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Deploy Kubeflow on IBM Cloud

Access to IBM Cloud workshop cluster

If you already have access to an IBM Cloud Kubernetes cluster, please use it for the following experiment. If not, you will be provided a cluster just for the purpose of this handson.

  • Create an IBMid

(Optional) If you do not have an IBMid, go to IBM Cloud to create an account to access IBM Cloud clusters. For IBM internal developers, you can use your internet id with SSO to access IBM Cloud.

  • Install CLI tools to access IBM Kubernetes cluster
curl -sL | bash
  • Request access to a workshop cluster

(Optional) There are a limited number of workshop clusters for the live dojo session. If you need the access to one of the clusters, open your browser with, enter ikslab as the lab key and your IBMid email to request a cluster request access.

Once the request gets through, follow the IBM Cloud account link to view the cluster info cluster granted.

  • Access the cluster
ibmcloud ks cluster config --cluster <cluster_name/id>

Replace the <cluster_name/id> with the cluster name or id provided to you.

  • Login to IBM Cloud
ibmcloud login -a -r us-south

# if you have a federated id
# ibmcloud login -a -r us-south --sso

Note: if you have multiple accounts, choose 1840867 - Advowork.

Set up IBM Cloud Block Storage

  • Set up the default storage class with Group ID support
OLD_STORAGE_CLASS=$(kubectl get sc -o jsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.annotations.storageclass\.kubernetes\.io\/is-default-class=="true")]}')
kubectl patch storageclass ${NEW_STORAGE_CLASS} -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'
kubectl patch storageclass ${OLD_STORAGE_CLASS} -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"false"}}}'

Kubeflow deployment using kustomize CLI

Install kustomize (version 3.2.0)

kustomize can be downloaded from here. For MacOS users, use darwin_amd64. For Linux users, use linux_amd64

wget <URL> -O kustomize
chmod +x kustomize
mv kustomize /usr/local/bin

git clone manifests from IBM/manifests repo

Use the manifests from IBM/manifests in v1.5-branch branch. git clone the repo and get into the directory:

git clone -b v1.5-branch
cd manifests

Generate a password for login

In single user deployment, a password is needed for default user: [email protected]. Use python3, passlib, and bcrypt to generate a password. Make sure you have these pypi packages installed in your Python3 environment and use the follow command to generate the password:

python3 -c 'from passlib.hash import bcrypt; import getpass; print(bcrypt.using(rounds=12, ident="2y").hash(getpass.getpass()))'

Type your password and press <Enter> after you see Password: prompt. Copy the hash code for next step.

Update env file for the password

Edit dist/stacks/ibm/application/dex-auth/custom-env.yaml and fill the relevant field with the hash code from previous step:

- email: [email protected]
  hash: <enter the generated hash here>

If you'd like to change the email address, you have to update the email address in both files:

  • common/user-namespace/base/params.env
  • dist/stacks/ibm/application/dex-auth/custom-env.yaml

Deploy Kubeflow

  • Run the deployment with application manifests specified for IBM Cloud
while ! kustomize build iks-single | kubectl apply -f -; do echo "Retrying to apply resources"; sleep 10; done
  • Check the deployment
kubectl get ns
kubectl get pods -n istio-system
kubectl get pods -n kubeflow

Wait until all pods and services are up and running in the kubeflow namespace than continue to the next steps.

Access Kubeflow dashboard

Thereare two approaches to access the dashboard. To access the dashboard with the cluster ip, run following:

  • Retrieve cluster ip
export CLUSTER_IP=$(kubectl get node -o wide|grep Ready|awk '{print $7; exit}')

Now you can access the dashboard through http://$CLUSTER_IP:30380.

Another approach is to use port forwarding as follow:

  • Port forward istio-ingressgateway
kubectl port-forward --namespace istio-system svc/istio-ingressgateway 8080:80 &
  • Access the dashboard through localhost:8080

You can access the kubeflow central dashboard, created, and run pipelines.

Delete the Kubeflow deployment

Only do this once you are don't need this Kubeflow deployment. First of all, delete the user profile/namespace first:

# clean up user profile/namespace first
kubectl delete profile --all

Then wait until the user namespace is removed.

# check namespace
kubectl get ns

Make sure you are under manifests directory where you git clone the IBM/manifests repo. Use the follow command to delete kubeflow deployment:

kustomize build iks-single | kubectl delete -f -

# manually remove some leftover webhooks
kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations --all
kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfigurations --all

Use tekton pipelines

# on MacOS
brew tap tektoncd/tools
brew install tektoncd/tools/tektoncd-cli
  • Access tekton dashboard
kubectl port-forward -n tekton-pipelines svc/tekton-dashboard 9097:9097&

To access, from browser http://localhost:9097.

Misc tasks

Enable LoadBalancer for Istio-ingressgateway

To enable a dedicated LoadBalancer IP for Kubeflow, run:

kubectl patch svc istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'

Remove namespaces stuck with finalizers

kubectl proxy&
nss="kubeflow istio-system knative-serving cert-manager"
for ns in $nss; do
  kubectl delete ns $ns --force --grace-period=0
  kubectl get namespace $ns -o json |jq '.spec = {"finalizers":[]}' >temp.json
  curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT --data-binary @temp.json$ns/finalize
kill -9 $pid

Install Go tools

  • Install go following this link

    After install, do following to set up the environment

    mkdir -p $HOME/go/src
    export GOPATH=$HOME/go

Refer to Kubeflow on IBM Cloud for all details.