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config_hypernets.ini : definitions

Alexandre Corizzi edited this page Mar 22, 2022 · 9 revisions

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config_hypernets.ini : definitions

Section : general

field definition values default note
keep_pc state of the system at the end of the sequence on / off off
start_sequence start or no the sequence every time the system is turned on yes / no yes
sequence_file which protocol file to follow relative/path/to/sequence.csv hypernets/resources/sequences_samples/sequence_land_STD.csv
bypass_yocto (debug option : ignore this field) no no
hypstar_port path to the hypstar device /dev/radiometer0 ; /dev/ttyUSB5 ; /dev/ttyUSBX /dev/radiometer0 Should be used with
see :
baudrate speed communication between the host system and the instrument 115200, 460800, 921600, 3000000, 6000000, 8000000 3000000
loglevel Set the log verbosity of the communication with the instrument ERROR (only errors are reported on stderr);
INFO (stdout + stderr);
DEBUG (driver command execution printout to stdout);
TRACE (low level communication bytes are printed to stdout)
credentials (user/pass) + IP address of the webcams USER:PASS_1@ip_cam_sky
Use a Windows machine to set-up camera thanks to the provided software
(see also :

Section : yoctopuce

field definition default note
yoctopuce_ip Yocto-Pictor IP 10.42.0.X See Hypernets Quick Start section : 2.3.2
yocto_prefix1 Yocto-Pictor Serial (relay board) OBSVLFR1-XXXXXX
yocto_prefix2 Yocto-Pictor-Wifi Serial OBSVLFR2-XXXXXX
yocto_gps Yocto-GPS-V2 Serial YGNSSMK2-XXXXXX

Section : SPA

This section refers to additional options that could be used for Solar Position Algorithm.
see :

field definition default
elevation system elevation in meters 0.0
time_zone not used

Section : GPS

Latitude and longitude -in decimal degrees- default values (in case of no GPS signal). Note : those values will be reported in metadata.txt (see section metadata).

Section : network

definition default note
credentials user account and server name user@server should depends on the site (water/land)
remote_dir name of the remote directory where data/config/logs are pushed ~/ naming convention : ~/XXYY such as :
- XX : two first letters of the site name
- YY : two first letters of the country-site
ssh_port ssh port used to connect to the server 22
remote_ssh_port ssh port used to connect from the server to the host system 20213 use ssh -p 20213 rugged_pc_user@ to connect
  • config_hypernets.ini
  • webcams configuration
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