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Mimir Abilities

Tx Out

OutboundTransactionFee: Amount of rune to withhold on all outbound transactions (1e8 notation)

Scheduled Outbound

MaxTxOutOffset: Max number of blocks a scheduled outbound transaction can be delayed MinTxOutVolumeThreshold: Quantity of outbound value (in 1e8 rune) in a block before its considered "full" and additional value is pushed into the next block TxOutDelayMax: Maximum number of blocks a scheduled transaction can be delayed TxOutDelayRate: Rate of which scheduled transactions are delayed


HaltTrading: Pause all trading Halt<chain>Trading: Pause trading on a specific chain MaxSwapsPerBlock: Artificial limit on the number of swaps that a single block with process MinSwapsPerBlock: Process all swaps if the queue is equal to or smaller than this number EnableDerivedAssets: Enable/disable derived asset swapping (excludes lending)


MaxSynthPerAssetDepth: The amount of synths allowed per pool relative to the pool depth BurnSynths: Enable/Disable burning synths MintSynths: Enable/Disable minting synths VirtualMultSynths: The amount of increase the pool depths for calculating swap fees of synths

LP Management

PauseLP: Pauses the ability for LPs to add/remove liquidity PauseLP<chain>: Pauses the ability for LPs to add/remove liquidity, per chain MaximumLiquidityRune: Max rune capped on the pools

Impermanet Loss Protection

FullImpLossProtectionBlocks: Number of blocks before an LP gets full imp loss protection ILP-DISABLED-<asset>: Enable/Disable imp loss protection per asset

Chain Management

HaltChainGlobal: Pause all chains (chain clients) Halt<chain>Chain: Pause a specific blockchain via mimir or detected double-spend SolvencyHalt<chain>Chain: Solvency checker auto halts chain. Chain will be auto un-halted once solvency is regained NodePauseChainGlobal: Inidividual node controlled means to pause all chains NodePauseChainBlocks: Number of block a node operator can pause/resume the chains for

Solvency Checker

StopSolvencyCheck: Enable/Disable Solvency Checker StopSolvencyCheck<chain>: Enable/Disable Solvency Checker, per chain PermittedSolvencyGap: The amount of funds permitted to be "insolvent". This gives the network a little bit of "wiggle room" for margin of error

Node Management

MaximumBondInRune: Sets an upper cap on how much a node can bond MinimumBondInRune: Sets a lower bound on bond for a node to be considered to be churned in

Derived Assets

DerivedDepthBasisPts: Allows mimir to increase or decrease the default derived asset pool depth relative to the anchor pools. 10k == 1x, 20k == 2x, 5k == 0.5x DerivedMinDepth: Sets the minimum derived asset depth in basis points, or pool depth floor. MaxAnchorSlip: Percentage (in basis points) of how much price slip in the anchor pools will cause the derived asset pool depths to decrease to DerivedMinDepth. For example, 8k basis pts will mean that when there has been 80% price slip in the last MaxAnchorBlocks, the derived asset pool depth will be DerivedMinDepth. So this controls the "reactiveness" of the derived asset pool to the layer1 trade volume. MaxAnchorBlocks: Number of blocks that are summed to get total pool slip. This is the number used to be applied to MaxAnchorSlip

Yggdrasil Management

YggFundLimit: Funding limit for yggdrasil vaults (percentage) YggFundRetry: Number of blocks to wait before attempting to fund a yggdrasil again StopFundYggdrasil: Enable/Disable yggdrasil funding


AsgardSize: Defines the number of members to an Asgard vault MinSlashPointsForBadValidator: Min quantity of slash points needed to be considered "bad" and be marked for churn out BondLockupPeriod: Lockout period that a node must wait before being allowed to unbond ChurnInterval: Number of blocks between each churn HaltChurning: Pause churning DesiredValidatorSet: Max number of validators FundMigrationInterval: Number of blocks between attempts to migrate funds between asgard vaults during a migration NumberOfNewNodesPerChurn: Number of targeted additional nodes added to the validator set each churn MaxNodeToChurnOutForLowVersion: Max number of validators to churn out for low version each churn


EmissionCurve: How quickly rune is emitted from the reserve in block rewards IncentiveCurve: The split between nodes and LPs while the balance is optimal MaxAvailablePools: Maximum number of pools allowed on the network. Gas pools are excluded from this MinRunePoolDepth: Minimum number of rune to be considered to become active PoolCycle: Number of blocks the network will churn the pools (add/remove new available pools) StagedPoolCost: Number of rune (1e8 notation) that a stage pool is deducted on each pool cycle. KillSwitchStart: Block height to start to kill BEP2 and ERC20 RUNE KillSwitchDuration: Duration (in blocks) until switching is deprecated MinimumPoolLiquidityFee: Minimum liquidity fee an active pool should accumulate to avoid being demoted, set to 0 to disable demote pool based on liquidity fee


DollarsPerRune: Manual override of number of dollars per one rune. Used for metrics data collection and RUNE calculation from MinimumL1OutboundFeeUSD THORNames: Enable/Disable THORNames TNSRegisterFee: TNS registration fee of new names TNSFeePerBlock: TNS cost per block to retain ownership of a name ArtificialRagnarokBlockHeight: Triggers a chain shutodwn and ragnarok NativeTransactionFee: The rune fee for a native transaction (gas cost in 1e8 notation) HALTSIGNING<chain>: Halt signing in a specific chain HALTSIGNING: Halt signing globally

Router Upgrading (DO NOT TOUCH!)

Old keys (pre 1.94.0)

MimirRecallFund: Recalls Chain funds, typically used for router upgrades only MimirUpgradeContract: Upgrades contract, typically used for router upgrades only

New keys (1.94.0 and on)

MimirRecallFund<CHAIN>: Recalls Chain funds, typically used for router upgrades only MimirUpgradeContract<CHAIN>: Upgrades contract, typically used for router upgrades only