + 0x2fad, 0x5e6d, 0x7ebf, 0x2e07, 0x4162, 0x4e80, + /* 0x14C21..0x14C7E */ + 0x4f2b, 0x6513, 0x3473, 0x472a, 0x7b45, 0x3df3, 0x5b95, 0x3cac, + 0x3bc6, 0x671c, 0x4e4a, 0x64d1, 0x5a14, 0x6108, 0x3999, 0x5c8d, + 0x4c11, 0x5720, 0x32d9, 0x3922, 0x5121, 0x525f, 0x57db, 0x7727, + 0x7d61, 0x490b, 0x3a7f, 0x3a18, 0x31a5, 0x340d, 0x347d, 0x460e, + 0x56df, 0x6ff7, 0x7298, 0x7cf4, 0x39ea, 0x525d, 0x4ec5, 0x314d, + 0x48c9, 0x5dbf, 0x5dec, 0x7762, 0x7eba, 0x4478, 0x4a21, 0x6302, + 0x3984, 0x3b5f, 0x4bdb, 0x531b, 0x56f2, 0x5db2, 0x6017, 0x6499, + 0x3132, 0x4728, 0x7ed9, 0x56ee, 0x4762, 0x32ff, 0x7905, 0x3c24, + 0x423b, 0x5c7e, 0x6cb0, 0x354f, 0x40b6, 0x5d0b, 0x7580, 0x3301, + 0x2e5f, 0x31b6, 0x391c, 0x523a, 0x6036, 0x71ce, 0x3f25, 0x57e2, + 0x3384, 0x3f79, 0x5d04, 0x65ac, 0x6a33, 0x6e8d, 0x7756, 0x47f3, + 0x65ae, 0x7453, 0x4109, 0x4108, 0x4cb9, 0x5652, + /* 0x14D21..0x14D7E */ + 0x6aed, 0x6f38, 0x352f, 0x2f51, 0x312a, 0x32c7, 0x33cb, 0x3ba5, + 0x3e7d, 0x40a0, 0x4182, 0x43d6, 0x4709, 0x47da, 0x4e67, 0x4d8c, + 0x5336, 0x5337, 0x5531, 0x5950, 0x68d5, 0x6a98, 0x704a, 0x7091, + 0x70f5, 0x76c4, 0x678d, 0x3915, 0x2e88, 0x2f59, 0x2e0e, 0x6a89, + 0x6f3f, 0x7810, 0x30ad, 0x3e7c, 0x3996, 0x3bb9, 0x3eb8, 0x43da, + 0x43fa, 0x44c1, 0x46dc, 0x494a, 0x49d8, 0x4d0b, 0x4eb6, 0x5194, + 0x5528, 0x5aaf, 0x5f8a, 0x6000, 0x6449, 0x64c9, 0x6981, 0x6b21, + 0x6e0a, 0x7065, 0x767d, 0x790a, 0x417e, 0x4291, 0x4b32, 0x4c83, + 0x4d74, 0x5fcc, 0x5ffc, 0x4dc0, 0x5f85, 0x67ba, 0x68f8, 0x4765, + 0x63b1, 0x783c, 0x76f7, 0x4d1b, 0x5d61, 0x643d, 0x716a, 0x2e71, + 0x3375, 0x3d50, 0x4b04, 0x4feb, 0x65cd, 0x662d, 0x69a7, 0x3229, + 0x340f, 0x3c65, 0x474e, 0x48a8, 0x5406, 0x5483, + /* 0x14E21..0x14E7E */ + 0x55e2, 0x68cf, 0x68e1, 0x71cc, 0x76e2, 0x7678, 0x3f8b, 0x5387, + 0x5acb, 0x644e, 0x43a0, 0x5565, 0x3289, 0x4d41, 0x4e9c, 0x5409, + 0x5559, 0x586b, 0x5c92, 0x7686, 0x5adc, 0x7f8d, 0x2fb6, 0x416e, + 0x45c5, 0x665c, 0x2e86, 0x2eae, 0x30da, 0x2e21, 0x31cc, 0x3bee, + 0x4599, 0x4881, 0x4dbc, 0x531f, 0x5642, 0x57ad, 0x5a1c, 0x5ce7, + 0x626f, 0x6ad2, 0x707c, 0x71cf, 0x7675, 0x7818, 0x329b, 0x5dd1, + 0x302b, 0x3398, 0x4797, 0x4dcb, 0x51d0, 0x5433, 0x61e8, 0x6f2a, + 0x76a3, 0x7c57, 0x7e9f, 0x5460, 0x3841, 0x4d99, 0x5d2f, 0x785e, + 0x2ee4, 0x2f36, 0x2f8b, 0x31b7, 0x32b1, 0x3dba, 0x401c, 0x53b2, + 0x593c, 0x62d3, 0x7234, 0x76b7, 0x76f6, 0x770a, 0x7e97, 0x7f62, + 0x46a6, 0x4b74, 0x3217, 0x32a3, 0x50c8, 0x68c2, 0x3ec9, 0x404b, + 0x4190, 0x4f23, 0x5149, 0x5c3e, 0x5df4, 0x606f, + /* 0x14F21..0x14F7E */ + 0x64ee, 0x7023, 0x732c, 0x3442, 0x7b6f, 0x4ad3, 0x5089, 0x6cc2, + 0x6def, 0x7732, 0x32b4, 0x3a41, 0x3eca, 0x3f04, 0x4717, 0x497c, + 0x4994, 0x4d6a, 0x4f0f, 0x5262, 0x52fc, 0x5bed, 0x6001, 0x607e, + 0x674b, 0x70ce, 0x316d, 0x7e93, 0x5984, 0x608b, 0x7332, 0x6ad6, + 0x302d, 0x348c, 0x6a71, 0x4b6a, 0x6cc4, 0x6107, 0x40d1, 0x47a0, + 0x7df2, 0x2e99, 0x2e98, 0x7c10, 0x6a6b, 0x65c1, 0x6568, 0x4900, + 0x4e7e, 0x5897, 0x6155, 0x8e9f, 0x3b41, 0x3b56, 0x3b7d, 0x3b93, + 0x3bd8, 0x3bec, 0x3c12, 0x3c1e, 0x3c23, 0x3c2b, 0x178d, 0x3c62, + 0x813b, 0x813c, 0x96b4, 0x3c7a, 0x3c8f, 0x3c9f, 0x3ca3, 0x3caa, + 0x3cba, 0x3ccb, 0x3cd0, 0x3cd2, 0x3cf4, 0x9c34, 0x17e2, 0x3d0d, + 0x3d27, 0x8111, 0x3d46, 0x3d47, 0x3d53, 0x3d4a, 0x3d6d, 0x3d81, + 0x3da0, 0x3da4, 0x3da7, 0x3db8, 0x3dcb, 0x341e, + /* 0x15021..0x1507E */ + 0x3f0c, 0x2e10, 0x2e15, 0x2e2a, 0x2e31, 0x2e36, 0x2e3c, 0x2e3f, + 0x2e42, 0x2e56, 0x2e58, 0x2e82, 0x2e85, 0x6c6b, 0x2e8a, 0x6212, + 0x3f0d, 0x2e8e, 0x2e9e, 0x2e9f, 0x2ea0, 0x2ea2, 0x2eb0, 0x2eb3, + 0x2eb6, 0x2ece, 0x2ecd, 0x2ec4, 0x2ec6, 0x2ec2, 0x2ed7, 0x2ede, + 0x2eed, 0x2edf, 0x2ef7, 0x2f09, 0x2f5a, 0x2f30, 0x2f5b, 0x2f5d, + 0x2f57, 0x2f47, 0x2f76, 0x2f88, 0x2f8f, 0x2f98, 0x2f7b, 0x2f69, + 0x2f70, 0x2f91, 0x2f6f, 0x2f86, 0x2f96, 0x3118, 0x2fd4, 0x2fdf, + 0x2fce, 0x2fd8, 0x2fdb, 0x2fd1, 0x2fda, 0x2fd0, 0x2fe4, 0x2fe5, + 0x301a, 0x3028, 0x3014, 0x302a, 0x3025, 0x3005, 0x2f1c, 0x2ff6, + 0x3021, 0x3029, 0x302c, 0x2ffe, 0x2fef, 0x3011, 0x3006, 0x3043, + 0x3047, 0x4703, 0x3055, 0x3050, 0x3048, 0x305a, 0x3056, 0x306c, + 0x3078, 0x3080, 0x309a, 0x3085, 0x30b4, 0x30b2, + /* 0x15121..0x1517E */ + 0x30c9, 0x30ca, 0x30b3, 0x30c2, 0x30d6, 0x30de, 0x30e5, 0x30ed, + 0x30e3, 0x30ee, 0x30f9, 0x30f5, 0x3109, 0x3101, 0x3102, 0x3116, + 0x3115, 0x3114, 0x311a, 0x3121, 0x313a, 0x3137, 0x313c, 0x313b, + 0x313f, 0x3140, 0x3152, 0x314c, 0x3154, 0x3162, 0x5af8, 0x3169, + 0x316a, 0x316e, 0x3180, 0x3182, 0x36d8, 0x318c, 0x3189, 0x318f, + 0x3191, 0x3193, 0x3195, 0x3196, 0x31a4, 0x31a6, 0x31a2, 0x31a9, + 0x31aa, 0x31ab, 0x31b3, 0x31b1, 0x31b2, 0x31b0, 0x31b5, 0x31bd, + 0x31c5, 0x31c9, 0x31db, 0x31e0, 0x6655, 0x31e9, 0x31ed, 0x31f0, + 0x31f5, 0x31fe, 0x3204, 0x320b, 0x3214, 0x320e, 0x3227, 0x322a, + 0x322e, 0x3233, 0x3239, 0x324f, 0x3244, 0x324b, 0x324c, 0x325e, + 0x3254, 0x326a, 0x3274, 0x3269, 0x3273, 0x327f, 0x327d, 0x328d, + 0x3294, 0x3292, 0x3271, 0x3288, 0x3291, 0x6fa8, + /* 0x15221..0x1527E */ + 0x6fa7, 0x32ac, 0x32ad, 0x32bc, 0x32b5, 0x32c1, 0x32cd, 0x32d7, + 0x32de, 0x32e3, 0x32e6, 0x78ed, 0x32e0, 0x32f3, 0x32f5, 0x32f8, + 0x32f9, 0x3306, 0x3308, 0x5538, 0x330d, 0x3310, 0x330f, 0x3315, + 0x331a, 0x3323, 0x332f, 0x3331, 0x3333, 0x3338, 0x3340, 0x3346, + 0x3345, 0x2e17, 0x3349, 0x334d, 0x31d6, 0x335e, 0x3369, 0x336e, + 0x3918, 0x337b, 0x3377, 0x3382, 0x3396, 0x33a0, 0x33a6, 0x33a5, + 0x33ae, 0x33b0, 0x33b6, 0x33c3, 0x5c12, 0x76d9, 0x33df, 0x46fc, + 0x51ee, 0x33ee, 0x33e8, 0x33ed, 0x33fa, 0x3401, 0x343d, 0x3440, + 0x342c, 0x342d, 0x343c, 0x342e, 0x3436, 0x3429, 0x341d, 0x344e, + 0x348f, 0x3475, 0x348e, 0x345f, 0x3471, 0x3477, 0x3470, 0x3492, + 0x347b, 0x3480, 0x3476, 0x3484, 0x3490, 0x3486, 0x34c7, 0x34a2, + 0x34b8, 0x34a5, 0x34ac, 0x34c4, 0x34c8, 0x34a8, + /* 0x15321..0x1537E */ + 0x34ab, 0x34c2, 0x34a4, 0x34be, 0x34bc, 0x34d8, 0x34e5, 0x34e6, + 0x350f, 0x3514, 0x34fd, 0x34ee, 0x34ed, 0x34fa, 0x34e2, 0x3539, + 0x3540, 0x3563, 0x354c, 0x352e, 0x355c, 0x3545, 0x3556, 0x3557, + 0x3538, 0x3533, 0x355d, 0x3599, 0x3580, 0x34af, 0x358a, 0x359f, + 0x357b, 0x357e, 0x3598, 0x359e, 0x35ae, 0x357c, 0x3583, 0x35a9, + 0x3587, 0x35a8, 0x35da, 0x35c5, 0x35df, 0x35c4, 0x35dc, 0x35e4, + 0x35d4, 0x3614, 0x35f7, 0x3616, 0x35fe, 0x35fd, 0x361b, 0x35f9, + 0x364e, 0x3650, 0x51df, 0x3634, 0x3636, 0x3632, 0x3638, 0x366b, + 0x3664, 0x362f, 0x366c, 0x366a, 0x3686, 0x3680, 0x368a, 0x36a0, + 0x3694, 0x368f, 0x36a5, 0x36ae, 0x36b6, 0x36b4, 0x36c2, 0x36bc, + 0x36c1, 0x36c3, 0x36c0, 0x36c8, 0x36ce, 0x36d1, 0x36d3, 0x36d7, + 0x36ee, 0x36f9, 0x3700, 0x36ff, 0x3704, 0x3709, + /* 0x15421..0x1547E */ + 0x3708, 0x370b, 0x370d, 0x3713, 0x3718, 0x3716, 0x35c7, 0x371c, + 0x3726, 0x3737, 0x3738, 0x374e, 0x373b, 0x3740, 0x374f, 0x3769, + 0x37c0, 0x3788, 0x3761, 0x377f, 0x3789, 0x3793, 0x37a0, 0x37b3, + 0x37a4, 0x37aa, 0x37b0, 0x37c3, 0x37c6, 0x37d4, 0x37d2, 0x37d3, + 0x380a, 0x37d6, 0x37e3, 0x380b, 0x3819, 0x381d, 0x3872, 0x3821, + 0x3862, 0x384b, 0x3870, 0x4bc0, 0x3852, 0x383d, 0x3879, 0x3885, + 0x38b9, 0x389f, 0x38ab, 0x38ba, 0x38de, 0x38bb, 0x38b8, 0x38ae, + 0x38c5, 0x38d3, 0x38d1, 0x38d7, 0x38d9, 0x38d8, 0x38e5, 0x38dc, + 0x38e4, 0x38df, 0x38ef, 0x38fa, 0x38f9, 0x38fb, 0x38fc, 0x38fd, + 0x3902, 0x390a, 0x3910, 0x391b, 0x48a6, 0x3925, 0x392c, 0x392d, + 0x3932, 0x3938, 0x393e, 0x5ad2, 0x3955, 0x3950, 0x394e, 0x395a, + 0x3958, 0x3962, 0x3960, 0x3967, 0x396c, 0x3969, + /* 0x15521..0x1557E */ + 0x3978, 0x3981, 0x399d, 0x2f5e, 0x2fab, 0x39a3, 0x39b2, 0x39c6, + 0x39e8, 0x39dc, 0x398d, 0x39d9, 0x39da, 0x3a25, 0x3a1f, 0x3a11, + 0x3a1c, 0x3a09, 0x3a1a, 0x3a40, 0x3a6c, 0x3a49, 0x3a35, 0x3a36, + 0x3a62, 0x3a6a, 0x3a9a, 0x3abc, 0x3abe, 0x3acb, 0x3ac2, 0x3abd, + 0x3ae3, 0x3ad7, 0x3ae6, 0x3ae9, 0x3ad6, 0x3afa, 0x3afb, 0x3b0c, + 0x3b0b, 0x3b16, 0x3b32, 0x3ad0, 0x3b2a, 0x3b36, 0x3b3e, 0x3b43, + 0x3b45, 0x3b40, 0x3b51, 0x3b55, 0x3b5a, 0x3b5b, 0x3b65, 0x3b69, + 0x3b70, 0x3b73, 0x3b75, 0x3b78, 0x4588, 0x3b7a, 0x3b80, 0x3b83, + 0x3ba6, 0x3bb8, 0x3bc3, 0x3bc7, 0x3bc9, 0x3bd4, 0x3bd0, 0x3be4, + 0x3be6, 0x3be2, 0x3bde, 0x3be5, 0x3beb, 0x3bf0, 0x3bf6, 0x3bf3, + 0x3c05, 0x3c07, 0x3c08, 0x3c0d, 0x3c13, 0x3c20, 0x3c22, 0x3c28, + 0x3c38, 0x3c39, 0x3c41, 0x3c46, 0x3c4e, 0x3c53, + /* 0x15621..0x1567E */ + 0x3c50, 0x3c4f, 0x3b71, 0x3c6c, 0x3c6e, 0x2e62, 0x3c76, 0x3c79, + 0x3c8c, 0x3c91, 0x3c94, 0x399b, 0x3cab, 0x3cbb, 0x3cb6, 0x3cbc, + 0x3cb7, 0x3cc5, 0x3cbe, 0x3cc7, 0x3cd9, 0x3ce9, 0x3cfd, 0x3cfa, + 0x3ced, 0x3d8c, 0x3cea, 0x3d0b, 0x3d15, 0x3d17, 0x3d5c, 0x3d1f, + 0x3d1b, 0x3d11, 0x3d14, 0x3d22, 0x3d1a, 0x3d19, 0x3d18, 0x3d4c, + 0x3d52, 0x3d4e, 0x3d4b, 0x3d6c, 0x3d73, 0x3d76, 0x3d87, 0x3d84, + 0x3d82, 0x3da2, 0x3d9d, 0x3dac, 0x3dae, 0x3dbd, 0x3d90, 0x3db7, + 0x3dbc, 0x3dc9, 0x3dcd, 0x3dd3, 0x3dd2, 0x3dd6, 0x3ddb, 0x3deb, + 0x3df2, 0x3df5, 0x3e0b, 0x3e1a, 0x3e19, 0x3e11, 0x3e1b, 0x3e36, + 0x3e37, 0x3e44, 0x3e43, 0x3e40, 0x3e4e, 0x3e57, 0x3e54, 0x3e5f, + 0x3e62, 0x3e64, 0x3e47, 0x3e75, 0x3e76, 0x3e7a, 0x7ebc, 0x3e7f, + 0x3ea0, 0x3ec1, 0x3ec2, 0x3ec8, 0x3ed0, 0x3ecf, + /* 0x15721..0x1577E */ + 0x3ed6, 0x3ee3, 0x3edd, 0x3eda, 0x3edb, 0x3ee2, 0x3ee1, 0x3ee8, + 0x3ee9, 0x3eec, 0x3ef1, 0x3ef3, 0x3ef0, 0x3ef4, 0x3ef8, 0x3efe, + 0x3f03, 0x3f09, 0x3f5d, 0x3f5c, 0x3f0b, 0x3f11, 0x3f16, 0x3f29, + 0x3f2d, 0x3f38, 0x3f41, 0x3f48, 0x3f4c, 0x3f4e, 0x3f2f, 0x3f51, + 0x3f56, 0x3f57, 0x3f59, 0x3f61, 0x3f6d, 0x3f73, 0x3f77, 0x3f83, + 0x3f82, 0x3f7f, 0x3f8a, 0x3f88, 0x3f91, 0x3f87, 0x3f9e, 0x3f99, + 0x3f98, 0x3fa0, 0x3fa8, 0x3fad, 0x3fbc, 0x3fd6, 0x3ffb, 0x3fe4, + 0x3ff8, 0x3ff1, 0x3fdd, 0x40b3, 0x3fff, 0x4021, 0x4060, 0x4019, + 0x4010, 0x4029, 0x400e, 0x4031, 0x401b, 0x4015, 0x402b, 0x4026, + 0x400f, 0x403a, 0x405a, 0x4041, 0x406a, 0x4077, 0x405f, 0x404a, + 0x4046, 0x404d, 0x4063, 0x4043, 0x4064, 0x4042, 0x406c, 0x406b, + 0x4059, 0x4081, 0x408d, 0x40e7, 0x4083, 0x409a, + /* 0x15821..0x1587E */ + 0x4084, 0x409b, 0x4096, 0x4097, 0x4092, 0x40a7, 0x408b, 0x40e1, + 0x40b8, 0x40e0, 0x40d3, 0x40b4, 0x3ff0, 0x40bd, 0x40c6, 0x40b5, + 0x40d8, 0x414d, 0x4115, 0x4106, 0x40f6, 0x40f7, 0x4100, 0x40f4, + 0x40fa, 0x4103, 0x4121, 0x40fb, 0x40f1, 0x410d, 0x410e, 0x4147, + 0x413e, 0x4128, 0x4127, 0x414a, 0x413f, 0x413c, 0x412c, 0x4134, + 0x413d, 0x4142, 0x4144, 0x4173, 0x4177, 0x4158, 0x4159, 0x415a, + 0x416b, 0x4174, 0x416f, 0x4165, 0x4171, 0x415f, 0x415d, 0x4153, + 0x4175, 0x4199, 0x4196, 0x4187, 0x41ac, 0x4194, 0x419a, 0x418a, + 0x4191, 0x41ab, 0x41ae, 0x41cc, 0x41ca, 0x41c9, 0x41f7, 0x41c8, + 0x41c3, 0x41c6, 0x41ba, 0x41cb, 0x5f79, 0x41cd, 0x41e6, 0x41e3, + 0x41f6, 0x41fa, 0x41f4, 0x41ff, 0x41fd, 0x41fc, 0x41fe, 0x4200, + 0x4208, 0x4209, 0x420d, 0x420c, 0x4214, 0x421b, + /* 0x15921..0x1597E */ + 0x421e, 0x4221, 0x422a, 0x422e, 0x4230, 0x4232, 0x4233, 0x4241, + 0x424e, 0x425e, 0x4263, 0x425b, 0x4260, 0x4268, 0x427c, 0x4282, + 0x4289, 0x427e, 0x4292, 0x4293, 0x4296, 0x42d4, 0x4283, 0x4294, + 0x42d7, 0x42d1, 0x42bb, 0x42cf, 0x42ff, 0x42c6, 0x44d4, 0x42c8, + 0x42dc, 0x42cc, 0x42ca, 0x42c2, 0x42c7, 0x429b, 0x42c9, 0x430c, + 0x42ee, 0x42f1, 0x4327, 0x4302, 0x4308, 0x42ef, 0x42f5, 0x4350, + 0x433e, 0x434d, 0x441c, 0x434f, 0x4396, 0x438e, 0x4380, 0x43ab, + 0x4376, 0x43a3, 0x438f, 0x4389, 0x439f, 0x43b5, 0x436b, 0x4369, + 0x43be, 0x43e9, 0x43c0, 0x43c6, 0x43e3, 0x43c9, 0x43d2, 0x43f6, + 0x43c4, 0x4416, 0x4434, 0x4406, 0x4413, 0x4426, 0x4436, 0x451d, + 0x4417, 0x4428, 0x440f, 0x4467, 0x446f, 0x4476, 0x444e, 0x452a, + 0x4495, 0x4493, 0x44a5, 0x44a9, 0x4488, 0x44bc, + /* 0x15A21..0x15A7E */ + 0x44da, 0x44d2, 0x44c5, 0x44c7, 0x44bb, 0x44d8, 0x44c2, 0x44f1, + 0x44e7, 0x6209, 0x44e0, 0x44e1, 0x42ac, 0x44e3, 0x44ef, 0x452c, + 0x44f6, 0x44f4, 0x44f2, 0x44fa, 0x4500, 0x44fd, 0x4518, 0x451c, + 0x4505, 0x4524, 0x4523, 0x452b, 0x4534, 0x4535, 0x4537, 0x4536, + 0x4538, 0x554b, 0x4548, 0x4556, 0x4555, 0x454d, 0x4558, 0x455e, + 0x455d, 0x4572, 0x4578, 0x4582, 0x4583, 0x6b8a, 0x459b, 0x459f, + 0x45ab, 0x45b7, 0x45c3, 0x45c6, 0x45c1, 0x45c4, 0x45cc, 0x45d2, + 0x45db, 0x45d9, 0x45e0, 0x45e1, 0x45f1, 0x4772, 0x460a, 0x4603, + 0x45fb, 0x4773, 0x4635, 0x4636, 0x4634, 0x461c, 0x464f, 0x4644, + 0x4649, 0x4641, 0x465e, 0x465d, 0x4664, 0x4667, 0x4668, 0x465f, + 0x4662, 0x4670, 0x4683, 0x4688, 0x468e, 0x4689, 0x4684, 0x4698, + 0x469d, 0x46c1, 0x46b9, 0x46c9, 0x46be, 0x46bc, + /* 0x15B21..0x15B7E */ + 0x46c4, 0x46b8, 0x46d6, 0x46da, 0x46e0, 0x463f, 0x46e6, 0x46e9, + 0x46f0, 0x46f5, 0x46f7, 0x470f, 0x4716, 0x471e, 0x4726, 0x4727, + 0x7738, 0x472e, 0x473f, 0x4736, 0x4741, 0x4738, 0x4737, 0x4746, + 0x475e, 0x4760, 0x4759, 0x4763, 0x4764, 0x4789, 0x4770, 0x47a9, + 0x477c, 0x476a, 0x478c, 0x478b, 0x47a6, 0x47a1, 0x4785, 0x47b7, + 0x47ef, 0x47b4, 0x47ec, 0x47b3, 0x47e9, 0x47b8, 0x47e4, 0x47de, + 0x47dd, 0x47e2, 0x47ee, 0x47b9, 0x47ce, 0x47c6, 0x47e7, 0x4a9c, + 0x481e, 0x4846, 0x4829, 0x4840, 0x484d, 0x4832, 0x484e, 0x48b3, + 0x482b, 0x4859, 0x4863, 0x4877, 0x487f, 0x489f, 0x488f, 0x48ad, + 0x4894, 0x489d, 0x489b, 0x4883, 0x4aae, 0x48b9, 0x4874, 0x48b5, + 0x48a0, 0x48ba, 0x490f, 0x488d, 0x487e, 0x4901, 0x48ca, 0x4908, + 0x48d8, 0x4922, 0x4926, 0x48e1, 0x490c, 0x48cd, + /* 0x15C21..0x15C7E */ + 0x48d4, 0x48e7, 0x48d5, 0x4936, 0x4912, 0x4904, 0x48d7, 0x48e3, + 0x4925, 0x48f9, 0x48e0, 0x48ef, 0x4928, 0x492a, 0x491a, 0x4923, + 0x4921, 0x48c6, 0x4979, 0x4977, 0x495c, 0x4978, 0x496b, 0x4954, + 0x497e, 0x496e, 0x4939, 0x4974, 0x493d, 0x4959, 0x4930, 0x4961, + 0x495e, 0x495d, 0x4981, 0x496a, 0x49b2, 0x49ae, 0x49d0, 0x49bf, + 0x49c1, 0x49d3, 0x49be, 0x49ce, 0x3be8, 0x49ca, 0x49dd, 0x49bb, + 0x49c3, 0x49a7, 0x4a2e, 0x4991, 0x49a0, 0x499c, 0x4995, 0x49b4, + 0x49de, 0x49e8, 0x4a02, 0x4a1b, 0x49ff, 0x4b0a, 0x49f9, 0x49f2, + 0x49e7, 0x4a05, 0x49b1, 0x4a1e, 0x49ed, 0x4a14, 0x49eb, 0x4a0a, + 0x4a12, 0x4ac1, 0x4a23, 0x4a13, 0x4a44, 0x4a0c, 0x4a72, 0x4a36, + 0x4a78, 0x4a47, 0x4a62, 0x4a59, 0x4a66, 0x4a48, 0x4a38, 0x4a22, + 0x4a90, 0x4a8d, 0x4aa0, 0x4a84, 0x4aa2, 0x4aa3, + /* 0x15D21..0x15D7E */ + 0x4a97, 0x6617, 0x4abb, 0x4ac3, 0x4ac2, 0x4ab8, 0x4ab3, 0x4aac, + 0x4ade, 0x4ad1, 0x4adf, 0x4aaa, 0x4ada, 0x4aea, 0x4afb, 0x4b05, + 0x6616, 0x4afa, 0x4b12, 0x4b16, 0x7b31, 0x4b1f, 0x4b38, 0x4b37, + 0x56dc, 0x4b39, 0x78ee, 0x4b47, 0x4b43, 0x4b49, 0x4b50, 0x4b59, + 0x4b54, 0x4b5b, 0x4b5f, 0x4b61, 0x4b78, 0x4b79, 0x4b7f, 0x4b80, + 0x4b84, 0x4b83, 0x4b8d, 0x4b98, 0x4b95, 0x4b9e, 0x4ba4, 0x4baa, + 0x4bab, 0x4baf, 0x4bb2, 0x4bb1, 0x4bb3, 0x4bb7, 0x4bbc, 0x4bc6, + 0x4bcb, 0x4bd3, 0x4bdf, 0x4bec, 0x4beb, 0x4bf3, 0x4bef, 0x7ebe, + 0x4c08, 0x4c13, 0x4c14, 0x4c1b, 0x4c24, 0x4c23, 0x4c5e, 0x4c55, + 0x4c62, 0x4c6a, 0x4c82, 0x4c8d, 0x4c9a, 0x4c81, 0x4c9b, 0x4c7e, + 0x4c68, 0x4c73, 0x4c92, 0x4c90, 0x4cc4, 0x4cf1, 0x4cd3, 0x4cbd, + 0x4cd7, 0x4cc5, 0x4cdd, 0x4cae, 0x4cb1, 0x4cbe, + /* 0x15E21..0x15E7E */ + 0x4cba, 0x4cdb, 0x4cef, 0x4cd9, 0x4cea, 0x4d1f, 0x684d, 0x4d36, + 0x4d2b, 0x4d3d, 0x4d38, 0x4d19, 0x4d35, 0x4d33, 0x4d12, 0x4d0c, + 0x4d63, 0x4d93, 0x4d64, 0x4d5a, 0x4d79, 0x4d59, 0x4d8e, 0x4d95, + 0x4fe4, 0x4d85, 0x4df9, 0x4e15, 0x4e0a, 0x4db5, 0x4dc7, 0x4de6, + 0x4db8, 0x4dc6, 0x4dec, 0x4dde, 0x4dcc, 0x4de8, 0x4dd2, 0x4dc5, + 0x4dfa, 0x4dd9, 0x4de4, 0x4dd5, 0x4dea, 0x4dee, 0x4e2d, 0x4e6e, + 0x4e2e, 0x4e19, 0x4e72, 0x4e5f, 0x4e3e, 0x4e23, 0x4e6b, 0x4e2b, + 0x4e76, 0x4e4d, 0x4e1f, 0x4e43, 0x4e3a, 0x4e4e, 0x4e24, 0x4eff, + 0x4e1d, 0x4e38, 0x4e82, 0x4eaa, 0x4e98, 0x4ec9, 0x4eb7, 0x4ed3, + 0x4ebd, 0x4eaf, 0x4ec4, 0x4eb2, 0x4ed4, 0x4ed5, 0x4e8f, 0x4ea5, + 0x4ec2, 0x4e9f, 0x4f41, 0x4f11, 0x504c, 0x4eec, 0x4ef8, 0x4efe, + 0x4f3f, 0x4ef2, 0x4f31, 0x4eef, 0x4f32, 0x4ecc, + /* 0x15F21..0x15F7E */ + 0x4f3e, 0x4f13, 0x4ef7, 0x4f86, 0x4f7a, 0x4f78, 0x4f81, 0x4f80, + 0x4f6f, 0x4f5b, 0x4ff3, 0x4f6d, 0x4f82, 0x4f7c, 0x4f58, 0x4f8e, + 0x4f91, 0x4fc2, 0x4f66, 0x4fb3, 0x4fa3, 0x4fa1, 0x4fa4, 0x4fb9, + 0x4fc6, 0x4faa, 0x4fdf, 0x4fd5, 0x4fec, 0x4fd4, 0x4fd8, 0x4ff1, + 0x4fee, 0x4fdb, 0x5009, 0x500b, 0x4ffa, 0x5011, 0x5001, 0x500f, + 0x4ffe, 0x501b, 0x501a, 0x4f74, 0x501d, 0x5018, 0x501f, 0x5030, + 0x503e, 0x5032, 0x5051, 0x5063, 0x5099, 0x5092, 0x50af, 0x50f1, + 0x50ac, 0x50b8, 0x50b3, 0x50ae, 0x50df, 0x50cb, 0x50dd, 0x50d9, + 0x5109, 0x50fd, 0x511c, 0x5119, 0x5165, 0x5155, 0x5188, 0x5166, + 0x5162, 0x514c, 0x5156, 0x516c, 0x518f, 0x51fb, 0x5184, 0x5195, + 0x51a8, 0x51ac, 0x51d7, 0x51b9, 0x51be, 0x51d2, 0x51c9, 0x51d4, + 0x51ce, 0x51e0, 0x51ec, 0x51e7, 0x51f5, 0x51fc, + /* 0x16021..0x1607E */ + 0x51f9, 0x51ff, 0x520d, 0x5210, 0x521b, 0x5228, 0x522d, 0x522c, + 0x5230, 0x5232, 0x523b, 0x523c, 0x523f, 0x5240, 0x5246, 0x524b, + 0x5258, 0x5274, 0x527e, 0x5282, 0x5281, 0x5287, 0x5292, 0x5296, + 0x52a2, 0x52a7, 0x52b9, 0x52b2, 0x52c3, 0x52c6, 0x52c4, 0x52ce, + 0x52d2, 0x52e2, 0x52e0, 0x52e1, 0x52f9, 0x52f7, 0x300f, 0x5317, + 0x530a, 0x531c, 0x5316, 0x531d, 0x5334, 0x532f, 0x5329, 0x5325, + 0x533e, 0x534e, 0x534f, 0x7ed8, 0x5357, 0x536a, 0x5368, 0x5370, + 0x5378, 0x5375, 0x537b, 0x537a, 0x53c8, 0x53b3, 0x53ce, 0x53bb, + 0x53c0, 0x53e5, 0x53ee, 0x53de, 0x54a2, 0x5405, 0x546f, 0x5425, + 0x53f8, 0x5432, 0x543a, 0x5455, 0x543f, 0x545f, 0x5459, 0x5441, + 0x545c, 0x5469, 0x5470, 0x5463, 0x546a, 0x5476, 0x547e, 0x548b, + 0x549e, 0x54a7, 0x54ca, 0x54cf, 0x54d4, 0x53f1, + /* 0x16121..0x1617E */ + 0x54e0, 0x54e3, 0x54e7, 0x54e9, 0x54ee, 0x54f2, 0x54f0, 0x54f1, + 0x54f8, 0x54f7, 0x5504, 0x5503, 0x5505, 0x550c, 0x550e, 0x550d, + 0x5515, 0x5513, 0x551e, 0x5526, 0x552c, 0x553c, 0x5544, 0x554d, + 0x554a, 0x5549, 0x555b, 0x5546, 0x555a, 0x5569, 0x5564, 0x5567, + 0x556b, 0x556d, 0x5578, 0x5576, 0x5586, 0x5587, 0x5574, 0x558a, + 0x5589, 0x5582, 0x5594, 0x559a, 0x559d, 0x55a5, 0x55a3, 0x55c2, + 0x55b3, 0x55c3, 0x55b5, 0x55bd, 0x55b8, 0x55bc, 0x55b1, 0x55cd, + 0x55ca, 0x55d2, 0x55d9, 0x55e3, 0x55de, 0x55fe, 0x55ff, 0x55fc, + 0x5601, 0x55f0, 0x55fa, 0x55f2, 0x55f3, 0x560b, 0x560d, 0x5609, + 0x561f, 0x5627, 0x5620, 0x5621, 0x5622, 0x5624, 0x5634, 0x5630, + 0x563b, 0x5647, 0x5648, 0x5646, 0x565c, 0x5658, 0x5661, 0x5662, + 0x5668, 0x5669, 0x566a, 0x5667, 0x566c, 0x5670, + /* 0x16221..0x1627E */ + 0x5672, 0x5676, 0x5678, 0x567c, 0x5680, 0x5683, 0x5688, 0x568b, + 0x568e, 0x5696, 0x5693, 0x5699, 0x569a, 0x56b0, 0x56b4, 0x56b8, + 0x56b9, 0x56ba, 0x56c2, 0x56cd, 0x56d6, 0x56d2, 0x56de, 0x56e1, + 0x56e5, 0x56e7, 0x56ea, 0x662f, 0x56fb, 0x5708, 0x5707, 0x5704, + 0x5729, 0x5724, 0x571e, 0x5725, 0x5726, 0x571b, 0x5737, 0x5738, + 0x5747, 0x575a, 0x5768, 0x576b, 0x575b, 0x5765, 0x577f, 0x577e, + 0x5779, 0x578e, 0x578b, 0x5791, 0x57a0, 0x579e, 0x57b0, 0x57b6, + 0x57b9, 0x57bf, 0x57bc, 0x57bd, 0x57bb, 0x57c7, 0x57cd, 0x57d7, + 0x57da, 0x57dc, 0x57e3, 0x57ee, 0x57fc, 0x580c, 0x5812, 0x5926, + 0x5820, 0x592a, 0x5845, 0x588e, 0x5874, 0x5886, 0x587c, 0x589a, + 0x588c, 0x58a3, 0x58b5, 0x58aa, 0x58af, 0x58d1, 0x58c6, 0x58cb, + 0x58d4, 0x58be, 0x58bc, 0x58c5, 0x58ca, 0x58ec, + /* 0x16321..0x1637E */ + 0x58e7, 0x58da, 0x58fd, 0x58f4, 0x5907, 0x5912, 0x5911, 0x5919, + 0x592c, 0x592b, 0x5940, 0x5960, 0x5957, 0x595f, 0x595a, 0x5955, + 0x5953, 0x597a, 0x597f, 0x598a, 0x599d, 0x59a7, 0x7f4b, 0x59aa, + 0x59ae, 0x59b3, 0x59b9, 0x59ba, 0x59c9, 0x59d5, 0x59e7, 0x59ec, + 0x59e1, 0x59e3, 0x5a08, 0x5a0d, 0x5a18, 0x5a19, 0x5a20, 0x5a1f, + 0x5980, 0x5a31, 0x5a3b, 0x5a3e, 0x5a37, 0x5a43, 0x5a57, 0x5a49, + 0x5a61, 0x5a62, 0x5a69, 0x7f9d, 0x5a70, 0x5a79, 0x5a7d, 0x5a88, + 0x5a97, 0x5a95, 0x5a98, 0x5a96, 0x5aa9, 0x5ac8, 0x5ab0, 0x5ab6, + 0x5ac5, 0x5ac4, 0x5abf, 0x7083, 0x5ac7, 0x5aca, 0x5acd, 0x5acf, + 0x5ad5, 0x5ad3, 0x5ad9, 0x5ada, 0x5add, 0x5ae1, 0x5ae2, 0x5ae6, + 0x5aed, 0x5af0, 0x5b02, 0x5b0f, 0x5b0a, 0x5b06, 0x5b33, 0x5b18, + 0x5b19, 0x5b1e, 0x5b35, 0x5b28, 0x5b36, 0x5b50, + /* 0x16421..0x1647E */ + 0x5b7a, 0x5b04, 0x5b4d, 0x5b0b, 0x5b4c, 0x5b45, 0x5b75, 0x5b65, + 0x5b74, 0x5b67, 0x5b70, 0x5b71, 0x5b6c, 0x5b6e, 0x5b9d, 0x5b98, + 0x5b9f, 0x5b8d, 0x5b9c, 0x5b9a, 0x5b8b, 0x5b92, 0x5b8f, 0x5b5d, + 0x5b99, 0x5bcb, 0x5bc1, 0x5bcc, 0x5bcf, 0x5bb4, 0x5bc6, 0x5bdd, + 0x5be9, 0x5c11, 0x5c14, 0x5be6, 0x5be5, 0x5c60, 0x5c00, 0x5c07, + 0x5c13, 0x5bf3, 0x5bf7, 0x5c17, 0x5c0d, 0x5bf6, 0x5c23, 0x5c27, + 0x5c2a, 0x5c1f, 0x5c37, 0x5c2b, 0x5c3d, 0x5c4c, 0x5c43, 0x5c54, + 0x5c4f, 0x5c40, 0x5c50, 0x5c58, 0x5c5f, 0x5c64, 0x5c56, 0x5c65, + 0x5c6c, 0x5c75, 0x5c83, 0x5c90, 0x5ca4, 0x5cad, 0x5ca2, 0x5cab, + 0x5ca1, 0x5ca8, 0x5cb3, 0x5cb2, 0x5cb1, 0x5cae, 0x5cb9, 0x5cbd, + 0x5cc0, 0x5cc5, 0x5cc2, 0x5cd8, 0x5cd2, 0x5cdc, 0x5ce2, 0x7b3b, + 0x5cef, 0x5cf2, 0x5cf4, 0x5cf6, 0x5cfa, 0x5d06, + /* 0x16521..0x1657E */ + 0x5d02, 0x5d1c, 0x5d15, 0x5d0a, 0x5d45, 0x5d4b, 0x5d2e, 0x5d32, + 0x5d3f, 0x5d35, 0x5d46, 0x5d73, 0x5d56, 0x5d4e, 0x5d72, 0x5d68, + 0x5d6e, 0x5d4f, 0x5d63, 0x5d93, 0x5d89, 0x5d5b, 0x5d8f, 0x5d7d, + 0x5d9b, 0x5dba, 0x5dae, 0x5da3, 0x5db5, 0x5dc7, 0x5dbd, 0x5dab, + 0x5e3d, 0x5da2, 0x5daf, 0x5ddc, 0x5db8, 0x5d9f, 0x5db0, 0x5dd8, + 0x5ddd, 0x5de4, 0x5dde, 0x5dfb, 0x5df2, 0x5de1, 0x5e05, 0x5e0a, + 0x5e23, 0x5e21, 0x5e12, 0x5e31, 0x5e1f, 0x5e09, 0x5e0b, 0x5e22, + 0x5e46, 0x5e66, 0x5e3b, 0x5e35, 0x5e39, 0x5e43, 0x5e37, 0x5e32, + 0x5e3a, 0x5e67, 0x5e5d, 0x5e56, 0x5e5e, 0x5e59, 0x5e5a, 0x5e79, + 0x5e6a, 0x5e69, 0x5e7c, 0x5e7b, 0x5e83, 0x5dd5, 0x5e7d, 0x6fae, + 0x5e7f, 0x5e88, 0x5e89, 0x5e8c, 0x5e92, 0x5e90, 0x5e93, 0x5e94, + 0x5e96, 0x5e8e, 0x5e9b, 0x5e9c, 0x5f38, 0x5f3a, + /* 0x16621..0x1667E */ + 0x5f45, 0x5f4c, 0x5f4d, 0x5f4e, 0x5f50, 0x5f51, 0x5f55, 0x5f54, + 0x5f58, 0x5f5f, 0x5f60, 0x5f68, 0x5f69, 0x5f67, 0x5f78, 0x5f82, + 0x5f86, 0x5f83, 0x5f88, 0x5f87, 0x5f8c, 0x5f94, 0x5f9e, 0x5f9d, + 0x5f9a, 0x5fa3, 0x5faf, 0x5fb2, 0x5fb9, 0x5fae, 0x5fb6, 0x5fb8, + 0x6b71, 0x5fc5, 0x5fc6, 0x5fca, 0x5fd5, 0x5fd4, 0x5fe1, 0x5fe6, + 0x5fe9, 0x5ff3, 0x5ff9, 0x78dc, 0x6006, 0x6004, 0x600b, 0x6012, + 0x6018, 0x6019, 0x601c, 0x6021, 0x6028, 0x603f, 0x603b, 0x604a, + 0x6046, 0x6052, 0x6058, 0x605a, 0x605f, 0x6062, 0x6068, 0x6073, + 0x6072, 0x6070, 0x6076, 0x6079, 0x607d, 0x607f, 0x6084, 0x6086, + 0x6085, 0x609b, 0x6093, 0x609a, 0x60ad, 0x3190, 0x60ac, 0x60db, + 0x60e5, 0x60d9, 0x60dd, 0x60c4, 0x60da, 0x60d6, 0x6109, 0x60ef, + 0x60f1, 0x611b, 0x6129, 0x6123, 0x612f, 0x614b, + /* 0x16721..0x1677E */ + 0x768b, 0x6146, 0x613e, 0x6153, 0x6151, 0x60fc, 0x6171, 0x616e, + 0x6165, 0x6166, 0x6174, 0x6183, 0x6188, 0x618a, 0x6180, 0x6182, + 0x61a0, 0x6195, 0x61a4, 0x61a3, 0x615f, 0x6193, 0x61a9, 0x61b0, + 0x61b5, 0x61be, 0x61b8, 0x61bd, 0x61c0, 0x61c2, 0x61ba, 0x61c9, + 0x61cd, 0x61d1, 0x61d9, 0x61d8, 0x61c8, 0x61da, 0x61df, 0x61e0, + 0x61e7, 0x61fa, 0x61fb, 0x61fe, 0x6201, 0x6202, 0x6205, 0x6207, + 0x620a, 0x620d, 0x6210, 0x6216, 0x6229, 0x622b, 0x6238, 0x6233, + 0x6240, 0x6259, 0x6258, 0x625d, 0x625a, 0x625f, 0x6264, 0x6262, + 0x6268, 0x626a, 0x626b, 0x622e, 0x6271, 0x6277, 0x6278, 0x627e, + 0x628d, 0x6292, 0x62ab, 0x629f, 0x62bb, 0x62ac, 0x62e1, 0x62e3, + 0x62df, 0x62d2, 0x62f4, 0x62f3, 0x62fa, 0x6393, 0x6303, 0x62fb, + 0x62f9, 0x62de, 0x6306, 0x62dc, 0x6309, 0x62d9, + /* 0x16821..0x1687E */ + 0x6335, 0x6334, 0x6316, 0x6332, 0x6331, 0x6340, 0x6339, 0x6350, + 0x6345, 0x632f, 0x632b, 0x6317, 0x6318, 0x6385, 0x639a, 0x63aa, + 0x639f, 0x63a2, 0x6396, 0x6323, 0x638e, 0x6387, 0x638a, 0x637c, + 0x63b5, 0x6373, 0x6375, 0x63a0, 0x6389, 0x63a8, 0x63f4, 0x6413, + 0x63eb, 0x63ce, 0x63fd, 0x6403, 0x63d8, 0x640b, 0x63c1, 0x63f7, + 0x6407, 0x63e0, 0x63f2, 0x640d, 0x6422, 0x6420, 0x63bd, 0x6438, + 0x6506, 0x63fb, 0x646d, 0x642a, 0x643c, 0x655a, 0x6484, 0x6477, + 0x646b, 0x64ad, 0x646e, 0x6482, 0x6469, 0x6446, 0x642c, 0x646f, + 0x6479, 0x6435, 0x64ca, 0x6462, 0x64b9, 0x64bf, 0x649f, 0x64d9, + 0x64cd, 0x64bb, 0x64da, 0x64d0, 0x64c1, 0x64c6, 0x64d6, 0x64a1, + 0x6521, 0x64ff, 0x64f4, 0x6517, 0x6518, 0x652c, 0x651f, 0x6515, + 0x6514, 0x64fc, 0x6540, 0x6563, 0x6558, 0x6548, + /* 0x16921..0x1697E */ + 0x6541, 0x6602, 0x654b, 0x6555, 0x6580, 0x65a4, 0x6588, 0x6591, + 0x658a, 0x65a8, 0x656d, 0x6594, 0x659b, 0x65ea, 0x6587, 0x659c, + 0x6577, 0x657e, 0x6590, 0x65c9, 0x65ba, 0x65cf, 0x65b9, 0x65d0, + 0x65d5, 0x65dd, 0x65e5, 0x65dc, 0x65f9, 0x660a, 0x6613, 0x660b, + 0x65fe, 0x65fa, 0x6606, 0x6622, 0x661a, 0x6630, 0x663f, 0x664d, + 0x2e55, 0x6654, 0x665f, 0x6667, 0x6671, 0x6693, 0x66a3, 0x66a9, + 0x66aa, 0x668b, 0x668c, 0x66b6, 0x66af, 0x66c4, 0x66c6, 0x66b0, + 0x66c9, 0x6823, 0x66ab, 0x66d4, 0x66de, 0x66e9, 0x66ec, 0x66df, + 0x66db, 0x66ef, 0x6712, 0x6706, 0x6708, 0x6700, 0x6703, 0x66fb, + 0x6711, 0x6709, 0x670d, 0x66f9, 0x670a, 0x6734, 0x673f, 0x6737, + 0x673b, 0x6725, 0x6729, 0x671a, 0x6760, 0x675f, 0x6778, 0x674c, + 0x674e, 0x6774, 0x6757, 0x6768, 0x676e, 0x6759, + /* 0x16A21..0x16A7E */ + 0x6753, 0x6763, 0x676a, 0x6805, 0x67a2, 0x679f, 0x6782, 0x67af, + 0x67cb, 0x67bd, 0x67c0, 0x67d0, 0x76d6, 0x67ab, 0x67c4, 0x67b3, + 0x67c7, 0x67c6, 0x67bb, 0x67ef, 0x67f2, 0x67e0, 0x680f, 0x680d, + 0x67fe, 0x67f6, 0x67f7, 0x680e, 0x67d2, 0x6811, 0x6816, 0x6815, + 0x6822, 0x6821, 0x6831, 0x6836, 0x6839, 0x6827, 0x683b, 0x6844, + 0x6842, 0x6852, 0x6859, 0x685e, 0x6862, 0x686b, 0x6881, 0x687e, + 0x689e, 0x6875, 0x687d, 0x68b5, 0x6872, 0x6882, 0x6897, 0x6892, + 0x68ae, 0x6899, 0x68a2, 0x688d, 0x68a4, 0x68b0, 0x68bf, 0x68b1, + 0x68c3, 0x68c4, 0x68d4, 0x68d8, 0x68d9, 0x68dd, 0x68f9, 0x6902, + 0x68fc, 0x68f4, 0x68e8, 0x68f2, 0x6904, 0x690c, 0x690a, 0x6913, + 0x6943, 0x691e, 0x6925, 0x692a, 0x692b, 0x6941, 0x6944, 0x693b, + 0x6936, 0x6938, 0x694c, 0x691d, 0x6960, 0x695e, + /* 0x16B21..0x16B7E */ + 0x6966, 0x6964, 0x696d, 0x696a, 0x696f, 0x6974, 0x6977, 0x697e, + 0x6983, 0x6988, 0x698a, 0x6993, 0x6998, 0x69a1, 0x69a9, 0x69a6, + 0x69ac, 0x69af, 0x69b2, 0x69ba, 0x69bd, 0x69bf, 0x69c0, 0x69da, + 0x69dc, 0x69dd, 0x69e7, 0x69f4, 0x69f8, 0x6a03, 0x6a16, 0x6a10, + 0x6a0c, 0x6a1b, 0x6a1d, 0x6a25, 0x6a36, 0x6a41, 0x6a5b, 0x6a52, + 0x6a46, 0x6a48, 0x6a7c, 0x6a6d, 0x6a6c, 0x6a62, 0x6a85, 0x6a82, + 0x6a84, 0x6aa8, 0x6aa1, 0x6a91, 0x6aa5, 0x6aa6, 0x6a9a, 0x6aa3, + 0x6ac4, 0x6acd, 0x6ac2, 0x6ada, 0x6aeb, 0x6af3, 0x6ae7, 0x6ae4, + 0x6af1, 0x6b14, 0x6ae0, 0x6ae2, 0x6af7, 0x6ade, 0x6adb, 0x6b0c, + 0x6b07, 0x6b1a, 0x6ae1, 0x6b16, 0x6b10, 0x6b17, 0x6b20, 0x6b33, + 0x77ab, 0x6b26, 0x6b2b, 0x6b3e, 0x6b28, 0x6b41, 0x6b4c, 0x6b4f, + 0x6b4e, 0x6b49, 0x6b56, 0x6b5b, 0x6b5a, 0x6b6b, + /* 0x16C21..0x16C7E */ + 0x6b5f, 0x6b6c, 0x6b6f, 0x6b74, 0x6b7d, 0x6b80, 0x6b8c, 0x6b8e, + 0x6b92, 0x6b93, 0x6b96, 0x6b99, 0x6b9a, 0x6c3a, 0x6c41, 0x6c3f, + 0x6c48, 0x6c4c, 0x6c4e, 0x6c50, 0x6c55, 0x6c62, 0x6c6c, 0x6c78, + 0x6c7a, 0x6c82, 0x6c89, 0x6c85, 0x6c8a, 0x6c8d, 0x6c8e, 0x6c94, + 0x6c7c, 0x6c98, 0x421d, 0x6cad, 0x6caa, 0x6cbd, 0x6cb2, 0x6cb3, + 0x6cae, 0x6cb6, 0x6cc8, 0x6cc1, 0x6ce4, 0x6ce3, 0x6cda, 0x6cfd, + 0x6cfa, 0x6cfb, 0x6d04, 0x6d05, 0x6d0a, 0x6d07, 0x6d0f, 0x6d0d, + 0x6d10, 0x7f4e, 0x6d13, 0x6ccd, 0x6d14, 0x6d16, 0x6d67, 0x6d6d, + 0x6d71, 0x6d73, 0x6d81, 0x6d99, 0x6dc2, 0x6dbe, 0x6dba, 0x6dcf, + 0x6dda, 0x6dd6, 0x6dcc, 0x6ddb, 0x6dcb, 0x6dea, 0x6deb, 0x6ddf, + 0x6de3, 0x6dfc, 0x6e08, 0x6e09, 0x6dff, 0x6e1d, 0x6e1e, 0x6e10, + 0x6e1f, 0x6e42, 0x6e35, 0x6e30, 0x6e34, 0x6e4a, + /* 0x16D21..0x16D7E */ + 0x6e47, 0x6e49, 0x6e4c, 0x6e50, 0x6e48, 0x6e59, 0x6e64, 0x6e60, + 0x6e2a, 0x6e63, 0x6e55, 0x6e76, 0x6e72, 0x6e7c, 0x6e81, 0x6e87, + 0x6e85, 0x6e84, 0x6e8b, 0x6e8a, 0x6e93, 0x6e91, 0x6e94, 0x6e99, + 0x6eaa, 0x6ea1, 0x6eac, 0x6eb0, 0x6ec6, 0x6eb1, 0x6ebe, 0x6ec5, + 0x6ec8, 0x6ecb, 0x6edb, 0x6ee3, 0x6efc, 0x6efb, 0x6eeb, 0x6efe, + 0x6f0a, 0x6f05, 0x6f15, 0x6f12, 0x6f19, 0x6f13, 0x6f1c, 0x6f1f, + 0x6f1b, 0x6f0c, 0x6f26, 0x6f33, 0x6f3b, 0x6f39, 0x6f45, 0x6f42, + 0x6f3e, 0x6f4c, 0x6f49, 0x6f46, 0x6f4e, 0x6f57, 0x6f5c, 0x6f62, + 0x6f63, 0x6f64, 0x6f9c, 0x6f9f, 0x6fa3, 0x6fad, 0x6faf, 0x6fb7, + 0x6fda, 0x6fe5, 0x6fe2, 0x6fea, 0x6fef, 0x7087, 0x6ff4, 0x7005, + 0x6ff9, 0x6ffa, 0x7011, 0x7015, 0x7021, 0x700d, 0x701e, 0x7016, + 0x700b, 0x7027, 0x7036, 0x7035, 0x7039, 0x6ff8, + /* 0x16E21..0x16E7E */ + 0x704f, 0x7050, 0x7051, 0x7052, 0x700e, 0x7049, 0x703e, 0x7056, + 0x7058, 0x705e, 0x7068, 0x706f, 0x7076, 0x76a8, 0x7072, 0x7082, + 0x707d, 0x7081, 0x7080, 0x708a, 0x7089, 0x708f, 0x70a8, 0x70af, + 0x70b1, 0x70b5, 0x70e2, 0x70e4, 0x4248, 0x70db, 0x7102, 0x7112, + 0x7119, 0x7132, 0x7130, 0x714a, 0x7156, 0x7158, 0x7163, 0x7165, + 0x7169, 0x7173, 0x7172, 0x718b, 0x7189, 0x7182, 0x71a2, 0x71ab, + 0x71af, 0x71aa, 0x71b5, 0x71b4, 0x71ba, 0x71c0, 0x71c1, 0x71c9, + 0x71cb, 0x71d0, 0x71d6, 0x71df, 0x71e1, 0x71db, 0x71fc, 0x71f5, + 0x71f6, 0x721e, 0x71ff, 0x7214, 0x722c, 0x7215, 0x7211, 0x725e, + 0x7257, 0x7245, 0x7249, 0x7264, 0x7248, 0x7295, 0x723f, 0x724b, + 0x7250, 0x729c, 0x7296, 0x7293, 0x729b, 0x725a, 0x72cf, 0x72b9, + 0x72b7, 0x72e9, 0x730f, 0x72fa, 0x7344, 0x732e, + /* 0x16F21..0x16F7E */ + 0x7319, 0x7322, 0x731a, 0x7323, 0x733a, 0x7335, 0x733b, 0x735c, + 0x7360, 0x737c, 0x736e, 0x7356, 0x73b0, 0x73ac, 0x73ad, 0x7394, + 0x73b9, 0x73d6, 0x73d7, 0x73e8, 0x73e5, 0x73d8, 0x73c3, 0x73dd, + 0x73d0, 0x73c8, 0x73e4, 0x741a, 0x7414, 0x7413, 0x7403, 0x7407, + 0x7410, 0x7436, 0x742b, 0x7435, 0x7421, 0x743a, 0x7441, 0x7452, + 0x7444, 0x745b, 0x7460, 0x7462, 0x745e, 0x746a, 0x7229, 0x7470, + 0x7475, 0x7477, 0x747d, 0x745a, 0x747c, 0x747e, 0x7481, 0x747f, + 0x7582, 0x7587, 0x758a, 0x7594, 0x7596, 0x7598, 0x7599, 0x75a0, + 0x75a8, 0x75a7, 0x75ad, 0x75bc, 0x75bb, 0x75b9, 0x75be, 0x75ca, + 0x4ff6, 0x75c3, 0x75cd, 0x75cc, 0x75d5, 0x75d4, 0x75d6, 0x75dc, + 0x75e1, 0x75e5, 0x75e2, 0x7621, 0x7628, 0x762e, 0x762f, 0x7642, + 0x764c, 0x764f, 0x764b, 0x7677, 0x765c, 0x765e, + /* 0x17021..0x1707E */ + 0x765d, 0x765f, 0x7666, 0x7672, 0x766c, 0x768d, 0x7698, 0x7695, + 0x7697, 0x76aa, 0x76a7, 0x76b1, 0x76b2, 0x76b0, 0x76b4, 0x76b6, + 0x76b8, 0x76b9, 0x76ce, 0x76cb, 0x76c9, 0x76cd, 0x694d, 0x76dc, + 0x770d, 0x76d5, 0x76f9, 0x7704, 0x7706, 0x7708, 0x7713, 0x770e, + 0x7711, 0x770f, 0x7716, 0x7719, 0x7724, 0x772a, 0x7730, 0x7739, + 0x773d, 0x773e, 0x7744, 0x7746, 0x7748, 0x7742, 0x7749, 0x775c, + 0x7760, 0x7764, 0x7766, 0x7768, 0x32d2, 0x776b, 0x7771, 0x7779, + 0x7785, 0x777c, 0x7781, 0x777a, 0x7786, 0x778b, 0x778f, 0x7790, + 0x779c, 0x77a8, 0x77a6, 0x77a3, 0x77b3, 0x77b4, 0x77c3, 0x77c6, + 0x77c8, 0x77cb, 0x77dc, 0x77ed, 0x7f4f, 0x77f2, 0x5adf, 0x77f6, + 0x77f5, 0x780f, 0x780c, 0x7838, 0x7824, 0x7821, 0x7837, 0x783d, + 0x7846, 0x784f, 0x784b, 0x786b, 0x786f, 0x7870, + /* 0x17121..0x1717E */ + 0x7871, 0x7874, 0x7873, 0x78aa, 0x78af, 0x78b1, 0x78b6, 0x78c4, + 0x78c3, 0x78c6, 0x78e9, 0x78eb, 0x7903, 0x7909, 0x7912, 0x7914, + 0x7918, 0x7921, 0x791d, 0x791e, 0x7924, 0x7920, 0x792c, 0x792e, + 0x793d, 0x793e, 0x7942, 0x7949, 0x7945, 0x7950, 0x794b, 0x7951, + 0x7952, 0x794c, 0x7955, 0x7997, 0x7998, 0x79a5, 0x79ad, 0x79ae, + 0x79bc, 0x79df, 0x79db, 0x79dd, 0x79d8, 0x79d1, 0x79ed, 0x79ee, + 0x79f1, 0x79f2, 0x79fb, 0x79f8, 0x7a01, 0x7a0f, 0x7a05, 0x79e2, + 0x7a19, 0x7a2b, 0x7a37, 0x7a45, 0x7a42, 0x7a40, 0x7a43, 0x7a3e, + 0x7a55, 0x7a4d, 0x7a5b, 0x7a57, 0x7a5f, 0x7a62, 0x7a65, 0x7a64, + 0x7a69, 0x7a6b, 0x7a6a, 0x7aad, 0x7ab0, 0x7abc, 0x7ac0, 0x7acf, + 0x7ad1, 0x7ad3, 0x7ad4, 0x7ade, 0x7adf, 0x7ae2, 0x7ae3, 0x7ae6, + 0x7aef, 0x7aeb, 0x7aee, 0x7af4, 0x7af1, 0x7af7, + /* 0x17221..0x1727E */ + 0x7afb, 0x7b06, 0x7b18, 0x7b1a, 0x7b1f, 0x7b22, 0x7b23, 0x7b25, + 0x7b27, 0x7b28, 0x7b29, 0x7b2a, 0x7b2e, 0x7b2f, 0x7b32, 0x7b44, + 0x7b43, 0x7b4f, 0x7b4d, 0x7b4e, 0x7b51, 0x7b58, 0x7b74, 0x7b93, + 0x7b83, 0x7b91, 0x7b96, 0x7b97, 0x7b9f, 0x7ba0, 0x7ba8, 0x7bb4, + 0x7bc0, 0x7bca, 0x7bb9, 0x7bc6, 0x7bcf, 0x7bd1, 0x7bd2, 0x7be3, + 0x7be2, 0x7be4, 0x7bd4, 0x7be1, 0x7c3a, 0x7bf2, 0x7bf1, 0x7bf0, + 0x7c15, 0x7c14, 0x7c09, 0x7c13, 0x7c0c, 0x7c06, 0x7c08, 0x7c12, + 0x7c0a, 0x7c04, 0x7c2e, 0x7c1b, 0x7c25, 0x7c24, 0x7c21, 0x7c30, + 0x7c47, 0x7c32, 0x7c46, 0x7c3e, 0x7c5a, 0x7c60, 0x7c67, 0x7c76, + 0x7c78, 0x7ce7, 0x7cec, 0x7cf0, 0x7d09, 0x7d08, 0x7ceb, 0x7d03, + 0x7d06, 0x7d2a, 0x7d26, 0x7daf, 0x7d23, 0x7d1f, 0x7d44, 0x7d15, + 0x7d12, 0x7d41, 0x7d3f, 0x7d3e, 0x7d46, 0x7d48, + /* 0x17321..0x1737E */ + 0x7d5d, 0x7d5e, 0x7d64, 0x7d51, 0x7d50, 0x7d59, 0x7d72, 0x7d89, + 0x7d87, 0x7dab, 0x7d6f, 0x7d7a, 0x7d9a, 0x7da4, 0x7da9, 0x7db2, + 0x7dc4, 0x7dc1, 0x7dbb, 0x7db8, 0x7dba, 0x7dc6, 0x7dcf, 0x7dc2, + 0x7dd9, 0x7dd3, 0x7df8, 0x7de6, 0x7ded, 0x7def, 0x7dfd, 0x7e1a, + 0x7e1b, 0x7e1e, 0x7e75, 0x7e79, 0x7e7d, 0x7e81, 0x7e88, 0x7e8b, + 0x7e8c, 0x7e92, 0x7e95, 0x7e91, 0x7e9d, 0x7ea5, 0x7ea9, 0x7eb8, + 0x7eaa, 0x7ead, 0x7761, 0x7ecc, 0x7ece, 0x7ecf, 0x7ed0, 0x7ed4, + 0x7edc, 0x7ede, 0x7edd, 0x7ee0, 0x7ee5, 0x7ee8, 0x7eef, 0x7ef4, + 0x7ef6, 0x7ef7, 0x7ef9, 0x7efb, 0x7efc, 0x7efd, 0x7f07, 0x7f08, + 0x56b7, 0x7f15, 0x7f21, 0x7f2c, 0x7f3e, 0x7f4a, 0x7f52, 0x7f54, + 0x7f63, 0x7f5f, 0x7f60, 0x7f61, 0x7f66, 0x7f67, 0x7f6c, 0x7f6a, + 0x7f77, 0x7f72, 0x7f76, 0x7f95, 0x7f9c, 0x7fa0, + /* 0x17421..0x1747E */ + 0x382f, 0x49c7, 0x7059, 0x5464, 0x31dc, 0x5199, 0x3653, 0x3de2, + 0x3e14, 0x3e18, 0x3e58, 0x3e5e, 0x3ebe, 0x8028, 0x3ecb, 0x3ef9, + 0x3f00, 0x3f02, 0x3f07, 0x3f1d, 0x3f23, 0x3f34, 0x3f36, 0x3f3d, + 0x3f40, 0x3f45, 0x3f54, 0x3f58, 0x3f64, 0x3f67, 0x3f7d, 0x3f89, + 0x3f9c, 0x3fa7, 0x3faf, 0x3fb5, 0x3fb7, 0x3fc9, 0x3fde, 0x3fe1, + 0x3fe9, 0x400d, 0x4014, 0x4018, 0x4033, 0x4035, 0x4047, 0x813d, + 0x409d, 0x409e, 0x40cb, 0x40d4, 0x40d5, 0x40dd, 0x40f8, 0x411c, + 0x412b, 0x4130, 0x4137, 0x813e, 0x418d, 0x813f, 0x41bc, 0x41b9, + 0x8140, 0x4222, 0x423e, 0x4243, 0x4256, 0x425a, 0x426f, 0x4285, + 0x42c4, 0x42d6, 0x42fc, 0x430a, 0x4318, 0x4339, 0x4343, 0x4365, + 0x437c, 0x43e5, 0x43ed, 0x43f5, 0x4410, 0x4414, 0x4422, 0x4479, + 0x4451, 0x4460, 0x446d, 0x44ce, 0x44be, 0x44bf, + /* 0x17521..0x1757E */ + 0x44c4, 0x44ca, 0x44d0, 0x44f7, 0x44fb, 0x4522, 0x4529, 0x8141, + 0x4567, 0x459d, 0x8142, 0x4600, 0x4609, 0x4615, 0x461e, 0x463a, + 0x4622, 0x4624, 0x462b, 0x4630, 0x4631, 0x4633, 0x46fb, 0x4648, + 0x464c, 0xa8c4, 0x4659, 0x465a, 0x4661, 0x4665, 0x4673, 0x4677, + 0x4678, 0x468d, 0x8143, 0x46a0, 0x46b2, 0x46bb, 0x46c6, 0x46c8, + 0x1b22, 0x46db, 0x46e8, 0x46fa, 0x4713, 0x8029, 0x4733, 0x4766, + 0x4747, 0x4748, 0x477b, 0x4781, 0x4793, 0x4798, 0x479b, 0x47bb, + 0x47f9, 0x47c0, 0x47d7, 0x47fc, 0x4801, 0x4852, 0x481d, 0x482c, + 0x4831, 0x485b, 0x4872, 0x4875, 0x8144, 0x48a3, 0x48a5, 0x48b2, + 0x48c8, 0x48d0, 0x48e8, 0x48ed, 0x48f0, 0x48f1, 0x48fc, 0x490a, + 0x4949, 0xabc4, 0x4935, 0x4942, 0x4957, 0x4963, 0x4964, 0x4968, + 0x4980, 0x8114, 0x49a5, 0x49ad, 0x49cf, 0x1bb6, + /* 0x17621..0x1767E */ + 0x1bc3, 0x49e2, 0x49e9, 0x49ea, 0x49f5, 0x49f6, 0x4a0f, 0x4a15, + 0xad3f, 0x4a3b, 0x4a3e, 0x4a45, 0x4a50, 0x4a56, 0x4a5b, 0x4a6b, + 0x4a73, 0xad63, 0x4a89, 0x4a94, 0x4a9d, 0x4a9e, 0x4aa5, 0x4ae4, + 0x4ae7, 0x1c0f, 0x801d, 0x4b1b, 0x4b1e, 0x4b2c, 0x4b35, 0x4b46, + 0x4b56, 0x4b60, 0x4b65, 0x4b67, 0x4b77, 0x4b82, 0x4ba9, 0x4bad, + 0x8070, 0x4bcf, 0x4bd6, 0x4bd7, 0x4bff, 0x4c05, 0x4c10, 0x4c33, + 0x4c59, 0x4c5c, 0x4caa, 0x4c74, 0x4c76, 0x4c85, 0x4c86, 0x4c98, + 0x4c9c, 0x4cfb, 0x4cc6, 0x4cd4, 0x4ce0, 0x4ceb, 0x4cee, 0xb0fe, + 0x4d04, 0x4d0e, 0x4d2e, 0x4d31, 0x4d39, 0x4d3f, 0x4d58, 0x4d65, + 0x8145, 0x4d82, 0x4d87, 0x4d89, 0x4d94, 0x4daa, 0x4dac, 0x4dbf, + 0x4dc4, 0x4dd6, 0x4dda, 0x4ddb, 0x4ddd, 0x4dfc, 0x8146, 0x4e34, + 0x4e44, 0x4e5c, 0x4e5e, 0x4eab, 0x4eb1, 0x4ec1, + /* 0x17721..0x1777E */ + 0x4ec7, 0x4ece, 0x4f10, 0x4f1a, 0x8147, 0x4f2a, 0x4f2f, 0x4f33, + 0x4f51, 0x4f59, 0x4f5e, 0x4f61, 0x4f62, 0x4f7e, 0x4f88, 0x4f8c, + 0x4f8d, 0x4f94, 0x4fa0, 0x4fa7, 0x4fb6, 0x4fbc, 0x4fc7, 0x4fca, + 0x4ff9, 0x4ff0, 0x4ff5, 0x5005, 0x5006, 0x5028, 0x504a, 0x505d, + 0x505e, 0x504e, 0x5064, 0x5075, 0x5085, 0x50a4, 0x50ab, 0x50b7, + 0x50d4, 0x50d8, 0x50e4, 0x510f, 0x512b, 0x511e, 0x5120, 0x512e, + 0x5130, 0x5146, 0x5147, 0x5151, 0x8148, 0x5152, 0x515c, 0x5160, + 0x5168, 0x8115, 0x5185, 0x5187, 0x5192, 0x51c1, 0x51ba, 0x51c4, + 0x51fe, 0x5200, 0x5215, 0x5255, 0x5256, 0x1e3f, 0x528d, 0x529b, + 0x52be, 0x52c0, 0x52fb, 0xb7f1, 0x5327, 0x5328, 0x8116, 0x5350, + 0x5366, 0x537c, 0x5395, 0x539f, 0x53a0, 0x53a2, 0x53a6, 0x53ab, + 0x53c9, 0x53cf, 0x53d6, 0x53d9, 0x53e3, 0x53e9, + /* 0x17821..0x1787E */ + 0x5407, 0x540a, 0x541a, 0x541b, 0x814a, 0x5426, 0x5428, 0x542a, + 0x542b, 0x542c, 0x542e, 0x542f, 0x5430, 0x5444, 0x5446, 0x5447, + 0x544b, 0x5457, 0x5462, 0x546b, 0x546d, 0x5486, 0x5487, 0x5489, + 0x5498, 0x549c, 0x549f, 0x54a3, 0x5490, 0x54a6, 0x54a8, 0x54a9, + 0x54b5, 0x54bf, 0x54c8, 0x54c9, 0x54da, 0x54ff, 0x5501, 0x5517, + 0x552f, 0x556f, 0x5579, 0x5592, 0x1f72, 0x55ce, 0x55e4, 0x5600, + 0x5602, 0x5608, 0x5615, 0x5616, 0x5619, 0x561e, 0x562d, 0x5635, + 0x5643, 0x564b, 0x5664, 0x5665, 0x566d, 0x566f, 0x5671, 0x5681, + 0x569b, 0x569d, 0x569e, 0x56a6, 0x56aa, 0x56b6, 0x56c5, 0x56cc, + 0x56ce, 0x56d4, 0x56e6, 0x56f1, 0x56fc, 0x570a, 0x5719, 0x5734, + 0x5736, 0x5746, 0x574d, 0x574e, 0x575c, 0x575f, 0x5762, 0x577a, + 0x5780, 0x5794, 0x57aa, 0x57e0, 0x582d, 0xc18e, + /* 0x17921..0x1797E */ + 0x5843, 0x584e, 0x584f, 0x5851, 0x5868, 0x586e, 0x814b, 0x58b0, + 0xc20e, 0x58ad, 0x58e4, 0x58f2, 0x5900, 0x58f7, 0x591c, 0x592e, + 0x5931, 0x5934, 0x814c, 0x814d, 0x5945, 0x5946, 0x814e, 0x814f, + 0x8150, 0x595c, 0x8151, 0x8119, 0x811a, 0x5979, 0x8152, 0x8153, + 0x811b, 0x5998, 0x59b1, 0x59b8, 0x59c8, 0x59ca, 0xc371, 0x59d4, + 0x59de, 0x59eb, 0x59ed, 0x5a03, 0x8154, 0x5a39, 0x5a5d, 0x5a6d, + 0x8155, 0x5a85, 0x5aa0, 0xc4c4, 0x5ab3, 0x5abb, 0x5ace, 0x5aeb, + 0x5afd, 0x5b12, 0x5b2d, 0x5b3b, 0x5b47, 0x5b4e, 0x5b60, 0x5b6d, + 0x5b6f, 0x5b72, 0x5b9e, 0x8156, 0x5bd7, 0x5bd9, 0x5c01, 0x5c31, + 0x5c1e, 0x5c20, 0x5c33, 0x5c36, 0x2264, 0xc7a1, 0x5c59, 0x5c6d, + 0x5c79, 0x5c8f, 0x5c94, 0x5ca0, 0x5cbc, 0x5cd5, 0x5cd9, 0x5cdd, + 0x5d07, 0x5d08, 0x5d13, 0x5d1d, 0x5d23, 0x5d31, + /* 0x17A21..0x17A7E */ + 0x5d41, 0x5d48, 0x5d53, 0x5d5c, 0x5d7a, 0x5d83, 0x5d8b, 0x5da0, + 0x5da6, 0x5dc2, 0x5dcc, 0x5dd6, 0x5de3, 0x8157, 0x5e28, 0x5e08, + 0x5e11, 0x5e15, 0x8159, 0x5e47, 0x5e52, 0x5e61, 0x5e8a, 0x5e8d, + 0x5f47, 0x815a, 0x5f91, 0x5f97, 0x5fbf, 0x5fce, 0x5fdb, 0x5fdf, + 0x5fec, 0x5fee, 0x5ffa, 0x815b, 0x6014, 0x6026, 0x6035, 0x6037, + 0x603c, 0x60ca, 0x60d7, 0x60e0, 0x60f3, 0x6118, 0x614a, 0x6160, + 0x6167, 0x6168, 0x616d, 0x61bb, 0x61ca, 0x61cf, 0x61d7, 0x815c, + 0x2453, 0x245b, 0x6260, 0x6274, 0xd2ff, 0x628e, 0x62a1, 0x62a3, + 0x62a4, 0x62a9, 0x62ae, 0x62b7, 0x62be, 0x62bf, 0x62c6, 0x62d5, + 0x62fd, 0x62fe, 0x6300, 0x6301, 0x6362, 0x6322, 0x632d, 0x633a, + 0x6343, 0x6347, 0x6351, 0x6355, 0x637d, 0x6386, 0x6392, 0x6398, + 0x63a7, 0x63a9, 0x63bf, 0x63c0, 0x63c7, 0x63cf, + /* 0x17B21..0x17B7E */ + 0x63d1, 0x63e1, 0x63ea, 0x6401, 0x6406, 0x640a, 0x815f, 0x6448, + 0x645f, 0x6470, 0x6473, 0x6485, 0x649e, 0x64af, 0x64b4, 0x64ba, + 0x64c0, 0x64c2, 0xd440, 0x6532, 0x651e, 0x6523, 0x652f, 0x6559, + 0x6564, 0x811f, 0x65ad, 0x657a, 0x658c, 0x658f, 0x65a2, 0x65b0, + 0x65cb, 0x65ce, 0x65ed, 0x6612, 0x65ff, 0x6604, 0x6605, 0x6610, + 0xd674, 0x6618, 0x6629, 0x6638, 0x6657, 0x665b, 0x8036, 0x6662, + 0x259d, 0x666c, 0x6675, 0x6698, 0x66b8, 0x66fa, 0x66fc, 0x66fd, + 0x670b, 0x6771, 0x6787, 0x6788, 0x67ac, 0x67ad, 0x67b5, 0x25ea, + 0x67d6, 0x67ec, 0x6806, 0x680a, 0x6810, 0x6814, 0x681f, 0x6898, + 0x68aa, 0x68ca, 0x68ce, 0xd884, 0x68f5, 0x691c, 0x8160, 0x6918, + 0x6919, 0x691a, 0x6927, 0x6930, 0x6932, 0x6939, 0x6940, 0x6994, + 0x8161, 0x69d4, 0x69e5, 0x69f6, 0x6a12, 0x6a15, + /* 0x17C21..0x17C7E */ + 0x6a22, 0x6a37, 0x6a47, 0x6a4e, 0x6a5d, 0x6a61, 0x6a75, 0x6a79, + 0x6aa7, 0x6ad0, 0x6adf, 0x6af4, 0x6af6, 0x8122, 0x8162, 0x8163, + 0x6b46, 0x6b54, 0x6b59, 0x6b69, 0x6b9d, 0x6c49, 0x6c68, 0x8164, + 0x6ce1, 0x6cf4, 0x6cf8, 0x6cfe, 0x8165, 0x6d12, 0x6d1b, 0x6daf, + 0x6dce, 0x6dd1, 0x6dd7, 0x6e20, 0x6e23, 0x6e3d, 0x6e70, 0x6e7b, + 0xe177, 0x6ec0, 0x2844, 0x6efa, 0x6f1e, 0x6f2d, 0x6f36, 0x6f54, + 0xe24d, 0x6fa6, 0x6fb5, 0x6fe4, 0x6fe8, 0x6fee, 0x7008, 0x702d, + 0x8167, 0x7088, 0x7095, 0x7097, 0x7099, 0x709b, 0x70a2, 0x70b3, + 0x70be, 0x70c4, 0x70c5, 0x70c7, 0x70d7, 0x70dd, 0x70de, 0x70ef, + 0x70f4, 0x8126, 0x7114, 0x7115, 0x7116, 0x7122, 0x7123, 0x7127, + 0x712f, 0x7131, 0x7134, 0x713d, 0x7148, 0x715b, 0x7183, 0x719e, + 0x71ac, 0x71b1, 0x71bc, 0x71d7, 0x71fb, 0x71e4, + /* 0x17D21..0x17D7E */ + 0x71e5, 0x71ed, 0x71f1, 0x7207, 0x7210, 0x7238, 0x7239, 0x723a, + 0x723c, 0x7240, 0x7243, 0x724f, 0x7278, 0x7288, 0x72c2, 0x72cb, + 0x72cc, 0x72d3, 0x72e0, 0x72ff, 0x7304, 0x731f, 0x7321, 0x7325, + 0x7348, 0x7349, 0x734a, 0x7364, 0x7365, 0x736a, 0x7370, 0x739b, + 0x73a3, 0x73ba, 0x73c6, 0x73de, 0x73df, 0x7404, 0x73fd, 0x7433, + 0x744a, 0x7463, 0x746b, 0x7471, 0x7472, 0x758e, 0x759f, 0x75a6, + 0x75a9, 0x75ac, 0x75b6, 0x75bd, 0x75cb, 0x75d0, 0x75d3, 0x29b0, + 0x75da, 0x75de, 0x7658, 0x7684, 0x80dc, 0x769d, 0x76a4, 0x76a5, + 0x76d2, 0x76de, 0x8168, 0x76e9, 0x76ef, 0x7733, 0x773b, 0x774d, + 0x774e, 0x774f, 0x775a, 0x776e, 0x7773, 0x7795, 0x77ae, 0x77ba, + 0x77c1, 0x77c9, 0x77de, 0x77db, 0x77f4, 0x8169, 0x780a, 0x781e, + 0x782b, 0x7830, 0x816a, 0x7852, 0x7853, 0x7856, + /* 0x17E21..0x17E7E */ + 0x7857, 0x7859, 0x785a, 0x80d0, 0x7865, 0x786c, 0x78ba, 0x78c8, + 0x78e7, 0x7958, 0x799e, 0x7a02, 0x7a03, 0x7a24, 0x7a2d, 0x7a2e, + 0x7a38, 0x7a4a, 0x7a4e, 0x7a52, 0x7ab6, 0x7ac1, 0x7ac3, 0x7ace, + 0x7ad6, 0x7af9, 0x7b02, 0x7b08, 0x7b20, 0x2c17, 0x7b2d, 0x7b5e, + 0x7b79, 0x7b66, 0x7b72, 0x7b75, 0x7b84, 0x7b8a, 0x7b8f, 0x7b9e, + 0x7ba7, 0x7bc1, 0x7bce, 0x7be5, 0x7bf8, 0x7bfd, 0x7c00, 0x7c23, + 0x7c41, 0x7c4f, 0x7c50, 0x7c53, 0x7c63, 0x7c65, 0x7c77, 0x7d1d, + 0x7d1e, 0x7d43, 0x7d47, 0x7d52, 0x7d63, 0x7d70, 0x7d7c, 0x7d8a, + 0x7d96, 0x7dc0, 0x7dac, 0x7dbc, 0x7dd7, 0xf690, 0x7de7, 0x7e07, + 0x7e15, 0x7e7c, 0x7e9e, 0x7ea4, 0x7eac, 0x7eaf, 0x7eb4, 0x7eb5, + 0x7ec3, 0x7ed1, 0x7f10, 0x7f39, 0x7f57, 0x7f90, 0x7f94, 0x7f97, + 0x7fa2, 0x39f8, 0x3c5b, 0x3e77, 0x5626, 0x5e6b, + /* 0x22121..0x2217E */ + 0x8489, 0x2e02, 0x2e0f, 0x2e12, 0x2e29, 0x2e2b, 0x2e2e, 0x2e40, + 0x2e47, 0x2e48, 0x84a2, 0x2e51, 0x1406, 0x84a4, 0x2e5a, 0x2e69, + 0x2e9d, 0x142c, 0x142e, 0x2eb9, 0x2ebb, 0x8522, 0x2ebc, 0x2ec3, + 0x2ec8, 0x2ed0, 0x2eeb, 0x2eda, 0x2ef1, 0x2ef5, 0x2f00, 0x2f16, + 0x2f64, 0x2f37, 0x2f3e, 0x2f54, 0x2f58, 0x8593, 0x2f77, 0x2f78, + 0x2f7a, 0x2f7d, 0x2f82, 0x2f85, 0x2f92, 0x2f9a, 0x2fe6, 0x2fb2, + 0x2fbe, 0x2fc5, 0x2fcb, 0x2fcf, 0x2fd2, 0x146a, 0x2ff2, 0x3000, + 0x3010, 0x3013, 0x301c, 0x301e, 0x3022, 0x1468, 0x3042, 0x3046, + 0x304e, 0x3053, 0x3057, 0x3063, 0x3066, 0x306a, 0x3070, 0x30a3, + 0x3088, 0x3092, 0x3093, 0x3095, 0x3096, 0x309c, 0x30aa, 0x862b, + 0x30b1, 0x30ba, 0x30bb, 0x30c4, 0x30c7, 0x30f3, 0x8681, 0x30ce, + 0x8671, 0x30d4, 0x30d9, 0x30e1, 0x30e9, 0x1492, + /* 0x22321..0x2237E */ + 0x3108, 0x86f9, 0x3117, 0x311b, 0x874a, 0x3160, 0x8809, 0x3173, + 0x3183, 0x318b, 0x14bc, 0x3198, 0x31a3, 0x31ad, 0x14c7, 0x31bc, + 0x88d6, 0x8928, 0x31f3, 0x31f4, 0x3202, 0x3212, 0x3216, 0x8a4f, + 0x3255, 0x325c, 0x326c, 0x3277, 0x3284, 0x3282, 0x8b07, 0x3298, + 0x8b3a, 0x32a4, 0x32a6, 0x32af, 0x32ba, 0x32bb, 0x32ca, 0x151f, + 0x32d1, 0x8bb9, 0x32f7, 0x330a, 0x330b, 0x3324, 0x3335, 0x333e, + 0x3342, 0x8c7c, 0x8c9d, 0x3367, 0x336c, 0x337a, 0x33a4, 0x33b4, + 0x8dd3, 0x33b7, 0x33c0, 0x8e1d, 0x155d, 0x155e, 0x33d5, 0x33da, + 0x1563, 0x33f4, 0x33f5, 0x3455, 0x3424, 0x3428, 0x156e, 0x3443, + 0x3462, 0x3466, 0x346c, 0x348a, 0x348d, 0x3495, 0x34a0, 0x34a6, + 0x34ad, 0x34ae, 0x34b7, 0x34ba, 0x34bf, 0x34c3, 0x8f45, 0x34ec, + 0x34ef, 0x34f1, 0x34f3, 0x3500, 0x3501, 0x3509, + /* 0x22421..0x2247E */ + 0x353c, 0x3541, 0x15a6, 0x3547, 0x354a, 0x15a8, 0x3560, 0x3561, + 0x3564, 0x8fe1, 0x357d, 0x3582, 0x3588, 0x3591, 0x15c5, 0x35d2, + 0x9095, 0x906d, 0x35bf, 0x35c9, 0x35cc, 0x35d1, 0x35dd, 0x15da, + 0x35e2, 0x9064, 0x35e9, 0x3628, 0x915f, 0x3607, 0x3610, 0x3630, + 0x3637, 0x15f4, 0x363d, 0x363f, 0x3640, 0x3647, 0x365e, 0x3660, + 0x366d, 0x1605, 0x3688, 0x368c, 0x3695, 0x369a, 0x369d, 0x36a8, + 0x36ad, 0x36b2, 0x36c5, 0x36cd, 0x36df, 0x36e8, 0x36f6, 0x36f7, + 0x9201, 0x3715, 0x3723, 0x9255, 0x3729, 0x927b, 0x3745, 0x3746, + 0x374c, 0x374d, 0x9274, 0x3768, 0x376f, 0x3773, 0x3774, 0x3775, + 0x377b, 0x92e4, 0x92d7, 0x37ac, 0x379a, 0x379d, 0x379e, 0x37a8, + 0x37d7, 0x92fd, 0x37cc, 0x9336, 0x9344, 0x37de, 0x37e6, 0x37f0, + 0x164a, 0x37f8, 0x37fb, 0x37fd, 0x3804, 0x381e, + /* 0x22521..0x2257E */ + 0x3820, 0x3827, 0x3832, 0x3839, 0x93c4, 0x3849, 0x384c, 0x3867, + 0x388a, 0x388b, 0x388d, 0x388f, 0x3890, 0x3894, 0x389d, 0x38aa, + 0x38b1, 0x946d, 0x38c3, 0x38cd, 0x38e2, 0x38f3, 0x38f4, 0x3905, + 0x3906, 0x390b, 0x390d, 0x3914, 0x3924, 0x95d7, 0x1691, 0x393d, + 0x1699, 0x3946, 0x1696, 0xd329, 0x395b, 0x395f, 0x9647, 0x3975, + 0x3976, 0x397c, 0x399f, 0x39ae, 0x39bc, 0x39c8, 0x39cd, 0x39de, + 0x39e3, 0x39e4, 0x39e7, 0x39ee, 0x9706, 0x9742, 0x16cf, 0x3a0c, + 0x3a0d, 0x3a17, 0x3a27, 0x3a2d, 0x3a55, 0x3a65, 0x3a7a, 0x3a8b, + 0x3a9c, 0x3a9f, 0x3aa0, 0x3aa2, 0x3ab1, 0x3ab3, 0x3ab5, 0x3aba, + 0x3abf, 0x3ada, 0x3adc, 0x3ae0, 0x3ae5, 0x3af0, 0x3aee, 0x3af5, + 0x3b00, 0x3b08, 0x3b17, 0x3b34, 0x3b2d, 0x3b4c, 0x3b52, 0x3b68, + 0x3b6f, 0x3b7c, 0x3b7f, 0x3b81, 0x3b84, 0x99c3, + /* 0x22821..0x2287E */ + 0x3b96, 0x3bac, 0x1761, 0x3bc0, 0x1762, 0x3bce, 0x3bd6, 0x176c, + 0x176b, 0x3bf1, 0x3bfd, 0x1775, 0x3c03, 0x3c29, 0x3c30, 0x9a56, + 0x3c5f, 0x3c63, 0x3c67, 0x3c68, 0x3c69, 0x3c70, 0x9b2d, 0x9b45, + 0x3c7c, 0x9b78, 0x9b62, 0x3c88, 0x3c8a, 0x17c1, 0x9ba1, 0x9b9c, + 0x3ca0, 0x3ca2, 0x3ca6, 0x3ca7, 0x9b92, 0x3cad, 0x3cb5, 0x9bb7, + 0x3cc9, 0x9be0, 0x9c33, 0x3d06, 0x3d10, 0x3d2b, 0x3d1d, 0x3d20, + 0x3d24, 0x3d26, 0x3d31, 0x3d39, 0x3d42, 0x17e8, 0x3d61, 0x3d6a, + 0x17f4, 0x3d70, 0x9d1e, 0x17fd, 0x3d88, 0x1800, 0x3d92, 0x3d94, + 0x3d97, 0x3d99, 0x3db0, 0x3db2, 0x3db4, 0x9d76, 0x3db9, 0x3dd1, + 0x3dd7, 0x3dd8, 0x3de0, 0x9dfa, 0x3de4, 0x3de9, 0x182f, 0x3e00, + 0x1836, 0x3e12, 0x3e15, 0x1840, 0x3e1f, 0x3e2e, 0x3e3e, 0x3e49, + 0x185c, 0x3e56, 0x1861, 0x3e6b, 0x3e6c, 0x3e6d, + /* 0x22C21..0x22C7E */ + 0x3e6e, 0x9e7b, 0x3ea5, 0x3eaa, 0x3eac, 0x3eb9, 0x3ebf, 0x3ec6, + 0x3ed2, 0x3ed9, 0xa01e, 0x3efd, 0x3f08, 0x3f0e, 0x3f1c, 0xa0ad, + 0x3f1e, 0x3f47, 0x3f63, 0x3f72, 0x3f7e, 0x3f8f, 0x3fa2, 0x3fa4, + 0x3fb8, 0x3fc4, 0x18fa, 0x3fc7, 0x3fcb, 0x3fd2, 0x3fd3, 0x3fd4, + 0x3fe2, 0x3fee, 0x3fef, 0x3ff3, 0x3ffc, 0x1917, 0x4017, 0x4022, + 0x4024, 0x191a, 0x404c, 0x407f, 0x408a, 0x4095, 0x40a8, 0xa1f3, + 0x40b0, 0x40b1, 0x40be, 0x40c8, 0x40d9, 0x40db, 0x40ee, 0x40f2, + 0x40f5, 0x4110, 0x4112, 0x4113, 0x4119, 0x411e, 0x413a, 0x196f, + 0x4141, 0x4146, 0x4160, 0x417c, 0xa25b, 0x4192, 0x4193, 0x4197, + 0x4198, 0x41a5, 0x41a8, 0x41ad, 0xa2ab, 0x41d5, 0x41dd, 0x41df, + 0x41f5, 0xa38f, 0x4215, 0x4223, 0x4229, 0x4246, 0x424c, 0x4251, + 0x4252, 0x4261, 0x4264, 0x427b, 0x426d, 0x4273, + /* 0x22D21..0x22D7E */ + 0x4299, 0x42a6, 0x42d5, 0xa4b8, 0x42fd, 0x4303, 0x430d, 0x4310, + 0xa54f, 0xa550, 0x4332, 0x4335, 0x433b, 0x433c, 0x4341, 0x4344, + 0x434e, 0xa546, 0x4359, 0xa61d, 0xa5a6, 0x436c, 0x4384, 0x4399, + 0xa624, 0x4394, 0x43bd, 0x43f7, 0x43d4, 0x43d5, 0x43dc, 0x43e0, + 0x43eb, 0x43ec, 0x43f2, 0x4409, 0x441e, 0x4425, 0x4429, 0x442f, + 0x445a, 0x445b, 0x445d, 0x4473, 0x447d, 0x4487, 0x4491, 0x449d, + 0x449f, 0x44cb, 0x44cc, 0x44d5, 0x44d7, 0xa7e1, 0x44e4, 0x44e5, + 0x44ff, 0x4504, 0x1a6e, 0x450f, 0x4514, 0x4516, 0x1a73, 0x451e, + 0x4532, 0x4544, 0x4554, 0x456b, 0x457a, 0x4581, 0x4584, 0x4585, + 0x458a, 0x45b2, 0x45b5, 0x45b8, 0x45bf, 0x45c2, 0x45c9, 0x45d4, + 0x1ad6, 0x45f2, 0x45f9, 0x45fc, 0x4604, 0x4608, 0x4621, 0x462a, + 0x4645, 0x4651, 0x464e, 0x1aea, 0xa8c3, 0x4657, + /* 0x22E21..0x22E7E */ + 0x465b, 0x4663, 0xa8f5, 0xa8b6, 0x466a, 0x466b, 0x466c, 0x466d, + 0x467b, 0x4680, 0x4690, 0x4692, 0x4699, 0x1b0e, 0x46ad, 0x46b1, + 0x46b5, 0x1b1a, 0x46bf, 0x1b1c, 0x46ec, 0x1ad7, 0x4701, 0x4705, + 0x4712, 0xa972, 0x4719, 0xa9d3, 0xa9d2, 0x474c, 0x474d, 0x4754, + 0x475d, 0xa9d0, 0xa9e4, 0xa9d5, 0x4774, 0x4776, 0xa9da, 0x4792, + 0xa9df, 0x6363, 0x4810, 0x47b0, 0x47b2, 0x47c3, 0x47c8, 0x47d2, + 0x47d9, 0x47db, 0x47f0, 0x47f7, 0xaa4a, 0xaa51, 0xaa4b, 0x4818, + 0x481f, 0x482d, 0xaa65, 0x4833, 0x483b, 0x483e, 0x4844, 0x4845, + 0x4849, 0x484c, 0x4855, 0x4857, 0x1b77, 0x486b, 0x486e, 0x487a, + 0x487c, 0x4882, 0x4890, 0x4896, 0x1b6d, 0x4898, 0x4899, 0x489a, + 0x489c, 0x48aa, 0x48ab, 0x48b4, 0x48bb, 0x48fb, 0xaae4, 0xab5a, + 0x8113, 0x48c3, 0x48c5, 0x48cc, 0x48cf, 0x48d6, + /* 0x22F21..0x22F7E */ + 0x48d9, 0x48e4, 0x48e5, 0x48ec, 0x48f7, 0x4903, 0x4907, 0x1b87, + 0x1b88, 0xab94, 0x493b, 0x1b8d, 0x4946, 0x4969, 0x496c, 0x4972, + 0x497a, 0x497f, 0x4992, 0x1ba4, 0x4996, 0x4998, 0x49a6, 0x49b0, + 0x49b7, 0x49ba, 0x49bc, 0x49c0, 0x49d1, 0x49d6, 0xac39, 0xac47, + 0x4a30, 0xac38, 0xac3a, 0x49e3, 0x49ee, 0x49ef, 0x49f3, 0x1bcd, + 0x49f4, 0x49fe, 0x4a11, 0x4a1a, 0x4a1d, 0xad1c, 0x4a32, 0x4a33, + 0x4a34, 0x4a3f, 0x4a46, 0x4a49, 0x4a7a, 0x4a4e, 0x4a52, 0x4a64, + 0xad0c, 0x4a7e, 0x4a83, 0x4a8b, 0x1bf0, 0x4a91, 0x4a9f, 0x4aa1, + 0xad64, 0x4aab, 0x4abd, 0x4ac6, 0x4ad4, 0x4ad0, 0x4adc, 0x4add, + 0xadff, 0xade7, 0x4aec, 0x4af1, 0x4af2, 0x4af3, 0x4afd, 0xae24, + 0x4b0b, 0x4b0f, 0x4b10, 0x4b11, 0xae3d, 0x4b17, 0x1c26, 0x4b2f, + 0x4b4a, 0x4b58, 0x4b6c, 0x4b75, 0x4b7a, 0x4b81, + /* 0x26E21..0x26E7E */ + 0x4b9b, 0x4bae, 0xaf98, 0x4bbd, 0x4bbe, 0x4bc7, 0x4bc8, 0x4bc9, + 0x4bda, 0x4be6, 0x4be7, 0x4bee, 0x4bf1, 0x4c02, 0x4c0a, 0x4c0e, + 0x4c35, 0x4c36, 0x4c3a, 0xb07f, 0x4c3f, 0x4c4d, 0x4c5b, 0x4c6d, + 0x4c84, 0x4c89, 0x1cc3, 0x4c94, 0x4c95, 0x4c97, 0x4cad, 0x4cc2, + 0x4cd0, 0x1cd2, 0x4cd6, 0x4cda, 0x4cdc, 0x4ce9, 0x4cec, 0x4ced, + 0xb100, 0x4d00, 0x4d0a, 0x4d24, 0x4d26, 0x4d27, 0x4c67, 0x4d2f, + 0x4d3c, 0x4d5b, 0x4d5e, 0x4d60, 0x4d70, 0x4d80, 0x4d81, 0x4d8a, + 0x4d8d, 0x4d91, 0x4d98, 0xb140, 0x4e17, 0xb1fa, 0xb1f9, 0xb1d3, + 0x4dab, 0x4dae, 0x4db4, 0x4dc2, 0x4d34, 0x4dc8, 0x4dce, 0x4dcf, + 0x4dd0, 0x4ddf, 0x4de9, 0x4df6, 0x4e36, 0x4e1e, 0x4e22, 0x4e27, + 0x1d11, 0x4e32, 0x4e3c, 0x4e48, 0x4e49, 0x4e4b, 0x4e4c, 0x4e4f, + 0x4e51, 0x4e53, 0x4e54, 0x4e57, 0x4e63, 0x1d1e, + /* 0x26F21..0x26F7E */ + 0x4e93, 0x4ea7, 0x4eb4, 0x4ebf, 0x4ec3, 0x4eca, 0x4ed9, 0x4f35, + 0x4eeb, 0x4ef9, 0x4efb, 0x4f0a, 0x4f0c, 0x4f18, 0x4f25, 0x4f36, + 0x4f3c, 0xb27e, 0x4f52, 0x4f57, 0x4f5a, 0x4f60, 0x4f68, 0x4f98, + 0x4f7d, 0x4f90, 0x4f96, 0x4fbe, 0x4f9f, 0x4fa5, 0x4faf, 0x1d64, + 0x4fb5, 0x4fc8, 0x4fc9, 0x4fda, 0x4fde, 0x4fe9, 0xb396, 0x4ffc, + 0x5000, 0x5007, 0x500a, 0x5023, 0xb403, 0x5039, 0x503a, 0x503c, + 0x5043, 0x5047, 0x504b, 0x1d9a, 0x5054, 0x5065, 0x5069, 0x506c, + 0x506e, 0x5076, 0x507e, 0x5081, 0x5086, 0x5095, 0x5097, 0x50bb, + 0xb4c6, 0x509f, 0x50b1, 0xb4fe, 0x50ec, 0x50ca, 0x50d1, 0x50d3, + 0x50dc, 0x5103, 0x5104, 0x5106, 0x5107, 0x5108, 0x510c, 0x1dc0, + 0x512f, 0x5131, 0x5150, 0x514a, 0x5153, 0x515e, 0x1dd4, 0x5196, + 0x5180, 0x519b, 0x51a0, 0x51a2, 0x51ae, 0x51af, + /* 0x27021..0x2707E */ + 0x51b3, 0xb5bc, 0x51cb, 0x51d3, 0x51d9, 0x51dc, 0x5207, 0x1e05, + 0x8149, 0x522b, 0x5234, 0x5238, 0x5239, 0x2e2c, 0x5242, 0x5253, + 0x5257, 0x5263, 0xb629, 0x526e, 0x526f, 0x5278, 0x527f, 0x528e, + 0xb6a5, 0x52ad, 0x52ae, 0x52b0, 0x52b1, 0x52c1, 0x1e60, 0x52cc, + 0x1e66, 0x1e68, 0x52f3, 0x52fa, 0x5307, 0x5312, 0x5318, 0x5319, + 0x1e83, 0x5339, 0x532c, 0x5331, 0x5333, 0x533d, 0x5352, 0x1e94, + 0x536b, 0x536c, 0xb896, 0x536e, 0x536f, 0x5371, 0x5377, 0x5381, + 0x5385, 0x538a, 0x5394, 0x5398, 0x539c, 0x539e, 0x53a5, 0x53a8, + 0x53b5, 0x53b7, 0x53b9, 0x53bc, 0x53bf, 0x53c5, 0x53cb, 0x53e1, + 0x53e7, 0x53f9, 0x5413, 0x53fa, 0x5401, 0x5424, 0x5431, 0x5439, + 0x5453, 0x5440, 0x5443, 0x544d, 0x5452, 0x545d, 0x5471, 0x5481, + 0x5485, 0x5488, 0xb94d, 0x5492, 0x5497, 0x5499, + /* 0x27121..0x2717E */ + 0x54a0, 0x54a1, 0x54a5, 0x54aa, 0x54ab, 0x54b9, 0x54bb, 0x54ba, + 0x54d6, 0x54d8, 0x54de, 0x54ef, 0x54eb, 0xba56, 0x54fa, 0xba6f, + 0x5520, 0x5524, 0x552a, 0x1f57, 0xbb16, 0x553d, 0x553e, 0x5540, + 0x5548, 0x554e, 0x5550, 0x5552, 0x556c, 0x5572, 0x5571, 0x557a, + 0x557d, 0x557e, 0x5581, 0xbc14, 0x558c, 0x1f75, 0x55a2, 0x1f77, + 0x55b0, 0x55b7, 0x55bf, 0x55c0, 0x55c6, 0x55cf, 0x55d3, 0x55dd, + 0x55df, 0x55e0, 0x55e7, 0x55ec, 0x55ee, 0x55f1, 0x55f9, 0x5603, + 0x5618, 0x5607, 0x560f, 0x1fae, 0xbd0e, 0x5613, 0x561b, 0x561c, + 0xbd37, 0x5625, 0x5628, 0x563c, 0x5633, 0xbd6a, 0x1fc9, 0x5641, + 0xbd8b, 0x5649, 0x5655, 0x1fd7, 0x566e, 0x5695, 0x569c, 0x56a1, + 0x56a0, 0x56a7, 0x56a8, 0x56af, 0xbe4a, 0x56c9, 0xbe55, 0x56e8, + 0x56ec, 0xbf22, 0x5717, 0x571a, 0x572d, 0x5735, + /* 0x27221..0x2727E */ + 0xbfa9, 0x2039, 0xbfe5, 0xbfcd, 0x5758, 0x5760, 0x576a, 0xc01e, + 0x5772, 0x577c, 0x577d, 0xc04c, 0x2058, 0x579a, 0x579f, 0x57a2, + 0x57a4, 0x57a9, 0x57de, 0x57df, 0x57e4, 0x57e6, 0x57ea, 0x57ec, + 0x2093, 0x57f0, 0x57f4, 0x57fb, 0xc12e, 0x5805, 0x5806, 0x5809, + 0x580d, 0x5819, 0x5821, 0x582c, 0x5847, 0x5864, 0x586a, 0xc1d9, + 0x588a, 0x5894, 0x58a4, 0x589d, 0x589e, 0x589f, 0x58bb, 0x58c8, + 0x58cc, 0x58ce, 0x58d5, 0x58e0, 0x58e1, 0x58e6, 0x58f9, 0x58fa, + 0x58fb, 0x58fe, 0xc2a7, 0x5910, 0x591b, 0x5930, 0x5925, 0x593b, + 0x594a, 0x5958, 0x595b, 0x2105, 0x5967, 0x5972, 0x5994, 0x5995, + 0x5996, 0x599b, 0x59a1, 0x59a9, 0x59b4, 0x59bb, 0x59c2, 0x59c7, + 0x59cc, 0x59cd, 0x59d6, 0x2148, 0xc3a9, 0xc3b4, 0x214f, 0x5a0a, + 0x5a11, 0x5a15, 0x5a1b, 0x5a1e, 0x2163, 0x5a2d, + /* 0x27321..0x2737E */ + 0x5a38, 0x5a47, 0x5a4c, 0x5a56, 0x5a59, 0x5a5c, 0x5a5f, 0x5a60, + 0x5a67, 0x5a6a, 0x5a75, 0x5a78, 0x5a82, 0x5a8a, 0x5a90, 0x5aa3, + 0x5aac, 0xc4d4, 0x21b4, 0x5ab9, 0x5abc, 0x5abe, 0x21bf, 0x5acc, + 0x5ad1, 0x5ae7, 0x5ae8, 0x5af4, 0xc5e4, 0xc5e3, 0x5b07, 0xc5f1, + 0x5b3d, 0x5b27, 0x5b2a, 0x5b2e, 0x5b2f, 0x5b31, 0x21e6, 0x21f3, + 0x5b7f, 0x5b41, 0x21ee, 0x5b55, 0x5b79, 0x5b64, 0x5b66, 0x5b69, + 0x5b73, 0xc632, 0x2207, 0x5b90, 0x5b91, 0x5b9b, 0x220e, 0x5baf, + 0x5bb5, 0x5bbc, 0x5bc5, 0x5bca, 0xc6cb, 0xc6e4, 0x5bd4, 0x5bd6, + 0x5bda, 0x5bea, 0x5bf0, 0x5c03, 0x5c0b, 0x5c0e, 0x5c0f, 0x5c26, + 0x5c45, 0x5c4a, 0x5c51, 0x5c57, 0x5c5e, 0x5c61, 0x5c69, 0x5c6e, + 0x5c6f, 0x5c70, 0xc82e, 0xc856, 0xc865, 0x5ca6, 0xc862, 0x5cb6, + 0x5cb7, 0x5cbf, 0xc8d8, 0x5cc4, 0xc8c2, 0x5cc8, + /* 0x27421..0x2747E */ + 0x5ccd, 0xc8e8, 0x5cd7, 0xc923, 0x5ce6, 0x5ceb, 0xc95c, 0x5cf5, + 0x5d03, 0x5d09, 0x22c6, 0x5d12, 0x5d1e, 0xc9e0, 0xc9d4, 0x5d3d, + 0x5d3e, 0x5d40, 0x5d47, 0xca0c, 0xc9fb, 0x22d6, 0x5d59, 0x5d5a, + 0x5d6a, 0x5d70, 0x22dd, 0x5d7f, 0xca17, 0x5d86, 0x5d88, 0x5d8c, + 0x5d97, 0xca60, 0x5d9d, 0x5da7, 0x5daa, 0x5db6, 0x5db7, 0x5dc0, + 0x5dd7, 0x5dd9, 0x5de6, 0x5df1, 0x5df9, 0x2302, 0xcaed, 0x8158, + 0x5e10, 0x5e17, 0x5e1d, 0x5e20, 0x5e27, 0x5e2c, 0x5e45, 0x5e73, + 0x5e75, 0x5e7e, 0x5e86, 0x5e87, 0x232b, 0x5e91, 0x5e98, 0x5e9a, + 0x2343, 0x5f3c, 0x5f3b, 0x5f3e, 0x5f43, 0x5f44, 0x5f4f, 0x14c1, + 0xcb70, 0x5f52, 0xcb86, 0x5f61, 0x5f63, 0x5f64, 0x5f6d, 0x5f7d, + 0x5f7e, 0xcc4c, 0x5f90, 0x317b, 0xb10e, 0x5f96, 0x5f9c, 0x5fad, + 0xcd02, 0x5fc3, 0x5fcf, 0x5fe3, 0x5fe5, 0x5fef, + /* 0x27521..0x2757E */ + 0x5ff2, 0x6002, 0x600a, 0x6008, 0x600e, 0x6011, 0x6016, 0x6024, + 0x602c, 0x6030, 0x6043, 0x6066, 0x6071, 0x6075, 0x607b, 0x6099, + 0x609c, 0x60a4, 0x60a7, 0x60b8, 0xce7e, 0x60c5, 0x60d5, 0x60d8, + 0x60e6, 0xceb0, 0x610d, 0x60f5, 0x60fb, 0x23ee, 0x6135, 0x6116, + 0x611e, 0x23f0, 0x6124, 0x6127, 0x612c, 0xcf1d, 0x613d, 0x2408, + 0x6169, 0x2417, 0x6181, 0x241c, 0x6184, 0x6185, 0x2422, 0x6198, + 0x61b2, 0x61c1, 0x61c3, 0x61d6, 0x61db, 0xd0dd, 0x61e4, 0xd0ea, + 0x61ec, 0xd151, 0x61fd, 0x61ff, 0xd16f, 0x6204, 0xd1dd, 0x6219, + 0x6221, 0x6222, 0xd21e, 0x6232, 0x6234, 0x623c, 0x6246, 0x6249, + 0x6245, 0xd258, 0x624b, 0x2476, 0x624f, 0x247a, 0x6257, 0xd28c, + 0x625c, 0x6263, 0xd2b7, 0x815d, 0x815e, 0x6279, 0x2491, 0x627d, + 0x627f, 0x6283, 0x628a, 0x6293, 0x62a7, 0x62a8, + /* 0x27621..0x2767E */ + 0x62b2, 0x62b4, 0x62ba, 0x62bc, 0x62e2, 0x62e8, 0x62f7, 0x6307, + 0x6308, 0x630c, 0x6354, 0x631b, 0x631d, 0x6330, 0x633c, 0x6344, + 0x6357, 0x24be, 0x637f, 0x24d4, 0x24b3, 0x638d, 0x6394, 0x6395, + 0x639b, 0x639d, 0x63c9, 0x63d0, 0x63d4, 0x63dd, 0x63e5, 0x63f9, + 0x640f, 0x6411, 0x6415, 0xd373, 0x6417, 0x6439, 0x644a, 0x644f, + 0x6451, 0x6452, 0x6459, 0x645a, 0x645c, 0xd3dd, 0x6465, 0x6476, + 0x6478, 0x647c, 0x6481, 0x250d, 0x64dc, 0x6497, 0x64a6, 0x64be, + 0x2508, 0x64ce, 0x64cf, 0x64d3, 0xd465, 0x64e7, 0x64ea, 0x64ef, + 0x64f0, 0x64f1, 0x64fa, 0x64fd, 0x650c, 0x651b, 0x6524, 0x6525, + 0x652b, 0x6534, 0x654f, 0x656f, 0x2525, 0x2543, 0x653e, 0x6551, + 0x6553, 0x655e, 0x6561, 0x6562, 0xd594, 0x657b, 0x657d, 0x657f, + 0x6581, 0x6586, 0x6593, 0x659d, 0x659f, 0xd5f8, + /* 0x27721..0x2777E */ + 0xd5f6, 0xd5f7, 0x65b7, 0x65bc, 0x65c7, 0x65ca, 0x65d8, 0x65d9, + 0x65df, 0x65e1, 0x65e6, 0x65f6, 0x6600, 0x6611, 0x661e, 0x6621, + 0x6624, 0x6627, 0xd68d, 0x6639, 0x663c, 0xd6b9, 0x6640, 0x8120, + 0x6653, 0x6656, 0x666f, 0x6677, 0x667a, 0x6687, 0x6689, 0x668d, + 0x6691, 0x669c, 0x669d, 0x66a8, 0x8121, 0x66b1, 0x66b3, 0x66c1, + 0x66c3, 0x66d1, 0x66d5, 0x66d7, 0x66e3, 0x66e6, 0x25b8, 0x6705, + 0x6707, 0x670e, 0x6710, 0x6713, 0x6719, 0x671f, 0x6721, 0x6723, + 0x6731, 0x673a, 0x673e, 0x6740, 0x6743, 0x6751, 0x6758, 0x6764, + 0x6765, 0x6772, 0x677c, 0xd75b, 0xd75a, 0x67a7, 0x6789, 0x678b, + 0x6793, 0x67a0, 0xd77e, 0x25e5, 0x67be, 0xd790, 0x67c1, 0x67ce, + 0x67f5, 0x67df, 0xd7c9, 0x67e3, 0x67e5, 0x67e6, 0x67ea, 0x67eb, + 0x67ed, 0x6801, 0x6803, 0x680b, 0x6813, 0x6828, + /* 0x27821..0x2787E */ + 0x682e, 0x6832, 0x683c, 0x260f, 0x684a, 0x6858, 0x685f, 0x6864, + 0xd815, 0xd814, 0x6869, 0xd831, 0x686f, 0x68a0, 0x68bc, 0x68bd, + 0x68be, 0x68c0, 0x68d2, 0xd893, 0x68d1, 0x68d3, 0x68db, 0x68f0, + 0x68f1, 0x2641, 0x6901, 0xd90e, 0x6937, 0xd923, 0x6942, 0x6945, + 0x6949, 0xd952, 0x2665, 0x6962, 0x6980, 0x6989, 0x6990, 0x699f, + 0x69b0, 0x69b7, 0x69d6, 0x69d8, 0x69eb, 0x26a1, 0x69f1, 0x69f3, + 0x69fd, 0x69ff, 0x26af, 0x6a11, 0x6a14, 0xda85, 0x6a21, 0x6a35, + 0x6a3e, 0x6a45, 0x6a4d, 0x6a58, 0x6aae, 0x6a90, 0x6ab7, 0x6abe, + 0x6ad7, 0x6afc, 0xdb84, 0x6b0a, 0x6b05, 0x6b0d, 0x6b1c, 0x6b1f, + 0x6b2d, 0x6b43, 0x270c, 0x6b51, 0x6b5e, 0x6b76, 0x6b7f, 0x6b81, + 0x6b8b, 0x6b94, 0x6b95, 0x6b9c, 0x6b9e, 0x6c39, 0xdcb3, 0x6c3d, + 0xdcbe, 0xdcc7, 0x6c45, 0x6c47, 0x6c4f, 0x6c54, + /* 0x27921..0x2797E */ + 0x6c57, 0x6c69, 0x6c6d, 0x6c73, 0xddb8, 0x6c93, 0x6c92, 0x6c99, + 0x2764, 0x6c9b, 0x6ca4, 0x6cd6, 0x6cd5, 0x6cd9, 0xde20, 0x6cf0, + 0x6cf1, 0xde90, 0x6d09, 0x6d0e, 0x6d6c, 0x6d84, 0x6d95, 0x6da6, + 0xdfb7, 0x6dc6, 0x6dc8, 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/* 0x0280 */ + 0x2a7c, 0x2a71, 0x2a68, 0x2b27, 0x2a6d, 0x2b2d, 0x2b35, 0x2a66, + 0x2bb7, 0x2b3b, 0x2a78, 0x2a72, 0x2b40, 0x2a69, 0x2b21, 0x2a7e, + 0x2b23, 0x2a77, 0x2b3e, 0x2b3d, + /* 0x02C0 */ + 0x2a31, 0x2b53, 0x2b54, 0x2b55, 0x2b56, 0x2a22, 0x2a58, 0x2a2d, + 0x2a36, 0x2b71, 0x2be0, 0x2b61, 0x2b62, 0x2b63, 0x2be4, + /* 0x0300 */ + 0x2b5c, 0x2b5a, 0x2b5f, 0x2b7d, 0x2b5b, 0x2b57, 0x2b6d, 0x2b59, + 0x2b5e, 0x2b5d, 0x2b78, 0x2b79, 0x2b7e, 0x2b6a, 0x2b76, 0x2b77, + 0x2b6b, 0x2b6c, 0x2b72, 0x2b67, 0x2b6f, 0x2b7a, 0x2b68, 0x2b70, + 0x2b73, 0x2b75, 0x2b69, 0x2b7b, 0x2b7c, 0x2b74, 0x2b6e, + /* 0x0340 */ + 0x2b52, + /* 0x0380 */ + 0x2621, 0x2622, 0x2623, 0x2624, 0x2625, 0x2626, 0x2627, 0x2628, + 0x2629, 0x262a, 0x262b, 0x262c, 0x262d, 0x262e, 0x262f, 0x2630, + 0x2631, 0x2632, 0x2633, 0x2634, 0x2635, 0x2636, 0x2637, 0x2638, + 0x2641, 0x2642, 0x2643, 0x2644, 0x2645, 0x2646, 0x2647, 0x2648, + 0x2649, 0x264a, 0x264b, 0x264c, 0x264d, 0x264e, 0x264f, + /* 0x03C0 */ + 0x2650, 0x2651, 0x2659, 0x2652, 0x2653, 0x2654, 0x2655, 0x2656, + 0x2657, 0x2658, + /* 0x0400 */ + 0x2727, 0x2721, 0x2722, 0x2723, 0x2724, 0x2725, 0x2726, 0x2728, + 0x2729, 0x272a, 0x272b, 0x272c, 0x272d, 0x272e, 0x272f, 0x2730, + 0x2731, 0x2732, 0x2733, 0x2734, 0x2735, 0x2736, 0x2737, 0x2738, + 0x2739, 0x273a, 0x273b, 0x273c, 0x273d, 0x273e, 0x273f, 0x2740, + 0x2741, 0x2751, 0x2752, 0x2753, 0x2754, 0x2755, 0x2756, 0x2758, + 0x2759, 0x275a, 0x275b, 0x275c, 0x275d, 0x275e, 0x275f, 0x2760, + 0x2761, + /* 0x0440 */ + 0x2762, 0x2763, 0x2764, 0x2765, 0x2766, 0x2767, 0x2768, 0x2769, + 0x276a, 0x276b, 0x276c, 0x276d, 0x276e, 0x276f, 0x2770, 0x2771, + 0x2757, + /* 0x1E00 */ + 0x2872, 0x2873, + /* 0x1F40 */ + 0x2b46, 0x2b47, 0x2b50, 0x2b51, + /* 0x2000 */ + 0x213e, 0x237c, 0x213d, 0x2142, 0x2146, 0x2147, 0x2148, 0x2149, + 0x2277, 0x2278, 0x2340, 0x2145, 0x2144, 0x2273, 0x216c, 0x216d, + 0x2228, 0x286b, 0x2b58, + /* 0x2040 */ + 0x2c7e, 0x286c, 0x286d, 0x286e, 0x2c7d, + /* 0x2080 */ + 0x2921, + /* 0x2100 */ + 0x216e, 0x235d, 0x235f, 0x2d62, 0x2d64, 0x2360, 0x2272, 0x235c, + /* 0x2140 */ + 0x2778, 0x2779, 0x277a, 0x2d35, 0x2d36, 0x2d37, 0x2d38, 0x2d39, + 0x2d3a, 0x2d3b, 0x2d3c, 0x2d3d, 0x2d3e, 0x2d3f, 0x2d57, 0x2c35, + 0x2c36, 0x2c37, 0x2c38, 0x2c39, 0x2c3a, 0x2c3b, 0x2c3c, 0x2c3d, + 0x2c3e, 0x2c3f, 0x2c40, + /* 0x2180 */ + 0x222b, 0x222c, 0x222a, 0x222d, 0x2271, 0x2327, 0x2325, 0x2326, + 0x2328, + /* 0x21C0 */ + 0x2329, 0x224d, 0x224e, 0x232b, 0x232c, 0x232a, 0x232d, + /* 0x2200 */ + 0x224f, 0x225f, 0x2250, 0x2247, 0x2260, 0x223a, 0x2246, 0x223b, + 0x215d, 0x235b, 0x2265, 0x2267, 0x2167, 0x2d78, 0x225c, 0x2254, + 0x2255, 0x224a, 0x224b, 0x2241, 0x2240, 0x2269, 0x226a, 0x2d73, + 0x2168, 0x2268, 0x2266, + /* 0x2240 */ + 0x226c, 0x226d, 0x226e, 0x2262, 0x2162, 0x2261, 0x226b, 0x2165, + 0x2166, 0x2263, 0x2264, 0x226f, 0x2270, + /* 0x2280 */ + 0x223e, 0x223f, 0x2242, 0x2243, 0x223c, 0x223d, 0x2244, 0x2245, + 0x2251, 0x2252, 0x2253, 0x225d, 0x2d79, + /* 0x22C0 */ + 0x2776, 0x2777, + /* 0x2300 */ + 0x2248, 0x2249, 0x225e, 0x277c, + /* 0x2380 */ + 0x2742, 0x2743, + /* 0x23C0 */ + 0x2744, 0x2745, 0x2746, 0x2747, 0x2748, 0x2749, 0x274a, 0x274b, + 0x274c, 0x274d, 0x274e, 0x274f, 0x2750, 0x277e, + /* 0x2400 */ + 0x277d, + /* 0x2440 */ + 0x2d21, 0x2d22, 0x2d23, 0x2d24, 0x2d25, 0x2d26, 0x2d27, 0x2d28, + 0x2d29, 0x2d2a, 0x2d2b, 0x2d2c, 0x2d2d, 0x2d2e, 0x2d2f, 0x2d30, + 0x2d31, 0x2d32, 0x2d33, 0x2d34, + /* 0x24C0 */ + 0x2c41, 0x2c42, 0x2c43, 0x2c44, 0x2c45, 0x2c46, 0x2c47, 0x2c48, + 0x2c49, 0x2c4a, 0x2c4b, 0x2c4c, 0x2c4d, 0x2c4e, 0x2c4f, 0x2c50, + 0x2c51, 0x2c52, 0x2c53, 0x2c54, 0x2c55, 0x2c56, 0x2c57, 0x2c58, + 0x2c59, 0x2c5a, 0x2c2b, 0x2c2c, 0x2c2d, 0x2c2e, 0x2c2f, 0x2c30, + 0x2c31, 0x2c32, 0x2c33, 0x2c34, 0x265a, 0x265b, 0x265c, 0x265d, + 0x265e, 0x265f, 0x2660, 0x2661, 0x2662, 0x2663, + /* 0x2500 */ + 0x2821, 0x282c, 0x2822, 0x282d, 0x2823, 0x282e, 0x2824, 0x282f, + 0x2826, 0x2831, 0x2825, 0x2830, 0x2827, 0x283c, 0x2837, 0x2832, + 0x2829, 0x283e, 0x2839, 0x2834, 0x2828, 0x2838, 0x283d, 0x2833, + 0x282a, 0x283a, 0x283f, 0x2835, 0x282b, 0x283b, + /* 0x2540 */ + 0x2840, 0x2836, + /* 0x2580 */ + 0x2223, 0x2222, 0x266d, 0x2225, 0x2224, 0x2322, 0x2321, 0x2227, + 0x2226, + /* 0x25C0 */ + 0x2324, 0x2323, 0x2221, 0x217e, 0x233b, 0x217b, 0x217d, 0x217c, + 0x2867, 0x2868, 0x2869, 0x286a, 0x233f, 0x227e, + /* 0x2600 */ + 0x2668, 0x2669, 0x266a, 0x266b, 0x217a, 0x2179, 0x2667, 0x2664, + 0x2665, 0x2d7e, + /* 0x2640 */ + 0x216a, 0x2169, 0x263a, 0x263d, 0x263b, 0x2640, 0x2639, 0x263e, + 0x263c, 0x263f, 0x266c, 0x227d, 0x2276, 0x227b, 0x227c, 0x2275, + 0x227a, 0x2274, + /* 0x2700 */ + 0x277b, + /* 0x2740 */ + 0x2d7d, 0x2c21, 0x2c22, 0x2c23, 0x2c24, 0x2c25, 0x2c26, 0x2c27, + 0x2c28, 0x2c29, 0x2c2a, + /* 0x2900 */ + 0x232e, 0x232f, + /* 0x2980 */ + 0x233a, + /* 0x29C0 */ + 0x237d, 0x237e, + /* 0x3000 */ + 0x2121, 0x2122, 0x2123, 0x2137, 0x2139, 0x213a, 0x213b, 0x2152, + 0x2153, 0x2154, 0x2155, 0x2156, 0x2157, 0x2158, 0x2159, 0x215a, + 0x215b, 0x2229, 0x222e, 0x214c, 0x214d, 0x225a, 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0x284c, 0x284d, 0x284e, 0x284f, + /* 0x3280 */ + 0x2d65, 0x2d66, 0x2d67, 0x2d68, 0x2d69, 0x2850, 0x2851, 0x2852, + 0x2853, 0x2854, 0x2855, 0x2856, 0x2857, 0x2858, 0x2859, 0x285a, + 0x285b, 0x285c, 0x285d, 0x285e, + /* 0x32C0 */ + 0x2c5b, 0x2c5c, 0x2c5d, 0x2c5e, 0x2c5f, 0x2c60, 0x2c61, 0x2c62, + 0x2c63, 0x2c64, 0x2c65, 0x2c66, 0x2c67, 0x2c68, 0x2c69, 0x2c6a, + 0x2c6b, 0x2c6c, 0x2c6d, 0x2c6e, 0x2c71, 0x2c70, 0x2c73, 0x2c72, + 0x2c6f, + /* 0x3300 */ + 0x2d46, 0x2d4a, 0x2d41, 0x2d44, 0x2d42, 0x2d4c, 0x2d4b, 0x2d45, + 0x2d4d, 0x2d47, 0x2d4f, + /* 0x3340 */ + 0x2d40, 0x2d4e, 0x2d43, 0x2d48, 0x2d49, 0x2d5f, 0x2d6f, 0x2d6e, + 0x2d6d, + /* 0x3380 */ + 0x2d53, 0x2d54, 0x2d50, 0x2d51, 0x2d52, 0x2d56, + /* 0x33C0 */ + 0x2d55, 0x235e, 0x2d63, + /* 0x3400 */ + 0x2e23, 0xa12d, 0xa132, 0xa133, + /* 0x3440 */ + 0xa15e, 0xa156, + /* 0x3480 */ + 0xa17e, 0x2e53, 0xa32b, + /* 0x34C0 */ + 0xf468, 0xa32f, 0x2e5b, + /* 0x3500 */ + 0xa348, + /* 0x3540 */ + 0xa35d, 0xa35e, 0xa361, 0xa367, + /* 0x3580 */ + 0xa423, 0xa426, + /* 0x35C0 */ + 0xa42f, 0xa438, 0xa442, + /* 0x3600 */ + 0xa44a, + /* 0x3640 */ + 0xa479, + /* 0x3680 */ + 0xa53f, 0xa543, 0xa541, + /* 0x36C0 */ + 0xa557, + /* 0x3740 */ + 0xa823, 0xa825, 0xa829, 0xa828, 0xa82c, + /* 0x3780 */ + 0x4f5f, + /* 0x37C0 */ + 0xa83e, 0x4f6f, 0xa856, 0xa859, 0xa85c, + /* 0x3800 */ + 0xa85e, 0xa86f, 0xa871, + /* 0x3840 */ + 0xa874, 0xa879, 0xa87b, + /* 0x38C0 */ + 0xac3b, + /* 0x3900 */ + 0xac46, 0xac4a, + /* 0x3940 */ + 0xac60, + /* 0x3A40 */ + 0xad5b, 0xad5f, + /* 0x3AC0 */ + 0xad71, 0xae36, 0xad7c, + /* 0x3B00 */ + 0xae2e, 0xae32, 0xae34, 0x7549, + /* 0x3B40 */ + 0xae6d, 0xae65, + /* 0x3B80 */ + 0xaf28, 0xaf29, 0xaf2c, 0xaf34, 0x757e, + /* 0x3BC0 */ + 0x7621, 0xaf48, 0xaf5d, + /* 0x3C00 */ + 0x763a, 0xaf77, + /* 0x3CC0 */ + 0xee3b, 0xee42, + /* 0x3D00 */ + 0xee71, 0xee7e, + /* 0x3D40 */ + 0xef40, + /* 0x3D80 */ + 0xef54, + /* 0x3DC0 */ + 0xef70, 0xef77, + /* 0x3E00 */ + 0xf028, 0x7766, + /* 0x3E40 */ + 0xf03f, 0xf041, 0xf042, + /* 0x3E80 */ + 0xf049, 0xf050, + /* 0x3F40 */ + 0xf134, 0x784d, 0xf146, 0xf148, + /* 0x3F80 */ + 0xf15c, + /* 0x3FC0 */ + 0xf167, 0xf16c, + /* 0x4000 */ + 0xf222, + /* 0x4040 */ + 0xf22d, + /* 0x4080 */ + 0xf239, + /* 0x4100 */ + 0xf264, + /* 0x4140 */ + 0xf274, 0xf277, 0xf27d, + /* 0x4180 */ + 0xf333, 0xf337, + /* 0x41C0 */ + 0xf347, 0xf34b, 0xf348, + /* 0x4200 */ + 0xf353, 0xf357, + /* 0x4240 */ + 0x796d, + /* 0x42C0 */ + 0xf42b, 0xf436, 0xf43b, + /* 0x4300 */ + 0xf44e, 0xf45d, + /* 0x4340 */ + 0xf461, + /* 0x43C0 */ + 0xf53e, 0xf542, + /* 0x4400 */ + 0xf548, 0xf54a, 0xf54c, 0xf54f, + /* 0x4440 */ + 0x7a59, 0x7a5a, 0xf56c, 0xf56e, + /* 0x4480 */ + 0xf577, 0xf635, 0xf632, + /* 0x44C0 */ + 0xf634, + /* 0x4500 */ + 0xf659, 0xf654, 0xf66d, + /* 0x4540 */ + 0xf66e, + /* 0x4580 */ + 0x7b51, 0xf74f, + /* 0x45C0 */ + 0xf76c, 0x7b60, + /* 0x4600 */ + 0xf824, + /* 0x4640 */ + 0xf83a, 0xf843, + /* 0x4680 */ + 0xf84e, 0xf853, + /* 0x4700 */ + 0xf86b, + /* 0x4740 */ + 0xf929, + /* 0x47C0 */ + 0xf93f, + /* 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0xa345, 0xa346, 0x5224, 0x332f, + /* 0x52C0 */ + 0x5226, 0x4b56, 0x443c, 0x4d26, 0x2e62, 0x4a59, 0xa347, 0x2e64, + 0x5227, 0x2e65, 0xa349, 0x7055, 0x4630, 0x2e66, 0x5228, 0x342a, + 0x4c33, 0x2e67, 0x3e21, 0x5229, 0x4a67, 0x522d, 0x402a, 0x522a, + 0x3650, 0x522b, 0x342b, 0x2e69, 0x372e, 0x522e, 0x522f, 0xa34b, + 0x5230, 0x5231, 0x3c5b, 0x2e6a, 0x387b, 0x4c5e, + /* 0x5300 */ + 0x2e6b, 0x4c68, 0x4677, 0x4a71, 0x5232, 0x2e6c, 0x5233, 0xa34c, + 0xa34d, 0x5235, 0x5237, 0x5236, 0x5238, 0x323d, 0x4b4c, 0x3a7c, + 0x5239, 0x2e6d, 0x4159, 0x3e22, 0x3629, 0x523a, 0xa34e, 0x485b, + 0x523b, 0x523c, 0x523d, 0xa34f, 0x523e, 0x4924, 0x3668, 0x3065, + 0xa350, 0x463f, + /* 0x5340 */ + 0x523f, 0x3d3d, 0xa351, 0x4069, 0x5241, 0x5240, 0x3e23, 0x3861, + 0x5243, 0x483e, 0x5244, 0x485c, 0x4234, 0x426e, 0x3628, 0x466e, + 0x4331, 0x476e, 0x4b4e, 0x5246, 0x406a, 0x2e6f, 0x2e70, 0x3735, + 0xa354, 0x5247, 0xa355, 0x5248, 0x312c, 0x3075, 0x346d, 0x4228, + 0x3551, 0x4d71, 0x524b, 0x3237, 0xa356, 0x524a, 0x2e71, 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0x5335, 0x533b, 0x2f28, + 0xa427, 0xa428, 0x5332, 0xa429, 0x5341, 0x5346, 0xa42b, 0x5342, + /* 0x5580 */ + 0x533d, 0x2f29, 0xa42c, 0x5347, 0x4131, 0x2f2a, 0x5349, 0xa42d, + 0x3922, 0x533f, 0x437d, 0x2f2b, 0xa42e, 0x5343, 0x533c, 0x342d, + 0x346e, 0x3365, 0x5344, 0x5340, 0x3776, 0x534a, 0x5348, 0x4153, + 0x354a, 0x362c, 0x2f2d, 0x5345, 0x3674, 0x3144, 0xa433, + /* 0x55C0 */ + 0x534e, 0x534c, 0x5427, 0xa434, 0xa435, 0x2f2e, 0xa436, 0xa430, + 0x5351, 0x534b, 0x534f, 0xa437, 0x534d, 0xa439, 0x3b4c, 0x5350, + 0xa43b, 0x5353, 0x5358, 0x5356, 0x5355, + /* 0x5600 */ + 0x4332, 0xa43e, 0x2f30, 0x3245, 0x2f31, 0xa43f, 0x5352, 0x5354, + 0x3e28, 0x3133, 0x5357, 0xa43c, 0x325e, 0x5362, 0xa440, 0x3e7c, + 0x535e, 0x535c, 0x535d, 0xa441, 0x535f, 0x2f32, 0xa443, 0xa444, + /* 0x5640 */ + 0xa445, 0x313d, 0xa446, 0x2f33, 0x4139, 0x5359, 0x535a, 0x7427, + 0x337a, 0xa447, 0xa448, 0x5361, 0x2f35, 0x346f, 0x5364, 0x5360, + 0x5363, 0xa449, 0x2f37, 0x2f38, 0x2f39, 0x4a2e, 0x2f34, 0x4655, + 0x4838, + /* 0x5680 */ + 0x5366, 0x5365, 0x3345, 0xa44b, 0x5367, 0xa44c, 0x536a, 0x5369, + 0xa44d, 0x2f3a, 0xa44e, 0xa44f, 0x2f3b, 0x5368, 0x4739, 0x536b, + 0xa450, 0x2f3c, 0x2f3d, 0xa451, 0x536c, 0xa452, 0x2f3e, 0x536e, + 0x536d, 0x5370, + /* 0x56C0 */ + 0x5373, 0x5371, 0x536f, 0x5372, 0xa453, 0x5374, 0x2f3f, 0x2f40, + 0xa454, 0x5375, 0x5376, 0x5377, 0x5378, 0x5145, 0x3c7c, 0x3b4d, + 0x3273, 0xa455, 0x3078, 0x4344, 0xa456, 0x5379, 0x3a24, 0x304f, + 0x3f5e, 0xa457, 0xa458, 0x537a, 0x3847, 0x3971, 0x537c, + /* 0x5700 */ + 0x537b, 0x4a60, 0x537d, 0x5421, 0x537e, 0x2f41, 0x5422, 0x5423, + 0x3777, 0x3160, 0x5424, 0xa45a, 0x5426, 0x5425, 0x5428, 0x455a, + 0x2f43, 0xa45b, 0x5429, 0x3035, 0x3a5f, 0xa45d, 0x373d, 0x2f44, + 0x434f, 0x2f45, 0x2f46, 0x542a, 0x542b, 0x542d, + /* 0x5740 */ + 0x542e, 0x3a64, 0xa45f, 0xa460, 0x3651, 0x4b37, 0xa461, 0xa462, + 0x542c, 0x542f, 0x3a41, 0x3923, 0x5433, 0x3a25, 0x4333, 0xa464, + 0x5430, 0x445a, 0xa465, 0x2f47, 0xa466, 0xa467, 0xa468, 0x2f48, + 0xa469, 0x2f49, 0x5434, + /* 0x5780 */ + 0x3f62, 0x5432, 0x5435, 0x373f, 0x5436, 0xa46d, 0x2f4a, 0xa46e, + 0xa46f, 0x5437, 0x3924, 0x3340, 0x5439, 0xa470, 0x543a, 0xa46c, + 0x543b, 0x5438, 0x2f4d, + /* 0x57C0 */ + 0x5431, 0x543c, 0x543d, 0x2f4e, 0x2f4f, 0x4b64, 0xa473, 0x3e6b, + 0x2f50, 0x543f, 0x5440, 0x543e, 0x5442, 0xa471, 0x4738, 0xa476, + 0x3068, 0x4956, 0x5443, 0x2f51, 0xa477, 0x2f52, 0xa478, 0x3e7d, + 0x2f53, 0x2f54, 0x3c39, 0xa47a, 0x475d, 0x3470, 0xa47b, 0x3a6b, + 0xa47c, 0x2f55, + /* 0x5800 */ + 0x4b59, 0x4632, 0xa47d, 0x3778, 0x424f, 0x2f56, 0x5441, 0x5444, + 0x4244, 0x5445, 0x5446, 0xa47e, 0xa521, 0x5448, 0x4469, 0xa522, + 0x342e, 0x7421, 0x3161, 0x4a73, 0xa523, 0x3e6c, 0x4548, 0xa524, + 0x3a66, 0x544e, + /* 0x5840 */ + 0x4a3d, 0x4e5d, 0xa526, 0x3274, 0x544a, 0xa527, 0x413a, 0x544d, + 0x4563, 0x4549, 0x4564, 0x4839, 0x444d, 0x3a49, 0x2f58, 0x5449, + 0x2f59, 0xa528, 0x3176, 0x4536, 0x544b, 0x5447, 0x3f50, 0x544f, + 0x2f5b, 0x3d4e, + /* 0x5880 */ + 0x362d, 0x5450, 0x2f5c, 0xa529, 0xa52a, 0xa52b, 0xa52c, 0xa52d, + 0x4a68, 0xa52e, 0x417d, 0x4446, 0xa52f, 0x2f5d, 0x5452, 0x4b4f, + 0x2f5f, 0xa530, 0x5453, 0x5458, 0xa531, 0x4a2f, 0x5457, 0x5451, + 0x5454, 0x5456, 0x3a26, + /* 0x58C0 */ + 0x4a49, 0xa533, 0x5459, 0x4345, 0x3275, 0x3e6d, 0xa534, 0x2f62, + 0x545b, 0x2f61, 0x545a, 0x2f63, 0x3968, 0x545c, 0x545e, 0x545d, + 0x2f64, 0x5460, 0x5455, 0x5462, 0x2f65, 0xa535, 0x5461, 0x545f, + 0x2f66, 0x3b4e, 0x3f51, 0x4154, 0x5463, 0x403c, 0x306d, 0x4764, + 0xa536, 0xa537, 0x445b, 0x5465, 0x5464, 0x5466, 0x5467, 0x5468, + /* 0x5900 */ + 0x5469, 0xa538, 0xa539, 0x4a51, 0x546a, 0xa53a, 0x2f67, 0xa53b, + 0x3246, 0x546b, 0xa53c, 0x4d3c, 0x3330, 0x5249, 0x3d48, 0x423f, + 0x546c, 0x4c6b, 0x4c34, 0xa53d, 0x546e, 0x4267, 0x4537, 0x4240, + 0x4957, 0x546f, 0x5470, 0x317b, 0x3c3a, 0x5471, 0x3050, 0x5472, + 0xa540, 0x5473, + /* 0x5940 */ + 0x3162, 0xa542, 0x3471, 0x4660, 0x4a74, 0x5477, 0x4155, 0x5476, + 0x3740, 0x4b5b, 0x5475, 0x4565, 0x5479, 0x5478, 0xa545, 0x2f69, + 0xa546, 0x547b, 0x547a, 0x317c, 0x547c, 0x3e29, 0x547e, 0x4325, + 0x547d, 0x2f6a, 0x4a33, 0x3d77, 0x455b, 0xa548, 0xa549, 0x5521, + 0xa54a, 0x3925, + /* 0x5980 */ + 0x5522, 0x4721, 0x485e, 0x4c51, 0x4725, 0x2f6b, 0x552b, 0x2f6c, + 0x3538, 0x4d45, 0x4c2f, 0x562c, 0x5523, 0xa54b, 0x5526, 0x2f6d, + 0x4245, 0x4b38, 0x454a, 0xa54c, 0x5527, 0x4b65, 0x3a4a, 0xa54d, + 0x3e2a, + /* 0x59C0 */ + 0x2f6e, 0x5528, 0xa54e, 0x3b50, 0x3b4f, 0xa54f, 0x3039, 0x3848, + 0x2f6f, 0x402b, 0x3051, 0x552c, 0x552d, 0x552a, 0x2f70, 0xa550, + 0xa551, 0xa552, 0x3138, 0x342f, 0xa553, 0x5529, 0x4c45, 0x4931, + 0xa554, 0x3028, 0x7e7a, 0x3079, 0x3b51, + /* 0x5A00 */ + 0x3052, 0x3023, 0x5532, 0xa558, 0xa559, 0x5530, 0x2f71, 0xa55a, + 0x4c3c, 0x5533, 0x5531, 0x552f, 0x3f31, 0x2f72, 0x552e, 0xa55b, + 0x4a5a, 0xa55c, 0x3864, 0x5537, 0x5538, 0x3e2b, + /* 0x5A40 */ + 0x5534, 0x4f2c, 0x474c, 0x5536, 0xa55d, 0x3a27, 0x5539, 0xa55e, + 0x4958, 0x2f73, 0x553a, 0x5535, 0x2f74, 0x2f75, 0xa55f, 0x2f76, + 0x4c3b, + /* 0x5A80 */ + 0x2f77, 0xa560, 0x475e, 0x553b, 0x4932, 0xa561, 0x2f78, 0xa562, + 0xa563, 0xa564, 0x2f79, 0xa565, 0xa566, 0xa567, 0xa568, 0x553c, + 0x5540, 0x553d, 0xa569, + /* 0x5AC0 */ + 0x3247, 0x553f, 0x2f7a, 0x3c3b, 0x553e, 0x3779, 0x554c, 0x5545, + 0x5542, 0xa56a, 0xa56b, 0xa56c, 0x4364, 0x5541, 0xa56d, 0x5543, + 0x5544, 0xa56f, 0xa56e, 0xa570, 0x5546, 0x5547, + /* 0x5B00 */ + 0xa571, 0xa572, 0x3472, 0x5549, 0x5548, 0x554a, 0xa573, 0x2f7c, + 0x3e6e, 0x2f7d, 0x554d, 0x445c, 0xa575, 0x3145, 0x554b, 0xa574, + 0x554e, 0x554f, + /* 0x5B40 */ + 0x5552, 0x4f55, 0x5550, 0x5551, 0xa576, 0x3b52, 0x5553, 0xa577, + 0x3926, 0x5554, 0x4f56, 0x3b7a, 0x4238, 0x5555, 0x5556, 0x3b5a, + 0x3927, 0x4c52, 0x3528, 0x3849, 0x5557, 0x3358, 0xa578, 0x5558, + 0x4239, 0xa579, 0x5559, 0x5623, 0x555a, 0x555b, 0x555c, 0x555e, + 0xa57a, 0x4f57, 0xa57b, + /* 0x5B80 */ + 0x555f, 0xa57c, 0x5560, 0xa57d, 0x4270, 0x3127, 0x3c69, 0x3042, + 0x4157, 0x3430, 0x3c35, 0x3928, 0x4f58, 0x4566, 0xa821, 0x3d21, + 0x3431, 0x4368, 0x446a, 0x3038, 0x3539, 0x4a75, 0x3c42, 0x3552, + 0x406b, 0x3c3c, 0x4d28, 0x5561, 0xa822, 0x355c, 0x3a4b, 0x3332, + 0x3163, 0x3e2c, 0x3248, 0x5562, 0x4d46, 0x3d49, + /* 0x5BC0 */ + 0xa824, 0x3c64, 0x5563, 0x3473, 0x4652, 0x4c29, 0x5564, 0x5565, + 0x4959, 0xa826, 0x5567, 0x3428, 0x3677, 0x5566, 0xa827, 0x4f59, + 0x3432, 0x3f32, 0x556b, 0x3b21, 0x3249, 0x556a, 0x5568, 0x556c, + 0x5569, 0x472b, 0x5c4d, 0x3f33, 0x556d, 0x4f5a, 0x4e40, 0x556e, + 0xa82a, 0x5570, 0x437e, 0x556f, 0x4023, 0x3b7b, 0xa82b, 0x4250, + 0x3c77, + /* 0x5C00 */ + 0x4975, 0x406c, 0xa82d, 0x3c4d, 0x5571, 0x3e2d, 0x5572, 0x5573, + 0x3053, 0x423a, 0x3f52, 0x5574, 0x4633, 0x3e2e, 0x3e2f, 0x4f5b, + 0x5575, 0x406d, 0x3e30, 0x4f5c, 0x5576, 0x5577, 0x4f5d, 0x4c60, + 0x5578, 0xa82e, 0x4f5e, 0x3646, 0xa82f, 0x3d22, 0x5579, 0x557a, + 0x3c5c, 0x3f2c, 0x4674, 0x3f54, 0x4878, 0x4722, + /* 0x5C40 */ + 0x3649, 0x557b, 0x356f, 0x557c, 0x367e, 0x464f, 0x3230, 0x3b53, + 0x557d, 0x5622, 0x5621, 0x367d, 0x557e, 0x4538, 0x7e7b, 0x4230, + 0xa831, 0x454b, 0x3c48, 0x4f60, 0xa832, 0x4158, 0x4d7a, 0xa833, + 0xa834, 0xa835, 0x5624, 0x5625, 0x4656, 0xa836, 0x3b33, 0x5627, + 0x5628, 0x4f64, 0xa839, + /* 0x5C80 */ + 0xa83c, 0xa83d, 0x5629, 0x4f65, 0x3474, 0x562a, 0x562b, 0x4f66, + 0xa841, 0x322c, 0xa842, 0x4f67, 0xa843, 0xa844, 0x413b, 0x3464, + 0x4f68, 0x562d, 0x4c28, 0xa846, 0x4252, 0x3359, 0xa847, 0x562f, + 0x5631, 0x345f, 0x4f69, 0x562e, 0x5630, 0x5633, + /* 0x5CC0 */ + 0x5632, 0x5634, 0xa849, 0x4f6a, 0x4f6b, 0x4f6c, 0x5635, 0x463d, + 0x362e, 0x3265, 0x5636, 0x563b, 0x5639, 0x4a77, 0x4a76, 0x4f6d, + 0x4567, 0x5638, 0x3d54, 0x5637, + /* 0x5D00 */ + 0xa84c, 0x3f72, 0x563c, 0x4f70, 0x3a6a, 0xa84d, 0x5642, 0x5643, + 0x563d, 0x3333, 0x563e, 0x5647, 0x5646, 0x5645, 0x5641, 0xa84f, + 0x5640, 0xa850, 0x5644, 0xa851, 0xa852, 0x4f71, 0x4a78, 0xa84e, + 0xa853, 0xa854, + /* 0x5D40 */ + 0xa855, 0x4f73, 0x4f74, 0x4f76, 0x564b, 0x5648, 0x564a, 0x4d72, + 0x5649, 0x4f75, 0x563f, 0xa857, 0x3f73, 0xa858, 0x564c, 0x4f77, + 0x3a37, 0xa85a, 0x564d, 0x564e, + /* 0x5D80 */ + 0x4f78, 0x5651, 0x5650, 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0x5675, 0x7e7c, 0x392c, 0x3434, 0x5676, + 0x3838, 0x4d44, 0x4d29, 0x3476, 0x5678, + /* 0x5E80 */ + 0x4423, 0x392d, 0x3e31, 0x485f, 0x3e32, 0x3d78, 0x446c, 0x4a79, + 0x4539, 0x392e, 0x495c, 0x5679, 0xac23, 0x4559, 0x3a42, 0xac24, + 0x384b, 0xac25, 0x446d, 0x3043, 0x3d6e, 0x392f, 0x4d47, 0xac26, + 0x742d, 0xac27, + /* 0x5EC0 */ + 0x567a, 0x567b, 0x4751, 0xac28, 0x567c, 0x4e77, 0x4f2d, 0x742f, + 0x567e, 0x567d, 0xac29, 0x3347, 0x5721, 0xac2a, 0x5724, 0x5725, + 0x5723, 0x4940, 0x3e33, 0x5727, 0x5726, 0x5722, 0x5728, 0x5729, + 0x572a, 0x572d, 0x572b, 0x572c, 0x572e, 0x3164, 0x446e, 0x572f, + 0x7430, 0x377a, 0x3276, 0x4736, 0xac2c, 0x5730, 0x467b, + /* 0x5F00 */ + 0x7431, 0x4a5b, 0x7432, 0x5731, 0x4f2e, 0x7433, 0xac2d, 0x5732, + 0x4a40, 0x5735, 0x5021, 0x5031, 0xac2e, 0x3c30, 0x4675, 0x5736, + 0x355d, 0x4424, 0x307a, 0x5737, 0x4a26, 0x3930, 0x4350, 0xac2f, + 0x7434, 0xac31, 0x446f, 0x7435, 0x4c6f, 0x3839, 0x384c, 0x5738, + 0x5739, 0x573f, 0x3c65, 0x7436, 0x4425, 0x7437, 0x362f, 0x573a, + 0x492b, 0x7438, 0x4346, + /* 0x5F40 */ + 0x7439, 0x573b, 0x743a, 0xac32, 0x573c, 0x3630, 0x573d, 0x573e, + 0x5740, 0x4576, 0x743b, 0x5741, 0x5742, 0x743c, 0x5743, 0x5734, + 0x5733, 0x5744, 0x3741, 0xac33, 0x743d, 0x4927, 0x743e, 0x3a4c, + 0x4937, 0x4426, 0x494b, 0x5745, 0x3e34, 0x3146, 0xac34, 0x5746, + 0x5747, 0x4c72, 0x4860, 0x743f, 0xac35, 0x574a, + /* 0x5F80 */ + 0x317d, 0x402c, 0x5749, 0x5748, 0x3742, 0x4254, 0x574e, 0x574c, + 0x7440, 0x574b, 0x4e27, 0x3865, 0xac36, 0x3d79, 0x574d, 0x454c, + 0x3d3e, 0x4640, 0x5751, 0x5750, 0x7441, 0x574f, 0x5752, 0x3866, + 0xac37, 0xac38, 0x7442, 0x5753, 0x497c, 0x3d5b, 0x5754, 0x4879, + 0x7443, 0x4641, 0x4427, 0x7444, 0x7445, 0xac39, 0x4530, 0x5755, + 0x352b, + /* 0x5FC0 */ + 0x3f34, 0xac3a, 0x492c, 0xac3c, 0x7446, 0xac3d, 0x3477, 0x4726, + 0xac3e, 0xac3f, 0xac40, 0x5756, 0x3b56, 0x4b3a, 0x4b3b, 0x317e, + 0x575b, 0x7447, 0x4369, 0x7448, 0xac41, 0x5758, 0x7449, 0x3277, + 0xac42, 0xac43, 0x582d, 0x575a, 0xac44, 0x4730, 0x5759, 0x5757, + 0xac45, 0x397a, 0x575d, + /* 0x6000 */ + 0x744a, 0x5763, 0x5769, 0x5761, 0x455c, 0x744b, 0x5766, 0x495d, + 0xac47, 0x744c, 0x5760, 0x5765, 0x4e67, 0x3b57, 0x4255, 0x575e, + 0xac48, 0xac49, 0x355e, 0x5768, 0x402d, 0x3165, 0x5762, 0x3278, + 0x5767, 0x3631, 0x5764, 0x744d, 0x744e, 0x576a, + /* 0x6040 */ + 0x576c, 0x5776, 0x5774, 0x5771, 0x744f, 0x5770, 0x4e78, 0xac4b, + 0x5772, 0x3632, 0x3931, 0x3d7a, 0x5779, 0x576b, 0x576f, 0x575f, + 0x327a, 0x5773, 0x5775, 0x4351, 0x3a28, 0x3238, 0x576d, 0x5778, + 0x5777, 0x3633, 0x4229, 0x3366, 0x3743, 0x576e, 0xac4c, + /* 0x6080 */ + 0x577a, 0x577d, 0x5821, 0x3c3d, 0xac4d, 0x5827, 0x4470, 0x577b, + 0x5825, 0x3279, 0xac4e, 0x5823, 0x5824, 0x577e, 0x5822, 0x7451, + 0x7452, 0x3867, 0x4d2a, 0x3435, 0x3159, 0x5826, 0xac4f, 0x473a, + 0x302d, 0xac51, 0xac52, 0x4861, 0x575c, 0x582c, 0x5830, 0x4c65, + 0x5829, 0x4569, 0x582e, 0xac53, + /* 0x60C0 */ + 0x3e70, 0x582f, 0x4657, 0xac54, 0x7453, 0x4f47, 0x582b, 0x7454, + 0x7455, 0x5831, 0xac55, 0x397b, 0xac56, 0x404b, 0x7456, 0x3054, + 0x582a, 0x5828, 0x415a, 0x577c, 0x3b34, 0xac57, 0x4246, 0x583d, + 0xac58, 0x415b, 0x5838, 0xac59, 0x5835, 0x5836, 0x7457, 0x3c66, + 0x5839, 0x583c, + /* 0x6100 */ + 0x5837, 0x3d25, 0x583a, 0x5834, 0x4c7c, 0x4c7b, 0x583e, 0x583f, + 0x3055, 0xac5a, 0xac5b, 0xac5c, 0x5833, 0xac5d, 0x3672, 0x3026, + 0x7458, 0xac5e, 0x3436, 0x583b, 0x5843, 0x5842, 0x7459, 0x5847, + 0x745a, 0x5848, 0x745b, 0xac5f, 0x5846, 0x5849, 0x5841, 0x5845, + /* 0x6140 */ + 0xac61, 0x584a, 0x584b, 0xac62, 0x5840, 0x3b7c, 0x5844, 0x4256, + 0x3932, 0x5832, 0x3f35, 0x5858, 0x4a69, 0x584e, 0x584f, 0x5850, + 0x5857, 0x5856, 0xac63, 0x4b7d, 0x3437, 0x5854, 0x3745, 0x3334, + 0x5851, 0x4e38, 0x5853, 0x3056, 0x5855, 0x584c, 0x5852, 0x5859, + 0x3744, 0x584d, 0xac64, 0x4d5d, + /* 0x6180 */ + 0x4d2b, 0x585c, 0x5860, 0x745d, 0x417e, 0x4e79, 0x5861, 0xac66, + 0xac67, 0x585e, 0x585b, 0xac68, 0xac69, 0x585a, 0x585f, 0x4a30, + 0xac6a, 0x4634, 0xac6b, 0x3746, 0x5862, 0x585d, 0xac6c, 0x5863, + 0x377b, 0x3231, 0x7460, 0x586b, 0x745f, 0x3438, + /* 0x61C0 */ + 0x5869, 0x586a, 0x3a29, 0x5868, 0x5866, 0x5865, 0x586c, 0x5864, + 0x586e, 0x327b, 0xac6e, 0xac6f, 0xac70, 0x5870, 0x586f, 0x4428, + 0x5873, 0xac71, 0x5871, 0x5867, 0x377c, 0x5872, 0x5876, 0x5875, + 0x5877, 0x5874, + /* 0x6200 */ + 0x5878, 0x5879, 0x587a, 0x4a6a, 0x587c, 0x587b, 0x3d3f, 0x402e, + 0x3266, 0x327c, 0x587d, 0xac73, 0x303f, 0x404c, 0x587e, 0x6c43, + 0x5921, 0x3761, 0x5922, 0x7462, 0xac74, 0x406f, 0xac75, 0x5923, + 0x5924, 0x353a, 0x5925, 0x5926, 0x5927, 0x4257, 0x384d, 0x4c61, + 0x7463, 0x4b3c, + /* 0x6240 */ + 0x3d6a, 0x5928, 0x7464, 0xac76, 0x4070, 0x6e3d, 0x4862, 0x3c6a, + 0xac77, 0x3a4d, 0x5929, 0xac78, 0xac79, 0x4247, 0x4a27, 0x7465, + 0x4271, 0x7466, 0x592c, 0x592a, 0x592d, 0xac7a, 0x592b, 0xac7b, + 0x592e, 0xac7d, 0x4a31, 0x7467, 0x3037, 0xac7e, 0x495e, 0x4863, + 0xac7c, 0x592f, 0x5932, 0x3e35, + /* 0x6280 */ + 0x353b, 0x5930, 0x5937, 0x3e36, 0x7468, 0x5931, 0x4744, 0x4d5e, + 0x5933, 0x5934, 0x5938, 0x456a, 0x5935, 0x3933, 0x405e, 0xad21, + 0x5946, 0x4834, 0x4272, 0xad22, 0x4864, 0x5a2d, 0x4a7a, 0x4471, + 0x4b75, 0x593b, 0x3221, 0x436a, + /* 0x62C0 */ + 0x5944, 0x7469, 0x4334, 0x593e, 0x5945, 0x5940, 0x5947, 0x5943, + 0x5942, 0x476f, 0x593c, 0x327d, 0x593a, 0x3571, 0x4273, 0x5936, + 0xad23, 0x746a, 0x5939, 0x3934, 0x405b, 0x3e37, 0x5941, 0x4752, + 0x3572, 0x3348, 0x3367, 0x3f21, 0x5949, 0x594e, 0x594a, 0x377d, + 0x594f, 0x3b22, 0x3969, 0x746b, 0xad25, 0x3d26, 0x593d, + /* 0x6300 */ + 0x3b7d, 0x594c, 0xad26, 0x3b58, 0x594d, 0x3044, 0x746c, 0x5948, + 0xad27, 0xad28, 0x4429, 0x746d, 0x3573, 0x3634, 0x594b, 0x3027, + 0x3a43, 0x3f36, 0xad2b, 0xad2c, 0x746e, 0x4472, 0xad2d, 0xad2e, + 0x4854, 0x5951, 0x415e, + /* 0x6340 */ + 0xad2f, 0x746f, 0xad30, 0x422a, 0x3b2b, 0x5952, 0xad31, 0x5954, + 0x5950, 0x4a61, 0x443d, 0xad33, 0x415c, 0x7470, 0x4a7b, 0x3c4e, + 0x5960, 0x595f, 0xad36, 0x3f78, 0x377e, 0x5959, 0x3e39, 0x4668, + 0x4731, 0x7471, + /* 0x6380 */ + 0x5957, 0x415d, 0xad37, 0x3c78, 0x595c, 0x3e38, 0x5956, 0x595b, + 0x4753, 0xad3a, 0x5955, 0x3721, 0xad38, 0x335d, 0x595d, 0x4e2b, + 0x3a4e, 0x4335, 0x595a, 0x405c, 0x3935, 0x3f64, 0x3166, 0x413c, + 0x5958, 0x3545, 0x3747, 0x444f, 0x595e, 0x415f, 0xad3b, 0x5961, + /* 0x63C0 */ + 0x5963, 0x4237, 0x5969, 0x5964, 0x5966, 0x4941, 0x4473, 0x5967, + 0xad3d, 0xad3e, 0x4d2c, 0x4d48, 0x3439, 0xad3f, 0xad40, 0x302e, + 0x5965, 0x7472, 0x5962, 0xad41, 0xad42, 0x7473, 0x3478, 0xad43, + 0x3167, 0x7474, 0x5968, 0xad3c, 0x4d49, + /* 0x6400 */ + 0x596c, 0xad44, 0x423b, 0x5973, 0x7475, 0x596d, 0x7476, 0x596a, + 0x5971, 0x5953, 0xad45, 0x7477, 0xad46, 0x596e, 0x5972, 0xad47, + 0x4842, 0x456b, 0xad48, 0x596b, 0x596f, 0x3748, 0x3a71, + /* 0x6440 */ + 0x405d, 0x5977, 0x7479, 0x4526, 0xad49, 0xad4a, 0xad4b, 0x747a, + 0x5974, 0x4b60, 0x747b, 0x5975, 0xad4c, 0x5976, 0x4c4e, 0x7478, + 0x4022, 0xad4d, + /* 0x6480 */ + 0x3762, 0xad4e, 0x597d, 0xad4f, 0x3b35, 0x597a, 0x5979, 0x4732, + 0xad50, 0x4635, 0xad51, 0x4531, 0x597b, 0x597c, 0x496f, 0x4745, + 0x3b23, 0x4071, 0x4b50, 0x3349, 0x5a25, 0x597e, 0x747d, 0x747e, + /* 0x64C0 */ + 0x4d4a, 0x5a27, 0x7521, 0x5a23, 0x5a24, 0x7522, 0xad52, 0xad53, + 0x4160, 0x747c, 0x7523, 0x5a22, 0x593f, 0xad54, 0xad55, 0x5a26, + 0x5a21, 0x5a2b, 0x5a2c, 0x4527, 0x5a2e, 0xad57, 0xad58, 0x3b24, + 0x5a29, 0x353c, 0x5a2f, 0x5a28, 0x5a33, 0x5a32, 0x5a31, 0x7524, + 0x5a34, 0x7525, 0x5a36, 0x3e71, 0xad59, + /* 0x6500 */ + 0x5a35, 0xad5a, 0x5a39, 0xad5c, 0xad5d, 0xad5e, 0x5a37, 0x5a38, + 0x5970, 0xad60, 0x7526, 0x5a3b, 0x5a3a, 0x7527, 0x5978, 0x5a3c, + 0x5a30, 0x3b59, 0xad61, 0x5a3d, 0x5a3e, 0x5a40, 0x5a3f, 0x5a41, + 0x327e, 0x3936, 0x4a7c, 0x402f, + /* 0x6540 */ + 0xad62, 0x384e, 0x5a43, 0x5a46, 0x4952, 0x355f, 0xad63, 0x5a45, + 0x5a44, 0x4754, 0x5a47, 0x3635, 0x5a49, 0x5a48, 0x343a, 0x3b36, + 0x4658, 0x7529, 0xad64, 0x3749, 0x3f74, 0x5a4a, 0x4030, 0x4528, + 0x495f, 0x5a4b, 0xad65, + /* 0x6580 */ + 0xad66, 0x5a4c, 0x5a4d, 0xad67, 0xad68, 0x4a38, 0x555d, 0x4046, + 0xad69, 0x494c, 0x3a58, 0x4865, 0x4843, 0x454d, 0x4e41, 0x5a4f, + 0x3c50, 0x752a, 0x5a50, 0x3036, 0x3654, 0x404d, 0x4960, 0x5a51, + 0x3b42, 0x4347, 0x3b5b, 0x3f37, 0xad6a, 0xad6b, 0x5a52, 0xad6c, + 0x4a7d, 0x3177, 0x3b5c, 0xad6d, + /* 0x65C0 */ + 0x5a55, 0xad6e, 0x5a53, 0x5a56, 0x4e39, 0x5a54, 0xad6f, 0x407b, + 0x5a57, 0x4232, 0x5a58, 0xad70, 0x347a, 0x5a5a, 0x5a59, 0x5a5b, + 0x5a5c, 0x347b, 0x467c, 0x4336, 0x356c, 0x3b5d, 0x4161, 0x3d5c, + 0x3030, 0x5a5d, 0xad72, 0xad73, 0x3222, 0x5a61, 0xad74, + /* 0x6600 */ + 0x752c, 0x3937, 0x5a60, 0xad75, 0x3a2b, 0x3e3a, 0xad76, 0x752d, + 0x5a5f, 0x3e3b, 0x4c40, 0x3a2a, 0x3057, 0x404e, 0x752e, 0x5a66, + 0x752f, 0x4031, 0x3147, 0xad77, 0x7531, 0x7532, 0x3d55, 0x4b66, + 0x3a72, 0xad78, 0x7533, 0x3e3c, 0x4027, 0x7534, 0x7535, 0x7536, + 0x5a65, 0x5a63, 0x5a64, 0x7530, 0x436b, 0x5b26, + /* 0x6640 */ + 0x5a6a, 0x3b7e, 0x3938, 0x5a68, 0xad79, 0x7538, 0x5a69, 0x3f38, + 0x7539, 0xad7b, 0x5a67, 0xad7a, 0x3b2f, 0xad7e, 0x753b, 0x753c, + 0xae21, 0x5a6c, 0x5a6b, 0x5a70, 0x753d, 0x5a71, 0xae22, 0x5a6d, + 0x753e, 0x3322, 0x5a6e, 0x5a6f, 0x4855, 0xae25, 0xae26, 0xae27, + 0xae28, 0x4961, 0x374a, 0x5a72, 0x753f, 0x4032, 0x3e3d, 0x7540, + 0x7541, 0x4352, 0xae29, + /* 0x6680 */ + 0xae2a, 0x3647, 0x5a73, 0x5a77, 0x324b, 0x5a74, 0x5a76, 0x7542, + 0x5a75, 0xae2b, 0x3d6b, 0xae2c, 0x4348, 0x3045, 0x5a78, 0xae2d, + 0x5a79, 0x7544, 0x442a, 0x4e71, 0x3b43, 0xae2f, 0x4a6b, 0xae30, + 0x7545, 0x4b3d, 0xae31, 0x5b22, 0x5a7b, 0x7546, 0x5a7e, 0x5a7d, + 0xae33, + /* 0x66C0 */ + 0x5a7a, 0x5b21, 0x7547, 0x465e, 0x7548, 0x5a7c, 0x5b23, 0x3d6c, + 0x5b24, 0x754a, 0x4d4b, 0x4778, 0x5b25, 0x5b27, 0x754b, 0x5b28, + 0xae35, 0x5b29, 0x364a, 0x3148, 0x3939, 0x5b2a, 0x5b2b, 0x3d71, + 0x4162, 0x754c, 0x7537, 0x5258, 0x413e, 0x413d, 0x4258, + /* 0x6700 */ + 0x3a47, 0xae37, 0x5072, 0xae38, 0x376e, 0x4d2d, 0x4a7e, 0x497e, + 0x5b2c, 0xae39, 0x754d, 0x3a73, 0x443f, 0x5b2d, 0x4f2f, 0xae3b, + 0x4b3e, 0x442b, 0x5b2e, 0x347c, 0x5b2f, 0x5b30, 0x4c5a, 0x4c24, + 0x4b76, 0x4b5c, 0x3b25, 0x5b32, 0x3c6b, 0x754f, 0x4b51, 0x5b34, + 0x5b37, 0x5b36, 0x3479, 0x3560, 0x5b33, + /* 0x6740 */ + 0x5b35, 0x5b38, 0x7551, 0x7552, 0x3f79, 0xae3e, 0xae3f, 0x4d7b, + 0x3049, 0x3a60, 0x423c, 0x3c5d, 0xae40, 0x3e73, 0x5b3b, 0x454e, + 0xae41, 0x5b39, 0x422b, 0x5b3a, 0x3e72, 0x4c5d, 0x5b3c, 0x5b3d, + 0x4d68, 0x7550, 0x5b42, 0x393a, 0x4755, 0x5b3f, 0x456c, 0x5a5e, + 0x5a62, 0xae45, 0x354f, 0xae46, 0x4747, 0x7553, 0x5b41, 0x3e3e, + 0x4844, + /* 0x6780 */ + 0x7554, 0x5b47, 0x487a, 0x5b3e, 0x5b44, 0x5b43, 0x404f, 0xae48, + 0x7555, 0x4b6d, 0x4e53, 0x7556, 0x4b67, 0x7557, 0x324c, 0x3b5e, + 0x4f48, 0x5b46, 0x3f75, 0x5b45, 0x5b40, 0x384f, 0xae4c, 0xae4d, + 0x5b4c, 0x5b4a, 0x324d, 0x5b48, 0x5b4e, 0x5b54, 0x7558, + /* 0x67C0 */ + 0x755a, 0x4248, 0xae4e, 0x4a41, 0x5b56, 0xae4f, 0x4922, 0x5b55, + 0x4770, 0x4b3f, 0x343b, 0xae50, 0x4077, 0x3d40, 0x755b, 0x4453, + 0xae51, 0x4d2e, 0xae52, 0x5b51, 0x5b50, 0x5b52, 0x5b4f, 0x5b57, + 0x5b4d, 0x5b4b, 0x5b53, 0x5b49, 0xae53, 0x436c, 0x4c78, 0x3c46, + 0x3a74, 0xae54, 0x7559, 0x3a3a, 0x755c, 0x4b6f, 0x3341, + /* 0x6800 */ + 0x755d, 0x444e, 0x464a, 0x3149, 0xae4b, 0x4072, 0x4034, 0x372a, + 0xae58, 0x755f, 0x5b59, 0xae59, 0x393b, 0x337c, 0x5b5b, 0x3374, + 0x5b61, 0x7560, 0xae5a, 0x7561, 0x5b5e, 0xae5c, 0x4073, 0x334b, + 0x3a2c, 0xae5d, 0x334a, 0x3a4f, 0xae5e, + /* 0x6840 */ + 0x5b5c, 0x3765, 0x374b, 0x456d, 0xae5f, 0xae60, 0x5b5a, 0x3046, + 0xae61, 0xae62, 0x5b5d, 0x5b5f, 0x364d, 0x372c, 0x755e, 0x343c, + 0x354b, 0xae63, 0xae64, 0x5b62, 0x7562, 0x3a79, 0x4b71, 0x3b37, + 0x5b63, 0x4930, 0xae66, 0xae67, 0x7563, 0x5b6f, 0x7564, 0x3233, + 0x5b64, 0xae68, 0xae69, 0x5b75, 0x5b65, + /* 0x6880 */ + 0x4e42, 0xae6a, 0x5b6c, 0x475f, 0x5b74, 0x5b67, 0xae6b, 0x3034, + 0x5b69, 0xae6c, 0x393c, 0xae6e, 0xae6f, 0xae70, 0x5b6b, 0xae71, + 0x5b6a, 0x5b66, 0x5b71, 0x3e3f, 0x7566, 0x7567, 0x546d, 0x3868, + 0x4d7c, 0xae72, 0xae73, 0x5b68, 0x4474, 0x3323, 0x3a2d, 0x7568, + 0x5b60, 0xae74, 0x5b70, 0x3361, 0x5b6e, 0x5b72, 0xae75, 0x456e, + /* 0x68C0 */ + 0xae7a, 0x347e, 0xae7b, 0x5c32, 0x7569, 0x4c49, 0x5b77, 0x347d, + 0xae7c, 0x5b7e, 0xae7d, 0x756a, 0x4b40, 0x5c21, 0x5c23, 0xae7e, + 0x5c27, 0x5b79, 0xaf21, 0x432a, 0x456f, 0x5c2b, 0x5b7c, 0x5c28, + 0xaf22, 0xaf23, 0x5c22, 0x756b, 0xaf24, 0x756c, 0x3f39, 0x5c2c, + 0x756d, 0x756e, 0x4033, 0xaf25, 0x5c2a, 0x343d, 0xae76, 0x756f, + /* 0x6900 */ + 0x4f50, 0x5b76, 0xaf26, 0x5c26, 0x3058, 0xaf27, 0x5b78, 0x7570, + 0x4c3a, 0x5b7d, 0x3f22, 0x4447, 0x5b73, 0x5c25, 0x3f7a, 0x5c2f, + 0x3371, 0x3821, 0x5c31, 0x5b7a, 0x5c30, 0x5c29, 0x5b7b, 0x5c2d, + 0x5c2e, 0x5c3f, 0x464e, 0x7573, 0x5c24, 0x5c3b, 0xaf2b, 0x5c3d, + 0x4458, + /* 0x6940 */ + 0x7574, 0xaf2d, 0x7571, 0x4d4c, 0x4976, 0x5c38, 0x424a, 0x7575, + 0x5c3e, 0x413f, 0x5c35, 0x5c42, 0x5c41, 0x466f, 0x5c40, 0x466a, + 0x7576, 0x7577, 0x7578, 0xaf2e, 0x5c44, 0x5c37, 0xaf2f, 0x3648, + 0x5c3a, 0x3d5d, 0xaf30, 0x4760, 0x5c3c, 0x364b, 0x5c34, 0x5c36, + 0x5c33, 0xaf31, 0x4f30, 0x335a, 0x5c39, 0xaf32, + /* 0x6980 */ + 0x7579, 0x5c43, 0x3335, 0x3a67, 0x315d, 0x5c54, 0xaf33, 0x4f31, + 0x5c57, 0xaf35, 0xaf36, 0x3f3a, 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0x5c71, 0xaf55, + 0xaf5a, 0x3360, + /* 0x6A80 */ + 0x4349, 0xaf5b, 0x5c7c, 0x7633, 0xaf5c, 0x5c7a, 0x3869, 0x5c79, + 0xaf5e, 0x7634, 0x5d21, 0x5b58, 0x7635, 0x7636, 0xaf5f, 0x5c7b, + 0xaf60, 0x5c7d, 0x5c7e, 0x7637, 0x5d2c, 0xaf62, 0x5d28, 0x5b6d, + 0x5d27, 0x5d26, 0x5d23, 0xaf63, + /* 0x6AC0 */ + 0x5c6a, 0x5d25, 0x5d24, 0xaf64, 0xaf66, 0x5d2a, 0x4f26, 0xaf65, + 0x5d2d, 0x367b, 0xaf67, 0xaf68, 0x5d29, 0x5d2b, 0x7638, 0x7639, + 0x4827, 0x5d2e, 0xaf6b, 0xaf6c, 0xaf6d, 0xaf6e, 0x5d32, 0x5d2f, + 0xaf6f, + /* 0x6B00 */ + 0x4d73, 0x5d30, 0x5c5e, 0xaf71, 0xaf72, 0xaf73, 0xaf74, 0x5d33, + 0x5d34, 0xaf76, 0x763c, 0x3135, 0x763d, 0x5d36, 0x3767, 0x3c21, + 0x3655, 0x3224, 0x763e, 0xaf78, 0x4d5f, 0x763f, 0x5d38, 0x5d37, + 0x5d3a, 0x353d, 0x3656, 0x343e, + /* 0x6B40 */ + 0x5d3d, 0x7640, 0x5d3c, 0x5d3e, 0xaf79, 0x324e, 0x4337, 0x5d3f, + 0x343f, 0x5d41, 0x7641, 0xaf7a, 0x5d40, 0x5d42, 0x5d43, 0x7642, + 0x5d44, 0x3b5f, 0x4035, 0x3a21, 0x7643, 0x4970, 0x7644, 0x4a62, + 0x4f44, 0xaf7b, 0x3b75, 0x3a50, 0x4e72, 0xaf7c, 0x7645, 0x5d45, + 0x5d46, 0xaf7d, 0x3b60, 0x5d47, + /* 0x6B80 */ + 0x5d48, 0xaf7e, 0x7646, 0x5d4a, 0x5d49, 0x4b58, 0x3d5e, 0x3c6c, + 0x3b44, 0x5d4b, 0x5d4d, 0x3f23, 0x5d4c, 0xee21, 0x5d4e, 0x5d4f, + 0x7647, 0x5d50, 0x5d51, 0x7648, 0xee22, 0x5d52, 0x5d54, 0x5d53, + 0x5d55, 0x3225, 0x434a, 0x5d56, 0x3b26, 0x334c, 0x5d57, 0xee24, + 0xee25, 0x4542, + /* 0x6BC0 */ + 0x544c, 0x3523, 0x5d58, 0xee26, 0xee27, 0xee28, 0x5d59, 0x4a6c, + 0x4b68, 0x764a, 0x4647, 0x5d5a, 0x4866, 0x764b, 0x764c, 0x487b, + 0xee29, 0x4c53, 0x5d5b, 0xee2a, 0xee2b, 0x5d5d, 0x5d5c, 0xee2c, + 0x5d5f, 0xee2d, 0x5d5e, 0x764d, + /* 0x6C00 */ + 0xee2e, 0x764e, 0x5d61, 0xee2f, 0xee30, 0x3b61, 0x764f, 0x4c31, + 0x5d62, 0x5d63, 0x3524, 0x5d64, 0x5d66, 0x5d65, 0x7650, 0x3f65, + 0xee31, 0xee32, 0x4939, 0x314a, 0xee33, 0x4845, 0xee35, + /* 0x6C40 */ + 0x4475, 0x3d41, 0x3561, 0xee36, 0x4846, 0x3c2e, 0x5d68, 0x3440, + 0x7651, 0x3178, 0xee37, 0x7652, 0x4672, 0x5d67, 0x393e, 0x4353, + 0x5d69, 0xee4f, 0x5d71, 0x5d6a, 0xee38, 0x4241, 0x3562, 0x5d72, + 0x7654, 0x7655, 0x3768, 0x3525, 0x5d70, + /* 0x6C80 */ + 0x5d6e, 0x5d6b, 0x4d60, 0xee39, 0x7656, 0x7657, 0x4440, 0xee3a, + 0x4659, 0x5d6c, 0x5d74, 0x5d73, 0x3723, 0xee3c, 0xee3d, 0x322d, + 0xee3e, 0x7658, 0x3a3b, 0x5d6d, 0x5d6f, 0x7659, 0x4b57, 0x4274, + 0x7653, 0x4b77, 0xee3f, 0x5d7c, 0x5d7d, 0x324f, 0x4a28, 0x4c7d, + 0x5e21, 0x3c23, 0x3e42, 0x5d78, 0x5d7e, 0x3168, + /* 0x6CC0 */ + 0x3637, 0xee40, 0x5d75, 0x5d7a, 0x765b, 0x4074, 0x4771, 0x4867, + 0xee41, 0x5d77, 0x765c, 0x4b21, 0xee43, 0x5d79, 0x5e24, 0xee44, + 0x5e22, 0xee45, 0x5d7b, 0x765d, 0x4b22, 0x4748, 0x3563, 0x4525, + 0x436d, 0xee46, 0x5e25, 0x765e, 0xee47, 0xee48, 0x765f, 0x5e23, + 0x4259, 0x5d76, 0x314b, 0x765a, + /* 0x6D00 */ + 0xee4a, 0x7661, 0xee4b, 0x4d4e, 0x5e30, 0x7662, 0x5e2f, 0x4076, + 0x5e2c, 0x4d6c, 0x4636, 0x5e26, 0xee4c, 0x4445, 0xee4d, 0xee4e, + 0x314c, 0x393f, 0x5e29, 0x7663, 0xee50, 0x7664, 0x3d27, 0x5e2e, + 0xee65, 0x5e2d, 0x5e28, 0x5e2b, 0x7665, 0x3368, 0xee51, 0x5e2a, + 0x4749, 0x7666, + /* 0x6D40 */ + 0x4e2e, 0x3e74, 0x4075, 0x7667, 0x5e36, 0x5e34, 0xee52, 0x494d, + 0xee53, 0xee54, 0x5e31, 0x5e33, 0x7668, 0x313a, 0x3940, 0x4f32, + 0x333d, 0x4962, 0xee55, 0x4d61, 0x3324, 0x3f3b, 0x5e35, + /* 0x6D80 */ + 0xee56, 0xee57, 0x766a, 0x5e3a, 0x766b, 0x3e43, 0x766c, 0xee58, + 0x4d30, 0xee59, 0x5e37, 0xee5a, 0x5e32, 0x766d, 0x5e38, 0xee5b, + 0x4e5e, 0x4573, 0x4642, 0x766e, 0xee61, 0x766f, 0xee62, 0x3336, + 0x3155, 0xee63, 0x5e3e, 0x5e41, 0x4e43, 0x7670, + /* 0x6DC0 */ + 0x4d64, 0xee64, 0x7671, 0x5e48, 0x5e42, 0x5e3f, 0xee66, 0x4e54, + 0x5e45, 0xee67, 0xee68, 0xee69, 0x3d4a, 0x5e47, 0x5e4c, 0x7672, + 0x4571, 0x5e4a, 0x7673, 0x7674, 0x7675, 0x5e44, 0xee6a, 0x4338, + 0x5e4b, 0x5e40, 0x5e46, 0xee6b, 0x5e4d, 0x307c, 0x5e43, 0x5e4e, + 0x3f3c, 0x3d5f, 0x4a25, 0xee6c, 0x3a2e, 0x5e3b, 0x5e49, 0x453a, + 0x7676, + /* 0x6E00 */ + 0x4036, 0x3369, 0x3a51, 0x3e44, 0x5e3d, 0x3d42, 0x374c, 0x5e3c, + 0xee5d, 0x5e52, 0x3d6d, 0x383a, 0x5e61, 0xee6e, 0x5e5b, 0x3574, + 0x454f, 0xee6f, 0x5e56, 0x5e5f, 0x302f, 0x3132, 0xee70, 0x3239, + 0x5e58, 0x422c, 0x5e4f, 0x5e51, 0x3941, 0xee72, 0x7678, 0xee6d, + 0x5e62, 0x5e5d, 0xee73, 0x5e55, + /* 0x6E40 */ + 0x5e5c, 0x7679, 0xee74, 0xee75, 0x4c2b, 0xee76, 0xee77, 0x5e5a, + 0x5e5e, 0xee78, 0xee79, 0xee7a, 0xee7b, 0x3850, 0xee7c, 0x3e45, + 0x4339, 0x767a, 0x767b, 0x5e54, 0xee7d, 0x4d2f, 0x5e57, 0x5e50, + 0x4572, 0x5e53, 0x5e59, 0x4f51, 0x3c3e, + /* 0x6E80 */ + 0x4b7e, 0x5e63, 0x482e, 0x5e6f, 0x383b, 0xef21, 0x3d60, 0x5e65, + 0x4e2f, 0x3942, 0x5e72, 0x306e, 0x5e70, 0xef22, 0x5e64, 0x767c, + 0x5e6a, 0x767d, 0x5e6c, 0xef23, 0x4d4f, 0x5e67, 0x452e, 0x5e69, + 0xef24, + /* 0x6EC0 */ + 0x767e, 0x5e71, 0xef25, 0x5e6b, 0x4c47, 0x7721, 0x5e66, 0xef26, + 0x3c22, 0x5e7e, 0x7722, 0x336a, 0x5e68, 0x5e6d, 0x5e6e, 0xef27, + 0x426c, 0x425a, 0xef29, 0x5e76, 0x5e7c, 0x5e7a, 0x4529, 0x5f23, + 0x5e77, 0xef2a, 0xef2b, 0x5e78, 0x5e60, + /* 0x6F00 */ + 0x3579, 0x493a, 0x3c3f, 0x3977, 0xef2c, 0xef2d, 0x4f33, 0x7723, + 0x5e74, 0x5f22, 0x3169, 0x4166, 0xef2e, 0x7724, 0x4779, 0x3441, + 0x4e7a, 0xef2f, 0x7726, 0x4c21, 0x4452, 0x7727, 0x5e7b, 0x5e7d, + 0x7728, 0xef28, 0xef30, 0x4132, 0xef31, 0x5f21, 0x5e79, + /* 0x6F40 */ + 0x5e73, 0x3443, 0x7729, 0xef33, 0x3769, 0xef34, 0x5f2f, 0x772a, + 0xef35, 0x5f2a, 0x4078, 0x772b, 0x3363, 0xef36, 0x772c, 0x772d, + 0x3d61, 0x5f33, 0xef37, 0x5f2c, 0x442c, 0x5f29, 0x4459, 0x5f4c, + 0x5f26, 0x5f25, 0x5f2e, 0xef39, 0x772e, + /* 0x6F80 */ + 0x5f28, 0x5f27, 0x5f2d, 0x4021, 0x5f24, 0x772f, 0x7730, 0x7731, + 0x5f30, 0xef3a, 0x5f31, 0x7732, 0xef3b, 0x3442, 0xef38, 0xef3d, + 0x7733, 0x5f36, 0x5f35, 0x5f37, 0xef3e, 0x7734, 0x5f3a, 0xef3f, + 0x4543, 0x5f34, 0xef41, 0x7735, 0x5f38, 0x7736, 0xef3c, + /* 0x6FC0 */ + 0x3763, 0x4279, 0x5f32, 0x473b, 0x5f39, 0x7737, 0xef42, 0xef43, + 0x7738, 0x5f3e, 0x5f3c, 0x5f3f, 0xef44, 0x5f42, 0xef45, 0x5f3b, + 0x396a, 0x4728, 0x5e39, 0xef46, 0x4d74, 0x5f3d, 0x5f41, 0x4275, + 0x773a, 0x5f40, 0x5f2b, 0x773b, 0x6f69, 0x7739, 0x5f45, 0xef48, + 0x5f49, + /* 0x7000 */ + 0xef49, 0x5f47, 0x773c, 0x773d, 0xef4a, 0x5f43, 0xef4b, 0x5f44, + 0x5f48, 0x5f46, 0x494e, 0x5f4e, 0x5f4b, 0x5f4a, 0x5f4d, 0x4654, + 0x5f4f, 0xef4c, 0x4375, 0x426d, 0x773e, 0x4025, 0x5f50, 0x5f52, + 0xef4e, 0xef4f, 0xef50, 0x5f51, + /* 0x7040 */ + 0xef51, 0xef52, 0x773f, 0xef53, 0x5e75, 0x7742, 0x5f53, 0xef55, + 0x4667, 0x7740, 0x7741, 0x5f54, 0x7743, 0xef56, 0xef57, 0x3250, + 0xef58, 0xef59, 0x4574, 0x3325, 0x7744, 0xef5a, 0x3564, 0x3c5e, + 0x3a52, 0xef5b, + /* 0x7080 */ + 0xef5c, 0x7745, 0xef5d, 0x4f27, 0x3f66, 0x316a, 0x5f56, 0xef5e, + 0xef5f, 0x5f55, 0xef62, 0x7746, 0x7747, 0x5f59, 0x433a, 0x5f5c, + 0x5f57, 0xef63, 0x5f5b, 0x7748, 0x5f5a, 0x4540, 0x3059, 0xef60, + /* 0x70C0 */ + 0x4e75, 0xef66, 0x5f5e, 0x3128, 0xef67, 0xef68, 0x7749, 0x774a, + 0x5f60, 0xef69, 0x5f5f, 0x5f5d, 0x774b, 0xef65, 0x5f58, 0x4b23, + 0x5f62, + /* 0x7100 */ + 0xef6a, 0xef6b, 0xef6c, 0xef6d, 0xef6e, 0x5f61, 0xef6f, 0x774c, + 0x316b, 0x5f64, 0x4a32, 0x5f63, 0x774e, 0x774f, 0x4c35, 0x3e47, + 0x774d, 0x7750, 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0x6367, 0x7957, 0x6368, 0xf339, 0x5474, 0x636a, 0x6369, 0x636b, + 0x636c, 0x4e35, 0x636d, 0x706f, 0x3e4f, 0x636e, 0x636f, 0x3d57, + 0x4638, 0x6370, 0xf33a, 0xf33b, 0x4328, 0x7958, 0x6371, 0x433c, + 0x6372, 0xf33c, 0x3625, 0x513f, 0x435d, 0x3c33, 0x7959, 0x3448, + /* 0x7B00 */ + 0x6373, 0x6422, 0x6376, 0xf33f, 0x3568, 0x6375, 0x6424, 0x6374, + 0x3e50, 0x795a, 0x6378, 0x6379, 0x452b, 0x637a, 0x335e, 0x3f5a, + 0x4964, 0xf342, 0x637c, 0xf343, 0x4268, 0x795b, 0xf344, 0xf345, + 0xf346, 0x6377, 0x637b, 0x637d, 0x3a7b, 0x795c, 0xf341, + /* 0x7B40 */ + 0xf34a, 0x6426, 0x492e, 0x795d, 0x4826, 0x4579, 0x365a, 0x6425, + 0x6423, 0x795e, 0x4835, 0x637e, 0x435e, 0x457b, 0x457a, 0xf34c, + 0x3a76, 0x6438, 0x795f, 0xf34e, 0x6428, 0xf34f, 0x642a, 0xf350, + 0x642d, 0x7960, 0x642e, 0x7961, 0x642b, 0x642c, 0x7962, 0xf351, + 0x6429, 0x6427, 0xf34d, 0x6421, 0xf349, + /* 0x7B80 */ + 0x4a4f, 0x3255, 0x6435, 0x6432, 0x6437, 0xf354, 0xf355, 0x6436, + 0x4773, 0x4c27, 0x3b3b, 0x6430, 0x6439, 0x6434, 0xf356, 0x6433, 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0x8180 */ + 0x672f, 0xf54b, 0x6730, 0x672c, 0xf54d, 0xf54e, 0x672d, 0x672e, + 0x3951, 0x6736, 0x6732, 0xf550, 0x4966, 0x4b6c, 0x4928, 0x6731, + 0x6734, 0x6733, 0x4b44, 0x6737, 0x6738, 0xf551, 0x4137, 0x6739, + 0x673b, 0x673f, 0x7a54, 0x673c, 0x673a, 0x473f, + /* 0x81C0 */ + 0x673d, 0xf552, 0x673e, 0xf553, 0x3232, 0x6745, 0x6740, 0x7a55, + 0x6741, 0x7a56, 0x6742, 0x4221, 0xf554, 0x7a57, 0x6744, 0x6743, + 0x6746, 0xf555, 0x6747, 0x6748, 0x3f43, 0xf557, 0x3269, 0x6749, + 0x4e57, 0x3c2b, 0xf559, 0x3d2d, 0x3b6a, 0x4357, 0x674a, 0x674b, + 0x3131, 0xf55b, 0x674c, 0xf55c, + /* 0x8200 */ + 0x674d, 0x674e, 0xf55e, 0x674f, 0x6750, 0x363d, 0x5a2a, 0x6751, + 0x4065, 0x6752, 0x3c4b, 0x6753, 0x5030, 0x6754, 0x4a5e, 0x345c, + 0xf560, 0x4124, 0x3d58, 0x4971, 0x3d2e, 0xf561, 0xf562, 0x6755, + 0x3952, 0x6756, 0x484c, 0x6764, 0xf564, 0x6758, 0xf565, 0x4249, + 0x4775, 0x383f, 0x6757, 0x4125, 0xf566, + /* 0x8240 */ + 0x6759, 0xf569, 0xf567, 0x447a, 0xf568, 0xf56b, 0xf56d, 0xf56f, + 0x675b, 0x675a, 0x675d, 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0x685f, 0x337e, 0x6862, 0x6850, 0xf646, + 0x6855, 0x4d6e, + /* 0x8440 */ + 0x685e, 0x7b28, 0x4d55, 0xf647, 0x4e2a, 0xf648, 0xf649, 0xf64a, + 0x4378, 0xf64b, 0xf64c, 0x336b, 0xf64d, 0x7b29, 0x4972, 0x6864, + 0x4621, 0xf64f, 0x3031, 0x685d, 0x6859, 0x4172, 0x6853, 0x685b, + 0x6860, 0x7b2a, 0x472c, 0x7b2b, 0x302a, 0xf650, 0x6858, 0xf651, + 0x6861, 0x4978, 0xf652, + /* 0x8480 */ + 0xf653, 0x685c, 0x6857, 0x7b2c, 0x3e55, 0x3d2f, 0x3c2c, 0xf656, + 0x4c58, 0x4947, 0x7b2d, 0x6867, 0x6870, 0xf657, 0x685a, 0x7b2e, + 0x3377, 0x7b2f, 0x3e78, 0x6865, 0x7b30, 0x686a, 0x4173, 0xf658, + 0x6866, + /* 0x84C0 */ + 0x7b31, 0x686d, 0x7b32, 0x435f, 0x686e, 0x4d56, 0x6863, 0x3338, + 0x6869, 0xf65a, 0xf65b, 0x686c, 0x4c2c, 0xf65c, 0x686f, 0x6868, + 0x686b, 0xf655, 0xf65e, 0xf65f, 0x4b29, 0x4f21, 0xf660, 0xf661, + 0xf662, 0x6873, 0xf663, 0x687a, 0xf664, 0x6872, + /* 0x8500 */ + 0x3c43, 0x6851, 0xf665, 0x4a4e, 0x4c22, 0x6879, 0x6878, 0x6874, + 0x6875, 0x3136, 0xf666, 0x7b35, 0x6877, 0x6871, 0x7b36, 0xf667, + 0xf668, 0x4455, 0xf669, 0x6876, 0x307e, 0x7b37, 0x7b34, 0xf66a, + 0x4222, 0x4a43, 0xf66f, + /* 0x8540 */ + 0x687b, 0x6921, 0x4859, 0x687e, 0x3e56, 0x3c49, 0x6923, 0x363e, + 0xf66b, 0xf670, 0xf671, 0x6924, 0x4979, 0x687d, 0x7b38, 0x6856, + 0xf672, 0xf673, 0xf674, 0x687c, 0x7b39, 0x4f4f, 0x4622, 0x4973, + 0x692b, 0xf66c, 0x6931, 0x7b3c, 0xf676, 0xf677, 0x6932, 0xf678, + /* 0x8580 */ + 0x6925, 0xf679, 0x4776, 0xf67a, 0x692f, 0x6927, 0x6929, 0x7b3d, + 0x7b3e, 0x6933, 0x6928, 0xf67b, 0x692c, 0x3172, 0x4665, 0x692d, + 0x6930, 0xf67c, 0xf67d, 0x7b3f, 0x6926, 0x4126, 0x692a, 0x3b27, + 0x3f45, 0x3730, 0x4c74, 0x7b3b, 0x4c79, 0x3d72, 0x7b40, 0xf723, + 0x6937, 0x6935, 0xf724, + /* 0x85C0 */ + 0x4f4e, 0xf725, 0x6934, 0xf726, 0x7b41, 0x4d75, 0x7b42, 0x6936, + 0x6938, 0x6939, 0xf727, 0xf728, 0x693c, 0x693a, 0xf729, 0xf72a, + 0x4623, 0x693b, 0xf72b, 0x484d, 0x692e, 0x7b43, 0xf72c, 0x3d73, + 0x693d, 0x6942, 0x4174, 0x6941, 0x7b45, + /* 0x8600 */ + 0xf72d, 0x6922, 0x7b46, 0x7b47, 0x6943, 0x4149, 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/* 0x8B00 */ + 0x4b45, 0x315a, 0x3062, 0x4625, 0xf865, 0x6b69, 0xf864, 0x6b68, + 0xf866, 0x4666, 0x6b6d, 0x6b62, 0x6b6c, 0x6b6e, 0x382c, 0x6b6a, + 0x3956, 0xf867, 0x3c55, 0xf868, 0x6b6f, 0x4d58, 0x6b72, 0x6b75, + 0x6b73, 0x4935, 0xf869, 0x6b70, 0x3660, 0x6b74, + /* 0x8B40 */ + 0x6b76, 0xf86a, 0x7c31, 0x6b7a, 0x6b77, 0x6b79, 0x6b78, 0xf86c, + 0x7c32, 0x6b7b, 0x3c31, 0x7c33, 0x6b7d, 0x6b7c, 0x4968, 0xf86d, + 0x6c21, 0x3759, 0x7c34, 0x6b7e, 0x6c22, 0x6c23, 0x3544, 0x6641, + 0x3e79, 0x6c24, 0xf86e, 0x386e, 0x6c25, 0xf86f, + /* 0x8B80 */ + 0x6c26, 0xf870, 0x3b3e, 0x5a4e, 0xf871, 0x6c27, 0x6c28, 0x3d32, + 0x6c29, 0x6c2a, 0xf872, 0xf873, 0x6c2b, 0x6c2c, 0x6c2d, 0xf874, + 0x7c35, 0xf875, + /* 0x8C00 */ + 0x432b, 0xf876, 0x6c2e, 0xf878, 0x6c30, + /* 0x8C40 */ + 0x6c2f, 0xf87b, 0x4626, 0xf87c, 0x6c31, 0x7c36, 0x4b2d, 0x6c32, + 0x6c33, 0xf87d, 0x6c34, 0xf87e, 0x6c35, 0xf921, 0x465a, 0x3e5d, + 0x6c36, 0x7c37, 0xf922, 0x396b, 0x502e, 0x6c37, 0xf923, 0xf924, + 0x6c38, 0x493f, 0x6c39, 0x6c41, + /* 0x8C80 */ + 0x6c3a, 0x6c3c, 0x6c3b, 0x6c3d, 0x4b46, 0x6c3e, 0x6c3f, 0xf927, + 0xf926, 0x6c40, 0x6c42, 0xf928, 0xf92a, 0x332d, 0x4467, 0x4969, + 0x3a62, 0x3957, 0xf92b, 0x494f, 0x325f, 0x484e, 0x6c45, 0x3453, + 0x4055, 0x6c44, 0x6c49, 0x4379, 0x4c63, 0x6c47, 0x6c48, 0x352e, + 0x6c4a, 0x4763, 0x425f, 0x4871, 0x453d, 0x6c46, 0x4b47, + /* 0x8CC0 */ + 0x326c, 0x6c4c, 0x4f28, 0x4442, 0x4f45, 0x3b71, 0x6c4b, 0x4231, + 0x6c5c, 0x4128, 0x4678, 0x4950, 0xf92d, 0xf92c, 0xf92e, 0x6c4f, + 0x3b3f, 0x3b72, 0x3e5e, 0x4765, 0x7c39, 0x382d, 0x6c4e, 0x6c4d, + 0x496a, 0x3c41, 0x4552, 0xf930, 0xf931, 0x7c3a, 0x7c3b, 0x6c51, + 0x6c52, 0x3958, 0x6c50, 0x7c3c, + /* 0x8D00 */ + 0x6c53, 0x6c54, 0x6c56, 0x4223, 0xf933, 0x6c55, 0x3466, 0x6c58, + 0xf934, 0x6c57, 0x6c59, 0x7c3e, 0x6c5b, 0x6c5d, 0x6c5e, 0x7c3f, + /* 0x8D40 */ + 0x4056, 0x3c4f, 0x6c5f, 0x3352, 0xf935, 0x6c60, 0x4176, 0x6c61, + 0x6c62, 0x496b, 0x352f, + /* 0x8D80 */ + 0x6c63, 0xf936, 0x4436, 0x315b, 0xf937, 0x6c64, 0x3c71, 0xf938, + 0x3f76, 0x7c40, 0x422d, 0x6c67, 0x6c66, + /* 0x8DC0 */ + 0x6c65, 0xf93a, 0xf93b, 0x6c6d, 0x6c6b, 0x7c41, 0x6c68, 0x7c42, + 0x6c6a, 0x7c43, 0xf93c, 0x6c69, 0x6c6c, 0x3577, 0x6c70, 0x4057, + 0x6c71, 0x3859, 0x6c6e, 0x6c6f, 0xf93d, 0x4f29, 0x4437, 0x4129, + 0x6c72, 0xf940, 0x6c75, + /* 0x8E00 */ + 0xf941, 0x6c73, 0x6c74, 0x4d59, 0xf93e, 0x4627, 0x6c78, 0xf943, + 0xf944, 0x6c76, 0x6c77, 0x6c79, 0x7c44, 0xf945, 0xf946, 0x7c45, + 0xf947, 0x6d29, 0x6c7c, 0x6c7d, 0x6c7b, 0xf94a, 0xf94b, 0x7c46, + /* 0x8E40 */ + 0x6c7a, 0x447d, 0x6d21, 0x6d25, 0x6d22, 0x6c7e, 0xf94c, 0x6d23, + 0x6d24, 0xf94d, 0x6d2b, 0x6d26, 0x4058, 0x6d28, 0xf94e, 0x6d2a, + 0x6d27, 0xf94f, 0xf950, 0xf951, 0x7c47, 0x6d2d, 0x3d33, 0x6d2c, + 0x7c48, 0x6d2e, + /* 0x8E80 */ + 0x6d2f, 0x6d32, 0x6d31, 0x6d30, 0x6d34, 0x6d33, 0x4c76, 0x6d36, + 0x6d35, 0x6d37, 0xf952, 0x6d38, 0xf953, 0x6d3a, 0x6d39, 0x3f48, + 0x6d3b, 0xf954, 0x366d, 0x6d3c, 0x6d3e, 0xf955, 0xf956, 0xf957, + 0xf958, 0x6d3f, + /* 0x8EC0 */ + 0x7c4a, 0x6d40, 0x6d3d, 0x6d41, 0x3c56, 0x6d42, 0x3530, 0x3733, + 0xf95a, 0x382e, 0xf95b, 0x6d43, 0x4670, 0x453e, 0x6d44, 0x6d47, + 0x3c34, 0xf95d, 0x7c4c, 0x6d46, 0x6d45, 0x375a, 0x6d48, + /* 0x8F00 */ + 0xf95f, 0x3353, 0x6d4a, 0xf960, 0x3a5c, 0x6d49, 0x6d52, 0x6d4c, + 0x6d4e, 0x4a65, 0x6d4b, 0xf961, 0x6d4d, 0x6d51, 0x6d4f, 0x3531, + 0x7c4d, 0x6d50, 0x6d53, 0x475a, 0x4e58, 0xf962, 0x7c4e, 0x3d34, + 0x6d54, 0x7c4f, 0x4d22, 0x6d56, 0x6d55, 0x6d59, 0x4d41, + /* 0x8F40 */ + 0xf963, 0x6d58, 0x336d, 0x6d57, 0x6d5c, 0x6d5b, 0xf964, 0x6d5a, + 0x4532, 0x6d5d, 0x7c50, 0x6d5e, 0xf965, 0x6d5f, 0x396c, 0x3725, + 0x6d60, 0x6d61, 0x6d62, + /* 0x8F80 */ + 0x3f49, 0x6d63, 0x3c2d, 0x6d64, 0x6d65, 0xf967, 0x7c52, 0x5221, + 0x517e, 0x6d66, 0x6570, 0x6d67, 0x4324, 0x3f2b, 0x4740, 0xf968, + 0x7c53, 0xf96a, 0x6d68, 0x4a55, 0x4454, 0x397e, 0x4329, + /* 0x8FC0 */ + 0xf96c, 0x312a, 0x4b78, 0x3f57, 0xf96d, 0xf96f, 0xf970, 0x375e, + 0x3661, 0xf971, 0x4a56, 0xf972, 0x6d69, 0xf973, 0x6d6b, 0x7c54, + 0x6d6a, 0x3260, 0x7c55, 0x4676, 0x6d6c, 0x4777, 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0x7123, 0x7122, + /* 0x9880 */ + 0x4977, 0x7124, 0xfc3f, 0xfc40, 0x7125, 0xfc41, 0x7126, 0x7127, + 0xfc43, 0xfc44, 0x7e27, 0xfc45, 0xfc46, 0xfc47, + /* 0x98C0 */ + 0xfc48, 0x7129, 0x7128, 0x712a, 0xfc49, 0x7e28, 0xfc4a, 0x4874, + 0x664c, 0x3f29, 0xfc4b, 0xfc4d, 0x3532, 0xfc4e, 0xfc4f, 0x7e29, + 0x712b, 0xfc50, 0x712c, 0x522c, 0x5d3b, 0x4853, 0xfc51, 0xfc52, + 0x307b, 0xfc53, 0x303b, 0x3b74, 0x4b30, 0x3e7e, + /* 0x9900 */ + 0x712d, 0x4c5f, 0xfc54, 0x712e, 0x4d5c, 0x3142, 0x3b41, 0x712f, + 0x326e, 0x7130, 0xfc57, 0xfc58, 0x7131, 0xfc5a, 0xfc5b, 0xfc5c, + 0x7133, 0x7134, 0x7136, 0x7132, 0x7135, 0x345b, 0x7137, 0x7138, + 0xfc5e, 0xfc5f, 0xfc60, 0xfc61, 0xfc62, 0xfc63, 0x7139, 0x713a, + /* 0x9940 */ + 0xfc64, 0xfc65, 0x713b, 0x713d, 0xfc66, 0x713c, 0x713f, 0x7142, + 0xfc67, 0xfc68, 0x713e, 0x7140, 0x7141, 0x7143, 0x3642, 0x7e2a, + 0xfc69, 0xfc6a, 0xfc6b, + /* 0x9980 */ + 0x3c73, 0x7144, 0x7145, 0x3961, 0x7e2b, 0xfc6c, 0x7146, 0xfc6d, + 0x333e, 0x474f, 0x7147, 0x7148, 0x435a, 0x466b, 0xfc6e, 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0xfe27, 0xfe28, 0x3175, 0x7e58, 0x7e59, + 0x7276, 0x7275, 0x7273, 0x337b, 0x7272, 0x3c32, 0x3229, 0xfe2c, + 0x3963, 0x727c, 0x727b, + /* 0x9D40 */ + 0x727a, 0xfe2e, 0x7e5a, 0x7277, 0x727d, 0x7e5b, 0x727e, 0xfe2f, + 0x7325, 0x7324, 0x7e5c, 0x7326, 0x312d, 0x7321, 0x7322, 0xfe30, + 0x3974, 0x4c39, 0xfe31, 0x7e5d, 0x7323, 0xfe33, 0xfe34, 0x4b32, + 0x732b, 0x7e5e, 0x7327, 0xfe36, 0xfe37, 0xfe38, 0x732c, 0x7e5f, + 0xfe39, + /* 0x9D80 */ + 0xfe3a, 0x7329, 0x7328, 0x7e60, 0xfe3b, 0x375c, 0x7e61, 0xfe3c, + 0x732d, 0xfe3d, 0x732e, 0x732f, 0x732a, 0x7e63, 0x7274, 0x7330, + 0x4461, 0xfe3f, 0x7334, 0xfe40, 0x7335, 0x7333, 0x7e64, 0xfe41, + 0xfe3e, + /* 0x9DC0 */ + 0x7e62, 0x7332, 0x7338, 0xfe42, 0x7331, 0x7336, 0xfe43, 0xfe44, + 0x7337, 0x733a, 0xfe45, 0x7e65, 0x7339, 0xfe46, 0xfe47, 0xfe48, + 0xfe49, 0x733c, 0x7e67, 0x733d, 0x733e, 0x4f49, 0xfe4a, 0x733b, + 0x426b, 0x3a6d, 0x733f, + /* 0x9E00 */ + 0xfe4d, 0x7e68, 0xfe4c, 0xfe4e, 0x7e69, 0xfe4f, 0x7340, 0x7341, + 0xfe50, 0xfe51, 0x7342, + /* 0x9E40 */ + 0x7343, 0x3834, 0x7344, 0xfe52, 0x7e6a, 0x7345, 0x3c2f, + /* 0x9E80 */ + 0xfe54, 0x7346, 0xfe55, 0x7347, 0x7348, 0x7349, 0x734c, 0x734a, + 0x4f3c, 0x734b, 0x4e6f, 0xfe56, 0x734d, 0x7e6b, 0x4e5b, 0x7e6c, + 0x734e, 0x477e, 0xfe57, 0x734f, 0x7351, 0x7e6d, 0x7352, 0x7e6e, + 0x7e6f, 0x7e70, 0x7350, 0x396d, 0x4c4d, 0x4b63, 0x5677, 0xfe59, + 0x5d60, 0x4b7b, + /* 0x9EC0 */ + 0x7e71, 0x322b, 0x7354, 0x3550, 0x7355, 0x7356, 0x7357, 0x7e72, + 0x3975, 0x7358, 0x6054, 0x4c5b, 0x4263, 0x7359, 0x735b, 0x735a, + 0xfe5b, 0x735c, 0x735d, 0xfe5c, 0x735e, 0xfe5d, 0x735f, 0x7360, + 0x7361, 0x7362, 0x7363, 0x7364, 0x7365, 0x7366, 0xfe5e, + /* 0x9F00 */ + 0xfe5f, 0xfe61, 0x7367, 0x7368, 0x4524, 0x7e73, 0x385d, 0x736a, + 0xfe62, 0xfe63, 0x414d, 0x736b, 0x736c, 0xfe64, 0xfe65, 0x7e74, + 0xfe66, 0x4921, 0xfe67, 0x736d, + /* 0x9F40 */ + 0xfe68, 0xfe69, 0xfe6a, 0x736e, 0x6337, 0x6c5a, 0x706d, 0x736f, + 0xfe6b, 0x7370, 0xfe6c, 0x7e75, 0xfe6d, 0xfe6f, 0x7372, 0x7373, + 0x7374, 0x4e70, 0x7371, 0x7375, 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0xa838, 0xa83b, 0xa83a, + /* 0x21D80 */ + 0xa845, 0xa840, 0xa83f, 0xa848, + /* 0x21DC0 */ + 0xa84a, + /* 0x21E00 */ + 0xa84b, 0x4f6e, + /* 0x21F00 */ + 0xa85b, + /* 0x21F40 */ + 0xa866, + /* 0x21FC0 */ + 0xa86c, + /* 0x22140 */ + 0xac22, + /* 0x22200 */ + 0xfe53, + /* 0x22300 */ + 0xac2b, + /* 0x22380 */ + 0xac30, + /* 0x226C0 */ + 0xac50, + /* 0x22840 */ + 0xac65, + /* 0x22880 */ + 0xac6d, + /* 0x22980 */ + 0xac72, + /* 0x22A80 */ + 0xad24, + /* 0x22B40 */ + 0xad32, 0xad29, 0xad2a, + /* 0x22B80 */ + 0xad35, + /* 0x22C00 */ + 0xad34, 0xad39, + /* 0x22DC0 */ + 0xad56, + /* 0x23180 */ + 0xae24, + /* 0x231C0 */ + 0xad7d, 0x753a, 0xae23, + /* 0x23340 */ + 0xae3a, + /* 0x233C0 */ + 0xae42, 0xae3d, 0xae3c, 0xae44, 0xae47, 0xae49, 0xae43, + /* 0x23440 */ + 0xae55, 0xae57, 0xae56, 0xae5b, + /* 0x234C0 */ + 0xae77, + /* 0x23540 */ + 0xae78, + /* 0x23580 */ + 0xaf2a, + /* 0x235C0 */ + 0x7572, + /* 0x23600 */ + 0xaf42, 0xaf3f, 0xaf43, + /* 0x23640 */ + 0xaf40, + /* 0x23700 */ + 0xaf59, 0xaf4e, 0x7629, + /* 0x23740 */ + 0x7632, 0xaf61, + /* 0x237C0 */ + 0xaf6a, 0xaf69, + /* 0x23800 */ + 0xaf70, 0xaf75, + /* 0x23A80 */ + 0xee23, + /* 0x23C40 */ + 0xee34, + /* 0x23CC0 */ + 0x7660, + /* 0x23D00 */ + 0xee49, 0xf475, + /* 0x23D40 */ + 0xee5c, + /* 0x23DC0 */ + 0xee60, 0xee5f, 0xee5e, + /* 0x23F40 */ + 0xef32, + /* 0x24080 */ + 0xef47, + /* 0x24100 */ + 0xef4d, + /* 0x241C0 */ + 0xef61, 0xef64, + /* 0x24380 */ + 0xf022, + /* 0x24600 */ + 0xf033, + /* 0x24680 */ + 0xf039, + /* 0x247C0 */ + 0x776c, + /* 0x24880 */ + 0xf053, + /* 0x24A40 */ + 0xf07b, + /* 0x24B40 */ + 0xf12e, 0xf130, + /* 0x24C00 */ + 0xf135, + /* 0x24D00 */ + 0xf144, + /* 0x24E00 */ + 0xf15d, 0xf161, + /* 0x24E40 */ + 0xf166, + /* 0x24E80 */ + 0xf169, + /* 0x25040 */ + 0xf175, 0xf177, + /* 0x25100 */ + 0xf17a, + /* 0x25180 */ + 0xf221, + /* 0x251C0 */ + 0xf224, 0xf223, + /* 0x25200 */ + 0xf228, + /* 0x25240 */ + 0xf22c, + /* 0x25400 */ + 0xf23d, + /* 0x25480 */ + 0x787e, + /* 0x254C0 */ + 0xf248, + /* 0x25500 */ + 0x7929, + /* 0x25580 */ + 0xf25b, + /* 0x25740 */ + 0x7947, + /* 0x25780 */ + 0xf275, 0xf276, + /* 0x259C0 */ + 0x7954, 0xf332, + /* 0x25AC0 */ + 0xf33e, 0xf33d, 0xf340, + /* 0x25B80 */ + 0xf352, + /* 0x25C40 */ + 0xf35d, 0xf35e, + /* 0x25D80 */ + 0x796e, + /* 0x25E00 */ + 0xf373, + /* 0x25E40 */ + 0xf374, 0xf377, 0xf375, + /* 0x25EC0 */ + 0xf37d, 0xf37b, 0xf422, + /* 0x25F00 */ + 0xf424, + /* 0x25F40 */ + 0xf427, + /* 0x25FC0 */ + 0xf42f, 0xf42e, 0xf435, + /* 0x26000 */ + 0xf434, 0xf43d, + /* 0x26040 */ + 0xf442, + /* 0x260C0 */ + 0xf44f, + /* 0x26240 */ + 0xf469, + /* 0x26280 */ + 0xf46b, + /* 0x26340 */ + 0xf472, + /* 0x26400 */ + 0xf479, + /* 0x26640 */ + 0xf535, + /* 0x26680 */ + 0xf53a, + /* 0x26700 */ + 0xf546, + /* 0x268C0 */ + 0xf556, 0xf558, + /* 0x26940 */ + 0xf55a, 0xf55d, + /* 0x269C0 */ + 0xf55f, + /* 0x26A00 */ + 0xf563, + /* 0x26A40 */ + 0xf56a, + /* 0x26A80 */ + 0xf570, 0xf573, + /* 0x26AC0 */ + 0x7a5d, + /* 0x26C00 */ + 0xa544, + /* 0x26C40 */ + 0xf644, + /* 0x26CC0 */ + 0xf64e, + /* 0x26E40 */ + 0x7b33, 0xf65d, + /* 0x26F80 */ + 0xf675, + /* 0x26FC0 */ + 0xf721, 0xf722, 0xf67e, + /* 0x270C0 */ + 0x7b49, + /* 0x27100 */ + 0xf733, 0xf736, + /* 0x273C0 */ + 0xf765, 0xf764, 0xf76b, + /* 0x27400 */ + 0xf76e, + /* 0x27440 */ + 0xf773, + /* 0x27600 */ + 0xf82a, 0xf829, 0xf82c, + /* 0x27680 */ + 0x7b6c, 0xf834, + /* 0x27700 */ + 0xf83c, 0xf83e, + /* 0x27740 */ + 0xf842, + /* 0x27980 */ + 0xf856, + /* 0x27A80 */ + 0xf863, + /* 0x27B80 */ + 0xf877, 0xf879, + /* 0x27BC0 */ + 0xf87a, + /* 0x27C80 */ + 0xf925, + /* 0x27D80 */ + 0xf92f, + /* 0x27E00 */ + 0xf932, + /* 0x27F80 */ + 0xf939, + /* 0x28080 */ + 0xf942, 0xf948, + /* 0x28240 */ + 0x7c49, + /* 0x28280 */ + 0xf959, + /* 0x282C0 */ + 0xf95e, + /* 0x283C0 */ + 0x7c51, + /* 0x28400 */ + 0xf966, + /* 0x28440 */ + 0xf96b, + /* 0x28540 */ + 0xf97a, + /* 0x285C0 */ + 0xf97e, 0xfa21, + /* 0x286C0 */ + 0xfa2c, 0xfa2f, + /* 0x28940 */ + 0xfa50, 0xfa4f, 0xfa57, + /* 0x28980 */ + 0xfa65, 0xfa66, 0xfa71, 0xfa72, + /* 0x28A00 */ + 0xfa7e, 0xfb21, + /* 0x28A40 */ + 0xfb2d, 0xfb2c, + /* 0x28A80 */ + 0xfb36, + /* 0x28AC0 */ + 0xfb37, 0xfb3e, 0xfb3d, + /* 0x28BC0 */ + 0xfb4e, 0xfb4f, + /* 0x28D00 */ + 0xfb57, + /* 0x28D40 */ + 0xfb5a, + /* 0x28DC0 */ + 0xfb5c, + /* 0x28E00 */ + 0xfb5d, 0xfb61, + /* 0x28E80 */ + 0xfb65, + /* 0x28EC0 */ + 0xfb67, + /* 0x28F00 */ + 0xfb69, + /* 0x28FC0 */ + 0xfb71, + /* 0x29280 */ + 0xfc22, 0xfc23, + /* 0x29480 */ + 0xfc38, + /* 0x295C0 */ + 0xfc42, + /* 0x29640 */ + 0xfc4c, + /* 0x296C0 */ + 0xfc56, + /* 0x29700 */ + 0xfc59, + /* 0x29740 */ + 0xfc5d, + /* 0x298C0 */ + 0xfc76, + /* 0x29A40 */ + 0xfd2c, + /* 0x29DC0 */ + 0xfd4b, + /* 0x29E00 */ + 0xfd59, 0xfd4c, + /* 0x29E40 */ + 0xfd5d, + /* 0x29E80 */ + 0xfd5b, + /* 0x29EC0 */ + 0xfd67, 0xfd70, 0xfd6d, + /* 0x29FC0 */ + 0xfe25, + /* 0x2A000 */ + 0xfe2b, 0xfe29, + /* 0x2A080 */ + 0xfe35, + /* 0x2A0C0 */ + 0xfe32, + /* 0x2A180 */ + 0x7e66, + /* 0x2A380 */ + 0xfe58, + /* 0x2A400 */ + 0xfe5a, + /* 0x2A5C0 */ + 0xfe6e, + /* 0x2A600 */ + 0xfe70, 0xfe72, + /* 0x2A680 */ + 0xfe76, +}; + +static const Summary16 jisx0213_from_ucs_level2_2indx[] = { + /* 0x0080 */ + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0xffdf }, { 15, 0xffdf }, + /* 0x00C0 */ + { 30, 0xffff }, { 46, 0xffff }, { 62, 0xffff }, { 78, 0xffff }, + /* 0x0100 */ + { 94, 0xf3ff }, { 108, 0x3f0e }, { 117, 0x0cb0 }, { 122, 0x6630 }, + /* 0x0140 */ + { 128, 0x399e }, { 137, 0xff3f }, { 151, 0xfc3f }, { 163, 0x7e03 }, + /* 0x0180 */ + { 171, 0x0000 }, { 171, 0x0008 }, { 172, 0x0000 }, { 172, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x01C0 */ + { 172, 0x6004 }, { 175, 0x1557 }, { 183, 0x0000 }, { 183, 0x2300 }, + /* 0x0240 */ + { 186, 0x0000 }, { 186, 0xd7ff }, { 200, 0xf1f3 }, { 211, 0x6e2f }, + /* 0x0280 */ + { 221, 0x7f1e }, { 232, 0x2137 }, { 239, 0x0006 }, { 241, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x02C0 */ + { 241, 0x1180 }, { 244, 0x6b03 }, { 251, 0x03e0 }, { 256, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x0300 */ + { 256, 0x995f }, { 266, 0xf700 }, { 273, 0x9631 }, { 280, 0x3e11 }, + /* 0x0340 */ + { 287, 0x0000 }, { 287, 0x0000 }, { 287, 0x0002 }, { 288, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x0380 */ + { 288, 0x0000 }, { 288, 0xfffe }, { 303, 0x03fb }, { 312, 0xfffe }, + /* 0x03C0 */ + { 327, 0x03ff }, { 337, 0x0000 }, { 337, 0x0000 }, { 337, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x0400 */ + { 337, 0x0002 }, { 338, 0xffff }, { 354, 0xffff }, { 370, 0xffff }, + /* 0x0440 */ + { 386, 0xffff }, { 402, 0x0002 }, { 403, 0x0000 }, { 403, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x1E00 */ + { 403, 0x0000 }, { 403, 0x0000 }, { 403, 0x0000 }, { 403, 0xc000 }, + /* 0x1F40 */ + { 405, 0x0000 }, { 405, 0x0000 }, { 405, 0x0000 }, { 405, 0x000f }, + /* 0x2000 */ + { 409, 0x0000 }, { 409, 0x3359 }, { 417, 0x0067 }, { 422, 0x980d }, + /* 0x2040 */ + { 428, 0x0384 }, { 432, 0x0002 }, { 433, 0x0000 }, { 433, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2080 */ + { 433, 0x0000 }, { 433, 0x0000 }, { 433, 0x1000 }, { 434, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2100 */ + { 434, 0x8008 }, { 436, 0x0048 }, { 438, 0x0882 }, { 441, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x2140 */ + { 442, 0x0000 }, { 442, 0x0038 }, { 445, 0x0fff }, { 457, 0x0fff }, + /* 0x2180 */ + { 469, 0x0000 }, { 469, 0x03df }, { 478, 0x0000 }, { 478, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x21C0 */ + { 478, 0x0010 }, { 479, 0x0014 }, { 481, 0x03c0 }, { 485, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2200 */ + { 485, 0x0bad }, { 493, 0xe40c }, { 499, 0x5fe1 }, { 509, 0x2030 }, + /* 0x2240 */ + { 512, 0x0128 }, { 515, 0x0004 }, { 516, 0x0cc7 }, { 523, 0x00c0 }, + /* 0x2280 */ + { 525, 0x0cfc }, { 533, 0x00e0 }, { 536, 0x0020 }, { 537, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x22C0 */ + { 538, 0x0000 }, { 538, 0x0c00 }, { 540, 0x0000 }, { 540, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2300 */ + { 540, 0x0060 }, { 542, 0x0104 }, { 544, 0x0000 }, { 544, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2380 */ + { 544, 0x0000 }, { 544, 0x0000 }, { 544, 0x0000 }, { 544, 0xc000 }, + /* 0x23C0 */ + { 546, 0x5fff }, { 560, 0x0000 }, { 560, 0x0000 }, { 560, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2400 */ + { 560, 0x0000 }, { 560, 0x0000 }, { 560, 0x0008 }, { 561, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2440 */ + { 561, 0x0000 }, { 561, 0x0000 }, { 561, 0xffff }, { 577, 0x000f }, + /* 0x24C0 */ + { 581, 0x0000 }, { 581, 0xffff }, { 597, 0xfbff }, { 612, 0x7fff }, + /* 0x2500 */ + { 627, 0x900f }, { 633, 0x3999 }, { 641, 0x9939 }, { 649, 0x9999 }, + /* 0x2540 */ + { 657, 0x0804 }, { 659, 0x0000 }, { 659, 0x0000 }, { 659, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2580 */ + { 659, 0x0000 }, { 659, 0x0000 }, { 659, 0x0003 }, { 661, 0x30ce }, + /* 0x25C0 */ + { 668, 0xcac3 }, { 676, 0x000f }, { 680, 0x8040 }, { 682, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2600 */ + { 682, 0x406f }, { 689, 0x40c0 }, { 692, 0x0000 }, { 692, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2640 */ + { 692, 0x0005 }, { 694, 0x0000 }, { 694, 0xffff }, { 710, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2700 */ + { 710, 0x0000 }, { 710, 0x0008 }, { 711, 0x0000 }, { 711, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2740 */ + { 711, 0x0000 }, { 711, 0x0040 }, { 712, 0x0000 }, { 712, 0xffc0 }, + /* 0x2900 */ + { 722, 0x0000 }, { 722, 0x0000 }, { 722, 0x0000 }, { 722, 0x0030 }, + /* 0x2980 */ + { 724, 0x0000 }, { 724, 0x0000 }, { 724, 0x0000 }, { 724, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x29C0 */ + { 725, 0x0000 }, { 725, 0x0000 }, { 725, 0x0000 }, { 725, 0x0c00 }, + /* 0x3000 */ + { 727, 0xffef }, { 742, 0xb3ff }, { 755, 0x0001 }, { 756, 0x3838 }, + /* 0x3040 */ + { 762, 0xfffe }, { 777, 0xffff }, { 793, 0xffff }, { 809, 0xffff }, + /* 0x3080 */ + { 825, 0xffff }, { 841, 0xf87f }, { 853, 0xffff }, { 869, 0xffff }, + /* 0x30C0 */ + { 885, 0xffff }, { 901, 0xffff }, { 917, 0xffff }, { 933, 0xffff }, + /* 0x31C0 */ + { 949, 0x0000 }, { 949, 0x0000 }, { 949, 0x0000 }, { 949, 0xffff }, + /* 0x3200 */ + { 965, 0x0000 }, { 965, 0x0000 }, { 965, 0x0000 }, { 965, 0x0206 }, + /* 0x3240 */ + { 968, 0x0000 }, { 968, 0xfffe }, { 983, 0x0000 }, { 983, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3280 */ + { 983, 0x0000 }, { 983, 0x0000 }, { 983, 0x01f0 }, { 988, 0xfffe }, + /* 0x32C0 */ + { 1003, 0x0000 }, { 1003, 0xffff }, { 1019, 0x322f }, { 1027, 0x0400 }, + /* 0x3300 */ + { 1028, 0x2008 }, { 1030, 0x0110 }, { 1032, 0x08cc }, { 1037, 0x0840 }, + /* 0x3340 */ + { 1039, 0x2600 }, { 1042, 0x0082 }, { 1044, 0x0000 }, { 1044, 0x7800 }, + /* 0x3380 */ + { 1048, 0xc000 }, { 1050, 0x7000 }, { 1053, 0x0002 }, { 1054, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x33C0 */ + { 1054, 0x2810 }, { 1057, 0x0000 }, { 1057, 0x0000 }, { 1057, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3400 */ + { 1057, 0x0044 }, { 1059, 0x0000 }, { 1059, 0x5000 }, { 1061, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3440 */ + { 1061, 0x0000 }, { 1061, 0x0000 }, { 1061, 0x0500 }, { 1063, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3480 */ + { 1063, 0x0000 }, { 1063, 0x0004 }, { 1064, 0x0000 }, { 1064, 0x1020 }, + /* 0x34C0 */ + { 1066, 0x0082 }, { 1068, 0x0800 }, { 1069, 0x0000 }, { 1069, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3500 */ + { 1069, 0x0000 }, { 1069, 0x8000 }, { 1070, 0x0000 }, { 1070, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3540 */ + { 1070, 0x0000 }, { 1070, 0x6000 }, { 1072, 0x4008 }, { 1074, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3580 */ + { 1074, 0x0000 }, { 1074, 0x0000 }, { 1074, 0x0140 }, { 1076, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x35C0 */ + { 1076, 0x0020 }, { 1077, 0x0400 }, { 1078, 0x0000 }, { 1078, 0x0010 }, + /* 0x3600 */ + { 1079, 0x0020 }, { 1080, 0x0000 }, { 1080, 0x0000 }, { 1080, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3640 */ + { 1080, 0x0400 }, { 1081, 0x0000 }, { 1081, 0x0000 }, { 1081, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3680 */ + { 1081, 0x0000 }, { 1081, 0x0242 }, { 1084, 0x0000 }, { 1084, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x36C0 */ + { 1084, 0x8000 }, { 1085, 0x0000 }, { 1085, 0x0000 }, { 1085, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3740 */ + { 1085, 0x0000 }, { 1085, 0x0000 }, { 1085, 0x1806 }, { 1089, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x3780 */ + { 1090, 0x2000 }, { 1091, 0x0000 }, { 1091, 0x0000 }, { 1091, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x37C0 */ + { 1091, 0x0002 }, { 1092, 0x0000 }, { 1092, 0x0104 }, { 1094, 0x2010 }, + /* 0x3800 */ + { 1096, 0x0001 }, { 1097, 0x0000 }, { 1097, 0x8000 }, { 1098, 0x0040 }, + /* 0x3840 */ + { 1099, 0x0001 }, { 1100, 0x1000 }, { 1101, 0x0002 }, { 1102, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x38C0 */ + { 1102, 0x0000 }, { 1102, 0x0000 }, { 1102, 0x0000 }, { 1102, 0x0400 }, + /* 0x3900 */ + { 1103, 0x0000 }, { 1103, 0x0480 }, { 1105, 0x0000 }, { 1105, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3940 */ + { 1105, 0x0000 }, { 1105, 0x0000 }, { 1105, 0x8000 }, { 1106, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3A40 */ + { 1106, 0x0000 }, { 1106, 0x0000 }, { 1106, 0x4000 }, { 1107, 0x0008 }, + /* 0x3AC0 */ + { 1108, 0x0000 }, { 1108, 0x00c0 }, { 1110, 0x0400 }, { 1111, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3B00 */ + { 1111, 0x4000 }, { 1112, 0x1400 }, { 1114, 0x0004 }, { 1115, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3B40 */ + { 1115, 0x0000 }, { 1115, 0x0000 }, { 1115, 0x2000 }, { 1116, 0x0080 }, + /* 0x3B80 */ + { 1117, 0x2180 }, { 1120, 0x0000 }, { 1120, 0x0010 }, { 1121, 0x0040 }, + /* 0x3BC0 */ + { 1122, 0x2008 }, { 1124, 0x0000 }, { 1124, 0x0000 }, { 1124, 0x0001 }, + /* 0x3C00 */ + { 1125, 0x8000 }, { 1126, 0x0000 }, { 1126, 0x0040 }, { 1127, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3CC0 */ + { 1127, 0x0008 }, { 1128, 0x0004 }, { 1129, 0x0000 }, { 1129, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3D00 */ + { 1129, 0x0000 }, { 1129, 0x4002 }, { 1131, 0x0000 }, { 1131, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3D40 */ + { 1131, 0x0000 }, { 1131, 0x0000 }, { 1131, 0x0010 }, { 1132, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3D80 */ + { 1132, 0x0000 }, { 1132, 0x0400 }, { 1133, 0x0000 }, { 1133, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3DC0 */ + { 1133, 0x0001 }, { 1134, 0x0010 }, { 1135, 0x0000 }, { 1135, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3E00 */ + { 1135, 0x0020 }, { 1136, 0x0000 }, { 1136, 0x0000 }, { 1136, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x3E40 */ + { 1137, 0x0000 }, { 1137, 0x0000 }, { 1137, 0x0141 }, { 1140, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3E80 */ + { 1140, 0x0008 }, { 1141, 0x0010 }, { 1142, 0x0000 }, { 1142, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3F40 */ + { 1142, 0x0000 }, { 1142, 0x0080 }, { 1143, 0x0000 }, { 1143, 0x00a4 }, + /* 0x3F80 */ + { 1146, 0x0000 }, { 1146, 0x0000 }, { 1146, 0x4000 }, { 1147, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3FC0 */ + { 1147, 0x0200 }, { 1148, 0x0080 }, { 1149, 0x0000 }, { 1149, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4000 */ + { 1149, 0x0000 }, { 1149, 0x0000 }, { 1149, 0x0000 }, { 1149, 0x0200 }, + /* 0x4040 */ + { 1150, 0x0000 }, { 1150, 0x0100 }, { 1151, 0x0000 }, { 1151, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4080 */ + { 1151, 0x0000 }, { 1151, 0x0008 }, { 1152, 0x0000 }, { 1152, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4100 */ + { 1152, 0x0020 }, { 1153, 0x0000 }, { 1153, 0x0000 }, { 1153, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4140 */ + { 1153, 0x8100 }, { 1155, 0x0000 }, { 1155, 0x0008 }, { 1156, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4180 */ + { 1156, 0x0000 }, { 1156, 0x0000 }, { 1156, 0x0000 }, { 1156, 0x8010 }, + /* 0x41C0 */ + { 1158, 0x0000 }, { 1158, 0x0000 }, { 1158, 0x4040 }, { 1160, 0x0008 }, + /* 0x4200 */ + { 1161, 0x4080 }, { 1163, 0x0000 }, { 1163, 0x0000 }, { 1163, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4240 */ + { 1163, 0x0000 }, { 1163, 0x0000 }, { 1163, 0x0010 }, { 1164, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x42C0 */ + { 1164, 0x0040 }, { 1165, 0x2040 }, { 1167, 0x0000 }, { 1167, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4300 */ + { 1167, 0x0004 }, { 1168, 0x0000 }, { 1168, 0x0800 }, { 1169, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4340 */ + { 1169, 0x0008 }, { 1170, 0x0000 }, { 1170, 0x0000 }, { 1170, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x43C0 */ + { 1170, 0x0000 }, { 1170, 0x0000 }, { 1170, 0x4000 }, { 1171, 0x0001 }, + /* 0x4400 */ + { 1172, 0x0100 }, { 1173, 0x1080 }, { 1175, 0x0004 }, { 1176, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4440 */ + { 1176, 0x0000 }, { 1176, 0x0808 }, { 1178, 0x0000 }, { 1178, 0x0440 }, + /* 0x4480 */ + { 1180, 0x0000 }, { 1180, 0x0002 }, { 1181, 0x0000 }, { 1181, 0x4008 }, + /* 0x44C0 */ + { 1183, 0x0000 }, { 1183, 0x0010 }, { 1184, 0x0000 }, { 1184, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4500 */ + { 1184, 0x2100 }, { 1186, 0x0000 }, { 1186, 0x0020 }, { 1187, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4540 */ + { 1187, 0x0008 }, { 1188, 0x0000 }, { 1188, 0x0000 }, { 1188, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4580 */ + { 1188, 0x0000 }, { 1188, 0x2000 }, { 1189, 0x0000 }, { 1189, 0x0100 }, + /* 0x45C0 */ + { 1190, 0x0000 }, { 1190, 0x0000 }, { 1190, 0x0420 }, { 1192, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4600 */ + { 1192, 0x8000 }, { 1193, 0x0000 }, { 1193, 0x0000 }, { 1193, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4640 */ + { 1193, 0x0002 }, { 1194, 0x0000 }, { 1194, 0x0020 }, { 1195, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4680 */ + { 1195, 0x0000 }, { 1195, 0x0000 }, { 1195, 0x8002 }, { 1197, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4700 */ + { 1197, 0x1000 }, { 1198, 0x0000 }, { 1198, 0x0000 }, { 1198, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4740 */ + { 1198, 0x0000 }, { 1198, 0x0000 }, { 1198, 0x0010 }, { 1199, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x47C0 */ + { 1199, 0x0000 }, { 1199, 0x0000 }, { 1199, 0x0000 }, { 1199, 0x2000 }, + /* 0x4800 */ + { 1200, 0x0000 }, { 1200, 0x0040 }, { 1201, 0x0000 }, { 1201, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4840 */ + { 1201, 0x4010 }, { 1203, 0x0000 }, { 1203, 0x0000 }, { 1203, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4880 */ + { 1203, 0x0000 }, { 1203, 0x0000 }, { 1203, 0x0000 }, { 1203, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x4980 */ + { 1204, 0x0000 }, { 1204, 0x0000 }, { 1204, 0x0000 }, { 1204, 0x0001 }, + /* 0x49C0 */ + { 1205, 0x0000 }, { 1205, 0x0000 }, { 1205, 0x0080 }, { 1206, 0x0400 }, + /* 0x4A00 */ + { 1207, 0x0010 }, { 1208, 0x0000 }, { 1208, 0x0200 }, { 1209, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4A80 */ + { 1209, 0x0000 }, { 1209, 0x0000 }, { 1209, 0x0000 }, { 1209, 0x1000 }, + /* 0x4B00 */ + { 1210, 0x0000 }, { 1210, 0x0000 }, { 1210, 0x0000 }, { 1210, 0x0800 }, + /* 0x4BC0 */ + { 1211, 0x0404 }, { 1213, 0x0004 }, { 1214, 0x0100 }, { 1215, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4C00 */ + { 1215, 0x0000 }, { 1215, 0x0080 }, { 1216, 0x0001 }, { 1217, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4CC0 */ + { 1217, 0x0010 }, { 1218, 0x0002 }, { 1219, 0x0000 }, { 1219, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4D00 */ + { 1219, 0x0080 }, { 1220, 0x0000 }, { 1220, 0x0000 }, { 1220, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x4D40 */ + { 1220, 0x0000 }, { 1220, 0x0000 }, { 1220, 0x0000 }, { 1220, 0x0080 }, + /* 0x4E00 */ + { 1221, 0xef8f }, { 1233, 0x43f7 }, { 1243, 0xff42 }, { 1253, 0x9b47 }, + /* 0x4E40 */ + { 1262, 0xe9ad }, { 1272, 0xe7e2 }, { 1282, 0x0204 }, { 1284, 0x400a }, + /* 0x4E80 */ + { 1287, 0x7f65 }, { 1298, 0xfb36 }, { 1309, 0x7977 }, { 1320, 0x1e49 }, + /* 0x4EC0 */ + { 1327, 0xeddf }, { 1340, 0xe7f1 }, { 1351, 0x683a }, { 1358, 0xa8e7 }, + /* 0x4F00 */ + { 1367, 0xee0b }, { 1376, 0x3443 }, { 1382, 0x8000 }, { 1383, 0x75d1 }, + /* 0x4F40 */ + { 1392, 0xe3c8 }, { 1400, 0xfffb }, { 1415, 0x9611 }, { 1421, 0xfde9 }, + /* 0x4F80 */ + { 1433, 0xad6c }, { 1442, 0x2dd6 }, { 1451, 0xe803 }, { 1457, 0xc064 }, + /* 0x4FC0 */ + { 1462, 0xce3c }, { 1471, 0xad97 }, { 1481, 0xc07b }, { 1489, 0x456e }, + /* 0x5000 */ + { 1497, 0xea67 }, { 1507, 0xd75f }, { 1519, 0x7ffe }, { 1533, 0x0a40 }, + /* 0x5040 */ + { 1536, 0xc3cf }, { 1546, 0x14e9 }, { 1553, 0x1468 }, { 1558, 0x2175 }, + /* 0x5080 */ + { 1565, 0x2121 }, { 1569, 0x177e }, { 1579, 0x3408 }, { 1583, 0x4cbe }, + /* 0x50C0 */ + { 1592, 0xf6b4 }, { 1602, 0x4673 }, { 1610, 0x62ea }, { 1618, 0x0a2c }, + /* 0x5100 */ + { 1623, 0x0b5f }, { 1632, 0xcdf4 }, { 1642, 0x0402 }, { 1644, 0x9ca4 }, + /* 0x5140 */ + { 1651, 0x7ffb }, { 1665, 0x14b5 }, { 1672, 0x7f25 }, { 1682, 0x19ea }, + /* 0x5180 */ + { 1690, 0xbe6d }, { 1701, 0x23ef }, { 1711, 0x3f7d }, { 1723, 0x30ff }, + /* 0x51C0 */ + { 1733, 0x3e78 }, { 1742, 0x7840 }, { 1747, 0x66c7 }, { 1756, 0x677b }, + /* 0x5200 */ + { 1767, 0x4ddf }, { 1778, 0x20fe }, { 1786, 0x46b0 }, { 1792, 0x0fc9 }, + /* 0x5240 */ + { 1800, 0xbe98 }, { 1809, 0x78f0 }, { 1817, 0x963a }, { 1825, 0xa0bf }, + /* 0x5280 */ + { 1834, 0x239c }, { 1841, 0x891e }, { 1848, 0xbe59 }, { 1858, 0x5e32 }, + /* 0x52C0 */ + { 1866, 0x37aa }, { 1875, 0xebe7 }, { 1887, 0x00dd }, { 1893, 0xcfad }, + /* 0x5300 */ + { 1904, 0xade7 }, { 1915, 0x36e1 }, { 1923, 0x841b }, { 1929, 0xcf2a }, + /* 0x5340 */ + { 1938, 0x27ef }, { 1949, 0x559e }, { 1958, 0xd2cb }, { 1967, 0xadbb }, + /* 0x5380 */ + { 1978, 0x0014 }, { 1980, 0xa548 }, { 1986, 0x6371 }, { 1994, 0x08dd }, + /* 0x53C0 */ + { 2001, 0x7f0d }, { 2011, 0x8ef0 }, { 2019, 0xff3e }, { 2032, 0x05ff }, + /* 0x5400 */ + { 2042, 0xff1a }, { 2053, 0xe807 }, { 2060, 0x7bd1 }, { 2070, 0x7b40 }, + /* 0x5440 */ + { 2077, 0x674d }, { 2086, 0x8022 }, { 2089, 0x1d44 }, { 2095, 0xb8fb }, + /* 0x5480 */ + { 2106, 0xfd51 }, { 2116, 0x1065 }, { 2121, 0xfb77 }, { 2134, 0xf58c }, + /* 0x54C0 */ + { 2143, 0x03df }, { 2152, 0x0100 }, { 2153, 0xf366 }, { 2163, 0xa40e }, + /* 0x5500 */ + { 2169, 0xc2d3 }, { 2177, 0x0051 }, { 2180, 0xc800 }, { 2183, 0x532a }, + /* 0x5540 */ + { 2190, 0x94f3 }, { 2199, 0x70c9 }, { 2206, 0x001b }, { 2210, 0x7800 }, + /* 0x5580 */ + { 2214, 0x4fdf }, { 2226, 0xf702 }, { 2234, 0x7f80 }, { 2242, 0x8041 }, + /* 0x55C0 */ + { 2245, 0x52b0 }, { 2251, 0xb416 }, { 2258, 0x021c }, { 2262, 0x6280 }, + /* 0x5600 */ + { 2266, 0x43c0 }, { 2271, 0x09d1 }, { 2277, 0x8300 }, { 2280, 0xa9d7 }, + /* 0x5640 */ + { 2290, 0x5285 }, { 2296, 0x4809 }, { 2300, 0xbd51 }, { 2309, 0x0556 }, + /* 0x5680 */ + { 2315, 0x95c1 }, { 2322, 0x6630 }, { 2328, 0x7325 }, { 2336, 0x105c }, + /* 0x56C0 */ + { 2341, 0x672f }, { 2351, 0xcd8a }, { 2359, 0x4109 }, { 2363, 0xa6cd }, + /* 0x5700 */ + { 2372, 0xaf19 }, { 2381, 0x916c }, { 2388, 0xa3ca }, { 2396, 0x0999 }, + /* 0x5740 */ + { 2402, 0xf4e5 }, { 2412, 0x0003 }, { 2414, 0x8752 }, { 2421, 0x98b9 }, + /* 0x5780 */ + { 2429, 0x0b04 }, { 2433, 0x7408 }, { 2438, 0x151d }, { 2445, 0x0109 }, + /* 0x57C0 */ + { 2448, 0xd9c9 }, { 2457, 0xd0dc }, { 2465, 0x2059 }, { 2470, 0xbff1 }, + /* 0x5800 */ + { 2482, 0x0e75 }, { 2490, 0x6220 }, { 2494, 0x8493 }, { 2500, 0x2637 }, + /* 0x5840 */ + { 2508, 0x1e03 }, { 2514, 0x4796 }, { 2522, 0x0a96 }, { 2528, 0x5225 }, + /* 0x5880 */ + { 2534, 0xae28 }, { 2541, 0xf099 }, { 2549, 0x4f00 }, { 2554, 0x4f0a }, + /* 0x58C0 */ + { 2561, 0x74aa }, { 2569, 0xd7be }, { 2581, 0xda35 }, { 2590, 0x3e9f }, + /* 0x5900 */ + { 2601, 0xbe64 }, { 2610, 0x1f71 }, { 2619, 0x7eb4 }, { 2629, 0x6186 }, + /* 0x5940 */ + { 2635, 0xc3d0 }, { 2642, 0xadb3 }, { 2652, 0x77a5 }, { 2662, 0x3178 }, + /* 0x5980 */ + { 2669, 0x2c1e }, { 2676, 0xaa4c }, { 2683, 0x5138 }, { 2689, 0x5a04 }, + /* 0x59C0 */ + { 2694, 0x2b48 }, { 2700, 0x761f }, { 2710, 0x4df8 }, { 2719, 0x8940 }, + /* 0x5A00 */ + { 2723, 0x320a }, { 2728, 0x958a }, { 2735, 0xa2a9 }, { 2742, 0x1060 }, + /* 0x5A40 */ + { 2745, 0x0243 }, { 2749, 0x0420 }, { 2751, 0x34e4 }, { 2758, 0xc480 }, + /* 0x5A80 */ + { 2762, 0x0810 }, { 2764, 0xdc04 }, { 2770, 0x0085 }, { 2773, 0xf42a }, + /* 0x5AC0 */ + { 2781, 0x1a16 }, { 2787, 0x14c1 }, { 2792, 0x426b }, { 2799, 0x0c21 }, + /* 0x5B00 */ + { 2803, 0x1b01 }, { 2808, 0x02c0 }, { 2811, 0x3424 }, { 2816, 0x4055 }, + /* 0x5B40 */ + { 2821, 0x102b }, { 2826, 0xbdf7 }, { 2839, 0x8b78 }, { 2847, 0xb52b }, + /* 0x5B80 */ + { 2856, 0xbbbb }, { 2868, 0xbfe8 }, { 2879, 0x507c }, { 2886, 0x8379 }, + /* 0x5BC0 */ + { 2894, 0x52fd }, { 2904, 0xe95d }, { 2914, 0x5bf6 }, { 2925, 0xe56b }, + /* 0x5C00 */ + { 2935, 0xeffe }, { 2949, 0x444e }, { 2955, 0x2b1d }, { 2963, 0xff03 }, + /* 0x5C40 */ + { 2973, 0xed63 }, { 2983, 0xc82b }, { 2990, 0xd3bf }, { 3002, 0x1643 }, + /* 0x5C80 */ + { 3008, 0x9500 }, { 3012, 0x8013 }, { 3016, 0x3fcf }, { 3028, 0x5dea }, + /* 0x5CC0 */ + { 3038, 0x0aa0 }, { 3042, 0x0205 }, { 3045, 0xa703 }, { 3052, 0x2c51 }, + /* 0x5D00 */ + { 3058, 0x68c0 }, { 3063, 0xaff3 }, { 3075, 0x0ad5 }, { 3082, 0x0202 }, + /* 0x5D40 */ + { 3084, 0x5cc4 }, { 3091, 0x100d }, { 3095, 0xb602 }, { 3101, 0x0049 }, + /* 0x5D80 */ + { 3104, 0x1996 }, { 3111, 0x2295 }, { 3117, 0x5095 }, { 3123, 0x3795 }, + /* 0x5DC0 */ + { 3132, 0x3a00 }, { 3136, 0x69ce }, { 3145, 0x4bff }, { 3157, 0x68be }, + /* 0x5E00 */ + { 3166, 0x184d }, { 3172, 0xaf76 }, { 3183, 0xe820 }, { 3188, 0x61c9 }, + /* 0x5E40 */ + { 3195, 0x52b9 }, { 3203, 0xc1f0 }, { 3210, 0x781e }, { 3218, 0xfffc }, + /* 0x5E80 */ + { 3232, 0x849a }, { 3238, 0x14e0 }, { 3243, 0x3ce1 }, { 3251, 0xc3e0 }, + /* 0x5EC0 */ + { 3258, 0x8f4e }, { 3267, 0xae4d }, { 3276, 0x130f }, { 3283, 0xffdb }, + /* 0x5F00 */ + { 3297, 0xff9f }, { 3311, 0xf9fb }, { 3324, 0xa2e8 }, { 3331, 0x71f2 }, + /* 0x5F40 */ + { 3340, 0x55a3 }, { 3348, 0x33da }, { 3357, 0x3ede }, { 3368, 0xf28f }, + /* 0x5F80 */ + { 3378, 0x9fbf }, { 3391, 0x538f }, { 3400, 0xe797 }, { 3411, 0x33b8 }, + /* 0x5FC0 */ + { 3419, 0x3ab8 }, { 3427, 0x73dc }, { 3437, 0xca17 }, { 3445, 0xb92b }, + /* 0x6000 */ + { 3454, 0xe000 }, { 3457, 0x3bf5 }, { 3468, 0x8ff7 }, { 3480, 0x042a }, + /* 0x6040 */ + { 3484, 0x3cce }, { 3493, 0x8625 }, { 3499, 0xbf3d }, { 3511, 0x80a1 }, + /* 0x6080 */ + { 3515, 0x3e1a }, { 3523, 0xecf4 }, { 3533, 0x07c9 }, { 3540, 0x717f }, + /* 0x60C0 */ + { 3551, 0x09e0 }, { 3556, 0xbf3a }, { 3567, 0x418b }, { 3573, 0x0fff }, + /* 0x6100 */ + { 3585, 0xe34b }, { 3594, 0xde2d }, { 3604, 0x1982 }, { 3609, 0xf491 }, + /* 0x6140 */ + { 3617, 0x7dd6 }, { 3628, 0xa728 }, { 3635, 0xc9ad }, { 3644, 0x50fb }, + /* 0x6180 */ + { 3653, 0x6484 }, { 3658, 0x07df }, { 3668, 0x7bb0 }, { 3677, 0x5644 }, + /* 0x61C0 */ + { 3683, 0x3fc8 }, { 3692, 0xa021 }, { 3696, 0x0048 }, { 3698, 0xf5f4 }, + /* 0x6200 */ + { 3709, 0x7701 }, { 3716, 0xec77 }, { 3727, 0xc64e }, { 3735, 0xc91d }, + /* 0x6240 */ + { 3743, 0x7bcb }, { 3754, 0x4d6e }, { 3763, 0xe11b }, { 3771, 0xda4a }, + /* 0x6280 */ + { 3779, 0x063d }, { 3786, 0x5bfe }, { 3798, 0x1840 }, { 3801, 0x3a22 }, + /* 0x62C0 */ + { 3807, 0xb7f4 }, { 3818, 0x3bff }, { 3831, 0xf003 }, { 3837, 0xf0ea }, + /* 0x6300 */ + { 3846, 0x378e }, { 3855, 0x8303 }, { 3860, 0x8980 }, { 3864, 0xfe24 }, + /* 0x6340 */ + { 3873, 0xf21a }, { 3881, 0x12a1 }, { 3886, 0x5ba0 }, { 3893, 0x1cc4 }, + /* 0x6380 */ + { 3899, 0xd319 }, { 3907, 0x8b54 }, { 3914, 0x1faf }, { 3925, 0x6834 }, + /* 0x63C0 */ + { 3931, 0x8259 }, { 3937, 0x1c75 }, { 3945, 0x7a2b }, { 3954, 0x04f4 }, + /* 0x6400 */ + { 3960, 0xa240 }, { 3964, 0x50d9 }, { 3971, 0xb364 }, { 3979, 0x4450 }, + /* 0x6440 */ + { 3983, 0x4004 }, { 3985, 0x2d02 }, { 3990, 0xa281 }, { 3995, 0x2748 }, + /* 0x6480 */ + { 4001, 0x0188 }, { 4004, 0xe42e }, { 4012, 0x6a30 }, { 4018, 0xda05 }, + /* 0x64C0 */ + { 4025, 0x7cb6 }, { 4035, 0x05b5 }, { 4042, 0x90ff }, { 4052, 0xecd6 }, + /* 0x6500 */ + { 4062, 0x8031 }, { 4066, 0x7150 }, { 4072, 0x9e1c }, { 4080, 0xcbf4 }, + /* 0x6540 */ + { 4090, 0xa130 }, { 4095, 0x63f2 }, { 4104, 0x18cc }, { 4110, 0x05b5 }, + /* 0x6580 */ + { 4117, 0x57be }, { 4128, 0xba83 }, { 4136, 0xb8b2 }, { 4144, 0xb3a5 }, + /* 0x65C0 */ + { 4153, 0x9a7e }, { 4163, 0x0a94 }, { 4168, 0x33e7 }, { 4178, 0x1e06 }, + /* 0x6600 */ + { 4184, 0xd7dd }, { 4196, 0xd038 }, { 4202, 0xadb7 }, { 4213, 0x947b }, + /* 0x6640 */ + { 4222, 0xdb3e }, { 4233, 0xee86 }, { 4242, 0xfffe }, { 4257, 0x0dd9 }, + /* 0x6680 */ + { 4265, 0x639b }, { 4274, 0x23c7 }, { 4282, 0x6845 }, { 4288, 0xdb36 }, + /* 0x66C0 */ + { 4298, 0x03d2 }, { 4304, 0x3e40 }, { 4310, 0x1341 }, { 4315, 0xffbd }, + /* 0x6700 */ + { 4329, 0xab2b }, { 4338, 0xeafc }, { 4349, 0x7dc0 }, { 4357, 0xa5da }, + /* 0x6740 */ + { 4366, 0xf3c2 }, { 4375, 0xf25b }, { 4385, 0xa47f }, { 4395, 0xd8ff }, + /* 0x6780 */ + { 4407, 0x1aa2 }, { 4413, 0x3dad }, { 4423, 0x8247 }, { 4429, 0x0bdd }, + /* 0x67C0 */ + { 4438, 0xc55b }, { 4447, 0x6f9f }, { 4459, 0xd294 }, { 4466, 0xdabb }, + /* 0x6800 */ + { 4477, 0x001e }, { 4481, 0xe1c9 }, { 4489, 0x3e06 }, { 4496, 0x7b1e }, + /* 0x6840 */ + { 4506, 0x737f }, { 4518, 0xbabf }, { 4530, 0x4888 }, { 4534, 0xd4f4 }, + /* 0x6880 */ + { 4543, 0xa02e }, { 4549, 0xbfd9 }, { 4561, 0xaded }, { 4572, 0x1e7f }, + /* 0x68C0 */ + { 4583, 0xbf78 }, { 4594, 0x87f5 }, { 4604, 0xf1bb }, { 4615, 0x1e87 }, + /* 0x6900 */ + { 4623, 0xfdbb }, { 4636, 0x1e04 }, { 4641, 0x056e }, { 4648, 0xaa71 }, + /* 0x6940 */ + { 4656, 0x0644 }, { 4660, 0x76b8 }, { 4669, 0xff1f }, { 4682, 0xf7bc }, + /* 0x6980 */ + { 4694, 0x4407 }, { 4699, 0x1976 }, { 4707, 0x60e1 }, { 4713, 0xdc97 }, + /* 0x69C0 */ + { 4723, 0xfc8b }, { 4733, 0x634b }, { 4741, 0xef8c }, { 4751, 0xea7c }, + /* 0x6A00 */ + { 4761, 0x9c24 }, { 4767, 0xeebe }, { 4779, 0x4e0e }, { 4786, 0xef7d }, + /* 0x6A40 */ + { 4799, 0x4bf0 }, { 4807, 0x8b45 }, { 4814, 0x0856 }, { 4819, 0xc50c }, + /* 0x6A80 */ + { 4825, 0x6a19 }, { 4832, 0xf093 }, { 4840, 0x5c2f }, { 4849, 0x2908 }, + /* 0x6AC0 */ + { 4853, 0x004e }, { 4857, 0xfc1b }, { 4867, 0x1590 }, { 4872, 0x2c0e }, + /* 0x6B00 */ + { 4878, 0x8c30 }, { 4883, 0xe8c7 }, { 4892, 0x908b }, { 4898, 0x67a4 }, + /* 0x6B40 */ + { 4906, 0x56c8 }, { 4913, 0x8b59 }, { 4921, 0x96ff }, { 4933, 0x8fb8 }, + /* 0x6B80 */ + { 4942, 0x2e5f }, { 4952, 0x4960 }, { 4957, 0xee10 }, { 4964, 0xfcbe }, + /* 0x6BC0 */ + { 4976, 0xebe1 }, { 4986, 0x8ddc }, { 4995, 0xd8c0 }, { 5001, 0x800a }, + /* 0x6C00 */ + { 5004, 0xc524 }, { 5010, 0x089b }, { 5016, 0x0018 }, { 5018, 0xc5f8 }, + /* 0x6C40 */ + { 5027, 0x6007 }, { 5032, 0xfea1 }, { 5042, 0x2585 }, { 5048, 0x645d }, + /* 0x6C80 */ + { 5056, 0x337e }, { 5066, 0x1ffd }, { 5078, 0x6c06 }, { 5084, 0xff0a }, + /* 0x6CC0 */ + { 5094, 0x1676 }, { 5102, 0x3ef9 }, { 5113, 0xff2f }, { 5126, 0x080b }, + /* 0x6D00 */ + { 5130, 0x5c11 }, { 5136, 0xca84 }, { 5142, 0xcef0 }, { 5151, 0xfb7e }, + /* 0x6D40 */ + { 5164, 0x0032 }, { 5167, 0x5f00 }, { 5173, 0x5679 }, { 5182, 0x0391 }, + /* 0x6D80 */ + { 5187, 0x77a7 }, { 5198, 0x1b3a }, { 5206, 0xdc00 }, { 5211, 0x9134 }, + /* 0x6DC0 */ + { 5217, 0xd9f5 }, { 5228, 0xef67 }, { 5240, 0x5f52 }, { 5249, 0x1eea }, + /* 0x6E00 */ + { 5258, 0x0fa0 }, { 5264, 0xeea8 }, { 5273, 0xfaff }, { 5287, 0x5554 }, + /* 0x6E40 */ + { 5294, 0xff18 }, { 5304, 0xd9da }, { 5314, 0xc888 }, { 5319, 0xc044 }, + /* 0x6E80 */ + { 5323, 0x9005 }, { 5327, 0xb149 }, { 5334, 0x8ca4 }, { 5340, 0xa4d6 }, + /* 0x6EC0 */ + { 5348, 0x5ebe }, { 5359, 0x623a }, { 5366, 0x9800 }, { 5369, 0xcb94 }, + /* 0x6F00 */ + { 5377, 0x9646 }, { 5384, 0x053b }, { 5391, 0x9c2d }, { 5399, 0xd16e }, + /* 0x6F40 */ + { 5408, 0x0022 }, { 5410, 0xdf96 }, { 5421, 0xe157 }, { 5430, 0x7511 }, + /* 0x6F80 */ + { 5437, 0x7157 }, { 5446, 0x81d3 }, { 5453, 0x84bb }, { 5461, 0x526a }, + /* 0x6FC0 */ + { 5468, 0x07cf }, { 5477, 0xcd30 }, { 5484, 0xda13 }, { 5492, 0x566b }, + /* 0x7000 */ + { 5501, 0x8ee3 }, { 5510, 0xed22 }, { 5518, 0x11c8 }, { 5523, 0x5605 }, + /* 0x7040 */ + { 5529, 0x5c88 }, { 5535, 0x6112 }, { 5540, 0xda38 }, { 5548, 0x7161 }, + /* 0x7080 */ + { 5555, 0x4662 }, { 5561, 0x82a4 }, { 5566, 0xf810 }, { 5572, 0x0f8a }, + /* 0x70C0 */ + { 5579, 0x8d00 }, { 5583, 0xb31a }, { 5591, 0x1010 }, { 5593, 0x2202 }, + /* 0x7100 */ + { 5596, 0x93d8 }, { 5604, 0x5610 }, { 5609, 0xc843 }, { 5615, 0x1043 }, + /* 0x7140 */ + { 5619, 0x56c0 }, { 5625, 0x526f }, { 5634, 0x53f5 }, { 5644, 0x2000 }, + /* 0x7180 */ + { 5645, 0x85b1 }, { 5652, 0x8a74 }, { 5659, 0xd105 }, { 5665, 0x460a }, + /* 0x71C0 */ + { 5670, 0x4b1a }, { 5677, 0x92bd }, { 5686, 0x70e1 }, { 5693, 0xda20 }, + /* 0x7200 */ + { 5699, 0x20c1 }, { 5703, 0x0821 }, { 5706, 0x3d00 }, { 5711, 0xff75 }, + /* 0x7240 */ + { 5724, 0x19c5 }, { 5731, 0xabec }, { 5741, 0xc28e }, { 5748, 0xe314 }, + /* 0x7280 */ + { 5755, 0x6087 }, { 5761, 0x0844 }, { 5764, 0xf085 }, { 5771, 0x4247 }, + /* 0x72C0 */ + { 5777, 0x505f }, { 5785, 0x0a85 }, { 5790, 0x3207 }, { 5796, 0x3f88 }, + /* 0x7300 */ + { 5804, 0x0480 }, { 5806, 0xbbc4 }, { 5815, 0xdfa0 }, { 5824, 0xe2da }, + /* 0x7340 */ + { 5833, 0xc030 }, { 5837, 0x0085 }, { 5840, 0xdd48 }, { 5848, 0x1da7 }, + /* 0x7380 */ + { 5857, 0x0eb2 }, { 5864, 0xd170 }, { 5871, 0x0b65 }, { 5878, 0x9aac }, + /* 0x73C0 */ + { 5886, 0xef25 }, { 5896, 0x4240 }, { 5899, 0x66ab }, { 5908, 0x4702 }, + /* 0x7400 */ + { 5913, 0x06ea }, { 5920, 0x0c08 }, { 5923, 0xdd74 }, { 5933, 0x867f }, + /* 0x7440 */ + { 5943, 0x28db }, { 5951, 0xfeac }, { 5962, 0xae1d }, { 5971, 0x404b }, + /* 0x7480 */ + { 5976, 0x0bea }, { 5984, 0xd385 }, { 5992, 0x0fef }, { 6003, 0xae21 }, + /* 0x74C0 */ + { 6010, 0x8700 }, { 6014, 0x5550 }, { 6020, 0xcacd }, { 6029, 0x85c7 }, + /* 0x7500 */ + { 6037, 0x703a }, { 6044, 0xd5aa }, { 6053, 0x9d79 }, { 6063, 0x7d8f }, + /* 0x7540 */ + { 6074, 0xff51 }, { 6085, 0x3e17 }, { 6094, 0xbef5 }, { 6106, 0xe7df }, + /* 0x7580 */ + { 6119, 0xdec6 }, { 6129, 0x2416 }, { 6134, 0x082c }, { 6138, 0xf3af }, + /* 0x75C0 */ + { 6150, 0xe4ed }, { 6160, 0xeb3c }, { 6170, 0x529d }, { 6178, 0xd61f }, + /* 0x7600 */ + { 6188, 0xab8f }, { 6198, 0xdb68 }, { 6207, 0x21f7 }, { 6216, 0x1839 }, + /* 0x7640 */ + { 6222, 0x1bce }, { 6231, 0x1164 }, { 6236, 0xf7b6 }, { 6248, 0x7d47 }, + /* 0x7680 */ + { 6258, 0x49db }, { 6267, 0x7e69 }, { 6277, 0xc5c3 }, { 6285, 0x87d1 }, + /* 0x76C0 */ + { 6293, 0x776c }, { 6303, 0xd8d4 }, { 6311, 0x55fa }, { 6321, 0x5916 }, + /* 0x7700 */ + { 6328, 0x1f92 }, { 6336, 0xce80 }, { 6342, 0x2271 }, { 6348, 0x15f0 }, + /* 0x7740 */ + { 6355, 0x60c1 }, { 6360, 0x9d00 }, { 6365, 0x0d6f }, { 6374, 0xf604 }, + /* 0x7780 */ + { 6381, 0x4801 }, { 6384, 0xc412 }, { 6389, 0x3635 }, { 6397, 0xba49 }, + /* 0x77C0 */ + { 6405, 0x2080 }, { 6407, 0xdc80 }, { 6413, 0xf6fd }, { 6426, 0x1819 }, + /* 0x7800 */ + { 6431, 0x3264 }, { 6437, 0x0234 }, { 6441, 0x30e3 }, { 6448, 0x8414 }, + /* 0x7840 */ + { 6452, 0xc0a8 }, { 6457, 0x2002 }, { 6459, 0xdd10 }, { 6466, 0x1014 }, + /* 0x7880 */ + { 6469, 0x74c2 }, { 6476, 0xe4ba }, { 6485, 0xa698 }, { 6492, 0x5c21 }, + /* 0x78C0 */ + { 6498, 0x5d62 }, { 6506, 0x0433 }, { 6511, 0x91d3 }, { 6519, 0x6e94 }, + /* 0x7900 */ + { 6527, 0x4083 }, { 6531, 0x1a07 }, { 6537, 0x5c60 }, { 6543, 0x5c13 }, + /* 0x7940 */ + { 6550, 0x07e3 }, { 6558, 0xfde9 }, { 6570, 0x21a5 }, { 6576, 0x8684 }, + /* 0x7980 */ + { 6581, 0xe433 }, { 6589, 0x2970 }, { 6595, 0x46c2 }, { 6601, 0xef1b }, + /* 0x79C0 */ + { 6612, 0x3f87 }, { 6622, 0xc176 }, { 6630, 0x3ada }, { 6639, 0x0801 }, + /* 0x7A00 */ + { 6641, 0x6d09 }, { 6648, 0xdfb2 }, { 6659, 0x6001 }, { 6662, 0xfb86 }, + /* 0x7A40 */ + { 6672, 0xf2cd }, { 6682, 0xb2c1 }, { 6689, 0x2e8f }, { 6698, 0xa771 }, + /* 0x7A80 */ + { 6707, 0x053e }, { 6714, 0x81ed }, { 6722, 0xd609 }, { 6729, 0xde49 }, + /* 0x7AC0 */ + { 6738, 0xfdb8 }, { 6749, 0xb62e }, { 6758, 0xadef }, { 6770, 0xa751 }, + /* 0x7B00 */ + { 6778, 0x8dd4 }, { 6786, 0x4b06 }, { 6792, 0xf5e1 }, { 6802, 0x2a6a }, + /* 0x7B40 */ + { 6809, 0xfbe2 }, { 6820, 0x2077 }, { 6827, 0xf2f1 }, { 6837, 0x863f }, + /* 0x7B80 */ + { 6846, 0xa8c0 }, { 6851, 0xffb7 }, { 6865, 0xa402 }, { 6869, 0x1132 }, + /* 0x7BC0 */ + { 6874, 0x9ef3 }, { 6885, 0x26d0 }, { 6891, 0x2671 }, { 6898, 0x00c9 }, + /* 0x7C00 */ + { 6902, 0xe88b }, { 6910, 0xc09e }, { 6917, 0x0ccb }, { 6924, 0xe1ca }, + /* 0x7C40 */ + { 6932, 0xb429 }, { 6939, 0xc3d3 }, { 6948, 0xf233 }, { 6957, 0x4229 }, + /* 0x7C80 */ + { 6962, 0xaa0e }, { 6969, 0x89b5 }, { 6977, 0x69f7 }, { 6988, 0xf2ce }, + /* 0x7CC0 */ + { 6998, 0x6535 }, { 7006, 0xf3e4 }, { 7016, 0x88c5 }, { 7022, 0x4d74 }, + /* 0x7D00 */ + { 7030, 0x2ffd }, { 7042, 0x7fbd }, { 7055, 0xd80f }, { 7063, 0xe62f }, + /* 0x7D40 */ + { 7073, 0xd9ff }, { 7086, 0x5e49 }, { 7094, 0x454e }, { 7101, 0xa66f }, + /* 0x7D80 */ + { 7111, 0x9b48 }, { 7118, 0xbe88 }, { 7126, 0xfccd }, { 7137, 0xedf7 }, + /* 0x7DC0 */ + { 7150, 0x9c85 }, { 7157, 0x77e6 }, { 7168, 0x935b }, { 7177, 0x0a16 }, + /* 0x7E00 */ + { 7182, 0x0f32 }, { 7189, 0xe8a7 }, { 7198, 0x59cf }, { 7208, 0x6ea6 }, + /* 0x7E40 */ + { 7217, 0x2cea }, { 7225, 0x6674 }, { 7233, 0x2ec2 }, { 7240, 0xfa29 }, + /* 0x7E80 */ + { 7249, 0xf7cc }, { 7260, 0x1d5f }, { 7270, 0x0000 }, { 7270, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7F00 */ + { 7270, 0x0000 }, { 7270, 0x0000 }, { 7270, 0x0000 }, { 7270, 0x5d40 }, + /* 0x7F40 */ + { 7276, 0xf0b8 }, { 7284, 0x8137 }, { 7291, 0x6f9b }, { 7302, 0x63a5 }, + /* 0x7F80 */ + { 7310, 0x55ec }, { 7319, 0x74d3 }, { 7328, 0xe318 }, { 7335, 0xa344 }, + /* 0x7FC0 */ + { 7341, 0xd46a }, { 7349, 0x8834 }, { 7354, 0xda6b }, { 7364, 0x1e0d }, + /* 0x8000 */ + { 7371, 0x5d7f }, { 7383, 0x13f7 }, { 7393, 0x1152 }, { 7398, 0xb8e9 }, + /* 0x8040 */ + { 7407, 0x0448 }, { 7410, 0xc544 }, { 7416, 0x8146 }, { 7421, 0xeaff }, + /* 0x8080 */ + { 7434, 0x1af0 }, { 7441, 0x3f48 }, { 7449, 0xb6b6 }, { 7459, 0x0516 }, + /* 0x80C0 */ + { 7464, 0x5478 }, { 7471, 0x6fe0 }, { 7480, 0x8073 }, { 7486, 0x393a }, + /* 0x8100 */ + { 7494, 0x27e4 }, { 7502, 0x4d40 }, { 7507, 0x9298 }, { 7513, 0x622a }, + /* 0x8140 */ + { 7519, 0x4c40 }, { 7523, 0x803b }, { 7529, 0x6be1 }, { 7538, 0x8713 }, + /* 0x8180 */ + { 7545, 0x853f }, { 7554, 0x3528 }, { 7560, 0x0319 }, { 7565, 0xed2d }, + /* 0x81C0 */ + { 7575, 0xa74f }, { 7585, 0x8fca }, { 7594, 0x35b9 }, { 7603, 0xfc18 }, + /* 0x8200 */ + { 7611, 0x77b6 }, { 7622, 0xdbc5 }, { 7632, 0x5e06 }, { 7639, 0x13fc }, + /* 0x8240 */ + { 7648, 0x8ae1 }, { 7655, 0xb780 }, { 7662, 0xcd5d }, { 7672, 0xe3d6 }, + /* 0x8280 */ + { 7682, 0x6c08 }, { 7687, 0xa20c }, { 7692, 0xfbfa }, { 7705, 0xff9e }, + /* 0x82C0 */ + { 7718, 0x0060 }, { 7720, 0xdabe }, { 7731, 0x09ee }, { 7739, 0x6e9a }, + /* 0x8300 */ + { 7748, 0x53ff }, { 7760, 0x39c0 }, { 7766, 0xa90c }, { 7772, 0x1777 }, + /* 0x8340 */ + { 7782, 0x86b9 }, { 7790, 0x01b7 }, { 7797, 0x000c }, { 7799, 0xb8a8 }, + /* 0x8380 */ + { 7806, 0x66e0 }, { 7813, 0xed7c }, { 7824, 0x0f85 }, { 7831, 0xa022 }, + /* 0x83C0 */ + { 7835, 0xd6a3 }, { 7844, 0xb15b }, { 7853, 0x8e23 }, { 7860, 0x2a97 }, + /* 0x8400 */ + { 7868, 0xfcda }, { 7879, 0x00aa }, { 7883, 0x1605 }, { 7888, 0x3322 }, + /* 0x8440 */ + { 7894, 0xc740 }, { 7900, 0x9e86 }, { 7908, 0xfa6e }, { 7919, 0x17eb }, + /* 0x8480 */ + { 7929, 0x0836 }, { 7934, 0xd291 }, { 7941, 0xa042 }, { 7945, 0xdf14 }, + /* 0x84C0 */ + { 7954, 0xee57 }, { 7965, 0x164b }, { 7972, 0xd480 }, { 7977, 0xb413 }, + /* 0x8500 */ + { 7984, 0x1041 }, { 7987, 0xcdba }, { 7997, 0xb87a }, { 8006, 0x6034 }, + /* 0x8540 */ + { 8011, 0xcf0b }, { 8020, 0x47aa }, { 8028, 0xa71e }, { 8037, 0xec80 }, + /* 0x8580 */ + { 8043, 0x95d3 }, { 8052, 0xba9b }, { 8062, 0xff54 }, { 8073, 0x1681 }, + /* 0x85C0 */ + { 8078, 0xee82 }, { 8086, 0xb321 }, { 8093, 0x2672 }, { 8100, 0xcec0 }, + /* 0x8600 */ + { 8107, 0x0cf5 }, { 8115, 0x45cf }, { 8124, 0xa296 }, { 8131, 0x9301 }, + /* 0x8640 */ + { 8136, 0x6003 }, { 8140, 0xdcf9 }, { 8151, 0x9884 }, { 8156, 0x0ea2 }, + /* 0x8680 */ + { 8162, 0x3e80 }, { 8168, 0x312a }, { 8174, 0x8f18 }, { 8181, 0x014b }, + /* 0x86C0 */ + { 8186, 0x6ada }, { 8195, 0xcab2 }, { 8203, 0xf258 }, { 8211, 0x7f00 }, + /* 0x8700 */ + { 8218, 0x6fed }, { 8230, 0x970f }, { 8239, 0x022a }, { 8243, 0xcc92 }, + /* 0x8740 */ + { 8250, 0x5a09 }, { 8256, 0x83aa }, { 8263, 0x4579 }, { 8271, 0x9156 }, + /* 0x8780 */ + { 8278, 0x2b84 }, { 8284, 0x8008 }, { 8286, 0xb885 }, { 8293, 0x6c28 }, + /* 0x87C0 */ + { 8299, 0x48d3 }, { 8306, 0x8045 }, { 8310, 0xbc69 }, { 8319, 0x4ae4 }, + /* 0x8800 */ + { 8326, 0xec6a }, { 8335, 0x807b }, { 8342, 0x418e }, { 8348, 0x1a46 }, + /* 0x8840 */ + { 8354, 0x3455 }, { 8361, 0xeb8c }, { 8370, 0x8b1e }, { 8378, 0xe0a5 }, + /* 0x8880 */ + { 8385, 0x2906 }, { 8390, 0x43c4 }, { 8396, 0x4c15 }, { 8402, 0xf0b3 }, + /* 0x88C0 */ + { 8411, 0xc43f }, { 8420, 0xbb3e }, { 8431, 0x0102 }, { 8433, 0x733f }, + /* 0x8900 */ + { 8444, 0x1496 }, { 8450, 0x770d }, { 8459, 0x0ca0 }, { 8463, 0x0bc5 }, + /* 0x8940 */ + { 8470, 0x323f }, { 8479, 0xc040 }, { 8482, 0xa455 }, { 8489, 0xc094 }, + /* 0x8980 */ + { 8494, 0x8fcb }, { 8504, 0x85d9 }, { 8512, 0x96c2 }, { 8519, 0xa48d }, + /* 0x89C0 */ + { 8526, 0x0001 }, { 8527, 0x3554 }, { 8534, 0x08e8 }, { 8539, 0xa15a }, + /* 0x8A00 */ + { 8546, 0x550d }, { 8553, 0xa9ff }, { 8565, 0x242e }, { 8571, 0x5cfa }, + /* 0x8A40 */ + { 8581, 0x61e2 }, { 8588, 0x6937 }, { 8597, 0x7a4f }, { 8607, 0x122f }, + /* 0x8A80 */ + { 8614, 0x32b4 }, { 8621, 0x452b }, { 8628, 0x71fb }, { 8639, 0xd285 }, + /* 0x8AC0 */ + { 8646, 0xb894 }, { 8653, 0xdcc5 }, { 8662, 0x68d7 }, { 8671, 0x55da }, + /* 0x8B00 */ + { 8680, 0x74b7 }, { 8690, 0xbed1 }, { 8700, 0x3943 }, { 8707, 0x4208 }, + /* 0x8B40 */ + { 8710, 0xd24a }, { 8717, 0xdf52 }, { 8727, 0x9a40 }, { 8732, 0xa0d7 }, + /* 0x8B80 */ + { 8740, 0x5c0b }, { 8747, 0x767d }, { 8758, 0x0000 }, { 8758, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8C00 */ + { 8758, 0x0000 }, { 8758, 0x0000 }, { 8758, 0x0000 }, { 8758, 0xa680 }, + /* 0x8C40 */ + { 8763, 0xd7e2 }, { 8773, 0x04b1 }, { 8778, 0x3f06 }, { 8786, 0x1708 }, + /* 0x8C80 */ + { 8791, 0x7624 }, { 8798, 0x6b1c }, { 8806, 0xff97 }, { 8819, 0xb9dd }, + /* 0x8CC0 */ + { 8830, 0x659f }, { 8840, 0x5e6a }, { 8849, 0x245f }, { 8857, 0x7d13 }, + /* 0x8D00 */ + { 8866, 0xefb0 }, { 8876, 0x085d }, { 8882, 0x0000 }, { 8882, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8D40 */ + { 8882, 0x0000 }, { 8882, 0x0000 }, { 8882, 0x38d0 }, { 8888, 0x009b }, + /* 0x8D80 */ + { 8893, 0x0432 }, { 8897, 0x0220 }, { 8899, 0x8148 }, { 8903, 0x4408 }, + /* 0x8DC0 */ + { 8906, 0xd944 }, { 8913, 0xaec2 }, { 8921, 0x9d0a }, { 8928, 0xb028 }, + /* 0x8E00 */ + { 8933, 0x9740 }, { 8939, 0xe051 }, { 8945, 0x048f }, { 8951, 0x2271 }, + /* 0x8E40 */ + { 8957, 0x1f94 }, { 8965, 0x8231 }, { 8970, 0xb01d }, { 8977, 0x1855 }, + /* 0x8E80 */ + { 8983, 0x2cb2 }, { 8990, 0x431a }, { 8996, 0xdc02 }, { 9002, 0x486b }, + /* 0x8EC0 */ + { 9009, 0x3d61 }, { 9017, 0x8816 }, { 9022, 0x080c }, { 9025, 0x7f00 }, + /* 0x8F00 */ + { 9032, 0x1729 }, { 9039, 0xfabc }, { 9050, 0xae40 }, { 9056, 0xcb48 }, + /* 0x8F40 */ + { 9063, 0x7675 }, { 9073, 0x9190 }, { 9078, 0x001e }, { 9082, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8F80 */ + { 9082, 0x0000 }, { 9082, 0xd800 }, { 9086, 0xe1d8 }, { 9094, 0x9cf7 }, + /* 0x8FC0 */ + { 9105, 0x6476 }, { 9113, 0x043a }, { 9118, 0xef75 }, { 9130, 0x2fb3 }, + /* 0x9000 */ + { 9140, 0xf96f }, { 9152, 0xe6fb }, { 9164, 0x608f }, { 9171, 0x53e6 }, + /* 0x9040 */ + { 9180, 0xeebe }, { 9192, 0x737f }, { 9204, 0xe32b }, { 9213, 0xb5e4 }, + /* 0x9080 */ + { 9222, 0x97bf }, { 9234, 0x0aa3 }, { 9240, 0x854e }, { 9247, 0x416b }, + /* 0x90C0 */ + { 9254, 0x45ba }, { 9262, 0xf880 }, { 9268, 0xa916 }, { 9275, 0xe0f4 }, + /* 0x9100 */ + { 9283, 0x0055 }, { 9287, 0x5374 }, { 9295, 0xa08c }, { 9300, 0x2697 }, + /* 0x9140 */ + { 9308, 0x7fc0 }, { 9317, 0x0bd4 }, { 9324, 0x163e }, { 9332, 0x03bc }, + /* 0x9180 */ + { 9339, 0x6aac }, { 9347, 0x5085 }, { 9352, 0xdd14 }, { 9360, 0x157a }, + /* 0x91C0 */ + { 9368, 0xfbdb }, { 9381, 0xbdc3 }, { 9391, 0x70fa }, { 9400, 0x9862 }, + /* 0x9200 */ + { 9406, 0x6482 }, { 9411, 0x40f3 }, { 9418, 0x1200 }, { 9420, 0x9798 }, + /* 0x9240 */ + { 9428, 0xcfbd }, { 9440, 0x4ec3 }, { 9448, 0x01f7 }, { 9456, 0xf102 }, + /* 0x9280 */ + { 9462, 0x2329 }, { 9468, 0x9fea }, { 9479, 0x2880 }, { 9482, 0x8284 }, + /* 0x92C0 */ + { 9486, 0xd845 }, { 9493, 0x028d }, { 9498, 0x26b1 }, { 9505, 0x9f8c }, + /* 0x9300 */ + { 9514, 0xa054 }, { 9519, 0xe723 }, { 9528, 0xdbef }, { 9541, 0x0c24 }, + /* 0x9340 */ + { 9545, 0x2f90 }, { 9552, 0x1cd2 }, { 9559, 0x5c31 }, { 9566, 0x502b }, + /* 0x9380 */ + { 9572, 0x9900 }, { 9576, 0x4cd0 }, { 9582, 0x708a }, { 9588, 0x0601 }, + /* 0x93C0 */ + { 9591, 0x01ca }, { 9596, 0xf1c3 }, { 9605, 0x01b6 }, { 9611, 0x2822 }, + /* 0x9400 */ + { 9615, 0x8298 }, { 9620, 0x07d9 }, { 9628, 0x0802 }, { 9630, 0x0d7c }, + /* 0x9440 */ + { 9638, 0x0432 }, { 9642, 0x4c0e }, { 9648, 0xac0d }, { 9655, 0xf0a7 }, + /* 0x9480 */ + { 9664, 0x0002 }, { 9665, 0x0000 }, { 9665, 0x0000 }, { 9665, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9540 */ + { 9665, 0x0000 }, { 9665, 0x0000 }, { 9665, 0x0000 }, { 9665, 0x0380 }, + /* 0x9580 */ + { 9668, 0xfecd }, { 9680, 0x835a }, { 9687, 0x3bfd }, { 9699, 0x7a54 }, + /* 0x95C0 */ + { 9707, 0x3d88 }, { 9714, 0x5579 }, { 9723, 0x0026 }, { 9726, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9600 */ + { 9726, 0x0000 }, { 9726, 0x3000 }, { 9728, 0xd502 }, { 9734, 0x981c }, + /* 0x9640 */ + { 9740, 0xb817 }, { 9748, 0xf901 }, { 9755, 0x147e }, { 9763, 0x25ed }, + /* 0x9680 */ + { 9772, 0xed74 }, { 9782, 0x3fb0 }, { 9791, 0x87b9 }, { 9800, 0x3fdf }, + /* 0x96C0 */ + { 9813, 0x7af3 }, { 9824, 0x7f66 }, { 9835, 0x8f0c }, { 9842, 0x0ac5 }, + /* 0x9700 */ + { 9848, 0xe5d1 }, { 9857, 0x525a }, { 9864, 0x0498 }, { 9868, 0x6b4d }, + /* 0x9740 */ + { 9877, 0xe3d6 }, { 9887, 0x5ee4 }, { 9896, 0x6f57 }, { 9907, 0x161a }, + /* 0x9780 */ + { 9913, 0xa872 }, { 9920, 0x5561 }, { 9927, 0x694d }, { 9935, 0x441e }, + /* 0x97C0 */ + { 9941, 0x1b4a }, { 9948, 0x5b1a }, { 9956, 0x6002 }, { 9959, 0x887e }, + /* 0x9800 */ + { 9967, 0xf57e }, { 9979, 0x45df }, { 9989, 0x383a }, { 9996, 0x399d }, + /* 0x9840 */ + { 10005, 0xf8c0 }, { 10012, 0x4ffc }, { 10023, 0x98e0 }, { 10029, 0x001b }, + /* 0x9880 */ + { 10033, 0x0000 }, { 10033, 0x0000 }, { 10033, 0xad00 }, { 10038, 0x9dc3 }, + /* 0x98C0 */ + { 10047, 0x09dc }, { 10054, 0x9800 }, { 10057, 0xeeaf }, { 10069, 0x701f }, + /* 0x9900 */ + { 10077, 0x1728 }, { 10083, 0x7ddd }, { 10095, 0x5113 }, { 10101, 0x7c0e }, + /* 0x9940 */ + { 10109, 0x7a67 }, { 10119, 0x91a7 }, { 10127, 0x0001 }, { 10128, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9980 */ + { 10128, 0x0000 }, { 10128, 0x43c0 }, { 10133, 0x7168 }, { 10140, 0xb218 }, + /* 0x99C0 */ + { 10146, 0x037a }, { 10153, 0xeb37 }, { 10164, 0x6004 }, { 10167, 0x9b07 }, + /* 0x9A00 */ + { 10175, 0xc42e }, { 10182, 0x064e }, { 10188, 0x6911 }, { 10194, 0x41c3 }, + /* 0x9A40 */ + { 10200, 0x743d }, { 10209, 0x8da4 }, { 10216, 0x0e34 }, { 10222, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9A80 */ + { 10222, 0x0000 }, { 10222, 0x0000 }, { 10222, 0xa100 }, { 10225, 0x13c1 }, + /* 0x9AC0 */ + { 10231, 0xc05b }, { 10238, 0xd17f }, { 10249, 0xee6d }, { 10260, 0x0a92 }, + /* 0x9B00 */ + { 10265, 0x114c }, { 10270, 0x9545 }, { 10277, 0xefad }, { 10289, 0x380e }, + /* 0x9B40 */ + { 10295, 0xe83e }, { 10304, 0x4512 }, { 10309, 0x9868 }, { 10315, 0x02fc }, + /* 0x9B80 */ + { 10322, 0xc418 }, { 10327, 0xc0ce }, { 10334, 0x7dc1 }, { 10343, 0x4316 }, + /* 0x9BC0 */ + { 10349, 0xc6c3 }, { 10357, 0x2956 }, { 10364, 0xcdbe }, { 10375, 0x25af }, + /* 0x9C00 */ + { 10384, 0x3751 }, { 10392, 0x2f7d }, { 10403, 0xe6be }, { 10414, 0x4ec7 }, + /* 0x9C40 */ + { 10423, 0x87e2 }, { 10431, 0xbd9d }, { 10442, 0x6ea9 }, { 10451, 0x05e5 }, + /* 0x9CC0 */ + { 10458, 0x0000 }, { 10458, 0x0000 }, { 10458, 0x1ae0 }, { 10464, 0x005d }, + /* 0x9D00 */ + { 10469, 0x4bcc }, { 10477, 0xe9a6 }, { 10486, 0x1d48 }, { 10492, 0xc804 }, + /* 0x9D40 */ + { 10496, 0x05de }, { 10504, 0xf207 }, { 10512, 0x9a1f }, { 10521, 0x54cd }, + /* 0x9D80 */ + { 10529, 0xa690 }, { 10535, 0x0640 }, { 10538, 0x9a12 }, { 10544, 0xbf34 }, + /* 0x9DC0 */ + { 10554, 0x82df }, { 10563, 0x86c8 }, { 10569, 0xa0c9 }, { 10575, 0x2714 }, + /* 0x9E00 */ + { 10581, 0x2484 }, { 10585, 0x7e20 }, { 10592, 0x0000 }, { 10592, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9E40 */ + { 10592, 0x0000 }, { 10592, 0x0000 }, { 10592, 0x0000 }, { 10592, 0xbb20 }, + /* 0x9E80 */ + { 10599, 0x1923 }, { 10605, 0xe8ae }, { 10614, 0xb770 }, { 10623, 0xff30 }, + /* 0x9EC0 */ + { 10633, 0xf018 }, { 10639, 0xfb17 }, { 10650, 0xc1a1 }, { 10656, 0xbad0 }, + /* 0x9F00 */ + { 10664, 0x418c }, { 10669, 0x02a9 }, { 10674, 0x9003 }, { 10678, 0x6e80 }, + /* 0x9F40 */ + { 10684, 0xcc62 }, { 10691, 0xa1bc }, { 10699, 0x36cf }, { 10709, 0x00e5 }, + /* 0x9F80 */ + { 10714, 0x2000 }, { 10715, 0x30b1 }, { 10721, 0x0005 }, { 10723, 0x0000 }, + /* 0xF900 */ + { 10723, 0x0000 }, { 10723, 0x2000 }, { 10724, 0x0300 }, { 10726, 0x0040 }, + /* 0xF940 */ + { 10727, 0x0000 }, { 10727, 0x0000 }, { 10727, 0x0000 }, { 10727, 0x0001 }, + /* 0xF9C0 */ + { 10728, 0x0000 }, { 10728, 0x1001 }, { 10730, 0x0000 }, { 10730, 0x0000 }, + /* 0xFA00 */ + { 10730, 0x8000 }, { 10731, 0x8e7b }, { 10741, 0x0057 }, { 10746, 0xffff }, + /* 0xFA40 */ + { 10762, 0xffff }, { 10778, 0xffff }, { 10794, 0x07ff }, { 10805, 0x0000 }, + /* 0xFE40 */ + { 10805, 0x0060 }, { 10807, 0x0000 }, { 10807, 0x0000 }, { 10807, 0x0000 }, + /* 0xFF00 */ + { 10807, 0xfffe }, { 10822, 0xffff }, { 10838, 0xffff }, { 10854, 0xffff }, + /* 0xFF40 */ + { 10870, 0xffff }, { 10886, 0xffff }, { 10902, 0x0001 }, { 10903, 0x0000 }, + /* 0xFFC0 */ + { 10903, 0x0000 }, { 10903, 0x0000 }, { 10903, 0x0028 }, { 10905, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20000 */ + { 10905, 0x0800 }, { 10906, 0x0000 }, { 10906, 0x0000 }, { 10906, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20080 */ + { 10906, 0x0200 }, { 10907, 0x0000 }, { 10907, 0x0014 }, { 10909, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20180 */ + { 10909, 0x0000 }, { 10909, 0x0000 }, { 10909, 0x0004 }, { 10910, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20200 */ + { 10910, 0x0000 }, { 10910, 0x0008 }, { 10911, 0x0000 }, { 10911, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20300 */ + { 10911, 0x0000 }, { 10911, 0x0000 }, { 10911, 0x0800 }, { 10912, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20340 */ + { 10912, 0x0000 }, { 10912, 0x0000 }, { 10912, 0x0000 }, { 10912, 0x0002 }, + /* 0x20380 */ + { 10913, 0x0002 }, { 10914, 0x0000 }, { 10914, 0x0000 }, { 10914, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x203C0 */ + { 10914, 0x0000 }, { 10914, 0x0000 }, { 10914, 0x0000 }, { 10914, 0x0200 }, + /* 0x20440 */ + { 10915, 0x0400 }, { 10916, 0x0000 }, { 10916, 0x0000 }, { 10916, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20500 */ + { 10916, 0x0200 }, { 10917, 0x0000 }, { 10917, 0x0000 }, { 10917, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x205C0 */ + { 10917, 0x0000 }, { 10917, 0x0040 }, { 10918, 0x0000 }, { 10918, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20600 */ + { 10918, 0x0000 }, { 10918, 0x0000 }, { 10918, 0x0100 }, { 10919, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20740 */ + { 10919, 0x8000 }, { 10920, 0x0000 }, { 10920, 0x0000 }, { 10920, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20800 */ + { 10920, 0x0080 }, { 10921, 0x0000 }, { 10921, 0x0000 }, { 10921, 0x0400 }, + /* 0x20880 */ + { 10922, 0x0000 }, { 10922, 0x0000 }, { 10922, 0x0000 }, { 10922, 0x0200 }, + /* 0x20940 */ + { 10923, 0x0000 }, { 10923, 0x0000 }, { 10923, 0x0000 }, { 10923, 0x1000 }, + /* 0x20980 */ + { 10924, 0x0000 }, { 10924, 0x2000 }, { 10925, 0x0000 }, { 10925, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20AC0 */ + { 10925, 0x0000 }, { 10925, 0x0008 }, { 10926, 0x0000 }, { 10926, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20B00 */ + { 10926, 0x0000 }, { 10926, 0x2000 }, { 10927, 0x0000 }, { 10927, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20B80 */ + { 10927, 0x0000 }, { 10927, 0x8000 }, { 10928, 0x0000 }, { 10928, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20D40 */ + { 10928, 0x0020 }, { 10929, 0x0000 }, { 10929, 0x0000 }, { 10929, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20DC0 */ + { 10929, 0x0000 }, { 10929, 0x0000 }, { 10929, 0x0002 }, { 10930, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20E40 */ + { 10930, 0x0000 }, { 10930, 0x0000 }, { 10930, 0x2010 }, { 10932, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20E80 */ + { 10932, 0x0000 }, { 10932, 0x0020 }, { 10933, 0x0000 }, { 10933, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x20F40 */ + { 10933, 0x0000 }, { 10933, 0x8000 }, { 10934, 0x0000 }, { 10934, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x21200 */ + { 10934, 0x0002 }, { 10935, 0x0000 }, { 10935, 0x0000 }, { 10935, 0x2000 }, + /* 0x21240 */ + { 10936, 0x0000 }, { 10936, 0x0020 }, { 10937, 0x0000 }, { 10937, 0x0810 }, + /* 0x212C0 */ + { 10939, 0x0000 }, { 10939, 0x0080 }, { 10940, 0x0010 }, { 10941, 0x2000 }, + /* 0x21300 */ + { 10942, 0x0000 }, { 10942, 0x0800 }, { 10943, 0x0000 }, { 10943, 0x0040 }, + /* 0x21340 */ + { 10944, 0x0010 }, { 10945, 0x0000 }, { 10945, 0x0000 }, { 10945, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x213C0 */ + { 10945, 0x0010 }, { 10946, 0x0000 }, { 10946, 0x0000 }, { 10946, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x21440 */ + { 10946, 0x0000 }, { 10946, 0x0000 }, { 10946, 0x6000 }, { 10948, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x215C0 */ + { 10948, 0x0000 }, { 10948, 0x0080 }, { 10949, 0x0000 }, { 10949, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x21640 */ + { 10949, 0x0080 }, { 10950, 0x0000 }, { 10950, 0x0000 }, { 10950, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x21680 */ + { 10950, 0x0000 }, { 10950, 0x0000 }, { 10950, 0x0000 }, { 10950, 0x0010 }, + /* 0x21700 */ + { 10951, 0x0040 }, { 10952, 0x0000 }, { 10952, 0x0000 }, { 10952, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x21740 */ + { 10952, 0x0004 }, { 10953, 0x0000 }, { 10953, 0x0000 }, { 10953, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x21880 */ + { 10953, 0x0000 }, { 10953, 0x0000 }, { 10953, 0x0000 }, { 10953, 0x2000 }, + /* 0x219C0 */ + { 10954, 0x0008 }, { 10955, 0x0000 }, { 10955, 0x0000 }, { 10955, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x21C40 */ + { 10955, 0x0000 }, { 10955, 0x0040 }, { 10956, 0x0000 }, { 10956, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x21D00 */ + { 10956, 0x0000 }, { 10956, 0x0000 }, { 10956, 0x2000 }, { 10957, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x21D40 */ + { 10957, 0x0020 }, { 10958, 0x0000 }, { 10958, 0x0004 }, { 10959, 0x0100 }, + /* 0x21D80 */ + { 10960, 0x0000 }, { 10960, 0x1004 }, { 10962, 0x0002 }, { 10963, 0x0080 }, + /* 0x21DC0 */ + { 10964, 0x0000 }, { 10964, 0x0000 }, { 10964, 0x0001 }, { 10965, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x21E00 */ + { 10965, 0x0000 }, { 10965, 0x0000 }, { 10965, 0x0000 }, { 10965, 0x0018 }, + /* 0x21F00 */ + { 10967, 0x0000 }, { 10967, 0x4000 }, { 10968, 0x0000 }, { 10968, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x21F40 */ + { 10968, 0x0000 }, { 10968, 0x0000 }, { 10968, 0x0000 }, { 10968, 0x0040 }, + /* 0x21FC0 */ + { 10969, 0x0000 }, { 10969, 0x0000 }, { 10969, 0x0000 }, { 10969, 0x0400 }, + /* 0x22140 */ + { 10970, 0x0000 }, { 10970, 0x0000 }, { 10970, 0x0000 }, { 10970, 0x0800 }, + /* 0x22200 */ + { 10971, 0x0000 }, { 10971, 0x0100 }, { 10972, 0x0000 }, { 10972, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x22300 */ + { 10972, 0x0000 }, { 10972, 0x4000 }, { 10973, 0x0000 }, { 10973, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x22380 */ + { 10973, 0x0000 }, { 10973, 0x0000 }, { 10973, 0x2000 }, { 10974, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x226C0 */ + { 10974, 0x0000 }, { 10974, 0x0000 }, { 10974, 0x0000 }, { 10974, 0x0008 }, + /* 0x22840 */ + { 10975, 0x0000 }, { 10975, 0x0800 }, { 10976, 0x0000 }, { 10976, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x22880 */ + { 10976, 0x0000 }, { 10976, 0x0000 }, { 10976, 0x0800 }, { 10977, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x22980 */ + { 10977, 0x8000 }, { 10978, 0x0000 }, { 10978, 0x0000 }, { 10978, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x22A80 */ + { 10978, 0x0000 }, { 10978, 0x0000 }, { 10978, 0x0000 }, { 10978, 0x0100 }, + /* 0x22B40 */ + { 10979, 0x8040 }, { 10981, 0x0001 }, { 10982, 0x0000 }, { 10982, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x22B80 */ + { 10982, 0x0000 }, { 10982, 0x0000 }, { 10982, 0x0040 }, { 10983, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x22C00 */ + { 10983, 0x0000 }, { 10983, 0x2000 }, { 10984, 0x0010 }, { 10985, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x22DC0 */ + { 10985, 0x0000 }, { 10985, 0x0000 }, { 10985, 0x0002 }, { 10986, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23180 */ + { 10986, 0x0000 }, { 10986, 0x0000 }, { 10986, 0x0000 }, { 10986, 0x0040 }, + /* 0x231C0 */ + { 10987, 0x0018 }, { 10989, 0x0000 }, { 10989, 0x0000 }, { 10989, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x23340 */ + { 10990, 0x0000 }, { 10990, 0x0000 }, { 10990, 0x0000 }, { 10990, 0x0004 }, + /* 0x233C0 */ + { 10991, 0x0000 }, { 10991, 0x842d }, { 10997, 0x0010 }, { 10998, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23440 */ + { 10998, 0x0c00 }, { 11000, 0x0002 }, { 11001, 0x0020 }, { 11002, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x234C0 */ + { 11002, 0x0000 }, { 11002, 0x0000 }, { 11002, 0x0010 }, { 11003, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23540 */ + { 11003, 0x0000 }, { 11003, 0x0400 }, { 11004, 0x0000 }, { 11004, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23580 */ + { 11004, 0x0000 }, { 11004, 0x0010 }, { 11005, 0x0000 }, { 11005, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x235C0 */ + { 11005, 0x0010 }, { 11006, 0x0000 }, { 11006, 0x0000 }, { 11006, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23600 */ + { 11006, 0x0000 }, { 11006, 0x0000 }, { 11006, 0x0000 }, { 11006, 0x0700 }, + /* 0x23640 */ + { 11009, 0x0080 }, { 11010, 0x0000 }, { 11010, 0x0000 }, { 11010, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23700 */ + { 11010, 0x1000 }, { 11011, 0x1000 }, { 11012, 0x0000 }, { 11012, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x23740 */ + { 11013, 0x0000 }, { 11013, 0x0000 }, { 11013, 0x0018 }, { 11015, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x237C0 */ + { 11015, 0x0000 }, { 11015, 0x0000 }, { 11015, 0x0080 }, { 11016, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x23800 */ + { 11017, 0x0000 }, { 11017, 0x0000 }, { 11017, 0x0010 }, { 11018, 0x2000 }, + /* 0x23A80 */ + { 11019, 0x0000 }, { 11019, 0x0100 }, { 11020, 0x0000 }, { 11020, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23C40 */ + { 11020, 0x0000 }, { 11020, 0x0000 }, { 11020, 0x0000 }, { 11020, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x23CC0 */ + { 11021, 0x0000 }, { 11021, 0x0000 }, { 11021, 0x0000 }, { 11021, 0x4000 }, + /* 0x23D00 */ + { 11022, 0x4001 }, { 11024, 0x0000 }, { 11024, 0x0000 }, { 11024, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23D40 */ + { 11024, 0x0001 }, { 11025, 0x0000 }, { 11025, 0x0000 }, { 11025, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x23DC0 */ + { 11025, 0x0000 }, { 11025, 0x0008 }, { 11026, 0x0000 }, { 11026, 0x0600 }, + /* 0x23F40 */ + { 11028, 0x0000 }, { 11028, 0x0000 }, { 11028, 0x0000 }, { 11028, 0x4000 }, + /* 0x24080 */ + { 11029, 0x0000 }, { 11029, 0x0040 }, { 11030, 0x0000 }, { 11030, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x24100 */ + { 11030, 0x0008 }, { 11031, 0x0000 }, { 11031, 0x0000 }, { 11031, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x241C0 */ + { 11031, 0x0040 }, { 11032, 0x0000 }, { 11032, 0x0000 }, { 11032, 0x4000 }, + /* 0x24380 */ + { 11033, 0x0000 }, { 11033, 0x0000 }, { 11033, 0x0000 }, { 11033, 0x1000 }, + /* 0x24600 */ + { 11034, 0x0000 }, { 11034, 0x0000 }, { 11034, 0x0200 }, { 11035, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x24680 */ + { 11035, 0x0000 }, { 11035, 0x0000 }, { 11035, 0x0020 }, { 11036, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x247C0 */ + { 11036, 0x0000 }, { 11036, 0x0000 }, { 11036, 0x0000 }, { 11036, 0x0002 }, + /* 0x24880 */ + { 11037, 0x0000 }, { 11037, 0x0040 }, { 11038, 0x0000 }, { 11038, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x24A40 */ + { 11038, 0x2000 }, { 11039, 0x0000 }, { 11039, 0x0000 }, { 11039, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x24B40 */ + { 11039, 0x0000 }, { 11039, 0x0040 }, { 11040, 0x8000 }, { 11041, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x24C00 */ + { 11041, 0x0000 }, { 11041, 0x0040 }, { 11042, 0x0000 }, { 11042, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x24D00 */ + { 11042, 0x0000 }, { 11042, 0x0010 }, { 11043, 0x0000 }, { 11043, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x24E00 */ + { 11043, 0x4000 }, { 11044, 0x0000 }, { 11044, 0x0000 }, { 11044, 0x0080 }, + /* 0x24E40 */ + { 11045, 0x0000 }, { 11045, 0x0000 }, { 11045, 0x0400 }, { 11046, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x24E80 */ + { 11046, 0x0800 }, { 11047, 0x0000 }, { 11047, 0x0000 }, { 11047, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25040 */ + { 11047, 0x0400 }, { 11048, 0x0020 }, { 11049, 0x0000 }, { 11049, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25100 */ + { 11049, 0x0000 }, { 11049, 0x0000 }, { 11049, 0x0004 }, { 11050, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25180 */ + { 11050, 0x0000 }, { 11050, 0x0000 }, { 11050, 0x0200 }, { 11051, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x251C0 */ + { 11051, 0x2000 }, { 11052, 0x0000 }, { 11052, 0x0020 }, { 11053, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25200 */ + { 11053, 0x0000 }, { 11053, 0x4000 }, { 11054, 0x0000 }, { 11054, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25240 */ + { 11054, 0x1000 }, { 11055, 0x0000 }, { 11055, 0x0000 }, { 11055, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25400 */ + { 11055, 0x0000 }, { 11055, 0x0000 }, { 11055, 0x4000 }, { 11056, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25480 */ + { 11056, 0x4000 }, { 11057, 0x0000 }, { 11057, 0x0000 }, { 11057, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x254C0 */ + { 11057, 0x0000 }, { 11057, 0x0200 }, { 11058, 0x0000 }, { 11058, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25500 */ + { 11058, 0x4000 }, { 11059, 0x0000 }, { 11059, 0x0000 }, { 11059, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25580 */ + { 11059, 0x0000 }, { 11059, 0x0000 }, { 11059, 0x0080 }, { 11060, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25740 */ + { 11060, 0x0000 }, { 11060, 0x0000 }, { 11060, 0x0000 }, { 11060, 0x0002 }, + /* 0x25780 */ + { 11061, 0x0000 }, { 11061, 0x0000 }, { 11061, 0x0200 }, { 11062, 0x0010 }, + /* 0x259C0 */ + { 11063, 0x0010 }, { 11064, 0x0010 }, { 11065, 0x0000 }, { 11065, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25AC0 */ + { 11065, 0x0000 }, { 11065, 0x0000 }, { 11065, 0x0018 }, { 11067, 0x0002 }, + /* 0x25B80 */ + { 11068, 0x0000 }, { 11068, 0x0000 }, { 11068, 0x0000 }, { 11068, 0x0004 }, + /* 0x25C40 */ + { 11069, 0x0800 }, { 11070, 0x0000 }, { 11070, 0x0010 }, { 11071, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25D80 */ + { 11071, 0x0000 }, { 11071, 0x0000 }, { 11071, 0x0002 }, { 11072, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25E00 */ + { 11072, 0x0000 }, { 11072, 0x0000 }, { 11072, 0x4000 }, { 11073, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25E40 */ + { 11073, 0x0000 }, { 11073, 0x0040 }, { 11074, 0x0024 }, { 11076, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25EC0 */ + { 11076, 0x0004 }, { 11077, 0x0100 }, { 11078, 0x0100 }, { 11079, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25F00 */ + { 11079, 0x0000 }, { 11079, 0x0000 }, { 11079, 0x0008 }, { 11080, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25F40 */ + { 11080, 0x0000 }, { 11080, 0x1000 }, { 11081, 0x0000 }, { 11081, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x25FC0 */ + { 11081, 0x0000 }, { 11081, 0x0010 }, { 11082, 0x0001 }, { 11083, 0x0800 }, + /* 0x26000 */ + { 11084, 0x1000 }, { 11085, 0x0080 }, { 11086, 0x0000 }, { 11086, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26040 */ + { 11086, 0x0000 }, { 11086, 0x0000 }, { 11086, 0x0001 }, { 11087, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x260C0 */ + { 11087, 0x0000 }, { 11087, 0x0000 }, { 11087, 0x2000 }, { 11088, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26240 */ + { 11088, 0x0000 }, { 11088, 0x0000 }, { 11088, 0x0000 }, { 11088, 0x0001 }, + /* 0x26280 */ + { 11089, 0x0040 }, { 11090, 0x0000 }, { 11090, 0x0000 }, { 11090, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26340 */ + { 11090, 0x1000 }, { 11091, 0x0000 }, { 11091, 0x0000 }, { 11091, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26400 */ + { 11091, 0x0004 }, { 11092, 0x0000 }, { 11092, 0x0000 }, { 11092, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26640 */ + { 11092, 0x0000 }, { 11092, 0x0000 }, { 11092, 0x0000 }, { 11092, 0x4000 }, + /* 0x26680 */ + { 11093, 0x0000 }, { 11093, 0x0000 }, { 11093, 0x0000 }, { 11093, 0x0001 }, + /* 0x26700 */ + { 11094, 0x0000 }, { 11094, 0x2000 }, { 11095, 0x0000 }, { 11095, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x268C0 */ + { 11095, 0x0000 }, { 11095, 0x2000 }, { 11096, 0x0400 }, { 11097, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26940 */ + { 11097, 0x0000 }, { 11097, 0x0002 }, { 11098, 0x8000 }, { 11099, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x269C0 */ + { 11099, 0x0000 }, { 11099, 0x2000 }, { 11100, 0x0000 }, { 11100, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26A00 */ + { 11100, 0x0000 }, { 11100, 0x4000 }, { 11101, 0x0000 }, { 11101, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26A40 */ + { 11101, 0x0000 }, { 11101, 0x0100 }, { 11102, 0x0000 }, { 11102, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26A80 */ + { 11102, 0x1000 }, { 11103, 0x0000 }, { 11103, 0x0000 }, { 11103, 0x0080 }, + /* 0x26AC0 */ + { 11104, 0x0000 }, { 11104, 0x0000 }, { 11104, 0x0000 }, { 11104, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x26C00 */ + { 11105, 0x0000 }, { 11105, 0x0000 }, { 11105, 0x0200 }, { 11106, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26C40 */ + { 11106, 0x0000 }, { 11106, 0x0000 }, { 11106, 0x0000 }, { 11106, 0x0008 }, + /* 0x26CC0 */ + { 11107, 0x0000 }, { 11107, 0x2000 }, { 11108, 0x0000 }, { 11108, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26E40 */ + { 11108, 0x0001 }, { 11109, 0x0000 }, { 11109, 0x0020 }, { 11110, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26F80 */ + { 11110, 0x0000 }, { 11110, 0x0010 }, { 11111, 0x0000 }, { 11111, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x26FC0 */ + { 11111, 0x0000 }, { 11111, 0x0000 }, { 11111, 0x0000 }, { 11111, 0x01c0 }, + /* 0x270C0 */ + { 11114, 0x0000 }, { 11114, 0x0000 }, { 11114, 0x0000 }, { 11114, 0x0010 }, + /* 0x27100 */ + { 11115, 0x2000 }, { 11116, 0x0000 }, { 11116, 0x0000 }, { 11116, 0x0200 }, + /* 0x273C0 */ + { 11117, 0x0000 }, { 11117, 0x0c00 }, { 11119, 0x0000 }, { 11119, 0x4000 }, + /* 0x27400 */ + { 11120, 0x0000 }, { 11120, 0x0001 }, { 11121, 0x0000 }, { 11121, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27440 */ + { 11121, 0x0200 }, { 11122, 0x0000 }, { 11122, 0x0000 }, { 11122, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27600 */ + { 11122, 0x0000 }, { 11122, 0x0030 }, { 11124, 0x0000 }, { 11124, 0x0002 }, + /* 0x27680 */ + { 11125, 0x0010 }, { 11126, 0x0008 }, { 11127, 0x0000 }, { 11127, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27700 */ + { 11127, 0x4000 }, { 11128, 0x0000 }, { 11128, 0x0008 }, { 11129, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27740 */ + { 11129, 0x0000 }, { 11129, 0x0004 }, { 11130, 0x0000 }, { 11130, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27980 */ + { 11130, 0x0020 }, { 11131, 0x0000 }, { 11131, 0x0000 }, { 11131, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27A80 */ + { 11131, 0x0010 }, { 11132, 0x0000 }, { 11132, 0x0000 }, { 11132, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27B80 */ + { 11132, 0x0000 }, { 11132, 0x0000 }, { 11132, 0x0000 }, { 11132, 0x4008 }, + /* 0x27BC0 */ + { 11134, 0x0080 }, { 11135, 0x0000 }, { 11135, 0x0000 }, { 11135, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27C80 */ + { 11135, 0x0000 }, { 11135, 0x0000 }, { 11135, 0x0000 }, { 11135, 0x0100 }, + /* 0x27D80 */ + { 11136, 0x0000 }, { 11136, 0x0000 }, { 11136, 0x0001 }, { 11137, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27E00 */ + { 11137, 0x0000 }, { 11137, 0x0001 }, { 11138, 0x0000 }, { 11138, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x27F80 */ + { 11138, 0x0000 }, { 11138, 0x0000 }, { 11138, 0x0000 }, { 11138, 0x0080 }, + /* 0x28080 */ + { 11139, 0x0400 }, { 11140, 0x0000 }, { 11140, 0x0000 }, { 11140, 0x0800 }, + /* 0x28240 */ + { 11141, 0x0000 }, { 11141, 0x0000 }, { 11141, 0x0000 }, { 11141, 0x0080 }, + /* 0x28280 */ + { 11142, 0x0004 }, { 11143, 0x0000 }, { 11143, 0x0000 }, { 11143, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x282C0 */ + { 11143, 0x0000 }, { 11143, 0x0000 }, { 11143, 0x0000 }, { 11143, 0x0008 }, + /* 0x283C0 */ + { 11144, 0x2000 }, { 11145, 0x0000 }, { 11145, 0x0000 }, { 11145, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28400 */ + { 11145, 0x1000 }, { 11146, 0x0000 }, { 11146, 0x0000 }, { 11146, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28440 */ + { 11146, 0x0000 }, { 11146, 0x0020 }, { 11147, 0x0000 }, { 11147, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28540 */ + { 11147, 0x0000 }, { 11147, 0x0000 }, { 11147, 0x0800 }, { 11148, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x285C0 */ + { 11148, 0x0300 }, { 11150, 0x0000 }, { 11150, 0x0000 }, { 11150, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x286C0 */ + { 11150, 0x0000 }, { 11150, 0x0080 }, { 11151, 0x0000 }, { 11151, 0x0400 }, + /* 0x28940 */ + { 11152, 0x0240 }, { 11154, 0x0000 }, { 11154, 0x0800 }, { 11155, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28980 */ + { 11155, 0x0180 }, { 11157, 0x0000 }, { 11157, 0x0000 }, { 11157, 0x0c00 }, + /* 0x28A00 */ + { 11159, 0x0000 }, { 11159, 0x4000 }, { 11160, 0x0200 }, { 11161, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28A40 */ + { 11161, 0x0008 }, { 11162, 0x0000 }, { 11162, 0x0000 }, { 11162, 0x0002 }, + /* 0x28A80 */ + { 11163, 0x0000 }, { 11163, 0x0200 }, { 11164, 0x0000 }, { 11164, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28AC0 */ + { 11164, 0x2000 }, { 11165, 0x2000 }, { 11166, 0x0010 }, { 11167, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28BC0 */ + { 11167, 0x0002 }, { 11168, 0x0000 }, { 11168, 0x8000 }, { 11169, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28D00 */ + { 11169, 0x0000 }, { 11169, 0x0001 }, { 11170, 0x0000 }, { 11170, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28D40 */ + { 11170, 0x0000 }, { 11170, 0x0000 }, { 11170, 0x0000 }, { 11170, 0x0002 }, + /* 0x28DC0 */ + { 11171, 0x0000 }, { 11171, 0x0000 }, { 11171, 0x0000 }, { 11171, 0x0800 }, + /* 0x28E00 */ + { 11172, 0x0000 }, { 11172, 0x8000 }, { 11173, 0x0000 }, { 11173, 0x0040 }, + /* 0x28E80 */ + { 11174, 0x0200 }, { 11175, 0x0000 }, { 11175, 0x0000 }, { 11175, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28EC0 */ + { 11175, 0x0000 }, { 11175, 0x0000 }, { 11175, 0x0800 }, { 11176, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x28F00 */ + { 11176, 0x0000 }, { 11176, 0x0000 }, { 11176, 0x0000 }, { 11176, 0x0004 }, + /* 0x28FC0 */ + { 11177, 0x0000 }, { 11177, 0x0000 }, { 11177, 0x0000 }, { 11177, 0x0100 }, + /* 0x29280 */ + { 11178, 0x0000 }, { 11178, 0x0000 }, { 11178, 0x0001 }, { 11179, 0x0002 }, + /* 0x29480 */ + { 11180, 0x0000 }, { 11180, 0x0001 }, { 11181, 0x0000 }, { 11181, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x295C0 */ + { 11181, 0x8000 }, { 11182, 0x0000 }, { 11182, 0x0000 }, { 11182, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x29640 */ + { 11182, 0x0000 }, { 11182, 0x0000 }, { 11182, 0x0000 }, { 11182, 0x8000 }, + /* 0x296C0 */ + { 11183, 0x0000 }, { 11183, 0x0000 }, { 11183, 0x0000 }, { 11183, 0x0001 }, + /* 0x29700 */ + { 11184, 0x0000 }, { 11184, 0x0200 }, { 11185, 0x0000 }, { 11185, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x29740 */ + { 11185, 0x0000 }, { 11185, 0x0001 }, { 11186, 0x0000 }, { 11186, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x298C0 */ + { 11186, 0x0040 }, { 11187, 0x0000 }, { 11187, 0x0000 }, { 11187, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x29A40 */ + { 11187, 0x0000 }, { 11187, 0x0000 }, { 11187, 0x0000 }, { 11187, 0x0004 }, + /* 0x29DC0 */ + { 11188, 0x0000 }, { 11188, 0x0800 }, { 11189, 0x0000 }, { 11189, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x29E00 */ + { 11189, 0x0000 }, { 11189, 0x0020 }, { 11190, 0x0000 }, { 11190, 0x2000 }, + /* 0x29E40 */ + { 11191, 0x0200 }, { 11192, 0x0000 }, { 11192, 0x0000 }, { 11192, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x29E80 */ + { 11192, 0x0400 }, { 11193, 0x0000 }, { 11193, 0x0000 }, { 11193, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x29EC0 */ + { 11193, 0x0010 }, { 11194, 0x0800 }, { 11195, 0x0200 }, { 11196, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x29FC0 */ + { 11196, 0x4000 }, { 11197, 0x0000 }, { 11197, 0x0000 }, { 11197, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2A000 */ + { 11197, 0x0000 }, { 11197, 0x0400 }, { 11198, 0x8000 }, { 11199, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2A080 */ + { 11199, 0x0004 }, { 11200, 0x0000 }, { 11200, 0x0000 }, { 11200, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2A0C0 */ + { 11200, 0x0000 }, { 11200, 0x0000 }, { 11200, 0x0000 }, { 11200, 0x0200 }, + /* 0x2A180 */ + { 11201, 0x0000 }, { 11201, 0x0001 }, { 11202, 0x0000 }, { 11202, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2A380 */ + { 11202, 0x1000 }, { 11203, 0x0000 }, { 11203, 0x0000 }, { 11203, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2A400 */ + { 11203, 0x0000 }, { 11203, 0x0000 }, { 11203, 0x0000 }, { 11203, 0x0080 }, + /* 0x2A5C0 */ + { 11204, 0x0000 }, { 11204, 0x0000 }, { 11204, 0x0000 }, { 11204, 0x0002 }, + /* 0x2A600 */ + { 11205, 0x0004 }, { 11206, 0x0400 }, { 11207, 0x0000 }, { 11207, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2A680 */ + { 11207, 0x0000 }, { 11207, 0x0000 }, { 11207, 0x0000 }, { 11207, 0x0004 }, +}; + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +__inline +#else +#ifdef __cplusplus +inline +#endif +#endif +static ucs4_t jisx0213_to_ucs4 (unsigned int row, unsigned int col) +{ + ucs4_t val; + + if (row >= 0x121 && row <= 0x17e) + row -= 289; + else if (row == 0x221) + row -= 451; + else if (row >= 0x223 && row <= 0x225) + row -= 452; + else if (row == 0x228) + row -= 454; + else if (row >= 0x22c && row <= 0x22f) + row -= 457; + else if (row >= 0x26e && row <= 0x27e) + row -= 519; + else + return 0x0000; + + if (col >= 0x21 && col <= 0x7e) + col -= 0x21; + else + return 0x0000; + + val = jisx0213_to_ucs_main[row * 94 + col]; + val = jisx0213_to_ucs_pagestart[val >> 8] + (val & 0xff); + if (val == 0xfffd) + val = 0x0000; + return val; +} + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +__inline +#else +#ifdef __cplusplus +inline +#endif +#endif +static unsigned short ucs4_to_jisx0213 (ucs4_t ucs) +{ + if (ucs < (sizeof(jisx0213_from_ucs_level1)/sizeof(jisx0213_from_ucs_level1[0])) << 6) { + int index1 = jisx0213_from_ucs_level1[ucs >> 6]; + if (index1 >= 0) { + const Summary16 *summary = &jisx0213_from_ucs_level2_2indx[((index1 << 6) + (ucs & 0x3f)) >> 4]; + unsigned short used = summary->used; + unsigned int i = ucs & 0x0f; + if (used & ((unsigned short) 1 << i)) { + /* Keep in `used' only the bits 0..i-1. */ + used &= ((unsigned short) 1 << i) - 1; + /* Add `summary->indx' and the number of bits set in `used'. */ + used = (used & 0x5555) + ((used & 0xaaaa) >> 1); + used = (used & 0x3333) + ((used & 0xcccc) >> 2); + used = (used & 0x0f0f) + ((used & 0xf0f0) >> 4); + used = (used & 0x00ff) + (used >> 8); + return jisx0213_from_ucs_level2_data[summary->indx + used]; + }; + }; + } + return 0x0000; +} + +#endif /* _JISX0213_H */ diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/johab.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/johab.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fb2c17f59 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/johab.h @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * JOHAB + */ + +/* + Conversion between JOHAB codes (s1,s2) and KSX1001 codes (c1,c2): + Example. (s1,s2) = 0xD931, (c1,c2) = 0x2121. + (s1,s2) = 0xDEF1, (c1,c2) = 0x2C71. + (s1,s2) = 0xE031, (c1,c2) = 0x4A21. + (s1,s2) = 0xF9FE, (c1,c2) = 0x7D7E. + 0xD9 <= s1 <= 0xDE || 0xE0 <= s1 <= 0xF9, + 0x31 <= s2 <= 0x7E || 0x91 <= s2 <= 0xFE, + 0x21 <= c1 <= 0x2C || 0x4A <= c1 <= 0x7D, + 0x21 <= c2 <= 0x7E. + Invariant: + 94*(s1 < 0xE0 ? 2*s1-0x1B2 : 2*s1-0x197) + (s2 < 0x91 ? s2-0x31 : s2-0x43) + = 94*(c1-0x21)+(c2-0x21) + Conversion (s1,s2) -> (c1,c2): + t1 := (s1 < 0xE0 ? 2*s1-0x1B2 : 2*s1-0x197) + t2 := (s2 < 0x91 ? s2-0x31 : s2-0x43) + c1 := t1 + (t2 < 0x5E ? 0 : 1) + 0x21 + c2 := (t2 < 0x5E ? t2 : t2-0x5E) + 0x21 + Conversion (c1,c2) -> (s1,s2): + t := (c1 < 0x4A ? (c1-0x21+0x1B2) : (c1-0x21+0x197)) + s1 := t >> 1 + t2 := (t & 1) * 0x5E + (c2 - 0x21) + s2 := (t2 < 0x4E ? t2+0x31 : t2+0x43) + */ + +static int +johab_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + if (c == 0x5c) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) 0x20a9; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } else if (c < 0xd8) { + return johab_hangul_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + } else { + unsigned char s1, s2; + s1 = c; + if ((s1 >= 0xd9 && s1 <= 0xde) || (s1 >= 0xe0 && s1 <= 0xf9)) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + s2 = s[1]; + if ((s2 >= 0x31 && s2 <= 0x7e) || (s2 >= 0x91 && s2 <= 0xfe)) { + /* In KSC 5601, now KS X 1001, the region s1 = 0xDA, 0xA1 <= s2 <= 0xD3 + contains the 51 Jamo (Hangul letters). But in the Johab encoding, + they have been moved to the Hangul section, see + johab_hangul_page31. */ + if (!(s1 == 0xda && (s2 >= 0xa1 && s2 <= 0xd3))) { + unsigned char t1 = (s1 < 0xe0 ? 2*(s1-0xd9) : 2*s1-0x197); + unsigned char t2 = (s2 < 0x91 ? s2-0x31 : s2-0x43); + unsigned char buf[2]; + buf[0] = t1 + (t2 < 0x5e ? 0 : 1) + 0x21; + buf[1] = (t2 < 0x5e ? t2 : t2-0x5e) + 0x21; + return ksc5601_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); + } + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } +} + +static int +johab_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Try ASCII variation. */ + if (wc < 0x0080 && wc != 0x005c) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + if (wc == 0x20a9) { + *r = 0x5c; + return 1; + } + + /* Try JOHAB Hangul table before KSC5601 table, because the KSC5601 table + contains some (2350 out of 11172) Hangul syllables (rows 0x30XX..0x48XX), + and we want the search to return the JOHAB Hangul table entry. */ + + /* Try JOHAB Hangul. */ + ret = johab_hangul_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = buf[0]; + r[1] = buf[1]; + return 2; + } + + /* Try KSC5601, now KS X 1001. */ + ret = ksc5601_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + unsigned char c1, c2; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + c1 = buf[0]; + c2 = buf[1]; + if (((c1 >= 0x21 && c1 <= 0x2c) || (c1 >= 0x4a && c1 <= 0x7d)) + && (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 <= 0x7e)) { + unsigned int t = (c1 < 0x4A ? (c1-0x21+0x1B2) : (c1-0x21+0x197)); + unsigned char t2 = ((t & 1) ? 0x5e : 0) + (c2 - 0x21); + r[0] = t >> 1; + r[1] = (t2 < 0x4e ? t2+0x31 : t2+0x43); + return 2; + } + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/johab_hangul.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/johab_hangul.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..68368dff1 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/johab_hangul.h @@ -0,0 +1,262 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * JOHAB Hangul + * + * Ken Lunde writes in his "CJKV Information Processing" book, p. 114: + * "Hangul can be composed of two or three jamo (some jamo are considered + * compound). Johab uses 19 initial jamo (consonants), 21 medial jamo (vowels) + * and 27 final jamo (consonants; 28 when you include the "fill" character + * for Hangul containing only two jamo). Multiplying these numbers results in + * 11172." + * + * Structure of the Johab encoding (see p. 181-184): + * bit 15 = 1 + * bit 14..10 = initial jamo, only 19+1 out of 32 possible values are used + * bit 9..5 = medial jamo, only 21+1 out of 32 possible values are used + * bit 4..0 = final jamo, only 27+1 out of 32 possible values are used + * + * Structure of the Unicode encoding: + * grep '^0x\([8-C]...\|D[0-7]..\)' unicode.org-mappings/EASTASIA/KSC/JOHAB.TXT + * You see that all characters there are marked "HANGUL LETTER" or "HANGUL + * SYLLABLE". If you eliminate the "HANGUL LETTER"s, the table is sorted + * in ascending order according to Johab encoding and according to the Unicode + * encoding. Now look a little more carefully, and you see that the following + * formula holds: + * unicode == 0xAC00 + * + 21 * 28 * (jamo_initial_index[(johab >> 10) & 31] - 1) + * + 28 * (jamo_medial_index[(johab >> 5) & 31] - 1) + * + jamo_final_index[johab & 31] + * where the index tables are defined as below. + */ + +/* Tables mapping 5-bit groups to jamo letters. */ +/* Note that Jamo XX = UHC 0xA4A0+XX = Unicode 0x3130+XX */ +#define NONE 0xfd +#define FILL 0xff +static const unsigned char jamo_initial[32] = { + NONE, FILL, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, + 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, + 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, NONE, NONE, NONE, + NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, +}; +static const unsigned char jamo_medial[32] = { + NONE, NONE, FILL, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, + NONE, NONE, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, + NONE, NONE, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, + NONE, NONE, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, NONE, NONE, +}; +static const unsigned char jamo_final[32] = { + NONE, FILL, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, + 0x07, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, NONE, 0x12, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, NONE, NONE, +}; +/* Same as jamo_final, except that it excludes characters already + contained in jamo_initial. 11 characters instead of 27. */ +static const unsigned char jamo_final_notinitial[32] = { + NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, 0x03, NONE, 0x05, 0x06, + NONE, NONE, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, NONE, NONE, NONE, 0x14, NONE, NONE, NONE, + NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, +}; + +/* Tables mapping 5-bit groups to packed indices. */ +#define none -1 +#define fill 0 +static const signed char jamo_initial_index[32] = { + none, fill, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, + 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, + 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, none, none, none, + none, none, none, none, none, none, none, none, +}; +static const signed char jamo_medial_index[32] = { + none, none, fill, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, + none, none, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, + none, none, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, + none, none, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, none, none, +}; +static const signed char jamo_final_index[32] = { + none, fill, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, + 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, + 0x0f, 0x10, none, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, none, none, +}; + +static int +johab_hangul_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 >= 0x84 && c1 <= 0xd3)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x41 && c2 < 0x7f) || (c2 >= 0x81 && c2 < 0xff)) { + unsigned int johab = (c1 << 8) | c2; + unsigned int bitspart1 = (johab >> 10) & 31; + unsigned int bitspart2 = (johab >> 5) & 31; + unsigned int bitspart3 = johab & 31; + int index1 = jamo_initial_index[bitspart1]; + int index2 = jamo_medial_index[bitspart2]; + int index3 = jamo_final_index[bitspart3]; + /* Exclude "none" values. */ + if (index1 >= 0 && index2 >= 0 && index3 >= 0) { + /* Deal with "fill" values in initial or medial position. */ + if (index1 == fill) { + if (index2 == fill) { + unsigned char jamo3 = jamo_final_notinitial[bitspart3]; + if (jamo3 != NONE) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) 0x3130 + jamo3; + return 2; + } + } else if (index3 == fill) { + unsigned char jamo2 = jamo_medial[bitspart2]; + if (jamo2 != NONE && jamo2 != FILL) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) 0x3130 + jamo2; + return 2; + } + } + /* Syllables composed only of medial and final don't exist. */ + } else if (index2 == fill) { + if (index3 == fill) { + unsigned char jamo1 = jamo_initial[bitspart1]; + if (jamo1 != NONE && jamo1 != FILL) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) 0x3130 + jamo1; + return 2; + } + } + /* Syllables composed only of initial and final don't exist. */ + } else { + /* index1 and index2 are not fill, but index3 may be fill. */ + /* Nothing more to exclude. All 11172 code points are valid. */ + *pwc = 0xac00 + ((index1 - 1) * 21 + (index2 - 1)) * 28 + index3; + return 2; + } + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +/* 51 Jamo: 19 initial, 21 medial, 11 final not initial. */ +static const unsigned short johab_hangul_page31[51] = { + 0x8841, 0x8c41, 0x8444, 0x9041, 0x8446, 0x8447, 0x9441, /*0x30-0x37*/ + 0x9841, 0x9c41, 0x844a, 0x844b, 0x844c, 0x844d, 0x844e, 0x844f, /*0x38-0x3f*/ + 0x8450, 0xa041, 0xa441, 0xa841, 0x8454, 0xac41, 0xb041, 0xb441, /*0x40-0x47*/ + 0xb841, 0xbc41, 0xc041, 0xc441, 0xc841, 0xcc41, 0xd041, 0x8461, /*0x48-0x4f*/ + 0x8481, 0x84a1, 0x84c1, 0x84e1, 0x8541, 0x8561, 0x8581, 0x85a1, /*0x50-0x57*/ + 0x85c1, 0x85e1, 0x8641, 0x8661, 0x8681, 0x86a1, 0x86c1, 0x86e1, /*0x58-0x5f*/ + 0x8741, 0x8761, 0x8781, 0x87a1, /*0x60-0x67*/ +}; + +/* Tables mapping packed indices to 5-bit groups. */ +/* index1+1 = jamo_initial_index[bitspart1] <==> + bitspart1 = jamo_initial_index_inverse[index1] */ +static const char jamo_initial_index_inverse[19] = { + 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, +}; +/* index2+1 = jamo_medial_index[bitspart2] <==> + bitspart2 = jamo_medial_index_inverse[index2] */ +static const char jamo_medial_index_inverse[21] = { + 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, +}; +/* index3 = jamo_final_index[bitspart3] <==> + bitspart3 = jamo_final_index_inverse[index3] */ +static const char jamo_final_index_inverse[28] = { + 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, +}; + +static int +johab_hangul_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + if (wc >= 0x3131 && wc < 0x3164) { + unsigned short c = johab_hangul_page31[wc-0x3131]; + r[0] = (c >> 8); r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } else if (wc >= 0xac00 && wc < 0xd7a4) { + unsigned int index1; + unsigned int index2; + unsigned int index3; + unsigned short c; + unsigned int tmp = wc - 0xac00; + index3 = tmp % 28; tmp = tmp / 28; + index2 = tmp % 21; tmp = tmp / 21; + index1 = tmp; + c = (((((1 << 5) + | jamo_initial_index_inverse[index1]) << 5) + | jamo_medial_index_inverse[index2]) << 5) + | jamo_final_index_inverse[index3]; + r[0] = (c >> 8); r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} + +/* + * Decomposition of JOHAB Hangul in one to three Johab Jamo elements. + */ + +/* Decompose wc into r[0..2], and return the number of resulting Jamo elements. + Return RET_ILUNI if decomposition is not possible. */ + +static int johab_hangul_decompose (conv_t conv, ucs4_t* r, ucs4_t wc) +{ + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret = johab_hangul_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + unsigned int hangul = (buf[0] << 8) | buf[1]; + unsigned char jamo1 = jamo_initial[(hangul >> 10) & 31]; + unsigned char jamo2 = jamo_medial[(hangul >> 5) & 31]; + unsigned char jamo3 = jamo_final[hangul & 31]; + if ((hangul >> 15) != 1) abort(); + if (jamo1 != NONE && jamo2 != NONE && jamo3 != NONE) { + /* They are not all three == FILL because that would correspond to + johab = 0x8441, which doesn't exist. */ + ucs4_t* p = r; + if (jamo1 != FILL) + *p++ = 0x3130 + jamo1; + if (jamo2 != FILL) + *p++ = 0x3130 + jamo2; + if (jamo3 != FILL) + *p++ = 0x3130 + jamo3; + return p-r; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} + +#undef fill +#undef none +#undef FILL +#undef NONE diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/koi8_r.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/koi8_r.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3e435368f --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/koi8_r.h @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * KOI8-R + */ + +/* Specification: RFC 1489 */ + +static const unsigned short koi8_r_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x2500, 0x2502, 0x250c, 0x2510, 0x2514, 0x2518, 0x251c, 0x2524, + 0x252c, 0x2534, 0x253c, 0x2580, 0x2584, 0x2588, 0x258c, 0x2590, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2320, 0x25a0, 0x2219, 0x221a, 0x2248, + 0x2264, 0x2265, 0x00a0, 0x2321, 0x00b0, 0x00b2, 0x00b7, 0x00f7, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x2550, 0x2551, 0x2552, 0x0451, 0x2553, 0x2554, 0x2555, 0x2556, + 0x2557, 0x2558, 0x2559, 0x255a, 0x255b, 0x255c, 0x255d, 0x255e, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x255f, 0x2560, 0x2561, 0x0401, 0x2562, 0x2563, 0x2564, 0x2565, + 0x2566, 0x2567, 0x2568, 0x2569, 0x256a, 0x256b, 0x256c, 0x00a9, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x044e, 0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0446, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0444, 0x0433, + 0x0445, 0x0438, 0x0439, 0x043a, 0x043b, 0x043c, 0x043d, 0x043e, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x043f, 0x044f, 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0436, 0x0432, + 0x044c, 0x044b, 0x0437, 0x0448, 0x044d, 0x0449, 0x0447, 0x044a, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x042e, 0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0426, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0424, 0x0413, + 0x0425, 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041a, 0x041b, 0x041c, 0x041d, 0x041e, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x041f, 0x042f, 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0416, 0x0412, + 0x042c, 0x042b, 0x0417, 0x0428, 0x042d, 0x0429, 0x0427, 0x042a, +}; + +static int +koi8_r_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) koi8_r_2uni[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char koi8_r_page00[88] = { + 0x9a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x9c, 0x00, 0x9d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9e, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9f, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char koi8_r_page04[88] = { + 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xf7, 0xe7, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xf6, 0xfa, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, 0xf0, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xe6, 0xe8, 0xe3, 0xfe, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0xfb, 0xfd, 0xff, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xfc, 0xe0, 0xf1, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xd7, 0xc7, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xd6, 0xda, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, 0xd0, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xc6, 0xc8, 0xc3, 0xde, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xdb, 0xdd, 0xdf, 0xd9, 0xd8, 0xdc, 0xc0, 0xd1, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0xa3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ +}; +static const unsigned char koi8_r_page22[80] = { + 0x00, 0x95, 0x96, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x97, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x98, 0x99, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ +}; +static const unsigned char koi8_r_page23[8] = { + 0x93, 0x9b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char koi8_r_page25[168] = { + 0x80, 0x00, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x82, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x84, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x85, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x86, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x87, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x88, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x89, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, 0xb0, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb8, 0xb9, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x8b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x8d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x8f, 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0x94, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ +}; + +static int +koi8_r_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00f8) + c = koi8_r_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0400 && wc < 0x0458) + c = koi8_r_page04[wc-0x0400]; + else if (wc >= 0x2218 && wc < 0x2268) + c = koi8_r_page22[wc-0x2218]; + else if (wc >= 0x2320 && wc < 0x2328) + c = koi8_r_page23[wc-0x2320]; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = koi8_r_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/koi8_ru.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/koi8_ru.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e43ae7203 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/koi8_ru.h @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * KOI8-RU + */ + +static const unsigned short koi8_ru_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x2500, 0x2502, 0x250c, 0x2510, 0x2514, 0x2518, 0x251c, 0x2524, + 0x252c, 0x2534, 0x253c, 0x2580, 0x2584, 0x2588, 0x258c, 0x2590, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2320, 0x25a0, 0x2219, 0x221a, 0x2248, + 0x2264, 0x2265, 0x00a0, 0x2321, 0x00b0, 0x00b2, 0x00b7, 0x00f7, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x2550, 0x2551, 0x2552, 0x0451, 0x0454, 0x2554, 0x0456, 0x0457, + 0x2557, 0x2558, 0x2559, 0x255a, 0x255b, 0x0491, 0x045e, 0x255e, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x255f, 0x2560, 0x2561, 0x0401, 0x0404, 0x2563, 0x0406, 0x0407, + 0x2566, 0x2567, 0x2568, 0x2569, 0x256a, 0x0490, 0x040e, 0x00a9, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x044e, 0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0446, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0444, 0x0433, + 0x0445, 0x0438, 0x0439, 0x043a, 0x043b, 0x043c, 0x043d, 0x043e, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x043f, 0x044f, 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0436, 0x0432, + 0x044c, 0x044b, 0x0437, 0x0448, 0x044d, 0x0449, 0x0447, 0x044a, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x042e, 0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0426, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0424, 0x0413, + 0x0425, 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041a, 0x041b, 0x041c, 0x041d, 0x041e, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x041f, 0x042f, 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0416, 0x0412, + 0x042c, 0x042b, 0x0417, 0x0428, 0x042d, 0x0429, 0x0427, 0x042a, +}; + +static int +koi8_ru_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) koi8_ru_2uni[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char koi8_ru_page00[88] = { + 0x9a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x9c, 0x00, 0x9d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9e, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9f, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char koi8_ru_page04[152] = { + 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbe, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xf7, 0xe7, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xf6, 0xfa, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, 0xf0, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xe6, 0xe8, 0xe3, 0xfe, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0xfb, 0xfd, 0xff, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xfc, 0xe0, 0xf1, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xd7, 0xc7, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xd6, 0xda, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, 0xd0, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xc6, 0xc8, 0xc3, 0xde, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xdb, 0xdd, 0xdf, 0xd9, 0xd8, 0xdc, 0xc0, 0xd1, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0xa3, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa4, 0x00, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xae, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xbd, 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; +static const unsigned char koi8_ru_page22[80] = { + 0x00, 0x95, 0x96, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x97, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x98, 0x99, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ +}; +static const unsigned char koi8_ru_page23[8] = { + 0x93, 0x9b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char koi8_ru_page25[168] = { + 0x80, 0x00, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x82, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x84, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x85, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x86, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x87, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x88, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x89, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0x00, 0xa5, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa8, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaf, 0xb0, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0xb5, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb8, 0xb9, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x8b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x8d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x8f, 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0x94, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ +}; + +static int +koi8_ru_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00f8) + c = koi8_ru_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0400 && wc < 0x0498) + c = koi8_ru_page04[wc-0x0400]; + else if (wc >= 0x2218 && wc < 0x2268) + c = koi8_ru_page22[wc-0x2218]; + else if (wc >= 0x2320 && wc < 0x2328) + c = koi8_ru_page23[wc-0x2320]; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = koi8_ru_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/koi8_t.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/koi8_t.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0f7a56852 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/koi8_t.h @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * KOI8-T + */ + +static const unsigned short koi8_t_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x049b, 0x0493, 0x201a, 0x0492, 0x201e, 0x2026, 0x2020, 0x2021, + 0xfffd, 0x2030, 0x04b3, 0x2039, 0x04b2, 0x04b7, 0x04b6, 0xfffd, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x049a, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014, + 0xfffd, 0x2122, 0xfffd, 0x203a, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0xfffd, 0x04ef, 0x04ee, 0x0451, 0x00a4, 0x04e3, 0x00a6, 0x00a7, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x00ad, 0x00ae, 0xfffd, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00b0, 0x00b1, 0x00b2, 0x0401, 0xfffd, 0x04e2, 0x00b6, 0x00b7, + 0xfffd, 0x2116, 0xfffd, 0x00bb, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x00a9, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x044e, 0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0446, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0444, 0x0433, + 0x0445, 0x0438, 0x0439, 0x043a, 0x043b, 0x043c, 0x043d, 0x043e, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x043f, 0x044f, 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0436, 0x0432, + 0x044c, 0x044b, 0x0437, 0x0448, 0x044d, 0x0449, 0x0447, 0x044a, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x042e, 0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0426, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0424, 0x0413, + 0x0425, 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041a, 0x041b, 0x041c, 0x041d, 0x041e, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x041f, 0x042f, 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0416, 0x0412, + 0x042c, 0x042b, 0x0417, 0x0428, 0x042d, 0x0429, 0x0427, 0x042a, +}; + +static int +koi8_t_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = koi8_t_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char koi8_t_page00[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa4, 0x00, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xbf, 0x00, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ +}; +static const unsigned char koi8_t_page04[240] = { + 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xf7, 0xe7, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xf6, 0xfa, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, 0xf0, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xe6, 0xe8, 0xe3, 0xfe, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0xfb, 0xfd, 0xff, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xfc, 0xe0, 0xf1, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xd7, 0xc7, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xd6, 0xda, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, 0xd0, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xc6, 0xc8, 0xc3, 0xde, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xdb, 0xdd, 0xdf, 0xd9, 0xd8, 0xdc, 0xc0, 0xd1, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0xa3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x83, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x90, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x8c, 0x8a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8e, 0x8d, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xb5, 0xa5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa2, 0xa1, /* 0xe8-0xef */ +}; +static const unsigned char koi8_t_page20[48] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x96, 0x97, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x91, 0x92, 0x82, 0x00, 0x93, 0x94, 0x84, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x86, 0x87, 0x95, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x89, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x8b, 0x9b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ +}; +static const unsigned char koi8_t_page21[24] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb9, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x99, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; + +static int +koi8_t_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00c0) + c = koi8_t_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0400 && wc < 0x04f0) + c = koi8_t_page04[wc-0x0400]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2040) + c = koi8_t_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc >= 0x2110 && wc < 0x2128) + c = koi8_t_page21[wc-0x2110]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/koi8_u.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/koi8_u.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0637d5854 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/koi8_u.h @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * KOI8-U + */ + +/* Specification: RFC 2319 */ + +static const unsigned short koi8_u_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x2500, 0x2502, 0x250c, 0x2510, 0x2514, 0x2518, 0x251c, 0x2524, + 0x252c, 0x2534, 0x253c, 0x2580, 0x2584, 0x2588, 0x258c, 0x2590, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2320, 0x25a0, 0x2219, 0x221a, 0x2248, + 0x2264, 0x2265, 0x00a0, 0x2321, 0x00b0, 0x00b2, 0x00b7, 0x00f7, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x2550, 0x2551, 0x2552, 0x0451, 0x0454, 0x2554, 0x0456, 0x0457, + 0x2557, 0x2558, 0x2559, 0x255a, 0x255b, 0x0491, 0x255d, 0x255e, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x255f, 0x2560, 0x2561, 0x0401, 0x0404, 0x2563, 0x0406, 0x0407, + 0x2566, 0x2567, 0x2568, 0x2569, 0x256a, 0x0490, 0x256c, 0x00a9, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x044e, 0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0446, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0444, 0x0433, + 0x0445, 0x0438, 0x0439, 0x043a, 0x043b, 0x043c, 0x043d, 0x043e, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x043f, 0x044f, 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0436, 0x0432, + 0x044c, 0x044b, 0x0437, 0x0448, 0x044d, 0x0449, 0x0447, 0x044a, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x042e, 0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0426, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0424, 0x0413, + 0x0425, 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041a, 0x041b, 0x041c, 0x041d, 0x041e, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x041f, 0x042f, 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0416, 0x0412, + 0x042c, 0x042b, 0x0417, 0x0428, 0x042d, 0x0429, 0x0427, 0x042a, +}; + +static int +koi8_u_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) koi8_u_2uni[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char koi8_u_page00[88] = { + 0x9a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x9c, 0x00, 0x9d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9e, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9f, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char koi8_u_page04[152] = { + 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xf7, 0xe7, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xf6, 0xfa, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, 0xf0, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xe6, 0xe8, 0xe3, 0xfe, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0xfb, 0xfd, 0xff, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0xfc, 0xe0, 0xf1, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xd7, 0xc7, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xd6, 0xda, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, 0xd0, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xc6, 0xc8, 0xc3, 0xde, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xdb, 0xdd, 0xdf, 0xd9, 0xd8, 0xdc, 0xc0, 0xd1, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0xa3, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa4, 0x00, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xbd, 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; +static const unsigned char koi8_u_page22[80] = { + 0x00, 0x95, 0x96, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x97, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x98, 0x99, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ +}; +static const unsigned char koi8_u_page23[8] = { + 0x93, 0x9b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char koi8_u_page25[168] = { + 0x80, 0x00, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x82, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x84, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x85, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x86, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x87, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x88, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x89, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0x00, 0xa5, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa8, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0x00, 0xae, 0xaf, 0xb0, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xb1, 0xb2, 0x00, 0xb5, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb8, 0xb9, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0x00, 0xbe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x8b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x8d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x8f, 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0x94, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ +}; + +static int +koi8_u_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00f8) + c = koi8_u_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0400 && wc < 0x0498) + c = koi8_u_page04[wc-0x0400]; + else if (wc >= 0x2218 && wc < 0x2268) + c = koi8_u_page22[wc-0x2218]; + else if (wc >= 0x2320 && wc < 0x2328) + c = koi8_u_page23[wc-0x2320]; + else if (wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x25a8) + c = koi8_u_page25[wc-0x2500]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ksc5601.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ksc5601.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fd1662321 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ksc5601.h @@ -0,0 +1,3022 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * KSC5601.1987-0, now KS X 1001:2002 + */ + +static const unsigned short ksc5601_2uni_page21[1115] = { + /* 0x21 */ + 0x3000, 0x3001, 0x3002, 0x00b7, 0x2025, 0x2026, 0x00a8, 0x3003, + 0x00ad, 0x2015, 0x2225, 0xff3c, 0x223c, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, + 0x201d, 0x3014, 0x3015, 0x3008, 0x3009, 0x300a, 0x300b, 0x300c, + 0x300d, 0x300e, 0x300f, 0x3010, 0x3011, 0x00b1, 0x00d7, 0x00f7, + 0x2260, 0x2264, 0x2265, 0x221e, 0x2234, 0x00b0, 0x2032, 0x2033, + 0x2103, 0x212b, 0xffe0, 0xffe1, 0xffe5, 0x2642, 0x2640, 0x2220, + 0x22a5, 0x2312, 0x2202, 0x2207, 0x2261, 0x2252, 0x00a7, 0x203b, + 0x2606, 0x2605, 0x25cb, 0x25cf, 0x25ce, 0x25c7, 0x25c6, 0x25a1, + 0x25a0, 0x25b3, 0x25b2, 0x25bd, 0x25bc, 0x2192, 0x2190, 0x2191, + 0x2193, 0x2194, 0x3013, 0x226a, 0x226b, 0x221a, 0x223d, 0x221d, + 0x2235, 0x222b, 0x222c, 0x2208, 0x220b, 0x2286, 0x2287, 0x2282, + 0x2283, 0x222a, 0x2229, 0x2227, 0x2228, 0xffe2, + /* 0x22 */ + 0x21d2, 0x21d4, 0x2200, 0x2203, 0x00b4, 0xff5e, 0x02c7, 0x02d8, + 0x02dd, 0x02da, 0x02d9, 0x00b8, 0x02db, 0x00a1, 0x00bf, 0x02d0, + 0x222e, 0x2211, 0x220f, 0x00a4, 0x2109, 0x2030, 0x25c1, 0x25c0, + 0x25b7, 0x25b6, 0x2664, 0x2660, 0x2661, 0x2665, 0x2667, 0x2663, + 0x2299, 0x25c8, 0x25a3, 0x25d0, 0x25d1, 0x2592, 0x25a4, 0x25a5, + 0x25a8, 0x25a7, 0x25a6, 0x25a9, 0x2668, 0x260f, 0x260e, 0x261c, + 0x261e, 0x00b6, 0x2020, 0x2021, 0x2195, 0x2197, 0x2199, 0x2196, + 0x2198, 0x266d, 0x2669, 0x266a, 0x266c, 0x327f, 0x321c, 0x2116, + 0x33c7, 0x2122, 0x33c2, 0x33d8, 0x2121, 0x20ac, 0x00ae, 0x327e, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0x23 */ + 0xff01, 0xff02, 0xff03, 0xff04, 0xff05, 0xff06, 0xff07, 0xff08, + 0xff09, 0xff0a, 0xff0b, 0xff0c, 0xff0d, 0xff0e, 0xff0f, 0xff10, + 0xff11, 0xff12, 0xff13, 0xff14, 0xff15, 0xff16, 0xff17, 0xff18, + 0xff19, 0xff1a, 0xff1b, 0xff1c, 0xff1d, 0xff1e, 0xff1f, 0xff20, + 0xff21, 0xff22, 0xff23, 0xff24, 0xff25, 0xff26, 0xff27, 0xff28, + 0xff29, 0xff2a, 0xff2b, 0xff2c, 0xff2d, 0xff2e, 0xff2f, 0xff30, + 0xff31, 0xff32, 0xff33, 0xff34, 0xff35, 0xff36, 0xff37, 0xff38, + 0xff39, 0xff3a, 0xff3b, 0xffe6, 0xff3d, 0xff3e, 0xff3f, 0xff40, + 0xff41, 0xff42, 0xff43, 0xff44, 0xff45, 0xff46, 0xff47, 0xff48, + 0xff49, 0xff4a, 0xff4b, 0xff4c, 0xff4d, 0xff4e, 0xff4f, 0xff50, + 0xff51, 0xff52, 0xff53, 0xff54, 0xff55, 0xff56, 0xff57, 0xff58, + 0xff59, 0xff5a, 0xff5b, 0xff5c, 0xff5d, 0xffe3, + /* 0x24 */ + 0x3131, 0x3132, 0x3133, 0x3134, 0x3135, 0x3136, 0x3137, 0x3138, + 0x3139, 0x313a, 0x313b, 0x313c, 0x313d, 0x313e, 0x313f, 0x3140, + 0x3141, 0x3142, 0x3143, 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0xb8cc, 0xb8d0, 0xb8d4, 0xb8dd, 0xb8df, 0xb8e1, 0xb8e8, 0xb8e9, + 0xb8ec, 0xb8f0, 0xb8f8, 0xb8f9, 0xb8fb, 0xb8fd, 0xb904, 0xb918, + 0xb920, 0xb93c, 0xb93d, 0xb940, 0xb944, 0xb94c, 0xb94f, 0xb951, + 0xb958, 0xb959, 0xb95c, 0xb960, 0xb968, 0xb969, + /* 0x38 */ + 0xb96b, 0xb96d, 0xb974, 0xb975, 0xb978, 0xb97c, 0xb984, 0xb985, + 0xb987, 0xb989, 0xb98a, 0xb98d, 0xb98e, 0xb9ac, 0xb9ad, 0xb9b0, + 0xb9b4, 0xb9bc, 0xb9bd, 0xb9bf, 0xb9c1, 0xb9c8, 0xb9c9, 0xb9cc, + 0xb9ce, 0xb9cf, 0xb9d0, 0xb9d1, 0xb9d2, 0xb9d8, 0xb9d9, 0xb9db, + 0xb9dd, 0xb9de, 0xb9e1, 0xb9e3, 0xb9e4, 0xb9e5, 0xb9e8, 0xb9ec, + 0xb9f4, 0xb9f5, 0xb9f7, 0xb9f8, 0xb9f9, 0xb9fa, 0xba00, 0xba01, + 0xba08, 0xba15, 0xba38, 0xba39, 0xba3c, 0xba40, 0xba42, 0xba48, + 0xba49, 0xba4b, 0xba4d, 0xba4e, 0xba53, 0xba54, 0xba55, 0xba58, + 0xba5c, 0xba64, 0xba65, 0xba67, 0xba68, 0xba69, 0xba70, 0xba71, + 0xba74, 0xba78, 0xba83, 0xba84, 0xba85, 0xba87, 0xba8c, 0xbaa8, + 0xbaa9, 0xbaab, 0xbaac, 0xbab0, 0xbab2, 0xbab8, 0xbab9, 0xbabb, + 0xbabd, 0xbac4, 0xbac8, 0xbad8, 0xbad9, 0xbafc, + /* 0x39 */ + 0xbb00, 0xbb04, 0xbb0d, 0xbb0f, 0xbb11, 0xbb18, 0xbb1c, 0xbb20, + 0xbb29, 0xbb2b, 0xbb34, 0xbb35, 0xbb36, 0xbb38, 0xbb3b, 0xbb3c, + 0xbb3d, 0xbb3e, 0xbb44, 0xbb45, 0xbb47, 0xbb49, 0xbb4d, 0xbb4f, + 0xbb50, 0xbb54, 0xbb58, 0xbb61, 0xbb63, 0xbb6c, 0xbb88, 0xbb8c, + 0xbb90, 0xbba4, 0xbba8, 0xbbac, 0xbbb4, 0xbbb7, 0xbbc0, 0xbbc4, + 0xbbc8, 0xbbd0, 0xbbd3, 0xbbf8, 0xbbf9, 0xbbfc, 0xbbff, 0xbc00, + 0xbc02, 0xbc08, 0xbc09, 0xbc0b, 0xbc0c, 0xbc0d, 0xbc0f, 0xbc11, + 0xbc14, 0xbc15, 0xbc16, 0xbc17, 0xbc18, 0xbc1b, 0xbc1c, 0xbc1d, + 0xbc1e, 0xbc1f, 0xbc24, 0xbc25, 0xbc27, 0xbc29, 0xbc2d, 0xbc30, + 0xbc31, 0xbc34, 0xbc38, 0xbc40, 0xbc41, 0xbc43, 0xbc44, 0xbc45, + 0xbc49, 0xbc4c, 0xbc4d, 0xbc50, 0xbc5d, 0xbc84, 0xbc85, 0xbc88, + 0xbc8b, 0xbc8c, 0xbc8e, 0xbc94, 0xbc95, 0xbc97, + /* 0x3a */ + 0xbc99, 0xbc9a, 0xbca0, 0xbca1, 0xbca4, 0xbca7, 0xbca8, 0xbcb0, + 0xbcb1, 0xbcb3, 0xbcb4, 0xbcb5, 0xbcbc, 0xbcbd, 0xbcc0, 0xbcc4, + 0xbccd, 0xbccf, 0xbcd0, 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0xbf55, 0xbf94, 0xbfb0, 0xbfc5, + 0xbfcc, 0xbfcd, 0xbfd0, 0xbfd4, 0xbfdc, 0xbfdf, 0xbfe1, 0xc03c, + 0xc051, 0xc058, 0xc05c, 0xc060, 0xc068, 0xc069, 0xc090, 0xc091, + 0xc094, 0xc098, 0xc0a0, 0xc0a1, 0xc0a3, 0xc0a5, 0xc0ac, 0xc0ad, + 0xc0af, 0xc0b0, 0xc0b3, 0xc0b4, 0xc0b5, 0xc0b6, 0xc0bc, 0xc0bd, + 0xc0bf, 0xc0c0, 0xc0c1, 0xc0c5, 0xc0c8, 0xc0c9, 0xc0cc, 0xc0d0, + 0xc0d8, 0xc0d9, 0xc0db, 0xc0dc, 0xc0dd, 0xc0e4, + /* 0x3c */ + 0xc0e5, 0xc0e8, 0xc0ec, 0xc0f4, 0xc0f5, 0xc0f7, 0xc0f9, 0xc100, + 0xc104, 0xc108, 0xc110, 0xc115, 0xc11c, 0xc11d, 0xc11e, 0xc11f, + 0xc120, 0xc123, 0xc124, 0xc126, 0xc127, 0xc12c, 0xc12d, 0xc12f, + 0xc130, 0xc131, 0xc136, 0xc138, 0xc139, 0xc13c, 0xc140, 0xc148, + 0xc149, 0xc14b, 0xc14c, 0xc14d, 0xc154, 0xc155, 0xc158, 0xc15c, + 0xc164, 0xc165, 0xc167, 0xc168, 0xc169, 0xc170, 0xc174, 0xc178, + 0xc185, 0xc18c, 0xc18d, 0xc18e, 0xc190, 0xc194, 0xc196, 0xc19c, + 0xc19d, 0xc19f, 0xc1a1, 0xc1a5, 0xc1a8, 0xc1a9, 0xc1ac, 0xc1b0, + 0xc1bd, 0xc1c4, 0xc1c8, 0xc1cc, 0xc1d4, 0xc1d7, 0xc1d8, 0xc1e0, + 0xc1e4, 0xc1e8, 0xc1f0, 0xc1f1, 0xc1f3, 0xc1fc, 0xc1fd, 0xc200, + 0xc204, 0xc20c, 0xc20d, 0xc20f, 0xc211, 0xc218, 0xc219, 0xc21c, + 0xc21f, 0xc220, 0xc228, 0xc229, 0xc22b, 0xc22d, + /* 0x3d */ + 0xc22f, 0xc231, 0xc232, 0xc234, 0xc248, 0xc250, 0xc251, 0xc254, + 0xc258, 0xc260, 0xc265, 0xc26c, 0xc26d, 0xc270, 0xc274, 0xc27c, + 0xc27d, 0xc27f, 0xc281, 0xc288, 0xc289, 0xc290, 0xc298, 0xc29b, + 0xc29d, 0xc2a4, 0xc2a5, 0xc2a8, 0xc2ac, 0xc2ad, 0xc2b4, 0xc2b5, + 0xc2b7, 0xc2b9, 0xc2dc, 0xc2dd, 0xc2e0, 0xc2e3, 0xc2e4, 0xc2eb, + 0xc2ec, 0xc2ed, 0xc2ef, 0xc2f1, 0xc2f6, 0xc2f8, 0xc2f9, 0xc2fb, + 0xc2fc, 0xc300, 0xc308, 0xc309, 0xc30c, 0xc30d, 0xc313, 0xc314, + 0xc315, 0xc318, 0xc31c, 0xc324, 0xc325, 0xc328, 0xc329, 0xc345, + 0xc368, 0xc369, 0xc36c, 0xc370, 0xc372, 0xc378, 0xc379, 0xc37c, + 0xc37d, 0xc384, 0xc388, 0xc38c, 0xc3c0, 0xc3d8, 0xc3d9, 0xc3dc, + 0xc3df, 0xc3e0, 0xc3e2, 0xc3e8, 0xc3e9, 0xc3ed, 0xc3f4, 0xc3f5, + 0xc3f8, 0xc408, 0xc410, 0xc424, 0xc42c, 0xc430, + /* 0x3e */ + 0xc434, 0xc43c, 0xc43d, 0xc448, 0xc464, 0xc465, 0xc468, 0xc46c, + 0xc474, 0xc475, 0xc479, 0xc480, 0xc494, 0xc49c, 0xc4b8, 0xc4bc, + 0xc4e9, 0xc4f0, 0xc4f1, 0xc4f4, 0xc4f8, 0xc4fa, 0xc4ff, 0xc500, + 0xc501, 0xc50c, 0xc510, 0xc514, 0xc51c, 0xc528, 0xc529, 0xc52c, + 0xc530, 0xc538, 0xc539, 0xc53b, 0xc53d, 0xc544, 0xc545, 0xc548, + 0xc549, 0xc54a, 0xc54c, 0xc54d, 0xc54e, 0xc553, 0xc554, 0xc555, + 0xc557, 0xc558, 0xc559, 0xc55d, 0xc55e, 0xc560, 0xc561, 0xc564, + 0xc568, 0xc570, 0xc571, 0xc573, 0xc574, 0xc575, 0xc57c, 0xc57d, + 0xc580, 0xc584, 0xc587, 0xc58c, 0xc58d, 0xc58f, 0xc591, 0xc595, + 0xc597, 0xc598, 0xc59c, 0xc5a0, 0xc5a9, 0xc5b4, 0xc5b5, 0xc5b8, + 0xc5b9, 0xc5bb, 0xc5bc, 0xc5bd, 0xc5be, 0xc5c4, 0xc5c5, 0xc5c6, + 0xc5c7, 0xc5c8, 0xc5c9, 0xc5ca, 0xc5cc, 0xc5ce, + /* 0x3f */ + 0xc5d0, 0xc5d1, 0xc5d4, 0xc5d8, 0xc5e0, 0xc5e1, 0xc5e3, 0xc5e5, + 0xc5ec, 0xc5ed, 0xc5ee, 0xc5f0, 0xc5f4, 0xc5f6, 0xc5f7, 0xc5fc, + 0xc5fd, 0xc5fe, 0xc5ff, 0xc600, 0xc601, 0xc605, 0xc606, 0xc607, + 0xc608, 0xc60c, 0xc610, 0xc618, 0xc619, 0xc61b, 0xc61c, 0xc624, + 0xc625, 0xc628, 0xc62c, 0xc62d, 0xc62e, 0xc630, 0xc633, 0xc634, + 0xc635, 0xc637, 0xc639, 0xc63b, 0xc640, 0xc641, 0xc644, 0xc648, + 0xc650, 0xc651, 0xc653, 0xc654, 0xc655, 0xc65c, 0xc65d, 0xc660, + 0xc66c, 0xc66f, 0xc671, 0xc678, 0xc679, 0xc67c, 0xc680, 0xc688, + 0xc689, 0xc68b, 0xc68d, 0xc694, 0xc695, 0xc698, 0xc69c, 0xc6a4, + 0xc6a5, 0xc6a7, 0xc6a9, 0xc6b0, 0xc6b1, 0xc6b4, 0xc6b8, 0xc6b9, + 0xc6ba, 0xc6c0, 0xc6c1, 0xc6c3, 0xc6c5, 0xc6cc, 0xc6cd, 0xc6d0, + 0xc6d4, 0xc6dc, 0xc6dd, 0xc6e0, 0xc6e1, 0xc6e8, + /* 0x40 */ + 0xc6e9, 0xc6ec, 0xc6f0, 0xc6f8, 0xc6f9, 0xc6fd, 0xc704, 0xc705, + 0xc708, 0xc70c, 0xc714, 0xc715, 0xc717, 0xc719, 0xc720, 0xc721, + 0xc724, 0xc728, 0xc730, 0xc731, 0xc733, 0xc735, 0xc737, 0xc73c, + 0xc73d, 0xc740, 0xc744, 0xc74a, 0xc74c, 0xc74d, 0xc74f, 0xc751, + 0xc752, 0xc753, 0xc754, 0xc755, 0xc756, 0xc757, 0xc758, 0xc75c, + 0xc760, 0xc768, 0xc76b, 0xc774, 0xc775, 0xc778, 0xc77c, 0xc77d, + 0xc77e, 0xc783, 0xc784, 0xc785, 0xc787, 0xc788, 0xc789, 0xc78a, + 0xc78e, 0xc790, 0xc791, 0xc794, 0xc796, 0xc797, 0xc798, 0xc79a, + 0xc7a0, 0xc7a1, 0xc7a3, 0xc7a4, 0xc7a5, 0xc7a6, 0xc7ac, 0xc7ad, + 0xc7b0, 0xc7b4, 0xc7bc, 0xc7bd, 0xc7bf, 0xc7c0, 0xc7c1, 0xc7c8, + 0xc7c9, 0xc7cc, 0xc7ce, 0xc7d0, 0xc7d8, 0xc7dd, 0xc7e4, 0xc7e8, + 0xc7ec, 0xc800, 0xc801, 0xc804, 0xc808, 0xc80a, + /* 0x41 */ + 0xc810, 0xc811, 0xc813, 0xc815, 0xc816, 0xc81c, 0xc81d, 0xc820, + 0xc824, 0xc82c, 0xc82d, 0xc82f, 0xc831, 0xc838, 0xc83c, 0xc840, + 0xc848, 0xc849, 0xc84c, 0xc84d, 0xc854, 0xc870, 0xc871, 0xc874, + 0xc878, 0xc87a, 0xc880, 0xc881, 0xc883, 0xc885, 0xc886, 0xc887, + 0xc88b, 0xc88c, 0xc88d, 0xc894, 0xc89d, 0xc89f, 0xc8a1, 0xc8a8, + 0xc8bc, 0xc8bd, 0xc8c4, 0xc8c8, 0xc8cc, 0xc8d4, 0xc8d5, 0xc8d7, + 0xc8d9, 0xc8e0, 0xc8e1, 0xc8e4, 0xc8f5, 0xc8fc, 0xc8fd, 0xc900, + 0xc904, 0xc905, 0xc906, 0xc90c, 0xc90d, 0xc90f, 0xc911, 0xc918, + 0xc92c, 0xc934, 0xc950, 0xc951, 0xc954, 0xc958, 0xc960, 0xc961, + 0xc963, 0xc96c, 0xc970, 0xc974, 0xc97c, 0xc988, 0xc989, 0xc98c, + 0xc990, 0xc998, 0xc999, 0xc99b, 0xc99d, 0xc9c0, 0xc9c1, 0xc9c4, + 0xc9c7, 0xc9c8, 0xc9ca, 0xc9d0, 0xc9d1, 0xc9d3, + /* 0x42 */ + 0xc9d5, 0xc9d6, 0xc9d9, 0xc9da, 0xc9dc, 0xc9dd, 0xc9e0, 0xc9e2, + 0xc9e4, 0xc9e7, 0xc9ec, 0xc9ed, 0xc9ef, 0xc9f0, 0xc9f1, 0xc9f8, + 0xc9f9, 0xc9fc, 0xca00, 0xca08, 0xca09, 0xca0b, 0xca0c, 0xca0d, + 0xca14, 0xca18, 0xca29, 0xca4c, 0xca4d, 0xca50, 0xca54, 0xca5c, + 0xca5d, 0xca5f, 0xca60, 0xca61, 0xca68, 0xca7d, 0xca84, 0xca98, + 0xcabc, 0xcabd, 0xcac0, 0xcac4, 0xcacc, 0xcacd, 0xcacf, 0xcad1, + 0xcad3, 0xcad8, 0xcad9, 0xcae0, 0xcaec, 0xcaf4, 0xcb08, 0xcb10, + 0xcb14, 0xcb18, 0xcb20, 0xcb21, 0xcb41, 0xcb48, 0xcb49, 0xcb4c, + 0xcb50, 0xcb58, 0xcb59, 0xcb5d, 0xcb64, 0xcb78, 0xcb79, 0xcb9c, + 0xcbb8, 0xcbd4, 0xcbe4, 0xcbe7, 0xcbe9, 0xcc0c, 0xcc0d, 0xcc10, + 0xcc14, 0xcc1c, 0xcc1d, 0xcc21, 0xcc22, 0xcc27, 0xcc28, 0xcc29, + 0xcc2c, 0xcc2e, 0xcc30, 0xcc38, 0xcc39, 0xcc3b, + /* 0x43 */ + 0xcc3c, 0xcc3d, 0xcc3e, 0xcc44, 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0x5ba2, 0x5751, 0xf901, 0x7cb3, 0x7fb9, + 0x91b5, 0x5028, 0x53bb, 0x5c45, 0x5de8, 0x62d2, 0x636e, 0x64da, + 0x64e7, 0x6e20, 0x70ac, 0x795b, 0x8ddd, 0x8e1e, 0xf902, 0x907d, + 0x9245, 0x92f8, 0x4e7e, 0x4ef6, 0x5065, 0x5dfe, 0x5efa, 0x6106, + 0x6957, 0x8171, 0x8654, 0x8e47, 0x9375, 0x9a2b, 0x4e5e, 0x5091, + 0x6770, 0x6840, 0x5109, 0x528d, 0x5292, 0x6aa2, + /* 0x4c */ + 0x77bc, 0x9210, 0x9ed4, 0x52ab, 0x602f, 0x8ff2, 0x5048, 0x61a9, + 0x63ed, 0x64ca, 0x683c, 0x6a84, 0x6fc0, 0x8188, 0x89a1, 0x9694, + 0x5805, 0x727d, 0x72ac, 0x7504, 0x7d79, 0x7e6d, 0x80a9, 0x898b, + 0x8b74, 0x9063, 0x9d51, 0x6289, 0x6c7a, 0x6f54, 0x7d50, 0x7f3a, + 0x8a23, 0x517c, 0x614a, 0x7b9d, 0x8b19, 0x9257, 0x938c, 0x4eac, + 0x4fd3, 0x501e, 0x50be, 0x5106, 0x52c1, 0x52cd, 0x537f, 0x5770, + 0x5883, 0x5e9a, 0x5f91, 0x6176, 0x61ac, 0x64ce, 0x656c, 0x666f, + 0x66bb, 0x66f4, 0x6897, 0x6d87, 0x7085, 0x70f1, 0x749f, 0x74a5, + 0x74ca, 0x75d9, 0x786c, 0x78ec, 0x7adf, 0x7af6, 0x7d45, 0x7d93, + 0x8015, 0x803f, 0x811b, 0x8396, 0x8b66, 0x8f15, 0x9015, 0x93e1, + 0x9803, 0x9838, 0x9a5a, 0x9be8, 0x4fc2, 0x5553, 0x583a, 0x5951, + 0x5b63, 0x5c46, 0x60b8, 0x6212, 0x6842, 0x68b0, + /* 0x4d */ + 0x68e8, 0x6eaa, 0x754c, 0x7678, 0x78ce, 0x7a3d, 0x7cfb, 0x7e6b, + 0x7e7c, 0x8a08, 0x8aa1, 0x8c3f, 0x968e, 0x9dc4, 0x53e4, 0x53e9, + 0x544a, 0x5471, 0x56fa, 0x59d1, 0x5b64, 0x5c3b, 0x5eab, 0x62f7, + 0x6537, 0x6545, 0x6572, 0x66a0, 0x67af, 0x69c1, 0x6cbd, 0x75fc, + 0x7690, 0x777e, 0x7a3f, 0x7f94, 0x8003, 0x80a1, 0x818f, 0x82e6, + 0x82fd, 0x83f0, 0x85c1, 0x8831, 0x88b4, 0x8aa5, 0xf903, 0x8f9c, + 0x932e, 0x96c7, 0x9867, 0x9ad8, 0x9f13, 0x54ed, 0x659b, 0x66f2, + 0x688f, 0x7a40, 0x8c37, 0x9d60, 0x56f0, 0x5764, 0x5d11, 0x6606, + 0x68b1, 0x68cd, 0x6efe, 0x7428, 0x889e, 0x9be4, 0x6c68, 0xf904, + 0x9aa8, 0x4f9b, 0x516c, 0x5171, 0x529f, 0x5b54, 0x5de5, 0x6050, + 0x606d, 0x62f1, 0x63a7, 0x653b, 0x73d9, 0x7a7a, 0x86a3, 0x8ca2, + 0x978f, 0x4e32, 0x5be1, 0x6208, 0x679c, 0x74dc, + /* 0x4e */ + 0x79d1, 0x83d3, 0x8a87, 0x8ab2, 0x8de8, 0x904e, 0x934b, 0x9846, + 0x5ed3, 0x69e8, 0x85ff, 0x90ed, 0xf905, 0x51a0, 0x5b98, 0x5bec, + 0x6163, 0x68fa, 0x6b3e, 0x704c, 0x742f, 0x74d8, 0x7ba1, 0x7f50, + 0x83c5, 0x89c0, 0x8cab, 0x95dc, 0x9928, 0x522e, 0x605d, 0x62ec, + 0x9002, 0x4f8a, 0x5149, 0x5321, 0x58d9, 0x5ee3, 0x66e0, 0x6d38, + 0x709a, 0x72c2, 0x73d6, 0x7b50, 0x80f1, 0x945b, 0x5366, 0x639b, + 0x7f6b, 0x4e56, 0x5080, 0x584a, 0x58de, 0x602a, 0x6127, 0x62d0, + 0x69d0, 0x9b41, 0x5b8f, 0x7d18, 0x80b1, 0x8f5f, 0x4ea4, 0x50d1, + 0x54ac, 0x55ac, 0x5b0c, 0x5da0, 0x5de7, 0x652a, 0x654e, 0x6821, + 0x6a4b, 0x72e1, 0x768e, 0x77ef, 0x7d5e, 0x7ff9, 0x81a0, 0x854e, + 0x86df, 0x8f03, 0x8f4e, 0x90ca, 0x9903, 0x9a55, 0x9bab, 0x4e18, + 0x4e45, 0x4e5d, 0x4ec7, 0x4ff1, 0x5177, 0x52fe, + /* 0x4f */ + 0x5340, 0x53e3, 0x53e5, 0x548e, 0x5614, 0x5775, 0x57a2, 0x5bc7, + 0x5d87, 0x5ed0, 0x61fc, 0x62d8, 0x6551, 0x67b8, 0x67e9, 0x69cb, + 0x6b50, 0x6bc6, 0x6bec, 0x6c42, 0x6e9d, 0x7078, 0x72d7, 0x7396, + 0x7403, 0x77bf, 0x77e9, 0x7a76, 0x7d7f, 0x8009, 0x81fc, 0x8205, + 0x820a, 0x82df, 0x8862, 0x8b33, 0x8cfc, 0x8ec0, 0x9011, 0x90b1, + 0x9264, 0x92b6, 0x99d2, 0x9a45, 0x9ce9, 0x9dd7, 0x9f9c, 0x570b, + 0x5c40, 0x83ca, 0x97a0, 0x97ab, 0x9eb4, 0x541b, 0x7a98, 0x7fa4, + 0x88d9, 0x8ecd, 0x90e1, 0x5800, 0x5c48, 0x6398, 0x7a9f, 0x5bae, + 0x5f13, 0x7a79, 0x7aae, 0x828e, 0x8eac, 0x5026, 0x5238, 0x52f8, + 0x5377, 0x5708, 0x62f3, 0x6372, 0x6b0a, 0x6dc3, 0x7737, 0x53a5, + 0x7357, 0x8568, 0x8e76, 0x95d5, 0x673a, 0x6ac3, 0x6f70, 0x8a6d, + 0x8ecc, 0x994b, 0xf906, 0x6677, 0x6b78, 0x8cb4, + /* 0x50 */ + 0x9b3c, 0xf907, 0x53eb, 0x572d, 0x594e, 0x63c6, 0x69fb, 0x73ea, + 0x7845, 0x7aba, 0x7ac5, 0x7cfe, 0x8475, 0x898f, 0x8d73, 0x9035, + 0x95a8, 0x52fb, 0x5747, 0x7547, 0x7b60, 0x83cc, 0x921e, 0xf908, + 0x6a58, 0x514b, 0x524b, 0x5287, 0x621f, 0x68d8, 0x6975, 0x9699, + 0x50c5, 0x52a4, 0x52e4, 0x61c3, 0x65a4, 0x6839, 0x69ff, 0x747e, + 0x7b4b, 0x82b9, 0x83eb, 0x89b2, 0x8b39, 0x8fd1, 0x9949, 0xf909, + 0x4eca, 0x5997, 0x64d2, 0x6611, 0x6a8e, 0x7434, 0x7981, 0x79bd, + 0x82a9, 0x887e, 0x887f, 0x895f, 0xf90a, 0x9326, 0x4f0b, 0x53ca, + 0x6025, 0x6271, 0x6c72, 0x7d1a, 0x7d66, 0x4e98, 0x5162, 0x77dc, + 0x80af, 0x4f01, 0x4f0e, 0x5176, 0x5180, 0x55dc, 0x5668, 0x573b, + 0x57fa, 0x57fc, 0x5914, 0x5947, 0x5993, 0x5bc4, 0x5c90, 0x5d0e, + 0x5df1, 0x5e7e, 0x5fcc, 0x6280, 0x65d7, 0x65e3, + /* 0x51 */ + 0x671e, 0x671f, 0x675e, 0x68cb, 0x68c4, 0x6a5f, 0x6b3a, 0x6c23, + 0x6c7d, 0x6c82, 0x6dc7, 0x7398, 0x7426, 0x742a, 0x7482, 0x74a3, + 0x7578, 0x757f, 0x7881, 0x78ef, 0x7941, 0x7947, 0x7948, 0x797a, + 0x7b95, 0x7d00, 0x7dba, 0x7f88, 0x8006, 0x802d, 0x808c, 0x8a18, + 0x8b4f, 0x8c48, 0x8d77, 0x9321, 0x9324, 0x98e2, 0x9951, 0x9a0e, + 0x9a0f, 0x9a65, 0x9e92, 0x7dca, 0x4f76, 0x5409, 0x62ee, 0x6854, + 0x91d1, 0x55ab, 0x513a, 0xf90b, 0xf90c, 0x5a1c, 0x61e6, 0xf90d, + 0x62cf, 0x62ff, 0xf90e, 0xf90f, 0xf910, 0xf911, 0xf912, 0xf913, + 0x90a3, 0xf914, 0xf915, 0xf916, 0xf917, 0xf918, 0x8afe, 0xf919, + 0xf91a, 0xf91b, 0xf91c, 0x6696, 0xf91d, 0x7156, 0xf91e, 0xf91f, + 0x96e3, 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0x6e4d, 0x77ed, 0x7aef, 0x7c1e, 0x7dde, + 0x86cb, 0x8892, 0x9132, 0x935b, 0x64bb, 0x6fbe, 0x737a, 0x75b8, + 0x9054, 0x5556, 0x574d, 0x61ba, 0x64d4, 0x66c7, 0x6de1, 0x6e5b, + 0x6f6d, 0x6fb9, 0x75f0, 0x8043, 0x81bd, 0x8541, 0x8983, 0x8ac7, + 0x8b5a, 0x931f, 0x6c93, 0x7553, 0x7b54, 0x8e0f, 0x905d, 0x5510, + 0x5802, 0x5858, 0x5e62, 0x6207, 0x649e, 0x68e0, 0x7576, 0x7cd6, + 0x87b3, 0x9ee8, 0x4ee3, 0x5788, 0x576e, 0x5927, 0x5c0d, 0x5cb1, + 0x5e36, 0x5f85, 0x6234, 0x64e1, 0x73b3, 0x81fa, 0x888b, 0x8cb8, + 0x968a, 0x9edb, 0x5b85, 0x5fb7, 0x60b3, 0x5012, 0x5200, 0x5230, + 0x5716, 0x5835, 0x5857, 0x5c0e, 0x5c60, 0x5cf6, 0x5d8b, 0x5ea6, + 0x5f92, 0x60bc, 0x6311, 0x6389, 0x6417, 0x6843, + /* 0x54 */ + 0x68f9, 0x6ac2, 0x6dd8, 0x6e21, 0x6ed4, 0x6fe4, 0x71fe, 0x76dc, + 0x7779, 0x79b1, 0x7a3b, 0x8404, 0x89a9, 0x8ced, 0x8df3, 0x8e48, + 0x9003, 0x9014, 0x9053, 0x90fd, 0x934d, 0x9676, 0x97dc, 0x6bd2, + 0x7006, 0x7258, 0x72a2, 0x7368, 0x7763, 0x79bf, 0x7be4, 0x7e9b, + 0x8b80, 0x58a9, 0x60c7, 0x6566, 0x65fd, 0x66be, 0x6c8c, 0x711e, + 0x71c9, 0x8c5a, 0x9813, 0x4e6d, 0x7a81, 0x4edd, 0x51ac, 0x51cd, + 0x52d5, 0x540c, 0x61a7, 0x6771, 0x6850, 0x68df, 0x6d1e, 0x6f7c, + 0x75bc, 0x77b3, 0x7ae5, 0x80f4, 0x8463, 0x9285, 0x515c, 0x6597, + 0x675c, 0x6793, 0x75d8, 0x7ac7, 0x8373, 0xf95a, 0x8c46, 0x9017, + 0x982d, 0x5c6f, 0x81c0, 0x829a, 0x9041, 0x906f, 0x920d, 0x5f97, + 0x5d9d, 0x6a59, 0x71c8, 0x767b, 0x7b49, 0x85e4, 0x8b04, 0x9127, + 0x9a30, 0x5587, 0x61f6, 0xf95b, 0x7669, 0x7f85, + /* 0x55 */ + 0x863f, 0x87ba, 0x88f8, 0x908f, 0xf95c, 0x6d1b, 0x70d9, 0x73de, + 0x7d61, 0x843d, 0xf95d, 0x916a, 0x99f1, 0xf95e, 0x4e82, 0x5375, + 0x6b04, 0x6b12, 0x703e, 0x721b, 0x862d, 0x9e1e, 0x524c, 0x8fa3, + 0x5d50, 0x64e5, 0x652c, 0x6b16, 0x6feb, 0x7c43, 0x7e9c, 0x85cd, + 0x8964, 0x89bd, 0x62c9, 0x81d8, 0x881f, 0x5eca, 0x6717, 0x6d6a, + 0x72fc, 0x7405, 0x746f, 0x8782, 0x90de, 0x4f86, 0x5d0d, 0x5fa0, + 0x840a, 0x51b7, 0x63a0, 0x7565, 0x4eae, 0x5006, 0x5169, 0x51c9, + 0x6881, 0x6a11, 0x7cae, 0x7cb1, 0x7ce7, 0x826f, 0x8ad2, 0x8f1b, + 0x91cf, 0x4fb6, 0x5137, 0x52f5, 0x5442, 0x5eec, 0x616e, 0x623e, + 0x65c5, 0x6ada, 0x6ffe, 0x792a, 0x85dc, 0x8823, 0x95ad, 0x9a62, + 0x9a6a, 0x9e97, 0x9ece, 0x529b, 0x66c6, 0x6b77, 0x701d, 0x792b, + 0x8f62, 0x9742, 0x6190, 0x6200, 0x6523, 0x6f23, + /* 0x56 */ + 0x7149, 0x7489, 0x7df4, 0x806f, 0x84ee, 0x8f26, 0x9023, 0x934a, + 0x51bd, 0x5217, 0x52a3, 0x6d0c, 0x70c8, 0x88c2, 0x5ec9, 0x6582, + 0x6bae, 0x6fc2, 0x7c3e, 0x7375, 0x4ee4, 0x4f36, 0x56f9, 0xf95f, + 0x5cba, 0x5dba, 0x601c, 0x73b2, 0x7b2d, 0x7f9a, 0x7fce, 0x8046, + 0x901e, 0x9234, 0x96f6, 0x9748, 0x9818, 0x9f61, 0x4f8b, 0x6fa7, + 0x79ae, 0x91b4, 0x96b7, 0x52de, 0xf960, 0x6488, 0x64c4, 0x6ad3, + 0x6f5e, 0x7018, 0x7210, 0x76e7, 0x8001, 0x8606, 0x865c, 0x8def, + 0x8f05, 0x9732, 0x9b6f, 0x9dfa, 0x9e75, 0x788c, 0x797f, 0x7da0, + 0x83c9, 0x9304, 0x9e7f, 0x9e93, 0x8ad6, 0x58df, 0x5f04, 0x6727, + 0x7027, 0x74cf, 0x7c60, 0x807e, 0x5121, 0x7028, 0x7262, 0x78ca, + 0x8cc2, 0x8cda, 0x8cf4, 0x96f7, 0x4e86, 0x50da, 0x5bee, 0x5ed6, + 0x6599, 0x71ce, 0x7642, 0x77ad, 0x804a, 0x84fc, + /* 0x57 */ + 0x907c, 0x9b27, 0x9f8d, 0x58d8, 0x5a41, 0x5c62, 0x6a13, 0x6dda, + 0x6f0f, 0x763b, 0x7d2f, 0x7e37, 0x851e, 0x8938, 0x93e4, 0x964b, + 0x5289, 0x65d2, 0x67f3, 0x69b4, 0x6d41, 0x6e9c, 0x700f, 0x7409, + 0x7460, 0x7559, 0x7624, 0x786b, 0x8b2c, 0x985e, 0x516d, 0x622e, + 0x9678, 0x4f96, 0x502b, 0x5d19, 0x6dea, 0x7db8, 0x8f2a, 0x5f8b, + 0x6144, 0x6817, 0xf961, 0x9686, 0x52d2, 0x808b, 0x51dc, 0x51cc, + 0x695e, 0x7a1c, 0x7dbe, 0x83f1, 0x9675, 0x4fda, 0x5229, 0x5398, + 0x540f, 0x550e, 0x5c65, 0x60a7, 0x674e, 0x68a8, 0x6d6c, 0x7281, + 0x72f8, 0x7406, 0x7483, 0xf962, 0x75e2, 0x7c6c, 0x7f79, 0x7fb8, + 0x8389, 0x88cf, 0x88e1, 0x91cc, 0x91d0, 0x96e2, 0x9bc9, 0x541d, + 0x6f7e, 0x71d0, 0x7498, 0x85fa, 0x8eaa, 0x96a3, 0x9c57, 0x9e9f, + 0x6797, 0x6dcb, 0x7433, 0x81e8, 0x9716, 0x782c, + /* 0x58 */ + 0x7acb, 0x7b20, 0x7c92, 0x6469, 0x746a, 0x75f2, 0x78bc, 0x78e8, + 0x99ac, 0x9b54, 0x9ebb, 0x5bde, 0x5e55, 0x6f20, 0x819c, 0x83ab, + 0x9088, 0x4e07, 0x534d, 0x5a29, 0x5dd2, 0x5f4e, 0x6162, 0x633d, + 0x6669, 0x66fc, 0x6eff, 0x6f2b, 0x7063, 0x779e, 0x842c, 0x8513, + 0x883b, 0x8f13, 0x9945, 0x9c3b, 0x551c, 0x62b9, 0x672b, 0x6cab, + 0x8309, 0x896a, 0x977a, 0x4ea1, 0x5984, 0x5fd8, 0x5fd9, 0x671b, + 0x7db2, 0x7f54, 0x8292, 0x832b, 0x83bd, 0x8f1e, 0x9099, 0x57cb, + 0x59b9, 0x5a92, 0x5bd0, 0x6627, 0x679a, 0x6885, 0x6bcf, 0x7164, + 0x7f75, 0x8cb7, 0x8ce3, 0x9081, 0x9b45, 0x8108, 0x8c8a, 0x964c, + 0x9a40, 0x9ea5, 0x5b5f, 0x6c13, 0x731b, 0x76f2, 0x76df, 0x840c, + 0x51aa, 0x8993, 0x514d, 0x5195, 0x52c9, 0x68c9, 0x6c94, 0x7704, + 0x7720, 0x7dbf, 0x7dec, 0x9762, 0x9eb5, 0x6ec5, + /* 0x59 */ + 0x8511, 0x51a5, 0x540d, 0x547d, 0x660e, 0x669d, 0x6927, 0x6e9f, + 0x76bf, 0x7791, 0x8317, 0x84c2, 0x879f, 0x9169, 0x9298, 0x9cf4, + 0x8882, 0x4fae, 0x5192, 0x52df, 0x59c6, 0x5e3d, 0x6155, 0x6478, + 0x6479, 0x66ae, 0x67d0, 0x6a21, 0x6bcd, 0x6bdb, 0x725f, 0x7261, + 0x7441, 0x7738, 0x77db, 0x8017, 0x82bc, 0x8305, 0x8b00, 0x8b28, + 0x8c8c, 0x6728, 0x6c90, 0x7267, 0x76ee, 0x7766, 0x7a46, 0x9da9, + 0x6b7f, 0x6c92, 0x5922, 0x6726, 0x8499, 0x536f, 0x5893, 0x5999, + 0x5edf, 0x63cf, 0x6634, 0x6773, 0x6e3a, 0x732b, 0x7ad7, 0x82d7, + 0x9328, 0x52d9, 0x5deb, 0x61ae, 0x61cb, 0x620a, 0x62c7, 0x64ab, + 0x65e0, 0x6959, 0x6b66, 0x6bcb, 0x7121, 0x73f7, 0x755d, 0x7e46, + 0x821e, 0x8302, 0x856a, 0x8aa3, 0x8cbf, 0x9727, 0x9d61, 0x58a8, + 0x9ed8, 0x5011, 0x520e, 0x543b, 0x554f, 0x6587, + /* 0x5a */ + 0x6c76, 0x7d0a, 0x7d0b, 0x805e, 0x868a, 0x9580, 0x96ef, 0x52ff, + 0x6c95, 0x7269, 0x5473, 0x5a9a, 0x5c3e, 0x5d4b, 0x5f4c, 0x5fae, + 0x672a, 0x68b6, 0x6963, 0x6e3c, 0x6e44, 0x7709, 0x7c73, 0x7f8e, + 0x8587, 0x8b0e, 0x8ff7, 0x9761, 0x9ef4, 0x5cb7, 0x60b6, 0x610d, + 0x61ab, 0x654f, 0x65fb, 0x65fc, 0x6c11, 0x6cef, 0x739f, 0x73c9, + 0x7de1, 0x9594, 0x5bc6, 0x871c, 0x8b10, 0x525d, 0x535a, 0x62cd, + 0x640f, 0x64b2, 0x6734, 0x6a38, 0x6cca, 0x73c0, 0x749e, 0x7b94, + 0x7c95, 0x7e1b, 0x818a, 0x8236, 0x8584, 0x8feb, 0x96f9, 0x99c1, + 0x4f34, 0x534a, 0x53cd, 0x53db, 0x62cc, 0x642c, 0x6500, 0x6591, + 0x69c3, 0x6cee, 0x6f58, 0x73ed, 0x7554, 0x7622, 0x76e4, 0x76fc, + 0x78d0, 0x78fb, 0x792c, 0x7d46, 0x822c, 0x87e0, 0x8fd4, 0x9812, + 0x98ef, 0x52c3, 0x62d4, 0x64a5, 0x6e24, 0x6f51, + /* 0x5b */ + 0x767c, 0x8dcb, 0x91b1, 0x9262, 0x9aee, 0x9b43, 0x5023, 0x508d, + 0x574a, 0x59a8, 0x5c28, 0x5e47, 0x5f77, 0x623f, 0x653e, 0x65b9, + 0x65c1, 0x6609, 0x678b, 0x699c, 0x6ec2, 0x78c5, 0x7d21, 0x80aa, + 0x8180, 0x822b, 0x82b3, 0x84a1, 0x868c, 0x8a2a, 0x8b17, 0x90a6, + 0x9632, 0x9f90, 0x500d, 0x4ff3, 0xf963, 0x57f9, 0x5f98, 0x62dc, + 0x6392, 0x676f, 0x6e43, 0x7119, 0x76c3, 0x80cc, 0x80da, 0x88f4, + 0x88f5, 0x8919, 0x8ce0, 0x8f29, 0x914d, 0x966a, 0x4f2f, 0x4f70, + 0x5e1b, 0x67cf, 0x6822, 0x767d, 0x767e, 0x9b44, 0x5e61, 0x6a0a, + 0x7169, 0x71d4, 0x756a, 0xf964, 0x7e41, 0x8543, 0x85e9, 0x98dc, + 0x4f10, 0x7b4f, 0x7f70, 0x95a5, 0x51e1, 0x5e06, 0x68b5, 0x6c3e, + 0x6c4e, 0x6cdb, 0x72af, 0x7bc4, 0x8303, 0x6cd5, 0x743a, 0x50fb, + 0x5288, 0x58c1, 0x64d8, 0x6a97, 0x74a7, 0x7656, + /* 0x5c */ + 0x78a7, 0x8617, 0x95e2, 0x9739, 0xf965, 0x535e, 0x5f01, 0x8b8a, + 0x8fa8, 0x8faf, 0x908a, 0x5225, 0x77a5, 0x9c49, 0x9f08, 0x4e19, + 0x5002, 0x5175, 0x5c5b, 0x5e77, 0x661e, 0x663a, 0x67c4, 0x68c5, + 0x70b3, 0x7501, 0x75c5, 0x79c9, 0x7add, 0x8f27, 0x9920, 0x9a08, + 0x4fdd, 0x5821, 0x5831, 0x5bf6, 0x666e, 0x6b65, 0x6d11, 0x6e7a, + 0x6f7d, 0x73e4, 0x752b, 0x83e9, 0x88dc, 0x8913, 0x8b5c, 0x8f14, + 0x4f0f, 0x50d5, 0x5310, 0x535c, 0x5b93, 0x5fa9, 0x670d, 0x798f, + 0x8179, 0x832f, 0x8514, 0x8907, 0x8986, 0x8f39, 0x8f3b, 0x99a5, + 0x9c12, 0x672c, 0x4e76, 0x4ff8, 0x5949, 0x5c01, 0x5cef, 0x5cf0, + 0x6367, 0x68d2, 0x70fd, 0x71a2, 0x742b, 0x7e2b, 0x84ec, 0x8702, + 0x9022, 0x92d2, 0x9cf3, 0x4e0d, 0x4ed8, 0x4fef, 0x5085, 0x5256, + 0x526f, 0x5426, 0x5490, 0x57e0, 0x592b, 0x5a66, + /* 0x5d */ + 0x5b5a, 0x5b75, 0x5bcc, 0x5e9c, 0xf966, 0x6276, 0x6577, 0x65a7, + 0x6d6e, 0x6ea5, 0x7236, 0x7b26, 0x7c3f, 0x7f36, 0x8150, 0x8151, + 0x819a, 0x8240, 0x8299, 0x83a9, 0x8a03, 0x8ca0, 0x8ce6, 0x8cfb, + 0x8d74, 0x8dba, 0x90e8, 0x91dc, 0x961c, 0x9644, 0x99d9, 0x9ce7, + 0x5317, 0x5206, 0x5429, 0x5674, 0x58b3, 0x5954, 0x596e, 0x5fff, + 0x61a4, 0x626e, 0x6610, 0x6c7e, 0x711a, 0x76c6, 0x7c89, 0x7cde, + 0x7d1b, 0x82ac, 0x8cc1, 0x96f0, 0xf967, 0x4f5b, 0x5f17, 0x5f7f, + 0x62c2, 0x5d29, 0x670b, 0x68da, 0x787c, 0x7e43, 0x9d6c, 0x4e15, + 0x5099, 0x5315, 0x532a, 0x5351, 0x5983, 0x5a62, 0x5e87, 0x60b2, + 0x618a, 0x6249, 0x6279, 0x6590, 0x6787, 0x69a7, 0x6bd4, 0x6bd6, + 0x6bd7, 0x6bd8, 0x6cb8, 0xf968, 0x7435, 0x75fa, 0x7812, 0x7891, + 0x79d5, 0x79d8, 0x7c83, 0x7dcb, 0x7fe1, 0x80a5, + /* 0x5e */ + 0x813e, 0x81c2, 0x83f2, 0x871a, 0x88e8, 0x8ab9, 0x8b6c, 0x8cbb, + 0x9119, 0x975e, 0x98db, 0x9f3b, 0x56ac, 0x5b2a, 0x5f6c, 0x658c, + 0x6ab3, 0x6baf, 0x6d5c, 0x6ff1, 0x7015, 0x725d, 0x73ad, 0x8ca7, + 0x8cd3, 0x983b, 0x6191, 0x6c37, 0x8058, 0x9a01, 0x4e4d, 0x4e8b, + 0x4e9b, 0x4ed5, 0x4f3a, 0x4f3c, 0x4f7f, 0x4fdf, 0x50ff, 0x53f2, + 0x53f8, 0x5506, 0x55e3, 0x56db, 0x58eb, 0x5962, 0x5a11, 0x5beb, + 0x5bfa, 0x5c04, 0x5df3, 0x5e2b, 0x5f99, 0x601d, 0x6368, 0x659c, + 0x65af, 0x67f6, 0x67fb, 0x68ad, 0x6b7b, 0x6c99, 0x6cd7, 0x6e23, + 0x7009, 0x7345, 0x7802, 0x793e, 0x7940, 0x7960, 0x79c1, 0x7be9, + 0x7d17, 0x7d72, 0x8086, 0x820d, 0x838e, 0x84d1, 0x86c7, 0x88df, + 0x8a50, 0x8a5e, 0x8b1d, 0x8cdc, 0x8d66, 0x8fad, 0x90aa, 0x98fc, + 0x99df, 0x9e9d, 0x524a, 0xf969, 0x6714, 0xf96a, + /* 0x5f */ + 0x5098, 0x522a, 0x5c71, 0x6563, 0x6c55, 0x73ca, 0x7523, 0x759d, + 0x7b97, 0x849c, 0x9178, 0x9730, 0x4e77, 0x6492, 0x6bba, 0x715e, + 0x85a9, 0x4e09, 0xf96b, 0x6749, 0x68ee, 0x6e17, 0x829f, 0x8518, + 0x886b, 0x63f7, 0x6f81, 0x9212, 0x98af, 0x4e0a, 0x50b7, 0x50cf, + 0x511f, 0x5546, 0x55aa, 0x5617, 0x5b40, 0x5c19, 0x5ce0, 0x5e38, + 0x5e8a, 0x5ea0, 0x5ec2, 0x60f3, 0x6851, 0x6a61, 0x6e58, 0x723d, + 0x7240, 0x72c0, 0x76f8, 0x7965, 0x7bb1, 0x7fd4, 0x88f3, 0x89f4, + 0x8a73, 0x8c61, 0x8cde, 0x971c, 0x585e, 0x74bd, 0x8cfd, 0x55c7, + 0xf96c, 0x7a61, 0x7d22, 0x8272, 0x7272, 0x751f, 0x7525, 0xf96d, + 0x7b19, 0x5885, 0x58fb, 0x5dbc, 0x5e8f, 0x5eb6, 0x5f90, 0x6055, + 0x6292, 0x637f, 0x654d, 0x6691, 0x66d9, 0x66f8, 0x6816, 0x68f2, + 0x7280, 0x745e, 0x7b6e, 0x7d6e, 0x7dd6, 0x7f72, + /* 0x60 */ + 0x80e5, 0x8212, 0x85af, 0x897f, 0x8a93, 0x901d, 0x92e4, 0x9ecd, + 0x9f20, 0x5915, 0x596d, 0x5e2d, 0x60dc, 0x6614, 0x6673, 0x6790, + 0x6c50, 0x6dc5, 0x6f5f, 0x77f3, 0x78a9, 0x84c6, 0x91cb, 0x932b, + 0x4ed9, 0x50ca, 0x5148, 0x5584, 0x5b0b, 0x5ba3, 0x6247, 0x657e, + 0x65cb, 0x6e32, 0x717d, 0x7401, 0x7444, 0x7487, 0x74bf, 0x766c, + 0x79aa, 0x7dda, 0x7e55, 0x7fa8, 0x817a, 0x81b3, 0x8239, 0x861a, + 0x87ec, 0x8a75, 0x8de3, 0x9078, 0x9291, 0x9425, 0x994d, 0x9bae, + 0x5368, 0x5c51, 0x6954, 0x6cc4, 0x6d29, 0x6e2b, 0x820c, 0x859b, + 0x893b, 0x8a2d, 0x8aaa, 0x96ea, 0x9f67, 0x5261, 0x66b9, 0x6bb2, + 0x7e96, 0x87fe, 0x8d0d, 0x9583, 0x965d, 0x651d, 0x6d89, 0x71ee, + 0xf96e, 0x57ce, 0x59d3, 0x5bac, 0x6027, 0x60fa, 0x6210, 0x661f, + 0x665f, 0x7329, 0x73f9, 0x76db, 0x7701, 0x7b6c, + /* 0x61 */ + 0x8056, 0x8072, 0x8165, 0x8aa0, 0x9192, 0x4e16, 0x52e2, 0x6b72, + 0x6d17, 0x7a05, 0x7b39, 0x7d30, 0xf96f, 0x8cb0, 0x53ec, 0x562f, + 0x5851, 0x5bb5, 0x5c0f, 0x5c11, 0x5de2, 0x6240, 0x6383, 0x6414, + 0x662d, 0x68b3, 0x6cbc, 0x6d88, 0x6eaf, 0x701f, 0x70a4, 0x71d2, + 0x7526, 0x758f, 0x758e, 0x7619, 0x7b11, 0x7be0, 0x7c2b, 0x7d20, + 0x7d39, 0x852c, 0x856d, 0x8607, 0x8a34, 0x900d, 0x9061, 0x90b5, + 0x92b7, 0x97f6, 0x9a37, 0x4fd7, 0x5c6c, 0x675f, 0x6d91, 0x7c9f, + 0x7e8c, 0x8b16, 0x8d16, 0x901f, 0x5b6b, 0x5dfd, 0x640d, 0x84c0, + 0x905c, 0x98e1, 0x7387, 0x5b8b, 0x609a, 0x677e, 0x6dde, 0x8a1f, + 0x8aa6, 0x9001, 0x980c, 0x5237, 0xf970, 0x7051, 0x788e, 0x9396, + 0x8870, 0x91d7, 0x4fee, 0x53d7, 0x55fd, 0x56da, 0x5782, 0x58fd, + 0x5ac2, 0x5b88, 0x5cab, 0x5cc0, 0x5e25, 0x6101, + /* 0x62 */ + 0x620d, 0x624b, 0x6388, 0x641c, 0x6536, 0x6578, 0x6a39, 0x6b8a, + 0x6c34, 0x6d19, 0x6f31, 0x71e7, 0x72e9, 0x7378, 0x7407, 0x74b2, + 0x7626, 0x7761, 0x79c0, 0x7a57, 0x7aea, 0x7cb9, 0x7d8f, 0x7dac, + 0x7e61, 0x7f9e, 0x8129, 0x8331, 0x8490, 0x84da, 0x85ea, 0x8896, + 0x8ab0, 0x8b90, 0x8f38, 0x9042, 0x9083, 0x916c, 0x9296, 0x92b9, + 0x968b, 0x96a7, 0x96a8, 0x96d6, 0x9700, 0x9808, 0x9996, 0x9ad3, + 0x9b1a, 0x53d4, 0x587e, 0x5919, 0x5b70, 0x5bbf, 0x6dd1, 0x6f5a, + 0x719f, 0x7421, 0x74b9, 0x8085, 0x83fd, 0x5de1, 0x5f87, 0x5faa, + 0x6042, 0x65ec, 0x6812, 0x696f, 0x6a53, 0x6b89, 0x6d35, 0x6df3, + 0x73e3, 0x76fe, 0x77ac, 0x7b4d, 0x7d14, 0x8123, 0x821c, 0x8340, + 0x84f4, 0x8563, 0x8a62, 0x8ac4, 0x9187, 0x931e, 0x9806, 0x99b4, + 0x620c, 0x8853, 0x8ff0, 0x9265, 0x5d07, 0x5d27, + /* 0x63 */ + 0x5d69, 0x745f, 0x819d, 0x8768, 0x6fd5, 0x62fe, 0x7fd2, 0x8936, + 0x8972, 0x4e1e, 0x4e58, 0x50e7, 0x52dd, 0x5347, 0x627f, 0x6607, + 0x7e69, 0x8805, 0x965e, 0x4f8d, 0x5319, 0x5636, 0x59cb, 0x5aa4, + 0x5c38, 0x5c4e, 0x5c4d, 0x5e02, 0x5f11, 0x6043, 0x65bd, 0x662f, + 0x6642, 0x67be, 0x67f4, 0x731c, 0x77e2, 0x793a, 0x7fc5, 0x8494, + 0x84cd, 0x8996, 0x8a66, 0x8a69, 0x8ae1, 0x8c55, 0x8c7a, 0x57f4, + 0x5bd4, 0x5f0f, 0x606f, 0x62ed, 0x690d, 0x6b96, 0x6e5c, 0x7184, + 0x7bd2, 0x8755, 0x8b58, 0x8efe, 0x98df, 0x98fe, 0x4f38, 0x4f81, + 0x4fe1, 0x547b, 0x5a20, 0x5bb8, 0x613c, 0x65b0, 0x6668, 0x71fc, + 0x7533, 0x795e, 0x7d33, 0x814e, 0x81e3, 0x8398, 0x85aa, 0x85ce, + 0x8703, 0x8a0a, 0x8eab, 0x8f9b, 0xf971, 0x8fc5, 0x5931, 0x5ba4, + 0x5be6, 0x6089, 0x5be9, 0x5c0b, 0x5fc3, 0x6c81, + /* 0x64 */ + 0xf972, 0x6df1, 0x700b, 0x751a, 0x82af, 0x8af6, 0x4ec0, 0x5341, + 0xf973, 0x96d9, 0x6c0f, 0x4e9e, 0x4fc4, 0x5152, 0x555e, 0x5a25, + 0x5ce8, 0x6211, 0x7259, 0x82bd, 0x83aa, 0x86fe, 0x8859, 0x8a1d, + 0x963f, 0x96c5, 0x9913, 0x9d09, 0x9d5d, 0x580a, 0x5cb3, 0x5dbd, + 0x5e44, 0x60e1, 0x6115, 0x63e1, 0x6a02, 0x6e25, 0x9102, 0x9354, + 0x984e, 0x9c10, 0x9f77, 0x5b89, 0x5cb8, 0x6309, 0x664f, 0x6848, + 0x773c, 0x96c1, 0x978d, 0x9854, 0x9b9f, 0x65a1, 0x8b01, 0x8ecb, + 0x95bc, 0x5535, 0x5ca9, 0x5dd6, 0x5eb5, 0x6697, 0x764c, 0x83f4, + 0x95c7, 0x58d3, 0x62bc, 0x72ce, 0x9d28, 0x4ef0, 0x592e, 0x600f, + 0x663b, 0x6b83, 0x79e7, 0x9d26, 0x5393, 0x54c0, 0x57c3, 0x5d16, + 0x611b, 0x66d6, 0x6daf, 0x788d, 0x827e, 0x9698, 0x9744, 0x5384, + 0x627c, 0x6396, 0x6db2, 0x7e0a, 0x814b, 0x984d, + /* 0x65 */ + 0x6afb, 0x7f4c, 0x9daf, 0x9e1a, 0x4e5f, 0x503b, 0x51b6, 0x591c, + 0x60f9, 0x63f6, 0x6930, 0x723a, 0x8036, 0xf974, 0x91ce, 0x5f31, + 0xf975, 0xf976, 0x7d04, 0x82e5, 0x846f, 0x84bb, 0x85e5, 0x8e8d, + 0xf977, 0x4f6f, 0xf978, 0xf979, 0x58e4, 0x5b43, 0x6059, 0x63da, + 0x6518, 0x656d, 0x6698, 0xf97a, 0x694a, 0x6a23, 0x6d0b, 0x7001, + 0x716c, 0x75d2, 0x760d, 0x79b3, 0x7a70, 0xf97b, 0x7f8a, 0xf97c, + 0x8944, 0xf97d, 0x8b93, 0x91c0, 0x967d, 0xf97e, 0x990a, 0x5704, + 0x5fa1, 0x65bc, 0x6f01, 0x7600, 0x79a6, 0x8a9e, 0x99ad, 0x9b5a, + 0x9f6c, 0x5104, 0x61b6, 0x6291, 0x6a8d, 0x81c6, 0x5043, 0x5830, + 0x5f66, 0x7109, 0x8a00, 0x8afa, 0x5b7c, 0x8616, 0x4ffa, 0x513c, + 0x56b4, 0x5944, 0x63a9, 0x6df9, 0x5daa, 0x696d, 0x5186, 0x4e88, + 0x4f59, 0xf97f, 0xf980, 0xf981, 0x5982, 0xf982, + /* 0x66 */ + 0xf983, 0x6b5f, 0x6c5d, 0xf984, 0x74b5, 0x7916, 0xf985, 0x8207, + 0x8245, 0x8339, 0x8f3f, 0x8f5d, 0xf986, 0x9918, 0xf987, 0xf988, + 0xf989, 0x4ea6, 0xf98a, 0x57df, 0x5f79, 0x6613, 0xf98b, 0xf98c, + 0x75ab, 0x7e79, 0x8b6f, 0xf98d, 0x9006, 0x9a5b, 0x56a5, 0x5827, + 0x59f8, 0x5a1f, 0x5bb4, 0xf98e, 0x5ef6, 0xf98f, 0xf990, 0x6350, + 0x633b, 0xf991, 0x693d, 0x6c87, 0x6cbf, 0x6d8e, 0x6d93, 0x6df5, + 0x6f14, 0xf992, 0x70df, 0x7136, 0x7159, 0xf993, 0x71c3, 0x71d5, + 0xf994, 0x784f, 0x786f, 0xf995, 0x7b75, 0x7de3, 0xf996, 0x7e2f, + 0xf997, 0x884d, 0x8edf, 0xf998, 0xf999, 0xf99a, 0x925b, 0xf99b, + 0x9cf6, 0xf99c, 0xf99d, 0xf99e, 0x6085, 0x6d85, 0xf99f, 0x71b1, + 0xf9a0, 0xf9a1, 0x95b1, 0x53ad, 0xf9a2, 0xf9a3, 0xf9a4, 0x67d3, + 0xf9a5, 0x708e, 0x7130, 0x7430, 0x8276, 0x82d2, + /* 0x67 */ + 0xf9a6, 0x95bb, 0x9ae5, 0x9e7d, 0x66c4, 0xf9a7, 0x71c1, 0x8449, + 0xf9a8, 0xf9a9, 0x584b, 0xf9aa, 0xf9ab, 0x5db8, 0x5f71, 0xf9ac, + 0x6620, 0x668e, 0x6979, 0x69ae, 0x6c38, 0x6cf3, 0x6e36, 0x6f41, + 0x6fda, 0x701b, 0x702f, 0x7150, 0x71df, 0x7370, 0xf9ad, 0x745b, + 0xf9ae, 0x74d4, 0x76c8, 0x7a4e, 0x7e93, 0xf9af, 0xf9b0, 0x82f1, + 0x8a60, 0x8fce, 0xf9b1, 0x9348, 0xf9b2, 0x9719, 0xf9b3, 0xf9b4, + 0x4e42, 0x502a, 0xf9b5, 0x5208, 0x53e1, 0x66f3, 0x6c6d, 0x6fca, + 0x730a, 0x777f, 0x7a62, 0x82ae, 0x85dd, 0x8602, 0xf9b6, 0x88d4, + 0x8a63, 0x8b7d, 0x8c6b, 0xf9b7, 0x92b3, 0xf9b8, 0x9713, 0x9810, + 0x4e94, 0x4f0d, 0x4fc9, 0x50b2, 0x5348, 0x543e, 0x5433, 0x55da, + 0x5862, 0x58ba, 0x5967, 0x5a1b, 0x5be4, 0x609f, 0xf9b9, 0x61ca, + 0x6556, 0x65ff, 0x6664, 0x68a7, 0x6c5a, 0x6fb3, + /* 0x68 */ + 0x70cf, 0x71ac, 0x7352, 0x7b7d, 0x8708, 0x8aa4, 0x9c32, 0x9f07, + 0x5c4b, 0x6c83, 0x7344, 0x7389, 0x923a, 0x6eab, 0x7465, 0x761f, + 0x7a69, 0x7e15, 0x860a, 0x5140, 0x58c5, 0x64c1, 0x74ee, 0x7515, + 0x7670, 0x7fc1, 0x9095, 0x96cd, 0x9954, 0x6e26, 0x74e6, 0x7aa9, + 0x7aaa, 0x81e5, 0x86d9, 0x8778, 0x8a1b, 0x5a49, 0x5b8c, 0x5b9b, + 0x68a1, 0x6900, 0x6d63, 0x73a9, 0x7413, 0x742c, 0x7897, 0x7de9, + 0x7feb, 0x8118, 0x8155, 0x839e, 0x8c4c, 0x962e, 0x9811, 0x66f0, + 0x5f80, 0x65fa, 0x6789, 0x6c6a, 0x738b, 0x502d, 0x5a03, 0x6b6a, + 0x77ee, 0x5916, 0x5d6c, 0x5dcd, 0x7325, 0x754f, 0xf9ba, 0xf9bb, + 0x50e5, 0x51f9, 0x582f, 0x592d, 0x5996, 0x59da, 0x5be5, 0xf9bc, + 0xf9bd, 0x5da2, 0x62d7, 0x6416, 0x6493, 0x64fe, 0xf9be, 0x66dc, + 0xf9bf, 0x6a48, 0xf9c0, 0x71ff, 0x7464, 0xf9c1, + /* 0x69 */ + 0x7a88, 0x7aaf, 0x7e47, 0x7e5e, 0x8000, 0x8170, 0xf9c2, 0x87ef, + 0x8981, 0x8b20, 0x9059, 0xf9c3, 0x9080, 0x9952, 0x617e, 0x6b32, + 0x6d74, 0x7e1f, 0x8925, 0x8fb1, 0x4fd1, 0x50ad, 0x5197, 0x52c7, + 0x57c7, 0x5889, 0x5bb9, 0x5eb8, 0x6142, 0x6995, 0x6d8c, 0x6e67, + 0x6eb6, 0x7194, 0x7462, 0x7528, 0x752c, 0x8073, 0x8338, 0x84c9, + 0x8e0a, 0x9394, 0x93de, 0xf9c4, 0x4e8e, 0x4f51, 0x5076, 0x512a, + 0x53c8, 0x53cb, 0x53f3, 0x5b87, 0x5bd3, 0x5c24, 0x611a, 0x6182, + 0x65f4, 0x725b, 0x7397, 0x7440, 0x76c2, 0x7950, 0x7991, 0x79b9, + 0x7d06, 0x7fbd, 0x828b, 0x85d5, 0x865e, 0x8fc2, 0x9047, 0x90f5, + 0x91ea, 0x9685, 0x96e8, 0x96e9, 0x52d6, 0x5f67, 0x65ed, 0x6631, + 0x682f, 0x715c, 0x7a36, 0x90c1, 0x980a, 0x4e91, 0xf9c5, 0x6a52, + 0x6b9e, 0x6f90, 0x7189, 0x8018, 0x82b8, 0x8553, + /* 0x6a */ + 0x904b, 0x9695, 0x96f2, 0x97fb, 0x851a, 0x9b31, 0x4e90, 0x718a, + 0x96c4, 0x5143, 0x539f, 0x54e1, 0x5713, 0x5712, 0x57a3, 0x5a9b, + 0x5ac4, 0x5bc3, 0x6028, 0x613f, 0x63f4, 0x6c85, 0x6d39, 0x6e72, + 0x6e90, 0x7230, 0x733f, 0x7457, 0x82d1, 0x8881, 0x8f45, 0x9060, + 0xf9c6, 0x9662, 0x9858, 0x9d1b, 0x6708, 0x8d8a, 0x925e, 0x4f4d, + 0x5049, 0x50de, 0x5371, 0x570d, 0x59d4, 0x5a01, 0x5c09, 0x6170, + 0x6690, 0x6e2d, 0x7232, 0x744b, 0x7def, 0x80c3, 0x840e, 0x8466, + 0x853f, 0x875f, 0x885b, 0x8918, 0x8b02, 0x9055, 0x97cb, 0x9b4f, + 0x4e73, 0x4f91, 0x5112, 0x516a, 0xf9c7, 0x552f, 0x55a9, 0x5b7a, + 0x5ba5, 0x5e7c, 0x5e7d, 0x5ebe, 0x60a0, 0x60df, 0x6108, 0x6109, + 0x63c4, 0x6538, 0x6709, 0xf9c8, 0x67d4, 0x67da, 0xf9c9, 0x6961, + 0x6962, 0x6cb9, 0x6d27, 0xf9ca, 0x6e38, 0xf9cb, + /* 0x6b */ + 0x6fe1, 0x7336, 0x7337, 0xf9cc, 0x745c, 0x7531, 0xf9cd, 0x7652, + 0xf9ce, 0xf9cf, 0x7dad, 0x81fe, 0x8438, 0x88d5, 0x8a98, 0x8adb, + 0x8aed, 0x8e30, 0x8e42, 0x904a, 0x903e, 0x907a, 0x9149, 0x91c9, + 0x936e, 0xf9d0, 0xf9d1, 0x5809, 0xf9d2, 0x6bd3, 0x8089, 0x80b2, + 0xf9d3, 0xf9d4, 0x5141, 0x596b, 0x5c39, 0xf9d5, 0xf9d6, 0x6f64, + 0x73a7, 0x80e4, 0x8d07, 0xf9d7, 0x9217, 0x958f, 0xf9d8, 0xf9d9, + 0xf9da, 0xf9db, 0x807f, 0x620e, 0x701c, 0x7d68, 0x878d, 0xf9dc, + 0x57a0, 0x6069, 0x6147, 0x6bb7, 0x8abe, 0x9280, 0x96b1, 0x4e59, + 0x541f, 0x6deb, 0x852d, 0x9670, 0x97f3, 0x98ee, 0x63d6, 0x6ce3, + 0x9091, 0x51dd, 0x61c9, 0x81ba, 0x9df9, 0x4f9d, 0x501a, 0x5100, + 0x5b9c, 0x610f, 0x61ff, 0x64ec, 0x6905, 0x6bc5, 0x7591, 0x77e3, + 0x7fa9, 0x8264, 0x858f, 0x87fb, 0x8863, 0x8abc, + /* 0x6c */ + 0x8b70, 0x91ab, 0x4e8c, 0x4ee5, 0x4f0a, 0xf9dd, 0xf9de, 0x5937, + 0x59e8, 0xf9df, 0x5df2, 0x5f1b, 0x5f5b, 0x6021, 0xf9e0, 0xf9e1, + 0xf9e2, 0xf9e3, 0x723e, 0x73e5, 0xf9e4, 0x7570, 0x75cd, 0xf9e5, + 0x79fb, 0xf9e6, 0x800c, 0x8033, 0x8084, 0x82e1, 0x8351, 0xf9e7, + 0xf9e8, 0x8cbd, 0x8cb3, 0x9087, 0xf9e9, 0xf9ea, 0x98f4, 0x990c, + 0xf9eb, 0xf9ec, 0x7037, 0x76ca, 0x7fca, 0x7fcc, 0x7ffc, 0x8b1a, + 0x4eba, 0x4ec1, 0x5203, 0x5370, 0xf9ed, 0x54bd, 0x56e0, 0x59fb, + 0x5bc5, 0x5f15, 0x5fcd, 0x6e6e, 0xf9ee, 0xf9ef, 0x7d6a, 0x8335, + 0xf9f0, 0x8693, 0x8a8d, 0xf9f1, 0x976d, 0x9777, 0xf9f2, 0xf9f3, + 0x4e00, 0x4f5a, 0x4f7e, 0x58f9, 0x65e5, 0x6ea2, 0x9038, 0x93b0, + 0x99b9, 0x4efb, 0x58ec, 0x598a, 0x59d9, 0x6041, 0xf9f4, 0xf9f5, + 0x7a14, 0xf9f6, 0x834f, 0x8cc3, 0x5165, 0x5344, + /* 0x6d */ + 0xf9f7, 0xf9f8, 0xf9f9, 0x4ecd, 0x5269, 0x5b55, 0x82bf, 0x4ed4, + 0x523a, 0x54a8, 0x59c9, 0x59ff, 0x5b50, 0x5b57, 0x5b5c, 0x6063, + 0x6148, 0x6ecb, 0x7099, 0x716e, 0x7386, 0x74f7, 0x75b5, 0x78c1, + 0x7d2b, 0x8005, 0x81ea, 0x8328, 0x8517, 0x85c9, 0x8aee, 0x8cc7, + 0x96cc, 0x4f5c, 0x52fa, 0x56bc, 0x65ab, 0x6628, 0x707c, 0x70b8, + 0x7235, 0x7dbd, 0x828d, 0x914c, 0x96c0, 0x9d72, 0x5b71, 0x68e7, + 0x6b98, 0x6f7a, 0x76de, 0x5c91, 0x66ab, 0x6f5b, 0x7bb4, 0x7c2a, + 0x8836, 0x96dc, 0x4e08, 0x4ed7, 0x5320, 0x5834, 0x58bb, 0x58ef, + 0x596c, 0x5c07, 0x5e33, 0x5e84, 0x5f35, 0x638c, 0x66b2, 0x6756, + 0x6a1f, 0x6aa3, 0x6b0c, 0x6f3f, 0x7246, 0xf9fa, 0x7350, 0x748b, + 0x7ae0, 0x7ca7, 0x8178, 0x81df, 0x81e7, 0x838a, 0x846c, 0x8523, + 0x8594, 0x85cf, 0x88dd, 0x8d13, 0x91ac, 0x9577, + /* 0x6e */ + 0x969c, 0x518d, 0x54c9, 0x5728, 0x5bb0, 0x624d, 0x6750, 0x683d, + 0x6893, 0x6e3d, 0x6ed3, 0x707d, 0x7e21, 0x88c1, 0x8ca1, 0x8f09, + 0x9f4b, 0x9f4e, 0x722d, 0x7b8f, 0x8acd, 0x931a, 0x4f47, 0x4f4e, + 0x5132, 0x5480, 0x59d0, 0x5e95, 0x62b5, 0x6775, 0x696e, 0x6a17, + 0x6cae, 0x6e1a, 0x72d9, 0x732a, 0x75bd, 0x7bb8, 0x7d35, 0x82e7, + 0x83f9, 0x8457, 0x85f7, 0x8a5b, 0x8caf, 0x8e87, 0x9019, 0x90b8, + 0x96ce, 0x9f5f, 0x52e3, 0x540a, 0x5ae1, 0x5bc2, 0x6458, 0x6575, + 0x6ef4, 0x72c4, 0xf9fb, 0x7684, 0x7a4d, 0x7b1b, 0x7c4d, 0x7e3e, + 0x7fdf, 0x837b, 0x8b2b, 0x8cca, 0x8d64, 0x8de1, 0x8e5f, 0x8fea, + 0x8ff9, 0x9069, 0x93d1, 0x4f43, 0x4f7a, 0x50b3, 0x5168, 0x5178, + 0x524d, 0x526a, 0x5861, 0x587c, 0x5960, 0x5c08, 0x5c55, 0x5edb, + 0x609b, 0x6230, 0x6813, 0x6bbf, 0x6c08, 0x6fb1, + /* 0x6f */ + 0x714e, 0x7420, 0x7530, 0x7538, 0x7551, 0x7672, 0x7b4c, 0x7b8b, + 0x7bad, 0x7bc6, 0x7e8f, 0x8a6e, 0x8f3e, 0x8f49, 0x923f, 0x9293, + 0x9322, 0x942b, 0x96fb, 0x985a, 0x986b, 0x991e, 0x5207, 0x622a, + 0x6298, 0x6d59, 0x7664, 0x7aca, 0x7bc0, 0x7d76, 0x5360, 0x5cbe, + 0x5e97, 0x6f38, 0x70b9, 0x7c98, 0x9711, 0x9b8e, 0x9ede, 0x63a5, + 0x647a, 0x8776, 0x4e01, 0x4e95, 0x4ead, 0x505c, 0x5075, 0x5448, + 0x59c3, 0x5b9a, 0x5e40, 0x5ead, 0x5ef7, 0x5f81, 0x60c5, 0x633a, + 0x653f, 0x6574, 0x65cc, 0x6676, 0x6678, 0x67fe, 0x6968, 0x6a89, + 0x6b63, 0x6c40, 0x6dc0, 0x6de8, 0x6e1f, 0x6e5e, 0x701e, 0x70a1, + 0x738e, 0x73fd, 0x753a, 0x775b, 0x7887, 0x798e, 0x7a0b, 0x7a7d, + 0x7cbe, 0x7d8e, 0x8247, 0x8a02, 0x8aea, 0x8c9e, 0x912d, 0x914a, + 0x91d8, 0x9266, 0x92cc, 0x9320, 0x9706, 0x9756, + /* 0x70 */ + 0x975c, 0x9802, 0x9f0e, 0x5236, 0x5291, 0x557c, 0x5824, 0x5e1d, + 0x5f1f, 0x608c, 0x63d0, 0x68af, 0x6fdf, 0x796d, 0x7b2c, 0x81cd, + 0x85ba, 0x88fd, 0x8af8, 0x8e44, 0x918d, 0x9664, 0x969b, 0x973d, + 0x984c, 0x9f4a, 0x4fce, 0x5146, 0x51cb, 0x52a9, 0x5632, 0x5f14, + 0x5f6b, 0x63aa, 0x64cd, 0x65e9, 0x6641, 0x66fa, 0x66f9, 0x671d, + 0x689d, 0x68d7, 0x69fd, 0x6f15, 0x6f6e, 0x7167, 0x71e5, 0x722a, + 0x74aa, 0x773a, 0x7956, 0x795a, 0x79df, 0x7a20, 0x7a95, 0x7c97, + 0x7cdf, 0x7d44, 0x7e70, 0x8087, 0x85fb, 0x86a4, 0x8a54, 0x8abf, + 0x8d99, 0x8e81, 0x9020, 0x906d, 0x91e3, 0x963b, 0x96d5, 0x9ce5, + 0x65cf, 0x7c07, 0x8db3, 0x93c3, 0x5b58, 0x5c0a, 0x5352, 0x62d9, + 0x731d, 0x5027, 0x5b97, 0x5f9e, 0x60b0, 0x616b, 0x68d5, 0x6dd9, + 0x742e, 0x7a2e, 0x7d42, 0x7d9c, 0x7e31, 0x816b, + /* 0x71 */ + 0x8e2a, 0x8e35, 0x937e, 0x9418, 0x4f50, 0x5750, 0x5de6, 0x5ea7, + 0x632b, 0x7f6a, 0x4e3b, 0x4f4f, 0x4f8f, 0x505a, 0x59dd, 0x80c4, + 0x546a, 0x5468, 0x55fe, 0x594f, 0x5b99, 0x5dde, 0x5eda, 0x665d, + 0x6731, 0x67f1, 0x682a, 0x6ce8, 0x6d32, 0x6e4a, 0x6f8d, 0x70b7, + 0x73e0, 0x7587, 0x7c4c, 0x7d02, 0x7d2c, 0x7da2, 0x821f, 0x86db, + 0x8a3b, 0x8a85, 0x8d70, 0x8e8a, 0x8f33, 0x9031, 0x914e, 0x9152, + 0x9444, 0x99d0, 0x7af9, 0x7ca5, 0x4fca, 0x5101, 0x51c6, 0x57c8, + 0x5bef, 0x5cfb, 0x6659, 0x6a3d, 0x6d5a, 0x6e96, 0x6fec, 0x710c, + 0x756f, 0x7ae3, 0x8822, 0x9021, 0x9075, 0x96cb, 0x99ff, 0x8301, + 0x4e2d, 0x4ef2, 0x8846, 0x91cd, 0x537d, 0x6adb, 0x696b, 0x6c41, + 0x847a, 0x589e, 0x618e, 0x66fe, 0x62ef, 0x70dd, 0x7511, 0x75c7, + 0x7e52, 0x84b8, 0x8b49, 0x8d08, 0x4e4b, 0x53ea, + /* 0x72 */ + 0x54ab, 0x5730, 0x5740, 0x5fd7, 0x6301, 0x6307, 0x646f, 0x652f, + 0x65e8, 0x667a, 0x679d, 0x67b3, 0x6b62, 0x6c60, 0x6c9a, 0x6f2c, + 0x77e5, 0x7825, 0x7949, 0x7957, 0x7d19, 0x80a2, 0x8102, 0x81f3, + 0x829d, 0x82b7, 0x8718, 0x8a8c, 0xf9fc, 0x8d04, 0x8dbe, 0x9072, + 0x76f4, 0x7a19, 0x7a37, 0x7e54, 0x8077, 0x5507, 0x55d4, 0x5875, + 0x632f, 0x6422, 0x6649, 0x664b, 0x686d, 0x699b, 0x6b84, 0x6d25, + 0x6eb1, 0x73cd, 0x7468, 0x74a1, 0x755b, 0x75b9, 0x76e1, 0x771e, + 0x778b, 0x79e6, 0x7e09, 0x7e1d, 0x81fb, 0x852f, 0x8897, 0x8a3a, + 0x8cd1, 0x8eeb, 0x8fb0, 0x9032, 0x93ad, 0x9663, 0x9673, 0x9707, + 0x4f84, 0x53f1, 0x59ea, 0x5ac9, 0x5e19, 0x684e, 0x74c6, 0x75be, + 0x79e9, 0x7a92, 0x81a3, 0x86ed, 0x8cea, 0x8dcc, 0x8fed, 0x659f, + 0x6715, 0xf9fd, 0x57f7, 0x6f57, 0x7ddd, 0x8f2f, + /* 0x73 */ + 0x93f6, 0x96c6, 0x5fb5, 0x61f2, 0x6f84, 0x4e14, 0x4f98, 0x501f, + 0x53c9, 0x55df, 0x5d6f, 0x5dee, 0x6b21, 0x6b64, 0x78cb, 0x7b9a, + 0xf9fe, 0x8e49, 0x8eca, 0x906e, 0x6349, 0x643e, 0x7740, 0x7a84, + 0x932f, 0x947f, 0x9f6a, 0x64b0, 0x6faf, 0x71e6, 0x74a8, 0x74da, + 0x7ac4, 0x7c12, 0x7e82, 0x7cb2, 0x7e98, 0x8b9a, 0x8d0a, 0x947d, + 0x9910, 0x994c, 0x5239, 0x5bdf, 0x64e6, 0x672d, 0x7d2e, 0x50ed, + 0x53c3, 0x5879, 0x6158, 0x6159, 0x61fa, 0x65ac, 0x7ad9, 0x8b92, + 0x8b96, 0x5009, 0x5021, 0x5275, 0x5531, 0x5a3c, 0x5ee0, 0x5f70, + 0x6134, 0x655e, 0x660c, 0x6636, 0x66a2, 0x69cd, 0x6ec4, 0x6f32, + 0x7316, 0x7621, 0x7a93, 0x8139, 0x8259, 0x83d6, 0x84bc, 0x50b5, + 0x57f0, 0x5bc0, 0x5be8, 0x5f69, 0x63a1, 0x7826, 0x7db5, 0x83dc, + 0x8521, 0x91c7, 0x91f5, 0x518a, 0x67f5, 0x7b56, + /* 0x74 */ + 0x8cac, 0x51c4, 0x59bb, 0x60bd, 0x8655, 0x501c, 0xf9ff, 0x5254, + 0x5c3a, 0x617d, 0x621a, 0x62d3, 0x64f2, 0x65a5, 0x6ecc, 0x7620, + 0x810a, 0x8e60, 0x965f, 0x96bb, 0x4edf, 0x5343, 0x5598, 0x5929, + 0x5ddd, 0x64c5, 0x6cc9, 0x6dfa, 0x7394, 0x7a7f, 0x821b, 0x85a6, + 0x8ce4, 0x8e10, 0x9077, 0x91e7, 0x95e1, 0x9621, 0x97c6, 0x51f8, + 0x54f2, 0x5586, 0x5fb9, 0x64a4, 0x6f88, 0x7db4, 0x8f1f, 0x8f4d, + 0x9435, 0x50c9, 0x5c16, 0x6cbe, 0x6dfb, 0x751b, 0x77bb, 0x7c3d, + 0x7c64, 0x8a79, 0x8ac2, 0x581e, 0x59be, 0x5e16, 0x6377, 0x7252, + 0x758a, 0x776b, 0x8adc, 0x8cbc, 0x8f12, 0x5ef3, 0x6674, 0x6df8, + 0x807d, 0x83c1, 0x8acb, 0x9751, 0x9bd6, 0xfa00, 0x5243, 0x66ff, + 0x6d95, 0x6eef, 0x7de0, 0x8ae6, 0x902e, 0x905e, 0x9ad4, 0x521d, + 0x527f, 0x54e8, 0x6194, 0x6284, 0x62db, 0x68a2, + /* 0x75 */ + 0x6912, 0x695a, 0x6a35, 0x7092, 0x7126, 0x785d, 0x7901, 0x790e, + 0x79d2, 0x7a0d, 0x8096, 0x8278, 0x82d5, 0x8349, 0x8549, 0x8c82, + 0x8d85, 0x9162, 0x918b, 0x91ae, 0x4fc3, 0x56d1, 0x71ed, 0x77d7, + 0x8700, 0x89f8, 0x5bf8, 0x5fd6, 0x6751, 0x90a8, 0x53e2, 0x585a, + 0x5bf5, 0x60a4, 0x6181, 0x6460, 0x7e3d, 0x8070, 0x8525, 0x9283, + 0x64ae, 0x50ac, 0x5d14, 0x6700, 0x589c, 0x62bd, 0x63a8, 0x690e, + 0x6978, 0x6a1e, 0x6e6b, 0x76ba, 0x79cb, 0x82bb, 0x8429, 0x8acf, + 0x8da8, 0x8ffd, 0x9112, 0x914b, 0x919c, 0x9310, 0x9318, 0x939a, + 0x96db, 0x9a36, 0x9c0d, 0x4e11, 0x755c, 0x795d, 0x7afa, 0x7b51, + 0x7bc9, 0x7e2e, 0x84c4, 0x8e59, 0x8e74, 0x8ef8, 0x9010, 0x6625, + 0x693f, 0x7443, 0x51fa, 0x672e, 0x9edc, 0x5145, 0x5fe0, 0x6c96, + 0x87f2, 0x885d, 0x8877, 0x60b4, 0x81b5, 0x8403, + /* 0x76 */ + 0x8d05, 0x53d6, 0x5439, 0x5634, 0x5a36, 0x5c31, 0x708a, 0x7fe0, + 0x805a, 0x8106, 0x81ed, 0x8da3, 0x9189, 0x9a5f, 0x9df2, 0x5074, + 0x4ec4, 0x53a0, 0x60fb, 0x6e2c, 0x5c64, 0x4f88, 0x5024, 0x55e4, + 0x5cd9, 0x5e5f, 0x6065, 0x6894, 0x6cbb, 0x6dc4, 0x71be, 0x75d4, + 0x75f4, 0x7661, 0x7a1a, 0x7a49, 0x7dc7, 0x7dfb, 0x7f6e, 0x81f4, + 0x86a9, 0x8f1c, 0x96c9, 0x99b3, 0x9f52, 0x5247, 0x52c5, 0x98ed, + 0x89aa, 0x4e03, 0x67d2, 0x6f06, 0x4fb5, 0x5be2, 0x6795, 0x6c88, + 0x6d78, 0x741b, 0x7827, 0x91dd, 0x937c, 0x87c4, 0x79e4, 0x7a31, + 0x5feb, 0x4ed6, 0x54a4, 0x553e, 0x58ae, 0x59a5, 0x60f0, 0x6253, + 0x62d6, 0x6736, 0x6955, 0x8235, 0x9640, 0x99b1, 0x99dd, 0x502c, + 0x5353, 0x5544, 0x577c, 0xfa01, 0x6258, 0xfa02, 0x64e2, 0x666b, + 0x67dd, 0x6fc1, 0x6fef, 0x7422, 0x7438, 0x8a17, + /* 0x77 */ + 0x9438, 0x5451, 0x5606, 0x5766, 0x5f48, 0x619a, 0x6b4e, 0x7058, + 0x70ad, 0x7dbb, 0x8a95, 0x596a, 0x812b, 0x63a2, 0x7708, 0x803d, + 0x8caa, 0x5854, 0x642d, 0x69bb, 0x5b95, 0x5e11, 0x6e6f, 0xfa03, + 0x8569, 0x514c, 0x53f0, 0x592a, 0x6020, 0x614b, 0x6b86, 0x6c70, + 0x6cf0, 0x7b1e, 0x80ce, 0x82d4, 0x8dc6, 0x90b0, 0x98b1, 0xfa04, + 0x64c7, 0x6fa4, 0x6491, 0x6504, 0x514e, 0x5410, 0x571f, 0x8a0e, + 0x615f, 0x6876, 0xfa05, 0x75db, 0x7b52, 0x7d71, 0x901a, 0x5806, + 0x69cc, 0x817f, 0x892a, 0x9000, 0x9839, 0x5078, 0x5957, 0x59ac, + 0x6295, 0x900f, 0x9b2a, 0x615d, 0x7279, 0x95d6, 0x5761, 0x5a46, + 0x5df4, 0x628a, 0x64ad, 0x64fa, 0x6777, 0x6ce2, 0x6d3e, 0x722c, + 0x7436, 0x7834, 0x7f77, 0x82ad, 0x8ddb, 0x9817, 0x5224, 0x5742, + 0x677f, 0x7248, 0x74e3, 0x8ca9, 0x8fa6, 0x9211, + /* 0x78 */ + 0x962a, 0x516b, 0x53ed, 0x634c, 0x4f69, 0x5504, 0x6096, 0x6557, + 0x6c9b, 0x6d7f, 0x724c, 0x72fd, 0x7a17, 0x8987, 0x8c9d, 0x5f6d, + 0x6f8e, 0x70f9, 0x81a8, 0x610e, 0x4fbf, 0x504f, 0x6241, 0x7247, + 0x7bc7, 0x7de8, 0x7fe9, 0x904d, 0x97ad, 0x9a19, 0x8cb6, 0x576a, + 0x5e73, 0x67b0, 0x840d, 0x8a55, 0x5420, 0x5b16, 0x5e63, 0x5ee2, + 0x5f0a, 0x6583, 0x80ba, 0x853d, 0x9589, 0x965b, 0x4f48, 0x5305, + 0x530d, 0x530f, 0x5486, 0x54fa, 0x5703, 0x5e03, 0x6016, 0x629b, + 0x62b1, 0x6355, 0xfa06, 0x6ce1, 0x6d66, 0x75b1, 0x7832, 0x80de, + 0x812f, 0x82de, 0x8461, 0x84b2, 0x888d, 0x8912, 0x900b, 0x92ea, + 0x98fd, 0x9b91, 0x5e45, 0x66b4, 0x66dd, 0x7011, 0x7206, 0xfa07, + 0x4ff5, 0x527d, 0x5f6a, 0x6153, 0x6753, 0x6a19, 0x6f02, 0x74e2, + 0x7968, 0x8868, 0x8c79, 0x98c7, 0x98c4, 0x9a43, + /* 0x79 */ + 0x54c1, 0x7a1f, 0x6953, 0x8af7, 0x8c4a, 0x98a8, 0x99ae, 0x5f7c, + 0x62ab, 0x75b2, 0x76ae, 0x88ab, 0x907f, 0x9642, 0x5339, 0x5f3c, + 0x5fc5, 0x6ccc, 0x73cc, 0x7562, 0x758b, 0x7b46, 0x82fe, 0x999d, + 0x4e4f, 0x903c, 0x4e0b, 0x4f55, 0x53a6, 0x590f, 0x5ec8, 0x6630, + 0x6cb3, 0x7455, 0x8377, 0x8766, 0x8cc0, 0x9050, 0x971e, 0x9c15, + 0x58d1, 0x5b78, 0x8650, 0x8b14, 0x9db4, 0x5bd2, 0x6068, 0x608d, + 0x65f1, 0x6c57, 0x6f22, 0x6fa3, 0x701a, 0x7f55, 0x7ff0, 0x9591, + 0x9592, 0x9650, 0x97d3, 0x5272, 0x8f44, 0x51fd, 0x542b, 0x54b8, + 0x5563, 0x558a, 0x6abb, 0x6db5, 0x7dd8, 0x8266, 0x929c, 0x9677, + 0x9e79, 0x5408, 0x54c8, 0x76d2, 0x86e4, 0x95a4, 0x95d4, 0x965c, + 0x4ea2, 0x4f09, 0x59ee, 0x5ae6, 0x5df7, 0x6052, 0x6297, 0x676d, + 0x6841, 0x6c86, 0x6e2f, 0x7f38, 0x809b, 0x822a, + /* 0x7a */ + 0xfa08, 0xfa09, 0x9805, 0x4ea5, 0x5055, 0x54b3, 0x5793, 0x595a, + 0x5b69, 0x5bb3, 0x61c8, 0x6977, 0x6d77, 0x7023, 0x87f9, 0x89e3, + 0x8a72, 0x8ae7, 0x9082, 0x99ed, 0x9ab8, 0x52be, 0x6838, 0x5016, + 0x5e78, 0x674f, 0x8347, 0x884c, 0x4eab, 0x5411, 0x56ae, 0x73e6, + 0x9115, 0x97ff, 0x9909, 0x9957, 0x9999, 0x5653, 0x589f, 0x865b, + 0x8a31, 0x61b2, 0x6af6, 0x737b, 0x8ed2, 0x6b47, 0x96aa, 0x9a57, + 0x5955, 0x7200, 0x8d6b, 0x9769, 0x4fd4, 0x5cf4, 0x5f26, 0x61f8, + 0x665b, 0x6ceb, 0x70ab, 0x7384, 0x73b9, 0x73fe, 0x7729, 0x774d, + 0x7d43, 0x7d62, 0x7e23, 0x8237, 0x8852, 0xfa0a, 0x8ce2, 0x9249, + 0x986f, 0x5b51, 0x7a74, 0x8840, 0x9801, 0x5acc, 0x4fe0, 0x5354, + 0x593e, 0x5cfd, 0x633e, 0x6d79, 0x72f9, 0x8105, 0x8107, 0x83a2, + 0x92cf, 0x9830, 0x4ea8, 0x5144, 0x5211, 0x578b, + /* 0x7b */ + 0x5f62, 0x6cc2, 0x6ece, 0x7005, 0x7050, 0x70af, 0x7192, 0x73e9, + 0x7469, 0x834a, 0x87a2, 0x8861, 0x9008, 0x90a2, 0x93a3, 0x99a8, + 0x516e, 0x5f57, 0x60e0, 0x6167, 0x66b3, 0x8559, 0x8e4a, 0x91af, + 0x978b, 0x4e4e, 0x4e92, 0x547c, 0x58d5, 0x58fa, 0x597d, 0x5cb5, + 0x5f27, 0x6236, 0x6248, 0x660a, 0x6667, 0x6beb, 0x6d69, 0x6dcf, + 0x6e56, 0x6ef8, 0x6f94, 0x6fe0, 0x6fe9, 0x705d, 0x72d0, 0x7425, + 0x745a, 0x74e0, 0x7693, 0x795c, 0x7cca, 0x7e1e, 0x80e1, 0x82a6, + 0x846b, 0x84bf, 0x864e, 0x865f, 0x8774, 0x8b77, 0x8c6a, 0x93ac, + 0x9800, 0x9865, 0x60d1, 0x6216, 0x9177, 0x5a5a, 0x660f, 0x6df7, + 0x6e3e, 0x743f, 0x9b42, 0x5ffd, 0x60da, 0x7b0f, 0x54c4, 0x5f18, + 0x6c5e, 0x6cd3, 0x6d2a, 0x70d8, 0x7d05, 0x8679, 0x8a0c, 0x9d3b, + 0x5316, 0x548c, 0x5b05, 0x6a3a, 0x706b, 0x7575, + /* 0x7c */ + 0x798d, 0x79be, 0x82b1, 0x83ef, 0x8a71, 0x8b41, 0x8ca8, 0x9774, + 0xfa0b, 0x64f4, 0x652b, 0x78ba, 0x78bb, 0x7a6b, 0x4e38, 0x559a, + 0x5950, 0x5ba6, 0x5e7b, 0x60a3, 0x63db, 0x6b61, 0x6665, 0x6853, + 0x6e19, 0x7165, 0x74b0, 0x7d08, 0x9084, 0x9a69, 0x9c25, 0x6d3b, + 0x6ed1, 0x733e, 0x8c41, 0x95ca, 0x51f0, 0x5e4c, 0x5fa8, 0x604d, + 0x60f6, 0x6130, 0x614c, 0x6643, 0x6644, 0x69a5, 0x6cc1, 0x6e5f, + 0x6ec9, 0x6f62, 0x714c, 0x749c, 0x7687, 0x7bc1, 0x7c27, 0x8352, + 0x8757, 0x9051, 0x968d, 0x9ec3, 0x532f, 0x56de, 0x5efb, 0x5f8a, + 0x6062, 0x6094, 0x61f7, 0x6666, 0x6703, 0x6a9c, 0x6dee, 0x6fae, + 0x7070, 0x736a, 0x7e6a, 0x81be, 0x8334, 0x86d4, 0x8aa8, 0x8cc4, + 0x5283, 0x7372, 0x5b96, 0x6a6b, 0x9404, 0x54ee, 0x5686, 0x5b5d, + 0x6548, 0x6585, 0x66c9, 0x689f, 0x6d8d, 0x6dc6, + /* 0x7d */ + 0x723b, 0x80b4, 0x9175, 0x9a4d, 0x4faf, 0x5019, 0x539a, 0x540e, + 0x543c, 0x5589, 0x55c5, 0x5e3f, 0x5f8c, 0x673d, 0x7166, 0x73dd, + 0x9005, 0x52db, 0x52f3, 0x5864, 0x58ce, 0x7104, 0x718f, 0x71fb, + 0x85b0, 0x8a13, 0x6688, 0x85a8, 0x55a7, 0x6684, 0x714a, 0x8431, + 0x5349, 0x5599, 0x6bc1, 0x5f59, 0x5fbd, 0x63ee, 0x6689, 0x7147, + 0x8af1, 0x8f1d, 0x9ebe, 0x4f11, 0x643a, 0x70cb, 0x7566, 0x8667, + 0x6064, 0x8b4e, 0x9df8, 0x5147, 0x51f6, 0x5308, 0x6d36, 0x80f8, + 0x9ed1, 0x6615, 0x6b23, 0x7098, 0x75d5, 0x5403, 0x5c79, 0x7d07, + 0x8a16, 0x6b20, 0x6b3d, 0x6b46, 0x5438, 0x6070, 0x6d3d, 0x7fd5, + 0x8208, 0x50d6, 0x51de, 0x559c, 0x566b, 0x56cd, 0x59ec, 0x5b09, + 0x5e0c, 0x6199, 0x6198, 0x6231, 0x665e, 0x66e6, 0x7199, 0x71b9, + 0x71ba, 0x72a7, 0x79a7, 0x7a00, 0x7fb2, 0x8a70, +}; + +static int +ksc5601_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 >= 0x21 && c1 <= 0x2c) || (c1 >= 0x30 && c1 <= 0x48) || (c1 >= 0x4a && c1 <= 0x7d)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 < 0x7f) { + unsigned int i = 94 * (c1 - 0x21) + (c2 - 0x21); + unsigned short wc = 0xfffd; + if (i < 1410) { + if (i < 1115) + wc = ksc5601_2uni_page21[i]; + } else if (i < 3854) { + if (i < 3760) + wc = ksc5601_2uni_page30[i-1410]; + } else { + if (i < 8742) + wc = ksc5601_2uni_page4a[i-3854]; + } + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned short ksc5601_2charset[8227] = { + 0x222e, 0x2234, 0x2157, 0x2127, 0x2823, 0x2129, 0x2267, 0x2146, + 0x213e, 0x2977, 0x2978, 0x2225, 0x2252, 0x2124, 0x222c, 0x2976, + 0x282c, 0x2879, 0x2876, 0x287a, 0x222f, 0x2821, 0x2822, 0x213f, + 0x282a, 0x282d, 0x292c, 0x2921, 0x2923, 0x2140, 0x292a, 0x292d, + 0x2922, 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0x4b7d, 0x5574, 0x4d6d, 0x4a25, 0x562b, + 0x5042, 0x703e, 0x523d, 0x4c24, 0x7a36, 0x4c4d, 0x5a7a, 0x764f, + 0x6938, 0x5875, 0x4c4e, 0x574d, 0x5451, 0x696d, 0x4a6b, 0x5962, + 0x7d32, 0x632d, 0x564c, 0x5934, 0x6127, 0x6e53, 0x5043, 0x7d33, + 0x5564, 0x4f68, 0x6d43, 0x5032, 0x4e7e, 0x5a28, 0x7850, 0x7d56, + 0x7851, 0x7852, 0x5c53, 0x5d62, 0x7b79, 0x5d41, 0x6335, 0x6d5d, + 0x4e44, 0x4b21, 0x5d63, 0x7c5d, 0x792f, 0x527b, 0x4f21, 0x6428, + 0x7436, 0x6c7e, 0x632e, 0x676d, 0x7d41, 0x5a62, 0x5833, 0x5d64, + 0x706f, 0x7671, 0x7a70, 0x5175, 0x5a4f, 0x5c54, 0x5c26, 0x6f3f, + 0x4e4f, 0x6059, 0x5956, 0x6c54, 0x6a4b, 0x4a3f, 0x5530, 0x4f69, + 0x716d, 0x4c4f, 0x6478, 0x646d, 0x5758, 0x7d27, 0x6a2b, 0x7632, + 0x4f70, 0x793d, 0x6674, 0x4b5b, 0x7351, 0x6951, 0x7329, 0x5060, + 0x6952, 0x5a63, 0x6252, 0x7622, 0x6174, 0x5a64, 0x6755, 0x753f, + 0x4f22, 0x4d2f, 0x4f23, 0x4d30, 0x717e, 0x5023, 0x612f, 0x7823, + 0x4a26, 0x773b, 0x726a, 0x5e48, 0x6953, 0x5e49, 0x7d5e, 0x4a40, + 0x796a, 0x514e, 0x6e54, 0x5452, 0x5923, 0x7d28, 0x5759, 0x774e, + 0x7a3e, 0x4f56, 0x5770, 0x6b61, 0x7845, 0x5c7a, 0x5d43, 0x795f, + 0x676f, 0x7d65, 0x7623, 0x597c, 0x7d29, 0x676e, 0x5565, 0x6f50, + 0x4d31, 0x7722, 0x7132, 0x7131, 0x4d32, 0x5a2b, 0x4a27, 0x6362, + 0x7b3c, 0x5924, 0x6e3a, 0x7853, 0x7b7a, 0x4f24, 0x5c7b, 0x7663, + 0x6d2a, 0x7221, 0x4e61, 0x7a26, 0x7960, 0x6c56, 0x646e, 0x7921, + 0x7b6f, 0x796b, 0x6e23, 0x6a2c, 0x4a28, 0x747a, 0x4d56, 0x7c76, + 0x7449, 0x7854, 0x7826, 0x5e4a, 0x7246, 0x575a, 0x5350, 0x5845, + 0x6a66, 0x735d, 0x645a, 0x7664, 0x7672, 0x5f42, 0x597d, 0x4c76, + 0x533a, 0x642f, 0x7961, 0x7026, 0x4b53, 0x603c, 0x744a, 0x547a, + 0x7d2a, 0x7962, 0x7437, 0x7d42, 0x7c30, 0x7d6c, 0x4a62, 0x7d3d, + 0x6a67, 0x5f43, 0x5152, 0x4e62, 0x5324, 0x7d2b, 0x5f60, 0x7247, + 0x6770, 0x506e, 0x732a, 0x5e4b, 0x7638, 0x6175, 0x7133, 0x7723, + 0x4a29, 0x4f25, 0x5f44, 0x6130, 0x703f, 0x7624, 0x6336, 0x7a46, + 0x506f, 0x7d6d, 0x5d44, 0x7c77, 0x663f, 0x5e2d, 0x7a3f, 0x6571, + 0x6d44, 0x5225, 0x7d6e, 0x7536, 0x6176, 0x5e4c, 0x7c5e, 0x6c57, + 0x4d5d, 0x5637, 0x4d33, 0x7855, 0x6558, 0x4f6a, 0x4f50, 0x6a4c, + 0x6a2e, 0x6a2d, 0x5371, 0x5325, 0x774f, 0x6e24, 0x5024, 0x7222, + 0x5070, 0x7223, 0x7778, 0x5033, 0x5b29, 0x533b, 0x4a6c, 0x7126, + 0x4b55, 0x7767, 0x4d5e, 0x7724, 0x7840, 0x535d, 0x4c50, 0x4f26, + 0x7673, 0x6177, 0x535c, 0x7a7e, 0x7a27, 0x6b59, 0x4f27, 0x6a2f, + 0x646f, 0x6939, 0x7158, 0x5858, 0x6072, 0x6634, 0x5c7c, 0x7371, + 0x6350, 0x727b, 0x5b46, 0x5071, 0x5072, 0x4f5c, 0x5351, 0x4c31, + 0x7758, 0x4b28, 0x6b3c, 0x643e, 0x745c, 0x5c42, 0x7027, 0x6640, + 0x4a6d, 0x686b, 0x6568, 0x5c43, 0x6d5e, 0x5372, 0x4c77, 0x4e54, + 0x672b, 0x4b43, 0x6131, 0x7732, 0x5373, 0x5352, 0x7540, 0x5f5d, + 0x6e73, 0x6771, 0x7d34, 0x7248, 0x7352, 0x6e74, 0x6253, 0x4c51, + 0x5f6a, 0x693a, 0x5957, 0x754d, 0x7172, 0x7a47, 0x5978, 0x5442, + 0x7665, 0x5d45, 0x6772, 0x6d5f, 0x4a4b, 0x5b7a, 0x6835, 0x5326, + 0x7d35, 0x7949, 0x6462, 0x7b3d, 0x5724, 0x4e45, 0x4e55, 0x5666, + 0x653d, 0x5e4d, 0x6c73, 0x6d60, 0x6c6c, 0x7b3e, 0x5f6b, 0x6178, + 0x793e, 0x5073, 0x602a, 0x6862, 0x6254, 0x527d, 0x6528, 0x5953, + 0x535e, 0x7438, 0x773c, 0x5c7d, 0x686c, 0x6467, 0x6377, 0x6c28, + 0x7a71, 0x6572, 0x5074, 0x522f, 0x5c65, 0x5025, 0x7134, 0x7c31, + 0x4c78, 0x5d46, 0x7a51, 0x775f, 0x7a28, 0x6e75, 0x5e4e, 0x6773, + 0x772c, 0x6b44, 0x6d61, 0x602b, 0x5d47, 0x5233, 0x523f, 0x4a4c, + 0x7b3f, 0x657d, 0x5d65, 0x584d, 0x6c74, 0x5075, 0x686d, 0x5052, + 0x5958, 0x7666, 0x5b2a, 0x7760, 0x5859, 0x7423, 0x745d, 0x6f51, + 0x5935, 0x6d2b, 0x6337, 0x6e3b, 0x4d34, 0x6073, 0x6a4d, 0x6c75, + 0x686e, 0x4b29, 0x712f, 0x4a4d, 0x6c29, 0x726b, 0x7d6f, 0x7973, + 0x6641, 0x6c58, 0x6d2c, 0x6a4e, 0x685f, 0x5e4f, 0x5226, 0x6774, + 0x5156, 0x6642, 0x6363, 0x6430, 0x5834, 0x7625, 0x735e, 0x5725, + 0x7768, 0x6846, 0x7b66, 0x5d66, 0x5c7e, 0x585a, 0x5a2c, 0x6a30, + 0x6338, 0x4a2a, 0x6179, 0x6a31, 0x726c, 0x7a6e, 0x6e55, 0x7974, + 0x526c, 0x7b7b, 0x7d70, 0x603d, 0x4e63, 0x7846, 0x5e2e, 0x5f45, + 0x653e, 0x6d2d, 0x7a6a, 0x4d6e, 0x6d26, 0x6d2e, 0x706d, 0x5d21, + 0x6d2f, 0x7c78, 0x586b, 0x4c79, 0x4d35, 0x7a29, 0x615d, 0x6255, + 0x6d4f, 0x5d22, 0x794a, 0x6a68, 0x656d, 0x536b, 0x6954, 0x617a, + 0x644c, 0x6164, 0x6847, 0x4e5b, 0x5c55, 0x7735, 0x7c73, 0x7073, + 0x4e2f, 0x7135, 0x6f52, 0x6848, 0x6b71, 0x4b54, 0x603e, 0x6378, + 0x6a69, 0x7c32, 0x6074, 0x4f60, 0x6e25, 0x7a2a, 0x6643, 0x6132, + 0x4a2b, 0x6364, 0x693b, 0x6256, 0x7372, 0x6e56, 0x6a32, 0x5076, + 0x6c59, 0x5a4b, 0x4f28, 0x5d23, 0x585b, 0x794e, 0x6955, 0x6351, + 0x523c, 0x582c, 0x734c, 0x4d7b, 0x7656, 0x6775, 0x686f, 0x6379, + 0x523b, 0x7373, 0x637b, 0x5e50, 0x4e30, 0x5677, 0x7159, 0x7541, + 0x5c44, 0x753b, 0x5e51, 0x5c66, 0x5e52, 0x6d62, 0x6e76, 0x6a4f, + 0x706e, 0x637c, 0x535f, 0x5374, 0x6133, 0x6134, 0x7453, 0x5f46, + 0x6956, 0x5b2b, 0x7626, 0x6339, 0x6b45, 0x7429, 0x4d36, 0x5279, + 0x5a2d, 0x5263, 0x4f51, 0x4b5c, 0x4c7a, 0x4f5d, 0x6829, 0x633b, + 0x633a, 0x605a, 0x6e77, 0x5c33, 0x5375, 0x5726, 0x7635, 0x575b, + 0x6155, 0x546a, 0x5f23, 0x7d5f, 0x5077, 0x6d54, 0x4b2a, 0x645b, + 0x617b, 0x4b22, 0x5360, 0x643f, 0x7b40, 0x5a3e, 0x644d, 0x5639, + 0x6f40, 0x617c, 0x7639, 0x5f47, 0x6431, 0x5c67, 0x5c68, 0x7a56, + 0x5376, 0x715a, 0x7a72, 0x627d, 0x554f, 0x5078, 0x4d5f, 0x754b, + 0x6470, 0x4b2b, 0x5744, 0x627e, 0x5d5a, 0x5a2e, 0x4a6e, 0x5539, + 0x6321, 0x6863, 0x732b, 0x4f29, 0x5377, 0x5471, 0x4e64, 0x6872, + 0x6575, 0x672e, 0x563a, 0x5f6c, 0x6440, 0x6864, 0x5835, 0x645c, + 0x7439, 0x7136, 0x625e, 0x6135, 0x4d6f, 0x7127, 0x4e65, 0x4b5d, + 0x5963, 0x732c, 0x5079, 0x6c2b, 0x5e53, 0x7769, 0x7975, 0x615e, + 0x4b6e, 0x633c, 0x7856, 0x5b6e, 0x7d71, 0x7736, 0x745e, 0x726d, + 0x5b59, 0x7028, 0x617d, 0x5e54, 0x602c, 0x6d63, 0x5361, 0x5f48, + 0x5936, 0x7d2c, 0x6f53, 0x6441, 0x786b, 0x5b2c, 0x7c46, 0x582d, + 0x763a, 0x5b5f, 0x5353, 0x7847, 0x4a4e, 0x7841, 0x5234, 0x5c34, + 0x7a39, 0x4a4f, 0x7c33, 0x6a6a, 0x6a6b, 0x507a, 0x6d64, 0x5d67, + 0x5f49, 0x5f6d, 0x6e3c, 0x6f41, 0x4c52, 0x5d24, 0x5f4a, 0x5378, + 0x7128, 0x4d37, 0x6f54, 0x645d, 0x5f6e, 0x4b2c, 0x693c, 0x6a6c, + 0x5f4b, 0x793f, 0x562f, 0x5546, 0x4f2a, 0x4e29, 0x5678, 0x7137, + 0x6e78, 0x5959, 0x735f, 0x7848, 0x4e46, 0x5566, 0x7466, 0x6645, + 0x6f55, 0x4b6f, 0x7c5f, 0x5c27, 0x5667, 0x7849, 0x6352, 0x633d, + 0x4f61, 0x7040, 0x6c5a, 0x5d57, 0x7b70, 0x6c2c, 0x7029, 0x7a57, + 0x7b41, 0x5240, 0x6530, 0x6d65, 0x4b2d, 0x7930, 0x7725, 0x4b2e, + 0x5a2f, 0x5836, 0x5327, 0x7b32, 0x7d44, 0x6c2d, 0x7b21, 0x6569, + 0x696e, 0x7374, 0x7873, 0x7041, 0x5e2f, 0x7830, 0x7360, 0x672f, + 0x5b2d, 0x6635, 0x7928, 0x5d58, 0x6859, 0x6f56, 0x5362, 0x625f, + 0x7c60, 0x5748, 0x7d2d, 0x5f6f, 0x4c53, 0x5379, 0x5470, 0x5b47, + 0x5e55, 0x7074, 0x5550, 0x6559, 0x7c47, 0x5c56, 0x6260, 0x5a30, + 0x7323, 0x536c, 0x744b, 0x7d45, 0x637d, 0x7931, 0x507b, 0x6c5b, + 0x753c, 0x7224, 0x584e, 0x584f, 0x7577, 0x7661, 0x5237, 0x7b6c, + 0x5d48, 0x6468, 0x5241, 0x7857, 0x563b, 0x5e56, 0x773d, 0x6c2e, + 0x5061, 0x6075, 0x6a33, 0x4e56, 0x4c25, 0x6c76, 0x6261, 0x633e, + 0x7c48, 0x4d70, 0x7976, 0x5f70, 0x653f, 0x4e3f, 0x7c61, 0x6d30, + 0x7d51, 0x763b, 0x794f, 0x6b5a, 0x4a41, 0x5238, 0x4d71, 0x6353, + 0x7d66, 0x666d, 0x637a, 0x702a, 0x7950, 0x7c62, 0x7827, 0x6165, + 0x6e79, 0x6776, 0x6a6d, 0x7c34, 0x7542, 0x575c, 0x7075, 0x5d68, + 0x536d, 0x757c, 0x5a3f, 0x4c7b, 0x537a, 0x7424, 0x6f57, 0x5443, + 0x7b63, 0x7b6d, 0x602d, 0x6a6e, 0x7b33, 0x6442, 0x7667, 0x525d, + 0x5f4c, 0x7c49, 0x6529, 0x6076, 0x7633, 0x617e, 0x4b70, 0x6a6f, + 0x6a70, 0x5a40, 0x7834, 0x6b72, 0x6443, 0x6957, 0x6471, 0x4a6f, + 0x4e57, 0x7c4a, 0x7361, 0x4b44, 0x6365, 0x4b45, 0x6a34, 0x693d, + 0x5749, 0x6b5b, 0x6d31, 0x4c43, 0x773e, 0x7c4b, 0x7874, 0x5937, + 0x7353, 0x7354, 0x7764, 0x7751, 0x5837, 0x4e31, 0x4a42, 0x7b34, + 0x4b46, 0x7076, 0x5567, 0x6a50, 0x4c54, 0x4b2f, 0x742a, 0x692f, + 0x7543, 0x6958, 0x5d69, 0x7173, 0x557b, 0x5e3b, 0x747b, 0x7d73, + 0x7d72, 0x7726, 0x5d49, 0x5453, 0x4c28, 0x5a41, 0x4c55, 0x5964, + 0x7a4a, 0x6563, 0x533c, 0x4a70, 0x5044, 0x4a50, 0x7a2b, 0x6b6b, + 0x6778, 0x5965, 0x5157, 0x7324, 0x547b, 0x7c63, 0x7a58, 0x7355, + 0x4f2b, 0x6b73, 0x557c, 0x5354, 0x4d7c, 0x5966, 0x6279, 0x6221, + 0x6b54, 0x6077, 0x6432, 0x4c7c, 0x7b64, 0x742b, 0x503d, 0x4a71, + 0x6f38, 0x5740, 0x6e7a, 0x7d74, 0x5363, 0x7b42, 0x5568, 0x5b2e, + 0x6136, 0x7837, 0x603f, 0x7b43, 0x5d6a, 0x6222, 0x6e26, 0x7668, + 0x7675, 0x5d4a, 0x5062, 0x5d26, 0x5d6b, 0x6479, 0x632f, 0x507c, + 0x747c, 0x4c3c, 0x776a, 0x6564, 0x5f71, 0x7761, 0x7977, 0x6f39, + 0x7858, 0x7929, 0x7859, 0x6e3d, 0x5846, 0x6463, 0x754e, 0x5d59, + 0x5967, 0x5239, 0x5543, 0x5a65, 0x5a50, 0x5159, 0x4e58, 0x4b5e, + 0x742c, 0x5a7b, 0x7669, 0x6873, 0x4f2c, 0x7070, 0x747d, 0x5b48, + 0x4e40, 0x6354, 0x514f, 0x7175, 0x4d72, 0x4f6b, 0x4d38, 0x6326, + 0x515a, 0x7225, 0x7226, 0x644e, 0x537b, 0x7129, 0x7249, 0x6f58, + 0x6649, 0x5838, 0x7a73, 0x7335, 0x7824, 0x5173, 0x6648, 0x785a, + 0x5c69, 0x5e57, 0x4b5f, 0x4f6c, 0x745f, 0x5174, 0x523a, 0x5f72, + 0x6137, 0x6223, 0x537c, 0x6d66, 0x5b49, 0x647a, 0x4f5e, 0x4e50, + 0x5553, 0x7375, 0x772e, 0x6f48, 0x4d73, 0x754f, 0x6573, 0x7042, + 0x4a51, 0x6a71, 0x5026, 0x595a, 0x702b, 0x6b67, 0x6540, 0x7c35, + 0x6444, 0x4c29, 0x7d46, 0x6a35, 0x652a, 0x5f3a, 0x615f, 0x5a51, + 0x6138, 0x6874, 0x537d, 0x6224, 0x724a, 0x5a66, 0x7733, 0x7d4d, + 0x7336, 0x6e57, 0x7544, 0x5824, 0x7227, 0x5938, 0x5939, 0x6f49, + 0x564e, 0x774b, 0x5f2e, 0x6875, 0x5235, 0x5355, 0x744c, 0x5a7c, + 0x5968, 0x776b, 0x7549, 0x733c, 0x5a52, 0x5335, 0x6836, 0x564f, + 0x743a, 0x7749, 0x4c2a, 0x7043, 0x4c56, 0x5053, 0x533d, 0x5b7b, + 0x4b60, 0x5364, 0x7677, 0x553a, 0x734d, 0x4b61, 0x6b74, 0x742d, + 0x7c2a, 0x776c, 0x6876, 0x5a67, 0x774c, 0x6541, 0x606e, 0x557d, + 0x4e66, 0x7c2b, 0x553b, 0x7228, 0x6225, 0x4d39, 0x6a72, 0x4b47, + 0x4d74, 0x5b2f, 0x6f59, 0x4d3a, 0x7c79, 0x5f73, 0x4e67, 0x5a42, + 0x4f2d, 0x6779, 0x7828, 0x7362, 0x4a72, 0x5f24, 0x5444, 0x4c57, + 0x6542, 0x4d3b, 0x6f5a, 0x6e58, 0x5d27, 0x6226, 0x6040, 0x5630, + 0x784a, 0x7c7a, 0x597e, 0x5e30, 0x5d6c, 0x5a68, 0x5460, 0x5679, + 0x4d57, 0x5e58, 0x7278, 0x6456, 0x5045, 0x742e, 0x5d28, 0x6d45, + 0x7356, 0x5e59, 0x6366, 0x5328, 0x5b30, 0x655a, 0x633f, 0x5b31, + 0x5569, 0x6041, 0x6f5b, 0x7069, 0x5732, 0x507d, 0x5969, 0x507e, + 0x6c6d, 0x5329, 0x7229, 0x7044, 0x6262, 0x696f, 0x7951, 0x6959, + 0x685a, 0x5a43, 0x5a44, 0x5445, 0x677a, 0x4d60, 0x6330, 0x5b32, + 0x7b44, 0x7363, 0x5925, 0x7b67, 0x5d4b, 0x5054, 0x6636, 0x602e, + 0x7d5a, 0x5c35, 0x6078, 0x6731, 0x7570, 0x585c, 0x6d46, 0x6139, + 0x6340, 0x7940, 0x6970, 0x595b, 0x7364, 0x5c36, 0x6469, 0x7045, + 0x6341, 0x7c4c, 0x7c4d, 0x724b, 0x724c, 0x644f, 0x715b, 0x7a59, + 0x7138, 0x7d75, 0x6079, 0x677b, 0x7c37, 0x7c64, 0x7b45, 0x6367, + 0x5839, 0x7678, 0x5c45, 0x4c58, 0x602f, 0x7467, 0x6f5c, 0x4f7c, + 0x6f5d, 0x722a, 0x7d3e, 0x4a2c, 0x7d3b, 0x7d47, 0x6732, 0x6a51, + 0x5f74, 0x516c, 0x645e, 0x6543, 0x5926, 0x4d3c, 0x7365, 0x6d55, + 0x593a, 0x6d67, 0x7b35, 0x786c, 0x6067, 0x4c59, 0x5446, 0x6725, + 0x5575, 0x533e, 0x7c7b, 0x6472, 0x5f75, 0x6878, 0x786d, 0x4e47, + 0x7d76, 0x6858, 0x4d58, 0x6756, 0x4c5a, 0x4a63, 0x5f76, 0x7047, + 0x7046, 0x583a, 0x7174, 0x7470, 0x754c, 0x7c65, 0x6a45, 0x6a73, + 0x5d5b, 0x5c57, 0x5e7d, 0x7279, 0x5547, 0x5850, 0x7048, 0x5121, + 0x5122, 0x5954, 0x5668, 0x594a, 0x5a31, 0x5847, 0x5c62, 0x734e, + 0x7574, 0x7139, 0x5a53, 0x766a, 0x4f75, 0x7d2e, 0x4a52, 0x5f34, + 0x575d, 0x7a3a, 0x6e27, 0x753d, 0x7875, 0x6d68, 0x5461, 0x5123, + 0x6156, 0x7978, 0x5b4a, 0x4b79, 0x5454, 0x595c, 0x6e3e, 0x776d, + 0x526e, 0x6166, 0x7779, 0x5d6d, 0x685b, 0x5b33, 0x5177, 0x6030, + 0x5462, 0x7657, 0x5779, 0x585d, 0x4d7d, 0x722b, 0x4d3d, 0x7842, + 0x722c, 0x4a2d, 0x4a2e, 0x4f2e, 0x6342, 0x5c37, 0x5b5a, 0x593b, + 0x4a73, 0x7653, 0x6678, 0x6a75, 0x6a76, 0x7679, 0x4f2f, 0x4a53, + 0x4a2f, 0x5230, 0x713a, 0x5733, 0x6343, 0x737d, 0x5e5a, 0x5e5b, + 0x6f5e, 0x6263, 0x6e7b, 0x5f77, 0x574a, 0x4e68, 0x5b5b, 0x713b, + 0x6971, 0x7a37, 0x5046, 0x4c2b, 0x6e28, 0x4b7a, 0x7979, 0x4c7d, + 0x537e, 0x6450, 0x726e, 0x5455, 0x5f4d, 0x7c38, 0x5150, 0x724d, + 0x7752, 0x4a54, 0x5559, 0x585e, 0x4d59, 0x6e29, 0x763c, 0x4c5b, + 0x7049, 0x7c7c, 0x6849, 0x747e, 0x677c, 0x575e, 0x5e5c, 0x702c, + 0x4c7e, 0x4d61, 0x613a, 0x5b6f, 0x5a32, 0x5125, 0x5c38, 0x5876, + 0x5124, 0x4d62, 0x5c6a, 0x7077, 0x704a, 0x503e, 0x5d5c, 0x5456, + 0x5356, 0x6d50, 0x4d21, 0x5f35, 0x5f78, 0x5421, 0x4e32, 0x684a, + 0x6b75, 0x6355, 0x7550, 0x7521, 0x5927, 0x652b, 0x664b, 0x7571, + 0x6545, 0x7923, 0x605b, 0x766b, 0x4b71, 0x596a, 0x7522, 0x5751, + 0x5178, 0x6a78, 0x6a79, 0x5a33, 0x6f5f, 0x716f, 0x6576, 0x6e3f, + 0x6264, 0x503f, 0x7a2c, 0x7551, 0x6733, 0x693e, 0x724e, 0x5b34, + 0x7c4e, 0x5d6e, 0x6734, 0x5734, 0x7734, 0x4d3e, 0x5a69, 0x4f30, + 0x7759, 0x7366, 0x4e59, 0x4e2a, 0x4b48, 0x5027, 0x704b, 0x5047, + 0x6445, 0x5b60, 0x555a, 0x5727, 0x6e40, 0x7876, 0x7552, 0x6d69, + 0x593c, 0x6546, 0x7523, 0x5a54, 0x6227, 0x7b7c, 0x715c, 0x4a74, + 0x687a, 0x4e69, 0x6978, 0x6265, 0x5039, 0x5472, 0x5126, 0x5f4e, + 0x7c74, 0x532a, 0x4c2c, 0x6f60, 0x6565, 0x5055, 0x5b7c, 0x7c66, + 0x4b7e, 0x6d6a, 0x5e31, 0x7963, 0x5422, 0x4f76, 0x5650, 0x556a, + 0x716e, 0x7a4b, 0x6521, 0x5531, 0x4f6d, 0x6d6b, 0x5532, 0x553c, + 0x7d62, 0x732d, 0x7d5b, 0x6930, 0x5127, 0x7d63, 0x4e33, 0x7d64, + 0x7a4e, 0x4a30, 0x7727, 0x4f31, 0x6622, 0x7c36, 0x722d, 0x6f61, + 0x732e, 0x5c46, 0x596b, 0x6860, 0x6128, 0x5576, 0x4f7d, 0x5e5d, + 0x5951, 0x646a, 0x724f, 0x773f, 0x6266, 0x6228, 0x6356, 0x6d51, + 0x6979, 0x5631, 0x5e32, 0x6068, 0x532b, 0x6b5c, 0x5f2f, 0x4a43, + 0x6e7c, 0x7d43, 0x6b76, 0x4f32, 0x596c, 0x593d, 0x585f, 0x5438, + 0x6b3e, 0x5d6f, 0x5d70, 0x5d71, 0x5d72, 0x593e, 0x7b46, 0x4f33, + 0x6e7d, 0x642b, 0x5a45, 0x586c, 0x5128, 0x6229, 0x5e3c, 0x6735, + 0x5b70, 0x6f62, 0x7170, 0x4f34, 0x5b71, 0x6031, 0x5f25, 0x7952, + 0x677d, 0x6623, 0x7b71, 0x4b30, 0x722e, 0x4d67, 0x685c, 0x6757, + 0x7740, 0x5063, 0x5a21, 0x4c3d, 0x5129, 0x5d4c, 0x637e, 0x512a, + 0x682a, 0x6a36, 0x797a, 0x664c, 0x7658, 0x5447, 0x594b, 0x5952, + 0x534b, 0x5877, 0x5a29, 0x7578, 0x5e5e, 0x722f, 0x7829, 0x5848, + 0x6e41, 0x7941, 0x5d73, 0x6a7a, 0x763d, 0x613b, 0x4d3f, 0x7454, + 0x664d, 0x7c4f, 0x7b22, 0x605c, 0x743b, 0x5a55, 0x7932, 0x7b72, + 0x5b76, 0x5e5f, 0x5b72, 0x785c, 0x776e, 0x6b68, 0x527a, 0x713c, + 0x7a5a, 0x5a6a, 0x5a46, 0x7741, 0x6736, 0x6547, 0x562c, 0x5c47, + 0x6129, 0x622a, 0x5526, 0x5457, 0x7250, 0x6a7b, 0x605d, 0x7b73, + 0x713d, 0x6267, 0x7d57, 0x4e48, 0x6a37, 0x7c40, 0x7d67, 0x776f, + 0x5735, 0x6f3a, 0x715d, 0x5e33, 0x684b, 0x785d, 0x7b47, 0x5548, + 0x575f, 0x5d29, 0x6931, 0x7a2d, 0x7659, 0x7a74, 0x782a, 0x666e, + 0x4c5c, 0x613c, 0x606f, 0x693f, 0x7c7d, 0x664e, 0x6157, 0x664f, + 0x7471, 0x6473, 0x647b, 0x7964, 0x6f63, 0x4f6e, 0x763e, 0x6032, + 0x7c7e, 0x512b, 0x577a, 0x7b48, 0x6257, 0x5423, 0x7078, 0x5728, + 0x6167, 0x533f, 0x6f64, 0x5745, 0x6b62, 0x7c67, 0x6422, 0x6268, + 0x6650, 0x7b68, 0x7468, 0x6574, 0x743c, 0x7455, 0x5f36, 0x7c39, + 0x6e42, 0x4a75, 0x6f65, 0x4b62, 0x5424, 0x5e60, 0x5a7d, 0x6446, + 0x683e, 0x605e, 0x7634, 0x6a52, 0x797b, 0x6042, 0x4a64, 0x6737, + 0x6a7d, 0x595d, 0x5a34, 0x6e2a, 0x7b69, 0x5b4b, 0x5a35, 0x713e, + 0x532c, 0x7b49, 0x5f4f, 0x5340, 0x6357, 0x6f66, 0x7c50, 0x6940, + 0x7553, 0x6c5c, 0x7737, 0x6a38, 0x5179, 0x5c48, 0x6a39, 0x715e, + 0x5736, 0x4f35, 0x5928, 0x6c6e, 0x5d2a, 0x4d22, 0x682e, 0x613d, + 0x7251, 0x6941, 0x527c, 0x5b35, 0x7367, 0x587e, 0x7c51, 0x6d32, + 0x742f, 0x7b23, 0x7c41, 0x6e2b, 0x5425, 0x7472, 0x6e59, 0x7b4a, + 0x4d63, 0x583b, 0x655b, 0x7877, 0x7654, 0x5729, 0x4b49, 0x6651, + 0x704c, 0x582e, 0x7953, 0x557e, 0x583c, 0x7230, 0x622b, 0x7368, + 0x6f42, 0x6d6c, 0x6738, 0x5a7e, 0x4c3e, 0x727c, 0x5a6b, 0x6258, + 0x6d56, 0x5651, 0x6033, 0x7c52, 0x6b48, 0x5341, 0x704d, 0x4f77, + 0x6d52, 0x5458, 0x5c49, 0x5771, 0x5f3b, 0x7325, 0x744d, 0x713f, + 0x7831, 0x697a, 0x7b4b, 0x4a55, 0x7954, 0x774a, 0x5648, 0x7c68, + 0x733d, 0x6e7e, 0x677e, 0x5342, 0x5336, 0x4c2d, 0x767a, 0x5632, + 0x5258, 0x6758, 0x6325, 0x6739, 0x702d, 0x7b4c, 0x6b21, 0x5426, + 0x7b4d, 0x553d, 0x715f, 0x767b, 0x5e34, 0x556b, 0x6548, 0x7b24, + 0x5439, 0x5e61, 0x6423, 0x5737, 0x786e, 0x5e35, 0x5652, 0x7955, + 0x673a, 0x6b55, 0x5577, 0x6f67, 0x613e, 0x7a2e, 0x5669, 0x566e, + 0x673b, 0x6c4b, 0x5533, 0x4e34, 0x7b25, 0x616e, 0x7728, 0x7b4e, + 0x583d, 0x7b7d, 0x7c69, 0x4f36, 0x6d47, 0x6e2c, 0x4c5d, 0x7627, + 0x667a, 0x7524, 0x7d5c, 0x6d33, 0x4e49, 0x6f68, 0x613f, 0x7a5b, + 0x4b63, 0x7729, 0x7b26, 0x5c39, 0x7140, 0x6d48, 0x6f43, 0x562d, + 0x7d4e, 0x6821, 0x7b74, 0x5527, 0x7176, 0x6653, 0x4c5e, 0x7832, + 0x5c6b, 0x7d36, 0x656a, 0x7160, 0x5b4c, 0x5d4d, 0x5448, 0x596d, + 0x7525, 0x667b, 0x6654, 0x7d48, 0x5621, 0x7d3f, 0x7c53, 0x6f21, + 0x673c, 0x516e, 0x6655, 0x6972, 0x5f30, 0x5860, 0x7c3a, 0x7d2f, + 0x704e, 0x5b61, 0x6549, 0x6d34, 0x6043, 0x6358, 0x697b, 0x6a28, + 0x7d37, 0x7b27, 0x6942, 0x7d77, 0x6259, 0x5c6c, 0x6822, 0x6670, + 0x7d78, 0x7d79, 0x763f, 0x6727, 0x6657, 0x5473, 0x5449, 0x567a, + 0x5772, 0x6140, 0x5b62, 0x6658, 0x673d, 0x704f, 0x733e, 0x622c, + 0x7537, 0x6070, 0x7d38, 0x6368, 0x5427, 0x687c, 0x7a52, 0x786f, + 0x5653, 0x5534, 0x7050, 0x7770, 0x6e33, 0x6a3a, 0x6a53, 0x6d49, + 0x5d2b, 0x652c, 0x7d21, 0x5f50, 0x6c33, 0x5f51, 0x6d6d, 0x7838, + 0x777a, 0x782b, 0x7460, 0x543a, 0x6433, 0x695a, 0x5e36, 0x593f, + 0x5940, 0x566f, 0x594c, 0x5a2a, 0x5f65, 0x7765, 0x4c32, 0x5f79, + 0x5760, 0x543b, 0x7d7a, 0x4c33, 0x5b73, 0x5f52, 0x4e4a, 0x6e5a, + 0x6464, 0x7b4f, 0x4f37, 0x6e43, 0x4e6a, 0x622d, 0x5761, 0x7a75, + 0x5549, 0x782c, 0x6759, 0x7369, 0x586d, 0x6344, 0x7071, 0x6865, + 0x607a, 0x6e44, 0x595e, 0x6b22, 0x6b23, 0x7c42, 0x6a3b, 0x682b, + 0x5e62, 0x6d6f, 0x6823, 0x4f71, 0x543c, 0x7c6a, 0x673e, 0x7c72, + 0x5634, 0x622e, 0x5337, 0x7a4c, 0x7a5c, 0x6d35, 0x6163, 0x682c, + 0x685d, 0x6f69, 0x743d, 0x4f38, 0x695b, 0x512c, 0x5a47, 0x6b49, + 0x684c, 0x5e37, 0x563c, 0x5365, 0x7a5d, 0x5a56, 0x4a31, 0x5a48, + 0x5f26, 0x7933, 0x7252, 0x4a44, 0x4e4b, 0x4d75, 0x7d30, 0x5528, + 0x7141, 0x6269, 0x5c4a, 0x6c34, 0x7a40, 0x7b28, 0x5028, 0x5a6c, + 0x596e, 0x607b, 0x6f6a, 0x7a5e, 0x6044, 0x4f39, 0x554a, 0x5762, + 0x622f, 0x5738, 0x684d, 0x765a, 0x6f22, 0x625a, 0x767c, 0x7b50, + 0x512d, 0x4d64, 0x512e, 0x5c6d, 0x684e, 0x7079, 0x4e35, 0x667c, + 0x577b, 0x5056, 0x5d75, 0x7771, 0x767d, 0x5b77, 0x7b6a, 0x695c, + 0x5941, 0x7572, 0x6045, 0x6a54, 0x7942, 0x6a3c, 0x5245, 0x7b51, + 0x6740, 0x6b25, 0x5f7a, 0x6322, 0x5739, 0x6943, 0x687d, 0x682f, + 0x7253, 0x7b29, 0x5825, 0x554b, 0x5048, 0x512f, 0x5763, 0x6046, + 0x5622, 0x6d70, 0x5773, 0x7c54, 0x5a57, 0x4c5f, 0x7254, 0x5130, + 0x4c60, 0x5b7d, 0x733f, 0x7051, 0x7c3b, 0x6230, 0x6625, 0x625b, + 0x5f5e, 0x6047, 0x726f, 0x4c61, 0x566a, 0x6742, 0x4e36, 0x7340, + 0x4d7e, 0x7b52, 0x7878, 0x777b, 0x683f, 0x6837, 0x6d36, 0x5c3a, + 0x4c34, 0x7177, 0x6838, 0x4a76, 0x6424, 0x7456, 0x5f66, 0x5f27, + 0x5f67, 0x6141, 0x6944, 0x5c4b, 0x6945, 0x6f23, 0x6b26, 0x4b23, + 0x6369, 0x517b, 0x6f24, 0x6f6b, 0x5034, 0x4d23, 0x6866, 0x6f25, + 0x534c, 0x5a6d, 0x573a, 0x7255, 0x7565, 0x596f, 0x7934, 0x5554, + 0x7d4f, 0x5b63, 0x7161, 0x6c36, 0x7b7e, 0x5357, 0x5131, 0x4b31, + 0x5132, 0x4b32, 0x7142, 0x7461, 0x7935, 0x6143, 0x6142, 0x6b77, + 0x5f28, 0x4b4a, 0x6639, 0x785e, 0x792a, 0x4a77, 0x6d37, 0x5338, + 0x7256, 0x5459, 0x6e45, 0x7270, 0x4a32, 0x5c3b, 0x7178, 0x6c37, + 0x654a, 0x7640, 0x7d5d, 0x5463, 0x4c62, 0x7754, 0x5765, 0x5343, + 0x5826, 0x7641, 0x5d76, 0x4d40, 0x655c, 0x654b, 0x6144, 0x6830, + 0x7430, 0x736a, 0x5a6e, 0x573b, 0x6231, 0x572a, 0x567b, 0x645f, + 0x4a56, 0x6b28, 0x5b7e, 0x7642, 0x6f3b, 0x547d, 0x6048, 0x6839, + 0x6f26, 0x4d24, 0x5474, 0x5b21, 0x5b5c, 0x5b5d, 0x6e5c, 0x4b4b, + 0x7c55, 0x4e6b, 0x4d41, 0x7b53, 0x792b, 0x7554, 0x5929, 0x695d, + 0x5b4d, 0x5d4e, 0x6743, 0x6c4c, 0x796c, 0x4b4c, 0x607c, 0x5428, + 0x6d53, 0x586f, 0x7257, 0x4a78, 0x5a6f, 0x5654, 0x594d, 0x586e, + 0x7241, 0x5f53, 0x5a70, 0x626a, 0x607d, 0x5878, 0x772f, 0x5a36, + 0x4a57, 0x7258, 0x5879, 0x7a5f, 0x4f6f, 0x5942, 0x7052, 0x6451, + 0x7337, 0x7a60, 0x6f6c, 0x6232, 0x543d, 0x594e, 0x7462, 0x5429, + 0x4d42, 0x675a, 0x7259, 0x592a, 0x583e, 0x5c2d, 0x626b, 0x567c, + 0x4a79, 0x545a, 0x7457, 0x4c21, 0x4f3a, 0x7538, 0x5943, 0x5068, + 0x6345, 0x6b78, 0x7231, 0x4f3b, 0x532d, 0x6861, 0x4e6c, 0x6034, + 0x5e63, 0x5d77, 0x7232, 0x7376, 0x765b, 0x577e, 0x785f, 0x7772, + 0x5029, 0x665a, 0x7526, 0x573c, 0x4c63, 0x665b, 0x5d5d, 0x5133, + 0x6f6d, 0x565e, 0x6474, 0x616f, 0x5d78, 0x684f, 0x4a65, 0x5c21, + 0x6035, 0x7c2c, 0x7c2d, 0x5827, 0x6d38, 0x5b36, 0x5670, 0x732f, + 0x4d25, 0x5a71, 0x5828, 0x4c64, 0x5134, 0x4a58, 0x5a72, 0x7527, + 0x7528, 0x6626, 0x556c, 0x5578, 0x5a73, 0x6346, 0x5e64, 0x5e65, + 0x5135, 0x5136, 0x5137, 0x7233, 0x695e, 0x7053, 0x7234, 0x7054, + 0x4b64, 0x7b54, 0x7566, 0x636a, 0x5e66, 0x5f54, 0x7879, 0x702e, + 0x5138, 0x565f, 0x5057, 0x7c21, 0x6f6e, 0x5c58, 0x695f, 0x655d, + 0x7d7b, 0x6049, 0x5649, 0x542a, 0x654c, 0x6960, 0x5058, 0x7c22, + 0x543e, 0x6233, 0x5e67, 0x5c3c, 0x5236, 0x7555, 0x4e21, 0x7529, + 0x5d79, 0x5d7a, 0x7055, 0x765f, 0x725a, 0x646b, 0x7271, 0x6c39, + 0x7d7c, 0x612a, 0x4a59, 0x6f6f, 0x752a, 0x6c79, 0x782d, 0x7242, + 0x7643, 0x5752, 0x7922, 0x7056, 0x707a, 0x7660, 0x6973, 0x7243, + 0x542b, 0x4a33, 0x4d26, 0x4d43, 0x4d5a, 0x594f, 0x7644, 0x6e5d, + 0x6744, 0x6234, 0x5f62, 0x675b, 0x6831, 0x7c2e, 0x654d, 0x7a6b, + 0x4f3c, 0x4f62, 0x4d76, 0x6f70, 0x743e, 0x544d, 0x7338, 0x6921, + 0x7272, 0x736b, 0x7057, 0x4f57, 0x4f5f, 0x6840, 0x6841, 0x4f63, + 0x6922, 0x502a, 0x7341, 0x502b, 0x5464, 0x6f3c, 0x5821, 0x595f, + 0x7357, 0x5c3d, 0x4c65, 0x6d71, 0x7162, 0x545b, 0x6235, 0x4a66, + 0x532e, 0x4c66, 0x7153, 0x7567, 0x4a5a, 0x7b6e, 0x6145, 0x5f69, + 0x6e5e, 0x7742, 0x5822, 0x5d2c, 0x702f, 0x563d, 0x612b, 0x7936, + 0x5475, 0x5049, 0x6f27, 0x626c, 0x5b6a, 0x4e4c, 0x7568, 0x7755, + 0x534d, 0x737e, 0x5035, 0x607e, 0x5f7b, 0x665d, 0x6824, 0x4b4d, + 0x6f28, 0x6e34, 0x5a58, 0x5139, 0x5f29, 0x7330, 0x4c44, 0x4e37, + 0x6f29, 0x5f55, 0x6d57, 0x6e46, 0x6f3d, 0x7c56, 0x5b74, 0x6f2a, + 0x7839, 0x7569, 0x6359, 0x6146, 0x543f, 0x5e68, 0x706a, 0x7342, + 0x532f, 0x4a5b, 0x7c57, 0x6d58, 0x6147, 0x7458, 0x5633, 0x5d2d, + 0x553e, 0x7143, 0x6e5f, 0x566b, 0x7459, 0x5766, 0x5a37, 0x5d7b, + 0x5d4f, 0x5823, 0x5a59, 0x7058, 0x6f44, 0x6158, 0x7154, 0x6d72, + 0x555b, 0x555c, 0x7344, 0x4b57, 0x6236, 0x6f71, 0x7b55, 0x5358, + 0x5d50, 0x7059, 0x4b33, 0x555d, 0x4d27, 0x502c, 0x513a, 0x7144, + 0x6533, 0x7b75, 0x6961, 0x7d60, 0x7c3c, 0x5a22, 0x5a23, 0x5221, + 0x526f, 0x626d, 0x5e69, 0x4e5c, 0x7235, 0x5064, 0x5d51, 0x6148, + 0x5b37, 0x5f63, 0x6d39, 0x7145, 0x734f, 0x572b, 0x612c, 0x636b, + 0x6e47, 0x6149, 0x4a7a, 0x707b, 0x7a61, 0x705a, 0x4c67, 0x5a74, + 0x4c3f, 0x4e6d, 0x5529, 0x7a62, 0x5065, 0x6b56, 0x6c5f, 0x5f7c, + 0x7756, 0x5e6a, 0x4b34, 0x6f3e, 0x4c35, 0x4f3d, 0x6f72, 0x6237, + 0x4c68, 0x707c, 0x5660, 0x7146, 0x6238, 0x6b2b, 0x4b35, 0x5851, + 0x744e, 0x7377, 0x5746, 0x513b, 0x772a, 0x6d4a, 0x5753, 0x587a, + 0x7645, 0x514c, 0x5d7c, 0x5f7d, 0x7965, 0x604a, 0x727d, 0x5330, + 0x7473, 0x5a49, 0x665e, 0x783a, 0x6850, 0x587b, 0x6a55, 0x5623, + 0x7646, 0x725b, 0x647c, 0x6832, 0x5a5a, 0x725c, 0x7b56, 0x6932, + 0x6e2d, 0x7a63, 0x5c6e, 0x756a, 0x6660, 0x707d, 0x572c, 0x7545, + 0x6e60, 0x5b65, 0x5d5e, 0x5970, 0x6923, 0x7179, 0x7244, 0x604b, + 0x6924, 0x6239, 0x6331, 0x7c6b, 0x4d28, 0x4c36, 0x705b, 0x663a, + 0x4d29, 0x7343, 0x6159, 0x6f2b, 0x6745, 0x6069, 0x7345, 0x5440, + 0x553f, 0x5d2e, 0x797c, 0x4c40, 0x6522, 0x4e38, 0x5852, 0x7956, + 0x712a, 0x4e51, 0x7647, 0x5b6b, 0x5f7e, 0x5861, 0x7773, 0x5767, + 0x547e, 0x513c, 0x654f, 0x4b36, 0x5a38, 0x4d44, 0x563e, 0x623a, + 0x4f58, 0x604c, 0x6b79, 0x7d7d, 0x5768, 0x4b58, 0x6962, 0x683a, + 0x6347, 0x6c4d, 0x6c4e, 0x563f, 0x6327, 0x5f56, 0x7d68, 0x6e61, + 0x7628, 0x5d7d, 0x783b, 0x6851, 0x7957, 0x4e6e, 0x6c4f, 0x6925, + 0x5655, 0x4d45, 0x6d3a, 0x513d, 0x4f3e, 0x6c3b, 0x5231, 0x4c69, + 0x5944, 0x697c, 0x513e, 0x6c3c, 0x652d, 0x7730, 0x4c6a, 0x5344, + 0x5640, 0x567d, 0x6121, 0x5e3d, 0x7629, 0x5a24, 0x5624, 0x7546, + 0x6122, 0x6946, 0x7245, 0x7469, 0x566c, 0x6b53, 0x6c3d, 0x625c, + 0x5e6b, 0x705c, 0x6b3f, 0x574e, 0x513f, 0x752b, 0x797d, 0x4a5c, + 0x4d46, 0x7236, 0x5d7e, 0x4c37, 0x5b38, 0x5069, 0x4e5d, 0x6b40, + 0x7d22, 0x784b, 0x6a56, 0x7130, 0x5b4e, 0x7743, 0x5b4f, 0x4b24, + 0x7860, 0x7b57, 0x6b4a, 0x6021, 0x4e4d, 0x545c, 0x7d58, 0x5276, + 0x7237, 0x7a76, 0x762a, 0x7a77, 0x5866, 0x7431, 0x6852, 0x4a45, + 0x4c6b, 0x626e, 0x623b, 0x772d, 0x7861, 0x736c, 0x5e21, 0x647d, + 0x636c, 0x5d2f, 0x5d30, 0x4b37, 0x6853, 0x6123, 0x5260, 0x707e, + 0x6926, 0x4b72, 0x6d73, 0x5c59, 0x604d, 0x775a, 0x5b39, 0x4c2e, + 0x5a5b, 0x4d47, 0x5d31, 0x582f, 0x6323, 0x4e6f, 0x7273, 0x7833, + 0x604e, 0x757d, 0x6b6c, 0x5345, 0x7c6c, 0x525b, 0x546b, 0x5e22, + 0x6566, 0x7030, 0x5544, 0x6d74, 0x636d, 0x6842, 0x6d75, 0x577c, + 0x6d3b, 0x762b, 0x7238, 0x7648, 0x5366, 0x725d, 0x4f3f, 0x6b2c, + 0x4f40, 0x6628, 0x7d69, 0x4f41, 0x605f, 0x5e6c, 0x6022, 0x743f, + 0x626f, 0x5971, 0x7147, 0x4b38, 0x797e, 0x5b3a, 0x5a75, 0x766c, + 0x5a5c, 0x7a64, 0x604f, 0x5d32, 0x6629, 0x6f73, 0x736d, 0x6b7a, + 0x7966, 0x4a5d, 0x555e, 0x4a5e, 0x5f64, 0x667d, 0x752c, 0x6475, + 0x6963, 0x6d4b, 0x4f64, 0x5853, 0x5d33, 0x546c, 0x7239, 0x5f37, + 0x4b4e, 0x7b58, 0x5059, 0x5d52, 0x7774, 0x675c, 0x6425, 0x7c23, + 0x5b3b, 0x723a, 0x697d, 0x504a, 0x7556, 0x5945, 0x6434, 0x6d27, + 0x6a3d, 0x667e, 0x7744, 0x752d, 0x5960, 0x4a34, 0x7862, 0x4f42, + 0x6c3e, 0x6534, 0x4d48, 0x6e48, 0x6748, 0x4d49, 0x7937, 0x7168, + 0x5972, 0x5b75, 0x4a35, 0x5946, 0x5849, 0x592b, 0x6d3c, 0x5854, + 0x5c5a, 0x623c, 0x7c6d, 0x6c60, 0x527e, 0x6947, 0x662a, 0x6270, + 0x7a3b, 0x752e, 0x7b2a, 0x6c7b, 0x6c3f, 0x7c58, 0x5465, 0x7943, + 0x6e62, 0x5769, 0x6d76, 0x5e6d, 0x4c6c, 0x636e, 0x6854, 0x7a78, + 0x5d34, 0x6435, 0x5830, 0x5855, 0x746a, 0x4e39, 0x5661, 0x4f52, + 0x5036, 0x4e22, 0x736e, 0x7378, 0x5c4c, 0x504b, 0x7c24, 0x4d4a, + 0x5754, 0x5e23, 0x6460, 0x6e49, 0x625d, 0x757e, 0x542c, 0x5551, + 0x5870, 0x7843, 0x6a57, 0x7557, 0x583f, 0x7d40, 0x6b2d, 0x552a, + 0x6728, 0x6e4a, 0x4a67, 0x7863, 0x545d, 0x6a58, 0x7b59, 0x6d77, + 0x6535, 0x502d, 0x7171, 0x623d, 0x6348, 0x5955, 0x5f2a, 0x5b3c, + 0x7864, 0x717a, 0x6536, 0x736f, 0x7b5a, 0x6160, 0x592c, 0x756b, + 0x6036, 0x6948, 0x4b4f, 0x6349, 0x5e6e, 0x623e, 0x5c6f, 0x5625, + 0x6271, 0x567e, 0x5921, 0x5840, 0x5c5b, 0x6d3d, 0x5f38, 0x6a25, + 0x572d, 0x7379, 0x6d78, 0x7547, 0x614a, 0x6b63, 0x725e, 0x784c, + 0x6a59, 0x5346, 0x5b66, 0x752f, 0x4e70, 0x697e, 0x7b36, 0x6272, + 0x4f72, 0x7739, 0x5973, 0x614b, 0x5a5d, 0x5a39, 0x6b7b, 0x4b39, + 0x6d79, 0x6060, 0x7440, 0x7d3c, 0x5f31, 0x636f, 0x6023, 0x7d39, + 0x7031, 0x4d4b, 0x6d3e, 0x5540, 0x6370, 0x6d7a, 0x6964, 0x556d, + 0x675d, 0x5476, 0x6537, 0x5b67, 0x623f, 0x6e4b, 0x5774, 0x705d, + 0x4e2b, 0x675e, 0x5656, 0x614c, 0x6833, 0x656e, 0x5c22, 0x6050, + 0x5535, 0x5521, 0x7b5b, 0x794b, 0x4b73, 0x7425, 0x7a48, 0x5657, + 0x6965, 0x7b5c, 0x7d50, 0x7b76, 0x5a25, 0x5b3d, 0x6c62, 0x4d77, + 0x705e, 0x7649, 0x5e6f, 0x5331, 0x7c6e, 0x6843, 0x7148, 0x4e71, + 0x796d, 0x7274, 0x6436, 0x7539, 0x5c70, 0x6371, 0x6825, 0x723b, + 0x5e24, 0x5a4c, 0x4a69, 0x635a, 0x7c59, 0x6a5a, 0x7944, 0x6324, + 0x7b5d, 0x6f4a, 0x6844, 0x554c, 0x6b57, 0x592d, 0x7b2b, 0x5359, + 0x5522, 0x765e, 0x5a76, 0x6051, 0x6928, 0x7579, 0x7a2f, 0x6b7c, + 0x606a, 0x6332, 0x5545, 0x7163, 0x556e, 0x4d4c, 0x6d59, 0x5841, + 0x7a6c, 0x716b, 0x7a3c, 0x6662, 0x7a65, 0x627a, 0x4a36, 0x6437, + 0x6a5b, 0x757a, 0x7b2c, 0x4f43, 0x6b7d, 0x787a, 0x5f39, 0x6171, + 0x5224, 0x757b, 0x505a, 0x505b, 0x6a3e, 0x5931, 0x4a37, 0x5367, + 0x7865, 0x5332, 0x6240, 0x725f, 0x4d65, 0x792c, 0x4d4d, 0x6e2e, + 0x562e, 0x576a, 0x6760, 0x6b2e, 0x4f59, 0x5c4d, 0x6d7b, 0x5e70, + 0x576b, 0x5e25, 0x5f57, 0x5b50, 0x5b51, 0x5523, 0x7032, 0x5c5c, + 0x4a68, 0x7866, 0x5c4e, 0x6a5c, 0x5b52, 0x6933, 0x775b, 0x6328, + 0x572e, 0x6061, 0x4b3a, 0x6551, 0x505c, 0x5541, 0x584a, 0x6329, + 0x6024, 0x6929, 0x5347, 0x5c5d, 0x782e, 0x4c38, 0x502e, 0x5872, + 0x634a, 0x4c2f, 0x542d, 0x7651, 0x504c, 0x4a46, 0x5542, 0x4e3a, + 0x4a47, 0x7a30, 0x5f58, 0x753a, 0x656b, 0x6f74, 0x5d35, 0x4d2a, + 0x6372, 0x7b77, 0x7750, 0x7d3a, 0x7d61, 0x767e, 0x5140, 0x6845, + 0x6438, 0x6168, 0x4c41, 0x526d, 0x5b3e, 0x6062, 0x7a49, 0x614d, + 0x4a38, 0x7260, 0x7149, 0x5e71, 0x705f, 0x7844, 0x6e4c, 0x5e72, + 0x6749, 0x6273, 0x6761, 0x634b, 0x634c, 0x4f78, 0x6f2c, 0x7d7e, + 0x7c25, 0x7a31, 0x5f59, 0x6052, 0x745a, 0x714a, 0x4e23, 0x723c, + 0x6c63, 0x6025, 0x772b, 0x6b2f, 0x655e, 0x6124, 0x4d2b, 0x5974, + 0x6826, 0x4d4e, 0x6169, 0x7c6f, 0x6063, 0x6241, 0x4e24, 0x5e26, + 0x6b7e, 0x6b5d, 0x7060, 0x745b, 0x6274, 0x5348, 0x746b, 0x6e35, + 0x7558, 0x555f, 0x5665, 0x6b30, 0x7463, 0x634d, 0x7474, 0x7a32, + 0x6f75, 0x4a5f, 0x6b31, 0x6d3f, 0x7d49, 0x6426, 0x7924, 0x7033, + 0x656c, 0x5167, 0x5947, 0x6457, 0x6a5d, 0x5477, 0x5a3a, 0x5a4d, + 0x794c, 0x615a, 0x5b3f, 0x4c45, 0x6c50, 0x4b3b, 0x5e73, 0x692a, + 0x5948, 0x6e63, 0x573d, 0x4f44, 0x504d, 0x7c26, 0x717b, 0x7d52, + 0x5141, 0x635b, 0x5349, 0x5c4f, 0x4c6d, 0x5e27, 0x663b, 0x6c21, + 0x4c39, 0x7b5e, 0x6762, 0x5441, 0x5c28, 0x6242, 0x7358, 0x6553, + 0x7359, 0x7346, 0x4d5b, 0x4d2c, 0x7c43, 0x5467, 0x5142, 0x7925, + 0x6855, 0x634e, 0x544a, 0x5f5a, 0x7b5f, 0x6763, 0x787b, 0x634f, + 0x7530, 0x5867, 0x5949, 0x782f, 0x6f76, 0x5d36, 0x6e2f, 0x4d78, + 0x5e38, 0x7c27, 0x777c, 0x7731, 0x4e3b, 0x7421, 0x6e4d, 0x612e, + 0x6c43, 0x4f7e, 0x783f, 0x5862, 0x5368, 0x5e28, 0x7464, 0x6c42, + 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0x6671, 0x6672, 0x6675, 0x6676, 0x6677, + 0x6679, 0x6721, 0x6726, 0x6729, 0x672a, 0x672c, 0x672d, 0x6730, + 0x673f, 0x6741, 0x6746, 0x6747, 0x674b, 0x674d, 0x674f, 0x6750, + 0x6753, 0x675f, 0x6764, 0x6766, 0x6777, 0x6867, 0x6868, 0x6870, + 0x6871, 0x6877, 0x6879, 0x687b, 0x687e, 0x6927, 0x692c, 0x694c, + 0x6977, 0x6a41, 0x6a65, 0x6a74, 0x6a77, 0x6a7c, 0x6a7e, 0x6b24, + 0x6b27, 0x6b29, 0x6b2a, 0x6b3a, 0x6b3b, 0x6b3d, 0x6b41, 0x6b42, + 0x6b46, 0x6b47, 0x6b4c, 0x6b4f, 0x6b50, 0x6b51, 0x6b52, 0x6b58, + 0x6c26, 0x6c27, 0x6c2a, 0x6c2f, 0x6c30, 0x6c31, 0x6c32, 0x6c35, + 0x6c38, 0x6c3a, 0x6c40, 0x6c41, 0x6c45, 0x6c46, 0x6c49, 0x6c4a, + 0x6c55, 0x6c5d, 0x6c5e, 0x6c61, 0x6c64, 0x6c67, 0x6c68, 0x6c77, + 0x6c78, 0x6c7a, 0x6d21, 0x6d22, 0x6d23, 0x6d6e, 0x6e5b, 0x723d, + 0x727a, 0x7331, 0x7427, 0x746e, 0x7674, 0x7676, 0x7738, 0x7748, + 0x7753, 0x785b, 0x7870, 0x7a21, 0x7a22, 0x7a66, 0x7c29, 0x2321, + 0x2322, 0x2323, 0x2324, 0x2325, 0x2326, 0x2327, 0x2328, 0x2329, + 0x232a, 0x232b, 0x232c, 0x232d, 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22, 0xc181 }, { 27, 0x0040 }, { 28, 0x4181 }, + /* 0x0100 */ + { 32, 0x0000 }, { 32, 0x0002 }, { 33, 0x00c0 }, { 35, 0x810e }, + { 40, 0x0e07 }, { 46, 0x000c }, { 48, 0x00c0 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, + { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, + { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x0200 */ + { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, + { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, + { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, { 50, 0x0000 }, + { 50, 0x0080 }, { 51, 0x2f01 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x0300 */ + { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, + { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0x0000 }, + { 57, 0x0000 }, { 57, 0xfffe }, { 72, 0x03fb }, { 81, 0xfffe }, + { 96, 0x03fb }, { 105, 0x0000 }, { 105, 0x0000 }, { 105, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x0400 */ + { 105, 0x0002 }, { 106, 0xffff }, { 122, 0xffff }, { 138, 0xffff }, + { 154, 0xffff }, { 170, 0x0002 }, +}; +static const Summary16 ksc5601_uni2indx_page20[103] = { + /* 0x2000 */ + { 171, 0x0000 }, { 171, 0x3320 }, { 176, 0x0063 }, { 180, 0x080d }, + { 184, 0x0000 }, { 184, 0x0000 }, { 184, 0x0000 }, { 184, 0x8010 }, + { 186, 0x001e }, { 190, 0x0000 }, { 190, 0x1000 }, { 191, 0x0000 }, + { 191, 0x0000 }, { 191, 0x0000 }, { 191, 0x0000 }, { 191, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2100 */ + { 191, 0x0208 }, { 193, 0x0048 }, { 195, 0x0846 }, { 199, 0x0000 }, + { 199, 0x0000 }, { 199, 0x7818 }, { 205, 0x03ff }, { 215, 0x03ff }, + { 225, 0x0000 }, { 225, 0x03ff }, { 235, 0x0000 }, { 235, 0x0000 }, + { 235, 0x0000 }, { 235, 0x0014 }, { 237, 0x0000 }, { 237, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2200 */ + { 237, 0x898d }, { 244, 0x6402 }, { 248, 0x5fa1 }, { 257, 0x3030 }, + { 261, 0x0000 }, { 261, 0x0004 }, { 262, 0x0c33 }, { 268, 0x0000 }, + { 268, 0x00cc }, { 272, 0x0200 }, { 273, 0x0020 }, { 274, 0x0000 }, + { 274, 0x0000 }, { 274, 0x0000 }, { 274, 0x0000 }, { 274, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2300 */ + { 274, 0x0000 }, { 274, 0x0004 }, { 275, 0x0000 }, { 275, 0x0000 }, + { 275, 0x0000 }, { 275, 0x0000 }, { 275, 0x0000 }, { 275, 0x0000 }, + { 275, 0x0000 }, { 275, 0x0000 }, { 275, 0x0000 }, { 275, 0x0000 }, + { 275, 0x0000 }, { 275, 0x0000 }, { 275, 0x0000 }, { 275, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2400 */ + { 275, 0x0000 }, { 275, 0x0000 }, { 275, 0x0000 }, { 275, 0x0000 }, + { 275, 0x0000 }, { 275, 0x0000 }, { 275, 0x7fff }, { 290, 0xfff0 }, + { 302, 0x0007 }, { 305, 0xf000 }, { 309, 0xffff }, { 325, 0x003f }, + { 331, 0x0000 }, { 331, 0xffff }, { 347, 0x03ff }, { 357, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2500 */ + { 357, 0xf00f }, { 365, 0xffff }, { 381, 0xffff }, { 397, 0xffff }, + { 413, 0x0fff }, { 425, 0x0000 }, { 425, 0x0000 }, { 425, 0x0000 }, + { 425, 0x0000 }, { 425, 0x0004 }, { 426, 0x03fb }, { 435, 0x30cc }, + { 441, 0xc9c3 }, { 449, 0x0003 }, { 451, 0x0000 }, { 451, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x2600 */ + { 451, 0xc060 }, { 455, 0x5000 }, { 457, 0x0000 }, { 457, 0x0000 }, + { 457, 0x0005 }, { 459, 0x0000 }, { 459, 0x37bb }, +}; +static const Summary16 ksc5601_uni2indx_page30[62] = { + /* 0x3000 */ + { 470, 0xff0f }, { 482, 0x003b }, { 487, 0x0000 }, { 487, 0x0000 }, + { 487, 0xfffe }, { 502, 0xffff }, { 518, 0xffff }, { 534, 0xffff }, + { 550, 0xffff }, { 566, 0x000f }, { 570, 0xfffe }, { 585, 0xffff }, + { 601, 0xffff }, { 617, 0xffff }, { 633, 0xffff }, { 649, 0x007f }, + /* 0x3100 */ + { 656, 0x0000 }, { 656, 0x0000 }, { 656, 0x0000 }, { 656, 0xfffe }, + { 671, 0xffff }, { 687, 0xffff }, { 703, 0xffff }, { 719, 0xffff }, + { 735, 0x7fff }, { 750, 0x0000 }, { 750, 0x0000 }, { 750, 0x0000 }, + { 750, 0x0000 }, { 750, 0x0000 }, { 750, 0x0000 }, { 750, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3200 */ + { 750, 0xffff }, { 766, 0x1fff }, { 779, 0x0000 }, { 779, 0x0000 }, + { 779, 0x0000 }, { 779, 0x0000 }, { 779, 0xffff }, { 795, 0xcfff }, + { 809, 0x0000 }, { 809, 0x0000 }, { 809, 0x0000 }, { 809, 0x0000 }, + { 809, 0x0000 }, { 809, 0x0000 }, { 809, 0x0000 }, { 809, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x3300 */ + { 809, 0x0000 }, { 809, 0x0000 }, { 809, 0x0000 }, { 809, 0x0000 }, + { 809, 0x0000 }, { 809, 0x0000 }, { 809, 0x0000 }, { 809, 0x0000 }, + { 809, 0xff1f }, { 822, 0xffff }, { 838, 0xffff }, { 854, 0xffff }, + { 870, 0x87ff }, { 882, 0x3949 }, +}; +static const Summary16 ksc5601_uni2indx_page4e[1306] = { + /* 0x4e00 */ + { 889, 0x2f8b }, { 898, 0x4372 }, { 905, 0x2000 }, { 906, 0x0b04 }, + { 910, 0xe82c }, { 917, 0xe340 }, { 923, 0x2800 }, { 925, 0x40c8 }, + { 929, 0x5944 }, { 935, 0x4937 }, { 943, 0x7976 }, { 953, 0x0440 }, + { 955, 0x2c93 }, { 962, 0xa3f0 }, { 970, 0x0038 }, { 973, 0x08c5 }, + /* 0x4f00 */ + { 978, 0xee02 }, { 985, 0x0003 }, { 987, 0x8000 }, { 988, 0x3550 }, + { 994, 0xe1c8 }, { 1001, 0x1e23 }, { 1008, 0x8200 }, { 1010, 0xc449 }, + { 1016, 0xad5a }, { 1025, 0x2942 }, { 1030, 0xc000 }, { 1032, 0x8060 }, + { 1035, 0x461c }, { 1041, 0xa49a }, { 1048, 0xc003 }, { 1052, 0x052a }, + /* 0x5000 */ + { 1057, 0x2a44 }, { 1062, 0xd646 }, { 1070, 0x3dda }, { 1080, 0x0800 }, + { 1081, 0x8388 }, { 1086, 0x1420 }, { 1089, 0x0020 }, { 1090, 0x0170 }, + { 1094, 0x2021 }, { 1097, 0x0302 }, { 1100, 0x3000 }, { 1102, 0x40ac }, + { 1107, 0x8620 }, { 1111, 0x4462 }, { 1116, 0x20a0 }, { 1119, 0x8a00 }, + /* 0x5100 */ + { 1122, 0x0253 }, { 1127, 0x8004 }, { 1129, 0x0402 }, { 1131, 0x1484 }, + { 1135, 0x7bfb }, { 1148, 0x1004 }, { 1150, 0x7fa4 }, { 1160, 0x11e2 }, + { 1166, 0x2441 }, { 1170, 0x00a4 }, { 1173, 0x1421 }, { 1177, 0x20c0 }, + { 1180, 0x3a50 }, { 1186, 0x7000 }, { 1189, 0x0002 }, { 1190, 0x2743 }, + /* 0x5200 */ + { 1197, 0x45c9 }, { 1204, 0x2082 }, { 1207, 0x4630 }, { 1212, 0x0fc1 }, + { 1219, 0x3c88 }, { 1225, 0x2850 }, { 1229, 0x8602 }, { 1233, 0xa024 }, + { 1237, 0x2388 }, { 1242, 0x8806 }, { 1246, 0x0e19 }, { 1252, 0x4000 }, + { 1253, 0x22aa }, { 1259, 0xeb64 }, { 1268, 0x001c }, { 1271, 0xcd28 }, + /* 0x5300 */ + { 1278, 0xa120 }, { 1282, 0x02e1 }, { 1287, 0x840b }, { 1292, 0x8200 }, + { 1294, 0x279b }, { 1303, 0x549e }, { 1311, 0x8141 }, { 1315, 0xa0b3 }, + { 1322, 0x0010 }, { 1323, 0x8508 }, { 1327, 0x2061 }, { 1331, 0x0800 }, + { 1332, 0x2f08 }, { 1338, 0x08d0 }, { 1342, 0xbe3e }, { 1353, 0x010f }, + /* 0x5400 */ + { 1358, 0xf718 }, { 1367, 0xa803 }, { 1372, 0x0a41 }, { 1376, 0x5b08 }, + { 1382, 0x0504 }, { 1385, 0x0002 }, { 1386, 0x0500 }, { 1388, 0x382a }, + { 1394, 0x5041 }, { 1398, 0x0001 }, { 1399, 0x1910 }, { 1403, 0x2108 }, + { 1406, 0x0313 }, { 1411, 0x0000 }, { 1411, 0x6122 }, { 1416, 0x0404 }, + /* 0x5500 */ + { 1418, 0x40d0 }, { 1422, 0x1001 }, { 1424, 0x8000 }, { 1425, 0x4022 }, + { 1428, 0x8050 }, { 1431, 0x4048 }, { 1434, 0x0008 }, { 1435, 0x1000 }, + { 1436, 0x06d1 }, { 1442, 0x3700 }, { 1447, 0x5e80 }, { 1453, 0x0000 }, + { 1453, 0x00a0 }, { 1455, 0x9410 }, { 1459, 0x0018 }, { 1461, 0x6000 }, + /* 0x5600 */ + { 1463, 0x0240 }, { 1465, 0x0090 }, { 1467, 0x8000 }, { 1468, 0x0054 }, + { 1471, 0x0000 }, { 1471, 0x0008 }, { 1472, 0x0900 }, { 1474, 0x0010 }, + { 1475, 0x0040 }, { 1476, 0x0000 }, { 1476, 0x5020 }, { 1479, 0x1010 }, + { 1481, 0x2400 }, { 1483, 0x4c02 }, { 1487, 0x0001 }, { 1488, 0x0601 }, + /* 0x5700 */ + { 1491, 0x2918 }, { 1496, 0x814c }, { 1501, 0x2100 }, { 1503, 0x0801 }, + { 1505, 0x6485 }, { 1511, 0x0003 }, { 1513, 0x4452 }, { 1518, 0x1021 }, + { 1521, 0x0904 }, { 1524, 0x0008 }, { 1525, 0x000d }, { 1528, 0x0000 }, + { 1528, 0x4988 }, { 1533, 0x8000 }, { 1534, 0x0001 }, { 1535, 0x1691 }, + /* 0x5800 */ + { 1541, 0x0765 }, { 1548, 0x4000 }, { 1549, 0x8492 }, { 1554, 0x0433 }, + { 1559, 0x8c00 }, { 1562, 0x4592 }, { 1568, 0x0016 }, { 1571, 0x5220 }, + { 1575, 0x0228 }, { 1578, 0xd008 }, { 1582, 0x4300 }, { 1585, 0x4c08 }, + { 1589, 0x40a2 }, { 1593, 0xc32a }, { 1600, 0x9810 }, { 1604, 0x2e00 }, + /* 0x5900 */ + { 1608, 0x8000 }, { 1609, 0x1670 }, { 1615, 0x6e84 }, { 1622, 0x4082 }, + { 1625, 0xc390 }, { 1631, 0x04b3 }, { 1637, 0x7c85 }, { 1645, 0x2118 }, + { 1649, 0x041c }, { 1653, 0x02c8 }, { 1657, 0x1120 }, { 1660, 0x4a00 }, + { 1663, 0x0a48 }, { 1667, 0x361b }, { 1675, 0x5540 }, { 1680, 0x8900 }, + /* 0x5a00 */ + { 1683, 0x000a }, { 1685, 0x9902 }, { 1690, 0x0221 }, { 1693, 0x1040 }, + { 1695, 0x0242 }, { 1698, 0x0400 }, { 1699, 0x0044 }, { 1701, 0x0000 }, + { 1701, 0x0000 }, { 1701, 0x0c04 }, { 1704, 0x0010 }, { 1705, 0x0000 }, + { 1705, 0x1216 }, { 1710, 0x0000 }, { 1710, 0x0242 }, { 1713, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x5b00 */ + { 1713, 0x1a20 }, { 1717, 0x0040 }, { 1718, 0x0400 }, { 1719, 0x0000 }, + { 1719, 0x0009 }, { 1721, 0xb5b3 }, { 1731, 0x0a18 }, { 1735, 0x1523 }, + { 1741, 0x9ba0 }, { 1748, 0x1fe8 }, { 1757, 0x507c }, { 1764, 0x8379 }, + { 1772, 0x10fd }, { 1780, 0xc09d }, { 1787, 0xdbf6 }, { 1799, 0x0560 }, + /* 0x5c00 */ + { 1803, 0xef92 }, { 1813, 0x0242 }, { 1816, 0x0110 }, { 1818, 0xdf02 }, + { 1826, 0x6961 }, { 1833, 0x0822 }, { 1836, 0x9035 }, { 1842, 0x0202 }, + { 1844, 0x0000 }, { 1844, 0x0003 }, { 1846, 0x1a02 }, { 1850, 0x45aa }, + { 1857, 0x0001 }, { 1858, 0x0200 }, { 1859, 0x8101 }, { 1862, 0x2851 }, + /* 0x5d00 */ + { 1867, 0x6080 }, { 1870, 0x02d2 }, { 1875, 0x0280 }, { 1877, 0x0000 }, + { 1877, 0x1800 }, { 1879, 0x0001 }, { 1880, 0x9200 }, { 1883, 0x0000 }, + { 1883, 0x0880 }, { 1885, 0x2000 }, { 1886, 0x0405 }, { 1889, 0x3500 }, + { 1893, 0x2000 }, { 1894, 0x6044 }, { 1898, 0x49e6 }, { 1906, 0x609e }, + /* 0x5e00 */ + { 1913, 0x104c }, { 1917, 0x2a42 }, { 1922, 0x2820 }, { 1925, 0xa148 }, + { 1930, 0x10b1 }, { 1935, 0x8020 }, { 1937, 0x000e }, { 1940, 0x7b9c }, + { 1950, 0x8490 }, { 1954, 0x14a0 }, { 1958, 0x28c1 }, { 1963, 0x41e0 }, + { 1968, 0x0704 }, { 1972, 0x8c49 }, { 1978, 0x100d }, { 1982, 0x0cc8 }, + /* 0x5f00 */ + { 1987, 0x8412 }, { 1991, 0x89ba }, { 1999, 0x02c0 }, { 2002, 0x1422 }, + { 2006, 0x5500 }, { 2010, 0x0ac0 }, { 2014, 0x3ec4 }, { 2022, 0x9283 }, + { 2028, 0x1ca3 }, { 2035, 0x4387 }, { 2042, 0x4703 }, { 2048, 0x22a0 }, + { 2052, 0x3028 }, { 2056, 0x03c0 }, { 2060, 0x0801 }, { 2062, 0xa020 }, + /* 0x6000 */ + { 2065, 0x8000 }, { 2066, 0x3044 }, { 2070, 0x85a3 }, { 2077, 0x0000 }, + { 2077, 0x200e }, { 2081, 0x2225 }, { 2086, 0xb73c }, { 2096, 0x0001 }, + { 2097, 0x3220 }, { 2101, 0x8c50 }, { 2106, 0x0099 }, { 2110, 0x315d }, + { 2118, 0x00a0 }, { 2120, 0x9402 }, { 2124, 0x0003 }, { 2126, 0x0e4b }, + /* 0x6100 */ + { 2133, 0xe342 }, { 2140, 0x8c20 }, { 2144, 0x0080 }, { 2145, 0xd091 }, + { 2151, 0x1d94 }, { 2158, 0xa328 }, { 2164, 0x499c }, { 2171, 0x60c1 }, + { 2176, 0x4406 }, { 2180, 0x0713 }, { 2186, 0x5a90 }, { 2192, 0x4444 }, + { 2196, 0x0f88 }, { 2202, 0x0000 }, { 2202, 0x0040 }, { 2203, 0x95c4 }, + /* 0x6200 */ + { 2210, 0x7581 }, { 2217, 0x8447 }, { 2223, 0x4402 }, { 2226, 0xc053 }, + { 2232, 0x2b83 }, { 2239, 0x0108 }, { 2241, 0x4000 }, { 2242, 0x9242 }, + { 2247, 0x0611 }, { 2251, 0x09a6 }, { 2257, 0x0800 }, { 2258, 0x3222 }, + { 2263, 0xb384 }, { 2270, 0x1bdd }, { 2280, 0xf000 }, { 2284, 0xc08a }, + /* 0x6300 */ + { 2289, 0x0282 }, { 2292, 0x0002 }, { 2293, 0x8800 }, { 2295, 0x6c00 }, + { 2299, 0x9200 }, { 2302, 0x0021 }, { 2304, 0x4180 }, { 2307, 0x8c84 }, + { 2312, 0x1308 }, { 2316, 0x0944 }, { 2320, 0x07a7 }, { 2328, 0x0000 }, + { 2328, 0x8051 }, { 2332, 0x0c41 }, { 2336, 0x6002 }, { 2339, 0x00d0 }, + /* 0x6400 */ + { 2342, 0xa000 }, { 2344, 0x10d0 }, { 2348, 0x3004 }, { 2351, 0x4400 }, + { 2353, 0x0000 }, { 2353, 0x0100 }, { 2354, 0x8201 }, { 2357, 0x0700 }, + { 2360, 0x0100 }, { 2361, 0x440e }, { 2366, 0x6830 }, { 2371, 0x0805 }, + { 2374, 0x64b2 }, { 2381, 0x0514 }, { 2385, 0x10e6 }, { 2391, 0x4414 }, + /* 0x6500 */ + { 2395, 0x0011 }, { 2397, 0x2100 }, { 2399, 0x9c08 }, { 2404, 0xcbc0 }, + { 2411, 0xe120 }, { 2416, 0x40c2 }, { 2420, 0x304c }, { 2425, 0x41b4 }, + { 2431, 0x10ac }, { 2436, 0x9a83 }, { 2443, 0x98b2 }, { 2450, 0x3281 }, + { 2455, 0x9822 }, { 2460, 0x0084 }, { 2462, 0x3369 }, { 2470, 0xbc12 }, + /* 0x6600 */ + { 2477, 0xd6c0 }, { 2484, 0xc03b }, { 2491, 0xa1a1 }, { 2497, 0x0c53 }, + { 2503, 0x8a1e }, { 2510, 0xea00 }, { 2515, 0xcbf0 }, { 2524, 0x05d8 }, + { 2530, 0x4390 }, { 2535, 0x21c3 }, { 2541, 0x4805 }, { 2545, 0x4a1c }, + { 2551, 0x02d0 }, { 2555, 0x3240 }, { 2559, 0x0041 }, { 2561, 0xd79d }, + /* 0x6700 */ + { 2572, 0x2b09 }, { 2578, 0xe8b0 }, { 2585, 0x7dc0 }, { 2593, 0x2452 }, + { 2598, 0xc240 }, { 2602, 0xd04b }, { 2609, 0xa000 }, { 2611, 0xc8ab }, + { 2619, 0x8a80 }, { 2623, 0x34a9 }, { 2630, 0x8000 }, { 2631, 0x41c9 }, + { 2637, 0x8010 }, { 2639, 0x241f }, { 2646, 0x9200 }, { 2649, 0x487b }, + /* 0x6800 */ + { 2657, 0x0000 }, { 2657, 0x00cc }, { 2661, 0x8406 }, { 2665, 0x3300 }, + { 2669, 0x410f }, { 2675, 0x001b }, { 2679, 0x2000 }, { 2680, 0x8040 }, + { 2682, 0x8022 }, { 2685, 0xa098 }, { 2690, 0xa186 }, { 2696, 0x006b }, + { 2701, 0x2a30 }, { 2706, 0x85a4 }, { 2712, 0x4181 }, { 2716, 0x0604 }, + /* 0x6900 */ + { 2719, 0x6021 }, { 2723, 0x0004 }, { 2724, 0x0080 }, { 2725, 0xa001 }, + { 2728, 0x0400 }, { 2729, 0x46b8 }, { 2736, 0xe90f }, { 2745, 0x03a0 }, + { 2749, 0x0000 }, { 2749, 0x1820 }, { 2752, 0x40a0 }, { 2755, 0x0810 }, + { 2757, 0x380a }, { 2762, 0x0001 }, { 2763, 0x0500 }, { 2765, 0xa800 }, + /* 0x6a00 */ + { 2768, 0x0404 }, { 2770, 0xc28a }, { 2776, 0x000a }, { 2778, 0x2720 }, + { 2783, 0x0910 }, { 2786, 0x830c }, { 2791, 0x0802 }, { 2793, 0x0000 }, + { 2793, 0x6211 }, { 2798, 0x1080 }, { 2800, 0x000c }, { 2802, 0x0808 }, + { 2804, 0x000c }, { 2806, 0x0c08 }, { 2809, 0x0000 }, { 2809, 0x0840 }, + /* 0x6b00 */ + { 2811, 0x1410 }, { 2814, 0x0044 }, { 2816, 0x000b }, { 2819, 0x6404 }, + { 2823, 0x50c0 }, { 2827, 0x8001 }, { 2829, 0x047e }, { 2836, 0x8984 }, + { 2841, 0x0658 }, { 2846, 0x4140 }, { 2849, 0xc000 }, { 2851, 0x94a4 }, + { 2857, 0xa862 }, { 2863, 0x09dc }, { 2870, 0x1800 }, { 2872, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x6c00 */ + { 2872, 0x8100 }, { 2874, 0x000a }, { 2876, 0x0008 }, { 2877, 0x4190 }, + { 2881, 0x4007 }, { 2885, 0xe4a1 }, { 2892, 0x2501 }, { 2896, 0x6445 }, + { 2902, 0x11ee }, { 2910, 0x0e7d }, { 2919, 0x4800 }, { 2921, 0xfb08 }, + { 2929, 0x1616 }, { 2935, 0x08a8 }, { 2939, 0xc92e }, { 2947, 0x0009 }, + /* 0x6d00 */ + { 2949, 0x1800 }, { 2951, 0x4a82 }, { 2956, 0x06a0 }, { 2960, 0x6b64 }, + { 2968, 0x0002 }, { 2969, 0x1600 }, { 2972, 0x5648 }, { 2978, 0x8390 }, + { 2983, 0x73a0 }, { 2990, 0x002a }, { 2993, 0x8000 }, { 2994, 0x0024 }, + { 2996, 0x88f9 }, { 3004, 0x4702 }, { 3009, 0x4d02 }, { 3014, 0x0faa }, + /* 0x6e00 */ + { 3022, 0x0000 }, { 3022, 0x8e80 }, { 3027, 0xb87b }, { 3037, 0x7554 }, + { 3045, 0x2418 }, { 3049, 0xd940 }, { 3055, 0xc880 }, { 3059, 0x040c }, + { 3062, 0x0000 }, { 3062, 0xb041 }, { 3067, 0x8c24 }, { 3072, 0x0442 }, + { 3075, 0x5a34 }, { 3082, 0x001a }, { 3085, 0x8000 }, { 3086, 0xc110 }, + /* 0x6f00 */ + { 3090, 0x8046 }, { 3094, 0x0032 }, { 3097, 0x180d }, { 3102, 0x8106 }, + { 3106, 0x0002 }, { 3107, 0xcd92 }, { 3115, 0x6014 }, { 3119, 0x7401 }, + { 3124, 0x6112 }, { 3129, 0x0091 }, { 3132, 0xc098 }, { 3137, 0x420a }, + { 3141, 0x040f }, { 3146, 0x8420 }, { 3149, 0x9a13 }, { 3156, 0x4002 }, + /* 0x7000 */ + { 3158, 0x8a62 }, { 3164, 0xfd22 }, { 3173, 0x8188 }, { 3177, 0x4080 }, + { 3179, 0x1000 }, { 3180, 0x2103 }, { 3184, 0x0808 }, { 3186, 0x3101 }, + { 3190, 0x4420 }, { 3193, 0x0704 }, { 3197, 0xb812 }, { 3203, 0x0388 }, + { 3207, 0x8900 }, { 3210, 0xa300 }, { 3214, 0x0000 }, { 3214, 0x2202 }, + /* 0x7100 */ + { 3217, 0x1210 }, { 3220, 0x4600 }, { 3223, 0x0042 }, { 3225, 0x0041 }, + { 3227, 0x5680 }, { 3232, 0x5241 }, { 3237, 0x52f0 }, { 3244, 0x2000 }, + { 3245, 0x8610 }, { 3249, 0x8214 }, { 3253, 0x1004 }, { 3255, 0x4602 }, + { 3259, 0x430a }, { 3264, 0x8035 }, { 3269, 0x60e0 }, { 3274, 0xd800 }, + /* 0x7200 */ + { 3278, 0x0041 }, { 3280, 0x0801 }, { 3282, 0x3400 }, { 3285, 0x6c65 }, + { 3293, 0x11c1 }, { 3298, 0xab04 }, { 3304, 0x0286 }, { 3308, 0x2204 }, + { 3311, 0x0003 }, { 3313, 0x0000 }, { 3313, 0x9084 }, { 3317, 0x0000 }, + { 3317, 0x4015 }, { 3321, 0x0281 }, { 3324, 0x0202 }, { 3326, 0x3300 }, + /* 0x7300 */ + { 3330, 0x0400 }, { 3331, 0x3840 }, { 3335, 0x0e20 }, { 3339, 0xc0c0 }, + { 3343, 0x0030 }, { 3345, 0x0085 }, { 3348, 0x0500 }, { 3350, 0x0d25 }, + { 3356, 0x4ad0 }, { 3362, 0x81d0 }, { 3367, 0x2280 }, { 3370, 0x020c }, + { 3373, 0xb605 }, { 3380, 0x6240 }, { 3384, 0x2679 }, { 3392, 0x6280 }, + /* 0x7400 */ + { 3396, 0x02ea }, { 3402, 0x0808 }, { 3404, 0xdd67 }, { 3415, 0x8579 }, + { 3423, 0x081b }, { 3428, 0xdea0 }, { 3436, 0x8735 }, { 3444, 0x4000 }, + { 3445, 0x0a8c }, { 3450, 0xd100 }, { 3454, 0x05aa }, { 3460, 0xa225 }, + { 3466, 0x8440 }, { 3469, 0x1510 }, { 3473, 0x404d }, { 3478, 0x0080 }, + /* 0x7500 */ + { 3479, 0x0012 }, { 3481, 0x8d22 }, { 3487, 0x1968 }, { 3493, 0x058f }, + { 3500, 0x9080 }, { 3503, 0x3a1a }, { 3510, 0x8464 }, { 3515, 0x8561 }, + { 3521, 0xccc0 }, { 3527, 0x2002 }, { 3529, 0x0820 }, { 3531, 0x732e }, + { 3540, 0x20a4 }, { 3544, 0x0b34 }, { 3550, 0x0004 }, { 3551, 0x1415 }, + /* 0x7600 */ + { 3556, 0x2001 }, { 3558, 0x8200 }, { 3560, 0x0057 }, { 3565, 0x0800 }, + { 3566, 0x5004 }, { 3569, 0x0044 }, { 3571, 0x1212 }, { 3575, 0x7905 }, + { 3582, 0x40d0 }, { 3586, 0x0009 }, { 3588, 0x4000 }, { 3589, 0x8400 }, + { 3591, 0x054c }, { 3596, 0xd844 }, { 3602, 0x409a }, { 3607, 0x5114 }, + /* 0x7700 */ + { 3612, 0x0b12 }, { 3617, 0x4000 }, { 3618, 0x0201 }, { 3620, 0x1580 }, + { 3624, 0x2001 }, { 3626, 0x0800 }, { 3627, 0x084a }, { 3631, 0xc200 }, + { 3634, 0x0800 }, { 3635, 0x4002 }, { 3637, 0x3020 }, { 3640, 0x9809 }, + { 3645, 0x0000 }, { 3645, 0x1880 }, { 3648, 0xe22c }, { 3655, 0x0008 }, + /* 0x7800 */ + { 3656, 0x0004 }, { 3657, 0x0004 }, { 3658, 0x10e0 }, { 3662, 0x0014 }, + { 3664, 0x8020 }, { 3666, 0x2000 }, { 3667, 0x9800 }, { 3670, 0x1000 }, + { 3671, 0x7082 }, { 3676, 0x0082 }, { 3678, 0x0288 }, { 3681, 0x1c00 }, + { 3684, 0x4c22 }, { 3689, 0x0001 }, { 3690, 0x9100 }, { 3693, 0x0820 }, + /* 0x7900 */ + { 3695, 0x4002 }, { 3697, 0x0040 }, { 3698, 0x1c00 }, { 3701, 0x4400 }, + { 3703, 0x0383 }, { 3708, 0x7cc1 }, { 3716, 0x2121 }, { 3720, 0x8400 }, + { 3722, 0xe002 }, { 3726, 0x0002 }, { 3727, 0x44c0 }, { 3731, 0xe20a }, + { 3737, 0x0e03 }, { 3742, 0x8126 }, { 3747, 0x02d0 }, { 3751, 0x0800 }, + /* 0x7a00 */ + { 3752, 0x2921 }, { 3757, 0x9690 }, { 3763, 0x4001 }, { 3765, 0xb8c2 }, + { 3772, 0x6241 }, { 3777, 0x0080 }, { 3778, 0x0a06 }, { 3782, 0xa651 }, + { 3789, 0x0112 }, { 3792, 0x812c }, { 3797, 0xc600 }, { 3801, 0x0400 }, + { 3802, 0x0cb0 }, { 3807, 0xa280 }, { 3811, 0xa429 }, { 3817, 0x8640 }, + /* 0x7b00 */ + { 3821, 0x8000 }, { 3822, 0x4a02 }, { 3826, 0x3041 }, { 3830, 0x0200 }, + { 3831, 0xba40 }, { 3837, 0x0057 }, { 3842, 0x5001 }, { 3845, 0x2020 }, + { 3847, 0x8880 }, { 3850, 0x24b0 }, { 3855, 0x2002 }, { 3857, 0x0112 }, + { 3860, 0x02d3 }, { 3866, 0x0004 }, { 3867, 0x0211 }, { 3870, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7c00 */ + { 3870, 0x0080 }, { 3871, 0x4004 }, { 3873, 0x0c82 }, { 3877, 0xe000 }, + { 3880, 0x3008 }, { 3883, 0x0000 }, { 3883, 0x1011 }, { 3886, 0x0008 }, + { 3887, 0x0208 }, { 3889, 0x81a4 }, { 3894, 0x40a0 }, { 3897, 0x420e }, + { 3902, 0x0400 }, { 3903, 0xc040 }, { 3906, 0x0081 }, { 3908, 0x4800 }, + /* 0x7d00 */ + { 3910, 0x2df5 }, { 3920, 0x0f91 }, { 3927, 0xd807 }, { 3934, 0x0629 }, + { 3939, 0x007c }, { 3944, 0x4001 }, { 3946, 0x4546 }, { 3952, 0x824e }, + { 3958, 0xc000 }, { 3960, 0x1008 }, { 3962, 0x3005 }, { 3966, 0xed36 }, + { 3976, 0x0c80 }, { 3979, 0x6540 }, { 3984, 0x930b }, { 3991, 0x0810 }, + /* 0x7e00 */ + { 3993, 0x0600 }, { 3995, 0xe820 }, { 4000, 0xc80a }, { 4005, 0x6082 }, + { 4009, 0x00ca }, { 4013, 0x4034 }, { 4017, 0x2e02 }, { 4022, 0x1201 }, + { 4025, 0x9004 }, { 4028, 0x1948 }, { 4033, 0x0000 }, { 4033, 0x0000 }, + { 4033, 0x0000 }, { 4033, 0x0000 }, { 4033, 0x0000 }, { 4033, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x7f00 */ + { 4033, 0x0000 }, { 4033, 0x0000 }, { 4033, 0x0000 }, { 4033, 0x0540 }, + { 4036, 0x1000 }, { 4037, 0x0031 }, { 4040, 0x4c00 }, { 4043, 0x02a5 }, + { 4048, 0x5520 }, { 4053, 0x4410 }, { 4056, 0x0310 }, { 4059, 0x2304 }, + { 4063, 0x5422 }, { 4068, 0x8034 }, { 4072, 0x0a03 }, { 4076, 0x1201 }, + /* 0x8000 */ + { 4079, 0x126b }, { 4086, 0x01a1 }, { 4090, 0x2000 }, { 4091, 0xa048 }, + { 4095, 0x0448 }, { 4098, 0x4540 }, { 4102, 0x8000 }, { 4103, 0xe08d }, + { 4110, 0x1af0 }, { 4117, 0x2840 }, { 4120, 0x8626 }, { 4126, 0x0416 }, + { 4130, 0x5018 }, { 4134, 0x4c00 }, { 4137, 0x0032 }, { 4140, 0x2112 }, + /* 0x8100 */ + { 4144, 0x05e4 }, { 4150, 0x0d00 }, { 4153, 0x8a08 }, { 4157, 0x4200 }, + { 4159, 0x4800 }, { 4161, 0x0033 }, { 4165, 0x0860 }, { 4168, 0x8703 }, + { 4174, 0x8501 }, { 4178, 0x3400 }, { 4181, 0x0109 }, { 4184, 0xe428 }, + { 4190, 0x2045 }, { 4194, 0x8100 }, { 4196, 0x25a8 }, { 4202, 0x5c18 }, + /* 0x8200 */ + { 4208, 0x35a0 }, { 4214, 0xd804 }, { 4219, 0x1c02 }, { 4223, 0x02e0 }, + { 4227, 0x00a1 }, { 4230, 0x0200 }, { 4231, 0xc050 }, { 4235, 0x4146 }, + { 4240, 0x6800 }, { 4243, 0xa604 }, { 4248, 0xf260 }, { 4255, 0xbb8a }, + { 4264, 0x0000 }, { 4264, 0xc8b6 }, { 4272, 0x00e2 }, { 4276, 0x6002 }, + /* 0x8300 */ + { 4279, 0x023e }, { 4285, 0x0080 }, { 4286, 0x8900 }, { 4289, 0x0372 }, + { 4295, 0x8681 }, { 4300, 0x0006 }, { 4302, 0x0000 }, { 4302, 0x0888 }, + { 4305, 0x4600 }, { 4308, 0x4140 }, { 4311, 0x0e04 }, { 4315, 0x2000 }, + { 4316, 0x1622 }, { 4321, 0x1048 }, { 4324, 0x8a00 }, { 4327, 0x2217 }, + /* 0x8400 */ + { 4333, 0x7418 }, { 4339, 0x0000 }, { 4339, 0x1200 }, { 4341, 0x2102 }, + { 4344, 0x0200 }, { 4345, 0x0880 }, { 4347, 0x984a }, { 4353, 0x0420 }, + { 4355, 0x0000 }, { 4355, 0x1211 }, { 4359, 0x0002 }, { 4360, 0x9904 }, + { 4365, 0x2a55 }, { 4372, 0x0402 }, { 4374, 0x5000 }, { 4376, 0x1010 }, + /* 0x8500 */ + { 4378, 0x0000 }, { 4378, 0x459a }, { 4385, 0xb02a }, { 4391, 0xa000 }, + { 4393, 0x420a }, { 4397, 0x0208 }, { 4399, 0x2708 }, { 4404, 0x0000 }, + { 4404, 0x8090 }, { 4407, 0x0812 }, { 4410, 0x8740 }, { 4415, 0x0401 }, + { 4417, 0xe202 }, { 4422, 0x3020 }, { 4425, 0x0630 }, { 4429, 0x8c80 }, + /* 0x8600 */ + { 4433, 0x04c4 }, { 4437, 0x04c0 }, { 4440, 0x2000 }, { 4441, 0x8000 }, + { 4442, 0x4000 }, { 4443, 0xd831 }, { 4450, 0x0080 }, { 4451, 0x0200 }, + { 4452, 0x1400 }, { 4454, 0x0008 }, { 4455, 0x0218 }, { 4458, 0x0000 }, + { 4458, 0x0880 }, { 4460, 0x8a10 }, { 4464, 0x2010 }, { 4466, 0x4000 }, + /* 0x8700 */ + { 4467, 0x010d }, { 4471, 0x1500 }, { 4474, 0x0000 }, { 4474, 0x0000 }, + { 4474, 0x4000 }, { 4475, 0x80a0 }, { 4478, 0x0140 }, { 4480, 0x0150 }, + { 4483, 0x2004 }, { 4485, 0x8000 }, { 4486, 0x0004 }, { 4487, 0x0408 }, + { 4489, 0x0010 }, { 4490, 0x0000 }, { 4490, 0x9001 }, { 4493, 0x4a04 }, + /* 0x8800 */ + { 4497, 0x0020 }, { 4498, 0x8000 }, { 4499, 0x000c }, { 4501, 0x0842 }, + { 4504, 0x3041 }, { 4508, 0x2a8c }, { 4514, 0x090e }, { 4519, 0xc085 }, + { 4524, 0x2906 }, { 4529, 0x40c4 }, { 4533, 0x0800 }, { 4534, 0x0010 }, + { 4535, 0x8006 }, { 4538, 0xb230 }, { 4544, 0x0102 }, { 4546, 0x2138 }, + /* 0x8900 */ + { 4551, 0x0080 }, { 4552, 0x030d }, { 4557, 0x0420 }, { 4559, 0x0940 }, + { 4562, 0x0012 }, { 4564, 0x8000 }, { 4565, 0x0410 }, { 4567, 0x8004 }, + { 4569, 0x88ca }, { 4575, 0x0048 }, { 4577, 0x0602 }, { 4580, 0x2404 }, + { 4583, 0x0001 }, { 4584, 0x0004 }, { 4585, 0x0008 }, { 4586, 0x0110 }, + /* 0x8a00 */ + { 4588, 0x550d }, { 4595, 0xa9c8 }, { 4602, 0x2428 }, { 4606, 0x0c52 }, + { 4611, 0x0000 }, { 4611, 0x4831 }, { 4616, 0x624d }, { 4623, 0x022f }, + { 4629, 0x30a0 }, { 4633, 0x4128 }, { 4637, 0x057b }, { 4645, 0xd205 }, + { 4651, 0xa894 }, { 4657, 0x1844 }, { 4661, 0x6cc2 }, { 4668, 0x45c2 }, + /* 0x8b00 */ + { 4674, 0x4017 }, { 4679, 0x2ed1 }, { 4687, 0x1901 }, { 4691, 0x0208 }, + { 4693, 0xc202 }, { 4697, 0x1500 }, { 4700, 0x9040 }, { 4703, 0x2091 }, + { 4707, 0x0401 }, { 4709, 0x044d }, { 4714, 0x0000 }, { 4714, 0x0000 }, + { 4714, 0x0000 }, { 4714, 0x0000 }, { 4714, 0x0000 }, { 4714, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x8c00 */ + { 4714, 0x0000 }, { 4714, 0x0000 }, { 4714, 0x0000 }, { 4714, 0x8080 }, + { 4716, 0x1542 }, { 4721, 0x0420 }, { 4723, 0x0c02 }, { 4726, 0x0600 }, + { 4728, 0x1404 }, { 4731, 0x6000 }, { 4733, 0x9f87 }, { 4743, 0xb9d9 }, + { 4753, 0x059f }, { 4761, 0x540a }, { 4766, 0x245d }, { 4773, 0x3810 }, + /* 0x8d00 */ + { 4777, 0x25b0 }, { 4783, 0x0048 }, { 4785, 0x0000 }, { 4785, 0x0000 }, + { 4785, 0x0000 }, { 4785, 0x0000 }, { 4785, 0x0850 }, { 4788, 0x0099 }, + { 4792, 0x0420 }, { 4794, 0x0200 }, { 4795, 0x0108 }, { 4797, 0x4408 }, + { 4800, 0x9840 }, { 4804, 0x2800 }, { 4806, 0x810a }, { 4810, 0x0008 }, + /* 0x8e00 */ + { 4811, 0x8400 }, { 4813, 0x4001 }, { 4815, 0x0400 }, { 4816, 0x0021 }, + { 4818, 0x0794 }, { 4824, 0x8200 }, { 4826, 0x0001 }, { 4827, 0x0050 }, + { 4829, 0x2482 }, { 4833, 0x0000 }, { 4833, 0x1c00 }, { 4836, 0x0000 }, + { 4836, 0x3c01 }, { 4841, 0x8004 }, { 4843, 0x0800 }, { 4844, 0x4900 }, + /* 0x8f00 */ + { 4847, 0x0228 }, { 4850, 0xf83c }, { 4859, 0x86c0 }, { 4864, 0xcb08 }, + { 4870, 0x6230 }, { 4875, 0xa000 }, { 4877, 0x0004 }, { 4878, 0x0000 }, + { 4878, 0x0000 }, { 4878, 0x1800 }, { 4880, 0xa148 }, { 4885, 0x0007 }, + { 4888, 0x4024 }, { 4891, 0x0012 }, { 4893, 0x2c40 }, { 4897, 0x2285 }, + /* 0x9000 */ + { 4902, 0xa96f }, { 4912, 0xe6b3 }, { 4922, 0x400f }, { 4927, 0x5126 }, + { 4933, 0x6c86 }, { 4940, 0x723b }, { 4949, 0xe20b }, { 4956, 0xb5a4 }, + { 4964, 0x859f }, { 4973, 0x0222 }, { 4976, 0x854c }, { 4982, 0x0123 }, + { 4986, 0x0402 }, { 4988, 0x4000 }, { 4989, 0x2102 }, { 4992, 0x2020 }, + /* 0x9100 */ + { 4994, 0x0004 }, { 4995, 0x0224 }, { 4998, 0x2080 }, { 5000, 0x0004 }, + { 5001, 0x7e00 }, { 5007, 0x0004 }, { 5008, 0x1604 }, { 5012, 0x01a0 }, + { 5015, 0x2a80 }, { 5019, 0x1004 }, { 5021, 0xd800 }, { 5025, 0x0032 }, + { 5028, 0xfa81 }, { 5036, 0x3183 }, { 5042, 0x0488 }, { 5045, 0x0020 }, + /* 0x9200 */ + { 5046, 0x2000 }, { 5047, 0x4087 }, { 5052, 0x0000 }, { 5052, 0x8410 }, + { 5055, 0x0221 }, { 5058, 0x4880 }, { 5061, 0x0074 }, { 5065, 0x0000 }, + { 5065, 0x0029 }, { 5068, 0x114a }, { 5073, 0x0000 }, { 5073, 0x02c8 }, + { 5077, 0x9000 }, { 5079, 0x0004 }, { 5080, 0x0410 }, { 5082, 0x1100 }, + /* 0x9300 */ + { 5084, 0x0010 }, { 5085, 0xc501 }, { 5090, 0xc957 }, { 5099, 0x0000 }, + { 5099, 0x2d00 }, { 5103, 0x0810 }, { 5105, 0x4000 }, { 5106, 0x5020 }, + { 5109, 0x1000 }, { 5110, 0x0450 }, { 5113, 0x3088 }, { 5117, 0x0001 }, + { 5118, 0x0008 }, { 5119, 0x4002 }, { 5121, 0x0012 }, { 5123, 0x0040 }, + /* 0x9400 */ + { 5124, 0x0010 }, { 5125, 0x0100 }, { 5126, 0x0820 }, { 5128, 0x0120 }, + { 5130, 0x0010 }, { 5131, 0x0806 }, { 5134, 0x0000 }, { 5134, 0xa000 }, + { 5136, 0x0000 }, { 5136, 0x0000 }, { 5136, 0x0000 }, { 5136, 0x0000 }, + { 5136, 0x0000 }, { 5136, 0x0000 }, { 5136, 0x0000 }, { 5136, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9500 */ + { 5136, 0x0000 }, { 5136, 0x0000 }, { 5136, 0x0000 }, { 5136, 0x0000 }, + { 5136, 0x0000 }, { 5136, 0x0000 }, { 5136, 0x0000 }, { 5136, 0x0080 }, + { 5137, 0x8a09 }, { 5142, 0x011e }, { 5147, 0x2138 }, { 5152, 0x1802 }, + { 5155, 0x0480 }, { 5157, 0x1070 }, { 5161, 0x0006 }, { 5163, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9600 */ + { 5163, 0x0000 }, { 5163, 0x1000 }, { 5164, 0x4402 }, { 5167, 0x8804 }, + { 5170, 0x3815 }, { 5176, 0xf801 }, { 5182, 0x041c }, { 5186, 0x21e9 }, + { 5193, 0x6c60 }, { 5199, 0x1b30 }, { 5205, 0x0588 }, { 5209, 0x0882 }, + { 5212, 0x7af3 }, { 5223, 0x1a60 }, { 5228, 0x870c }, { 5234, 0x0ac5 }, + /* 0x9700 */ + { 5240, 0x00c1 }, { 5243, 0x524a }, { 5249, 0x0080 }, { 5250, 0x2205 }, + { 5254, 0x0114 }, { 5257, 0x5042 }, { 5261, 0x2206 }, { 5265, 0x0490 }, + { 5268, 0xa800 }, { 5271, 0x0000 }, { 5271, 0x2901 }, { 5275, 0x0000 }, + { 5275, 0x0840 }, { 5277, 0x1008 }, { 5279, 0x0000 }, { 5279, 0x8848 }, + /* 0x9800 */ + { 5283, 0x156f }, { 5292, 0x018f }, { 5298, 0x2000 }, { 5299, 0x0b01 }, + { 5303, 0x7040 }, { 5307, 0x4510 }, { 5311, 0x88a0 }, { 5315, 0x0000 }, + { 5315, 0x0000 }, { 5315, 0x0000 }, { 5315, 0x8100 }, { 5317, 0x0002 }, + { 5318, 0x0090 }, { 5320, 0x9800 }, { 5323, 0xe006 }, { 5328, 0x7010 }, + /* 0x9900 */ + { 5332, 0x1608 }, { 5336, 0x4109 }, { 5340, 0x0101 }, { 5342, 0x0000 }, + { 5342, 0x3a20 }, { 5347, 0x0096 }, { 5351, 0x0000 }, { 5351, 0x0000 }, + { 5351, 0x0000 }, { 5351, 0x2240 }, { 5354, 0x7120 }, { 5359, 0x021a }, + { 5363, 0x0002 }, { 5364, 0xa227 }, { 5371, 0x2000 }, { 5372, 0x8002 }, + /* 0x9a00 */ + { 5374, 0xc102 }, { 5378, 0x0200 }, { 5379, 0x0800 }, { 5380, 0x00c1 }, + { 5383, 0x2029 }, { 5387, 0x8ca0 }, { 5392, 0x0624 }, { 5396, 0x0000 }, + { 5396, 0x0000 }, { 5396, 0x0000 }, { 5396, 0x0100 }, { 5397, 0x0100 }, + { 5398, 0x0000 }, { 5398, 0x0118 }, { 5401, 0x4020 }, { 5403, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9b00 */ + { 5403, 0x0000 }, { 5403, 0x0400 }, { 5404, 0x0480 }, { 5406, 0x1002 }, + { 5408, 0x803e }, { 5414, 0x0410 }, { 5416, 0x8000 }, { 5417, 0x0000 }, + { 5417, 0x4000 }, { 5418, 0x8002 }, { 5420, 0x4800 }, { 5422, 0x0000 }, + { 5422, 0x0200 }, { 5423, 0x0040 }, { 5424, 0x0110 }, { 5426, 0x0000 }, + /* 0x9c00 */ + { 5426, 0x2000 }, { 5427, 0x0025 }, { 5430, 0x0020 }, { 5431, 0x0804 }, + { 5433, 0x0280 }, { 5435, 0x0080 }, { 5436, 0x0000 }, { 5436, 0x0000 }, + { 5436, 0x0000 }, { 5436, 0x0000 }, { 5436, 0x0000 }, { 5436, 0x0000 }, + { 5436, 0x0000 }, { 5436, 0x0000 }, { 5436, 0x02a0 }, { 5439, 0x0058 }, + /* 0x9d00 */ + { 5442, 0x0200 }, { 5443, 0x0800 }, { 5444, 0x0140 }, { 5446, 0x0800 }, + { 5447, 0x0000 }, { 5447, 0x2002 }, { 5449, 0x1003 }, { 5452, 0x0004 }, + { 5453, 0x0000 }, { 5453, 0x0000 }, { 5453, 0x8200 }, { 5455, 0x0010 }, + { 5456, 0x0010 }, { 5457, 0x0080 }, { 5458, 0x0000 }, { 5458, 0x0704 }, + /* 0x9e00 */ + { 5462, 0x0000 }, { 5462, 0x4400 }, { 5464, 0x0000 }, { 5464, 0x0000 }, + { 5464, 0x0000 }, { 5464, 0x0000 }, { 5464, 0x0000 }, { 5464, 0xa220 }, + { 5468, 0x0000 }, { 5468, 0xa08c }, { 5473, 0x0020 }, { 5474, 0x4830 }, + { 5478, 0x6008 }, { 5481, 0x5912 }, { 5487, 0x0100 }, { 5488, 0x0010 }, + /* 0x9f00 */ + { 5489, 0x4180 }, { 5492, 0x0008 }, { 5493, 0x0001 }, { 5494, 0x0800 }, + { 5495, 0x4c00 }, { 5498, 0x8004 }, { 5500, 0x1482 }, { 5504, 0x0080 }, + { 5505, 0x2000 }, { 5506, 0x1021 }, +}; +static const Summary16 ksc5601_uni2indx_pageac[698] = { + /* 0xac00 */ + { 5509, 0x0793 }, { 5516, 0x3eff }, { 5529, 0xb011 }, { 5534, 0x1303 }, + { 5539, 0x2801 }, { 5542, 0x1110 }, { 5545, 0x0000 }, { 5545, 0x0593 }, + { 5551, 0x1e7b }, { 5561, 0xb011 }, { 5566, 0x9703 }, { 5573, 0x3b01 }, + { 5579, 0x1112 }, { 5583, 0x00a0 }, { 5585, 0x9593 }, { 5593, 0x306b }, + /* 0xad00 */ + { 5600, 0xb051 }, { 5606, 0x1102 }, { 5609, 0x3201 }, { 5613, 0x1130 }, + { 5617, 0x02b0 }, { 5621, 0x0111 }, { 5624, 0x300a }, { 5628, 0xb879 }, + { 5637, 0x1306 }, { 5642, 0x3001 }, { 5645, 0x0010 }, { 5646, 0x0080 }, + { 5647, 0x0113 }, { 5651, 0x100b }, { 5655, 0x0011 }, { 5657, 0x9300 }, + /* 0xae00 */ + { 5661, 0x2b03 }, { 5667, 0x0010 }, { 5668, 0x0000 }, { 5668, 0x0593 }, + { 5674, 0x746b }, { 5683, 0xb051 }, { 5689, 0x1323 }, { 5695, 0x3b01 }, + { 5701, 0x1030 }, { 5704, 0x0000 }, { 5704, 0x0000 }, { 5704, 0x7000 }, + { 5707, 0xb011 }, { 5712, 0x1303 }, { 5717, 0x2900 }, { 5720, 0x1110 }, + /* 0xaf00 */ + { 5723, 0x2180 }, { 5726, 0x0001 }, { 5727, 0x3000 }, { 5729, 0xb015 }, + { 5735, 0x030e }, { 5740, 0x3001 }, { 5743, 0x0030 }, { 5745, 0x0200 }, + { 5746, 0x0111 }, { 5749, 0x1023 }, { 5753, 0x0000 }, { 5753, 0x1300 }, + { 5756, 0x6b81 }, { 5763, 0x1010 }, { 5765, 0x0300 }, { 5767, 0x0113 }, + /* 0xb000 */ + { 5771, 0x1013 }, { 5775, 0x3011 }, { 5779, 0x0100 }, { 5780, 0x0000 }, + { 5780, 0x5530 }, { 5786, 0x22b8 }, { 5792, 0x0000 }, { 5792, 0x3000 }, + { 5794, 0xb011 }, { 5799, 0x9702 }, { 5805, 0xfb07 }, { 5815, 0x113a }, + { 5821, 0x03b0 }, { 5826, 0x0113 }, { 5830, 0x0021 }, { 5832, 0x0000 }, + /* 0xb100 */ + { 5832, 0x1b00 }, { 5836, 0x3b0d }, { 5844, 0x1138 }, { 5849, 0x03b0 }, + { 5854, 0x0113 }, { 5858, 0x1133 }, { 5864, 0x0001 }, { 5865, 0x1300 }, + { 5868, 0x2b05 }, { 5874, 0x111c }, { 5879, 0x0100 }, { 5880, 0x0000 }, + { 5880, 0x1000 }, { 5881, 0xb011 }, { 5886, 0x1300 }, { 5889, 0x2a01 }, + /* 0xb200 */ + { 5893, 0x1930 }, { 5898, 0x02b0 }, { 5902, 0x0001 }, { 5903, 0x1010 }, + { 5905, 0x0000 }, { 5905, 0x1100 }, { 5907, 0x0301 }, { 5910, 0x1030 }, + { 5913, 0x0230 }, { 5916, 0x0713 }, { 5922, 0x146b }, { 5929, 0x0011 }, + { 5931, 0x1300 }, { 5934, 0x2b05 }, { 5940, 0xf974 }, { 5950, 0x8fb8 }, + /* 0xb300 */ + { 5959, 0x0113 }, { 5963, 0x103b }, { 5969, 0x0000 }, { 5969, 0x0000 }, + { 5969, 0x0000 }, { 5969, 0xd970 }, { 5977, 0x4ab0 }, { 5983, 0x0113 }, + { 5987, 0x103b }, { 5993, 0x0011 }, { 5995, 0x1103 }, { 5999, 0x0000 }, + { 5999, 0x5930 }, { 6005, 0x2ab1 }, { 6012, 0x0111 }, { 6015, 0x1000 }, + /* 0xb400 */ + { 6016, 0x0000 }, { 6016, 0x1101 }, { 6019, 0x0b01 }, { 6023, 0x0010 }, + { 6024, 0x0000 }, { 6024, 0x0113 }, { 6028, 0x102b }, { 6033, 0x0000 }, + { 6033, 0x0101 }, { 6035, 0x2000 }, { 6036, 0x1110 }, { 6039, 0x02a0 }, + { 6042, 0x0111 }, { 6045, 0x3021 }, { 6049, 0xb059 }, { 6056, 0x0102 }, + /* 0xb500 */ + { 6058, 0x0000 }, { 6058, 0x1930 }, { 6063, 0x07b0 }, { 6069, 0x0113 }, + { 6073, 0x383b }, { 6081, 0xb011 }, { 6086, 0x0003 }, { 6088, 0x0000 }, + { 6088, 0x0000 }, { 6088, 0x0000 }, { 6088, 0x0d13 }, { 6094, 0x383b }, + { 6102, 0xb011 }, { 6107, 0x0103 }, { 6110, 0x1000 }, { 6111, 0x0000 }, + /* 0xb600 */ + { 6111, 0x0000 }, { 6111, 0x0113 }, { 6115, 0x1020 }, { 6117, 0x0010 }, + { 6118, 0x0100 }, { 6119, 0x0000 }, { 6119, 0x0110 }, { 6121, 0x0000 }, + { 6121, 0x0000 }, { 6121, 0x3000 }, { 6123, 0x1811 }, { 6127, 0x0002 }, + { 6128, 0x0000 }, { 6128, 0x0010 }, { 6129, 0x0000 }, { 6129, 0x0111 }, + /* 0xb700 */ + { 6132, 0x0023 }, { 6135, 0x0000 }, { 6135, 0x9300 }, { 6139, 0x0b01 }, + { 6143, 0x1110 }, { 6146, 0x0030 }, { 6148, 0x0111 }, { 6151, 0x302b }, + { 6157, 0xb011 }, { 6162, 0x13c7 }, { 6170, 0x3b01 }, { 6176, 0x0130 }, + { 6179, 0x0280 }, { 6181, 0x0000 }, { 6181, 0x3000 }, { 6183, 0xb011 }, + /* 0xb800 */ + { 6188, 0x1383 }, { 6194, 0x2b01 }, { 6199, 0x1130 }, { 6203, 0x03b0 }, + { 6208, 0x0011 }, { 6210, 0x300a }, { 6214, 0xb011 }, { 6219, 0x1102 }, + { 6222, 0x2000 }, { 6223, 0x0000 }, { 6223, 0x0100 }, { 6224, 0x0111 }, + { 6227, 0x102b }, { 6232, 0xa011 }, { 6236, 0x1302 }, { 6240, 0x2b01 }, + /* 0xb900 */ + { 6245, 0x0010 }, { 6246, 0x0100 }, { 6247, 0x0001 }, { 6248, 0x3000 }, + { 6250, 0x9011 }, { 6254, 0x1302 }, { 6258, 0x2b01 }, { 6263, 0x1130 }, + { 6267, 0x66b0 }, { 6274, 0x0000 }, { 6274, 0x3000 }, { 6276, 0xb011 }, + { 6281, 0xd302 }, { 6287, 0x6b07 }, { 6295, 0x113a }, { 6301, 0x07b0 }, + /* 0xba00 */ + { 6307, 0x0103 }, { 6310, 0x0020 }, { 6311, 0x0000 }, { 6311, 0x1300 }, + { 6314, 0x6b05 }, { 6321, 0x1138 }, { 6326, 0x03b0 }, { 6331, 0x0113 }, + { 6335, 0x10b8 }, { 6340, 0x0000 }, { 6340, 0x1b00 }, { 6344, 0x2b05 }, + { 6350, 0x0110 }, { 6352, 0x0300 }, { 6354, 0x0000 }, { 6354, 0x1000 }, + /* 0xbb00 */ + { 6355, 0xa011 }, { 6359, 0x1102 }, { 6362, 0x0a01 }, { 6365, 0x7970 }, + { 6373, 0xa2b0 }, { 6379, 0x0111 }, { 6382, 0x100a }, { 6385, 0x0000 }, + { 6385, 0x1100 }, { 6387, 0x0001 }, { 6388, 0x1110 }, { 6391, 0x0090 }, + { 6393, 0x0111 }, { 6396, 0x0009 }, { 6398, 0x0000 }, { 6398, 0x9300 }, + /* 0xbc00 */ + { 6402, 0xbb05 }, { 6410, 0xf9f2 }, { 6421, 0x22b0 }, { 6426, 0x0113 }, + { 6430, 0x323b }, { 6438, 0x2001 }, { 6440, 0x0000 }, { 6440, 0x0000 }, + { 6440, 0x5930 }, { 6446, 0x06b0 }, { 6451, 0x0193 }, { 6456, 0x303b }, + { 6463, 0xa011 }, { 6467, 0x1123 }, { 6472, 0x0000 }, { 6472, 0x1170 }, + /* 0xbd00 */ + { 6477, 0x02b0 }, { 6481, 0x0011 }, { 6483, 0x1010 }, { 6485, 0x0000 }, + { 6485, 0x1301 }, { 6489, 0x0301 }, { 6492, 0x0110 }, { 6494, 0x0000 }, + { 6494, 0x0793 }, { 6501, 0x162b }, { 6508, 0x0010 }, { 6509, 0x0101 }, + { 6511, 0x0000 }, { 6511, 0x1130 }, { 6515, 0x0200 }, { 6516, 0x0111 }, + /* 0xbe00 */ + { 6519, 0x3029 }, { 6524, 0xb011 }, { 6529, 0x0000 }, { 6529, 0x0000 }, + { 6529, 0x5130 }, { 6534, 0x0eb0 }, { 6540, 0x0513 }, { 6545, 0x383b }, + { 6553, 0xb011 }, { 6558, 0x0303 }, { 6562, 0x0100 }, { 6563, 0x0000 }, + { 6563, 0x0000 }, { 6563, 0x0193 }, { 6568, 0x1039 }, { 6573, 0x0000 }, + /* 0xbf00 */ + { 6573, 0x0302 }, { 6576, 0x3b00 }, { 6581, 0x0000 }, { 6581, 0x0000 }, + { 6581, 0x0113 }, { 6585, 0x0023 }, { 6588, 0x0000 }, { 6588, 0x0000 }, + { 6588, 0x0000 }, { 6588, 0x0010 }, { 6589, 0x0000 }, { 6589, 0x0001 }, + { 6590, 0x3020 }, { 6593, 0x9011 }, { 6597, 0x0002 }, { 6598, 0x0000 }, + /* 0xc000 */ + { 6598, 0x0000 }, { 6598, 0x0000 }, { 6598, 0x0000 }, { 6598, 0x1000 }, + { 6599, 0x0000 }, { 6599, 0x1102 }, { 6602, 0x0301 }, { 6605, 0x0000 }, + { 6605, 0x0000 }, { 6605, 0x0113 }, { 6609, 0xb02b }, { 6616, 0xb079 }, + { 6624, 0x1323 }, { 6630, 0x3b01 }, { 6636, 0x1130 }, { 6640, 0x02b0 }, + /* 0xc100 */ + { 6644, 0x0111 }, { 6647, 0xf021 }, { 6653, 0xb0d9 }, { 6661, 0x1343 }, + { 6667, 0x3b01 }, { 6673, 0x1130 }, { 6677, 0x03b0 }, { 6682, 0x0111 }, + { 6685, 0x7020 }, { 6689, 0xb051 }, { 6695, 0x1322 }, { 6700, 0x2001 }, + { 6702, 0x1110 }, { 6705, 0x0190 }, { 6708, 0x0111 }, { 6711, 0x300b }, + /* 0xc200 */ + { 6716, 0xb011 }, { 6721, 0x9302 }, { 6726, 0xab01 }, { 6732, 0x0016 }, + { 6735, 0x0100 }, { 6736, 0x0113 }, { 6740, 0x3021 }, { 6744, 0xb011 }, + { 6749, 0x0302 }, { 6752, 0x2901 }, { 6756, 0x3130 }, { 6761, 0x02b0 }, + { 6765, 0x0000 }, { 6765, 0x3000 }, { 6767, 0xb819 }, { 6774, 0x1b42 }, + /* 0xc300 */ + { 6780, 0x3301 }, { 6785, 0x1138 }, { 6790, 0x0330 }, { 6794, 0x0000 }, + { 6794, 0x0020 }, { 6795, 0x0000 }, { 6795, 0x1300 }, { 6798, 0x3305 }, + { 6804, 0x1110 }, { 6807, 0x0000 }, { 6807, 0x0000 }, { 6807, 0x0000 }, + { 6807, 0x0001 }, { 6808, 0x9300 }, { 6812, 0x2305 }, { 6817, 0x0130 }, + /* 0xc400 */ + { 6820, 0x0100 }, { 6821, 0x0001 }, { 6822, 0x1010 }, { 6824, 0x3011 }, + { 6828, 0x0100 }, { 6829, 0x0000 }, { 6829, 0x1130 }, { 6833, 0x0230 }, + { 6836, 0x0001 }, { 6837, 0x1010 }, { 6839, 0x0000 }, { 6839, 0x1100 }, + { 6841, 0x0000 }, { 6841, 0x0000 }, { 6841, 0x0200 }, { 6842, 0x8513 }, + /* 0xc500 */ + { 6848, 0x1003 }, { 6851, 0x1011 }, { 6854, 0x1300 }, { 6857, 0x2b01 }, + { 6862, 0x7730 }, { 6870, 0x63b8 }, { 6878, 0x0113 }, { 6882, 0x303b }, + { 6889, 0xb091 }, { 6895, 0x11a2 }, { 6900, 0x0201 }, { 6902, 0x7b30 }, + { 6910, 0x57f0 }, { 6919, 0x0113 }, { 6923, 0x702b }, { 6930, 0xf0d1 }, + /* 0xc600 */ + { 6938, 0x11e3 }, { 6945, 0x1b01 }, { 6950, 0x7130 }, { 6956, 0x0ab9 }, + { 6963, 0x0113 }, { 6967, 0x303b }, { 6974, 0x9001 }, { 6977, 0x1302 }, + { 6981, 0x2b01 }, { 6986, 0x1130 }, { 6990, 0x02b0 }, { 6994, 0x0713 }, + { 7000, 0x302b }, { 7006, 0x3011 }, { 7010, 0x1303 }, { 7015, 0x2301 }, + /* 0xc700 */ + { 7019, 0x1130 }, { 7023, 0x02b0 }, { 7027, 0x0113 }, { 7031, 0x30ab }, + { 7038, 0xb411 }, { 7044, 0x11fe }, { 7053, 0x0901 }, { 7056, 0x7130 }, + { 7062, 0x47b8 }, { 7070, 0x05d3 }, { 7077, 0x307b }, { 7085, 0xb011 }, + { 7090, 0x5303 }, { 7096, 0x2101 }, { 7099, 0x1110 }, { 7102, 0x0000 }, + /* 0xc800 */ + { 7102, 0x0513 }, { 7107, 0x306b }, { 7114, 0xb011 }, { 7119, 0x1102 }, + { 7122, 0x3301 }, { 7127, 0x0010 }, { 7128, 0x0000 }, { 7128, 0x0513 }, + { 7133, 0x38eb }, { 7142, 0xa010 }, { 7145, 0x0102 }, { 7147, 0x3000 }, + { 7149, 0x1110 }, { 7152, 0x02b0 }, { 7156, 0x0013 }, { 7159, 0x3020 }, + /* 0xc900 */ + { 7162, 0xb071 }, { 7169, 0x0102 }, { 7171, 0x1000 }, { 7172, 0x0010 }, + { 7173, 0x0000 }, { 7173, 0x0113 }, { 7177, 0x100b }, { 7181, 0x1011 }, + { 7184, 0x1300 }, { 7187, 0x2b01 }, { 7192, 0x0000 }, { 7192, 0x0000 }, + { 7192, 0x0593 }, { 7198, 0x366b }, { 7207, 0xb095 }, { 7214, 0x1303 }, + /* 0xca00 */ + { 7219, 0x3b01 }, { 7225, 0x0110 }, { 7227, 0x0200 }, { 7228, 0x0000 }, + { 7228, 0x3000 }, { 7230, 0xb011 }, { 7235, 0x0103 }, { 7238, 0x2000 }, + { 7239, 0x0010 }, { 7240, 0x0100 }, { 7241, 0x0000 }, { 7241, 0x3000 }, + { 7243, 0xb011 }, { 7248, 0x030a }, { 7252, 0x1001 }, { 7254, 0x0010 }, + /* 0xcb00 */ + { 7255, 0x0100 }, { 7256, 0x0111 }, { 7259, 0x0003 }, { 7261, 0x0000 }, + { 7261, 0x1302 }, { 7265, 0x2301 }, { 7269, 0x0010 }, { 7270, 0x0300 }, + { 7272, 0x0000 }, { 7272, 0x1000 }, { 7273, 0x0000 }, { 7273, 0x0100 }, + { 7274, 0x0000 }, { 7274, 0x0010 }, { 7275, 0x0290 }, { 7278, 0x0000 }, + /* 0xcc00 */ + { 7278, 0x3000 }, { 7280, 0x3011 }, { 7284, 0x5386 }, { 7291, 0x7b01 }, + { 7298, 0x1130 }, { 7302, 0x03b0 }, { 7307, 0x0151 }, { 7311, 0x0021 }, + { 7313, 0x0000 }, { 7313, 0x1300 }, { 7316, 0x3b01 }, { 7322, 0x1130 }, + { 7326, 0x02b0 }, { 7330, 0x0011 }, { 7332, 0x1010 }, { 7334, 0x0001 }, + /* 0xcd00 */ + { 7335, 0x1302 }, { 7339, 0x2b01 }, { 7344, 0x1110 }, { 7347, 0x0200 }, + { 7348, 0x0000 }, { 7348, 0x1000 }, { 7349, 0xb011 }, { 7354, 0x0102 }, + { 7356, 0x0100 }, { 7357, 0x1130 }, { 7361, 0x02b0 }, { 7365, 0x0001 }, + { 7366, 0x1010 }, { 7368, 0x0001 }, { 7369, 0x1100 }, { 7371, 0x2b01 }, + /* 0xce00 */ + { 7376, 0x1110 }, { 7379, 0x0210 }, { 7381, 0x0113 }, { 7385, 0x002b }, + { 7389, 0x0000 }, { 7389, 0x9300 }, { 7393, 0x2b03 }, { 7399, 0x1130 }, + { 7403, 0x02b0 }, { 7407, 0x0113 }, { 7411, 0x303b }, { 7418, 0x0000 }, + { 7418, 0x0002 }, { 7419, 0x0000 }, { 7419, 0x1930 }, { 7424, 0x03b0 }, + /* 0xcf00 */ + { 7429, 0x0113 }, { 7433, 0x102b }, { 7438, 0xb011 }, { 7443, 0x0103 }, + { 7446, 0x0000 }, { 7446, 0x1130 }, { 7450, 0x02b0 }, { 7454, 0x0113 }, + { 7458, 0x1021 }, { 7461, 0x0000 }, { 7461, 0x0102 }, { 7463, 0x0001 }, + { 7464, 0x0010 }, { 7465, 0x0000 }, { 7465, 0x0113 }, { 7469, 0x102b }, + /* 0xd000 */ + { 7474, 0x0011 }, { 7476, 0x0102 }, { 7478, 0x2000 }, { 7479, 0x1130 }, + { 7483, 0x02b0 }, { 7487, 0x0111 }, { 7490, 0x3001 }, { 7493, 0x3011 }, + { 7497, 0x0002 }, { 7498, 0x0000 }, { 7498, 0x1130 }, { 7502, 0x02b0 }, + { 7506, 0x0313 }, { 7511, 0x303b }, { 7518, 0xb011 }, { 7523, 0x0103 }, + /* 0xd100 */ + { 7526, 0x2000 }, { 7527, 0x0000 }, { 7527, 0x0000 }, { 7527, 0x0513 }, + { 7532, 0x303b }, { 7539, 0xb011 }, { 7544, 0x1102 }, { 7547, 0x1000 }, + { 7548, 0x0110 }, { 7550, 0x0000 }, { 7550, 0x0113 }, { 7554, 0x142b }, + { 7560, 0x0001 }, { 7561, 0x0100 }, { 7562, 0x0000 }, { 7562, 0x0110 }, + /* 0xd200 */ + { 7564, 0x0280 }, { 7566, 0x0001 }, { 7567, 0x3000 }, { 7569, 0xb011 }, + { 7574, 0x0102 }, { 7576, 0x1000 }, { 7577, 0x0010 }, { 7578, 0x0000 }, + { 7578, 0x0113 }, { 7582, 0x1023 }, { 7586, 0x1011 }, { 7589, 0x9302 }, + { 7594, 0x0b05 }, { 7599, 0x1110 }, { 7602, 0x0030 }, { 7604, 0x0113 }, + /* 0xd300 */ + { 7608, 0x702b }, { 7615, 0xb051 }, { 7621, 0x1323 }, { 7627, 0x3b01 }, + { 7633, 0x0030 }, { 7635, 0x0000 }, { 7635, 0x0000 }, { 7635, 0x3000 }, + { 7637, 0xb011 }, { 7642, 0x1303 }, { 7647, 0x2b01 }, { 7652, 0x1110 }, + { 7655, 0x0330 }, { 7659, 0x0101 }, { 7661, 0x300a }, { 7665, 0xb011 }, + /* 0xd400 */ + { 7670, 0x0102 }, { 7672, 0x2000 }, { 7673, 0x0000 }, { 7673, 0x0000 }, + { 7673, 0x0011 }, { 7675, 0x1000 }, { 7676, 0xa011 }, { 7680, 0x9300 }, + { 7684, 0x2b05 }, { 7690, 0x0010 }, { 7691, 0x0200 }, { 7692, 0x0000 }, + { 7692, 0x1000 }, { 7693, 0x9011 }, { 7697, 0x1100 }, { 7699, 0x2901 }, + /* 0xd500 */ + { 7703, 0x1110 }, { 7706, 0x00b0 }, { 7709, 0x0000 }, { 7709, 0x3000 }, + { 7711, 0xb011 }, { 7716, 0x1302 }, { 7720, 0x2b21 }, { 7726, 0x1130 }, + { 7730, 0x03b0 }, { 7735, 0x0001 }, { 7736, 0x0020 }, { 7737, 0x0000 }, + { 7737, 0x1300 }, { 7740, 0x2b05 }, { 7746, 0x1130 }, { 7750, 0x02b0 }, + /* 0xd600 */ + { 7754, 0x0113 }, { 7758, 0x103b }, { 7764, 0x2011 }, { 7767, 0x1300 }, + { 7770, 0x2b21 }, { 7776, 0x1132 }, { 7781, 0x0280 }, { 7783, 0x0013 }, + { 7786, 0x3028 }, { 7790, 0xa011 }, { 7794, 0x1102 }, { 7797, 0x0a01 }, + { 7800, 0x1130 }, { 7804, 0x0292 }, { 7808, 0x0111 }, { 7811, 0x3021 }, + /* 0xd700 */ + { 7815, 0x0011 }, { 7817, 0x1302 }, { 7821, 0x2b01 }, { 7826, 0x1130 }, + { 7830, 0x0290 }, { 7833, 0x03d3 }, { 7840, 0x122b }, { 7846, 0x3011 }, + { 7850, 0x1302 }, { 7854, 0x2b01 }, +}; +static const Summary16 ksc5601_uni2indx_pagef9[17] = { + /* 0xf900 */ + { 7859, 0xffff }, { 7875, 0xffff }, { 7891, 0xffff }, { 7907, 0xffff }, + { 7923, 0xffff }, { 7939, 0xffff }, { 7955, 0xffff }, { 7971, 0xffff }, + { 7987, 0xffff }, { 8003, 0xffff }, { 8019, 0xffff }, { 8035, 0xffff }, + { 8051, 0xffff }, { 8067, 0xffff }, { 8083, 0xffff }, { 8099, 0xffff }, + /* 0xfa00 */ + { 8115, 0x0fff }, +}; +static const Summary16 ksc5601_uni2indx_pageff[15] = { + /* 0xff00 */ + { 8127, 0xfffe }, { 8142, 0xffff }, { 8158, 0xffff }, { 8174, 0xffff }, + { 8190, 0xffff }, { 8206, 0x7fff }, { 8221, 0x0000 }, { 8221, 0x0000 }, + { 8221, 0x0000 }, { 8221, 0x0000 }, { 8221, 0x0000 }, { 8221, 0x0000 }, + { 8221, 0x0000 }, { 8221, 0x0000 }, { 8221, 0x006f }, +}; + +static int +ksc5601_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + const Summary16 *summary = NULL; + if (wc >= 0x0000 && wc < 0x0460) + summary = &ksc5601_uni2indx_page00[(wc>>4)]; + else if (wc >= 0x2000 && wc < 0x2670) + summary = &ksc5601_uni2indx_page20[(wc>>4)-0x200]; + else if (wc >= 0x3000 && wc < 0x33e0) + summary = &ksc5601_uni2indx_page30[(wc>>4)-0x300]; + else if (wc >= 0x4e00 && wc < 0x9fa0) + summary = &ksc5601_uni2indx_page4e[(wc>>4)-0x4e0]; + else if (wc >= 0xac00 && wc < 0xd7a0) + summary = &ksc5601_uni2indx_pageac[(wc>>4)-0xac0]; + else if (wc >= 0xf900 && wc < 0xfa10) + summary = &ksc5601_uni2indx_pagef9[(wc>>4)-0xf90]; + else if (wc >= 0xff00 && wc < 0xfff0) + summary = &ksc5601_uni2indx_pageff[(wc>>4)-0xff0]; + if (summary) { + unsigned short used = summary->used; + unsigned int i = wc & 0x0f; + if (used & ((unsigned short) 1 << i)) { + unsigned short c; + /* Keep in `used' only the bits 0..i-1. */ + used &= ((unsigned short) 1 << i) - 1; + /* Add `summary->indx' and the number of bits set in `used'. */ + used = (used & 0x5555) + ((used & 0xaaaa) >> 1); + used = (used & 0x3333) + ((used & 0xcccc) >> 2); + used = (used & 0x0f0f) + ((used & 0xf0f0) >> 4); + used = (used & 0x00ff) + (used >> 8); + c = ksc5601_2charset[summary->indx + used]; + r[0] = (c >> 8); r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/loop_unicode.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/loop_unicode.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1c787b5f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/loop_unicode.h @@ -0,0 +1,527 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2003, 2005-2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* This file defines the conversion loop via Unicode as a pivot encoding. */ + +/* Attempt to transliterate wc. Return code as in xxx_wctomb. */ +static int unicode_transliterate (conv_t cd, ucs4_t wc, + unsigned char* outptr, size_t outleft) +{ + if (cd->oflags & HAVE_HANGUL_JAMO) { + /* Decompose Hangul into Jamo. Use double-width Jamo (contained + in all Korean encodings and ISO-2022-JP-2), not half-width Jamo + (contained in Unicode only). */ + ucs4_t buf[3]; + int ret = johab_hangul_decompose(cd,buf,wc); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + /* we know 1 <= ret <= 3 */ + state_t backup_state = cd->ostate; + unsigned char* backup_outptr = outptr; + size_t backup_outleft = outleft; + int i, sub_outcount; + for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) { + if (outleft == 0) { + sub_outcount = RET_TOOSMALL; + goto johab_hangul_failed; + } + sub_outcount = cd->ofuncs.xxx_wctomb(cd,outptr,buf[i],outleft); + if (sub_outcount <= RET_ILUNI) + goto johab_hangul_failed; + if (!(sub_outcount <= outleft)) abort(); + outptr += sub_outcount; outleft -= sub_outcount; + } + return outptr-backup_outptr; + johab_hangul_failed: + cd->ostate = backup_state; + outptr = backup_outptr; + outleft = backup_outleft; + if (sub_outcount != RET_ILUNI) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + } + { + /* Try to use a variant, but postfix it with + U+303E IDEOGRAPHIC VARIATION INDICATOR + (cf. Ken Lunde's "CJKV information processing", p. 188). */ + int indx = -1; + if (wc == 0x3006) + indx = 0; + else if (wc == 0x30f6) + indx = 1; + else if (wc >= 0x4e00 && wc < 0xa000) + indx = cjk_variants_indx[wc-0x4e00]; + if (indx >= 0) { + for (;; indx++) { + ucs4_t buf[2]; + unsigned short variant = cjk_variants[indx]; + unsigned short last = variant & 0x8000; + variant &= 0x7fff; + variant += 0x3000; + buf[0] = variant; buf[1] = 0x303e; + { + state_t backup_state = cd->ostate; + unsigned char* backup_outptr = outptr; + size_t backup_outleft = outleft; + int i, sub_outcount; + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { + if (outleft == 0) { + sub_outcount = RET_TOOSMALL; + goto variant_failed; + } + sub_outcount = cd->ofuncs.xxx_wctomb(cd,outptr,buf[i],outleft); + if (sub_outcount <= RET_ILUNI) + goto variant_failed; + if (!(sub_outcount <= outleft)) abort(); + outptr += sub_outcount; outleft -= sub_outcount; + } + return outptr-backup_outptr; + variant_failed: + cd->ostate = backup_state; + outptr = backup_outptr; + outleft = backup_outleft; + if (sub_outcount != RET_ILUNI) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + if (last) + break; + } + } + } + if (wc >= 0x2018 && wc <= 0x201a) { + /* Special case for quotation marks 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201a */ + ucs4_t substitute = + (cd->oflags & HAVE_QUOTATION_MARKS + ? (wc == 0x201a ? 0x2018 : wc) + : (cd->oflags & HAVE_ACCENTS + ? (wc==0x2019 ? 0x00b4 : 0x0060) /* use accents */ + : 0x0027 /* use apostrophe */ + ) ); + int outcount = cd->ofuncs.xxx_wctomb(cd,outptr,substitute,outleft); + if (outcount != RET_ILUNI) + return outcount; + } + { + /* Use the transliteration table. */ + int indx = translit_index(wc); + if (indx >= 0) { + const unsigned int * cp = &translit_data[indx]; + unsigned int num = *cp++; + state_t backup_state = cd->ostate; + unsigned char* backup_outptr = outptr; + size_t backup_outleft = outleft; + unsigned int i; + int sub_outcount; + for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { + if (outleft == 0) { + sub_outcount = RET_TOOSMALL; + goto translit_failed; + } + sub_outcount = cd->ofuncs.xxx_wctomb(cd,outptr,cp[i],outleft); + if (sub_outcount == RET_ILUNI) + /* Recursive transliteration. */ + sub_outcount = unicode_transliterate(cd,cp[i],outptr,outleft); + if (sub_outcount <= RET_ILUNI) + goto translit_failed; + if (!(sub_outcount <= outleft)) abort(); + outptr += sub_outcount; outleft -= sub_outcount; + } + return outptr-backup_outptr; + translit_failed: + cd->ostate = backup_state; + outptr = backup_outptr; + outleft = backup_outleft; + if (sub_outcount != RET_ILUNI) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} + +#ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG + +struct uc_to_mb_fallback_locals { + unsigned char* l_outbuf; + size_t l_outbytesleft; + int l_errno; +}; + +static void uc_to_mb_write_replacement (const char *buf, size_t buflen, + void* callback_arg) +{ + struct uc_to_mb_fallback_locals * plocals = + (struct uc_to_mb_fallback_locals *) callback_arg; + /* Do nothing if already encountered an error in a previous call. */ + if (plocals->l_errno == 0) { + /* Attempt to copy the passed buffer to the output buffer. */ + if (plocals->l_outbytesleft < buflen) + plocals->l_errno = E2BIG; + else { + memcpy(plocals->l_outbuf, buf, buflen); + plocals->l_outbuf += buflen; + plocals->l_outbytesleft -= buflen; + } + } +} + +struct mb_to_uc_fallback_locals { + conv_t l_cd; + unsigned char* l_outbuf; + size_t l_outbytesleft; + int l_errno; +}; + +static void mb_to_uc_write_replacement (const unsigned int *buf, size_t buflen, + void* callback_arg) +{ + struct mb_to_uc_fallback_locals * plocals = + (struct mb_to_uc_fallback_locals *) callback_arg; + /* Do nothing if already encountered an error in a previous call. */ + if (plocals->l_errno == 0) { + /* Attempt to convert the passed buffer to the target encoding. */ + conv_t cd = plocals->l_cd; + unsigned char* outptr = plocals->l_outbuf; + size_t outleft = plocals->l_outbytesleft; + for (; buflen > 0; buf++, buflen--) { + ucs4_t wc = *buf; + int outcount; + if (outleft == 0) { + plocals->l_errno = E2BIG; + break; + } + outcount = cd->ofuncs.xxx_wctomb(cd,outptr,wc,outleft); + if (outcount != RET_ILUNI) + goto outcount_ok; + /* Handle Unicode tag characters (range U+E0000..U+E007F). */ + if ((wc >> 7) == (0xe0000 >> 7)) + goto outcount_zero; + /* Try transliteration. */ + if (cd->transliterate) { + outcount = unicode_transliterate(cd,wc,outptr,outleft); + if (outcount != RET_ILUNI) + goto outcount_ok; + } + if (cd->discard_ilseq) { + outcount = 0; + goto outcount_ok; + } + #ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG + else if (cd->fallbacks.uc_to_mb_fallback != NULL) { + struct uc_to_mb_fallback_locals locals; + locals.l_outbuf = outptr; + locals.l_outbytesleft = outleft; + locals.l_errno = 0; + cd->fallbacks.uc_to_mb_fallback(wc, + uc_to_mb_write_replacement, + &locals, + cd->fallbacks.data); + if (locals.l_errno != 0) { + plocals->l_errno = locals.l_errno; + break; + } + outptr = locals.l_outbuf; + outleft = locals.l_outbytesleft; + outcount = 0; + goto outcount_ok; + } + #endif + outcount = cd->ofuncs.xxx_wctomb(cd,outptr,0xFFFD,outleft); + if (outcount != RET_ILUNI) + goto outcount_ok; + plocals->l_errno = EILSEQ; + break; + outcount_ok: + if (outcount < 0) { + plocals->l_errno = E2BIG; + break; + } + #ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG + if (cd->hooks.uc_hook) + (*cd->hooks.uc_hook)(wc, cd->hooks.data); + #endif + if (!(outcount <= outleft)) abort(); + outptr += outcount; outleft -= outcount; + outcount_zero: ; + } + plocals->l_outbuf = outptr; + plocals->l_outbytesleft = outleft; + } +} + +#endif /* !LIBICONV_PLUG */ + +static size_t unicode_loop_convert (iconv_t icd, + const char* * inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, + char* * outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft) +{ + conv_t cd = (conv_t) icd; + size_t result = 0; + const unsigned char* inptr = (const unsigned char*) *inbuf; + size_t inleft = *inbytesleft; + unsigned char* outptr = (unsigned char*) *outbuf; + size_t outleft = *outbytesleft; + while (inleft > 0) { + state_t last_istate = cd->istate; + ucs4_t wc; + int incount; + int outcount; + incount = cd->ifuncs.xxx_mbtowc(cd,&wc,inptr,inleft); + if (incount < 0) { + if ((unsigned int)(-1-incount) % 2 == (unsigned int)(-1-RET_ILSEQ) % 2) { + /* Case 1: invalid input, possibly after a shift sequence */ + incount = DECODE_SHIFT_ILSEQ(incount); + if (cd->discard_ilseq) { + switch (cd->iindex) { + case ei_ucs4: case ei_ucs4be: case ei_ucs4le: + case ei_utf32: case ei_utf32be: case ei_utf32le: + case ei_ucs4internal: case ei_ucs4swapped: + incount += 4; break; + case ei_ucs2: case ei_ucs2be: case ei_ucs2le: + case ei_utf16: case ei_utf16be: case ei_utf16le: + case ei_ucs2internal: case ei_ucs2swapped: + incount += 2; break; + default: + incount += 1; break; + } + goto outcount_zero; + } + #ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG + else if (cd->fallbacks.mb_to_uc_fallback != NULL) { + unsigned int incount2; + struct mb_to_uc_fallback_locals locals; + switch (cd->iindex) { + case ei_ucs4: case ei_ucs4be: case ei_ucs4le: + case ei_utf32: case ei_utf32be: case ei_utf32le: + case ei_ucs4internal: case ei_ucs4swapped: + incount2 = 4; break; + case ei_ucs2: case ei_ucs2be: case ei_ucs2le: + case ei_utf16: case ei_utf16be: case ei_utf16le: + case ei_ucs2internal: case ei_ucs2swapped: + incount2 = 2; break; + default: + incount2 = 1; break; + } + locals.l_cd = cd; + locals.l_outbuf = outptr; + locals.l_outbytesleft = outleft; + locals.l_errno = 0; + cd->fallbacks.mb_to_uc_fallback((const char*)inptr+incount, incount2, + mb_to_uc_write_replacement, + &locals, + cd->fallbacks.data); + if (locals.l_errno != 0) { + inptr += incount; inleft -= incount; + errno = locals.l_errno; + result = -1; + break; + } + incount += incount2; + outptr = locals.l_outbuf; + outleft = locals.l_outbytesleft; + result += 1; + goto outcount_zero; + } + #endif + inptr += incount; inleft -= incount; + errno = EILSEQ; + result = -1; + break; + } + if (incount == RET_TOOFEW(0)) { + /* Case 2: not enough bytes available to detect anything */ + errno = EINVAL; + result = -1; + break; + } + /* Case 3: k bytes read, but only a shift sequence */ + incount = DECODE_TOOFEW(incount); + } else { + /* Case 4: k bytes read, making up a wide character */ + if (outleft == 0) { + cd->istate = last_istate; + errno = E2BIG; + result = -1; + break; + } + outcount = cd->ofuncs.xxx_wctomb(cd,outptr,wc,outleft); + if (outcount != RET_ILUNI) + goto outcount_ok; + /* Handle Unicode tag characters (range U+E0000..U+E007F). */ + if ((wc >> 7) == (0xe0000 >> 7)) + goto outcount_zero; + /* Try transliteration. */ + result++; + if (cd->transliterate) { + outcount = unicode_transliterate(cd,wc,outptr,outleft); + if (outcount != RET_ILUNI) + goto outcount_ok; + } + if (cd->discard_ilseq) { + outcount = 0; + goto outcount_ok; + } + #ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG + else if (cd->fallbacks.uc_to_mb_fallback != NULL) { + struct uc_to_mb_fallback_locals locals; + locals.l_outbuf = outptr; + locals.l_outbytesleft = outleft; + locals.l_errno = 0; + cd->fallbacks.uc_to_mb_fallback(wc, + uc_to_mb_write_replacement, + &locals, + cd->fallbacks.data); + if (locals.l_errno != 0) { + cd->istate = last_istate; + errno = locals.l_errno; + return -1; + } + outptr = locals.l_outbuf; + outleft = locals.l_outbytesleft; + outcount = 0; + goto outcount_ok; + } + #endif + outcount = cd->ofuncs.xxx_wctomb(cd,outptr,0xFFFD,outleft); + if (outcount != RET_ILUNI) + goto outcount_ok; + cd->istate = last_istate; + errno = EILSEQ; + result = -1; + break; + outcount_ok: + if (outcount < 0) { + cd->istate = last_istate; + errno = E2BIG; + result = -1; + break; + } + #ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG + if (cd->hooks.uc_hook) + (*cd->hooks.uc_hook)(wc, cd->hooks.data); + #endif + if (!(outcount <= outleft)) abort(); + outptr += outcount; outleft -= outcount; + } + outcount_zero: + if (!(incount <= inleft)) abort(); + inptr += incount; inleft -= incount; + } + *inbuf = (const char*) inptr; + *inbytesleft = inleft; + *outbuf = (char*) outptr; + *outbytesleft = outleft; + return result; +} + +static size_t unicode_loop_reset (iconv_t icd, + char* * outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft) +{ + conv_t cd = (conv_t) icd; + if (outbuf == NULL || *outbuf == NULL) { + /* Reset the states. */ + memset(&cd->istate,'\0',sizeof(state_t)); + memset(&cd->ostate,'\0',sizeof(state_t)); + return 0; + } else { + size_t result = 0; + if (cd->ifuncs.xxx_flushwc) { + state_t last_istate = cd->istate; + ucs4_t wc; + if (cd->ifuncs.xxx_flushwc(cd, &wc)) { + unsigned char* outptr = (unsigned char*) *outbuf; + size_t outleft = *outbytesleft; + int outcount = cd->ofuncs.xxx_wctomb(cd,outptr,wc,outleft); + if (outcount != RET_ILUNI) + goto outcount_ok; + /* Handle Unicode tag characters (range U+E0000..U+E007F). */ + if ((wc >> 7) == (0xe0000 >> 7)) + goto outcount_zero; + /* Try transliteration. */ + result++; + if (cd->transliterate) { + outcount = unicode_transliterate(cd,wc,outptr,outleft); + if (outcount != RET_ILUNI) + goto outcount_ok; + } + if (cd->discard_ilseq) { + outcount = 0; + goto outcount_ok; + } + #ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG + else if (cd->fallbacks.uc_to_mb_fallback != NULL) { + struct uc_to_mb_fallback_locals locals; + locals.l_outbuf = outptr; + locals.l_outbytesleft = outleft; + locals.l_errno = 0; + cd->fallbacks.uc_to_mb_fallback(wc, + uc_to_mb_write_replacement, + &locals, + cd->fallbacks.data); + if (locals.l_errno != 0) { + cd->istate = last_istate; + errno = locals.l_errno; + return -1; + } + outptr = locals.l_outbuf; + outleft = locals.l_outbytesleft; + outcount = 0; + goto outcount_ok; + } + #endif + outcount = cd->ofuncs.xxx_wctomb(cd,outptr,0xFFFD,outleft); + if (outcount != RET_ILUNI) + goto outcount_ok; + cd->istate = last_istate; + errno = EILSEQ; + return -1; + outcount_ok: + if (outcount < 0) { + cd->istate = last_istate; + errno = E2BIG; + return -1; + } + #ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG + if (cd->hooks.uc_hook) + (*cd->hooks.uc_hook)(wc, cd->hooks.data); + #endif + if (!(outcount <= outleft)) abort(); + outptr += outcount; + outleft -= outcount; + outcount_zero: + *outbuf = (char*) outptr; + *outbytesleft = outleft; + } + } + if (cd->ofuncs.xxx_reset) { + unsigned char* outptr = (unsigned char*) *outbuf; + size_t outleft = *outbytesleft; + int outcount = cd->ofuncs.xxx_reset(cd,outptr,outleft); + if (outcount < 0) { + errno = E2BIG; + return -1; + } + if (!(outcount <= outleft)) abort(); + *outbuf = (char*) (outptr + outcount); + *outbytesleft = outleft - outcount; + } + memset(&cd->istate,'\0',sizeof(state_t)); + memset(&cd->ostate,'\0',sizeof(state_t)); + return result; + } +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/loop_wchar.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/loop_wchar.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6dc011b3e --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/loop_wchar.h @@ -0,0 +1,474 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2000-2002, 2005-2006, 2008-2009, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* This file defines three conversion loops: + - from wchar_t to anything else, + - from anything else to wchar_t, + - from wchar_t to wchar_t. + */ + +#if HAVE_WCRTOMB || HAVE_MBRTOWC +/* Tru64 with Desktop Toolkit C has a bug: must be included before + . + BSD/OS 4.0.1 has a bug: , and must be + included before . + In some builds of uClibc, is nonexistent and wchar_t is defined + by . */ +# include +# include +# include +# include +# define BUF_SIZE 64 /* assume MB_LEN_MAX <= 64 */ + /* Some systems, like BeOS, have multibyte encodings but lack mbstate_t. */ + extern size_t mbrtowc (); +# ifdef mbstate_t +# define mbrtowc(pwc, s, n, ps) (mbrtowc)(pwc, s, n, 0) +# define mbsinit(ps) 1 +# endif +# ifndef mbsinit +# if !HAVE_MBSINIT +# define mbsinit(ps) 1 +# endif +# endif +#endif + +/* + * The first two conversion loops have an extended conversion descriptor. + */ +struct wchar_conv_struct { + struct conv_struct parent; +#if HAVE_WCRTOMB || HAVE_MBRTOWC + mbstate_t state; +#endif +}; + + +#if HAVE_WCRTOMB + +/* From wchar_t to anything else. */ + +#ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG + +#if 0 + +struct wc_to_mb_fallback_locals { + struct wchar_conv_struct * l_wcd; + char* l_outbuf; + size_t l_outbytesleft; + int l_errno; +}; + +/* A callback that writes a string given in the locale encoding. */ +static void wc_to_mb_write_replacement (const char *buf, size_t buflen, + void* callback_arg) +{ + struct wc_to_mb_fallback_locals * plocals = + (struct wc_to_mb_fallback_locals *) callback_arg; + /* Do nothing if already encountered an error in a previous call. */ + if (plocals->l_errno == 0) { + /* Attempt to convert the passed buffer to the target encoding. + Here we don't support characters split across multiple calls. */ + const char* bufptr = buf; + size_t bufleft = buflen; + size_t res = unicode_loop_convert(&plocals->l_wcd->parent, + &bufptr,&bufleft, + &plocals->l_outbuf,&plocals->l_outbytesleft); + if (res == (size_t)(-1)) { + if (errno == EILSEQ || errno == EINVAL) + /* Invalid buf contents. */ + plocals->l_errno = EILSEQ; + else if (errno == E2BIG) + /* Output buffer too small. */ + plocals->l_errno = E2BIG; + else + abort(); + } else { + /* Successful conversion. */ + if (bufleft > 0) + abort(); + } + } +} + +#else + +struct wc_to_mb_fallback_locals { + char* l_outbuf; + size_t l_outbytesleft; + int l_errno; +}; + +/* A callback that writes a string given in the target encoding. */ +static void wc_to_mb_write_replacement (const char *buf, size_t buflen, + void* callback_arg) +{ + struct wc_to_mb_fallback_locals * plocals = + (struct wc_to_mb_fallback_locals *) callback_arg; + /* Do nothing if already encountered an error in a previous call. */ + if (plocals->l_errno == 0) { + /* Attempt to copy the passed buffer to the output buffer. */ + if (plocals->l_outbytesleft < buflen) + plocals->l_errno = E2BIG; + else { + memcpy(plocals->l_outbuf, buf, buflen); + plocals->l_outbuf += buflen; + plocals->l_outbytesleft -= buflen; + } + } +} + +#endif + +#endif /* !LIBICONV_PLUG */ + +static size_t wchar_from_loop_convert (iconv_t icd, + const char* * inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, + char* * outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft) +{ + struct wchar_conv_struct * wcd = (struct wchar_conv_struct *) icd; + size_t result = 0; + while (*inbytesleft >= sizeof(wchar_t)) { + const wchar_t * inptr = (const wchar_t *) *inbuf; + size_t inleft = *inbytesleft; + char buf[BUF_SIZE]; + mbstate_t state = wcd->state; + size_t bufcount = 0; + while (inleft >= sizeof(wchar_t)) { + /* Convert one wchar_t to multibyte representation. */ + size_t count = wcrtomb(buf+bufcount,*inptr,&state); + if (count == (size_t)(-1)) { + /* Invalid input. */ + if (wcd->parent.discard_ilseq) { + count = 0; + } + #ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG + else if (wcd->parent.fallbacks.wc_to_mb_fallback != NULL) { + /* Drop the contents of buf[] accumulated so far, and instead + pass all queued wide characters to the fallback handler. */ + struct wc_to_mb_fallback_locals locals; + const wchar_t * fallback_inptr; + #if 0 + locals.l_wcd = wcd; + #endif + locals.l_outbuf = *outbuf; + locals.l_outbytesleft = *outbytesleft; + locals.l_errno = 0; + for (fallback_inptr = (const wchar_t *) *inbuf; + fallback_inptr <= inptr; + fallback_inptr++) + wcd->parent.fallbacks.wc_to_mb_fallback(*fallback_inptr, + wc_to_mb_write_replacement, + &locals, + wcd->parent.fallbacks.data); + if (locals.l_errno != 0) { + errno = locals.l_errno; + return -1; + } + wcd->state = state; + *inbuf = (const char *) (inptr + 1); + *inbytesleft = inleft - sizeof(wchar_t); + *outbuf = locals.l_outbuf; + *outbytesleft = locals.l_outbytesleft; + result += 1; + break; + } + #endif + else { + errno = EILSEQ; + return -1; + } + } + inptr++; + inleft -= sizeof(wchar_t); + bufcount += count; + if (count == 0) { + /* Continue, append next wchar_t. */ + } else { + /* Attempt to convert the accumulated multibyte representations + to the target encoding. */ + const char* bufptr = buf; + size_t bufleft = bufcount; + char* outptr = *outbuf; + size_t outleft = *outbytesleft; + size_t res = unicode_loop_convert(&wcd->parent, + &bufptr,&bufleft, + &outptr,&outleft); + if (res == (size_t)(-1)) { + if (errno == EILSEQ) + /* Invalid input. */ + return -1; + else if (errno == E2BIG) + /* Output buffer too small. */ + return -1; + else if (errno == EINVAL) { + /* Continue, append next wchar_t, but avoid buffer overrun. */ + if (bufcount + MB_CUR_MAX > BUF_SIZE) + abort(); + } else + abort(); + } else { + /* Successful conversion. */ + wcd->state = state; + *inbuf = (const char *) inptr; + *inbytesleft = inleft; + *outbuf = outptr; + *outbytesleft = outleft; + result += res; + break; + } + } + } + } + return result; +} + +static size_t wchar_from_loop_reset (iconv_t icd, + char* * outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft) +{ + struct wchar_conv_struct * wcd = (struct wchar_conv_struct *) icd; + if (outbuf == NULL || *outbuf == NULL) { + /* Reset the states. */ + memset(&wcd->state,'\0',sizeof(mbstate_t)); + return unicode_loop_reset(&wcd->parent,NULL,NULL); + } else { + if (!mbsinit(&wcd->state)) { + mbstate_t state = wcd->state; + char buf[BUF_SIZE]; + size_t bufcount = wcrtomb(buf,(wchar_t)0,&state); + if (bufcount == (size_t)(-1) || bufcount == 0 || buf[bufcount-1] != '\0') + abort(); + else { + const char* bufptr = buf; + size_t bufleft = bufcount-1; + char* outptr = *outbuf; + size_t outleft = *outbytesleft; + size_t res = unicode_loop_convert(&wcd->parent, + &bufptr,&bufleft, + &outptr,&outleft); + if (res == (size_t)(-1)) { + if (errno == E2BIG) + return -1; + else + abort(); + } else { + res = unicode_loop_reset(&wcd->parent,&outptr,&outleft); + if (res == (size_t)(-1)) + return res; + else { + /* Successful. */ + wcd->state = state; + *outbuf = outptr; + *outbytesleft = outleft; + return 0; + } + } + } + } else + return unicode_loop_reset(&wcd->parent,outbuf,outbytesleft); + } +} + +#endif + + +#if HAVE_MBRTOWC + +/* From anything else to wchar_t. */ + +#ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG + +struct mb_to_wc_fallback_locals { + char* l_outbuf; + size_t l_outbytesleft; + int l_errno; +}; + +static void mb_to_wc_write_replacement (const wchar_t *buf, size_t buflen, + void* callback_arg) +{ + struct mb_to_wc_fallback_locals * plocals = + (struct mb_to_wc_fallback_locals *) callback_arg; + /* Do nothing if already encountered an error in a previous call. */ + if (plocals->l_errno == 0) { + /* Attempt to copy the passed buffer to the output buffer. */ + if (plocals->l_outbytesleft < sizeof(wchar_t)*buflen) + plocals->l_errno = E2BIG; + else { + for (; buflen > 0; buf++, buflen--) { + *(wchar_t*) plocals->l_outbuf = *buf; + plocals->l_outbuf += sizeof(wchar_t); + plocals->l_outbytesleft -= sizeof(wchar_t); + } + } + } +} + +#endif /* !LIBICONV_PLUG */ + +static size_t wchar_to_loop_convert (iconv_t icd, + const char* * inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, + char* * outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft) +{ + struct wchar_conv_struct * wcd = (struct wchar_conv_struct *) icd; + size_t result = 0; + while (*inbytesleft > 0) { + size_t incount; + for (incount = 1; ; ) { + /* Here incount <= *inbytesleft. */ + char buf[BUF_SIZE]; + const char* inptr = *inbuf; + size_t inleft = incount; + char* bufptr = buf; + size_t bufleft = BUF_SIZE; + size_t res = unicode_loop_convert(&wcd->parent, + &inptr,&inleft, + &bufptr,&bufleft); + if (res == (size_t)(-1)) { + if (errno == EILSEQ) + /* Invalid input. */ + return -1; + else if (errno == EINVAL) { + /* Incomplete input. Next try with one more input byte. */ + } else + /* E2BIG shouldn't occur. */ + abort(); + } else { + /* Successful conversion. */ + size_t bufcount = bufptr-buf; /* = BUF_SIZE-bufleft */ + mbstate_t state = wcd->state; + wchar_t wc; + res = mbrtowc(&wc,buf,bufcount,&state); + if (res == (size_t)(-2)) { + /* Next try with one more input byte. */ + } else { + if (res == (size_t)(-1)) { + /* Invalid input. */ + if (wcd->parent.discard_ilseq) { + } + #ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG + else if (wcd->parent.fallbacks.mb_to_wc_fallback != NULL) { + /* Drop the contents of buf[] accumulated so far, and instead + pass all queued chars to the fallback handler. */ + struct mb_to_wc_fallback_locals locals; + locals.l_outbuf = *outbuf; + locals.l_outbytesleft = *outbytesleft; + locals.l_errno = 0; + wcd->parent.fallbacks.mb_to_wc_fallback(*inbuf, incount, + mb_to_wc_write_replacement, + &locals, + wcd->parent.fallbacks.data); + if (locals.l_errno != 0) { + errno = locals.l_errno; + return -1; + } + /* Restoring the state is not needed because it is the initial + state anyway: For all known locale encodings, the multibyte + to wchar_t conversion doesn't have shift state, and we have + excluded partial accumulated characters. */ + /* wcd->state = state; */ + *inbuf += incount; + *inbytesleft -= incount; + *outbuf = locals.l_outbuf; + *outbytesleft = locals.l_outbytesleft; + result += 1; + break; + } + #endif + else + return -1; + } else { + if (*outbytesleft < sizeof(wchar_t)) { + errno = E2BIG; + return -1; + } + *(wchar_t*) *outbuf = wc; + /* Restoring the state is not needed because it is the initial + state anyway: For all known locale encodings, the multibyte + to wchar_t conversion doesn't have shift state, and we have + excluded partial accumulated characters. */ + /* wcd->state = state; */ + *outbuf += sizeof(wchar_t); + *outbytesleft -= sizeof(wchar_t); + } + *inbuf += incount; + *inbytesleft -= incount; + result += res; + break; + } + } + incount++; + if (incount > *inbytesleft) { + /* Incomplete input. */ + errno = EINVAL; + return -1; + } + } + } + return result; +} + +static size_t wchar_to_loop_reset (iconv_t icd, + char* * outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft) +{ + struct wchar_conv_struct * wcd = (struct wchar_conv_struct *) icd; + size_t res = unicode_loop_reset(&wcd->parent,outbuf,outbytesleft); + if (res == (size_t)(-1)) + return res; + memset(&wcd->state,0,sizeof(mbstate_t)); + return 0; +} + +#endif + + +/* From wchar_t to wchar_t. */ + +static size_t wchar_id_loop_convert (iconv_t icd, + const char* * inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, + char* * outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft) +{ + struct conv_struct * cd = (struct conv_struct *) icd; + const wchar_t* inptr = (const wchar_t*) *inbuf; + size_t inleft = *inbytesleft / sizeof(wchar_t); + wchar_t* outptr = (wchar_t*) *outbuf; + size_t outleft = *outbytesleft / sizeof(wchar_t); + size_t count = (inleft <= outleft ? inleft : outleft); + if (count > 0) { + *inbytesleft -= count * sizeof(wchar_t); + *outbytesleft -= count * sizeof(wchar_t); + do { + wchar_t wc = *inptr++; + *outptr++ = wc; + #ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG + if (cd->hooks.wc_hook) + (*cd->hooks.wc_hook)(wc, cd->hooks.data); + #endif + } while (--count > 0); + *inbuf = (const char*) inptr; + *outbuf = (char*) outptr; + } + return 0; +} + +static size_t wchar_id_loop_reset (iconv_t icd, + char* * outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft) +{ + return 0; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/loops.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/loops.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..782cc0926 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/loops.h @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* This file defines all the loops. */ + +#include "loop_unicode.h" +#include "loop_wchar.h" + diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_arabic.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_arabic.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9d05a1ab6 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_arabic.h @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * MacArabic + */ + +static const unsigned short mac_arabic_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00c4, 0x00a0, 0x00c7, 0x00c9, 0x00d1, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x00e1, + 0x00e0, 0x00e2, 0x00e4, 0x06ba, 0x00ab, 0x00e7, 0x00e9, 0x00e8, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00ed, 0x2026, 0x00ee, 0x00ef, 0x00f1, 0x00f3, + 0x00bb, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x00f7, 0x00fa, 0x00f9, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x066a, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x060c, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x0660, 0x0661, 0x0662, 0x0663, 0x0664, 0x0665, 0x0666, 0x0667, + 0x0668, 0x0669, 0xfffd, 0x061b, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x061f, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x066d, 0x0621, 0x0622, 0x0623, 0x0624, 0x0625, 0x0626, 0x0627, + 0x0628, 0x0629, 0x062a, 0x062b, 0x062c, 0x062d, 0x062e, 0x062f, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0630, 0x0631, 0x0632, 0x0633, 0x0634, 0x0635, 0x0636, 0x0637, + 0x0638, 0x0639, 0x063a, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0640, 0x0641, 0x0642, 0x0643, 0x0644, 0x0645, 0x0646, 0x0647, + 0x0648, 0x0649, 0x064a, 0x064b, 0x064c, 0x064d, 0x064e, 0x064f, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0650, 0x0651, 0x0652, 0x067e, 0x0679, 0x0686, 0x06d5, 0x06a4, + 0x06af, 0x0688, 0x0691, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x0698, 0x06d2, +}; + +static int +mac_arabic_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = mac_arabic_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char mac_arabic_page00[96] = { + 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x98, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x82, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x84, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x86, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x88, 0x87, 0x89, 0x00, 0x8a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8d, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x8f, 0x8e, 0x90, 0x91, 0x00, 0x92, 0x94, 0x95, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x96, 0x00, 0x97, 0x99, 0x00, 0x9a, 0x9b, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x00, 0x9d, 0x9c, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_arabic_page06[208] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xac, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbf, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xa5, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0xf4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf3, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf5, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xf9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0xfa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x8b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ +}; + +static int +mac_arabic_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = mac_arabic_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0608 && wc < 0x06d8) + c = mac_arabic_page06[wc-0x0608]; + else if (wc == 0x2026) + c = 0x93; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_centraleurope.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_centraleurope.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be030cfc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_centraleurope.h @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * MacCentralEurope + */ + +static const unsigned short mac_centraleurope_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00c4, 0x0100, 0x0101, 0x00c9, 0x0104, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x00e1, + 0x0105, 0x010c, 0x00e4, 0x010d, 0x0106, 0x0107, 0x00e9, 0x0179, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x017a, 0x010e, 0x00ed, 0x010f, 0x0112, 0x0113, 0x0116, 0x00f3, + 0x0117, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x00f5, 0x00fa, 0x011a, 0x011b, 0x00fc, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x2020, 0x00b0, 0x0118, 0x00a3, 0x00a7, 0x2022, 0x00b6, 0x00df, + 0x00ae, 0x00a9, 0x2122, 0x0119, 0x00a8, 0x2260, 0x0123, 0x012e, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x012f, 0x012a, 0x2264, 0x2265, 0x012b, 0x0136, 0x2202, 0x2211, + 0x0142, 0x013b, 0x013c, 0x013d, 0x013e, 0x0139, 0x013a, 0x0145, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0146, 0x0143, 0x00ac, 0x221a, 0x0144, 0x0147, 0x2206, 0x00ab, + 0x00bb, 0x2026, 0x00a0, 0x0148, 0x0150, 0x00d5, 0x0151, 0x014c, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x2013, 0x2014, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x00f7, 0x25ca, + 0x014d, 0x0154, 0x0155, 0x0158, 0x2039, 0x203a, 0x0159, 0x0156, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0157, 0x0160, 0x201a, 0x201e, 0x0161, 0x015a, 0x015b, 0x00c1, + 0x0164, 0x0165, 0x00cd, 0x017d, 0x017e, 0x016a, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x016b, 0x016e, 0x00da, 0x016f, 0x0170, 0x0171, 0x0172, 0x0173, + 0x00dd, 0x00fd, 0x0137, 0x017b, 0x0141, 0x017c, 0x0122, 0x02c7, +}; + +static int +mac_centraleurope_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) mac_centraleurope_2uni[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char mac_centraleurope_page00[224] = { + 0xca, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa4, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xac, 0xa9, 0x00, 0xc7, 0xc2, 0x00, 0xa8, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xa1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa6, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0xe7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xea, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xee, 0xef, 0xcd, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x86, 0xf8, 0x00, 0xa7, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0x87, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0x8e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x92, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x97, 0x99, 0x9b, 0x9a, 0xd6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x9c, 0x00, 0x9f, 0xf9, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x0100 */ + 0x81, 0x82, 0x00, 0x00, 0x84, 0x88, 0x8c, 0x8d, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x89, 0x8b, 0x91, 0x93, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x94, 0x95, 0x00, 0x00, 0x96, 0x98, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xa2, 0xab, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe, 0xae, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xb1, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaf, 0xb0, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb5, 0xfa, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0xfc, 0xb8, 0xc1, 0xc4, 0xbf, 0xc0, 0xc5, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xcb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcf, 0xd8, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xcc, 0xce, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdf, 0xe0, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xdb, 0xde, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xe1, 0xe4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe8, 0xe9, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xed, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf1, 0xf3, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x8f, 0x90, 0xfb, 0xfd, 0xeb, 0xec, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_centraleurope_page20[48] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xe2, 0x00, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xe3, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xa0, 0x00, 0xa5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_centraleurope_page22[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0xb6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc6, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0xb7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_centraleurope_page22_1[8] = { + 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ +}; + +static int +mac_centraleurope_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0180) + c = mac_centraleurope_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc == 0x02c7) + c = 0xff; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2040) + c = mac_centraleurope_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc == 0x2122) + c = 0xaa; + else if (wc >= 0x2200 && wc < 0x2220) + c = mac_centraleurope_page22[wc-0x2200]; + else if (wc >= 0x2260 && wc < 0x2268) + c = mac_centraleurope_page22_1[wc-0x2260]; + else if (wc == 0x25ca) + c = 0xd7; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_croatian.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_croatian.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..582f3e05c --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_croatian.h @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * MacCroatian + */ + +static const unsigned short mac_croatian_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00c4, 0x00c5, 0x00c7, 0x00c9, 0x00d1, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x00e1, + 0x00e0, 0x00e2, 0x00e4, 0x00e3, 0x00e5, 0x00e7, 0x00e9, 0x00e8, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00ed, 0x00ec, 0x00ee, 0x00ef, 0x00f1, 0x00f3, + 0x00f2, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x00f5, 0x00fa, 0x00f9, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x2020, 0x00b0, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00a7, 0x2022, 0x00b6, 0x00df, + 0x00ae, 0x0160, 0x2122, 0x00b4, 0x00a8, 0x2260, 0x017d, 0x00d8, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x221e, 0x00b1, 0x2264, 0x2265, 0x2206, 0x00b5, 0x2202, 0x2211, + 0x220f, 0x0161, 0x222b, 0x00aa, 0x00ba, 0x2126, 0x017e, 0x00f8, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x00bf, 0x00a1, 0x00ac, 0x221a, 0x0192, 0x2248, 0x0106, 0x00ab, + 0x010c, 0x2026, 0x00a0, 0x00c0, 0x00c3, 0x00d5, 0x0152, 0x0153, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0110, 0x2014, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x00f7, 0x25ca, + 0xfffd, 0x00a9, 0x2044, 0x00a4, 0x2039, 0x203a, 0x00c6, 0x00bb, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x2013, 0x00b7, 0x201a, 0x201e, 0x2030, 0x00c2, 0x0107, 0x00c1, + 0x010d, 0x00c8, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x00cf, 0x00cc, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0111, 0x00d2, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00d9, 0x0131, 0x02c6, 0x02dc, + 0x00af, 0x03c0, 0x00cb, 0x02da, 0x00b8, 0x00ca, 0x00e6, 0x02c7, +}; + +static int +mac_croatian_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = mac_croatian_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char mac_croatian_page00[248] = { + 0xca, 0xc1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa4, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xac, 0xd9, 0xbb, 0xc7, 0xc2, 0x00, 0xa8, 0xf8, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xa1, 0xb1, 0x00, 0x00, 0xab, 0xb5, 0xa6, 0xe1, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xfc, 0x00, 0xbc, 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xcb, 0xe7, 0xe5, 0xcc, 0x80, 0x81, 0xde, 0x82, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xe9, 0x83, 0xfd, 0xfa, 0xed, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x84, 0xf1, 0xee, 0xef, 0xcd, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xaf, 0xf4, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0x86, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa7, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x88, 0x87, 0x89, 0x8b, 0x8a, 0x8c, 0xfe, 0x8d, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x8f, 0x8e, 0x90, 0x91, 0x93, 0x92, 0x94, 0x95, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x96, 0x98, 0x97, 0x99, 0x9b, 0x9a, 0xd6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0xbf, 0x9d, 0x9c, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x0100 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc6, 0xe6, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc8, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xd0, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0xf5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xce, 0xcf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xa9, 0xb9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xae, 0xbe, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_croatian_page02[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xff, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xfb, 0x00, 0xf7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_croatian_page20[56] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0, 0xd1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xe2, 0x00, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xe3, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xa0, 0x00, 0xa5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xe4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_croatian_page21[8] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbd, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_croatian_page22[104] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0xb6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb8, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0xb7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb0, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xba, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ +}; + +static int +mac_croatian_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0198) + c = mac_croatian_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x02c0 && wc < 0x02e0) + c = mac_croatian_page02[wc-0x02c0]; + else if (wc == 0x03c0) + c = 0xf9; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2048) + c = mac_croatian_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc >= 0x2120 && wc < 0x2128) + c = mac_croatian_page21[wc-0x2120]; + else if (wc >= 0x2200 && wc < 0x2268) + c = mac_croatian_page22[wc-0x2200]; + else if (wc == 0x25ca) + c = 0xd7; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_cyrillic.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_cyrillic.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a5b5972f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_cyrillic.h @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * MacCyrillic + */ + +static const unsigned short mac_cyrillic_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0412, 0x0413, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0416, 0x0417, + 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041a, 0x041b, 0x041c, 0x041d, 0x041e, 0x041f, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0424, 0x0425, 0x0426, 0x0427, + 0x0428, 0x0429, 0x042a, 0x042b, 0x042c, 0x042d, 0x042e, 0x042f, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x2020, 0x00b0, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00a7, 0x2022, 0x00b6, 0x0406, + 0x00ae, 0x00a9, 0x2122, 0x0402, 0x0452, 0x2260, 0x0403, 0x0453, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x221e, 0x00b1, 0x2264, 0x2265, 0x0456, 0x00b5, 0x2202, 0x0408, + 0x0404, 0x0454, 0x0407, 0x0457, 0x0409, 0x0459, 0x040a, 0x045a, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0458, 0x0405, 0x00ac, 0x221a, 0x0192, 0x2248, 0x2206, 0x00ab, + 0x00bb, 0x2026, 0x00a0, 0x040b, 0x045b, 0x040c, 0x045c, 0x0455, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x2013, 0x2014, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x00f7, 0x201e, + 0x040e, 0x045e, 0x040f, 0x045f, 0x2116, 0x0401, 0x0451, 0x044f, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0432, 0x0433, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0436, 0x0437, + 0x0438, 0x0439, 0x043a, 0x043b, 0x043c, 0x043d, 0x043e, 0x043f, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0444, 0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, + 0x0448, 0x0449, 0x044a, 0x044b, 0x044c, 0x044d, 0x044e, 0x00a4, +}; + +static int +mac_cyrillic_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c >= 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) mac_cyrillic_2uni[c-0x80]; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char mac_cyrillic_page00[32] = { + 0xca, 0x00, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa4, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xa9, 0x00, 0xc7, 0xc2, 0x00, 0xa8, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xa1, 0xb1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb5, 0xa6, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_cyrillic_page04[96] = { + 0x00, 0xdd, 0xab, 0xae, 0xb8, 0xc1, 0xa7, 0xba, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0xb7, 0xbc, 0xbe, 0xcb, 0xcd, 0x00, 0xd8, 0xda, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xdf, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0xde, 0xac, 0xaf, 0xb9, 0xcf, 0xb4, 0xbb, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xc0, 0xbd, 0xbf, 0xcc, 0xce, 0x00, 0xd9, 0xdb, /* 0x58-0x5f */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_cyrillic_page20[24] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd4, 0xd5, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd7, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xa0, 0x00, 0xa5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_cyrillic_page21[24] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_cyrillic_page22[104] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0xb6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc6, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb0, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ +}; + +static int +mac_cyrillic_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00c0) + c = mac_cyrillic_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc == 0x00f7) + c = 0xd6; + else if (wc == 0x0192) + c = 0xc4; + else if (wc >= 0x0400 && wc < 0x0460) + c = mac_cyrillic_page04[wc-0x0400]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2028) + c = mac_cyrillic_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc >= 0x2110 && wc < 0x2128) + c = mac_cyrillic_page21[wc-0x2110]; + else if (wc >= 0x2200 && wc < 0x2268) + c = mac_cyrillic_page22[wc-0x2200]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_greek.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_greek.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3cc4ac29f --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_greek.h @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * MacGreek + */ + +static const unsigned short mac_greek_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00c4, 0x00b9, 0x00b2, 0x00c9, 0x00b3, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x0385, + 0x00e0, 0x00e2, 0x00e4, 0x0384, 0x00a8, 0x00e7, 0x00e9, 0x00e8, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00a3, 0x2122, 0x00ee, 0x00ef, 0x2022, 0x00bd, + 0x2030, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x00a6, 0x00ad, 0x00f9, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x2020, 0x0393, 0x0394, 0x0398, 0x039b, 0x039e, 0x03a0, 0x00df, + 0x00ae, 0x00a9, 0x03a3, 0x03aa, 0x00a7, 0x2260, 0x00b0, 0x0387, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x0391, 0x00b1, 0x2264, 0x2265, 0x00a5, 0x0392, 0x0395, 0x0396, + 0x0397, 0x0399, 0x039a, 0x039c, 0x03a6, 0x03ab, 0x03a8, 0x03a9, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x03ac, 0x039d, 0x00ac, 0x039f, 0x03a1, 0x2248, 0x03a4, 0x00ab, + 0x00bb, 0x2026, 0x00a0, 0x03a5, 0x03a7, 0x0386, 0x0388, 0x0153, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x2013, 0x2015, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x00f7, 0x0389, + 0x038a, 0x038c, 0x038e, 0x03ad, 0x03ae, 0x03af, 0x03cc, 0x038f, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x03cd, 0x03b1, 0x03b2, 0x03c8, 0x03b4, 0x03b5, 0x03c6, 0x03b3, + 0x03b7, 0x03b9, 0x03be, 0x03ba, 0x03bb, 0x03bc, 0x03bd, 0x03bf, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x03c0, 0x03ce, 0x03c1, 0x03c3, 0x03c4, 0x03b8, 0x03c9, 0x03c2, + 0x03c7, 0x03c5, 0x03b6, 0x03ca, 0x03cb, 0x0390, 0x03b0, 0xfffd, +}; + +static int +mac_greek_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = mac_greek_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char mac_greek_page00[96] = { + 0xca, 0x00, 0x00, 0x92, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x9b, 0xac, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x8c, 0xa9, 0x00, 0xc7, 0xc2, 0x9c, 0xa8, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xae, 0xb1, 0x82, 0x84, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x81, 0x00, 0xc8, 0x00, 0x97, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x86, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa7, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x88, 0x00, 0x89, 0x00, 0x8a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8d, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x8f, 0x8e, 0x90, 0x91, 0x00, 0x00, 0x94, 0x95, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x99, 0x00, 0x9a, 0xd6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x00, 0x9d, 0x00, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_greek_page03[80] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8b, 0x87, 0xcd, 0xaf, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xce, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0x00, 0xd9, 0x00, 0xda, 0xdf, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xfd, 0xb0, 0xb5, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb8, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0xa3, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xa4, 0xbb, 0xc1, 0xa5, 0xc3, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xa6, 0xc4, 0x00, 0xaa, 0xc6, 0xcb, 0xbc, 0xcc, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xbe, 0xbf, 0xab, 0xbd, 0xc0, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xfe, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe7, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xfa, 0xe8, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xf5, 0xe9, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xea, 0xef, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xf0, 0xf2, 0xf7, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf9, 0xe6, 0xf8, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xe3, 0xf6, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xde, 0xe0, 0xf1, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_greek_page20[40] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd0, 0x00, 0xd1, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd4, 0xd5, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xa0, 0x00, 0x96, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x98, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_greek_page22[32] = { + 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ +}; + +static int +mac_greek_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = mac_greek_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc == 0x0153) + c = 0xcf; + else if (wc >= 0x0380 && wc < 0x03d0) + c = mac_greek_page03[wc-0x0380]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2038) + c = mac_greek_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc == 0x2122) + c = 0x93; + else if (wc >= 0x2248 && wc < 0x2268) + c = mac_greek_page22[wc-0x2248]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_hebrew.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_hebrew.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7f97bb6b --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_hebrew.h @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * MacHebrew + */ + +static const unsigned short mac_hebrew_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00c4, 0xfb1f, 0x00c7, 0x00c9, 0x00d1, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x00e1, + 0x00e0, 0x00e2, 0x00e4, 0x00e3, 0x00e5, 0x00e7, 0x00e9, 0x00e8, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00ed, 0x00ec, 0x00ee, 0x00ef, 0x00f1, 0x00f3, + 0x00f2, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x00f5, 0x00fa, 0x00f9, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x20aa, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0xfffd, 0x201e, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x05bc, 0xfb4b, + 0xfb35, 0x2026, 0x00a0, 0x05b8, 0x05b7, 0x05b5, 0x05b6, 0x05b4, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x2013, 0x2014, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0xfb2a, 0xfb2b, + 0x05bf, 0x05b0, 0x05b2, 0x05b1, 0x05bb, 0x05b9, 0xfffd, 0x05b3, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x05d0, 0x05d1, 0x05d2, 0x05d3, 0x05d4, 0x05d5, 0x05d6, 0x05d7, + 0x05d8, 0x05d9, 0x05da, 0x05db, 0x05dc, 0x05dd, 0x05de, 0x05df, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x05e0, 0x05e1, 0x05e2, 0x05e3, 0x05e4, 0x05e5, 0x05e6, 0x05e7, + 0x05e8, 0x05e9, 0x05ea, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, +}; + +static int +mac_hebrew_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else if (c >= 0x80) { + unsigned short wc = mac_hebrew_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char mac_hebrew_page00[96] = { + 0xca, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x82, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x84, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x86, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x88, 0x87, 0x89, 0x8b, 0x8a, 0x8c, 0x00, 0x8d, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x8f, 0x8e, 0x90, 0x91, 0x93, 0x92, 0x94, 0x95, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x96, 0x98, 0x97, 0x99, 0x9b, 0x9a, 0x00, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x00, 0x9d, 0x9c, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_hebrew_page05[64] = { + 0xd9, 0xdb, 0xda, 0xdf, 0xcf, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcc, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xcb, 0xdd, 0x00, 0xdc, 0xc6, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd8, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_hebrew_page20[24] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd4, 0xd5, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xc1, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_hebrew_pagefb[56] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x81, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xd6, 0xd7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc8, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ +}; + +static int +mac_hebrew_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = mac_hebrew_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x05b0 && wc < 0x05f0) + c = mac_hebrew_page05[wc-0x05b0]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2028) + c = mac_hebrew_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc == 0x20aa) + c = 0xa6; + else if (wc >= 0xfb18 && wc < 0xfb50) + c = mac_hebrew_pagefb[wc-0xfb18]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_iceland.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_iceland.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b49f1642a --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_iceland.h @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * MacIceland + */ + +static const unsigned short mac_iceland_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00c4, 0x00c5, 0x00c7, 0x00c9, 0x00d1, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x00e1, + 0x00e0, 0x00e2, 0x00e4, 0x00e3, 0x00e5, 0x00e7, 0x00e9, 0x00e8, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00ed, 0x00ec, 0x00ee, 0x00ef, 0x00f1, 0x00f3, + 0x00f2, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x00f5, 0x00fa, 0x00f9, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00dd, 0x00b0, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00a7, 0x2022, 0x00b6, 0x00df, + 0x00ae, 0x00a9, 0x2122, 0x00b4, 0x00a8, 0x2260, 0x00c6, 0x00d8, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x221e, 0x00b1, 0x2264, 0x2265, 0x00a5, 0x00b5, 0x2202, 0x2211, + 0x220f, 0x03c0, 0x222b, 0x00aa, 0x00ba, 0x2126, 0x00e6, 0x00f8, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x00bf, 0x00a1, 0x00ac, 0x221a, 0x0192, 0x2248, 0x2206, 0x00ab, + 0x00bb, 0x2026, 0x00a0, 0x00c0, 0x00c3, 0x00d5, 0x0152, 0x0153, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x2013, 0x2014, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x00f7, 0x25ca, + 0x00ff, 0x0178, 0x2044, 0x00a4, 0x00d0, 0x00f0, 0x00de, 0x00fe, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x00fd, 0x00b7, 0x201a, 0x201e, 0x2030, 0x00c2, 0x00ca, 0x00c1, + 0x00cb, 0x00c8, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x00cf, 0x00cc, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0xfffd, 0x00d2, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00d9, 0x0131, 0x02c6, 0x02dc, + 0x00af, 0x02d8, 0x02d9, 0x02da, 0x00b8, 0x02dd, 0x02db, 0x02c7, +}; + +static int +mac_iceland_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = mac_iceland_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char mac_iceland_page00[96] = { + 0xca, 0xc1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xdb, 0xb4, 0x00, 0xa4, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xac, 0xa9, 0xbb, 0xc7, 0xc2, 0x00, 0xa8, 0xf8, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xa1, 0xb1, 0x00, 0x00, 0xab, 0xb5, 0xa6, 0xe1, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xfc, 0x00, 0xbc, 0xc8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xcb, 0xe7, 0xe5, 0xcc, 0x80, 0x81, 0xae, 0x82, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xe9, 0x83, 0xe6, 0xe8, 0xed, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0xdc, 0x84, 0xf1, 0xee, 0xef, 0xcd, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xaf, 0xf4, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0x86, 0xa0, 0xde, 0xa7, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x88, 0x87, 0x89, 0x8b, 0x8a, 0x8c, 0xbe, 0x8d, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x8f, 0x8e, 0x90, 0x91, 0x93, 0x92, 0x94, 0x95, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0xdd, 0x96, 0x98, 0x97, 0x99, 0x9b, 0x9a, 0xd6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0xbf, 0x9d, 0x9c, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0xe0, 0xdf, 0xd8, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_iceland_page01[104] = { + 0x00, 0xf5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xce, 0xcf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_iceland_page02[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xff, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfe, 0xf7, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_iceland_page20[56] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xe2, 0x00, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xe3, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xa5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xe4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_iceland_page21[8] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbd, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_iceland_page22[104] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0xb6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc6, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb8, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0xb7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb0, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xba, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ +}; + +static int +mac_iceland_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = mac_iceland_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0130 && wc < 0x0198) + c = mac_iceland_page01[wc-0x0130]; + else if (wc >= 0x02c0 && wc < 0x02e0) + c = mac_iceland_page02[wc-0x02c0]; + else if (wc == 0x03c0) + c = 0xb9; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2048) + c = mac_iceland_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc >= 0x2120 && wc < 0x2128) + c = mac_iceland_page21[wc-0x2120]; + else if (wc >= 0x2200 && wc < 0x2268) + c = mac_iceland_page22[wc-0x2200]; + else if (wc == 0x25ca) + c = 0xd7; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_roman.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_roman.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7a6d51aa0 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_roman.h @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * MacRoman + */ + +static const unsigned short mac_roman_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00c4, 0x00c5, 0x00c7, 0x00c9, 0x00d1, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x00e1, + 0x00e0, 0x00e2, 0x00e4, 0x00e3, 0x00e5, 0x00e7, 0x00e9, 0x00e8, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00ed, 0x00ec, 0x00ee, 0x00ef, 0x00f1, 0x00f3, + 0x00f2, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x00f5, 0x00fa, 0x00f9, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x2020, 0x00b0, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00a7, 0x2022, 0x00b6, 0x00df, + 0x00ae, 0x00a9, 0x2122, 0x00b4, 0x00a8, 0x2260, 0x00c6, 0x00d8, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x221e, 0x00b1, 0x2264, 0x2265, 0x00a5, 0x00b5, 0x2202, 0x2211, + 0x220f, 0x03c0, 0x222b, 0x00aa, 0x00ba, 0x2126, 0x00e6, 0x00f8, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x00bf, 0x00a1, 0x00ac, 0x221a, 0x0192, 0x2248, 0x2206, 0x00ab, + 0x00bb, 0x2026, 0x00a0, 0x00c0, 0x00c3, 0x00d5, 0x0152, 0x0153, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x2013, 0x2014, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x00f7, 0x25ca, + 0x00ff, 0x0178, 0x2044, 0x00a4, 0x2039, 0x203a, 0xfb01, 0xfb02, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x2021, 0x00b7, 0x201a, 0x201e, 0x2030, 0x00c2, 0x00ca, 0x00c1, + 0x00cb, 0x00c8, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x00cf, 0x00cc, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0xfffd, 0x00d2, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00d9, 0x0131, 0x02c6, 0x02dc, + 0x00af, 0x02d8, 0x02d9, 0x02da, 0x00b8, 0x02dd, 0x02db, 0x02c7, +}; + +static int +mac_roman_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = mac_roman_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char mac_roman_page00[96] = { + 0xca, 0xc1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xdb, 0xb4, 0x00, 0xa4, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xac, 0xa9, 0xbb, 0xc7, 0xc2, 0x00, 0xa8, 0xf8, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xa1, 0xb1, 0x00, 0x00, 0xab, 0xb5, 0xa6, 0xe1, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xfc, 0x00, 0xbc, 0xc8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xcb, 0xe7, 0xe5, 0xcc, 0x80, 0x81, 0xae, 0x82, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xe9, 0x83, 0xe6, 0xe8, 0xed, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x84, 0xf1, 0xee, 0xef, 0xcd, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xaf, 0xf4, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0x86, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa7, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x88, 0x87, 0x89, 0x8b, 0x8a, 0x8c, 0xbe, 0x8d, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x8f, 0x8e, 0x90, 0x91, 0x93, 0x92, 0x94, 0x95, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x96, 0x98, 0x97, 0x99, 0x9b, 0x9a, 0xd6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0xbf, 0x9d, 0x9c, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd8, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_roman_page01[104] = { + 0x00, 0xf5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xce, 0xcf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_roman_page02[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xff, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfe, 0xf7, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_roman_page20[56] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xe2, 0x00, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xe3, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xa0, 0xe0, 0xa5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xe4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_roman_page21[8] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbd, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_roman_page22[104] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0xb6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc6, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb8, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0xb7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb0, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xba, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_roman_pagefb[8] = { + 0x00, 0xde, 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ +}; + +static int +mac_roman_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = mac_roman_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0130 && wc < 0x0198) + c = mac_roman_page01[wc-0x0130]; + else if (wc >= 0x02c0 && wc < 0x02e0) + c = mac_roman_page02[wc-0x02c0]; + else if (wc == 0x03c0) + c = 0xb9; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2048) + c = mac_roman_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc >= 0x2120 && wc < 0x2128) + c = mac_roman_page21[wc-0x2120]; + else if (wc >= 0x2200 && wc < 0x2268) + c = mac_roman_page22[wc-0x2200]; + else if (wc == 0x25ca) + c = 0xd7; + else if (wc >= 0xfb00 && wc < 0xfb08) + c = mac_roman_pagefb[wc-0xfb00]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_romania.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_romania.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2d35562d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_romania.h @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * MacRomania + */ + +static const unsigned short mac_romania_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00c4, 0x00c5, 0x00c7, 0x00c9, 0x00d1, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x00e1, + 0x00e0, 0x00e2, 0x00e4, 0x00e3, 0x00e5, 0x00e7, 0x00e9, 0x00e8, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00ed, 0x00ec, 0x00ee, 0x00ef, 0x00f1, 0x00f3, + 0x00f2, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x00f5, 0x00fa, 0x00f9, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x2020, 0x00b0, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00a7, 0x2022, 0x00b6, 0x00df, + 0x00ae, 0x00a9, 0x2122, 0x00b4, 0x00a8, 0x2260, 0x0102, 0x015e, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x221e, 0x00b1, 0x2264, 0x2265, 0x00a5, 0x00b5, 0x2202, 0x2211, + 0x220f, 0x03c0, 0x222b, 0x00aa, 0x00ba, 0x2126, 0x0103, 0x015f, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x00bf, 0x00a1, 0x00ac, 0x221a, 0x0192, 0x2248, 0x2206, 0x00ab, + 0x00bb, 0x2026, 0x00a0, 0x00c0, 0x00c3, 0x00d5, 0x0152, 0x0153, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x2013, 0x2014, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x00f7, 0x25ca, + 0x00ff, 0x0178, 0x2044, 0x00a4, 0x2039, 0x203a, 0x0162, 0x0163, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x2021, 0x00b7, 0x201a, 0x201e, 0x2030, 0x00c2, 0x00ca, 0x00c1, + 0x00cb, 0x00c8, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x00cf, 0x00cc, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0xfffd, 0x00d2, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00d9, 0x0131, 0x02c6, 0x02dc, + 0x00af, 0x02d8, 0x02d9, 0x02da, 0x00b8, 0x02dd, 0x02db, 0x02c7, +}; + +static int +mac_romania_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = mac_romania_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char mac_romania_page00[248] = { + 0xca, 0xc1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xdb, 0xb4, 0x00, 0xa4, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xac, 0xa9, 0xbb, 0xc7, 0xc2, 0x00, 0xa8, 0xf8, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xa1, 0xb1, 0x00, 0x00, 0xab, 0xb5, 0xa6, 0xe1, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xfc, 0x00, 0xbc, 0xc8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xcb, 0xe7, 0xe5, 0xcc, 0x80, 0x81, 0x00, 0x82, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xe9, 0x83, 0xe6, 0xe8, 0xed, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x84, 0xf1, 0xee, 0xef, 0xcd, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0xf4, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0x86, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa7, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x88, 0x87, 0x89, 0x8b, 0x8a, 0x8c, 0x00, 0x8d, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x8f, 0x8e, 0x90, 0x91, 0x93, 0x92, 0x94, 0x95, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x96, 0x98, 0x97, 0x99, 0x9b, 0x9a, 0xd6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x00, 0x9d, 0x9c, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd8, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x0100 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xae, 0xbe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0xf5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xce, 0xcf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaf, 0xbf, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xde, 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_romania_page02[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xff, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfe, 0xf7, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_romania_page20[56] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xe2, 0x00, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xe3, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xa0, 0xe0, 0xa5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xe4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_romania_page21[8] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbd, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_romania_page22[104] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0xb6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc6, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb8, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0xb7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb0, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xba, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ +}; + +static int +mac_romania_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0198) + c = mac_romania_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x02c0 && wc < 0x02e0) + c = mac_romania_page02[wc-0x02c0]; + else if (wc == 0x03c0) + c = 0xb9; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2048) + c = mac_romania_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc >= 0x2120 && wc < 0x2128) + c = mac_romania_page21[wc-0x2120]; + else if (wc >= 0x2200 && wc < 0x2268) + c = mac_romania_page22[wc-0x2200]; + else if (wc == 0x25ca) + c = 0xd7; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_thai.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_thai.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..74d15aaf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_thai.h @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * MacThai + */ + +static const unsigned short mac_thai_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00ab, 0x00bb, 0x2026, 0xf88c, 0xf88f, 0xf892, 0xf895, 0xf898, + 0xf88b, 0xf88e, 0xf891, 0xf894, 0xf897, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0xf899, + /* 0x90 */ + 0xfffd, 0x2022, 0xf884, 0xf889, 0xf885, 0xf886, 0xf887, 0xf888, + 0xf88a, 0xf88d, 0xf890, 0xf893, 0xf896, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0xfffd, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x0e01, 0x0e02, 0x0e03, 0x0e04, 0x0e05, 0x0e06, 0x0e07, + 0x0e08, 0x0e09, 0x0e0a, 0x0e0b, 0x0e0c, 0x0e0d, 0x0e0e, 0x0e0f, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x0e10, 0x0e11, 0x0e12, 0x0e13, 0x0e14, 0x0e15, 0x0e16, 0x0e17, + 0x0e18, 0x0e19, 0x0e1a, 0x0e1b, 0x0e1c, 0x0e1d, 0x0e1e, 0x0e1f, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0e20, 0x0e21, 0x0e22, 0x0e23, 0x0e24, 0x0e25, 0x0e26, 0x0e27, + 0x0e28, 0x0e29, 0x0e2a, 0x0e2b, 0x0e2c, 0x0e2d, 0x0e2e, 0x0e2f, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0e30, 0x0e31, 0x0e32, 0x0e33, 0x0e34, 0x0e35, 0x0e36, 0x0e37, + 0x0e38, 0x0e39, 0x0e3a, 0xfeff, 0x200b, 0x2013, 0x2014, 0x0e3f, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0e40, 0x0e41, 0x0e42, 0x0e43, 0x0e44, 0x0e45, 0x0e46, 0x0e47, + 0x0e48, 0x0e49, 0x0e4a, 0x0e4b, 0x0e4c, 0x0e4d, 0x2122, 0x0e4f, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0e50, 0x0e51, 0x0e52, 0x0e53, 0x0e54, 0x0e55, 0x0e56, 0x0e57, + 0x0e58, 0x0e59, 0x00ae, 0x00a9, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, +}; + +static int +mac_thai_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = mac_thai_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char mac_thai_page00[32] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfa, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_thai_page0e[96] = { + 0x00, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdf, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0x00, 0xef, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_thai_page20[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdd, 0xde, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x91, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x82, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_thai_pagef8[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x92, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x97, 0x93, 0x98, 0x88, 0x83, 0x99, 0x89, 0x84, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x9a, 0x8a, 0x85, 0x9b, 0x8b, 0x86, 0x9c, 0x8c, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x87, 0x8f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ +}; + +static int +mac_thai_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00c0) + c = mac_thai_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0e00 && wc < 0x0e60) + c = mac_thai_page0e[wc-0x0e00]; + else if (wc >= 0x2008 && wc < 0x2028) + c = mac_thai_page20[wc-0x2008]; + else if (wc == 0x2122) + c = 0xee; + else if (wc >= 0xf880 && wc < 0xf8a0) + c = mac_thai_pagef8[wc-0xf880]; + else if (wc == 0xfeff) + c = 0xdb; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_turkish.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_turkish.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..94f7d376b --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_turkish.h @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * MacTurkish + */ + +static const unsigned short mac_turkish_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00c4, 0x00c5, 0x00c7, 0x00c9, 0x00d1, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x00e1, + 0x00e0, 0x00e2, 0x00e4, 0x00e3, 0x00e5, 0x00e7, 0x00e9, 0x00e8, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00ed, 0x00ec, 0x00ee, 0x00ef, 0x00f1, 0x00f3, + 0x00f2, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x00f5, 0x00fa, 0x00f9, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x2020, 0x00b0, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00a7, 0x2022, 0x00b6, 0x00df, + 0x00ae, 0x00a9, 0x2122, 0x00b4, 0x00a8, 0x2260, 0x00c6, 0x00d8, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x221e, 0x00b1, 0x2264, 0x2265, 0x00a5, 0x00b5, 0x2202, 0x2211, + 0x220f, 0x03c0, 0x222b, 0x00aa, 0x00ba, 0x2126, 0x00e6, 0x00f8, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x00bf, 0x00a1, 0x00ac, 0x221a, 0x0192, 0x2248, 0x2206, 0x00ab, + 0x00bb, 0x2026, 0x00a0, 0x00c0, 0x00c3, 0x00d5, 0x0152, 0x0153, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x2013, 0x2014, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x00f7, 0x25ca, + 0x00ff, 0x0178, 0x011e, 0x011f, 0x0130, 0x0131, 0x015e, 0x015f, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x2021, 0x00b7, 0x201a, 0x201e, 0x2030, 0x00c2, 0x00ca, 0x00c1, + 0x00cb, 0x00c8, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x00cf, 0x00cc, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0xfffd, 0x00d2, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00d9, 0xfffd, 0x02c6, 0x02dc, + 0x00af, 0x02d8, 0x02d9, 0x02da, 0x00b8, 0x02dd, 0x02db, 0x02c7, +}; + +static int +mac_turkish_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = mac_turkish_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char mac_turkish_page00[96] = { + 0xca, 0xc1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0xa4, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xac, 0xa9, 0xbb, 0xc7, 0xc2, 0x00, 0xa8, 0xf8, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xa1, 0xb1, 0x00, 0x00, 0xab, 0xb5, 0xa6, 0xe1, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xfc, 0x00, 0xbc, 0xc8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xcb, 0xe7, 0xe5, 0xcc, 0x80, 0x81, 0xae, 0x82, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xe9, 0x83, 0xe6, 0xe8, 0xed, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x84, 0xf1, 0xee, 0xef, 0xcd, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xaf, 0xf4, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0x86, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa7, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x88, 0x87, 0x89, 0x8b, 0x8a, 0x8c, 0xbe, 0x8d, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x8f, 0x8e, 0x90, 0x91, 0x93, 0x92, 0x94, 0x95, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x96, 0x98, 0x97, 0x99, 0x9b, 0x9a, 0xd6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0xbf, 0x9d, 0x9c, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd8, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_turkish_page01[128] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xda, 0xdb, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xdc, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xce, 0xcf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xde, 0xdf, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_turkish_page02[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xff, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfe, 0xf7, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_turkish_page20[40] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xe2, 0x00, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xe3, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xa0, 0xe0, 0xa5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xe4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_turkish_page21[8] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbd, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_turkish_page22[104] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0xb6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc6, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb8, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0xb7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb0, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xba, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ +}; + +static int +mac_turkish_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = mac_turkish_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0118 && wc < 0x0198) + c = mac_turkish_page01[wc-0x0118]; + else if (wc >= 0x02c0 && wc < 0x02e0) + c = mac_turkish_page02[wc-0x02c0]; + else if (wc == 0x03c0) + c = 0xb9; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2038) + c = mac_turkish_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc >= 0x2120 && wc < 0x2128) + c = mac_turkish_page21[wc-0x2120]; + else if (wc >= 0x2200 && wc < 0x2268) + c = mac_turkish_page22[wc-0x2200]; + else if (wc == 0x25ca) + c = 0xd7; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_ukraine.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_ukraine.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ea17b09c --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mac_ukraine.h @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * MacUkraine + */ + +static const unsigned short mac_ukraine_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0412, 0x0413, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0416, 0x0417, + 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041a, 0x041b, 0x041c, 0x041d, 0x041e, 0x041f, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0424, 0x0425, 0x0426, 0x0427, + 0x0428, 0x0429, 0x042a, 0x042b, 0x042c, 0x042d, 0x042e, 0x042f, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x2020, 0x00b0, 0x0490, 0x00a3, 0x00a7, 0x2022, 0x00b6, 0x0406, + 0x00ae, 0x00a9, 0x2122, 0x0402, 0x0452, 0x2260, 0x0403, 0x0453, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x221e, 0x00b1, 0x2264, 0x2265, 0x0456, 0x00b5, 0x0491, 0x0408, + 0x0404, 0x0454, 0x0407, 0x0457, 0x0409, 0x0459, 0x040a, 0x045a, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0458, 0x0405, 0x00ac, 0x221a, 0x0192, 0x2248, 0x2206, 0x00ab, + 0x00bb, 0x2026, 0x00a0, 0x040b, 0x045b, 0x040c, 0x045c, 0x0455, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x2013, 0x2014, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x00f7, 0x201e, + 0x040e, 0x045e, 0x040f, 0x045f, 0x2116, 0x0401, 0x0451, 0x044f, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0432, 0x0433, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0436, 0x0437, + 0x0438, 0x0439, 0x043a, 0x043b, 0x043c, 0x043d, 0x043e, 0x043f, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0444, 0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, + 0x0448, 0x0449, 0x044a, 0x044b, 0x044c, 0x044d, 0x044e, 0x00a4, +}; + +static int +mac_ukraine_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c >= 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) mac_ukraine_2uni[c-0x80]; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char mac_ukraine_page00[32] = { + 0xca, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa3, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa4, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xa9, 0x00, 0xc7, 0xc2, 0x00, 0xa8, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xa1, 0xb1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb5, 0xa6, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_ukraine_page04[152] = { + 0x00, 0xdd, 0xab, 0xae, 0xb8, 0xc1, 0xa7, 0xba, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0xb7, 0xbc, 0xbe, 0xcb, 0xcd, 0x00, 0xd8, 0xda, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xdf, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0xde, 0xac, 0xaf, 0xb9, 0xcf, 0xb4, 0xbb, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xc0, 0xbd, 0xbf, 0xcc, 0xce, 0x00, 0xd9, 0xdb, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0xa2, 0xb6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_ukraine_page20[24] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xd4, 0xd5, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd7, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xa0, 0x00, 0xa5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc9, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_ukraine_page21[24] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdc, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char mac_ukraine_page22[104] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc6, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb0, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ +}; + +static int +mac_ukraine_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00c0) + c = mac_ukraine_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc == 0x00f7) + c = 0xd6; + else if (wc == 0x0192) + c = 0xc4; + else if (wc >= 0x0400 && wc < 0x0498) + c = mac_ukraine_page04[wc-0x0400]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2028) + c = mac_ukraine_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc >= 0x2110 && wc < 0x2128) + c = mac_ukraine_page21[wc-0x2110]; + else if (wc >= 0x2200 && wc < 0x2268) + c = mac_ukraine_page22[wc-0x2200]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mulelao.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mulelao.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..abfb5cf0e --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/mulelao.h @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * MULELAO-1 + */ + +static const unsigned short mulelao_2uni[96] = { + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x0e81, 0x0e82, 0xfffd, 0x0e84, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x0e87, + 0x0e88, 0xfffd, 0x0e8a, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x0e8d, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x0e94, 0x0e95, 0x0e96, 0x0e97, + 0xfffd, 0x0e99, 0x0e9a, 0x0e9b, 0x0e9c, 0x0e9d, 0x0e9e, 0x0e9f, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0xfffd, 0x0ea1, 0x0ea2, 0x0ea3, 0xfffd, 0x0ea5, 0xfffd, 0x0ea7, + 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x0eaa, 0x0eab, 0xfffd, 0x0ead, 0x0eae, 0x0eaf, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0eb0, 0x0eb1, 0x0eb2, 0x0eb3, 0x0eb4, 0x0eb5, 0x0eb6, 0x0eb7, + 0x0eb8, 0x0eb9, 0xfffd, 0x0ebb, 0x0ebc, 0x0ebd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0ec0, 0x0ec1, 0x0ec2, 0x0ec3, 0x0ec4, 0xfffd, 0x0ec6, 0xfffd, + 0x0ec8, 0x0ec9, 0x0eca, 0x0ecb, 0x0ecc, 0x0ecd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0ed0, 0x0ed1, 0x0ed2, 0x0ed3, 0x0ed4, 0x0ed5, 0x0ed6, 0x0ed7, + 0x0ed8, 0x0ed9, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, 0x0edc, 0x0edd, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, +}; + +static int +mulelao_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0xa0) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = mulelao_2uni[c-0xa0]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char mulelao_page0e[96] = { + 0x00, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0x00, 0xa4, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa7, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0xa8, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0x00, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x00, 0xc7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xca, 0xcb, 0x00, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0x00, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0x00, 0xe6, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; + +static int +mulelao_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x00a0) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc == 0x00a0) + c = 0xa0; + else if (wc >= 0x0e80 && wc < 0x0ee0) + c = mulelao_page0e[wc-0x0e80]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/nextstep.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/nextstep.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ffe41b917 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/nextstep.h @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * NEXTSTEP + */ + +static const unsigned short nextstep_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00a0, 0x00c0, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0x00c3, 0x00c4, 0x00c5, 0x00c7, + 0x00c8, 0x00c9, 0x00ca, 0x00cb, 0x00cc, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x00cf, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00d0, 0x00d1, 0x00d2, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, 0x00d5, 0x00d6, 0x00d9, + 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00dc, 0x00dd, 0x00de, 0x00b5, 0x00d7, 0x00f7, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a9, 0x00a1, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x2044, 0x00a5, 0x0192, 0x00a7, + 0x00a4, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x00ab, 0x2039, 0x203a, 0xfb01, 0xfb02, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00ae, 0x2013, 0x2020, 0x2021, 0x00b7, 0x00a6, 0x00b6, 0x2022, + 0x201a, 0x201e, 0x201d, 0x00bb, 0x2026, 0x2030, 0x00ac, 0x00bf, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x00b9, 0x02cb, 0x00b4, 0x02c6, 0x02dc, 0x00af, 0x02d8, 0x02d9, + 0x00a8, 0x00b2, 0x02da, 0x00b8, 0x00b3, 0x02dd, 0x02db, 0x02c7, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x2014, 0x00b1, 0x00bc, 0x00bd, 0x00be, 0x00e0, 0x00e1, 0x00e2, + 0x00e3, 0x00e4, 0x00e5, 0x00e7, 0x00e8, 0x00e9, 0x00ea, 0x00eb, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x00ec, 0x00c6, 0x00ed, 0x00aa, 0x00ee, 0x00ef, 0x00f0, 0x00f1, + 0x0141, 0x00d8, 0x0152, 0x00ba, 0x00f2, 0x00f3, 0x00f4, 0x00f5, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x00f6, 0x00e6, 0x00f9, 0x00fa, 0x00fb, 0x0131, 0x00fc, 0x00fd, + 0x0142, 0x00f8, 0x0153, 0x00df, 0x00fe, 0x00ff, 0xfffd, 0xfffd, +}; + +static int +nextstep_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = nextstep_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char nextstep_page00[96] = { + 0x80, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa8, 0xa5, 0xb5, 0xa7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xc8, 0xa0, 0xe3, 0xab, 0xbe, 0x00, 0xb0, 0xc5, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0xd1, 0xc9, 0xcc, 0xc2, 0x9d, 0xb6, 0xb4, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0xcb, 0xc0, 0xeb, 0xbb, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xbf, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0xe1, 0x87, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x9e, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xe9, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0xfb, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xf1, 0xdb, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe2, 0xe4, 0xe5, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0xe6, 0xe7, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, 0xf0, 0x9f, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0xf9, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf6, 0xf7, 0xfc, 0xfd, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char nextstep_page01[104] = { + 0x00, 0xf5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0xe8, 0xf8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xea, 0xfa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xa6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ +}; +static const unsigned char nextstep_page02[32] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc3, 0xcf, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xca, 0xce, 0xc4, 0xcd, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; +static const unsigned char nextstep_page20[56] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb1, 0xd0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0xa9, 0xb8, 0x00, 0xaa, 0xba, 0xb9, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbc, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xbd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0xac, 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ +}; +static const unsigned char nextstep_pagefb[8] = { + 0x00, 0xae, 0xaf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ +}; + +static int +nextstep_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = nextstep_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0130 && wc < 0x0198) + c = nextstep_page01[wc-0x0130]; + else if (wc >= 0x02c0 && wc < 0x02e0) + c = nextstep_page02[wc-0x02c0]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2048) + c = nextstep_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc >= 0xfb00 && wc < 0xfb08) + c = nextstep_pagefb[wc-0xfb00]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/pt154.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/pt154.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..36a5d84fc --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/pt154.h @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * PT154 + */ + +static const unsigned short pt154_2uni[64] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x0496, 0x0492, 0x04ee, 0x0493, 0x201e, 0x2026, 0x04b6, 0x04ae, + 0x04b2, 0x04af, 0x04a0, 0x04e2, 0x04a2, 0x049a, 0x04ba, 0x04b8, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x0497, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014, + 0x04b3, 0x04b7, 0x04a1, 0x04e3, 0x04a3, 0x049b, 0x04bb, 0x04b9, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x040e, 0x045e, 0x0408, 0x04e8, 0x0498, 0x04b0, 0x00a7, + 0x0401, 0x00a9, 0x04d8, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x04ef, 0x00ae, 0x049c, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00b0, 0x04b1, 0x0406, 0x0456, 0x0499, 0x04e9, 0x00b6, 0x00b7, + 0x0451, 0x2116, 0x04d9, 0x00bb, 0x0458, 0x04aa, 0x04ab, 0x049d, +}; + +static int +pt154_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else if (c >= 0xc0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c + 0x0350; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) pt154_2uni[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char pt154_page00[32] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xa9, 0x00, 0xab, 0xac, 0x00, 0xae, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ +}; +static const unsigned char pt154_page04[240] = { + 0x00, 0xa8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb2, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0xa3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa1, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0xb8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0xbc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa2, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x81, 0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x90, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0xa5, 0xb4, 0x8d, 0x9d, 0xaf, 0xbf, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0x8a, 0x9a, 0x8c, 0x9c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x87, 0x89, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xa6, 0xb1, 0x88, 0x98, 0x00, 0x00, 0x86, 0x99, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x8f, 0x9f, 0x8e, 0x9e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xaa, 0xba, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x8b, 0x9b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xa4, 0xb5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x82, 0xad, /* 0xe8-0xef */ +}; +static const unsigned char pt154_page20[24] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x96, 0x97, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x91, 0x92, 0x00, 0x00, 0x93, 0x94, 0x84, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x95, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; + +static int +pt154_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00c0) + c = pt154_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0400 && wc < 0x04f0) + c = pt154_page04[wc-0x0400]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2028) + c = pt154_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc == 0x2116) + c = 0xb9; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/relocatable.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/relocatable.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..68fe83ebd --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/relocatable.h @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +/* Provide relocatable packages. + Copyright (C) 2003, 2005, 2008-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Written by Bruno Haible , 2003. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published + by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, + USA. */ + +#ifndef _RELOCATABLE_H +#define _RELOCATABLE_H + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + + +/* This can be enabled through the configure --enable-relocatable option. */ +#if ENABLE_RELOCATABLE + +/* When building a DLL, we must export some functions. Note that because + this is a private .h file, we don't need to use __declspec(dllimport) + in any case. */ +#if HAVE_VISIBILITY && BUILDING_DLL +# define RELOCATABLE_DLL_EXPORTED __attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) +#elif defined _MSC_VER && BUILDING_DLL +# define RELOCATABLE_DLL_EXPORTED __declspec(dllexport) +#else +# define RELOCATABLE_DLL_EXPORTED +#endif + +/* Sets the original and the current installation prefix of the package. + Relocation simply replaces a pathname starting with the original prefix + by the corresponding pathname with the current prefix instead. Both + prefixes should be directory names without trailing slash (i.e. use "" + instead of "/"). */ +extern RELOCATABLE_DLL_EXPORTED void + set_relocation_prefix (const char *orig_prefix, + const char *curr_prefix); + +/* Returns the pathname, relocated according to the current installation + directory. + The returned string is either PATHNAME unmodified or a freshly allocated + string that you can free with free() after casting it to 'char *'. */ +extern const char * relocate (const char *pathname); + +/* Memory management: relocate() potentially allocates memory, because it has + to construct a fresh pathname. If this is a problem because your program + calls relocate() frequently, think about caching the result. Or free the + return value if it was different from the argument pathname. */ + +/* Convenience function: + Computes the current installation prefix, based on the original + installation prefix, the original installation directory of a particular + file, and the current pathname of this file. + Returns it, freshly allocated. Returns NULL upon failure. */ +extern char * compute_curr_prefix (const char *orig_installprefix, + const char *orig_installdir, + const char *curr_pathname); + +#else + +/* By default, we use the hardwired pathnames. */ +#define relocate(pathname) (pathname) + +#endif + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* _RELOCATABLE_H */ diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/riscos1.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/riscos1.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2ebc75134 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/riscos1.h @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * RISCOS-LATIN1 + */ + +static const unsigned short riscos1_2uni[32] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x221a, 0x0174, 0x0175, 0x0083, 0x2573, 0x0176, 0x0177, 0x0087, + 0x21e6, 0x21e8, 0x21e9, 0x21e7, 0x2026, 0x2122, 0x2030, 0x2022, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x2039, 0x203a, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x201e, 0x2013, + 0x2014, 0x2212, 0x0152, 0x0153, 0x2020, 0x2021, 0xfb01, 0xfb02, +}; + +static int +riscos1_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c >= 0x80 && c < 0xa0) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) riscos1_2uni[c-0x80]; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char riscos1_page01[40] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x81, 0x82, 0x85, 0x86, /* 0x70-0x77 */ +}; +static const unsigned char riscos1_page20[48] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x97, 0x98, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x90, 0x91, 0x00, 0x00, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x8f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8c, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x8e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x92, 0x93, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ +}; +static const unsigned char riscos1_page21[16] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x88, 0x8b, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x89, 0x8a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ +}; +static const unsigned char riscos1_page22[16] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x99, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ +}; + +static int +riscos1_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080 || wc == 0x0083 || wc == 0x0087 || (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x0100)) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x0150 && wc < 0x0178) + c = riscos1_page01[wc-0x0150]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2040) + c = riscos1_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc == 0x2122) + c = 0x8d; + else if (wc >= 0x21e0 && wc < 0x21f0) + c = riscos1_page21[wc-0x21e0]; + else if (wc >= 0x2210 && wc < 0x2220) + c = riscos1_page22[wc-0x2210]; + else if (wc == 0x2573) + c = 0x84; + else if (wc >= 0xfb01 && wc < 0xfb03) + c = wc-0xfa63; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/rk1048.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/rk1048.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0e1fde897 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/rk1048.h @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * RK1048 + */ + +static const unsigned short rk1048_2uni[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x0402, 0x0403, 0x201a, 0x0453, 0x201e, 0x2026, 0x2020, 0x2021, + 0x20ac, 0x2030, 0x0409, 0x2039, 0x040a, 0x049a, 0x04ba, 0x040f, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x0452, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014, + 0xfffd, 0x2122, 0x0459, 0x203a, 0x045a, 0x049b, 0x04bb, 0x045f, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x04b0, 0x04b1, 0x04d8, 0x00a4, 0x04e8, 0x00a6, 0x00a7, + 0x0401, 0x00a9, 0x0492, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x00ad, 0x00ae, 0x04ae, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00b0, 0x00b1, 0x0406, 0x0456, 0x04e9, 0x00b5, 0x00b6, 0x00b7, + 0x0451, 0x2116, 0x0493, 0x00bb, 0x04d9, 0x04a2, 0x04a3, 0x04af, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0412, 0x0413, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0416, 0x0417, + 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041a, 0x041b, 0x041c, 0x041d, 0x041e, 0x041f, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0424, 0x0425, 0x0426, 0x0427, + 0x0428, 0x0429, 0x042a, 0x042b, 0x042c, 0x042d, 0x042e, 0x042f, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0432, 0x0433, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0436, 0x0437, + 0x0438, 0x0439, 0x043a, 0x043b, 0x043c, 0x043d, 0x043e, 0x043f, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0444, 0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, + 0x0448, 0x0449, 0x044a, 0x044b, 0x044c, 0x044d, 0x044e, 0x044f, +}; + +static int +rk1048_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else { + unsigned short wc = rk1048_2uni[c-0x80]; + if (wc != 0xfffd) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char rk1048_page00[32] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa4, 0x00, 0xa6, 0xa7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0xa9, 0x00, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ +}; +static const unsigned char rk1048_page04[240] = { + 0x00, 0xa8, 0x80, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb2, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x8a, 0x8c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8f, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0xb8, 0x90, 0x83, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x9a, 0x9c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9f, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0xba, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x8d, 0x9d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaf, 0xbf, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xa1, 0xa2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x8e, 0x9e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0xa3, 0xbc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xa5, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ +}; +static const unsigned char rk1048_page20[48] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x96, 0x97, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x91, 0x92, 0x82, 0x00, 0x93, 0x94, 0x84, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x86, 0x87, 0x95, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x89, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x8b, 0x9b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ +}; +static const unsigned char rk1048_page21[24] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb9, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x99, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; + +static int +rk1048_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x00c0) + c = rk1048_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0400 && wc < 0x04f0) + c = rk1048_page04[wc-0x0400]; + else if (wc >= 0x2010 && wc < 0x2040) + c = rk1048_page20[wc-0x2010]; + else if (wc == 0x20ac) + c = 0x88; + else if (wc >= 0x2110 && wc < 0x2128) + c = rk1048_page21[wc-0x2110]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/shift_jisx0213.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/shift_jisx0213.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..05f00b00b --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/shift_jisx0213.h @@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * SHIFT_JISX0213 + */ + +/* The structure of Shift_JISX0213 is as follows: + + 0x00..0x7F: ISO646-JP, an ASCII variant + + 0x{A1..DF}: JISX0201 Katakana. + + 0x{81..9F,E0..EF}{40..7E,80..FC}: JISX0213 plane 1. + + 0x{F0..FC}{40..7E,80..FC}: JISX0213 plane 2, with irregular row mapping. + + Note that some JISX0213 characters are not contained in Unicode 3.2 + and are therefore best represented as sequences of Unicode characters. +*/ + +#include "jisx0213.h" +#include "flushwc.h" + +static int +shift_jisx0213_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + ucs4_t last_wc = conv->istate; + if (last_wc) { + /* Output the buffered character. */ + conv->istate = 0; + *pwc = last_wc; + return 0; /* Don't advance the input pointer. */ + } else { + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + /* Plain ISO646-JP character. */ + if (c == 0x5c) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) 0x00a5; + else if (c == 0x7e) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) 0x203e; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } else if (c >= 0xa1 && c <= 0xdf) { + *pwc = c + 0xfec0; + return 1; + } else { + if ((c >= 0x81 && c <= 0x9f) || (c >= 0xe0 && c <= 0xfc)) { + /* Two byte character. */ + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 <= 0x7e) || (c2 >= 0x80 && c2 <= 0xfc)) { + unsigned int c1; + ucs4_t wc; + /* Convert to row and column. */ + if (c < 0xe0) + c -= 0x81; + else + c -= 0xc1; + if (c2 < 0x80) + c2 -= 0x40; + else + c2 -= 0x41; + /* Now 0 <= c <= 0x3b, 0 <= c2 <= 0xbb. */ + c1 = 2 * c; + if (c2 >= 0x5e) + c2 -= 0x5e, c1++; + c2 += 0x21; + if (c1 >= 0x5e) { + /* Handling of JISX 0213 plane 2 rows. */ + if (c1 >= 0x67) + c1 += 230; + else if (c1 >= 0x63 || c1 == 0x5f) + c1 += 168; + else + c1 += 162; + } + wc = jisx0213_to_ucs4(0x121+c1,c2); + if (wc) { + if (wc < 0x80) { + /* It's a combining character. */ + ucs4_t wc1 = jisx0213_to_ucs_combining[wc - 1][0]; + ucs4_t wc2 = jisx0213_to_ucs_combining[wc - 1][1]; + /* We cannot output two Unicode characters at once. So, + output the first character and buffer the second one. */ + *pwc = wc1; + conv->istate = wc2; + } else + *pwc = wc; + return 2; + } + } + } else + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + } +} + +#define shift_jisx0213_flushwc normal_flushwc + +/* Composition tables for each of the relevant combining characters. */ +static const struct { unsigned short base; unsigned short composed; } shift_jisx0213_comp_table_data[] = { +#define shift_jisx0213_comp_table02e5_idx 0 +#define shift_jisx0213_comp_table02e5_len 1 + { 0x8684, 0x8685 }, /* 0x12B65 = 0x12B64 U+02E5 */ +#define shift_jisx0213_comp_table02e9_idx (shift_jisx0213_comp_table02e5_idx+shift_jisx0213_comp_table02e5_len) +#define shift_jisx0213_comp_table02e9_len 1 + { 0x8680, 0x8686 }, /* 0x12B66 = 0x12B60 U+02E9 */ +#define shift_jisx0213_comp_table0300_idx (shift_jisx0213_comp_table02e9_idx+shift_jisx0213_comp_table02e9_len) +#define shift_jisx0213_comp_table0300_len 5 + { 0x857b, 0x8663 }, /* 0x12B44 = 0x1295C U+0300 */ + { 0x8657, 0x8667 }, /* 0x12B48 = 0x12B38 U+0300 */ + { 0x8656, 0x8669 }, /* 0x12B4A = 0x12B37 U+0300 */ + { 0x864f, 0x866b }, /* 0x12B4C = 0x12B30 U+0300 */ + { 0x8662, 0x866d }, /* 0x12B4E = 0x12B43 U+0300 */ +#define shift_jisx0213_comp_table0301_idx (shift_jisx0213_comp_table0300_idx+shift_jisx0213_comp_table0300_len) +#define shift_jisx0213_comp_table0301_len 4 + { 0x8657, 0x8668 }, /* 0x12B49 = 0x12B38 U+0301 */ + { 0x8656, 0x866a }, /* 0x12B4B = 0x12B37 U+0301 */ + { 0x864f, 0x866c }, /* 0x12B4D = 0x12B30 U+0301 */ + { 0x8662, 0x866e }, /* 0x12B4F = 0x12B43 U+0301 */ +#define shift_jisx0213_comp_table309a_idx (shift_jisx0213_comp_table0301_idx+shift_jisx0213_comp_table0301_len) +#define shift_jisx0213_comp_table309a_len 14 + { 0x82a9, 0x82f5 }, /* 0x12477 = 0x1242B U+309A */ + { 0x82ab, 0x82f6 }, /* 0x12478 = 0x1242D U+309A */ + { 0x82ad, 0x82f7 }, /* 0x12479 = 0x1242F U+309A */ + { 0x82af, 0x82f8 }, /* 0x1247A = 0x12431 U+309A */ + { 0x82b1, 0x82f9 }, /* 0x1247B = 0x12433 U+309A */ + { 0x834a, 0x8397 }, /* 0x12577 = 0x1252B U+309A */ + { 0x834c, 0x8398 }, /* 0x12578 = 0x1252D U+309A */ + { 0x834e, 0x8399 }, /* 0x12579 = 0x1252F U+309A */ + { 0x8350, 0x839a }, /* 0x1257A = 0x12531 U+309A */ + { 0x8352, 0x839b }, /* 0x1257B = 0x12533 U+309A */ + { 0x835a, 0x839c }, /* 0x1257C = 0x1253B U+309A */ + { 0x8363, 0x839d }, /* 0x1257D = 0x12544 U+309A */ + { 0x8367, 0x839e }, /* 0x1257E = 0x12548 U+309A */ + { 0x83f3, 0x83f6 }, /* 0x12678 = 0x12675 U+309A */ +}; + +static int +shift_jisx0213_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + int count = 0; + unsigned short lasttwo = conv->ostate; + + if (lasttwo) { + /* Attempt to combine the last character with this one. */ + unsigned int idx; + unsigned int len; + + if (wc == 0x02e5) + idx = shift_jisx0213_comp_table02e5_idx, + len = shift_jisx0213_comp_table02e5_len; + else if (wc == 0x02e9) + idx = shift_jisx0213_comp_table02e9_idx, + len = shift_jisx0213_comp_table02e9_len; + else if (wc == 0x0300) + idx = shift_jisx0213_comp_table0300_idx, + len = shift_jisx0213_comp_table0300_len; + else if (wc == 0x0301) + idx = shift_jisx0213_comp_table0301_idx, + len = shift_jisx0213_comp_table0301_len; + else if (wc == 0x309a) + idx = shift_jisx0213_comp_table309a_idx, + len = shift_jisx0213_comp_table309a_len; + else + goto not_combining; + + do + if (shift_jisx0213_comp_table_data[idx].base == lasttwo) + break; + while (++idx, --len > 0); + + if (len > 0) { + /* Output the combined character. */ + if (n >= 2) { + lasttwo = shift_jisx0213_comp_table_data[idx].composed; + r[0] = (lasttwo >> 8) & 0xff; + r[1] = lasttwo & 0xff; + conv->ostate = 0; + return 2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + + not_combining: + /* Output the buffered character. */ + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = (lasttwo >> 8) & 0xff; + r[1] = lasttwo & 0xff; + r += 2; + count = 2; + } + + if (wc < 0x80 && wc != 0x5c && wc != 0x7e) { + /* Plain ISO646-JP character. */ + if (n > count) { + r[0] = (unsigned char) wc; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+1; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } else if (wc == 0x00a5) { + if (n > count) { + r[0] = 0x5c; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+1; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } else if (wc == 0x203e) { + if (n > count) { + r[0] = 0x7e; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+1; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } else if (wc >= 0xff61 && wc <= 0xff9f) { + /* Half-width katakana. */ + if (n > count) { + r[0] = wc - 0xfec0; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+1; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } else { + unsigned int s1, s2; + unsigned short jch = ucs4_to_jisx0213(wc); + if (jch != 0) { + /* Convert it to shifted representation. */ + s1 = jch >> 8; + s2 = jch & 0x7f; + s1 -= 0x21; + s2 -= 0x21; + if (s1 >= 0x5e) { + /* Handling of JISX 0213 plane 2 rows. */ + if (s1 >= 0xcd) /* rows 0x26E..0x27E */ + s1 -= 102; + else if (s1 >= 0x8b || s1 == 0x87) /* rows 0x228, 0x22C..0x22F */ + s1 -= 40; + else /* rows 0x221, 0x223..0x225 */ + s1 -= 34; + /* Now 0x5e <= s1 <= 0x77. */ + } + if (s1 & 1) + s2 += 0x5e; + s1 = s1 >> 1; + if (s1 < 0x1f) + s1 += 0x81; + else + s1 += 0xc1; + if (s2 < 0x3f) + s2 += 0x40; + else + s2 += 0x41; + if (jch & 0x0080) { + /* A possible match in comp_table_data. We have to buffer it. */ + /* We know it's a JISX 0213 plane 1 character. */ + if (jch & 0x8000) abort(); + conv->ostate = (s1 << 8) | s2; + return count+0; + } + /* Output the shifted representation. */ + if (n >= count+2) { + r[0] = s1; + r[1] = s2; + conv->ostate = 0; + return count+2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } +} + +static int +shift_jisx0213_reset (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, int n) +{ + state_t lasttwo = conv->ostate; + + if (lasttwo) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = (lasttwo >> 8) & 0xff; + r[1] = lasttwo & 0xff; + /* conv->ostate = 0; will be done by the caller */ + return 2; + } else + return 0; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/sjis.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/sjis.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8244e3a87 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/sjis.h @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * SHIFT_JIS + */ + +/* + Conversion between SJIS codes (s1,s2) and JISX0208 codes (c1,c2): + Example. (s1,s2) = 0x8140, (c1,c2) = 0x2121. + 0x81 <= s1 <= 0x9F || 0xE0 <= s1 <= 0xEA, + 0x40 <= s2 <= 0x7E || 0x80 <= s2 <= 0xFC, + 0x21 <= c1 <= 0x74, 0x21 <= c2 <= 0x7E. + Invariant: + 94*2*(s1 < 0xE0 ? s1-0x81 : s1-0xC1) + (s2 < 0x80 ? s2-0x40 : s2-0x41) + = 94*(c1-0x21)+(c2-0x21) + Conversion (s1,s2) -> (c1,c2): + t1 := (s1 < 0xE0 ? s1-0x81 : s1-0xC1) + t2 := (s2 < 0x80 ? s2-0x40 : s2-0x41) + c1 := 2*t1 + (t2 < 0x5E ? 0 : 1) + 0x21 + c2 := (t2 < 0x5E ? t2 : t2-0x5E) + 0x21 + Conversion (c1,c2) -> (s1,s2): + t1 := (c1 - 0x21) >> 1 + t2 := ((c1 - 0x21) & 1) * 0x5E + (c2 - 0x21) + s1 := (t1 < 0x1F ? t1+0x81 : t1+0xC1) + s2 := (t2 < 0x3F ? t2+0x40 : t2+0x41) + */ + +static int +sjis_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80 || (c >= 0xa1 && c <= 0xdf)) + return jisx0201_mbtowc(conv,pwc,s,n); + else { + unsigned char s1, s2; + s1 = c; + if ((s1 >= 0x81 && s1 <= 0x9f) || (s1 >= 0xe0 && s1 <= 0xea)) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + s2 = s[1]; + if ((s2 >= 0x40 && s2 <= 0x7e) || (s2 >= 0x80 && s2 <= 0xfc)) { + unsigned char t1 = (s1 < 0xe0 ? s1-0x81 : s1-0xc1); + unsigned char t2 = (s2 < 0x80 ? s2-0x40 : s2-0x41); + unsigned char buf[2]; + buf[0] = 2*t1 + (t2 < 0x5e ? 0 : 1) + 0x21; + buf[1] = (t2 < 0x5e ? t2 : t2-0x5e) + 0x21; + return jisx0208_mbtowc(conv,pwc,buf,2); + } + } else if (s1 >= 0xf0 && s1 <= 0xf9) { + /* User-defined range. See + * Ken Lunde's "CJKV Information Processing", table 4-66, p. 206. */ + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + s2 = s[1]; + if ((s2 >= 0x40 && s2 <= 0x7e) || (s2 >= 0x80 && s2 <= 0xfc)) { + *pwc = 0xe000 + 188*(s1 - 0xf0) + (s2 < 0x80 ? s2-0x40 : s2-0x41); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } +} + +static int +sjis_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char buf[2]; + int ret; + + /* Try JIS X 0201-1976. */ + ret = jisx0201_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,1); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + unsigned char c; + if (ret != 1) abort(); + c = buf[0]; + if (c < 0x80 || (c >= 0xa1 && c <= 0xdf)) { + r[0] = c; + return 1; + } + } + + /* Try JIS X 0208-1990. */ + ret = jisx0208_wctomb(conv,buf,wc,2); + if (ret != RET_ILUNI) { + unsigned char c1, c2; + if (ret != 2) abort(); + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + c1 = buf[0]; + c2 = buf[1]; + if ((c1 >= 0x21 && c1 <= 0x74) && (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 <= 0x7e)) { + unsigned char t1 = (c1 - 0x21) >> 1; + unsigned char t2 = (((c1 - 0x21) & 1) ? 0x5e : 0) + (c2 - 0x21); + r[0] = (t1 < 0x1f ? t1+0x81 : t1+0xc1); + r[1] = (t2 < 0x3f ? t2+0x40 : t2+0x41); + return 2; + } + } + + /* User-defined range. See + * Ken Lunde's "CJKV Information Processing", table 4-66, p. 206. */ + if (wc >= 0xe000 && wc < 0xe758) { + unsigned char c1, c2; + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + c1 = (unsigned int) (wc - 0xe000) / 188; + c2 = (unsigned int) (wc - 0xe000) % 188; + r[0] = c1+0xf0; + r[1] = (c2 < 0x3f ? c2+0x40 : c2+0x41); + return 2; + } + + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/tcvn.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/tcvn.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..abd5def22 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/tcvn.h @@ -0,0 +1,291 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * TCVN-5712 + */ + +#include "flushwc.h" +#include "vietcomb.h" + +static const unsigned char tcvn_comb_table[] = { + 0xb0, 0xb3, 0xb2, 0xb1, 0xb4, +}; + +/* The possible bases in viet_comp_table_data: + 0x0041..0x0045, 0x0047..0x0049, 0x004B..0x0050, 0x0052..0x0057, + 0x0059..0x005A, 0x0061..0x0065, 0x0067..0x0069, 0x006B..0x0070, + 0x0072..0x0077, 0x0079..0x007A, 0x00A5, 0x00C2, 0x00CA, 0x00D3..0x00D6, + 0x00DA, 0x00E2, 0x00EA, 0x00F3..0x00F6, 0x00FA, 0x0102..0x0103, + 0x0168..0x0169, 0x01A0..0x01A1, 0x01AF..0x01B0. */ +static const unsigned int tcvn_comp_bases[] = { + 0x06fdfbbe, 0x06fdfbbe, 0x00000000, 0x00000020, 0x04780404, 0x04780404, + 0x0000000c, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000300, 0x00000000, 0x00018003 +}; + +static const unsigned short tcvn_2uni_1[24] = { + /* 0x00 */ + 0x0000, 0x00da, 0x1ee4, 0x0003, 0x1eea, 0x1eec, 0x1eee, 0x0007, + 0x0008, 0x0009, 0x000a, 0x000b, 0x000c, 0x000d, 0x000e, 0x000f, + /* 0x10 */ + 0x0010, 0x1ee8, 0x1ef0, 0x1ef2, 0x1ef6, 0x1ef8, 0x00dd, 0x1ef4, +}; +static const unsigned short tcvn_2uni_2[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x00c0, 0x1ea2, 0x00c3, 0x00c1, 0x1ea0, 0x1eb6, 0x1eac, 0x00c8, + 0x1eba, 0x1ebc, 0x00c9, 0x1eb8, 0x1ec6, 0x00cc, 0x1ec8, 0x0128, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x00cd, 0x1eca, 0x00d2, 0x1ece, 0x00d5, 0x00d3, 0x1ecc, 0x1ed8, + 0x1edc, 0x1ede, 0x1ee0, 0x1eda, 0x1ee2, 0x00d9, 0x1ee6, 0x0168, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00a0, 0x0102, 0x00c2, 0x00ca, 0x00d4, 0x01a0, 0x01af, 0x0110, + 0x0103, 0x00e2, 0x00ea, 0x00f4, 0x01a1, 0x01b0, 0x0111, 0x1eb0, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x0300, 0x0309, 0x0303, 0x0301, 0x0323, 0x00e0, 0x1ea3, 0x00e3, + 0x00e1, 0x1ea1, 0x1eb2, 0x1eb1, 0x1eb3, 0x1eb5, 0x1eaf, 0x1eb4, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x1eae, 0x1ea6, 0x1ea8, 0x1eaa, 0x1ea4, 0x1ec0, 0x1eb7, 0x1ea7, + 0x1ea9, 0x1eab, 0x1ea5, 0x1ead, 0x00e8, 0x1ec2, 0x1ebb, 0x1ebd, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x00e9, 0x1eb9, 0x1ec1, 0x1ec3, 0x1ec5, 0x1ebf, 0x1ec7, 0x00ec, + 0x1ec9, 0x1ec4, 0x1ebe, 0x1ed2, 0x0129, 0x00ed, 0x1ecb, 0x00f2, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x1ed4, 0x1ecf, 0x00f5, 0x00f3, 0x1ecd, 0x1ed3, 0x1ed5, 0x1ed7, + 0x1ed1, 0x1ed9, 0x1edd, 0x1edf, 0x1ee1, 0x1edb, 0x1ee3, 0x00f9, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x1ed6, 0x1ee7, 0x0169, 0x00fa, 0x1ee5, 0x1eeb, 0x1eed, 0x1eef, + 0x1ee9, 0x1ef1, 0x1ef3, 0x1ef7, 0x1ef9, 0x00fd, 0x1ef5, 0x1ed0, +}; + +/* In the TCVN to Unicode direction, the state contains a buffered + character, or 0 if none. */ + +static int +tcvn_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + unsigned short wc; + unsigned short last_wc; + if (c < 0x18) + wc = tcvn_2uni_1[c]; + else if (c < 0x80) + wc = c; + else + wc = tcvn_2uni_2[c-0x80]; + last_wc = conv->istate; + if (last_wc) { + if (wc >= 0x0300 && wc < 0x0340) { + /* See whether last_wc and wc can be combined. */ + unsigned int k; + unsigned int i1, i2; + switch (wc) { + case 0x0300: k = 0; break; + case 0x0301: k = 1; break; + case 0x0303: k = 2; break; + case 0x0309: k = 3; break; + case 0x0323: k = 4; break; + default: abort(); + } + i1 = viet_comp_table[k].idx; + i2 = i1 + viet_comp_table[k].len-1; + if (last_wc >= viet_comp_table_data[i1].base + && last_wc <= viet_comp_table_data[i2].base) { + unsigned int i; + for (;;) { + i = (i1+i2)>>1; + if (last_wc == viet_comp_table_data[i].base) + break; + if (last_wc < viet_comp_table_data[i].base) { + if (i1 == i) + goto not_combining; + i2 = i; + } else { + if (i1 != i) + i1 = i; + else { + i = i2; + if (last_wc == viet_comp_table_data[i].base) + break; + goto not_combining; + } + } + } + last_wc = viet_comp_table_data[i].composed; + /* Output the combined character. */ + conv->istate = 0; + *pwc = (ucs4_t) last_wc; + return 1; + } + } + not_combining: + /* Output the buffered character. */ + conv->istate = 0; + *pwc = (ucs4_t) last_wc; + return 0; /* Don't advance the input pointer. */ + } + if (wc >= 0x0041 && wc <= 0x01b0 + && ((tcvn_comp_bases[(wc - 0x0040) >> 5] >> (wc & 0x1f)) & 1)) { + /* wc is a possible match in viet_comp_table_data. Buffer it. */ + conv->istate = wc; + return RET_TOOFEW(1); + } else { + /* Output wc immediately. */ + *pwc = (ucs4_t) wc; + return 1; + } +} + +#define tcvn_flushwc normal_flushwc + +static const unsigned char tcvn_page00[96+184] = { + 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x80, 0x83, 0xa2, 0x82, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x87, 0x8a, 0xa3, 0x00, 0x8d, 0x90, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x92, 0x95, 0xa4, 0x94, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x9d, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x16, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0xb5, 0xb8, 0xa9, 0xb7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xcc, 0xd0, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xd7, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xdf, 0xe3, 0xab, 0xe2, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x00, 0xef, 0xf3, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x0100 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xa1, 0xa8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xa7, 0xae, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0x8f, 0xdc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x9f, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xa5, 0xac, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa6, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char tcvn_page03[40] = { + 0xb0, 0xb3, 0x00, 0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0xb1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ +}; +static const unsigned char tcvn_page1e[96] = { + 0x84, 0xb9, 0x81, 0xb6, 0xc4, 0xca, 0xc1, 0xc7, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0xc2, 0xc8, 0xc3, 0xc9, 0x86, 0xcb, 0xc0, 0xbe, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xaf, 0xbb, 0xba, 0xbc, 0xbf, 0xbd, 0x85, 0xc6, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x8b, 0xd1, 0x88, 0xce, 0x89, 0xcf, 0xda, 0xd5, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0xc5, 0xd2, 0xcd, 0xd3, 0xd9, 0xd4, 0x8c, 0xd6, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x8e, 0xd8, 0x91, 0xde, 0x96, 0xe4, 0x93, 0xe1, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0xff, 0xe8, 0xdb, 0xe5, 0xe0, 0xe6, 0xf0, 0xe7, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x97, 0xe9, 0x9b, 0xed, 0x98, 0xea, 0x99, 0xeb, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x9a, 0xec, 0x9c, 0xee, 0x02, 0xf4, 0x9e, 0xf1, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x11, 0xf8, 0x04, 0xf5, 0x05, 0xf6, 0x06, 0xf7, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x12, 0xf9, 0x13, 0xfa, 0x17, 0xfe, 0x14, 0xfb, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x15, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; + +static int +tcvn_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080 && (wc >= 0x0020 || (0x00fe0076 & (1 << wc)) == 0)) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x01b8) + c = tcvn_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0300 && wc < 0x0328) + c = tcvn_page03[wc-0x0300]; + else if (wc >= 0x0340 && wc < 0x0342) /* deprecated Vietnamese tone marks */ + c = tcvn_page03[wc-0x0340]; + else if (wc >= 0x1ea0 && wc < 0x1f00) + c = tcvn_page1e[wc-0x1ea0]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + /* Try compatibility or canonical decomposition. */ + { + /* Binary search through viet_decomp_table. */ + unsigned int i1 = 0; + unsigned int i2 = sizeof(viet_decomp_table)/sizeof(viet_decomp_table[0])-1; + if (wc >= viet_decomp_table[i1].composed + && wc <= viet_decomp_table[i2].composed) { + unsigned int i; + for (;;) { + /* Here i2 - i1 > 0. */ + i = (i1+i2)>>1; + if (wc == viet_decomp_table[i].composed) + break; + if (wc < viet_decomp_table[i].composed) { + if (i1 == i) + return RET_ILUNI; + /* Here i1 < i < i2. */ + i2 = i; + } else { + /* Here i1 <= i < i2. */ + if (i1 != i) + i1 = i; + else { + /* Here i2 - i1 = 1. */ + i = i2; + if (wc == viet_decomp_table[i].composed) + break; + else + return RET_ILUNI; + } + } + } + /* Found a compatibility or canonical decomposition. */ + wc = viet_decomp_table[i].base; + /* wc is one of 0x0020, 0x0041..0x005a, 0x0061..0x007a, 0x00a5, 0x00a8, + 0x00c2, 0x00c5..0x00c7, 0x00ca, 0x00cf, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, 0x00d6, + 0x00d8, 0x00da, 0x00dc, 0x00e2, 0x00e5..0x00e7, 0x00ea, 0x00ef, + 0x00f3, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x00f8, 0x00fc, 0x0102, 0x0103, 0x01a0, + 0x01a1, 0x01af, 0x01b0. */ + if (wc < 0x0080) + c = wc; + else { + c = tcvn_page00[wc-0x00a0]; + if (c == 0) + return RET_ILUNI; + } + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + r[0] = c; + r[1] = tcvn_comb_table[viet_decomp_table[i].comb1]; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/tds565.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/tds565.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..479513fed --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/tds565.h @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * TDS565 + */ + +static const unsigned short tds565_2uni[64] = { + /* 0x40 */ + 0x0040, 0x0041, 0x0042, 0x00c7, 0x0044, 0x0045, 0x00c4, 0x0046, + 0x0047, 0x0048, 0x0049, 0x004a, 0x017d, 0x004b, 0x004c, 0x004d, + /* 0x50 */ + 0x004e, 0x0147, 0x004f, 0x00d6, 0x0050, 0x0052, 0x0053, 0x015e, + 0x0054, 0x0055, 0x00dc, 0x0057, 0x0059, 0x00dd, 0x005a, 0x005f, + /* 0x60 */ + 0x2116, 0x0061, 0x0062, 0x00e7, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x00e4, 0x0066, + 0x0067, 0x0068, 0x0069, 0x006a, 0x017e, 0x006b, 0x006c, 0x006d, + /* 0x70 */ + 0x006e, 0x0148, 0x006f, 0x00f6, 0x0070, 0x0072, 0x0073, 0x015f, + 0x0074, 0x0075, 0x00fc, 0x0077, 0x0079, 0x00fd, 0x007a, 0x007f, +}; + +static int +tds565_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x40) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) tds565_2uni[c-0x40]; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned char tds565_page00[64] = { + 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x00, 0x44, 0x45, 0x47, 0x48, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x50, 0x52, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x54, 0x00, 0x55, 0x56, 0x58, 0x59, 0x00, 0x5b, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x5c, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5f, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x61, 0x62, 0x00, 0x64, 0x65, 0x67, 0x68, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x72, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x74, 0x00, 0x75, 0x76, 0x78, 0x79, 0x00, 0x7b, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x7c, 0x7e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7f, /* 0x78-0x7f */ +}; +static const unsigned char tds565_page00_1[64] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46, 0x00, 0x00, 0x43, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x53, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x5d, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x66, 0x00, 0x00, 0x63, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x73, 0x00, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7a, 0x7d, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const unsigned char tds565_page01[64] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x51, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x71, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x57, 0x77, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4c, 0x6c, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ +}; + +static int +tds565_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0040) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x0040 && wc < 0x0080) + c = tds565_page00[wc-0x0040]; + else if (wc >= 0x00c0 && wc < 0x0100) + c = tds565_page00_1[wc-0x00c0]; + else if (wc >= 0x0140 && wc < 0x0180) + c = tds565_page01[wc-0x0140]; + else if (wc == 0x2116) + c = 0x60; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/tis620.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/tis620.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..125e6dc80 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/tis620.h @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * TIS620.2533-1 + */ + +static int +tis620_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + return 1; + } + else if (c >= 0xa1 && c <= 0xfb && !(c >= 0xdb && c <= 0xde)) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) (c + 0x0d60); + return 1; + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +tis620_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (wc < 0x0080) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x0e01 && wc <= 0x0e5b && !(wc >= 0x0e3b && wc <= 0x0e3e)) { + *r = wc-0x0d60; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/translit.def b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/translit.def new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cbd329ee5 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/translit.def @@ -0,0 +1,3918 @@ +# Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. +# +# The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it +# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public +# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 +# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. +# +# The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be +# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# Library General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public +# License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. +# If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, +# Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. +# +# +# Definition of transliteration from Unicode to poorer character sets. +# +# This covers all of Markus Kuhn's TARGET1. +# +# The second column gives the transliteration. It is enclosed between tabs! +# +00A0 # NO-BREAK SPACE +00A1 ! # INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK +00A2 c # CENT SIGN +00A3 lb # POUND SIGN +00A4 # CURRENCY SIGN +00A5 yen # YEN SIGN +00A6 | # BROKEN BAR +00A7 SS # SECTION SIGN +00A8 " # DIAERESIS +00A9 (c) # COPYRIGHT SIGN +00AA a # FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR +00AB << # LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK +00AC not # NOT SIGN +00AD - # SOFT HYPHEN +00AE (R) # REGISTERED SIGN +00AF # MACRON +00B0 ^0 # DEGREE SIGN +00B1 +/- # PLUS-MINUS SIGN +00B2 ^2 # SUPERSCRIPT TWO +00B3 ^3 # SUPERSCRIPT THREE +00B4 ' # ACUTE ACCENT +00B5 u # MICRO SIGN +00B6 P # PILCROW SIGN +00B7 . # MIDDLE DOT +00B8 , # CEDILLA +00B9 ^1 # SUPERSCRIPT ONE +00BA o # MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR +00BB >> # RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK +00BC 1⁄4 # VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER +00BD 1⁄2 # VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF +00BE 3⁄4 # VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS +00BF ? # INVERTED QUESTION MARK +00C0 `A # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE +00C1 ´A # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE +00C2 ^A # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX +00C3 ~A # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE +00C4 "A # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS +00C5 A # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE +00C6 AE # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE +00C7 C # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA +00C8 `E # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE +00C9 ´E # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE +00CA ^E # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX +00CB "E # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS +00CC `I # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE +00CD ´I # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE +00CE ^I # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX +00CF "I # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS +00D0 D # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH +00D1 ~N # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE +00D2 `O # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE +00D3 ´O # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE +00D4 ^O # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX +00D5 ~O # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE +00D6 "O # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS +00D7 x # MULTIPLICATION SIGN +00D8 O # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE +00D9 `U # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE +00DA ´U # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE +00DB ^U # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX +00DC "U # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS +00DD ´Y # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE +00DE Th # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN +00DF ss # LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S +00E0 `a # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE +00E1 ´a # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE +00E2 ^a # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX +00E3 ~a # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE +00E4 "a # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS +00E5 a # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE +00E6 ae # LATIN SMALL LETTER AE +00E7 c # LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA +00E8 `e # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE +00E9 ´e # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE +00EA ^e # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX +00EB "e # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS +00EC `i # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE +00ED ´i # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE +00EE ^i # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX +00EF "i # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS +00F0 d # LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH +00F1 ~n # LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE +00F2 `o # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE +00F3 ´o # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE +00F4 ^o # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX +00F5 ~o # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE +00F6 "o # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS +00F7 : # DIVISION SIGN +00F8 o # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE +00F9 `u # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE +00FA ´u # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE +00FB ^u # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX +00FC "u # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS +00FD ´y # LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE +00FE th # LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN +00FF "y # LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS +0100 A # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON +0101 a # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH MACRON +0102 A # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE +0103 a # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE +0104 A # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH OGONEK +0105 a # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH OGONEK +0106 ´C # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH ACUTE +0107 ´c # LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH ACUTE +0108 ^C # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX +0109 ^c # LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX +010A C # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH DOT ABOVE +010B c # LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH DOT ABOVE +010C C # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CARON +010D c # LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CARON +010E D # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH CARON +010F d # LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH CARON +0110 D # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH STROKE +0111 d # LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH STROKE +0112 E # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH MACRON +0113 e # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH MACRON +0114 E # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH BREVE +0115 e # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH BREVE +0116 E # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE +0117 e # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE +0118 E # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH OGONEK +0119 e # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH OGONEK +011A E # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CARON +011B e # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CARON +011C ^G # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CIRCUMFLEX +011D ^g # LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CIRCUMFLEX +011E G # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH BREVE +011F g # LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH BREVE +0120 G # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH DOT ABOVE +0121 g # LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH DOT ABOVE +0122 G # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA +0123 g # LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA +0124 ^H # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH CIRCUMFLEX +0125 ^h # LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH CIRCUMFLEX +0126 H # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH STROKE +0127 h # LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH STROKE +0128 ~I # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH TILDE +0129 ~i # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH TILDE +012A I # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH MACRON +012B i # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH MACRON +012C I # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH BREVE +012D i # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH BREVE +012E I # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH OGONEK +012F i # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH OGONEK +0130 I # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE +0131 i # LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I +0132 IJ # LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE IJ +0133 ij # LATIN SMALL LIGATURE IJ +0134 ^J # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J WITH CIRCUMFLEX +0135 ^j # LATIN SMALL LETTER J WITH CIRCUMFLEX +0136 K # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA +0137 k # LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA +0138 # LATIN SMALL LETTER KRA +0139 L # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH ACUTE +013A l # LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH ACUTE +013B L # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA +013C l # LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA +013D L # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CARON +013E l # LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CARON +013F L # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE DOT +0140 l # LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE DOT +0141 L # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH STROKE +0142 l # LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH STROKE +0143 ´N # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH ACUTE +0144 ´n # LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH ACUTE +0145 N # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA +0146 n # LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA +0147 N # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CARON +0148 n # LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CARON +0149 'n # LATIN SMALL LETTER N PRECEDED BY APOSTROPHE +014A # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ENG +014B # LATIN SMALL LETTER ENG +014C O # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH MACRON +014D o # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH MACRON +014E O # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH BREVE +014F o # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH BREVE +0150 "O # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE +0151 "o # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE +0152 OE # LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE +0153 oe # LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE +0154 ´R # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH ACUTE +0155 ´r # LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH ACUTE +0156 R # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA +0157 r # LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA +0158 R # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CARON +0159 r # LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH CARON +015A ´S # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH ACUTE +015B ´s # LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH ACUTE +015C ^S # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CIRCUMFLEX +015D ^s # LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CIRCUMFLEX +015E S # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA +015F s # LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA +0160 S # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON +0161 s # LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON +0162 T # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA +0163 t # LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA +0164 T # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CARON +0165 t # LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CARON +0166 T # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH STROKE +0167 t # LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH STROKE +0168 ~U # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH TILDE +0169 ~u # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH TILDE +016A U # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH MACRON +016B u # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH MACRON +016C U # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH BREVE +016D u # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH BREVE +016E U # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE +016F u # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE +0170 "U # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE +0171 "u # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE +0172 U # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH OGONEK +0173 u # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH OGONEK +0174 ^W # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W WITH CIRCUMFLEX +0175 ^w # LATIN SMALL LETTER W WITH CIRCUMFLEX +0176 ^Y # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH CIRCUMFLEX +0177 ^y # LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH CIRCUMFLEX +0178 "Y # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS +0179 ´Z # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE +017A ´z # LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE +017B Z # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE +017C z # LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE +017D Z # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON +017E z # LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON +017F s # LATIN SMALL LETTER LONG S +018F # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SCHWA +0192 f # LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK +01C4 DŽ # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER DZ WITH CARON +01C5 Dž # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON +01C6 dž # LATIN SMALL LETTER DZ WITH CARON +01C7 LJ # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER LJ +01C8 Lj # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH SMALL LETTER J +01C9 lj # LATIN SMALL LETTER LJ +01CA NJ # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER NJ +01CB Nj # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH SMALL LETTER J +01CC nj # LATIN SMALL LETTER NJ +01F1 DZ # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER DZ +01F2 Dz # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH SMALL LETTER Z +01F3 dz # LATIN SMALL LETTER DZ +0218 S # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH COMMA BELOW +0219 s # LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH COMMA BELOW +021A T # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH COMMA BELOW +021B t # LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH COMMA BELOW +0259 # LATIN SMALL LETTER SCHWA +02B9 ′ # MODIFIER LETTER PRIME +02BA ″ # MODIFIER LETTER DOUBLE PRIME +02BB ‘ # MODIFIER LETTER TURNED COMMA +02BC ’ # MODIFIER LETTER APOSTROPHE +02BD ‛ # MODIFIER LETTER REVERSED COMMA +02C6 ^ # MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT +02C7 # CARON +02C8 ' # MODIFIER LETTER VERTICAL LINE +02C9 ¯ # MODIFIER LETTER MACRON +02CA ´ # MODIFIER LETTER ACUTE ACCENT +02CB ` # MODIFIER LETTER GRAVE ACCENT +02CD _ # MODIFIER LETTER LOW MACRON +02D8 # BREVE +02D9 # DOT ABOVE +02DA # RING ABOVE +02DB # OGONEK +02DC ~ # SMALL TILDE +02DD " # DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT +0374 # GREEK NUMERAL SIGN +0375 # GREEK LOWER NUMERAL SIGN +037A # GREEK YPOGEGRAMMENI +037E # GREEK QUESTION MARK +0384 # GREEK TONOS +0385 # GREEK DIALYTIKA TONOS +0386 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH TONOS +0387 # GREEK ANO TELEIA +0388 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON WITH TONOS +0389 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH TONOS +038A # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH TONOS +038C # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON WITH TONOS +038E # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH TONOS +038F # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH TONOS +0390 # GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA AND TONOS +0391 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA +0392 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER BETA +0393 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA +0394 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA +0395 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON +0396 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ZETA +0397 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA +0398 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA +0399 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA +039A # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER KAPPA +039B # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA +039C # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER MU +039D # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER NU +039E # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI +039F # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON +03A0 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI +03A1 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER RHO +03A3 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA +03A4 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER TAU +03A5 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON +03A6 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI +03A7 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER CHI +03A8 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI +03A9 # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA +03AA # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA +03AB # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIALYTIKA +03AC # GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH TONOS +03AD # GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH TONOS +03AE # GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH TONOS +03AF # GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH TONOS +03B0 # GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIALYTIKA AND TONOS +03B1 # GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA +03B2 # GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA +03B3 # GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA +03B4 # GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA +03B5 # GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON +03B6 # GREEK SMALL LETTER ZETA +03B7 # GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA +03B8 # GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA +03B9 # GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA +03BA # GREEK SMALL LETTER KAPPA +03BB # GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA +03BC # GREEK SMALL LETTER MU +03BD # GREEK SMALL LETTER NU +03BE # GREEK SMALL LETTER XI +03BF # GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON +03C0 # GREEK SMALL LETTER PI +03C1 # GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO +03C2 # GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA +03C3 # GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA +03C4 # GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU +03C5 # GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON +03C6 # GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI +03C7 # GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI +03C8 # GREEK SMALL LETTER PSI +03C9 # GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA +03CA # GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA +03CB # GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIALYTIKA +03CC # GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON WITH TONOS +03CD # GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH TONOS +03CE # GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH TONOS +03D0 β # GREEK BETA SYMBOL +03D1 θ # GREEK THETA SYMBOL +03D2 Υ # GREEK UPSILON WITH HOOK SYMBOL +03D5 φ # GREEK PHI SYMBOL +03D6 π # GREEK PI SYMBOL +03F0 κ # GREEK KAPPA SYMBOL +03F1 ρ # GREEK RHO SYMBOL +03F2 ς # GREEK LUNATE SIGMA SYMBOL +03F4 Θ # GREEK CAPITAL THETA SYMBOL +03F5 ε # GREEK LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL +03F9 Σ # GREEK CAPITAL LUNATE SIGMA SYMBOL +0401 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IO +0402 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DJE +0403 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GJE +0404 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER UKRAINIAN IE +0405 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DZE +0406 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BYELORUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN I +0407 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YI +0408 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER JE +0409 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER LJE +040A # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER NJE +040B # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TSHE +040C # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KJE +040E # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHORT U +040F # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DZHE +0410 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A +0411 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BE +0412 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER VE +0413 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GHE +0414 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DE +0415 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IE +0416 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZHE +0417 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZE +0418 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I +0419 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHORT I +041A # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KA +041B # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EL +041C # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EM +041D # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EN +041E # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER O +041F # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER PE +0420 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ER +0421 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ES +0422 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TE +0423 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER U +0424 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EF +0425 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HA +0426 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TSE +0427 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER CHE +0428 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHA +0429 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHCHA +042A # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HARD SIGN +042B # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YERU +042C # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SOFT SIGN +042D # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER E +042E # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YU +042F # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YA +0430 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A +0431 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BE +0432 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER VE +0433 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE +0434 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DE +0435 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE +0436 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZHE +0437 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZE +0438 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I +0439 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT I +043A # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KA +043B # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EL +043C # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EM +043D # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN +043E # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER O +043F # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER PE +0440 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ER +0441 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ES +0442 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TE +0443 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER U +0444 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EF +0445 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HA +0446 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSE +0447 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER CHE +0448 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHA +0449 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHCHA +044A # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HARD SIGN +044B # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YERU +044C # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SOFT SIGN +044D # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER E +044E # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YU +044F # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YA +0451 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IO +0452 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DJE +0453 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GJE +0454 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER UKRAINIAN IE +0455 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DZE +0456 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BYELORUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN I +0457 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YI +0458 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER JE +0459 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER LJE +045A # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER NJE +045B # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSHE +045C # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KJE +045E # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT U +045F # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DZHE +0490 # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GHE WITH UPTURN +0491 # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE WITH UPTURN +0587 եւ # ARMENIAN SMALL LIGATURE ECH YIWN +05D0 # HEBREW LETTER ALEF +05D1 # HEBREW LETTER BET +05D2 # HEBREW LETTER GIMEL +05D3 # HEBREW LETTER DALET +05D4 # HEBREW LETTER HE +05D5 # HEBREW LETTER VAV +05D6 # HEBREW LETTER ZAYIN +05D7 # HEBREW LETTER HET +05D8 # HEBREW LETTER TET +05D9 # HEBREW LETTER YOD +05DA # HEBREW LETTER FINAL KAF +05DB # HEBREW LETTER KAF +05DC # HEBREW LETTER LAMED +05DD # HEBREW LETTER FINAL MEM +05DE # HEBREW LETTER MEM +05DF # HEBREW LETTER FINAL NUN +05E0 # HEBREW LETTER NUN +05E1 # HEBREW LETTER SAMEKH +05E2 # HEBREW LETTER AYIN +05E3 # HEBREW LETTER FINAL PE +05E4 # HEBREW LETTER PE +05E5 # HEBREW LETTER FINAL TSADI +05E6 # HEBREW LETTER TSADI +05E7 # HEBREW LETTER QOF +05E8 # HEBREW LETTER RESH +05E9 # HEBREW LETTER SHIN +05EA # HEBREW LETTER TAV +05F0 וו # HEBREW LIGATURE YIDDISH DOUBLE VAV +05F1 וי # HEBREW LIGATURE YIDDISH VAV YOD +05F2 יי # HEBREW LIGATURE YIDDISH DOUBLE YOD +0675 اٴ # ARABIC LETTER HIGH HAMZA ALEF +0676 وٴ # ARABIC LETTER HIGH HAMZA WAW +0677 ۇٴ # ARABIC LETTER U WITH HAMZA ABOVE +0678 يٴ # ARABIC LETTER HIGH HAMZA YEH +0E33 ํา # THAI CHARACTER SARA AM +0EB3 ໍາ # LAO VOWEL SIGN AM +0EDC ຫນ # LAO HO NO +0EDD ຫມ # LAO HO MO +0F77 ྲཱྀ # TIBETAN VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR +0F79 ླཱྀ # TIBETAN VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL +1E02 B # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B WITH DOT ABOVE +1E03 b # LATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH DOT ABOVE +1E0A D # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH DOT ABOVE +1E0B d # LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH DOT ABOVE +1E1E F # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F WITH DOT ABOVE +1E1F f # LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH DOT ABOVE +1E40 M # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M WITH DOT ABOVE +1E41 m # LATIN SMALL LETTER M WITH DOT ABOVE +1E56 P # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P WITH DOT ABOVE +1E57 p # LATIN SMALL LETTER P WITH DOT ABOVE +1E60 S # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH DOT ABOVE +1E61 s # LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH DOT ABOVE +1E6A T # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH DOT ABOVE +1E6B t # LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH DOT ABOVE +1E80 `W # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W WITH GRAVE +1E81 `w # LATIN SMALL LETTER W WITH GRAVE +1E82 ´W # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W WITH ACUTE +1E83 ´w # LATIN SMALL LETTER W WITH ACUTE +1E84 "W # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W WITH DIAERESIS +1E85 "w # LATIN SMALL LETTER W WITH DIAERESIS +1E9A aʾ # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RIGHT HALF RING +1EF2 `Y # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH GRAVE +1EF3 `y # LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH GRAVE +2002 # EN SPACE +2003 # EM SPACE +2004 # THREE-PER-EM SPACE +2005 # FOUR-PER-EM SPACE +2006 # SIX-PER-EM SPACE +2008 # PUNCTUATION SPACE +2009 # THIN SPACE +200A # HAIR SPACE +2010 - # HYPHEN +2011 - # NON-BREAKING HYPHEN +2012 - # FIGURE DASH +2013 - # EN DASH +2014 - # EM DASH +2015 - # HORIZONTAL BAR +2016 # DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE +2017 # DOUBLE LOW LINE +2018 ' # LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK +2019 ' # RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK +201A , # SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK +201B ' # SINGLE HIGH-REVERSED-9 QUOTATION MARK +201C " # LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK +201D " # RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK +201E " # DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK +201F " # DOUBLE HIGH-REVERSED-9 QUOTATION MARK +2020 + # DAGGER +2021 # DOUBLE DAGGER +2022 o # BULLET +2024 . # ONE DOT LEADER +2025 .. # TWO DOT LEADER +2026 ... # HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS +2030 o/oo # PER MILLE SIGN +2032 ´ # PRIME +2033 ´´ # DOUBLE PRIME +2034 ´´´ # TRIPLE PRIME +2036 ‵‵ # REVERSED DOUBLE PRIME +2037 ‵‵‵ # REVERSED TRIPLE PRIME +2039 < # SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK +203A > # SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK +203C !! # DOUBLE EXCLAMATION MARK +203E # OVERLINE +2044 / # FRACTION SLASH +2047 ?? # DOUBLE QUESTION MARK +2048 ?! # QUESTION EXCLAMATION MARK +2049 !? # EXCLAMATION QUESTION MARK +2057 ´´´´ # QUADRUPLE PRIME +20A8 Rs # RUPEE SIGN +20AB Đồng # DONG SIGN +20AC EUR # EURO SIGN +2100 a/c # ACCOUNT OF +2101 a/s # ADDRESSED TO THE SUBJECT +2102 C # DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL C +2103 °C # DEGREE CELSIUS +2105 c/o # CARE OF +2106 c/u # CADA UNA +2107 Ɛ # EULER CONSTANT +2109 °F # DEGREE FAHRENHEIT +210A g # SCRIPT SMALL G +210B H # SCRIPT CAPITAL H +210C H # BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL H +210D H # DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL H +210E h # PLANCK CONSTANT +210F ħ # PLANCK CONSTANT OVER TWO PI +2110 I # SCRIPT CAPITAL I +2111 I # BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL I +2112 L # SCRIPT CAPITAL L +2113 l # SCRIPT SMALL L +2115 N # DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL N +2116 No # NUMERO SIGN +2119 P # DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL P +211A Q # DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Q +211B R # SCRIPT CAPITAL R +211C R # BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL R +211D R # DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL R +2121 TEL # TELEPHONE SIGN +2122 TM # TRADE MARK SIGN +2124 Z # DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Z +2126 Ohm # OHM SIGN +2128 Z # BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL Z +212C B # SCRIPT CAPITAL B +212D C # BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL C +212E e # ESTIMATED SYMBOL +212F e # SCRIPT SMALL E +2130 E # SCRIPT CAPITAL E +2131 F # SCRIPT CAPITAL F +2133 M # SCRIPT CAPITAL M +2134 o # SCRIPT SMALL O +2135 א # ALEF SYMBOL +2136 ב # BET SYMBOL +2137 ג # GIMEL SYMBOL +2138 ד # DALET SYMBOL +2139 i # INFORMATION SOURCE +213B FAX # FACSIMILE SIGN +213D γ # DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL GAMMA +213E Γ # DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL GAMMA +213F Π # DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL PI +2140 ∑ # DOUBLE-STRUCK N-ARY SUMMATION +2145 D # DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC CAPITAL D +2146 d # DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL D +2147 e # DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL E +2148 i # DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL I +2149 j # DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL J +2153 1⁄3 # VULGAR FRACTION ONE THIRD +2154 2⁄3 # VULGAR FRACTION TWO THIRDS +2155 1⁄5 # VULGAR FRACTION ONE FIFTH +2156 2⁄5 # VULGAR FRACTION TWO FIFTHS +2157 3⁄5 # VULGAR FRACTION THREE FIFTHS +2158 4⁄5 # VULGAR FRACTION FOUR FIFTHS +2159 1⁄6 # VULGAR FRACTION ONE SIXTH +215A 5⁄6 # VULGAR FRACTION FIVE SIXTHS +215B 1⁄8 # VULGAR FRACTION ONE EIGHTH +215C 3⁄8 # VULGAR FRACTION THREE EIGHTHS +215D 5⁄8 # VULGAR FRACTION FIVE EIGHTHS +215E 7⁄8 # VULGAR FRACTION SEVEN EIGHTHS +215F 1⁄ # FRACTION NUMERATOR ONE +2160 I # ROMAN NUMERAL ONE +2161 II # ROMAN NUMERAL TWO +2162 III # ROMAN NUMERAL THREE +2163 IV # ROMAN NUMERAL FOUR +2164 V # ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE +2165 VI # ROMAN NUMERAL SIX +2166 VII # ROMAN NUMERAL SEVEN +2167 VIII # ROMAN NUMERAL EIGHT +2168 IX # ROMAN NUMERAL NINE +2169 X # ROMAN NUMERAL TEN +216A XI # ROMAN NUMERAL ELEVEN +216B XII # ROMAN NUMERAL TWELVE +216C L # ROMAN NUMERAL FIFTY +216D C # ROMAN NUMERAL ONE HUNDRED +216E D # ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE HUNDRED +216F M # ROMAN NUMERAL ONE THOUSAND +2170 i # SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE +2171 ii # SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL TWO +2172 iii # SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL THREE +2173 iv # SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL FOUR +2174 v # SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE +2175 vi # SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL SIX +2176 vii # SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL SEVEN +2177 viii # SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL EIGHT +2178 ix # SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL NINE +2179 x # SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL TEN +217A xi # SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ELEVEN +217B xii # SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL TWELVE +217C l # SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL FIFTY +217D c # SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE HUNDRED +217E d # SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE HUNDRED +217F m # SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE THOUSAND +2190 <- # LEFTWARDS ARROW +2191 ^ # UPWARDS ARROW +2192 -> # RIGHTWARDS ARROW +2193 V # DOWNWARDS ARROW +2194 <-> # LEFT RIGHT ARROW +21D0 <= # LEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW +21D2 => # RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW +21D4 <=> # LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW +2212 - # MINUS SIGN +2215 / # DIVISION SLASH +2216 \ # SET MINUS +2217 * # ASTERISK OPERATOR +2219 • # BULLET OPERATOR +2223 | # DIVIDES +222C ∫∫ # DOUBLE INTEGRAL +222D ∫∫∫ # TRIPLE INTEGRAL +222F ∮∮ # SURFACE INTEGRAL +2230 ∮∮∮ # VOLUME INTEGRAL +2236 : # RATIO +223C ~ # TILDE OPERATOR +2260 /= # NOT EQUAL TO +2264 <= # LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO +2265 >= # GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO +226A << # MUCH LESS-THAN +226B >> # MUCH GREATER-THAN +22C5 · # DOT OPERATOR +22D8 <<< # VERY MUCH LESS-THAN +22D9 >>> # VERY MUCH GREATER-THAN +22EF ··· # MIDLINE HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS +2400 [NUL] # SYMBOL FOR NULL +2401 [SOH] # SYMBOL FOR START OF HEADING +2402 [STX] # SYMBOL FOR START OF TEXT +2403 [ETX] # SYMBOL FOR END OF TEXT +2404 [EOT] # SYMBOL FOR END OF TRANSMISSION +2405 [ENQ] # SYMBOL FOR ENQUIRY +2406 [ACK] # SYMBOL FOR ACKNOWLEDGE +2407 [BEL] # SYMBOL FOR BELL +2408 [BS] # SYMBOL FOR BACKSPACE +2409 [HT] # SYMBOL FOR HORIZONTAL TABULATION +240A [LF] # SYMBOL FOR LINE FEED +240B [VT] # SYMBOL FOR VERTICAL TABULATION +240C [FF] # SYMBOL FOR FORM FEED +240D [CR] # SYMBOL FOR CARRIAGE RETURN +240E [SO] # SYMBOL FOR SHIFT OUT +240F [SI] # SYMBOL FOR SHIFT IN +2410 [DLE] # SYMBOL FOR DATA LINK ESCAPE +2411 [DC1] # SYMBOL FOR DEVICE CONTROL ONE +2412 [DC2] # SYMBOL FOR DEVICE CONTROL TWO +2413 [DC3] # SYMBOL FOR DEVICE CONTROL THREE +2414 [DC4] # SYMBOL FOR DEVICE CONTROL FOUR +2415 [NAK] # SYMBOL FOR NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE +2416 [SYN] # SYMBOL FOR SYNCHRONOUS IDLE +2417 [ETB] # SYMBOL FOR END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK +2418 [CAN] # SYMBOL FOR CANCEL +2419 [EM] # SYMBOL FOR END OF MEDIUM +241A [SUB] # SYMBOL FOR SUBSTITUTE +241B [ESC] # SYMBOL FOR ESCAPE +241C [FS] # SYMBOL FOR FILE SEPARATOR +241D [GS] # SYMBOL FOR GROUP SEPARATOR +241E [RS] # SYMBOL FOR RECORD SEPARATOR +241F [US] # SYMBOL FOR UNIT SEPARATOR +2420 [SP] # SYMBOL FOR SPACE +2421 [DEL] # SYMBOL FOR DELETE +2424 [NL] # SYMBOL FOR NEWLINE +2460 (1) # CIRCLED DIGIT ONE +2461 (2) # CIRCLED DIGIT TWO +2462 (3) # CIRCLED DIGIT THREE +2463 (4) # CIRCLED DIGIT FOUR +2464 (5) # CIRCLED DIGIT FIVE +2465 (6) # CIRCLED DIGIT SIX +2466 (7) # CIRCLED DIGIT SEVEN +2467 (8) # CIRCLED DIGIT EIGHT +2468 (9) # CIRCLED DIGIT NINE +2469 (10) # CIRCLED NUMBER TEN +246A (11) # CIRCLED NUMBER ELEVEN +246B (12) # CIRCLED NUMBER TWELVE +246C (13) # CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTEEN +246D (14) # CIRCLED NUMBER FOURTEEN +246E (15) # CIRCLED NUMBER FIFTEEN +246F (16) # CIRCLED NUMBER SIXTEEN +2470 (17) # CIRCLED NUMBER SEVENTEEN +2471 (18) # CIRCLED NUMBER EIGHTEEN +2472 (19) # CIRCLED NUMBER NINETEEN +2473 (20) # CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY +2474 (1) # PARENTHESIZED DIGIT ONE +2475 (2) # PARENTHESIZED DIGIT TWO +2476 (3) # PARENTHESIZED DIGIT THREE +2477 (4) # PARENTHESIZED DIGIT FOUR +2478 (5) # PARENTHESIZED DIGIT FIVE +2479 (6) # PARENTHESIZED DIGIT SIX +247A (7) # PARENTHESIZED DIGIT SEVEN +247B (8) # PARENTHESIZED DIGIT EIGHT +247C (9) # PARENTHESIZED DIGIT NINE +247D (10) # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER TEN +247E (11) # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER ELEVEN +247F (12) # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER TWELVE +2480 (13) # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER THIRTEEN +2481 (14) # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER FOURTEEN +2482 (15) # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER FIFTEEN +2483 (16) # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER SIXTEEN +2484 (17) # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER SEVENTEEN +2485 (18) # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER EIGHTEEN +2486 (19) # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER NINETEEN +2487 (20) # PARENTHESIZED NUMBER TWENTY +2488 1. # DIGIT ONE FULL STOP +2489 2. # DIGIT TWO FULL STOP +248A 3. # DIGIT THREE FULL STOP +248B 4. # DIGIT FOUR FULL STOP +248C 5. # DIGIT FIVE FULL STOP +248D 6. # DIGIT SIX FULL STOP +248E 7. # DIGIT SEVEN FULL STOP +248F 8. # DIGIT EIGHT FULL STOP +2490 9. # DIGIT NINE FULL STOP +2491 10. # NUMBER TEN FULL STOP +2492 11. # NUMBER ELEVEN FULL STOP +2493 12. # NUMBER TWELVE FULL STOP +2494 13. # NUMBER THIRTEEN FULL STOP +2495 14. # NUMBER FOURTEEN FULL STOP +2496 15. # NUMBER FIFTEEN FULL STOP +2497 16. # NUMBER SIXTEEN FULL STOP +2498 17. # NUMBER SEVENTEEN FULL STOP +2499 18. # NUMBER EIGHTEEN FULL STOP +249A 19. # NUMBER NINETEEN FULL STOP +249B 20. # NUMBER TWENTY FULL STOP +249C (a) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER A +249D (b) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER B +249E (c) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER C +249F (d) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER D +24A0 (e) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER E +24A1 (f) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER F +24A2 (g) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER G +24A3 (h) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER H +24A4 (i) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER I +24A5 (j) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER J +24A6 (k) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER K +24A7 (l) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER L +24A8 (m) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER M +24A9 (n) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER N +24AA (o) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER O +24AB (p) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER P +24AC (q) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER Q +24AD (r) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER R +24AE (s) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER S +24AF (t) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER T +24B0 (u) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER U +24B1 (v) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER V +24B2 (w) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER W +24B3 (x) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER X +24B4 (y) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER Y +24B5 (z) # PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER Z +24B6 (A) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A +24B7 (B) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B +24B8 (C) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C +24B9 (D) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D +24BA (E) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E +24BB (F) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F +24BC (G) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G +24BD (H) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H +24BE (I) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I +24BF (J) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J +24C0 (K) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K +24C1 (L) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L +24C2 (M) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M +24C3 (N) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N +24C4 (O) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O +24C5 (P) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P +24C6 (Q) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q +24C7 (R) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R +24C8 (S) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S +24C9 (T) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T +24CA (U) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U +24CB (V) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V +24CC (W) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W +24CD (X) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X +24CE (Y) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y +24CF (Z) # CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z +24D0 (a) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER A +24D1 (b) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER B +24D2 (c) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER C +24D3 (d) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER D +24D4 (e) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER E +24D5 (f) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER F +24D6 (g) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER G +24D7 (h) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER H +24D8 (i) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER I +24D9 (j) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER J +24DA (k) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER K +24DB (l) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER L +24DC (m) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER M +24DD (n) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER N +24DE (o) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER O +24DF (p) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER P +24E0 (q) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER Q +24E1 (r) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER R +24E2 (s) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER S +24E3 (t) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER T +24E4 (u) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER U +24E5 (v) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER V +24E6 (w) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER W +24E7 (x) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER X +24E8 (y) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER Y +24E9 (z) # CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER Z +24EA (0) # CIRCLED DIGIT ZERO +2500 - # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL +2502 | # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL +250C + # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND RIGHT +2510 + # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND LEFT +2514 + # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND RIGHT +2518 + # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND LEFT +251C + # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND RIGHT +2524 + # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND LEFT +252C + # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND HORIZONTAL +2534 + # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND HORIZONTAL +253C + # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL +2592 # MEDIUM SHADE +25AE # BLACK VERTICAL RECTANGLE +25C6 # BLACK DIAMOND +25E6 o # WHITE BULLET +266A # EIGHTH NOTE +2A0C ∫∫∫∫ # QUADRUPLE INTEGRAL OPERATOR +2A74 ::= # DOUBLE COLON EQUAL +2A75 == # TWO CONSECUTIVE EQUALS SIGNS +2A76 === # THREE CONSECUTIVE EQUALS SIGNS +2E9F 母 # CJK RADICAL MOTHER +2EF3 龟 # CJK RADICAL C-SIMPLIFIED TURTLE +2F00 一 # KANGXI RADICAL ONE +2F01 丨 # KANGXI RADICAL LINE +2F02 丶 # KANGXI RADICAL DOT +2F03 丿 # KANGXI RADICAL SLASH +2F04 乙 # KANGXI RADICAL SECOND +2F05 亅 # KANGXI RADICAL HOOK +2F06 二 # KANGXI RADICAL TWO +2F07 亠 # KANGXI RADICAL LID +2F08 人 # KANGXI RADICAL MAN +2F09 儿 # KANGXI RADICAL LEGS +2F0A 入 # KANGXI RADICAL ENTER +2F0B 八 # KANGXI RADICAL EIGHT +2F0C 冂 # KANGXI RADICAL DOWN BOX +2F0D 冖 # KANGXI RADICAL COVER +2F0E 冫 # KANGXI RADICAL ICE +2F0F 几 # KANGXI RADICAL TABLE +2F10 凵 # KANGXI RADICAL OPEN BOX +2F11 刀 # KANGXI RADICAL KNIFE +2F12 力 # KANGXI RADICAL POWER +2F13 勹 # KANGXI RADICAL WRAP +2F14 匕 # KANGXI RADICAL SPOON +2F15 匚 # KANGXI RADICAL RIGHT OPEN BOX +2F16 匸 # KANGXI RADICAL HIDING ENCLOSURE +2F17 十 # KANGXI RADICAL TEN +2F18 卜 # KANGXI RADICAL DIVINATION +2F19 卩 # KANGXI RADICAL SEAL +2F1A 厂 # KANGXI RADICAL CLIFF +2F1B 厶 # KANGXI RADICAL PRIVATE +2F1C 又 # KANGXI RADICAL AGAIN +2F1D 口 # KANGXI RADICAL MOUTH +2F1E 囗 # KANGXI RADICAL ENCLOSURE +2F1F 土 # KANGXI RADICAL EARTH +2F20 士 # KANGXI RADICAL SCHOLAR +2F21 夂 # KANGXI RADICAL GO +2F22 夊 # KANGXI RADICAL GO SLOWLY +2F23 夕 # KANGXI RADICAL EVENING +2F24 大 # KANGXI RADICAL BIG +2F25 女 # KANGXI RADICAL WOMAN +2F26 子 # KANGXI RADICAL CHILD +2F27 宀 # KANGXI RADICAL ROOF +2F28 寸 # KANGXI RADICAL INCH +2F29 小 # KANGXI RADICAL SMALL +2F2A 尢 # KANGXI RADICAL LAME +2F2B 尸 # KANGXI RADICAL CORPSE +2F2C 屮 # KANGXI RADICAL SPROUT +2F2D 山 # KANGXI RADICAL MOUNTAIN +2F2E 巛 # KANGXI RADICAL RIVER +2F2F 工 # KANGXI RADICAL WORK +2F30 己 # KANGXI RADICAL ONESELF +2F31 巾 # KANGXI RADICAL TURBAN +2F32 干 # KANGXI RADICAL DRY +2F33 幺 # KANGXI RADICAL SHORT THREAD +2F34 广 # KANGXI RADICAL DOTTED CLIFF +2F35 廴 # KANGXI RADICAL LONG STRIDE +2F36 廾 # KANGXI RADICAL TWO HANDS +2F37 弋 # KANGXI RADICAL SHOOT +2F38 弓 # KANGXI RADICAL BOW +2F39 彐 # KANGXI RADICAL SNOUT +2F3A 彡 # KANGXI RADICAL BRISTLE +2F3B 彳 # KANGXI RADICAL STEP +2F3C 心 # KANGXI RADICAL HEART +2F3D 戈 # KANGXI RADICAL HALBERD +2F3E 戶 # KANGXI RADICAL DOOR +2F3F 手 # KANGXI RADICAL HAND +2F40 支 # KANGXI RADICAL BRANCH +2F41 攴 # KANGXI RADICAL RAP +2F42 文 # KANGXI RADICAL SCRIPT +2F43 斗 # KANGXI RADICAL DIPPER +2F44 斤 # KANGXI RADICAL AXE +2F45 方 # KANGXI RADICAL SQUARE +2F46 无 # KANGXI RADICAL NOT +2F47 日 # KANGXI RADICAL SUN +2F48 曰 # KANGXI RADICAL SAY +2F49 月 # KANGXI RADICAL MOON +2F4A 木 # KANGXI RADICAL TREE +2F4B 欠 # KANGXI RADICAL LACK +2F4C 止 # KANGXI RADICAL STOP +2F4D 歹 # KANGXI RADICAL DEATH +2F4E 殳 # KANGXI RADICAL WEAPON +2F4F 毋 # KANGXI RADICAL DO NOT +2F50 比 # KANGXI RADICAL COMPARE +2F51 毛 # KANGXI RADICAL FUR +2F52 氏 # KANGXI RADICAL CLAN +2F53 气 # KANGXI RADICAL STEAM +2F54 水 # KANGXI RADICAL WATER +2F55 火 # KANGXI RADICAL FIRE +2F56 爪 # KANGXI RADICAL CLAW +2F57 父 # KANGXI RADICAL FATHER +2F58 爻 # KANGXI RADICAL DOUBLE X +2F59 爿 # KANGXI RADICAL HALF TREE TRUNK +2F5A 片 # KANGXI RADICAL SLICE +2F5B 牙 # KANGXI RADICAL FANG +2F5C 牛 # KANGXI RADICAL COW +2F5D 犬 # KANGXI RADICAL DOG +2F5E 玄 # KANGXI RADICAL PROFOUND +2F5F 玉 # KANGXI RADICAL JADE +2F60 瓜 # KANGXI RADICAL MELON +2F61 瓦 # KANGXI RADICAL TILE +2F62 甘 # KANGXI RADICAL SWEET +2F63 生 # KANGXI RADICAL LIFE +2F64 用 # KANGXI RADICAL USE +2F65 田 # KANGXI RADICAL FIELD +2F66 疋 # KANGXI RADICAL BOLT OF CLOTH +2F67 疒 # KANGXI RADICAL SICKNESS +2F68 癶 # KANGXI RADICAL DOTTED TENT +2F69 白 # KANGXI RADICAL WHITE +2F6A 皮 # KANGXI RADICAL SKIN +2F6B 皿 # KANGXI RADICAL DISH +2F6C 目 # KANGXI RADICAL EYE +2F6D 矛 # KANGXI RADICAL SPEAR +2F6E 矢 # KANGXI RADICAL ARROW +2F6F 石 # KANGXI RADICAL STONE +2F70 示 # KANGXI RADICAL SPIRIT +2F71 禸 # KANGXI RADICAL TRACK +2F72 禾 # KANGXI RADICAL GRAIN +2F73 穴 # KANGXI RADICAL CAVE +2F74 立 # KANGXI RADICAL STAND +2F75 竹 # KANGXI RADICAL BAMBOO +2F76 米 # KANGXI RADICAL RICE +2F77 糸 # KANGXI RADICAL SILK +2F78 缶 # KANGXI RADICAL JAR +2F79 网 # KANGXI RADICAL NET +2F7A 羊 # KANGXI RADICAL SHEEP +2F7B 羽 # KANGXI RADICAL FEATHER +2F7C 老 # KANGXI RADICAL OLD +2F7D 而 # KANGXI RADICAL AND +2F7E 耒 # KANGXI RADICAL PLOW +2F7F 耳 # KANGXI RADICAL EAR +2F80 聿 # KANGXI RADICAL BRUSH +2F81 肉 # KANGXI RADICAL MEAT +2F82 臣 # KANGXI RADICAL MINISTER +2F83 自 # KANGXI RADICAL SELF +2F84 至 # KANGXI RADICAL ARRIVE +2F85 臼 # KANGXI RADICAL MORTAR +2F86 舌 # KANGXI RADICAL TONGUE +2F87 舛 # KANGXI RADICAL OPPOSE +2F88 舟 # KANGXI RADICAL BOAT +2F89 艮 # KANGXI RADICAL STOPPING +2F8A 色 # KANGXI RADICAL COLOR +2F8B 艸 # KANGXI RADICAL GRASS +2F8C 虍 # KANGXI RADICAL TIGER +2F8D 虫 # KANGXI RADICAL INSECT +2F8E 血 # KANGXI RADICAL BLOOD +2F8F 行 # KANGXI RADICAL WALK ENCLOSURE +2F90 衣 # KANGXI RADICAL CLOTHES +2F91 襾 # KANGXI RADICAL WEST +2F92 見 # KANGXI RADICAL SEE +2F93 角 # KANGXI RADICAL HORN +2F94 言 # KANGXI RADICAL SPEECH +2F95 谷 # KANGXI RADICAL VALLEY +2F96 豆 # KANGXI RADICAL BEAN +2F97 豕 # KANGXI RADICAL PIG +2F98 豸 # KANGXI RADICAL BADGER +2F99 貝 # KANGXI RADICAL SHELL +2F9A 赤 # KANGXI RADICAL RED +2F9B 走 # KANGXI RADICAL RUN +2F9C 足 # KANGXI RADICAL FOOT +2F9D 身 # KANGXI RADICAL BODY +2F9E 車 # KANGXI RADICAL CART +2F9F 辛 # KANGXI RADICAL BITTER +2FA0 辰 # KANGXI RADICAL MORNING +2FA1 辵 # KANGXI RADICAL WALK +2FA2 邑 # KANGXI RADICAL CITY +2FA3 酉 # KANGXI RADICAL WINE +2FA4 釆 # KANGXI RADICAL DISTINGUISH +2FA5 里 # KANGXI RADICAL VILLAGE +2FA6 金 # KANGXI RADICAL GOLD +2FA7 長 # KANGXI RADICAL LONG +2FA8 門 # KANGXI RADICAL GATE +2FA9 阜 # KANGXI RADICAL MOUND +2FAA 隶 # KANGXI RADICAL SLAVE +2FAB 隹 # KANGXI RADICAL SHORT TAILED BIRD +2FAC 雨 # KANGXI RADICAL RAIN +2FAD 靑 # KANGXI RADICAL BLUE +2FAE 非 # KANGXI RADICAL WRONG +2FAF 面 # KANGXI RADICAL FACE +2FB0 革 # KANGXI RADICAL LEATHER +2FB1 韋 # KANGXI RADICAL TANNED LEATHER +2FB2 韭 # KANGXI RADICAL LEEK +2FB3 音 # KANGXI RADICAL SOUND +2FB4 頁 # KANGXI RADICAL LEAF +2FB5 風 # KANGXI RADICAL WIND +2FB6 飛 # KANGXI RADICAL FLY +2FB7 食 # KANGXI RADICAL EAT +2FB8 首 # KANGXI RADICAL HEAD +2FB9 香 # KANGXI RADICAL FRAGRANT +2FBA 馬 # KANGXI RADICAL HORSE +2FBB 骨 # KANGXI RADICAL BONE +2FBC 高 # KANGXI RADICAL TALL +2FBD 髟 # KANGXI RADICAL HAIR +2FBE 鬥 # KANGXI RADICAL FIGHT +2FBF 鬯 # KANGXI RADICAL SACRIFICIAL WINE +2FC0 鬲 # KANGXI RADICAL CAULDRON +2FC1 鬼 # KANGXI RADICAL GHOST +2FC2 魚 # KANGXI RADICAL FISH +2FC3 鳥 # KANGXI RADICAL BIRD +2FC4 鹵 # KANGXI RADICAL SALT +2FC5 鹿 # KANGXI RADICAL DEER +2FC6 麥 # KANGXI RADICAL WHEAT +2FC7 麻 # KANGXI RADICAL HEMP +2FC8 黃 # KANGXI RADICAL YELLOW +2FC9 黍 # KANGXI RADICAL MILLET +2FCA 黑 # KANGXI RADICAL BLACK +2FCB 黹 # KANGXI RADICAL EMBROIDERY +2FCC 黽 # KANGXI RADICAL FROG +2FCD 鼎 # KANGXI RADICAL TRIPOD +2FCE 鼓 # KANGXI RADICAL DRUM +2FCF 鼠 # KANGXI RADICAL RAT +2FD0 鼻 # KANGXI RADICAL NOSE +2FD1 齊 # KANGXI RADICAL EVEN +2FD2 齒 # KANGXI RADICAL TOOTH +2FD3 龍 # KANGXI RADICAL DRAGON +2FD4 龜 # KANGXI RADICAL TURTLE +2FD5 龠 # KANGXI RADICAL FLUTE +3000 # IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE +3036 〒 # CIRCLED POSTAL MARK +3038 十 # HANGZHOU NUMERAL TEN +3039 卄 # HANGZHOU NUMERAL TWENTY +303A 卅 # HANGZHOU NUMERAL THIRTY +3041 あ # HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL A +3043 い # HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL I +3045 う # HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL U +3047 え # HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL E +3049 お # HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL O +3063 つ # HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL TU +3083 や # HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL YA +3085 ゆ # HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL YU +3087 よ # HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL YO +308E わ # HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL WA +3095 か # HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL KA +3096 け # HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL KE +309B ゙ # KATAKANA-HIRAGANA VOICED SOUND MARK +309C ゚ # KATAKANA-HIRAGANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK +30A0 = # KATAKANA-HIRAGANA DOUBLE HYPHEN +30A1 ア # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL A +30A3 イ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL I +30A5 ウ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL U +30A7 エ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL E +30A9 オ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL O +30C3 ツ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL TU +30E3 ヤ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL YA +30E5 ユ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL YU +30E7 ヨ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL YO +30EE ワ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL WA +30F5 カ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL KA +30F6 ケ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL KE +3131 ᄀ # HANGUL LETTER KIYEOK +3132 ᄁ # HANGUL LETTER SSANGKIYEOK +3133 ᆪ # HANGUL LETTER KIYEOK-SIOS +3134 ᄂ # HANGUL LETTER NIEUN +3135 ᆬ # HANGUL LETTER NIEUN-CIEUC +3136 ᆭ # HANGUL LETTER NIEUN-HIEUH +3137 ᄃ # HANGUL LETTER TIKEUT +3138 ᄄ # HANGUL LETTER SSANGTIKEUT +3139 ᄅ # HANGUL LETTER RIEUL +313A ᆰ # HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-KIYEOK +313B ᆱ # HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-MIEUM +313C ᆲ # HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-PIEUP +313D ᆳ # HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-SIOS +313E ᆴ # HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-THIEUTH +313F ᆵ # HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-PHIEUPH +3140 ᄚ # HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-HIEUH +3141 ᄆ # HANGUL LETTER MIEUM +3142 ᄇ # HANGUL LETTER PIEUP +3143 ᄈ # HANGUL LETTER SSANGPIEUP +3144 ᄡ # HANGUL LETTER PIEUP-SIOS +3145 ᄉ # HANGUL LETTER SIOS +3146 ᄊ # HANGUL LETTER SSANGSIOS +3147 ᄋ # HANGUL LETTER IEUNG +3148 ᄌ # HANGUL LETTER CIEUC +3149 ᄍ # HANGUL LETTER SSANGCIEUC +314A ᄎ # HANGUL LETTER CHIEUCH +314B ᄏ # HANGUL LETTER KHIEUKH +314C ᄐ # HANGUL LETTER THIEUTH +314D ᄑ # HANGUL LETTER PHIEUPH +314E ᄒ # HANGUL LETTER HIEUH +314F ᅡ # HANGUL LETTER A +3150 ᅢ # HANGUL LETTER AE +3151 ᅣ # HANGUL LETTER YA +3152 ᅤ # HANGUL LETTER YAE +3153 ᅥ # HANGUL LETTER EO +3154 ᅦ # HANGUL LETTER E +3155 ᅧ # HANGUL LETTER YEO +3156 ᅨ # HANGUL LETTER YE +3157 ᅩ # HANGUL LETTER O +3158 ᅪ # HANGUL LETTER WA +3159 ᅫ # HANGUL LETTER WAE +315A ᅬ # HANGUL LETTER OE +315B ᅭ # HANGUL LETTER YO +315C ᅮ # HANGUL LETTER U +315D ᅯ # HANGUL LETTER WEO +315E ᅰ # HANGUL LETTER WE +315F ᅱ # HANGUL LETTER WI +3160 ᅲ # HANGUL LETTER YU +3161 ᅳ # HANGUL LETTER EU +3162 ᅴ # HANGUL LETTER YI +3163 ᅵ # HANGUL LETTER I +3164 ᅠ # HANGUL FILLER +3165 ᄔ # HANGUL LETTER SSANGNIEUN +3166 ᄕ # HANGUL LETTER NIEUN-TIKEUT +3167 ᇇ # HANGUL LETTER NIEUN-SIOS +3168 ᇈ # HANGUL LETTER NIEUN-PANSIOS +3169 ᇌ # HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-KIYEOK-SIOS +316A ᇎ # HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-TIKEUT +316B ᇓ # HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-PIEUP-SIOS +316C ᇗ # HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-PANSIOS +316D ᇙ # HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-YEORINHIEUH +316E ᄜ # HANGUL LETTER MIEUM-PIEUP +316F ᇝ # HANGUL LETTER MIEUM-SIOS +3170 ᇟ # HANGUL LETTER MIEUM-PANSIOS +3171 ᄝ # HANGUL LETTER KAPYEOUNMIEUM +3172 ᄞ # HANGUL LETTER PIEUP-KIYEOK +3173 ᄠ # HANGUL LETTER PIEUP-TIKEUT +3174 ᄢ # HANGUL LETTER PIEUP-SIOS-KIYEOK +3175 ᄣ # HANGUL LETTER PIEUP-SIOS-TIKEUT +3176 ᄧ # HANGUL LETTER PIEUP-CIEUC +3177 ᄩ # HANGUL LETTER PIEUP-THIEUTH +3178 ᄫ # HANGUL LETTER KAPYEOUNPIEUP +3179 ᄬ # HANGUL LETTER KAPYEOUNSSANGPIEUP +317A ᄭ # HANGUL LETTER SIOS-KIYEOK +317B ᄮ # HANGUL LETTER SIOS-NIEUN +317C ᄯ # HANGUL LETTER SIOS-TIKEUT +317D ᄲ # HANGUL LETTER SIOS-PIEUP +317E ᄶ # HANGUL LETTER SIOS-CIEUC +317F ᅀ # HANGUL LETTER PANSIOS +3180 ᅇ # HANGUL LETTER SSANGIEUNG +3181 ᅌ # HANGUL LETTER YESIEUNG +3182 ᇱ # HANGUL LETTER YESIEUNG-SIOS +3183 ᇲ # HANGUL LETTER YESIEUNG-PANSIOS +3184 ᅗ # HANGUL LETTER KAPYEOUNPHIEUPH +3185 ᅘ # HANGUL LETTER SSANGHIEUH +3186 ᅙ # HANGUL LETTER YEORINHIEUH +3187 ᆄ # HANGUL LETTER YO-YA +3188 ᆅ # HANGUL LETTER YO-YAE +3189 ᆈ # HANGUL LETTER YO-I +318A ᆑ # HANGUL LETTER YU-YEO +318B ᆒ # HANGUL LETTER YU-YE +318C ᆔ # HANGUL LETTER YU-I +318D ᆞ # HANGUL LETTER ARAEA +318E ᆡ # HANGUL LETTER ARAEAE +31F0 ク # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL KU +31F1 シ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL SI +31F2 ス # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL SU +31F3 ト # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL TO +31F4 ヌ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL NU +31F5 ハ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL HA +31F6 ヒ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL HI +31F7 フ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL HU +31F8 ヘ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL HE +31F9 ホ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL HO +31FA ム # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL MU +31FB ラ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL RA +31FC リ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL RI +31FD ル # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL RU +31FE レ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL RE +31FF ロ # KATAKANA LETTER SMALL RO +3200 (ᄀ) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL KIYEOK +3201 (ᄂ) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL NIEUN +3202 (ᄃ) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL TIKEUT +3203 (ᄅ) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL RIEUL +3204 (ᄆ) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL MIEUM +3205 (ᄇ) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL PIEUP +3206 (ᄉ) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL SIOS +3207 (ᄋ) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL IEUNG +3208 (ᄌ) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL CIEUC +3209 (ᄎ) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL CHIEUCH +320A (ᄏ) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL KHIEUKH +320B (ᄐ) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL THIEUTH +320C (ᄑ) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL PHIEUPH +320D (ᄒ) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL HIEUH +320E (가) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL KIYEOK A +320F (나) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL NIEUN A +3210 (다) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL TIKEUT A +3211 (라) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL RIEUL A +3212 (마) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL MIEUM A +3213 (바) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL PIEUP A +3214 (사) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL SIOS A +3215 (아) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL IEUNG A +3216 (자) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL CIEUC A +3217 (차) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL CHIEUCH A +3218 (카) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL KHIEUKH A +3219 (타) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL THIEUTH A +321A (파) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL PHIEUPH A +321B (하) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL HIEUH A +321C (주) # PARENTHESIZED HANGUL CIEUC U +321D (오전) # PARENTHESIZED KOREAN CHARACTER OJEON +321E (오후) # PARENTHESIZED KOREAN CHARACTER O HU +3220 (一) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH ONE +3221 (二) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH TWO +3222 (三) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH THREE +3223 (四) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH FOUR +3224 (五) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH FIVE +3225 (六) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH SIX +3226 (七) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH SEVEN +3227 (八) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH EIGHT +3228 (九) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH NINE +3229 (十) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH TEN +322A (月) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH MOON +322B (火) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH FIRE +322C (水) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH WATER +322D (木) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH WOOD +322E (金) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH METAL +322F (土) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH EARTH +3230 (日) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH SUN +3231 (株) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH STOCK +3232 (有) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH HAVE +3233 (社) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH SOCIETY +3234 (名) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH NAME +3235 (特) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH SPECIAL +3236 (財) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH FINANCIAL +3237 (祝) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH CONGRATULATION +3238 (労) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH LABOR +3239 (代) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH REPRESENT +323A (呼) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH CALL +323B (学) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH STUDY +323C (監) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH SUPERVISE +323D (企) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH ENTERPRISE +323E (資) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH RESOURCE +323F (協) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH ALLIANCE +3240 (祭) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH FESTIVAL +3241 (休) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH REST +3242 (自) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH SELF +3243 (至) # PARENTHESIZED IDEOGRAPH REACH +3250 PTE # PARTNERSHIP SIGN +3251 (21) # CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY ONE +3252 (22) # CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY TWO +3253 (23) # CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY THREE +3254 (24) # CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY FOUR +3255 (25) # CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY FIVE +3256 (26) # CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY SIX +3257 (27) # CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY SEVEN +3258 (28) # CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY EIGHT +3259 (29) # CIRCLED NUMBER TWENTY NINE +325A (30) # CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY +325B (31) # CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY ONE +325C (32) # CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY TWO +325D (33) # CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY THREE +325E (34) # CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY FOUR +325F (35) # CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY FIVE +3260 (ᄀ) # CIRCLED HANGUL KIYEOK +3261 (ᄂ) # CIRCLED HANGUL NIEUN +3262 (ᄃ) # CIRCLED HANGUL TIKEUT +3263 (ᄅ) # CIRCLED HANGUL RIEUL +3264 (ᄆ) # CIRCLED HANGUL MIEUM +3265 (ᄇ) # CIRCLED HANGUL PIEUP +3266 (ᄉ) # CIRCLED HANGUL SIOS +3267 (ᄋ) # CIRCLED HANGUL IEUNG +3268 (ᄌ) # CIRCLED HANGUL CIEUC +3269 (ᄎ) # CIRCLED HANGUL CHIEUCH +326A (ᄏ) # CIRCLED HANGUL KHIEUKH +326B (ᄐ) # CIRCLED HANGUL THIEUTH +326C (ᄑ) # CIRCLED HANGUL PHIEUPH +326D (ᄒ) # CIRCLED HANGUL HIEUH +326E (가) # CIRCLED HANGUL KIYEOK A +326F (나) # CIRCLED HANGUL NIEUN A +3270 (다) # CIRCLED HANGUL TIKEUT A +3271 (라) # CIRCLED HANGUL RIEUL A +3272 (마) # CIRCLED HANGUL MIEUM A +3273 (바) # CIRCLED HANGUL PIEUP A +3274 (사) # CIRCLED HANGUL SIOS A +3275 (아) # CIRCLED HANGUL IEUNG A +3276 (자) # CIRCLED HANGUL CIEUC A +3277 (차) # CIRCLED HANGUL CHIEUCH A +3278 (카) # CIRCLED HANGUL KHIEUKH A +3279 (타) # CIRCLED HANGUL THIEUTH A +327A (파) # CIRCLED HANGUL PHIEUPH A +327B (하) # CIRCLED HANGUL HIEUH A +327C (참고) # CIRCLED KOREAN CHARACTER CHAMKO +327D (주의) # CIRCLED KOREAN CHARACTER JUEUI +3280 (一) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH ONE +3281 (二) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH TWO +3282 (三) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH THREE +3283 (四) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH FOUR +3284 (五) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH FIVE +3285 (六) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH SIX +3286 (七) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH SEVEN +3287 (八) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH EIGHT +3288 (九) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH NINE +3289 (十) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH TEN +328A (月) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH MOON +328B (火) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH FIRE +328C (水) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH WATER +328D (木) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH WOOD +328E (金) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH METAL +328F (土) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH EARTH +3290 (日) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH SUN +3291 (株) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH STOCK +3292 (有) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH HAVE +3293 (社) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH SOCIETY +3294 (名) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH NAME +3295 (特) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH SPECIAL +3296 (財) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH FINANCIAL +3297 (祝) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH CONGRATULATION +3298 (労) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH LABOR +3299 (秘) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH SECRET +329A (男) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH MALE +329B (女) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH FEMALE +329C (適) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH SUITABLE +329D (優) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH EXCELLENT +329E (印) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH PRINT +329F (注) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH ATTENTION +32A0 (項) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH ITEM +32A1 (休) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH REST +32A2 (写) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH COPY +32A3 (正) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH CORRECT +32A4 (上) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH HIGH +32A5 (中) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH CENTRE +32A6 (下) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH LOW +32A7 (左) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH LEFT +32A8 (右) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH RIGHT +32A9 (医) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH MEDICINE +32AA (宗) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH RELIGION +32AB (学) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH STUDY +32AC (監) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH SUPERVISE +32AD (企) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH ENTERPRISE +32AE (資) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH RESOURCE +32AF (協) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH ALLIANCE +32B0 (夜) # CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH NIGHT +32B1 (36) # CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY SIX +32B2 (37) # CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY SEVEN +32B3 (38) # CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY EIGHT +32B4 (39) # CIRCLED NUMBER THIRTY NINE +32B5 (40) # CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY +32B6 (41) # CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY ONE +32B7 (42) # CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY TWO +32B8 (43) # CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY THREE +32B9 (44) # CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY FOUR +32BA (45) # CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY FIVE +32BB (46) # CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY SIX +32BC (47) # CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY SEVEN +32BD (48) # CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY EIGHT +32BE (49) # CIRCLED NUMBER FORTY NINE +32BF (50) # CIRCLED NUMBER FIFTY +32C0 1月 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR JANUARY +32C1 2月 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR FEBRUARY +32C2 3月 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR MARCH +32C3 4月 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR APRIL +32C4 5月 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR MAY +32C5 6月 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR JUNE +32C6 7月 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR JULY +32C7 8月 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR AUGUST +32C8 9月 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR SEPTEMBER +32C9 10月 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR OCTOBER +32CA 11月 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR NOVEMBER +32CB 12月 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DECEMBER +32CC Hg # SQUARE HG +32CD erg # SQUARE ERG +32CE eV # SQUARE EV +32CF LTD # LIMITED LIABILITY SIGN +32D0 (ア) # CIRCLED KATAKANA A +32D1 (イ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA I +32D2 (ウ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA U +32D3 (エ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA E +32D4 (オ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA O +32D5 (カ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA KA +32D6 (キ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA KI +32D7 (ク) # CIRCLED KATAKANA KU +32D8 (ケ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA KE +32D9 (コ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA KO +32DA (サ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA SA +32DB (シ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA SI +32DC (ス) # CIRCLED KATAKANA SU +32DD (セ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA SE +32DE (ソ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA SO +32DF (タ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA TA +32E0 (チ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA TI +32E1 (ツ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA TU +32E2 (テ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA TE +32E3 (ト) # CIRCLED KATAKANA TO +32E4 (ナ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA NA +32E5 (ニ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA NI +32E6 (ヌ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA NU +32E7 (ネ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA NE +32E8 (ノ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA NO +32E9 (ハ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA HA +32EA (ヒ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA HI +32EB (フ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA HU +32EC (ヘ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA HE +32ED (ホ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA HO +32EE (マ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA MA +32EF (ミ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA MI +32F0 (ム) # CIRCLED KATAKANA MU +32F1 (メ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA ME +32F2 (モ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA MO +32F3 (ヤ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA YA +32F4 (ユ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA YU +32F5 (ヨ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA YO +32F6 (ラ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA RA +32F7 (リ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA RI +32F8 (ル) # CIRCLED KATAKANA RU +32F9 (レ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA RE +32FA (ロ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA RO +32FB (ワ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA WA +32FC (ヰ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA WI +32FD (ヱ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA WE +32FE (ヲ) # CIRCLED KATAKANA WO +3300 アパート # SQUARE APAATO +3301 アルファ # SQUARE ARUHUA +3302 アンペア # SQUARE ANPEA +3303 アール # SQUARE AARU +3304 イニング # SQUARE ININGU +3305 インチ # SQUARE INTI +3306 ウォン # SQUARE UON +3307 エスクード # SQUARE ESUKUUDO +3308 エーカー # SQUARE EEKAA +3309 オンス # SQUARE ONSU +330A オーム # SQUARE OOMU +330B カイリ # SQUARE KAIRI +330C カラット # SQUARE KARATTO +330D カロリー # SQUARE KARORII +330E ガロン # SQUARE GARON +330F ガンマ # SQUARE GANMA +3310 ギガ # SQUARE GIGA +3311 ギニー # SQUARE GINII +3312 キュリー # SQUARE KYURII +3313 ギルダー # SQUARE GIRUDAA +3314 キロ # SQUARE KIRO +3315 キログラム # SQUARE KIROGURAMU +3316 キロメートル # SQUARE KIROMEETORU +3317 キロワット # SQUARE KIROWATTO +3318 グラム # SQUARE GURAMU +3319 グラムトン # SQUARE GURAMUTON +331A クルゼイロ # SQUARE KURUZEIRO +331B クローネ # SQUARE KUROONE +331C ケース # SQUARE KEESU +331D コルナ # SQUARE KORUNA +331E コーポ # SQUARE KOOPO +331F サイクル # SQUARE SAIKURU +3320 サンチーム # SQUARE SANTIIMU +3321 シリング # SQUARE SIRINGU +3322 センチ # SQUARE SENTI +3323 セント # SQUARE SENTO +3324 ダース # SQUARE DAASU +3325 デシ # SQUARE DESI +3326 ドル # SQUARE DORU +3327 トン # SQUARE TON +3328 ナノ # SQUARE NANO +3329 ノット # SQUARE NOTTO +332A ハイツ # SQUARE HAITU +332B パーセント # SQUARE PAASENTO +332C パーツ # SQUARE PAATU +332D バーレル # SQUARE BAARERU +332E ピアストル # SQUARE PIASUTORU +332F ピクル # SQUARE PIKURU +3330 ピコ # SQUARE PIKO +3331 ビル # SQUARE BIRU +3332 ファラッド # SQUARE HUARADDO +3333 フィート # SQUARE HUIITO +3334 ブッシェル # SQUARE BUSSYERU +3335 フラン # SQUARE HURAN +3336 ヘクタール # SQUARE HEKUTAARU +3337 ペソ # SQUARE PESO +3338 ペニヒ # SQUARE PENIHI +3339 ヘルツ # SQUARE HERUTU +333A ペンス # SQUARE PENSU +333B ページ # SQUARE PEEZI +333C ベータ # SQUARE BEETA +333D ポイント # SQUARE POINTO +333E ボルト # SQUARE BORUTO +333F ホン # SQUARE HON +3340 ポンド # SQUARE PONDO +3341 ホール # SQUARE HOORU +3342 ホーン # SQUARE HOON +3343 マイクロ # SQUARE MAIKURO +3344 マイル # SQUARE MAIRU +3345 マッハ # SQUARE MAHHA +3346 マルク # SQUARE MARUKU +3347 マンション # SQUARE MANSYON +3348 ミクロン # SQUARE MIKURON +3349 ミリ # SQUARE MIRI +334A ミリバール # SQUARE MIRIBAARU +334B メガ # SQUARE MEGA +334C メガトン # SQUARE MEGATON +334D メートル # SQUARE MEETORU +334E ヤード # SQUARE YAADO +334F ヤール # SQUARE YAARU +3350 ユアン # SQUARE YUAN +3351 リットル # SQUARE RITTORU +3352 リラ # SQUARE RIRA +3353 ルピー # SQUARE RUPII +3354 ルーブル # SQUARE RUUBURU +3355 レム # SQUARE REMU +3356 レントゲン # SQUARE RENTOGEN +3357 ワット # SQUARE WATTO +3358 0点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR ZERO +3359 1点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR ONE +335A 2点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR TWO +335B 3点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR THREE +335C 4点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR FOUR +335D 5点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR FIVE +335E 6点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR SIX +335F 7点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR SEVEN +3360 8点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR EIGHT +3361 9点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR NINE +3362 10点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR TEN +3363 11点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR ELEVEN +3364 12点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR TWELVE +3365 13点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR THIRTEEN +3366 14点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR FOURTEEN +3367 15点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR FIFTEEN +3368 16点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR SIXTEEN +3369 17点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR SEVENTEEN +336A 18点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR EIGHTEEN +336B 19点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR NINETEEN +336C 20点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR TWENTY +336D 21点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR TWENTY-ONE +336E 22点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR TWENTY-TWO +336F 23点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR TWENTY-THREE +3370 24点 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR HOUR TWENTY-FOUR +3371 hPa # SQUARE HPA +3372 da # SQUARE DA +3373 AU # SQUARE AU +3374 bar # SQUARE BAR +3375 oV # SQUARE OV +3376 pc # SQUARE PC +3377 dm # SQUARE DM +3378 dm^2 # SQUARE DM SQUARED +3379 dm^3 # SQUARE DM CUBED +337A IU # SQUARE IU +337B 平成 # SQUARE ERA NAME HEISEI +337C 昭和 # SQUARE ERA NAME SYOUWA +337D 大正 # SQUARE ERA NAME TAISYOU +337E 明治 # SQUARE ERA NAME MEIZI +337F 株式会社 # SQUARE CORPORATION +3380 pA # SQUARE PA AMPS +3381 nA # SQUARE NA +3382 μA # SQUARE MU A +3383 mA # SQUARE MA +3384 kA # SQUARE KA +3385 KB # SQUARE KB +3386 MB # SQUARE MB +3387 GB # SQUARE GB +3388 cal # SQUARE CAL +3389 kcal # SQUARE KCAL +338A pF # SQUARE PF +338B nF # SQUARE NF +338C μF # SQUARE MU F +338D μg # SQUARE MU G +338E mg # SQUARE MG +338F kg # SQUARE KG +3390 Hz # SQUARE HZ +3391 kHz # SQUARE KHZ +3392 MHz # SQUARE MHZ +3393 GHz # SQUARE GHZ +3394 THz # SQUARE THZ +3395 μl # SQUARE MU L +3396 ml # SQUARE ML +3397 dl # SQUARE DL +3398 kl # SQUARE KL +3399 fm # SQUARE FM +339A nm # SQUARE NM +339B μm # SQUARE MU M +339C mm # SQUARE MM +339D cm # SQUARE CM +339E km # SQUARE KM +339F mm^2 # SQUARE MM SQUARED +33A0 cm^2 # SQUARE CM SQUARED +33A1 m^2 # SQUARE M SQUARED +33A2 km^2 # SQUARE KM SQUARED +33A3 mm^3 # SQUARE MM CUBED +33A4 cm^3 # SQUARE CM CUBED +33A5 m^3 # SQUARE M CUBED +33A6 km^3 # SQUARE KM CUBED +33A7 m/s # SQUARE M OVER S +33A8 m/s^2 # SQUARE M OVER S SQUARED +33A9 Pa # SQUARE PA +33AA kPa # SQUARE KPA +33AB MPa # SQUARE MPA +33AC GPa # SQUARE GPA +33AD rad # SQUARE RAD +33AE rad/s # SQUARE RAD OVER S +33AF rad/s^2 # SQUARE RAD OVER S SQUARED +33B0 ps # SQUARE PS +33B1 ns # SQUARE NS +33B2 μs # SQUARE MU S +33B3 ms # SQUARE MS +33B4 pV # SQUARE PV +33B5 nV # SQUARE NV +33B6 μV # SQUARE MU V +33B7 mV # SQUARE MV +33B8 kV # SQUARE KV +33B9 MV # SQUARE MV MEGA +33BA pW # SQUARE PW +33BB nW # SQUARE NW +33BC μW # SQUARE MU W +33BD mW # SQUARE MW +33BE kW # SQUARE KW +33BF MW # SQUARE MW MEGA +33C0 kΩ # SQUARE K OHM +33C1 MΩ # SQUARE M OHM +33C2 a.m. # SQUARE AM +33C3 Bq # SQUARE BQ +33C4 cc # SQUARE CC +33C5 cd # SQUARE CD +33C6 C/kg # SQUARE C OVER KG +33C7 Co. # SQUARE CO +33C8 dB # SQUARE DB +33C9 Gy # SQUARE GY +33CA ha # SQUARE HA +33CB HP # SQUARE HP +33CC in # SQUARE IN +33CD KK # SQUARE KK +33CE KM # SQUARE KM CAPITAL +33CF kt # SQUARE KT +33D0 lm # SQUARE LM +33D1 ln # SQUARE LN +33D2 log # SQUARE LOG +33D3 lx # SQUARE LX +33D4 mb # SQUARE MB SMALL +33D5 mil # SQUARE MIL +33D6 mol # SQUARE MOL +33D7 PH # SQUARE PH +33D8 p.m. # SQUARE PM +33D9 PPM # SQUARE PPM +33DA PR # SQUARE PR +33DB sr # SQUARE SR +33DC Sv # SQUARE SV +33DD Wb # SQUARE WB +33DE V/m # SQUARE V OVER M +33DF A/m # SQUARE A OVER M +33FF gal # SQUARE GAL +33E0 1日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY ONE +33E1 2日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY TWO +33E2 3日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY THREE +33E3 4日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY FOUR +33E4 5日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY FIVE +33E5 6日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY SIX +33E6 7日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY SEVEN +33E7 8日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY EIGHT +33E8 9日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY NINE +33E9 10日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY TEN +33EA 11日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY ELEVEN +33EB 12日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY TWELVE +33EC 13日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY THIRTEEN +33ED 14日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY FOURTEEN +33EE 15日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY FIFTEEN +33EF 16日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY SIXTEEN +33F0 17日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY SEVENTEEN +33F1 18日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY EIGHTEEN +33F2 19日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY NINETEEN +33F3 20日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY TWENTY +33F4 21日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY TWENTY-ONE +33F5 22日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY TWENTY-TWO +33F6 23日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY TWENTY-THREE +33F7 24日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY TWENTY-FOUR +33F8 25日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY TWENTY-FIVE +33F9 26日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY TWENTY-SIX +33FA 27日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY TWENTY-SEVEN +33FB 28日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY TWENTY-EIGHT +33FC 29日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY TWENTY-NINE +33FD 30日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY THIRTY +33FE 31日 # IDEOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH SYMBOL FOR DAY THIRTY-ONE +F900 豈 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F900 +F901 更 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F901 +F902 車 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F902 +F903 賈 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F903 +F904 滑 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F904 +F905 串 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F905 +F906 句 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F906 +F907 龜 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F907 +F908 龜 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F908 +F909 契 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F909 +F90A 金 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F90A +F90B 喇 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F90B +F90C 奈 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F90C +F90D 懶 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F90D +F90E 癩 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F90E +F90F 羅 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F90F +F910 蘿 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F910 +F911 螺 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F911 +F912 裸 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F912 +F913 邏 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F913 +F914 樂 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F914 +F915 洛 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F915 +F916 烙 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F916 +F917 珞 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F917 +F918 落 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F918 +F919 酪 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F919 +F91A 駱 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F91A +F91B 亂 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F91B +F91C 卵 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F91C +F91D 欄 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F91D +F91E 爛 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F91E +F91F 蘭 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F91F +F920 鸞 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F920 +F921 嵐 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F921 +F922 濫 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F922 +F923 藍 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F923 +F924 襤 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F924 +F925 拉 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F925 +F926 臘 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F926 +F927 蠟 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F927 +F928 廊 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F928 +F929 朗 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F929 +F92A 浪 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F92A +F92B 狼 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F92B +F92C 郎 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F92C +F92D 來 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F92D +F92E 冷 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F92E +F92F 勞 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F92F +F930 擄 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F930 +F931 櫓 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F931 +F932 爐 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F932 +F933 盧 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F933 +F934 老 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F934 +F935 蘆 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F935 +F936 虜 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F936 +F937 路 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F937 +F938 露 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F938 +F939 魯 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F939 +F93A 鷺 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F93A +F93B 碌 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F93B +F93C 祿 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F93C +F93D 綠 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F93D +F93E 菉 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F93E +F93F 錄 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F93F +F940 鹿 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F940 +F941 論 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F941 +F942 壟 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F942 +F943 弄 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F943 +F944 籠 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F944 +F945 聾 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F945 +F946 牢 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F946 +F947 磊 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F947 +F948 賂 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F948 +F949 雷 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F949 +F94A 壘 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F94A +F94B 屢 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F94B +F94C 樓 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F94C +F94D 淚 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F94D +F94E 漏 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F94E +F94F 累 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F94F +F950 縷 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F950 +F951 陋 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F951 +F952 勒 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F952 +F953 肋 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F953 +F954 凜 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F954 +F955 凌 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F955 +F956 稜 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F956 +F957 綾 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F957 +F958 菱 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F958 +F959 陵 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F959 +F95A 讀 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F95A +F95B 拏 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F95B +F95C 樂 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F95C +F95D 諾 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F95D +F95E 丹 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F95E +F95F 寧 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F95F +F960 怒 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F960 +F961 率 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F961 +F962 異 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F962 +F963 北 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F963 +F964 磻 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F964 +F965 便 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F965 +F966 復 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F966 +F967 不 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F967 +F968 泌 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F968 +F969 數 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F969 +F96A 索 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F96A +F96B 參 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F96B +F96C 塞 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F96C +F96D 省 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F96D +F96E 葉 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F96E +F96F 說 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F96F +F970 殺 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F970 +F971 辰 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F971 +F972 沈 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F972 +F973 拾 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F973 +F974 若 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F974 +F975 掠 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F975 +F976 略 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F976 +F977 亮 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F977 +F978 兩 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F978 +F979 凉 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F979 +F97A 梁 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F97A +F97B 糧 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F97B +F97C 良 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F97C +F97D 諒 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F97D +F97E 量 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F97E +F97F 勵 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F97F +F980 呂 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F980 +F981 女 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F981 +F982 廬 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F982 +F983 旅 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F983 +F984 濾 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F984 +F985 礪 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F985 +F986 閭 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F986 +F987 驪 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F987 +F988 麗 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F988 +F989 黎 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F989 +F98A 力 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F98A +F98B 曆 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F98B +F98C 歷 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F98C +F98D 轢 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F98D +F98E 年 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F98E +F98F 憐 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F98F +F990 戀 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F990 +F991 撚 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F991 +F992 漣 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F992 +F993 煉 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F993 +F994 璉 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F994 +F995 秊 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F995 +F996 練 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F996 +F997 聯 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F997 +F998 輦 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F998 +F999 蓮 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F999 +F99A 連 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F99A +F99B 鍊 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F99B +F99C 列 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F99C +F99D 劣 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F99D +F99E 咽 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F99E +F99F 烈 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F99F +F9A0 裂 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9A0 +F9A1 說 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9A1 +F9A2 廉 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9A2 +F9A3 念 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9A3 +F9A4 捻 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9A4 +F9A5 殮 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9A5 +F9A6 簾 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9A6 +F9A7 獵 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9A7 +F9A8 令 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9A8 +F9A9 囹 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9A9 +F9AA 寧 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9AA +F9AB 嶺 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9AB +F9AC 怜 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9AC +F9AD 玲 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9AD +F9AE 瑩 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9AE +F9AF 羚 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9AF +F9B0 聆 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9B0 +F9B1 鈴 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9B1 +F9B2 零 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9B2 +F9B3 靈 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9B3 +F9B4 領 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9B4 +F9B5 例 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9B5 +F9B6 禮 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9B6 +F9B7 醴 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9B7 +F9B8 隸 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9B8 +F9B9 惡 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9B9 +F9BA 了 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9BA +F9BB 僚 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9BB +F9BC 寮 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9BC +F9BD 尿 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9BD +F9BE 料 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9BE +F9BF 樂 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9BF +F9C0 燎 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9C0 +F9C1 療 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9C1 +F9C2 蓼 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9C2 +F9C3 遼 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9C3 +F9C4 龍 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9C4 +F9C5 暈 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9C5 +F9C6 阮 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9C6 +F9C7 劉 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9C7 +F9C8 杻 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9C8 +F9C9 柳 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9C9 +F9CA 流 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9CA +F9CB 溜 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9CB +F9CC 琉 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9CC +F9CD 留 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9CD +F9CE 硫 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9CE +F9CF 紐 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9CF +F9D0 類 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9D0 +F9D1 六 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9D1 +F9D2 戮 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9D2 +F9D3 陸 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9D3 +F9D4 倫 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9D4 +F9D5 崙 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9D5 +F9D6 淪 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9D6 +F9D7 輪 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9D7 +F9D8 律 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9D8 +F9D9 慄 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9D9 +F9DA 栗 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9DA +F9DB 率 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9DB +F9DC 隆 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9DC +F9DD 利 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9DD +F9DE 吏 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9DE +F9DF 履 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9DF +F9E0 易 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9E0 +F9E1 李 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9E1 +F9E2 梨 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9E2 +F9E3 泥 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9E3 +F9E4 理 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9E4 +F9E5 痢 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9E5 +F9E6 罹 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9E6 +F9E7 裏 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9E7 +F9E8 裡 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9E8 +F9E9 里 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9E9 +F9EA 離 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9EA +F9EB 匿 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9EB +F9EC 溺 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9EC +F9ED 吝 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9ED +F9EE 燐 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9EE +F9EF 璘 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9EF +F9F0 藺 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9F0 +F9F1 隣 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9F1 +F9F2 鱗 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9F2 +F9F3 麟 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9F3 +F9F4 林 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9F4 +F9F5 淋 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9F5 +F9F6 臨 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9F6 +F9F7 立 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9F7 +F9F8 笠 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9F8 +F9F9 粒 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9F9 +F9FA 狀 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9FA +F9FB 炙 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9FB +F9FC 識 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9FC +F9FD 什 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9FD +F9FE 茶 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9FE +F9FF 刺 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-F9FF +FA00 切 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA00 +FA01 度 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA01 +FA02 拓 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA02 +FA03 糖 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA03 +FA04 宅 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA04 +FA05 洞 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA05 +FA06 暴 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA06 +FA07 輻 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA07 +FA08 行 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA08 +FA09 降 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA09 +FA0A 見 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA0A +FA0B 廓 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA0B +FA0C 兀 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA0C +FA0D 嗀 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA0D +FA10 塚 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA10 +FA12 晴 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA12 +FA15 凞 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA15 +FA16 猪 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA16 +FA17 益 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA17 +FA18 礼 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA18 +FA19 神 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA19 +FA1A 祥 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA1A +FA1B 福 # 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LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI +FB02 fl # LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FL +FB03 ffi # LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FFI +FB04 ffl # LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FFL +FB05 ſt # LATIN SMALL LIGATURE LONG S T +FB06 st # LATIN SMALL LIGATURE ST +FB13 մն # ARMENIAN SMALL LIGATURE MEN NOW +FB14 մե # ARMENIAN SMALL LIGATURE MEN ECH +FB15 մի # ARMENIAN SMALL LIGATURE MEN INI +FB16 վն # ARMENIAN SMALL LIGATURE VEW NOW +FB17 մխ # ARMENIAN SMALL LIGATURE MEN XEH +FB20 ע # HEBREW LETTER ALTERNATIVE AYIN +FB21 א # HEBREW LETTER WIDE ALEF +FB22 ד # HEBREW LETTER WIDE DALET +FB23 ה # HEBREW LETTER WIDE HE +FB24 כ # HEBREW LETTER WIDE KAF +FB25 ל # HEBREW LETTER WIDE LAMED +FB26 ם # HEBREW LETTER WIDE FINAL MEM +FB27 ר # HEBREW LETTER WIDE RESH +FB28 ת # HEBREW LETTER WIDE TAV +FB29 + # HEBREW LETTER ALTERNATIVE PLUS SIGN +FB4F אל # HEBREW LIGATURE ALEF LAMED +FE49 ‾ # DASHED OVERLINE +FE4A ‾ # CENTRELINE OVERLINE +FE4B ‾ # WAVY OVERLINE +FE4C ‾ # DOUBLE WAVY OVERLINE +FE4D _ # DASHED LOW LINE +FE4E _ # CENTRELINE LOW LINE +FE4F _ # WAVY LOW LINE +FE50 , # SMALL COMMA +FE51 、 # SMALL IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA +FE52 . # SMALL FULL STOP +FE54 ; # SMALL SEMICOLON +FE55 : # SMALL COLON +FE56 ? # SMALL QUESTION MARK +FE57 ! # SMALL EXCLAMATION MARK +FE58 — # SMALL EM DASH +FE59 ( # SMALL LEFT PARENTHESIS +FE5A ) # SMALL RIGHT PARENTHESIS +FE5B { # SMALL LEFT CURLY BRACKET +FE5C } # SMALL RIGHT CURLY BRACKET +FE5D 〔 # SMALL LEFT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET +FE5E 〕 # SMALL RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET +FE5F # # SMALL NUMBER SIGN +FE60 & # SMALL AMPERSAND +FE61 * # SMALL ASTERISK +FE62 + # SMALL PLUS SIGN +FE63 - # SMALL HYPHEN-MINUS +FE64 < # SMALL LESS-THAN SIGN +FE65 > # SMALL GREATER-THAN SIGN +FE66 = # SMALL EQUALS SIGN +FE68 \ # SMALL REVERSE SOLIDUS +FE69 $ # SMALL DOLLAR SIGN +FE6A % # SMALL PERCENT SIGN +FE6B @ # SMALL COMMERCIAL AT +FF01 ! # FULLWIDTH EXCLAMATION MARK +FF02 " # FULLWIDTH QUOTATION MARK +FF03 # # FULLWIDTH NUMBER SIGN +FF04 $ # FULLWIDTH DOLLAR SIGN +FF05 % # FULLWIDTH PERCENT SIGN +FF06 & # FULLWIDTH AMPERSAND +FF07 ' # FULLWIDTH APOSTROPHE +FF08 ( # FULLWIDTH LEFT PARENTHESIS +FF09 ) # FULLWIDTH RIGHT PARENTHESIS +FF0A * # FULLWIDTH ASTERISK +FF0B + # FULLWIDTH PLUS SIGN +FF0C , # FULLWIDTH COMMA +FF0D - # FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS +FF0E . # FULLWIDTH FULL STOP +FF0F / # FULLWIDTH SOLIDUS +FF10 0 # FULLWIDTH DIGIT ZERO +FF11 1 # FULLWIDTH DIGIT ONE +FF12 2 # FULLWIDTH DIGIT TWO +FF13 3 # FULLWIDTH DIGIT THREE +FF14 4 # FULLWIDTH DIGIT FOUR +FF15 5 # FULLWIDTH DIGIT FIVE +FF16 6 # FULLWIDTH DIGIT SIX +FF17 7 # FULLWIDTH DIGIT SEVEN +FF18 8 # FULLWIDTH DIGIT EIGHT +FF19 9 # FULLWIDTH DIGIT NINE +FF1A : # FULLWIDTH COLON +FF1B ; # FULLWIDTH SEMICOLON +FF1C < # FULLWIDTH LESS-THAN SIGN +FF1D = # FULLWIDTH EQUALS SIGN +FF1E > # FULLWIDTH GREATER-THAN SIGN +FF1F ? # FULLWIDTH QUESTION MARK +FF20 @ # FULLWIDTH COMMERCIAL AT +FF21 A # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A +FF22 B # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B +FF23 C # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C +FF24 D # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D +FF25 E # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E +FF26 F # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F +FF27 G # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G +FF28 H # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H +FF29 I # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I +FF2A J # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J +FF2B K # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K +FF2C L # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L +FF2D M # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M +FF2E N # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N +FF2F O # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O +FF30 P # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P +FF31 Q # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q +FF32 R # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R +FF33 S # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S +FF34 T # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T +FF35 U # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U +FF36 V # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V +FF37 W # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W +FF38 X # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X +FF39 Y # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y +FF3A Z # FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z +FF3B [ # FULLWIDTH LEFT SQUARE BRACKET +FF3C \ # FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS +FF3D ] # FULLWIDTH RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET +FF3E ^ # FULLWIDTH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT +FF3F _ # FULLWIDTH LOW LINE +FF40 ` # FULLWIDTH GRAVE ACCENT +FF41 a # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER A +FF42 b # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER B +FF43 c # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER C +FF44 d # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER D +FF45 e # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER E +FF46 f # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER F +FF47 g # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER G +FF48 h # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER H +FF49 i # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER I +FF4A j # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER J +FF4B k # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER K +FF4C l # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER L +FF4D m # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER M +FF4E n # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER N +FF4F o # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER O +FF50 p # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER P +FF51 q # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER Q +FF52 r # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER R +FF53 s # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER S +FF54 t # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER T +FF55 u # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER U +FF56 v # FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER V +FF57 w # 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HALFWIDTH KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK +FF71 ア # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER A +FF72 イ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER I +FF73 ウ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER U +FF74 エ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER E +FF75 オ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER O +FF76 カ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER KA +FF77 キ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER KI +FF78 ク # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER KU +FF79 ケ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER KE +FF7A コ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER KO +FF7B サ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER SA +FF7C シ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER SI +FF7D ス # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER SU +FF7E セ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER SE +FF7F ソ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER SO +FF80 タ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER TA +FF81 チ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER TI +FF82 ツ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER TU +FF83 テ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER TE +FF84 ト # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER TO +FF85 ナ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER NA +FF86 ニ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER NI +FF87 ヌ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER NU +FF88 ネ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER NE +FF89 ノ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER NO +FF8A ハ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER HA +FF8B ヒ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER HI +FF8C フ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER HU +FF8D ヘ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER HE +FF8E ホ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER HO +FF8F マ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER MA +FF90 ミ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER MI +FF91 ム # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER MU +FF92 メ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER ME +FF93 モ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER MO +FF94 ヤ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER YA +FF95 ユ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER YU +FF96 ヨ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER YO +FF97 ラ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER RA +FF98 リ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER RI +FF99 ル # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER RU +FF9A レ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER RE +FF9B ロ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER RO +FF9C ワ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER WA +FF9D ン # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA LETTER N +FF9E ゙ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA VOICED SOUND MARK +FF9F ゚ # HALFWIDTH KATAKANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK +FFA0 ㅤ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL FILLER +FFA1 ㄱ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER KIYEOK +FFA2 ㄲ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER SSANGKIYEOK +FFA3 ㄳ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER KIYEOK-SIOS +FFA4 ㄴ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER NIEUN +FFA5 ㄵ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER NIEUN-CIEUC +FFA6 ㄶ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER NIEUN-HIEUH +FFA7 ㄷ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER TIKEUT +FFA8 ㄸ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER SSANGTIKEUT +FFA9 ㄹ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER RIEUL +FFAA ㄺ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-KIYEOK +FFAB ㄻ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-MIEUM +FFAC ㄼ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-PIEUP +FFAD ㄽ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-SIOS +FFAE ㄾ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-THIEUTH +FFAF ㄿ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-PHIEUPH +FFB0 ㅀ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER RIEUL-HIEUH +FFB1 ㅁ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER MIEUM +FFB2 ㅂ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER PIEUP +FFB3 ㅃ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER SSANGPIEUP +FFB4 ㅄ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER PIEUP-SIOS +FFB5 ㅅ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER SIOS +FFB6 ㅆ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER SSANGSIOS +FFB7 ㅇ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER IEUNG +FFB8 ㅈ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER CIEUC +FFB9 ㅉ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER SSANGCIEUC +FFBA ㅊ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER CHIEUCH +FFBB ㅋ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER KHIEUKH +FFBC ㅌ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER THIEUTH +FFBD ㅍ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER PHIEUPH +FFBE ㅎ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER HIEUH +FFC2 ㅏ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER A +FFC3 ㅐ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER AE +FFC4 ㅑ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER YA +FFC5 ㅒ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER YAE +FFC6 ㅓ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER EO +FFC7 ㅔ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER E +FFCA ㅕ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER YEO +FFCB ㅖ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER YE +FFCC ㅗ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER O +FFCD ㅘ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER WA +FFCE ㅙ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER WAE +FFCF ㅚ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER OE +FFD2 ㅛ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER YO +FFD3 ㅜ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER U +FFD4 ㅝ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER WEO +FFD5 ㅞ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER WE +FFD6 ㅟ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER WI +FFD7 ㅠ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER YU +FFDA ㅡ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER EU +FFDB ㅢ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER YI +FFDC ㅣ # HALFWIDTH HANGUL LETTER I +FFE0 ¢ # FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN +FFE1 £ # FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN +FFE2 ¬ # FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN +FFE3 ¯ # FULLWIDTH MACRON +FFE4 ¦ # FULLWIDTH BROKEN BAR +FFE5 ¥ # FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN +FFE6 ₩ # FULLWIDTH WON SIGN +FFE8 │ # HALFWIDTH FORMS LIGHT VERTICAL +FFE9 ← # HALFWIDTH LEFTWARDS ARROW +FFEA ↑ # HALFWIDTH UPWARDS ARROW +FFEB → # HALFWIDTH RIGHTWARDS ARROW +FFEC ↓ # HALFWIDTH DOWNWARDS ARROW +FFED ■ # HALFWIDTH BLACK SQUARE +FFEE ○ # HALFWIDTH WHITE CIRCLE +1D400 A # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL A +1D401 B # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL B +1D402 C # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL C +1D403 D # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL D +1D404 E # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL E +1D405 F # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL F +1D406 G # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL G +1D407 H # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL H +1D408 I # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL I +1D409 J # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL J +1D40A K # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL K +1D40B L # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL L +1D40C M # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL M +1D40D N # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL N +1D40E O # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL O +1D40F P # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL P +1D410 Q # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL Q +1D411 R # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL R +1D412 S # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL S +1D413 T # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL T +1D414 U # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL U +1D415 V # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL V +1D416 W # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL W +1D417 X # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL X +1D418 Y # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL Y +1D419 Z # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL Z +1D41A a # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL A +1D41B b # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL B +1D41C c # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL C +1D41D d # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL D +1D41E e # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL E +1D41F f # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL F +1D420 g # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL G +1D421 h # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL H +1D422 i # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL I +1D423 j # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL J +1D424 k # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL K +1D425 l # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL L +1D426 m # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL M +1D427 n # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL N +1D428 o # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL O +1D429 p # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL P +1D42A q # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL Q +1D42B r # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL R +1D42C s # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL S +1D42D t # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL T +1D42E u # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL U +1D42F v # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL V +1D430 w # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL W +1D431 x # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL X +1D432 y # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL Y +1D433 z # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL Z +1D434 A # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL A +1D435 B # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL B +1D436 C # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL C +1D437 D # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL D +1D438 E # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL E +1D439 F # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL F +1D43A G # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL G +1D43B H # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL H +1D43C I # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL I +1D43D J # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL J +1D43E K # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL K +1D43F L # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL L +1D440 M # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL M +1D441 N # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL N +1D442 O # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL O +1D443 P # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL P +1D444 Q # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL Q +1D445 R # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL R +1D446 S # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL S +1D447 T # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL T +1D448 U # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL U +1D449 V # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL V +1D44A W # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL W +1D44B X # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL X +1D44C Y # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL Y +1D44D Z # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL Z +1D44E a # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL A +1D44F b # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL B +1D450 c # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL C +1D451 d # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL D +1D452 e # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL E +1D453 f # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL F +1D454 g # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL G +1D456 i # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL I +1D457 j # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL J +1D458 k # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL K +1D459 l # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL L +1D45A m # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL M +1D45B n # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL N +1D45C o # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL O +1D45D p # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL P +1D45E q # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL Q +1D45F r # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL R +1D460 s # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL S +1D461 t # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL T +1D462 u # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL U +1D463 v # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL V +1D464 w # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL W +1D465 x # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL X +1D466 y # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL Y +1D467 z # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL Z +1D468 A # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL A +1D469 B # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL B +1D46A C # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL C +1D46B D # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL D +1D46C E # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL E +1D46D F # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL F +1D46E G # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL G +1D46F H # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL H +1D470 I # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL I +1D471 J # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL J +1D472 K # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL K +1D473 L # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL L +1D474 M # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL M +1D475 N # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL N +1D476 O # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL O +1D477 P # 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MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL R +1D564 s # MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL S +1D565 t # MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL T +1D566 u # MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL U +1D567 v # MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL V +1D568 w # MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL W +1D569 x # MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL X +1D56A y # MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL Y +1D56B z # MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL Z +1D56C A # MATHEMATICAL BOLD FRAKTUR CAPITAL A +1D56D B # MATHEMATICAL BOLD FRAKTUR CAPITAL B +1D56E C # MATHEMATICAL BOLD FRAKTUR CAPITAL C +1D56F D # MATHEMATICAL BOLD FRAKTUR CAPITAL D +1D570 E # MATHEMATICAL BOLD FRAKTUR CAPITAL E +1D571 F # MATHEMATICAL BOLD FRAKTUR CAPITAL F +1D572 G # MATHEMATICAL BOLD FRAKTUR CAPITAL G +1D573 H # MATHEMATICAL BOLD FRAKTUR CAPITAL H +1D574 I # MATHEMATICAL BOLD FRAKTUR CAPITAL I +1D575 J # MATHEMATICAL BOLD FRAKTUR CAPITAL J +1D576 K # MATHEMATICAL BOLD FRAKTUR CAPITAL K +1D577 L # MATHEMATICAL BOLD FRAKTUR CAPITAL L +1D578 M # MATHEMATICAL BOLD FRAKTUR CAPITAL M +1D579 N # 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MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL V +1D5EA W # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL W +1D5EB X # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL X +1D5EC Y # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL Y +1D5ED Z # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL Z +1D5EE a # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL A +1D5EF b # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL B +1D5F0 c # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL C +1D5F1 d # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL D +1D5F2 e # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL E +1D5F3 f # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL F +1D5F4 g # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL G +1D5F5 h # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL H +1D5F6 i # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL I +1D5F7 j # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL J +1D5F8 k # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL K +1D5F9 l # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL L +1D5FA m # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL M +1D5FB n # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL N +1D5FC o # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL O +1D5FD p # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL P +1D5FE q # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL Q +1D5FF r # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL R +1D600 s # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL S +1D601 t # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL T +1D602 u # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL U +1D603 v # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL V +1D604 w # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL W +1D605 x # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL X +1D606 y # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL Y +1D607 z # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL Z +1D608 A # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL A +1D609 B # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL B +1D60A C # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL C +1D60B D # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL D +1D60C E # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL E +1D60D F # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL F +1D60E G # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL G +1D60F H # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL H +1D610 I # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL I +1D611 J # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL J +1D612 K # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL K +1D613 L # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL L +1D614 M # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL M +1D615 N # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL N +1D616 O # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL O +1D617 P # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL P +1D618 Q # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL Q +1D619 R # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL R +1D61A S # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL S +1D61B T # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL T +1D61C U # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL U +1D61D V # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL V +1D61E W # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL W +1D61F X # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL X +1D620 Y # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL Y +1D621 Z # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC CAPITAL Z +1D622 a # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL A +1D623 b # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL B +1D624 c # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL C +1D625 d # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL D +1D626 e # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL E +1D627 f # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL F +1D628 g # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL G +1D629 h # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL H +1D62A i # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL I +1D62B j # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL J +1D62C k # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL K +1D62D l # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL L +1D62E m # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL M +1D62F n # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL N +1D630 o # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL O +1D631 p # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL P +1D632 q # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL Q +1D633 r # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL R +1D634 s # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL S +1D635 t # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL T +1D636 u # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL U +1D637 v # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL V +1D638 w # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL W +1D639 x # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL X +1D63A y # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL Y +1D63B z # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC SMALL Z +1D63C A # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL A +1D63D B # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL B +1D63E C # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL C +1D63F D # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL D +1D640 E # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL E +1D641 F # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL F +1D642 G # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL G +1D643 H # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL H +1D644 I # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL I +1D645 J # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL J +1D646 K # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL K +1D647 L # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL L +1D648 M # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL M +1D649 N # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL N +1D64A O # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL O +1D64B P # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL P +1D64C Q # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL Q +1D64D R # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL R +1D64E S # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL S +1D64F T # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL T +1D650 U # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL U +1D651 V # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL V +1D652 W # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL W +1D653 X # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL X +1D654 Y # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL Y +1D655 Z # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL Z +1D656 a # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL A +1D657 b # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL B +1D658 c # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL C +1D659 d # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL D +1D65A e # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL E +1D65B f # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL F +1D65C g # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL G +1D65D h # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL H +1D65E i # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL I +1D65F j # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL J +1D660 k # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL K +1D661 l # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL L +1D662 m # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL M +1D663 n # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL N +1D664 o # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL O +1D665 p # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL P +1D666 q # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL Q +1D667 r # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL R +1D668 s # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL S +1D669 t # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL T +1D66A u # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL U +1D66B v # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL V +1D66C w # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL W +1D66D x # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL X +1D66E y # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL Y +1D66F z # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL Z +1D670 A # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL A +1D671 B # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL B +1D672 C # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL C +1D673 D # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL D +1D674 E # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL E +1D675 F # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL F +1D676 G # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL G +1D677 H # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL H +1D678 I # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL I +1D679 J # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL J +1D67A K # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL K +1D67B L # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL L +1D67C M # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL M +1D67D N # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL N +1D67E O # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL O +1D67F P # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL P +1D680 Q # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL Q +1D681 R # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL R +1D682 S # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL S +1D683 T # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL T +1D684 U # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL U +1D685 V # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL V +1D686 W # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL W +1D687 X # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL X +1D688 Y # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL Y +1D689 Z # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE CAPITAL Z +1D68A a # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL A +1D68B b # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL B +1D68C c # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL C +1D68D d # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL D +1D68E e # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL E +1D68F f # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL F +1D690 g # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL G +1D691 h # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL H +1D692 i # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL I +1D693 j # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL J +1D694 k # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL K +1D695 l # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL L +1D696 m # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL M +1D697 n # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL N +1D698 o # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL O +1D699 p # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL P +1D69A q # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL Q +1D69B r # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL R +1D69C s # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL S +1D69D t # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL T +1D69E u # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL U +1D69F v # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL V +1D6A0 w # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL W +1D6A1 x # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL X +1D6A2 y # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL Y +1D6A3 z # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE SMALL Z +1D6A8 Α # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL ALPHA +1D6A9 Β # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL BETA +1D6AA Γ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL GAMMA +1D6AB Δ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL DELTA +1D6AC Ε # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL EPSILON +1D6AD Ζ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL ZETA +1D6AE Η # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL ETA +1D6AF Θ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL THETA +1D6B0 Ι # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL IOTA +1D6B1 Κ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL KAPPA +1D6B2 Λ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL LAMDA +1D6B3 Μ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL MU +1D6B4 Ν # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL NU +1D6B5 Ξ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL XI +1D6B6 Ο # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL OMICRON +1D6B7 Π # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL PI +1D6B8 Ρ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL RHO +1D6B9 ϴ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL THETA SYMBOL +1D6BA Σ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL SIGMA +1D6BB Τ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL TAU +1D6BC Υ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL UPSILON +1D6BD Φ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL PHI +1D6BE Χ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL CHI +1D6BF Ψ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL PSI +1D6C0 Ω # MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL OMEGA +1D6C1 ∇ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD NABLA +1D6C2 α # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL ALPHA +1D6C3 β # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL BETA +1D6C4 γ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL GAMMA +1D6C5 δ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL DELTA +1D6C6 ε # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL EPSILON +1D6C7 ζ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL ZETA +1D6C8 η # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL ETA +1D6C9 θ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL THETA +1D6CA ι # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL IOTA +1D6CB κ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL KAPPA +1D6CC λ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL LAMDA +1D6CD μ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL MU +1D6CE ν # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL NU +1D6CF ξ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL XI +1D6D0 ο # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL OMICRON +1D6D1 π # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL PI +1D6D2 ρ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL RHO +1D6D3 ς # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL FINAL SIGMA +1D6D4 σ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL SIGMA +1D6D5 τ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL TAU +1D6D6 υ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL UPSILON +1D6D7 φ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL PHI +1D6D8 χ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL CHI +1D6D9 ψ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL PSI +1D6DA ω # MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL OMEGA +1D6DB ∂ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL +1D6DC ϵ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD EPSILON SYMBOL +1D6DD ϑ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD THETA SYMBOL +1D6DE ϰ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD KAPPA SYMBOL +1D6DF ϕ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD PHI SYMBOL +1D6E0 ϱ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD RHO SYMBOL +1D6E1 ϖ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD PI SYMBOL +1D6E2 Α # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL ALPHA +1D6E3 Β # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL BETA +1D6E4 Γ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL GAMMA +1D6E5 Δ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL DELTA +1D6E6 Ε # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL EPSILON +1D6E7 Ζ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL ZETA +1D6E8 Η # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL ETA +1D6E9 Θ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL THETA +1D6EA Ι # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL IOTA +1D6EB Κ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL KAPPA +1D6EC Λ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL LAMDA +1D6ED Μ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL MU +1D6EE Ν # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL NU +1D6EF Ξ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL XI +1D6F0 Ο # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL OMICRON +1D6F1 Π # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL PI +1D6F2 Ρ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL RHO +1D6F3 ϴ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL THETA SYMBOL +1D6F4 Σ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL SIGMA +1D6F5 Τ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL TAU +1D6F6 Υ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL UPSILON +1D6F7 Φ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL PHI +1D6F8 Χ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL CHI +1D6F9 Ψ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL PSI +1D6FA Ω # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL OMEGA +1D6FB ∇ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC NABLA +1D6FC α # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL ALPHA +1D6FD β # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL BETA +1D6FE γ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL GAMMA +1D6FF δ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL DELTA +1D700 ε # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL EPSILON +1D701 ζ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL ZETA +1D702 η # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL ETA +1D703 θ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL THETA +1D704 ι # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL IOTA +1D705 κ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL KAPPA +1D706 λ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL LAMDA +1D707 μ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL MU +1D708 ν # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL NU +1D709 ξ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL XI +1D70A ο # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL OMICRON +1D70B π # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL PI +1D70C ρ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL RHO +1D70D ς # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL FINAL SIGMA +1D70E σ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL SIGMA +1D70F τ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL TAU +1D710 υ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL UPSILON +1D711 φ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL PHI +1D712 χ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL CHI +1D713 ψ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL PSI +1D714 ω # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL OMEGA +1D715 ∂ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL +1D716 ϵ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC EPSILON SYMBOL +1D717 ϑ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC THETA SYMBOL +1D718 ϰ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC KAPPA SYMBOL +1D719 ϕ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC PHI SYMBOL +1D71A ϱ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC RHO SYMBOL +1D71B ϖ # MATHEMATICAL ITALIC PI SYMBOL +1D71C Α # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL ALPHA +1D71D Β # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL BETA +1D71E Γ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL GAMMA +1D71F Δ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL DELTA +1D720 Ε # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL EPSILON +1D721 Ζ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL ZETA +1D722 Η # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL ETA +1D723 Θ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL THETA +1D724 Ι # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL IOTA +1D725 Κ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL KAPPA +1D726 Λ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL LAMDA +1D727 Μ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL MU +1D728 Ν # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL NU +1D729 Ξ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL XI +1D72A Ο # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL OMICRON +1D72B Π # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL PI +1D72C Ρ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL RHO +1D72D ϴ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL THETA SYMBOL +1D72E Σ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL SIGMA +1D72F Τ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL TAU +1D730 Υ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL UPSILON +1D731 Φ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL PHI +1D732 Χ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL CHI +1D733 Ψ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL PSI +1D734 Ω # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL OMEGA +1D735 ∇ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC NABLA +1D736 α # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL ALPHA +1D737 β # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL BETA +1D738 γ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL GAMMA +1D739 δ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL DELTA +1D73A ε # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL EPSILON +1D73B ζ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL ZETA +1D73C η # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL ETA +1D73D θ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL THETA +1D73E ι # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL IOTA +1D73F κ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL KAPPA +1D740 λ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL LAMDA +1D741 μ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL MU +1D742 ν # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL NU +1D743 ξ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL XI +1D744 ο # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL OMICRON +1D745 π # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL PI +1D746 ρ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL RHO +1D747 ς # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL FINAL SIGMA +1D748 σ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL SIGMA +1D749 τ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL TAU +1D74A υ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL UPSILON +1D74B φ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL PHI +1D74C χ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL CHI +1D74D ψ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL PSI +1D74E ω # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC SMALL OMEGA +1D74F ∂ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL +1D750 ϵ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC EPSILON SYMBOL +1D751 ϑ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC THETA SYMBOL +1D752 ϰ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC KAPPA SYMBOL +1D753 ϕ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC PHI SYMBOL +1D754 ϱ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC RHO SYMBOL +1D755 ϖ # MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC PI SYMBOL +1D756 Α # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL ALPHA +1D757 Β # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL BETA +1D758 Γ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL GAMMA +1D759 Δ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL DELTA +1D75A Ε # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL EPSILON +1D75B Ζ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL ZETA +1D75C Η # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL ETA +1D75D Θ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL THETA +1D75E Ι # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL IOTA +1D75F Κ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL KAPPA +1D760 Λ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL LAMDA +1D761 Μ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL MU +1D762 Ν # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL NU +1D763 Ξ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL XI +1D764 Ο # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL OMICRON +1D765 Π # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL PI +1D766 Ρ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL RHO +1D767 ϴ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL THETA SYMBOL +1D768 Σ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL SIGMA +1D769 Τ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL TAU +1D76A Υ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL UPSILON +1D76B Φ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL PHI +1D76C Χ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL CHI +1D76D Ψ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL PSI +1D76E Ω # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD CAPITAL OMEGA +1D76F ∇ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD NABLA +1D770 α # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL ALPHA +1D771 β # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL BETA +1D772 γ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL GAMMA +1D773 δ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL DELTA +1D774 ε # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL EPSILON +1D775 ζ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL ZETA +1D776 η # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL ETA +1D777 θ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL THETA +1D778 ι # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL IOTA +1D779 κ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL KAPPA +1D77A λ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL LAMDA +1D77B μ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL MU +1D77C ν # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL NU +1D77D ξ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL XI +1D77E ο # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL OMICRON +1D77F π # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL PI +1D780 ρ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL RHO +1D781 ς # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL FINAL SIGMA +1D782 σ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL SIGMA +1D783 τ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL TAU +1D784 υ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL UPSILON +1D785 φ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL PHI +1D786 χ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL CHI +1D787 ψ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL PSI +1D788 ω # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD SMALL OMEGA +1D789 ∂ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL +1D78A ϵ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD EPSILON SYMBOL +1D78B ϑ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD THETA SYMBOL +1D78C ϰ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD KAPPA SYMBOL +1D78D ϕ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD PHI SYMBOL +1D78E ϱ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD RHO SYMBOL +1D78F ϖ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD PI SYMBOL +1D790 Α # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL ALPHA +1D791 Β # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL BETA +1D792 Γ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL GAMMA +1D793 Δ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL DELTA +1D794 Ε # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL EPSILON +1D795 Ζ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL ZETA +1D796 Η # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL ETA +1D797 Θ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL THETA +1D798 Ι # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL IOTA +1D799 Κ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL KAPPA +1D79A Λ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL LAMDA +1D79B Μ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL MU +1D79C Ν # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL NU +1D79D Ξ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL XI +1D79E Ο # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL OMICRON +1D79F Π # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL PI +1D7A0 Ρ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL RHO +1D7A1 ϴ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL THETA SYMBOL +1D7A2 Σ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL SIGMA +1D7A3 Τ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL TAU +1D7A4 Υ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL UPSILON +1D7A5 Φ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL PHI +1D7A6 Χ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL CHI +1D7A7 Ψ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL PSI +1D7A8 Ω # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC CAPITAL OMEGA +1D7A9 ∇ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC NABLA +1D7AA α # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL ALPHA +1D7AB β # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL BETA +1D7AC γ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL GAMMA +1D7AD δ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL DELTA +1D7AE ε # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL EPSILON +1D7AF ζ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL ZETA +1D7B0 η # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL ETA +1D7B1 θ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL THETA +1D7B2 ι # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL IOTA +1D7B3 κ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL KAPPA +1D7B4 λ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL LAMDA +1D7B5 μ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL MU +1D7B6 ν # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL NU +1D7B7 ξ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL XI +1D7B8 ο # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL OMICRON +1D7B9 π # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL PI +1D7BA ρ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL RHO +1D7BB ς # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL FINAL SIGMA +1D7BC σ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL SIGMA +1D7BD τ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL TAU +1D7BE υ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL UPSILON +1D7BF φ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL PHI +1D7C0 χ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL CHI +1D7C1 ψ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL PSI +1D7C2 ω # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC SMALL OMEGA +1D7C3 ∂ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL +1D7C4 ϵ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC EPSILON SYMBOL +1D7C5 ϑ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC THETA SYMBOL +1D7C6 ϰ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC KAPPA SYMBOL +1D7C7 ϕ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC PHI SYMBOL +1D7C8 ϱ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC RHO SYMBOL +1D7C9 ϖ # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC PI SYMBOL +1D7CE 0 # MATHEMATICAL BOLD DIGIT ZERO +1D7CF 1 # MATHEMATICAL BOLD DIGIT ONE +1D7D0 2 # MATHEMATICAL BOLD DIGIT TWO +1D7D1 3 # MATHEMATICAL BOLD DIGIT THREE +1D7D2 4 # MATHEMATICAL BOLD DIGIT FOUR +1D7D3 5 # MATHEMATICAL BOLD DIGIT FIVE +1D7D4 6 # MATHEMATICAL BOLD DIGIT SIX +1D7D5 7 # MATHEMATICAL BOLD DIGIT SEVEN +1D7D6 8 # MATHEMATICAL BOLD DIGIT EIGHT +1D7D7 9 # MATHEMATICAL BOLD DIGIT NINE +1D7D8 0 # MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK DIGIT ZERO +1D7D9 1 # MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK DIGIT ONE +1D7DA 2 # MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK DIGIT TWO +1D7DB 3 # MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK DIGIT THREE +1D7DC 4 # MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK DIGIT FOUR +1D7DD 5 # MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK DIGIT FIVE +1D7DE 6 # MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK DIGIT SIX +1D7DF 7 # MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK DIGIT SEVEN +1D7E0 8 # MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK DIGIT EIGHT +1D7E1 9 # MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK DIGIT NINE +1D7E2 0 # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF DIGIT ZERO +1D7E3 1 # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF DIGIT ONE +1D7E4 2 # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF DIGIT TWO +1D7E5 3 # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF DIGIT THREE +1D7E6 4 # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF DIGIT FOUR +1D7E7 5 # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF DIGIT FIVE +1D7E8 6 # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF DIGIT SIX +1D7E9 7 # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF DIGIT SEVEN +1D7EA 8 # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF DIGIT EIGHT +1D7EB 9 # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF DIGIT NINE +1D7EC 0 # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD DIGIT ZERO +1D7ED 1 # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD DIGIT ONE +1D7EE 2 # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD DIGIT TWO +1D7EF 3 # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD DIGIT THREE +1D7F0 4 # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD DIGIT FOUR +1D7F1 5 # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD DIGIT FIVE +1D7F2 6 # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD DIGIT SIX +1D7F3 7 # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD DIGIT SEVEN +1D7F4 8 # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD DIGIT EIGHT +1D7F5 9 # MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD DIGIT NINE +1D7F6 0 # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE DIGIT ZERO +1D7F7 1 # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE DIGIT ONE +1D7F8 2 # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE DIGIT TWO +1D7F9 3 # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE DIGIT THREE +1D7FA 4 # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE DIGIT FOUR +1D7FB 5 # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE DIGIT FIVE +1D7FC 6 # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE DIGIT SIX +1D7FD 7 # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE DIGIT SEVEN +1D7FE 8 # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE DIGIT EIGHT +1D7FF 9 # MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE DIGIT NINE +2F800 丽 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F800 +2F801 丸 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F801 +2F802 乁 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F802 +2F803 𠄢 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F803 +2F804 你 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F804 +2F805 侮 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F805 +2F806 侻 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F806 +2F807 倂 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F807 +2F808 偺 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F808 +2F809 備 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F809 +2F80A 僧 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F80A +2F80B 像 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F80B +2F80C 㒞 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F80C +2F80D 𠘺 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F80D +2F80E 免 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F80E +2F80F 兔 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F80F +2F810 兤 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F810 +2F811 具 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F811 +2F812 𠔜 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F812 +2F813 㒹 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F813 +2F814 內 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F814 +2F815 再 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F815 +2F816 𠕋 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F816 +2F817 冗 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F817 +2F818 冤 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F818 +2F819 仌 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F819 +2F81A 冬 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F81A +2F81B 况 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F81B +2F81C 𩇟 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F81C +2F81D 凵 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F81D +2F81E 刃 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F81E +2F81F 㓟 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F81F +2F820 刻 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F820 +2F821 剆 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F821 +2F822 割 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F822 +2F823 剷 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F823 +2F824 㔕 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F824 +2F825 勇 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F825 +2F826 勉 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F826 +2F827 勤 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F827 +2F828 勺 # 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CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F86D +2F86E 寘 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F86E +2F86F 寧 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F86F +2F870 寳 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F870 +2F871 𡬘 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F871 +2F872 寿 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F872 +2F873 将 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F873 +2F874 当 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F874 +2F875 尢 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F875 +2F876 㞁 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F876 +2F877 屠 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F877 +2F878 屮 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F878 +2F879 峀 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F879 +2F87A 岍 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F87A +2F87B 𡷤 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F87B +2F87C 嵃 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F87C +2F87D 𡷦 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F87D +2F87E 嵮 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F87E +2F87F 嵫 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F87F +2F880 嵼 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F880 +2F881 巡 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F881 +2F882 巢 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F882 +2F883 㠯 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F883 +2F884 巽 # 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CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F981 +2F982 育 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F982 +2F983 脃 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F983 +2F984 䐋 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F984 +2F985 脾 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F985 +2F986 媵 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F986 +2F987 𦞧 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F987 +2F988 𦞵 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F988 +2F989 𣎓 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F989 +2F98A 𣎜 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F98A +2F98B 舁 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F98B +2F98C 舄 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F98C +2F98D 辞 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F98D +2F98E 䑫 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F98E +2F98F 芑 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F98F +2F990 芋 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F990 +2F991 芝 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F991 +2F992 劳 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F992 +2F993 花 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F993 +2F994 芳 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F994 +2F995 芽 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F995 +2F996 苦 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F996 +2F997 𦬼 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F997 +2F998 若 # 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CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F9F4 +2F9F5 霣 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F9F5 +2F9F6 𩅅 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F9F6 +2F9F7 𩈚 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F9F7 +2F9F8 䩮 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F9F8 +2F9F9 䩶 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F9F9 +2F9FA 韠 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F9FA +2F9FB 𩐊 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F9FB +2F9FC 䪲 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F9FC +2F9FD 𩒖 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F9FD +2F9FE 頋 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F9FE +2F9FF 頋 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2F9FF +2FA00 頩 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA00 +2FA01 𩖶 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA01 +2FA02 飢 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA02 +2FA03 䬳 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA03 +2FA04 餩 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA04 +2FA05 馧 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA05 +2FA06 駂 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA06 +2FA07 駾 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA07 +2FA08 䯎 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA08 +2FA09 𩬰 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA09 +2FA0A 鬒 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA0A +2FA0B 鱀 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA0B +2FA0C 鳽 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA0C +2FA0D 䳎 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA0D +2FA0E 䳭 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA0E +2FA0F 鵧 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA0F +2FA10 𪃎 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA10 +2FA11 䳸 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA11 +2FA12 𪄅 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA12 +2FA13 𪈎 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA13 +2FA14 𪊑 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA14 +2FA15 麻 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA15 +2FA16 䵖 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA16 +2FA17 黹 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA17 +2FA18 黾 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA18 +2FA19 鼅 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA19 +2FA1A 鼏 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA1A +2FA1B 鼖 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA1B +2FA1C 鼻 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA1C +2FA1D 𪘀 # CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-2FA1D diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/translit.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/translit.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..15aa44726 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/translit.h @@ -0,0 +1,4411 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * Transliteration table + */ + +static const unsigned int translit_data[9116] = { + 1, ' ', + 1, '!', + 1, 'c', + 2, 'l', 'b', + 3, 'y', 'e', 'n', + 1, '|', + 2, 'S', 'S', + 1, '"', + 3, '(', 'c', ')', + 1, 'a', + 2, '<', '<', + 3, 'n', 'o', 't', + 1, '-', + 3, '(', 'R', ')', + 2, '^', '0', + 3, '+', '/', '-', + 2, '^', '2', + 2, '^', '3', + 1,'\'', + 1, 'u', + 1, 'P', + 1, '.', + 1, ',', + 2, '^', '1', + 1, 'o', + 2, '>', '>', + 5, ' ', '1',0x2044, '4', ' ', + 5, ' ', '1',0x2044, '2', ' ', + 5, ' ', '3',0x2044, '4', ' ', + 1, '?', + 2, '`', 'A', + 2,0xB4, 'A', + 2, '^', 'A', + 2, '~', 'A', + 2, '"', 'A', + 1, 'A', + 2, 'A', 'E', + 1, 'C', + 2, '`', 'E', + 2,0xB4, 'E', + 2, '^', 'E', + 2, '"', 'E', + 2, '`', 'I', + 2,0xB4, 'I', + 2, '^', 'I', + 2, '"', 'I', + 1, 'D', + 2, '~', 'N', + 2, '`', 'O', + 2,0xB4, 'O', + 2, '^', 'O', + 2, '~', 'O', + 2, '"', 'O', + 1, 'x', + 1, 'O', + 2, '`', 'U', + 2,0xB4, 'U', + 2, '^', 'U', + 2, '"', 'U', + 2,0xB4, 'Y', + 2, 'T', 'h', + 2, 's', 's', + 2, '`', 'a', + 2,0xB4, 'a', + 2, '^', 'a', + 2, '~', 'a', + 2, '"', 'a', + 1, 'a', + 2, 'a', 'e', + 1, 'c', + 2, '`', 'e', + 2,0xB4, 'e', + 2, '^', 'e', + 2, '"', 'e', + 2, '`', 'i', + 2,0xB4, 'i', + 2, '^', 'i', + 2, '"', 'i', + 1, 'd', + 2, '~', 'n', + 2, '`', 'o', + 2,0xB4, 'o', + 2, '^', 'o', + 2, '~', 'o', + 2, '"', 'o', + 1, ':', + 1, 'o', + 2, '`', 'u', + 2,0xB4, 'u', + 2, '^', 'u', + 2, '"', 'u', + 2,0xB4, 'y', + 2, 't', 'h', + 2, '"', 'y', + 1, 'A', + 1, 'a', + 1, 'A', + 1, 'a', + 1, 'A', + 1, 'a', + 2,0xB4, 'C', + 2,0xB4, 'c', + 2, '^', 'C', + 2, '^', 'c', + 1, 'C', + 1, 'c', + 1, 'C', + 1, 'c', + 1, 'D', + 1, 'd', + 1, 'D', + 1, 'd', + 1, 'E', + 1, 'e', + 1, 'E', + 1, 'e', + 1, 'E', + 1, 'e', + 1, 'E', + 1, 'e', + 1, 'E', + 1, 'e', + 2, '^', 'G', + 2, '^', 'g', + 1, 'G', + 1, 'g', + 1, 'G', + 1, 'g', + 1, 'G', + 1, 'g', + 2, '^', 'H', + 2, '^', 'h', + 1, 'H', + 1, 'h', + 2, '~', 'I', + 2, '~', 'i', + 1, 'I', + 1, 'i', + 1, 'I', + 1, 'i', + 1, 'I', + 1, 'i', + 1, 'I', + 1, 'i', + 2, 'I', 'J', + 2, 'i', 'j', + 2, '^', 'J', + 2, '^', 'j', + 1, 'K', + 1, 'k', + 1, 'L', + 1, 'l', + 1, 'L', + 1, 'l', + 1, 'L', + 1, 'l', + 1, 'L', + 1, 'l', + 1, 'L', + 1, 'l', + 2,0xB4, 'N', + 2,0xB4, 'n', + 1, 'N', + 1, 'n', + 1, 'N', + 1, 'n', + 2,'\'', 'n', + 1, 'O', + 1, 'o', + 1, 'O', + 1, 'o', + 2, '"', 'O', + 2, '"', 'o', + 2, 'O', 'E', + 2, 'o', 'e', + 2,0xB4, 'R', + 2,0xB4, 'r', + 1, 'R', + 1, 'r', + 1, 'R', + 1, 'r', + 2,0xB4, 'S', + 2,0xB4, 's', + 2, '^', 'S', + 2, '^', 's', + 1, 'S', + 1, 's', + 1, 'S', + 1, 's', + 1, 'T', + 1, 't', + 1, 'T', + 1, 't', + 1, 'T', + 1, 't', + 2, '~', 'U', + 2, '~', 'u', + 1, 'U', + 1, 'u', + 1, 'U', + 1, 'u', + 1, 'U', + 1, 'u', + 2, '"', 'U', + 2, '"', 'u', + 1, 'U', + 1, 'u', + 2, '^', 'W', + 2, '^', 'w', + 2, '^', 'Y', + 2, '^', 'y', + 2, '"', 'Y', + 2,0xB4, 'Z', + 2,0xB4, 'z', + 1, 'Z', + 1, 'z', + 1, 'Z', + 1, 'z', + 1, 's', + 1, 'f', + 2, 'D',0x017D, + 2, 'D',0x017E, + 2, 'd',0x017E, + 2, 'L', 'J', + 2, 'L', 'j', + 2, 'l', 'j', + 2, 'N', 'J', + 2, 'N', 'j', + 2, 'n', 'j', + 2, 'D', 'Z', + 2, 'D', 'z', + 2, 'd', 'z', + 1, 'S', + 1, 's', + 1, 'T', + 1, 't', + 1,0x2032, + 1,0x2033, + 1,0x2018, + 1,0x2019, + 1,0x201B, + 1, '^', + 1,'\'', + 1,0xAF, + 1,0xB4, + 1, '`', + 1, '_', + 1, '~', + 1, '"', + 1,0x03B2, + 1,0x03B8, + 1,0x03A5, + 1,0x03C6, + 1,0x03C0, + 1,0x03BA, + 1,0x03C1, + 1,0x03C2, + 1,0x0398, + 1,0x03B5, + 1,0x03A3, + 2,0x0565,0x0582, + 2,0x05D5,0x05D5, + 2,0x05D5,0x05D9, + 2,0x05D9,0x05D9, + 2,0x0627,0x0674, + 2,0x0648,0x0674, + 2,0x06C7,0x0674, + 2,0x064A,0x0674, + 2,0x0E4D,0x0E32, + 2,0x0ECD,0x0EB2, + 2,0x0EAB,0x0E99, + 2,0x0EAB,0x0EA1, + 2,0x0FB2,0x0F81, + 2,0x0FB3,0x0F81, + 1, 'B', + 1, 'b', + 1, 'D', + 1, 'd', + 1, 'F', + 1, 'f', + 1, 'M', + 1, 'm', + 1, 'P', + 1, 'p', + 1, 'S', + 1, 's', + 1, 'T', + 1, 't', + 2, '`', 'W', + 2, '`', 'w', + 2,0xB4, 'W', + 2,0xB4, 'w', + 2, '"', 'W', + 2, '"', 'w', + 2, 'a',0x02BE, + 2, '`', 'Y', + 2, '`', 'y', + 1, ' ', + 1, ' ', + 1, ' ', + 1, ' ', + 1, ' ', + 1, ' ', + 1, ' ', + 1, ' ', + 1, '-', + 1, '-', + 1, '-', + 1, '-', + 1, '-', + 1, '-', + 1,'\'', + 1,'\'', + 1, ',', + 1,'\'', + 1, '"', + 1, '"', + 1, '"', + 1, '"', + 1, '+', + 1, 'o', + 1, '.', + 2, '.', '.', + 3, '.', '.', '.', + 4, 'o', '/', 'o', 'o', + 1,0xB4, + 2,0xB4,0xB4, + 3,0xB4,0xB4,0xB4, + 2,0x2035,0x2035, + 3,0x2035,0x2035,0x2035, + 1, '<', + 1, '>', + 2, '!', '!', + 1, '/', + 2, '?', '?', + 2, '?', '!', + 2, '!', '?', + 4,0xB4,0xB4,0xB4,0xB4, + 2, 'R', 's', + 4,0x0110,0x1ED3, 'n', 'g', + 3, 'E', 'U', 'R', + 3, 'a', '/', 'c', + 3, 'a', '/', 's', + 1, 'C', + 2,0xB0, 'C', + 3, 'c', '/', 'o', + 3, 'c', '/', 'u', + 1,0x0190, + 2,0xB0, 'F', + 1, 'g', + 1, 'H', + 1, 'H', + 1, 'H', + 1, 'h', + 1,0x0127, + 1, 'I', + 1, 'I', + 1, 'L', + 1, 'l', + 1, 'N', + 2, 'N', 'o', + 1, 'P', + 1, 'Q', + 1, 'R', + 1, 'R', + 1, 'R', + 3, 'T', 'E', 'L', + 2, 'T', 'M', + 1, 'Z', + 3, 'O', 'h', 'm', + 1, 'Z', + 1, 'B', + 1, 'C', + 1, 'e', + 1, 'e', + 1, 'E', + 1, 'F', + 1, 'M', + 1, 'o', + 1,0x05D0, + 1,0x05D1, + 1,0x05D2, + 1,0x05D3, + 1, 'i', + 3, 'F', 'A', 'X', + 1,0x03B3, + 1,0x0393, + 1,0x03A0, + 1,0x2211, + 1, 'D', + 1, 'd', + 1, 'e', + 1, 'i', + 1, 'j', + 5, ' ', '1',0x2044, '3', ' ', + 5, ' ', '2',0x2044, '3', ' ', + 5, ' ', '1',0x2044, '5', ' ', + 5, ' ', '2',0x2044, '5', ' ', + 5, ' ', '3',0x2044, '5', ' ', + 5, ' ', '4',0x2044, '5', ' ', + 5, ' ', '1',0x2044, '6', ' ', + 5, ' ', '5',0x2044, '6', ' ', + 5, ' ', '1',0x2044, '8', ' ', + 5, ' ', '3',0x2044, '8', ' ', + 5, ' ', '5',0x2044, '8', ' ', + 5, ' ', '7',0x2044, '8', ' ', + 3, ' ', '1',0x2044, + 1, 'I', + 2, 'I', 'I', + 3, 'I', 'I', 'I', + 2, 'I', 'V', + 1, 'V', + 2, 'V', 'I', + 3, 'V', 'I', 'I', + 4, 'V', 'I', 'I', 'I', + 2, 'I', 'X', + 1, 'X', + 2, 'X', 'I', + 3, 'X', 'I', 'I', + 1, 'L', + 1, 'C', + 1, 'D', + 1, 'M', + 1, 'i', + 2, 'i', 'i', + 3, 'i', 'i', 'i', + 2, 'i', 'v', + 1, 'v', + 2, 'v', 'i', + 3, 'v', 'i', 'i', + 4, 'v', 'i', 'i', 'i', + 2, 'i', 'x', + 1, 'x', + 2, 'x', 'i', + 3, 'x', 'i', 'i', + 1, 'l', + 1, 'c', + 1, 'd', + 1, 'm', + 2, '<', '-', + 1, '^', + 2, '-', '>', + 1, 'V', + 3, '<', '-', '>', + 2, '<', '=', + 2, '=', '>', + 3, '<', '=', '>', + 1, '-', + 1, '/', + 1,'\\', + 1, '*', + 1,0x2022, + 1, '|', + 2,0x222B,0x222B, + 3,0x222B,0x222B,0x222B, + 2,0x222E,0x222E, + 3,0x222E,0x222E,0x222E, + 1, ':', + 1, '~', + 2, '/', '=', + 2, '<', '=', + 2, '>', '=', + 2, '<', '<', + 2, '>', '>', + 1,0xB7, + 3, '<', '<', '<', + 3, '>', '>', '>', + 3,0xB7,0xB7,0xB7, + 5, '[', 'N', 'U', 'L', ']', + 5, '[', 'S', 'O', 'H', ']', + 5, '[', 'S', 'T', 'X', ']', + 5, '[', 'E', 'T', 'X', ']', + 5, '[', 'E', 'O', 'T', ']', + 5, '[', 'E', 'N', 'Q', ']', + 5, '[', 'A', 'C', 'K', ']', + 5, '[', 'B', 'E', 'L', ']', + 4, '[', 'B', 'S', ']', + 4, '[', 'H', 'T', ']', + 4, '[', 'L', 'F', ']', + 4, '[', 'V', 'T', ']', + 4, '[', 'F', 'F', ']', + 4, '[', 'C', 'R', ']', + 4, '[', 'S', 'O', ']', + 4, '[', 'S', 'I', ']', + 5, '[', 'D', 'L', 'E', ']', + 5, '[', 'D', 'C', '1', ']', + 5, '[', 'D', 'C', '2', ']', + 5, '[', 'D', 'C', '3', ']', + 5, '[', 'D', 'C', '4', ']', + 5, '[', 'N', 'A', 'K', ']', + 5, '[', 'S', 'Y', 'N', ']', + 5, '[', 'E', 'T', 'B', ']', + 5, '[', 'C', 'A', 'N', ']', + 4, '[', 'E', 'M', ']', + 5, '[', 'S', 'U', 'B', ']', + 5, '[', 'E', 'S', 'C', ']', + 4, '[', 'F', 'S', ']', + 4, '[', 'G', 'S', ']', + 4, '[', 'R', 'S', ']', + 4, '[', 'U', 'S', ']', + 4, '[', 'S', 'P', ']', + 5, '[', 'D', 'E', 'L', ']', + 4, '[', 'N', 'L', ']', + 3, '(', '1', ')', + 3, '(', '2', ')', + 3, '(', '3', ')', + 3, '(', '4', ')', + 3, '(', '5', ')', + 3, '(', '6', ')', + 3, '(', '7', ')', + 3, '(', '8', ')', + 3, '(', '9', ')', + 4, '(', '1', '0', ')', + 4, '(', '1', '1', ')', + 4, '(', '1', '2', ')', + 4, '(', '1', '3', ')', + 4, '(', '1', '4', ')', + 4, '(', '1', '5', ')', + 4, '(', '1', '6', ')', + 4, '(', '1', '7', ')', + 4, '(', '1', '8', ')', + 4, '(', '1', '9', ')', + 4, '(', '2', '0', ')', + 3, '(', '1', ')', + 3, '(', '2', ')', + 3, '(', '3', ')', + 3, '(', '4', ')', + 3, '(', '5', ')', + 3, '(', '6', ')', + 3, '(', '7', ')', + 3, '(', '8', ')', + 3, '(', '9', ')', + 4, '(', '1', '0', ')', + 4, '(', '1', '1', ')', + 4, '(', '1', '2', ')', + 4, '(', '1', '3', ')', + 4, '(', '1', '4', ')', + 4, '(', '1', '5', ')', + 4, '(', '1', '6', ')', + 4, '(', '1', '7', ')', + 4, '(', '1', '8', ')', + 4, '(', '1', '9', ')', + 4, '(', '2', '0', ')', + 2, '1', '.', + 2, '2', '.', + 2, '3', '.', + 2, '4', '.', + 2, '5', '.', + 2, '6', '.', + 2, '7', '.', + 2, '8', '.', + 2, '9', '.', + 3, '1', '0', '.', + 3, '1', '1', '.', + 3, '1', '2', '.', + 3, '1', '3', '.', + 3, '1', '4', '.', + 3, '1', '5', '.', + 3, '1', '6', '.', + 3, '1', '7', '.', + 3, '1', '8', '.', + 3, '1', '9', '.', + 3, '2', '0', '.', + 3, '(', 'a', ')', + 3, '(', 'b', ')', + 3, '(', 'c', ')', + 3, '(', 'd', ')', + 3, '(', 'e', ')', + 3, '(', 'f', ')', + 3, '(', 'g', ')', + 3, '(', 'h', ')', + 3, '(', 'i', ')', + 3, '(', 'j', ')', + 3, '(', 'k', ')', + 3, '(', 'l', ')', + 3, '(', 'm', ')', + 3, '(', 'n', ')', + 3, '(', 'o', ')', + 3, '(', 'p', ')', + 3, '(', 'q', ')', + 3, '(', 'r', ')', + 3, '(', 's', ')', + 3, '(', 't', ')', + 3, '(', 'u', ')', + 3, '(', 'v', ')', + 3, '(', 'w', ')', + 3, '(', 'x', ')', + 3, '(', 'y', ')', + 3, '(', 'z', ')', + 3, '(', 'A', ')', + 3, '(', 'B', ')', + 3, '(', 'C', ')', + 3, '(', 'D', ')', + 3, '(', 'E', ')', + 3, '(', 'F', ')', + 3, '(', 'G', ')', + 3, '(', 'H', ')', + 3, '(', 'I', ')', + 3, '(', 'J', ')', + 3, '(', 'K', ')', + 3, '(', 'L', ')', + 3, '(', 'M', ')', + 3, '(', 'N', ')', + 3, '(', 'O', ')', + 3, '(', 'P', ')', + 3, '(', 'Q', ')', + 3, '(', 'R', ')', + 3, '(', 'S', ')', + 3, '(', 'T', ')', + 3, '(', 'U', ')', + 3, '(', 'V', ')', + 3, '(', 'W', ')', + 3, '(', 'X', ')', + 3, '(', 'Y', ')', + 3, '(', 'Z', ')', + 3, '(', 'a', ')', + 3, '(', 'b', ')', + 3, '(', 'c', ')', + 3, '(', 'd', ')', + 3, '(', 'e', ')', + 3, '(', 'f', ')', + 3, '(', 'g', ')', + 3, '(', 'h', ')', + 3, '(', 'i', ')', + 3, '(', 'j', ')', + 3, '(', 'k', ')', + 3, '(', 'l', ')', + 3, '(', 'm', ')', + 3, '(', 'n', ')', + 3, '(', 'o', ')', + 3, '(', 'p', ')', + 3, '(', 'q', ')', + 3, '(', 'r', ')', + 3, '(', 's', ')', + 3, '(', 't', ')', + 3, '(', 'u', ')', + 3, '(', 'v', ')', + 3, '(', 'w', ')', + 3, '(', 'x', ')', + 3, '(', 'y', ')', + 3, '(', 'z', ')', + 3, '(', '0', ')', + 1, '-', + 1, '|', + 1, '+', + 1, '+', + 1, '+', + 1, '+', + 1, '+', + 1, '+', + 1, '+', + 1, '+', + 1, '+', + 1, 'o', + 4,0x222B,0x222B,0x222B,0x222B, + 3, ':', ':', '=', + 2, '=', '=', + 3, '=', '=', '=', + 1,0x6BCD, + 1,0x9F9F, + 1,0x4E00, + 1,0x4E28, + 1,0x4E36, + 1,0x4E3F, + 1,0x4E59, + 1,0x4E85, + 1,0x4E8C, + 1,0x4EA0, + 1,0x4EBA, + 1,0x513F, + 1,0x5165, + 1,0x516B, + 1,0x5182, + 1,0x5196, + 1,0x51AB, + 1,0x51E0, + 1,0x51F5, + 1,0x5200, + 1,0x529B, + 1,0x52F9, + 1,0x5315, + 1,0x531A, + 1,0x5338, + 1,0x5341, + 1,0x535C, + 1,0x5369, + 1,0x5382, + 1,0x53B6, + 1,0x53C8, + 1,0x53E3, + 1,0x56D7, + 1,0x571F, + 1,0x58EB, + 1,0x5902, + 1,0x590A, + 1,0x5915, + 1,0x5927, + 1,0x5973, + 1,0x5B50, + 1,0x5B80, + 1,0x5BF8, + 1,0x5C0F, + 1,0x5C22, + 1,0x5C38, + 1,0x5C6E, + 1,0x5C71, + 1,0x5DDB, + 1,0x5DE5, + 1,0x5DF1, + 1,0x5DFE, + 1,0x5E72, + 1,0x5E7A, + 1,0x5E7F, + 1,0x5EF4, + 1,0x5EFE, + 1,0x5F0B, + 1,0x5F13, + 1,0x5F50, + 1,0x5F61, + 1,0x5F73, + 1,0x5FC3, + 1,0x6208, + 1,0x6236, + 1,0x624B, + 1,0x652F, + 1,0x6534, + 1,0x6587, + 1,0x6597, + 1,0x65A4, + 1,0x65B9, + 1,0x65E0, + 1,0x65E5, + 1,0x66F0, + 1,0x6708, + 1,0x6728, + 1,0x6B20, + 1,0x6B62, + 1,0x6B79, + 1,0x6BB3, + 1,0x6BCB, + 1,0x6BD4, + 1,0x6BDB, + 1,0x6C0F, + 1,0x6C14, + 1,0x6C34, + 1,0x706B, + 1,0x722A, + 1,0x7236, + 1,0x723B, + 1,0x723F, + 1,0x7247, + 1,0x7259, + 1,0x725B, + 1,0x72AC, + 1,0x7384, + 1,0x7389, + 1,0x74DC, + 1,0x74E6, + 1,0x7518, + 1,0x751F, + 1,0x7528, + 1,0x7530, + 1,0x758B, + 1,0x7592, + 1,0x7676, + 1,0x767D, + 1,0x76AE, + 1,0x76BF, + 1,0x76EE, + 1,0x77DB, + 1,0x77E2, + 1,0x77F3, + 1,0x793A, + 1,0x79B8, + 1,0x79BE, + 1,0x7A74, + 1,0x7ACB, + 1,0x7AF9, + 1,0x7C73, + 1,0x7CF8, + 1,0x7F36, + 1,0x7F51, + 1,0x7F8A, + 1,0x7FBD, + 1,0x8001, + 1,0x800C, + 1,0x8012, + 1,0x8033, + 1,0x807F, + 1,0x8089, + 1,0x81E3, + 1,0x81EA, + 1,0x81F3, + 1,0x81FC, + 1,0x820C, + 1,0x821B, + 1,0x821F, + 1,0x826E, + 1,0x8272, + 1,0x8278, + 1,0x864D, + 1,0x866B, + 1,0x8840, + 1,0x884C, + 1,0x8863, + 1,0x897E, + 1,0x898B, + 1,0x89D2, + 1,0x8A00, + 1,0x8C37, + 1,0x8C46, + 1,0x8C55, + 1,0x8C78, + 1,0x8C9D, + 1,0x8D64, + 1,0x8D70, + 1,0x8DB3, + 1,0x8EAB, + 1,0x8ECA, + 1,0x8F9B, + 1,0x8FB0, + 1,0x8FB5, + 1,0x9091, + 1,0x9149, + 1,0x91C6, + 1,0x91CC, + 1,0x91D1, + 1,0x9577, + 1,0x9580, + 1,0x961C, + 1,0x96B6, + 1,0x96B9, + 1,0x96E8, + 1,0x9751, + 1,0x975E, + 1,0x9762, + 1,0x9769, + 1,0x97CB, + 1,0x97ED, + 1,0x97F3, + 1,0x9801, + 1,0x98A8, + 1,0x98DB, + 1,0x98DF, + 1,0x9996, + 1,0x9999, + 1,0x99AC, + 1,0x9AA8, + 1,0x9AD8, + 1,0x9ADF, + 1,0x9B25, + 1,0x9B2F, + 1,0x9B32, + 1,0x9B3C, + 1,0x9B5A, + 1,0x9CE5, + 1,0x9E75, + 1,0x9E7F, + 1,0x9EA5, + 1,0x9EBB, + 1,0x9EC3, + 1,0x9ECD, + 1,0x9ED1, + 1,0x9EF9, + 1,0x9EFD, + 1,0x9F0E, + 1,0x9F13, + 1,0x9F20, + 1,0x9F3B, + 1,0x9F4A, + 1,0x9F52, + 1,0x9F8D, + 1,0x9F9C, + 1,0x9FA0, + 1, ' ', + 1,0x3012, + 1,0x5341, + 1,0x5344, + 1,0x5345, + 1,0x3042, + 1,0x3044, + 1,0x3046, + 1,0x3048, + 1,0x304A, + 1,0x3064, + 1,0x3084, + 1,0x3086, + 1,0x3088, + 1,0x308F, + 1,0x304B, + 1,0x3051, + 2, ' ',0x3099, + 2, ' ',0x309A, + 1, '=', + 1,0x30A2, + 1,0x30A4, + 1,0x30A6, + 1,0x30A8, + 1,0x30AA, + 1,0x30C4, + 1,0x30E4, + 1,0x30E6, + 1,0x30E8, + 1,0x30EF, + 1,0x30AB, + 1,0x30B1, + 1,0x1100, + 1,0x1101, + 1,0x11AA, + 1,0x1102, + 1,0x11AC, + 1,0x11AD, + 1,0x1103, + 1,0x1104, + 1,0x1105, + 1,0x11B0, + 1,0x11B1, + 1,0x11B2, + 1,0x11B3, 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1,0x30B9, + 1,0x30C8, + 1,0x30CC, + 1,0x30CF, + 1,0x30D2, + 1,0x30D5, + 1,0x30D8, + 1,0x30DB, + 1,0x30E0, + 1,0x30E9, + 1,0x30EA, + 1,0x30EB, + 1,0x30EC, + 1,0x30ED, + 3, '(',0x1100, ')', + 3, '(',0x1102, ')', + 3, '(',0x1103, ')', + 3, '(',0x1105, ')', + 3, '(',0x1106, ')', + 3, '(',0x1107, ')', + 3, '(',0x1109, ')', + 3, '(',0x110B, ')', + 3, '(',0x110C, ')', + 3, '(',0x110E, ')', + 3, '(',0x110F, ')', + 3, '(',0x1110, ')', + 3, '(',0x1111, ')', + 3, '(',0x1112, ')', + 4, '(',0x1100,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x1102,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x1103,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x1105,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x1106,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x1107,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x1109,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x110B,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x110C,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x110E,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x110F,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x1110,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x1111,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x1112,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x110C,0x116E, ')', + 7, '(',0x110B,0x1169,0x110C,0x1165,0x11AB, ')', + 6, '(',0x110B,0x1169,0x1112,0x116E, ')', + 3, '(',0x4E00, ')', + 3, '(',0x4E8C, ')', + 3, '(',0x4E09, ')', + 3, '(',0x56DB, ')', + 3, '(',0x4E94, ')', + 3, '(',0x516D, ')', + 3, '(',0x4E03, ')', + 3, '(',0x516B, ')', + 3, '(',0x4E5D, ')', + 3, '(',0x5341, ')', + 3, '(',0x6708, ')', + 3, '(',0x706B, ')', + 3, '(',0x6C34, ')', + 3, '(',0x6728, ')', + 3, '(',0x91D1, ')', + 3, '(',0x571F, ')', + 3, '(',0x65E5, ')', + 3, '(',0x682A, ')', + 3, '(',0x6709, ')', + 3, '(',0x793E, ')', + 3, '(',0x540D, ')', + 3, '(',0x7279, ')', + 3, '(',0x8CA1, ')', + 3, '(',0x795D, ')', + 3, '(',0x52B4, ')', + 3, '(',0x4EE3, ')', + 3, '(',0x547C, ')', + 3, '(',0x5B66, ')', + 3, '(',0x76E3, ')', + 3, '(',0x4F01, ')', + 3, '(',0x8CC7, ')', + 3, '(',0x5354, ')', + 3, '(',0x796D, ')', + 3, '(',0x4F11, ')', + 3, '(',0x81EA, ')', + 3, '(',0x81F3, ')', + 3, 'P', 'T', 'E', + 4, '(', '2', '1', ')', + 4, '(', '2', '2', ')', + 4, '(', '2', '3', ')', + 4, '(', '2', '4', ')', + 4, '(', '2', '5', ')', + 4, '(', '2', '6', ')', + 4, '(', '2', '7', ')', + 4, '(', '2', '8', ')', + 4, '(', '2', '9', ')', + 4, '(', '3', '0', ')', + 4, '(', '3', '1', ')', + 4, '(', '3', '2', ')', + 4, '(', '3', '3', ')', + 4, '(', '3', '4', ')', + 4, '(', '3', '5', ')', + 3, '(',0x1100, ')', + 3, '(',0x1102, ')', + 3, '(',0x1103, ')', + 3, '(',0x1105, ')', + 3, '(',0x1106, ')', + 3, '(',0x1107, ')', + 3, '(',0x1109, ')', + 3, '(',0x110B, ')', + 3, '(',0x110C, ')', + 3, '(',0x110E, ')', + 3, '(',0x110F, ')', + 3, '(',0x1110, ')', + 3, '(',0x1111, ')', + 3, '(',0x1112, ')', + 4, '(',0x1100,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x1102,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x1103,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x1105,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x1106,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x1107,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x1109,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x110B,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x110C,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x110E,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x110F,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x1110,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x1111,0x1161, ')', + 4, '(',0x1112,0x1161, ')', + 7, '(',0x110E,0x1161,0x11B7,0x1100,0x1169, ')', + 6, '(',0x110C,0x116E,0x110B,0x1174, ')', + 3, '(',0x4E00, ')', + 3, '(',0x4E8C, ')', + 3, '(',0x4E09, ')', + 3, '(',0x56DB, ')', + 3, '(',0x4E94, ')', + 3, '(',0x516D, ')', + 3, '(',0x4E03, ')', + 3, '(',0x516B, ')', + 3, '(',0x4E5D, ')', + 3, '(',0x5341, ')', + 3, '(',0x6708, ')', + 3, '(',0x706B, ')', + 3, '(',0x6C34, ')', + 3, '(',0x6728, ')', + 3, '(',0x91D1, ')', + 3, '(',0x571F, ')', + 3, '(',0x65E5, ')', + 3, '(',0x682A, ')', + 3, '(',0x6709, ')', + 3, '(',0x793E, ')', + 3, '(',0x540D, ')', + 3, '(',0x7279, ')', + 3, '(',0x8CA1, ')', + 3, '(',0x795D, ')', + 3, '(',0x52B4, ')', + 3, '(',0x79D8, ')', + 3, '(',0x7537, ')', + 3, '(',0x5973, ')', + 3, '(',0x9069, ')', + 3, '(',0x512A, ')', + 3, '(',0x5370, ')', + 3, '(',0x6CE8, ')', + 3, '(',0x9805, ')', + 3, '(',0x4F11, ')', + 3, '(',0x5199, ')', + 3, '(',0x6B63, ')', + 3, '(',0x4E0A, ')', + 3, '(',0x4E2D, ')', + 3, '(',0x4E0B, ')', + 3, '(',0x5DE6, ')', + 3, '(',0x53F3, ')', + 3, '(',0x533B, ')', + 3, '(',0x5B97, ')', + 3, '(',0x5B66, ')', + 3, '(',0x76E3, ')', + 3, '(',0x4F01, ')', + 3, '(',0x8CC7, ')', + 3, '(',0x5354, ')', + 3, '(',0x591C, ')', + 4, '(', '3', '6', ')', + 4, '(', '3', '7', ')', + 4, '(', '3', '8', ')', + 4, '(', '3', '9', ')', + 4, '(', '4', '0', ')', + 4, '(', '4', '1', ')', + 4, '(', '4', '2', ')', + 4, '(', '4', '3', ')', + 4, '(', '4', '4', ')', + 4, '(', '4', '5', ')', + 4, '(', '4', '6', ')', + 4, '(', '4', '7', ')', + 4, '(', '4', '8', ')', + 4, '(', '4', '9', ')', + 4, '(', '5', '0', ')', + 2, '1',0x6708, + 2, '2',0x6708, + 2, '3',0x6708, + 2, '4',0x6708, + 2, '5',0x6708, + 2, '6',0x6708, + 2, '7',0x6708, + 2, '8',0x6708, + 2, '9',0x6708, + 3, '1', '0',0x6708, + 3, '1', '1',0x6708, + 3, '1', '2',0x6708, + 2, 'H', 'g', + 3, 'e', 'r', 'g', + 2, 'e', 'V', + 3, 'L', 'T', 'D', + 3, '(',0x30A2, ')', + 3, '(',0x30A4, ')', + 3, '(',0x30A6, ')', + 3, '(',0x30A8, ')', + 3, '(',0x30AA, ')', + 3, '(',0x30AB, ')', + 3, '(',0x30AD, ')', + 3, '(',0x30AF, ')', + 3, '(',0x30B1, ')', + 3, '(',0x30B3, ')', + 3, '(',0x30B5, ')', + 3, '(',0x30B7, ')', + 3, '(',0x30B9, ')', + 3, '(',0x30BB, ')', + 3, '(',0x30BD, ')', + 3, '(',0x30BF, ')', + 3, '(',0x30C1, ')', + 3, '(',0x30C4, ')', + 3, '(',0x30C6, ')', + 3, '(',0x30C8, ')', + 3, '(',0x30CA, ')', + 3, '(',0x30CB, ')', + 3, '(',0x30CC, ')', + 3, '(',0x30CD, ')', + 3, '(',0x30CE, ')', + 3, '(',0x30CF, ')', + 3, '(',0x30D2, ')', + 3, '(',0x30D5, ')', + 3, '(',0x30D8, ')', + 3, '(',0x30DB, ')', + 3, '(',0x30DE, ')', + 3, '(',0x30DF, ')', + 3, '(',0x30E0, ')', + 3, '(',0x30E1, ')', + 3, '(',0x30E2, ')', + 3, '(',0x30E4, ')', + 3, '(',0x30E6, ')', + 3, '(',0x30E8, ')', + 3, '(',0x30E9, ')', + 3, '(',0x30EA, ')', + 3, '(',0x30EB, ')', + 3, '(',0x30EC, ')', + 3, '(',0x30ED, ')', + 3, '(',0x30EF, ')', + 3, '(',0x30F0, ')', + 3, '(',0x30F1, ')', + 3, '(',0x30F2, ')', + 4,0x30A2,0x30D1,0x30FC,0x30C8, + 4,0x30A2,0x30EB,0x30D5,0x30A1, + 4,0x30A2,0x30F3,0x30DA,0x30A2, + 3,0x30A2,0x30FC,0x30EB, + 4,0x30A4,0x30CB,0x30F3,0x30B0, + 3,0x30A4,0x30F3,0x30C1, + 3,0x30A6,0x30A9,0x30F3, + 5,0x30A8,0x30B9,0x30AF,0x30FC,0x30C9, + 4,0x30A8,0x30FC,0x30AB,0x30FC, + 3,0x30AA,0x30F3,0x30B9, + 3,0x30AA,0x30FC,0x30E0, + 3,0x30AB,0x30A4,0x30EA, + 4,0x30AB,0x30E9,0x30C3,0x30C8, + 4,0x30AB,0x30ED,0x30EA,0x30FC, + 3,0x30AC,0x30ED,0x30F3, + 3,0x30AC,0x30F3,0x30DE, + 2,0x30AE,0x30AC, + 3,0x30AE,0x30CB,0x30FC, + 4,0x30AD,0x30E5,0x30EA,0x30FC, + 4,0x30AE,0x30EB,0x30C0,0x30FC, + 2,0x30AD,0x30ED, + 5,0x30AD,0x30ED,0x30B0,0x30E9,0x30E0, + 6,0x30AD,0x30ED,0x30E1,0x30FC,0x30C8,0x30EB, + 5,0x30AD,0x30ED,0x30EF,0x30C3,0x30C8, + 3,0x30B0,0x30E9,0x30E0, + 5,0x30B0,0x30E9,0x30E0,0x30C8,0x30F3, + 5,0x30AF,0x30EB,0x30BC,0x30A4,0x30ED, + 4,0x30AF,0x30ED,0x30FC,0x30CD, + 3,0x30B1,0x30FC,0x30B9, + 3,0x30B3,0x30EB,0x30CA, + 3,0x30B3,0x30FC,0x30DD, + 4,0x30B5,0x30A4,0x30AF,0x30EB, + 5,0x30B5,0x30F3,0x30C1,0x30FC,0x30E0, + 4,0x30B7,0x30EA,0x30F3,0x30B0, + 3,0x30BB,0x30F3,0x30C1, + 3,0x30BB,0x30F3,0x30C8, + 3,0x30C0,0x30FC,0x30B9, + 2,0x30C7,0x30B7, + 2,0x30C9,0x30EB, + 2,0x30C8,0x30F3, + 2,0x30CA,0x30CE, + 3,0x30CE,0x30C3,0x30C8, + 3,0x30CF,0x30A4,0x30C4, + 5,0x30D1,0x30FC,0x30BB,0x30F3,0x30C8, + 3,0x30D1,0x30FC,0x30C4, + 4,0x30D0,0x30FC,0x30EC,0x30EB, + 5,0x30D4,0x30A2,0x30B9,0x30C8,0x30EB, + 3,0x30D4,0x30AF,0x30EB, + 2,0x30D4,0x30B3, + 2,0x30D3,0x30EB, + 5,0x30D5,0x30A1,0x30E9,0x30C3,0x30C9, + 4,0x30D5,0x30A3,0x30FC,0x30C8, + 5,0x30D6,0x30C3,0x30B7,0x30A7,0x30EB, + 3,0x30D5,0x30E9,0x30F3, + 5,0x30D8,0x30AF,0x30BF,0x30FC,0x30EB, + 2,0x30DA,0x30BD, + 3,0x30DA,0x30CB,0x30D2, + 3,0x30D8,0x30EB,0x30C4, + 3,0x30DA,0x30F3,0x30B9, + 3,0x30DA,0x30FC,0x30B8, + 3,0x30D9,0x30FC,0x30BF, + 4,0x30DD,0x30A4,0x30F3,0x30C8, + 3,0x30DC,0x30EB,0x30C8, + 2,0x30DB,0x30F3, + 3,0x30DD,0x30F3,0x30C9, + 3,0x30DB,0x30FC,0x30EB, + 3,0x30DB,0x30FC,0x30F3, + 4,0x30DE,0x30A4,0x30AF,0x30ED, + 3,0x30DE,0x30A4,0x30EB, + 3,0x30DE,0x30C3,0x30CF, + 3,0x30DE,0x30EB,0x30AF, + 5,0x30DE,0x30F3,0x30B7,0x30E7,0x30F3, + 4,0x30DF,0x30AF,0x30ED,0x30F3, + 2,0x30DF,0x30EA, + 5,0x30DF,0x30EA,0x30D0,0x30FC,0x30EB, + 2,0x30E1,0x30AC, + 4,0x30E1,0x30AC,0x30C8,0x30F3, + 4,0x30E1,0x30FC,0x30C8,0x30EB, + 3,0x30E4,0x30FC,0x30C9, + 3,0x30E4,0x30FC,0x30EB, + 3,0x30E6,0x30A2,0x30F3, + 4,0x30EA,0x30C3,0x30C8,0x30EB, + 2,0x30EA,0x30E9, + 3,0x30EB,0x30D4,0x30FC, + 4,0x30EB,0x30FC,0x30D6,0x30EB, + 2,0x30EC,0x30E0, + 5,0x30EC,0x30F3,0x30C8,0x30B2,0x30F3, + 3,0x30EF,0x30C3,0x30C8, + 2, '0',0x70B9, + 2, '1',0x70B9, + 2, '2',0x70B9, + 2, '3',0x70B9, + 2, '4',0x70B9, + 2, '5',0x70B9, + 2, '6',0x70B9, + 2, '7',0x70B9, + 2, '8',0x70B9, + 2, '9',0x70B9, + 3, '1', '0',0x70B9, + 3, '1', '1',0x70B9, + 3, '1', '2',0x70B9, + 3, '1', '3',0x70B9, + 3, '1', '4',0x70B9, + 3, '1', '5',0x70B9, + 3, '1', '6',0x70B9, + 3, '1', '7',0x70B9, + 3, '1', '8',0x70B9, + 3, '1', '9',0x70B9, + 3, '2', '0',0x70B9, + 3, '2', '1',0x70B9, + 3, '2', '2',0x70B9, + 3, '2', '3',0x70B9, + 3, '2', '4',0x70B9, + 3, 'h', 'P', 'a', + 2, 'd', 'a', + 2, 'A', 'U', + 3, 'b', 'a', 'r', + 2, 'o', 'V', + 2, 'p', 'c', + 2, 'd', 'm', + 4, 'd', 'm', '^', '2', + 4, 'd', 'm', '^', '3', + 2, 'I', 'U', + 2,0x5E73,0x6210, + 2,0x662D,0x548C, + 2,0x5927,0x6B63, + 2,0x660E,0x6CBB, + 4,0x682A,0x5F0F,0x4F1A,0x793E, + 2, 'p', 'A', + 2, 'n', 'A', + 2,0x03BC, 'A', + 2, 'm', 'A', + 2, 'k', 'A', + 2, 'K', 'B', + 2, 'M', 'B', + 2, 'G', 'B', + 3, 'c', 'a', 'l', + 4, 'k', 'c', 'a', 'l', + 2, 'p', 'F', + 2, 'n', 'F', + 2,0x03BC, 'F', + 2,0x03BC, 'g', + 2, 'm', 'g', + 2, 'k', 'g', + 2, 'H', 'z', + 3, 'k', 'H', 'z', + 3, 'M', 'H', 'z', + 3, 'G', 'H', 'z', + 3, 'T', 'H', 'z', + 2,0x03BC, 'l', + 2, 'm', 'l', + 2, 'd', 'l', + 2, 'k', 'l', + 2, 'f', 'm', + 2, 'n', 'm', + 2,0x03BC, 'm', + 2, 'm', 'm', + 2, 'c', 'm', + 2, 'k', 'm', + 4, 'm', 'm', '^', '2', + 4, 'c', 'm', '^', '2', + 3, 'm', '^', '2', + 4, 'k', 'm', '^', '2', + 4, 'm', 'm', '^', '3', + 4, 'c', 'm', '^', '3', + 3, 'm', '^', '3', + 4, 'k', 'm', '^', '3', + 3, 'm', '/', 's', + 5, 'm', '/', 's', '^', '2', + 2, 'P', 'a', + 3, 'k', 'P', 'a', + 3, 'M', 'P', 'a', + 3, 'G', 'P', 'a', + 3, 'r', 'a', 'd', + 5, 'r', 'a', 'd', '/', 's', + 7, 'r', 'a', 'd', '/', 's', '^', '2', + 2, 'p', 's', + 2, 'n', 's', + 2,0x03BC, 's', + 2, 'm', 's', + 2, 'p', 'V', + 2, 'n', 'V', + 2,0x03BC, 'V', + 2, 'm', 'V', + 2, 'k', 'V', + 2, 'M', 'V', + 2, 'p', 'W', + 2, 'n', 'W', + 2,0x03BC, 'W', + 2, 'm', 'W', + 2, 'k', 'W', + 2, 'M', 'W', + 2, 'k',0x03A9, + 2, 'M',0x03A9, + 4, 'a', '.', 'm', '.', + 2, 'B', 'q', + 2, 'c', 'c', + 2, 'c', 'd', + 4, 'C', '/', 'k', 'g', + 3, 'C', 'o', '.', + 2, 'd', 'B', + 2, 'G', 'y', + 2, 'h', 'a', + 2, 'H', 'P', + 2, 'i', 'n', + 2, 'K', 'K', + 2, 'K', 'M', + 2, 'k', 't', + 2, 'l', 'm', + 2, 'l', 'n', + 3, 'l', 'o', 'g', + 2, 'l', 'x', + 2, 'm', 'b', + 3, 'm', 'i', 'l', + 3, 'm', 'o', 'l', + 2, 'P', 'H', + 4, 'p', '.', 'm', '.', + 3, 'P', 'P', 'M', + 2, 'P', 'R', + 2, 's', 'r', + 2, 'S', 'v', + 2, 'W', 'b', + 3, 'V', '/', 'm', + 3, 'A', '/', 'm', + 3, 'g', 'a', 'l', + 2, '1',0x65E5, + 2, '2',0x65E5, + 2, '3',0x65E5, + 2, '4',0x65E5, + 2, '5',0x65E5, + 2, '6',0x65E5, + 2, '7',0x65E5, + 2, '8',0x65E5, + 2, 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+ 1,0x6D6A, + 1,0x72FC, + 1,0x90CE, + 1,0x4F86, + 1,0x51B7, + 1,0x52DE, + 1,0x64C4, + 1,0x6AD3, + 1,0x7210, + 1,0x76E7, + 1,0x8001, + 1,0x8606, + 1,0x865C, + 1,0x8DEF, + 1,0x9732, + 1,0x9B6F, + 1,0x9DFA, + 1,0x788C, + 1,0x797F, + 1,0x7DA0, + 1,0x83C9, + 1,0x9304, + 1,0x9E7F, + 1,0x8AD6, + 1,0x58DF, + 1,0x5F04, + 1,0x7C60, + 1,0x807E, + 1,0x7262, + 1,0x78CA, + 1,0x8CC2, + 1,0x96F7, + 1,0x58D8, + 1,0x5C62, + 1,0x6A13, + 1,0x6DDA, + 1,0x6F0F, + 1,0x7D2F, + 1,0x7E37, + 1,0x964B, + 1,0x52D2, + 1,0x808B, + 1,0x51DC, + 1,0x51CC, + 1,0x7A1C, + 1,0x7DBE, + 1,0x83F1, + 1,0x9675, + 1,0x8B80, + 1,0x62CF, + 1,0x6A02, + 1,0x8AFE, + 1,0x4E39, + 1,0x5BE7, + 1,0x6012, + 1,0x7387, + 1,0x7570, + 1,0x5317, + 1,0x78FB, + 1,0x4FBF, + 1,0x5FA9, + 1,0x4E0D, + 1,0x6CCC, + 1,0x6578, + 1,0x7D22, + 1,0x53C3, + 1,0x585E, + 1,0x7701, + 1,0x8449, + 1,0x8AAA, + 1,0x6BBA, + 1,0x8FB0, + 1,0x6C88, + 1,0x62FE, + 1,0x82E5, + 1,0x63A0, + 1,0x7565, + 1,0x4EAE, + 1,0x5169, + 1,0x51C9, + 1,0x6881, + 1,0x7CE7, + 1,0x826F, + 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1,0x9F0F, + 1,0x9F16, + 1,0x9F3B, + 1,0x2A600, +}; + +static const short translit_page00[344] = { + 0, 2, 4, 6, -1, 9, 13, 15, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 18, 20, 24, 26, 29, 33, 35, -1, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 39, 42, 46, 49, 52, 54, 56, 58, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 60, 62, 65, 67, 70, 76, 82, 88, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 90, 93, 96, 99, 102, 105, 107, 110, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 112, 115, 118, 121, 124, 127, 130, 133, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 136, 138, 141, 144, 147, 150, 153, 156, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 158, 160, 163, 166, 169, 172, 175, 178, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 181, 184, 187, 190, 193, 196, 198, 201, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 203, 206, 209, 212, 215, 218, 221, 224, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 227, 229, 232, 235, 238, 241, 244, 247, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 249, 251, 254, 257, 260, 263, 266, 269, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x0100 */ + 272, 274, 276, 278, 280, 282, 284, 287, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 290, 293, 296, 298, 300, 302, 304, 306, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 308, 310, 312, 314, 316, 318, 320, 322, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 324, 326, 328, 330, 332, 335, 338, 340, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 342, 344, 346, 348, 350, 353, 356, 358, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 360, 363, 366, 368, 370, 372, 374, 376, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 378, 380, 382, 385, 388, 391, 394, 396, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + -1, 398, 400, 402, 404, 406, 408, 410, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 412, 414, 416, 418, 421, 424, 426, 428, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 430, 432, -1, -1, 435, 437, 439, 441, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 443, 446, 449, 452, 455, 458, 461, 463, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 465, 467, 469, 472, 475, 478, 481, 483, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 485, 487, 489, 491, 493, 495, 497, 499, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 501, 504, 507, 509, 511, 513, 515, 517, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 519, 522, 525, 527, 529, 532, 535, 538, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 541, 544, 547, 550, 552, 554, 556, 558, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + -1, -1, 560, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + -1, 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-1, -1, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 642, 644, 646, -1, 648, 650, -1, -1, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + -1, 652, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const short translit_page05[8] = { + 657, 660, 663, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ +}; +static const short translit_page06[16] = { + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 666, 669, 672, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 675, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x78-0x7f */ +}; +static const short translit_page0e[48] = { + -1, -1, -1, 681, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, 684, 687, -1, -1, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ +}; +static const short translit_page0f[16] = { + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 690, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + -1, 693, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x78-0x7f */ +}; +static const short translit_page1e[160] = { + -1, -1, 696, 698, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + -1, -1, 700, 702, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 704, 706, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 708, 710, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 712, 714, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 716, 718, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + -1, -1, 720, 722, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 724, 727, 730, 733, 736, 739, -1, -1, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + -1, -1, 742, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x98-0x9f */ +}; +static const short translit_page1e_2[8] = { + -1, -1, 745, 748, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ +}; +static const short translit_page20[88] = { + -1, -1, 751, 753, 755, 757, 759, -1, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 761, 763, 765, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 767, 769, 771, 773, 775, 777, -1, -1, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 779, 781, 783, 785, 787, 789, 791, 793, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 795, -1, 797, -1, 799, 801, 804, -1, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 808, -1, 813, 815, 818, -1, 822, 825, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + -1, 829, 831, -1, 833, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, 836, -1, -1, 838, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 841, 844, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 847, /* 0x50-0x57 */ +}; +static const short translit_page20_3[8] = { + 852, -1, -1, 855, 860, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ +}; +static const short translit_page21[216] = { + 864, 868, 872, 874, -1, 877, 881, 885, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + -1, 887, 890, 892, 894, 896, 898, 900, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 902, 904, 906, 908, -1, 910, 912, -1, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + -1, 915, 917, 919, 921, 923, -1, -1, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + -1, 925, 929, -1, 932, -1, 934, -1, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 938, -1, -1, -1, 940, 942, 944, 946, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 948, 950, -1, 952, 954, 956, 958, 960, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 962, 964, -1, 966, -1, 970, 972, 974, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 976, -1, -1, -1, -1, 978, 980, 982, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 984, 986, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + -1, -1, -1, 988, 994, 1000, 1006, 1012, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 1018, 1024, 1030, 1036, 1042, 1048, 1054, 1060, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 1064, 1066, 1069, 1073, 1076, 1078, 1081, 1085, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 1090, 1093, 1095, 1098, 1102, 1104, 1106, 1108, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 1110, 1112, 1115, 1119, 1122, 1124, 1127, 1131, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 1136, 1139, 1141, 1144, 1148, 1150, 1152, 1154, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 1156, 1159, 1161, 1164, 1166, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 1170, -1, 1173, -1, 1176, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ +}; +static const short translit_page22[96] = { + -1, -1, 1180, -1, -1, 1182, 1184, 1186, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + -1, 1188, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + -1, -1, -1, 1190, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, 1192, 1195, -1, 1199, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 1202, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1206, -1, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, 1208, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 1210, -1, -1, -1, 1213, 1216, -1, -1, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + -1, -1, 1219, 1222, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x68-0x6f */ +}; +static const short translit_page22_4[48] = { + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1225, -1, -1, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 1227, 1231, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1235, /* 0xe8-0xef */ +}; +static const short translit_page24[240] = { + 1239, 1245, 1251, 1257, 1263, 1269, 1275, 1281, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 1287, 1292, 1297, 1302, 1307, 1312, 1317, 1322, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 1327, 1333, 1339, 1345, 1351, 1357, 1363, 1369, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 1375, 1381, 1386, 1392, 1398, 1403, 1408, 1413, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 1418, 1423, -1, -1, 1429, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 1434, 1438, 1442, 1446, 1450, 1454, 1458, 1462, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 1466, 1470, 1475, 1480, 1485, 1490, 1495, 1500, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 1505, 1510, 1515, 1520, 1525, 1529, 1533, 1537, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 1541, 1545, 1549, 1553, 1557, 1561, 1566, 1571, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 1576, 1581, 1586, 1591, 1596, 1601, 1606, 1611, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 1616, 1619, 1622, 1625, 1628, 1631, 1634, 1637, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 1640, 1643, 1647, 1651, 1655, 1659, 1663, 1667, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 1671, 1675, 1679, 1683, 1687, 1691, 1695, 1699, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 1703, 1707, 1711, 1715, 1719, 1723, 1727, 1731, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 1735, 1739, 1743, 1747, 1751, 1755, 1759, 1763, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 1767, 1771, 1775, 1779, 1783, 1787, 1791, 1795, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 1799, 1803, 1807, 1811, 1815, 1819, 1823, 1827, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 1831, 1835, 1839, 1843, 1847, 1851, 1855, 1859, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 1863, 1867, 1871, 1875, 1879, 1883, 1887, 1891, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 1895, 1899, 1903, 1907, 1911, 1915, 1919, 1923, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 1927, 1931, 1935, 1939, 1943, 1947, 1951, 1955, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 1959, 1963, 1967, 1971, 1975, 1979, 1983, 1987, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 1991, 1995, 1999, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xe8-0xef */ +}; +static const short translit_page25[64] = { + 2003, -1, 2005, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, 2007, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 2009, -1, -1, -1, 2011, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 2013, -1, -1, -1, 2015, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, 2017, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, 2019, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, 2021, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, 2023, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x38-0x3f */ +}; +static const short translit_page2a[8] = { + -1, -1, -1, -1, 2032, 2036, 2039, -1, /* 0x70-0x77 */ +}; +static const short translit_page2f[216] = { + 2047, 2049, 2051, 2053, 2055, 2057, 2059, 2061, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 2063, 2065, 2067, 2069, 2071, 2073, 2075, 2077, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 2079, 2081, 2083, 2085, 2087, 2089, 2091, 2093, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 2095, 2097, 2099, 2101, 2103, 2105, 2107, 2109, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 2111, 2113, 2115, 2117, 2119, 2121, 2123, 2125, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 2127, 2129, 2131, 2133, 2135, 2137, 2139, 2141, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 2143, 2145, 2147, 2149, 2151, 2153, 2155, 2157, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 2159, 2161, 2163, 2165, 2167, 2169, 2171, 2173, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 2175, 2177, 2179, 2181, 2183, 2185, 2187, 2189, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 2191, 2193, 2195, 2197, 2199, 2201, 2203, 2205, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 2207, 2209, 2211, 2213, 2215, 2217, 2219, 2221, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 2223, 2225, 2227, 2229, 2231, 2233, 2235, 2237, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 2239, 2241, 2243, 2245, 2247, 2249, 2251, 2253, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 2255, 2257, 2259, 2261, 2263, 2265, 2267, 2269, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 2271, 2273, 2275, 2277, 2279, 2281, 2283, 2285, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 2287, 2289, 2291, 2293, 2295, 2297, 2299, 2301, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 2303, 2305, 2307, 2309, 2311, 2313, 2315, 2317, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 2319, 2321, 2323, 2325, 2327, 2329, 2331, 2333, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 2335, 2337, 2339, 2341, 2343, 2345, 2347, 2349, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 2351, 2353, 2355, 2357, 2359, 2361, 2363, 2365, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 2367, 2369, 2371, 2373, 2375, 2377, 2379, 2381, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 2383, 2385, 2387, 2389, 2391, 2393, 2395, 2397, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 2399, 2401, 2403, 2405, 2407, 2409, 2411, 2413, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 2415, 2417, 2419, 2421, 2423, 2425, 2427, 2429, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 2431, 2433, 2435, 2437, 2439, 2441, 2443, 2445, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 2447, 2449, 2451, 2453, 2455, 2457, 2459, 2461, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 2463, 2465, 2467, 2469, 2471, 2473, -1, -1, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ +}; +static const short translit_page30[248] = { + 2475, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 2477, -1, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 2479, 2481, 2483, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + -1, 2485, -1, 2487, -1, 2489, -1, 2491, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + -1, 2493, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + -1, -1, -1, 2495, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + -1, -1, -1, 2497, -1, 2499, -1, 2501, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 2503, -1, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 2505, 2507, -1, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + -1, -1, -1, 2509, 2512, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 2515, 2517, -1, 2519, -1, 2521, -1, 2523, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + -1, 2525, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + -1, -1, -1, 2527, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + -1, -1, -1, 2529, -1, 2531, -1, 2533, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 2535, -1, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 2537, 2539, -1, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ +}; +static const short translit_page31[96] = { + -1, 2541, 2543, 2545, 2547, 2549, 2551, 2553, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 2555, 2557, 2559, 2561, 2563, 2565, 2567, 2569, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 2571, 2573, 2575, 2577, 2579, 2581, 2583, 2585, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 2587, 2589, 2591, 2593, 2595, 2597, 2599, 2601, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 2603, 2605, 2607, 2609, 2611, 2613, 2615, 2617, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 2619, 2621, 2623, 2625, 2627, 2629, 2631, 2633, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 2635, 2637, 2639, 2641, 2643, 2645, 2647, 2649, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 2651, 2653, 2655, 2657, 2659, 2661, 2663, 2665, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 2667, 2669, 2671, 2673, 2675, 2677, 2679, 2681, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 2683, 2685, 2687, 2689, 2691, 2693, 2695, 2697, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 2699, 2701, 2703, 2705, 2707, 2709, 2711, 2713, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 2715, 2717, 2719, 2721, 2723, 2725, 2727, -1, /* 0x88-0x8f */ +}; +static const short translit_page31_5[528] = { + 2729, 2731, 2733, 2735, 2737, 2739, 2741, 2743, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 2745, 2747, 2749, 2751, 2753, 2755, 2757, 2759, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x3200 */ + 2761, 2765, 2769, 2773, 2777, 2781, 2785, 2789, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 2793, 2797, 2801, 2805, 2809, 2813, 2817, 2822, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 2827, 2832, 2837, 2842, 2847, 2852, 2857, 2862, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 2867, 2872, 2877, 2882, 2887, 2892, 2900, -1, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 2907, 2911, 2915, 2919, 2923, 2927, 2931, 2935, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 2939, 2943, 2947, 2951, 2955, 2959, 2963, 2967, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 2971, 2975, 2979, 2983, 2987, 2991, 2995, 2999, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 3003, 3007, 3011, 3015, 3019, 3023, 3027, 3031, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 3035, 3039, 3043, 3047, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 3051, 3055, 3060, 3065, 3070, 3075, 3080, 3085, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 3090, 3095, 3100, 3105, 3110, 3115, 3120, 3125, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 3130, 3134, 3138, 3142, 3146, 3150, 3154, 3158, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 3162, 3166, 3170, 3174, 3178, 3182, 3186, 3191, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 3196, 3201, 3206, 3211, 3216, 3221, 3226, 3231, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 3236, 3241, 3246, 3251, 3256, 3264, -1, -1, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 3271, 3275, 3279, 3283, 3287, 3291, 3295, 3299, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 3303, 3307, 3311, 3315, 3319, 3323, 3327, 3331, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 3335, 3339, 3343, 3347, 3351, 3355, 3359, 3363, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 3367, 3371, 3375, 3379, 3383, 3387, 3391, 3395, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 3399, 3403, 3407, 3411, 3415, 3419, 3423, 3427, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 3431, 3435, 3439, 3443, 3447, 3451, 3455, 3459, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 3463, 3467, 3472, 3477, 3482, 3487, 3492, 3497, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 3502, 3507, 3512, 3517, 3522, 3527, 3532, 3537, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 3542, 3545, 3548, 3551, 3554, 3557, 3560, 3563, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 3566, 3569, 3573, 3577, 3581, 3584, 3588, 3591, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 3595, 3599, 3603, 3607, 3611, 3615, 3619, 3623, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 3627, 3631, 3635, 3639, 3643, 3647, 3651, 3655, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 3659, 3663, 3667, 3671, 3675, 3679, 3683, 3687, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 3691, 3695, 3699, 3703, 3707, 3711, 3715, 3719, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 3723, 3727, 3731, 3735, 3739, 3743, 3747, 3751, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 3755, 3759, 3763, 3767, 3771, 3775, 3779, -1, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x3300 */ + 3783, 3788, 3793, 3798, 3802, 3807, 3811, 3815, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 3821, 3826, 3830, 3834, 3838, 3843, 3848, 3852, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 3856, 3859, 3863, 3868, 3873, 3876, 3882, 3889, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 3895, 3899, 3905, 3911, 3916, 3920, 3924, 3928, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 3933, 3939, 3944, 3948, 3952, 3956, 3959, 3962, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 3965, 3968, 3972, 3976, 3982, 3986, 3991, 3997, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 4001, 4004, 4007, 4013, 4018, 4024, 4028, 4034, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 4037, 4041, 4045, 4049, 4053, 4057, 4062, 4066, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 4069, 4073, 4077, 4081, 4086, 4090, 4094, 4098, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 4104, 4109, 4112, 4118, 4121, 4126, 4131, 4135, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 4139, 4143, 4148, 4151, 4155, 4160, 4163, 4169, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 4173, 4176, 4179, 4182, 4185, 4188, 4191, 4194, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 4197, 4200, 4203, 4207, 4211, 4215, 4219, 4223, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 4227, 4231, 4235, 4239, 4243, 4247, 4251, 4255, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 4259, 4263, 4267, 4270, 4273, 4277, 4280, 4283, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 4286, 4291, 4296, 4299, 4302, 4305, 4308, 4311, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 4316, 4319, 4322, 4325, 4328, 4331, 4334, 4337, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 4340, 4344, 4349, 4352, 4355, 4358, 4361, 4364, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 4367, 4370, 4374, 4378, 4382, 4386, 4389, 4392, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 4395, 4398, 4401, 4404, 4407, 4410, 4413, 4416, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 4421, 4426, 4430, 4435, 4440, 4445, 4449, 4454, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 4458, 4464, 4467, 4471, 4475, 4479, 4483, 4489, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 4497, 4500, 4503, 4506, 4509, 4512, 4515, 4518, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 4521, 4524, 4527, 4530, 4533, 4536, 4539, 4542, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 4545, 4548, 4551, 4556, 4559, 4562, 4565, 4570, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 4574, 4577, 4580, 4583, 4586, 4589, 4592, 4595, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 4598, 4601, 4604, 4608, 4611, 4614, 4618, 4622, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 4625, 4630, 4634, 4637, 4640, 4643, 4646, 4650, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 4658, 4661, 4664, 4667, 4670, 4673, 4676, 4679, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 4682, 4685, 4689, 4693, 4697, 4701, 4705, 4709, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 4713, 4717, 4721, 4725, 4729, 4733, 4737, 4741, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 4745, 4749, 4753, 4757, 4761, 4765, 4769, 4654, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const short translit_pagef9[368] = { + 4773, 4775, 4777, 4779, 4781, 4783, 4785, 4787, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 4789, 4791, 4793, 4795, 4797, 4799, 4801, 4803, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 4805, 4807, 4809, 4811, 4813, 4815, 4817, 4819, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 4821, 4823, 4825, 4827, 4829, 4831, 4833, 4835, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 4837, 4839, 4841, 4843, 4845, 4847, 4849, 4851, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 4853, 4855, 4857, 4859, 4861, 4863, 4865, 4867, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 4869, 4871, 4873, 4875, 4877, 4879, 4881, 4883, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 4885, 4887, 4889, 4891, 4893, 4895, 4897, 4899, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 4901, 4903, 4905, 4907, 4909, 4911, 4913, 4915, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 4917, 4919, 4921, 4923, 4925, 4927, 4929, 4931, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 4933, 4935, 4937, 4939, 4941, 4943, 4945, 4947, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 4949, 4951, 4953, 4955, 4957, 4959, 4961, 4963, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 4965, 4967, 4969, 4971, 4973, 4975, 4977, 4979, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 4981, 4983, 4985, 4987, 4989, 4991, 4993, 4995, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 4997, 4999, 5001, 5003, 5005, 5007, 5009, 5011, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 5013, 5015, 5017, 5019, 5021, 5023, 5025, 5027, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 5029, 5031, 5033, 5035, 5037, 5039, 5041, 5043, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 5045, 5047, 5049, 5051, 5053, 5055, 5057, 5059, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 5061, 5063, 5065, 5067, 5069, 5071, 5073, 5075, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 5077, 5079, 5081, 5083, 5085, 5087, 5089, 5091, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 5093, 5095, 5097, 5099, 5101, 5103, 5105, 5107, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 5109, 5111, 5113, 5115, 5117, 5119, 5121, 5123, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 5125, 5127, 5129, 5131, 5133, 5135, 5137, 5139, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 5141, 5143, 5145, 5147, 5149, 5151, 5153, 5155, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 5157, 5159, 5161, 5163, 5165, 5167, 5169, 5171, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 5173, 5175, 5177, 5179, 5181, 5183, 5185, 5187, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 5189, 5191, 5193, 5195, 5197, 5199, 5201, 5203, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 5205, 5207, 5209, 5211, 5213, 5215, 5217, 5219, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 5221, 5223, 5225, 5227, 5229, 5231, 5233, 5235, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 5237, 5239, 5241, 5243, 5245, 5247, 5249, 5251, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 5253, 5255, 5257, 5259, 5261, 5263, 5265, 5267, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 5269, 5271, 5273, 5275, 5277, 5279, 5281, 5283, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0xfa00 */ + 5285, 5287, 5289, 5291, 5293, 5295, 5297, 5299, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 5301, 5303, 5305, 5307, 5309, 5311, -1, -1, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 5313, -1, 5315, -1, -1, 5317, 5319, 5321, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 5323, 5325, 5327, 5329, 5331, 5333, 5335, -1, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 5337, -1, 5339, -1, -1, 5341, 5343, -1, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + -1, -1, 5345, 5347, 5349, 5351, -1, -1, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 5353, 5355, 5357, 5359, 5361, 5363, 5365, 5367, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 5369, 5371, 5373, 5375, 5377, 5379, 5381, 5383, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 5385, 5387, 5389, 5391, 5393, 5395, 5397, 5399, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 5401, 5403, 5405, 5407, 5409, 5411, 5413, 5415, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 5417, 5419, 5421, 5423, 5425, 5427, 5429, 5431, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 5433, 5435, 5437, 5439, 5441, 5443, 5445, 5447, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 5449, 5451, 5453, 5455, 5457, 5459, 5461, 5463, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 5465, 5467, 5469, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x68-0x6f */ +}; +static const short translit_pagefb[80] = { + 5471, 5474, 5477, 5480, 5484, 5488, 5491, -1, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + -1, -1, -1, 5494, 5497, 5500, 5503, 5506, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 5509, 5511, 5513, 5515, 5517, 5519, 5521, 5523, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 5525, 5527, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 5529, /* 0x48-0x4f */ +}; +static const short translit_pagefe[40] = { + -1, 5532, 5534, 5536, 5538, 5540, 5542, 5544, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 5546, 5548, 5550, -1, 5552, 5554, 5556, 5558, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 5560, 5562, 5564, 5566, 5568, 5570, 5572, 5574, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 5576, 5578, 5580, 5582, 5584, 5586, 5588, -1, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 5590, 5592, 5594, 5596, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0x68-0x6f */ +}; +static const short translit_pageff[240] = { + -1, 5598, 5600, 5602, 5604, 5606, 5608, 5610, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 5612, 5614, 5616, 5618, 5620, 5622, 5624, 5626, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 5628, 5630, 5632, 5634, 5636, 5638, 5640, 5642, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 5644, 5646, 5648, 5650, 5652, 5654, 5656, 5658, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 5660, 5662, 5664, 5666, 5668, 5670, 5672, 5674, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 5676, 5678, 5680, 5682, 5684, 5686, 5688, 5690, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 5692, 5694, 5696, 5698, 5700, 5702, 5704, 5706, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 5708, 5710, 5712, 5714, 5716, 5718, 5720, 5722, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 5724, 5726, 5728, 5730, 5732, 5734, 5736, 5738, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 5740, 5742, 5744, 5746, 5748, 5750, 5752, 5754, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 5756, 5758, 5760, 5762, 5764, 5766, 5768, 5770, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 5772, 5774, 5776, 5778, 5780, 5782, 5784, 5786, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 5788, 5790, 5792, 5794, 5796, 5798, 5800, 5802, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 5804, 5806, 5808, 5810, 5812, 5814, 5816, 5818, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 5820, 5822, 5824, 5826, 5828, 5830, 5832, 5834, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 5836, 5838, 5840, 5842, 5844, 5846, 5848, 5850, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 5852, 5854, 5856, 5858, 5860, 5862, 5864, 5866, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 5868, 5870, 5872, 5874, 5876, 5878, 5880, 5882, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 5884, 5886, 5888, 5890, 5892, 5894, 5896, 5898, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 5900, 5902, 5904, 5906, 5908, 5910, 5912, 5914, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 5916, 5918, 5920, 5922, 5924, 5926, 5928, 5930, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 5932, 5934, 5936, 5938, 5940, 5942, 5944, 5946, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 5948, 5950, 5952, 5954, 5956, 5958, 5960, 5962, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 5964, 5966, 5968, 5970, 5972, 5974, 5976, -1, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + -1, -1, 5978, 5980, 5982, 5984, 5986, 5988, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + -1, -1, 5990, 5992, 5994, 5996, 5998, 6000, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + -1, -1, 6002, 6004, 6006, 6008, 6010, 6012, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + -1, -1, 6014, 6016, 6018, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 6020, 6022, 6024, 6026, 6028, 6030, 6032, -1, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 6034, 6036, 6038, 6040, 6042, 6044, 6046, -1, /* 0xe8-0xef */ +}; +static const short translit_page1d4[1024] = { + 6048, 6050, 6052, 6054, 6056, 6058, 6060, 6062, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 6064, 6066, 6068, 6070, 6072, 6074, 6076, 6078, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 6080, 6082, 6084, 6086, 6088, 6090, 6092, 6094, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 6096, 6098, 6100, 6102, 6104, 6106, 6108, 6110, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 6112, 6114, 6116, 6118, 6120, 6122, 6124, 6126, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 6128, 6130, 6132, 6134, 6136, 6138, 6140, 6142, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 6144, 6146, 6148, 6150, 6152, 6154, 6156, 6158, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 6160, 6162, 6164, 6166, 6168, 6170, 6172, 6174, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 6176, 6178, 6180, 6182, 6184, 6186, 6188, 6190, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 6192, 6194, 6196, 6198, 6200, 6202, 6204, 6206, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 6208, 6210, 6212, 6214, 6216, -1, 6218, 6220, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 6222, 6224, 6226, 6228, 6230, 6232, 6234, 6236, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 6238, 6240, 6242, 6244, 6246, 6248, 6250, 6252, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 6254, 6256, 6258, 6260, 6262, 6264, 6266, 6268, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 6270, 6272, 6274, 6276, 6278, 6280, 6282, 6284, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 6286, 6288, 6290, 6292, 6294, 6296, 6298, 6300, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 6302, 6304, 6306, 6308, 6310, 6312, 6314, 6316, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 6318, 6320, 6322, 6324, 6326, 6328, 6330, 6332, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 6334, 6336, 6338, 6340, 6342, 6344, 6346, 6348, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 6350, 6352, 6354, 6356, 6358, -1, 6360, 6362, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + -1, -1, 6364, -1, -1, 6366, 6368, -1, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + -1, 6370, 6372, 6374, 6376, -1, 6378, 6380, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 6382, 6384, 6386, 6388, 6390, 6392, 6394, 6396, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 6398, 6400, -1, 6402, -1, 6404, 6406, 6408, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 6410, 6412, 6414, 6416, -1, 6418, 6420, 6422, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 6424, 6426, 6428, 6430, 6432, 6434, 6436, 6438, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 6440, 6442, 6444, 6446, 6448, 6450, 6452, 6454, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 6456, 6458, 6460, 6462, 6464, 6466, 6468, 6470, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 6472, 6474, 6476, 6478, 6480, 6482, 6484, 6486, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 6488, 6490, 6492, 6494, 6496, 6498, 6500, 6502, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 6504, 6506, 6508, 6510, 6512, 6514, 6516, 6518, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 6520, 6522, 6524, 6526, 6528, 6530, 6532, 6534, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x1d500 */ + 6536, 6538, 6540, 6542, 6544, 6546, -1, 6548, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 6550, 6552, 6554, -1, -1, 6556, 6558, 6560, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 6562, 6564, 6566, 6568, 6570, -1, 6572, 6574, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 6576, 6578, 6580, 6582, 6584, -1, 6586, 6588, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 6590, 6592, 6594, 6596, 6598, 6600, 6602, 6604, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 6606, 6608, 6610, 6612, 6614, 6616, 6618, 6620, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 6622, 6624, 6626, 6628, 6630, 6632, 6634, 6636, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 6638, 6640, -1, 6642, 6644, 6646, 6648, -1, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 6650, 6652, 6654, 6656, 6658, -1, 6660, -1, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + -1, -1, 6662, 6664, 6666, 6668, 6670, 6672, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 6674, -1, 6676, 6678, 6680, 6682, 6684, 6686, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 6688, 6690, 6692, 6694, 6696, 6698, 6700, 6702, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 6704, 6706, 6708, 6710, 6712, 6714, 6716, 6718, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 6720, 6722, 6724, 6726, 6728, 6730, 6732, 6734, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 6736, 6738, 6740, 6742, 6744, 6746, 6748, 6750, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 6752, 6754, 6756, 6758, 6760, 6762, 6764, 6766, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 6768, 6770, 6772, 6774, 6776, 6778, 6780, 6782, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 6784, 6786, 6788, 6790, 6792, 6794, 6796, 6798, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 6800, 6802, 6804, 6806, 6808, 6810, 6812, 6814, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 6816, 6818, 6820, 6822, 6824, 6826, 6828, 6830, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 6832, 6834, 6836, 6838, 6840, 6842, 6844, 6846, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 6848, 6850, 6852, 6854, 6856, 6858, 6860, 6862, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 6864, 6866, 6868, 6870, 6872, 6874, 6876, 6878, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 6880, 6882, 6884, 6886, 6888, 6890, 6892, 6894, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 6896, 6898, 6900, 6902, 6904, 6906, 6908, 6910, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 6912, 6914, 6916, 6918, 6920, 6922, 6924, 6926, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 6928, 6930, 6932, 6934, 6936, 6938, 6940, 6942, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 6944, 6946, 6948, 6950, 6952, 6954, 6956, 6958, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 6960, 6962, 6964, 6966, 6968, 6970, 6972, 6974, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 6976, 6978, 6980, 6982, 6984, 6986, 6988, 6990, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 6992, 6994, 6996, 6998, 7000, 7002, 7004, 7006, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 7008, 7010, 7012, 7014, 7016, 7018, 7020, 7022, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x1d600 */ + 7024, 7026, 7028, 7030, 7032, 7034, 7036, 7038, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 7040, 7042, 7044, 7046, 7048, 7050, 7052, 7054, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 7056, 7058, 7060, 7062, 7064, 7066, 7068, 7070, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 7072, 7074, 7076, 7078, 7080, 7082, 7084, 7086, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 7088, 7090, 7092, 7094, 7096, 7098, 7100, 7102, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 7104, 7106, 7108, 7110, 7112, 7114, 7116, 7118, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 7120, 7122, 7124, 7126, 7128, 7130, 7132, 7134, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 7136, 7138, 7140, 7142, 7144, 7146, 7148, 7150, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 7152, 7154, 7156, 7158, 7160, 7162, 7164, 7166, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 7168, 7170, 7172, 7174, 7176, 7178, 7180, 7182, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 7184, 7186, 7188, 7190, 7192, 7194, 7196, 7198, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 7200, 7202, 7204, 7206, 7208, 7210, 7212, 7214, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 7216, 7218, 7220, 7222, 7224, 7226, 7228, 7230, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 7232, 7234, 7236, 7238, 7240, 7242, 7244, 7246, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 7248, 7250, 7252, 7254, 7256, 7258, 7260, 7262, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 7264, 7266, 7268, 7270, 7272, 7274, 7276, 7278, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 7280, 7282, 7284, 7286, 7288, 7290, 7292, 7294, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 7296, 7298, 7300, 7302, 7304, 7306, 7308, 7310, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 7312, 7314, 7316, 7318, 7320, 7322, 7324, 7326, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 7328, 7330, 7332, 7334, 7336, 7338, 7340, 7342, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 7344, 7346, 7348, 7350, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 7352, 7354, 7356, 7358, 7360, 7362, 7364, 7366, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 7368, 7370, 7372, 7374, 7376, 7378, 7380, 7382, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 7384, 7386, 7388, 7390, 7392, 7394, 7396, 7398, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 7400, 7402, 7404, 7406, 7408, 7410, 7412, 7414, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 7416, 7418, 7420, 7422, 7424, 7426, 7428, 7430, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 7432, 7434, 7436, 7438, 7440, 7442, 7444, 7446, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 7448, 7450, 7452, 7454, 7456, 7458, 7460, 7462, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 7464, 7466, 7468, 7470, 7472, 7474, 7476, 7478, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 7480, 7482, 7484, 7486, 7488, 7490, 7492, 7494, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 7496, 7498, 7500, 7502, 7504, 7506, 7508, 7510, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 7512, 7514, 7516, 7518, 7520, 7522, 7524, 7526, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x1d700 */ + 7528, 7530, 7532, 7534, 7536, 7538, 7540, 7542, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 7544, 7546, 7548, 7550, 7552, 7554, 7556, 7558, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 7560, 7562, 7564, 7566, 7568, 7570, 7572, 7574, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 7576, 7578, 7580, 7582, 7584, 7586, 7588, 7590, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 7592, 7594, 7596, 7598, 7600, 7602, 7604, 7606, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 7608, 7610, 7612, 7614, 7616, 7618, 7620, 7622, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 7624, 7626, 7628, 7630, 7632, 7634, 7636, 7638, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 7640, 7642, 7644, 7646, 7648, 7650, 7652, 7654, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 7656, 7658, 7660, 7662, 7664, 7666, 7668, 7670, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 7672, 7674, 7676, 7678, 7680, 7682, 7684, 7686, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 7688, 7690, 7692, 7694, 7696, 7698, 7700, 7702, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 7704, 7706, 7708, 7710, 7712, 7714, 7716, 7718, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 7720, 7722, 7724, 7726, 7728, 7730, 7732, 7734, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 7736, 7738, 7740, 7742, 7744, 7746, 7748, 7750, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 7752, 7754, 7756, 7758, 7760, 7762, 7764, 7766, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 7768, 7770, 7772, 7774, 7776, 7778, 7780, 7782, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 7784, 7786, 7788, 7790, 7792, 7794, 7796, 7798, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 7800, 7802, 7804, 7806, 7808, 7810, 7812, 7814, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 7816, 7818, 7820, 7822, 7824, 7826, 7828, 7830, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 7832, 7834, 7836, 7838, 7840, 7842, 7844, 7846, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 7848, 7850, 7852, 7854, 7856, 7858, 7860, 7862, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 7864, 7866, 7868, 7870, 7872, 7874, 7876, 7878, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 7880, 7882, 7884, 7886, 7888, 7890, 7892, 7894, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 7896, 7898, 7900, 7902, 7904, 7906, 7908, 7910, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 7912, 7914, 7916, 7918, 7920, 7922, 7924, 7926, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 7928, 7930, -1, -1, -1, -1, 7932, 7934, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 7936, 7938, 7940, 7942, 7944, 7946, 7948, 7950, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 7952, 7954, 7956, 7958, 7960, 7962, 7964, 7966, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 7968, 7970, 7972, 7974, 7976, 7978, 7980, 7982, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 7984, 7986, 7988, 7990, 7992, 7994, 7996, 7998, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 8000, 8002, 8004, 8006, 8008, 8010, 8012, 8014, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 8016, 8018, 8020, 8022, 8024, 8026, 8028, 8030, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; +static const short translit_page2f8[544] = { + 8032, 8034, 8036, 8038, 8040, 8042, 8044, 8046, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 8048, 8050, 8052, 8054, 8056, 8058, 8060, 8062, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 8064, 8066, 8068, 8070, 8072, 8074, 8076, 8078, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 8080, 8082, 8084, 8086, 8088, 8090, 8092, 8094, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 8096, 8098, 8100, 8102, 8104, 8106, 8108, 8110, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 8112, 8114, 8116, 8118, 8120, 8122, 8124, 8126, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 8128, 8130, 8132, 8134, 8136, 8138, 8140, 8142, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 8144, 8146, 8148, 8150, 8152, 8154, 8156, 8158, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 8160, 8162, 8164, 8166, 8168, 8170, 8172, 8174, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 8176, 8178, 8180, 8182, 8184, 8186, 8188, 8190, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 8192, 8194, 8196, 8198, 8200, 8202, 8204, 8206, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 8208, 8210, 8212, 8214, 8216, 8218, 8220, 8222, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 8224, 8226, 8228, 8230, 8232, 8234, 8236, 8238, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 8240, 8242, 8244, 8246, 8248, 8250, 8252, 8254, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 8256, 8258, 8260, 8262, 8264, 8266, 8268, 8270, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 8272, 8274, 8276, 8278, 8280, 8282, 8284, 8286, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 8288, 8290, 8292, 8294, 8296, 8298, 8300, 8302, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 8304, 8306, 8308, 8310, 8312, 8314, 8316, 8318, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 8320, 8322, 8324, 8326, 8328, 8330, 8332, 8334, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 8336, 8338, 8340, 8342, 8344, 8346, 8348, 8350, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 8352, 8354, 8356, 8358, 8360, 8362, 8364, 8366, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 8368, 8370, 8372, 8374, 8376, 8378, 8380, 8382, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 8384, 8386, 8388, 8390, 8392, 8394, 8396, 8398, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 8400, 8402, 8404, 8406, 8408, 8410, 8412, 8414, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 8416, 8418, 8420, 8422, 8424, 8426, 8428, 8430, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 8432, 8434, 8436, 8438, 8440, 8442, 8444, 8446, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 8448, 8450, 8452, 8454, 8456, 8458, 8460, 8462, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 8464, 8466, 8468, 8470, 8472, 8474, 8476, 8478, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 8480, 8482, 8484, 8486, 8488, 8490, 8492, 8494, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 8496, 8498, 8500, 8502, 8504, 8506, 8508, 8510, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 8512, 8514, 8516, 8518, 8520, 8522, 8524, 8526, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 8528, 8530, 8532, 8534, 8536, 8538, 8540, 8542, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x2f900 */ + 8544, 8546, 8548, 8550, 8552, 8554, 8556, 8558, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 8560, 8562, 8564, 8566, 8568, 8570, 8572, 8574, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 8576, 8578, 8580, 8582, 8584, 8586, 8588, 8590, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 8592, 8594, 8596, 8598, 8600, 8602, 8604, 8606, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 8608, 8610, 8612, 8614, 8616, 8618, 8620, 8622, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 8624, 8626, 8628, 8630, 8632, 8634, 8636, 8638, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 8640, 8642, 8644, 8646, 8648, 8650, 8652, 8654, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 8656, 8658, 8660, 8662, 8664, 8666, 8668, 8670, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 8672, 8674, 8676, 8678, 8680, 8682, 8684, 8686, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 8688, 8690, 8692, 8694, 8696, 8698, 8700, 8702, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 8704, 8706, 8708, 8710, 8712, 8714, 8716, 8718, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 8720, 8722, 8724, 8726, 8728, 8730, 8732, 8734, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 8736, 8738, 8740, 8742, 8744, 8746, 8748, 8750, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 8752, 8754, 8756, 8758, 8760, 8762, 8764, 8766, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 8768, 8770, 8772, 8774, 8776, 8778, 8780, 8782, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 8784, 8786, 8788, 8790, 8792, 8794, 8796, 8798, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 8800, 8802, 8804, 8806, 8808, 8810, 8812, 8814, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 8816, 8818, 8820, 8822, 8824, 8826, 8828, 8830, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 8832, 8834, 8836, 8838, 8840, 8842, 8844, 8846, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 8848, 8850, 8852, 8854, 8856, 8858, 8860, 8862, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 8864, 8866, 8868, 8870, 8872, 8874, 8876, 8878, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 8880, 8882, 8884, 8886, 8888, 8890, 8892, 8894, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 8896, 8898, 8900, 8902, 8904, 8906, 8908, 8910, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 8912, 8914, 8916, 8918, 8920, 8922, 8924, 8926, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 8928, 8930, 8932, 8934, 8936, 8938, 8940, 8942, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 8944, 8946, 8948, 8950, 8952, 8954, 8956, 8958, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 8960, 8962, 8964, 8966, 8968, 8970, 8972, 8974, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 8976, 8978, 8980, 8982, 8984, 8986, 8988, 8990, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 8992, 8994, 8996, 8998, 9000, 9002, 9004, 9006, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 9008, 9010, 9012, 9014, 9016, 9018, 9020, 9022, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 9024, 9026, 9028, 9030, 9032, 9034, 9036, 9038, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 9040, 9042, 9044, 9046, 9048, 9050, 9052, 9054, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x2fa00 */ + 9056, 9058, 9060, 9062, 9064, 9066, 9068, 9070, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 9072, 9074, 9076, 9078, 9080, 9082, 9084, 9086, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 9088, 9090, 9092, 9094, 9096, 9098, 9100, 9102, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 9104, 9106, 9108, 9110, 9112, 9114, -1, -1, /* 0x18-0x1f */ +}; + +#define translit_index(wc) \ + (wc >= 0x00a0 && wc < 0x01f8 ? translit_page00[wc-0x00a0] : \ + wc >= 0x0218 && wc < 0x0220 ? translit_page02[wc-0x0218] : \ + wc >= 0x02b8 && wc < 0x02e0 ? translit_page02_1[wc-0x02b8] : \ + wc >= 0x03d0 && wc < 0x0400 ? translit_page03[wc-0x03d0] : \ + wc == 0x0587 ? 654 : \ + wc >= 0x05f0 && wc < 0x05f8 ? translit_page05[wc-0x05f0] : \ + wc >= 0x0670 && wc < 0x0680 ? translit_page06[wc-0x0670] : \ + wc == 0x0e33 ? 678 : \ + wc >= 0x0eb0 && wc < 0x0ee0 ? translit_page0e[wc-0x0eb0] : \ + wc >= 0x0f70 && wc < 0x0f80 ? translit_page0f[wc-0x0f70] : \ + wc >= 0x1e00 && wc < 0x1ea0 ? translit_page1e[wc-0x1e00] : \ + wc >= 0x1ef0 && wc < 0x1ef8 ? translit_page1e_2[wc-0x1ef0] : \ + wc >= 0x2000 && wc < 0x2058 ? translit_page20[wc-0x2000] : \ + wc >= 0x20a8 && wc < 0x20b0 ? translit_page20_3[wc-0x20a8] : \ + wc >= 0x2100 && wc < 0x21d8 ? translit_page21[wc-0x2100] : \ + wc >= 0x2210 && wc < 0x2270 ? translit_page22[wc-0x2210] : \ + wc >= 0x22c0 && wc < 0x22f0 ? translit_page22_4[wc-0x22c0] : \ + wc >= 0x2400 && wc < 0x24f0 ? translit_page24[wc-0x2400] : \ + wc >= 0x2500 && wc < 0x2540 ? translit_page25[wc-0x2500] : \ + wc == 0x25e6 ? 2025 : \ + wc == 0x2a0c ? 2027 : \ + wc >= 0x2a70 && wc < 0x2a78 ? translit_page2a[wc-0x2a70] : \ + wc == 0x2e9f ? 2043 : \ + wc == 0x2ef3 ? 2045 : \ + wc >= 0x2f00 && wc < 0x2fd8 ? translit_page2f[wc-0x2f00] : \ + wc >= 0x3000 && wc < 0x30f8 ? translit_page30[wc-0x3000] : \ + wc >= 0x3130 && wc < 0x3190 ? translit_page31[wc-0x3130] : \ + wc >= 0x31f0 && wc < 0x3400 ? translit_page31_5[wc-0x31f0] : \ + wc >= 0xf900 && wc < 0xfa70 ? translit_pagef9[wc-0xf900] : \ + wc >= 0xfb00 && wc < 0xfb50 ? translit_pagefb[wc-0xfb00] : \ + wc >= 0xfe48 && wc < 0xfe70 ? translit_pagefe[wc-0xfe48] : \ + wc >= 0xff00 && wc < 0xfff0 ? translit_pageff[wc-0xff00] : \ + wc >= 0x1d400 && wc < 0x1d800 ? translit_page1d4[wc-0x1d400] : \ + wc >= 0x2f800 && wc < 0x2fa20 ? translit_page2f8[wc-0x2f800] : \ + -1) diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs2.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs2.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..206b8ccae --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs2.h @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * UCS-2 + */ + +/* Here we accept FFFE/FEFF marks as endianness indicators everywhere + in the stream, not just at the beginning. The default is big-endian. */ +/* The state is 0 if big-endian, 1 if little-endian. */ +static int +ucs2_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->istate; + int count = 0; + for (; n >= 2;) { + ucs4_t wc = (state ? s[0] + (s[1] << 8) : (s[0] << 8) + s[1]); + s += 2; n -= 2; count += 2; + if (wc == 0xfeff) { + } else if (wc == 0xfffe) { + state ^= 1; + } else if (wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xe000) { + conv->istate = state; + return RET_SHIFT_ILSEQ(count); + } else { + *pwc = wc; + conv->istate = state; + return count; + } + } + conv->istate = state; + return RET_TOOFEW(count); +} + +/* But we output UCS-2 in big-endian order, without byte-order mark. */ +/* RFC 2152 says: + "ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993(E) specifies that when characters the UCS-2 form are + serialized as octets, that the most significant octet appear first." */ +static int +ucs2_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (wc < 0x10000 && wc != 0xfffe && !(wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xe000)) { + if (n >= 2) { + r[0] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 8); + r[1] = (unsigned char) wc; + return 2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } else + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs2be.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs2be.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..150c0a36b --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs2be.h @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * UCS-2BE = UCS-2 big endian + */ + +static int +ucs2be_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + if (s[0] >= 0xd8 && s[0] < 0xe0) { + return RET_ILSEQ; + } else { + *pwc = (s[0] << 8) + s[1]; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); +} + +static int +ucs2be_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (wc < 0x10000 && !(wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xe000)) { + if (n >= 2) { + r[0] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 8); + r[1] = (unsigned char) wc; + return 2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs2internal.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs2internal.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d482aeac4 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs2internal.h @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * UCS-2-INTERNAL = UCS-2 with machine dependent endianness and alignment + */ + +static int +ucs2internal_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned short x = *(const unsigned short *)s; + if (x >= 0xd800 && x < 0xe000) { + return RET_ILSEQ; + } else { + *pwc = x; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); +} + +static int +ucs2internal_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (wc < 0x10000 && !(wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xe000)) { + if (n >= 2) { + *(unsigned short *)r = wc; + return 2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } else + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs2le.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs2le.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..49018612b --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs2le.h @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * UCS-2LE = UCS-2 little endian + */ + +static int +ucs2le_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + if (s[1] >= 0xd8 && s[1] < 0xe0) { + return RET_ILSEQ; + } else { + *pwc = s[0] + (s[1] << 8); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); +} + +static int +ucs2le_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (wc < 0x10000 && !(wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xe000)) { + if (n >= 2) { + r[0] = (unsigned char) wc; + r[1] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 8); + return 2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs2swapped.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs2swapped.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f426f406f --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs2swapped.h @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * UCS-2-SWAPPED = UCS-2-INTERNAL with inverted endianness + */ + +static int +ucs2swapped_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + /* This function assumes that 'unsigned short' has exactly 16 bits. */ + if (sizeof(unsigned short) != 2) abort(); + + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned short x = *(const unsigned short *)s; + x = (x >> 8) | (x << 8); + if (x >= 0xd800 && x < 0xe000) { + return RET_ILSEQ; + } else { + *pwc = x; + return 2; + } + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); +} + +static int +ucs2swapped_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + /* This function assumes that 'unsigned short' has exactly 16 bits. */ + if (sizeof(unsigned short) != 2) abort(); + + if (wc < 0x10000 && !(wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xe000)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned short x = wc; + x = (x >> 8) | (x << 8); + *(unsigned short *)r = x; + return 2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } else + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs4.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs4.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..00d08d251 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs4.h @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * UCS-4 + */ + +/* Here we accept FFFE0000/0000FEFF marks as endianness indicators everywhere + in the stream, not just at the beginning. The default is big-endian. */ +/* The state is 0 if big-endian, 1 if little-endian. */ +static int +ucs4_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->istate; + int count = 0; + for (; n >= 4;) { + ucs4_t wc = (state + ? s[0] + (s[1] << 8) + (s[2] << 16) + (s[3] << 24) + : (s[0] << 24) + (s[1] << 16) + (s[2] << 8) + s[3]); + s += 4; n -= 4; count += 4; + if (wc == 0x0000feff) { + } else if (wc == 0xfffe0000u) { + state ^= 1; + } else if (wc <= 0x7fffffff) { + *pwc = wc; + conv->istate = state; + return count; + } else { + conv->istate = state; + return RET_SHIFT_ILSEQ(count); + } + } + conv->istate = state; + return RET_TOOFEW(count); +} + +/* But we output UCS-4 in big-endian order, without byte-order mark. */ +static int +ucs4_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (wc <= 0x7fffffff) { + if (n >= 4) { + r[0] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 24); + r[1] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 16); + r[2] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 8); + r[3] = (unsigned char) wc; + return 4; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } else + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs4be.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs4be.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..241bc158d --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs4be.h @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * UCS-4BE = UCS-4 big endian + */ + +static int +ucs4be_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + if (n >= 4) { + *pwc = (s[0] << 24) + (s[1] << 16) + (s[2] << 8) + s[3]; + return 4; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); +} + +static int +ucs4be_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 4) { + r[0] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 24); + r[1] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 16); + r[2] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 8); + r[3] = (unsigned char) wc; + return 4; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs4internal.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs4internal.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bd793a3f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs4internal.h @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * UCS-4-INTERNAL = UCS-4 with machine dependent endianness and alignment + */ + +static int +ucs4internal_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + if (n >= 4) { + *pwc = *(const unsigned int *)s; + return 4; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); +} + +static int +ucs4internal_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 4) { + *(unsigned int *)r = wc; + return 4; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs4le.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs4le.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0c762fec5 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs4le.h @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * UCS-4LE = UCS-4 little endian + */ + +static int +ucs4le_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + if (n >= 4) { + *pwc = s[0] + (s[1] << 8) + (s[2] << 16) + (s[3] << 24); + return 4; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); +} + +static int +ucs4le_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 4) { + r[0] = (unsigned char) wc; + r[1] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 8); + r[2] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 16); + r[3] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 24); + return 4; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs4swapped.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs4swapped.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a292ecda --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/ucs4swapped.h @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * UCS-4-SWAPPED = UCS-4-INTERNAL with inverted endianness + */ + +static int +ucs4swapped_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + /* This function assumes that 'unsigned int' has exactly 32 bits. */ + if (sizeof(unsigned int) != 4) abort(); + + if (n >= 4) { + unsigned int x = *(const unsigned int *)s; + x = (x >> 24) | ((x >> 8) & 0xff00) | ((x & 0xff00) << 8) | (x << 24); + *pwc = x; + return 4; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); +} + +static int +ucs4swapped_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + /* This function assumes that 'unsigned int' has exactly 32 bits. */ + if (sizeof(unsigned int) != 4) abort(); + + if (n >= 4) { + unsigned int x = wc; + x = (x >> 24) | ((x >> 8) & 0xff00) | ((x & 0xff00) << 8) | (x << 24); + *(unsigned int *)r = x; + return 4; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/uhc_1.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/uhc_1.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7b0c72581 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/uhc_1.h @@ -0,0 +1,1725 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * Unified Hangul Code part 1 + */ + +static const unsigned short uhc_1_2uni_main_page81[64] = { + 0xac02, 0xac8d, 0xad14, 0xad91, 0xadfa, 0xae7a, 0xaee6, 0xaf57, + 0xafbf, 0xb030, 0xb0a5, 0xb122, 0xb19e, 0xb207, 0xb26f, 0xb2f0, + 0xb366, 0xb3e1, 0xb445, 0xb4ad, 0xb51e, 0xb590, 0xb600, 0xb661, + 0xb6c3, 0xb723, 0xb79f, 0xb811, 0xb885, 0xb8f1, 0xb95a, 0xb9d4, + 0xba47, 0xbac2, 0xbb28, 0xbb9a, 0xbc03, 0xbc80, 0xbcfe, 0xbd67, + 0xbdd2, 0xbe3d, 0xbeb8, 0xbf23, 0xbf83, 0xbfe6, 0xc040, 0xc0a7, + 0xc132, 0xc1b1, 0xc224, 0xc297, 0xc310, 0xc37a, 0xc3db, 0xc446, + 0xc4aa, 0xc50f, 0xc596, 0xc626, 0xc6a8, 0xc726, 0xc7b8, 0xc832, +}; +static const unsigned char uhc_1_2uni_page81[5696] = { + /* 0x81 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x04, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, + 0x0d, 0x16, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x23, + 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2c, 0x30, + 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3b, + 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, + 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x4a, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, + 0x4f, 0x50, 0x51, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x57, 0x58, + 0x59, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f, 0x60, 0x61, + 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, + 0x6a, 0x6b, 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x71, 0x73, 0x74, + 0x77, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x80, 0x85, + 0x86, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x08, + 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x11, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1e, 0x20, 0x21, + 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2d, + 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x35, 0x36, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, + 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, + 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x49, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, + 0x4f, 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x55, 0x56, 0x58, 0x59, + 0x5c, 0x5e, 0x60, 0x61, 0x65, 0x67, 0x6a, 0x6b, + 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x71, 0x72, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, + 0x78, 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0x81, 0x83, + 0x85, 0x86, + /* 0x82 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x09, + 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, + 0x13, 0x14, 0x16, 0x17, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x22, 0x23, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x29, + 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x32, 0x34, + 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3d, 0x3e, + 0x3f, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, + 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4e, 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, + 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5d, + 0x5e, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x6a, 0x6c, 0x6f, + 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x76, 0x77, 0x79, 0x7a, + 0x7b, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, + 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, + 0x11, 0x12, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, + 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, + 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, + 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x31, 0x32, 0x34, 0x35, + 0x36, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, + 0x41, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, + 0x4a, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x54, + 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5c, + 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f, 0x60, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, + 0x65, 0x66, + /* 0x83 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x04, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, + 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x10, 0x12, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, + 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, + 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, + 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3b, + 0x3c, 0x3f, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x48, + 0x4a, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x51, 0x55, 0x57, 0x58, + 0x59, 0x5b, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f, 0x60, 0x61, 0x64, + 0x68, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x71, 0x73, + 0x74, 0x75, 0x77, 0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x7c, + 0x7d, 0x00, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, + 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x13, 0x14, + 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 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0x41, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4d, + 0x4e, 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, + 0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x5d, 0x5f, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, + 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x70, + 0x71, 0x72, + /* 0x9a */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x06, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x0c, + 0x0f, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, + 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, + 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, + 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3d, + 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, + 0x47, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x51, 0x52, + 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x5a, 0x5c, 0x5e, + 0x5f, 0x60, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, + 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x71, + 0x72, 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, + 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, + 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1f, 0x21, + 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, + 0x2b, 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0x10, 0x11, 0x13, + 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, + 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, + 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, + 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, + 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, + 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, + 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, + 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5c, + 0x5d, 0x60, + /* 0x9c */ + 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x06, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, + 0x0c, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, + 0x17, 0x18, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, + 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, + 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, + 0x33, 0x34, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, + 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, + 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x50, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x56, + 0x57, 0x58, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f, + 0x60, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, + 0x6a, 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x20, 0x21, + 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, + 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, + 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, + 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, + 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4f, 0x50, + 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, + 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f, 0x60, 0x61, + 0x62, 0x63, + /* 0x9d */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0f, 0x10, + 0x11, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, + 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, + 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, + 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, + 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, + 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, + 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, + 0x4f, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, + 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f, 0x60, 0x61, 0x63, + 0x64, 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, + 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, + 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x1b, + 0x1c, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x2b, 0x2d, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, + 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x37, 0x38, 0x3c, 0x40, 0x41, + 0x42, 0x43, 0x47, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x50, 0x53, + 0x54, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, + 0x5e, 0x5f, 0x60, 0x63, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, 0x6a, + 0x6b, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x76, + 0x77, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7f, 0x81, 0x83, + 0x84, 0x85, + /* 0x9e */ + 0x00, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0b, + 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x14, + 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, + 0x1d, 0x20, 0x21, 0x24, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, + 0x2d, 0x35, 0x37, 0x39, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3f, 0x40, + 0x41, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, + 0x4c, 0x4e, 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, + 0x59, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5f, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, + 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x77, + 0x78, 0x79, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0x7f, 0x80, + 0x81, 0x84, 0x87, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, + 0x8d, 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x09, 0x0b, + 0x0c, 0x10, 0x12, 0x14, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, + 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2c, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, + 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, + 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, + 0x47, 0x48, 0x4a, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x50, + 0x51, 0x54, 0x55, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5b, 0x5c, + 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f, 0x60, 0x61, 0x64, 0x66, 0x68, + 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x71, 0x73, + 0x74, 0x75, 0x77, 0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x7c, + 0x7d, 0x80, + /* 0x9f */ + 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x0a, + 0x0b, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, + 0x17, 0x1a, 0x1c, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, + 0x23, 0x26, 0x27, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2d, 0x2e, + 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x36, 0x37, 0x3a, + 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x42, 0x43, 0x45, + 0x46, 0x47, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, + 0x4f, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, + 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5e, 0x5f, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x65, + 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, 0x6e, 0x70, + 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x7a, 0x7b, + 0x7d, 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x10, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, + 0x15, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1f, 0x20, + 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x25, 0x28, 0x2a, 0x33, 0x34, + 0x35, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, + 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x43, 0x44, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, + 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x50, 0x51, 0x53, + 0x54, 0x55, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x60, 0x65, + 0x66, 0x67, 0x69, 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x6f, 0x73, 0x75, + 0x76, 0x77, 0x78, 0x79, 0x7c, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, + 0x84, 0x85, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8f, + 0x90, 0x91, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x06, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, + 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x12, 0x13, 0x15, 0x17, 0x19, + 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x21, 0x22, + 0x23, 0x24, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, + 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x35, 0x36, + 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, + 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, + 0x47, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x51, 0x53, + 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x5a, 0x5c, 0x5f, 0x60, + 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x66, 0x67, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, + 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x76, + 0x78, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, + 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, + 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, + 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, + 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x40, + 0x41, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x47, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, + 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x50, 0x52, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x5c, + 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f, 0x60, 0x61, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, + 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6c, 0x6e, 0x70, + 0x71, 0x72, +}; + +static int +uhc_1_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 >= 0x81 && c1 <= 0xa0)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x41 && c2 < 0x5b) || (c2 >= 0x61 && c2 < 0x7b) || (c2 >= 0x81 && c2 < 0xff)) { + unsigned int row = c1 - 0x81; + unsigned int col = c2 - (c2 >= 0x81 ? 0x4d : c2 >= 0x61 ? 0x47 : 0x41); + unsigned int i = 178 * row + col; + if (i < 5696) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) (uhc_1_2uni_main_page81[2*row+(col>=89?1:0)] + uhc_1_2uni_page81[i]); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned short uhc_1_2charset_main[45] = { + 0x8141, 0x81cd, 0x829b, 0x8363, 0x83e9, 0x84b7, 0x8585, 0x8647, + 0x86d3, 0x87a1, 0x8869, 0x88ef, 0x89bd, 0x8a8b, 0x8b4d, 0x8bd9, + 0x8ca7, 0x8d6f, 0x8df5, 0x8ec3, 0x8f91, 0x9053, 0x90df, 0x91ad, + 0x9275, 0x92fb, 0x93c9, 0x9497, 0x9559, 0x95e5, 0x96b3, 0x9781, + 0x9843, 0x98cf, 0x999d, 0x9a65, 0x9aeb, 0x9bb9, 0x9c87, 0x9d49, + 0x9dd5, 0x9ea3, 0x9f6b, 0x9ff1, 0xa0bf, +}; +static const unsigned char uhc_1_2charset[5696] = { + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, + 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, + 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, + 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x5b, + 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f, 0x60, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, + 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, + 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, + 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x7b, + 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0x7f, 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, + 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, + 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, + 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, + 0x30, 0x31, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x78, 0x79, + 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0x7f, 0x80, 0x81, + 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, 0x88, 0x89, + 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, + 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, + 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xb4, 0xb5, + 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, + 0xbe, 0xbf, 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, + 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 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0x79, + 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0x7f, 0x80, 0x81, + 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, 0x88, 0x89, + 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, + 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, + 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, + 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, + 0xbe, 0xbf, 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, + 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, + 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, + 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, + 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, + 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, + 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, + 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f, + 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 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0x7d, + 0x7e, 0x7f, 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, + 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f, 0x60, 0x61, + 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, + 0x6a, 0x6b, 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x76, 0x77, + 0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0x7f, + 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, + 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f, + 0x96, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, + 0x9e, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, + 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, + 0xae, 0xaf, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, + 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, + 0xbe, 0xbf, 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, + 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, + 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, + 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, + 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, + 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, + 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x88, 0x89, + 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f, 0x90, 0x91, + 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, + 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, + 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, + 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, + 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, + 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, + 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, + 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f, + 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, + 0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f, + 0x60, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, + 0x68, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x6f, + 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, + 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, 0xc0, 0xc1, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, + 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, + 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, + 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x5b, + 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f, 0x60, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, + 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, + 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, + 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x7b, + 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0x7f, 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, + 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, + 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, + 0x28, 0x29, 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x71, + 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x78, 0x79, + 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0x7f, 0x80, 0x81, + 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f, + 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, + 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, + 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xac, 0xad, + 0xae, 0xaf, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, + 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, + 0xbe, 0xbf, 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, + 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, + 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, + 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, + 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, + 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, + 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, + 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f, + 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, + 0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, + 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9, + 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, 0xb0, 0xb1, + 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xbe, 0xbf, + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, + 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, + 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, + 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, + 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, + 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, + 0x5e, 0x5f, 0x60, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, + 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, 0x6c, 0x6d, + 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, + 0x76, 0x77, 0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d, + 0x7e, 0x7f, 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x50, 0x51, + 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, + 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f, 0x60, 0x61, + 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, + 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, + 0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0x7f, + 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, + 0x88, 0x89, 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, + 0x96, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, + 0x9e, 0x9f, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, + 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, + 0xae, 0xaf, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, + 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, + 0xbe, 0xbf, 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, + 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, + 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, + 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, + 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, + 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, +}; + +static const Summary16 uhc_1_uni2indx_pageac[459] = { + /* 0xac00 */ + { 0, 0xf86c }, { 9, 0xc100 }, { 12, 0x4fee }, { 23, 0xecfc }, + { 34, 0xd7fe }, { 47, 0xeeef }, { 60, 0xffff }, { 76, 0xfa6c }, + { 86, 0xe184 }, { 92, 0x4fee }, { 103, 0x68fc }, { 112, 0xc4fe }, + { 122, 0xeeed }, { 134, 0xff5f }, { 148, 0x6a6c }, { 156, 0xcf94 }, + /* 0xad00 */ + { 165, 0x4fae }, { 175, 0xeefd }, { 188, 0xcdfe }, { 200, 0xeecf }, + { 212, 0xfd4f }, { 224, 0xfeee }, { 237, 0xcff5 }, { 249, 0x4786 }, + { 256, 0xecf9 }, { 267, 0xcffe }, { 280, 0xffef }, { 295, 0xff7f }, + { 310, 0xfeec }, { 322, 0xeff4 }, { 334, 0xffee }, { 348, 0x6cff }, + /* 0xae00 */ + { 360, 0xd4fc }, { 370, 0xffef }, { 385, 0xffff }, { 401, 0xfa6c }, + { 411, 0x8b94 }, { 418, 0x4fae }, { 428, 0xecdc }, { 438, 0xc4fe }, + { 448, 0xefcf }, { 461, 0xffff }, { 477, 0xffff }, { 493, 0x8fff }, + { 506, 0x4fee }, { 517, 0xecfc }, { 528, 0xd6ff }, { 541, 0xeeef }, + /* 0xaf00 */ + { 554, 0xde7f }, { 567, 0xfffe }, { 582, 0xcfff }, { 596, 0x4fea }, + { 606, 0xfcf1 }, { 617, 0xcffe }, { 630, 0xffcf }, { 644, 0xfdff }, + { 659, 0xfeee }, { 672, 0xefdc }, { 684, 0xffff }, { 700, 0xecff }, + { 713, 0x947e }, { 722, 0xefef }, { 736, 0xfcff }, { 750, 0xfeec }, + /* 0xb000 */ + { 762, 0xefec }, { 774, 0xcfee }, { 786, 0xfeff }, { 801, 0xffff }, + { 817, 0xaacf }, { 827, 0xdd47 }, { 837, 0xffff }, { 853, 0xcfff }, + { 867, 0x4fee }, { 878, 0x68fd }, { 888, 0x04f8 }, { 894, 0xeec5 }, + { 904, 0xfc4f }, { 915, 0xfeec }, { 927, 0xffde }, { 941, 0xffff }, + /* 0xb100 */ + { 957, 0xe4ff }, { 969, 0xc4f2 }, { 977, 0xeec7 }, { 988, 0xfc4f }, + { 999, 0xfeec }, { 1011, 0xeecc }, { 1021, 0xfffe }, { 1036, 0xecff }, + { 1049, 0xd4fa }, { 1059, 0xeee3 }, { 1070, 0xfeff }, { 1085, 0xffff }, + { 1101, 0xefff }, { 1116, 0x4fee }, { 1127, 0xecff }, { 1140, 0xd5fe }, + /* 0xb200 */ + { 1152, 0xe6cf }, { 1163, 0xfd4f }, { 1175, 0xfffe }, { 1190, 0xefef }, + { 1204, 0xffff }, { 1220, 0xeeff }, { 1234, 0xfcfe }, { 1247, 0xefcf }, + { 1260, 0xfdcf }, { 1273, 0xf8ec }, { 1283, 0xeb94 }, { 1292, 0xffee }, + { 1306, 0xecff }, { 1319, 0xd4fa }, { 1329, 0x068b }, { 1335, 0x7047 }, + /* 0xb300 */ + { 1342, 0xfeec }, { 1354, 0xefc4 }, { 1364, 0xffff }, { 1380, 0xffff }, + { 1396, 0xffff }, { 1412, 0x268f }, { 1420, 0xb54f }, { 1430, 0xfeec }, + { 1442, 0xefc4 }, { 1452, 0xffee }, { 1466, 0xeefc }, { 1478, 0xffff }, + { 1494, 0xa6cf }, { 1504, 0xd54e }, { 1513, 0xfeee }, { 1526, 0xefff }, + /* 0xb400 */ + { 1541, 0xffff }, { 1557, 0xeefe }, { 1570, 0xf4fe }, { 1582, 0xffef }, + { 1597, 0xffff }, { 1613, 0xfeec }, { 1625, 0xefd4 }, { 1636, 0xffff }, + { 1652, 0xfefe }, { 1666, 0xdfff }, { 1681, 0xeeef }, { 1694, 0xfd5f }, + { 1707, 0xfeee }, { 1720, 0xcfde }, { 1732, 0x4fa6 }, { 1741, 0xfefd }, + /* 0xb500 */ + { 1755, 0xffff }, { 1771, 0xe6cf }, { 1782, 0xf84f }, { 1792, 0xfeec }, + { 1804, 0xc7c4 }, { 1812, 0x4fee }, { 1823, 0xfffc }, { 1837, 0xffff }, + { 1853, 0xffff }, { 1869, 0xffff }, { 1885, 0xf2ec }, { 1895, 0xc7c4 }, + { 1903, 0x4fee }, { 1914, 0xfefc }, { 1927, 0xefff }, { 1942, 0xffff }, + /* 0xb600 */ + { 1958, 0xffff }, { 1974, 0xfeec }, { 1986, 0xefdf }, { 2000, 0xffef }, + { 2015, 0xfeff }, { 2030, 0xffff }, { 2046, 0xfeef }, { 2060, 0xffff }, + { 2076, 0xffff }, { 2092, 0xcfff }, { 2106, 0xe7ee }, { 2118, 0xfffd }, + { 2133, 0xffff }, { 2149, 0xffef }, { 2164, 0xffff }, { 2180, 0xfeee }, + /* 0xb700 */ + { 2193, 0xffdc }, { 2206, 0xffff }, { 2222, 0x6cff }, { 2234, 0xf4fe }, + { 2246, 0xeeef }, { 2259, 0xffcf }, { 2273, 0xfeee }, { 2286, 0xcfd4 }, + { 2296, 0x4fee }, { 2307, 0xec38 }, { 2315, 0xc4fe }, { 2325, 0xfecf }, + { 2338, 0xfd7f }, { 2352, 0xffff }, { 2368, 0xcfff }, { 2382, 0x4fee }, + /* 0xb800 */ + { 2393, 0xec7c }, { 2403, 0xd4fe }, { 2414, 0xeecf }, { 2426, 0xfc4f }, + { 2437, 0xffee }, { 2451, 0xcff5 }, { 2463, 0x4fee }, { 2474, 0xeefd }, + { 2487, 0xdfff }, { 2502, 0xffff }, { 2518, 0xfeff }, { 2533, 0xfeee }, + { 2546, 0xefd4 }, { 2557, 0x5fee }, { 2569, 0xecfd }, { 2581, 0xd4fe }, + /* 0xb900 */ + { 2592, 0xffef }, { 2607, 0xfeff }, { 2622, 0xfffe }, { 2637, 0xcfff }, + { 2651, 0x6fee }, { 2663, 0xecfd }, { 2675, 0xd4fe }, { 2686, 0xeecf }, + { 2698, 0x994f }, { 2707, 0xffff }, { 2723, 0xcfff }, { 2737, 0x4fee }, + { 2748, 0x2cfd }, { 2758, 0x94f8 }, { 2766, 0xeec5 }, { 2776, 0xf84f }, + /* 0xba00 */ + { 2786, 0xfefc }, { 2799, 0xffdf }, { 2814, 0xffff }, { 2830, 0xecff }, + { 2843, 0x94fa }, { 2852, 0xeec7 }, { 2863, 0xfc4f }, { 2874, 0xfeec }, + { 2886, 0xef47 }, { 2897, 0xffff }, { 2913, 0xe4ff }, { 2925, 0xd4fa }, + { 2935, 0xfeef }, { 2949, 0xfcff }, { 2963, 0xffff }, { 2979, 0xefff }, + /* 0xbb00 */ + { 2994, 0x5fee }, { 3006, 0xeefd }, { 3019, 0xf5fe }, { 3032, 0x868f }, + { 3040, 0x5d4f }, { 3050, 0xfeee }, { 3063, 0xeff5 }, { 3076, 0xffff }, + { 3092, 0xeeff }, { 3106, 0xfffe }, { 3121, 0xeeef }, { 3134, 0xff6f }, + { 3148, 0xfeee }, { 3161, 0xfff6 }, { 3175, 0xffff }, { 3191, 0x6cff }, + /* 0xbc00 */ + { 3203, 0x44fa }, { 3211, 0x060d }, { 3216, 0xdd4f }, { 3227, 0xfeec }, + { 3239, 0xcdc4 }, { 3247, 0xdffe }, { 3261, 0xffff }, { 3277, 0xffff }, + { 3293, 0xa6cf }, { 3303, 0xf94f }, { 3314, 0xfe6c }, { 3325, 0xcfc4 }, + { 3334, 0x5fee }, { 3346, 0xeedc }, { 3357, 0xffff }, { 3373, 0xee8f }, + /* 0xbd00 */ + { 3384, 0xfd4f }, { 3396, 0xffee }, { 3410, 0xefef }, { 3424, 0xffff }, + { 3440, 0xecfe }, { 3452, 0xfcfe }, { 3465, 0xfeef }, { 3479, 0xffff }, + { 3495, 0xf86c }, { 3504, 0xe9d4 }, { 3513, 0xffef }, { 3528, 0xfefe }, + { 3542, 0xffff }, { 3558, 0xeecf }, { 3570, 0xfdff }, { 3585, 0xfeee }, + /* 0xbe00 */ + { 3598, 0xcfd6 }, { 3609, 0x4fee }, { 3620, 0xffff }, { 3636, 0xffff }, + { 3652, 0xaecf }, { 3663, 0xf14f }, { 3673, 0xfaec }, { 3684, 0xc7c4 }, + { 3692, 0x4fee }, { 3703, 0xfcfc }, { 3715, 0xfeff }, { 3730, 0xffff }, + { 3746, 0xffff }, { 3762, 0xfe6c }, { 3773, 0xefc6 }, { 3784, 0xffff }, + /* 0xbf00 */ + { 3800, 0xfcfd }, { 3813, 0xc4ff }, { 3824, 0xffff }, { 3840, 0xffff }, + { 3856, 0xfeec }, { 3868, 0xffdc }, { 3881, 0xffff }, { 3897, 0xffff }, + { 3913, 0xffff }, { 3929, 0xffef }, { 3944, 0xffff }, { 3960, 0xfffe }, + { 3975, 0xcfdf }, { 3988, 0x6fee }, { 4000, 0xfffd }, { 4015, 0xffff }, + /* 0xc000 */ + { 4031, 0xffff }, { 4047, 0xffff }, { 4063, 0xffff }, { 4079, 0xefff }, + { 4094, 0xffff }, { 4110, 0xeefd }, { 4123, 0xfcfe }, { 4136, 0xffff }, + { 4152, 0xffff }, { 4168, 0xfeec }, { 4180, 0x4fd4 }, { 4189, 0x4f86 }, + { 4197, 0xecdc }, { 4207, 0xc4fe }, { 4217, 0xeecf }, { 4229, 0xfd4f }, + /* 0xc100 */ + { 4241, 0xfeee }, { 4254, 0x0fde }, { 4264, 0x4f26 }, { 4272, 0xecbc }, + { 4282, 0xc4fe }, { 4292, 0xeecf }, { 4304, 0xfc4f }, { 4315, 0xfeee }, + { 4328, 0x8fdf }, { 4340, 0x4fae }, { 4350, 0xecdd }, { 4361, 0xdffe }, + { 4375, 0xeeef }, { 4388, 0xfe6f }, { 4401, 0xfeee }, { 4414, 0xcff4 }, + /* 0xc200 */ + { 4425, 0x4fee }, { 4436, 0x6cfd }, { 4447, 0x54fe }, { 4457, 0xffe9 }, + { 4470, 0xfeff }, { 4485, 0xfeec }, { 4497, 0xcfde }, { 4509, 0x4fee }, + { 4520, 0xfcfd }, { 4533, 0xd6fe }, { 4545, 0xcecf }, { 4556, 0xfd4f }, + { 4568, 0xffff }, { 4584, 0xcfff }, { 4598, 0x47e6 }, { 4607, 0xe4bd }, + /* 0xc300 */ + { 4617, 0xccfe }, { 4628, 0xeec7 }, { 4639, 0xfccf }, { 4651, 0xffff }, + { 4667, 0xffdf }, { 4682, 0xffff }, { 4698, 0xecff }, { 4711, 0xccfa }, + { 4721, 0xeeef }, { 4734, 0xffff }, { 4750, 0xffff }, { 4766, 0xffff }, + { 4782, 0xfffe }, { 4797, 0x6cff }, { 4809, 0xdcfa }, { 4820, 0xfecf }, + /* 0xc400 */ + { 4833, 0xfeff }, { 4848, 0xfffe }, { 4863, 0xefef }, { 4877, 0xcfee }, + { 4889, 0xfeff }, { 4904, 0xffff }, { 4920, 0xeecf }, { 4932, 0xfdcf }, + { 4945, 0xfffe }, { 4960, 0xefef }, { 4974, 0xffff }, { 4990, 0xeeff }, + { 5004, 0xffff }, { 5020, 0xffff }, { 5036, 0xfdff }, { 5051, 0x7aec }, + /* 0xc500 */ + { 5061, 0xeffc }, { 5074, 0xefee }, { 5087, 0xecff }, { 5100, 0xd4fe }, + { 5111, 0x88cf }, { 5119, 0x9c47 }, { 5127, 0xfeec }, { 5139, 0xcfc4 }, + { 5148, 0x4f6e }, { 5158, 0xee5d }, { 5169, 0xfdfe }, { 5183, 0x84cf }, + { 5191, 0xa80f }, { 5198, 0xfeec }, { 5210, 0x8fd4 }, { 5219, 0x0f2e }, + /* 0xc600 */ + { 5227, 0xee1c }, { 5236, 0xe4fe }, { 5247, 0x8ecf }, { 5257, 0xf546 }, + { 5266, 0xfeec }, { 5278, 0xcfc4 }, { 5287, 0x6ffe }, { 5300, 0xecfd }, + { 5312, 0xd4fe }, { 5323, 0xeecf }, { 5335, 0xfd4f }, { 5347, 0xf8ec }, + { 5357, 0xcfd4 }, { 5367, 0xcfee }, { 5379, 0xecfc }, { 5390, 0xdcfe }, + /* 0xc700 */ + { 5402, 0xeecf }, { 5414, 0xfd4f }, { 5426, 0xfeec }, { 5438, 0xcf54 }, + { 5447, 0x4bee }, { 5457, 0xee01 }, { 5464, 0xf6fe }, { 5477, 0x8ecf }, + { 5487, 0xb847 }, { 5495, 0xfa2c }, { 5504, 0xcf84 }, { 5512, 0x4fee }, + { 5523, 0xacfc }, { 5533, 0xdefe }, { 5546, 0xeeef }, { 5559, 0xffff }, + /* 0xc800 */ + { 5575, 0xfaec }, { 5586, 0xcf94 }, { 5595, 0x4fee }, { 5606, 0xeefd }, + { 5619, 0xccfe }, { 5630, 0xffef }, { 5645, 0xffff }, { 5661, 0xfaec }, + { 5672, 0xc714 }, { 5679, 0x5fef }, { 5692, 0x001d }, +}; + +static int +uhc_1_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + if (wc >= 0xac00 && wc < 0xc8b0) { + const Summary16 *summary = &uhc_1_uni2indx_pageac[(wc>>4)-0xac0]; + unsigned short used = summary->used; + unsigned int i = wc & 0x0f; + if (used & ((unsigned short) 1 << i)) { + unsigned short c; + /* Keep in `used' only the bits 0..i-1. */ + used &= ((unsigned short) 1 << i) - 1; + /* Add `summary->indx' and the number of bits set in `used'. */ + used = (used & 0x5555) + ((used & 0xaaaa) >> 1); + used = (used & 0x3333) + ((used & 0xcccc) >> 2); + used = (used & 0x0f0f) + ((used & 0xf0f0) >> 4); + used = (used & 0x00ff) + (used >> 8); + used += summary->indx; + c = uhc_1_2charset_main[used>>7] + uhc_1_2charset[used]; + r[0] = (c >> 8); r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/uhc_2.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/uhc_2.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4aa290a94 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/uhc_2.h @@ -0,0 +1,1022 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * Unified Hangul Code part 2 + */ + +static const unsigned short uhc_2_2uni_main_pagea1[76] = { + 0xc8a5, 0xc8d8, 0xc910, 0xc93e, 0xc971, 0xc9a5, 0xc9de, 0xca1c, + 0xca47, 0xca7b, 0xcaa8, 0xcadd, 0xcb0b, 0xcb3a, 0xcb6d, 0xcb99, + 0xcbc5, 0xcbf3, 0xcc25, 0xcc67, 0xcc94, 0xcccf, 0xccfe, 0xcd34, + 0xcd61, 0xcd92, 0xcdc6, 0xcdf5, 0xce2c, 0xce5d, 0xce9a, 0xcecc, + 0xcf02, 0xcf3b, 0xcf6d, 0xcf9e, 0xcfcc, 0xcfff, 0xd02e, 0xd064, + 0xd095, 0xd0cc, 0xd105, 0xd132, 0xd16e, 0xd19b, 0xd1d0, 0xd1fd, + 0xd22a, 0xd25e, 0xd28d, 0xd2c5, 0xd2fb, 0xd33e, 0xd36a, 0xd3a1, + 0xd3d7, 0xd40d, 0xd438, 0xd467, 0xd49e, 0xd4c9, 0xd4fe, 0xd52e, + 0xd564, 0xd59d, 0xd5ca, 0xd606, 0xd63d, 0xd677, 0xd6ab, 0xd6e2, + 0xd715, 0xd74e, 0xd78d, 0xfffd, +}; +static const unsigned char uhc_2_2uni_pagea1[3126] = { + /* 0xa1 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, + 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, + 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x19, 0x1a, + 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x24, + 0x25, 0x26, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x31, 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, + 0x07, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, + 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, + 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, + 0x23, 0x26, 0x27, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2f, 0x30, + 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x36, + /* 0xa2 */ + 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x09, + 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, + 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, + 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, + 0x23, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, + 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, + 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, + 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x14, 0x15, 0x17, 0x18, + 0x19, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, + 0x24, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, + 0x2d, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, + /* 0xa3 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, + 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, + 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1c, + 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x29, 0x2b, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, + 0x32, 0x33, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, + 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, + 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x20, + 0x21, 0x24, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2d, + 0x2f, 0x32, 0x33, 0x36, + /* 0xa4 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x05, 0x07, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x0b, + 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x10, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, + 0x19, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x23, 0x24, + 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2c, 0x30, 0x31, + 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3b, + 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, + 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0e, + 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, + 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, + 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, + 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, + /* 0xa5 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x07, 0x08, 0x0a, + 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, + 0x14, 0x17, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, + 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, + 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, + 0x32, 0x33, 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, + 0x07, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, + 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, + 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, + /* 0xa6 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x16, 0x17, 0x19, 0x1a, + 0x1b, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, + 0x26, 0x28, 0x2a, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x32, + 0x33, 0x34, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, + 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x18, + 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, + 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, + 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2c, 0x2d, + /* 0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, + 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, + 0x13, 0x14, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, + 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, + 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, + 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, + 0x06, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x10, + 0x11, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, + 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, + 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, + /* 0xa8 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, + 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, + 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, + 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, + 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, + 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, + 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, + 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, + 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, + 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, + /* 0xa9 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x10, + 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, + 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x20, 0x21, + 0x23, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, + 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, + 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, + 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, + 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x2b, + 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x30, 0x31, + /* 0xaa */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x05, 0x06, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x0c, 0x0d, + 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x15, 0x1a, 0x1b, + 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x21, 0x22, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, + 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x31, + 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3c, 0x3d, + 0x3e, 0x40, 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, + 0x07, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0f, 0x10, + 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, + 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, + 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, + 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, + /* 0xab */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x06, 0x07, 0x09, 0x0a, + 0x0b, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, + 0x16, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x22, + 0x23, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, + 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x32, 0x34, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, + 0x39, 0x3a, 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, + 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x22, + 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, + 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, + /* 0xac */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, + 0x09, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x13, 0x14, + 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1c, 0x1e, 0x20, + 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, + 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, + 0x34, 0x35, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x06, + 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, + 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, + 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, + 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, + 0x27, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, + /* 0xad */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, + 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x0f, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, + 0x15, 0x16, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, + 0x2f, 0x30, 0x00, 0x01, 0x04, 0x05, 0x07, 0x08, + 0x09, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, + 0x14, 0x16, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, + 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, + 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x33, + /* 0xae */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x07, 0x08, + 0x09, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, + 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, + 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, + 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2b, 0x2c, + 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x05, 0x07, 0x09, + 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, + 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, + 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x25, 0x26, + 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x30, 0x31, + 0x32, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, + /* 0xaf */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x06, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x0b, + 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, + 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, + 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, + 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x00, 0x01, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, + 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x0f, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, + 0x15, 0x16, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x20, + 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x29, 0x2b, + 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x35, 0x36, + 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3c, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x08, 0x0c, + 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, + 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, + 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, + 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, + 0x30, 0x31, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, + 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, + 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x21, 0x22, + 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x2a, 0x2e, 0x2f, + 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, + /* 0xb1 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, + 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x10, 0x12, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1f, + 0x20, 0x21, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, + 0x29, 0x2c, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, + 0x37, 0x38, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, + 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, + 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, + 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x2b, + 0x2d, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, + /* 0xb2 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x05, 0x06, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, + 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x14, + 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, + 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, + 0x2f, 0x30, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, + 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, + 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, + 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, + 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + /* 0xb3 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x16, 0x17, 0x19, 0x1a, + 0x1b, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, + 0x26, 0x28, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, + 0x31, 0x32, 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, + 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, + 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, + 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + /* 0xb4 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x08, 0x09, + 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, + 0x14, 0x15, 0x18, 0x1a, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, + 0x20, 0x21, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, + 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x33, + 0x34, 0x35, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, + 0x06, 0x07, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x11, + 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x1a, 0x1b, + 0x1c, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, + 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, + 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, + /* 0xb5 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x11, + 0x12, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, + 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x21, 0x23, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, + 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, + 0x35, 0x36, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x06, 0x0a, + 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x12, 0x13, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, + 0x1f, 0x22, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, + 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, + 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, + /* 0xb6 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, + 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, + 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, + 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, + 0x29, 0x2a, 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x07, + 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x10, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1f, 0x20, + 0x21, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, + 0x2c, 0x2e, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, + 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3b, + /* 0xb7 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0f, 0x10, + 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, + 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, + 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, + 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, + 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x17, 0x19, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x20, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, + 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, + 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, + /* 0xb8 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, + 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, + 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, + 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x29, 0x2a, + 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, + 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0b, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, + 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, + 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, + 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, + /* 0xb9 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x04, 0x05, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0b, + 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x14, 0x16, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1f, 0x20, + 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, + 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, + 0x31, 0x33, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, + 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, + 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, + 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, + 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x24, 0x25, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, + 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, + /* 0xba */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x09, 0x0a, + 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x14, + 0x15, 0x16, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, + 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x30, 0x31, 0x34, + 0x36, 0x37, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x05, 0x07, 0x08, + 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x10, 0x11, + 0x12, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, + 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x30, + 0x31, 0x32, 0x34, 0x35, + /* 0xbb */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x07, 0x09, 0x0b, + 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x14, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x1a, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x23, + 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x32, + 0x33, 0x34, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, + 0x3c, 0x3f, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, + 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, + 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, + /* 0xbc */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x14, 0x15, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1b, + 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x24, 0x28, + 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x30, 0x31, 0x33, + 0x34, 0x35, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, + 0x06, 0x09, 0x0b, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, + 0x12, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1c, + 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x25, 0x26, + 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x30, 0x31, + 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, + /* 0xbd */ + 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, + 0x09, 0x0b, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, + 0x13, 0x14, 0x17, 0x18, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1e, + 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x27, 0x29, + 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x32, 0x33, + 0x34, 0x35, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, + 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, + 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, + 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, + 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, + 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, + /* 0xbe */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, + 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, + 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, + 0x22, 0x23, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, + 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, + 0x07, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x13, 0x14, 0x16, 0x17, 0x1a, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x23, 0x25, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, + 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, + 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, + /* 0xbf */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, + 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, + 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, + 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, + 0x29, 0x2a, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, + 0x11, 0x12, 0x14, 0x15, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, + 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x24, + 0x25, 0x26, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x30, 0x31, 0x33, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x07, 0x08, + 0x09, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, + 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x18, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, + 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, + 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x20, 0x22, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2f, 0x30, + 0x31, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, + /* 0xc1 */ + 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x06, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, + 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x12, 0x13, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x22, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2d, 0x2e, + 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, + 0x37, 0x38, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, + 0x06, 0x07, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, + 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, + 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, + 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, + 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, + /* 0xc2 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x07, 0x09, 0x0a, + 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x10, 0x12, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, + 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, + 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2c, + 0x2e, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x38, + 0x39, 0x3b, 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, + 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0c, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, + 0x14, 0x15, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, + 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, + 0x30, 0x31, 0x34, 0x35, + /* 0xc3 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x09, + 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x0f, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x15, 0x16, + 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, + 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2b, + 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x35, 0x36, + 0x38, 0x39, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, + 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0d, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x17, 0x18, 0x1a, + 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, + 0x24, 0x25, 0x27, 0x29, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, + 0x2f, 0x30, 0x32, 0x33, + /* 0xc4 */ + 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, + 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0f, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, + 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1e, + 0x1f, 0x20, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x27, 0x28, + 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2d, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, + 0x34, 0x36, 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0f, 0x10, + 0x11, 0x12, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, + 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, + /* 0xc5 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x05, 0x06, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, + 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x15, + 0x17, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x21, + 0x22, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, + 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x30, 0x31, 0x33, 0x35, 0x36, + 0x37, 0x38, 0x00, 0x01, 0x04, 0x05, 0x07, 0x0c, + 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x14, 0x16, 0x18, + 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x23, + 0x24, 0x25, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, + 0x2d, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, + 0x38, 0x39, 0x3c, 0x3d, + /* 0xc6 */ + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, + 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x0f, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, + 0x15, 0x16, +}; + +static int +uhc_2_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c1 = s[0]; + if ((c1 >= 0xa1 && c1 <= 0xc6)) { + if (n >= 2) { + unsigned char c2 = s[1]; + if ((c2 >= 0x41 && c2 < 0x5b) || (c2 >= 0x61 && c2 < 0x7b) || (c2 >= 0x81 && c2 < 0xa1)) { + unsigned int row = c1 - 0xa1; + unsigned int col = c2 - (c2 >= 0x81 ? 0x4d : c2 >= 0x61 ? 0x47 : 0x41); + unsigned int i = 84 * row + col; + if (i < 3126) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) (uhc_2_2uni_main_pagea1[2*row+(col>=42?1:0)] + uhc_2_2uni_pagea1[i]); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + } + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static const unsigned short uhc_2_2charset_main[49] = { + 0xa141, 0xa18d, 0xa273, 0xa359, 0xa445, 0xa491, 0xa577, 0xa663, + 0xa749, 0xa795, 0xa881, 0xa967, 0xaa4d, 0xaa99, 0xab85, 0xac6b, + 0xad51, 0xad9d, 0xae89, 0xaf6f, 0xb055, 0xb141, 0xb18d, 0xb273, + 0xb359, 0xb445, 0xb491, 0xb577, 0xb663, 0xb749, 0xb795, 0xb881, + 0xb967, 0xba4d, 0xba99, 0xbb85, 0xbc6b, 0xbd51, 0xbd9d, 0xbe89, + 0xbf6f, 0xc055, 0xc141, 0xc18d, 0xc273, 0xc359, 0xc445, 0xc491, + 0xc577, +}; +static const unsigned char uhc_2_2charset[3126] = { + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, + 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xd4, 0xd5, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0xce, 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, + 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, + 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, + 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, + 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, + 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, + 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, + 0xce, 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xea, 0xeb, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, + 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, + 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xcc, 0xcd, + 0xce, 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, + 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, + 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, + 0xce, 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, + 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, + 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xc4, 0xc5, + 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, + 0xce, 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x0c, 0x0d, + 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, + 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, + 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, + 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xd4, 0xd5, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0xce, 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, + 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, + 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, + 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, + 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, + 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, + 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, + 0xce, 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xea, 0xeb, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, + 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, + 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xcc, 0xcd, + 0xce, 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, + 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, + 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, + 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, + 0xce, 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, + 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, + 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, + 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xc4, 0xc5, + 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, + 0xce, 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, + 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x0c, 0x0d, + 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, + 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, + 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, + 0x18, 0x19, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, + 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xd4, 0xd5, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0xce, 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, + 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, + 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, + 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, + 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, + 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, + 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, + 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, + 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, + 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, + 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, + 0xde, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, + 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, + 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, + 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, + 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, + 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, + 0xce, 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, + 0xd6, 0xd7, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, +}; + +static const Summary16 uhc_2_uni2indx_pagec8[251] = { + /* 0xc800 */ + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, + { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0x0000 }, { 0, 0xfee0 }, { 10, 0xcfff }, + { 24, 0xeeef }, { 37, 0xfd4f }, { 49, 0xffec }, { 62, 0xcfdf }, + /* 0xc900 */ + { 75, 0x4f8e }, { 84, 0xfefd }, { 98, 0xefff }, { 113, 0xffef }, + { 128, 0xffff }, { 144, 0xfeec }, { 156, 0xeff4 }, { 168, 0xefee }, + { 181, 0xecff }, { 194, 0xd4fe }, { 205, 0xffff }, { 221, 0xffff }, + { 237, 0xfa6c }, { 247, 0xc994 }, { 254, 0x4f6a }, { 263, 0xecfc }, + /* 0xca00 */ + { 274, 0xc4fe }, { 284, 0xfeef }, { 298, 0xfdff }, { 313, 0xffff }, + { 329, 0xcfff }, { 343, 0x4fee }, { 354, 0xfefc }, { 367, 0xdfff }, + { 382, 0xffef }, { 397, 0xfeff }, { 412, 0xffff }, { 428, 0xcfff }, + { 442, 0x4fee }, { 453, 0xfcf5 }, { 465, 0xeffe }, { 479, 0xffef }, + /* 0xcb00 */ + { 494, 0xfeff }, { 509, 0xfeee }, { 522, 0xfffc }, { 536, 0xffff }, + { 552, 0xecfd }, { 564, 0xdcfe }, { 576, 0xffef }, { 591, 0xfcff }, + { 605, 0xffff }, { 621, 0xefff }, { 636, 0xffff }, { 652, 0xfeff }, + { 667, 0xffff }, { 683, 0xffef }, { 698, 0xfd6f }, { 711, 0xffff }, + /* 0xcc00 */ + { 727, 0xcfff }, { 741, 0xcfee }, { 753, 0xac79 }, { 762, 0x84fe }, + { 771, 0xeecf }, { 783, 0xfc4f }, { 794, 0xfeae }, { 806, 0xffde }, + { 820, 0xffff }, { 836, 0xecff }, { 849, 0xc4fe }, { 859, 0xeecf }, + { 871, 0xfd4f }, { 883, 0xffee }, { 897, 0xefef }, { 911, 0xfffe }, + /* 0xcd00 */ + { 926, 0xecfd }, { 938, 0xd4fe }, { 949, 0xeeef }, { 962, 0xfdff }, + { 977, 0xffff }, { 993, 0xefff }, { 1008, 0x4fee }, { 1019, 0xfefd }, + { 1033, 0xfeff }, { 1048, 0xeecf }, { 1060, 0xfd4f }, { 1072, 0xfffe }, + { 1087, 0xefef }, { 1101, 0xfffe }, { 1116, 0xeeff }, { 1130, 0xd4fe }, + /* 0xce00 */ + { 1141, 0xeeef }, { 1154, 0xfdef }, { 1168, 0xfeec }, { 1180, 0xffd4 }, + { 1192, 0xffff }, { 1208, 0x6cff }, { 1220, 0xd4fc }, { 1230, 0xeecf }, + { 1242, 0xfd4f }, { 1254, 0xfeec }, { 1266, 0xcfc4 }, { 1275, 0xffff }, + { 1291, 0xfffd }, { 1306, 0xffff }, { 1322, 0xe6cf }, { 1333, 0xfc4f }, + /* 0xcf00 */ + { 1344, 0xfeec }, { 1356, 0xefd4 }, { 1367, 0x4fee }, { 1378, 0xfefc }, + { 1391, 0xffff }, { 1407, 0xeecf }, { 1419, 0xfd4f }, { 1431, 0xfeec }, + { 1443, 0xefde }, { 1456, 0xffff }, { 1472, 0xfefd }, { 1486, 0xfffe }, + { 1501, 0xffef }, { 1516, 0xffff }, { 1532, 0xfeec }, { 1544, 0xefd4 }, + /* 0xd000 */ + { 1555, 0xffee }, { 1569, 0xfefd }, { 1583, 0xdfff }, { 1598, 0xeecf }, + { 1610, 0xfd4f }, { 1622, 0xfeee }, { 1635, 0xcffe }, { 1648, 0xcfee }, + { 1660, 0xfffd }, { 1675, 0xffff }, { 1691, 0xeecf }, { 1703, 0xfd4f }, + { 1715, 0xfcec }, { 1726, 0xcfc4 }, { 1735, 0x4fee }, { 1746, 0xfefc }, + /* 0xd100 */ + { 1759, 0xdfff }, { 1774, 0xffff }, { 1790, 0xffff }, { 1806, 0xfaec }, + { 1817, 0xcfc4 }, { 1826, 0x4fee }, { 1837, 0xeefd }, { 1850, 0xefff }, + { 1865, 0xfeef }, { 1879, 0xffff }, { 1895, 0xfeec }, { 1907, 0xebd4 }, + { 1917, 0xfffe }, { 1932, 0xfeff }, { 1947, 0xffff }, { 1963, 0xfeef }, + /* 0xd200 */ + { 1977, 0xfd7f }, { 1991, 0xfffe }, { 2006, 0xcfff }, { 2020, 0x4fee }, + { 2031, 0xfefd }, { 2045, 0xefff }, { 2060, 0xffef }, { 2075, 0xffff }, + { 2091, 0xfeec }, { 2103, 0xefdc }, { 2115, 0xefee }, { 2128, 0x6cfd }, + { 2139, 0xf4fa }, { 2150, 0xeeef }, { 2163, 0xffcf }, { 2177, 0xfeec }, + /* 0xd300 */ + { 2189, 0x8fd4 }, { 2198, 0x4fae }, { 2208, 0xecdc }, { 2218, 0xc4fe }, + { 2228, 0xffcf }, { 2242, 0xffff }, { 2258, 0xffff }, { 2274, 0xcfff }, + { 2288, 0x4fee }, { 2299, 0xecfc }, { 2310, 0xd4fe }, { 2321, 0xeeef }, + { 2334, 0xfccf }, { 2346, 0xfefe }, { 2360, 0xcff5 }, { 2372, 0x4fee }, + /* 0xd400 */ + { 2383, 0xfefd }, { 2397, 0xdfff }, { 2412, 0xffff }, { 2428, 0xffff }, + { 2444, 0xffee }, { 2458, 0xefff }, { 2473, 0x5fee }, { 2485, 0x6cff }, + { 2497, 0xd4fa }, { 2507, 0xffef }, { 2522, 0xfdff }, { 2537, 0xffff }, + { 2553, 0xefff }, { 2568, 0x6fee }, { 2580, 0xeeff }, { 2594, 0xd6fe }, + /* 0xd500 */ + { 2606, 0xeeef }, { 2619, 0xff4f }, { 2632, 0xffff }, { 2648, 0xcfff }, + { 2662, 0x4fee }, { 2673, 0xecfd }, { 2685, 0xd4de }, { 2695, 0xeecf }, + { 2707, 0xfc4f }, { 2718, 0xfffe }, { 2733, 0xffdf }, { 2748, 0xffff }, + { 2764, 0xecff }, { 2777, 0xd4fa }, { 2787, 0xeecf }, { 2799, 0xfd4f }, + /* 0xd600 */ + { 2811, 0xfeec }, { 2823, 0xefc4 }, { 2833, 0xdfee }, { 2846, 0xecff }, + { 2859, 0xd4de }, { 2869, 0xeecd }, { 2880, 0xfd7f }, { 2894, 0xffec }, + { 2907, 0xcfd7 }, { 2919, 0x5fee }, { 2931, 0xeefd }, { 2944, 0xf5fe }, + { 2957, 0xeecf }, { 2969, 0xfd6d }, { 2981, 0xfeee }, { 2994, 0xcfde }, + /* 0xd700 */ + { 3006, 0xffee }, { 3020, 0xecfd }, { 3032, 0xd4fe }, { 3043, 0xeecf }, + { 3055, 0xfd6f }, { 3068, 0xfc2c }, { 3077, 0xedd4 }, { 3087, 0xcfee }, + { 3099, 0xecfd }, { 3111, 0xd4fe }, { 3122, 0x000f }, +}; + +static int +uhc_2_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (n >= 2) { + if (wc >= 0xc800 && wc < 0xd7b0) { + const Summary16 *summary = &uhc_2_uni2indx_pagec8[(wc>>4)-0xc80]; + unsigned short used = summary->used; + unsigned int i = wc & 0x0f; + if (used & ((unsigned short) 1 << i)) { + unsigned short c; + /* Keep in `used' only the bits 0..i-1. */ + used &= ((unsigned short) 1 << i) - 1; + /* Add `summary->indx' and the number of bits set in `used'. */ + used = (used & 0x5555) + ((used & 0xaaaa) >> 1); + used = (used & 0x3333) + ((used & 0xcccc) >> 2); + used = (used & 0x0f0f) + ((used & 0xf0f0) >> 4); + used = (used & 0x00ff) + (used >> 8); + used += summary->indx; + c = uhc_2_2charset_main[used>>6] + uhc_2_2charset[used]; + r[0] = (c >> 8); r[1] = (c & 0xff); + return 2; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; + } + return RET_TOOSMALL; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf16.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf16.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..99b5e2c2d --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf16.h @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * UTF-16 + */ + +/* Specification: RFC 2781 */ + +/* Here we accept FFFE/FEFF marks as endianness indicators everywhere + in the stream, not just at the beginning. (This is contrary to what + RFC 2781 section 3.2 specifies, but it allows concatenation of byte + sequences to work flawlessly, while disagreeing with the RFC behaviour + only for strings containing U+FEFF characters, which is quite rare.) + The default is big-endian. */ +/* The state is 0 if big-endian, 1 if little-endian. */ +static int +utf16_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->istate; + int count = 0; + for (; n >= 2;) { + ucs4_t wc = (state ? s[0] + (s[1] << 8) : (s[0] << 8) + s[1]); + if (wc == 0xfeff) { + } else if (wc == 0xfffe) { + state ^= 1; + } else if (wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xdc00) { + if (n >= 4) { + ucs4_t wc2 = (state ? s[2] + (s[3] << 8) : (s[2] << 8) + s[3]); + if (!(wc2 >= 0xdc00 && wc2 < 0xe000)) + goto ilseq; + *pwc = 0x10000 + ((wc - 0xd800) << 10) + (wc2 - 0xdc00); + conv->istate = state; + return count+4; + } else + break; + } else if (wc >= 0xdc00 && wc < 0xe000) { + goto ilseq; + } else { + *pwc = wc; + conv->istate = state; + return count+2; + } + s += 2; n -= 2; count += 2; + } + conv->istate = state; + return RET_TOOFEW(count); + +ilseq: + conv->istate = state; + return RET_SHIFT_ILSEQ(count); +} + +/* We output UTF-16 in big-endian order, with byte-order mark. + See RFC 2781 section 3.3 for a rationale: Some document formats + mandate a BOM; the file concatenation issue is not so severe as + long as the above utf16_mbtowc function is used. */ +/* The state is 0 at the beginning, 1 after the BOM has been written. */ +static int +utf16_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (wc != 0xfffe && !(wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xe000)) { + int count = 0; + if (!conv->ostate) { + if (n >= 2) { + r[0] = 0xFE; + r[1] = 0xFF; + r += 2; n -= 2; count += 2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + if (wc < 0x10000) { + if (n >= 2) { + r[0] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 8); + r[1] = (unsigned char) wc; + conv->ostate = 1; + return count+2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + else if (wc < 0x110000) { + if (n >= 4) { + ucs4_t wc1 = 0xd800 + ((wc - 0x10000) >> 10); + ucs4_t wc2 = 0xdc00 + ((wc - 0x10000) & 0x3ff); + r[0] = (unsigned char) (wc1 >> 8); + r[1] = (unsigned char) wc1; + r[2] = (unsigned char) (wc2 >> 8); + r[3] = (unsigned char) wc2; + conv->ostate = 1; + return count+4; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf16be.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf16be.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a6d90ffb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf16be.h @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * UTF-16BE + */ + +/* Specification: RFC 2781 */ + +static int +utf16be_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + int count = 0; + if (n >= 2) { + ucs4_t wc = (s[0] << 8) + s[1]; + if (wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xdc00) { + if (n >= 4) { + ucs4_t wc2 = (s[2] << 8) + s[3]; + if (!(wc2 >= 0xdc00 && wc2 < 0xe000)) + goto ilseq; + *pwc = 0x10000 + ((wc - 0xd800) << 10) + (wc2 - 0xdc00); + return count+4; + } + } else if (wc >= 0xdc00 && wc < 0xe000) { + goto ilseq; + } else { + *pwc = wc; + return count+2; + } + } + return RET_TOOFEW(count); + +ilseq: + return RET_SHIFT_ILSEQ(count); +} + +static int +utf16be_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (!(wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xe000)) { + if (wc < 0x10000) { + if (n >= 2) { + r[0] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 8); + r[1] = (unsigned char) wc; + return 2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + else if (wc < 0x110000) { + if (n >= 4) { + ucs4_t wc1 = 0xd800 + ((wc - 0x10000) >> 10); + ucs4_t wc2 = 0xdc00 + ((wc - 0x10000) & 0x3ff); + r[0] = (unsigned char) (wc1 >> 8); + r[1] = (unsigned char) wc1; + r[2] = (unsigned char) (wc2 >> 8); + r[3] = (unsigned char) wc2; + return 4; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf16le.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf16le.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5bb2b0269 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf16le.h @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * UTF-16LE + */ + +/* Specification: RFC 2781 */ + +static int +utf16le_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + int count = 0; + if (n >= 2) { + ucs4_t wc = s[0] + (s[1] << 8); + if (wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xdc00) { + if (n >= 4) { + ucs4_t wc2 = s[2] + (s[3] << 8); + if (!(wc2 >= 0xdc00 && wc2 < 0xe000)) + goto ilseq; + *pwc = 0x10000 + ((wc - 0xd800) << 10) + (wc2 - 0xdc00); + return count+4; + } + } else if (wc >= 0xdc00 && wc < 0xe000) { + goto ilseq; + } else { + *pwc = wc; + return count+2; + } + } + return RET_TOOFEW(count); + +ilseq: + return RET_SHIFT_ILSEQ(count); +} + +static int +utf16le_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (!(wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xe000)) { + if (wc < 0x10000) { + if (n >= 2) { + r[0] = (unsigned char) wc; + r[1] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 8); + return 2; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + else if (wc < 0x110000) { + if (n >= 4) { + ucs4_t wc1 = 0xd800 + ((wc - 0x10000) >> 10); + ucs4_t wc2 = 0xdc00 + ((wc - 0x10000) & 0x3ff); + r[0] = (unsigned char) wc1; + r[1] = (unsigned char) (wc1 >> 8); + r[2] = (unsigned char) wc2; + r[3] = (unsigned char) (wc2 >> 8); + return 4; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf32.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf32.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bc579ae0b --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf32.h @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * UTF-32 + */ + +/* Specification: Unicode 3.1 Standard Annex #19 */ + +/* Here we accept FFFE0000/0000FEFF marks as endianness indicators + everywhere in the stream, not just at the beginning. (This is contrary + to what #19 D36c specifies, but it allows concatenation of byte + sequences to work flawlessly, while disagreeing with #19 behaviour + only for strings containing U+FEFF characters, which is quite rare.) + The default is big-endian. */ +/* The state is 0 if big-endian, 1 if little-endian. */ +static int +utf32_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->istate; + int count = 0; + for (; n >= 4;) { + ucs4_t wc = (state + ? s[0] + (s[1] << 8) + (s[2] << 16) + (s[3] << 24) + : (s[0] << 24) + (s[1] << 16) + (s[2] << 8) + s[3]); + count += 4; + if (wc == 0x0000feff) { + } else if (wc == 0xfffe0000u) { + state ^= 1; + } else { + if (wc < 0x110000 && !(wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xe000)) { + *pwc = wc; + conv->istate = state; + return count; + } else { + conv->istate = state; + return RET_SHIFT_ILSEQ(count); + } + } + s += 4; n -= 4; + } + conv->istate = state; + return RET_TOOFEW(count); +} + +/* We output UTF-32 in big-endian order, with byte-order mark. */ +/* The state is 0 at the beginning, 1 after the BOM has been written. */ +static int +utf32_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (wc < 0x110000 && !(wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xe000)) { + int count = 0; + if (!conv->ostate) { + if (n >= 4) { + r[0] = 0x00; + r[1] = 0x00; + r[2] = 0xFE; + r[3] = 0xFF; + r += 4; n -= 4; count += 4; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + if (wc < 0x110000) { + if (n >= 4) { + r[0] = 0; + r[1] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 16); + r[2] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 8); + r[3] = (unsigned char) wc; + conv->ostate = 1; + return count+4; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf32be.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf32be.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..50811298d --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf32be.h @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * UTF-32BE + */ + +/* Specification: Unicode 3.1 Standard Annex #19 */ + +static int +utf32be_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + if (n >= 4) { + ucs4_t wc = (s[0] << 24) + (s[1] << 16) + (s[2] << 8) + s[3]; + if (wc < 0x110000 && !(wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xe000)) { + *pwc = wc; + return 4; + } else + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); +} + +static int +utf32be_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (wc < 0x110000 && !(wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xe000)) { + if (n >= 4) { + r[0] = 0; + r[1] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 16); + r[2] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 8); + r[3] = (unsigned char) wc; + return 4; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf32le.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf32le.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9d3699bc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf32le.h @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * UTF-32LE + */ + +/* Specification: Unicode 3.1 Standard Annex #19 */ + +static int +utf32le_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + if (n >= 4) { + ucs4_t wc = s[0] + (s[1] << 8) + (s[2] << 16) + (s[3] << 24); + if (wc < 0x110000 && !(wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xe000)) { + *pwc = wc; + return 4; + } else + return RET_ILSEQ; + } + return RET_TOOFEW(0); +} + +static int +utf32le_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + if (wc < 0x110000 && !(wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xe000)) { + if (n >= 4) { + r[0] = (unsigned char) wc; + r[1] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 8); + r[2] = (unsigned char) (wc >> 16); + r[3] = 0; + return 4; + } else + return RET_TOOSMALL; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf7.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf7.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..888bfb4d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf7.h @@ -0,0 +1,355 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * UTF-7 + */ + +/* Specification: RFC 2152 (and old RFC 1641, RFC 1642) */ +/* The original Base64 encoding is defined in RFC 2045. */ + +/* Set of direct characters: + * A-Z a-z 0-9 ' ( ) , - . / : ? space tab lf cr + */ +static const unsigned char direct_tab[128/8] = { + 0x00, 0x26, 0x00, 0x00, 0x81, 0xf3, 0xff, 0x87, + 0xfe, 0xff, 0xff, 0x07, 0xfe, 0xff, 0xff, 0x07, +}; +#define isdirect(ch) ((ch) < 128 && ((direct_tab[(ch)>>3] >> (ch & 7)) & 1)) + +/* Set of direct and optional direct characters: + * A-Z a-z 0-9 ' ( ) , - . / : ? space tab lf cr + * ! " # $ % & * ; < = > @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } + */ +static const unsigned char xdirect_tab[128/8] = { + 0x00, 0x26, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xf7, 0xff, 0xff, + 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xef, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x3f, +}; +#define isxdirect(ch) ((ch) < 128 && ((xdirect_tab[(ch)>>3] >> (ch & 7)) & 1)) + +/* Set of base64 characters, extended: + * A-Z a-z 0-9 + / - + */ +static const unsigned char xbase64_tab[128/8] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa8, 0xff, 0x03, + 0xfe, 0xff, 0xff, 0x07, 0xfe, 0xff, 0xff, 0x07, +}; +#define isxbase64(ch) ((ch) < 128 && ((xbase64_tab[(ch)>>3] >> (ch & 7)) & 1)) + +/* + * The state is structured as follows: + * bit 1..0: shift + * bit 7..2: data + * Precise meaning: + * shift data + * 0 0 not inside base64 encoding + * 1 0 inside base64, no pending bits + * 2 XXXX00 inside base64, 4 bits remain from 2nd byte + * 3 XX0000 inside base64, 2 bits remain from 3rd byte + */ + +static int +utf7_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->istate; + int count = 0; /* number of input bytes already read */ + if (state & 3) + goto active; + else + goto inactive; + +inactive: + { + /* Here (state & 3) == 0 */ + if (n < count+1) + goto none; + { + unsigned char c = *s; + if (isxdirect(c)) { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + conv->istate = state; + return count+1; + } + if (c == '+') { + if (n < count+2) + goto none; + if (s[1] == '-') { + *pwc = (ucs4_t) '+'; + conv->istate = state; + return count+2; + } + s++; count++; + state = 1; + goto active; + } + goto ilseq; + } + } + +active: + { + /* base64 encoding active */ + unsigned int wc = 0; + state_t base64state = state; + unsigned int kmax = 2; /* number of payload bytes to read */ + unsigned int k = 0; /* number of payload bytes already read */ + unsigned int base64count = 0; /* number of base64 bytes already read */ + for (;;) { + unsigned char c = *s; + unsigned int i; + if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') + i = c-'A'; + else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') + i = c-'a'+26; + else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') + i = c-'0'+52; + else if (c == '+') + i = 62; + else if (c == '/') + i = 63; + else { + /* c terminates base64 encoding */ + if (base64state & -4) + goto ilseq; /* data must be 0, otherwise illegal */ + if (base64count) + goto ilseq; /* partial UTF-16 characters are invalid */ + if (c == '-') { + s++; count++; + } + state = 0; + goto inactive; + } + s++; base64count++; + /* read 6 bits: 0 <= i < 64 */ + switch (base64state & 3) { + case 1: /* inside base64, no pending bits */ + base64state = (i << 2) | 0; break; + case 0: /* inside base64, 6 bits remain from 1st byte */ + wc = (wc << 8) | (base64state & -4) | (i >> 4); k++; + base64state = ((i & 15) << 4) | 2; break; + case 2: /* inside base64, 4 bits remain from 2nd byte */ + wc = (wc << 8) | (base64state & -4) | (i >> 2); k++; + base64state = ((i & 3) << 6) | 3; break; + case 3: /* inside base64, 2 bits remain from 3rd byte */ + wc = (wc << 8) | (base64state & -4) | i; k++; + base64state = 1; break; + } + if (k == kmax) { + /* UTF-16: When we see a High Surrogate, we must also decode + the following Low Surrogate. */ + if (kmax == 2 && (wc >= 0xd800 && wc < 0xdc00)) + kmax = 4; + else + break; + } + if (n < count+base64count+1) + goto none; + } + /* Here k = kmax > 0, hence base64count > 0. */ + if ((base64state & 3) == 0) abort(); + if (kmax == 4) { + ucs4_t wc1 = wc >> 16; + ucs4_t wc2 = wc & 0xffff; + if (!(wc1 >= 0xd800 && wc1 < 0xdc00)) abort(); + if (!(wc2 >= 0xdc00 && wc2 < 0xe000)) goto ilseq; + *pwc = 0x10000 + ((wc1 - 0xd800) << 10) + (wc2 - 0xdc00); + } else { + *pwc = wc; + } + conv->istate = base64state; + return count+base64count; + } + +none: + conv->istate = state; + return RET_TOOFEW(count); + +ilseq: + conv->istate = state; + return RET_SHIFT_ILSEQ(count); +} + +/* + * The state is structured as follows: + * bit 1..0: shift + * bit 7..2: data + * Precise meaning: + * shift data + * 0 0 not inside base64 encoding + * 1 0 inside base64, no pending bits + * 2 XX00 inside base64, 2 bits known for 2nd byte + * 3 XXXX inside base64, 4 bits known for 3rd byte + */ + +/* Define this to 1 if you want the so-called "optional direct" characters + ! " # $ % & * ; < = > @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } + to be encoded. Define to 0 if you want them to be passed straight through, + like the so-called "direct" characters. + We set this to 1 because it's safer. + */ +#define UTF7_ENCODE_OPTIONAL_CHARS 1 + +static int +utf7_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t iwc, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->ostate; + unsigned int wc = iwc; + int count = 0; + if (state & 3) + goto active; + +/*inactive:*/ + { + if (UTF7_ENCODE_OPTIONAL_CHARS ? isdirect(wc) : isxdirect(wc)) { + r[0] = (unsigned char) wc; + /*conv->ostate = state;*/ + return 1; + } else { + *r++ = '+'; + if (wc == '+') { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + *r = '-'; + /*conv->ostate = state;*/ + return 2; + } + count = 1; + state = 1; + goto active; + } + } + +active: + { + /* base64 encoding active */ + if (UTF7_ENCODE_OPTIONAL_CHARS ? isdirect(wc) : isxdirect(wc)) { + /* deactivate base64 encoding */ + count += ((state & 3) >= 2 ? 1 : 0) + (isxbase64(wc) ? 1 : 0) + 1; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if ((state & 3) >= 2) { + unsigned int i = state & -4; + unsigned char c; + if (i < 26) + c = i+'A'; + else if (i < 52) + c = i-26+'a'; + else if (i < 62) + c = i-52+'0'; + else if (i == 62) + c = '+'; + else if (i == 63) + c = '/'; + else + abort(); + *r++ = c; + } + if (isxbase64(wc)) + *r++ = '-'; + state = 0; + *r++ = (unsigned char) wc; + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } else { + unsigned int k; /* number of payload bytes to write */ + if (wc < 0x10000) { + k = 2; + count += ((state & 3) >= 2 ? 3 : 2); + } else if (wc < 0x110000) { + unsigned int wc1 = 0xd800 + ((wc - 0x10000) >> 10); + unsigned int wc2 = 0xdc00 + ((wc - 0x10000) & 0x3ff); + wc = (wc1 << 16) | wc2; + k = 4; + count += ((state & 3) >= 3 ? 6 : 5); + } else + return RET_ILUNI; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + for (;;) { + unsigned int i; + unsigned char c; + switch (state & 3) { + case 0: /* inside base64, 6 bits known for 4th byte */ + c = (state & -4) >> 2; state = 1; break; + case 1: /* inside base64, no pending bits */ + i = (wc >> (8 * --k)) & 0xff; + c = i >> 2; state = ((i & 3) << 4) | 2; break; + case 2: /* inside base64, 2 bits known for 2nd byte */ + i = (wc >> (8 * --k)) & 0xff; + c = (state & -4) | (i >> 4); state = ((i & 15) << 2) | 3; break; + case 3: /* inside base64, 4 bits known for 3rd byte */ + i = (wc >> (8 * --k)) & 0xff; + c = (state & -4) | (i >> 6); state = ((i & 63) << 2) | 0; break; + default: abort(); /* stupid gcc */ + } + if (c < 26) + c = c+'A'; + else if (c < 52) + c = c-26+'a'; + else if (c < 62) + c = c-52+'0'; + else if (c == 62) + c = '+'; + else if (c == 63) + c = '/'; + else + abort(); + *r++ = c; + if ((state & 3) && (k == 0)) + break; + } + conv->ostate = state; + return count; + } + } +} + +static int +utf7_reset (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, int n) +{ + state_t state = conv->ostate; + if (state & 3) { + /* deactivate base64 encoding */ + unsigned int count = ((state & 3) >= 2 ? 1 : 0) + 1; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + if ((state & 3) >= 2) { + unsigned int i = state & -4; + unsigned char c; + if (i < 26) + c = i+'A'; + else if (i < 52) + c = i-26+'a'; + else if (i < 62) + c = i-52+'0'; + else if (i == 62) + c = '+'; + else if (i == 63) + c = '/'; + else + abort(); + *r++ = c; + } + *r++ = '-'; + /* conv->ostate = 0; will be done by the caller */ + return count; + } else + return 0; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf8.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf8.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9d07219c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/utf8.h @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * UTF-8 + */ + +/* Specification: RFC 3629 */ + +static int +utf8_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = s[0]; + + if (c < 0x80) { + *pwc = c; + return 1; + } else if (c < 0xc2) { + return RET_ILSEQ; + } else if (c < 0xe0) { + if (n < 2) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + if (!((s[1] ^ 0x80) < 0x40)) + return RET_ILSEQ; + *pwc = ((ucs4_t) (c & 0x1f) << 6) + | (ucs4_t) (s[1] ^ 0x80); + return 2; + } else if (c < 0xf0) { + if (n < 3) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + if (!((s[1] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 && (s[2] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 + && (c >= 0xe1 || s[1] >= 0xa0))) + return RET_ILSEQ; + *pwc = ((ucs4_t) (c & 0x0f) << 12) + | ((ucs4_t) (s[1] ^ 0x80) << 6) + | (ucs4_t) (s[2] ^ 0x80); + return 3; + } else if (c < 0xf8 && sizeof(ucs4_t)*8 >= 32) { + if (n < 4) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + if (!((s[1] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 && (s[2] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 + && (s[3] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 + && (c >= 0xf1 || s[1] >= 0x90))) + return RET_ILSEQ; + *pwc = ((ucs4_t) (c & 0x07) << 18) + | ((ucs4_t) (s[1] ^ 0x80) << 12) + | ((ucs4_t) (s[2] ^ 0x80) << 6) + | (ucs4_t) (s[3] ^ 0x80); + return 4; + } else if (c < 0xfc && sizeof(ucs4_t)*8 >= 32) { + if (n < 5) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + if (!((s[1] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 && (s[2] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 + && (s[3] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 && (s[4] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 + && (c >= 0xf9 || s[1] >= 0x88))) + return RET_ILSEQ; + *pwc = ((ucs4_t) (c & 0x03) << 24) + | ((ucs4_t) (s[1] ^ 0x80) << 18) + | ((ucs4_t) (s[2] ^ 0x80) << 12) + | ((ucs4_t) (s[3] ^ 0x80) << 6) + | (ucs4_t) (s[4] ^ 0x80); + return 5; + } else if (c < 0xfe && sizeof(ucs4_t)*8 >= 32) { + if (n < 6) + return RET_TOOFEW(0); + if (!((s[1] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 && (s[2] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 + && (s[3] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 && (s[4] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 + && (s[5] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 + && (c >= 0xfd || s[1] >= 0x84))) + return RET_ILSEQ; + *pwc = ((ucs4_t) (c & 0x01) << 30) + | ((ucs4_t) (s[1] ^ 0x80) << 24) + | ((ucs4_t) (s[2] ^ 0x80) << 18) + | ((ucs4_t) (s[3] ^ 0x80) << 12) + | ((ucs4_t) (s[4] ^ 0x80) << 6) + | (ucs4_t) (s[5] ^ 0x80); + return 6; + } else + return RET_ILSEQ; +} + +static int +utf8_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) /* n == 0 is acceptable */ +{ + int count; + if (wc < 0x80) + count = 1; + else if (wc < 0x800) + count = 2; + else if (wc < 0x10000) + count = 3; + else if (wc < 0x200000) + count = 4; + else if (wc < 0x4000000) + count = 5; + else if (wc <= 0x7fffffff) + count = 6; + else + return RET_ILUNI; + if (n < count) + return RET_TOOSMALL; + switch (count) { /* note: code falls through cases! */ + case 6: r[5] = 0x80 | (wc & 0x3f); wc = wc >> 6; wc |= 0x4000000; + case 5: r[4] = 0x80 | (wc & 0x3f); wc = wc >> 6; wc |= 0x200000; + case 4: r[3] = 0x80 | (wc & 0x3f); wc = wc >> 6; wc |= 0x10000; + case 3: r[2] = 0x80 | (wc & 0x3f); wc = wc >> 6; wc |= 0x800; + case 2: r[1] = 0x80 | (wc & 0x3f); wc = wc >> 6; wc |= 0xc0; + case 1: r[0] = wc; + } + return count; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/vietcomb.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/vietcomb.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..023b5e32f --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/vietcomb.h @@ -0,0 +1,466 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2001, 2004, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* Combining characters used in Vietnamese encodings CP1258, TCVN. */ + +#ifndef _VIETCOMB_H +#define _VIETCOMB_H + +/* Relevant combining characters: + 0x0300, 0x0301, 0x0303, 0x0309, 0x0323. */ + +/* Composition tables for each of the relevant combining characters. */ +static const struct { unsigned short base; unsigned short composed; } viet_comp_table_data[] = { +#define viet_comp_table0300_idx 0 +#define viet_comp_table0300_len 31 + { 0x0041, 0x00C0 }, + { 0x0045, 0x00C8 }, + { 0x0049, 0x00CC }, + { 0x004E, 0x01F8 }, + { 0x004F, 0x00D2 }, + { 0x0055, 0x00D9 }, + { 0x0057, 0x1E80 }, + { 0x0059, 0x1EF2 }, + { 0x0061, 0x00E0 }, + { 0x0065, 0x00E8 }, + { 0x0069, 0x00EC }, + { 0x006E, 0x01F9 }, + { 0x006F, 0x00F2 }, + { 0x0075, 0x00F9 }, + { 0x0077, 0x1E81 }, + { 0x0079, 0x1EF3 }, + { 0x00A8, 0x1FED }, + { 0x00C2, 0x1EA6 }, + { 0x00CA, 0x1EC0 }, + { 0x00D4, 0x1ED2 }, + { 0x00DC, 0x01DB }, + { 0x00E2, 0x1EA7 }, + { 0x00EA, 0x1EC1 }, + { 0x00F4, 0x1ED3 }, + { 0x00FC, 0x01DC }, + { 0x0102, 0x1EB0 }, + { 0x0103, 0x1EB1 }, +/*{ 0x0112, 0x1E14 },*/ +/*{ 0x0113, 0x1E15 },*/ +/*{ 0x014C, 0x1E50 },*/ +/*{ 0x014D, 0x1E51 },*/ + { 0x01A0, 0x1EDC }, + { 0x01A1, 0x1EDD }, + { 0x01AF, 0x1EEA }, + { 0x01B0, 0x1EEB }, +#define viet_comp_table0301_idx (viet_comp_table0300_idx+viet_comp_table0300_len) +#define viet_comp_table0301_len 63 + { 0x0041, 0x00C1 }, + { 0x0043, 0x0106 }, + { 0x0045, 0x00C9 }, + { 0x0047, 0x01F4 }, + { 0x0049, 0x00CD }, + { 0x004B, 0x1E30 }, + { 0x004C, 0x0139 }, + { 0x004D, 0x1E3E }, + { 0x004E, 0x0143 }, + { 0x004F, 0x00D3 }, + { 0x0050, 0x1E54 }, + { 0x0052, 0x0154 }, + { 0x0053, 0x015A }, + { 0x0055, 0x00DA }, + { 0x0057, 0x1E82 }, + { 0x0059, 0x00DD }, + { 0x005A, 0x0179 }, + { 0x0061, 0x00E1 }, + { 0x0063, 0x0107 }, + { 0x0065, 0x00E9 }, + { 0x0067, 0x01F5 }, + { 0x0069, 0x00ED }, + { 0x006B, 0x1E31 }, + { 0x006C, 0x013A }, + { 0x006D, 0x1E3F }, + { 0x006E, 0x0144 }, + { 0x006F, 0x00F3 }, + { 0x0070, 0x1E55 }, + { 0x0072, 0x0155 }, + { 0x0073, 0x015B }, + { 0x0075, 0x00FA }, + { 0x0077, 0x1E83 }, + { 0x0079, 0x00FD }, + { 0x007A, 0x017A }, + { 0x00A8, 0x0385 }, /* prefer U+0385 over U+1FEE */ + { 0x00C2, 0x1EA4 }, + { 0x00C5, 0x01FA }, + { 0x00C6, 0x01FC }, + { 0x00C7, 0x1E08 }, + { 0x00CA, 0x1EBE }, + { 0x00CF, 0x1E2E }, + { 0x00D4, 0x1ED0 }, + { 0x00D5, 0x1E4C }, + { 0x00D8, 0x01FE }, + { 0x00DC, 0x01D7 }, + { 0x00E2, 0x1EA5 }, + { 0x00E5, 0x01FB }, + { 0x00E6, 0x01FD }, + { 0x00E7, 0x1E09 }, + { 0x00EA, 0x1EBF }, + { 0x00EF, 0x1E2F }, + { 0x00F4, 0x1ED1 }, + { 0x00F5, 0x1E4D }, + { 0x00F8, 0x01FF }, + { 0x00FC, 0x01D8 }, + { 0x0102, 0x1EAE }, + { 0x0103, 0x1EAF }, +/*{ 0x0112, 0x1E16 },*/ +/*{ 0x0113, 0x1E17 },*/ +/*{ 0x014C, 0x1E52 },*/ +/*{ 0x014D, 0x1E53 },*/ + { 0x0168, 0x1E78 }, + { 0x0169, 0x1E79 }, + { 0x01A0, 0x1EDA }, + { 0x01A1, 0x1EDB }, + { 0x01AF, 0x1EE8 }, + { 0x01B0, 0x1EE9 }, +#define viet_comp_table0303_idx (viet_comp_table0301_idx+viet_comp_table0301_len) +#define viet_comp_table0303_len 34 + { 0x0041, 0x00C3 }, + { 0x0045, 0x1EBC }, + { 0x0049, 0x0128 }, + { 0x004E, 0x00D1 }, + { 0x004F, 0x00D5 }, + { 0x0055, 0x0168 }, + { 0x0056, 0x1E7C }, + { 0x0059, 0x1EF8 }, + { 0x0061, 0x00E3 }, + { 0x0065, 0x1EBD }, + { 0x0069, 0x0129 }, + { 0x006E, 0x00F1 }, + { 0x006F, 0x00F5 }, + { 0x0075, 0x0169 }, + { 0x0076, 0x1E7D }, + { 0x0079, 0x1EF9 }, + { 0x00C2, 0x1EAA }, + { 0x00CA, 0x1EC4 }, + { 0x00D3, 0x1E4C }, + { 0x00D4, 0x1ED6 }, + { 0x00D6, 0x1E4E }, + { 0x00DA, 0x1E78 }, + { 0x00E2, 0x1EAB }, + { 0x00EA, 0x1EC5 }, + { 0x00F3, 0x1E4D }, + { 0x00F4, 0x1ED7 }, + { 0x00F6, 0x1E4F }, + { 0x00FA, 0x1E79 }, + { 0x0102, 0x1EB4 }, + { 0x0103, 0x1EB5 }, + { 0x01A0, 0x1EE0 }, + { 0x01A1, 0x1EE1 }, + { 0x01AF, 0x1EEE }, + { 0x01B0, 0x1EEF }, +#define viet_comp_table0309_idx (viet_comp_table0303_idx+viet_comp_table0303_len) +#define viet_comp_table0309_len 24 + { 0x0041, 0x1EA2 }, + { 0x0045, 0x1EBA }, + { 0x0049, 0x1EC8 }, + { 0x004F, 0x1ECE }, + { 0x0055, 0x1EE6 }, + { 0x0059, 0x1EF6 }, + { 0x0061, 0x1EA3 }, + { 0x0065, 0x1EBB }, + { 0x0069, 0x1EC9 }, + { 0x006F, 0x1ECF }, + { 0x0075, 0x1EE7 }, + { 0x0079, 0x1EF7 }, + { 0x00C2, 0x1EA8 }, + { 0x00CA, 0x1EC2 }, + { 0x00D4, 0x1ED4 }, + { 0x00E2, 0x1EA9 }, + { 0x00EA, 0x1EC3 }, + { 0x00F4, 0x1ED5 }, + { 0x0102, 0x1EB2 }, + { 0x0103, 0x1EB3 }, + { 0x01A0, 0x1EDE }, + { 0x01A1, 0x1EDF }, + { 0x01AF, 0x1EEC }, + { 0x01B0, 0x1EED }, +#define viet_comp_table0323_idx (viet_comp_table0309_idx+viet_comp_table0309_len) +#define viet_comp_table0323_len 50 + { 0x0041, 0x1EA0 }, + { 0x0042, 0x1E04 }, + { 0x0044, 0x1E0C }, + { 0x0045, 0x1EB8 }, + { 0x0048, 0x1E24 }, + { 0x0049, 0x1ECA }, + { 0x004B, 0x1E32 }, + { 0x004C, 0x1E36 }, + { 0x004D, 0x1E42 }, + { 0x004E, 0x1E46 }, + { 0x004F, 0x1ECC }, + { 0x0052, 0x1E5A }, + { 0x0053, 0x1E62 }, + { 0x0054, 0x1E6C }, + { 0x0055, 0x1EE4 }, + { 0x0056, 0x1E7E }, + { 0x0057, 0x1E88 }, + { 0x0059, 0x1EF4 }, + { 0x005A, 0x1E92 }, + { 0x0061, 0x1EA1 }, + { 0x0062, 0x1E05 }, + { 0x0064, 0x1E0D }, + { 0x0065, 0x1EB9 }, + { 0x0068, 0x1E25 }, + { 0x0069, 0x1ECB }, + { 0x006B, 0x1E33 }, + { 0x006C, 0x1E37 }, + { 0x006D, 0x1E43 }, + { 0x006E, 0x1E47 }, + { 0x006F, 0x1ECD }, + { 0x0072, 0x1E5B }, + { 0x0073, 0x1E63 }, + { 0x0074, 0x1E6D }, + { 0x0075, 0x1EE5 }, + { 0x0076, 0x1E7F }, + { 0x0077, 0x1E89 }, + { 0x0079, 0x1EF5 }, + { 0x007A, 0x1E93 }, + { 0x00C2, 0x1EAC }, + { 0x00CA, 0x1EC6 }, + { 0x00D4, 0x1ED8 }, + { 0x00E2, 0x1EAD }, + { 0x00EA, 0x1EC7 }, + { 0x00F4, 0x1ED9 }, + { 0x0102, 0x1EB6 }, + { 0x0103, 0x1EB7 }, + { 0x01A0, 0x1EE2 }, + { 0x01A1, 0x1EE3 }, + { 0x01AF, 0x1EF0 }, + { 0x01B0, 0x1EF1 }, +}; +static const struct { unsigned int len; unsigned int idx; } viet_comp_table[] = { + { viet_comp_table0300_len, viet_comp_table0300_idx }, + { viet_comp_table0301_len, viet_comp_table0301_idx }, + { viet_comp_table0303_len, viet_comp_table0303_idx }, + { viet_comp_table0309_len, viet_comp_table0309_idx }, + { viet_comp_table0323_len, viet_comp_table0323_idx }, +}; + +/* Decomposition table for the relevant Unicode characters. */ +struct viet_decomp { unsigned short composed; unsigned int base : 12; int comb1 : 4; }; +static const struct viet_decomp viet_decomp_table[] = { + { 0x00B4, 0x0020, 1 }, /* compatibility decomposition - for TCVN only */ + { 0x00C0, 0x0041, 0 }, + { 0x00C1, 0x0041, 1 }, + { 0x00C3, 0x0041, 2 }, + { 0x00C8, 0x0045, 0 }, + { 0x00C9, 0x0045, 1 }, + { 0x00CC, 0x0049, 0 }, + { 0x00CD, 0x0049, 1 }, + { 0x00D1, 0x004E, 2 }, + { 0x00D2, 0x004F, 0 }, + { 0x00D3, 0x004F, 1 }, + { 0x00D5, 0x004F, 2 }, + { 0x00D9, 0x0055, 0 }, + { 0x00DA, 0x0055, 1 }, + { 0x00DD, 0x0059, 1 }, + { 0x00E0, 0x0061, 0 }, + { 0x00E1, 0x0061, 1 }, + { 0x00E3, 0x0061, 2 }, + { 0x00E8, 0x0065, 0 }, + { 0x00E9, 0x0065, 1 }, + { 0x00EC, 0x0069, 0 }, + { 0x00ED, 0x0069, 1 }, + { 0x00F1, 0x006E, 2 }, + { 0x00F2, 0x006F, 0 }, + { 0x00F3, 0x006F, 1 }, + { 0x00F5, 0x006F, 2 }, + { 0x00F9, 0x0075, 0 }, + { 0x00FA, 0x0075, 1 }, + { 0x00FD, 0x0079, 1 }, + { 0x0106, 0x0043, 1 }, + { 0x0107, 0x0063, 1 }, + { 0x0128, 0x0049, 2 }, + { 0x0129, 0x0069, 2 }, + { 0x0139, 0x004C, 1 }, + { 0x013A, 0x006C, 1 }, + { 0x0143, 0x004E, 1 }, + { 0x0144, 0x006E, 1 }, + { 0x0154, 0x0052, 1 }, + { 0x0155, 0x0072, 1 }, + { 0x015A, 0x0053, 1 }, + { 0x015B, 0x0073, 1 }, + { 0x0168, 0x0055, 2 }, + { 0x0169, 0x0075, 2 }, + { 0x0179, 0x005A, 1 }, + { 0x017A, 0x007A, 1 }, + { 0x01D7, 0x00DC, 1 }, + { 0x01D8, 0x00FC, 1 }, + { 0x01DB, 0x00DC, 0 }, + { 0x01DC, 0x00FC, 0 }, + { 0x01F4, 0x0047, 1 }, + { 0x01F5, 0x0067, 1 }, + { 0x01F8, 0x004E, 0 }, + { 0x01F9, 0x006E, 0 }, + { 0x01FA, 0x00C5, 1 }, + { 0x01FB, 0x00E5, 1 }, + { 0x01FC, 0x00C6, 1 }, + { 0x01FD, 0x00E6, 1 }, + { 0x01FE, 0x00D8, 1 }, + { 0x01FF, 0x00F8, 1 }, + { 0x02DC, 0x0020, 2 }, /* compatibility decomposition - for TCVN only */ + { 0x0385, 0x00A8, 1 }, + { 0x1E04, 0x0042, 4 }, + { 0x1E05, 0x0062, 4 }, + { 0x1E08, 0x00C7, 1 }, + { 0x1E09, 0x00E7, 1 }, + { 0x1E0C, 0x0044, 4 }, + { 0x1E0D, 0x0064, 4 }, + { 0x1E24, 0x0048, 4 }, + { 0x1E25, 0x0068, 4 }, + { 0x1E2E, 0x00CF, 1 }, + { 0x1E2F, 0x00EF, 1 }, + { 0x1E30, 0x004B, 1 }, + { 0x1E31, 0x006B, 1 }, + { 0x1E32, 0x004B, 4 }, + { 0x1E33, 0x006B, 4 }, + { 0x1E36, 0x004C, 4 }, + { 0x1E37, 0x006C, 4 }, + { 0x1E3E, 0x004D, 1 }, + { 0x1E3F, 0x006D, 1 }, + { 0x1E42, 0x004D, 4 }, + { 0x1E43, 0x006D, 4 }, + { 0x1E46, 0x004E, 4 }, + { 0x1E47, 0x006E, 4 }, + { 0x1E4C, 0x00D3, 2 }, /*{ 0x1E4C, 0x00D5, 1 },*/ /*{ 0x1E4C, 0x004F, 1, 2 },*/ + { 0x1E4D, 0x00F3, 2 }, /*{ 0x1E4D, 0x00F5, 1 },*/ /*{ 0x1E4D, 0x006F, 1, 2 },*/ + { 0x1E4E, 0x00D6, 2 }, + { 0x1E4F, 0x00F6, 2 }, + { 0x1E54, 0x0050, 1 }, + { 0x1E55, 0x0070, 1 }, + { 0x1E5A, 0x0052, 4 }, + { 0x1E5B, 0x0072, 4 }, + { 0x1E62, 0x0053, 4 }, + { 0x1E63, 0x0073, 4 }, + { 0x1E6C, 0x0054, 4 }, + { 0x1E6D, 0x0074, 4 }, + { 0x1E78, 0x00DA, 2 }, /*{ 0x1E78, 0x0168, 1 },*/ /*{ 0x1E78, 0x0055, 1, 2 },*/ + { 0x1E79, 0x00FA, 2 }, /*{ 0x1E79, 0x0169, 1 },*/ /*{ 0x1E79, 0x0075, 1, 2 },*/ + { 0x1E7C, 0x0056, 2 }, + { 0x1E7D, 0x0076, 2 }, + { 0x1E7E, 0x0056, 4 }, + { 0x1E7F, 0x0076, 4 }, + { 0x1E80, 0x0057, 0 }, + { 0x1E81, 0x0077, 0 }, + { 0x1E82, 0x0057, 1 }, + { 0x1E83, 0x0077, 1 }, + { 0x1E88, 0x0057, 4 }, + { 0x1E89, 0x0077, 4 }, + { 0x1E92, 0x005A, 4 }, + { 0x1E93, 0x007A, 4 }, + { 0x1EA0, 0x0041, 4 }, + { 0x1EA1, 0x0061, 4 }, + { 0x1EA2, 0x0041, 3 }, + { 0x1EA3, 0x0061, 3 }, + { 0x1EA4, 0x00C2, 1 }, + { 0x1EA5, 0x00E2, 1 }, + { 0x1EA6, 0x00C2, 0 }, + { 0x1EA7, 0x00E2, 0 }, + { 0x1EA8, 0x00C2, 3 }, + { 0x1EA9, 0x00E2, 3 }, + { 0x1EAA, 0x00C2, 2 }, + { 0x1EAB, 0x00E2, 2 }, + { 0x1EAC, 0x00C2, 4 }, + { 0x1EAD, 0x00E2, 4 }, + { 0x1EAE, 0x0102, 1 }, + { 0x1EAF, 0x0103, 1 }, + { 0x1EB0, 0x0102, 0 }, + { 0x1EB1, 0x0103, 0 }, + { 0x1EB2, 0x0102, 3 }, + { 0x1EB3, 0x0103, 3 }, + { 0x1EB4, 0x0102, 2 }, + { 0x1EB5, 0x0103, 2 }, + { 0x1EB6, 0x0102, 4 }, + { 0x1EB7, 0x0103, 4 }, + { 0x1EB8, 0x0045, 4 }, + { 0x1EB9, 0x0065, 4 }, + { 0x1EBA, 0x0045, 3 }, + { 0x1EBB, 0x0065, 3 }, + { 0x1EBC, 0x0045, 2 }, + { 0x1EBD, 0x0065, 2 }, + { 0x1EBE, 0x00CA, 1 }, + { 0x1EBF, 0x00EA, 1 }, + { 0x1EC0, 0x00CA, 0 }, + { 0x1EC1, 0x00EA, 0 }, + { 0x1EC2, 0x00CA, 3 }, + { 0x1EC3, 0x00EA, 3 }, + { 0x1EC4, 0x00CA, 2 }, + { 0x1EC5, 0x00EA, 2 }, + { 0x1EC6, 0x00CA, 4 }, + { 0x1EC7, 0x00EA, 4 }, + { 0x1EC8, 0x0049, 3 }, + { 0x1EC9, 0x0069, 3 }, + { 0x1ECA, 0x0049, 4 }, + { 0x1ECB, 0x0069, 4 }, + { 0x1ECC, 0x004F, 4 }, + { 0x1ECD, 0x006F, 4 }, + { 0x1ECE, 0x004F, 3 }, + { 0x1ECF, 0x006F, 3 }, + { 0x1ED0, 0x00D4, 1 }, + { 0x1ED1, 0x00F4, 1 }, + { 0x1ED2, 0x00D4, 0 }, + { 0x1ED3, 0x00F4, 0 }, + { 0x1ED4, 0x00D4, 3 }, + { 0x1ED5, 0x00F4, 3 }, + { 0x1ED6, 0x00D4, 2 }, + { 0x1ED7, 0x00F4, 2 }, + { 0x1ED8, 0x00D4, 4 }, + { 0x1ED9, 0x00F4, 4 }, + { 0x1EDA, 0x01A0, 1 }, + { 0x1EDB, 0x01A1, 1 }, + { 0x1EDC, 0x01A0, 0 }, + { 0x1EDD, 0x01A1, 0 }, + { 0x1EDE, 0x01A0, 3 }, + { 0x1EDF, 0x01A1, 3 }, + { 0x1EE0, 0x01A0, 2 }, + { 0x1EE1, 0x01A1, 2 }, + { 0x1EE2, 0x01A0, 4 }, + { 0x1EE3, 0x01A1, 4 }, + { 0x1EE4, 0x0055, 4 }, + { 0x1EE5, 0x0075, 4 }, + { 0x1EE6, 0x0055, 3 }, + { 0x1EE7, 0x0075, 3 }, + { 0x1EE8, 0x01AF, 1 }, + { 0x1EE9, 0x01B0, 1 }, + { 0x1EEA, 0x01AF, 0 }, + { 0x1EEB, 0x01B0, 0 }, + { 0x1EEC, 0x01AF, 3 }, + { 0x1EED, 0x01B0, 3 }, + { 0x1EEE, 0x01AF, 2 }, + { 0x1EEF, 0x01B0, 2 }, + { 0x1EF0, 0x01AF, 4 }, + { 0x1EF1, 0x01B0, 4 }, + { 0x1EF2, 0x0059, 0 }, + { 0x1EF3, 0x0079, 0 }, + { 0x1EF4, 0x0059, 4 }, + { 0x1EF5, 0x0079, 4 }, + { 0x1EF6, 0x0059, 3 }, + { 0x1EF7, 0x0079, 3 }, + { 0x1EF8, 0x0059, 2 }, + { 0x1EF9, 0x0079, 2 }, + { 0x1FED, 0x00A8, 0 }, + { 0x1FEE, 0x00A8, 1 }, /* U+1FEE => U+0385 => U+00A8 U+0301 */ +}; + +#endif /* _VIETCOMB_H */ diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/viscii.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/viscii.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..04e68fa81 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/include/viscii.h @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * VISCII1.1-1 + */ + +/* Specification: RFC 1456 */ + +static const unsigned short viscii_2uni_1[32] = { + /* 0x00 */ + 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x1eb2, 0x0003, 0x0004, 0x1eb4, 0x1eaa, 0x0007, + 0x0008, 0x0009, 0x000a, 0x000b, 0x000c, 0x000d, 0x000e, 0x000f, + /* 0x10 */ + 0x0010, 0x0011, 0x0012, 0x0013, 0x1ef6, 0x0015, 0x0016, 0x0017, + 0x0018, 0x1ef8, 0x001a, 0x001b, 0x001c, 0x001d, 0x1ef4, 0x001f, +}; +static const unsigned short viscii_2uni_2[128] = { + /* 0x80 */ + 0x1ea0, 0x1eae, 0x1eb0, 0x1eb6, 0x1ea4, 0x1ea6, 0x1ea8, 0x1eac, + 0x1ebc, 0x1eb8, 0x1ebe, 0x1ec0, 0x1ec2, 0x1ec4, 0x1ec6, 0x1ed0, + /* 0x90 */ + 0x1ed2, 0x1ed4, 0x1ed6, 0x1ed8, 0x1ee2, 0x1eda, 0x1edc, 0x1ede, + 0x1eca, 0x1ece, 0x1ecc, 0x1ec8, 0x1ee6, 0x0168, 0x1ee4, 0x1ef2, + /* 0xa0 */ + 0x00d5, 0x1eaf, 0x1eb1, 0x1eb7, 0x1ea5, 0x1ea7, 0x1ea9, 0x1ead, + 0x1ebd, 0x1eb9, 0x1ebf, 0x1ec1, 0x1ec3, 0x1ec5, 0x1ec7, 0x1ed1, + /* 0xb0 */ + 0x1ed3, 0x1ed5, 0x1ed7, 0x1ee0, 0x01a0, 0x1ed9, 0x1edd, 0x1edf, + 0x1ecb, 0x1ef0, 0x1ee8, 0x1eea, 0x1eec, 0x01a1, 0x1edb, 0x01af, + /* 0xc0 */ + 0x00c0, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0x00c3, 0x1ea2, 0x0102, 0x1eb3, 0x1eb5, + 0x00c8, 0x00c9, 0x00ca, 0x1eba, 0x00cc, 0x00cd, 0x0128, 0x1ef3, + /* 0xd0 */ + 0x0110, 0x1ee9, 0x00d2, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, 0x1ea1, 0x1ef7, 0x1eeb, + 0x1eed, 0x00d9, 0x00da, 0x1ef9, 0x1ef5, 0x00dd, 0x1ee1, 0x01b0, + /* 0xe0 */ + 0x00e0, 0x00e1, 0x00e2, 0x00e3, 0x1ea3, 0x0103, 0x1eef, 0x1eab, + 0x00e8, 0x00e9, 0x00ea, 0x1ebb, 0x00ec, 0x00ed, 0x0129, 0x1ec9, + /* 0xf0 */ + 0x0111, 0x1ef1, 0x00f2, 0x00f3, 0x00f4, 0x00f5, 0x1ecf, 0x1ecd, + 0x1ee5, 0x00f9, 0x00fa, 0x0169, 0x1ee7, 0x00fd, 0x1ee3, 0x1eee, +}; + +static int +viscii_mbtowc (conv_t conv, ucs4_t *pwc, const unsigned char *s, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = *s; + if (c < 0x20) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) viscii_2uni_1[c]; + else if (c < 0x80) + *pwc = (ucs4_t) c; + else + *pwc = (ucs4_t) viscii_2uni_2[c-0x80]; + return 1; +} + +static const unsigned char viscii_page00[64+184] = { + 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x00, 0xd9, 0xda, 0x00, 0x00, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0x00, 0xec, 0xed, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x00, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ + /* 0x0100 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0xc5, 0xe5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x00-0x07 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x08-0x0f */ + 0xd0, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x10-0x17 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x18-0x1f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x20-0x27 */ + 0xce, 0xee, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x28-0x2f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x30-0x37 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x38-0x3f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x40-0x47 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x48-0x4f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x50-0x57 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x58-0x5f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x60-0x67 */ + 0x9d, 0xfb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x68-0x6f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x70-0x77 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x78-0x7f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x80-0x87 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x88-0x8f */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x90-0x97 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x98-0x9f */ + 0xb4, 0xbd, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbf, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0xdf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ +}; +static const unsigned char viscii_page1e[96] = { + 0x80, 0xd5, 0xc4, 0xe4, 0x84, 0xa4, 0x85, 0xa5, /* 0xa0-0xa7 */ + 0x86, 0xa6, 0x06, 0xe7, 0x87, 0xa7, 0x81, 0xa1, /* 0xa8-0xaf */ + 0x82, 0xa2, 0x02, 0xc6, 0x05, 0xc7, 0x83, 0xa3, /* 0xb0-0xb7 */ + 0x89, 0xa9, 0xcb, 0xeb, 0x88, 0xa8, 0x8a, 0xaa, /* 0xb8-0xbf */ + 0x8b, 0xab, 0x8c, 0xac, 0x8d, 0xad, 0x8e, 0xae, /* 0xc0-0xc7 */ + 0x9b, 0xef, 0x98, 0xb8, 0x9a, 0xf7, 0x99, 0xf6, /* 0xc8-0xcf */ + 0x8f, 0xaf, 0x90, 0xb0, 0x91, 0xb1, 0x92, 0xb2, /* 0xd0-0xd7 */ + 0x93, 0xb5, 0x95, 0xbe, 0x96, 0xb6, 0x97, 0xb7, /* 0xd8-0xdf */ + 0xb3, 0xde, 0x94, 0xfe, 0x9e, 0xf8, 0x9c, 0xfc, /* 0xe0-0xe7 */ + 0xba, 0xd1, 0xbb, 0xd7, 0xbc, 0xd8, 0xff, 0xe6, /* 0xe8-0xef */ + 0xb9, 0xf1, 0x9f, 0xcf, 0x1e, 0xdc, 0x14, 0xd6, /* 0xf0-0xf7 */ + 0x19, 0xdb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0xf8-0xff */ +}; + +static int +viscii_wctomb (conv_t conv, unsigned char *r, ucs4_t wc, int n) +{ + unsigned char c = 0; + if (wc < 0x0080 && (wc >= 0x0020 || (0x42100064 & (1 << wc)) == 0)) { + *r = wc; + return 1; + } + else if (wc >= 0x00c0 && wc < 0x01b8) + c = viscii_page00[wc-0x00c0]; + else if (wc >= 0x1ea0 && wc < 0x1f00) + c = viscii_page1e[wc-0x1ea0]; + if (c != 0) { + *r = c; + return 1; + } + return RET_ILUNI; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv.sln b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv.sln new file mode 100644 index 000000000..22fcb3633 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv.sln @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + +Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00 +# Visual C++ Express 2010 +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "libiconv", "libiconv\libiconv.vcxproj", "{7A485270-4B04-4D4B-9C67-D3A1584ED205}" +EndProject +Global + GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution + Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32 + Release|Win32 = Release|Win32 + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution + {7A485270-4B04-4D4B-9C67-D3A1584ED205}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 + {7A485270-4B04-4D4B-9C67-D3A1584ED205}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 + {7A485270-4B04-4D4B-9C67-D3A1584ED205}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32 + {7A485270-4B04-4D4B-9C67-D3A1584ED205}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32 + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution + HideSolutionNode = FALSE + EndGlobalSection +EndGlobal diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/iconv.c b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/iconv.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..74947ead9 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/iconv.c @@ -0,0 +1,613 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2008, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + * This file is part of the GNU LIBICONV Library. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is free software; you can redistribute it + * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * The GNU LIBICONV Library is distributed in the hope that it will be + * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with the GNU LIBICONV Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. + * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, + * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +#include + +#include +#include +#include "config.h" +#include "localcharset.h" + +#ifdef __CYGWIN__ +#include +#endif + +#if ENABLE_EXTRA +/* + * Consider all system dependent encodings, for any system, + * and the extra encodings. + */ +#define USE_AIX +#define USE_OSF1 +#define USE_DOS +#define USE_EXTRA +#else +/* + * Consider those system dependent encodings that are needed for the + * current system. + */ +#ifdef _AIX +#define USE_AIX +#endif +#if defined(__osf__) || defined(VMS) +#define USE_OSF1 +#endif +#if defined(__DJGPP__) || (defined(_WIN32) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__))) +#define USE_DOS +#endif +#endif + +/* + * Data type for general conversion loop. + */ +struct loop_funcs { + size_t (*loop_convert) (iconv_t icd, + const char* * inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, + char* * outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft); + size_t (*loop_reset) (iconv_t icd, + char* * outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft); +}; + +/* + * Converters. + */ +#include "converters.h" + +/* + * Transliteration tables. + */ +#include "cjk_variants.h" +#include "translit.h" + +/* + * Table of all supported encodings. + */ +struct encoding { + struct mbtowc_funcs ifuncs; /* conversion multibyte -> unicode */ + struct wctomb_funcs ofuncs; /* conversion unicode -> multibyte */ + int oflags; /* flags for unicode -> multibyte conversion */ +}; +#define DEFALIAS(xxx_alias,xxx) /* nothing */ +enum { +#define DEFENCODING(xxx_names,xxx,xxx_ifuncs1,xxx_ifuncs2,xxx_ofuncs1,xxx_ofuncs2) \ + ei_##xxx , +#include "encodings.def" +#ifdef USE_AIX +# include "encodings_aix.def" +#endif +#ifdef USE_OSF1 +# include "encodings_osf1.def" +#endif +#ifdef USE_DOS +# include "encodings_dos.def" +#endif +#ifdef USE_EXTRA +# include "encodings_extra.def" +#endif +#include "encodings_local.def" +#undef DEFENCODING +ei_for_broken_compilers_that_dont_like_trailing_commas +}; +#include "flags.h" +static struct encoding const all_encodings[] = { +#define DEFENCODING(xxx_names,xxx,xxx_ifuncs1,xxx_ifuncs2,xxx_ofuncs1,xxx_ofuncs2) \ + { xxx_ifuncs1,xxx_ifuncs2, xxx_ofuncs1,xxx_ofuncs2, ei_##xxx##_oflags }, +#include "encodings.def" +#ifdef USE_AIX +# include "encodings_aix.def" +#endif +#ifdef USE_OSF1 +# include "encodings_osf1.def" +#endif +#ifdef USE_DOS +# include "encodings_dos.def" +#endif +#ifdef USE_EXTRA +# include "encodings_extra.def" +#endif +#undef DEFENCODING +#define DEFENCODING(xxx_names,xxx,xxx_ifuncs1,xxx_ifuncs2,xxx_ofuncs1,xxx_ofuncs2) \ + { xxx_ifuncs1,xxx_ifuncs2, xxx_ofuncs1,xxx_ofuncs2, 0 }, +#include "encodings_local.def" +#undef DEFENCODING +}; +#undef DEFALIAS + +/* + * Conversion loops. + */ +#include "loops.h" + +/* + * Alias lookup function. + * Defines + * struct alias { int name; unsigned int encoding_index; }; + * const struct alias * aliases_lookup (const char *str, unsigned int len); + * #define MAX_WORD_LENGTH ... + */ +#if defined _AIX +# include "aliases_sysaix.h" +#elif defined hpux || defined __hpux +# include "aliases_syshpux.h" +#elif defined __osf__ +# include "aliases_sysosf1.h" +#elif defined __sun +# include "aliases_syssolaris.h" +#else +# include "aliases.h" +#endif + +/* + * System dependent alias lookup function. + * Defines + * const struct alias * aliases2_lookup (const char *str); + */ +#if defined(USE_AIX) || defined(USE_OSF1) || defined(USE_DOS) || defined(USE_EXTRA) /* || ... */ +struct stringpool2_t { +#define S(tag,name,encoding_index) char stringpool_##tag[sizeof(name)]; +#include "aliases2.h" +#undef S +}; +static const struct stringpool2_t stringpool2_contents = { +#define S(tag,name,encoding_index) name, +#include "aliases2.h" +#undef S +}; +#define stringpool2 ((const char *) &stringpool2_contents) +static const struct alias sysdep_aliases[] = { +#define S(tag,name,encoding_index) { (int)(long)&((struct stringpool2_t *)0)->stringpool_##tag, encoding_index }, +#include "aliases2.h" +#undef S +}; +#ifdef __GNUC__ +__inline +#endif +const struct alias * +aliases2_lookup (register const char *str) +{ + const struct alias * ptr; + unsigned int count; + for (ptr = sysdep_aliases, count = sizeof(sysdep_aliases)/sizeof(sysdep_aliases[0]); count > 0; ptr++, count--) + if (!strcmp(str, stringpool2 + ptr->name)) + return ptr; + return NULL; +} +#else +#define aliases2_lookup(str) NULL +#define stringpool2 NULL +#endif + +#if 0 +/* Like !strcasecmp, except that the both strings can be assumed to be ASCII + and the first string can be assumed to be in uppercase. */ +static int strequal (const char* str1, const char* str2) +{ + unsigned char c1; + unsigned char c2; + for (;;) { + c1 = * (unsigned char *) str1++; + c2 = * (unsigned char *) str2++; + if (c1 == 0) + break; + if (c2 >= 'a' && c2 <= 'z') + c2 -= 'a'-'A'; + if (c1 != c2) + break; + } + return (c1 == c2); +} +#endif + +iconv_t iconv_open (const char* tocode, const char* fromcode) +{ + struct conv_struct * cd; + unsigned int from_index; + int from_wchar; + unsigned int to_index; + int to_wchar; + int transliterate; + int discard_ilseq; + +#include "iconv_open1.h" + + cd = (struct conv_struct *) malloc(from_wchar != to_wchar + ? sizeof(struct wchar_conv_struct) + : sizeof(struct conv_struct)); + if (cd == NULL) { + errno = ENOMEM; + return (iconv_t)(-1); + } + +#include "iconv_open2.h" + + return (iconv_t)cd; +invalid: + errno = EINVAL; + return (iconv_t)(-1); +} + +//size_t iconv (iconv_t icd, +// ICONV_CONST char* * inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, +// char* * outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft) +size_t iconv (iconv_t icd, + const char* * inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, + char* * outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft) +{ + conv_t cd = (conv_t) icd; + if (inbuf == NULL || *inbuf == NULL) + return cd->lfuncs.loop_reset(icd,outbuf,outbytesleft); + else + return cd->lfuncs.loop_convert(icd, + (const char* *)inbuf,inbytesleft, + outbuf,outbytesleft); +} + +int iconv_close (iconv_t icd) +{ + conv_t cd = (conv_t) icd; + free(cd); + return 0; +} + +#ifndef LIBICONV_PLUG + +/* + * Verify that a 'struct conv_struct' and a 'struct wchar_conv_struct' each + * fit in an iconv_allocation_t. + * If this verification fails, iconv_allocation_t must be made larger and + * the major version in LIBICONV_VERSION_INFO must be bumped. + * Currently 'struct conv_struct' has 21 integer/pointer fields, and + * 'struct wchar_conv_struct' additionally has an 'mbstate_t' field. + */ +typedef int verify_size_1[2 * (sizeof (struct conv_struct) <= sizeof (iconv_allocation_t)) - 1]; +typedef int verify_size_2[2 * (sizeof (struct wchar_conv_struct) <= sizeof (iconv_allocation_t)) - 1]; + +int iconv_open_into (const char* tocode, const char* fromcode, + iconv_allocation_t* resultp) +{ + struct conv_struct * cd; + unsigned int from_index; + int from_wchar; + unsigned int to_index; + int to_wchar; + int transliterate; + int discard_ilseq; + +#include "iconv_open1.h" + + cd = (struct conv_struct *) resultp; + +#include "iconv_open2.h" + + return 0; +invalid: + errno = EINVAL; + return -1; +} + +int iconvctl (iconv_t icd, int request, void* argument) +{ + conv_t cd = (conv_t) icd; + switch (request) { + case ICONV_TRIVIALP: + *(int *)argument = + ((cd->lfuncs.loop_convert == unicode_loop_convert + && cd->iindex == cd->oindex) + || cd->lfuncs.loop_convert == wchar_id_loop_convert + ? 1 : 0); + return 0; + case ICONV_GET_TRANSLITERATE: + *(int *)argument = cd->transliterate; + return 0; + case ICONV_SET_TRANSLITERATE: + cd->transliterate = (*(const int *)argument ? 1 : 0); + return 0; + case ICONV_GET_DISCARD_ILSEQ: + *(int *)argument = cd->discard_ilseq; + return 0; + case ICONV_SET_DISCARD_ILSEQ: + cd->discard_ilseq = (*(const int *)argument ? 1 : 0); + return 0; + case ICONV_SET_HOOKS: + if (argument != NULL) { + cd->hooks = *(const struct iconv_hooks *)argument; + } else { + cd->hooks.uc_hook = NULL; + cd->hooks.wc_hook = NULL; + cd->hooks.data = NULL; + } + return 0; + case ICONV_SET_FALLBACKS: + if (argument != NULL) { + cd->fallbacks = *(const struct iconv_fallbacks *)argument; + } else { + cd->fallbacks.mb_to_uc_fallback = NULL; + cd->fallbacks.uc_to_mb_fallback = NULL; + cd->fallbacks.mb_to_wc_fallback = NULL; + cd->fallbacks.wc_to_mb_fallback = NULL; + cd->fallbacks.data = NULL; + } + return 0; + default: + errno = EINVAL; + return -1; + } +} + +/* An alias after its name has been converted from 'int' to 'const char*'. */ +struct nalias { const char* name; unsigned int encoding_index; }; + +static int compare_by_index (const void * arg1, const void * arg2) +{ + const struct nalias * alias1 = (const struct nalias *) arg1; + const struct nalias * alias2 = (const struct nalias *) arg2; + return (int)alias1->encoding_index - (int)alias2->encoding_index; +} + +static int compare_by_name (const void * arg1, const void * arg2) +{ + const char * name1 = *(const char **)arg1; + const char * name2 = *(const char **)arg2; + /* Compare alphabetically, but put "CS" names at the end. */ + int sign = strcmp(name1,name2); + if (sign != 0) { + sign = ((name1[0]=='C' && name1[1]=='S') - (name2[0]=='C' && name2[1]=='S')) + * 4 + (sign >= 0 ? 1 : -1); + } + return sign; +} + +void iconvlist (int (*do_one) (unsigned int namescount, + const char * const * names, + void* data), + void* data) +{ +#define aliascount1 sizeof(aliases)/sizeof(aliases[0]) +#ifndef aliases2_lookup +#define aliascount2 sizeof(sysdep_aliases)/sizeof(sysdep_aliases[0]) +#else +#define aliascount2 0 +#endif +#define aliascount (aliascount1+aliascount2) + struct nalias aliasbuf[aliascount]; + const char * namesbuf[aliascount]; + size_t num_aliases; + { + /* Put all existing aliases into a buffer. */ + size_t i; + size_t j; + j = 0; + for (i = 0; i < aliascount1; i++) { + const struct alias * p = &aliases[i]; + if (p->name >= 0 + && p->encoding_index != ei_local_char + && p->encoding_index != ei_local_wchar_t) { + aliasbuf[j].name = stringpool + p->name; + aliasbuf[j].encoding_index = p->encoding_index; + j++; + } + } +#ifndef aliases2_lookup + for (i = 0; i < aliascount2; i++) { + aliasbuf[j].name = stringpool2 + sysdep_aliases[i].name; + aliasbuf[j].encoding_index = sysdep_aliases[i].encoding_index; + j++; + } +#endif + num_aliases = j; + } + /* Sort by encoding_index. */ + if (num_aliases > 1) + qsort(aliasbuf, num_aliases, sizeof(struct nalias), compare_by_index); + { + /* Process all aliases with the same encoding_index together. */ + size_t j; + j = 0; + while (j < num_aliases) { + unsigned int ei = aliasbuf[j].encoding_index; + size_t i = 0; + do + namesbuf[i++] = aliasbuf[j++].name; + while (j < num_aliases && aliasbuf[j].encoding_index == ei); + if (i > 1) + qsort(namesbuf, i, sizeof(const char *), compare_by_name); + /* Call the callback. */ + if (do_one(i,namesbuf,data)) + break; + } + } +#undef aliascount +#undef aliascount2 +#undef aliascount1 +} + +/* + * Table of canonical names of encodings. + * Instead of strings, it contains offsets into stringpool and stringpool2. + */ +static const unsigned short all_canonical[] = { +#if defined _AIX +# include "canonical_sysaix.h" +#elif defined hpux || defined __hpux +# include "canonical_syshpux.h" +#elif defined __osf__ +# include "canonical_sysosf1.h" +#elif defined __sun +# include "canonical_syssolaris.h" +#else +# include "canonical.h" +#endif +#ifdef USE_AIX +# if defined _AIX +# include "canonical_aix_sysaix.h" +# else +# include "canonical_aix.h" +# endif +#endif +#ifdef USE_OSF1 +# if defined __osf__ +# include "canonical_osf1_sysosf1.h" +# else +# include "canonical_osf1.h" +# endif +#endif +#ifdef USE_DOS +# include "canonical_dos.h" +#endif +#ifdef USE_EXTRA +# include "canonical_extra.h" +#endif +#if defined _AIX +# include "canonical_local_sysaix.h" +#elif defined hpux || defined __hpux +# include "canonical_local_syshpux.h" +#elif defined __osf__ +# include "canonical_local_sysosf1.h" +#elif defined __sun +# include "canonical_local_syssolaris.h" +#else +# include "canonical_local.h" +#endif +}; + +const char * iconv_canonicalize (const char * name) +{ + const char* code; + char buf[MAX_WORD_LENGTH+10+1]; + const char* cp; + char* bp; + const struct alias * ap; + unsigned int count; + unsigned int index; + const char* pool; + + /* Before calling aliases_lookup, convert the input string to upper case, + * and check whether it's entirely ASCII (we call gperf with option "-7" + * to achieve a smaller table) and non-empty. If it's not entirely ASCII, + * or if it's too long, it is not a valid encoding name. + */ + for (code = name;;) { + /* Search code in the table. */ + for (cp = code, bp = buf, count = MAX_WORD_LENGTH+10+1; ; cp++, bp++) { + unsigned char c = * (unsigned char *) cp; + if (c >= 0x80) + goto invalid; + if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') + c -= 'a'-'A'; + *bp = c; + if (c == '\0') + break; + if (--count == 0) + goto invalid; + } + for (;;) { + if (bp-buf >= 10 && memcmp(bp-10,"//TRANSLIT",10)==0) { + bp -= 10; + *bp = '\0'; + continue; + } + if (bp-buf >= 8 && memcmp(bp-8,"//IGNORE",8)==0) { + bp -= 8; + *bp = '\0'; + continue; + } + break; + } + if (buf[0] == '\0') { + code = locale_charset(); + /* Avoid an endless loop that could occur when using an older version + of localcharset.c. */ + if (code[0] == '\0') + goto invalid; + continue; + } + pool = stringpool; + ap = aliases_lookup(buf,bp-buf); + if (ap == NULL) { + pool = stringpool2; + ap = aliases2_lookup(buf); + if (ap == NULL) + goto invalid; + } + if (ap->encoding_index == ei_local_char) { + code = locale_charset(); + /* Avoid an endless loop that could occur when using an older version + of localcharset.c. */ + if (code[0] == '\0') + goto invalid; + continue; + } + if (ap->encoding_index == ei_local_wchar_t) { + /* On systems which define __STDC_ISO_10646__, wchar_t is Unicode. + This is also the case on native Woe32 systems and Cygwin >= 1.7, where + we know that it is UTF-16. */ +#if ((defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && !defined __CYGWIN__) || (defined __CYGWIN__ && CYGWIN_VERSION_DLL_MAJOR >= 1007) + if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 4) { + index = ei_ucs4internal; + break; + } + if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2) { +# if WORDS_LITTLEENDIAN + index = ei_utf16le; +# else + index = ei_utf16be; +# endif + break; + } +#elif __STDC_ISO_10646__ + if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 4) { + index = ei_ucs4internal; + break; + } + if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2) { + index = ei_ucs2internal; + break; + } + if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 1) { + index = ei_iso8859_1; + break; + } +#endif + } + index = ap->encoding_index; + break; + } + return all_canonical[index] + pool; + invalid: + return name; +} + +int _libiconv_version = _LIBICONV_VERSION; + +#if defined __FreeBSD__ && !defined __gnu_freebsd__ +/* GNU libiconv is the native FreeBSD iconv implementation since 2002. + It wants to define the symbols 'iconv_open', 'iconv', 'iconv_close'. */ +#define strong_alias(name, aliasname) _strong_alias(name, aliasname) +#define _strong_alias(name, aliasname) \ + extern __typeof (name) aliasname __attribute__ ((alias (#name))); +#undef iconv_open +#undef iconv +#undef iconv_close +strong_alias (libiconv_open, iconv_open) +strong_alias (libiconv, iconv) +strong_alias (libiconv_close, iconv_close) +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/libiconv.rc b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/libiconv.rc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ee6f206f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/libiconv.rc @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/* Resources for iconv.dll */ + +#include +#define PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR 1 +#define PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR 14 +#define PACKAGE_VERSION_SUBMINOR 0 +#define PACKAGE_VERSION_STRING "1.14" +VS_VERSION_INFO VERSIONINFO + FILEVERSION PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR,PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR,PACKAGE_VERSION_SUBMINOR,0 + PRODUCTVERSION PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR,PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR,PACKAGE_VERSION_SUBMINOR,0 + FILEFLAGSMASK 0x3fL /* VS_FFI_FILEFLAGSMASK */ +#ifdef _DEBUG + FILEFLAGS 0x1L /* VS_FF_DEBUG */ +#else + FILEFLAGS 0x0L +#endif + FILEOS 0x10004L /* VOS_DOS_WINDOWS32 */ + FILETYPE 0x2L /* VFT_DLL */ + FILESUBTYPE 0x0L /* VFT2_UNKNOWN */ +BEGIN + BLOCK "StringFileInfo" + BEGIN + BLOCK "04090000" /* Lang = US English, Charset = ASCII */ + BEGIN + VALUE "Comments", "This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA\0" + VALUE "CompanyName", "Free Software Foundation\0" + VALUE "FileDescription", "LGPLed libiconv for Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 and Windows 95/98/ME\0" + VALUE "FileVersion", PACKAGE_VERSION_STRING "\0" + VALUE "InternalName", "iconv.dll\0" + VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) 1999-2009\0" + VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "\0" + VALUE "OriginalFilename", "iconv.dll\0" + VALUE "ProductName", "libiconv: character set conversion library\0" + VALUE "ProductVersion", PACKAGE_VERSION_STRING "\0" + END + END + BLOCK "VarFileInfo" + BEGIN + VALUE "Translation", 0x0409, 0 /* US English, ASCII */ + END +END diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/libiconv.vcxproj b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/libiconv.vcxproj new file mode 100644 index 000000000..00103a9f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/libiconv.vcxproj @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ + + + + + Debug + Win32 + + + Release + Win32 + + + + {7A485270-4B04-4D4B-9C67-D3A1584ED205} + Win32Proj + libiconv + + + + StaticLibrary + true + Unicode + + + StaticLibrary + false + true + Unicode + + + + + + + + + + + + + true + $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)_$(Platform)\ + $(SolutionDir)obj\$(ProjectName)\$(Configuration)_$(Platform)\ + ..\include;$(IncludePath) + .lib + + + false + $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)_$(Platform)\ + $(SolutionDir)obj\$(ProjectName)\$(Configuration)_$(Platform)\ + ..\include;$(IncludePath) + .lib + + + + NotUsing + Level3 + Disabled + BUILDING_LIBICONV;BUILDING_LIBCHARSET;WIN32;_DEBUG;_WINDOWS;_USRDLL;LIBICONV_EXPORTS;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + MultiThreaded + + + Windows + true + + + + + Level3 + NotUsing + MaxSpeed + true + true + BUILDING_LIBICONV;BUILDING_LIBCHARSET;WIN32;NDEBUG;_WINDOWS;_USRDLL;LIBICONV_EXPORTS;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + MultiThreaded + + + Windows + true + true + true + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/libiconv.vcxproj.filters b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/libiconv.vcxproj.filters new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4b3dd0e32 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/libiconv.vcxproj.filters @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ + + + + + {4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF} + cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx + + + {93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB} + h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd + + + {67DA6AB6-F800-4c08-8B7A-83BB121AAD01} + rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx;tiff;tif;png;wav;mfcribbon-ms + + + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + Source Files + + + + + Resource Files + + + + + Header Files + + + Header Files + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/libiconv.vcxproj.user b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/libiconv.vcxproj.user new file mode 100644 index 000000000..695b5c78b --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/libiconv.vcxproj.user @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/localcharset.c b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/localcharset.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..64e56f7cd --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/localcharset.c @@ -0,0 +1,548 @@ +/* Determine a canonical name for the current locale's character encoding. + + Copyright (C) 2000-2006, 2008-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published + by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, + USA. */ + +/* Written by Bruno Haible . */ + +#include + +/* Specification. */ +#include "localcharset.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#if defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__ && HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET +# define DARWIN7 /* Darwin 7 or newer, i.e. MacOS X 10.3 or newer */ +#endif + +#if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ +# define WIN32_NATIVE +#endif + +#if defined __EMX__ +/* Assume EMX program runs on OS/2, even if compiled under DOS. */ +# ifndef OS2 +# define OS2 +# endif +#endif + +#if !defined WIN32_NATIVE +# include +# if HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET +# include +# else +# if 0 /* see comment below */ +# include +# endif +# endif +# ifdef __CYGWIN__ +# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN +# include +# endif +#elif defined WIN32_NATIVE +# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN +# include +#endif +#if defined OS2 +# define INCL_DOS +# include +#endif + +#if ENABLE_RELOCATABLE +# include "relocatable.h" +#else +# define relocate(pathname) (pathname) +#endif + +///* Get LIBDIR. */ +//#ifndef LIBDIR +//# include "configmake.h" +//#endif + +/* Define O_NOFOLLOW to 0 on platforms where it does not exist. */ +#ifndef O_NOFOLLOW +# define O_NOFOLLOW 0 +#endif + +#if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined __EMX__ || defined __DJGPP__ + /* Win32, Cygwin, OS/2, DOS */ +# define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/' || (C) == '\\') +#endif + +#ifndef DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR +# define DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR '/' +#endif + +#ifndef ISSLASH +# define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) +#endif + +#if HAVE_DECL_GETC_UNLOCKED +# undef getc +# define getc getc_unlocked +#endif + +/* The following static variable is declared 'volatile' to avoid a + possible multithread problem in the function get_charset_aliases. If we + are running in a threaded environment, and if two threads initialize + 'charset_aliases' simultaneously, both will produce the same value, + and everything will be ok if the two assignments to 'charset_aliases' + are atomic. But I don't know what will happen if the two assignments mix. */ +#if __STDC__ != 1 +# define volatile /* empty */ +#endif +/* Pointer to the contents of the charset.alias file, if it has already been + read, else NULL. Its format is: + ALIAS_1 '\0' CANONICAL_1 '\0' ... ALIAS_n '\0' CANONICAL_n '\0' '\0' */ +static const char * volatile charset_aliases; + +/* Return a pointer to the contents of the charset.alias file. */ +static const char * +get_charset_aliases (void) +{ + const char *cp; + + cp = charset_aliases; + if (cp == NULL) + { +#if !(defined DARWIN7 || defined VMS || defined WIN32_NATIVE || defined __CYGWIN__) + const char *dir; + const char *base = "charset.alias"; + char *file_name; + + /* Make it possible to override the charset.alias location. This is + necessary for running the testsuite before "make install". */ + dir = getenv ("CHARSETALIASDIR"); + if (dir == NULL || dir[0] == '\0') + dir = relocate (LIBDIR); + + /* Concatenate dir and base into freshly allocated file_name. */ + { + size_t dir_len = strlen (dir); + size_t base_len = strlen (base); + int add_slash = (dir_len > 0 && !ISSLASH (dir[dir_len - 1])); + file_name = (char *) malloc (dir_len + add_slash + base_len + 1); + if (file_name != NULL) + { + memcpy (file_name, dir, dir_len); + if (add_slash) + file_name[dir_len] = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; + memcpy (file_name + dir_len + add_slash, base, base_len + 1); + } + } + + if (file_name == NULL) + /* Out of memory. Treat the file as empty. */ + cp = ""; + else + { + int fd; + + /* Open the file. Reject symbolic links on platforms that support + O_NOFOLLOW. This is a security feature. Without it, an attacker + could retrieve parts of the contents (namely, the tail of the + first line that starts with "* ") of an arbitrary file by placing + a symbolic link to that file under the name "charset.alias" in + some writable directory and defining the environment variable + CHARSETALIASDIR to point to that directory. */ + fd = open (file_name, + O_RDONLY | (HAVE_WORKING_O_NOFOLLOW ? O_NOFOLLOW : 0)); + if (fd < 0) + /* File not found. Treat it as empty. */ + cp = ""; + else + { + FILE *fp; + + fp = fdopen (fd, "r"); + if (fp == NULL) + { + /* Out of memory. Treat the file as empty. */ + close (fd); + cp = ""; + } + else + { + /* Parse the file's contents. */ + char *res_ptr = NULL; + size_t res_size = 0; + + for (;;) + { + int c; + char buf1[50+1]; + char buf2[50+1]; + size_t l1, l2; + char *old_res_ptr; + + c = getc (fp); + if (c == EOF) + break; + if (c == '\n' || c == ' ' || c == '\t') + continue; + if (c == '#') + { + /* Skip comment, to end of line. */ + do + c = getc (fp); + while (!(c == EOF || c == '\n')); + if (c == EOF) + break; + continue; + } + ungetc (c, fp); + if (fscanf (fp, "%50s %50s", buf1, buf2) < 2) + break; + l1 = strlen (buf1); + l2 = strlen (buf2); + old_res_ptr = res_ptr; + if (res_size == 0) + { + res_size = l1 + 1 + l2 + 1; + res_ptr = (char *) malloc (res_size + 1); + } + else + { + res_size += l1 + 1 + l2 + 1; + res_ptr = (char *) realloc (res_ptr, res_size + 1); + } + if (res_ptr == NULL) + { + /* Out of memory. */ + res_size = 0; + free (old_res_ptr); + break; + } + strcpy (res_ptr + res_size - (l2 + 1) - (l1 + 1), buf1); + strcpy (res_ptr + res_size - (l2 + 1), buf2); + } + fclose (fp); + if (res_size == 0) + cp = ""; + else + { + *(res_ptr + res_size) = '\0'; + cp = res_ptr; + } + } + } + + free (file_name); + } + +#else + +# if defined DARWIN7 + /* To avoid the trouble of installing a file that is shared by many + GNU packages -- many packaging systems have problems with this --, + simply inline the aliases here. */ + cp = "ISO8859-1" "\0" "ISO-8859-1" "\0" + "ISO8859-2" "\0" "ISO-8859-2" "\0" + "ISO8859-4" "\0" "ISO-8859-4" "\0" + "ISO8859-5" "\0" "ISO-8859-5" "\0" + "ISO8859-7" "\0" "ISO-8859-7" "\0" + "ISO8859-9" "\0" "ISO-8859-9" "\0" + "ISO8859-13" "\0" "ISO-8859-13" "\0" + "ISO8859-15" "\0" "ISO-8859-15" "\0" + "KOI8-R" "\0" "KOI8-R" "\0" + "KOI8-U" "\0" "KOI8-U" "\0" + "CP866" "\0" "CP866" "\0" + "CP949" "\0" "CP949" "\0" + "CP1131" "\0" "CP1131" "\0" + "CP1251" "\0" "CP1251" "\0" + "eucCN" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" + "GB2312" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" + "eucJP" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" + "eucKR" "\0" "EUC-KR" "\0" + "Big5" "\0" "BIG5" "\0" + "Big5HKSCS" "\0" "BIG5-HKSCS" "\0" + "GBK" "\0" "GBK" "\0" + "GB18030" "\0" "GB18030" "\0" + "SJIS" "\0" "SHIFT_JIS" "\0" + "ARMSCII-8" "\0" "ARMSCII-8" "\0" + "PT154" "\0" "PT154" "\0" + /*"ISCII-DEV" "\0" "?" "\0"*/ + "*" "\0" "UTF-8" "\0"; +# endif + +# if defined VMS + /* To avoid the troubles of an extra file charset.alias_vms in the + sources of many GNU packages, simply inline the aliases here. */ + /* The list of encodings is taken from the OpenVMS 7.3-1 documentation + "Compaq C Run-Time Library Reference Manual for OpenVMS systems" + section 10.7 "Handling Different Character Sets". */ + cp = "ISO8859-1" "\0" "ISO-8859-1" "\0" + "ISO8859-2" "\0" "ISO-8859-2" "\0" + "ISO8859-5" "\0" "ISO-8859-5" "\0" + "ISO8859-7" "\0" "ISO-8859-7" "\0" + "ISO8859-8" "\0" "ISO-8859-8" "\0" + "ISO8859-9" "\0" "ISO-8859-9" "\0" + /* Japanese */ + "eucJP" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" + "SJIS" "\0" "SHIFT_JIS" "\0" + "DECKANJI" "\0" "DEC-KANJI" "\0" + "SDECKANJI" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" + /* Chinese */ + "eucTW" "\0" "EUC-TW" "\0" + "DECHANYU" "\0" "DEC-HANYU" "\0" + "DECHANZI" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" + /* Korean */ + "DECKOREAN" "\0" "EUC-KR" "\0"; +# endif + +# if defined WIN32_NATIVE || defined __CYGWIN__ + /* To avoid the troubles of installing a separate file in the same + directory as the DLL and of retrieving the DLL's directory at + runtime, simply inline the aliases here. */ + + cp = "CP936" "\0" "GBK" "\0" + "CP1361" "\0" "JOHAB" "\0" + "CP20127" "\0" "ASCII" "\0" + "CP20866" "\0" "KOI8-R" "\0" + "CP20936" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" + "CP21866" "\0" "KOI8-RU" "\0" + "CP28591" "\0" "ISO-8859-1" "\0" + "CP28592" "\0" "ISO-8859-2" "\0" + "CP28593" "\0" "ISO-8859-3" "\0" + "CP28594" "\0" "ISO-8859-4" "\0" + "CP28595" "\0" "ISO-8859-5" "\0" + "CP28596" "\0" "ISO-8859-6" "\0" + "CP28597" "\0" "ISO-8859-7" "\0" + "CP28598" "\0" "ISO-8859-8" "\0" + "CP28599" "\0" "ISO-8859-9" "\0" + "CP28605" "\0" "ISO-8859-15" "\0" + "CP38598" "\0" "ISO-8859-8" "\0" + "CP51932" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" + "CP51936" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" + "CP51949" "\0" "EUC-KR" "\0" + "CP51950" "\0" "EUC-TW" "\0" + "CP54936" "\0" "GB18030" "\0" + "CP65001" "\0" "UTF-8" "\0"; +# endif +#endif + + charset_aliases = cp; + } + + return cp; +} + +/* Determine the current locale's character encoding, and canonicalize it + into one of the canonical names listed in config.charset. + The result must not be freed; it is statically allocated. + If the canonical name cannot be determined, the result is a non-canonical + name. */ + +#ifdef STATIC +STATIC +#endif +const char * +locale_charset (void) +{ + const char *codeset; + const char *aliases; + +#if !(defined WIN32_NATIVE || defined OS2) + +# if HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET + + /* Most systems support nl_langinfo (CODESET) nowadays. */ + codeset = nl_langinfo (CODESET); + +# ifdef __CYGWIN__ + /* Cygwin < 1.7 does not have locales. nl_langinfo (CODESET) always + returns "US-ASCII". Return the suffix of the locale name from the + environment variables (if present) or the codepage as a number. */ + if (codeset != NULL && strcmp (codeset, "US-ASCII") == 0) + { + const char *locale; + static char buf[2 + 10 + 1]; + + locale = getenv ("LC_ALL"); + if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') + { + locale = getenv ("LC_CTYPE"); + if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') + locale = getenv ("LANG"); + } + if (locale != NULL && locale[0] != '\0') + { + /* If the locale name contains an encoding after the dot, return + it. */ + const char *dot = strchr (locale, '.'); + + if (dot != NULL) + { + const char *modifier; + + dot++; + /* Look for the possible @... trailer and remove it, if any. */ + modifier = strchr (dot, '@'); + if (modifier == NULL) + return dot; + if (modifier - dot < sizeof (buf)) + { + memcpy (buf, dot, modifier - dot); + buf [modifier - dot] = '\0'; + return buf; + } + } + } + + /* Woe32 has a function returning the locale's codepage as a number: + GetACP(). This encoding is used by Cygwin, unless the user has set + the environment variable CYGWIN=codepage:oem (which very few people + do). + Output directed to console windows needs to be converted (to + GetOEMCP() if the console is using a raster font, or to + GetConsoleOutputCP() if it is using a TrueType font). Cygwin does + this conversion transparently (see winsup/cygwin/fhandler_console.cc), + converting to GetConsoleOutputCP(). This leads to correct results, + except when SetConsoleOutputCP has been called and a raster font is + in use. */ + sprintf (buf, "CP%u", GetACP ()); + codeset = buf; + } +# endif + +# else + + /* On old systems which lack it, use setlocale or getenv. */ + const char *locale = NULL; + + /* But most old systems don't have a complete set of locales. Some + (like SunOS 4 or DJGPP) have only the C locale. Therefore we don't + use setlocale here; it would return "C" when it doesn't support the + locale name the user has set. */ +# if 0 + locale = setlocale (LC_CTYPE, NULL); +# endif + if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') + { + locale = getenv ("LC_ALL"); + if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') + { + locale = getenv ("LC_CTYPE"); + if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') + locale = getenv ("LANG"); + } + } + + /* On some old systems, one used to set locale = "iso8859_1". On others, + you set it to "language_COUNTRY.charset". In any case, we resolve it + through the charset.alias file. */ + codeset = locale; + +# endif + +#elif defined WIN32_NATIVE + + static char buf[2 + 10 + 1]; + + /* Woe32 has a function returning the locale's codepage as a number: + GetACP(). + When the output goes to a console window, it needs to be provided in + GetOEMCP() encoding if the console is using a raster font, or in + GetConsoleOutputCP() encoding if it is using a TrueType font. + But in GUI programs and for output sent to files and pipes, GetACP() + encoding is the best bet. */ + sprintf (buf, "CP%u", GetACP ()); + codeset = buf; + +#elif defined OS2 + + const char *locale; + static char buf[2 + 10 + 1]; + ULONG cp[3]; + ULONG cplen; + + /* Allow user to override the codeset, as set in the operating system, + with standard language environment variables. */ + locale = getenv ("LC_ALL"); + if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') + { + locale = getenv ("LC_CTYPE"); + if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') + locale = getenv ("LANG"); + } + if (locale != NULL && locale[0] != '\0') + { + /* If the locale name contains an encoding after the dot, return it. */ + const char *dot = strchr (locale, '.'); + + if (dot != NULL) + { + const char *modifier; + + dot++; + /* Look for the possible @... trailer and remove it, if any. */ + modifier = strchr (dot, '@'); + if (modifier == NULL) + return dot; + if (modifier - dot < sizeof (buf)) + { + memcpy (buf, dot, modifier - dot); + buf [modifier - dot] = '\0'; + return buf; + } + } + + /* Resolve through the charset.alias file. */ + codeset = locale; + } + else + { + /* OS/2 has a function returning the locale's codepage as a number. */ + if (DosQueryCp (sizeof (cp), cp, &cplen)) + codeset = ""; + else + { + sprintf (buf, "CP%u", cp[0]); + codeset = buf; + } + } + +#endif + + if (codeset == NULL) + /* The canonical name cannot be determined. */ + codeset = ""; + + /* Resolve alias. */ + for (aliases = get_charset_aliases (); + *aliases != '\0'; + aliases += strlen (aliases) + 1, aliases += strlen (aliases) + 1) + if (strcmp (codeset, aliases) == 0 + || (aliases[0] == '*' && aliases[1] == '\0')) + { + codeset = aliases + strlen (aliases) + 1; + break; + } + + /* Don't return an empty string. GNU libc and GNU libiconv interpret + the empty string as denoting "the locale's character encoding", + thus GNU libiconv would call this function a second time. */ + if (codeset[0] == '\0') + codeset = "ASCII"; + + return codeset; +} diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/localcharset.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/localcharset.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e13eb876f --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/localcharset.h @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +/* Determine a canonical name for the current locale's character encoding. + Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + This file is part of the GNU CHARSET Library. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published + by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, + USA. */ + +#ifndef _LOCALCHARSET_H +#define _LOCALCHARSET_H + +//#if @HAVE_VISIBILITY@ && BUILDING_LIBCHARSET +//#define LIBCHARSET_DLL_EXPORTED __attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) +//#else +//#define LIBCHARSET_DLL_EXPORTED +//#endif +#ifdef BUILDING_LIBCHARSET +#define LIBCHARSET_DLL_EXPORTED __declspec(dllexport) +#elif USING_STATIC_LIBICONV +#define LIBCHARSET_DLL_EXPORTED +#else +#define LIBCHARSET_DLL_EXPORTED __declspec(dllimport) +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + + +/* Determine the current locale's character encoding, and canonicalize it + into one of the canonical names listed in config.charset. + The result must not be freed; it is statically allocated. + If the canonical name cannot be determined, the result is a non-canonical + name. */ +extern LIBCHARSET_DLL_EXPORTED const char * locale_charset (void); + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + + +#endif /* _LOCALCHARSET_H */ diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/relocatable.c b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/relocatable.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a7bbd99dc --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/relocatable.c @@ -0,0 +1,483 @@ +/* Provide relocatable packages. + Copyright (C) 2003-2006, 2008-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Written by Bruno Haible , 2003. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published + by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, + USA. */ + + +/* Tell glibc's to provide a prototype for getline(). + This must come before because may include + , and once has been included, it's too late. */ +#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE +# define _GNU_SOURCE 1 +#endif + +#define _GL_USE_STDLIB_ALLOC 1 +#include + +/* Specification. */ +#include "relocatable.h" + +#if ENABLE_RELOCATABLE + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#ifdef NO_XMALLOC +# define xmalloc malloc +#else +# include "xalloc.h" +#endif + +#if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && !defined __CYGWIN__ +# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN +# include +#endif + +#if DEPENDS_ON_LIBCHARSET +# include +#endif +#if DEPENDS_ON_LIBICONV && HAVE_ICONV +# include +#endif +#if DEPENDS_ON_LIBINTL && ENABLE_NLS +# include +#endif + +/* Faked cheap 'bool'. */ +#undef bool +#undef false +#undef true +#define bool int +#define false 0 +#define true 1 + +/* Pathname support. + ISSLASH(C) tests whether C is a directory separator character. + IS_PATH_WITH_DIR(P) tests whether P contains a directory specification. + */ +#if ((defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && !defined __CYGWIN__) || defined __EMX__ || defined __DJGPP__ + /* Win32, OS/2, DOS */ +# define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/' || (C) == '\\') +# define HAS_DEVICE(P) \ + ((((P)[0] >= 'A' && (P)[0] <= 'Z') || ((P)[0] >= 'a' && (P)[0] <= 'z')) \ + && (P)[1] == ':') +# define IS_PATH_WITH_DIR(P) \ + (strchr (P, '/') != NULL || strchr (P, '\\') != NULL || HAS_DEVICE (P)) +# define FILE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN(P) (HAS_DEVICE (P) ? 2 : 0) +#else + /* Unix */ +# define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/') +# define IS_PATH_WITH_DIR(P) (strchr (P, '/') != NULL) +# define FILE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN(P) 0 +#endif + +/* Original installation prefix. */ +static char *orig_prefix; +static size_t orig_prefix_len; +/* Current installation prefix. */ +static char *curr_prefix; +static size_t curr_prefix_len; +/* These prefixes do not end in a slash. Anything that will be concatenated + to them must start with a slash. */ + +/* Sets the original and the current installation prefix of this module. + Relocation simply replaces a pathname starting with the original prefix + by the corresponding pathname with the current prefix instead. Both + prefixes should be directory names without trailing slash (i.e. use "" + instead of "/"). */ +static void +set_this_relocation_prefix (const char *orig_prefix_arg, + const char *curr_prefix_arg) +{ + if (orig_prefix_arg != NULL && curr_prefix_arg != NULL + /* Optimization: if orig_prefix and curr_prefix are equal, the + relocation is a nop. */ + && strcmp (orig_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_arg) != 0) + { + /* Duplicate the argument strings. */ + char *memory; + + orig_prefix_len = strlen (orig_prefix_arg); + curr_prefix_len = strlen (curr_prefix_arg); + memory = (char *) xmalloc (orig_prefix_len + 1 + curr_prefix_len + 1); +#ifdef NO_XMALLOC + if (memory != NULL) +#endif + { + memcpy (memory, orig_prefix_arg, orig_prefix_len + 1); + orig_prefix = memory; + memory += orig_prefix_len + 1; + memcpy (memory, curr_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_len + 1); + curr_prefix = memory; + return; + } + } + orig_prefix = NULL; + curr_prefix = NULL; + /* Don't worry about wasted memory here - this function is usually only + called once. */ +} + +/* Sets the original and the current installation prefix of the package. + Relocation simply replaces a pathname starting with the original prefix + by the corresponding pathname with the current prefix instead. Both + prefixes should be directory names without trailing slash (i.e. use "" + instead of "/"). */ +void +set_relocation_prefix (const char *orig_prefix_arg, const char *curr_prefix_arg) +{ + set_this_relocation_prefix (orig_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_arg); + + /* Now notify all dependent libraries. */ +#if DEPENDS_ON_LIBCHARSET + libcharset_set_relocation_prefix (orig_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_arg); +#endif +#if DEPENDS_ON_LIBICONV && HAVE_ICONV && _LIBICONV_VERSION >= 0x0109 + libiconv_set_relocation_prefix (orig_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_arg); +#endif +#if DEPENDS_ON_LIBINTL && ENABLE_NLS && defined libintl_set_relocation_prefix + libintl_set_relocation_prefix (orig_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_arg); +#endif +} + +#if !defined IN_LIBRARY || (defined PIC && defined INSTALLDIR) + +/* Convenience function: + Computes the current installation prefix, based on the original + installation prefix, the original installation directory of a particular + file, and the current pathname of this file. + Returns it, freshly allocated. Returns NULL upon failure. */ +#ifdef IN_LIBRARY +#define compute_curr_prefix local_compute_curr_prefix +static +#endif +char * +compute_curr_prefix (const char *orig_installprefix, + const char *orig_installdir, + const char *curr_pathname) +{ + char *curr_installdir; + const char *rel_installdir; + + if (curr_pathname == NULL) + return NULL; + + /* Determine the relative installation directory, relative to the prefix. + This is simply the difference between orig_installprefix and + orig_installdir. */ + if (strncmp (orig_installprefix, orig_installdir, strlen (orig_installprefix)) + != 0) + /* Shouldn't happen - nothing should be installed outside $(prefix). */ + return NULL; + rel_installdir = orig_installdir + strlen (orig_installprefix); + + /* Determine the current installation directory. */ + { + const char *p_base = curr_pathname + FILE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN (curr_pathname); + const char *p = curr_pathname + strlen (curr_pathname); + char *q; + + while (p > p_base) + { + p--; + if (ISSLASH (*p)) + break; + } + + q = (char *) xmalloc (p - curr_pathname + 1); +#ifdef NO_XMALLOC + if (q == NULL) + return NULL; +#endif + memcpy (q, curr_pathname, p - curr_pathname); + q[p - curr_pathname] = '\0'; + curr_installdir = q; + } + + /* Compute the current installation prefix by removing the trailing + rel_installdir from it. */ + { + const char *rp = rel_installdir + strlen (rel_installdir); + const char *cp = curr_installdir + strlen (curr_installdir); + const char *cp_base = + curr_installdir + FILE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN (curr_installdir); + + while (rp > rel_installdir && cp > cp_base) + { + bool same = false; + const char *rpi = rp; + const char *cpi = cp; + + while (rpi > rel_installdir && cpi > cp_base) + { + rpi--; + cpi--; + if (ISSLASH (*rpi) || ISSLASH (*cpi)) + { + if (ISSLASH (*rpi) && ISSLASH (*cpi)) + same = true; + break; + } + /* Do case-insensitive comparison if the file system is always or + often case-insensitive. It's better to accept the comparison + if the difference is only in case, rather than to fail. */ +#if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined __EMX__ || defined __DJGPP__ + /* Win32, Cygwin, OS/2, DOS - case insignificant file system */ + if ((*rpi >= 'a' && *rpi <= 'z' ? *rpi - 'a' + 'A' : *rpi) + != (*cpi >= 'a' && *cpi <= 'z' ? *cpi - 'a' + 'A' : *cpi)) + break; +#else + if (*rpi != *cpi) + break; +#endif + } + if (!same) + break; + /* The last pathname component was the same. opi and cpi now point + to the slash before it. */ + rp = rpi; + cp = cpi; + } + + if (rp > rel_installdir) + { + /* Unexpected: The curr_installdir does not end with rel_installdir. */ + free (curr_installdir); + return NULL; + } + + { + size_t curr_prefix_len = cp - curr_installdir; + char *curr_prefix; + + curr_prefix = (char *) xmalloc (curr_prefix_len + 1); +#ifdef NO_XMALLOC + if (curr_prefix == NULL) + { + free (curr_installdir); + return NULL; + } +#endif + memcpy (curr_prefix, curr_installdir, curr_prefix_len); + curr_prefix[curr_prefix_len] = '\0'; + + free (curr_installdir); + + return curr_prefix; + } + } +} + +#endif /* !IN_LIBRARY || PIC */ + +#if defined PIC && defined INSTALLDIR + +/* Full pathname of shared library, or NULL. */ +static char *shared_library_fullname; + +#if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && !defined __CYGWIN__ +/* Native Win32 only. + On Cygwin, it is better to use the Cygwin provided /proc interface, than + to use native Win32 API and cygwin_conv_to_posix_path, because it supports + longer file names + (see ). */ + +/* Determine the full pathname of the shared library when it is loaded. */ + +BOOL WINAPI +DllMain (HINSTANCE module_handle, DWORD event, LPVOID reserved) +{ + (void) reserved; + + if (event == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) + { + /* The DLL is being loaded into an application's address range. */ + static char location[MAX_PATH]; + + if (!GetModuleFileName (module_handle, location, sizeof (location))) + /* Shouldn't happen. */ + return FALSE; + + if (!IS_PATH_WITH_DIR (location)) + /* Shouldn't happen. */ + return FALSE; + + shared_library_fullname = strdup (location); + } + + return TRUE; +} + +#else /* Unix */ + +static void +find_shared_library_fullname () +{ +#if (defined __linux__ && (__GLIBC__ >= 2 || defined __UCLIBC__)) || defined __CYGWIN__ + /* Linux has /proc/self/maps. glibc 2 and uClibc have the getline() + function. + Cygwin >= 1.5 has /proc/self/maps and the getline() function too. */ + FILE *fp; + + /* Open the current process' maps file. It describes one VMA per line. */ + fp = fopen ("/proc/self/maps", "r"); + if (fp) + { + unsigned long address = (unsigned long) &find_shared_library_fullname; + for (;;) + { + unsigned long start, end; + int c; + + if (fscanf (fp, "%lx-%lx", &start, &end) != 2) + break; + if (address >= start && address <= end - 1) + { + /* Found it. Now see if this line contains a filename. */ + while (c = getc (fp), c != EOF && c != '\n' && c != '/') + continue; + if (c == '/') + { + size_t size; + int len; + + ungetc (c, fp); + shared_library_fullname = NULL; size = 0; + len = getline (&shared_library_fullname, &size, fp); + if (len >= 0) + { + /* Success: filled shared_library_fullname. */ + if (len > 0 && shared_library_fullname[len - 1] == '\n') + shared_library_fullname[len - 1] = '\0'; + } + } + break; + } + while (c = getc (fp), c != EOF && c != '\n') + continue; + } + fclose (fp); + } +#endif +} + +#endif /* WIN32 / Unix */ + +/* Return the full pathname of the current shared library. + Return NULL if unknown. + Guaranteed to work only on Linux, Cygwin and Woe32. */ +static char * +get_shared_library_fullname () +{ +#if !((defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && !defined __CYGWIN__) + static bool tried_find_shared_library_fullname; + if (!tried_find_shared_library_fullname) + { + find_shared_library_fullname (); + tried_find_shared_library_fullname = true; + } +#endif + return shared_library_fullname; +} + +#endif /* PIC */ + +/* Returns the pathname, relocated according to the current installation + directory. + The returned string is either PATHNAME unmodified or a freshly allocated + string that you can free with free() after casting it to 'char *'. */ +const char * +relocate (const char *pathname) +{ +#if defined PIC && defined INSTALLDIR + static int initialized; + + /* Initialization code for a shared library. */ + if (!initialized) + { + /* At this point, orig_prefix and curr_prefix likely have already been + set through the main program's set_program_name_and_installdir + function. This is sufficient in the case that the library has + initially been installed in the same orig_prefix. But we can do + better, to also cover the cases that 1. it has been installed + in a different prefix before being moved to orig_prefix and (later) + to curr_prefix, 2. unlike the program, it has not moved away from + orig_prefix. */ + const char *orig_installprefix = INSTALLPREFIX; + const char *orig_installdir = INSTALLDIR; + char *curr_prefix_better; + + curr_prefix_better = + compute_curr_prefix (orig_installprefix, orig_installdir, + get_shared_library_fullname ()); + + set_relocation_prefix (orig_installprefix, + curr_prefix_better != NULL + ? curr_prefix_better + : curr_prefix); + + if (curr_prefix_better != NULL) + free (curr_prefix_better); + + initialized = 1; + } +#endif + + /* Note: It is not necessary to perform case insensitive comparison here, + even for DOS-like file systems, because the pathname argument was + typically created from the same Makefile variable as orig_prefix came + from. */ + if (orig_prefix != NULL && curr_prefix != NULL + && strncmp (pathname, orig_prefix, orig_prefix_len) == 0) + { + if (pathname[orig_prefix_len] == '\0') + { + /* pathname equals orig_prefix. */ + char *result = (char *) xmalloc (strlen (curr_prefix) + 1); + +#ifdef NO_XMALLOC + if (result != NULL) +#endif + { + strcpy (result, curr_prefix); + return result; + } + } + else if (ISSLASH (pathname[orig_prefix_len])) + { + /* pathname starts with orig_prefix. */ + const char *pathname_tail = &pathname[orig_prefix_len]; + char *result = + (char *) xmalloc (curr_prefix_len + strlen (pathname_tail) + 1); + +#ifdef NO_XMALLOC + if (result != NULL) +#endif + { + memcpy (result, curr_prefix, curr_prefix_len); + strcpy (result + curr_prefix_len, pathname_tail); + return result; + } + } + } + /* Nothing to relocate. */ + return pathname; +} + +#endif diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/relocatable.h b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/relocatable.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..68fe83ebd --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/libiconv/libiconv/relocatable.h @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +/* Provide relocatable packages. + Copyright (C) 2003, 2005, 2008-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Written by Bruno Haible , 2003. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published + by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, + USA. */ + +#ifndef _RELOCATABLE_H +#define _RELOCATABLE_H + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + + +/* This can be enabled through the configure --enable-relocatable option. */ +#if ENABLE_RELOCATABLE + +/* When building a DLL, we must export some functions. Note that because + this is a private .h file, we don't need to use __declspec(dllimport) + in any case. */ +#if HAVE_VISIBILITY && BUILDING_DLL +# define RELOCATABLE_DLL_EXPORTED __attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) +#elif defined _MSC_VER && BUILDING_DLL +# define RELOCATABLE_DLL_EXPORTED __declspec(dllexport) +#else +# define RELOCATABLE_DLL_EXPORTED +#endif + +/* Sets the original and the current installation prefix of the package. + Relocation simply replaces a pathname starting with the original prefix + by the corresponding pathname with the current prefix instead. Both + prefixes should be directory names without trailing slash (i.e. use "" + instead of "/"). */ +extern RELOCATABLE_DLL_EXPORTED void + set_relocation_prefix (const char *orig_prefix, + const char *curr_prefix); + +/* Returns the pathname, relocated according to the current installation + directory. + The returned string is either PATHNAME unmodified or a freshly allocated + string that you can free with free() after casting it to 'char *'. */ +extern const char * relocate (const char *pathname); + +/* Memory management: relocate() potentially allocates memory, because it has + to construct a fresh pathname. If this is a problem because your program + calls relocate() frequently, think about caching the result. Or free the + return value if it was different from the argument pathname. */ + +/* Convenience function: + Computes the current installation prefix, based on the original + installation prefix, the original installation directory of a particular + file, and the current pathname of this file. + Returns it, freshly allocated. Returns NULL upon failure. */ +extern char * compute_curr_prefix (const char *orig_installprefix, + const char *orig_installdir, + const char *curr_pathname); + +#else + +/* By default, we use the hardwired pathnames. */ +#define relocate(pathname) (pathname) + +#endif + + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* _RELOCATABLE_H */ diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/sqlite-amalgamation-3071602/shell.c b/LibTools/ogr/windows/sqlite-amalgamation-3071602/shell.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c6d7fa3d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/sqlite-amalgamation-3071602/shell.c @@ -0,0 +1,3204 @@ +/* +** 2001 September 15 +** +** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of +** a legal notice, here is a blessing: +** +** May you do good and not evil. +** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. +** May you share freely, never taking more than you give. +** +************************************************************************* +** This file contains code to implement the "sqlite" command line +** utility for accessing SQLite databases. +*/ +#if (defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) +/* This needs to come before any includes for MSVC compiler */ +#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS +#endif + +/* +** Enable large-file support for fopen() and friends on unix. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_DISABLE_LFS +# define _LARGE_FILE 1 +# ifndef _FILE_OFFSET_BITS +# define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 +# endif +# define _LARGEFILE_SOURCE 1 +#endif + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "sqlite3.h" +#include +#include + +#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WIN32) +# include +# if !defined(__RTP__) && !defined(_WRS_KERNEL) +# include +# endif +# include +# include +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE +# include +#endif +#if defined(HAVE_READLINE) && HAVE_READLINE==1 +# include +# include +#endif +#if !defined(HAVE_EDITLINE) && (!defined(HAVE_READLINE) || HAVE_READLINE!=1) +# define readline(p) local_getline(p,stdin,0) +# define add_history(X) +# define read_history(X) +# define write_history(X) +# define stifle_history(X) +#endif + +#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32) +# include +#define isatty(h) _isatty(h) +#define access(f,m) _access((f),(m)) +#undef popen +#define popen(a,b) _popen((a),(b)) +#undef pclose +#define pclose(x) _pclose(x) +#else +/* Make sure isatty() has a prototype. +*/ +extern int isatty(int); +#endif + +#if defined(_WIN32_WCE) +/* Windows CE (arm-wince-mingw32ce-gcc) does not provide isatty() + * thus we always assume that we have a console. That can be + * overridden with the -batch command line option. + */ +#define isatty(x) 1 +#endif + +/* True if the timer is enabled */ +static int enableTimer = 0; + +/* ctype macros that work with signed characters */ +#define IsSpace(X) isspace((unsigned char)X) +#define IsDigit(X) isdigit((unsigned char)X) +#define ToLower(X) (char)tolower((unsigned char)X) + +#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WIN32) && !defined(_WRS_KERNEL) \ + && !defined(__minux) +#include +#include + +/* Saved resource information for the beginning of an operation */ +static struct rusage sBegin; + +/* +** Begin timing an operation +*/ +static void beginTimer(void){ + if( enableTimer ){ + getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &sBegin); + } +} + +/* Return the difference of two time_structs in seconds */ +static double timeDiff(struct timeval *pStart, struct timeval *pEnd){ + return (pEnd->tv_usec - pStart->tv_usec)*0.000001 + + (double)(pEnd->tv_sec - pStart->tv_sec); +} + +/* +** Print the timing results. +*/ +static void endTimer(void){ + if( enableTimer ){ + struct rusage sEnd; + getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &sEnd); + printf("CPU Time: user %f sys %f\n", + timeDiff(&sBegin.ru_utime, &sEnd.ru_utime), + timeDiff(&sBegin.ru_stime, &sEnd.ru_stime)); + } +} + +#define BEGIN_TIMER beginTimer() +#define END_TIMER endTimer() +#define HAS_TIMER 1 + +#elif (defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)) + +#include + +/* Saved resource information for the beginning of an operation */ +static HANDLE hProcess; +static FILETIME ftKernelBegin; +static FILETIME ftUserBegin; +typedef BOOL (WINAPI *GETPROCTIMES)(HANDLE, LPFILETIME, LPFILETIME, LPFILETIME, LPFILETIME); +static GETPROCTIMES getProcessTimesAddr = NULL; + +/* +** Check to see if we have timer support. Return 1 if necessary +** support found (or found previously). +*/ +static int hasTimer(void){ + if( getProcessTimesAddr ){ + return 1; + } else { + /* GetProcessTimes() isn't supported in WIN95 and some other Windows versions. + ** See if the version we are running on has it, and if it does, save off + ** a pointer to it and the current process handle. + */ + hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); + if( hProcess ){ + HINSTANCE hinstLib = LoadLibrary(TEXT("Kernel32.dll")); + if( NULL != hinstLib ){ + getProcessTimesAddr = (GETPROCTIMES) GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "GetProcessTimes"); + if( NULL != getProcessTimesAddr ){ + return 1; + } + FreeLibrary(hinstLib); + } + } + } + return 0; +} + +/* +** Begin timing an operation +*/ +static void beginTimer(void){ + if( enableTimer && getProcessTimesAddr ){ + FILETIME ftCreation, ftExit; + getProcessTimesAddr(hProcess, &ftCreation, &ftExit, &ftKernelBegin, &ftUserBegin); + } +} + +/* Return the difference of two FILETIME structs in seconds */ +static double timeDiff(FILETIME *pStart, FILETIME *pEnd){ + sqlite_int64 i64Start = *((sqlite_int64 *) pStart); + sqlite_int64 i64End = *((sqlite_int64 *) pEnd); + return (double) ((i64End - i64Start) / 10000000.0); +} + +/* +** Print the timing results. +*/ +static void endTimer(void){ + if( enableTimer && getProcessTimesAddr){ + FILETIME ftCreation, ftExit, ftKernelEnd, ftUserEnd; + getProcessTimesAddr(hProcess, &ftCreation, &ftExit, &ftKernelEnd, &ftUserEnd); + printf("CPU Time: user %f sys %f\n", + timeDiff(&ftUserBegin, &ftUserEnd), + timeDiff(&ftKernelBegin, &ftKernelEnd)); + } +} + +#define BEGIN_TIMER beginTimer() +#define END_TIMER endTimer() +#define HAS_TIMER hasTimer() + +#else +#define BEGIN_TIMER +#define END_TIMER +#define HAS_TIMER 0 +#endif + +/* +** Used to prevent warnings about unused parameters +*/ +#define UNUSED_PARAMETER(x) (void)(x) + +/* +** If the following flag is set, then command execution stops +** at an error if we are not interactive. +*/ +static int bail_on_error = 0; + +/* +** Threat stdin as an interactive input if the following variable +** is true. Otherwise, assume stdin is connected to a file or pipe. +*/ +static int stdin_is_interactive = 1; + +/* +** The following is the open SQLite database. We make a pointer +** to this database a static variable so that it can be accessed +** by the SIGINT handler to interrupt database processing. +*/ +static sqlite3 *db = 0; + +/* +** True if an interrupt (Control-C) has been received. +*/ +static volatile int seenInterrupt = 0; + +/* +** This is the name of our program. It is set in main(), used +** in a number of other places, mostly for error messages. +*/ +static char *Argv0; + +/* +** Prompt strings. Initialized in main. Settable with +** .prompt main continue +*/ +static char mainPrompt[20]; /* First line prompt. default: "sqlite> "*/ +static char continuePrompt[20]; /* Continuation prompt. default: " ...> " */ + +/* +** Write I/O traces to the following stream. +*/ +#ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_IOTRACE +static FILE *iotrace = 0; +#endif + +/* +** This routine works like printf in that its first argument is a +** format string and subsequent arguments are values to be substituted +** in place of % fields. The result of formatting this string +** is written to iotrace. +*/ +#ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_IOTRACE +static void iotracePrintf(const char *zFormat, ...){ + va_list ap; + char *z; + if( iotrace==0 ) return; + va_start(ap, zFormat); + z = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFormat, ap); + va_end(ap); + fprintf(iotrace, "%s", z); + sqlite3_free(z); +} +#endif + + +/* +** Determines if a string is a number of not. +*/ +static int isNumber(const char *z, int *realnum){ + if( *z=='-' || *z=='+' ) z++; + if( !IsDigit(*z) ){ + return 0; + } + z++; + if( realnum ) *realnum = 0; + while( IsDigit(*z) ){ z++; } + if( *z=='.' ){ + z++; + if( !IsDigit(*z) ) return 0; + while( IsDigit(*z) ){ z++; } + if( realnum ) *realnum = 1; + } + if( *z=='e' || *z=='E' ){ + z++; + if( *z=='+' || *z=='-' ) z++; + if( !IsDigit(*z) ) return 0; + while( IsDigit(*z) ){ z++; } + if( realnum ) *realnum = 1; + } + return *z==0; +} + +/* +** A global char* and an SQL function to access its current value +** from within an SQL statement. This program used to use the +** sqlite_exec_printf() API to substitue a string into an SQL statement. +** The correct way to do this with sqlite3 is to use the bind API, but +** since the shell is built around the callback paradigm it would be a lot +** of work. Instead just use this hack, which is quite harmless. +*/ +static const char *zShellStatic = 0; +static void shellstaticFunc( + sqlite3_context *context, + int argc, + sqlite3_value **argv +){ + assert( 0==argc ); + assert( zShellStatic ); + UNUSED_PARAMETER(argc); + UNUSED_PARAMETER(argv); + sqlite3_result_text(context, zShellStatic, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); +} + + +/* +** This routine reads a line of text from FILE in, stores +** the text in memory obtained from malloc() and returns a pointer +** to the text. NULL is returned at end of file, or if malloc() +** fails. +** +** The interface is like "readline" but no command-line editing +** is done. +*/ +static char *local_getline(char *zPrompt, FILE *in, int csvFlag){ + char *zLine; + int nLine; + int n; + int inQuote = 0; + + if( zPrompt && *zPrompt ){ + printf("%s",zPrompt); + fflush(stdout); + } + nLine = 100; + zLine = malloc( nLine ); + if( zLine==0 ) return 0; + n = 0; + while( 1 ){ + if( n+100>nLine ){ + nLine = nLine*2 + 100; + zLine = realloc(zLine, nLine); + if( zLine==0 ) return 0; + } + if( fgets(&zLine[n], nLine - n, in)==0 ){ + if( n==0 ){ + free(zLine); + return 0; + } + zLine[n] = 0; + break; + } + while( zLine[n] ){ + if( zLine[n]=='"' ) inQuote = !inQuote; + n++; + } + if( n>0 && zLine[n-1]=='\n' && (!inQuote || !csvFlag) ){ + n--; + if( n>0 && zLine[n-1]=='\r' ) n--; + zLine[n] = 0; + break; + } + } + zLine = realloc( zLine, n+1 ); + return zLine; +} + +/* +** Retrieve a single line of input text. +** +** zPrior is a string of prior text retrieved. If not the empty +** string, then issue a continuation prompt. +*/ +static char *one_input_line(const char *zPrior, FILE *in){ + char *zPrompt; + char *zResult; + if( in!=0 ){ + return local_getline(0, in, 0); + } + if( zPrior && zPrior[0] ){ + zPrompt = continuePrompt; + }else{ + zPrompt = mainPrompt; + } + zResult = readline(zPrompt); +#if defined(HAVE_READLINE) && HAVE_READLINE==1 + if( zResult && *zResult ) add_history(zResult); +#endif + return zResult; +} + +struct previous_mode_data { + int valid; /* Is there legit data in here? */ + int mode; + int showHeader; + int colWidth[100]; +}; + +/* +** An pointer to an instance of this structure is passed from +** the main program to the callback. This is used to communicate +** state and mode information. +*/ +struct callback_data { + sqlite3 *db; /* The database */ + int echoOn; /* True to echo input commands */ + int statsOn; /* True to display memory stats before each finalize */ + int cnt; /* Number of records displayed so far */ + FILE *out; /* Write results here */ + FILE *traceOut; /* Output for sqlite3_trace() */ + int nErr; /* Number of errors seen */ + int mode; /* An output mode setting */ + int writableSchema; /* True if PRAGMA writable_schema=ON */ + int showHeader; /* True to show column names in List or Column mode */ + char *zDestTable; /* Name of destination table when MODE_Insert */ + char separator[20]; /* Separator character for MODE_List */ + int colWidth[100]; /* Requested width of each column when in column mode*/ + int actualWidth[100]; /* Actual width of each column */ + char nullvalue[20]; /* The text to print when a NULL comes back from + ** the database */ + struct previous_mode_data explainPrev; + /* Holds the mode information just before + ** .explain ON */ + char outfile[FILENAME_MAX]; /* Filename for *out */ + const char *zDbFilename; /* name of the database file */ + const char *zVfs; /* Name of VFS to use */ + sqlite3_stmt *pStmt; /* Current statement if any. */ + FILE *pLog; /* Write log output here */ +}; + +/* +** These are the allowed modes. +*/ +#define MODE_Line 0 /* One column per line. Blank line between records */ +#define MODE_Column 1 /* One record per line in neat columns */ +#define MODE_List 2 /* One record per line with a separator */ +#define MODE_Semi 3 /* Same as MODE_List but append ";" to each line */ +#define MODE_Html 4 /* Generate an XHTML table */ +#define MODE_Insert 5 /* Generate SQL "insert" statements */ +#define MODE_Tcl 6 /* Generate ANSI-C or TCL quoted elements */ +#define MODE_Csv 7 /* Quote strings, numbers are plain */ +#define MODE_Explain 8 /* Like MODE_Column, but do not truncate data */ + +static const char *modeDescr[] = { + "line", + "column", + "list", + "semi", + "html", + "insert", + "tcl", + "csv", + "explain", +}; + +/* +** Number of elements in an array +*/ +#define ArraySize(X) (int)(sizeof(X)/sizeof(X[0])) + +/* +** Compute a string length that is limited to what can be stored in +** lower 30 bits of a 32-bit signed integer. +*/ +static int strlen30(const char *z){ + const char *z2 = z; + while( *z2 ){ z2++; } + return 0x3fffffff & (int)(z2 - z); +} + +/* +** A callback for the sqlite3_log() interface. +*/ +static void shellLog(void *pArg, int iErrCode, const char *zMsg){ + struct callback_data *p = (struct callback_data*)pArg; + if( p->pLog==0 ) return; + fprintf(p->pLog, "(%d) %s\n", iErrCode, zMsg); + fflush(p->pLog); +} + +/* +** Output the given string as a hex-encoded blob (eg. X'1234' ) +*/ +static void output_hex_blob(FILE *out, const void *pBlob, int nBlob){ + int i; + char *zBlob = (char *)pBlob; + fprintf(out,"X'"); + for(i=0; i0 ){ + fprintf(out,"%.*s",i,z); + } + if( z[i]=='<' ){ + fprintf(out,"<"); + }else if( z[i]=='&' ){ + fprintf(out,"&"); + }else if( z[i]=='>' ){ + fprintf(out,">"); + }else if( z[i]=='\"' ){ + fprintf(out,"""); + }else if( z[i]=='\'' ){ + fprintf(out,"'"); + }else{ + break; + } + z += i + 1; + } +} + +/* +** If a field contains any character identified by a 1 in the following +** array, then the string must be quoted for CSV. +*/ +static const char needCsvQuote[] = { + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, +}; + +/* +** Output a single term of CSV. Actually, p->separator is used for +** the separator, which may or may not be a comma. p->nullvalue is +** the null value. Strings are quoted if necessary. +*/ +static void output_csv(struct callback_data *p, const char *z, int bSep){ + FILE *out = p->out; + if( z==0 ){ + fprintf(out,"%s",p->nullvalue); + }else{ + int i; + int nSep = strlen30(p->separator); + for(i=0; z[i]; i++){ + if( needCsvQuote[((unsigned char*)z)[i]] + || (z[i]==p->separator[0] && + (nSep==1 || memcmp(z, p->separator, nSep)==0)) ){ + i = 0; + break; + } + } + if( i==0 ){ + putc('"', out); + for(i=0; z[i]; i++){ + if( z[i]=='"' ) putc('"', out); + putc(z[i], out); + } + putc('"', out); + }else{ + fprintf(out, "%s", z); + } + } + if( bSep ){ + fprintf(p->out, "%s", p->separator); + } +} + +#ifdef SIGINT +/* +** This routine runs when the user presses Ctrl-C +*/ +static void interrupt_handler(int NotUsed){ + UNUSED_PARAMETER(NotUsed); + seenInterrupt = 1; + if( db ) sqlite3_interrupt(db); +} +#endif + +/* +** This is the callback routine that the shell +** invokes for each row of a query result. +*/ +static int shell_callback(void *pArg, int nArg, char **azArg, char **azCol, int *aiType){ + int i; + struct callback_data *p = (struct callback_data*)pArg; + + switch( p->mode ){ + case MODE_Line: { + int w = 5; + if( azArg==0 ) break; + for(i=0; iw ) w = len; + } + if( p->cnt++>0 ) fprintf(p->out,"\n"); + for(i=0; iout,"%*s = %s\n", w, azCol[i], + azArg[i] ? azArg[i] : p->nullvalue); + } + break; + } + case MODE_Explain: + case MODE_Column: { + if( p->cnt++==0 ){ + for(i=0; icolWidth) ){ + w = p->colWidth[i]; + }else{ + w = 0; + } + if( w==0 ){ + w = strlen30(azCol[i] ? azCol[i] : ""); + if( w<10 ) w = 10; + n = strlen30(azArg && azArg[i] ? azArg[i] : p->nullvalue); + if( wactualWidth) ){ + p->actualWidth[i] = w; + } + if( p->showHeader ){ + if( w<0 ){ + fprintf(p->out,"%*.*s%s",-w,-w,azCol[i], i==nArg-1 ? "\n": " "); + }else{ + fprintf(p->out,"%-*.*s%s",w,w,azCol[i], i==nArg-1 ? "\n": " "); + } + } + } + if( p->showHeader ){ + for(i=0; iactualWidth) ){ + w = p->actualWidth[i]; + if( w<0 ) w = -w; + }else{ + w = 10; + } + fprintf(p->out,"%-*.*s%s",w,w,"-----------------------------------" + "----------------------------------------------------------", + i==nArg-1 ? "\n": " "); + } + } + } + if( azArg==0 ) break; + for(i=0; iactualWidth) ){ + w = p->actualWidth[i]; + }else{ + w = 10; + } + if( p->mode==MODE_Explain && azArg[i] && + strlen30(azArg[i])>w ){ + w = strlen30(azArg[i]); + } + if( w<0 ){ + fprintf(p->out,"%*.*s%s",-w,-w, + azArg[i] ? azArg[i] : p->nullvalue, i==nArg-1 ? "\n": " "); + }else{ + fprintf(p->out,"%-*.*s%s",w,w, + azArg[i] ? azArg[i] : p->nullvalue, i==nArg-1 ? "\n": " "); + } + } + break; + } + case MODE_Semi: + case MODE_List: { + if( p->cnt++==0 && p->showHeader ){ + for(i=0; iout,"%s%s",azCol[i], i==nArg-1 ? "\n" : p->separator); + } + } + if( azArg==0 ) break; + for(i=0; inullvalue; + fprintf(p->out, "%s", z); + if( iout, "%s", p->separator); + }else if( p->mode==MODE_Semi ){ + fprintf(p->out, ";\n"); + }else{ + fprintf(p->out, "\n"); + } + } + break; + } + case MODE_Html: { + if( p->cnt++==0 && p->showHeader ){ + fprintf(p->out,""); + for(i=0; iout,""); + output_html_string(p->out, azCol[i]); + fprintf(p->out,"\n"); + } + fprintf(p->out,"\n"); + } + if( azArg==0 ) break; + fprintf(p->out,""); + for(i=0; iout,""); + output_html_string(p->out, azArg[i] ? azArg[i] : p->nullvalue); + fprintf(p->out,"\n"); + } + fprintf(p->out,"\n"); + break; + } + case MODE_Tcl: { + if( p->cnt++==0 && p->showHeader ){ + for(i=0; iout,azCol[i] ? azCol[i] : ""); + if(iout, "%s", p->separator); + } + fprintf(p->out,"\n"); + } + if( azArg==0 ) break; + for(i=0; iout, azArg[i] ? azArg[i] : p->nullvalue); + if(iout, "%s", p->separator); + } + fprintf(p->out,"\n"); + break; + } + case MODE_Csv: { + if( p->cnt++==0 && p->showHeader ){ + for(i=0; iout,"\n"); + } + if( azArg==0 ) break; + for(i=0; iout,"\n"); + break; + } + case MODE_Insert: { + p->cnt++; + if( azArg==0 ) break; + fprintf(p->out,"INSERT INTO %s VALUES(",p->zDestTable); + for(i=0; i0 ? ",": ""; + if( (azArg[i]==0) || (aiType && aiType[i]==SQLITE_NULL) ){ + fprintf(p->out,"%sNULL",zSep); + }else if( aiType && aiType[i]==SQLITE_TEXT ){ + if( zSep[0] ) fprintf(p->out,"%s",zSep); + output_quoted_string(p->out, azArg[i]); + }else if( aiType && (aiType[i]==SQLITE_INTEGER || aiType[i]==SQLITE_FLOAT) ){ + fprintf(p->out,"%s%s",zSep, azArg[i]); + }else if( aiType && aiType[i]==SQLITE_BLOB && p->pStmt ){ + const void *pBlob = sqlite3_column_blob(p->pStmt, i); + int nBlob = sqlite3_column_bytes(p->pStmt, i); + if( zSep[0] ) fprintf(p->out,"%s",zSep); + output_hex_blob(p->out, pBlob, nBlob); + }else if( isNumber(azArg[i], 0) ){ + fprintf(p->out,"%s%s",zSep, azArg[i]); + }else{ + if( zSep[0] ) fprintf(p->out,"%s",zSep); + output_quoted_string(p->out, azArg[i]); + } + } + fprintf(p->out,");\n"); + break; + } + } + return 0; +} + +/* +** This is the callback routine that the SQLite library +** invokes for each row of a query result. +*/ +static int callback(void *pArg, int nArg, char **azArg, char **azCol){ + /* since we don't have type info, call the shell_callback with a NULL value */ + return shell_callback(pArg, nArg, azArg, azCol, NULL); +} + +/* +** Set the destination table field of the callback_data structure to +** the name of the table given. Escape any quote characters in the +** table name. +*/ +static void set_table_name(struct callback_data *p, const char *zName){ + int i, n; + int needQuote; + char *z; + + if( p->zDestTable ){ + free(p->zDestTable); + p->zDestTable = 0; + } + if( zName==0 ) return; + needQuote = !isalpha((unsigned char)*zName) && *zName!='_'; + for(i=n=0; zName[i]; i++, n++){ + if( !isalnum((unsigned char)zName[i]) && zName[i]!='_' ){ + needQuote = 1; + if( zName[i]=='\'' ) n++; + } + } + if( needQuote ) n += 2; + z = p->zDestTable = malloc( n+1 ); + if( z==0 ){ + fprintf(stderr,"Error: out of memory\n"); + exit(1); + } + n = 0; + if( needQuote ) z[n++] = '\''; + for(i=0; zName[i]; i++){ + z[n++] = zName[i]; + if( zName[i]=='\'' ) z[n++] = '\''; + } + if( needQuote ) z[n++] = '\''; + z[n] = 0; +} + +/* zIn is either a pointer to a NULL-terminated string in memory obtained +** from malloc(), or a NULL pointer. The string pointed to by zAppend is +** added to zIn, and the result returned in memory obtained from malloc(). +** zIn, if it was not NULL, is freed. +** +** If the third argument, quote, is not '\0', then it is used as a +** quote character for zAppend. +*/ +static char *appendText(char *zIn, char const *zAppend, char quote){ + int len; + int i; + int nAppend = strlen30(zAppend); + int nIn = (zIn?strlen30(zIn):0); + + len = nAppend+nIn+1; + if( quote ){ + len += 2; + for(i=0; idb, zSelect, -1, &pSelect, 0); + if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || !pSelect ){ + fprintf(p->out, "/**** ERROR: (%d) %s *****/\n", rc, sqlite3_errmsg(p->db)); + p->nErr++; + return rc; + } + rc = sqlite3_step(pSelect); + nResult = sqlite3_column_count(pSelect); + while( rc==SQLITE_ROW ){ + if( zFirstRow ){ + fprintf(p->out, "%s", zFirstRow); + zFirstRow = 0; + } + z = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pSelect, 0); + fprintf(p->out, "%s", z); + for(i=1; iout, ",%s", sqlite3_column_text(pSelect, i)); + } + if( z==0 ) z = ""; + while( z[0] && (z[0]!='-' || z[1]!='-') ) z++; + if( z[0] ){ + fprintf(p->out, "\n;\n"); + }else{ + fprintf(p->out, ";\n"); + } + rc = sqlite3_step(pSelect); + } + rc = sqlite3_finalize(pSelect); + if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ + fprintf(p->out, "/**** ERROR: (%d) %s *****/\n", rc, sqlite3_errmsg(p->db)); + p->nErr++; + } + return rc; +} + +/* +** Allocate space and save off current error string. +*/ +static char *save_err_msg( + sqlite3 *db /* Database to query */ +){ + int nErrMsg = 1+strlen30(sqlite3_errmsg(db)); + char *zErrMsg = sqlite3_malloc(nErrMsg); + if( zErrMsg ){ + memcpy(zErrMsg, sqlite3_errmsg(db), nErrMsg); + } + return zErrMsg; +} + +/* +** Display memory stats. +*/ +static int display_stats( + sqlite3 *db, /* Database to query */ + struct callback_data *pArg, /* Pointer to struct callback_data */ + int bReset /* True to reset the stats */ +){ + int iCur; + int iHiwtr; + + if( pArg && pArg->out ){ + + iHiwtr = iCur = -1; + sqlite3_status(SQLITE_STATUS_MEMORY_USED, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Memory Used: %d (max %d) bytes\n", iCur, iHiwtr); + iHiwtr = iCur = -1; + sqlite3_status(SQLITE_STATUS_MALLOC_COUNT, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Number of Outstanding Allocations: %d (max %d)\n", iCur, iHiwtr); +/* +** Not currently used by the CLI. +** iHiwtr = iCur = -1; +** sqlite3_status(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_USED, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset); +** fprintf(pArg->out, "Number of Pcache Pages Used: %d (max %d) pages\n", iCur, iHiwtr); +*/ + iHiwtr = iCur = -1; + sqlite3_status(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_OVERFLOW, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Number of Pcache Overflow Bytes: %d (max %d) bytes\n", iCur, iHiwtr); +/* +** Not currently used by the CLI. +** iHiwtr = iCur = -1; +** sqlite3_status(SQLITE_STATUS_SCRATCH_USED, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset); +** fprintf(pArg->out, "Number of Scratch Allocations Used: %d (max %d)\n", iCur, iHiwtr); +*/ + iHiwtr = iCur = -1; + sqlite3_status(SQLITE_STATUS_SCRATCH_OVERFLOW, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Number of Scratch Overflow Bytes: %d (max %d) bytes\n", iCur, iHiwtr); + iHiwtr = iCur = -1; + sqlite3_status(SQLITE_STATUS_MALLOC_SIZE, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Largest Allocation: %d bytes\n", iHiwtr); + iHiwtr = iCur = -1; + sqlite3_status(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_SIZE, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Largest Pcache Allocation: %d bytes\n", iHiwtr); + iHiwtr = iCur = -1; + sqlite3_status(SQLITE_STATUS_SCRATCH_SIZE, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Largest Scratch Allocation: %d bytes\n", iHiwtr); +#ifdef YYTRACKMAXSTACKDEPTH + iHiwtr = iCur = -1; + sqlite3_status(SQLITE_STATUS_PARSER_STACK, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Deepest Parser Stack: %d (max %d)\n", iCur, iHiwtr); +#endif + } + + if( pArg && pArg->out && db ){ + iHiwtr = iCur = -1; + sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_USED, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Lookaside Slots Used: %d (max %d)\n", iCur, iHiwtr); + sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_HIT, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Successful lookaside attempts: %d\n", iHiwtr); + sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_MISS_SIZE, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Lookaside failures due to size: %d\n", iHiwtr); + sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_MISS_FULL, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Lookaside failures due to OOM: %d\n", iHiwtr); + iHiwtr = iCur = -1; + sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Pager Heap Usage: %d bytes\n", iCur); iHiwtr = iCur = -1; + sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_HIT, &iCur, &iHiwtr, 1); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Page cache hits: %d\n", iCur); + iHiwtr = iCur = -1; + sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_MISS, &iCur, &iHiwtr, 1); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Page cache misses: %d\n", iCur); + iHiwtr = iCur = -1; + sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_WRITE, &iCur, &iHiwtr, 1); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Page cache writes: %d\n", iCur); + iHiwtr = iCur = -1; + sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_SCHEMA_USED, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Schema Heap Usage: %d bytes\n", iCur); + iHiwtr = iCur = -1; + sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_STMT_USED, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Statement Heap/Lookaside Usage: %d bytes\n", iCur); + } + + if( pArg && pArg->out && db && pArg->pStmt ){ + iCur = sqlite3_stmt_status(pArg->pStmt, SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_FULLSCAN_STEP, bReset); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Fullscan Steps: %d\n", iCur); + iCur = sqlite3_stmt_status(pArg->pStmt, SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_SORT, bReset); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Sort Operations: %d\n", iCur); + iCur = sqlite3_stmt_status(pArg->pStmt, SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_AUTOINDEX, bReset); + fprintf(pArg->out, "Autoindex Inserts: %d\n", iCur); + } + + return 0; +} + +/* +** Execute a statement or set of statements. Print +** any result rows/columns depending on the current mode +** set via the supplied callback. +** +** This is very similar to SQLite's built-in sqlite3_exec() +** function except it takes a slightly different callback +** and callback data argument. +*/ +static int shell_exec( + sqlite3 *db, /* An open database */ + const char *zSql, /* SQL to be evaluated */ + int (*xCallback)(void*,int,char**,char**,int*), /* Callback function */ + /* (not the same as sqlite3_exec) */ + struct callback_data *pArg, /* Pointer to struct callback_data */ + char **pzErrMsg /* Error msg written here */ +){ + sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = NULL; /* Statement to execute. */ + int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Return Code */ + int rc2; + const char *zLeftover; /* Tail of unprocessed SQL */ + + if( pzErrMsg ){ + *pzErrMsg = NULL; + } + + while( zSql[0] && (SQLITE_OK == rc) ){ + rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, &zLeftover); + if( SQLITE_OK != rc ){ + if( pzErrMsg ){ + *pzErrMsg = save_err_msg(db); + } + }else{ + if( !pStmt ){ + /* this happens for a comment or white-space */ + zSql = zLeftover; + while( IsSpace(zSql[0]) ) zSql++; + continue; + } + + /* save off the prepared statment handle and reset row count */ + if( pArg ){ + pArg->pStmt = pStmt; + pArg->cnt = 0; + } + + /* echo the sql statement if echo on */ + if( pArg && pArg->echoOn ){ + const char *zStmtSql = sqlite3_sql(pStmt); + fprintf(pArg->out, "%s\n", zStmtSql ? zStmtSql : zSql); + } + + /* Output TESTCTRL_EXPLAIN text of requested */ + if( pArg && pArg->mode==MODE_Explain ){ + const char *zExplain = 0; + sqlite3_test_control(SQLITE_TESTCTRL_EXPLAIN_STMT, pStmt, &zExplain); + if( zExplain && zExplain[0] ){ + fprintf(pArg->out, "%s", zExplain); + } + } + + /* perform the first step. this will tell us if we + ** have a result set or not and how wide it is. + */ + rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt); + /* if we have a result set... */ + if( SQLITE_ROW == rc ){ + /* if we have a callback... */ + if( xCallback ){ + /* allocate space for col name ptr, value ptr, and type */ + int nCol = sqlite3_column_count(pStmt); + void *pData = sqlite3_malloc(3*nCol*sizeof(const char*) + 1); + if( !pData ){ + rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; + }else{ + char **azCols = (char **)pData; /* Names of result columns */ + char **azVals = &azCols[nCol]; /* Results */ + int *aiTypes = (int *)&azVals[nCol]; /* Result types */ + int i; + assert(sizeof(int) <= sizeof(char *)); + /* save off ptrs to column names */ + for(i=0; istatsOn ){ + display_stats(db, pArg, 0); + } + + /* Finalize the statement just executed. If this fails, save a + ** copy of the error message. Otherwise, set zSql to point to the + ** next statement to execute. */ + rc2 = sqlite3_finalize(pStmt); + if( rc!=SQLITE_NOMEM ) rc = rc2; + if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ + zSql = zLeftover; + while( IsSpace(zSql[0]) ) zSql++; + }else if( pzErrMsg ){ + *pzErrMsg = save_err_msg(db); + } + + /* clear saved stmt handle */ + if( pArg ){ + pArg->pStmt = NULL; + } + } + } /* end while */ + + return rc; +} + + +/* +** This is a different callback routine used for dumping the database. +** Each row received by this callback consists of a table name, +** the table type ("index" or "table") and SQL to create the table. +** This routine should print text sufficient to recreate the table. +*/ +static int dump_callback(void *pArg, int nArg, char **azArg, char **azCol){ + int rc; + const char *zTable; + const char *zType; + const char *zSql; + const char *zPrepStmt = 0; + struct callback_data *p = (struct callback_data *)pArg; + + UNUSED_PARAMETER(azCol); + if( nArg!=3 ) return 1; + zTable = azArg[0]; + zType = azArg[1]; + zSql = azArg[2]; + + if( strcmp(zTable, "sqlite_sequence")==0 ){ + zPrepStmt = "DELETE FROM sqlite_sequence;\n"; + }else if( strcmp(zTable, "sqlite_stat1")==0 ){ + fprintf(p->out, "ANALYZE sqlite_master;\n"); + }else if( strncmp(zTable, "sqlite_", 7)==0 ){ + return 0; + }else if( strncmp(zSql, "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE", 20)==0 ){ + char *zIns; + if( !p->writableSchema ){ + fprintf(p->out, "PRAGMA writable_schema=ON;\n"); + p->writableSchema = 1; + } + zIns = sqlite3_mprintf( + "INSERT INTO sqlite_master(type,name,tbl_name,rootpage,sql)" + "VALUES('table','%q','%q',0,'%q');", + zTable, zTable, zSql); + fprintf(p->out, "%s\n", zIns); + sqlite3_free(zIns); + return 0; + }else{ + fprintf(p->out, "%s;\n", zSql); + } + + if( strcmp(zType, "table")==0 ){ + sqlite3_stmt *pTableInfo = 0; + char *zSelect = 0; + char *zTableInfo = 0; + char *zTmp = 0; + int nRow = 0; + + zTableInfo = appendText(zTableInfo, "PRAGMA table_info(", 0); + zTableInfo = appendText(zTableInfo, zTable, '"'); + zTableInfo = appendText(zTableInfo, ");", 0); + + rc = sqlite3_prepare(p->db, zTableInfo, -1, &pTableInfo, 0); + free(zTableInfo); + if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || !pTableInfo ){ + return 1; + } + + zSelect = appendText(zSelect, "SELECT 'INSERT INTO ' || ", 0); + /* Always quote the table name, even if it appears to be pure ascii, + ** in case it is a keyword. Ex: INSERT INTO "table" ... */ + zTmp = appendText(zTmp, zTable, '"'); + if( zTmp ){ + zSelect = appendText(zSelect, zTmp, '\''); + free(zTmp); + } + zSelect = appendText(zSelect, " || ' VALUES(' || ", 0); + rc = sqlite3_step(pTableInfo); + while( rc==SQLITE_ROW ){ + const char *zText = (const char *)sqlite3_column_text(pTableInfo, 1); + zSelect = appendText(zSelect, "quote(", 0); + zSelect = appendText(zSelect, zText, '"'); + rc = sqlite3_step(pTableInfo); + if( rc==SQLITE_ROW ){ + zSelect = appendText(zSelect, "), ", 0); + }else{ + zSelect = appendText(zSelect, ") ", 0); + } + nRow++; + } + rc = sqlite3_finalize(pTableInfo); + if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || nRow==0 ){ + free(zSelect); + return 1; + } + zSelect = appendText(zSelect, "|| ')' FROM ", 0); + zSelect = appendText(zSelect, zTable, '"'); + + rc = run_table_dump_query(p, zSelect, zPrepStmt); + if( rc==SQLITE_CORRUPT ){ + zSelect = appendText(zSelect, " ORDER BY rowid DESC", 0); + run_table_dump_query(p, zSelect, 0); + } + free(zSelect); + } + return 0; +} + +/* +** Run zQuery. Use dump_callback() as the callback routine so that +** the contents of the query are output as SQL statements. +** +** If we get a SQLITE_CORRUPT error, rerun the query after appending +** "ORDER BY rowid DESC" to the end. +*/ +static int run_schema_dump_query( + struct callback_data *p, + const char *zQuery +){ + int rc; + char *zErr = 0; + rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db, zQuery, dump_callback, p, &zErr); + if( rc==SQLITE_CORRUPT ){ + char *zQ2; + int len = strlen30(zQuery); + fprintf(p->out, "/****** CORRUPTION ERROR *******/\n"); + if( zErr ){ + fprintf(p->out, "/****** %s ******/\n", zErr); + sqlite3_free(zErr); + zErr = 0; + } + zQ2 = malloc( len+100 ); + if( zQ2==0 ) return rc; + sqlite3_snprintf(len+100, zQ2, "%s ORDER BY rowid DESC", zQuery); + rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db, zQ2, dump_callback, p, &zErr); + if( rc ){ + fprintf(p->out, "/****** ERROR: %s ******/\n", zErr); + }else{ + rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT; + } + sqlite3_free(zErr); + free(zQ2); + } + return rc; +} + +/* +** Text of a help message +*/ +static char zHelp[] = + ".backup ?DB? FILE Backup DB (default \"main\") to FILE\n" + ".bail ON|OFF Stop after hitting an error. Default OFF\n" + ".databases List names and files of attached databases\n" + ".dump ?TABLE? ... Dump the database in an SQL text format\n" + " If TABLE specified, only dump tables matching\n" + " LIKE pattern TABLE.\n" + ".echo ON|OFF Turn command echo on or off\n" + ".exit Exit this program\n" + ".explain ?ON|OFF? Turn output mode suitable for EXPLAIN on or off.\n" + " With no args, it turns EXPLAIN on.\n" + ".header(s) ON|OFF Turn display of headers on or off\n" + ".help Show this message\n" + ".import FILE TABLE Import data from FILE into TABLE\n" + ".indices ?TABLE? Show names of all indices\n" + " If TABLE specified, only show indices for tables\n" + " matching LIKE pattern TABLE.\n" +#ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_IOTRACE + ".iotrace FILE Enable I/O diagnostic logging to FILE\n" +#endif +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION + ".load FILE ?ENTRY? Load an extension library\n" +#endif + ".log FILE|off Turn logging on or off. FILE can be stderr/stdout\n" + ".mode MODE ?TABLE? Set output mode where MODE is one of:\n" + " csv Comma-separated values\n" + " column Left-aligned columns. (See .width)\n" + " html HTML code\n" + " insert SQL insert statements for TABLE\n" + " line One value per line\n" + " list Values delimited by .separator string\n" + " tabs Tab-separated values\n" + " tcl TCL list elements\n" + ".nullvalue STRING Use STRING in place of NULL values\n" + ".output FILENAME Send output to FILENAME\n" + ".output stdout Send output to the screen\n" + ".print STRING... Print literal STRING\n" + ".prompt MAIN CONTINUE Replace the standard prompts\n" + ".quit Exit this program\n" + ".read FILENAME Execute SQL in FILENAME\n" + ".restore ?DB? FILE Restore content of DB (default \"main\") from FILE\n" + ".schema ?TABLE? Show the CREATE statements\n" + " If TABLE specified, only show tables matching\n" + " LIKE pattern TABLE.\n" + ".separator STRING Change separator used by output mode and .import\n" + ".show Show the current values for various settings\n" + ".stats ON|OFF Turn stats on or off\n" + ".tables ?TABLE? List names of tables\n" + " If TABLE specified, only list tables matching\n" + " LIKE pattern TABLE.\n" + ".timeout MS Try opening locked tables for MS milliseconds\n" + ".trace FILE|off Output each SQL statement as it is run\n" + ".vfsname ?AUX? Print the name of the VFS stack\n" + ".width NUM1 NUM2 ... Set column widths for \"column\" mode\n" +; + +static char zTimerHelp[] = + ".timer ON|OFF Turn the CPU timer measurement on or off\n" +; + +/* Forward reference */ +static int process_input(struct callback_data *p, FILE *in); + +/* +** Make sure the database is open. If it is not, then open it. If +** the database fails to open, print an error message and exit. +*/ +static void open_db(struct callback_data *p){ + if( p->db==0 ){ + sqlite3_initialize(); + sqlite3_open(p->zDbFilename, &p->db); + db = p->db; + if( db && sqlite3_errcode(db)==SQLITE_OK ){ + sqlite3_create_function(db, "shellstatic", 0, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, + shellstaticFunc, 0, 0); + } + if( db==0 || SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3_errcode(db) ){ + fprintf(stderr,"Error: unable to open database \"%s\": %s\n", + p->zDbFilename, sqlite3_errmsg(db)); + exit(1); + } +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION + sqlite3_enable_load_extension(p->db, 1); +#endif +#ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_REGEXP + { + extern int sqlite3_add_regexp_func(sqlite3*); + sqlite3_add_regexp_func(db); + } +#endif +#ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_SPELLFIX + { + extern int sqlite3_spellfix1_register(sqlite3*); + sqlite3_spellfix1_register(db); + } +#endif + } +} + +/* +** Do C-language style dequoting. +** +** \t -> tab +** \n -> newline +** \r -> carriage return +** \NNN -> ascii character NNN in octal +** \\ -> backslash +*/ +static void resolve_backslashes(char *z){ + int i, j; + char c; + for(i=j=0; (c = z[i])!=0; i++, j++){ + if( c=='\\' ){ + c = z[++i]; + if( c=='n' ){ + c = '\n'; + }else if( c=='t' ){ + c = '\t'; + }else if( c=='r' ){ + c = '\r'; + }else if( c>='0' && c<='7' ){ + c -= '0'; + if( z[i+1]>='0' && z[i+1]<='7' ){ + i++; + c = (c<<3) + z[i] - '0'; + if( z[i+1]>='0' && z[i+1]<='7' ){ + i++; + c = (c<<3) + z[i] - '0'; + } + } + } + } + z[j] = c; + } + z[j] = 0; +} + +/* +** Interpret zArg as a boolean value. Return either 0 or 1. +*/ +static int booleanValue(char *zArg){ + int i; + for(i=0; zArg[i]>='0' && zArg[i]<='9'; i++){} + if( i>0 && zArg[i]==0 ) return atoi(zArg); + if( sqlite3_stricmp(zArg, "on")==0 || sqlite3_stricmp(zArg,"yes")==0 ){ + return 1; + } + if( sqlite3_stricmp(zArg, "off")==0 || sqlite3_stricmp(zArg,"no")==0 ){ + return 0; + } + fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Not a boolean value: \"%s\". Assuming \"no\".\n", + zArg); + return 0; +} + +/* +** Close an output file, assuming it is not stderr or stdout +*/ +static void output_file_close(FILE *f){ + if( f && f!=stdout && f!=stderr ) fclose(f); +} + +/* +** Try to open an output file. The names "stdout" and "stderr" are +** recognized and do the right thing. NULL is returned if the output +** filename is "off". +*/ +static FILE *output_file_open(const char *zFile){ + FILE *f; + if( strcmp(zFile,"stdout")==0 ){ + f = stdout; + }else if( strcmp(zFile, "stderr")==0 ){ + f = stderr; + }else if( strcmp(zFile, "off")==0 ){ + f = 0; + }else{ + f = fopen(zFile, "wb"); + if( f==0 ){ + fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot open \"%s\"\n", zFile); + } + } + return f; +} + +/* +** A routine for handling output from sqlite3_trace(). +*/ +static void sql_trace_callback(void *pArg, const char *z){ + FILE *f = (FILE*)pArg; + if( f ) fprintf(f, "%s\n", z); +} + +/* +** A no-op routine that runs with the ".breakpoint" doc-command. This is +** a useful spot to set a debugger breakpoint. +*/ +static void test_breakpoint(void){ + static int nCall = 0; + nCall++; +} + +/* +** If an input line begins with "." then invoke this routine to +** process that line. +** +** Return 1 on error, 2 to exit, and 0 otherwise. +*/ +static int do_meta_command(char *zLine, struct callback_data *p){ + int i = 1; + int nArg = 0; + int n, c; + int rc = 0; + char *azArg[50]; + + /* Parse the input line into tokens. + */ + while( zLine[i] && nArg=3 && strncmp(azArg[0], "backup", n)==0 ){ + const char *zDestFile = 0; + const char *zDb = 0; + const char *zKey = 0; + sqlite3 *pDest; + sqlite3_backup *pBackup; + int j; + for(j=1; jdb, zDb); + if( pBackup==0 ){ + fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(pDest)); + sqlite3_close(pDest); + return 1; + } + while( (rc = sqlite3_backup_step(pBackup,100))==SQLITE_OK ){} + sqlite3_backup_finish(pBackup); + if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){ + rc = 0; + }else{ + fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(pDest)); + rc = 1; + } + sqlite3_close(pDest); + }else + + if( c=='b' && n>=3 && strncmp(azArg[0], "bail", n)==0 && nArg>1 && nArg<3 ){ + bail_on_error = booleanValue(azArg[1]); + }else + + /* The undocumented ".breakpoint" command causes a call to the no-op + ** routine named test_breakpoint(). + */ + if( c=='b' && n>=3 && strncmp(azArg[0], "breakpoint", n)==0 ){ + test_breakpoint(); + }else + + if( c=='d' && n>1 && strncmp(azArg[0], "databases", n)==0 && nArg==1 ){ + struct callback_data data; + char *zErrMsg = 0; + open_db(p); + memcpy(&data, p, sizeof(data)); + data.showHeader = 1; + data.mode = MODE_Column; + data.colWidth[0] = 3; + data.colWidth[1] = 15; + data.colWidth[2] = 58; + data.cnt = 0; + sqlite3_exec(p->db, "PRAGMA database_list; ", callback, &data, &zErrMsg); + if( zErrMsg ){ + fprintf(stderr,"Error: %s\n", zErrMsg); + sqlite3_free(zErrMsg); + rc = 1; + } + }else + + if( c=='d' && strncmp(azArg[0], "dump", n)==0 && nArg<3 ){ + open_db(p); + /* When playing back a "dump", the content might appear in an order + ** which causes immediate foreign key constraints to be violated. + ** So disable foreign-key constraint enforcement to prevent problems. */ + fprintf(p->out, "PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;\n"); + fprintf(p->out, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;\n"); + p->writableSchema = 0; + sqlite3_exec(p->db, "SAVEPOINT dump; PRAGMA writable_schema=ON", 0, 0, 0); + p->nErr = 0; + if( nArg==1 ){ + run_schema_dump_query(p, + "SELECT name, type, sql FROM sqlite_master " + "WHERE sql NOT NULL AND type=='table' AND name!='sqlite_sequence'" + ); + run_schema_dump_query(p, + "SELECT name, type, sql FROM sqlite_master " + "WHERE name=='sqlite_sequence'" + ); + run_table_dump_query(p, + "SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master " + "WHERE sql NOT NULL AND type IN ('index','trigger','view')", 0 + ); + }else{ + int i; + for(i=1; iwritableSchema ){ + fprintf(p->out, "PRAGMA writable_schema=OFF;\n"); + p->writableSchema = 0; + } + sqlite3_exec(p->db, "PRAGMA writable_schema=OFF;", 0, 0, 0); + sqlite3_exec(p->db, "RELEASE dump;", 0, 0, 0); + fprintf(p->out, p->nErr ? "ROLLBACK; -- due to errors\n" : "COMMIT;\n"); + }else + + if( c=='e' && strncmp(azArg[0], "echo", n)==0 && nArg>1 && nArg<3 ){ + p->echoOn = booleanValue(azArg[1]); + }else + + if( c=='e' && strncmp(azArg[0], "exit", n)==0 ){ + if( nArg>1 && (rc = atoi(azArg[1]))!=0 ) exit(rc); + rc = 2; + }else + + if( c=='e' && strncmp(azArg[0], "explain", n)==0 && nArg<3 ){ + int val = nArg>=2 ? booleanValue(azArg[1]) : 1; + if(val == 1) { + if(!p->explainPrev.valid) { + p->explainPrev.valid = 1; + p->explainPrev.mode = p->mode; + p->explainPrev.showHeader = p->showHeader; + memcpy(p->explainPrev.colWidth,p->colWidth,sizeof(p->colWidth)); + } + /* We could put this code under the !p->explainValid + ** condition so that it does not execute if we are already in + ** explain mode. However, always executing it allows us an easy + ** was to reset to explain mode in case the user previously + ** did an .explain followed by a .width, .mode or .header + ** command. + */ + p->mode = MODE_Explain; + p->showHeader = 1; + memset(p->colWidth,0,ArraySize(p->colWidth)); + p->colWidth[0] = 4; /* addr */ + p->colWidth[1] = 13; /* opcode */ + p->colWidth[2] = 4; /* P1 */ + p->colWidth[3] = 4; /* P2 */ + p->colWidth[4] = 4; /* P3 */ + p->colWidth[5] = 13; /* P4 */ + p->colWidth[6] = 2; /* P5 */ + p->colWidth[7] = 13; /* Comment */ + }else if (p->explainPrev.valid) { + p->explainPrev.valid = 0; + p->mode = p->explainPrev.mode; + p->showHeader = p->explainPrev.showHeader; + memcpy(p->colWidth,p->explainPrev.colWidth,sizeof(p->colWidth)); + } + }else + + if( c=='h' && (strncmp(azArg[0], "header", n)==0 || + strncmp(azArg[0], "headers", n)==0) && nArg>1 && nArg<3 ){ + p->showHeader = booleanValue(azArg[1]); + }else + + if( c=='h' && strncmp(azArg[0], "help", n)==0 ){ + fprintf(stderr,"%s",zHelp); + if( HAS_TIMER ){ + fprintf(stderr,"%s",zTimerHelp); + } + }else + + if( c=='i' && strncmp(azArg[0], "import", n)==0 && nArg==3 ){ + char *zTable = azArg[2]; /* Insert data into this table */ + char *zFile = azArg[1]; /* The file from which to extract data */ + sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = NULL; /* A statement */ + int nCol; /* Number of columns in the table */ + int nByte; /* Number of bytes in an SQL string */ + int i, j; /* Loop counters */ + int nSep; /* Number of bytes in p->separator[] */ + char *zSql; /* An SQL statement */ + char *zLine; /* A single line of input from the file */ + char **azCol; /* zLine[] broken up into columns */ + char *zCommit; /* How to commit changes */ + FILE *in; /* The input file */ + int lineno = 0; /* Line number of input file */ + + open_db(p); + nSep = strlen30(p->separator); + if( nSep==0 ){ + fprintf(stderr, "Error: non-null separator required for import\n"); + return 1; + } + zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT * FROM %s", zTable); + if( zSql==0 ){ + fprintf(stderr, "Error: out of memory\n"); + return 1; + } + nByte = strlen30(zSql); + rc = sqlite3_prepare(p->db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0); + sqlite3_free(zSql); + if( rc ){ + if (pStmt) sqlite3_finalize(pStmt); + fprintf(stderr,"Error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); + return 1; + } + nCol = sqlite3_column_count(pStmt); + sqlite3_finalize(pStmt); + pStmt = 0; + if( nCol==0 ) return 0; /* no columns, no error */ + zSql = malloc( nByte + 20 + nCol*2 ); + if( zSql==0 ){ + fprintf(stderr, "Error: out of memory\n"); + return 1; + } + sqlite3_snprintf(nByte+20, zSql, "INSERT INTO %s VALUES(?", zTable); + j = strlen30(zSql); + for(i=1; idb, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0); + free(zSql); + if( rc ){ + fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); + if (pStmt) sqlite3_finalize(pStmt); + return 1; + } + in = fopen(zFile, "rb"); + if( in==0 ){ + fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot open \"%s\"\n", zFile); + sqlite3_finalize(pStmt); + return 1; + } + azCol = malloc( sizeof(azCol[0])*(nCol+1) ); + if( azCol==0 ){ + fprintf(stderr, "Error: out of memory\n"); + fclose(in); + sqlite3_finalize(pStmt); + return 1; + } + sqlite3_exec(p->db, "BEGIN", 0, 0, 0); + zCommit = "COMMIT"; + while( (zLine = local_getline(0, in, 1))!=0 ){ + char *z, c; + int inQuote = 0; + lineno++; + azCol[0] = zLine; + for(i=0, z=zLine; (c = *z)!=0; z++){ + if( c=='"' ) inQuote = !inQuote; + if( c=='\n' ) lineno++; + if( !inQuote && c==p->separator[0] && strncmp(z,p->separator,nSep)==0 ){ + *z = 0; + i++; + if( idb, zCommit, 0, 0, 0); + }else + + if( c=='i' && strncmp(azArg[0], "indices", n)==0 && nArg<3 ){ + struct callback_data data; + char *zErrMsg = 0; + open_db(p); + memcpy(&data, p, sizeof(data)); + data.showHeader = 0; + data.mode = MODE_List; + if( nArg==1 ){ + rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db, + "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master " + "WHERE type='index' AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%' " + "UNION ALL " + "SELECT name FROM sqlite_temp_master " + "WHERE type='index' " + "ORDER BY 1", + callback, &data, &zErrMsg + ); + }else{ + zShellStatic = azArg[1]; + rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db, + "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master " + "WHERE type='index' AND tbl_name LIKE shellstatic() " + "UNION ALL " + "SELECT name FROM sqlite_temp_master " + "WHERE type='index' AND tbl_name LIKE shellstatic() " + "ORDER BY 1", + callback, &data, &zErrMsg + ); + zShellStatic = 0; + } + if( zErrMsg ){ + fprintf(stderr,"Error: %s\n", zErrMsg); + sqlite3_free(zErrMsg); + rc = 1; + }else if( rc != SQLITE_OK ){ + fprintf(stderr,"Error: querying sqlite_master and sqlite_temp_master\n"); + rc = 1; + } + }else + +#ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_IOTRACE + if( c=='i' && strncmp(azArg[0], "iotrace", n)==0 ){ + extern void (*sqlite3IoTrace)(const char*, ...); + if( iotrace && iotrace!=stdout ) fclose(iotrace); + iotrace = 0; + if( nArg<2 ){ + sqlite3IoTrace = 0; + }else if( strcmp(azArg[1], "-")==0 ){ + sqlite3IoTrace = iotracePrintf; + iotrace = stdout; + }else{ + iotrace = fopen(azArg[1], "w"); + if( iotrace==0 ){ + fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot open \"%s\"\n", azArg[1]); + sqlite3IoTrace = 0; + rc = 1; + }else{ + sqlite3IoTrace = iotracePrintf; + } + } + }else +#endif + +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION + if( c=='l' && strncmp(azArg[0], "load", n)==0 && nArg>=2 ){ + const char *zFile, *zProc; + char *zErrMsg = 0; + zFile = azArg[1]; + zProc = nArg>=3 ? azArg[2] : 0; + open_db(p); + rc = sqlite3_load_extension(p->db, zFile, zProc, &zErrMsg); + if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ + fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", zErrMsg); + sqlite3_free(zErrMsg); + rc = 1; + } + }else +#endif + + if( c=='l' && strncmp(azArg[0], "log", n)==0 && nArg>=2 ){ + const char *zFile = azArg[1]; + output_file_close(p->pLog); + p->pLog = output_file_open(zFile); + }else + + if( c=='m' && strncmp(azArg[0], "mode", n)==0 && nArg==2 ){ + int n2 = strlen30(azArg[1]); + if( (n2==4 && strncmp(azArg[1],"line",n2)==0) + || + (n2==5 && strncmp(azArg[1],"lines",n2)==0) ){ + p->mode = MODE_Line; + }else if( (n2==6 && strncmp(azArg[1],"column",n2)==0) + || + (n2==7 && strncmp(azArg[1],"columns",n2)==0) ){ + p->mode = MODE_Column; + }else if( n2==4 && strncmp(azArg[1],"list",n2)==0 ){ + p->mode = MODE_List; + }else if( n2==4 && strncmp(azArg[1],"html",n2)==0 ){ + p->mode = MODE_Html; + }else if( n2==3 && strncmp(azArg[1],"tcl",n2)==0 ){ + p->mode = MODE_Tcl; + sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->separator), p->separator, " "); + }else if( n2==3 && strncmp(azArg[1],"csv",n2)==0 ){ + p->mode = MODE_Csv; + sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->separator), p->separator, ","); + }else if( n2==4 && strncmp(azArg[1],"tabs",n2)==0 ){ + p->mode = MODE_List; + sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->separator), p->separator, "\t"); + }else if( n2==6 && strncmp(azArg[1],"insert",n2)==0 ){ + p->mode = MODE_Insert; + set_table_name(p, "table"); + }else { + fprintf(stderr,"Error: mode should be one of: " + "column csv html insert line list tabs tcl\n"); + rc = 1; + } + }else + + if( c=='m' && strncmp(azArg[0], "mode", n)==0 && nArg==3 ){ + int n2 = strlen30(azArg[1]); + if( n2==6 && strncmp(azArg[1],"insert",n2)==0 ){ + p->mode = MODE_Insert; + set_table_name(p, azArg[2]); + }else { + fprintf(stderr, "Error: invalid arguments: " + " \"%s\". Enter \".help\" for help\n", azArg[2]); + rc = 1; + } + }else + + if( c=='n' && strncmp(azArg[0], "nullvalue", n)==0 && nArg==2 ) { + sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->nullvalue), p->nullvalue, + "%.*s", (int)ArraySize(p->nullvalue)-1, azArg[1]); + }else + + if( c=='o' && strncmp(azArg[0], "output", n)==0 && nArg==2 ){ + if( p->outfile[0]=='|' ){ + pclose(p->out); + }else{ + output_file_close(p->out); + } + p->outfile[0] = 0; + if( azArg[1][0]=='|' ){ + p->out = popen(&azArg[1][1], "w"); + if( p->out==0 ){ + fprintf(stderr,"Error: cannot open pipe \"%s\"\n", &azArg[1][1]); + p->out = stdout; + rc = 1; + }else{ + sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->outfile), p->outfile, "%s", azArg[1]); + } + }else{ + p->out = output_file_open(azArg[1]); + if( p->out==0 ){ + if( strcmp(azArg[1],"off")!=0 ){ + fprintf(stderr,"Error: cannot write to \"%s\"\n", azArg[1]); + } + p->out = stdout; + rc = 1; + } else { + sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->outfile), p->outfile, "%s", azArg[1]); + } + } + }else + + if( c=='p' && n>=3 && strncmp(azArg[0], "print", n)==0 ){ + int i; + for(i=1; i1 ) fprintf(p->out, " "); + fprintf(p->out, "%s", azArg[i]); + } + fprintf(p->out, "\n"); + }else + + if( c=='p' && strncmp(azArg[0], "prompt", n)==0 && (nArg==2 || nArg==3)){ + if( nArg >= 2) { + strncpy(mainPrompt,azArg[1],(int)ArraySize(mainPrompt)-1); + } + if( nArg >= 3) { + strncpy(continuePrompt,azArg[2],(int)ArraySize(continuePrompt)-1); + } + }else + + if( c=='q' && strncmp(azArg[0], "quit", n)==0 && nArg==1 ){ + rc = 2; + }else + + if( c=='r' && n>=3 && strncmp(azArg[0], "read", n)==0 && nArg==2 ){ + FILE *alt = fopen(azArg[1], "rb"); + if( alt==0 ){ + fprintf(stderr,"Error: cannot open \"%s\"\n", azArg[1]); + rc = 1; + }else{ + rc = process_input(p, alt); + fclose(alt); + } + }else + + if( c=='r' && n>=3 && strncmp(azArg[0], "restore", n)==0 && nArg>1 && nArg<4){ + const char *zSrcFile; + const char *zDb; + sqlite3 *pSrc; + sqlite3_backup *pBackup; + int nTimeout = 0; + + if( nArg==2 ){ + zSrcFile = azArg[1]; + zDb = "main"; + }else{ + zSrcFile = azArg[2]; + zDb = azArg[1]; + } + rc = sqlite3_open(zSrcFile, &pSrc); + if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){ + fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot open \"%s\"\n", zSrcFile); + sqlite3_close(pSrc); + return 1; + } + open_db(p); + pBackup = sqlite3_backup_init(p->db, zDb, pSrc, "main"); + if( pBackup==0 ){ + fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(p->db)); + sqlite3_close(pSrc); + return 1; + } + while( (rc = sqlite3_backup_step(pBackup,100))==SQLITE_OK + || rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){ + if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){ + if( nTimeout++ >= 3 ) break; + sqlite3_sleep(100); + } + } + sqlite3_backup_finish(pBackup); + if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){ + rc = 0; + }else if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY || rc==SQLITE_LOCKED ){ + fprintf(stderr, "Error: source database is busy\n"); + rc = 1; + }else{ + fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(p->db)); + rc = 1; + } + sqlite3_close(pSrc); + }else + + if( c=='s' && strncmp(azArg[0], "schema", n)==0 && nArg<3 ){ + struct callback_data data; + char *zErrMsg = 0; + open_db(p); + memcpy(&data, p, sizeof(data)); + data.showHeader = 0; + data.mode = MODE_Semi; + if( nArg>1 ){ + int i; + for(i=0; azArg[1][i]; i++) azArg[1][i] = ToLower(azArg[1][i]); + if( strcmp(azArg[1],"sqlite_master")==0 ){ + char *new_argv[2], *new_colv[2]; + new_argv[0] = "CREATE TABLE sqlite_master (\n" + " type text,\n" + " name text,\n" + " tbl_name text,\n" + " rootpage integer,\n" + " sql text\n" + ")"; + new_argv[1] = 0; + new_colv[0] = "sql"; + new_colv[1] = 0; + callback(&data, 1, new_argv, new_colv); + rc = SQLITE_OK; + }else if( strcmp(azArg[1],"sqlite_temp_master")==0 ){ + char *new_argv[2], *new_colv[2]; + new_argv[0] = "CREATE TEMP TABLE sqlite_temp_master (\n" + " type text,\n" + " name text,\n" + " tbl_name text,\n" + " rootpage integer,\n" + " sql text\n" + ")"; + new_argv[1] = 0; + new_colv[0] = "sql"; + new_colv[1] = 0; + callback(&data, 1, new_argv, new_colv); + rc = SQLITE_OK; + }else{ + zShellStatic = azArg[1]; + rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db, + "SELECT sql FROM " + " (SELECT sql sql, type type, tbl_name tbl_name, name name, rowid x" + " FROM sqlite_master UNION ALL" + " SELECT sql, type, tbl_name, name, rowid FROM sqlite_temp_master) " + "WHERE lower(tbl_name) LIKE shellstatic()" + " AND type!='meta' AND sql NOTNULL " + "ORDER BY substr(type,2,1), " + " CASE type WHEN 'view' THEN rowid ELSE name END", + callback, &data, &zErrMsg); + zShellStatic = 0; + } + }else{ + rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db, + "SELECT sql FROM " + " (SELECT sql sql, type type, tbl_name tbl_name, name name, rowid x" + " FROM sqlite_master UNION ALL" + " SELECT sql, type, tbl_name, name, rowid FROM sqlite_temp_master) " + "WHERE type!='meta' AND sql NOTNULL AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'" + "ORDER BY substr(type,2,1)," + " CASE type WHEN 'view' THEN rowid ELSE name END", + callback, &data, &zErrMsg + ); + } + if( zErrMsg ){ + fprintf(stderr,"Error: %s\n", zErrMsg); + sqlite3_free(zErrMsg); + rc = 1; + }else if( rc != SQLITE_OK ){ + fprintf(stderr,"Error: querying schema information\n"); + rc = 1; + }else{ + rc = 0; + } + }else + + if( c=='s' && strncmp(azArg[0], "separator", n)==0 && nArg==2 ){ + sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->separator), p->separator, + "%.*s", (int)sizeof(p->separator)-1, azArg[1]); + }else + + if( c=='s' && strncmp(azArg[0], "show", n)==0 && nArg==1 ){ + int i; + fprintf(p->out,"%9.9s: %s\n","echo", p->echoOn ? "on" : "off"); + fprintf(p->out,"%9.9s: %s\n","explain", p->explainPrev.valid ? "on" :"off"); + fprintf(p->out,"%9.9s: %s\n","headers", p->showHeader ? "on" : "off"); + fprintf(p->out,"%9.9s: %s\n","mode", modeDescr[p->mode]); + fprintf(p->out,"%9.9s: ", "nullvalue"); + output_c_string(p->out, p->nullvalue); + fprintf(p->out, "\n"); + fprintf(p->out,"%9.9s: %s\n","output", + strlen30(p->outfile) ? p->outfile : "stdout"); + fprintf(p->out,"%9.9s: ", "separator"); + output_c_string(p->out, p->separator); + fprintf(p->out, "\n"); + fprintf(p->out,"%9.9s: %s\n","stats", p->statsOn ? "on" : "off"); + fprintf(p->out,"%9.9s: ","width"); + for (i=0;i<(int)ArraySize(p->colWidth) && p->colWidth[i] != 0;i++) { + fprintf(p->out,"%d ",p->colWidth[i]); + } + fprintf(p->out,"\n"); + }else + + if( c=='s' && strncmp(azArg[0], "stats", n)==0 && nArg>1 && nArg<3 ){ + p->statsOn = booleanValue(azArg[1]); + }else + + if( c=='t' && n>1 && strncmp(azArg[0], "tables", n)==0 && nArg<3 ){ + sqlite3_stmt *pStmt; + char **azResult; + int nRow, nAlloc; + char *zSql = 0; + int ii; + open_db(p); + rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, "PRAGMA database_list", -1, &pStmt, 0); + if( rc ) return rc; + zSql = sqlite3_mprintf( + "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master" + " WHERE type IN ('table','view')" + " AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%%'" + " AND name LIKE ?1"); + while( sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){ + const char *zDbName = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 1); + if( zDbName==0 || strcmp(zDbName,"main")==0 ) continue; + if( strcmp(zDbName,"temp")==0 ){ + zSql = sqlite3_mprintf( + "%z UNION ALL " + "SELECT 'temp.' || name FROM sqlite_temp_master" + " WHERE type IN ('table','view')" + " AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%%'" + " AND name LIKE ?1", zSql); + }else{ + zSql = sqlite3_mprintf( + "%z UNION ALL " + "SELECT '%q.' || name FROM \"%w\".sqlite_master" + " WHERE type IN ('table','view')" + " AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%%'" + " AND name LIKE ?1", zSql, zDbName, zDbName); + } + } + sqlite3_finalize(pStmt); + zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("%z ORDER BY 1", zSql); + rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0); + sqlite3_free(zSql); + if( rc ) return rc; + nRow = nAlloc = 0; + azResult = 0; + if( nArg>1 ){ + sqlite3_bind_text(pStmt, 1, azArg[1], -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); + }else{ + sqlite3_bind_text(pStmt, 1, "%", -1, SQLITE_STATIC); + } + while( sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){ + if( nRow>=nAlloc ){ + char **azNew; + int n = nAlloc*2 + 10; + azNew = sqlite3_realloc(azResult, sizeof(azResult[0])*n); + if( azNew==0 ){ + fprintf(stderr, "Error: out of memory\n"); + break; + } + nAlloc = n; + azResult = azNew; + } + azResult[nRow] = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 0)); + if( azResult[nRow] ) nRow++; + } + sqlite3_finalize(pStmt); + if( nRow>0 ){ + int len, maxlen = 0; + int i, j; + int nPrintCol, nPrintRow; + for(i=0; imaxlen ) maxlen = len; + } + nPrintCol = 80/(maxlen+2); + if( nPrintCol<1 ) nPrintCol = 1; + nPrintRow = (nRow + nPrintCol - 1)/nPrintCol; + for(i=0; i=8 && strncmp(azArg[0], "testctrl", n)==0 && nArg>=2 ){ + static const struct { + const char *zCtrlName; /* Name of a test-control option */ + int ctrlCode; /* Integer code for that option */ + } aCtrl[] = { + { "prng_save", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_PRNG_SAVE }, + { "prng_restore", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_PRNG_RESTORE }, + { "prng_reset", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_PRNG_RESET }, + { "bitvec_test", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_BITVEC_TEST }, + { "fault_install", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_FAULT_INSTALL }, + { "benign_malloc_hooks", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_BENIGN_MALLOC_HOOKS }, + { "pending_byte", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_PENDING_BYTE }, + { "assert", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_ASSERT }, + { "always", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_ALWAYS }, + { "reserve", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_RESERVE }, + { "optimizations", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_OPTIMIZATIONS }, + { "iskeyword", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_ISKEYWORD }, + { "scratchmalloc", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_SCRATCHMALLOC }, + }; + int testctrl = -1; + int rc = 0; + int i, n; + open_db(p); + + /* convert testctrl text option to value. allow any unique prefix + ** of the option name, or a numerical value. */ + n = strlen30(azArg[1]); + for(i=0; i<(int)(sizeof(aCtrl)/sizeof(aCtrl[0])); i++){ + if( strncmp(azArg[1], aCtrl[i].zCtrlName, n)==0 ){ + if( testctrl<0 ){ + testctrl = aCtrl[i].ctrlCode; + }else{ + fprintf(stderr, "ambiguous option name: \"%s\"\n", azArg[1]); + testctrl = -1; + break; + } + } + } + if( testctrl<0 ) testctrl = atoi(azArg[1]); + if( (testctrlSQLITE_TESTCTRL_LAST) ){ + fprintf(stderr,"Error: invalid testctrl option: %s\n", azArg[1]); + }else{ + switch(testctrl){ + + /* sqlite3_test_control(int, db, int) */ + case SQLITE_TESTCTRL_OPTIMIZATIONS: + case SQLITE_TESTCTRL_RESERVE: + if( nArg==3 ){ + int opt = (int)strtol(azArg[2], 0, 0); + rc = sqlite3_test_control(testctrl, p->db, opt); + printf("%d (0x%08x)\n", rc, rc); + } else { + fprintf(stderr,"Error: testctrl %s takes a single int option\n", + azArg[1]); + } + break; + + /* sqlite3_test_control(int) */ + case SQLITE_TESTCTRL_PRNG_SAVE: + case SQLITE_TESTCTRL_PRNG_RESTORE: + case SQLITE_TESTCTRL_PRNG_RESET: + if( nArg==2 ){ + rc = sqlite3_test_control(testctrl); + printf("%d (0x%08x)\n", rc, rc); + } else { + fprintf(stderr,"Error: testctrl %s takes no options\n", azArg[1]); + } + break; + + /* sqlite3_test_control(int, uint) */ + case SQLITE_TESTCTRL_PENDING_BYTE: + if( nArg==3 ){ + unsigned int opt = (unsigned int)atoi(azArg[2]); + rc = sqlite3_test_control(testctrl, opt); + printf("%d (0x%08x)\n", rc, rc); + } else { + fprintf(stderr,"Error: testctrl %s takes a single unsigned" + " int option\n", azArg[1]); + } + break; + + /* sqlite3_test_control(int, int) */ + case SQLITE_TESTCTRL_ASSERT: + case SQLITE_TESTCTRL_ALWAYS: + if( nArg==3 ){ + int opt = atoi(azArg[2]); + rc = sqlite3_test_control(testctrl, opt); + printf("%d (0x%08x)\n", rc, rc); + } else { + fprintf(stderr,"Error: testctrl %s takes a single int option\n", + azArg[1]); + } + break; + + /* sqlite3_test_control(int, char *) */ +#ifdef SQLITE_N_KEYWORD + case SQLITE_TESTCTRL_ISKEYWORD: + if( nArg==3 ){ + const char *opt = azArg[2]; + rc = sqlite3_test_control(testctrl, opt); + printf("%d (0x%08x)\n", rc, rc); + } else { + fprintf(stderr,"Error: testctrl %s takes a single char * option\n", + azArg[1]); + } + break; +#endif + + case SQLITE_TESTCTRL_BITVEC_TEST: + case SQLITE_TESTCTRL_FAULT_INSTALL: + case SQLITE_TESTCTRL_BENIGN_MALLOC_HOOKS: + case SQLITE_TESTCTRL_SCRATCHMALLOC: + default: + fprintf(stderr,"Error: CLI support for testctrl %s not implemented\n", + azArg[1]); + break; + } + } + }else + + if( c=='t' && n>4 && strncmp(azArg[0], "timeout", n)==0 && nArg==2 ){ + open_db(p); + sqlite3_busy_timeout(p->db, atoi(azArg[1])); + }else + + if( HAS_TIMER && c=='t' && n>=5 && strncmp(azArg[0], "timer", n)==0 + && nArg==2 + ){ + enableTimer = booleanValue(azArg[1]); + }else + + if( c=='t' && strncmp(azArg[0], "trace", n)==0 && nArg>1 ){ + open_db(p); + output_file_close(p->traceOut); + p->traceOut = output_file_open(azArg[1]); +#if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_TRACE) && !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_FLOATING_POINT) + if( p->traceOut==0 ){ + sqlite3_trace(p->db, 0, 0); + }else{ + sqlite3_trace(p->db, sql_trace_callback, p->traceOut); + } +#endif + }else + + if( c=='v' && strncmp(azArg[0], "version", n)==0 ){ + printf("SQLite %s %s\n" /*extra-version-info*/, + sqlite3_libversion(), sqlite3_sourceid()); + }else + + if( c=='v' && strncmp(azArg[0], "vfsname", n)==0 ){ + const char *zDbName = nArg==2 ? azArg[1] : "main"; + char *zVfsName = 0; + if( p->db ){ + sqlite3_file_control(p->db, zDbName, SQLITE_FCNTL_VFSNAME, &zVfsName); + if( zVfsName ){ + printf("%s\n", zVfsName); + sqlite3_free(zVfsName); + } + } + }else + +#if defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) && defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_WHERETRACE) + if( c=='w' && strncmp(azArg[0], "wheretrace", n)==0 ){ + extern int sqlite3WhereTrace; + sqlite3WhereTrace = atoi(azArg[1]); + }else +#endif + + if( c=='w' && strncmp(azArg[0], "width", n)==0 && nArg>1 ){ + int j; + assert( nArg<=ArraySize(azArg) ); + for(j=1; jcolWidth); j++){ + p->colWidth[j-1] = atoi(azArg[j]); + } + }else + + { + fprintf(stderr, "Error: unknown command or invalid arguments: " + " \"%s\". Enter \".help\" for help\n", azArg[0]); + rc = 1; + } + + return rc; +} + +/* +** Return TRUE if a semicolon occurs anywhere in the first N characters +** of string z[]. +*/ +static int _contains_semicolon(const char *z, int N){ + int i; + for(i=0; iout); + free(zLine); + zLine = one_input_line(zSql, in); + if( zLine==0 ){ + /* End of input */ + if( stdin_is_interactive ) printf("\n"); + break; + } + if( seenInterrupt ){ + if( in!=0 ) break; + seenInterrupt = 0; + } + lineno++; + if( (zSql==0 || zSql[0]==0) && _all_whitespace(zLine) ) continue; + if( zLine && zLine[0]=='.' && nSql==0 ){ + if( p->echoOn ) printf("%s\n", zLine); + rc = do_meta_command(zLine, p); + if( rc==2 ){ /* exit requested */ + break; + }else if( rc ){ + errCnt++; + } + continue; + } + if( _is_command_terminator(zLine) && _is_complete(zSql, nSql) ){ + memcpy(zLine,";",2); + } + nSqlPrior = nSql; + if( zSql==0 ){ + int i; + for(i=0; zLine[i] && IsSpace(zLine[i]); i++){} + if( zLine[i]!=0 ){ + nSql = strlen30(zLine); + zSql = malloc( nSql+3 ); + if( zSql==0 ){ + fprintf(stderr, "Error: out of memory\n"); + exit(1); + } + memcpy(zSql, zLine, nSql+1); + startline = lineno; + } + }else{ + int len = strlen30(zLine); + zSql = realloc( zSql, nSql + len + 4 ); + if( zSql==0 ){ + fprintf(stderr,"Error: out of memory\n"); + exit(1); + } + zSql[nSql++] = '\n'; + memcpy(&zSql[nSql], zLine, len+1); + nSql += len; + } + if( zSql && _contains_semicolon(&zSql[nSqlPrior], nSql-nSqlPrior) + && sqlite3_complete(zSql) ){ + p->cnt = 0; + open_db(p); + BEGIN_TIMER; + rc = shell_exec(p->db, zSql, shell_callback, p, &zErrMsg); + END_TIMER; + if( rc || zErrMsg ){ + char zPrefix[100]; + if( in!=0 || !stdin_is_interactive ){ + sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zPrefix), zPrefix, + "Error: near line %d:", startline); + }else{ + sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zPrefix), zPrefix, "Error:"); + } + if( zErrMsg!=0 ){ + fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", zPrefix, zErrMsg); + sqlite3_free(zErrMsg); + zErrMsg = 0; + }else{ + fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", zPrefix, sqlite3_errmsg(p->db)); + } + errCnt++; + } + free(zSql); + zSql = 0; + nSql = 0; + } + } + if( zSql ){ + if( !_all_whitespace(zSql) ){ + fprintf(stderr, "Error: incomplete SQL: %s\n", zSql); + } + free(zSql); + } + free(zLine); + return errCnt>0; +} + +/* +** Return a pathname which is the user's home directory. A +** 0 return indicates an error of some kind. +*/ +static char *find_home_dir(void){ + static char *home_dir = NULL; + if( home_dir ) return home_dir; + +#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WIN32) && !defined(_WIN32_WCE) && !defined(__RTP__) && !defined(_WRS_KERNEL) + { + struct passwd *pwent; + uid_t uid = getuid(); + if( (pwent=getpwuid(uid)) != NULL) { + home_dir = pwent->pw_dir; + } + } +#endif + +#if defined(_WIN32_WCE) + /* Windows CE (arm-wince-mingw32ce-gcc) does not provide getenv() + */ + home_dir = "/"; +#else + +#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32) + if (!home_dir) { + home_dir = getenv("USERPROFILE"); + } +#endif + + if (!home_dir) { + home_dir = getenv("HOME"); + } + +#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32) + if (!home_dir) { + char *zDrive, *zPath; + int n; + zDrive = getenv("HOMEDRIVE"); + zPath = getenv("HOMEPATH"); + if( zDrive && zPath ){ + n = strlen30(zDrive) + strlen30(zPath) + 1; + home_dir = malloc( n ); + if( home_dir==0 ) return 0; + sqlite3_snprintf(n, home_dir, "%s%s", zDrive, zPath); + return home_dir; + } + home_dir = "c:\\"; + } +#endif + +#endif /* !_WIN32_WCE */ + + if( home_dir ){ + int n = strlen30(home_dir) + 1; + char *z = malloc( n ); + if( z ) memcpy(z, home_dir, n); + home_dir = z; + } + + return home_dir; +} + +/* +** Read input from the file given by sqliterc_override. Or if that +** parameter is NULL, take input from ~/.sqliterc +** +** Returns the number of errors. +*/ +static int process_sqliterc( + struct callback_data *p, /* Configuration data */ + const char *sqliterc_override /* Name of config file. NULL to use default */ +){ + char *home_dir = NULL; + const char *sqliterc = sqliterc_override; + char *zBuf = 0; + FILE *in = NULL; + int rc = 0; + + if (sqliterc == NULL) { + home_dir = find_home_dir(); + if( home_dir==0 ){ +#if !defined(__RTP__) && !defined(_WRS_KERNEL) + fprintf(stderr,"%s: Error: cannot locate your home directory\n", Argv0); +#endif + return 1; + } + sqlite3_initialize(); + zBuf = sqlite3_mprintf("%s/.sqliterc",home_dir); + sqliterc = zBuf; + } + in = fopen(sqliterc,"rb"); + if( in ){ + if( stdin_is_interactive ){ + fprintf(stderr,"-- Loading resources from %s\n",sqliterc); + } + rc = process_input(p,in); + fclose(in); + } + sqlite3_free(zBuf); + return rc; +} + +/* +** Show available command line options +*/ +static const char zOptions[] = + " -bail stop after hitting an error\n" + " -batch force batch I/O\n" + " -column set output mode to 'column'\n" + " -cmd COMMAND run \"COMMAND\" before reading stdin\n" + " -csv set output mode to 'csv'\n" + " -echo print commands before execution\n" + " -init FILENAME read/process named file\n" + " -[no]header turn headers on or off\n" +#if defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMSYS3) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMSYS5) + " -heap SIZE Size of heap for memsys3 or memsys5\n" +#endif + " -help show this message\n" + " -html set output mode to HTML\n" + " -interactive force interactive I/O\n" + " -line set output mode to 'line'\n" + " -list set output mode to 'list'\n" +#ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_MULTIPLEX + " -multiplex enable the multiplexor VFS\n" +#endif + " -nullvalue TEXT set text string for NULL values. Default ''\n" + " -separator SEP set output field separator. Default: '|'\n" + " -stats print memory stats before each finalize\n" + " -version show SQLite version\n" + " -vfs NAME use NAME as the default VFS\n" +#ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_VFSTRACE + " -vfstrace enable tracing of all VFS calls\n" +#endif +; +static void usage(int showDetail){ + fprintf(stderr, + "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] FILENAME [SQL]\n" + "FILENAME is the name of an SQLite database. A new database is created\n" + "if the file does not previously exist.\n", Argv0); + if( showDetail ){ + fprintf(stderr, "OPTIONS include:\n%s", zOptions); + }else{ + fprintf(stderr, "Use the -help option for additional information\n"); + } + exit(1); +} + +/* +** Initialize the state information in data +*/ +static void main_init(struct callback_data *data) { + memset(data, 0, sizeof(*data)); + data->mode = MODE_List; + memcpy(data->separator,"|", 2); + data->showHeader = 0; + sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_URI, 1); + sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG, shellLog, data); + sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(mainPrompt), mainPrompt,"sqlite> "); + sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(continuePrompt), continuePrompt," ...> "); + sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_SINGLETHREAD); +} + +/* +** Get the argument to an --option. Throw an error and die if no argument +** is available. +*/ +static char *cmdline_option_value(int argc, char **argv, int i){ + if( i==argc ){ + fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: missing argument to %s\n", + argv[0], argv[argc-1]); + exit(1); + } + return argv[i]; +} + +int main(int argc, char **argv){ + char *zErrMsg = 0; + struct callback_data data; + const char *zInitFile = 0; + char *zFirstCmd = 0; + int i; + int rc = 0; + + if( strcmp(sqlite3_sourceid(),SQLITE_SOURCE_ID)!=0 ){ + fprintf(stderr, "SQLite header and source version mismatch\n%s\n%s\n", + sqlite3_sourceid(), SQLITE_SOURCE_ID); + exit(1); + } + Argv0 = argv[0]; + main_init(&data); + stdin_is_interactive = isatty(0); + + /* Make sure we have a valid signal handler early, before anything + ** else is done. + */ +#ifdef SIGINT + signal(SIGINT, interrupt_handler); +#endif + + /* Do an initial pass through the command-line argument to locate + ** the name of the database file, the name of the initialization file, + ** the size of the alternative malloc heap, + ** and the first command to execute. + */ + for(i=1; i0x7fff0000 ) szHeap = 0x7fff0000; + sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_HEAP, malloc((int)szHeap), (int)szHeap, 64); +#endif +#ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_VFSTRACE + }else if( strcmp(z,"-vfstrace")==0 ){ + extern int vfstrace_register( + const char *zTraceName, + const char *zOldVfsName, + int (*xOut)(const char*,void*), + void *pOutArg, + int makeDefault + ); + vfstrace_register("trace",0,(int(*)(const char*,void*))fputs,stderr,1); +#endif +#ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_MULTIPLEX + }else if( strcmp(z,"-multiplex")==0 ){ + extern int sqlite3_multiple_initialize(const char*,int); + sqlite3_multiplex_initialize(0, 1); +#endif + }else if( strcmp(z,"-vfs")==0 ){ + sqlite3_vfs *pVfs = sqlite3_vfs_find(cmdline_option_value(argc,argv,++i)); + if( pVfs ){ + sqlite3_vfs_register(pVfs, 1); + }else{ + fprintf(stderr, "no such VFS: \"%s\"\n", argv[i]); + exit(1); + } + } + } + if( data.zDbFilename==0 ){ +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_MEMORYDB + data.zDbFilename = ":memory:"; +#else + fprintf(stderr,"%s: Error: no database filename specified\n", Argv0); + return 1; +#endif + } + data.out = stdout; + + /* Go ahead and open the database file if it already exists. If the + ** file does not exist, delay opening it. This prevents empty database + ** files from being created if a user mistypes the database name argument + ** to the sqlite command-line tool. + */ + if( access(data.zDbFilename, 0)==0 ){ + open_db(&data); + } + + /* Process the initialization file if there is one. If no -init option + ** is given on the command line, look for a file named ~/.sqliterc and + ** try to process it. + */ + rc = process_sqliterc(&data,zInitFile); + if( rc>0 ){ + return rc; + } + + /* Make a second pass through the command-line argument and set + ** options. This second pass is delayed until after the initialization + ** file is processed so that the command-line arguments will override + ** settings in the initialization file. + */ + for(i=1; i + + + + Debug + Win32 + + + Release + Win32 + + + + {C074BD80-7E37-4975-81CA-DF1E50DF64BA} + Win32Proj + sqlite + + + + StaticLibrary + true + Unicode + + + StaticLibrary + false + true + Unicode + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Level3 + Disabled + WIN32;_DEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + + + Windows + true + + + + + Level3 + + + MaxSpeed + true + true + WIN32;NDEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + + + Windows + true + true + true + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/sqlite-amalgamation-3071602/sqlite/sqlite.vcxproj.filters b/LibTools/ogr/windows/sqlite-amalgamation-3071602/sqlite/sqlite.vcxproj.filters new file mode 100644 index 000000000..493f38800 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/sqlite-amalgamation-3071602/sqlite/sqlite.vcxproj.filters @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ + + + + + {4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF} + cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx + + + {93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB} + h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd + + + {67DA6AB6-F800-4c08-8B7A-83BB121AAD01} + rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx;tiff;tif;png;wav;mfcribbon-ms + + + + + + + + Source Files + + + + + Header Files + + + Header Files + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LibTools/ogr/windows/sqlite-amalgamation-3071602/sqlite3.c b/LibTools/ogr/windows/sqlite-amalgamation-3071602/sqlite3.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..51e54a189 --- /dev/null +++ b/LibTools/ogr/windows/sqlite-amalgamation-3071602/sqlite3.c @@ -0,0 +1,138114 @@ +/****************************************************************************** +** This file is an amalgamation of many separate C source files from SQLite +** version By combining all the individual C code files into this +** single large file, the entire code can be compiled as a single translation +** unit. This allows many compilers to do optimizations that would not be +** possible if the files were compiled separately. Performance improvements +** of 5% or more are commonly seen when SQLite is compiled as a single +** translation unit. +** +** This file is all you need to compile SQLite. To use SQLite in other +** programs, you need this file and the "sqlite3.h" header file that defines +** the programming interface to the SQLite library. (If you do not have +** the "sqlite3.h" header file at hand, you will find a copy embedded within +** the text of this file. Search for "Begin file sqlite3.h" to find the start +** of the embedded sqlite3.h header file.) Additional code files may be needed +** if you want a wrapper to interface SQLite with your choice of programming +** language. The code for the "sqlite3" command-line shell is also in a +** separate file. This file contains only code for the core SQLite library. +*/ +#define SQLITE_CORE 1 +#define SQLITE_AMALGAMATION 1 +#ifndef SQLITE_PRIVATE +# define SQLITE_PRIVATE static +#endif +#ifndef SQLITE_API +# define SQLITE_API +#endif +/************** Begin file sqliteInt.h ***************************************/ +/* +** 2001 September 15 +** +** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of +** a legal notice, here is a blessing: +** +** May you do good and not evil. +** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. +** May you share freely, never taking more than you give. +** +************************************************************************* +** Internal interface definitions for SQLite. +** +*/ +#ifndef _SQLITEINT_H_ +#define _SQLITEINT_H_ + +/* +** These #defines should enable >2GB file support on POSIX if the +** underlying operating system supports it. If the OS lacks +** large file support, or if the OS is windows, these should be no-ops. +** +** Ticket #2739: The _LARGEFILE_SOURCE macro must appear before any +** system #includes. Hence, this block of code must be the very first +** code in all source files. +** +** Large file support can be disabled using the -DSQLITE_DISABLE_LFS switch +** on the compiler command line. This is necessary if you are compiling +** on a recent machine (ex: Red Hat 7.2) but you want your code to work +** on an older machine (ex: Red Hat 6.0). If you compile on Red Hat 7.2 +** without this option, LFS is enable. But LFS does not exist in the kernel +** in Red Hat 6.0, so the code won't work. Hence, for maximum binary +** portability you should omit LFS. +** +** Similar is true for Mac OS X. LFS is only supported on Mac OS X 9 and later. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_DISABLE_LFS +# define _LARGE_FILE 1 +# ifndef _FILE_OFFSET_BITS +# define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 +# endif +# define _LARGEFILE_SOURCE 1 +#endif + +/* +** Include the configuration header output by 'configure' if we're using the +** autoconf-based build +*/ +#ifdef _HAVE_SQLITE_CONFIG_H +#include "config.h" +#endif + +/************** Include sqliteLimit.h in the middle of sqliteInt.h ***********/ +/************** Begin file sqliteLimit.h *************************************/ +/* +** 2007 May 7 +** +** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of +** a legal notice, here is a blessing: +** +** May you do good and not evil. +** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. +** May you share freely, never taking more than you give. +** +************************************************************************* +** +** This file defines various limits of what SQLite can process. +*/ + +/* +** The maximum length of a TEXT or BLOB in bytes. This also +** limits the size of a row in a table or index. +** +** The hard limit is the ability of a 32-bit signed integer +** to count the size: 2^31-1 or 2147483647. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_MAX_LENGTH +# define SQLITE_MAX_LENGTH 1000000000 +#endif + +/* +** This is the maximum number of +** +** * Columns in a table +** * Columns in an index +** * Columns in a view +** * Terms in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement +** * Terms in the result set of a SELECT statement +** * Terms in the GROUP BY or ORDER BY clauses of a SELECT statement. +** * Terms in the VALUES clause of an INSERT statement +** +** The hard upper limit here is 32676. Most database people will +** tell you that in a well-normalized database, you usually should +** not have more than a dozen or so columns in any table. And if +** that is the case, there is no point in having more than a few +** dozen values in any of the other situations described above. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_MAX_COLUMN +# define SQLITE_MAX_COLUMN 2000 +#endif + +/* +** The maximum length of a single SQL statement in bytes. +** +** It used to be the case that setting this value to zero would +** turn the limit off. That is no longer true. It is not possible +** to turn this limit off. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_MAX_SQL_LENGTH +# define SQLITE_MAX_SQL_LENGTH 1000000000 +#endif + +/* +** The maximum depth of an expression tree. This is limited to +** some extent by SQLITE_MAX_SQL_LENGTH. But sometime you might +** want to place more severe limits on the complexity of an +** expression. +** +** A value of 0 used to mean that the limit was not enforced. +** But that is no longer true. The limit is now strictly enforced +** at all times. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_MAX_EXPR_DEPTH +# define SQLITE_MAX_EXPR_DEPTH 1000 +#endif + +/* +** The maximum number of terms in a compound SELECT statement. +** The code generator for compound SELECT statements does one +** level of recursion for each term. A stack overflow can result +** if the number of terms is too large. In practice, most SQL +** never has more than 3 or 4 terms. Use a value of 0 to disable +** any limit on the number of terms in a compount SELECT. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_MAX_COMPOUND_SELECT +# define SQLITE_MAX_COMPOUND_SELECT 500 +#endif + +/* +** The maximum number of opcodes in a VDBE program. +** Not currently enforced. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_MAX_VDBE_OP +# define SQLITE_MAX_VDBE_OP 25000 +#endif + +/* +** The maximum number of arguments to an SQL function. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_MAX_FUNCTION_ARG +# define SQLITE_MAX_FUNCTION_ARG 127 +#endif + +/* +** The maximum number of in-memory pages to use for the main database +** table and for temporary tables. The SQLITE_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE +# define SQLITE_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE 2000 +#endif +#ifndef SQLITE_DEFAULT_TEMP_CACHE_SIZE +# define SQLITE_DEFAULT_TEMP_CACHE_SIZE 500 +#endif + +/* +** The default number of frames to accumulate in the log file before +** checkpointing the database in WAL mode. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_DEFAULT_WAL_AUTOCHECKPOINT +# define SQLITE_DEFAULT_WAL_AUTOCHECKPOINT 1000 +#endif + +/* +** The maximum number of attached databases. This must be between 0 +** and 62. The upper bound on 62 is because a 64-bit integer bitmap +** is used internally to track attached databases. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED +# define SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED 10 +#endif + + +/* +** The maximum value of a ?nnn wildcard that the parser will accept. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER +# define SQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER 999 +#endif + +/* Maximum page size. The upper bound on this value is 65536. This a limit +** imposed by the use of 16-bit offsets within each page. +** +** Earlier versions of SQLite allowed the user to change this value at +** compile time. This is no longer permitted, on the grounds that it creates +** a library that is technically incompatible with an SQLite library +** compiled with a different limit. If a process operating on a database +** with a page-size of 65536 bytes crashes, then an instance of SQLite +** compiled with the default page-size limit will not be able to rollback +** the aborted transaction. This could lead to database corruption. +*/ +#ifdef SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE +# undef SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE +#endif +#define SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE 65536 + + +/* +** The default size of a database page. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE +# define SQLITE_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE 1024 +#endif +#if SQLITE_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE>SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE +# undef SQLITE_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE +# define SQLITE_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE +#endif + +/* +** Ordinarily, if no value is explicitly provided, SQLite creates databases +** with page size SQLITE_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE. However, based on certain +** device characteristics (sector-size and atomic write() support), +** SQLite may choose a larger value. This constant is the maximum value +** SQLite will choose on its own. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_MAX_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE +# define SQLITE_MAX_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE 8192 +#endif +#if SQLITE_MAX_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE>SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE +# undef SQLITE_MAX_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE +# define SQLITE_MAX_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE +#endif + + +/* +** Maximum number of pages in one database file. +** +** This is really just the default value for the max_page_count pragma. +** This value can be lowered (or raised) at run-time using that the +** max_page_count macro. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_COUNT +# define SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_COUNT 1073741823 +#endif + +/* +** Maximum length (in bytes) of the pattern in a LIKE or GLOB +** operator. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_MAX_LIKE_PATTERN_LENGTH +# define SQLITE_MAX_LIKE_PATTERN_LENGTH 50000 +#endif + +/* +** Maximum depth of recursion for triggers. +** +** A value of 1 means that a trigger program will not be able to itself +** fire any triggers. A value of 0 means that no trigger programs at all +** may be executed. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_MAX_TRIGGER_DEPTH +# define SQLITE_MAX_TRIGGER_DEPTH 1000 +#endif + +/************** End of sqliteLimit.h *****************************************/ +/************** Continuing where we left off in sqliteInt.h ******************/ + +/* Disable nuisance warnings on Borland compilers */ +#if defined(__BORLANDC__) +#pragma warn -rch /* unreachable code */ +#pragma warn -ccc /* Condition is always true or false */ +#pragma warn -aus /* Assigned value is never used */ +#pragma warn -csu /* Comparing signed and unsigned */ +#pragma warn -spa /* Suspicious pointer arithmetic */ +#endif + +/* Needed for various definitions... */ +#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE +# define _GNU_SOURCE +#endif + +#if defined(__OpenBSD__) && !defined(_BSD_SOURCE) +# define _BSD_SOURCE +#endif + +/* +** Include standard header files as necessary +*/ +#ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H +#include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_INTTYPES_H +#include +#endif + +/* +** The following macros are used to cast pointers to integers and +** integers to pointers. The way you do this varies from one compiler +** to the next, so we have developed the following set of #if statements +** to generate appropriate macros for a wide range of compilers. +** +** The correct "ANSI" way to do this is to use the intptr_t type. +** Unfortunately, that typedef is not available on all compilers, or +** if it is available, it requires an #include of specific headers +** that vary from one machine to the next. +** +** Ticket #3860: The llvm-gcc-4.2 compiler from Apple chokes on +** the ((void*)&((char*)0)[X]) construct. But MSVC chokes on ((void*)(X)). +** So we have to define the macros in different ways depending on the +** compiler. +*/ +#if defined(__PTRDIFF_TYPE__) /* This case should work for GCC */ +# define SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR(X) ((void*)(__PTRDIFF_TYPE__)(X)) +# define SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT(X) ((int)(__PTRDIFF_TYPE__)(X)) +#elif !defined(__GNUC__) /* Works for compilers other than LLVM */ +# define SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR(X) ((void*)&((char*)0)[X]) +# define SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT(X) ((int)(((char*)X)-(char*)0)) +#elif defined(HAVE_STDINT_H) /* Use this case if we have ANSI headers */ +# define SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR(X) ((void*)(intptr_t)(X)) +# define SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT(X) ((int)(intptr_t)(X)) +#else /* Generates a warning - but it always works */ +# define SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR(X) ((void*)(X)) +# define SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT(X) ((int)(X)) +#endif + +/* +** The SQLITE_THREADSAFE macro must be defined as 0, 1, or 2. +** 0 means mutexes are permanently disable and the library is never +** threadsafe. 1 means the library is serialized which is the highest +** level of threadsafety. 2 means the libary is multithreaded - multiple +** threads can use SQLite as long as no two threads try to use the same +** database connection at the same time. +** +** Older versions of SQLite used an optional THREADSAFE macro. +** We support that for legacy. +*/ +#if !defined(SQLITE_THREADSAFE) +#if defined(THREADSAFE) +# define SQLITE_THREADSAFE THREADSAFE +#else +# define SQLITE_THREADSAFE 1 /* IMP: R-07272-22309 */ +#endif +#endif + +/* +** Powersafe overwrite is on by default. But can be turned off using +** the -DSQLITE_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE=0 command-line option. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE +# define SQLITE_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE 1 +#endif + +/* +** The SQLITE_DEFAULT_MEMSTATUS macro must be defined as either 0 or 1. +** It determines whether or not the features related to +** SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMSTATUS are available by default or not. This value can +** be overridden at runtime using the sqlite3_config() API. +*/ +#if !defined(SQLITE_DEFAULT_MEMSTATUS) +# define SQLITE_DEFAULT_MEMSTATUS 1 +#endif + +/* +** Exactly one of the following macros must be defined in order to +** specify which memory allocation subsystem to use. +** +** SQLITE_SYSTEM_MALLOC // Use normal system malloc() +** SQLITE_WIN32_MALLOC // Use Win32 native heap API +** SQLITE_ZERO_MALLOC // Use a stub allocator that always fails +** SQLITE_MEMDEBUG // Debugging version of system malloc() +** +** On Windows, if the SQLITE_WIN32_MALLOC_VALIDATE macro is defined and the +** assert() macro is enabled, each call into the Win32 native heap subsystem +** will cause HeapValidate to be called. If heap validation should fail, an +** assertion will be triggered. +** +** (Historical note: There used to be several other options, but we've +** pared it down to just these three.) +** +** If none of the above are defined, then set SQLITE_SYSTEM_MALLOC as +** the default. +*/ +#if defined(SQLITE_SYSTEM_MALLOC) \ + + defined(SQLITE_WIN32_MALLOC) \ + + defined(SQLITE_ZERO_MALLOC) \ + + defined(SQLITE_MEMDEBUG)>1 +# error "Two or more of the following compile-time configuration options\ + are defined but at most one is allowed:\ + SQLITE_SYSTEM_MALLOC, SQLITE_WIN32_MALLOC, SQLITE_MEMDEBUG,\ + SQLITE_ZERO_MALLOC" +#endif +#if defined(SQLITE_SYSTEM_MALLOC) \ + + defined(SQLITE_WIN32_MALLOC) \ + + defined(SQLITE_ZERO_MALLOC) \ + + defined(SQLITE_MEMDEBUG)==0 +# define SQLITE_SYSTEM_MALLOC 1 +#endif + +/* +** If SQLITE_MALLOC_SOFT_LIMIT is not zero, then try to keep the +** sizes of memory allocations below this value where possible. +*/ +#if !defined(SQLITE_MALLOC_SOFT_LIMIT) +# define SQLITE_MALLOC_SOFT_LIMIT 1024 +#endif + +/* +** We need to define _XOPEN_SOURCE as follows in order to enable +** recursive mutexes on most Unix systems. But Mac OS X is different. +** The _XOPEN_SOURCE define causes problems for Mac OS X we are told, +** so it is omitted there. See ticket #2673. +** +** Later we learn that _XOPEN_SOURCE is poorly or incorrectly +** implemented on some systems. So we avoid defining it at all +** if it is already defined or if it is unneeded because we are +** not doing a threadsafe build. Ticket #2681. +** +** See also ticket #2741. +*/ +#if !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) && !defined(__DARWIN__) \ + && !defined(__APPLE__) && SQLITE_THREADSAFE +# define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 /* Needed to enable pthread recursive mutexes */ +#endif + +/* +** The TCL headers are only needed when compiling the TCL bindings. +*/ +#if defined(SQLITE_TCL) || defined(TCLSH) +# include +#endif + +/* +** NDEBUG and SQLITE_DEBUG are opposites. It should always be true that +** defined(NDEBUG)==!defined(SQLITE_DEBUG). If this is not currently true, +** make it true by defining or undefining NDEBUG. +** +** Setting NDEBUG makes the code smaller and run faster by disabling the +** number assert() statements in the code. So we want the default action +** to be for NDEBUG to be set and NDEBUG to be undefined only if SQLITE_DEBUG +** is set. Thus NDEBUG becomes an opt-in rather than an opt-out +** feature. +*/ +#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) +# define NDEBUG 1 +#endif +#if defined(NDEBUG) && defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) +# undef NDEBUG +#endif + +/* +** The testcase() macro is used to aid in coverage testing. When +** doing coverage testing, the condition inside the argument to +** testcase() must be evaluated both true and false in order to +** get full branch coverage. The testcase() macro is inserted +** to help ensure adequate test coverage in places where simple +** condition/decision coverage is inadequate. For example, testcase() +** can be used to make sure boundary values are tested. For +** bitmask tests, testcase() can be used to make sure each bit +** is significant and used at least once. On switch statements +** where multiple cases go to the same block of code, testcase() +** can insure that all cases are evaluated. +** +*/ +#ifdef SQLITE_COVERAGE_TEST +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Coverage(int); +# define testcase(X) if( X ){ sqlite3Coverage(__LINE__); } +#else +# define testcase(X) +#endif + +/* +** The TESTONLY macro is used to enclose variable declarations or +** other bits of code that are needed to support the arguments +** within testcase() and assert() macros. +*/ +#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(SQLITE_COVERAGE_TEST) +# define TESTONLY(X) X +#else +# define TESTONLY(X) +#endif + +/* +** Sometimes we need a small amount of code such as a variable initialization +** to setup for a later assert() statement. We do not want this code to +** appear when assert() is disabled. The following macro is therefore +** used to contain that setup code. The "VVA" acronym stands for +** "Verification, Validation, and Accreditation". In other words, the +** code within VVA_ONLY() will only run during verification processes. +*/ +#ifndef NDEBUG +# define VVA_ONLY(X) X +#else +# define VVA_ONLY(X) +#endif + +/* +** The ALWAYS and NEVER macros surround boolean expressions which +** are intended to always be true or false, respectively. Such +** expressions could be omitted from the code completely. But they +** are included in a few cases in order to enhance the resilience +** of SQLite to unexpected behavior - to make the code "self-healing" +** or "ductile" rather than being "brittle" and crashing at the first +** hint of unplanned behavior. +** +** In other words, ALWAYS and NEVER are added for defensive code. +** +** When doing coverage testing ALWAYS and NEVER are hard-coded to +** be true and false so that the unreachable code then specify will +** not be counted as untested code. +*/ +#if defined(SQLITE_COVERAGE_TEST) +# define ALWAYS(X) (1) +# define NEVER(X) (0) +#elif !defined(NDEBUG) +# define ALWAYS(X) ((X)?1:(assert(0),0)) +# define NEVER(X) ((X)?(assert(0),1):0) +#else +# define ALWAYS(X) (X) +# define NEVER(X) (X) +#endif + +/* +** Return true (non-zero) if the input is a integer that is too large +** to fit in 32-bits. This macro is used inside of various testcase() +** macros to verify that we have tested SQLite for large-file support. +*/ +#define IS_BIG_INT(X) (((X)&~(i64)0xffffffff)!=0) + +/* +** The macro unlikely() is a hint that surrounds a boolean +** expression that is usually false. Macro likely() surrounds +** a boolean expression that is usually true. GCC is able to +** use these hints to generate better code, sometimes. +*/ +#if defined(__GNUC__) && 0 +# define likely(X) __builtin_expect((X),1) +# define unlikely(X) __builtin_expect((X),0) +#else +# define likely(X) !!(X) +# define unlikely(X) !!(X) +#endif + +/************** Include sqlite3.h in the middle of sqliteInt.h ***************/ +/************** Begin file sqlite3.h *****************************************/ +/* +** 2001 September 15 +** +** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of +** a legal notice, here is a blessing: +** +** May you do good and not evil. +** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. +** May you share freely, never taking more than you give. +** +************************************************************************* +** This header file defines the interface that the SQLite library +** presents to client programs. If a C-function, structure, datatype, +** or constant definition does not appear in this file, then it is +** not a published API of SQLite, is subject to change without +** notice, and should not be referenced by programs that use SQLite. +** +** Some of the definitions that are in this file are marked as +** "experimental". Experimental interfaces are normally new +** features recently added to SQLite. We do not anticipate changes +** to experimental interfaces but reserve the right to make minor changes +** if experience from use "in the wild" suggest such changes are prudent. +** +** The official C-language API documentation for SQLite is derived +** from comments in this file. This file is the authoritative source +** on how SQLite interfaces are suppose to operate. +** +** The name of this file under configuration management is "sqlite.h.in". +** The makefile makes some minor changes to this file (such as inserting +** the version number) and changes its name to "sqlite3.h" as +** part of the build process. +*/ +#ifndef _SQLITE3_H_ +#define _SQLITE3_H_ +#include /* Needed for the definition of va_list */ + +/* +** Make sure we can call this stuff from C++. +*/ +#if 0 +extern "C" { +#endif + + +/* +** Add the ability to override 'extern' +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_EXTERN +# define SQLITE_EXTERN extern +#endif + +#ifndef SQLITE_API +# define SQLITE_API +#endif + + +/* +** These no-op macros are used in front of interfaces to mark those +** interfaces as either deprecated or experimental. New applications +** should not use deprecated interfaces - they are support for backwards +** compatibility only. Application writers should be aware that +** experimental interfaces are subject to change in point releases. +** +** These macros used to resolve to various kinds of compiler magic that +** would generate warning messages when they were used. But that +** compiler magic ended up generating such a flurry of bug reports +** that we have taken it all out and gone back to using simple +** noop macros. +*/ +#define SQLITE_DEPRECATED +#define SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL + +/* +** Ensure these symbols were not defined by some previous header file. +*/ +#ifdef SQLITE_VERSION +# undef SQLITE_VERSION +#endif +#ifdef SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER +# undef SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER +#endif + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Compile-Time Library Version Numbers +** +** ^(The [SQLITE_VERSION] C preprocessor macro in the sqlite3.h header +** evaluates to a string literal that is the SQLite version in the +** format "X.Y.Z" where X is the major version number (always 3 for +** SQLite3) and Y is the minor version number and Z is the release number.)^ +** ^(The [SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER] C preprocessor macro resolves to an integer +** with the value (X*1000000 + Y*1000 + Z) where X, Y, and Z are the same +** numbers used in [SQLITE_VERSION].)^ +** The SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER for any given release of SQLite will also +** be larger than the release from which it is derived. Either Y will +** be held constant and Z will be incremented or else Y will be incremented +** and Z will be reset to zero. +** +** Since version 3.6.18, SQLite source code has been stored in the +** Fossil configuration management +** system. ^The SQLITE_SOURCE_ID macro evaluates to +** a string which identifies a particular check-in of SQLite +** within its configuration management system. ^The SQLITE_SOURCE_ID +** string contains the date and time of the check-in (UTC) and an SHA1 +** hash of the entire source tree. +** +** See also: [sqlite3_libversion()], +** [sqlite3_libversion_number()], [sqlite3_sourceid()], +** [sqlite_version()] and [sqlite_source_id()]. +*/ +#define SQLITE_VERSION "" +#define SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER 3007016 +#define SQLITE_SOURCE_ID "2013-04-12 11:52:43 cbea02d93865ce0e06789db95fd9168ebac970c7" + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Run-Time Library Version Numbers +** KEYWORDS: sqlite3_version, sqlite3_sourceid +** +** These interfaces provide the same information as the [SQLITE_VERSION], +** [SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER], and [SQLITE_SOURCE_ID] C preprocessor macros +** but are associated with the library instead of the header file. ^(Cautious +** programmers might include assert() statements in their application to +** verify that values returned by these interfaces match the macros in +** the header, and thus insure that the application is +** compiled with matching library and header files. +** +**
+** assert( sqlite3_libversion_number()==SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER );
+** assert( strcmp(sqlite3_sourceid(),SQLITE_SOURCE_ID)==0 );
+** assert( strcmp(sqlite3_libversion(),SQLITE_VERSION)==0 );
)^ +** +** ^The sqlite3_version[] string constant contains the text of [SQLITE_VERSION] +** macro. ^The sqlite3_libversion() function returns a pointer to the +** to the sqlite3_version[] string constant. The sqlite3_libversion() +** function is provided for use in DLLs since DLL users usually do not have +** direct access to string constants within the DLL. ^The +** sqlite3_libversion_number() function returns an integer equal to +** [SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER]. ^The sqlite3_sourceid() function returns +** a pointer to a string constant whose value is the same as the +** [SQLITE_SOURCE_ID] C preprocessor macro. +** +** See also: [sqlite_version()] and [sqlite_source_id()]. +*/ +SQLITE_API const char sqlite3_version[] = SQLITE_VERSION; +SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_libversion(void); +SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_sourceid(void); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_libversion_number(void); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Run-Time Library Compilation Options Diagnostics +** +** ^The sqlite3_compileoption_used() function returns 0 or 1 +** indicating whether the specified option was defined at +** compile time. ^The SQLITE_ prefix may be omitted from the +** option name passed to sqlite3_compileoption_used(). +** +** ^The sqlite3_compileoption_get() function allows iterating +** over the list of options that were defined at compile time by +** returning the N-th compile time option string. ^If N is out of range, +** sqlite3_compileoption_get() returns a NULL pointer. ^The SQLITE_ +** prefix is omitted from any strings returned by +** sqlite3_compileoption_get(). +** +** ^Support for the diagnostic functions sqlite3_compileoption_used() +** and sqlite3_compileoption_get() may be omitted by specifying the +** [SQLITE_OMIT_COMPILEOPTION_DIAGS] option at compile time. +** +** See also: SQL functions [sqlite_compileoption_used()] and +** [sqlite_compileoption_get()] and the [compile_options pragma]. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_COMPILEOPTION_DIAGS +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_compileoption_used(const char *zOptName); +SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_compileoption_get(int N); +#endif + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Test To See If The Library Is Threadsafe +** +** ^The sqlite3_threadsafe() function returns zero if and only if +** SQLite was compiled with mutexing code omitted due to the +** [SQLITE_THREADSAFE] compile-time option being set to 0. +** +** SQLite can be compiled with or without mutexes. When +** the [SQLITE_THREADSAFE] C preprocessor macro is 1 or 2, mutexes +** are enabled and SQLite is threadsafe. When the +** [SQLITE_THREADSAFE] macro is 0, +** the mutexes are omitted. Without the mutexes, it is not safe +** to use SQLite concurrently from more than one thread. +** +** Enabling mutexes incurs a measurable performance penalty. +** So if speed is of utmost importance, it makes sense to disable +** the mutexes. But for maximum safety, mutexes should be enabled. +** ^The default behavior is for mutexes to be enabled. +** +** This interface can be used by an application to make sure that the +** version of SQLite that it is linking against was compiled with +** the desired setting of the [SQLITE_THREADSAFE] macro. +** +** This interface only reports on the compile-time mutex setting +** of the [SQLITE_THREADSAFE] flag. If SQLite is compiled with +** SQLITE_THREADSAFE=1 or =2 then mutexes are enabled by default but +** can be fully or partially disabled using a call to [sqlite3_config()] +** with the verbs [SQLITE_CONFIG_SINGLETHREAD], [SQLITE_CONFIG_MULTITHREAD], +** or [SQLITE_CONFIG_MUTEX]. ^(The return value of the +** sqlite3_threadsafe() function shows only the compile-time setting of +** thread safety, not any run-time changes to that setting made by +** sqlite3_config(). In other words, the return value from sqlite3_threadsafe() +** is unchanged by calls to sqlite3_config().)^ +** +** See the [threading mode] documentation for additional information. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_threadsafe(void); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Database Connection Handle +** KEYWORDS: {database connection} {database connections} +** +** Each open SQLite database is represented by a pointer to an instance of +** the opaque structure named "sqlite3". It is useful to think of an sqlite3 +** pointer as an object. The [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open16()], and +** [sqlite3_open_v2()] interfaces are its constructors, and [sqlite3_close()] +** and [sqlite3_close_v2()] are its destructors. There are many other +** interfaces (such as +** [sqlite3_prepare_v2()], [sqlite3_create_function()], and +** [sqlite3_busy_timeout()] to name but three) that are methods on an +** sqlite3 object. +*/ +typedef struct sqlite3 sqlite3; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: 64-Bit Integer Types +** KEYWORDS: sqlite_int64 sqlite_uint64 +** +** Because there is no cross-platform way to specify 64-bit integer types +** SQLite includes typedefs for 64-bit signed and unsigned integers. +** +** The sqlite3_int64 and sqlite3_uint64 are the preferred type definitions. +** The sqlite_int64 and sqlite_uint64 types are supported for backwards +** compatibility only. +** +** ^The sqlite3_int64 and sqlite_int64 types can store integer values +** between -9223372036854775808 and +9223372036854775807 inclusive. ^The +** sqlite3_uint64 and sqlite_uint64 types can store integer values +** between 0 and +18446744073709551615 inclusive. +*/ +#ifdef SQLITE_INT64_TYPE + typedef SQLITE_INT64_TYPE sqlite_int64; + typedef unsigned SQLITE_INT64_TYPE sqlite_uint64; +#elif defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) + typedef __int64 sqlite_int64; + typedef unsigned __int64 sqlite_uint64; +#else + typedef long long int sqlite_int64; + typedef unsigned long long int sqlite_uint64; +#endif +typedef sqlite_int64 sqlite3_int64; +typedef sqlite_uint64 sqlite3_uint64; + +/* +** If compiling for a processor that lacks floating point support, +** substitute integer for floating-point. +*/ +#ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_FLOATING_POINT +# define double sqlite3_int64 +#endif + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Closing A Database Connection +** +** ^The sqlite3_close() and sqlite3_close_v2() routines are destructors +** for the [sqlite3] object. +** ^Calls to sqlite3_close() and sqlite3_close_v2() return SQLITE_OK if +** the [sqlite3] object is successfully destroyed and all associated +** resources are deallocated. +** +** ^If the database connection is associated with unfinalized prepared +** statements or unfinished sqlite3_backup objects then sqlite3_close() +** will leave the database connection open and return [SQLITE_BUSY]. +** ^If sqlite3_close_v2() is called with unfinalized prepared statements +** and unfinished sqlite3_backups, then the database connection becomes +** an unusable "zombie" which will automatically be deallocated when the +** last prepared statement is finalized or the last sqlite3_backup is +** finished. The sqlite3_close_v2() interface is intended for use with +** host languages that are garbage collected, and where the order in which +** destructors are called is arbitrary. +** +** Applications should [sqlite3_finalize | finalize] all [prepared statements], +** [sqlite3_blob_close | close] all [BLOB handles], and +** [sqlite3_backup_finish | finish] all [sqlite3_backup] objects associated +** with the [sqlite3] object prior to attempting to close the object. ^If +** sqlite3_close_v2() is called on a [database connection] that still has +** outstanding [prepared statements], [BLOB handles], and/or +** [sqlite3_backup] objects then it returns SQLITE_OK but the deallocation +** of resources is deferred until all [prepared statements], [BLOB handles], +** and [sqlite3_backup] objects are also destroyed. +** +** ^If an [sqlite3] object is destroyed while a transaction is open, +** the transaction is automatically rolled back. +** +** The C parameter to [sqlite3_close(C)] and [sqlite3_close_v2(C)] +** must be either a NULL +** pointer or an [sqlite3] object pointer obtained +** from [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open16()], or +** [sqlite3_open_v2()], and not previously closed. +** ^Calling sqlite3_close() or sqlite3_close_v2() with a NULL pointer +** argument is a harmless no-op. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_close(sqlite3*); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_close_v2(sqlite3*); + +/* +** The type for a callback function. +** This is legacy and deprecated. It is included for historical +** compatibility and is not documented. +*/ +typedef int (*sqlite3_callback)(void*,int,char**, char**); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: One-Step Query Execution Interface +** +** The sqlite3_exec() interface is a convenience wrapper around +** [sqlite3_prepare_v2()], [sqlite3_step()], and [sqlite3_finalize()], +** that allows an application to run multiple statements of SQL +** without having to use a lot of C code. +** +** ^The sqlite3_exec() interface runs zero or more UTF-8 encoded, +** semicolon-separate SQL statements passed into its 2nd argument, +** in the context of the [database connection] passed in as its 1st +** argument. ^If the callback function of the 3rd argument to +** sqlite3_exec() is not NULL, then it is invoked for each result row +** coming out of the evaluated SQL statements. ^The 4th argument to +** sqlite3_exec() is relayed through to the 1st argument of each +** callback invocation. ^If the callback pointer to sqlite3_exec() +** is NULL, then no callback is ever invoked and result rows are +** ignored. +** +** ^If an error occurs while evaluating the SQL statements passed into +** sqlite3_exec(), then execution of the current statement stops and +** subsequent statements are skipped. ^If the 5th parameter to sqlite3_exec() +** is not NULL then any error message is written into memory obtained +** from [sqlite3_malloc()] and passed back through the 5th parameter. +** To avoid memory leaks, the application should invoke [sqlite3_free()] +** on error message strings returned through the 5th parameter of +** of sqlite3_exec() after the error message string is no longer needed. +** ^If the 5th parameter to sqlite3_exec() is not NULL and no errors +** occur, then sqlite3_exec() sets the pointer in its 5th parameter to +** NULL before returning. +** +** ^If an sqlite3_exec() callback returns non-zero, the sqlite3_exec() +** routine returns SQLITE_ABORT without invoking the callback again and +** without running any subsequent SQL statements. +** +** ^The 2nd argument to the sqlite3_exec() callback function is the +** number of columns in the result. ^The 3rd argument to the sqlite3_exec() +** callback is an array of pointers to strings obtained as if from +** [sqlite3_column_text()], one for each column. ^If an element of a +** result row is NULL then the corresponding string pointer for the +** sqlite3_exec() callback is a NULL pointer. ^The 4th argument to the +** sqlite3_exec() callback is an array of pointers to strings where each +** entry represents the name of corresponding result column as obtained +** from [sqlite3_column_name()]. +** +** ^If the 2nd parameter to sqlite3_exec() is a NULL pointer, a pointer +** to an empty string, or a pointer that contains only whitespace and/or +** SQL comments, then no SQL statements are evaluated and the database +** is not changed. +** +** Restrictions: +** +**
  • The application must insure that the 1st parameter to sqlite3_exec() +** is a valid and open [database connection]. +**
  • The application must not close [database connection] specified by +** the 1st parameter to sqlite3_exec() while sqlite3_exec() is running. +**
  • The application must not modify the SQL statement text passed into +** the 2nd parameter of sqlite3_exec() while sqlite3_exec() is running. +**
+*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_exec( + sqlite3*, /* An open database */ + const char *sql, /* SQL to be evaluated */ + int (*callback)(void*,int,char**,char**), /* Callback function */ + void *, /* 1st argument to callback */ + char **errmsg /* Error msg written here */ +); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Result Codes +** KEYWORDS: SQLITE_OK {error code} {error codes} +** KEYWORDS: {result code} {result codes} +** +** Many SQLite functions return an integer result code from the set shown +** here in order to indicate success or failure. +** +** New error codes may be added in future versions of SQLite. +** +** See also: [SQLITE_IOERR_READ | extended result codes], +** [sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict()] [SQLITE_ROLLBACK | result codes]. +*/ +#define SQLITE_OK 0 /* Successful result */ +/* beginning-of-error-codes */ +#define SQLITE_ERROR 1 /* SQL error or missing database */ +#define SQLITE_INTERNAL 2 /* Internal logic error in SQLite */ +#define SQLITE_PERM 3 /* Access permission denied */ +#define SQLITE_ABORT 4 /* Callback routine requested an abort */ +#define SQLITE_BUSY 5 /* The database file is locked */ +#define SQLITE_LOCKED 6 /* A table in the database is locked */ +#define SQLITE_NOMEM 7 /* A malloc() failed */ +#define SQLITE_READONLY 8 /* Attempt to write a readonly database */ +#define SQLITE_INTERRUPT 9 /* Operation terminated by sqlite3_interrupt()*/ +#define SQLITE_IOERR 10 /* Some kind of disk I/O error occurred */ +#define SQLITE_CORRUPT 11 /* The database disk image is malformed */ +#define SQLITE_NOTFOUND 12 /* Unknown opcode in sqlite3_file_control() */ +#define SQLITE_FULL 13 /* Insertion failed because database is full */ +#define SQLITE_CANTOPEN 14 /* Unable to open the database file */ +#define SQLITE_PROTOCOL 15 /* Database lock protocol error */ +#define SQLITE_EMPTY 16 /* Database is empty */ +#define SQLITE_SCHEMA 17 /* The database schema changed */ +#define SQLITE_TOOBIG 18 /* String or BLOB exceeds size limit */ +#define SQLITE_CONSTRAINT 19 /* Abort due to constraint violation */ +#define SQLITE_MISMATCH 20 /* Data type mismatch */ +#define SQLITE_MISUSE 21 /* Library used incorrectly */ +#define SQLITE_NOLFS 22 /* Uses OS features not supported on host */ +#define SQLITE_AUTH 23 /* Authorization denied */ +#define SQLITE_FORMAT 24 /* Auxiliary database format error */ +#define SQLITE_RANGE 25 /* 2nd parameter to sqlite3_bind out of range */ +#define SQLITE_NOTADB 26 /* File opened that is not a database file */ +#define SQLITE_ROW 100 /* sqlite3_step() has another row ready */ +#define SQLITE_DONE 101 /* sqlite3_step() has finished executing */ +/* end-of-error-codes */ + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Extended Result Codes +** KEYWORDS: {extended error code} {extended error codes} +** KEYWORDS: {extended result code} {extended result codes} +** +** In its default configuration, SQLite API routines return one of 26 integer +** [SQLITE_OK | result codes]. However, experience has shown that many of +** these result codes are too coarse-grained. They do not provide as +** much information about problems as programmers might like. In an effort to +** address this, newer versions of SQLite (version 3.3.8 and later) include +** support for additional result codes that provide more detailed information +** about errors. The extended result codes are enabled or disabled +** on a per database connection basis using the +** [sqlite3_extended_result_codes()] API. +** +** Some of the available extended result codes are listed here. +** One may expect the number of extended result codes will be expand +** over time. Software that uses extended result codes should expect +** to see new result codes in future releases of SQLite. +** +** The SQLITE_OK result code will never be extended. It will always +** be exactly zero. +*/ +#define SQLITE_IOERR_READ (SQLITE_IOERR | (1<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_SHORT_READ (SQLITE_IOERR | (2<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE (SQLITE_IOERR | (3<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_FSYNC (SQLITE_IOERR | (4<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_DIR_FSYNC (SQLITE_IOERR | (5<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_TRUNCATE (SQLITE_IOERR | (6<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT (SQLITE_IOERR | (7<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK (SQLITE_IOERR | (8<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_RDLOCK (SQLITE_IOERR | (9<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE (SQLITE_IOERR | (10<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED (SQLITE_IOERR | (11<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM (SQLITE_IOERR | (12<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS (SQLITE_IOERR | (13<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_CHECKRESERVEDLOCK (SQLITE_IOERR | (14<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK (SQLITE_IOERR | (15<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_CLOSE (SQLITE_IOERR | (16<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_DIR_CLOSE (SQLITE_IOERR | (17<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_SHMOPEN (SQLITE_IOERR | (18<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_SHMSIZE (SQLITE_IOERR | (19<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_SHMLOCK (SQLITE_IOERR | (20<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_SHMMAP (SQLITE_IOERR | (21<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_SEEK (SQLITE_IOERR | (22<<8)) +#define SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE_NOENT (SQLITE_IOERR | (23<<8)) +#define SQLITE_LOCKED_SHAREDCACHE (SQLITE_LOCKED | (1<<8)) +#define SQLITE_BUSY_RECOVERY (SQLITE_BUSY | (1<<8)) +#define SQLITE_CANTOPEN_NOTEMPDIR (SQLITE_CANTOPEN | (1<<8)) +#define SQLITE_CANTOPEN_ISDIR (SQLITE_CANTOPEN | (2<<8)) +#define SQLITE_CANTOPEN_FULLPATH (SQLITE_CANTOPEN | (3<<8)) +#define SQLITE_CORRUPT_VTAB (SQLITE_CORRUPT | (1<<8)) +#define SQLITE_READONLY_RECOVERY (SQLITE_READONLY | (1<<8)) +#define SQLITE_READONLY_CANTLOCK (SQLITE_READONLY | (2<<8)) +#define SQLITE_READONLY_ROLLBACK (SQLITE_READONLY | (3<<8)) +#define SQLITE_ABORT_ROLLBACK (SQLITE_ABORT | (2<<8)) +#define SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_CHECK (SQLITE_CONSTRAINT | (1<<8)) +#define SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_COMMITHOOK (SQLITE_CONSTRAINT | (2<<8)) +#define SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_FOREIGNKEY (SQLITE_CONSTRAINT | (3<<8)) +#define SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_FUNCTION (SQLITE_CONSTRAINT | (4<<8)) +#define SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_NOTNULL (SQLITE_CONSTRAINT | (5<<8)) +#define SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_PRIMARYKEY (SQLITE_CONSTRAINT | (6<<8)) +#define SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_TRIGGER (SQLITE_CONSTRAINT | (7<<8)) +#define SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE (SQLITE_CONSTRAINT | (8<<8)) +#define SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_VTAB (SQLITE_CONSTRAINT | (9<<8)) + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Flags For File Open Operations +** +** These bit values are intended for use in the +** 3rd parameter to the [sqlite3_open_v2()] interface and +** in the 4th parameter to the [sqlite3_vfs.xOpen] method. +*/ +#define SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY 0x00000001 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */ +#define SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE 0x00000002 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */ +#define SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE 0x00000004 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */ +#define SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE 0x00000008 /* VFS only */ +#define SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE 0x00000010 /* VFS only */ +#define SQLITE_OPEN_AUTOPROXY 0x00000020 /* VFS only */ +#define SQLITE_OPEN_URI 0x00000040 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */ +#define SQLITE_OPEN_MEMORY 0x00000080 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */ +#define SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB 0x00000100 /* VFS only */ +#define SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_DB 0x00000200 /* VFS only */ +#define SQLITE_OPEN_TRANSIENT_DB 0x00000400 /* VFS only */ +#define SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_JOURNAL 0x00000800 /* VFS only */ +#define SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_JOURNAL 0x00001000 /* VFS only */ +#define SQLITE_OPEN_SUBJOURNAL 0x00002000 /* VFS only */ +#define SQLITE_OPEN_MASTER_JOURNAL 0x00004000 /* VFS only */ +#define SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX 0x00008000 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */ +#define SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX 0x00010000 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */ +#define SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE 0x00020000 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */ +#define SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE 0x00040000 /* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */ +#define SQLITE_OPEN_WAL 0x00080000 /* VFS only */ + +/* Reserved: 0x00F00000 */ + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Device Characteristics +** +** The xDeviceCharacteristics method of the [sqlite3_io_methods] +** object returns an integer which is a vector of these +** bit values expressing I/O characteristics of the mass storage +** device that holds the file that the [sqlite3_io_methods] +** refers to. +** +** The SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC property means that all writes of +** any size are atomic. The SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMICnnn values +** mean that writes of blocks that are nnn bytes in size and +** are aligned to an address which is an integer multiple of +** nnn are atomic. The SQLITE_IOCAP_SAFE_APPEND value means +** that when data is appended to a file, the data is appended +** first then the size of the file is extended, never the other +** way around. The SQLITE_IOCAP_SEQUENTIAL property means that +** information is written to disk in the same order as calls +** to xWrite(). The SQLITE_IOCAP_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE property means that +** after reboot following a crash or power loss, the only bytes in a +** file that were written at the application level might have changed +** and that adjacent bytes, even bytes within the same sector are +** guaranteed to be unchanged. +*/ +#define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC 0x00000001 +#define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC512 0x00000002 +#define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC1K 0x00000004 +#define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC2K 0x00000008 +#define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC4K 0x00000010 +#define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC8K 0x00000020 +#define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC16K 0x00000040 +#define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC32K 0x00000080 +#define SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC64K 0x00000100 +#define SQLITE_IOCAP_SAFE_APPEND 0x00000200 +#define SQLITE_IOCAP_SEQUENTIAL 0x00000400 +#define SQLITE_IOCAP_UNDELETABLE_WHEN_OPEN 0x00000800 +#define SQLITE_IOCAP_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE 0x00001000 + +/* +** CAPI3REF: File Locking Levels +** +** SQLite uses one of these integer values as the second +** argument to calls it makes to the xLock() and xUnlock() methods +** of an [sqlite3_io_methods] object. +*/ +#define SQLITE_LOCK_NONE 0 +#define SQLITE_LOCK_SHARED 1 +#define SQLITE_LOCK_RESERVED 2 +#define SQLITE_LOCK_PENDING 3 +#define SQLITE_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE 4 + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Synchronization Type Flags +** +** When SQLite invokes the xSync() method of an +** [sqlite3_io_methods] object it uses a combination of +** these integer values as the second argument. +** +** When the SQLITE_SYNC_DATAONLY flag is used, it means that the +** sync operation only needs to flush data to mass storage. Inode +** information need not be flushed. If the lower four bits of the flag +** equal SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL, that means to use normal fsync() semantics. +** If the lower four bits equal SQLITE_SYNC_FULL, that means +** to use Mac OS X style fullsync instead of fsync(). +** +** Do not confuse the SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL and SQLITE_SYNC_FULL flags +** with the [PRAGMA synchronous]=NORMAL and [PRAGMA synchronous]=FULL +** settings. The [synchronous pragma] determines when calls to the +** xSync VFS method occur and applies uniformly across all platforms. +** The SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL and SQLITE_SYNC_FULL flags determine how +** energetic or rigorous or forceful the sync operations are and +** only make a difference on Mac OSX for the default SQLite code. +** (Third-party VFS implementations might also make the distinction +** between SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL and SQLITE_SYNC_FULL, but among the +** operating systems natively supported by SQLite, only Mac OSX +** cares about the difference.) +*/ +#define SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL 0x00002 +#define SQLITE_SYNC_FULL 0x00003 +#define SQLITE_SYNC_DATAONLY 0x00010 + +/* +** CAPI3REF: OS Interface Open File Handle +** +** An [sqlite3_file] object represents an open file in the +** [sqlite3_vfs | OS interface layer]. Individual OS interface +** implementations will +** want to subclass this object by appending additional fields +** for their own use. The pMethods entry is a pointer to an +** [sqlite3_io_methods] object that defines methods for performing +** I/O operations on the open file. +*/ +typedef struct sqlite3_file sqlite3_file; +struct sqlite3_file { + const struct sqlite3_io_methods *pMethods; /* Methods for an open file */ +}; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: OS Interface File Virtual Methods Object +** +** Every file opened by the [sqlite3_vfs.xOpen] method populates an +** [sqlite3_file] object (or, more commonly, a subclass of the +** [sqlite3_file] object) with a pointer to an instance of this object. +** This object defines the methods used to perform various operations +** against the open file represented by the [sqlite3_file] object. +** +** If the [sqlite3_vfs.xOpen] method sets the sqlite3_file.pMethods element +** to a non-NULL pointer, then the sqlite3_io_methods.xClose method +** may be invoked even if the [sqlite3_vfs.xOpen] reported that it failed. The +** only way to prevent a call to xClose following a failed [sqlite3_vfs.xOpen] +** is for the [sqlite3_vfs.xOpen] to set the sqlite3_file.pMethods element +** to NULL. +** +** The flags argument to xSync may be one of [SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL] or +** [SQLITE_SYNC_FULL]. The first choice is the normal fsync(). +** The second choice is a Mac OS X style fullsync. The [SQLITE_SYNC_DATAONLY] +** flag may be ORed in to indicate that only the data of the file +** and not its inode needs to be synced. +** +** The integer values to xLock() and xUnlock() are one of +**
+** xLock() increases the lock. xUnlock() decreases the lock. +** The xCheckReservedLock() method checks whether any database connection, +** either in this process or in some other process, is holding a RESERVED, +** PENDING, or EXCLUSIVE lock on the file. It returns true +** if such a lock exists and false otherwise. +** +** The xFileControl() method is a generic interface that allows custom +** VFS implementations to directly control an open file using the +** [sqlite3_file_control()] interface. The second "op" argument is an +** integer opcode. The third argument is a generic pointer intended to +** point to a structure that may contain arguments or space in which to +** write return values. Potential uses for xFileControl() might be +** functions to enable blocking locks with timeouts, to change the +** locking strategy (for example to use dot-file locks), to inquire +** about the status of a lock, or to break stale locks. The SQLite +** core reserves all opcodes less than 100 for its own use. +** A [SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCKSTATE | list of opcodes] less than 100 is available. +** Applications that define a custom xFileControl method should use opcodes +** greater than 100 to avoid conflicts. VFS implementations should +** return [SQLITE_NOTFOUND] for file control opcodes that they do not +** recognize. +** +** The xSectorSize() method returns the sector size of the +** device that underlies the file. The sector size is the +** minimum write that can be performed without disturbing +** other bytes in the file. The xDeviceCharacteristics() +** method returns a bit vector describing behaviors of the +** underlying device: +** +**
+** +** The SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC property means that all writes of +** any size are atomic. The SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMICnnn values +** mean that writes of blocks that are nnn bytes in size and +** are aligned to an address which is an integer multiple of +** nnn are atomic. The SQLITE_IOCAP_SAFE_APPEND value means +** that when data is appended to a file, the data is appended +** first then the size of the file is extended, never the other +** way around. The SQLITE_IOCAP_SEQUENTIAL property means that +** information is written to disk in the same order as calls +** to xWrite(). +** +** If xRead() returns SQLITE_IOERR_SHORT_READ it must also fill +** in the unread portions of the buffer with zeros. A VFS that +** fails to zero-fill short reads might seem to work. However, +** failure to zero-fill short reads will eventually lead to +** database corruption. +*/ +typedef struct sqlite3_io_methods sqlite3_io_methods; +struct sqlite3_io_methods { + int iVersion; + int (*xClose)(sqlite3_file*); + int (*xRead)(sqlite3_file*, void*, int iAmt, sqlite3_int64 iOfst); + int (*xWrite)(sqlite3_file*, const void*, int iAmt, sqlite3_int64 iOfst); + int (*xTruncate)(sqlite3_file*, sqlite3_int64 size); + int (*xSync)(sqlite3_file*, int flags); + int (*xFileSize)(sqlite3_file*, sqlite3_int64 *pSize); + int (*xLock)(sqlite3_file*, int); + int (*xUnlock)(sqlite3_file*, int); + int (*xCheckReservedLock)(sqlite3_file*, int *pResOut); + int (*xFileControl)(sqlite3_file*, int op, void *pArg); + int (*xSectorSize)(sqlite3_file*); + int (*xDeviceCharacteristics)(sqlite3_file*); + /* Methods above are valid for version 1 */ + int (*xShmMap)(sqlite3_file*, int iPg, int pgsz, int, void volatile**); + int (*xShmLock)(sqlite3_file*, int offset, int n, int flags); + void (*xShmBarrier)(sqlite3_file*); + int (*xShmUnmap)(sqlite3_file*, int deleteFlag); + /* Methods above are valid for version 2 */ + /* Additional methods may be added in future releases */ +}; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Standard File Control Opcodes +** +** These integer constants are opcodes for the xFileControl method +** of the [sqlite3_io_methods] object and for the [sqlite3_file_control()] +** interface. +** +** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCKSTATE] opcode is used for debugging. This +** opcode causes the xFileControl method to write the current state of +** the lock (one of [SQLITE_LOCK_NONE], [SQLITE_LOCK_SHARED], +** [SQLITE_LOCK_RESERVED], [SQLITE_LOCK_PENDING], or [SQLITE_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE]) +** into an integer that the pArg argument points to. This capability +** is used during testing and only needs to be supported when SQLITE_TEST +** is defined. +**
  • [[SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_HINT]] +** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_HINT] opcode is used by SQLite to give the VFS +** layer a hint of how large the database file will grow to be during the +** current transaction. This hint is not guaranteed to be accurate but it +** is often close. The underlying VFS might choose to preallocate database +** file space based on this hint in order to help writes to the database +** file run faster. +** +**
  • [[SQLITE_FCNTL_CHUNK_SIZE]] +** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_CHUNK_SIZE] opcode is used to request that the VFS +** extends and truncates the database file in chunks of a size specified +** by the user. The fourth argument to [sqlite3_file_control()] should +** point to an integer (type int) containing the new chunk-size to use +** for the nominated database. Allocating database file space in large +** chunks (say 1MB at a time), may reduce file-system fragmentation and +** improve performance on some systems. +** +**
  • [[SQLITE_FCNTL_FILE_POINTER]] +** The [SQLITE_FCNTL_FILE_POINTER] opcode is used to obtain a pointer +** to the [sqlite3_file] object associated with a particular database +** connection. See the [sqlite3_file_control()] documentation for +** additional information. +** +**
  • [[SQLITE_FCNTL_SYNC_OMITTED]] +** ^(The [SQLITE_FCNTL_SYNC_OMITTED] opcode is generated internally by +** SQLite and sent to all VFSes in place of a call to the xSync method +** when the database connection has [PRAGMA synchronous] set to OFF.)^ +** Some specialized VFSes need this signal in order to operate correctly +** when [PRAGMA synchronous | PRAGMA synchronous=OFF] is set, but most +** VFSes do not need this signal and should silently ignore this opcode. +** Applications should not call [sqlite3_file_control()] with this +** opcode as doing so may disrupt the operation of the specialized VFSes +** that do require it. +** +**
  • [[SQLITE_FCNTL_WIN32_AV_RETRY]] +** ^The [SQLITE_FCNTL_WIN32_AV_RETRY] opcode is used to configure automatic +** retry counts and intervals for certain disk I/O operations for the +** windows [VFS] in order to provide robustness in the presence of +** anti-virus programs. By default, the windows VFS will retry file read, +** file write, and file delete operations up to 10 times, with a delay +** of 25 milliseconds before the first retry and with the delay increasing +** by an additional 25 milliseconds with each subsequent retry. This +** opcode allows these two values (10 retries and 25 milliseconds of delay) +** to be adjusted. The values are changed for all database connections +** within the same process. The argument is a pointer to an array of two +** integers where the first integer i the new retry count and the second +** integer is the delay. If either integer is negative, then the setting +** is not changed but instead the prior value of that setting is written +** into the array entry, allowing the current retry settings to be +** interrogated. The zDbName parameter is ignored. +** +**
  • [[SQLITE_FCNTL_PERSIST_WAL]] +** ^The [SQLITE_FCNTL_PERSIST_WAL] opcode is used to set or query the +** persistent [WAL | Write Ahead Log] setting. By default, the auxiliary +** write ahead log and shared memory files used for transaction control +** are automatically deleted when the latest connection to the database +** closes. Setting persistent WAL mode causes those files to persist after +** close. Persisting the files is useful when other processes that do not +** have write permission on the directory containing the database file want +** to read the database file, as the WAL and shared memory files must exist +** in order for the database to be readable. The fourth parameter to +** [sqlite3_file_control()] for this opcode should be a pointer to an integer. +** That integer is 0 to disable persistent WAL mode or 1 to enable persistent +** WAL mode. If the integer is -1, then it is overwritten with the current +** WAL persistence setting. +** +**
  • [[SQLITE_FCNTL_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE]] +** ^The [SQLITE_FCNTL_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE] opcode is used to set or query the +** persistent "powersafe-overwrite" or "PSOW" setting. The PSOW setting +** determines the [SQLITE_IOCAP_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE] bit of the +** xDeviceCharacteristics methods. The fourth parameter to +** [sqlite3_file_control()] for this opcode should be a pointer to an integer. +** That integer is 0 to disable zero-damage mode or 1 to enable zero-damage +** mode. If the integer is -1, then it is overwritten with the current +** zero-damage mode setting. +** +**
  • [[SQLITE_FCNTL_OVERWRITE]] +** ^The [SQLITE_FCNTL_OVERWRITE] opcode is invoked by SQLite after opening +** a write transaction to indicate that, unless it is rolled back for some +** reason, the entire database file will be overwritten by the current +** transaction. This is used by VACUUM operations. +** +**
  • [[SQLITE_FCNTL_VFSNAME]] +** ^The [SQLITE_FCNTL_VFSNAME] opcode can be used to obtain the names of +** all [VFSes] in the VFS stack. The names are of all VFS shims and the +** final bottom-level VFS are written into memory obtained from +** [sqlite3_malloc()] and the result is stored in the char* variable +** that the fourth parameter of [sqlite3_file_control()] points to. +** The caller is responsible for freeing the memory when done. As with +** all file-control actions, there is no guarantee that this will actually +** do anything. Callers should initialize the char* variable to a NULL +** pointer in case this file-control is not implemented. This file-control +** is intended for diagnostic use only. +** +**
  • [[SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA]] +** ^Whenever a [PRAGMA] statement is parsed, an [SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA] +** file control is sent to the open [sqlite3_file] object corresponding +** to the database file to which the pragma statement refers. ^The argument +** to the [SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA] file control is an array of +** pointers to strings (char**) in which the second element of the array +** is the name of the pragma and the third element is the argument to the +** pragma or NULL if the pragma has no argument. ^The handler for an +** [SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA] file control can optionally make the first element +** of the char** argument point to a string obtained from [sqlite3_mprintf()] +** or the equivalent and that string will become the result of the pragma or +** the error message if the pragma fails. ^If the +** [SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA] file control returns [SQLITE_NOTFOUND], then normal +** [PRAGMA] processing continues. ^If the [SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA] +** file control returns [SQLITE_OK], then the parser assumes that the +** VFS has handled the PRAGMA itself and the parser generates a no-op +** prepared statement. ^If the [SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA] file control returns +** any result code other than [SQLITE_OK] or [SQLITE_NOTFOUND], that means +** that the VFS encountered an error while handling the [PRAGMA] and the +** compilation of the PRAGMA fails with an error. ^The [SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA] +** file control occurs at the beginning of pragma statement analysis and so +** it is able to override built-in [PRAGMA] statements. +** +**
  • [[SQLITE_FCNTL_BUSYHANDLER]] +** ^This file-control may be invoked by SQLite on the database file handle +** shortly after it is opened in order to provide a custom VFS with access +** to the connections busy-handler callback. The argument is of type (void **) +** - an array of two (void *) values. The first (void *) actually points +** to a function of type (int (*)(void *)). In order to invoke the connections +** busy-handler, this function should be invoked with the second (void *) in +** the array as the only argument. If it returns non-zero, then the operation +** should be retried. If it returns zero, the custom VFS should abandon the +** current operation. +** +**
  • [[SQLITE_FCNTL_TEMPFILENAME]] +** ^Application can invoke this file-control to have SQLite generate a +** temporary filename using the same algorithm that is followed to generate +** temporary filenames for TEMP tables and other internal uses. The +** argument should be a char** which will be filled with the filename +** written into memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc()]. The caller should +** invoke [sqlite3_free()] on the result to avoid a memory leak. +** +**
+*/ +#define SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCKSTATE 1 +#define SQLITE_GET_LOCKPROXYFILE 2 +#define SQLITE_SET_LOCKPROXYFILE 3 +#define SQLITE_LAST_ERRNO 4 +#define SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_HINT 5 +#define SQLITE_FCNTL_CHUNK_SIZE 6 +#define SQLITE_FCNTL_FILE_POINTER 7 +#define SQLITE_FCNTL_SYNC_OMITTED 8 +#define SQLITE_FCNTL_WIN32_AV_RETRY 9 +#define SQLITE_FCNTL_PERSIST_WAL 10 +#define SQLITE_FCNTL_OVERWRITE 11 +#define SQLITE_FCNTL_VFSNAME 12 +#define SQLITE_FCNTL_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE 13 +#define SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA 14 +#define SQLITE_FCNTL_BUSYHANDLER 15 +#define SQLITE_FCNTL_TEMPFILENAME 16 + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Mutex Handle +** +** The mutex module within SQLite defines [sqlite3_mutex] to be an +** abstract type for a mutex object. The SQLite core never looks +** at the internal representation of an [sqlite3_mutex]. It only +** deals with pointers to the [sqlite3_mutex] object. +** +** Mutexes are created using [sqlite3_mutex_alloc()]. +*/ +typedef struct sqlite3_mutex sqlite3_mutex; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: OS Interface Object +** +** An instance of the sqlite3_vfs object defines the interface between +** the SQLite core and the underlying operating system. The "vfs" +** in the name of the object stands for "virtual file system". See +** the [VFS | VFS documentation] for further information. +** +** The value of the iVersion field is initially 1 but may be larger in +** future versions of SQLite. Additional fields may be appended to this +** object when the iVersion value is increased. Note that the structure +** of the sqlite3_vfs object changes in the transaction between +** SQLite version 3.5.9 and 3.6.0 and yet the iVersion field was not +** modified. +** +** The szOsFile field is the size of the subclassed [sqlite3_file] +** structure used by this VFS. mxPathname is the maximum length of +** a pathname in this VFS. +** +** Registered sqlite3_vfs objects are kept on a linked list formed by +** the pNext pointer. The [sqlite3_vfs_register()] +** and [sqlite3_vfs_unregister()] interfaces manage this list +** in a thread-safe way. The [sqlite3_vfs_find()] interface +** searches the list. Neither the application code nor the VFS +** implementation should use the pNext pointer. +** +** The pNext field is the only field in the sqlite3_vfs +** structure that SQLite will ever modify. SQLite will only access +** or modify this field while holding a particular static mutex. +** The application should never modify anything within the sqlite3_vfs +** object once the object has been registered. +** +** The zName field holds the name of the VFS module. The name must +** be unique across all VFS modules. +** +** [[sqlite3_vfs.xOpen]] +** ^SQLite guarantees that the zFilename parameter to xOpen +** is either a NULL pointer or string obtained +** from xFullPathname() with an optional suffix added. +** ^If a suffix is added to the zFilename parameter, it will +** consist of a single "-" character followed by no more than +** 11 alphanumeric and/or "-" characters. +** ^SQLite further guarantees that +** the string will be valid and unchanged until xClose() is +** called. Because of the previous sentence, +** the [sqlite3_file] can safely store a pointer to the +** filename if it needs to remember the filename for some reason. +** If the zFilename parameter to xOpen is a NULL pointer then xOpen +** must invent its own temporary name for the file. ^Whenever the +** xFilename parameter is NULL it will also be the case that the +** flags parameter will include [SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE]. +** +** The flags argument to xOpen() includes all bits set in +** the flags argument to [sqlite3_open_v2()]. Or if [sqlite3_open()] +** or [sqlite3_open16()] is used, then flags includes at least +** [SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE] | [SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE]. +** If xOpen() opens a file read-only then it sets *pOutFlags to +** include [SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY]. Other bits in *pOutFlags may be set. +** +** ^(SQLite will also add one of the following flags to the xOpen() +** call, depending on the object being opened: +** +**
)^ +** +** The file I/O implementation can use the object type flags to +** change the way it deals with files. For example, an application +** that does not care about crash recovery or rollback might make +** the open of a journal file a no-op. Writes to this journal would +** also be no-ops, and any attempt to read the journal would return +** SQLITE_IOERR. Or the implementation might recognize that a database +** file will be doing page-aligned sector reads and writes in a random +** order and set up its I/O subsystem accordingly. +** +** SQLite might also add one of the following flags to the xOpen method: +** +**
+** +** The [SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE] flag means the file should be +** deleted when it is closed. ^The [SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE] +** will be set for TEMP databases and their journals, transient +** databases, and subjournals. +** +** ^The [SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE] flag is always used in conjunction +** with the [SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE] flag, which are both directly +** analogous to the O_EXCL and O_CREAT flags of the POSIX open() +** API. The SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE flag, when paired with the +** SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, is used to indicate that file should always +** be created, and that it is an error if it already exists. +** It is not used to indicate the file should be opened +** for exclusive access. +** +** ^At least szOsFile bytes of memory are allocated by SQLite +** to hold the [sqlite3_file] structure passed as the third +** argument to xOpen. The xOpen method does not have to +** allocate the structure; it should just fill it in. Note that +** the xOpen method must set the sqlite3_file.pMethods to either +** a valid [sqlite3_io_methods] object or to NULL. xOpen must do +** this even if the open fails. SQLite expects that the sqlite3_file.pMethods +** element will be valid after xOpen returns regardless of the success +** or failure of the xOpen call. +** +** [[sqlite3_vfs.xAccess]] +** ^The flags argument to xAccess() may be [SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS] +** to test for the existence of a file, or [SQLITE_ACCESS_READWRITE] to +** test whether a file is readable and writable, or [SQLITE_ACCESS_READ] +** to test whether a file is at least readable. The file can be a +** directory. +** +** ^SQLite will always allocate at least mxPathname+1 bytes for the +** output buffer xFullPathname. The exact size of the output buffer +** is also passed as a parameter to both methods. If the output buffer +** is not large enough, [SQLITE_CANTOPEN] should be returned. Since this is +** handled as a fatal error by SQLite, vfs implementations should endeavor +** to prevent this by setting mxPathname to a sufficiently large value. +** +** The xRandomness(), xSleep(), xCurrentTime(), and xCurrentTimeInt64() +** interfaces are not strictly a part of the filesystem, but they are +** included in the VFS structure for completeness. +** The xRandomness() function attempts to return nBytes bytes +** of good-quality randomness into zOut. The return value is +** the actual number of bytes of randomness obtained. +** The xSleep() method causes the calling thread to sleep for at +** least the number of microseconds given. ^The xCurrentTime() +** method returns a Julian Day Number for the current date and time as +** a floating point value. +** ^The xCurrentTimeInt64() method returns, as an integer, the Julian +** Day Number multiplied by 86400000 (the number of milliseconds in +** a 24-hour day). +** ^SQLite will use the xCurrentTimeInt64() method to get the current +** date and time if that method is available (if iVersion is 2 or +** greater and the function pointer is not NULL) and will fall back +** to xCurrentTime() if xCurrentTimeInt64() is unavailable. +** +** ^The xSetSystemCall(), xGetSystemCall(), and xNestSystemCall() interfaces +** are not used by the SQLite core. These optional interfaces are provided +** by some VFSes to facilitate testing of the VFS code. By overriding +** system calls with functions under its control, a test program can +** simulate faults and error conditions that would otherwise be difficult +** or impossible to induce. The set of system calls that can be overridden +** varies from one VFS to another, and from one version of the same VFS to the +** next. Applications that use these interfaces must be prepared for any +** or all of these interfaces to be NULL or for their behavior to change +** from one release to the next. Applications must not attempt to access +** any of these methods if the iVersion of the VFS is less than 3. +*/ +typedef struct sqlite3_vfs sqlite3_vfs; +typedef void (*sqlite3_syscall_ptr)(void); +struct sqlite3_vfs { + int iVersion; /* Structure version number (currently 3) */ + int szOsFile; /* Size of subclassed sqlite3_file */ + int mxPathname; /* Maximum file pathname length */ + sqlite3_vfs *pNext; /* Next registered VFS */ + const char *zName; /* Name of this virtual file system */ + void *pAppData; /* Pointer to application-specific data */ + int (*xOpen)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, sqlite3_file*, + int flags, int *pOutFlags); + int (*xDelete)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, int syncDir); + int (*xAccess)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, int flags, int *pResOut); + int (*xFullPathname)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, int nOut, char *zOut); + void *(*xDlOpen)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zFilename); + void (*xDlError)(sqlite3_vfs*, int nByte, char *zErrMsg); + void (*(*xDlSym)(sqlite3_vfs*,void*, const char *zSymbol))(void); + void (*xDlClose)(sqlite3_vfs*, void*); + int (*xRandomness)(sqlite3_vfs*, int nByte, char *zOut); + int (*xSleep)(sqlite3_vfs*, int microseconds); + int (*xCurrentTime)(sqlite3_vfs*, double*); + int (*xGetLastError)(sqlite3_vfs*, int, char *); + /* + ** The methods above are in version 1 of the sqlite_vfs object + ** definition. Those that follow are added in version 2 or later + */ + int (*xCurrentTimeInt64)(sqlite3_vfs*, sqlite3_int64*); + /* + ** The methods above are in versions 1 and 2 of the sqlite_vfs object. + ** Those below are for version 3 and greater. + */ + int (*xSetSystemCall)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, sqlite3_syscall_ptr); + sqlite3_syscall_ptr (*xGetSystemCall)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName); + const char *(*xNextSystemCall)(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName); + /* + ** The methods above are in versions 1 through 3 of the sqlite_vfs object. + ** New fields may be appended in figure versions. The iVersion + ** value will increment whenever this happens. + */ +}; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Flags for the xAccess VFS method +** +** These integer constants can be used as the third parameter to +** the xAccess method of an [sqlite3_vfs] object. They determine +** what kind of permissions the xAccess method is looking for. +** With SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS, the xAccess method +** simply checks whether the file exists. +** With SQLITE_ACCESS_READWRITE, the xAccess method +** checks whether the named directory is both readable and writable +** (in other words, if files can be added, removed, and renamed within +** the directory). +** The SQLITE_ACCESS_READWRITE constant is currently used only by the +** [temp_store_directory pragma], though this could change in a future +** release of SQLite. +** With SQLITE_ACCESS_READ, the xAccess method +** checks whether the file is readable. The SQLITE_ACCESS_READ constant is +** currently unused, though it might be used in a future release of +** SQLite. +*/ +#define SQLITE_ACCESS_EXISTS 0 +#define SQLITE_ACCESS_READWRITE 1 /* Used by PRAGMA temp_store_directory */ +#define SQLITE_ACCESS_READ 2 /* Unused */ + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Flags for the xShmLock VFS method +** +** These integer constants define the various locking operations +** allowed by the xShmLock method of [sqlite3_io_methods]. The +** following are the only legal combinations of flags to the +** xShmLock method: +** +**
+** +** When unlocking, the same SHARED or EXCLUSIVE flag must be supplied as +** was given no the corresponding lock. +** +** The xShmLock method can transition between unlocked and SHARED or +** between unlocked and EXCLUSIVE. It cannot transition between SHARED +** and EXCLUSIVE. +*/ +#define SQLITE_SHM_UNLOCK 1 +#define SQLITE_SHM_LOCK 2 +#define SQLITE_SHM_SHARED 4 +#define SQLITE_SHM_EXCLUSIVE 8 + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Maximum xShmLock index +** +** The xShmLock method on [sqlite3_io_methods] may use values +** between 0 and this upper bound as its "offset" argument. +** The SQLite core will never attempt to acquire or release a +** lock outside of this range +*/ +#define SQLITE_SHM_NLOCK 8 + + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Initialize The SQLite Library +** +** ^The sqlite3_initialize() routine initializes the +** SQLite library. ^The sqlite3_shutdown() routine +** deallocates any resources that were allocated by sqlite3_initialize(). +** These routines are designed to aid in process initialization and +** shutdown on embedded systems. Workstation applications using +** SQLite normally do not need to invoke either of these routines. +** +** A call to sqlite3_initialize() is an "effective" call if it is +** the first time sqlite3_initialize() is invoked during the lifetime of +** the process, or if it is the first time sqlite3_initialize() is invoked +** following a call to sqlite3_shutdown(). ^(Only an effective call +** of sqlite3_initialize() does any initialization. All other calls +** are harmless no-ops.)^ +** +** A call to sqlite3_shutdown() is an "effective" call if it is the first +** call to sqlite3_shutdown() since the last sqlite3_initialize(). ^(Only +** an effective call to sqlite3_shutdown() does any deinitialization. +** All other valid calls to sqlite3_shutdown() are harmless no-ops.)^ +** +** The sqlite3_initialize() interface is threadsafe, but sqlite3_shutdown() +** is not. The sqlite3_shutdown() interface must only be called from a +** single thread. All open [database connections] must be closed and all +** other SQLite resources must be deallocated prior to invoking +** sqlite3_shutdown(). +** +** Among other things, ^sqlite3_initialize() will invoke +** sqlite3_os_init(). Similarly, ^sqlite3_shutdown() +** will invoke sqlite3_os_end(). +** +** ^The sqlite3_initialize() routine returns [SQLITE_OK] on success. +** ^If for some reason, sqlite3_initialize() is unable to initialize +** the library (perhaps it is unable to allocate a needed resource such +** as a mutex) it returns an [error code] other than [SQLITE_OK]. +** +** ^The sqlite3_initialize() routine is called internally by many other +** SQLite interfaces so that an application usually does not need to +** invoke sqlite3_initialize() directly. For example, [sqlite3_open()] +** calls sqlite3_initialize() so the SQLite library will be automatically +** initialized when [sqlite3_open()] is called if it has not be initialized +** already. ^However, if SQLite is compiled with the [SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOINIT] +** compile-time option, then the automatic calls to sqlite3_initialize() +** are omitted and the application must call sqlite3_initialize() directly +** prior to using any other SQLite interface. For maximum portability, +** it is recommended that applications always invoke sqlite3_initialize() +** directly prior to using any other SQLite interface. Future releases +** of SQLite may require this. In other words, the behavior exhibited +** when SQLite is compiled with [SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOINIT] might become the +** default behavior in some future release of SQLite. +** +** The sqlite3_os_init() routine does operating-system specific +** initialization of the SQLite library. The sqlite3_os_end() +** routine undoes the effect of sqlite3_os_init(). Typical tasks +** performed by these routines include allocation or deallocation +** of static resources, initialization of global variables, +** setting up a default [sqlite3_vfs] module, or setting up +** a default configuration using [sqlite3_config()]. +** +** The application should never invoke either sqlite3_os_init() +** or sqlite3_os_end() directly. The application should only invoke +** sqlite3_initialize() and sqlite3_shutdown(). The sqlite3_os_init() +** interface is called automatically by sqlite3_initialize() and +** sqlite3_os_end() is called by sqlite3_shutdown(). Appropriate +** implementations for sqlite3_os_init() and sqlite3_os_end() +** are built into SQLite when it is compiled for Unix, Windows, or OS/2. +** When [custom builds | built for other platforms] +** (using the [SQLITE_OS_OTHER=1] compile-time +** option) the application must supply a suitable implementation for +** sqlite3_os_init() and sqlite3_os_end(). An application-supplied +** implementation of sqlite3_os_init() or sqlite3_os_end() +** must return [SQLITE_OK] on success and some other [error code] upon +** failure. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_initialize(void); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_shutdown(void); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_os_init(void); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_os_end(void); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Configuring The SQLite Library +** +** The sqlite3_config() interface is used to make global configuration +** changes to SQLite in order to tune SQLite to the specific needs of +** the application. The default configuration is recommended for most +** applications and so this routine is usually not necessary. It is +** provided to support rare applications with unusual needs. +** +** The sqlite3_config() interface is not threadsafe. The application +** must insure that no other SQLite interfaces are invoked by other +** threads while sqlite3_config() is running. Furthermore, sqlite3_config() +** may only be invoked prior to library initialization using +** [sqlite3_initialize()] or after shutdown by [sqlite3_shutdown()]. +** ^If sqlite3_config() is called after [sqlite3_initialize()] and before +** [sqlite3_shutdown()] then it will return SQLITE_MISUSE. +** Note, however, that ^sqlite3_config() can be called as part of the +** implementation of an application-defined [sqlite3_os_init()]. +** +** The first argument to sqlite3_config() is an integer +** [configuration option] that determines +** what property of SQLite is to be configured. Subsequent arguments +** vary depending on the [configuration option] +** in the first argument. +** +** ^When a configuration option is set, sqlite3_config() returns [SQLITE_OK]. +** ^If the option is unknown or SQLite is unable to set the option +** then this routine returns a non-zero [error code]. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_config(int, ...); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Configure database connections +** +** The sqlite3_db_config() interface is used to make configuration +** changes to a [database connection]. The interface is similar to +** [sqlite3_config()] except that the changes apply to a single +** [database connection] (specified in the first argument). +** +** The second argument to sqlite3_db_config(D,V,...) is the +** [SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE | configuration verb] - an integer code +** that indicates what aspect of the [database connection] is being configured. +** Subsequent arguments vary depending on the configuration verb. +** +** ^Calls to sqlite3_db_config() return SQLITE_OK if and only if +** the call is considered successful. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_db_config(sqlite3*, int op, ...); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Memory Allocation Routines +** +** An instance of this object defines the interface between SQLite +** and low-level memory allocation routines. +** +** This object is used in only one place in the SQLite interface. +** A pointer to an instance of this object is the argument to +** [sqlite3_config()] when the configuration option is +** [SQLITE_CONFIG_MALLOC] or [SQLITE_CONFIG_GETMALLOC]. +** By creating an instance of this object +** and passing it to [sqlite3_config]([SQLITE_CONFIG_MALLOC]) +** during configuration, an application can specify an alternative +** memory allocation subsystem for SQLite to use for all of its +** dynamic memory needs. +** +** Note that SQLite comes with several [built-in memory allocators] +** that are perfectly adequate for the overwhelming majority of applications +** and that this object is only useful to a tiny minority of applications +** with specialized memory allocation requirements. This object is +** also used during testing of SQLite in order to specify an alternative +** memory allocator that simulates memory out-of-memory conditions in +** order to verify that SQLite recovers gracefully from such +** conditions. +** +** The xMalloc, xRealloc, and xFree methods must work like the +** malloc(), realloc() and free() functions from the standard C library. +** ^SQLite guarantees that the second argument to +** xRealloc is always a value returned by a prior call to xRoundup. +** +** xSize should return the allocated size of a memory allocation +** previously obtained from xMalloc or xRealloc. The allocated size +** is always at least as big as the requested size but may be larger. +** +** The xRoundup method returns what would be the allocated size of +** a memory allocation given a particular requested size. Most memory +** allocators round up memory allocations at least to the next multiple +** of 8. Some allocators round up to a larger multiple or to a power of 2. +** Every memory allocation request coming in through [sqlite3_malloc()] +** or [sqlite3_realloc()] first calls xRoundup. If xRoundup returns 0, +** that causes the corresponding memory allocation to fail. +** +** The xInit method initializes the memory allocator. (For example, +** it might allocate any require mutexes or initialize internal data +** structures. The xShutdown method is invoked (indirectly) by +** [sqlite3_shutdown()] and should deallocate any resources acquired +** by xInit. The pAppData pointer is used as the only parameter to +** xInit and xShutdown. +** +** SQLite holds the [SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MASTER] mutex when it invokes +** the xInit method, so the xInit method need not be threadsafe. The +** xShutdown method is only called from [sqlite3_shutdown()] so it does +** not need to be threadsafe either. For all other methods, SQLite +** holds the [SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MEM] mutex as long as the +** [SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMSTATUS] configuration option is turned on (which +** it is by default) and so the methods are automatically serialized. +** However, if [SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMSTATUS] is disabled, then the other +** methods must be threadsafe or else make their own arrangements for +** serialization. +** +** SQLite will never invoke xInit() more than once without an intervening +** call to xShutdown(). +*/ +typedef struct sqlite3_mem_methods sqlite3_mem_methods; +struct sqlite3_mem_methods { + void *(*xMalloc)(int); /* Memory allocation function */ + void (*xFree)(void*); /* Free a prior allocation */ + void *(*xRealloc)(void*,int); /* Resize an allocation */ + int (*xSize)(void*); /* Return the size of an allocation */ + int (*xRoundup)(int); /* Round up request size to allocation size */ + int (*xInit)(void*); /* Initialize the memory allocator */ + void (*xShutdown)(void*); /* Deinitialize the memory allocator */ + void *pAppData; /* Argument to xInit() and xShutdown() */ +}; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Configuration Options +** KEYWORDS: {configuration option} +** +** These constants are the available integer configuration options that +** can be passed as the first argument to the [sqlite3_config()] interface. +** +** New configuration options may be added in future releases of SQLite. +** Existing configuration options might be discontinued. Applications +** should check the return code from [sqlite3_config()] to make sure that +** the call worked. The [sqlite3_config()] interface will return a +** non-zero [error code] if a discontinued or unsupported configuration option +** is invoked. +** +**
There are no arguments to this option. ^This option sets the +** [threading mode] to Single-thread. In other words, it disables +** all mutexing and puts SQLite into a mode where it can only be used +** by a single thread. ^If SQLite is compiled with +** the [SQLITE_THREADSAFE | SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0] compile-time option then +** it is not possible to change the [threading mode] from its default +** value of Single-thread and so [sqlite3_config()] will return +** [SQLITE_ERROR] if called with the SQLITE_CONFIG_SINGLETHREAD +** configuration option.
There are no arguments to this option. ^This option sets the +** [threading mode] to Multi-thread. In other words, it disables +** mutexing on [database connection] and [prepared statement] objects. +** The application is responsible for serializing access to +** [database connections] and [prepared statements]. But other mutexes +** are enabled so that SQLite will be safe to use in a multi-threaded +** environment as long as no two threads attempt to use the same +** [database connection] at the same time. ^If SQLite is compiled with +** the [SQLITE_THREADSAFE | SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0] compile-time option then +** it is not possible to set the Multi-thread [threading mode] and +** [sqlite3_config()] will return [SQLITE_ERROR] if called with the +** SQLITE_CONFIG_MULTITHREAD configuration option.
There are no arguments to this option. ^This option sets the +** [threading mode] to Serialized. In other words, this option enables +** all mutexes including the recursive +** mutexes on [database connection] and [prepared statement] objects. +** In this mode (which is the default when SQLite is compiled with +** [SQLITE_THREADSAFE=1]) the SQLite library will itself serialize access +** to [database connections] and [prepared statements] so that the +** application is free to use the same [database connection] or the +** same [prepared statement] in different threads at the same time. +** ^If SQLite is compiled with +** the [SQLITE_THREADSAFE | SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0] compile-time option then +** it is not possible to set the Serialized [threading mode] and +** [sqlite3_config()] will return [SQLITE_ERROR] if called with the +** SQLITE_CONFIG_SERIALIZED configuration option.
^(This option takes a single argument which is a pointer to an +** instance of the [sqlite3_mem_methods] structure. The argument specifies +** alternative low-level memory allocation routines to be used in place of +** the memory allocation routines built into SQLite.)^ ^SQLite makes +** its own private copy of the content of the [sqlite3_mem_methods] structure +** before the [sqlite3_config()] call returns.
^(This option takes a single argument which is a pointer to an +** instance of the [sqlite3_mem_methods] structure. The [sqlite3_mem_methods] +** structure is filled with the currently defined memory allocation routines.)^ +** This option can be used to overload the default memory allocation +** routines with a wrapper that simulations memory allocation failure or +** tracks memory usage, for example.
^This option takes single argument of type int, interpreted as a +** boolean, which enables or disables the collection of memory allocation +** statistics. ^(When memory allocation statistics are disabled, the +** following SQLite interfaces become non-operational: +**
  • [sqlite3_memory_used()] +**
  • [sqlite3_memory_highwater()] +**
  • [sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64()] +**
  • [sqlite3_status()] +**
)^ +** ^Memory allocation statistics are enabled by default unless SQLite is +** compiled with [SQLITE_DEFAULT_MEMSTATUS]=0 in which case memory +** allocation statistics are disabled by default. +**
^This option specifies a static memory buffer that SQLite can use for +** scratch memory. There are three arguments: A pointer an 8-byte +** aligned memory buffer from which the scratch allocations will be +** drawn, the size of each scratch allocation (sz), +** and the maximum number of scratch allocations (N). The sz +** argument must be a multiple of 16. +** The first argument must be a pointer to an 8-byte aligned buffer +** of at least sz*N bytes of memory. +** ^SQLite will use no more than two scratch buffers per thread. So +** N should be set to twice the expected maximum number of threads. +** ^SQLite will never require a scratch buffer that is more than 6 +** times the database page size. ^If SQLite needs needs additional +** scratch memory beyond what is provided by this configuration option, then +** [sqlite3_malloc()] will be used to obtain the memory needed.
^This option specifies a static memory buffer that SQLite can use for +** the database page cache with the default page cache implementation. +** This configuration should not be used if an application-define page +** cache implementation is loaded using the SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE2 option. +** There are three arguments to this option: A pointer to 8-byte aligned +** memory, the size of each page buffer (sz), and the number of pages (N). +** The sz argument should be the size of the largest database page +** (a power of two between 512 and 32768) plus a little extra for each +** page header. ^The page header size is 20 to 40 bytes depending on +** the host architecture. ^It is harmless, apart from the wasted memory, +** to make sz a little too large. The first +** argument should point to an allocation of at least sz*N bytes of memory. +** ^SQLite will use the memory provided by the first argument to satisfy its +** memory needs for the first N pages that it adds to cache. ^If additional +** page cache memory is needed beyond what is provided by this option, then +** SQLite goes to [sqlite3_malloc()] for the additional storage space. +** The pointer in the first argument must +** be aligned to an 8-byte boundary or subsequent behavior of SQLite +** will be undefined.
^This option specifies a static memory buffer that SQLite will use +** for all of its dynamic memory allocation needs beyond those provided +** for by [SQLITE_CONFIG_SCRATCH] and [SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE]. +** There are three arguments: An 8-byte aligned pointer to the memory, +** the number of bytes in the memory buffer, and the minimum allocation size. +** ^If the first pointer (the memory pointer) is NULL, then SQLite reverts +** to using its default memory allocator (the system malloc() implementation), +** undoing any prior invocation of [SQLITE_CONFIG_MALLOC]. ^If the +** memory pointer is not NULL and either [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMSYS3] or +** [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMSYS5] are defined, then the alternative memory +** allocator is engaged to handle all of SQLites memory allocation needs. +** The first pointer (the memory pointer) must be aligned to an 8-byte +** boundary or subsequent behavior of SQLite will be undefined. +** The minimum allocation size is capped at 2**12. Reasonable values +** for the minimum allocation size are 2**5 through 2**8.
^(This option takes a single argument which is a pointer to an +** instance of the [sqlite3_mutex_methods] structure. The argument specifies +** alternative low-level mutex routines to be used in place +** the mutex routines built into SQLite.)^ ^SQLite makes a copy of the +** content of the [sqlite3_mutex_methods] structure before the call to +** [sqlite3_config()] returns. ^If SQLite is compiled with +** the [SQLITE_THREADSAFE | SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0] compile-time option then +** the entire mutexing subsystem is omitted from the build and hence calls to +** [sqlite3_config()] with the SQLITE_CONFIG_MUTEX configuration option will +** return [SQLITE_ERROR].
^(This option takes a single argument which is a pointer to an +** instance of the [sqlite3_mutex_methods] structure. The +** [sqlite3_mutex_methods] +** structure is filled with the currently defined mutex routines.)^ +** This option can be used to overload the default mutex allocation +** routines with a wrapper used to track mutex usage for performance +** profiling or testing, for example. ^If SQLite is compiled with +** the [SQLITE_THREADSAFE | SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0] compile-time option then +** the entire mutexing subsystem is omitted from the build and hence calls to +** [sqlite3_config()] with the SQLITE_CONFIG_GETMUTEX configuration option will +** return [SQLITE_ERROR].
^(This option takes two arguments that determine the default +** memory allocation for the lookaside memory allocator on each +** [database connection]. The first argument is the +** size of each lookaside buffer slot and the second is the number of +** slots allocated to each database connection.)^ ^(This option sets the +** default lookaside size. The [SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE] +** verb to [sqlite3_db_config()] can be used to change the lookaside +** configuration on individual connections.)^
^(This option takes a single argument which is a pointer to +** an [sqlite3_pcache_methods2] object. This object specifies the interface +** to a custom page cache implementation.)^ ^SQLite makes a copy of the +** object and uses it for page cache memory allocations.
^(This option takes a single argument which is a pointer to an +** [sqlite3_pcache_methods2] object. SQLite copies of the current +** page cache implementation into that object.)^
^The SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG option takes two arguments: a pointer to a +** function with a call signature of void(*)(void*,int,const char*), +** and a pointer to void. ^If the function pointer is not NULL, it is +** invoked by [sqlite3_log()] to process each logging event. ^If the +** function pointer is NULL, the [sqlite3_log()] interface becomes a no-op. +** ^The void pointer that is the second argument to SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG is +** passed through as the first parameter to the application-defined logger +** function whenever that function is invoked. ^The second parameter to +** the logger function is a copy of the first parameter to the corresponding +** [sqlite3_log()] call and is intended to be a [result code] or an +** [extended result code]. ^The third parameter passed to the logger is +** log message after formatting via [sqlite3_snprintf()]. +** The SQLite logging interface is not reentrant; the logger function +** supplied by the application must not invoke any SQLite interface. +** In a multi-threaded application, the application-defined logger +** function must be threadsafe.
This option takes a single argument of type int. If non-zero, then +** URI handling is globally enabled. If the parameter is zero, then URI handling +** is globally disabled. If URI handling is globally enabled, all filenames +** passed to [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open_v2()], [sqlite3_open16()] or +** specified as part of [ATTACH] commands are interpreted as URIs, regardless +** of whether or not the [SQLITE_OPEN_URI] flag is set when the database +** connection is opened. If it is globally disabled, filenames are +** only interpreted as URIs if the SQLITE_OPEN_URI flag is set when the +** database connection is opened. By default, URI handling is globally +** disabled. The default value may be changed by compiling with the +** [SQLITE_USE_URI] symbol defined. +** +** [[SQLITE_CONFIG_COVERING_INDEX_SCAN]]
This option takes a single integer argument which is interpreted as +** a boolean in order to enable or disable the use of covering indices for +** full table scans in the query optimizer. The default setting is determined +** by the [SQLITE_ALLOW_COVERING_INDEX_SCAN] compile-time option, or is "on" +** if that compile-time option is omitted. +** The ability to disable the use of covering indices for full table scans +** is because some incorrectly coded legacy applications might malfunction +** malfunction when the optimization is enabled. Providing the ability to +** disable the optimization allows the older, buggy application code to work +** without change even with newer versions of SQLite. +** +** [[SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE]] [[SQLITE_CONFIG_GETPCACHE]] +**
These options are obsolete and should not be used by new code. +** They are retained for backwards compatibility but are now no-ops. +**
+** +** [[SQLITE_CONFIG_SQLLOG]] +**
This option is only available if sqlite is compiled with the +** SQLITE_ENABLE_SQLLOG pre-processor macro defined. The first argument should +** be a pointer to a function of type void(*)(void*,sqlite3*,const char*, int). +** The second should be of type (void*). The callback is invoked by the library +** in three separate circumstances, identified by the value passed as the +** fourth parameter. If the fourth parameter is 0, then the database connection +** passed as the second argument has just been opened. The third argument +** points to a buffer containing the name of the main database file. If the +** fourth parameter is 1, then the SQL statement that the third parameter +** points to has just been executed. Or, if the fourth parameter is 2, then +** the connection being passed as the second parameter is being closed. The +** third parameter is passed NULL In this case. +** +*/ +#define SQLITE_CONFIG_SINGLETHREAD 1 /* nil */ +#define SQLITE_CONFIG_MULTITHREAD 2 /* nil */ +#define SQLITE_CONFIG_SERIALIZED 3 /* nil */ +#define SQLITE_CONFIG_MALLOC 4 /* sqlite3_mem_methods* */ +#define SQLITE_CONFIG_GETMALLOC 5 /* sqlite3_mem_methods* */ +#define SQLITE_CONFIG_SCRATCH 6 /* void*, int sz, int N */ +#define SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE 7 /* void*, int sz, int N */ +#define SQLITE_CONFIG_HEAP 8 /* void*, int nByte, int min */ +#define SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMSTATUS 9 /* boolean */ +#define SQLITE_CONFIG_MUTEX 10 /* sqlite3_mutex_methods* */ +#define SQLITE_CONFIG_GETMUTEX 11 /* sqlite3_mutex_methods* */ +/* previously SQLITE_CONFIG_CHUNKALLOC 12 which is now unused. */ +#define SQLITE_CONFIG_LOOKASIDE 13 /* int int */ +#define SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE 14 /* no-op */ +#define SQLITE_CONFIG_GETPCACHE 15 /* no-op */ +#define SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG 16 /* xFunc, void* */ +#define SQLITE_CONFIG_URI 17 /* int */ +#define SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE2 18 /* sqlite3_pcache_methods2* */ +#define SQLITE_CONFIG_GETPCACHE2 19 /* sqlite3_pcache_methods2* */ +#define SQLITE_CONFIG_COVERING_INDEX_SCAN 20 /* int */ +#define SQLITE_CONFIG_SQLLOG 21 /* xSqllog, void* */ + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Database Connection Configuration Options +** +** These constants are the available integer configuration options that +** can be passed as the second argument to the [sqlite3_db_config()] interface. +** +** New configuration options may be added in future releases of SQLite. +** Existing configuration options might be discontinued. Applications +** should check the return code from [sqlite3_db_config()] to make sure that +** the call worked. ^The [sqlite3_db_config()] interface will return a +** non-zero [error code] if a discontinued or unsupported configuration option +** is invoked. +** +**
^This option takes three additional arguments that determine the +** [lookaside memory allocator] configuration for the [database connection]. +** ^The first argument (the third parameter to [sqlite3_db_config()] is a +** pointer to a memory buffer to use for lookaside memory. +** ^The first argument after the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE verb +** may be NULL in which case SQLite will allocate the +** lookaside buffer itself using [sqlite3_malloc()]. ^The second argument is the +** size of each lookaside buffer slot. ^The third argument is the number of +** slots. The size of the buffer in the first argument must be greater than +** or equal to the product of the second and third arguments. The buffer +** must be aligned to an 8-byte boundary. ^If the second argument to +** SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE is not a multiple of 8, it is internally +** rounded down to the next smaller multiple of 8. ^(The lookaside memory +** configuration for a database connection can only be changed when that +** connection is not currently using lookaside memory, or in other words +** when the "current value" returned by +** [sqlite3_db_status](D,[SQLITE_CONFIG_LOOKASIDE],...) is zero. +** Any attempt to change the lookaside memory configuration when lookaside +** memory is in use leaves the configuration unchanged and returns +** [SQLITE_BUSY].)^
+** +**
^This option is used to enable or disable the enforcement of +** [foreign key constraints]. There should be two additional arguments. +** The first argument is an integer which is 0 to disable FK enforcement, +** positive to enable FK enforcement or negative to leave FK enforcement +** unchanged. The second parameter is a pointer to an integer into which +** is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether FK enforcement is off or on +** following this call. The second parameter may be a NULL pointer, in +** which case the FK enforcement setting is not reported back.
+** +**
^This option is used to enable or disable [CREATE TRIGGER | triggers]. +** There should be two additional arguments. +** The first argument is an integer which is 0 to disable triggers, +** positive to enable triggers or negative to leave the setting unchanged. +** The second parameter is a pointer to an integer into which +** is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether triggers are disabled or enabled +** following this call. The second parameter may be a NULL pointer, in +** which case the trigger setting is not reported back.
+** +**
+*/ +#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE 1001 /* void* int int */ +#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FKEY 1002 /* int int* */ +#define SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_TRIGGER 1003 /* int int* */ + + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Enable Or Disable Extended Result Codes +** +** ^The sqlite3_extended_result_codes() routine enables or disables the +** [extended result codes] feature of SQLite. ^The extended result +** codes are disabled by default for historical compatibility. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_extended_result_codes(sqlite3*, int onoff); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Last Insert Rowid +** +** ^Each entry in an SQLite table has a unique 64-bit signed +** integer key called the [ROWID | "rowid"]. ^The rowid is always available +** as an undeclared column named ROWID, OID, or _ROWID_ as long as those +** names are not also used by explicitly declared columns. ^If +** the table has a column of type [INTEGER PRIMARY KEY] then that column +** is another alias for the rowid. +** +** ^This routine returns the [rowid] of the most recent +** successful [INSERT] into the database from the [database connection] +** in the first argument. ^As of SQLite version 3.7.7, this routines +** records the last insert rowid of both ordinary tables and [virtual tables]. +** ^If no successful [INSERT]s +** have ever occurred on that database connection, zero is returned. +** +** ^(If an [INSERT] occurs within a trigger or within a [virtual table] +** method, then this routine will return the [rowid] of the inserted +** row as long as the trigger or virtual table method is running. +** But once the trigger or virtual table method ends, the value returned +** by this routine reverts to what it was before the trigger or virtual +** table method began.)^ +** +** ^An [INSERT] that fails due to a constraint violation is not a +** successful [INSERT] and does not change the value returned by this +** routine. ^Thus INSERT OR FAIL, INSERT OR IGNORE, INSERT OR ROLLBACK, +** and INSERT OR ABORT make no changes to the return value of this +** routine when their insertion fails. ^(When INSERT OR REPLACE +** encounters a constraint violation, it does not fail. The +** INSERT continues to completion after deleting rows that caused +** the constraint problem so INSERT OR REPLACE will always change +** the return value of this interface.)^ +** +** ^For the purposes of this routine, an [INSERT] is considered to +** be successful even if it is subsequently rolled back. +** +** This function is accessible to SQL statements via the +** [last_insert_rowid() SQL function]. +** +** If a separate thread performs a new [INSERT] on the same +** database connection while the [sqlite3_last_insert_rowid()] +** function is running and thus changes the last insert [rowid], +** then the value returned by [sqlite3_last_insert_rowid()] is +** unpredictable and might not equal either the old or the new +** last insert [rowid]. +*/ +SQLITE_API sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(sqlite3*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Count The Number Of Rows Modified +** +** ^This function returns the number of database rows that were changed +** or inserted or deleted by the most recently completed SQL statement +** on the [database connection] specified by the first parameter. +** ^(Only changes that are directly specified by the [INSERT], [UPDATE], +** or [DELETE] statement are counted. Auxiliary changes caused by +** triggers or [foreign key actions] are not counted.)^ Use the +** [sqlite3_total_changes()] function to find the total number of changes +** including changes caused by triggers and foreign key actions. +** +** ^Changes to a view that are simulated by an [INSTEAD OF trigger] +** are not counted. Only real table changes are counted. +** +** ^(A "row change" is a change to a single row of a single table +** caused by an INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement. Rows that +** are changed as side effects of [REPLACE] constraint resolution, +** rollback, ABORT processing, [DROP TABLE], or by any other +** mechanisms do not count as direct row changes.)^ +** +** A "trigger context" is a scope of execution that begins and +** ends with the script of a [CREATE TRIGGER | trigger]. +** Most SQL statements are +** evaluated outside of any trigger. This is the "top level" +** trigger context. If a trigger fires from the top level, a +** new trigger context is entered for the duration of that one +** trigger. Subtriggers create subcontexts for their duration. +** +** ^Calling [sqlite3_exec()] or [sqlite3_step()] recursively does +** not create a new trigger context. +** +** ^This function returns the number of direct row changes in the +** most recent INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement within the same +** trigger context. +** +** ^Thus, when called from the top level, this function returns the +** number of changes in the most recent INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE +** that also occurred at the top level. ^(Within the body of a trigger, +** the sqlite3_changes() interface can be called to find the number of +** changes in the most recently completed INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE +** statement within the body of the same trigger. +** However, the number returned does not include changes +** caused by subtriggers since those have their own context.)^ +** +** See also the [sqlite3_total_changes()] interface, the +** [count_changes pragma], and the [changes() SQL function]. +** +** If a separate thread makes changes on the same database connection +** while [sqlite3_changes()] is running then the value returned +** is unpredictable and not meaningful. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_changes(sqlite3*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Total Number Of Rows Modified +** +** ^This function returns the number of row changes caused by [INSERT], +** [UPDATE] or [DELETE] statements since the [database connection] was opened. +** ^(The count returned by sqlite3_total_changes() includes all changes +** from all [CREATE TRIGGER | trigger] contexts and changes made by +** [foreign key actions]. However, +** the count does not include changes used to implement [REPLACE] constraints, +** do rollbacks or ABORT processing, or [DROP TABLE] processing. The +** count does not include rows of views that fire an [INSTEAD OF trigger], +** though if the INSTEAD OF trigger makes changes of its own, those changes +** are counted.)^ +** ^The sqlite3_total_changes() function counts the changes as soon as +** the statement that makes them is completed (when the statement handle +** is passed to [sqlite3_reset()] or [sqlite3_finalize()]). +** +** See also the [sqlite3_changes()] interface, the +** [count_changes pragma], and the [total_changes() SQL function]. +** +** If a separate thread makes changes on the same database connection +** while [sqlite3_total_changes()] is running then the value +** returned is unpredictable and not meaningful. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_total_changes(sqlite3*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Interrupt A Long-Running Query +** +** ^This function causes any pending database operation to abort and +** return at its earliest opportunity. This routine is typically +** called in response to a user action such as pressing "Cancel" +** or Ctrl-C where the user wants a long query operation to halt +** immediately. +** +** ^It is safe to call this routine from a thread different from the +** thread that is currently running the database operation. But it +** is not safe to call this routine with a [database connection] that +** is closed or might close before sqlite3_interrupt() returns. +** +** ^If an SQL operation is very nearly finished at the time when +** sqlite3_interrupt() is called, then it might not have an opportunity +** to be interrupted and might continue to completion. +** +** ^An SQL operation that is interrupted will return [SQLITE_INTERRUPT]. +** ^If the interrupted SQL operation is an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE +** that is inside an explicit transaction, then the entire transaction +** will be rolled back automatically. +** +** ^The sqlite3_interrupt(D) call is in effect until all currently running +** SQL statements on [database connection] D complete. ^Any new SQL statements +** that are started after the sqlite3_interrupt() call and before the +** running statements reaches zero are interrupted as if they had been +** running prior to the sqlite3_interrupt() call. ^New SQL statements +** that are started after the running statement count reaches zero are +** not effected by the sqlite3_interrupt(). +** ^A call to sqlite3_interrupt(D) that occurs when there are no running +** SQL statements is a no-op and has no effect on SQL statements +** that are started after the sqlite3_interrupt() call returns. +** +** If the database connection closes while [sqlite3_interrupt()] +** is running then bad things will likely happen. +*/ +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_interrupt(sqlite3*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Determine If An SQL Statement Is Complete +** +** These routines are useful during command-line input to determine if the +** currently entered text seems to form a complete SQL statement or +** if additional input is needed before sending the text into +** SQLite for parsing. ^These routines return 1 if the input string +** appears to be a complete SQL statement. ^A statement is judged to be +** complete if it ends with a semicolon token and is not a prefix of a +** well-formed CREATE TRIGGER statement. ^Semicolons that are embedded within +** string literals or quoted identifier names or comments are not +** independent tokens (they are part of the token in which they are +** embedded) and thus do not count as a statement terminator. ^Whitespace +** and comments that follow the final semicolon are ignored. +** +** ^These routines return 0 if the statement is incomplete. ^If a +** memory allocation fails, then SQLITE_NOMEM is returned. +** +** ^These routines do not parse the SQL statements thus +** will not detect syntactically incorrect SQL. +** +** ^(If SQLite has not been initialized using [sqlite3_initialize()] prior +** to invoking sqlite3_complete16() then sqlite3_initialize() is invoked +** automatically by sqlite3_complete16(). If that initialization fails, +** then the return value from sqlite3_complete16() will be non-zero +** regardless of whether or not the input SQL is complete.)^ +** +** The input to [sqlite3_complete()] must be a zero-terminated +** UTF-8 string. +** +** The input to [sqlite3_complete16()] must be a zero-terminated +** UTF-16 string in native byte order. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_complete(const char *sql); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_complete16(const void *sql); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Register A Callback To Handle SQLITE_BUSY Errors +** +** ^This routine sets a callback function that might be invoked whenever +** an attempt is made to open a database table that another thread +** or process has locked. +** +** ^If the busy callback is NULL, then [SQLITE_BUSY] or [SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED] +** is returned immediately upon encountering the lock. ^If the busy callback +** is not NULL, then the callback might be invoked with two arguments. +** +** ^The first argument to the busy handler is a copy of the void* pointer which +** is the third argument to sqlite3_busy_handler(). ^The second argument to +** the busy handler callback is the number of times that the busy handler has +** been invoked for this locking event. ^If the +** busy callback returns 0, then no additional attempts are made to +** access the database and [SQLITE_BUSY] or [SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED] is returned. +** ^If the callback returns non-zero, then another attempt +** is made to open the database for reading and the cycle repeats. +** +** The presence of a busy handler does not guarantee that it will be invoked +** when there is lock contention. ^If SQLite determines that invoking the busy +** handler could result in a deadlock, it will go ahead and return [SQLITE_BUSY] +** or [SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED] instead of invoking the busy handler. +** Consider a scenario where one process is holding a read lock that +** it is trying to promote to a reserved lock and +** a second process is holding a reserved lock that it is trying +** to promote to an exclusive lock. The first process cannot proceed +** because it is blocked by the second and the second process cannot +** proceed because it is blocked by the first. If both processes +** invoke the busy handlers, neither will make any progress. Therefore, +** SQLite returns [SQLITE_BUSY] for the first process, hoping that this +** will induce the first process to release its read lock and allow +** the second process to proceed. +** +** ^The default busy callback is NULL. +** +** ^The [SQLITE_BUSY] error is converted to [SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED] +** when SQLite is in the middle of a large transaction where all the +** changes will not fit into the in-memory cache. SQLite will +** already hold a RESERVED lock on the database file, but it needs +** to promote this lock to EXCLUSIVE so that it can spill cache +** pages into the database file without harm to concurrent +** readers. ^If it is unable to promote the lock, then the in-memory +** cache will be left in an inconsistent state and so the error +** code is promoted from the relatively benign [SQLITE_BUSY] to +** the more severe [SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED]. ^This error code promotion +** forces an automatic rollback of the changes. See the +** +** CorruptionFollowingBusyError wiki page for a discussion of why +** this is important. +** +** ^(There can only be a single busy handler defined for each +** [database connection]. Setting a new busy handler clears any +** previously set handler.)^ ^Note that calling [sqlite3_busy_timeout()] +** will also set or clear the busy handler. +** +** The busy callback should not take any actions which modify the +** database connection that invoked the busy handler. Any such actions +** result in undefined behavior. +** +** A busy handler must not close the database connection +** or [prepared statement] that invoked the busy handler. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_busy_handler(sqlite3*, int(*)(void*,int), void*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Set A Busy Timeout +** +** ^This routine sets a [sqlite3_busy_handler | busy handler] that sleeps +** for a specified amount of time when a table is locked. ^The handler +** will sleep multiple times until at least "ms" milliseconds of sleeping +** have accumulated. ^After at least "ms" milliseconds of sleeping, +** the handler returns 0 which causes [sqlite3_step()] to return +** [SQLITE_BUSY] or [SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED]. +** +** ^Calling this routine with an argument less than or equal to zero +** turns off all busy handlers. +** +** ^(There can only be a single busy handler for a particular +** [database connection] any any given moment. If another busy handler +** was defined (using [sqlite3_busy_handler()]) prior to calling +** this routine, that other busy handler is cleared.)^ +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_busy_timeout(sqlite3*, int ms); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Convenience Routines For Running Queries +** +** This is a legacy interface that is preserved for backwards compatibility. +** Use of this interface is not recommended. +** +** Definition: A result table is memory data structure created by the +** [sqlite3_get_table()] interface. A result table records the +** complete query results from one or more queries. +** +** The table conceptually has a number of rows and columns. But +** these numbers are not part of the result table itself. These +** numbers are obtained separately. Let N be the number of rows +** and M be the number of columns. +** +** A result table is an array of pointers to zero-terminated UTF-8 strings. +** There are (N+1)*M elements in the array. The first M pointers point +** to zero-terminated strings that contain the names of the columns. +** The remaining entries all point to query results. NULL values result +** in NULL pointers. All other values are in their UTF-8 zero-terminated +** string representation as returned by [sqlite3_column_text()]. +** +** A result table might consist of one or more memory allocations. +** It is not safe to pass a result table directly to [sqlite3_free()]. +** A result table should be deallocated using [sqlite3_free_table()]. +** +** ^(As an example of the result table format, suppose a query result +** is as follows: +** +**
+**        Name        | Age
+**        -----------------------
+**        Alice       | 43
+**        Bob         | 28
+**        Cindy       | 21
+** +** There are two column (M==2) and three rows (N==3). Thus the +** result table has 8 entries. Suppose the result table is stored +** in an array names azResult. Then azResult holds this content: +** +**
+**        azResult[0] = "Name";
+**        azResult[1] = "Age";
+**        azResult[2] = "Alice";
+**        azResult[3] = "43";
+**        azResult[4] = "Bob";
+**        azResult[5] = "28";
+**        azResult[6] = "Cindy";
+**        azResult[7] = "21";
)^ +** +** ^The sqlite3_get_table() function evaluates one or more +** semicolon-separated SQL statements in the zero-terminated UTF-8 +** string of its 2nd parameter and returns a result table to the +** pointer given in its 3rd parameter. +** +** After the application has finished with the result from sqlite3_get_table(), +** it must pass the result table pointer to sqlite3_free_table() in order to +** release the memory that was malloced. Because of the way the +** [sqlite3_malloc()] happens within sqlite3_get_table(), the calling +** function must not try to call [sqlite3_free()] directly. Only +** [sqlite3_free_table()] is able to release the memory properly and safely. +** +** The sqlite3_get_table() interface is implemented as a wrapper around +** [sqlite3_exec()]. The sqlite3_get_table() routine does not have access +** to any internal data structures of SQLite. It uses only the public +** interface defined here. As a consequence, errors that occur in the +** wrapper layer outside of the internal [sqlite3_exec()] call are not +** reflected in subsequent calls to [sqlite3_errcode()] or +** [sqlite3_errmsg()]. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_get_table( + sqlite3 *db, /* An open database */ + const char *zSql, /* SQL to be evaluated */ + char ***pazResult, /* Results of the query */ + int *pnRow, /* Number of result rows written here */ + int *pnColumn, /* Number of result columns written here */ + char **pzErrmsg /* Error msg written here */ +); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_free_table(char **result); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Formatted String Printing Functions +** +** These routines are work-alikes of the "printf()" family of functions +** from the standard C library. +** +** ^The sqlite3_mprintf() and sqlite3_vmprintf() routines write their +** results into memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc()]. +** The strings returned by these two routines should be +** released by [sqlite3_free()]. ^Both routines return a +** NULL pointer if [sqlite3_malloc()] is unable to allocate enough +** memory to hold the resulting string. +** +** ^(The sqlite3_snprintf() routine is similar to "snprintf()" from +** the standard C library. The result is written into the +** buffer supplied as the second parameter whose size is given by +** the first parameter. Note that the order of the +** first two parameters is reversed from snprintf().)^ This is an +** historical accident that cannot be fixed without breaking +** backwards compatibility. ^(Note also that sqlite3_snprintf() +** returns a pointer to its buffer instead of the number of +** characters actually written into the buffer.)^ We admit that +** the number of characters written would be a more useful return +** value but we cannot change the implementation of sqlite3_snprintf() +** now without breaking compatibility. +** +** ^As long as the buffer size is greater than zero, sqlite3_snprintf() +** guarantees that the buffer is always zero-terminated. ^The first +** parameter "n" is the total size of the buffer, including space for +** the zero terminator. So the longest string that can be completely +** written will be n-1 characters. +** +** ^The sqlite3_vsnprintf() routine is a varargs version of sqlite3_snprintf(). +** +** These routines all implement some additional formatting +** options that are useful for constructing SQL statements. +** All of the usual printf() formatting options apply. In addition, there +** is are "%q", "%Q", and "%z" options. +** +** ^(The %q option works like %s in that it substitutes a nul-terminated +** string from the argument list. But %q also doubles every '\'' character. +** %q is designed for use inside a string literal.)^ By doubling each '\'' +** character it escapes that character and allows it to be inserted into +** the string. +** +** For example, assume the string variable zText contains text as follows: +** +**
+**  char *zText = "It's a happy day!";
+** +** One can use this text in an SQL statement as follows: +** +**
+**  char *zSQL = sqlite3_mprintf("INSERT INTO table VALUES('%q')", zText);
+**  sqlite3_exec(db, zSQL, 0, 0, 0);
+**  sqlite3_free(zSQL);
+** +** Because the %q format string is used, the '\'' character in zText +** is escaped and the SQL generated is as follows: +** +**
+**  INSERT INTO table1 VALUES('It''s a happy day!')
+** +** This is correct. Had we used %s instead of %q, the generated SQL +** would have looked like this: +** +**
+**  INSERT INTO table1 VALUES('It's a happy day!');
+** +** This second example is an SQL syntax error. As a general rule you should +** always use %q instead of %s when inserting text into a string literal. +** +** ^(The %Q option works like %q except it also adds single quotes around +** the outside of the total string. Additionally, if the parameter in the +** argument list is a NULL pointer, %Q substitutes the text "NULL" (without +** single quotes).)^ So, for example, one could say: +** +**
+**  char *zSQL = sqlite3_mprintf("INSERT INTO table VALUES(%Q)", zText);
+**  sqlite3_exec(db, zSQL, 0, 0, 0);
+**  sqlite3_free(zSQL);
+** +** The code above will render a correct SQL statement in the zSQL +** variable even if the zText variable is a NULL pointer. +** +** ^(The "%z" formatting option works like "%s" but with the +** addition that after the string has been read and copied into +** the result, [sqlite3_free()] is called on the input string.)^ +*/ +SQLITE_API char *sqlite3_mprintf(const char*,...); +SQLITE_API char *sqlite3_vmprintf(const char*, va_list); +SQLITE_API char *sqlite3_snprintf(int,char*,const char*, ...); +SQLITE_API char *sqlite3_vsnprintf(int,char*,const char*, va_list); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Memory Allocation Subsystem +** +** The SQLite core uses these three routines for all of its own +** internal memory allocation needs. "Core" in the previous sentence +** does not include operating-system specific VFS implementation. The +** Windows VFS uses native malloc() and free() for some operations. +** +** ^The sqlite3_malloc() routine returns a pointer to a block +** of memory at least N bytes in length, where N is the parameter. +** ^If sqlite3_malloc() is unable to obtain sufficient free +** memory, it returns a NULL pointer. ^If the parameter N to +** sqlite3_malloc() is zero or negative then sqlite3_malloc() returns +** a NULL pointer. +** +** ^Calling sqlite3_free() with a pointer previously returned +** by sqlite3_malloc() or sqlite3_realloc() releases that memory so +** that it might be reused. ^The sqlite3_free() routine is +** a no-op if is called with a NULL pointer. Passing a NULL pointer +** to sqlite3_free() is harmless. After being freed, memory +** should neither be read nor written. Even reading previously freed +** memory might result in a segmentation fault or other severe error. +** Memory corruption, a segmentation fault, or other severe error +** might result if sqlite3_free() is called with a non-NULL pointer that +** was not obtained from sqlite3_malloc() or sqlite3_realloc(). +** +** ^(The sqlite3_realloc() interface attempts to resize a +** prior memory allocation to be at least N bytes, where N is the +** second parameter. The memory allocation to be resized is the first +** parameter.)^ ^ If the first parameter to sqlite3_realloc() +** is a NULL pointer then its behavior is identical to calling +** sqlite3_malloc(N) where N is the second parameter to sqlite3_realloc(). +** ^If the second parameter to sqlite3_realloc() is zero or +** negative then the behavior is exactly the same as calling +** sqlite3_free(P) where P is the first parameter to sqlite3_realloc(). +** ^sqlite3_realloc() returns a pointer to a memory allocation +** of at least N bytes in size or NULL if sufficient memory is unavailable. +** ^If M is the size of the prior allocation, then min(N,M) bytes +** of the prior allocation are copied into the beginning of buffer returned +** by sqlite3_realloc() and the prior allocation is freed. +** ^If sqlite3_realloc() returns NULL, then the prior allocation +** is not freed. +** +** ^The memory returned by sqlite3_malloc() and sqlite3_realloc() +** is always aligned to at least an 8 byte boundary, or to a +** 4 byte boundary if the [SQLITE_4_BYTE_ALIGNED_MALLOC] compile-time +** option is used. +** +** In SQLite version 3.5.0 and 3.5.1, it was possible to define +** the SQLITE_OMIT_MEMORY_ALLOCATION which would cause the built-in +** implementation of these routines to be omitted. That capability +** is no longer provided. Only built-in memory allocators can be used. +** +** Prior to SQLite version 3.7.10, the Windows OS interface layer called +** the system malloc() and free() directly when converting +** filenames between the UTF-8 encoding used by SQLite +** and whatever filename encoding is used by the particular Windows +** installation. Memory allocation errors were detected, but +** they were reported back as [SQLITE_CANTOPEN] or +** [SQLITE_IOERR] rather than [SQLITE_NOMEM]. +** +** The pointer arguments to [sqlite3_free()] and [sqlite3_realloc()] +** must be either NULL or else pointers obtained from a prior +** invocation of [sqlite3_malloc()] or [sqlite3_realloc()] that have +** not yet been released. +** +** The application must not read or write any part of +** a block of memory after it has been released using +** [sqlite3_free()] or [sqlite3_realloc()]. +*/ +SQLITE_API void *sqlite3_malloc(int); +SQLITE_API void *sqlite3_realloc(void*, int); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_free(void*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Memory Allocator Statistics +** +** SQLite provides these two interfaces for reporting on the status +** of the [sqlite3_malloc()], [sqlite3_free()], and [sqlite3_realloc()] +** routines, which form the built-in memory allocation subsystem. +** +** ^The [sqlite3_memory_used()] routine returns the number of bytes +** of memory currently outstanding (malloced but not freed). +** ^The [sqlite3_memory_highwater()] routine returns the maximum +** value of [sqlite3_memory_used()] since the high-water mark +** was last reset. ^The values returned by [sqlite3_memory_used()] and +** [sqlite3_memory_highwater()] include any overhead +** added by SQLite in its implementation of [sqlite3_malloc()], +** but not overhead added by the any underlying system library +** routines that [sqlite3_malloc()] may call. +** +** ^The memory high-water mark is reset to the current value of +** [sqlite3_memory_used()] if and only if the parameter to +** [sqlite3_memory_highwater()] is true. ^The value returned +** by [sqlite3_memory_highwater(1)] is the high-water mark +** prior to the reset. +*/ +SQLITE_API sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_memory_used(void); +SQLITE_API sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_memory_highwater(int resetFlag); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Pseudo-Random Number Generator +** +** SQLite contains a high-quality pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) used to +** select random [ROWID | ROWIDs] when inserting new records into a table that +** already uses the largest possible [ROWID]. The PRNG is also used for +** the build-in random() and randomblob() SQL functions. This interface allows +** applications to access the same PRNG for other purposes. +** +** ^A call to this routine stores N bytes of randomness into buffer P. +** +** ^The first time this routine is invoked (either internally or by +** the application) the PRNG is seeded using randomness obtained +** from the xRandomness method of the default [sqlite3_vfs] object. +** ^On all subsequent invocations, the pseudo-randomness is generated +** internally and without recourse to the [sqlite3_vfs] xRandomness +** method. +*/ +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_randomness(int N, void *P); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Compile-Time Authorization Callbacks +** +** ^This routine registers an authorizer callback with a particular +** [database connection], supplied in the first argument. +** ^The authorizer callback is invoked as SQL statements are being compiled +** by [sqlite3_prepare()] or its variants [sqlite3_prepare_v2()], +** [sqlite3_prepare16()] and [sqlite3_prepare16_v2()]. ^At various +** points during the compilation process, as logic is being created +** to perform various actions, the authorizer callback is invoked to +** see if those actions are allowed. ^The authorizer callback should +** return [SQLITE_OK] to allow the action, [SQLITE_IGNORE] to disallow the +** specific action but allow the SQL statement to continue to be +** compiled, or [SQLITE_DENY] to cause the entire SQL statement to be +** rejected with an error. ^If the authorizer callback returns +** any value other than [SQLITE_IGNORE], [SQLITE_OK], or [SQLITE_DENY] +** then the [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] or equivalent call that triggered +** the authorizer will fail with an error message. +** +** When the callback returns [SQLITE_OK], that means the operation +** requested is ok. ^When the callback returns [SQLITE_DENY], the +** [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] or equivalent call that triggered the +** authorizer will fail with an error message explaining that +** access is denied. +** +** ^The first parameter to the authorizer callback is a copy of the third +** parameter to the sqlite3_set_authorizer() interface. ^The second parameter +** to the callback is an integer [SQLITE_COPY | action code] that specifies +** the particular action to be authorized. ^The third through sixth parameters +** to the callback are zero-terminated strings that contain additional +** details about the action to be authorized. +** +** ^If the action code is [SQLITE_READ] +** and the callback returns [SQLITE_IGNORE] then the +** [prepared statement] statement is constructed to substitute +** a NULL value in place of the table column that would have +** been read if [SQLITE_OK] had been returned. The [SQLITE_IGNORE] +** return can be used to deny an untrusted user access to individual +** columns of a table. +** ^If the action code is [SQLITE_DELETE] and the callback returns +** [SQLITE_IGNORE] then the [DELETE] operation proceeds but the +** [truncate optimization] is disabled and all rows are deleted individually. +** +** An authorizer is used when [sqlite3_prepare | preparing] +** SQL statements from an untrusted source, to ensure that the SQL statements +** do not try to access data they are not allowed to see, or that they do not +** try to execute malicious statements that damage the database. For +** example, an application may allow a user to enter arbitrary +** SQL queries for evaluation by a database. But the application does +** not want the user to be able to make arbitrary changes to the +** database. An authorizer could then be put in place while the +** user-entered SQL is being [sqlite3_prepare | prepared] that +** disallows everything except [SELECT] statements. +** +** Applications that need to process SQL from untrusted sources +** might also consider lowering resource limits using [sqlite3_limit()] +** and limiting database size using the [max_page_count] [PRAGMA] +** in addition to using an authorizer. +** +** ^(Only a single authorizer can be in place on a database connection +** at a time. Each call to sqlite3_set_authorizer overrides the +** previous call.)^ ^Disable the authorizer by installing a NULL callback. +** The authorizer is disabled by default. +** +** The authorizer callback must not do anything that will modify +** the database connection that invoked the authorizer callback. +** Note that [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] and [sqlite3_step()] both modify their +** database connections for the meaning of "modify" in this paragraph. +** +** ^When [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] is used to prepare a statement, the +** statement might be re-prepared during [sqlite3_step()] due to a +** schema change. Hence, the application should ensure that the +** correct authorizer callback remains in place during the [sqlite3_step()]. +** +** ^Note that the authorizer callback is invoked only during +** [sqlite3_prepare()] or its variants. Authorization is not +** performed during statement evaluation in [sqlite3_step()], unless +** as stated in the previous paragraph, sqlite3_step() invokes +** sqlite3_prepare_v2() to reprepare a statement after a schema change. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_set_authorizer( + sqlite3*, + int (*xAuth)(void*,int,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*), + void *pUserData +); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Authorizer Return Codes +** +** The [sqlite3_set_authorizer | authorizer callback function] must +** return either [SQLITE_OK] or one of these two constants in order +** to signal SQLite whether or not the action is permitted. See the +** [sqlite3_set_authorizer | authorizer documentation] for additional +** information. +** +** Note that SQLITE_IGNORE is also used as a [SQLITE_ROLLBACK | return code] +** from the [sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict()] interface. +*/ +#define SQLITE_DENY 1 /* Abort the SQL statement with an error */ +#define SQLITE_IGNORE 2 /* Don't allow access, but don't generate an error */ + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Authorizer Action Codes +** +** The [sqlite3_set_authorizer()] interface registers a callback function +** that is invoked to authorize certain SQL statement actions. The +** second parameter to the callback is an integer code that specifies +** what action is being authorized. These are the integer action codes that +** the authorizer callback may be passed. +** +** These action code values signify what kind of operation is to be +** authorized. The 3rd and 4th parameters to the authorization +** callback function will be parameters or NULL depending on which of these +** codes is used as the second parameter. ^(The 5th parameter to the +** authorizer callback is the name of the database ("main", "temp", +** etc.) if applicable.)^ ^The 6th parameter to the authorizer callback +** is the name of the inner-most trigger or view that is responsible for +** the access attempt or NULL if this access attempt is directly from +** top-level SQL code. +*/ +/******************************************* 3rd ************ 4th ***********/ +#define SQLITE_CREATE_INDEX 1 /* Index Name Table Name */ +#define SQLITE_CREATE_TABLE 2 /* Table Name NULL */ +#define SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_INDEX 3 /* Index Name Table Name */ +#define SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_TABLE 4 /* Table Name NULL */ +#define SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_TRIGGER 5 /* Trigger Name Table Name */ +#define SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_VIEW 6 /* View Name NULL */ +#define SQLITE_CREATE_TRIGGER 7 /* Trigger Name Table Name */ +#define SQLITE_CREATE_VIEW 8 /* View Name NULL */ +#define SQLITE_DELETE 9 /* Table Name NULL */ +#define SQLITE_DROP_INDEX 10 /* Index Name Table Name */ +#define SQLITE_DROP_TABLE 11 /* Table Name NULL */ +#define SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_INDEX 12 /* Index Name Table Name */ +#define SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_TABLE 13 /* Table Name NULL */ +#define SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_TRIGGER 14 /* Trigger Name Table Name */ +#define SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_VIEW 15 /* View Name NULL */ +#define SQLITE_DROP_TRIGGER 16 /* Trigger Name Table Name */ +#define SQLITE_DROP_VIEW 17 /* View Name NULL */ +#define SQLITE_INSERT 18 /* Table Name NULL */ +#define SQLITE_PRAGMA 19 /* Pragma Name 1st arg or NULL */ +#define SQLITE_READ 20 /* Table Name Column Name */ +#define SQLITE_SELECT 21 /* NULL NULL */ +#define SQLITE_TRANSACTION 22 /* Operation NULL */ +#define SQLITE_UPDATE 23 /* Table Name Column Name */ +#define SQLITE_ATTACH 24 /* Filename NULL */ +#define SQLITE_DETACH 25 /* Database Name NULL */ +#define SQLITE_ALTER_TABLE 26 /* Database Name Table Name */ +#define SQLITE_REINDEX 27 /* Index Name NULL */ +#define SQLITE_ANALYZE 28 /* Table Name NULL */ +#define SQLITE_CREATE_VTABLE 29 /* Table Name Module Name */ +#define SQLITE_DROP_VTABLE 30 /* Table Name Module Name */ +#define SQLITE_FUNCTION 31 /* NULL Function Name */ +#define SQLITE_SAVEPOINT 32 /* Operation Savepoint Name */ +#define SQLITE_COPY 0 /* No longer used */ + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Tracing And Profiling Functions +** +** These routines register callback functions that can be used for +** tracing and profiling the execution of SQL statements. +** +** ^The callback function registered by sqlite3_trace() is invoked at +** various times when an SQL statement is being run by [sqlite3_step()]. +** ^The sqlite3_trace() callback is invoked with a UTF-8 rendering of the +** SQL statement text as the statement first begins executing. +** ^(Additional sqlite3_trace() callbacks might occur +** as each triggered subprogram is entered. The callbacks for triggers +** contain a UTF-8 SQL comment that identifies the trigger.)^ +** +** ^The callback function registered by sqlite3_profile() is invoked +** as each SQL statement finishes. ^The profile callback contains +** the original statement text and an estimate of wall-clock time +** of how long that statement took to run. ^The profile callback +** time is in units of nanoseconds, however the current implementation +** is only capable of millisecond resolution so the six least significant +** digits in the time are meaningless. Future versions of SQLite +** might provide greater resolution on the profiler callback. The +** sqlite3_profile() function is considered experimental and is +** subject to change in future versions of SQLite. +*/ +SQLITE_API void *sqlite3_trace(sqlite3*, void(*xTrace)(void*,const char*), void*); +SQLITE_API SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL void *sqlite3_profile(sqlite3*, + void(*xProfile)(void*,const char*,sqlite3_uint64), void*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Query Progress Callbacks +** +** ^The sqlite3_progress_handler(D,N,X,P) interface causes the callback +** function X to be invoked periodically during long running calls to +** [sqlite3_exec()], [sqlite3_step()] and [sqlite3_get_table()] for +** database connection D. An example use for this +** interface is to keep a GUI updated during a large query. +** +** ^The parameter P is passed through as the only parameter to the +** callback function X. ^The parameter N is the number of +** [virtual machine instructions] that are evaluated between successive +** invocations of the callback X. +** +** ^Only a single progress handler may be defined at one time per +** [database connection]; setting a new progress handler cancels the +** old one. ^Setting parameter X to NULL disables the progress handler. +** ^The progress handler is also disabled by setting N to a value less +** than 1. +** +** ^If the progress callback returns non-zero, the operation is +** interrupted. This feature can be used to implement a +** "Cancel" button on a GUI progress dialog box. +** +** The progress handler callback must not do anything that will modify +** the database connection that invoked the progress handler. +** Note that [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] and [sqlite3_step()] both modify their +** database connections for the meaning of "modify" in this paragraph. +** +*/ +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_progress_handler(sqlite3*, int, int(*)(void*), void*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Opening A New Database Connection +** +** ^These routines open an SQLite database file as specified by the +** filename argument. ^The filename argument is interpreted as UTF-8 for +** sqlite3_open() and sqlite3_open_v2() and as UTF-16 in the native byte +** order for sqlite3_open16(). ^(A [database connection] handle is usually +** returned in *ppDb, even if an error occurs. The only exception is that +** if SQLite is unable to allocate memory to hold the [sqlite3] object, +** a NULL will be written into *ppDb instead of a pointer to the [sqlite3] +** object.)^ ^(If the database is opened (and/or created) successfully, then +** [SQLITE_OK] is returned. Otherwise an [error code] is returned.)^ ^The +** [sqlite3_errmsg()] or [sqlite3_errmsg16()] routines can be used to obtain +** an English language description of the error following a failure of any +** of the sqlite3_open() routines. +** +** ^The default encoding for the database will be UTF-8 if +** sqlite3_open() or sqlite3_open_v2() is called and +** UTF-16 in the native byte order if sqlite3_open16() is used. +** +** Whether or not an error occurs when it is opened, resources +** associated with the [database connection] handle should be released by +** passing it to [sqlite3_close()] when it is no longer required. +** +** The sqlite3_open_v2() interface works like sqlite3_open() +** except that it accepts two additional parameters for additional control +** over the new database connection. ^(The flags parameter to +** sqlite3_open_v2() can take one of +** the following three values, optionally combined with the +** [SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX], [SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX], [SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE], +** [SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE], and/or [SQLITE_OPEN_URI] flags:)^ +** +**
+** ^(
The database is opened in read-only mode. If the database does not +** already exist, an error is returned.
)^ +** +** ^(
The database is opened for reading and writing if possible, or reading +** only if the file is write protected by the operating system. In either +** case the database must already exist, otherwise an error is returned.
)^ +** +** ^(
The database is opened for reading and writing, and is created if +** it does not already exist. This is the behavior that is always used for +** sqlite3_open() and sqlite3_open16().
)^ +**
+** +** If the 3rd parameter to sqlite3_open_v2() is not one of the +** combinations shown above optionally combined with other +** [SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY | SQLITE_OPEN_* bits] +** then the behavior is undefined. +** +** ^If the [SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX] flag is set, then the database connection +** opens in the multi-thread [threading mode] as long as the single-thread +** mode has not been set at compile-time or start-time. ^If the +** [SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX] flag is set then the database connection opens +** in the serialized [threading mode] unless single-thread was +** previously selected at compile-time or start-time. +** ^The [SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE] flag causes the database connection to be +** eligible to use [shared cache mode], regardless of whether or not shared +** cache is enabled using [sqlite3_enable_shared_cache()]. ^The +** [SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE] flag causes the database connection to not +** participate in [shared cache mode] even if it is enabled. +** +** ^The fourth parameter to sqlite3_open_v2() is the name of the +** [sqlite3_vfs] object that defines the operating system interface that +** the new database connection should use. ^If the fourth parameter is +** a NULL pointer then the default [sqlite3_vfs] object is used. +** +** ^If the filename is ":memory:", then a private, temporary in-memory database +** is created for the connection. ^This in-memory database will vanish when +** the database connection is closed. Future versions of SQLite might +** make use of additional special filenames that begin with the ":" character. +** It is recommended that when a database filename actually does begin with +** a ":" character you should prefix the filename with a pathname such as +** "./" to avoid ambiguity. +** +** ^If the filename is an empty string, then a private, temporary +** on-disk database will be created. ^This private database will be +** automatically deleted as soon as the database connection is closed. +** +** [[URI filenames in sqlite3_open()]]

URI Filenames

+** +** ^If [URI filename] interpretation is enabled, and the filename argument +** begins with "file:", then the filename is interpreted as a URI. ^URI +** filename interpretation is enabled if the [SQLITE_OPEN_URI] flag is +** set in the fourth argument to sqlite3_open_v2(), or if it has +** been enabled globally using the [SQLITE_CONFIG_URI] option with the +** [sqlite3_config()] method or by the [SQLITE_USE_URI] compile-time option. +** As of SQLite version 3.7.7, URI filename interpretation is turned off +** by default, but future releases of SQLite might enable URI filename +** interpretation by default. See "[URI filenames]" for additional +** information. +** +** URI filenames are parsed according to RFC 3986. ^If the URI contains an +** authority, then it must be either an empty string or the string +** "localhost". ^If the authority is not an empty string or "localhost", an +** error is returned to the caller. ^The fragment component of a URI, if +** present, is ignored. +** +** ^SQLite uses the path component of the URI as the name of the disk file +** which contains the database. ^If the path begins with a '/' character, +** then it is interpreted as an absolute path. ^If the path does not begin +** with a '/' (meaning that the authority section is omitted from the URI) +** then the path is interpreted as a relative path. +** ^On windows, the first component of an absolute path +** is a drive specification (e.g. "C:"). +** +** [[core URI query parameters]] +** The query component of a URI may contain parameters that are interpreted +** either by SQLite itself, or by a [VFS | custom VFS implementation]. +** SQLite interprets the following three query parameters: +** +**
  • vfs: ^The "vfs" parameter may be used to specify the name of +** a VFS object that provides the operating system interface that should +** be used to access the database file on disk. ^If this option is set to +** an empty string the default VFS object is used. ^Specifying an unknown +** VFS is an error. ^If sqlite3_open_v2() is used and the vfs option is +** present, then the VFS specified by the option takes precedence over +** the value passed as the fourth parameter to sqlite3_open_v2(). +** +**
  • mode: ^(The mode parameter may be set to either "ro", "rw", +** "rwc", or "memory". Attempting to set it to any other value is +** an error)^. +** ^If "ro" is specified, then the database is opened for read-only +** access, just as if the [SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY] flag had been set in the +** third argument to sqlite3_open_v2(). ^If the mode option is set to +** "rw", then the database is opened for read-write (but not create) +** access, as if SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE (but not SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE) had +** been set. ^Value "rwc" is equivalent to setting both +** SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE and SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE. ^If the mode option is +** set to "memory" then a pure [in-memory database] that never reads +** or writes from disk is used. ^It is an error to specify a value for +** the mode parameter that is less restrictive than that specified by +** the flags passed in the third parameter to sqlite3_open_v2(). +** +**
  • cache: ^The cache parameter may be set to either "shared" or +** "private". ^Setting it to "shared" is equivalent to setting the +** SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE bit in the flags argument passed to +** sqlite3_open_v2(). ^Setting the cache parameter to "private" is +** equivalent to setting the SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE bit. +** ^If sqlite3_open_v2() is used and the "cache" parameter is present in +** a URI filename, its value overrides any behavior requested by setting +** SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE or SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE flag. +**
+** +** ^Specifying an unknown parameter in the query component of a URI is not an +** error. Future versions of SQLite might understand additional query +** parameters. See "[query parameters with special meaning to SQLite]" for +** additional information. +** +** [[URI filename examples]]

URI filename examples

+** +**
URI filenames Results +**
file:data.db +** Open the file "data.db" in the current directory. +**
+** file:///home/fred/data.db
+** file://localhost/home/fred/data.db
+** Open the database file "/home/fred/data.db". +**
file://darkstar/home/fred/data.db +** An error. "darkstar" is not a recognized authority. +**
+** file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/fred/Desktop/data.db +** Windows only: Open the file "data.db" on fred's desktop on drive +** C:. Note that the %20 escaping in this example is not strictly +** necessary - space characters can be used literally +** in URI filenames. +**
file:data.db?mode=ro&cache=private +** Open file "data.db" in the current directory for read-only access. +** Regardless of whether or not shared-cache mode is enabled by +** default, use a private cache. +**
file:/home/fred/data.db?vfs=unix-nolock +** Open file "/home/fred/data.db". Use the special VFS "unix-nolock". +**
file:data.db?mode=readonly +** An error. "readonly" is not a valid option for the "mode" parameter. +**
+** +** ^URI hexadecimal escape sequences (%HH) are supported within the path and +** query components of a URI. A hexadecimal escape sequence consists of a +** percent sign - "%" - followed by exactly two hexadecimal digits +** specifying an octet value. ^Before the path or query components of a +** URI filename are interpreted, they are encoded using UTF-8 and all +** hexadecimal escape sequences replaced by a single byte containing the +** corresponding octet. If this process generates an invalid UTF-8 encoding, +** the results are undefined. +** +** Note to Windows users: The encoding used for the filename argument +** of sqlite3_open() and sqlite3_open_v2() must be UTF-8, not whatever +** codepage is currently defined. Filenames containing international +** characters must be converted to UTF-8 prior to passing them into +** sqlite3_open() or sqlite3_open_v2(). +** +** Note to Windows Runtime users: The temporary directory must be set +** prior to calling sqlite3_open() or sqlite3_open_v2(). Otherwise, various +** features that require the use of temporary files may fail. +** +** See also: [sqlite3_temp_directory] +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_open( + const char *filename, /* Database filename (UTF-8) */ + sqlite3 **ppDb /* OUT: SQLite db handle */ +); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_open16( + const void *filename, /* Database filename (UTF-16) */ + sqlite3 **ppDb /* OUT: SQLite db handle */ +); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_open_v2( + const char *filename, /* Database filename (UTF-8) */ + sqlite3 **ppDb, /* OUT: SQLite db handle */ + int flags, /* Flags */ + const char *zVfs /* Name of VFS module to use */ +); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Obtain Values For URI Parameters +** +** These are utility routines, useful to VFS implementations, that check +** to see if a database file was a URI that contained a specific query +** parameter, and if so obtains the value of that query parameter. +** +** If F is the database filename pointer passed into the xOpen() method of +** a VFS implementation when the flags parameter to xOpen() has one or +** more of the [SQLITE_OPEN_URI] or [SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB] bits set and +** P is the name of the query parameter, then +** sqlite3_uri_parameter(F,P) returns the value of the P +** parameter if it exists or a NULL pointer if P does not appear as a +** query parameter on F. If P is a query parameter of F +** has no explicit value, then sqlite3_uri_parameter(F,P) returns +** a pointer to an empty string. +** +** The sqlite3_uri_boolean(F,P,B) routine assumes that P is a boolean +** parameter and returns true (1) or false (0) according to the value +** of P. The sqlite3_uri_boolean(F,P,B) routine returns true (1) if the +** value of query parameter P is one of "yes", "true", or "on" in any +** case or if the value begins with a non-zero number. The +** sqlite3_uri_boolean(F,P,B) routines returns false (0) if the value of +** query parameter P is one of "no", "false", or "off" in any case or +** if the value begins with a numeric zero. If P is not a query +** parameter on F or if the value of P is does not match any of the +** above, then sqlite3_uri_boolean(F,P,B) returns (B!=0). +** +** The sqlite3_uri_int64(F,P,D) routine converts the value of P into a +** 64-bit signed integer and returns that integer, or D if P does not +** exist. If the value of P is something other than an integer, then +** zero is returned. +** +** If F is a NULL pointer, then sqlite3_uri_parameter(F,P) returns NULL and +** sqlite3_uri_boolean(F,P,B) returns B. If F is not a NULL pointer and +** is not a database file pathname pointer that SQLite passed into the xOpen +** VFS method, then the behavior of this routine is undefined and probably +** undesirable. +*/ +SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_uri_parameter(const char *zFilename, const char *zParam); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_uri_boolean(const char *zFile, const char *zParam, int bDefault); +SQLITE_API sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_uri_int64(const char*, const char*, sqlite3_int64); + + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Error Codes And Messages +** +** ^The sqlite3_errcode() interface returns the numeric [result code] or +** [extended result code] for the most recent failed sqlite3_* API call +** associated with a [database connection]. If a prior API call failed +** but the most recent API call succeeded, the return value from +** sqlite3_errcode() is undefined. ^The sqlite3_extended_errcode() +** interface is the same except that it always returns the +** [extended result code] even when extended result codes are +** disabled. +** +** ^The sqlite3_errmsg() and sqlite3_errmsg16() return English-language +** text that describes the error, as either UTF-8 or UTF-16 respectively. +** ^(Memory to hold the error message string is managed internally. +** The application does not need to worry about freeing the result. +** However, the error string might be overwritten or deallocated by +** subsequent calls to other SQLite interface functions.)^ +** +** ^The sqlite3_errstr() interface returns the English-language text +** that describes the [result code], as UTF-8. +** ^(Memory to hold the error message string is managed internally +** and must not be freed by the application)^. +** +** When the serialized [threading mode] is in use, it might be the +** case that a second error occurs on a separate thread in between +** the time of the first error and the call to these interfaces. +** When that happens, the second error will be reported since these +** interfaces always report the most recent result. To avoid +** this, each thread can obtain exclusive use of the [database connection] D +** by invoking [sqlite3_mutex_enter]([sqlite3_db_mutex](D)) before beginning +** to use D and invoking [sqlite3_mutex_leave]([sqlite3_db_mutex](D)) after +** all calls to the interfaces listed here are completed. +** +** If an interface fails with SQLITE_MISUSE, that means the interface +** was invoked incorrectly by the application. In that case, the +** error code and message may or may not be set. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_errcode(sqlite3 *db); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_extended_errcode(sqlite3 *db); +SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_errmsg(sqlite3*); +SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_errmsg16(sqlite3*); +SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_errstr(int); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: SQL Statement Object +** KEYWORDS: {prepared statement} {prepared statements} +** +** An instance of this object represents a single SQL statement. +** This object is variously known as a "prepared statement" or a +** "compiled SQL statement" or simply as a "statement". +** +** The life of a statement object goes something like this: +** +**
  1. Create the object using [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] or a related +** function. +**
  2. Bind values to [host parameters] using the sqlite3_bind_*() +** interfaces. +**
  3. Run the SQL by calling [sqlite3_step()] one or more times. +**
  4. Reset the statement using [sqlite3_reset()] then go back +** to step 2. Do this zero or more times. +**
  5. Destroy the object using [sqlite3_finalize()]. +**
+** +** Refer to documentation on individual methods above for additional +** information. +*/ +typedef struct sqlite3_stmt sqlite3_stmt; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Run-time Limits +** +** ^(This interface allows the size of various constructs to be limited +** on a connection by connection basis. The first parameter is the +** [database connection] whose limit is to be set or queried. The +** second parameter is one of the [limit categories] that define a +** class of constructs to be size limited. The third parameter is the +** new limit for that construct.)^ +** +** ^If the new limit is a negative number, the limit is unchanged. +** ^(For each limit category SQLITE_LIMIT_NAME there is a +** [limits | hard upper bound] +** set at compile-time by a C preprocessor macro called +** [limits | SQLITE_MAX_NAME]. +** (The "_LIMIT_" in the name is changed to "_MAX_".))^ +** ^Attempts to increase a limit above its hard upper bound are +** silently truncated to the hard upper bound. +** +** ^Regardless of whether or not the limit was changed, the +** [sqlite3_limit()] interface returns the prior value of the limit. +** ^Hence, to find the current value of a limit without changing it, +** simply invoke this interface with the third parameter set to -1. +** +** Run-time limits are intended for use in applications that manage +** both their own internal database and also databases that are controlled +** by untrusted external sources. An example application might be a +** web browser that has its own databases for storing history and +** separate databases controlled by JavaScript applications downloaded +** off the Internet. The internal databases can be given the +** large, default limits. Databases managed by external sources can +** be given much smaller limits designed to prevent a denial of service +** attack. Developers might also want to use the [sqlite3_set_authorizer()] +** interface to further control untrusted SQL. The size of the database +** created by an untrusted script can be contained using the +** [max_page_count] [PRAGMA]. +** +** New run-time limit categories may be added in future releases. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_limit(sqlite3*, int id, int newVal); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Run-Time Limit Categories +** KEYWORDS: {limit category} {*limit categories} +** +** These constants define various performance limits +** that can be lowered at run-time using [sqlite3_limit()]. +** The synopsis of the meanings of the various limits is shown below. +** Additional information is available at [limits | Limits in SQLite]. +** +**
The maximum size of any string or BLOB or table row, in bytes.
)^ +** +** [[SQLITE_LIMIT_SQL_LENGTH]] ^(
The maximum length of an SQL statement, in bytes.
)^ +** +** [[SQLITE_LIMIT_COLUMN]] ^(
The maximum number of columns in a table definition or in the +** result set of a [SELECT] or the maximum number of columns in an index +** or in an ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause.
)^ +** +** [[SQLITE_LIMIT_EXPR_DEPTH]] ^(
The maximum depth of the parse tree on any expression.
The maximum number of terms in a compound SELECT statement.
)^ +** +** [[SQLITE_LIMIT_VDBE_OP]] ^(
The maximum number of instructions in a virtual machine program +** used to implement an SQL statement. This limit is not currently +** enforced, though that might be added in some future release of +** SQLite.
The maximum number of arguments on a function.
)^ +** +** [[SQLITE_LIMIT_ATTACHED]] ^(
The maximum number of [ATTACH | attached databases].)^
The maximum length of the pattern argument to the [LIKE] or +** [GLOB] operators.
)^ +** +** [[SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER]] +** ^(
The maximum index number of any [parameter] in an SQL statement.)^ +** +** [[SQLITE_LIMIT_TRIGGER_DEPTH]] ^(
The maximum depth of recursion for triggers.
)^ +**
+*/ +#define SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH 0 +#define SQLITE_LIMIT_SQL_LENGTH 1 +#define SQLITE_LIMIT_COLUMN 2 +#define SQLITE_LIMIT_EXPR_DEPTH 3 +#define SQLITE_LIMIT_COMPOUND_SELECT 4 +#define SQLITE_LIMIT_VDBE_OP 5 +#define SQLITE_LIMIT_FUNCTION_ARG 6 +#define SQLITE_LIMIT_ATTACHED 7 +#define SQLITE_LIMIT_LIKE_PATTERN_LENGTH 8 +#define SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER 9 +#define SQLITE_LIMIT_TRIGGER_DEPTH 10 + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Compiling An SQL Statement +** KEYWORDS: {SQL statement compiler} +** +** To execute an SQL query, it must first be compiled into a byte-code +** program using one of these routines. +** +** The first argument, "db", is a [database connection] obtained from a +** prior successful call to [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open_v2()] or +** [sqlite3_open16()]. The database connection must not have been closed. +** +** The second argument, "zSql", is the statement to be compiled, encoded +** as either UTF-8 or UTF-16. The sqlite3_prepare() and sqlite3_prepare_v2() +** interfaces use UTF-8, and sqlite3_prepare16() and sqlite3_prepare16_v2() +** use UTF-16. +** +** ^If the nByte argument is less than zero, then zSql is read up to the +** first zero terminator. ^If nByte is non-negative, then it is the maximum +** number of bytes read from zSql. ^When nByte is non-negative, the +** zSql string ends at either the first '\000' or '\u0000' character or +** the nByte-th byte, whichever comes first. If the caller knows +** that the supplied string is nul-terminated, then there is a small +** performance advantage to be gained by passing an nByte parameter that +** is equal to the number of bytes in the input string including +** the nul-terminator bytes as this saves SQLite from having to +** make a copy of the input string. +** +** ^If pzTail is not NULL then *pzTail is made to point to the first byte +** past the end of the first SQL statement in zSql. These routines only +** compile the first statement in zSql, so *pzTail is left pointing to +** what remains uncompiled. +** +** ^*ppStmt is left pointing to a compiled [prepared statement] that can be +** executed using [sqlite3_step()]. ^If there is an error, *ppStmt is set +** to NULL. ^If the input text contains no SQL (if the input is an empty +** string or a comment) then *ppStmt is set to NULL. +** The calling procedure is responsible for deleting the compiled +** SQL statement using [sqlite3_finalize()] after it has finished with it. +** ppStmt may not be NULL. +** +** ^On success, the sqlite3_prepare() family of routines return [SQLITE_OK]; +** otherwise an [error code] is returned. +** +** The sqlite3_prepare_v2() and sqlite3_prepare16_v2() interfaces are +** recommended for all new programs. The two older interfaces are retained +** for backwards compatibility, but their use is discouraged. +** ^In the "v2" interfaces, the prepared statement +** that is returned (the [sqlite3_stmt] object) contains a copy of the +** original SQL text. This causes the [sqlite3_step()] interface to +** behave differently in three ways: +** +**
  1. +** ^If the database schema changes, instead of returning [SQLITE_SCHEMA] as it +** always used to do, [sqlite3_step()] will automatically recompile the SQL +** statement and try to run it again. +**
  2. +** +**
  3. +** ^When an error occurs, [sqlite3_step()] will return one of the detailed +** [error codes] or [extended error codes]. ^The legacy behavior was that +** [sqlite3_step()] would only return a generic [SQLITE_ERROR] result code +** and the application would have to make a second call to [sqlite3_reset()] +** in order to find the underlying cause of the problem. With the "v2" prepare +** interfaces, the underlying reason for the error is returned immediately. +**
  4. +** +**
  5. +** ^If the specific value bound to [parameter | host parameter] in the +** WHERE clause might influence the choice of query plan for a statement, +** then the statement will be automatically recompiled, as if there had been +** a schema change, on the first [sqlite3_step()] call following any change +** to the [sqlite3_bind_text | bindings] of that [parameter]. +** ^The specific value of WHERE-clause [parameter] might influence the +** choice of query plan if the parameter is the left-hand side of a [LIKE] +** or [GLOB] operator or if the parameter is compared to an indexed column +** and the [SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT3] compile-time option is enabled. +** the +**
  6. +**
+*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_prepare( + sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */ + const char *zSql, /* SQL statement, UTF-8 encoded */ + int nByte, /* Maximum length of zSql in bytes. */ + sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* OUT: Statement handle */ + const char **pzTail /* OUT: Pointer to unused portion of zSql */ +); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_prepare_v2( + sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */ + const char *zSql, /* SQL statement, UTF-8 encoded */ + int nByte, /* Maximum length of zSql in bytes. */ + sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* OUT: Statement handle */ + const char **pzTail /* OUT: Pointer to unused portion of zSql */ +); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_prepare16( + sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */ + const void *zSql, /* SQL statement, UTF-16 encoded */ + int nByte, /* Maximum length of zSql in bytes. */ + sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* OUT: Statement handle */ + const void **pzTail /* OUT: Pointer to unused portion of zSql */ +); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_prepare16_v2( + sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */ + const void *zSql, /* SQL statement, UTF-16 encoded */ + int nByte, /* Maximum length of zSql in bytes. */ + sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* OUT: Statement handle */ + const void **pzTail /* OUT: Pointer to unused portion of zSql */ +); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Retrieving Statement SQL +** +** ^This interface can be used to retrieve a saved copy of the original +** SQL text used to create a [prepared statement] if that statement was +** compiled using either [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] or [sqlite3_prepare16_v2()]. +*/ +SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_sql(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Determine If An SQL Statement Writes The Database +** +** ^The sqlite3_stmt_readonly(X) interface returns true (non-zero) if +** and only if the [prepared statement] X makes no direct changes to +** the content of the database file. +** +** Note that [application-defined SQL functions] or +** [virtual tables] might change the database indirectly as a side effect. +** ^(For example, if an application defines a function "eval()" that +** calls [sqlite3_exec()], then the following SQL statement would +** change the database file through side-effects: +** +**
+**    SELECT eval('DELETE FROM t1') FROM t2;
+** +** But because the [SELECT] statement does not change the database file +** directly, sqlite3_stmt_readonly() would still return true.)^ +** +** ^Transaction control statements such as [BEGIN], [COMMIT], [ROLLBACK], +** [SAVEPOINT], and [RELEASE] cause sqlite3_stmt_readonly() to return true, +** since the statements themselves do not actually modify the database but +** rather they control the timing of when other statements modify the +** database. ^The [ATTACH] and [DETACH] statements also cause +** sqlite3_stmt_readonly() to return true since, while those statements +** change the configuration of a database connection, they do not make +** changes to the content of the database files on disk. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_stmt_readonly(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Determine If A Prepared Statement Has Been Reset +** +** ^The sqlite3_stmt_busy(S) interface returns true (non-zero) if the +** [prepared statement] S has been stepped at least once using +** [sqlite3_step(S)] but has not run to completion and/or has not +** been reset using [sqlite3_reset(S)]. ^The sqlite3_stmt_busy(S) +** interface returns false if S is a NULL pointer. If S is not a +** NULL pointer and is not a pointer to a valid [prepared statement] +** object, then the behavior is undefined and probably undesirable. +** +** This interface can be used in combination [sqlite3_next_stmt()] +** to locate all prepared statements associated with a database +** connection that are in need of being reset. This can be used, +** for example, in diagnostic routines to search for prepared +** statements that are holding a transaction open. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_stmt_busy(sqlite3_stmt*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Dynamically Typed Value Object +** KEYWORDS: {protected sqlite3_value} {unprotected sqlite3_value} +** +** SQLite uses the sqlite3_value object to represent all values +** that can be stored in a database table. SQLite uses dynamic typing +** for the values it stores. ^Values stored in sqlite3_value objects +** can be integers, floating point values, strings, BLOBs, or NULL. +** +** An sqlite3_value object may be either "protected" or "unprotected". +** Some interfaces require a protected sqlite3_value. Other interfaces +** will accept either a protected or an unprotected sqlite3_value. +** Every interface that accepts sqlite3_value arguments specifies +** whether or not it requires a protected sqlite3_value. +** +** The terms "protected" and "unprotected" refer to whether or not +** a mutex is held. An internal mutex is held for a protected +** sqlite3_value object but no mutex is held for an unprotected +** sqlite3_value object. If SQLite is compiled to be single-threaded +** (with [SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0] and with [sqlite3_threadsafe()] returning 0) +** or if SQLite is run in one of reduced mutex modes +** [SQLITE_CONFIG_SINGLETHREAD] or [SQLITE_CONFIG_MULTITHREAD] +** then there is no distinction between protected and unprotected +** sqlite3_value objects and they can be used interchangeably. However, +** for maximum code portability it is recommended that applications +** still make the distinction between protected and unprotected +** sqlite3_value objects even when not strictly required. +** +** ^The sqlite3_value objects that are passed as parameters into the +** implementation of [application-defined SQL functions] are protected. +** ^The sqlite3_value object returned by +** [sqlite3_column_value()] is unprotected. +** Unprotected sqlite3_value objects may only be used with +** [sqlite3_result_value()] and [sqlite3_bind_value()]. +** The [sqlite3_value_blob | sqlite3_value_type()] family of +** interfaces require protected sqlite3_value objects. +*/ +typedef struct Mem sqlite3_value; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: SQL Function Context Object +** +** The context in which an SQL function executes is stored in an +** sqlite3_context object. ^A pointer to an sqlite3_context object +** is always first parameter to [application-defined SQL functions]. +** The application-defined SQL function implementation will pass this +** pointer through into calls to [sqlite3_result_int | sqlite3_result()], +** [sqlite3_aggregate_context()], [sqlite3_user_data()], +** [sqlite3_context_db_handle()], [sqlite3_get_auxdata()], +** and/or [sqlite3_set_auxdata()]. +*/ +typedef struct sqlite3_context sqlite3_context; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Binding Values To Prepared Statements +** KEYWORDS: {host parameter} {host parameters} {host parameter name} +** KEYWORDS: {SQL parameter} {SQL parameters} {parameter binding} +** +** ^(In the SQL statement text input to [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] and its variants, +** literals may be replaced by a [parameter] that matches one of following +** templates: +** +**
  • ? +**
  • ?NNN +**
  • :VVV +**
  • @VVV +**
  • $VVV +**
+** +** In the templates above, NNN represents an integer literal, +** and VVV represents an alphanumeric identifier.)^ ^The values of these +** parameters (also called "host parameter names" or "SQL parameters") +** can be set using the sqlite3_bind_*() routines defined here. +** +** ^The first argument to the sqlite3_bind_*() routines is always +** a pointer to the [sqlite3_stmt] object returned from +** [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] or its variants. +** +** ^The second argument is the index of the SQL parameter to be set. +** ^The leftmost SQL parameter has an index of 1. ^When the same named +** SQL parameter is used more than once, second and subsequent +** occurrences have the same index as the first occurrence. +** ^The index for named parameters can be looked up using the +** [sqlite3_bind_parameter_index()] API if desired. ^The index +** for "?NNN" parameters is the value of NNN. +** ^The NNN value must be between 1 and the [sqlite3_limit()] +** parameter [SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER] (default value: 999). +** +** ^The third argument is the value to bind to the parameter. +** +** ^(In those routines that have a fourth argument, its value is the +** number of bytes in the parameter. To be clear: the value is the +** number of bytes in the value, not the number of characters.)^ +** ^If the fourth parameter to sqlite3_bind_text() or sqlite3_bind_text16() +** is negative, then the length of the string is +** the number of bytes up to the first zero terminator. +** If the fourth parameter to sqlite3_bind_blob() is negative, then +** the behavior is undefined. +** If a non-negative fourth parameter is provided to sqlite3_bind_text() +** or sqlite3_bind_text16() then that parameter must be the byte offset +** where the NUL terminator would occur assuming the string were NUL +** terminated. If any NUL characters occur at byte offsets less than +** the value of the fourth parameter then the resulting string value will +** contain embedded NULs. The result of expressions involving strings +** with embedded NULs is undefined. +** +** ^The fifth argument to sqlite3_bind_blob(), sqlite3_bind_text(), and +** sqlite3_bind_text16() is a destructor used to dispose of the BLOB or +** string after SQLite has finished with it. ^The destructor is called +** to dispose of the BLOB or string even if the call to sqlite3_bind_blob(), +** sqlite3_bind_text(), or sqlite3_bind_text16() fails. +** ^If the fifth argument is +** the special value [SQLITE_STATIC], then SQLite assumes that the +** information is in static, unmanaged space and does not need to be freed. +** ^If the fifth argument has the value [SQLITE_TRANSIENT], then +** SQLite makes its own private copy of the data immediately, before +** the sqlite3_bind_*() routine returns. +** +** ^The sqlite3_bind_zeroblob() routine binds a BLOB of length N that +** is filled with zeroes. ^A zeroblob uses a fixed amount of memory +** (just an integer to hold its size) while it is being processed. +** Zeroblobs are intended to serve as placeholders for BLOBs whose +** content is later written using +** [sqlite3_blob_open | incremental BLOB I/O] routines. +** ^A negative value for the zeroblob results in a zero-length BLOB. +** +** ^If any of the sqlite3_bind_*() routines are called with a NULL pointer +** for the [prepared statement] or with a prepared statement for which +** [sqlite3_step()] has been called more recently than [sqlite3_reset()], +** then the call will return [SQLITE_MISUSE]. If any sqlite3_bind_() +** routine is passed a [prepared statement] that has been finalized, the +** result is undefined and probably harmful. +** +** ^Bindings are not cleared by the [sqlite3_reset()] routine. +** ^Unbound parameters are interpreted as NULL. +** +** ^The sqlite3_bind_* routines return [SQLITE_OK] on success or an +** [error code] if anything goes wrong. +** ^[SQLITE_RANGE] is returned if the parameter +** index is out of range. ^[SQLITE_NOMEM] is returned if malloc() fails. +** +** See also: [sqlite3_bind_parameter_count()], +** [sqlite3_bind_parameter_name()], and [sqlite3_bind_parameter_index()]. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_bind_blob(sqlite3_stmt*, int, const void*, int n, void(*)(void*)); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_bind_double(sqlite3_stmt*, int, double); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_bind_int(sqlite3_stmt*, int, int); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_bind_int64(sqlite3_stmt*, int, sqlite3_int64); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_bind_null(sqlite3_stmt*, int); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_bind_text(sqlite3_stmt*, int, const char*, int n, void(*)(void*)); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_bind_text16(sqlite3_stmt*, int, const void*, int, void(*)(void*)); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_bind_value(sqlite3_stmt*, int, const sqlite3_value*); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_bind_zeroblob(sqlite3_stmt*, int, int n); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Number Of SQL Parameters +** +** ^This routine can be used to find the number of [SQL parameters] +** in a [prepared statement]. SQL parameters are tokens of the +** form "?", "?NNN", ":AAA", "$AAA", or "@AAA" that serve as +** placeholders for values that are [sqlite3_bind_blob | bound] +** to the parameters at a later time. +** +** ^(This routine actually returns the index of the largest (rightmost) +** parameter. For all forms except ?NNN, this will correspond to the +** number of unique parameters. If parameters of the ?NNN form are used, +** there may be gaps in the list.)^ +** +** See also: [sqlite3_bind_blob|sqlite3_bind()], +** [sqlite3_bind_parameter_name()], and +** [sqlite3_bind_parameter_index()]. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(sqlite3_stmt*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Name Of A Host Parameter +** +** ^The sqlite3_bind_parameter_name(P,N) interface returns +** the name of the N-th [SQL parameter] in the [prepared statement] P. +** ^(SQL parameters of the form "?NNN" or ":AAA" or "@AAA" or "$AAA" +** have a name which is the string "?NNN" or ":AAA" or "@AAA" or "$AAA" +** respectively. +** In other words, the initial ":" or "$" or "@" or "?" +** is included as part of the name.)^ +** ^Parameters of the form "?" without a following integer have no name +** and are referred to as "nameless" or "anonymous parameters". +** +** ^The first host parameter has an index of 1, not 0. +** +** ^If the value N is out of range or if the N-th parameter is +** nameless, then NULL is returned. ^The returned string is +** always in UTF-8 encoding even if the named parameter was +** originally specified as UTF-16 in [sqlite3_prepare16()] or +** [sqlite3_prepare16_v2()]. +** +** See also: [sqlite3_bind_blob|sqlite3_bind()], +** [sqlite3_bind_parameter_count()], and +** [sqlite3_bind_parameter_index()]. +*/ +SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_bind_parameter_name(sqlite3_stmt*, int); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Index Of A Parameter With A Given Name +** +** ^Return the index of an SQL parameter given its name. ^The +** index value returned is suitable for use as the second +** parameter to [sqlite3_bind_blob|sqlite3_bind()]. ^A zero +** is returned if no matching parameter is found. ^The parameter +** name must be given in UTF-8 even if the original statement +** was prepared from UTF-16 text using [sqlite3_prepare16_v2()]. +** +** See also: [sqlite3_bind_blob|sqlite3_bind()], +** [sqlite3_bind_parameter_count()], and +** [sqlite3_bind_parameter_index()]. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(sqlite3_stmt*, const char *zName); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Reset All Bindings On A Prepared Statement +** +** ^Contrary to the intuition of many, [sqlite3_reset()] does not reset +** the [sqlite3_bind_blob | bindings] on a [prepared statement]. +** ^Use this routine to reset all host parameters to NULL. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_clear_bindings(sqlite3_stmt*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Number Of Columns In A Result Set +** +** ^Return the number of columns in the result set returned by the +** [prepared statement]. ^This routine returns 0 if pStmt is an SQL +** statement that does not return data (for example an [UPDATE]). +** +** See also: [sqlite3_data_count()] +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_column_count(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Column Names In A Result Set +** +** ^These routines return the name assigned to a particular column +** in the result set of a [SELECT] statement. ^The sqlite3_column_name() +** interface returns a pointer to a zero-terminated UTF-8 string +** and sqlite3_column_name16() returns a pointer to a zero-terminated +** UTF-16 string. ^The first parameter is the [prepared statement] +** that implements the [SELECT] statement. ^The second parameter is the +** column number. ^The leftmost column is number 0. +** +** ^The returned string pointer is valid until either the [prepared statement] +** is destroyed by [sqlite3_finalize()] or until the statement is automatically +** reprepared by the first call to [sqlite3_step()] for a particular run +** or until the next call to +** sqlite3_column_name() or sqlite3_column_name16() on the same column. +** +** ^If sqlite3_malloc() fails during the processing of either routine +** (for example during a conversion from UTF-8 to UTF-16) then a +** NULL pointer is returned. +** +** ^The name of a result column is the value of the "AS" clause for +** that column, if there is an AS clause. If there is no AS clause +** then the name of the column is unspecified and may change from +** one release of SQLite to the next. +*/ +SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_column_name(sqlite3_stmt*, int N); +SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_column_name16(sqlite3_stmt*, int N); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Source Of Data In A Query Result +** +** ^These routines provide a means to determine the database, table, and +** table column that is the origin of a particular result column in +** [SELECT] statement. +** ^The name of the database or table or column can be returned as +** either a UTF-8 or UTF-16 string. ^The _database_ routines return +** the database name, the _table_ routines return the table name, and +** the origin_ routines return the column name. +** ^The returned string is valid until the [prepared statement] is destroyed +** using [sqlite3_finalize()] or until the statement is automatically +** reprepared by the first call to [sqlite3_step()] for a particular run +** or until the same information is requested +** again in a different encoding. +** +** ^The names returned are the original un-aliased names of the +** database, table, and column. +** +** ^The first argument to these interfaces is a [prepared statement]. +** ^These functions return information about the Nth result column returned by +** the statement, where N is the second function argument. +** ^The left-most column is column 0 for these routines. +** +** ^If the Nth column returned by the statement is an expression or +** subquery and is not a column value, then all of these functions return +** NULL. ^These routine might also return NULL if a memory allocation error +** occurs. ^Otherwise, they return the name of the attached database, table, +** or column that query result column was extracted from. +** +** ^As with all other SQLite APIs, those whose names end with "16" return +** UTF-16 encoded strings and the other functions return UTF-8. +** +** ^These APIs are only available if the library was compiled with the +** [SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA] C-preprocessor symbol. +** +** If two or more threads call one or more of these routines against the same +** prepared statement and column at the same time then the results are +** undefined. +** +** If two or more threads call one or more +** [sqlite3_column_database_name | column metadata interfaces] +** for the same [prepared statement] and result column +** at the same time then the results are undefined. +*/ +SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_column_database_name(sqlite3_stmt*,int); +SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_column_database_name16(sqlite3_stmt*,int); +SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_column_table_name(sqlite3_stmt*,int); +SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_column_table_name16(sqlite3_stmt*,int); +SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_column_origin_name(sqlite3_stmt*,int); +SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_column_origin_name16(sqlite3_stmt*,int); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Declared Datatype Of A Query Result +** +** ^(The first parameter is a [prepared statement]. +** If this statement is a [SELECT] statement and the Nth column of the +** returned result set of that [SELECT] is a table column (not an +** expression or subquery) then the declared type of the table +** column is returned.)^ ^If the Nth column of the result set is an +** expression or subquery, then a NULL pointer is returned. +** ^The returned string is always UTF-8 encoded. +** +** ^(For example, given the database schema: +** +** CREATE TABLE t1(c1 VARIANT); +** +** and the following statement to be compiled: +** +** SELECT c1 + 1, c1 FROM t1; +** +** this routine would return the string "VARIANT" for the second result +** column (i==1), and a NULL pointer for the first result column (i==0).)^ +** +** ^SQLite uses dynamic run-time typing. ^So just because a column +** is declared to contain a particular type does not mean that the +** data stored in that column is of the declared type. SQLite is +** strongly typed, but the typing is dynamic not static. ^Type +** is associated with individual values, not with the containers +** used to hold those values. +*/ +SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_column_decltype(sqlite3_stmt*,int); +SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_column_decltype16(sqlite3_stmt*,int); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Evaluate An SQL Statement +** +** After a [prepared statement] has been prepared using either +** [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] or [sqlite3_prepare16_v2()] or one of the legacy +** interfaces [sqlite3_prepare()] or [sqlite3_prepare16()], this function +** must be called one or more times to evaluate the statement. +** +** The details of the behavior of the sqlite3_step() interface depend +** on whether the statement was prepared using the newer "v2" interface +** [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] and [sqlite3_prepare16_v2()] or the older legacy +** interface [sqlite3_prepare()] and [sqlite3_prepare16()]. The use of the +** new "v2" interface is recommended for new applications but the legacy +** interface will continue to be supported. +** +** ^In the legacy interface, the return value will be either [SQLITE_BUSY], +** [SQLITE_DONE], [SQLITE_ROW], [SQLITE_ERROR], or [SQLITE_MISUSE]. +** ^With the "v2" interface, any of the other [result codes] or +** [extended result codes] might be returned as well. +** +** ^[SQLITE_BUSY] means that the database engine was unable to acquire the +** database locks it needs to do its job. ^If the statement is a [COMMIT] +** or occurs outside of an explicit transaction, then you can retry the +** statement. If the statement is not a [COMMIT] and occurs within an +** explicit transaction then you should rollback the transaction before +** continuing. +** +** ^[SQLITE_DONE] means that the statement has finished executing +** successfully. sqlite3_step() should not be called again on this virtual +** machine without first calling [sqlite3_reset()] to reset the virtual +** machine back to its initial state. +** +** ^If the SQL statement being executed returns any data, then [SQLITE_ROW] +** is returned each time a new row of data is ready for processing by the +** caller. The values may be accessed using the [column access functions]. +** sqlite3_step() is called again to retrieve the next row of data. +** +** ^[SQLITE_ERROR] means that a run-time error (such as a constraint +** violation) has occurred. sqlite3_step() should not be called again on +** the VM. More information may be found by calling [sqlite3_errmsg()]. +** ^With the legacy interface, a more specific error code (for example, +** [SQLITE_INTERRUPT], [SQLITE_SCHEMA], [SQLITE_CORRUPT], and so forth) +** can be obtained by calling [sqlite3_reset()] on the +** [prepared statement]. ^In the "v2" interface, +** the more specific error code is returned directly by sqlite3_step(). +** +** [SQLITE_MISUSE] means that the this routine was called inappropriately. +** Perhaps it was called on a [prepared statement] that has +** already been [sqlite3_finalize | finalized] or on one that had +** previously returned [SQLITE_ERROR] or [SQLITE_DONE]. Or it could +** be the case that the same database connection is being used by two or +** more threads at the same moment in time. +** +** For all versions of SQLite up to and including, a call to +** [sqlite3_reset()] was required after sqlite3_step() returned anything +** other than [SQLITE_ROW] before any subsequent invocation of +** sqlite3_step(). Failure to reset the prepared statement using +** [sqlite3_reset()] would result in an [SQLITE_MISUSE] return from +** sqlite3_step(). But after version, sqlite3_step() began +** calling [sqlite3_reset()] automatically in this circumstance rather +** than returning [SQLITE_MISUSE]. This is not considered a compatibility +** break because any application that ever receives an SQLITE_MISUSE error +** is broken by definition. The [SQLITE_OMIT_AUTORESET] compile-time option +** can be used to restore the legacy behavior. +** +** Goofy Interface Alert: In the legacy interface, the sqlite3_step() +** API always returns a generic error code, [SQLITE_ERROR], following any +** error other than [SQLITE_BUSY] and [SQLITE_MISUSE]. You must call +** [sqlite3_reset()] or [sqlite3_finalize()] in order to find one of the +** specific [error codes] that better describes the error. +** We admit that this is a goofy design. The problem has been fixed +** with the "v2" interface. If you prepare all of your SQL statements +** using either [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] or [sqlite3_prepare16_v2()] instead +** of the legacy [sqlite3_prepare()] and [sqlite3_prepare16()] interfaces, +** then the more specific [error codes] are returned directly +** by sqlite3_step(). The use of the "v2" interface is recommended. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_step(sqlite3_stmt*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Number of columns in a result set +** +** ^The sqlite3_data_count(P) interface returns the number of columns in the +** current row of the result set of [prepared statement] P. +** ^If prepared statement P does not have results ready to return +** (via calls to the [sqlite3_column_int | sqlite3_column_*()] of +** interfaces) then sqlite3_data_count(P) returns 0. +** ^The sqlite3_data_count(P) routine also returns 0 if P is a NULL pointer. +** ^The sqlite3_data_count(P) routine returns 0 if the previous call to +** [sqlite3_step](P) returned [SQLITE_DONE]. ^The sqlite3_data_count(P) +** will return non-zero if previous call to [sqlite3_step](P) returned +** [SQLITE_ROW], except in the case of the [PRAGMA incremental_vacuum] +** where it always returns zero since each step of that multi-step +** pragma returns 0 columns of data. +** +** See also: [sqlite3_column_count()] +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_data_count(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Fundamental Datatypes +** KEYWORDS: SQLITE_TEXT +** +** ^(Every value in SQLite has one of five fundamental datatypes: +** +**
  • 64-bit signed integer +**
  • 64-bit IEEE floating point number +**
  • string +**
  • BLOB +**
  • NULL +**
)^ +** +** These constants are codes for each of those types. +** +** Note that the SQLITE_TEXT constant was also used in SQLite version 2 +** for a completely different meaning. Software that links against both +** SQLite version 2 and SQLite version 3 should use SQLITE3_TEXT, not +** SQLITE_TEXT. +*/ +#define SQLITE_INTEGER 1 +#define SQLITE_FLOAT 2 +#define SQLITE_BLOB 4 +#define SQLITE_NULL 5 +#ifdef SQLITE_TEXT +# undef SQLITE_TEXT +#else +# define SQLITE_TEXT 3 +#endif +#define SQLITE3_TEXT 3 + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Result Values From A Query +** KEYWORDS: {column access functions} +** +** These routines form the "result set" interface. +** +** ^These routines return information about a single column of the current +** result row of a query. ^In every case the first argument is a pointer +** to the [prepared statement] that is being evaluated (the [sqlite3_stmt*] +** that was returned from [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] or one of its variants) +** and the second argument is the index of the column for which information +** should be returned. ^The leftmost column of the result set has the index 0. +** ^The number of columns in the result can be determined using +** [sqlite3_column_count()]. +** +** If the SQL statement does not currently point to a valid row, or if the +** column index is out of range, the result is undefined. +** These routines may only be called when the most recent call to +** [sqlite3_step()] has returned [SQLITE_ROW] and neither +** [sqlite3_reset()] nor [sqlite3_finalize()] have been called subsequently. +** If any of these routines are called after [sqlite3_reset()] or +** [sqlite3_finalize()] or after [sqlite3_step()] has returned +** something other than [SQLITE_ROW], the results are undefined. +** If [sqlite3_step()] or [sqlite3_reset()] or [sqlite3_finalize()] +** are called from a different thread while any of these routines +** are pending, then the results are undefined. +** +** ^The sqlite3_column_type() routine returns the +** [SQLITE_INTEGER | datatype code] for the initial data type +** of the result column. ^The returned value is one of [SQLITE_INTEGER], +** [SQLITE_FLOAT], [SQLITE_TEXT], [SQLITE_BLOB], or [SQLITE_NULL]. The value +** returned by sqlite3_column_type() is only meaningful if no type +** conversions have occurred as described below. After a type conversion, +** the value returned by sqlite3_column_type() is undefined. Future +** versions of SQLite may change the behavior of sqlite3_column_type() +** following a type conversion. +** +** ^If the result is a BLOB or UTF-8 string then the sqlite3_column_bytes() +** routine returns the number of bytes in that BLOB or string. +** ^If the result is a UTF-16 string, then sqlite3_column_bytes() converts +** the string to UTF-8 and then returns the number of bytes. +** ^If the result is a numeric value then sqlite3_column_bytes() uses +** [sqlite3_snprintf()] to convert that value to a UTF-8 string and returns +** the number of bytes in that string. +** ^If the result is NULL, then sqlite3_column_bytes() returns zero. +** +** ^If the result is a BLOB or UTF-16 string then the sqlite3_column_bytes16() +** routine returns the number of bytes in that BLOB or string. +** ^If the result is a UTF-8 string, then sqlite3_column_bytes16() converts +** the string to UTF-16 and then returns the number of bytes. +** ^If the result is a numeric value then sqlite3_column_bytes16() uses +** [sqlite3_snprintf()] to convert that value to a UTF-16 string and returns +** the number of bytes in that string. +** ^If the result is NULL, then sqlite3_column_bytes16() returns zero. +** +** ^The values returned by [sqlite3_column_bytes()] and +** [sqlite3_column_bytes16()] do not include the zero terminators at the end +** of the string. ^For clarity: the values returned by +** [sqlite3_column_bytes()] and [sqlite3_column_bytes16()] are the number of +** bytes in the string, not the number of characters. +** +** ^Strings returned by sqlite3_column_text() and sqlite3_column_text16(), +** even empty strings, are always zero-terminated. ^The return +** value from sqlite3_column_blob() for a zero-length BLOB is a NULL pointer. +** +** ^The object returned by [sqlite3_column_value()] is an +** [unprotected sqlite3_value] object. An unprotected sqlite3_value object +** may only be used with [sqlite3_bind_value()] and [sqlite3_result_value()]. +** If the [unprotected sqlite3_value] object returned by +** [sqlite3_column_value()] is used in any other way, including calls +** to routines like [sqlite3_value_int()], [sqlite3_value_text()], +** or [sqlite3_value_bytes()], then the behavior is undefined. +** +** These routines attempt to convert the value where appropriate. ^For +** example, if the internal representation is FLOAT and a text result +** is requested, [sqlite3_snprintf()] is used internally to perform the +** conversion automatically. ^(The following table details the conversions +** that are applied: +** +**
+** +**
Conversion +** +**
NULL INTEGER Result is 0 +**
NULL FLOAT Result is 0.0 +**
NULL TEXT Result is NULL pointer +**
NULL BLOB Result is NULL pointer +**
INTEGER FLOAT Convert from integer to float +**
INTEGER TEXT ASCII rendering of the integer +**
FLOAT INTEGER Convert from float to integer +**
FLOAT TEXT ASCII rendering of the float +**
TEXT INTEGER Use atoi() +**
TEXT FLOAT Use atof() +**
TEXT BLOB No change +**
BLOB INTEGER Convert to TEXT then use atoi() +**
BLOB FLOAT Convert to TEXT then use atof() +**
BLOB TEXT Add a zero terminator if needed +**
)^ +** +** The table above makes reference to standard C library functions atoi() +** and atof(). SQLite does not really use these functions. It has its +** own equivalent internal routines. The atoi() and atof() names are +** used in the table for brevity and because they are familiar to most +** C programmers. +** +** Note that when type conversions occur, pointers returned by prior +** calls to sqlite3_column_blob(), sqlite3_column_text(), and/or +** sqlite3_column_text16() may be invalidated. +** Type conversions and pointer invalidations might occur +** in the following cases: +** +**
  • The initial content is a BLOB and sqlite3_column_text() or +** sqlite3_column_text16() is called. A zero-terminator might +** need to be added to the string.
  • +**
  • The initial content is UTF-8 text and sqlite3_column_bytes16() or +** sqlite3_column_text16() is called. The content must be converted +** to UTF-16.
  • +**
  • The initial content is UTF-16 text and sqlite3_column_bytes() or +** sqlite3_column_text() is called. The content must be converted +** to UTF-8.
  • +**
+** +** ^Conversions between UTF-16be and UTF-16le are always done in place and do +** not invalidate a prior pointer, though of course the content of the buffer +** that the prior pointer references will have been modified. Other kinds +** of conversion are done in place when it is possible, but sometimes they +** are not possible and in those cases prior pointers are invalidated. +** +** The safest and easiest to remember policy is to invoke these routines +** in one of the following ways: +** +**
  • sqlite3_column_text() followed by sqlite3_column_bytes()
  • +**
  • sqlite3_column_blob() followed by sqlite3_column_bytes()
  • +**
  • sqlite3_column_text16() followed by sqlite3_column_bytes16()
  • +**
+** +** In other words, you should call sqlite3_column_text(), +** sqlite3_column_blob(), or sqlite3_column_text16() first to force the result +** into the desired format, then invoke sqlite3_column_bytes() or +** sqlite3_column_bytes16() to find the size of the result. Do not mix calls +** to sqlite3_column_text() or sqlite3_column_blob() with calls to +** sqlite3_column_bytes16(), and do not mix calls to sqlite3_column_text16() +** with calls to sqlite3_column_bytes(). +** +** ^The pointers returned are valid until a type conversion occurs as +** described above, or until [sqlite3_step()] or [sqlite3_reset()] or +** [sqlite3_finalize()] is called. ^The memory space used to hold strings +** and BLOBs is freed automatically. Do not pass the pointers returned +** [sqlite3_column_blob()], [sqlite3_column_text()], etc. into +** [sqlite3_free()]. +** +** ^(If a memory allocation error occurs during the evaluation of any +** of these routines, a default value is returned. The default value +** is either the integer 0, the floating point number 0.0, or a NULL +** pointer. Subsequent calls to [sqlite3_errcode()] will return +** [SQLITE_NOMEM].)^ +*/ +SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_column_blob(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_column_bytes(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_column_bytes16(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); +SQLITE_API double sqlite3_column_double(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_column_int(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); +SQLITE_API sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_column_int64(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); +SQLITE_API const unsigned char *sqlite3_column_text(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); +SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_column_text16(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_column_type(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); +SQLITE_API sqlite3_value *sqlite3_column_value(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Destroy A Prepared Statement Object +** +** ^The sqlite3_finalize() function is called to delete a [prepared statement]. +** ^If the most recent evaluation of the statement encountered no errors +** or if the statement is never been evaluated, then sqlite3_finalize() returns +** SQLITE_OK. ^If the most recent evaluation of statement S failed, then +** sqlite3_finalize(S) returns the appropriate [error code] or +** [extended error code]. +** +** ^The sqlite3_finalize(S) routine can be called at any point during +** the life cycle of [prepared statement] S: +** before statement S is ever evaluated, after +** one or more calls to [sqlite3_reset()], or after any call +** to [sqlite3_step()] regardless of whether or not the statement has +** completed execution. +** +** ^Invoking sqlite3_finalize() on a NULL pointer is a harmless no-op. +** +** The application must finalize every [prepared statement] in order to avoid +** resource leaks. It is a grievous error for the application to try to use +** a prepared statement after it has been finalized. Any use of a prepared +** statement after it has been finalized can result in undefined and +** undesirable behavior such as segfaults and heap corruption. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_finalize(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Reset A Prepared Statement Object +** +** The sqlite3_reset() function is called to reset a [prepared statement] +** object back to its initial state, ready to be re-executed. +** ^Any SQL statement variables that had values bound to them using +** the [sqlite3_bind_blob | sqlite3_bind_*() API] retain their values. +** Use [sqlite3_clear_bindings()] to reset the bindings. +** +** ^The [sqlite3_reset(S)] interface resets the [prepared statement] S +** back to the beginning of its program. +** +** ^If the most recent call to [sqlite3_step(S)] for the +** [prepared statement] S returned [SQLITE_ROW] or [SQLITE_DONE], +** or if [sqlite3_step(S)] has never before been called on S, +** then [sqlite3_reset(S)] returns [SQLITE_OK]. +** +** ^If the most recent call to [sqlite3_step(S)] for the +** [prepared statement] S indicated an error, then +** [sqlite3_reset(S)] returns an appropriate [error code]. +** +** ^The [sqlite3_reset(S)] interface does not change the values +** of any [sqlite3_bind_blob|bindings] on the [prepared statement] S. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_reset(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Create Or Redefine SQL Functions +** KEYWORDS: {function creation routines} +** KEYWORDS: {application-defined SQL function} +** KEYWORDS: {application-defined SQL functions} +** +** ^These functions (collectively known as "function creation routines") +** are used to add SQL functions or aggregates or to redefine the behavior +** of existing SQL functions or aggregates. The only differences between +** these routines are the text encoding expected for +** the second parameter (the name of the function being created) +** and the presence or absence of a destructor callback for +** the application data pointer. +** +** ^The first parameter is the [database connection] to which the SQL +** function is to be added. ^If an application uses more than one database +** connection then application-defined SQL functions must be added +** to each database connection separately. +** +** ^The second parameter is the name of the SQL function to be created or +** redefined. ^The length of the name is limited to 255 bytes in a UTF-8 +** representation, exclusive of the zero-terminator. ^Note that the name +** length limit is in UTF-8 bytes, not characters nor UTF-16 bytes. +** ^Any attempt to create a function with a longer name +** will result in [SQLITE_MISUSE] being returned. +** +** ^The third parameter (nArg) +** is the number of arguments that the SQL function or +** aggregate takes. ^If this parameter is -1, then the SQL function or +** aggregate may take any number of arguments between 0 and the limit +** set by [sqlite3_limit]([SQLITE_LIMIT_FUNCTION_ARG]). If the third +** parameter is less than -1 or greater than 127 then the behavior is +** undefined. +** +** ^The fourth parameter, eTextRep, specifies what +** [SQLITE_UTF8 | text encoding] this SQL function prefers for +** its parameters. Every SQL function implementation must be able to work +** with UTF-8, UTF-16le, or UTF-16be. But some implementations may be +** more efficient with one encoding than another. ^An application may +** invoke sqlite3_create_function() or sqlite3_create_function16() multiple +** times with the same function but with different values of eTextRep. +** ^When multiple implementations of the same function are available, SQLite +** will pick the one that involves the least amount of data conversion. +** If there is only a single implementation which does not care what text +** encoding is used, then the fourth argument should be [SQLITE_ANY]. +** +** ^(The fifth parameter is an arbitrary pointer. The implementation of the +** function can gain access to this pointer using [sqlite3_user_data()].)^ +** +** ^The sixth, seventh and eighth parameters, xFunc, xStep and xFinal, are +** pointers to C-language functions that implement the SQL function or +** aggregate. ^A scalar SQL function requires an implementation of the xFunc +** callback only; NULL pointers must be passed as the xStep and xFinal +** parameters. ^An aggregate SQL function requires an implementation of xStep +** and xFinal and NULL pointer must be passed for xFunc. ^To delete an existing +** SQL function or aggregate, pass NULL pointers for all three function +** callbacks. +** +** ^(If the ninth parameter to sqlite3_create_function_v2() is not NULL, +** then it is destructor for the application data pointer. +** The destructor is invoked when the function is deleted, either by being +** overloaded or when the database connection closes.)^ +** ^The destructor is also invoked if the call to +** sqlite3_create_function_v2() fails. +** ^When the destructor callback of the tenth parameter is invoked, it +** is passed a single argument which is a copy of the application data +** pointer which was the fifth parameter to sqlite3_create_function_v2(). +** +** ^It is permitted to register multiple implementations of the same +** functions with the same name but with either differing numbers of +** arguments or differing preferred text encodings. ^SQLite will use +** the implementation that most closely matches the way in which the +** SQL function is used. ^A function implementation with a non-negative +** nArg parameter is a better match than a function implementation with +** a negative nArg. ^A function where the preferred text encoding +** matches the database encoding is a better +** match than a function where the encoding is different. +** ^A function where the encoding difference is between UTF16le and UTF16be +** is a closer match than a function where the encoding difference is +** between UTF8 and UTF16. +** +** ^Built-in functions may be overloaded by new application-defined functions. +** +** ^An application-defined function is permitted to call other +** SQLite interfaces. However, such calls must not +** close the database connection nor finalize or reset the prepared +** statement in which the function is running. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_create_function( + sqlite3 *db, + const char *zFunctionName, + int nArg, + int eTextRep, + void *pApp, + void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**), + void (*xStep)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**), + void (*xFinal)(sqlite3_context*) +); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_create_function16( + sqlite3 *db, + const void *zFunctionName, + int nArg, + int eTextRep, + void *pApp, + void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**), + void (*xStep)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**), + void (*xFinal)(sqlite3_context*) +); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_create_function_v2( + sqlite3 *db, + const char *zFunctionName, + int nArg, + int eTextRep, + void *pApp, + void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**), + void (*xStep)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**), + void (*xFinal)(sqlite3_context*), + void(*xDestroy)(void*) +); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Text Encodings +** +** These constant define integer codes that represent the various +** text encodings supported by SQLite. +*/ +#define SQLITE_UTF8 1 +#define SQLITE_UTF16LE 2 +#define SQLITE_UTF16BE 3 +#define SQLITE_UTF16 4 /* Use native byte order */ +#define SQLITE_ANY 5 /* sqlite3_create_function only */ +#define SQLITE_UTF16_ALIGNED 8 /* sqlite3_create_collation only */ + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Deprecated Functions +** DEPRECATED +** +** These functions are [deprecated]. In order to maintain +** backwards compatibility with older code, these functions continue +** to be supported. However, new applications should avoid +** the use of these functions. To help encourage people to avoid +** using these functions, we are not going to tell you what they do. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_DEPRECATED +SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_aggregate_count(sqlite3_context*); +SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_expired(sqlite3_stmt*); +SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_transfer_bindings(sqlite3_stmt*, sqlite3_stmt*); +SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_global_recover(void); +SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED void sqlite3_thread_cleanup(void); +SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED int sqlite3_memory_alarm(void(*)(void*,sqlite3_int64,int), + void*,sqlite3_int64); +#endif + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Obtaining SQL Function Parameter Values +** +** The C-language implementation of SQL functions and aggregates uses +** this set of interface routines to access the parameter values on +** the function or aggregate. +** +** The xFunc (for scalar functions) or xStep (for aggregates) parameters +** to [sqlite3_create_function()] and [sqlite3_create_function16()] +** define callbacks that implement the SQL functions and aggregates. +** The 3rd parameter to these callbacks is an array of pointers to +** [protected sqlite3_value] objects. There is one [sqlite3_value] object for +** each parameter to the SQL function. These routines are used to +** extract values from the [sqlite3_value] objects. +** +** These routines work only with [protected sqlite3_value] objects. +** Any attempt to use these routines on an [unprotected sqlite3_value] +** object results in undefined behavior. +** +** ^These routines work just like the corresponding [column access functions] +** except that these routines take a single [protected sqlite3_value] object +** pointer instead of a [sqlite3_stmt*] pointer and an integer column number. +** +** ^The sqlite3_value_text16() interface extracts a UTF-16 string +** in the native byte-order of the host machine. ^The +** sqlite3_value_text16be() and sqlite3_value_text16le() interfaces +** extract UTF-16 strings as big-endian and little-endian respectively. +** +** ^(The sqlite3_value_numeric_type() interface attempts to apply +** numeric affinity to the value. This means that an attempt is +** made to convert the value to an integer or floating point. If +** such a conversion is possible without loss of information (in other +** words, if the value is a string that looks like a number) +** then the conversion is performed. Otherwise no conversion occurs. +** The [SQLITE_INTEGER | datatype] after conversion is returned.)^ +** +** Please pay particular attention to the fact that the pointer returned +** from [sqlite3_value_blob()], [sqlite3_value_text()], or +** [sqlite3_value_text16()] can be invalidated by a subsequent call to +** [sqlite3_value_bytes()], [sqlite3_value_bytes16()], [sqlite3_value_text()], +** or [sqlite3_value_text16()]. +** +** These routines must be called from the same thread as +** the SQL function that supplied the [sqlite3_value*] parameters. +*/ +SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_value_blob(sqlite3_value*); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_bytes(sqlite3_value*); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_bytes16(sqlite3_value*); +SQLITE_API double sqlite3_value_double(sqlite3_value*); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_int(sqlite3_value*); +SQLITE_API sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_value_int64(sqlite3_value*); +SQLITE_API const unsigned char *sqlite3_value_text(sqlite3_value*); +SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_value_text16(sqlite3_value*); +SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_value_text16le(sqlite3_value*); +SQLITE_API const void *sqlite3_value_text16be(sqlite3_value*); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_type(sqlite3_value*); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_value_numeric_type(sqlite3_value*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Obtain Aggregate Function Context +** +** Implementations of aggregate SQL functions use this +** routine to allocate memory for storing their state. +** +** ^The first time the sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) routine is called +** for a particular aggregate function, SQLite +** allocates N of memory, zeroes out that memory, and returns a pointer +** to the new memory. ^On second and subsequent calls to +** sqlite3_aggregate_context() for the same aggregate function instance, +** the same buffer is returned. Sqlite3_aggregate_context() is normally +** called once for each invocation of the xStep callback and then one +** last time when the xFinal callback is invoked. ^(When no rows match +** an aggregate query, the xStep() callback of the aggregate function +** implementation is never called and xFinal() is called exactly once. +** In those cases, sqlite3_aggregate_context() might be called for the +** first time from within xFinal().)^ +** +** ^The sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) routine returns a NULL pointer +** when first called if N is less than or equal to zero or if a memory +** allocate error occurs. +** +** ^(The amount of space allocated by sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) is +** determined by the N parameter on first successful call. Changing the +** value of N in subsequent call to sqlite3_aggregate_context() within +** the same aggregate function instance will not resize the memory +** allocation.)^ Within the xFinal callback, it is customary to set +** N=0 in calls to sqlite3_aggregate_context(C,N) so that no +** pointless memory allocations occur. +** +** ^SQLite automatically frees the memory allocated by +** sqlite3_aggregate_context() when the aggregate query concludes. +** +** The first parameter must be a copy of the +** [sqlite3_context | SQL function context] that is the first parameter +** to the xStep or xFinal callback routine that implements the aggregate +** function. +** +** This routine must be called from the same thread in which +** the aggregate SQL function is running. +*/ +SQLITE_API void *sqlite3_aggregate_context(sqlite3_context*, int nBytes); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: User Data For Functions +** +** ^The sqlite3_user_data() interface returns a copy of +** the pointer that was the pUserData parameter (the 5th parameter) +** of the [sqlite3_create_function()] +** and [sqlite3_create_function16()] routines that originally +** registered the application defined function. +** +** This routine must be called from the same thread in which +** the application-defined function is running. +*/ +SQLITE_API void *sqlite3_user_data(sqlite3_context*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Database Connection For Functions +** +** ^The sqlite3_context_db_handle() interface returns a copy of +** the pointer to the [database connection] (the 1st parameter) +** of the [sqlite3_create_function()] +** and [sqlite3_create_function16()] routines that originally +** registered the application defined function. +*/ +SQLITE_API sqlite3 *sqlite3_context_db_handle(sqlite3_context*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Function Auxiliary Data +** +** The following two functions may be used by scalar SQL functions to +** associate metadata with argument values. If the same value is passed to +** multiple invocations of the same SQL function during query execution, under +** some circumstances the associated metadata may be preserved. This may +** be used, for example, to add a regular-expression matching scalar +** function. The compiled version of the regular expression is stored as +** metadata associated with the SQL value passed as the regular expression +** pattern. The compiled regular expression can be reused on multiple +** invocations of the same function so that the original pattern string +** does not need to be recompiled on each invocation. +** +** ^The sqlite3_get_auxdata() interface returns a pointer to the metadata +** associated by the sqlite3_set_auxdata() function with the Nth argument +** value to the application-defined function. ^If no metadata has been ever +** been set for the Nth argument of the function, or if the corresponding +** function parameter has changed since the meta-data was set, +** then sqlite3_get_auxdata() returns a NULL pointer. +** +** ^The sqlite3_set_auxdata() interface saves the metadata +** pointed to by its 3rd parameter as the metadata for the N-th +** argument of the application-defined function. Subsequent +** calls to sqlite3_get_auxdata() might return this data, if it has +** not been destroyed. +** ^If it is not NULL, SQLite will invoke the destructor +** function given by the 4th parameter to sqlite3_set_auxdata() on +** the metadata when the corresponding function parameter changes +** or when the SQL statement completes, whichever comes first. +** +** SQLite is free to call the destructor and drop metadata on any +** parameter of any function at any time. ^The only guarantee is that +** the destructor will be called before the metadata is dropped. +** +** ^(In practice, metadata is preserved between function calls for +** expressions that are constant at compile time. This includes literal +** values and [parameters].)^ +** +** These routines must be called from the same thread in which +** the SQL function is running. +*/ +SQLITE_API void *sqlite3_get_auxdata(sqlite3_context*, int N); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_set_auxdata(sqlite3_context*, int N, void*, void (*)(void*)); + + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Constants Defining Special Destructor Behavior +** +** These are special values for the destructor that is passed in as the +** final argument to routines like [sqlite3_result_blob()]. ^If the destructor +** argument is SQLITE_STATIC, it means that the content pointer is constant +** and will never change. It does not need to be destroyed. ^The +** SQLITE_TRANSIENT value means that the content will likely change in +** the near future and that SQLite should make its own private copy of +** the content before returning. +** +** The typedef is necessary to work around problems in certain +** C++ compilers. See ticket #2191. +*/ +typedef void (*sqlite3_destructor_type)(void*); +#define SQLITE_STATIC ((sqlite3_destructor_type)0) +#define SQLITE_TRANSIENT ((sqlite3_destructor_type)-1) + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Setting The Result Of An SQL Function +** +** These routines are used by the xFunc or xFinal callbacks that +** implement SQL functions and aggregates. See +** [sqlite3_create_function()] and [sqlite3_create_function16()] +** for additional information. +** +** These functions work very much like the [parameter binding] family of +** functions used to bind values to host parameters in prepared statements. +** Refer to the [SQL parameter] documentation for additional information. +** +** ^The sqlite3_result_blob() interface sets the result from +** an application-defined function to be the BLOB whose content is pointed +** to by the second parameter and which is N bytes long where N is the +** third parameter. +** +** ^The sqlite3_result_zeroblob() interfaces set the result of +** the application-defined function to be a BLOB containing all zero +** bytes and N bytes in size, where N is the value of the 2nd parameter. +** +** ^The sqlite3_result_double() interface sets the result from +** an application-defined function to be a floating point value specified +** by its 2nd argument. +** +** ^The sqlite3_result_error() and sqlite3_result_error16() functions +** cause the implemented SQL function to throw an exception. +** ^SQLite uses the string pointed to by the +** 2nd parameter of sqlite3_result_error() or sqlite3_result_error16() +** as the text of an error message. ^SQLite interprets the error +** message string from sqlite3_result_error() as UTF-8. ^SQLite +** interprets the string from sqlite3_result_error16() as UTF-16 in native +** byte order. ^If the third parameter to sqlite3_result_error() +** or sqlite3_result_error16() is negative then SQLite takes as the error +** message all text up through the first zero character. +** ^If the third parameter to sqlite3_result_error() or +** sqlite3_result_error16() is non-negative then SQLite takes that many +** bytes (not characters) from the 2nd parameter as the error message. +** ^The sqlite3_result_error() and sqlite3_result_error16() +** routines make a private copy of the error message text before +** they return. Hence, the calling function can deallocate or +** modify the text after they return without harm. +** ^The sqlite3_result_error_code() function changes the error code +** returned by SQLite as a result of an error in a function. ^By default, +** the error code is SQLITE_ERROR. ^A subsequent call to sqlite3_result_error() +** or sqlite3_result_error16() resets the error code to SQLITE_ERROR. +** +** ^The sqlite3_result_error_toobig() interface causes SQLite to throw an +** error indicating that a string or BLOB is too long to represent. +** +** ^The sqlite3_result_error_nomem() interface causes SQLite to throw an +** error indicating that a memory allocation failed. +** +** ^The sqlite3_result_int() interface sets the return value +** of the application-defined function to be the 32-bit signed integer +** value given in the 2nd argument. +** ^The sqlite3_result_int64() interface sets the return value +** of the application-defined function to be the 64-bit signed integer +** value given in the 2nd argument. +** +** ^The sqlite3_result_null() interface sets the return value +** of the application-defined function to be NULL. +** +** ^The sqlite3_result_text(), sqlite3_result_text16(), +** sqlite3_result_text16le(), and sqlite3_result_text16be() interfaces +** set the return value of the application-defined function to be +** a text string which is represented as UTF-8, UTF-16 native byte order, +** UTF-16 little endian, or UTF-16 big endian, respectively. +** ^SQLite takes the text result from the application from +** the 2nd parameter of the sqlite3_result_text* interfaces. +** ^If the 3rd parameter to the sqlite3_result_text* interfaces +** is negative, then SQLite takes result text from the 2nd parameter +** through the first zero character. +** ^If the 3rd parameter to the sqlite3_result_text* interfaces +** is non-negative, then as many bytes (not characters) of the text +** pointed to by the 2nd parameter are taken as the application-defined +** function result. If the 3rd parameter is non-negative, then it +** must be the byte offset into the string where the NUL terminator would +** appear if the string where NUL terminated. If any NUL characters occur +** in the string at a byte offset that is less than the value of the 3rd +** parameter, then the resulting string will contain embedded NULs and the +** result of expressions operating on strings with embedded NULs is undefined. +** ^If the 4th parameter to the sqlite3_result_text* interfaces +** or sqlite3_result_blob is a non-NULL pointer, then SQLite calls that +** function as the destructor on the text or BLOB result when it has +** finished using that result. +** ^If the 4th parameter to the sqlite3_result_text* interfaces or to +** sqlite3_result_blob is the special constant SQLITE_STATIC, then SQLite +** assumes that the text or BLOB result is in constant space and does not +** copy the content of the parameter nor call a destructor on the content +** when it has finished using that result. +** ^If the 4th parameter to the sqlite3_result_text* interfaces +** or sqlite3_result_blob is the special constant SQLITE_TRANSIENT +** then SQLite makes a copy of the result into space obtained from +** from [sqlite3_malloc()] before it returns. +** +** ^The sqlite3_result_value() interface sets the result of +** the application-defined function to be a copy the +** [unprotected sqlite3_value] object specified by the 2nd parameter. ^The +** sqlite3_result_value() interface makes a copy of the [sqlite3_value] +** so that the [sqlite3_value] specified in the parameter may change or +** be deallocated after sqlite3_result_value() returns without harm. +** ^A [protected sqlite3_value] object may always be used where an +** [unprotected sqlite3_value] object is required, so either +** kind of [sqlite3_value] object can be used with this interface. +** +** If these routines are called from within the different thread +** than the one containing the application-defined function that received +** the [sqlite3_context] pointer, the results are undefined. +*/ +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_result_blob(sqlite3_context*, const void*, int, void(*)(void*)); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_result_double(sqlite3_context*, double); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_result_error(sqlite3_context*, const char*, int); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_result_error16(sqlite3_context*, const void*, int); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_result_error_toobig(sqlite3_context*); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_result_error_nomem(sqlite3_context*); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_result_error_code(sqlite3_context*, int); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_result_int(sqlite3_context*, int); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_result_int64(sqlite3_context*, sqlite3_int64); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_result_null(sqlite3_context*); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_result_text(sqlite3_context*, const char*, int, void(*)(void*)); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_result_text16(sqlite3_context*, const void*, int, void(*)(void*)); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_result_text16le(sqlite3_context*, const void*, int,void(*)(void*)); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_result_text16be(sqlite3_context*, const void*, int,void(*)(void*)); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_result_value(sqlite3_context*, sqlite3_value*); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_result_zeroblob(sqlite3_context*, int n); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Define New Collating Sequences +** +** ^These functions add, remove, or modify a [collation] associated +** with the [database connection] specified as the first argument. +** +** ^The name of the collation is a UTF-8 string +** for sqlite3_create_collation() and sqlite3_create_collation_v2() +** and a UTF-16 string in native byte order for sqlite3_create_collation16(). +** ^Collation names that compare equal according to [sqlite3_strnicmp()] are +** considered to be the same name. +** +** ^(The third argument (eTextRep) must be one of the constants: +**
  • [SQLITE_UTF8], +**
  • [SQLITE_UTF16LE], +**
  • [SQLITE_UTF16BE], +**
  • [SQLITE_UTF16], or +**
)^ +** ^The eTextRep argument determines the encoding of strings passed +** to the collating function callback, xCallback. +** ^The [SQLITE_UTF16] and [SQLITE_UTF16_ALIGNED] values for eTextRep +** force strings to be UTF16 with native byte order. +** ^The [SQLITE_UTF16_ALIGNED] value for eTextRep forces strings to begin +** on an even byte address. +** +** ^The fourth argument, pArg, is an application data pointer that is passed +** through as the first argument to the collating function callback. +** +** ^The fifth argument, xCallback, is a pointer to the collating function. +** ^Multiple collating functions can be registered using the same name but +** with different eTextRep parameters and SQLite will use whichever +** function requires the least amount of data transformation. +** ^If the xCallback argument is NULL then the collating function is +** deleted. ^When all collating functions having the same name are deleted, +** that collation is no longer usable. +** +** ^The collating function callback is invoked with a copy of the pArg +** application data pointer and with two strings in the encoding specified +** by the eTextRep argument. The collating function must return an +** integer that is negative, zero, or positive +** if the first string is less than, equal to, or greater than the second, +** respectively. A collating function must always return the same answer +** given the same inputs. If two or more collating functions are registered +** to the same collation name (using different eTextRep values) then all +** must give an equivalent answer when invoked with equivalent strings. +** The collating function must obey the following properties for all +** strings A, B, and C: +** +**
  1. If A==B then B==A. +**
  2. If A==B and B==C then A==C. +**
  3. If A<B THEN B>A. +**
  4. If A<B and B<C then A<C. +**
+** +** If a collating function fails any of the above constraints and that +** collating function is registered and used, then the behavior of SQLite +** is undefined. +** +** ^The sqlite3_create_collation_v2() works like sqlite3_create_collation() +** with the addition that the xDestroy callback is invoked on pArg when +** the collating function is deleted. +** ^Collating functions are deleted when they are overridden by later +** calls to the collation creation functions or when the +** [database connection] is closed using [sqlite3_close()]. +** +** ^The xDestroy callback is not called if the +** sqlite3_create_collation_v2() function fails. Applications that invoke +** sqlite3_create_collation_v2() with a non-NULL xDestroy argument should +** check the return code and dispose of the application data pointer +** themselves rather than expecting SQLite to deal with it for them. +** This is different from every other SQLite interface. The inconsistency +** is unfortunate but cannot be changed without breaking backwards +** compatibility. +** +** See also: [sqlite3_collation_needed()] and [sqlite3_collation_needed16()]. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_create_collation( + sqlite3*, + const char *zName, + int eTextRep, + void *pArg, + int(*xCompare)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*) +); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_create_collation_v2( + sqlite3*, + const char *zName, + int eTextRep, + void *pArg, + int(*xCompare)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*), + void(*xDestroy)(void*) +); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_create_collation16( + sqlite3*, + const void *zName, + int eTextRep, + void *pArg, + int(*xCompare)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*) +); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Collation Needed Callbacks +** +** ^To avoid having to register all collation sequences before a database +** can be used, a single callback function may be registered with the +** [database connection] to be invoked whenever an undefined collation +** sequence is required. +** +** ^If the function is registered using the sqlite3_collation_needed() API, +** then it is passed the names of undefined collation sequences as strings +** encoded in UTF-8. ^If sqlite3_collation_needed16() is used, +** the names are passed as UTF-16 in machine native byte order. +** ^A call to either function replaces the existing collation-needed callback. +** +** ^(When the callback is invoked, the first argument passed is a copy +** of the second argument to sqlite3_collation_needed() or +** sqlite3_collation_needed16(). The second argument is the database +** connection. The third argument is one of [SQLITE_UTF8], [SQLITE_UTF16BE], +** or [SQLITE_UTF16LE], indicating the most desirable form of the collation +** sequence function required. The fourth parameter is the name of the +** required collation sequence.)^ +** +** The callback function should register the desired collation using +** [sqlite3_create_collation()], [sqlite3_create_collation16()], or +** [sqlite3_create_collation_v2()]. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_collation_needed( + sqlite3*, + void*, + void(*)(void*,sqlite3*,int eTextRep,const char*) +); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_collation_needed16( + sqlite3*, + void*, + void(*)(void*,sqlite3*,int eTextRep,const void*) +); + +#ifdef SQLITE_HAS_CODEC +/* +** Specify the key for an encrypted database. This routine should be +** called right after sqlite3_open(). +** +** The code to implement this API is not available in the public release +** of SQLite. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_key( + sqlite3 *db, /* Database to be rekeyed */ + const void *pKey, int nKey /* The key */ +); + +/* +** Change the key on an open database. If the current database is not +** encrypted, this routine will encrypt it. If pNew==0 or nNew==0, the +** database is decrypted. +** +** The code to implement this API is not available in the public release +** of SQLite. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_rekey( + sqlite3 *db, /* Database to be rekeyed */ + const void *pKey, int nKey /* The new key */ +); + +/* +** Specify the activation key for a SEE database. Unless +** activated, none of the SEE routines will work. +*/ +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_activate_see( + const char *zPassPhrase /* Activation phrase */ +); +#endif + +#ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_CEROD +/* +** Specify the activation key for a CEROD database. Unless +** activated, none of the CEROD routines will work. +*/ +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_activate_cerod( + const char *zPassPhrase /* Activation phrase */ +); +#endif + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Suspend Execution For A Short Time +** +** The sqlite3_sleep() function causes the current thread to suspend execution +** for at least a number of milliseconds specified in its parameter. +** +** If the operating system does not support sleep requests with +** millisecond time resolution, then the time will be rounded up to +** the nearest second. The number of milliseconds of sleep actually +** requested from the operating system is returned. +** +** ^SQLite implements this interface by calling the xSleep() +** method of the default [sqlite3_vfs] object. If the xSleep() method +** of the default VFS is not implemented correctly, or not implemented at +** all, then the behavior of sqlite3_sleep() may deviate from the description +** in the previous paragraphs. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_sleep(int); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Name Of The Folder Holding Temporary Files +** +** ^(If this global variable is made to point to a string which is +** the name of a folder (a.k.a. directory), then all temporary files +** created by SQLite when using a built-in [sqlite3_vfs | VFS] +** will be placed in that directory.)^ ^If this variable +** is a NULL pointer, then SQLite performs a search for an appropriate +** temporary file directory. +** +** It is not safe to read or modify this variable in more than one +** thread at a time. It is not safe to read or modify this variable +** if a [database connection] is being used at the same time in a separate +** thread. +** It is intended that this variable be set once +** as part of process initialization and before any SQLite interface +** routines have been called and that this variable remain unchanged +** thereafter. +** +** ^The [temp_store_directory pragma] may modify this variable and cause +** it to point to memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc]. ^Furthermore, +** the [temp_store_directory pragma] always assumes that any string +** that this variable points to is held in memory obtained from +** [sqlite3_malloc] and the pragma may attempt to free that memory +** using [sqlite3_free]. +** Hence, if this variable is modified directly, either it should be +** made NULL or made to point to memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc] +** or else the use of the [temp_store_directory pragma] should be avoided. +** +** Note to Windows Runtime users: The temporary directory must be set +** prior to calling [sqlite3_open] or [sqlite3_open_v2]. Otherwise, various +** features that require the use of temporary files may fail. Here is an +** example of how to do this using C++ with the Windows Runtime: +** +**
+** LPCWSTR zPath = Windows::Storage::ApplicationData::Current->
+**       TemporaryFolder->Path->Data();
+** char zPathBuf[MAX_PATH + 1];
+** memset(zPathBuf, 0, sizeof(zPathBuf));
+** WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, zPath, -1, zPathBuf, sizeof(zPathBuf),
+**       NULL, NULL);
+** sqlite3_temp_directory = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", zPathBuf);
+*/ +SQLITE_API char *sqlite3_temp_directory; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Name Of The Folder Holding Database Files +** +** ^(If this global variable is made to point to a string which is +** the name of a folder (a.k.a. directory), then all database files +** specified with a relative pathname and created or accessed by +** SQLite when using a built-in windows [sqlite3_vfs | VFS] will be assumed +** to be relative to that directory.)^ ^If this variable is a NULL +** pointer, then SQLite assumes that all database files specified +** with a relative pathname are relative to the current directory +** for the process. Only the windows VFS makes use of this global +** variable; it is ignored by the unix VFS. +** +** Changing the value of this variable while a database connection is +** open can result in a corrupt database. +** +** It is not safe to read or modify this variable in more than one +** thread at a time. It is not safe to read or modify this variable +** if a [database connection] is being used at the same time in a separate +** thread. +** It is intended that this variable be set once +** as part of process initialization and before any SQLite interface +** routines have been called and that this variable remain unchanged +** thereafter. +** +** ^The [data_store_directory pragma] may modify this variable and cause +** it to point to memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc]. ^Furthermore, +** the [data_store_directory pragma] always assumes that any string +** that this variable points to is held in memory obtained from +** [sqlite3_malloc] and the pragma may attempt to free that memory +** using [sqlite3_free]. +** Hence, if this variable is modified directly, either it should be +** made NULL or made to point to memory obtained from [sqlite3_malloc] +** or else the use of the [data_store_directory pragma] should be avoided. +*/ +SQLITE_API char *sqlite3_data_directory; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Test For Auto-Commit Mode +** KEYWORDS: {autocommit mode} +** +** ^The sqlite3_get_autocommit() interface returns non-zero or +** zero if the given database connection is or is not in autocommit mode, +** respectively. ^Autocommit mode is on by default. +** ^Autocommit mode is disabled by a [BEGIN] statement. +** ^Autocommit mode is re-enabled by a [COMMIT] or [ROLLBACK]. +** +** If certain kinds of errors occur on a statement within a multi-statement +** transaction (errors including [SQLITE_FULL], [SQLITE_IOERR], +** [SQLITE_NOMEM], [SQLITE_BUSY], and [SQLITE_INTERRUPT]) then the +** transaction might be rolled back automatically. The only way to +** find out whether SQLite automatically rolled back the transaction after +** an error is to use this function. +** +** If another thread changes the autocommit status of the database +** connection while this routine is running, then the return value +** is undefined. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_get_autocommit(sqlite3*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Find The Database Handle Of A Prepared Statement +** +** ^The sqlite3_db_handle interface returns the [database connection] handle +** to which a [prepared statement] belongs. ^The [database connection] +** returned by sqlite3_db_handle is the same [database connection] +** that was the first argument +** to the [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] call (or its variants) that was used to +** create the statement in the first place. +*/ +SQLITE_API sqlite3 *sqlite3_db_handle(sqlite3_stmt*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Return The Filename For A Database Connection +** +** ^The sqlite3_db_filename(D,N) interface returns a pointer to a filename +** associated with database N of connection D. ^The main database file +** has the name "main". If there is no attached database N on the database +** connection D, or if database N is a temporary or in-memory database, then +** a NULL pointer is returned. +** +** ^The filename returned by this function is the output of the +** xFullPathname method of the [VFS]. ^In other words, the filename +** will be an absolute pathname, even if the filename used +** to open the database originally was a URI or relative pathname. +*/ +SQLITE_API const char *sqlite3_db_filename(sqlite3 *db, const char *zDbName); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Determine if a database is read-only +** +** ^The sqlite3_db_readonly(D,N) interface returns 1 if the database N +** of connection D is read-only, 0 if it is read/write, or -1 if N is not +** the name of a database on connection D. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_db_readonly(sqlite3 *db, const char *zDbName); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Find the next prepared statement +** +** ^This interface returns a pointer to the next [prepared statement] after +** pStmt associated with the [database connection] pDb. ^If pStmt is NULL +** then this interface returns a pointer to the first prepared statement +** associated with the database connection pDb. ^If no prepared statement +** satisfies the conditions of this routine, it returns NULL. +** +** The [database connection] pointer D in a call to +** [sqlite3_next_stmt(D,S)] must refer to an open database +** connection and in particular must not be a NULL pointer. +*/ +SQLITE_API sqlite3_stmt *sqlite3_next_stmt(sqlite3 *pDb, sqlite3_stmt *pStmt); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Commit And Rollback Notification Callbacks +** +** ^The sqlite3_commit_hook() interface registers a callback +** function to be invoked whenever a transaction is [COMMIT | committed]. +** ^Any callback set by a previous call to sqlite3_commit_hook() +** for the same database connection is overridden. +** ^The sqlite3_rollback_hook() interface registers a callback +** function to be invoked whenever a transaction is [ROLLBACK | rolled back]. +** ^Any callback set by a previous call to sqlite3_rollback_hook() +** for the same database connection is overridden. +** ^The pArg argument is passed through to the callback. +** ^If the callback on a commit hook function returns non-zero, +** then the commit is converted into a rollback. +** +** ^The sqlite3_commit_hook(D,C,P) and sqlite3_rollback_hook(D,C,P) functions +** return the P argument from the previous call of the same function +** on the same [database connection] D, or NULL for +** the first call for each function on D. +** +** The commit and rollback hook callbacks are not reentrant. +** The callback implementation must not do anything that will modify +** the database connection that invoked the callback. Any actions +** to modify the database connection must be deferred until after the +** completion of the [sqlite3_step()] call that triggered the commit +** or rollback hook in the first place. +** Note that running any other SQL statements, including SELECT statements, +** or merely calling [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] and [sqlite3_step()] will modify +** the database connections for the meaning of "modify" in this paragraph. +** +** ^Registering a NULL function disables the callback. +** +** ^When the commit hook callback routine returns zero, the [COMMIT] +** operation is allowed to continue normally. ^If the commit hook +** returns non-zero, then the [COMMIT] is converted into a [ROLLBACK]. +** ^The rollback hook is invoked on a rollback that results from a commit +** hook returning non-zero, just as it would be with any other rollback. +** +** ^For the purposes of this API, a transaction is said to have been +** rolled back if an explicit "ROLLBACK" statement is executed, or +** an error or constraint causes an implicit rollback to occur. +** ^The rollback callback is not invoked if a transaction is +** automatically rolled back because the database connection is closed. +** +** See also the [sqlite3_update_hook()] interface. +*/ +SQLITE_API void *sqlite3_commit_hook(sqlite3*, int(*)(void*), void*); +SQLITE_API void *sqlite3_rollback_hook(sqlite3*, void(*)(void *), void*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Data Change Notification Callbacks +** +** ^The sqlite3_update_hook() interface registers a callback function +** with the [database connection] identified by the first argument +** to be invoked whenever a row is updated, inserted or deleted. +** ^Any callback set by a previous call to this function +** for the same database connection is overridden. +** +** ^The second argument is a pointer to the function to invoke when a +** row is updated, inserted or deleted. +** ^The first argument to the callback is a copy of the third argument +** to sqlite3_update_hook(). +** ^The second callback argument is one of [SQLITE_INSERT], [SQLITE_DELETE], +** or [SQLITE_UPDATE], depending on the operation that caused the callback +** to be invoked. +** ^The third and fourth arguments to the callback contain pointers to the +** database and table name containing the affected row. +** ^The final callback parameter is the [rowid] of the row. +** ^In the case of an update, this is the [rowid] after the update takes place. +** +** ^(The update hook is not invoked when internal system tables are +** modified (i.e. sqlite_master and sqlite_sequence).)^ +** +** ^In the current implementation, the update hook +** is not invoked when duplication rows are deleted because of an +** [ON CONFLICT | ON CONFLICT REPLACE] clause. ^Nor is the update hook +** invoked when rows are deleted using the [truncate optimization]. +** The exceptions defined in this paragraph might change in a future +** release of SQLite. +** +** The update hook implementation must not do anything that will modify +** the database connection that invoked the update hook. Any actions +** to modify the database connection must be deferred until after the +** completion of the [sqlite3_step()] call that triggered the update hook. +** Note that [sqlite3_prepare_v2()] and [sqlite3_step()] both modify their +** database connections for the meaning of "modify" in this paragraph. +** +** ^The sqlite3_update_hook(D,C,P) function +** returns the P argument from the previous call +** on the same [database connection] D, or NULL for +** the first call on D. +** +** See also the [sqlite3_commit_hook()] and [sqlite3_rollback_hook()] +** interfaces. +*/ +SQLITE_API void *sqlite3_update_hook( + sqlite3*, + void(*)(void *,int ,char const *,char const *,sqlite3_int64), + void* +); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Enable Or Disable Shared Pager Cache +** +** ^(This routine enables or disables the sharing of the database cache +** and schema data structures between [database connection | connections] +** to the same database. Sharing is enabled if the argument is true +** and disabled if the argument is false.)^ +** +** ^Cache sharing is enabled and disabled for an entire process. +** This is a change as of SQLite version 3.5.0. In prior versions of SQLite, +** sharing was enabled or disabled for each thread separately. +** +** ^(The cache sharing mode set by this interface effects all subsequent +** calls to [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open_v2()], and [sqlite3_open16()]. +** Existing database connections continue use the sharing mode +** that was in effect at the time they were opened.)^ +** +** ^(This routine returns [SQLITE_OK] if shared cache was enabled or disabled +** successfully. An [error code] is returned otherwise.)^ +** +** ^Shared cache is disabled by default. But this might change in +** future releases of SQLite. Applications that care about shared +** cache setting should set it explicitly. +** +** This interface is threadsafe on processors where writing a +** 32-bit integer is atomic. +** +** See Also: [SQLite Shared-Cache Mode] +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_enable_shared_cache(int); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Attempt To Free Heap Memory +** +** ^The sqlite3_release_memory() interface attempts to free N bytes +** of heap memory by deallocating non-essential memory allocations +** held by the database library. Memory used to cache database +** pages to improve performance is an example of non-essential memory. +** ^sqlite3_release_memory() returns the number of bytes actually freed, +** which might be more or less than the amount requested. +** ^The sqlite3_release_memory() routine is a no-op returning zero +** if SQLite is not compiled with [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT]. +** +** See also: [sqlite3_db_release_memory()] +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_release_memory(int); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Free Memory Used By A Database Connection +** +** ^The sqlite3_db_release_memory(D) interface attempts to free as much heap +** memory as possible from database connection D. Unlike the +** [sqlite3_release_memory()] interface, this interface is effect even +** when then [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT] compile-time option is +** omitted. +** +** See also: [sqlite3_release_memory()] +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_db_release_memory(sqlite3*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Impose A Limit On Heap Size +** +** ^The sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64() interface sets and/or queries the +** soft limit on the amount of heap memory that may be allocated by SQLite. +** ^SQLite strives to keep heap memory utilization below the soft heap +** limit by reducing the number of pages held in the page cache +** as heap memory usages approaches the limit. +** ^The soft heap limit is "soft" because even though SQLite strives to stay +** below the limit, it will exceed the limit rather than generate +** an [SQLITE_NOMEM] error. In other words, the soft heap limit +** is advisory only. +** +** ^The return value from sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64() is the size of +** the soft heap limit prior to the call, or negative in the case of an +** error. ^If the argument N is negative +** then no change is made to the soft heap limit. Hence, the current +** size of the soft heap limit can be determined by invoking +** sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64() with a negative argument. +** +** ^If the argument N is zero then the soft heap limit is disabled. +** +** ^(The soft heap limit is not enforced in the current implementation +** if one or more of following conditions are true: +** +**
  • The soft heap limit is set to zero. +**
  • Memory accounting is disabled using a combination of the +** [sqlite3_config]([SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMSTATUS],...) start-time option and +** the [SQLITE_DEFAULT_MEMSTATUS] compile-time option. +**
  • An alternative page cache implementation is specified using +** [sqlite3_config]([SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE2],...). +**
  • The page cache allocates from its own memory pool supplied +** by [sqlite3_config]([SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE],...) rather than +** from the heap. +**
)^ +** +** Beginning with SQLite version 3.7.3, the soft heap limit is enforced +** regardless of whether or not the [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT] +** compile-time option is invoked. With [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT], +** the soft heap limit is enforced on every memory allocation. Without +** [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT], the soft heap limit is only enforced +** when memory is allocated by the page cache. Testing suggests that because +** the page cache is the predominate memory user in SQLite, most +** applications will achieve adequate soft heap limit enforcement without +** the use of [SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT]. +** +** The circumstances under which SQLite will enforce the soft heap limit may +** changes in future releases of SQLite. +*/ +SQLITE_API sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64(sqlite3_int64 N); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Deprecated Soft Heap Limit Interface +** DEPRECATED +** +** This is a deprecated version of the [sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64()] +** interface. This routine is provided for historical compatibility +** only. All new applications should use the +** [sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64()] interface rather than this one. +*/ +SQLITE_API SQLITE_DEPRECATED void sqlite3_soft_heap_limit(int N); + + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Extract Metadata About A Column Of A Table +** +** ^This routine returns metadata about a specific column of a specific +** database table accessible using the [database connection] handle +** passed as the first function argument. +** +** ^The column is identified by the second, third and fourth parameters to +** this function. ^The second parameter is either the name of the database +** (i.e. "main", "temp", or an attached database) containing the specified +** table or NULL. ^If it is NULL, then all attached databases are searched +** for the table using the same algorithm used by the database engine to +** resolve unqualified table references. +** +** ^The third and fourth parameters to this function are the table and column +** name of the desired column, respectively. Neither of these parameters +** may be NULL. +** +** ^Metadata is returned by writing to the memory locations passed as the 5th +** and subsequent parameters to this function. ^Any of these arguments may be +** NULL, in which case the corresponding element of metadata is omitted. +** +** ^(
+** +**
Parameter Output
Description +** +**
5th const char* Data type +**
6th const char* Name of default collation sequence +**
7th int True if column has a NOT NULL constraint +**
8th int True if column is part of the PRIMARY KEY +**
9th int True if column is [AUTOINCREMENT] +**
)^ +** +** ^The memory pointed to by the character pointers returned for the +** declaration type and collation sequence is valid only until the next +** call to any SQLite API function. +** +** ^If the specified table is actually a view, an [error code] is returned. +** +** ^If the specified column is "rowid", "oid" or "_rowid_" and an +** [INTEGER PRIMARY KEY] column has been explicitly declared, then the output +** parameters are set for the explicitly declared column. ^(If there is no +** explicitly declared [INTEGER PRIMARY KEY] column, then the output +** parameters are set as follows: +** +**
+**     data type: "INTEGER"
+**     collation sequence: "BINARY"
+**     not null: 0
+**     primary key: 1
+**     auto increment: 0
)^ +** +** ^(This function may load one or more schemas from database files. If an +** error occurs during this process, or if the requested table or column +** cannot be found, an [error code] is returned and an error message left +** in the [database connection] (to be retrieved using sqlite3_errmsg()).)^ +** +** ^This API is only available if the library was compiled with the +** [SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA] C-preprocessor symbol defined. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_table_column_metadata( + sqlite3 *db, /* Connection handle */ + const char *zDbName, /* Database name or NULL */ + const char *zTableName, /* Table name */ + const char *zColumnName, /* Column name */ + char const **pzDataType, /* OUTPUT: Declared data type */ + char const **pzCollSeq, /* OUTPUT: Collation sequence name */ + int *pNotNull, /* OUTPUT: True if NOT NULL constraint exists */ + int *pPrimaryKey, /* OUTPUT: True if column part of PK */ + int *pAutoinc /* OUTPUT: True if column is auto-increment */ +); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Load An Extension +** +** ^This interface loads an SQLite extension library from the named file. +** +** ^The sqlite3_load_extension() interface attempts to load an +** SQLite extension library contained in the file zFile. +** +** ^The entry point is zProc. +** ^zProc may be 0, in which case the name of the entry point +** defaults to "sqlite3_extension_init". +** ^The sqlite3_load_extension() interface returns +** [SQLITE_OK] on success and [SQLITE_ERROR] if something goes wrong. +** ^If an error occurs and pzErrMsg is not 0, then the +** [sqlite3_load_extension()] interface shall attempt to +** fill *pzErrMsg with error message text stored in memory +** obtained from [sqlite3_malloc()]. The calling function +** should free this memory by calling [sqlite3_free()]. +** +** ^Extension loading must be enabled using +** [sqlite3_enable_load_extension()] prior to calling this API, +** otherwise an error will be returned. +** +** See also the [load_extension() SQL function]. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_load_extension( + sqlite3 *db, /* Load the extension into this database connection */ + const char *zFile, /* Name of the shared library containing extension */ + const char *zProc, /* Entry point. Derived from zFile if 0 */ + char **pzErrMsg /* Put error message here if not 0 */ +); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Enable Or Disable Extension Loading +** +** ^So as not to open security holes in older applications that are +** unprepared to deal with extension loading, and as a means of disabling +** extension loading while evaluating user-entered SQL, the following API +** is provided to turn the [sqlite3_load_extension()] mechanism on and off. +** +** ^Extension loading is off by default. See ticket #1863. +** ^Call the sqlite3_enable_load_extension() routine with onoff==1 +** to turn extension loading on and call it with onoff==0 to turn +** it back off again. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_enable_load_extension(sqlite3 *db, int onoff); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Automatically Load Statically Linked Extensions +** +** ^This interface causes the xEntryPoint() function to be invoked for +** each new [database connection] that is created. The idea here is that +** xEntryPoint() is the entry point for a statically linked SQLite extension +** that is to be automatically loaded into all new database connections. +** +** ^(Even though the function prototype shows that xEntryPoint() takes +** no arguments and returns void, SQLite invokes xEntryPoint() with three +** arguments and expects and integer result as if the signature of the +** entry point where as follows: +** +**
+**    int xEntryPoint(
+**      sqlite3 *db,
+**      const char **pzErrMsg,
+**      const struct sqlite3_api_routines *pThunk
+**    );
)^ +** +** If the xEntryPoint routine encounters an error, it should make *pzErrMsg +** point to an appropriate error message (obtained from [sqlite3_mprintf()]) +** and return an appropriate [error code]. ^SQLite ensures that *pzErrMsg +** is NULL before calling the xEntryPoint(). ^SQLite will invoke +** [sqlite3_free()] on *pzErrMsg after xEntryPoint() returns. ^If any +** xEntryPoint() returns an error, the [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open16()], +** or [sqlite3_open_v2()] call that provoked the xEntryPoint() will fail. +** +** ^Calling sqlite3_auto_extension(X) with an entry point X that is already +** on the list of automatic extensions is a harmless no-op. ^No entry point +** will be called more than once for each database connection that is opened. +** +** See also: [sqlite3_reset_auto_extension()]. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_auto_extension(void (*xEntryPoint)(void)); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Reset Automatic Extension Loading +** +** ^This interface disables all automatic extensions previously +** registered using [sqlite3_auto_extension()]. +*/ +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_reset_auto_extension(void); + +/* +** The interface to the virtual-table mechanism is currently considered +** to be experimental. The interface might change in incompatible ways. +** If this is a problem for you, do not use the interface at this time. +** +** When the virtual-table mechanism stabilizes, we will declare the +** interface fixed, support it indefinitely, and remove this comment. +*/ + +/* +** Structures used by the virtual table interface +*/ +typedef struct sqlite3_vtab sqlite3_vtab; +typedef struct sqlite3_index_info sqlite3_index_info; +typedef struct sqlite3_vtab_cursor sqlite3_vtab_cursor; +typedef struct sqlite3_module sqlite3_module; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Virtual Table Object +** KEYWORDS: sqlite3_module {virtual table module} +** +** This structure, sometimes called a "virtual table module", +** defines the implementation of a [virtual tables]. +** This structure consists mostly of methods for the module. +** +** ^A virtual table module is created by filling in a persistent +** instance of this structure and passing a pointer to that instance +** to [sqlite3_create_module()] or [sqlite3_create_module_v2()]. +** ^The registration remains valid until it is replaced by a different +** module or until the [database connection] closes. The content +** of this structure must not change while it is registered with +** any database connection. +*/ +struct sqlite3_module { + int iVersion; + int (*xCreate)(sqlite3*, void *pAux, + int argc, const char *const*argv, + sqlite3_vtab **ppVTab, char**); + int (*xConnect)(sqlite3*, void *pAux, + int argc, const char *const*argv, + sqlite3_vtab **ppVTab, char**); + int (*xBestIndex)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_index_info*); + int (*xDisconnect)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab); + int (*xDestroy)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab); + int (*xOpen)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCursor); + int (*xClose)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*); + int (*xFilter)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*, int idxNum, const char *idxStr, + int argc, sqlite3_value **argv); + int (*xNext)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*); + int (*xEof)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*); + int (*xColumn)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*, sqlite3_context*, int); + int (*xRowid)(sqlite3_vtab_cursor*, sqlite3_int64 *pRowid); + int (*xUpdate)(sqlite3_vtab *, int, sqlite3_value **, sqlite3_int64 *); + int (*xBegin)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab); + int (*xSync)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab); + int (*xCommit)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab); + int (*xRollback)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab); + int (*xFindFunction)(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab, int nArg, const char *zName, + void (**pxFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**), + void **ppArg); + int (*xRename)(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab, const char *zNew); + /* The methods above are in version 1 of the sqlite_module object. Those + ** below are for version 2 and greater. */ + int (*xSavepoint)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, int); + int (*xRelease)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, int); + int (*xRollbackTo)(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, int); +}; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Virtual Table Indexing Information +** KEYWORDS: sqlite3_index_info +** +** The sqlite3_index_info structure and its substructures is used as part +** of the [virtual table] interface to +** pass information into and receive the reply from the [xBestIndex] +** method of a [virtual table module]. The fields under **Inputs** are the +** inputs to xBestIndex and are read-only. xBestIndex inserts its +** results into the **Outputs** fields. +** +** ^(The aConstraint[] array records WHERE clause constraints of the form: +** +**
column OP expr
+** +** where OP is =, <, <=, >, or >=.)^ ^(The particular operator is +** stored in aConstraint[].op using one of the +** [SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_EQ | SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_ values].)^ +** ^(The index of the column is stored in +** aConstraint[].iColumn.)^ ^(aConstraint[].usable is TRUE if the +** expr on the right-hand side can be evaluated (and thus the constraint +** is usable) and false if it cannot.)^ +** +** ^The optimizer automatically inverts terms of the form "expr OP column" +** and makes other simplifications to the WHERE clause in an attempt to +** get as many WHERE clause terms into the form shown above as possible. +** ^The aConstraint[] array only reports WHERE clause terms that are +** relevant to the particular virtual table being queried. +** +** ^Information about the ORDER BY clause is stored in aOrderBy[]. +** ^Each term of aOrderBy records a column of the ORDER BY clause. +** +** The [xBestIndex] method must fill aConstraintUsage[] with information +** about what parameters to pass to xFilter. ^If argvIndex>0 then +** the right-hand side of the corresponding aConstraint[] is evaluated +** and becomes the argvIndex-th entry in argv. ^(If aConstraintUsage[].omit +** is true, then the constraint is assumed to be fully handled by the +** virtual table and is not checked again by SQLite.)^ +** +** ^The idxNum and idxPtr values are recorded and passed into the +** [xFilter] method. +** ^[sqlite3_free()] is used to free idxPtr if and only if +** needToFreeIdxPtr is true. +** +** ^The orderByConsumed means that output from [xFilter]/[xNext] will occur in +** the correct order to satisfy the ORDER BY clause so that no separate +** sorting step is required. +** +** ^The estimatedCost value is an estimate of the cost of doing the +** particular lookup. A full scan of a table with N entries should have +** a cost of N. A binary search of a table of N entries should have a +** cost of approximately log(N). +*/ +struct sqlite3_index_info { + /* Inputs */ + int nConstraint; /* Number of entries in aConstraint */ + struct sqlite3_index_constraint { + int iColumn; /* Column on left-hand side of constraint */ + unsigned char op; /* Constraint operator */ + unsigned char usable; /* True if this constraint is usable */ + int iTermOffset; /* Used internally - xBestIndex should ignore */ + } *aConstraint; /* Table of WHERE clause constraints */ + int nOrderBy; /* Number of terms in the ORDER BY clause */ + struct sqlite3_index_orderby { + int iColumn; /* Column number */ + unsigned char desc; /* True for DESC. False for ASC. */ + } *aOrderBy; /* The ORDER BY clause */ + /* Outputs */ + struct sqlite3_index_constraint_usage { + int argvIndex; /* if >0, constraint is part of argv to xFilter */ + unsigned char omit; /* Do not code a test for this constraint */ + } *aConstraintUsage; + int idxNum; /* Number used to identify the index */ + char *idxStr; /* String, possibly obtained from sqlite3_malloc */ + int needToFreeIdxStr; /* Free idxStr using sqlite3_free() if true */ + int orderByConsumed; /* True if output is already ordered */ + double estimatedCost; /* Estimated cost of using this index */ +}; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Virtual Table Constraint Operator Codes +** +** These macros defined the allowed values for the +** [sqlite3_index_info].aConstraint[].op field. Each value represents +** an operator that is part of a constraint term in the wHERE clause of +** a query that uses a [virtual table]. +*/ +#define SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_EQ 2 +#define SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_GT 4 +#define SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_LE 8 +#define SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_LT 16 +#define SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_GE 32 +#define SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_MATCH 64 + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Register A Virtual Table Implementation +** +** ^These routines are used to register a new [virtual table module] name. +** ^Module names must be registered before +** creating a new [virtual table] using the module and before using a +** preexisting [virtual table] for the module. +** +** ^The module name is registered on the [database connection] specified +** by the first parameter. ^The name of the module is given by the +** second parameter. ^The third parameter is a pointer to +** the implementation of the [virtual table module]. ^The fourth +** parameter is an arbitrary client data pointer that is passed through +** into the [xCreate] and [xConnect] methods of the virtual table module +** when a new virtual table is be being created or reinitialized. +** +** ^The sqlite3_create_module_v2() interface has a fifth parameter which +** is a pointer to a destructor for the pClientData. ^SQLite will +** invoke the destructor function (if it is not NULL) when SQLite +** no longer needs the pClientData pointer. ^The destructor will also +** be invoked if the call to sqlite3_create_module_v2() fails. +** ^The sqlite3_create_module() +** interface is equivalent to sqlite3_create_module_v2() with a NULL +** destructor. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_create_module( + sqlite3 *db, /* SQLite connection to register module with */ + const char *zName, /* Name of the module */ + const sqlite3_module *p, /* Methods for the module */ + void *pClientData /* Client data for xCreate/xConnect */ +); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_create_module_v2( + sqlite3 *db, /* SQLite connection to register module with */ + const char *zName, /* Name of the module */ + const sqlite3_module *p, /* Methods for the module */ + void *pClientData, /* Client data for xCreate/xConnect */ + void(*xDestroy)(void*) /* Module destructor function */ +); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Virtual Table Instance Object +** KEYWORDS: sqlite3_vtab +** +** Every [virtual table module] implementation uses a subclass +** of this object to describe a particular instance +** of the [virtual table]. Each subclass will +** be tailored to the specific needs of the module implementation. +** The purpose of this superclass is to define certain fields that are +** common to all module implementations. +** +** ^Virtual tables methods can set an error message by assigning a +** string obtained from [sqlite3_mprintf()] to zErrMsg. The method should +** take care that any prior string is freed by a call to [sqlite3_free()] +** prior to assigning a new string to zErrMsg. ^After the error message +** is delivered up to the client application, the string will be automatically +** freed by sqlite3_free() and the zErrMsg field will be zeroed. +*/ +struct sqlite3_vtab { + const sqlite3_module *pModule; /* The module for this virtual table */ + int nRef; /* NO LONGER USED */ + char *zErrMsg; /* Error message from sqlite3_mprintf() */ + /* Virtual table implementations will typically add additional fields */ +}; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Virtual Table Cursor Object +** KEYWORDS: sqlite3_vtab_cursor {virtual table cursor} +** +** Every [virtual table module] implementation uses a subclass of the +** following structure to describe cursors that point into the +** [virtual table] and are used +** to loop through the virtual table. Cursors are created using the +** [sqlite3_module.xOpen | xOpen] method of the module and are destroyed +** by the [sqlite3_module.xClose | xClose] method. Cursors are used +** by the [xFilter], [xNext], [xEof], [xColumn], and [xRowid] methods +** of the module. Each module implementation will define +** the content of a cursor structure to suit its own needs. +** +** This superclass exists in order to define fields of the cursor that +** are common to all implementations. +*/ +struct sqlite3_vtab_cursor { + sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; /* Virtual table of this cursor */ + /* Virtual table implementations will typically add additional fields */ +}; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Declare The Schema Of A Virtual Table +** +** ^The [xCreate] and [xConnect] methods of a +** [virtual table module] call this interface +** to declare the format (the names and datatypes of the columns) of +** the virtual tables they implement. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_declare_vtab(sqlite3*, const char *zSQL); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Overload A Function For A Virtual Table +** +** ^(Virtual tables can provide alternative implementations of functions +** using the [xFindFunction] method of the [virtual table module]. +** But global versions of those functions +** must exist in order to be overloaded.)^ +** +** ^(This API makes sure a global version of a function with a particular +** name and number of parameters exists. If no such function exists +** before this API is called, a new function is created.)^ ^The implementation +** of the new function always causes an exception to be thrown. So +** the new function is not good for anything by itself. Its only +** purpose is to be a placeholder function that can be overloaded +** by a [virtual table]. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_overload_function(sqlite3*, const char *zFuncName, int nArg); + +/* +** The interface to the virtual-table mechanism defined above (back up +** to a comment remarkably similar to this one) is currently considered +** to be experimental. The interface might change in incompatible ways. +** If this is a problem for you, do not use the interface at this time. +** +** When the virtual-table mechanism stabilizes, we will declare the +** interface fixed, support it indefinitely, and remove this comment. +*/ + +/* +** CAPI3REF: A Handle To An Open BLOB +** KEYWORDS: {BLOB handle} {BLOB handles} +** +** An instance of this object represents an open BLOB on which +** [sqlite3_blob_open | incremental BLOB I/O] can be performed. +** ^Objects of this type are created by [sqlite3_blob_open()] +** and destroyed by [sqlite3_blob_close()]. +** ^The [sqlite3_blob_read()] and [sqlite3_blob_write()] interfaces +** can be used to read or write small subsections of the BLOB. +** ^The [sqlite3_blob_bytes()] interface returns the size of the BLOB in bytes. +*/ +typedef struct sqlite3_blob sqlite3_blob; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Open A BLOB For Incremental I/O +** +** ^(This interfaces opens a [BLOB handle | handle] to the BLOB located +** in row iRow, column zColumn, table zTable in database zDb; +** in other words, the same BLOB that would be selected by: +** +**
+**     SELECT zColumn FROM zDb.zTable WHERE [rowid] = iRow;
)^ +** +** ^If the flags parameter is non-zero, then the BLOB is opened for read +** and write access. ^If it is zero, the BLOB is opened for read access. +** ^It is not possible to open a column that is part of an index or primary +** key for writing. ^If [foreign key constraints] are enabled, it is +** not possible to open a column that is part of a [child key] for writing. +** +** ^Note that the database name is not the filename that contains +** the database but rather the symbolic name of the database that +** appears after the AS keyword when the database is connected using [ATTACH]. +** ^For the main database file, the database name is "main". +** ^For TEMP tables, the database name is "temp". +** +** ^(On success, [SQLITE_OK] is returned and the new [BLOB handle] is written +** to *ppBlob. Otherwise an [error code] is returned and *ppBlob is set +** to be a null pointer.)^ +** ^This function sets the [database connection] error code and message +** accessible via [sqlite3_errcode()] and [sqlite3_errmsg()] and related +** functions. ^Note that the *ppBlob variable is always initialized in a +** way that makes it safe to invoke [sqlite3_blob_close()] on *ppBlob +** regardless of the success or failure of this routine. +** +** ^(If the row that a BLOB handle points to is modified by an +** [UPDATE], [DELETE], or by [ON CONFLICT] side-effects +** then the BLOB handle is marked as "expired". +** This is true if any column of the row is changed, even a column +** other than the one the BLOB handle is open on.)^ +** ^Calls to [sqlite3_blob_read()] and [sqlite3_blob_write()] for +** an expired BLOB handle fail with a return code of [SQLITE_ABORT]. +** ^(Changes written into a BLOB prior to the BLOB expiring are not +** rolled back by the expiration of the BLOB. Such changes will eventually +** commit if the transaction continues to completion.)^ +** +** ^Use the [sqlite3_blob_bytes()] interface to determine the size of +** the opened blob. ^The size of a blob may not be changed by this +** interface. Use the [UPDATE] SQL command to change the size of a +** blob. +** +** ^The [sqlite3_bind_zeroblob()] and [sqlite3_result_zeroblob()] interfaces +** and the built-in [zeroblob] SQL function can be used, if desired, +** to create an empty, zero-filled blob in which to read or write using +** this interface. +** +** To avoid a resource leak, every open [BLOB handle] should eventually +** be released by a call to [sqlite3_blob_close()]. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_blob_open( + sqlite3*, + const char *zDb, + const char *zTable, + const char *zColumn, + sqlite3_int64 iRow, + int flags, + sqlite3_blob **ppBlob +); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Move a BLOB Handle to a New Row +** +** ^This function is used to move an existing blob handle so that it points +** to a different row of the same database table. ^The new row is identified +** by the rowid value passed as the second argument. Only the row can be +** changed. ^The database, table and column on which the blob handle is open +** remain the same. Moving an existing blob handle to a new row can be +** faster than closing the existing handle and opening a new one. +** +** ^(The new row must meet the same criteria as for [sqlite3_blob_open()] - +** it must exist and there must be either a blob or text value stored in +** the nominated column.)^ ^If the new row is not present in the table, or if +** it does not contain a blob or text value, or if another error occurs, an +** SQLite error code is returned and the blob handle is considered aborted. +** ^All subsequent calls to [sqlite3_blob_read()], [sqlite3_blob_write()] or +** [sqlite3_blob_reopen()] on an aborted blob handle immediately return +** SQLITE_ABORT. ^Calling [sqlite3_blob_bytes()] on an aborted blob handle +** always returns zero. +** +** ^This function sets the database handle error code and message. +*/ +SQLITE_API SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL int sqlite3_blob_reopen(sqlite3_blob *, sqlite3_int64); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Close A BLOB Handle +** +** ^Closes an open [BLOB handle]. +** +** ^Closing a BLOB shall cause the current transaction to commit +** if there are no other BLOBs, no pending prepared statements, and the +** database connection is in [autocommit mode]. +** ^If any writes were made to the BLOB, they might be held in cache +** until the close operation if they will fit. +** +** ^(Closing the BLOB often forces the changes +** out to disk and so if any I/O errors occur, they will likely occur +** at the time when the BLOB is closed. Any errors that occur during +** closing are reported as a non-zero return value.)^ +** +** ^(The BLOB is closed unconditionally. Even if this routine returns +** an error code, the BLOB is still closed.)^ +** +** ^Calling this routine with a null pointer (such as would be returned +** by a failed call to [sqlite3_blob_open()]) is a harmless no-op. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_blob_close(sqlite3_blob *); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Return The Size Of An Open BLOB +** +** ^Returns the size in bytes of the BLOB accessible via the +** successfully opened [BLOB handle] in its only argument. ^The +** incremental blob I/O routines can only read or overwriting existing +** blob content; they cannot change the size of a blob. +** +** This routine only works on a [BLOB handle] which has been created +** by a prior successful call to [sqlite3_blob_open()] and which has not +** been closed by [sqlite3_blob_close()]. Passing any other pointer in +** to this routine results in undefined and probably undesirable behavior. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_blob_bytes(sqlite3_blob *); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Read Data From A BLOB Incrementally +** +** ^(This function is used to read data from an open [BLOB handle] into a +** caller-supplied buffer. N bytes of data are copied into buffer Z +** from the open BLOB, starting at offset iOffset.)^ +** +** ^If offset iOffset is less than N bytes from the end of the BLOB, +** [SQLITE_ERROR] is returned and no data is read. ^If N or iOffset is +** less than zero, [SQLITE_ERROR] is returned and no data is read. +** ^The size of the blob (and hence the maximum value of N+iOffset) +** can be determined using the [sqlite3_blob_bytes()] interface. +** +** ^An attempt to read from an expired [BLOB handle] fails with an +** error code of [SQLITE_ABORT]. +** +** ^(On success, sqlite3_blob_read() returns SQLITE_OK. +** Otherwise, an [error code] or an [extended error code] is returned.)^ +** +** This routine only works on a [BLOB handle] which has been created +** by a prior successful call to [sqlite3_blob_open()] and which has not +** been closed by [sqlite3_blob_close()]. Passing any other pointer in +** to this routine results in undefined and probably undesirable behavior. +** +** See also: [sqlite3_blob_write()]. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_blob_read(sqlite3_blob *, void *Z, int N, int iOffset); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Write Data Into A BLOB Incrementally +** +** ^This function is used to write data into an open [BLOB handle] from a +** caller-supplied buffer. ^N bytes of data are copied from the buffer Z +** into the open BLOB, starting at offset iOffset. +** +** ^If the [BLOB handle] passed as the first argument was not opened for +** writing (the flags parameter to [sqlite3_blob_open()] was zero), +** this function returns [SQLITE_READONLY]. +** +** ^This function may only modify the contents of the BLOB; it is +** not possible to increase the size of a BLOB using this API. +** ^If offset iOffset is less than N bytes from the end of the BLOB, +** [SQLITE_ERROR] is returned and no data is written. ^If N is +** less than zero [SQLITE_ERROR] is returned and no data is written. +** The size of the BLOB (and hence the maximum value of N+iOffset) +** can be determined using the [sqlite3_blob_bytes()] interface. +** +** ^An attempt to write to an expired [BLOB handle] fails with an +** error code of [SQLITE_ABORT]. ^Writes to the BLOB that occurred +** before the [BLOB handle] expired are not rolled back by the +** expiration of the handle, though of course those changes might +** have been overwritten by the statement that expired the BLOB handle +** or by other independent statements. +** +** ^(On success, sqlite3_blob_write() returns SQLITE_OK. +** Otherwise, an [error code] or an [extended error code] is returned.)^ +** +** This routine only works on a [BLOB handle] which has been created +** by a prior successful call to [sqlite3_blob_open()] and which has not +** been closed by [sqlite3_blob_close()]. Passing any other pointer in +** to this routine results in undefined and probably undesirable behavior. +** +** See also: [sqlite3_blob_read()]. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_blob_write(sqlite3_blob *, const void *z, int n, int iOffset); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Virtual File System Objects +** +** A virtual filesystem (VFS) is an [sqlite3_vfs] object +** that SQLite uses to interact +** with the underlying operating system. Most SQLite builds come with a +** single default VFS that is appropriate for the host computer. +** New VFSes can be registered and existing VFSes can be unregistered. +** The following interfaces are provided. +** +** ^The sqlite3_vfs_find() interface returns a pointer to a VFS given its name. +** ^Names are case sensitive. +** ^Names are zero-terminated UTF-8 strings. +** ^If there is no match, a NULL pointer is returned. +** ^If zVfsName is NULL then the default VFS is returned. +** +** ^New VFSes are registered with sqlite3_vfs_register(). +** ^Each new VFS becomes the default VFS if the makeDflt flag is set. +** ^The same VFS can be registered multiple times without injury. +** ^To make an existing VFS into the default VFS, register it again +** with the makeDflt flag set. If two different VFSes with the +** same name are registered, the behavior is undefined. If a +** VFS is registered with a name that is NULL or an empty string, +** then the behavior is undefined. +** +** ^Unregister a VFS with the sqlite3_vfs_unregister() interface. +** ^(If the default VFS is unregistered, another VFS is chosen as +** the default. The choice for the new VFS is arbitrary.)^ +*/ +SQLITE_API sqlite3_vfs *sqlite3_vfs_find(const char *zVfsName); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_vfs_register(sqlite3_vfs*, int makeDflt); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_vfs_unregister(sqlite3_vfs*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Mutexes +** +** The SQLite core uses these routines for thread +** synchronization. Though they are intended for internal +** use by SQLite, code that links against SQLite is +** permitted to use any of these routines. +** +** The SQLite source code contains multiple implementations +** of these mutex routines. An appropriate implementation +** is selected automatically at compile-time. ^(The following +** implementations are available in the SQLite core: +** +**
  • SQLITE_MUTEX_W32 +**
)^ +** +** ^The SQLITE_MUTEX_NOOP implementation is a set of routines +** that does no real locking and is appropriate for use in +** a single-threaded application. ^The SQLITE_MUTEX_PTHREADS and +** SQLITE_MUTEX_W32 implementations are appropriate for use on Unix +** and Windows. +** +** ^(If SQLite is compiled with the SQLITE_MUTEX_APPDEF preprocessor +** macro defined (with "-DSQLITE_MUTEX_APPDEF=1"), then no mutex +** implementation is included with the library. In this case the +** application must supply a custom mutex implementation using the +** [SQLITE_CONFIG_MUTEX] option of the sqlite3_config() function +** before calling sqlite3_initialize() or any other public sqlite3_ +** function that calls sqlite3_initialize().)^ +** +** ^The sqlite3_mutex_alloc() routine allocates a new +** mutex and returns a pointer to it. ^If it returns NULL +** that means that a mutex could not be allocated. ^SQLite +** will unwind its stack and return an error. ^(The argument +** to sqlite3_mutex_alloc() is one of these integer constants: +** +**
)^ +** +** ^The first two constants (SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST and SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE) +** cause sqlite3_mutex_alloc() to create +** a new mutex. ^The new mutex is recursive when SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE +** is used but not necessarily so when SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST is used. +** The mutex implementation does not need to make a distinction +** between SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE and SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST if it does +** not want to. ^SQLite will only request a recursive mutex in +** cases where it really needs one. ^If a faster non-recursive mutex +** implementation is available on the host platform, the mutex subsystem +** might return such a mutex in response to SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST. +** +** ^The other allowed parameters to sqlite3_mutex_alloc() (anything other +** than SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST and SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE) each return +** a pointer to a static preexisting mutex. ^Six static mutexes are +** used by the current version of SQLite. Future versions of SQLite +** may add additional static mutexes. Static mutexes are for internal +** use by SQLite only. Applications that use SQLite mutexes should +** use only the dynamic mutexes returned by SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST or +** SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE. +** +** ^Note that if one of the dynamic mutex parameters (SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST +** or SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE) is used then sqlite3_mutex_alloc() +** returns a different mutex on every call. ^But for the static +** mutex types, the same mutex is returned on every call that has +** the same type number. +** +** ^The sqlite3_mutex_free() routine deallocates a previously +** allocated dynamic mutex. ^SQLite is careful to deallocate every +** dynamic mutex that it allocates. The dynamic mutexes must not be in +** use when they are deallocated. Attempting to deallocate a static +** mutex results in undefined behavior. ^SQLite never deallocates +** a static mutex. +** +** ^The sqlite3_mutex_enter() and sqlite3_mutex_try() routines attempt +** to enter a mutex. ^If another thread is already within the mutex, +** sqlite3_mutex_enter() will block and sqlite3_mutex_try() will return +** SQLITE_BUSY. ^The sqlite3_mutex_try() interface returns [SQLITE_OK] +** upon successful entry. ^(Mutexes created using +** SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE can be entered multiple times by the same thread. +** In such cases the, +** mutex must be exited an equal number of times before another thread +** can enter.)^ ^(If the same thread tries to enter any other +** kind of mutex more than once, the behavior is undefined. +** SQLite will never exhibit +** such behavior in its own use of mutexes.)^ +** +** ^(Some systems (for example, Windows 95) do not support the operation +** implemented by sqlite3_mutex_try(). On those systems, sqlite3_mutex_try() +** will always return SQLITE_BUSY. The SQLite core only ever uses +** sqlite3_mutex_try() as an optimization so this is acceptable behavior.)^ +** +** ^The sqlite3_mutex_leave() routine exits a mutex that was +** previously entered by the same thread. ^(The behavior +** is undefined if the mutex is not currently entered by the +** calling thread or is not currently allocated. SQLite will +** never do either.)^ +** +** ^If the argument to sqlite3_mutex_enter(), sqlite3_mutex_try(), or +** sqlite3_mutex_leave() is a NULL pointer, then all three routines +** behave as no-ops. +** +** See also: [sqlite3_mutex_held()] and [sqlite3_mutex_notheld()]. +*/ +SQLITE_API sqlite3_mutex *sqlite3_mutex_alloc(int); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_mutex_free(sqlite3_mutex*); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_mutex_enter(sqlite3_mutex*); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_mutex_try(sqlite3_mutex*); +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_mutex_leave(sqlite3_mutex*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Mutex Methods Object +** +** An instance of this structure defines the low-level routines +** used to allocate and use mutexes. +** +** Usually, the default mutex implementations provided by SQLite are +** sufficient, however the user has the option of substituting a custom +** implementation for specialized deployments or systems for which SQLite +** does not provide a suitable implementation. In this case, the user +** creates and populates an instance of this structure to pass +** to sqlite3_config() along with the [SQLITE_CONFIG_MUTEX] option. +** Additionally, an instance of this structure can be used as an +** output variable when querying the system for the current mutex +** implementation, using the [SQLITE_CONFIG_GETMUTEX] option. +** +** ^The xMutexInit method defined by this structure is invoked as +** part of system initialization by the sqlite3_initialize() function. +** ^The xMutexInit routine is called by SQLite exactly once for each +** effective call to [sqlite3_initialize()]. +** +** ^The xMutexEnd method defined by this structure is invoked as +** part of system shutdown by the sqlite3_shutdown() function. The +** implementation of this method is expected to release all outstanding +** resources obtained by the mutex methods implementation, especially +** those obtained by the xMutexInit method. ^The xMutexEnd() +** interface is invoked exactly once for each call to [sqlite3_shutdown()]. +** +** ^(The remaining seven methods defined by this structure (xMutexAlloc, +** xMutexFree, xMutexEnter, xMutexTry, xMutexLeave, xMutexHeld and +** xMutexNotheld) implement the following interfaces (respectively): +** +**
  • [sqlite3_mutex_alloc()]
  • +**
  • [sqlite3_mutex_free()]
  • +**
  • [sqlite3_mutex_enter()]
  • +**
  • [sqlite3_mutex_try()]
  • +**
  • [sqlite3_mutex_leave()]
  • +**
  • [sqlite3_mutex_held()]
  • +**
  • [sqlite3_mutex_notheld()]
  • +**
)^ +** +** The only difference is that the public sqlite3_XXX functions enumerated +** above silently ignore any invocations that pass a NULL pointer instead +** of a valid mutex handle. The implementations of the methods defined +** by this structure are not required to handle this case, the results +** of passing a NULL pointer instead of a valid mutex handle are undefined +** (i.e. it is acceptable to provide an implementation that segfaults if +** it is passed a NULL pointer). +** +** The xMutexInit() method must be threadsafe. ^It must be harmless to +** invoke xMutexInit() multiple times within the same process and without +** intervening calls to xMutexEnd(). Second and subsequent calls to +** xMutexInit() must be no-ops. +** +** ^xMutexInit() must not use SQLite memory allocation ([sqlite3_malloc()] +** and its associates). ^Similarly, xMutexAlloc() must not use SQLite memory +** allocation for a static mutex. ^However xMutexAlloc() may use SQLite +** memory allocation for a fast or recursive mutex. +** +** ^SQLite will invoke the xMutexEnd() method when [sqlite3_shutdown()] is +** called, but only if the prior call to xMutexInit returned SQLITE_OK. +** If xMutexInit fails in any way, it is expected to clean up after itself +** prior to returning. +*/ +typedef struct sqlite3_mutex_methods sqlite3_mutex_methods; +struct sqlite3_mutex_methods { + int (*xMutexInit)(void); + int (*xMutexEnd)(void); + sqlite3_mutex *(*xMutexAlloc)(int); + void (*xMutexFree)(sqlite3_mutex *); + void (*xMutexEnter)(sqlite3_mutex *); + int (*xMutexTry)(sqlite3_mutex *); + void (*xMutexLeave)(sqlite3_mutex *); + int (*xMutexHeld)(sqlite3_mutex *); + int (*xMutexNotheld)(sqlite3_mutex *); +}; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Mutex Verification Routines +** +** The sqlite3_mutex_held() and sqlite3_mutex_notheld() routines +** are intended for use inside assert() statements. ^The SQLite core +** never uses these routines except inside an assert() and applications +** are advised to follow the lead of the core. ^The SQLite core only +** provides implementations for these routines when it is compiled +** with the SQLITE_DEBUG flag. ^External mutex implementations +** are only required to provide these routines if SQLITE_DEBUG is +** defined and if NDEBUG is not defined. +** +** ^These routines should return true if the mutex in their argument +** is held or not held, respectively, by the calling thread. +** +** ^The implementation is not required to provide versions of these +** routines that actually work. If the implementation does not provide working +** versions of these routines, it should at least provide stubs that always +** return true so that one does not get spurious assertion failures. +** +** ^If the argument to sqlite3_mutex_held() is a NULL pointer then +** the routine should return 1. This seems counter-intuitive since +** clearly the mutex cannot be held if it does not exist. But +** the reason the mutex does not exist is because the build is not +** using mutexes. And we do not want the assert() containing the +** call to sqlite3_mutex_held() to fail, so a non-zero return is +** the appropriate thing to do. ^The sqlite3_mutex_notheld() +** interface should also return 1 when given a NULL pointer. +*/ +#ifndef NDEBUG +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_mutex_held(sqlite3_mutex*); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_mutex_notheld(sqlite3_mutex*); +#endif + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Mutex Types +** +** The [sqlite3_mutex_alloc()] interface takes a single argument +** which is one of these integer constants. +** +** The set of static mutexes may change from one SQLite release to the +** next. Applications that override the built-in mutex logic must be +** prepared to accommodate additional static mutexes. +*/ +#define SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST 0 +#define SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE 1 +#define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MASTER 2 +#define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MEM 3 /* sqlite3_malloc() */ +#define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MEM2 4 /* NOT USED */ +#define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_OPEN 4 /* sqlite3BtreeOpen() */ +#define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_PRNG 5 /* sqlite3_random() */ +#define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_LRU 6 /* lru page list */ +#define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_LRU2 7 /* NOT USED */ +#define SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_PMEM 7 /* sqlite3PageMalloc() */ + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Retrieve the mutex for a database connection +** +** ^This interface returns a pointer the [sqlite3_mutex] object that +** serializes access to the [database connection] given in the argument +** when the [threading mode] is Serialized. +** ^If the [threading mode] is Single-thread or Multi-thread then this +** routine returns a NULL pointer. +*/ +SQLITE_API sqlite3_mutex *sqlite3_db_mutex(sqlite3*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Low-Level Control Of Database Files +** +** ^The [sqlite3_file_control()] interface makes a direct call to the +** xFileControl method for the [sqlite3_io_methods] object associated +** with a particular database identified by the second argument. ^The +** name of the database is "main" for the main database or "temp" for the +** TEMP database, or the name that appears after the AS keyword for +** databases that are added using the [ATTACH] SQL command. +** ^A NULL pointer can be used in place of "main" to refer to the +** main database file. +** ^The third and fourth parameters to this routine +** are passed directly through to the second and third parameters of +** the xFileControl method. ^The return value of the xFileControl +** method becomes the return value of this routine. +** +** ^The SQLITE_FCNTL_FILE_POINTER value for the op parameter causes +** a pointer to the underlying [sqlite3_file] object to be written into +** the space pointed to by the 4th parameter. ^The SQLITE_FCNTL_FILE_POINTER +** case is a short-circuit path which does not actually invoke the +** underlying sqlite3_io_methods.xFileControl method. +** +** ^If the second parameter (zDbName) does not match the name of any +** open database file, then SQLITE_ERROR is returned. ^This error +** code is not remembered and will not be recalled by [sqlite3_errcode()] +** or [sqlite3_errmsg()]. The underlying xFileControl method might +** also return SQLITE_ERROR. There is no way to distinguish between +** an incorrect zDbName and an SQLITE_ERROR return from the underlying +** xFileControl method. +** +** See also: [SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCKSTATE] +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_file_control(sqlite3*, const char *zDbName, int op, void*); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Testing Interface +** +** ^The sqlite3_test_control() interface is used to read out internal +** state of SQLite and to inject faults into SQLite for testing +** purposes. ^The first parameter is an operation code that determines +** the number, meaning, and operation of all subsequent parameters. +** +** This interface is not for use by applications. It exists solely +** for verifying the correct operation of the SQLite library. Depending +** on how the SQLite library is compiled, this interface might not exist. +** +** The details of the operation codes, their meanings, the parameters +** they take, and what they do are all subject to change without notice. +** Unlike most of the SQLite API, this function is not guaranteed to +** operate consistently from one release to the next. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_test_control(int op, ...); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Testing Interface Operation Codes +** +** These constants are the valid operation code parameters used +** as the first argument to [sqlite3_test_control()]. +** +** These parameters and their meanings are subject to change +** without notice. These values are for testing purposes only. +** Applications should not use any of these parameters or the +** [sqlite3_test_control()] interface. +*/ +#define SQLITE_TESTCTRL_FIRST 5 +#define SQLITE_TESTCTRL_PRNG_SAVE 5 +#define SQLITE_TESTCTRL_PRNG_RESTORE 6 +#define SQLITE_TESTCTRL_PRNG_RESET 7 +#define SQLITE_TESTCTRL_BITVEC_TEST 8 +#define SQLITE_TESTCTRL_FAULT_INSTALL 9 +#define SQLITE_TESTCTRL_BENIGN_MALLOC_HOOKS 10 +#define SQLITE_TESTCTRL_PENDING_BYTE 11 +#define SQLITE_TESTCTRL_ASSERT 12 +#define SQLITE_TESTCTRL_ALWAYS 13 +#define SQLITE_TESTCTRL_RESERVE 14 +#define SQLITE_TESTCTRL_OPTIMIZATIONS 15 +#define SQLITE_TESTCTRL_ISKEYWORD 16 +#define SQLITE_TESTCTRL_SCRATCHMALLOC 17 +#define SQLITE_TESTCTRL_LOCALTIME_FAULT 18 +#define SQLITE_TESTCTRL_EXPLAIN_STMT 19 +#define SQLITE_TESTCTRL_LAST 19 + +/* +** CAPI3REF: SQLite Runtime Status +** +** ^This interface is used to retrieve runtime status information +** about the performance of SQLite, and optionally to reset various +** highwater marks. ^The first argument is an integer code for +** the specific parameter to measure. ^(Recognized integer codes +** are of the form [status parameters | SQLITE_STATUS_...].)^ +** ^The current value of the parameter is returned into *pCurrent. +** ^The highest recorded value is returned in *pHighwater. ^If the +** resetFlag is true, then the highest record value is reset after +** *pHighwater is written. ^(Some parameters do not record the highest +** value. For those parameters +** nothing is written into *pHighwater and the resetFlag is ignored.)^ +** ^(Other parameters record only the highwater mark and not the current +** value. For these latter parameters nothing is written into *pCurrent.)^ +** +** ^The sqlite3_status() routine returns SQLITE_OK on success and a +** non-zero [error code] on failure. +** +** This routine is threadsafe but is not atomic. This routine can be +** called while other threads are running the same or different SQLite +** interfaces. However the values returned in *pCurrent and +** *pHighwater reflect the status of SQLite at different points in time +** and it is possible that another thread might change the parameter +** in between the times when *pCurrent and *pHighwater are written. +** +** See also: [sqlite3_db_status()] +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_status(int op, int *pCurrent, int *pHighwater, int resetFlag); + + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Status Parameters +** KEYWORDS: {status parameters} +** +** These integer constants designate various run-time status parameters +** that can be returned by [sqlite3_status()]. +** +**
This parameter is the current amount of memory checked out +** using [sqlite3_malloc()], either directly or indirectly. The +** figure includes calls made to [sqlite3_malloc()] by the application +** and internal memory usage by the SQLite library. Scratch memory +** controlled by [SQLITE_CONFIG_SCRATCH] and auxiliary page-cache +** memory controlled by [SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE] is not included in +** this parameter. The amount returned is the sum of the allocation +** sizes as reported by the xSize method in [sqlite3_mem_methods].
This parameter records the largest memory allocation request +** handed to [sqlite3_malloc()] or [sqlite3_realloc()] (or their +** internal equivalents). Only the value returned in the +** *pHighwater parameter to [sqlite3_status()] is of interest. +** The value written into the *pCurrent parameter is undefined.
This parameter records the number of separate memory allocations +** currently checked out.
This parameter returns the number of pages used out of the +** [pagecache memory allocator] that was configured using +** [SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE]. The +** value returned is in pages, not in bytes.
This parameter returns the number of bytes of page cache +** allocation which could not be satisfied by the [SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE] +** buffer and where forced to overflow to [sqlite3_malloc()]. The +** returned value includes allocations that overflowed because they +** where too large (they were larger than the "sz" parameter to +** [SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE]) and allocations that overflowed because +** no space was left in the page cache.
This parameter records the largest memory allocation request +** handed to [pagecache memory allocator]. Only the value returned in the +** *pHighwater parameter to [sqlite3_status()] is of interest. +** The value written into the *pCurrent parameter is undefined.
This parameter returns the number of allocations used out of the +** [scratch memory allocator] configured using +** [SQLITE_CONFIG_SCRATCH]. The value returned is in allocations, not +** in bytes. Since a single thread may only have one scratch allocation +** outstanding at time, this parameter also reports the number of threads +** using scratch memory at the same time.
This parameter returns the number of bytes of scratch memory +** allocation which could not be satisfied by the [SQLITE_CONFIG_SCRATCH] +** buffer and where forced to overflow to [sqlite3_malloc()]. The values +** returned include overflows because the requested allocation was too +** larger (that is, because the requested allocation was larger than the +** "sz" parameter to [SQLITE_CONFIG_SCRATCH]) and because no scratch buffer +** slots were available. +**
This parameter records the largest memory allocation request +** handed to [scratch memory allocator]. Only the value returned in the +** *pHighwater parameter to [sqlite3_status()] is of interest. +** The value written into the *pCurrent parameter is undefined.
This parameter records the deepest parser stack. It is only +** meaningful if SQLite is compiled with [YYTRACKMAXSTACKDEPTH].
)^ +**
+** +** New status parameters may be added from time to time. +*/ +#define SQLITE_STATUS_MEMORY_USED 0 +#define SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_USED 1 +#define SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_OVERFLOW 2 +#define SQLITE_STATUS_SCRATCH_USED 3 +#define SQLITE_STATUS_SCRATCH_OVERFLOW 4 +#define SQLITE_STATUS_MALLOC_SIZE 5 +#define SQLITE_STATUS_PARSER_STACK 6 +#define SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_SIZE 7 +#define SQLITE_STATUS_SCRATCH_SIZE 8 +#define SQLITE_STATUS_MALLOC_COUNT 9 + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Database Connection Status +** +** ^This interface is used to retrieve runtime status information +** about a single [database connection]. ^The first argument is the +** database connection object to be interrogated. ^The second argument +** is an integer constant, taken from the set of +** [SQLITE_DBSTATUS options], that +** determines the parameter to interrogate. The set of +** [SQLITE_DBSTATUS options] is likely +** to grow in future releases of SQLite. +** +** ^The current value of the requested parameter is written into *pCur +** and the highest instantaneous value is written into *pHiwtr. ^If +** the resetFlg is true, then the highest instantaneous value is +** reset back down to the current value. +** +** ^The sqlite3_db_status() routine returns SQLITE_OK on success and a +** non-zero [error code] on failure. +** +** See also: [sqlite3_status()] and [sqlite3_stmt_status()]. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_db_status(sqlite3*, int op, int *pCur, int *pHiwtr, int resetFlg); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Status Parameters for database connections +** KEYWORDS: {SQLITE_DBSTATUS options} +** +** These constants are the available integer "verbs" that can be passed as +** the second argument to the [sqlite3_db_status()] interface. +** +** New verbs may be added in future releases of SQLite. Existing verbs +** might be discontinued. Applications should check the return code from +** [sqlite3_db_status()] to make sure that the call worked. +** The [sqlite3_db_status()] interface will return a non-zero error code +** if a discontinued or unsupported verb is invoked. +** +**
This parameter returns the number of lookaside memory slots currently +** checked out.
This parameter returns the number malloc attempts that were +** satisfied using lookaside memory. Only the high-water value is meaningful; +** the current value is always zero.)^ +** +** [[SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_MISS_SIZE]] +** ^(
This parameter returns the number malloc attempts that might have +** been satisfied using lookaside memory but failed due to the amount of +** memory requested being larger than the lookaside slot size. +** Only the high-water value is meaningful; +** the current value is always zero.)^ +** +** [[SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_MISS_FULL]] +** ^(
This parameter returns the number malloc attempts that might have +** been satisfied using lookaside memory but failed due to all lookaside +** memory already being in use. +** Only the high-water value is meaningful; +** the current value is always zero.)^ +** +** [[SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED]] ^(
This parameter returns the approximate number of of bytes of heap +** memory used by all pager caches associated with the database connection.)^ +** ^The highwater mark associated with SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED is always 0. +** +** [[SQLITE_DBSTATUS_SCHEMA_USED]] ^(
This parameter returns the approximate number of of bytes of heap +** memory used to store the schema for all databases associated +** with the connection - main, temp, and any [ATTACH]-ed databases.)^ +** ^The full amount of memory used by the schemas is reported, even if the +** schema memory is shared with other database connections due to +** [shared cache mode] being enabled. +** ^The highwater mark associated with SQLITE_DBSTATUS_SCHEMA_USED is always 0. +** +** [[SQLITE_DBSTATUS_STMT_USED]] ^(
This parameter returns the approximate number of of bytes of heap +** and lookaside memory used by all prepared statements associated with +** the database connection.)^ +** ^The highwater mark associated with SQLITE_DBSTATUS_STMT_USED is always 0. +**
This parameter returns the number of pager cache hits that have +** occurred.)^ ^The highwater mark associated with SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_HIT +** is always 0. +**
This parameter returns the number of pager cache misses that have +** occurred.)^ ^The highwater mark associated with SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_MISS +** is always 0. +**
This parameter returns the number of dirty cache entries that have +** been written to disk. Specifically, the number of pages written to the +** wal file in wal mode databases, or the number of pages written to the +** database file in rollback mode databases. Any pages written as part of +** transaction rollback or database recovery operations are not included. +** If an IO or other error occurs while writing a page to disk, the effect +** on subsequent SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_WRITE requests is undefined.)^ ^The +** highwater mark associated with SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_WRITE is always 0. +**
+*/ +#define SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_USED 0 +#define SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED 1 +#define SQLITE_DBSTATUS_SCHEMA_USED 2 +#define SQLITE_DBSTATUS_STMT_USED 3 +#define SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_HIT 4 +#define SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_MISS_SIZE 5 +#define SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_MISS_FULL 6 +#define SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_HIT 7 +#define SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_MISS 8 +#define SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_WRITE 9 +#define SQLITE_DBSTATUS_MAX 9 /* Largest defined DBSTATUS */ + + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Prepared Statement Status +** +** ^(Each prepared statement maintains various +** [SQLITE_STMTSTATUS counters] that measure the number +** of times it has performed specific operations.)^ These counters can +** be used to monitor the performance characteristics of the prepared +** statements. For example, if the number of table steps greatly exceeds +** the number of table searches or result rows, that would tend to indicate +** that the prepared statement is using a full table scan rather than +** an index. +** +** ^(This interface is used to retrieve and reset counter values from +** a [prepared statement]. The first argument is the prepared statement +** object to be interrogated. The second argument +** is an integer code for a specific [SQLITE_STMTSTATUS counter] +** to be interrogated.)^ +** ^The current value of the requested counter is returned. +** ^If the resetFlg is true, then the counter is reset to zero after this +** interface call returns. +** +** See also: [sqlite3_status()] and [sqlite3_db_status()]. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_stmt_status(sqlite3_stmt*, int op,int resetFlg); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Status Parameters for prepared statements +** KEYWORDS: {SQLITE_STMTSTATUS counter} {SQLITE_STMTSTATUS counters} +** +** These preprocessor macros define integer codes that name counter +** values associated with the [sqlite3_stmt_status()] interface. +** The meanings of the various counters are as follows: +** +**
^This is the number of times that SQLite has stepped forward in +** a table as part of a full table scan. Large numbers for this counter +** may indicate opportunities for performance improvement through +** careful use of indices.
^This is the number of sort operations that have occurred. +** A non-zero value in this counter may indicate an opportunity to +** improvement performance through careful use of indices.
^This is the number of rows inserted into transient indices that +** were created automatically in order to help joins run faster. +** A non-zero value in this counter may indicate an opportunity to +** improvement performance by adding permanent indices that do not +** need to be reinitialized each time the statement is run.
+*/ +#define SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_FULLSCAN_STEP 1 +#define SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_SORT 2 +#define SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_AUTOINDEX 3 + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Custom Page Cache Object +** +** The sqlite3_pcache type is opaque. It is implemented by +** the pluggable module. The SQLite core has no knowledge of +** its size or internal structure and never deals with the +** sqlite3_pcache object except by holding and passing pointers +** to the object. +** +** See [sqlite3_pcache_methods2] for additional information. +*/ +typedef struct sqlite3_pcache sqlite3_pcache; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Custom Page Cache Object +** +** The sqlite3_pcache_page object represents a single page in the +** page cache. The page cache will allocate instances of this +** object. Various methods of the page cache use pointers to instances +** of this object as parameters or as their return value. +** +** See [sqlite3_pcache_methods2] for additional information. +*/ +typedef struct sqlite3_pcache_page sqlite3_pcache_page; +struct sqlite3_pcache_page { + void *pBuf; /* The content of the page */ + void *pExtra; /* Extra information associated with the page */ +}; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Application Defined Page Cache. +** KEYWORDS: {page cache} +** +** ^(The [sqlite3_config]([SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE2], ...) interface can +** register an alternative page cache implementation by passing in an +** instance of the sqlite3_pcache_methods2 structure.)^ +** In many applications, most of the heap memory allocated by +** SQLite is used for the page cache. +** By implementing a +** custom page cache using this API, an application can better control +** the amount of memory consumed by SQLite, the way in which +** that memory is allocated and released, and the policies used to +** determine exactly which parts of a database file are cached and for +** how long. +** +** The alternative page cache mechanism is an +** extreme measure that is only needed by the most demanding applications. +** The built-in page cache is recommended for most uses. +** +** ^(The contents of the sqlite3_pcache_methods2 structure are copied to an +** internal buffer by SQLite within the call to [sqlite3_config]. Hence +** the application may discard the parameter after the call to +** [sqlite3_config()] returns.)^ +** +** [[the xInit() page cache method]] +** ^(The xInit() method is called once for each effective +** call to [sqlite3_initialize()])^ +** (usually only once during the lifetime of the process). ^(The xInit() +** method is passed a copy of the sqlite3_pcache_methods2.pArg value.)^ +** The intent of the xInit() method is to set up global data structures +** required by the custom page cache implementation. +** ^(If the xInit() method is NULL, then the +** built-in default page cache is used instead of the application defined +** page cache.)^ +** +** [[the xShutdown() page cache method]] +** ^The xShutdown() method is called by [sqlite3_shutdown()]. +** It can be used to clean up +** any outstanding resources before process shutdown, if required. +** ^The xShutdown() method may be NULL. +** +** ^SQLite automatically serializes calls to the xInit method, +** so the xInit method need not be threadsafe. ^The +** xShutdown method is only called from [sqlite3_shutdown()] so it does +** not need to be threadsafe either. All other methods must be threadsafe +** in multithreaded applications. +** +** ^SQLite will never invoke xInit() more than once without an intervening +** call to xShutdown(). +** +** [[the xCreate() page cache methods]] +** ^SQLite invokes the xCreate() method to construct a new cache instance. +** SQLite will typically create one cache instance for each open database file, +** though this is not guaranteed. ^The +** first parameter, szPage, is the size in bytes of the pages that must +** be allocated by the cache. ^szPage will always a power of two. ^The +** second parameter szExtra is a number of bytes of extra storage +** associated with each page cache entry. ^The szExtra parameter will +** a number less than 250. SQLite will use the +** extra szExtra bytes on each page to store metadata about the underlying +** database page on disk. The value passed into szExtra depends +** on the SQLite version, the target platform, and how SQLite was compiled. +** ^The third argument to xCreate(), bPurgeable, is true if the cache being +** created will be used to cache database pages of a file stored on disk, or +** false if it is used for an in-memory database. The cache implementation +** does not have to do anything special based with the value of bPurgeable; +** it is purely advisory. ^On a cache where bPurgeable is false, SQLite will +** never invoke xUnpin() except to deliberately delete a page. +** ^In other words, calls to xUnpin() on a cache with bPurgeable set to +** false will always have the "discard" flag set to true. +** ^Hence, a cache created with bPurgeable false will +** never contain any unpinned pages. +** +** [[the xCachesize() page cache method]] +** ^(The xCachesize() method may be called at any time by SQLite to set the +** suggested maximum cache-size (number of pages stored by) the cache +** instance passed as the first argument. This is the value configured using +** the SQLite "[PRAGMA cache_size]" command.)^ As with the bPurgeable +** parameter, the implementation is not required to do anything with this +** value; it is advisory only. +** +** [[the xPagecount() page cache methods]] +** The xPagecount() method must return the number of pages currently +** stored in the cache, both pinned and unpinned. +** +** [[the xFetch() page cache methods]] +** The xFetch() method locates a page in the cache and returns a pointer to +** an sqlite3_pcache_page object associated with that page, or a NULL pointer. +** The pBuf element of the returned sqlite3_pcache_page object will be a +** pointer to a buffer of szPage bytes used to store the content of a +** single database page. The pExtra element of sqlite3_pcache_page will be +** a pointer to the szExtra bytes of extra storage that SQLite has requested +** for each entry in the page cache. +** +** The page to be fetched is determined by the key. ^The minimum key value +** is 1. After it has been retrieved using xFetch, the page is considered +** to be "pinned". +** +** If the requested page is already in the page cache, then the page cache +** implementation must return a pointer to the page buffer with its content +** intact. If the requested page is not already in the cache, then the +** cache implementation should use the value of the createFlag +** parameter to help it determined what action to take: +** +** +**
createFlag Behavior when page is not already in cache +**
0 Do not allocate a new page. Return NULL. +**
1 Allocate a new page if it easy and convenient to do so. +** Otherwise return NULL. +**
2 Make every effort to allocate a new page. Only return +** NULL if allocating a new page is effectively impossible. +**
+** +** ^(SQLite will normally invoke xFetch() with a createFlag of 0 or 1. SQLite +** will only use a createFlag of 2 after a prior call with a createFlag of 1 +** failed.)^ In between the to xFetch() calls, SQLite may +** attempt to unpin one or more cache pages by spilling the content of +** pinned pages to disk and synching the operating system disk cache. +** +** [[the xUnpin() page cache method]] +** ^xUnpin() is called by SQLite with a pointer to a currently pinned page +** as its second argument. If the third parameter, discard, is non-zero, +** then the page must be evicted from the cache. +** ^If the discard parameter is +** zero, then the page may be discarded or retained at the discretion of +** page cache implementation. ^The page cache implementation +** may choose to evict unpinned pages at any time. +** +** The cache must not perform any reference counting. A single +** call to xUnpin() unpins the page regardless of the number of prior calls +** to xFetch(). +** +** [[the xRekey() page cache methods]] +** The xRekey() method is used to change the key value associated with the +** page passed as the second argument. If the cache +** previously contains an entry associated with newKey, it must be +** discarded. ^Any prior cache entry associated with newKey is guaranteed not +** to be pinned. +** +** When SQLite calls the xTruncate() method, the cache must discard all +** existing cache entries with page numbers (keys) greater than or equal +** to the value of the iLimit parameter passed to xTruncate(). If any +** of these pages are pinned, they are implicitly unpinned, meaning that +** they can be safely discarded. +** +** [[the xDestroy() page cache method]] +** ^The xDestroy() method is used to delete a cache allocated by xCreate(). +** All resources associated with the specified cache should be freed. ^After +** calling the xDestroy() method, SQLite considers the [sqlite3_pcache*] +** handle invalid, and will not use it with any other sqlite3_pcache_methods2 +** functions. +** +** [[the xShrink() page cache method]] +** ^SQLite invokes the xShrink() method when it wants the page cache to +** free up as much of heap memory as possible. The page cache implementation +** is not obligated to free any memory, but well-behaved implementations should +** do their best. +*/ +typedef struct sqlite3_pcache_methods2 sqlite3_pcache_methods2; +struct sqlite3_pcache_methods2 { + int iVersion; + void *pArg; + int (*xInit)(void*); + void (*xShutdown)(void*); + sqlite3_pcache *(*xCreate)(int szPage, int szExtra, int bPurgeable); + void (*xCachesize)(sqlite3_pcache*, int nCachesize); + int (*xPagecount)(sqlite3_pcache*); + sqlite3_pcache_page *(*xFetch)(sqlite3_pcache*, unsigned key, int createFlag); + void (*xUnpin)(sqlite3_pcache*, sqlite3_pcache_page*, int discard); + void (*xRekey)(sqlite3_pcache*, sqlite3_pcache_page*, + unsigned oldKey, unsigned newKey); + void (*xTruncate)(sqlite3_pcache*, unsigned iLimit); + void (*xDestroy)(sqlite3_pcache*); + void (*xShrink)(sqlite3_pcache*); +}; + +/* +** This is the obsolete pcache_methods object that has now been replaced +** by sqlite3_pcache_methods2. This object is not used by SQLite. It is +** retained in the header file for backwards compatibility only. +*/ +typedef struct sqlite3_pcache_methods sqlite3_pcache_methods; +struct sqlite3_pcache_methods { + void *pArg; + int (*xInit)(void*); + void (*xShutdown)(void*); + sqlite3_pcache *(*xCreate)(int szPage, int bPurgeable); + void (*xCachesize)(sqlite3_pcache*, int nCachesize); + int (*xPagecount)(sqlite3_pcache*); + void *(*xFetch)(sqlite3_pcache*, unsigned key, int createFlag); + void (*xUnpin)(sqlite3_pcache*, void*, int discard); + void (*xRekey)(sqlite3_pcache*, void*, unsigned oldKey, unsigned newKey); + void (*xTruncate)(sqlite3_pcache*, unsigned iLimit); + void (*xDestroy)(sqlite3_pcache*); +}; + + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Online Backup Object +** +** The sqlite3_backup object records state information about an ongoing +** online backup operation. ^The sqlite3_backup object is created by +** a call to [sqlite3_backup_init()] and is destroyed by a call to +** [sqlite3_backup_finish()]. +** +** See Also: [Using the SQLite Online Backup API] +*/ +typedef struct sqlite3_backup sqlite3_backup; + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Online Backup API. +** +** The backup API copies the content of one database into another. +** It is useful either for creating backups of databases or +** for copying in-memory databases to or from persistent files. +** +** See Also: [Using the SQLite Online Backup API] +** +** ^SQLite holds a write transaction open on the destination database file +** for the duration of the backup operation. +** ^The source database is read-locked only while it is being read; +** it is not locked continuously for the entire backup operation. +** ^Thus, the backup may be performed on a live source database without +** preventing other database connections from +** reading or writing to the source database while the backup is underway. +** +** ^(To perform a backup operation: +**
  1. sqlite3_backup_init() is called once to initialize the +** backup, +**
  2. sqlite3_backup_step() is called one or more times to transfer +** the data between the two databases, and finally +**
  3. sqlite3_backup_finish() is called to release all resources +** associated with the backup operation. +**
)^ +** There should be exactly one call to sqlite3_backup_finish() for each +** successful call to sqlite3_backup_init(). +** +** [[sqlite3_backup_init()]] sqlite3_backup_init() +** +** ^The D and N arguments to sqlite3_backup_init(D,N,S,M) are the +** [database connection] associated with the destination database +** and the database name, respectively. +** ^The database name is "main" for the main database, "temp" for the +** temporary database, or the name specified after the AS keyword in +** an [ATTACH] statement for an attached database. +** ^The S and M arguments passed to +** sqlite3_backup_init(D,N,S,M) identify the [database connection] +** and database name of the source database, respectively. +** ^The source and destination [database connections] (parameters S and D) +** must be different or else sqlite3_backup_init(D,N,S,M) will fail with +** an error. +** +** ^If an error occurs within sqlite3_backup_init(D,N,S,M), then NULL is +** returned and an error code and error message are stored in the +** destination [database connection] D. +** ^The error code and message for the failed call to sqlite3_backup_init() +** can be retrieved using the [sqlite3_errcode()], [sqlite3_errmsg()], and/or +** [sqlite3_errmsg16()] functions. +** ^A successful call to sqlite3_backup_init() returns a pointer to an +** [sqlite3_backup] object. +** ^The [sqlite3_backup] object may be used with the sqlite3_backup_step() and +** sqlite3_backup_finish() functions to perform the specified backup +** operation. +** +** [[sqlite3_backup_step()]] sqlite3_backup_step() +** +** ^Function sqlite3_backup_step(B,N) will copy up to N pages between +** the source and destination databases specified by [sqlite3_backup] object B. +** ^If N is negative, all remaining source pages are copied. +** ^If sqlite3_backup_step(B,N) successfully copies N pages and there +** are still more pages to be copied, then the function returns [SQLITE_OK]. +** ^If sqlite3_backup_step(B,N) successfully finishes copying all pages +** from source to destination, then it returns [SQLITE_DONE]. +** ^If an error occurs while running sqlite3_backup_step(B,N), +** then an [error code] is returned. ^As well as [SQLITE_OK] and +** [SQLITE_DONE], a call to sqlite3_backup_step() may return [SQLITE_READONLY], +** [SQLITE_NOMEM], [SQLITE_BUSY], [SQLITE_LOCKED], or an +** [SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS | SQLITE_IOERR_XXX] extended error code. +** +** ^(The sqlite3_backup_step() might return [SQLITE_READONLY] if +**
  1. the destination database was opened read-only, or +**
  2. the destination database is using write-ahead-log journaling +** and the destination and source page sizes differ, or +**
  3. the destination database is an in-memory database and the +** destination and source page sizes differ. +**
)^ +** +** ^If sqlite3_backup_step() cannot obtain a required file-system lock, then +** the [sqlite3_busy_handler | busy-handler function] +** is invoked (if one is specified). ^If the +** busy-handler returns non-zero before the lock is available, then +** [SQLITE_BUSY] is returned to the caller. ^In this case the call to +** sqlite3_backup_step() can be retried later. ^If the source +** [database connection] +** is being used to write to the source database when sqlite3_backup_step() +** is called, then [SQLITE_LOCKED] is returned immediately. ^Again, in this +** case the call to sqlite3_backup_step() can be retried later on. ^(If +** [SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS | SQLITE_IOERR_XXX], [SQLITE_NOMEM], or +** [SQLITE_READONLY] is returned, then +** there is no point in retrying the call to sqlite3_backup_step(). These +** errors are considered fatal.)^ The application must accept +** that the backup operation has failed and pass the backup operation handle +** to the sqlite3_backup_finish() to release associated resources. +** +** ^The first call to sqlite3_backup_step() obtains an exclusive lock +** on the destination file. ^The exclusive lock is not released until either +** sqlite3_backup_finish() is called or the backup operation is complete +** and sqlite3_backup_step() returns [SQLITE_DONE]. ^Every call to +** sqlite3_backup_step() obtains a [shared lock] on the source database that +** lasts for the duration of the sqlite3_backup_step() call. +** ^Because the source database is not locked between calls to +** sqlite3_backup_step(), the source database may be modified mid-way +** through the backup process. ^If the source database is modified by an +** external process or via a database connection other than the one being +** used by the backup operation, then the backup will be automatically +** restarted by the next call to sqlite3_backup_step(). ^If the source +** database is modified by the using the same database connection as is used +** by the backup operation, then the backup database is automatically +** updated at the same time. +** +** [[sqlite3_backup_finish()]] sqlite3_backup_finish() +** +** When sqlite3_backup_step() has returned [SQLITE_DONE], or when the +** application wishes to abandon the backup operation, the application +** should destroy the [sqlite3_backup] by passing it to sqlite3_backup_finish(). +** ^The sqlite3_backup_finish() interfaces releases all +** resources associated with the [sqlite3_backup] object. +** ^If sqlite3_backup_step() has not yet returned [SQLITE_DONE], then any +** active write-transaction on the destination database is rolled back. +** The [sqlite3_backup] object is invalid +** and may not be used following a call to sqlite3_backup_finish(). +** +** ^The value returned by sqlite3_backup_finish is [SQLITE_OK] if no +** sqlite3_backup_step() errors occurred, regardless or whether or not +** sqlite3_backup_step() completed. +** ^If an out-of-memory condition or IO error occurred during any prior +** sqlite3_backup_step() call on the same [sqlite3_backup] object, then +** sqlite3_backup_finish() returns the corresponding [error code]. +** +** ^A return of [SQLITE_BUSY] or [SQLITE_LOCKED] from sqlite3_backup_step() +** is not a permanent error and does not affect the return value of +** sqlite3_backup_finish(). +** +** [[sqlite3_backup__remaining()]] [[sqlite3_backup_pagecount()]] +** sqlite3_backup_remaining() and sqlite3_backup_pagecount() +** +** ^Each call to sqlite3_backup_step() sets two values inside +** the [sqlite3_backup] object: the number of pages still to be backed +** up and the total number of pages in the source database file. +** The sqlite3_backup_remaining() and sqlite3_backup_pagecount() interfaces +** retrieve these two values, respectively. +** +** ^The values returned by these functions are only updated by +** sqlite3_backup_step(). ^If the source database is modified during a backup +** operation, then the values are not updated to account for any extra +** pages that need to be updated or the size of the source database file +** changing. +** +** Concurrent Usage of Database Handles +** +** ^The source [database connection] may be used by the application for other +** purposes while a backup operation is underway or being initialized. +** ^If SQLite is compiled and configured to support threadsafe database +** connections, then the source database connection may be used concurrently +** from within other threads. +** +** However, the application must guarantee that the destination +** [database connection] is not passed to any other API (by any thread) after +** sqlite3_backup_init() is called and before the corresponding call to +** sqlite3_backup_finish(). SQLite does not currently check to see +** if the application incorrectly accesses the destination [database connection] +** and so no error code is reported, but the operations may malfunction +** nevertheless. Use of the destination database connection while a +** backup is in progress might also also cause a mutex deadlock. +** +** If running in [shared cache mode], the application must +** guarantee that the shared cache used by the destination database +** is not accessed while the backup is running. In practice this means +** that the application must guarantee that the disk file being +** backed up to is not accessed by any connection within the process, +** not just the specific connection that was passed to sqlite3_backup_init(). +** +** The [sqlite3_backup] object itself is partially threadsafe. Multiple +** threads may safely make multiple concurrent calls to sqlite3_backup_step(). +** However, the sqlite3_backup_remaining() and sqlite3_backup_pagecount() +** APIs are not strictly speaking threadsafe. If they are invoked at the +** same time as another thread is invoking sqlite3_backup_step() it is +** possible that they return invalid values. +*/ +SQLITE_API sqlite3_backup *sqlite3_backup_init( + sqlite3 *pDest, /* Destination database handle */ + const char *zDestName, /* Destination database name */ + sqlite3 *pSource, /* Source database handle */ + const char *zSourceName /* Source database name */ +); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_backup_step(sqlite3_backup *p, int nPage); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_backup_finish(sqlite3_backup *p); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_backup_remaining(sqlite3_backup *p); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_backup_pagecount(sqlite3_backup *p); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Unlock Notification +** +** ^When running in shared-cache mode, a database operation may fail with +** an [SQLITE_LOCKED] error if the required locks on the shared-cache or +** individual tables within the shared-cache cannot be obtained. See +** [SQLite Shared-Cache Mode] for a description of shared-cache locking. +** ^This API may be used to register a callback that SQLite will invoke +** when the connection currently holding the required lock relinquishes it. +** ^This API is only available if the library was compiled with the +** [SQLITE_ENABLE_UNLOCK_NOTIFY] C-preprocessor symbol defined. +** +** See Also: [Using the SQLite Unlock Notification Feature]. +** +** ^Shared-cache locks are released when a database connection concludes +** its current transaction, either by committing it or rolling it back. +** +** ^When a connection (known as the blocked connection) fails to obtain a +** shared-cache lock and SQLITE_LOCKED is returned to the caller, the +** identity of the database connection (the blocking connection) that +** has locked the required resource is stored internally. ^After an +** application receives an SQLITE_LOCKED error, it may call the +** sqlite3_unlock_notify() method with the blocked connection handle as +** the first argument to register for a callback that will be invoked +** when the blocking connections current transaction is concluded. ^The +** callback is invoked from within the [sqlite3_step] or [sqlite3_close] +** call that concludes the blocking connections transaction. +** +** ^(If sqlite3_unlock_notify() is called in a multi-threaded application, +** there is a chance that the blocking connection will have already +** concluded its transaction by the time sqlite3_unlock_notify() is invoked. +** If this happens, then the specified callback is invoked immediately, +** from within the call to sqlite3_unlock_notify().)^ +** +** ^If the blocked connection is attempting to obtain a write-lock on a +** shared-cache table, and more than one other connection currently holds +** a read-lock on the same table, then SQLite arbitrarily selects one of +** the other connections to use as the blocking connection. +** +** ^(There may be at most one unlock-notify callback registered by a +** blocked connection. If sqlite3_unlock_notify() is called when the +** blocked connection already has a registered unlock-notify callback, +** then the new callback replaces the old.)^ ^If sqlite3_unlock_notify() is +** called with a NULL pointer as its second argument, then any existing +** unlock-notify callback is canceled. ^The blocked connections +** unlock-notify callback may also be canceled by closing the blocked +** connection using [sqlite3_close()]. +** +** The unlock-notify callback is not reentrant. If an application invokes +** any sqlite3_xxx API functions from within an unlock-notify callback, a +** crash or deadlock may be the result. +** +** ^Unless deadlock is detected (see below), sqlite3_unlock_notify() always +** returns SQLITE_OK. +** +** Callback Invocation Details +** +** When an unlock-notify callback is registered, the application provides a +** single void* pointer that is passed to the callback when it is invoked. +** However, the signature of the callback function allows SQLite to pass +** it an array of void* context pointers. The first argument passed to +** an unlock-notify callback is a pointer to an array of void* pointers, +** and the second is the number of entries in the array. +** +** When a blocking connections transaction is concluded, there may be +** more than one blocked connection that has registered for an unlock-notify +** callback. ^If two or more such blocked connections have specified the +** same callback function, then instead of invoking the callback function +** multiple times, it is invoked once with the set of void* context pointers +** specified by the blocked connections bundled together into an array. +** This gives the application an opportunity to prioritize any actions +** related to the set of unblocked database connections. +** +** Deadlock Detection +** +** Assuming that after registering for an unlock-notify callback a +** database waits for the callback to be issued before taking any further +** action (a reasonable assumption), then using this API may cause the +** application to deadlock. For example, if connection X is waiting for +** connection Y's transaction to be concluded, and similarly connection +** Y is waiting on connection X's transaction, then neither connection +** will proceed and the system may remain deadlocked indefinitely. +** +** To avoid this scenario, the sqlite3_unlock_notify() performs deadlock +** detection. ^If a given call to sqlite3_unlock_notify() would put the +** system in a deadlocked state, then SQLITE_LOCKED is returned and no +** unlock-notify callback is registered. The system is said to be in +** a deadlocked state if connection A has registered for an unlock-notify +** callback on the conclusion of connection B's transaction, and connection +** B has itself registered for an unlock-notify callback when connection +** A's transaction is concluded. ^Indirect deadlock is also detected, so +** the system is also considered to be deadlocked if connection B has +** registered for an unlock-notify callback on the conclusion of connection +** C's transaction, where connection C is waiting on connection A. ^Any +** number of levels of indirection are allowed. +** +** The "DROP TABLE" Exception +** +** When a call to [sqlite3_step()] returns SQLITE_LOCKED, it is almost +** always appropriate to call sqlite3_unlock_notify(). There is however, +** one exception. When executing a "DROP TABLE" or "DROP INDEX" statement, +** SQLite checks if there are any currently executing SELECT statements +** that belong to the same connection. If there are, SQLITE_LOCKED is +** returned. In this case there is no "blocking connection", so invoking +** sqlite3_unlock_notify() results in the unlock-notify callback being +** invoked immediately. If the application then re-attempts the "DROP TABLE" +** or "DROP INDEX" query, an infinite loop might be the result. +** +** One way around this problem is to check the extended error code returned +** by an sqlite3_step() call. ^(If there is a blocking connection, then the +** extended error code is set to SQLITE_LOCKED_SHAREDCACHE. Otherwise, in +** the special "DROP TABLE/INDEX" case, the extended error code is just +** SQLITE_LOCKED.)^ +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_unlock_notify( + sqlite3 *pBlocked, /* Waiting connection */ + void (*xNotify)(void **apArg, int nArg), /* Callback function to invoke */ + void *pNotifyArg /* Argument to pass to xNotify */ +); + + +/* +** CAPI3REF: String Comparison +** +** ^The [sqlite3_stricmp()] and [sqlite3_strnicmp()] APIs allow applications +** and extensions to compare the contents of two buffers containing UTF-8 +** strings in a case-independent fashion, using the same definition of "case +** independence" that SQLite uses internally when comparing identifiers. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_stricmp(const char *, const char *); +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_strnicmp(const char *, const char *, int); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Error Logging Interface +** +** ^The [sqlite3_log()] interface writes a message into the error log +** established by the [SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG] option to [sqlite3_config()]. +** ^If logging is enabled, the zFormat string and subsequent arguments are +** used with [sqlite3_snprintf()] to generate the final output string. +** +** The sqlite3_log() interface is intended for use by extensions such as +** virtual tables, collating functions, and SQL functions. While there is +** nothing to prevent an application from calling sqlite3_log(), doing so +** is considered bad form. +** +** The zFormat string must not be NULL. +** +** To avoid deadlocks and other threading problems, the sqlite3_log() routine +** will not use dynamically allocated memory. The log message is stored in +** a fixed-length buffer on the stack. If the log message is longer than +** a few hundred characters, it will be truncated to the length of the +** buffer. +*/ +SQLITE_API void sqlite3_log(int iErrCode, const char *zFormat, ...); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Write-Ahead Log Commit Hook +** +** ^The [sqlite3_wal_hook()] function is used to register a callback that +** will be invoked each time a database connection commits data to a +** [write-ahead log] (i.e. whenever a transaction is committed in +** [journal_mode | journal_mode=WAL mode]). +** +** ^The callback is invoked by SQLite after the commit has taken place and +** the associated write-lock on the database released, so the implementation +** may read, write or [checkpoint] the database as required. +** +** ^The first parameter passed to the callback function when it is invoked +** is a copy of the third parameter passed to sqlite3_wal_hook() when +** registering the callback. ^The second is a copy of the database handle. +** ^The third parameter is the name of the database that was written to - +** either "main" or the name of an [ATTACH]-ed database. ^The fourth parameter +** is the number of pages currently in the write-ahead log file, +** including those that were just committed. +** +** The callback function should normally return [SQLITE_OK]. ^If an error +** code is returned, that error will propagate back up through the +** SQLite code base to cause the statement that provoked the callback +** to report an error, though the commit will have still occurred. If the +** callback returns [SQLITE_ROW] or [SQLITE_DONE], or if it returns a value +** that does not correspond to any valid SQLite error code, the results +** are undefined. +** +** A single database handle may have at most a single write-ahead log callback +** registered at one time. ^Calling [sqlite3_wal_hook()] replaces any +** previously registered write-ahead log callback. ^Note that the +** [sqlite3_wal_autocheckpoint()] interface and the +** [wal_autocheckpoint pragma] both invoke [sqlite3_wal_hook()] and will +** those overwrite any prior [sqlite3_wal_hook()] settings. +*/ +SQLITE_API void *sqlite3_wal_hook( + sqlite3*, + int(*)(void *,sqlite3*,const char*,int), + void* +); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Configure an auto-checkpoint +** +** ^The [sqlite3_wal_autocheckpoint(D,N)] is a wrapper around +** [sqlite3_wal_hook()] that causes any database on [database connection] D +** to automatically [checkpoint] +** after committing a transaction if there are N or +** more frames in the [write-ahead log] file. ^Passing zero or +** a negative value as the nFrame parameter disables automatic +** checkpoints entirely. +** +** ^The callback registered by this function replaces any existing callback +** registered using [sqlite3_wal_hook()]. ^Likewise, registering a callback +** using [sqlite3_wal_hook()] disables the automatic checkpoint mechanism +** configured by this function. +** +** ^The [wal_autocheckpoint pragma] can be used to invoke this interface +** from SQL. +** +** ^Every new [database connection] defaults to having the auto-checkpoint +** enabled with a threshold of 1000 or [SQLITE_DEFAULT_WAL_AUTOCHECKPOINT] +** pages. The use of this interface +** is only necessary if the default setting is found to be suboptimal +** for a particular application. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_wal_autocheckpoint(sqlite3 *db, int N); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Checkpoint a database +** +** ^The [sqlite3_wal_checkpoint(D,X)] interface causes database named X +** on [database connection] D to be [checkpointed]. ^If X is NULL or an +** empty string, then a checkpoint is run on all databases of +** connection D. ^If the database connection D is not in +** [WAL | write-ahead log mode] then this interface is a harmless no-op. +** +** ^The [wal_checkpoint pragma] can be used to invoke this interface +** from SQL. ^The [sqlite3_wal_autocheckpoint()] interface and the +** [wal_autocheckpoint pragma] can be used to cause this interface to be +** run whenever the WAL reaches a certain size threshold. +** +** See also: [sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2()] +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_wal_checkpoint(sqlite3 *db, const char *zDb); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Checkpoint a database +** +** Run a checkpoint operation on WAL database zDb attached to database +** handle db. The specific operation is determined by the value of the +** eMode parameter: +** +**
+** Checkpoint as many frames as possible without waiting for any database +** readers or writers to finish. Sync the db file if all frames in the log +** are checkpointed. This mode is the same as calling +** sqlite3_wal_checkpoint(). The busy-handler callback is never invoked. +** +**
+** This mode blocks (calls the busy-handler callback) until there is no +** database writer and all readers are reading from the most recent database +** snapshot. It then checkpoints all frames in the log file and syncs the +** database file. This call blocks database writers while it is running, +** but not database readers. +** +**
+** This mode works the same way as SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_FULL, except after +** checkpointing the log file it blocks (calls the busy-handler callback) +** until all readers are reading from the database file only. This ensures +** that the next client to write to the database file restarts the log file +** from the beginning. This call blocks database writers while it is running, +** but not database readers. +**
+** +** If pnLog is not NULL, then *pnLog is set to the total number of frames in +** the log file before returning. If pnCkpt is not NULL, then *pnCkpt is set to +** the total number of checkpointed frames (including any that were already +** checkpointed when this function is called). *pnLog and *pnCkpt may be +** populated even if sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2() returns other than SQLITE_OK. +** If no values are available because of an error, they are both set to -1 +** before returning to communicate this to the caller. +** +** All calls obtain an exclusive "checkpoint" lock on the database file. If +** any other process is running a checkpoint operation at the same time, the +** lock cannot be obtained and SQLITE_BUSY is returned. Even if there is a +** busy-handler configured, it will not be invoked in this case. +** +** The SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_FULL and RESTART modes also obtain the exclusive +** "writer" lock on the database file. If the writer lock cannot be obtained +** immediately, and a busy-handler is configured, it is invoked and the writer +** lock retried until either the busy-handler returns 0 or the lock is +** successfully obtained. The busy-handler is also invoked while waiting for +** database readers as described above. If the busy-handler returns 0 before +** the writer lock is obtained or while waiting for database readers, the +** checkpoint operation proceeds from that point in the same way as +** SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE - checkpointing as many frames as possible +** without blocking any further. SQLITE_BUSY is returned in this case. +** +** If parameter zDb is NULL or points to a zero length string, then the +** specified operation is attempted on all WAL databases. In this case the +** values written to output parameters *pnLog and *pnCkpt are undefined. If +** an SQLITE_BUSY error is encountered when processing one or more of the +** attached WAL databases, the operation is still attempted on any remaining +** attached databases and SQLITE_BUSY is returned to the caller. If any other +** error occurs while processing an attached database, processing is abandoned +** and the error code returned to the caller immediately. If no error +** (SQLITE_BUSY or otherwise) is encountered while processing the attached +** databases, SQLITE_OK is returned. +** +** If database zDb is the name of an attached database that is not in WAL +** mode, SQLITE_OK is returned and both *pnLog and *pnCkpt set to -1. If +** zDb is not NULL (or a zero length string) and is not the name of any +** attached database, SQLITE_ERROR is returned to the caller. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2( + sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */ + const char *zDb, /* Name of attached database (or NULL) */ + int eMode, /* SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_* value */ + int *pnLog, /* OUT: Size of WAL log in frames */ + int *pnCkpt /* OUT: Total number of frames checkpointed */ +); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Checkpoint operation parameters +** +** These constants can be used as the 3rd parameter to +** [sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2()]. See the [sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2()] +** documentation for additional information about the meaning and use of +** each of these values. +*/ +#define SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE 0 +#define SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_FULL 1 +#define SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_RESTART 2 + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Virtual Table Interface Configuration +** +** This function may be called by either the [xConnect] or [xCreate] method +** of a [virtual table] implementation to configure +** various facets of the virtual table interface. +** +** If this interface is invoked outside the context of an xConnect or +** xCreate virtual table method then the behavior is undefined. +** +** At present, there is only one option that may be configured using +** this function. (See [SQLITE_VTAB_CONSTRAINT_SUPPORT].) Further options +** may be added in the future. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_vtab_config(sqlite3*, int op, ...); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Virtual Table Configuration Options +** +** These macros define the various options to the +** [sqlite3_vtab_config()] interface that [virtual table] implementations +** can use to customize and optimize their behavior. +** +**
Calls of the form +** [sqlite3_vtab_config](db,SQLITE_VTAB_CONSTRAINT_SUPPORT,X) are supported, +** where X is an integer. If X is zero, then the [virtual table] whose +** [xCreate] or [xConnect] method invoked [sqlite3_vtab_config()] does not +** support constraints. In this configuration (which is the default) if +** a call to the [xUpdate] method returns [SQLITE_CONSTRAINT], then the entire +** statement is rolled back as if [ON CONFLICT | OR ABORT] had been +** specified as part of the users SQL statement, regardless of the actual +** ON CONFLICT mode specified. +** +** If X is non-zero, then the virtual table implementation guarantees +** that if [xUpdate] returns [SQLITE_CONSTRAINT], it will do so before +** any modifications to internal or persistent data structures have been made. +** If the [ON CONFLICT] mode is ABORT, FAIL, IGNORE or ROLLBACK, SQLite +** is able to roll back a statement or database transaction, and abandon +** or continue processing the current SQL statement as appropriate. +** If the ON CONFLICT mode is REPLACE and the [xUpdate] method returns +** [SQLITE_CONSTRAINT], SQLite handles this as if the ON CONFLICT mode +** had been ABORT. +** +** Virtual table implementations that are required to handle OR REPLACE +** must do so within the [xUpdate] method. If a call to the +** [sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict()] function indicates that the current ON +** CONFLICT policy is REPLACE, the virtual table implementation should +** silently replace the appropriate rows within the xUpdate callback and +** return SQLITE_OK. Or, if this is not possible, it may return +** SQLITE_CONSTRAINT, in which case SQLite falls back to OR ABORT +** constraint handling. +**
+*/ +#define SQLITE_VTAB_CONSTRAINT_SUPPORT 1 + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Determine The Virtual Table Conflict Policy +** +** This function may only be called from within a call to the [xUpdate] method +** of a [virtual table] implementation for an INSERT or UPDATE operation. ^The +** value returned is one of [SQLITE_ROLLBACK], [SQLITE_IGNORE], [SQLITE_FAIL], +** [SQLITE_ABORT], or [SQLITE_REPLACE], according to the [ON CONFLICT] mode +** of the SQL statement that triggered the call to the [xUpdate] method of the +** [virtual table]. +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict(sqlite3 *); + +/* +** CAPI3REF: Conflict resolution modes +** +** These constants are returned by [sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict()] to +** inform a [virtual table] implementation what the [ON CONFLICT] mode +** is for the SQL statement being evaluated. +** +** Note that the [SQLITE_IGNORE] constant is also used as a potential +** return value from the [sqlite3_set_authorizer()] callback and that +** [SQLITE_ABORT] is also a [result code]. +*/ +#define SQLITE_ROLLBACK 1 +/* #define SQLITE_IGNORE 2 // Also used by sqlite3_authorizer() callback */ +#define SQLITE_FAIL 3 +/* #define SQLITE_ABORT 4 // Also an error code */ +#define SQLITE_REPLACE 5 + + + +/* +** Undo the hack that converts floating point types to integer for +** builds on processors without floating point support. +*/ +#ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_FLOATING_POINT +# undef double +#endif + +#if 0 +} /* End of the 'extern "C"' block */ +#endif +#endif + +/* +** 2010 August 30 +** +** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of +** a legal notice, here is a blessing: +** +** May you do good and not evil. +** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. +** May you share freely, never taking more than you give. +** +************************************************************************* +*/ + +#ifndef _SQLITE3RTREE_H_ +#define _SQLITE3RTREE_H_ + + +#if 0 +extern "C" { +#endif + +typedef struct sqlite3_rtree_geometry sqlite3_rtree_geometry; + +/* +** Register a geometry callback named zGeom that can be used as part of an +** R-Tree geometry query as follows: +** +** SELECT ... FROM WHERE MATCH $zGeom(... params ...) +*/ +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_rtree_geometry_callback( + sqlite3 *db, + const char *zGeom, +#ifdef SQLITE_RTREE_INT_ONLY + int (*xGeom)(sqlite3_rtree_geometry*, int n, sqlite3_int64 *a, int *pRes), +#else + int (*xGeom)(sqlite3_rtree_geometry*, int n, double *a, int *pRes), +#endif + void *pContext +); + + +/* +** A pointer to a structure of the following type is passed as the first +** argument to callbacks registered using rtree_geometry_callback(). +*/ +struct sqlite3_rtree_geometry { + void *pContext; /* Copy of pContext passed to s_r_g_c() */ + int nParam; /* Size of array aParam[] */ + double *aParam; /* Parameters passed to SQL geom function */ + void *pUser; /* Callback implementation user data */ + void (*xDelUser)(void *); /* Called by SQLite to clean up pUser */ +}; + + +#if 0 +} /* end of the 'extern "C"' block */ +#endif + +#endif /* ifndef _SQLITE3RTREE_H_ */ + + +/************** End of sqlite3.h *********************************************/ +/************** Continuing where we left off in sqliteInt.h ******************/ +/************** Include hash.h in the middle of sqliteInt.h ******************/ +/************** Begin file hash.h ********************************************/ +/* +** 2001 September 22 +** +** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of +** a legal notice, here is a blessing: +** +** May you do good and not evil. +** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. +** May you share freely, never taking more than you give. +** +************************************************************************* +** This is the header file for the generic hash-table implementation +** used in SQLite. +*/ +#ifndef _SQLITE_HASH_H_ +#define _SQLITE_HASH_H_ + +/* Forward declarations of structures. */ +typedef struct Hash Hash; +typedef struct HashElem HashElem; + +/* A complete hash table is an instance of the following structure. +** The internals of this structure are intended to be opaque -- client +** code should not attempt to access or modify the fields of this structure +** directly. Change this structure only by using the routines below. +** However, some of the "procedures" and "functions" for modifying and +** accessing this structure are really macros, so we can't really make +** this structure opaque. +** +** All elements of the hash table are on a single doubly-linked list. +** Hash.first points to the head of this list. +** +** There are Hash.htsize buckets. Each bucket points to a spot in +** the global doubly-linked list. The contents of the bucket are the +** element pointed to plus the next _ht.count-1 elements in the list. +** +** Hash.htsize and Hash.ht may be zero. In that case lookup is done +** by a linear search of the global list. For small tables, the +** Hash.ht table is never allocated because if there are few elements +** in the table, it is faster to do a linear search than to manage +** the hash table. +*/ +struct Hash { + unsigned int htsize; /* Number of buckets in the hash table */ + unsigned int count; /* Number of entries in this table */ + HashElem *first; /* The first element of the array */ + struct _ht { /* the hash table */ + int count; /* Number of entries with this hash */ + HashElem *chain; /* Pointer to first entry with this hash */ + } *ht; +}; + +/* Each element in the hash table is an instance of the following +** structure. All elements are stored on a single doubly-linked list. +** +** Again, this structure is intended to be opaque, but it can't really +** be opaque because it is used by macros. +*/ +struct HashElem { + HashElem *next, *prev; /* Next and previous elements in the table */ + void *data; /* Data associated with this element */ + const char *pKey; int nKey; /* Key associated with this element */ +}; + +/* +** Access routines. To delete, insert a NULL pointer. +*/ +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3HashInit(Hash*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3HashInsert(Hash*, const char *pKey, int nKey, void *pData); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3HashFind(const Hash*, const char *pKey, int nKey); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3HashClear(Hash*); + +/* +** Macros for looping over all elements of a hash table. The idiom is +** like this: +** +** Hash h; +** HashElem *p; +** ... +** for(p=sqliteHashFirst(&h); p; p=sqliteHashNext(p)){ +** SomeStructure *pData = sqliteHashData(p); +** // do something with pData +** } +*/ +#define sqliteHashFirst(H) ((H)->first) +#define sqliteHashNext(E) ((E)->next) +#define sqliteHashData(E) ((E)->data) +/* #define sqliteHashKey(E) ((E)->pKey) // NOT USED */ +/* #define sqliteHashKeysize(E) ((E)->nKey) // NOT USED */ + +/* +** Number of entries in a hash table +*/ +/* #define sqliteHashCount(H) ((H)->count) // NOT USED */ + +#endif /* _SQLITE_HASH_H_ */ + +/************** End of hash.h ************************************************/ +/************** Continuing where we left off in sqliteInt.h ******************/ +/************** Include parse.h in the middle of sqliteInt.h *****************/ +/************** Begin file parse.h *******************************************/ +#define TK_SEMI 1 +#define TK_EXPLAIN 2 +#define TK_QUERY 3 +#define TK_PLAN 4 +#define TK_BEGIN 5 +#define TK_TRANSACTION 6 +#define TK_DEFERRED 7 +#define TK_IMMEDIATE 8 +#define TK_EXCLUSIVE 9 +#define TK_COMMIT 10 +#define TK_END 11 +#define TK_ROLLBACK 12 +#define TK_SAVEPOINT 13 +#define TK_RELEASE 14 +#define TK_TO 15 +#define TK_TABLE 16 +#define TK_CREATE 17 +#define TK_IF 18 +#define TK_NOT 19 +#define TK_EXISTS 20 +#define TK_TEMP 21 +#define TK_LP 22 +#define TK_RP 23 +#define TK_AS 24 +#define TK_COMMA 25 +#define TK_ID 26 +#define TK_INDEXED 27 +#define TK_ABORT 28 +#define TK_ACTION 29 +#define TK_AFTER 30 +#define TK_ANALYZE 31 +#define TK_ASC 32 +#define TK_ATTACH 33 +#define TK_BEFORE 34 +#define TK_BY 35 +#define TK_CASCADE 36 +#define TK_CAST 37 +#define TK_COLUMNKW 38 +#define TK_CONFLICT 39 +#define TK_DATABASE 40 +#define TK_DESC 41 +#define TK_DETACH 42 +#define TK_EACH 43 +#define TK_FAIL 44 +#define TK_FOR 45 +#define TK_IGNORE 46 +#define TK_INITIALLY 47 +#define TK_INSTEAD 48 +#define TK_LIKE_KW 49 +#define TK_MATCH 50 +#define TK_NO 51 +#define TK_KEY 52 +#define TK_OF 53 +#define TK_OFFSET 54 +#define TK_PRAGMA 55 +#define TK_RAISE 56 +#define TK_REPLACE 57 +#define TK_RESTRICT 58 +#define TK_ROW 59 +#define TK_TRIGGER 60 +#define TK_VACUUM 61 +#define TK_VIEW 62 +#define TK_VIRTUAL 63 +#define TK_REINDEX 64 +#define TK_RENAME 65 +#define TK_CTIME_KW 66 +#define TK_ANY 67 +#define TK_OR 68 +#define TK_AND 69 +#define TK_IS 70 +#define TK_BETWEEN 71 +#define TK_IN 72 +#define TK_ISNULL 73 +#define TK_NOTNULL 74 +#define TK_NE 75 +#define TK_EQ 76 +#define TK_GT 77 +#define TK_LE 78 +#define TK_LT 79 +#define TK_GE 80 +#define TK_ESCAPE 81 +#define TK_BITAND 82 +#define TK_BITOR 83 +#define TK_LSHIFT 84 +#define TK_RSHIFT 85 +#define TK_PLUS 86 +#define TK_MINUS 87 +#define TK_STAR 88 +#define TK_SLASH 89 +#define TK_REM 90 +#define TK_CONCAT 91 +#define TK_COLLATE 92 +#define TK_BITNOT 93 +#define TK_STRING 94 +#define TK_JOIN_KW 95 +#define TK_CONSTRAINT 96 +#define TK_DEFAULT 97 +#define TK_NULL 98 +#define TK_PRIMARY 99 +#define TK_UNIQUE 100 +#define TK_CHECK 101 +#define TK_REFERENCES 102 +#define TK_AUTOINCR 103 +#define TK_ON 104 +#define TK_INSERT 105 +#define TK_DELETE 106 +#define TK_UPDATE 107 +#define TK_SET 108 +#define TK_DEFERRABLE 109 +#define TK_FOREIGN 110 +#define TK_DROP 111 +#define TK_UNION 112 +#define TK_ALL 113 +#define TK_EXCEPT 114 +#define TK_INTERSECT 115 +#define TK_SELECT 116 +#define TK_DISTINCT 117 +#define TK_DOT 118 +#define TK_FROM 119 +#define TK_JOIN 120 +#define TK_USING 121 +#define TK_ORDER 122 +#define TK_GROUP 123 +#define TK_HAVING 124 +#define TK_LIMIT 125 +#define TK_WHERE 126 +#define TK_INTO 127 +#define TK_VALUES 128 +#define TK_INTEGER 129 +#define TK_FLOAT 130 +#define TK_BLOB 131 +#define TK_REGISTER 132 +#define TK_VARIABLE 133 +#define TK_CASE 134 +#define TK_WHEN 135 +#define TK_THEN 136 +#define TK_ELSE 137 +#define TK_INDEX 138 +#define TK_ALTER 139 +#define TK_ADD 140 +#define TK_TO_TEXT 141 +#define TK_TO_BLOB 142 +#define TK_TO_NUMERIC 143 +#define TK_TO_INT 144 +#define TK_TO_REAL 145 +#define TK_ISNOT 146 +#define TK_END_OF_FILE 147 +#define TK_ILLEGAL 148 +#define TK_SPACE 149 +#define TK_UNCLOSED_STRING 150 +#define TK_FUNCTION 151 +#define TK_COLUMN 152 +#define TK_AGG_FUNCTION 153 +#define TK_AGG_COLUMN 154 +#define TK_CONST_FUNC 155 +#define TK_UMINUS 156 +#define TK_UPLUS 157 + +/************** End of parse.h ***********************************************/ +/************** Continuing where we left off in sqliteInt.h ******************/ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/* +** If compiling for a processor that lacks floating point support, +** substitute integer for floating-point +*/ +#ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_FLOATING_POINT +# define double sqlite_int64 +# define float sqlite_int64 +# define LONGDOUBLE_TYPE sqlite_int64 +# ifndef SQLITE_BIG_DBL +# define SQLITE_BIG_DBL (((sqlite3_int64)1)<<50) +# endif +# define SQLITE_OMIT_DATETIME_FUNCS 1 +# define SQLITE_OMIT_TRACE 1 +# undef SQLITE_MIXED_ENDIAN_64BIT_FLOAT +# undef SQLITE_HAVE_ISNAN +#endif +#ifndef SQLITE_BIG_DBL +# define SQLITE_BIG_DBL (1e99) +#endif + +/* +** OMIT_TEMPDB is set to 1 if SQLITE_OMIT_TEMPDB is defined, or 0 +** afterward. Having this macro allows us to cause the C compiler +** to omit code used by TEMP tables without messy #ifndef statements. +*/ +#ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_TEMPDB +#define OMIT_TEMPDB 1 +#else +#define OMIT_TEMPDB 0 +#endif + +/* +** The "file format" number is an integer that is incremented whenever +** the VDBE-level file format changes. The following macros define the +** the default file format for new databases and the maximum file format +** that the library can read. +*/ +#define SQLITE_MAX_FILE_FORMAT 4 +#ifndef SQLITE_DEFAULT_FILE_FORMAT +# define SQLITE_DEFAULT_FILE_FORMAT 4 +#endif + +/* +** Determine whether triggers are recursive by default. This can be +** changed at run-time using a pragma. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_DEFAULT_RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS +# define SQLITE_DEFAULT_RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS 0 +#endif + +/* +** Provide a default value for SQLITE_TEMP_STORE in case it is not specified +** on the command-line +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_TEMP_STORE +# define SQLITE_TEMP_STORE 1 +#endif + +/* +** GCC does not define the offsetof() macro so we'll have to do it +** ourselves. +*/ +#ifndef offsetof +#define offsetof(STRUCTURE,FIELD) ((int)((char*)&((STRUCTURE*)0)->FIELD)) +#endif + +/* +** Check to see if this machine uses EBCDIC. (Yes, believe it or +** not, there are still machines out there that use EBCDIC.) +*/ +#if 'A' == '\301' +# define SQLITE_EBCDIC 1 +#else +# define SQLITE_ASCII 1 +#endif + +/* +** Integers of known sizes. These typedefs might change for architectures +** where the sizes very. Preprocessor macros are available so that the +** types can be conveniently redefined at compile-type. Like this: +** +** cc '-DUINTPTR_TYPE=long long int' ... +*/ +#ifndef UINT32_TYPE +# ifdef HAVE_UINT32_T +# define UINT32_TYPE uint32_t +# else +# define UINT32_TYPE unsigned int +# endif +#endif +#ifndef UINT16_TYPE +# ifdef HAVE_UINT16_T +# define UINT16_TYPE uint16_t +# else +# define UINT16_TYPE unsigned short int +# endif +#endif +#ifndef INT16_TYPE +# ifdef HAVE_INT16_T +# define INT16_TYPE int16_t +# else +# define INT16_TYPE short int +# endif +#endif +#ifndef UINT8_TYPE +# ifdef HAVE_UINT8_T +# define UINT8_TYPE uint8_t +# else +# define UINT8_TYPE unsigned char +# endif +#endif +#ifndef INT8_TYPE +# ifdef HAVE_INT8_T +# define INT8_TYPE int8_t +# else +# define INT8_TYPE signed char +# endif +#endif +#ifndef LONGDOUBLE_TYPE +# define LONGDOUBLE_TYPE long double +#endif +typedef sqlite_int64 i64; /* 8-byte signed integer */ +typedef sqlite_uint64 u64; /* 8-byte unsigned integer */ +typedef UINT32_TYPE u32; /* 4-byte unsigned integer */ +typedef UINT16_TYPE u16; /* 2-byte unsigned integer */ +typedef INT16_TYPE i16; /* 2-byte signed integer */ +typedef UINT8_TYPE u8; /* 1-byte unsigned integer */ +typedef INT8_TYPE i8; /* 1-byte signed integer */ + +/* +** SQLITE_MAX_U32 is a u64 constant that is the maximum u64 value +** that can be stored in a u32 without loss of data. The value +** is 0x00000000ffffffff. But because of quirks of some compilers, we +** have to specify the value in the less intuitive manner shown: +*/ +#define SQLITE_MAX_U32 ((((u64)1)<<32)-1) + +/* +** The datatype used to store estimates of the number of rows in a +** table or index. This is an unsigned integer type. For 99.9% of +** the world, a 32-bit integer is sufficient. But a 64-bit integer +** can be used at compile-time if desired. +*/ +#ifdef SQLITE_64BIT_STATS + typedef u64 tRowcnt; /* 64-bit only if requested at compile-time */ +#else + typedef u32 tRowcnt; /* 32-bit is the default */ +#endif + +/* +** Macros to determine whether the machine is big or little endian, +** evaluated at runtime. +*/ +#ifdef SQLITE_AMALGAMATION +SQLITE_PRIVATE const int sqlite3one = 1; +#else +SQLITE_PRIVATE const int sqlite3one; +#endif +#if defined(i386) || defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86)\ + || defined(__x86_64) || defined(__x86_64__) +# define SQLITE_BIGENDIAN 0 +# define SQLITE_LITTLEENDIAN 1 +# define SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE SQLITE_UTF16LE +#else +# define SQLITE_BIGENDIAN (*(char *)(&sqlite3one)==0) +# define SQLITE_LITTLEENDIAN (*(char *)(&sqlite3one)==1) +# define SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE (SQLITE_BIGENDIAN?SQLITE_UTF16BE:SQLITE_UTF16LE) +#endif + +/* +** Constants for the largest and smallest possible 64-bit signed integers. +** These macros are designed to work correctly on both 32-bit and 64-bit +** compilers. +*/ +#define LARGEST_INT64 (0xffffffff|(((i64)0x7fffffff)<<32)) +#define SMALLEST_INT64 (((i64)-1) - LARGEST_INT64) + +/* +** Round up a number to the next larger multiple of 8. This is used +** to force 8-byte alignment on 64-bit architectures. +*/ +#define ROUND8(x) (((x)+7)&~7) + +/* +** Round down to the nearest multiple of 8 +*/ +#define ROUNDDOWN8(x) ((x)&~7) + +/* +** Assert that the pointer X is aligned to an 8-byte boundary. This +** macro is used only within assert() to verify that the code gets +** all alignment restrictions correct. +** +** Except, if SQLITE_4_BYTE_ALIGNED_MALLOC is defined, then the +** underlying malloc() implemention might return us 4-byte aligned +** pointers. In that case, only verify 4-byte alignment. +*/ +#ifdef SQLITE_4_BYTE_ALIGNED_MALLOC +# define EIGHT_BYTE_ALIGNMENT(X) ((((char*)(X) - (char*)0)&3)==0) +#else +# define EIGHT_BYTE_ALIGNMENT(X) ((((char*)(X) - (char*)0)&7)==0) +#endif + + +/* +** An instance of the following structure is used to store the busy-handler +** callback for a given sqlite handle. +** +** The sqlite.busyHandler member of the sqlite struct contains the busy +** callback for the database handle. Each pager opened via the sqlite +** handle is passed a pointer to sqlite.busyHandler. The busy-handler +** callback is currently invoked only from within pager.c. +*/ +typedef struct BusyHandler BusyHandler; +struct BusyHandler { + int (*xFunc)(void *,int); /* The busy callback */ + void *pArg; /* First arg to busy callback */ + int nBusy; /* Incremented with each busy call */ +}; + +/* +** Name of the master database table. The master database table +** is a special table that holds the names and attributes of all +** user tables and indices. +*/ +#define MASTER_NAME "sqlite_master" +#define TEMP_MASTER_NAME "sqlite_temp_master" + +/* +** The root-page of the master database table. +*/ +#define MASTER_ROOT 1 + +/* +** The name of the schema table. +*/ +#define SCHEMA_TABLE(x) ((!OMIT_TEMPDB)&&(x==1)?TEMP_MASTER_NAME:MASTER_NAME) + +/* +** A convenience macro that returns the number of elements in +** an array. +*/ +#define ArraySize(X) ((int)(sizeof(X)/sizeof(X[0]))) + +/* +** Determine if the argument is a power of two +*/ +#define IsPowerOfTwo(X) (((X)&((X)-1))==0) + +/* +** The following value as a destructor means to use sqlite3DbFree(). +** The sqlite3DbFree() routine requires two parameters instead of the +** one parameter that destructors normally want. So we have to introduce +** this magic value that the code knows to handle differently. Any +** pointer will work here as long as it is distinct from SQLITE_STATIC +** and SQLITE_TRANSIENT. +*/ +#define SQLITE_DYNAMIC ((sqlite3_destructor_type)sqlite3MallocSize) + +/* +** When SQLITE_OMIT_WSD is defined, it means that the target platform does +** not support Writable Static Data (WSD) such as global and static variables. +** All variables must either be on the stack or dynamically allocated from +** the heap. When WSD is unsupported, the variable declarations scattered +** throughout the SQLite code must become constants instead. The SQLITE_WSD +** macro is used for this purpose. And instead of referencing the variable +** directly, we use its constant as a key to lookup the run-time allocated +** buffer that holds real variable. The constant is also the initializer +** for the run-time allocated buffer. +** +** In the usual case where WSD is supported, the SQLITE_WSD and GLOBAL +** macros become no-ops and have zero performance impact. +*/ +#ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_WSD + #define SQLITE_WSD const + #define GLOBAL(t,v) (*(t*)sqlite3_wsd_find((void*)&(v), sizeof(v))) + #define sqlite3GlobalConfig GLOBAL(struct Sqlite3Config, sqlite3Config) +SQLITE_API int sqlite3_wsd_init(int N, int J); +SQLITE_API void *sqlite3_wsd_find(void *K, int L); +#else + #define SQLITE_WSD + #define GLOBAL(t,v) v + #define sqlite3GlobalConfig sqlite3Config +#endif + +/* +** The following macros are used to suppress compiler warnings and to +** make it clear to human readers when a function parameter is deliberately +** left unused within the body of a function. This usually happens when +** a function is called via a function pointer. For example the +** implementation of an SQL aggregate step callback may not use the +** parameter indicating the number of arguments passed to the aggregate, +** if it knows that this is enforced elsewhere. +** +** When a function parameter is not used at all within the body of a function, +** it is generally named "NotUsed" or "NotUsed2" to make things even clearer. +** However, these macros may also be used to suppress warnings related to +** parameters that may or may not be used depending on compilation options. +** For example those parameters only used in assert() statements. In these +** cases the parameters are named as per the usual conventions. +*/ +#define UNUSED_PARAMETER(x) (void)(x) +#define UNUSED_PARAMETER2(x,y) UNUSED_PARAMETER(x),UNUSED_PARAMETER(y) + +/* +** Forward references to structures +*/ +typedef struct AggInfo AggInfo; +typedef struct AuthContext AuthContext; +typedef struct AutoincInfo AutoincInfo; +typedef struct Bitvec Bitvec; +typedef struct CollSeq CollSeq; +typedef struct Column Column; +typedef struct Db Db; +typedef struct Schema Schema; +typedef struct Expr Expr; +typedef struct ExprList ExprList; +typedef struct ExprSpan ExprSpan; +typedef struct FKey FKey; +typedef struct FuncDestructor FuncDestructor; +typedef struct FuncDef FuncDef; +typedef struct FuncDefHash FuncDefHash; +typedef struct IdList IdList; +typedef struct Index Index; +typedef struct IndexSample IndexSample; +typedef struct KeyClass KeyClass; +typedef struct KeyInfo KeyInfo; +typedef struct Lookaside Lookaside; +typedef struct LookasideSlot LookasideSlot; +typedef struct Module Module; +typedef struct NameContext NameContext; +typedef struct Parse Parse; +typedef struct RowSet RowSet; +typedef struct Savepoint Savepoint; +typedef struct Select Select; +typedef struct SelectDest SelectDest; +typedef struct SrcList SrcList; +typedef struct StrAccum StrAccum; +typedef struct Table Table; +typedef struct TableLock TableLock; +typedef struct Token Token; +typedef struct Trigger Trigger; +typedef struct TriggerPrg TriggerPrg; +typedef struct TriggerStep TriggerStep; +typedef struct UnpackedRecord UnpackedRecord; +typedef struct VTable VTable; +typedef struct VtabCtx VtabCtx; +typedef struct Walker Walker; +typedef struct WherePlan WherePlan; +typedef struct WhereInfo WhereInfo; +typedef struct WhereLevel WhereLevel; + +/* +** Defer sourcing vdbe.h and btree.h until after the "u8" and +** "BusyHandler" typedefs. vdbe.h also requires a few of the opaque +** pointer types (i.e. FuncDef) defined above. +*/ +/************** Include btree.h in the middle of sqliteInt.h *****************/ +/************** Begin file btree.h *******************************************/ +/* +** 2001 September 15 +** +** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of +** a legal notice, here is a blessing: +** +** May you do good and not evil. +** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. +** May you share freely, never taking more than you give. +** +************************************************************************* +** This header file defines the interface that the sqlite B-Tree file +** subsystem. See comments in the source code for a detailed description +** of what each interface routine does. +*/ +#ifndef _BTREE_H_ +#define _BTREE_H_ + +/* TODO: This definition is just included so other modules compile. It +** needs to be revisited. +*/ +#define SQLITE_N_BTREE_META 10 + +/* +** If defined as non-zero, auto-vacuum is enabled by default. Otherwise +** it must be turned on for each database using "PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 1". +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_DEFAULT_AUTOVACUUM + #define SQLITE_DEFAULT_AUTOVACUUM 0 +#endif + +#define BTREE_AUTOVACUUM_NONE 0 /* Do not do auto-vacuum */ +#define BTREE_AUTOVACUUM_FULL 1 /* Do full auto-vacuum */ +#define BTREE_AUTOVACUUM_INCR 2 /* Incremental vacuum */ + +/* +** Forward declarations of structure +*/ +typedef struct Btree Btree; +typedef struct BtCursor BtCursor; +typedef struct BtShared BtShared; + + +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeOpen( + sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, /* VFS to use with this b-tree */ + const char *zFilename, /* Name of database file to open */ + sqlite3 *db, /* Associated database connection */ + Btree **ppBtree, /* Return open Btree* here */ + int flags, /* Flags */ + int vfsFlags /* Flags passed through to VFS open */ +); + +/* The flags parameter to sqlite3BtreeOpen can be the bitwise or of the +** following values. +** +** NOTE: These values must match the corresponding PAGER_ values in +** pager.h. +*/ +#define BTREE_OMIT_JOURNAL 1 /* Do not create or use a rollback journal */ +#define BTREE_MEMORY 2 /* This is an in-memory DB */ +#define BTREE_SINGLE 4 /* The file contains at most 1 b-tree */ +#define BTREE_UNORDERED 8 /* Use of a hash implementation is OK */ + +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeClose(Btree*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSetCacheSize(Btree*,int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSetSafetyLevel(Btree*,int,int,int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSyncDisabled(Btree*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSetPageSize(Btree *p, int nPagesize, int nReserve, int eFix); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(Btree*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeMaxPageCount(Btree*,int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE u32 sqlite3BtreeLastPage(Btree*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSecureDelete(Btree*,int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetReserve(Btree*); +#if defined(SQLITE_HAS_CODEC) || defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetReserveNoMutex(Btree *p); +#endif +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSetAutoVacuum(Btree *, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeGetAutoVacuum(Btree *); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(Btree*,int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseOne(Btree*, const char *zMaster); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseTwo(Btree*, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCommit(Btree*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeRollback(Btree*,int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeBeginStmt(Btree*,int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCreateTable(Btree*, int*, int flags); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(Btree*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeIsInReadTrans(Btree*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeIsInBackup(Btree*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3BtreeSchema(Btree *, int, void(*)(void *)); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSchemaLocked(Btree *pBtree); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeLockTable(Btree *pBtree, int iTab, u8 isWriteLock); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSavepoint(Btree *, int, int); + +SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3BtreeGetFilename(Btree *); +SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3BtreeGetJournalname(Btree *); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCopyFile(Btree *, Btree *); + +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeIncrVacuum(Btree *); + +/* The flags parameter to sqlite3BtreeCreateTable can be the bitwise OR +** of the flags shown below. +** +** Every SQLite table must have either BTREE_INTKEY or BTREE_BLOBKEY set. +** With BTREE_INTKEY, the table key is a 64-bit integer and arbitrary data +** is stored in the leaves. (BTREE_INTKEY is used for SQL tables.) With +** BTREE_BLOBKEY, the key is an arbitrary BLOB and no content is stored +** anywhere - the key is the content. (BTREE_BLOBKEY is used for SQL +** indices.) +*/ +#define BTREE_INTKEY 1 /* Table has only 64-bit signed integer keys */ +#define BTREE_BLOBKEY 2 /* Table has keys only - no data */ + +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeDropTable(Btree*, int, int*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeClearTable(Btree*, int, int*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeTripAllCursors(Btree*, int); + +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(Btree *pBtree, int idx, u32 *pValue); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(Btree*, int idx, u32 value); + +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeNewDb(Btree *p); + +/* +** The second parameter to sqlite3BtreeGetMeta or sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta +** should be one of the following values. The integer values are assigned +** to constants so that the offset of the corresponding field in an +** SQLite database header may be found using the following formula: +** +** offset = 36 + (idx * 4) +** +** For example, the free-page-count field is located at byte offset 36 of +** the database file header. The incr-vacuum-flag field is located at +** byte offset 64 (== 36+4*7). +*/ +#define BTREE_FREE_PAGE_COUNT 0 +#define BTREE_SCHEMA_VERSION 1 +#define BTREE_FILE_FORMAT 2 +#define BTREE_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE 3 +#define BTREE_LARGEST_ROOT_PAGE 4 +#define BTREE_TEXT_ENCODING 5 +#define BTREE_USER_VERSION 6 +#define BTREE_INCR_VACUUM 7 + +/* +** Values that may be OR'd together to form the second argument of an +** sqlite3BtreeCursorHints() call. +*/ +#define BTREE_BULKLOAD 0x00000001 + +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCursor( + Btree*, /* BTree containing table to open */ + int iTable, /* Index of root page */ + int wrFlag, /* 1 for writing. 0 for read-only */ + struct KeyInfo*, /* First argument to compare function */ + BtCursor *pCursor /* Space to write cursor structure */ +); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCursorSize(void); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeCursorZero(BtCursor*); + +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(BtCursor*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked( + BtCursor*, + UnpackedRecord *pUnKey, + i64 intKey, + int bias, + int *pRes +); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCursorHasMoved(BtCursor*, int*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeDelete(BtCursor*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeInsert(BtCursor*, const void *pKey, i64 nKey, + const void *pData, int nData, + int nZero, int bias, int seekResult); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeFirst(BtCursor*, int *pRes); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeLast(BtCursor*, int *pRes); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeNext(BtCursor*, int *pRes); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeEof(BtCursor*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreePrevious(BtCursor*, int *pRes); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeKeySize(BtCursor*, i64 *pSize); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeKey(BtCursor*, u32 offset, u32 amt, void*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE const void *sqlite3BtreeKeyFetch(BtCursor*, int *pAmt); +SQLITE_PRIVATE const void *sqlite3BtreeDataFetch(BtCursor*, int *pAmt); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeDataSize(BtCursor*, u32 *pSize); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeData(BtCursor*, u32 offset, u32 amt, void*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeSetCachedRowid(BtCursor*, sqlite3_int64); +SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_int64 sqlite3BtreeGetCachedRowid(BtCursor*); + +SQLITE_PRIVATE char *sqlite3BtreeIntegrityCheck(Btree*, int *aRoot, int nRoot, int, int*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE struct Pager *sqlite3BtreePager(Btree*); + +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreePutData(BtCursor*, u32 offset, u32 amt, void*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeCacheOverflow(BtCursor *); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeClearCursor(BtCursor *); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSetVersion(Btree *pBt, int iVersion); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeCursorHints(BtCursor *, unsigned int mask); + +#ifndef NDEBUG +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCursorIsValid(BtCursor*); +#endif + +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_BTREECOUNT +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCount(BtCursor *, i64 *); +#endif + +#ifdef SQLITE_TEST +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCursorInfo(BtCursor*, int*, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeCursorList(Btree*); +#endif + +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeCheckpoint(Btree*, int, int *, int *); +#endif + +/* +** If we are not using shared cache, then there is no need to +** use mutexes to access the BtShared structures. So make the +** Enter and Leave procedures no-ops. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeEnter(Btree*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeEnterAll(sqlite3*); +#else +# define sqlite3BtreeEnter(X) +# define sqlite3BtreeEnterAll(X) +#endif + +#if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE) && SQLITE_THREADSAFE +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeSharable(Btree*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeLeave(Btree*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeEnterCursor(BtCursor*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeLeaveCursor(BtCursor*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3BtreeLeaveAll(sqlite3*); +#ifndef NDEBUG + /* These routines are used inside assert() statements only. */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(Btree*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(sqlite3*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(sqlite3*,int,Schema*); +#endif +#else + +# define sqlite3BtreeSharable(X) 0 +# define sqlite3BtreeLeave(X) +# define sqlite3BtreeEnterCursor(X) +# define sqlite3BtreeLeaveCursor(X) +# define sqlite3BtreeLeaveAll(X) + +# define sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(X) 1 +# define sqlite3BtreeHoldsAllMutexes(X) 1 +# define sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(X,Y,Z) 1 +#endif + + +#endif /* _BTREE_H_ */ + +/************** End of btree.h ***********************************************/ +/************** Continuing where we left off in sqliteInt.h ******************/ +/************** Include vdbe.h in the middle of sqliteInt.h ******************/ +/************** Begin file vdbe.h ********************************************/ +/* +** 2001 September 15 +** +** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of +** a legal notice, here is a blessing: +** +** May you do good and not evil. +** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. +** May you share freely, never taking more than you give. +** +************************************************************************* +** Header file for the Virtual DataBase Engine (VDBE) +** +** This header defines the interface to the virtual database engine +** or VDBE. The VDBE implements an abstract machine that runs a +** simple program to access and modify the underlying database. +*/ +#ifndef _SQLITE_VDBE_H_ +#define _SQLITE_VDBE_H_ +/* #include */ + +/* +** A single VDBE is an opaque structure named "Vdbe". Only routines +** in the source file sqliteVdbe.c are allowed to see the insides +** of this structure. +*/ +typedef struct Vdbe Vdbe; + +/* +** The names of the following types declared in vdbeInt.h are required +** for the VdbeOp definition. +*/ +typedef struct VdbeFunc VdbeFunc; +typedef struct Mem Mem; +typedef struct SubProgram SubProgram; + +/* +** A single instruction of the virtual machine has an opcode +** and as many as three operands. The instruction is recorded +** as an instance of the following structure: +*/ +struct VdbeOp { + u8 opcode; /* What operation to perform */ + signed char p4type; /* One of the P4_xxx constants for p4 */ + u8 opflags; /* Mask of the OPFLG_* flags in opcodes.h */ + u8 p5; /* Fifth parameter is an unsigned character */ + int p1; /* First operand */ + int p2; /* Second parameter (often the jump destination) */ + int p3; /* The third parameter */ + union { /* fourth parameter */ + int i; /* Integer value if p4type==P4_INT32 */ + void *p; /* Generic pointer */ + char *z; /* Pointer to data for string (char array) types */ + i64 *pI64; /* Used when p4type is P4_INT64 */ + double *pReal; /* Used when p4type is P4_REAL */ + FuncDef *pFunc; /* Used when p4type is P4_FUNCDEF */ + VdbeFunc *pVdbeFunc; /* Used when p4type is P4_VDBEFUNC */ + CollSeq *pColl; /* Used when p4type is P4_COLLSEQ */ + Mem *pMem; /* Used when p4type is P4_MEM */ + VTable *pVtab; /* Used when p4type is P4_VTAB */ + KeyInfo *pKeyInfo; /* Used when p4type is P4_KEYINFO */ + int *ai; /* Used when p4type is P4_INTARRAY */ + SubProgram *pProgram; /* Used when p4type is P4_SUBPROGRAM */ + int (*xAdvance)(BtCursor *, int *); + } p4; +#ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG + char *zComment; /* Comment to improve readability */ +#endif +#ifdef VDBE_PROFILE + int cnt; /* Number of times this instruction was executed */ + u64 cycles; /* Total time spent executing this instruction */ +#endif +}; +typedef struct VdbeOp VdbeOp; + + +/* +** A sub-routine used to implement a trigger program. +*/ +struct SubProgram { + VdbeOp *aOp; /* Array of opcodes for sub-program */ + int nOp; /* Elements in aOp[] */ + int nMem; /* Number of memory cells required */ + int nCsr; /* Number of cursors required */ + int nOnce; /* Number of OP_Once instructions */ + void *token; /* id that may be used to recursive triggers */ + SubProgram *pNext; /* Next sub-program already visited */ +}; + +/* +** A smaller version of VdbeOp used for the VdbeAddOpList() function because +** it takes up less space. +*/ +struct VdbeOpList { + u8 opcode; /* What operation to perform */ + signed char p1; /* First operand */ + signed char p2; /* Second parameter (often the jump destination) */ + signed char p3; /* Third parameter */ +}; +typedef struct VdbeOpList VdbeOpList; + +/* +** Allowed values of VdbeOp.p4type +*/ +#define P4_NOTUSED 0 /* The P4 parameter is not used */ +#define P4_DYNAMIC (-1) /* Pointer to a string obtained from sqliteMalloc() */ +#define P4_STATIC (-2) /* Pointer to a static string */ +#define P4_COLLSEQ (-4) /* P4 is a pointer to a CollSeq structure */ +#define P4_FUNCDEF (-5) /* P4 is a pointer to a FuncDef structure */ +#define P4_KEYINFO (-6) /* P4 is a pointer to a KeyInfo structure */ +#define P4_VDBEFUNC (-7) /* P4 is a pointer to a VdbeFunc structure */ +#define P4_MEM (-8) /* P4 is a pointer to a Mem* structure */ +#define P4_TRANSIENT 0 /* P4 is a pointer to a transient string */ +#define P4_VTAB (-10) /* P4 is a pointer to an sqlite3_vtab structure */ +#define P4_MPRINTF (-11) /* P4 is a string obtained from sqlite3_mprintf() */ +#define P4_REAL (-12) /* P4 is a 64-bit floating point value */ +#define P4_INT64 (-13) /* P4 is a 64-bit signed integer */ +#define P4_INT32 (-14) /* P4 is a 32-bit signed integer */ +#define P4_INTARRAY (-15) /* P4 is a vector of 32-bit integers */ +#define P4_SUBPROGRAM (-18) /* P4 is a pointer to a SubProgram structure */ +#define P4_ADVANCE (-19) /* P4 is a pointer to BtreeNext() or BtreePrev() */ + +/* When adding a P4 argument using P4_KEYINFO, a copy of the KeyInfo structure +** is made. That copy is freed when the Vdbe is finalized. But if the +** argument is P4_KEYINFO_HANDOFF, the passed in pointer is used. It still +** gets freed when the Vdbe is finalized so it still should be obtained +** from a single sqliteMalloc(). But no copy is made and the calling +** function should *not* try to free the KeyInfo. +*/ +#define P4_KEYINFO_HANDOFF (-16) +#define P4_KEYINFO_STATIC (-17) + +/* +** The Vdbe.aColName array contains 5n Mem structures, where n is the +** number of columns of data returned by the statement. +*/ +#define COLNAME_NAME 0 +#define COLNAME_DECLTYPE 1 +#define COLNAME_DATABASE 2 +#define COLNAME_TABLE 3 +#define COLNAME_COLUMN 4 +#ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA +# define COLNAME_N 5 /* Number of COLNAME_xxx symbols */ +#else +# ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_DECLTYPE +# define COLNAME_N 1 /* Store only the name */ +# else +# define COLNAME_N 2 /* Store the name and decltype */ +# endif +#endif + +/* +** The following macro converts a relative address in the p2 field +** of a VdbeOp structure into a negative number so that +** sqlite3VdbeAddOpList() knows that the address is relative. Calling +** the macro again restores the address. +*/ +#define ADDR(X) (-1-(X)) + +/* +** The makefile scans the vdbe.c source file and creates the "opcodes.h" +** header file that defines a number for each opcode used by the VDBE. +*/ +/************** Include opcodes.h in the middle of vdbe.h ********************/ +/************** Begin file opcodes.h *****************************************/ +/* Automatically generated. Do not edit */ +/* See the mkopcodeh.awk script for details */ +#define OP_Goto 1 +#define OP_Gosub 2 +#define OP_Return 3 +#define OP_Yield 4 +#define OP_HaltIfNull 5 +#define OP_Halt 6 +#define OP_Integer 7 +#define OP_Int64 8 +#define OP_Real 130 /* same as TK_FLOAT */ +#define OP_String8 94 /* same as TK_STRING */ +#define OP_String 9 +#define OP_Null 10 +#define OP_Blob 11 +#define OP_Variable 12 +#define OP_Move 13 +#define OP_Copy 14 +#define OP_SCopy 15 +#define OP_ResultRow 16 +#define OP_Concat 91 /* same as TK_CONCAT */ +#define OP_Add 86 /* same as TK_PLUS */ +#define OP_Subtract 87 /* same as TK_MINUS */ +#define OP_Multiply 88 /* same as TK_STAR */ +#define OP_Divide 89 /* same as TK_SLASH */ +#define OP_Remainder 90 /* same as TK_REM */ +#define OP_CollSeq 17 +#define OP_Function 18 +#define OP_BitAnd 82 /* same as TK_BITAND */ +#define OP_BitOr 83 /* same as TK_BITOR */ +#define OP_ShiftLeft 84 /* same as TK_LSHIFT */ +#define OP_ShiftRight 85 /* same as TK_RSHIFT */ +#define OP_AddImm 20 +#define OP_MustBeInt 21 +#define OP_RealAffinity 22 +#define OP_ToText 141 /* same as TK_TO_TEXT */ +#define OP_ToBlob 142 /* same as TK_TO_BLOB */ +#define OP_ToNumeric 143 /* same as TK_TO_NUMERIC*/ +#define OP_ToInt 144 /* same as TK_TO_INT */ +#define OP_ToReal 145 /* same as TK_TO_REAL */ +#define OP_Eq 76 /* same as TK_EQ */ +#define OP_Ne 75 /* same as TK_NE */ +#define OP_Lt 79 /* same as TK_LT */ +#define OP_Le 78 /* same as TK_LE */ +#define OP_Gt 77 /* same as TK_GT */ +#define OP_Ge 80 /* same as TK_GE */ +#define OP_Permutation 23 +#define OP_Compare 24 +#define OP_Jump 25 +#define OP_And 69 /* same as TK_AND */ +#define OP_Or 68 /* same as TK_OR */ +#define OP_Not 19 /* same as TK_NOT */ +#define OP_BitNot 93 /* same as TK_BITNOT */ +#define OP_Once 26 +#define OP_If 27 +#define OP_IfNot 28 +#define OP_IsNull 73 /* same as TK_ISNULL */ +#define OP_NotNull 74 /* same as TK_NOTNULL */ +#define OP_Column 29 +#define OP_Affinity 30 +#define OP_MakeRecord 31 +#define OP_Count 32 +#define OP_Savepoint 33 +#define OP_AutoCommit 34 +#define OP_Transaction 35 +#define OP_ReadCookie 36 +#define OP_SetCookie 37 +#define OP_VerifyCookie 38 +#define OP_OpenRead 39 +#define OP_OpenWrite 40 +#define OP_OpenAutoindex 41 +#define OP_OpenEphemeral 42 +#define OP_SorterOpen 43 +#define OP_OpenPseudo 44 +#define OP_Close 45 +#define OP_SeekLt 46 +#define OP_SeekLe 47 +#define OP_SeekGe 48 +#define OP_SeekGt 49 +#define OP_Seek 50 +#define OP_NotFound 51 +#define OP_Found 52 +#define OP_IsUnique 53 +#define OP_NotExists 54 +#define OP_Sequence 55 +#define OP_NewRowid 56 +#define OP_Insert 57 +#define OP_InsertInt 58 +#define OP_Delete 59 +#define OP_ResetCount 60 +#define OP_SorterCompare 61 +#define OP_SorterData 62 +#define OP_RowKey 63 +#define OP_RowData 64 +#define OP_Rowid 65 +#define OP_NullRow 66 +#define OP_Last 67 +#define OP_SorterSort 70 +#define OP_Sort 71 +#define OP_Rewind 72 +#define OP_SorterNext 81 +#define OP_Prev 92 +#define OP_Next 95 +#define OP_SorterInsert 96 +#define OP_IdxInsert 97 +#define OP_IdxDelete 98 +#define OP_IdxRowid 99 +#define OP_IdxLT 100 +#define OP_IdxGE 101 +#define OP_Destroy 102 +#define OP_Clear 103 +#define OP_CreateIndex 104 +#define OP_CreateTable 105 +#define OP_ParseSchema 106 +#define OP_LoadAnalysis 107 +#define OP_DropTable 108 +#define OP_DropIndex 109 +#define OP_DropTrigger 110 +#define OP_IntegrityCk 111 +#define OP_RowSetAdd 112 +#define OP_RowSetRead 113 +#define OP_RowSetTest 114 +#define OP_Program 115 +#define OP_Param 116 +#define OP_FkCounter 117 +#define OP_FkIfZero 118 +#define OP_MemMax 119 +#define OP_IfPos 120 +#define OP_IfNeg 121 +#define OP_IfZero 122 +#define OP_AggStep 123 +#define OP_AggFinal 124 +#define OP_Checkpoint 125 +#define OP_JournalMode 126 +#define OP_Vacuum 127 +#define OP_IncrVacuum 128 +#define OP_Expire 129 +#define OP_TableLock 131 +#define OP_VBegin 132 +#define OP_VCreate 133 +#define OP_VDestroy 134 +#define OP_VOpen 135 +#define OP_VFilter 136 +#define OP_VColumn 137 +#define OP_VNext 138 +#define OP_VRename 139 +#define OP_VUpdate 140 +#define OP_Pagecount 146 +#define OP_MaxPgcnt 147 +#define OP_Trace 148 +#define OP_Noop 149 +#define OP_Explain 150 + + +/* Properties such as "out2" or "jump" that are specified in +** comments following the "case" for each opcode in the vdbe.c +** are encoded into bitvectors as follows: +*/ +#define OPFLG_JUMP 0x0001 /* jump: P2 holds jmp target */ +#define OPFLG_OUT2_PRERELEASE 0x0002 /* out2-prerelease: */ +#define OPFLG_IN1 0x0004 /* in1: P1 is an input */ +#define OPFLG_IN2 0x0008 /* in2: P2 is an input */ +#define OPFLG_IN3 0x0010 /* in3: P3 is an input */ +#define OPFLG_OUT2 0x0020 /* out2: P2 is an output */ +#define OPFLG_OUT3 0x0040 /* out3: P3 is an output */ +#define OPFLG_INITIALIZER {\ +/* 0 */ 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x04, 0x04, 0x10, 0x00, 0x02,\ +/* 8 */ 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x24,\ +/* 16 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x24, 0x04, 0x05, 0x04, 0x00,\ +/* 24 */ 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\ +/* 32 */ 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00,\ +/* 40 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11, 0x11,\ +/* 48 */ 0x11, 0x11, 0x08, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x02,\ +/* 56 */ 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\ +/* 64 */ 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x4c, 0x4c, 0x01, 0x01,\ +/* 72 */ 0x01, 0x05, 0x05, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15,\ +/* 80 */ 0x15, 0x01, 0x4c, 0x4c, 0x4c, 0x4c, 0x4c, 0x4c,\ +/* 88 */ 0x4c, 0x4c, 0x4c, 0x4c, 0x01, 0x24, 0x02, 0x01,\ +/* 96 */ 0x08, 0x08, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00,\ +/* 104 */ 0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\ +/* 112 */ 0x0c, 0x45, 0x15, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x08,\ +/* 120 */ 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00,\ +/* 128 */ 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\ +/* 136 */ 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04,\ +/* 144 */ 0x04, 0x04, 0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,} + +/************** End of opcodes.h *********************************************/ +/************** Continuing where we left off in vdbe.h ***********************/ + +/* +** Prototypes for the VDBE interface. See comments on the implementation +** for a description of what each of these routines does. +*/ +SQLITE_PRIVATE Vdbe *sqlite3VdbeCreate(sqlite3*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAddOp0(Vdbe*,int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAddOp1(Vdbe*,int,int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(Vdbe*,int,int,int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(Vdbe*,int,int,int,int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAddOp4(Vdbe*,int,int,int,int,const char *zP4,int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAddOp4Int(Vdbe*,int,int,int,int,int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAddOpList(Vdbe*, int nOp, VdbeOpList const *aOp); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeAddParseSchemaOp(Vdbe*,int,char*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeChangeP1(Vdbe*, u32 addr, int P1); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeChangeP2(Vdbe*, u32 addr, int P2); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeChangeP3(Vdbe*, u32 addr, int P3); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(Vdbe*, u8 P5); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(Vdbe*, int addr); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeChangeToNoop(Vdbe*, int addr); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeChangeP4(Vdbe*, int addr, const char *zP4, int N); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeUsesBtree(Vdbe*, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE VdbeOp *sqlite3VdbeGetOp(Vdbe*, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(Vdbe*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeRunOnlyOnce(Vdbe*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeDelete(Vdbe*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeClearObject(sqlite3*,Vdbe*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeMakeReady(Vdbe*,Parse*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeFinalize(Vdbe*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(Vdbe*, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(Vdbe*); +#ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeAssertMayAbort(Vdbe *, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeTrace(Vdbe*,FILE*); +#endif +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeResetStepResult(Vdbe*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeRewind(Vdbe*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeReset(Vdbe*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeSetNumCols(Vdbe*,int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeSetColName(Vdbe*, int, int, const char *, void(*)(void*)); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeCountChanges(Vdbe*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3 *sqlite3VdbeDb(Vdbe*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeSetSql(Vdbe*, const char *z, int n, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeSwap(Vdbe*,Vdbe*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE VdbeOp *sqlite3VdbeTakeOpArray(Vdbe*, int*, int*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_value *sqlite3VdbeGetValue(Vdbe*, int, u8); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeSetVarmask(Vdbe*, int); +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_TRACE +SQLITE_PRIVATE char *sqlite3VdbeExpandSql(Vdbe*, const char*); +#endif + +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeRecordUnpack(KeyInfo*,int,const void*,UnpackedRecord*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeRecordCompare(int,const void*,UnpackedRecord*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE UnpackedRecord *sqlite3VdbeAllocUnpackedRecord(KeyInfo *, char *, int, char **); + +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_TRIGGER +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeLinkSubProgram(Vdbe *, SubProgram *); +#endif + + +#ifndef NDEBUG +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeComment(Vdbe*, const char*, ...); +# define VdbeComment(X) sqlite3VdbeComment X +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3VdbeNoopComment(Vdbe*, const char*, ...); +# define VdbeNoopComment(X) sqlite3VdbeNoopComment X +#else +# define VdbeComment(X) +# define VdbeNoopComment(X) +#endif + +#endif + +/************** End of vdbe.h ************************************************/ +/************** Continuing where we left off in sqliteInt.h ******************/ +/************** Include pager.h in the middle of sqliteInt.h *****************/ +/************** Begin file pager.h *******************************************/ +/* +** 2001 September 15 +** +** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of +** a legal notice, here is a blessing: +** +** May you do good and not evil. +** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. +** May you share freely, never taking more than you give. +** +************************************************************************* +** This header file defines the interface that the sqlite page cache +** subsystem. The page cache subsystem reads and writes a file a page +** at a time and provides a journal for rollback. +*/ + +#ifndef _PAGER_H_ +#define _PAGER_H_ + +/* +** Default maximum size for persistent journal files. A negative +** value means no limit. This value may be overridden using the +** sqlite3PagerJournalSizeLimit() API. See also "PRAGMA journal_size_limit". +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_DEFAULT_JOURNAL_SIZE_LIMIT + #define SQLITE_DEFAULT_JOURNAL_SIZE_LIMIT -1 +#endif + +/* +** The type used to represent a page number. The first page in a file +** is called page 1. 0 is used to represent "not a page". +*/ +typedef u32 Pgno; + +/* +** Each open file is managed by a separate instance of the "Pager" structure. +*/ +typedef struct Pager Pager; + +/* +** Handle type for pages. +*/ +typedef struct PgHdr DbPage; + +/* +** Page number PAGER_MJ_PGNO is never used in an SQLite database (it is +** reserved for working around a windows/posix incompatibility). It is +** used in the journal to signify that the remainder of the journal file +** is devoted to storing a master journal name - there are no more pages to +** roll back. See comments for function writeMasterJournal() in pager.c +** for details. +*/ +#define PAGER_MJ_PGNO(x) ((Pgno)((PENDING_BYTE/((x)->pageSize))+1)) + +/* +** Allowed values for the flags parameter to sqlite3PagerOpen(). +** +** NOTE: These values must match the corresponding BTREE_ values in btree.h. +*/ +#define PAGER_OMIT_JOURNAL 0x0001 /* Do not use a rollback journal */ +#define PAGER_MEMORY 0x0002 /* In-memory database */ + +/* +** Valid values for the second argument to sqlite3PagerLockingMode(). +*/ +#define PAGER_LOCKINGMODE_QUERY -1 +#define PAGER_LOCKINGMODE_NORMAL 0 +#define PAGER_LOCKINGMODE_EXCLUSIVE 1 + +/* +** Numeric constants that encode the journalmode. +*/ +#define PAGER_JOURNALMODE_QUERY (-1) /* Query the value of journalmode */ +#define PAGER_JOURNALMODE_DELETE 0 /* Commit by deleting journal file */ +#define PAGER_JOURNALMODE_PERSIST 1 /* Commit by zeroing journal header */ +#define PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF 2 /* Journal omitted. */ +#define PAGER_JOURNALMODE_TRUNCATE 3 /* Commit by truncating journal */ +#define PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY 4 /* In-memory journal file */ +#define PAGER_JOURNALMODE_WAL 5 /* Use write-ahead logging */ + +/* +** The remainder of this file contains the declarations of the functions +** that make up the Pager sub-system API. See source code comments for +** a detailed description of each routine. +*/ + +/* Open and close a Pager connection. */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerOpen( + sqlite3_vfs*, + Pager **ppPager, + const char*, + int, + int, + int, + void(*)(DbPage*) +); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerClose(Pager *pPager); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerReadFileheader(Pager*, int, unsigned char*); + +/* Functions used to configure a Pager object. */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerSetBusyhandler(Pager*, int(*)(void *), void *); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSetPagesize(Pager*, u32*, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerMaxPageCount(Pager*, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerSetCachesize(Pager*, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerShrink(Pager*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerSetSafetyLevel(Pager*,int,int,int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerLockingMode(Pager *, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSetJournalMode(Pager *, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerGetJournalMode(Pager*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerOkToChangeJournalMode(Pager*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE i64 sqlite3PagerJournalSizeLimit(Pager *, i64); +SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_backup **sqlite3PagerBackupPtr(Pager*); + +/* Functions used to obtain and release page references. */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerAcquire(Pager *pPager, Pgno pgno, DbPage **ppPage, int clrFlag); +#define sqlite3PagerGet(A,B,C) sqlite3PagerAcquire(A,B,C,0) +SQLITE_PRIVATE DbPage *sqlite3PagerLookup(Pager *pPager, Pgno pgno); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerRef(DbPage*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerUnref(DbPage*); + +/* Operations on page references. */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerWrite(DbPage*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerDontWrite(DbPage*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerMovepage(Pager*,DbPage*,Pgno,int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerPageRefcount(DbPage*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3PagerGetData(DbPage *); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3PagerGetExtra(DbPage *); + +/* Functions used to manage pager transactions and savepoints. */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerPagecount(Pager*, int*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerBegin(Pager*, int exFlag, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseOne(Pager*,const char *zMaster, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerExclusiveLock(Pager*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSync(Pager *pPager); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseTwo(Pager*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerRollback(Pager*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerOpenSavepoint(Pager *pPager, int n); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSavepoint(Pager *pPager, int op, int iSavepoint); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerSharedLock(Pager *pPager); + +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerCheckpoint(Pager *pPager, int, int*, int*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerWalSupported(Pager *pPager); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerWalCallback(Pager *pPager); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerOpenWal(Pager *pPager, int *pisOpen); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerCloseWal(Pager *pPager); +#endif + +#ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_ZIPVFS +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerWalFramesize(Pager *pPager); +#endif + +/* Functions used to query pager state and configuration. */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE u8 sqlite3PagerIsreadonly(Pager*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerRefcount(Pager*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerMemUsed(Pager*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3PagerFilename(Pager*, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE const sqlite3_vfs *sqlite3PagerVfs(Pager*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE sqlite3_file *sqlite3PagerFile(Pager*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3PagerJournalname(Pager*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerNosync(Pager*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3PagerTempSpace(Pager*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerIsMemdb(Pager*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerCacheStat(Pager *, int, int, int *); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerClearCache(Pager *); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3SectorSize(sqlite3_file *); + +/* Functions used to truncate the database file. */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerTruncateImage(Pager*,Pgno); + +#if defined(SQLITE_HAS_CODEC) && !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_WAL) +SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3PagerCodec(DbPage *); +#endif + +/* Functions to support testing and debugging. */ +#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(SQLITE_TEST) +SQLITE_PRIVATE Pgno sqlite3PagerPagenumber(DbPage*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerIswriteable(DbPage*); +#endif +#ifdef SQLITE_TEST +SQLITE_PRIVATE int *sqlite3PagerStats(Pager*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PagerRefdump(Pager*); + void disable_simulated_io_errors(void); + void enable_simulated_io_errors(void); +#else +# define disable_simulated_io_errors() +# define enable_simulated_io_errors() +#endif + +#endif /* _PAGER_H_ */ + +/************** End of pager.h ***********************************************/ +/************** Continuing where we left off in sqliteInt.h ******************/ +/************** Include pcache.h in the middle of sqliteInt.h ****************/ +/************** Begin file pcache.h ******************************************/ +/* +** 2008 August 05 +** +** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of +** a legal notice, here is a blessing: +** +** May you do good and not evil. +** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. +** May you share freely, never taking more than you give. +** +************************************************************************* +** This header file defines the interface that the sqlite page cache +** subsystem. +*/ + +#ifndef _PCACHE_H_ + +typedef struct PgHdr PgHdr; +typedef struct PCache PCache; + +/* +** Every page in the cache is controlled by an instance of the following +** structure. +*/ +struct PgHdr { + sqlite3_pcache_page *pPage; /* Pcache object page handle */ + void *pData; /* Page data */ + void *pExtra; /* Extra content */ + PgHdr *pDirty; /* Transient list of dirty pages */ + Pager *pPager; /* The pager this page is part of */ + Pgno pgno; /* Page number for this page */ +#ifdef SQLITE_CHECK_PAGES + u32 pageHash; /* Hash of page content */ +#endif + u16 flags; /* PGHDR flags defined below */ + + /********************************************************************** + ** Elements above are public. All that follows is private to pcache.c + ** and should not be accessed by other modules. + */ + i16 nRef; /* Number of users of this page */ + PCache *pCache; /* Cache that owns this page */ + + PgHdr *pDirtyNext; /* Next element in list of dirty pages */ + PgHdr *pDirtyPrev; /* Previous element in list of dirty pages */ +}; + +/* Bit values for PgHdr.flags */ +#define PGHDR_DIRTY 0x002 /* Page has changed */ +#define PGHDR_NEED_SYNC 0x004 /* Fsync the rollback journal before + ** writing this page to the database */ +#define PGHDR_NEED_READ 0x008 /* Content is unread */ +#define PGHDR_REUSE_UNLIKELY 0x010 /* A hint that reuse is unlikely */ +#define PGHDR_DONT_WRITE 0x020 /* Do not write content to disk */ + +/* Initialize and shutdown the page cache subsystem */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PcacheInitialize(void); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PcacheShutdown(void); + +/* Page cache buffer management: +** These routines implement SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE. +*/ +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PCacheBufferSetup(void *, int sz, int n); + +/* Create a new pager cache. +** Under memory stress, invoke xStress to try to make pages clean. +** Only clean and unpinned pages can be reclaimed. +*/ +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PcacheOpen( + int szPage, /* Size of every page */ + int szExtra, /* Extra space associated with each page */ + int bPurgeable, /* True if pages are on backing store */ + int (*xStress)(void*, PgHdr*), /* Call to try to make pages clean */ + void *pStress, /* Argument to xStress */ + PCache *pToInit /* Preallocated space for the PCache */ +); + +/* Modify the page-size after the cache has been created. */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PcacheSetPageSize(PCache *, int); + +/* Return the size in bytes of a PCache object. Used to preallocate +** storage space. +*/ +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PcacheSize(void); + +/* One release per successful fetch. Page is pinned until released. +** Reference counted. +*/ +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PcacheFetch(PCache*, Pgno, int createFlag, PgHdr**); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PcacheRelease(PgHdr*); + +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PcacheDrop(PgHdr*); /* Remove page from cache */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PcacheMakeDirty(PgHdr*); /* Make sure page is marked dirty */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PcacheMakeClean(PgHdr*); /* Mark a single page as clean */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PcacheCleanAll(PCache*); /* Mark all dirty list pages as clean */ + +/* Change a page number. Used by incr-vacuum. */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PcacheMove(PgHdr*, Pgno); + +/* Remove all pages with pgno>x. Reset the cache if x==0 */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PcacheTruncate(PCache*, Pgno x); + +/* Get a list of all dirty pages in the cache, sorted by page number */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE PgHdr *sqlite3PcacheDirtyList(PCache*); + +/* Reset and close the cache object */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PcacheClose(PCache*); + +/* Clear flags from pages of the page cache */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PcacheClearSyncFlags(PCache *); + +/* Discard the contents of the cache */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PcacheClear(PCache*); + +/* Return the total number of outstanding page references */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PcacheRefCount(PCache*); + +/* Increment the reference count of an existing page */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PcacheRef(PgHdr*); + +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PcachePageRefcount(PgHdr*); + +/* Return the total number of pages stored in the cache */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PcachePagecount(PCache*); + +#if defined(SQLITE_CHECK_PAGES) || defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) +/* Iterate through all dirty pages currently stored in the cache. This +** interface is only available if SQLITE_CHECK_PAGES is defined when the +** library is built. +*/ +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PcacheIterateDirty(PCache *pCache, void (*xIter)(PgHdr *)); +#endif + +/* Set and get the suggested cache-size for the specified pager-cache. +** +** If no global maximum is configured, then the system attempts to limit +** the total number of pages cached by purgeable pager-caches to the sum +** of the suggested cache-sizes. +*/ +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PcacheSetCachesize(PCache *, int); +#ifdef SQLITE_TEST +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PcacheGetCachesize(PCache *); +#endif + +/* Free up as much memory as possible from the page cache */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PcacheShrink(PCache*); + +#ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT +/* Try to return memory used by the pcache module to the main memory heap */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PcacheReleaseMemory(int); +#endif + +#ifdef SQLITE_TEST +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PcacheStats(int*,int*,int*,int*); +#endif + +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3PCacheSetDefault(void); + +#endif /* _PCACHE_H_ */ + +/************** End of pcache.h **********************************************/ +/************** Continuing where we left off in sqliteInt.h ******************/ + +/************** Include os.h in the middle of sqliteInt.h ********************/ +/************** Begin file os.h **********************************************/ +/* +** 2001 September 16 +** +** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of +** a legal notice, here is a blessing: +** +** May you do good and not evil. +** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. +** May you share freely, never taking more than you give. +** +****************************************************************************** +** +** This header file (together with is companion C source-code file +** "os.c") attempt to abstract the underlying operating system so that +** the SQLite library will work on both POSIX and windows systems. +** +** This header file is #include-ed by sqliteInt.h and thus ends up +** being included by every source file. +*/ +#ifndef _SQLITE_OS_H_ +#define _SQLITE_OS_H_ + +/* +** Figure out if we are dealing with Unix, Windows, or some other +** operating system. After the following block of preprocess macros, +** all of SQLITE_OS_UNIX, SQLITE_OS_WIN, and SQLITE_OS_OTHER +** will defined to either 1 or 0. One of the four will be 1. The other +** three will be 0. +*/ +#if defined(SQLITE_OS_OTHER) +# if SQLITE_OS_OTHER==1 +# undef SQLITE_OS_UNIX +# define SQLITE_OS_UNIX 0 +# undef SQLITE_OS_WIN +# define SQLITE_OS_WIN 0 +# else +# undef SQLITE_OS_OTHER +# endif +#endif +#if !defined(SQLITE_OS_UNIX) && !defined(SQLITE_OS_OTHER) +# define SQLITE_OS_OTHER 0 +# ifndef SQLITE_OS_WIN +# if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__BORLANDC__) +# define SQLITE_OS_WIN 1 +# define SQLITE_OS_UNIX 0 +# else +# define SQLITE_OS_WIN 0 +# define SQLITE_OS_UNIX 1 +# endif +# else +# define SQLITE_OS_UNIX 0 +# endif +#else +# ifndef SQLITE_OS_WIN +# define SQLITE_OS_WIN 0 +# endif +#endif + +#if SQLITE_OS_WIN +# include +#endif + +/* +** Determine if we are dealing with Windows NT. +** +** We ought to be able to determine if we are compiling for win98 or winNT +** using the _WIN32_WINNT macro as follows: +** +** #if defined(_WIN32_WINNT) +** # define SQLITE_OS_WINNT 1 +** #else +** # define SQLITE_OS_WINNT 0 +** #endif +** +** However, vs2005 does not set _WIN32_WINNT by default, as it ought to, +** so the above test does not work. We'll just assume that everything is +** winNT unless the programmer explicitly says otherwise by setting +** SQLITE_OS_WINNT to 0. +*/ +#if SQLITE_OS_WIN && !defined(SQLITE_OS_WINNT) +# define SQLITE_OS_WINNT 1 +#endif + +/* +** Determine if we are dealing with WindowsCE - which has a much +** reduced API. +*/ +#if defined(_WIN32_WCE) +# define SQLITE_OS_WINCE 1 +#else +# define SQLITE_OS_WINCE 0 +#endif + +/* +** Determine if we are dealing with WinRT, which provides only a subset of +** the full Win32 API. +*/ +#if !defined(SQLITE_OS_WINRT) +# define SQLITE_OS_WINRT 0 +#endif + +/* +** When compiled for WinCE or WinRT, there is no concept of the current +** directory. + */ +#if !SQLITE_OS_WINCE && !SQLITE_OS_WINRT +# define SQLITE_CURDIR 1 +#endif + +/* If the SET_FULLSYNC macro is not defined above, then make it +** a no-op +*/ +#ifndef SET_FULLSYNC +# define SET_FULLSYNC(x,y) +#endif + +/* +** The default size of a disk sector +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_DEFAULT_SECTOR_SIZE +# define SQLITE_DEFAULT_SECTOR_SIZE 4096 +#endif + +/* +** Temporary files are named starting with this prefix followed by 16 random +** alphanumeric characters, and no file extension. They are stored in the +** OS's standard temporary file directory, and are deleted prior to exit. +** If sqlite is being embedded in another program, you may wish to change the +** prefix to reflect your program's name, so that if your program exits +** prematurely, old temporary files can be easily identified. This can be done +** using -DSQLITE_TEMP_FILE_PREFIX=myprefix_ on the compiler command line. +** +** 2006-10-31: The default prefix used to be "sqlite_". But then +** Mcafee started using SQLite in their anti-virus product and it +** started putting files with the "sqlite" name in the c:/temp folder. +** This annoyed many windows users. Those users would then do a +** Google search for "sqlite", find the telephone numbers of the +** developers and call to wake them up at night and complain. +** For this reason, the default name prefix is changed to be "sqlite" +** spelled backwards. So the temp files are still identified, but +** anybody smart enough to figure out the code is also likely smart +** enough to know that calling the developer will not help get rid +** of the file. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_TEMP_FILE_PREFIX +# define SQLITE_TEMP_FILE_PREFIX "etilqs_" +#endif + +/* +** The following values may be passed as the second argument to +** sqlite3OsLock(). The various locks exhibit the following semantics: +** +** SHARED: Any number of processes may hold a SHARED lock simultaneously. +** RESERVED: A single process may hold a RESERVED lock on a file at +** any time. Other processes may hold and obtain new SHARED locks. +** PENDING: A single process may hold a PENDING lock on a file at +** any one time. Existing SHARED locks may persist, but no new +** SHARED locks may be obtained by other processes. +** EXCLUSIVE: An EXCLUSIVE lock precludes all other locks. +** +** PENDING_LOCK may not be passed directly to sqlite3OsLock(). Instead, a +** process that requests an EXCLUSIVE lock may actually obtain a PENDING +** lock. This can be upgraded to an EXCLUSIVE lock by a subsequent call to +** sqlite3OsLock(). +*/ +#define NO_LOCK 0 +#define SHARED_LOCK 1 +#define RESERVED_LOCK 2 +#define PENDING_LOCK 3 +#define EXCLUSIVE_LOCK 4 + +/* +** File Locking Notes: (Mostly about windows but also some info for Unix) +** +** We cannot use LockFileEx() or UnlockFileEx() on Win95/98/ME because +** those functions are not available. So we use only LockFile() and +** UnlockFile(). +** +** LockFile() prevents not just writing but also reading by other processes. +** A SHARED_LOCK is obtained by locking a single randomly-chosen +** byte out of a specific range of bytes. The lock byte is obtained at +** random so two separate readers can probably access the file at the +** same time, unless they are unlucky and choose the same lock byte. +** An EXCLUSIVE_LOCK is obtained by locking all bytes in the range. +** There can only be one writer. A RESERVED_LOCK is obtained by locking +** a single byte of the file that is designated as the reserved lock byte. +** A PENDING_LOCK is obtained by locking a designated byte different from +** the RESERVED_LOCK byte. +** +** On WinNT/2K/XP systems, LockFileEx() and UnlockFileEx() are available, +** which means we can use reader/writer locks. When reader/writer locks +** are used, the lock is placed on the same range of bytes that is used +** for probabilistic locking in Win95/98/ME. Hence, the locking scheme +** will support two or more Win95 readers or two or more WinNT readers. +** But a single Win95 reader will lock out all WinNT readers and a single +** WinNT reader will lock out all other Win95 readers. +** +** The following #defines specify the range of bytes used for locking. +** SHARED_SIZE is the number of bytes available in the pool from which +** a random byte is selected for a shared lock. The pool of bytes for +** shared locks begins at SHARED_FIRST. +** +** The same locking strategy and +** byte ranges are used for Unix. This leaves open the possiblity of having +** clients on win95, winNT, and unix all talking to the same shared file +** and all locking correctly. To do so would require that samba (or whatever +** tool is being used for file sharing) implements locks correctly between +** windows and unix. I'm guessing that isn't likely to happen, but by +** using the same locking range we are at least open to the possibility. +** +** Locking in windows is manditory. For this reason, we cannot store +** actual data in the bytes used for locking. The pager never allocates +** the pages involved in locking therefore. SHARED_SIZE is selected so +** that all locks will fit on a single page even at the minimum page size. +** PENDING_BYTE defines the beginning of the locks. By default PENDING_BYTE +** is set high so that we don't have to allocate an unused page except +** for very large databases. But one should test the page skipping logic +** by setting PENDING_BYTE low and running the entire regression suite. +** +** Changing the value of PENDING_BYTE results in a subtly incompatible +** file format. Depending on how it is changed, you might not notice +** the incompatibility right away, even running a full regression test. +** The default location of PENDING_BYTE is the first byte past the +** 1GB boundary. +** +*/ +#ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_WSD +# define PENDING_BYTE (0x40000000) +#else +# define PENDING_BYTE sqlite3PendingByte +#endif +#define RESERVED_BYTE (PENDING_BYTE+1) +#define SHARED_FIRST (PENDING_BYTE+2) +#define SHARED_SIZE 510 + +/* +** Wrapper around OS specific sqlite3_os_init() function. +*/ +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsInit(void); + +/* +** Functions for accessing sqlite3_file methods +*/ +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsClose(sqlite3_file*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsRead(sqlite3_file*, void*, int amt, i64 offset); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsWrite(sqlite3_file*, const void*, int amt, i64 offset); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsTruncate(sqlite3_file*, i64 size); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsSync(sqlite3_file*, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsFileSize(sqlite3_file*, i64 *pSize); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsLock(sqlite3_file*, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsUnlock(sqlite3_file*, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsCheckReservedLock(sqlite3_file *id, int *pResOut); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsFileControl(sqlite3_file*,int,void*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3OsFileControlHint(sqlite3_file*,int,void*); +#define SQLITE_FCNTL_DB_UNCHANGED 0xca093fa0 +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsSectorSize(sqlite3_file *id); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsDeviceCharacteristics(sqlite3_file *id); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsShmMap(sqlite3_file *,int,int,int,void volatile **); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsShmLock(sqlite3_file *id, int, int, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3OsShmBarrier(sqlite3_file *id); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsShmUnmap(sqlite3_file *id, int); + + +/* +** Functions for accessing sqlite3_vfs methods +*/ +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsOpen(sqlite3_vfs *, const char *, sqlite3_file*, int, int *); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsDelete(sqlite3_vfs *, const char *, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsAccess(sqlite3_vfs *, const char *, int, int *pResOut); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsFullPathname(sqlite3_vfs *, const char *, int, char *); +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION +SQLITE_PRIVATE void *sqlite3OsDlOpen(sqlite3_vfs *, const char *); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3OsDlError(sqlite3_vfs *, int, char *); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void (*sqlite3OsDlSym(sqlite3_vfs *, void *, const char *))(void); +SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3OsDlClose(sqlite3_vfs *, void *); +#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION */ +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsRandomness(sqlite3_vfs *, int, char *); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsSleep(sqlite3_vfs *, int); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsCurrentTimeInt64(sqlite3_vfs *, sqlite3_int64*); + +/* +** Convenience functions for opening and closing files using +** sqlite3_malloc() to obtain space for the file-handle structure. +*/ +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsOpenMalloc(sqlite3_vfs *, const char *, sqlite3_file **, int,int*); +SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3OsCloseFree(sqlite3_file *); + +#endif /* _SQLITE_OS_H_ */ + +/************** End of os.h **************************************************/ +/************** Continuing where we left off in sqliteInt.h ******************/ +/************** Include mutex.h in the middle of sqliteInt.h *****************/ +/************** Begin file mutex.h *******************************************/ +/* +** 2007 August 28 +** +** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of +** a legal notice, here is a blessing: +** +** May you do good and not evil. +** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. +** May you share freely, never taking more than you give. +** +************************************************************************* +** +** This file contains the common header for all mutex implementations. +** The sqliteInt.h header #includes this file so that it is available +** to all source files. We break it out in an effort to keep the code +** better organized. +** +** NOTE: source files should *not* #include this header file directly. +** Source files should #include the sqliteInt.h file and let that file +** include this one indirectly. +*/ + + +/* +** Figure out what version of the code to use. The choices are +** +** SQLITE_MUTEX_OMIT No mutex logic. Not even stubs. The +** mutexes implemention cannot be overridden +** at start-time. +** +** SQLITE_MUTEX_NOOP For single-threaded applications. No +** mutual exclusion is provided. But this +** implementation can be overridden at +** start-time. +** +** SQLITE_MUTEX_PTHREADS For multi-threaded applications on Unix. +** +** SQLITE_MUTEX_W32 For multi-threaded applications on Win32. +*/ +#if !SQLITE_THREADSAFE +# define SQLITE_MUTEX_OMIT +#endif +#if SQLITE_THREADSAFE && !defined(SQLITE_MUTEX_NOOP) +# if SQLITE_OS_UNIX +# define SQLITE_MUTEX_PTHREADS +# elif SQLITE_OS_WIN +# define SQLITE_MUTEX_W32 +# else +# define SQLITE_MUTEX_NOOP +# endif +#endif + +#ifdef SQLITE_MUTEX_OMIT +/* +** If this is a no-op implementation, implement everything as macros. +*/ +#define sqlite3_mutex_alloc(X) ((sqlite3_mutex*)8) +#define sqlite3_mutex_free(X) +#define sqlite3_mutex_enter(X) +#define sqlite3_mutex_try(X) SQLITE_OK +#define sqlite3_mutex_leave(X) +#define sqlite3_mutex_held(X) ((void)(X),1) +#define sqlite3_mutex_notheld(X) ((void)(X),1) +#define sqlite3MutexAlloc(X) ((sqlite3_mutex*)8) +#define sqlite3MutexInit() SQLITE_OK +#define sqlite3MutexEnd() +#define MUTEX_LOGIC(X) +#else +#define MUTEX_LOGIC(X) X +#endif /* defined(SQLITE_MUTEX_OMIT) */ + +/************** End of mutex.h ***********************************************/ +/************** Continuing where we left off in sqliteInt.h ******************/ + + +/* +** Each database file to be accessed by the system is an instance +** of the following structure. There are normally two of these structures +** in the sqlite.aDb[] array. aDb[0] is the main database file and +** aDb[1] is the database file used to hold temporary tables. Additional +** databases may be attached. +*/ +struct Db { + char *zName; /* Name of this database */ + Btree *pBt; /* The B*Tree structure for this database file */ + u8 inTrans; /* 0: not writable. 1: Transaction. 2: Checkpoint */ + u8 safety_level; /* How aggressive at syncing data to disk */ + Schema *pSchema; /* Pointer to database schema (possibly shared) */ +}; + +/* +** An instance of the following structure stores a database schema. +** +** Most Schema objects are associated with a Btree. The exception is +** the Schema for the TEMP databaes (sqlite3.aDb[1]) which is free-standing. +** In shared cache mode, a single Schema object can be shared by multiple +** Btrees that refer to the same underlying BtShared object. +** +** Schema objects are automatically deallocated when the last Btree that +** references them is destroyed. The TEMP Schema is manually freed by +** sqlite3_close(). +* +** A thread must be holding a mutex on the corresponding Btree in order +** to access Schema content. This implies that the thread must also be +** holding a mutex on the sqlite3 connection pointer that owns the Btree. +** For a TEMP Schema, only the connection mutex is required. +*/ +struct Schema { + int schema_cookie; /* Database schema version number for this file */ + int iGeneration; /* Generation counter. Incremented with each change */ + Hash tblHash; /* All tables indexed by name */ + Hash idxHash; /* All (named) indices indexed by name */ + Hash trigHash; /* All triggers indexed by name */ + Hash fkeyHash; /* All foreign keys by referenced table name */ + Table *pSeqTab; /* The sqlite_sequence table used by AUTOINCREMENT */ + u8 file_format; /* Schema format version for this file */ + u8 enc; /* Text encoding used by this database */ + u16 flags; /* Flags associated with this schema */ + int cache_size; /* Number of pages to use in the cache */ +}; + +/* +** These macros can be used to test, set, or clear bits in the +** Db.pSchema->flags field. +*/ +#define DbHasProperty(D,I,P) (((D)->aDb[I].pSchema->flags&(P))==(P)) +#define DbHasAnyProperty(D,I,P) (((D)->aDb[I].pSchema->flags&(P))!=0) +#define DbSetProperty(D,I,P) (D)->aDb[I].pSchema->flags|=(P) +#define DbClearProperty(D,I,P) (D)->aDb[I].pSchema->flags&=~(P) + +/* +** Allowed values for the DB.pSchema->flags field. +** +** The DB_SchemaLoaded flag is set after the database schema has been +** read into internal hash tables. +** +** DB_UnresetViews means that one or more views have column names that +** have been filled out. If the schema changes, these column names might +** changes and so the view will need to be reset. +*/ +#define DB_SchemaLoaded 0x0001 /* The schema has been loaded */ +#define DB_UnresetViews 0x0002 /* Some views have defined column names */ +#define DB_Empty 0x0004 /* The file is empty (length 0 bytes) */ + +/* +** The number of different kinds of things that can be limited +** using the sqlite3_limit() interface. +*/ +#define SQLITE_N_LIMIT (SQLITE_LIMIT_TRIGGER_DEPTH+1) + +/* +** Lookaside malloc is a set of fixed-size buffers that can be used +** to satisfy small transient memory allocation requests for objects +** associated with a particular database connection. The use of +** lookaside malloc provides a significant performance enhancement +** (approx 10%) by avoiding numerous malloc/free requests while parsing +** SQL statements. +** +** The Lookaside structure holds configuration information about the +** lookaside malloc subsystem. Each available memory allocation in +** the lookaside subsystem is stored on a linked list of LookasideSlot +** objects. +** +** Lookaside allocations are only allowed for objects that are associated +** with a particular database connection. Hence, schema information cannot +** be stored in lookaside because in shared cache mode the schema information +** is shared by multiple database connections. Therefore, while parsing +** schema information, the Lookaside.bEnabled flag is cleared so that +** lookaside allocations are not used to construct the schema objects. +*/ +struct Lookaside { + u16 sz; /* Size of each buffer in bytes */ + u8 bEnabled; /* False to disable new lookaside allocations */ + u8 bMalloced; /* True if pStart obtained from sqlite3_malloc() */ + int nOut; /* Number of buffers currently checked out */ + int mxOut; /* Highwater mark for nOut */ + int anStat[3]; /* 0: hits. 1: size misses. 2: full misses */ + LookasideSlot *pFree; /* List of available buffers */ + void *pStart; /* First byte of available memory space */ + void *pEnd; /* First byte past end of available space */ +}; +struct LookasideSlot { + LookasideSlot *pNext; /* Next buffer in the list of free buffers */ +}; + +/* +** A hash table for function definitions. +** +** Hash each FuncDef structure into one of the FuncDefHash.a[] slots. +** Collisions are on the FuncDef.pHash chain. +*/ +struct FuncDefHash { + FuncDef *a[23]; /* Hash table for functions */ +}; + +/* +** Each database connection is an instance of the following structure. +*/ +struct sqlite3 { + sqlite3_vfs *pVfs; /* OS Interface */ + struct Vdbe *pVdbe; /* List of active virtual machines */ + CollSeq *pDfltColl; /* The default collating sequence (BINARY) */ + sqlite3_mutex *mutex; /* Connection mutex */ + Db *aDb; /* All backends */ + int nDb; /* Number of backends currently in use */ + int flags; /* Miscellaneous flags. See below */ + i64 lastRowid; /* ROWID of most recent insert (see above) */ + unsigned int openFlags; /* Flags passed to sqlite3_vfs.xOpen() */ + int errCode; /* Most recent error code (SQLITE_*) */ + int errMask; /* & result codes with this before returning */ + u16 dbOptFlags; /* Flags to enable/disable optimizations */ + u8 autoCommit; /* The auto-commit flag. */ + u8 temp_store; /* 1: file 2: memory 0: default */ + u8 mallocFailed; /* True if we have seen a malloc failure */ + u8 dfltLockMode; /* Default locking-mode for attached dbs */ + signed char nextAutovac; /* Autovac setting after VACUUM if >=0 */ + u8 suppressErr; /* Do not issue error messages if true */ + u8 vtabOnConflict; /* Value to return for s3_vtab_on_conflict() */ + u8 isTransactionSavepoint; /* True if the outermost savepoint is a TS */ + int nextPagesize; /* Pagesize after VACUUM if >0 */ + u32 magic; /* Magic number for detect library misuse */ + int nChange; /* Value returned by sqlite3_changes() */ + int nTotalChange; /* Value returned by sqlite3_total_changes() */ + int aLimit[SQLITE_N_LIMIT]; /* Limits */ + struct sqlite3InitInfo { /* Information used during initialization */ + int newTnum; /* Rootpage of table being initialized */ + u8 iDb; /* Which db file is being initialized */ + u8 busy; /* TRUE if currently initializing */ + u8 orphanTrigger; /* Last statement is orphaned TEMP trigger */ + } init; + int activeVdbeCnt; /* Number of VDBEs currently executing */ + int writeVdbeCnt; /* Number of active VDBEs that are writing */ + int vdbeExecCnt; /* Number of nested calls to VdbeExec() */ + int nExtension; /* Number of loaded extensions */ + void **aExtension; /* Array of shared library handles */ + void (*xTrace)(void*,const char*); /* Trace function */ + void *pTraceArg; /* Argument to the trace function */ + void (*xProfile)(void*,const char*,u64); /* Profiling function */ + void *pProfileArg; /* Argument to profile function */ + void *pCommitArg; /* Argument to xCommitCallback() */ + int (*xCommitCallback)(void*); /* Invoked at every commit. */ + void *pRollbackArg; /* Argument to xRollbackCallback() */ + void (*xRollbackCallback)(void*); /* Invoked at every commit. */ + void *pUpdateArg; + void (*xUpdateCallback)(void*,int, const char*,const char*,sqlite_int64); +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL + int (*xWalCallback)(void *, sqlite3 *, const char *, int); + void *pWalArg; +#endif + void(*xCollNeeded)(void*,sqlite3*,int eTextRep,const char*); + void(*xCollNeeded16)(void*,sqlite3*,int eTextRep,const void*); + void *pCollNeededArg; + sqlite3_value *pErr; /* Most recent error message */ + char *zErrMsg; /* Most recent error message (UTF-8 encoded) */ + char *zErrMsg16; /* Most recent error message (UTF-16 encoded) */ + union { + volatile int isInterrupted; /* True if sqlite3_interrupt has been called */ + double notUsed1; /* Spacer */ + } u1; + Lookaside lookaside; /* Lookaside malloc configuration */ +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_AUTHORIZATION + int (*xAuth)(void*,int,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*); + /* Access authorization function */ + void *pAuthArg; /* 1st argument to the access auth function */ +#endif +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_PROGRESS_CALLBACK + int (*xProgress)(void *); /* The progress callback */ + void *pProgressArg; /* Argument to the progress callback */ + int nProgressOps; /* Number of opcodes for progress callback */ +#endif +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE + int nVTrans; /* Allocated size of aVTrans */ + Hash aModule; /* populated by sqlite3_create_module() */ + VtabCtx *pVtabCtx; /* Context for active vtab connect/create */ + VTable **aVTrans; /* Virtual tables with open transactions */ + VTable *pDisconnect; /* Disconnect these in next sqlite3_prepare() */ +#endif + FuncDefHash aFunc; /* Hash table of connection functions */ + Hash aCollSeq; /* All collating sequences */ + BusyHandler busyHandler; /* Busy callback */ + Db aDbStatic[2]; /* Static space for the 2 default backends */ + Savepoint *pSavepoint; /* List of active savepoints */ + int busyTimeout; /* Busy handler timeout, in msec */ + int nSavepoint; /* Number of non-transaction savepoints */ + int nStatement; /* Number of nested statement-transactions */ + i64 nDeferredCons; /* Net deferred constraints this transaction. */ + int *pnBytesFreed; /* If not NULL, increment this in DbFree() */ + +#ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_UNLOCK_NOTIFY + /* The following variables are all protected by the STATIC_MASTER + ** mutex, not by sqlite3.mutex. They are used by code in notify.c. + ** + ** When X.pUnlockConnection==Y, that means that X is waiting for Y to + ** unlock so that it can proceed. + ** + ** When X.pBlockingConnection==Y, that means that something that X tried + ** tried to do recently failed with an SQLITE_LOCKED error due to locks + ** held by Y. + */ + sqlite3 *pBlockingConnection; /* Connection that caused SQLITE_LOCKED */ + sqlite3 *pUnlockConnection; /* Connection to watch for unlock */ + void *pUnlockArg; /* Argument to xUnlockNotify */ + void (*xUnlockNotify)(void **, int); /* Unlock notify callback */ + sqlite3 *pNextBlocked; /* Next in list of all blocked connections */ +#endif +}; + +/* +** A macro to discover the encoding of a database. +*/ +#define ENC(db) ((db)->aDb[0].pSchema->enc) + +/* +** Possible values for the sqlite3.flags. +*/ +#define SQLITE_VdbeTrace 0x00000001 /* True to trace VDBE execution */ +#define SQLITE_InternChanges 0x00000002 /* Uncommitted Hash table changes */ +#define SQLITE_FullColNames 0x00000004 /* Show full column names on SELECT */ +#define SQLITE_ShortColNames 0x00000008 /* Show short columns names */ +#define SQLITE_CountRows 0x00000010 /* Count rows changed by INSERT, */ + /* DELETE, or UPDATE and return */ + /* the count using a callback. */ +#define SQLITE_NullCallback 0x00000020 /* Invoke the callback once if the */ + /* result set is empty */ +#define SQLITE_SqlTrace 0x00000040 /* Debug print SQL as it executes */ +#define SQLITE_VdbeListing 0x00000080 /* Debug listings of VDBE programs */ +#define SQLITE_WriteSchema 0x00000100 /* OK to update SQLITE_MASTER */ +#define SQLITE_VdbeAddopTrace 0x00000200 /* Trace sqlite3VdbeAddOp() calls */ +#define SQLITE_IgnoreChecks 0x00000400 /* Do not enforce check constraints */ +#define SQLITE_ReadUncommitted 0x0000800 /* For shared-cache mode */ +#define SQLITE_LegacyFileFmt 0x00001000 /* Create new databases in format 1 */ +#define SQLITE_FullFSync 0x00002000 /* Use full fsync on the backend */ +#define SQLITE_CkptFullFSync 0x00004000 /* Use full fsync for checkpoint */ +#define SQLITE_RecoveryMode 0x00008000 /* Ignore schema errors */ +#define SQLITE_ReverseOrder 0x00010000 /* Reverse unordered SELECTs */ +#define SQLITE_RecTriggers 0x00020000 /* Enable recursive triggers */ +#define SQLITE_ForeignKeys 0x00040000 /* Enforce foreign key constraints */ +#define SQLITE_AutoIndex 0x00080000 /* Enable automatic indexes */ +#define SQLITE_PreferBuiltin 0x00100000 /* Preference to built-in funcs */ +#define SQLITE_LoadExtension 0x00200000 /* Enable load_extension */ +#define SQLITE_EnableTrigger 0x00400000 /* True to enable triggers */ + +/* +** Bits of the sqlite3.dbOptFlags field that are used by the +** sqlite3_test_control(SQLITE_TESTCTRL_OPTIMIZATIONS,...) interface to +** selectively disable various optimizations. +*/ +#define SQLITE_QueryFlattener 0x0001 /* Query flattening */ +#define SQLITE_ColumnCache 0x0002 /* Column cache */ +#define SQLITE_GroupByOrder 0x0004 /* GROUPBY cover of ORDERBY */ +#define SQLITE_FactorOutConst 0x0008 /* Constant factoring */ +#define SQLITE_IdxRealAsInt 0x0010 /* Store REAL as INT in indices */ +#define SQLITE_DistinctOpt 0x0020 /* DISTINCT using indexes */ +#define SQLITE_CoverIdxScan 0x0040 /* Covering index scans */ +#define SQLITE_OrderByIdxJoin 0x0080 /* ORDER BY of joins via index */ +#define SQLITE_SubqCoroutine 0x0100 /* Evaluate subqueries as coroutines */ +#define SQLITE_Transitive 0x0200 /* Transitive constraints */ +#define SQLITE_AllOpts 0xffff /* All optimizations */ + +/* +** Macros for testing whether or not optimizations are enabled or disabled. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_BUILTIN_TEST +#define OptimizationDisabled(db, mask) (((db)->dbOptFlags&(mask))!=0) +#define OptimizationEnabled(db, mask) (((db)->dbOptFlags&(mask))==0) +#else +#define OptimizationDisabled(db, mask) 0 +#define OptimizationEnabled(db, mask) 1 +#endif + +/* +** Possible values for the sqlite.magic field. +** The numbers are obtained at random and have no special meaning, other +** than being distinct from one another. +*/ +#define SQLITE_MAGIC_OPEN 0xa029a697 /* Database is open */ +#define SQLITE_MAGIC_CLOSED 0x9f3c2d33 /* Database is closed */ +#define SQLITE_MAGIC_SICK 0x4b771290 /* Error and awaiting close */ +#define SQLITE_MAGIC_BUSY 0xf03b7906 /* Database currently in use */ +#define SQLITE_MAGIC_ERROR 0xb5357930 /* An SQLITE_MISUSE error occurred */ +#define SQLITE_MAGIC_ZOMBIE 0x64cffc7f /* Close with last statement close */ + +/* +** Each SQL function is defined by an instance of the following +** structure. A pointer to this structure is stored in the sqlite.aFunc +** hash table. When multiple functions have the same name, the hash table +** points to a linked list of these structures. +*/ +struct FuncDef { + i16 nArg; /* Number of arguments. -1 means unlimited */ + u8 iPrefEnc; /* Preferred text encoding (SQLITE_UTF8, 16LE, 16BE) */ + u8 flags; /* Some combination of SQLITE_FUNC_* */ + void *pUserData; /* User data parameter */ + FuncDef *pNext; /* Next function with same name */ + void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**); /* Regular function */ + void (*xStep)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**); /* Aggregate step */ + void (*xFinalize)(sqlite3_context*); /* Aggregate finalizer */ + char *zName; /* SQL name of the function. */ + FuncDef *pHash; /* Next with a different name but the same hash */ + FuncDestructor *pDestructor; /* Reference counted destructor function */ +}; + +/* +** This structure encapsulates a user-function destructor callback (as +** configured using create_function_v2()) and a reference counter. When +** create_function_v2() is called to create a function with a destructor, +** a single object of this type is allocated. FuncDestructor.nRef is set to +** the number of FuncDef objects created (either 1 or 3, depending on whether +** or not the specified encoding is SQLITE_ANY). The FuncDef.pDestructor +** member of each of the new FuncDef objects is set to point to the allocated +** FuncDestructor. +** +** Thereafter, when one of the FuncDef objects is deleted, the reference +** count on this object is decremented. When it reaches 0, the destructor +** is invoked and the FuncDestructor structure freed. +*/ +struct FuncDestructor { + int nRef; + void (*xDestroy)(void *); + void *pUserData; +}; + +/* +** Possible values for FuncDef.flags. Note that the _LENGTH and _TYPEOF +** values must correspond to OPFLAG_LENGTHARG and OPFLAG_TYPEOFARG. There +** are assert() statements in the code to verify this. +*/ +#define SQLITE_FUNC_LIKE 0x01 /* Candidate for the LIKE optimization */ +#define SQLITE_FUNC_CASE 0x02 /* Case-sensitive LIKE-type function */ +#define SQLITE_FUNC_EPHEM 0x04 /* Ephemeral. Delete with VDBE */ +#define SQLITE_FUNC_NEEDCOLL 0x08 /* sqlite3GetFuncCollSeq() might be called */ +#define SQLITE_FUNC_COUNT 0x10 /* Built-in count(*) aggregate */ +#define SQLITE_FUNC_COALESCE 0x20 /* Built-in coalesce() or ifnull() function */ +#define SQLITE_FUNC_LENGTH 0x40 /* Built-in length() function */ +#define SQLITE_FUNC_TYPEOF 0x80 /* Built-in typeof() function */ + +/* +** The following three macros, FUNCTION(), LIKEFUNC() and AGGREGATE() are +** used to create the initializers for the FuncDef structures. +** +** FUNCTION(zName, nArg, iArg, bNC, xFunc) +** Used to create a scalar function definition of a function zName +** implemented by C function xFunc that accepts nArg arguments. The +** value passed as iArg is cast to a (void*) and made available +** as the user-data (sqlite3_user_data()) for the function. If +** argument bNC is true, then the SQLITE_FUNC_NEEDCOLL flag is set. +** +** AGGREGATE(zName, nArg, iArg, bNC, xStep, xFinal) +** Used to create an aggregate function definition implemented by +** the C functions xStep and xFinal. The first four parameters +** are interpreted in the same way as the first 4 parameters to +** FUNCTION(). +** +** LIKEFUNC(zName, nArg, pArg, flags) +** Used to create a scalar function definition of a function zName +** that accepts nArg arguments and is implemented by a call to C +** function likeFunc. Argument pArg is cast to a (void *) and made +** available as the function user-data (sqlite3_user_data()). The +** FuncDef.flags variable is set to the value passed as the flags +** parameter. +*/ +#define FUNCTION(zName, nArg, iArg, bNC, xFunc) \ + {nArg, SQLITE_UTF8, (bNC*SQLITE_FUNC_NEEDCOLL), \ + SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR(iArg), 0, xFunc, 0, 0, #zName, 0, 0} +#define FUNCTION2(zName, nArg, iArg, bNC, xFunc, extraFlags) \ + {nArg, SQLITE_UTF8, (bNC*SQLITE_FUNC_NEEDCOLL)|extraFlags, \ + SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR(iArg), 0, xFunc, 0, 0, #zName, 0, 0} +#define STR_FUNCTION(zName, nArg, pArg, bNC, xFunc) \ + {nArg, SQLITE_UTF8, bNC*SQLITE_FUNC_NEEDCOLL, \ + pArg, 0, xFunc, 0, 0, #zName, 0, 0} +#define LIKEFUNC(zName, nArg, arg, flags) \ + {nArg, SQLITE_UTF8, flags, (void *)arg, 0, likeFunc, 0, 0, #zName, 0, 0} +#define AGGREGATE(zName, nArg, arg, nc, xStep, xFinal) \ + {nArg, SQLITE_UTF8, nc*SQLITE_FUNC_NEEDCOLL, \ + SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR(arg), 0, 0, xStep,xFinal,#zName,0,0} + +/* +** All current savepoints are stored in a linked list starting at +** sqlite3.pSavepoint. The first element in the list is the most recently +** opened savepoint. Savepoints are added to the list by the vdbe +** OP_Savepoint instruction. +*/ +struct Savepoint { + char *zName; /* Savepoint name (nul-terminated) */ + i64 nDeferredCons; /* Number of deferred fk violations */ + Savepoint *pNext; /* Parent savepoint (if any) */ +}; + +/* +** The following are used as the second parameter to sqlite3Savepoint(), +** and as the P1 argument to the OP_Savepoint instruction. +*/ +#define SAVEPOINT_BEGIN 0 +#define SAVEPOINT_RELEASE 1 +#define SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK 2 + + +/* +** Each SQLite module (virtual table definition) is defined by an +** instance of the following structure, stored in the sqlite3.aModule +** hash table. +*/ +struct Module { + const sqlite3_module *pModule; /* Callback pointers */ + const char *zName; /* Name passed to create_module() */ + void *pAux; /* pAux passed to create_module() */ + void (*xDestroy)(void *); /* Module destructor function */ +}; + +/* +** information about each column of an SQL table is held in an instance +** of this structure. +*/ +struct Column { + char *zName; /* Name of this column */ + Expr *pDflt; /* Default value of this column */ + char *zDflt; /* Original text of the default value */ + char *zType; /* Data type for this column */ + char *zColl; /* Collating sequence. If NULL, use the default */ + u8 notNull; /* An OE_ code for handling a NOT NULL constraint */ + char affinity; /* One of the SQLITE_AFF_... values */ + u16 colFlags; /* Boolean properties. See COLFLAG_ defines below */ +}; + +/* Allowed values for Column.colFlags: +*/ +#define COLFLAG_PRIMKEY 0x0001 /* Column is part of the primary key */ +#define COLFLAG_HIDDEN 0x0002 /* A hidden column in a virtual table */ + +/* +** A "Collating Sequence" is defined by an instance of the following +** structure. Conceptually, a collating sequence consists of a name and +** a comparison routine that defines the order of that sequence. +** +** If CollSeq.xCmp is NULL, it means that the +** collating sequence is undefined. Indices built on an undefined +** collating sequence may not be read or written. +*/ +struct CollSeq { + char *zName; /* Name of the collating sequence, UTF-8 encoded */ + u8 enc; /* Text encoding handled by xCmp() */ + void *pUser; /* First argument to xCmp() */ + int (*xCmp)(void*,int, const void*, int, const void*); + void (*xDel)(void*); /* Destructor for pUser */ +}; + +/* +** A sort order can be either ASC or DESC. +*/ +#define SQLITE_SO_ASC 0 /* Sort in ascending order */ +#define SQLITE_SO_DESC 1 /* Sort in ascending order */ + +/* +** Column affinity types. +** +** These used to have mnemonic name like 'i' for SQLITE_AFF_INTEGER and +** 't' for SQLITE_AFF_TEXT. But we can save a little space and improve +** the speed a little by numbering the values consecutively. +** +** But rather than start with 0 or 1, we begin with 'a'. That way, +** when multiple affinity types are concatenated into a string and +** used as the P4 operand, they will be more readable. +** +** Note also that the numeric types are grouped together so that testing +** for a numeric type is a single comparison. +*/ +#define SQLITE_AFF_TEXT 'a' +#define SQLITE_AFF_NONE 'b' +#define SQLITE_AFF_NUMERIC 'c' +#define SQLITE_AFF_INTEGER 'd' +#define SQLITE_AFF_REAL 'e' + +#define sqlite3IsNumericAffinity(X) ((X)>=SQLITE_AFF_NUMERIC) + +/* +** The SQLITE_AFF_MASK values masks off the significant bits of an +** affinity value. +*/ +#define SQLITE_AFF_MASK 0x67 + +/* +** Additional bit values that can be ORed with an affinity without +** changing the affinity. +*/ +#define SQLITE_JUMPIFNULL 0x08 /* jumps if either operand is NULL */ +#define SQLITE_STOREP2 0x10 /* Store result in reg[P2] rather than jump */ +#define SQLITE_NULLEQ 0x80 /* NULL=NULL */ + +/* +** An object of this type is created for each virtual table present in +** the database schema. +** +** If the database schema is shared, then there is one instance of this +** structure for each database connection (sqlite3*) that uses the shared +** schema. This is because each database connection requires its own unique +** instance of the sqlite3_vtab* handle used to access the virtual table +** implementation. sqlite3_vtab* handles can not be shared between +** database connections, even when the rest of the in-memory database +** schema is shared, as the implementation often stores the database +** connection handle passed to it via the xConnect() or xCreate() method +** during initialization internally. This database connection handle may +** then be used by the virtual table implementation to access real tables +** within the database. So that they appear as part of the callers +** transaction, these accesses need to be made via the same database +** connection as that used to execute SQL operations on the virtual table. +** +** All VTable objects that correspond to a single table in a shared +** database schema are initially stored in a linked-list pointed to by +** the Table.pVTable member variable of the corresponding Table object. +** When an sqlite3_prepare() operation is required to access the virtual +** table, it searches the list for the VTable that corresponds to the +** database connection doing the preparing so as to use the correct +** sqlite3_vtab* handle in the compiled query. +** +** When an in-memory Table object is deleted (for example when the +** schema is being reloaded for some reason), the VTable objects are not +** deleted and the sqlite3_vtab* handles are not xDisconnect()ed +** immediately. Instead, they are moved from the Table.pVTable list to +** another linked list headed by the sqlite3.pDisconnect member of the +** corresponding sqlite3 structure. They are then deleted/xDisconnected +** next time a statement is prepared using said sqlite3*. This is done +** to avoid deadlock issues involving multiple sqlite3.mutex mutexes. +** Refer to comments above function sqlite3VtabUnlockList() for an +** explanation as to why it is safe to add an entry to an sqlite3.pDisconnect +** list without holding the corresponding sqlite3.mutex mutex. +** +** The memory for objects of this type is always allocated by +** sqlite3DbMalloc(), using the connection handle stored in VTable.db as +** the first argument. +*/ +struct VTable { + sqlite3 *db; /* Database connection associated with this table */ + Module *pMod; /* Pointer to module implementation */ + sqlite3_vtab *pVtab; /* Pointer to vtab instance */ + int nRef; /* Number of pointers to this structure */ + u8 bConstraint; /* True if constraints are supported */ + int iSavepoint; /* Depth of the SAVEPOINT stack */ + VTable *pNext; /* Next in linked list (see above) */ +}; + +/* +** Each SQL table is represented in memory by an instance of the +** following structure. +** +** Table.zName is the name of the table. The case of the original +** CREATE TABLE statement is stored, but case is not significant for +** comparisons. +** +** Table.nCol is the number of columns in this table. Table.aCol is a +** pointer to an array of Column structures, one for each column. +** +** If the table has an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, then Table.iPKey is the index of +** the column that is that key. Otherwise Table.iPKey is negative. Note +** that the datatype of the PRIMARY KEY must be INTEGER for this field to +** be set. An INTEGER PRIMARY KEY is used as the rowid for each row of +** the table. If a table has no INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, then a random rowid +** is generated for each row of the table. TF_HasPrimaryKey is set if +** the table has any PRIMARY KEY, INTEGER or otherwise. +** +** Table.tnum is the page number for the root BTree page of the table in the +** database file. If Table.iDb is the index of the database table backend +** in sqlite.aDb[]. 0 is for the main database and 1 is for the file that +** holds temporary tables and indices. If TF_Ephemeral is set +** then the table is stored in a file that is automatically deleted +** when the VDBE cursor to the table is closed. In this case Table.tnum +** refers VDBE cursor number that holds the table open, not to the root +** page number. Transient tables are used to hold the results of a +** sub-query that appears instead of a real table name in the FROM clause +** of a SELECT statement. +*/ +struct Table { + char *zName; /* Name of the table or view */ + Column *aCol; /* Information about each column */ + Index *pIndex; /* List of SQL indexes on this table. */ + Select *pSelect; /* NULL for tables. Points to definition if a view. */ + FKey *pFKey; /* Linked list of all foreign keys in this table */ + char *zColAff; /* String defining the affinity of each column */ +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_CHECK + ExprList *pCheck; /* All CHECK constraints */ +#endif + tRowcnt nRowEst; /* Estimated rows in table - from sqlite_stat1 table */ + int tnum; /* Root BTree node for this table (see note above) */ + i16 iPKey; /* If not negative, use aCol[iPKey] as the primary key */ + i16 nCol; /* Number of columns in this table */ + u16 nRef; /* Number of pointers to this Table */ + u8 tabFlags; /* Mask of TF_* values */ + u8 keyConf; /* What to do in case of uniqueness conflict on iPKey */ +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_ALTERTABLE + int addColOffset; /* Offset in CREATE TABLE stmt to add a new column */ +#endif +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE + int nModuleArg; /* Number of arguments to the module */ + char **azModuleArg; /* Text of all module args. [0] is module name */ + VTable *pVTable; /* List of VTable objects. */ +#endif + Trigger *pTrigger; /* List of triggers stored in pSchema */ + Schema *pSchema; /* Schema that contains this table */ + Table *pNextZombie; /* Next on the Parse.pZombieTab list */ +}; + +/* +** Allowed values for Tabe.tabFlags. +*/ +#define TF_Readonly 0x01 /* Read-only system table */ +#define TF_Ephemeral 0x02 /* An ephemeral table */ +#define TF_HasPrimaryKey 0x04 /* Table has a primary key */ +#define TF_Autoincrement 0x08 /* Integer primary key is autoincrement */ +#define TF_Virtual 0x10 /* Is a virtual table */ + + +/* +** Test to see whether or not a table is a virtual table. This is +** done as a macro so that it will be optimized out when virtual +** table support is omitted from the build. +*/ +#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE +# define IsVirtual(X) (((X)->tabFlags & TF_Virtual)!=0) +# define IsHiddenColumn(X) (((X)->colFlags & COLFLAG_HIDDEN)!=0) +#else +# define IsVirtual(X) 0 +# define IsHiddenColumn(X) 0 +#endif + +/* +** Each foreign key constraint is an instance of the following structure. +** +** A foreign key is associated with two tables. The "from" table is +** the table that contains the REFERENCES clause that creates the foreign +** key. The "to" table is the table that is named in the REFERENCES clause. +** Consider this example: +** +** CREATE TABLE ex1( +** a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, +** b INTEGER CONSTRAINT fk1 REFERENCES ex2(x) +** ); +** +** For foreign key "fk1", the from-table is "ex1" and the to-table is "ex2". +** +** Each REFERENCES clause generates an instance of the following structure +** which is attached to the from-table. The to-table need not exist when +** the from-table is created. The existence of the to-table is not checked. +*/ +struct FKey { + Table *pFrom; /* Table containing the REFERENCES clause (aka: Child) */ + FKey *pNextFrom; /* Next foreign key in pFrom */ + char *zTo; /* Name of table that the key points to (aka: Parent) */ + FKey *pNextTo; /* Next foreign key on table named zTo */ + FKey *pPrevTo; /* Previous foreign key on table named zTo */ + int nCol; /* Number of columns in this key */ + /* EV: R-30323-21917 */ + u8 isDeferred; /* True if constraint checking is deferred till COMMIT */ + u8 aAction[2]; /* ON DELETE and ON UPDATE actions, respectively */ + Trigger *apTrigger[2]; /* Triggers for aAction[] actions */ + struct sColMap { /* Mapping of columns in pFrom to columns in zTo */ + int iFrom; /* Index of column in pFrom */ + char *zCol; /* Name of column in zTo. If 0 use PRIMARY KEY */ + } aCol[1]; /* One entry for each of nCol column s */ +}; + +/* +** SQLite supports many different ways to resolve a constraint +** error. ROLLBACK processing means that a constraint violation +** causes the operation in process to fail and for the current transaction +** to be rolled back. ABORT processing means the operation in process +** fails and any prior changes from that one operation are backed out, +** but the transaction is not rolled back. FAIL processing means that +** the operation in progress stops and returns an error code. But prior +** changes due to the same operation are not backed out and no rollback +** occurs. IGNORE means that the particular row that caused the constraint +** error is not inserted or updated. Processing continues and no error +** is returned. REPLACE means that preexisting database rows that caused +** a UNIQUE constraint violation are removed so that the new insert or +** update can proceed. Processing continues and no error is reported. +** +** RESTRICT, SETNULL, and CASCADE actions apply only to foreign keys. +** RESTRICT is the same as ABORT for IMMEDIATE foreign keys and the +** same as ROLLBACK for DEFERRED keys. SETNULL means that the foreign +** key is set to NULL. CASCADE means that a DELETE or UPDATE of the +** referenced table row is propagated into the row that holds the +** foreign key. +** +** The following symbolic values are used to record which type +** of action to take. +*/ +#define OE_None 0 /* There is no constraint to check */ +#define OE_Rollback 1 /* Fail the operation and rollback the transaction */ +#define OE_Abort 2 /* Back out changes but do no rollback transaction */ +#define OE_Fail 3 /* Stop the operation but leave all prior changes */ +#define OE_Ignore 4 /* Ignore the error. Do not do the INSERT or UPDATE */ +#define OE_Replace 5 /* Delete existing record, then do INSERT or UPDATE */ + +#define OE_Restrict 6 /* OE_Abort for IMMEDIATE, OE_Rollback for DEFERRED */ +#define OE_SetNull 7 /* Set the foreign key value to NULL */ +#define OE_SetDflt 8 /* Set the foreign key value to its default */ +#define OE_Cascade 9 /* Cascade the changes */ + +#define OE_Default 99 /* Do whatever the default action is */ + + +/* +** An instance of the following structure is passed as the first +** argument to sqlite3VdbeKeyCompare and is used to control the +** comparison of the two index keys. +*/ +struct KeyInfo { + sqlite3 *db; /* The database connection */ + u8 enc; /* Text encoding - one of the SQLITE_UTF* values */ + u16 nField; /* Number of entries in aColl[] */ + u8 *aSortOrder; /* Sort order for each column. May be NULL */ + CollSeq *aColl[1]; /* Collating sequence for each term of the key */ +}; + +/* +** An instance of the following structure holds information about a +** single index record that has already been parsed out into individual +** values. +** +** A record is an object that contains one or more fields of data. +** Records are used to store the content of a table row and to store +** the key of an index. A blob encoding of a record is created by +** the OP_MakeRecord opcode of the VDBE and is disassembled by the +** OP_Column opcode. +** +** This structure holds a record that has already been disassembled +** into its constituent fields. +*/ +struct UnpackedRecord { + KeyInfo *pKeyInfo; /* Collation and sort-order information */ + u16 nField; /* Number of entries in apMem[] */ + u8 flags; /* Boolean settings. UNPACKED_... below */ + i64 rowid; /* Used by UNPACKED_PREFIX_SEARCH */ + Mem *aMem; /* Values */ +}; + +/* +** Allowed values of UnpackedRecord.flags +*/ +#define UNPACKED_INCRKEY 0x01 /* Make this key an epsilon larger */ +#define UNPACKED_PREFIX_MATCH 0x02 /* A prefix match is considered OK */ +#define UNPACKED_PREFIX_SEARCH 0x04 /* Ignore final (rowid) field */ + +/* +** Each SQL index is represented in memory by an +** instance of the following structure. +** +** The columns of the table that are to be indexed are described +** by the aiColumn[] field of this structure. For example, suppose +** we have the following table and index: +** +** CREATE TABLE Ex1(c1 int, c2 int, c3 text); +** CREATE INDEX Ex2 ON Ex1(c3,c1); +** +** In the Table structure describing Ex1, nCol==3 because there are +** three columns in the table. In the Index structure describing +** Ex2, nColumn==2 since 2 of the 3 columns of Ex1 are indexed. +** The value of aiColumn is {2, 0}. aiColumn[0]==2 because the +** first column to be indexed (c3) has an index of 2 in Ex1.aCol[]. +** The second column to be indexed (c1) has an index of 0 in +** Ex1.aCol[], hence Ex2.aiColumn[1]==0. +** +** The Index.onError field determines whether or not the indexed columns +** must be unique and what to do if they are not. When Index.onError=OE_None, +** it means this is not a unique index. Otherwise it is a unique index +** and the value of Index.onError indicate the which conflict resolution +** algorithm to employ whenever an attempt is made to insert a non-unique +** element. +*/ +struct Index { + char *zName; /* Name of this index */ + int *aiColumn; /* Which columns are used by this index. 1st is 0 */ + tRowcnt *aiRowEst; /* From ANALYZE: Est. rows selected by each column */ + Table *pTable; /* The SQL table being indexed */ + char *zColAff; /* String defining the affinity of each column */ + Index *pNext; /* The next index associated with the same table */ + Schema *pSchema; /* Schema containing this index */ + u8 *aSortOrder; /* for each column: True==DESC, False==ASC */ + char **azColl; /* Array of collation sequence names for index */ + int tnum; /* DB Page containing root of this index */ + u16 nColumn; /* Number of columns in table used by this index */ + u8 onError; /* OE_Abort, OE_Ignore, OE_Replace, or OE_None */ + unsigned autoIndex:2; /* 1==UNIQUE, 2==PRIMARY KEY, 0==CREATE INDEX */ + unsigned bUnordered:1; /* Use this index for == or IN queries only */ +#ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT3 + int nSample; /* Number of elements in aSample[] */ + tRowcnt avgEq; /* Average nEq value for key values not in aSample */ + IndexSample *aSample; /* Samples of the left-most key */ +#endif +}; + +/* +** Each sample stored in the sqlite_stat3 table is represented in memory +** using a structure of this type. See documentation at the top of the +** analyze.c source file for additional information. +*/ +struct IndexSample { + union { + char *z; /* Value if eType is SQLITE_TEXT or SQLITE_BLOB */ + double r; /* Value if eType is SQLITE_FLOAT */ + i64 i; /* Value if eType is SQLITE_INTEGER */ + } u; + u8 eType; /* SQLITE_NULL, SQLITE_INTEGER ... etc. */ + int nByte; /* Size in byte of text or blob. */ + tRowcnt nEq; /* Est. number of rows where the key equals this sample */ + tRowcnt nLt; /* Est. number of rows where key is less than this sample */ + tRowcnt nDLt; /* Est. number of distinct keys less than this sample */ +}; + +/* +** Each token coming out of the lexer is an instance of +** this structure. Tokens are also used as part of an expression. +** +** Note if Token.z==0 then Token.dyn and Token.n are undefined and +** may contain random values. Do not make any assumptions about Token.dyn +** and Token.n when Token.z==0. +*/ +struct Token { + const char *z; /* Text of the token. Not NULL-terminated! */ + unsigned int n; /* Number of characters in this token */ +}; + +/* +** An instance of this structure contains information needed to generate +** code for a SELECT that contains aggregate functions. +** +** If Expr.op==TK_AGG_COLUMN or TK_AGG_FUNCTION then Expr.pAggInfo is a +** pointer to this structure. The Expr.iColumn field is the index in +** AggInfo.aCol[] or AggInfo.aFunc[] of information needed to generate +** code for that node. +** +** AggInfo.pGroupBy and AggInfo.aFunc.pExpr point to fields within the +** original Select structure that describes the SELECT statement. These +** fields do not need to be freed when deallocating the AggInfo structure. +*/ +struct AggInfo { + u8 directMode; /* Direct rendering mode means take data directly + ** from source tables rather than from accumulators */ + u8 useSortingIdx; /* In direct mode, reference the sorting index rather + ** than the source table */ + int sortingIdx; /* Cursor number of the sorting index */ + int sortingIdxPTab; /* Cursor number of pseudo-table */ + int nSortingColumn; /* Number of columns in the sorting index */ + ExprList *pGroupBy; /* The group by clause */ + struct AggInfo_col { /* For each column used in source tables */ + Table *pTab; /* Source table */ + int iTable; /* Cursor number of the source table */ + int iColumn; /* Column number within the source table */ + int iSorterColumn; /* Column number in the sorting index */ + int iMem; /* Memory location that acts as accumulator */ + Expr *pExpr; /* The original expression */ + } *aCol; + int nColumn; /* Number of used entries in aCol[] */ + int nAccumulator; /* Number of columns that show through to the output. + ** Additional columns are used only as parameters to + ** aggregate functions */ + struct AggInfo_func { /* For each aggregate function */ + Expr *pExpr; /* Expression encoding the function */ + FuncDef *pFunc; /* The aggregate function implementation */ + int iMem; /* Memory location that acts as accumulator */ + int iDistinct; /* Ephemeral table used to enforce DISTINCT */ + } *aFunc; + int nFunc; /* Number of entries in aFunc[] */ +}; + +/* +** The datatype ynVar is a signed integer, either 16-bit or 32-bit. +** Usually it is 16-bits. But if SQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER is greater +** than 32767 we have to make it 32-bit. 16-bit is preferred because +** it uses less memory in the Expr object, which is a big memory user +** in systems with lots of prepared statements. And few applications +** need more than about 10 or 20 variables. But some extreme users want +** to have prepared statements with over 32767 variables, and for them +** the option is available (at compile-time). +*/ +#if SQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER<=32767 +typedef i16 ynVar; +#else +typedef int ynVar; +#endif + +/* +** Each node of an expression in the parse tree is an instance +** of this structure. +** +** Expr.op is the opcode. The integer parser token codes are reused +** as opcodes here. For example, the parser defines TK_GE to be an integer +** code representing the ">=" operator. This same integer code is reused +** to represent the greater-than-or-equal-to operator in the expression +** tree. +** +** If the expression is an SQL literal (TK_INTEGER, TK_FLOAT, TK_BLOB, +** or TK_STRING), then Expr.token contains the text of the SQL literal. If +** the expression is a variable (TK_VARIABLE), then Expr.token contains the +** variable name. Finally, if the expression is an SQL function (TK_FUNCTION), +** then Expr.token contains the name of the function. +** +** Expr.pRight and Expr.pLeft are the left and right subexpressions of a +** binary operator. Either or both may be NULL. +** +** Expr.x.pList is a list of arguments if the expression is an SQL function, +** a CASE expression or an IN expression of the form " IN (, ...)". +** Expr.x.pSelect is used if the expression is a sub-select or an expression of +** the form " IN (SELECT ...)". If the EP_xIsSelect bit is set in the +** Expr.flags mask, then Expr.x.pSelect is valid. Otherwise, Expr.x.pList is +** valid. +** +** An expression of the form ID or ID.ID refers to a column in a table. +** For such expressions, Expr.op is set to TK_COLUMN and Expr.iTable is +** the integer cursor number of a VDBE cursor pointing to that table and +** Expr.iColumn is the column number for the specific column. If the +** expression is used as a result in an aggregate SELECT, then the +** value is also stored in the Expr.iAgg column in the aggregate so that +** it can be accessed after all aggregates are computed. +** +** If the expression is an unbound variable marker (a question mark +** character '?' in the original SQL) then the Expr.iTable holds the index +** number for that variable. +** +** If the expression is a subquery then Expr.iColumn holds an integer +** register number containing the result of the subquery. If the +** subquery gives a constant result, then iTable is -1. If the subquery +** gives a different answer at different times during statement processing +** then iTable is the address of a subroutine that computes the subquery. +** +** If the Expr is of type OP_Column, and the table it is selecting from +** is a disk table or the "old.*" pseudo-table, then pTab points to the +** corresponding table definition. +** +** ALLOCATION NOTES: +** +** Expr objects can use a lot of memory space in database schema. To +** help reduce memory requirements, sometimes an Expr object will be +** truncated. And to reduce the number of memory allocations, sometimes +** two or more Expr objects will be stored in a single memory allocation, +** together with Expr.zToken strings. +** +** If the EP_Reduced and EP_TokenOnly flags are set when +** an Expr object is truncated. When EP_Reduced is set, then all +** the child Expr objects in the Expr.pLeft and Expr.pRight subtrees +** are contained within the same memory allocation. Note, however, that +** the subtrees in Expr.x.pList or Expr.x.pSelect are always separately +** allocated, regardless of whether or not EP_Reduced is set. +*/ +struct Expr { + u8 op; /* Operation performed by this node */ + char affinity; /* The affinity of the column or 0 if not a column */ + u16 flags; /* Various flags. EP_* See below */ + union { + char *zToken; /* Token value. Zero terminated and dequoted */ + int iValue; /* Non-negative integer value if EP_IntValue */ + } u; + + /* If the EP_TokenOnly flag is set in the Expr.flags mask, then no + ** space is allocated for the fields below this point. An attempt to + ** access them will result in a segfault or malfunction. + *********************************************************************/ + + Expr *pLeft; /* Left subnode */ + Expr *pRight; /* Right subnode */ + union { + ExprList *pList; /* Function arguments or in " IN ( IN (