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137 lines (104 loc) · 6.54 KB


No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator

The GrowCabApi package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: v1
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen


Python >= 3.6

Installation & Usage

This python library package is generated without supporting files like or requirements files

To be able to use it, you will need these dependencies in your own package that uses this library:

  • urllib3 >= 1.25.3
  • python-dateutil

Getting Started

In your own code, to use this library to connect and interact with GrowCabApi, you can run the following:

import time
import GrowCabApi
from pprint import pprint
from GrowCabApi.api import chamber_schedule_api
from GrowCabApi.model.configuration import Configuration
from GrowCabApi.model.error import Error
from GrowCabApi.model.expected_measure import ExpectedMeasure
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = GrowCabApi.Configuration(
    host = "http://localhost"

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with GrowCabApi.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = chamber_schedule_api.ChamberScheduleApi(api_client)
    chamber_id = 0 # int | 

        api_response = api_instance.get_chamber_schedule(chamber_id)
    except GrowCabApi.ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling ChamberScheduleApi->get_chamber_schedule: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost

Class Method HTTP request Description
ChamberScheduleApi get_chamber_schedule GET /api/chamber_schedule/{chamber_id}
ChamberScheduleApi get_chamber_schedule_unit GET /api/chamber_schedule_unit/{chamber_id}/{unit_id}
ChambersApi get_chamber GET /api/chamber/{chamber_id} Get the chamber and related objects :param chamber_id: ID of the chamber :return: Returns a Chamber object
ChambersApi get_chamber_power_status GET /api/chamber/power/{chamber_id}
ChambersApi get_chamber_sensors GET /api/chamber_sensors/{chamber_id} Get the sensors for a chamber :param chamber_id: :return:
ChambersApi get_chamber_status GET /api/chamber_status/{chamber_id}
ChambersApi get_chamber_units GET /api/chamber_units/{chamber_id} Get the units available for this chamber
ChambersApi get_chambers GET /api/chambers Get the list of configurations
ChambersApi put_chamber_status PUT /api/chamber_status/{chamber_id}
ChambersApi set_chamber_power_status PUT /api/chamber/power/{chamber_id}
ConfigurationsApi get_configurations GET /api/configurations Get the list of configurations
ConfigurationsApi put_configuration PUT /api/configurations Stores a new configuration
MeasureGroupApi get_latest_measure_group GET /api/measure_group/{chamber_id}
MeasureGroupApi put_latest_measure_group PUT /api/measure_group
SensorApi delete_sensor DELETE /api/sensor/{sensor_id}
SensorApi get_sensor GET /api/sensor/{sensor_id}
SensorApi patch_sensor PATCH /api/sensor/{sensor_id}
SensorsApi get_sensors GET /api/sensors Get the list of sensors
SensorsApi put_sensor PUT /api/sensors Stores a new sensor

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

All endpoints do not require authorization.


Notes for Large OpenAPI documents

If the OpenAPI document is large, imports in GrowCabApi.apis and GrowCabApi.models may fail with a RecursionError indicating the maximum recursion limit has been exceeded. In that case, there are a couple of solutions:

Solution 1: Use specific imports for apis and models like:

  • from GrowCabApi.api.default_api import DefaultApi
  • from import Pet

Solution 2: Before importing the package, adjust the maximum recursion limit as shown below:

import sys
import GrowCabApi
from GrowCabApi.apis import *
from GrowCabApi.models import *