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MysticJay edited this page Jan 21, 2021 · 10 revisions

This page is explaining the functionality of the "official" plugins available. To check if more details are available please click the portal name.

Cache Data caching to prevent reloading

Plugin Author Purpose
Cache viewed portals on map jonatkins Cache the details of recently viewed portals and use this to populate the map when possible

Controls Map controls/widgets

Plugin Author Purpose
Pan control fragger Show a panning control on the map.
Scale bar breunigs Show scale bar on the map.
Bookmarks for maps and portals ZasoGD Save your favorite Maps and Portals and move the intel map with a click. Works with sync. Supports Multi-Project-Extension
Mini map johnd0e Show a mini map on the corner of the map.
Zoom slider fragger Show a zoom slider on the map instead of the zoom buttons.

Draw Allow drawing things onto the current map so you may plan your next move

Plugin Author Purpose
Cross links mcben Checks for existing links that cross planned links. Requires draw-tools plugin.
Done links jonatkins A companion to the Cross Links plugin. Highlights any links that match existing draw-tools line/polygon edges
Fly Links Fly33 Calculate how to link the portals to create the largest tidy set of nested fields. Enable from the layer chooser.
Draw tools breunigs Allow drawing things onto the current map so you may plan your next move. Supports Multi-Project-Extension.
Tidy Links boombuler Calculate how to link the portals to create a reasonably tidy set of links/fields. Enable from the layer chooser. (former Max Links)

Highlighter Portal highlighters

Plugin Author Purpose
Highlight portals by level color vita10gy Use the portal fill color to denote the portal level by using the game level colors.
Highlight portals by my level vita10gy Use the portal fill color to denote if the portal is either at and above, or at and below your level.
Hide portal ownership vita10gy Show all portals as neutral, as if uncaptured. Great for creating plans.
Highlight portals with ornaments jonatkins Use the portal fill color to denote portals with additional 'ornament' markers. e.g. Anomaly portals
Highlight inactive portals jonatkins Use the portal fill color to denote if the portal is unclaimed with no recent activity. Shades of red from one week to one month, then tinted to purple for longer. May also highlight captured portals that are stuck and fail to decay every 24 hours.
Highlight portals that need recharging vita10gy Use the portal fill color to denote if the portal needs recharging and how much. Yellow: above 85%. Orange: above 50%. Red: above 15%. Magenta: below 15%.
Highlight portal weakness vita10gy Use the fill color of the portals to denote if the portal is weak. Stronger red indicates recharge required, missing resonators, or both.
Highlight portals missing resonators vita10gy Use the portal fill color to denote if the portal is missing resonators.
Highlight high level portals jonatkins Use the portal fill color to denote high level portals: Purple L8, Red L7, Orange L6
Highlight portals with infrastructure problems vita10gy Use the portal fill color to denote if the portal has any infrastructure problems. Red: no picture. Yellow: potential title issue. Orange: both of these.

Info Display additional information

Plugin Author Purpose
Available AP statistics Hollow011 Displays the per-team AP gains available in the current view.
Localized scoreboard Costaspap Display a scoreboard about all visible portals with statistics about both teams,like average portal level,link & field counts etc.
Portal count yenky Display a list of all localized portals by level and faction.
Missions jonatkins View missions. Marking progress on waypoints/missions basis. Showing mission paths on the map.
Portals list teo96 Display a sortable list of all visible portals with full details about the team, resonators, links, etc.
Scoring cycle / checkpoint times jonatkins Show the times used for the septicycle and checkpoints for regional scoreboards.
Player level guess breunigs Try to determine player levels from the data available in the current view.
Layer count fkloft Allow users to count nested fields

Layer Additional map layers

Plugin Author Purpose
Find farms on map 949 Show farms by minimum level
Zaprange ZasoGD Shows the maximum range of attack by the portals.
Portal Level Numbers rongou Show portal level numbers on map.
Player activity tracker breunigs Draw trails for the path a user took onto the map based on status messages in COMMs. Uses up to three hours of data. Does not request chat data on its own, even if that would be useful.
Overlay KML / GPX / GeoJSON danielatkins Allow users to overlay their own KML / GPX / GeoJSON files on top of IITC.
Portal Names ZasoGD Show portal names on the map.
Ingress scoring regions jonatkins Show the regional scoring cells grid on the map
Keys on map xelio Show the manually entered key counts from the 'keys' plugin on the map.

Map Tiles Alternative map layers

Plugin Author Purpose map layers jonatkins Add the 'Toner' and 'Watercolor' map layers from map jonatkins Add the native map tiles as an optional layer.
Blank map jonatkins Add a blank map layer - no roads or other features.
Gaode (高德地图) / AutoNavi map johnd0e Map layers from AutoNavi / Gaode (高德地图)
Gray Google map jacob1123 Add a simplified gray Version of Google map tiles as an optional layer. maps (Norway) johnd0e Add map layers.
Bing maps johnd0e Add the map layers.
Yandex maps johnd0e Add (Russian/Русский) map layers

Portal Info Enhanced information on the selected portal

Plugin Author Purpose
Debug: Raw portal JSON data jonatkins Developer debugging aid: Add a link to the portal details to show the raw data of a portal.
Linked portals fstopienski Try to show the linked portals (image, name and link direction) in portal detail view and jump to linked portal on click. Some details may not be available if the linked portal is not in the current view.
Distance to portal jonatkins Allows your current location to be set manually, then shows the distance to the selected portal. Useful when managing portal keys.
Reso energy % in portal details xelio Show resonator energy percentage on resonator energy bar in portal details panel.

Tweaks Adjust IITC settings

Plugin Author Purpose
Direction of links on map jonatkins Show the direction of links on the map by adding short dashes to the line at the origin portal.
Fix maps offsets in China modos189 Show correct maps for China user by applying offset tweaks.
Periodic refresh jonatkins For use for unattended display screens only, this plugin causes idle mode to be left once per hour.
Disable mouse wheel zoom jonatkins Disable the use of mouse wheel to zoom. The map zoom controls or keyboard are still available.

Misc Unclassified plugins

Plugin Author Purpose
Sync xelio Sync data between clients via Google Drive API. Only syncs data from specific plugins (currently: Keys, Bookmarks, Uniques). Sign in via the 'Sync' link. Data is synchronized every 3 minutes.
[Uniques] 3ch01c Allow manual entry of portals visited/captured. Use the 'highlighter-uniques' plugin to show the uniques on the map, and 'sync' to share between multiple browsers or desktop/mobile. It will try and guess which portals you have captured from COMM/portal details, but this will not catch every case.
Keys xelio Allow manual entry of key counts for each portal. Use the 'keys-on-map' plugin to show the numbers on the map, and 'sync' to share between multiple browsers or desktop/mobile.
Privacy view on Intel johnd0e Hide info from intel which shouldn't leak to players of the other faction.


Plugin Author Purpose
Multi Projects Extension ZasoGD Create separated projects in some plugins.

For IITC users

For plugin developers

For IITC developers

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