Name: Harsh Gurnani
PID: A17342880
Email: [email protected]
Sources used: CSE 15L Course Website - Week 7
In this lab report, I will be reproducing all the tasks from the class competition that all students participated in during the Week 7 lab section. For each of steps 4 to 9, I will include screenshots, a lot of the keys I pressed, and a summary of the commands I ran.
Note: I used a fresh terminal window for this task, with no history
Task: Log into ieng6
To log into ieng6, we must use the ssh
command, which is used to log into a remote server. Since the terminal had no history, I could not use the <up>
key to retrieve a previous command.
Students must ssh
into their respective ieng6 accounts. In my case, I ran the command ssh [email protected] <enter>
, with "cs15lwi23apq" being my CSE 15L course specific account. Since we set up an SSH key for ieng6 in lab, I did not have to enter my password.
Output of logging into the ieng6 account.
Task: Clone your fork of the repository from your Github account
Prior to the timed portion of the competition, I created a new fork of the lab 7 repository and titled it "Lab7New". To clone the repository from Github, we use the git clone
command. During lab, we set up SSH keys in ieng6 to connect to Github, meaning we can now use the SSH URL method of cloning repositories.
Obtaining the SSH URL for cloning looks like this. Click the copy button to copy it to your clipboard.
In my terminal, I used the command git clone [email protected]:ucsd-cse15l-w23/lab7.git <enter>
to clone the Lab7New repository.
Cloning the repo on terminal
Task: Run the tests, demonstrating that they fail
After the previous step, I needed to enter the recently cloned directory. To do so, I used ls <enter>
to see the available directories, and then cd lab7New <enter>
to actually enter the required directory.
Doing ls <enter>
once inside, we can see the available files, two of them being
. To run the tests, I first went to Week 3 CSE 15L website and copy pasted the jar commands from the Set Up section (keys pressed were <command + c>
to copy and <command + v>
to paste). For each command, I hit <enter>
to run them. Note that for the command to actually run the tests (not the compilation), I hit <delete>
multiple times to get rid of the file name, and added ListExamplesTests
at the end.
From the JUnit output, it is obvious that the tests failed. There were 2 tests total, and one of them failed.
Running the tests on terminal. We can see from the JUnit output saying "FAILURES!!!" that the tests failed.
Task: Edit the code file to fix the failing test
Once again reading the JUnit output, we see that the error is in merge
in We can use the nano
command to enter an environment to edit the code. In terminal, I ran the command nano <enter>
, resulting in a text editing environment that looked like this:
The nano text editing environment
We can hit the <down>
key multiple times to go to the the merge method. Alternatively, we can also use <ctrl w>
and search for the text "merge". I chose to do the latter and hit <enter>
after typing "merge".
Result after searching for "merge"
The error is down in the last while loop - instead of doing index1 += 1
, we need to do index2 += 2
. This time, I hit the <down>
key until I reached the correct line, the <left>
key 6 times to reach "index1", and the <delete>
key to get rid of it. Then, I typed in "index2" instead.
Post editing code
Finally, to save and exit the text file, we use <ctrl + o>
to save, <enter>
to save the file name, and <ctrl + x>
to exit. If we were to reenter the file, we would see our saved changes. Instead of doing so, we can move on to step 8 and see our tests pass, which would demonstrate that our code has been fixed.
Task: Run the tests, demonstrating that they now succeed
Now that we have some history in our terminal, we can use the <up>
button to go to the necessary command. Since I used ls <enter>
in between to ensure that all the necessary .class files were present, I hit <up
4 times to get to the jar command used to compile all the java files, <enter>
. Then, I hit <up>
3 times to reach the second command, and once again hit <enter>
to run the tests.
JUnit output showing that tests were passed.
This time, we see two dots, meaning that the tests passed correctly. Our code now works.
Task: Commit and push the resulting change to your Github account (you can pick any commit message!)
The last tasks involved updating the remote version of our code on Github with terminal commands. Firstly, we can use git status <enter>
to see which files are staged for a commit and which aren't.
Currently, no files are staged for a commit.
We only want to add the updates to
and not the .class files to our remote repository. As such, we can run git add <enter>
, and then git status
again to see that it has been staged. has been staged for a commit.
Finally, the last step is just committing our changes and pushing it to Github. To do so, I used git commit -m "message" <enter>
to commit, and git push <enter>
to push my changes. The message can be anything you want - I chose to write "Fixed buggy code".
Result of commit
Result of push
Now, in the code file on Github, we can see an updated version of our code.