Releases: INRIA/spoon
Releases · INRIA/spoon
Spoon release on this back-to-work times!
Thanks to all contributors 👍
New features
- Introduce NamedElementFilter (because NameFilter is ill-designed). (PR: #1500)
- In auto-import mode, imports from original source code are reused. (PR: #1499)
- Add automatically generated comments in template-produced code. (PR: #1465)
- Add support for short pretty-printing of annotation value when appropriate. (PR: #1485)
- prettyprinter: DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter#setLineSeparator(String). (PR: #1490)
Bug Fixes
- Fix a stack overflow when calling getDeclaration in noclasspath. (PR: #1515)
- Fix issue related to processing generic types. (PR: #1504)
- Fix NPE in noclasspath mode. (PR: #1502)
- Compute positions of elements. (PR: #1493)
- Support substitution of references to target type in inner type. (PR: #1477)
- setInputClassloader: Bug when using a URLClassLoader with standard URLs. (PR: #1507)
- comment: Splitting of comment by EOL. (PR: #1455)
- template: Object is not an template parameter implicitly. (PR: #1461)
- reference: Fix getReference of an unknown class that has the same name as an existing class. (PR: #1480)
- Update usage of maven plugin to latest version 2.5. (PR: #1508)
- Remove information about deleted stable branch. (PR: #1474)
- release: Update release information in documentation. (PR: #1471)
- Encoding is correctly handled in Environment. (PR: #1498)
- Deprecate PrettyPrinter#getPackageDeclaration. (PR: #1489)
- printer: Remove deprecated method from PrinterHelper. (PR: #1472)
- Compile comments only if needed. (PR: #1487)
- Collect list of source files only once. (PR: #1486)
- No call to expensive toString in DoNotFurtherTemplateThisElement. (PR: #1478)
- Fix CtRenameLocalVariableRefactoringTest#testRenameAllLocalVariablesOfRenameTestSubject. (PR: #1491)
- @pvojtechovsky gets merge honor and responsibility. (PR: #1468)
- Fix pom.xml to allow deploying snapshots. (PR: #1495)
- Prepare for next development iteration.
Name | Nb Commit |
Pavel Vojtechovsky | 11 |
Simon Urli | 10 |
Wreulicke | 1 |
Marcel Steinbeck | 1 |
Lionel Seinturier | 1 |
Thomas Durieux | 1 |
Jan Galinski | 1 |
Martin Monperrus | 1 |
This summer release mainly fixes a lot of bugs, in particular in the resolution of TypeParameters which were introduced in previous version.
New experimental features are also introduced in this release.
Thanks all our amazing contributors 👍
New features
- experimental: Add experimental support for model change listeners. (PR: #1417)
- import: Sort imports alphabetically. (PR: #1434)
- metamodel
- role: Add field annotation with a role. (PR: #1368)
- template: SubstitutionVisitor can replace substrings in NamedElements and References. (PR: #1441)
- Add support for replacement by multiple elements CtElement#replace(Collection). (PR: #1369)
- Add generic type information in shadow classes. (PR: #1352)
- The template engine supports insertion of literals. (PR: #1403)
Bug Fixes
- Ignore null items in ReplacementVisitor. (PR: #1400)
- CtComment#getContent should never return "null". (PR: #1442)
- Fix a bug with import static. (PR: #1412)
- Fix issue related to overridden methods in getAllMethods. (PR: #1375)
- Fix issue in ClassTypingContext#isOverriding. (PR: #1411)
- Fix bug related to CtTypeParameterReference and getDeclaration. (PR: #1383)
- Refactor SubstitutionVisitor to support null parameter values. (PR: #1359)
- Bug with escaped literal. (PR: #1394)
- Use getTypeDeclaration in CtTypeParameterReference. (PR: #1387)
- Ignore only ClassCastException in query code. (PR: #1462)
- Bugs related to continue algorithm of ClassTypingContext. (PR: #1379)
- Fix regression related to ReferenceBuilder and generics. (PR: #1373)
- Fix stackoverflow in ReferenceBuilder. (PR: #1367)
- Calls to default constructors outside the factory should still be possible, and a default factory is made available. (PR: #1448)
- Fix NPE with union catch inside lambda in noclasspath. (PR: #1416)
- comment: Printing of comments on MS Windows. (PR: #1435)
- factory: Create type reference from inner class. (PR: #1361)
- import: Fix NPE with import scanner. (PR: #1437)
- prettyprinter: Throws SpoonException with info instead of NPE in Pretty Printer on missing variable declaration. (PR: #1451)
- reflection: Add annotation value in the model. (PR: #1384)
- role: Fix wrong roles. (PR: #1397)
- template
- printer: Reset import context on reset. (PR: #1360)
- community: Add the integrator rules. (PR: #1413)
- Explicit the difference between isOverriding and isSubsignature. (PR: #1449)
- Update roadmap (inline comments are supported + link to 'features' issues). (PR: #1440)
- Add cool idea in roadmap (by @tdurieux). (PR: #1433)
- Improve explanation of getDeclaration. (PR: #1429)
- Update roadmap. (PR: #1432)
- Adds AutoJMH in the ecosystem page. (PR: #1401)
- Clean bad comment. (PR: #1380)
- Change Substitution#createTypeFromTemplate return type to avoid cast. (PR: #1464)
- Add not-null check. (PR: #1443)
- Explicit handlingErrorPolicy of JDT in noClasspath and normal mode. (PR: #1424)
- Printing of lists in Spoon pretty printer. (PR: #1428)
- GetLabelledStatement is a derived propertty shared between CtContinue and CtBreak. (PR: #1398)
- role: Rename CtPathRole to CtRole and add new roles. (PR: #1372)
- Use the factory instead of the constructor. (PR: #1395)
- Add test for template substitution of enum values. (PR: #1389)
- Add test for template substitution of variable access. (PR: #1390)
- Add test for template substitution of return. (PR: #1391)
- Add test for SubstitionVisitor class access. (PR: #1388)
- Test Template array access. (PR: #1353)
- Remove old useless file. (PR: #1421)
- Change revapi config for more relevant messages. (PR: #1392)
- Removes one checkstyle rule. (PR: #1336)
- Add new architectural rule. (PR: #1355)
- travis: Fix issue by using the last image on Travis #1414. (PR: #1418)
- Update release numbers in documentation. (PR: #1351)
- Prepare for next development iteration.
- Remove deprecated methods in ImportScanner. (PR: #1366)
Name | Nb Commit |
Pavel Vojtechovsky | 23 |
Simon Urli | 16 |
Martin Monperrus | 12 |
Thomas Durieux | 11 |
Benjamin DANGLOT | 1 |
New features
- Add support for Java 8 receiver parameters. (PR: #1298)
- Function to find all executables with the same signature. (PR: #1291)
- Add new filter for finding lamdas (class LambdaFilter). (PR: #1315)
- Add new function to collect subtypes (class SubInheritanceHierarchyFunction). (PR: #1290)
- Add refactoring class CtParameterRemoveRefactoring. (PR: #1317)
- Add SubInheritanceHierarchyResolver as helper for query mechanisms. (PR: #1309)
- New filter ExecutableReferenceFilter. (PR: #1318)
- Add public method MethodTypingContext#adaptMethod. (PR: #1288)
- Add method GenericTypeAdapter#getAdaptationScope. (PR: #1287)
- Add CtMethod#isOverriding(CtMethod). (PR: #1220)
- Add support for typing analysis of generic types. (PR: #1218)
- Add support for type erasure (CtType/CtTypeReference#getTypeErasure()). (PR: #1216)
- Support for better analysis of generic type arguments (TypeReference#getTypeParameterReference() and TypeFactory#createReference(type,includingFormalTypeParams)). (PR: #1237)
- SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction supports references and listener. (PR: #1242)
- Add support for renaming local variables. (PR: #1005)
- comment: Add an AST node for the javadoc tags. (PR: #1310)
- template: The template engine supports substitution of method names in method calls. (PR: #1325)
Bug Fixes
- Fix bug in CtExecutableReference#getActualMethod when parameters are generically typed. (PR: #1277)
- Fix bug in getActualMethod() due to missing information in CtTypeParameterReference. (PR: #1286)
- Improve line preservation mode. (PR: #1335)
- Auto-import works for compilation units with multiple classes in the same file. (PR: #1322)
- Fix import bug with java.lang.subpackage. (PR: #1327)
- Fix NPE in isTypeInCollision. (PR: #1326)
- Improve ImportScanner to support variables called "java". (PR: #1321)
- Fix bug in qualified names in a special case due to missing information in JDT. Fix #1307. (PR: #1312)
- Fix bug in import inference (auto-import mode). Close #1306. (PR: #1308)
- In noClasspath, a type without import should be considered in the same package as the current class. (PR: #1302)
- Fix SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction in noClassPath mode. (PR: #1281)
- Fix AnnotationFactory#create. (PR: #1340)
- Fix JDT error when input resource contains an entirely commented class. (PR: #1279)
- Fix special case not handled in factory.Annotation().annotate(). (PR: #1278)
- Fix a couple of bugs in recent feature "generic type adaptation". (PR: #1275)
- Fix regression regarding actual type arguments resolving. (PR: #1273)
- #setParent is not a normal metamodel setter, and is excluded from SpoonTestHelpers#getAllSetters. (PR: #1261)
- TestFactorySubFactory must only check public factory methods. (PR: #1263)
- CtBlock#getLastStatement is a @DerivedProperty. (PR: #1262)
- Fix a bug in wrongly qualified type in executable references. (PR: #1259)
- Fix issue #1246. (PR: #1251)
- Fix NPE in CtElement#getMetadataKeys. Closes #1239. (PR: #1240)
- Add pointer to new Template example. (PR: #1343)
- Document and refactor TemplateMatcher. (PR: #1319)
- Update examples links from to (PR: #1226)
- Adds InspectorGuidget in ecosystem page. (PR: #1304)
- Clarifies page on architectural rule checking with Spoon. (PR: #1301)
- Fix link mix. (PR: #1297)
- Fix javadoc of SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction. (PR: #1289)
- Update doc with release 5.6.0 information. (PR: #1227)
- Remove or update deprecation related to queries & filters. (PR: #1300)
- Improve ImportScanner design, add getAllImports. (PR: #1339)
- Renamed confusing duplicate classes. (PR: #1333)
- Improve PrinterHelper (less duplication, more encapsulation). (PR: #1332)
- Handle some rare limit cases. (PR: #1331)
- Remove call to deprecated File#toURL. (PR: #1313)
- Change generic type bound. (PR: #1314)
- Replace string literals by constants. (PR: #1316)
- Remove deprecated method computeImports. (PR: #1311)
- Remove useless 'final' modifier in interface methods. (PR: #1334)
- MethodTypingContext#isOverriding/isSameSignature/isSubSignature moved to ClassTypingContext. (PR: #1299)
- MethodTypingContext#adaptMethod moved to ClassTypingContext. (PR: #1296)
- AllTypeMembersFunction accepts now CtTypeInformation as parameter. (PR: #1285)
- Use new CtMethod#isOverriding in method overriding/overriden filters. (PR: #1276)
- Refactor and test initProperties. (PR: #1260)
- Remove unused field. (PR: #1253)
- Adds an architural rule for helper classes with static methods. (PR: #1247)
- CtFormalTypeDeclarer extends CtTypeMember. (PR: #1235)
- Refactor *VariableReferenceFunction around LocalVariableReferenceFunction. (PR: #1193)
- Improve TemplateMatcher test. (PR: #1323)
- Checkstyle checks that the end of lines are consistent (unix-style \n only). (PR: #1344)
- Fix broken revapi reports due to regression in revapi-reporter-text 0.8.0.
- Revapi check should fail only for breaking changes. (PR: #1282)
- Fix revapi bug. (PR: #1280)
- Add 'getBinaryFiles' to CompilationUnit. Fixes #1230. (PR: #1232)
- Prepare for next development iteration.
Name | Nb Commit |
Pavel Vojtechovsky | 38 |
Simon Urli | 18 |
Martin Monperrus | 17 |
Thomas Durieux | 1 |
Marcel Steinbeck | 1 |
Thanks all contributors to this new release, and special thanks to @pvojtechovsky who continue to do an amazing work on Spoon!
New features
- Add filter helpers (FieldReferenceFunction, FieldScopeFunction, SubtypeFilter). (PR: #1141)
- ParentFunction is able to terminate early. (PR: #1211)
- Introduces CtScannerFunction as basic infrastructure for advanced functions and queries. (PR: #1180)
- Add support for CtScannerListener in EarlyTerminatingScanner. (PR: #1210)
- Automatic explicit ThisAccess for fields. (PR: #1192)
- CtLambda#getMethod() and fix of #1159. (PR: #1164)
- Add helper for query variables (VariableReferenceFunction, VariableScopeFunction). (PR: #1114)
- Add helper for query to get parents of element. (PR: #1153)
- Add query functions AllTypeMembersFunction and SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction. (PR: #1195)
- Add filter helpers (LocalVariableReferenceFunction, LocalVariableScopeFunction). (PR: #1144)
- Add filtering helpers (CatchVariableReferenceFunction, CatchVariableScopeFunction). (PR: #1145)
- Add filtering helpers (ParameterReferenceFunction, ParameterScopeFunction). (PR: #1136)
- Add support for early terminating queries with CtQuery#first(). (PR: #1138)
- Add support for getting all children with CtQuery#filterChildren(null). (PR: #1140)
- Add CtQuery#select(Filter). (PR: #1142)
- Add query factory. (PR: #1093)
- Add metamodel method CtTypeParameter#getTypeParameterDeclarer(). (PR: #1217)
- Reusable and efficient CtQueries. (PR: #1090)
- filter: Template matchers can be used as filter. (PR: #1110)
Bug Fixes
- CtMethod#isDefaultMethod. (PR: #1165)
- Fix wrong behavior for special cases in removeStatement. Closes #1221. (PR: #1224)
- Inner interfaces should be properly handled in CtTypeReferenceImpl#canAccess. (PR: #1189)
- LocalVariableScopeFunction handles CtFor, CtTryWithResource, local classes. (PR: #1154)
- Fix regression with a lambda expression extends Function. (PR: #1178)
- CtExecutableReference#isOverriding correctly handles anonymous classes. (PR: #1219)
- Fix autoimport regression. (PR: #1162)
- Bug in isSubtypeOf (broken contract X.isSubtypeOf(X)==true). (PR: #1157)
- Improve static import support in auto-import mode. (PR: #1155)
- Fix regression (NPE) in DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter. (PR: #1214)
- GetSuperClass does not throw exception in noClassPath mode. (PR: #1128)
- Fix NPE when Spoon in executed from an empty working dir. (PR: #1208)
- Visibility detection issue in CtElement #1099. (PR: #1102)
- CtQuery: CCE on Query#forEach call of CtConsumer#apply. (PR: #1126)
- comment: Support comment on string concatenation. (PR: #1124)
- noclasspath: Fix the qualified name of partial qualified reference (inner class). (PR: #1201)
- Adds hyperlink to the Spoon paper.
- Announces the OW2 membership. (PR: #1151)
- Update ecosystem (one single file to maintain + added syringe). (PR: #1147)
- Add links to changelogs (#1133). (PR: #1133)
- Add support files for FOSDEM'17. (PR: #1148)
- Remove outdated last-updated information on pages. (PR: #1177)
- More specific doc about the release process. (PR: #1131)
- Fixes broken menu (#1122). (PR: #1122)
- Fix javadoc JDK8 rules. (PR: #1112)
- Prepare internal doc for the new release. (PR: #1109)
- license: Update license year. (PR: #1130)
- Improve and simplify usage of PotentialVariableDeclarationFunction. (PR: #1194)
- Remove FieldScopeFunction. (PR: #1186)
- Remove deprecated elements from version 5.4.0. (PR: #1135)
- Improve performance of DirectReferenceFilter. (PR: #1132)
- Reduce the scope of the testSettersAreAllGood test. (PR: #1196)
- Only publish revapi report if the PR is edited or opened. (PR: #1161)
- Revapi configuration and helper scripts to detect API breaking changes. (PR: #1115)
- travis: Travis must check that javadoc is well-formed. (PR: #1107)
- Prepare for next development iteration.
Name | Nb Commit |
Pavel Vojtechovsky | 29 |
Simon Urli | 17 |
Martin Monperrus | 5 |
Thomas Durieux | 3 |
Marcel Steinbeck | 1 |
Thanks to all contributors!
New features
- New query architecture with support for Java8 queries. (PR: #1018)
- Allow spoon to do static imports for methods and fields. (PR: #1040)
- Interface to Exclude Compilation Units From CtModel. (PR: #1037)
- API: Add CtTypeMember.getTopLevelType(). (PR: #1004)
- CoreFactory
- Add create(Class) so as to create elements by reflection. (PR: #949)
- evaluation: Simplify classes based on static evaluation (first support). (PR: #1003)
- filter: Compute filtered types by reflection from parameter of method matches. (PR: #1015)
- getDeclaredOrInheritedField: Add CtTypeInformation.getDeclaredOrInheritedField(String fieldName). (PR: #967)
- model: Add interface CtBodyHolder. (PR: #943)
- position: Improve the element position. (PR: #984)
- snippet:
Bug Fixes
- DefaultJavaPrettyPrinted: Fix bug when printing implicit accesses to static fields in autoimport. (PR: #913)
- JDTBasedSpoonCompiler: Fix annotation bug when templates are used. (PR: #934)
- NPE: Fix NullPointerException resulting from variable accesses in constructors. (PR: #1098)
- Fixed name of test class. (PR: #1037)
- Generate expected EOL even on Windows. (PR: #977)
- No exception when writing to log. (PR: #920)
- Test: APITest.testSetterInNodes() was not testing anything . fix #972. (PR: #1022)
- Close input stream after creating a compilation unit to prevent TooManyOpenFilesException. (PR: #1097)
- Fix ReferenceBuilder#getLambdaExecutableReference to return the innermost lambda #1100. (PR: #1103)
- Set the type of a parameter declared in a lambda to Object instead of ommitting them when unknown. (PR: #1108)
- Fixed formatting. (PR: #1037)
- Fix inconsistencies between interface contract and double implementations of getAllExecutables. (PR: #1019)
- Removes unused imports. (PR: #988)
- Clean exception when Spoon is given a wrong path for input resource. (PR: #1057)
- SignaturePrinter: Overrides visitCtAnnotationMethod in SignaturePrinter. (PR: #1030)
- ThisAccess
- access path: Fix regression with type parameters in access paths. (PR: #1007)
- annotations: Fix Dropwazrd regression by fixing substituteAnnotation. (PR: #1032)
- array: The qualified name of an array is not java.lang.reflect.Array. (PR: #995)
- clone: Clone preserves comments and implicitness. (PR: #1028)
- comments
- Fixes pretty-printing bug for inline arrays with comments. (PR: #912)
- Fix bug in comments in array initialization. (PR: #1088)
- Fix a bug concerning multiple comments before a catch block. (PR: #1074)
- Handle stacked comments in (PR: #1011)
- Add support of comments in snippets. (PR: #930)
- enum: GetAllMethods also returns the methods of Enum. (PR: #1016)
- equal
- getTypeDeclaration
- imports
- importscanner: Fix regression in fuly-qualified mode. (PR: #1052)
- isAssignableFrom: Deprecate isAssignableFrom that is totally confusing, and for which there is an alternative. (PR: #948)
- isSubtypeOf: Spoon can resolve anonymous references. (PR: #953)
- launcher: Easy way to parse a complete class with package. (PR: #982)
- log: Filter out some JDT errors in noclasspath. (PR: #926)
- model
- newinstance: Forces usage of the newest version of the class. (PR: #909)
- parent: Stops furious useless exceptions. (PR: #963)
- performance
- position: Implicit elements do not have position. (PR: #1086)
- precompile: Specifies and fixes precompile option. (PR: #923)
- pretty-print
- reference: Fix reference in ctconstructor. (PR: #1095)
- scanner
- Add missing scan properties based on a new powerful specification. (PR: #966)
- serialization: Fix serialization issue in Factory. (PR: #955)
- shadow: No ClassNotFoundException when building shadow classes by reflection. (PR: #1012)
- subtype: Removes CtTypeImpl#isSubtypeOf that is wrong and anyway overridden by all subclasses. (PR: #954)
- template: Check that Template is on source path of builder. (PR: #976)
- test
- Add --noclasspath for reducing first-usage friction.
- Clarifies responsibility of CtNamedElement. (PR: #1062)
- Adds adt poster and InDesign source. (PR: #1051)
- Fix markdown issue in
- Improve readability and wording of doc/ (PR: #1079)
- Fix broken link.
- Improve navigability and first contact.
- Update (compiling, ecosystem, contributors). (PR: #1089)
- Adds doc about constructor calls and the associated reference. (PR: #994)
- Improve template documentation. (PR: #1068)
- Adds documentation for explaining the code elements. (PR: #922)
- SignaturePrinter: Improves doc of SignaturePrinter. (PR: #987)
- info: Fix broken link to mailing list.
- Fixes a typo in doc/ (PR: #1078)
- Fix issues related to javadoc in java 8. (PR: #1105)
- Same algorithm for building sources, templates and snippet. (PR: #946)
- Remove code duplication and fix inconsistencies of class Substitution. (PR: #992)
- Removes dead code. (PR: #989)
- Check everywhere that Template is on source path of builder. (PR: #979)
- Removes old unseless code. (PR: #983)
- Remove unused printer code of visitCtCatchVariable. (PR: #965)
- JDTBatchCompiler arg.sources not needed. (PR: #958)
- Regenerate files with short this for future clean diffs. (PR: #1039)
- Avoid creation of JDT hacking TMP files. (PR: #944)
- JDTBatchCompiler.getUnits() parameter not required anymore. (PR: #942)
- Remove old unmaintained/broken code. (PR: #937)
- All factory methods are also in main Factory for usability and discoverability. (PR: #1082)
- Removes duplicated code. (PR: #936)
- Remove unused imports. (PR: #935)
- Reuse existing CU in JDTBatchCompiler.getUnits(). (PR: #933)
- Introduce JDTBasedSpoonCompiler.buildModel to remove code duplication. (PR: #931)
- Improves JDTCommentBuilder. (PR: #924)
- classloader: Adds test for classloader. (PR: #897)
- printerContext: Assure correct restore of state. (PR: #999)
- processingmanager: Removes duplicated code, improves readability. (PR: #1054)
- Deprecate reference filtering that is now handled by standard element filtering. (PR: #1013)
- Renamed label from units to unitLoop. (PR: #1037)
- Remove dependency to CompilationUnitDeclaration. (PR: #1037)
- Use filter to exclude instead of accapt units. (PR: #1037)
- We must always have a source + exception handling. (PR: #996)
- Added an interface used to filter particular CompilationUnitDeclaraions. (PR: #1037)
- Cache inputClassLoader corresponding to sourceClasspath. (PR: #990)
- Improve performance of FindCommentParentScanner. (PR: #917)
- ParentContractTest: Improves contract about setting parents. (PR: #956)
- TemplateMatcher: Add tests for named template matchers (uncovered cases). (PR: #1092)
- VisitorPartialEvaluator: Add tests for VisitorPartialEvaluator. (PR: #939)
- metamodel: Enforce the package design of the metamodel. (PR: #945)
- superClass: Adds test that verifies the compilation of complex superclass references that use access paths with tricky visibility. (PR: #971)
- template: Add test for super interface templates. (PR: #1020)
- templatematcher: Add a new Junit test and dynamic assertion for TemplateMatcher. (PR: #1034)
- Add test for method parameter templating. (PR: #1064)
- Add tests and doc for template engine. (PR: #1072)
- Add a test to check if TemplateMatcher can match two equivalent snippets. (PR: #1059)
- Reduces I/O footprint (and found two IO bugs on the way). (PR: #969)
- Add coverage for templates (and unify API thanks to this). (PR: #1049)
- Add missing @test. (PR: #950)
- One test was not named correctly, hence was not run by Maven in CI, hiding a bug. (PR: #1036)
- Update CompilationTest to match latest compiler changes. (PR: #940)
- Remove unused imports. (PR: #941)
- replacevisitor: Add a strong test and fix many bugs accordingly. (PR: #957)
- Added a test for new compilation unit filter. (PR: #1037)
- changelog: Improve the changelog generator. (PR: #1087)
- jenkins: Purge local repository of all Spoon snapshots. (PR: #1065)
- Change eclipse jdt core dependency now depends on Maven central only. (PR: #1063)
- Update version of spoon-maven-plugin. (PR: #906)
- Update minimum version to fix problem with
- coverage: Update coveralls version. (PR: #1001)
- release: Update version number in documen...
Important changes
- CtElement are not comparable anymore (no natural order), they cannot be put in raw TreeSet (PR: #844)
- The processing and scanning order has changed, it now follows the source code order (Issue: #681) (PR: #841)
New feature
- ast
- Always a block for CtIf and CtLoop. (PR: #805)
- cttype : New method to know whether a given method is part of a CtType. (PR: #880)
- position : Defines a default source position for all elements. (PR: #861)
- factory : Handles null parameter in Type#createReference(Class) and isSubTypeOf. (Closes #825). (Issue: #825) (PR: #837)
- getDeclaration : Incorrect between getReference and getDeclaration for local variables. (PR: #888)
- Fixes potential NullPointerException in JDTTreeBuilderQuery. (PR: #887)
- Enables parallel tests. (PR: #838)
- GetAllMethods in noclasspath return when encounter an unknown class. (PR: #864)
- Better getDeclaration of CtLocalVariable (Fixes #868). (Issue: #868) (PR: #873)
- compilation : Always uses the content of the ast to compile the ast (fixes #878). (Issue: #878) (PR: #879)
- exception : Improves snippet compilation error message. (PR: #858)
- if : Print the else body when the body is not a block (closes #881). (Issue: #881) (PR: #883)
- isLocalType : Proper support for creating internal classes (fixes #776). (Issue: #776) (PR: #860)
- literal
- loop : Always use CtBlock in CtForeach. (PR: #847)
- method : Avoid Concurrent modification with CtType#addMethod. (PR: #850)
- position : Add default compilation unit when pretty-printing a new CtClass (closes #885). (Issue: #885) (PR: #886)
- travis : The logs of Travis are not polluted by Javadoc warnings. (PR: #866)
- Add missing paper information. (PR: #889)
- Adds doc about architecture checking. (PR: #843)
- Update (PR: #834)
- Update on release doc. (PR: #830)
- gradle : Improves Gradle doc (fixes #875). (Issue: #875) (PR: #876)
- support : Improves support documentation. (PR: #865)
- release : Update release number. (PR: #831)
- Allow Launcher to use an existing Factory (Closes #862). (Issue: #862) (PR: #863)
- Fix a test that fails on Eclipse due to its classloader. (PR: #859)
- Removes all useless conditions with CtReference. (Closes #824). (Issue: #824) (PR: #836)
- ast : Improves generic parameter type of setActualTypeReferences. (Closes #823). (Issue: #823) (PR: #835)
- release : Remove deprecated code. (PR: #833)
- jenkins : Clean. (PR: #848)
- pom : Updates commons-io from 1.3.2 to 1.4. (Closes #845). (Issue: #845) (PR: #851)
- release
- travis : Avoid running several times the tests on Travis. (PR: #839)
- version : Update spoon maven plugin version. (PR: #849)
- website : Add a link checker (fixes #797). (Issue: #797) (PR: #872)
New feature
- ast
- wildcard : Creates a new metamodel element for representing a generics wildcard. (Closes #605). (Issue: #605) (PR: #796)
- access
- Typecasts on conditionals are not scanned hence not cloned. (PR: #753)
- Avoid NullPointerException in CtExecutableReferenceImpl.getDeclaration. (closes #808). (Issue: #808) (PR: #809)
- Fix NPE in getUsedTypes (Closes #650). (Issue: #650) (PR: #800)
- Fix regressions introduced by #748. (Issue: #748) (PR: #789)
- GetAllMethods returns all methods, incl. those of library superclasses and java.lang.Object. (PR: #771)
- annotation : Supports enum fields with Annotation#annotate() method. (Closes #750). (Issue: #750) (PR: #767)
- actual : Rewrite actual types with their enclosing class. (PR: #789)
- api : CtModel.processWith(). (PR: #821)
- array
- docs : Changes target of getSignature in javadoc. (PR: #742)
- enum : Handle synthetic methods of enums (fixes #793). (Issue: #793) (PR: #794)
- executable
- factory : GetDeclaration from element created by factory should not return null. (closes #719). (Issue: #719) (PR: #735)
- fieldaccess : Static field access in anonymous executable (closes #816). (Issue: #816) (PR: #819)
- import : Skip
if necessary. Fixes #759. (Issue: #759) (PR: #760) - lambda : Resolve Literal#constant if required. Fixes #755. (Issue: #755) (PR: #758)
- method : Search method with generics. (Issue: #573) (PR: #799)
- noclasspath
- Mark target as implicit if it's an anonymous class. (Closes #707). (Issue: #707) (PR: #737)
- Correct reference to parameters in lambda methods. (Closes #779). (Issue: #779) (PR: #802)
- Access lookup in lambda expressions in noclasspath mode. (Issue: #813) (PR: #814)
- Tolerates missing annotation types. (PR: #820)
- Avoid exception when we call getAllFields method. (PR: #780)
- package : Handle packages with only (Closes #748). (Issue: #748) (PR: #766)
- reference
- replace : Use generic replace with CtStatementList elements (closes #792). (Issue: #792) (PR: #795)
- type : Fix exception in noclasspath due to PolyTypeBinding. (Closes #751). (Issue: #751) (PR: #804)
- ref : Removes unused CtCircularTypeReference. (PR: #799)
- visitor : Rename EqualVisitor to DeepRepresentationVisitor. (Closes #791). (Issue: #791) (PR: #801)
- Refactors DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter and JDTTreeBuilder to simplify future maintenance. (PR: #784)
- Moves JDTTreeBuilder inner classes into top-level classes, adds one helper class with static methods. (PR: #746)
- Removes getSignature() and create getShortRepresentation(). (PR: #738)
Spoon 5.2.0
- Clean reset of collections in intercession methods. (PR: #712)
- All setters allow null parameters. (PR: #694)
- Introduces CtModel (Issue: #584) (PR: #589)
- Creates factory methods for primitives. (Issue: #651) (PR: #700)
- Remove CtImplicitTypeRef and CtImplicitArrayTypeRef. (PR: #667)
New features
- shadow : Build shadow elements using Reflection API. (PR: #569)
- checks : Disable AST checks. (Issue: #649) (PR: #684)
- comment
- filter : Adds LineFilter to reason about statements in blocks. (PR: #678)
- clone : Adds the handy CtElement#clone (and deprecates CoreFactory#clone). (PR: #677)
- Refactoring of CtElement.equals for performance. (PR: #674)
- A faster implementation of 'replace' based on code generation. (PR: #632)
- annot : Reference to an annotation field as an invocation. (Issue: #578) (PR: #660)
- ast : Align CtNewClass with CtConstructorCall. (PR: #595)
- cache : Invalidate cache of the compiler. (Issue: #575) (PR: #577)
- clone
- comment
- compiler : Add class generated to compilation unit. (PR: #564)
- conditional : Puts parenthesis when it is necessary. (PR: #669)
- factory : Gets inner type from Class/InterfaceFactory. (closes #640). (Issue: #640) (PR: #682)
- filter : Fixes NPE in VariableAccessFilter when the getVariable() is null (e.g. super). (PR: #641)
- getparent : GetParent(Filter) does not return the current element when it matches the filter. (PR: #638)
- lambda : Builds executable ref from a lambda. (PR: #665)
- noclasspath : NPE in a scope usage. (Issue: #574) (PR: #576)
- parent
- performance : Rewrite CtExecutableReference#isOverriding. (Issue: #586) (PR: #592)
- printer : Protects each getParent invocation in DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter. (PR: #704)
- ref : Scan declaring type for CtExecutableReference. (PR: #715)
- unbox : Don't throw a SCNFException with #unbox(). (PR: #620)
- Declaring type OR package should be set for a reference, not both. (PR: #613)
- Annotation values traversal should be delegated to scan(), fixes #603. (Issue: #603) (PR: #614)
- Fix bugs in ImportScannerImpl. (PR: #596)
- Fix a number of bugs related to handling of unnamed packages. (PR: #705)
- Fix bug introduced in #689 (order to iterate with a Deque and Stack are different). (Issue: #689) (PR: #710)
- Fix nullpointer in hasTypeInImports. (PR: #672)
- Use CtTypeParameterRef for formal ops. (PR: #620)
- Fix bugs in ClassFactory.create() methods. (PR: #610)
- Fix many small bugs with double usage of AST nodes in different subtrees,. (PR: #645)
- Doesn't warn for implicit source code. (PR: #696)
- Fix a bug in CodeFactory.createThisAccess() (target was not set). (PR: #612)
- Fix bugs with creating CtTypeAccess without cloning reference, that leads to problems with replace() in graph. (PR: #611)
- Updates remote repository to download JDT.
New features
- Full support of intersection types. #535
- Fluent api to test source code transformations. #517
- Add field at the top of a type. #537
Minor API changes
- Annotation values are handled as CtExpression. #555 #556
- CtVariableAccess#getType does not return null anymore, now delegates to getVariable().getType(). #548
- No classpath:
- Generics:
- Fields:
- The qualified name of a type declared in an anonymous class. #541
- Visibility:
- Field access declared in a default class. #543
- Refactored responsabilities of equal/hashcode/signature. #532