These are the topics for week 1:
- Synchronous vs. asynchronous
- Synchronous
- Asynchronous
- Introducing asynchronicity using callbacks
- Promises
- Callback Hell
- Promise States
- Chaining
- Benefits
- The Event Loop
All of the detailed information about every concept is in your study book. The following goal explanation will link you to the correct place to get studying. Read through the goal description once to get an idea of what you will be learning, then go through the different links (either from the agenda or this goal list).
In this module we are going to learn how to connect our applications with data sources from the internet, via what's called APIs. But before we get into that we need to learn about asynchronous code. Until now you've built everything in a synchronous way as all your code runs only locally and superfast. As soon as you start requesting data from other sources we get into the problem of having to wait. This means we will need to start writing what is called asynchronous code. We will then go into the concept of Promises, which is a syntax the JavaScript language offers us to work with asynchronous problems.
Lastly, as we now know everything about asynchronicity, we can look at the browser's Event Loop which every browser implements. This will help you understand how and when your code gets executed in the browser. This will help you decide where to link up your code with the DOM so that it does what you expect.
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