Make an issue on a new feature or bug found.
Or get the repository and code the new functionality you want on a new branch and pull request on dev branch.
For conda/mamba environment the depencency is borea_dependency/environment-dev.yml.
For pip environment (venv) the depencency is borea_dependency/requirements-dev.txt
and you need to install libgdal-dev
and GDAL>=3.3.2
Based on:
<type>: <short summary>
│ │
│ └─⫸ Summary in present tense. Not capitalized. No period at the end.
└─⫸ Commit Type: build|ci|docs|feat|fix|refactor|test
Type must be one of the following:
- build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (e.g. scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm)
- ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (e.g. CircleCi, SauceLabs)
- docs: Documentation only changes
- feat: A new feature
- fix: A bug fix
- refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
- test: Coding tests or correcting existing tests
Restructuring of read files to allow the addition of read files without modifying functions.
Same thing with write files.
- Structure file in reader folder borea/reader/orientation:
- name : reader_{ext}.py
- function : def read(file: str, args: dict, work: Worksite) -> Worksite:
- Structure file in writer folder borea/writer:
- name : writer_{ext}.py
- function : def write(name_file: str, path_folder: str, args: dict, work: Worksite) -> converted file:
args is a dictionary with different parameter which depends on what you read or write.
e.g. to read opk
args = {"order_axe":'opk',
"interval": [2, None],
"header": list("NXYZOPKC"),
"unit_angle": "degree",
To add a new feature/function to process a worksite (Worksite). Adds a new class to enter a Worksite. Its file must be located in the folder corresponding to its theme:
- datastruct: Module for data structure class.
- format: Module for specific format class.
- geodesy: Module for geodesic and projection class.
- process: Module to process of data (detail below).
- reader: Module for file reading functions.
- stat: Module for statistic class.
- transform_world_image: Module for transformation world to image and image to world class in different module.
- utils: Various functions.
- worksite: Module for main class Worksite.
- writer: Module for file writing functions.
If it's a new theme, add a new folder with an explicit name.
Worksite is the main class in the code that stores and manipulates data. It is located in borea/worksite/ and inherits from Workdata in borea/datastruct/ The worksite class has no constructor; Workdata does. The constructor requires a single attribute, which is the name of the construction site.
The class has 11 attributes:
- name: name of worksite
- shots: dictionary of shot {"name_shot": Shot}
- cameras: dictionary of cameras {"name_camera": Camera}
- co_points: dictionary of connecting point {"name_point": list["names_shots"]} to find out which image they fit into
- gcp2d: dictionary of gcp 2d {"name_gcp2d": list["names_shots"]} to find out which image they fit into
- gcp3d: dictionary of gcp 2d {"name_gcp3d": GCP}
- co_pts_world: dictionary of connecting point coordinate on the ground {"name_point": array[X, Y, Z]}
- gcp2d_in_world: dictionary of gcp2d on the ground {"name_point": array[X, Y, Z]}
- type_z_data: string which given unit of z of point "altitude" or "height"
- type_z_shot: string which given unit of z shot "altitude" or "height"
- approxeucli: boolean True to use approximate euclidean system and False to use reel euclidean system
Function to implement attributes:
- add_shot() for shots
- add_camera() for cameras
- add_co_point() for co_points in Worksite and in Shot (shots needs to implement before co_point)
- add_gcp2d() for gcp2d in Worksite and in Shot (shots needs to implement before gcp2d)
- add_gcp3d() for gcp3d
- set_approx_eucli_proj() for approxeucli
- set_type_z_shot() for type_z_shot
- set_type_z_data() for type_z_data if None in input type_z_data = type_z_shot (type_z_shot must be implement before)
co_pts_world and gcp2d_in_world are only implemented if world to image or image to world functions are used.
The class includes two other functions that implement two other singleton classes essential for calculations and conversions:
- ProjEngine, with set_proj(), which defines the site projection and lets you change the z-unit of altitude or height data if a geoid is specified.
- Dtm, with set_dtm(), which stores the DTM for linear alteration corrections.
Processing files are used to build function files, and are divided into two parts (2 functions):
- The first function take an argparse in input and return an argparse with new arguments.
- The second function take argparse.parse_args() in input and Worksite or no to make the process of input parameters.
Processing files are grouped in process folder and divided into 3 categories (3 folders):
- p_add_data: Reading files and data.
- p_format: Additional information on the different formats.
- p_func: Data processing, with some specific info sometimes.
If it's a new theme, add a new folder with an explicit name.
Functionality file are grouped in process with an explicit file name for their function.
The construction of such a file normally requires:
- Only 3 imports (argparse, the processing file to add the data, the processing file to process the data).
- Creating an argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='descriptif functionality')
. - Retrieve arguments.
- Transforms parser into args
args = parser.parse_args()
. - Processing arguments.
Look at the .py files already in source.
You can add the functionality in borea pip package, putting the processing under a function and adding
if __name__ == "__main__:
at the end of the file and adding in the pyproject.toml file under the tag [project.scripts]
and [project.gui-scripts]
the template name-func = “module.script:name_function”
In folder ./docs/sphinx/ do:
make clean
If you add new file, delete all file .rst in the repertory ./docs/sphinx/ except index.rst.
At the root of the repository ./ do:
sphinx-apidoc -o docs/sphinx borea
And in ./docs/sphinx/ do:
make html
Installing three packages setuptools
, build
and twine
for update PyPI package.
pip install setuptools build twine
python -m build
To create dist folder with package .whl and .tar.gz.
python3 -m twine upload --repository pypi dist/*
To upload new version of borea.
Sphinx html documentation python code in ./docs/sphinx/_build/html/index.html
Mathematics documentation functions in docs/functions/
Diagram of code structure Borea in docs/diagram/