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File metadata and controls

273 lines (145 loc) · 41.8 KB


Updates the DesiredSize of a UIElement. Parent elements call this method from their own MeasureCore(Size) implementations to form a recursive layout update. Calling this method constitutes the first pass (the "Measure" pass) of a layout update.


Computation of layout positioning in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is comprised of a Measure call and an Arrange call. During the Measure call, an element determines its size requirements by using an availableSize input. During the Arrange call, the element size is finalized.

Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF)中布局定位的计算由度量调用和排列调用组成。在度量调用期间,元素通过使用availableSize输入来确定其大小要求。在Arrange调用期间,元素大小将最终确定。

availableSize can be any number from zero to infinite. Elements participating in layout should return the minimum Size they require for a given availableSize.


When a layout is first instantiated, it always receives a Measure call before Arrange. However, after the first layout pass, it may receive an Arrange call without a Measure; this can happen when a property that affects only Arrange is changed (such as alignment), or when the parent receives an Arrange without a Measure. A Measure call will automatically invalidate an Arrange call.


Layout updates happen asynchronously, such that the main thread is not waiting for every possible layout change. Querying an element via code-behind checking of property values may not immediately reflect changes to properties that interact with the sizing or layout characteristics (the Width property, for example).



Layout updates can be forced by using the UpdateLayout method. However, calling this method is usually unnecessary and can cause poor performance.



The layout system keeps two separate queues of invalid layouts, one for Measure and one for Arrange. The layout queue is sorted based upon the order of elements in the visual tree of the element performing layout; elements higher in the tree are at the top of the queue, to avoid redundant layouts caused by repeated changes in parents. Duplicate entries are automatically removed from the queue, and elements are automatically removed from the queue if they are already layout-validated.


When updating layout, the Measure queue is emptied first, followed by the Arrange queue. An element in the Arrange queue will never be arranged if there is an element in the Measure queue.



UIElement.DesiredSize Property

Gets the size that this element computed during the measure pass of the layout process.


The value returned by this property will only be a valid measurement if the value of the IsMeasureValid property is true.


DesiredSize is typically checked as one of the measurement factors when you implement layout behavior overrides such as ArrangeOverride, MeasureOverride, or OnRender (in the OnRender case, you might check RenderSize instead, but this depends on your implementation). Depending on the scenario, DesiredSize might be fully respected by your implementation logic, constraints on DesiredSize might be applied, and such constraints might also change other characteristics of either the parent element or child element. For example, a control that supports scrollable regions (but chooses not to derive from the WPF framework-level controls that already enable scrollable regions) could compare available size to DesiredSize. The control could then set an internal state that enabled scrollbars in the UI for that control. Or, DesiredSize could potentially also be ignored in certain scenarios.


UIElement.RenderSize Property

Gets (or sets) the final render size of this element.



Do not attempt to set this property, either in XAML or in code, if using the WPF framework-level layout system. Nearly all typical application scenarios will use this layout system. The layout system will not respect sizes set in the RenderSize property directly. The RenderSize property is declared writable only to enable certain WPF core-level bridging cases that deliberately circumvent the typical layout protocols, such as support for the Adorner class.



This property can be used for checking the applicable render size within layout system overrides such as OnRender or GetLayoutClip.


A more common scenario is handling the SizeChanged event with the class handler override or the OnRenderSizeChanged event.


FrameworkElement.Width Property

Gets or sets the width of the element.


This is one of three properties on FrameworkElement that specify width information. The other two are MinWidth and MaxWidth. If there is a conflict between these values, the order of application for actual width determination is first MinWidth must be honored, then MaxWidth, and finally if each of these are within bounds, Width.


The return value of this property is always the same as any value that was set to it. In contrast, the value of the ActualWidth may vary. The layout may have rejected the suggested size for some reason. Also, the layout system itself works asynchronously relative to the property system set of Width and may not have processed that particular sizing property change yet.


In addition to acceptable Double values, this property can also be Double.NaN. This is how you specify auto sizing behavior. In XAML you set the value to the string "Auto" (case insensitive) to enable the auto sizing behavior. Auto sizing behavior implies that the element will fill the width available to it. Note however that specific controls frequently supply default values in their default styles that will disable the auto sizing behavior unless it is specifically re-enabled.


In addition to the validation check, there is a nondeterministic upper value bound for Width that is enforced by the layout system (this is a very large number, larger than Single.MaxValue but smaller than Double.MaxValue). If you exceed this bound, the element will not render, and no exception is thrown. Do not set Width to a value that is significantly larger than the maximum size of any possible visual display, or you may exceed this nondeterministic upper bound.


FrameworkElement.Height Property

Gets or sets the suggested height of the element.


Height is one of three writable properties on FrameworkElement that specify height information. The other two are MinHeight and MaxHeight. If there is a conflict between these values, the order of application for actual height determination is that first MinHeight must be honored, then MaxHeight, and finally, if it is within bounds, Height.


If this element is a child element within some other element, then setting this property to a value is really only a suggested value. The layout system as well as the particular layout logic of the parent element will use the value as a nonbinding input during the layout process. In practical terms, a FrameworkElement is almost always the child element of something else; even when you set the Height on Window. (For Window, that value is used when the underlying application model establishes the basic rendering assumptions that create the Hwnd that hosts the application.)


In addition to acceptable Double values, this property can also be Double.NaN. This is how you specify auto sizing behavior in code. In XAML you set the value to the string "Auto" (case insensitive) to enable the auto sizing behavior. Auto sizing behavior implies that the element will fill the height available to it. Note however that specific controls frequently supply default values through their default theme styles that will disable the auto sizing behavior unless it is specifically re-enabled.


The return value of this property is always the same as any value that was set to it. In contrast, the value of the ActualHeight may vary. This can happen either statically because the layout rejected the suggested size for some reason, or momentarily. The layout system itself works asynchronously relative to the property system's set of Height and may not have processed that particular sizing property change yet.


The value restrictions on the Double value are enforced by a ValidateValueCallback mechanism. If you attempt to set an invalid value, a run-time exception is thrown.


In addition to the validation check, there is a nondeterministic upper value bound for Height that is enforced by the layout system (this is a very large number, larger than Single.MaxValue but smaller than Double.MaxValue). If you exceed this bound, the element will not render, and no exception is thrown. Do not set Height to a value that is significantly larger than the maximum size of any possible visual display, or you may exceed this nondeterministic upper bound.


FrameworkElement.ActualWidth Property

Gets the rendered width of this element.


This property is a calculated value based on other width inputs, and the layout system. The value is set by the layout system itself, based on an actual rendering pass, and may therefore lag slightly behind the set value of properties such as Width that are the basis of the input change.


Because ActualWidth is a calculated value, you should be aware that there could be multiple or incremental reported changes to it as a result of various operations by the layout system. The layout system may be calculating required measure space for child elements, constraints by the parent element, and so on.


Although you cannot set this property from XAML, you can base a Trigger upon its value in a style.


FrameworkElement.ActualHeight Property

Gets the rendered height of this element.


This property is a calculated value based on other height inputs, and the layout system. The value is set by the layout system itself, based on an actual rendering pass, and may therefore lag slightly behind the set value of properties such as Height that are the basis of the input change.


Because ActualHeight is a calculated value, you should be aware that there could be multiple or incremental reported changes to it as a result of various operations by the layout system. The layout system may be calculating required measure space for child elements, constraints by the parent element, and so on.


Although you cannot set this property from XAML, you can base a Trigger upon its value in a style.


FrameworkElement.MaxWidth Property

Gets or sets the maximum width constraint of the element.


This is one of three properties on FrameworkElement that specify width information. The other two are MinWidth and Width. If there is a conflict between these values, the order of application for actual width determination is first MinWidth must be honored, then MaxWidth, and finally if each of these are within bounds, Width.


The value restrictions on the Double value are enforced by a ValidateValueCallback mechanism. If you attempt to set an invalid value, a run-time exception is thrown.


FrameworkElement.MaxHeight Property

Gets or sets the maximum height constraint of the element.


This is one of three properties on FrameworkElement that specify height information. The other two are MinHeight and Height. If there is a conflict between these values, the order of application for actual height determination is first MinHeight must be honored, then MaxHeight, and finally if each of these are within bounds, Height.


The value restrictions on the Double value are enforced by a ValidateValueCallback mechanism. If you attempt to set an invalid value a run-time exception is thrown.


FrameworkElement.MinWidth Property

Gets or sets the minimum width constraint of the element.


This is one of three properties on FrameworkElement that specify width information. The other two are Width and MaxWidth. If there is a conflict between these values, the order of application for actual width determination is first MinWidth must be honored, then MaxWidth, and finally if each of these are within bounds, Width.


The value restrictions on the Double value are enforced by a ValidateValueCallback mechanism. If you attempt to set an invalid value, a run-time exception is thrown.


FrameworkElement.MinHeight Property

Gets or sets the minimum height constraint of the element.


This is one of three properties on FrameworkElement that specify height information. The other two are Height and MaxHeight. If there is a conflict between these values, the order of application for actual height determination is first MinHeight must be honored, then MaxHeight, and finally if each of these are within bounds, Height.


The value restrictions on the Double value are enforced by a ValidateValueCallback mechanism. If you attempt to set an invalid value, a run-time exception is thrown.



自定义 Panel 元素

尽管 WPF 提供了一系列灵活的布局控件,但通过重写 ArrangeOverrideMeasureOverride 方法也可以实现自定义布局行为。 可以通过在这些重写方法内定义新的位置行为来实现自定义大小调整和位置。

同样,可以通过重写其 ArrangeOverrideMeasureOverride 方法定义基于派生类(如 CanvasGrid)的自定义布局行为。



通过丰富内容模型、样式、模板和触发器,最大程度地减少创建新控件的需要。 但是,如果确实需要创建新控件,则理解 WPF 中的不同控件创作模型就显得非常重要。 WPF 提供三个用于创建控件的常规模型,每个模型都提供不同的功能集和灵活度。 三个模型的基类是 UserControlControlFrameworkElement

从 UserControl 派生

在 WPF 中创建控件的最简单方法是从 UserControl 派生。 生成继承自 UserControl 的控件时,会将现有组件添加到 UserControl,命名这些组件,然后在 WPF 中引用事件处理程序。

如果生成无误,UserControl 可以利用丰富内容、样式和触发器的优势。 但是,如果控件继承自 UserControl,则使用该控件的用户将无法使用 DataTemplateControlTemplate 来自定义其外观。 因此,有必要从 Control 类或其派生类(UserControl 除外)之一中派生,以创建支持模板的自定义控件。

从 UserControl 派生的优点

如果符合以下所有情况,请考虑从 UserControl 派生:

  • 希望采用与生成应用程序相似的方法生成控件。
  • 控件仅包含现有组件。
  • 无需支持复杂的自定义项。

从 Control 派生

Control 类派生是大多数现有 WPF 控件使用的模型。 创建从 Control 类派生的控件时,可使用模板定义它的外观。 通过这种方式,可以将运算逻辑从视觉表示形式中分离出来。 通过使用命令和绑定(而不是事件)并尽可能避免引用 ControlTemplate 中的元素,也可确保分离 UI 和逻辑。 如果控件的 UI 和逻辑正确分离,该控件的用户即可重新定义控件的 ControlTemplate,从而自定义其外观。 尽管生成自定义 Control 不像生成 UserControl 那样简单,但自定义 Control 还是提供了最大的灵活性。

从 Control 派生的优点

如果符合以下任一情况,请考虑从 Control 派生,而不要使用 UserControl 类:

  • 希望控件的外观能通过 ControlTemplate 进行自定义。
  • 希望控件支持不同的主题。

从 FrameworkElement 派生

UserControlControl 派生的控件依赖于组合现有元素。 在很多情况下,这是一种可接受的解决方案,因为从 FrameworkElement 继承的任何对象都可以位于 ControlTemplate 中。 但是,某些时候,简单的元素组合不能满足控件的外观需要。 对于这些情况,使组件基于 FrameworkElement 才是正确的选择。

生成基于 FrameworkElement 的组件有两种标准方法:直接呈现和自定义元素组合。 直接呈现涉及的操作包括:重写 FrameworkElementOnRender 方法,并提供显式定义组件视觉对象的 DrawingContext 操作。 这是由 ImageBorder 使用的方法。 自定义元素组合涉及的操作包括:使用 Visual 类型的对象组合组件的外观。 有关示例,请参阅使用 DrawingVisual 对象Track 是 WPF 中使用自定义元素组合的控件示例。 在同一控件中,也可以混合使用直接呈现和自定义元素组合。

从 FrameworkElement 派生的优点

如果符合以下任何情况,请考虑从 FrameworkElement 派生:

  • 希望对控件的外观进行精确控制,而不仅仅是简单的元素组合提供的效果。
  • 希望通过定义自己的呈现逻辑来定义控件的外观。
  • 希望以一种 UserControlControl 之外的新颖方式组合现有元素。