Releases: Hacker0x01/react-datepicker
Releases · Hacker0x01/react-datepicker
- Use moment locales for customization (More info at
- Moment prop refactor
- Fix unmount error from react-tether
- Remove lodash as a dependency
- Date helper refactor
- Add API documentation
- Add Today button
- Fix: Don't expose tether anymore
- Narrow down files to publish to NPM
- Automate release of package
- Refactor calendar open state
- Revert invalid date input when blurring
- Use react-tether for popovers
- Remove bower support
- New: Make datepicker to be editable by user input
- New: Add CSS class to days outside of month
- New: Add ability to filter dates by predicate
- Refactor and improve test coverage of Day component
- Calendar refactor, remove DateUtil
- Refactor date input selection by keyboard
- More cleanups and refactors
- Adding code coverage tool
-Improve readme by specifying js highlight - Add JSCS moment immutability rule
-Update plugins
- New: Make date range selection example more realistic
- New: Change showYearDropdown default to false
- New: Add on clear callback
- Fix: positioning of the popover when the popover is shown on top
- Fix: Don't modify dates when calling inRange
- Fix: Remove Object.assign for node v0.12 compatibility
- Fix: Bug which closes calendar if multiple clicks are made in quick succession.
- New: Add tabIndex for input fields
- New: Add option to hide year dropdown menu
- Fix: Show valid date range in initial view
- Fix: Properly hide calendar on blur
- Fix: Bug with clearing dates
- Fix: Close year dropdown when clicking outside
- Updated some packages
- Fix: Include dist files in NPM package
- New: Add a year dropdown to easily navigate between years
- New: Allow to set ID as property for the input field
- New: Add disabled to propTypes
- New: Add refs to component
- New: Add include dates
- New: Upgrade to EcmaScript 2015
- New: Inline examples in master to improve local development
- Fixed: A bug that the Datepicker reopens after clicking on the input when the Datepicker is already open
- Lots of other development fixes (Remove dist files, Node upgrade, Babel upgrade, no more Sauce Labs)
Read inRange from prop passed to Day