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Scripts PanCancer Specific

Keiran Raine edited this page Jun 9, 2014 · 6 revisions

These scripts are only relevant for users who are members of the ICGC/TCGA PanCancer working groups.

Generates submission XML files required to submit data to the PanCancer GNOS instances. Details of how to prepare your BAM/FASTQ data can be found on the OICR-PanCancer Wiki (requires login).

Regenerates *.bas file from analysisFull.xml URI. PCAP::Bam::Stats is able to parse this correctly regardless column ordering (which may be inconsistent).


$: -d
read_group_id	#_divergent_bases	#_divergent_bases_r1	#_divergent_bases_r2	#_duplicate_reads	#_gc_bases_r1	#_gc_bases_r2	#_mapped_bases	#_mapped_bases_r1	#_mapped_bases_r2	#_mapped_reads	#_mapped_reads_properly_paired	#_mapped_reads_r1	#_mapped_reads_r2	#_total_reads	#_total_reads_r1	#_total_reads_r2	bam_filename	insert_size_sd	library	mean_insert_size	median_insert_size	platform	platform_unit	read_length_r1	read_length_r2	readgroup	sample
WTSI25941	109656822	53400157	56256665	0	4900621926	4913073665	23957071382	12092611993	11864459389	242992645	91741465	121667967	121324678	243357940	121678970	121678970	out_4.bam	83.731	WGS:WTSI:12490	408.841	400.000	ILLUMINA	WTSI:7119_5	100	100	WTSI25941	f8467ec8-2d5e-ba21-e040-11ac0c483584
WTSI25938	105448163	50962194	54485969	0	5059285020	5071727818	24756788121	12492499609	12264288512	251054082	94753203	125696465	125357617	251410540	125705270	125705270	out_1.bam	83.591	WGS:WTSI:12490	409.087	400.000	ILLUMINA	WTSI:7119_2	100	100	WTSI25938	f8467ec8-2d5e-ba21-e040-11ac0c483584
WTSI25937	124757189	68266593	56490596	0	5003807799	5007016723	24418124464	12326534108	12091590356	247931492	93471492	124212116	123719376	248447342	124223671	124223671	out_0.bam	83.328	WGS:WTSI:12490	408.817	400.000	ILLUMINA	WTSI:7119_1	100	100	WTSI25937	f8467ec8-2d5e-ba21-e040-11ac0c483584
WTSI25940	120711275	58333598	62377677	0	4926375001	4938756287	24057793106	12144140521	11913652585	244147184	92150919	122241408	121905776	244501826	122250913	122250913	out_3.bam	83.724	WGS:WTSI:12490	408.665	400.000	ILLUMINA	WTSI:7119_4	100	100	WTSI25940	f8467ec8-2d5e-ba21-e040-11ac0c483584
WTSI25939	110785952	52341213	58444739	0	5110036344	5124651899	24997394847	12618022324	12379372523	253555020	95683446	126945749	126609271	253911232	126955616	126955616	out_2.bam	83.557	WGS:WTSI:12490	408.982	400.000	ILLUMINA	WTSI:7119_3	100	100	WTSI25939	f8467ec8-2d5e-ba21-e040-11ac0c483584

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