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This is a repository which step by step teaches you how to use the "Ultralytics Hub" to train your own yolov8n model and deploy it to FVP.

Yolov8n object detection

Web GUI training

  • Web GUI Overview
  • Home page alt text
  • Provided public dataset (only detection dataset) alt text
  • You can also upload your own dataset alt text
  • Integrations with the Roboflow which can upload your own data and output yolov8 data format alt text alt text
  • Create project page alt text
  • Models which you trained or pre-trained alt text
  • GUI training on your own
  • Create your own project alt text
  • Create model alt text
  • Select provided dataset alt text
  • Set model setting
    • Please choose Yolov8n (n: nano is the smallest model at Yolov8 series) and use pre-trained model alt text
  • Set training setting
    • Scroll down to set the advance setting
      • Please set input size to 192, which can fulfill the HIMAX WE2 setting alt text
    • Connect to your own training resource
      • Google Colab alt text
        • please copy the Colab code
        • open Google Colab and paste on Google Colab
      • Bring to your own agent alt text
        • Please pip install the Ultralytics package
        • Create the python file and paste the python code
        • Execute python file
  • See the training progress on the Web alt text

Export yolov8n object detection pytorch model to int8 tflite

  • After training process is done, then you will get the which is the pytorch model.
  • Use python code to export it to int8 tflite (full interger quant) by Ultralytics export API
    • If your training dataset is another, you should change the data yaml file.
      from ultralytics import YOLO
      # # Load a model
      image_size = 192
      model = YOLO("")  
      model.export(format="tflite", imgsz = image_size, int8 = True, data="SKU-110K.yaml")
    • We use provided dataset SKU-110K for retail detect alt text
    • The output int8 tflite model will be called *_full_integer_quant.tflite
    • You can also use yolov8n object detection pre-trained weight, which is output COCO 80 class.
      from ultralytics import YOLO
      # # Load a model
      image_size = 192
      model = YOLO("")  
      model.export(format="tflite", imgsz = image_size, int8 = True, data="coco128.yaml")

How to use HIMAX config file to generate vela model

  • You can reference here.
  • Go under vela folder
    cd vela
  • Install necessary package:
    pip install ethos-u-vela
  • Run vela with himax config ini file with mac=64 and the yolov8n object detect example tflite model
    vela --accelerator-config ethos-u55-64 --config himax_vela.ini --system-config My_Sys_Cfg --memory-mode My_Mem_Mode_Parent --output-dir ./img_yolov8_192 ./img_yolov8_192/yolov8n_full_integer_quant_size_192.tflite
  • You will see the vela report on the terminal: : (Notes: Total SRAM used less than 1MB will be better)
    • There are 5 transpose ops leak out the vela compiler, and it will be fall back to run on Cortex-M55 CPU. alt text

Export yolov8n object detection pytorch model to int8 tflite and delete 4 transpose ops

  • If there are many transpose OP run on CPU, it will be slow.
  • At the Ultralytics repositroy, it use PINTO0309's onnx2tf tool to convert the onnx model to int8 tflite.
  • First, we can convert pytroch to onnx model.
  • Second, add the following command at the ultralytics repository . (please reference the tutorial here)
     -prf {param_replacement.json} -rtpo 
    • We give the example here, replace_192_80cls_transpose_op.json, but there are something should be changed under following condition.
      1. Be careful, the op_name and param_name should be changed if needed, depending on the op_name and param_name of your converted onnx file .
      2. If your output class is not 80, you should modify replace_192_80cls_transpose_op.json to replace 144 value to 64+{class_num}. For example, class_num is 1, you should modify replace_192_80cls_transpose_op.json to replace 144 value to 65, and then it could be correct.
  • Finally, you can delete 4 transpose op, at final int8 tflite.
    • original tflite which pass vela alt text
    • delete 4 transpose tflite which pass vela alt text

Yolov8n pose

Export yolov8n pose pytorch model to int8 tflite

  • We use DeGirum/ultralytics_yolov8 to convert the yolov8n pose pre-trained weight to int8 tflite.
    • Prerequisites
    #create python virtual environment
    python3 -m venv ultralytics_yolov8_venv
    #activate ultralytics_yolov8_venv
    source ultralytics_yolov8_venv/bin/activate
    pip install tensorflow==2.13.1
    pip install onnx2tf==1.15.4
    pip install -U onnx==1.15.0 \
    && pip install -U nvidia-pyindex \
    && pip install -U onnx-graphsurgeon \
    && pip install -U onnxruntime==1.16.3 \
    && pip install -U onnxsim==0.4.33 \
    && pip install -U simple_onnx_processing_tools \
    && pip install -U onnx2tf \
    && pip install -U h5py==3.7.0 \
    && pip install -U psutil==5.9.5 \
    && pip install -U ml_dtypes==0.2.0
    git clone
    cd ultralytics_yolov8
    #install ultralytics_yolov8 package
    pip install -e .
    cd ..
    • Export command
    python --weights=""  --img=192
    python --weights=""  --img=256
  • The DeGirum/ultralytics_yolov8 repository exporting a YOLOv8n pose model with 7 separate outputs improved performance in quantized model.

Retrain yolov8n pose pytorch model and export it to int8 tflite

  • You can train the yolov8n pose model on your own PC.
    python --weights=""  --img=256
  • After training process is done, then you will get the which is the pytorch model. Next, it will automatically generate the best_save_model/best_full_integer_quant.tflite. Just generate the vela model by passing the best_save_model/best_full_integer_quant.tflite to vela compiler, and you can run the model which you retrain on WE2. alt text

How to use HIMAX config file to generate vela model

  • You can reference here.
  • Go under vela folder
cd vela
  • Install necessary package:
pip install ethos-u-vela
  • Run vela with himax config ini file with mac=64 and the yolov8n pose example tflite model
vela --accelerator-config ethos-u55-64 --config himax_vela.ini --system-config My_Sys_Cfg --memory-mode My_Mem_Mode_Parent --output-dir ./img_yolov8_pose_192 ./img_yolov8_pose_192/yolov8n-pose_full_integer_quant.tflite
  • You will see the vela report on the terminal: (Notes: Total SRAM used less than 1MB will be better)
    • There are 4 transpose ops leak out the vela compiler, and it will be fall back to run on Cortex-M55 CPU. alt text

Deploy YOLOv8n to FVP


  • To run evaluations using this software, we suggest using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS environment.
  • Install the toolkits listed below:
    • Install necessary packages:

      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install cmake
      sudo apt-get install curl
      sudo apt install xterm
      sudo apt install python3
      sudo apt install python3.8-venv
      sudo apt-get install libpython3.8-dev
    • Corstone SSE-300 FVP: aligned with the Arm MPS3 development platform and includes both the Cortex-M55 and the Ethos-U55 processors.

      # Fetch Corstone SSE-300 FVP

      alt text

      # Create folder to be extracted
      mkdir temp
      # Extract the archive
      tar -C temp -xvzf FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U55_11.14_24.tgz

      alt text

      # Execute the self-install script
      temp/ --i-agree-to-the-contained-eula --no-interactive -d CS300FVP

      alt text

    • GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 10-2020-q4-major is the only version supports Cortex-M55.

      # fetch the arm gcc toolchain.
      # Extract the archive
      tar -xjf gcc-arm-none-eabi-10-2020-q4-major-x86_64-linux.tar.bz2
      # Add gcc-arm-none-eabi/bin into PATH environment variable.
      export PATH="${PATH}:/[location of your GCC_ARM_NONE_EABI_TOOLCHAIN_ROOT]/gcc-arm-none-eabi/bin"
    • Arm ML embedded evaluation kit Machine Learning (ML) applications targeted for Arm Cortex-M55 and Arm Ethos-U55 NPU.

      • We use Arm ML embedded evaluation kit to run the Yolov8n FVP example.
        # Fetch Arm ML embedded evaluation kit
        mkdir ml-embedded-evaluation-kit
        tar -C ml-embedded-evaluation-kit  -xvzf 22.02.tar.gz
        cp -r ./source/application/main/include ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/source/application/main
        cp -r ./source/application/tensorflow-lite-micro/include ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/source/application/tensorflow-lite-micro
        cp -r ./source/profiler/include ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/source/profiler
        cp -r ./source/use_case/ad/include ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/source/use_case/ad
        cp -r ./source/use_case/asr/include ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/source/use_case/asr
        cp -r ./source/use_case/img_class/include ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/source/use_case/img_class
        cp -r ./source/use_case/inference_runner/include ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/source/use_case/inference_runner
        cp -r ./source/use_case/kws/include ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/source/use_case/kws
        cp -r ./source/use_case/kws_asr/include ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/source/use_case/kws_asr
        cp -r ./source/use_case/noise_reduction/include ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/source/use_case/noise_reduction
        cp -r ./source/use_case/object_detection/include ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/source/use_case/object_detection
        cp -r ./source/use_case/vww/include ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/source/use_case/vww
        cp -r ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/
        cp -r ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/
        cp -r ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/scripts/py/
        cp -r requirements.txt ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/scripts/py/
        cd ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/
        rm -rf ./dependencies
        python3 ./
        ./ --npu-config-name ethos-u55-64
        #go out ml-embedded-evaluation-kit folder and copy the example resources to ML embedded evaluation kit
        cd ..
        cp -r ./resources/img_yolov8_192 ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/resources
        cp -r ./source/use_case/img_yolov8_192 ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/source/use_case
        cp -r ./vela/img_yolov8_192 ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/resources_downloaded/
        cp -r ./resources/img_yolov8_192_delete_transpose ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/resources
        cp -r ./source/use_case/img_yolov8_192_delete_transpose ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/source/use_case
        cp -r ./vela/img_yolov8_192_delete_transpose ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/resources_downloaded/
        cp -r ./resources/img_yolov8_pose_192 ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/resources
        cp -r ./source/use_case/img_yolov8_pose_192 ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/source/use_case
        cp -r ./vela/img_yolov8_pose_192 ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/resources_downloaded/
        cp -r ./resources/img_yolov8_pose_256 ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/resources
        cp -r ./source/use_case/img_yolov8_pose_256 ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/source/use_case
        cp -r ./vela/img_yolov8_pose_256 ./ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/resources_downloaded/

Build with Yolov8n Object detection tflite model passing vela

  • Go under folder of ml-embedded-evaluation-kit

    cd ml-embedded-evaluation-kit
  • First, Create the output file and go under the folder

    mkdir build_img_yolov8_192 && cd build_img_yolov8_192
  • Second, Configure the Yolov8n Object detection example and set ETHOS_U_NPU_ENABLED to be ON.And you can run with Ethos-U55 NPU.

    cmake ../ -DUSE_CASE_BUILD=img_yolov8_192 \-DETHOS_U_NPU_ENABLED=ON
  • Compile the Yolov8n Object detection example

    make -j8

Run with Yolov8n Object detection tflite model and inference using Ethos-U55 NPU and m55

  • Go out and under the folder of YOLOv8_on_WE2
    cd ../../
  • Run with the commad about
    CS300FVP/models/Linux64_GCC-6.4/FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U55 -C ethosu.num_macs=64 ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/build_img_yolov8_192/bin/ethos-u-img_yolov8_192.axf
    Be careful of the ethosu.num_macs number of the MACS at the command. If you use missmatch MACS number with vela model, it will be invoke fail.
  • You with see the FVP telnetterminal result below:
  • Start inference:
    • You will see the input size, output tensor size and MACS size on telnetterminal.
    • The tflite op has run with the ethos-u op. alt text
  • Run inference:
    • key-in 1 on telnetterminal and you will start to inference first image with Ethos-U55 NPU and Cortex-M55. alt text
    • First, you will see the input image on the screen.
    • Then, you will see the detection result with bbox and class on the screen. alt text

Build with Yolov8n Object detection delete transpose tflite model passing vela

  • Go under folder of ml-embedded-evaluation-kit

    cd ml-embedded-evaluation-kit
  • First, Create the output file and go under the folder

    mkdir build_img_yolov8_192_delete_transpose && cd build_img_yolov8_192_delete_transpose
  • Second, Configure the Yolov8n Object detection delete transpose example and set ETHOS_U_NPU_ENABLED to be ON.And you can run with Ethos-U55 NPU.

    cmake ../ -DUSE_CASE_BUILD=img_yolov8_192_delete_transpose \-DETHOS_U_NPU_ENABLED=ON
  • Compile the Yolov8n Object detection delete transpose example

    make -j8

Run with Yolov8n Object detection delete transpose tflite model and inference using Ethos-U55 NPU and m55

  • Go out and under the folder of YOLOv8_on_WE2
    cd ../../
  • Run with the commad about
    CS300FVP/models/Linux64_GCC-6.4/FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U55 -C ethosu.num_macs=64 ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/build_img_yolov8_192_delete_transpose/bin/ethos-u-img_yolov8_192_delete_transpose.axf
    Be careful of the ethosu.num_macs number of the MACS at the command. If you use missmatch MACS number with vela model, it will be invoke fail.
  • You with see the FVP telnetterminal result below:
  • Start inference:
    • You will see the input size, output tensor size and MACS size on telnetterminal.
    • The tflite op has run with the ethos-u op. alt text
  • Run inference:
    • key-in 1 on telnetterminal and you will start to inference first image with Ethos-U55 NPU and Cortex-M55. alt text
    • First, you will see the input image on the screen.
    • Then, you will see the detection result with bbox and class on the screen. alt text

Build with Yolov8n pose tflite model passing vela

  • Go under folder of ml-embedded-evaluation-kit

    cd ml-embedded-evaluation-kit
  • First, Create the output file and go under the folder

    mkdir build_img_yolov8_pose_192 && cd build_img_yolov8_pose_192
  • Second, Configure the Yolov8n pose example and set ETHOS_U_NPU_ENABLED to be ON.And you can run with Ethos-U55 NPU.

    cmake ../ -DUSE_CASE_BUILD=img_yolov8_pose_192 \-DETHOS_U_NPU_ENABLED=ON
  • Compile the Yolov8n pose example

    make -j8

Run with Yolov8n pose tflite model and inference using Ethos-U55 NPU and m55

  • Go out and under the folder of YOLOv8_on_WE2
    cd ../../
  • Run with the commad about
    CS300FVP/models/Linux64_GCC-6.4/FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U55 -C ethosu.num_macs=64 ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/build_img_yolov8_pose_192/bin/ethos-u-img_yolov8_pose_192.axf
    Be careful of the ethosu.num_macs number of the MACS at the command. If you use missmatch MACS number with vela model, it will be invoke fail.
  • You with see the FVP telnetterminal result below:
  • Start inference:
    • You will see the input size, output tensor size and MACS size on telnetterminal.
    • The tflite op has run with the ethos-u op. alt text alt text
  • Run inference:
    • key-in 1 on telnetterminal and you will start to inference first image with Ethos-U55 NPU and Cortex-M55. alt text
    • First, you will see the input image on the screen.
    • Then, you will see the detection result with bbox and pose key-points on the screen. alt text

Build with Yolov8n pose tflite model (input size = 256) passing vela

  • Go under folder of ml-embedded-evaluation-kit

    cd ml-embedded-evaluation-kit
  • First, Create the output file and go under the folder

    mkdir build_img_yolov8_pose_256 && cd build_img_yolov8_pose_256
  • Second, Configure the Yolov8n pose example and set ETHOS_U_NPU_ENABLED to be ON.And you can run with Ethos-U55 NPU.

    cmake ../ -DUSE_CASE_BUILD=img_yolov8_pose_256 \-DETHOS_U_NPU_ENABLED=ON
  • Compile the Yolov8n pose example

    make -j8

Run with Yolov8n pose tflite model (input size = 256) and inference using Ethos-U55 NPU and m55

  • Go out and under the folder of YOLOv8_on_WE2
    cd ../../
  • Run with the commad about
    CS300FVP/models/Linux64_GCC-6.4/FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U55 -C ethosu.num_macs=64 ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/build_img_yolov8_pose_256/bin/ethos-u-img_yolov8_pose_256.axf
    Be careful of the ethosu.num_macs number of the MACS at the command. If you use missmatch MACS number with vela model, it will be invoke fail.

