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An OCaml to CakeML translator. Attempts to translate type-correct OCaml files to equivalent CakeML files. Multi-file programs should be supported eventually, but are not currently.


Requires ocamlfind:



./formatted <<< 'Some (OCaml code)'

will write the translation of Some (OCaml code) to stdout. (Some (OCaml code) will fail because OCaml and code are not defined.)


will write the translation of the contents of prefixed with the contents of the files in lib/. Currently, this gives translated programs access to translations of OCaml's Pervasives, List, and Array modules.

Running tests

Edit the CAKE variable in tests/Makefile to reflect the location of your CakeML interpreter. Then run:

cd tests
make test

Translation failures are shown in the output of make, and begin with “Error:”. Errors from the CakeML interpreter are shown in the output of make test, and look like either “” or “”. In the absence of these, “Success” will be printed. The full output of the interpreter is written to the relevant .out files. The binary file produced by make is a byproduct of the OCaml compiler.

The output .cml files can be patched after translation. File a.cml is fed to a-patch. See boyer-patch (which uses boyer-patch.sed) for an example. Current patches:

  • boyer – avoid falling to the value restriction. The OCaml file has type annotations (e.g ref ([] : head list)), which can't be used in CakeML.

countGraphs currently fails due to trying to match against the pattern Ok (newPacc, acc), where Ok is a unary constructor and (newPacc, acc) is supposed to be a tuple pattern. This is a known issue with CakeML, so fixing this doesn't seem necessary. boyer currently fails because I've botched the translation from SML (or maybe I've hit a problem with OCaml equality between references).