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Releases: GeoDaCenter/geoda


27 Aug 04:59
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What's Changed

  • [Fix] Connect to Data Source window does not scale properly (Ubuntu) by @lixun910 in #2492
  • [Build] Add Mac OSX Arm64 build for M chips
  • [Build] Add Ubuntu 24.04 build

Full Changelog: v1.22.0.6...v1.22.0.8


07 Mar 17:02
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What's Changed

  • [Data] update Chicago Community Areas sample data
  • [Chore] upgrade to gdal 3.8.4 and wxWidgets 3.2.4 on MacOS
  • [Feat]: support Arrow

Full Changelog: v1.22.0.4...v1.22.0.6


12 Oct 17:25
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Fixes and new features:

  • Feature: support parquet file
  • Feature: add Ubuntu jammy build
  • Fix: Migrate Stamen base map to Stadia
  • Fix: Recent/Sample Data panel cannot be turned back on
  • Data: add sample dataset pages:
    • Chicago Community Areas
    • Chicago Carjackings
    • Chicago SDOH
    • Ceara Zika
    • Oaxaca Development
    • Italy Community Banks
    • Spirals

GeoDa 1.22 Beta

18 Aug 23:51
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See attachments for GeoDa 1.22 beta installers

GeoDa 1.22 alpha

14 Jul 17:43
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GeoDa 1.22 alpha Pre-release

@lanselin @jkoschinsky Here are the installers of GeoDa 1.22 alpha:

Please let me know of any issues and questions. Thanks!


13 Mar 05:17
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Fix MST and order issue in HCluster
Fix windows wxwidgets debug msg

GeoDa V1.20.0.22

17 Oct 01:53
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Fix: date field in table property editor crash windows #2403
Fix: did save bug + Portuguese #2399
Fix: restore proj4 db files for windows/ubuntu #2388

GeoDa v1.20.0.12

12 Apr 20:42
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GeoDa v1.20

24 Sep 22:55
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1. Spatial validation

Spatial validation provides a collection of validation measures including (1) fragmentations (entropy, simpson), (2) join count ratio, (3) compactness (isoperimeter quotient) and (4) diameter.

Fragmentation is a measure of spatial validation of clusters. It includes:

  1. entropy, which measures the fraction of observations in each cluster
  2. entropy*, which is the standardized entropy measure
  3. simpson, which is an index for diversity measure in each cluster
  4. simpson*, which is the standardized simpson measure

For non-spatially constrained clusters, the validation also reports cluster_fragmentation, which is a list of Fragmentation objects for each cluster, or None for spatially constrained clusters.

JoinCountRatio is measure of join counts (the number of times a category is surrounded by neighbors of the same category) over the total number of neighbors after converting each category to a dummy variable. It includes:

  1. neighbors, the total number of neighbors of elements in a cluster
  2. join count, the total join count of elements in a cluster
  3. ratio: the ratio of total join count over total neighbors

Compactness is a measure of isoperimeter quotient for each spatially constrained cluster. It includes:

  1. area, the area of a cluster. For points, the convex hull is used to compute the area.
  2. perimeter, the perimeter of a cluster. For points, the convex hull is used to compute the perimeter
  3. isoperimeter_quotient, (4 * pi * area) / (perimeter^2)

Diameter is a measure of the longest shortest distance between any pairs in a cluster. It includes:

  1. steps, the longest shortest distance between any pairs
  2. ratio, the ratio of steps over the number of elements in the cluster

2. Make Spatial

Make spatially constrained clusters from spatially non-constrained clusters using the contiguity information from the input weights

3. SC K Means

Spatially constrained K Means clustering algorithm implemented.

4. Join Count Ratio for Unique Value Maps

Add join count ratio option for unique value maps

5. Block Weights

Add block weights option in the contiguity weights creation

6. Cluster Map Match

Compare two clustering results using cluster map match.

7. Windows Installer for lab environment

Create installer for Windows 7+, which can be used in a Windows Lab Environment.

8. Add installer for Apple M1


  • Weights creation from polygons wrong: double precision epsilon was not handled in weights creation code.
  • fix issue that 3D plot doesn't work on Mac OS with version >
  • Update GeoDa-win7+.iss for issue MS 2015-2019 Redist problems #2360

GeoDa 1.18

12 Dec 18:38
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Note: Version with major updates on spatially constrained clustering (Hierarchical Methods, Partitioning Methods)
Please download version from:

See the latest lab notes by Dr. Luc Anselin:

• Spatial Clustering (1) - Spatializing Classic Clustering Methods
• Spatial Clustering (2) - Spatially Constrained Clustering, Hierarchical Methods
• Spatial Clustering (3) - Spatially Constrained Clustering, Partitioning Methods

New/updated features:

1. AZP Updates:

2. Max-p Updates:

3. Spatially Constrained Hierarchical Clustering (SCHC) Updates:

Add/update SCHC using Single/Average/Complete/Wards-linkage
The algorithm has been reimplemented based on Skater/Redcap

4. REDCAP Updates:

Add/update: FullOrder-WardsLinkage, FullOrder-SingleLinkage, Fullorder-AverageLinkage, Fullorder-CompleteLinkage, Firstorder-SingleLinkage

5. Language updates:
Spanish language (Thanks to Coro)
Russian language (Thanks to Venera Timiryanova)


  1. Update Windows installer with Chinese language
  2. Fix crash when using an empty column #2261
  3. Fix "Heat Map" on Windows and Ubuntu #2263
  4. Load incompatible Mat file in weights dialog will crash GeoDa #2265
  5. Fix conditional boxplot crashes with time-grouped variables #2279
  6. Fix a crash: when loading csv with empty coordinates as the second layer