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k8s admission controller for k8s manifest verification

This is an admission controller for verifying k8s manifest with sigstore signing. You can use this admission controller instead of OPA/Gatekeeper.


You can set up the admission controller just by the following commands.

Please specify an image which you can push there and which can be pulled from the cluster as <YOUR_IMAGE_NAME>.

# Move to admission-controller directory
$ pwd 

# Build & push an image of admission controller into a registry
$ make build IMG=<YOUR_IMAGE_NAME>

# Deploy an admission controller
$ make deploy IMG=<YOUR_IMAGE_NAME>

# Deploy configmaps for the admission controller
$ kubectl create -f resource/admission-controller-config.yaml
$ kubectl create -f ../integrity-shield-server/resource/request-handler-config.yaml

After successful installation, you will see the following resources.

$ kubectl get all -n k8s-manifest-sigstore                                  
NAME                                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/k8s-manifest-validator-798fc4bb55-9jpkp   1/1     Running   0          18h

NAME                                   TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
service/k8s-manifest-webhook-service   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   18h

NAME                                     READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/k8s-manifest-validator   1/1     1            1           18h

NAME                                                DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/k8s-manifest-validator-798fc4bb55   1         1         1       18h


The admission webhook is configured to receive requests in namespaces that have a label "k8s-manifest-sigstore=true" .

This command shows which namespace is targeted by the admission controller.

$ kubectl get ns -L k8s-manifest-sigstore
default                 Active   22d
k8s-manifest-sigstore   Active   16s
kube-system             Active   22d
sample-ns               Active   19d    true

To enable checking requests by integrity shield, ManifestIntegrityProfile should be defined. In this example, we installed the following profile to protect ConfigMap in sample-ns.

kind: ManifestIntegrityProfile
  name: constraint-configmap
    - kinds:
      - ConfigMap
    - sample-ns
    - fields:
      - data.comment
      - kind: ConfigMap
    - [email protected]
# Deploy CustomResourceDefinition of the profile
$ kubectl create -f resource/manifest_integrity_profile_crd.yaml

# Deploy ManifestIntegrityProfile
$ kubectl create -f resource/example/profile-configmap.yaml

First, creating a ConfigMap in a target namespace without signature will be blocked.

$ kubectl create -n sample-ns -f sample-configmap.yaml
Error from server (no signature found): error when creating "sample-configmap.yaml": admission webhook "" denied the request: no signature found

Then, sign the ConfigMap YAML manifest with kubectl sigstore sign command and creating it will pass the verification.

$ kubectl sigstore sign -f sample-configmap.yaml -i <K8S_MANIFEST_IMAGE>

$ kubectl create -n sample-ns -f sample-configmap.yaml.signed
configmap/sample-cm created

After the above, any runtime modification without signature will be blocked.

$ kubectl patch cm -n sample-ns sample-cm -p '{"data":{"key1":"val1.1"}}'
Error from server (diff found: {"items":[{"key":"data.key1","values":{"after":"val1","before":"val1.1"}}]}): admission webhook "" denied the request: diff found: {"items":[{"key":"data.key1","values":{"after":"val1","before":"val1.1"}}]}

Manifest integrity profile

When you use the admission controller instead of OPA/Gatekeeper, you should use this resource instead of constraint of OPA/Gatekeeper. By installing a resource ManifestIntegrityProfile, you can enable the verification by integrity shield.
Basically, the usage of this resource is the same as the Gatekeeper constraint.