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GeoDa Test Cases

Xun Li edited this page Apr 12, 2019 · 28 revisions
Table of Contents

1. Custom Breaks
2. Histogram
3. Conditional Map
4. Conditional Histogram
5. Conditional Scatter plot
6. Correlogram
7. Time

7. Time

Time Editor

1 □ Double click to select "Ungrouped Variables" to "Variables to include" List
2 □ Click > button to move selected "Ungrouped Variables" to "Variables to include" List
3 □ Click < button to move selected "Variables to include" back to "Ungrouped Variables" List
4 □ "Variables to include" List: Double Click->Edit Time
5 □ "Variables to include" List: Right Click->Add Time
6 □ "Variables to include" List: Right Click->Remove Time
9 □ Click "Move Up" button to change the order of "variables to include"
10 □ Click "Move Down" button to change the order of "variables to include"
11 □ Click > button to create "Grouped Variables"
12 □ Click < button to remove a created "Grouped Variables"
13 □ Manually Edit Group "Name"
14 □ Save Space-Time Table/Weights button

''' E.g. using NYC dataset, create grouped variable rent: rent2002, rent2005, rent2008 yrhom: yrhom2002, yrhom2005, yrhom2008 '''

15 □ GeoDa Menu: File->Save Project to save time variable definitions in .gda file
16 □ Load Space-Time Definition button from .gda Project file

Maps using Time variable

17 □ Check all thematic maps using time-variable
18 □ Using "Time Player" to update the time-variable in map window

Pay attention to the map using more than one time-variables (e.g. Cartogram): when change "current time" in "Time Player", the time-variables should keep time "difference". For example, Cartogram using circle size "rent-2002" and circle color "yrh-2005". When "current time" changes from 2002 to 2005, the Cartogram should update its variable: cirle size "rent-2005" and circle color "yrh-2008"

Plots using Time variable

19 □ Check all plots using time-variable
20 □ Using "Time Player" to update the time-variable in plot window

Table with Time Variable

21 □ Change cell value in Time variable
22 □ Delete Time variable in Table
23 □ Selection Tool with Time variable
24 □ Calculator with Time variable

Clusters with Time Variable

25 □ Check Time variable works in all Cluster methods

Space with Time Variable

26 □ Global Moran with Time variable
27 □ Local Moran with Time variable
28 □ Local G with Time variable
29 □ Local Join Count with Time variable
30 □ Local Geary with Time variable
31 □ Correlogram with Time variable
32 □ Average Chart with Time variable

33 □ Regression with Time variable

6. Correlogram

Correlogram Parameters Dialog

□ Variable
□ Distance (Eudlidean/Arc mile/Arc km)
□ Number Bins: (1-100)
□ Max Distance: (1-100)
□ Max Distance Sliding bar
□ All Pairs
□ Random Sample
□ Sample Size
□ Use specified seed
□ Change seed button
□ Help button

□ Create a time-grouped variable and select "Time" period

Correlogram Plot Menu

□ Change Parameter
□ Edit LOWESS Parameter
□ View->Set Display Precision (applies on Statistics)
□ View->Set Display Precision on Axes
□ View->Display Statistics
□ View->Save Results

Correlogram Plot

□ Select and Click on point(s) (update text on status bar)
□ Select on Histogram (no linking to other plots/maps is expected)

1. Custom Breaks

1.1 New Custom Breaks

1.1.1 Category Editor

□ New
□ Edit Title
□ Delete
□ Assoc. Var.
□ Breaks
□ Color Scheme
□ Categories
□ Save Categories to Table
□ Automatic Labels
□ Manually editing "breaks 1/2/3/.."
□ Manually sliding break
□ Brushing&Linking Histogram

1.1.2 Maps

  1. Map->Change Current MapType ->Custom Breaks -> Create New Custom

□ for a themeless map, Variable Settings dialog will be prompted to select variable, then category editor will be created using selected variable, "quantile" breaks, "sequential" color scheme, and "5" categories
□ for a thematic map, make sure the default category editor is created from current map
□ make sure the changes in category editor (new custom breaks) is applied to current map

  1. Cartogram->Classification Themes ->Custom Breaks -> Create New Custom

□ make sure the default category editor is created from current map
□ make sure the changes in category editor (new custom breaks) is applied to current map

  1. Bubble Chart ->Classification Themes ->Custom Breaks -> Create New Custom

□ make sure the default category editor is created from current map
□ make sure the changes in category editor (new custom breaks) is applied to current map

  1. Conditional Map ->Map Color Classification->Custom Breaks -> Create New Custom

□ make sure the default category editor is created from current map
□ make sure the changes in category editor (new custom breaks) is applied to current map

  1. Conditional Map ->Verticle Bins Classification->Custom Breaks -> Create New Custom

□ make sure the default category editor is created from current map
□ make sure the changes in category editor (new custom breaks) is applied to current map

  1. Conditional Map ->Horizontal Bins Classification->Custom Breaks -> Create New Custom

□ make sure the default category editor is created from current map
□ make sure the changes in category editor (new custom breaks) is applied to current map

  1. Conditional Histogram ->Verticle Bins Classification->Custom Breaks -> Create New Custom

□ make sure the default category editor is created from current map
□ make sure the changes in category editor (new custom breaks) is applied to current map

  1. Conditional Histogram ->Horizontal Bins Classification->Custom Breaks -> Create New Custom

□ make sure the default category editor is created from current map
□ make sure the changes in category editor (new custom breaks) is applied to current map

  1. Conditional Scatter Plot ->Verticle Bins Classification->Custom Breaks -> Create New Custom

□ make sure the default category editor is created from current map
□ make sure the changes in category editor (new custom breaks) is applied to current map

  1. Conditional Scatter Plot ->Horizontal Bins Classification->Custom Breaks -> Create New Custom

□ make sure the default category editor is created from current map
□ make sure the changes in category editor (new custom breaks) is applied to current map

1.1.3 Plots

  1. Histogram ->Histogram Classification ->Create New Custom

□ make sure the default category editor is created from current plot
□ make sure the changes in category editor (new custom breaks) is applied to current plot

  1. Parallel Coordinate Plot ->Classification Themes ->Create New Custom

□ make sure the default category editor is created from current plot
□ make sure the changes in category editor (new custom breaks) is applied to current plot

1.2 Use existing "Custom Breaks"

Suppose we have a custom breaks named "Custom_breaks_1"


  1. GeoDa Menu->Map->Custom Breaks->Custom_breaks_1

□ should pop-up variable selection dialog, and default variable is defined in Category Editor and category "Custom_breaks_1" will be loaded automatically

  1. Map window -> thematic map (e.g. box map) ->Change Map Type->Custom Breaks->Custom_breaks_1

□ check if Custom_breaks_1 breaks will replace breaks in existing thematic map

  1. Cartogram->Classification Themes ->Custom Breaks -> "Custom_breaks_1"

□ check if Custom_breaks_1 breaks will replace breaks in current Cartogram

  1. Bubble Chart ->Classification Themes ->Custom Breaks -> "Custom_breaks_1"

□ check if Custom_breaks_1 breaks will replace breaks in the current bubble chart

  1. Conditional Map ->Map Color Classification->Custom Breaks -> "Custom_breaks_1"

□ check if Custom_breaks_1 breaks will replace breaks in the current conditional map

  1. Conditional Map ->Verticle Bins Classification->Custom Breaks -> "Custom_breaks_1"

□ check if Custom_breaks_1 breaks will replace breaks in the current conditional map

  1. Conditional Map ->Horizontal Bins Classification->Custom Breaks -> "Custom_breaks_1"

□ check if Custom_breaks_1 breaks will replace breaks in the current conditional map

  1. Conditional Histogram ->Verticle Bins Classification->Custom Breaks -> "Custom_breaks_1"

□ check if Custom_breaks_1 breaks will replace breaks in the current conditional Histogram

  1. Conditional Histogram ->Horizontal Bins Classification->Custom Breaks -> "Custom_breaks_1"

□ check if Custom_breaks_1 breaks will replace breaks in the current conditional Histogram

  1. Conditional Scatter Plot ->Verticle Bins Classification->Custom Breaks -> "Custom_breaks_1"

□ check if Custom_breaks_1 breaks will replace breaks in the current conditional Scatter Plot

  1. Conditional Scatter Plot ->Horizontal Bins Classification->Custom Breaks -> "Custom_breaks_1"

□ check if Custom_breaks_1 breaks will replace breaks in the current conditional Scatter Plot

Project file (.gda)

□ GeoDa Menu->File->Save Project should save "Custom_breaks_1" meta-data in the .gda project file
□ GeoDa Menu->File->Open Project (or Drag-n-drop .gda file) should load "Custom_breaks_1" in Category Editor dialog; and also can be used in maps and plots


  1. Histogram ->Histogram Classification ->Create New Custom

□ make sure the "Custom_breaks_1" category can be used in current plot

  1. Parallel Coordinate Plot ->Classification Themes ->Create New Custom

□ make sure the "Custom_breaks_1" category can be used in current plot

# 2. Histogram

2.1 Histogram Classification

Check if any "Custom Breaks" rendered correctly on canvas

E.g. Histogram: Crm_prp and "Custom Breaks": Crm_prs

2.2 Intervals

□ Choose Intervals # of Intervals should be >= 1 and <= # of obs.

2.3 View

□ Display Statistics
□ Set Display Precision (after check "Display Statistics")
□ Set Display Precision on Axes

3. Conditional Map

□ check: Horizontal Cells (empty) Vertical Cells (one selection) Map Theme (one selection)
□ check Horizontal Cells (one selection) Vertical Cells (empty) Map Theme (one selection)

4. Conditional Histogram

□ check: Horizontal Cells (empty) Vertical Cells (one selection) Histogram Variable (one selection)
□ check Horizontal Cells (one selection) Vertical Cells (empty) Histogram Variable (one selection)

5. Conditional Scatter plot

□ check: Horizontal Cells (empty) Vertical Cells (one selection) Map Theme (one selection)
□ check Horizontal Cells (one selection) Vertical Cells (empty) Map Theme (one selection)